With this set up, to run RAMPART:
rampart --protocol path/to/realtime-polio/rampart
where path/to/realtime-polio/rampart will change depending on each machine and where you have saved the realtime-polio directory.
If you navigate to realtime-polio/rampart in your computer, then type
this will tell you the path to the directory. Copy and paste this into your terminal when you're running RAMPART.
Note: This command will not change in between runs. Once you know what your path is, you can use the same command every time. For instance, on my machine, I type:
rampart --protocol /Users/aine/repositories/realtime-polio/rampart
. Yours will certainly be something similar. The difference in between runs is where you are when you type this command. You must be in the directory you have set up for the current MinION run.
Open a web browser to view http://localhost:3000
More information about RAMPART can be found here.
usage: rampart [-h] [-v] [--verbose] [--ports PORTS PORTS]
[--protocol PROTOCOL] [--title TITLE]
[--basecalledPath BASECALLEDPATH]
[--annotatedPath ANNOTATEDPATH]
[--referencesPath REFERENCESPATH]
[--referencesLabel REFERENCESLABEL]
[--clearAnnotated] [--simulateRealTime SIMULATEREALTIME]
[--devClient] [--mockFailures]
If you need to stop RAMPART, you can type Ctrl+c
in the terminal window running RAMPART.