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389 lines (299 loc) · 19.2 KB


You can use Octane as a Node.js library for your backend application. You'll be able to use methods for transaction validation, signing and fee payer account management (for example, swapping token fees to SOL).


Currently, Octane isn't available on NPM. You can install it from the git repo using GitPkg:

yarn add ''



Actions are self-contained transaction validation and signing endpoints.

You can call them from your backend endpoints when your use case fits in the Octane server capabilities:

  • Paying for transactions with an SPL token fee (including if it's your own token)
  • Paying for creating associated token accounts with an SPL token fee
  • Paying for gasless swaps with an SPL Token fee or without fee


Sign transaction by fee payer if the first instruction of transaction is a transfer of token fee and the rest instructions do not interact with fee payer's wallet.

It also implements additional checks: duplicated transactions, fee payer source and failing transactions detection using simulation.

const { signature } = await signWithTokenFee(
            mint: mint,
            account: feePayerTokenAccount.address,
            decimals: 9,
            fee: BigInt(100),
transaction.addSignature(feePayerKeypair.publicKey, base58.decode(signature));
await sendAndConfirmRawTransaction(connection, transaction.serialize(), { commitment: 'confirmed' });
Parameter Type Description
connection Connection from '@solana/web3.js' Connection to a Solana node
transaction Transaction from '@solana/web3.js' Transaction to sign
feePayer Keypair from '@solana/web3.js' Keypair that will pay for transaction fees
maxSignatures number Maximum allowed signatures in the transaction including fee payer's
lamportsPerSignature number Maximum transaction fee payment amount in lamports
allowedTokens core.TokenFee[] from '@solana/octane-core' List of tokens that can be used for Octane fees with associated info
cache Cache from 'cache-manager' A cache to store duplicate transactions
sameSourceTimeout number An interval for transactions with same token fee source, ms


Signs transaction by fee payer if both statements are true:

a) the first instruction is a transfer of token fee to given account

b) the second instruction creates an associated token account with initialization fees paid by fee payer.

This action allows end users to transfer some tokens to a new associated token account, while paying rent fees in SPL tokens instead of SOL.

Token fee for this operation should be higher then usual. Node owners pay SOL for both transaction fees and rent exemption of the newly created account.

const { signature } = await createAccountIfTokenFeePaid(
            mint: mint,
            account: feePayerTokenAccount.address,
            decimals: 9,
            fee: BigInt(100),
accountTransaction.addSignature(feePayerKeypair.publicKey, base58.decode(signature));
await sendAndConfirmRawTransaction(connection, accountTransaction.serialize(), { commitment: 'confirmed' });
Parameter Type Description
connection Connection from '@solana/web3.js' Connection to a Solana node
transaction Transaction from '@solana/web3.js' Transaction to sign
feePayer Keypair from '@solana/web3.js' Keypair that will pay for transaction fees
maxSignatures number Maximum allowed signatures in the transaction including fee payer's
lamportsPerSignature number Maximum transaction fee payment amount in lamports
allowedTokens core.TokenFee[] from '@solana/octane-core' List of tokens that can be used for Octane fees with associated info
cache Cache from 'cache-manager' A cache to store duplicate transactions
sameSourceTimeout number An interval for transactions with same token fee source, ms


Creates a non-signed transaction with Whirlpools swap from one SPL token to unwrapped SOL.

The transaction has to be signed using signGeneratedTransaction. If you want full protection against failed transaction spend, you have to sign after receiving user's signature.

messageToken has to be passed to signGeneratedTransaction to verify that transaction hasn't changed since the generation.

Fee has to be paid in swapped token.

const { transaction, quote, messageToken } = await buildWhirlpoolsSwapToSOL(
    new BN(100000), // in token decimals
        amount: Number(tokenFee.fee), // in token decimals
        sourceAccount: await getAssociatedTokenAddress(sourceMint, user),
        destinationAccount: tokenFee.account
Parameter Type Description
connection Connection from '@solana/web3.js' Connection to a Solana node
feePayer Keypair from '@solana/web3.js' Keypair that will pay for transaction fees
user PublicKey from '@solana/web3.js' Public key of user's wallet with tokens
sourceMint PublicKey from '@solana/web3.js' Mint of source token for swap
amount BN from 'bn.js' Amount of token to swap, in token decimals
slippingTolerance Percentage from '@orca-so/common-sdk' Slipping tolerance relative to transaction
cache Cache from 'cache-manager' A cache to store duplicate transactions
sameMintTimeout number An interval for swap transactions with same mint and user, ms
feeOptions? FeeOptions from '@solana/octane-core' A fee settings for Octane to charge on this swap


Signs previously generated transaction by Octane. The transaction should have user's signature. The authenticity check is provided using messageToken argument, which is a signature for transaction's message.

const { signature } = await signGeneratedTransaction(
    whirlpools.MESSAGE_TOKEN_KEY, // or 'whirlpools-swap'
await sendAndConfirmRawTransaction(
    {commitment: 'confirmed'}
Parameter Type Description
connection Connection from '@solana/web3.js' Connection to a Solana node
transaction Transaction from '@solana/web3.js' Transaction to sign
feePayer Keypair from '@solana/web3.js' Keypair that will pay for transaction fees
messageTokenKey string Key used in messageToken generation, for example, 'whirlpools-swap'
messageToken string Key returned from transaction generation action
cache Cache from 'cache-manager' A cache to store duplicate transactions


Octane's core provides helper functions for implementing your own gasless signing logic.

You can view example of such usage in octane-demo app's backend.


Validates transaction metadata prior to signing by fee payer: fee payer, fee, signatures. After validation return signature by fee payer.

Does not validate instructions.

import { core } from '@solana/octane-core';

let signature: string;
try {
    signature = (await core.validateTransaction(
} catch (e) {
    res.status(400).send({status: 'error', message: 'bad transaction'});
Parameter Type Description
connection Connection from '@solana/web3.js' Connection to a Solana node
transaction Transaction from '@solana/web3.js' User's transaction
feePayer Keypair from '@solana/web3.js' Keypair that will pay for transaction fees
maxSignatures number Maximum allowed signatures in the transaction including fee payer's
lamportsPerSignature number Maximum transaction fee payment amount in lamports


Checks that instructions in a transaction do not use fee payer's account as writable.

try {
    await core.validateInstructions(transaction, feePayer);
  } catch (e) {
    res.status(400).send({status: 'error', message: 'bad instructions'});
Parameter Type Description
transaction Transaction from '@solana/web3.js' User's transaction
feePayer Keypair from '@solana/web3.js' Keypair that will pay for transaction fees

Payer utils

When providing gasless transactions for your users, you manage a Solana wallet that accepts tokens and stores SOL for user's transactions. Naturally, amount of SOL decreases and balances of tokens increase. You have to regularly swap tokens for SOL to keep node operational. Additionally, node operators have to create associated token accounts for each token they receive and setup pricing settings for each token individually.

PayerUtils are helper functions to manage your fee payer signing account.


Returns popular tokens from Jupyter aggregator.

Parameter Type Description
count number Number of tokens from the top
const popularTokenMints = await PayerUtils.getPopularTokens(10);

// const tokensWithPriceInfo = await Promise.all( mint => ({
//     mint: mint,
//     priceInfo: await PayerUtils.getTokenToNativePriceInfo(mint)
// })));


Returns token's price info from Jupyter aggregator.

import { PayerUtils } from '@solana/octane-core';

const priceInfo = await PayerUtils.getTokenToNativePriceInfo(mint);

// const tokenFee = (await PayerUtils.buildTokenFeeList(
//     connection,
//     ENV_SECRET_KEYPAIR.publicKey,
//     [{ mint, priceInfo }],
//     pricingParams,
// ))[0];
Parameter Type Description
mint PublicKey from '@solana/web3.js' Token mint


Builds a list of tokens with prices and accounts to receive fees. Should be used to configure allowedTokens parameter or config.json.

const tokenFee = (await PayerUtils.buildTokenFeeList(
    [{ mint, priceInfo }],
    { costInLamports: 5000, margin: 0.9 },

Parameter Type Description
connection Connection from '@solana/web3.js' Connection to a Solana node
feePayer PublicKey from '@solana/web3.js' Public key of a wallet that will receive fees in associated accounts
tokens TokenWithPriceInfo[] from '@solana/octane-core'.PayerUtils Tokens with mints and price info that should be included
params PricingParams from '@solana/octane-core'.PayerUtils Options to set price with margin


Returns uncreated associated token accounts for fees from TokenFee list. You can create these accounts using PayerUtils.createAccounts.

const createAccounts = await PayerUtils.buildCreateAccountListFromTokenFees(
    ENV_SECRET_KEYPAIR.publicKey, => core.TokenFee.fromSerializable(tokenFee))

console.log('accounts to create:', createAccounts);
Parameter Type Description
connection Connection from '@solana/web3.js' Connection to a Solana node
feePayer PublicKey from '@solana/web3.js' Public key of a wallet that will receive fees in associated accounts
tokenFees TokenFee[] from '@solana/octane-core'.core Tokens configured to receive payments


Creates associated token accounts returned from buildCreateAccountListFromTokenFees.

const createAccounts = await PayerUtils.buildCreateAccountListFromTokenFees(
    ENV_SECRET_KEYPAIR.publicKey, => core.TokenFee.fromSerializable(tokenFee))
const result = await PayerUtils.createAccounts(connection, ENV_SECRET_KEYPAIR, createAccounts);
Parameter Type Description
connection Connection from '@solana/web3.js' Connection to a Solana node
feePayer Keypair from '@solana/web3.js' Keypair that will own associated token accounts
createAccounts CreateAccount[] from '@solana/octane-core'.PayerUtils Accounts to create


Calculates swap routes from tokens to SOL using Jupyter aggregator API for a list of token fees.

It only returns tokens with balance higher than provided threshold.

Use executeSwapByRoute to execute each swap.

const routesToSwap = await PayerUtils.loadSwapRoutesForTokenFees(
    connection, => core.TokenFee.fromSerializable(token)),
Parameter Type Description
connection Connection from '@solana/web3.js' Connection to a Solana node
tokenFees TokenFee[] from '@solana/octane-core'.core Tokens configured to receive payments, that would be checked for possible swaps
thresholdInLamports number The minimum amount of SOL lamports to receive from a swap
slippage number Accepted slippage for the swap


Execute calculated swaps from loadSwapRoutesForTokenFees.

for (const route of routesToSwap) {
    const txids = await PayerUtils.executeSwapByRoute(connection, ENV_SECRET_KEYPAIR, route);
    console.log(`Executed transactions:`, txids);
Parameter Type Description
connection Connection from '@solana/web3.js' Connection to a Solana node
feePayer Keypair from '@solana/web3.js' Owner of token accounts
route Route from '@solana/octane-core'.PayerUtils Minimum amount of SOL lamports to receive from a swap