Auth provider for social login with LinkedIn.
Please read official documentation from LinkedIn for the details about the authorization.
// present login screen
.sheet(isPresented: $openLinkedInWebView) {
LinkedInWebView(with: linkedInConfig) { data in
Task { await viewModel.signInWithLinkedIn(authCode: data.code) }
} onFailure: {
viewModel.error = .general
// handle response from webView
let authResponse = try await auth.signIn(authCode: authCode, configuration: linkedInConfig)
// get authentication status
let state = authenticator.isAuthenticated
// signOut user
authenticator.signOut() // all provider data regarding the use auth is cleared at this point
// handle url
authenticator.canOpenUrl(_: application: options:) // call this from `application:openURL:options:` in UIApplicationDelegate