Toady we all know that people are used to go out for dinner,trip,some personal work,professional
work with their friends, family etc.So, in such kind situation it may happen that any one or more
person may pay some payment.So,then in such kind of situation people have remember all things that
he/she has pay something for some else and owes from him/her or they themselves owe for someone.So,
for this kind of confusion we come with one wonderful solutions.
Billify is solution for such scenario.Just add all your friends in this app.You may create group for
common scenarion if it is.Then just mention that people and add expenses.They will be automatically
notified by this app and not get confused for anykind such situation.
-Android Studio
-Firebase Database
-Firebase Cloud Function
-Google Api
-Facebook Api
-Github Repository
- Loginfragment()
- signupfragmet()
- MainActivity()
- AddExpenseActivity()
- AddInGroup()
- display_History()
- display_groups()
- delete_expense()
- display_friends()