lets say we made a new DB called: school using command( use school)
db.students.insert({name:"Ram", age: 12})
We can add many documents at once making the list of Documents!
db.students.insertMany([{name: "Pradyumna", age : 20}, {name: "Nitin", age: 32}])
// insert() example
{ name: "John", age: 30 },
{ name: "Alice", age: 25 }
// insertOne() example
db.collection.insertOne({ name: "Bob", age: 35 });
we know the syntax to create a collection is: insertOne(data, options) and insertMany(data, options)
We are going to learn about options!
we can give our own ID to the document, but lets say we have 5 documents and w egive same ID to 2 of them, 3rd and 2nd and 4th document! then if we print all find({}) then document 1,2,3 will be printed, in 4th document error auxa saying that ID already exists and then document 5 pani print hudaina, since paila error aako thiyo and documents are always read in order/srynchonous hisab mah!
soo to break this order and if we want the 5th document as well then we set the 2nd argument of InsertMany() function i.e option into ordered:false!
products> db.books.insertMany([{_id: "A", name: "Anmol"},{_id: "B", name: "Ashray"},{_id: "C", name: "Samyam"},{_id: "A", name: "Aaryan"},{_id: "E", name: "Bivan"}], {ordered:false})
now when we do: produsts> db.books.find() [ {_id: 'A', name: 'Anmol}, {_id: 'B', name: 'Ashray}, {_id: 'C', name: 'Samyam}, {_id: 'E', name: 'Bivan}, ]
Will be printed!