diff --git a/.github/CODEOWNERS b/.github/CODEOWNERS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..60d25648b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/CODEOWNERS
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/managing-your-repositorys-settings-and-features/customizing-your-repository/about-code-owners
+# This file specifies only who must review each file, IE, who is the primary maintainer / responsibility holder
+# araistrick will review everything except where specified below
+* @araistrick
+infinigen/datagen/customgt/* @lahavlipson
+infinigen/tools/ground_truth/* @lahavlipson
+infinigen/terrain/* @mazeyu
+infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/node_impl/* @karhankayan
+infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/* @JerryLingjieMei
+infinigen/tools/export.py @David-Yan-1
+infinigen/assets/utils/* @JerryLingjieMei
+infinigen/assets/fluid/* @karhankayan
+# Jerry will review all object assets except where specified below
+infinigen/assets/objects/* @JerryLingjieMei
+infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/* @araistrick
+infinigen/assets/objects/trees/* @araistrick
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ask-for-help.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ask-for-help.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b9ccdbb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ask-for-help.md
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+name: Question
+about: Ask for help using the system
+title: ""
+labels: 'question'
+assignees: ''
+## Steps to Reproduce
+If this relates to running the codebase, please provide steps to reproduce:
+### What version of the code were you using?
+Tell us the commit & commit hash from `git log`
+### What command did you run?
+### What are your FULL output logs?
+Provide the FULL output logs from your command as a txt file.
+### If this is your first time running Infinigen, what are the full install logs?**
+Run `pip install -v -e . > logs.txt 2>&1` and send logs.txt as an attachment.
+### Platform
+- OS & OS Version:
+- GPU (?) :
+- GPU Driver Version (?) :
+- RAM (GB):
+# Additional context
+Add any other context about the problem here.
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug-report.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug-report.md
index 44988edcc..491980196 100644
--- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug-report.md
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug-report.md
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Tell us the commit & commit hash from `git log`
Provide the FULL output logs from your command as a txt file.
### If this is your first time running Infinigen, what are the full install logs?**
-Run `pip install -vv -e . > logs.txt 2>&1` and send logs.txt as an attachment.
+Run `pip install -v -e . > logs.txt 2>&1` and send logs.txt as an attachment.
### Platform
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/request.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/suggestion.md
similarity index 71%
rename from .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/request.md
rename to .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/suggestion.md
index be2c75809..18a49c346 100644
--- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/request.md
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/suggestion.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-name: Request
-about: Request a feature!
+name: Suggestion
+about: Suggest a new feature
title: ""
labels: 'enhancement'
assignees: ''
diff --git a/.github/workflows/checks.yml b/.github/workflows/checks.yml
index ed99f6f1b..ebd0045b2 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/checks.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/checks.yml
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ jobs:
# stop the build if there are Python syntax errors or undefined names
ruff check --output-format=github --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 .
# default set of ruff rules with GitHub Annotations
- #ruff --format=github . # to be enabled in a future PR
+ ruff check --output-format=github .
- name: Set up Python 3.10
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index d17c38493..254321a68 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ blender
diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
index 1c4ac1ccf..40f25e394 100644
--- a/.pre-commit-config.yaml
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -1,16 +1,12 @@
-# config from https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/integrations/source_version_control.html
-#- repo: https://github.com/psf/black
-# rev: 23.7.0
-# hooks:
-# - id: black
-# language_version: python3.10
-# config from https://github.com/astral-sh/ruff-pre-commit
- repo: https://github.com/astral-sh/ruff-pre-commit
- rev: v0.0.285
+ # Ruff version.
+ rev: v0.4.9
+ # Run the linter.
- id: ruff
+ # Sort imports
+ - id: ruff
+ args: [--select, I, --fix]
+ # Run the formatter.
+ - id: ruff-format
diff --git a/docs/CHANGELOG.md b/docs/CHANGELOG.md
index 7376a9c3f..376f4ce11 100644
--- a/docs/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/docs/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -60,4 +60,11 @@ v1.4.0 - Infinigen Indoors
- @David-Yan1 fix placeholder & ocmesher submodule version
- @lahavlipson fix bug in surface normals of wall meshes
-- @araistrick bugfix example commands & other typos
\ No newline at end of file
+- @araistrick bugfix example commands & other typos
+- ruff & auto-lint-fix the entire codebase
+- move mesh assets into infinigen/assets/objects
+- minimize pip dependences: remove unused packages & move terrain/gt-vis packages into optional \[terrain,vis\] extras.
+- add parameters for object clutter, reduce excessively cluttered / slow indoors scenes
+- minorly improve infinigen-indoors performance via logging & asset hiding
diff --git a/docs/ConfiguringInfinigen.md b/docs/ConfiguringInfinigen.md
index 3561f1462..b2a35e5e4 100644
--- a/docs/ConfiguringInfinigen.md
+++ b/docs/ConfiguringInfinigen.md
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Our `infinigen_examples/generate_nature.py` driver always loads [`infinigen_exam
Now that you understand the two major python programs and how to configure them, you may notice and wonder about the many configs/overrides provided in our original one-command "Hello World" example:
# Original hello world command
python -m infinigen.datagen.manage_jobs --output_folder outputs/hello_world --num_scenes 1 --specific_seed 0 \
--configs desert.gin simple.gin --pipeline_configs local_16GB.gin monocular.gin blender_gt.gin \
@@ -169,23 +169,23 @@ All commands below are shown with using `local_256GB` config, but you can attemp
We recommend this command as a starting point for generating high quality videos. Generating multi-view consistent terrain is not computationally tractible without CUDA accelleration, so make sure to follow the CUDA Terrain instructions in Installation.md, and we recommend not to remove the `cuda_terrain` flag below.
python -m infinigen.datagen.manage_jobs --output_folder outputs/my_videos --num_scenes 500 \
--pipeline_config slurm monocular_video cuda_terrain opengl_gt \
--cleanup big_files --warmup_sec 60000 --config trailer_video high_quality_terrain
#### Creating large-scale stereo datasets
python -m infinigen.datagen.manage_jobs --output_folder outputs/stereo_data --num_scenes 10000 \
--pipeline_config slurm stereo cuda_terrain opengl_gt \
--cleanup big_files --warmup_sec 60000 --config high_quality_terrain
#### Creating a few low-resolution images to your test changes
screen python -m infinigen.datagen.manage_jobs --output_folder outputs/dev --num_scenes 50 \
--pipeline_config slurm monocular cuda_terrain \
--cleanup big_files --warmup_sec 1200 --configs dev
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ screen python -m infinigen.datagen.manage_jobs --output_folder outputs/dev --num
These commands are intended as inspiration - please read docs above for more advice on customizing all aspects of Infinigen.
Create images that always have rain:
python -m infinigen.datagen.manage_jobs --output_folder outputs/my_videos --num_scenes 500 \
--pipeline_config slurm monocular cuda_terrain opengl_gt \
--cleanup big_files --warmup_sec 30000 \
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ python -m infinigen.datagen.manage_jobs --output_folder outputs/my_videos --num_
:bulb: You can substitute the `rain_particles` in `rain_particles_chance` for any `run_stage` name argument string in `infinigen_examples/generate_nature.py`, such as `trees` or `ground_creatures`.
Create images that only have terrain:
python -m infinigen.datagen.manage_jobs --output_folder outputs/my_videos --num_scenes 500 \
--pipeline_config slurm monocular cuda_terrain opengl_gt \
--cleanup big_files --warmup_sec 30000 --config no_assets
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ python -m infinigen.datagen.manage_jobs --output_folder outputs/my_videos --num_
Create videos at birds-eye-view camera altitudes:
python -m infinigen.datagen.manage_jobs --output_folder outputs/my_videos --num_scenes 500 \
--pipeline_config slurm monocular_video cuda_terrain opengl_gt \
--cleanup big_files --warmup_sec 30000 --config trailer_video high_quality_terrain \
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ python -m infinigen.datagen.manage_jobs --output_folder outputs/my_videos --num_
:bulb: The command shown is overriding `infinigen_examples/configs_nature/base.gin`'s default setting of `camera.camera_pose_proposal.altitude`. You can use a similar syntax to override any number of .gin config entries. Separate multiple entries with spaces.
Create 1 second video clips:
python -m infinigen.datagen.manage_jobs --output_folder outputs/my_videos --num_scenes 500 \
--pipeline_config slurm monocular_video cuda_terrain opengl_gt \
--cleanup big_files --warmup_sec 30000 --config trailer_video high_quality_terrain \
diff --git a/docs/GeneratingFluidSimulations.md b/docs/GeneratingFluidSimulations.md
index 387eab50e..52756b96a 100644
--- a/docs/GeneratingFluidSimulations.md
+++ b/docs/GeneratingFluidSimulations.md
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ Before you can generate fluids, you must run an additional installation step: `b
## Example Commands
#### Generate a video of a single scene with simulated fire generated on the fly
python -m infinigen.datagen.manage_jobs --specific_seed 3930249d --output_folder outputs/fire --num_scenes 1 --pipeline_config local_256GB.gin monocular_video.gin --cleanup none --config plain.gin fast_terrain_assets.gin use_on_the_fly_fire.gin
Because fluid simulation takes a long time, the fire resolution can be reduced in use_on_the_fly_fire.gin, by setting `set_obj_on_fire.resolution = {resolution}`. This will reduce the fire quality but speed up the simulation.
#### Generate a video of a single valley scene with simulated river
python -m infinigen.datagen.manage_jobs --specific_seed 61fc881a --output_folder outputs/river --num_scenes 1 --pipeline_config local_256GB.gin monocular_video.gin opengl_gt.gin cuda_terrain.gin --pipeline_overrides iterate_scene_tasks.frame_range=[100,244] --config river.gin simulated_river.gin no_assets.gin no_creatures.gin fast_terrain_assets.gin --cleanup none
Similar to fire, the simulation can be sped up by reducing the resolution. In simulated_river.gin, the resolution can be modified by setting `make_river.resolution = {resolution}`. The simulation can also be sped up by reducing the simulation duration in simulated_river.gin by setting `make_river.simulation_duration = {duration}`. For instance, before running the command above, the duration can be reduced to a number greater than 200 since that is the last frame of the video.
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Similar to fire, the simulation can be sped up by reducing the resolution. In si
Also, note that this command will produce a scene without assets to speed up the process. However, the liquids generally interact with the objects by splashing on them, and a scene like this can be produced by removing the `no_assets.gin` option in the above command.
#### Generate videos of random scene types, with simulated fire generated on the fly when needed
python -m infinigen.datagen.manage_jobs --output_folder outputs/onthefly --num_scenes 10 \
--pipeline_config slurm_high_memory.gin monocular_video.gin \
--config fast_terrain_assets.gin use_on_the_fly_fire.gin \
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ python -m infinigen.datagen.manage_jobs --output_folder outputs/onthefly --num_
#### Generate videos of valley scenes with simulated rivers
python -m infinigen.datagen.manage_jobs --output_folder /n/fs/pvl-renders/kkayan/river --num_scenes 10 \
--pipeline_config slurm_high_memory.gin monocular_video.gin opengl_gt.gin cuda_terrain.gin \
--pipeline_overrides iterate_scene_tasks.frame_range=[100,244] \
@@ -44,20 +44,21 @@ python -m infinigen.datagen.manage_jobs --output_folder /n/fs/pvl-renders/kkayan
## Using Pre-Generated Fire
High-resolution fluid simulations take a long time, so assets on fire can pre-generated and imported in the scene instead of being baked on-the-fly. This allows for fire to be simulated once, instead of every time a scene is generated. To pre-generate fire assets of all types (bush, tree, creature, cactus, boulder), run:
python -m infinigen.tools.submit_asset_cache -f {fire_asset_folder} -n 1 -s -40 -d 184
where `fire_asset_folder` is where you want to save the fire. The number of assets per type, start frame and duration can be adjusted.
If you only want to pre-generate one type of asset once, run:
python -m infinigen.assets.fluid.run_asset_cache -f {fire_asset_folder} -a {asset} -s {start_frame} -d {simulation_duration}
where `fire_asset_folder` is where you want to save the fire. `asset` can be one of `CachedBushFactory`, `CachedTreeFactory`, `CachedCactusFactory`, `CachedCreatureFactory`, `CachedBoulderFactory`.
### Import pre-generated fire when generating a scene
After fire is pre-generated with one of the previous commands, edit config/use_cached_fire.gin and set the `FireCachingSystem.asset_folder` variable to `fire_asset_folder` you used when pre-generating fire. After this `use_cached_fire.gin` can be used instead of `use_on_the_fly_fire.gin` when generating a scene. This will import the fire from the folder it is saved instead of simulating it on-the-fly.
#### Example Command
python -m infinigen.datagen.manage_jobs --specific_seed 3930249d --output_folder outputs/fire --num_scenes 1 --pipeline_config local_256GB.gin monocular_video.gin --cleanup none --config plain.gin fast_terrain_assets.gin use_cached_fire.gin
diff --git a/docs/GroundTruthAnnotations.md b/docs/GroundTruthAnnotations.md
index 723ed8299..21f077e0b 100644
--- a/docs/GroundTruthAnnotations.md
+++ b/docs/GroundTruthAnnotations.md
@@ -8,6 +8,14 @@
**Want annotations that we don't currently support? [Fill out a request!](https://github.com/princeton-vl/infinigen/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&projects=&template=request.md&title=%5BREQUEST%5D)**
+### Visualization dependencies
+To run the visualization scripts below you will need to install extra dependencies
+pip install .[vis]
## Default Annotations from Blender
Infinigen can produce some dense annotations using Blender's built-in render passes. Users may prefer to use these annotations over our extended annotation system's since it requires only the bare-minimum installation. It is also able to run without a GPU.
diff --git a/docs/HelloRoom.md b/docs/HelloRoom.md
index 244ed1cf6..aaeea6cfa 100644
--- a/docs/HelloRoom.md
+++ b/docs/HelloRoom.md
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ We also provide an OpenGL-based ground truth extractor which offers additional g
To generate a single scene in one command, you can run the following:
-screen python -m infinigen.datagen.manage_jobs --output_folder outputs/my_dataset --num_scenes 1000 --pipeline_configs local_256GB.gin monocular.gin blender_gt.gin indoor_background_configs.gin --configs singleroom.gin --pipeline_overrides get_cmd.driver_script='infinigen_examples.generate_indoors' manage_datagen_jobs.num_concurrent=16 --overrides compose_indoors.restrict_single_supported_roomtype=True
+screen python -m infinigen.datagen.manage_jobs --output_folder outputs/my_dataset --num_scenes 1 --pipeline_configs local_256GB.gin monocular.gin blender_gt.gin indoor_background_configs.gin --configs singleroom.gin --pipeline_overrides get_cmd.driver_script='infinigen_examples.generate_indoors' manage_datagen_jobs.num_concurrent=16 --overrides compose_indoors.restrict_single_supported_roomtype=True
To create a large dataset of many random rooms, we recommend:
diff --git a/docs/HelloWorld.md b/docs/HelloWorld.md
index 76f9b3113..74d988455 100644
--- a/docs/HelloWorld.md
+++ b/docs/HelloWorld.md
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Infinigen generates scenes by running multiple tasks (usually executed automatic
:exclamation: If you encounter any missing .so files, missing dependencies (such as `gin`), or similar crashes, please check again that all steps of installation ran successfully. If you cannot resolve any issues with installation, please see our README and 'Bug Report' Git Issue template for advice on posting Git Issues to get help quickly - you must include the full installation logs in your issue so that we can help debug.
mkdir outputs
# Generate a scene layout
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Output logs should indicate what the code is working on. Use `--debug` for even
We provide `infinigen/datagen/manage_jobs.py`, a utility which runs similar steps automatically.
python -m infinigen.datagen.manage_jobs --output_folder outputs/hello_world --num_scenes 1 --specific_seed 0 \
--configs desert.gin simple.gin --pipeline_configs local_16GB.gin monocular.gin blender_gt.gin --pipeline_overrides LocalScheduleHandler.use_gpu=False
diff --git a/docs/ImplementingAssets.md b/docs/ImplementingAssets.md
index bdca69c0a..87f76a37f 100644
--- a/docs/ImplementingAssets.md
+++ b/docs/ImplementingAssets.md
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ class MyAssetFactory(AssetFactory):
You can implement the `create_asset` function however you wish so long as it produces a Blender Object as a result. Many existing assets use various different strategies, which you can use as examples:
- `assets/flower.py` uses mostly auto-generated code from transpiling a hand-designed geometry node-graph.
-- `assets/grassland/grass_tuft.py` uses pure NumPy code to create and define a mesh.
+- `assets.objects.grassland/grass_tuft.py` uses pure NumPy code to create and define a mesh.
- `assets/trees/infinigen_examples/generate_nature.py` combines transpiled materials & leaves with a python-only space colonization algorithm.
The simplest implementation for a new asset is to create a geometry nodes equivelant, transpile it similarly to as shown above, copy the code into the same file as the template shown above, and implement the `create_asset` function as shown:
diff --git a/docs/Installation.md b/docs/Installation.md
index dc18dbc01..867bd4a73 100644
--- a/docs/Installation.md
+++ b/docs/Installation.md
@@ -72,10 +72,11 @@ Then, install the infinigen package using one of the options below:
# Full install (Terrain & OpenGL-GT enabled, needed for Infinigen-Nature HelloWorld)
-pip install -e .
+pip install -e .[terrain,vis]
# Developer install (includes pytest, ruff, other recommended dev tools)
-pip install -e ".[dev]"
+pip install -e ".[dev,terrain,vis]"
+pre-commit install
:exclamation: If you encounter any issues with the above, please add `-vv > logs.txt 2>&1` to the end of your command and run again, then provide the resulting logs.txt file as an attachment when making a Github Issue.
@@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ Then, install using one of the options below:
# Minimal installation (recommended setting for use in the Blender UI)
INFINIGEN_MINIMAL_INSTALL=True bash scripts/install/interactive_blender.sh
-# Normal install (includes CPU Terrain, and CUDA Terrain if available)
+# Normal install
bash scripts/install/interactive_blender.sh
# Enable OpenGL GT
diff --git a/infinigen/OcMesher b/infinigen/OcMesher
index d3d1441ab..2cdcbacbe 160000
--- a/infinigen/OcMesher
+++ b/infinigen/OcMesher
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit d3d1441ab57c48db3ec40c621fc3d0c323579e8a
+Subproject commit 2cdcbacbe62ef79dc6031e0131f916266b7372e3
diff --git a/infinigen/__init__.py b/infinigen/__init__.py
index 9af1e6f0d..816527ea4 100644
--- a/infinigen/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/__init__.py
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
import logging
+from pathlib import Path
-__version__ = "1.4.1"
+__version__ = "1.5.0"
+def repo_root():
+ return Path(__file__).parent.parent
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/appliances/beverage_fridge.py b/infinigen/assets/appliances/beverage_fridge.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ab8b5278..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/appliances/beverage_fridge.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,735 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Hongyu Wen
-import bpy
-import random
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint as RI
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import delete
-from infinigen.core.util.bevelling import get_bevel_edges, add_bevel, complete_bevel, complete_no_bevel
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
-class BeverageFridgeFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=[1., 1., 1.]):
- super(BeverageFridgeFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.dimensions = dimensions
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.params = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
- self.material_params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = self.get_material_params()
- self.params.update(self.material_params)
- def get_material_params(self):
- material_assignments = AssetList['BeverageFridgeFactory']()
- params = {
- "Surface": material_assignments['surface'].assign_material(),
- "Front": material_assignments['front'].assign_material(),
- "Handle": material_assignments['handle'].assign_material(),
- "Back": material_assignments['back'].assign_material(),
- }
- wrapped_params = {
- k: surface.shaderfunc_to_material(v) for k, v in params.items()
- }
- scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments['wear_tear_prob']
- scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments['wear_tear']
- is_scratch = np.random.uniform() < scratch_prob
- is_edge_wear = np.random.uniform() < edge_wear_prob
- if not is_scratch:
- scratch = None
- if not is_edge_wear:
- edge_wear = None
- return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
- @staticmethod
- def sample_parameters(dimensions):
- depth = 1 + N(0, 0.1)
- width = 1 + N(0, 0.1)
- height = 1 + N(0, 0.1)
- # depth, width, height = dimensions
- door_thickness = U(0.05, 0.1) * depth
- door_rotation = 0 # Set to 0 for now
- rack_radius = U(0.01, 0.02) * depth
- rack_h_amount = RI(2, 4)
- rack_d_amount = RI(4, 6)
- brand_name = "BrandName"
- params = {
- "Depth": depth,
- "Width": width,
- "Height": height,
- "DoorThickness": door_thickness,
- "DoorRotation": door_rotation,
- "RackRadius": rack_radius,
- "RackHAmount": rack_h_amount,
- "RackDAmount": rack_d_amount,
- "BrandName": brand_name,
- }
- return params
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- obj = butil.spawn_cube()
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'NODES', node_group=nodegroup_beverage_fridge_geometry(preprocess=True), ng_inputs=self.params, apply=True)
- bevel_edges = get_bevel_edges(obj)
- delete(obj)
- obj = butil.spawn_cube()
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'NODES', node_group=nodegroup_beverage_fridge_geometry(), ng_inputs=self.params, apply=True)
- obj = add_bevel(obj, bevel_edges, offset=0.01)
- return obj
- def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- if self.scratch:
- self.scratch.apply(assets)
- if self.edge_wear:
- self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_oven_rack', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_oven_rack(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Width', 2.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Height', 2.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius', 0.0200),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Amount', 5)])
- quadrilateral = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral',
- input_kwargs={'Width': group_input.outputs["Width"], 'Height': group_input.outputs["Height"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_1})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'Start': combine_xyz_3, 'End': combine_xyz_4})
- geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance', input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_line})
- duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(Nodes.DuplicateElements,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry_to_instance, 'Amount': group_input.outputs["Amount"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'INSTANCE'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Amount"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: divide},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_3})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- duplicate_elements_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.DuplicateElements,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry_to_instance, 'Amount': group_input.outputs["Amount"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'INSTANCE'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- divide_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: group_input.outputs["Amount"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: divide_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_5})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': combine_xyz_1})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [quadrilateral, set_position, set_position_1]})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': join_geometry, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_text', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_text(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Translation', (1.5000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketString', 'String', 'BrandName'),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Size', 0.0500),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Offset Scale', 0.0020)])
- string_to_curves = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeStringToCurves',
- input_kwargs={'String': group_input.outputs["String"], 'Size': group_input.outputs["Size"]},
- attrs={'align_y': 'BOTTOM_BASELINE', 'align_x': 'CENTER'})
- fill_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': string_to_curves.outputs["Curve Instances"]})
- extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': fill_curve, 'Offset Scale': group_input.outputs["Offset Scale"]})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': group_input.outputs["Translation"], 'Rotation': (1.5708, 0.0000, 1.5708)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_handle', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_handle(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'length', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness', 0.0200)])
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': group_input.outputs["width"]})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': group_input.outputs["width"]})
- store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_1.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cube_1.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': group_input.outputs["length"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [store_named_attribute, transform]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz_3})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["length"], 1: group_input.outputs["width"]})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["width"], 'Y': add, 'Z': group_input.outputs["thickness"]})
- cube_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_1})
- store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_2.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cube_2.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["length"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: multiply_2})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_1, 'Z': add_1})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_2, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_2, transform_1]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_center', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_center(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'MarginX', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'MarginY', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'MarginZ', 0.0000)])
- bounding_box = nw.new_node(Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vector"], 1: bounding_box.outputs["Min"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': subtract.outputs["Vector"]})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginX"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN', 'use_clamp': True})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: bounding_box.outputs["Max"], 1: group_input.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': subtract_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- greater_than_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginX"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN', 'use_clamp': True})
- op_and = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: greater_than_1})
- greater_than_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginY"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- greater_than_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginY"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN', 'use_clamp': True})
- op_and_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than_2, 1: greater_than_3})
- op_and_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and, 1: op_and_1})
- greater_than_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginZ"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN', 'use_clamp': True})
- greater_than_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginZ"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN', 'use_clamp': True})
- op_and_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than_4, 1: greater_than_5})
- op_and_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and_2, 1: op_and_3})
- op_not = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and_4}, attrs={'operation': 'NOT'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'In': op_and_4, 'Out': op_not}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_cube', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_cube(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Size', (0.1000, 10.0000, 4.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Pos', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 2)])
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': group_input.outputs["Size"], 'Vertices X': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Y': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Z': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_1, 'Name': 'uv_map'},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Size"], 1: (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000), 2: group_input.outputs["Pos"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute, 'Translation': multiply_add.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_hollow_cube', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_hollow_cube(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Size', (0.1000, 10.0000, 4.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Pos', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 2),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Thickness', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Switch1', False),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Switch2', False),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Switch3', False),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Switch4', False),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Switch5', False),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Switch6', False)])
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Size"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 1: 2.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 'Y': subtract, 'Z': subtract_1})
- cube_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_4, 'Vertices X': 2, 'Vertices Y': 2, 'Vertices Z': 2})
- store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_2.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cube_2.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Thickness"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Pos"]})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Size"], 'Scale': 0.5000},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': add_1, 'Z': subtract_2})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz_5})
- switch_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch3"], 14: transform_2})
- subtract_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': subtract_3, 'Z': group_input.outputs["Thickness"]})
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_2, 'Vertices X': 2, 'Vertices Y': 2, 'Vertices Z': 2})
- store_named_attribute_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_1.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cube_1.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]})
- subtract_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply_1}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_2, 'Y': add_3, 'Z': subtract_4})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_4, 'Translation': combine_xyz_3})
- switch_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch2"], 14: transform_1})
- subtract_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': subtract_5, 'Z': group_input.outputs["Thickness"]})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz, 'Vertices X': 2, 'Vertices Y': 2, 'Vertices Z': 2})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]})
- add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]})
- add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_4, 'Y': add_5, 'Z': add_6})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute, 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch1"], 14: transform})
- subtract_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- subtract_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 'Y': subtract_6, 'Z': subtract_7})
- cube_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_6, 'Vertices X': 2, 'Vertices Y': 2, 'Vertices Z': 2})
- store_named_attribute_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_3.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cube_3.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- subtract_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: multiply_1}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]})
- subtract_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': subtract_8, 'Y': add_7, 'Z': subtract_9})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_5, 'Translation': combine_xyz_7})
- switch_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch4"], 14: transform_3})
- combine_xyz_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 'Z': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
- cube_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_9, 'Vertices X': 2, 'Vertices Y': 2, 'Vertices Z': 2})
- store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_4.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cube_4.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- add_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"]})
- add_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply_1})
- add_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"]})
- combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_8, 'Y': add_9, 'Z': add_10})
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_2, 'Translation': combine_xyz_8})
- switch_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch5"], 14: transform_4})
- combine_xyz_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 'Z': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
- cube_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_10, 'Vertices X': 2, 'Vertices Y': 2, 'Vertices Z': 2})
- store_named_attribute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_5.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cube_5.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- add_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]})
- subtract_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply_1}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]})
- combine_xyz_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_11, 'Y': subtract_10, 'Z': add_12})
- transform_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_3, 'Translation': combine_xyz_11})
- switch_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch6"], 14: transform_5})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [switch_2.outputs[6], switch_1.outputs[6], switch.outputs[6], switch_3.outputs[6], switch_4.outputs[6], switch_5.outputs[6]]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_beverage_fridge_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_beverage_fridge_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler, preprocess: bool = False):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Depth', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Width', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Height', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'DoorThickness', 0.0700),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'DoorRotation', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'RackRadius', 0.0100),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'RackDAmount', 5),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'RackHAmount', 2),
- ('NodeSocketString', 'BrandName', 'BrandName'),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'Surface', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'Front', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'Handle', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'Back', None)])
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Depth"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Width"], 'Z': group_input.outputs["Height"]})
- hollowcube = nw.new_node(nodegroup_hollow_cube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz, 'Thickness': group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"], 'Switch2': True, 'Switch4': True})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': hollowcube, 'Material': group_input.outputs["Surface"]})
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_material_1, 'Level': 0})
- # set_shade_smooth_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh})
- body = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': subdivide_mesh}, label='Body')
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Width"], 'Z': group_input.outputs["Height"]})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Depth"]})
- cube = nw.new_node(nodegroup_cube().name, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_1, 'Pos': combine_xyz_2})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- center = nw.new_node(nodegroup_center().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Vector': position, 'MarginX': -1.0000, 'MarginY': 0.1000, 'MarginZ': 0.1500})
- set_material_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Selection': center.outputs["In"], 'Material': group_input.outputs["Front"]})
- set_material_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_2, 'Selection': center.outputs["Out"], 'Material': group_input.outputs["Surface"]})
- # set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_3})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: 0.0500}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: 0.8000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- handle = nw.new_node(nodegroup_handle().name,
- input_kwargs={'width': multiply, 'length': multiply_1, 'thickness': multiply_2})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"], 1: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"]})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: 0.1000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: 0.9000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': multiply_3, 'Z': multiply_4})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': handle, 'Translation': combine_xyz_13, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000)})
- set_material_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1, 'Material': group_input.outputs["Handle"]})
- geometry_to_instance_4 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance', input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_8})
- rotate_instances_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': geometry_to_instance_4, 'Rotation': (-1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000), 'Pivot Point': combine_xyz_13})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"], 1: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"]})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_1, 'Y': multiply_5, 'Z': 0.0300})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: 0.0500}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- text = nw.new_node(nodegroup_text().name,
- input_kwargs={'Translation': combine_xyz_12, 'String': group_input.outputs["BrandName"], 'Size': multiply_6, 'Offset Scale': 0.0020})
- text = complete_no_bevel(nw, text, preprocess)
- set_material_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': text, 'Material': group_input.outputs["Handle"]})
- rotate_instances_2 = complete_bevel(nw, rotate_instances_2, preprocess)
- join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material_3, rotate_instances_2, set_material_9]})
- geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance', input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_3})
- z = nw.scalar_multiply(group_input.outputs["DoorRotation"], 1 if not preprocess else 0)
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': z})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Depth"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Width"]})
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': geometry_to_instance, 'Rotation': combine_xyz_3, 'Pivot Point': combine_xyz_4})
- door = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [rotate_instances])}, label='door')
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"], 1: 2.1000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"], 1: multiply_7},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"], 1: 2.1000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: multiply_8},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- ovenrack = nw.new_node(nodegroup_oven_rack().name,
- input_kwargs={'Width': subtract, 'Height': subtract_1, 'Radius': group_input.outputs["RackRadius"], 'Amount': group_input.outputs["RackDAmount"]})
- geometry_to_instance_1 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance', input_kwargs={'Geometry': ovenrack})
- duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(Nodes.DuplicateElements,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry_to_instance_1, 'Amount': group_input.outputs["RackHAmount"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'INSTANCE'})
- multiply_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: 1.0000})
- multiply_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"], 1: 2.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: multiply_11},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["RackHAmount"], 1: 1.0000})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_2, 1: add_3}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: divide}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_9, 'Y': multiply_10, 'Z': multiply_12})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': combine_xyz_5})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Material': group_input.outputs["Handle"]})
- racks = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [set_material])}, label='racks')
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"], 1: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"]})
- reroute_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': add_4})
- reroute_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Width"]})
- reroute_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"]})
- combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': reroute_10, 'Y': reroute_11, 'Z': reroute_8})
- reroute_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Height"]})
- combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': reroute_9})
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_cube().name, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_6, 'Pos': combine_xyz_7})
- set_material_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_1, 'Material': group_input.outputs["Back"]})
- # set_shade_smooth_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_5})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_5})
- heater = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': join_geometry_2}, label='heater')
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [body, door, racks, heater]})
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,[join_geometry])
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/appliances/dishwasher.py b/infinigen/assets/appliances/dishwasher.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b1694a3b..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/appliances/dishwasher.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,929 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Hongyu Wen
-import bpy
-import random
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint as RI
-from infinigen.assets.materials import metal
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import delete
-from infinigen.core.util.bevelling import get_bevel_edges, add_bevel, complete_bevel, complete_no_bevel
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
-class DishwasherFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=[1., 1., 1.]):
- super(DishwasherFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.dimensions = dimensions
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.params = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
- self.material_params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = self.get_material_params()
- self.params.update(self.material_params)
- def get_material_params(self):
- material_assignments = AssetList['DishwasherFactory']()
- params = {
- "Surface": material_assignments['surface'].assign_material(),
- "Front": material_assignments['front'].assign_material(),
- "WhiteMetal": material_assignments['white_metal'].assign_material(),
- "Top": material_assignments['top'].assign_material(),
- 'NameMaterial': material_assignments['name_material'].assign_material(),
- }
- wrapped_params = {
- k: surface.shaderfunc_to_material(v) for k, v in params.items()
- }
- scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments['wear_tear_prob']
- scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments['wear_tear']
- is_scratch = np.random.uniform() < scratch_prob
- is_edge_wear = np.random.uniform() < edge_wear_prob
- if not is_scratch:
- scratch = None
- if not is_edge_wear:
- edge_wear = None
- return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
- @staticmethod
- def sample_parameters(dimensions):
- # depth, width, height = dimensions
- depth = 1 + N(0, 0.1)
- width = 1 + N(0, 0.1)
- height = 1 + N(0, 0.1)
- door_thickness = U(0.05, 0.1) * depth
- door_rotation = 0 # Set to 0 for now
- rack_radius = U(0.01, 0.02) * depth
- rack_h_amount = RI(2, 3)
- brand_name = "BrandName"
- params = {
- "Depth": depth,
- "Width": width,
- "Height": height,
- "DoorThickness": door_thickness,
- "DoorRotation": door_rotation,
- "RackRadius": rack_radius,
- "RackAmount": rack_h_amount,
- "BrandName": brand_name,
- }
- return params
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- obj = butil.spawn_cube()
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'NODES', node_group=nodegroup_dishwasher_geometry(preprocess=True), ng_inputs=self.params, apply=True)
- bevel_edges = get_bevel_edges(obj)
- delete(obj)
- obj = butil.spawn_cube()
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'NODES', node_group=nodegroup_dishwasher_geometry(), ng_inputs=self.params, apply=True)
- obj = add_bevel(obj, bevel_edges, offset=0.01)
- return obj
- def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- if self.scratch:
- self.scratch.apply(assets)
- if self.edge_wear:
- self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_dish_rack', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_dish_rack(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- quadrilateral = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral')
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine,
- input_kwargs={'Start': (0.0000, -1.0000, 0.0000), 'End': (0.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000)})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Depth', 2.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Width', 2.0000), ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius', 0.0200),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Amount', 5), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Height', 0.5000)])
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': -1.0000, 'Z': group_input.outputs["Height"]})
- curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine,
- input_kwargs={'Start': (0.0000, -1.0000, 0.0000), 'End': combine_xyz_4})
- geometry_to_instance_1 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance',
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_line_1})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Amount"], 1: 2.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- duplicate_elements_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.DuplicateElements,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry_to_instance_1, 'Amount': multiply},
- attrs={'domain': 'INSTANCE'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: group_input.outputs["Amount"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements_2.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: divide},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_1})
- set_position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': duplicate_elements_2.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Offset': combine_xyz_3
- })
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [curve_line, set_position_2]})
- geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance',
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1})
- duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(Nodes.DuplicateElements,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry_to_instance, 'Amount': multiply},
- attrs={'domain': 'INSTANCE'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={
- 0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"],
- 1: group_input.outputs["Amount"]
- }, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: divide}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_2})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Offset': combine_xyz
- })
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.5708)})
- duplicate_elements_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.DuplicateElements,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry_to_instance, 'Amount': multiply},
- attrs={'domain': 'INSTANCE'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={
- 0: duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Duplicate Index"],
- 1: group_input.outputs["Amount"]
- }, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: divide},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_3})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Offset': combine_xyz_1
- })
- quadrilateral_1 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral')
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: 0.8000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_4})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': quadrilateral_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz_5})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': [quadrilateral, transform_1, set_position_1, transform_2]
- })
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={
- 'Curve': join_geometry,
- 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Fill Caps': True
- })
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_5, 'Y': multiply_6, 'Z': 0.5000})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': curve_to_mesh,
- 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.5708),
- 'Scale': combine_xyz_2
- })
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Mesh': transform},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_text', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_text(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Translation', (1.5000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketString', 'String', 'BrandName'), ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Size', 0.0500),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Offset Scale', 0.0020)])
- string_to_curves = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeStringToCurves', input_kwargs={
- 'String': group_input.outputs["String"],
- 'Size': group_input.outputs["Size"]
- }, attrs={'align_y': 'BOTTOM_BASELINE', 'align_x': 'CENTER'})
- fill_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': string_to_curves.outputs["Curve Instances"]})
- extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, input_kwargs={
- 'Mesh': fill_curve,
- 'Offset Scale': group_input.outputs["Offset Scale"]
- })
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Translation': group_input.outputs["Translation"],
- 'Rotation': (1.5708, 0.0000, 1.5708)
- })
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_handle', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_handle(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'length', 0.0000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness', 0.0200)])
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': group_input.outputs["width"]})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': cube.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Name': 'uv_map',
- 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"]
- }, attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': group_input.outputs["width"]})
- store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': cube_1.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Name': 'uv_map',
- 3: cube_1.outputs["UV Map"]
- }, attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': group_input.outputs["length"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [store_named_attribute, transform]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz_3})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["length"], 1: group_input.outputs["width"]})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={
- 'X': group_input.outputs["width"],
- 'Y': add,
- 'Z': group_input.outputs["thickness"]
- })
- cube_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_1})
- store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': cube_2.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Name': 'uv_map',
- 3: cube_2.outputs["UV Map"]
- }, attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["length"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: multiply_2})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_1, 'Z': add_1})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_2, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_2, transform_1]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_center', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_center(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'MarginX', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'MarginY', 0.0000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'MarginZ', 0.0000)])
- bounding_box = nw.new_node(Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vector"], 1: bounding_box.outputs["Min"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': subtract.outputs["Vector"]})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginX"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN', 'use_clamp': True})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: bounding_box.outputs["Max"], 1: group_input.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': subtract_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- greater_than_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={
- 0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"],
- 1: group_input.outputs["MarginX"]
- }, attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN', 'use_clamp': True})
- op_and = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: greater_than_1})
- greater_than_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginY"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- greater_than_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={
- 0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"],
- 1: group_input.outputs["MarginY"]
- }, attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN', 'use_clamp': True})
- op_and_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than_2, 1: greater_than_3})
- op_and_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and, 1: op_and_1})
- greater_than_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginZ"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN', 'use_clamp': True})
- greater_than_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={
- 0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"],
- 1: group_input.outputs["MarginZ"]
- }, attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN', 'use_clamp': True})
- op_and_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than_4, 1: greater_than_5})
- op_and_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and_2, 1: op_and_3})
- op_not = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and_4}, attrs={'operation': 'NOT'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'In': op_and_4, 'Out': op_not},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_cube', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_cube(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Size', (0.1000, 10.0000, 4.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Pos', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 2)])
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={
- 'Size': group_input.outputs["Size"],
- 'Vertices X': group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
- 'Vertices Y': group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
- 'Vertices Z': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]
- })
- store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': cube.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Name': 'uv_map',
- 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"]
- }, attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_1, 'Name': 'uv_map'},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={
- 0: group_input.outputs["Size"],
- 1: (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000),
- 2: group_input.outputs["Pos"]
- }, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': store_named_attribute,
- 'Translation': multiply_add.outputs["Vector"]
- })
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_hollow_cube', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_hollow_cube(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Size', (0.1000, 10.0000, 4.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Pos', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 2),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Thickness', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Switch1', False),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Switch2', False),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Switch3', False),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Switch4', False),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Switch5', False),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Switch6', False)])
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Size"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 1: 2.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={
- 'X': group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
- 'Y': subtract,
- 'Z': subtract_1
- })
- cube_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_4, 'Vertices X': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Y': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Z': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': cube_2.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Name': 'uv_map',
- 3: cube_2.outputs["UV Map"]
- }, attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Thickness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Pos"]})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Size"], 'Scale': 0.5000},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': add_1, 'Z': subtract_2})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz_5})
- switch_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch3"], 14: transform_2})
- subtract_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={
- 'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
- 'Y': subtract_3,
- 'Z': group_input.outputs["Thickness"]
- })
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_2, 'Vertices X': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Y': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Z': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- store_named_attribute_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': cube_1.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Name': 'uv_map',
- 3: cube_1.outputs["UV Map"]
- }, attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]})
- subtract_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_2, 'Y': add_3, 'Z': subtract_4})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_4, 'Translation': combine_xyz_3})
- switch_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch2"], 14: transform_1})
- subtract_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={
- 'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
- 'Y': subtract_5,
- 'Z': group_input.outputs["Thickness"]
- })
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz, 'Vertices X': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Y': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Z': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': cube.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Name': 'uv_map',
- 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"]
- }, attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]})
- add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]})
- add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_4, 'Y': add_5, 'Z': add_6})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute, 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch1"], 14: transform})
- subtract_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- subtract_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={
- 'X': group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
- 'Y': subtract_6,
- 'Z': subtract_7
- })
- cube_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_6, 'Vertices X': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Y': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Z': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- store_named_attribute_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': cube_3.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Name': 'uv_map',
- 3: cube_3.outputs["UV Map"]
- }, attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- subtract_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]})
- subtract_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': subtract_8, 'Y': add_7, 'Z': subtract_9})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_5, 'Translation': combine_xyz_7})
- switch_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch4"], 14: transform_3})
- combine_xyz_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={
- 'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
- 'Y': group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
- 'Z': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]
- })
- cube_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_9, 'Vertices X': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Y': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Z': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': cube_4.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Name': 'uv_map',
- 3: cube_4.outputs["UV Map"]
- }, attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- add_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"]})
- add_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply_1})
- add_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"]})
- combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_8, 'Y': add_9, 'Z': add_10})
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_2, 'Translation': combine_xyz_8})
- switch_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch5"], 14: transform_4})
- combine_xyz_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={
- 'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
- 'Y': group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
- 'Z': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]
- })
- cube_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_10, 'Vertices X': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Y': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Z': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- store_named_attribute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': cube_5.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Name': 'uv_map',
- 3: cube_5.outputs["UV Map"]
- }, attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- add_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]})
- subtract_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]})
- combine_xyz_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_11, 'Y': subtract_10, 'Z': add_12})
- transform_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_3, 'Translation': combine_xyz_11})
- switch_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch6"], 14: transform_5})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': [switch_2.outputs[6], switch_1.outputs[6], switch.outputs[6], switch_3.outputs[6],
- switch_4.outputs[6], switch_5.outputs[6]]
- })
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_dishwasher_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_dishwasher_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler, preprocess: bool = False):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Depth', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Width', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Height', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'DoorThickness', 0.0700),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'DoorRotation', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'RackRadius', 0.0100),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'RackAmount', 2),
- ('NodeSocketString', 'BrandName', 'BrandName'),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'Surface', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'Front', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'Top', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'WhiteMetal', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'NameMaterial', None)])
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={
- 'X': group_input.outputs["Depth"],
- 'Y': group_input.outputs["Width"],
- 'Z': group_input.outputs["Height"]
- })
- hollowcube = nw.new_node(nodegroup_hollow_cube().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Size': combine_xyz,
- 'Thickness': group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"],
- 'Switch2': True,
- 'Switch4': True
- })
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': hollowcube, 'Material': group_input.outputs["Surface"]})
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_material_1, 'Level': 0})
- # set_shade_smooth_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh})
- body = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': subdivide_mesh}, label='Body')
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={
- 'X': group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"],
- 'Y': group_input.outputs["Width"],
- 'Z': group_input.outputs["Height"]
- })
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Depth"]})
- cube = nw.new_node(nodegroup_cube().name, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_1, 'Pos': combine_xyz_2})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- center = nw.new_node(nodegroup_center().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': cube,
- 'Vector': position,
- 'MarginX': -1.0000,
- 'MarginY': 0.1000,
- 'MarginZ': 0.1500
- })
- set_material_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Selection': center.outputs["In"], 'Material': group_input.outputs["Front"]})
- set_material_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_2, 'Selection': center.outputs["Out"], 'Material': group_input.outputs["Surface"]})
- # set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_3})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: 0.0500},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: 0.8000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- handle = nw.new_node(nodegroup_handle().name,
- input_kwargs={'width': multiply, 'length': multiply_1, 'thickness': multiply_2})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"], 1: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"]})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: 0.1000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: 0.9500},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': multiply_3, 'Z': multiply_4})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': handle,
- 'Translation': combine_xyz_13,
- 'Rotation': (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000)
- })
- set_material_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1, 'Material': group_input.outputs["WhiteMetal"]})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"], 1: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"]})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_1, 'Y': multiply_5, 'Z': 0.0300})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: 0.0500},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- text = nw.new_node(nodegroup_text().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Translation': combine_xyz_12,
- 'String': group_input.outputs["BrandName"],
- 'Size': multiply_6
- })
- text = complete_no_bevel(nw, text, preprocess)
- set_material_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': text, 'Material': group_input.outputs["NameMaterial"]})
- set_material_8 = complete_bevel(nw, set_material_8, preprocess)
- join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material_3, set_material_8, set_material_9]})
- geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance',
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_3})
- y = nw.scalar_multiply(group_input.outputs["DoorRotation"], 1 if not preprocess else 0)
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': y})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Depth"]})
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances, input_kwargs={
- 'Instances': geometry_to_instance,
- 'Rotation': combine_xyz_3,
- 'Pivot Point': combine_xyz_4
- })
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [rotate_instances])
- door = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': rotate_instances}, label='door')
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"], 1: 2.1000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"], 1: multiply_7},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"], 1: 2.1000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: multiply_8},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- dishrack = nw.new_node(nodegroup_dish_rack().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Depth': subtract_1,
- 'Width': subtract,
- 'Radius': group_input.outputs["RackRadius"],
- 'Amount': 4,
- 'Height': 0.1000
- })
- geometry_to_instance_1 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance', input_kwargs={'Geometry': dishrack})
- duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(Nodes.DuplicateElements, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': geometry_to_instance_1,
- 'Amount': group_input.outputs["RackAmount"]
- }, attrs={'domain': 'INSTANCE'})
- multiply_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: 1.0000})
- multiply_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"], 1: 2.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: multiply_11},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["RackAmount"], 1: 1.0000})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_2, 1: add_3}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: divide}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': multiply_9, 'Y': multiply_10, 'Z': multiply_12})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Offset': combine_xyz_5
- })
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Material': group_input.outputs["Surface"]})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [set_material])
- racks = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': set_material}, label='racks')
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"], 1: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"]})
- reroute_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': add_4})
- reroute_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Width"]})
- reroute_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"]})
- combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': reroute_10, 'Y': reroute_11, 'Z': reroute_8})
- reroute_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Height"]})
- combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': reroute_9})
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_cube().name, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_6, 'Pos': combine_xyz_7})
- set_material_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_1, 'Material': group_input.outputs["Top"]})
- # set_shade_smooth_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_5})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_5})
- heater = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': join_geometry_2}, label='heater')
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [body, door, racks, heater]})
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [join_geometry])
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/appliances/microwave.py b/infinigen/assets/appliances/microwave.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e21353b3..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/appliances/microwave.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,447 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Hongyu Wen
-import bpy
-import random
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint as RI
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import generate_text
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import delete
-from infinigen.core.util.bevelling import get_bevel_edges, add_bevel, complete_bevel, complete_no_bevel
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
-class MicrowaveFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=[1., 1., 1.]):
- super(MicrowaveFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.dimensions = dimensions
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.params = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
- self.material_params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = self.get_material_params()
- self.params.update(self.material_params)
- def get_material_params(self):
- material_assignments = AssetList['MicrowaveFactory']()
- params = {
- "Surface": material_assignments['surface'].assign_material(),
- "Back": material_assignments['back'].assign_material(),
- "BlackGlass": material_assignments['black_glass'].assign_material(),
- "Glass": material_assignments['glass'].assign_material(),
- }
- wrapped_params = {
- k: surface.shaderfunc_to_material(v) for k, v in params.items()
- }
- scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments['wear_tear_prob']
- scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments['wear_tear']
- is_scratch = np.random.uniform() < scratch_prob
- is_edge_wear = np.random.uniform() < edge_wear_prob
- if not is_scratch:
- scratch = None
- if not is_edge_wear:
- edge_wear = None
- return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
- @staticmethod
- def sample_parameters(dimensions):
- depth = U(0.5, 0.7)
- width = U(0.6, 1.0)
- height = U(0.35, 0.45)
- panel_width = U(0.2, 0.4)
- margin_z = U(0.05, 0.1)
- door_thickness = U(0.02, 0.04)
- door_margin = U(0.03, 0.1)
- door_rotation = 0 # Set to 0 for now
- brand_name = generate_text()
- params = {
- "Depth": depth,
- "Width": width,
- "Height": height,
- "PanelWidth": panel_width,
- "MarginZ": margin_z,
- "DoorThickness": door_thickness,
- "DoorMargin": door_margin,
- "DoorRotation": door_rotation,
- "BrandName": brand_name,
- }
- return params
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- obj = butil.spawn_cube()
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'NODES', node_group=nodegroup_microwave_geometry(preprocess=True), ng_inputs=self.params, apply=True)
- bevel_edges = get_bevel_edges(obj)
- delete(obj)
- obj = butil.spawn_cube()
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'NODES', node_group=nodegroup_microwave_geometry(), ng_inputs=self.params, apply=True)
- obj = add_bevel(obj, bevel_edges)
- return obj
- def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- if self.scratch:
- self.scratch.apply(assets)
- if self.edge_wear:
- self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_plate', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_plate(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': 128})
- bezier_segment = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveBezierSegment,
- input_kwargs={'Start Handle': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 'End': (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.4000)})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': bezier_segment, 'Rotation': (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Profile Curve': transform})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'Scale', (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000))])
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Mesh': transform_1}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_text', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_text(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Translation', (1.5000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketString', 'String', 'BrandName'),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Size', 0.0500),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Offset Scale', 0.0020)])
- string_to_curves = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeStringToCurves',
- input_kwargs={'String': group_input.outputs["String"], 'Size': group_input.outputs["Size"]},
- attrs={'align_y': 'BOTTOM_BASELINE', 'align_x': 'CENTER'})
- fill_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': string_to_curves.outputs["Curve Instances"]})
- extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': fill_curve, 'Offset Scale': group_input.outputs["Offset Scale"]})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': group_input.outputs["Translation"], 'Rotation': (1.5708, 0.0000, 1.5708)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_center', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_center(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'MarginX', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'MarginY', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'MarginZ', 0.0000)])
- bounding_box = nw.new_node(Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vector"], 1: bounding_box.outputs["Min"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': subtract.outputs["Vector"]})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginX"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN', 'use_clamp': True})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: bounding_box.outputs["Max"], 1: group_input.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': subtract_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- greater_than_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginX"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN', 'use_clamp': True})
- op_and = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: greater_than_1})
- greater_than_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginY"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- greater_than_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginY"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN', 'use_clamp': True})
- op_and_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than_2, 1: greater_than_3})
- op_and_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and, 1: op_and_1})
- greater_than_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginZ"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN', 'use_clamp': True})
- greater_than_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginZ"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN', 'use_clamp': True})
- op_and_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than_4, 1: greater_than_5})
- op_and_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and_2, 1: op_and_3})
- op_not = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and_4}, attrs={'operation': 'NOT'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'In': op_and_4, 'Out': op_not}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_cube', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_cube(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Size', (0.1000, 10.0000, 4.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Pos', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 10)])
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': group_input.outputs["Size"], 'Vertices X': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Y': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Z': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_1, 'Name': 'uv_map'},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Size"], 1: (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000), 2: group_input.outputs["Pos"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute, 'Translation': multiply_add.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_microwave_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_microwave_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler, preprocess: bool=False):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Depth', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Width', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Height', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'PanelWidth', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'MarginZ', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'DoorThickness', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'DoorMargin', 0.0500),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'DoorRotation', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketString', 'BrandName', 'BrandName'),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'Surface', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'Back', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'BlackGlass', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'Glass', None),
- ])
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Depth"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Width"], 'Z': group_input.outputs["Height"]})
- cube = nw.new_node(nodegroup_cube().name, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: group_input.outputs["PanelWidth"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginZ"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Depth"], 'Y': subtract, 'Z': subtract_1})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["MarginZ"], 'Scale': 0.5000},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_cube().name, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_1, 'Pos': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- difference = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshBoolean, input_kwargs={'Mesh 1': cube, 'Mesh 2': cube_1})
- cube_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_cube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Size': (0.0300, 0.0300, 0.0100), 'Pos': (0.1000, 0.0000, 0.0500), 'Resolution': 2})
- geometry_to_instance_1 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance', input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_2})
- duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(Nodes.DuplicateElements,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry_to_instance_1, 'Amount': 10},
- attrs={'domain': 'INSTANCE'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: 0.0400},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': combine_xyz_7})
- duplicate_elements_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.DuplicateElements,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1, 'Amount': 7},
- attrs={'domain': 'INSTANCE'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: 0.0200},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_1})
- set_position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': combine_xyz_8})
- difference_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshBoolean,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh 1': difference.outputs["Mesh"], 'Mesh 2': [duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Geometry"], set_position_2]})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': difference_1.outputs["Mesh"], 'Material': group_input.outputs["Back"]})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Width"], 'Z': group_input.outputs["Height"]})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Depth"]})
- cube_3 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_cube().name, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_2, 'Pos': combine_xyz_3, 'Resolution': 10})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: group_input.outputs["PanelWidth"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["MarginZ"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_2, 1: multiply_2})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: add}, attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- separate_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_3, 'Selection': less_than},
- attrs={'domain': 'FACE'})
- convex_hull = nw.new_node(Nodes.ConvexHull, input_kwargs={'Geometry': separate_geometry.outputs["Selection"]})
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': convex_hull, 'Level': 0})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- center = nw.new_node(nodegroup_center().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh, 'Vector': position_1, 'MarginX': -1.0000, 'MarginZ': group_input.outputs["DoorMargin"]})
- set_material_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh, 'Selection': center.outputs["In"], 'Material': group_input.outputs["BlackGlass"]})
- set_material_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_3, 'Selection': center.outputs["Out"], 'Material': group_input.outputs["Surface"]})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"], 1: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"]})
- bounding_box_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: bounding_box_1.outputs["Min"], 1: bounding_box_1.outputs["Max"]})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: add_2.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 0.5000},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- separate_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': scale_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- separate_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': bounding_box_1.outputs["Min"]})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_4.outputs["Z"], 1: group_input.outputs["DoorMargin"]})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_1, 'Y': separate_xyz_3.outputs["Y"], 'Z': add_3})
- text = nw.new_node(nodegroup_text().name,
- input_kwargs={'Translation': combine_xyz_5, 'String': group_input.outputs["BrandName"], 'Size': 0.0300, 'Offset Scale': 0.0020})
- text = complete_no_bevel(nw, text, preprocess)
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material_2, text]})
- geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance', input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1})
- z = nw.scalar_multiply(group_input.outputs["DoorRotation"], 1 if not preprocess else 0)
- combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': z})
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': geometry_to_instance, 'Rotation': combine_xyz_6, 'Pivot Point': combine_xyz_3})
- plate = nw.new_node(nodegroup_plate().name, input_kwargs={'Scale': (0.1000, 0.1000, 0.1000)})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_1, 1: (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.0000), 2: scale.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': plate, 'Offset': multiply_add.outputs["Vector"]})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Material': group_input.outputs["Glass"]})
- convex_hull_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ConvexHull, input_kwargs={'Geometry': separate_geometry.outputs["Inverted"]})
- subdivide_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': convex_hull_1, 'Level': 0})
- position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- center_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_center().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh_1, 'Vector': position_2, 'MarginX': -1.0000, 'MarginY': 0.0010, 'MarginZ': group_input.outputs["DoorMargin"]})
- set_material_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh_1, 'Selection': center_1.outputs["In"], 'Material': group_input.outputs["BlackGlass"]})
- set_material_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_4, 'Selection': center_1.outputs["Out"], 'Material': group_input.outputs["Surface"]})
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"], 1: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"]})
- bounding_box = nw.new_node(Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh_1})
- add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: bounding_box.outputs["Min"], 1: bounding_box.outputs["Max"]})
- scale_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: add_5.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 0.5000},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': scale_2.outputs["Vector"]})
- separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': bounding_box.outputs["Max"]})
- subtract_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: group_input.outputs["DoorMargin"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_3, 1: -0.1000})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_4, 'Y': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 'Z': add_6})
- text_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_text().name,
- input_kwargs={'Translation': combine_xyz_4, 'String': '12:01', 'Offset Scale': 0.0050})
- text_1 = complete_no_bevel(nw, text_1, preprocess)
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material_1, rotate_instances, set_material, set_material_5, text_1]})
- geometry =nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,[join_geometry])
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/appliances/oven.py b/infinigen/assets/appliances/oven.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 16eeff2da..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/appliances/oven.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1215 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Hongyu Wen
-import bpy
-import random
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint as RI
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import generate_text
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import delete
-from infinigen.core.util.bevelling import get_bevel_edges, add_bevel, complete_bevel, complete_no_bevel
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_bbox
-from infinigen.core.surface import write_attr_data
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_normal
-from infinigen.core.tagging import PREFIX
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-class OvenFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=[1., 1., 1.]):
- super(OvenFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.dimensions = dimensions
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.params, self.geometry_node_params = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
- self.material_params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = self.get_material_params()
- self.geometry_node_params.update(self.material_params)
- def get_material_params(self):
- material_assignments = AssetList['OvenFactory']()
- params = {
- "Surface": material_assignments['surface'].assign_material(),
- "Back": material_assignments['back'].assign_material(),
- "WhiteMetal": material_assignments['white_metal'].assign_material(),
- "SuperBlackGlass": material_assignments['black_glass'].assign_material(),
- "Glass": material_assignments['glass'].assign_material(),
- }
- wrapped_params = {
- k: surface.shaderfunc_to_material(v) for k, v in params.items()
- }
- scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments['wear_tear_prob']
- scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments['wear_tear']
- is_scratch = np.random.uniform() < scratch_prob
- is_edge_wear = np.random.uniform() < edge_wear_prob
- if not is_scratch:
- scratch = None
- if not is_edge_wear:
- edge_wear = None
- return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
- @staticmethod
- def sample_parameters(dimensions):
- # depth, width, height = dimensions
- depth = 1 + N(0, 0.1)
- width = 1 + N(0, 0.1)
- height = 1 + N(0, 0.1)
- door_thickness = U(0.05, 0.1) * depth
- door_rotation = 0 # Set to 0 for now
- rack_radius = U(0.01, 0.02) * depth
- rack_h_amount = RI(2, 4)
- rack_d_amount = RI(4, 6)
- panel_height = U(0.2, 0.4) * height
- panel_thickness = U(0.15, 0.25) * depth
- botton_amount = RI(1, 3) * 2
- botton_radius = U(0.05, 0.1) * width
- botton_thickness = U(0.02, 0.04) * depth
- heat_radius_ratio = U(0.1, 0.2)
- brand_name = generate_text()
- use_gas = RI(2)
- n_grids = RI(2, 5)
- grids = [RI(1, 4) for i in range(n_grids)]
- branches = 2 * RI(2, 9)
- grate_thickness = U(0.01, 0.03)
- center_ratio = U(0.05, 0.15)
- middle_ratio = U(0.5, 0.7)
- params = {
- "UseGas": use_gas,
- "Grids": grids,
- "Branches": branches,
- "GrateThickness": grate_thickness,
- "CenterRatio": center_ratio,
- "MiddleRatio": middle_ratio,
- "Depth": depth,
- "Width": width,
- "Height": height,
- "DoorThickness": door_thickness,
- "DoorRotation": door_rotation,
- "RackRadius": rack_radius,
- "RackHAmount": rack_h_amount,
- "RackDAmount": rack_d_amount,
- "PanelHeight": panel_height,
- "PanelThickness": panel_thickness,
- "BottonAmount": botton_amount,
- "BottonRadius": botton_radius,
- "BottonThickness": botton_thickness,
- "HeaterRadiusRatio": heat_radius_ratio,
- "BrandName": brand_name,
- }
- geometry_node_params = {k: params[k] for k in params.keys() if k not in [
- "UseGas",
- "Grids",
- "Branches",
- "GrateThickness",
- "CenterRatio",
- "MiddleRatio",
- ]}
- return params, geometry_node_params
- def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
- # x, y, z = self.params["Depth"], self.params["Width"], self.params["Height"]
- # box = new_bbox(-x/2 - 0.05, x/2 + self.params["DoorThickness"] + 0.1, -y/2, y/2, 0, z + 0.1)
- # tagging.tag_object(box, f'{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.SupportSurface.value}', read_normal(box)[:, -1] > .5)
- # box_top = new_bbox(-x/2 - 0.05, -x/2 - 0.05 + self.params["PanelThickness"], -y/2, y/2, z + 0.1, z+ 0.1 + 0.5)
- # box_top.rotation_euler[1] = -0.1
- #box = butil.join_objects([box, box_top])
- obj = butil.spawn_cube()
- return butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'NODES', node_group=nodegroup_oven_geometry(use_gas=self.params["UseGas"], is_placeholder=True), ng_inputs=self.geometry_node_params, apply=True)
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- obj = butil.spawn_cube()
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'NODES', node_group=nodegroup_oven_geometry(preprocess=True, use_gas=self.params["UseGas"]), ng_inputs=self.geometry_node_params, apply=True)
- bevel_edges = get_bevel_edges(obj)
- delete(obj)
- obj = butil.spawn_cube()
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'NODES', node_group=nodegroup_oven_geometry(use_gas=self.params["UseGas"]), ng_inputs=self.geometry_node_params, apply=True)
- obj = add_bevel(obj, bevel_edges, offset=0.01)
- if not self.params["UseGas"]: return obj
- width, depth = self.params["Width"], self.params["Depth"] + 2 * self.params["DoorThickness"]
- grate_width, grate_depth = width * 0.8, depth * 0.6
- grate_thickness = self.params["GrateThickness"]
- grates = gas_grates(width, depth, grate_width, grate_depth, self.params["Height"] + self.params["DoorThickness"] - grate_thickness, grate_thickness, self.params["Grids"], self.params["Branches"], self.params["CenterRatio"], self.params["MiddleRatio"])
- grates.data.materials.append(self.geometry_node_params["WhiteMetal"])
- obj.data.materials.append(self.geometry_node_params["Back"])
- with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
- obj.active_material_index = len(obj.material_slots) - 1
- for i in range(len(obj.material_slots)): bpy.ops.object.material_slot_move(direction='UP')
- hollow= butil.spawn_cube(
- size=1,
- location=(depth / 2, width / 2, self.params["Height"] + self.params["DoorThickness"]),
- scale=(grate_depth + grate_thickness, grate_width + grate_thickness, grate_thickness * 2),
- )
- with butil.SelectObjects(hollow):
- bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='BEVEL')
- bpy.context.object.modifiers["Bevel"].segments = 8
- bpy.context.object.modifiers["Bevel"].width = grate_thickness
- bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply(modifier="Bevel")
- with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
- bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='BOOLEAN')
- bpy.context.object.modifiers["Boolean"].object = hollow
- bpy.context.object.modifiers["Boolean"].use_hole_tolerant = True
- bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply(modifier="Boolean")
- butil.delete(hollow)
- butil.join_objects([obj, grates], check_attributes=True)
- return obj
- def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- if self.scratch:
- self.scratch.apply(assets)
- if self.edge_wear:
- self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
-def gas_grates(width, depth, grate_width, grate_depth, height, thickness, grids, branches, center_ratio, middle_ratio):
- high_height = height + thickness * 0.9
- grates = []
- for i, n in enumerate(grids):
- cubes = [
- butil.spawn_cube(size=1, location=(depth / 2, grate_width / len(grids) * i + (width - grate_width) / 2 + thickness / 2, height), scale=(grate_depth + thickness, thickness, thickness), name=None),
- butil.spawn_cube(size=1, location=(depth / 2, grate_width / len(grids) * (i+1) + (width - grate_width) / 2 - thickness / 2, height), scale=(grate_depth + thickness, thickness, thickness), name=None),
- ]
- for j in range(n+1):
- cubes.append(butil.spawn_cube(
- size=1,
- location=(grate_depth / n * j + (depth - grate_depth) / 2, grate_width / len(grids) * (i+0.5) + (width - grate_width) / 2, high_height),
- scale=(thickness, grate_width / len(grids), thickness),
- ))
- for j in range(n):
- min_dist = min(grate_width / len(grids) / 2, grate_depth / n / 2)
- line_len = max(grate_width / len(grids) / 2, grate_depth / n / 2) - min_dist
- center_dist = min_dist * center_ratio
- middle_dist = min_dist * middle_ratio
- if grate_width / len(grids) / 2 > grate_depth / n / 2:
- x_center, y_center = center_dist, line_len + center_dist
- x_middle, y_middle = middle_dist, line_len + middle_dist
- x_full, y_full = min_dist, line_len + min_dist
- else:
- x_center, y_center = center_dist + line_len, center_dist
- x_middle, y_middle = middle_dist + line_len, middle_dist
- x_full, y_full = min_dist + line_len, min_dist
- center = (grate_depth / n * (j+0.5) + (depth - grate_depth) / 2), grate_width / len(grids) * (i+0.5) + (width - grate_width) / 2
- for k in range(branches):
- angle = 2 * np.pi / branches * k
- x0, y0 = x_center * np.cos(angle), y_center * np.sin(angle)
- x1, y1 = x_middle * np.cos(angle), y_middle * np.sin(angle)
- location = center[0] + (x0 + x1) / 2, center[1] + (y0 + y1) / 2, high_height
- scale = ((x0 - x1) ** 2 + (y0 - y1) ** 2) ** 0.5, thickness, thickness
- actual_angle = np.arctan2(y1-y0, x1-x0)
- obj = butil.spawn_cube(size=1, location=location, scale=scale)
- bpy.context.object.rotation_euler[2] = actual_angle
- cubes.append(obj)
- x0, y0 = x1, y1
- if x_full - abs(x0) < y_full - abs(y0):
- x1, y1 = x_full * np.sign(x0), y0
- else:
- x1, y1 = x0, y_full * np.sign(y0)
- location = center[0] + (x0 + x1) / 2, center[1] + (y0 + y1) / 2, high_height
- scale = ((x0 - x1) ** 2 + (y0 - y1) ** 2) ** 0.5, thickness, thickness
- actual_angle = np.arctan2(y1-y0, x1-x0)
- obj = butil.spawn_cube(size=1, location=location, scale=scale)
- bpy.context.object.rotation_euler[2] = actual_angle
- cubes.append(obj)
- grates.append(butil.spawn_cylinder(center_dist + thickness, thickness / 2, location=(center[0], center[1], height)))
- obj = butil.boolean(cubes)
- for i in range(1, len(cubes)):
- butil.delete(cubes[i])
- with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
- bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='REMESH')
- remesh_type = "VOXEL"
- bpy.context.object.modifiers["Remesh"].mode = remesh_type
- bpy.context.object.modifiers["Remesh"].voxel_size = 0.004
- bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply(modifier="Remesh")
- bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='SMOOTH')
- bpy.context.object.modifiers["Smooth"].iterations = 8
- bpy.context.object.modifiers["Smooth"].factor = 1
- bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply(modifier="Smooth")
- grates.append(obj)
- obj = butil.boolean(grates)
- for i in range(1, len(grates)):
- butil.delete(grates[i])
- return obj
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_hollow_cube', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_hollow_cube(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Size', (0.1000, 10.0000, 4.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Pos', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 2),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Thickness', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Switch1', False),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Switch2', False),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Switch3', False),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Switch4', False),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Switch5', False),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Switch6', False)])
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Size"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 1: 2.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 'Y': subtract, 'Z': subtract_1})
- cube_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_4, 'Vertices X': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Y': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Z': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_2.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cube_2.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Thickness"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Pos"]})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Size"], 'Scale': 0.5000},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': add_1, 'Z': subtract_2})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz_5})
- switch_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch3"], 14: transform_2})
- subtract_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': subtract_3, 'Z': group_input.outputs["Thickness"]})
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_2, 'Vertices X': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Y': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Z': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- store_named_attribute_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_1.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cube_1.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]})
- subtract_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply_1}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_2, 'Y': add_3, 'Z': subtract_4})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_4, 'Translation': combine_xyz_3})
- switch_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch2"], 14: transform_1})
- subtract_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': subtract_5, 'Z': group_input.outputs["Thickness"]})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz, 'Vertices X': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Y': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Z': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]})
- add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]})
- add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_4, 'Y': add_5, 'Z': add_6})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute, 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch1"], 14: transform})
- subtract_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- subtract_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 'Y': subtract_6, 'Z': subtract_7})
- cube_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_6, 'Vertices X': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Y': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Z': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- store_named_attribute_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_3.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cube_3.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- subtract_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: multiply_1}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]})
- subtract_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': subtract_8, 'Y': add_7, 'Z': subtract_9})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_5, 'Translation': combine_xyz_7})
- switch_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch4"], 14: transform_3})
- combine_xyz_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 'Z': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
- cube_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_9, 'Vertices X': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Y': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Z': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_4.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cube_4.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- add_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"]})
- add_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply_1})
- add_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"]})
- combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_8, 'Y': add_9, 'Z': add_10})
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_2, 'Translation': combine_xyz_8})
- switch_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch5"], 14: transform_4})
- combine_xyz_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 'Z': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
- cube_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_10, 'Vertices X': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Y': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Z': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- store_named_attribute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_5.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cube_5.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- add_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]})
- subtract_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply_1}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]})
- combine_xyz_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_11, 'Y': subtract_10, 'Z': add_12})
- transform_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_3, 'Translation': combine_xyz_11})
- switch_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch6"], 14: transform_5})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [switch_2.outputs[6], switch_1.outputs[6], switch.outputs[6], switch_3.outputs[6], switch_4.outputs[6], switch_5.outputs[6]]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_o', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_o(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'End': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0020)})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Size', 1.0000)])
- curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': group_input.outputs["Size"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"]})
- extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh, 'Offset Scale': 0.0030})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Mesh': extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"]}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_heater', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_heater(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'End': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0010)})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'radius_ratio', 0.2000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'arrangement_ratio', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketShader', 'SuperBlackGlass', None)])
- minimum = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: group_input.outputs["depth"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MINIMUM'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: minimum, 1: group_input.outputs["radius_ratio"]},
- label='Multiply',
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': multiply})
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line_1, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh_1, 'Material': group_input.outputs["SuperBlackGlass"]})
- geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance', input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: minimum, 1: group_input.outputs["arrangement_ratio"]},
- label='Multiply',
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: multiply_1}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- floor = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide}, attrs={'operation': 'FLOOR'})
- divide_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: multiply_1}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- floor_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide_1}, attrs={'operation': 'FLOOR'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: floor, 1: floor_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(Nodes.DuplicateElements,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry_to_instance, 'Amount': multiply_2},
- attrs={'domain': 'INSTANCE'})
- divide_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: floor_1}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- divide_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: floor},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- floor_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide_3}, attrs={'operation': 'FLOOR'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: floor_2, 1: divide_2}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide_2, 2: multiply_3}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- divide_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: floor}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- modulo = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: floor},
- attrs={'operation': 'MODULO'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: modulo, 1: divide_4}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide_4, 2: multiply_4}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_add, 'Y': multiply_add_1})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_position}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_oven_rack', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_oven_rack(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Width', 2.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Height', 2.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius', 0.0200),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Amount', 5)])
- quadrilateral = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral',
- input_kwargs={'Width': group_input.outputs["Width"], 'Height': group_input.outputs["Height"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_1})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'Start': combine_xyz_3, 'End': combine_xyz_4})
- geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance', input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_line})
- duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(Nodes.DuplicateElements,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry_to_instance, 'Amount': group_input.outputs["Amount"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'INSTANCE'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Amount"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: divide},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_3})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- duplicate_elements_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.DuplicateElements,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry_to_instance, 'Amount': group_input.outputs["Amount"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'INSTANCE'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- divide_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: group_input.outputs["Amount"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: divide_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_5})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': combine_xyz_1})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [quadrilateral, set_position, set_position_1]})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': join_geometry, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_text', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_text(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Translation', (1.5000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketString', 'String', 'BrandName'),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Size', 0.0500),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Offset Scale', 0.0020)])
- string_to_curves = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeStringToCurves',
- input_kwargs={'String': group_input.outputs["String"], 'Size': group_input.outputs["Size"]},
- attrs={'align_y': 'BOTTOM_BASELINE', 'align_x': 'CENTER'})
- fill_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': string_to_curves.outputs["Curve Instances"]})
- extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': fill_curve, 'Offset Scale': group_input.outputs["Offset Scale"]})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': group_input.outputs["Translation"], 'Rotation': (1.5708, 0.0000, 1.5708)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_handle', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_handle(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'length', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness', 0.0200)])
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': group_input.outputs["width"]})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': group_input.outputs["width"]})
- store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_1.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cube_1.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': group_input.outputs["length"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [store_named_attribute, transform]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz_3})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["length"], 1: group_input.outputs["width"]})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["width"], 'Y': add, 'Z': group_input.outputs["thickness"]})
- cube_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_1})
- store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_2.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cube_2.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["length"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: multiply_2})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_1, 'Z': add_1})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_2, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_2, transform_1]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_center', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_center(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'MarginX', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'MarginY', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'MarginZ', 0.0000)])
- bounding_box = nw.new_node(Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vector"], 1: bounding_box.outputs["Min"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': subtract.outputs["Vector"]})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginX"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN', 'use_clamp': True})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: bounding_box.outputs["Max"], 1: group_input.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': subtract_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- greater_than_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginX"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN', 'use_clamp': True})
- op_and = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: greater_than_1})
- greater_than_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginY"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- greater_than_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginY"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN', 'use_clamp': True})
- op_and_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than_2, 1: greater_than_3})
- op_and_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and, 1: op_and_1})
- greater_than_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginZ"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN', 'use_clamp': True})
- greater_than_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginZ"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN', 'use_clamp': True})
- op_and_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than_4, 1: greater_than_5})
- op_and_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and_2, 1: op_and_3})
- op_not = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and_4}, attrs={'operation': 'NOT'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'In': op_and_4, 'Out': op_not}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_cube', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_cube(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Size', (0.1000, 10.0000, 4.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Pos', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 2)])
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': group_input.outputs["Size"], 'Vertices X': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Y': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Z': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_1, 'Name': 'uv_map'},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Size"], 1: (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000), 2: group_input.outputs["Pos"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute, 'Translation': multiply_add.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_oven_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_oven_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler, preprocess: bool=False, use_gas: bool=False, is_placeholder: bool=False):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Depth', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Width', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Height', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'DoorThickness', 0.0700),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'DoorRotation', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'RackRadius', 0.0100),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'RackHAmount', 2),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'RackDAmount', 5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'PanelHeight', 0.3000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'PanelThickness', 0.2000),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'BottonAmount', 4),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'BottonRadius', 0.0500),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'BottonThickness', 0.0300),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'HeaterRadiusRatio', 0.1500),
- ('NodeSocketString', 'BrandName', 'BrandName'),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'Glass', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'Surface', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'WhiteMetal', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'SuperBlackGlass', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'Back', None),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'is_placeholder', is_placeholder)])
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Width"], 'Z': group_input.outputs["Height"]})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Depth"]})
- cube = nw.new_node(nodegroup_cube().name, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_1, 'Pos': combine_xyz_2})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- center = nw.new_node(nodegroup_center().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Vector': position, 'MarginX': -1.0000, 'MarginY': 0.1000, 'MarginZ': 0.1500})
- set_material_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Selection': center.outputs["In"], 'Material': group_input.outputs["Glass"]})
- set_material_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_2, 'Selection': center.outputs["Out"], 'Material': group_input.outputs["Surface"]})
- # set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_3})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: 0.0500}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: 0.8000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- handle = nw.new_node(nodegroup_handle().name,
- input_kwargs={'width': multiply, 'length': multiply_1, 'thickness': multiply_2})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"], 1: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"]})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: multiply_4})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: 0.9200}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': add_1, 'Z': multiply_5})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': handle, 'Translation': combine_xyz_13, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000)})
- set_material_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1, 'Material': group_input.outputs["WhiteMetal"]})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"], 1: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"]})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_2, 'Y': multiply_6, 'Z': 0.0300})
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: 0.0500}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- text = nw.new_node(nodegroup_text().name,
- input_kwargs={'Translation': combine_xyz_12, 'String': group_input.outputs["BrandName"], 'Size': multiply_7})
- text = complete_no_bevel(nw, text, preprocess)
- set_material_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': text, 'Material': group_input.outputs["WhiteMetal"]})
- set_material_8 = complete_bevel(nw, set_material_8, preprocess)
- join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material_3, set_material_8, set_material_9]})
- geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance', input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_3})
- y = nw.scalar_multiply(group_input.outputs["DoorRotation"], 1 if not preprocess else 0)
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': y})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Depth"]})
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': geometry_to_instance, 'Rotation': combine_xyz_3, 'Pivot Point': combine_xyz_4})
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [rotate_instances])
- door = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': rotate_instances}, label='door')
- multiply_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"], 1: 2.1000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"], 1: multiply_8},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"], 1: 2.1000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: multiply_9},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- ovenrack = nw.new_node(nodegroup_oven_rack().name,
- input_kwargs={'Width': subtract, 'Height': subtract_1, 'Radius': group_input.outputs["RackRadius"], 'Amount': group_input.outputs["RackDAmount"]})
- geometry_to_instance_1 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance', input_kwargs={'Geometry': ovenrack})
- duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(Nodes.DuplicateElements,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry_to_instance_1, 'Amount': group_input.outputs["RackHAmount"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'INSTANCE'})
- multiply_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: 1.0000})
- multiply_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"], 1: 2.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: multiply_12},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["RackHAmount"], 1: 1.0000})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_2, 1: add_4}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: divide}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_10, 'Y': multiply_11, 'Z': multiply_13})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': combine_xyz_5})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Material': group_input.outputs["Surface"]})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [set_material])
- racks = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': set_material}, label='racks')
- add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"], 1: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"]})
- reroute_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': add_5})
- reroute_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Width"]})
- reroute_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"]})
- combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': reroute_10, 'Y': reroute_11, 'Z': reroute_8})
- reroute_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Height"]})
- combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': reroute_9})
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_cube().name, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_6, 'Pos': combine_xyz_7})
- set_material_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_1, 'Material': group_input.outputs["Back"]})
- # set_shade_smooth_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_5})
- subtract_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute_10, 1: group_input.outputs["PanelThickness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["HeaterRadiusRatio"], 1: 2.0000, 2: 0.1000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- heater = nw.new_node(nodegroup_heater().name,
- input_kwargs={'width': reroute_11, 'depth': subtract_3, 'radius_ratio': group_input.outputs["HeaterRadiusRatio"], 'arrangement_ratio': multiply_add})
- add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_8, 1: reroute_9})
- combine_xyz_15 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["PanelThickness"], 'Z': add_6})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': heater, 'Translation': combine_xyz_15})
- transform_2 = complete_no_bevel(nw, transform_2, preprocess)
- if use_gas:
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material_5]})
- else:
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material_5, transform_2]})
- heater_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': join_geometry_2}, label='heater')
- reroute_14 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Width"]})
- combine_xyz_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["PanelThickness"], 'Y': reroute_14, 'Z': group_input.outputs["PanelHeight"]})
- add_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"]})
- combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': add_7})
- cube_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_cube().name, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_9, 'Pos': combine_xyz_8})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- center_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_center().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_2, 'Vector': position_1, 'MarginX': -1.0000, 'MarginY': 0.0500, 'MarginZ': 0.0500})
- set_material_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_2, 'Selection': center_1.outputs["In"], 'Material': group_input.outputs["Back"]})
- set_material_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_4, 'Selection': center_1.outputs["Out"], 'Material': group_input.outputs["Surface"]})
- # set_shade_smooth_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_7})
- reroute_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["PanelThickness"]})
- multiply_14 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_14}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- bounding_box = nw.new_node(Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_2})
- add_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: bounding_box.outputs["Min"], 1: bounding_box.outputs["Max"]})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: add_8.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 0.5000},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- combine_xyz_16 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': reroute_13, 'Y': multiply_14, 'Z': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
- multiply_15 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["PanelHeight"], 1: 0.2000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- text_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_text().name,
- input_kwargs={'Translation': combine_xyz_16, 'String': '12:01', 'Size': multiply_15})
- set_material_7 = complete_bevel(nw, set_material_7, preprocess)
- text_1 = complete_no_bevel(nw, text_1, preprocess)
- join_geometry_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material_7, text_1]})
- combine_xyz_21 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': group_input.outputs["BottonThickness"]})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'End': combine_xyz_21})
- reroute_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["BottonRadius"]})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': reroute_12})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- add_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_12, 1: 0.0050})
- o = nw.new_node(nodegroup_o().name, input_kwargs={'Size': add_9})
- join_geometry_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [curve_to_mesh, o]})
- combine_xyz_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': reroute_13, 'Z': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_4, 'Translation': combine_xyz_10, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000)})
- reroute_16 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
- reroute_15 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["BottonRadius"]})
- multiply_16 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["PanelHeight"], 1: 0.0500},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_15, 1: 1.0000, 2: multiply_16}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- add_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_16, 1: multiply_add_1})
- combine_xyz_17 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': reroute_13, 'Z': add_10})
- multiply_17 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["BottonRadius"], 1: 0.2500},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- text_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_text().name,
- input_kwargs={'Translation': combine_xyz_17, 'String': 'Off', 'Size': multiply_17})
- multiply_add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_15, 1: 0.7000, 2: multiply_16}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- add_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_16, 1: multiply_add_2})
- combine_xyz_18 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': reroute_13, 'Y': multiply_add_2, 'Z': add_11})
- text_3 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_text().name,
- input_kwargs={'Translation': combine_xyz_18, 'String': 'High', 'Size': multiply_17})
- multiply_18 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_16, 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute_15, 1: -0.7000, 2: multiply_18},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- combine_xyz_19 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': reroute_13, 'Y': multiply_add_3, 'Z': add_11})
- text_4 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_text().name,
- input_kwargs={'Translation': combine_xyz_19, 'String': 'Low', 'Size': multiply_17})
- add_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_13, 1: group_input.outputs["BottonThickness"]})
- combine_xyz_20 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_12, 'Z': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
- multiply_19 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["BottonThickness"], 1: 0.1000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- text_5 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_text().name,
- input_kwargs={'Translation': combine_xyz_20, 'String': '1', 'Size': group_input.outputs["BottonRadius"], 'Offset Scale': multiply_19})
- join_geometry_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform, text_2, text_3, text_4, text_5]})
- geometry_to_instance_2 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance', input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_6})
- add_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["BottonAmount"], 1: 2.0000})
- reroute_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': add_13})
- duplicate_elements_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.DuplicateElements,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry_to_instance_2, 'Amount': reroute_6},
- attrs={'domain': 'INSTANCE'})
- add_14 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: 1.0000})
- add_15 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_6, 1: 1.0000})
- divide_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: add_15}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply_20 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_14, 1: divide_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_20})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': combine_xyz_11})
- multiply_21 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_13}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_16 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_21, 1: -1.0100})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: add_16},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- add_17 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_21, 1: 0.9900})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: add_17},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- minimum = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: less_than}, attrs={'operation': 'MINIMUM'})
- delete_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1, 'Selection': minimum},
- attrs={'domain': 'INSTANCE'})
- set_material_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': delete_geometry, 'Material': group_input.outputs["WhiteMetal"]})
- botton = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': set_material_6}, label='botton')
- botton = complete_no_bevel(nw, botton, preprocess)
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [join_geometry_5, botton]})
- geometry_to_instance_3 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance', input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1})
- combine_xyz_14 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': group_input.outputs["Height"]})
- panel_bbox = nw.new_node(Nodes.BoundingBox,input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry_to_instance_3})
- switch_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={'Switch': group_input.outputs["is_placeholder"], 'False': geometry_to_instance_3, 'True': panel_bbox})
- rotate_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': switch_1, 'Rotation': (0.0000, -0.1745, 0.0000), 'Pivot Point': combine_xyz_14})
- rotate_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [rotate_instances_1])
- panel = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': rotate_instances_1}, label='panel')
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Depth"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Width"], 'Z': group_input.outputs["Height"]})
- hollowcube = nw.new_node(nodegroup_hollow_cube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz, 'Thickness': group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"], 'Switch2': True, 'Switch4': True})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': hollowcube, 'Material': group_input.outputs["Surface"]})
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_material_1, 'Level': 0})
- # set_shade_smooth_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh})
- body = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': subdivide_mesh}, label='Body')
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [door, racks, heater_1, panel, body]})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [door, racks, heater_1, body]})
- body_bbox = nw.new_node(Nodes.BoundingBox,input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_2})
- join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [body_bbox, panel]})
- switch_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={'Switch': group_input.outputs["is_placeholder"], 'False': join_geometry, 'True': join_geometry_3})
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,[switch_2])
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/appliances/tv.py b/infinigen/assets/appliances/tv.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a1dcebc6..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/appliances/tv.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
-# of this source tree.
-# Authors:
-# - Lingjie Mei: primary author
-# - Karhan Kayan: fix rotation
-import bpy
-import bmesh
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, write_attribute, write_co, read_area, mirror, read_normal
-from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_radius
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import data2mesh, join_objects, mesh2obj, new_bbox, new_cube, new_plane
-from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import compute_uv_direction, face_corner2faces, unwrap_faces
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.surface import read_attr_data, write_attr_data
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
-from infinigen.assets.materials.text import Text
-class TVFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(TVFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- self.aspect_ratio = np.random.choice([9 / 16, 3 / 4])
- self.width = uniform(0.6, 2.1)
- self.screen_bevel_width = uniform(0, .01)
- self.side_margin = log_uniform(.005, .01)
- self.bottom_margin = uniform(.005, .03)
- self.depth = uniform(.02, .04)
- self.has_depth_extrude = uniform() < .4
- if self.has_depth_extrude:
- self.depth_extrude = self.depth * uniform(2, 5)
- else:
- self.depth_extrude = self.depth * 1.5
- self.leg_type = np.random.choice(['two-legged', 'single-legged']) # 'none',
- self.leg_length = uniform(.1, .2)
- self.leg_length_y = uniform(.1, .15)
- self.leg_radius = uniform(.008, .015)
- self.leg_width = uniform(.5, .8)
- self.leg_bevel_width = uniform(.01, .02)
- materials = self.get_material_params()
- self.surface = materials['surface']
- self.scratch = materials['scratch']
- self.edge_wear = materials['edge_wear']
- self.screen_surface = materials['screen_surface']
- self.support_surface = materials['support']
- def get_material_params(self):
- material_assignments = AssetList['TVFactory']()
- surface = material_assignments['surface'].assign_material()
- scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments['wear_tear_prob']
- scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments['wear_tear']
- is_scratch = np.random.uniform() < scratch_prob
- is_edge_wear = np.random.uniform() < edge_wear_prob
- if not is_scratch:
- scratch = None
- if not is_edge_wear:
- edge_wear = None
- args = (self.factory_seed, False)
- kwargs = {'emission': 0.01 if uniform() < 0.1 else uniform(2, 3)}
- screen_surface = material_assignments['screen_surface'].assign_material()
- if screen_surface == Text:
- screen_surface = screen_surface(*args, **kwargs)
- support = material_assignments['support'].assign_material()
- return {
- 'surface': surface, 'scratch': scratch, 'edge_wear': edge_wear, 'screen_surface': screen_surface,
- 'support': support
- }
- @property
- def height(self):
- return self.aspect_ratio * self.width
- @property
- def total_width(self):
- return self.width + 2 * self.side_margin
- @property
- def total_height(self):
- return self.height + self.side_margin + self.bottom_margin
- def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
- match self.leg_type:
- case 'two-legged':
- max_x = self.leg_length_y / 2 - (1 - self.leg_width) * self.depth_extrude
- case _:
- max_x = self.leg_length_y / 2 - self.depth_extrude / 2
- return new_bbox(
- - self.depth_extrude - self.depth, max_x, -self.total_width / 2,
- self.total_width / 2, -self.leg_length - self.leg_radius / 2, self.total_height
- )
- def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- obj = self.make_base()
- self.make_screen(obj)
- parts = [obj]
- match self.leg_type:
- case 'two-legged':
- legs = self.add_two_legs()
- case _:
- legs = self.add_single_leg()
- for l in legs:
- write_attribute(l, 1, 'leg', 'FACE', 'INT')
- parts.extend(legs)
- obj = join_objects(parts)
- obj.rotation_euler[2] = np.pi / 2
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- return obj
- def make_screen(self, obj):
- cutter = new_cube()
- cutter.location = 0, -1, 1
- butil.apply_transform(cutter, True)
- cutter.scale = self.width / 2, 1, self.height / 2
- cutter.location = 0, 1e-3, self.bottom_margin
- butil.apply_transform(cutter, True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BOOLEAN', object=cutter, operation='DIFFERENCE')
- butil.delete(cutter)
- areas = read_area(obj)
- screen = np.zeros(len(areas), int)
- y = read_normal(obj)[:, 1] < 0
- screen[np.argmax(areas + 1e5 * y)] = 1
- fc2f = face_corner2faces(obj)
- unwrap_faces(obj, screen)
- bbox = compute_uv_direction(obj, 'x', 'z', screen[fc2f])
- write_attr_data(obj, 'screen', screen, domain='FACE', type='INT')
- self.screen_surface.apply(obj, 'screen', bbox)
- def make_base(self):
- obj = new_cube()
- obj.location = 0, 1, 1
- butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- obj.scale = self.total_width / 2, self.depth / 2, self.total_height / 2
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BEVEL', width=self.screen_bevel_width, segments=8)
- if not self.has_depth_extrude:
- return obj
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
- geom = [f for f in bm.faces if f.normal[1] > .5]
- bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context='FACES_KEEP_BOUNDARY')
- bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data)
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.region_to_loop()
- height_min, height_max = self.total_height * uniform(.1, .3), self.total_height * uniform(.5, .7)
- width = self.total_width * uniform(.3, .6)
- extra = new_plane()
- extra.scale = width / 2, (height_max - height_min) / 2, 1
- extra.rotation_euler[0] = -np.pi / 2
- extra.location = 0, self.depth_extrude + self.depth, self.total_height / 2
- obj = join_objects([obj, extra])
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops(number_cuts=32, profile_shape_factor=-uniform(.0, .4))
- x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
- z += (height_max + height_min - self.total_height) / 2 * np.clip(
- y - self.depth, 0,
- None
- ) / self.depth_extrude
- write_co(obj, np.stack([x, y, z], -1))
- return obj
- def add_two_legs(self):
- vertices = (-self.total_width / 2 * self.leg_width * uniform(0, .6), 0, self.total_height * uniform(.3, .5)), (
- 0, 0, -self.leg_length), (
- 0, self.leg_length_y / 2, -self.leg_length), (0, -self.leg_length_y / 2, -self.leg_length)
- edges = (0, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3)
- leg = mesh2obj(data2mesh(vertices, edges))
- surface.add_geomod(leg, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[self.leg_radius, 16])
- x, y, z = read_co(leg).T
- write_co(leg, np.stack([x, y, np.maximum(z, -self.leg_length - self.leg_radius * uniform(.0, .6))], -1))
- leg_ = deep_clone_obj(leg)
- butil.select_none()
- leg.location = self.total_width / 2 * self.leg_width, (1 - self.leg_width) * self.depth_extrude, 0
- butil.apply_transform(leg, True)
- mirror(leg_)
- leg_.location = -self.total_width / 2 * self.leg_width, (1 - self.leg_width) * self.depth_extrude, 0
- butil.apply_transform(leg_, True)
- return [leg, leg_]
- def add_single_leg(self):
- leg = new_cube()
- leg.location = 0, 1, 1
- butil.apply_transform(leg, True)
- leg.location = 0, self.depth_extrude / 2, -self.leg_length
- leg.scale = [self.total_width * uniform(.05, .1), self.leg_radius,
- (self.leg_length + self.total_height * uniform(.3, .5)) / 2]
- butil.apply_transform(leg, True)
- butil.modify_mesh(leg, 'BEVEL', width=self.leg_bevel_width, segments=8)
- base = new_cube()
- base.location = 0, self.depth_extrude / 2, -self.leg_length
- base.scale = [self.total_width * uniform(.15, .3), self.leg_length_y / 2, self.leg_radius]
- butil.apply_transform(base, True)
- butil.modify_mesh(base, 'BEVEL', width=self.leg_bevel_width, segments=8)
- return [leg, base]
- def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- self.surface.apply(assets, selection='!screen', rough=True, metal_color='bw')
- self.support_surface.apply(assets, selection='leg', rough=True, metal_color='bw')
-class MonitorFactory(TVFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(MonitorFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- self.width = log_uniform(.4, .8)
- self.leg_type = 'single-legged'
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/bathroom/toilet.py b/infinigen/assets/bathroom/toilet.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e82f638e..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/bathroom/toilet.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
- read_center, read_co, read_edge_center, read_edges, read_normal,
- select_edges, select_faces, select_vertices, subsurf, write_attribute, write_co,
-from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import align_bezier
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_bbox, new_cube, new_cylinder
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
-from infinigen.core.util.math import normalize, FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
-class ToiletFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- self.size = uniform(.4, .5)
- self.width = self.size * uniform(.7, .8)
- self.height = self.size * uniform(.8, .9)
- self.size_mid = uniform(.6, .65)
- self.curve_scale = log_uniform(.8, 1.2, 4)
- self.depth = self.size * uniform(.5, .6)
- self.tube_scale = uniform(.25, .3)
- self.thickness = uniform(.05, .06)
- self.extrude_height = uniform(.015, .02)
- self.stand_depth = self.depth * uniform(.85, .95)
- self.stand_scale = uniform(.7, .85)
- self.bottom_offset = uniform(.5, 1.5)
- self.back_thickness = self.thickness * uniform(0, .8)
- self.back_size = self.size * uniform(.55, .65)
- self.back_scale = uniform(.8, 1.)
- self.seat_thickness = uniform(.1, .3) * self.thickness
- self.seat_size = self.thickness * uniform(1.2, 1.6)
- self.has_seat_cut = uniform() < .1
- self.tank_width = self.width * uniform(1., 1.2)
- self.tank_height = self.height * uniform(.6, 1.)
- self.tank_size = self.back_size - self.seat_size - uniform(.02, .03)
- self.tank_cap_height = uniform(.03, .04)
- self.tank_cap_extrude = 0 if uniform() < .5 else uniform(.005, .01)
- self.cover_rotation = - uniform(0, np.pi / 2)
- self.hardware_type = np.random.choice(['button', 'handle'])
- self.hardware_cap = uniform(.01, .015)
- self.hardware_radius = uniform(.015, .02)
- self.hardware_length = uniform(.04, .05)
- self.hardware_on_side = uniform() < .5
- material_assignments = AssetList['ToiletFactory']()
- self.surface = material_assignments['surface'].assign_material()
- self.hardware_surface = material_assignments['hardware_surface'].assign_material()
- is_scratch = uniform() < material_assignments['wear_tear_prob'][0]
- is_edge_wear = uniform() < material_assignments['wear_tear_prob'][1]
- self.scratch = material_assignments['wear_tear'][0] if is_scratch else None
- self.edge_wear = material_assignments['wear_tear'][1] if is_edge_wear else None
- @property
- def mid_offset(self):
- return (1 - self.size_mid) * self.size
- def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
- return new_bbox(
- -self.mid_offset - self.back_size - self.tank_cap_extrude,
- self.size_mid * self.size + self.thickness + self.thickness,
- -self.width / 2 - self.thickness * 1.1, self.width / 2 + self.thickness * 1.1, -self.height,
- max(
- self.tank_height,
- -np.sin(self.cover_rotation) * (self.seat_size + self.size + self.thickness + self.thickness)
- )
- )
- def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- upper = self.build_curve()
- lower = deep_clone_obj(upper)
- lower.scale = [self.tube_scale] * 3
- lower.location = 0, self.tube_scale * self.mid_offset / 2, -self.depth
- butil.apply_transform(lower, True)
- bottom = deep_clone_obj(upper)
- bottom.scale = [self.stand_scale] * 3
- bottom.location = 0, self.tube_scale * (
- 1 - self.size_mid) * self.size / 2 * self.bottom_offset, -self.height
- butil.apply_transform(bottom, True)
- obj = self.make_tube(lower, upper)
- seat, cover = self.make_seat(obj)
- stand = self.make_stand(obj, bottom)
- back = self.make_back(obj)
- tank = self.make_tank()
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BEVEL', segments=2)
- match self.hardware_type:
- case 'button':
- hardware = self.add_button()
- case _:
- hardware = self.add_handle()
- write_attribute(hardware, 1, 'hardware', 'FACE')
- obj = join_objects([obj, seat, cover, stand, back, tank, hardware])
- obj.rotation_euler[-1] = np.pi / 2
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- return obj
- def build_curve(self):
- x_anchors = [0, self.width / 2, 0]
- y_anchors = [-self.size_mid * self.size, 0, self.mid_offset]
- axes = [np.array([1, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 1, 0]), np.array([1, 0, 0])]
- obj = align_bezier([x_anchors, y_anchors, 0], axes, self.curve_scale)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'MIRROR', use_axis=(True, False, False))
- return obj
- def make_tube(self, lower, upper):
- obj = join_objects([upper, lower])
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops(
- number_cuts=np.random.randint(12, 16),
- profile_shape_factor=uniform(.1, .2), interpolation='SURFACE'
- )
- butil.modify_mesh(
- obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.thickness, offset=1, solidify_mode='NON_MANIFOLD',
- nonmanifold_boundary_mode='FLAT'
- )
- normal = read_normal(obj)
- select_faces(obj, normal[:, -1] > .9)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_region_move(
- TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': (0, 0, self.thickness + self.extrude_height)}
- )
- x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
- write_co(obj, np.stack([x, y, np.clip(z, None, self.extrude_height)], -1))
- return obj
- def make_seat(self, obj):
- seat = self.make_plane(obj)
- cover = deep_clone_obj(seat)
- butil.modify_mesh(seat, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.extrude_height, offset=1)
- if self.has_seat_cut:
- cutter = new_cube()
- cutter.scale = [self.thickness] * 3
- cutter.location = 0, -self.thickness / 2 - self.size_mid * self.size, 0
- butil.apply_transform(cutter, True)
- butil.select_none()
- butil.modify_mesh(seat, 'BOOLEAN', object=cutter, operation='DIFFERENCE')
- butil.delete(cutter)
- butil.modify_mesh(seat, 'BEVEL', segments=2)
- x, y, _ = read_edge_center(cover).T
- i = np.argmin(np.abs(x) + np.abs(y))
- selection = np.full(len(x), False)
- selection[i] = True
- select_edges(cover, selection)
- with butil.ViewportMode(cover, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.loop_multi_select()
- bpy.ops.mesh.fill_grid()
- butil.modify_mesh(cover, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.extrude_height, offset=1)
- cover.location = [0, -self.mid_offset - self.seat_size + self.extrude_height / 2,
- -self.extrude_height / 2]
- butil.apply_transform(cover, True)
- cover.rotation_euler[0] = self.cover_rotation
- cover.location = [0, self.mid_offset + self.seat_size - self.extrude_height / 2,
- self.extrude_height * 1.5]
- butil.apply_transform(cover, True)
- butil.modify_mesh(cover, 'BEVEL', segments=2)
- return seat, cover
- def make_plane(self, obj):
- select_faces(obj, lambda x, y, z: z > self.extrude_height * 2 / 3)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.duplicate_move()
- bpy.ops.mesh.separate(type='SELECTED')
- seat = next(o for o in bpy.context.selected_objects if o != obj)
- butil.select_none()
- select_vertices(seat, lambda x, y, z: y > self.mid_offset + self.seat_thickness)
- with butil.ViewportMode(seat, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(
- TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': (0, self.seat_size + self.thickness * 2, 0)}
- )
- x, y, z = read_co(seat).T
- write_co(seat, np.stack([x, np.clip(y, None, self.mid_offset + self.seat_size), z], -1))
- return seat
- def make_stand(self, obj, bottom):
- co = read_co(obj)[read_edges(obj).reshape(-1)].reshape(-1, 2, 3)
- horizontal = np.abs(normalize(co[:, 0] - co[:, 1])[:, -1]) < .1
- x, y, z = read_edge_center(obj).T
- under_depth = z < -self.stand_depth
- i = np.argmin(y - horizontal - under_depth)
- selection = np.full(len(co), False)
- selection[i] = True
- select_edges(obj, selection)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.loop_multi_select()
- bpy.ops.mesh.duplicate_move()
- bpy.ops.mesh.separate(type='SELECTED')
- stand = next(o for o in bpy.context.selected_objects if o != obj)
- stand = join_objects([stand, bottom])
- with butil.ViewportMode(stand, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops(
- number_cuts=np.random.randint(12, 16),
- profile_shape_factor=uniform(.0, .15)
- )
- return stand
- def make_back(self, obj):
- back = read_center(obj)[:, 1] > self.mid_offset - self.back_thickness
- back_facing = read_normal(obj)[:, 1] > .1
- butil.select_none()
- select_faces(obj, back & back_facing)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.region_to_loop()
- bpy.ops.mesh.duplicate_move()
- bpy.ops.mesh.separate(type='SELECTED')
- back = next(o for o in bpy.context.selected_objects if o != obj)
- butil.modify_mesh(back, 'CORRECTIVE_SMOOTH')
- butil.select_none()
- with butil.ViewportMode(back, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(
- TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': (0, self.back_size + self.thickness * 2, 0)}
- )
- bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(self.back_scale, 1, 1))
- bpy.ops.mesh.edge_face_add()
- back.location[1] -= .01
- butil.apply_transform(back, True)
- x, y, z = read_co(back).T
- write_co(back, np.stack([x, np.clip(y, None, self.mid_offset + self.back_size), z], -1))
- return back
- def make_tank(self):
- tank = new_cube()
- tank.scale = self.tank_width / 2, self.tank_size / 2, self.tank_height / 2
- tank.location = 0, self.mid_offset + self.back_size - self.tank_size / 2, self.tank_height / 2
- butil.apply_transform(tank, True)
- subsurf(tank, 2, True)
- butil.modify_mesh(tank, 'BEVEL', segments=2)
- cap = new_cube()
- cap.scale = self.tank_width / 2 + self.tank_cap_extrude, self.tank_size / 2 + self.tank_cap_extrude, \
- self.tank_cap_height / 2
- cap.location = 0, self.mid_offset + self.back_size - self.tank_size / 2, self.tank_height
- butil.apply_transform(cap, True)
- butil.modify_mesh(cap, 'BEVEL', width=uniform(0, self.extrude_height), segments=4)
- tank = join_objects([tank, cap])
- return tank
- def add_button(self):
- obj = new_cylinder()
- obj.scale = self.hardware_radius, self.hardware_radius, self.tank_cap_height / 2 + 1e-3
- obj.location = 0, self.mid_offset + self.back_size - self.tank_size / 2, self.tank_height
- butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- return obj
- def add_handle(self):
- obj = new_cylinder()
- obj.scale = self.hardware_radius, self.hardware_radius, self.hardware_cap
- obj.rotation_euler[0] = np.pi / 2
- butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- lever = new_cylinder()
- lever.scale = self.hardware_radius / 2, self.hardware_radius / 2, self.hardware_length
- lever.rotation_euler[1] = np.pi / 2
- lever.location = [-self.hardware_radius * uniform(0, .5), -self.hardware_cap,
- -self.hardware_radius * uniform(0, .5)]
- butil.apply_transform(lever, True)
- obj = join_objects([obj, lever])
- if self.hardware_on_side:
- obj.location = [-self.tank_width / 2 + self.hardware_radius + uniform(.01, .02),
- self.mid_offset + self.back_size - self.tank_size,
- self.tank_height - self.hardware_radius - uniform(.02, .03)]
- else:
- obj.location = [-self.tank_width / 2,
- self.mid_offset + self.back_size - self.tank_size + self.hardware_radius + uniform(.01, .02),
- self.tank_height - self.hardware_radius - uniform(.02, .03)]
- obj.rotation_euler[-1] = -np.pi / 2
- butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BEVEL', width=uniform(.005, .01), segments=2)
- return obj
- def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- self.surface.apply(assets, clear=True, metal_color='plain')
- self.hardware_surface.apply(assets, 'hardware', metal_color='natural')
- if self.scratch:
- self.scratch.apply(assets)
- if self.edge_wear:
- self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/cactus/columnar.py b/infinigen/assets/cactus/columnar.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 84480da89..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/cactus/columnar.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import geo_extension
-from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import align_tilt
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.cactus.base import BaseCactusFactory
-from infinigen.assets.trees.tree import build_radius_tree
-from infinigen.core import tagging
-class ColumnarBaseCactusFactory(BaseCactusFactory):
- spike_distance = .08
- @staticmethod
- def radius_fn(base_radius, size, resolution):
- radius_decay = uniform(.5, .8)
- radius_decay_root = uniform(.7, .9)
- leaf_alpha = uniform(2, 3)
- radius = base_radius * radius_decay * np.ones(size * resolution)
- radius[:resolution] *= radius_decay_root ** (1 - np.arange(resolution) / resolution)
- radius[-resolution:] *= (1 - (np.arange(resolution) / resolution) ** leaf_alpha) ** (1 / leaf_alpha)
- return radius
- @property
- def branch_config(self):
- n_major = 16
- n_minor = np.random.randint(10, 14)
- b_minor = np.random.randint(2, 4)
- while True:
- angles = uniform(0, np.pi * 2, b_minor)
- s = np.sort(angles)
- if (np.concatenate([s[1:], [s[0] + np.pi * 2]]) - s > np.pi / 3).all():
- break
- minor_config = {
- 'n': b_minor,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {
- 'n_pts': n_minor,
- 'std': .4,
- 'momentum': .1,
- 'sz': .2,
- 'pull_dir': [0, 0, 1],
- 'pull_init': 0.,
- 'pull_factor': 4.
- },
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {
- 'ang_min': np.pi / 2.5,
- 'ang_max': np.pi / 2,
- 'rng': [.2, .6],
- 'axis2': [np.cos(angles[idx]), np.sin(angles[idx]), 0]
- },
- 'children': []
- }
- major_config = {
- 'n': 1,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': n_major, 'std': .4, 'momentum': .99, 'sz': .3},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'init_vec': [0, 0, 1]},
- 'children': [minor_config]
- }
- return major_config
- def create_asset(self, face_size=.01, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- resolution = 16
- base_radius = .25
- obj = build_radius_tree(self.radius_fn, self.branch_config, base_radius, resolution, True)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_star, apply=True, input_attributes=[None, 'radius'],
- attributes=['selection'])
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_extension, apply=True, input_kwargs={'musgrave_dimensions': '2D'})
- return obj
- @staticmethod
- def geo_star(nw: NodeWrangler):
- perturb = .1
- curve, radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Radius', None)]).outputs[:2]
- star_resolution = np.random.randint(5, 8)
- circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCircle, [star_resolution * 3])
- circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, [circle, None, None, nw.uniform([-perturb] * 3, [perturb] * 3)])
- circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, [circle], input_kwargs={'Scale': [*uniform(.8, 1., 2), 1]})
- selection = nw.compare('EQUAL', nw.math('MODULO', nw.new_node(Nodes.Index), 2), 0)
- circle, _, selection = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute, [circle, None, selection]).outputs[:3]
- circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, [circle, selection,
- nw.scale(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition), uniform(1.15, 1.25))])
- profile_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve, [circle])
- curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve, [curve])
- curve = align_tilt(nw, curve, noise_strength=uniform(np.pi / 4, np.pi /2))
- curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius, [curve, None, radius])
- geometry = nw.curve2mesh(curve, profile_curve)
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry, 'Selection': selection})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/cactus/globular.py b/infinigen/assets/cactus/globular.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b78785f93..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/cactus/globular.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.cactus.base import BaseCactusFactory
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_cube
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import geo_extension
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core import tagging
-class GlobularBaseCactusFactory(BaseCactusFactory):
- spike_distance = .08
- @staticmethod
- def geo_globular(nw: NodeWrangler):
- star_resolution = np.random.randint(6, 12)
- resolution = 64
- frequency = uniform(-.2, .2)
- circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCircle, [star_resolution * 3])
- selection = nw.compare('EQUAL', nw.math('MODULO', nw.new_node(Nodes.Index), 2), 0)
- circle, _, selection = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute, [circle, None, selection]).outputs[:3]
- circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- [circle, selection, nw.scale(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition), uniform(1.1, 1.2))])
- profile_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve, [circle])
- curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve, [nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine), None, resolution])
- anchors = [(0, uniform(.2, .4)), (uniform(.4, .6), log_uniform(.5, .8)),
- (uniform(.8, .85), uniform(.4, .6)), (1., .05)]
- radius = nw.scalar_multiply(nw.build_float_curve(nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter), anchors, 'AUTO'),
- log_uniform(.5, 1.))
- curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius, [curve, None, radius])
- curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveTilt, [curve, None,
- nw.scalar_multiply(nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter), 2 * np.pi * frequency)])
- geometry = nw.curve2mesh(curve, profile_curve)
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry, 'Selection': selection})
- def create_asset(self, face_size=.01, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- obj = new_cube()
- surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_globular, apply=True, attributes=['selection'])
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_extension, apply=True, input_kwargs={'musgrave_dimensions': '2D'})
- obj.scale = uniform(.8, 1.5, 3)
- obj.rotation_euler[-1] = uniform(0, np.pi * 2)
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/cactus/kalidium.py b/infinigen/assets/cactus/kalidium.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e0dc9c0e9..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/cactus/kalidium.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.trees.tree import TreeVertices, build_radius_tree, recursive_path
-from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_radius
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import data2mesh, mesh2obj, new_cube, origin2lowest, separate_loose
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import displace_vertices, geo_extension, read_co, remove_vertices, \
- subsurface2face_size
-from infinigen.assets.utils.shortest_path import geo_shortest_path
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.cactus.base import BaseCactusFactory
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-class KalidiumBaseCactusFactory(BaseCactusFactory):
- cap_percentage = .0
- noise_strength = .0
- density = .0
- @staticmethod
- def build_twig(i):
- branch_config = {
- 'n': 1,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 5, 'std': .5, 'momentum': .85, 'sz': .01},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'init_vec': (0, 0, 1)}
- }
- obj = build_radius_tree(None, branch_config, .005)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=['radius'])
- return obj
- def create_asset(self, face_size=.01, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- resolution = 20
- obj = new_cube(location=(1, 1, 1))
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'ARRAY', count=resolution, relative_offset_displace=(1, 0, 0),
- use_merge_vertices=True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'ARRAY', count=resolution, relative_offset_displace=(0, 1, 0),
- use_merge_vertices=True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'ARRAY', count=resolution, relative_offset_displace=(0, 0, 1),
- use_merge_vertices=True)
- obj.scale = [1 / resolution] * 3
- obj.location = -1, -1, -.1
- butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
- remove_vertices(obj,
- lambda x, y, z: (x ** 2 + y ** 2 + (z - 1) ** 2 > 1.1) | (uniform(0, 1, len(x)) < .05))
- end_indices = np.nonzero(read_co(obj)[:, -1] < 5 / resolution)[0]
- end_index = lambda nw: nw.build_index_case(np.random.choice(end_indices, 5))
- displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: uniform(-.8 / resolution, .8 / resolution, (3, len(x))))
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(quad_method='BEAUTY', ngon_method='BEAUTY')
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_extension, apply=True)
- weight = lambda nw: nw.scalar_multiply(
- nw.vector_math('DISTANCE', *nw.new_node(Nodes.InputEdgeVertices).outputs[2:]), nw.uniform(.8, 1))
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_shortest_path, apply=True, input_args=[end_index, weight, .05])
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[.006])
- twigs = make_asset_collection(self.build_twig, 5, verbose=False)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_twigs, apply=True, input_args=[twigs])
- butil.delete_collection(twigs)
- obj = separate_loose(obj)
- obj.scale = uniform(.8, 1.2, 3)
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- subsurface2face_size(obj, face_size)
- origin2lowest(obj)
- tag_object(obj, 'kalidium_cactus')
- return obj
- @staticmethod
- def geo_twigs(nw: NodeWrangler, instances):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- points, _, rotation = nw.new_node(Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces, [geometry],
- input_kwargs={'Density': 2e3}).outputs[:3]
- points = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, [points, None, .005])
- perturb = .4
- rotation = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- [nw.add(rotation, nw.uniform([-perturb] * 3, [perturb] * 3)),
- nw.uniform(.2, .5)], attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.CollectionInfo, [instances, True, True])
- twigs = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- [points, None, instances, True, None, rotation,
- nw.combine(1, 1, nw.uniform(1., 1.5))])])
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, [[geometry, twigs]])
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/cactus/spike.py b/infinigen/assets/cactus/spike.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 527d9a584..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/cactus/spike.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import colorsys
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material, sample_direction, toggle_show, toggle_hide
-from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_radius
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler, Nodes
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.trees.tree import build_radius_tree
-import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup, COMBINED_ATTR_NAME
-def build_spikes(base_radius=.002, **kwargs):
- n_branch = 4
- n_major = 9
- branch_config = {
- 'n': n_branch,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': n_major, 'std': .5, 'momentum': .85, 'sz': uniform(.005, .01)},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'init_vec': sample_direction(.8)}
- }
- radius_fn = lambda base_radius, size, resolution: base_radius * .5 ** (
- np.arange(size * resolution) / (size * resolution))
- obj = build_radius_tree(radius_fn, branch_config, base_radius)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=['radius', None, .001])
- return obj
-def make_default_selections(spike_distance, cap_percentage, density):
- def selection(nw: NodeWrangler, selected, geometry):
- z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))[-1]
- z_stat = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic, [geometry, None, z]).outputs
- percentage = nw.scalar_divide(nw.scalar_sub(z_stat['Max'], z), z_stat['Range'])
- is_cap = nw.bernoulli(nw.build_float_curve(percentage, [(0, 1), (cap_percentage, .5), (1, 0)]))
- cap = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateGeometry, [geometry, is_cap])
- cap = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, [cap, None, spike_distance / 2])
- points = nw.new_node(Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': geometry, 'Selection': selected, 'Density': density
- }).outputs['Points']
- points = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, [points, None, spike_distance])
- all_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, [[cap, points]])
- return all_points
- return selection
-def geo_spikes(nw: NodeWrangler, spikes, points_fn=None, realize=True):
- geometry, selection = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Selection', None)
- ]
- ).outputs[:2]
- capture = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry, 'Value': nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)})
- selected = nw.compare('GREATER_THAN', selection, .8)
- spikes = nw.new_node(Nodes.CollectionInfo, [spikes, True, True])
- rotation = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, input_kwargs={'Vector': (capture, 'Attribute')},
- attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- rotation = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateEuler,
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': rotation, 'Angle': nw.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)},
- attrs={'type': 'AXIS_ANGLE', 'space': 'LOCAL'})
- rotation = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, [rotation, nw.uniform(.2, .5)], attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- rotation = nw.add(rotation, nw.uniform([-.05] * 3, [.05] * 3))
- points = surface.eval_argument(nw, points_fn, selected=selected, geometry=capture.outputs['Geometry'])
- spikes = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints, input_kwargs={
- 'Points': points,
- 'Instance': spikes,
- 'Pick Instance': True,
- 'Rotation': rotation,
- 'Scale': nw.uniform([.5] * 3, [1.] * 3)
- })
- if realize:
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [spikes])
- else:
- realize_instances = spikes
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances})
-def shader_spikes(nw: NodeWrangler):
- roughness = .8
- specular = .25
- mix_ratio = .9
- color = hsv2rgba(uniform(.2, .4), uniform(.1, .3), .8)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- 'Base Color': color,
- 'Roughness': roughness,
- 'Specular': specular,
- 'Subsurface': .1
- })
- transparent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslucentBSDF, [color])
- mix_rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader, [mix_ratio, principled_bsdf, transparent_bsdf])
- return mix_rgb
-def apply(obj, points_fn, base_radius=.002, realize=True):
- spikes = deep_clone_obj(obj)
- if COMBINED_ATTR_NAME in spikes.data.attributes:
- spikes.data.attributes.remove(spikes.data.attributes[COMBINED_ATTR_NAME])
- instances = make_asset_collection(build_spikes, 5, 'spikes', verbose=False, base_radius=base_radius)
- mat = surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_spikes)
- toggle_show(instances)
- for o in instances.objects:
- assign_material(o, mat)
- toggle_hide(instances)
- surface.add_geomod(spikes, geo_spikes, apply=realize, input_args=[instances, points_fn, realize],
- input_attributes=[None, 'selection'])
- butil.delete_collection(instances)
- return spikes
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/clothes/shirt.py b/infinigen/assets/clothes/shirt.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c5b1c7ec..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/clothes/shirt.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_center, read_normal, remove_faces, subsurf, write_co
-from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import remesh_fill
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_circle
-from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import wrap_front_back
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
-from infinigen.assets.materials.art import ArtFabric
-class ShirtFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(ShirtFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.width = log_uniform(.45, .55)
- self.size = self.width + uniform(.25, .3)
- self.size_neck = uniform(.1, .15) * self.size
- self.type = np.random.choice(['short', 'long'])
- match self.type:
- case 'short':
- self.sleeve_length = self.size / 2 + uniform(-.35, -.3)
- case _:
- self.sleeve_length = self.size / 2 + uniform(-.05, .0)
- self.sleeve_width = uniform(.14, .18)
- self.sleeve_angle = uniform(np.pi / 6, np.pi / 4)
- self.thickness = log_uniform(.02, .03)
- materials = AssetList['ShirtFactory']()
- self.surface = materials['surface'].assign_material()
- if self.surface == ArtFabric:
- self.surface = self.surface(self.factory_seed)
- def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- x_anchors = 0, self.width / 2, self.width / 2, self.width / 2 + self.sleeve_length * np.sin(
- self.sleeve_angle), self.width / 2 + self.sleeve_length * np.sin(
- self.sleeve_angle) + self.sleeve_width * np.cos(
- self.sleeve_angle), self.width / 2, self.width / 4, 0
- y_anchors = 0, 0, self.size - self.sleeve_width / np.sin(
- self.sleeve_angle), self.size - self.sleeve_width / np.sin(
- self.sleeve_angle) - self.sleeve_length * np.cos(
- self.sleeve_angle), self.size - self.sleeve_width / np.sin(
- self.sleeve_angle) - self.sleeve_length * np.cos(self.sleeve_angle) + self.sleeve_width * np.sin(
- self.sleeve_angle), self.size, self.size + self.size_neck, self.size + self.size_neck * uniform(.3,
- .7)
- obj = new_circle(vertices=len(x_anchors))
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.edge_face_add()
- bpy.ops.mesh.flip_normals()
- write_co(obj, np.stack([x_anchors, y_anchors, np.zeros_like(x_anchors)], -1))
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'MIRROR', use_axis=(True, False, False))
- remesh_fill(obj, .02)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.thickness)
- x, y, z = read_center(obj).T
- x_, y_, z_ = read_normal(obj).T
- remove_faces(obj, (y_ < -.5) | ((y_ > .5) & (x_ * x < 0)))
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'), butil.Suppress():
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.remove_doubles(threshold=1e-3)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BEVEL', width=self.sleeve_width * uniform(.1, .15))
- subsurf(obj, 1)
- wrap_front_back(obj, self.surface)
- return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/color_fits.py b/infinigen/assets/color_fits.py
index a04a3b40f..a4d6ba8ad 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/color_fits.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/color_fits.py
@@ -3,74 +3,69 @@
# Authors: Stamatis Alexandropoulos, Meenal Parakh
-import os
import numpy as np
-from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
-import time
from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
manual_fits = {
- 'sofa_fabric': {
- 'means': np.array([[0.1, 0.25], [0.5, 0.7], [0.65, 0.15]]),
- 'covariances': [
- 0.7*np.array([[0.01, 0], [0, 0.04]]),
- 0.7*np.array([[0.02, 0], [0, 0.02]]),
- 0.7*np.array([[0.03, 0], [-0.01, 0.012]])
+ "sofa_fabric": {
+ "means": np.array([[0.1, 0.25], [0.5, 0.7], [0.65, 0.15]]),
+ "covariances": [
+ 0.7 * np.array([[0.01, 0], [0, 0.04]]),
+ 0.7 * np.array([[0.02, 0], [0, 0.02]]),
+ 0.7 * np.array([[0.03, 0], [-0.01, 0.012]]),
- 'probabilities': [0.5, 0.3, 0.2],
- 'n_components': 3
+ "probabilities": [0.5, 0.3, 0.2],
+ "n_components": 3,
- 'sofa_leather': {
- 'means': np.array([[0.07, 0.45], [0.6, 0.3]]),
- 'covariances': [
- 0.7*np.array([[0.005, 0], [0, 0.09]]),
- 0.7*np.array([[0.015, 0], [0, 0.04]])
+ "sofa_leather": {
+ "means": np.array([[0.07, 0.45], [0.6, 0.3]]),
+ "covariances": [
+ 0.7 * np.array([[0.005, 0], [0, 0.09]]),
+ 0.7 * np.array([[0.015, 0], [0, 0.04]]),
- 'min_val': [0.04, 0.04],
- 'max_val': [0.75, 0.85],
- 'probabilities': [0.7, 0.3],
- 'n_components': 2
+ "min_val": [0.04, 0.04],
+ "max_val": [0.75, 0.85],
+ "probabilities": [0.7, 0.3],
+ "n_components": 2,
- 'sofa_linen': {
- 'means': np.array([[0.12, 0.5], [0.6, 0.4], [0.9, 0.2]]),
- 'covariances': [
- 0.7*np.array([[0.01, 0], [0, 0.12]]),
- 0.7*np.array([[0.01, 0], [0, 0.09]]),
- 0.7*np.array([[0.01, 0], [0, 0.02]])
+ "sofa_linen": {
+ "means": np.array([[0.12, 0.5], [0.6, 0.4], [0.9, 0.2]]),
+ "covariances": [
+ 0.7 * np.array([[0.01, 0], [0, 0.12]]),
+ 0.7 * np.array([[0.01, 0], [0, 0.09]]),
+ 0.7 * np.array([[0.01, 0], [0, 0.02]]),
- 'probabilities': [0.8, 0.15, 0.05],
- 'n_components': 3
+ "probabilities": [0.8, 0.15, 0.05],
+ "n_components": 3,
- 'sofa_velvet': {
- 'means': np.array([[0.52, 0.45]]),
- 'covariances': [
- np.array([[0.2, 0], [0, 0.2]])
- ],
- 'probabilities': [1.0],
- 'n_components': 1
+ "sofa_velvet": {
+ "means": np.array([[0.52, 0.45]]),
+ "covariances": [np.array([[0.2, 0], [0, 0.2]])],
+ "probabilities": [1.0],
+ "n_components": 1,
- 'bedding_sheet': {
- 'means': np.array([[0.1, 0.4], [0.6, 0.2]]),
- 'covariances': [
- 0.7*np.array([[0.01, 0], [0, 0.1]]),
- 0.7*np.array([[0.03, 0], [-0.01, 0.02]])
+ "bedding_sheet": {
+ "means": np.array([[0.1, 0.4], [0.6, 0.2]]),
+ "covariances": [
+ 0.7 * np.array([[0.01, 0], [0, 0.1]]),
+ 0.7 * np.array([[0.03, 0], [-0.01, 0.02]]),
- 'probabilities': [0.9, 0.1],
- 'n_components': 2
- }
+ "probabilities": [0.9, 0.1],
+ "n_components": 2,
+ },
val_params = {
- 'bedding_sheet': {'min_val': 0.15, 'max_val': 0.94, 'mu': 0.66, 'std': 0.17},
- 'sofa_fabric': {'min_val': 0.10, 'max_val': 0.88, 'mu': 0.47, 'std': 0.23},
- 'sofa_leather': {'min_val': 0.06, 'max_val': 0.93, 'mu': 0.40, 'std': 0.2},
- 'sofa_linen': {'min_val': 0.15, 'max_val': 0.86, 'mu': 0.55, 'std': 0.2},
- 'sofa_velvet': {'min_val': 0.11, 'max_val': 0.70, 'mu': 0.35, 'std': 0.18},
+ "bedding_sheet": {"min_val": 0.15, "max_val": 0.94, "mu": 0.66, "std": 0.17},
+ "sofa_fabric": {"min_val": 0.10, "max_val": 0.88, "mu": 0.47, "std": 0.23},
+ "sofa_leather": {"min_val": 0.06, "max_val": 0.93, "mu": 0.40, "std": 0.2},
+ "sofa_linen": {"min_val": 0.15, "max_val": 0.86, "mu": 0.55, "std": 0.2},
+ "sofa_velvet": {"min_val": 0.11, "max_val": 0.70, "mu": 0.35, "std": 0.18},
def get_val(mu=0.5, std=0.2, min_val=0.1, max_val=0.9):
val = np.random.normal(mu, std)
val = np.clip(val, min_val, max_val)
@@ -79,20 +74,20 @@ def get_val(mu=0.5, std=0.2, min_val=0.1, max_val=0.9):
def real_color_distribution(name):
params = manual_fits[name]
- num_gaussians = params['n_components']
- idx = np.random.choice(num_gaussians, p=params['probabilities'])
- mu = params['means'][idx]
- cov = params['covariances'][idx]
+ num_gaussians = params["n_components"]
+ idx = np.random.choice(num_gaussians, p=params["probabilities"])
+ mu = params["means"][idx]
+ cov = params["covariances"][idx]
h, s = np.random.multivariate_normal(mu, cov)
- min_val = params.get('min_val', 0.0)
- max_val = params.get('max_val', 1.0)
+ min_val = params.get("min_val", 0.0)
+ max_val = params.get("max_val", 1.0)
h, s = np.clip([h, s], min_val, max_val)
v = get_val(**(val_params[name])) * 0.1
rgba = hsv2rgba([h, s, v])
return rgba
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/corals/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/corals/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c3d2503e3..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/corals/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-from .diff_growth import DiffGrowthBaseCoralFactory, TableBaseCoralFactory, LeatherBaseCoralFactory
-from .generate import CoralFactory, LeatherCoralFactory, TableCoralFactory, CauliflowerCoralFactory, \
- BrainCoralFactory, HoneycombCoralFactory, BushCoralFactory, TwigCoralFactory, TubeCoralFactory, \
- FanCoralFactory, ElkhornCoralFactory, StarCoralFactory
-from .laplacian import CauliflowerBaseCoralFactory
-from .elkhorn import ElkhornBaseCoralFactory
-from .reaction_diffusion import BrainBaseCoralFactory, HoneycombBaseCoralFactory, \
- ReactionDiffusionBaseCoralFactory
-from .tree import BushBaseCoralFactory, TreeBaseCoralFactory, TwigBaseCoralFactory
-from .tube import TubeBaseCoralFactory
-from .fan import FanBaseCoralFactory
-from .star import StarBaseCoralFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/corals/generate.py b/infinigen/assets/corals/generate.py
deleted file mode 100644
index aa476581a..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/corals/generate.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import colorsys
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from .fan import FanBaseCoralFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.placement.detail import remesh_with_attrs
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from .base import BaseCoralFactory
-from .diff_growth import DiffGrowthBaseCoralFactory, LeatherBaseCoralFactory, TableBaseCoralFactory
-from .laplacian import CauliflowerBaseCoralFactory
-from .reaction_diffusion import BrainBaseCoralFactory, HoneycombBaseCoralFactory, \
- ReactionDiffusionBaseCoralFactory
-from .elkhorn import ElkhornBaseCoralFactory
-from .tree import BushBaseCoralFactory, TreeBaseCoralFactory, TwigBaseCoralFactory
-from .tube import TubeBaseCoralFactory
-from .star import StarBaseCoralFactory
-from . import tentacles
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_utils import build_color_ramp
-class CoralFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, factory_method=None):
- super(CoralFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.factory_methods = [DiffGrowthBaseCoralFactory, ReactionDiffusionBaseCoralFactory,
- TubeBaseCoralFactory, TreeBaseCoralFactory, CauliflowerBaseCoralFactory,
- ElkhornBaseCoralFactory, StarBaseCoralFactory]
- weights = np.array([.15, .2, .15, .2, .2, .15, .2])
- self.weights = weights / weights.sum()
- if factory_method is None:
- factory_method = np.random.choice(self.factory_methods, p=self.weights)
- self.factory: BaseCoralFactory = factory_method(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.base_hue = self.build_base_hue()
- self.material = surface.shaderfunc_to_material(self.shader_coral, self.base_hue)
- def create_asset(self, face_size=0.01, realize=True, **params):
- obj = self.factory.create_asset(**params)
- obj.scale = 2 * np.array(self.factory.default_scale) / max(obj.dimensions[:2]) * uniform(.8, 1.2, 3)
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- remesh_with_attrs(obj, face_size)
- assign_material(obj, self.material)
- has_bump = uniform(0, 1) < self.factory.bump_prob
- if self.factory.noise_strength > 0:
- if has_bump:
- self.apply_noise_texture(obj)
- else:
- self.apply_bump(obj)
- tag_object(obj, 'coral')
- if uniform(0, 1) < self.factory.tentacle_prob and not has_bump:
- t = tentacles.apply(obj, self.factory.points_fn, self.factory.density, realize, self.base_hue)
- obj = join_objects([obj, t])
- return obj
- def apply_noise_texture(self, obj):
- t = np.random.choice(['STUCCI', 'MARBLE'])
- texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name='coral', type=t)
- texture.noise_scale = log_uniform(.01, .02)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DISPLACE', True, strength=self.factory.noise_strength * uniform(.9, 1.2),
- mid_level=0, texture=texture)
- def apply_bump(self, obj):
- texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name='coral', type='VORONOI')
- texture.noise_scale = log_uniform(.02, .03)
- texture.noise_intensity = log_uniform(1.5, 2)
- texture.distance_metric = 'MINKOVSKY'
- texture.minkovsky_exponent = uniform(1, 1.5)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DISPLACE', True, strength=-self.factory.noise_strength * uniform(1, 2),
- mid_level=1, texture=texture)
- @staticmethod
- def build_base_hue():
- if uniform(0, 1) < .25:
- base_hue = uniform(0, 1)
- else:
- base_hue = uniform(-.2, .3) % 1
- return base_hue
- @staticmethod
- def shader_coral(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue):
- shift = uniform(.05, .1) * (-1) ** np.random.randint(2)
- subsurface_color = hsv2rgba(uniform(0, 1), uniform(0, 1), 1.)
- bright_color = hsv2rgba((base_hue + shift) % 1, uniform(.7, .9), .2)
- dark_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(.5, .7), .1)
- light_color = hsv2rgba((base_hue + uniform(-.2, .2)) % 1, uniform(.2, .4), .4)
- specular = uniform(.25, .5)
- color = build_color_ramp(nw, nw.musgrave(uniform(10, 20)), [.0, .3, .7, 1.],
- [dark_color, dark_color, bright_color, bright_color])
- color = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [
- nw.build_float_curve(nw.musgrave(uniform(10, 20)), [(0, 1), (uniform(.3, .4), 0), (1, 0)]), color,
- light_color])
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Scale': 50})
- roughness = nw.build_float_curve(noise_texture, [(0, .5), (1, 1.)])
- subsurface_ratio = uniform(0, .05) if uniform(0, 1) > .5 else 0
- subsurface_radius = [uniform(.05, .2)] * 3
- bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- 'Base Color': color,
- 'Roughness': roughness,
- 'Specular': specular,
- 'Subsurface': subsurface_ratio,
- 'Subsurface Radius': subsurface_radius,
- 'Subsurface Color': subsurface_color,
- })
- return bsdf
-class LeatherCoralFactory(CoralFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(LeatherCoralFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse, LeatherBaseCoralFactory)
-class TableCoralFactory(CoralFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(TableCoralFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse, TableBaseCoralFactory)
-class CauliflowerCoralFactory(CoralFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(CauliflowerCoralFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse, CauliflowerBaseCoralFactory)
-class BrainCoralFactory(CoralFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(BrainCoralFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse, BrainBaseCoralFactory)
-class HoneycombCoralFactory(CoralFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(HoneycombCoralFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse, HoneycombBaseCoralFactory)
-class BushCoralFactory(CoralFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(BushCoralFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse, BushBaseCoralFactory)
-class TwigCoralFactory(CoralFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(TwigCoralFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse, TwigBaseCoralFactory)
-class TubeCoralFactory(CoralFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(TubeCoralFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse, TubeBaseCoralFactory)
-class FanCoralFactory(CoralFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(FanCoralFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse, FanBaseCoralFactory)
-class ElkhornCoralFactory(CoralFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(ElkhornCoralFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse, ElkhornBaseCoralFactory)
-class StarCoralFactory(CoralFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(StarCoralFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse, StarBaseCoralFactory)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/corals/star.py b/infinigen/assets/corals/star.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f5c791f1..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/corals/star.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
-import bmesh
-import numpy as np
-from mathutils import Vector
-from numpy.random import uniform
-import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.corals.base import BaseCoralFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import displace_vertices, geo_extension
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_empty, new_icosphere
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-class StarBaseCoralFactory(BaseCoralFactory):
- tentacle_prob = 1.
- noise_strength = .002
- density = 3000
- @staticmethod
- def points_fn(nw: NodeWrangler, points):
- points = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateGeometry, [points, nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute, ['outermost'])])
- return points
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(StarBaseCoralFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.points_fn = StarBaseCoralFactory.points_fn
- @staticmethod
- def geo_dual_mesh(nw: NodeWrangler):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- perturb = .05
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- [geometry, None, None, nw.uniform([-perturb] * 3, [perturb] * 3)])
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.DualMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': geometry})
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
- @staticmethod
- def geo_separate_faces(nw: NodeWrangler):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- selection = nw.compare('GREATER_THAN', nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))[-1], 0)
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateGeometry, [geometry, selection])
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplitEdges, [geometry])
- scale = nw.uniform(.9, 1.2)
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleElements, [geometry, None, scale])
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry, 'Name': 'custom_normal', 'Value': nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
- @staticmethod
- def geo_flower(nw: NodeWrangler, size, resolution, anchor):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- t = nw.scalar_divide(nw.math('FLOOR', nw.scalar_divide(nw.new_node(Nodes.Index), size)), resolution)
- offset = nw.build_float_curve(t, [(0, 0), anchor, (1, 0)], 'AUTO')
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute, ['custom_normal'], attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, [geometry, None, None, nw.scale(offset, normal)])
- outer = nw.boolean_math('AND', nw.compare('GREATER_THAN', t, .4), nw.compare('LESS_THAN', t, .6))
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry, 'Name': 'outermost', 'Value': outer})
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
- def create_asset(self, face_size=0.01, **params):
- obj = new_icosphere(subdivisions=3)
- obj.location[-1] = uniform(.25, .5)
- butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_dual_mesh, apply=True)
- displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (0, 0, -.9 * np.clip(z, None, 0)))
- rings = deep_clone_obj(obj)
- levels = 3
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SUBSURF', levels=levels, render_levels=levels)
- butil.modify_mesh(rings, 'SHRINKWRAP', target=obj)
- surface.add_geomod(rings, self.geo_separate_faces, apply=True)
- levels = 3
- butil.modify_mesh(rings, 'SUBSURF', levels=levels, render_levels=levels)
- butil.select_none()
- with butil.ViewportMode(rings, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.region_to_loop()
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='INVERT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type='VERT')
- flowers = []
- resolution = 16
- for ring in butil.split_object(rings):
- size = len(ring.data.vertices)
- center = np.mean([v.co for v in ring.data.vertices], 0)
- empty = new_empty(scale=[uniform(.3, .5) ** (1 / resolution)] * 3)
- butil.modify_mesh(ring, 'ARRAY', apply=True, use_relative_offset=False, use_object_offset=True,
- count=resolution + 1, offset_object=empty)
- butil.delete(empty)
- with butil.ViewportMode(ring, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops()
- bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(ring.data)
- bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table()
- for i in range(1, resolution + 1):
- c = np.mean([v.co for v in bm.verts[i * size:(i + 1) * size]], 0)
- for j in range(i * size, (i + 1) * size):
- bm.verts[j].co += Vector(center - c)
- bmesh.update_edit_mesh(ring.data)
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.region_to_loop()
- bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops()
- anchor = uniform(.4, .6), uniform(.08, .15)
- surface.add_geomod(ring, self.geo_flower, apply=True, input_args=[size, resolution, anchor])
- flowers.append(ring)
- obj = join_objects([obj, *flowers])
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_extension, apply=True)
- tag_object(obj, 'star_coral')
- return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/corals/tentacles.py b/infinigen/assets/corals/tentacles.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f18bb54a3..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/corals/tentacles.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import colorsys
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material, sample_direction
-from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_radius
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import make_asset_collection
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler, Nodes
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.trees.tree import build_radius_tree
-import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup, COMBINED_ATTR_NAME
-def build_tentacles(**kwargs):
- n_branch = 5
- n_major = 8
- branch_config = {
- 'n': n_branch,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': n_major, 'std': .5, 'momentum': .5, 'sz': .008},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'init_vec': sample_direction(.6)}}
- obj = build_radius_tree(None, branch_config, uniform(.002, .004))
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=['radius'])
- return obj
-def make_min_distance_points_fn(min_distance):
- def points_fn(nw: NodeWrangler, points):
- return nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, input_kwargs={'Geometry': points, 'Distance': min_distance})
- return points_fn
-def make_radius_points_fn(min_distance, radius_threshold):
- def points_fn(nw: NodeWrangler, points):
- radius = nw.vector_math('DISTANCE', nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition), [0] * 3)
- points = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': points,
- 'Selection': nw.compare('LESS_THAN', radius, radius_threshold * 1.5),
- 'Distance': min_distance * 2})
- points = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, input_kwargs={'Geometry': points, 'Distance': min_distance})
- points = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateGeometry,
- [points, nw.compare('GREATER_THAN', radius, radius_threshold)])
- return points
- return points_fn
-def make_upward_points_fn(min_distance, max_angle):
- def points_fn(nw: NodeWrangler, points, normal):
- points = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateGeometry,
- [points, nw.compare_direction('LESS_THAN', normal, [0, 0, 1], max_angle)])
- return nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, input_kwargs={'Geometry': points, 'Distance': min_distance})
- return points_fn
-def geo_tentacles(nw: NodeWrangler, tentacles, points_fn=None, density=500, realize=True):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- tentacles = nw.new_node(Nodes.CollectionInfo, [tentacles, True, True])
- points, normal, rotation = nw.new_node(Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': geometry, 'Density': density}).outputs
- rotation = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateEuler,
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': rotation, 'Angle': nw.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)},
- attrs={'type': 'AXIS_ANGLE', 'space': 'LOCAL'})
- points = surface.eval_argument(nw, points_fn, points=points, normal=normal)
- tentacles = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints, input_kwargs={
- 'Points': points,
- 'Instance': tentacles,
- 'Pick Instance': True,
- 'Rotation': rotation,
- 'Scale': nw.uniform([.6] * 3, [1.] * 3, data_type='FLOAT_VECTOR')})
- if realize:
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': tentacles})
- else:
- realize_instances = tentacles
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances})
-def shader_tentacles(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue=.3):
- roughness = .8
- specular = .25
- color = hsv2rgba((base_hue + uniform(-0.1, 0.1)) % 1, uniform(.4, .6), .5)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- 'Base Color': color,
- 'Roughness': roughness,
- 'Specular': specular,
- 'Subsurface': .01})
- fresnel_color = hsv2rgba(uniform(0, 1), .6, .6)
- fresnel_bdsf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, [fresnel_color])
- mixed_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader, [nw.new_node(Nodes.Fresnel), principled_bsdf, fresnel_bdsf])
- return mixed_shader
-def apply(obj, points_fn, density, realize=True, base_hue=.3):
- tentacles = deep_clone_obj(obj)
- if COMBINED_ATTR_NAME in tentacles.data.attributes:
- tentacles.data.attributes.remove(tentacles.data.attributes[COMBINED_ATTR_NAME])
- instances = make_asset_collection(build_tentacles, 5, 'spikes', verbose=False)
- surface.add_geomod(tentacles, geo_tentacles, apply=realize,
- input_args=[instances, points_fn, density, realize])
- butil.delete_collection(instances)
- assign_material(tentacles, surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_tentacles, base_hue))
- return tentacles
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/corals/tree.py b/infinigen/assets/corals/tree.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 09a9bbbff..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/corals/tree.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import math
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.corals.base import BaseCoralFactory
-from infinigen.assets.corals.tentacles import make_radius_points_fn
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import mesh2obj, data2mesh, separate_loose
-from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_radius
-import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.placement.detail import remesh_with_attrs
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.trees.tree import build_radius_tree, recursive_path, FineTreeVertices
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-class TreeBaseCoralFactory(BaseCoralFactory):
- default_scale = [1] * 3
- tentacle_prob = .8
- noise_strength = .01
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, method=None):
- super(TreeBaseCoralFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.tip = .4
- self.configs = {
- 'twig': {'radius': .08, 'branch_config': self.twig_config},
- 'bush': {'radius': .08, 'branch_config': self.bush_config}}
- self.weights = [.5, .5]
- with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- if method is None:
- method = np.random.choice(list(self.configs.keys()), p=self.weights)
- self.radius, self.branch_config = map(self.configs[method].get, ['radius', 'branch_config'])
- self.points_fn = make_radius_points_fn(.05, .4)
- @property
- def bush_config(self):
- n_branch = np.random.randint(6, 8)
- n_major = np.random.randint(4, 5)
- n_minor = np.random.randint(4, 5)
- n_detail = np.random.randint(3, 4)
- span = uniform(.4, .5)
- detail_config = {
- 'n': n_minor,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {
- 'n_pts': n_detail + 1,
- 'std': .4,
- 'momentum': .6,
- 'sz': .01 * (1.5 * n_detail - idx)},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {
- 'rnd_idx': idx + 1,
- 'ang_min': np.pi / 12,
- 'ang_max': np.pi / 8,
- 'axis2': [0, 0, 1]},
- 'children': []}
- minor_config = {
- 'n': n_major,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {
- 'n_pts': n_minor + 1,
- 'std': .4,
- 'momentum': .4,
- 'sz': .03 * (1.2 * n_minor - idx)},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {
- 'rnd_idx': idx + 1,
- 'ang_min': np.pi / 12,
- 'ang_max': np.pi / 8,
- 'axis2': [0, 0, 1]},
- 'children': [detail_config]}
- major_config = {
- 'n': n_branch,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': n_major + 1, 'std': .4, 'momentum': .4, 'sz': uniform(.08, .1)},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {
- 'init_vec': [span * np.cos(2 * np.pi * idx / n_branch + uniform(-np.pi / 9, np.pi / 9)),
- span * np.sin(2 * np.pi * idx / n_branch + uniform(-np.pi / 9, np.pi / 9)),
- math.sqrt(1 - span * span)]},
- 'children': [minor_config]}
- return major_config
- @property
- def twig_config(self):
- n_branch = np.random.randint(6, 8)
- n_major = np.random.randint(4, 5)
- n_minor = np.random.randint(4, 5)
- n_detail = np.random.randint(3, 4)
- span = uniform(.7, .8)
- detail_config = {
- 'n': n_minor,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {
- 'n_pts': n_detail * 2 + 1,
- 'std': .4,
- 'momentum': .6,
- 'sz': .01 * (2.5 * n_detail - idx)},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {
- 'rnd_idx': 2 * idx + 1,
- 'ang_min': np.pi / 8,
- 'ang_max': np.pi / 6,
- 'axis2': [0, 0, 1]},
- 'children': []}
- minor_config = {
- 'n': n_major,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {
- 'n_pts': n_minor * 2 + 1,
- 'std': .4,
- 'momentum': .4,
- 'sz': .03 * (2.2 * n_minor - idx)},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {
- 'rnd_idx': 2 * idx + 1,
- 'ang_min': np.pi / 8,
- 'ang_max': np.pi / 6,
- 'axis2': [0, 0, 1]},
- 'children': [detail_config]}
- major_config = {
- 'n': n_branch,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {
- 'n_pts': n_major * 2 + 1,
- 'std': .4,
- 'momentum': .4,
- 'sz': uniform(.08, .1)},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {
- 'init_vec': [span * np.cos(2 * np.pi * idx / n_branch + uniform(-np.pi / 9, np.pi / 9)),
- span * np.sin(2 * np.pi * idx / n_branch + uniform(-np.pi / 9, np.pi / 9)),
- math.sqrt(1 - span * span)]},
- 'children': [minor_config]}
- return major_config
- @staticmethod
- def radius_fn(base_radius, size, resolution):
- radius_decay_root = .85
- radius_decay_leaf = uniform(.4, .6)
- radius = base_radius * radius_decay_root ** (np.arange(size * resolution) / resolution)
- radius[-resolution:] *= radius_decay_leaf ** (np.arange(resolution) / resolution)
- return radius
- def create_asset(self, face_size=0.01, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- resolution = 16
- obj = build_radius_tree(self.radius_fn, self.branch_config, self.radius, resolution)
- obj.scale = 2 * np.array(self.default_scale) / max(obj.dimensions[:2])
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=['radius', 32])
- tag_object(obj, 'tree_coral')
- return obj
-class TwigBaseCoralFactory(TreeBaseCoralFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse, method='twig')
-class BushBaseCoralFactory(TreeBaseCoralFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse, method='bush')
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/corals/tube.py b/infinigen/assets/corals/tube.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 07115eee4..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/corals/tube.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.assets.corals.base import BaseCoralFactory
-from infinigen.assets.corals.tentacles import make_radius_points_fn
-import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_icosphere
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-class TubeBaseCoralFactory(BaseCoralFactory):
- default_scale = [.7] * 3
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(TubeBaseCoralFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.points_fn = make_radius_points_fn(.05, .4)
- def create_asset(self, face_size=0.01, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- obj = new_icosphere(subdivisions=2)
- obj.name = 'tube_coral'
- surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_coral_tube, apply=True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BEVEL', True, offset_type='PERCENT', width_pct=10, segments=1)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', True, thickness=.05)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SUBSURF', True, levels=2, render_levels=2)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DISPLACE', True, strength=0.1,
- texture=bpy.data.textures.new(name='tube_coral', type='STUCCI'), mid_level=0)
- tag_object(obj, 'tube_coral')
- return obj
- @staticmethod
- def geo_coral_tube(nw: NodeWrangler):
- ico_sphere_perturb = .2
- growth_z = 1
- short_length_range = .2, .4
- long_length_range = .4, 1.2
- angles = np.linspace(np.pi * 2 / 5, np.pi / 10, 6)
- scales = np.linspace(1, .9, 6)
- face_perturb = .4
- growth_prob = .75
- seed = np.random.randint(1e3)
- ico_sphere = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- perturbed_ico_sphere = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': ico_sphere,
- 'Offset': nw.uniform([-ico_sphere_perturb] * 3, [ico_sphere_perturb] * 3, seed)
- })
- mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.DualMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': perturbed_ico_sphere})
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- top = nw.boolean_math('AND', nw.compare_direction('LESS_THAN', normal, (0, 0, 1), angles[0]),
- nw.bernoulli(growth_prob, seed))
- for i, (angle, scale) in enumerate(zip(angles, scales)):
- direction = nw.vector_math('NORMALIZE', nw.add(
- nw.add(normal, nw.combine(0, 0, nw.uniform(0, growth_z, seed + i))),
- nw.uniform([face_perturb] * 3, [-face_perturb] * 3, seed + i)))
- length = nw.switch(nw.compare_direction('LESS_THAN', normal, (0, 0, 1), angle),
- nw.uniform(*long_length_range, seed + i),
- nw.uniform(*short_length_range, seed + i))
- mesh, top = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, input_kwargs={
- 'Mesh': mesh,
- 'Selection': top,
- 'Offset': direction,
- 'Offset Scale': length
- }).outputs[:2]
- mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleElements,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': mesh, 'Selection': top, 'Scale': scale})
- geometry_without_top = nw.new_node(Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': mesh, 'Selection': top},
- attrs={'domain': 'FACE'})
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry_without_top})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/beetle.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/beetle.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0eb5a1225..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/beetle.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import bpy
-import logging
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint
-import gin
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import genome
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint
-from infinigen.assets.creatures import parts
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature_util import offset_center
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import creature, hair as creature_hair, joining
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.animation import run_cycle as creature_animation
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.boid_swarm import BoidSwarmFactory
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
-from infinigen.core.util.math import lerp, clip_gaussian, FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core import surface
-import infinigen.assets.materials.chitin
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def insect_hair_params():
- mat_roughness = U(0.7, 1)
- length = U(0.01, 0.04)
- puff = U(0.7, 1)
- return {
- 'density': 4000,
- 'clump_n': 1,
- 'avoid_features_dist': 0.01,
- 'grooming': {
- 'Length MinMaxScale': np.array((length, length * N(2, 0.5), U(15, 60)), dtype=np.float32),
- 'Puff MinMaxScale': np.array((puff, puff * N(3, 0.5), U(15, 60)), dtype=np.float32),
- 'Combing': U(0, 0.2),
- 'Strand Random Mag': 0.0,
- 'Strand Perlin Mag': 0.0,
- 'Strand Perlin Scale': U(15, 45),
- 'Tuft Spread': 0.0,
- 'Tuft Clumping': 0.0,
- 'Root Radius': 0.001,
- 'Post Clump Noise Mag': 0,
- 'Hair Length Pct Min': U(0.7, 1)
- },
- 'material': {
- 'Roughness': mat_roughness,
- 'Radial Roughness': mat_roughness + N(0, 0.07),
- 'Random Roughness': 0,
- 'IOR': 1.55
- }
- }
-def beetle_postprocessing(body_parts, extras, params):
- main_template = surface.registry.sample_registry(params['surface_registry'])
- main_template.apply(body_parts)
-def beetle_genome():
- fac = parts.generic_nurbs.NurbsBody(prefix='body_insect', tags=['body', 'rigid'], var=2)
- if U() < 0.5:
- n = len(fac.params['proportions'])
- noise = U(1, 3, n)
- noise[-n//3:] = 1
- fac.params['proportions'] *= noise
- body = genome.part(fac)
- l = fac.params['proportions'].sum () * fac.params['length']
- leg_fac = parts.leg.InsectLeg()
- n_leg_pairs = int(np.clip(l * clip_gaussian(3, 2, 2, 6), 2, 15))
- leg_fac.params['length_rad1_rad2'][0] /= n_leg_pairs / 1.8
- splay = U(30, 60)
- for t in np.linspace(0.15, 0.6, n_leg_pairs):
- for side in [-1, 1]:
- leg = genome.part(leg_fac)
- xrot = lerp(70, -100, t)
- genome.attach(leg, body, coord=(t, splay/180, 1),
- joint=Joint((xrot, 5, 90)), side=side)
- head = genome.part(parts.generic_nurbs.NurbsHead(prefix='head_insect', tags=['head', 'rigid']))
- genome.attach(head, body, coord=(1, 0, 0), joint=Joint((0, -15, 0)))
- if U() < 0.7:
- mandible_fac = parts.head_detail.InsectMandible()
- rot = np.array((120, 20, 80)) * N(1, 0.15)
- for side in [-1, 1]:
- genome.attach(genome.part(mandible_fac), head, coord=(0.75, 0.5, 0.1),
- joint=Joint(rot), side=side)
- return genome.CreatureGenome(
- parts=body,
- postprocess_params=dict(
- surface_registry=[
- (infinigen.assets.materials.chitin, 1)
- ],
- hair=insect_hair_params()
- )
- )
-class BeetleFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed=None, bvh=None, coarse=False, animation_mode=None, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.bvh = bvh
- self.animation_mode = animation_mode
- def create_asset(self, i, hair=False, **kwargs):
- genome = beetle_genome()
- root, parts = creature.genome_to_creature(genome, name=f'beetle({self.factory_seed}, {i})')
- tag_object(root, 'beetle')
- offset_center(root)
- joined, extras, arma, ik_targets = joining.join_and_rig_parts(root, parts, genome,
- rigging=(self.animation_mode is not None),
- postprocess_func=beetle_postprocessing, **kwargs)
- if self.animation_mode == 'walk_cycle':
- creature_animation.animate_run(root, arma, ik_targets, steps_per_sec=N(2, 0.2))
- if hair and U() < 0.5:
- creature_hair.configure_hair(joined, root, genome.postprocess_params['hair'])
- return root
-class AntSwarmFactory(BoidSwarmFactory):
- def ant_swarm_settings(self, mode=None):
- boids_settings = dict(
- use_flight = False,
- use_land = True,
- use_climb = True,
- land_speed_max = U(0.5, 2),
- land_acc_max = U(0.7, 1),
- land_personal_space = 0.05,
- land_jump_speed = U(0, 0.05),
- bank = 0,
- pitch = 0,
- rule_fuzzy = U(0.6, 0.9)
- )
- if mode is None:
- mode = np.random.choice(['queues', 'goal_swarm', 'random_swarm'])
- logger.debug(f'Randomly chose ant_swarm_settings {mode=}')
- if mode == 'queues':
- boids_settings['rules'] = [
- dict(type='FOLLOW_LEADER', use_line=True, queue_count=100, distance=0.0),
- ]
- elif mode == 'goal_swarm':
- boids_settings['rules'] = [
- dict(type='SEPARATE'),
- dict(type='GOAL', use_predict=True),
- dict(type='FLOCK')
- ]
- elif mode == 'random_swarm':
- boids_settings['rules'] = [
- dict(type='SEPARATE'),
- dict(type='AVERAGE_SPEED'),
- dict(type='FLOCK')
- ]
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized {mode=}')
- return dict(
- particle_size=U(0.02, 0.1),
- size_random=U(0.3, 0.7),
- use_rotation_instance=True,
- lifetime=bpy.context.scene.frame_end - bpy.context.scene.frame_start,
- warmup_frames=1, emit_duration=0, # all particles appear immediately
- emit_from='VOLUME',
- mass = 2,
- use_multiply_size_mass=True,
- boids_settings=boids_settings
- )
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, bvh, coarse=False):
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- settings = self.ant_swarm_settings()
- col = make_asset_collection(BeetleFactory(factory_seed=randint(1e7), animation_mode='walk_cycle'), n=1)
- super(AntSwarmFactory, self).__init__(
- factory_seed, child_col=col,
- collider_col=bpy.data.collections.get('colliders'),
- settings=settings, bvh=bvh,
- volume=N(0.1, 0.015),
- coarse=coarse
- )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/bird.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/bird.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 885d2b11f..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/bird.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors:
-# - Alexander Raistrick: regular bird, hair params
-# - Beining Han: adapt to create flying bird
-import pdb
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import normal as N, uniform as U
-import gin
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import genome
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint
-from infinigen.assets.creatures import parts
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature_util import euler
-import infinigen.assets.materials.basic_bsdf
-import infinigen.assets.materials.spot_sparse_attr
-import infinigen.assets.materials.reptile_brown_circle_attr
-import infinigen.assets.materials.reptile_two_color_attr
-import infinigen.assets.materials.bird
-from infinigen.assets.materials import bone, tongue, eyeball, beak
-from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian, FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature_util import offset_center
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import creature, hair as creature_hair, joining
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.animation.driver_wiggle import animate_wiggle_bones
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.animation import idle, run_cycle
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-from infinigen.core.placement import animation_policy
-def bird_hair_params(flying=True):
- length = U(0.01, 0.025) if flying else U(0.03, 0.06)
- puff = U(0.03, 0.2)
- return {
- 'density': 70000,
- 'clump_n': 10,
- 'avoid_features_dist': 0.02,
- 'grooming': {
- 'Length MinMaxScale': np.array((length, length * N(2, 0.5), U(15, 60)), dtype=np.float32),
- 'Puff MinMaxScale': np.array((puff, puff * N(1.5, 0.5), U(15, 60)), dtype=np.float32),
- 'Combing': U(0.6, 1),
- 'Strand Random Mag': 0.0,
- 'Strand Perlin Mag': U(0, 0.003),
- 'Strand Perlin Scale': 30.0,
- 'Tuft Spread': 0.01,
- 'Tuft Clumping': U(0.5, 1),
- 'Root Radius': 0.006,
- 'Post Clump Noise Mag': 0.001,
- 'Hair Length Pct Min': U(0.5, 0.9)
- },
- 'material': {
- 'Roughness': U(0, 0.4),
- 'Radial Roughness': U(0.1, 0.3),
- 'Random Roughness': U(0, 0.2),
- 'IOR': 1.55
- }
- }
-def bird_postprocessing(body_parts, extras, params):
- get_extras = lambda k: [o for o in extras if k in o.name]
- main_template = surface.registry.sample_registry(params['surface_registry'])
- main_template.apply(body_parts + get_extras('BodyExtra') + get_extras('Feather'))
- tongue.apply(get_extras('Tongue'))
- bone.apply(get_extras('Teeth') + get_extras('Claws'))
- eyeball.apply(get_extras('Eyeball'), shader_kwargs={"coord": "X"})
- beak.apply(get_extras('Beak'))
-def duck_genome(mode):
- body_lrr = np.array((0.85, 0.25, 0.38)) * N(1, 0.2) * N(1, 0.2, 3)
- body_fac = parts.generic_nurbs.NurbsBody(prefix='body_bird', tags=['body', 'rigid'], var=U(0.3, 1))
- body = genome.part(body_fac)
- l = body_fac.params['length'][0]
- tail = genome.part(parts.wings.BirdTail())
- genome.attach(tail, body, coord=(0.2, 1, 0.5), joint=Joint(rest=(0, 170 * N(1, 0.1), 0)))
- shoulder_bounds = np.array([[-20, -20, -20], [20, 20, 20]])
- foot_fac = parts.foot.Foot({
- 'length_rad1_rad2': np.array((l * 0.1, 0.025, 0.04)) * N(1, 0.1) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
- 'Toe Length Rad1 Rad2': np.array((l * N(0.4, 0.07), 0.03, 0.02)) * N(1, 0.1) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
- 'Toe Splay': 35 * N(1, 0.2),
- 'Toebean Radius': 0.03 * N(1, 0.1),
- 'Toe Rotate': (0., -1.57, 0.),
- 'Claw Curl Deg': 12 * N(1, 0.2),
- 'Claw Pct Length Rad1 Rad2': np.array((0.13, 0.64, 0.05)) * N(1, 0.1) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
- 'Thumb Pct': np.array((0.61, 1.17, 1.5)) * N(1, 0.1) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
- 'Toe Curl Scalar': 0.34 * N(1, 0.2)
- }, bald=True)
- leg_fac = parts.leg.BirdLeg({'length_rad1_rad2': (l * 0.5 * N(1, 0.05), 0.09 * N(1, 0.1), 0.06 * N(1, 0.1))})
- leg_coord = (N(0.5, 0.05), N(0.7, 0.05), N(0.95, 0.05))
- for side in [-1, 1]:
- leg = genome.attach(genome.part(foot_fac), genome.part(leg_fac), coord=(0.9, 0, 0), joint=Joint(rest=(0,0,0)))
- genome.attach(leg, body, coord=leg_coord, joint=Joint(rest=(0, 90, 0), bounds=shoulder_bounds), side=side)
- extension = U(0.7, 1) if mode == 'flying' else U(0.01, 0.1)
- wing_len = l * 0.5 * clip_gaussian(1.2, 0.7, 0.5, 2.5)
- wing_fac = parts.wings.BirdWing({
- 'length_rad1_rad2': np.array((wing_len, 0.1 * N(1, 0.1), 0.02 * N(1, 0.2))),
- 'Extension': extension
- })
- wing_coord = (N(0.7, 0.02), 110/180 * N(1, 0.1), 0.95)
- if wing_fac.params['Extension'] > 0.5:
- wing_rot = (90, 0, 90)
- else:
- wing_rot = (90, 40, 90)
- for side in [-1, 1]:
- wing = genome.part(wing_fac)
- genome.attach(wing, body, coord=wing_coord, joint=Joint(rest=wing_rot), side=side)
- head_fac = parts.head.BirdHead()
- head = genome.part(head_fac)
- beak = genome.part(parts.beak.BirdBeak())
- genome.attach(beak, head, coord=(0.75, 0, 0.5), joint=Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)))
- eye_fac = parts.eye.MammalEye({'Radius': N(0.03, 0.005)})
- t, splay = U(0.6, 0.85), U(80, 110)/180
- r = 0.85
- rot = np.array([0, 0, 90]) * N(1, 0.1, 3)
- for side in [-1, 1]:
- eye = genome.part(eye_fac)
- genome.attach(eye, head, coord=(t, splay, r), joint=Joint(rest=(0,0,0)), rotation_basis='normal', side=side)
- genome.attach(head, body, coord=(1, 0, 0), joint=Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)))
- return genome.CreatureGenome(
- parts=body,
- postprocess_params=dict(
- animation=dict(),
- hair=bird_hair_params(flying=False),
- surface_registry=[
- (infinigen.assets.materials.spot_sparse_attr, 4),
- (infinigen.assets.materials.reptile_brown_circle_attr, 0.5),
- (infinigen.assets.materials.reptile_two_color_attr, 0.5),
- (infinigen.assets.materials.bird, 5)
- ]
- )
- )
-def flying_bird_genome(mode):
- body_lrr = np.array((0.95, 0.13, 0.18)) * N(1.0, 0.05, size=(3,))
- body = genome.part(parts.body.BirdBody({'length_rad1_rad2': body_lrr}))
- l = body_lrr[0]
- tail = genome.part(parts.wings.FlyingBirdTail())
- genome.attach(tail, body, coord=(U(0.08, 0.15), 1, 0.5), joint=Joint(rest=(0, 180 * N(1, 0.1), 0)))
- shoulder_bounds = np.array([[-20, -20, -20], [20, 20, 20]])
- foot_fac = parts.foot.Foot({
- 'length_rad1_rad2': np.array((l * 0.2, 0.01, 0.02)) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
- 'Toe Length Rad1 Rad2': np.array((l * N(0.4, 0.02), 0.02, 0.01)) * N(1, 0.1) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
- 'Toe Splay': 8 * N(1, 0.2),
- 'Toe Rotate': (0., -N(0.55, 0.1), 0.),
- 'Toebean Radius': 0.01 * N(1, 0.1),
- 'Claw Curl Deg': 12 * N(1, 0.2),
- 'Claw Pct Length Rad1 Rad2': np.array((0.13, 0.64, 0.05)) * N(0.5, 0.05) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
- 'Thumb Pct': np.array((0.4, 0.5, 0.75)) * N(1, 0.1) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
- 'Toe Curl Scalar': 0.34 * N(1, 0.2)
- }, bald=True)
- leg_fac = parts.leg.BirdLeg({'length_rad1_rad2': (l * 0.5 * N(1, 0.05), 0.04 * N(1, 0.1), 0.02 * N(1, 0.1)),
- 'Thigh Rad1 Rad2 Fullness': np.array((0.12, 0.04, 1.26)) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
- 'Shin Rad1 Rad2 Fullness': np.array((0.1, 0.04, 5.0)) * N(1, 0.1, 3)})
- leg_coord = (N(0.5, 0.05), N(0.2, 0.04), N(0.8, 0.05))
- for side in [-1, 1]:
- leg = genome.attach(genome.part(foot_fac), genome.part(leg_fac), coord=(0.9, 0, 0), joint=Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)))
- genome.attach(leg, body, coord=leg_coord, joint=Joint(rest=(0, U(135, 175), 0), bounds=shoulder_bounds), side=side)
- extension = U(0.8, 1)
- wing_len = l * clip_gaussian(1.0, 0.2, 0.6, 1.5) * 0.8
- wing_fac = parts.wings.FlyingBirdWing({
- 'length_rad1_rad2': np.array((wing_len, U(0.08, 0.15), 0.02 * N(1, 0.2))),
- 'Extension': extension,
- 'feather_density': U(25, 40)
- })
- wing_coord = (N(0.68, 0.02), 150 / 180 * N(1, 0.1), 0.8)
- if wing_fac.params['Extension'] > 0.5:
- wing_rot = (90, 0, 90)
- else:
- wing_rot = (90, 40, 90)
- for side in [-1, 1]:
- wing = genome.part(wing_fac)
- genome.attach(wing, body, coord=wing_coord, joint=Joint(rest=wing_rot), side=side)
- head_fac = parts.head.FlyingBirdHead()
- head = genome.part(head_fac)
- beak = genome.part(parts.beak.FlyingBirdBeak())
- genome.attach(beak, head, coord=(0.85, 0, 0.5), joint=Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)))
- eye_fac = parts.eye.MammalEye({'Radius': N(0.02, 0.005)})
- t, splay = U(0.7, 0.85), U(80, 110) / 180
- r = 0.85
- rot = np.array([0, 0, 90]) * N(1, 0.1, 3)
- for side in [-1, 1]:
- eye = genome.part(eye_fac)
- genome.attach(eye, head, coord=(t, splay, r), joint=Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)), rotation_basis='normal', side=side)
- genome.attach(head, body, coord=(U(0.84, 0.85), 0, U(1.05, 1.15)), joint=Joint(rest=(0, N(18, 5), 0)))
- return genome.CreatureGenome(
- parts=body,
- postprocess_params=dict(
- animation=dict(),
- hair=bird_hair_params(flying=True),
- surface_registry=[
- #(infinigen.assets.materials.spot_sparse_attr, 4),
- #(infinigen.assets.materials.reptile_brown_circle_attr, 0.5),
- #(infinigen.assets.materials.reptile_two_color_attr, 0.5),
- (infinigen.assets.materials.bird, 5)
- ]
- )
- )
-class BirdFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed=None, coarse=False, bvh=None, animation_mode=None, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.bvh = bvh
- self.animation_mode = animation_mode
- def create_asset(self, i, placeholder, hair=True, **kwargs):
- dynamic = self.animation_mode is not None
- genome = duck_genome(mode=self.animation_mode)
- root, parts = creature.genome_to_creature(genome, name=f'bird({self.factory_seed}, {i})')
- tag_object(root, 'bird')
- offset_center(root)
- joined, extras, arma, ik_targets = joining.join_and_rig_parts(root, parts, genome,
- rigging=dynamic,
- postprocess_func=bird_postprocessing, **kwargs)
- joined_extras = butil.join_objects(extras)
- joined_extras.parent = joined
- butil.parent_to(root, placeholder, no_inverse=True)
- if hair:
- creature_hair.configure_hair(joined, root, genome.postprocess_params['hair'])
- if dynamic:
- if self.animation_mode == 'run':
- run_cycle.animate_run(root, arma, ik_targets)
- elif self.animation_mode == 'idle':
- idle.snap_iks_to_floor(ik_targets, self.bvh)
- idle.idle_body_noise_drivers(ik_targets, wing_mag=U(0, 0.3))
- elif self.animation_mode == 'swim':
- spine = [b for b in arma.pose.bones if 'Body' in b.name]
- tail = [b for b in arma.pose.bones if 'Tail' in b.name]
- animate_wiggle_bones(arma=arma, bones=tail, mag_deg=U(0, 30), freq=U(0.5, 2))
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized mode {self.animation_mode=}')
- return root
-class FlyingBirdFactory(AssetFactory):
- max_expected_radius = 1
- max_distance = 40
- def __init__(self, factory_seed=None, coarse=False, bvh=None, animation_mode=None, altitude=("uniform", 15, 30)):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.animation_mode = animation_mode
- self.altitude = altitude
- self.bvh = bvh
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.policy = animation_policy.AnimPolicyRandomForwardWalk(
- forward_vec=(1, 0, 0), speed=U(7, 15),
- step_range=(5, 40), yaw_dist=("normal", 0, 15))
- def create_placeholder(self, i, loc, rot):
- p = butil.spawn_cube(size=3)
- p.name = f"{self}.create_placeholder({i})"
- p.location = loc
- p.rotation_euler = rot
- if self.bvh is None:
- return p
- altitude = rg(self.altitude)
- p.location.z += altitude
- curve = animation_policy.policy_create_bezier_path(p, self.bvh, self.policy, retry_rotation=True, max_full_retries=30, fatal=True)
- curve.name = f'animhelper:{self}.create_placeholder({i}).path'
- # animate the placeholder to the APPROX location of the snake, so the camera can follow itcurve.location = (0, 0, 0)
- run_cycle.follow_path(p, curve, use_curve_follow=True, offset=0,
- duration=bpy.context.scene.frame_end-bpy.context.scene.frame_start)
- p.rotation_euler.z += np.pi / 2
- curve.data.twist_mode = 'Z_UP'
- curve.data.driver_add('eval_time').driver.expression = 'frame'
- return p
- def create_asset(self, i, placeholder, hair=True, animate=False,**kwargs):
- genome = flying_bird_genome(self.animation_mode)
- root, parts = creature.genome_to_creature(genome, name=f'flying_bird({self.factory_seed}, {i})')
- joined, extras, arma, ik_targets = joining.join_and_rig_parts(root, parts, genome,
- rigging=self.animation_mode is not None, postprocess_func=bird_postprocessing, **kwargs)
- joined_extras = butil.join_objects(extras)
- joined_extras.parent = joined
- if hair:
- creature_hair.configure_hair(joined, root, genome.postprocess_params['hair'])
- if self.animation_mode is not None:
- if self.animation_mode == 'idle':
- idle.idle_body_noise_drivers(ik_targets, body_mag=0.0, foot_motion_chance=1.0, head_benddown=0)
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized {self.animation_mode=}')
- return root
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/carnivore.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/carnivore.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b84135c1..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/carnivore.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N
-import gin
-import bpy, mathutils
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import genome
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint
-from infinigen.assets.creatures import parts
-from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian
-import infinigen.assets.materials.tiger_attr
-import infinigen.assets.materials.giraffe_attr
-import infinigen.assets.materials.spot_sparse_attr
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.materials import bone, tongue, eyeball, nose
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature_util import offset_center
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import creature, joining
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import hair as creature_hair, cloth_sim
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.animation import idle, run_cycle
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-def tiger_hair_params():
- mat_roughness = U(0.4, 0.7)
- length = clip_gaussian(0.022, 0.03, 0.01, 0.1)
- puff = U(0.14, 0.4)
- return {
- 'density': 500000,
- 'clump_n': np.random.randint(5, 70),
- 'avoid_features_dist': 0.01,
- 'grooming': {
- 'Length MinMaxScale': np.array((length, length * N(2, 0.5), U(15, 60)), dtype=np.float32),
- 'Puff MinMaxScale': np.array((puff, puff * N(3, 0.5), U(15, 60)), dtype=np.float32),
- 'Combing': U(0.7, 1),
- 'Strand Random Mag': 0.0,
- 'Strand Perlin Mag': U(0, 0.006),
- 'Strand Perlin Scale': U(15, 45),
- 'Tuft Spread': N(0.01, 0.002),
- 'Tuft Clumping': U(0.2, 0.8),
- 'Root Radius': 0.001,
- 'Post Clump Noise Mag': 0.0005 * N(1, 0.15),
- 'Hair Length Pct Min': U(0.5, 0.9)
- },
- 'material': {
- 'Roughness': mat_roughness,
- 'Radial Roughness': mat_roughness + N(0, 0.07),
- 'Random Roughness': 0,
- 'IOR': 1.55
- }
- }
-def tiger_skin_sim_params():
- return {
- 'bending_stiffness_max': 450.0,
- 'compression_stiffness_max': 80.0,
- 'goal_spring': 0.8,
- 'pin_stiffness': 1,
- 'shear_stiffness': 15.0,
- 'shear_stiffness_max': 80.0,
- 'tension_stiffness_max': 80.0,
- 'uniform_pressure_force': 5.0,
- 'use_pressure': True,
- }
-def tiger_postprocessing(body_parts, extras, params):
- get_extras = lambda k: [o for o in extras if k in o.name]
- main_template = surface.registry.sample_registry(params['surface_registry'])
- main_template.apply(body_parts + get_extras('BodyExtra'))
- tongue.apply(get_extras('Tongue'))
- bone.apply(get_extras('Teeth') + get_extras('Claws'))
- eyeball.apply(get_extras('Eyeball'), shader_kwargs={"coord": "X"})
- nose.apply(get_extras('Nose'))
-def tiger_genome():
- body_fac = parts.generic_nurbs.NurbsBody(prefix='body_feline', tags=['body'], var=0.7, temperature=0.2)
- body_fac.params['thetas'][-3] *= N(1, 0.1)
- body = genome.part(body_fac)
- tail = genome.part(parts.tail.Tail())
- genome.attach(tail, body, coord=(0.07, 1, 1), joint=Joint(rest=(N(0, 10), 180, 0)))
- if U() < 0.5:
- head_length_rad1_rad2 = np.array((0.36, 0.20, 0.18)) * N(1, 0.1, 3)
- head_fac = parts.head.CarnivoreHead({'length_rad1_rad2': head_length_rad1_rad2})
- head = genome.part(head_fac)
- jaw_pct = np.array((1.05, 0.55, 0.5))
- jaw = genome.part(parts.head.CarnivoreJaw({'length_rad1_rad2': head_length_rad1_rad2 * jaw_pct}))
- genome.attach(jaw, head, coord=(0.2 * N(1, 0.1), 0, 0.35 * N(1, 0.1)), joint=Joint(rest=(0, U(10, 35), 0), pose=(0,0,0)))
- else:
- head_fac = parts.generic_nurbs.NurbsHead(prefix='head_carnivore', tags=['head'], var=0.5)
- head = genome.part(head_fac)
- headl = head_fac.params['length'][0]
- head_length_rad1_rad2 = np.array((headl, 0.20, 0.18)) * N(1, 0.1, 3)
- jaw_pct = np.array((0.7, 0.55, 0.5))
- jaw = genome.part(parts.head.CarnivoreJaw({'length_rad1_rad2': head_length_rad1_rad2 * jaw_pct}))
- genome.attach(jaw, head, coord=(0.12, 0, 0.3 * N(1, 0.1)), joint=Joint(rest=(0, U(10, 35), 0), pose=(0,0,0)))
- eye_fac = parts.eye.MammalEye({'Radius': N(0.027, 0.009)})
- eye_t, splay = U(0.61, 0.64), U(90, 140)/180
- r = U(0.8, 0.9)
- rot = np.array([0, 0, 0])
- for side in [-1, 1]:
- eye = genome.part(eye_fac)
- genome.attach(eye, head, coord=(eye_t, splay, r), joint=Joint(rest=rot), rotation_basis='normal', side=side)
- nose = genome.part(parts.head_detail.CatNose())
- genome.attach(nose, head, coord=(U(0.9, 0.96), 1, U(0.5, 0.7)), joint=Joint(rest=(0, 20, 0)))
- ear_fac = parts.head_detail.CatEar()
- t, splay = N(0.33, 0.07), U(100, 150)/180
- rot = np.array([-20, -10, -23]) + N(0, 4, 3)
- for side in [-1, 1]:
- ear = genome.part(ear_fac)
- genome.attach(ear, head, coord=(t, splay, 1), joint=Joint(rest=rot), rotation_basis='normal', side=side)
- neck_t = 0.7
- shoulder_bounds = np.array([[-20, -20, -20], [20, 20, 20]])
- splay = clip_gaussian(130, 7, 90, 130)/180
- shoulder_t = clip_gaussian(0.12, 0.05, 0.08, 0.12)
- params = {'length_rad1_rad2': np.array((1.6, 0.1, 0.05)) * N(1, (0.15, 0.05, 0.05), 3)}
- foot_fac = parts.foot.Foot()
- backleg_fac = parts.leg.QuadrupedBackLeg(params=params)
- for side in [-1, 1]:
- back_leg = genome.attach(genome.part(foot_fac), genome.part(backleg_fac), coord=(0.9, 0, 0), joint=Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)))
- genome.attach(back_leg, body, coord=(shoulder_t, splay, 1.2),
- joint=Joint(rest=(0, 90, 0), bounds=shoulder_bounds),
- rotation_basis='global', side=side)#, smooth_rad=0.06)#, bridge_rad=0.1)
- frontleg_fac = parts.leg.QuadrupedFrontLeg(params=params)
- for side in [-1, 1]:
- front_leg = genome.attach(genome.part(foot_fac), genome.part(frontleg_fac), coord=(0.9, 0, 0), joint=Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)))
- genome.attach(front_leg, body, coord=(neck_t - shoulder_t, splay, 0.8),
- joint=Joint(rest=(0, 90, 0)), rotation_basis='global', side=side)#, smooth_rad=0.06)#, bridge_rad=0.1)
- #neck_lrr = np.array((body_lrr[0], body_lrr[-1], body_lrr[-1])) * np.array((0.45, 0.5, 0.25)) * N(1, 0.05, 3)
- #neck = genome.part(parts.head.Neck({'length_rad1_rad2': neck_lrr}))
- genome.attach(head, body, coord=(N(0.97, 0.01), 0, 0),
- joint=Joint(rest=(0, N(20, 5), 0)),
- rotation_basis='global')#, bridge_rad=0.1)
- #genome.attach(neck, body, coord=(0.8, 0, 0.1), joint=Joint(rest=(0, -N(15, 2), 0)))
- return genome.CreatureGenome(
- parts=body,
- postprocess_params=dict(
- hair=tiger_hair_params(),
- skin=tiger_skin_sim_params(),
- surface_registry=[
- (infinigen.assets.materials.tiger_attr, 3),
- (infinigen.assets.materials.giraffe_attr, 0.2),
- (infinigen.assets.materials.spot_sparse_attr, 2)
- ]
- )
- )
-class CarnivoreFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(
- self,
- factory_seed=None,
- bvh: mathutils.bvhtree.BVHTree = None,
- coarse: bool = False,
- animation_mode: str = None,
- hair: bool = True,
- clothsim_skin: bool = False,
- **kwargs
- ):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.bvh = bvh
- self.animation_mode = animation_mode
- self.hair = hair
- self.clothsim_skin = clothsim_skin
- if self.hair and (self.animation_mode is not None or self.clothsim_skin):
- raise NotImplementedError(
- 'Dynamic hair is not yet fully working. '
- 'Please disable either hair or both of animation/clothsim'
- )
- def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs):
- return butil.spawn_cube(size=4)
- def create_asset(self, i, placeholder, **kwargs):
- genome = tiger_genome()
- root, parts = creature.genome_to_creature(genome, name=f'carnivore({self.factory_seed}, {i})')
- # tag_object(root, 'carnivore')
- offset_center(root)
- dynamic = self.animation_mode is not None
- joined, extras, arma, ik_targets = joining.join_and_rig_parts(
- root, parts, genome, rigging=dynamic,
- postprocess_func=tiger_postprocessing, **kwargs)
- butil.parent_to(root, placeholder, no_inverse=True)
- if self.hair:
- creature_hair.configure_hair(
- joined,
- root,
- genome.postprocess_params['hair'],
- is_dynamic=dynamic
- )
- if dynamic:
- if self.animation_mode == 'run':
- run_cycle.animate_run(root, arma, ik_targets)
- elif self.animation_mode == 'idle':
- idle.snap_iks_to_floor(ik_targets, self.bvh)
- idle.idle_body_noise_drivers(ik_targets)
- elif self.animation_mode == 'tpose':
- pass
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized mode {self.animation_mode=}')
- if self.clothsim_skin:
- rigidity = surface.write_vertex_group(
- joined, cloth_sim.local_pos_rigity_mask, apply=True)
- cloth_sim.bake_cloth(joined, genome.postprocess_params['skin'],
- attributes=dict(vertex_group_mass=rigidity))
- return root
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/crustacean.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/crustacean.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 09f9e7f1b..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/crustacean.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import colorsys
-from collections import defaultdict
-import bpy
-import gin
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import genome_to_creature
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.joining import join_and_rig_parts
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import CreatureGenome, Joint, attach, part
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.parts.crustacean.antenna import LobsterAntennaFactory, SpinyLobsterAntennaFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.parts.crustacean.claw import CrabClawFactory, LobsterClawFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.parts.crustacean.eye import CrustaceanEyeFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.parts.crustacean.fin import CrustaceanFinFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.parts.crustacean.leg import CrabLegFactory, LobsterLegFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.parts.crustacean.body import CrabBodyFactory, LobsterBodyFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.parts.crustacean.tail import CrustaceanTailFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_material_index, write_material_index
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.surface import read_attr_data, shaderfunc_to_material
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_utils import build_color_ramp
-n_legs = 4
-n_limbs = 5
-n_side_fin = 2
-def crustacean_genome(sp):
- body_fac = sp['body_fn']()
- obj = part(body_fac)
- # Add legs
- leg_x_length = sp['leg_x_length'](body_fac.params)
- leg_x_lengths = np.sort(uniform(.6, 1, 4))[:: -1] * leg_x_length
- leg_angle = sp['leg_angle']
- x_legs = sp['x_legs']
- leg_joints_x, leg_joints_y, leg_joints_z = sp['leg_joint']
- shared_leg_params = ['bottom_flat', 'bottom_cutoff']
- leg_fn = sp['leg_fn']
- leg_params = {k: v for k, v in leg_fn().params.items() if k in shared_leg_params}
- leg_fac = [leg_fn({**leg_params, 'x_length': leg_x_lengths[i]}) for i in range(n_legs)]
- for i in range(n_legs):
- for side in [1, -1]:
- attach(part(leg_fac[i]), obj, (x_legs[i + 1], leg_angle, .99),
- Joint((leg_joints_x[i], leg_joints_y[i], leg_joints_z[i])), side=side)
- # Add claws
- claw_angle = sp['claw_angle']
- claw_fn = sp['claw_fn']
- claw_fac = claw_fn({'x_length': sp['claw_x_length'](body_fac.params)})
- for side in [1, -1]:
- attach(part(claw_fac), obj, (x_legs[0] + sp['x_claw_offset'], claw_angle, .99), Joint(sp['claw_joint']),
- side=side)
- # Add tails
- tail_fac = sp['tail_fn']
- if tail_fac is not None:
- shared_params = ['bottom_shift', 'bottom_cutoff', 'top_shift', 'top_cutoff', 'y_length', 'z_length']
- tail_fac = tail_fac({**{k: v for k, v in body_fac.params.items() if k in shared_params},
- 'x_length': sp['tail_x_length'](body_fac.params),
- })
- tail = part(tail_fac)
- attach(tail, obj, (0, 0, 0), Joint((0, 0, 180)))
- fin_fn = sp['fin_fn']
- if fin_fn is not None:
- fin_fn = sp['fin_fn']
- x_fins = sp['x_fins']
- fin_joints_x, fin_joints_y, fin_joints_z = sp['fin_joints']
- fin_x_length = sp['fin_x_length'](body_fac.params)
- fin_x_lengths = np.sort(uniform(.6, 1, 4))[:: -1] * fin_x_length
- fin_fac = [fin_fn({'x_length': fin_x_lengths[i]}) for i in range(n_side_fin + 1)]
- for i in range(n_side_fin):
- for side in [1, -1]:
- attach(part(fin_fac[i]), tail, (x_fins[i], .5, .99),
- Joint((fin_joints_x[i], fin_joints_y[i], fin_joints_z[i])), side=side)
- attach(part(fin_fac[-1]), tail, (.99, .5, .9), Joint((0, 0, 0)))
- # Add eyes
- x_eye = sp['x_eye']
- eye_angle = sp['eye_angle']
- eye_joint_x, eye_joint_y, eye_joint_z = sp['eye_joint']
- eye_fac = CrustaceanEyeFactory()
- for side in [1, -1]:
- attach(part(eye_fac), obj, (x_eye, eye_angle, .99), Joint((eye_joint_x, eye_joint_y, eye_joint_z)),
- side=side)
- # Add antenna
- antenna_fn = sp['antenna_fn']
- if antenna_fn is not None:
- x_antenna = sp['x_antenna']
- antenna_angle = sp['antenna_angle']
- antenna_fac = antenna_fn({'x_length': sp['antenna_x_length'](body_fac.params)})
- for side in [1, -1]:
- attach(part(antenna_fac), obj, (x_antenna, antenna_angle, .99), Joint(sp['antenna_joint']),
- side=side)
- anim_params = {k: v for k, v in sp.items() if 'curl' in k or 'rot' in k}
- anim_params['freq'] = sp['freq']
- postprocess_params = dict(material={'base_hue': sp['base_hue']}, anim=anim_params)
- return CreatureGenome(obj, postprocess_params)
-def build_base_hue():
- if uniform(0, 1) < .6:
- return uniform(0, .05)
- else:
- return uniform(.4, .45)
-def shader_crustacean(nw: NodeWrangler, params):
- value_shift = log_uniform(2, 10)
- base_hue = params['base_hue']
- bright_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(.8, 1.), log_uniform(.02, .05) * value_shift)
- dark_color = hsv2rgba((base_hue + uniform(-.05, .05)) % 1, uniform(.8, 1.),
- log_uniform(.01, .02) * value_shift)
- light_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(.0, .4), log_uniform(.2, 1.))
- specular = uniform(.6, .8)
- specular_tint = uniform(0, 1)
- clearcoat = uniform(.2, .8)
- roughness = uniform(.1, .3)
- metallic = uniform(.6, .8)
- x, y, z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.NewGeometry).outputs['Position'])
- color = build_color_ramp(nw, nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, [
- nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture, [nw.combine(x, nw.math('ABSOLUTE', y), z)],
- input_kwargs={'Scale': log_uniform(5, 8)}), -1, 1, 0, 1]), [.0, .3, .7, 1.],
- [bright_color, bright_color, dark_color, dark_color], )
- ratio = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={'attribute_name': 'ratio'}).outputs['Fac']
- color = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [ratio, light_color, color])
- bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- 'Base Color': color,
- 'Metallic': metallic,
- 'Roughness': roughness,
- 'Specular': specular,
- 'Specular Tint': specular_tint,
- 'Clearcoat': clearcoat
- })
- return bsdf
-def shader_eye(nw: NodeWrangler):
- return nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={'Base Color': (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1), 'Specular': 0})
-def crustacean_postprocessing(body_parts, extras, params):
- tag_list = ['body', 'claw', 'leg']
- materials = [shaderfunc_to_material(shader_crustacean, params['material']) for _, t in enumerate(tag_list)]
- tag_list.append('eye')
- materials.append(shaderfunc_to_material(shader_eye))
- assign_material(body_parts + extras, materials)
- for part in body_parts:
- material_indices = read_material_index(part)
- for i, tag_name in enumerate(tag_list):
- if f'tag_{tag_name}' in part.data.attributes.keys():
- part.data.attributes.active = part.data.attributes[f'tag_{tag_name}']
- with butil.SelectObjects(part):
- bpy.ops.geometry.attribute_convert(domain='FACE')
- has_tag = read_attr_data(part, f'tag_{tag_name}', 'FACE')
- material_indices[np.nonzero(has_tag)[0]] = i
- write_material_index(part, material_indices)
- for extra in extras:
- material_indices = read_material_index(extra)
- material_indices.fill(tag_list.index('claw'))
- write_material_index(extra, material_indices)
-def animate_crustacean_move(arma, params):
- groups = defaultdict(list)
- for bone in arma.pose.bones.values():
- groups[(bone.bone['factory_class'], bone.bone['index'])].append(bone)
- for (factory_name, part_id), bones in groups.items():
- eval(factory_name).animate_bones(arma, bones, params)
-class CrustaceanFactory(AssetFactory):
- max_expected_radius = 1
- max_distance = 40
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, **_):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.species_params = {
- 'lobster': self.lobster_params,
- 'crab': self.crab_params,
- 'spiny_lobster': self.spiny_lobster_params
- }
- self.species = np.random.choice(list(self.species_params.keys()))
- def create_asset(self, i, animate=True, rigging=True, cloth=False, **kwargs):
- genome = crustacean_genome(self.species_params[self.species]())
- root, parts = genome_to_creature(genome, name=f'crustacean({self.factory_seed}, {i})')
- for p in parts:
- if p.obj.name.split("=")[-1] == "CrustaceanEyeFactor":
- assign_material(p.obj, shaderfunc_to_material(shader_eye))
- joined, extras, arma, ik_targets = join_and_rig_parts(root, parts, genome,
- postprocess_func=crustacean_postprocessing,
- rigging=rigging, min_remesh_size=.005,
- face_size=kwargs['face_size'],
- roll='GLOBAL_POS_Z')
- if animate and arma is not None:
- animate_crustacean_move(arma, genome.postprocess_params['anim'])
- else:
- butil.join_objects([joined] + extras)
- return root
- def crab_params(self):
- base_leg_curl = uniform(-np.pi * .15, np.pi * .15)
- return {
- 'body_fn': CrabBodyFactory,
- 'leg_fn': CrabLegFactory,
- 'claw_fn': CrabClawFactory,
- 'tail_fn': None,
- 'antenna_fn': None,
- 'fin_fn': None,
- 'leg_x_length': lambda p: p['y_length'] * log_uniform(2., 3.),
- 'claw_x_length': lambda p: p['y_length'] * log_uniform(1.5, 1.8),
- 'tail_x_length': lambda p: 0,
- 'antenna_x_length': lambda p: 0,
- 'fin_x_length': lambda p: 0,
- 'x_legs': (np.linspace(uniform(.08, .1), uniform(.55, .6), n_limbs) + np.arange(n_limbs) * .02)[
- ::-1],
- 'leg_angle': uniform(.42, .44),
- 'leg_joint': (
- np.sort(uniform(-5, 5, n_legs))[::1 if uniform(0, 1) > .5 else -1], np.sort(uniform(0, 10, n_legs)),
- np.sort(uniform(65, 105, n_legs) + uniform(-8, 8)) + np.arange(n_legs) * 2),
- 'x_claw_offset': uniform(.08, .1),
- 'claw_angle': uniform(.44, .46),
- 'claw_joint': (uniform(-50, -40), uniform(-20, 20), uniform(10, 20)),
- 'x_eye': uniform(.92, .96),
- 'eye_angle': uniform(.8, .85),
- 'eye_joint': (0, uniform(-60, -0), uniform(10, 70)),
- 'x_antenna': 0,
- 'antenna_angle': 0,
- 'antenna_joint': (0, 0, 0),
- 'x_fins': 0,
- 'fin_joints': ([0] * n_side_fin, [0] * n_side_fin, [0] * n_side_fin),
- 'leg_rot': (uniform(np.pi * .8, np.pi * 1.1), 0, 0),
- 'leg_curl': (
- (-np.pi * 1.1, -np.pi * .7), 0, (base_leg_curl - np.pi * .02, base_leg_curl + np.pi * .02)),
- 'claw_curl': ((-np.pi * .2, np.pi * .1), 0, (-np.pi * .1, np.pi * .1)),
- 'claw_lower_curl': ((-np.pi * .1, np.pi * .1), 0, 0),
- 'tail_curl': (0, 0, 0),
- 'antenna_curl': (0, 0, 0),
- 'base_hue': build_base_hue(),
- 'freq': 1 / log_uniform(100, 200),
- }
- def lobster_params(self):
- base_leg_curl = uniform(-np.pi * .4, np.pi * .4)
- return {
- 'body_fn': LobsterBodyFactory,
- 'leg_fn': LobsterLegFactory,
- 'claw_fn': LobsterClawFactory,
- 'tail_fn': CrustaceanTailFactory,
- 'antenna_fn': LobsterAntennaFactory,
- 'fin_fn': CrustaceanFinFactory,
- 'leg_x_length': lambda p: p['x_length'] * log_uniform(.6, .8),
- 'claw_x_length': lambda p: p['x_length'] * log_uniform(1.2, 1.5),
- 'tail_x_length': lambda p: p['x_length'] * log_uniform(1.2, 1.8),
- 'antenna_x_length': lambda p: p['x_length'] * log_uniform(1.6, 3.),
- 'fin_x_length': lambda p: p['y_length'] * log_uniform(1.2, 2.5),
- 'x_legs': (np.linspace(.05, uniform(.2, .25), n_limbs) + np.arange(n_limbs) * .02)[::-1],
- 'leg_angle': uniform(.3, .35),
- 'leg_joint': (
- uniform(-5, 5, n_legs), uniform(0, 10, n_legs), np.sort(uniform(95, 110, n_legs) + uniform(-8, 8))),
- 'x_claw_offset': uniform(.08, .1),
- 'claw_angle': uniform(.4, .5),
- 'claw_joint': (uniform(-80, -70), uniform(-10, 10), uniform(10, 20)),
- 'x_eye': uniform(.8, .88),
- 'eye_angle': uniform(.8, .85),
- 'eye_joint': (0, uniform(-60, -0), uniform(10, 70)),
- 'x_antenna': uniform(.76, .8),
- 'antenna_angle': uniform(.6, .7),
- 'antenna_joint': (uniform(70, 110), uniform(-40, -30), uniform(20, 40)),
- 'x_fins': np.sort(uniform(.85, .95, n_side_fin)),
- 'fin_joints': (
- np.sort(uniform(0, 30, n_side_fin))[::1 if uniform(0, 1) < .5 else -1], [0] * n_side_fin,
- np.sort(uniform(10, 30, n_side_fin))),
- 'leg_rot': (uniform(np.pi * .8, np.pi * 1.1), 0, 0),
- 'leg_curl': (
- (-np.pi * 1.1, -np.pi * .7), 0, (base_leg_curl - np.pi * .02, base_leg_curl + np.pi * .02)),
- 'claw_curl': ((-np.pi * .1, np.pi * .2), 0, 0),
- 'claw_lower_curl': ((-np.pi * .1, np.pi * .1), 0, 0),
- 'tail_curl': ((-np.pi * .6, 0), 0, 0),
- 'antenna_curl': ((np.pi * .1, np.pi * .3), 0, (0, np.pi * .8)),
- 'base_hue': build_base_hue(),
- 'freq': 1 / log_uniform(400, 500),
- }
- def spiny_lobster_params(self):
- lobster_params = self.lobster_params()
- leg_joint_x, leg_joint_y, leg_joint_z = lobster_params['leg_joint']
- leg_joint_z_min = np.min(leg_joint_z) + uniform(-10, -5)
- return {**lobster_params,
- 'antenna_fn': SpinyLobsterAntennaFactory,
- 'claw_fn': LobsterLegFactory,
- 'claw_x_length': lobster_params['leg_x_length'],
- 'claw_angle': lobster_params['leg_angle'],
- 'claw_joint': (uniform(10, 40), uniform(0, 10), leg_joint_z_min),
- 'x_antenna': uniform(.7, .75),
- 'antenna_angle': uniform(.4, .5),
- }
-class CrabFactory(CrustaceanFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, **_):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.species = 'crab'
-class LobsterFactory(CrustaceanFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, **_):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.species = 'lobster'
-class SpinyLobsterFactory(CrustaceanFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, **_):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.species = 'spiny_lobster'
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/fish.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/fish.py
deleted file mode 100644
index de37a396f..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/fish.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors:
-# - Alexander Raistrick: FishSchoolFactory, basic version of FishFactory, anim & simulation
-# - Mingzhe Wang: Fin placement
-from collections import defaultdict
-import bpy
-import gin
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint
-import infinigen.assets.materials.scale
-import infinigen.assets.materials.fishbody
-from infinigen.assets.materials import fishfin, eyeball
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import sample_range
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import genome
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint
-from infinigen.assets.creatures import parts
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import creature, joining
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import cloth_sim
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.boid_swarm import BoidSwarmFactory
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian, FixedSeed
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.animation.driver_wiggle import animate_wiggle_bones
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature_util import offset_center
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-from infinigen.assets.materials import fish_eye_shader
-def fin_params(scale=(1, 1, 1), dorsal=False):
- # scale = np.array((0.2, 1, 0.4)) * np.array((l / l_mean, 1, rad/r_mean)) * np.array(scale)
- noise = np.array(
- (clip_gaussian(1, 0.1, 0.8, 1.2), 1, 0.8 * clip_gaussian(1, 0.1, 0.8, 1.2)))
- scale *= noise
- scale = scale.astype(np.float32)
- if dorsal:
- #if U() < 0.8:
- # for dorsal fins, change the shape via RoundWeight
- RoundWeight = sample_range(0.8, 1)
- RoundingWeight = 1
- #else:
- # RoundWeight = sample_range(0.4, 0.5)
- # RoundingWeight = sample_range(0.04, 0.06)
- AffineZ = sample_range(0, 0.1)
- OffsetWeightZ = sample_range(0.6, 1)
- OffsetWeightY = 1
- Freq = U(100, 150)
- else:
- RoundWeight = 1
- RoundingWeight = sample_range(0.02, 0.07)
- AffineZ = sample_range(0.8, 1.2)
- OffsetWeightZ = sample_range(0.05, 0.2)
- OffsetWeightY = sample_range(0.2, 1)
- Freq = U(60, 80)
- return {
- 'FinScale': scale,
- 'RoundWeight': RoundWeight,
- 'RoundingWeight': RoundingWeight,
- 'AffineZ': AffineZ,
- 'OffsetWeightZ': OffsetWeightZ,
- 'OffsetWeightY': OffsetWeightY,
- 'Freq': Freq
- }
-def fish_postprocessing(body_parts, extras, params):
- get_extras = lambda k: [o for o in extras if k in o.name]
- main_template = surface.registry.sample_registry(params['surface_registry'])
- main_template.apply(body_parts + get_extras('BodyExtra'))
- mat = body_parts[0].active_material
- gold = (mat is not None and 'gold' in mat.name)
- body_parts[0].active_material.name.lower() or U() < 0.1
- fishfin.apply(get_extras('Fin'), shader_kwargs={'goldfish': gold })
- fish_eye_shader.apply(get_extras('Eyeball'))
- #eyeball.apply(get_extras('Eyeball'), shader_kwargs={"coord": "X"})
-def fish_fin_cloth_sim_params():
- res = dict(
- compression_stiffness= 1200,
- tension_stiffness = 1200,
- shear_stiffness = 1200,
- bending_stiffness = 3000,
- tension_damping=100,
- compression_damping=100,
- shear_damping=100,
- bending_damping=100,
- air_damping = 5,
- mass = 0.3,
- )
- for k, v in res.items():
- res[k] = clip_gaussian(1, 0.2, 0.2, 3) * v
- return res
-def fish_genome():
- temp_dict = defaultdict(lambda: 0.1, {'body_fish_eel': 0.01, 'body_fish_puffer': 0.001})
- body = genome.part(parts.generic_nurbs.NurbsBody(
- prefix='body_fish', tags=['body'], var=U(0.3, 1),
- temperature=temp_dict,
- shoulder_ik_ts=[0.0, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0],
- n_bones=15,
- rig_reverse_skeleton=True
- ))
- if U() < 0.9:
- n_dorsal = 1 #if U() < 0.6 else randint(1, 4)
- coord = (U(0.3, 0.45), 1, 0.7)
- for i in range(n_dorsal):
- dorsal_fin = parts.ridged_fin.FishFin(fin_params((U(0.4, 0.6), 0.5, 0.2), dorsal=True), rig=False)
- genome.attach(genome.part(dorsal_fin), body, coord=coord, joint=Joint(rest=(0, -100, 0)))
- rot = lambda r: np.array((20, r, -205)) + N(0, 7, 3)
- if U() < 0.8:
- pectoral_fin = parts.ridged_fin.FishFin(fin_params((0.1, 0.5, 0.3)))
- coord = (U(0.65, 0.8), U(55, 65) / 180, .9)
- for side in [-1, 1]:
- genome.attach(genome.part(pectoral_fin), body, coord=coord,
- joint=Joint(rest=rot(-13)), side=side)
- if U() < 0.8:
- pelvic_fin = parts.ridged_fin.FishFin(fin_params((0.08, 0.5, 0.25)))
- coord = (U(0.5, 0.65), U(8, 15)/180, .8)
- for side in [-1, 1]:
- genome.attach(genome.part(pelvic_fin), body, coord=coord, joint=Joint(rest=rot(28)), side=side)
- if U() < 0.8:
- hind_fin = parts.ridged_fin.FishFin(fin_params((0.1, 0.5, 0.3)))
- coord = (U(0.2, 0.3), N(36, 5)/180, .9)
- for side in [-1, 1]:
- genome.attach(genome.part(hind_fin), body, coord=coord, joint=Joint(rest=rot(28)), side=side)
- angle = U(140, 170)
- tail_fin = parts.ridged_fin.FishFin(fin_params((0.12, 0.5, 0.35)), rig=False)
- for vdir in [-1, 1]:
- genome.attach(genome.part(tail_fin), body, coord=(0.05, 0, 0), joint=Joint((0, -angle * vdir, 0)))
- eye_fac = parts.eye.MammalEye({'Eyelids': False, 'Radius': N(0.036, 0.01)})
- coord = (0.9, 0.6, 0.9)
- for side in [-1, 1]:
- genome.attach(genome.part(eye_fac), body, coord=coord,
- joint=Joint(rest=(0,0,0)), side=side, rotation_basis='normal')
- if U() < 0:
- jaw = genome.part(parts.head.CarnivoreJaw({'length_rad1_rad2': (0.2, 0.1, 0.06)}))
- genome.attach(jaw, body, coord=(0.8, 0, 0.7), joint=Joint(rest=(0, U(-30, -80), 0)), rotation_basis="normal")
- return genome.CreatureGenome(
- parts=body,
- postprocess_params=dict(
- cloth=fish_fin_cloth_sim_params(),
- anim=fish_swim_params(),
- surface_registry=[
- (infinigen.assets.materials.fishbody, 3),
- #(infinigen.assets.materials.scale, 1),
- ]
- )
- )
-def fish_swim_params():
- swim_freq = 3 * clip_gaussian(1, 0.3, 0.1, 2)
- swim_mag = N(20, 3)
- return dict(
- swim_mag=swim_mag,
- swim_freq=swim_freq,
- flipper_freq = 3 * clip_gaussian(1, 0.5, 0.1, 3) * swim_freq,
- flipper_mag = 0.35 * N(1, 0.1) * swim_mag,
- flipper_var = U(0, 0.2),
- )
-def animate_fish_swim(arma, params):
- spine = [b for b in arma.pose.bones if 'Body' in b.name]
- fin_bones = [b for b in arma.pose.bones if 'extra_bone(Fin' in b.name]
- global_offset = U(0, 1000) # so swimming animations dont sync across fish
- animate_wiggle_bones(
- arma=arma, bones=spine,
- off=global_offset,
- mag_deg=params['swim_mag'], freq=params['swim_freq'], wavelength=U(0.5, 2))
- v = params['flipper_var']
- for b in fin_bones:
- animate_wiggle_bones(
- arma=arma, bones=[b], off=global_offset+U(0, 1),
- mag_deg=params['flipper_mag']*N(1, v),
- freq=params['flipper_mag']*N(1, v))
-def simulate_fish_cloth(joined, extras, cloth_params, rigidity='cloth_pin_rigidity'):
- for e in [joined] + extras:
- assert e.type == 'MESH'
- if 'Fin' in e.name:
- assert rigidity in e.data.attributes
- else:
- surface.write_attribute(joined, lambda nw: 1, data_type='FLOAT',
- name=rigidity, apply=True)
- joined = butil.join_objects([joined] + extras)
- cloth_sim.bake_cloth(joined, settings=cloth_params,
- attributes=dict(vertex_group_mass=rigidity))
- return joined
-class FishFactory(AssetFactory):
- max_distance = 40
- def __init__(
- self,
- factory_seed=None,
- bvh=None,
- coarse=False,
- animation_mode=None,
- species_variety=None,
- clothsim_skin: bool = False,
- **_
- ):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.bvh = bvh
- self.animation_mode = animation_mode
- self.clothsim_skin = clothsim_skin
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.species_genome = fish_genome()
- self.species_variety = species_variety if species_variety is not None else clip_gaussian(0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.45)
- def create_asset(self, i, **kwargs):
- instance_genome = genome.interp_genome(self.species_genome, fish_genome(), self.species_variety)
- root, parts = creature.genome_to_creature(instance_genome, name=f'fish({self.factory_seed}, {i})')
- offset_center(root, x=True, z=False)
- # Force material consistency across a whole species of fish
- # TODO: Replace once Generator class is stnadardized
- def seeded_fish_postprocess(*args, **kwargs):
- with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- fish_postprocessing(*args, **kwargs)
- joined, extras, arma, ik_targets = joining.join_and_rig_parts(
- root, parts, instance_genome, rigging=(self.animation_mode is not None), rig_before_subdiv=True,
- postprocess_func=seeded_fish_postprocess, adapt_mode='subdivide', **kwargs)
- if self.animation_mode is not None and arma is not None:
- if self.animation_mode == 'idle' or self.animation_mode == 'roam':
- animate_fish_swim(arma, instance_genome.postprocess_params['anim'])
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized {self.animation_mode=}')
- if self.clothsim_skin:
- joined = simulate_fish_cloth(joined, extras, instance_genome.postprocess_params['cloth'])
- else:
- joined = butil.join_objects([joined] + extras)
- joined.parent = root
- tag_object(root, 'fish')
- return root
-class FishSchoolFactory(BoidSwarmFactory):
- @gin.configurable
- def fish_school_params(self):
- boids_settings = dict(
- use_flight = True,
- use_land = False,
- use_climb = False,
- rules = [
- dict(type='SEPARATE'),
- dict(type='GOAL'),
- dict(type='FLOCK'),
- ],
- air_speed_max = U(5, 10),
- air_acc_max = U(0.7, 1),
- air_personal_space = U(0.15, 2),
- bank = 0, # fish dont tip over / roll
- pitch = 0.4, #
- rule_fuzzy = U(0.6, 0.9)
- )
- return dict(
- particle_size=U(0.3, 1),
- size_random=U(0.1, 0.7),
- use_rotation_instance=True,
- lifetime=bpy.context.scene.frame_end - bpy.context.scene.frame_start,
- warmup_frames=1, emit_duration=0, # all particles appear immediately
- emit_from='VOLUME',
- mass = 2,
- use_multiply_size_mass=True,
- effect_gravity=0,
- boids_settings=boids_settings
- )
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, bvh=None, coarse=False):
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- settings = self.fish_school_params()
- col = make_asset_collection(FishFactory(factory_seed=randint(1e7), animation_mode='idle'), n=3)
- super().__init__(
- factory_seed, child_col=col,
- collider_col=bpy.data.collections.get('colliders'),
- settings=settings, bvh=bvh,
- volume=("uniform", 3, 10),
- coarse=coarse
- )
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- import os
- for i in range(3):
- factory = FishFactory(i)
- root = factory.create_asset(i)
- root.location[0] = i * 3
- bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath=os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), "dev_fish5.blend"))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/herbivore.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/herbivore.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 074220f3c..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/herbivore.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-from collections import defaultdict
-import bpy, mathutils
-import gin
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import genome
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint
-from infinigen.assets.creatures import parts
-from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian
-from infinigen.core import surface
-import infinigen.assets.materials.tiger_attr
-import infinigen.assets.materials.giraffe_attr
-import infinigen.assets.materials.spot_sparse_attr
-import infinigen.assets.materials.reptile_brown_circle_attr
-import infinigen.assets.materials.reptile_gray_attr
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature_util import offset_center
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import creature, joining
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import hair as creature_hair, cloth_sim
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.animation import idle, run_cycle
-from infinigen.assets.materials import bone, tongue, eyeball, nose, horn
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-def herbivore_hair():
- mat_roughness = U(0.5, 0.9)
- puff = U(0.14, 0.4)
- length = clip_gaussian(0.035, 0.03, 0.01, 0.1)
- return {
- 'density': 500000,
- 'clump_n': np.random.randint(10, 300),
- 'avoid_features_dist': 0.06,
- 'grooming': {
- 'Length MinMaxScale': np.array((length, length * U(1.5, 4), U(15, 60)), dtype=np.float32),
- 'Puff MinMaxScale': np.array((puff, U(0.5, 1.3), U(15, 60)), dtype=np.float32),
- 'Combing': U(0.5, 1),
- 'Strand Random Mag': U(0, 0.003) if U() < 0.5 else 0,
- 'Strand Perlin Mag': U(0, 0.006),
- 'Strand Perlin Scale': U(15, 45),
- 'Tuft Spread': N(0.06, 0.025),
- 'Tuft Clumping': U(0.7, 0.95),
- 'Root Radius': 0.0025,
- 'Post Clump Noise Mag': 0.001 * N(1, 0.15),
- 'Hair Length Pct Min': U(0.5, 0.9)
- },
- 'material': {
- 'Roughness': mat_roughness,
- 'Radial Roughness': mat_roughness + N(0, 0.07),
- 'Random Roughness': 0,
- 'IOR': 1.55
- }
- }
-def herbivore_postprocessing(body_parts, extras, params):
- get_extras = lambda k: [o for o in extras if k in o.name]
- main_template = surface.registry.sample_registry(params['surface_registry'])
- main_template.apply(body_parts + get_extras('BodyExtra'))
- tongue.apply(get_extras('Tongue'))
- bone.apply(get_extras('Teeth') + get_extras('Claws'))
- horn.apply(get_extras('Horn'))
- eyeball.apply(get_extras('Eyeball'), shader_kwargs={"coord": "X"})
- nose.apply(get_extras('Nose'))
-def herbivore_genome():
- temp_dict = defaultdict(lambda: 0.2, {'body_herbivore_giraffe': 0.02, 'body_herbivore_llama': 0.1})
- body = genome.part(parts.generic_nurbs.NurbsBody(prefix='body_herbivore', tags=['body'], var=1, temperature=temp_dict))
- neck_t = 0.67
- shoulder_bounds = np.array([[-20, -20, -20], [20, 20, 20]])
- splay = clip_gaussian(130, 7, 90, 130)/180
- shoulder_t = clip_gaussian(0.1, 0.05, 0.05, 0.2)
- params = {'length_rad1_rad2': np.array((1.8, 0.1, 0.05)) * N(1, (0.1, 0.05, 0.05), 3)}
- leg_rest = (0, 90, 0) #(0, 90, 0)
- foot_rest = (0, -90, 0)
- foot_fac = parts.hoof.HoofAnkle()
- claw_fac = parts.hoof.HoofClaw()
- backleg_fac = parts.leg.QuadrupedBackLeg(params=params)
- frontleg_fac = parts.leg.QuadrupedFrontLeg(params=params)
- if U() < 0.15:
- lenscale = U(1, 1.3)
- backleg_fac.params['length_rad1_rad2'][0] *= lenscale
- frontleg_fac.params['length_rad1_rad2'][0] *= lenscale
- for side in [-1, 1]:
- # foot = genome.part(claw_fac)
- foot = genome.attach(genome.part(claw_fac), genome.part(foot_fac), coord=(0.7, -1, 0), joint=Joint(rest=(0, 90, 0)), rotation_basis='global')
- back_leg = genome.attach(foot, genome.part(backleg_fac), coord=(0.95, 1, 0.2), joint=Joint(rest=foot_rest), rotation_basis='global')
- genome.attach(back_leg, body, coord=(shoulder_t, splay, 1),
- joint=Joint(rest=leg_rest, bounds=shoulder_bounds), rotation_basis='global', side=side)
- for side in [-1, 1]:
- # foot = genome.part(claw_fac)
- foot = genome.attach(genome.part(claw_fac), genome.part(foot_fac), coord=(0.7, 1, 0), joint=Joint(rest=(0, 90, 0)), rotation_basis='normal')
- front_leg = genome.attach(foot, genome.part(frontleg_fac), coord=(0.95, 0, 0.5), joint=Joint(rest=(0, -70, 0)))
- genome.attach(front_leg, body, coord=(neck_t - shoulder_t, splay + 0/180, 0.9),
- joint=Joint(rest=leg_rest), rotation_basis='global', side=side)
- temp_dict = defaultdict(lambda: 0.2, {'body_herbivore_giraffe': 0.02})
- head_fac = parts.generic_nurbs.NurbsHead(prefix='head_herbivore', tags=['head'], var=0.5, temperature=temp_dict)
- head = genome.part(head_fac)
- eye_fac = parts.eye.MammalEye({'Radius': N(0.035, 0.01)})
- eye_t, splay = U(0.34, 0.45), U(80, 140)/180
- r = U(0.7, 0.9)
- rot = np.array([0, 0, 0])
- for side in [-1, 1]:
- eye = genome.part(eye_fac)
- genome.attach(eye, head, coord=(eye_t, splay, r), joint=Joint(rest=rot), rotation_basis='normal', side=side)
- jaw = genome.part(parts.head.CarnivoreJaw({'length_rad1_rad2': (0.6 * head_fac.params['length'], 0.12, 0.08), 'Canine Length': 0}))
- genome.attach(jaw, head, coord=(0.25 * N(1, 0.1), 0, 0.35 * N(1, 0.1)), joint=Joint(rest=(0, 10 * N(1, 0.1), 0)))
- if U() < 0.7:
- nose = genome.part(parts.head_detail.CatNose())
- genome.attach(nose, head, coord=(0.95, 1, 0.45), joint=Joint(rest=(0, 20, 0)))
- t, splay = U(0.15, eye_t - 0.07), N(125, 15)/180
- ear_fac = parts.head_detail.CatEar({})
- ear_fac.params['length_rad1_rad2'] *= N(1.2, 0.1, 3)
- rot = np.array([0, -10, -23]) * N(1, 0.1, 3)
- for side in [-1, 1]:
- ear = genome.part(ear_fac)
- genome.attach(ear, head, coord=(t, splay, 1), joint=Joint(rest=rot), rotation_basis='normal', side=side)
- if U() < 0.7:
- horn_fac = parts.horn.Horn()
- horn_fac.params['length'] *= U(0.1, 2)
- horn_fac.params['rad1'] *= U(0.07, 1.5)
- horn_fac.params['rad2'] *= U(0.07, 1.5)
- t, splay = U(0.25, t), U(splay + 20/180, 130/180)
- rot = np.array([U(-40, 0), 0, N(120, 10)])
- for side in [-1, 1]:
- horn = genome.part(horn_fac)
- genome.attach(horn, head, coord=(t, splay, 0.5), joint=Joint(rest=rot), rotation_basis='global', side=side)
- elif U() < 0:
- horn_fac = parts.horn.Horn()
- horn_fac.params['length'] *= U(0.3, 1)
- horn_fac.params['rotation_x'] = 0
- horn = genome.part(horn_fac)
- genome.attach(horn, head, coord=(U(0.3, 0.9), 1, 0.6), joint=Joint(rest=(0,-90,-90)), rotation_basis='global')
- genome.attach(head, body, coord=(0.97, 0, 0.2), joint=Joint(rest=(0, 20, 0)))
- if U() < 1:
- hair = herbivore_hair()
- registry = [
- (infinigen.assets.materials.giraffe_attr, 1),
- (infinigen.assets.materials.spot_sparse_attr, 3)
- ]
- else:
- hair = None
- registry = [
- (infinigen.assets.materials.reptile_brown_circle_attr, 1),
- (infinigen.assets.materials.reptile_gray_attr, 1)
- ]
- return genome.CreatureGenome(
- parts=body,
- postprocess_params=dict(
- animation=dict(),
- hair=hair,
- surface_registry=registry
- )
- )
-class HerbivoreFactory(AssetFactory):
- max_distance = 40
- def __init__(
- self,
- factory_seed=None,
- bvh: mathutils.bvhtree.BVHTree = None,
- coarse: bool = False,
- animation_mode: str = None,
- hair: bool = True,
- clothsim_skin: bool = False,
- **kwargs
- ):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.bvh = bvh
- self.animation_mode = animation_mode
- self.hair = hair
- self.clothsim_skin = clothsim_skin
- if self.hair and (self.animation_mode is not None or self.clothsim_skin):
- raise NotImplementedError(
- 'Dynamic hair is not yet fully working. '
- 'Please disable either hair or both of animation/clothsim'
- )
- def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs):
- return butil.spawn_cube(size=4)
- def create_asset(self, i, placeholder, **kwargs):
- genome = herbivore_genome()
- root, parts = creature.genome_to_creature(genome, name=f'herbivore({self.factory_seed}, {i})')
- # tag_object(root, 'herbivore')
- offset_center(root)
- dynamic = self.animation_mode is not None
- joined, extras, arma, ik_targets = joining.join_and_rig_parts(
- root, parts, genome, rigging=dynamic,
- postprocess_func=herbivore_postprocessing, **kwargs)
- butil.parent_to(root, placeholder, no_inverse=True)
- if self.hair:
- creature_hair.configure_hair(
- joined, root, genome.postprocess_params['hair'])
- if dynamic:
- if self.animation_mode == 'run':
- run_cycle.animate_run(root, arma, ik_targets)
- elif self.animation_mode == 'idle':
- idle.snap_iks_to_floor(ik_targets, self.bvh)
- idle.idle_body_noise_drivers(ik_targets)
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized mode {self.animation_mode=}')
- if self.clothsim_skin:
- rigidity = surface.write_vertex_group(
- joined, cloth_sim.local_pos_rigity_mask, apply=True)
- cloth_sim.bake_cloth(joined, genome.postprocess_params['skin'],
- attributes=dict(vertex_group_mass=rigidity))
- return root
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e05ce4f40..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-from .dragonfly import DragonflyFactory
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/dragonfly.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/dragonfly.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8afdf0e56..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/dragonfly.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import gin
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from .utils.geom_utils import nodegroup_symmetric_clone
-from .parts.head.dragonfly_head import nodegroup_dragon_fly_head
-from .parts.body.dragonfly_body import nodegroup_dragonfly_body
-from .parts.tail.dragonfly_tail import nodegroup_dragonfly_tail
-from .parts.leg.dragonfly_leg import nodegroup_leg_control, nodegroup_dragonfly_leg
-from .parts.wing.dragonfly_wing import nodegroup_dragonfly_wing
-from infinigen.core.placement import animation_policy
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-def geometry_dragonfly(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- value_head_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_head_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["Head Scale"]
- dragonflyhead = nw.new_node(nodegroup_dragon_fly_head(base_color=kwargs["Base Color"], eye_color=kwargs["Eye Color"], v=kwargs["V"]).name)
- combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': kwargs["Head Roll"], 'Y': kwargs["Head Pitch"], 'Z': 1.5708})
- transform_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': dragonflyhead, 'Translation': (0.0, -0.3, 0.0), 'Rotation': combine_xyz_8, 'Scale': value_head_scale})
- transform_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_8, 'Scale': (1.1, 1.0, 1.0)})
- dragonflybody = nw.new_node(nodegroup_dragonfly_body(base_color=kwargs["Body Color"], v=kwargs["V"]).name,
- input_kwargs={'Body Length': kwargs["Body Length"], 'Random Seed': kwargs["Body Seed"]})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': dragonflybody.outputs["Geometry"], 'Name': 'spline parameter', 'Value': dragonflybody.outputs["spline parameter"]})
- store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute, 'Name': 'body seed', 'Value': kwargs["Body Seed"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_1, 'Rotation': (1.5708, 0.0, 0.0)})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: kwargs["Tail Length"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: kwargs["Tail Tip Z"], 1: -0.5},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': multiply, 'Z': multiply_1})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': kwargs["Tail Length"], 'Z': kwargs["Tail Tip Z"]})
- dragonflytail = nw.new_node(nodegroup_dragonfly_tail(base_color=kwargs["Base Color"], v=kwargs["V"], ring_length=kwargs['Ring Length']).name,
- input_kwargs={'Middle': combine_xyz_1, 'End': combine_xyz, 'Segment Length': 0.38, 'Random Seed': kwargs["Tail Seed"], 'Radius': kwargs["Tail Radius"]})
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 10.0
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': dragonflytail, 'Translation': (0.0, -10.2, 0.0), 'Rotation': (0.0, 0.0, -1.5708), 'Scale': value})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform, transform_1]})
- nodegroup = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leg_control().name,
- input_kwargs={'Openness': kwargs["Leg Openness 3"]})
- dragonflyleg = nw.new_node(nodegroup_dragonfly_leg().name,
- input_kwargs={'Rot claw': 0.18, 'Rot Tarsus': nodegroup.outputs["Tarsus"], 'Rot Femur': nodegroup.outputs["Femur"]})
- value_leg_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_leg_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["Leg Scale"]
- transform_15 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': dragonflyleg, 'Rotation': (0.0, 0.0, -0.5236), 'Scale': value_leg_scale})
- combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': nodegroup.outputs["Shoulder"], 'Z': -0.5861})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_15, 'Translation': (0.38, 0.0, 0.0), 'Rotation': combine_xyz_6})
- symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_2, 'Scale': (-1.0, 1.0, 1.0)})
- value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 1.2
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"], 'Translation': (0.0, -4.6, -2.26), 'Scale': value_1})
- nodegroup_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leg_control().name,
- input_kwargs={'Openness': kwargs["Leg Openness 2"]})
- dragonflyleg_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_dragonfly_leg().name,
- input_kwargs={'Rot claw': 0.18, 'Rot Tarsus': nodegroup_1.outputs["Tarsus"], 'Rot Femur': nodegroup_1.outputs["Femur"]})
- transform_16 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': dragonflyleg_1, 'Rotation': (0.0, 0.0, -0.1745), 'Scale': value_leg_scale})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': nodegroup_1.outputs["Shoulder"], 'Z': 0.174})
- transform_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_16, 'Translation': (0.38, 0.0, 0.0), 'Rotation': combine_xyz_5})
- symmetric_clone_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_5, 'Scale': (-1.0, 1.0, 1.0)})
- value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_2.outputs[0].default_value = 1.18
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': symmetric_clone_1.outputs["Both"], 'Translation': (0.0, -3.62, -2.26), 'Scale': value_2})
- nodegroup_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leg_control().name,
- input_kwargs={'Openness': kwargs["Leg Openness 1"]})
- dragonflyleg_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_dragonfly_leg().name,
- input_kwargs={'Rot claw': 1.0, 'Rot Tarsus': nodegroup_2.outputs["Tarsus"], 'Rot Femur': nodegroup_2.outputs["Femur"]})
- transform_14 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': dragonflyleg_2, 'Rotation': (0.0, 0.0, 0.3491), 'Scale': value_leg_scale})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': nodegroup_2.outputs["Shoulder"], 'Z': 0.663})
- transform_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_14, 'Translation': (0.38, 0.0, 0.0), 'Rotation': combine_xyz_4})
- symmetric_clone_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_6, 'Scale': (-1.0, 1.0, 1.0)})
- value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_3.outputs[0].default_value = 1.04
- transform_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': symmetric_clone_2.outputs["Both"], 'Translation': (0.0, -2.66, -2.26), 'Scale': value_3})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [join_geometry, transform_3, transform_4, transform_7]})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_13, join_geometry_1]})
- dragonflywing = nw.new_node(nodegroup_dragonfly_wing().name)
- scene_time = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeInputSceneTime')
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: scene_time.outputs["Seconds"], 1: 2 * np.pi * kwargs["Flap Freq"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2}, attrs={'operation': 'SINE'})
- wing_roll = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: sine, 1: kwargs["Flap Mag"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- value_wing_yaw = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_wing_yaw.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["Wing Yaw"]
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': wing_roll, 'Z': value_wing_yaw})
- value_wing_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_wing_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["Wing Scale"]
- transform_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': dragonflywing, 'Translation': (0.22, 0.0, 0.0), 'Rotation': combine_xyz_2, 'Scale': value_wing_scale})
- symmetric_clone_3 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_9, 'Scale': (-1.0, 1.0, 1.0)})
- value_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_5.outputs[0].default_value = 5.4
- transform_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': symmetric_clone_3.outputs["Both"], 'Translation': (0.0, -2.4, 1.8), 'Scale': value_5})
- dragonflywing_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_dragonfly_wing().name)
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: wing_roll, 1: 0.0524})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={1: value_wing_yaw},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': add, 'Z': subtract})
- transform_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': dragonflywing_1, 'Translation': (0.22, 0.0, 0.0), 'Rotation': combine_xyz_3, 'Scale': value_wing_scale})
- symmetric_clone_4 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_12, 'Scale': (-1.0, 1.0, 1.0)})
- value_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_6.outputs[0].default_value = 6.0
- transform_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': symmetric_clone_4.outputs["Both"], 'Translation': (0.0, -4.18, 1.8), 'Scale': value_6})
- join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [join_geometry_2, transform_10, transform_11]})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_3})
- # TODO replace this hacky postprocess transform
- result = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': realize_instances,
- 'Translation': (0.6, 0, 0), # position origin at ~center of dragonfly
- 'Rotation': (0, 0, -np.pi / 2),
- 'Scale': (kwargs['PostprocessScale'],) * 3
- })
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': result})
-class DragonflyFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, bvh=None, **_):
- super(DragonflyFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.bvh = bvh
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.genome = self.sample_geo_genome()
- y = U(20, 60)
- self.policy = animation_policy.AnimPolicyRandomForwardWalk(
- forward_vec=(1, 0, 0), speed=U(7, 10),
- step_range=(0.2, 7), yaw_dist=("uniform", -y, y), rot_vars=[0,0,0])
- @staticmethod
- def sample_geo_genome():
- base_color = np.array((U(0.1, 0.6), 0.9, 0.8))
- base_color[1] += N(0.0, 0.05)
- base_color[2] += N(0.0, 0.05)
- base_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(base_color)
- eye_color = np.copy(base_color)
- eye_color[0] += N(0.0, 0.1)
- eye_color[1] += N(0.0, 0.05)
- eye_color[2] += N(0.0, 0.05)
- eye_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(eye_color)
- body_color = np.copy(base_color)
- body_color[0] += N(0.0, 0.1)
- body_color[1] += N(0.0, 0.05)
- body_color[2] += N(0.0, 0.05)
- body_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(body_color)
- return {
- 'Tail Length': U(2.5, 3.5),
- 'Tail Tip Z': U(-0.4, 0.3),
- 'Tail Seed': U(-100, 100),
- 'Tail Radius': U(0.7, 0.9),
- 'Body Length': U(8.0, 10.0),
- 'Body Seed': U(-100, 100),
- 'Flap Freq': U(20, 50),
- 'Flap Mag': U(0.15, 0.25),
- 'Wing Yaw': U(0.43, 0.7),
- 'Wing Scale': U(0.9, 1.1),
- 'Leg Scale': U(0.9, 1.1),
- 'Leg Openness 1': U(0.0, 1.0),
- 'Leg Openness 2': U(0.0, 1.0),
- 'Leg Openness 3': U(0.0, 1.0),
- 'Head Scale': U(1.6, 1.8),
- 'Head Roll': U(-0.2, 0.2),
- 'Head Pitch': U(-0.6, 0.6),
- 'Base Color': base_color_rgba,
- 'Body Color': body_color_rgba,
- 'Eye Color': eye_color_rgba,
- 'V': U(0.0, 0.5),
- 'Ring Length': U(0.0, 0.3),
- 'PostprocessScale': 0.015 * N(1, 0.1),
- }
- def create_placeholder(self, i, loc, rot):
- p = butil.spawn_cube(size=1)
- p.location = loc
- p.rotation_euler = rot
- if self.bvh is not None:
- p.location.z += U(0.5, 2)
- animation_policy.animate_trajectory(p, self.bvh, self.policy)
- return p
- def create_asset(self, placeholder, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=2, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- phenome = self.genome.copy()
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_dragonfly, apply=False, input_kwargs=phenome)
- obj.parent = placeholder
- return obj
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/antenna/dragonfly_antenna.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/antenna/dragonfly_antenna.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 35abfe9eb..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/antenna/dragonfly_antenna.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.insects.utils.geom_utils import nodegroup_simple_tube_v2
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_dragonfly_antenna', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_dragonfly_antenna(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (1.24, 0.02, 0.01)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'angles_deg', (0.0, -63.9, 31.39)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Carapace Rad Pct', 1.4),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'spike_length_rad1_rad2', (0.1, 0.025, 0.0))])
- simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"], 'angles_deg': group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], 'proportions': (0.2533, 0.3333, -0.2267), 'do_bezier': False})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Endpoint': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"]})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/body/dragonfly_body.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/body/dragonfly_body.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ee74fe41..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/body/dragonfly_body.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.insects.utils.geom_utils import nodegroup_circle_cross_section, nodegroup_surface_bump, nodegroup_random_rotation_scale, nodegroup_instance_on_points
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.insects.parts.hair.principled_hair import nodegroup_principled_hair
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.insects.utils.shader_utils import shader_black_w_noise_shader, nodegroup_add_noise, nodegroup_color_noise
-def shader_dragonfly_body_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, base_color, v):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'pos'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute.outputs["Vector"]})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 3.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': absolute, 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Z': multiply})
- attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'body seed'})
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz, 'W': attribute_1.outputs["Fac"], 'Scale': 0.5, 'Dimension': 1.0, 'Lacunarity': 1.0},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': musgrave_texture, 1: -0.26, 2: 0.06})
- attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'spline parameter'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': attribute_2.outputs["Fac"]})
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_add_noise().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz_1, 'Scale': 0.5, 'amount': (0.16, 0.26, 0.0), 'Noise Eval Position': combine_xyz})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 'Y': attribute_1.outputs["Fac"]})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz_2, 'Scale': 10.0},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '2D'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 1: 0.14, 2: 0.82})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': add, 1: 0.7, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- rgb_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
- rgb_1.outputs[0].default_value = base_color
- group_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_color_noise().name,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 1.34, 'Color': rgb_1, 'Value From Max': 0.7, 'Value To Min': 0.18})
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Value': v, 'Color': rgb_1})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 'Color1': group_2, 'Color2': hue_saturation_value})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix, 'Metallic': 0.2182, 'Specular': 0.8318, 'Roughness': 0.1545})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_dragonfly_body', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_dragonfly_body(nw: NodeWrangler,
- curve_control_points=[(0.0, 0.15), (0.1586, 0.4688), (0.36, 0.66), (0.7427, 0.4606), (0.9977, 0.2562)],
- base_color=(0.2789, 0.3864, 0.0319, 1.0),
- v=0.3,
- ):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Body Length', 10.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Random Seed', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Hair Density', 200.0)])
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': group_input.outputs["Body Length"]})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine,
- input_kwargs={'End': combine_xyz})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Count': 128})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve, 2: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], curve_control_points)
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Radius': float_curve})
- circlecrosssection = nw.new_node(nodegroup_circle_cross_section().name,
- input_kwargs={'random seed': group_input.outputs["Random Seed"], 'noise amount': 1.26, 'radius': 4.0})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': circlecrosssection, 'Rotation': (0.0, 0.0, 1.5708)})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': transform, 'Fill Caps': True})
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position_2, 1: (1.0, 0.2, 0.8)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'W': group_input.outputs["Random Seed"], 'Scale': 0.5},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 4: 0.4},
- attrs={'clamp': False})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: -1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: normal, 'Scale': multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={1: scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Offset': add.outputs["Vector"]})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_dragonfly_body_shader, base_color, v)})
- surfacebump = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material, 'Displacement': -0.12, 'Scale': 75.8, 'seed': group_input.outputs["Random Seed"]})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': surfacebump, 'Name': 'pos', 2: position},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: 0.5})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': capture_attribute.outputs[2]})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute, 1: 0.4},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- op_and = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: less_than})
- reroute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Hair Density"]})
- distribute_points_on_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': store_named_attribute, 'Selection': op_and, 'Density': reroute_1})
- randomrotationscale = nw.new_node(nodegroup_random_rotation_scale().name,
- input_kwargs={'random seed': -2.4, 'rot mean': (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'rot std z': -10.2, 'scale mean': 0.03})
- leghair = nw.new_node(nodegroup_principled_hair().name,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 2})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': leghair, 'Scale': (1.0, 1.0, 5.0)})
- set_material_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_3, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_black_w_noise_shader)})
- instanceonpoints = nw.new_node(nodegroup_instance_on_points().name,
- input_kwargs={'rotation base': distribute_points_on_faces.outputs["Rotation"], 'rotation delta': randomrotationscale.outputs["Vector"], 'translation': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'scale': randomrotationscale.outputs["Value"], 'Points': distribute_points_on_faces.outputs["Points"], 'Instance': set_material_2})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute_1, 1: 0.3},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- distribute_points_on_faces_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': store_named_attribute, 'Density': multiply_2, 'Seed': 1})
- instanceonpoints_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_instance_on_points().name,
- input_kwargs={'rotation base': distribute_points_on_faces_1.outputs["Rotation"], 'rotation delta': randomrotationscale.outputs["Vector"], 'translation': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'scale': randomrotationscale.outputs["Value"], 'Points': distribute_points_on_faces_1.outputs["Points"], 'Instance': set_material_2})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [store_named_attribute, instanceonpoints, instanceonpoints_1]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Skeleton Curve': resample_curve, 'spline parameter': reroute})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/eye/dragonfly_eye.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/eye/dragonfly_eye.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ad3f078aa..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/eye/dragonfly_eye.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.insects.utils.shader_utils import nodegroup_color_noise
-def shader_dragonfly_eye_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, base_color, v):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 2.0, 'Detail': 1.0})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': musgrave_texture, 1: -1.0, 2: 0.2})
- rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
- rgb.outputs[0].default_value = base_color
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Value': v, 'Color': rgb})
- group_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_color_noise().name,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 1.34, 'Color': rgb, 'Value From Max': 0.7, 'Value To Min': 0.18})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': map_range.outputs["Result"], 'Color1': hue_saturation_value, 'Color2': group_1})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 1000.0},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 1: 0.03, 2: 0.2, 3: 1.0, 4: -0.78})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix, 'Specular': map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 'Roughness': 0.0})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_dragonfly_eye', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_dragonfly_eye(nw: NodeWrangler,
- base_color=(0.2789, 0.3864, 0.0319, 1.0),
- v=0.3,
- ):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'Rings', 16)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Rings"], 1: 2.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- uv_sphere = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
- input_kwargs={'Segments': multiply, 'Rings': group_input.outputs["Rings"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': uv_sphere, 'Scale': (1.0, 1.0, 1.3)})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_dragonfly_eye_shader, base_color, v)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/hair/principled_hair.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/hair/principled_hair.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e907e5dc4..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/hair/principled_hair.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.insects.utils.geom_utils import nodegroup_shape_quadratic, nodegroup_circle_cross_section
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_principled_hair', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_principled_hair(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketIntUnsigned', 'Resolution', 4)])
- crosssection = nw.new_node(nodegroup_circle_cross_section().name,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'radius': 0.5})
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 2.0
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': crosssection, 'Scale': value})
- shapequadraticleghair = nw.new_node(nodegroup_shape_quadratic(radius_control_points=[(0.0, 0.1125), (0.625, 0.1), (1.0, 0.0531)]).name,
- input_kwargs={'Profile Curve': transform, 'noise amount tilt': 0.0, 'Resolution': 8, 'Start': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'Middle': (-0.2, 0.0, 1.0), 'End': (0.0, 0.0, 2.66)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': shapequadraticleghair.outputs["Mesh"]})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/head/dragonfly_head.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/head/dragonfly_head.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a6ee63719..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/head/dragonfly_head.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.insects.utils.geom_utils import nodegroup_add_hair, nodegroup_attach_part, nodegroup_symmetric_clone, nodegroup_surface_bump
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.insects.parts.mouth.dragonfly_mouth import nodegroup_dragonfly_mouth
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.insects.parts.eye.dragonfly_eye import nodegroup_dragonfly_eye
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.insects.parts.antenna.dragonfly_antenna import nodegroup_dragonfly_antenna
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.insects.parts.hair.principled_hair import nodegroup_principled_hair
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.insects.utils.shader_utils import nodegroup_color_noise, shader_black_w_noise_shader
-def shader_dragonfly_head_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, base_color, v):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'pos'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute.outputs["Vector"]})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': absolute, 'Z': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz, 'W': 28.0, 'Scale': 2.0, 'Detail': 1.0},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': musgrave_texture, 1: -0.28, 2: 0.48})
- rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
- rgb.outputs[0].default_value = base_color
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Value': v, 'Color': rgb})
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_color_noise().name,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 1.34, 'Color': rgb, 'Value From Max': 0.7, 'Value To Min': 0.18})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': map_range.outputs["Result"], 'Color1': hue_saturation_value, 'Color2': group})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix, 'Specular': 0.7545, 'Roughness': 0.0636})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_dragon_fly_head', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_dragon_fly_head(nw: NodeWrangler,
- base_color=(0.2789, 0.3864, 0.0319, 1.0),
- eye_color=(0.2789, 0.3864, 0.0319, 1.0),
- v=0.3):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine,
- input_kwargs={'End': (1.8, 0.0, 0.0)})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Count': 32})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve})
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 2: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]})
- float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': capture_attribute.outputs[2]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.14), (0.3055, 0.93), (0.7018, 0.79), (0.9236, 0.455), (1.0, 0.0)])
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Radius': float_curve_1})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 200, 'Radius': 1.1})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_dragonfly_head_shader, base_color, v)})
- leghair = nw.new_node(nodegroup_principled_hair().name,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 2})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': leghair, 'Scale': (1.0, 1.0, 5.0)})
- set_material_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_3, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_black_w_noise_shader)})
- addhair = nw.new_node(nodegroup_add_hair().name,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_material_1, 'Hair': set_material_2, 'Density': 500.0, 'rot mean': (0.36, 0.0, 0.0), 'scale mean': 0.01})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': addhair})
- dragonflyeye = nw.new_node(nodegroup_dragonfly_eye(base_color=eye_color, v=0.0).name,
- input_kwargs={'Rings': 128})
- value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.6
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': dragonflyeye, 'Scale': value_1})
- attach_part = nw.new_node(nodegroup_attach_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': reroute, 'Skeleton Curve': set_position, 'Geometry': transform_1, 'Length Fac': 0.5625, 'Ray Rot': (1.5474, -0.3944, 1.4556), 'Rad': 0.64, 'Part Rot': (27.1, 0.0, 0.0)})
- symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': attach_part.outputs["Geometry"]})
- dragonflymouth = nw.new_node(nodegroup_dragonfly_mouth().name)
- set_material_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': dragonflymouth, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_dragonfly_head_shader, base_color, v)})
- addhair_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_add_hair().name,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_material_3, 'Hair': set_material_2, 'Density': 5.0, 'rot mean': (-0.04, 0.0, 0.0), 'scale mean': 0.1})
- surfacebump = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': addhair_1, 'Displacement': 0.05, 'Scale': 5.0})
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.07
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': surfacebump, 'Scale': value})
- attach_part_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_attach_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': reroute, 'Skeleton Curve': resample_curve, 'Geometry': transform, 'Length Fac': 0.9667, 'Part Rot': (0.0, 31.5, 0.0), 'Do Normal Rot': True})
- antenna = nw.new_node(nodegroup_dragonfly_antenna().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': (1.24, 0.05, 0.04), 'angles_deg': (0.0, -31.0, 0.0)})
- surfacebump_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': antenna.outputs["Geometry"], 'Scale': 5.0})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': surfacebump_1, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_black_w_noise_shader)})
- value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_2.outputs[0].default_value = 0.48
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material, 'Translation': (-0.02, 0.0, 0.0), 'Scale': value_2})
- attach_part_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_attach_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': reroute, 'Skeleton Curve': resample_curve, 'Geometry': transform_2, 'Length Fac': 0.6408, 'Ray Rot': (1.9722, -1.4364, 1.5708), 'Rad': 0.9, 'Part Rot': (108.1, -49.8, 26.7)})
- symmetric_clone_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': attach_part_2.outputs["Geometry"]})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"], reroute, attach_part_1.outputs["Geometry"], symmetric_clone_1.outputs["Both"]]})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Name': 'pos', "Value": position},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/leg/dragonfly_leg.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/leg/dragonfly_leg.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 05e52d5c9..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/leg/dragonfly_leg.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.insects.utils.shader_utils import shader_black_w_noise_shader
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.insects.utils.geom_utils import nodegroup_shape_quadratic, nodegroup_surface_bump
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.insects.parts.hair.principled_hair import nodegroup_principled_hair
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leg_control', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leg_control(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Openness', 1.0)])
- reroute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Openness"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': reroute_2, 3: 0.6, 4: 1.44})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': reroute_2, 3: -0.26, 4: 0.16})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': reroute_2, 3: 1.68, 4: 1.88})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Femur': map_range.outputs["Result"], 'Tarsus': map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 'Shoulder': map_range_2.outputs["Result"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_dragonfly_leg', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_dragonfly_leg(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- legcrosssection = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leg_cross_section().name)
- shapequadraticclaw = nw.new_node(nodegroup_shape_quadratic(radius_control_points=[(0.0, 0.0031), (0.2682, 0.1906), (0.6364, 0.3594), (0.8091, 0.5031), (1.0, 0.5375)]).name,
- input_kwargs={'Profile Curve': legcrosssection, 'noise amount tilt': 0.0, 'Resolution': 16, 'Start': (0.0, 0.0, 3.0), 'Middle': (-1.2, 0.0, 1.5), 'End': (0.2, 0.0, 0.0)})
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.3
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': shapequadraticclaw, 'Translation': (-0.38, 0.0, 1.0), 'Rotation': (0.0, 0.4318, 0.0), 'Scale': value})
- value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': shapequadraticclaw, 'Translation': (0.1, 0.0, 0.04), 'Rotation': (0.0, -0.0262, 0.0), 'Scale': value_1})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [shapequadraticclaw, transform_2, transform_3]})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Rot claw', 1.82),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Rot Tarsus', 0.02),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Rot Femur', 1.42)])
- legpart = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leg_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'NextJoint': join_geometry_1, 'NextJoint Y rot': group_input.outputs["Rot claw"], 'NextJoint Scale': 0.4, 'Num Hairs': 10})
- legpart_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leg_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'NextJoint': legpart, 'NextJoint Y rot': group_input.outputs["Rot Tarsus"], 'NextJoint Scale': 0.45, 'Cross Section Scale': 0.8})
- legpart_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leg_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'NextJoint': legpart_1, 'NextJoint Y rot': group_input.outputs["Rot Femur"], 'NextJoint Scale': 0.75, 'Cross Section Scale': 1.2, 'Num Hairs': 30, 'Hair Scale Max': 0.15})
- surfacebump = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': legpart_2, 'Displacement': 0.03, 'Scale': 5.0})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': surfacebump})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leg_part', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leg_part(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- legcrosssection = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leg_cross_section().name)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'NextJoint', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'NextJoint Y rot', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'NextJoint Scale', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Cross Section Scale', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Num Hairs', 15),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Hair Scale Min', 0.18),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Hair Scale Max', 0.22)])
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': legcrosssection, 'Rotation': (0.0, 0.0, 3.1416), 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Cross Section Scale"]})
- tarsus_end = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector,
- label='tarsus end')
- tarsus_end.vector = (0.2, 0.0, 6.0)
- shapequadratictarsus = nw.new_node(nodegroup_shape_quadratic(radius_control_points=[(0.0, 0.3125), (0.0841, 0.3469), (0.45, 0.4125), (0.55, 0.3719), (0.9045, 0.325), (1.0, 0.125)]).name,
- input_kwargs={'Profile Curve': transform_4, 'noise amount tilt': 0.0, 'Resolution': 128, 'Start': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'Middle': (-0.4, 0.0, 3.0), 'End': tarsus_end})
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': shapequadratictarsus.outputs["Mesh"], 2: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]})
- curve_to_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"], 'Count': group_input.outputs["Num Hairs"]})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: capture_attribute_1.outputs[2], 1: 0.9})
- delete_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_points_1.outputs["Points"], 'Selection': greater_than})
- leghair = nw.new_node(nodegroup_principled_hair().name)
- random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: 0.88})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': random_value_3.outputs[1]})
- random_value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Hair Scale Min"], 3: group_input.outputs["Hair Scale Max"]})
- instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': delete_geometry_1, 'Instance': leghair, 'Rotation': combine_xyz_1, 'Scale': random_value_2.outputs[1]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: tarsus_end, 1: (0.0, 0.0, 0.05)},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': group_input.outputs["NextJoint Y rot"]})
- transform_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["NextJoint"], 'Translation': subtract.outputs["Vector"], 'Rotation': combine_xyz, 'Scale': group_input.outputs["NextJoint Scale"]})
- join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [shapequadratictarsus.outputs["Mesh"], transform_5]})
- join_geometry_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [instance_on_points_1, join_geometry_3]})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_4, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_black_w_noise_shader)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leg_cross_section', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leg_cross_section(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketIntUnsigned', 'Resolution', 8)])
- bezier_segment = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveBezierSegment,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Start Handle': (-0.9, 0.7, 0.0), 'End Handle': (0.9, 0.38, 0.0)})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': bezier_segment})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': reroute, 'Scale': (1.0, -1.0, 1.0)})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform, reroute]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': join_geometry})
- merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh})
- mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': merge_by_distance})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': mesh_to_curve, 'Rotation': (0.0, 0.0, 1.5708), 'Scale': (0.6, 1.0, 0.6)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/mouth/dragonfly_mouth.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/mouth/dragonfly_mouth.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 02ac73655..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/mouth/dragonfly_mouth.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.insects.utils.geom_utils import nodegroup_simple_tube_v2
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_dragonfly_mouth', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_dragonfly_mouth(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 1.5
- simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': (9.5, 9.36, 5.54), 'proportions': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 'aspect': value, 'do_bezier': False, 'fullness': 7.9})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Translation': (0.0, 0.0, -9.1), 'Rotation': (0.0, 1.7645, 0.0), 'Scale': (1.0, 1.2, 1.0)})
- simple_tube_v2_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': (9.64, 5.46, 9.04), 'proportions': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 'aspect': value, 'do_bezier': False, 'fullness': 7.9})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': simple_tube_v2_1.outputs["Geometry"], 'Rotation': (0.0, 1.5708, 0.0), 'Scale': (1.0, 1.2, 1.0)})
- simple_tube_v2_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': (8.4, 6.16, 4.7), 'proportions': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 'aspect': value, 'do_bezier': False, 'fullness': 7.9})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': simple_tube_v2_2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Translation': (-1.1, 0.0, -17.2), 'Rotation': (0.0, 2.6005, 0.0), 'Scale': (1.0, 1.2, 1.0)})
- simple_tube_v2_3 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': (10.1, 4.28, 6.7), 'angles_deg': (4.64, 0.0, 0.0), 'proportions': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 'aspect': 2.1, 'do_bezier': False, 'fullness': 7.9})
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': simple_tube_v2_3.outputs["Geometry"], 'Translation': (-6.56, 0.0, 5.34), 'Rotation': (0.0, 0.8126, 0.0), 'Scale': (1.0, 1.2, 1.0)})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_1, transform, transform_2, transform_4]})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry})
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 0.5})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 4: 0.3})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: normal, 'Scale': map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_3, 'Offset': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_position, 'Level': 2})
- group_output_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivision_surface})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/tail/dragonfly_tail.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/tail/dragonfly_tail.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 57d9d2116..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/tail/dragonfly_tail.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.insects.utils.shader_utils import nodegroup_color_noise, nodegroup_add_noise
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.insects.utils.geom_utils import nodegroup_random_rotation_scale, nodegroup_circle_cross_section, nodegroup_shape_quadratic, nodegroup_surface_bump, nodegroup_instance_on_points
-def shader_dragonfly_tail_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, base_color, v, ring_length):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'cross section parameter'})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute.outputs["Fac"]})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.4455
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.5045
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[3].position = 1.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[3].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 1: 0.02, 2: 0.38})
- attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'spline parameter'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': attribute_1.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.18, 2: 0.42})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': map_range.outputs["Result"], 'Y': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_add_noise().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz, 'amount': (1.0, 1.0, 0.0), 'Noise Eval Position': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': attribute_1.outputs["Fac"], 'Scale': 5.34, 'Randomness': 0.0},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '1D'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.1, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- maximum = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add, 1: map_range_2.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MAXIMUM'})
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = ring_length
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: value, 1: 0.05})
- map_range_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': attribute_1.outputs["Fac"], 1: value, 2: add_1})
- minimum = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: maximum, 1: map_range_4.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MINIMUM'})
- rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
- rgb.outputs[0].default_value = base_color
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Value': v, 'Color': rgb})
- group_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_color_noise().name,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 1.34, 'Color': rgb, 'Value From Max': 0.7, 'Value To Min': 0.18})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': minimum, 'Color1': hue_saturation_value, 'Color2': group_2})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_1, 'Metallic': 0.5, 'Specular': 0.5114, 'Roughness': 0.2568})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_dragonfly_tail', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_dragonfly_tail(nw: NodeWrangler,
- base_color=(0.2789, 0.3864, 0.0319, 1.0),
- v=0.3,
- ring_length=0.3
- ):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Start', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Middle', (1.84, 0.0, 0.14)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'End', (3.14, 0.0, -0.32)),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Segment Length', 0.44),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Segment Scale', 0.25),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Random Seed', 3.2),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Radius', 0.9)])
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Start': group_input.outputs["Start"], 'Middle': group_input.outputs["Middle"], 'End': group_input.outputs["End"]})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': quadratic_bezier, 2: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- curve_to_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Length': group_input.outputs["Segment Length"]},
- attrs={'mode': 'LENGTH'})
- reroute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Segment Scale"]})
- randomrotationscale = nw.new_node(nodegroup_random_rotation_scale().name,
- input_kwargs={'rot std z': 0.0, 'scale mean': reroute_1, 'scale std': 0.05})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': capture_attribute.outputs[2], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.8})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: randomrotationscale.outputs["Value"], 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- droplast = nw.new_node(nodegroup_droplast().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_points.outputs["Points"]})
- integer = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer,
- attrs={'integer': 128})
- integer.integer = 128
- circlecrosssection = nw.new_node(nodegroup_circle_cross_section().name,
- input_kwargs={'random seed': 23.4, 'noise amount': 0.9, 'Resolution': integer, 'radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': circlecrosssection, 'Rotation': (0.0, 0.0, 1.5708)})
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: 2.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Name': 'cross section parameter', 'Value': multiply_1})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': store_named_attribute_2})
- shapequadratic_001 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_shape_quadratic(radius_control_points=[(0.0, 0.3906), (0.1795, 0.4656), (0.5, 0.4563), (0.8795, 0.45), (1.0, 0.4344)]).name,
- input_kwargs={'Profile Curve': reroute, 'noise amount tilt': 0.0, 'Resolution': integer, 'Start': (0.0, 0.0, -1.5), 'End': (0.0, 0.0, 0.68)})
- store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': shapequadratic_001.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'spline parameter', 'Value': shapequadratic_001.outputs["spline parameter"]})
- value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.02
- surfacebump = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_1, 'Displacement': value_1, 'Scale': 20.0, 'seed': group_input.outputs["Random Seed"]})
- addverticalstripes = nw.new_node(nodegroup_add_vertical_stripes().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': surfacebump, 'Seed': group_input.outputs["Random Seed"]})
- instanceonpoints = nw.new_node(nodegroup_instance_on_points().name,
- input_kwargs={'rotation base': curve_to_points.outputs["Rotation"], 'rotation delta': randomrotationscale.outputs["Vector"], 'translation': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'scale': multiply, 'Points': droplast.outputs["Others"], 'Instance': addverticalstripes})
- shapequadratic_003 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_shape_quadratic(radius_control_points=[(0.0, 0.3312), (0.1773, 0.4281), (0.4318, 0.5031), (0.5886, 0.3562), (0.7864, 0.2687), (1.0, 0.0)]).name,
- input_kwargs={'Profile Curve': reroute, 'noise amount tilt': 0.0, 'Resolution': integer, 'Start': (0.26, 0.0, -1.5), 'Middle': (0.32, 0.0, 0.0), 'End': (-0.04, 0.0, 1.5)})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': shapequadratic_003.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': (0.0, 0.28, 0.0), 'Rotation': (0.0, 0.0, -1.5708)})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1, 'Name': 'spline parameter', 'Value': shapequadratic_003.outputs["spline parameter"]})
- surfacebump_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute, 'Displacement': value_1, 'Scale': 20.0})
- addverticalstripes_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_add_vertical_stripes().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': surfacebump_1, 'Seed': group_input.outputs["Random Seed"]})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': droplast.outputs["Last"], 'Instance': addverticalstripes_1, 'Rotation': curve_to_points.outputs["Rotation"], 'Scale': reroute_1})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [instanceonpoints, instance_on_points]})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_dragonfly_tail_shader, base_color, v, ring_length)})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_droplast', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_droplast(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- domain_size = nw.new_node(Nodes.DomainSize,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]},
- attrs={'component': 'POINTCLOUD'}
- )
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: domain_size.outputs["Point Count"], 1: 1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- equal = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={2: index, 3: subtract},
- attrs={'data_type': 'INT', 'operation': 'EQUAL'})
- op_not = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath,
- input_kwargs={0: equal},
- attrs={'operation': 'NOT'})
- delete_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Selection': op_not})
- delete_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Selection': equal})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Last': delete_geometry_1, 'Others': delete_geometry})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_add_vertical_stripes', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_add_vertical_stripes(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 5.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Seed', 0.0)])
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.05},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': absolute, 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Z': multiply})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz, 'W': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D', 'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- reroute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]})
- store_named_attribute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Name': 'tail vertical strips', 'Value': reroute_1})
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute_1, 1: 0.1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: normal, 'Scale': multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_3, 'Offset': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
-## old version
-# def shader_dragonfly_tail_shader(nw: NodeWrangler):
-# # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
-# texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
-# attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
-# attrs={'attribute_name': 'cross section parameter'})
-# colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
-# input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute_1.outputs["Fac"]})
-# colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
-# colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
-# colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
-# colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
-# colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.4455
-# colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
-# colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.5045
-# colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
-# colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[3].position = 1.0
-# colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[3].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
-# map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
-# input_kwargs={'Value': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 1: 0.02, 2: 0.38})
-# attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
-# attrs={'attribute_name': 'spline parameter'})
-# map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
-# input_kwargs={'Value': attribute.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.18, 2: 0.42})
-# combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
-# input_kwargs={'X': map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 'Y': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
-# group_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_add_noise().name,
-# input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz, 'amount': (1.0, 1.0, 0.0), 'Noise Eval Position': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],})
-# separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
-# input_kwargs={'Vector': group_2})
-# add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
-# input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
-# voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
-# input_kwargs={'W': attribute.outputs["Fac"], 'Scale': 5.34, 'Randomness': 0.0},
-# attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '1D'})
-# map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
-# input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.1, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
-# maximum = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
-# input_kwargs={0: add, 1: map_range_2.outputs["Result"]},
-# attrs={'operation': 'MAXIMUM'})
-# group_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_color_noise().name,
-# input_kwargs={'Scale': 6.4, 'Color': (0.1582, 0.291, 1.0, 1.0), 'Value To Min': 0.4})
-# attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
-# attrs={'attribute_name': 'tail vertical strips'})
-# map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
-# input_kwargs={'Value': attribute_2.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.16, 2: 0.34})
-# mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
-# input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.0, 'Color1': (0.0144, 0.016, 0.0152, 1.0), 'Color2': (0.544, 0.5299, 0.5841, 1.0)})
-# mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
-# input_kwargs={'Fac': maximum, 'Color1': group_1, 'Color2': mix_1})
-# principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
-# input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix, 'Metallic': 0.9, 'Specular': 0.5114, 'Roughness': 0.2568})
-# material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
-# input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/wing/dragonfly_wing.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/wing/dragonfly_wing.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f0eb8706c..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/parts/wing/dragonfly_wing.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.insects.utils.shader_utils import nodegroup_add_noise
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_dragonfly_wing', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_dragonfly_wing(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- resolution = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer,
- label='resolution',
- attrs={'integer': 32})
- resolution.integer = 32
- pivot1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector,
- label='pivot1')
- pivot1.vector = (1.84, -0.28, 0.0)
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: pivot1})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': add.outputs["Vector"]})
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': resolution, 'Start': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'Middle': (1.2, -0.16, 0.0), 'End': reroute})
- pivot2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector,
- label='pivot2')
- pivot2.vector = (3.98, -0.78, 0.0)
- quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': resolution, 'Start': reroute, 'Middle': (3.98, -0.32, 0.0), 'End': pivot2})
- pivot3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector,
- label='pivot3')
- pivot3.vector = (2.54, -1.14, 0.0)
- quadratic_bezier_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': resolution, 'Start': pivot2, 'Middle': (4.0, -1.1, 0.0), 'End': pivot3})
- pivot4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector,
- label='pivot4')
- pivot4.vector = (-0.06, -0.74, 0.0)
- quadratic_bezier_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': resolution, 'Start': pivot3, 'Middle': (0.28, -1.34, 0.0), 'End': pivot4})
- pivot5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector,
- label='pivot5')
- pivot5.vector = (0.0, -0.14, 0.0)
- bezier_segment = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveBezierSegment,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': resolution, 'Start': pivot4, 'Start Handle': (0.16, -0.44, 0.0), 'End Handle': (-0.24, -0.34, 0.0), 'End': pivot5})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': bezier_segment, 'Count': resolution})
- quadratic_bezier_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': resolution, 'Start': pivot5, 'Middle': (-0.18, -0.04, 0.0), 'End': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [quadratic_bezier, quadratic_bezier_1, quadratic_bezier_2, quadratic_bezier_3, resample_curve, quadratic_bezier_4]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': join_geometry})
- merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh})
- mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': merge_by_distance})
- fill_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': mesh_to_curve})
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': fill_curve})
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadratic_bezier_2})
- geometry_proximity = nw.new_node(Nodes.Proximity,
- input_kwargs={'Target': curve_to_mesh_1},
- attrs={'target_element': 'EDGES'})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh, 'Name': 'distance to edge', 'Value': geometry_proximity.outputs["Distance"]})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': quadratic_bezier_1, 2: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- curve_to_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"]})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: capture_attribute.outputs[2], 1: 0.65},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: capture_attribute.outputs[2], 1: 0.84})
- op_or = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath,
- input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: greater_than},
- attrs={'operation': 'OR'})
- delete_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh_2, 'Selection': op_or})
- geometry_proximity_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Proximity,
- input_kwargs={'Target': delete_geometry},
- attrs={'target_element': 'EDGES'})
- store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute, 'Name': 'stripes coordinate', 'Value': geometry_proximity_1.outputs["Distance"]})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_2, 'Name': 'pos', 'Value': position},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_1, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_wing_shader)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material})
-def shader_wing_shader(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'stripes coordinate'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': attribute_2.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.04, 2: 0.54})
- attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'pos'})
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute_1.outputs["Vector"], 'Angle': 0.1047})
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.08
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_add_noise().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate, 'amount': value})
- voronoi_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group, 'Scale': 12.0, 'Randomness': 0.7},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '2D', 'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture_2.outputs["Distance"], 1: 2.34},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Scale': 14.96, 'Randomness': 0.5},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '1D', 'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_2.outputs[0].default_value = -0.18
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: value_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- maximum = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 1: less_than},
- attrs={'operation': 'MAXIMUM'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: maximum, 1: 0.56},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- vector_rotate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute_1.outputs["Vector"], 'Angle': 0.2485})
- value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.08
- group_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_add_noise().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate_1, 'amount': value_1})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_1})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: value_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: -0.74},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- power = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: 2.22},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: power})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': add, 'Scale': 10.02},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '1D', 'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: value_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- maximum_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"], 1: greater_than},
- attrs={'operation': 'MAXIMUM'})
- less_than_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add, 1: -0.48},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- maximum_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: maximum_1, 1: less_than_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MAXIMUM'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: maximum_2, 1: 3.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- minimum = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_3},
- attrs={'operation': 'MINIMUM'})
- minimum_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: minimum},
- attrs={'operation': 'MINIMUM'})
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'distance to edge'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': attribute.outputs["Color"], 3: 0.1, 4: 0.0})
- maximum_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: minimum_1, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MAXIMUM'})
- minimum_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: maximum_3},
- attrs={'operation': 'MINIMUM'})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': minimum_2})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.1136
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': colorramp.outputs["Color"]})
- transparent_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransparentBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': reroute})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': reroute})
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.1, 1: transparent_bsdf_1, 2: principled_bsdf})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/utils/geom_utils.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/utils/geom_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 552424dc8..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/utils/geom_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,838 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from .shader_utils import nodegroup_add_noise, nodegroup_color_noise
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_symmetric_clone', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_symmetric_clone(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'Scale', (1.0, -1.0, 1.0))])
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]})
- flip_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.FlipFaces,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': transform})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [group_input.outputs["Geometry"], flip_faces]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Both': join_geometry_2, 'Orig': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Inverted': flip_faces})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_add_hair', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_add_hair(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Hair', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Density', 100.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'rot mean', (1.18, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'scale mean', 0.05)])
- distribute_points_on_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Mesh"], 'Density': group_input.outputs["Density"]})
- randomrotationscale = nw.new_node(nodegroup_random_rotation_scale().name,
- input_kwargs={'random seed': -2.4, 'rot mean': group_input.outputs["rot mean"], 'scale mean': group_input.outputs["scale mean"]})
- instanceonpoints = nw.new_node(nodegroup_instance_on_points().name,
- input_kwargs={'rotation base': distribute_points_on_faces.outputs["Rotation"], 'rotation delta': randomrotationscale.outputs["Vector"], 'scale': randomrotationscale.outputs["Value"], 'Points': distribute_points_on_faces.outputs["Points"], 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Hair"]})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [instanceonpoints, group_input.outputs["Mesh"]]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': join_geometry})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_attach_part', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_attach_part(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skin Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skeleton Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'Length Fac', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketVectorEuler', 'Ray Rot', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Rad', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Part Rot', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Do Normal Rot', False),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Do Tangent Rot', False)])
- part_surface = nw.new_node(nodegroup_part_surface().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skeleton Curve': group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Skin Mesh': group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"], 'Length Fac': group_input.outputs["Length Fac"], 'Ray Rot': group_input.outputs["Ray Rot"], 'Rad': group_input.outputs["Rad"]})
- deg2rad = nw.new_node(nodegroup_deg2_rad().name,
- input_kwargs={'Deg': group_input.outputs["Part Rot"]})
- raycast_rotation = nw.new_node(nodegroup_raycast_rotation().name,
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': deg2rad, 'Hit Normal': part_surface.outputs["Hit Normal"], 'Curve Tangent': part_surface.outputs["Tangent"], 'Do Normal Rot': group_input.outputs["Do Normal Rot"], 'Do Tangent Rot': group_input.outputs["Do Tangent Rot"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Translation': part_surface.outputs["Position"], 'Rotation': raycast_rotation})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Position': part_surface.outputs["Position"], 'Rotation': raycast_rotation})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_random_rotation_scale', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_random_rotation_scale(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'random seed', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise scale', 10.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'rot mean', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'rot std z', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'scale mean', 0.35),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'scale std', 0.1)])
- position_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position_3, 1: group_input.outputs["random seed"]})
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise scale"]})
- value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_2.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_2.outputs["Color"], 1: value_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': subtract.outputs["Vector"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: group_input.outputs["rot std z"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["rot mean"], 1: combine_xyz})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: group_input.outputs["scale std"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: group_input.outputs["scale mean"]},
- attrs={'use_clamp': True})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add_1.outputs["Vector"], 'Value': add_2})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_instance_on_points', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_instance_on_points(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorEuler', 'rotation base', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorEuler', 'rotation delta', (-1.5708, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'translation', (0.0, -0.5, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'scale', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Points', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Instance', None)])
- rotate_euler_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateEuler,
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': group_input.outputs["rotation base"], 'Rotate By': group_input.outputs["rotation delta"]},
- attrs={'space': 'LOCAL'})
- instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': group_input.outputs["Points"], 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Instance"], 'Rotation': rotate_euler_1, 'Scale': group_input.outputs["scale"]})
- translate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points_1, 'Translation': group_input.outputs["translation"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': translate_instances})
-def shader_dragonfly_body_shader(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'pos'})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"], 1: 3.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': absolute, 'Y': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 'Z': multiply})
- attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'body seed'})
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz_1, 'W': attribute_2.outputs["Fac"], 'Scale': 0.5, 'Dimension': 1.0, 'Lacunarity': 1.0},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': musgrave_texture, 1: -0.26, 2: 0.06})
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'spline parameter'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': attribute.outputs["Fac"]})
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_add_noise().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz, 'Scale': 0.5, 'amount': (0.16, 0.26, 0.0), 'Noise Eval Position': combine_xyz_1})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': attribute_2.outputs["Fac"]})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz_2, 'Scale': 10.0},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '2D'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 1: 0.14, 2: 0.82})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': add})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.7386
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.4397, 0.5841, 0.011, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.008, 0.0065, 0.0116, 1.0)
- group_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_color_noise().name,
- input_kwargs={'Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Value To Min': 0.4})
- principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': group_1, 'Metallic': 0.2182, 'Specular': 0.8318, 'Roughness': 0.1545})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_surface_bump', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_surface_bump(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Displacement', 0.02),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 50.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'seed', 0.0)])
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': group_input.outputs["seed"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: group_input.outputs["Displacement"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: normal, 1: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': multiply_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_circle_cross_section', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_circle_cross_section(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'random seed', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise scale', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise amount', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 256),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'radius', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'symmetric noise', False)])
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 'Y': absolute, 'Z': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz_1, 'W': group_input.outputs["random seed"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise scale"]},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': subtract.outputs["Vector"]})
- absolute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: normal, 'Scale': absolute_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise amount"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Offset': scale_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Scale': group_input.outputs["radius"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_deg2_rad', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_deg2_rad(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Deg', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Deg"], 1: (0.0175, 0.0175, 0.0175)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Rad': multiply.outputs["Vector"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_raycast_rotation', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_raycast_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorEuler', 'Rotation', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Hit Normal', (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Curve Tangent', (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Do Normal Rot', False),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Do Tangent Rot', False)])
- align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Hit Normal"]})
- rotate_euler = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateEuler,
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': group_input.outputs["Rotation"], 'Rotate By': align_euler_to_vector})
- if_normal_rot = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Do Normal Rot"], 8: group_input.outputs["Rotation"], 9: rotate_euler},
- label='if_normal_rot',
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'})
- align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': group_input.outputs["Rotation"], 'Vector': group_input.outputs["Curve Tangent"]})
- rotate_euler_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateEuler,
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector_1, 'Rotate By': group_input.outputs["Rotation"]},
- attrs={'space': 'LOCAL'})
- if_tangent_rot = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Do Tangent Rot"], 8: if_normal_rot.outputs[3], 9: rotate_euler_1},
- label='if_tangent_rot',
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Output': if_tangent_rot.outputs[3]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_part_surface', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_part_surface(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skeleton Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skin Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'Length Fac', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketVectorEuler', 'Ray Rot', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Rad', 0.0)])
- sample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Factor': group_input.outputs["Length Fac"]},
- attrs={'mode': 'FACTOR'})
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': sample_curve.outputs["Tangent"], 'Rotation': group_input.outputs["Ray Rot"]},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'EULER_XYZ'})
- raycast = nw.new_node(Nodes.Raycast,
- input_kwargs={'Target Geometry': group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"], 'Source Position': sample_curve.outputs["Position"], 'Ray Direction': vector_rotate, 'Ray Length': 5.0})
- lerp = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Rad"], 9: sample_curve.outputs["Position"], 10: raycast.outputs["Hit Position"]},
- label='lerp',
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'clamp': False})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Position': lerp.outputs["Vector"], 'Hit Normal': raycast.outputs["Hit Normal"], 'Tangent': sample_curve.outputs["Tangent"], 'Skeleton Pos': sample_curve.outputs["Position"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_shape_quadratic', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_shape_quadratic(nw: NodeWrangler, radius_control_points=[(0.0, 0.5), (1.0, 0.5)]):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Profile Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'random seed tilt', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise scale tilt', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise amount tilt', 5.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'random seed pos', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise scale pos', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise amount pos', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketIntUnsigned', 'Resolution', 256),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Start', (0.0, 0.15, -1.5)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Middle', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'End', (0.0, 0.0, 1.5))])
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Start': group_input.outputs["Start"], 'Middle': group_input.outputs["Middle"], 'End': group_input.outputs["End"]})
- spline_parameter_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': quadratic_bezier, 2: spline_parameter_2.outputs["Factor"]})
- curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
- capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 1: curve_tangent},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position, 1: group_input.outputs["random seed pos"]})
- noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise scale pos"]})
- value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_3.outputs["Color"], 1: value_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': spline_parameter_2.outputs["Factor"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise amount pos"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': scale_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 1: group_input.outputs["random seed tilt"]})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': add_1, 'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise scale tilt"]},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '1D'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: group_input.outputs["noise amount tilt"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveTilt,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position, 'Tilt': multiply})
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], radius_control_points)
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_tilt, 'Radius': float_curve})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- curve_to_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position},
- attrs={'mode': 'EVALUATED'})
- geometry_proximity = nw.new_node(Nodes.Proximity,
- input_kwargs={'Target': curve_to_points.outputs["Points"]},
- attrs={'target_element': 'POINTS'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh, 'spline parameter': capture_attribute.outputs[2], 'spline tangent': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Attribute"], 'radius to center': geometry_proximity.outputs["Distance"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_polar_to_cart', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_polar_to_cart(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Angle', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Length', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Origin', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- cosine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Angle"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'COSINE'})
- sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Angle"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SINE'})
- construct_unit_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': cosine, 'Z': sine},
- label='Construct Unit Vector')
- offset_polar = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Length"], 1: construct_unit_vector, 2: group_input.outputs["Origin"]},
- label='Offset Polar',
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': offset_polar.outputs["Vector"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_switch4', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_switch4(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'Arg', 0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Arg == 0', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Arg == 1', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Arg == 2', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Arg == 3', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- greater_equal = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Arg"], 3: 2},
- attrs={'data_type': 'INT', 'operation': 'GREATER_EQUAL'})
- greater_equal_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Arg"], 3: 1},
- attrs={'data_type': 'INT', 'operation': 'GREATER_EQUAL'})
- switch_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_equal_1, 8: group_input.outputs["Arg == 0"], 9: group_input.outputs["Arg == 1"]},
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'})
- greater_equal_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Arg"], 3: 3},
- attrs={'data_type': 'INT', 'operation': 'GREATER_EQUAL'})
- switch_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_equal_2, 8: group_input.outputs["Arg == 2"], 9: group_input.outputs["Arg == 3"]},
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_equal, 8: switch_1.outputs[3], 9: switch_2.outputs[3]},
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Output': switch.outputs[3]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_smooth_taper', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_smooth_taper(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 1: 3.1416},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'SINE'})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'start_rad', 0.29),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'end_rad', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'fullness', 2.5)])
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: group_input.outputs["fullness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- power = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: sine, 1: divide},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: group_input.outputs["start_rad"], 4: group_input.outputs["end_rad"]},
- attrs={'clamp': False})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: power, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_aspect_to_dim', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_aspect_to_dim(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Aspect Ratio', 1.0)])
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"], 1: 1.0})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"], 'Y': 1.0})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': 1.0, 'Y': divide})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 8: combine_xyz_1, 9: combine_xyz_2},
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'XY Scale': switch.outputs[3]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_warped_circle_curve', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_warped_circle_curve(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Position', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Vertices', 32)])
- mesh_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Vertices': group_input.outputs["Vertices"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': mesh_circle, 'Position': group_input.outputs["Position"]})
- mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_position})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': mesh_to_curve})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_vector_sum', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_vector_sum(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Vector"]})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add, 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Sum': add_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_polar_bezier', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_polar_bezier(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketIntUnsigned', 'Resolution', 32),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Origin', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'angles_deg', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Seg Lengths', (0.3, 0.3, 0.3)),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Do Bezier', True)])
- mesh_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshLine,
- input_kwargs={'Count': 4})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- deg2_rad = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], 'Scale': 0.0175},
- label='Deg2Rad',
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': deg2_rad.outputs["Vector"]})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Seg Lengths"]})
- polartocart = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_to_cart().name,
- input_kwargs={'Angle': reroute, 'Length': separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 'Origin': group_input.outputs["Origin"]})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute, 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- polartocart_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_to_cart().name,
- input_kwargs={'Angle': add, 'Length': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 'Origin': polartocart})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: add})
- polartocart_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_to_cart().name,
- input_kwargs={'Angle': add_1, 'Length': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"], 'Origin': polartocart_1})
- switch4 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_switch4().name,
- input_kwargs={'Arg': index, 'Arg == 0': group_input.outputs["Origin"], 'Arg == 1': polartocart, 'Arg == 2': polartocart_1, 'Arg == 3': polartocart_2})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': mesh_line, 'Position': switch4})
- mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_position})
- subdivide_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': mesh_to_curve, 'Cuts': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- integer = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer,
- attrs={'integer': 2})
- integer.integer = 2
- bezier_segment = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveBezierSegment,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': integer, 'Start': group_input.outputs["Origin"], 'Start Handle': polartocart, 'End Handle': polartocart_1, 'End': polartocart_2})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 1: integer},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- subdivide_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': bezier_segment, 'Cuts': divide})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Do Bezier"], 14: subdivide_curve_1, 15: subdivide_curve})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': switch.outputs[6], 'Endpoint': polartocart_2})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_profile_part', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_profile_part(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skeleton Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Profile Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius Func', 1.0)])
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius Func"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Shade Smooth': False})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_shade_smooth})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_simple_tube_v2', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_simple_tube_v2(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (1.0, 0.5, 0.3)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'angles_deg', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'proportions', (0.3333, 0.3333, 0.3333)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'aspect', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'do_bezier', True),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'fullness', 4.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Origin', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- vector_sum = nw.new_node(nodegroup_vector_sum().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["proportions"]})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["proportions"], 1: vector_sum},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"]})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: divide.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- polarbezier = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_bezier().name,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 25, 'Origin': group_input.outputs["Origin"], 'angles_deg': group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], 'Seg Lengths': scale.outputs["Vector"], 'Do Bezier': group_input.outputs["do_bezier"]})
- aspect_to_dim = nw.new_node(nodegroup_aspect_to_dim().name,
- input_kwargs={'Aspect Ratio': group_input.outputs["aspect"]})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: aspect_to_dim, 1: position},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- warped_circle_curve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_warped_circle_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Position': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Vertices': 40})
- smoothtaper = nw.new_node(nodegroup_smooth_taper().name,
- input_kwargs={'start_rad': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'end_rad': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 'fullness': group_input.outputs["fullness"]})
- profilepart = nw.new_node(nodegroup_profile_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skeleton Curve': polarbezier.outputs["Curve"], 'Profile Curve': warped_circle_curve, 'Radius Func': smoothtaper})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': profilepart, 'Skeleton Curve': polarbezier.outputs["Curve"], 'Endpoint': polarbezier.outputs["Endpoint"]})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/utils/shader_utils.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/utils/shader_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 30b2db7cf..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/insects/utils/shader_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-def shader_black_w_noise_shader(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_color_noise().name,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 10.0, 'Color': (0.0779, 0.0839, 0.0809, 1.0)})
- principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': group, 'Metallic': 0.9, 'Specular': 0.5114, 'Roughness': 0.2568})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_add_noise', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_add_noise(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 10.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'amount', (0.1, 0.26, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'seed', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Noise Eval Position', None)])
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Noise Eval Position"], 'W': group_input.outputs["seed"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"], 1: group_input.outputs["amount"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply.outputs["Vector"], 1: group_input.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_color_noise', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_color_noise(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 0.8),
- ('NodeSocketColor', 'Color', (0.0147, 0.0156, 0.0152, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Hue From Min', 0.4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Hue From Max', 0.7),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Hue To Min', 0.48),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Hue To Max', 0.55),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value From Min', 0.4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value From Max', 0.78),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value To Min', -0.56),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value To Max', 1.0)])
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"], 'Detail': 10.0, 'Roughness': 0.7})
- separate_rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateColor,
- input_kwargs={'Color': noise_texture.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'mode': 'HSV'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["Green"], 1: group_input.outputs["Hue From Min"], 2: group_input.outputs["Hue From Max"], 3: group_input.outputs["Hue To Min"], 4: group_input.outputs["Hue To Max"]},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["Blue"], 1: group_input.outputs["Value From Min"], 2: group_input.outputs["Value From Max"], 3: group_input.outputs["Value To Min"], 4: group_input.outputs["Value To Max"]},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Hue': map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 'Value': map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 'Color': group_input.outputs["Color"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Color': hue_saturation_value})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/jellyfish.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/jellyfish.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a9db482e5..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/jellyfish.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import colorsys
-import numpy as np
-import bpy
-from mathutils import Vector
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.animation.driver_repeated import repeated_driver
-from infinigen.assets.utils.mesh import polygon_angles
-from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_base_selection
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import data2mesh, join_objects, mesh2obj, new_circle, new_empty, \
- new_icosphere, origin2highest
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import geo_extension, read_co, remove_vertices, \
- subsurface2face_size, write_attribute, write_co
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.surface import read_attr_data, shaderfunc_to_material, write_attr_data
-import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-class JellyfishFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.base_hue = np.random.normal(0.57, 0.15)
- self.outside_material = self.make_transparent() if uniform(0, 1) < .8 else self.make_dotted()
- self.inside_material = self.make_transparent() if uniform(0, 1) < .8 else self.make_opaque()
- self.tentacle_material = self.make_transparent()
- self.arm_mat_transparent = self.make_transparent()
- self.arm_mat_opaque = self.make_opaque()
- self.arm_mat_solid = self.make_solid()
- self.has_arm = uniform(0, 1) < .5
- arm_radius = uniform(0, .3)
- self.arm_radius_range = arm_radius, arm_radius + uniform(.1, .4)
- self.arm_height_range = -uniform(.4, .5), -uniform(0, .2)
- self.arm_min_distance = uniform(.06, .08)
- self.arm_size = uniform(.03, .06)
- self.arm_length = log_uniform(2, 5)
- self.arm_bend_angle = uniform(0, np.pi / 60)
- self.arm_displace_range = uniform(0, .4), uniform(.4, .8)
- self.tentacle_min_distance = uniform(.04, .06)
- self.tentacle_size = uniform(.005, .01)
- self.tentacle_length = log_uniform(1.5, 2.5)
- self.tentacle_bend_angle = uniform(0, np.pi / 12)
- self.cap_thickness = uniform(.05, .6)
- self.cap_inner_radius = uniform(.6, .8)
- self.cap_z_scale = log_uniform(.4, 1.5)
- self.cap_dent = uniform(.15, .3) if uniform(0, 1) < .5 else 0
- self.length_scale = log_uniform(.25, 2.)
- self.anim_freq = 1 / log_uniform(25, 100)
- self.move_freq = 1 / log_uniform(500, 1000)
- def create_asset(self, face_size, **params):
- obj, radius = self.build_cap(face_size)
- assign_material(obj, [self.outside_material, self.inside_material])
- for axis in 'XY':
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SIMPLE_DEFORM', deform_method='TWIST', angle=uniform(-np.pi / 3, np.pi / 3),
- deform_axis=axis)
- for axis in 'XY':
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SIMPLE_DEFORM', deform_method='BEND', angle=uniform(-np.pi / 3, np.pi / 3),
- deform_axis=axis)
- def selection(nw: NodeWrangler):
- x, y, z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))
- r = nw.math('POWER', nw.add(nw.math('POWER', x, 2), nw.math('POWER', y, 2)), .5)
- center = nw.boolean_math('AND', nw.compare('GREATER_THAN', r, self.arm_radius_range[0] * radius),
- nw.compare('LESS_THAN', r, self.arm_radius_range[1] * radius))
- down = nw.compare('LESS_THAN', nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal))[-1], 0)
- inside = nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute, ["inside"])
- return nw.boolean_math('AND', nw.boolean_math('AND', center, down), inside)
- if self.has_arm:
- long_arms = self.place_tentacles(obj, selection, self.arm_min_distance, self.arm_size,
- self.arm_length, self.arm_bend_angle, displace=True)
- for a in long_arms:
- assign_material(a, np.random.choice(
- [self.arm_mat_opaque, self.arm_mat_transparent, self.arm_mat_solid]))
- else:
- long_arms = []
- tentacles = self.place_tentacles(obj, 'boundary', self.tentacle_min_distance, self.tentacle_size,
- self.tentacle_length, self.tentacle_bend_angle)
- assign_material(tentacles, self.tentacle_material)
- obj = join_objects([obj] + long_arms + tentacles)
- head_z = np.amax(read_co(obj)[:, -1])
- tail_z = -np.amin(read_co(obj)[:, -1])
- self.animate_expansion(obj, head_z, tail_z)
- self.animate_movement(obj)
- tag_object(obj, 'jellyfish')
- return obj
- def animate_movement(self, obj):
- offset = uniform(0, 1)
- seed = np.random.randint(1e5)
- driver_x, driver_y, driver_z = [_.driver for _ in obj.driver_add('location')]
- driver_x.expression = repeated_driver(uniform(-.2, .2), uniform(-.2, .2), self.move_freq, offset, seed)
- driver_y.expression = repeated_driver(uniform(-.2, .2), uniform(-.2, .2), self.move_freq, offset, seed)
- driver_z.expression = repeated_driver(uniform(-1.5, -.5), uniform(.5, 1.5), self.move_freq, offset,
- seed)
- driver_rot = obj.driver_add('rotation_euler')[-1].driver
- twist_range = uniform(0, np.pi / 60)
- driver_rot.expression = repeated_driver(-twist_range, twist_range, self.move_freq, offset, seed)
- obj, mod = butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SIMPLE_DEFORM', False, deform_method='TWIST', deform_axis='Z',
- return_mod=True)
- twist_driver = mod.driver_add('angle').driver
- twist_driver.expression = repeated_driver(-np.pi / 30, np.pi / 30, self.move_freq, offset, seed)
- def animate_expansion(self, obj, head_z, tail_z):
- obj.shape_key_add(name='Base')
- offset = uniform(0, 1)
- seed = np.random.randint(1e5)
- self.animate_radius(obj, offset, seed, head_z, tail_z)
- self.animate_height(obj, offset, seed, head_z, tail_z)
- self.animate_arms(obj, tail_z)
- def animate_height(self, obj, offset, seed, head_z, tail_z):
- x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
- obj.active_shape_key_index = 0
- key_block_z = obj.shape_key_add(name='Height')
- z_anchors = -tail_z, 0, head_z
- z_disp = 1, 1, uniform(.6, .8)
- z_curve = interp1d(z_anchors, z_disp, fill_value='extrapolate')
- co = np.stack([x, y, z_curve(z) * z], -1)
- key_block_z.data.foreach_set('co', co.reshape(-1))
- dr = key_block_z.driver_add('value').driver
- dr.expression = repeated_driver(0, 1, self.anim_freq, offset + uniform(.05, .15), seed)
- def animate_radius(self, obj, offset, seed, head_z, tail_z):
- obj.active_shape_key_index = 0
- x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
- key_block_r = obj.shape_key_add(name='Radius')
- z_anchors = -tail_z, -head_z * 2, -head_z, 0, head_z
- r_scale = uniform(.7, .9), uniform(.85, .95), 1, uniform(1.2, 1.4), 1
- r_curve = interp1d(z_anchors, r_scale, 'quadratic', fill_value='extrapolate')
- co = np.stack([r_curve(z) * x, r_curve(z) * y, z], -1)
- key_block_r.data.foreach_set('co', co.reshape(-1))
- dr = key_block_r.driver_add('value').driver
- dr.expression = repeated_driver(0, 1, self.anim_freq, offset, seed)
- def animate_arms(self, obj, tail_z):
- def geo_musgrave_texture(nw: NodeWrangler, axis):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))[-1]
- musgrave = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture, input_kwargs={'Scale': uniform(1, 2)},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '2D'})
- offset = nw.scalar_multiply(log_uniform(.1, .4), nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={
- axis: nw.scalar_divide(nw.scalar_multiply(musgrave, z), -tail_z)
- }))
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, [geometry,
- nw.boolean_math('NOT', nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute, ['pin'])), None, offset])
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
- for i, axis in enumerate('XY'):
- obj.active_shape_key_index = 0
- key_block_r = obj.shape_key_add(name=f'Arm_{i}')
- temp = deep_clone_obj(obj)
- temp.shape_key_clear()
- surface.add_geomod(temp, geo_musgrave_texture, apply=True, input_args=[axis])
- key_block_r.data.foreach_set('co', read_co(temp).reshape(-1))
- butil.delete(temp)
- dr = key_block_r.driver_add('value').driver
- dr.expression = repeated_driver(0, 1, self.anim_freq)
- def place_tentacles(self, obj, selection, min_distance, size, length, bend_angle, displace=False):
- temp = butil.spawn_vert('temp')
- surface.add_geomod(temp, geo_base_selection, apply=True, input_args=[obj, selection, min_distance])
- locations = read_co(temp)
- if displace:
- locations[:, -1] -= uniform(*self.arm_displace_range, len(locations))
- butil.delete(temp)
- n = min(10, len(locations))
- arms = [self.build_arm(size, length, bend_angle) for _ in range(n)]
- arms += [deep_clone_obj(np.random.choice(arms)) for _ in range(len(locations) - n)]
- for arm, loc in zip(arms, locations):
- arm.rotation_euler[-1] = np.arctan2(loc[1], loc[0]) + uniform(-np.pi / 6, np.pi / 6) + np.pi
- arm.location = loc
- return arms
- def build_cap(self, face_size):
- obj = new_icosphere(subdivisions=6)
- write_attribute(obj, lambda nw, position: 0, 'material_index', 'FACE')
- d = np.sqrt(1 - self.cap_inner_radius ** 2) + 1 - self.cap_thickness
- r = (d * d + self.cap_inner_radius ** 2) / (2 * d)
- cutter = new_icosphere(subdivisions=6, radius=r)
- write_attribute(cutter, lambda nw, position: 1, 'material_index', 'FACE')
- cutter.location[-1] = 1 - self.cap_thickness - r
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BOOLEAN', object=cutter, operation='DIFFERENCE')
- co = read_co(obj)
- outside = np.abs(np.linalg.norm(co, axis=-1) - 1) < 1e-6
- co[:, -1] -= cutter.location[-1]
- inside = np.abs(np.linalg.norm(co, axis=-1) - r) < 1e-6
- write_attr_data(obj, 'inside', inside.astype(float))
- write_attr_data(obj, 'boundary', ((~inside) & (~outside)).astype(float))
- butil.delete(cutter)
- if self.cap_dent > 0:
- self.apply_cap_dent(obj)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_extension, apply=True,
- input_args=[log_uniform(.2, .4), log_uniform(.5, 1.), '2D'])
- obj.scale *= Vector(uniform(.4, .6, 3))
- obj.scale[-1] *= self.cap_z_scale
- radius = self.cap_inner_radius * min(obj.scale[:2])
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- subsurface2face_size(obj, face_size)
- obj.vertex_groups.new(name='pin')
- tag_object(obj, 'cap')
- return obj, radius
- def apply_cap_dent(self, obj):
- n_dent = np.random.randint(6, 12)
- angles = polygon_angles(n_dent)
- angles = np.concatenate([angles, angles + 2 * np.pi])
- dent = uniform(1 - self.cap_dent, 1, n_dent)
- margin = uniform(np.pi * .02, np.pi * .05, n_dent)
- x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
- a = np.arctan2(y, x) + np.pi * 1.5
- difference = np.abs(a[:, np.newaxis] - angles[np.newaxis, :])
- index = np.argmin(difference, 1) % n_dent
- dent_ = np.take(dent, index)
- margin_ = np.take(margin, index)
- s = np.exp(np.log(dent_) / margin_ * np.clip(margin_ - np.min(difference, 1), 0, None))
- co = np.stack([s * x, s * y, z]).T
- write_co(obj, co)
- def build_arm(self, radius, length, bend_angle):
- obj = new_circle(vertices=16)
- obj.scale = radius, radius * uniform(0, 1), 1
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- remove_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: y * (-1) ** np.random.randint(2) > 0)
- steps = 256
- empty = new_empty(location=(0, 0, 1), rotation=(0, -uniform(0, np.pi / 24), 0))
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SCREW', angle=log_uniform(.5, 3) * np.pi * (-1) ** int(uniform(0, 1)),
- screw_offset=-length * self.length_scale * uniform(.5, 1.), object=empty, steps=steps,
- render_steps=steps)
- butil.delete(empty)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SIMPLE_DEFORM', deform_method='TAPER', factor=uniform(.5, 1.), deform_axis='Z')
- texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name='arm', type='MARBLE')
- texture.noise_scale = log_uniform(.1, .2)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DISPLACE', texture=texture, strength=uniform(.01, .02), direction='Y')
- texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name='arm', type='MARBLE')
- texture.noise_scale = log_uniform(.1, 2.)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DISPLACE', texture=texture, strength=log_uniform(.1, .2), direction='X')
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SIMPLE_DEFORM', deform_method='BEND', angle=bend_angle * log_uniform(.5, 1.5),
- deform_axis='Y')
- co = read_co(obj)
- x, y, z = co.T
- center = np.mean(co[z > -.01], 0)
- obj.location[0] -= center[0]
- obj.location[1] -= center[1]
- butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
- tag_object(obj, 'arm')
- return obj
- @staticmethod
- def shader_jellyfish(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue, saturation, transparency):
- layerweight = nw.build_float_curve(nw.new_node(Nodes.LayerWeight, input_kwargs={'Blend': 0.3}),
- [(0, 0), (.4, 0), (uniform(.6, .9), 1), (1, 1)])
- emission_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(.4, .6), 1)
- transparent_color = hsv2rgba((base_hue + uniform(-.1, .1)) % 1, saturation, 1)
- emission = nw.new_node(Nodes.Emission, [emission_color])
- glossy = nw.new_node(Nodes.GlossyBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': transparent_color, 'Roughness': uniform(0.8, 1)})
- transparent = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransparentBSDF, [transparent_color])
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader, [0.5, glossy, transparent])
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader, [layerweight, emission, mix_shader])
- transparent = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransparentBSDF, [transparent_color])
- transparency = surface.eval_argument(nw, transparency)
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader, [transparency, mix_shader, transparent])
- return mix_shader
- def make_transparent(self):
- hue = (self.base_hue + uniform(-.1, .1)) % 1
- return shaderfunc_to_material(self.shader_jellyfish, hue, uniform(.1, .3), uniform(.88, .92))
- def make_opaque(self):
- hue = (self.base_hue + uniform(-.1, .1)) % 1
- return shaderfunc_to_material(self.shader_jellyfish, hue, uniform(.3, .6), uniform(.75, .8))
- def make_solid(self):
- hue = (self.base_hue + uniform(-.1, .1)) % 1
- return shaderfunc_to_material(self.shader_jellyfish, hue, uniform(.5, .8), uniform(.4, .5))
- def make_dotted(self):
- def transparency(nw: NodeWrangler):
- return nw.build_float_curve(
- nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Scale': uniform(20, 50)}),
- [(0, uniform(.92, .96)), (.62, uniform(.92, .96)), (.65, uniform(.5, .6)),
- (1, uniform(.5, .6))])
- hue = (self.base_hue + uniform(-.1, .1)) % 1
- return shaderfunc_to_material(self.shader_jellyfish, hue, uniform(.5, .8), transparency)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ae0951026..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-from . import body, foot, wings, leg, head, \
- head_detail, tail, \
- fin_old, ridged_fin, \
- beak, horn, \
- generic_nurbs, hoof, eye, reptile_detail, chameleon
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/beak.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/beak.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 31a29044c..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/beak.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Hongyu Wen
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from math import sin, cos, pi, exp
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory, Part
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint, IKParams
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import part_util
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.geometry import nurbs as nurbs_util
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-def square(x):
- return x * x
-class Beak():
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
- self.hook_x = lambda x, theta: self.hook(self.hook_scale_x, self.hook_a, self.hook_b, self.hook_pos_x, self.hook_thickness_x, x, theta)
- self.hook_z = lambda x, theta: self.hook(self.hook_scale_z, self.hook_a, self.hook_b, self.hook_pos_z, self.hook_thickness_z, x, theta)
- self.crown_z = lambda x, theta: self.crown(self.crown_scale_z, self.crown_a, self.crown_b, self.crown_pos_z, x, theta)
- self.bump_z = lambda x, theta: self.bump(self.bump_scale_z, x, self.bump_l, self.bump_r) * max(sin(theta), 0)
- def cx(self, x):
- return x
- def cy(self, x):
- return 1 - exp(self.cy_a * (x - 1))
- def cz(self, x):
- return 1 - (x ** self.cz_a)
- def sigmoid(self, x):
- return 1 / (1 + exp(-x))
- def exp(self, a, b, x):
- return a * exp(b * x)
- def hook(self, scale, a, b, p, t, x, theta):
- return scale * self.exp(a, b, x - p - (1 - x) * t * sin(theta))
- def bump(self, scale, x, l, r):
- if x < l or x > r:
- return 0
- x = (x - l) / (r - l) * pi
- return scale * sin(x)
- def crown(self, scale, a, b, p, x, theta):
- return scale * self.exp(a, b, p - x) * max(sin(theta), 0)
- def dx(self, x, theta):
- hook = self.hook_x(x, theta)
- sharp = self.sharpness * max(x - 0.95, 0)
- return hook + sharp
- def dy(self, x):
- return 0
- def dz(self, x, theta):
- hook = self.hook_z(x, theta)
- crown = self.crown_z(x, theta)
- bump = self.bump_z(x, theta)
- return hook + crown + bump
- def generate(self):
- self.n = int(self.n)
- self.m = int(self.m)
- ctrls = np.zeros((self.n, self.m, 3))
- for i in range(self.n):
- for j in range(self.m):
- p = i / (self.n - 1)
- theta = 2 * pi * j / (self.m)
- ctrls[i][j][0] = self.sx * self.cx(p) + self.dx(p, theta)
- ctrls[i][j][1] = self.sy * self.cy(p) * self.r * cos(theta) + self.dy(p)
- ctrls[i][j][2] = self.reverse * (self.sz * self.cz(p) * self.r * max(sin(theta), 0) + self.dz(p, theta))
- method = 'blender' if False else 'geomdl'
- return nurbs_util.nurbs(ctrls, method, face_size=0.02)
-class BirdBeak(PartFactory):
- param_templates = {}
- tags = ['head_detail', 'rigid']
- unit_scale = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
- def sample_params(self, select=None, var=1):
- weights = part_util.random_convex_coord(self.param_templates.keys(), select=select)
- params = part_util.rdict_comb(self.param_templates, weights)
- # params = np.random.choice(list(self.param_templates.values()))
- N = lambda m, v: np.random.normal(m, v * var)
- U = lambda l, r: np.random.uniform(l, r)
- # add additional noise to params
- for key in params['upper']:
- if key in params['range']:
- l, r = params['range'][key]
- noise = N(0, 0.05 * (r - l))
- params['upper'][key] += noise
- params['lower'][key] += noise
- params['upper'][key] = max(min(params['upper'][key], r), l)
- params['lower'][key] = max(min(params['lower'][key], r), l)
- params['lower']['sx'] = min(params['lower']['sx'], params['upper']['sx'] * (params['upper']['hook_pos_x'] - params['upper']['hook_thickness_x'] / 2))
- return params
- def rescale(self, params, scale):
- params['sx'] *= scale
- params['sy'] *= scale
- params['sz'] *= scale
- return params
- def make_part(self, params):
- obj = butil.spawn_vert('beak_parent_temp')
- upper = Beak(**params['upper']).generate()
- upper.parent = obj
- upper.name = 'BeakUpper'
- lower = Beak(**params['lower']).generate()
- lower.parent = obj
- lower.name = 'BeakLower'
- upper.scale = self.unit_scale
- lower.scale = self.unit_scale
- butil.apply_transform([upper, lower], scale=True)
- part = Part(skeleton=np.zeros((1, 3)), obj=obj, joints={}, iks={})
- tag_object(part.obj, 'bird_beak')
- return part
-class FlyingBirdBeak(BirdBeak):
- def sample_params(self, select='normal', var=1):
- return super().sample_params(select=select)
- def make_part(self, params):
- obj = butil.spawn_vert('beak_parent_temp')
- params['upper'] = self.rescale(params['upper'], 0.4)
- params['lower'] = self.rescale(params['lower'], 0.4)
- upper = Beak(**params['upper']).generate()
- upper.parent = obj
- upper.name = 'BeakUpper'
- lower = Beak(**params['lower']).generate()
- lower.parent = obj
- lower.name = 'BeakLower'
- upper.scale = self.unit_scale
- lower.scale = self.unit_scale
- butil.apply_transform([upper, lower], scale=True)
- return Part(skeleton=np.zeros((1, 3)), obj=obj, joints={}, iks={})
-default_beak = {
- 'n': 20,
- 'm': 20,
- 'r': 1.0,
- 'sx': 1.0,
- 'sy': 1.0,
- 'sz': 1.0,
- 'cy_a': 1.0,
- 'cz_a': 2.0,
- 'reverse': 1,
- 'hook_a': 0.1,
- 'hook_b': 5.0,
- 'hook_scale_x': 0.0,
- 'hook_pos_x': 0.0,
- 'hook_thickness_x': 0.0,
- 'hook_scale_z': 0.0,
- 'hook_pos_z': 0.0,
- 'hook_thickness_z': 0.0,
- 'crown_scale_z': 0.0,
- 'crown_a': 0.5,
- 'crown_b': 0.5,
- 'crown_pos_z': 0.5,
- 'bump_scale_z': 0.0,
- 'bump_l': 0.5,
- 'bump_r': 0.5,
- 'sharpness': 0.0,
-scales = {
- 'r': [0.3, 1],
- 'sx': [0.2, 1],
- 'sy': [0.2, 1],
- 'sz': [0.2, 1],
- 'cy_a': [1, 10],
- 'cz_a': [1, 5],
- 'hook_a': [0.1, 0.8],
- 'hook_b': [1, 5],
- 'hook_scale_x': [-0.5, 0.5],
- 'hook_pos_x': [0.5, 1],
- 'hook_thickness_x': [0, 0.5],
- 'hook_scale_z': [-0.5, 0.5],
- 'hook_pos_z': [0.5, 1],
- 'hook_thickness_z': [0, 0.5],
- 'crown_scale_z': [0, 0.3],
- 'crown_a': [0.1, 0.8],
- 'crown_b': [0, 2],
- 'crown_pos_z': [0, 0.5],
- 'bump_scale_z': [0, 0.03],
- 'bump_l': [0, 0.4],
- 'bump_r': [0.6, 1],
- 'sharpness': [-0.5, 0.5],
-for k, v in scales.items():
- scales[k] = np.array(v)
-eagle_upper = default_beak | {
- 'r': 0.4,
- 'sx': 0.8,
- 'sy': 0.4,
- 'sz': 1.0,
- 'hook_a': 0.1,
- 'hook_b': 5.0,
- 'hook_scale_x': -1.0,
- 'hook_pos_x': 0.72,
- 'hook_thickness_x': 0.35,
- 'hook_scale_z': -0.8,
- 'hook_pos_z': 0.7,
- 'hook_thickness_z': 0.0,
-eagle_lower = default_beak | {
- 'r': 0.4,
- 'sx': 0.4,
- 'sy': 0.4,
- 'sz': 0.2,
- 'reverse': -1,
- 'hook_a': 0.1,
- 'hook_b': 5.0,
- 'hook_scale_x': 0.0,
- 'hook_pos_x': 0.72,
- 'hook_thickness_x': 0.35,
- 'hook_scale_z': 0.1,
- 'hook_pos_z': 0.6,
- 'hook_thickness_z': -0.2,
-normal_upper = default_beak | {
- 'r': 0.4,
- 'sx': 0.7,
- 'sy': 0.3,
- 'sz': 0.5,
- 'hook_a': 0.1,
- 'hook_b': 2.0,
- 'hook_scale_x': 0.0,
- 'hook_pos_x': 0.72,
- 'hook_thickness_x': 0.35,
- 'hook_scale_z': -0.8,
- 'hook_pos_z': 0.7,
- 'hook_thickness_z': 0.0,
-normal_lower = default_beak | {
- 'r': 0.4,
- 'sx': 0.7,
- 'sy': 0.3,
- 'sz': 0.3,
- 'reverse': -1,
- 'hook_a': 0.1,
- 'hook_b': 2.0,
- 'hook_scale_x': 0.0,
- 'hook_pos_x': 0.72,
- 'hook_thickness_x': 0.35,
- 'hook_scale_z': 0.8,
- 'hook_pos_z': 0.7,
- 'hook_thickness_z': 0.0,
-duck_upper = default_beak | {
- 'n': 50,
- 'r': 0.4,
- 'sx': 1.0,
- 'sy': 0.4,
- 'sz': 0.5,
- 'cy_a': 10.0,
- 'hook_a': 0.1,
- 'hook_b': 2.0,
- 'hook_scale_x': -1.5,
- 'hook_pos_x': 0.9,
- 'hook_thickness_x': 0.0,
- 'hook_scale_z': 0.4,
- 'hook_pos_z': 0.6,
- 'hook_thickness_z': 0.2,
- 'crown_scale_z': 0.3,
- 'crown_a': 0.1,
- 'crown_b': 5.0,
- 'crown_pos_z': 0.3,
- 'bump_scale_z': 0.02,
- 'bump_l': 0.4,
- 'bump_r': 1.0,
- 'sharpness': -0.5
-duck_lower = default_beak | {
- 'n': 50,
- 'r': 0.4,
- 'sx': 0.97,
- 'sy': 0.4,
- 'sz': 0.1,
- 'cy_a': 10.0,
- 'reverse': -1,
- 'hook_a': 0.1,
- 'hook_b': 2.0,
- 'hook_scale_x': -1.5,
- 'hook_pos_x': 0.9,
- 'hook_thickness_x': 0.0,
- 'hook_scale_z': -0.4,
- 'hook_pos_z': 0.6,
- 'hook_thickness_z': 0.0,
- 'crown_scale_z': 0.1,
- 'crown_a': 0.1,
- 'crown_b': 5.0,
- 'crown_pos_z': 0.3,
- 'bump_scale_z': 0.03,
- 'bump_l': 0.3,
- 'bump_r': 1.0,
- 'sharpness': -0.5
-short_upper = default_beak | {
- 'r': 0.4,
- 'sx': 0.25,
- 'sy': 0.3,
- 'sz': 0.3,
- 'hook_a': 0.1,
- 'hook_b': 2.0,
- 'hook_scale_x': -0.5,
- 'hook_pos_x': 0.8,
- 'hook_thickness_x': 0.35,
- 'hook_scale_z': -0.15,
- 'hook_pos_z': 0.7,
- 'hook_thickness_z': 0.0,
-short_lower = default_beak | {
- 'r': 0.4,
- 'sx': 0.25,
- 'sy': 0.3,
- 'sz': 0.3,
- 'cy_a': 1.0,
- 'cz_a': 1.1,
- 'reverse': -1,
- 'hook_a': 0.1,
- 'hook_b': 2.0,
- 'hook_scale_x': -0.5,
- 'hook_pos_x': 0.8,
- 'hook_thickness_x': 0.35,
- 'hook_scale_z': 0.15,
- 'hook_pos_z': 0.7,
- 'hook_thickness_z': 0.0,
-BirdBeak.param_templates['normal'] = {'upper': normal_upper, 'lower': normal_lower, 'range': scales}
-BirdBeak.param_templates['duck'] = {'upper': duck_upper, 'lower': duck_lower, 'range': scales}
-BirdBeak.param_templates['eagle'] = {'upper': eagle_upper, 'lower': eagle_lower, 'range': scales}
-BirdBeak.param_templates['short'] = {'upper': short_upper, 'lower': short_lower, 'range': scales}
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/body.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/body.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 90b72ec1a..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/body.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import normal as N, uniform
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import creature_util as cutil
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import Part, PartFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.geometry import nurbs
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint, IKParams
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.curve import nodegroup_polar_bezier, nodegroup_simple_tube_v2
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.geometry import nodegroup_symmetric_clone
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.attach import nodegroup_surface_muscle
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import part_util
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.geometry import lofting, nurbs
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_quadruped_body', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_quadruped_body(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Pct Ribcage', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Pct Backpart', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Spine StartRad, EndRad, Fullness', (0.05, 0.05, 3.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Belly StartRad, EndRad, Fullness', (0.07, 0.15, 2.5)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Belly ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt', (0.5, 114.0, 114.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'TopFlank StartRad, EndRad, Fullness', (0.2, 0.28, 2.5)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'TopFlank ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt', (0.6, 72.0, 8.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'BackFlank StartRad, EndRad, Fullness', (0.15, 0.15, 2.5)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'BackFlank ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt', (0.6, 53.0, 53.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'BottomFlank StartRad, EndRad, Fullness', (0.14, 0.27, 2.5)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'BottomFlank0 ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt', (0.6, -29.0, 48.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'BottomFlank1 ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt', (0.5, -44.0, -17.4)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'aspect', 1.0)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"], 1: group_input_1.outputs["Pct Ribcage"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'angles_deg': (0.0, -1.0, 4.0), 'proportions': (0.3333, 0.45, 0.3), 'aspect': group_input_1.outputs["aspect"], 'fullness': 3.0, 'Origin': (0.48, 0.0, -0.07)})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"], 1: group_input_1.outputs["Pct Backpart"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector)
- vector.vector = (-0.01, 0.0, 0.02)
- simple_tube_v2_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': multiply_1.outputs["Vector"], 'angles_deg': (0.94, -3.94, 11.66), 'proportions': (0.3, 0.6, 0.2), 'aspect': group_input_1.outputs["aspect"], 'fullness': 7.0, 'Origin': vector})
- union = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshBoolean,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh 2': [simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], simple_tube_v2_1.outputs["Geometry"]]},
- attrs={'operation': 'UNION'})
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Start': vector, 'Middle': simple_tube_v2_1.outputs["Endpoint"], 'End': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"]})
- bottom_flank_0 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': union, 'Skeleton Curve': quadratic_bezier, 'Coord 0': (0.16, 0.91, 0.66), 'Coord 1': (0.38, 0.37, 1.0), 'Coord 2': (0.67, -0.42, 0.6), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input_1.outputs["BottomFlank StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"], 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': group_input_1.outputs["BottomFlank0 ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"]},
- label='Bottom Flank 0')
- top_flank = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': union, 'Skeleton Curve': quadratic_bezier, 'Coord 0': (0.25, 4.91, 0.5), 'Coord 1': (0.65, -0.35, 1.0), 'Coord 2': (0.88, 0.47, 0.7), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input_1.outputs["TopFlank StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"], 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': group_input_1.outputs["TopFlank ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"]},
- label='Top Flank')
- bottom_flank_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': union, 'Skeleton Curve': quadratic_bezier, 'Coord 0': (0.36, 1.03, 0.95), 'Coord 1': (0.6, 0.85, 1.0), 'Coord 2': (0.9, -0.01, 0.71), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input_1.outputs["BottomFlank StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"], 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': group_input_1.outputs["BottomFlank1 ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"]},
- label='Bottom Flank 1')
- back_flank = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': union, 'Skeleton Curve': quadratic_bezier, 'Coord 0': (0.02, -0.9, 0.53), 'Coord 1': (0.2, -0.85, 0.85), 'Coord 2': (0.61, -0.99, 0.7), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input_1.outputs["BackFlank StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"], 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': group_input_1.outputs["BackFlank ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"]},
- label='Back Flank')
- belly = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': union, 'Skeleton Curve': quadratic_bezier, 'Coord 0': (0.24, 1.52, 0.7), 'Coord 1': (0.48, 1.24, 1.42), 'Coord 2': (0.92, 1.41, 0.97), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input_1.outputs["Belly StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"], 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': group_input_1.outputs["Belly ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"]},
- label='Belly')
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [bottom_flank_0, top_flank, bottom_flank_1, back_flank, belly]})
- symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1})
- spine = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': union, 'Skeleton Curve': quadratic_bezier, 'Coord 0': (0.05, -1.5708, 1.0), 'Coord 1': (0.5, -1.5708, 1.2), 'Coord 2': (0.95, -1.5708, 1.0), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input_1.outputs["Spine StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"], 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)},
- label='Spine')
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [union, symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"], spine]})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': quadratic_bezier})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Skeleton Curve': reroute, 'Base Mesh': union})
-class QuadrupedBody(PartFactory):
- tags = ['body', 'head']
- def sample_params(self):
- return {
- 'length_rad1_rad2': np.array((1.7, 0.65, 0.65)) * N(1, 0.15, 3),
- 'Pct Ribcage': (0.76, 0.56, 0.56) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
- 'Pct Backpart': (0.64, 0.25, 0.4) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
- 'Spine StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': np.array((0.05, 0.05, 3.0)) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
- 'Belly StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': np.array((0.07, 0.15, 2.5)) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
- 'Belly ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': (0.5, 114.0, 114.0),
- 'TopFlank StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': (0.2, 0.28, 2.5),
- 'TopFlank ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': (0.6, 72.0, 8.0),
- 'BackFlank StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': (0.15, 0.15, 2.5),
- 'BackFlank ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': (0.6, 53.0, 53.0),
- 'BottomFlank StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': (0.14, 0.27, 2.5),
- 'BottomFlank0 ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': (0.6, -29.0, 48.0),
- 'BottomFlank1 ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': (0.5, -44.0, -17.4),
- 'aspect': N(1, 0.1)
- }
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = part_util.nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_quadruped_body, params)
- part.joints = {
- i: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [30, 0, 30]]))
- for i in np.linspace(0, 1, 4, endpoint=True)
- }
- part.iks = {
- 0.0: IKParams(name='hip', mode='pin', target_size=0.3),
- 1.0: IKParams(name='shoulder', rotation_weight=0.1, target_size=0.4)
- }
- tag_object(part.obj, 'quadruped_body')
- return part
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_fish_body', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_fish_body(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (0.89, 0.2, 0.29)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'angles_deg', (7.0, 0.51, -9.02)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'aspect', 0.56),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'fullness', 3.43)])
- simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"], 'angles_deg': group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], 'aspect': group_input.outputs["aspect"], 'fullness': group_input.outputs["fullness"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Endpoint': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"]})
-class FishBody(PartFactory):
- tags = ['body']
- def sample_params(self):
- return {}
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = part_util.nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_fish_body, params)
- part.joints = {
- i: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [30, 0, 30]]))
- for i in np.linspace(0, 1, 4, endpoint=True)
- }
- part.iks = {
- 0.0: IKParams(name='hip', mode='pin', target_size=0.3),
- 1.0: IKParams(name='shoulder', rotation_weight=0.1, target_size=0.4)
- }
- tag_object(part.obj, 'fish_body')
- return part
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_bird_body', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_bird_body(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.5.1 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (1.0000, 0.5000, 0.3000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'aspect', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'fullness', 2.0000)])
- simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
- 'proportions': (0.1000, 0.1000, 0.1000),
- 'aspect': group_input.outputs["aspect"],
- 'fullness': group_input.outputs["fullness"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"]})
-class BirdBody(PartFactory):
- tags = ['body']
- def sample_params(self):
- return {
- 'length_rad1_rad2': np.array((0.95, 0.15, 0.2)) * N(1.0, 0.05, size=(3,)),
- 'aspect': N(1.2, 0.02),
- 'fullness': N(2, 0.1)
- }
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = part_util.nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_bird_body, params)
- part.joints = {
- i: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [30, 0, 30]]))
- for i in np.linspace(0, 1, 4, endpoint=True)
- }
- part.iks = {
- 0.0: IKParams(name='hip', mode='pin', target_size=0.3),
- 1.0: IKParams(name='shoulder', rotation_weight=0.1, target_size=0.4)
- }
- tag_object(part.obj, 'bird_body')
- return part
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/chameleon.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/chameleon.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 31821dafa..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/chameleon.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1599 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Hongyu Wen
-# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJD3nvFXCLE by Redjam9
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory, Part
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint, IKParams
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import part_util
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.part_util import nodegroup_to_part
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.geometry import nurbs as nurbs_util
-from infinigen.core import surface
-import logging
-import numpy as np
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_chameleon_toe', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_chameleon_toe(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- spiral = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurveSpiral',
- input_kwargs={'Rotations': 0.1000, 'Start Radius': 0.1000, 'End Radius': 0.3000, 'Height': 0.0000})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0000, 1.0000), (1.0000, 0.0000)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: 0.4000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius, input_kwargs={'Curve': spiral, 'Radius': multiply})
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_curve_radius, 2: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': 0.1000})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"]})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Name': 'Ridge', 'Value': capture_attribute.outputs[2]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT', 'domain': 'POINT'})
- sample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius}, attrs={'mode': 'FACTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute, 'Position': sample_curve.outputs["Position"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_floor_ceil', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_floor_ceil(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.0000)])
- float_to_integer = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatToInt, input_kwargs={'Float': group_input.outputs["Value"]}, attrs={'rounding_mode': 'FLOOR'})
- float_to_integer_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatToInt,
- input_kwargs={'Float': group_input.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'rounding_mode': 'CEILING'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 1: float_to_integer},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Floor': float_to_integer, 'Ceil': float_to_integer_1, 'Remainder': subtract},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_clamp_or_wrap', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_clamp_or_wrap(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'Value', 0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Max', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Use Wrap', False)])
- clamp = nw.new_node(Nodes.Clamp, input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Value"], 'Max': group_input.outputs["Max"]})
- wrap = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 1: group_input.outputs["Max"], 2: 0.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'WRAP'})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Use Wrap"], 4: clamp, 5: wrap},
- attrs={'input_type': 'INT'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Output': switch.outputs[1]}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_chameleon_claw_shape', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_chameleon_claw_shape(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 32, 'Start': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 'Middle': (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.0000), 'End': (0.7000, 0.3000, 0.0000)})
- simpletube = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadratic_bezier, 'RadStartEnd': (0.2000, 0.2000, 1.0000)})
- quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 10, 'Start': (0.9500, 0.2500, 0.0000), 'Middle': (1.0000, 0.5000, 0.0000), 'End': (0.9500, 0.7500, 0.0000)})
- curveparametercurve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': simpletube.outputs["Mesh"], 'UVCurve': quadratic_bezier_1, 'CtrlptsU': 32, 'CtrlptsW': 32})
- curvesculpt = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': simpletube.outputs["Mesh"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve, 'Base Radius': 0.1000, 'Base Factor': 0.0200, 'Attr': True})
- chameleon_toe = nw.new_node(nodegroup_chameleon_toe().name)
- sample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': simpletube.outputs["Curve"], 'Factor': 1.0000},
- attrs={'mode': 'FACTOR'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: sample_curve.outputs["Position"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: add.outputs["Vector"], 1: chameleon_toe.outputs["Position"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': chameleon_toe.outputs["Geometry"], 'Translation': subtract.outputs["Vector"], 'Rotation': (0.1745, -0.1745, 0.8727)})
- chameleon_toe_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_chameleon_toe().name)
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: sample_curve.outputs["Position"]})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: add_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: chameleon_toe_1.outputs["Position"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': chameleon_toe_1.outputs["Geometry"], 'Translation': subtract_1.outputs["Vector"], 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.1745, 0.8727)})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"], transform_1, transform_2]})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorEuler', 'Rotation', (0.0000, 1.0472, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'Scale', (0.2000, 0.2000, 0.4000))])
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Rotation': group_input.outputs["Rotation"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_u_v_param_to_vert_idxs', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_u_v_param_to_vert_idxs(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Size', 0),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Cyclic', False)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 1: group_input.outputs["Size"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- floorceil = nw.new_node(nodegroup_floor_ceil().name, input_kwargs={'Value': multiply})
- clamporwrap = nw.new_node(nodegroup_clamp_or_wrap().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': floorceil.outputs["Floor"], 'Max': group_input.outputs["Size"], 'Use Wrap': group_input.outputs["Cyclic"]})
- clamporwrap_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_clamp_or_wrap().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': floorceil.outputs["Ceil"], 'Max': group_input.outputs["Size"], 'Use Wrap': group_input.outputs["Cyclic"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Floor': clamporwrap, 'Ceil': clamporwrap_1, 'Remainder': floorceil.outputs["Remainder"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_chameleon_foot_shape', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_chameleon_foot_shape(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- chameleon_claw_shape = nw.new_node(nodegroup_chameleon_claw_shape().name, input_kwargs={'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorEuler', 'ouRotation', (0.0000, 1.0472, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorEuler', 'inRotation', (0.0000, 2.0944, 3.1416)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'ouScale', (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'inScale', (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000))])
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': chameleon_claw_shape, 'Rotation': group_input.outputs["ouRotation"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["ouScale"]})
- chameleon_claw_shape_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_chameleon_claw_shape().name, input_kwargs={'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': chameleon_claw_shape_1, 'Rotation': group_input.outputs["inRotation"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["inScale"]})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform, transform_1]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_bilinear_interp_index_transfer', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_bilinear_interp_index_transfer(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Source', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'U', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'V', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Attribute', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'SizeU', 0),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'SizeV', 0),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'CyclicU', False),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'CyclicV', False)])
- uvparamtovertidxs = nw.new_node(nodegroup_u_v_param_to_vert_idxs().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["V"], 'Size': group_input.outputs["SizeV"], 'Cyclic': group_input.outputs["CyclicV"]})
- uvparamtovertidxs_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_u_v_param_to_vert_idxs().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["U"], 'Size': group_input.outputs["SizeU"], 'Cyclic': group_input.outputs["CyclicU"]})
- floor_floor = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: uvparamtovertidxs_1.outputs["Floor"], 1: group_input.outputs["SizeV"], 2: uvparamtovertidxs.outputs["Floor"]},
- label='FloorFloor',
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleIndex,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input, 'Value': group_input.outputs["Attribute"], 'Index': floor_floor},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- ceil_floor = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: uvparamtovertidxs_1.outputs["Ceil"], 1: group_input.outputs["SizeV"], 2: uvparamtovertidxs.outputs["Floor"]},
- label='CeilFloor',
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- transfer_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleIndex,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input, 'Value': group_input.outputs["Attribute"], 'Index': ceil_floor},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': uvparamtovertidxs_1.outputs["Remainder"], 9: (transfer_attribute, 'Value'), 10: (transfer_attribute_1, 'Value')},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- floor_ceil = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: uvparamtovertidxs_1.outputs["Floor"], 1: group_input.outputs["SizeV"], 2: uvparamtovertidxs.outputs["Ceil"]},
- label='FloorCeil',
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- transfer_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleIndex,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input, 'Value': group_input.outputs["Attribute"], 'Index': floor_ceil},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- ceil_ceil = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: uvparamtovertidxs_1.outputs["Ceil"], 1: group_input.outputs["SizeV"], 2: uvparamtovertidxs.outputs["Ceil"]},
- label='CeilCeil',
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- transfer_attribute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleIndex,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input, 'Value': group_input.outputs["Attribute"], 'Index': ceil_ceil},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': uvparamtovertidxs_1.outputs["Remainder"], 9: (transfer_attribute_2, 'Value'), 10: (transfer_attribute_3, 'Value')},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': uvparamtovertidxs.outputs["Remainder"], 9: map_range.outputs["Vector"], 10: map_range_1.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': map_range_2.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_polar_to_cart', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_polar_to_cart(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Angle', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Length', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Origin', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))])
- cosine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Angle"]}, attrs={'operation': 'COSINE'})
- sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Angle"]}, attrs={'operation': 'SINE'})
- construct_unit_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': cosine, 'Z': sine}, label='Construct Unit Vector')
- offset_polar = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Length"], 1: construct_unit_vector, 2: group_input.outputs["Origin"]},
- label='Offset Polar',
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': offset_polar.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_switch4', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_switch4(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'Arg', 0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Arg == 0', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Arg == 1', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Arg == 2', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Arg == 3', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))])
- greater_equal = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Arg"], 3: 2},
- attrs={'data_type': 'INT', 'operation': 'GREATER_EQUAL'})
- greater_equal_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Arg"], 3: 1},
- attrs={'data_type': 'INT', 'operation': 'GREATER_EQUAL'})
- switch_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_equal_1, 8: group_input.outputs["Arg == 0"], 9: group_input.outputs["Arg == 1"]},
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'})
- greater_equal_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Arg"], 3: 3},
- attrs={'data_type': 'INT', 'operation': 'GREATER_EQUAL'})
- switch_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_equal_2, 8: group_input.outputs["Arg == 2"], 9: group_input.outputs["Arg == 3"]},
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_equal, 8: switch_1.outputs[3], 9: switch_2.outputs[3]},
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Output': switch.outputs[3]}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_symmetric_clone', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_symmetric_clone(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'Scale', (1.0000, -1.0000, 1.0000))])
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]})
- flip_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.FlipFaces, input_kwargs={'Mesh': transform})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [group_input.outputs["Geometry"], flip_faces]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Both': join_geometry_2, 'Orig': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Inverted': flip_faces},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_scale_bump', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_scale_bump(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Density', 50.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Depth', 0.0050),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Bump', 0.0100),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Level', 2),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Selection', True)])
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Level': group_input.outputs["Level"]})
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"], 'Scale': 0.2000},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: position})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Density"], 'Randomness': 0.5000},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"]})
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0000
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.9909
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Bump"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- scale_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: normal, 'Scale': scale_1.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"]})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0000
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.0591
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
- scale_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Depth"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- scale_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: normal, 'Scale': scale_3.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: scale_2.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale_4.outputs["Vector"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh, 'Selection': group_input.outputs["Selection"], 'Offset': add_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_chameleon_leg_raw_shape', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_chameleon_leg_raw_shape(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'thigh_length', 0.6000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'calf_length', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thigh_body_rotation', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'calf_body_rotation', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thigh_calf_rotation', 20.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'toe_toe_rotation', 20.0000),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'thigh_scale', (1.0000, 0.6500, 1.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'calf_scale', (1.0000, 0.6500, 1.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'ouScale', (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'inScale', (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000))])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thigh_length"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["thigh_length"]})
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 64, 'Start': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 'Middle': combine_xyz_3, 'End': combine_xyz_2})
- simpletube = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadratic_bezier, 'RadStartEnd': (0.1500, 0.2000, 0.9000), 'Resolution': 64})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thigh_calf_rotation"], 1: -1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thigh_body_rotation"], 1: 180.0000})
- combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_1, 'Z': add})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_7, 'Scale': 0.0174}, attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- transform_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': simpletube.outputs["Mesh"], 'Rotation': scale.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["thigh_scale"]})
- round_bump = nw.new_node(nodegroup_round_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry, 'Distance': 0.0070, 'Offset Scale': 0.0020})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["calf_length"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_2})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["calf_length"]})
- quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 64, 'Start': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 'Middle': combine_xyz_4, 'End': combine_xyz_5})
- simpletube_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadratic_bezier_1, 'RadStartEnd': (0.1500, 0.1000, 0.9000), 'Resolution': 64})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["calf_body_rotation"], 1: 180.0000})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': group_input.outputs["thigh_calf_rotation"], 'Z': add_1})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 'Scale': 0.0174}, attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- transform_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': simpletube_1.outputs["Mesh"], 'Rotation': scale_1.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["calf_scale"]})
- round_bump_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_round_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry_1, 'Distance': 0.0070, 'Offset Scale': 0.0020})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 180.0000, 1: group_input.outputs["thigh_calf_rotation"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["toe_toe_rotation"], 1: -1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': subtract, 'Z': multiply_3})
- scale_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_1, 'Scale': 0.0174}, attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["toe_toe_rotation"], 1: 180.0000})
- combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': group_input.outputs["thigh_calf_rotation"], 'Z': add_2})
- scale_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_6, 'Scale': 0.0174}, attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- chameleon_foot_shape = nw.new_node(nodegroup_chameleon_foot_shape().name,
- input_kwargs={'ouRotation': scale_2.outputs["Vector"], 'inRotation': scale_3.outputs["Vector"], 'ouScale': group_input.outputs["ouScale"], 'inScale': group_input.outputs["inScale"]})
- transform_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': simpletube_1.outputs["Curve"], 'Rotation': scale_1.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': (1.0000, 0.6500, 1.0000)})
- sample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': transform_geometry_2, 'Factor': 0.8500},
- attrs={'mode': 'FACTOR'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': chameleon_foot_shape, 'Offset': sample_curve.outputs["Position"]})
- round_bump_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_round_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Distance': 0.0050, 'Offset Scale': 0.0020})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [round_bump, round_bump_1, round_bump_2]})
- transform_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': simpletube.outputs["Curve"], 'Rotation': scale.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["thigh_scale"]})
- sample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': transform_geometry_3, 'Factor': 1.0000},
- attrs={'mode': 'FACTOR'})
- scale_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: sample_curve_1.outputs["Position"], 'Scale': -1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Offset': scale_4.outputs["Vector"]})
- subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_position_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Mesh': subdivision_surface}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_chameleon_tail_shape', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_chameleon_tail_shape(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 64, 'Middle': (0.0000, 0.2000, 0.0000), 'End': (2.0000, -0.5000, 0.0000)})
- simpletube = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadratic_bezier, 'RadStartEnd': (0.4000, 0.0000, 0.9000), 'Resolution': 64})
- quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 64, 'Start': (0.2000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 'Middle': (0.6000, 0.0000, 0.0100), 'End': (0.8000, 0.0000, 0.0200)})
- curveparametercurve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': simpletube.outputs["Mesh"], 'UVCurve': quadratic_bezier_1, 'CtrlptsU': 64, 'CtrlptsW': 64})
- curvesculpt = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': simpletube.outputs["Mesh"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve, 'Base Radius': 0.0200, 'SymmY': False, 'Attr': True})
- subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={'Mesh': curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"], 'Level': 2})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivision_surface, 'Translation': (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.1000), 'Rotation': (-1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': quadratic_bezier, 'Translation': (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 'Rotation': (-1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': transform, 'Curve': transform_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_back_bump1', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_back_bump1(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Surface', None)])
- quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 25, 'Start': (0.0000, 0.7500, 0.1000), 'Middle': (0.6000, 0.7500, 0.0000), 'End': (1.0000, 0.7500, 0.1000)})
- curveparametercurve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': group_input.outputs["Surface"], 'UVCurve': quadratic_bezier_1, 'CtrlptsU': 64, 'CtrlptsW': 64})
- curvesculpt = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': group_input.outputs["Surface"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve, 'Base Radius': 0.3000, 'Base Factor': 0.0300, 'Name': ''})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_back_bump2', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_back_bump2(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Surface', None)])
- quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 64, 'Start': (0.1000, 0.7500, 0.1000), 'Middle': (0.4000, 0.7500, 0.0000), 'End': (0.9000, 0.7500, 0.1000)})
- curveparametercurve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': group_input.outputs["Surface"], 'UVCurve': quadratic_bezier_1, 'CtrlptsU': 64, 'CtrlptsW': 64})
- curvesculpt = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': group_input.outputs["Surface"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve, 'Base Radius': 0.1500, 'Base Factor': 0.1000})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_back_bump3', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_back_bump3(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Surface', None)])
- quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 25, 'Start': (0.1500, 0.7500, 0.0600), 'Middle': (0.6000, 0.7500, 0.0000), 'End': (0.9000, 0.7500, 0.0600)})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': quadratic_bezier_1})
- curveparametercurve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': group_input.outputs["Surface"], 'UVCurve': join_geometry, 'CtrlptsU': 64, 'CtrlptsW': 64})
- curvesculpt = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': group_input.outputs["Surface"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve, 'Base Radius': 0.1000, 'Attr': True})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_belly_sunken1', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_belly_sunken1(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Surface', None)])
- quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 30, 'Start': (0.0000, 0.2500, 0.0000), 'Middle': (0.6000, 0.2500, 0.0000), 'End': (1.0000, 0.2500, 0.0000)})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': quadratic_bezier_1})
- curveparametercurve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': group_input.outputs["Surface"], 'UVCurve': join_geometry, 'CtrlptsU': 64, 'CtrlptsW': 64})
- curvesculpt = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': group_input.outputs["Surface"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve, 'Base Radius': 0.0300, 'Base Factor': 0.0200, 'Name': ''})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_shouder_sunken', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_shouder_sunken(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Surface', None)])
- quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 25, 'Start': (0.1500, 0.2500, 0.1000), 'Middle': (0.2000, 0.2500, 0.0000), 'End': (0.3000, 0.2500, 0.1000)})
- curveparametercurve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': group_input.outputs["Surface"], 'UVCurve': quadratic_bezier_1, 'CtrlptsU': 64, 'CtrlptsW': 64})
- curvesculpt = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': group_input.outputs["Surface"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve, 'Base Radius': 0.2000, 'Base Factor': -0.0300, 'SymmY': False})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_neck_bump', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_neck_bump(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Surface', None)])
- quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 25, 'Start': (0.0000, 0.2500, 0.0000), 'Middle': (0.0500, 0.2500, 0.0000), 'End': (0.0700, 0.2500, 0.1000)})
- curveparametercurve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': group_input.outputs["Surface"], 'UVCurve': quadratic_bezier_1, 'CtrlptsU': 64, 'CtrlptsW': 64})
- curvesculpt = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': group_input.outputs["Surface"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve, 'Base Radius': 0.2000, 'SymmY': False})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_neck_bump2', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_neck_bump2(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Surface', None)])
- quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 25, 'Start': (0.0000, 0.2500, 0.0000), 'Middle': (0.0250, 0.2500, 0.1000), 'End': (0.0500, 0.2500, 0.2000)})
- curveparametercurve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': group_input.outputs["Surface"], 'UVCurve': quadratic_bezier_1, 'CtrlptsU': 64, 'CtrlptsW': 64})
- curvesculpt = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': group_input.outputs["Surface"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve, 'Base Radius': 0.2000, 'SymmY': False})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Surface', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'UVCurve', None),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'CtrlptsU', 0),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'CtrlptsW', 0)])
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- bilinearinterpindextransfer = nw.new_node(nodegroup_bilinear_interp_index_transfer().name,
- input_kwargs={'Source': group_input.outputs["Surface"], 'U': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'V': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Attribute': position_1, 'SizeU': group_input.outputs["CtrlptsU"], 'SizeV': group_input.outputs["CtrlptsW"], 'CyclicV': True})
- transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleNearestSurface,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Surface"], 'Value': normal, 'Sample Position': bilinearinterpindextransfer},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (transfer_attribute, 'Value'), 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 2: bilinearinterpindextransfer},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["UVCurve"], 'Position': multiply_add.outputs["Vector"]})
- normal_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- dot_product = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: normal, 1: normal_1}, attrs={'operation': 'DOT_PRODUCT'})
- arcsine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: dot_product.outputs["Value"]}, attrs={'operation': 'ARCSINE'})
- set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveTilt, input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position, 'Tilt': arcsine})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_curve_tilt}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_polar_bezier', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_polar_bezier(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketIntUnsigned', 'Resolution', 32),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Origin', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'angles_deg', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Seg Lengths', (0.3000, 0.3000, 0.3000)),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Do Bezier', True)])
- mesh_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshLine, input_kwargs={'Count': 4})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- deg2_rad = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], 'Scale': 0.0175},
- label='Deg2Rad',
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': deg2_rad.outputs["Vector"]})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Seg Lengths"]})
- polartocart = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_to_cart().name,
- input_kwargs={'Angle': separate_xyz, 'Length': separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 'Origin': group_input.outputs["Origin"]})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz, 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- polartocart_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_to_cart().name,
- input_kwargs={'Angle': add, 'Length': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 'Origin': polartocart})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: add})
- polartocart_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_to_cart().name,
- input_kwargs={'Angle': add_1, 'Length': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"], 'Origin': polartocart_1})
- switch4 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_switch4().name,
- input_kwargs={'Arg': index, 'Arg == 0': group_input.outputs["Origin"], 'Arg == 1': polartocart, 'Arg == 2': polartocart_1, 'Arg == 3': polartocart_2})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': mesh_line, 'Position': switch4})
- mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve, input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_position})
- subdivide_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': mesh_to_curve, 'Cuts': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- integer = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer)
- integer.integer = 2
- bezier_segment = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveBezierSegment,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': integer, 'Start': group_input.outputs["Origin"], 'Start Handle': polartocart, 'End Handle': polartocart_1, 'End': polartocart_2})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 1: integer},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- subdivide_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': bezier_segment, 'Cuts': divide})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Do Bezier"], 14: subdivide_curve_1, 15: subdivide_curve})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': switch.outputs[6], 'Endpoint': polartocart_2},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_simple_tube', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_simple_tube(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'RadStartEnd', (0.0500, 0.0500, 1.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 32)])
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- sqrt = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'SQRT'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["RadStartEnd"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 4: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: sqrt, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius, input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"], 'Radius': multiply_1})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': 1.0000, 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Scale': combine_xyz})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': transform})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh, 'Curve': set_curve_radius},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_curve_sculpt', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_curve_sculpt(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Target', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Base Radius', 0.0500),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Base Factor', 0.0500),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'SymmY', True),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'StrokeRadFacModifier', None),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Switch', True),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Attr', False),
- ('NodeSocketString', 'Name', 'Ridge')])
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name, input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input_1.outputs["Curve"]})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: group_input_1.outputs["SymmY"], 14: group_input_1.outputs["Curve"], 15: symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={'Curve': switch.outputs[6]})
- geometry_proximity = nw.new_node(Nodes.Proximity, input_kwargs={'Target': curve_to_mesh}, attrs={'target_element': 'POINTS'})
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input_1.outputs["StrokeRadFacModifier"]})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleIndex,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh_1, 'Value': position, 'Index': index},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': (transfer_attribute, 'Value')})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["Base Radius"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["X"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': geometry_proximity.outputs["Distance"], 2: add})
- float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0000, 1.0000), (0.4364, 0.9212), (0.6182, 0.0787), (1.0000, 0.0000)], handles=['VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR'])
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0000, 1.0000), (0.2500, 0.9588), (0.7455, 0.0475), (1.0000, 0.0000)], handles=['VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR'])
- switch_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["Switch"], 2: float_curve_1, 3: float_curve},
- attrs={'input_type': 'FLOAT'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["Base Factor"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: switch_2.outputs["Output"], 1: add_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: normal, 'Scale': multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input_1.outputs["Target"], 'Offset': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute, input_kwargs={'Name': group_input_1.outputs["Name"]})
- maximum = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: named_attribute.outputs[1], 1: switch_2.outputs["Output"]},
- attrs={'use_clamp': True, 'operation': 'MAXIMUM'})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Name': group_input_1.outputs["Name"], 'Value': maximum},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT', 'domain': 'POINT'})
- switch_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: group_input_1.outputs["Attr"], 14: set_position, 15: store_named_attribute})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': switch_3.outputs[6], 'Result': switch_2.outputs["Output"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_chameleon_eye', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_chameleon_eye(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- polarbezier = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_bezier().name,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 1024, 'angles_deg': (0.0000, 0.0000, 10.0000), 'Seg Lengths': (0.1500, 0.1500, 0.1500)})
- simpletube = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': polarbezier.outputs["Curve"], 'RadStartEnd': (0.4000, 0.4000, 1.0000), 'Resolution': 1024})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': simpletube.outputs["Mesh"], 'Scale': (4.0000, 4.5000, 4.5000)})
- quadratic_bezier_25 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 256, 'Start': (0.9900, 0.0000, 0.0000), 'Middle': (0.9900, 0.5000, 0.0000), 'End': (0.9900, 1.0000, 0.0000)})
- curveparametercurve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': transform, 'UVCurve': quadratic_bezier_25, 'CtrlptsU': 1024, 'CtrlptsW': 1024})
- curvesculpt = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': transform, 'Curve': curveparametercurve, 'Base Factor': 0.1000})
- quadratic_bezier_26 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 200, 'Start': (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 'Middle': (1.0000, 0.5000, 0.0000), 'End': (1.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000)})
- curveparametercurve_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"], 'UVCurve': quadratic_bezier_26, 'CtrlptsU': 1024, 'CtrlptsW': 1024})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'pupil_radius', 0.2200)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["pupil_radius"], 1: 0.0300})
- curvesculpt_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve_1, 'Base Radius': add, 'Base Factor': 0.0000, 'Switch': False, 'Attr': True})
- quadratic_bezier_27 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 256, 'Start': (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 'Middle': (1.0000, 0.5000, 0.0000), 'End': (1.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000)})
- curveparametercurve_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': curvesculpt_1.outputs["Geometry"], 'UVCurve': quadratic_bezier_27, 'CtrlptsU': 1024, 'CtrlptsW': 1024})
- curvesculpt_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': curvesculpt_1.outputs["Geometry"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve_2, 'Base Radius': group_input.outputs["pupil_radius"], 'Base Factor': 0.0000, 'Switch': False, 'Attr': True, 'Name': 'Pupil'})
- op_or = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath,
- input_kwargs={0: curvesculpt_1.outputs["Result"], 1: curvesculpt_2.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'OR'})
- op_not = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_or}, attrs={'operation': 'NOT'})
- scale_bump = nw.new_node(nodegroup_scale_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curvesculpt_2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Density': 20.0000, 'Depth': 0.1000, 'Bump': 0.0200, 'Level': 0, 'Selection': op_not})
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Scale': 12.0000, 'Detail': 10.0000, 'Roughness': 0.0000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '1D'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.0300},
- attrs={'use_clamp': True, 'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: normal, 'Scale': multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': scale_bump, 'Offset': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_chameleon_eye)})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material, 'Scale': (0.0500, 0.0600, 0.0600)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def shader_chameleon(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={'attribute_name': 'Ridge', 'attribute_type': 'GEOMETRY'})
- # map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': attribute_1.outputs["Fac"], 2: 0.0010})
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute_1.outputs["Fac"]})
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0091
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.9841
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"], 'Scale': 10.0000, 'Distortion': 2.0000})
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]})
- colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
- colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2773
- colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0660, 0.1203, 0.0151, 1.0000]
- colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6386
- colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0405, 0.0397, 0.0064, 1.0000]
- colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 1.0000
- colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[2].color = [0.0069, 0.0278, 0.0000, 1.0000]
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"], 'W': 1.0000}, attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]})
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2818
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.3390, 0.1458, 0.0277, 1.0000]
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.5795
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.1295, 0.0542, 0.0220, 1.0000]
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 1.0000
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].color = [0.2549, 0.1495, 0.0318, 1.0000]
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_2.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': colorramp_3.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]})
- separate_color = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateColor, input_kwargs={'Color': mix_1})
- texture_coordinate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Normal"], 'Scale': 20.0000, 'Detail': 200.0000, 'Roughness': 0.0000})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_color.outputs["Red"], 1: noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'use_clamp': True, 'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_color = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeCombineColor',
- input_kwargs={'Red': multiply, 'Green': separate_color.outputs["Green"], 'Blue': separate_color.outputs["Blue"]})
- principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': combine_color, 'Specular': 0.3000, 'Roughness': 0.6000})
- material_output_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf_1}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_chameleon_leg_shape', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_chameleon_leg_shape(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'body_length', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'body_position', 0.1000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'body_thickness', 0.0500),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'body_height', -0.1000),
- ('NodeSocketVectorEuler', 'Rotation', (0.0000, -0.6981, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thigh_length', 0.6000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'calf_length', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thigh_body_rotation', 25.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'calf_body_rotation', 15.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thigh_calf_rotation', 20.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'toe_toe_rotation', 20.0000),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'thigh_scale', (1.0000, 0.6500, 1.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'calf_scale', (1.0000, 0.6500, 1.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'ouScale', (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'inScale', (0.6000, 1.0000, 1.0000))])
- chameleon_leg_raw_shape = nw.new_node(nodegroup_chameleon_leg_raw_shape().name,
- input_kwargs={'thigh_length': group_input.outputs["thigh_length"], 'calf_length': group_input.outputs["calf_length"], 'thigh_body_rotation': group_input.outputs["thigh_body_rotation"], 'calf_body_rotation': group_input.outputs["calf_body_rotation"], 'thigh_calf_rotation': group_input.outputs["thigh_calf_rotation"], 'toe_toe_rotation': group_input.outputs["toe_toe_rotation"], 'thigh_scale': group_input.outputs["thigh_scale"], 'calf_scale': group_input.outputs["calf_scale"], 'ouScale': group_input.outputs["ouScale"], 'inScale': group_input.outputs["inScale"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["body_length"], 1: group_input.outputs["body_position"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': multiply, 'Y': group_input.outputs["body_thickness"], 'Z': group_input.outputs["body_height"]})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': chameleon_leg_raw_shape, 'Translation': combine_xyz, 'Rotation': group_input.outputs["Rotation"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_2}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_chameleon_tail', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_chameleon_tail(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'RadStartEnd', (0.4000, 0.2500, 0.9000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'body_length', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'body_position', 0.5000)])
- chameleon_tail_shape = nw.new_node(nodegroup_chameleon_tail_shape().name)
- sample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': chameleon_tail_shape.outputs["Curve"]},
- attrs={'mode': 'FACTOR'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: sample_curve.outputs["Position"], 'Scale': -1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': chameleon_tail_shape.outputs["Mesh"], 'Offset': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["body_length"], 1: group_input.outputs["body_position"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply, 'Z': 0.1000})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Translation': combine_xyz, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.1745, 0.3491), 'Scale': (1.0000, 0.8000, 1.0000)})
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': transform, 'Level': 2})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_chameleon_body_shape', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_chameleon_body_shape(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'Scale', (0.9000, 0.7000, 0.8000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'length', 1.4000)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["length"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply, 'Y': 0.1000})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["length"], 'Y': 0.3000})
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 64, 'Start': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 'Middle': combine_xyz_1, 'End': combine_xyz})
- simpletube = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadratic_bezier, 'RadStartEnd': (0.6000, 0.6000, 1.0000), 'Resolution': 64})
- transform_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': simpletube.outputs["Mesh"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]})
- back_bump1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_back_bump1().name, input_kwargs={'Surface': transform_geometry})
- back_bump2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_back_bump2().name, input_kwargs={'Surface': back_bump1})
- back_bump3 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_back_bump3().name, input_kwargs={'Surface': back_bump2})
- belly_sunken1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_belly_sunken1().name, input_kwargs={'Surface': back_bump3})
- shouder_sunken = nw.new_node(nodegroup_shouder_sunken().name, input_kwargs={'Surface': belly_sunken1})
- neck_bump = nw.new_node(nodegroup_neck_bump().name, input_kwargs={'Surface': shouder_sunken})
- neck_bump2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_neck_bump2().name, input_kwargs={'Surface': neck_bump})
- subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={'Mesh': neck_bump2})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivision_surface})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Mesh': join_geometry}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_chameleon_head_shape', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_chameleon_head_shape(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- polarbezier = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_bezier().name,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 64, 'angles_deg': (0.0000, 0.0000, -5.0000), 'Seg Lengths': (0.1000, 0.2400, 0.1000)})
- simpletube = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': polarbezier.outputs["Curve"], 'RadStartEnd': (0.4000, 0.1800, 0.7800), 'Resolution': 64})
- group_input_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Crown', 0.2000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'EyeBrow', 0.0200),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'Scale', (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000))])
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': simpletube.outputs["Mesh"], 'Scale': group_input_2.outputs["Scale"]})
- quadratic_bezier_17 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 32, 'Start': (0.2000, 0.2500, 0.1000), 'Middle': (0.6000, 0.2500, 0.0000), 'End': (0.7900, 0.2500, 0.0000)})
- curveparametercurve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': transform, 'UVCurve': quadratic_bezier_17, 'CtrlptsU': 64, 'CtrlptsW': 64})
- curvesculpt = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': transform, 'Curve': curveparametercurve, 'Base Radius': 0.1500, 'Base Factor': 0.0200, 'SymmY': False})
- quadratic_bezier_22 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 32, 'Start': (0.7500, 0.7500, 0.1000), 'Middle': (0.7200, 0.7500, 0.0000), 'End': (0.7000, 0.7500, 0.0000)})
- curveparametercurve_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"], 'UVCurve': quadratic_bezier_22, 'CtrlptsU': 64, 'CtrlptsW': 64})
- curvesculpt_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve_1, 'Base Radius': 0.1700, 'Base Factor': 0.0300, 'SymmY': False})
- quadratic_bezier_26 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 32, 'Start': (0.8000, 0.6800, 0.0300), 'Middle': (0.6500, 0.6800, 0.0000), 'End': (0.5000, 0.6000, 0.0500)})
- curveparametercurve_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': curvesculpt_1.outputs["Geometry"], 'UVCurve': quadratic_bezier_26, 'CtrlptsU': 64, 'CtrlptsW': 64})
- curvesculpt_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': curvesculpt_1.outputs["Geometry"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve_2, 'Base Factor': 0.0300})
- quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 32, 'Start': (0.7000, 0.5500, 0.0300), 'Middle': (0.7000, 0.5500, 0.0300), 'End': (0.7500, 0.5700, -0.0200)})
- curveparametercurve_3 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': curvesculpt_2.outputs["Geometry"], 'UVCurve': quadratic_bezier_1, 'CtrlptsU': 64, 'CtrlptsW': 64})
- curvesculpt_3 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': curvesculpt_2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve_3, 'Base Radius': 0.1000, 'Base Factor': -0.0200})
- quadratic_bezier_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 32, 'Start': (0.7000, 0.5800, 0.0100), 'Middle': (0.7500, 0.5800, 0.0100), 'End': (0.7700, 0.5300, 0.0100)})
- curveparametercurve_4 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': curvesculpt_3.outputs["Geometry"], 'UVCurve': quadratic_bezier_3, 'CtrlptsU': 64, 'CtrlptsW': 64})
- curvesculpt_4 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': curvesculpt_3.outputs["Geometry"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve_4, 'Base Radius': 0.0400, 'Base Factor': -0.0100})
- quadratic_bezier_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 32, 'Start': (0.3000, 0.2500, 0.0000), 'Middle': (0.4000, 0.2500, 0.0000), 'End': (0.7000, 0.2500, 0.0000)})
- curveparametercurve_5 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': curvesculpt_4.outputs["Geometry"], 'UVCurve': quadratic_bezier_4, 'CtrlptsU': 64, 'CtrlptsW': 64})
- curvesculpt_5 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': curvesculpt_4.outputs["Geometry"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve_5, 'Base Radius': 0.2000, 'Base Factor': 0.0100, 'SymmY': False})
- quadratic_bezier_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 32, 'Start': (0.3000, 0.2500, 0.0000), 'Middle': (0.4000, 0.2500, 0.0000), 'End': (0.5000, 0.2500, 0.0000)})
- curveparametercurve_6 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': curvesculpt_5.outputs["Geometry"], 'UVCurve': quadratic_bezier_9, 'CtrlptsU': 64, 'CtrlptsW': 64})
- curvesculpt_6 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': curvesculpt_5.outputs["Geometry"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve_6, 'Base Radius': 0.2000, 'Base Factor': 0.0100, 'SymmY': False})
- quadratic_bezier_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 40, 'Start': (0.5000, 0.6000, 0.0000), 'Middle': (0.7000, 0.7000, 0.0000), 'End': (1.0000, 0.6500, 0.0100)})
- quadratic_bezier_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Start': (0.5000, 0.6000, 0.0000), 'Middle': (0.3000, 0.5500, 0.0000), 'End': (0.2000, 0.7000, 0.0200)})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [quadratic_bezier_5, quadratic_bezier_6]})
- curveparametercurve_7 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': curvesculpt_6.outputs["Geometry"], 'UVCurve': join_geometry, 'CtrlptsU': 64, 'CtrlptsW': 64})
- curvesculpt_7 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': curvesculpt_6.outputs["Geometry"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve_7, 'Base Radius': 0.0150, 'Base Factor': group_input_2.outputs["EyeBrow"]})
- quadratic_bezier_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 64, 'Start': (0.6400, 0.7600, 0.0200), 'Middle': (0.4400, 0.8800, 0.0000), 'End': (0.5100, 0.9200, 0.0000)})
- curveparametercurve_8 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': curvesculpt_7.outputs["Geometry"], 'UVCurve': quadratic_bezier_7, 'CtrlptsU': 64, 'CtrlptsW': 64})
- curvesculpt_8 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': curvesculpt_7.outputs["Geometry"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve_8, 'Base Radius': 0.1100, 'Base Factor': -0.0100})
- quadratic_bezier_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 64, 'Start': (0.6500, 0.7500, 0.0200), 'Middle': (0.3000, 0.7500, 0.0100), 'End': (0.1000, 0.7500, 0.0000)})
- quadratic_bezier_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 12, 'Start': (0.1500, 0.6000, 0.0200), 'Middle': (0.2000, 0.7000, 0.0100), 'End': (0.1000, 0.7500, 0.0050)})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [quadratic_bezier_8, quadratic_bezier_12]})
- curveparametercurve_9 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': curvesculpt_8.outputs["Geometry"], 'UVCurve': join_geometry_1, 'CtrlptsU': 64, 'CtrlptsW': 64})
- curvesculpt_9 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': curvesculpt_8.outputs["Geometry"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve_9, 'Base Radius': 0.0300, 'Base Factor': group_input_2.outputs["Crown"]})
- quadratic_bezier_18 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 200, 'Start': (0.9000, 0.2500, 0.0500), 'Middle': (0.8000, 0.2500, 0.0000), 'End': (0.6000, 0.2500, 0.0400)})
- curveparametercurve_10 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': curvesculpt_9.outputs["Geometry"], 'UVCurve': quadratic_bezier_18, 'CtrlptsU': 64, 'CtrlptsW': 64})
- curvesculpt_10 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': curvesculpt_9.outputs["Geometry"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve_10, 'Base Radius': 0.1000, 'Base Factor': 0.0200})
- quadratic_bezier_16 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 32, 'Start': (0.7000, 0.3500, 0.0500), 'Middle': (0.6000, 0.4000, 0.0000), 'End': (0.4000, 0.3500, 0.0400)})
- curveparametercurve_11 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': curvesculpt_10.outputs["Geometry"], 'UVCurve': quadratic_bezier_16, 'CtrlptsU': 64, 'CtrlptsW': 64})
- curvesculpt_11 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': curvesculpt_10.outputs["Geometry"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve_11, 'Base Radius': 0.1500, 'Base Factor': 0.0200})
- quadratic_bezier_15 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 20, 'Start': (0.9000, 0.2500, 0.0100), 'Middle': (0.6000, 0.2500, 0.0000), 'End': (0.2000, 0.2500, 0.0000)})
- curveparametercurve_12 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': curvesculpt_11.outputs["Geometry"], 'UVCurve': quadratic_bezier_15, 'CtrlptsU': 64, 'CtrlptsW': 64})
- curvesculpt_12 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': curvesculpt_11.outputs["Geometry"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve_12, 'Base Radius': 0.0200, 'Base Factor': 0.0300, 'SymmY': False})
- quadratic_bezier_19 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 32, 'Start': (1.0000, 0.4000, 0.0100), 'Middle': (0.5000, 0.4500, 0.0000), 'End': (0.4500, 0.4000, 0.0100)})
- curveparametercurve_13 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': curvesculpt_12.outputs["Geometry"], 'UVCurve': quadratic_bezier_19, 'CtrlptsU': 64, 'CtrlptsW': 64})
- curvesculpt_13 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': curvesculpt_12.outputs["Geometry"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve_13, 'Base Radius': 0.0200, 'Base Factor': 0.0100, 'Switch': False})
- quadratic_bezier_14 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 64, 'Start': (0.8000, 0.7500, 0.0000), 'Middle': (0.5000, 0.7500, 0.0000), 'End': (0.1000, 0.7500, 0.0000)})
- quadratic_bezier_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 12, 'Start': (0.1500, 0.6000, 0.0000), 'Middle': (0.2000, 0.7000, 0.0000), 'End': (0.1000, 0.7500, 0.0000)})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [quadratic_bezier_14, quadratic_bezier_13]})
- curveparametercurve_14 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': curvesculpt_13.outputs["Geometry"], 'UVCurve': join_geometry_2, 'CtrlptsU': 64, 'CtrlptsW': 64})
- curvesculpt_14 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': curvesculpt_13.outputs["Geometry"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve_14, 'Base Radius': 0.0300, 'Base Factor': 0.0000, 'Attr': True})
- quadratic_bezier_23 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 40, 'Start': (0.6000, 0.6000, 0.0000), 'Middle': (0.9000, 0.7300, 0.0000), 'End': (1.0000, 0.6500, 0.0000)})
- quadratic_bezier_24 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Start': (0.6000, 0.6000, 0.0000), 'Middle': (0.5000, 0.5500, 0.0000), 'End': (0.2000, 0.6200, 0.0000)})
- join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [quadratic_bezier_23, quadratic_bezier_24]})
- curveparametercurve_15 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': curvesculpt_14.outputs["Geometry"], 'UVCurve': join_geometry_3, 'CtrlptsU': 64, 'CtrlptsW': 64})
- curvesculpt_15 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': curvesculpt_14.outputs["Geometry"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve_15, 'Base Radius': 0.0200, 'Base Factor': 0.0000, 'Attr': True})
- quadratic_bezier_25 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 64, 'Start': (1.0000, 0.4000, 0.0000), 'Middle': (0.7000, 0.4500, 0.0000), 'End': (0.4500, 0.4000, 0.0000)})
- curveparametercurve_16 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': curvesculpt_15.outputs["Geometry"], 'UVCurve': quadratic_bezier_25, 'CtrlptsU': 64, 'CtrlptsW': 64})
- curvesculpt_16 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': curvesculpt_15.outputs["Geometry"], 'Curve': curveparametercurve_16, 'Base Radius': 0.0150, 'Base Factor': 0.0000, 'Switch': False, 'Attr': True})
- merge_by_distance_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curvesculpt_16.outputs["Geometry"], 'Distance': 0.0000})
- subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={'Mesh': merge_by_distance_1, 'Level': 3})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivision_surface})
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Shade Smooth': False})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_shade_smooth}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_round_bump', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_round_bump(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Distance', 0.0200),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Offset Scale', 0.0100),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Level', 1)])
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Level': group_input.outputs["Level"]})
- merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh, 'Distance': group_input.outputs["Distance"]})
- # merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance,
- # input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh, 'Distance': 2})
- dual_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.DualMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': merge_by_distance})
- split_edges = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplitEdges, input_kwargs={'Mesh': dual_mesh})
- scale_elements = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleElements, input_kwargs={'Geometry': split_edges, 'Scale': 0.9000})
- extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': scale_elements, 'Offset Scale': group_input.outputs["Offset Scale"], 'Individual': False})
- subdivision_surface_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={'Mesh': extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"]})
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivision_surface_1})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_shade_smooth, group_input.outputs["Geometry"]]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def shader_chameleon_eye(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={'attribute_name': 'Pupil'})
- colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute_2.outputs["Fac"]})
- colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0091
- colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
- colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.9841
- colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
- attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={'attribute_name': 'Ridge'})
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute_1.outputs["Fac"]})
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0091
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.9841
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"], 'Scale': 300.0000, 'Smoothness': 0.0000},
- attrs={'feature': 'SMOOTH_F1'})
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={'Vector': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': mapping_1})
- colorramp.color_ramp.interpolation = "CONSTANT"
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0000
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.3159
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"], 'Location': (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 3.0000})
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]})
- colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
- colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2773
- colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0353, 0.0942, 0.0136, 1.0000]
- colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6000
- colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0580, 0.0276, 0.0020, 1.0000]
- colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.6386
- colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[2].color = [0.0405, 0.0397, 0.0064, 1.0000]
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': colorramp_3.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': (0.1421, 0.1015, 0.0241, 1.0000)})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'W': 1.0000}, attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]})
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0000
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.6990, 0.5484, 0.1189, 1.0000]
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0000
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.2549, 0.1495, 0.0318, 1.0000]
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_2.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': mix, 'Color2': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]})
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_4.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': mix_1, 'Color2': (0.0082, 0.0082, 0.0082, 1.0000)})
- separate_color = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateColor, input_kwargs={'Color': mix_2})
- texture_coordinate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Normal"], 'Scale': 20.0000, 'Detail': 200.0000, 'Roughness': 0.0000})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_color.outputs["Red"], 1: noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'use_clamp': True, 'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_color = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeCombineColor',
- input_kwargs={'Red': multiply, 'Green': separate_color.outputs["Green"], 'Blue': separate_color.outputs["Blue"]})
- principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': combine_color, 'Specular': 0.3000, 'Roughness': 0.6000})
- material_output_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf_1}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_chameleon', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_chameleon(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'body_length', 1.4000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'head_crown', 0.2000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'head_eyebrow', 0.0200),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'head_scale', (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorEuler', 'left_eye_rotation', (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorEuler', 'right_eye_rotation', (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.5)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'pupil_radius', 0.2200),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'front_leg_position', 0.0800),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'back_leg_position', 0.8500)])
- chameleon_head_shape = nw.new_node(nodegroup_chameleon_head_shape().name,
- input_kwargs={'Crown': group_input.outputs["head_crown"], 'EyeBrow': group_input.outputs["head_eyebrow"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["head_scale"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': chameleon_head_shape, 'Translation': (0.1000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 3.1416)})
- round_bump = nw.new_node(nodegroup_round_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Distance': 0.0080, 'Offset Scale': 0.0030})
- chameleon_body_shape = nw.new_node(nodegroup_chameleon_body_shape().name, input_kwargs={'length': group_input.outputs["body_length"]})
- round_bump_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_round_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': chameleon_body_shape.outputs["Mesh"], 'Distance': 0.0080, 'Offset Scale': 0.0030})
- chameleon_tail = nw.new_node(nodegroup_chameleon_tail().name,
- input_kwargs={'body_length': group_input.outputs["body_length"], 'body_position': 0.4500})
- round_bump_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_round_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': chameleon_tail.outputs["Geometry"], 'Distance': 0.0080, 'Offset Scale': 0.0030})
- chameleon_leg_shape = nw.new_node(nodegroup_chameleon_leg_shape().name,
- input_kwargs={'body_length': group_input.outputs["body_length"], 'body_position': group_input.outputs["back_leg_position"], 'body_thickness': 0.2500, 'Rotation': (0.0000, -1.0472, 3.1416), 'thigh_length': 0.4000, 'thigh_body_rotation': -35.0000, 'calf_body_rotation': -30.0000, 'thigh_calf_rotation': 10.0000, 'ouScale': (0.6000, 1.0000, 1.0000), 'inScale': (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)})
- chameleon_leg_shape_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_chameleon_leg_shape().name,
- input_kwargs={'body_length': group_input.outputs["body_length"], 'body_position': group_input.outputs["back_leg_position"], 'body_thickness': 0.1500, 'Rotation': (0.0000, -1.0472, 3.1416), 'thigh_length': 0.4000, 'thigh_body_rotation': 50.0000, 'calf_body_rotation': 5.0000, 'thigh_calf_rotation': 5.0000})
- chameleon_leg_shape_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_chameleon_leg_shape().name,
- input_kwargs={'body_length': group_input.outputs["body_length"], 'body_position': group_input.outputs["front_leg_position"], 'body_thickness': 0.0800, 'thigh_body_rotation': 35.0000, 'thigh_calf_rotation': 15.0000})
- chameleon_leg_shape_3 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_chameleon_leg_shape().name,
- input_kwargs={'body_length': group_input.outputs["body_length"], 'body_position': group_input.outputs["front_leg_position"], 'body_thickness': -0.0300, 'thigh_body_rotation': -25.0000, 'calf_body_rotation': -15.0000, 'thigh_calf_rotation': 15.0000, 'ouScale': (0.6000, 1.0000, 1.0000), 'inScale': (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [chameleon_leg_shape, chameleon_leg_shape_1, chameleon_leg_shape_2, chameleon_leg_shape_3]})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [round_bump, round_bump_1, round_bump_2, join_geometry_2]})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_chameleon)})
- chameleon_eye = nw.new_node(nodegroup_chameleon_eye().name, input_kwargs={'pupil_radius': group_input.outputs["pupil_radius"]})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': chameleon_eye, 'Translation': (-0.2000, -0.0300, 0.0200), 'Rotation': group_input.outputs["left_eye_rotation"]})
- chameleon_eye_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_chameleon_eye().name, input_kwargs={'pupil_radius': group_input.outputs["pupil_radius"]})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': chameleon_eye_1, 'Translation': (-0.2000, 0.0300, 0.0200), 'Rotation': group_input.outputs["right_eye_rotation"]})
- join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_2, transform_1]})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material, join_geometry_3]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-class Chameleon(PartFactory):
- param_templates = {}
- tags = []
- def sample_params(self, select=None, var=1):
- return {}
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_chameleon, params)
- return part
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/crustacean/antenna.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/crustacean/antenna.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c63a0b544..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/crustacean/antenna.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.animation.driver_repeated import bend_bones_lerp
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import Part
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.parts.crustacean.leg import CrabLegFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import displace_vertices
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-class LobsterAntennaFactory(CrabLegFactory):
- tag = ['claw']
- def make_part(self, params) -> Part:
- x_length, z_length = params['x_length'], params['z_length']
- segments, x_cuts = self.make_segments(params)
- displace_vertices(segments[-1], lambda x, y, z: (
- 0, 0, params['antenna_bend'] * (x / x_length - x_cuts[-2]) ** 2 * params['z_length']))
- obj = join_objects(segments)
- skeleton = np.zeros((2, 3))
- skeleton[1, 0] = x_length
- joints = {x: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)) for x in x_cuts[1:]}
- return Part(skeleton, obj, joints=joints)
- @staticmethod
- def animate_bones(arma, bones, params):
- bend_bones_lerp(arma, bones, params['antenna_curl'], params['freq'])
- def sample_params(self):
- y_length = uniform(.01, .015)
- z_length = y_length * log_uniform(1, 1.2)
- x_mid_first = uniform(.1, .15)
- x_mid_second = uniform(.25, .3)
- antenna_bend = uniform(2, 5)
- return {**super().sample_params(),
- 'y_length': y_length,
- 'z_length': z_length,
- 'x_mid_first': x_mid_first,
- 'x_mid_second': x_mid_second,
- 'antenna_bend': antenna_bend,
- }
-class SpinyLobsterAntennaFactory(LobsterAntennaFactory):
- tag = ['claw']
- def sample_params(self):
- y_length = uniform(.05, .08)
- z_length = y_length * log_uniform(1, 1.2)
- return {**super().sample_params(), 'y_length': y_length, 'z_length': z_length}
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/crustacean/body.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/crustacean/body.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 56be383ab..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/crustacean/body.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
-# of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import Part, PartFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.parts.utils.draw import geo_symmetric_texture
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import distance2boundary, displace_vertices, read_co, write_co
-from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import leaf, spin
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import log_uniform
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_line
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.placement.placement import placeholder_locs
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.surface import read_attr_data, write_attr_data
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-class CrabBodyFactory(PartFactory):
- tags = ['body']
- min_spike_distance = .1
- min_spike_radius = .02
- def make_part(self, params) -> Part:
- x_length, x_tip, bend_height = map(params.get, ['x_length', 'x_tip', 'bend_height'])
- upper = self.make_surface(params)
- lower = butil.deep_clone_obj(upper)
- self.make_surface_side(upper, params, 'upper')
- self.make_surface_side(lower, params, 'lower')
- self.add_spikes(upper, params)
- self.add_mouth(lower, params)
- obj = join_objects([upper, lower])
- x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
- write_attr_data(obj, 'ratio', np.where(z > np.min(z) * params['color_cutoff'], 1, 0))
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'WELD', merge_threshold=.001)
- height_scale = interp1d([0, -x_tip + .01, -x_tip - .01, -1], [0, bend_height, bend_height, 0],
- 'quadratic', fill_value="extrapolate")
- displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (0, 0, height_scale(x / x_length)))
- self.add_head(obj, params)
- line = new_line(x_length)
- line.location[0] -= x_length
- butil.apply_transform(line, loc=True)
- line.rotation_euler[1] = np.pi / 2
- butil.apply_transform(line)
- butil.modify_mesh(line, 'SIMPLE_DEFORM', deform_method='BEND', angle=-params['bend_angle'],
- deform_axis='Y')
- line.rotation_euler[1] = -np.pi / 2
- butil.apply_transform(line)
- skeleton = read_co(line)
- butil.delete(line)
- obj.rotation_euler[1] = np.pi / 2
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SIMPLE_DEFORM', deform_method='BEND', angle=-params['bend_angle'],
- deform_axis='Y')
- obj.rotation_euler[1] = -np.pi / 2
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- joints = {i: Joint((0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]])) for i in
- np.linspace(0, 1, 5, endpoint=True)}
- return Part(skeleton, obj, joints=joints)
- def add_head(self, obj, params):
- def offset(nw: NodeWrangler, vector):
- head = nw.scalar_add(1, nw.scalar_divide(nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))[0],
- params['x_length']))
- texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture, [vector],
- input_kwargs={'Scale': params['noise_scale']})
- return nw.combine(nw.scalar_multiply(head, nw.scalar_multiply(texture, params['noise_strength'])),
- 0, 0)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_symmetric_texture, input_args=[offset], apply=True)
- @staticmethod
- def make_surface(params):
- x_length, y_length, x_tip, y_tail = map(params.get, ['x_length', 'y_length', 'x_tip', 'y_tail'])
- x_anchors = np.array([0, 0, -x_tip / 2, -x_tip, -x_tip, -x_tip, -(x_tip + 1) / 2, -1, -1]) * x_length
- y_anchors = np.array(
- [0, .1, params['front_midpoint'], 1, 1, 1, params['back_midpoint'], y_tail, 0]) * y_length
- tip_size = params['tip_size']
- if params['has_sharp_tip']:
- front_angle = params['front_angle']
- back_angle = params['back_angle']
- x_anchors[3] += tip_size * np.sin(front_angle) * x_length
- x_anchors[5] -= tip_size * np.sin(back_angle) * x_length
- y_anchors[3] += tip_size * (1 - np.cos(front_angle)) * x_length
- y_anchors[4] += tip_size * x_length
- y_anchors[5] += tip_size * (1 - np.cos(back_angle)) * x_length
- vector_locations = [4]
- else:
- x_anchors[3] += .05 * x_tip * x_length
- x_anchors[5] -= .05 * (1 - x_tip) * x_length
- vector_locations = []
- obj = leaf(x_anchors, y_anchors, vector_locations)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SUBSURF', levels=1, render_levels=1)
- distance2boundary(obj)
- return obj
- def make_surface_side(self, obj, params, prefix="upper"):
- distance = read_attr_data(obj, 'distance')
- height_scale = interp1d([0, .5, 1], [0, params[f'{prefix}_alpha'], 1], 'quadratic')
- displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (
- 0, 0, (1 if prefix == 'upper' else -1) * height_scale(distance) * params[f'{prefix}_z']))
- displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (params[f'{prefix}_shift'] * z, 0, 0))
- offset = lambda nw, vector, distance: nw.combine(0, 0, nw.scalar_multiply(distance, nw.scalar_multiply(
- nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture, [vector], input_kwargs={'Scale': params['noise_scale']
- }), params[f'noise_strength'])))
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_symmetric_texture, input_args=[offset], apply=True)
- return obj
- def add_spikes(self, obj, params):
- def selection(nw: NodeWrangler):
- x, y, z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))
- return nw.boolean_math('AND', nw.compare('GREATER_THAN', y, 0), nw.compare('GREATER_THAN', z, .02))
- locations = placeholder_locs(obj, params['spike_density'], selection, self.min_spike_distance, 0)
- locations_ = locations.copy()
- locations_[:, 1] = -locations_[:, 1]
- locations = np.concatenate([locations, locations_], 0)
- if len(locations) == 0: return
- x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
- dist = np.amin(np.linalg.norm(read_co(obj)[np.newaxis] - locations[:, np.newaxis], axis=-1), 0)
- extrude = params['spike_height'] * np.clip(1 - dist / self.min_spike_radius, 0, None)
- d = np.stack([x + params['spike_center'] * params['x_length'], y, z + params['spike_depth']], -1)
- d = d / np.linalg.norm(d, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
- displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (d * extrude[:, np.newaxis]).T)
- def add_mouth(self, obj, params):
- def selection(nw: NodeWrangler):
- x, y, z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))
- z_length = params['lower_z'] if 'lower_z' in params else params['z_length']
- z_range = nw.boolean_math('AND', nw.compare('GREATER_THAN', z, -params['mouth_z'] * z_length),
- nw.compare('LESS_THAN', z, 0))
- x_range = nw.compare('GREATER_THAN', x, -params['mouth_x'] * params['x_length'])
- return nw.boolean_math('AND', z_range, x_range)
- def offset(nw: NodeWrangler, vector, distance):
- wave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture, [vector], input_kwargs={
- 'Scale': params['mouth_noise_scale'],
- 'Distortion': 20,
- 'Detail': 0
- })
- ratio = nw.scalar_multiply(distance,
- nw.build_float_curve(distance, [(0, 0), (.001, 0), (.005, 1), (1, 1)]))
- return nw.scale(
- nw.scalar_multiply(ratio, nw.scalar_multiply(wave_texture, params['mouth_noise_strength'])),
- nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal))
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_symmetric_texture, input_args=[offset, selection], apply=True)
- def sample_params(self):
- x_length = uniform(.8, 1.2)
- y_length = x_length * uniform(.5, .7)
- x_tip = uniform(.3, .6)
- y_tail = uniform(.1, .3)
- has_sharp_tip = uniform(0, 1) < .4
- front_midpoint = uniform(.7, .9)
- back_midpoint = uniform(.7, .9)
- front_angle = uniform(np.pi / 12, np.pi / 8)
- back_angle = uniform(np.pi / 6, np.pi / 4)
- tip_size = uniform(.05, .15)
- upper_z = x_length * uniform(.15, .3)
- upper_alpha = uniform(.8, .9)
- upper_shift = uniform(-.6, -.4)
- noise_strength = uniform(.02, .03)
- noise_scale = uniform(8, 15)
- lower_alpha = uniform(.96, .98)
- lower_z = x_length * uniform(.3, .4)
- lower_shift = uniform(.1, .2)
- spike_height = uniform(.05, .2) if uniform(0, 1) < .5 else 0
- spike_depth = log_uniform(.4, 2)
- spike_center = uniform(.3, .7)
- spike_density = log_uniform(100, 500)
- mouth_z = uniform(.5, .8)
- mouth_x = uniform(.1, .15)
- mouth_noise_scale = uniform(10, 15)
- mouth_noise_strength = uniform(.1, .2)
- bend_angle = uniform(0, np.pi / 3)
- bend_height = uniform(.08, .12)
- color_cutoff = uniform(0, .5)
- return {
- 'x_length': x_length,
- 'y_length': y_length,
- 'x_tip': x_tip,
- 'y_tail': y_tail,
- 'has_sharp_tip': has_sharp_tip,
- 'front_midpoint': front_midpoint,
- 'back_midpoint': back_midpoint,
- 'front_angle': front_angle,
- 'back_angle': back_angle,
- 'tip_size': tip_size,
- 'upper_z': upper_z,
- 'upper_alpha': upper_alpha,
- 'upper_shift': upper_shift,
- 'noise_strength': noise_strength,
- 'noise_scale': noise_scale,
- 'lower_z': lower_z,
- 'lower_alpha': lower_alpha,
- 'lower_shift': lower_shift,
- 'spike_height': spike_height,
- 'spike_depth': spike_depth,
- 'spike_density': spike_density,
- 'spike_center': spike_center,
- 'mouth_z': mouth_z,
- 'mouth_x': mouth_x,
- 'mouth_noise_scale': mouth_noise_scale,
- 'mouth_noise_strength': mouth_noise_strength,
- 'bend_angle': bend_angle,
- 'bend_height': bend_height,
- 'color_cutoff': color_cutoff,
- }
-class LobsterBodyFactory(CrabBodyFactory):
- tags = ['body']
- min_spike_distance = .08
- min_spike_radius = .01
- def make_part(self, params) -> Part:
- x_length, y_length, z_length = map(params.get, ['x_length', 'y_length', 'z_length'])
- x_anchors = np.array([0, 0, 1 / 3, 2 / 3, 1, 1]) * x_length
- y_anchors = np.array([0, 1, params['midpoint_second'], params['midpoint_first'], .01, 0]) * y_length
- obj = spin([x_anchors, y_anchors, 0], [1, 4], axis=(1, 0, 0))
- self.add_mouth(obj, params)
- height_fn = interp1d([0, 1 / 2, 1], [0, params['z_shift_midpoint'] / 2, params['z_shift']],
- fill_value='extrapolate')
- displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (0, 0, height_fn(x / x_length) * y_length))
- z = read_co(obj).T[-1]
- write_attr_data(obj, 'ratio', 1 + np.where(z > 0, 0, uniform(1, 1.5) * z / y_length))
- displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (
- 0, 0, -np.clip(z + y_length * params['bottom_cutoff'], None, 0) * (1 - params['bottom_shift'])))
- obj.scale[-1] = z_length / y_length
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- offset = lambda nw, vector: nw.scale(nw.scalar_multiply(
- nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture, [vector], input_kwargs={'Scale': params['noise_scale']
- }), params[f'noise_strength']), nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal))
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_symmetric_texture, input_args=[offset], apply=True)
- n_segments = 4
- co = read_co(obj)
- skeleton = np.zeros((n_segments, 3))
- skeleton[:, 0] = np.linspace(0, x_length, n_segments)
- head_z = co[np.argmax(co[:, 0])][-1]
- skeleton[:, -1] = np.linspace(0, head_z, n_segments)
- return Part(skeleton, obj)
- def sample_params(self):
- x_length = uniform(.6, .8)
- y_length = uniform(.15, .2)
- z_length = y_length * uniform(1, 1.2)
- midpoint_first = uniform(.65, .75)
- midpoint_second = uniform(.95, 1.05)
- z_shift = uniform(.4, .6)
- z_shift_midpoint = uniform(.2, .3)
- noise_strength = uniform(.02, .04)
- noise_scale = uniform(5, 8)
- bottom_shift = uniform(.3, .5)
- bottom_cutoff = uniform(.2, .3)
- mouth_z = uniform(.5, .8)
- mouth_x = uniform(.1, .15) - 1
- mouth_noise_scale = uniform(10, 15)
- mouth_noise_strength = uniform(.2, .3)
- return {
- 'x_length': x_length,
- 'y_length': y_length,
- 'z_length': z_length,
- 'midpoint_first': midpoint_first,
- 'midpoint_second': midpoint_second,
- 'z_shift': z_shift,
- 'z_shift_midpoint': z_shift_midpoint,
- 'noise_strength': noise_strength,
- 'noise_scale': noise_scale,
- 'bottom_shift': bottom_shift,
- 'bottom_cutoff': bottom_cutoff,
- 'mouth_z': mouth_z,
- 'mouth_x': mouth_x,
- 'mouth_noise_scale': mouth_noise_scale,
- 'mouth_noise_strength': mouth_noise_strength,
- }
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/crustacean/claw.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/crustacean/claw.py
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index 9773e69d4..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/crustacean/claw.py
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@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.animation.driver_repeated import bend_bones_lerp
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import Part
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.parts.crustacean.leg import CrabLegFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.parts.utils.draw import decorate_segment
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import displace_vertices, read_co, remove_vertices
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
-from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import spin
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_base_selection
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.surface import write_attr_data
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-class CrabClawFactory(CrabLegFactory):
- tags = ['claw']
- min_spike_radius = .01
- def make_part(self, params) -> Part:
- x_length = params['x_length']
- segments, x_cuts = self.make_segments(params)
- butil.delete(segments[-1])
- claw, lower = self.make_claw(params)
- segments[-1] = claw
- obj = join_objects(segments)
- lower.parent = obj
- skeleton = np.zeros((2, 3))
- skeleton[1, 0] = x_length
- joints = {x: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)) for x in x_cuts[1:]}
- return Part(skeleton, obj, joints=joints, settings={'rig_extras': True})
- def make_claw(self, params):
- x_length, y_length, z_length, x_mid, y_mid = map(params.get,
- ['x_length', 'y_length', 'z_length', 'x_mid_second',
- 'y_mid_second'])
- xs = x_mid, (x_mid + 1) / 2, (x_mid + 3) / 4, 1
- ys = y_mid, y_mid * params['claw_y_first'], y_mid * params['claw_y_second'], .01
- obj = spin([np.array([xs[0], *xs, xs[-1]]) * x_length, np.array([0, *ys, 0]) * y_length, .0],
- [1, len(xs)], axis=(1, 0, 0))
- bottom_cutoff = params['bottom_cutoff']
- claw_x_depth = params['claw_x_depth']
- displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (0, 0, -np.clip(
- z + y_length * bottom_cutoff + y_length * (y_mid - bottom_cutoff) * (
- x / x_length - x_mid) / claw_x_depth, None, 0) * (1 - params['bottom_shift'])))
- width_scale = interp1d([x_mid, x_mid + claw_x_depth,
- x_mid + claw_x_depth + params['claw_x_turn'] * (1 - x_mid - claw_x_depth),
- 1], [0, 0, params['claw_z_width'], 0], 'cubic', fill_value='extrapolate')
- displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (0, 0,
- np.where(x > (x_mid + claw_x_depth) * x_length, width_scale(x / x_length) * y_mid * y_length, 0)))
- displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (0, 0,
- np.where(z > 0, np.clip(params['top_cutoff'] * y_length - np.abs(y), 0, None) * params['top_shift'],
- 0)))
- z = read_co(obj).T[-1]
- write_attr_data(obj, 'ratio', 1 + np.where(z > 0, 0, uniform(.5, 1.) * z / params['y_length']))
- def selection(nw: NodeWrangler):
- x, y, z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))
- lower = nw.compare('LESS_THAN', nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal))[-1], 0)
- x_range = nw.boolean_math('AND',
- nw.compare('GREATER_THAN', x, (x_mid + claw_x_depth * 1.5) * x_length),
- nw.compare('LESS_THAN', x, x_length * .98))
- center = nw.compare('LESS_THAN', nw.math('ABSOLUTE', y), params['y_length'] * .5)
- return nw.boolean_math('AND', nw.boolean_math('AND', lower, x_range), center)
- temp = butil.spawn_vert('temp')
- surface.add_geomod(temp, geo_base_selection, apply=True,
- input_args=[obj, selection, params['claw_spike_distance']])
- locations = read_co(temp)
- np.random.shuffle(locations)
- locations = locations[:100]
- butil.delete(temp)
- if len(locations) > 0:
- dist = np.amin(np.linalg.norm(read_co(obj)[np.newaxis] - locations[:, np.newaxis], axis=-1), 0)
- extrude = params['claw_spike_strength'] * np.clip(1 - dist / self.min_spike_radius, 0, None)
- displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (0, 0, -extrude))
- decorate_segment(obj, params, x_mid, 1)
- obj.scale[-1] = z_length / y_length
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- lower_scale = params['lower_scale']
- lower = butil.deep_clone_obj(obj)
- remove_vertices(lower, lambda x, y, z: x < (x_mid + claw_x_depth) * x_length)
- lower.location[0] = -(x_mid + claw_x_depth) * x_length
- butil.apply_transform(lower, loc=True)
- lower.scale = lower_scale, lower_scale, -lower_scale * params['lower_z_scale']
- lower.rotation_euler[1] = uniform(np.pi / 12, np.pi / 4)
- butil.apply_transform(lower)
- lower.location[0] = (x_mid + claw_x_depth) * x_length
- lower.location[-1] = params['lower_z_offset'] * z_length
- butil.apply_transform(lower, loc=True)
- butil.modify_mesh(lower, 'WELD', merge_threshold=.001)
- return obj, lower
- @staticmethod
- def animate_bones(arma, bones, params):
- main_bones = [b for b in bones if 'extra' not in b.name]
- bend_bones_lerp(arma, main_bones, params['claw_curl'], params['freq'], symmetric=False)
- extra_bones = [b for b in bones if 'extra' in b.name]
- bend_bones_lerp(arma, extra_bones, params['claw_lower_curl'], params['freq'], symmetric=False)
- def sample_params(self):
- params = super().sample_params()
- z_length = params['y_length'] * uniform(1, 1.2)
- x_mid_first = uniform(.2, .25)
- x_mid_second = uniform(.4, .6)
- y_mid_first = uniform(1.5, 2.)
- y_mid_second = y_mid_first * log_uniform(1., 1.5)
- y_expand = uniform(1.4, 1.5)
- noise_strength = uniform(.01, .02)
- top_shift = uniform(.6, .8)
- claw_y_first = uniform(.6, 1.5)
- claw_y_second = claw_y_first * uniform(.4, .6)
- claw_x_depth = (1 - x_mid_second) * uniform(.3, .5)
- claw_x_turn = uniform(.2, .4)
- claw_z_width = uniform(.2, .3)
- claw_spike_strength = uniform(.02, .03)
- claw_spike_distance = uniform(.03, .06)
- lower_z_scale = uniform(.4, .6)
- lower_scale = uniform(.75, .9)
- lower_z_offset = uniform(-.5, .5)
- return {**params,
- 'z_length': z_length,
- 'x_mid_first': x_mid_first,
- 'x_mid_second': x_mid_second,
- 'y_mid_first': y_mid_first,
- 'y_mid_second': y_mid_second,
- 'y_expand': y_expand,
- 'noise_strength': noise_strength,
- 'top_shift': top_shift,
- 'claw_y_first': claw_y_first,
- 'claw_y_second': claw_y_second,
- 'claw_x_depth': claw_x_depth,
- 'claw_x_turn': claw_x_turn,
- 'claw_z_width': claw_z_width,
- 'claw_spike_distance': claw_spike_distance,
- 'claw_spike_strength': claw_spike_strength,
- 'lower_z_scale': lower_z_scale,
- 'lower_scale': lower_scale,
- 'lower_z_offset': lower_z_offset,
- }
-class LobsterClawFactory(CrabClawFactory):
- def sample_params(self):
- y_expand = uniform(1.4, 1.5)
- y_mid_first = uniform(1.5, 2.)
- y_mid_second = y_mid_first * log_uniform(1.2, 1.6)
- claw_y_first = uniform(1.2, 1.5)
- claw_y_second = claw_y_first * uniform(.7, .8)
- noise_strength = uniform(.01, .02)
- claw_spike_strength = uniform(.01, .02)
- return {**super().sample_params(),
- 'y_expand': y_expand,
- 'y_mid_first': y_mid_first,
- 'y_mid_second': y_mid_second,
- 'claw_y_first': claw_y_first,
- 'claw_y_second': claw_y_second,
- 'noise_strength': noise_strength,
- 'claw_spike_strength': claw_spike_strength,
- }
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/crustacean/leg.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/crustacean/leg.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b16e359c7..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/crustacean/leg.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.animation.driver_repeated import bend_bones_lerp
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import Part, PartFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.parts.utils.draw import make_segments
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.surface import write_attr_data
-class CrabLegFactory(PartFactory):
- tags = ['leg']
- def make_part(self, params) -> Part:
- x_length = params['x_length']
- segments, x_cuts = self.make_segments(params)
- obj = join_objects(segments)
- skeleton = np.zeros((2, 3))
- skeleton[1, 0] = x_length
- joints = {x: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)) for x in x_cuts[1:-1]}
- return Part(skeleton, obj, joints=joints)
- def make_segments(self, params):
- x_cuts = [0, params['x_mid_first'], params['x_mid_second'], 1]
- y_cuts = [1, params['y_mid_first'], params['y_mid_second'], .01]
- x_anchors = lambda u, v: (u, u + 1e-2, (u + v) / 2, v - 1e-2, v)
- y_anchors = lambda u, v: (u * .9, u, (u + v) / 2 * params['y_expand'], v, v * .9)
- segments = make_segments(x_cuts, y_cuts, x_anchors, y_anchors, params)
- for obj in segments:
- z = read_co(obj).T[-1]
- write_attr_data(obj, 'ratio', 1 + np.where(z > 0, 0, uniform(.8, 1.5) * z / params['y_length']))
- return segments, x_cuts
- def sample_params(self):
- x_length = uniform(.8, 1.2)
- y_length = uniform(.025, .035)
- z_length = y_length * uniform(1., 1.5)
- x_mid_first = uniform(.3, .4)
- x_mid_second = uniform(.6, .7)
- y_mid_first = uniform(.7, 1.)
- y_mid_second = y_mid_first / 2 * uniform(1.1, 1.3)
- y_expand = uniform(1.1, 1.3)
- noise_strength = uniform(.005, .01)
- noise_scale = log_uniform(5, 10)
- bottom_shift = uniform(.3, .5)
- bottom_cutoff = uniform(.2, .5)
- top_shift = uniform(.2, .4)
- top_cutoff = uniform(.6, .8)
- return {
- 'x_length': x_length,
- 'y_length': y_length,
- 'z_length': z_length,
- 'x_mid_first': x_mid_first,
- 'x_mid_second': x_mid_second,
- 'y_mid_first': y_mid_first,
- 'y_mid_second': y_mid_second,
- 'y_expand': y_expand,
- 'noise_strength': noise_strength,
- 'noise_scale': noise_scale,
- 'bottom_shift': bottom_shift,
- 'bottom_cutoff': bottom_cutoff,
- 'top_shift': top_shift,
- 'top_cutoff': top_cutoff,
- }
- @staticmethod
- def animate_bones(arma, bones, params):
- bend_bones_lerp(arma, bones, params['leg_curl'], params['freq'], rot=params['leg_rot'])
-class LobsterLegFactory(CrabLegFactory):
- def sample_params(self):
- y_length = uniform(.01, .015)
- z_length = y_length * log_uniform(1, 1.2)
- return {**super(LobsterLegFactory, self).sample_params(), 'y_length': y_length, 'z_length': z_length}
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/crustacean/tail.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/crustacean/tail.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b961cae23..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/crustacean/tail.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.animation.driver_repeated import bend_bones_lerp
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import Part, PartFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.parts.utils.draw import make_segments
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.surface import write_attr_data
-class CrustaceanTailFactory(PartFactory):
- tags = ['body']
- def make_part(self, params) -> Part:
- x_length = params['x_length']
- segments, x_cuts = self.make_segments(params)
- obj = join_objects(segments)
- skeleton = np.zeros((2, 3))
- skeleton[1, 0] = x_length
- joints = {x: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)) for x in x_cuts[1:]}
- return Part(skeleton, obj, joints=joints)
- def make_segments(self, params):
- n = params['n_segments']
- decay = np.exp(np.log(params['x_decay']) / n)
- x_cuts = np.cumsum(decay ** np.arange(n))
- x_cuts = [0, *x_cuts / x_cuts[-1]]
- y_cuts_scale = interp1d([0, 1 / 3, 2 / 3, 1], [1 / params['shell_ratio'], params['y_midpoint_first'],
- params['y_midpoint_second'], .1], fill_value='extrapolate')
- y_cuts = y_cuts_scale(x_cuts)
- x_anchors = lambda u, v: (u, (u + v) / 2, v)
- y_anchors = lambda u, v: (u, np.sqrt(u * v), v * params['shell_ratio'])
- segments = make_segments(x_cuts, y_cuts, x_anchors, y_anchors, params)
- height = uniform(.5, 1.)
- for obj in segments:
- z = read_co(obj).T[-1]
- write_attr_data(obj, 'ratio', 1 + np.where(z > 0, 0, height * z / params['y_length']))
- return segments, x_cuts
- def sample_params(self):
- x_length = uniform(1., 1.5)
- y_length = uniform(.15, .2)
- z_length = y_length * uniform(1, 1.2)
- y_expand = uniform(1.1, 1.3)
- y_midpoint_first = uniform(.85, .95)
- y_midpoint_second = uniform(.7, .8)
- noise_strength = uniform(.01, .02)
- noise_scale = log_uniform(10, 20)
- bottom_shift = uniform(.3, .5)
- bottom_cutoff = uniform(.2, .5)
- top_shift = 0
- top_cutoff = 1
- n_segments = np.random.randint(6, 10)
- x_decay = log_uniform(.2, .3)
- shell_ratio = uniform(1.05, 1.08)
- fin_x_length = uniform(.5, .8)
- return {
- 'x_length': x_length,
- 'y_length': y_length,
- 'z_length': z_length,
- 'y_expand': y_expand,
- 'noise_strength': noise_strength,
- 'noise_scale': noise_scale,
- 'bottom_shift': bottom_shift,
- 'bottom_cutoff': bottom_cutoff,
- 'top_shift': top_shift,
- 'top_cutoff': top_cutoff,
- 'n_segments': n_segments,
- 'x_decay': x_decay,
- 'shell_ratio': shell_ratio,
- 'y_midpoint_first': y_midpoint_first,
- 'y_midpoint_second': y_midpoint_second,
- 'fin_x_length': fin_x_length,
- }
- @staticmethod
- def animate_bones(arma, bones, params):
- bend_bones_lerp(arma, bones, params['tail_curl'], params['freq'])
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/eye.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/eye.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e3ee25d3f..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/eye.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal as N, randint
-from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import nodegroup_norm_value, nodegroup_norm_vec
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.curve import nodegroup_simple_tube, nodegroup_warped_circle_curve, nodegroup_smooth_taper, nodegroup_profile_part
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.math import nodegroup_aspect_to_dim
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import part_util
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_eyelid', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_eyelid(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Eyeball Radius', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Aspect Ratio', 0.34999999999999998),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'fullness', 2.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'TearDuctCoord', (0.0, -1.5, -0.20000000000000001)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'PeakCoord', (1.2, -0.20000000000000001, 2.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'EyelidEndCoord', (0.0, 1.5, 0.29999999999999999)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'StartRadPct', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'EndRadPct', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloatAngle', 'Tilt', -0.34910000000000002)])
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["TearDuctCoord"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Eyeball Radius"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["PeakCoord"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Eyeball Radius"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- scale_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["EyelidEndCoord"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Eyeball Radius"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Start': scale.outputs["Vector"], 'Middle': scale_1.outputs["Vector"], 'End': scale_2.outputs["Vector"]})
- set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveTilt,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadratic_bezier, 'Tilt': group_input.outputs["Tilt"]})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- aspect_to_dim = nw.new_node(nodegroup_aspect_to_dim().name,
- input_kwargs={'Aspect Ratio': group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position, 1: aspect_to_dim},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- warped_circle_curve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_warped_circle_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Position': multiply.outputs["Vector"]})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Eyeball Radius"], 1: group_input.outputs["StartRadPct"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Eyeball Radius"], 1: group_input.outputs["EndRadPct"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- smoothtaper = nw.new_node(nodegroup_smooth_taper().name,
- input_kwargs={'start_rad': multiply_1, 'end_rad': multiply_2, 'fullness': group_input.outputs["fullness"]})
- profilepart = nw.new_node(nodegroup_profile_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skeleton Curve': set_curve_tilt, 'Profile Curve': warped_circle_curve, 'Radius Func': smoothtaper})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': tag_nodegroup(nw, profilepart, 'eyelid')})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_mammal_eye', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_mammal_eye(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius', 0.050000000000000003),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Eyelid Thickness Ratio', 0.34999999999999998),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Eyelid Fullness', 2.0),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Eyelids', True)])
- eyelid = nw.new_node(nodegroup_eyelid().name,
- input_kwargs={'Eyeball Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"], 'Aspect Ratio': group_input.outputs["Eyelid Thickness Ratio"], 'fullness': group_input.outputs["Eyelid Fullness"], 'TearDuctCoord': (0.0, -1.2, -0.20000000000000001), 'PeakCoord': (1.2, 0.40000000000000002, -1.7), 'EyelidEndCoord': (0.0, 1.2, 0.31), 'Tilt': 0.69810000000000005})
- eyelid_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_eyelid().name,
- input_kwargs={'Eyeball Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"], 'Aspect Ratio': group_input.outputs["Eyelid Thickness Ratio"], 'fullness': group_input.outputs["Eyelid Fullness"], 'PeakCoord': (1.2, -0.20000000000000001, 1.8)})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [eyelid, eyelid_1]})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Eyelids"], 15: join_geometry})
- uv_sphere = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
- input_kwargs={'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"]})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0), 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Radius"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': uv_sphere, 'Translation': scale.outputs["Vector"], 'Rotation': (0.0, 1.5708, 0.0), 'Scale': (1.0, 1.0, 0.69999999999999996)})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (-1.7, 0.0, 0.0), 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Radius"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Radius"], 1: 6.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- scale_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (0.33000000000000002, 0.33000000000000002, 0.33000000000000002), 'Scale': multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Radius"], 1: 3.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- simple_tube = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Origin': scale_1.outputs["Vector"], 'Angles Deg': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'Seg Lengths': scale_2.outputs["Vector"], 'Start Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"], 'End Radius': multiply_1, 'Fullness': 0.29999999999999999, 'Do Bezier': False, 'Aspect Ratio': 1.1000000000000001})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': simple_tube.outputs["Geometry"], 'Rotation': (0.0, 0.0, 0.34910000000000002)})
- eyeball = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': transform_1, 'Level': 2})
- position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- normvec = nw.new_node(nodegroup_norm_vec().name, input_kwargs={'Geometry': eyeball, 'Name': 'EyeballPosition', 'Vector': position_2})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': None, 'BodyExtra_Lid': switch.outputs[6], 'Eyeballl': normvec, 'ParentCutter': transform_2})
-class MammalEye(PartFactory):
- tags = ['head_detail', 'eye_socket']
- def sample_params(self):
- return {
- 'Radius': 0.03 * N(1, 0.1),
- 'Eyelid Thickness Ratio': 0.35 * N(1, 0.05),
- 'Eyelid Fullness': 2.0 * N(1, 0.1)
- }
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = part_util.nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_mammal_eye, params)
- tag_object(part.obj, 'mammal_eye')
- return part
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/eye_new.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/eye_new.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b1f06e3e4..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/eye_new.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2432 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Mingzhe Wang
-# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfNzAaqKHXQ by PixelicaCG, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcHX4AT1vtg by CGCookie and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0JyyWeptSA by CGRogue
-import os, sys
-import numpy as np
-import math as ma
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import clip, sample_range, sample_ratio, sample_color, geo_voronoi_noise
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import part_util
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_circle', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_circle(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'R', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 512)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input, 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': group_input})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': group_input})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Point 1': combine_xyz_4, 'Point 2': combine_xyz_3, 'Point 3': combine_xyz_5, 'Radius': 2.0000},
- attrs={'mode': 'POINTS'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_eyeball', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_eyeball(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 32)])
- uv_sphere = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
- input_kwargs={'Segments': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Rings': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- sqrt = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract},
- attrs={'operation': 'SQRT'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: sqrt, 1: 1.02},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT', 'use_clamp': True})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: 0.5},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: subtract_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': subtract_2})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': uv_sphere, 'Offset': combine_xyz_1})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: 0.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1, 'Name': 'Iris', 3: greater_than})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_cornea', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_cornea(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'ScaleX', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Height', 2.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'ScaleZ', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 20.0000),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 128)])
- uv_sphere_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
- input_kwargs={'Segments': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Rings': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 3.0000, 1: group_input.outputs["Height"]}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["ScaleX"], 1: subtract}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- combine_color = nw.new_node('FunctionNodeCombineColor',
- input_kwargs={'Red': group_input.outputs["ScaleX"], 'Green': divide, 'Blue': group_input.outputs["ScaleZ"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': uv_sphere_1, 'Scale': combine_color})
- position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position_2})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"]})
- separate_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Selection': greater_than})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture)
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: normal}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0200
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply.outputs["Vector"], 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': separate_geometry.outputs["Selection"], 'Offset': multiply_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["ScaleX"], 1: group_input.outputs["ScaleX"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: multiply_2}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- sqrt = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_2}, attrs={'operation': 'SQRT'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: sqrt, 1: 0.9500}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_color_1 = nw.new_node('FunctionNodeCombineColor', input_kwargs={'Green': multiply_3})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_4})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Translation': combine_color_1, 'Rotation': combine_xyz})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_eyelid_radius', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_eyelid_radius(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine,
- input_kwargs={'End': (0.0, 0.8, 0.0)})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'OuterControl', 0.3),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'InnerControl1', 5.4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'InnerControl2', 0.3),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 32)])
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Count': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve, 2: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute, 1: 0.4},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- power = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 2.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: power, 1: -0.7},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute, 1: group_input.outputs["InnerControl2"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: greater_than},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: greater_than},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- reroute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["OuterControl"]})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute_3, 1: reroute},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: subtract_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- power_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: 2.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: power_1, 1: group_input.outputs["InnerControl1"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_3})
- subtract_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 0.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- reroute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["OuterControl"]})
- subtract_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: reroute_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': subtract_3, 'Y': subtract_4})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Scale': (1.5, 1.5, 1.5)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Attribute': capture_attribute.outputs[2]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_eyelid_circle', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_eyelid_circle(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'ShapeW', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'ShapeH', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 32)])
- reroute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["ShapeW"]})
- circle = nw.new_node(nodegroup_circle().name,
- input_kwargs={'R': reroute_3, 'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': circle, 2: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 1: position_1},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: -0.5},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: subtract},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: -0.02},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply_1})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["ShapeH"], 1: group_input.outputs["ShapeW"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- reroute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': multiply_2})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute_1, 1: reroute_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: 0.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: 1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: multiply_4},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: 0.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_5, 1: multiply_6})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': add_1})
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute, 1: reroute},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: multiply_7},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- sqrt = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SQRT'})
- multiply_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute_3, 1: reroute_3},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: multiply_8},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- sqrt_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'SQRT'})
- reroute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': sqrt_1})
- subtract_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: sqrt, 1: reroute_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- sign = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'SIGN'})
- multiply_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_3, 1: sign},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': add, 'Z': multiply_9})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"], 'Position': combine_xyz_1})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': 50.0, 'Scale': 0.5},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- subtract_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
- multiply_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_4.outputs["Vector"], 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_10.outputs["Vector"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1, 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, "Attribute": capture_attribute.outputs[2], "Attribute1": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Attribute"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_eye_ball', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_eye_ball(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'CorneaScaleX', 0.52),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Height', 1.2),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'CorneaScaleZ', 0.8),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 20.0),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'EyeballResolution', 32),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'CorneaResolution', 128)])
- cornea_008 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_cornea().name,
- input_kwargs={'ScaleX': group_input.outputs["CorneaScaleX"], 'Height': group_input.outputs["Height"], 'ScaleZ': group_input.outputs["CorneaScaleZ"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Y"], 'Resolution': group_input.outputs["CorneaResolution"]})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cornea_008, 'Name': 'tag_cornea', 5: True},
- attrs={'data_type': 'BOOLEAN'})
- eyeball_009 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_eyeball().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["CorneaScaleX"], 'Resolution': group_input.outputs["EyeballResolution"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Cornea': store_named_attribute, 'Eyeball': eyeball_009})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_raycast_append', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_raycast_append(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Target Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Ray Direction', (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Default Offset', -0.005)])
- raycast = nw.new_node(Nodes.Raycast,
- input_kwargs={'Target Geometry': group_input.outputs["Target Geometry"], 'Ray Direction': group_input.outputs["Ray Direction"], 'Ray Length': 0.1})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: raycast.outputs["Hit Distance"], 1: 0.07},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: raycast.outputs["Hit Distance"], 1: less_than},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Name': 'pos'},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- distance = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: named_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DISTANCE'})
- value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 1.2
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: distance.outputs["Value"], 1: value_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT', 'use_clamp': True})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 1.5},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY', 'use_clamp': True})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT', 'use_clamp': True})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Default Offset"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: multiply_3})
- length = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Ray Direction"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'LENGTH'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Ray Direction"], 1: length.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: add, 1: divide.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': multiply_4.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_vector_sum', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_vector_sum(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Vector"]})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add, 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Sum': add_1})
-def shader_material(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': (0.8, 0.0, 0.6028, 1.0)})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_part_surface_simple', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_part_surface_simple(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skeleton Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skin Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Length, Yaw, Rad', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Length, Yaw, Rad"]})
- clamp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Clamp,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': 1.5708, 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Z': 1.5708})
- part_surface = nw.new_node(nodegroup_part_surface().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skeleton Curve': group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Skin Mesh': group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"], 'Length Fac': clamp_1, 'Ray Rot': combine_xyz, 'Rad': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Position': part_surface.outputs["Position"], 'Hit Normal': part_surface.outputs["Hit Normal"], 'Tangent': part_surface.outputs["Tangent"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_aspect_to_dim', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_aspect_to_dim(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Aspect Ratio', 1.0)])
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"], 1: 1.0})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"], 'Y': 1.0})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': 1.0, 'Y': divide})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 8: combine_xyz_1, 9: combine_xyz_2},
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'XY Scale': switch.outputs[3]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_polar_to_cart', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_polar_to_cart(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Angle', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Length', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Origin', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- cosine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Angle"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'COSINE'})
- sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Angle"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SINE'})
- construct_unit_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': cosine, 'Z': sine},
- label='Construct Unit Vector')
- offset_polar = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Length"], 1: construct_unit_vector, 2: group_input.outputs["Origin"]},
- label='Offset Polar',
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': offset_polar.outputs["Vector"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_switch4', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_switch4(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'Arg', 0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Arg == 0', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Arg == 1', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Arg == 2', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Arg == 3', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- greater_equal = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Arg"], 3: 2},
- attrs={'data_type': 'INT', 'operation': 'GREATER_EQUAL'})
- greater_equal_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Arg"], 3: 1},
- attrs={'data_type': 'INT', 'operation': 'GREATER_EQUAL'})
- switch_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_equal_1, 8: group_input.outputs["Arg == 0"], 9: group_input.outputs["Arg == 1"]},
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'})
- greater_equal_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Arg"], 3: 3},
- attrs={'data_type': 'INT', 'operation': 'GREATER_EQUAL'})
- switch_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_equal_2, 8: group_input.outputs["Arg == 2"], 9: group_input.outputs["Arg == 3"]},
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_equal, 8: switch_1.outputs[3], 9: switch_2.outputs[3]},
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Output': switch.outputs[3]})
-def shader_eyeball_fish(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={'attribute_name': 'tag_cornea'})
- attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={'attribute_name': 'EyeballPosition'})
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute_1, 'Scale': (1.2000, 1.0000, 0.4000)})
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 50.0000})
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.0200, 'Color1': mapping, 'Color2': noise_texture_2.outputs["Color"]})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': mix_3})
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0000
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_rotate2_d().name,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 2: value})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group.outputs[1], 1: 0.3000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.8000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: multiply_2}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_3})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 0.6300})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': add_1})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.6400
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6591
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute_1, 'Scale': (1.0000, 100.0000, 1.0000)})
- mix_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.3000, 'Color1': mapping_1, 'Color2': attribute_1})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': mix_4, 'Scale': 10.0000})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.7000, 'Color1': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 'Color2': mix_4})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': mix, 'Scale': 20.0000})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 1: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- mapping_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute_1, 'Scale': (1.0000, 20.0000, 1.0000)})
- mix_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.3000, 'Color1': mapping_2, 'Color2': attribute_1})
- noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': mix_8, 'Scale': 10.0000})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.7000, 'Color1': noise_texture_3.outputs["Fac"], 'Color2': mix_8})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix_1, 'W': 4.5000, 'Scale': 1.0000},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D'})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"], 1: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- mix_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 1.0000, 'Color1': multiply_4, 'Color2': multiply_5},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'OVERLAY'})
- bright_contrast = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBrightContrast', input_kwargs={'Color': mix_9, 'Bright': 0.6000, 'Contrast': 1.5000})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group.outputs[1], 1: 0.6000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_6, 1: multiply_6}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.6000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: multiply_8}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_7, 1: multiply_9})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': add_3})
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.6159
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6591
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
- colorramp_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]})
- colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0295
- colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
- colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.0523
- colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: bright_contrast, 1: colorramp_5.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'use_clamp': True})
- multiply_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group.outputs[1]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_10, 1: multiply_10}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.7000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_12, 1: multiply_12}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_11, 1: multiply_13})
- add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_5, 1: 0.1800})
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': add_6})
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4773
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6659
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'W': 1.0000}, attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"]})
- colorramp_4.color_ramp.interpolation = "CARDINAL"
- colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2886
- colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [1.0000, 0.5767, 0.0000, 1.0000]
- colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.5455
- colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0112, 1.0000]
- mix_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_2.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': (0.7384, 0.5239, 0.2703, 1.0000), 'Color2': colorramp_4.outputs["Color"]})
- mix_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': mix_7, 'Color2': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000)})
- mix_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, input_kwargs={'Fac': add_4, 'Color1': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000), 'Color2': mix_6})
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': mix_5, 'Color2': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000)})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_2, 'Specular': 0.0000, 'Roughness': 0.0000})
- principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Specular': 1.0000, 'Roughness': 0.0000, 'IOR': 1.3500, 'Transmission': 1.0000})
- transparent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransparentBSDF)
- mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader, input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.1577, 1: principled_bsdf_1, 2: transparent_bsdf})
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute_2.outputs["Color"], 1: principled_bsdf, 2: mix_shader_1})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_eyeball_eyelid_inner', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_eyeball_eyelid_inner(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'EyeRot', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'EyelidCircleShape(W, H)', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'EyelidRadiusShape(Out, In1, In2)', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'EyelidResolution(Circle, Radius)', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'CorneaScale(W, H, Thickness)', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'EyeballResolution(White, Cornea)', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'Scale', (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000))])
- separate_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input_2.outputs["CorneaScale(W, H, Thickness)"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input_2.outputs["EyeRot"], 1: 0.0175},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- separate_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input_2.outputs["EyeballResolution(White, Cornea)"]})
- eyeball = nw.new_node(nodegroup_eye_ball().name,
- input_kwargs={'CorneaScaleX': separate_xyz_6.outputs["X"], 'Height': separate_xyz_6.outputs["Y"], 'CorneaScaleZ': separate_xyz_6.outputs["Z"], 'Y': multiply, 'EyeballResolution': separate_xyz_7.outputs["X"], 'CorneaResolution': separate_xyz_7.outputs["Y"]})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [eyeball.outputs["Cornea"], eyeball.outputs["Eyeball"]]})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_2, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_eyeball_tiger)})
- value_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_5.outputs[0].default_value = 1.5000
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_1, 'Translation': (0.0000, -1.3500, -0.0500), 'Scale': value_5})
- position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_2, 'Name': 'EyeballPosition', 2: position_2},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute})
- separate_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input_2.outputs["EyelidCircleShape(W, H)"]})
- separate_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input_2.outputs["EyelidResolution(Circle, Radius)"]})
- eyelidcircle = nw.new_node(nodegroup_eyelid_circle().name,
- input_kwargs={'ShapeW': separate_xyz_3.outputs["X"], 'ShapeH': separate_xyz_3.outputs["Y"], 'Resolution': separate_xyz_5.outputs["X"]})
- value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.6000
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': eyelidcircle.outputs["Geometry"], 'Scale': value_1})
- separate_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input_2.outputs["EyelidRadiusShape(Out, In1, In2)"]})
- eyelidradis = nw.new_node(nodegroup_eyelid_radius().name,
- input_kwargs={'OuterControl': separate_xyz_4.outputs["X"], 'InnerControl1': separate_xyz_4.outputs["Y"], 'InnerControl2': separate_xyz_4.outputs["Z"], 'Resolution': separate_xyz_5.outputs["Y"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': transform_1, 'Profile Curve': eyelidradis.outputs["Geometry"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Scale': 0.7000})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000)},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"], 1: normal},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_2.outputs[0].default_value = 0.1000
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: value_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Offset': multiply_2.outputs["Vector"]})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': eyelidcircle})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: 0.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: -0.0000, 1: absolute}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT', 'use_clamp': True})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: subtract_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: eyelidradis, 1: 0.6000}, attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: greater_than}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: -1.2000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_5})
- set_position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1, 'Offset': combine_xyz_2})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_2, 'Scale': group_input_2.outputs["Scale"]})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_3})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- cosine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'COSINE'})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: cosine}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'SINE'})
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: sine}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_6, 1: multiply_7}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: cosine}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: sine}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: multiply_9})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': subtract_2, 'Y': separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 'Z': add})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Position': combine_xyz})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Eyeball': join_geometry_3, 'Eyelid': set_position},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_append_eye', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_append_eye(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Target Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Translation', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketVectorEuler', 'Rotation', (0.1745, 0.0, -1.3963)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Ray Direction', (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Default Offset', -0.002)])
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Name': 'pos', 2: position},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute, 'Translation': group_input.outputs["Translation"], 'Rotation': group_input.outputs["Rotation"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]})
- raycastappend = nw.new_node(nodegroup_raycast_append().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Target Geometry': group_input.outputs["Target Geometry"], 'Ray Direction': group_input.outputs["Ray Direction"], 'Default Offset': group_input.outputs["Default Offset"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': raycastappend})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_eye_sockets', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_eye_sockets(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skin Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skeleton Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Base Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Length/Yaw/Rad', (0.5000, 0.0000, 1.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Part Rot', (0.0000, 0.0000, 53.7000)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'Scale', (2.0000, 2.0000, 2.0000))])
- eyehole_cutter = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Origin': (-0.1000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 'Angles Deg': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 'Seg Lengths': (0.0500, 0.0500, 0.0900), 'Start Radius': 0.0200, 'Fullness': 0.3000},
- label='Eyehole Cutter')
- part_surface_simple = nw.new_node(nodegroup_part_surface_simple().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skeleton Curve': group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Skin Mesh': group_input.outputs["Base Mesh"], 'Length, Yaw, Rad': group_input.outputs["Length/Yaw/Rad"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': eyehole_cutter.outputs["Geometry"], 'Translation': part_surface_simple.outputs["Position"], 'Rotation': group_input.outputs["Part Rot"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]})
- symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"], 'Mesh': symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"], 'Position': part_surface_simple.outputs["Position"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_simple_tube_v2', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_simple_tube_v2(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (1.0, 0.5, 0.3)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'angles_deg', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'proportions', (0.3333, 0.3333, 0.3333)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'aspect', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'do_bezier', True),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'fullness', 4.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Origin', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- vector_sum = nw.new_node(nodegroup_vector_sum().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["proportions"]})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["proportions"], 1: vector_sum},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"]})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: divide.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- polarbezier = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_bezier().name,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 25, 'Origin': group_input.outputs["Origin"], 'angles_deg': group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], 'Seg Lengths': scale.outputs["Vector"], 'Do Bezier': group_input.outputs["do_bezier"]})
- aspect_to_dim = nw.new_node(nodegroup_aspect_to_dim().name,
- input_kwargs={'Aspect Ratio': group_input.outputs["aspect"]})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: aspect_to_dim, 1: position},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- warped_circle_curve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_warped_circle_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Position': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Vertices': 40})
- smoothtaper = nw.new_node(nodegroup_smooth_taper().name,
- input_kwargs={'start_rad': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'end_rad': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 'fullness': group_input.outputs["fullness"]})
- profilepart = nw.new_node(nodegroup_profile_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skeleton Curve': polarbezier.outputs["Curve"], 'Profile Curve': warped_circle_curve, 'Radius Func': smoothtaper})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': profilepart, 'Skeleton Curve': polarbezier.outputs["Curve"], 'Endpoint': polarbezier.outputs["Endpoint"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_surface_muscle', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_surface_muscle(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skin Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skeleton Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Coord 0', (0.4, 0.0, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Coord 1', (0.5, 0.0, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Coord 2', (0.6, 0.0, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Debug Points', False)])
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': (0.03, 0.03, 0.03)})
- part_surface_simple = nw.new_node(nodegroup_part_surface_simple().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skeleton Curve': group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Skin Mesh': group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"], 'Length, Yaw, Rad': group_input.outputs["Coord 0"]})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': part_surface_simple.outputs["Position"]})
- part_surface_simple_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_part_surface_simple().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skeleton Curve': group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Skin Mesh': group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"], 'Length, Yaw, Rad': group_input.outputs["Coord 1"]})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': part_surface_simple_1.outputs["Position"]})
- part_surface_simple_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_part_surface_simple().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skeleton Curve': group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Skin Mesh': group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"], 'Length, Yaw, Rad': group_input.outputs["Coord 2"]})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': part_surface_simple_2.outputs["Position"]})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_2, transform_1, transform_3]})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Debug Points"], 15: join_geometry})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': switch.outputs[6], 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_material)})
- u_resolution = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer,
- label='U Resolution',
- attrs={'integer': 16})
- u_resolution.integer = 16
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': u_resolution, 'Start': part_surface_simple.outputs["Position"], 'Middle': part_surface_simple_1.outputs["Position"], 'End': part_surface_simple_2.outputs["Position"]})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"]})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 4: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]})
- deg2rad = nw.new_node(nodegroup_deg2_rad().name,
- input_kwargs={'Deg': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
- set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveTilt,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadratic_bezier, 'Tilt': deg2rad})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 'Y': 1.0, 'Z': 1.0})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position, 1: combine_xyz},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- v_resolution = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer,
- label='V resolution',
- attrs={'integer': 10})
- v_resolution.integer = 10
- warped_circle_curve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_warped_circle_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Position': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Vertices': v_resolution})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"]})
- smoothtaper = nw.new_node(nodegroup_smooth_taper().name,
- input_kwargs={'start_rad': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'end_rad': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'fullness': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
- profilepart = nw.new_node(nodegroup_profile_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skeleton Curve': set_curve_tilt, 'Profile Curve': warped_circle_curve, 'Radius Func': smoothtaper})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material, profilepart]})
- switch_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: True, 15: join_geometry_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': switch_1.outputs[6]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_simple_tube', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_simple_tube(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Origin', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Angles Deg', (30.0, -1.5, 11.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Seg Lengths', (0.02, 0.02, 0.02)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Start Radius', 0.06),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'End Radius', 0.03),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Fullness', 8.17),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Do Bezier', True),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Aspect Ratio', 1.0)])
- polarbezier = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_bezier().name,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 25, 'Origin': group_input.outputs["Origin"], 'angles_deg': group_input.outputs["Angles Deg"], 'Seg Lengths': group_input.outputs["Seg Lengths"], 'Do Bezier': group_input.outputs["Do Bezier"]})
- aspect_to_dim = nw.new_node(nodegroup_aspect_to_dim().name,
- input_kwargs={'Aspect Ratio': group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"]})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: aspect_to_dim, 1: position},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- warped_circle_curve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_warped_circle_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Position': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Vertices': 40})
- smoothtaper = nw.new_node(nodegroup_smooth_taper().name,
- input_kwargs={'start_rad': group_input.outputs["Start Radius"], 'end_rad': group_input.outputs["End Radius"], 'fullness': group_input.outputs["Fullness"]})
- profilepart = nw.new_node(nodegroup_profile_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skeleton Curve': polarbezier.outputs["Curve"], 'Profile Curve': warped_circle_curve, 'Radius Func': smoothtaper})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': profilepart, 'Skeleton Curve': polarbezier.outputs["Curve"], 'Endpoint': polarbezier.outputs["Endpoint"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_smooth_taper', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_smooth_taper(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 1: 3.1416},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'SINE'})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'start_rad', 0.29),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'end_rad', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'fullness', 2.5)])
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: group_input.outputs["fullness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- power = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: sine, 1: divide},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: group_input.outputs["start_rad"], 4: group_input.outputs["end_rad"]},
- attrs={'clamp': False})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: power, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_warped_circle_curve', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_warped_circle_curve(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Position', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Vertices', 32)])
- mesh_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Vertices': group_input.outputs["Vertices"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': mesh_circle, 'Position': group_input.outputs["Position"]})
- mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_position})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': mesh_to_curve})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_profile_part', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_profile_part(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skeleton Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Profile Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius Func', 1.0)])
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius Func"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Shade Smooth': False})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_shade_smooth})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_polar_bezier', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_polar_bezier(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketIntUnsigned', 'Resolution', 32),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Origin', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'angles_deg', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Seg Lengths', (0.3, 0.3, 0.3)),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Do Bezier', True)])
- mesh_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshLine,
- input_kwargs={'Count': 4})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- deg2_rad = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], 'Scale': 0.0175},
- label='Deg2Rad',
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': deg2_rad.outputs["Vector"]})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Seg Lengths"]})
- polartocart = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_to_cart().name,
- input_kwargs={'Angle': reroute, 'Length': separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 'Origin': group_input.outputs["Origin"]})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute, 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- polartocart_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_to_cart().name,
- input_kwargs={'Angle': add, 'Length': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 'Origin': polartocart})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: add})
- polartocart_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_to_cart().name,
- input_kwargs={'Angle': add_1, 'Length': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"], 'Origin': polartocart_1})
- switch4 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_switch4().name,
- input_kwargs={'Arg': index, 'Arg == 0': group_input.outputs["Origin"], 'Arg == 1': polartocart, 'Arg == 2': polartocart_1, 'Arg == 3': polartocart_2})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': mesh_line, 'Position': switch4})
- mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_position})
- subdivide_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': mesh_to_curve, 'Cuts': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- integer = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer,
- attrs={'integer': 2})
- integer.integer = 2
- bezier_segment = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveBezierSegment,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': integer, 'Start': group_input.outputs["Origin"], 'Start Handle': polartocart, 'End Handle': polartocart_1, 'End': polartocart_2})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 1: integer},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- subdivide_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': bezier_segment, 'Cuts': divide})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Do Bezier"], 14: subdivide_curve_1, 15: subdivide_curve})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': switch.outputs[6], 'Endpoint': polartocart_2})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_solidify', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_solidify(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Distance', 0.0)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Distance"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Mesh"], 'Offset Scale': multiply, 'Individual': False})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Distance"], 1: -0.5},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- extrude_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Mesh"], 'Offset Scale': multiply_1, 'Individual': False})
- flip_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.FlipFaces,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': extrude_mesh_1.outputs["Mesh"]})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"], flip_faces]})
- merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Distance': 0.0})
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': merge_by_distance, 'Shade Smooth': False})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_shade_smooth})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_taper', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_taper(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Start', (1.0, 0.63, 0.72)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'End', (1.0, 1.0, 1.0))])
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 2: separate_xyz.outputs["X"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 7: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"], 8: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"], 9: group_input.outputs["Start"], 10: group_input.outputs["End"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'clamp': False})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position, 1: map_range.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Position': multiply.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_raycast_rotation', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_raycast_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorEuler', 'Rotation', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Hit Normal', (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Curve Tangent', (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Do Normal Rot', False),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Do Tangent Rot', False)])
- align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Hit Normal"]})
- rotate_euler = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateEuler,
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': group_input.outputs["Rotation"], 'Rotate By': align_euler_to_vector})
- if_normal_rot = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Do Normal Rot"], 8: group_input.outputs["Rotation"], 9: rotate_euler},
- label='if_normal_rot',
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'})
- align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': group_input.outputs["Rotation"], 'Vector': group_input.outputs["Curve Tangent"]})
- rotate_euler_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateEuler,
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector_1, 'Rotate By': group_input.outputs["Rotation"]},
- attrs={'space': 'LOCAL'})
- if_tangent_rot = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Do Tangent Rot"], 8: if_normal_rot.outputs[3], 9: rotate_euler_1},
- label='if_tangent_rot',
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Output': if_tangent_rot.outputs[3]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_part_surface', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_part_surface(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skeleton Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skin Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'Length Fac', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketVectorEuler', 'Ray Rot', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Rad', 0.0)])
- sample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Factor': group_input.outputs["Length Fac"]},
- attrs={'mode': 'FACTOR'})
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': sample_curve.outputs["Tangent"], 'Rotation': group_input.outputs["Ray Rot"]},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'EULER_XYZ'})
- raycast = nw.new_node(Nodes.Raycast,
- input_kwargs={'Target Geometry': group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"], 'Source Position': sample_curve.outputs["Position"], 'Ray Direction': vector_rotate, 'Ray Length': 5.0})
- lerp = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Rad"], 9: sample_curve.outputs["Position"], 10: raycast.outputs["Hit Position"]},
- label='lerp',
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'clamp': False})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Position': lerp.outputs["Vector"], 'Hit Normal': raycast.outputs["Hit Normal"], 'Tangent': sample_curve.outputs["Tangent"], 'Skeleton Pos': sample_curve.outputs["Position"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_eyeball_eyelid', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_eyeball_eyelid(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skin Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Base Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skeleton Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Length/Yaw/Rad', (0.5000, 0.0000, 1.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Target Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'EyeRot', -23.0000),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'EyelidCircleShape(W, H)', (2.0000, 1.4500, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'EyelidRadiusShape(Out, In1, In2)', (0.4000, 5.3000, 0.4000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'EyelidResolution(Circle, Radius)', (32.0000, 32.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'CorneaScale(W, H, Thickness)', (0.8000, 0.8000, 0.5500)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'EyeballResolution(White, Cornea)', (32.0000, 128.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'OffsetPreAppending', (0.0120, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketVectorEuler', 'Rotation', (0.1745, 0.0000, -1.3963)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'RayDirection', (-1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'DefaultAppendDistance', -0.0020),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'EyeSocketRot', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'EyelidScale', (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000))])
- eyesockets = nw.new_node(nodegroup_eye_sockets().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"], 'Skeleton Curve': group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Base Mesh': group_input.outputs["Base Mesh"], 'Length/Yaw/Rad': group_input.outputs["Length/Yaw/Rad"], 'Part Rot': group_input.outputs["EyeSocketRot"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]})
- #transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- # input_kwargs={'Geometry': eyesockets.outputs["Mesh"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]})
- tigereyeinner = nw.new_node(nodegroup_eyeball_eyelid_inner().name,
- input_kwargs={'EyeRot': group_input.outputs["EyeRot"], 'EyelidCircleShape(W, H)': group_input.outputs["EyelidCircleShape(W, H)"], 'EyelidRadiusShape(Out, In1, In2)': group_input.outputs["EyelidRadiusShape(Out, In1, In2)"], 'EyelidResolution(Circle, Radius)': group_input.outputs["EyelidResolution(Circle, Radius)"], 'CorneaScale(W, H, Thickness)': group_input.outputs["CorneaScale(W, H, Thickness)"], 'EyeballResolution(White, Cornea)': group_input.outputs["EyeballResolution(White, Cornea)"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["EyelidScale"]})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: eyesockets.outputs["Position"], 1: group_input.outputs["OffsetPreAppending"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Scale"], 1: 0.0170}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- appendeye = nw.new_node(nodegroup_append_eye().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target Geometry': group_input.outputs["Target Geometry"], 'Geometry': tigereyeinner.outputs["Eyeball"], 'Translation': add, 'Scale': multiply, 'Rotation': group_input.outputs['Rotation'], 'Ray Direction': group_input.outputs["RayDirection"], 'Default Offset': group_input.outputs["DefaultAppendDistance"]})
- appendeye_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_append_eye().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target Geometry': group_input.outputs["Target Geometry"], 'Geometry': tigereyeinner.outputs["Eyelid"], 'Translation': add, 'Scale': multiply, 'Rotation': group_input.outputs['Rotation'], 'Ray Direction': group_input.outputs["RayDirection"], 'Default Offset': group_input.outputs["DefaultAppendDistance"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': None, 'ParentCutter': eyesockets.outputs["Mesh"], 'Eyeballl': appendeye, 'BodyExtra_Lid': appendeye_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_carnivore__face_structure', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_carnivore__face_structure(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Skull Length Width1 Width2', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Snout Length Width1 Width2', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Snout Y Scale', 0.62),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'Nose Bridge Scale', (1.0, 0.35, 0.9)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Jaw Muscle Middle Coord', (0.24, 0.41, 1.3)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Jaw StartRad, EndRad, Fullness', (0.06, 0.11, 1.5)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Jaw ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt', (0.8, 33.1, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Lip Muscle Middle Coord', (0.95, 0.0, 1.5)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Lip StartRad, EndRad, Fullness', (0.05, 0.09, 1.48)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Lip ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt', (0.8, 0.0, -17.2)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Forehead Muscle Middle Coord', (0.7, -1.32, 1.31)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Forehead StartRad, EndRad, Fullness', (0.06, 0.05, 2.5)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Forehead ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt', (0.3, 60.6, 66.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'aspect', 1.0)])
- vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector)
- vector.vector = (-0.07, 0.0, 0.05)
- simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': group_input.outputs["Skull Length Width1 Width2"], 'angles_deg': (-5.67, 0.0, 0.0), 'aspect': group_input.outputs["aspect"], 'fullness': 3.63, 'Origin': vector})
- snout_origin = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"], 1: (-0.1, 0.0, 0.0)},
- label='Snout Origin')
- split_length_width1_width2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Snout Length Width1 Width2"]},
- label='Split Length / Width1 / Width2')
- snout_seg_lengths = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (0.33, 0.33, 0.33), 'Scale': split_length_width1_width2.outputs["X"]},
- label='Snout Seg Lengths',
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- bridge = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Origin': snout_origin.outputs["Vector"], 'Angles Deg': (-4.0, -4.5, -5.61), 'Seg Lengths': snout_seg_lengths.outputs["Vector"], 'Start Radius': 0.17, 'End Radius': 0.1, 'Fullness': 5.44},
- label='Bridge')
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': bridge.outputs["Geometry"], 'Translation': (0.0, 0.0, 0.03), 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Nose Bridge Scale"]})
- snout = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Origin': snout_origin.outputs["Vector"], 'Angles Deg': (-3.0, -4.5, -5.61), 'Seg Lengths': snout_seg_lengths.outputs["Vector"], 'Start Radius': split_length_width1_width2.outputs["Y"], 'End Radius': split_length_width1_width2.outputs["Z"], 'Fullness': 2.0},
- label='Snout')
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': snout.outputs["Geometry"], 'Translation': (0.0, 0.0, 0.03), 'Scale': (1.0, 0.7, 0.7)})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': 1.0, 'Y': group_input.outputs["Snout Y Scale"], 'Z': 1.0})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1, 'Scale': combine_xyz})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform, transform_2]})
- union = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshBoolean,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh 2': [join_geometry, simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"]], 'Self Intersection': True},
- attrs={'operation': 'UNION'})
- curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine,
- input_kwargs={'Start': vector, 'End': snout.outputs["Endpoint"]})
- jaw_muscle = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': union.outputs["Mesh"], 'Skeleton Curve': curve_line_1, 'Coord 0': (0.19, -0.41, 0.78), 'Coord 1': group_input.outputs["Jaw Muscle Middle Coord"], 'Coord 2': (0.67, 1.26, 0.52), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input.outputs["Jaw StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"], 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': group_input.outputs["Jaw ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"]},
- label='Jaw Muscle')
- lip = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': union.outputs["Mesh"], 'Skeleton Curve': curve_line_1, 'Coord 0': (0.51, -0.13, 0.02), 'Coord 1': group_input.outputs["Lip Muscle Middle Coord"], 'Coord 2': (0.99, 10.57, 0.1), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input.outputs["Lip StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"], 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': group_input.outputs["Lip ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"]},
- label='Lip')
- forehead = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Coord 0': (0.31, -1.06, 0.97), 'Coord 1': group_input.outputs["Forehead Muscle Middle Coord"], 'Coord 2': (0.95, -1.52, 0.9), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input.outputs["Forehead StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"], 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': group_input.outputs["Forehead ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"]},
- label='Forehead')
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [jaw_muscle, lip, forehead]})
- symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (0.33, 0.33, 0.33)},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- jaw_cutter = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Origin': (0.0, 0.0, 0.09), 'Angles Deg': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'Seg Lengths': scale.outputs["Vector"], 'Start Radius': 0.13},
- label='Jaw Cutter')
- attach_part = nw.new_node(nodegroup_attach_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': union.outputs["Mesh"], 'Skeleton Curve': curve_line_1, 'Geometry': jaw_cutter.outputs["Geometry"], 'Length Fac': 0.2, 'Ray Rot': (0.0, 1.5708, 0.0), 'Rad': 1.25, 'Part Rot': (0.0, -8.5, 0.0), 'Do Tangent Rot': True})
- difference = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshBoolean,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh 1': union.outputs["Mesh"], 'Mesh 2': attach_part.outputs["Geometry"], 'Self Intersection': True})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"], difference.outputs["Mesh"]]})
- subdivide_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line_1, 'Cuts': 10})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_2, 'Skeleton Curve': subdivide_curve, 'Base Mesh': union.outputs["Mesh"], 'Cranium Skeleton': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_rotate2_d', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_rotate2_d(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.0175),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value2', 0.5)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs[2], 1: 0.0175},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- reroute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': multiply})
- sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute_3},
- attrs={'operation': 'SINE'})
- reroute_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs[1]})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: sine, 1: reroute_5},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- reroute_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Value"]})
- cosine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute_3},
- attrs={'operation': 'COSINE'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute_4, 1: cosine},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute_5, 1: cosine},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute_4, 1: sine},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: multiply_4})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={"Value": subtract, "Value1": add})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_carnivore_jaw', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_carnivore_jaw(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'Width Shaping', 0.6764),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Canine Length', 0.05),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Incisor Size', 0.01),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Tooth Crookedness', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'Tongue Shaping', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Tongue X Scale', 0.9)])
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"]})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (0.33, 0.33, 0.33), 'Scale': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- polarbezier = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_bezier().name,
- input_kwargs={'angles_deg': (0.0, 0.0, 13.0), 'Seg Lengths': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- vector_curves = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- node_utils.assign_curve(vector_curves.mapping.curves[0], [(-1.0, -1.0), (0.0036, 0.0), (0.2436, 0.21), (1.0, 1.0)])
- node_utils.assign_curve(vector_curves.mapping.curves[1], [(-1.0, 0.12), (-0.7745, 0.06), (-0.6509, -0.44), (-0.3673, -0.4), (-0.0545, -0.01), (0.1055, 0.02), (0.5273, 0.5), (0.7964, 0.64), (1.0, 1.0)], handles=['AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO_CLAMPED', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'AUTO'])
- node_utils.assign_curve(vector_curves.mapping.curves[2], [(-1.0, -1.0), (1.0, 1.0)])
- warped_circle_curve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_warped_circle_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Position': vector_curves})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Factor': group_input.outputs["Width Shaping"], 'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.955), (0.4255, 0.785), (0.6545, 0.535), (0.9491, 0.75), (1.0, 0.595)], handles=['AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO_CLAMPED', 'AUTO'])
- smoothtaper = nw.new_node(nodegroup_smooth_taper().name,
- input_kwargs={'start_rad': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'end_rad': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 'fullness': 2.6})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: smoothtaper},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- profilepart = nw.new_node(nodegroup_profile_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skeleton Curve': polarbezier.outputs["Curve"], 'Profile Curve': warped_circle_curve, 'Radius Func': multiply})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': profilepart, 'Scale': (1.0, 1.7, 1.0)})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (0.33, 0.33, 0.33), 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Canine Length"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- canine_tooth = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Seg Lengths': scale_1.outputs["Vector"], 'Start Radius': 0.015, 'End Radius': 0.003},
- label='Canine Tooth')
- attach_part = nw.new_node(nodegroup_attach_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': transform, 'Skeleton Curve': polarbezier.outputs["Curve"], 'Geometry': canine_tooth.outputs["Geometry"], 'Length Fac': 0.9, 'Ray Rot': (1.5708, 0.1204, 1.5708), 'Rad': 1.0, 'Part Rot': (-17.6, -53.49, 0.0)})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': attach_part.outputs["Geometry"]})
- symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: attach_part.outputs["Position"], 1: (0.015, -0.05, 0.0)})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: add.outputs["Vector"], 1: (1.0, -1.0, 1.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: add.outputs["Vector"], 1: multiply_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: add_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), 2: (-0.02, 0.0, 0.0), 'Scale': 0.5},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 6, 'Start': add.outputs["Vector"], 'Middle': multiply_add.outputs["Vector"], 'End': multiply_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadratic_bezier})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh})
- scale_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (3.0, 1.0, 0.6), 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Incisor Size"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': scale_2.outputs["Vector"]})
- subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': cube, 'Level': 3})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivision_surface})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': transform_1, 'Instance': transform_2, 'Rotation': (0.0, -1.5708, 0.0)})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (2.0, 2.0, 2.0), 1: group_input.outputs["Tooth Crookedness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"], 1: group_input.outputs["Tooth Crookedness"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- scale_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points, 'Scale': random_value.outputs["Value"]})
- scale_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (-3.0, -3.0, -3.0), 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Tooth Crookedness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- scale_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (3.0, 3.0, 3.0), 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Tooth Crookedness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={0: scale_3.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale_4.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- deg2rad = nw.new_node(nodegroup_deg2_rad().name,
- input_kwargs={'Deg': random_value_1.outputs["Value"]})
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': scale_instances, 'Rotation': deg2rad})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': rotate_instances})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"], realize_instances]})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': polarbezier.outputs["Curve"]})
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Factor': group_input.outputs["Tongue Shaping"], 'Value': spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 1.0), (0.6982, 0.55), (0.9745, 0.35), (1.0, 0.175)])
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={3: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 4: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]},
- attrs={'clamp': False})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve_1, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: 1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': resample_curve, 'Radius': multiply_3})
- quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 3, 'Middle': (0.0, 0.7, 0.0)})
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': quadratic_bezier_1, 'Fill Caps': True})
- solidify = nw.new_node(nodegroup_solidify().name,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh_1, 'Distance': 0.02})
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': solidify, 'Shade Smooth': False})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Tongue X Scale"], 'Y': 1.0, 'Z': 1.0})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_shade_smooth, 'Rotation': (0.0, -0.0159, 0.0), 'Scale': combine_xyz})
- subdivision_surface_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': transform_3, 'Level': 2})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Skeleton Curve': polarbezier.outputs["Curve"], 'Teeth': join_geometry_1, 'Tongue': subdivision_surface_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_deg2_rad', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_deg2_rad(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Deg', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Deg"], 1: (0.0175, 0.0175, 0.0175)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Rad': multiply.outputs["Vector"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_cat_ear', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_cat_ear(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Depth', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Thickness', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Curl Deg', 0.0)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Curl Deg"], 1: (-1.0, 1.0, 1.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"]})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: 3.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- polarbezier = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_bezier().name,
- input_kwargs={'Origin': (-0.07, 0.0, 0.0), 'angles_deg': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Seg Lengths': divide})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0), (0.3236, 0.98), (0.7462, 0.63), (1.0, 0.0)])
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': polarbezier.outputs["Curve"], 'Radius': float_curve})
- set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveTilt,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: (-0.5, 0.0, 0.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"], 1: (0.0, -1.0, 0.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: (0.5, 0.0, 0.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Start': multiply_1.outputs["Vector"], 'Middle': multiply_2.outputs["Vector"], 'End': multiply_3.outputs["Vector"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_tilt, 'Profile Curve': quadratic_bezier})
- solidify = nw.new_node(nodegroup_solidify().name,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh, 'Distance': group_input.outputs["Thickness"]})
- merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': solidify, 'Distance': 0.005})
- subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': merge_by_distance})
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivision_surface, 'Shade Smooth': False})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_shade_smooth})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_symmetric_clone', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_symmetric_clone(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'Scale', (1.0, -1.0, 1.0))])
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]})
- flip_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.FlipFaces,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': transform})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [group_input.outputs["Geometry"], flip_faces]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Both': join_geometry_2, 'Orig': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Inverted': flip_faces})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_cat_nose', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_cat_nose(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Nose Radius', 0.06),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Nostril Size', 0.025),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'Crease', 0.008),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'Scale', (1.2, 1.0, 1.0))])
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': group_input.outputs["Nose Radius"]})
- subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': cube, 'Level': 3})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivision_surface, 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]})
- uv_sphere = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
- input_kwargs={'Radius': group_input.outputs["Nostril Size"]})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': uv_sphere, 'Translation': (0.04, 0.025, 0.015), 'Rotation': (0.5643, 0.0, 0.0), 'Scale': (1.0, 0.87, 0.31)})
- symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1})
- difference = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshBoolean,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh 1': transform, 'Mesh 2': symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"], 'Self Intersection': True})
- taper = nw.new_node(nodegroup_taper().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': difference.outputs["Mesh"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': taper})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_attach_part', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_attach_part(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skin Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skeleton Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'Length Fac', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketVectorEuler', 'Ray Rot', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Rad', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Part Rot', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Do Normal Rot', False),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Do Tangent Rot', False)])
- part_surface = nw.new_node(nodegroup_part_surface().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skeleton Curve': group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Skin Mesh': group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"], 'Length Fac': group_input.outputs["Length Fac"], 'Ray Rot': group_input.outputs["Ray Rot"], 'Rad': group_input.outputs["Rad"]})
- deg2rad = nw.new_node(nodegroup_deg2_rad().name,
- input_kwargs={'Deg': group_input.outputs["Part Rot"]})
- raycast_rotation = nw.new_node(nodegroup_raycast_rotation().name,
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': deg2rad, 'Hit Normal': part_surface.outputs["Hit Normal"], 'Curve Tangent': part_surface.outputs["Tangent"], 'Do Normal Rot': group_input.outputs["Do Normal Rot"], 'Do Tangent Rot': group_input.outputs["Do Tangent Rot"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Translation': part_surface.outputs["Position"], 'Rotation': raycast_rotation})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Position': part_surface.outputs["Position"], 'Rotation': raycast_rotation})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_carnivore_head', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_carnivore_head(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (0.5, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'snout_length_rad1_rad2', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Snout Y Scale', 0.62),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'eye_coord', (0.96, -0.95, 0.79)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'Nose Bridge Scale', (1.0, 0.35, 0.9)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Jaw Muscle Middle Coord', (0.24, 0.41, 1.3)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Jaw StartRad, EndRad, Fullness', (0.06, 0.11, 1.5)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Jaw ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt', (0.8, 33.1, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Lip Muscle Middle Coord', (0.95, 0.0, 1.5)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Lip StartRad, EndRad, Fullness', (0.05, 0.09, 1.48)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Lip ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt', (0.8, 0.0, -17.2)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Forehead Muscle Middle Coord', (0.7, -1.32, 1.31)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Forehead StartRad, EndRad, Fullness', (0.06, 0.05, 2.5)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Forehead ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt', (0.3, 60.6, 66.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'aspect', 1.0)])
- carnivore_face_structure = nw.new_node(nodegroup_carnivore__face_structure().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skull Length Width1 Width2': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"], 'Snout Length Width1 Width2': group_input.outputs["snout_length_rad1_rad2"], 'Snout Y Scale': group_input.outputs["Snout Y Scale"], 'Nose Bridge Scale': group_input.outputs["Nose Bridge Scale"], 'Jaw Muscle Middle Coord': group_input.outputs["Jaw Muscle Middle Coord"], 'Jaw StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input.outputs["Jaw StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"], 'Jaw ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': group_input.outputs["Jaw ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"], 'Lip Muscle Middle Coord': group_input.outputs["Lip Muscle Middle Coord"], 'Lip StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input.outputs["Lip StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"], 'Lip ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': group_input.outputs["Lip ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"], 'Forehead Muscle Middle Coord': group_input.outputs["Forehead Muscle Middle Coord"], 'Forehead StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input.outputs["Forehead StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"], 'Forehead ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': group_input.outputs["Forehead ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"], 'aspect': group_input.outputs["aspect"]})
- tigereye = nw.new_node(nodegroup_eyeball_eyelid().name,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Skin Mesh': carnivore_face_structure.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Base Mesh': carnivore_face_structure.outputs["Base Mesh"],
- 'Skeleton Curve': carnivore_face_structure.outputs["Cranium Skeleton"],
- 'Length/Yaw/Rad': group_input.outputs["eye_coord"],
- 'Target Geometry': carnivore_face_structure.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'EyelidCircleShape(W, H)': (2.0, 1.35, 0.0),
- 'CorneaScale(W, H, Thickness)': (0.8, 0.8, 0.7),
- 'DefaultAppendDistance': 0.002,
- 'EyelidScale': (1.1, 1.6, 1.6),
- 'Scale': 1.0,
- })
- difference = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshBoolean,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh 1': carnivore_face_structure.outputs["Geometry"], 'Mesh 2': tigereye.outputs["ParentCutter"], 'Self Intersection': True})
- symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': tigereye.outputs["Eyeballl"]})
- symmetric_clone_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': tigereye.outputs["BodyExtra_Lid"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': difference.outputs["Mesh"], 'Skeleton Curve': carnivore_face_structure.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Base Mesh': carnivore_face_structure.outputs["Base Mesh"], 'LeftEye': symmetric_clone.outputs["Orig"], 'RightEye': symmetric_clone.outputs["Inverted"], 'Eyelid': symmetric_clone_1.outputs["Both"]})
-def shader_eyeball_tiger(nw: NodeWrangler, **input_kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'tag_cornea'})
- attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'EyeballPosition'})
- reroute_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': attribute_1.outputs["Color"]})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': reroute_8})
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': reroute, 'Scale': 50.0})
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.02, 'Color1': reroute, 'Color2': noise_texture_2.outputs["Color"]})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix_3})
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 30.0
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_rotate2_d().name,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 2: value})
- w_offset = U(0, 0.2)
- iris_scale = U(0.4, 0.8)
- scale2 = iris_scale*1.7+N(0, 0.05)
- scale3 = iris_scale*1.75+N(0, 0.05)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group.outputs[1], 1: iris_scale},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- reroute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': multiply})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute_2, 1: reroute_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group.outputs["Value"], 1: iris_scale+w_offset},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- reroute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': multiply_2})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute_1, 1: reroute_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_3})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 0.63})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': add_1})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.64
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6591
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': reroute_8, 'Scale': (1.0, U(1, 200), 1.0)},
- attrs={'vector_type': 'NORMAL'})
- mix_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': U(0.2, 0.4), 'Color1': mapping_1, 'Color2': reroute_8})
- reroute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': mix_4})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': reroute_3, 'Scale': 10.0})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': U(0.5, 0.9), 'Color1': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 'Color2': reroute_3})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix, 'Scale': 10.0+N(0, 2)})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 1: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- bright_contrast = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBrightContrast',
- input_kwargs={'Color': multiply_4, 'Bright': 0.6, 'Contrast': U(0.8, 1.2)})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group.outputs[1], 1: scale3},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- reroute_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': multiply_5})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute_6, 1: reroute_6},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group.outputs["Value"], 1: scale3+w_offset},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- reroute_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': multiply_7})
- multiply_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute_7, 1: reroute_7},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_6, 1: multiply_8})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: 0.18})
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': add_3})
- colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.5955
- colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
- colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.7896, 0.7896, 0.7896, 1.0)
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: bright_contrast, 1: colorramp_3.outputs["Color"]})
- multiply_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group.outputs[1], 1: scale2},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- reroute_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': multiply_9})
- multiply_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute_4, 1: reroute_4},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group.outputs["Value"], 1: scale2+w_offset},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- reroute_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': multiply_11})
- multiply_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute_5, 1: reroute_5},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_10, 1: multiply_12})
- add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_5})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': add_6})
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.6159
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6591
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': add_3})
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4773
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6659
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- mix_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_2.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': (U(0.5, 0.9), U(0.3, 0.8), U(0.3, 0.7), 1.0), 'Color2': (U(0.2, 0.6), U(0.15, 0.6), U(0.1, 0.4), 1.0)})
- mix_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': mix_7, 'Color2': (U(0.1, 0.55), U(0.1, 0.55), U(0.1, 0.55), 1.0)})
- color1 = max(0, N(0.125, 0.05))
- mix_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': add_4, 'Color1': (color1, U(0, color1), U(0, color1), 1.0), 'Color2': mix_6})
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': mix_5, 'Color2': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_2, 'Specular': 0.0, 'Roughness': 0.0})
- principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Specular': 1.0, 'Roughness': 0.0, 'IOR': 1.35, 'Transmission': 1.0})
- transparent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransparentBSDF)
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.1577, 1: principled_bsdf_1, 2: transparent_bsdf})
- mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute_2.outputs["Color"], 1: principled_bsdf, 2: mix_shader})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader_1})
-def geometry_tiger_head(nw: NodeWrangler, input_kwargs={}):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- carnivorehead = nw.new_node(nodegroup_carnivore_head().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': (0.36, 0.2, 0.18), 'snout_length_rad1_rad2': (0.25, 0.15, 0.15), 'eye_coord': (0.96, -0.85, 0.79), 'Lip Muscle Middle Coord': (0.95, -0.45, 2.03)})
- nose_radius = nw.new_node(nodegroup_cat_nose().name,
- input_kwargs={'Nose Radius': 0.11, 'Nostril Size': 0.03, 'Crease': 0.237},
- label='NoseRadius ~ N(0.1, 0.02)')
- attach_nose = nw.new_node(nodegroup_attach_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': carnivorehead.outputs["Base Mesh"], 'Skeleton Curve': carnivorehead.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Geometry': nose_radius, 'Length Fac': 0.9017, 'Ray Rot': (0.0, -1.3277, 0.0), 'Rad': 0.56, 'Part Rot': (0.0, 26.86, 0.0), 'Do Normal Rot': True, 'Do Tangent Rot': True},
- label='Attach Nose')
- cat_ear = nw.new_node(nodegroup_cat_ear().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': (0.2, 0.1, 0.0), 'Depth': 0.06, 'Thickness': 0.01, 'Curl Deg': 49.0})
- deg2rad = nw.new_node(nodegroup_deg2_rad().name,
- input_kwargs={'Deg': (90.0, -44.0, 90.0)})
- attach_ear = nw.new_node(nodegroup_attach_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': carnivorehead.outputs["Base Mesh"], 'Skeleton Curve': carnivorehead.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Geometry': cat_ear, 'Length Fac': 0.3328, 'Ray Rot': deg2rad, 'Rad': 1.0, 'Part Rot': (-43.3, -9.5, -29.6), 'Do Normal Rot': True},
- label='Attach Ear')
- symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': attach_ear.outputs["Geometry"]})
- carnivore_jaw = nw.new_node(nodegroup_carnivore_jaw().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': (0.4, 0.12, 0.08), 'Width Shaping': 1.0, 'Tooth Crookedness': 1.2})
- join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [carnivore_jaw.outputs["Geometry"], carnivore_jaw.outputs["Teeth"], carnivore_jaw.outputs["Tongue"]]})
- attach_jaw = nw.new_node(nodegroup_attach_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': carnivorehead.outputs["Base Mesh"], 'Skeleton Curve': carnivorehead.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Geometry': join_geometry_3, 'Length Fac': 0.2, 'Ray Rot': (0.0, 1.5708, 0.0), 'Rad': 0.36, 'Part Rot': (0.0, 21.1, 0.0), 'Do Normal Rot': True, 'Do Tangent Rot': True},
- label='Attach Jaw')
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [carnivorehead.outputs["Geometry"], attach_nose.outputs["Geometry"], carnivorehead.outputs["LeftEye"], symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"], attach_jaw.outputs["Geometry"], carnivorehead.outputs["RightEye"], carnivorehead.outputs["Eyelid"]]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_2})
-class Eye(PartFactory):
- tags = ['head_detail', 'eye_socket']
- def sample_params(self):
- return {
- 'Skin Mesh': None,
- 'Base Mesh': None,
- 'Skeleton Curve': None,
- 'Length/Yaw/Rad': (0.5, 0.0, 1.0),
- 'Target Geometry': None,
- 'EyeRot': -U(15, 35),
- 'EyelidCircleShape(W, H)': (2.0, U(1.3, 1.5), 0.0),
- 'EyelidRadiusShape(Out, In1, In2)': (0.4, 5.3, 0.4),
- 'EyelidResolution(Circle, Radius)': (32.0, 32.0, 0.0),
- 'CorneaScale(W, H, Thickness)': (0.8, 0.8, 0.55),
- 'EyeballResolution(White, Cornea)': (32.0, 128.0, 0.0),
- 'OffsetPreAppending': (0.012, 0.0, 0.0),
- 'Scale': (0.9, 1.1),
- 'Rotation': (0.1745, 0.0, -1.3963),
- 'RayDirection': (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
- 'DefaultAppendDistance': -0.002,
- }
- def sample_params_fish(self):
- return {
- 'Skin Mesh': None,
- 'Base Mesh': None,
- 'Skeleton Curve': None,
- 'Length/Yaw/Rad': (0.8800, -0.6000, 1.0000),
- 'Target Geometry': None,
- 'EyeRot': 0.0000,
- 'EyelidCircleShape(W, H)': (2.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000),
- 'EyelidRadiusShape(Out, In1, In2)': (0.4000, 5.3000, 0.3000),
- 'CorneaScale(W, H, Thickness)': (0.8000, 0.8000, 0.8500),
- 'OffsetPreAppending': (0.0000, 0.0100, 0.0000),
- 'Scale': 1.5000,
- 'Rotation': (0.0873, 0.0000, -0.2618),
- 'RayDirection': (-0.3000, -0.8000, 0.0000),
- 'DefaultAppendDistance': 0.0050,
- 'EyeSocketRot': (0.0000, 0.0000, 80.0000)
- }
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = part_util.nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_eyeball_eyelid, params)
- return part
-def apply(obj, geo_kwargs=None, shader_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_tiger_head, apply=False, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- mat = 'tigereye'
- for i in range(1):
- bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath='test.blend')
- apply(bpy.data.objects['SolidModel'], geo_kwargs={}, shader_kwargs={})
- fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), 'tigereye_test.blend')
- bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath=fn)
- #bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join('surfaces/surface_thumbnails', '%s_%d.jpg'%(mat, i))
- #bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format='JPEG'
- #bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/fin_old.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/fin_old.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 510e5bf77..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/fin_old.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint, IKParams
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.curve import nodegroup_simple_tube_v2
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.attach import nodegroup_attach_part
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.part_util import nodegroup_to_part
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_fish_fin', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_fish_fin(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (0.34, 0.07, 0.04)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'angles_deg', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'proportions', (0.3333, 0.3333, 0.3333)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'aspect', 2.65),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'fullness', 4.0)])
- simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"], 'angles_deg': group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], 'proportions': group_input.outputs["proportions"], 'aspect': group_input.outputs["aspect"], 'fullness': group_input.outputs["fullness"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Endpoint': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"]})
-class FishFin(PartFactory):
- tags = ['limb', 'fin']
- def sample_params(self):
- return {
- 'length_rad1_rad2': (0.34, 0.07, 0.04),
- 'angles_deg': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
- 'proportions': (0.3333, 0.3333, 0.3333),
- 'aspect': 2.65,
- 'fullness': 4.
- }
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_fish_fin, params)
- part.joints = {
- 0: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])), # shoulder
- 0.6: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])) # elbow
- }
- tag_object(part.obj, 'fish_fin')
- return part
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_fish_tail', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_fish_tail(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (0.5, 0.18, 0.04)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'angles_deg', (0.0, -4.6, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'aspect', 0.46),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'fullness', 4.0)])
- simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"], 'angles_deg': group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], 'aspect': group_input.outputs["aspect"], 'fullness': group_input.outputs["fullness"], 'Origin': (-0.07, 0.0, 0.0)})
- fishfin = nw.new_node(nodegroup_fish_fin().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': (0.34, 0.07, 0.11), 'aspect': 4.7})
- attach_part = nw.new_node(nodegroup_attach_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Geometry': fishfin.outputs["Geometry"], 'Length Fac': 0.775, 'Part Rot': (90.0, -20.7, 0.0)})
- fishfin_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_fish_fin().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': (0.34, 0.07, 0.11), 'aspect': 4.7})
- attach_part_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_attach_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Geometry': fishfin_1.outputs["Geometry"], 'Length Fac': 0.775, 'Part Rot': (90.0, 18.64, 0.0)})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [attach_part.outputs["Geometry"], simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], attach_part_1.outputs["Geometry"]]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Endpoint': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"]})
-class FishTail(PartFactory):
- tags = ['tail']
- def sample_params(self):
- return {
- 'length_rad1_rad2': (0.5, 0.18, 0.04),
- 'angles_deg': (0.0, -4.6, 0.0),
- 'aspect': 0.46,
- 'fullness': 4.
- }
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_fish_tail, params)
- part.joints = {
- t: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]]))
- for t in np.linspace(0, 0.7, 4)
- }
- part.iks = {1.0: IKParams('tail', rotation_weight=0, chain_parts=1)}
- tag_object(part.obj, 'fish_tail')
- return part
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/foot.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/foot.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 724f6159b..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/foot.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal as N
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint, IKParams
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.curve import nodegroup_simple_tube, nodegroup_simple_tube_v2
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.attach import nodegroup_surface_muscle, nodegroup_attach_part
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.math import nodegroup_deg2_rad
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import Part, PartFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.part_util import nodegroup_to_part
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_tiger_toe', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_tiger_toe(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (0.18, 0.045, 0.024)),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Toebean Radius', 0.03),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Claw Curl Deg', 30.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Claw Pct Length Rad1 Rad2', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Toe Curl Scalar', 1.0)])
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (-50.0, 25.0, 35.0), 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Toe Curl Scalar"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"]})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Scale': 0.18},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- toe = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Origin': (-0.05, 0.0, 0.0), 'Angles Deg': scale.outputs["Vector"], 'Seg Lengths': scale_1.outputs["Vector"], 'Start Radius': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'End Radius': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]},
- label='Toe')
- uv_sphere = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
- input_kwargs={'Segments': 16, 'Rings': 8, 'Radius': group_input.outputs["Toebean Radius"]})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': uv_sphere, 'Scale': (1.5, 1.0, 0.6)})
- attach_part = nw.new_node(nodegroup_attach_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': toe.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': toe.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Geometry': transform_1, 'Length Fac': 0.5037, 'Ray Rot': (0.0, 1.5708, 0.0), 'Rad': 0.9})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': uv_sphere, 'Scale': (1.0, 0.7, 0.6)})
- attach_part_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_attach_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': toe.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': toe.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Geometry': transform, 'Length Fac': 0.8, 'Ray Rot': (0.0, 1.5708, 0.0), 'Rad': 0.7})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 'Z': 3.0})
- toe_top = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': toe.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': toe.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Coord 0': (0.56, -1.5708, 0.3), 'Coord 1': (0.7, -1.5708, 1.0), 'Coord 2': (0.95, -1.5708, 0.0), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': combine_xyz, 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': (0.9, 0.0, 0.0)},
- label='Toe Top')
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [toe.outputs["Geometry"], attach_part.outputs["Geometry"], attach_part_1.outputs["Geometry"], toe_top]})
- scale_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (1.0, -2.0, -1.0), 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Claw Curl Deg"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"], 1: group_input.outputs["Claw Pct Length Rad1 Rad2"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply.outputs["Vector"]})
- scale_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (0.33, 0.33, 0.33), 'Scale': separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- claw = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Origin': (-0.007, 0.0, 0.0), 'Angles Deg': scale_2.outputs["Vector"], 'Seg Lengths': scale_3.outputs["Vector"], 'Start Radius': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 'End Radius': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]},
- label='Claw')
- attach_part_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_attach_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': toe.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': toe.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Geometry': claw.outputs["Geometry"], 'Length Fac': 0.85})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Skeleton Curve': toe.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Claw': attach_part_2.outputs["Geometry"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_foot', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_foot(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.5.1 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'Num Toes', 3),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (0.2700, 0.0400, 0.0900)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Toe Rotate', (0.0000, -1.57, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Toe Length Rad1 Rad2', (0.3000, 0.0450, 0.0250)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Toe Splay', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Toebean Radius', 0.0300),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Claw Curl Deg', 30.0000),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Claw Pct Length Rad1 Rad2', (0.3000, 0.5000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Thumb Pct', (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Toe Curl Scalar', 1.0000)])
- simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
- 'angles_deg': (10.0000, 8.0000, -25.0000)})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"]})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: (0.0000, -0.4500, 0.1000),
- 2: (-0.0700, 0.0000, 0.0000)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"], 1: multiply_add.outputs["Vector"]})
- multiply_add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: (0.0000, 0.4500, 0.1000),
- 2: (-0.0700, 0.0000, 0.0000)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"], 1: multiply_add_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- mesh_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshLine,
- input_kwargs={'Count': group_input.outputs["Num Toes"],
- 'Start Location': add.outputs["Vector"], 'Offset': add_1.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'mode': 'END_POINTS'})
- tigertoe = nw.new_node(nodegroup_tiger_toe().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': group_input.outputs["Toe Length Rad1 Rad2"],
- 'Toebean Radius': group_input.outputs["Toebean Radius"],
- 'Claw Curl Deg': group_input.outputs["Claw Curl Deg"],
- 'Claw Pct Length Rad1 Rad2': group_input.outputs["Claw Pct Length Rad1 Rad2"],
- 'Toe Curl Scalar': group_input.outputs["Toe Curl Scalar"]})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': mesh_line, 'Instance': tigertoe.outputs["Geometry"]})
- rotate_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points,
- 'Rotation': group_input.outputs["Toe Rotate"]})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Num Toes"], 1: -1.0000})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index, 1: add_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.0000), 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Toe Splay"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000), 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Toe Splay"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': divide, 9: scale.outputs["Vector"], 10: scale_1.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- deg2rad = nw.new_node(nodegroup_deg2_rad().name,
- input_kwargs={'Deg': map_range.outputs["Vector"]})
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': rotate_instances_1, 'Rotation': deg2rad})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': rotate_instances})
- uv_sphere = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
- input_kwargs={'Segments': 16, 'Rings': 8, 'Radius': 0.01500})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"], 1: (-0.0200, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': uv_sphere, 'Translation': add_3.outputs["Vector"],
- 'Scale': (0.7000, 1.0000, 1.0000)})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"]})
- reroute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Toe Length Rad1 Rad2"],
- 1: group_input.outputs["Thumb Pct"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- tigertoe_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_tiger_toe().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': multiply.outputs["Vector"],
- 'Toebean Radius': group_input.outputs["Toebean Radius"],
- 'Claw Curl Deg': group_input.outputs["Claw Curl Deg"],
- 'Claw Pct Length Rad1 Rad2': group_input.outputs[
- "Claw Pct Length Rad1 Rad2"],
- 'Toe Curl Scalar': group_input.outputs["Toe Curl Scalar"]})
- value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_2.outputs[0].default_value = 0.3000
- vector_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector)
- vector_1.vector = (90.0000, 90.0000, 90.0000)
- value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.8000
- vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector)
- vector.vector = (90.0000, 1.4300, -55.6800)
- attach_part = nw.new_node(nodegroup_attach_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': reroute, 'Skeleton Curve': reroute_1,
- 'Geometry': tigertoe_1.outputs["Geometry"], 'Length Fac': value_2,
- 'Ray Rot': vector_1, 'Rad': value_1, 'Part Rot': vector,
- 'Do Tangent Rot': True})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': [realize_instances, transform, attach_part.outputs["Geometry"],
- simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"]]})
- instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': mesh_line, 'Instance': tigertoe.outputs["Claw"]})
- rotate_instances_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points_1,
- 'Rotation': group_input.outputs["Toe Rotate"]})
- rotate_instances_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': rotate_instances_2, 'Rotation': deg2rad})
- realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': rotate_instances_3})
- attach_part_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_attach_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': reroute, 'Skeleton Curve': reroute_1,
- 'Geometry': tigertoe_1.outputs["Claw"], 'Length Fac': value_2,
- 'Ray Rot': vector_1, 'Rad': value_1, 'Part Rot': vector,
- 'Do Tangent Rot': True})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [realize_instances_1, attach_part_1.outputs["Geometry"]]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry,
- 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
- 'Base Mesh': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Claws': join_geometry_1})
-class Foot(PartFactory):
- def __init__(self, params=None, bald=False):
- super().__init__(params)
- self.tags = ['foot']
- if bald:
- self.tags.append('bald')
- def sample_params(self):
- return {
- 'length_rad1_rad2': np.array((0.27, 0.04, 0.09)) * N(1, (0.2, 0.05, 0.05), 3),
- 'Num Toes': max(int(N(4, 1)), 2),
- 'Toe Length Rad1 Rad2': np.array((0.3, 0.045, 0.025)) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
- 'Toe Rotate': (0., -N(0.7, 0.15), 0.),
- 'Toe Splay': 20.0 * N(1, 0.2),
- 'Toebean Radius': 0.03 * N(1, 0.2),
- 'Claw Curl Deg': 30 * N(1, 0.4),
- 'Claw Pct Length Rad1 Rad2': np.array((0.3, 0.5, 0.0)) * N(1, 0.1, 3)
- }
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_foot, params, split_extras=True)
- part.iks = {1.0: IKParams('foot', rotation_weight=0.1, chain_parts=2, chain_length=-1)}
- part.settings['rig_extras'] = True
- tag_object(part.obj, 'foot')
- return part
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/generic_nurbs.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/generic_nurbs.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e92d917d..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/generic_nurbs.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import pdb
-import bpy
-from pathlib import Path
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import Part, PartFactory
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint, IKParams
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import part_util
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.geometry import lofting
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.logging import Suppress
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-NURBS_BASE_PATH = Path(__file__).parent/'nurbs_data'
-NURBS_KEYS = [p.stem for p in NURBS_BASE_PATH.iterdir()]
-def load_nurbs(name:str):
- return np.load(NURBS_BASE_PATH/(name + '.npy'))[..., :3]
-def decompose_nurbs_handles(handles):
- skeleton, ts, profiles = lofting.factorize_nurbs_handles(handles)
- rads = np.linalg.norm(profiles, axis=2, keepdims=True).mean(axis=1, keepdims=True)
- rads = np.clip(rads, 1e-3, 1e5)
- profiles_norm = profiles / rads
- skeleton_root = skeleton[[0]]
- dirs = np.diff(skeleton, axis=0)
- lens = np.linalg.norm(dirs, axis=-1)
- length = lens.sum()
- proportions = lens / length
- thetas = np.arctan2(dirs[:, 2], dirs[:, 0])
- thetas = np.rad2deg(thetas)
- skeleton_yoffs = dirs[:, 1] / lens
- return {
- 'ts': ts,
- 'rads': rads,
- 'skeleton_root': skeleton_root,
- 'skeleton_yoffs': skeleton_yoffs,
- 'length': length,
- 'proportions': proportions,
- 'thetas': thetas,
- 'profiles_norm': profiles_norm
- }
-def recompose_nurbs_handles(params):
- lens = params['length'] * params['proportions']
- thetas = np.deg2rad(params['thetas'])
- skeleton_offs = np.stack([
- lens * np.cos(thetas),
- lens * params['skeleton_yoffs'],
- lens * np.sin(thetas)
- ], axis=-1)
- skeleton = np.concatenate([params['skeleton_root'], skeleton_offs], axis=0)
- skeleton = np.cumsum(skeleton, axis=0)
- handles = lofting.compute_profile_verts(
- skeleton, params['ts'],
- params['profiles_norm'] * params['rads'], profile_as_points=True)
- return handles
-class NurbsPart(PartFactory):
- def __init__(self, params=None, prefix=None, tags=None, temperature=0.3, var=1, exps=None):
- self.prefix = prefix
- self.tags = tags or []
- self.temperature = temperature
- self.var = var
- self.exps = exps
- super(NurbsPart, self).__init__(params)
- def sample_params(self, select=None):
- if self.prefix is None:
- # for compatibility with interp which will not init prefix but does not need sample_params
- return {} # TODO hacky, replace
- N = lambda u, v, d=1: np.random.normal(u, np.array(v) * self.var, d)
- target_keys = [k for k in NURBS_KEYS if self.prefix is None or k.startswith(self.prefix)]
- weights = part_util.random_convex_coord(target_keys, select=select, temp=self.temperature)
- if self.exps is not None:
- for k, exp in self.exps.items():
- weights[k] = weights[k] ** exp
- handles = sum(w * load_nurbs(k) for k, w in weights.items())
- decomp = decompose_nurbs_handles(handles)
- sz = N(1, 0.1)
- decomp['length'] *= sz * N(1, 0.1)
- decomp['rads'] *= sz * N(1, 0.1) * N(1, 0.15, decomp['rads'].shape)
- decomp['proportions'] *= N(1, 0.15)
- ang_noise = N(0, 7, decomp['thetas'].shape)
- ang_noise -= ang_noise.mean()
- decomp['thetas'] += ang_noise
- n, m, d = decomp['profiles_norm'].shape
- profile_noise = N(1, 0.07, (1, m, 1)) * N(1, 0.15, (n, m, 1))
- profile_noise[:, :m//2-1] = profile_noise[:, m//2:-1][:, ::-1] # symmetrize noise
- decomp['profiles_norm'] *= profile_noise # profiles are 0-centered so multiplication is sensible
- return decomp
- def make_part(self, params):
- handles = recompose_nurbs_handles(params)
- part = part_util.nurbs_to_part(handles)
- with butil.ViewportMode(part.obj, mode='EDIT'), Suppress():
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all()
- bpy.ops.mesh.remove_doubles()
- bpy.ops.mesh.normals_make_consistent(inside=False)
- return part
-class NurbsBody(NurbsPart):
- def __init__(self, *args, shoulder_ik_ts=[0.0, 0.6], n_bones=8, rig_reverse_skeleton=False, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.shoulder_ik_ts = shoulder_ik_ts
- self.n_bones = n_bones
- self.rig_reverse_skeleton = rig_reverse_skeleton
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = super().make_part(params)
- part.joints = {
- i: Joint((0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-30, -30, -30], [30, 30, 30]]))
- for i in np.linspace(0, 1, self.n_bones, endpoint=True)
- }
- part.iks = {
- t: IKParams(name=f'body_{i}', mode='pin' if i == 0 else 'iksolve',
- rotation_weight=0, target_size=0.3)
- for i, t in enumerate(self.shoulder_ik_ts)
- }
- part.settings['rig_reverse_skeleton'] = self.rig_reverse_skeleton
- tag_object(part.obj, 'body')
- return part
-class NurbsHead(NurbsPart):
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = super().make_part(params)
- part.iks = {
- 1.0: IKParams(name='head', rotation_weight=0.1, target_size=0.4, chain_length=1)
- }
- part.settings['rig_extras'] = True
- tag_object(part.obj, 'head')
- return part
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/head.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/head.py
deleted file mode 100644
index caf2b7af6..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/head.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,576 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal as N, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint, IKParams
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.curve import nodegroup_simple_tube, nodegroup_polar_bezier, nodegroup_simple_tube_v2, nodegroup_warped_circle_curve
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.attach import nodegroup_surface_muscle, nodegroup_part_surface_simple, nodegroup_attach_part, nodegroup_smooth_taper, nodegroup_profile_part
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.geometry import nodegroup_solidify, nodegroup_symmetric_clone
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.math import nodegroup_deg2_rad
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import part_util
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.parts.eye import nodegroup_mammal_eye
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_carnivore_jaw', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_carnivore_jaw(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'Width Shaping', 0.6764),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Canine Length', 0.050000000000000003),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Incisor Size', 0.01),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Tooth Crookedness', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'Tongue Shaping', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Tongue X Scale', 0.90000000000000002)])
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"]})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (0.33000000000000002, 0.33000000000000002, 0.33000000000000002), 'Scale': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- polarbezier = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_bezier().name,
- input_kwargs={'angles_deg': (0.0, 0.0, 13.0), 'Seg Lengths': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- vector_curves = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- node_utils.assign_curve(vector_curves.mapping.curves[0], [(-1.0, -1.0), (0.0035999999999999999, 0.0), (0.24360000000000001, 0.20999999999999999), (1.0, 1.0)])
- node_utils.assign_curve(vector_curves.mapping.curves[1], [(-1.0, 0.12), (-0.77449999999999997, 0.059999999999999998), (-0.65090000000000003, -0.44), (-0.36730000000000002, -0.40000000000000002), (-0.0545, -0.01), (0.1055, 0.02), (0.52729999999999999, 0.5), (0.7964, 0.64000000000000001), (1.0, 1.0)], handles=['AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO_CLAMPED', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'AUTO'])
- node_utils.assign_curve(vector_curves.mapping.curves[2], [(-1.0, -1.0), (1.0, 1.0)])
- warped_circle_curve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_warped_circle_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Position': vector_curves})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Factor': group_input.outputs["Width Shaping"], 'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.95499999999999996), (0.42549999999999999, 0.78500000000000003), (0.65449999999999997, 0.53500000000000003), (0.94910000000000005, 0.75), (1.0, 0.59499999999999997)], handles=['AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO_CLAMPED', 'AUTO'])
- smoothtaper = nw.new_node(nodegroup_smooth_taper().name,
- input_kwargs={'start_rad': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'end_rad': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 'fullness': 2.6000000000000001})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: smoothtaper},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- profilepart = nw.new_node(nodegroup_profile_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skeleton Curve': polarbezier.outputs["Curve"], 'Profile Curve': warped_circle_curve, 'Radius Func': multiply})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': profilepart, 'Scale': (1.0, 1.7, 1.0)})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Canine Length"]})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (0.33000000000000002, 0.33000000000000002, 0.33000000000000002), 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Canine Length"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- canine_tooth = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Seg Lengths': scale_1.outputs["Vector"], 'Start Radius': 0.014999999999999999, 'End Radius': 0.0030000000000000001},
- label='Canine Tooth')
- attach_part = nw.new_node(nodegroup_attach_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': transform, 'Skeleton Curve': polarbezier.outputs["Curve"], 'Geometry': canine_tooth.outputs["Geometry"], 'Length Fac': 0.90000000000000002, 'Ray Rot': (1.5708, 0.12039999999999999, 1.5708), 'Rad': 1.0, 'Part Rot': (-17.600000000000001, -53.490000000000002, 0.0)})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': attach_part.outputs["Geometry"]})
- symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry})
- switch_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: greater_than, 15: symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"]})
- greater_than_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Incisor Size"]})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: attach_part.outputs["Position"], 1: (0.014999999999999999, -0.050000000000000003, 0.0)})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: add.outputs["Vector"], 1: (1.0, -1.0, 1.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: add.outputs["Vector"], 1: multiply_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: add_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), 2: (-0.02, 0.0, 0.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 6, 'Start': add.outputs["Vector"], 'Middle': multiply_add.outputs["Vector"], 'End': multiply_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadratic_bezier})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh})
- scale_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (3.0, 1.0, 0.59999999999999998), 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Incisor Size"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': scale_2.outputs["Vector"]})
- subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': cube, 'Level': 3})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivision_surface})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': transform_1, 'Instance': transform_2, 'Rotation': (0.0, -1.5708, 0.0)})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (2.0, 2.0, 2.0), 1: group_input.outputs["Tooth Crookedness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"], 1: group_input.outputs["Tooth Crookedness"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- scale_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points, 'Scale': random_value.outputs["Value"]})
- scale_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (-3.0, -3.0, -3.0), 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Tooth Crookedness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- scale_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (3.0, 3.0, 3.0), 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Tooth Crookedness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={0: scale_3.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale_4.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- deg2rad = nw.new_node(nodegroup_deg2_rad().name,
- input_kwargs={'Deg': random_value_1.outputs["Value"]})
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': scale_instances, 'Rotation': deg2rad})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': rotate_instances})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: greater_than_1, 15: realize_instances})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [switch_1.outputs[6], switch.outputs[6]]})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': polarbezier.outputs["Curve"]})
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Factor': group_input.outputs["Tongue Shaping"], 'Value': spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 1.0), (0.69820000000000004, 0.55000000000000004), (0.97450000000000003, 0.34999999999999998), (1.0, 0.17499999999999999)])
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={3: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 4: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]},
- attrs={'clamp': False})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve_1, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: 1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': resample_curve, 'Radius': multiply_3})
- quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 3, 'Middle': (0.0, 0.69999999999999996, 0.0)})
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': quadratic_bezier_1, 'Fill Caps': True})
- solidify = nw.new_node(nodegroup_solidify().name,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh_1, 'Distance': 0.02})
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': solidify, 'Shade Smooth': False})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Tongue X Scale"], 'Y': 1.0, 'Z': 1.0})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_shade_smooth, 'Rotation': (0.0, -0.015900000000000001, 0.0), 'Scale': combine_xyz})
- subdivision_surface_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': transform_3, 'Level': 2})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Skeleton Curve': polarbezier.outputs["Curve"], 'Teeth': join_geometry_1, 'Tongue': subdivision_surface_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_carnivore_head', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_carnivore_head(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'snout_length_rad1_rad2', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'snout_y_scale', 0.62),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'Nose Bridge Scale', (1.0, 0.35, 0.9)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Jaw Muscle Middle Coord', (0.24, 0.41, 1.3)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Jaw StartRad, EndRad, Fullness', (0.06, 0.11, 1.5)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Jaw ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt', (0.8, 33.1, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Lip Muscle Middle Coord', (0.95, 0.0, 1.5)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Lip StartRad, EndRad, Fullness', (0.05, 0.09, 1.48)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Lip ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt', (0.8, 0.0, -17.2)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Forehead Muscle Middle Coord', (0.7, -1.32, 1.31)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Forehead StartRad, EndRad, Fullness', (0.06, 0.05, 2.5)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Forehead ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt', (0.3, 60.6, 66.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'aspect', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'EyeRad', 0.03),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'EyeOffset', (-0.2, 0.5, 0.2))])
- vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector)
- vector.vector = (-0.07, 0.0, 0.05)
- simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"], 'angles_deg': (-5.67, 0.0, 0.0), 'aspect': group_input.outputs["aspect"], 'fullness': 3.63, 'Origin': vector})
- snout_origin = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"], 1: (-0.1, 0.0, 0.0)},
- label='Snout Origin')
- split_length_width1_width2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["snout_length_rad1_rad2"]},
- label='Split Length / Width1 / Width2')
- snout_seg_lengths = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (0.33, 0.33, 0.33), 'Scale': split_length_width1_width2.outputs["X"]},
- label='Snout Seg Lengths',
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- bridge = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Origin': snout_origin.outputs["Vector"], 'Angles Deg': (-4.0, -4.5, -5.61), 'Seg Lengths': snout_seg_lengths.outputs["Vector"], 'Start Radius': 0.17, 'End Radius': 0.1, 'Fullness': 5.44},
- label='Bridge')
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': bridge.outputs["Geometry"], 'Translation': (0.0, 0.0, 0.03), 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Nose Bridge Scale"]})
- snout = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Origin': snout_origin.outputs["Vector"], 'Angles Deg': (-3.0, -4.5, -5.61), 'Seg Lengths': snout_seg_lengths.outputs["Vector"], 'Start Radius': split_length_width1_width2.outputs["Y"], 'End Radius': split_length_width1_width2.outputs["Z"], 'Fullness': 2.0},
- label='Snout')
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': snout.outputs["Geometry"], 'Translation': (0.0, 0.0, 0.03), 'Scale': (1.0, 0.7, 0.7)})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': 1.0, 'Y': group_input.outputs["snout_y_scale"], 'Z': 1.0})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1, 'Scale': combine_xyz})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform, transform_2]})
- union = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshBoolean,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh 2': [join_geometry, simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"]], 'Self Intersection': True},
- attrs={'operation': 'UNION'})
- curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine,
- input_kwargs={'Start': vector, 'End': snout.outputs["Endpoint"]})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (0.33, 0.33, 0.33)},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- jaw_cutter = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Origin': (0.0, 0.0, 0.09), 'Angles Deg': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'Seg Lengths': scale.outputs["Vector"], 'Start Radius': 0.13},
- label='Jaw Cutter')
- attach_part = nw.new_node(nodegroup_attach_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': union.outputs["Mesh"], 'Skeleton Curve': curve_line_1, 'Geometry': jaw_cutter.outputs["Geometry"], 'Length Fac': 0.2, 'Ray Rot': (0.0, 1.5708, 0.0), 'Rad': 1.25, 'Part Rot': (0.0, -8.5, 0.0), 'Do Tangent Rot': True})
- mammaleye = nw.new_node(nodegroup_mammal_eye().name,
- input_kwargs={'Radius': group_input.outputs["EyeRad"]})
- reroute_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"]})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': reroute_4})
- reroute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"]})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["EyeOffset"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 2: reroute_3},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': mammaleye.outputs["ParentCutter"], 'Translation': multiply_add.outputs["Vector"]})
- symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_4})
- difference = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshBoolean,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh 1': union.outputs["Mesh"], 'Mesh 2': [attach_part.outputs["Geometry"], symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"]], 'Self Intersection': True})
- jaw_muscle = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': union.outputs["Mesh"], 'Skeleton Curve': curve_line_1, 'Coord 0': (0.19, -0.41, 0.78), 'Coord 1': group_input.outputs["Jaw Muscle Middle Coord"], 'Coord 2': (0.67, 1.26, 0.52), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input.outputs["Jaw StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"], 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': group_input.outputs["Jaw ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"]},
- label='Jaw Muscle')
- lip = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': union.outputs["Mesh"], 'Skeleton Curve': curve_line_1, 'Coord 0': (0.51, -0.13, 0.02), 'Coord 1': group_input.outputs["Lip Muscle Middle Coord"], 'Coord 2': (0.99, 10.57, 0.1), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input.outputs["Lip StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"], 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': group_input.outputs["Lip ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"]},
- label='Lip')
- forehead = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Coord 0': (0.31, -1.06, 0.97), 'Coord 1': group_input.outputs["Forehead Muscle Middle Coord"], 'Coord 2': (0.95, -1.52, 0.9), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input.outputs["Forehead StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"], 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': group_input.outputs["Forehead ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"]},
- label='Forehead')
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [jaw_muscle, lip, forehead]})
- symmetric_clone_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [difference.outputs["Mesh"], symmetric_clone_1.outputs["Both"]]})
- subdivide_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line_1, 'Cuts': 10})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': mammaleye.outputs["Eyeballl"], 'Translation': multiply_add.outputs["Vector"]})
- symmetric_clone_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_3})
- transform_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': mammaleye.outputs["BodyExtra_Lid"], 'Translation': multiply_add.outputs["Vector"]})
- symmetric_clone_3 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_5})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_2, 'Skeleton Curve': subdivide_curve, 'Base Mesh': union.outputs["Mesh"], 'Eyeball_Left': symmetric_clone_2.outputs["Orig"], 'Eyeball_Right': symmetric_clone_2.outputs["Inverted"], 'BodyExtra_Lid': symmetric_clone_3.outputs["Both"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_neck', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_neck(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (1.0, 0.5, 0.3)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'angles_deg', (0.0, 3.2, -18.11)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Muscle StartRad, EndRad, Fullness', (0.17, 0.17, 2.5)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt', (0.5, 0.0, 66.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'fullness', 5.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'aspect', 1.0)])
- simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"], 'angles_deg': group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], 'aspect': group_input.outputs["aspect"], 'fullness': group_input.outputs["fullness"]})
- rear_top = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Coord 0': (0.1, 0.0, 0.9), 'Coord 1': (0.48, -0.77, 1.0), 'Coord 2': (0.87, -1.5708, 0.8), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input.outputs["Muscle StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"], 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': group_input.outputs["ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"]},
- label='Rear Top')
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': rear_top})
- symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"], simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"]]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Base Mesh': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"]})
-class Neck(PartFactory):
- tags = ['neck']
- def sample_params(self):
- return {
- 'length_rad1_rad2': np.array((0.65, 0.35, 0.16)) * N(1, (0.2, 0, 0), 3),
- 'angles_deg': np.array((0.0, 3.2, -18.11)) * N(1, 0.2, 3),
- 'Muscle StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': (0.17, 0.17, 2.5),
- 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': (0.5, 0.0, 66.0),
- 'fullness': 5.0,
- 'aspect': 1.0 * N(1, 0.05)
- }
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = part_util.nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_neck, params)
- part.joints = {
- i: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [30, 0, 30]]))
- for i in np.linspace(0, 1, 4, endpoint=True)
- }
- tag_object(part.obj, 'neck')
- return part
-class CarnivoreHead(PartFactory):
- tags = ['head']
- def sample_params(self):
- params = {
- 'length_rad1_rad2': np.array((0.36, 0.20, 0.18)) * N(1, 0.2, 3),
- 'snout_length_rad1_rad2': np.array((0.22, 0.15, 0.15)) * N(1, 0.2, 3),
- 'aspect': N(1, 0.2),
- }
- muscle_params = {
- 'Nose Bridge Scale': (1.0, 0.35, 0.9),
- 'Jaw Muscle Middle Coord': (0.24, 0.41, 1.3),
- 'Jaw StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': (0.06, 0.11, 1.5),
- 'Jaw ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': (0.8, 33.1, 0.0),
- 'Lip Muscle Middle Coord': (0.95, 0.0, 1.5),
- 'Lip StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': (0.05, 0.09, 1.48),
- 'Lip ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': (0.8, 0.0, -17.2),
- 'Forehead Muscle Middle Coord': (0.7, -1.32, 1.31),
- 'Forehead StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': (0.06, 0.05, 2.5),
- 'Forehead ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': (0.3, 60.6, 66.0)
- }
- for k, v in muscle_params.items():
- v = np.array(v)
- v *= N(1, 0.05, len(v))
- params[k] = v
- params.update(muscle_params)
- params['EyeRad'] = 0.023 * N(1, 0.3)
- params['EyeOffset'] = np.array((-0.25, 0.45, 0.3)) + N(0, (0, 0.02, 0.03))
- return params
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = part_util.nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_carnivore_head, params)
- part.iks = {1.0: IKParams('head', rotation_weight=0.1, chain_length=1)}
- part.settings['rig_extras'] = True
- tag_object(part.obj, 'carnivore_head')
- return part
-class CarnivoreJaw(PartFactory):
- tags = ['head', 'jaw']
- def sample_params(self):
- return {
- 'length_rad1_rad2': np.array((0.4, 0.12, 0.08)) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
- 'Width Shaping': 1.0 * clip_gaussian(1, 0.1, 0.5, 1),
- 'Canine Length': 0.05 * N(1, 0.2),
- 'Incisor Size': 0.01 * N(1, 0.2),
- 'Tooth Crookedness': 1.2 * N(1, 0.3),
- 'Tongue Shaping': 1 * clip_gaussian(1, 0.1, 0.5, 1),
- 'Tongue X Scale': 0.9 * clip_gaussian(1, 0.1, 0.5, 1)
- }
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = part_util.nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_carnivore_jaw, params)
- tag_object(part.obj, 'carnivore_jaw')
- return part
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_flying_bird_head', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_flying_bird_head(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (0.34999999999999998, 0.11, 0.17000000000000001)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'angles_deg', (0.0, -24.0, -20.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'eye_coord', (0.5, 0.0, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius', 0.040000000000000001)])
- simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"], 'angles_deg': group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], 'aspect': N(0.9, 0.05), 'fullness': 0.9, 'Origin': (-0.13, 0.0, 0.1)})
- simple_tube_v2_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"], 'angles_deg': group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], 'aspect': 1.1899999999999999, 'fullness': 2.25, 'Origin': (-0.13, 0.0, 0.1-0.040000000000000001)})
- union = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshBoolean,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh 2': [simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], simple_tube_v2_1.outputs["Geometry"]]},
- attrs={'operation': 'UNION'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_bird_head', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_bird_head(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (0.34999999999999998, 0.11, 0.17000000000000001)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'angles_deg', (0.0, -24.0, -20.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'eye_coord', (0.5, 0.0, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius', 0.040000000000000001)])
- simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"], 'angles_deg': group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], 'aspect': 0.85999999999999999, 'fullness': 1.7, 'Origin': (-0.13, 0.0, 0.1)})
- simple_tube_v2_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"], 'angles_deg': group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], 'aspect': 1.1899999999999999, 'fullness': 2.25, 'Origin': (-0.13, 0.0, 0.1-0.040000000000000001)})
- union = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshBoolean,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh 2': [simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], simple_tube_v2_1.outputs["Geometry"]]},
- attrs={'operation': 'UNION'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': union.outputs["Mesh"], 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"]})
-class BirdHead(PartFactory):
- tags = ['head']
- def sample_params(self):
- return {
- 'length_rad1_rad2': np.array((0.35, 0.11, 0.13)) * N(1, 0.05) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
- 'angles_deg': N(0, 5, 3),
- 'eye_coord': np.array((0.65, -0.32, 0.95)) * N(1, (0.1, 0.2, 0), 3),
- 'Radius': 0.025 * N(1, 0.05)
- }
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = part_util.nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_bird_head, params)
- part.iks = {1.0: IKParams('head', rotation_weight=0.1, chain_parts=2)}
- part.settings['rig_extras'] = True
- tag_object(part.obj, 'bird_head')
- return part
-class FlyingBirdHead(PartFactory):
- tags = ['head']
- def sample_params(self):
- return {
- 'length_rad1_rad2': np.array((0.3, 0.04, 0.12)) * N(1, 0.05, size=(3,)),
- 'angles_deg': N(0, 0.1, 3),
- 'eye_coord': np.array((0.65, -0.32, 0.95)) * N(1, (0.1, 0.2, 0), 3),
- 'Radius': 0.03 * N(1, 0.05)
- }
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = part_util.nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_flying_bird_head, params)
- part.iks = {1.0: IKParams('head', rotation_weight=0.1, chain_parts=2)}
- part.settings['rig_extras'] = True
- tag_object(part.obj, 'bird_head')
- return part
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/head_detail.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/head_detail.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f1fb163fe..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/head_detail.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import bpy
-from platform import node
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import normal as N, uniform as U
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint, IKParams
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.part_util import nodegroup_to_part
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.curve import nodegroup_polar_bezier, nodegroup_simple_tube_v2
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.attach import nodegroup_surface_muscle
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.geometry import nodegroup_solidify, nodegroup_symmetric_clone, nodegroup_taper
-from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_cat_ear', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_cat_ear(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Depth', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Thickness', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Curl Deg', 0.0)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Curl Deg"], 1: (-1.0, 1.0, 1.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"]})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: 3.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- polarbezier = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_bezier().name,
- input_kwargs={'Origin': (-0.07, 0.0, 0.0), 'angles_deg': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Seg Lengths': divide})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0), (0.3236, 0.98), (0.7462, 0.63), (1.0, 0.0)])
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': polarbezier.outputs["Curve"], 'Radius': float_curve})
- set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveTilt,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: (-0.5, 0.0, 0.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"], 1: (0.0, -1.0, 0.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: (0.5, 0.0, 0.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Start': multiply_1.outputs["Vector"], 'Middle': multiply_2.outputs["Vector"], 'End': multiply_3.outputs["Vector"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_tilt, 'Profile Curve': quadratic_bezier})
- solidify = nw.new_node(nodegroup_solidify().name,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh, 'Distance': group_input.outputs["Thickness"]})
- merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': solidify, 'Distance': 0.005})
- subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': merge_by_distance})
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivision_surface, 'Shade Smooth': False})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_shade_smooth})
-class CatEar(PartFactory):
- tags = ['head_detail']
- def sample_params(self):
- size = clip_gaussian(1, 0.1, 0.2, 5)
- return {
- 'length_rad1_rad2': np.array((0.25, 0.1, 0.0)) * N(1, (0.1, 0.05, 0.05)),
- 'Depth': 0.06 * N(1, 0.1),
- 'Thickness': 0.01,
- 'Curl Deg': 49.0 * N(1, 0.2)
- }
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_cat_ear, params)
- tag_object(part.obj, 'cat_ear')
- return part
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_cat_nose', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_cat_nose(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Nose Radius', 0.06),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Nostril Size', 0.025),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'Crease', 0.008),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'Scale', (1.2, 1.0, 1.0))])
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': group_input.outputs["Nose Radius"]})
- subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': cube, 'Level': 4, 'Edge Crease': group_input.outputs["Crease"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivision_surface, 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]})
- uv_sphere = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
- input_kwargs={'Radius': group_input.outputs["Nostril Size"]})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': uv_sphere, 'Translation': (0.04, 0.025, 0.015), 'Rotation': (0.5643, 0.0, 0.0), 'Scale': (1.0, 0.87, 0.31)})
- symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1})
- difference = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshBoolean,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh 1': transform, 'Mesh 2': symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"], 'Self Intersection': True})
- taper = nw.new_node(nodegroup_taper().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': difference})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': taper})
-class CatNose(PartFactory):
- tags = ['head_detail']
- def sample_params(self):
- size_mult = N(0.7, 0.05)
- return {
- 'Nose Radius': 0.11 * size_mult,
- 'Nostril Size': 0.03 * size_mult * N(1, 0.1),
- 'Crease': 0.237 * N(1, 0.1)
- }
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_cat_nose, params)
- nose = part.obj
- nose.name = 'Nose'
- part.obj = butil.spawn_vert('nose_parent')
- nose.parent = part.obj
- tag_object(part.obj, 'cat_nose')
- return part
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_mandible', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_mandible(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (1.1, 0.1, 0.02)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'angles_deg', (-4.4, 58.22, 77.96)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'aspect', 0.52)])
- simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"], 'angles_deg': group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], 'aspect': group_input.outputs["aspect"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Endpoint': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"]})
-class InsectMandible(PartFactory):
- tags = ['head_detail', 'rigid', 'bald']
- def sample_params(self):
- return {
- 'length_rad1_rad2': (1.1 * U(0.2, 1), 0.1 * N(1, 0.2), 0.02 * N(1, 0.1) ),
- 'angles_deg': np.array((-4.4, 58.22, 77.96)) * N(1, 0.2, 3),
- 'aspect': U(0.3, 1)
- }
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_mandible, params)
- part.joints = {
- 0.4: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.zeros((2, 3)))
- }
- tag_object(part.obj, 'insect_mandible')
- return part
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/hoof.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/hoof.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9662c085c..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/hoof.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Hongyu Wen
-import bpy
-import bmesh
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from math import sin, cos, pi, exp
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory, Part
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint, IKParams
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import part_util
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.curve import nodegroup_simple_tube, nodegroup_simple_tube_v2
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.attach import nodegroup_surface_muscle
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.part_util import nodegroup_to_part
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.geometry import nurbs as nurbs_util
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-def square(x):
- return x * x
-def tri(x):
- return x ** 3
-class Hoof():
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
- def scale(self, p):
- return 1 - 0.2 * p
- def transform(self, p):
- return -0.6 * p
- def down(self, p, theta):
- return 0.4 * p * cos(theta)
- def get_shape(self):
- points = []
- r = self.r
- N = lambda m, v: np.random.normal(m, v)
- for i in range(self.m):
- theta = 2 * pi * i / (self.m)
- nx = N(0, 0.01)
- ny = N(0, 0.01)
- if i >= self.m - r or i <= r:
- points.append((-0.2 * cos(theta) + nx, 0.05 * sin(theta) + ny))
- elif i >= self.m - 2 * r or i <= 2 * r:
- points.append((cos(theta) + nx, 0.2 * sin(theta) + ny))
- # elif i >= self.m - 4 * r or i <= 4 * r:
- # points.append((cos(theta) + nx, 0.6 * sin(theta) + ny))
- else:
- points.append((cos(theta) + nx, sin(theta) + ny))
- return points
- def make_face(self, obj):
- bm = bmesh.new()
- for v in obj.data.vertices:
- x, y, z = obj.matrix_world @ v.co
- if z == 0:
- bm.verts.new((x, y, z))
- bm.faces.new(bm.verts)
- bm.normal_update()
- bm.from_mesh(obj.data)
- butil.delete(obj)
- me = bpy.data.meshes.new("face")
- bm.to_mesh(me)
- # add bmesh to scene
- ob = bpy.data.objects.new("face", me)
- bpy.context.scene.collection.objects.link(ob)
- return ob
- def generate(self):
- self.n = int(self.n)
- self.m = int(self.m)
- points = self.get_shape()
- ctrls = np.zeros((self.n, self.m, 3))
- for i in range(self.n):
- for j in range(self.m):
- p = i / (self.n - 1)
- theta = 2 * pi * j / (self.m)
- ctrls[i][j][0] = self.scale(p) * points[j][0] + self.transform(p)
- ctrls[i][j][1] = self.scale(p) * points[j][1] # + self.transform(p)
- ctrls[i][j][2] = p + self.down(p, theta)
- ctrls[i][j][0] *= self.sx
- ctrls[i][j][1] *= self.sy
- ctrls[i][j][2] *= self.sz
- method = 'blender' if False else 'geomdl'
- obj = nurbs_util.nurbs(ctrls, method, face_size=0.01)
- obj = self.make_face(obj)
- top_pos = mathutils.Vector(ctrls[-1].mean(axis=0))
- with butil.CursorLocation(top_pos), butil.SelectObjects(obj):
- bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type='ORIGIN_CURSOR')
- obj.location = (0,0,0)
- obj.rotation_euler.y -= np.pi / 2
- butil.apply_transform(obj, rot=True)
- tag_object(obj, 'hoof')
- return obj
-class HoofClaw(PartFactory):
- param_templates = {}
- tags = ['head_detail', 'rigid']
- def sample_params(self, select=None, var=1):
- params = {
- 'n': 20,
- 'm': 20,
- 'sx': 0.1 * N(1, 0.05),
- 'sy': 0.1 * N(1, 0.05),
- 'sz': 0.08 * N(1, 0.05),
- 'r': 0.5 + N(0, 1)
- }
- return params
- def make_part(self, params):
- obj = butil.spawn_vert('hoofclaw_parent_temp')
- hoof = Hoof(**params).generate()
- hoof.parent = obj
- hoof.name = 'HoofClaw'
- part = Part(skeleton=np.zeros((1, 3)), obj=obj, joints={}, iks={})
- tag_object(part.obj, 'hoof_claw')
- return part
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_hoof', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_hoof(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (1.4299999999999999, 0.10000000000000001, 0.10000000000000001)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'angles_deg', (-20.0, 16.0, 9.1999999999999993)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'aspect', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Upper Rad1 Rad2 Fullness', (0.22, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Lower Rad1 Rad2 Fullness', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Height, Tilt1, Tilt2', (0.73999999999999999, 0.0, 0.0))])
- simple_tube_v2_001 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"], 'angles_deg': group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], 'aspect': group_input.outputs["aspect"], 'fullness': 2.5})
- shoulder = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': simple_tube_v2_001.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2_001.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Coord 0': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'Coord 1': (0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0), 'Coord 2': (0.55000000000000004, 0.0, 0.0), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input.outputs["Lower Rad1 Rad2 Fullness"], 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': group_input.outputs["Height, Tilt1, Tilt2"]},
- label='Shoulder')
- shoulder_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': simple_tube_v2_001.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2_001.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Coord 0': (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'Coord 1': (0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0), 'Coord 2': (0.80000000000000004, 0.0, 0.0), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input.outputs["Upper Rad1 Rad2 Fullness"], 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': group_input.outputs["Height, Tilt1, Tilt2"]},
- label='Shoulder')
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [shoulder, simple_tube_v2_001.outputs["Geometry"], shoulder_1]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2_001.outputs["Skeleton Curve"]})
-class HoofAnkle(PartFactory):
- tags = ['foot_detail', 'rigid']
- ankle_scale = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
- def sample_params(self, var=1):
- ankle = {
- 'length_rad1_rad2': (0.45 * N(1, 0.05), 0.07 * N(1, 0.05), 0.1 * N(1, 0.05)),
- 'angles_deg': (-90.0 + N(0, 5), 40.0 + N(0, 5), N(0, 5)),
- 'aspect': 1.0,
- 'Upper Rad1 Rad2 Fullness': (0.2, 0.0, 4),
- 'Lower Rad1 Rad2 Fullness': (0.15, 0.0, 4),
- 'Height, Tilt1, Tilt2': (1, 0.0, 0.0)
- }
- return ankle
- def make_part(self, params):
- obj = butil.spawn_vert('hoof_parent_temp')
- part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_hoof, params)
- ankle = part.obj
- with butil.SelectObjects(ankle):
- bpy.ops.object.shade_flat()
- butil.modify_mesh(ankle, 'SUBSURF', apply=True, levels=2)
- ankle.parent = obj
- ankle.name = "HoofAnkle"
- ankle.scale = self.ankle_scale
- butil.apply_transform(ankle, scale=True)
- tag_object(part.obj, 'hoof_ankle')
- part.iks = {1.0: IKParams('foot', rotation_weight=0.1, chain_parts=2, chain_length=-1)}
- return part
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/horn.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/horn.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 271d76e6b..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/horn.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Hongyu Wen
-# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BXvwqVyCQw by Artisans of Vaul
-from re import M
-import bpy
-import math
-from platform import node
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import normal as N, uniform as U
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint, IKParams
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.part_util import nodegroup_to_part
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import part_util
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_noise', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_noise(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 0.05),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'W', 0.0)])
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': group_input.outputs["W"], 'Roughness': 0.0},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: group_input.outputs["Scale"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': multiply})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_ridge', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_ridge(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness', 4.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth_of_ridge', 0.2),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'number_of_ridge', 150),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'geometry', None)])
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["geometry"], 'Count': group_input.outputs["number_of_ridge"]})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 1.0), (0.2, 0.9), (0.3705, 0.7406), (0.55, 0.5938), (0.6886, 0.4188), (0.85, 0.1844), (1.0, 0.0)])
- modulo = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter.outputs["Index"], 1: 5.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MODULO'})
- power = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: -1.0, 1: modulo},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth_of_ridge"], 1: power},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: multiply})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: add},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture)
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: group_input.outputs["depth_of_ridge"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_2})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: group_input.outputs["thickness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': resample_curve, 'Radius': multiply_3})
- noise = nw.new_node(nodegroup_noise().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_curve_radius, 'Scale': 0.02},
- label='Noise')
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': noise})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_horn', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_horn(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'length', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'rad1', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'rad2', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness', 4.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'density_of_ridge', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth_of_ridge', 0.2),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'height', 2.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'rotation_x', 0)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["length"], 1: group_input.outputs["density_of_ridge"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["rad1"], 1: group_input.outputs["rad2"]})
- # divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- # input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 2.0},
- # attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- divide_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["length"], 1: add},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- divide_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: divide_1, 1: 3.1415},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- spiral = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurveSpiral',
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 150, 'Rotations': divide_2, 'Start Radius': group_input.outputs["rad1"], 'End Radius': group_input.outputs["rad2"], 'Height': group_input.outputs["height"]})
- ridge = nw.new_node(nodegroup_ridge().name,
- input_kwargs={'thickness': group_input.outputs["thickness"], 'depth_of_ridge': group_input.outputs["depth_of_ridge"], 'number_of_ridge': multiply, 'geometry': spiral})
- curve_circle_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 10, 'Radius': 0.5})
- noise = nw.new_node(nodegroup_noise().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle_2.outputs["Curve"], 'Scale': 0.2},
- label='Noise')
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': ridge, 'Profile Curve': noise})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["rad1"], 1: -1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': multiply_1})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Rotation': (-0.8, 0.0, 2.6)})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["rotation_x"]})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1, 'Rotation': combine_xyz_2})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_2})
-class Horn(PartFactory):
- param_templates = {}
- tags = ['head_detail', 'rigid']
- def sample_params(self, select=None, var=1):
- N = lambda m, v: np.random.normal(m, v * var)
- U = lambda l, r: np.random.uniform(l, r)
- weights = part_util.random_convex_coord(self.param_templates.keys(), select=select)
- params = part_util.rdict_comb(self.param_templates, weights)
- for key in params['horn']:
- if key in params['range']:
- l, r = params['range'][key]
- noise = N(0, 0.02 * (r - l))
- params['horn'][key] += noise
- return params['horn']
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_horn, params)
- horn = part.obj
- # postprocess horn
- with butil.SelectObjects(horn):
- bpy.ops.object.shade_flat()
- horn.name = 'Horn'
- butil.modify_mesh(horn, 'SUBSURF', apply=True, levels=2)
- # swap the horn to be an extra so it doesnt get remeshed etc
- part.obj = butil.spawn_vert('horn_parent')
- horn.parent = part.obj
- tag_object(part.obj, 'horn')
- return part
-goat_horn = {
- 'length': 0.5,
- 'rad1': 0.18,
- 'rad2': 0.3,
- 'thickness': 0.15,
- 'density_of_ridge': 250,
- 'depth_of_ridge': 0.02,
- 'height': 0.1,
- 'rotation_x': 0,
-gazelle_horn = {
- 'length': 0.4,
- 'rad1': 0.7,
- 'rad2': 0.5,
- 'thickness': 0.1,
- 'density_of_ridge': 150,
- 'depth_of_ridge': 0.1,
- 'height': 0.1,
- 'rotation_x': 0,
-bull_horn = {
- 'length': 0.1,
- 'rad1': 0.5,
- 'rad2': 0.1,
- 'thickness': 0.1,
- 'density_of_ridge': 150,
- 'depth_of_ridge': 0.01,
- 'height': -0.1,
- 'rotation_x': -1
-scales = {
- 'length': [0.1, 0.6],
- 'rad1': [0.1, 1],
- 'rad2': [0.1, 1],
- 'thickness': [0.05, 0.3],
- 'density_of_ridge': [100, 300],
- 'depth_of_ridge': [0.01, 0.1],
- 'height': [-0.3, 0.3],
- 'rotation_x': [-1, 1]
-for k, v in scales.items():
- scales[k] = np.array(v)
-Horn.param_templates['bull'] = {'horn': bull_horn, 'range': scales}
-Horn.param_templates['gazelle'] = {'horn': gazelle_horn, 'range': scales}
-Horn.param_templates['goat'] = {'horn': goat_horn, 'range': scales}
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/leg.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/leg.py
deleted file mode 100644
index afe40be65..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/leg.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-from itertools import chain
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N
-from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint, IKParams
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.curve import nodegroup_simple_tube, nodegroup_simple_tube_v2
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.attach import nodegroup_surface_muscle
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.part_util import nodegroup_to_part
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_quadruped_back_leg', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_quadruped_back_leg(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (1.8, 0.1, 0.05)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'angles_deg', (30.0, -100.0, 81.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Thigh Rad1 Rad2 Fullness', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Calf Rad1 Rad2 Fullness', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Thigh Height Tilt1 Tilt2', (0.6, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Calf Height Tilt1 Tilt2', (0.8, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'fullness', 50.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'aspect', 1.0)])
- simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"], 'angles_deg': group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], 'aspect': group_input.outputs["aspect"], 'fullness': group_input.outputs["fullness"], 'Origin': (-0.05, 0.0, 0.0)})
- thigh = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Coord 0': (0.02, 3.1416, 3.0), 'Coord 1': (0.1, -0.14, 1.47), 'Coord 2': (0.73, 4.71, 1.13), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input.outputs["Thigh Rad1 Rad2 Fullness"], 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': group_input.outputs["Thigh Height Tilt1 Tilt2"]},
- label='Thigh')
- calf = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Coord 0': (0.51, 18.91, 0.4), 'Coord 1': (0.69, 0.26, 0.0), 'Coord 2': (0.94, 1.5708, 1.13), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input.outputs["Calf Rad1 Rad2 Fullness"], 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': group_input.outputs["Calf Height Tilt1 Tilt2"]},
- label='Calf')
- thigh_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Coord 0': (0.04, 3.1416, 0.0), 'Coord 1': (0.01, 3.46, -0.05), 'Coord 2': (0.73, 4.71, 0.9), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input.outputs["Thigh Rad1 Rad2 Fullness"], 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': group_input.outputs["Thigh Height Tilt1 Tilt2"]},
- label='Thigh 2')
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [thigh, calf, thigh_2]})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [join_geometry, simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"]]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"]})
-class QuadrupedBackLeg(PartFactory):
- tags = ['leg']
- def sample_params(self):
- return {
- 'length_rad1_rad2': np.array((1.8, 0.1, 0.05)) * N(1, (0.2, 0, 0), 3),
- 'angles_deg': np.array((40.0, -120.0, 100)),
- 'fullness': 50.0,
- 'aspect': 1.0,
- 'Thigh Rad1 Rad2 Fullness': np.array((0.33, 0.15, 2.5),) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
- 'Calf Rad1 Rad2 Fullness': np.array((0.17, 0.07, 2.5),) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
- 'Thigh Height Tilt1 Tilt2': np.array((0.6, 0.0, 0.0),) + N(0, [0.05, 2, 10]),
- 'Calf Height Tilt1 Tilt2': np.array((0.8, 0.0, 0.0)) + N(0, [0.05, 10, 10])
- }
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_quadruped_back_leg, params)
- part.joints = {
- 0: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])), # shoulder
- 0.5: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])), # elbow
- }
- tag_object(part.obj, 'quadruped_back_leg')
- return part
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_quadruped_front_leg', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_quadruped_front_leg(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (1.43, 0.1, 0.1)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'angles_deg', (-20.0, 16.0, 9.2)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'aspect', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Shoulder Rad1 Rad2 Fullness', (0.22, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Calf Rad1 Rad2 Fullness', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Elbow Rad1 Rad2 Fullness', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Shoulder Height, Tilt1, Tilt2', (0.74, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Elbow Height, Tilt1, Tilt2', (0.9, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Calf Height, Tilt1, Tilt2', (0.74, 0.0, 0.0))])
- simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"], 'angles_deg': group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], 'aspect': group_input.outputs["aspect"], 'fullness': 2.5, 'Origin': (-0.15, 0.0, 0.09)})
- shoulder = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Coord 0': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'Coord 1': (0.2, 0.0, 0.0), 'Coord 2': (0.55, 0.0, 0.0), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input.outputs["Shoulder Rad1 Rad2 Fullness"], 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': group_input.outputs["Shoulder Height, Tilt1, Tilt2"]},
- label='Shoulder')
- elbow_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Coord 0': (0.53, 1.5708, 1.69), 'Coord 1': (0.57, 0.0, 0.0), 'Coord 2': (0.95, 0.0, 0.0), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input.outputs["Elbow Rad1 Rad2 Fullness"], 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': group_input.outputs["Elbow Height, Tilt1, Tilt2"]},
- label='Elbow 2')
- elbow_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Coord 0': (0.22, 1.5708, 1.0), 'Coord 1': (0.4, 0.0, 0.0), 'Coord 2': (0.57, 1.571, 1.7), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input.outputs["Elbow Rad1 Rad2 Fullness"], 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': group_input.outputs["Elbow Height, Tilt1, Tilt2"]},
- label='Elbow 1')
- forearm = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Coord 0': (0.41, -1.7008, 0.6), 'Coord 1': (0.57, 0.0, 0.8), 'Coord 2': (0.95, 0.0, 0.0), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input.outputs["Calf Rad1 Rad2 Fullness"], 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': group_input.outputs["Calf Height, Tilt1, Tilt2"]},
- label='Forearm')
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [shoulder, elbow_2, elbow_1, forearm, simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"]]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"]})
-class QuadrupedFrontLeg(PartFactory):
- tags = ['leg']
- def sample_params(self):
- return {
- 'length_rad1_rad2': np.array((1.43, 0.1, 0.1)) * N(1, (0.2, 0, 0), 3),
- 'angles_deg': np.array((-40.0, 120.0, -100)),
- 'aspect': 1.0,
- 'Shoulder Rad1 Rad2 Fullness': np.array((0.22, 0.22, 2.5)) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
- 'Calf Rad1 Rad2 Fullness': np.array((0.08, 0.08, 2.5)) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
- 'Elbow Rad1 Rad2 Fullness': np.array((0.12, 0.1, 2.5) * N(1, 0.1, 3)),
- 'Shoulder Height, Tilt1, Tilt2': np.array((0.74, 0.0, 0.0)) + N(0, [0.05, 10, 10]),
- 'Elbow Height, Tilt1, Tilt2': np.array((0.9, 0.0, 0.0)) + N(0, [0.05, 10, 10]),
- 'Calf Height, Tilt1, Tilt2': np.array((0.74, 0.0, 0.0)) + N(0, [0.05, 10, 10]),
- }
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_quadruped_front_leg, params)
- part.joints = {
- 0: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])), # shoulder
- 0.6: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])) # elbow
- }
- tag_object(part.obj, 'quadruped_front_leg')
- return part
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_bird_leg', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_bird_leg(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (1.0, 0.09, 0.06)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'angles_deg', (-70.0, 90.0, -2.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'aspect', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'fullness', 8.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Thigh Rad1 Rad2 Fullness', (0.18, 0.1, 1.26)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Shin Rad1 Rad2 Fullness', (0.07, 0.06, 5.0))])
- simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"], 'angles_deg': group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], 'aspect': group_input.outputs["aspect"], 'fullness': group_input.outputs["fullness"]})
- surface_muscle = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Coord 0': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'Coord 1': (0.2, 0.0, 0.0), 'Coord 2': (0.4, 1.5708, 1.0), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input.outputs["Thigh Rad1 Rad2 Fullness"], 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': (0.72, -21.05, 0.0)})
- surface_muscle_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Coord 0': (0.32, 0.0, 0.0), 'Coord 1': (0.5, 1.5708, 0.0), 'Coord 2': (0.74, 1.32, 0.29), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': group_input.outputs["Shin Rad1 Rad2 Fullness"], 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': (0.72, -21.05, 0.0)})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [surface_muscle, surface_muscle_1, simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"]]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"]})
-class BirdLeg(PartFactory):
- tags = ['leg']
- def sample_params(self):
- return {
- 'length_rad1_rad2': np.array((1, 0.09, 0.06)) * np.array((clip_gaussian(1, 0.3, 0.2, 1.5), *N(1, 0.1, 2))),
- 'angles_deg': np.array((-70.0, 90.0, -2.0)),
- 'aspect': N(1, 0.05),
- 'fullness': 8.0 * N(1, 0.1),
- 'Thigh Rad1 Rad2 Fullness': np.array((0.18, 0.1, 1.26)) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
- 'Shin Rad1 Rad2 Fullness': np.array((0.07, 0.06, 5.0)) * N(1, 0.1, 3)
- }
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_bird_leg, params)
- part.joints = {
- 0: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])), # shoulder
- 0.5: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])), # elbow
- }
- part.iks = {}
- tag_object(part.obj, 'bird_leg')
- return part
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_insect_leg', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_insect_leg(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (1.24, 0.02, 0.01)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'angles_deg', (0.0, -63.9, 31.39)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Carapace Rad Pct', 1.4),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'spike_length_rad1_rad2', (0.1, 0.025, 0.0))])
- simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"], 'angles_deg': group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], 'proportions': (0.2533, 0.3333, 0.1333), 'do_bezier': False})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Carapace Rad Pct"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Z': 30.0})
- surface_muscle = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skin Mesh': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Coord 0': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'Coord 1': (0.01, 0.0, 0.0), 'Coord 2': (0.35, 0.0, 0.0), 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness': combine_xyz, 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt': (0.73, 0.0, 0.0)})
- trim_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.TrimCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Start': 0.4892, 'End': 0.725})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': trim_curve, 'Count': 4})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': resample_curve})
- simple_tube_v2_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': group_input.outputs["spike_length_rad1_rad2"], 'angles_deg': (0.0, -40.0, 0.0)})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': curve_to_mesh, 'Instance': simple_tube_v2_1.outputs["Geometry"], 'Rotation': (0.0, 0.1239, 0.0)})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], surface_muscle, instance_on_points]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Endpoint': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"]})
-class InsectLeg(PartFactory):
- tags = ['leg', 'rigid']
- def sample_params(self):
- return {
- 'length_rad1_rad2': np.array((1, 0.02, 0.01)) * N(1, 0.25, 3) ,
- 'angles_deg': np.array((0.0, -63.9, 31.39)) + N(0, 10, 3),
- 'Carapace Rad Pct': 1.4 * U(0.5, 2),
- 'spike_length_rad1_rad2': np.array((0.2, 0.025, 0.0)) * N(1, (0.2, 0.1, 0.1), 3),
- }
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_insect_leg, params)
- part.joints = {
- 0: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])), # shoulder
- 0.3: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])),
- 0.7: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]]))
- }
- part.iks = {1.0: IKParams('foot', rotation_weight=0.1, chain_parts=1)}
- tag_object(part.obj, 'insect_leg')
- return part
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/ridged_fin.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/ridged_fin.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c8cb5171..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/ridged_fin.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,480 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Mingzhe Wang
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal
-import random
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint, IKParams
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.surface import set_geomod_inputs
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import clip, sample_range, sample_ratio
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.curve import nodegroup_simple_tube_v2
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.attach import nodegroup_attach_part
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory, Part
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.part_util import nodegroup_to_part
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_mix2_values', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_mix2_values(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Ratio', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value1', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value2', 0.5)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value1"], 1: group_input.outputs["Ratio"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: group_input.outputs["Ratio"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: group_input.outputs["Value2"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': add})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_fish_fin', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_fish_fin(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.5.1 of the node_transpiler
- grid = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshGrid,
- input_kwargs={'Vertices X': 100, 'Vertices Y': 100})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': grid, 'Rotation': (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- position_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- sep_z = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_3},
- label='sep_z')
- z_stats = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_3, 2: sep_z.outputs["Z"]},
- label='z_stats')
- norm_z = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': sep_z.outputs["Z"], 1: z_stats.outputs["Min"], 2: z_stats.outputs["Max"]},
- label='norm_z')
- remap_z = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': norm_z.outputs["Result"]},
- label='remap_z')
- node_utils.assign_curve(remap_z.mapping.curves[0], [(0.1727, 0.9875), (0.5182, 0.2438), (1.0000, 0.0063)])
- capture_z_rigidity = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_3, 2: remap_z},
- label='capture_z_rigidity')
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- op_and = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath,
- input_kwargs={1: greater_than})
- delete_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_z_rigidity.outputs["Geometry"], 'Selection': op_and})
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': delete_geometry, 1: position},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position_1, 1: (0.5000, 0.0000, 0.5000)})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'FinScale', (1.0000, 1.0000, 0.5000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'RoundWeight', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Freq', 69.1150),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'OffsetWeightZ', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'PatternRotation', (4.0000, 0.0000, 2.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'OffsetWeightY', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'RoundingWeight', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'AffineX', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'AffineZ', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'NoiseWeight', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'BumpX', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'BumpZ', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'NoiseRatioZ', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'NoiseRatioX', 1.0000)])
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"], 1: group_input.outputs["NoiseWeight"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input.outputs["AffineZ"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"]})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': add_2})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0068, 0.0000), (0.0455, 0.3812), (0.1091, 0.5419), (0.1955, 0.6437), (0.3205, 0.7300), (0.4955, 0.7719), (0.7545, 0.7350), (0.8705, 0.6562), (1.0000, 0.4413)])
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: 0.7000},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: group_input.outputs["RoundWeight"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: group_input.outputs["AffineX"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: multiply_4})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': multiply_1, 'Z': add_4})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 3.0000})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- nodegroup_mix2_values_no_gc = nw.new_node(nodegroup_mix2_values().name,
- input_kwargs={'Ratio': group_input.outputs["NoiseRatioX"], 'Value1': separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 'Value2': subtract_1})
- add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: nodegroup_mix2_values_no_gc, 1: 10.0000})
- separate_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["PatternRotation"]})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_5, 1: 0.1000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_3.outputs["X"], 1: multiply_5},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_5, 1: subtract_2})
- power = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_6, 1: 2.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- nodegroup_mix2_values_no_gc_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_mix2_values().name,
- input_kwargs={'Ratio': group_input.outputs["NoiseRatioZ"], 'Value1': separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 'Value2': subtract_1})
- add_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: nodegroup_mix2_values_no_gc_1, 1: 1.0000})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_7, 1: 0.1000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_3.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply_6},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_7, 1: subtract_3})
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_8},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- power_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_7, 1: 2.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- add_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: power, 1: power_1})
- sqrt = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_9},
- attrs={'operation': 'SQRT'})
- multiply_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: sqrt, 1: group_input.outputs["Freq"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_8},
- attrs={'operation': 'SINE'})
- power_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: sine, 1: 2.1000},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 2: power_2})
- multiply_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: group_input.outputs["BumpX"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: group_input.outputs["BumpZ"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_9, 1: multiply_10})
- subtract_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={1: add_10},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- capture_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"], 2: subtract_4})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 100.0000})
- subtract_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- multiply_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_5, 1: normal},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0010
- multiply_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_11.outputs["Vector"], 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute_2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': multiply_12.outputs["Vector"]})
- subtract_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={1: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: sine, 1: subtract_6},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_14 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["OffsetWeightZ"], 1: -0.0200},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_15 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_13, 1: multiply_14},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- sign = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SIGN'})
- multiply_16 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: power_2, 1: sign},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_17 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["OffsetWeightY"], 1: 0.0060},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_18 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_17, 1: subtract_4},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_19 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_16, 1: multiply_18},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_20 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["OffsetWeightZ"], 1: 0.0300},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_21 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: sine, 1: multiply_20},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_21, 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': multiply_15, 'Y': multiply_19, 'Z': add_11})
- set_position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1, 'Offset': combine_xyz_1})
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': -0.6000, 'Scale': 0.8000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- subtract_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_2.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000)},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_22 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_7.outputs["Vector"], 1: group_input.outputs["NoiseWeight"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_2, 'Offset': multiply_22.outputs["Vector"]})
- position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_2})
- subtract_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_4.outputs["Z"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_8},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- power_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: 1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- multiply_23 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: power_3, 1: 0.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_23})
- set_position_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_3, 'Offset': combine_xyz_2})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_4, 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.4000)})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708), 'Scale': group_input.outputs["FinScale"]})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1, 'Rotation': (1.5708, 0.0000, 1.5708)})
- multiply_24 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: capture_attribute_1.outputs[2], 1: capture_z_rigidity.outputs[2]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_25 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_24, 1: 1.600},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_final_rigidity = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: capture_z_rigidity.outputs[2], 1: multiply_25},
- label='add_final_rigidity',
- attrs={'use_clamp': True})
- store_cloth_pin = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': transform_2,
- 'Name': 'cloth_pin_rigidity',
- 'Value': add_final_rigidity
- },
- label='store_cloth_pin')
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_cloth_pin, 'Bump': capture_attribute_1.outputs[2], 'BumpMask': capture_attribute_2.outputs[2]})
-class FishFin(PartFactory):
- tags = ['limb', 'fin']
- def __init__(self, *args, rig=True, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.rig = rig
- def sample_params(self):
- params = {
- 'FinScale': np.array((1.0, 1.0, 0.5), dtype=np.float32),
- 'RoundWeight': sample_range(0, 1),
- 'Freq': sample_range(50, 100),
- 'OffsetWeightZ': sample_range(0.1, 0.5),
- 'PatternRotation': np.array((4.0 if random.random()<0.5 else -4, 0.0, 2.0), dtype=np.float32),
- 'OffsetWeightY': sample_range(0.5, 1),
- 'RoundingWeight': sample_range(0.02, 0.07),
- 'AffineX': sample_range(0, 0.3),
- 'AffineZ': sample_range(0, 1),
- 'Value': 0.5,
- 'Value': 0.5,
- 'NoiseWeight': 0.0,
- 'BumpX': 0.0,
- 'BumpZ': 1.0,
- 'NoiseRatioZ': 1.0,
- 'NoiseRatioX': sample_range(0.9, 0.95)
- }
- return params
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = Part(skeleton=np.zeros((2, 3), dtype=float), obj=butil.spawn_vert('fin_parent'))
- fin = butil.spawn_vert('Fin')
- fin.parent = part.obj
- _, mod = butil.modify_mesh(fin, 'NODES', apply=False, return_mod=True, node_group=nodegroup_fish_fin())
- set_geomod_inputs(mod, params)
- id1 = mod.node_group.outputs['Bump'].identifier
- mod[f'{id1}_attribute_name'] = 'Bump'
- id2 = mod.node_group.outputs['BumpMask'].identifier
- mod[f'{id2}_attribute_name'] = 'BumpMask'
- butil.apply_modifiers(fin, mod)
- part.settings['rig_extras'] = self.rig
- tag_object(part.obj, 'fish_fin')
- return part
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- fin = FishFin()
- import os
- fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), 'dev_scene_test_fin.blend')
- bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath=fn)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/tail.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/tail.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 26e6d0c82..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/tail.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import normal as N
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint, IKParams
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.curve import nodegroup_simple_tube_v2
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.attach import nodegroup_surface_muscle
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.part_util import nodegroup_to_part
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_tail', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_tail(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (1.49, 0.05, 0.02)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'angles_deg', (31.39, 65.81, -106.93)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'aspect', 1.0)])
- simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"], 'angles_deg': group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], 'aspect': group_input.outputs["aspect"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"]})
-class Tail(PartFactory):
- tags = ['tail']
- def sample_params(self):
- return {
- 'length_rad1_rad2': (N(0.5, 0.1), 0.05, 0.02),
- 'angles_deg': np.array((31.39, 65.81, -106.93)) * N(1, 0.1),
- 'aspect': N(1, 0.05)
- }
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_tail, params)
- part.joints = {
- i: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [30, 0, 30]]))
- for i in np.linspace(0, 1, 6)
- }
- part.iks = {1.0: IKParams(name='tail', chain_parts=1)}
- tag_object(part.obj, 'tail')
- return part
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/utils/draw.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/utils/draw.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 44f022501..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/utils/draw.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import displace_vertices
-from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import spin
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-def make_segments(x_cuts, y_cuts, x_anchors, y_anchors, params):
- x_length, y_length, z_length = map(params.get, ['x_length', 'y_length', 'z_length'])
- segments = []
- for i in range(len(x_cuts) - 1):
- x_start, x_end = x_cuts[i], x_cuts[i + 1]
- y_start, y_end = y_cuts[i], y_cuts[i + 1]
- xs = x_anchors(x_start, x_end)
- ys = y_anchors(y_start, y_end)
- obj = spin([np.array([xs[0], *xs, xs[-1]]) * x_length, np.array([0, *ys, 0]) * y_length, .0],
- [1, len(xs)], axis=(1, 0, 0))
- y_base = y_length * y_start
- displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (
- 0, 0, -np.clip(z + y_base * params['bottom_cutoff'], None, 0) * (1 - params['bottom_shift'])))
- displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (0, 0,
- np.where(z > 0, np.clip(params['top_cutoff'] * y_base - np.abs(y), 0, None) * params['top_shift'], 0)))
- decorate_segment(obj, params, x_start, x_end)
- obj.scale[-1] = params['z_length'] / y_length
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- segments.append(obj)
- return segments
-def decorate_segment(obj, params, x_start, x_end):
- def offset(nw: NodeWrangler, vector):
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, [vector], input_kwargs={'Scale': params['noise_scale']})
- x = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))[0]
- ratio = nw.build_float_curve(nw.scalar_divide(x, params['x_length']),
- [(x_start, 1), (x_end - .01, 1), (x_end, 0), (x_end + .01, 0)])
- return nw.scale(nw.scalar_multiply(ratio, nw.scalar_multiply(noise_texture, params['noise_strength'])),
- nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal))
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_symmetric_texture, input_args=[offset], apply=True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'WELD', merge_threshold=.001)
-def geo_symmetric_texture(nw: NodeWrangler, offset, selection=None):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- pos = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- x, y, z = nw.separate(pos)
- vector = nw.combine(x, nw.math('ABSOLUTE', y), z)
- distance = nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute, ['distance'])
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, [geometry, surface.eval_argument(nw, selection), None,
- surface.eval_argument(nw, offset, vector=vector, distance=distance)])
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/wings.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/wings.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4331db191..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/wings.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,675 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors:
-# - Alexander Raistrick: base version
-# - Beining Han: flying variant
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N
-from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint, IKParams
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.curve import nodegroup_simple_tube, nodegroup_simple_tube_v2
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.attach import nodegroup_surface_muscle
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.math import nodegroup_deg2_rad
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.geometry import nodegroup_symmetric_clone
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.part_util import nodegroup_to_part
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_feather', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_feather(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Length Rad1 Rad2', (0.5, 0.1, 0.1))])
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Length Rad1 Rad2"]})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'Scale': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine,
- input_kwargs={'End': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- subdivide_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Cuts': 30})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0), (0.2327, 0.985), (0.8909, 0.6), (1.0, 0.0)])
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 4: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': subdivide_curve, 'Radius': multiply})
- curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine,
- input_kwargs={'Start': (0.0, -1.0, 0.0), 'End': (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': curve_line_1})
- subdivide_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Cuts': 4})
- trim_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.TrimCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': subdivide_curve_1, 'End': 0.8742})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: 0.15, 4: 0.05})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_curve_radius_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': trim_curve, 'Radius': multiply_1})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 6})
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius_1, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"]})
- #join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- # input_kwargs={'Geometry': [curve_to_mesh, curve_to_mesh_1]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': tag_nodegroup(nw, curve_to_mesh, 'feather')})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_bird_tail', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_bird_tail(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- simple_tube = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Angles Deg': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'Seg Lengths': (0.11, 0.11, 0.11), 'Start Radius': 0.07, 'End Radius': 0.02, 'Fullness': 3.0})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Feather Length Rad1 Rad2', (0.5, 0.08, 0.1)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Feather Rot Extent', (136.51, -11.8, 34.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Feather Rot Rand Bounds', (5.0, 5.0, 5.0)),
- ('NodeSocketIntUnsigned', 'N Feathers', 16)])
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["N Feathers"], 'Start': (0.0, 0.0, -0.1), 'Middle': (0.0, 0.15, -0.05), 'End': (0.0, 0.15, 0.11)})
- feather = nw.new_node(nodegroup_feather().name,
- input_kwargs={'Length Rad1 Rad2': group_input.outputs["Feather Length Rad1 Rad2"]})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["N Feathers"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': divide, 9: (-90.0, -14.88, 4.01), 10: group_input.outputs["Feather Rot Extent"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Feather Rot Rand Bounds"], 'Scale': -1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: group_input.outputs["Feather Rot Rand Bounds"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Vector"], 1: random_value.outputs["Value"]})
- deg2rad = nw.new_node(nodegroup_deg2_rad().name,
- input_kwargs={'Deg': add.outputs["Vector"]})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': quadratic_bezier, 'Instance': feather, 'Rotation': deg2rad})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': instance_on_points})
- symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': simple_tube.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'TailFeathers': symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_bird_wing', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_bird_wing(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (1.0, 0.26, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'feather_density', 18.7),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'aspect', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'fullness', 4.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'Wing Shape Sculpting', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Feather length_rad1_rad2', (0.6, 0.04, 0.04)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Extension', 1.68)])
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Extension"], 9: (-83.46, 154.85, -155.38), 10: (-15.04, 60.5, -41.1)},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"], 'angles_deg': map_range_3.outputs["Vector"], 'proportions': (0.2, 0.27, 0.3), 'aspect': group_input.outputs["aspect"], 'do_bezier': False, 'fullness': group_input.outputs["fullness"]})
- curve_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLength,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: curve_length, 1: group_input.outputs["feather_density"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Count': multiply})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': resample_curve})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': curve_to_mesh})
- feather = nw.new_node(nodegroup_feather().name,
- input_kwargs={'Length Rad1 Rad2': group_input.outputs["Feather length_rad1_rad2"]})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 2: index})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': index, 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"], 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"]})
- transfer_attribute_index = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleNearest,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Sample Position': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
- transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleIndex,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Index': transfer_attribute_index})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Factor': group_input.outputs["Wing Shape Sculpting"], 'Value': (transfer_attribute, 'Value')})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0), (0.5164, 0.245), (0.7564, 0.625), (1.0, 1.0)])
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Extension"], 3: 115.65, 4: 0.0})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': map_range_2.outputs["Result"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': float_curve, 9: (0.0, 80.0, 0.0), 10: combine_xyz},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Vector"], 1: (-5.0, 0.0, -1.0)})
- deg2rad = nw.new_node(nodegroup_deg2_rad().name,
- input_kwargs={'Deg': add.outputs["Vector"]})
- vector_curves = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': group_input.outputs["Wing Shape Sculpting"], 'Vector': transfer_attribute})
- node_utils.assign_curve(vector_curves.mapping.curves[0], [(-1.0, -0.0), (0.0036, 0.0), (0.0473, 0.6), (0.3527, 0.54), (0.6, 0.9), (0.8836, 0.92), (1.0, 0.58)], handles=['AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'AUTO'])
- node_utils.assign_curve(vector_curves.mapping.curves[1], [(-1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0)])
- node_utils.assign_curve(vector_curves.mapping.curves[2], [(-1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0)])
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': reroute, 'Instance': feather, 'Rotation': deg2rad, 'Scale': vector_curves})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Vector"], 1: (-5.0, 0.0, 0.0)})
- deg2rad_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_deg2_rad().name,
- input_kwargs={'Deg': add_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: vector_curves, 1: (0.75, 1.0, 1.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': reroute, 'Instance': feather, 'Rotation': deg2rad_1, 'Scale': multiply_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Vector"], 1: (-10.3, 0.0, 1.0)})
- deg2rad_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_deg2_rad().name,
- input_kwargs={'Deg': add_2.outputs["Vector"]})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: vector_curves, 1: (0.45, 1.0, 1.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- instance_on_points_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': reroute, 'Instance': feather, 'Rotation': deg2rad_2, 'Scale': multiply_2.outputs["Vector"]})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [instance_on_points, instance_on_points_1, instance_on_points_2]})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Feathers': realize_instances})
-class BirdTail(PartFactory):
- tags = ['tail', 'wing']
- def sample_params(self):
- return {
- 'Feather Length Rad1 Rad2': np.array((0.4, 0.06, 0.04)) * N(1, 0.1) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
- 'Feather Rot Extent': np.array((25, -10, -16)) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
- 'Feather Rot Rand Bounds': np.array((5.0, 5.0, 5.0)) * N(1, 0.1) * N(1, 0.05, 3),
- 'N Feathers': int(N(16, 3))
- }
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_bird_tail, params)
- return part
-class BirdWing(PartFactory):
- tags = ['limb', 'wing']
- def sample_params(self):
- return {
- 'length_rad1_rad2': np.array((clip_gaussian(1.2, 0.7, 0.4, 2), 0.1, 0.02)),
- 'feather_density': 30,
- 'aspect': N(0.4, 0.05),
- 'fullness': N(4, 0.1),
- 'Wing Shape Sculpting': U(0.6, 1),
- 'Feather length_rad1_rad2': np.array((0.7 * N(1, 0.2), 0.04, 0.04)),
- 'Extension': U(0, 0.05) if U() < 0.8 else U(0.7, 1)
- }
- def make_part(self, params):
- # split extras is essential to make automatic rigging work. We will join them back together later
- part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_bird_wing, params, split_extras=True)
- part.joints = {
- 0: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])), # shoulder
- 0.27: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])),
- 0.65: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])) # elbow
- }
- part.iks = {1.0: IKParams(name='wingtip', chain_parts=1)}
- tag_object(part.obj, 'bird_wing')
- part.settings['parent_extras_rigid'] = True
- return part
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_flying_feather', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_flying_feather(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.5.1 of the node_transpiler
- vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector)
- vector.vector = (0.5000, 0.0500, 0.0000)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Length Rad1 Rad2', (0.5000, 0.1000, 0.1000))])
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Length Rad1 Rad2"]})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: vector, 'Scale': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 'Scale': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 32, 'Start': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
- 'Middle': scale.outputs["Vector"], 'End': scale_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': quadratic_bezier})
- subdivide_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position, 'Cuts': 4})
- trim_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.TrimCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': subdivide_curve_1, 'End': 0.8742})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: 0.1500, 4: 0.0100})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_curve_radius_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': trim_curve, 'Radius': multiply})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 6})
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius_1,
- 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"]})
- subdivide_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position, 'Cuts': 30})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0000, 0.0000), (0.3373, 0.8188), (0.7182, 0.7375), (1.0000, 0.0000)])
- white_noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WhiteNoiseTexture)
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: white_noise_texture.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.1000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: multiply_1})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
- 4: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': subdivide_curve, 'Radius': multiply_2})
- curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine,
- input_kwargs={'Start': (0.0000, -1.0000, 0.1000), 'End': (0.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000)})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': curve_line_1,
- 'Fill Caps': True})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [curve_to_mesh_1, curve_to_mesh]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': join_geometry})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_flying_bird_tail', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_flying_bird_tail(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.5.1 of the node_transpiler
- simple_tube = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Angles Deg': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
- 'Seg Lengths': (0.00, 0.00, 0.00), 'Start Radius': 0.000,
- 'End Radius': 0.000, 'Fullness': 3.0000})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Feather Length Rad1 Rad2', (0.5000, 0.0800, 0.1000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Feather Rot Extent', (136.5100, -11.8000, 34.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Feather Rot Rand Bounds', (5.0000, 5.0000, 5.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketIntUnsigned', 'N Feathers', 16)])
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["N Feathers"],
- 'Start': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 'Middle': (0.0000, 0.0500, 0.0000),
- 'End': (-0.0500, 0.1000, 0.0300)})
- feather = nw.new_node(nodegroup_flying_feather().name,
- input_kwargs={'Length Rad1 Rad2': group_input.outputs["Feather Length Rad1 Rad2"]})
- curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
- align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': curve_tangent},
- attrs={'axis': 'Y'})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': quadratic_bezier, 'Instance': feather,
- 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector})
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points, 'Rotation': (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.1000, 3: 0.1000})
- random_value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.1000, 3: 0.1000, 'Seed': 1})
- random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.1000, 3: 0.1000})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': random_value_1.outputs[1], 'Y': random_value_2.outputs[1],
- 'Z': random_value_3.outputs[1]})
- rotate_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': rotate_instances, 'Rotation': combine_xyz})
- index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': index_1, 2: group_input.outputs["N Feathers"]})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
- if U(0, 1) < 0.5:
- control_points = [0.2, 0.3, 0.45, 0.9]
- else:
- control_points = [0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4]
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0136, control_points[0] + N(0., 0.02)), (0.3273, control_points[1] + N(0., 0.02)),
- (0.7500, control_points[2] + N(0., 0.03)), (1.0000, control_points[3] + N(0., 0.04))])
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: 1.2000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': multiply_add, 'Y': 1.0000, 'Z': 1.0000})
- scale_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': rotate_instances_1, 'Scale': combine_xyz_1})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': scale_instances})
- symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': simple_tube.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
- 'Feathers': symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_flying_bird_wing', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_flying_bird_wing(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.5.1 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (1.0000, 0.2600, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'feather_density', 18.7000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'aspect', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'fullness', 4.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'Wing Shape Sculpting', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Length Rad1 Rad2', (0.6000, 0.0400, 0.0400)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Extension', 1.6800)])
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Extension"],
- 9: (-76.2600, 170.9500, -144.3800), 10: (10.0000, -10.0000, 0.0000)},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
- input_kwargs={'length_rad1_rad2': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
- 'angles_deg': map_range_3.outputs["Vector"],
- 'proportions': (0.2000, 0.2700, 0.5000),
- 'aspect': group_input.outputs["aspect"], 'do_bezier': False,
- 'fullness': group_input.outputs["fullness"]})
- curve_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLength,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: curve_length, 1: group_input.outputs["feather_density"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Count': multiply})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': resample_curve})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': curve_to_mesh})
- feather = nw.new_node(nodegroup_flying_feather().name,
- input_kwargs={'Length Rad1 Rad2': group_input.outputs["Length Rad1 Rad2"]})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 2: index})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': index, 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"],
- 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"]})
- transfer_attribute_index = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleNearest,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Sample Position': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
- transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleIndex,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Index': transfer_attribute_index})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Extension"], 3: 115.6500, 4: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': map_range_2.outputs["Result"]})
- wing_feathers = []
- for i in range(3):
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Factor': group_input.outputs["Wing Shape Sculpting"],
- 'Value': (transfer_attribute, 'Value')})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0000, 0.0000), (0.25, 0.2), (0.50, 0.4),
- (0.75, 0.6), (1.0000, 0.8 - i * 0.02 + N(0., 0.02))])
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': float_curve, 9: (0.0000, 80.0000, 0.0000), 10: combine_xyz},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Vector"], 1: (0., -5 + 5 * i, (i - 1) * 8.)})
- deg2rad = nw.new_node(nodegroup_deg2_rad().name,
- input_kwargs={'Deg': add.outputs["Vector"]})
- vector_curves = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': group_input.outputs["Wing Shape Sculpting"],
- 'Vector': (transfer_attribute, 'Value')})
- node_utils.assign_curve(vector_curves.mapping.curves[0],
- [(-1.0000, -0.0000), (0.0218, 0.4), (0.20, 0.45),
- (0.5, 0.5), (0.65000, 0.6), (0.80, 0.7), (1.0000, 0.78 + N(0., 0.02))],
- handles=['AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'AUTO'])
- node_utils.assign_curve(vector_curves.mapping.curves[1], [(-1.0000, 1.0000), (1.0000, 1.0000)])
- node_utils.assign_curve(vector_curves.mapping.curves[2], [(-1.0000, 1.0000), (1.0000, 1.0000)])
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: vector_curves, 'Scale': U(1.6, 2.0) - i * 0.65},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': reroute, 'Instance': feather, 'Rotation': deg2rad,
- 'Scale': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.01, 3: 0.01})
- random_value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.03, 3: 0.03, 'Seed': 1})
- random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.01, 3: 0.01, 'Seed': 2})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': random_value_1.outputs[1], 'Y': random_value_2.outputs[1],
- 'Z': random_value_3.outputs[1]})
- rotate_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points, 'Rotation': combine_xyz})
- wing_feathers.append(rotate_instances_1)
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': wing_feathers})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Skeleton Curve': simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
- 'Feathers': realize_instances})
-class FlyingBirdTail(PartFactory):
- tags = ['tail', 'wing']
- def sample_params(self):
- return {
- 'Feather Length Rad1 Rad2': np.array((0.4, 0.06, 0.04)) * N(1, 0.1) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
- 'Feather Rot Extent': np.array((25, -10, -16)) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
- 'Feather Rot Rand Bounds': np.array((5.0, 5.0, 5.0)) * N(1, 0.1) * N(1, 0.05, 3),
- 'N Feathers': int(N(16, 3))
- }
- def make_part(self, params):
- part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_flying_bird_tail, params)
- return part
-class FlyingBirdWing(PartFactory):
- tags = ['limb', 'wing']
- def sample_params(self):
- return {
- 'length_rad1_rad2': np.array((clip_gaussian(1.2, 0.7, 0.4, 2), U(0.08, 0.13), 0.02)),
- 'feather_density': 40,
- 'aspect': N(0.35, 0.04),
- 'fullness': N(4, 0.1),
- 'Wing Shape Sculpting': U(0.6, 1),
- 'Length Rad1 Rad2': np.array((0.6 * N(1, 0.2), 0.04, 0.04)),
- 'Extension': U(0, 0.05) if U() < 0.8 else U(0.7, 1)
- }
- def make_part(self, params):
- # split extras is essential to make automatic rigging work. We will join them back together later
- part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_flying_bird_wing, params, split_extras=True)
- part.joints = {
- 0: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])), # shoulder
- 0.27: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])),
- 0.65: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])) # elbow
- }
- part.iks = {1.0: IKParams(name='wingtip', chain_length=3)}
- part.settings['parent_extras_rigid'] = True
- return part
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/animation/curve_slither.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/animation/curve_slither.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 34682dffc..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/animation/curve_slither.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import logging
-import bpy
-import bpy_types
-from mathutils import Vector
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-import pdb
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_add_wiggles', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_add_wiggles(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Magnitude', 1.6800),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'MagRandom', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Up', (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000))])
- curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
- cross_product = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: curve_tangent, 1: group_input.outputs["Up"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'CROSS_PRODUCT'})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- modulo = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 4.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MODULO'})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: modulo, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': less_than, 3: -1.0000})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["Magnitude"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: group_input.outputs["MagRandom"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: subtract})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: random_value.outputs[1]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: cross_product.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_add_loopbacks', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_add_loopbacks(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Amount', 0.5800),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Randomness', 0.0000)])
- index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index_1, 1: 1.0000})
- modulo = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MODULO'})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: modulo}, attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': less_than, 3: -1.0000})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["Amount"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: group_input.outputs["Randomness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: subtract, 'ID': index_1})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: random_value.outputs[1]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_wiggles', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_wiggles(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Wavelength', 2.3300),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Magnitude', 1.6800),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'MagRandom', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Loopyness', 0.5800),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'LoopRandom', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'AltitudeOffset', 0.00),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Up', (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000))])
- curve_tangent_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 1: curve_tangent_1},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Wavelength"], 1: 4.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Length': divide},
- attrs={'mode': 'LENGTH'})
- addwiggles = nw.new_node(nodegroup_add_wiggles().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve, 'Magnitude': group_input.outputs["Magnitude"], 'MagRandom': group_input.outputs["MagRandom"], 'Up': group_input.outputs["Up"]})
- addloopbacks = nw.new_node(nodegroup_add_loopbacks().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': addwiggles, 'Vector': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"], 'Amount': group_input.outputs["Loopyness"], 'Randomness': group_input.outputs["LoopRandom"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={'Curve': addloopbacks, 'Fill Caps': True})
- subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh, 'Level': 3})
- mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve, input_kwargs={'Mesh': subdivision_surface})
- off = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': group_input.outputs['AltitudeOffset']})
- result = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': mesh_to_curve, 'Offset': off})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': result}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def add_curve_slithers(curve, snake_length):
- params = {
- 'Wavelength': snake_length / U(2, 4),
- 'Magnitude': snake_length * 0.05 * N(1, 0.2),
- 'MagRandom': U(0, 0.7),
- 'Loopyness': 0,
- 'LoopRandom': 0,
- 'AltitudeOffset': 0.02
- }
- butil.modify_mesh(curve, 'NODES', node_group=nodegroup_wiggles(),
- ng_inputs=params, apply=False, show_viewport=True)
- with butil.SelectObjects(curve):
- bpy.ops.object.convert(target='MESH')
- bpy.ops.object.convert(target='CURVE')
- return curve
-def slither_along_path(obj, curve, speed, zoff_pct=0.7, orig_len=None):
- if not curve.type == 'CURVE':
- with butil.SelectObjects(curve):
- bpy.ops.object.convert(target='CURVE')
- curve = bpy.context.active_object
- if curve.type != 'CURVE':
- message = f'slither_along_path failed, {curve.name=} had {curve.type=} but expected CURVE'
- if curve.type == 'MESH':
- message == f'. {len(curve.data.vertices)=}'
- logging.warning(message)
- return
- curve.data.twist_mode = 'Z_UP'
- xmax = max(v[0] for v in obj.bound_box)
- l = curve.data.splines[0].calc_length()
- zoff = zoff_pct * obj.dimensions[-1] / 2
- obj.location = (xmax,0,zoff)
- obj.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", frame=0)
- obj.location = (l, 0, zoff)
- obj.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", frame=bpy.context.scene.frame_end)
- for fc in obj.animation_data.action.fcurves:
- for k in fc.keyframe_points:
- k.interpolation = 'LINEAR'
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'CURVE', object=curve, apply=False, show_viewport=True)
- obj.rotation_euler = (0, 0, np.pi)
-def snap_curve_to_floor(curve, bvh, step_height=1):
- s = curve.data.splines[0]
- for p in s.points:
- raystart = Vector(p.co[:3]) + Vector((0, 0, step_height))
- loc, *_ = bvh.ray_cast(raystart, Vector((0, 0, -1)))
- if loc is not None:
- p.co = (*loc, 1)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/animation/idle.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/animation/idle.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d9adac33..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/animation/idle.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import logging
-import bpy
-import bpy_types
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N
-import pdb
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import creature, creature_util as cutil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian, randomspacing, lerp
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-def compute_ik_length_height(targets):
- bounds = []
- for i in range(3):
- vmin = min(t.matrix_world.translation[i] for t in targets)
- vmax = max(t.matrix_world.translation[i] for t in targets)
- bounds.append([vmin, vmax])
- return np.array(bounds)
-def snap_iks_to_floor(targets, floor_bvh, minweight=0.7):
- assert floor_bvh is not None
- bpy.context.view_layer.update()
- get_targets = lambda k: [t for t in targets if k in t.name]
- bounds = compute_ik_length_height(targets)
- def find_floor_offset(t):
- ray_origin = mathutils.Vector((t.matrix_world.translation.x, t.matrix_world.translation.y, bounds[2, 1]))
- location, normal, index, dist = floor_bvh.ray_cast(ray_origin, mathutils.Vector((0, 0, -1)))
- if location is None:
- return None
- return location - t.matrix_world.translation
- feet = get_targets('foot')
- feet_offsets = [find_floor_offset(f) for f in feet]
- if any(off is None for off in feet_offsets):
- logging.warning(f'snap_iks_to_floor found {feet_offsets=}, aborting snap operation')
- return
- # dont allow the pose diff to be too large (ie, prevent weird behavior at cliffs)
- for i, o in enumerate(feet_offsets):
- if o.length > bounds[2, 1] - bounds[2, 0]:
- logging.warning(f'snap_iks_to_floor ignoring too-long offset {o.length=}')
- feet_offsets[i] = mathutils.Vector()
- for f, fo, in zip(feet, feet_offsets):
- f.location += fo
- hips = get_targets('body')
- if len(feet) == len(hips) * 2:
- # hips seem coupled to pairs of feet, take that into consideration
- # TODO: Restructure to make detecting this more robust
- hip_offsets = []
- for i in range(len(feet) // 2):
- o1, o2 = feet_offsets[2*i], feet_offsets[2*i + 1]
- hip_off = minweight * min(o1, o2) + (1 - minweight) * max(o1, o2)
- hip_offsets.append(hip_off)
- for h, ho in zip(hips, hip_offsets):
- h.location += ho
- for o in get_targets('head'): # front-associated
- o.location += hip_offsets[-1]
- for o in get_targets('tail'): # back associated
- o.location += hip_offsets[0]
- else:
- logging.warning(f'Couldnt establish feet-hip mapping')
- off = mathutils.Vector(np.array(feet_offsets).mean(axis=0))
- for o in targets:
- if o in feet:
- continue
- o.location += off
-def idle_body_noise_drivers(targets, foot_motion_chance=0.2, head_benddown=1.0, body_mag=1.0, wing_mag=1.0):
- # all magnitudes are determined as multiples of the creatures overall length/height/width
- bounds = compute_ik_length_height(targets)
- ls = bounds[:, 1] - bounds[:, 0]
- # scalars for the whole creature
- freq_scalar = N(1, 0.15)
- mag_scalar = N(1, 0.15)
- def add_noise(t, k, axis, mag, freq, off=0, mode='noise', seeds=None):
- d = t.driver_add(k, axis)
- p = getattr(t, k)[axis]
- if k == 'location':
- mag *= ls[axis]
- freq = freq / bpy.context.scene.render.fps
- freq *= freq_scalar
- mag *= mag_scalar
- if mode == 'noise':
- s1, s2 = seeds if seeds is not None else U(0, 1000, 2) # random offsets as 'seeds'
- varying = f'noise.noise(({freq:.6f}*frame, {s1:.2f}, {s2:.2f}))'
- elif mode == 'sin':
- varying = f'sin({freq:6f}*frame*2*pi)'
- else:
- raise ValueError(mode)
- d.driver.expression = f'{p:.4f}+{mag:.4f}*({off:.4f}+{varying})'
- get_targets = lambda k: [t for t in targets if k in t.name]
- for i, t in enumerate(get_targets('body')):
- add_noise(t, 'location', 0, mag=body_mag*0.025*N(1, 0.2), freq=0.25*N(1, 0.2))
- if i != 0:
- add_noise(t, 'location', 2, mag=body_mag*0.015*N(1, 0.2), freq=0.5*N(1, 0.2), mode='sin')
- for t in get_targets('foot'):
- if U() < foot_motion_chance:
- add_noise(t, 'location', 0, mag=0.07*N(1, 0.1), freq=U(0.2, 0.7))
- add_noise(t, 'location', 2, mag=0.04*N(1, 0.1), freq=U(0.2, 0.7))
- for t in get_targets('head'):
- headfreq = 0.4
- add_noise(t, 'location', 0, mag=0.07*N(1, 0.1), freq=headfreq, off=-0.5*head_benddown)
- add_noise(t, 'location', 1, mag=0.03*N(1, 0.1), freq=headfreq)
- add_noise(t, 'location', 2, mag=0.2*N(1, 0.1), freq=headfreq/2, off=-0.7*head_benddown)
- #add_noise(t, 'rotation_euler', 0, mag=0.4*N(1, 0.1), freq=U(0.1, 0.4))
- #add_noise(t, 'rotation_euler', 1, mag=0.4*N(1, 0.1), freq=U(0.1, 0.4))
- seeds = U(0, 1000, 2) # synchronize wing motion a little bit
- for t in get_targets('wingtip'):
- add_noise(t, 'location', 0, mag=wing_mag*0.1*N(1, 0.1), freq=U(0.6, 4), seeds=seeds+N(0, 0.2, 2))
- add_noise(t, 'location', 2, mag=wing_mag*0.2*N(1, 0.1), freq=U(0.6, 4), seeds=seeds+N(0, 0.2, 2))
- for t in get_targets('tail'):
- for i in range(3):
- add_noise(t, 'location', 0, mag=0.07*N(1, 0.1), freq=headfreq, off=-0.5)
-def head_look_around(targets):
- pass
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/cloth_sim.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/cloth_sim.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c68915a90..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/cloth_sim.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-# Acknowledgment: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDrbyITWMGU by Mr. Cheebs
-import pdb
-import logging
-from numpy.random import normal, uniform
-import bpy
-from infinigen.core.surface import attribute_to_vertex_group
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import dict_convex_comb
-from infinigen.core.util.logging import Timer
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler, Nodes
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def local_pos_rigity_mask(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'To Min', 0.4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'To Max', 0.9)])
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': nw.expose_input('Local Pos', attribute='local_pos')})
- clamp = nw.new_node(Nodes.Clamp,
- input_kwargs={'Value': nw.expose_input("Radius", attribute='skeleton_rad'), 'Min': 0.03, 'Max': 0.49})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: clamp, 1: -1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: clamp, 1: 1.5},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply, 2: multiply_1})
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': uniform(1e3), 'Scale': normal(10, 1)},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: musgrave_texture, 1: normal(0.07, 0.007)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': normal(5, 0.5), 'W': uniform(1e3)},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: musgrave_texture_1, 1: normal(0.12, 0.01)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: multiply_3})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: add})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': add_1})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(1)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = normal(0.23, 0.05)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = normal(0.6, 0.05)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 1.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 3: group_input.outputs["To Min"], 4: group_input.outputs["To Max"]})
- musgrave_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture)
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: musgrave_texture_2, 1: normal(0.1, 0.02)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- return nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_4})
-def bake_cloth(obj, settings=None, attributes=None, frame_start=None, frame_end=None):
- if frame_start is None:
- frame_start = bpy.context.scene.frame_start
- if frame_end is None:
- frame_end = bpy.context.scene.frame_end
- if settings is None:
- settings = {}
- if attributes is None:
- attributes = {}
- mod = obj.modifiers.new('bake_cloth', 'CLOTH')
- mod.settings.effector_weights.gravity = settings.pop('gravity', 1)
- mod.collision_settings.distance_min = settings.pop('distance_min', .015)
- mod.collision_settings.use_self_collision = settings.pop('use_self_collision', False)
- for k, v in settings.items():
- setattr(mod.settings, k, v)
- with butil.DisableModifiers(obj):
- for name, attr in attributes.items():
- vgroup = attribute_to_vertex_group(obj, attr, name=f'skin_sim.{name}')
- setattr(mod.settings, name, vgroup.name)
- mod.point_cache.frame_start = frame_start
- mod.point_cache.frame_end = frame_end
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, mode='OBJECT'), butil.SelectObjects(obj), Timer('Baking fish cloth'):
- override = {'scene': bpy.context.scene, 'active_object': obj, 'point_cache': mod.point_cache}
- bpy.ops.ptcache.bake(override, bake=True)
- return mod
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/blending.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/blending.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ad08d3fb..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/blending.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1181 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Jia Deng
-Module for constructing blending surfaces
-See exmaple_use() for an example
-from __future__ import annotations
-from multiprocessing.sharedctypes import Value
-from typing import Callable, Iterable, Literal, Tuple
-from networkx.classes import ordered
-import numpy as np
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from geomdl import NURBS
-from infinigen.core.util.math import rotate_match_directions, normalize, project_to_unit_vector
-from infinigen.core.util.math import wrap_around_cyclic_coord, new_domain_from_affine, affine_from_new_domain
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.geometry.nurbs import blender_mesh_from_pydata, compute_cylinder_topology
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.geometry import nurbs
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.geometry import nurbs, lofting, skin_ops
-raise NotImplementedError ('blending.py not currently used, please re-add shapely as a dependency and delete this line')
-from shapely.geometry import Polygon, Point, LineString
-import shapely
-import rtree
-class CurveND:
- def __init__(self, eval_fn: Callable[[np.array], Tuple[np.array, np.array]], dim, domain=(0, 1)):
- self._eval_fn = eval_fn
- if domain[1] <= domain[0]:
- raise ValueError("invalid domain")
- self._domain = domain
- self._dim = dim
- @property
- def domain(self):
- return self._domain
- @property
- def eval_fn(self):
- return self._eval_fn
- @property
- def dim(self):
- return self._dim
- def evaluate_points_and_derivatives_at_t(self, t: np.array) -> Tuple[np.array, np.array]:
- if (t < self.domain[0]).any() or (t > self.domain[1]).any():
- raise ValueError("out of domain t value")
- points, derivatives = self._eval_fn(t)
- if points.shape != t.shape + (self.dim,):
- raise ValueError(
- f"points {points.shape} has wrong shape, {t.shape}")
- if derivatives.shape != t.shape + (self.dim,):
- raise ValueError("derivatives has wrong shape")
- return (points, derivatives)
- def evaluate_points_and_derivatives(self, resolution: int) -> Tuple[np.array, np.array]:
- t = np.linspace(self.domain[0], self.domain[1], resolution)
- return self.eval_points_and_derivatives_at_t(t)
- def affine_transform_domain(self, a=1, b=0) -> CurveND:
- """get a new curve (u(f(t)), v(f(t)) where f(t) = a * t + b"""
- new_domain = new_domain_from_affine(self.domain, a, b)
- def new_eval_fn(t):
- ft = a * t + b
- p, d = self.eval_fn(ft)
- return (p, a * d)
- return CurveND(new_eval_fn, self.dim, domain=new_domain)
- def affine_new_domain(self, new_domain=(0, 1)) -> CurveND:
- """ get an equivalent curve whose domain is new_domain.
- Here new_domain as (1, 0) is valid: the new curve will have domain (0,1)
- but with a flipped axis
- """
- a, b = affine_from_new_domain(self.domain, new_domain)
- return self.affine_transform_domain(a, b)
- def sub_curve(self, interval=(0, 1)) -> CurveND:
- """ get a new curve restricted to interval [a,b] """
- return CurveND(self.eval_fn, self.dim, domain=interval)
-class Curve2DFactory:
- @staticmethod
- def circle(center, start_pos, arc_angle=2 * np.pi) -> CurveND:
- center = np.array(center)
- start_pos = np.array(start_pos)
- if center.shape != (2,) or start_pos.shape != (2,):
- raise ValueError(
- f"wrong shapes for center {center.shape} or start_pos {start_pos.shape}")
- r = start_pos - center
- rad = np.linalg.norm(r)
- start_angle = np.arccos(r[0]/rad)
- if r[1] < 0:
- start_angle = 2 * np.pi - start_angle
- def eval_fn(t):
- uv = np.stack([np.cos(t * arc_angle + start_angle) * rad + center[0],
- np.sin(t * arc_angle + start_angle) * rad + center[1]], axis=-1)
- duvdt = rad * arc_angle * np.stack([-np.sin(t * arc_angle + start_angle),
- np.cos(t * arc_angle + start_angle)], axis=-1)
- return (uv, duvdt)
- return CurveND(eval_fn, dim=2)
- @staticmethod
- def nurbs(ctrlpts: np.array, degree=3, knots: np.array = None, weights: np.array = None, make_cyclic=False) -> CurveND:
- """returns a 2D curve. extra dimensions in ctrlpts are ignored
- If make_cyclic is True, will create new control points and knots to wrap around
- If knots is not specified, defaults to clamped uniform, unless make_cyclic is True, in which case defaults to unclamped uniform
- """
- if ctrlpts.shape[-1] < 2:
- raise ValueError(
- f"control points have wrong shape {ctrlpts.shape}")
- ctrlpts = ctrlpts[..., :2].reshape(-1, 2)
- if make_cyclic:
- ctrlpts = np.concatenate([ctrlpts, ctrlpts[0:degree, :]], axis=0)
- if knots is None:
- knots = np.arange(len(ctrlpts) + degree + 1)
- else:
- knots = knots.append(knots[0:degree])
- if weights is not None:
- weights = weights.append(weights[0:degree])
- else:
- if knots is None:
- knots = np.arange(len(ctrlpts) + degree + 1)
- knots[0:degree] = knots[degree]
- knots[-degree:] = knots[-degree-1]
- curve = NURBS.Curve(normalize_kv=False)
- curve.degree = degree
- curve.ctrlpts = ctrlpts
- curve.knotvector = knots
- if weights is not None:
- curve.weights = weights
- def eval_fn(t):
- d_tmp = np.empty(t.shape + (2, 2))
- for i in np.ndindex(t.shape):
- d_tmp[i] = np.array(curve.derivatives(t[i], order=1))
- uv = d_tmp[..., 0, :]
- duvdt = d_tmp[..., 1, :]
- return (uv, duvdt)
- return CurveND(eval_fn, dim=2, domain=curve.domain)
-class UVMesh:
- def __init__(self, uvpoints, edges, faces, cyclic_v=False, pos_cross_edges=None, domain=None):
- if uvpoints.shape[-1] != 2:
- raise ValueError("wrong shape of uvpoints")
- uvpoints = uvpoints.reshape(-1, 2)
- self._uvpoints = [uv for uv in uvpoints]
- self._uvpoints_deleted = [False] * len(self._uvpoints)
- self._edges_of_point = {i: set() for i in range(len(self._uvpoints))}
- for e in edges:
- self._edges_of_point[e[0]].add(e[1])
- self._edges_of_point[e[1]].add(e[0])
- self._faces = [list(f) for f in faces]
- self._faces_deleted = [False] * len(faces)
- self._face_of_edge = {
- (f[j-1], f[j]): i for i, f in enumerate(self._faces) for j in range(0, len(f))}
- self._cyclic_v = cyclic_v
- self._pos_cross_edges = set(((e[0], e[1]) for e in pos_cross_edges))
- self._domain = domain
- self._vspan = domain[1][1] - domain[1][0]
- voffsets = [np.cumsum([0] + [self._cross_edge_dir((f[i-1], f[i]))
- for i in range(1, len(f))]) for f in self._faces]
- self._faces_cross_direction = [
- vs[np.argmax(vs != 0)] for vs in voffsets]
- self._polygons = [Polygon([self._uvpoints[p] + np.array([0, c * self._vspan])
- for c, p in zip(cs, f)]) for cs, f in zip(voffsets, faces)]
- self._polygons_rshift = [shapely.affinity.translate(
- p, yoff=self._vspan) if self._faces_cross_direction[i] < 0 else None for i, p in enumerate(self._polygons)]
- self._polygons_lshift = [shapely.affinity.translate(
- p, yoff=-self._vspan) if self._faces_cross_direction[i] > 0 else None for i, p in enumerate(self._polygons)]
- self._rtree_idx = rtree.index.Index(
- ((i, x.bounds, None) for ps in [self._polygons, self._polygons_rshift, self._polygons_lshift]
- for i, x in enumerate(ps) if x is not None))
- def export_uvmesh(self):
- """return uvpoints, edges, faces"""
- mask = ~np.array(self._uvpoints_deleted)
- new_ids = np.cumsum(mask)-1
- uvpoints = np.array(self._uvpoints)[mask]
- edges = [(new_ids[pt1], new_ids[pt2]) for pt1 in range(len(self._uvpoints))
- for pt2 in self._edges_of_point[pt1]
- if not self._uvpoints_deleted[pt1] and not self._uvpoints_deleted[pt2]]
- faces = [[new_ids[pt] for pt in f_pts] for f_id, f_pts in enumerate(
- self._faces) if not self._faces_deleted[f_id]]
- return (uvpoints, edges, faces)
- @staticmethod
- def from_meshgrid(resolution_u: int, resolution_v: int, domain=((0, 1), (0, 1)), cyclic_v=False) -> UVMesh:
- if cyclic_v and resolution_v <= 3:
- raise ValueError("resoultion v is too low")
- d = domain
- u = np.linspace(d[0][0], d[0][1], resolution_u)
- v = np.linspace(d[1][0], d[1][1], resolution_v)
- uv = np.stack(np.meshgrid(u, v, indexing='ij'), axis=-1)
- # drop the duplicates
- if cyclic_v:
- uv = uv[:, :-1, :]
- edges, faces = compute_cylinder_topology(
- resolution_u, resolution_v - cyclic_v, cyclic_v)
- cross_edges = [e for e in edges if e[0] % (
- resolution_v - 1) == resolution_v - 2 and e[1] % (resolution_v-1) == 0] if cyclic_v else []
- return UVMesh(uv.reshape(-1, 2), edges, faces, cyclic_v, cross_edges, domain)
- def _enclosing_polygon(self, face_id, pt_coords):
- point = Point(pt_coords)
- for poly in [self._polygons[face_id], self._polygons_lshift[face_id], self._polygons_rshift[face_id]]:
- if poly is not None and poly.covers(point):
- return poly
- return None
- def _intersecting_polygons_of_line(self, face_id, line: LineString):
- if line is None:
- return []
- res = []
- for poly in [self._polygons[face_id], self._polygons_lshift[face_id], self._polygons_rshift[face_id]]:
- if poly is not None and poly.covers(line):
- res.append(poly)
- return res
- def _enclosing_faces_polys_edges_verts_of_point(self, coords):
- if self._cyclic_v:
- coords = self._wrap_around_v(coords)
- if not self._within_domain(coords):
- raise ValueError("coords must be within domain")
- candidate_faces = self._rtree_idx.intersection(coords)
- e_faces_polys = [(i, self._enclosing_polygon(i, coords))
- for i in candidate_faces if not self._faces_deleted[i]]
- e_faces_polys = [(i, p) for i, p in e_faces_polys if p is not None]
- e_edges = [(self._faces[f][i], self._faces[f][(i+1) % len(self._faces[f])]) for f, po in e_faces_polys for i in range(len(self._faces[f]))
- if shapely.geometry.LineString([po.exterior.coords[i], po.exterior.coords[i+1]]).contains(Point(coords))]
- e_edges = list(
- set(((e[0], e[1]) if e[0] < e[1] else ((e[1], e[0])) for e in e_edges)))
- e_verts = [pt for f, _ in e_faces_polys for pt in self._faces[f] if (
- np.array(coords) == np.array(self._uvpoints[pt])).all()]
- e_verts = list(set(e_verts))
- return (e_faces_polys, e_edges, e_verts)
- @staticmethod
- def _print_polygon(p: Polygon):
- print(list(p.exterior.coords))
- def _print_all(self):
- print("points")
- print([(i, p[0]) for i, p in enumerate(
- zip(self._uvpoints, self._uvpoints_deleted)) if not p[1]])
- print("edges")
- print(sorted(self._edges_of_point.items()))
- print("cross edges")
- print(sorted(self._pos_cross_edges))
- print("faces")
- print([(i, fd[0]) for i, fd in enumerate(
- zip(self._faces, self._faces_deleted)) if not fd[1]])
- print("face_of_edge")
- print(sorted(self._face_of_edge.items()))
- print("polys")
- print([list(p.exterior.coords) for p in self._polygons])
- print("polly lshift")
- print([list(p.exterior.coords)
- for p in self._polygons_lshift if p is not None])
- print("polly rshift")
- print([list(p.exterior.coords)
- for p in self._polygons_rshift if p is not None])
- def _cross_edge_dir(self, e):
- if e in self._pos_cross_edges:
- return 1
- if (e[1], e[0]) in self._pos_cross_edges:
- return -1
- return 0
- def _get_enclosing_polygon(self, new_pt_coords, enclosing_face):
- p_m = self._polygons[enclosing_face]
- p_l = self._polygons_lshift[enclosing_face]
- p_r = self._polygons_rshift[enclosing_face]
- p_e = None
- for p in [p_m, p_l, p_r]:
- if p is not None and p.covers(Point(new_pt_coords)):
- p_e = p
- break
- return p_e
- def _add_face(self, pts):
- f_id = len(self._faces)
- self._faces.append(pts)
- self._faces_deleted.append(False)
- self._face_of_edge.update(
- ((pts[i-1], pts[i]), f_id) for i in range(len(pts)))
- vs = np.cumsum([0] + [self._cross_edge_dir((pts[i-1], pts[i]))
- for i in range(1, len(pts))])
- cross_dir = vs[np.argmax(vs != 0)]
- self._faces_cross_direction.append(cross_dir)
- poly = Polygon([self._uvpoints[p] + np.array([0, c * self._vspan])
- for c, p in zip(vs, pts)])
- self._polygons.append(poly)
- poly_r = shapely.affinity.translate(
- poly, yoff=self._vspan) if cross_dir < 0 else None
- poly_l = shapely.affinity.translate(
- poly, yoff=-self._vspan) if cross_dir > 0 else None
- self._polygons_rshift.append(poly_r)
- self._polygons_lshift.append(poly_l)
- self._rtree_idx.insert(f_id, poly.bounds, None)
- if poly_r is not None:
- self._rtree_idx.insert(f_id, poly_r.bounds, None)
- if poly_l is not None:
- self._rtree_idx.insert(f_id, poly_l.bounds, None)
- return f_id
- def _add_point(self, new_pt_coords):
- new_pt = len(self._uvpoints)
- self._uvpoints.append(new_pt_coords)
- self._uvpoints_deleted.append(False)
- self._edges_of_point[new_pt] = set()
- return new_pt
- def _delete_edge(self, pt1, pt2):
- self._edges_of_point[pt1].remove(pt2)
- self._edges_of_point[pt2].remove(pt1)
- if self._cyclic_v:
- self._pos_cross_edges.discard((pt1, pt2))
- self._pos_cross_edges.discard((pt2, pt1))
- def _add_edge(self, pt1, pt2, cross_dir=0):
- self._edges_of_point[pt1].add(pt2)
- self._edges_of_point[pt2].add(pt1)
- if self._cyclic_v and cross_dir != 0:
- self._pos_cross_edges.add(
- (pt1, pt2) if cross_dir > 0 else (pt2, pt1))
- def _get_cross_dir_from_pt(self, pt, enclosing_face, enclosing_polygon):
- p_e = enclosing_polygon
- pt_idx = self._faces[enclosing_face].index(pt)
- pt = p_e.exterior.coords[pt_idx]
- pt_poly_co = p_e.exterior.coords[pt_idx]
- cross_dir = 1 if pt_poly_co[1] < self._domain[1][0] else (
- -1 if pt_poly_co[1] >= self._domain[1][1] else 0)
- return cross_dir
- def _delete_edge_and_merge_faces(self, pt1, pt2):
- f1 = self._face_of_edge.pop((pt1, pt2))
- f2 = self._face_of_edge.pop((pt2, pt1))
- self._faces_deleted[f1] = True
- self._faces_deleted[f2] = True
- f1_pts = np.array(self._faces[f1])
- f2_pts = np.array(self._faces[f2])
- if len(set(f1_pts).intersection(set(f2_pts))) > 2:
- raise ValueError(
- "cannot merge faces that share more than one edge")
- new_f_pts = list(np.roll(f1_pts, -np.argmax(f1_pts == pt2))
- )[:-1] + list(np.roll(f2_pts, -np.argmax(f2_pts == pt1)))[:-1]
- self._delete_edge(pt1, pt2)
- return self._add_face(new_f_pts)
- def _delete_point_and_merge_faces(self, pt):
- """delete pt and its edges and faces"""
- neighbor_pts = [i for i in self._edges_of_point[pt]]
- faces = [self._face_of_edge[(pt, j)] for j in neighbor_pts]
- new_f_pts = neighbor_pts[0:1]
- face_count = 0
- while face_count < len(neighbor_pts):
- cur_pt = new_f_pts[-1]
- f = self._face_of_edge.get((pt, cur_pt), None)
- if f is None:
- break
- f_pts = self._faces[f]
- f_pts = list(np.roll(f_pts, -f_pts.index(pt)))
- new_f_pts.extend(f_pts[2:])
- face_count += 1
- while face_count < len(neighbor_pts):
- cur_pt = new_f_pts[0]
- f = self._face_of_edge.get((cur_pt, pt), None)
- if f is None:
- break
- f_pts = self._faces[f]
- f_pts = list(np.roll(f_pts, -f_pts.index(cur_pt)))
- new_f_pts = f_pts[2:] + new_f_pts
- face_count += 1
- if face_count < len(neighbor_pts):
- raise ValueError("non-manifold mesh")
- if new_f_pts[-1] == new_f_pts[0]:
- new_f_pts = new_f_pts[:-1]
- for f in faces:
- self._faces_deleted[f] = True
- for cur_pt in neighbor_pts:
- self._delete_edge(pt, cur_pt)
- self._uvpoints_deleted[pt] = True
- return self._add_face(new_f_pts)
- def _split_face_with_new_edge(self, face_id, pt1, pt2):
- # todo: make sure new edge is within face
- # check if cross edge
- self._faces_deleted[face_id] = True
- f_pts = self._faces[face_id]
- r_pts = list(np.roll(f_pts, -f_pts.index(pt1)))
- r_pt2_idx = r_pts.index(pt2)
- if r_pt2_idx == 1:
- raise ValueError("(pt1, pt2) is already an edge")
- cross_dir = np.cumsum([self._cross_edge_dir(
- (r_pts[i-1], r_pts[i]))for i in range(1, r_pt2_idx+1)])[-1]
- self._add_edge(pt1, pt2, cross_dir)
- f1 = self._add_face(r_pts[:r_pt2_idx+1])
- f2 = self._add_face(r_pts[r_pt2_idx:] + [pt1])
- return (f1, f2)
- def _split_face_with_new_point(self, face_id, pt_coords):
- new_pt = self._add_point(pt_coords)
- f_pts = self._faces[face_id]
- p_e = self._get_enclosing_polygon(pt_coords, face_id)
- if p_e is None:
- raise ValueError("no enclosing polygon")
- self._faces_deleted[face_id] = True
- for i in range(len(f_pts)):
- pt1 = f_pts[i-1]
- pt2 = f_pts[i]
- cross_dir1 = self._get_cross_dir_from_pt(pt1, face_id, p_e)
- cross_dir2 = self._get_cross_dir_from_pt(pt2, face_id, p_e)
- self._add_edge(pt1, new_pt, cross_dir1)
- self._add_edge(pt2, new_pt, cross_dir2)
- self._add_face([pt1, pt2, new_pt])
- return new_pt
- def _triangulate_face_from_pt(self, face_id, pt):
- f_pts = self._faces[face_id]
- if len(f_pts) <= 3:
- return 0
- poly = self._polygons[face_id]
- pt_idx = f_pts.index(pt)
- pt_coords = poly.exterior.coords[pt_idx]
- r_pts = np.roll(f_pts, -pt_idx)
- pt1_coords = poly.exterior.coords[f_pts.index(r_pts[1])]
- for pt2 in r_pts[2:-1]:
- pt2_coords = poly.exterior.coords[f_pts.index(pt2)]
- line = LineString([pt_coords, pt2_coords])
- if poly.covers(line) and \
- not line.covers(Point(pt1_coords)):
- new_f0, new_f = self._split_face_with_new_edge(
- face_id, pt, pt2)
- return 1 + self._triangulate_face_from_pt(new_f, pt)
- return 0
- def _triangulate_all_faces_of_point(self, pt):
- for f in self._faces_of_point(pt):
- self._triangulate_face(f)
- def _triangulate_face(self, face_id):
- poly = self._polygons[face_id]
- f_pts = self._faces[face_id]
- if len(f_pts) <= 3:
- return
- for i, pt1 in enumerate(f_pts):
- for j, pt2 in enumerate(f_pts):
- if i != j and pt2 not in self._edges_of_point[pt1]:
- line = LineString(
- [poly.exterior.coords[i], poly.exterior.coords[j]])
- if poly.covers(line) and \
- not poly.exterior.covers(line):
- f1, f2 = self._split_face_with_new_edge(
- face_id, pt1, pt2)
- self._triangulate_face(f1)
- self._triangulate_face(f2)
- return
- def _split_edge_with_new_point(self, pt1, pt2, pt_coords, enclosing_face=None, enclosing_polygon=None):
- new_pt = self._add_point(pt_coords)
- f1 = self._face_of_edge.pop((pt1, pt2), None)
- f2 = self._face_of_edge.pop((pt2, pt1), None)
- if f1 is not None:
- self._faces_deleted[f1] = True
- if enclosing_face is None:
- enclosing_face = f1
- enclosing_polygon = self._get_enclosing_polygon(
- pt_coords, enclosing_face)
- if f2 is not None:
- self._faces_deleted[f2] = True
- if enclosing_face is None:
- enclosing_face = f2
- enclosing_polygon = self._get_enclosing_polygon(
- pt_coords, enclosing_face)
- self._delete_edge(pt1, pt2)
- cross_dir1 = self._get_cross_dir_from_pt(
- pt1, enclosing_face, enclosing_polygon)
- cross_dir2 = self._get_cross_dir_from_pt(
- pt2, enclosing_face, enclosing_polygon)
- self._add_edge(pt1, new_pt, cross_dir1)
- self._add_edge(pt2, new_pt, cross_dir2)
- # done adding edges and points. now add faces
- f1_pts = self._faces[f1] if f1 is not None else None
- f2_pts = self._faces[f2] if f2 is not None else None
- f1_pts.insert(f1_pts.index(pt1) + 1,
- new_pt) if f1 is not None else None
- f2_pts.insert(f2_pts.index(pt2) + 1,
- new_pt) if f2 is not None else None
- if f1 is not None:
- new_f1 = self._add_face(f1_pts)
- self._triangulate_face_from_pt(new_f1, new_pt)
- if f2 is not None:
- new_f2 = self._add_face(f2_pts)
- self._triangulate_face_from_pt(new_f2, new_pt)
- return new_pt
- def _wrap_around_v(self, uv):
- uv = np.array(uv)
- new_uv = uv.copy()
- new_uv[..., 1] = wrap_around_cyclic_coord(uv[..., 1], *self._domain[1])
- return new_uv
- def _within_domain(self, uv):
- uv = np.array(uv)
- return (self._domain[0][0] <= uv[..., 0]).all() and (uv[..., 0] < self._domain[0][1]).all() \
- and (self._domain[1][0] <= uv[..., 1]).all() and (uv[..., 1] < self._domain[1][1]).all()
- def _edges_of_face(self, f):
- return [(f[i-1], f[i]) for i in range(len(self._faces[f]))]
- def _faces_of_point(self, pt):
- return [self._face_of_edge[(pt, j)] for j in self._edges_of_point[pt] if (pt, j) in self._face_of_edge]
- def _poly_of_point_on_face(self, face_id, pt):
- for poly in [self._polygons[face_id], self._polygons_lshift[face_id], self._polygons_rshift[face_id]]:
- if poly is not None and \
- self._within_domain(np.array(poly.exterior.coords[self._faces[face_id].index(pt)])):
- return poly
- def add_edge_and_remesh(self, pt1, pt2, cross_dir=0):
- if self._uvpoints_deleted[pt1] or self._uvpoints_deleted[pt2]:
- raise ValueError("pt1 or pt2 does not exist")
- if pt2 in self._edges_of_point[pt1]:
- if (pt1, pt2) in self._face_of_edge:
- self._triangulate_face(self._face_of_edge[(pt1, pt2)])
- if (pt2, pt1) in self._face_of_edge:
- self._triangulate_face(self._face_of_edge[(pt2, pt1)])
- return
- shared_f = set(self._faces_of_point(pt1)).intersection(
- set(self._faces_of_point(pt2)))
- if len(shared_f) > 0:
- if len(shared_f) > 1:
- raise ValueError("non-convex faces or redudant points")
- f1, f2 = self._split_face_with_new_edge(
- list(shared_f)[0], pt1, pt2)
- self._triangulate_face(f1)
- self._triangulate_face(f2)
- return
- pt1_coords = self._uvpoints[pt1]
- pt2_coords = self._uvpoints[pt2].copy()
- pt2_coords[1] += cross_dir * self._vspan
- line = LineString([pt1_coords, pt2_coords])
- for pt in self._edges_of_point[pt1]:
- pt_coords = self._uvpoints[pt].copy()
- pt_coords[1] += self._cross_edge_dir((pt1, pt)) * self._vspan
- if line.covers(Point(pt_coords)):
- new_f = self._delete_point_and_merge_faces(pt)
- self._triangulate_face_from_pt(new_f, pt1)
- self.add_edge_and_remesh(pt1, pt2, cross_dir)
- self._triangulate_all_faces_of_point(pt1)
- return
- for f in self._faces_of_point(pt1):
- f_pts = self._faces[f]
- poly = self._poly_of_point_on_face(f, pt1)
- # for numerical stability. get pt1_coords from poly
- line = LineString(
- [poly.exterior.coords[f_pts.index(pt1)], pt2_coords])
- if poly.crosses(line):
- for i in range(0, len(f_pts)):
- q1 = f_pts[i]
- q2 = f_pts[(i+1) % len(f_pts)]
- q1_coords = poly.exterior.coords[i]
- q2_coords = poly.exterior.coords[i+1]
- if LineString([q1_coords, q2_coords]).crosses(line):
- new_f = self._delete_edge_and_merge_faces(q1, q2)
- self._triangulate_face_from_pt(new_f, pt1)
- self.add_edge_and_remesh(pt1, pt2, cross_dir)
- self._triangulate_all_faces_of_point(pt1)
- return
- raise ValueError("should never be here")
- raise ValueError("should never be here")
- def add_point_and_remesh(self, pt_coords):
- pt_coords = np.array(pt_coords)
- if not self._within_domain(pt_coords):
- raise ValueError("pt_coords must be within domain")
- e_faces_polys, e_edges, e_verts = self._enclosing_faces_polys_edges_verts_of_point(
- pt_coords)
- new_pt = None
- if len(e_verts) > 0:
- if len(e_verts) > 1:
- raise ValueError("cannot have more than 1 e_vert")
- new_pt = e_verts[0]
- elif len(e_edges) > 0:
- if len(e_edges) > 1:
- raise ValueError("cannot have more than 1 e_edge")
- e = e_edges[0]
- new_pt = self._split_edge_with_new_point(e[0], e[1], pt_coords)
- else:
- if len(e_faces_polys) != 1:
- raise ValueError("must have an enclosing face")
- f, _ = e_faces_polys[0]
- new_pt = self._split_face_with_new_point(f, pt_coords)
- return new_pt
- def add_line_and_remesh(self, start_coords, end_coords):
- pt1 = self.add_point_and_remesh(self._wrap_around_v(start_coords))
- pt2 = self.add_point_and_remesh(self._wrap_around_v(end_coords))
- q1 = (start_coords[1] - self._domain[1][0]) // self._vspan
- q2 = (end_coords[1] - self._domain[1][0]) // self._vspan
- cross_dir = q2 - q1
- if cross_dir > 0:
- cross_dir = 1
- if cross_dir < 0:
- cross_dir = -1
- self.add_edge_and_remesh(pt1, pt2, cross_dir)
- return (pt1, pt2)
- def add_poly_curve_and_remesh(self, uvpoints: np.array, cyclic_curve=False, vloop=False):
- if uvpoints.shape[-1] != 2:
- raise ValueError("wrong shape of curve")
- uvpoints = uvpoints.reshape(-1, 2)
- pts = []
- for i in range(len(uvpoints)-1):
- pt1, pt2 = self.add_line_and_remesh(uvpoints[i], uvpoints[i+1])
- if i == 0:
- pts.append(pt1)
- else:
- if pt1 != pts[-1]:
- raise ValueError("numerical issues!")
- pts.append(pt2)
- if cyclic_curve:
- if vloop:
- cross_dir = 1 if uvpoints[-1][1] >= uvpoints[0][1] else -1
- self.add_edge_and_remesh(pts[-1], pts[0], cross_dir)
- else:
- self.add_line_and_remesh(uvpoints[-1], uvpoints[0])
- return pts
- def add_curve_and_remesh(self, curve: CurveND, resolution: int, cyclic_curve=False, vloop=False,
- cut_inside=False, cut_outside=False) -> Iterable[int]:
- t = np.linspace(*curve.domain, resolution)
- if cyclic_curve:
- t = t[:-1]
- uvpoints, _ = curve.evaluate_points_and_derivatives_at_t(t)
- pts = self.add_poly_curve_and_remesh(uvpoints, cyclic_curve, vloop)
- if cyclic_curve and (cut_inside or cut_outside):
- comps = self.connected_components(pts)
- if len(comps) < 2:
- raise ValueError("two few components")
- poly_points = list(uvpoints)
- if vloop:
- head = uvpoints[0].copy()
- tail1 = uvpoints[0].copy()
- tail2 = uvpoints[-1].copy()
- head[0] = self._domain[0][0] - 0.1
- tail1[1] += self._vspan
- tail2[0] = self._domain[0][0] - 0.1
- poly_points = [head] + poly_points + [tail1, tail2]
- poly = Polygon(poly_points)
- for comp in comps:
- pt = comp[0]
- pt_coords = self._uvpoints[pt]
- pt_coords1 = pt_coords.copy()
- pt_coords1[1] += self._vspan
- pt_coords2 = pt_coords.copy()
- pt_coords2[1] -= self._vspan
- if poly.covers(Point(pt_coords)) or poly.covers(Point(pt_coords1)) or poly.covers(Point(pt_coords2)):
- if cut_inside:
- self.remove_points(comp)
- else:
- if cut_outside:
- self.remove_points(comp)
- return pts
- def connected_components(self, boundary_pts: Iterable[int]) -> Iterable[Iterable[int]]:
- color_of_pts = - np.ones(len(self._uvpoints))
- color_of_pts[boundary_pts] = -2
- color_of_pts[self._uvpoints_deleted] = -2
- cur_color = 0
- for i in range(len(color_of_pts)):
- if color_of_pts[i] == -1:
- stack = [i]
- while len(stack) > 0:
- pt = stack.pop()
- color_of_pts[pt] = cur_color
- for pt2 in self._edges_of_point[pt]:
- if color_of_pts[pt2] == -1:
- stack.append(pt2)
- cur_color += 1
- res = [[i for i, c in enumerate(color_of_pts) if c == color]
- for color in range(cur_color)]
- return res
- def remove_points(self, pts: Iterable[int]):
- for pt in pts:
- self._uvpoints_deleted[pt] = True
- for f in self._faces_of_point(pt):
- self._faces_deleted[f] = True
- for j in self._edges_of_point[pt]:
- self._edges_of_point[j].remove(pt)
- self._edges_of_point[pt] = set()
-class Surface:
- """
- General parametric surface S(u,v)
- eval_fn: evaluation function that returns 3D points and derivatives (s(u,v), ds/du(u,v), ds/dv(u,v))
- See SurfaceFactory for examples of eval_fn
- """
- def __init__(self, eval_fn: Callable[[np.array], Tuple[np.array, np.array]],
- domain=((0, 1), (0, 1)), cyclic_u=False, cyclic_v=False):
- self._eval_fn = eval_fn
- if (np.array(domain)[:, 1] <= np.array(domain)[:, 0]).any():
- raise ValueError("invalid domain")
- self._domain = tuple(domain)
- self._cyclic_u = cyclic_u
- self._cyclic_v = cyclic_v
- @property
- def eval_fn(self):
- return self._eval_fn
- @property
- def domain(self):
- return self._domain
- @property
- def cyclic_u(self):
- return self._cyclic_u
- @property
- def cyclic_v(self):
- return self._cyclic_v
- def affine_transform_domain(self, ua=1, ub=0, va=1, vb=0) -> Surface:
- """ get a reparameterized surface G(u,v) = S(ua*u + ub, va * v + vb) """
- new_domain_u = new_domain_from_affine(self.domain[0], ua, ub)
- new_domain_v = new_domain_from_affine(self.domain[1], va, vb)
- new_domain = (new_domain_u, new_domain_v)
- def new_eval_fn(uv):
- fuv = np.stack(
- [ua * uv[..., 0] + ub, va * uv[..., 1] + vb], axis=-1)
- p, dsdu, dsdv = self.eval_fn(fuv)
- return (p, dsdu * ua, dsdv * va)
- return Surface(new_eval_fn, new_domain, self.cyclic_u, self.cyclic_v)
- def affine_new_domain(self, new_domain=((0, 1), (0, 1))) -> CurveND:
- """
- get an equivalent Surface whose domain is new_domain
- new_domain such as ((1, 0), (0,1)) is valid; the new surface will still
- have domain ((0,1),(0,1)) but with a flipped u axis
- """
- ua, ub = affine_from_new_domain(self.domain[0], new_domain[0])
- va, vb = affine_from_new_domain(self.domain[1], new_domain[1])
- return self.affine_transform_domain(ua, ub, va, vb)
- def create_mesh(self, resolution_u: int, resolution_v: int):
- points, _, _ = self.evaluate_points_and_derivatives(
- resolution_u, resolution_v)
- points = points.reshape(-1, 3)
- edges, faces = compute_cylinder_topology(
- resolution_u, resolution_v, self.cyclic_v)
- return blender_mesh_from_pydata(points, edges, faces)
- def create_mesh_from_uvmesh(self, uvmesh: UVMesh):
- uvpoints, edges, faces = uvmesh.export_uvmesh()
- points, _, _ = self.evaluate_points_and_derivatives_at_uv(uvpoints)
- return blender_mesh_from_pydata(points, edges, faces)
- def evaluate_points_and_derivatives_at_uv(self, uv: np.array) -> Tuple[np.array, np.array, np.array]:
- if uv.shape[-1] != 2:
- raise ValueError("wrong uv shape")
- def check_domain(u, domain, cyclic, name):
- if cyclic:
- return
- if (u < domain[0]).any() or (u > domain[1]).any():
- raise ValueError(
- f"{name} out of domain, {domain}, {self.domain}")
- check_domain(uv[..., 0], self.domain[0], self.cyclic_u, "u")
- check_domain(uv[..., 1], self.domain[1], self.cyclic_v, "v")
- eval_uv = uv.copy()
- if self.cyclic_u:
- eval_uv[..., 0] = wrap_around_cyclic_coord(
- uv[..., 0], *self.domain[0])
- if self.cyclic_v:
- eval_uv[..., 1] = wrap_around_cyclic_coord(
- uv[..., 1], *self.domain[1])
- points, derivatives_u, derivatives_v = self._eval_fn(eval_uv)
- if points.shape != uv.shape[:-1] + (3,):
- raise ValueError("points has wrong shape", points.shape, uv.shape)
- if derivatives_u is not None and derivatives_u.shape != uv.shape[:-1] + (3,):
- raise ValueError("derivatives u has wrong shape")
- if derivatives_v is not None and derivatives_v.shape != uv.shape[:-1] + (3,):
- raise ValueError("derivatives v has wrong shape")
- return (points, derivatives_u, derivatives_v)
- def evaluate_points_and_derivatives(self, resolution_u: int, resolution_v: int) -> Tuple[np.array, np.array, np.array]:
- d = self.domain
- u = np.linspace(d[0][0], d[0][1], resolution_u)
- v = np.linspace(d[1][0], d[1][1], resolution_v)
- uv = np.stack(np.meshgrid(u, v, indexing='ij'), axis=-1)
- return self.evaluate_points_and_derivatives_at_uv(uv)
-class RailCurve:
- """
- constructs a rail curve on a Surface surf S(u,v) and a Curve2D curve_uv (u(t),v(t))
- The (u(t), v(t)) should be within S(u,v)'s domain
- The constructed rail curve's domain is always (0,1). curve_uv can have arbitrary domain
- """
- def __init__(self, surf: Surface, curve_uv: CurveND):
- self._surf = surf
- self._curve_uv = curve_uv.affine_new_domain((0, 1))
- def evaluate_points_derivatives_normals(self, t: np.array) -> Tuple[np.array, np.array]:
- uv, duvdt = self._curve_uv.evaluate_points_and_derivatives_at_t(t)
- points, dsdu, dsdv = self._surf.evaluate_points_and_derivatives_at_uv(
- uv)
- dcdt = dsdu * duvdt[..., 0, None] + dsdv * duvdt[..., 1, None]
- z = np.cross(dsdu, dsdv)
- return (points, dcdt, z)
-class SurfaceFactory:
- @staticmethod
- def from_blender_nurbs(s: bpy.types.Spline) -> Surface:
- surf = nurbs.blender_nurbs_to_geomdl(s)
- def eval_fn(uv):
- d_tmp = np.empty(uv.shape[:-1] + (2, 2, 3))
- for i in np.ndindex(uv.shape[:-1]):
- d_tmp[i] = np.array(surf.derivatives(*uv[i], 1))
- points = d_tmp[..., 0, 0, :]
- dsdu = d_tmp[..., 1, 0, :]
- dsdv = d_tmp[..., 0, 1, :]
- return (points, dsdu, dsdv)
- return Surface(eval_fn, domain=surf.domain, cyclic_u=s.use_cyclic_u, cyclic_v=s.use_cyclic_v)
- @staticmethod
- def plane(center, normal, domain=((-1, 1), (-1, 1))) -> Surface:
- center = np.array(center)
- normal = np.array(normal)
- def eval_fn(uv):
- points = np.concatenate(
- [uv, np.zeros(uv.shape[:-1] + (1,))], axis=-1)
- dsdu = np.zeros_like(points)
- dsdu[..., 0] = 1
- dsdv = np.zeros_like(points)
- dsdv[..., 1] = 1
- upward = np.array([0, 0, 1])
- rot_mat = np.squeeze(rotate_match_directions(
- upward[None], normal[None]))
- points = np.einsum('...ij,...j->...i', rot_mat,
- points) + center[None]
- dsdu = np.einsum('...ij,...j->...i', rot_mat, dsdu)
- dsdv = np.einsum('...ij,...j->...i', rot_mat, dsdv)
- return (points, dsdu, dsdv)
- return Surface(eval_fn, domain)
- @staticmethod
- def blending(r1: RailCurve, r2: RailCurve, alpha=(0, 0), w=(0.1, 0.1), sweep_left=(False, False)) -> Surface:
- """
- Constructs a blending surface B(s,t) that spans two rail curves r1(t) and r2(t), where s,t in [0,1],
- such that r1(t) = B(0,t) and r2(t) = s(1,t) for all t in [0,1], and that B(s,t) smoothly blends.
- The blending surface basically smoothly sweeps one rail curve toward the other to span a new surface.
- r1(t) and r2(t) share the same t, i.e. with fixed t, r1(t) and r2(t) are "corresponding" points.
- it is important that r1(t) and r2(t) travel in the same direction (e.g. counterclockwise), otherwise you will get
- a twisted surface. You can flip the travel direction by CurveND.affine_new_domain
- Algorithm by Daniel Filip "Blending parametric surfaces", ACM Trans. on Graphics, 1989, with modification to
- gaurantee that we sweep a rail curve consistently to one side (left or right, but not mixed) and avoid twisted surfaces
- alpha: parameter in [0,1] that controls the direction in which to sweep a rail curve. if alpha=0, sweep more in the orthogonal direction
- if alipha=1, sweep more in the direction of the corresponding point in the other rail curve. There is an alpha for each rail curve.
- w: parameter in [0,1] that controls the curvature of the blending surface at the rail curve. If w=1, it will approximately give a
- large circle arc that connects the two rail curves. Large w results in slower transition. One w for each rail curve
- sweep_left: given a rail curve, we have two choices of constructing a blend: we can sweep to the left side (i.e. leaving the right side visible)
- or right. By default we sweep right. We use right hand convention: z = (u cross v) points to outside (visible side of the base surface),
- (rail_curve_tangent cross z) points to the right.
- """
- alpha1, alpha2 = alpha
- w1, w2 = w
- def eval_fn(st):
- s = st[..., 0]
- t = st[..., 1]
- c1, dc1dt, z1 = r1.evaluate_points_derivatives_normals(t)
- c2, dc2dt, z2 = r2.evaluate_points_derivatives_normals(t)
- def _compute_blending_tangent(dcdt, k, z, alpha, w, flip):
- if flip:
- z = -z
- # unit vector on tangent plane orthogonal to curve pointing to covered side of the curve after blending
- n = normalize(np.cross(dcdt, z), disallow_zero_norm=True)
- N = normalize(n + alpha * project_to_unit_vector(k, dcdt))
- k_norm = np.linalg.norm(k, axis=-1)
- g = k_norm + (k * N).sum(axis=-1)
- l = np.square(k_norm) * 2
- l[g > 0] /= g[g > 0]
- return l[..., None] * w * N
- k = c2 - c1
- T1 = _compute_blending_tangent(
- dc1dt, k, z1, alpha1, w1, sweep_left[0])
- T2 = _compute_blending_tangent(
- dc2dt, k, z2, alpha2, w2, sweep_left[1])
- H1 = s * s * (2 * s - 3) + 1
- H2 = 1 - H1
- H3 = s * np.square(s - 1)
- H4 = s * s * (s - 1)
- points = H1[..., None] * c1 + H2[..., None] * \
- c2 + H3[..., None] * T1 + H4[..., None] * T2
- return (points, None, None)
- return Surface(eval_fn)
-def example_use():
- n = 4
- m = 10
- resolution_s = 50
- resolution_t = 50
- with FixedSeed(1103):
- def make_object():
- skin = skin_ops.random_skin(1, n, m)
- skeleton = np.hstack(
- (np.random.normal(0, 0.2, [5, 2]), np.linspace(0, 5, 5).reshape(-1, 1)))
- method = 'blender'
- obj = lofting.loft(skeleton, skin, method=method,
- face_size=0.1, cyclic_v=True)
- return obj
- obj1 = make_object()
- obj2 = make_object()
- obj2.location = mathutils.Vector((5, 0, 0))
- with butil.SelectObjects([obj1, obj2]):
- bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(
- location=True, rotation=True, scale=True)
- # base surface 1, with domain normalized to ((0,1), (0,1))
- # domain normalization isn't required, but may be convenient for specifying the curve in uv space
- surf1 = SurfaceFactory.from_blender_nurbs(
- obj1.data.splines[0]).affine_new_domain(((0, 1), (0, 1)))
- r1 = RailCurve(
- surf1, Curve2DFactory.circle([0.5, 0.8], [0.5, 0.6]))
- # base surface 2, with domain normalized to ((0,1), (0,1)), but with a flipped u axis
- surf2 = SurfaceFactory.from_blender_nurbs(
- obj2.data.splines[0]).affine_new_domain(((1, 0), (0, 1)))
- r2 = RailCurve(
- surf2, Curve2DFactory.circle([0.5, 0.3], [0.5, 0.5]))
- b = SurfaceFactory.blending(r1, r2, alpha=(
- 0, 0), w=(0.5, 0.5), sweep_left=(True, False))
- b.create_mesh(resolution_s, resolution_t)
-def example_use2():
- n = 4
- m = 10
- resolution_s = 50
- resolution_t = 50
- with FixedSeed(1103):
- def make_object():
- skin = skin_ops.random_skin(1, n, m)
- skeleton = np.hstack(
- (np.random.normal(0, 0.2, [5, 2]), np.linspace(0, 5, 5).reshape(-1, 1)))
- method = 'blender'
- obj = lofting.loft(skeleton, skin, method=method,
- face_size=0.1, cyclic_v=True)
- return obj
- obj1 = make_object()
- obj2 = make_object()
- obj2.location = mathutils.Vector((5, 0, 0))
- with butil.SelectObjects([obj1, obj2]):
- bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(
- location=True, rotation=True, scale=True)
- # base surface 1, with domain normalized to ((0,1), (0,1))
- # domain normalization isn't required, but may be convenient for specifying the curve in uv space
- surf1 = SurfaceFactory.from_blender_nurbs(
- obj1.data.splines[0]).affine_new_domain(((0, 1), (0, 1)))
- ctrlpts = np.array([[1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, 0], [-1, -1], [0, -1], [
- 1, -1]]) * np.array([-1, -1])[None] * 0.2 + np.array([0.5, 0.8])[None]
- r1 = RailCurve(
- surf1, Curve2DFactory.nurbs(ctrlpts, make_cyclic=True))
- # base surface 2, with domain normalized to ((0,1), (0,1)), but with a flipped u axis
- surf2 = SurfaceFactory.from_blender_nurbs(
- obj2.data.splines[0]).affine_new_domain(((1, 0), (0, 1)))
- r2 = RailCurve(
- surf2, Curve2DFactory.circle([0.5, 0.3], [0.5, 0.5]))
- b = SurfaceFactory.blending(r1, r2, alpha=(
- 0, 0), w=(0.5, 0.5), sweep_left=(True, False))
- b.create_mesh(resolution_s, resolution_t)
-def example_use3():
- n = 4
- m = 10
- resolution_s = 50
- resolution_t = 50
- with FixedSeed(1103):
- uv_mesh = UVMesh.from_meshgrid(
- resolution_s, resolution_t, cyclic_v=True)
- def make_object():
- skin = skin_ops.random_skin(1, n, m)
- skeleton = np.hstack(
- (np.random.normal(0, 0.2, [5, 2]), np.linspace(0, 5, 5).reshape(-1, 1)))
- method = 'blender'
- obj = lofting.loft(skeleton, skin, method=method,
- face_size=0.1, cyclic_v=True)
- return obj
- obj1 = make_object()
- with butil.SelectObjects([obj1, ]):
- bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(
- location=True, rotation=True, scale=True)
- surf1 = SurfaceFactory.from_blender_nurbs(
- obj1.data.splines[0]).affine_new_domain(((0, 1), (0, 1)))
- butil.delete([obj1, ])
- #uv_mesh.add_line_and_remesh((0.2, -0.2), (0.29, 0.1))
- resolution_c = 50
- curve1 = Curve2DFactory.circle([0.5, 0.1], [0.5, 0.3])
- curve2 = Curve2DFactory.nurbs(
- np.array([[0.5, 0.1], [0.5, 1.1]]), degree=1)
- comps0 = uv_mesh.connected_components([])
- if False:
- uv_mesh.add_curve_and_remesh(
- curve2, resolution_c, cyclic_curve=True, vloop=True, cut_inside=True, cut_outside=False)
- else:
- uv_mesh.add_curve_and_remesh(
- curve1, resolution_c, cyclic_curve=True, vloop=False, cut_inside=True, cut_outside=False)
- obj2 = surf1.create_mesh_from_uvmesh(uv_mesh)
-def example_use4():
- n = 4
- m = 10
- resolution_s = 50
- resolution_t = 50
- with FixedSeed(1103):
- def make_object():
- skin = skin_ops.random_skin(1, n, m)
- skeleton = np.hstack(
- (np.random.normal(0, 0.2, [5, 2]), np.linspace(0, 5, 5).reshape(-1, 1)))
- method = 'blender'
- obj = lofting.loft(skeleton, skin, method=method,
- face_size=0.1, cyclic_v=True)
- return obj
- obj1 = make_object()
- obj2 = make_object()
- obj2.location = mathutils.Vector((5, 0, 0))
- with butil.SelectObjects([obj1, obj2]):
- bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(
- location=True, rotation=True, scale=True)
- # base surface 1, with domain normalized to ((0,1), (0,1))
- # domain normalization isn't required, but may be convenient for specifying the curve in uv space
- surf1 = SurfaceFactory.from_blender_nurbs(
- obj1.data.splines[0]).affine_new_domain(((0, 1), (0, 1)))
- ctrlpts = np.array([[1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, 0], [-1, -1], [0, -1], [
- 1, -1]]) * np.array([-1, -1])[None] * 0.2 + np.array([0.5, 0.8])[None]
- curve1 = Curve2DFactory.nurbs(ctrlpts, make_cyclic=True)
- r1 = RailCurve(surf1, curve1)
- # base surface 2, with domain normalized to ((0,1), (0,1)), but with a flipped u axis
- surf2 = SurfaceFactory.from_blender_nurbs(
- obj2.data.splines[0]).affine_new_domain(((1, 0), (0, 1)))
- curve2 = Curve2DFactory.circle([0.5, 0.3], [0.5, 0.5])
- r2 = RailCurve(surf2, curve2)
- b = SurfaceFactory.blending(r1, r2, alpha=(
- 0, 0), w=(0.5, 0.5), sweep_left=(True, False))
- b.create_mesh(resolution_s, resolution_t)
- # replace obj1, obj2 with custom mesh
- butil.delete([obj1, obj2])
- uv_mesh1 = UVMesh.from_meshgrid(resolution_s, resolution_t)
- uv_mesh1.add_curve_and_remesh(curve1, resolution_t, cyclic_curve=True, cut_inside=True)
- uv_mesh2 = UVMesh.from_meshgrid(resolution_s, resolution_t)
- uv_mesh2.add_curve_and_remesh(curve2, resolution_t, cyclic_curve=True, cut_inside=True)
- obj1 = surf1.create_mesh_from_uvmesh(uv_mesh1)
- obj2 = surf2.create_mesh_from_uvmesh(uv_mesh2)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/hair.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/hair.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 667f638ff..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/hair.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCIKH649gac by Hey Pictures
-import pdb
-import warnings
-import logging
-import bpy
-import bmesh
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from scipy.spatial import KDTree
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler, Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.hair import nodegroup_comb_direction, nodegroup_duplicate_to_clumps, \
- nodegroup_hair_position, nodegroup_comb_hairs, nodegroup_strand_noise, nodegroup_hair_length_rescale, \
- nodegroup_snap_roots_to_surface
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def add_hair_particles(obj, params, props):
- _, mod = butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'PARTICLE_SYSTEM', apply=False, return_mod=True)
- settings = mod.particle_system.settings
- settings.type = 'HAIR'
- for k, v in params.items():
- setattr(settings, k, v)
- for k, v in props.items():
- setattr(mod.particle_system, k, v)
-def as_hair_bsdf(mat, hair_bsdf_params):
- assert mat.use_nodes
- new_mat = mat.copy()
- new_mat.name = f'as_hair_bsdf({mat.name})'
- ng = new_mat.node_tree
- child = lambda inp: next(link.from_node for link in ng.links if link.to_socket == inp)
- try:
- out = ng.nodes['Material Output']
- shader = child(out.inputs['Surface'])
- rgb = child(shader.inputs['Base Color'])
- except StopIteration:
- # shader didnt match expected structure, abort and use original shader
- warnings.warn(f'as_hair_bsdf failed for {mat.name=}, did not match expected structure')
- return new_mat
- nw = NodeWrangler(ng)
- hair_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledHairBSDF, input_kwargs={'Color': rgb, **hair_bsdf_params})
- nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': hair_bsdf})
- return new_mat
-def compute_hair_placement_vertgroup(obj, root, avoid_features_dist):
- avoid_types = ['Eyeball', 'Teeth', 'Tongue']#, 'Nose']
- extras = [o for o in butil.iter_object_tree(root) if 'extra' in o.name]
- avoid_extras = [o for o in extras if any(n in o.name for n in avoid_types)]
- avoid_verts = []
- for o in avoid_extras:
- for v in o.data.vertices:
- avoid_verts.append(o.matrix_world @ v.co)
- avoid_verts = np.array(avoid_verts).reshape(-1, 3)
- verts = np.array([obj.matrix_world @ v.co for v in obj.data.vertices])
- if len(avoid_verts):
- kd = KDTree(avoid_verts)
- dists, _ = kd.query(verts, k=1)
- else:
- dists = np.full(len(verts), 1e5)
- tag_bald_mask = np.zeros(len(verts), dtype=np.float32)
- if 'tag_bald' in obj.data.attributes:
- obj.data.attributes['tag_bald'].data.foreach_get('value', tag_bald_mask)
- idxs = np.where((dists > avoid_features_dist) & (tag_bald_mask < 0.5))[0]
- group = obj.vertex_groups.new(name='hair_placement')
- group.add(idxs.tolist(), 1.0, 'ADD') # .tolist() necessary to avoid np.int64 type error
- return group
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_decode_noise', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_decode_noise(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'MinMaxScale', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Source', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Source Position', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["MinMaxScale"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 'Detail': 5.0})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 3: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 4: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleNearestSurface,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Source"],
- 'Value': map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
- 'Sample Position': group_input.outputs["Source Position"]
- })
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Attribute': (transfer_attribute, 'Value')})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_hair_grooming', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_hair_grooming(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketObject', 'Object', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Length MinMaxScale', (0.014, 0.04, 40.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Puff MinMaxScale', (0.14, 0.40, 40.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Combing', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Strand Random Mag', 0.001),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Strand Perlin Mag', 0.05),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Strand Perlin Scale', 33.38),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Tuft Amount', 1),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Tuft Spread', 0.005),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Tuft Clumping', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Root Radius', 0.01),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Post Clump Noise Mag', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Hair Length Pct Min', 0.7)])
- hairposition = nw.new_node(nodegroup_hair_position().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curves': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
- object_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo,
- input_kwargs={'Object': group_input.outputs["Object"]})
- combdirection = nw.new_node(nodegroup_comb_direction().name,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': object_info.outputs["Geometry"], 'Root Positiion': hairposition.outputs["Root Position"]})
- decode_length = nw.new_node(nodegroup_decode_noise().name,
- input_kwargs={'MinMaxScale': group_input.outputs["Length MinMaxScale"], 'Source': object_info.outputs["Geometry"], 'Source Position': hairposition.outputs["Root Position"]},
- label='Decode Length')
- decode_puff = nw.new_node(nodegroup_decode_noise().name,
- input_kwargs={'MinMaxScale': group_input.outputs["Puff MinMaxScale"], 'Source': object_info.outputs["Geometry"], 'Source Position': hairposition.outputs["Root Position"]},
- label='Decode Puff')
- combhairs = nw.new_node(nodegroup_comb_hairs().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curves': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Root Position': hairposition.outputs["Root Position"], 'Comb Dir': combdirection.outputs["Combing Direction"], 'Surface Normal': combdirection.outputs["Surface Normal"], 'Length': decode_length, 'Puiff': group_input.outputs["Combing"], 'Comb': decode_puff})
- strandnoise = nw.new_node(nodegroup_strand_noise().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': combhairs, 'Random Mag': group_input.outputs["Strand Random Mag"], 'Perlin Mag': group_input.outputs["Strand Perlin Mag"], 'Perlin Scale': group_input.outputs["Strand Perlin Scale"]})
- duplicatetoclumps = nw.new_node(nodegroup_duplicate_to_clumps().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': strandnoise, 'Surface Normal': combdirection.outputs["Surface Normal"], 'Amount': group_input.outputs["Tuft Amount"], 'Tuft Spread': group_input.outputs["Tuft Spread"], 'Tuft Clumping': group_input.outputs["Tuft Clumping"]})
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={0: (-1.0, -1.0, -1.0)},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: random_value.outputs["Value"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Post Clump Noise Mag"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': duplicatetoclumps, 'Offset': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- hairlengthrescale = nw.new_node(nodegroup_hair_length_rescale().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curves': set_position, 'Min': group_input.outputs['Hair Length Pct Min']})
- snaprootstosurface = nw.new_node(nodegroup_snap_roots_to_surface().name,
- input_kwargs={'Target': object_info.outputs["Geometry"], 'Curves': hairlengthrescale})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: group_input.outputs["Root Radius"], 4: 0.0})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': snaprootstosurface, 'Radius': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_curve_radius})
-def mat_attr_dependencies(node_tree):
- attrs = set()
- for node in node_tree.nodes:
- if node.bl_idname == Nodes.Attribute:
- attrs.add(node.attribute_name)
- elif node.bl_idname == "ShaderNodeGroup":
- attrs = attrs | mat_attr_dependencies(node.node_tree)
- return attrs
-def geo_transfer_hair_attributes(nw, obj, attrs):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput)
- hairposition = nw.new_node(nodegroup_hair_position().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curves': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
- object_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo,
- input_kwargs={'Object': obj})
- attrs_out = {}
- for attr_name in attrs:
- if not attr_name in obj.data.attributes:
- logger.warn(f'Attempted to geo_transfer_hair_attributes() including {attr_name=} which is not present on {obj=}. Available are {list(obj.data.attributes.keys())}')
- continue
- obj_attr = obj.data.attributes[attr_name]
- named_attr = nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute,
- attrs={'data_type': obj_attr.data_type},
- input_kwargs={'Name': attr_name})
- transfer = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleNearestSurface,
- attrs={'data_type': obj_attr.data_type},
- input_kwargs={
- 'Mesh': object_info.outputs['Geometry'],
- "Value": named_attr,
- 'Sample Position': hairposition
- })
- attrs_out[attr_name] = (transfer, 'Value')
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': group_input.outputs['Geometry'], **attrs_out})
-def configure_hair(obj, root, hair_genome: dict, apply=True, is_dynamic=None):
- if is_dynamic is None:
- is_dynamic = any(m.type == 'ARMATURE' for m in obj.modifiers)
- # re-parameterize density params
- sa = butil.surface_area(obj)
- count = int(sa * hair_genome['density'])
- n_guide_hairs = count // hair_genome['clump_n']
- hair_genome['grooming']['Tuft Amount'] = hair_genome['clump_n']
- logger.debug(f'Computing hair placement vertex group')
- avoid_group = compute_hair_placement_vertgroup(obj, root,
- avoid_features_dist=hair_genome['avoid_features_dist'])
- logger.debug(f'Add particle system with {n_guide_hairs=}')
- add_hair_particles(obj, params={'count': n_guide_hairs},
- props={'vertex_group_density': avoid_group.name})
- logger.debug(f'Converting particles to curves')
- with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
- for m in obj.modifiers:
- if m.type == 'PARTICLE_SYSTEM':
- m.show_viewport = True
- bpy.ops.curves.convert_from_particle_system()
- curves = bpy.context.active_object
- with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
- bpy.ops.object.particle_system_remove()
- logger.debug(f'Performing geonodes hair grooming')
- with butil.DisableModifiers(obj):
- _, mod = butil.modify_mesh(curves, 'NODES', apply=False, return_mod=True)
- mod.node_group = nodegroup_hair_grooming()
- surface.set_geomod_inputs(mod, {'Object': obj, **hair_genome['grooming']})
- if apply:
- butil.apply_modifiers(curves, mod=mod)
- curves.parent = obj
- curves.matrix_parent_inverse = obj.matrix_world.inverted() # keep prexisting transform
- curves.data.surface = obj
- if len(obj.material_slots) == 0:
- return
- if obj.active_material is not None:
- hair_mat = as_hair_bsdf(obj.active_material, hair_genome['material'])
- logger.debug(f'Transfer material attr dependencies from surf to curves')
- attr_deps = mat_attr_dependencies(hair_mat.node_tree)
- attr_deps = [a for a in attr_deps if a in obj.data.attributes]
- surface.add_geomod(curves, geo_transfer_hair_attributes, apply=apply,
- input_kwargs=dict(obj=obj, attrs=attr_deps), attributes=attr_deps)
- curves.active_material = hair_mat
- if is_dynamic:
- attach_hair_to_surface(curves, obj)
- curves.name = obj.name + '.hair_curves'
- return curves
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_transfer_uvs_to_curves_vec3', singleton=True)
-def nodegroup_transfer_uvs_to_curves_vec3(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketObject', 'Object', None),
- ('NodeSocketString', 'from_uv', None),
- ('NodeSocketString', 'to_attr', None)])
- object_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo,
- input_kwargs={'Object': group_input.outputs["Object"]},
- attrs={'transform_space': 'RELATIVE'})
- obj = object_info.outputs["Geometry"]
- domain = 'POINT'
- uvtype = 'FLOAT_VECTOR'
- uv = nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Name': group_input.outputs["from_uv"]},
- attrs={'data_type': uvtype})
- capture = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': obj, 'Value': uv},
- attrs={'data_type': uvtype, 'domain': domain}
- )
- root_pos = nw.new_node(nodegroup_hair_position().name, [group_input.outputs['Geometry']])
- nearest_idx = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleNearest, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': capture.outputs['Geometry'],
- 'Sample Position': root_pos
- },
- attrs={'domain': domain})
- #transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleNearest,
- # input_kwargs={
- # 'Mesh': capture.outputs['Geometry'],
- # 'Value': capture.outputs["Attribute"],
- # 'Sample Position': root_pos
- # },
- # attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleIndex, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': capture.outputs['Geometry'],
- 'Index': nearest_idx.outputs['Index'],
- 'Value': capture.outputs["Attribute"]
- },
- attrs={'data_type': uvtype, 'domain': domain})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Name': group_input.outputs['to_attr'],
- 'Value': transfer_attribute},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'domain': 'CURVE'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute})
-def transfer_uvs_to_curves(curves, target, uv_name):
- # blender doesnt seem to support writing directly to FLOAT2 uv attributes.
- # lets write to a FLOAT_VECTOR then change it over to a FLOAT2
- curve_uv_attr = 'surface_uv_coordinate'
- butil.modify_mesh(curves, 'NODES', node_group=nodegroup_transfer_uvs_to_curves_vec3(),
- ng_inputs={'Object': target, 'from_uv': uv_name, 'to_attr': curve_uv_attr}, apply=True)
- # rip uvs to np array
- n = len(curves.data.curves)
- uvs = np.empty(3 * n, dtype=np.float32)
- attr = curves.data.attributes[curve_uv_attr]
- assert attr.domain == 'CURVE' and attr.data_type == 'FLOAT_VECTOR'
- attr.data.foreach_get('vector', uvs)
- curves.data.attributes.remove(attr)
- # write back as FLOAT2
- uvs = uvs.reshape(n, 3)[:, :2].reshape(-1)
- attr = curves.data.attributes.new(curve_uv_attr, type='FLOAT2', domain='CURVE')
- attr.data.foreach_set('vector', uvs)
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_deform_curves_on_surface', singleton=True)
-def nodegroup_deform_curves_on_surface(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- deform_curves_on_surface = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeDeformCurvesOnSurface',
- input_kwargs={'Curves': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': deform_curves_on_surface})
-def attach_hair_to_surface(curves, target):
- # target object needs UVMap and rest_position attribute,
- # curves obj needs surface_uv_coordinate attribute
- # defined in https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/modeling/geometry_nodes/curve/deform_curves_on_surface.html
- surface.write_attribute(target, lambda nw: nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition), 'rest_position', apply=True)
- with butil.ViewportMode(target, mode='EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.uv.smart_project(island_margin=0.03)
- assert len(target.data.uv_layers) > 0
- curves.data.surface = target
- curves.data.surface_uv_map = target.data.uv_layers[-1].name
- transfer_uvs_to_curves(curves, target, curves.data.surface_uv_map)
- butil.modify_mesh(curves, 'NODES', apply=False, show_viewport=True,
- node_group=nodegroup_deform_curves_on_surface())
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/nodegroups/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/nodegroups/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f51d8fa9..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/nodegroups/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-from . import geometry, attach, curve
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/nodegroups/attach.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/nodegroups/attach.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 60cb482cb..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/nodegroups/attach.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from .math import nodegroup_deg2_rad
-from .curve import nodegroup_warped_circle_curve, nodegroup_smooth_taper, nodegroup_profile_part
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_part_surface', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_part_surface(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skeleton Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skin Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'Length Fac', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketVectorEuler', 'Ray Rot', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Rad', 0.0)])
- sample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Factor': group_input.outputs["Length Fac"]},
- attrs={'mode': 'FACTOR'})
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': sample_curve.outputs["Tangent"], 'Rotation': group_input.outputs["Ray Rot"]},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'EULER_XYZ'})
- raycast = nw.new_node(Nodes.Raycast,
- input_kwargs={'Target Geometry': group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"], 'Source Position': sample_curve.outputs["Position"], 'Ray Direction': vector_rotate, 'Ray Length': 5.0})
- lerp = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Rad"], 9: sample_curve.outputs["Position"], 10: raycast.outputs["Hit Position"]},
- label='lerp',
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'clamp': False})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Position': lerp.outputs["Vector"], 'Hit Normal': raycast.outputs["Hit Normal"], 'Tangent': sample_curve.outputs["Tangent"], 'Skeleton Pos': sample_curve.outputs["Position"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_part_surface_simple', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_part_surface_simple(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skeleton Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skin Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Length, Yaw, Rad', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Length, Yaw, Rad"]})
- clamp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Clamp,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': 1.5708, 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Z': 1.5708})
- part_surface = nw.new_node(nodegroup_part_surface().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skeleton Curve': group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Skin Mesh': group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"], 'Length Fac': clamp_1, 'Ray Rot': combine_xyz, 'Rad': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Position': part_surface.outputs["Position"], 'Hit Normal': part_surface.outputs["Hit Normal"], 'Tangent': part_surface.outputs["Tangent"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_raycast_rotation', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_raycast_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorEuler', 'Rotation', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Hit Normal', (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Curve Tangent', (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Do Normal Rot', False),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Do Tangent Rot', False)])
- align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Hit Normal"]})
- rotate_euler = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateEuler,
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': group_input.outputs["Rotation"], 'Rotate By': align_euler_to_vector})
- if_normal_rot = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Do Normal Rot"], 8: group_input.outputs["Rotation"], 9: rotate_euler},
- label='if_normal_rot',
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'})
- align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': group_input.outputs["Rotation"], 'Vector': group_input.outputs["Curve Tangent"]})
- rotate_euler_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateEuler,
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector_1, 'Rotate By': group_input.outputs["Rotation"]},
- attrs={'space': 'LOCAL'})
- if_tangent_rot = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Do Tangent Rot"], 8: if_normal_rot.outputs[3], 9: rotate_euler_1},
- label='if_tangent_rot',
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Output': if_tangent_rot.outputs[3]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_surface_muscle', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_surface_muscle(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skin Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skeleton Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Coord 0', (0.4, 0.0, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Coord 1', (0.5, 0.0, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Coord 2', (0.6, 0.0, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'StartRad, EndRad, Fullness', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Debug Points', False)])
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': (0.03, 0.03, 0.03)})
- part_surface_simple = nw.new_node(nodegroup_part_surface_simple().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skeleton Curve': group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Skin Mesh': group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"], 'Length, Yaw, Rad': group_input.outputs["Coord 0"]})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': part_surface_simple.outputs["Position"]})
- part_surface_simple_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_part_surface_simple().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skeleton Curve': group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Skin Mesh': group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"], 'Length, Yaw, Rad': group_input.outputs["Coord 1"]})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': part_surface_simple_1.outputs["Position"]})
- part_surface_simple_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_part_surface_simple().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skeleton Curve': group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Skin Mesh': group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"], 'Length, Yaw, Rad': group_input.outputs["Coord 2"]})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': part_surface_simple_2.outputs["Position"]})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_2, transform_1, transform_3]})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Debug Points"], 15: join_geometry})
- u_resolution = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer,
- label='U Resolution')
- u_resolution.integer = 16
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': u_resolution, 'Start': part_surface_simple.outputs["Position"], 'Middle': part_surface_simple_1.outputs["Position"], 'End': part_surface_simple_2.outputs["Position"]})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"]})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 4: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]})
- deg2rad = nw.new_node(nodegroup_deg2_rad().name,
- input_kwargs={'Deg': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
- set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveTilt,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadratic_bezier, 'Tilt': deg2rad})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 'Y': 1.0, 'Z': 1.0})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position, 1: combine_xyz},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- v_resolution = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer,
- label='V resolution')
- v_resolution.integer = 24
- warped_circle_curve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_warped_circle_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Position': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Vertices': v_resolution})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"]})
- smoothtaper = nw.new_node(nodegroup_smooth_taper().name,
- input_kwargs={'start_rad': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'end_rad': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'fullness': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
- profilepart = nw.new_node(nodegroup_profile_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skeleton Curve': set_curve_tilt, 'Profile Curve': warped_circle_curve, 'Radius Func': smoothtaper})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [switch.outputs[6], profilepart]})
- switch_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: True, 15: join_geometry_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': switch_1.outputs[6]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_attach_part', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_attach_part(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.2 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skin Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skeleton Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'Length Fac', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketVectorEuler', 'Ray Rot', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Rad', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Part Rot', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Do Normal Rot', False),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Do Tangent Rot', False)])
- part_surface = nw.new_node(nodegroup_part_surface().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skeleton Curve': group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Skin Mesh': group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"], 'Length Fac': group_input.outputs["Length Fac"], 'Ray Rot': group_input.outputs["Ray Rot"], 'Rad': group_input.outputs["Rad"]})
- deg2rad = nw.new_node(nodegroup_deg2_rad().name,
- input_kwargs={'Deg': group_input.outputs["Part Rot"]})
- raycast_rotation = nw.new_node(nodegroup_raycast_rotation().name,
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': deg2rad, 'Hit Normal': part_surface.outputs["Hit Normal"], 'Curve Tangent': part_surface.outputs["Tangent"], 'Do Normal Rot': group_input.outputs["Do Normal Rot"], 'Do Tangent Rot': group_input.outputs["Do Tangent Rot"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Translation': part_surface.outputs["Position"], 'Rotation': raycast_rotation})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Position': part_surface.outputs["Position"]})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/nodegroups/curve.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/nodegroups/curve.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a77e6bdef..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/nodegroups/curve.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from .math import nodegroup_polar_to_cart, nodegroup_aspect_to_dim, nodegroup_vector_sum, nodegroup_switch4
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_simple_tube', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_simple_tube(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Origin', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Angles Deg', (30.0, -1.5, 11.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Seg Lengths', (0.02, 0.02, 0.02)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Start Radius', 0.06),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'End Radius', 0.03),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Fullness', 8.17),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Do Bezier', True),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Aspect Ratio', 1.0)])
- polarbezier = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_bezier().name,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 25, 'Origin': group_input.outputs["Origin"], 'angles_deg': group_input.outputs["Angles Deg"], 'Seg Lengths': group_input.outputs["Seg Lengths"], 'Do Bezier': group_input.outputs["Do Bezier"]})
- aspect_to_dim = nw.new_node(nodegroup_aspect_to_dim().name,
- input_kwargs={'Aspect Ratio': group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"]})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: aspect_to_dim, 1: position},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- warped_circle_curve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_warped_circle_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Position': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Vertices': 40})
- smoothtaper = nw.new_node(nodegroup_smooth_taper().name,
- input_kwargs={'start_rad': group_input.outputs["Start Radius"], 'end_rad': group_input.outputs["End Radius"], 'fullness': group_input.outputs["Fullness"]})
- profilepart = nw.new_node(nodegroup_profile_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skeleton Curve': polarbezier.outputs["Curve"], 'Profile Curve': warped_circle_curve, 'Radius Func': smoothtaper})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': profilepart, 'Skeleton Curve': polarbezier.outputs["Curve"], 'Endpoint': polarbezier.outputs["Endpoint"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_simple_tube_v2', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_simple_tube_v2(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (1.0, 0.5, 0.3)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'angles_deg', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'proportions', (0.3333, 0.3333, 0.3333)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'aspect', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'do_bezier', True),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'fullness', 4.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Origin', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- vector_sum = nw.new_node(nodegroup_vector_sum().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["proportions"]})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["proportions"], 1: vector_sum},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"]})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: divide.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- polarbezier = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_bezier().name,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 25, 'Origin': group_input.outputs["Origin"], 'angles_deg': group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], 'Seg Lengths': scale.outputs["Vector"], 'Do Bezier': group_input.outputs["do_bezier"]})
- aspect_to_dim = nw.new_node(nodegroup_aspect_to_dim().name,
- input_kwargs={'Aspect Ratio': group_input.outputs["aspect"]})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: aspect_to_dim, 1: position},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- warped_circle_curve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_warped_circle_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Position': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Vertices': 40})
- smoothtaper = nw.new_node(nodegroup_smooth_taper().name,
- input_kwargs={'start_rad': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'end_rad': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 'fullness': group_input.outputs["fullness"]})
- profilepart = nw.new_node(nodegroup_profile_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skeleton Curve': polarbezier.outputs["Curve"], 'Profile Curve': warped_circle_curve, 'Radius Func': smoothtaper})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': profilepart, 'Skeleton Curve': polarbezier.outputs["Curve"], 'Endpoint': polarbezier.outputs["Endpoint"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_smooth_taper', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_smooth_taper(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 1: 3.1416},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'SINE'})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'start_rad', 0.29),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'end_rad', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'fullness', 2.5)])
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: group_input.outputs["fullness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- power = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: sine, 1: divide},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: group_input.outputs["start_rad"], 4: group_input.outputs["end_rad"]},
- attrs={'clamp': False})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: power, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_warped_circle_curve', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_warped_circle_curve(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Position', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Vertices', 32)])
- mesh_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Vertices': group_input.outputs["Vertices"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': mesh_circle, 'Position': group_input.outputs["Position"]})
- mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_position})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': mesh_to_curve})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_polar_bezier', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_polar_bezier(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketIntUnsigned', 'Resolution', 32),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Origin', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'angles_deg', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Seg Lengths', (0.3, 0.3, 0.3)),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Do Bezier', True)])
- mesh_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshLine,
- input_kwargs={'Count': 4})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- deg2_rad = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], 'Scale': 0.0175},
- label='Deg2Rad',
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': deg2_rad.outputs["Vector"]})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Seg Lengths"]})
- polartocart = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_to_cart().name,
- input_kwargs={'Angle': reroute, 'Length': separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 'Origin': group_input.outputs["Origin"]})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute, 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- polartocart_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_to_cart().name,
- input_kwargs={'Angle': add, 'Length': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 'Origin': polartocart})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: add})
- polartocart_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_to_cart().name,
- input_kwargs={'Angle': add_1, 'Length': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"], 'Origin': polartocart_1})
- switch4 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_switch4().name,
- input_kwargs={'Arg': index, 'Arg == 0': group_input.outputs["Origin"], 'Arg == 1': polartocart, 'Arg == 2': polartocart_1, 'Arg == 3': polartocart_2})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': mesh_line, 'Position': switch4})
- mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_position})
- subdivide_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': mesh_to_curve, 'Cuts': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- integer = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer,
- attrs={'integer': 2})
- integer.integer = 2
- bezier_segment = nw.new_node(Nodes.BezierSegment,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': integer, 'Start': group_input.outputs["Origin"], 'Start Handle': polartocart, 'End Handle': polartocart_1, 'End': polartocart_2})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 1: integer},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- subdivide_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': bezier_segment, 'Cuts': divide})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Do Bezier"], 14: subdivide_curve_1, 15: subdivide_curve})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': switch.outputs[6], 'Endpoint': polartocart_2})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_simple_tube_v2', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_simple_tube_v2(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'length_rad1_rad2', (1.0, 0.5, 0.3)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'angles_deg', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'proportions', (0.3333, 0.3333, 0.3333)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'aspect', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'do_bezier', True),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'fullness', 4.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Origin', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- vector_sum = nw.new_node(nodegroup_vector_sum().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["proportions"]})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["proportions"], 1: vector_sum},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"]})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: divide.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- polarbezier = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_bezier().name,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 25, 'Origin': group_input.outputs["Origin"], 'angles_deg': group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], 'Seg Lengths': scale.outputs["Vector"], 'Do Bezier': group_input.outputs["do_bezier"]})
- aspect_to_dim = nw.new_node(nodegroup_aspect_to_dim().name,
- input_kwargs={'Aspect Ratio': group_input.outputs["aspect"]})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: aspect_to_dim, 1: position},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- warped_circle_curve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_warped_circle_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Position': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Vertices': 40})
- smoothtaper = nw.new_node(nodegroup_smooth_taper().name,
- input_kwargs={'start_rad': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'end_rad': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 'fullness': group_input.outputs["fullness"]})
- profilepart = nw.new_node(nodegroup_profile_part().name,
- input_kwargs={'Skeleton Curve': polarbezier.outputs["Curve"], 'Profile Curve': warped_circle_curve, 'Radius Func': smoothtaper})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': profilepart, 'Skeleton Curve': polarbezier.outputs["Curve"], 'Endpoint': polarbezier.outputs["Endpoint"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_smooth_taper', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_smooth_taper(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 1: 3.1416},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'SINE'})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'start_rad', 0.29),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'end_rad', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'fullness', 2.5)])
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: group_input.outputs["fullness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- power = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: sine, 1: divide},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: group_input.outputs["start_rad"], 4: group_input.outputs["end_rad"]},
- attrs={'clamp': False})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: power, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_warped_circle_curve', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_warped_circle_curve(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.2 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Position', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Vertices', 32)])
- mesh_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Vertices': group_input.outputs["Vertices"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': mesh_circle, 'Position': group_input.outputs["Position"]})
- mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_position})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': mesh_to_curve})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_profile_part', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_profile_part(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Skeleton Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Profile Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius Func', 1.0)])
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"], 'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius Func"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Shade Smooth': False})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_shade_smooth})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/nodegroups/geometry.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/nodegroups/geometry.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 50ebdbc49..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/nodegroups/geometry.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_symmetric_instance', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_symmetric_instance(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.1 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Offset', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Reflector', (1.0, -1.0, 1.0))])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Offset"], 1: group_input.outputs["Reflector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- mesh_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshLine,
- input_kwargs={'Count': 2, 'Start Location': group_input.outputs["Offset"], 'Offset': multiply.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'mode': 'END_POINTS'})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': mesh_line, 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- equal = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={2: index},
- attrs={'data_type': 'INT', 'operation': 'EQUAL'})
- scale_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points, 'Selection': equal})
- flip_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.FlipFaces,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': scale_instances, 'Selection': equal})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': flip_faces})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_symmetric_clone', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_symmetric_clone(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'Scale', (1.0, -1.0, 1.0))])
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]})
- flip_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.FlipFaces,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': transform})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [group_input.outputs["Geometry"], flip_faces]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Both': join_geometry_2, 'Orig': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Inverted': flip_faces})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_solidify', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_solidify(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Distance', 0.0)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Distance"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Mesh"], 'Offset Scale': multiply, 'Individual': False})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Distance"], 1: -0.5},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- extrude_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Mesh"], 'Offset Scale': multiply_1, 'Individual': False})
- flip_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.FlipFaces,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': extrude_mesh_1.outputs["Mesh"]})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"], flip_faces]})
- merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Distance': 0.0})
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': merge_by_distance, 'Shade Smooth': False})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_shade_smooth})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_taper', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_taper(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Start', (1.0, 0.63, 0.72)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'End', (1.0, 1.0, 1.0))])
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 2: separate_xyz.outputs["X"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 7: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"], 8: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"], 9: group_input.outputs["Start"], 10: group_input.outputs["End"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'clamp': False})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position, 1: map_range.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Position': multiply.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/nodegroups/hair.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/nodegroups/hair.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 54fbde9d2..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/nodegroups/hair.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.math import nodegroup_vector_bezier
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_comb_direction', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_comb_direction(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Surface', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Root Positiion', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- surface_normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleNearestSurface,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Surface"], 'Value': normal, 'Sample Position': group_input.outputs["Root Positiion"]},
- label='Surface Normal',
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Name': 'skeleton_loc'},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Name': 'parent_skeleton_loc'},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: named_attribute.outputs["Attribute"], 1: named_attribute_1.outputs["Attribute"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- normalize = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'NORMALIZE'})
- skeleton_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleNearestSurface,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Surface"], 'Value': normalize.outputs["Vector"], 'Sample Position': group_input.outputs["Root Positiion"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- cross_product = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: surface_normal, 1: skeleton_tangent},
- attrs={'operation': 'CROSS_PRODUCT'})
- cross_product_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: surface_normal, 1: cross_product.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'CROSS_PRODUCT'})
- normalize_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: cross_product_1.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'NORMALIZE'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Combing Direction': normalize_1.outputs["Vector"],
- 'Surface Normal': (surface_normal, "Value"),
- 'Skeleton Tangent': skeleton_tangent
- })
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_hair_position', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_hair_position(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curves', None)])
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- spline_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineLength)
- snap = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index, 1: spline_length.outputs["Point Count"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SNAP'})
- hair_root_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleIndex,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Curves"], 'Value': position, 'Index': snap},
- label='Hair Root Position',
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- relative_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position_1, 1: hair_root_position},
- label='Relative Position',
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Root Position': hair_root_position,
- 'Relative Position': relative_position.outputs["Vector"]
- })
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_comb_hairs', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_comb_hairs(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curves', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Root Position', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Comb Dir', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Surface Normal', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Length', 0.03),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Puiff', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Comb', 1.0)])
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Surface Normal"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Comb"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Comb Dir"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Puiff"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: scale_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- vectorbezier = nw.new_node(nodegroup_vector_bezier().name,
- input_kwargs={'t': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 'b': scale.outputs["Vector"], 'c': add.outputs["Vector"]})
- length = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: add.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'LENGTH'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Length"], 1: length.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- scale_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: vectorbezier, 'Scale': divide},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Root Position"], 1: scale_2.outputs["Vector"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Curves"], 'Position': add_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_strand_noise', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_strand_noise(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Random Mag', 0.001),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Perlin Mag', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Perlin Scale', 5.0)])
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': group_input.outputs["Perlin Scale"], 'Detail': 10.0, 'Roughness': 1.0})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Perlin Mag"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={0: (-1.0, -1.0, -1.0)},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: random_value.outputs["Value"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Random Mag"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: add.outputs["Vector"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': add_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_duplicate_to_clumps', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_duplicate_to_clumps(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Surface Normal', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Amount', 3),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Tuft Spread', 0.01),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Tuft Clumping', 0.5)])
- duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(Nodes.DuplicateElements,
- attrs={'domain': 'SPLINE'},
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Amount': group_input.outputs["Amount"]})
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={0: (-1.0, -1.0, -1.0)},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: random_value.outputs["Value"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Tuft Spread"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- project = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: group_input.outputs["Surface Normal"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'PROJECT'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: project.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"], 1: subtract.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CURVE', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: group_input.outputs["Tuft Clumping"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: 1.0, 4: subtract_1})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"], 'Scale': map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': scale_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_hair_length_rescale', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_hair_length_rescale(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curves', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Min', 0.69999999999999996)])
- random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Min"]})
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Curves"], 2: random_value_1.outputs[1]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CURVE'})
- hairposition = nw.new_node(nodegroup_hair_position().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curves': group_input.outputs["Curves"]})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: hairposition.outputs["Relative Position"], 1: capture_attribute.outputs[2], 2: hairposition.outputs["Root Position"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Position': multiply_add.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_snap_roots_to_surface', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_snap_roots_to_surface(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Target', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curves', None)])
- hair_pos = nw.new_node(nodegroup_hair_position().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curves': group_input.outputs["Curves"]})
- geometry_proximity = nw.new_node(Nodes.Proximity,
- input_kwargs={'Target': group_input.outputs["Target"], 'Source Position': hair_pos.outputs["Root Position"]})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: geometry_proximity.outputs["Position"], 1: hair_pos.outputs["Relative Position"]})
- set_position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Curves"], 'Position': add.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_2})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/nodegroups/math.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/nodegroups/math.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 63aff4ab9..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/nodegroups/math.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_floor_ceil', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_floor_ceil(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.0000)])
- float_to_integer = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatToInt, input_kwargs={'Float': group_input.outputs["Value"]}, attrs={'rounding_mode': 'FLOOR'})
- float_to_integer_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatToInt,
- input_kwargs={'Float': group_input.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'rounding_mode': 'CEILING'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 1: float_to_integer},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Floor': float_to_integer, 'Ceil': float_to_integer_1, 'Remainder': subtract},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_clamp_or_wrap', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_clamp_or_wrap(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'Value', 0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Max', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Use Wrap', False)])
- clamp = nw.new_node(Nodes.Clamp, input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Value"], 'Max': group_input.outputs["Max"]})
- wrap = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 1: group_input.outputs["Max"], 2: 0.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'WRAP'})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Use Wrap"], 4: clamp, 5: wrap},
- attrs={'input_type': 'INT'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Output': switch.outputs[1]}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_polar_to_cart', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_polar_to_cart(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Angle', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Length', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Origin', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- cosine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Angle"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'COSINE'})
- sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Angle"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SINE'})
- construct_unit_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': cosine, 'Z': sine},
- label='Construct Unit Vector')
- offset_polar = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Length"], 1: construct_unit_vector, 2: group_input.outputs["Origin"]},
- label='Offset Polar',
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': offset_polar.outputs["Vector"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_switch4', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_switch4(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'Arg', 0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Arg == 0', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Arg == 1', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Arg == 2', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Arg == 3', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- greater_equal = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Arg"], 3: 2},
- attrs={'data_type': 'INT', 'operation': 'GREATER_EQUAL'})
- greater_equal_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Arg"], 3: 1},
- attrs={'data_type': 'INT', 'operation': 'GREATER_EQUAL'})
- switch_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_equal_1, 8: group_input.outputs["Arg == 0"], 9: group_input.outputs["Arg == 1"]},
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'})
- greater_equal_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Arg"], 3: 3},
- attrs={'data_type': 'INT', 'operation': 'GREATER_EQUAL'})
- switch_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_equal_2, 8: group_input.outputs["Arg == 2"], 9: group_input.outputs["Arg == 3"]},
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_equal, 8: switch_1.outputs[3], 9: switch_2.outputs[3]},
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Output': switch.outputs[3]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_deg2_rad', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_deg2_rad(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Deg', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Deg"], 1: (0.0175, 0.0175, 0.0175)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Rad': multiply.outputs["Vector"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_aspect_to_dim', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_aspect_to_dim(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Aspect Ratio', 1.0)])
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"], 1: 1.0})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"], 'Y': 1.0})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': 1.0, 'Y': divide})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 8: combine_xyz_1, 9: combine_xyz_2},
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'XY Scale': switch.outputs[3]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_vector_sum', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_vector_sum(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Vector"]})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add, 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Sum': add_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_vector_bezier', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_vector_bezier(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 't', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'a', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'b', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'c', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["t"], 9: group_input.outputs["a"], 10: group_input.outputs["b"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["t"], 9: map_range.outputs["Vector"], 10: group_input.outputs["c"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': map_range_1.outputs["Vector"]})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/nodegroups/sculpt_v1.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/nodegroups/sculpt_v1.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e8c3cc6e..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/nodegroups/sculpt_v1.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.math import nodegroup_floor_ceil, nodegroup_clamp_or_wrap
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.geometry import nodegroup_symmetric_clone
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_u_v_param_to_vert_idxs', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_u_v_param_to_vert_idxs(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Size', 0),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Cyclic', False)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 1: group_input.outputs["Size"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- floorceil = nw.new_node(nodegroup_floor_ceil().name, input_kwargs={'Value': multiply})
- clamporwrap = nw.new_node(nodegroup_clamp_or_wrap().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': floorceil.outputs["Floor"], 'Max': group_input.outputs["Size"], 'Use Wrap': group_input.outputs["Cyclic"]})
- clamporwrap_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_clamp_or_wrap().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': floorceil.outputs["Ceil"], 'Max': group_input.outputs["Size"], 'Use Wrap': group_input.outputs["Cyclic"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Floor': clamporwrap, 'Ceil': clamporwrap_1, 'Remainder': floorceil.outputs["Remainder"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_bilinear_interp_index_transfer', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_bilinear_interp_index_transfer(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Source', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'U', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'V', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Attribute', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'SizeU', 0),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'SizeV', 0),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'CyclicU', False),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'CyclicV', False)])
- uvparamtovertidxs = nw.new_node(nodegroup_u_v_param_to_vert_idxs().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["V"], 'Size': group_input.outputs["SizeV"], 'Cyclic': group_input.outputs["CyclicV"]})
- uvparamtovertidxs_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_u_v_param_to_vert_idxs().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["U"], 'Size': group_input.outputs["SizeU"], 'Cyclic': group_input.outputs["CyclicU"]})
- floor_floor = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: uvparamtovertidxs_1.outputs["Floor"], 1: group_input.outputs["SizeV"], 2: uvparamtovertidxs.outputs["Floor"]},
- label='FloorFloor',
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- transfer_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransferAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Source': group_input, 1: group_input.outputs["Attribute"], 'Index': floor_floor},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'mapping': 'INDEX'})
- ceil_floor = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: uvparamtovertidxs_1.outputs["Ceil"], 1: group_input.outputs["SizeV"], 2: uvparamtovertidxs.outputs["Floor"]},
- label='CeilFloor',
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- transfer_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransferAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Source': group_input, 1: group_input.outputs["Attribute"], 'Index': ceil_floor},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'mapping': 'INDEX'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': uvparamtovertidxs_1.outputs["Remainder"], 9: transfer_attribute_1.outputs["Attribute"], 10: transfer_attribute_2.outputs["Attribute"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- floor_ceil = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: uvparamtovertidxs_1.outputs["Floor"], 1: group_input.outputs["SizeV"], 2: uvparamtovertidxs.outputs["Ceil"]},
- label='FloorCeil',
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- transfer_attribute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransferAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Source': group_input, 1: group_input.outputs["Attribute"], 'Index': floor_ceil},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'mapping': 'INDEX'})
- ceil_ceil = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: uvparamtovertidxs_1.outputs["Ceil"], 1: group_input.outputs["SizeV"], 2: uvparamtovertidxs.outputs["Ceil"]},
- label='CeilCeil',
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- transfer_attribute_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransferAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Source': group_input, 1: group_input.outputs["Attribute"], 'Index': ceil_ceil},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'mapping': 'INDEX'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': uvparamtovertidxs_1.outputs["Remainder"], 9: transfer_attribute_3.outputs["Attribute"], 10: transfer_attribute_4.outputs["Attribute"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': uvparamtovertidxs.outputs["Remainder"], 9: map_range.outputs["Vector"], 10: map_range_1.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': map_range_2.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Surface', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'UVCurve', None),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'CtrlptsU', 0),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'CtrlptsW', 0)])
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- bilinearinterpindextransfer = nw.new_node(nodegroup_bilinear_interp_index_transfer().name,
- input_kwargs={'Source': group_input.outputs["Surface"], 'U': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'V': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Attribute': position_1, 'SizeU': group_input.outputs["CtrlptsU"], 'SizeV': group_input.outputs["CtrlptsW"], 'CyclicV': True})
- transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransferAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Source': group_input.outputs["Surface"], 1: normal, 'Source Position': bilinearinterpindextransfer},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'mapping': 'NEAREST_FACE_INTERPOLATED'})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: transfer_attribute.outputs["Attribute"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 2: bilinearinterpindextransfer},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["UVCurve"], 'Position': multiply_add.outputs["Vector"]})
- normal_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- dot_product = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: transfer_attribute.outputs["Attribute"], 1: normal_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'DOT_PRODUCT'})
- arcsine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: dot_product.outputs["Value"]}, attrs={'operation': 'ARCSINE'})
- set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveTilt, input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position, 'Tilt': arcsine})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_curve_tilt}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_curve_sculpt', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_curve_sculpt(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Target', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Base Radius', 0.0500),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Base Factor', 0.0500),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'SymmY', True),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'StrokeRadFacModifier', None)])
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name, input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Curve"]})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["SymmY"], 14: group_input.outputs["Curve"], 15: symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={'Curve': switch.outputs[6]})
- geometry_proximity = nw.new_node(Nodes.Proximity, input_kwargs={'Target': curve_to_mesh}, attrs={'target_element': 'POINTS'})
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["StrokeRadFacModifier"]})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransferAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Source': curve_to_mesh_1, 1: position, 'Index': index},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'mapping': 'INDEX'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': transfer_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Base Radius"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["X"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': geometry_proximity.outputs["Distance"], 2: add})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0000, 1.0000), (0.2000, 0.9400), (0.8000, 0.0600), (1.0000, 0.0000)], handles=['VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR'])
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Base Factor"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: add_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: normal, 'Scale': multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Target"], 'Offset': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_simple_tube_skin', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_simple_tube_skin(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'RadStartEnd', (0.0500, 0.0500, 1.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 32)])
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- sqrt = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'SQRT'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["RadStartEnd"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 4: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: sqrt, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius, input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"], 'Radius': multiply_1})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': 1.0000, 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Scale': combine_xyz})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': transform})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/nodegroups/shader.py b/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/nodegroups/shader.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3720e9e17..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/nodegroups/shader.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Mingzhe Wang and Alexander Raistrick
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_norm_local_pos', singleton=True, type='ShaderNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_norm_local_pos(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'local_pos'})
- attribute_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'skeleton_rad'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: attribute_6.outputs["Fac"], 1: -1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': multiply, 'Z': multiply})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Max', 1.0)])
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["X Max"], 'Y': attribute_6.outputs["Fac"], 'Z': attribute_6.outputs["Fac"]})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute_5.outputs["Vector"], 7: combine_xyz_2, 8: combine_xyz_1},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': map_range_1.outputs["Vector"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_abs_y', singleton=True, type='ShaderNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_abs_y(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- separate_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Vector"]})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_4.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz_4.outputs["X"], 'Y': absolute, 'Z': separate_xyz_4.outputs["Z"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_color_mask', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_color_mask(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'tag_body'})
- attribute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'tag_leg'})
- attribute_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'tag_head'})
- attribute_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'local_pos'})
- group_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_abs_y().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute_5.outputs["Vector"]})
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_2, 'W': U(1e4), 'Scale': N(7, 1), 'Detail': N(7, 1), 'Dimension': U(1.5, 3)},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: musgrave_texture, 1: 0.69999999999999996})
- colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': add})
- colorramp_4.color_ramp.interpolation = "EASE"
- colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
- colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.4864
- colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_norm_local_pos().name)
- separate_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group})
- colorramp_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': separate_xyz_4.outputs["Z"]})
- colorramp_5.color_ramp.interpolation = "EASE"
- colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
- colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.5318
- colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: colorramp_4.outputs["Color"], 1: colorramp_5.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute_4.outputs["Fac"], 'Color1': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 'Color2': multiply})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': N(14, 2)})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 9: (-0.10000000000000001, -0.10000000000000001, -0.10000000000000001), 10: (0.10000000000000001, 0.10000000000000001, 0.10000000000000001)},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group, 1: map_range_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"]})
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.interpolation = "EASE"
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.3091
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.9773
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"]})
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.interpolation = "EASE"
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0955
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.5318
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 1: colorramp_2.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute_3.outputs["Fac"], 'Color1': mix_3, 'Color2': subtract})
- separate_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_3.outputs["Z"]})
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': add_2})
- colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2
- colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6136
- colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute_2.outputs["Fac"], 'Color1': mix_2, 'Color2': colorramp_3.outputs["Color"]})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': mix_1})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2727
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6091
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.78220000000000001, 0.78220000000000001, 0.78220000000000001, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.9727
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"]})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/debris/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/debris/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 48c459b8d..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/debris/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-from .lichen import LichenFactory
-from .moss import MossFactory
-from .pine_needle import PineNeedleFactory
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/debris/lichen.py b/infinigen/assets/debris/lichen.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e190a598..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/debris/lichen.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-from functools import reduce
-import bpy
-import colorsys
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal as N
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
-from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.infinigen_gpl.extras.diff_growth import build_diff_growth
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import data2mesh
-from infinigen.assets.utils.mesh import polygon_angles
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-class LichenFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed):
- super(LichenFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed)
- self.max_polygon = 1e4
- self.base_hue = uniform(.15, .3)
- @staticmethod
- def build_lichen_circle_mesh(n):
- angles = polygon_angles(n)
- z_jitter = N(0., .02, n)
- r_jitter = np.exp(uniform(-.2, 0., n))
- vertices = np.concatenate(
- [np.stack([np.cos(angles) * r_jitter, np.sin(angles) * r_jitter, z_jitter]).T, np.zeros((1, 3))], 0)
- faces = np.stack([np.arange(n), np.roll(np.arange(n), 1), np.full(n, n)]).T
- mesh = data2mesh(vertices, [], faces, 'circle')
- return mesh
- @staticmethod
- def shader_lichen(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue=.2, **params):
- h_perturb = uniform(-0.02, .02)
- s_perturb = uniform(-.05, -.0)
- v_perturb = uniform(1., 1.5)
- def map_perturb(h, s, v):
- return hsv2rgba(h + h_perturb, s + s_perturb, v / v_perturb)
- subsurface_ratio = .02
- roughness = 1.
- cr = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': nw.musgrave(5000)})
- elements = cr.color_ramp.elements
- elements.new(1)
- elements[0].position = 0.
- elements[1].position = 0.5
- elements[2].position = 1.0
- elements[0].color = map_perturb(base_hue, 1, .05)
- elements[1].color = map_perturb((base_hue + .05) % 1, 1, .05)
- elements[2].color = 0., 0., 0., 1.
- background = map_perturb(base_hue, .5, .3)
- mix_rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- [nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo_Shader).outputs["Random"], cr.outputs["Color"],
- background])
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- 'Base Color': mix_rgb,
- 'Subsurface': subsurface_ratio,
- 'Subsurface Radius': (.01, .01, .01),
- 'Subsurface Color': background,
- 'Roughness': roughness
- })
- return principled_bsdf
- def create_asset(self, **kwargs):
- n = np.random.randint(4, 6)
- mesh = self.build_lichen_circle_mesh(n)
- obj = bpy.data.objects.new('lichen', mesh)
- bpy.context.scene.collection.objects.link(obj)
- bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
- boundary = obj.vertex_groups.new(name='Boundary')
- boundary.add(list(range(n)), 1.0, 'REPLACE')
- growth_scale = 1, 1, .5
- build_diff_growth(obj, boundary.index, max_polygons=self.max_polygon * uniform(0.2, 1),
- growth_scale=growth_scale, inhibit_shell=4, repulsion_radius=2, dt=.25)
- obj.scale = [0.004] * 3
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- assign_material(obj, surface.shaderfunc_to_material(LichenFactory.shader_lichen,
- (self.base_hue + uniform(-.04, .04)) % 1))
- tag_object(obj, 'lichen')
- return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/debris/moss.py b/infinigen/assets/debris/moss.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b0ab11542..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/debris/moss.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
-# of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import math
-import colorsys
-from numpy.random import uniform as U
-from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_cube
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_utils import build_color_ramp
-class MossFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed):
- super(MossFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed)
- self.max_polygon = 1e4
- self.base_hue = U(.2, .24)
- @staticmethod
- def shader_moss(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue=.3):
- h_perturb = U(-0.02, .02)
- s_perturb = U(-.1, -.0)
- v_perturb = U(1., 1.5)
- def map_perturb(h, s, v):
- return hsv2rgba(h + h_perturb, s + s_perturb, v / v_perturb)
- subsurface_ratio = .05
- roughness = 1.
- mix_ratio = .2
- cr = build_color_ramp(nw,
- nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Scale': 5.}).outputs["Fac"],
- [0, .5, 1],
- [map_perturb(base_hue, .8, .1), map_perturb(base_hue - 0.05, .8, .1), (0., 0., 0., 1.)]
- )
- background = map_perturb(base_hue, .8, .02)
- mix_rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- [nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo_Shader).outputs["Random"], cr.outputs["Color"],
- background])
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- 'Base Color': mix_rgb,
- 'Subsurface': subsurface_ratio,
- 'Subsurface Radius': (.01, .01, .01),
- 'Subsurface Color': background,
- 'Roughness': roughness
- })
- translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslucentBSDF, input_kwargs={'Color': mix_rgb})
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader, [mix_ratio, principled_bsdf, translucent_bsdf])
- return mix_shader
- def create_asset(self, face_size=.01, **params):
- obj = new_cube()
- surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_moss_instance, apply=True, input_args=[face_size])
- assign_material(obj, surface.shaderfunc_to_material(MossFactory.shader_moss,
- (self.base_hue + U(-.02, .02) % 1)))
- tag_object(obj, 'moss')
- return obj
- @staticmethod
- def geo_moss_instance(nw: NodeWrangler, face_size):
- radius = .008
- start = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- start_handle = (-.03, 0.0, .02)
- end = (-0.04, 0.0, U(.04, .05))
- end_handle = (end[0] + U(-.03, -.02), 0., end[2] + U(-.01, .0))
- bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveBezierSegment, input_kwargs={
- 'Resolution': 10 * math.ceil(.01 / face_size),
- 'Start': start,
- 'Start Handle': start_handle,
- 'End Handle': end_handle,
- 'End': end
- })
- circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': 4, 'Radius': radius}).outputs[
- "Curve"]
- mesh = nw.curve2mesh(bezier, circle)
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': mesh})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/debris/pine_needle.py b/infinigen/assets/debris/pine_needle.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 57049e887..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/debris/pine_needle.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick, Lingjie Mei
-from numpy.random import normal as N
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
-def shader_material(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
- object_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo_Shader)
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': object_info.outputs["Random"]})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0000
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = color_category('pine_needle')
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0000
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = color_category('pine_needle')
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pine_needle', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pine_needle(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 0.0400),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Bend', 0.0300),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius', 0.0010)])
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (-1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (0.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000), 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Bend"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- scale_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 5, 'Start': scale.outputs["Vector"], 'Middle': scale_1.outputs["Vector"], 'End': scale_2.outputs["Vector"]})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': 6, 'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadratic_bezier, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-class PineNeedleFactory(AssetFactory):
- def sample_params(self):
- s = N(1, 0.2)
- return {
- 'Scale': 0.04 * s,
- 'Bend': 0.03 * s * N(1, 0.2),
- 'Radius': 0.001 * s * N(1, 0.2)
- }
- def create_asset(self, **_):
- obj = butil.spawn_vert('pine_needle')
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'NODES', apply=True, node_group=nodegroup_pine_needle(),
- ng_inputs=self.sample_params())
- tag_object(obj, 'pine_needle')
- return obj
- def finalize_assets(self, objs):
- surface.add_material(objs, shader_material)
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index c24bee2f6..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/decor/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-from .aquarium_tank import AquariumTankFactory
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/deformed_trees/base.py b/infinigen/assets/deformed_trees/base.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f0c610659..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/deformed_trees/base.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
-# of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import colorsys
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.trees import TreeFactory
-from infinigen.assets.trees.generate import GenericTreeFactory, random_species
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.surface import NoApply
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-class BaseDeformedTreeFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(BaseDeformedTreeFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- (tree_params, _, _), _ = random_species()
- tree_params.skinning.update({'Scaling': .2})
- self.base_factory = GenericTreeFactory(factory_seed, tree_params, None, NoApply, coarse)
- self.trunk_surface = surface.registry('bark')
- self.base_hue = uniform(.02, .08)
- self.material = surface.shaderfunc_to_material(self.shader_rings, self.base_hue)
- def build_tree(self, i, distance, **kwargs):
- return self.base_factory.spawn_asset(i=i, distance=distance)
- @staticmethod
- def geo_xyz(nw: NodeWrangler):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- for name, component in zip('xyz', nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry':geometry, 'Name': name, 'Value': component})
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
- @staticmethod
- def shader_rings(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue):
- position = nw.combine(*map(lambda n: nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={'attribute_name': n}), 'xyz'))
- ratio = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture, [position],
- input_kwargs={'Scale': uniform(10, 20), 'Distortion': uniform(4, 10)},
- attrs={'wave_type': 'RINGS', 'rings_direction': 'Z', 'wave_profile': 'SAW'})
- bright_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(.4, .8), log_uniform(.2, .8))
- dark_color = *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb((base_hue + uniform(-.02, .02)) % 1, uniform(.4, .8),
- log_uniform(.02, .05)), 1.
- color = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [ratio, dark_color, bright_color])
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={'Base Color': color})
- return principled_bsdf
- def create_asset(self, face_size, **params):
- raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/deformed_trees/fallen.py b/infinigen/assets/deformed_trees/fallen.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c84970d81..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/deformed_trees/fallen.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
-# of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
-import bmesh
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.deformed_trees.base import BaseDeformedTreeFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import remove_vertices
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, separate_loose
-from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import cut_plane
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-class FallenTreeFactory(BaseDeformedTreeFactory):
- @staticmethod
- def geo_cutter(nw: NodeWrangler, strength, scale, radius, metric_fn):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- x, y, z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))
- selection = nw.compare('LESS_THAN', nw.scalar_add(nw.power(x, 2), nw.power(y, 2)), 1)
- offset = nw.scalar_multiply(nw.new_node(Nodes.Clamp, [nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition),
- 'Scale': scale
- }), .3, .7]), strength)
- offset = nw.scalar_multiply(offset, nw.build_float_curve(x, [(-radius, 1), (radius, 0)]))
- anchors = (-1, 0), (-.5, 0), (0, -1), (.5, 0), (1, 0)
- offset = nw.scalar_multiply(offset, nw.build_float_curve(surface.eval_argument(nw, metric_fn), anchors))
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, [geometry, selection, None, nw.combine(0, 0, offset)])
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
- def build_half(self, obj, cut_center, cut_normal, noise_strength, noise_scale, radius, is_up=True):
- obj, cut = cut_plane(obj, cut_center, cut_normal, not is_up)
- assign_material(cut, self.material)
- obj = join_objects([obj, cut])
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'), butil.Suppress():
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.region_to_loop()
- bpy.ops.mesh.remove_doubles(threshold=1e-2)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.fill_holes()
- metric_fn = lambda nw: nw.dot(nw.sub(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition), cut_center), cut_normal)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_cutter, apply=True,
- input_args=[noise_strength, noise_scale, radius, metric_fn])
- obj = separate_loose(obj)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_xyz, apply=True)
- return obj
- def create_asset(self, i, distance=0, **params):
- upper = self.build_tree(i, distance, **params)
- radius = max([np.sqrt(v.co[0] ** 2 + v.co[1] ** 2) for v in upper.data.vertices if v.co[-1] < .1])
- self.trunk_surface.apply(upper)
- butil.apply_modifiers(upper)
- lower = deep_clone_obj(upper, keep_materials=True)
- cut_center = np.array([0, 0, uniform(.6, 1.2)])
- cut_normal = np.array([uniform(.1, .2), 0, 1])
- noise_strength = uniform(.3, .5)
- noise_scale = uniform(10, 15)
- upper = self.build_half(upper, cut_center, cut_normal, noise_strength, noise_scale, radius, True)
- lower = self.build_half(lower, cut_center, cut_normal, noise_strength, noise_scale, radius, False)
- ortho = np.array([-cut_normal[0], 0, 1])
- locations = np.array([v.co for v in lower.data.vertices])
- highest = locations[np.argmax(locations @ ortho)] + np.array(
- [-uniform(.05, .15), 0, -uniform(.05, .15)])
- upper.location = - highest
- butil.apply_transform(upper, loc=True)
- x, _, z = np.mean(np.stack([v.co for v in upper.data.vertices]), 0)
- r = np.sqrt(x * x + z * z)
- if r > 0:
- upper.rotation_euler[1] = np.pi / 2 + np.arcsin((highest[-1] - uniform(0, .2)) / r) - np.arctan(
- x / z)
- upper.location = highest
- butil.apply_transform(upper, loc=True)
- remove_vertices(upper, lambda x, y, z: z < -.5)
- upper = separate_loose(upper)
- obj = join_objects([upper, lower])
- tag_object(obj, 'fallen_tree')
- return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/deformed_trees/hollow.py b/infinigen/assets/deformed_trees/hollow.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3487057eb..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/deformed_trees/hollow.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
-# of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.deformed_trees.base import BaseDeformedTreeFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, read_material_index, write_material_index
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, separate_loose
-from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_selection
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj, select_none
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-class HollowTreeFactory(BaseDeformedTreeFactory):
- @staticmethod
- def geo_texture(nw: NodeWrangler, material_index):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- selection = nw.compare('EQUAL', nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialIndex), material_index)
- offset = nw.scale(nw.scalar_multiply(nw.musgrave(uniform(10, 20)), -uniform(.03, .06)),
- nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal))
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, [geometry, selection, None, offset])
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
- @staticmethod
- def filter_lower(obj):
- select_none()
- objs = butil.split_object(obj)
- filtered = [o for o in objs if np.min(read_co(o)[:, -1]) < .5]
- obj = filtered[np.argmax([len(o.data.vertices) for o in filtered])]
- objs.remove(obj)
- butil.delete(objs)
- return obj
- def create_asset(self, i, distance=0, **params):
- obj = self.build_tree(i, distance, **params)
- scale = uniform(.8, 1.)
- threshold = uniform(.36, .4)
- def selection(nw: NodeWrangler):
- x, y, z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))
- radius = nw.power(nw.scalar_add(nw.power(x, 2), nw.power(y, 2)), .5)
- vector = nw.combine(nw.scalar_divide(x, radius), nw.scalar_divide(y, radius), z)
- noise = nw.compare('GREATER_THAN',
- nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, [vector], input_kwargs={'Scale': scale}),
- threshold)
- r_outside = nw.compare('GREATER_THAN', nw.scalar_add(nw.power(x, 2), nw.power(y, 2)), 1)
- z_lower = nw.scalar_add(.1,
- nw.scale(nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, attrs={'noise_dimensions': '2D'}),
- .4))
- z_upper = nw.scalar_sub(3.5,
- nw.scale(nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, attrs={'noise_dimensions': '2D'}),
- .4))
- z_outside = nw.boolean_math('OR', nw.compare('LESS_THAN', z, z_lower),
- nw.compare('GREATER_THAN', z, z_upper))
- return nw.boolean_math('OR', nw.boolean_math('OR', z_outside, noise), r_outside)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_selection, apply=True, input_args=[selection])
- hollow = deep_clone_obj(obj)
- self.trunk_surface.apply(obj)
- butil.apply_modifiers(obj)
- assign_material(hollow, self.material)
- obj = join_objects([self.filter_lower(obj), self.filter_lower(hollow)])
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.region_to_loop()
- bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops(type='PAIRS', number_cuts=10, interpolation='LINEAR')
- ring_material_index = list(obj.data.materials).index(obj.data.materials['shader_rings'])
- surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_texture, apply=True, input_args=[ring_material_index])
- material_indices = read_material_index(obj)
- null_indices = np.array([i for i, m in enumerate(obj.data.materials) if not hasattr(m, 'name')])
- material_indices[
- np.any(material_indices[:, np.newaxis] == null_indices[np.newaxis, :], -1)] = ring_material_index
- write_material_index(obj, material_indices)
- tag_object(obj, 'hollow_tree')
- return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/deformed_trees/rotten.py b/infinigen/assets/deformed_trees/rotten.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 88b68c77d..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/deformed_trees/rotten.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.deformed_trees.base import BaseDeformedTreeFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_material_index, remove_vertices, write_material_index
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_icosphere, separate_loose
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-class RottenTreeFactory(BaseDeformedTreeFactory):
- @staticmethod
- def geo_cutter(nw: NodeWrangler, strength, scale, metric_fn):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- x, y, z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))
- selection = nw.compare('LESS_THAN', nw.scalar_add(nw.power(x, 2), nw.power(y, 2)), 1)
- offset = nw.scalar_multiply(nw.new_node(Nodes.Clamp, [nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition),
- 'Scale': scale}, attrs={'noise_dimensions': '2D'}), .3, .7]), strength)
- anchors = (0, 1), (1.02, 1), (1.05, 0), (2, 0)
- metric = surface.eval_argument(nw, metric_fn)
- offset = nw.scalar_multiply(offset, nw.build_float_curve(metric, anchors))
- offset = nw.scalar_multiply(offset, nw.switch(
- nw.compare('GREATER_THAN', nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal))[-1], 0), 1, -1))
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, [geometry, selection, None, nw.combine(0, 0, offset)])
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
- def build_cutter(self, radius, height):
- cutter = new_icosphere(subdivisions=6)
- angle = uniform(-np.pi, 0)
- depth = radius * uniform(.4, .9)
- cutter_scale = np.array([radius * uniform(.8, 1.2), radius * uniform(.8, 1.2), log_uniform(1., 1.2)])
- cutter_location = np.array([depth * np.cos(angle), depth * np.sin(angle), height])
- cutter.scale = cutter_scale
- cutter.location = cutter_location
- assign_material(cutter, self.material)
- metric = lambda x, y, z: np.linalg.norm(
- (np.stack([x, y, z], -1) - cutter_location[np.newaxis, :]) / cutter_scale[np.newaxis, :], axis=-1)
- fn = lambda x, y, z: metric(x, y, z) < 1 + 1e-4
- inverse_fn = lambda x, y, z: metric(x, y, z) > 1 + 1e-4
- metric_fn = lambda nw: nw.vector_math('LENGTH', nw.divide(
- nw.sub(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition), cutter_location), cutter_scale))
- return cutter, fn, inverse_fn, metric_fn
- def create_asset(self, i, distance=0, **params):
- outer = self.build_tree(i, distance, **params)
- radius = max([np.sqrt(v.co[0] ** 2 + v.co[1] ** 2) for v in outer.data.vertices if v.co[-1] < .1])
- height = uniform(.8, 1.6)
- cutter, fn, inverse_fn, metric_fn = self.build_cutter(radius, height)
- butil.modify_mesh(outer, 'BOOLEAN', object=cutter, operation='DIFFERENCE')
- outer = separate_loose(outer)
- inner = deep_clone_obj(outer)
- remove_vertices(outer, fn)
- remove_vertices(inner, inverse_fn)
- self.trunk_surface.apply(outer)
- butil.apply_modifiers(outer)
- obj = join_objects([outer, inner])
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.region_to_loop()
- bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops(number_cuts=10, interpolation='LINEAR')
- ring_material_index = list(obj.data.materials).index(obj.data.materials['shader_rings'])
- material_indices = read_material_index(obj)
- null_indices = np.array([i for i, m in enumerate(obj.data.materials) if not hasattr(m, 'name')])
- material_indices[
- np.any(material_indices[:, np.newaxis] == null_indices[np.newaxis, :], -1)] = ring_material_index
- write_material_index(obj, material_indices)
- noise_strength = cutter.scale[-1] * uniform(.5, .8)
- noise_scale = uniform(10, 15)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_cutter, apply=True,
- input_args=[noise_strength, noise_scale, metric_fn])
- surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_xyz, apply=True)
- butil.delete(cutter)
- tag_object(outer, 'rotten_tree')
- return outer
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/deformed_trees/truncated.py b/infinigen/assets/deformed_trees/truncated.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a398b6fc..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/deformed_trees/truncated.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
-# of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.deformed_trees import FallenTreeFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-class TruncatedTreeFactory(FallenTreeFactory):
- @staticmethod
- def geo_cutter(nw: NodeWrangler, strength, scale, radius, metric_fn):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- offset = nw.scalar_multiply(nw.new_node(Nodes.Clamp, [nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition),
- 'Scale': scale
- }), .3, .7]), strength)
- anchors = (-1, 0), (-.5, 0), (0, 1), (.5, 0), (1, 0)
- offset = nw.scalar_multiply(offset, nw.build_float_curve(surface.eval_argument(nw, metric_fn), anchors))
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, [geometry, None, None, nw.combine(0, 0, offset)])
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
- def create_asset(self, i, distance=0, **params):
- obj = self.build_tree(i, distance, **params)
- x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
- radius = np.amax(np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)[z < .1])
- self.trunk_surface.apply(obj)
- butil.apply_modifiers(obj)
- cut_center = np.array([0, 0, uniform(.8, 1.5)])
- cut_normal = np.array([uniform(-.4, .4), 0, 1])
- noise_strength = uniform(.6, 1.)
- noise_scale = uniform(10, 15)
- obj = self.build_half(obj, cut_center, cut_normal, noise_strength, noise_scale, radius, False)
- tag_object(obj, 'truncated_tree')
- return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/elements/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/elements/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 765c5d999..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/elements/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-from .staircases import *
-from .doors import *
-from .rug import RugFactory
-from .warehouses import *
-from .nature_shelf_trinkets.generate import NatureShelfTrinketsFactory
-from .pillars import PillarFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/elements/doors/base.py b/infinigen/assets/elements/doors/base.py
deleted file mode 100644
index dd44e0e8e..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/elements/doors/base.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
-# of this source tree.
-# Authors:
-# - Lingjie Mei: primary author
-import bpy
-import gin
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.materials.common import unique_surface
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import mirror, read_co, write_attribute, write_co
-from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import spin
-from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_radius
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import data2mesh, join_objects, mesh2obj, new_cube, new_line
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room import constants
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.materials import glass, metal, wood
-from infinigen.core.util.bevelling import add_bevel, get_bevel_edges
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.utils.autobevel import BevelSharp
-class BaseDoorFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(BaseDoorFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- self.width = constants.DOOR_WIDTH
- self.height = constants.DOOR_SIZE
- self.depth = uniform(.04, .06)
- self.panel_margin = log_uniform(.08, .12)
- self.bevel_width = uniform(.005, .01)
- self.out_bevel = uniform() < .7
- self.shrink_width = log_uniform(.005, .06)
- surface_fn = np.random.choice([metal, wood], p=[.2, .8])
- self.surface = unique_surface(surface_fn, self.factory_seed)
- self.has_glass = False
- self.glass_surface = glass
- self.has_louver = False
- self.louver_surface = np.random.choice([metal, wood], p=[.2, .8])
- self.handle_type = np.random.choice(['knob', 'lever', 'pull'])
- self.handle_surface = np.random.choice([metal, wood], p=[.2, .8])
- self.handle_offset = self.panel_margin * .5
- self.handle_height = self.height * uniform(.45, .5)
- self.knob_radius = uniform(.03, .04)
- base_radius = uniform(1.1, 1.2)
- mid_radius = uniform(.4, .5)
- self.knob_radius_mid = base_radius, base_radius, mid_radius, mid_radius, 1, uniform(.6, .8), 0
- self.knob_depth = uniform(.08, .1)
- self.knob_depth_mid = [0, uniform(.1, .15), uniform(.25, .3), uniform(.35, .45), uniform(.6, .8), 1,
- 1 + 1e-3]
- self.lever_radius = uniform(.03, .04)
- self.lever_mid_radius = uniform(.01, .02)
- self.lever_depth = uniform(.05, .08)
- self.lever_mid_depth = uniform(.15, .25)
- self.lever_length = log_uniform(.15, .2)
- self.level_type = np.random.choice(['wave', 'cylinder', 'bent'])
- self.pull_size = log_uniform(.1, .4)
- self.pull_depth = uniform(.05, .08)
- self.pull_width = log_uniform(.08, .15)
- self.pull_extension = uniform(.05, .15)
- self.to_pull_bevel = uniform() < .5
- self.pull_bevel_width = uniform(.02, .04)
- self.pull_radius = uniform(.01, .02)
- self.pull_type = np.random.choice(['u', 'tee', 'zed'])
- self.is_pull_circular = uniform() < .5 or self.pull_type == 'zed'
- self.panel_surface = unique_surface(surface_fn, np.random.randint(1e5))
- self.auto_bevel = BevelSharp()
- self.side_bevel = log_uniform(.005,.015)
- self.metal_color = metal.sample_metal_color()
- def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- for _ in range(100):
- obj = self._create_asset()
- if max(obj.dimensions) < 5:
- return obj
- else:
- raise ValueError('Bad door booleaning')
- def _create_asset(self):
- obj = new_cube(location=(1, 1, 1))
- butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
- obj.scale = self.width / 2, self.depth / 2, self.height / 2
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- panels = self.make_panels()
- extras = []
- for panel in panels:
- extras.extend(panel['func'](obj, panel))
- match self.handle_type:
- case 'knob':
- extras.extend(self.make_knobs())
- case 'lever':
- extras.extend(self.make_levers())
- case 'pull':
- extras.extend(self.make_pulls())
- obj = join_objects([obj] + extras)
- self.auto_bevel(obj)
- obj.location = -self.width, -self.depth, 0
- butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- obj = add_bevel(obj, get_bevel_edges(obj), offset=self.side_bevel)
- return obj
- def make_panels(self):
- return []
- def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- self.surface.apply(assets, metal_color=self.metal_color, vertical=True)
- if self.has_glass:
- self.glass_surface.apply(assets, selection='glass', clear=True)
- if self.has_louver:
- self.louver_surface.apply(assets, selection='louver', metal_color=self.metal_color)
- self.handle_surface.apply(assets, selection='handle', metal_color='natural')
- def make_knobs(self):
- x_anchors = np.array(self.knob_radius_mid) * self.knob_radius
- y_anchors = np.array(self.knob_depth_mid) * self.knob_depth
- obj = spin([x_anchors, y_anchors, 0], [0, 2, 3], axis=(0, 1, 0))
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.region_to_loop()
- bpy.ops.mesh.edge_face_add()
- return self.make_handles(obj)
- def make_handles(self, obj):
- write_attribute(obj, 1, 'handle', 'FACE')
- obj.location = self.handle_offset, 0, self.handle_height
- butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
- other = deep_clone_obj(obj)
- obj.location[1] += self.depth
- butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
- mirror(other, 1)
- return [obj, other]
- def make_levers(self):
- x_anchors = self.lever_radius, self.lever_radius, self.lever_mid_radius, self.lever_mid_radius, 0
- y_anchors = np.array([0, self.lever_mid_depth, self.lever_mid_depth, 1, 1 + 1e-3]) * self.lever_depth
- obj = spin([x_anchors, y_anchors, 0], [0, 1, 2, 3], axis=(0, 1, 0))
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.region_to_loop()
- bpy.ops.mesh.fill()
- lever = new_line(4)
- if self.level_type == 'wave':
- co = read_co(lever)
- co[1, -1] = -uniform(.2, .3)
- co[3, -1] = uniform(.1, .15)
- write_co(lever, co)
- elif self.level_type == 'bent':
- co = read_co(lever)
- co[4, 1] = -uniform(.2, .3)
- write_co(lever, co)
- lever.scale = [self.lever_length] * 3
- butil.apply_transform(lever)
- butil.select_none()
- with butil.ViewportMode(lever, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': (0, 0, self.lever_mid_radius * 2)})
- butil.modify_mesh(lever, 'SOLIDIFY', lever, thickness=self.lever_mid_radius, offset=0)
- butil.modify_mesh(lever, 'SUBSURF', render_levels=1, levels=1)
- lever.location = -self.lever_mid_radius, self.lever_depth, -self.lever_mid_radius
- butil.apply_transform(lever, loc=True)
- obj = join_objects([obj, lever])
- return self.make_handles(obj)
- def make_pulls(self):
- if self.pull_type == 'u':
- vertices = (0, 0, self.pull_size), (0, self.pull_depth, self.pull_size), (0, self.pull_depth, 0)
- edges = (0, 1), (1, 2)
- elif self.pull_type == 'tee':
- vertices = (0, 0, self.pull_size), (0, self.pull_depth, self.pull_size), (0, self.pull_depth, 0), (
- 0, self.pull_depth, self.pull_size + self.pull_extension)
- edges = (0, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3)
- else:
- vertices = (0, 0, self.pull_size), (0, self.pull_depth, self.pull_size), (
- self.pull_width, self.pull_depth, self.pull_size), (self.pull_width, self.pull_depth, 0),
- edges = (0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)
- obj = mesh2obj(data2mesh(vertices, edges))
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'MIRROR', use_axis=(False, False, True))
- if self.to_pull_bevel:
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BEVEL', width=self.pull_bevel_width, segments=4, affect='VERTICES')
- if self.is_pull_circular:
- surface.add_geomod(
- obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[self.pull_radius, 32], input_kwargs={'to_align_tilt': False}
- )
- else:
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': (self.pull_radius * 2, 0, 0)})
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.normals_make_consistent(inside=False)
- obj.location = -self.pull_radius, -self.pull_radius, -self.pull_radius
- butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.pull_radius * 2, offset=0)
- return self.make_handles(obj)
- @property
- def casing_factory(self):
- from infinigen.assets.elements import DoorCasingFactory
- factory = DoorCasingFactory(self.factory_seed, self.coarse)
- factory.surface = self.surface
- factory.metal_color = self.metal_color
- return factory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/elements/nature_shelf_trinkets/generate.py b/infinigen/assets/elements/nature_shelf_trinkets/generate.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a7a2bc717..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/elements/nature_shelf_trinkets/generate.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Stamatis Alexandropulos
-import colorsys
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-import trimesh
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.assets.corals import CoralFactory
-from infinigen.assets.rocks import BlenderRockFactory
-from infinigen.assets.rocks.boulder import BoulderFactory
-from infinigen.assets.mollusk import MolluskFactory, AugerFactory, ClamFactory, ConchFactory, MusselFactory, ScallopFactory, VoluteFactory
-from infinigen.assets.monocot import PineconeFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.beetle import BeetleFactory, AntSwarmFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.bird import BirdFactory, FlyingBirdFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.carnivore import CarnivoreFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.herbivore import HerbivoreFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.crustacean import CrustaceanFactory, CrabFactory, LobsterFactory, SpinyLobsterFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.reptile import FrogFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.insects.dragonfly import DragonflyFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import remove_vertices
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.utils import object as obj
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
-class NatureShelfTrinketsFactory(AssetFactory):
- factories = [CoralFactory,BlenderRockFactory, BoulderFactory, PineconeFactory, MolluskFactory,
- AugerFactory, ClamFactory, ConchFactory, MusselFactory, ScallopFactory, VoluteFactory, CarnivoreFactory, HerbivoreFactory]
- probs = np.array([1,1,1,1,3,2,3,2,2,2,2,5,5])
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(NatureShelfTrinketsFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- base_factory_fn = np.random.choice(self.factories, p=self.probs / self.probs.sum())
- kwargs = {}
- if base_factory_fn in [HerbivoreFactory, CarnivoreFactory]:
- kwargs.update({
- 'hair': False
- })
- self.base_factory = base_factory_fn(self.factory_seed, **kwargs)
- def create_placeholder(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- size = np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.15)
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(size=size, location=(0,0, size/2))
- placeholder = bpy.context.active_object
- return placeholder
- def create_asset(self, i, placeholder=None, **params):
- asset = self.base_factory.spawn_asset(
- np.random.randint(1e7),
- distance=200,
- adaptive_resolution = False
- )
- if (list(asset.children)):
- asset = join_objects(list(asset.children))
- # butil.modify_mesh(asset, 'DECIMATE')
- butil.apply_transform(asset,loc=True)
- butil.apply_modifiers(asset)
- if isinstance(self.base_factory, HerbivoreFactory) or isinstance(self.base_factory, CarnivoreFactory):
- pass
- else:
- if not isinstance(asset, trimesh.Trimesh):
- mesh = obj.obj2trimesh(asset)
- stable_poses, probs = trimesh.poses.compute_stable_poses(mesh)
- stable_pose = stable_poses[np.argmax(probs)]
- asset.rotation_euler = mathutils.Matrix(stable_pose[:3,:3]).to_euler()
- butil.apply_transform(asset,rot =True)
- dim = asset.dimensions
- bounding_box = placeholder.dimensions
- scale = min([bounding_box[i]/dim[i] for i in range(3)])
- asset.scale = [scale for i in range(3)]
- # asset.dimensions = placeholder.dimensions
- butil.apply_transform(asset,loc=True)
- bounds = butil.bounds(asset)
- cur_loc = asset.location
- new_location = [
- cur_loc[i]-(bounds[0][i] + bounds[1][i])/2 for i in range(3)]
- new_location[2] = cur_loc[2] - (bounds[0][2] + bounding_box[2]/2)
- asset.location = new_location
- butil.apply_transform(asset,loc=True)
- return asset
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fluid/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/fluid/__init__.py
index 1729ae108..8886e3c3e 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/fluid/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/fluid/__init__.py
@@ -1,16 +1,11 @@
-from .fluid_scenecomp_additions import cached_fire_scenecomp_options
-from .fluid import set_fire_to_assets
from .asset_cache import FireCachingSystem
from .cached_factory_wrappers import (
- CachedBoulderFactory,
+ CachedBoulderFactory,
- CachedCactusFactory,
- CachedCreatureFactory,
- CachedTreeFactory
+ CachedCactusFactory,
+ CachedCreatureFactory,
+ CachedTreeFactory,
-from .flip_fluid import (
- make_river,
- make_still_water,
- make_tilted_river,
- make_beach
\ No newline at end of file
+from .flip_fluid import make_beach, make_river, make_still_water, make_tilted_river
+from .fluid import set_fire_to_assets
+from .fluid_scenecomp_additions import cached_fire_scenecomp_options
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fluid/asset_cache.py b/infinigen/assets/fluid/asset_cache.py
index 1e41d07d7..abbb74780 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/fluid/asset_cache.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/fluid/asset_cache.py
@@ -3,30 +3,20 @@
# Authors: Karhan Kayan
-import argparse
-import os
-import sys
-from pathlib import Path
-from mathutils import Vector
import importlib
+import json
+import logging
+import os
from collections import defaultdict
+from pathlib import Path
import bpy
import gin
import numpy as np
-import json
-from infinigen.assets.fluid.fluid import (
- find_available_cache,
- set_obj_on_fire,
- fire_smoke_ground_truth,
+from mathutils import Vector
-import time
+from infinigen.assets.fluid.fluid import find_available_cache, set_obj_on_fire
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -35,12 +25,15 @@
I_MAX = 20
class FireCachingSystem:
- def __init__(self, asset_folder = None, create=False, max_fire_assets = 3, max_per_kind = 1) -> None:
- if asset_folder == None:
+ def __init__(
+ self, asset_folder=None, create=False, max_fire_assets=3, max_per_kind=1
+ ) -> None:
+ if asset_folder is None:
raise ValueError("asset_folder not set for Fire")
cache_folder = os.path.join(asset_folder, "Fire")
if not os.path.exists(cache_folder):
@@ -207,5 +200,3 @@ def link_fire(self, full_sim_folder, sim_folder, obj, factory):
self.n_placed[factory.__class__.__name__] += 1
return dom
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fluid/bounding_box.py b/infinigen/assets/fluid/bounding_box.py
index 771cd5b4d..509ae9f98 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/fluid/bounding_box.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/fluid/bounding_box.py
@@ -3,13 +3,9 @@
# Authors: Karhan Kayan
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
def geometry_geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, obj):
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fluid/cached_factory_wrappers.py b/infinigen/assets/fluid/cached_factory_wrappers.py
index 78069b534..11b3c8768 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/fluid/cached_factory_wrappers.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/fluid/cached_factory_wrappers.py
@@ -3,22 +3,27 @@
# Authors: Karhan Kayan
-from infinigen.assets.trees import TreeFactory, BushFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures import CarnivoreFactory
-from infinigen.assets.cactus import CactusFactory
-from infinigen.assets.rocks.boulder import BoulderFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.cactus import CactusFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures import CarnivoreFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.rocks.boulder import BoulderFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.trees import BushFactory, TreeFactory
class CachedBoulderFactory(BoulderFactory):
class CachedCactusFactory(CactusFactory):
class CachedCreatureFactory(CarnivoreFactory):
class CachedBushFactory(BushFactory):
class CachedTreeFactory(TreeFactory):
- pass
\ No newline at end of file
+ pass
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fluid/duplication_geomod.py b/infinigen/assets/fluid/duplication_geomod.py
index ae0cb6dc6..e05cbd242 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/fluid/duplication_geomod.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/fluid/duplication_geomod.py
@@ -3,13 +3,9 @@
# Authors: Karhan Kayan
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
def duplicate(nw: NodeWrangler, obj):
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fluid/flip_fluid.py b/infinigen/assets/fluid/flip_fluid.py
index 98539387f..8eddc7481 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/fluid/flip_fluid.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/fluid/flip_fluid.py
@@ -4,33 +4,30 @@
# Authors: Karhan Kayan
import os
-import sys
from pathlib import Path
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from mathutils import Vector
import bpy
+from mathutils import Vector
+# ruff: noqa: E402
os.environ["OPENCV_IO_ENABLE_OPENEXR"] = "1" # This must be done BEFORE import cv2.
-from infinigen.assets.materials import water, lava, river_water, new_whitewater
-from infinigen.assets.materials import blackbody_shader, waterfall_material, smoke_material
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
-from infinigen.core.util.logging import Timer
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import AssetFile, Materials, Process
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import object_from_trimesh, SelectObjects
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import Mesh
-import cv2
import subprocess
-from infinigen.assets.fluid.fluid import find_available_cache, obj_bb_minmax
-import infinigen.assets.fluid.liquid_particle_material as liquid_particle_material
+import cv2
+import gin
from numpy.random import normal as N
-import gin
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import Assets, LandTile
+from infinigen.assets.fluid.fluid import find_available_cache, obj_bb_minmax
+from infinigen.assets.materials import (
+ new_whitewater,
+ river_water,
+ water,
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.logging import Timer
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import AssetFile, LandTile, Materials, Process
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import Mesh
def get_objs_inside_domain(dom, objects):
@@ -516,4 +513,4 @@ def make_tilted_river(
if __name__ == "__main__":
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fluid/flip_init.py b/infinigen/assets/fluid/flip_init.py
index 1e3125168..1992bfb11 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/fluid/flip_init.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/fluid/flip_init.py
@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@
import bpy
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fluid/fluid.py b/infinigen/assets/fluid/fluid.py
index 2a75a42fb..b94594588 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/fluid/fluid.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/fluid/fluid.py
@@ -3,45 +3,45 @@
# Authors: Karhan Kayan
+import logging
import os
-import sys
-from itertools import chain
from pathlib import Path
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
+import bpy
+import gin
+import numpy as np
from mathutils import Vector
-import logging
-from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.fluid import duplication_geomod
+from infinigen.assets.materials import (
+ blackbody_shader,
+ lava,
+ smoke_material,
+ water,
+ waterfall_material,
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import (
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.assets.materials import water, lava
-from infinigen.assets.fluid import duplication_geomod
-from infinigen.assets.materials import blackbody_shader, waterfall_material, smoke_material
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
from infinigen.core.util.logging import Timer
-import gin
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def check_initalize_fluids():
# find next available number for fluid cache folder
def find_available_cache(cache_folder):
Path(cache_folder).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
@@ -127,7 +127,6 @@ def create_liquid_domain(
settings.use_collision_border_right = False
settings.use_collision_border_top = False
if fluid_type == "water":
if waterfall:
@@ -231,17 +230,29 @@ def create_gas_domain(
- adaptive_domain = True,
+ adaptive_domain=True,
- flame_vorticity = None,
- vorticity = None
+ flame_vorticity=None,
+ vorticity=None,
bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(size=size, location=location)
obj = bpy.context.object
- set_gas_domain_settings(obj, start_frame, fluid_type, resolution, simulation_duration, adaptive_domain, output_folder, noise_scale, dissolve_speed, flame_vorticity, vorticity)
+ set_gas_domain_settings(
+ obj,
+ start_frame,
+ fluid_type,
+ resolution,
+ simulation_duration,
+ adaptive_domain,
+ output_folder,
+ noise_scale,
+ dissolve_speed,
+ flame_vorticity,
+ vorticity,
+ )
return obj
@@ -256,10 +267,10 @@ def set_gas_domain_settings(
- noise_strength = None,
+ noise_strength=None,
- flame_vorticity = None,
- vorticity = None,
+ flame_vorticity=None,
+ vorticity=None,
if "Fluid" not in obj.modifiers:
@@ -331,7 +342,6 @@ def set_gas_domain_settings(
def create_gas_flow(location, fluid_type="fire_and_smoke", size=0.1, fuel_amount=None):
bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_ico_sphere_add(radius=size, location=location)
@@ -362,7 +372,6 @@ def create_gas_flow(location, fluid_type="fire_and_smoke", size=0.1, fuel_amount
def set_gas_flow_settings(obj, fluid_type="fire_and_smoke", fuel_amount=None):
if "Fluid" not in obj.modifiers:
@@ -542,13 +551,13 @@ def set_obj_on_fire(
obj.matrix_world.translation[2] + uniform(2, 3),
- turbulence_noise,
- turbulence_strength
+ turbulence_noise,
+ turbulence_strength,
fire_dfs(obj, fluid_type)
# disabled for now
# with Timer('Decimating and Realizing Instance'):
# instanced_obj = get_instanced_part(obj)
@@ -609,7 +618,6 @@ def generate_waterfall(
seed = np.random.randint(10000)
@@ -721,7 +729,6 @@ def import_obj_simulate(
# assuming we are importing to the origin
@@ -747,14 +754,15 @@ def import_obj_simulate(
def find_root(node):
- if node.parent == None:
+ if node.parent is None:
return node
return find_root(node.parent)
-def set_fire_to_assets(assets, start_frame, simulation_duration, output_folder=None, max_fire_assets=1):
+def set_fire_to_assets(
+ assets, start_frame, simulation_duration, output_folder=None, max_fire_assets=1
if len(assets) == 0:
@@ -775,7 +783,6 @@ def set_fire_to_assets(assets, start_frame, simulation_duration, output_folder=N
for i in range(max_fire_assets):
closest = obj_dist[i]
obj = closest[1]
logger.info(f"Setting fire to {i=} {obj.name=}")
@@ -792,15 +799,16 @@ def set_fire_to_assets(assets, start_frame, simulation_duration, output_folder=N
def duplicate_fluid_obj(obj):
new_obj = bpy.context.object
duplication_geomod.apply(new_obj=new_obj, old_obj=obj)
return new_obj
def estimate_smoke_domain(obj, start_frame, simulation_duration):
@@ -829,7 +837,6 @@ def estimate_smoke_domain(obj, start_frame, simulation_duration):
def estimate_liquid_domain(
location, start_frame, simulation_duration, fluid_type="water"
source = create_liquid_flow(
@@ -861,7 +868,6 @@ def estimate_liquid_domain(
def set_fluid_to_smoke(obj, start_frame, resolution=300, simulation_duration=30):
new_obj = duplicate_fluid_obj(obj)
@@ -892,7 +898,7 @@ def fire_smoke_ground_truth(domain):
data_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, "data")
contents = [f for f in os.listdir(data_dir)]
filepath = os.path.join(data_dir, contents[0])
- files = [{"name": f, "name": f} for f in contents]
+ files = [{"name": f} for f in contents]
bpy.ops.object.volume_import(filepath=filepath, directory=data_dir, files=files)
vol = bpy.context.object
vol.location += translation
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fluid/fluid_scenecomp_additions.py b/infinigen/assets/fluid/fluid_scenecomp_additions.py
index abc713ecf..7b9383222 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/fluid/fluid_scenecomp_additions.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/fluid/fluid_scenecomp_additions.py
@@ -4,34 +4,28 @@
# Authors: Karhan Kayan
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from mathutils import Vector
-import gin
import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.util.pipeline import RandomStageExecutor
-from infinigen.core.placement import placement, density
+from numpy.random import randint, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.fluid.asset_cache import FireCachingSystem
from infinigen.assets.fluid.cached_factory_wrappers import (
+ CachedBoulderFactory,
+ CachedBushFactory,
+ CachedCactusFactory,
- CachedCreatureFactory,
- CachedBoulderFactory,
- CachedBushFactory,
- CachedCactusFactory
-from infinigen.assets.fluid.asset_cache import FireCachingSystem
-from infinigen.assets.fluid.fluid import is_fire_in_scene
-from infinigen.assets.fluid.flip_fluid import create_flip_fluid_domain, set_flip_fluid_domain, create_flip_fluid_inflow, set_flip_fluid_obstacle, get_objs_inside_domain, make_beach, make_river, make_tilted_river
+from infinigen.core.placement import density, placement
+from infinigen.core.util.pipeline import RandomStageExecutor
-def cached_fire_scenecomp_options(p: RandomStageExecutor, terrain_mesh, params, tree_species_params):
- land_domain = params.get('land_domain_tags')
- underwater_domain = params.get('underwater_domain_tags')
- nonliving_domain = params.get('nonliving_domain_tags')
+def cached_fire_scenecomp_options(
+ p: RandomStageExecutor, terrain_mesh, params, tree_species_params
+ land_domain = params.get("land_domain_tags")
+ underwater_domain = params.get("underwater_domain_tags")
+ nonliving_domain = params.get("nonliving_domain_tags")
- if params.get('cached_fire'):
+ if params.get("cached_fire"):
fire_cache_system = FireCachingSystem()
def add_cached_fire_trees(terrain_mesh):
@@ -40,11 +34,18 @@ def add_cached_fire_trees(terrain_mesh):
ind = np.random.choice(len(species))
s = species[ind]
fac = CachedTreeFactory(s, coarse=True)
- selection = density.placement_mask(params['select_scale'], tag=land_domain)
- placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(terrain_mesh, fac, selection=selection, altitude=-0.1,
- overall_density=params['density'], distance_min=params['distance_min'])
- p.run_stage('cached_fire_trees', add_cached_fire_trees, terrain_mesh)
+ selection = density.placement_mask(params["select_scale"], tag=land_domain)
+ placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(
+ terrain_mesh,
+ fac,
+ selection=selection,
+ altitude=-0.1,
+ overall_density=params["density"],
+ distance_min=params["distance_min"],
+ )
+ p.run_stage("cached_fire_trees", add_cached_fire_trees, terrain_mesh)
def add_cached_fire_bushes(terrain_mesh):
n_bush_species = randint(1, params.get("max_bush_species", 2) + 1)
spec_density = params.get("bush_density", uniform(0.03, 0.12)) / n_bush_species
@@ -52,12 +53,22 @@ def add_cached_fire_bushes(terrain_mesh):
ind = np.random.choice(len(species))
s = species[ind]
fac = CachedBushFactory(s, coarse=True)
- selection = density.placement_mask(uniform(0.015, 0.2), normal_thresh=0.3,
- select_thresh=uniform(0.5, 0.6), tag=land_domain)
- placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(terrain_mesh, fac, altitude=-0.05,
- overall_density=spec_density, distance_min=uniform(0.05, 0.3),
- selection=selection)
- p.run_stage('cached_fire_bushes', add_cached_fire_bushes, terrain_mesh)
+ selection = density.placement_mask(
+ uniform(0.015, 0.2),
+ normal_thresh=0.3,
+ select_thresh=uniform(0.5, 0.6),
+ tag=land_domain,
+ )
+ placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(
+ terrain_mesh,
+ fac,
+ altitude=-0.05,
+ overall_density=spec_density,
+ distance_min=uniform(0.05, 0.3),
+ selection=selection,
+ )
+ p.run_stage("cached_fire_bushes", add_cached_fire_bushes, terrain_mesh)
def add_cached_fire_boulders(terrain_mesh):
n_boulder_species = randint(1, params.get("max_boulder_species", 5))
@@ -65,11 +76,19 @@ def add_cached_fire_boulders(terrain_mesh):
ind = np.random.choice(len(species))
s = species[ind]
fac = CachedBoulderFactory(s, coarse=True)
- selection = density.placement_mask(0.05, tag=nonliving_domain, select_thresh=uniform(0.55, 0.6))
- placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(terrain_mesh, fac,
- overall_density=params.get("boulder_density", uniform(.02, .05)) / n_boulder_species,
- selection=selection, altitude=-0.25)
- p.run_stage('cached_fire_boulders', add_cached_fire_boulders, terrain_mesh)
+ selection = density.placement_mask(
+ 0.05, tag=nonliving_domain, select_thresh=uniform(0.55, 0.6)
+ )
+ placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(
+ terrain_mesh,
+ fac,
+ overall_density=params.get("boulder_density", uniform(0.02, 0.05))
+ / n_boulder_species,
+ selection=selection,
+ altitude=-0.25,
+ )
+ p.run_stage("cached_fire_boulders", add_cached_fire_boulders, terrain_mesh)
def add_cached_fire_cactus(terrain_mesh):
n_cactus_species = randint(2, params.get("max_cactus_species", 4))
@@ -77,8 +96,18 @@ def add_cached_fire_cactus(terrain_mesh):
ind = np.random.choice(len(species))
s = species[ind]
fac = CachedCactusFactory(s, coarse=True)
- selection = density.placement_mask(scale=.05, tag=land_domain, select_thresh=0.57)
- placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(terrain_mesh, fac, altitude=-0.05,
- overall_density=params.get('cactus_density', uniform(.02, .1) / n_cactus_species),
- selection=selection, distance_min=1)
- p.run_stage('cached_fire_cactus', add_cached_fire_cactus, terrain_mesh)
+ selection = density.placement_mask(
+ scale=0.05, tag=land_domain, select_thresh=0.57
+ )
+ placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(
+ terrain_mesh,
+ fac,
+ altitude=-0.05,
+ overall_density=params.get(
+ "cactus_density", uniform(0.02, 0.1) / n_cactus_species
+ ),
+ selection=selection,
+ distance_min=1,
+ )
+ p.run_stage("cached_fire_cactus", add_cached_fire_cactus, terrain_mesh)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fluid/generate.py b/infinigen/assets/fluid/generate.py
index 2988dfc72..b4071c5a3 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/fluid/generate.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/fluid/generate.py
@@ -3,29 +3,18 @@
# Authors: Karhan Kayan
-import gin
import bpy
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+import gin
from infinigen.assets.fluid.fluid import (
- create_liquid_domain,
- create_liquid_flow,
+ add_field,
- add_field,
-from infinigen.assets.fluid.flip_fluid import (
- create_flip_fluid_domain,
- set_flip_fluid_domain,
- create_flip_fluid_inflow,
- set_flip_fluid_obstacle,
- get_objs_inside_domain,
+ create_liquid_domain,
+ create_liquid_flow,
-from infinigen.core.util.logging import Timer
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
@@ -65,7 +54,7 @@ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
dom = obj
flow = obj
- assert dom != None and flow != None
+ assert dom is not None and flow is not None
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = dom
@@ -89,7 +78,7 @@ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
dom = obj
elif obj.modifiers["Fluid"].fluid_type == "FLOW":
obj.hide_render = True
- assert dom != None
+ assert dom is not None
cache_dir = cache_dirs[i]
mod = dom.modifiers["Fluid"]
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fluid/liquid_particle_material.py b/infinigen/assets/fluid/liquid_particle_material.py
index cde9d0cf0..4f4a0f579 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/fluid/liquid_particle_material.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/fluid/liquid_particle_material.py
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
# Authors: Karhan Kayan
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from numpy.random import normal
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
def liquid_particle_material(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.5.1 of the node_transpiler
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- 'Base Color': (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000),
- 'Subsurface Color': (0.7147, 0.6062, 0.8000, 1.0000),
- 'Specular': 0.0886,
- 'Roughness': 0.2705 + (0.1 * normal()),
- 'Sheen Tint': 0.0000,
- 'Clearcoat Roughness': 0.0000,
- 'IOR': 1.2000,
- 'Transmission': 0.2818 + (0.1 * normal())
+ "Base Color": (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000),
+ "Subsurface Color": (0.7147, 0.6062, 0.8000, 1.0000),
+ "Specular": 0.0886,
+ "Roughness": 0.2705 + (0.1 * normal()),
+ "Sheen Tint": 0.0000,
+ "Clearcoat Roughness": 0.0000,
+ "IOR": 1.2000,
+ "Transmission": 0.2818 + (0.1 * normal()),
- attrs={'distribution': 'MULTI_GGX'})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ attrs={"distribution": "MULTI_GGX"},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_material(obj, liquid_particle_material, selection=selection)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(obj, liquid_particle_material, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fluid/run_asset_cache.py b/infinigen/assets/fluid/run_asset_cache.py
index 48cacac68..9dbfcc932 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/fluid/run_asset_cache.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/fluid/run_asset_cache.py
@@ -3,20 +3,19 @@
# Authors: Karhan Kayan
-import time
import argparse
-import numpy as np
-import sys
+import importlib
import os
+import sys
+import time
import gin
-import importlib
-from pathlib import Path
+import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core import init
from infinigen.assets.fluid.asset_cache import FireCachingSystem
-from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core import init, surface
if __name__ == "__main__":
time.sleep(np.random.uniform(0, 3))
@@ -29,9 +28,11 @@
parser.add_argument("-r", "--resolution", type=int)
parser.add_argument("--dissolve_speed", type=int, default=25)
parser.add_argument("--dom_scale", type=float, default=1)
args = init.parse_args_blender(parser)
- init.apply_gin_configs(configs=[], overrides=[], configs_folder='infinigen_examples/configs_nature')
+ init.apply_gin_configs(
+ configs=[], overrides=[], config_folders=["infinigen_examples/configs_nature"]
+ )
factory_name = args.asset
@@ -45,5 +46,5 @@
if factory is None:
raise ModuleNotFoundError(f"{factory_name} not Found.")
- cache_system = FireCachingSystem(asset_folder = args.asset_folder, create=True)
+ cache_system = FireCachingSystem(asset_folder=args.asset_folder, create=True)
cache_system.create_cached_assets(factory, args)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fluid/run_tests.py b/infinigen/assets/fluid/run_tests.py
index d8069b61d..7e7494b86 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/fluid/run_tests.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/fluid/run_tests.py
@@ -4,6 +4,5 @@
# Authors: Karhan Kayan
import pytest
-import bpy
-pytest.main(['fluid/unit_tests.py', '-rP'])
\ No newline at end of file
+pytest.main(["fluid/unit_tests.py", "-rP"])
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fruits/apple.py b/infinigen/assets/fruits/apple.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 03387fbaf..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/fruits/apple.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.general_fruit import FruitFactoryGeneralFruit
-class FruitFactoryApple(FruitFactoryGeneralFruit):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, scale=1.0, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, scale=scale, coarse=coarse)
- self.name = 'apple'
- def sample_cross_section_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
- return {
- 'cross_section_name': "circle_cross_section",
- 'cross_section_func_args': {},
- 'cross_section_input_args': {'random seed': uniform(-100, 100),
- 'radius': normal(1.5, 0.05),
- 'Resolution': surface_resolution},
- 'cross_section_output_args': {}
- }
- def sample_shape_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
- return {
- 'shape_name': "shape_quadratic",
- 'shape_func_args': {'radius_control_points': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.1227, 0.4281), (0.4705, 0.6625), (0.8886, 0.4156), (1.0, 0.0)],},
- 'shape_input_args': {'Profile Curve': 'noderef-crosssection-Geometry',
- 'noise amount tilt': 0.0,
- 'noise scale pos': 0.5,
- 'noise amount pos': 0.1,
- 'Resolution': surface_resolution,
- 'Start': (uniform(-0.1, 0.1), uniform(-0.1, 0.1), uniform(-0.9, -1.1)),
- 'End': (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)},
- 'shape_output_args': {}
- }
- def sample_surface_params(self):
- base_color = np.array((uniform(-0.05, 0.1), 0.999, 0.799))
- base_color[1] += normal(0.0, 0.05)
- base_color[2] += normal(0.0, 0.05)
- base_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(base_color)
- alt_color = np.copy(base_color)
- alt_color[0] += normal(0.05, 0.02)
- alt_color[1] += normal(0.0, 0.05)
- alt_color[2] += normal(0.0, 0.05)
- alt_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(alt_color)
- return {
- 'surface_name': "apple_surface",
- 'surface_func_args': {'color1': base_color_rgba,
- 'color2': alt_color_rgba,
- 'random_seed': uniform(-100, 100)},
- 'surface_input_args': {'Geometry': 'noderef-shapequadratic-Mesh',
- 'spline parameter': 'noderef-shapequadratic-spline parameter',
- 'spline tangent': 'noderef-shapequadratic-spline tangent',
- 'distance to center': 'noderef-shapequadratic-radius to center'},
- 'surface_output_args': {},
- 'surface_resolution': 64,
- 'scale_multiplier': 1.0
- }
- def sample_stem_params(self):
- stem_color = np.array((0.10, 0.96, 0.13))
- stem_color[0] += normal(0.0, 0.02)
- stem_color[1] += normal(0.0, 0.05)
- stem_color[2] += normal(0.0, 0.05)
- stem_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(stem_color)
- return {
- 'stem_name': "basic_stem",
- 'stem_func_args': {'stem_color': stem_color_rgba},
- 'stem_input_args': {'quad_mid': (uniform(-0.1, 0.1), uniform(-0.1, 0.1), uniform(0.15, 0.2)),
- 'quad_end': (uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(0.3, 0.4)),
- 'quad_res': 32,
- 'cross_radius': uniform(0.025, 0.035),
- 'cross_res': 32,
- 'Translation': (0.0, 0.0, 0.6)},
- 'stem_output_args': {}
- }
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fruits/blackberry.py b/infinigen/assets/fruits/blackberry.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e2ba576e3..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/fruits/blackberry.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.general_fruit import FruitFactoryGeneralFruit
-class FruitFactoryBlackberry(FruitFactoryGeneralFruit):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, scale=1.0, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, scale=scale, coarse=coarse)
- self.name = 'blackberry'
- def sample_cross_section_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
- return {
- 'cross_section_name': "circle_cross_section",
- 'cross_section_func_args': {},
- 'cross_section_input_args': {'random seed': uniform(-100, 100),
- 'radius': normal(0.9, 0.05),
- 'Resolution': surface_resolution},
- 'cross_section_output_args': {}
- }
- def sample_shape_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
- return {
- 'shape_name': "shape_quadratic",
- 'shape_func_args': {'radius_control_points': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.0841, 0.3469), (uniform(0.4, 0.6), 0.8), (0.9432, 0.4781), (1.0, 0.0)]},
- 'shape_input_args': {'Profile Curve': 'noderef-crosssection-Geometry',
- 'Start': (uniform(-0.5, 0.5), uniform(-0.5, 0.5), uniform(-0.5, -3.0)),
- 'End': (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
- 'random seed tilt': uniform(-100, 100),
- 'noise amount tilt': 1.0,
- 'Resolution': surface_resolution},
- 'shape_output_args': {}
- }
- def sample_surface_params(self):
- berry_color = np.array((0.667, 0.254, 0.0))
- berry_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
- berry_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- berry_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.005)
- berry_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(berry_color)
- return {
- 'surface_name': "blackberry_surface",
- 'surface_func_args': {'berry_color': berry_color_rgba},
- 'surface_input_args': {'Geometry': 'noderef-shapequadratic-Mesh',
- 'spline parameter': 'noderef-shapequadratic-spline parameter'},
- 'surface_output_args': {},
- 'surface_resolution': 64,
- 'scale_multiplier': 0.3
- }
- def sample_stem_params(self):
- stem_color = np.array((0.179, 0.836, 0.318))
- stem_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
- stem_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- stem_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- stem_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(stem_color)
- return {
- 'stem_name': "basic_stem",
- 'stem_func_args': {'stem_color': stem_color_rgba},
- 'stem_input_args': {'cross_radius': normal(0.075, 0.005),
- 'quad_mid': (uniform(-0.1, 0.1), uniform(-0.1, 0.1), uniform(0.2, 0.3)),
- 'quad_end': (uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(0.4, 0.6))},
- 'stem_output_args': {}
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fruits/coconutgreen.py b/infinigen/assets/fruits/coconutgreen.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 568eecf7c..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/fruits/coconutgreen.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.general_fruit import FruitFactoryGeneralFruit
-class FruitFactoryCoconutgreen(FruitFactoryGeneralFruit):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, scale=1.0, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, scale=scale, coarse=coarse)
- self.name = 'coconut_green'
- def sample_cross_section_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
- rad_small = uniform(0.65, 0.75)
- return {
- 'cross_section_name': "coconut_cross_section",
- 'cross_section_func_args': {'control_points': [(0.0, rad_small), (0.1, rad_small), (1.0, 0.76)]},
- 'cross_section_input_args': {'random seed': uniform(-100, 100),
- 'radius': normal(1.8, 0.1),
- 'noise scale': 20.0,
- 'noise amount': 0.02,
- 'Resolution': surface_resolution},
- 'cross_section_output_args': {'crosssection_coordinate': 'noderef-crosssection-curve parameters'}
- }
- def sample_shape_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
- return {
- 'shape_name': "shape_quadratic",
- 'shape_func_args': {'radius_control_points': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.0591, 0.3156), (uniform(0.2, 0.3), 0.6125), (uniform(0.6, 0.7), 0.675), (0.9636, 0.3625), (1.0, 0.0)]},
- 'shape_input_args': {'Profile Curve': 'noderef-crosssection-Geometry',
- 'Start': (uniform(-0.1, 0.1), uniform(-0.1, 0.1), normal(-1.0, 0.1)),
- 'End': (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
- 'Resolution': surface_resolution},
- 'shape_output_args': {'shape_coordinate': 'noderef-shapequadratic-spline parameter'}
- }
- def sample_surface_params(self):
- bottom_color = np.array((0.282, 0.951, 0.266))
- bottom_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
- bottom_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- bottom_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- bottom_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(bottom_color)
- basic_color = np.array((0.235, 0.989, 0.413))
- basic_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.025)
- basic_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- basic_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- basic_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(basic_color)
- return {
- 'surface_name': "coconutgreen_surface",
- 'surface_func_args': {'basic_color': basic_color_rgba, 'bottom_color': bottom_color_rgba},
- 'surface_input_args': {'Geometry': 'noderef-shapequadratic-Mesh',
- 'spline parameter': 'noderef-shapequadratic-spline parameter',
- 'spline tangent': 'noderef-shapequadratic-spline tangent',
- 'distance to center': 'noderef-shapequadratic-radius to center',
- 'cross section paramater': 'noderef-crosssection-curve parameters',
- },
- 'surface_output_args': {},
- 'surface_resolution': 256,
- 'scale_multiplier': 1.5
- }
- def sample_stem_params(self):
- bottom_color = np.array((0.282, 0.951, 0.266))
- bottom_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
- bottom_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- bottom_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- bottom_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(bottom_color)
- calyx_edge_color = np.array((0.039, 0.96, 0.037))
- calyx_edge_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
- calyx_edge_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- calyx_edge_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- calyx_edge_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(calyx_edge_color)
- stem_x = uniform(-0.4, 0.4)
- stem_y = uniform(-0.4, 0.4)
- return {
- 'stem_name': "coconut_stem",
- 'stem_func_args': {'basic_color': bottom_color_rgba, 'edge_color': calyx_edge_color_rgba},
- 'stem_input_args': {
- 'Target': 'noderef-fruitsurface-Geometry',
- 'radius': 0.001,
- 'calyx width': uniform(0.2, 0.25),
- 'Count': randint(4, 6),
- 'stem_radius': normal(0.04, 0.005),
- 'stem_mid': (stem_x, stem_y, 0.0),
- 'stem_end': (2*stem_x, 2*stem_y, uniform(0.3, 0.5)),
- },
- 'stem_output_args': {'distance to edge': 'noderef-stem-distance to edge'}
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fruits/coconuthairy.py b/infinigen/assets/fruits/coconuthairy.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e4e900419..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/fruits/coconuthairy.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.general_fruit import FruitFactoryGeneralFruit
-class FruitFactoryCoconuthairy(FruitFactoryGeneralFruit):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, scale=1.0, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, scale=scale, coarse=coarse)
- self.name = 'coconut_hairy'
- def sample_cross_section_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
- rad_small = uniform(0.65, 0.75)
- return {
- 'cross_section_name': "coconut_cross_section",
- 'cross_section_func_args': {'control_points': [(0.0, rad_small), (0.1, rad_small), (1.0, 0.76)]},
- 'cross_section_input_args': {'random seed': uniform(-100, 100),
- 'radius': normal(1.8, 0.1),
- 'noise scale': 20.0,
- 'noise amount': 0.02,
- 'Resolution': surface_resolution},
- 'cross_section_output_args': {}
- }
- def sample_shape_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
- return {
- 'shape_name': "shape_quadratic",
- 'shape_func_args': {'radius_control_points': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.0591, 0.3156), (uniform(0.2, 0.3), 0.6125), (uniform(0.6, 0.7), 0.675), (0.9636, 0.3625), (1.0, 0.0)]},
- 'shape_input_args': {'Profile Curve': 'noderef-crosssection-Geometry',
- 'Start': (uniform(-0.1, 0.1), uniform(-0.1, 0.1), normal(-1.0, 0.1)),
- 'End': (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
- 'Resolution': surface_resolution},
- 'shape_output_args': {}
- }
- def sample_surface_params(self):
- basic_color = np.array((0.05, 0.97, 0.6))
- basic_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.01)
- basic_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- basic_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.1)
- basic_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(basic_color)
- return {
- 'surface_name': "coconuthairy_surface",
- 'surface_func_args': {'basic_color': basic_color_rgba},
- 'surface_input_args': {'Geometry': 'noderef-shapequadratic-Mesh',
- 'spline parameter': 'noderef-shapequadratic-spline parameter'},
- 'surface_output_args': {},
- 'surface_resolution': 256,
- 'scale_multiplier': 1.5
- }
- def sample_stem_params(self):
- return {
- 'stem_name': "empty_stem",
- 'stem_func_args': {},
- 'stem_input_args': {},
- 'stem_output_args': {}
- }
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fruits/compositional_fruit.py b/infinigen/assets/fruits/compositional_fruit.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d72fa2a9f..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/fruits/compositional_fruit.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.general_fruit import FruitFactoryGeneralFruit
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.apple import FruitFactoryApple
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.pineapple import FruitFactoryPineapple
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.starfruit import FruitFactoryStarfruit
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.strawberry import FruitFactoryStrawberry
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.blackberry import FruitFactoryBlackberry
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.coconuthairy import FruitFactoryCoconuthairy
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.coconutgreen import FruitFactoryCoconutgreen
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.durian import FruitFactoryDurian
-fruit_names = {'Apple': FruitFactoryApple,
- 'Pineapple': FruitFactoryPineapple,
- 'Starfruit': FruitFactoryStarfruit,
- 'Strawberry': FruitFactoryStrawberry,
- 'Blackberry': FruitFactoryBlackberry,
- 'Coconuthairy': FruitFactoryCoconuthairy,
- 'Coconutgreen': FruitFactoryCoconutgreen,
- 'Durian': FruitFactoryDurian,
- }
-class FruitFactoryCompositional(FruitFactoryGeneralFruit):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, scale=1.0, coarse=False):
- super(FruitFactoryCompositional, self).__init__(factory_seed, scale=scale, coarse=coarse)
- self.name = 'compositional'
- self.factories = {}
- for name, factory in fruit_names.items():
- self.factories[name] = factory(factory_seed, scale, coarse)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.cross_section_source = np.random.choice(list(fruit_names.keys()))
- self.shape_source = np.random.choice(list(fruit_names.keys()))
- self.surface_source = np.random.choice(list(fruit_names.keys()))
- self.stem_source = np.random.choice(list(fruit_names.keys()))
- def sample_cross_section_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
- return self.factories[self.cross_section_source].sample_cross_section_params(surface_resolution)
- def sample_shape_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
- return self.factories[self.shape_source].sample_shape_params(surface_resolution)
- def sample_surface_params(self):
- return self.factories[self.surface_source].sample_surface_params()
- def sample_stem_params(self):
- return self.factories[self.stem_source].sample_stem_params()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fruits/cross_section_lib.py b/infinigen/assets/fruits/cross_section_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index def78a9e6..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/fruits/cross_section_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.fruit_utils import nodegroup_rot_semmetry
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_circle_cross_section', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_circle_cross_section(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'random seed', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise scale', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise amount', 0.1),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 256),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'radius', 0.0)])
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position, 1: group_input.outputs["random seed"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise scale"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': subtract.outputs["Vector"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise amount"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Offset': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Scale': group_input.outputs["radius"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'curve parameters': value})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_star_cross_section', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_star_cross_section(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'random seed', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise scale', 2.4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise amount', 0.2),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 256),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'radius', 1.0)])
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- rotsemmetry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_rot_semmetry().name,
- input_kwargs={'N': 5, 'spline parameter': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 2: rotsemmetry.outputs["Result"]})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': rotsemmetry.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.4156), (0.65, 0.8125), (1.0, 1.0)])
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position, 'Scale': float_curve},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position, 1: group_input.outputs["random seed"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise scale"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': subtract.outputs["Vector"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise amount"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- scale_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: add_1.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["radius"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Position': scale_2.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'curve parameters': capture_attribute.outputs[2]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_cylax_cross_section', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_cylax_cross_section(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'fork number', 10),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'bottom radius', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'noise random seed', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise amount', 0.4),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'radius', 1.0)])
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 256, 'Radius': group_input.outputs["radius"]})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- rotsemmetry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_rot_semmetry().name,
- input_kwargs={'N': group_input.outputs["fork number"], 'spline parameter': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': rotsemmetry.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0), (0.65, 0.8125), (1.0, 1.0)])
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': float_curve, 3: group_input.outputs["bottom radius"]})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position, 'Scale': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position, 1: group_input.outputs["noise random seed"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 2.4})
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': subtract.outputs["Vector"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise amount"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Position': add_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_coconut_cross_section', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_coconut_cross_section(nw: NodeWrangler, control_points=[(0.0, 0.7156), (0.1023, 0.7156), (1.0, 0.7594)]):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'random seed', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise scale', 2.4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise amount', 0.2),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 256),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'radius', 1.0)])
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- rot_semmetry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_rot_semmetry().name,
- input_kwargs={'N': 3, 'spline parameter': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 2: rot_semmetry})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': rot_semmetry})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0], control_points)
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position, 'Scale': float_curve_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position, 1: group_input.outputs["random seed"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise scale"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': subtract.outputs["Vector"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise amount"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- scale_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: add_1.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["radius"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Position': scale_2.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'curve parameters': capture_attribute.outputs[2]})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fruits/durian.py b/infinigen/assets/fruits/durian.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 79aab98b5..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/fruits/durian.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import gin
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.general_fruit import FruitFactoryGeneralFruit
-class FruitFactoryDurian(FruitFactoryGeneralFruit):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, scale=1.0, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, scale=scale, coarse=coarse)
- self.name = 'durian'
- def sample_cross_section_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
- return {
- 'cross_section_name': "circle_cross_section",
- 'cross_section_func_args': {},
- 'cross_section_input_args': {'random seed': uniform(-100, 100),
- 'radius': normal(1.2, 0.03),
- 'Resolution': surface_resolution},
- 'cross_section_output_args': {}
- }
- def sample_shape_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
- return {
- 'shape_name': "shape_quadratic",
- 'shape_func_args': {'radius_control_points': [(0.0, 0.0031), (0.0841, 0.3469), (uniform(0.4, 0.6), 0.8), (0.8886, 0.6094), (1.0, 0.0)]},
- 'shape_input_args': {'Profile Curve': 'noderef-crosssection-Geometry',
- 'noise amount tilt': 5.0,
- 'noise scale tilt': 0.5,
- 'random seed tilt': uniform(-100, 100),
- 'Resolution': surface_resolution,
- 'Start': (uniform(-0.3, 0.3), uniform(-0.3, 0.3), uniform(-0.5, -1.5)),
- 'End': (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)},
- 'shape_output_args': {}
- }
- def sample_surface_params(self):
- base_color = np.array((0.15, 0.74, 0.32))
- base_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
- base_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- base_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- base_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(base_color)
- peak_color = np.array((0.09, 0.87, 0.24))
- peak_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.025)
- peak_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- peak_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- peak_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(peak_color)
- return {
- 'surface_name': "durian_surface",
- 'surface_func_args': {'thorn_control_points': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.7318, 0.4344), (1.0, 1.0)],
- 'peak_color': peak_color_rgba,
- 'base_color': base_color_rgba
- },
- 'surface_input_args': {
- 'Geometry': 'noderef-shapequadratic-Mesh',
- 'spline parameter': 'noderef-shapequadratic-spline parameter',
- 'distance Min': uniform(0.07, 0.13),
- 'displacement': uniform(0.25, 0.35),
- 'noise amount': 0.2
- },
- 'surface_output_args': {'durian thorn coordiante': 'noderef-fruitsurface-distance to center'},
- 'surface_resolution': 512,
- 'scale_multiplier': 2.0
- }
- def sample_stem_params(self):
- stem_color = np.array((0.10, 0.96, 0.13))
- stem_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
- stem_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- stem_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- stem_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(stem_color)
- return {
- 'stem_name': "basic_stem",
- 'stem_func_args': {'stem_color': stem_color_rgba},
- 'stem_input_args': {
- 'cross_radius': uniform(0.07, 0.09),
- 'quad_mid': (uniform(-0.1, 0.1), uniform(-0.1, 0.1), uniform(0.15, 0.2)),
- 'quad_end': (uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(0.3, 0.4)),
- 'Translation': (0.0, 0.0, 0.9)
- },
- 'stem_output_args': {}
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fruits/fruit_utils.py b/infinigen/assets/fruits/fruit_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 02ceb3710..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/fruits/fruit_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,696 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_random_rotation_scale', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_random_rotation_scale(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'random seed', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise scale', 10.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'rot mean', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'rot std', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'scale mean', 0.35),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'scale std', 0.1)])
- position_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position_3, 1: group_input.outputs["random seed"]})
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise scale"]})
- value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_2.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_2.outputs["Color"], 1: value_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': subtract.outputs["Vector"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: group_input.outputs["rot std"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["rot mean"], 1: combine_xyz})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: group_input.outputs["scale std"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: group_input.outputs["scale mean"]},
- attrs={'use_clamp': True})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add_1.outputs["Vector"], 'Value': add_2})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_surface_bump', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_surface_bump(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Displacement', 0.02),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 50.0)])
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: group_input.outputs["Displacement"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: normal, 1: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': multiply_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_point_on_mesh', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_point_on_mesh(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'spline parameter', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Distance Min', 0.2),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'parameter max', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'parameter min', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise amount', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise scale', 5.0)])
- distribute_points_on_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Mesh"], 'Distance Min': group_input.outputs["Distance Min"], 'Density Max': 10000.0},
- attrs={'distribute_method': 'POISSON'})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["spline parameter"], 1: group_input.outputs["parameter min"]})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["spline parameter"], 1: group_input.outputs["parameter max"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- nand = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: less_than},
- attrs={'operation': 'NAND'})
- delete_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': distribute_points_on_faces.outputs["Points"], 'Selection': nand})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise scale"]})
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise amount"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': delete_geometry, 'Offset': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- geometry_proximity = nw.new_node(Nodes.Proximity,
- input_kwargs={'Target': group_input.outputs["Mesh"]})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Position': geometry_proximity.outputs["Position"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1, 'Rotation': distribute_points_on_faces.outputs["Rotation"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_instance_on_points', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_instance_on_points(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorEuler', 'rotation base', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorEuler', 'rotation delta', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'translation', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'scale', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Points', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Instance', None)])
- rotate_euler_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateEuler,
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': group_input.outputs["rotation base"], 'Rotate By': group_input.outputs["rotation delta"]},
- attrs={'space': 'LOCAL'})
- instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': group_input.outputs["Points"], 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Instance"], 'Rotation': rotate_euler_1, 'Scale': group_input.outputs["scale"]})
- translate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points_1, 'Translation': group_input.outputs["translation"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': translate_instances})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_shape_quadratic', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_shape_quadratic(nw: NodeWrangler, radius_control_points=[(0.0, 0.5), (1.0, 0.5)]):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Profile Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'random seed tilt', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise scale tilt', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise amount tilt', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'random seed pos', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise scale pos', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise amount pos', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketIntUnsigned', 'Resolution', 256),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Start', (0.0, 0.0, -1.5)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Middle', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'End', (0.0, 0.0, 1.5))])
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Start': group_input.outputs["Start"], 'Middle': group_input.outputs["Middle"], 'End': group_input.outputs["End"]})
- spline_parameter_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': quadratic_bezier, 2: spline_parameter_2.outputs["Factor"]})
- curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
- capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 1: curve_tangent},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position, 1: group_input.outputs["random seed pos"]})
- noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise scale pos"]})
- value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_3.outputs["Color"], 1: value_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': spline_parameter_2.outputs["Factor"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise amount pos"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': scale_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 1: group_input.outputs["random seed tilt"]})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': add_1, 'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise scale tilt"]},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '1D'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: group_input.outputs["noise amount tilt"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveTilt,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position, 'Tilt': multiply})
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_2.mapping.curves[0], radius_control_points)
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_tilt, 'Radius': float_curve_2})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- curve_to_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position},
- attrs={'mode': 'EVALUATED'})
- geometry_proximity = nw.new_node(Nodes.Proximity,
- input_kwargs={'Target': curve_to_points.outputs["Points"]},
- attrs={'target_element': 'POINTS'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh, 'spline parameter': capture_attribute.outputs[2], 'spline tangent': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Attribute"], 'radius to center': geometry_proximity.outputs["Distance"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_add_dent', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_add_dent(nw: NodeWrangler, dent_control_points):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'spline parameter', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'spline tangent', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'distance to center', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'bottom', False),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'intensity', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'max radius', 1.0)])
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["spline parameter"], 1: 0.5})
- op_not = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_than},
- attrs={'operation': 'NOT'})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["bottom"], 6: greater_than, 7: op_not},
- attrs={'input_type': 'BOOLEAN'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["distance to center"], 2: group_input.outputs["max radius"]})
- float_curve_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_3.mapping.curves[0], dent_control_points)
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': float_curve_3, 3: -1.0})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["intensity"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["spline tangent"], 'Scale': multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Selection': switch.outputs[2], 'Offset': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_2})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_add_crater', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_add_crater(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Points', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Strength', 1.5)])
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- geometry_proximity = nw.new_node(Nodes.Proximity,
- input_kwargs={'Target': group_input.outputs["Points"]},
- attrs={'target_element': 'POINTS'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': geometry_proximity.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.08, 3: -0.04, 4: 0.0})
- smooth_min = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.0, 2: 0.05},
- attrs={'operation': 'SMOOTH_MIN'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: normal, 'Scale': smooth_min},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Strength"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': scale_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_position_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivision_surface})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_mix_vector', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_mix_vector(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector 1', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector 2', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'alpha', 0.5)])
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: group_input.outputs["alpha"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vector 1"], 'Scale': subtract},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vector 2"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["alpha"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_add_noise_scalar', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_add_noise_scalar(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'value', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise random seed', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise scale', 5.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise amount', 0.5)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position, 1: group_input.outputs["noise random seed"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise scale"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: group_input.outputs["noise amount"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input.outputs["value"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'value': add_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_attach_to_nearest', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_attach_to_nearest(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Target', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'threshold', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'multiplier', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Offset', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- geometry_proximity = nw.new_node(Nodes.Proximity,
- input_kwargs={'Target': group_input.outputs["Target"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["threshold"], 1: geometry_proximity.outputs["Distance"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: group_input.outputs["multiplier"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- exponent = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'EXPONENT'})
- clamp = nw.new_node(Nodes.Clamp,
- input_kwargs={'Value': exponent})
- mixvector = nw.new_node(nodegroup_mix_vector().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector 1': position, 'Vector 2': geometry_proximity.outputs["Position"], 'alpha': clamp})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Position': mixvector, 'Offset': group_input.outputs["Offset"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_manhattan', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_manhattan(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'v1', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'v2', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["v1"]})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["v2"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- absolute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: absolute_1})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- absolute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add, 1: absolute_2})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': add_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_rot_semmetry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_rot_semmetry(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'N', 0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'spline parameter', 0.5)])
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["N"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- pingpong = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["spline parameter"], 1: divide},
- attrs={'operation': 'PINGPONG'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': pingpong, 2: divide})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Result': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_scale_mesh', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_scale_mesh(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 1.0)])
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position, 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Position': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_hair', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_hair(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'shape noise random seed', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'shape noise amount', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketIntUnsigned', 'length resolution', 8),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'cross section resolution', 4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'scale', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius', 0.01),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'Material', None),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Start', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Middle', (0.0, 0.3, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'End', (0.0, -1.4, 2.0))])
- quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["length resolution"], 'Start': group_input.outputs["Start"], 'Middle': group_input.outputs["Middle"], 'End': group_input.outputs["End"]})
- subdivide_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadratic_bezier_1})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position, 1: group_input.outputs["shape noise random seed"]})
- noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 1.0})
- value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_3.outputs["Color"], 1: value_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- spline_parameter_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': spline_parameter_2.outputs["Factor"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["shape noise amount"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_curve, 'Offset': scale_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["cross section resolution"], 'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"]})
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position_1, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh_1, 'Scale': group_input.outputs["scale"]})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1, 'Material': group_input.outputs["Material"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_random_rotation_scale', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_random_rotation_scale(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'random seed', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise scale', 10.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'rot mean', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', ' rot std z', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'scale mean', 0.35),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'scale std', 0.1)])
- position_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position_3, 1: group_input.outputs["random seed"]})
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise scale"]})
- value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_2.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_2.outputs["Color"], 1: value_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': subtract.outputs["Vector"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: group_input.outputs[" rot std z"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["rot mean"], 1: combine_xyz})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: group_input.outputs["scale std"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: group_input.outputs["scale mean"]},
- attrs={'use_clamp': True})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add_1.outputs["Vector"], 'Value': add_2})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_align_top_to_horizon', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_align_top_to_horizon(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- bounding_box = nw.new_node(Nodes.BoundingBox,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': bounding_box.outputs["Max"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: -1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fruits/general_fruit.py b/infinigen/assets/fruits/general_fruit.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ba68eaf72..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/fruits/general_fruit.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.fruit_utils import nodegroup_shape_quadratic, nodegroup_align_top_to_horizon
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.cross_section_lib import nodegroup_circle_cross_section, nodegroup_star_cross_section, nodegroup_coconut_cross_section
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.stem_lib import nodegroup_basic_stem, nodegroup_pineapple_stem, nodegroup_calyx_stem, nodegroup_empty_stem, nodegroup_coconut_stem
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.surfaces.apple_surface import nodegroup_apple_surface
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.surfaces.pineapple_surface import nodegroup_pineapple_surface
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.surfaces.starfruit_surface import nodegroup_starfruit_surface
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.surfaces.strawberry_surface import nodegroup_strawberry_surface
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.surfaces.blackberry_surface import nodegroup_blackberry_surface
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.surfaces.coconuthairy_surface import nodegroup_coconuthairy_surface
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.surfaces.coconutgreen_surface import nodegroup_coconutgreen_surface
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.surfaces.durian_surface import nodegroup_durian_surface
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-crosssectionlib = {
- 'circle_cross_section': nodegroup_circle_cross_section,
- 'star_cross_section': nodegroup_star_cross_section,
- 'coconut_cross_section': nodegroup_coconut_cross_section,
-shapelib = {'shape_quadratic': nodegroup_shape_quadratic}
-surfacelib = {
- 'apple_surface': nodegroup_apple_surface,
- 'pineapple_surface': nodegroup_pineapple_surface,
- 'starfruit_surface': nodegroup_starfruit_surface,
- 'strawberry_surface': nodegroup_strawberry_surface,
- 'blackberry_surface': nodegroup_blackberry_surface,
- 'coconuthairy_surface': nodegroup_coconuthairy_surface,
- 'coconutgreen_surface': nodegroup_coconutgreen_surface,
- 'durian_surface': nodegroup_durian_surface,
-stemlib = {
- 'basic_stem': nodegroup_basic_stem,
- 'pineapple_stem': nodegroup_pineapple_stem,
- 'calyx_stem': nodegroup_calyx_stem,
- 'empty_stem': nodegroup_empty_stem,
- 'coconut_stem': nodegroup_coconut_stem,
-def parse_args(nodeinfo, dictionary):
- for k1, v1 in dictionary.items():
- if isinstance(v1, str) and v1.startswith('noderef'):
- _, nodename, outputname = v1.split('-')
- dictionary[k1] = nodeinfo[nodename].outputs[outputname]
- return dictionary
-def general_fruit_geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler,
- cross_section_params, shape_params, surface_params, stem_params):
- nodeinfo = {}
- parse_args(nodeinfo, cross_section_params['cross_section_input_args'])
- crosssection = nw.new_node(crosssectionlib[cross_section_params['cross_section_name']](**cross_section_params['cross_section_func_args']).name,
- input_kwargs=cross_section_params['cross_section_input_args'])
- nodeinfo['crosssection'] = crosssection
- parse_args(nodeinfo, cross_section_params['cross_section_output_args'])
- parse_args(nodeinfo, shape_params['shape_input_args'])
- shapequadratic = nw.new_node(shapelib[shape_params['shape_name']](**shape_params['shape_func_args']).name,
- input_kwargs=shape_params['shape_input_args'])
- nodeinfo['shapequadratic'] = shapequadratic
- parse_args(nodeinfo, shape_params['shape_output_args'])
- parse_args(nodeinfo, surface_params['surface_input_args'])
- fruitsurface = nw.new_node(surfacelib[surface_params['surface_name']](**surface_params['surface_func_args']).name,
- input_kwargs=surface_params['surface_input_args'])
- nodeinfo['fruitsurface'] = fruitsurface
- parse_args(nodeinfo, surface_params['surface_output_args'])
- parse_args(nodeinfo, stem_params['stem_input_args'])
- stem = nw.new_node(stemlib[stem_params['stem_name']](**stem_params['stem_func_args']).name,
- input_kwargs=stem_params['stem_input_args'])
- nodeinfo['stem'] = stem
- parse_args(nodeinfo, stem_params['stem_output_args'])
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [fruitsurface, stem]})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry})
- align = nw.new_node(nodegroup_align_top_to_horizon().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances})
- output_dict = {'Geometry': align}
- output_dict.update(cross_section_params['cross_section_output_args'])
- output_dict.update(shape_params['shape_output_args'])
- output_dict.update(surface_params['surface_output_args'])
- output_dict.update(stem_params['stem_output_args'])
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs=output_dict)
-class FruitFactoryGeneralFruit(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, scale=1.0, coarse=False):
- super(FruitFactoryGeneralFruit, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.scale = scale
- def sample_cross_section_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def sample_shape_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def sample_surface_params(self):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def sample_stem_params(self):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def sample_geo_genome(self):
- surface_params = self.sample_surface_params()
- surface_resolution = surface_params['surface_resolution']
- cross_section_params = self.sample_cross_section_params(surface_resolution)
- shape_params = self.sample_shape_params(surface_resolution)
- stem_params = self.sample_stem_params()
- return cross_section_params, shape_params, surface_params, stem_params
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=4, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- cross_section_params, shape_params, surface_params, stem_params = self.sample_geo_genome()
- scale_multiplier = surface_params['scale_multiplier']
- output_list = []
- output_list.extend(cross_section_params['cross_section_output_args'].keys())
- output_list.extend(shape_params['shape_output_args'].keys())
- output_list.extend(surface_params['surface_output_args'].keys())
- output_list.extend(stem_params['stem_output_args'].keys())
- surface.add_geomod(obj,
- general_fruit_geometry_nodes,
- attributes=output_list,
- apply=False,
- input_args=[cross_section_params, shape_params, surface_params, stem_params])
- bpy.ops.object.convert(target='MESH')
- obj = bpy.context.object
- obj.scale *= normal(1, 0.1) * self.scale * scale_multiplier
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- # TODO remove when empty materials from geonodes is debugged
- butil.purge_empty_materials(obj)
- tag_object(obj, 'fruit_'+self.name)
- return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fruits/pineapple.py b/infinigen/assets/fruits/pineapple.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8044ea85c..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/fruits/pineapple.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.general_fruit import FruitFactoryGeneralFruit
-class FruitFactoryPineapple(FruitFactoryGeneralFruit):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, scale=1.0, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, scale=scale, coarse=coarse)
- self.name = 'pineapple'
- def sample_cross_section_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
- return {
- 'cross_section_name': "circle_cross_section",
- 'cross_section_func_args': {},
- 'cross_section_input_args': {'random seed': uniform(-100, 100),
- 'radius': normal(1.2, 0.05),
- 'Resolution': surface_resolution},
- 'cross_section_output_args': {}
- }
- def sample_shape_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
- return {
- 'shape_name': "shape_quadratic",
- 'shape_func_args': {'radius_control_points': [(0.0, 0.1031), (0.1182, 0.5062), (uniform(0.3, 0.7), 0.5594), (0.8364, 0.425), (0.9864, 0.1406), (1.0, 0.0)]},
- 'shape_input_args': {'Profile Curve': 'noderef-crosssection-Geometry',
- 'Start': (uniform(-0.1, 0.1), uniform(-0.1, 0.1), uniform(-0.8, -1.2)),
- 'End': (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
- 'random seed pos': uniform(-100, 100),
- 'noise scale pos': 0.5,
- 'noise amount pos': 0.4,
- 'Resolution': surface_resolution},
- 'shape_output_args': {}
- }
- def sample_surface_params(self):
- bottom_color = np.array((0.192, 0.898, 0.095))
- bottom_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.025)
- bottom_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- bottom_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- bottom_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(bottom_color)
- mid_color = np.array((0.05, 0.96, 0.55))
- mid_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.025)
- mid_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- mid_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- mid_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(mid_color)
- top_color = np.array((0.04, 0.99, 0.45))
- top_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.025)
- top_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- top_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- top_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(top_color)
- center_color = np.array((0.07, 0.63, 0.84))
- center_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.025)
- center_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- center_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- center_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(center_color)
- cell_distance = uniform(0.18, 0.22)
- return {
- 'surface_name': "pineapple_surface",
- 'surface_func_args': {'color_bottom': bottom_color_rgba,
- 'color_mid': mid_color_rgba,
- 'color_top': top_color_rgba,
- 'color_center': center_color_rgba,},
- 'surface_input_args': {'Geometry': 'noderef-shapequadratic-Mesh',
- 'spline parameter': 'noderef-shapequadratic-spline parameter',
- 'point distance': cell_distance,
- 'cell scale': cell_distance+0.02},
- 'surface_output_args': {'radius': 'noderef-fruitsurface-spline parameter'},
- 'surface_resolution': 64,
- 'scale_multiplier': 1.8
- }
- def sample_stem_params(self):
- leaf_color = np.array((0.32, 0.79, 0.20))
- leaf_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.025)
- leaf_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- leaf_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- leaf_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(leaf_color)
- return {
- 'stem_name': "pineapple_stem",
- 'stem_func_args': {'basic_color': leaf_color_rgba},
- 'stem_input_args': {'rotation base': (-uniform(0.5, 0.55), 0.0, 0.0),
- 'noise amount': 0.1,
- 'noise scale': uniform(10, 30),
- 'number of leaves': randint(40, 80),
- 'scale base': normal(0.5, 0.05),
- 'scale z base': normal(0.15, 0.03),
- 'scale z top': normal(0.62, 0.03),
- 'rot z base': normal(-0.62, 0.03),
- 'rot z top': normal(0.54, 0.03)},
- 'stem_output_args': {}
- }
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fruits/seed_lib.py b/infinigen/assets/fruits/seed_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 35e9c4da6..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/fruits/seed_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-def shader_seed_shader(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': 7.8})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 'Color1': (0.807, 0.624, 0.0704, 1.0), 'Color2': (0.3467, 0.2623, 0.0296, 1.0)})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix, 'Roughness': 0.5114})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_strawberry_seed', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_strawberry_seed(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketIntUnsigned', 'Resolution', 8)])
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Start': (0.0, 0.0, -0.5), 'Middle': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'End': (0.0, 0.0, 0.5)})
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0281), (0.7023, 0.2781), (1.0, 0.0281)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve_1, 1: 0.9},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadratic_bezier, 'Radius': multiply})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_seed_shader)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_1})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fruits/starfruit.py b/infinigen/assets/fruits/starfruit.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f553f5d7f..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/fruits/starfruit.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.general_fruit import FruitFactoryGeneralFruit
-class FruitFactoryStarfruit(FruitFactoryGeneralFruit):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, scale=1.0, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, scale=scale, coarse=coarse)
- self.name = 'starfruit'
- def sample_cross_section_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
- return {
- 'cross_section_name': "star_cross_section",
- 'cross_section_func_args': {},
- 'cross_section_input_args': {'random seed': uniform(-100, 100),
- 'radius': normal(1.3, 0.05),
- 'Resolution': surface_resolution},
- 'cross_section_output_args': {'star parameters': 'noderef-crosssection-curve parameters'}
- }
- def sample_shape_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
- return {
- 'shape_name': "shape_quadratic",
- 'shape_func_args': {'radius_control_points': [(0.0727, 0.2), (0.2636, 0.6063), (uniform(0.45, 0.65), uniform(0.7, 0.9)), (0.8886, 0.6094), (1.0, 0.0)],},
- 'shape_input_args': {'Profile Curve': 'noderef-crosssection-Geometry',
- 'Resolution': surface_resolution,
- 'Start': (uniform(-0.3, 0.3), uniform(-0.3, 0.3), uniform(-1.0, -2.0)),
- 'End': (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)},
- 'shape_output_args': {}
- }
- def sample_surface_params(self):
- base_color = np.array((0.10, 0.999, 0.799))
- base_color[0] += normal(0.0, 0.025)
- base_color[1] += normal(0.0, 0.05)
- base_color[2] += normal(0.0, 0.005)
- base_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(base_color)
- ridge_color = np.copy(base_color)
- ridge_color[0] += normal(0.04, 0.02)
- ridge_color[2] += normal(-0.2, 0.02)
- ridge_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(ridge_color)
- return {
- 'surface_name': "starfruit_surface",
- 'surface_func_args': {
- 'dent_control_points': [(0.0, 0.4219), (0.0977, 0.4469), (0.2273, 0.4844), (0.5568, 0.5125), (1.0, 0.5)],
- 'base_color': base_color_rgba,
- 'ridge_color': ridge_color_rgba},
- 'surface_input_args': {'Geometry': 'noderef-shapequadratic-Mesh',
- 'spline parameter': 'noderef-shapequadratic-spline parameter',
- 'spline tangent': 'noderef-shapequadratic-spline tangent',
- 'distance to center': 'noderef-shapequadratic-radius to center',
- 'dent intensity': normal(1.0, 0.1)
- },
- 'surface_output_args': {},
- 'surface_resolution': 256,
- 'scale_multiplier': 1.0
- }
- def sample_stem_params(self):
- stem_color = np.array((0.10, 0.96, 0.13))
- stem_color[0] += normal(0.0, 0.02)
- stem_color[1] += normal(0.0, 0.05)
- stem_color[2] += normal(0.0, 0.05)
- stem_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(stem_color)
- return {
- 'stem_name': "basic_stem",
- 'stem_func_args': {'stem_color': stem_color_rgba},
- 'stem_input_args': {'quad_mid': (uniform(-0.1, 0.1), uniform(-0.1, 0.1), uniform(0.15, 0.2)),
- 'quad_end': (uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(0.3, 0.4)),
- 'cross_radius': uniform(0.03, 0.05),
- 'Translation': (0.0, 0.0, 0.8)},
- 'stem_output_args': {}
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fruits/stem_lib.py b/infinigen/assets/fruits/stem_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f0260b04..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/fruits/stem_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,623 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.fruit_utils import nodegroup_surface_bump, nodegroup_add_noise_scalar, nodegroup_attach_to_nearest, nodegroup_scale_mesh
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.cross_section_lib import nodegroup_cylax_cross_section
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_empty_stem', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_empty_stem(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- points = nw.new_node('GeometryNodePoints',
- input_kwargs={'Count': 0})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': points})
-def shader_basic_stem_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, stem_color):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': 0.8, 'Detail': 10.0, 'Roughness': 0.7})
- separate_rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateColor,
- input_kwargs={'Color': noise_texture.outputs["Color"]})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["Green"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.48, 4: 0.55},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["Blue"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.4},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Hue': map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 'Value': map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 'Color': stem_color})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': hue_saturation_value, 'Specular': 0.1205, 'Roughness': 0.5068})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_basic_stem', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_basic_stem(nw: NodeWrangler, stem_color=(0.179, 0.836, 0.318, 1.0)):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'quad_start', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'quad_mid', (0.0, -0.05, 0.2)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'quad_end', (-0.1, 0.0, 0.4)),
- ('NodeSocketIntUnsigned', 'quad_res', 128),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'cross_radius', 0.08),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'cross_res', 128),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Translation', (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'Scale', (1.0, 1.0, 2.0))])
- quadratic_bezier_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["quad_res"], 'Start': group_input.outputs["quad_start"], 'Middle': group_input.outputs["quad_mid"], 'End': group_input.outputs["quad_end"]})
- curve_circle_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["cross_res"], 'Radius': group_input.outputs["cross_radius"]})
- curve_to_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadratic_bezier_2, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle_2.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- surfacebump = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh_2, 'Displacement': 0.01, 'Scale': 2.9})
- surfacebump_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': surfacebump, 'Scale': 20.0})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': surfacebump_1, 'Translation': group_input.outputs["Translation"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_3, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_basic_stem_shader, stem_color)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material})
-def shader_calyx_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, stem_color):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 2.8, 'Detail': 10.0, 'Roughness': 0.7})
- separate_rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateColor,
- input_kwargs={'Color': noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"]})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["Green"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.48, 4: 0.55},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["Blue"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.4},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Hue': map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 'Value': map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 'Color': stem_color})
- translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslucentBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': hue_saturation_value})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': hue_saturation_value, 'Specular': 0.5136, 'Roughness': 0.7614})
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.5083, 1: translucent_bsdf, 2: principled_bsdf})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader})
-### straberry calyx ###
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_calyx_stem', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_calyx_stem(nw: NodeWrangler, stem_color=(0.1678, 0.4541, 0.0397, 1.0)):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'fork number', 10),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'outer radius', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'inner radius', 0.2),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'cross section noise amount', 0.4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'z noise amount', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'noise random seed', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'quad_start', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'quad_mid', (0.0, -0.05, 0.2)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'quad_end', (-0.1, 0.0, 0.4)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Translation', (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'cross_radius', 0.04)])
- cylaxcrosssection = nw.new_node(nodegroup_cylax_cross_section().name,
- input_kwargs={'fork number': group_input.outputs["fork number"], 'bottom radius': group_input.outputs["inner radius"], 'noise random seed': group_input.outputs["noise random seed"], 'noise amount': group_input.outputs["cross section noise amount"], 'radius': group_input.outputs["outer radius"]})
- fill_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': cylaxcrosssection})
- triangulate = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeTriangulate',
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': fill_curve})
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': triangulate, 'Level': 3})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- addnoisescalar = nw.new_node(nodegroup_add_noise_scalar().name,
- input_kwargs={'value': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 'noise random seed': group_input.outputs["noise random seed"], 'noise scale': 1.0, 'noise amount': group_input.outputs["z noise amount"]})
- length = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position},
- attrs={'operation': 'LENGTH'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: addnoisescalar, 1: length.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Z': multiply})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh, 'Position': combine_xyz})
- basicstem = nw.new_node(nodegroup_basic_stem().name,
- input_kwargs={'quad_start': group_input.outputs["quad_start"], 'quad_mid': group_input.outputs["quad_mid"], 'quad_end': group_input.outputs["quad_end"], 'quad_res': 16, 'cross_radius': group_input.outputs["cross_radius"], 'cross_res': 16, 'Translation': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_position_1, basicstem]})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_2, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_calyx_shader, stem_color)})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material, 'Translation': group_input.outputs["Translation"], 'Scale': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)})
- attachtonearest = nw.new_node(nodegroup_attach_to_nearest().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Target': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'threshold': 0.1, 'multiplier': 10.0, 'Offset': (0.0, 0.0, 0.05)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': attachtonearest})
-### coconutgreen ###
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_jigsaw', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_jigsaw(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise scale', 30.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'noise randomness', 0.7),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'From Max', 0.15),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'To Min', 0.9)])
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"]})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 1: subtract, 2: add})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise scale"], 'Randomness': group_input.outputs["noise randomness"]},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '1D', 'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 2: group_input.outputs["From Max"], 3: group_input.outputs["To Min"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Result': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
-def shader_coconut_calyx_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, basic_color, edge_color):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': 10.0, 'Detail': 10.0, 'Roughness': 0.7})
- separate_rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateColor,
- input_kwargs={'Color': noise_texture.outputs["Color"]})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["Green"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.45, 4: 0.52},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["Blue"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.6},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'distance to edge'})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 3.0})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 0.1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: attribute.outputs["Fac"], 1: multiply})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': add})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0159
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = edge_color # (0.0369, 0.0086, 0.0, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.0716
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = basic_color # (0.1119, 0.2122, 0.008, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 1.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = basic_color # (0.1119, 0.2122, 0.008, 1.0)
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Hue': map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 'Value': map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 'Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"]})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': hue_saturation_value, 'Roughness': 0.90})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_coconut_calyx', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_coconut_calyx(nw: NodeWrangler, basic_color, edge_color):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'resolution', 128),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'radius', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'subdivision', 5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'bump displacement', 0.16),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'bump scale', 3.22),])
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["resolution"], 'Radius': group_input.outputs["radius"]})
- jigsaw = nw.new_node(nodegroup_jigsaw().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["width"], 'noise scale': 30.22})
- scale_mesh = nw.new_node(nodegroup_scale_mesh().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Scale': jigsaw},
- label='ScaleMesh')
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"], 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': absolute, 1: value, 2: group_input.outputs["width"]})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_2.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0), (0.2409, 0.0), (0.7068, 0.275), (1.0, 0.9781)])
- scale_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_scale_mesh().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': scale_mesh, 'Scale': float_curve},
- label='ScaleMesh')
- fill_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': scale_mesh_1},
- attrs={'mode': 'NGONS'})
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': fill_curve, 'Level': group_input.outputs["subdivision"]})
- surfacebump = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh, 'Displacement': group_input.outputs["bump displacement"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["bump scale"]})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': surfacebump, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_coconut_calyx_shader, basic_color, edge_color)})
- geometry_proximity = nw.new_node(Nodes.Proximity,
- input_kwargs={'Target': fill_curve},
- attrs={'target_element': 'EDGES'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material, 'distance to edge': geometry_proximity.outputs["Distance"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_coconut_stem', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_coconut_stem(nw: NodeWrangler, basic_color=(0.1119, 0.2122, 0.008, 1.0), edge_color=(0.0369, 0.0086, 0.0, 1.0)):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Target', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'radius', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Translation', (0.0, 0.0, 1.08)),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Count', 6),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'base scale', 0.3),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'top scale', 0.24),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'attach threshold', 0.1),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'attach multiplier', 10.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'calyx width', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'stem_mid', (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'stem_end', (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'stem_radius', 0.5),
- ])
- coconutcalyx = nw.new_node(nodegroup_coconut_calyx(basic_color=basic_color,
- edge_color=edge_color).name,
- input_kwargs={'width': group_input.outputs['calyx width']})
- capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': coconutcalyx.outputs["Geometry"], 2: coconutcalyx.outputs["distance to edge"]})
- spiral = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurveSpiral',
- input_kwargs={'Rotations': 1.0, 'Start Radius': group_input.outputs["radius"], 'End Radius': group_input.outputs["radius"], 'Height': 0.0})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': spiral, 2: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Translation': group_input.outputs["Translation"]})
- curve_to_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': transform, 'Count': group_input.outputs["Count"]})
- align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': curve_to_points.outputs["Rotation"]},
- attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': capture_attribute.outputs[2], 3: group_input.outputs["base scale"], 4: group_input.outputs["top scale"]},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHERSTEP'})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': curve_to_points.outputs["Points"], 'Instance': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"], 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector, 'Scale': map_range_2.outputs["Result"]})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': instance_on_points})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': capture_attribute.outputs[2], 4: 0.01})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
- attachtonearest = nw.new_node(nodegroup_attach_to_nearest().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances, 'Target': group_input.outputs["Target"], 'threshold': group_input.outputs["attach threshold"], 'multiplier': group_input.outputs["attach multiplier"], 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- basicstem = nw.new_node(nodegroup_basic_stem(basic_color).name,
- input_kwargs={'cross_radius': group_input.outputs['stem_radius'],
- 'quad_mid': group_input.outputs['stem_mid'],
- 'quad_end': group_input.outputs['stem_end'],
- 'Translation': (0.0, 0.0, 0.98),
- 'Scale': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [basicstem, attachtonearest]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'distance to edge': capture_attribute_1.outputs[2]})
-### pineapple ###
-def shader_leaf(nw: NodeWrangler, basic_color):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- texture_coordinate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': 3.48, 'Detail': 10.0, 'Roughness': 0.7})
- separate_rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateColor,
- input_kwargs={'Color': noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"]})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["Green"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.48, 4: 0.55},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["Red"], 1: 0.52, 2: 0.48, 3: 0.32, 4: 0.74},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["Blue"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.94, 4: 1.1},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Hue': map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
- 'Saturation': map_range_3.outputs["Result"],
- 'Value': map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
- 'Color': basic_color}) # (0.0545, 0.1981, 0.0409, 1.0)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': hue_saturation_value, 'Specular': 0.5955, 'Roughness': 1.0})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pineapple_leaf', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pineapple_leaf(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketIntUnsigned', 'Resolution', 8),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Start', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Middle', (0.0, -0.32, 3.72)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'End', (0.0, 0.92, 4.32))])
- quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Start': group_input.outputs["Start"], 'Middle': group_input.outputs["Middle"], 'End': group_input.outputs["End"]})
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 1.0), (0.6818, 0.5063), (1.0, 0.0)])
- set_curve_radius_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadratic_bezier_1, 'Radius': float_curve_1})
- curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"], 'Scale': (0.5, 0.1, 1.0)})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: absolute},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': multiply})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius_1, 'Profile Curve': set_position, 'Fill Caps': True})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pineapple_crown', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pineapple_crown(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- spiral_1 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurveSpiral',
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 10, 'Rotations': 5.0, 'Start Radius': 0.01, 'End Radius': 0.01, 'Height': 0.0})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Leaf', None),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'translation', (0.0, 0.0, 0.7)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorEuler', 'rotation base', (-0.4363, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'number of leaves', 75),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise amount', 0.1),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise scale', 50.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'scale base', 0.4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'scale z base', 0.12),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'scale z top', 0.68),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'rot z base', -0.64),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'rot z top', 0.38)])
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': spiral_1, 'Translation': group_input.outputs["translation"]})
- resample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': transform_4, 'Count': group_input.outputs["number of leaves"]})
- surfacebump = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve_1, 'Displacement': group_input.outputs["noise amount"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise scale"]})
- curve_tangent_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
- align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': curve_tangent_1})
- rotate_euler_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateEuler,
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector_1, 'Rotate By': group_input.outputs["rotation base"]},
- attrs={'space': 'LOCAL'})
- spline_parameter_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.1, 3: 0.1})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter_2.outputs["Factor"], 1: random_value.outputs[1]})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': add, 3: 0.2})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 3: group_input.outputs["rot z base"], 4: group_input.outputs["rot z top"]})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
- rotate_euler_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateEuler,
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': rotate_euler_3, 'Rotate By': combine_xyz_1},
- attrs={'space': 'LOCAL'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 3: group_input.outputs["scale z base"], 4: group_input.outputs["scale z top"]},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHERSTEP'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["scale base"], 'Y': map_range.outputs["Result"], 'Z': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- instance_on_points_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': surfacebump, 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Leaf"], 'Rotation': rotate_euler_2, 'Scale': combine_xyz_3})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': instance_on_points_2})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pineapple_stem', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pineapple_stem(nw: NodeWrangler, basic_color):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketIntUnsigned', 'Resolution', 16),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Start', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Middle', (0.0, -0.32, 3.72)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'End', (0.0, 0.92, 4.32)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'translation', (0.0, 0.0, 0.7)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorEuler', 'rotation base', (-0.5236, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'number of leaves', 75),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise amount', 0.1),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise scale', 20.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'scale base', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'scale z base', 0.15),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'scale z top', 0.62),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'rot z base', -0.62),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'rot z top', 0.54)])
- pineappleleaf = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pineapple_leaf().name,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Start': group_input.outputs["Start"], 'Middle': group_input.outputs["Middle"], 'End': group_input.outputs["End"]})
- set_material_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': pineappleleaf, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_leaf, basic_color)})
- pineapplecrown = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pineapple_crown().name,
- input_kwargs={'Leaf': set_material_2, 'translation': group_input.outputs["translation"], 'rotation base': group_input.outputs["rotation base"], 'noise amount': group_input.outputs["noise amount"], 'noise scale': group_input.outputs["noise scale"], 'scale base': group_input.outputs["scale base"], 'scale z base': group_input.outputs["scale z base"], 'scale z top': group_input.outputs["scale z top"], 'rot z base': group_input.outputs["rot z base"], 'rot z top': group_input.outputs["rot z top"], 'number of leaves': group_input.outputs['number of leaves']})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': pineapplecrown})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fruits/strawberry.py b/infinigen/assets/fruits/strawberry.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c5d7f7857..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/fruits/strawberry.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.general_fruit import FruitFactoryGeneralFruit
-class FruitFactoryStrawberry(FruitFactoryGeneralFruit):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, scale=1.0, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, scale=scale, coarse=coarse)
- self.name = 'strawberry'
- def sample_cross_section_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
- return {
- 'cross_section_name': "circle_cross_section",
- 'cross_section_func_args': {},
- 'cross_section_input_args': {'random seed': uniform(-100, 100),
- 'radius': normal(1.0, 0.02),
- 'Resolution': surface_resolution},
- 'cross_section_output_args': {}
- }
- def sample_shape_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
- return {
- 'shape_name': "shape_quadratic",
- 'shape_func_args': {'radius_control_points': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.0227, 0.1313), (0.2227, 0.4406), (uniform(0.55, 0.7), uniform(0.7, 0.78)), (0.925, 0.4719), (1.0, 0.0)]},
- 'shape_input_args': {'Profile Curve': 'noderef-crosssection-Geometry',
- 'Start': (uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(-0.5, -1.0)),
- 'End': (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
- 'random seed pos': uniform(-100, 100),
- 'Resolution': surface_resolution},
- 'shape_output_args': {}
- }
- def sample_surface_params(self):
- main_color = np.array((0.0, 0.995, 0.85))
- main_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
- main_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- main_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- main_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(main_color)
- top_color = np.array((0.15, 0.75, 0.75))
- top_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
- top_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- top_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- top_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(top_color)
- return {
- 'surface_name': "strawberry_surface",
- 'surface_func_args': {'top_pos': uniform(0.85, 0.95),
- 'main_color': main_color_rgba,
- 'top_color': top_color_rgba},
- 'surface_input_args': {'Geometry': 'noderef-shapequadratic-Mesh',
- 'spline parameter': 'noderef-shapequadratic-spline parameter',
- 'Distance Min': 0.15,
- 'Strength': 1.5,
- 'noise random seed': uniform(-100, 100)},
- 'surface_output_args': {'strawberry seed height': 'noderef-fruitsurface-curve parameters'},
- 'surface_resolution': 64,
- 'scale_multiplier': 0.5
- }
- def sample_stem_params(self):
- stem_color = np.array((0.28, 0.91, 0.45))
- stem_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
- stem_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- stem_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- stem_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(stem_color)
- stem_color = np.array((0.28, 0.91, 0.45))
- stem_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
- stem_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- stem_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
- stem_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(stem_color)
- return {
- 'stem_name': "calyx_stem",
- 'stem_func_args': {'stem_color': stem_color_rgba},
- 'stem_input_args': {'Geometry': 'noderef-fruitsurface-Geometry',
- 'fork number': randint(8, 13),
- 'outer radius': uniform(0.7, 0.9),
- 'noise random seed': uniform(-100, 100),
- 'quad_mid': (uniform(-0.1, 0.1), uniform(-0.1, 0.1), uniform(0.15, 0.2)),
- 'quad_end': (uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(0.3, 0.4)),
- 'cross_radius': uniform(0.035, 0.045),
- 'Translation': (0.0, 0.0, 0.97)},
- 'stem_output_args': {}
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/apple_surface.py b/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/apple_surface.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 167962e56..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/apple_surface.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.fruit_utils import nodegroup_add_dent
-def shader_apple_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, color1, color2, random_seed):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = random_seed
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 1: value})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.2},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Z': multiply})
- musgrave_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz, 'Scale': 10.0, 'Detail': 10.0, 'Dimension': 0.3, 'Lacunarity': 3.0})
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 0.6, 'Lacunarity': 1.0})
- rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
- rgb.outputs[0].default_value = color1 #
- rgb_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
- rgb_1.outputs[0].default_value = color2 #
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': musgrave_texture, 'Color1': rgb, 'Color2': rgb_1})
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Hue': 0.55, 'Color': mix})
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': musgrave_texture_2, 'Color1': mix, 'Color2': hue_saturation_value})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_3})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_apple_surface', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_apple_surface(nw: NodeWrangler,
- color1=(0.2881, 0.6105, 0.0709, 1.0),
- color2=(0.7454, 0.6172, 0.0296, 1.0),
- random_seed=0.0,
- dent_control_points=[(0.0045, 0.3719), (0.0727, 0.4532), (0.2273, 0.4844), (0.5568, 0.5125), (1.0, 0.5)]):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'spline parameter', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'spline tangent', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'distance to center', 0.0)])
- adddent = nw.new_node(nodegroup_add_dent(dent_control_points=dent_control_points).name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'spline parameter': group_input.outputs["spline parameter"], 'spline tangent': group_input.outputs["spline tangent"], 'distance to center': group_input.outputs["distance to center"], 'intensity': 1.5, 'max radius': 1.5})
- adddent_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_add_dent(dent_control_points=dent_control_points).name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': adddent, 'spline parameter': group_input.outputs["spline parameter"], 'spline tangent': group_input.outputs["spline tangent"], 'distance to center': group_input.outputs["distance to center"], 'bottom': True, 'intensity': -1.0, 'max radius': 1.5})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': adddent_1, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_apple_shader, color1, color2, random_seed)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/blackberry_surface.py b/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/blackberry_surface.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e5eedbb82..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/blackberry_surface.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.fruit_utils import nodegroup_shape_quadratic, nodegroup_random_rotation_scale, nodegroup_surface_bump, nodegroup_point_on_mesh, nodegroup_instance_on_points
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.cross_section_lib import nodegroup_circle_cross_section
-def shader_berry_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, berry_color):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': berry_color, 'Specular': 0.5705, 'Roughness': 0.2})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-def shader_hair_shader(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': 0.8, 'Detail': 10.0, 'Roughness': 0.7})
- separate_rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateColor,
- input_kwargs={'Color': noise_texture.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'mode': 'HSV'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["Green"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.48, 4: 0.55},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["Blue"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.4},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Hue': map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 'Value': map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 'Color': (0.6939, 0.2307, 0.0529, 1.0)})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': hue_saturation_value})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_blackberry_surface', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_blackberry_surface(nw: NodeWrangler, berry_color=(0.0212, 0.0212, 0.0284, 1.0)):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'spline parameter', 0.5)])
- surfacebump = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs['Geometry'], 'Displacement': 0.5, 'Scale': 0.5})
- pointonmesh = nw.new_node(nodegroup_point_on_mesh().name,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': surfacebump, 'Distance Min': 0.4, 'spline parameter': group_input.outputs['spline parameter'], 'noise amount': 0.5, 'noise scale': 2.0})
- randomrotationscale = nw.new_node(nodegroup_random_rotation_scale().name,
- input_kwargs={'rot mean': (3.89, 0.0, 0.0)})
- uv_sphere_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
- input_kwargs={'Segments': 32, 'Rings': 16})
- surfacebump_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': uv_sphere_2, 'Displacement': 0.5, 'Scale': 0.3})
- subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': surfacebump_1})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivision_surface, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_berry_shader, berry_color)})
- circlecrosssection_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_circle_cross_section().name,
- input_kwargs={'noise amount': 0.0, 'Resolution': 8, 'radius': 0.15})
- shapequadratic_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_shape_quadratic().name,
- input_kwargs={'Profile Curve': circlecrosssection_1, 'random seed tilt': 0.0, 'noise scale tilt': 0.0, 'noise amount tilt': 0.0, 'noise scale pos': 1.0,
- 'noise amount pos': 2.0, 'Resolution': 8, 'Start': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
- 'Middle': (0.0, 0.0, -1.0), 'End': (0.0, 0.0, -2.0)})
- value_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_4.outputs[0].default_value = 0.2
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': shapequadratic_1, 'Translation': (0.0, 0.0, -1.0), 'Scale': value_4})
- set_material_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_3, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_hair_shader)})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material, set_material_3]})
- instanceonpoints = nw.new_node(nodegroup_instance_on_points().name,
- input_kwargs={'rotation base': pointonmesh.outputs["Rotation"], 'rotation delta': randomrotationscale.outputs["Vector"], 'translation': (0.0, -0.5, 0.0),
- 'scale': randomrotationscale.outputs["Value"], 'Points': pointonmesh.outputs["Geometry"], 'Instance': join_geometry})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': instanceonpoints})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/coconutgreen_surface.py b/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/coconutgreen_surface.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b754bce1..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/coconutgreen_surface.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.fruit_utils import nodegroup_add_dent, nodegroup_surface_bump
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.surfaces.surface_utils import nodegroup_stripe_pattern
-def shader_coconut_green_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, basic_color, bottom_color):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- texture_coordinate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': 1.0, 'Detail': 10.0, 'Roughness': 0.7})
- separate_rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateColor,
- input_kwargs={'Color': noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"]})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["Green"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.48, 4: 0.52},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["Blue"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.6},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'shape_coordinate'})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute_1.outputs["Fac"]})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = bottom_color # (0.0908, 0.2664, 0.013, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.01
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = bottom_color # (0.0908, 0.2664, 0.013, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 1.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = basic_color # (0.2462, 0.4125, 0.0044, 1.0)
- hue_saturation_value_1 = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Hue': map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 'Value': map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 'Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"]})
- attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'crosssection_coordinate'})
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stripe_pattern().name,
- input_kwargs={'Color': hue_saturation_value_1, 'attribute': attribute_2.outputs["Fac"], 'seed': 10.0})
- group_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stripe_pattern().name,
- input_kwargs={'Color': group, 'attribute': attribute_1.outputs["Fac"], 'voronoi scale': 10.0, 'voronoi randomness': 0.6446, 'seed': -10.0, 'noise amount': 0.48, 'hue min': 1.32, 'hue max': 0.9})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': group_1, 'Specular': 0.4773, 'Roughness': 0.4455})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_coconutgreen_surface', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_coconutgreen_surface(nw: NodeWrangler, basic_color=(0.2462, 0.4125, 0.0044, 1.0), bottom_color=(0.0908, 0.2664, 0.013, 1.0)):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'spline parameter', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'spline tangent', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'distance to center', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'cross section paramater', 0.5)])
- surfacebump = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Displacement': 0.2, 'Scale': 0.5})
- surfacebump_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': surfacebump, 'Displacement': 0.0, 'Scale': 10.0})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["distance to center"], 1: 0.05, 2: 0.2, 4: 0.68})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["cross section paramater"], 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- adddent = nw.new_node(nodegroup_add_dent(dent_control_points=[(0.0, 0.4219), (0.0977, 0.4469), (0.2273, 0.4844), (0.5568, 0.5125), (1.0, 0.5)]).name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': surfacebump_1, 'spline parameter': group_input.outputs["spline parameter"], 'spline tangent': group_input.outputs["spline tangent"], 'distance to center': group_input.outputs["distance to center"], 'bottom': True, 'intensity': multiply, 'max radius': 3.0})
- set_material_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': adddent, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_coconut_green_shader, basic_color, bottom_color)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_3})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/coconuthairy_surface.py b/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/coconuthairy_surface.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 828087be1..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/coconuthairy_surface.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.fruit_utils import nodegroup_point_on_mesh, nodegroup_random_rotation_scale, nodegroup_hair, nodegroup_instance_on_points
-def shader_hair_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, basic_color):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': 0.5, 'Detail': 10.0, 'Roughness': 0.7})
- separate_rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateColor,
- input_kwargs={'Color': noise_texture.outputs["Color"]})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["Green"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.48, 4: 0.55},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["Blue"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.4},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Hue': map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 'Value': map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 'Color': basic_color})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': hue_saturation_value})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_coconuthairy_surface', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_coconuthairy_surface(nw: NodeWrangler, basic_color=(0.9473, 0.552, 0.2623, 1.0)):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'spline parameter', 0.0)])
- material = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeInputMaterial')
- material.material = surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_hair_shader, basic_color)
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Material': material})
- pointonmesh = nw.new_node(nodegroup_point_on_mesh().name,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'spline parameter': group_input.outputs["spline parameter"], 'Distance Min': 0.03, 'noise amount': 0.0, 'noise scale': 0.0})
- randomrotationscale = nw.new_node(nodegroup_random_rotation_scale().name,
- input_kwargs={'noise scale': 100.0, 'rot mean': (0.47, 0.0, 4.8), ' rot std z': 100.0, 'scale mean': 0.2, 'scale std': 0.0})
- hair = nw.new_node(nodegroup_hair().name,
- input_kwargs={'length resolution': 1, 'cross section resolution': 1, 'scale': 0.3, 'Radius': 0.03, 'Material': material, 'Middle': (0.0, 0.3, 1.0), 'End': (0.0, -1.4, 2.0)})
- instanceonpoints = nw.new_node(nodegroup_instance_on_points().name,
- input_kwargs={'rotation base': pointonmesh.outputs["Rotation"], 'rotation delta': randomrotationscale.outputs["Vector"], 'translation': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'scale': randomrotationscale.outputs["Value"], 'Points': pointonmesh.outputs["Geometry"], 'Instance': hair})
- pointonmesh_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_point_on_mesh().name,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'spline parameter': group_input.outputs["spline parameter"], 'Distance Min': 0.06, 'parameter min': 0.2, 'noise amount': 0.5, 'noise scale': 2.0})
- randomrotationscale_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_random_rotation_scale().name,
- input_kwargs={'rot mean': (1.3, 0.0, 0.0), ' rot std z': 3.0, 'scale mean': 0.3, 'scale std': 0.5})
- hair_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_hair().name,
- input_kwargs={'scale': 1.0, 'Material': material, 'Middle': (0.0, 0.5, 1.0), 'End': (0.0, -1.9, 2.0)})
- instanceonpoints_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_instance_on_points().name,
- input_kwargs={'rotation base': pointonmesh_1.outputs["Rotation"], 'rotation delta': randomrotationscale_1.outputs["Vector"], 'translation': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'scale': randomrotationscale_1.outputs["Value"], 'Points': pointonmesh_1.outputs["Geometry"], 'Instance': hair_1})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material, instanceonpoints, instanceonpoints_1]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_2})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/durian_surface.py b/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/durian_surface.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b427031df..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/durian_surface.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.fruit_utils import nodegroup_manhattan, nodegroup_point_on_mesh, nodegroup_surface_bump
-def shader_durian_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, peak_color, base_color):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': 0.8, 'Detail': 10.0, 'Roughness': 0.7})
- separate_rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateColor,
- input_kwargs={'Color': noise_texture.outputs["Color"]})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["Green"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.48, 4: 0.55},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["Blue"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.6},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'durian thorn coordiante'})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute.outputs["Fac"]})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = peak_color
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.2705
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = base_color
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Hue': map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 'Value': map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 'Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"]})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': hue_saturation_value, 'Specular': 0.1205, 'Roughness': 0.5068})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_durian_surface', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_durian_surface(nw: NodeWrangler, thorn_control_points=[(0.0, 0.0), (0.7318, 0.4344), (1.0, 1.0)],
- peak_color=(0.2401, 0.1455, 0.0313, 1.0), base_color=(0.3278, 0.3005, 0.0704, 1.0)):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'displacement', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'spline parameter', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'distance Min', 0.1),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise amount', 0.3),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise scale', 5.0)])
- surfacebump = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Displacement': 0.5, 'Scale': 0.5})
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- pointonmesh = nw.new_node(nodegroup_point_on_mesh().name,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': surfacebump, 'spline parameter': group_input.outputs["spline parameter"], 'Distance Min': group_input.outputs["distance Min"], 'noise amount': group_input.outputs["noise amount"], 'noise scale': group_input.outputs["noise scale"]})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- geometry_proximity = nw.new_node(Nodes.Proximity,
- input_kwargs={'Target': pointonmesh.outputs["Geometry"], 'Source Position': position_1},
- attrs={'target_element': 'POINTS'})
- manhattan = nw.new_node(nodegroup_manhattan().name,
- input_kwargs={'v1': geometry_proximity.outputs["Position"], 'v2': position_1},
- label='manhattan')
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["distance Min"], 1: 2.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': manhattan, 2: multiply, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], thorn_control_points)
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: normal, 'Scale': float_curve},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["displacement"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': surfacebump, 'Offset': scale_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1, 2: map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_durian_shader, peak_color, base_color)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material, 'distance to center': capture_attribute.outputs[2]})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/pineapple_surface.py b/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/pineapple_surface.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 41f801139..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/pineapple_surface.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.fruit_utils import nodegroup_point_on_mesh, nodegroup_random_rotation_scale, nodegroup_surface_bump, nodegroup_instance_on_points
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.cross_section_lib import nodegroup_circle_cross_section
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.stem_lib import nodegroup_pineapple_leaf
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pineapple_surface', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pineapple_surface(nw: NodeWrangler,
- color_bottom=(0.0823, 0.0953, 0.0097, 1.0),
- color_mid=(0.552, 0.1845, 0.0222, 1.0),
- color_top= (0.4508, 0.0999, 0.0003, 1.0),
- color_center=(0.8388, 0.5395, 0.314, 1.0)):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'spline parameter', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'point distance', 0.22),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'cell scale', 0.2),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'random seed', 0.0)])
- pointonmesh = nw.new_node(nodegroup_point_on_mesh().name,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'spline parameter': group_input.outputs["spline parameter"], 'Distance Min': group_input.outputs["point distance"], 'parameter max': 0.999, 'noise amount': 0.05})
- randomrotationscale = nw.new_node(nodegroup_random_rotation_scale().name,
- input_kwargs={'random seed': group_input.outputs["random seed"], ' rot std z': 0.3, 'scale mean': group_input.outputs["cell scale"]})
- pineapplecellbody = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pineapple_cell_body().name,
- input_kwargs={'resolution': 16, 'scale diff': -0.3})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': pineapplecellbody.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_cell, color_bottom, color_mid, color_top, color_center)})
- pineappleleaf = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pineapple_leaf().name,
- input_kwargs={'Middle': (0.0, -0.1, 1.0), 'End': (0.0, 0.9, 2.5)})
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.3
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': pineappleleaf, 'Translation': (0.0, -0.1, 0.3), 'Rotation': (-1.0315, 0.0, 0.0), 'Scale': value})
- set_material_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_2, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_needle, color_center, color_top)})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material, set_material_3]})
- surfacebump = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Displacement': 0.2, 'Scale': 10.0})
- instanceonpoints = nw.new_node(nodegroup_instance_on_points().name,
- input_kwargs={'rotation base': pointonmesh.outputs["Rotation"], 'rotation delta': randomrotationscale.outputs["Vector"], 'translation': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'scale': randomrotationscale.outputs["Value"], 'Points': pointonmesh.outputs["Geometry"], 'Instance': surfacebump})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_cell, color_bottom, color_mid, color_top, color_center)})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [instanceonpoints, set_material_1]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'spline parameter': pineapplecellbody.outputs["spline parameter"]})
-def shader_needle(nw: NodeWrangler, color1, color2):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': 8.0, 'Detail': 0.0})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
- 'Color1': color1, # (0.7758, 0.4678, 0.2346, 1.0)
- 'Color2': color2}) # (0.3467, 0.0595, 0.0, 1.0)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-def shader_cell(nw: NodeWrangler, color_bottom, color_mid, color_top, color_center):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': 4.6})
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'radius'})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute.outputs["Fac"]})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = color_bottom # (0.0823, 0.0953, 0.0097, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.67
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = color_mid # (0.552, 0.1845, 0.0222, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.93
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = color_top # (0.4508, 0.0999, 0.0003, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[3].position = 1.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[3].color = color_center # (0.8388, 0.5395, 0.314, 1.0)
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Hue': 0.55, 'Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"]})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 'Color1': hue_saturation_value, 'Color2': colorramp.outputs["Color"]})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix, 'Roughness': 0.2})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pineapple_cell_body', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pineapple_cell_body(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'resolution', 0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'scale diff', 0.0)])
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["resolution"], 'Start': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'Middle': (0.0, 0.0, 0.2), 'End': (0.0, 0.0, 0.4)})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': quadratic_bezier, 2: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 1.0), (0.1568, 0.875), (0.8045, 0.5313), (1.0, 0.0)])
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Radius': float_curve})
- circlecrosssection = nw.new_node(nodegroup_circle_cross_section().name,
- input_kwargs={'noise scale': 8.0, 'noise amount': 0.4, 'Resolution': 64, 'radius': 1.0})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': circlecrosssection})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position_1, 1: group_input.outputs["scale diff"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Selection': greater_than, 'Offset': multiply.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1, 'spline parameter': capture_attribute.outputs[2]})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/starfruit_surface.py b/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/starfruit_surface.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 73ed9c0dc..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/starfruit_surface.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.fruit_utils import nodegroup_surface_bump, nodegroup_add_dent
-def shader_starfruit_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, base_color, ridge_color):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'star parameters'})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute.outputs["Color"]})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = base_color
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.9
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = base_color
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.95
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = ridge_color
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[3].position = 1.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[3].color = base_color
- translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslucentBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"]})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Specular': 0.775, 'Roughness': 0.2})
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.7, 1: translucent_bsdf, 2: principled_bsdf})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_starfruit_surface', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_starfruit_surface(nw: NodeWrangler,
- dent_control_points=[(0.0, 0.4219), (0.0977, 0.4469), (0.2273, 0.4844), (0.5568, 0.5125), (1.0, 0.5)],
- base_color=(0.7991, 0.6038, 0.0009, 1.0),
- ridge_color=(0.3712, 0.4179, 0.0006, 1.0)):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'spline parameter', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'spline tangent', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'distance to center', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'dent intensity', 1.0)
- ])
- adddent = nw.new_node(nodegroup_add_dent(dent_control_points=dent_control_points).name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'spline parameter': group_input.outputs["spline parameter"],
- 'spline tangent': group_input.outputs["spline tangent"],
- 'distance to center': group_input.outputs["distance to center"],
- 'intensity': group_input.outputs["dent intensity"]
- })
- surfacebump_002 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': adddent, 'Displacement': 0.03, 'Scale': 10.0})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': surfacebump_002,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_starfruit_shader, base_color, ridge_color)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/strawberry_surface.py b/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/strawberry_surface.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 95eee0a2c..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/strawberry_surface.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.seed_lib import nodegroup_strawberry_seed
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.fruit_utils import nodegroup_point_on_mesh, nodegroup_add_crater, nodegroup_surface_bump, nodegroup_random_rotation_scale, nodegroup_instance_on_points, nodegroup_add_noise_scalar
-def shader_strawberry_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, top_pos, main_color, top_color):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': 0.5})
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'strawberry seed height'})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute.outputs["Color"]})
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = main_color
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = top_pos
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = main_color
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 1.0
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].color = top_color
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Hue': 0.55, 'Saturation': 1.5, 'Value': 0.2, 'Fac': 0.3, 'Color': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 'Color1': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': hue_saturation_value})
- translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslucentBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': mix})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix, 'Specular': 1.0, 'Roughness': 0.15})
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.8, 1: translucent_bsdf, 2: principled_bsdf})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_strawberry_surface', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_strawberry_surface(nw: NodeWrangler, top_pos=0.9, main_color=(0.8879, 0.0097, 0.0319, 1.0), top_color=(0.8148, 0.6105, 0.1746, 1.0)):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- strawberryseed = nw.new_node(nodegroup_strawberry_seed().name)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'spline parameter', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Distance Min', 0.12),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Strength', 0.74),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise random seed', 0.0)])
- surfacebump = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Displacement': 0.4, 'Scale': 0.5})
- addnoisescalar = nw.new_node(nodegroup_add_noise_scalar().name,
- input_kwargs={'noise random seed': group_input.outputs["noise random seed"],
- 'value': group_input.outputs["spline parameter"],
- 'noise amount': 0.2})
- pointonmesh = nw.new_node(nodegroup_point_on_mesh().name,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': surfacebump, 'spline parameter': addnoisescalar, 'Distance Min': group_input.outputs["Distance Min"], 'parameter max': top_pos, 'noise amount': 0.1, 'noise scale': 2.0})
- addcrater = nw.new_node(nodegroup_add_crater().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': surfacebump, 'Points': pointonmesh.outputs["Geometry"], 'Strength': group_input.outputs["Strength"]})
- surfacebump_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': addcrater, 'Displacement': 0.03, 'Scale': 20.0})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': surfacebump_1, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_strawberry_shader, top_pos, main_color, top_color)})
- randomrotationscale = nw.new_node(nodegroup_random_rotation_scale().name,
- input_kwargs={'rot mean': (-1.571, 0.0, 0.0), 'scale mean': 0.08})
- instanceonpoints = nw.new_node(nodegroup_instance_on_points().name,
- input_kwargs={'rotation base': pointonmesh.outputs["Rotation"], 'rotation delta': randomrotationscale.outputs["Vector"], 'translation': (0.0, 0.3, 0.0), 'scale': randomrotationscale.outputs["Value"], 'Points': pointonmesh.outputs["Geometry"], 'Instance': strawberryseed})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material, instanceonpoints]})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances, 'curve parameters': addnoisescalar})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/surface_utils.py b/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/surface_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d191d909..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/fruits/surfaces/surface_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_stripe_pattern', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_stripe_pattern(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketColor', 'Color', (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'attribute', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'voronoi scale', 50.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'voronoi randomness', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'seed', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise scale', 10.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise amount', 1.4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'hue min', 0.6),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'hue max', 1.085)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 1: group_input.outputs["seed"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise scale"], 'Detail': 1.0})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: group_input.outputs["noise amount"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': group_input.outputs["attribute"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["voronoi scale"], 'Randomness': group_input.outputs["voronoi randomness"]},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '1D'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': add_1, 3: group_input.outputs["hue min"], 4: group_input.outputs["hue max"]})
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"], 'Color': group_input.outputs["Color"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Color': hue_saturation_value})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/grassland/dandelion.py b/infinigen/assets/grassland/dandelion.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 51a792af5..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/grassland/dandelion.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,670 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61Sk8j1Ml9c by BradleyAnimation
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.materials import simple_greenery
-from infinigen.assets.materials import simple_whitish
-from infinigen.assets.materials import simple_brownish
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pedal_stem_head_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pedal_stem_head_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Translation', (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius', 0.04)])
- uv_sphere_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
- input_kwargs={'Segments': 64, 'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"]})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': uv_sphere_1, 'Translation': group_input.outputs["Translation"]})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(simple_brownish.shader_simple_brown)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pedal_stem_end_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pedal_stem_end_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Points', None)])
- endpoint_selection = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurveEndpointSelection',
- input_kwargs={'End Size': 0})
- uv_sphere = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
- input_kwargs={'Segments': 64, 'Radius': 0.04})
- vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector)
- vector.vector = (uniform(0.45, 0.7), uniform(0.45, 0.7), uniform(2, 3))
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': uv_sphere, 'Scale': vector})
- cone = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCone', input_kwargs={'Radius Bottom': 0.0040, 'Depth': 0.0040})
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, input_kwargs={'Vector': normal},
- attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': transform, 'Instance': cone.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector_1})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [instance_on_points_1, transform]})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(simple_brownish.shader_simple_brown)})
- geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance',
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material})
- curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
- align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': curve_tangent},
- attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': group_input.outputs["Points"],
- 'Selection': endpoint_selection, 'Instance': geometry_to_instance,
- 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': instance_on_points})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pedal_stem_branch_shape', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pedal_stem_branch_shape(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- pedal_stem_branches_num = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label='pedal_stem_branches_num')
- pedal_stem_branches_num.integer = 40
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius', 0.0100)])
- curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': pedal_stem_branches_num,
- 'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"]})
- pedal_stem_branch_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='pedal_stem_branch_length')
- pedal_stem_branch_length.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5000
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': pedal_stem_branch_length})
- curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'End': combine_xyz_1})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line_1, 'Count': 40})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0000, 0.0000),
- (0.2, 0.08 * np.random.normal(1., 0.15)),
- (0.4, 0.22 * np.random.normal(1., 0.2)),
- (0.6, 0.45 * np.random.normal(1., 0.2)),
- (0.8, 0.7 * np.random.normal(1., 0.1)),
- (1.0000, 1.0000)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: uniform(0.15, 0.4)}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve, 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, input_kwargs={'Vector': normal})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"], 'Instance': set_position,
- 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector})
- random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.2000, 3: 0.2000, 'Seed': 2})
- random_value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.2000, 3: 0.2000, 'Seed': 1})
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.2000, 3: 0.2000})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': random_value_1.outputs[1], 'Y': random_value_2.outputs[1],
- 'Z': random_value.outputs[1]})
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points, 'Rotation': combine_xyz_2})
- random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: 0.8000})
- scale_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': rotate_instances, 'Scale': random_value_3.outputs[1]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Instances': scale_instances},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pedal_stem_branch_contour', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pedal_stem_branch_contour(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
- pedal_stem_branch_rsample = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='pedal_stem_branch_rsample')
- pedal_stem_branch_rsample.outputs[0].default_value = 10.0
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': realize_instances, 'Count': pedal_stem_branch_rsample})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve, 5: index},
- attrs={'domain': 'CURVE', 'data_type': 'INT'})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- # generate pedal branch contour
- dist = uniform(-0.05, -0.25)
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.0), (0.2, 0.2 + (dist + normal(0, 0.05)) / 2.),
- (0.4, 0.4 + (dist + normal(0, 0.05))),
- (0.6, 0.6 + (dist + normal(0, 0.05)) / 1.2),
- (0.8, 0.8 + (dist + normal(0, 0.05)) / 2.4), (1.0, 0.95 + normal(0, 0.05))])
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: 0.05, 3: 0.35, 'ID': capture_attribute.outputs[5]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: random_value.outputs[1]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pedal_stem_branch_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pedal_stem_branch_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Translation', (0.0, 0.0, 1.0))])
- set_curve_radius_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"], 'Radius': 1.0})
- curve_circle_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Radius': uniform(0.001, 0.0025), 'Resolution': 4})
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius_1,
- 'Profile Curve': curve_circle_2.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh_1,
- 'Translation': group_input.outputs["Translation"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_2})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pedal_stem_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pedal_stem_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'End', (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Middle', (0.0, 0.0, 0.5)),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius', 0.05)])
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Start': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'Middle': group_input.outputs["Middle"],
- 'End': group_input.outputs["End"]})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadratic_bezier, 'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"]})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Radius': 0.2, 'Resolution': 8})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Fill Caps': True})
- set_material_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(simple_whitish.shader_simple_white)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_2, 'Curve': quadratic_bezier})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pedal_selection', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pedal_selection(nw: NodeWrangler, params):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={5: 1})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: params["random_dropout"], 1: random_value.outputs[1]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'num_segments', 0.5)])
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index_1, 1: group_input.outputs["num_segments"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: params["row_less_than"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- greater_than_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: params["row_great_than"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- op_and = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath,
- input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: greater_than_1})
- modulo = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index_1, 1: group_input.outputs["num_segments"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MODULO'})
- less_than_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: modulo, 1: params["col_less_than"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- greater_than_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: modulo, 1: params["col_great_than"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- op_and_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath,
- input_kwargs={0: less_than_1, 1: greater_than_2})
- nand = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath,
- input_kwargs={0: op_and, 1: op_and_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'NAND'})
- op_and_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: nand})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Boolean': op_and_2})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_stem_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_stem_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None)])
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(0.2, 0.4)
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: 0.4, 4: value})
- set_curve_radius_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Radius': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- stem_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='stem_radius')
- stem_radius.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(0.01, 0.024)
- curve_circle_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Radius': stem_radius})
- curve_to_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius_2,
- 'Profile Curve': curve_circle_3.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh_2,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(simple_greenery.shader_simple_greenery)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': tag_nodegroup(nw, set_material, 'stem')})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pedal_stem', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pedal_stem(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- pedal_stem_top_point = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector,
- label='pedal_stem_top_point')
- pedal_stem_top_point.vector = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- pedal_stem_mid_point = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector,
- label='pedal_stem_mid_point')
- pedal_stem_mid_point.vector = (normal(0, 0.05), normal(0, 0.05), 0.5)
- pedal_stem_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='pedal_stem_radius')
- pedal_stem_radius.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(0.02, 0.045)
- pedal_stem_geometry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_stem_geometry().name,
- input_kwargs={'End': pedal_stem_top_point, 'Middle': pedal_stem_mid_point,
- 'Radius': pedal_stem_radius})
- pedal_stem_top_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='pedal_stem_top_radius')
- pedal_stem_top_radius.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(0.005, 0.008)
- pedal_stem_branch_shape = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_stem_branch_shape().name,
- input_kwargs={'Radius': pedal_stem_top_radius})
- pedal_stem_branch_geometry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_stem_branch_geometry().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': pedal_stem_branch_shape,
- 'Translation': pedal_stem_top_point})
- set_material_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': pedal_stem_branch_geometry,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(simple_whitish.shader_simple_white)})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': pedal_stem_geometry.outputs["Curve"]})
- pedal_stem_end_geometry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_stem_end_geometry().name,
- input_kwargs={'Points': resample_curve})
- pedal_stem_head_geometry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_stem_head_geometry().name,
- input_kwargs={'Translation': pedal_stem_top_point,
- 'Radius': pedal_stem_top_radius})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [pedal_stem_geometry.outputs["Geometry"], set_material_3,
- pedal_stem_end_geometry, pedal_stem_head_geometry]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_flower_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_flower_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler, params):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- num_core_segments = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer,
- label='num_core_segments',
- attrs={'integer': 10})
- num_core_segments.integer = randint(8, 25)
- num_core_rings = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer,
- label='num_core_rings',
- attrs={'integer': 10})
- num_core_rings.integer = randint(8, 20)
- uv_sphere_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
- input_kwargs={'Segments': num_core_segments, 'Rings': num_core_rings,
- 'Radius': uniform(0.02, 0.05)})
- flower_core_shape = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector,
- label='flower_core_shape')
- flower_core_shape.vector = (uniform(0.8, 1.2), uniform(0.8, 1.2), uniform(0.5, 0.8))
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': uv_sphere_2, 'Scale': flower_core_shape})
- selection_params = {
- "random_dropout": params["random_dropout"],
- "row_less_than": int(params["row_less_than"] * num_core_rings.integer),
- "row_great_than": int(params["row_great_than"] * num_core_rings.integer),
- "col_less_than": int(params["col_less_than"] * num_core_segments.integer),
- "col_great_than": int(params["col_less_than"] * num_core_segments.integer)
- }
- pedal_selection = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_selection(params=selection_params).name,
- input_kwargs={'num_segments': num_core_segments})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Instance', None)])
- normal_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': normal_1},
- attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: 0.4, 3: 0.7})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: random_value_1.outputs[1]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': transform, 'Selection': pedal_selection,
- 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Instance"],
- 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector_1, 'Scale': multiply})
- realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': instance_on_points_1})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(simple_whitish.shader_simple_white)})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [realize_instances_1, set_material]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': tag_nodegroup(nw, join_geometry_1, 'flower')})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_flower_on_stem', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_flower_on_stem(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Points', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Instance', None)])
- endpoint_selection = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurveEndpointSelection',
- input_kwargs={'Start Size': 0})
- curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
- align_euler_to_vector_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': curve_tangent},
- attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- instance_on_points_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': group_input.outputs["Points"],
- 'Selection': endpoint_selection,
- 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Instance"],
- 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector_2})
- realize_instances_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': instance_on_points_2})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': realize_instances_2})
-def geometry_dandelion_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Start': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
- 'Middle': (normal(0, 0.1), normal(0, 0.1), 0.5),
- 'End': (normal(0, 0.1), normal(0, 0.1), 1.0)})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadratic_bezier_1})
- pedal_stem = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_stem().name)
- geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance',
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': pedal_stem})
- flower_geometry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_flower_geometry(kwargs).name,
- input_kwargs={'Instance': geometry_to_instance})
- geometry_to_instance_1 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance',
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': flower_geometry})
- value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_2.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(-0.15, -0.5)
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry_to_instance_1, 'Scale': value_2})
- flower_on_stem = nw.new_node(nodegroup_flower_on_stem().name,
- input_kwargs={'Points': resample_curve, 'Instance': transform_3})
- stem_geometry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_geometry().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadratic_bezier_1})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [flower_on_stem, stem_geometry]})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_2})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances})
-def geometry_dandelion_seed_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- pedal_stem = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_stem().name)
- geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance',
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': pedal_stem})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry_to_instance})
-class DandelionFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(DandelionFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.flower_mode = ['full_flower', 'no_flower', 'top_half_flower', 'top_missing_flower', 'sparse_flower']
- self.flower_mode_pb = [0.4, 0.04, 0.23, 0.13, 0.2]
- def get_mode_params(self, mode):
- if mode == 'full_flower':
- # generate a flower with full seeds
- return {
- "random_dropout": uniform(0.5, 1.0),
- "row_less_than": 0.0,
- "row_great_than": 0.0,
- "col_less_than": 0.0,
- "col_great_than": 0.0
- }
- elif mode == 'no_flower':
- # generate a flower with no seeds
- return {
- "random_dropout": 0.0,
- "row_less_than": 1.0,
- "row_great_than": 0.0,
- "col_less_than": 1.0,
- "col_great_than": 0.0
- }
- elif mode == 'top_half_flower':
- # generate a flower with no seeds at bottom half
- return {
- "random_dropout": uniform(0.6, 1.0),
- "row_less_than": uniform(0.3, 0.5),
- "row_great_than": 0.0,
- "col_less_than": 1.0,
- "col_great_than": 0.0
- }
- elif mode == 'top_missing_flower':
- # generate a flower with no seeds at bottom half
- col = uniform(0.3, 1.0)
- return {
- "random_dropout": uniform(0.5, 0.9),
- "row_less_than": 1.0,
- "row_great_than": uniform(0.5, 0.7),
- "col_less_than": col,
- "col_great_than": col - uniform(0.2, 0.4)
- }
- elif mode == 'sparse_flower':
- # generate a flower with no seeds at bottom half
- return {
- "random_dropout": uniform(0.3, 0.5),
- "row_less_than": 0.0,
- "row_great_than": 0.0,
- "col_less_than": 0.0,
- "col_great_than": 0.0
- }
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- mode = np.random.choice(self.flower_mode, p=self.flower_mode_pb)
- params = self.get_mode_params(mode)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_dandelion_nodes, apply=True, attributes=[], input_kwargs=params)
- tag_object(obj, 'dandelion')
- return obj
-class DandelionSeedFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(DandelionSeedFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_dandelion_seed_nodes, apply=True, attributes=[], input_kwargs=params)
- tag_object(obj, 'seed')
- return obj
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- f = DandelionSeedFactory(0)
- obj = f.create_asset()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/grassland/flower.py b/infinigen/assets/grassland/flower.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 711538326..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/grassland/flower.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,597 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick, Alejandro Newell
-# Code generated using version v2.0.1 of the node_transpiler
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil, color
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, dict_lerp
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_polar_to_cart_old', singleton=True)
-def nodegroup_polar_to_cart_old(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Addend', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- cosine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'COSINE'})
- sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SINE'})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': cosine, 'Z': sine})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vector"], 1: combine_xyz_4, 2: group_input.outputs["Addend"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply_add.outputs["Vector"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_follow_curve', singleton=True)
-def nodegroup_follow_curve(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Curve Min', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Curve Max', 1.0)])
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 1: position},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]})
- attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 2: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"], 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"], 3: group_input.outputs["Curve Min"], 4: group_input.outputs["Curve Max"]})
- curve_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLength,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: curve_length},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- sample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curves': group_input.outputs["Curve"], 'Length': multiply}, attrs={'mode': 'LENGTH'})
- cross_product = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: sample_curve.outputs["Tangent"], 1: sample_curve.outputs["Normal"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'CROSS_PRODUCT'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: cross_product.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: sample_curve.outputs["Normal"], 'Scale': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Position': sample_curve.outputs["Position"], 'Offset': add.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_norm_index', singleton=True)
-def nodegroup_norm_index(nw):
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'Count', 0)])
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["Count"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'T': divide})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_flower_petal', singleton=True)
-def nodegroup_flower_petal(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Length', 0.2),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Point', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Point height', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Bevel', 6.8),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Base width', 0.2),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Upper width', 0.3),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution H', 8),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution V', 4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wrinkle', 0.1),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Curl', 0.0)])
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Resolution H"], 1: 2.0, 2: 1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- grid = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshGrid,
- input_kwargs={'Vertices X': group_input.outputs["Resolution V"], 'Vertices Y': multiply_add})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': grid, 1: position},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: 0.05},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': multiply, 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz, 'Scale': 7.9, 'Detail': 0.0, 'Distortion': 0.2},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '2D'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: -0.5})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add, 1: group_input.outputs["Wrinkle"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: 2.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- power = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Bevel"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- multiply_add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: power, 1: -1.0, 2: 1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: multiply_add_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: group_input.outputs["Upper width"], 2: group_input.outputs["Base width"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply_add_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- power_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: group_input.outputs["Point"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- multiply_add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: power_1, 1: -1.0, 2: 1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_add_3, 1: group_input.outputs["Point height"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Point height"], 1: -1.0, 2: 1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_5, 1: multiply_add_4})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: multiply_add_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: multiply_6},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': multiply_1, 'Y': multiply_4, 'Z': multiply_7})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Position': combine_xyz_1})
- multiply_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Length"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_8})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Curl"]})
- group_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_to_cart_old().name,
- input_kwargs={'Addend': combine_xyz_3, 'Value': reroute, 'Vector': multiply_8})
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 8, 'Start': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'Middle': combine_xyz_3, 'End': group_1})
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_follow_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Curve': quadratic_bezier, 'Curve Min': 0.0})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': tag_nodegroup(nw, group, 'petal')})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_phyllo_points', singleton=True)
-def nodegroup_phyllo_points(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'Count', 50),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Min Radius', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Max Radius', 2.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Radius exp', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Min angle', -0.5236),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Max angle', 0.7854),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Min z', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Max z', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Clamp z', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Yaw offset', -1.5708)])
- mesh_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshLine,
- input_kwargs={'Count': group_input.outputs["Count"]})
- mesh_to_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': mesh_line})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': mesh_to_points, 1: position},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- cosine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index},
- attrs={'operation': 'COSINE'})
- sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index},
- attrs={'operation': 'SINE'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': cosine, 'Y': sine})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["Count"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- power = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: group_input.outputs["Radius exp"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': power, 3: group_input.outputs["Min Radius"], 4: group_input.outputs["Max Radius"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply.outputs["Vector"]})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': divide, 2: group_input.outputs["Clamp z"], 3: group_input.outputs["Min z"], 4: group_input.outputs["Max z"]})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Z': map_range_2.outputs["Result"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Position': combine_xyz_1})
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': divide, 3: group_input.outputs["Min angle"], 4: group_input.outputs["Max angle"]})
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.1, 3: 0.1})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["Yaw offset"]})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': map_range_3.outputs["Result"], 'Y': random_value.outputs[1], 'Z': add})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Points': set_position, 'Rotation': combine_xyz_2})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_plant_seed', singleton=True)
-def nodegroup_plant_seed(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Dimensions', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketIntUnsigned', 'U', 4),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'V', 8)])
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Dimensions"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["U"], 'Start': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'Middle': multiply_add.outputs["Vector"], 'End': combine_xyz})
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_norm_index().name,
- input_kwargs={'Count': group_input.outputs["U"]})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0), (0.3159, 0.4469), (1.0, 0.0156)])
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': float_curve, 4: 3.0})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadratic_bezier_1, 'Radius': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["V"], 'Radius': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': tag_nodegroup(nw, curve_to_mesh, 'seed')})
-def shader_flower_center(nw):
- ambient_occlusion = nw.new_node(Nodes.AmbientOcclusion)
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': ambient_occlusion.outputs["Color"]})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(1)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4841
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0127, 0.0075, 0.0026, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.8591
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0848, 0.0066, 0.0007, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 1.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (1.0, 0.6228, 0.1069, 1.0)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"]})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-def shader_petal(nw):
- translucent_color_change = uniform(0.1, 0.6)
- specular = normal(0.6, 0.1)
- roughness = normal(0.4, 0.05)
- translucent_amt = normal(0.3, 0.05)
- petal_color = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
- petal_color.outputs[0].default_value = color.color_category('petal')
- translucent_color = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [translucent_color_change, petal_color, color.color_category('petal')])
- translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslucentBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': translucent_color})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': petal_color, 'Specular': specular, 'Roughness': roughness })
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': translucent_amt, 1: principled_bsdf, 2: translucent_bsdf})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader})
-def geo_flower(nw, petal_material, center_material):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Center Rad', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Petal Dims', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Seed Size', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Min Petal Angle', 0.1),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Max Petal Angle', 1.36),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wrinkle', 0.01),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Curl', 13.89)])
- uv_sphere = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
- input_kwargs={'Segments': 8, 'Rings': 8, 'Radius': group_input.outputs["Center Rad"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': uv_sphere, 'Scale': (1.0, 1.0, 0.05)})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Seed Size"], 1: 1.5},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- distribute_points_on_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': transform, 'Distance Min': multiply, 'Density Max': 50000.0},
- attrs={'distribute_method': 'POISSON'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Seed Size"], 1: 10.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': multiply_1, 'Y': group_input.outputs["Seed Size"]})
- group_3 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_plant_seed().name,
- input_kwargs={'Dimensions': combine_xyz, 'U': 6, 'V': 6})
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': 13.8, 'Scale': 2.41},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': musgrave_texture, 3: 0.34, 4: 1.21})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': map_range.outputs["Result"], 'Y': 1.0, 'Z': 1.0})
- instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': distribute_points_on_faces.outputs["Points"], 'Instance': group_3, 'Rotation': (0.0, -1.5708, 0.0541), 'Scale': combine_xyz_1})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': instance_on_points_1})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [realize_instances, transform]})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Material': center_material})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Center Rad"], 1: 6.2832},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Petal Dims"]})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: 1.2},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- reroute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Center Rad"]})
- reroute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Min Petal Angle"]})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Max Petal Angle"]})
- group_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_phyllo_points().name,
- input_kwargs={'Count': multiply_3, 'Min Radius': reroute_3, 'Max Radius': reroute_3, 'Radius exp': 0.0, 'Min angle': reroute_1, 'Max angle': reroute, 'Max z': 0.0})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT', 'use_clamp': True})
- reroute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Wrinkle"]})
- reroute_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Curl"]})
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_flower_petal().name,
- input_kwargs={'Length': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Point': 0.56, 'Point height': -0.1, 'Bevel': 1.83, 'Base width': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Upper width': subtract,
- 'Resolution H': 8, 'Resolution V': 16, 'Wrinkle': reroute_2, 'Curl': reroute_4})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': group_1.outputs["Points"], 'Instance': group, 'Rotation': group_1.outputs["Rotation"]})
- realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': instance_on_points})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 3.73, 'Detail': 5.41, 'Distortion': -1.0})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.025
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances_1, 'Offset': multiply_4.outputs["Vector"]})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Material': petal_material})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material_1, set_material]})
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Shade Smooth': False})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_shade_smooth})
-class FlowerFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, rad=0.15, diversity_fac=0.25):
- super(FlowerFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed=factory_seed)
- self.rad = rad
- self.diversity_fac = diversity_fac
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.petal_material = surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_petal)
- self.center_material = surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_flower_center)
- self.species_params = self.get_flower_params(self.rad)
- @staticmethod
- def get_flower_params(overall_rad=0.05):
- pct_inner = uniform(0.05, 0.4)
- base_width = 2 * np.pi * overall_rad * pct_inner / normal(20, 5)
- top_width = overall_rad * np.clip(normal(0.7, 0.3), base_width * 1.2, 100)
- min_angle, max_angle = np.deg2rad(np.sort(uniform(-20, 100, 2)))
- return {
- 'Center Rad': overall_rad * pct_inner,
- 'Petal Dims': np.array([overall_rad * (1 - pct_inner), base_width, top_width], dtype=np.float32),
- 'Seed Size': uniform(0.005, 0.01),
- 'Min Petal Angle': min_angle,
- 'Max Petal Angle': max_angle,
- 'Wrinkle': uniform(0.003, 0.02),
- 'Curl': np.deg2rad(normal(30, 50))
- }
- def create_asset(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
- vert = butil.spawn_vert('flower')
- mod = surface.add_geomod(vert, geo_flower,
- input_kwargs={'petal_material': self.petal_material, 'center_material': self.center_material})
- inst_params = self.get_flower_params(self.rad * normal(1, 0.05))
- params = dict_lerp(self.species_params, inst_params, 0.25)
- surface.set_geomod_inputs(mod, params)
- butil.apply_modifiers(vert, mod=mod)
- vert.rotation_euler.z = uniform(0, 360)
- tag_object(vert, 'flower')
- return vert
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/grassland/flowerplant.py b/infinigen/assets/grassland/flowerplant.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f09757742..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/grassland/flowerplant.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,613 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.assets.grassland.flower import FlowerFactory
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.materials import simple_greenery
-from infinigen.assets.small_plants import leaf_general as Leaf
-from infinigen.assets.grassland import flower as Flower
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_stem_branch_leaf_s_r', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_stem_branch_leaf_s_r(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: 0.2, 3: 0.7})
- curve_tangent_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
- align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': curve_tangent_1},
- attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': random_value.outputs[1], 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_stem_branch_leaf_selection', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_stem_branch_leaf_selection(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]})
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.interpolation = "CONSTANT"
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.20
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.80
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- integer = randint(10, 30, size=(1,))[0]
- random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={5: integer},
- attrs={'data_type': 'INT'})
- op_not = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath,
- input_kwargs={0: random_value_3.outputs[2]},
- attrs={'operation': 'NOT'})
- op_and = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath,
- input_kwargs={0: colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 1: op_not})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Boolean': op_and})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_stem_branch_leaves', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_stem_branch_leaves(nw: NodeWrangler, leaves):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None)])
- resample_curve_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"], 'Count': 100})
- stembranchleafselection = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_branch_leaf_selection().name)
- leaf_id = randint(0, len(leaves), size=(1,))[0]
- leaf = leaves[leaf_id]
- object_info_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={'Object': leaf})
- stembranchleafsr = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_branch_leaf_s_r().name)
- instance_on_points_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': resample_curve_3, 'Selection': stembranchleafselection,
- 'Instance': object_info_2.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Rotation': stembranchleafsr.outputs["Rotation"],
- 'Scale': stembranchleafsr.outputs["Value"]})
- random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={'Max': (0.6, 0.6, 6.28), 'Seed': 30},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- rotate_instances_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points_4,
- 'Rotation': random_value_3.outputs["Value"]})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': rotate_instances_2})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': realize_instances})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_stem_branch_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_stem_branch_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None)])
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0)
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Radius': colorramp.outputs["Color"]})
- r = uniform(0.015, 0.022, size=(1,))[0]
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 10, 'Radius': r})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Fill Caps': True})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_stem_branch_rotation', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_stem_branch_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- bounding_box = nw.new_node(Nodes.BoundingBox,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: bounding_box.outputs["Max"], 1: (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': index, 2: 20.0})
- curvature = uniform(-0.5, 0.5, (1,))[0]
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.5), (0.1, curvature / 5. + 0.5),
- (0.25, curvature / 2.5 + 0.5), (0.45, curvature / 1.5 + 0.5),
- (0.6, curvature / 1.2 + 0.5), (1.0, curvature + 0.5)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: -0.5})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'Center': multiply.outputs["Vector"],
- 'Angle': multiply_1},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'X_AXIS'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_stem_leaf_s_r', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_stem_leaf_s_r(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: 0.3, 3: 0.6})
- curve_tangent_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
- align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': curve_tangent_1},
- attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': random_value.outputs[1], 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_stem_leaf_selection', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_stem_leaf_selection(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]})
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.interpolation = "CONSTANT"
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.30
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.85
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- integer = randint(5, 15, size=(1,))[0]
- random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={5: integer},
- attrs={'data_type': 'INT'})
- op_not = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath,
- input_kwargs={0: random_value_3.outputs[2]},
- attrs={'operation': 'NOT'})
- op_and = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath,
- input_kwargs={0: colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 1: op_not})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Boolean': op_and})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_stem_branch', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_stem_branch(nw: NodeWrangler, flowers, leaves):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- curve_line_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine)
- resample_curve_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line_2, 'Count': 20})
- stembranchrotation = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_branch_rotation().name)
- set_position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve_4, 'Position': stembranchrotation})
- branchflowersetting = nw.new_node(nodegroup_branch_flower_setting(flowers=flowers).name)
- instance_on_points_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': set_position_2,
- 'Selection': branchflowersetting.outputs["Selection"],
- 'Instance': branchflowersetting.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Rotation': branchflowersetting.outputs["Rotation"],
- 'Scale': branchflowersetting.outputs["Value"]})
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: 0.4, 3: 0.7})
- scale_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points_3, 'Scale': random_value.outputs[1]})
- stembranchgeometry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_branch_geometry().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position_2})
- stembranchleaves = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_branch_leaves(leaves=leaves).name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position_2})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [stembranchgeometry, stembranchleaves]})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(simple_greenery.shader_simple_greenery)})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': scale_instances})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [realize_instances, join_geometry_1]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_2})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_stem_branch_selection', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_stem_branch_selection(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]})
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.interpolation = "CONSTANT"
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.50
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.80
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- seed = randint(0, 10000, size=(1,))[0]
- threshold = uniform(0.05, 0.1, size=(1,))[0]
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={'Min': 0.0, 'Max': 1.0, 'Seed': seed})
- less_equal = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: random_value, 1: threshold},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_EQUAL'})
- op_and = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath,
- input_kwargs={0: colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 1: less_equal})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Boolean': op_and})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_stem_leaves', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_stem_leaves(nw: NodeWrangler, leaves):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None)])
- stemleafselection = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_leaf_selection().name)
- leaf_id = randint(0, len(leaves), size=(1,))[0]
- leaf = leaves[leaf_id]
- object_info_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={'Object': leaf})
- stemleafsr = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_leaf_s_r().name)
- instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': group_input.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Selection': stemleafselection,
- 'Instance': object_info_2.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Rotation': stemleafsr.outputs["Rotation"],
- 'Scale': stemleafsr.outputs["Value"]})
- random_value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={'Max': (0.5, 0.5, 6.28), 'Seed': 30},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points_1,
- 'Rotation': random_value_2.outputs["Value"]})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': rotate_instances})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': realize_instances})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_main_flower_setting', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_main_flower_setting(nw: NodeWrangler, flowers):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- flower_id = randint(0, len(flowers), size=(1,))[0]
- scale = uniform(0.25, 0.45, size=(1,))[0]
- flower = flowers[flower_id]
- object_info_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={'Object': flower})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': object_info_2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Scale': (scale, scale, scale)})
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
- endpoint_selection = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurveEndpointSelection',
- input_kwargs={'Start Size': 0})
- curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
- align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': curve_tangent},
- attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Value': value,
- 'Selection': endpoint_selection, 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_branch_flower_setting', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_branch_flower_setting(nw: NodeWrangler, flowers):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- flower_id = randint(0, len(flowers), size=(1,))[0]
- scale = uniform(0.4, 0.6, size=(1,))[0]
- flower = flowers[flower_id]
- object_info_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={'Object': flower})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': object_info_2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Scale': (scale, scale, scale)})
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
- endpoint_selection = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurveEndpointSelection',
- input_kwargs={'Start Size': 0})
- curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
- align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': curve_tangent},
- attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Value': value,
- 'Selection': endpoint_selection, 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_stem_rotation', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_stem_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- bounding_box = nw.new_node(Nodes.BoundingBox,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: bounding_box.outputs["Max"], 1: (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': index, 2: 20.0})
- curvature = np.clip(np.abs(normal(0, 0.4, (1,))[0]), 0.0, 0.8)
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.0), (0.1, curvature / 5.),
- (0.25, curvature / 2.5), (0.45, curvature / 1.5),
- (0.6, curvature / 1.2), (1.0, curvature)])
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: 1.2}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'Center': multiply.outputs["Vector"],
- 'Angle': multiply_2},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'X_AXIS'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 0.3})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: (-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), 1: noise_texture.outputs["Color"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': vector_rotate, 'Noise': add_1.outputs["Vector"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_stem_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_stem_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None)])
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0)
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Radius': colorramp.outputs["Color"]})
- rad = uniform(0.01, 0.02, size=(1,))[0]
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 10, 'Radius': rad})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Fill Caps': True})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': tag_nodegroup(nw, curve_to_mesh, 'stem')})
-def geo_flowerplant(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- leaves = kwargs["leaves"]
- flowers = kwargs["flowers"]
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine)
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Count': 20})
- stemrotation = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_rotation().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_line})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve, 'Position': stemrotation.outputs["Rotation"],
- 'Offset': stemrotation.outputs["Noise"]})
- stemgeometry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_geometry().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position})
- mainflowersetting = nw.new_node(nodegroup_main_flower_setting(flowers=flowers).name)
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': set_position,
- 'Selection': mainflowersetting.outputs["Selection"],
- 'Instance': mainflowersetting.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Rotation': mainflowersetting.outputs["Rotation"],
- 'Scale': mainflowersetting.outputs["Value"]})
- resample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position, 'Count': 150})
- stemleaves = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_leaves(leaves=leaves).name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': resample_curve_1})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [stemgeometry, stemleaves]})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(simple_greenery.shader_simple_greenery)})
- num_versions = randint(0, 3, size=(1,))[0]
- branches = []
- for version in range(num_versions):
- resample_num = randint(80, 100, size=(1,))[0]
- resample_curve_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position, 'Count': resample_num})
- stembranchselection = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_branch_selection().name)
- stembranch = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_branch(flowers=flowers, leaves=leaves).name)
- random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={'Min': (0.4, 0.4, 0.4)},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- instance_on_points_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': resample_curve_2, 'Selection': stembranchselection,
- 'Instance': stembranch, 'Scale': (random_value_1, "Value")})
- random_value_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={'Min': (0.15, 0.15, 0.0), 'Max': (0.45, 0.45, 6.28), 'Seed': 30},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- rotate_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points_2,
- 'Rotation': (random_value_4, "Value")})
- realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': rotate_instances_1})
- branches.append(realize_instances_1)
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': instance_on_points})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': [join_geometry, realize_instances] + branches})
- z_rotate = uniform(0, 6.28, size=(1,))[0]
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Rotation': (0., 0., z_rotate)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform})
-class FlowerPlantFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(FlowerPlantFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.leaves_version_num = 4
- self.flowers_version_num = 1
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- # Make the Leaf and Delete It Later
- leaves = []
- for _ in range(self.leaves_version_num):
- lf_seed = randint(0, 1000, size=(1,))[0]
- leaf_model = Leaf.LeafFactory(genome={"leaf_width": 0.35, "width_rand": 0.1}, factory_seed=lf_seed)
- leaf = leaf_model.create_asset()
- leaves.append(leaf)
- flowers = []
- for _ in range(self.flowers_version_num):
- fw_seed = randint(0, 1000, size=(1,))[0]
- rad = uniform(0.4, 0.7, size=(1,))[0]
- flower_model = Flower.FlowerFactory(rad=rad, factory_seed=fw_seed)
- flower = flower_model.create_asset()
- flowers.append(flower)
- params["leaves"] = leaves
- params["flowers"] = flowers
- mod = surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_flowerplant, apply=False, attributes=[], input_kwargs=params)
- butil.delete(leaves + flowers)
- with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
- bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove()
- bpy.ops.object.shade_flat()
- butil.apply_modifiers(obj)
- tag_object(obj, 'flowerplant')
- return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/leaves/leaf_broadleaf.py b/infinigen/assets/leaves/leaf_broadleaf.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d69441a0..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/leaves/leaf_broadleaf.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,764 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-# Acknowledgment: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfOKB1GKJHM by Dr. Blender
-import numpy as np
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.leaves.leaf_v2 import nodegroup_apply_wave, nodegroup_move_to_origin
-from infinigen.assets.leaves.leaf_maple import nodegroup_leaf_shader
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_random_mask_vein', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_random_mask_vein(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Coord', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Shape', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Density', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Random Scale Seed', 0.5)])
- vein = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': group_input.outputs["Coord"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Density"], 'Randomness': 0.2},
- label='Vein',
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '1D'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Density"], 1: group_input.outputs["Random Scale Seed"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- vein_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': group_input.outputs["Coord"], 'Scale': multiply},
- label='Vein',
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '1D'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: vein_1.outputs["Distance"], 1: 0.35})
- round = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add},
- attrs={'operation': 'ROUND'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: vein.outputs["Distance"], 1: round})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': add_1, 2: 0.02, 3: 0.95, 4: 0.0})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Shape"], 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply_1, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.005, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Result': map_range_2.outputs["Result"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord_001', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord_001(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Modulated', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Asymmetry', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Angle', 2.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leaf Shape', 0.0)])
- sign = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SIGN'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"], 1: sign},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -1.0})
- vein_shape = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
- label='Vein Shape')
- node_utils.assign_curve(vein_shape.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0), (0.0182, 0.05), (0.3364, 0.2386), (0.7227, 0.75), (1.0, 1.0)])
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': vein_shape, 4: 1.9})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: subtract})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vein Coord': add})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Midrib Value', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Coord', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leaf Shape', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Jigsaw Scale', 18.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Jigsaw Depth', 0.5)])
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Midrib Value"], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- jigsaw = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': group_input.outputs["Vein Coord"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Jigsaw Scale"]},
- label='Jigsaw',
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '1D'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Jigsaw Depth"], 1: 0.05},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: jigsaw.outputs["Distance"], 1: multiply, 2: group_input.outputs["Leaf Shape"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD', 'use_clamp': True})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply_add, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.002, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- maximum = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MAXIMUM'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': maximum})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord(nw: NodeWrangler, vein_curve_control_points, vein_curve_control_handles):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Modulated', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Asymmetry', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Angle', 2.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leaf Shape', 0.0)])
- sign = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SIGN'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"], 1: sign},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -1.0})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE', 'use_clamp': True})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: group_input.outputs["Leaf Shape"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE', 'use_clamp': True})
- vein_shape = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': divide},
- label='Vein Shape')
- node_utils.assign_curve(vein_shape.mapping.curves[0], vein_curve_control_points, vein_curve_control_handles)
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': vein_shape, 4: 1.9})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: subtract})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vein Coord': add})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_nodegroup_shape', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_shape(nw: NodeWrangler, shape_curve_control_points=[(0.0, 0.0), (0.15, 0.2), (0.3864, 0.2625), (0.6227, 0.2), (0.7756, 0.1145), (0.8955, 0.0312), (1.0, 0.0)]):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Modulated', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 0.0)])
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["X Modulated"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Y"]})
- clamp = nw.new_node(Nodes.Clamp,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Y"], 'Min': -0.6, 'Max': 0.6})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': clamp})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 1: combine_xyz_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- length = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'LENGTH'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -0.6, 2: 0.6})
- leaf_shape = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- label='Leaf shape')
- node_utils.assign_curve(leaf_shape.mapping.curves[0], shape_curve_control_points)
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: length.outputs["Value"], 1: leaf_shape},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Leaf Shape': subtract_1, 'Value': leaf_shape})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_nodegroup_midrib', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_midrib(nw: NodeWrangler, midrib_curve_control_points=[(0.0, 0.5), (0.2455, 0.5078), (0.5, 0.4938), (0.75, 0.503), (0.8773, 0.5125), (1.0, 0.5)]):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'X', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', -0.6),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Midrib Length', 0.4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Midrib Width', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Stem Length', 0.8)])
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -0.6, 2: 0.6})
- stem_shape = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- label='Stem shape')
- node_utils.assign_curve(stem_shape.mapping.curves[0], midrib_curve_control_points)
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': stem_shape, 3: -1.0})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 20.0})
- map_range_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 3: -1.0})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_5.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.01},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -70.0, 2: group_input.outputs["Midrib Length"], 3: group_input.outputs["Midrib Width"], 4: 0.0})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: map_range_2.outputs["Result"]})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add, 1: absolute},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- absolute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': absolute_1, 2: group_input.outputs["Stem Length"], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- smooth_min = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: map_range_3.outputs["Result"], 2: 0.06},
- attrs={'operation': 'SMOOTH_MIN'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: smooth_min},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE', 'use_clamp': True})
- map_range_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': divide, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.03, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'X Modulated': subtract, 'Midrib Value': map_range_4.outputs["Result"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib(nw: NodeWrangler, random_scale_seed=1.08):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Midrib Value', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leaf Shape', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Density', 6.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Coord - main', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Coord - 1', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Coord - 2', 0.0)])
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Leaf Shape"], 1: -0.3, 2: 0.05, 3: 0.015, 4: 0.0})
- nodegroup = nw.new_node(nodegroup_random_mask_vein().name,
- input_kwargs={'Coord': group_input.outputs["Vein Coord - 2"], 'Shape': map_range.outputs["Result"], 'Density': group_input.outputs["Vein Density"], 'Random Scale Seed': random_scale_seed*2.7})
- nodegroup_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_random_mask_vein().name,
- input_kwargs={'Coord': group_input.outputs["Vein Coord - 1"], 'Shape': map_range.outputs["Result"], 'Density': group_input.outputs["Vein Density"], 'Random Scale Seed': random_scale_seed})
- vein = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': group_input.outputs["Vein Coord - main"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Vein Density"], 'Randomness': 0.2},
- label='Vein',
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '1D'})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'Scale': 20.0})
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 3: -1.0})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_3.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.02},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: vein.outputs["Distance"], 1: multiply})
- map_range_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': add, 2: 0.03, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_4.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply_1, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.01, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: nodegroup_1, 1: map_range_5.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: nodegroup, 1: multiply_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Midrib Value"], 1: multiply_3},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vein Value': multiply_4})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'X', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 0.0)])
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': absolute, 'Y': group_input.outputs["Y"]})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz, 'Scale': 30.0})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.1, 4: 2.0},
- attrs={'clamp': False})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz, 'Scale': 150.0},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.1})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add, 1: -1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 4: -1.0})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply, 'Color Value': map_range_3.outputs["Result"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_gen', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_gen(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Displancement scale', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Asymmetry', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Density', 6.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Jigsaw Scale', 18.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Jigsaw Depth', 0.07),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Angle', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Sub-vein Displacement', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Sub-vein Scale', 50.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wave Displacement', 0.1),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Midrib Length', 0.4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Midrib Width', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Stem Length', 0.8),])
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- nodegroup_midrib = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_midrib(midrib_curve_control_points=kwargs['midrib_curve_control_points']).name,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Midrib Length': group_input.outputs["Midrib Length"],
- 'Midrib Width': group_input.outputs["Midrib Width"],
- 'Stem Length': group_input.outputs["Stem Length"]})
- nodegroup_shape = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_shape(shape_curve_control_points=kwargs['shape_curve_control_points']).name,
- input_kwargs={'X Modulated': nodegroup_midrib.outputs["X Modulated"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- nodegroup_vein_coord = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord(
- vein_curve_control_points=[(0.0, 0.0), (0.0182, 0.05), (0.3364, 0.2386), (0.6045, 0.4812), (0.7, 0.725), (0.8273, 0.8437), (1.0, 1.0)],
- vein_curve_control_handles=['AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO']).name,
- input_kwargs={'X Modulated': nodegroup_midrib.outputs["X Modulated"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
- 'Vein Asymmetry': group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"], 'Vein Angle': group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"], 'Leaf Shape': nodegroup_shape.outputs["Value"]})
- nodegroup_vein_coord_002 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord(
- vein_curve_control_points=[(0.0, 0.0), (0.0182, 0.05), (0.3364, 0.2386), (0.8091, 0.7312), (1.0, 0.9937)],
- vein_curve_control_handles=['AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO']).name,
- input_kwargs={'X Modulated': nodegroup_midrib.outputs["X Modulated"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
- 'Vein Asymmetry': group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"], 'Vein Angle': group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"], 'Leaf Shape': nodegroup_shape.outputs["Value"]})
- nodegroup_vein_coord_003 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord(
- vein_curve_control_points=[(0.0, 0.0), (0.0182, 0.05), (0.2909, 0.2199), (0.4182, 0.3063), (0.7045, 0.3), (1.0, 0.8562)],
- vein_curve_control_handles=['AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'AUTO']).name,
- input_kwargs={'X Modulated': nodegroup_midrib.outputs["X Modulated"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
- 'Vein Asymmetry': group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"], 'Vein Angle': group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"], 'Leaf Shape': nodegroup_shape.outputs["Value"]})
- nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib(random_scale_seed=kwargs['vein_mask_random_seed']).name,
- input_kwargs={'Midrib Value': nodegroup_midrib.outputs["Midrib Value"], 'Leaf Shape': nodegroup_shape.outputs["Leaf Shape"], 'Vein Density': group_input.outputs["Vein Density"], 'Vein Coord - main': nodegroup_vein_coord_002, 'Vein Coord - 1': nodegroup_vein_coord, 'Vein Coord - 2': nodegroup_vein_coord_003})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Displancement scale"], 1: nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Mesh"], 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw().name,
- input_kwargs={'Midrib Value': nodegroup_midrib.outputs["Midrib Value"], 'Vein Coord': nodegroup_vein_coord_002, 'Leaf Shape': nodegroup_shape.outputs["Leaf Shape"], 'Jigsaw Scale': group_input.outputs["Jigsaw Scale"], 'Jigsaw Depth': group_input.outputs["Jigsaw Depth"]})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw, 1: 0.5},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- delete_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.DeleteGeom,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Selection': less_than})
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': delete_geometry, 2: nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: -0.6, 2: 0.6})
- float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0), (0.5182, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0)])
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': nodegroup_shape.outputs["Leaf Shape"], 2: -1.0})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0045, 0.0063), (0.0409, 0.0375), (0.4182, 0.05), (1.0, 0.0)])
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve_1, 1: float_curve},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: 0.7},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_2})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': combine_xyz_1})
- nodegroup_vein_coord_001 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord_001().name,
- input_kwargs={'X Modulated': nodegroup_midrib.outputs["X Modulated"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Vein Asymmetry': group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"], 'Vein Angle': group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_position_1, 'Attribute': capture_attribute.outputs[2], 'X Modulated': nodegroup_midrib.outputs["X Modulated"], 'Vein Coord': nodegroup_vein_coord_001, 'Vein Value': nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib})
-def shader_material(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'vein value'})
- # rgb_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
- # rgb_3.outputs[0].default_value = (0.9823, 0.8388, 0.117, 1.0)
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': 6.8, 'Detail': 10.0, 'Roughness': 0.7})
- separate_rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Image': noise_texture.outputs["Color"]})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["G"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.48, 4: 0.52})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["B"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.8, 4: 1.2})
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'subvein offset'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': attribute.outputs["Color"], 2: -0.94})
- # rgb_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
- # rgb_1.outputs[0].default_value = (0.1878, 0.305, 0.0762, 1.0)
- # rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
- # rgb.outputs[0].default_value = (0.0762, 0.1441, 0.0529, 1.0)
- hue_saturation_value_1 = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Value': 2.0, 'Color': kwargs['color_base']})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': map_range.outputs["Result"], 'Color1': hue_saturation_value_1, 'Color2': kwargs['color_base']})
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Hue': map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 'Value': map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 'Color': mix})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute_1.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': kwargs['color_vein'], 'Color2': hue_saturation_value})
- leaf_shader = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_shader().name,
- input_kwargs={'Color': mix_1})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': leaf_shader})
-def geo_leaf_broadleaf(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Level': 10})
- # subdivide_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
- # input_kwargs={'Mesh': subdivide_mesh})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh, 1: position},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- nodegroup_leaf_gen = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_gen(**kwargs).name,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Displancement scale': 0.005,
- 'Vein Asymmetry': kwargs['vein_asymmetry'], # 0.3023
- 'Vein Density': kwargs['vein_density'], # 7.0
- 'Jigsaw Scale': kwargs['jigsaw_scale'], # 50
- 'Jigsaw Depth': kwargs['jigsaw_depth'], # 0.3
- 'Vein Angle': kwargs['vein_angle'], # 0.3
- 'Midrib Length': kwargs['midrib_length'], # 0.3336
- 'Midrib Width': kwargs['midrib_length'], # 0.6302,
- 'Stem Length': kwargs['stem_length'],
- })
- nodegroup_sub_vein = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein().name,
- input_kwargs={'X': nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["X Modulated"], 'Y': nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Vein Coord"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: nodegroup_sub_vein.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0002},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Mesh"], 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 2: nodegroup_sub_vein.outputs["Color Value"]})
- capture_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"], 2: nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Vein Value"]})
- apply_wave = nw.new_node(nodegroup_apply_wave(y_wave_control_points=kwargs['y_wave_control_points'], x_wave_control_points=kwargs['x_wave_control_points']).name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute_2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Wave Scale X': 0.2, 'Wave Scale Y': 1.0, 'X Modulated': nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["X Modulated"]})
- move_to_origin = nw.new_node(nodegroup_move_to_origin().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': apply_wave})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': move_to_origin, 'Offset': nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Attribute"], 'Coordinate': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"], 'subvein offset': capture_attribute_1.outputs[2], 'vein value': capture_attribute_2.outputs[2]})
-class LeafFactoryBroadleaf(AssetFactory):
- scale = 0.5
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, season='autumn', coarse=False):
- super(LeafFactoryBroadleaf, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.genome = self.sample_geo_genome()
- t = uniform(0.0, 1.0)
- if season=='autumn':
- hsvcol_blade = [uniform(0.0, 0.20), 0.85, 0.9]
- hsvcol_vein = np.copy(hsvcol_blade)
- hsvcol_vein[2] = 0.7
- elif season=='summer' or season=='spring':
- hsvcol_blade = [uniform(0.28, 0.32), uniform(0.6, 0.7), 0.9]
- hsvcol_vein = np.copy(hsvcol_blade)
- hsvcol_blade[2] = uniform(0.1, 0.5)
- hsvcol_vein[2] = uniform(0.1, 0.5)
- elif season=='winter':
- hsvcol_blade = [uniform(0.0, 0.10), uniform(0.2, 0.6), uniform(0.0, 0.1)]
- hsvcol_vein = [uniform(0.0, 0.10), uniform(0.2, 0.6), uniform(0.0, 0.1)]
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- self.blade_color = hsvcol_blade
- self.vein_color = hsvcol_vein
- self.color_randomness = uniform(0.05, 0.10)
- # if t < 0.5:
- # self.blade_color = np.array((0.2346, 0.4735, 0.0273, 1.0))
- # else:
- # self.blade_color = np.array((1.000, 0.855, 0.007, 1.0))
- @staticmethod
- def sample_geo_genome():
- leaf_width_1 = uniform(0.2, 0.4)
- leaf_width_2 = uniform(0.1, leaf_width_1)
- leaf_offset_1 = uniform(0.49, 0.51)
- return {
- 'midrib_length': uniform(0.0, 0.8),
- 'midrib_width': uniform(0.5, 1.0),
- 'stem_length': uniform(0.7, 0.9),
- 'vein_asymmetry': uniform(0.0, 1.0),
- 'vein_angle': uniform(0.4, 1.0),
- 'vein_density': uniform(3.0, 8.0),
- 'subvein_scale': uniform(10.0, 20.0),
- 'jigsaw_scale': uniform(30.0, 70.0),
- 'jigsaw_depth': uniform(0.0, 0.6),
- 'vein_mask_random_seed': uniform(0.0, 100.0),
- 'midrib_curve_control_points': [(0.0, 0.5), (0.25, leaf_offset_1), (0.75, 1.0-leaf_offset_1), (1.0, 0.5)],
- 'shape_curve_control_points': [(0.0, 0.0), (uniform(0.2, 0.4), leaf_width_1), (uniform(0.6, 0.8), leaf_width_2), (1.0, 0.0)],
- 'vein_curve_control_points': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.25, uniform(0.1, 0.4)), (0.75, uniform(0.6, 0.9)), (1.0, 1.0)],
- }
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=2, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- # add noise to the genotype output
- #hue_noise = np.random.randn() * 0
- #hsv_blade = self.hsv_blade + hue_noise
- #hsv_vein = self.hsv_vein + hue_noise
- phenome = self.genome.copy()
- phenome['y_wave_control_points'] = [(0.0, 0.5), (uniform(0.25, 0.75), uniform(0.50, 0.60)), (1.0, 0.5)]
- x_wave_val = np.random.uniform(0.50, 0.58)
- phenome['x_wave_control_points'] = [(0.0, 0.5), (0.4, x_wave_val), (0.5, 0.5), (0.6, x_wave_val), (1.0, 0.5)]
- material_kwargs = phenome.copy()
- material_kwargs['color_base'] = np.copy(self.blade_color) # (0.2346, 0.4735, 0.0273, 1.0),
- material_kwargs['color_base'][0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
- material_kwargs['color_base'][1] += np.random.normal(0.0, self.color_randomness)
- material_kwargs['color_base'][2] += np.random.normal(0.0, self.color_randomness)
- material_kwargs['color_base'] = hsv2rgba(material_kwargs['color_base'])
- material_kwargs['color_vein'] = np.copy(self.vein_color) # (0.2346, 0.4735, 0.0273, 1.0),
- material_kwargs['color_vein'][0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
- material_kwargs['color_vein'][1] += np.random.normal(0.0, self.color_randomness)
- material_kwargs['color_vein'][2] += np.random.normal(0.0, self.color_randomness)
- material_kwargs['color_vein'] = hsv2rgba(material_kwargs['color_vein'])
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_leaf_broadleaf, apply=False, attributes=['offset', 'coordinate', 'subvein offset', 'vein value'], input_kwargs=phenome)
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_material, reuse=False, input_kwargs=material_kwargs)
- bpy.ops.object.convert(target='MESH')
- obj = bpy.context.object
- obj.scale *= normal(1, 0.1) * self.scale
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- tag_object(obj, 'leaf_broadleaf')
- return obj
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/leaves/leaf_ginko.py b/infinigen/assets/leaves/leaf_ginko.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7beee01a9..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/leaves/leaf_ginko.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,528 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.leaves.leaf_v2 import nodegroup_move_to_origin, nodegroup_apply_wave
-from infinigen.assets.leaves.leaf_maple import nodegroup_leaf_shader
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-def deg2rad(deg):
- return deg / 180.0 * np.pi
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_ginko_stem', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_ginko_stem(nw: NodeWrangler, stem_curve_control_points=[(0.0, 0.4938), (0.3659, 0.4969), (0.7477, 0.4688), (1.0, 0.4969)]):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Coordinate', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Length', 0.64),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.005)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Coordinate"], 1: (0.0, 0.03, 0.0)})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"]})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: -1.0, 2: 0.0})
- float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_2.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0], stem_curve_control_points)
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': float_curve_1, 3: -1.0})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_3.outputs["Result"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["X"]})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: -1.72, 2: -0.35, 3: 0.03, 4: 0.008},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: group_input.outputs["Length"]})
- absolute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: absolute_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Length"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- smooth_max = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: subtract_1, 2: 0.02},
- attrs={'operation': 'SMOOTH_MAX'})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: smooth_max, 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Stem': subtract_2, 'Stem Raw': absolute})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_ginko_vein', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_ginko_vein(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale Vein', 80.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale Wave', 5.0)])
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vector"], 1: (-0.18, 0.0, 0.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': subtract.outputs["Vector"]})
- gradient_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.GradientTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': subtract.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'gradient_type': 'RADIAL'}
- )
- pingpong = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: gradient_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'PINGPONG'})
- length = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'LENGTH'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: pingpong},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: -0.44},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: length.outputs["Value"], 1: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: pingpong, 1: multiply_1})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.005, 2: add},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': multiply_add})
- wave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz_2, 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale Vein"], 'Distortion': 0.6, 'Detail': 3.0, 'Detail Scale': 5.0, 'Detail Roughness': 1.0, 'Phase Offset': -4.62})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: wave_texture_1.outputs["Color"], 1: length.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply_2, 1: 0.15, 2: -0.32, 4: -0.02})
- multiply_add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.03, 2: add},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': multiply_add_1})
- wave_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz_3, 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale Wave"], 'Distortion': -0.42, 'Detail': 10.0, 'Detail Roughness': 1.0, 'Phase Offset': -4.62})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: wave_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], 1: length.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vein': map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 'Wave': multiply_3})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_ginko_shape', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_ginko_shape(nw: NodeWrangler, shape_curve_control_points=[(0.0, 0.0), (0.523, 0.1156), (0.5805, 0.7469), (0.7742, 0.7719), (0.9461, 0.7531), (1.0, 0.0)]):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Coordinate', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Multiplier', 1.980),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale Margin', 6.6),
- ])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Coordinate"], 1: (0.9, 1.0, 0.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- length = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'LENGTH'})
- gradient_texture = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeTexGradient',
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Coordinate"]})
- gradient_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.GradientTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Coordinate"]},
- attrs={'gradient_type': 'RADIAL'})
- pingpong = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: gradient_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'PINGPONG'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: pingpong, 1: group_input.outputs["Multiplier"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': gradient_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '1D'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.3},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_2})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': add})
- wave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz_1, 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale Margin"], 'Distortion': 5.82, 'Detail': 1.52, 'Detail Roughness': 1.0})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: wave_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.02},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply_1})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], shape_curve_control_points)
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: float_curve})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: length.outputs["Value"], 1: add_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': subtract})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_valid_area', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_valid_area(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5)])
- sign = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SIGN'})
- map_range_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': sign, 1: -1.0, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Result': map_range_4.outputs["Result"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_ginko', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_ginko(nw: NodeWrangler, stem_curve_control_points, shape_curve_control_points):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Length', 0.64),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Width', 0.005),
- ('NodeSocketFloatAngle', 'Angle', -1.7617),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Displacenment', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Multiplier', 1.980),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale Vein', 80.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale Wave', 5.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale Margin', 6.6),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Level', 9),
- ])
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Mesh"], 'Level': group_input.outputs["Level"]})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'Angle': group_input.outputs["Angle"]},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'Z_AXIS'})
- ginkoshape = nw.new_node(nodegroup_ginko_shape(shape_curve_control_points=shape_curve_control_points).name,
- input_kwargs={'Coordinate': vector_rotate, 'Multiplier': group_input.outputs["Multiplier"], 'Scale Margin': group_input.outputs["Scale Margin"]})
- validarea = nw.new_node(nodegroup_valid_area().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': ginkoshape})
- ginkovein = nw.new_node(nodegroup_ginko_vein().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate, 'Scale Vein': group_input.outputs["Scale Vein"], 'Scale Wave': group_input.outputs["Scale Wave"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: validarea, 1: ginkovein.outputs["Vein"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': ginkoshape, 1: -1.0, 2: 0.0, 3: -5.0, 4: 0.0},
- attrs={'clamp': False})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: map_range_4.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY', 'use_clamp': True})
- clamp = nw.new_node(Nodes.Clamp,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply_1, 'Max': 0.01})
- capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh, 2: clamp})
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"], 2: ginkoshape})
- ginkostem = nw.new_node(nodegroup_ginko_stem(stem_curve_control_points=stem_curve_control_points).name,
- input_kwargs={'Coordinate': position, 'Length': group_input.outputs["Vein Length"], 'Value': group_input.outputs["Vein Width"]})
- smooth_min = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: ginkoshape, 1: ginkostem.outputs["Stem"], 2: 0.1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SMOOTH_MIN'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: smooth_min, 1: -1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- stem_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: 0.0},
- label='stem length',
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- delete_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.DeleteGeom,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Selection': stem_length})
- validarea_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_valid_area().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': ginkostem.outputs["Stem"]})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: validarea_1, 1: ginkostem.outputs["Stem Raw"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: clamp})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add, 1: group_input.outputs["Displacenment"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_4})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': delete_geometry, 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- validarea_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_valid_area().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': ginkoshape})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: validarea_2, 1: ginkovein.outputs["Wave"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Vein': capture_attribute_1.outputs[2], 'Shape': capture_attribute.outputs[2], 'Wave': multiply_5})
-def shader_material(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'vein'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': attribute.outputs["Color"], 2: 0.12, 4: 6.26})
- attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'shape'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': attribute_1.outputs["Color"], 1: -0.74, 2: 0.01, 3: 2.0, 4: 0.0})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0), (0.3795, 0.6344), (1.0, 1.0)])
- separate_hsv = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeSeparateHSV',
- input_kwargs={'Color': kwargs['color_base']})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_hsv.outputs["V"], 1: 0.2},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_hsv = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineHSV,
- input_kwargs={'H': separate_hsv.outputs["H"], 'S': separate_hsv.outputs["S"], 'V': subtract})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': float_curve, 'Color1': kwargs['color_base'], 'Color2': combine_hsv})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': map_range.outputs["Result"], 'Color1': mix_1, 'Color2': kwargs['color_vein']})
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_shader().name,
- input_kwargs={'Color': mix})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': group})
-def geo_leaf_ginko(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- nodegroup = nw.new_node(nodegroup_ginko(stem_curve_control_points=kwargs['stem_curve_control_points'],
- shape_curve_control_points=kwargs['shape_curve_control_points']).name,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Vein Length': kwargs['vein_length'],
- 'Angle': deg2rad(kwargs['angle']),
- 'Multiplier': kwargs['multiplier'],
- 'Scale Vein': kwargs['scale_vein'],
- 'Scale Wave': kwargs['scale_wave'],
- 'Scale Margin': kwargs['scale_margin'],
- })
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': nodegroup.outputs["Wave"], 4: 0.04})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': nodegroup.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- apply_wave = nw.new_node(nodegroup_apply_wave(y_wave_control_points=kwargs['y_wave_control_points'], x_wave_control_points=kwargs['x_wave_control_points']).name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Wave Scale X': 0.0, 'Wave Scale Y': 1.0, 'X Modulated': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]})
- move_to_origin = nw.new_node(nodegroup_move_to_origin().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': apply_wave})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': move_to_origin, 'Vein': nodegroup.outputs["Vein"], 'Shape': nodegroup.outputs["Shape"]})
-class LeafFactoryGinko(AssetFactory):
- scale = 0.3
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, season='autumn', coarse=False):
- super(LeafFactoryGinko, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.genome = self.sample_geo_genome()
- t = uniform(0.0, 1.0)
- # self.blade_color = hsv2rgba([0.125 + 0.16 * factory_seed / 10, 0.95, 0.6])
- if season=='autumn':
- self.blade_color = [uniform(0.125, 0.2), 0.95, 0.6]
- elif season=='summer' or season=='spring':
- self.blade_color = [uniform(0.25, 0.3), 0.95, 0.6]
- elif season=='winter':
- self.blade_color = [uniform(0.125, 0.2), 0.95, 0.6]
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- self.color_randomness = 0.05
- @staticmethod
- def sample_geo_genome():
- return {
- 'midrib_length': uniform(0.0, 0.8),
- 'midrib_width': uniform(0.5, 1.0),
- 'stem_length': uniform(0.7, 0.9),
- 'vein_asymmetry': uniform(0.0, 1.0),
- 'vein_angle': uniform(0.2, 2.0),
- 'vein_density': uniform(5.0, 20.0),
- 'subvein_scale': uniform(10.0, 20.0),
- 'jigsaw_scale': uniform(5.0, 20.0),
- 'jigsaw_depth': uniform(0.0, 2.0),
- 'midrib_shape_control_points': [(0.0, 0.5), (0.25, uniform(0.48, 0.52)), (0.75, uniform(0.48, 0.52)), (1.0, 0.5)],
- 'leaf_shape_control_points': [(0.0, 0.0), (uniform(0.2, 0.4), uniform(0.1, 0.4)), (uniform(0.6, 0.8), uniform(0.1, 0.4)), (1.0, 0.0)],
- 'vein_shape_control_points': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.25, uniform(0.1, 0.4)), (0.75, uniform(0.6, 0.9)), (1.0, 1.0)],
- }
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=2, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- # add noise to the genotype output
- #hue_noise = np.random.randn() * 0
- #hsv_blade = self.hsv_blade + hue_noise
- #hsv_vein = self.hsv_vein + hue_noise
- phenome = self.genome.copy()
- phenome['y_wave_control_points'] = [(0.0, 0.5), (uniform(0.25, 0.75), uniform(0.50, 0.60)), (1.0, 0.5)]
- x_wave_val = np.random.uniform(0.50, 0.58)
- phenome['x_wave_control_points'] = [(0.0, 0.5), (0.4, x_wave_val), (0.5, 0.5), (0.6, x_wave_val), (1.0, 0.5)]
- phenome['stem_curve_control_points'] = [(0.0, 0.5),
- (uniform(0.2, 0.3), uniform(0.45, 0.55)),
- (uniform(0.7, 0.8), uniform(0.45, 0.55)),
- (1.0, 0.5)]
- phenome['shape_curve_control_points'] = [(0.0, 0.0), (0.523, 0.1156), (0.5805, 0.7469), (0.7742, 0.7719), (0.9461, 0.7531), (1.0, 0.0)]
- phenome['vein_length'] = uniform(0.4, 0.5)
- phenome['angle'] = uniform(-110.0, -70.0)
- phenome['multiplier'] = uniform(1.90, 1.98)
- phenome['scale_vein'] = uniform(70.0, 90.0)
- phenome['scale_wave'] = uniform(4.0, 6.0)
- phenome['scale_margin'] = uniform(5.5, 7.5)
- material_kwargs = phenome.copy()
- material_kwargs['color_base'] = np.copy(self.blade_color) # (0.2346, 0.4735, 0.0273, 1.0),
- material_kwargs['color_base'][0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
- material_kwargs['color_base'][1] += np.random.normal(0.0, self.color_randomness)
- material_kwargs['color_base'][2] += np.random.normal(0.0, self.color_randomness)
- material_kwargs['color_base'] = hsv2rgba(material_kwargs['color_base'])
- material_kwargs['color_vein'] = hsv2rgba(np.copy(self.blade_color))
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_leaf_ginko, apply=False, attributes=['vein', 'shape'], input_kwargs=phenome)
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_material, reuse=False, input_kwargs=material_kwargs)
- bpy.ops.object.convert(target='MESH')
- obj = bpy.context.object
- obj.scale *= normal(1, 0.2) * self.scale
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- tag_object(obj, 'leaf_ginko')
- return obj
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/leaves/leaf_maple.py b/infinigen/assets/leaves/leaf_maple.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d28459f4d..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/leaves/leaf_maple.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,798 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9YmJ0zGWHw by Creative Shrimp
-import numpy as np
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.leaves.leaf_v2 import nodegroup_apply_wave
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-def deg2rad(deg):
- return deg / 180.0 * np.pi
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_vein', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_vein(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloatAngle', 'Angle', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Length', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Start', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Modulated', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Anneal', 0.4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Phase Offset', 0.0)])
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Vector"]})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': absolute, 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Z': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz_1, 'Angle': group_input.outputs["Angle"]},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'Z_AXIS'})
- separate_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz_1})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 2: 0.3})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0), (0.5932, 0.1969), (1.0, 1.0)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: 0.2},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_3.outputs["X"], 1: multiply})
- sign = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SIGN'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: sign, 1: 0.1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add, 1: multiply_1})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Phase Offset"]})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': add_2, 'Scale': 8.0, 'Randomness': 0.7125},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '1D'})
- length = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: vector_rotate},
- attrs={'operation': 'LENGTH'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 0.05, 1: length.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY', 'use_clamp': True})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 0.08, 1: multiply_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT', 'use_clamp': True})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 2: subtract, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- absolute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: 0.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Anneal"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: absolute_1, 1: multiply_3},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: less_than},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- less_than_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add, 1: group_input.outputs["Start"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: less_than_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Result': multiply_5})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leaf_shader', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_shader(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketColor', 'Color', (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0))])
- diffuse_bsdf = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBsdfDiffuse',
- input_kwargs={'Color': group_input.outputs["Color"]})
- glossy_bsdf = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBsdfGlossy',
- input_kwargs={'Color': group_input.outputs["Color"], 'Roughness': 0.3})
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.2, 1: diffuse_bsdf, 2: glossy_bsdf})
- translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslucentBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': group_input.outputs["Color"]})
- mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.3, 1: mix_shader, 2: translucent_bsdf})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Shader': mix_shader_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_node_group_002', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_node_group_002(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- length = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position},
- attrs={'operation': 'LENGTH'})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Shape', 0.5)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: length.outputs["Value"], 1: group_input.outputs["Shape"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply, 1: -1.0, 2: 0.0, 3: -0.1, 4: 0.1},
- attrs={'clamp': False})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Result': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'X', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 0.0)])
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': absolute, 'Y': group_input.outputs["Y"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.9, 'Color1': noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': combine_xyz})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix, 'Scale': 30.0})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.1, 4: 2.0},
- attrs={'clamp': False})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix, 'Scale': 150.0},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.1})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add, 1: -1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 4: -1.0})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply, 'Color Value': map_range_3.outputs["Result"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_midrib', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_midrib(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloatAngle', 'Angle', 0.8238),
- ('NodeSocketFloatAngle', 'vein Angle', 0.7854),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'vein Length', 0.2),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'vein Start', -0.2),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Anneal', 0.4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Phase Offset', 0.0)])
- vector_rotate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Vector"], 'Angle': group_input.outputs["Angle"]},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'Z_AXIS'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate_1})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.5), (0.1432, 0.5406), (0.2591, 0.5062), (0.3705, 0.5406), (0.4591, 0.425), (0.5932, 0.4562), (0.7432, 0.3562), (0.8727, 0.5062), (1.0, 0.5)])
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.1
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: multiply})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add, 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- vein = nw.new_node(nodegroup_vein().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate_1, 'Angle': group_input.outputs["vein Angle"], 'Length': group_input.outputs["vein Length"], 'Start': group_input.outputs["vein Start"], 'X Modulated': subtract, 'Anneal': group_input.outputs["Anneal"], 'Phase Offset': group_input.outputs["Phase Offset"]})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate_1, 'Scale': 10.0})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: 0.01},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: multiply_2})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': add_1, 2: 0.01, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: 0.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: greater_than},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- maximum = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: vein, 1: multiply_3},
- attrs={'operation': 'MAXIMUM'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Result': maximum, 'Vector': vector_rotate_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_valid_area', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_valid_area(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5)])
- sign = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SIGN'})
- map_range_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': sign, 1: -1.0, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Result': map_range_4.outputs["Result"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_maple_shape', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_maple_shape(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Coordinate', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Multiplier', 1.96),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Noise Level', 0.02)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Coordinate"], 1: (0.9, 1.0, 0.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- length = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'LENGTH'})
- gradient_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.GradientTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Coordinate"]},
- attrs={'gradient_type': 'RADIAL'})
- pingpong = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: gradient_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'PINGPONG'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: pingpong, 1: group_input.outputs["Multiplier"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply_1})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0), (0.1156, 0.075), (0.2109, 0.2719), (0.2602, 0.2344), (0.3633, 0.2625), (0.4171, 0.5545), (0.4336, 0.5344), (0.4568, 0.7094), (0.4749, 0.6012), (0.4882, 0.6636), (0.5352, 0.4594), (0.5484, 0.4375), (0.5648, 0.4469), (0.6366, 0.7331), (0.6719, 0.6562), (0.7149, 0.8225), (0.768, 0.6344), (0.7928, 0.6853), (0.8156, 0.5125), (0.8297, 0.4906), (0.85, 0.5125), (0.8988, 0.747), (0.9297, 0.6937), (0.9648, 0.8937), (0.9797, 0.8656), (0.9883, 0.8938), (1.0, 1.0)], handles=['AUTO', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO'])
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: length.outputs["Value"], 1: float_curve},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 0.06},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply_1})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0), (0.1156, 0.075), (0.2109, 0.2719), (0.2602, 0.2344), (0.3633, 0.2625), (0.4336, 0.5344), (0.4568, 0.7094), (0.4749, 0.6012), (0.5352, 0.4594), (0.5484, 0.4375), (0.5648, 0.4469), (0.6719, 0.6562), (0.7149, 0.8225), (0.768, 0.6344), (0.8156, 0.5125), (0.8297, 0.4906), (0.85, 0.5125), (0.9297, 0.6937), (0.9883, 0.8938), (1.0, 1.0)], handles=['AUTO', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO'])
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: length.outputs["Value"], 1: float_curve_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- subtract_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_2, 1: 0.06},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Shape': subtract_1, 'Displacement': subtract_3})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_maple_stem', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_maple_stem(nw: NodeWrangler, stem_curve_control_points):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Coordinate', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Length', 0.64),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.005)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Coordinate"], 1: (0.0, 0.08, 0.0)})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"]})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: -1.0, 2: 0.0})
- float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_2.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0], stem_curve_control_points)
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': float_curve_1, 3: -1.0})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_3.outputs["Result"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["X"]})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: -1.72, 2: -0.35, 3: 0.03, 4: 0.008},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: group_input.outputs["Length"]})
- absolute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: absolute_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Length"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- smooth_max = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: subtract_1, 2: 0.02},
- attrs={'operation': 'SMOOTH_MAX'})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: smooth_max, 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Stem': subtract_2, 'Stem Raw': absolute})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_move_to_origin', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_move_to_origin(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 2: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 0.0, 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- attribute_statistic_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 2: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 0.0, 1: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Max"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': subtract, 'Z': subtract_1})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
-def shader_material(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Detail': 10.0, 'Roughness': 0.7})
- separate_rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Image': noise_texture.outputs["Color"]})
- map_range_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["G"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.48, 4: 0.55},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- map_range_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["B"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.4},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'vein'})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': kwargs['color_vein'], 'Color2': kwargs['color_base']})
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Hue': map_range_4.outputs["Result"], 'Value': map_range_6.outputs["Result"], 'Color': mix})
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_shader().name,
- input_kwargs={'Color': hue_saturation_value})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': group})
-def geo_leaf_maple(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- # subdivide_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
- # input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Level': 11})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- maplestem = nw.new_node(nodegroup_maple_stem(stem_curve_control_points=kwargs['stem_curve_control_points']).name,
- input_kwargs={'Coordinate': position, 'Length': 0.32, 'Value': 0.005})
- vector_rotate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'Angle': deg2rad(kwargs['angle'])},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'Z_AXIS'})
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate_1, 'Angle': -1.5708},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'Z_AXIS'})
- mapleshape = nw.new_node(nodegroup_maple_shape().name,
- input_kwargs={'Coordinate': vector_rotate, 'Multiplier': kwargs['multiplier'], 'Noise Level': 0.04})
- smooth_min = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: maplestem.outputs["Stem"], 1: mapleshape.outputs["Shape"], 2: 0.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'SMOOTH_MIN'})
- stem_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: smooth_min},
- label='stem length')
- delete_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.DeleteGeom,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh, 'Selection': stem_length})
- validarea = nw.new_node(nodegroup_valid_area().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': mapleshape.outputs["Shape"]})
- midrib = nw.new_node(nodegroup_midrib().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate_1, 'Angle': 1.693, 'vein Length': 0.12, 'vein Start': -0.12, 'Phase Offset': uniform(0, 100)})
- midrib_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_midrib().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate_1, 'Angle': -1.7279, 'vein Length': 0.12, 'vein Start': -0.12, 'Phase Offset': uniform(0, 100)})
- maximum = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: midrib.outputs["Result"], 1: midrib_1.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MAXIMUM'})
- midrib_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_midrib().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate_1, 'Angle': 0.8901, 'vein Length': 0.2, 'vein Start': 0.0, 'Phase Offset': uniform(0, 100)})
- midrib_3 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_midrib().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate_1, 'Angle': -0.9041, 'vein Start': 0.0, 'Phase Offset': uniform(0, 100)})
- maximum_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: midrib_2.outputs["Result"], 1: midrib_3.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MAXIMUM'})
- maximum_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: maximum, 1: maximum_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MAXIMUM'})
- midrib_4 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_midrib().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate_1, 'Angle': 0.0, 'vein Length': 1.64, 'vein Start': -0.12, 'Phase Offset': uniform(0, 100)})
- midrib_5 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_midrib().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate_1, 'Angle': 3.1416, 'vein Angle': 0.761, 'vein Length': -10.56, 'vein Start': 0.02, 'Anneal': 10.0, 'Phase Offset': uniform(0, 100)})
- maximum_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: midrib_4.outputs["Result"], 1: midrib_5.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MAXIMUM'})
- maximum_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: maximum_2, 1: maximum_3},
- attrs={'operation': 'MAXIMUM'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- nodegroup_sub_vein = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein().name,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': nodegroup_sub_vein.outputs["Color Value"], 2: -0.94, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- maximum_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: maximum_4, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MAXIMUM'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: maximum_5},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: validarea, 1: subtract},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': delete_geometry, 2: multiply})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: nodegroup_sub_vein.outputs["Value"], 1: -0.03},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- maximum_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: maximum_4, 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MAXIMUM'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: maximum_6, 1: 0.015},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: -1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: validarea},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- validarea_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_valid_area().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': maplestem.outputs["Stem"]})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: maplestem.outputs["Stem Raw"], 1: 0.01},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: validarea_1, 1: subtract_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: multiply_5})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- nodegroup_002 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_node_group_002().name,
- input_kwargs={'Shape': mapleshape.outputs["Displacement"]})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_6, 1: nodegroup_002})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': add_1})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate_1})
- move_to_origin = nw.new_node(nodegroup_move_to_origin().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
- apply_wave = nw.new_node(nodegroup_apply_wave(y_wave_control_points=kwargs['y_wave_control_points'], x_wave_control_points=kwargs['x_wave_control_points']).name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': move_to_origin, 'Wave Scale X': 0.5, 'Wave Scale Y': 1.0, 'X Modulated': separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': apply_wave, 'Vein': capture_attribute.outputs[2]})
-class LeafFactoryMaple(AssetFactory):
- scale = 0.5
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, season='autumn', coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.genome = self.sample_geo_genome()
- t = uniform(0.0, 1.0)
- if season=='autumn':
- hsvcol_blade = [uniform(0.0, 0.20), 0.85, 0.9]
- hsvcol_vein = np.copy(hsvcol_blade)
- hsvcol_vein[2] = 0.7
- elif season=='summer' or season=='spring':
- hsvcol_blade = [uniform(0.28, 0.32), uniform(0.6, 0.7), 0.9]
- hsvcol_vein = np.copy(hsvcol_blade)
- hsvcol_blade[2] = uniform(0.1, 0.5)
- hsvcol_vein[2] = uniform(0.1, 0.5)
- elif season=='winter':
- hsvcol_blade = [uniform(0.0, 0.10), uniform(0.2, 0.6), uniform(0.0, 0.1)]
- hsvcol_vein = [uniform(0.0, 0.10), uniform(0.2, 0.6), uniform(0.0, 0.1)]
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- self.blade_color = hsvcol_blade
- self.vein_color = hsvcol_vein
- self.color_randomness = uniform(0.05, 0.10)
- # if t < 0.5:
- # self.blade_color = np.array((0.2346, 0.4735, 0.0273, 1.0))
- # else:
- # self.blade_color = np.array((1.000, 0.855, 0.007, 1.0))
- @staticmethod
- def sample_geo_genome():
- return {
- 'midrib_length': uniform(0.0, 0.8),
- 'midrib_width': uniform(0.5, 1.0),
- 'stem_length': uniform(0.7, 0.9),
- 'vein_asymmetry': uniform(0.0, 1.0),
- 'vein_angle': uniform(0.2, 2.0),
- 'vein_density': uniform(5.0, 20.0),
- 'subvein_scale': uniform(10.0, 20.0),
- 'jigsaw_scale': uniform(5.0, 20.0),
- 'jigsaw_depth': uniform(0.0, 2.0),
- 'midrib_shape_control_points': [(0.0, 0.5), (0.25, uniform(0.48, 0.52)), (0.75, uniform(0.48, 0.52)), (1.0, 0.5)],
- 'leaf_shape_control_points': [(0.0, 0.0), (uniform(0.2, 0.4), uniform(0.1, 0.4)), (uniform(0.6, 0.8), uniform(0.1, 0.4)), (1.0, 0.0)],
- 'vein_shape_control_points': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.25, uniform(0.1, 0.4)), (0.75, uniform(0.6, 0.9)), (1.0, 1.0)],
- }
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=4, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- # add noise to the genotype output
- #hue_noise = np.random.randn() * 0
- #hsv_blade = self.hsv_blade + hue_noise
- #hsv_vein = self.hsv_vein + hue_noise
- phenome = self.genome.copy()
- phenome['y_wave_control_points'] = [(0.0, 0.5), (uniform(0.25, 0.75), uniform(0.50, 0.60)), (1.0, 0.5)]
- x_wave_val = np.random.uniform(0.50, 0.58)
- phenome['x_wave_control_points'] = [(0.0, 0.5), (0.4, x_wave_val), (0.5, 0.5), (0.6, x_wave_val), (1.0, 0.5)]
- phenome['stem_curve_control_points'] = [(0.0, 0.5),
- (uniform(0.2, 0.3), uniform(0.45, 0.55)),
- (uniform(0.7, 0.8), uniform(0.45, 0.55)),
- (1.0, 0.5)]
- phenome['shape_curve_control_points'] = [(0.0, 0.0), (0.523, 0.1156), (0.5805, 0.7469), (0.7742, 0.7719), (0.9461, 0.7531), (1.0, 0.0)]
- phenome['vein_length'] = uniform(0.4, 0.5)
- phenome['angle'] = uniform(-15.0, 15.0)
- phenome['multiplier'] = uniform(1.92, 2.00)
- phenome['scale_vein'] = uniform(70.0, 90.0)
- phenome['scale_wave'] = uniform(4.0, 6.0)
- phenome['scale_margin'] = uniform(5.5, 7.5)
- material_kwargs = phenome.copy()
- material_kwargs['color_base'] = np.copy(self.blade_color) # (0.2346, 0.4735, 0.0273, 1.0),
- material_kwargs['color_base'][0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
- material_kwargs['color_base'][1] += np.random.normal(0.0, self.color_randomness)
- material_kwargs['color_base'][2] += np.random.normal(0.0, self.color_randomness)
- material_kwargs['color_base'] = hsv2rgba(material_kwargs['color_base'])
- material_kwargs['color_vein'] = np.copy(self.vein_color) # (0.2346, 0.4735, 0.0273, 1.0),
- material_kwargs['color_vein'][0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
- material_kwargs['color_vein'][1] += np.random.normal(0.0, self.color_randomness)
- material_kwargs['color_vein'][2] += np.random.normal(0.0, self.color_randomness)
- material_kwargs['color_vein'] = hsv2rgba(material_kwargs['color_vein'])
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_leaf_maple, apply=False, attributes=['vein'], input_kwargs=phenome)
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_material, reuse=False, input_kwargs=material_kwargs)
- bpy.ops.object.convert(target='MESH')
- obj = bpy.context.object
- obj.scale *= normal(1, 0.1) * self.scale
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- tag_object(obj, 'leaf_maple')
- return obj
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/leaves/leaf_pine.py b/infinigen/assets/leaves/leaf_pine.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 24d25b8c7..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/leaves/leaf_pine.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-from random import randint
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-######## code for creating pine needles ########
-def shader_needle(nw):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.1 of the node_transpiler
- velvet_bsdf = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBsdfVelvet',
- input_kwargs={'Color': (0.016, 0.2241, 0.0252, 1.0)})
- glossy_bsdf = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBsdfGlossy',
- input_kwargs={'Color': (0.5771, 0.8, 0.5713, 1.0), 'Roughness': 0.4})
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.3, 1: velvet_bsdf, 2: glossy_bsdf})
- translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslucentBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': (0.0116, 0.4409, 0.0262, 1.0)})
- mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.1, 1: mix_shader, 2: translucent_bsdf})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader_1})
-def geometry_needle(nw):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.1 of the node_transpiler
- cone = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCone',
- input_kwargs={'Vertices': 4, 'Radius Top': 0.01, 'Radius Bottom': 0.02, 'Depth': 1.0})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cone.outputs["Mesh"], 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_needle)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material})
-def apply_needle(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_needle, selection=selection, attributes=[])
-def make_needle(name='Needle'):
- if bpy.context.scene.objects.get(name):
- return bpy.context.scene.objects.get(name)
- else:
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=2, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- needle = bpy.context.active_object
- needle.name = name
- apply_needle(needle)
- bpy.ops.object.convert(target='MESH')
- return needle
-######## code for creating pine needles ########
-######## code for creating pine twigs ########
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_instance_needle', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_instance_needle(nw):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'Needle Density', 0.9),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Seed', 0),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Instance', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Angle Mean', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Angle Range', 0.0)])
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeSplineParameter')
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"], 1: 0.1})
- random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={'Probability': group_input.outputs["Needle Density"], 'Seed': group_input.outputs["Seed"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'BOOLEAN'})
- op_and = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: random_value_3.outputs[3]})
- curve_tangent = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeInputTangent')
- align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': curve_tangent},
- attrs={'axis': 'Y'}
- )
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: 0.6, 'Seed': group_input.outputs["Seed"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': 0.8, 'Y': 0.8, 'Z': random_value.outputs[1]})
- value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.3
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 1: value_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': group_input.outputs["Curve"], 'Selection': op_and, 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Instance"], 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector, 'Scale': multiply.outputs["Vector"]})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Angle Mean"], 1: group_input.outputs["X Angle Range"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Angle Mean"], 1: group_input.outputs["X Angle Range"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- random_value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: add, 3: subtract, 'Seed': group_input.outputs["Seed"]})
- radians = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: random_value_2.outputs[1]},
- attrs={'operation': 'RADIANS'})
- random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={3: 360.0, 'Seed': group_input.outputs["Seed"]})
- radians_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: random_value_1.outputs[1]},
- attrs={'operation': 'RADIANS'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': radians, 'Y': radians_1})
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeRotateInstances',
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points, 'Rotation': combine_xyz_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': rotate_instances})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_needle5', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_needle5(nw):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Instance', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Angle Mean', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Angle Range', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'Needle Density', 0.9),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Seed', 0)])
- instanceneedle = nw.new_node(nodegroup_instance_needle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"], 'Needle Density': group_input.outputs["Needle Density"], 'Seed': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Instance"], 'X Angle Mean': group_input.outputs["X Angle Mean"], 'X Angle Range': group_input.outputs["X Angle Range"]})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Seed"], 1: 1.0})
- instanceneedle_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_instance_needle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"], 'Needle Density': group_input.outputs["Needle Density"], 'Seed': add, 'X Angle Mean': group_input.outputs["X Angle Mean"], 'X Angle Range': group_input.outputs["X Angle Range"]})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Seed"], 1: 2.0})
- instanceneedle_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_instance_needle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"], 'Needle Density': group_input.outputs["Needle Density"], 'Seed': add_1, 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Instance"], 'X Angle Mean': group_input.outputs["X Angle Mean"], 'X Angle Range': group_input.outputs["X Angle Range"]})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Seed"], 1: 3.0})
- instanceneedle_3 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_instance_needle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"], 'Needle Density': group_input.outputs["Needle Density"], 'Seed': add_2, 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Instance"], 'X Angle Mean': group_input.outputs["X Angle Mean"], 'X Angle Range': group_input.outputs["X Angle Range"]})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Seed"], 1: 4.0})
- instanceneedle_4 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_instance_needle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"], 'Needle Density': group_input.outputs["Needle Density"], 'Seed': add_3, 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Instance"], 'X Angle Mean': group_input.outputs["X Angle Mean"], 'X Angle Range': group_input.outputs["X Angle Range"]})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [instanceneedle, instanceneedle_1, instanceneedle_2, instanceneedle_3, instanceneedle_4]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': join_geometry})
-def shader_twig(nw):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': (0.08, 0.0329, 0.0414, 1.0), 'Specular': 0.0527, 'Roughness': 0.4491})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pine_twig', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pine_twig(nw):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketIntUnsigned', 'Resolution', 20),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Middle Y', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Middle Z', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'Needle Density', 0.9),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Instance', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Angle Mean', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Angle Range', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Seed', 0)])
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 1: 30.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- divide_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: 2.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Middle Y"], 'Y': divide_1, 'Z': group_input.outputs["Middle Z"]})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': divide})
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Start': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'Middle': combine_xyz, 'End': combine_xyz_1})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': -1.7},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeSplineParameter')
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 1: 0.1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"], 1: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': quadratic_bezier, 'Offset': multiply_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- power = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 2.0, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position, 'Radius': power})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 16, 'Radius': 0.01})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_twig)})
- needle5 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_needle5().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position, 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Instance"], 'X Angle Mean': group_input.outputs["X Angle Mean"], 'X Angle Range': group_input.outputs["X Angle Range"], 'Needle Density': group_input.outputs["Needle Density"], 'Seed': group_input.outputs["Seed"]})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material, needle5]})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry})
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances, 'Shade Smooth': False})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_shade_smooth})
-def shader_twig(nw):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': (0.08, 0.0329, 0.0414, 1.0), 'Specular': 0.0527, 'Roughness': 0.4491})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-def geometry_node_pine_twig(nw, needle_name='Needle', length=30, middle_y=0.0, middle_z=0.0, seed=0, x_angle_mean=-50.0, x_angle_range=10.0):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- object_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo,
- input_kwargs={'Object': bpy.data.objects[needle_name]})
- pine_needle = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pine_twig().name,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': length, 'Middle Y': middle_y, 'Middle Z': middle_z, 'Instance': object_info.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'X Angle Mean': x_angle_mean, 'X Angle Range': x_angle_range, 'Seed': seed})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': pine_needle})
-def apply_twig(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_node_pine_twig, selection=selection, attributes=[], input_kwargs=kwargs)
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_twig, selection=selection)
-def make_pine_twig(**kwargs):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=2, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- twig = bpy.context.active_object
- twig.name = "Twig"
- apply_twig(twig, **kwargs)
- # bpy.ops.object.convert(target='MESH')
- return twig
-class LeafFactoryPine(AssetFactory):
- scale = 0.7
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, season='autumn', coarse=False):
- super(LeafFactoryPine, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.needle = make_needle('Needle')
- self.needle.hide_viewport = True
- self.needle.hide_render = True
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- # with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- seed = randint(0, 1e6)
- middle_y = normal(0.0, 0.1)
- middle_z = normal(0.0, 0.1)
- length = randint(25, 35)
- x_angle_mean = uniform(-40, -60)
- obj = make_pine_twig(
- needle_name='Needle',
- length=length,
- middle_y=middle_y,
- middle_z=middle_z,
- seed=seed,
- x_angle_mean=x_angle_mean,
- x_angle_range=10.0,
- )
- bpy.ops.object.convert(target='MESH')
- obj = bpy.context.object
- obj.scale *= normal(1, 0.05) * self.scale
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- butil.purge_empty_materials(obj) # TODO remove when geonodes emptymats solved
- tag_object(obj, 'leaf_pine')
- return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/leaves/leaf_v2.py b/infinigen/assets/leaves/leaf_v2.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 394a89e2c..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/leaves/leaf_v2.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1007 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import colorsys
-import logging
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal
-import bpy
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('shader_nodegroup_sub_vein', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
-def shader_nodegroup_sub_vein(nw):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Modulated', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 0.0)])
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE', 'use_clamp': True})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': absolute, 'Y': group_input.outputs["Y"]})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz, 'Scale': 30.0, 'Randomness': 0.754},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.1, 4: 3.0})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz, 'Scale': 10.0, 'Randomness': 0.754},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.1, 4: 3.0})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('shader_nodegroup_midrib', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
-def shader_nodegroup_midrib(nw, midrib_curve_control_points=[(0.0, 0.5), (0.2809, 0.4868), (0.7448, 0.5164), (1.0, 0.5)]):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'X', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', -0.6),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Midrib Length', 0.4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Midrib Width', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Stem Length', 0.8)
- ])
- map_range_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -0.6, 2: 0.6})
- stem_shape = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_6.outputs["Result"]},
- label='Stem shape')
- node_utils.assign_curve(stem_shape.mapping.curves[0], midrib_curve_control_points)
- map_range_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': stem_shape, 3: -1.0})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_7.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- map_range_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -70.0, 2: group_input.outputs["Midrib Length"], 3: group_input.outputs["Midrib Width"], 4: 0.0})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_8.outputs["Result"], 1: absolute},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- absolute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- map_range_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': absolute_1, 2: group_input.outputs["Stem Length"], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- smooth_min = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: map_range_9.outputs["Result"], 2: 0.06},
- attrs={'operation': 'SMOOTH_MIN'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_8.outputs["Result"], 1: smooth_min},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE', 'use_clamp': True})
- map_range_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': divide, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.03, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'X Modulated': subtract, 'Midrib Value': map_range_11.outputs["Result"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('shader_nodegroup_vein_coord', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
-def shader_nodegroup_vein_coord(nw, vein_curve_control_points=[(0.0, 0.0), (0.3608, 0.2434), (0.7454, 0.4951), (1.0, 1.0)]):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Modulated', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Asymmetry', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Angle', 2.0)])
- sign = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SIGN'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: sign, 1: group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -1.0})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE', 'use_clamp': True})
- vein__shape = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': absolute},
- label='Vein Shape')
- node_utils.assign_curve(vein__shape.mapping.curves[0], vein_curve_control_points)
- map_range_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': vein__shape, 2: 0.9, 4: 1.9})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_4.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_13.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: subtract})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vein Coord': add})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('shader_nodegroup_shape', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
-def shader_nodegroup_shape(nw, shape_curve_control_points=[(0.0, 0.0), (0.3454, 0.2336), (1.0, 0.0)]):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Modulated', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 0.0)])
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["X Modulated"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Y"]})
- clamp = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeClamp',
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Y"], 'Min': -0.6, 'Max': 0.6})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': clamp})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_2, 1: combine_xyz_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- length = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'LENGTH'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -0.6, 2: 0.6})
- leaf_shape = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
- label='Leaf shape')
- node_utils.assign_curve(leaf_shape.mapping.curves[0], shape_curve_control_points)
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: length.outputs["Value"], 1: leaf_shape},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Leaf Shape': subtract_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('shader_nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
-def shader_nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib(nw):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Coord', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Midrib Value', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leaf Shape', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Density', 6.0)])
- map_range_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Leaf Shape"], 1: -0.3, 2: 0.0, 3: 0.015, 4: 0.0})
- vein = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': group_input.outputs["Vein Coord"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Vein Density"], 'Randomness': 0.2},
- label='Vein',
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '1D'})
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': vein.outputs["Distance"], 1: 0.001, 2: 0.05, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_5.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_3.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.03, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Midrib Value"], 1: map_range_10.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vein Value': multiply_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('shader_nodegroup_leaf_gen', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
-def shader_nodegroup_leaf_gen(nw, midrib_curve_control_points, vein_curve_control_points, shape_curve_control_points):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Displancement scale', 0.01),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Asymmetry', 0.8),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Density', 10.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Jigsaw Scale', 18.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Jigsaw Depth', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Angle', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Sub-vein Displacement', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Sub-vein Scale', 20.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wave Displacement', 0.05),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Midrib Length', 0.4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Midrib Width', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Stem Length', 0.8),
- ])
- coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'coordinate'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': coordinate.outputs["Vector"]})
- midrib = nw.new_node(shader_nodegroup_midrib(midrib_curve_control_points=midrib_curve_control_points).name,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
- 'Midrib Length': input.outputs["Midrib Length"], 'Midrib Width': input.outputs["Midrib Width"], 'Stem Length': input.outputs["Stem Length"]
- })
- veincoord = nw.new_node(shader_nodegroup_vein_coord(vein_curve_control_points=vein_curve_control_points).name,
- input_kwargs={'X Modulated': midrib.outputs["X Modulated"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
- 'Vein Asymmetry': input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"], 'Vein Angle': input.outputs["Vein Angle"]})
- shape = nw.new_node(shader_nodegroup_shape(shape_curve_control_points=shape_curve_control_points).name,
- input_kwargs={'X Modulated': midrib.outputs["X Modulated"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- applyveinmidrib = nw.new_node(shader_nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vein Coord': veincoord, 'Midrib Value': midrib.outputs["Midrib Value"],
- 'Leaf Shape': shape, 'Vein Density': input.outputs["Vein Density"]})
- subvein = nw.new_node(shader_nodegroup_sub_vein().name,
- input_kwargs={'X Modulated': midrib.outputs["X Modulated"], 'Y': veincoord})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vein Value': applyveinmidrib, 'Sub Vein Value': subvein})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw(nw):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Midrib Value', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Coord', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leaf Shape', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Jigsaw Scale', 18.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Jigsaw Depth', 0.5)])
- map_range_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Midrib Value"], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- jigsaw = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': group_input.outputs["Vein Coord"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Jigsaw Scale"]},
- label='Jigsaw',
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '1D'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Jigsaw Depth"], 1: 0.05},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: jigsaw.outputs["Distance"], 1: multiply, 2: group_input.outputs["Leaf Shape"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD', 'use_clamp': True})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply_add, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.002, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- maximum = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_12.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MAXIMUM'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': maximum})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_shape', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_shape(nw, shape_curve_control_points=[(0.0, 0.0), (0.3454, 0.2336), (1.0, 0.0)]):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Modulated', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 0.0)])
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["X Modulated"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Y"]})
- clamp = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeClamp',
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Y"], 'Min': -0.6, 'Max': 0.6})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': clamp})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_2, 1: combine_xyz_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- length = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'LENGTH'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -0.6, 2: 0.6})
- leaf_shape = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
- label='Leaf shape')
- node_utils.assign_curve(leaf_shape.mapping.curves[0], shape_curve_control_points)
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: length.outputs["Value"], 1: leaf_shape},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Leaf Shape': subtract_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_midrib', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_midrib(nw, midrib_curve_control_points=[(0.0, 0.5), (0.2809, 0.4868), (0.7448, 0.5164), (1.0, 0.5)]):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'X', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', -0.6),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Midrib Length', 0.4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Midrib Width', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Stem Length', 0.8)
- ])
- map_range_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -0.6, 2: 0.6})
- stem_shape = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_6.outputs["Result"]},
- label='Stem shape')
- node_utils.assign_curve(stem_shape.mapping.curves[0], midrib_curve_control_points)
- map_range_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': stem_shape, 3: -1.0})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_7.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- map_range_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -70.0, 2: group_input.outputs["Midrib Length"], 3: group_input.outputs["Midrib Width"], 4: 0.0})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_8.outputs["Result"], 1: absolute},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- absolute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- map_range_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': absolute_1, 2: group_input.outputs["Stem Length"], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- smooth_min = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: map_range_9.outputs["Result"], 2: 0.06},
- attrs={'operation': 'SMOOTH_MIN'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_8.outputs["Result"], 1: smooth_min},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE', 'use_clamp': True})
- map_range_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': divide, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.03, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'X Modulated': subtract, 'Midrib Value': map_range_11.outputs["Result"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_vein_coord', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_vein_coord(nw, vein_curve_control_points=[(0.0, 0.0), (0.3608, 0.2434), (0.7454, 0.4951), (1.0, 1.0)]):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Modulated', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Asymmetry', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Angle', 2.0)])
- sign = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SIGN'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: sign, 1: group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -1.0})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE', 'use_clamp': True})
- vein__shape = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': absolute},
- label='Vein Shape')
- node_utils.assign_curve(vein__shape.mapping.curves[0], vein_curve_control_points)
- map_range_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': vein__shape, 2: 0.9, 4: 1.9})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_4.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_13.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: subtract})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vein Coord': add})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib(nw):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Coord', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Midrib Value', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leaf Shape', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Density', 6.0)])
- map_range_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Leaf Shape"], 1: -0.3, 2: 0.0, 3: 0.015, 4: 0.0})
- vein = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': group_input.outputs["Vein Coord"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Vein Density"], 'Randomness': 0.2},
- label='Vein',
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '1D'})
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': vein.outputs["Distance"], 1: 0.001, 2: 0.05, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_5.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_3.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.01, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Midrib Value"], 1: map_range_10.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vein Value': multiply_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leaf_gen', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_gen(nw, midrib_curve_control_points, vein_curve_control_points, shape_curve_control_points):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Displancement scale', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Asymmetry', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Density', 6.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Jigsaw Scale', 18.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Jigsaw Depth', 0.07),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Angle', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Sub-vein Displacement', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Sub-vein Scale', 50.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wave Displacement', 0.1),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Midrib Length', 0.4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Midrib Width', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Stem Length', 0.8),
- ])
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- midrib = nw.new_node(nodegroup_midrib(midrib_curve_control_points=midrib_curve_control_points).name,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
- 'Midrib Length': geometry.outputs["Midrib Length"], 'Midrib Width': geometry.outputs["Midrib Width"], 'Stem Length': geometry.outputs["Stem Length"]
- })
- veincoord = nw.new_node(nodegroup_vein_coord(vein_curve_control_points=vein_curve_control_points).name,
- input_kwargs={'X Modulated': midrib.outputs["X Modulated"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Vein Asymmetry': geometry.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"], 'Vein Angle': geometry.outputs["Vein Angle"]})
- shape = nw.new_node(nodegroup_shape(shape_curve_control_points=shape_curve_control_points).name,
- input_kwargs={'X Modulated': midrib.outputs["X Modulated"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- applyveinmidrib = nw.new_node(nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vein Coord': veincoord, 'Midrib Value': midrib.outputs["Midrib Value"], 'Leaf Shape': shape, 'Vein Density': geometry.outputs["Vein Density"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: geometry.outputs["Displancement scale"], 1: applyveinmidrib},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry.outputs["Mesh"], 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- shapewithjigsaw = nw.new_node(nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw().name,
- input_kwargs={'Midrib Value': midrib.outputs["Midrib Value"], 'Vein Coord': veincoord, 'Leaf Shape': shape, 'Jigsaw Scale': geometry.outputs["Jigsaw Scale"], 'Jigsaw Depth': geometry.outputs["Jigsaw Depth"]})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: shapewithjigsaw, 1: 0.5},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- delete_geometry = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeDeleteGeometry',
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Selection': less_than})
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': delete_geometry, 2: applyveinmidrib})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': capture_attribute, 'Attribute': capture_attribute.outputs[2], 'X Modulated': midrib.outputs["X Modulated"], 'Vein Coord': veincoord})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_sub_vein', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_sub_vein(nw):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'X', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 0.0)])
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE', 'use_clamp': True})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': absolute, 'Y': group_input.outputs["Y"]})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz, 'Scale': 30.0, 'Randomness': 0.754},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.1})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz, 'Scale': 10.0, 'Randomness': 0.754},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.1})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_add_noise', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_add_noise(nw):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Displacement', 0.05),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 10.0)])
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1, 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: group_input.outputs["Displacement"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_apply_wave', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_apply_wave(nw, y_wave_control_points, x_wave_control_points):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wave Scale Y', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wave Scale X', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Modulated', None),
- ])
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1})
- attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 2: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"], 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"]})
- float_curves = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curves.mapping.curves[0], y_wave_control_points)
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': float_curves, 3: -1.0})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["Wave Scale Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- attribute_statistic_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 2: group_input.outputs['X Modulated']})
- map_range_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs['X Modulated'], 1: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Min"], 2: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Max"]})
- float_curves_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_7.outputs["Result"]}
- )
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curves_2.mapping.curves[0], x_wave_control_points)
- float_curves_2.mapping.curves[0].points[2].handle_type = 'VECTOR'
- map_range_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': float_curves_2, 3: -1.0})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_4.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["Wave Scale X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_1})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Offset': combine_xyz_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_move_to_origin', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_move_to_origin(nw):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 2: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 0.0, 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': subtract})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_blight', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_blight(nw):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Coordinate', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketColor', 'Leaf Color', (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketColor', 'Blight Color', (0.5, 0.3992, 0.035, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Random Seed', 18.3),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Offset', 0.5)])
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Coordinate"], 'W': group_input.outputs["Random Seed"], 'Scale': 4.0, 'Detail': 10.0, 'Dimension': 10.0, 'Lacunarity': 5.0, 'Offset': group_input.outputs["Offset"]},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D', 'musgrave_type': 'HETERO_TERRAIN'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': musgrave_texture, 4: 0.8})
- mix_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 'Color1': group_input.outputs["Leaf Color"], 'Color2': group_input.outputs["Blight Color"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Color': mix_4})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_dotted_blight', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_dotted_blight(nw):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Coord', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketColor', 'Leaf Color', (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketColor', 'Blight Color', (0.4969, 0.2831, 0.0273, 1.0))])
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Coord"], 'Scale': 20.0},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '2D'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.15, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- mix_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': map_range.outputs["Result"], 'Color1': group_input.outputs["Blight Color"], 'Color2': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)})
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': map_range.outputs["Result"], 'Color1': group_input.outputs["Leaf Color"], 'Color2': mix_5})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Color': mix_3})
-def shader_leaf_new(nw, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- leafgen = nw.new_node(shader_nodegroup_leaf_gen(midrib_curve_control_points=kwargs['midrib_shape_control_points'],
- vein_curve_control_points=kwargs['vein_shape_control_points'],
- shape_curve_control_points=kwargs['leaf_shape_control_points']).name,
- input_kwargs={'Displancement scale': 0.01,
- 'Vein Asymmetry': kwargs['vein_asymmetry'],
- 'Vein Angle': kwargs['vein_angle'],
- 'Vein Density': kwargs['vein_density'],
- 'Jigsaw Scale': kwargs['jigsaw_scale'],
- 'Jigsaw Depth': kwargs['jigsaw_depth'],
- 'Midrib Length': kwargs['midrib_length'],
- 'Midrib Width': kwargs['midrib_width'],
- 'Stem Length': kwargs['stem_length']
- })
- rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
- rgb.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['blade_color']
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': kwargs['vein_color_mix_factor'], 'Color1': rgb, 'Color2': (0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 1.0)})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': leafgen.outputs["Sub Vein Value"], 'Color1': mix, 'Color2': rgb})
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': leafgen.outputs["Vein Value"], 'Color1': mix, 'Color2': mix_1})
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- rgb_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
- rgb_1.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['blight_color']
- group_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_dotted_blight().name,
- input_kwargs={'Coord': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"], 'Leaf Color': mix_2, 'Blight Color': rgb_1})
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': kwargs['dotted_blight_weight'], 'Color1': mix_2, 'Color2': group_1})
- group_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_blight().name,
- input_kwargs={'Coordinate': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"], 'Leaf Color': mix_3, 'Blight Color': rgb_1, 'Random Seed': kwargs['blight_random_seed'], 'Offset': kwargs['blight_area_factor']})
- mix_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': kwargs['blight_weight'], 'Color1': mix_3, 'Color2': group_2})
- translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslucentBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': mix_4})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_4})
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.7, 1: translucent_bsdf, 2: principled_bsdf})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader})
-def geo_leaf_v2(nw, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Level': 10})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh, 1: position},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- leafgen = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_gen(midrib_curve_control_points=kwargs['midrib_shape_control_points'],
- vein_curve_control_points=kwargs['vein_shape_control_points'],
- shape_curve_control_points=kwargs['leaf_shape_control_points']).name,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Displancement scale': 0.005,
- 'Vein Asymmetry': kwargs['vein_asymmetry'],
- 'Vein Angle': kwargs['vein_angle'],
- 'Vein Density': kwargs['vein_density'],
- 'Jigsaw Scale': kwargs['jigsaw_scale'],
- 'Jigsaw Depth': kwargs['jigsaw_depth'],
- 'Midrib Length': kwargs['midrib_length'],
- 'Midrib Width': kwargs['midrib_width'],
- 'Stem Length': kwargs['stem_length'],
- })
- # addnoise = nw.new_node(nodegroup_add_noise().name,
- # input_kwargs={'Geometry': leafgen.outputs["Mesh"], 'Displacement': 0.03, 'Scale': 10.0})
- subvein = nw.new_node(nodegroup_sub_vein().name,
- input_kwargs={'X': leafgen.outputs["X Modulated"], 'Y': leafgen.outputs["Vein Coord"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subvein, 1: 0.001},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': leafgen.outputs["Mesh"], 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- logging.warning(f'Disabling set_position to avoid LeafV2 segfault')
- set_position = leafgen.outputs["Mesh"]
- applywave = nw.new_node(nodegroup_apply_wave(y_wave_control_points=kwargs['y_wave_control_points'], x_wave_control_points=kwargs['x_wave_control_points']).name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Wave Scale X': 0.15, 'Wave Scale Y': 1.5, 'X Modulated': leafgen.outputs["X Modulated"]})
- movetoorigin = nw.new_node(nodegroup_move_to_origin().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': applywave})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': movetoorigin, 'Attribute': leafgen.outputs["Attribute"], 'Coordinate': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]})
-class LeafFactoryV2(AssetFactory):
- scale = 0.5
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(LeafFactoryV2, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.genome = self.sample_geo_genome()
- t = uniform(0.0, 1.0)
- if t < 0.8:
- self.blade_color = color_category('greenery')
- elif t < 0.9:
- self.blade_color = color_category('yellowish')
- else:
- self.blade_color = color_category('red')
- self.blight_color = color_category('yellowish')
- self.vein_color_mix_factor = uniform(0.2, 0.6)
- @staticmethod
- def sample_geo_genome():
- return {
- 'midrib_length': uniform(0.0, 0.8),
- 'midrib_width': uniform(0.5, 1.0),
- 'stem_length': uniform(0.7, 0.9),
- 'vein_asymmetry': uniform(0.0, 1.0),
- 'vein_angle': uniform(0.2, 2.0),
- 'vein_density': uniform(5.0, 20.0),
- 'subvein_scale': uniform(10.0, 20.0),
- 'jigsaw_scale': uniform(5.0, 20.0),
- 'jigsaw_depth': uniform(0.0, 2.0),
- 'midrib_shape_control_points': [(0.0, 0.5), (0.25, uniform(0.48, 0.52)), (0.75, uniform(0.48, 0.52)), (1.0, 0.5)],
- 'leaf_shape_control_points': [(0.0, 0.0), (uniform(0.2, 0.4), uniform(0.1, 0.4)), (uniform(0.6, 0.8), uniform(0.1, 0.4)), (1.0, 0.0)],
- 'vein_shape_control_points': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.25, uniform(0.1, 0.4)), (0.75, uniform(0.6, 0.9)), (1.0, 1.0)],
- }
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=2, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- # add noise to the genotype output
- #hue_noise = np.random.randn() * 0
- #hsv_blade = self.hsv_blade + hue_noise
- #hsv_vein = self.hsv_vein + hue_noise
- phenome = self.genome.copy()
- phenome['y_wave_control_points'] = [(0.0, 0.5), (np.random.uniform(0.25, 0.75), np.random.uniform(0.50, 0.60)), (1.0, 0.5)]
- x_wave_val = np.random.uniform(0.50, 0.58)
- phenome['x_wave_control_points'] = [(0.0, 0.5), (0.4, x_wave_val), (0.5, 0.5), (0.6, x_wave_val), (1.0, 0.5)]
- material_kwargs = phenome.copy()
- material_kwargs['blade_color'] = self.blade_color
- material_kwargs['blade_color'][0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.03)
- material_kwargs['blade_color'][1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.03)
- material_kwargs['blade_color'][2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.03)
- material_kwargs['blight_color'] = self.blight_color
- material_kwargs['vein_color_mix_factor'] = self.vein_color_mix_factor
- material_kwargs['blight_weight'] = np.random.binomial(1, 0.1)
- material_kwargs['dotted_blight_weight'] = np.random.binomial(1, 0.1)
- material_kwargs['blight_random_seed'] = np.random.uniform(0.0, 100.0)
- material_kwargs['blight_area_factor'] = np.random.uniform(0.2, 0.8)
- # TODO: add more phenome attributes
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_leaf_v2, apply=False,
- attributes=['offset', 'coordinate'], input_kwargs=phenome)
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_leaf_new,
- reuse=False, input_kwargs=material_kwargs)
- bpy.ops.object.convert(target='MESH')
- obj = bpy.context.object
- obj.scale *= normal(1, 0.05) * self.scale
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- tag_object(obj, 'leaf')
- return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/leaves/leaf_wrapped.py b/infinigen/assets/leaves/leaf_wrapped.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 07c5e17d3..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/leaves/leaf_wrapped.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.leaves.leaf_maple import LeafFactoryMaple
-from infinigen.assets.leaves.leaf_broadleaf import LeafFactoryBroadleaf
-from infinigen.assets.leaves.leaf_ginko import LeafFactoryGinko
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_wrap(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- angle = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='angle')
- angle.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['angle']
- radians = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: angle},
- attrs={'operation': 'RADIANS'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': radians})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Rotation': combine_xyz_2})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1})
- rotation = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='rotation')
- rotation.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['rotation']
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 1.0
- end_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='end_radius')
- end_radius.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['end_radius']
- spiral = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurveSpiral',
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 1000, 'Rotations': rotation, 'Start Radius': value, 'End Radius': end_radius, 'Height': 0.0})
- curve_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLength,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': spiral})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_2, 2: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"], 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: curve_length, 1: subtract},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- divide_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: value, 1: divide},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- divide_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: end_radius, 1: divide},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- spiral_1 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurveSpiral',
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 1000, 'Rotations': rotation, 'Start Radius': divide_1, 'End Radius': divide_2, 'Height': 0.0})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': spiral_1, 'Rotation': (0.0, 1.5708, 3.1416)})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 2.0})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- noise_level = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='noise_level')
- noise_level.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['noise_level']
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: noise_level},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Offset': multiply.outputs["Vector"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"], 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"]})
- sample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position_2, 'Factor': map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'mode': 'FACTOR'})
- separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': sample_curve.outputs["Position"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 'Z': separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"]})
- normalize = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: sample_curve.outputs["Position"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'NORMALIZE'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: normalize.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 1: multiply_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_2, 'Position': add.outputs["Vector"]})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 0.0, 1: radians},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': subtract_2})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Rotation': combine_xyz_3})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': divide_1})
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_3, 'Translation': combine_xyz_4})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_4})
-class LeafFactoryWrapped(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, season='autumn', coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.factory_list = [
- LeafFactoryMaple(factory_seed, season=season, coarse=coarse),
- LeafFactoryBroadleaf(factory_seed, season=season, coarse=coarse),
- LeafFactoryGinko(factory_seed, season=season, coarse=coarse),
- ]
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- fac_id = randint(len(self.factory_list))
- fac = self.factory_list[fac_id]
- wrap_params = {
- 'angle': uniform(-70, 70),
- 'rotation': uniform(0.2, 2.0),
- 'end_radius': np.exp(uniform(-2.0, 2.0)),
- 'noise_level': uniform(0.0, 0.5)
- }
- obj = fac.create_asset()
- surface.add_geomod(obj, nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_wrap, apply=False, input_kwargs=wrap_params)
- bpy.ops.object.convert(target='MESH')
- return obj
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/lighting/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/lighting/__init__.py
index daa84a74e..0a1166c69 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/lighting/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/lighting/__init__.py
@@ -5,7 +5,4 @@
from . import sky_lighting
from .caustics_lamp import CausticsLampFactory
-from .ceiling_lights import CeilingLightFactory
-from .ceiling_classic_lamp import CeilingClassicLampFactory
from .indoor_lights import PointLampFactory
-from .lamp import LampFactory, DeskLampFactory, FloorLampFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/lighting/caustics_lamp.py b/infinigen/assets/lighting/caustics_lamp.py
index fcb374a98..3a704f717 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/lighting/caustics_lamp.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/lighting/caustics_lamp.py
@@ -6,108 +6,148 @@
import bpy
-from mathutils import Vector
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint, uniform
import numpy as np
+from mathutils import Vector
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import randint, uniform
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.placement import placement
-from infinigen.core.placement.placement import placeholder_locs
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_caustics', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_caustics", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree")
def nodegroup_caustics(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Prewarp', 0.15), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Smoothness', 0.0), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'AnimSpeed', .02)])
- w = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='W')
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Vector", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Prewarp", 0.15),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Smoothness", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "AnimSpeed", 0.02),
+ ],
+ )
+ w = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="W")
w.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["AnimSpeed"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- driver = multiply.inputs[0].driver_add('default_value').driver
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["AnimSpeed"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ driver = multiply.inputs[0].driver_add("default_value").driver
driver.expression = f"frame / {log_uniform(100, 200)}"
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': group_input.outputs["Vector"],
- 'W': multiply,
- 'Scale': log_uniform(2, 8),
- 'Roughness': N(0.5, 0.05),
- 'Distortion': N(0.5, 0.02)
- }, attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Prewarp"]
- }, attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture, input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"],
- 'W': multiply,
- 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"],
- 'Smoothness': group_input.outputs["Smoothness"]
- }, attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D', 'feature': 'SMOOTH_F1'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Smoothness"], 1: U(.04, .08)})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture, input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"],
- 'W': multiply,
- 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"],
- 'Smoothness': add_1
- }, attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D', 'feature': 'SMOOTH_F1'})
- difference = nw.scalar_multiply(nw.math('ABSOLUTE', nw.scalar_sub(voronoi_texture, voronoi_texture_1)),
- 20.0)
- noise = nw.math('ABSOLUTE',
- nw.scalar_sub(nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Scale': uniform(2, 5)}), .5))
- noise = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, [noise, 0, 1, .6, 1.])
- ramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Value': nw.scalar_multiply(difference, noise)})
- node_utils.assign_curve(ramp.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.0), (0.19, 0.08), (0.34, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0)],
- handles=['AUTO', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'VECTOR'])
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Color': ramp})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["Vector"],
+ "W": multiply,
+ "Scale": log_uniform(2, 8),
+ "Roughness": N(0.5, 0.05),
+ "Distortion": N(0.5, 0.02),
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Prewarp"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "W": multiply,
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ "Smoothness": group_input.outputs["Smoothness"],
+ },
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D", "feature": "SMOOTH_F1"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Smoothness"], 1: U(0.04, 0.08)},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "W": multiply,
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ "Smoothness": add_1,
+ },
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D", "feature": "SMOOTH_F1"},
+ )
+ difference = nw.scalar_multiply(
+ nw.math("ABSOLUTE", nw.scalar_sub(voronoi_texture, voronoi_texture_1)), 20.0
+ )
+ noise = nw.math(
+ nw.scalar_sub(
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": uniform(2, 5)}), 0.5
+ ),
+ )
+ noise = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, [noise, 0, 1, 0.6, 1.0])
+ ramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": nw.scalar_multiply(difference, noise)}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ ramp.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0, 0.0), (0.19, 0.08), (0.34, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0)],
+ handles=["AUTO", "AUTO", "VECTOR", "VECTOR"],
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Color": ramp})
def shader_caustic_lamp(nw: NodeWrangler, params: dict):
coord = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- caustics = nw.new_node(nodegroup_caustics().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': coord.outputs['Normal'], **params})
- emission = nw.new_node(Nodes.Emission, input_kwargs={'Strength': caustics})
+ caustics = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_caustics().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": coord.outputs["Normal"], **params},
+ )
+ emission = nw.new_node(Nodes.Emission, input_kwargs={"Strength": caustics})
nw.new_node(Nodes.LightOutput, [emission])
class CausticsLampFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed):
super(CausticsLampFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
self.params = {
- 'Prewarp': U(0.1, 0.5),
- 'Scale': U(30, 100),
- 'Smoothness': 0.2 * N(1, 0.1),
- 'AnimSpeed': 0.1 * N(1, 0.1)
+ "Prewarp": U(0.1, 0.5),
+ "Scale": U(30, 100),
+ "Smoothness": 0.2 * N(1, 0.1),
+ "AnimSpeed": 0.1 * N(1, 0.1),
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- bpy.ops.object.light_add(type='SPOT')
+ bpy.ops.object.light_add(type="SPOT")
lamp = bpy.context.active_object
lamp.data.shadow_soft_size = 0
lamp.data.spot_blend = 1
- lamp.data.spot_size = np.pi * .4
+ lamp.data.spot_size = np.pi * 0.4
lamp.rotation_euler = 0, 0, uniform(0, np.pi * 2)
lamp.data.use_nodes = True
@@ -117,9 +157,8 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
def add_caustics(obj, zoff=200):
fac = CausticsLampFactory(randint(1e7))
loc = Vector(np.array(obj.bound_box).mean(axis=0)) + Vector((0, 0, zoff))
lamp = fac.spawn_asset(0, loc=loc)
- lamp.scale = (50, 50, 50) # only affects UI
+ lamp.scale = (50, 50, 50) # only affects UI
lamp.data.energy = U(100e6, 200e6)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/lighting/ceiling_classic_lamp.py b/infinigen/assets/lighting/ceiling_classic_lamp.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 60307e7be..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/lighting/ceiling_classic_lamp.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Stamatis Alexandropoulos
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core import tagging
-from .indoor_lights import PointLampFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.autobevel import BevelSharp
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.assets.materials.ceiling_light_shaders import shader_lamp_bulb_nonemissive
-def shader_lamp_material(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
- rgb.outputs[0].default_value = color_category('textile')
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': rgb, 'Subsurface Radius': (0.1000, 0.1000, 0.1000), 'Roughness': uniform(0.2,0.9), 'Sheen': 0.2068, 'Clearcoat Roughness': 0.1436, 'Transmission': 0.4045, 'Transmission Roughness': 0.6932, 'Emission': (0.9858, 0.9858, 0.9858, 1.0000), 'Emission Strength': 0.0000, 'Alpha': 0.8614})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 104.3000, 'Randomness': 0.0000},
- attrs={'feature': 'SMOOTH_F1'})
- displacement = nw.new_node(Nodes.Displacement, input_kwargs={'Height': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 'Scale': 0.4000})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf, 'Displacement': displacement},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def shader_inside_medal(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': (0.0018, 0.0015, 0.0000, 1.0000), 'Metallic': 1.0000, 'Roughness': 0.0682})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def shader_cable(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000), 'Metallic': 1.0000, 'Roughness': 0.4273})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('geometry_nodes', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'cable_length', 0.7000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'cable_radius', 0.0500),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'height', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'bottom_radius', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'top_radius', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Amount', 1.0000)])
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': group_input.outputs["cable_length"]})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'End': combine_xyz})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': 87, 'Radius': group_input.outputs["cable_radius"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"]})
- transform_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Scale': (1.0000, 1.0000, -1.0000)})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_cable)})
- curve_circle_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': group_input.outputs["top_radius"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- transform_geometry_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle_3.outputs["Curve"], 'Translation': combine_xyz_4})
- curve_line_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'Start': (-1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 'End': (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance', input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_line_3})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Amount"]})
- duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(Nodes.DuplicateElements,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry_to_instance, 'Amount': reroute},
- attrs={'domain': 'INSTANCE'})
- realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"]})
- endpoint_selection_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.EndpointSelection, input_kwargs={'Start Size': 0})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: reroute}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: divide},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- sample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curves': transform_geometry_4, 'Factor': multiply_1},
- attrs={'use_all_curves': True})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances_1, 'Selection': endpoint_selection_1, 'Position': sample_curve.outputs["Position"]})
- endpoint_selection_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.EndpointSelection, input_kwargs={'End Size': 0})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 2: 0.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- curve_circle_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': multiply_add})
- transform_geometry_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle_4.outputs["Curve"]})
- sample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curves': transform_geometry_5, 'Factor': multiply_1},
- attrs={'use_all_curves': True})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Selection': endpoint_selection_2, 'Position': sample_curve_1.outputs["Position"]})
- join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_geometry_4, set_position_1, transform_geometry_5]})
- curve_circle_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': group_input.outputs["Thickness"]})
- curve_to_mesh_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': join_geometry_3, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle_5.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- transform_geometry_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh_3})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry_6, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_inside_medal)})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: -1.5000, 1: -0.1000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_2})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 0.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: multiply_3}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_4})
- curve_line_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'Start': combine_xyz_1, 'End': combine_xyz_2})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: group_input.outputs["bottom_radius"], 4: group_input.outputs["top_radius"]})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius, input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line_2, 'Radius': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- curve_circle_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle)
- curve_to_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle_2.outputs["Curve"]})
- flip_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.FlipFaces, input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh_2})
- extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh_2, 'Offset Scale': 0.0050, 'Individual': False})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [flip_faces, extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"]]})
- transform_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry})
- set_material_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry_2, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_lamp_material)})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material_1, set_material_2]})
- ico_sphere = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshIcoSphere, input_kwargs={'Radius': 0.0500, 'Subdivisions': 4})
- set_material_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': ico_sphere.outputs["Mesh"], 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_lamp_bulb_nonemissive)})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material, join_geometry_1, set_material_3]})
- transform_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_2, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 3.1416, 0.0000)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry_3}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-class CeilingClassicLampFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed):
- super(CeilingClassicLampFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.params = {
- 'cable_length': uniform(0.6, 0.710),
- 'cable_radius': uniform(0.015,0.02),
- 'height':uniform(0.4, 0.710),
- 'top_radius':uniform(0.05, 0.2),
- 'bottom_radius': uniform(0.22,0.35),
- 'Thickness': uniform(0.002, 0.006),
- 'Amount': randint(1, 8)
- }
- self.light_factory = PointLampFactory(factory_seed)
- # self.beveler = BevelSharp(mult=uniform(1, 3))
- def create_placeholder(self, **_):
- obj = butil.spawn_cube()
- butil.modify_mesh(
- obj,
- 'NODES',
- node_group=geometry_nodes(),
- ng_inputs=self.params,
- apply=True
- )
- tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
- return obj
- def create_asset(self, i, placeholder, face_size, **_):
- obj = butil.deep_clone_obj(placeholder, keep_materials=True)
- light = self.light_factory.spawn_asset(i)
- butil.parent_to(light, obj)
- return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/lighting/ceiling_lights.py b/infinigen/assets/lighting/ceiling_lights.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ccf31fa34..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/lighting/ceiling_lights.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
-# of this source tree.
-# Authors:
-# -
-# - Alexander Raistrick: add point light
-import bpy
-import random
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint as RI
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, clip_gaussian
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from .indoor_lights import PointLampFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.autobevel import BevelSharp
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
-class CeilingLightFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=[1., 1., 1.]):
- super(CeilingLightFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.dimensions = dimensions
- self.ceiling_light_default_params = [{
- "Radius": 0.2,
- "Thickness": 0.001,
- "InnerRadius": 0.2,
- "Height": 0.1,
- "InnerHeight": 0.1,
- "Curvature": 0.1,
- }, {
- "Radius": 0.18,
- "Thickness": 0.05,
- "InnerRadius": 0.18,
- "Height": 0.1,
- "InnerHeight": 0.1,
- "Curvature": 0.25,
- }, {
- "Radius": 0.2,
- "Thickness": 0.005,
- "InnerRadius": 0.18,
- "Height": 0.1,
- "InnerHeight": 0.03,
- "Curvature": 0.4,
- }]
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.light_factory = PointLampFactory(factory_seed)
- self.params = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
- self.material_params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = self.get_material_params()
- self.params.update(self.material_params)
- self.beveler = BevelSharp(mult=U(1, 3))
- def get_material_params(self):
- material_assignments = AssetList['CeilingLightFactory']()
- black_material = material_assignments['black_material'].assign_material()
- white_material = material_assignments['white_material'].assign_material()
- wrapped_params = {
- 'BlackMaterial': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(black_material),
- 'WhiteMaterial': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(white_material),
- }
- scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments['wear_tear_prob']
- scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments['wear_tear']
- is_scratch = np.random.uniform() < scratch_prob
- is_edge_wear = np.random.uniform() < edge_wear_prob
- if not is_scratch:
- scratch = None
- if not is_edge_wear:
- edge_wear = None
- return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
- def sample_parameters(self, dimensions, use_default=False):
- if use_default:
- return self.ceiling_light_default_params[RI(0, len(self.ceiling_light_default_params))]
- else:
- Radius = clip_gaussian(0.12, 0.04, 0.1, 0.25)
- Thickness = U(0.005, 0.05)
- InnerRadius = Radius * U(0.4, 0.9)
- Height = 0.7 * clip_gaussian(0.09, 0.03, 0.07, 0.15)
- InnerHeight = Height * U(0.5, 1.1)
- Curvature = U(0.1, 0.5)
- params = {
- "Radius": Radius,
- "Thickness": Thickness,
- "InnerRadius": InnerRadius,
- "Height": Height,
- "InnerHeight": InnerHeight,
- "Curvature": Curvature,
- }
- return params
- def create_placeholder(self, i, **params):
- obj = butil.spawn_cube()
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'NODES', node_group=nodegroup_ceiling_light_geometry(), ng_inputs=self.params, apply=True)
- return obj
- def create_asset(self, i, placeholder, **params):
- obj = butil.copy(placeholder, keep_materials=True)
- self.beveler(obj)
- lamp = self.light_factory.spawn_asset(i, loc=(0,0,0), rot=(0,0,0))
- butil.parent_to(lamp, obj, no_transform=True, no_inverse=True)
- lamp.location.z -= 0.03
- return obj
- def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- if self.scratch:
- self.scratch.apply(assets)
- if self.edge_wear:
- self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_ceiling_light_geometry', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_ceiling_light_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius', 0.2000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Thickness', 0.0050),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'InnerRadius', 0.1800),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Height', 0.1000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'InnerHeight', 0.0300),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Curvature', 0.4000),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'BlackMaterial', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'WhiteMaterial', None)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'End': combine_xyz})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': 512, 'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"]})
- extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh, 'Offset Scale': group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 'Individual': False})
- flip_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.FlipFaces, input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"], flip_faces]})
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Shade Smooth': False})
- mesh_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"]}, attrs={'fill_type': 'NGON'})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_shade_smooth, mesh_circle]})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Material': group_input.outputs["BlackMaterial"]})
- ico_sphere_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshIcoSphere, input_kwargs={'Radius': group_input.outputs["InnerRadius"], 'Subdivisions': 5})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': ico_sphere_1.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'UVMap', 3: ico_sphere_1.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position_2})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.0010}, attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- separate_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute, 'Selection': less_than})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["InnerHeight"], 1: -1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_1})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': 1.0000, 'Y': 1.0000, 'Z': group_input.outputs["Curvature"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': separate_geometry_1.outputs["Selection"], 'Translation': combine_xyz_2, 'Scale': combine_xyz_3})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_1})
- curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'Start': (0.0000, 0.0000, -0.0010), 'End': combine_xyz_1})
- curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': group_input.outputs["InnerRadius"]})
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line_1, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform, curve_to_mesh_1]})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_2, 'Material': group_input.outputs["WhiteMaterial"]})
- join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material, set_material_1]})
- bounding_box = nw.new_node(Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_3})
- vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector)
- vector.vector = (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_3, 'Bounding Box': bounding_box.outputs["Bounding Box"], 'LightPosition': vector},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/lighting/hdri_lighting.py b/infinigen/assets/lighting/hdri_lighting.py
index 89aad92b6..c769dcc20 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/lighting/hdri_lighting.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/lighting/hdri_lighting.py
@@ -10,24 +10,35 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.core.nodes import NodeWrangler, Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
HDRI_RESOURCES = f"{os.getcwd()}/resources/hdri"
-def hdri_lighting(nw: NodeWrangler, strength=("uniform", 0.8, 1.2), ):
- suffixes = [f for f in os.listdir(HDRI_RESOURCES) if f.endswith('.exr')]
+def hdri_lighting(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ strength=("uniform", 0.8, 1.2),
+ suffixes = [f for f in os.listdir(HDRI_RESOURCES) if f.endswith(".exr")]
suffix = np.random.choice(suffixes)
- image = bpy.data.images.load(filepath=f"{HDRI_RESOURCES}/{suffix}",check_existing=True)
+ image = bpy.data.images.load(
+ filepath=f"{HDRI_RESOURCES}/{suffix}", check_existing=True
+ )
texture_coord = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- coord = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, [texture_coord], input_kwargs={'Rotation': (0, 0, uniform(np.pi * 2))})
- texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.EnvironmentTexture, [coord], attrs={'image': image})
- return nw.new_node(Nodes.Background, input_kwargs={'Color': texture, 'Strength': rg(strength)})
+ coord = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ [texture_coord],
+ input_kwargs={"Rotation": (0, 0, uniform(np.pi * 2))},
+ )
+ texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.EnvironmentTexture, [coord], attrs={"image": image})
+ return nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Background, input_kwargs={"Color": texture, "Strength": rg(strength)}
+ )
def add_lighting():
nw = NodeWrangler(bpy.context.scene.world.node_tree)
surface = hdri_lighting(nw)
- nw.new_node(Nodes.WorldOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': surface})
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.WorldOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": surface})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/lighting/holdout_lighting.py b/infinigen/assets/lighting/holdout_lighting.py
index b4d177edf..8eee37a2d 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/lighting/holdout_lighting.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/lighting/holdout_lighting.py
@@ -10,25 +10,36 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.core.nodes import NodeWrangler, Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
HOLDOUT_RESOURCES = f"{os.getcwd()}/resources/holdout"
-def holdout_lighting(nw: NodeWrangler, strength=("uniform", 0.8, 1.2), ):
- suffixes = [f for f in os.listdir(HOLDOUT_RESOURCES) if f.endswith('.png')]
+def holdout_lighting(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ strength=("uniform", 0.8, 1.2),
+ suffixes = [f for f in os.listdir(HOLDOUT_RESOURCES) if f.endswith(".png")]
suffix = np.random.choice(suffixes)
- image = bpy.data.images.load(filepath=f"{HOLDOUT_RESOURCES}/{suffix}",check_existing=True)
+ image = bpy.data.images.load(
+ filepath=f"{HOLDOUT_RESOURCES}/{suffix}", check_existing=True
+ )
texture_coord = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- coord = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, [texture_coord], input_kwargs={'Rotation': (0, 0, uniform(np.pi * 2))})
- texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.EnvironmentTexture, [coord], attrs={'image': image})
- return nw.new_node(Nodes.Background, input_kwargs={'Color': texture, 'Strength': rg(strength)})
+ coord = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ [texture_coord],
+ input_kwargs={"Rotation": (0, 0, uniform(np.pi * 2))},
+ )
+ texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.EnvironmentTexture, [coord], attrs={"image": image})
+ return nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Background, input_kwargs={"Color": texture, "Strength": rg(strength)}
+ )
def add_lighting():
nw = NodeWrangler(bpy.context.scene.world.node_tree)
surface = holdout_lighting(nw)
- nw.new_node(Nodes.WorldOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': surface})
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.WorldOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": surface})
bpy.context.scene.world.cycles_visibility.camera = False
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/lighting/indoor_lights.py b/infinigen/assets/lighting/indoor_lights.py
index a4f02e9bc..8ada1b331 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/lighting/indoor_lights.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/lighting/indoor_lights.py
@@ -5,52 +5,47 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
import bpy
-from mathutils import Vector
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint, uniform
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.placement import placement
-from infinigen.core.placement.placement import placeholder_locs
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util.random import clip_gaussian
def shader_blackbody_temp(nw, params):
- blackbody = nw.new_node(Nodes.BlackBody, input_kwargs={'Temperature': params['Temperature']})
- emission = nw.new_node(Nodes.Emission, input_kwargs={'Color': blackbody})
+ blackbody = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BlackBody, input_kwargs={"Temperature": params["Temperature"]}
+ )
+ emission = nw.new_node(Nodes.Emission, input_kwargs={"Color": blackbody})
nw.new_node(Nodes.LightOutput, [emission])
-class PointLampFactory(AssetFactory):
+class PointLampFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed):
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
self.params = {
- 'Wattage': U(40, 100),
- 'Radius': U(0.02, 0.03),
- 'Temperature': clip_gaussian(4700, 700, 3500, 6500)
+ "Wattage": U(40, 100),
+ "Radius": U(0.02, 0.03),
+ "Temperature": clip_gaussian(4700, 700, 3500, 6500),
def create_placeholder(self, **_):
cube = butil.spawn_cube(size=2)
- cube.scale = (self.params['Radius'],) * 3
+ cube.scale = (self.params["Radius"],) * 3
return cube
def create_asset(self, **_) -> bpy.types.Object:
- bpy.ops.object.light_add(type='POINT')
+ bpy.ops.object.light_add(type="POINT")
lamp = bpy.context.active_object
- lamp.data.energy = self.params['Wattage']
- lamp.data.shadow_soft_size = self.params['Radius']
+ lamp.data.energy = self.params["Wattage"]
+ lamp.data.shadow_soft_size = self.params["Radius"]
lamp.data.use_nodes = True
nw = NodeWrangler(lamp.data.node_tree)
shader_blackbody_temp(nw, params=self.params)
- return lamp
\ No newline at end of file
+ return lamp
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/lighting/lamp.py b/infinigen/assets/lighting/lamp.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f78caded8..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/lighting/lamp.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,548 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
-# of this source tree.
-# Authors:
-# - Hongyu Wen: primary author
-# - Alexander Raistrick: add point light
-import bpy
-import random
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint as RI
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from .indoor_lights import PointLampFactory
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
-class LampFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=[1., 1., 1.], lamp_type="FloorLamp"):
- super(LampFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.bulb_fac = PointLampFactory(factory_seed)
- self.bulb_fac.params['Temperature'] = max(self.bulb_fac.params['Temperature'] * 0.6, 2500)
- self.bulb_fac.params['Wattage'] *= 0.5
- self.dimensions = dimensions
- self.lamp_type = lamp_type
- self.lamp_default_params = {
- "DeskLamp":{
- "StandRadius": 0.01,
- "StandHeight": 0.3,
- "BaseRadius": 0.07,
- "BaseHeight": 0.02,
- "ShadeHeight": 0.18,
- "HeadTopRadius": 0.08,
- "HeadBotRadius": 0.11,
- "ReverseLamp": True,
- "RackThickness": 0.002,
- "CurvePoint1": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
- "CurvePoint2": (0.0, 0.0, 0.2),
- "CurvePoint3": (0.0, 0.0, 0.3)
- },
- "FloorLamp1": {
- "StandRadius": 0.01,
- "StandHeight": 0.3,
- "BaseRadius": 0.1,
- "BaseHeight": 0.02,
- "ShadeHeight": 0.2,
- "HeadTopRadius": 0.1,
- "HeadBotRadius": 0.12,
- "ReverseLamp": False,
- "RackThickness": 0.002,
- "CurvePoint1": (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
- "CurvePoint2": (0.05, 0.0, 1.2),
- "CurvePoint3": (0.2, 0.0, 1.0)
- },
- "FloorLamp2": {
- "StandRadius": 0.01,
- "StandHeight": 0.3,
- "BaseRadius": 0.1,
- "BaseHeight": 0.02,
- "ShadeHeight": 0.2,
- "HeadTopRadius": 0.1,
- "HeadBotRadius": 0.11,
- "ReverseLamp": True,
- "RackThickness": 0.002,
- "CurvePoint1": (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
- "CurvePoint2": (0.0, 0.0, 1.1),
- "CurvePoint3": (0.0, 0.0, 1.2)
- }}
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.params = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
- self.material_params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = self.get_material_params()
- self.params.update(self.material_params)
- def get_material_params(self):
- material_assignments = AssetList['LampFactory']()
- black_material = material_assignments['black_material'].assign_material()
- white_material = material_assignments['metal'].assign_material()
- lampshade_material = material_assignments['lampshade'].assign_material()
- wrapped_params = {
- 'BlackMaterial': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(black_material),
- 'MetalMaterial': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(white_material),
- 'LampshadeMaterial': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(lampshade_material)
- }
- scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments['wear_tear_prob']
- scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments['wear_tear']
- is_scratch = np.random.uniform() < scratch_prob
- is_edge_wear = np.random.uniform() < edge_wear_prob
- if not is_scratch:
- scratch = None
- if not is_edge_wear:
- edge_wear = None
- return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
- def sample_parameters(self, dimensions, use_default=False):
- if use_default:
- if self.lamp_type == "DeskLamp":
- return self.lamp_default_params["DeskLamp"]
- else:
- return random.choice([self.lamp_default_params["FloorLamp1"], self.lamp_default_params["FloorLamp2"]])
- else:
- stand_radius = U(0.005, 0.015)
- base_radius = U(0.05, 0.15)
- base_height = U(0.01, 0.03)
- shade_height = U(0.18, 0.3)
- head_top_radius = U(0.07, 0.15)
- head_bot_radius = head_top_radius + U(0, 0.05)
- rack_thickness = U(0.001, 0.003)
- reverse_lamp = True
- if self.lamp_type == "DeskLamp":
- height = U(0.25, 0.4)
- else:
- height = U(1, 1.5)
- z1 = U(base_height, height)
- z2 = U(z1, height)
- z3 = height
- x1, x2, x3 = 0, 0, 0
- # if self.lamp_type == "FloorLamp" and U() < 0.5:
- # x2 = U(0.03, 0.1)
- # x3 = U(0.2, 0.4)
- # z2, z3 = z3, z2
- # reverse_lamp = False
- params = {
- "StandRadius": stand_radius,
- "BaseRadius": base_radius,
- "BaseHeight": base_height,
- "ShadeHeight": shade_height,
- "HeadTopRadius": head_top_radius,
- "HeadBotRadius": head_bot_radius,
- "ReverseLamp": reverse_lamp,
- "RackThickness": rack_thickness,
- "CurvePoint1": (x1, 0.0, z1),
- "CurvePoint2": (x2, 0.0, z2),
- "CurvePoint3": (x3, 0.0, z3)
- }
- return params
- def create_asset(self, i, **params):
- obj = butil.spawn_cube()
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'NODES', node_group=nodegroup_lamp_geometry(), ng_inputs=self.params, apply=True)
- if np.random.uniform() < 0.6:
- bulb = self.bulb_fac(i)
- butil.parent_to(bulb, obj, no_inverse=True, no_transform=True)
- bulb.location.z = obj.bound_box[-2][2] - self.params['ShadeHeight'] * 0.5
- with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
- bpy.ops.object.shade_flat()
- return obj
- def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- if self.scratch:
- self.scratch.apply(assets)
- if self.edge_wear:
- self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
-class DeskLampFactory(LampFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse, lamp_type='DeskLamp')
-class FloorLampFactory(LampFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse, lamp_type=np.random.choice(['FloorLamp1', 'FloorLamp2']))
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_bulb', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_bulb(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'LampshadeMaterial', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'MetalMaterial', None)])
- curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'Start': (0.0000, 0.0000, -0.2000), 'End': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': 0.1500, 'Resolution': 100})
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line_1, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- spiral = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurveSpiral',
- input_kwargs={'Rotations': 5.0000, 'Start Radius': 0.1500, 'End Radius': 0.1500, 'Height': 0.2000})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': spiral, 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.0000, -0.2000)})
- curve_circle_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': 0.0150, 'Resolution': 100})
- curve_to_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': transform, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle_2.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- curve_line_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'Start': (0.0000, 0.0000, -0.2000), 'End': (0.0000, 0.0000, -0.3000)})
- resample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line_2, 'Count': 100})
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0000, 1.0000), (0.4432, 0.5500), (1.0000, 0.2750)], handles=['AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO'])
- set_curve_radius_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius, input_kwargs={'Curve': resample_curve_1, 'Radius': float_curve_1})
- curve_circle_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': 0.1500, 'Resolution': 100})
- curve_to_mesh_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius_1, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle_3.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [curve_to_mesh_1, curve_to_mesh_2, curve_to_mesh_3]})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Material': group_input.outputs['MetalMaterial']})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine)
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Count': 100})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0000, 0.1500), (0.0500, 0.1700), (0.1500, 0.2000), (0.5500, 0.3800), (0.8000, 0.3500), (0.9568, 0.2200), (1.0000, 0.0000)])
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius, input_kwargs={'Curve': resample_curve, 'Radius': float_curve})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': 100})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"]})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Material': group_input.outputs['LampshadeMaterial']})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material, set_material_1]})
- transform_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.3000)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_bulb_rack', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_bulb_rack(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- amount = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- label='amount',
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Thickness', 0.0200),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Amount', 3),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'InnerRadius', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'OuterRadius', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'InnerHeight', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'OuterHeight', 0.0000)])
- curve_circle_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': amount.outputs["OuterRadius"], 'Resolution': 100})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': amount.outputs["OuterHeight"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle_2.outputs["Curve"], 'Translation': combine_xyz})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'Start': (-1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 'End': (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance', input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_line})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': amount.outputs["Amount"]})
- duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(Nodes.DuplicateElements,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry_to_instance, 'Amount': reroute},
- attrs={'domain': 'INSTANCE'})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"]})
- endpoint_selection = nw.new_node(Nodes.EndpointSelection, input_kwargs={'Start Size': 0})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: reroute}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: divide},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- sample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curves': transform, 'Factor': multiply},
- attrs={'use_all_curves': True})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances, 'Selection': endpoint_selection, 'Position': sample_curve.outputs["Position"]})
- endpoint_selection_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.EndpointSelection, input_kwargs={'End Size': 0})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: amount.outputs["Thickness"], 2: amount.outputs["InnerRadius"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': multiply_add, 'Resolution': 100})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': amount.outputs["InnerHeight"]})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- sample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curves': transform_1, 'Factor': multiply},
- attrs={'use_all_curves': True})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Selection': endpoint_selection_1, 'Position': sample_curve_1.outputs["Position"]})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform, set_position_1, transform_1]})
- curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': amount.outputs["Thickness"], 'Resolution': 100})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': join_geometry, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_reversiable_bulb', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_reversiable_bulb(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 0.3000),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Reverse', False),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'BlackMaterial', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'LampshadeMaterial', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'MetalMaterial', None)])
- bulb = nw.new_node(nodegroup_bulb().name, input_kwargs={'LampshadeMaterial': group_input.outputs["LampshadeMaterial"],
- 'MetalMaterial': group_input.outputs["MetalMaterial"]})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Scale"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Scale"], 'Z': group_input.outputs["Scale"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': bulb, 'Scale': combine_xyz_1})
- geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance', input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Reverse"], 1: 3.1415}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply})
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances, input_kwargs={'Instances': geometry_to_instance, 'Rotation': combine_xyz_2})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Reverse"], 1: 2.0000, 2: -1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: -0.0150, 1: multiply_add}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': rotate_instances, 'RackSupport': multiply_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_lamp_head', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_lamp_head(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'ShadeHeight', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'TopRadius', 0.3000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'BotRadius', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'ReverseBulb', True),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'RackThickness', 0.0050),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'RackHeight', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'BlackMaterial', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'LampshadeMaterial', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'MetalMaterial', None)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["TopRadius"], 1: 0.8000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- reversiable_bulb = nw.new_node(nodegroup_reversiable_bulb().name,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': multiply,
- 'BlackMaterial': group_input.outputs["BlackMaterial"],
- 'LampshadeMaterial': group_input.outputs["LampshadeMaterial"],
- 'MetalMaterial': group_input.outputs["MetalMaterial"]})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 0.1500}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["ReverseBulb"], 1: 2.0000, 2: -1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["RackHeight"], 1: multiply_add},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- bulb_rack = nw.new_node(nodegroup_bulb_rack().name,
- input_kwargs={'Thickness': group_input.outputs["RackThickness"], 'InnerRadius': multiply_1, 'OuterRadius': group_input.outputs["TopRadius"], 'InnerHeight': reversiable_bulb.outputs["RackSupport"], 'OuterHeight': multiply_2})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': bulb_rack, 'Material': group_input.outputs["BlackMaterial"]})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_2})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["ShadeHeight"], 1: group_input.outputs["RackHeight"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_add, 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: multiply_3}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_4})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'Start': combine_xyz_1, 'End': combine_xyz})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: group_input.outputs["TopRadius"], 4: group_input.outputs["BotRadius"]})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius, input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Radius': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': 100})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"]})
- flip_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.FlipFaces, input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh})
- extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh, 'Offset Scale': 0.0050, 'Individual': False})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [flip_faces, extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"]]})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Material': group_input.outputs["LampshadeMaterial"]})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [reversiable_bulb.outputs["Geometry"], set_material, set_material_1]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_lamp_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_lamp_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'StandRadius', 0.0200),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'BaseRadius', 0.1000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'BaseHeight', 0.0200),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'ShadeHeight', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'HeadTopRadius', 0.3000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'HeadBotRadius', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'ReverseLamp', True),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'RackThickness', 0.0050),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'CurvePoint1', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'CurvePoint2', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'CurvePoint3', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'BlackMaterial', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'LampshadeMaterial', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'MetalMaterial', None)])
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': group_input.outputs["BaseHeight"]})
- curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'End': combine_xyz_1})
- curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': group_input.outputs["BaseRadius"], 'Resolution': 100})
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line_1, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': group_input.outputs["BaseHeight"]})
- bezier_segment = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveBezierSegment,
- input_kwargs={'Start': combine_xyz, 'Start Handle': group_input.outputs["CurvePoint1"], 'End Handle': group_input.outputs["CurvePoint2"], 'End': group_input.outputs["CurvePoint3"], 'Resolution': 100})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'End': combine_xyz})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [bezier_segment, curve_line]})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': group_input.outputs["StandRadius"], 'Resolution': 100})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': join_geometry_2, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [curve_to_mesh_1, curve_to_mesh]})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Material': group_input.outputs["BlackMaterial"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["ShadeHeight"], 1: 0.4000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["ShadeHeight"], 1: 0.2000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input.outputs["ReverseLamp"], 2: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- lamp_head = nw.new_node(nodegroup_lamp_head().name,
- input_kwargs={'ShadeHeight': group_input.outputs["ShadeHeight"],
- 'TopRadius': group_input.outputs["HeadTopRadius"],
- 'BotRadius': group_input.outputs["HeadBotRadius"],
- 'ReverseBulb': group_input.outputs["ReverseLamp"],
- 'RackThickness': group_input.outputs["RackThickness"],
- 'RackHeight': multiply_add,
- 'BlackMaterial': group_input.outputs["BlackMaterial"],
- 'LampshadeMaterial': group_input.outputs["LampshadeMaterial"],
- 'MetalMaterial': group_input.outputs["MetalMaterial"],})
- sample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curves': bezier_segment, 'Factor': 1.0000},
- attrs={'use_all_curves': True})
- align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, input_kwargs={'Vector': sample_curve.outputs["Tangent"]}, attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': lamp_head, 'Translation': sample_curve.outputs["Position"], 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material, transform]})
- bounding_box = nw.new_node(Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1})
- curve_line_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'End': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.1000)})
- transform_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_line_2, 'Translation': sample_curve.outputs["Position"], 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector})
- sample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleCurve, input_kwargs={'Curves': transform_geometry, 'Factor': 1.0000})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Bounding Box': bounding_box.outputs["Bounding Box"], 'LightPosition': sample_curve_1.outputs["Position"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/lighting/sky_lighting.py b/infinigen/assets/lighting/sky_lighting.py
index 4593ef280..0af0e3212 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/lighting/sky_lighting.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/lighting/sky_lighting.py
@@ -4,15 +4,17 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick, Zeyu Ma, Kaiyu Yang, Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
import math
-import numpy as np
+import bpy
import gin
-from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
+import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian
+from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
def nishita_lighting(
@@ -35,26 +37,49 @@ def nishita_lighting(
if camera_based_rotation is None:
sky_texture.sun_rotation = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * math.pi)
- sky_texture.sun_rotation = 2 * math.pi - cam.parent.rotation_euler[2] + np.radians(camera_based_rotation)
+ sky_texture.sun_rotation = (
+ 2 * math.pi
+ - cam.parent.rotation_euler[2]
+ + np.radians(camera_based_rotation)
+ )
if dynamic:
- sky_texture.sun_rotation += (sky_texture.sun_elevation + np.radians(8)) / 2 * np.arctan(np.radians(rising_angle))
- sky_texture.keyframe_insert(data_path="sun_rotation", frame=bpy.context.scene.frame_end)
- sky_texture.sun_rotation -= (sky_texture.sun_elevation + np.radians(8)) * np.arctan(np.radians(rising_angle))
- sky_texture.keyframe_insert(data_path="sun_rotation", frame=bpy.context.scene.frame_start)
+ sky_texture.sun_rotation += (
+ (sky_texture.sun_elevation + np.radians(8))
+ / 2
+ * np.arctan(np.radians(rising_angle))
+ )
+ sky_texture.keyframe_insert(
+ data_path="sun_rotation", frame=bpy.context.scene.frame_end
+ )
+ sky_texture.sun_rotation -= (
+ sky_texture.sun_elevation + np.radians(8)
+ ) * np.arctan(np.radians(rising_angle))
+ sky_texture.keyframe_insert(
+ data_path="sun_rotation", frame=bpy.context.scene.frame_start
+ )
- sky_texture.keyframe_insert(data_path="sun_elevation", frame=bpy.context.scene.frame_end)
+ sky_texture.keyframe_insert(
+ data_path="sun_elevation", frame=bpy.context.scene.frame_end
+ )
sky_texture.sun_elevation = -np.radians(8)
- sky_texture.keyframe_insert(data_path="sun_elevation", frame=bpy.context.scene.frame_start)
+ sky_texture.keyframe_insert(
+ data_path="sun_elevation", frame=bpy.context.scene.frame_start
+ )
sky_texture.sun_elevation = -np.radians(5)
- sky_texture.keyframe_insert(data_path="sun_elevation", frame=bpy.context.scene.frame_start + 10)
+ sky_texture.keyframe_insert(
+ data_path="sun_elevation", frame=bpy.context.scene.frame_start + 10
+ )
sky_texture.altitude = clip_gaussian(100, 400, 0, 2000)
- sky_texture.air_density =rg(air_density)
+ sky_texture.air_density = rg(air_density)
sky_texture.dust_density = rg(dust_density)
sky_texture.ozone_density = clip_gaussian(1, 1, 0.1, 10)
strength = rg(strength)
- return nw.new_node(Nodes.Background, input_kwargs={'Color': sky_texture, 'Strength': strength})
+ return nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Background, input_kwargs={"Color": sky_texture, "Strength": strength}
+ )
def add_lighting(cam=None):
nw = NodeWrangler(bpy.context.scene.world.node_tree)
@@ -67,16 +92,18 @@ def add_lighting(cam=None):
volume = None
- nw.new_node(Nodes.WorldOutput, input_kwargs={
- 'Surface': surface,
- 'Volume': volume
- })
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.WorldOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": surface, "Volume": volume})
-def add_camera_based_lighting(energy=("log_uniform", 200, 500), spot_size=("uniform", np.pi / 6, np.pi / 4)):
+def add_camera_based_lighting(
+ energy=("log_uniform", 200, 500), spot_size=("uniform", np.pi / 6, np.pi / 4)
camera = bpy.context.scene.camera
- bpy.ops.object.light_add(type='SPOT', location=camera.location, rotation=camera.rotation_euler)
+ bpy.ops.object.light_add(
+ type="SPOT", location=camera.location, rotation=camera.rotation_euler
+ )
spot = bpy.context.active_object
spot.data.energy = rg(energy)
spot.data.spot_size = rg(spot_size)
- spot.data.spot_blend = uniform(.6, .8)
+ spot.data.spot_blend = uniform(0.6, 0.8)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/lighting/three_point_lighting.py b/infinigen/assets/lighting/three_point_lighting.py
index e1dba2e16..3cb0026ca 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/lighting/three_point_lighting.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/lighting/three_point_lighting.py
@@ -13,16 +13,24 @@
def add_lighting(asset):
dimension = asset.dimensions * asset.scale
radius = np.sqrt(dimension[0] * dimension[1]) / 2 * 1.5
- locations = np.array(
- [(uniform(3, 4), -uniform(3, 4), uniform(5, 6)), (uniform(3, 4), uniform(3, 4), uniform(3, 4)),
- (-uniform(5, 6), uniform(-2, -3), uniform(3, 4))]) * radius
+ locations = (
+ np.array(
+ [
+ (uniform(3, 4), -uniform(3, 4), uniform(5, 6)),
+ (uniform(3, 4), uniform(3, 4), uniform(3, 4)),
+ (-uniform(5, 6), uniform(-2, -3), uniform(3, 4)),
+ ]
+ )
+ * radius
+ )
energies = [1000, 1000 / uniform(5, 10), 1000 * uniform(5, 10)]
for loc, energy in zip(locations, energies):
- bpy.ops.object.light_add(type='SPOT')
+ bpy.ops.object.light_add(type="SPOT")
light = bpy.context.active_object
light.location = loc + asset.location + center(asset) * asset.scale
- light.rotation_euler = 0, np.arctan2(np.sqrt(loc[0] ** 2 + loc[1] ** 2), loc[2]), -np.arctan2(-loc[0],
- -loc[
- 1])\
- - np.pi / 2
+ light.rotation_euler = (
+ 0,
+ np.arctan2(np.sqrt(loc[0] ** 2 + loc[1] ** 2), loc[2]),
+ -np.arctan2(-loc[0], -loc[1]) - np.pi / 2,
+ )
light.data.energy = energy * radius * radius
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/material_assignments.py b/infinigen/assets/material_assignments.py
index a11d1bdff..629220af2 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/material_assignments.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/material_assignments.py
@@ -4,37 +4,51 @@
# Authors: Meenal Parakh
-import numpy as np
-from dataclasses import dataclass
import functools
+import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.materials import (metal, plastic, text, ceramic, woods, dirt,
- mirror,
- wood, glass_volume, fabrics, plaster,
- sofa_fabric, leather, rug, water, glass)
+from infinigen.assets.color_fits import real_color_distribution
+from infinigen.assets.materials import (
+ beverage_fridge_shaders,
+ ceiling_light_shaders,
+ ceramic,
+ dirt,
+ dishwasher_shaders,
+ fabrics,
+ glass,
+ glass_volume,
+ lamp_shaders,
+ metal,
+ microwave_shaders,
+ mirror,
+ oven_shaders,
+ plaster,
+ plastic,
+ rug,
+ sofa_fabric,
+ table_marble,
+ text,
+ vase_shaders,
+ velvet,
+ water,
+ wood,
+ woods,
+from infinigen.assets.materials.art import Art, ArtFabric, ArtRug
from infinigen.assets.materials.plastics import plastic_rough
from infinigen.assets.materials.plastics.plastic_rough import shader_rough_plastic
-from infinigen.assets.materials import (glass_volume, plaster, wood,
- sofa_fabric, leather, rug, water, glass, velvet)
-from infinigen.assets.materials import (beverage_fridge_shaders, dishwasher_shaders,
- ceiling_light_shaders,
- vase_shaders,
- lamp_shaders, table_marble,
- fabrics,
- microwave_shaders, oven_shaders)
-from infinigen.assets.materials import black_plastic
-from infinigen.assets.materials.art import ArtFabric, ArtRug, Art
-from infinigen.assets.materials.wear_tear import procedural_edge_wear, procedural_scratch
-from infinigen.assets.color_fits import real_color_distribution
+from infinigen.assets.materials.wear_tear import (
+ procedural_edge_wear,
+ procedural_scratch,
-class TextureAssignments:
+class TextureAssignments:
def __init__(self, materials, probabilities):
self.materials = materials
self.probabilities = probabilities
@@ -44,211 +58,259 @@ def assign_material(self):
p = p / p.sum()
return np.random.choice(self.materials, p=p)
class MaterialOptions:
def __init__(self, materials_list):
self.materials, self.probabilities = zip(*materials_list)
self.probabilities = np.array(self.probabilities)
self.probabilities = self.probabilities / self.probabilities.sum()
def assign_material(self):
return np.random.choice(self.materials, p=self.probabilities)
def get_all_metal_shaders():
- metal_shaders_list = [metal.brushed_metal.shader_brushed_metal,
- metal.galvanized_metal.shader_galvanized_metal,
- metal.grained_and_polished_metal.shader_grained_metal,
- metal.hammered_metal.shader_hammered_metal]
+ metal_shaders_list = [
+ metal.brushed_metal.shader_brushed_metal,
+ metal.galvanized_metal.shader_galvanized_metal,
+ metal.grained_and_polished_metal.shader_grained_metal,
+ metal.hammered_metal.shader_hammered_metal,
+ ]
color = metal.sample_metal_color()
- new_shaders = [functools.partial(shader, base_color=color) for shader in metal_shaders_list]
+ new_shaders = [
+ functools.partial(shader, base_color=color) for shader in metal_shaders_list
+ ]
for idx, ns in enumerate(new_shaders):
# fix taken from: https://github.com/elastic/apm-agent-python/issues/293
ns.__name__ = metal_shaders_list[idx].__name__
return new_shaders
def plastic_furniture():
- new_shader = functools.partial(shader_rough_plastic, base_color=real_color_distribution('sofa_leather'))
+ new_shader = functools.partial(
+ shader_rough_plastic, base_color=real_color_distribution("sofa_leather")
+ )
new_shader.__name__ = shader_rough_plastic.__name__
return new_shader
def get_all_fabric_shaders():
- return [fabrics.shader_coarse_fabric_random, fabrics.shader_fine_fabric_random, fabrics.shader_fabric,
- fabrics.shader_leather, fabrics.shader_sofa_fabric]
+ return [
+ fabrics.shader_coarse_knit_fabric,
+ fabrics.shader_fine_knit_fabric,
+ fabrics.shader_fabric,
+ fabrics.shader_leather,
+ fabrics.shader_sofa_fabric,
+ ]
def beverage_fridge_materials():
metal_shaders = get_all_metal_shaders()
return {
- "surface": TextureAssignments(metal_shaders, [1.0]* len(metal_shaders)),
+ "surface": TextureAssignments(metal_shaders, [1.0] * len(metal_shaders)),
"front": TextureAssignments([beverage_fridge_shaders.shader_glass_001], [1.0]),
- "handle": TextureAssignments([beverage_fridge_shaders.shader_white_metal_001], [1.0]),
- "back": TextureAssignments([beverage_fridge_shaders.shader_black_medal_001], [1.0]),
+ "handle": TextureAssignments(
+ [beverage_fridge_shaders.shader_white_metal_001], [1.0]
+ ),
+ "back": TextureAssignments(
+ [beverage_fridge_shaders.shader_black_medal_001], [1.0]
+ ),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
def dishwasher_materials():
metal_shaders = get_all_metal_shaders()
return {
- "surface": TextureAssignments(metal_shaders, [1.0]* len(metal_shaders)),
+ "surface": TextureAssignments(metal_shaders, [1.0] * len(metal_shaders)),
"front": TextureAssignments([dishwasher_shaders.shader_glass_002], [1.0]),
- "white_metal": TextureAssignments(metal_shaders, [1.0]* len(metal_shaders)),
+ "white_metal": TextureAssignments(metal_shaders, [1.0] * len(metal_shaders)),
"top": TextureAssignments([dishwasher_shaders.shader_black_medal_002], [1.0]),
- "name_material": TextureAssignments(metal_shaders, [1.0]* len(metal_shaders)),
+ "name_material": TextureAssignments(metal_shaders, [1.0] * len(metal_shaders)),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
def microwave_materials():
metal_shaders = get_all_metal_shaders()
return {
- "surface": TextureAssignments(metal_shaders, [1.0]* len(metal_shaders)),
- "back": TextureAssignments(metal_shaders, [1.0]* len(metal_shaders)),
- "black_glass": TextureAssignments([microwave_shaders.shader_black_glass], [1.0]),
+ "surface": TextureAssignments(metal_shaders, [1.0] * len(metal_shaders)),
+ "back": TextureAssignments(metal_shaders, [1.0] * len(metal_shaders)),
+ "black_glass": TextureAssignments(
+ [microwave_shaders.shader_black_glass], [1.0]
+ ),
"glass": TextureAssignments([microwave_shaders.shader_glass], [1.0]),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
def oven_materials():
metal_shaders = get_all_metal_shaders()
return {
- "surface": TextureAssignments(metal_shaders, [1.0]* len(metal_shaders)),
+ "surface": TextureAssignments(metal_shaders, [1.0] * len(metal_shaders)),
"back": TextureAssignments([oven_shaders.shader_black_medal], [1.0]),
- "white_metal": TextureAssignments(metal_shaders, [1.0]* len(metal_shaders)),
- "black_glass": TextureAssignments([oven_shaders.shader_super_black_glass], [1.0]),
+ "white_metal": TextureAssignments(metal_shaders, [1.0] * len(metal_shaders)),
+ "black_glass": TextureAssignments(
+ [oven_shaders.shader_super_black_glass], [1.0]
+ ),
"glass": TextureAssignments([oven_shaders.shader_glass], [1.0]),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
def tv_materials():
return {
- "surface": TextureAssignments([metal, plastic_rough], [1.0, .2]),
+ "surface": TextureAssignments([metal, plastic_rough], [1.0, 0.2]),
"screen_surface": TextureAssignments([text.Text], [1.0]),
- "support": TextureAssignments([metal, plastic_rough], [1.0, .2]),
+ "support": TextureAssignments([metal, plastic_rough], [1.0, 0.2]),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
def bathtub_materials():
return {
"surface": TextureAssignments([ceramic], [1]),
"leg": TextureAssignments([metal], [1.0]),
"hole": TextureAssignments([metal], [1.0]),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
def bathroom_sink_materials():
return {
"surface": TextureAssignments([ceramic, metal], [0.9, 0.1]),
# rest inherited from bathtub_materials
def toilet_materials():
return {
"surface": TextureAssignments([ceramic, metal], [0.9, 0.1]),
"hardware_surface": TextureAssignments([metal], [1.0]),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
def hardware_materials():
return {
"surface": TextureAssignments([metal], [1.0]),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
def blanket_materials():
return {
- "surface": TextureAssignments([ArtFabric, fabrics],
- [1.0, 1.0]),
+ "surface": TextureAssignments([ArtFabric, fabrics.fabric_random], [1.0, 1.0]),
def pants_materials():
return {
- "surface": TextureAssignments([ArtFabric, fabrics],
- [1.0, 1.0]),
+ "surface": TextureAssignments([ArtFabric, fabrics.fabric_random], [1.0, 1.0]),
def towel_materials():
return {
- "surface": TextureAssignments([ArtRug, rug],
- [0.2, 0.8]),
+ "surface": TextureAssignments([ArtRug, rug], [0.2, 0.8]),
def acquarium_materials():
return {
"glass_surface": TextureAssignments([glass], [1.0]),
"belt_surface": TextureAssignments([metal.galvanized_metal], [1.0]),
"water_surface": TextureAssignments([water], [1.0]),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
- "wear_tear_prob": [0, DEFAULT_EDGE_WEAR_PROB]
+ "wear_tear_prob": [0, DEFAULT_EDGE_WEAR_PROB],
def ceiling_light_materials():
return {
- "black_material": TextureAssignments([ceiling_light_shaders.shader_black], [1.0]),
- "white_material": TextureAssignments([ceiling_light_shaders.shader_lamp_bulb_nonemissive], [1.0]),
+ "black_material": TextureAssignments(
+ [ceiling_light_shaders.shader_black], [1.0]
+ ),
+ "white_material": TextureAssignments(
+ [ceiling_light_shaders.shader_lamp_bulb_nonemissive], [1.0]
+ ),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
+ }
def lamp_materials():
return {
- 'black_material': TextureAssignments([lamp_shaders.shader_black], [1.0]),
- 'metal': TextureAssignments([lamp_shaders.shader_metal], [1.0]),
- 'lampshade': TextureAssignments([lamp_shaders.shader_lampshade], [1.0]),
+ "black_material": TextureAssignments([lamp_shaders.shader_black], [1.0]),
+ "metal": TextureAssignments([lamp_shaders.shader_metal], [1.0]),
+ "lampshade": TextureAssignments([lamp_shaders.shader_lampshade], [1.0]),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
- "wear_tear_prob": [0, 0]
+ "wear_tear_prob": [0, 0],
def table_cocktail_materials():
# top materials are: choice(['marble', 'tiled_wood', 'plastic', 'glass']),
# choice(['brushed_metal', 'grained_metal', 'galvanized_metal', 'wood', 'glass']),
metal_shaders = get_all_metal_shaders()
return {
- 'top': TextureAssignments([table_marble.shader_marble,
- woods.tiled_wood.shader_wood_tiled,
- shader_rough_plastic,
- glass_volume.shader_glass_volume],
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]),
- 'leg': TextureAssignments([*metal_shaders,
- wood.shader_wood,
- glass_volume.shader_glass_volume],
- [1.0] * len(metal_shaders)+ [1.0, 1.0]),
+ "top": TextureAssignments(
+ [
+ table_marble.shader_marble,
+ woods.tiled_wood.shader_wood_tiled,
+ shader_rough_plastic,
+ glass_volume.shader_glass_volume,
+ ],
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+ ),
+ "leg": TextureAssignments(
+ [*metal_shaders, wood.shader_wood, glass_volume.shader_glass_volume],
+ [1.0] * len(metal_shaders) + [1.0, 1.0],
+ ),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
def table_dining_materials():
metal_shaders = get_all_metal_shaders()
fabric_shaders = get_all_fabric_shaders()
probs = [1.0 / len(metal_shaders)] * len(metal_shaders)
- return {
- 'top': MaterialOptions([
- (table_marble.shader_marble, 2.0),
- (wood.shader_wood, 1.0),
- (dishwasher_shaders.shader_glass_002, 1.0),
- (oven_shaders.shader_super_black_glass, 1.0),
- (woods.tiled_wood.shader_wood_tiled, 2.0),
- (glass_volume.shader_glass_volume, 1.0),
- *(zip(metal_shaders, probs)),
- ]),
- 'leg': MaterialOptions([
- (wood.shader_wood, 1.0),
- (glass_volume.shader_glass_volume, 1.0),
- (plastic_furniture(), 1.0),
- *(zip(metal_shaders, probs)),
- ]),
+ return {
+ "top": MaterialOptions(
+ [
+ (table_marble.shader_marble, 2.0),
+ (wood.shader_wood, 1.0),
+ (dishwasher_shaders.shader_glass_002, 1.0),
+ (oven_shaders.shader_super_black_glass, 1.0),
+ (woods.tiled_wood.shader_wood_tiled, 2.0),
+ (glass_volume.shader_glass_volume, 1.0),
+ *(zip(metal_shaders, probs)),
+ ]
+ ),
+ "leg": MaterialOptions(
+ [
+ (wood.shader_wood, 1.0),
+ (glass_volume.shader_glass_volume, 1.0),
+ (plastic_furniture(), 1.0),
+ *(zip(metal_shaders, probs)),
+ ]
+ ),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
def bar_chair_materials(leg_style=None):
metal_shaders = get_all_metal_shaders()
if leg_style == "wheeled":
@@ -256,28 +318,30 @@ def bar_chair_materials(leg_style=None):
probs = [1.0 / len(metal_shaders)] * len(metal_shaders)
return {
- 'seat': TextureAssignments([leather.shader_leather],
- [1.0]),
- 'leg': TextureAssignments([wood.shader_wood,
- *metal_shaders],
- [1.0] + probs),
+ "seat": TextureAssignments([fabrics.shader_leather], [1.0]),
+ "leg": TextureAssignments([wood.shader_wood, *metal_shaders], [1.0] + probs),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
- 'wear_tear_prob': [DEFAULT_SCRATCH_PROB, 0.0]
+ "wear_tear_prob": [DEFAULT_SCRATCH_PROB, 0.0],
def chair_materials():
return {
- 'limb': TextureAssignments(
- [metal, wood, fabrics],
- [2.0, 2., 2]
+ "limb": TextureAssignments([metal, wood, fabrics.fabric_random], [2.0, 2.0, 2]),
+ "surface": TextureAssignments(
+ [plastic_rough, wood, fabrics.fabric_random], [0.3, 0.5, 0.7]
+ ),
+ "panel": TextureAssignments(
+ [plastic_rough, wood, fabrics.fabric_random], [0.3, 0.5, 0.7]
+ ),
+ "arm": TextureAssignments(
+ [plastic, wood, fabrics.fabric_random], [0.3, 0.5, 0.7]
- 'surface': TextureAssignments([plastic_rough, wood, fabrics], [.3, 0.5, 0.7]),
- 'panel': TextureAssignments([plastic_rough, wood, fabrics], [.3, 0.5, 0.7]),
- 'arm': TextureAssignments([plastic, wood, fabrics], [.3, 0.5, 0.7]),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
def office_chair_materials(leg_style=None):
metal_shaders = get_all_metal_shaders()
if leg_style == "wheeled":
@@ -285,66 +349,79 @@ def office_chair_materials(leg_style=None):
probs = [1.0 / len(metal_shaders)] * len(metal_shaders)
return {
- 'top': TextureAssignments([
- leather.shader_leather,
- wood.shader_wood,
- shader_rough_plastic,
- glass_volume.shader_glass_volume],
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]),
- 'leg': TextureAssignments([wood.shader_wood,
- *metal_shaders],
- [1.0] + probs),
+ "top": TextureAssignments(
+ [
+ fabrics.shader_leather,
+ wood.shader_wood,
+ shader_rough_plastic,
+ glass_volume.shader_glass_volume,
+ ],
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+ ),
+ "leg": TextureAssignments([wood.shader_wood, *metal_shaders], [1.0] + probs),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
def bedframe_materials():
return {
- 'surface': TextureAssignments([wood, plaster],
- [2.0, 1.0,]),
- 'limb_surface': TextureAssignments([wood, plaster], [2.0, 1.0]),
+ "surface": TextureAssignments(
+ [wood, plaster],
+ [
+ 2.0,
+ 1.0,
+ ],
+ ),
+ "limb_surface": TextureAssignments([wood, plaster], [2.0, 1.0]),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
def mattress_materials():
return {
- 'surface': TextureAssignments([sofa_fabric],
- [1.0]),
+ "surface": TextureAssignments([sofa_fabric], [1.0]),
def pillow_materials():
return {
- 'surface': TextureAssignments([ArtFabric, sofa_fabric],
- [1.0, 1.0]),
+ "surface": TextureAssignments([ArtFabric, sofa_fabric], [1.0, 1.0]),
def sofa_materials():
return {
- 'sofa_fabric': MaterialOptions([
+ "sofa_fabric": MaterialOptions(
+ [
(velvet.shader_velvet, 0.5),
(sofa_fabric.shader_sofa_fabric, 0.3),
- (leather.shader_leather, 0.2)
- ]),
+ (fabrics.shader_leather, 0.2),
+ ]
+ ),
def book_materials():
return {
"surface": TextureAssignments([plaster], [1.0]),
"cover_surface": TextureAssignments([text.Text], [1.0]),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
- 'wear_tear_prob': [0, 0]
+ "wear_tear_prob": [0, 0],
def vase_materials():
return {
- "surface": TextureAssignments([vase_shaders.shader_ceramic,
- glass_volume.shader_glass_volume],
- [1.0, 1.0]),
+ "surface": TextureAssignments(
+ [vase_shaders.shader_ceramic, glass_volume.shader_glass_volume], [1.0, 1.0]
+ ),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
def pan_materials():
return {
"surface": TextureAssignments([metal], [1.0]),
@@ -352,35 +429,40 @@ def pan_materials():
# no guard as it overrides over tableware_materials
def cup_materials():
return {
- 'surface': TextureAssignments([glass, plastic], [1.0, 1.0]),
+ "surface": TextureAssignments([glass, plastic], [1.0, 1.0]),
"wrap_surface": TextureAssignments([text.Text], [1.0]),
def bottle_materials():
return {
"surface": TextureAssignments([glass, plastic], [1.0, 1.0]),
"wrap_surface": TextureAssignments([text.Text], [1.0]),
"cap_surface": TextureAssignments([metal, plastic], [1.0, 1.0]),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
- 'wear_tear_prob': [DEFAULT_SCRATCH_PROB, 0.0]
+ "wear_tear_prob": [DEFAULT_SCRATCH_PROB, 0.0],
def tableware_materials(fragile=False, transparent=False):
if fragile:
surface_materials = TextureAssignments([ceramic, glass, plastic], [1.0, 1, 1])
elif transparent:
surface_materials = TextureAssignments([ceramic, glass], [1.0, 1])
- surface_materials = TextureAssignments([ceramic, glass, plastic, metal, wood], [1, 1, 1.0, 1, 1])
+ surface_materials = TextureAssignments(
+ [ceramic, glass, plastic, metal, wood], [1, 1, 1.0, 1, 1]
+ )
return {
"surface": surface_materials,
"guard": TextureAssignments([wood, plastic], [1.0, 1.0]),
"inside": TextureAssignments([ceramic, metal], [1.0, 1.0]),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
@@ -389,204 +471,223 @@ def can_materials():
"surface": TextureAssignments([metal], [1.0]),
"wrap_surface": TextureAssignments([text.Text], [1.0]),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
def jar_materials():
return {
"surface": TextureAssignments([glass], [1.0]),
"cap_surface": TextureAssignments([metal], [1.0]),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
def foodbag_materials():
return {
"surface": TextureAssignments([text.Text], [1.0]),
def lid_materials():
return {
"surface": TextureAssignments([ceramic, metal], [0.5, 0.5]),
"rim_surface": TextureAssignments([metal], [1.0]),
"handle_surface": TextureAssignments([metal, ceramic], [1.0, 1.0]),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
- 'wear_tear_prob': [DEFAULT_SCRATCH_PROB, 0.0]
+ "wear_tear_prob": [DEFAULT_SCRATCH_PROB, 0.0],
def glasslid_materials():
return {
"surface": TextureAssignments([glass], [1.0]),
"rim_surface": TextureAssignments([metal], [1.0]),
"handle_surface": TextureAssignments([metal, ceramic], [1.0, 1.0]),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
- 'wear_tear_prob': [DEFAULT_SCRATCH_PROB, 0.0]
+ "wear_tear_prob": [DEFAULT_SCRATCH_PROB, 0.0],
def plant_container_materials():
return {
- "surface": TextureAssignments([ceramic, metal], [3., 1.]),
- 'dirt_surface': TextureAssignments([dirt], [1.0]),
+ "surface": TextureAssignments([ceramic, metal], [3.0, 1.0]),
+ "dirt_surface": TextureAssignments([dirt], [1.0]),
def balloon_materials():
return {
- "surface": TextureAssignments([metal],
- [1.0]),
+ "surface": TextureAssignments([metal], [1.0]),
def range_hood_materials():
return {
"surface": TextureAssignments([metal], [1.0]),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
def wall_art_materials():
return {
"frame": TextureAssignments([wood, metal], [1.0, 1.0]),
"surface": TextureAssignments([Art], [1.0]),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
def mirror_materials():
return {
"frame": TextureAssignments([wood, metal], [1.0, 1.0]),
"surface": TextureAssignments([mirror], [1.0]),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
def kitchen_sink_materials():
shaders = get_all_metal_shaders()
- sink_color = metal.sample_metal_color(metal_color='natural')
- if uniform() < .5:
- tap_color = metal.sample_metal_color(metal_color='plain')
+ sink_color = metal.sample_metal_color(metal_color="natural")
+ if uniform() < 0.5:
+ tap_color = metal.sample_metal_color(metal_color="plain")
- tap_color = metal.sample_metal_color(metal_color='natural')
- sink_shaders = [lambda nw, *args: shader(nw, *args, base_color=sink_color) for shader in shaders]
- tap_shaders = [lambda nw, *args: shader(nw, *args, base_color=tap_color) for shader in shaders]
+ tap_color = metal.sample_metal_color(metal_color="natural")
+ sink_shaders = [
+ lambda nw, *args: shader(nw, *args, base_color=sink_color) for shader in shaders
+ ]
+ tap_shaders = [
+ lambda nw, *args: shader(nw, *args, base_color=tap_color) for shader in shaders
+ ]
return {
"sink": TextureAssignments(sink_shaders, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]),
"tap": TextureAssignments(tap_shaders, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
def kitchen_tap_materials():
shaders = get_all_metal_shaders()
- if uniform() < .5:
- tap_color = metal.sample_metal_color(metal_color='plain')
+ if uniform() < 0.5:
+ tap_color = metal.sample_metal_color(metal_color="plain")
- tap_color = metal.sample_metal_color(metal_color='natural')
- tap_shaders = [lambda nw, *args: shader(nw, *args, base_color=tap_color) for shader in shaders]
+ tap_color = metal.sample_metal_color(metal_color="natural")
+ tap_shaders = [
+ lambda nw, *args: shader(nw, *args, base_color=tap_color) for shader in shaders
+ ]
return {
"tap": TextureAssignments(tap_shaders, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]),
"wear_tear": [procedural_scratch, procedural_edge_wear],
def rug_materials():
return {
- "surface": MaterialOptions([
- (rug, 3.0),
- (ArtRug, 2.0),
- (fabrics, 5.0),
- ])
+ "surface": MaterialOptions(
+ [
+ (rug, 3.0),
+ (ArtRug, 2.0),
+ (fabrics.fabric_random, 5.0),
+ ]
+ )
AssetList = {
# appliances
- 'BeverageFridgeFactory': beverage_fridge_materials, # looks like dishwasher currently
- 'DishwasherFactory': dishwasher_materials,
- 'MicrowaveFactory': microwave_materials,
- 'OvenFactory': oven_materials, # looks like dishwasher currently
- 'TVFactory': tv_materials,
- 'MonitorFactory': None, # inherits from TVFactory
+ "BeverageFridgeFactory": beverage_fridge_materials, # looks like dishwasher currently
+ "DishwasherFactory": dishwasher_materials,
+ "MicrowaveFactory": microwave_materials,
+ "OvenFactory": oven_materials, # looks like dishwasher currently
+ "TVFactory": tv_materials,
+ "MonitorFactory": None, # inherits from TVFactory
# bathroom
- 'BathtubFactory': bathtub_materials,
- 'BathroomSinkFactory': bathroom_sink_materials, # inheriting from bathtub factory, so not used
- 'HardwareFactory': hardware_materials,
- 'ToiletFactory': toilet_materials,
+ "BathtubFactory": bathtub_materials,
+ "BathroomSinkFactory": bathroom_sink_materials, # inheriting from bathtub factory, so not used
+ "HardwareFactory": hardware_materials,
+ "ToiletFactory": toilet_materials,
# clothes
- 'BlanketFactory': blanket_materials, # has Art which is a class, not func,
- # also "Normal Not Found" is printed when generating
+ "BlanketFactory": blanket_materials, # has Art which is a class, not func,
+ # also "Normal Not Found" is printed when generating
############## this point onwards, using this dictionary to get corresponding
############## material functions except for tableware base
- 'PantsFactory': pants_materials, # same comment as above
- 'ShirtFactory': pants_materials, # same comment as above
- 'TowelFactory': towel_materials,
+ "PantsFactory": pants_materials, # same comment as above
+ "ShirtFactory": pants_materials, # same comment as above
+ "TowelFactory": towel_materials,
# decor
- 'AquariumTankFactory': acquarium_materials,
+ "AquariumTankFactory": acquarium_materials,
# lighting
- 'CausticsLampFactory': None, # the properties are not materials, so skipping
- 'CeilingLightFactory': ceiling_light_materials,
- 'PointLampFactory': None, # the properties are not materials, so skipping
- 'LampFactory': lamp_materials, # really required bunch of changes to expose the materials
+ "CausticsLampFactory": None, # the properties are not materials, so skipping
+ "CeilingLightFactory": ceiling_light_materials,
+ "PointLampFactory": None, # the properties are not materials, so skipping
+ "LampFactory": lamp_materials, # really required bunch of changes to expose the materials
# seating: chairs
- 'BarChairFactory': bar_chair_materials,
- 'ChairFactory': chair_materials, # an internal reassignment that overrides surface with the limb material
- 'OfficeChairFactory': office_chair_materials,
+ "BarChairFactory": bar_chair_materials,
+ "ChairFactory": chair_materials, # an internal reassignment that overrides surface with the limb material
+ "OfficeChairFactory": office_chair_materials,
# seating: sofas and beds
- 'BedFactory': None, # uses the below factories, so no materials
- 'BedFrameFactory': bedframe_materials,
- 'MattressFactory': mattress_materials,
- 'PillowFactory': pillow_materials,
- 'SofaFactory': sofa_materials,
+ "BedFactory": None, # uses the below factories, so no materials
+ "BedFrameFactory": bedframe_materials,
+ "MattressFactory": mattress_materials,
+ "PillowFactory": pillow_materials,
+ "SofaFactory": sofa_materials,
# shelves: todo
- 'SimpleDeskFactory': None,
- 'SimpleBookcaseFactory': None,
- 'CellShelfFactory': None,
- 'TVStandFactory': None,
- 'TriangleShelfFactory': None,
- 'LargeShelfFactory': None,
- 'SingleCabinetFactory': None,
- 'KitchenCabinetFactory': None,
- 'KitchenSpaceFactory': None,
- 'KitchenIslandFactory': None,
+ "SimpleDeskFactory": None,
+ "SimpleBookcaseFactory": None,
+ "CellShelfFactory": None,
+ "TVStandFactory": None,
+ "TriangleShelfFactory": None,
+ "LargeShelfFactory": None,
+ "SingleCabinetFactory": None,
+ "KitchenCabinetFactory": None,
+ "KitchenSpaceFactory": None,
+ "KitchenIslandFactory": None,
# table decorations : they have their own materials
- 'BookFactory': book_materials,
- 'BookColumnFactory': None, # use BookFactory
- 'BookStackFactory': None, # use BookFactory
- 'VaseFactory': vase_materials,
+ "BookFactory": book_materials,
+ "BookColumnFactory": None, # use BookFactory
+ "BookStackFactory": None, # use BookFactory
+ "VaseFactory": vase_materials,
# sink and tap
- 'SinkFactory': kitchen_sink_materials,
- 'TapFactory': kitchen_tap_materials,
+ "SinkFactory": kitchen_sink_materials,
+ "TapFactory": kitchen_tap_materials,
# tables
- 'TableCocktailFactory': table_cocktail_materials,
- 'TableDiningFactory': table_dining_materials,
- 'TableTopFactory': None, # not sure where the materials are used in it
+ "TableCocktailFactory": table_cocktail_materials,
+ "TableDiningFactory": table_dining_materials,
+ "TableTopFactory": None, # not sure where the materials are used in it
# Tableware
- 'TablewareFactory': tableware_materials, # only function with arguments
+ "TablewareFactory": tableware_materials, # only function with arguments
# 'TablewareFactory': tableware_materials_default, # directly uses the following functions (not through the AssetList Dictionary)
- 'SpoonFactory': None, # uses materials from tableware base
- 'KnifeFactory': None, # uses materials from tableware base
- 'ChopsticksFactory': None, # uses materials from tableware base
- 'ForkFactory': None, # uses materials from tableware base
- 'SpatulaFactory': None, # uses materials from tableware base
- 'PanFactory': pan_materials,
- 'PotFactory': None, # uses the same materials as PanFactory
- 'CupFactory': cup_materials,
- 'WineglassFactory': None, # uses materials from transparent tableware
- 'PlateFactory': None, # uses materials from tableware base
- 'BowlFactory': None, # uses materials from tableware base
- 'FruitContainerFactory': None, # uses materials from tableware base
- 'BottleFactory': bottle_materials,
- 'CanFactory': can_materials,
- 'JarFactory': jar_materials,
- 'FoodBagFactory': foodbag_materials,
- 'FoodBoxFactory': foodbag_materials, # same params as above
- 'LidFactory': lid_materials,
- 'GlassLidFactory': glasslid_materials,
- 'PlantContainerFactory': plant_container_materials,
+ "SpoonFactory": None, # uses materials from tableware base
+ "KnifeFactory": None, # uses materials from tableware base
+ "ChopsticksFactory": None, # uses materials from tableware base
+ "ForkFactory": None, # uses materials from tableware base
+ "SpatulaFactory": None, # uses materials from tableware base
+ "PanFactory": pan_materials,
+ "PotFactory": None, # uses the same materials as PanFactory
+ "CupFactory": cup_materials,
+ "WineglassFactory": None, # uses materials from transparent tableware
+ "PlateFactory": None, # uses materials from tableware base
+ "BowlFactory": None, # uses materials from tableware base
+ "FruitContainerFactory": None, # uses materials from tableware base
+ "BottleFactory": bottle_materials,
+ "CanFactory": can_materials,
+ "JarFactory": jar_materials,
+ "FoodBagFactory": foodbag_materials,
+ "FoodBoxFactory": foodbag_materials, # same params as above
+ "LidFactory": lid_materials,
+ "GlassLidFactory": glasslid_materials,
+ "PlantContainerFactory": plant_container_materials,
# wall decorations
- 'BalloonFactory': balloon_materials,
- 'RangeHoodFactory': range_hood_materials, # getting RangeHoodFactory not Found.
- 'WallArtFactory': wall_art_materials,
- 'MirrorFactory': mirror_materials,
+ "BalloonFactory": balloon_materials,
+ "RangeHoodFactory": range_hood_materials, # getting RangeHoodFactory not Found.
+ "WallArtFactory": wall_art_materials,
+ "MirrorFactory": mirror_materials,
# window
- 'WindowFactory': None,
+ "WindowFactory": None,
"RugFactory": rug_materials,
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/__init__.py
index 039b38d05..e455c367b 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/__init__.py
@@ -3,21 +3,49 @@
# Authors: Hongyu Wen
-from . import *
-from infinigen.infinigen_gpl.surfaces import *
+from infinigen.infinigen_gpl.surfaces import snow
+# too verbose to import all shaders one by one
+# ruff: noqa: F403
+from . import *
+from .art import Art, ArtFabric, ArtRug, DarkArt
+from .fabrics import (
+ coarse_knit_fabric,
+ fine_knit_fabric,
+ general_fabric,
+ leather,
+ lined_fabric,
+ sofa_fabric,
+ velvet,
+from .glass import shader_glass
+from .metal import (
+ brushed_metal,
+ galvanized_metal,
+ grained_and_polished_metal,
+ hammered_metal,
+ metal_basic,
from .metal.brushed_metal import shader_brushed_metal
from .metal.galvanized_metal import shader_galvanized_metal
from .metal.grained_and_polished_metal import shader_grained_metal
from .metal.hammered_metal import shader_hammered_metal
from .metal.metal_basic import shader_metal
-from .metal import (
- metal_basic,
- galvanized_metal,
- grained_and_polished_metal,
- hammered_metal,
- brushed_metal,
+from .plastic import shader_rough_plastic, shader_translucent_plastic
+from .stone_and_concrete import concrete
+from .woods import (
+ composite_wood_tile,
+ crossed_wood_tile,
+ hexagon_wood_tile,
+ non_wood_tile,
+ square_wood_tile,
+ staggered_wood_tile,
+ tiled_wood,
+ wood,
+ wood_old,
+ wood_tile,
+from .woods.wood import shader_wood
metal_shader_list = [
@@ -27,29 +55,8 @@
-from .plastic import shader_rough_plastic
-from .plastic import shader_translucent_plastic
plastic_shader_list = [shader_rough_plastic, shader_translucent_plastic]
-from .woods.wood import shader_wood
wood_shader_list = [shader_wood]
-from .glass import shader_glass
glass_shader_list = [shader_glass]
-from .leather_and_fabrics import (
- leather,
- general_fabric,
- sofa_fabric,
- fine_knit_fabric,
- coarse_knit_fabric,
- lined_fabric,
- velvet
-from .art import Art, DarkArt, ArtRug, ArtFabric
-from .stone_and_concrete import concrete
-from .woods import tiled_wood, wood, wood_old, square_wood_tile, hexagon_wood_tile, composite_wood_tile, \
- staggered_wood_tile, crossed_wood_tile, wood_tile, non_wood_tile
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/aluminumdisp2tut.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/aluminumdisp2tut.py
index 41864345e..86653e017 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/aluminumdisp2tut.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/aluminumdisp2tut.py
@@ -4,136 +4,168 @@
# Authors: Mingzhe Wang
# Acknowledgment: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY0lR96Mwas by Sam Bowman
-import os, sys
-import numpy as np
-import math as ma
+import os
import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import clip, sample_range, sample_ratio, sample_color, geo_voronoi_noise
+from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import (
+ sample_color,
+ sample_range,
+ sample_ratio,
+from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
def shader_aluminumdisp2tut(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=False, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: 0.1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
if rand:
multiply.inputs[1].default_value = sample_range(-1, 1)
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
if rand:
multiply_1.inputs[1].default_value = sample_range(-1, 1)
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply_1})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': add})
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Rotation': combine_xyz})
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply_1})
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": add})
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: mapping_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: (1, 75, 1)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- #mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
+ # mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
# input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_1, 'Scale': (1.0, sample_range(50, 100) if rand else 75.0, 1.0)})
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'W': 0.7, 'Scale': 2.0, 'Detail': 10.0, 'Dimension': 1.0},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "W": 0.7,
+ "Scale": 2.0,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Dimension": 1.0,
+ },
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
- musgrave_texture.inputs['W'].default_value = sample_range(0, 5)
- musgrave_texture.inputs['Scale'].default_value = sample_ratio(2, 0.5, 2)
+ musgrave_texture.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(0, 5)
+ musgrave_texture.inputs["Scale"].default_value = sample_ratio(2, 0.5, 2)
- colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': musgrave_texture})
- colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].position = sample_range(0.1, 0.3) if rand else 0.1455
+ colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": musgrave_texture})
+ colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].position = (
+ sample_range(0.1, 0.3) if rand else 0.1455
+ )
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.466, 0.466, 0.466, 1.0)
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_4.outputs["Color"]})
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": colorramp_4.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = .28
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.28
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.56, 0.61, 0.61, 1.0)
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.46
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.206, 0.24, 0.27, 1.0)
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.71
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.92, 0.97, 0.95, 1.0)
if rand:
for e in colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements:
sample_color(e.color, offset=0.02)
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_4.outputs["Color"]})
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": colorramp_4.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.74
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.5162, 0.5162, 0.5162, 1.0)
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': musgrave_texture})
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": musgrave_texture})
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.77
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.26, 0.26, 0.26, 1.0)
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 'Metallic': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Roughness': colorramp_3.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'subsurface_method': 'BURLEY'})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Metallic": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Roughness": colorramp_3.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"subsurface_method": "BURLEY"},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def geo_aluminumdisp2tut(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=False, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- #subdivide_level = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ # subdivide_level = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
# label='SubdivideLevel')
- #subdivide_level.outputs[0].default_value = 0
- #subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
+ # subdivide_level.outputs[0].default_value = 0
+ # subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
# input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Level': subdivide_level})
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='Scale')
+ scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="Scale")
scale.outputs[0].default_value = 1.0
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: position, 1: scale},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 4.0},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": 4.0},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
- noise_texture.inputs['W'].default_value = sample_range(0, 5)
- noise_texture.inputs['Scale'].default_value = sample_ratio(6.0, 0.75, 1.5)
+ noise_texture.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(0, 5)
+ noise_texture.inputs["Scale"].default_value = sample_ratio(6.0, 0.75, 1.5)
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]})
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.68
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
@@ -141,66 +173,107 @@ def geo_aluminumdisp2tut(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=False, **input_kwargs):
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.093, 0.093, 0.093, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.9
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 2.0},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]})
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": 2.0},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.46
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': (0.521, 0.521, 0.521, 1.0)})
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": (0.521, 0.521, 0.521, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: mix, 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"], 1: normal},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- offset_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='OffsetScale')
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ offset_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="OffsetScale")
offset_scale.outputs[0].default_value = sample_range(0.03, 0.05) if rand else 0.04
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: multiply_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: offset_scale},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': multiply_2.outputs["Vector"]})
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 1: mix},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Attribute': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": multiply_2.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, 1: mix},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Attribute": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
+ },
+ )
def apply(obj, geo_kwargs=None, shader_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_aluminumdisp2tut, apply=False, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs, attributes=['offset'])
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_aluminumdisp2tut, reuse=False, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geo_aluminumdisp2tut,
+ apply=False,
+ input_kwargs=geo_kwargs,
+ attributes=["offset"],
+ )
+ surface.add_material(
+ obj, shader_aluminumdisp2tut, reuse=False, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs
+ )
if __name__ == "__main__":
- mat = 'aluminumdisp2tut'
- if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join('outputs', mat)):
- os.mkdir(os.path.join('outputs', mat))
+ mat = "aluminumdisp2tut"
+ if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join("outputs", mat)):
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join("outputs", mat))
for i in range(10):
- bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath='test.blend')
- apply(bpy.data.objects['SolidModel'], geo_kwargs={'rand':True, 'subdivide_mesh_level':3}, shader_kwargs={'rand': True})
- #fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), 'giraffe_geo_test.blend')
- #bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath=fn)
- bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join('outputs', mat, '%s_%d.jpg'%(mat, i))
- bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format='JPEG'
- bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True)
\ No newline at end of file
+ bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath="test.blend")
+ apply(
+ bpy.data.objects["SolidModel"],
+ geo_kwargs={"rand": True, "subdivide_mesh_level": 3},
+ shader_kwargs={"rand": True},
+ )
+ # fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), 'giraffe_geo_test.blend')
+ # bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath=fn)
+ bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join(
+ "outputs", mat, "%s_%d.jpg" % (mat, i)
+ )
+ bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format = "JPEG"
+ bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/art.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/art.py
index a872158bd..8c51aa481 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/art.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/art.py
@@ -5,13 +5,15 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials.fabrics.fabric_random import fabric_shader_list
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from . import text
-from ..utils.decorate import read_uv, write_uv
-from ...core.nodes import NodeWrangler, Nodes
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
+from ...core.nodes import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from ..utils.decorate import read_uv, write_uv
+from . import rug, text
class Art(text.Text):
def __init__(self, factory_seed):
@@ -23,16 +25,15 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed):
def scale_uniform(min_, max_):
- return (max_ - min_) * log_uniform(.1, .5)
+ return (max_ - min_) * log_uniform(0.1, 0.5)
class DarkArt(Art):
def __init__(self, factory_seed):
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
self.darken_scale = uniform(5, 10)
- self.darken_ratio = uniform(.5, 1)
+ self.darken_ratio = uniform(0.5, 1)
def make_shader_func(self, bbox):
art_shader_func = super(DarkArt, self).make_shader_func(bbox)
@@ -41,10 +42,13 @@ def shader_dark_art(nw: NodeWrangler):
art_bsdf = nw.find(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF)[0]
art_color = nw.find_from(art_bsdf.inputs[0])[0].from_socket
- dark_color = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Scale': self.darken_scale}).outputs[0]
+ dark_color = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": self.darken_scale}
+ ).outputs[0]
art_color = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.MixRGB, [self.darken_ratio, art_color, dark_color],
- attrs={'blend_type': 'DARKEN'}
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ [self.darken_ratio, art_color, dark_color],
+ attrs={"blend_type": "DARKEN"},
nw.connect_input(art_color, art_bsdf.inputs[0])
@@ -52,7 +56,6 @@ def shader_dark_art(nw: NodeWrangler):
class ArtComposite(DarkArt):
def base_shader(self):
raise NotImplementedError
@@ -68,7 +71,10 @@ def shader_art_composite(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
art_color = nw_.find_from(art_bsdf.inputs[0])[0].from_socket
nw_.connect_input(art_color, base_bsdf.inputs[0])
- nw_.connect_input(base_bsdf.outputs[0], nw_.find(Nodes.MaterialOutput)[0].inputs['Surface'])
+ nw_.connect_input(
+ base_bsdf.outputs[0],
+ nw_.find(Nodes.MaterialOutput)[0].inputs["Surface"],
+ )
return shader_art_composite
@@ -79,14 +85,12 @@ def make_sphere(self):
class ArtRug(ArtComposite):
def base_shader(self):
- from . import rug
return rug.shader_rug
class ArtFabric(ArtComposite):
def base_shader(self):
- from .leather_and_fabrics import fabric_shader_list
return rg(fabric_shader_list)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/atmosphere_light_haze.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/atmosphere_light_haze.py
index cabc7dc7d..ffa8cfbb1 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/atmosphere_light_haze.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/atmosphere_light_haze.py
@@ -4,30 +4,33 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick, Zeyu Ma
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
import gin
-from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
+from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
from infinigen.core.util import color
-from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
type = None
-def shader_atmosphere(nw, enable_scatter=True, density=("uniform", 0, 0.006), anisotropy=0.5, **kwargs):
+def shader_atmosphere(
+ nw, enable_scatter=True, density=("uniform", 0, 0.006), anisotropy=0.5, **kwargs
- principled_volume = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledVolume,
+ principled_volume = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledVolume,
- 'Color': color.color_category('fog'),
- 'Density': rg(density),
- 'Anisotropy': rg(anisotropy)
- })
+ "Color": color.color_category("fog"),
+ "Density": rg(density),
+ "Anisotropy": rg(anisotropy),
+ },
+ )
return (None, principled_volume)
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
surface.add_material(obj, shader_atmosphere, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/bark.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/bark.py
index 4260a3b72..447d62c6d 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/bark.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/bark.py
@@ -3,134 +3,215 @@
# Authors: Mingzhe Wang
-import os, sys
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N
-import math as ma
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import clip, sample_range, sample_ratio, sample_color, geo_voronoi_noise
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import (
+ sample_color,
+ sample_ratio,
from infinigen.core import surface
-import random
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
def shader_bark(nw, rand=False, **input_kwargs):
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Detail': 16.0, 'Roughness': 0.62})
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]}
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping, "Detail": 16.0, "Roughness": 0.62},
+ )
if rand:
- sample_max = input_kwargs['noise_scale_max'] if 'noise_scale_max' in input_kwargs else 3
- sample_min = input_kwargs['noise_scale_min'] if 'noise_scale_min' in input_kwargs else 1/sample_max
- noise_texture.inputs["Scale"].default_value = sample_ratio(noise_texture.inputs["Scale"].default_value, sample_min, sample_max)
+ sample_max = (
+ input_kwargs["noise_scale_max"] if "noise_scale_max" in input_kwargs else 3
+ )
+ sample_min = (
+ input_kwargs["noise_scale_min"]
+ if "noise_scale_min" in input_kwargs
+ else 1 / sample_max
+ )
+ noise_texture.inputs["Scale"].default_value = sample_ratio(
+ noise_texture.inputs["Scale"].default_value, sample_min, sample_max
+ )
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]})
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.627
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.63
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'offset'})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Color1': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 'Color2': attribute.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'MULTIPLY'})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': mix})
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "offset"})
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Color1": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Color2": attribute.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"blend_type": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix})
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.02, 0.0091, 0.0016, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.2243, 0.1341, 0.1001, 1.0)
for e in colorramp.color_ramp.elements:
- #print(e.color[0], e.color[1], e.color[2])
+ # print(e.color[0], e.color[1], e.color[2])
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': (0.0897, 0.052, 0.0149, 1.0)})
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": (0.0897, 0.052, 0.0149, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
if rand:
for i in range(3):
- mix_1.inputs[7].default_value[i] = (colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color[i] + colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color[i]) / 2
+ mix_1.inputs[7].default_value[i] = (
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color[i]
+ + colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color[i]
+ ) / 2
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]})
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.5173, 0.5173, 0.5173, 1.0)
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_1, 'Roughness': colorramp_2.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'subsurface_method': 'BURLEY'})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix_1, "Roughness": colorramp_2.outputs["Color"]},
+ attrs={"subsurface_method": "BURLEY"},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def geo_bark(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value.outputs[0].default_value = 5.0000
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: position, 1: value}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply.outputs["Vector"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': N(10, 2), 'W': U(-10, 10)},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'},
- )
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 3.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply_1})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- fract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2}, attrs={'operation': 'FRACT'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: fract}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: subtract_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: 4.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position, 1: value},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": N(10, 2), "W": U(-10, 10)},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 3.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply_1}
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 1.0000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ fract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2}, attrs={"operation": "FRACT"}
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: fract}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: subtract_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: 4.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: normal}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: normal},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0100
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: multiply_5.outputs["Vector"], 1: value_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': multiply_6.outputs["Vector"]})
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 1: multiply_4},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Attribute': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": multiply_6.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, 1: multiply_4},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Attribute": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def apply(obj, geo_kwargs=None, shader_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_bark, apply=False, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs, attributes=['offset'])
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_bark, reuse=False, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geo_bark, apply=False, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs, attributes=["offset"]
+ )
+ surface.add_material(obj, shader_bark, reuse=False, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/bark_birch.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/bark_birch.py
index 0712bc020..218d66288 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/bark_birch.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/bark_birch.py
@@ -5,207 +5,374 @@
# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAbWUs1Rnxw by Sam Bowman
# Code generated using version 2.1.0 of the node_transpiler
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
-from .bark_random import nodegroup_apply_geo_matv2, nodegroup_shader_canonical_coord, nodegroup_canonical_coord
+from .bark_random import (
+ nodegroup_apply_geo_matv2,
+ nodegroup_canonical_coord,
+ nodegroup_shader_canonical_coord,
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_birch_mat_helper', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
+ "nodegroup_birch_mat_helper", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree"
def nodegroup_birch_mat_helper(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 50.0, 'Detail': 10.0})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.3, 2: 0.4, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 2.0, 'Detail': 10.0, 'Dimension': 0.6, 'Lacunarity': 3.0})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': musgrave_texture, 1: 0.3, 2: 0.5})
- power = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketVector", "Vector", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))]
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": 50.0,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ },
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ 1: 0.3,
+ 2: 0.4,
+ 3: 1.0,
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": 2.0,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Dimension": 0.6,
+ "Lacunarity": 3.0,
+ },
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": musgrave_texture, 1: 0.3, 2: 0.5}
+ )
+ power = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.2},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER', 'use_clamp': True})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Vector"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "POWER", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 10.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Z': multiply})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz, 'Scale': 2.0})
- separate_rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Image': noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"]})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["B"], 1: 0.341, 2: 0.377})
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["R"], 1: 0.341, 2: 0.377})
- map_range_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["G"], 1: 0.341, 2: 0.377})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_3.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_4.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- map_range_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply_add, 2: 2.0})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': map_range_5.outputs["Result"]})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Z": multiply,
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz, "Scale": 2.0}
+ )
+ separate_rgb = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateRGB, input_kwargs={"Image": noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": separate_rgb.outputs["B"], 1: 0.341, 2: 0.377},
+ )
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": separate_rgb.outputs["R"], 1: 0.341, 2: 0.377},
+ )
+ map_range_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": separate_rgb.outputs["G"], 1: 0.341, 2: 0.377},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_3.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: map_range_4.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ map_range_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": multiply_add, 2: 2.0}
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": map_range_5.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.5052
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0252, 0.0395, 0.0176, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.8015
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.3095, 0.4072, 0.3515, 1.0)
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 'Color1': (0.0823, 0.1095, 0.0595, 1.0), 'Color2': colorramp.outputs["Color"]})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': power, 'Color1': mix, 'Color2': (0.0232, 0.0144, 0.0021, 1.0)})
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': map_range.outputs["Result"], 'Color1': mix_1, 'Color2': (0.0437, 0.0482, 0.0222, 1.0)})
- map_range_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': power, 3: 0.4})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Color': mix_2, 'Result': map_range_6.outputs["Result"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_birch_geo', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color1": (0.0823, 0.1095, 0.0595, 1.0),
+ "Color2": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": power,
+ "Color1": mix,
+ "Color2": (0.0232, 0.0144, 0.0021, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color1": mix_1,
+ "Color2": (0.0437, 0.0482, 0.0222, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ map_range_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": power, 3: 0.4})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Color": mix_2, "Result": map_range_6.outputs["Result"]},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_birch_geo", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
def nodegroup_birch_geo(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Position', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Position"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[("NodeSocketVector", "Position", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))],
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Position"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 10.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Z': multiply})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz, 'Scale': 2.0})
- separate_rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Image': noise_texture.outputs["Color"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["G"], 1: 0.341, 2: 0.377, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["R"], 1: 0.341, 2: 0.377, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.25, 2: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Z": multiply,
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz, "Scale": 2.0}
+ )
+ separate_rgb = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateRGB, input_kwargs={"Image": noise_texture.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_rgb.outputs["G"],
+ 1: 0.341,
+ 2: 0.377,
+ 3: 1.0,
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_rgb.outputs["R"],
+ 1: 0.341,
+ 2: 0.377,
+ 3: 1.0,
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: 0.25,
+ 2: map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: multiply_add, 1: 0.01},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Position"], 'Scale': 10.0, 'Detail': 15.0})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["Position"],
+ "Scale": 10.0,
+ "Detail": 15.0,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.08},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Position"], 'Scale': 2.0, 'Detail': 10.0, 'Dimension': 0.6, 'Lacunarity': 3.0})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': musgrave_texture, 1: 0.3, 2: 0.5})
- power = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["Position"],
+ "Scale": 2.0,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Dimension": 0.6,
+ "Lacunarity": 3.0,
+ },
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": musgrave_texture, 1: 0.3, 2: 0.5}
+ )
+ power = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.2},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER', 'use_clamp': True})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: power, 1: 0.03},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: multiply_3})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: add})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: 5.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Factor': multiply_4})
+ attrs={"operation": "POWER", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: power, 1: 0.03}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: multiply_3})
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: add})
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: 5.0}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Factor": multiply_4})
def shader_birch_mat(nw, selection=None):
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'initial_position'})
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_shader_canonical_coord().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_birch_mat_helper().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': group_1.outputs["Color"], 'Roughness': group_1.outputs["Result"]})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "initial_position"}
+ )
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_shader_canonical_coord().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ group_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_birch_mat_helper().name, input_kwargs={"Vector": group}
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": group_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Roughness": group_1.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def geo_bark_birch(nw, selection=None):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),])
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ parent_loc = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NamedAttribute,
+ ["parent_skeleton_loc"],
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ skeleton_loc = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NamedAttribute, ["skeleton_loc"], attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"}
+ )
- parent_loc = nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute, ['parent_skeleton_loc'], attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- skeleton_loc = nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute, ['skeleton_loc'], attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 1: position},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- canonicalcoord = nw.new_node(nodegroup_canonical_coord().name,
- input_kwargs={'Self Location': skeleton_loc, 'Parent Location': parent_loc})
- birchgeo = nw.new_node(nodegroup_birch_geo().name,
- input_kwargs={'Position': canonicalcoord})
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_apply_geo_matv2().name,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Displacement Amount': nw.multiply(birchgeo, surface.eval_argument(nw, selection)),
- 'Displacement Scale': 0.05,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_birch_mat)
- })
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group, 'initial_position': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]})
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 1: position},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ canonicalcoord = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_canonical_coord().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Self Location": skeleton_loc, "Parent Location": parent_loc},
+ )
+ birchgeo = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_birch_geo().name, input_kwargs={"Position": canonicalcoord}
+ )
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_apply_geo_matv2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Displacement Amount": nw.multiply(
+ birchgeo, surface.eval_argument(nw, selection)
+ ),
+ "Displacement Scale": 0.05,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_birch_mat),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group,
+ "initial_position": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
+ },
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_bark_birch, selection=selection, attributes=['initial_position'])
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geo_bark_birch, selection=selection, attributes=["initial_position"]
+ )
surface.add_material(obj, shader_birch_mat)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/bark_random.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/bark_random.py
index 72af3d2aa..615ae157a 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/bark_random.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/bark_random.py
@@ -6,544 +6,1023 @@
# Code generated using version 2.1.0 of the node_transpiler
from typing import Tuple
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
import numpy as np
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_calc_radius', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
+ "nodegroup_calc_radius", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
def nodegroup_calc_radius(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Self Location', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Parent Location', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Self Location"], 1: group_input.outputs["Parent Location"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- normalize = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Self Location", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Parent Location", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Self Location"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Parent Location"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ normalize = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'NORMALIZE'})
+ attrs={"operation": "NORMALIZE"},
+ )
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: position, 1: group_input.outputs["Parent Location"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- dot_product = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ dot_product = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: normalize.outputs["Vector"], 1: subtract_1.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DOT_PRODUCT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ attrs={"operation": "DOT_PRODUCT"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: normalize.outputs["Vector"], 1: dot_product.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Parent Location"], 1: multiply.outputs["Vector"]})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Parent Location"],
+ 1: multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: add.outputs["Vector"], 1: position},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- length = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: subtract_2.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'LENGTH'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Radius': length.outputs["Value"]})
+ attrs={"operation": "LENGTH"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Radius": length.outputs["Value"]}
+ )
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_shader_canonical_coord', singleton=True, type='ShaderNodeTree')
+ "nodegroup_shader_canonical_coord", singleton=True, type="ShaderNodeTree"
def nodegroup_shader_canonical_coord(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'scale', 2.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'parent_skeleton_loc'})
- attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'skeleton_loc'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "scale", 2.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Vector", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "parent_skeleton_loc"}
+ )
+ attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "skeleton_loc"})
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: attribute_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: attribute.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- cross_product = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ cross_product = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"], 1: (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'CROSS_PRODUCT'})
- dot_product = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ attrs={"operation": "CROSS_PRODUCT"},
+ )
+ dot_product = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"], 1: (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'DOT_PRODUCT'})
- length = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ attrs={"operation": "DOT_PRODUCT"},
+ )
+ length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'LENGTH'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "LENGTH"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: dot_product.outputs["Value"], 1: length.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- arccosine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: divide},
- attrs={'operation': 'ARCCOSINE'})
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Vector"], 'Center': attribute.outputs["Vector"], 'Axis': cross_product.outputs["Vector"], 'Angle': arccosine})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute.outputs["Vector"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ arccosine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide}, attrs={"operation": "ARCCOSINE"}
+ )
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Center": attribute.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Axis": cross_product.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Angle": arccosine,
+ },
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"], "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: vector_rotate, 1: combine_xyz},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: subtract_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: group_input.outputs["scale"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Coordinate': multiply.outputs["Vector"]})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Coordinate": multiply.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_inject_z_noise_and_scale_001', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
+ "nodegroup_inject_z_noise_and_scale_001", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
def nodegroup_inject_z_noise_and_scale_001(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Coordinate', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Noise Scale', 2.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Noise Amount', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Z Multiplier', 0.5)])
- separate_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Coordinate"]})
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Coordinate"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Noise Scale"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], 1: group_input.outputs["Noise Amount"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_6.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Coordinate", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Noise Scale", 2.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Noise Amount", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Z Multiplier", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ separate_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Coordinate"]}
+ )
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["Coordinate"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Noise Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Noise Amount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_6.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: add, 1: group_input.outputs["Z Multiplier"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz_6.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz_6.outputs["Y"], 'Z': multiply_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Coordinate': combine_xyz_6})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_primary_voronoi', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz_6.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz_6.outputs["Y"],
+ "Z": multiply_1,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Coordinate": combine_xyz_6}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_primary_voronoi", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
def nodegroup_primary_voronoi(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Coordinate', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Texture Scale', 20.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'Randomness', 1.0)])
- voronoi_texture_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Coordinate"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Texture Scale"], 'Randomness': group_input.outputs["Randomness"]},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture_3.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Displacement': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_mix', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Coordinate", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Texture Scale", 20.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "Randomness", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["Coordinate"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Texture Scale"],
+ "Randomness": group_input.outputs["Randomness"],
+ },
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": voronoi_texture_3.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.1},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Displacement": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_mix", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree")
def nodegroup_mix(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Input 1', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Input 2', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Mix Weight', 0.5)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Input 1"], 1: group_input.outputs["Mix Weight"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Input 1", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Input 2", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Mix Weight", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Input 1"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Mix Weight"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: group_input.outputs["Mix Weight"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Input 2"], 1: subtract},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': add})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_adjust_v', singleton=True, type='ShaderNodeTree')
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply_1})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": add})
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_adjust_v", singleton=True, type="ShaderNodeTree")
def nodegroup_adjust_v(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketColor', 'Color', (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'V Shift', 0.5)])
- separate_hsv = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeSeparateHSV',
- input_kwargs={'Color': group_input.outputs["Color"]})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_hsv.outputs["V"], 1: group_input.outputs["V Shift"]})
- combine_hsv = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineHSV,
- input_kwargs={'H': separate_hsv.outputs["H"], 'S': separate_hsv.outputs["S"], 'V': add})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Color': combine_hsv})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_inject_z_noise_and_scale', singleton=True, type='ShaderNodeTree')
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketColor", "Color", (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "V Shift", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ separate_hsv = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeSeparateHSV", input_kwargs={"Color": group_input.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_hsv.outputs["V"], 1: group_input.outputs["V Shift"]},
+ )
+ combine_hsv = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineHSV,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "H": separate_hsv.outputs["H"],
+ "S": separate_hsv.outputs["S"],
+ "V": add,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Color": combine_hsv})
+ "nodegroup_inject_z_noise_and_scale", singleton=True, type="ShaderNodeTree"
def nodegroup_inject_z_noise_and_scale(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Coordinate', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Noise Scale', 5.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Noise Amount', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Z Multiplier', 0.5)])
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Coordinate"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Coordinate"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Noise Scale"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: group_input.outputs["Noise Amount"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Coordinate", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Noise Scale", 5.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Noise Amount", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Z Multiplier", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Coordinate"]}
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["Coordinate"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Noise Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Noise Amount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: add, 1: group_input.outputs["Z Multiplier"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Z': multiply_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Coordiante': combine_xyz})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_voronoi', singleton=True, type='ShaderNodeTree')
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Z": multiply_1,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Coordiante": combine_xyz}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_voronoi", singleton=True, type="ShaderNodeTree")
def nodegroup_voronoi(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Coordinate', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Texture Scale', 5.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'Randomness', 1.0)])
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Coordinate"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Texture Scale"], 'Randomness': group_input.outputs["Randomness"]},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.5})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Displacement': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_canonical_coord', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Coordinate", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Texture Scale", 5.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "Randomness", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["Coordinate"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Texture Scale"],
+ "Randomness": group_input.outputs["Randomness"],
+ },
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.5},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Displacement": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_canonical_coord", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
def nodegroup_canonical_coord(nw):
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Self Location', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Parent Location', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'scale', 2.0)])
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Self Location"], 1: group_input.outputs["Parent Location"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- cross_product = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Self Location", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Parent Location", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "scale", 2.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Self Location"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Parent Location"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ cross_product = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"], 1: (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'CROSS_PRODUCT'})
- dot_product = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ attrs={"operation": "CROSS_PRODUCT"},
+ )
+ dot_product = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"], 1: (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'DOT_PRODUCT'})
- length = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ attrs={"operation": "DOT_PRODUCT"},
+ )
+ length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'LENGTH'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "LENGTH"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: dot_product.outputs["Value"], 1: length.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- arccosine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: divide},
- attrs={'operation': 'ARCCOSINE'})
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'Center': group_input.outputs["Parent Location"], 'Axis': cross_product.outputs["Vector"], 'Angle': arccosine})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Parent Location"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ arccosine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide}, attrs={"operation": "ARCCOSINE"}
+ )
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position,
+ "Center": group_input.outputs["Parent Location"],
+ "Axis": cross_product.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Angle": arccosine,
+ },
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Parent Location"]},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"], "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: vector_rotate, 1: combine_xyz},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: subtract_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: group_input.outputs["scale"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Coordinate': multiply.outputs["Vector"]})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Coordinate": multiply.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_random_bark_geo', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
+ "nodegroup_random_bark_geo", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
def nodegroup_random_bark_geo(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Position', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Noise Scale', 2.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Noise Amount', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Texture Scale', 30.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'Randomness', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.05),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Mix Weight', 0.1),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 15.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Detail', 16.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value_1', 2.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Z Multiplier', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Texture Scale S', 30.0)])
- group_3 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_primary_voronoi().name,
- input_kwargs={'Coordinate': group_input.outputs["Position"], 'Texture Scale': group_input.outputs['Texture Scale S']})
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_inject_z_noise_and_scale_001().name,
- input_kwargs={'Coordinate': group_input.outputs["Position"], 'Noise Scale': group_input.outputs["Noise Scale"], 'Noise Amount': group_input.outputs["Noise Amount"], 'Z Multiplier': group_input.outputs["Z Multiplier"]})
- group_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_primary_voronoi().name,
- input_kwargs={'Coordinate': group, 'Texture Scale': group_input.outputs["Texture Scale"], 'Randomness': group_input.outputs["Randomness"]})
- group_5 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_mix().name,
- input_kwargs={'Input 1': group_3, 'Input 2': group_2, 'Mix Weight': group_input.outputs["Mix Weight"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Position"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Value_1"], 'Detail': group_input.outputs["Detail"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: group_input.outputs['Noise Scale']},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_5, 1: multiply})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Position", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Noise Scale", 2.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Noise Amount", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Texture Scale", 30.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "Randomness", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.05),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Mix Weight", 0.1),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 15.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Detail", 16.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value_1", 2.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Z Multiplier", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Texture Scale S", 30.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ group_3 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_primary_voronoi().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Coordinate": group_input.outputs["Position"],
+ "Texture Scale": group_input.outputs["Texture Scale S"],
+ },
+ )
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_inject_z_noise_and_scale_001().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Coordinate": group_input.outputs["Position"],
+ "Noise Scale": group_input.outputs["Noise Scale"],
+ "Noise Amount": group_input.outputs["Noise Amount"],
+ "Z Multiplier": group_input.outputs["Z Multiplier"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_primary_voronoi().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Coordinate": group,
+ "Texture Scale": group_input.outputs["Texture Scale"],
+ "Randomness": group_input.outputs["Randomness"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_5 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_mix().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Input 1": group_3,
+ "Input 2": group_2,
+ "Mix Weight": group_input.outputs["Mix Weight"],
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["Position"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Value_1"],
+ "Detail": group_input.outputs["Detail"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Noise Scale"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_5, 1: multiply})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: add, 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply_1})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": multiply_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_apply_geo_matv2', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
+ "nodegroup_apply_geo_matv2", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
def nodegroup_apply_geo_matv2(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Displacement Amount', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Displacement Scale', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'Material', None)])
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Displacement Amount", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Displacement Scale", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "Material", None),
+ ],
+ )
normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Displacement Amount"], 1: group_input.outputs["Displacement Scale"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Displacement Amount"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Displacement Scale"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: normal, 1: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': multiply_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1, 'Material': group_input.outputs["Material"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material})
-def shader_random_bark_mat(nw, base_color:Tuple, geo_params, selection=None):
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: geo_params['Noise Texture Scale'], 1: 4.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': multiply})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.35, 2: 0.4, 3: 0.5, 4: 0.0})
- attribute_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'initial_position'})
- group_canonical = nw.new_node(nodegroup_shader_canonical_coord().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute_5.outputs["Vector"]})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: geo_params['Noise Texture Scale'], 1: 2.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_canonical, 'Scale': multiply_1})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.35, 2: 0.4, 3: 0.5, 4: 0.0})
- group_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_voronoi().name,
- input_kwargs={'Coordinate': group_canonical, 'Texture Scale': geo_params['Secondary Voronoi Scale']})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_2, 3: 0.7, 4: 0.0})
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_inject_z_noise_and_scale().name,
- input_kwargs={'Coordinate': group_canonical, 'Noise Scale': geo_params['Z Noise Scale'], 'Noise Amount': geo_params['Z Noise Amount'], 'Z Multiplier': geo_params['Z Multiplier']})
- group_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_voronoi().name,
- input_kwargs={'Coordinate': group, 'Texture Scale': geo_params['Primary Voronoi Scale'], 'Randomness': geo_params['Primary Voronoi Randomness']})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": multiply_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_1,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["Material"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material}
+ )
+def shader_random_bark_mat(nw, base_color: Tuple, geo_params, selection=None):
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: geo_params["Noise Texture Scale"], 1: 4.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": multiply})
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"],
+ 1: 0.35,
+ 2: 0.4,
+ 3: 0.5,
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ attribute_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "initial_position"}
+ )
+ group_canonical = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_shader_canonical_coord().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute_5.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: geo_params["Noise Texture Scale"], 1: 2.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_canonical, "Scale": multiply_1},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ 1: 0.35,
+ 2: 0.4,
+ 3: 0.5,
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ group_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_voronoi().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Coordinate": group_canonical,
+ "Texture Scale": geo_params["Secondary Voronoi Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": group_2, 3: 0.7, 4: 0.0}
+ )
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_inject_z_noise_and_scale().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Coordinate": group_canonical,
+ "Noise Scale": geo_params["Z Noise Scale"],
+ "Noise Amount": geo_params["Z Noise Amount"],
+ "Z Multiplier": geo_params["Z Multiplier"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_voronoi().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Coordinate": group,
+ "Texture Scale": geo_params["Primary Voronoi Scale"],
+ "Randomness": geo_params["Primary Voronoi Randomness"],
+ },
+ )
rgb_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
rgb_1.outputs[0].default_value = base_color
# todo: this value needs to be assigned
- group_3 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_adjust_v().name,
- input_kwargs={'Color': rgb_1, 'V Shift': 0.1})
- mix_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.1, 'Color1': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 'Color2': group_3})
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': group_1, 'Color1': mix_4, 'Color2': group_3})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': map_range.outputs["Result"], 'Color1': mix_3, 'Color2': mix_4})
- mix_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.9, 'Color1': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 'Color2': group_3})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 'Color1': mix, 'Color2': mix_6})
- mix_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.9, 'Color1': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 'Color2': group_3})
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 'Color1': mix_1, 'Color2': mix_5})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_2, 'Roughness': 0.7})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ group_3 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_adjust_v().name, input_kwargs={"Color": rgb_1, "V Shift": 0.1}
+ )
+ mix_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.1, "Color1": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), "Color2": group_3},
+ )
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB, input_kwargs={"Fac": group_1, "Color1": mix_4, "Color2": group_3}
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color1": mix_3,
+ "Color2": mix_4,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.9, "Color1": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), "Color2": group_3},
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color1": mix,
+ "Color2": mix_6,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.9, "Color1": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), "Color2": group_3},
+ )
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color1": mix_1,
+ "Color2": mix_5,
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix_2, "Roughness": 0.7}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def geo_bark_random(nw, base_color, geo_params, selection=None):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Displacement Scale', geo_params['Displacement Scale']),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Z Noise Scale', geo_params['Z Noise Scale']),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Z Noise Amount', geo_params['Z Noise Amount']),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Z Multiplier', geo_params['Z Multiplier']),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Primary Voronoi Scale', geo_params['Primary Voronoi Scale']),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'Primary Voronoi Randomness', geo_params['Primary Voronoi Randomness']),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Secondary Voronoi Mix Weight', geo_params['Secondary Voronoi Mix Weight']),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Secondary Voronoi Scale', geo_params['Secondary Voronoi Scale']),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Noise Texture Scale', geo_params['Noise Texture Scale']),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Noise Texture Detail', geo_params['Noise Texture Detail']),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Noise Texture Weight', geo_params['Noise Texture Weight'])])
- parent_loc = nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute, ['parent_skeleton_loc'], attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- skeleton_loc = nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute, ['skeleton_loc'], attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Displacement Scale", geo_params["Displacement Scale"]),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Z Noise Scale", geo_params["Z Noise Scale"]),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Z Noise Amount", geo_params["Z Noise Amount"]),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Z Multiplier", geo_params["Z Multiplier"]),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketFloat",
+ "Primary Voronoi Scale",
+ geo_params["Primary Voronoi Scale"],
+ ),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketFloatFactor",
+ "Primary Voronoi Randomness",
+ geo_params["Primary Voronoi Randomness"],
+ ),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketFloat",
+ "Secondary Voronoi Mix Weight",
+ geo_params["Secondary Voronoi Mix Weight"],
+ ),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketFloat",
+ "Secondary Voronoi Scale",
+ geo_params["Secondary Voronoi Scale"],
+ ),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketFloat",
+ "Noise Texture Scale",
+ geo_params["Noise Texture Scale"],
+ ),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketFloat",
+ "Noise Texture Detail",
+ geo_params["Noise Texture Detail"],
+ ),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketFloat",
+ "Noise Texture Weight",
+ geo_params["Noise Texture Weight"],
+ ),
+ ],
+ )
+ parent_loc = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NamedAttribute,
+ ["parent_skeleton_loc"],
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ skeleton_loc = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NamedAttribute, ["skeleton_loc"], attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"}
+ )
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 1: position},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- canonicalcoord = nw.new_node(nodegroup_canonical_coord().name,
- input_kwargs={'Self Location': skeleton_loc, 'Parent Location': parent_loc})
- group_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_random_bark_geo().name,
- input_kwargs={'Position': canonicalcoord, 'Noise Scale': group_input.outputs["Z Noise Scale"], 'Noise Amount': group_input.outputs["Z Noise Amount"], 3: group_input.outputs["Primary Voronoi Scale"], 'Randomness': group_input.outputs["Primary Voronoi Randomness"], 5: group_input.outputs["Displacement Scale"], 'Mix Weight': group_input.outputs["Secondary Voronoi Mix Weight"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Noise Texture Scale"], 'Detail': group_input.outputs["Noise Texture Detail"], 9: group_input.outputs["Noise Texture Weight"], 'Z Multiplier': group_input.outputs["Z Multiplier"], 11: group_input.outputs["Secondary Voronoi Scale"]})
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 1: position},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
- calc_radius = nw.new_node(nodegroup_calc_radius().name,
- input_kwargs={'Self Location': skeleton_loc, 'Parent Location': parent_loc})
+ canonicalcoord = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_canonical_coord().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Self Location": skeleton_loc, "Parent Location": parent_loc},
+ )
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ group_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_random_bark_geo().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Position": canonicalcoord,
+ "Noise Scale": group_input.outputs["Z Noise Scale"],
+ "Noise Amount": group_input.outputs["Z Noise Amount"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["Primary Voronoi Scale"],
+ "Randomness": group_input.outputs["Primary Voronoi Randomness"],
+ 5: group_input.outputs["Displacement Scale"],
+ "Mix Weight": group_input.outputs["Secondary Voronoi Mix Weight"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Noise Texture Scale"],
+ "Detail": group_input.outputs["Noise Texture Detail"],
+ 9: group_input.outputs["Noise Texture Weight"],
+ "Z Multiplier": group_input.outputs["Z Multiplier"],
+ 11: group_input.outputs["Secondary Voronoi Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ calc_radius = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_calc_radius().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Self Location": skeleton_loc, "Parent Location": parent_loc},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: calc_radius, 1: 3.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_apply_geo_matv2().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Displacement Amount': nw.multiply(multiply_1, surface.eval_argument(nw, selection)),
- 'Displacement Scale': 0.5, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_random_bark_mat, geo_params=geo_params, base_color=base_color)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group, 'initial_position': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_apply_geo_matv2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Displacement Amount": nw.multiply(
+ multiply_1, surface.eval_argument(nw, selection)
+ ),
+ "Displacement Scale": 0.5,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ shader_random_bark_mat, geo_params=geo_params, base_color=base_color
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group,
+ "initial_position": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
+ },
+ )
# https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/158896/how-set-hex-in-rgb-node-python
def srgb_to_linearrgb(c):
- if c < 0: return 0
- elif c < 0.04045: return c/12.92
- else: return ((c+0.055)/1.055)**2.4
+ if c < 0:
+ return 0
+ elif c < 0.04045:
+ return c / 12.92
+ else:
+ return ((c + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4
def hex_to_rgb(h, alpha=1):
- r = (h & 0xff0000) >> 16
- g = (h & 0x00ff00) >> 8
- b = (h & 0x0000ff)
- return tuple([srgb_to_linearrgb(c/0xff) for c in (r,g,b)] + [alpha])
+ r = (h & 0xFF0000) >> 16
+ g = (h & 0x00FF00) >> 8
+ b = h & 0x0000FF
+ return tuple([srgb_to_linearrgb(c / 0xFF) for c in (r, g, b)] + [alpha])
def get_random_bark_params(seed):
with FixedSeed(seed):
- color_factory = [0x4c2f27, 0x69432d, 0x371803, 0x7f4040, 0xcc9576, 0x9e8170, 0x3d2b1f,
- 0x8d6a58, 0x8b3325, 0x79443c, 0x88540b, 0x9b5f43, 0x4e3828, 0x4e3828,
- 0xc09a6b, 0x944536, 0x3f0110, 0x773c12, 0x6e4e37, 0x5c4033, 0x5c4033,
- 0x3c3034, 0x96704c, 0x371b1a, 0x483b32, 0x43141a, 0x471713, 0xc3b090,
- 0x6b4423, 0x674d46, 0x5d2e1a, 0x331c1f, 0x7a5640, 0xb99984, 0x71543d,
- 0x8f4b28, 0x491a00, 0x836446, 0x7f461b, 0x6a3208, 0x724115, 0xa0522b,
- 0x832a0c, 0x371b1a, 0xc7a373, 0x483b32, 0x635147, 0x664228, 0x5c5248]
+ color_factory = [
+ 0x4C2F27,
+ 0x69432D,
+ 0x371803,
+ 0x7F4040,
+ 0xCC9576,
+ 0x9E8170,
+ 0x3D2B1F,
+ 0x8D6A58,
+ 0x8B3325,
+ 0x79443C,
+ 0x88540B,
+ 0x9B5F43,
+ 0x4E3828,
+ 0x4E3828,
+ 0xC09A6B,
+ 0x944536,
+ 0x3F0110,
+ 0x773C12,
+ 0x6E4E37,
+ 0x5C4033,
+ 0x5C4033,
+ 0x3C3034,
+ 0x96704C,
+ 0x371B1A,
+ 0x483B32,
+ 0x43141A,
+ 0x471713,
+ 0xC3B090,
+ 0x6B4423,
+ 0x674D46,
+ 0x5D2E1A,
+ 0x331C1F,
+ 0x7A5640,
+ 0xB99984,
+ 0x71543D,
+ 0x8F4B28,
+ 0x491A00,
+ 0x836446,
+ 0x7F461B,
+ 0x6A3208,
+ 0x724115,
+ 0xA0522B,
+ 0x832A0C,
+ 0x371B1A,
+ 0xC7A373,
+ 0x483B32,
+ 0x635147,
+ 0x664228,
+ 0x5C5248,
+ ]
color_factory = [hex_to_rgb(c) for c in color_factory]
geo_params = {
- 'Displacement Scale': np.random.uniform(0.03, 0.07),
- 'Z Noise Scale': np.random.uniform(1.0, 3.0),
- 'Z Noise Amount': np.random.uniform(0.5, 1.5),
- 'Z Multiplier': np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.3),
- 'Primary Voronoi Scale': np.random.uniform(20, 40),
- 'Primary Voronoi Randomness': np.random.uniform(0.6, 1.0),
- 'Secondary Voronoi Mix Weight': np.random.uniform(0.05, 0.2),
- 'Secondary Voronoi Scale': np.random.uniform(30, 50),
- 'Noise Texture Scale': 15.0,
- 'Noise Texture Detail': 16.0,
- 'Noise Texture Weight': 2.0}
- color_params = {'Color': color_factory[np.random.randint(len(color_factory))]}
+ "Displacement Scale": np.random.uniform(0.03, 0.07),
+ "Z Noise Scale": np.random.uniform(1.0, 3.0),
+ "Z Noise Amount": np.random.uniform(0.5, 1.5),
+ "Z Multiplier": np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.3),
+ "Primary Voronoi Scale": np.random.uniform(20, 40),
+ "Primary Voronoi Randomness": np.random.uniform(0.6, 1.0),
+ "Secondary Voronoi Mix Weight": np.random.uniform(0.05, 0.2),
+ "Secondary Voronoi Scale": np.random.uniform(30, 50),
+ "Noise Texture Scale": 15.0,
+ "Noise Texture Detail": 16.0,
+ "Noise Texture Weight": 2.0,
+ }
+ color_params = {"Color": color_factory[np.random.randint(len(color_factory))]}
return geo_params, color_params
-def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
+def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
geo_params, color_params = get_random_bark_params(seed=np.random.randint(1e5))
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_bark_random, selection=selection,
- input_kwargs={'base_color': color_params['Color'], 'geo_params': geo_params}, attributes=['initial_position'])
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geo_bark_random,
+ selection=selection,
+ input_kwargs={"base_color": color_params["Color"], "geo_params": geo_params},
+ attributes=["initial_position"],
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/basic_bsdf.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/basic_bsdf.py
index 295d29b85..4d402ffc9 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/basic_bsdf.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/basic_bsdf.py
@@ -4,34 +4,35 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import bpy
-import mathutils
import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-def shader_basic_bsdf(nw):
+def shader_basic_bsdf(nw):
color = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
color.outputs[0].default_value = hsv2rgba(uniform(0.05, 0.95, 3))
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- 'Base Color': color,
- 'Roughness': np.clip(normal(0.6, 0.3), 0.05, 0.95),
- 'Metallic': uniform(0, 1) if uniform() < 0.3 else 0,
- 'Subsurface': 0 if uniform() < 0.8 else uniform(0, 0.2)
+ "Base Color": color,
+ "Roughness": np.clip(normal(0.6, 0.3), 0.05, 0.95),
+ "Metallic": uniform(0, 1) if uniform() < 0.3 else 0,
+ "Subsurface": 0 if uniform() < 0.8 else uniform(0, 0.2),
- attrs={'subsurface_method': 'BURLEY'})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ attrs={"subsurface_method": "BURLEY"},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
return principled_bsdf
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_basic_bsdf, reuse=False)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(obj, shader_basic_bsdf, reuse=False)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/beak.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/beak.py
index 9e260e9eb..e34febbd7 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/beak.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/beak.py
@@ -4,67 +4,90 @@
# Authors: Yihan Wang
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from numpy.random import randint, uniform
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
def orange():
r = uniform(205 / 255, 1)
- g = uniform(0, 150/255)
+ g = uniform(0, 150 / 255)
b = 0
return (r, g, b)
def white():
return (uniform(0, 0.05), uniform(0, 0.05), uniform(0, 0.05))
def black():
return (1 - uniform(0, 0.05), 1 - uniform(0, 0.05), 1 - uniform(0, 0.05))
def rand_color():
op = randint(0, 2)
return orange(), orange()
def shader_beak(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["UV"]})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 4.3 + uniform(0, 2), 'Roughness': 0.4167 + uniform(0, 0.2)})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["UV"]}
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Scale": 4.3 + uniform(0, 2),
+ "Roughness": 0.4167 + uniform(0, 0.2),
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.2},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': add})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply}
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": add})
colorramp.color_ramp.interpolation = "EASE"
col0, col1 = rand_color()
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.33 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.2
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (col0[0], col0[1], col0[2], 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.66 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.2
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.66 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.2
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (col1[0], col1[1], col1[2], 1.0)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Roughness': 0.2434 + uniform(0, 0.1)})
- glass_bsdf = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBsdfGlass')
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.5667 + uniform(0, 0.05), 1: principled_bsdf, 2: glass_bsdf})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Roughness": 0.2434 + uniform(0, 0.1),
+ },
+ )
+ glass_bsdf = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeBsdfGlass")
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.5667 + uniform(0, 0.05),
+ 1: principled_bsdf,
+ 2: glass_bsdf,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader}
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_beak, selection=selection)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(obj, shader_beak, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/beverage_fridge_shaders.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/beverage_fridge_shaders.py
index 2499733e9..f114720fa 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/beverage_fridge_shaders.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/beverage_fridge_shaders.py
@@ -1,25 +1,36 @@
- # Copyright (c) Princeton University.
- # This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
- # Authors: Hongyu Wen
+# Authors: Hongyu Wen
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
def shader_glass_001(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- glass_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.GlassBSDF, input_kwargs={'IOR': 1.5000})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': glass_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ glass_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.GlassBSDF, input_kwargs={"IOR": 1.5000})
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": glass_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def shader_black_medal_001(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- anisotropic_bsdf = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBsdfAnisotropic', input_kwargs={'Color': (0.0167, 0.0167, 0.0167, 1.0000)})
+ anisotropic_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBsdfAnisotropic",
+ input_kwargs={"Color": (0.0167, 0.0167, 0.0167, 1.0000)},
+ )
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': anisotropic_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": anisotropic_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def shader_white_metal_001(nw: NodeWrangler):
@@ -27,20 +38,49 @@ def shader_white_metal_001(nw: NodeWrangler):
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': (1.0000, 1.0000, 50.0000)})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 20.0000, 'Detail': 20.0000, 'Distortion': 1.0000})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"]})
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": (1.0000, 1.0000, 50.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Scale": 20.0000,
+ "Detail": 20.0000,
+ "Distortion": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2500
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.5244, 0.5244, 0.5244, 1.0000]
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0000
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.9698, 0.9698, 0.9698, 1.0000]
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Subsurface Color': (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000), 'Metallic': 1.0000, 'Specular': 1.0000, 'Roughness': 0.1000, 'Anisotropic': 0.9182, 'Sheen': 0.0455, 'Sheen Tint': 0.4948},
- attrs={'subsurface_method': 'BURLEY'})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Subsurface Color": (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000),
+ "Metallic": 1.0000,
+ "Specular": 1.0000,
+ "Roughness": 0.1000,
+ "Anisotropic": 0.9182,
+ "Sheen": 0.0455,
+ "Sheen Tint": 0.4948,
+ },
+ attrs={"subsurface_method": "BURLEY"},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/bird.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/bird.py
index 151dd5532..11f66aa8d 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/bird.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/bird.py
@@ -4,80 +4,102 @@
# Authors: Mingzhe Wang
-import os, sys
-import numpy as np
-import math as ma
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import clip, sample_range, sample_ratio, sample_color, geo_voronoi_noise
+import os
+import random
import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import (
+ sample_color,
+ sample_range,
from infinigen.core import surface
-import random
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_l_inear', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_l_inear", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree")
def nodegroup_l_inear(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'CoffX', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'CoffZ', 0.5)])
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Vector"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Vector", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "CoffX", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "CoffZ", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: group_input.outputs["CoffX"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: group_input.outputs["CoffZ"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': add})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_head_neck', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_head_neck(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, kind='duck'):
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply_1})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": add})
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_head_neck", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_head_neck(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, kind="duck"):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketColor', 'Color1', (0.046, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'W', 6.0)])
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"], 'W': group_input.outputs["W"], 'Scale': 2.0},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketColor", "Color1", (0.046, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "W", 6.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"],
+ "W": group_input.outputs["W"],
+ "Scale": 2.0,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
- noise_texture_1.inputs['W'].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ noise_texture_1.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], 1: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.2, 'Color1': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"], 'Color2': subtract.outputs["Vector"]})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.05})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': add})
- colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': reroute})
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.2,
+ "Color1": texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"],
+ "Color2": subtract.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": mix})
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.05})
+ reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": add})
+ colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": reroute})
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.83
@@ -88,316 +110,443 @@ def nodegroup_head_neck(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, kind='duck'):
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[3].position = 0.835
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[3].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': reroute})
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": reroute})
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.83
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.84
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'tag_head'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: colorramp_3.outputs["Color"], 1: attribute_2.outputs["Color"]})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': add_1})
+ attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "tag_head"})
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: colorramp_3.outputs["Color"], 1: attribute_2.outputs["Color"]},
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": add_1})
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4545
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.5455
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': 1.7, 'Scale': 3.0},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"W": 1.7, "Scale": 3.0},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.5077
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0063, 0.017, 0.005, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0018, 0.0571, 0.0, 1.0)
if rand:
- if kind == 'duck':
+ if kind == "duck":
sample_color(colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color, keep_sum=True)
for i in range(3):
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color[i] = colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color[i]+0.005
- elif kind == 'eagle':
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color[i] = (
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color[i] + 0.005
+ )
+ elif kind == "eagle":
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.265, 0.265, 0.265, 1.0)
sample_color(colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color, offset=0.05)
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': group_input.outputs["Color1"], 'Color2': colorramp.outputs["Color"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Color': mix_1})
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": group_input.outputs["Color1"],
+ "Color2": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Color": mix_1})
-def shader_bird_body(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, kind='duck', **input_kwargs):
+def shader_bird_body(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, kind="duck", **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'tag_tail'})
- attribute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'tag_body'})
- attribute_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'tag_leg'})
- attribute_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'tag_wing'})
- attribute_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'tag_foot'})
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute_4.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 'Color2': (0.0225, 0.0055, 0.0024, 1.0)})
- mix_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute_6.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': mix_3, 'Color2': (0.008, 0.008, 0.008, 1.0)})
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "tag_tail"})
+ attribute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "tag_body"})
+ attribute_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "tag_leg"})
+ attribute_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "tag_wing"})
+ attribute_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "tag_foot"})
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": attribute_4.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ "Color2": (0.0225, 0.0055, 0.0024, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ mix_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": attribute_6.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": mix_3,
+ "Color2": (0.008, 0.008, 0.008, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
texture_coordinate_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_2.outputs["Generated"]})
- mix_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.2, 'Color1': texture_coordinate_2.outputs["Generated"], 'Color2': noise_texture_2.outputs["Color"]})
- group_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_l_inear().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix_6, 'CoffX': 0.1, 'CoffZ': 1.0})
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate_2.outputs["Generated"]},
+ )
+ mix_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.2,
+ "Color1": texture_coordinate_2.outputs["Generated"],
+ "Color2": noise_texture_2.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_l_inear().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mix_6, "CoffX": 0.1, "CoffZ": 1.0},
+ )
if rand:
if random.random() < 0.5:
- group_2.inputs['CoffX'].default_value = sample_range(-0.1, 0.1)
+ group_2.inputs["CoffX"].default_value = sample_range(-0.1, 0.1)
- group_2.inputs['CoffX'].default_value = sample_range(0.1, 0.8)
+ group_2.inputs["CoffX"].default_value = sample_range(0.1, 0.8)
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_2, 1: 0.1})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_2, 1: 0.1})
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': add})
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": add})
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4159
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6886
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- noise_texture_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 20.0})
- colorramp_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_4.outputs["Fac"]})
+ noise_texture_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 20.0})
+ colorramp_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_4.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.3341
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0079, 0.0062, 0.0063, 1.0)
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.9932
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0302, 0.0264, 0.0262, 1.0)
if rand:
- if kind == 'duck':
+ if kind == "duck":
for i in range(3):
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[0].color[i] = sample_range(0, 0.2)
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[1].color[i] = sample_range(0, 0.2)
- elif kind == 'eagle':
+ elif kind == "eagle":
for i in range(3):
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[0].color[i] = sample_range(0, 0.01)
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[0].position = sample_range(0.5, 0.6)
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[1].color[i] = sample_range(0, 0.1)
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 10.0},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": 10.0},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
- noise_texture_1.inputs['W'].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
+ noise_texture_1.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
x = random.random()
if x < 0.3:
- noise_texture_1.inputs['Scale'].default_value = 1
+ noise_texture_1.inputs["Scale"].default_value = 1
if x > 0.7:
- noise_texture_1.inputs['Scale'].default_value = 50
+ noise_texture_1.inputs["Scale"].default_value = 50
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"]})
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4614
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0)
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
if rand:
- if kind == 'eagle':
+ if kind == "eagle":
for i in range(3):
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color[i] = sample_range(0, 0.01)
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = sample_range(0.5, 0.6)
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color[i] = sample_range(0, 0.1)
- mix_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_3.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': colorramp_5.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]})
- mix_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute_5.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': mix_8, 'Color2': mix_5})
+ mix_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_3.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": colorramp_5.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ mix_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": attribute_5.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": mix_8,
+ "Color2": mix_5,
+ },
+ )
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"]})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.2, 'Color1': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"], 'Color2': noise_texture.outputs["Color"]})
- group_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_l_inear().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix, 'CoffX': 0.6})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"]},
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.2,
+ "Color1": texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"],
+ "Color2": noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_l_inear().name, input_kwargs={"Vector": mix, "CoffX": 0.6}
+ )
if rand:
- group_1.inputs['CoffX'].default_value = sample_range(0, 0.08)
- group_1.inputs['CoffZ'].default_value = 1.1 - group_1.inputs['CoffX'].default_value
+ group_1.inputs["CoffX"].default_value = sample_range(0, 0.08)
+ group_1.inputs["CoffZ"].default_value = (
+ 1.1 - group_1.inputs["CoffX"].default_value
+ )
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_1, 1: -0.02})
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_1, 1: -0.02})
if rand:
add_1.inputs[1].default_value = sample_range(-0.07, 0.03)
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': add_1})
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": add_1})
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.6295
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.7068
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 20.0},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
+ noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": 20.0},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
- noise_texture_3.inputs['W'].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
+ noise_texture_3.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
- colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_3.outputs["Fac"]})
+ colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_3.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4636
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0112, 0.0053, 0.0047, 1.0)
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0231, 0.0128, 0.0121, 1.0)
if rand:
- if kind == 'duck':
+ if kind == "duck":
sample_color(colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].color, keep_sum=True)
sample_color(colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].color, keep_sum=True)
- if kind == 'eagle':
+ if kind == "eagle":
for i in range(3):
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].color[i] = sample_range(0, 0.01)
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].position = sample_range(0.5, 0.6)
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].color[i] = sample_range(0, 0.1)
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': colorramp_4.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': mix_5})
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute_3.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': mix_7, 'Color2': mix_1})
- mix_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': mix_2, 'Color2': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)})
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_head_neck(rand=rand, kind=kind).name,
- input_kwargs={'Color1': mix_4, 'W': 0.5})
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": colorramp_4.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": mix_5,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": attribute_3.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": mix_7,
+ "Color2": mix_1,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": attribute.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": mix_2,
+ "Color2": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_head_neck(rand=rand, kind=kind).name,
+ input_kwargs={"Color1": mix_4, "W": 0.5},
+ )
if rand:
- group.inputs['W'].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': group, 'Subsurface IOR': 0.0, 'Specular': 0.0, 'Roughness': 1.0})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-def shader_bird_feather(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, kind='duck', tail=False, **input_kwargs):
+ group.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": group,
+ "Subsurface IOR": 0.0,
+ "Specular": 0.0,
+ "Roughness": 1.0,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+def shader_bird_feather(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, kind="duck", tail=False, **input_kwargs
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': 1.6},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"W": 1.6}, attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"}
+ )
if rand:
- noise_texture.inputs['W'].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
+ noise_texture.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]})
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.377
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0061, 0.0058, 0.0059, 1.0)
if rand:
- if kind == 'duck':
+ if kind == "duck":
x = sample_range(0.02, 0.15)
for i in range(3):
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color[i] = x
- elif kind == 'eagle':
+ elif kind == "eagle":
if tail:
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.265, 0.265, 0.265, 1.0)
sample_color(colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color, offset=0.05)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.007, 0.007, 0.007, 1.0)
- else:
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.012861, 0.006847, 0.004, 1.0)
+ else:
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (
+ 0.012861,
+ 0.006847,
+ 0.004,
+ 1.0,
+ )
sample_color(colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color, offset=0.003)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.154963, 0.081816, 0.042745, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (
+ 0.154963,
+ 0.081816,
+ 0.042745,
+ 1.0,
+ )
sample_color(colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color, offset=0.005)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = sample_range(0.56, 0.62)
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]})
- wave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 5.00, 'Distortion': 10.0000, 'Detail': 10.0000,
- 'Detail Roughness': 2.0000})
- colorramp2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': wave_texture.outputs["Color"]})
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]}
+ )
+ wave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Scale": 5.00,
+ "Distortion": 10.0000,
+ "Detail": 10.0000,
+ "Detail Roughness": 2.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": wave_texture.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0955
colorramp2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
colorramp2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6364
colorramp2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.5 if tail else 1.0, 'Color1': colorramp2.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': colorramp.outputs["Color"]})
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.5 if tail else 1.0,
+ "Color1": colorramp2.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": (mix, "Result"), "Specular": 0.0, "Roughness": 1.0},
+ attrs={"subsurface_method": "BURLEY"},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': (mix, "Result"), 'Specular': 0.0, 'Roughness': 1.0},
- attrs={'subsurface_method': 'BURLEY'})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
def shader_wave_feather(nw: NodeWrangler, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.5.1 of the node_transpiler
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]})
- wave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 5.00, 'Distortion': 10.0000, 'Detail': 10.0000,
- 'Detail Roughness': 2.0000})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': wave_texture.outputs["Color"]})
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]}
+ )
+ wave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Scale": 5.00,
+ "Distortion": 10.0000,
+ "Detail": 10.0000,
+ "Detail Roughness": 2.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": wave_texture.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0955
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6364
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"]})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
def shader_bird_beak(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': 1.1, 'Scale': 20.0, 'Roughness': 0.5142},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"W": 1.1, "Scale": 20.0, "Roughness": 0.5142},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
- noise_texture.inputs['W'].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
+ noise_texture.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]})
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.interpolation = "EASE"
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.3815
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.2773, 0.271, 0.047, 1.0)
@@ -407,23 +556,27 @@ def shader_bird_beak(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
sample_color(colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color, keep_sum=True)
sample_color(colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color, keep_sum=True)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Roughness': 0.3408})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"], "Roughness": 0.3408},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def shader_bird_eyeball(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- '''
+ """
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"], 'Rotation': (0.0, 0.0, -0.5236)})
separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping})
colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
input_kwargs={'Fac': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]})
colorramp.color_ramp.interpolation = "CONSTANT"
@@ -434,37 +587,49 @@ def shader_bird_eyeball(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.6744, 0.0691, 0.3627, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.1909
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- '''
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 'Roughness': 0.0})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ """
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), "Roughness": 0.0},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def shader_bird_claw(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': (0.0091, 0.0091, 0.0091, 1.0), 'Specular': 0.0, 'Roughness': 0.4409})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": (0.0091, 0.0091, 0.0091, 1.0),
+ "Specular": 0.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.4409,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def apply(objs, shader_kwargs={}, **kwargs):
x = random.random()
if x < 0.4:
- kind = 'eagle'
+ kind = "eagle"
- kind = 'duck'
- shader_kwargs['kind'] = kind
+ kind = "duck"
+ shader_kwargs["kind"] = kind
if not isinstance(objs, list):
objs = [objs]
for obj in objs:
if "Tail" in obj.name:
- shader_kwargs['tail'] = True
+ shader_kwargs["tail"] = True
surface.add_material(obj, shader_bird_feather, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs)
- shader_kwargs['tail'] = False
+ shader_kwargs["tail"] = False
if "Body" in obj.name:
surface.add_material(obj, shader_bird_body, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs)
if "Feather" in obj.name and "Tail" not in obj.name:
@@ -476,9 +641,10 @@ def apply(objs, shader_kwargs={}, **kwargs):
if "Beak" in obj.name:
surface.add_material(obj, shader_bird_beak, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs)
if __name__ == "__main__":
for i in range(10):
- bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath='dev_scene_test_bird.blend')
+ bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath="dev_scene_test_bird.blend")
objs = [
"creature(98047, 0).parts(0, factory=NurbsBody)",
"creature(98047, 0).parts(1).extra(TailFeathers, 1)",
@@ -501,10 +667,9 @@ def apply(objs, shader_kwargs={}, **kwargs):
objs = [bpy.data.objects[x] for x in objs]
- fn_blend = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), 'dev_scene_eagle.blend')
- fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), 'test_bird%d.jpg'%(i))
+ fn_blend = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), "dev_scene_eagle.blend")
+ fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), "test_bird%d.jpg" % (i))
bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = fn
- bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format='JPEG'
+ bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format = "JPEG"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/black_plastic.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/black_plastic.py
index 8a8a3a446..871239420 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/black_plastic.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/black_plastic.py
@@ -4,19 +4,23 @@
# Authors: Hongyu Wen
from numpy.random import uniform as U
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
# used in ceiling lights and tv
def shader_black(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- color = hsv2rgba(
- U(0.45, 0.55),
- U(0, 0.1),
- U(0, 1)
+ color = hsv2rgba(U(0.45, 0.55), U(0, 0.1), U(0, 1))
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": color}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={'Base Color': color})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/blackbody_shader.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/blackbody_shader.py
index eda65afa6..5d7734c1d 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/blackbody_shader.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/blackbody_shader.py
@@ -4,17 +4,13 @@
# Authors: Karhan Kayan
# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyIJQHlFQs0 by PolyFjord
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal as N, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from numpy.random import normal as N
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_color_neighbour
def blackbody_shader(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
@@ -56,7 +52,9 @@ def blackbody_shader(nw: NodeWrangler):
principled_volume = nw.new_node(
- "Color": random_color_neighbour((0.3568, 0.3568, 0.3568, 1.0000),0.1,0.1,0.1),
+ "Color": random_color_neighbour(
+ (0.3568, 0.3568, 0.3568, 1.0000), 0.1, 0.1, 0.1
+ ),
"Density": 15.0000 + N(),
"Blackbody Intensity": multiply_1,
@@ -70,4 +68,4 @@ def blackbody_shader(nw: NodeWrangler):
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_material(obj, blackbody_shader, selection=selection)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(obj, blackbody_shader, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/bone.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/bone.py
index 45f6b35cf..d8545db0e 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/bone.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/bone.py
@@ -4,83 +4,146 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
def shader_bone(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Location': (1.7 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05, 0.29999999999999999 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05, uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05)})
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 10.800000000000001 + uniform(-1, 1) * 3, 'Detail': 15.0, 'Roughness': 0.76670000000000005})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], 'Scale': 10.0})
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Color"]})
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Location": (
+ 1.7 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05,
+ 0.29999999999999999 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05,
+ uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05,
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Scale": 10.800000000000001 + uniform(-1, 1) * 3,
+ "Detail": 15.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.76670000000000005,
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], "Scale": 10.0},
+ )
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4364 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0, 0, 0, 1.0)
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.58 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1, 1, 1, 1.0)
- mapping_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_2, 'Scale': 98.900000000000006 + uniform(-0.3, 1) * 30, 'Detail': 15.0, 'Roughness': 0.76670000000000005})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 'Scale': 10.0 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': voronoi_texture.outputs["Color"]})
+ mapping_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]}
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping_2,
+ "Scale": 98.900000000000006 + uniform(-0.3, 1) * 30,
+ "Detail": 15.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.76670000000000005,
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Scale": 10.0 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05,
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.3089 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.673 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: colorramp_2.outputs["Color"], 1: colorramp.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["UV"], 'Scale': (1.0, 1.0, 0.0)})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_1, 'Scale': 6.4000000000000004 + uniform(-1, 1) * 1})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["UV"],
+ "Scale": (1.0, 1.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping_1,
+ "Scale": 6.4000000000000004 + uniform(-1, 1) * 1,
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.3682 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.38129999999999997, 0.2384, 0.1183, 1.0)
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (
+ 0.38129999999999997,
+ 0.2384,
+ 0.1183,
+ 1.0,
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.7591 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.49690000000000001, 0.50290000000000001, 0.46779999999999999, 1.0)
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Color1': (0.19120000000000001, 0.045199999999999997, 0.0103, 1.0), 'Color2': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix, 'Roughness': 0.44090000000000001})
- glass_bsdf = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBsdfGlass')
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.2, 1: principled_bsdf, 2: glass_bsdf})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader})
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (
+ 0.49690000000000001,
+ 0.50290000000000001,
+ 0.46779999999999999,
+ 1.0,
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Color1": (0.19120000000000001, 0.045199999999999997, 0.0103, 1.0),
+ "Color2": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix, "Roughness": 0.44090000000000001},
+ )
+ glass_bsdf = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeBsdfGlass")
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader, input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.2, 1: principled_bsdf, 2: glass_bsdf}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader}
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_bone, selection=selection)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(obj, shader_bone, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/brick.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/brick.py
index 20e45873c..9190309ab 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/brick.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/brick.py
@@ -7,53 +7,75 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials import common
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_plane
-from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import unwrap_faces, unwrap_normal
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import unwrap_normal
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.assets.materials import common
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
def shader_brick(nw: NodeWrangler, height=None, **kwargs):
if height is None:
- height = log_uniform(.07, .12)
+ height = log_uniform(0.07, 0.12)
uv_map = nw.new_node(Nodes.UVMap)
- front_color, back_color = [hsv2rgba(uniform(0, .05), uniform(.8, 1), log_uniform(.02, .5)) for _ in
- range(2)]
- mortar_color = hsv2rgba(uniform(0, .05), uniform(.2, .5), log_uniform(.02, .8))
- dark_color = hsv2rgba(uniform(0, .05), uniform(.8, 1), log_uniform(.005, .02))
- noise = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, [uv_map],
- input_kwargs={'Scale': uniform(40, 50), 'Detail': uniform(15, 20)})
- color = nw.new_node(Nodes.BrickTexture, [uv_map, front_color, back_color, mortar_color], input_kwargs={
- 'Scale': 1,
- 'Row Height': height,
- 'Brick Width': height * log_uniform(1.2, 2.5),
- 'Mortar Size': height * log_uniform(.04, .08),
- 'Mortar Smooth': noise
- }).outputs['Color']
- noise = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture, [uv_map], input_kwargs={'Scale': uniform(2, 5)})
- color = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [nw.scalar_multiply(log_uniform(.5, 1.), noise), color, dark_color],
- attrs={'blend_type': 'DARKEN'})
+ front_color, back_color = [
+ hsv2rgba(uniform(0, 0.05), uniform(0.8, 1), log_uniform(0.02, 0.5))
+ for _ in range(2)
+ ]
+ mortar_color = hsv2rgba(uniform(0, 0.05), uniform(0.2, 0.5), log_uniform(0.02, 0.8))
+ dark_color = hsv2rgba(uniform(0, 0.05), uniform(0.8, 1), log_uniform(0.005, 0.02))
+ noise = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ [uv_map],
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": uniform(40, 50), "Detail": uniform(15, 20)},
+ )
+ color = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BrickTexture,
+ [uv_map, front_color, back_color, mortar_color],
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Scale": 1,
+ "Row Height": height,
+ "Brick Width": height * log_uniform(1.2, 2.5),
+ "Mortar Size": height * log_uniform(0.04, 0.08),
+ "Mortar Smooth": noise,
+ },
+ ).outputs["Color"]
+ noise = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture, [uv_map], input_kwargs={"Scale": uniform(2, 5)}
+ )
+ color = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ [nw.scalar_multiply(log_uniform(0.5, 1.0), noise), color, dark_color],
+ attrs={"blend_type": "DARKEN"},
+ )
- roughness = nw.build_float_curve(nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Scale': 50}),
- [(0, .5), (1, 1.)])
+ roughness = nw.build_float_curve(
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 50}),
+ [(0, 0.5), (1, 1.0)],
+ )
- offset = nw.scalar_add(nw.scalar_multiply(nw.scalar_sub(color, .5), uniform(.01, .04)), nw.scalar_multiply(
- nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture, [uv_map], input_kwargs={'Scale': 50}), uniform(.0, .01)))
- bump = nw.new_node(Nodes.Bump, input_kwargs={'Height': offset})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={"Roughness": roughness, 'Base Color': color, 'Normal': bump
- })
- nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ offset = nw.scalar_add(
+ nw.scalar_multiply(nw.scalar_sub(color, 0.5), uniform(0.01, 0.04)),
+ nw.scalar_multiply(
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture, [uv_map], input_kwargs={"Scale": 50}),
+ uniform(0.0, 0.01),
+ ),
+ )
+ bump = nw.new_node(Nodes.Bump, input_kwargs={"Height": offset})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Roughness": roughness, "Base Color": color, "Normal": bump},
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf})
def apply(obj, selection=None, height=None, **kwargs):
for o in obj if isinstance(obj, Iterable) else [obj]:
- unwrap_normal(o, selection, axis_='z')
+ unwrap_normal(o, selection, axis_="z")
common.apply(obj, shader_brick, selection, height, **kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/bumpy_rubber_floor.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/bumpy_rubber_floor.py
index ee5fa8cdb..5ad9a1f38 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/bumpy_rubber_floor.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/bumpy_rubber_floor.py
@@ -4,173 +4,387 @@
# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
+from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_node_group', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_node_group", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree")
def nodegroup_node_group(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketColor', 'Base Color', (0.8000, 0.8000, 0.8000, 1.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Seed', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'Roughness', 0.4000)])
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]})
- reroute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': mapping})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Seed"]})
- noise_texture_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': reroute_1, 'W': reroute, 'Scale': 18.0000, 'Detail': 3.0000, 'Roughness': 0.4500},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': noise_texture_9.outputs["Fac"], 3: 0.6000, 4: 1.4000})
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.HueSaturationValue,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_6.outputs["Result"], 'Color': group_input.outputs["Base Color"]})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': hue_saturation_value, 'Specular': 0.9, 'Roughness': group_input.outputs["Roughness"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'W': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': 2.0000, 'Detail': 6.0000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 'Randomness': 0.0000},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE', 'voronoi_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.0300, 3: 1.0000, 4: 0.0000})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'W': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': 2.5000, 'Detail': 6.0000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.5500, 2: 0.5700})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketColor", "Base Color", (0.8000, 0.8000, 0.8000, 1.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Seed", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "Roughness", 0.4000),
+ ],
+ )
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ reroute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": mapping})
+ reroute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Seed"]}
+ )
+ noise_texture_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": reroute_1,
+ "W": reroute,
+ "Scale": 18.0000,
+ "Detail": 3.0000,
+ "Roughness": 0.4500,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": noise_texture_9.outputs["Fac"], 3: 0.6000, 4: 1.4000},
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.HueSaturationValue,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": map_range_6.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color": group_input.outputs["Base Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": hue_saturation_value,
+ "Specular": 0.9,
+ "Roughness": group_input.outputs["Roughness"],
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": 2.0000,
+ "Detail": 6.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], "Randomness": 0.0000},
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE", "voronoi_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ 2: 0.0300,
+ 3: 1.0000,
+ 4: 0.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": 2.5000,
+ "Detail": 6.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.5500, 2: 0.5700},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'W': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': 10.0000, 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Distortion': 0.1000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.6300, 2: 0.6800})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": 10.0000,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Distortion": 0.1000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.6300, 2: 0.6800},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_2})
value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value.outputs[0].default_value = 200.0000
- noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'W': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': value},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'W': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': value},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D'})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: 0.4000, 2: noise_texture_3.outputs["Fac"], 3: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"]})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: mix.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.1000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": value,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": value,
+ },
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: 0.4000,
+ 2: noise_texture_3.outputs["Fac"],
+ 3: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: mix.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.1000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: multiply_3})
- noise_texture_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'W': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': 4.0000, 'Detail': 1.0000, 'Roughness': 0.4500},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_4.outputs["Fac"]}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 3.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ noise_texture_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": 4.0000,
+ "Detail": 1.0000,
+ "Roughness": 0.4500,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_4.outputs["Fac"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 3.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: multiply_4})
- noise_texture_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'W': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': 40.0000, 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Distortion': 0.1000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': noise_texture_5.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.6500, 2: 0.6400, 3: 1.0000, 4: 0.0000})
- noise_texture_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'W': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': 12.0000, 'Detail': 6.0000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': noise_texture_7.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.5500, 2: 0.5700})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_3.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_4.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_5}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ noise_texture_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": 40.0000,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Distortion": 0.1000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": noise_texture_5.outputs["Fac"],
+ 1: 0.6500,
+ 2: 0.6400,
+ 3: 1.0000,
+ 4: 0.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": 12.0000,
+ "Detail": 6.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": noise_texture_7.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.5500, 2: 0.5700},
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_3.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: map_range_4.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_5}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: multiply_6})
- noise_texture_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': reroute_1, 'W': reroute, 'Scale': 30.0000, 'Detail': 3.0000, 'Roughness': 0.4500},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_6.outputs["Fac"]}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_2}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ noise_texture_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": reroute_1,
+ "W": reroute,
+ "Scale": 30.0000,
+ "Detail": 3.0000,
+ "Roughness": 0.4500,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_6.outputs["Fac"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_2}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: multiply_7})
- noise_texture_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': reroute_1, 'W': reroute, 'Scale': 20.0000, 'Detail': 3.0000, 'Roughness': 0.4500},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': noise_texture_8.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.5500, 2: 0.5100, 3: -0.5000, 4: 0.5000})
- multiply_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: map_range_5.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.0500}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ noise_texture_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": reroute_1,
+ "W": reroute,
+ "Scale": 20.0000,
+ "Detail": 3.0000,
+ "Roughness": 0.4500,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": noise_texture_8.outputs["Fac"],
+ 1: 0.5500,
+ 2: 0.5100,
+ 3: -0.5000,
+ 4: 0.5000,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_5.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.0500},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: multiply_8})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'BSDF': principled_bsdf, 'Displacement': add_5, 'tmp_viewer': principled_bsdf},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "BSDF": principled_bsdf,
+ "Displacement": add_5,
+ "tmp_viewer": principled_bsdf,
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def shader_bumpy_rubber(nw: NodeWrangler, scale=2.0, base_color=None, seed=None):
# Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
if base_color is None:
- base_color = hsv2rgba(uniform(0, 1), uniform(.2, .5), uniform(.4, .7))
+ base_color = hsv2rgba(uniform(0, 1), uniform(0.2, 0.5), uniform(0.4, 0.7))
if seed is None:
seed = uniform(-1000.0, 1000.0)
roughness = uniform(0.1, 0.3)
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_node_group().name,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': base_color, 'Scale': scale, 'Seed': seed, 'Roughness': roughness})
- displacement = nw.new_node(Nodes.Displacement,
- input_kwargs={'Height': group.outputs["Displacement"], 'Midlevel': 0.0000, 'Scale': 0.0010})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': group.outputs["tmp_viewer"], 'Displacement': displacement},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_node_group().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": base_color,
+ "Scale": scale,
+ "Seed": seed,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ },
+ )
+ displacement = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Displacement,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Height": group.outputs["Displacement"],
+ "Midlevel": 0.0000,
+ "Scale": 0.0010,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": group.outputs["tmp_viewer"],
+ "Displacement": displacement,
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_bumpy_rubber, selection=selection)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(obj, shader_bumpy_rubber, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/ceiling_light_shaders.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/ceiling_light_shaders.py
index d738d8230..fb15d9bf4 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/ceiling_light_shaders.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/ceiling_light_shaders.py
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
# Authors: Hongyu Wen
from numpy.random import uniform as U
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
@@ -12,34 +13,59 @@ def shader_lamp_bulb_nonemissive(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
light_path = nw.new_node(Nodes.LightPath)
object_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo_Shader)
- white_noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WhiteNoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': object_info.outputs["Random"]},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: 0.9000, 6: white_noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 7: (0.5000, 0.4444, 0.3669, 1.0000)},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- transparent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransparentBSDF, input_kwargs={'Color': mix.outputs[2]})
- translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslucentBSDF, input_kwargs={'Color': mix.outputs[2]})
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': light_path.outputs["Is Camera Ray"], 1: transparent_bsdf, 2: translucent_bsdf})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ white_noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WhiteNoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": object_info.outputs["Random"]},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: 0.9000,
+ 6: white_noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ 7: (0.5000, 0.4444, 0.3669, 1.0000),
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ transparent_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TransparentBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": mix.outputs[2]}
+ )
+ translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TranslucentBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": mix.outputs[2]}
+ )
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": light_path.outputs["Is Camera Ray"],
+ 1: transparent_bsdf,
+ 2: translucent_bsdf,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def shader_black(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- color = hsv2rgba(
- U(0.45, 0.55),
- U(0, 0.1),
- U(0, 1)
+ color = hsv2rgba(U(0.45, 0.55), U(0, 0.1), U(0, 1))
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": color}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={'Base Color': color})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/ceramic.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/ceramic.py
index 40e63c96f..488f75cc4 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/ceramic.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/ceramic.py
@@ -4,40 +4,58 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
from infinigen.assets.materials import common
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-def shader_ceramic(nw: NodeWrangler, clear=False, roughness_min=0, roughness_max=.8, **kwargs):
- if uniform(0, 1) < .8 and not clear:
- color = hsv2rgba(uniform(0, 1), uniform(.2, .4), log_uniform(.3, .6))
+def shader_ceramic(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, clear=False, roughness_min=0, roughness_max=0.8, **kwargs
+ if uniform(0, 1) < 0.8 and not clear:
+ color = hsv2rgba(uniform(0, 1), uniform(0.2, 0.4), log_uniform(0.3, 0.6))
- color = hsv2rgba(0, 0, log_uniform(.3, .6))
- roughness = nw.build_float_curve(nw.musgrave(log_uniform(20, 40)), [(0, roughness_min), (1, roughness_max)])
- clearcoat_roughness = nw.build_float_curve(nw.musgrave(log_uniform(20, 40)),
- [(0, roughness_min), (1, roughness_max)])
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- "Roughness": roughness,
- 'Clearcoat': 1,
- 'Clearcoat Roughness': clearcoat_roughness,
- 'Specular': 1,
- 'Base Color': color,
- 'Subsurface': uniform(.02, .05),
- 'Subsurface Radius': (.02, .02, .02)
- })
- displacement = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeDisplacement', input_kwargs={
- 'Height': nw.scalar_multiply(log_uniform(.001, .005), nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': log_uniform(20, 40)})),
- 'Midlevel': 0.0000
- })
- nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf, 'Displacement': displacement})
+ color = hsv2rgba(0, 0, log_uniform(0.3, 0.6))
+ roughness = nw.build_float_curve(
+ nw.musgrave(log_uniform(20, 40)), [(0, roughness_min), (1, roughness_max)]
+ )
+ clearcoat_roughness = nw.build_float_curve(
+ nw.musgrave(log_uniform(20, 40)), [(0, roughness_min), (1, roughness_max)]
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ "Clearcoat": 1,
+ "Clearcoat Roughness": clearcoat_roughness,
+ "Specular": 1,
+ "Base Color": color,
+ "Subsurface": uniform(0.02, 0.05),
+ "Subsurface Radius": (0.02, 0.02, 0.02),
+ },
+ )
+ displacement = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeDisplacement",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Height": nw.scalar_multiply(
+ log_uniform(0.001, 0.005),
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": log_uniform(20, 40)}
+ ),
+ ),
+ "Midlevel": 0.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf, "Displacement": displacement},
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, clear=False, **kwargs):
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/chitin.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/chitin.py
index ef03fadc2..fe94cd427 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/chitin.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/chitin.py
@@ -4,25 +4,28 @@
# Authors: Mingzhe Wang
# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K45LuDJv_hk by yojigraphics
-import os, sys
-import numpy as np
-import math as ma
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import clip, sample_range, sample_ratio, sample_color, geo_voronoi_noise
+import os
import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import (
+ sample_range,
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
def shader_chitin(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- geometry = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeNewGeometry')
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': geometry.outputs["Pointiness"]})
+ geometry = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeNewGeometry")
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": geometry.outputs["Pointiness"]}
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4091
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
@@ -30,180 +33,256 @@ def shader_chitin(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.5127
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- colorramp_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]})
+ colorramp_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp_10.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_10.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_10.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.2273
colorramp_10.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': geometry.outputs["Pointiness"]})
+ colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": geometry.outputs["Pointiness"]}
+ )
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4909
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6773
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: colorramp_10.outputs["Color"], 1: colorramp_4.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': multiply})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: colorramp_10.outputs["Color"],
+ 1: colorramp_4.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": multiply})
colorramp_3.color_ramp.interpolation = "EASE"
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.0864
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
texture_coordinate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- separate_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Generated"]})
- colorramp_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': separate_xyz_3.outputs["X"]})
+ separate_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Generated"]},
+ )
+ colorramp_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": separate_xyz_3.outputs["X"]}
+ )
colorramp_6.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.5332
colorramp_6.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_6.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.5427
colorramp_6.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'tag_body'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "tag_body"})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: colorramp_6.outputs["Color"], 1: attribute_2.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'tag_head'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "tag_head"})
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: attribute_1.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'use_clamp': True})
- colorramp_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': add})
+ attrs={"use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ colorramp_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": add})
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0168, 0.0168, 0.0168, 1.0)
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: colorramp_3.outputs["Color"], 1: colorramp_5.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- attribute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'tag_leg'})
- invert_1 = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeInvert',
- input_kwargs={'Color': attribute_3.outputs["Color"]})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ attribute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "tag_leg"})
+ invert_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeInvert", input_kwargs={"Color": attribute_3.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: invert_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]})
- sign = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]}
+ )
+ sign = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SIGN'})
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Rotation': (0.0, 0.0, -0.7854), 'Scale': (1.0, 1.0, 0.0)})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_1})
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Rotation': (0.0, 0.0, 0.7854), 'Scale': (1.0, 10.0, 0.0)})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping})
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': sign, 'Color1': separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 'Color2': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 10.0, 'Detail': 10.0})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.2, 'Color1': mix_3, 'Color2': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix, 'W': 1.4, 'Scale': 100.0, 'Detail': 10.0, 'Roughness': 0.0},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
+ attrs={"operation": "SIGN"},
+ )
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Rotation": (0.0, 0.0, -0.7854),
+ "Scale": (1.0, 1.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping_1})
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Rotation": (0.0, 0.0, 0.7854),
+ "Scale": (1.0, 10.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping})
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": sign,
+ "Color1": separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"],
+ "Color2": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 10.0, "Detail": 10.0}
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.2,
+ "Color1": mix_3,
+ "Color2": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mix,
+ "W": 1.4,
+ "Scale": 100.0,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.0,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
- noise_texture_1.inputs['W'].default_value = sample_range(-2,2)
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': multiply_3, 'Color1': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 'Color2': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]})
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': mix_2})
+ noise_texture_1.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": multiply_3,
+ "Color1": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ "Color2": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"],
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix_2})
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0068, 0.0, 0.0005, 1.0)
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.9955
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.1347, 0.0156, 0.0115, 1.0)
if rand:
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = hsv2rgba((np.mod(normal(0.2, 0.4), 1), uniform(0, 1), uniform(0.05, 0.5)))
- #for i in range(3):
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = hsv2rgba(
+ (np.mod(normal(0.2, 0.4), 1), uniform(0, 1), uniform(0.05, 0.5))
+ )
+ # for i in range(3):
# colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color[i] /= 7
- invert = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeInvert',
- input_kwargs={'Color': multiply_2})
- colorramp_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': invert})
+ invert = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeInvert", input_kwargs={"Color": multiply_2})
+ colorramp_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": invert})
colorramp_11.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.3932
colorramp_11.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_11.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp_11.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.5103, 0.5103, 0.5103, 1.0)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp_2.outputs["Color"], 'Metallic': 0.7, 'Roughness': colorramp_11.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'subsurface_method': 'BURLEY'})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp_2.outputs["Color"],
+ "Metallic": 0.7,
+ "Roughness": colorramp_11.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"subsurface_method": "BURLEY"},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def geometry_chitin(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 100.0},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": 100.0},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
- noise_texture.inputs['W'].default_value = sample_range(-2,2)
+ noise_texture.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: -0.5})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: -0.5}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: normal, 1: add},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.001
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: multiply.outputs["Vector"], 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': multiply_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": multiply_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
def apply(obj, geo_kwargs=None, shader_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_chitin, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs)
@@ -212,13 +291,19 @@ def apply(obj, geo_kwargs=None, shader_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
if __name__ == "__main__":
for i in range(1):
- bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath='dev_scene_1019.blend')
- #creature(73349, 0).parts(0, factory=QuadrupedBody)
+ bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath="dev_scene_1019.blend")
+ # creature(73349, 0).parts(0, factory=QuadrupedBody)
obj = "creature(36230, 0).parts(0, factory=BeetleBody)"
- #obj = "creature(73349, 0).parts(0, factory=QuadrupedBody)"
- apply(bpy.data.objects[obj], geo_kwargs={'rand': True}, shader_kwargs={'rand': True})
- fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), 'dev_scene_test_beetle_attr.blend')
+ # obj = "creature(73349, 0).parts(0, factory=QuadrupedBody)"
+ apply(
+ bpy.data.objects[obj],
+ geo_kwargs={"rand": True},
+ shader_kwargs={"rand": True},
+ )
+ fn = os.path.join(
+ os.path.abspath(os.curdir), "dev_scene_test_beetle_attr.blend"
+ )
- #bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join('surfaces/surface_thumbnails', 'bone%d.jpg'%(i))
- #bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format='JPEG'
- #bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True)
+ # bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join('surfaces/surface_thumbnails', 'bone%d.jpg'%(i))
+ # bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format='JPEG'
+ # bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/chunkyrock.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/chunkyrock.py
index 6d0687273..e9d969f9f 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/chunkyrock.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/chunkyrock.py
@@ -8,72 +8,103 @@
import os
import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
import gin
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import (
+ sample_color,
+ sample_range,
+ sample_ratio,
from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import sample_color, sample_range, sample_ratio
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from .mountain import geo_MOUNTAIN_general
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes
+from .mountain import geo_MOUNTAIN_general
type = SurfaceTypes.SDFPerturb
mod_name = "geo_rocks"
name = "chunkyrock"
def shader_rocks(nw, rand=True, random_seed=0, **input_kwargs):
- position = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeNewGeometry')
+ position = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeNewGeometry")
depth = geo_rocks(nw, random_seed=random_seed, geometry=False)
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': depth})
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": depth})
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0285
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.1347
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'Scale': (0.2, 0.2, 0.2)})
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": position, "Scale": (0.2, 0.2, 0.2)}
+ )
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Detail': 15.0})
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping, "Detail": 15.0}
+ )
- rock_color1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], 'Color1': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 'Color2': (0.01, 0.024, 0.0283, 1.0)})
+ rock_color1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Color1": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ "Color2": (0.01, 0.024, 0.0283, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
if rand:
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Detail': 15.0})
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping, "Detail": 15.0}
+ )
- rock_color2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], 'Color1': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 'Color2': (0.0694, 0.1221, 0.0693, 1.0)})
+ rock_color2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Color1": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ "Color2": (0.0694, 0.1221, 0.0693, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
if rand:
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_3.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': rock_color1, 'Color2': rock_color2})
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_3.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": rock_color1,
+ "Color2": rock_color2,
+ },
+ )
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_1})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix_1}
+ )
return principled_bsdf
-def geo_rocks(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True, **input_kwargs):
+def geo_rocks(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ rand=True,
+ selection=None,
+ random_seed=0,
+ geometry=True,
+ **input_kwargs,
if nw.node_group.type == "SHADER":
- position = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeNewGeometry')
- normal = (nw.new_node('ShaderNodeNewGeometry'), 1)
+ position = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeNewGeometry")
+ normal = (nw.new_node("ShaderNodeNewGeometry"), 1)
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
@@ -81,26 +112,42 @@ def geo_rocks(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, selection=None, random_seed=0, geomet
with FixedSeed(random_seed):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": position}
+ )
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.8, 'Color1': noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': position})
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.8,
+ "Color1": noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": position,
+ },
+ )
if rand:
sample_max = 2
- sample_min = 1/2
- voronoi_texture_scale = nw.new_value(sample_ratio(1, sample_min, sample_max), "voronoi_texture_scale")
+ sample_min = 1 / 2
+ voronoi_texture_scale = nw.new_value(
+ sample_ratio(1, sample_min, sample_max), "voronoi_texture_scale"
+ )
voronoi_texture_w = nw.new_value(sample_range(0, 5), "voronoi_texture_w")
voronoi_texture_scale = 1.0
voronoi_texture_w = 0
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix, 'Scale': voronoi_texture_scale, 'W': voronoi_texture_w},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE', 'voronoi_dimensions': '4D'})
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mix,
+ "Scale": voronoi_texture_scale,
+ "W": voronoi_texture_w,
+ },
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE", "voronoi_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]},
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]},
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0432
@@ -108,48 +155,71 @@ def geo_rocks(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, selection=None, random_seed=0, geomet
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.3
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
if rand:
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = sample_ratio(colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position, 0.5, 2)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = sample_ratio(colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position, 0.5, 2)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = sample_ratio(
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position, 0.5, 2
+ )
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = sample_ratio(
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position, 0.5, 2
+ )
depth = colorramp
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: colorramp.outputs["Color"], 1: normal},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.4
- offset = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ offset = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: multiply.outputs["Vector"], 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
if geometry:
groupinput = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput)
- noise_params = {"scale": ("uniform", 10, 20), "detail": 9, "roughness": 0.6, "zscale": ("log_uniform", 0.08, 0.12)}
+ noise_params = {
+ "scale": ("uniform", 10, 20),
+ "detail": 9,
+ "roughness": 0.6,
+ "zscale": ("log_uniform", 0.08, 0.12),
+ }
offset = nw.add(offset, geo_MOUNTAIN_general(nw, 3, noise_params, 0, {}, {}))
if selection is not None:
offset = nw.multiply(offset, surface.eval_argument(nw, selection))
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": groupinput, "Offset": offset})
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": groupinput, "Offset": offset}
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position})
return depth
def apply(obj, selection=None, geo_kwargs=None, shader_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_rocks, selection=selection, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs)
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_rocks, selection=selection, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs)
+ surface.add_material(
+ obj, shader_rocks, selection=selection, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs
+ )
if __name__ == "__main__":
- mat = 'rock'
- if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join('outputs', mat)):
- os.mkdir(os.path.join('outputs', mat))
+ mat = "rock"
+ if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join("outputs", mat)):
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join("outputs", mat))
for i in range(10):
- bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath='test.blend')
- apply(bpy.data.objects['SolidModel'], geo_kwargs={'rand':True}, shader_kwargs={'rand': True})
- #fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), 'giraffe_geo_test.blend')
- #bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath=fn)
- bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join('outputs', mat, '%s_%d.jpg'%(mat, i))
- bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format='JPEG'
+ bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath="test.blend")
+ apply(
+ bpy.data.objects["SolidModel"],
+ geo_kwargs={"rand": True},
+ shader_kwargs={"rand": True},
+ )
+ # fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), 'giraffe_geo_test.blend')
+ # bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath=fn)
+ bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join(
+ "outputs", mat, "%s_%d.jpg" % (mat, i)
+ )
+ bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format = "JPEG"
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/cobble_stone.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/cobble_stone.py
index a88f37b25..8b295d698 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/cobble_stone.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/cobble_stone.py
@@ -5,13 +5,15 @@
# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Tq-6HReNEk by Ryan King Art
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+import gin
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.random import random_color_neighbour
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-import gin
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes
+from infinigen.core.util.random import random_color_neighbour
type = SurfaceTypes.SDFPerturb
mod_name = "geo_cobblestone"
@@ -22,136 +24,232 @@ def shader_cobblestone(nw: NodeWrangler, random_seed=0):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler, and modified
stone_color = geo_cobblestone(nw, random_seed=random_seed, geometry=False)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': nw.new_node('ShaderNodeNewGeometry'), 'Scale': N(10, 1.5) / 25, 'W': U(-5, 5)},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": nw.new_node("ShaderNodeNewGeometry"),
+ "Scale": N(10, 1.5) / 25,
+ "W": U(-5, 5),
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = random_color_neighbour((0.014, 0.013, 0.014, 1.0), 0.2, 0.1, 0.1)
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = random_color_neighbour(
+ (0.014, 0.013, 0.014, 1.0), 0.2, 0.1, 0.1
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = random_color_neighbour((0.047, 0.068, 0.069, 1.0), 0.2, 0.1, 0.1)
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': stone_color.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 'Color2': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]})
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = random_color_neighbour(
+ (0.047, 0.068, 0.069, 1.0), 0.2, 0.1, 0.1
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": stone_color.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ "Color2": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
roughness_low = N(0.25, 0.05)
roughness_high = N(0.75, 0.05)
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': stone_color.outputs["Color"]})
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": stone_color.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (roughness_high, roughness_high, roughness_high, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (
+ roughness_high,
+ roughness_high,
+ roughness_high,
+ 1.0,
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (roughness_low, roughness_low, roughness_low, 1.0)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix, 'Roughness': colorramp.outputs["Color"]})
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (
+ roughness_low,
+ roughness_low,
+ roughness_low,
+ 1.0,
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix, "Roughness": colorramp.outputs["Color"]},
+ )
return principled_bsdf
def geo_cobblestone(nw: NodeWrangler, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler, and modified
if nw.node_group.type == "SHADER":
- position = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeNewGeometry')
- normal = (nw.new_node('ShaderNodeNewGeometry'), 1)
+ position = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeNewGeometry")
+ normal = (nw.new_node("ShaderNodeNewGeometry"), 1)
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
with FixedSeed(random_seed):
# scale of the stone, inversely proportional
- sca_sto = nw.new_value(U(9, 15)/2, "sca_sto")
+ sca_sto = nw.new_value(U(9, 15) / 2, "sca_sto")
# uniformity of the stone, inversely proportional
uni_sto = nw.new_value(U(0.5, 0.9), "uni_sto")
# depth of stone
dep_sto = nw.new_value(U(0.02, 0.04), "dep_sto")
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'W': nw.new_value(U(-5, 5), "W1"), 'Scale': nw.new_value(N(6.0, 0.5), "Scale1")},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- voronoi_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': nw.new_value(U(-5, 5), "W2"), 'Scale': sca_sto, 'Randomness': uni_sto},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D'})
- noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': voronoi_texture_2.outputs["Position"], 'Scale': nw.new_value(N(20, 2), "Scale2")})
- colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_3.outputs["Fac"]})
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position,
+ "W": nw.new_value(U(-5, 5), "W1"),
+ "Scale": nw.new_value(N(6.0, 0.5), "Scale1"),
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": nw.new_value(U(-5, 5), "W2"),
+ "Scale": sca_sto,
+ "Randomness": uni_sto,
+ },
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": voronoi_texture_2.outputs["Position"],
+ "Scale": nw.new_value(N(20, 2), "Scale2"),
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_3.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_4.color_ramp.interpolation = "CONSTANT"
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.1159
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.475
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'W': nw.new_value(U(-5, 5), "W3"), 'Scale': sca_sto, 'Randomness': uni_sto},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D', 'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position,
+ "W": nw.new_value(U(-5, 5), "W3"),
+ "Scale": sca_sto,
+ "Randomness": uni_sto,
+ },
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D", "feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: 1.5, 1: sca_sto},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- voronoi_texture_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'W': nw.new_value(U(-5, 5), "W4"), 'Scale': multiply, 'Randomness': uni_sto},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D', 'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_4.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"], 'Color2': voronoi_texture_3.outputs["Distance"]})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 'Color1': mix_3})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': mix}, label="colorramp_VAR")
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position,
+ "W": nw.new_value(U(-5, 5), "W4"),
+ "Scale": multiply,
+ "Randomness": uni_sto,
+ },
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D", "feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_4.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"],
+ "Color2": voronoi_texture_3.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], "Color1": mix_3},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix}, label="colorramp_VAR"
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = U(0.26, 0.29)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.377
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- if not geometry: return colorramp
+ if not geometry:
+ return colorramp
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: colorramp.outputs["Color"], 1: normal},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: multiply_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: dep_sto},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': nw.new_value(N(20, 2), "Scale3"), 'Detail': 10.0, 'Distortion': 2.0})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Scale": nw.new_value(N(20, 2), "Scale3"),
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Distortion": 2.0,
+ },
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_4.outputs["Fac"], 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"], 1: normal},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
value_8 = nw.new_value(U(0.01, 0.02), "value_8")
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: multiply_5.outputs["Vector"], 1: value_8},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input, 'Offset': nw.add(multiply_6, multiply_2)})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input,
+ "Offset": nw.add(multiply_6, multiply_2),
+ },
+ )
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_1}
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_geomod(obj,geo_cobblestone, selection=selection)
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_cobblestone, selection=selection)
surface.add_material(obj, shader_cobblestone, selection=selection, reuse=False)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/common.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/common.py
index b906c4bcf..8622e3f89 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/common.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/common.py
@@ -2,16 +2,14 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import functools
from collections.abc import Callable, Iterable
import numpy as np
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_material_index, write_material_index
-from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core import surface, tagging
+from infinigen.core import tags as t
from infinigen.core.surface import read_attr_data
-from infinigen.core import tags as t, tagging
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
@@ -34,9 +32,11 @@ def apply(obj, shader_func, selection=None, *args, **kwargs):
material_index = np.where(sel, index, material_index)
elif isinstance(selection, str):
- sel = read_attr_data(o, selection.lstrip('!'), 'FACE')
- material_index = np.where(1 - sel if selection.startswith('!') else sel, index, material_index)
- except:
+ sel = read_attr_data(o, selection.lstrip("!"), "FACE")
+ material_index = np.where(
+ 1 - sel if selection.startswith("!") else sel, index, material_index
+ )
+ except KeyError:
material_index = np.zeros(len(material_index), dtype=int)
material_index = np.where(selection, index, material_index)
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def get_selection(obj, selection):
elif isinstance(selection, t.Tag):
return tagging.tagged_face_mask(obj, selection)
elif isinstance(selection, str):
- return read_attr_data(obj, selection.lstrip('!'), 'FACE')
+ return read_attr_data(obj, selection.lstrip("!"), "FACE")
return selection
@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ def unique_surface(surface, seed=None):
seed = np.random.randint(1e7)
class Surface:
def apply(cls, *args, **kwargs):
with FixedSeed(seed):
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/cracked_ground.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/cracked_ground.py
index ba81700e0..ac9848e53 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/cracked_ground.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/cracked_ground.py
@@ -4,43 +4,58 @@
# Authors: Ankit Goyal, Zeyu Ma
# Acknowledgment: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIZ_wi3yFUM&list=PLsGl9GczcgBs6TtApKKK-L_0Nm6fovNPk&index=98 by Ryan King Art
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes
import gin
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_color_neighbour
type = SurfaceTypes.SDFPerturb
mod_name = "geo_cracked_ground"
-name = "cracked_ground"
+name = "cracked_ground"
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_apply_value_to_normal', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
+ "nodegroup_apply_value_to_normal", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
def nodegroup_apply_value_to_normal(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'value', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'displacement', 1.0000)])
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: normal, 'Scale': group_input.outputs["value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["displacement"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Vector': scale_1.outputs["Vector"]}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "value", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "displacement", 1.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: normal, "Scale": group_input.outputs["value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["displacement"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": scale_1.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def shader_cracked_ground(nw: NodeWrangler, random_seed=0):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
@@ -49,37 +64,87 @@ def shader_cracked_ground(nw: NodeWrangler, random_seed=0):
col_1 = random_color_neighbour((0.3005, 0.1119, 0.0284, 1.0), 0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
col_2 = random_color_neighbour((0.6038, 0.4397, 0.2159, 1.0), 0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
- attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={'attribute_name': 'bump'})
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={'attribute_name': 'crack'})
+ attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "bump"})
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "crack"})
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': 15.0000, 'Detail': 10.0000})
- separate_color = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateColor, input_kwargs={'Color': noise_texture.outputs["Color"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_color.outputs["Red"], 1: 0.4000, 2: 0.7000, 3: 0.4900, 4: 0.5100})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_color.outputs["Green"], 1: 0.4000, 2: 0.7200, 3: 0.4000, 4: 1.1000})
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Hue': map_range.outputs["Result"], 'Value': map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 'Color': col_1})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute.outputs["Fac"], 'Color1': hue_saturation_value, 'Color2': col_crac})
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute_2.outputs["Fac"], 'Color1': mix, 'Color2': col_2})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_2, 'Specular': 0.2000, 'Roughness': 0.9000})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": 15.0000,
+ "Detail": 10.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ separate_color = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateColor, input_kwargs={"Color": noise_texture.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_color.outputs["Red"],
+ 1: 0.4000,
+ 2: 0.7000,
+ 3: 0.4900,
+ 4: 0.5100,
+ },
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_color.outputs["Green"],
+ 1: 0.4000,
+ 2: 0.7200,
+ 3: 0.4000,
+ 4: 1.1000,
+ },
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Hue": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Value": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color": col_1,
+ },
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": attribute.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Color1": hue_saturation_value,
+ "Color2": col_crac,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": attribute_2.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Color1": mix,
+ "Color2": col_2,
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix_2, "Specular": 0.2000, "Roughness": 0.9000},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
return principled_bsdf
def geo_cracked_ground(nw: NodeWrangler, selection=None, random_seed=0):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
@@ -98,7 +163,7 @@ def geo_cracked_ground(nw: NodeWrangler, selection=None, random_seed=0):
sca_noise = nw.new_value(uniform(2, 4), "sca_mask")
# percentage of area with crac, 0.5 means in half of area
- crack_density = nw.new_value(uniform(0.4, 0.55), "crack_density")
+ crack_density = nw.new_value(uniform(0.4, 0.55), "crack_density")
# width of the crack
wid_crac = nw.new_value(uniform(0.01, 0.04), "wid_crac")
@@ -112,85 +177,182 @@ def geo_cracked_ground(nw: NodeWrangler, selection=None, random_seed=0):
# total displacement
dep_landscape = nw.new_value(uniform(0.3, 0.7), "dep_landscape")
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
seed = nw.new_value(noise_rnd_seed, "seed")
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'W': seed, 'Scale': sca_noise, 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Roughness': 0.5375},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Name': 'noise', 'Value': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'W': seed, 'Scale': sca_crac, 'Detail': 15.0000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"], 'W': seed, 'Scale': 2.3000},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE', 'voronoi_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 2: wid_crac, 3: 1.0000, 4: 0.0000})
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'W': seed, 'Scale': sca_mask, 'Detail': 15.0000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: crack_density}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 0.0200}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position,
+ "W": seed,
+ "Scale": sca_noise,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Roughness": 0.5375,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Name": "noise",
+ "Value": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position,
+ "W": seed,
+ "Scale": sca_crac,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "W": seed,
+ "Scale": 2.3000,
+ },
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE", "voronoi_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ 2: wid_crac,
+ 3: 1.0000,
+ 4: 0.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position,
+ "W": seed,
+ "Scale": sca_mask,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: crack_density},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 0.0200},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 0.0200})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], 1: subtract_1, 2: add})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], 1: subtract_1, 2: add},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute, 'Name': 'crack', 'Value': multiply})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'W': seed, 'Scale': sca_gra},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"], 1: 0.9000})
- store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_1, 'Name': 'bump', 'Value': map_range_2.outputs["Result"]})
- applyvaluetonormal = nw.new_node(nodegroup_apply_value_to_normal().name,
- input_kwargs={'value': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 'displacement': 0.3000})
- applyvaluetonormal_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_apply_value_to_normal().name, input_kwargs={'value': multiply, 'displacement': dep_crac})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: applyvaluetonormal, 1: applyvaluetonormal_1})
- applyvaluetonormal_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_apply_value_to_normal().name,
- input_kwargs={'value': map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 'displacement': 0.0200})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: add_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: applyvaluetonormal_2})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: add_2.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': dep_landscape},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute,
+ "Name": "crack",
+ "Value": multiply,
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": position, "W": seed, "Scale": sca_gra},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"], 1: 0.9000},
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_1,
+ "Name": "bump",
+ "Value": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ applyvaluetonormal = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_apply_value_to_normal().name,
+ input_kwargs={"value": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], "displacement": 0.3000},
+ )
+ applyvaluetonormal_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_apply_value_to_normal().name,
+ input_kwargs={"value": multiply, "displacement": dep_crac},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: applyvaluetonormal, 1: applyvaluetonormal_1}
+ )
+ applyvaluetonormal_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_apply_value_to_normal().name,
+ input_kwargs={"value": map_range_2.outputs["Result"], "displacement": 0.0200},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: applyvaluetonormal_2},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_2.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": dep_landscape},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
offset = scale
if selection is not None:
offset = nw.multiply(offset, surface.eval_argument(nw, selection))
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_2, 'Offset': offset})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute_2, "Offset": offset},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
# seed = randint(10000000)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_cracked_ground, selection=selection) #, input_kwargs={'random_seed': seed})
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_cracked_ground, selection=selection) #, input_kwargs={'random_seed': seed})
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geo_cracked_ground, selection=selection
+ ) # , input_kwargs={'random_seed': seed})
+ surface.add_material(
+ obj, shader_cracked_ground, selection=selection
+ ) # , input_kwargs={'random_seed': seed})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/dirt.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/dirt.py
index 452731ca7..66410fac5 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/dirt.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/dirt.py
@@ -8,12 +8,13 @@
import bpy
import gin
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import sample_color, sample_ratio
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes
from .mountain import geo_MOUNTAIN_general
@@ -24,7 +25,9 @@
def shader_dirt(nw, random_seed=0):
- dirt_base_color, dirt_roughness = geo_dirt(nw, selection=None, random_seed=random_seed, geometry=False)
+ dirt_base_color, dirt_roughness = geo_dirt(
+ nw, selection=None, random_seed=random_seed, geometry=False
+ )
principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
@@ -35,12 +38,13 @@ def shader_dirt(nw, random_seed=0):
return principled_bsdf
def geo_dirt(nw, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True):
if nw.node_group.type == "SHADER":
- position = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeNewGeometry')
- normal = (nw.new_node('ShaderNodeNewGeometry'), 1)
+ position = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeNewGeometry")
+ normal = (nw.new_node("ShaderNodeNewGeometry"), 1)
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
@@ -68,23 +72,34 @@ def geo_dirt(nw, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True):
noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
- input_kwargs={"Vector": position, "Scale": 5.0 * scale, "W": nw.new_value(uniform(0, 10), "noise_texture_2_w")},
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position,
+ "Scale": 5.0 * scale,
+ "W": nw.new_value(uniform(0, 10), "noise_texture_2_w"),
+ },
attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={"Value": noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], 1: nw.new_value(0.445 + (2 * dens_crack) - 0.1, "colorramp_2_a"), 2: nw.new_value(0.505 + (2 * dens_crack) - 0.1, "colorramp_2_b"), 3: 0.0, 4: 1.0},
- attrs={'clamp': True}
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"],
+ 1: nw.new_value(0.445 + (2 * dens_crack) - 0.1, "colorramp_2_a"),
+ 2: nw.new_value(0.505 + (2 * dens_crack) - 0.1, "colorramp_2_b"),
+ 3: 0.0,
+ 4: 1.0,
+ },
+ attrs={"clamp": True},
- #nw.new_node(
+ # nw.new_node(
# Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"]},
# label = "color_ramp_2_VAR"
- #)
- #colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.445 + (2 * dens_crack) - 0.1
- #colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- #colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.505 + (2 * dens_crack) - 0.1
- #colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ # )
+ # colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.445 + (2 * dens_crack) - 0.1
+ # colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ # colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.505 + (2 * dens_crack) - 0.1
+ # colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
@@ -99,51 +114,68 @@ def geo_dirt(nw, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True):
voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
- input_kwargs={"Vector": noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"], "Scale": nw.new_value(scal_crack * scale, "scal_crack")},
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Scale": nw.new_value(scal_crack * scale, "scal_crack"),
+ },
attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={"Value":voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 1: 0.0, 2: nw.new_value(widt_crack, "colorramp_1"), 3: 0.0, 4: 1.0},
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: 0.0,
+ 2: nw.new_value(widt_crack, "colorramp_1"),
+ 3: 0.0,
+ 4: 1.0,
+ },
# label = "color_ramp_1_VAR",
- attrs={'clamp': True}
+ attrs={"clamp": True},
- #nw.new_node(
+ # nw.new_node(
# Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]},
# label="color_ramp_1_VAR"
- #)
- #colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
- #colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- #colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = widt_crack
- #colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ # )
+ # colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
+ # colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ # colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = widt_crack
+ # colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- mix_sub = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ mix_sub = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 1: colorramp_2.outputs["Result"]},
attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
- mix_mul1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: mix_sub.outputs["Vector"], 1: colorramp_1.outputs["Result"]},
+ mix_mul1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: mix_sub.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: colorramp_1.outputs["Result"],
+ },
attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
- mix_mul2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ mix_mul2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: colorramp_2.outputs["Result"], 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: mix_mul1.outputs["Vector"], 1: mix_mul2.outputs["Vector"]},
- #nw.new_node(
+ # nw.new_node(
# Nodes.MixRGB,
# input_kwargs={
# "Fac": colorramp_2.outputs["Color"],
# "Color1": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
# },
- #)
+ # )
vector_math_2 = nw.new_node(
@@ -169,31 +201,50 @@ def geo_dirt(nw, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True):
attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
- noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, "W": nw.new_value(uniform(0, 10), "noise_texture_3_w"), 'Scale': sample_ratio(5, 3/4, 4/3)},
- attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"})
+ noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position,
+ "W": nw.new_value(uniform(0, 10), "noise_texture_3_w"),
+ "Scale": sample_ratio(5, 3 / 4, 4 / 3),
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_3.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
- multiply_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: normal},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
value_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value_5.outputs[0].default_value = 0.05
- multiply_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: multiply_8.outputs["Vector"], 1: value_5},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- noise_texture_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'Scale': sample_ratio(20, 3/4, 4/3), "W": nw.new_value(uniform(0, 10), "noise_texture_4_w")},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
+ noise_texture_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position,
+ "Scale": sample_ratio(20, 3 / 4, 4 / 3),
+ "W": nw.new_value(uniform(0, 10), "noise_texture_4_w"),
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
- colorramp_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_4.outputs["Fac"]})
+ colorramp_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_4.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
@@ -205,20 +256,26 @@ def geo_dirt(nw, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True):
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[3].position = 1.0
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[3].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: colorramp_5.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
- multiply_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: normal},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
value_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value_6.outputs[0].default_value = 0.1
- multiply_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: multiply_10.outputs["Vector"], 1: value_6},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
colorramp = nw.new_node(
Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]}
@@ -255,21 +312,24 @@ def geo_dirt(nw, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True):
offset = nw.add(multiply_11, multiply_9, vector_math_8)
if geometry:
- noise_params = {"scale": ("uniform", 1, 5), "detail": 7, "roughness": 0.7, "zscale": ("power_uniform", -1, -0.5)}
- offset = nw.add(
- geo_MOUNTAIN_general(nw, 3, noise_params, 0, {}, {}),
- offset
- )
+ noise_params = {
+ "scale": ("uniform", 1, 5),
+ "detail": 7,
+ "roughness": 0.7,
+ "zscale": ("power_uniform", -1, -0.5),
+ }
+ offset = nw.add(geo_MOUNTAIN_general(nw, 3, noise_params, 0, {}, {}), offset)
groupinput = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput)
if selection is not None:
offset = nw.multiply(offset, surface.eval_argument(nw, selection))
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": groupinput, "Offset": offset})
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": groupinput, "Offset": offset}
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position})
return dirt_base_color, dirt_roughness
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
@@ -280,13 +340,17 @@ def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
if __name__ == "__main__":
- mat = 'dirt'
- if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join('outputs', mat)):
- os.mkdir(os.path.join('outputs', mat))
+ mat = "dirt"
+ if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join("outputs", mat)):
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join("outputs", mat))
for i in range(10):
- bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath='landscape_surface_dev.blend')
- apply(bpy.data.objects['Plane.002'])
- bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join('outputs', mat, '%s_%d.jpg'%(mat, i))
- bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format='JPEG'
+ bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath="landscape_surface_dev.blend")
+ apply(bpy.data.objects["Plane.002"])
+ bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join(
+ "outputs", mat, "%s_%d.jpg" % (mat, i)
+ )
+ bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format = "JPEG"
- bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath=os.path.join('outputs', mat, 'landscape_surface_dev_dirt.blend'))
+ bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(
+ filepath=os.path.join("outputs", mat, "landscape_surface_dev_dirt.blend")
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/dishwasher_shaders.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/dishwasher_shaders.py
index 8f2c5f7f8..0de73b6ff 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/dishwasher_shaders.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/dishwasher_shaders.py
@@ -5,24 +5,41 @@
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
def default_shader(nw: NodeWrangler):
principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF)
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def shader_black_medal_002(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- anisotropic_bsdf = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBsdfAnisotropic', input_kwargs={'Color': (0.0167, 0.0167, 0.0167, 1.0000)})
+ anisotropic_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBsdfAnisotropic",
+ input_kwargs={"Color": (0.0167, 0.0167, 0.0167, 1.0000)},
+ )
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': anisotropic_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": anisotropic_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def shader_glass_002(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- glass_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.GlassBSDF, input_kwargs={'IOR': 1.5000})
+ glass_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.GlassBSDF, input_kwargs={"IOR": 1.5000})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': glass_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": glass_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def shader_metal_002(nw: NodeWrangler):
@@ -30,22 +47,45 @@ def shader_metal_002(nw: NodeWrangler):
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': (1.0000, 1.0000, 80.0000)})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 10.0000, 'Detail': 20.0000, 'Roughness': 0.0000, 'Distortion': 1.0000})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"]})
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": (1.0000, 1.0000, 80.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Scale": 10.0000,
+ "Detail": 20.0000,
+ "Roughness": 0.0000,
+ "Distortion": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0045
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.2218, 0.1914, 0.2173, 1.0000]
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.4432
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.1678, 0.1300, 0.0929, 1.0000]
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': 2.0000, 'Detail': 0.0000})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture.outputs["Color"]})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": 2.0000,
+ "Detail": 0.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0000
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000, 1.0000]
@@ -54,11 +94,22 @@ def shader_metal_002(nw: NodeWrangler):
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 1.0000
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Subsurface Color': (0.9456, 0.5597, 0.0681, 1.0000), 'Metallic': 1.0000, 'Roughness': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'subsurface_method': 'BURLEY'})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Subsurface Color": (0.9456, 0.5597, 0.0681, 1.0000),
+ "Metallic": 1.0000,
+ "Roughness": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"subsurface_method": "BURLEY"},
+ )
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def shader_white_metal_002(nw: NodeWrangler):
@@ -66,20 +117,49 @@ def shader_white_metal_002(nw: NodeWrangler):
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': (1.0000, 1.0000, 50.0000)})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 20.0000, 'Detail': 20.0000, 'Distortion': 1.0000})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"]})
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": (1.0000, 1.0000, 50.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Scale": 20.0000,
+ "Detail": 20.0000,
+ "Distortion": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2500
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.5244, 0.5244, 0.5244, 1.0000]
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0000
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.9698, 0.9698, 0.9698, 1.0000]
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Subsurface Color': (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000), 'Metallic': 1.0000, 'Specular': 1.0000, 'Roughness': 0.1000, 'Anisotropic': 0.9182, 'Sheen': 0.0455, 'Sheen Tint': 0.4948},
- attrs={'subsurface_method': 'BURLEY'})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Subsurface Color": (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000),
+ "Metallic": 1.0000,
+ "Specular": 1.0000,
+ "Roughness": 0.1000,
+ "Anisotropic": 0.9182,
+ "Sheen": 0.0455,
+ "Sheen Tint": 0.4948,
+ },
+ attrs={"subsurface_method": "BURLEY"},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/eyeball.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/eyeball.py
index 7bc440be8..278ceea13 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/eyeball.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/eyeball.py
@@ -4,92 +4,122 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import sample_color
+from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import clip, sample_range, sample_ratio, sample_color
def shader_eyeball(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, coord="X", **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"]})
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"]},
+ )
if coord == "Y":
- math = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ math = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
val = math
val = separate_xyz.outputs["X"]
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': val})
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": val})
colorramp_1.color_ramp.interpolation = "CONSTANT"
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0045
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.5921, 0.5921, 0.5921, 1.0)
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = uniform(0.84, 0.88) if rand else 0.854
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': val})
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": val})
colorramp.color_ramp.interpolation = "CONSTANT"
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.6618
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.2403, 0.217, 0.1528, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[
+ 1
+ ].position
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.4961, 0.8862, 0.1703, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position+0.01
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = (
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position + 0.01
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
if rand:
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Metallic': 0.0, 'Roughness': 0.03})
- transparent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransparentBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': (0.757, 0.757, 0.757, 1.0)})
- translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslucentBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)})
- mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.1, 1: transparent_bsdf, 2: translucent_bsdf})
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 1: principled_bsdf, 2: mix_shader_1})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Metallic": 0.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.03,
+ },
+ )
+ transparent_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TransparentBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": (0.757, 0.757, 0.757, 1.0)}
+ )
+ translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TranslucentBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)}
+ )
+ mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.1, 1: transparent_bsdf, 2: translucent_bsdf},
+ )
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ 1: principled_bsdf,
+ 2: mix_shader_1,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader}
+ )
def shader_eyeball_old(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"]})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]})
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"]},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": separate_xyz.outputs["X"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.interpolation = "CONSTANT"
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.8982
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = color_category('eye_schlera')
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = color_category("eye_schlera")
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.9473
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = color_category('eye_pupil')
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = color_category("eye_pupil")
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.9636
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Roughness': 0.0})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"], "Roughness": 0.0},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def apply(obj, shader_kwargs={}, **kwargs):
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_eyeball, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(obj, shader_eyeball, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics.py
deleted file mode 100644
index feab191bb..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-from infinigen.assets.materials import leather_and_fabrics
-from .leather_and_fabrics import *
-def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- leather_and_fabrics.apply(obj, selection=selection, **kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..278d1d128
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+from . import fabric_random
+from .coarse_knit_fabric import shader_coarse_knit_fabric
+from .fine_knit_fabric import shader_fine_knit_fabric
+from .general_fabric import shader_fabric
+from .leather import shader_leather
+from .lined_fabric import shader_lined_fur_base
+from .sofa_fabric import shader_sofa_fabric
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/leather_and_fabrics/coarse_knit_fabric.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/coarse_knit_fabric.py
similarity index 95%
rename from infinigen/assets/materials/leather_and_fabrics/coarse_knit_fabric.py
rename to infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/coarse_knit_fabric.py
index 0ac7179b0..3f2d16501 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/leather_and_fabrics/coarse_knit_fabric.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/coarse_knit_fabric.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from following sources:
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfoMWLQ-BkM by 5 Minutes Blender
-# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tS_U3twxKKg by PIXXO 3D
+# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tS_U3twxKKg by PIXXO 3D
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCay8AsVD84 by Antonio Palladino
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dS3N90wPkc by Dr Blender
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12c1J6LhK4Y by blenderian
@@ -14,17 +14,11 @@
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umrARvXC_MI by Ryan King Art
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, choice
+from numpy.random import choice, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials import common
from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import unwrap_faces
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.materials import common
def get_texture_params():
@@ -260,11 +254,11 @@ def shader_fabric_base(
-def shader_fabric_random(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+def shader_coarse_knit_fabric(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
fabric_params = get_texture_params()
return shader_fabric_base(nw, **fabric_params)
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
unwrap_faces(obj, selection)
- common.apply(obj, shader_fabric_random, selection, **kwargs)
+ common.apply(obj, shader_coarse_knit_fabric, selection, **kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/fabric_random.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/fabric_random.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..775199a34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/fabric_random.py
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
+from ...utils.uv import unwrap_faces
+from .. import common
+from .coarse_knit_fabric import shader_coarse_knit_fabric
+from .fine_knit_fabric import shader_fine_knit_fabric
+from .leather import shader_leather
+from .sofa_fabric import shader_sofa_fabric
+fabric_shader_list = (
+ "weighted_choice",
+ (1, shader_coarse_knit_fabric),
+ (1, shader_fine_knit_fabric),
+ (2, shader_leather),
+ (1, shader_sofa_fabric),
+def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
+ unwrap_faces(obj, selection)
+ common.apply(obj, rg(fabric_shader_list), selection=selection, **kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/leather_and_fabrics/fine_knit_fabric.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/fine_knit_fabric.py
similarity index 96%
rename from infinigen/assets/materials/leather_and_fabrics/fine_knit_fabric.py
rename to infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/fine_knit_fabric.py
index d3d8f2dcf..99c41a0fa 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/leather_and_fabrics/fine_knit_fabric.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/fine_knit_fabric.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from following sources:
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfoMWLQ-BkM by 5 Minutes Blender
-# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tS_U3twxKKg by PIXXO 3D
+# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tS_U3twxKKg by PIXXO 3D
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCay8AsVD84 by Antonio Palladino
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dS3N90wPkc by Dr Blender
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12c1J6LhK4Y by blenderian
@@ -14,12 +14,11 @@
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umrARvXC_MI by Ryan King Art
-import bpy
from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials import common
from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import unwrap_faces
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.assets.materials import common
def get_texture_params():
@@ -143,7 +142,7 @@ def shader_material(
-def shader_fabric_random(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+def shader_fine_knit_fabric(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
fabric_params = get_texture_params()
fabric_params["_map"] = "Object"
return shader_material(nw, **fabric_params)
@@ -151,4 +150,4 @@ def shader_fabric_random(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
unwrap_faces(obj, selection)
- common.apply(obj, shader_fabric_random, selection, **kwargs)
+ common.apply(obj, shader_fine_knit_fabric, selection, **kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/general_fabric.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/general_fabric.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a3af9593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/general_fabric.py
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umrARvXC_MI by Ryan King Art
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials import common
+from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import unwrap_faces
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+def func_fabric(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ group_input = {
+ "Weave Scale": 0.0,
+ "Color Pattern Scale": 0.0,
+ "Color1": (0.7991, 0.1046, 0.1195, 1.0000),
+ "Color2": (1.0000, 0.5271, 0.5711, 1.0000),
+ }
+ group_input.update(kwargs)
+ wave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["UV"],
+ "Scale": group_input["Weave Scale"],
+ "Distortion": 7.0000,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"bands_direction": "Y"},
+ )
+ value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_2.outputs[0].default_value = 0.1000
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": wave_texture_1.outputs["Color"], 1: value_2},
+ )
+ wave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["UV"],
+ "Scale": group_input["Weave Scale"],
+ "Distortion": 7.0000,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": wave_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: value_2},
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={6: map_range.outputs["Result"], 7: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: mix.outputs[2], 1: 0.1000},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ transparent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransparentBSDF)
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input["Color Pattern Scale"], 1: 0.0001},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ brick_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BrickTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["UV"],
+ "Color1": group_input["Color1"],
+ "Mortar": group_input["Color2"],
+ "Scale": group_input["Color Pattern Scale"],
+ "Mortar Size": 0.0000,
+ "Bias": -1.0000,
+ "Row Height": 0.5000,
+ },
+ attrs={"offset_frequency": 1, "squash": 0.0000},
+ )
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["UV"],
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.5708),
+ },
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "EULER_XYZ"},
+ )
+ brick_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BrickTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vector_rotate,
+ "Color1": group_input["Color1"],
+ "Mortar": group_input["Color2"],
+ "Scale": group_input["Color Pattern Scale"],
+ "Mortar Size": 0.0000,
+ "Bias": -1.0000,
+ "Row Height": 0.5000,
+ },
+ attrs={"offset_frequency": 1, "squash": 0.0000},
+ )
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: 1.0000,
+ 6: brick_texture_2.outputs["Color"],
+ 7: brick_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA", "blend_type": "ADD"},
+ )
+ mix_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={0: less_than, 6: mix_2.outputs[2], 7: group_input["Color1"]},
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: mix.outputs[2],
+ 6: (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000),
+ 7: mix_4.outputs[2],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": mix.outputs[2], 3: 1.0000, 4: 0.9000}
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": mix_3.outputs[2],
+ "Roughness": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ "Sheen": 1.0000,
+ "Sheen Tint": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": greater_than, 1: transparent_bsdf, 2: principled_bsdf},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input["Weave Scale"], 1: 5.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": multiply}
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={6: musgrave_texture, 7: mix.outputs[2]},
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: mix_1.outputs[2]}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 0.0010},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ displacement = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeDisplacement",
+ input_kwargs={"Height": multiply_1, "Midlevel": 0.0000},
+ )
+ return {"Shader": mix_shader, "Displacement": displacement}
+def shader_fabric(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ weave_scale=500.0,
+ color_scale=None,
+ color_1=None,
+ color_2=None,
+ **kwargs,
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ if color_scale is None:
+ color_scale = np.random.choice([0.0, uniform(5.0, 20.0)])
+ if color_1 is None:
+ color_1 = color_category("fabric")
+ if color_2 is None:
+ color_2 = color_category("white")
+ group = func_fabric(
+ nw,
+ **{
+ "Weave Scale": weave_scale,
+ "Color Pattern Scale": color_scale,
+ "Color1": color_1,
+ "Color2": color_2,
+ },
+ )
+ displacement = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeDisplacement",
+ input_kwargs={"Height": group["Displacement"], "Midlevel": 0.0000},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": group["Shader"], "Displacement": displacement},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
+ if not isinstance(obj, list):
+ obj = [obj]
+ for o in obj:
+ unwrap_faces(o, selection)
+ common.apply(obj, shader_fabric, selection, **kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/leather.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/leather.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6febeb8f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/leather.py
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=In9V4-ih16o by Ryan King Art
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.color_fits import real_color_distribution
+from infinigen.assets.materials import common
+from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import unwrap_faces
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_leather", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_leather(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Seed", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketColor", "Base Color", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000)),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Scale"], 1: 10.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": multiply,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Distortion": 0.2000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ color_ramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
+ color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2841
+ color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
+ color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.9455
+ color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: 0.0200,
+ 6: texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ 7: noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"blend_type": "LINEAR_LIGHT", "data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Scale"], 1: 800.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mix.outputs[2],
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": multiply_1,
+ },
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D", "feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ attrs={"use_clamp": True, "operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={"Value": 0.6000, "Color": group_input.outputs["Base Color"]},
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: multiply_2,
+ 6: group_input.outputs["Base Color"],
+ 7: hue_saturation_value,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={"Value": 0.4000, "Color": group_input.outputs["Base Color"]},
+ )
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: color_ramp.outputs["Color"],
+ 6: mix_1.outputs[2],
+ 7: hue_saturation_value_1,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": mix_2.outputs[2],
+ 3: uniform(0.3, 0.5),
+ 4: uniform(0.5, 0.7),
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": mix_2.outputs[2],
+ "Roughness": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: mix_1.outputs[2], 1: -0.2000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: color_ramp.outputs["Color"], 1: 0.0500},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: multiply_4})
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 0.0200}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"BSDF": principled_bsdf, "Displacement": multiply_5},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def shader_leather(nw: NodeWrangler, scale=1.0, base_color=None, seed=None, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ if seed is None:
+ seed = uniform(-1000.0, 1000.0)
+ # if base_color is None:
+ # base_color = color_category('leather')
+ base_color = real_color_distribution("sofa_leather")
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leather().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Seed": seed, "Scale": scale, "Base Color": base_color},
+ )
+ displacement = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeDisplacement",
+ input_kwargs={"Height": group.outputs["Displacement"], "Midlevel": 0.0000},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": group.outputs["BSDF"], "Displacement": displacement},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
+ unwrap_faces(obj, selection)
+ common.apply(obj, shader_leather, selection=selection, **kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/leather_and_fabrics/lined_fabric.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/lined_fabric.py
similarity index 99%
rename from infinigen/assets/materials/leather_and_fabrics/lined_fabric.py
rename to infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/lined_fabric.py
index 751d52479..0842d5a43 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/leather_and_fabrics/lined_fabric.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/lined_fabric.py
@@ -4,13 +4,11 @@
# Authors: Meenal Parakh
-import bpy
-import mathutils
from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials import common
from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import unwrap_faces
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.assets.materials import common
def get_texture_params():
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/sofa_fabric.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/sofa_fabric.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9705e85e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/sofa_fabric.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials import common
+from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import unwrap_faces
+from infinigen.core.nodes import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+def shader_sofa_fabric(nw: NodeWrangler, scale=1, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "UVMap"})
+ attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, [attribute], input_kwargs={"Scale": [scale] * 3}
+ )
+ rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
+ rgb.outputs[0].default_value = color_category("fabric")
+ brightness_contrast = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBrightContrast",
+ input_kwargs={"Color": rgb, "Bright": uniform(-0.1500, -0.05)},
+ )
+ brick_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BrickTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": attribute.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Color1": rgb,
+ "Color2": brightness_contrast,
+ "Scale": 276.9800,
+ "Mortar Size": 0.0100,
+ "Mortar Smooth": 1.0000,
+ "Bias": 0.5000,
+ "Row Height": 0.1000,
+ },
+ attrs={"offset": 0.5479, "squash_frequency": 1},
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": brick_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ "Roughness": 0.8624,
+ "Sheen": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ displacement = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Displacement, input_kwargs={"Height": brick_texture.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf, "Displacement": displacement},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
+ unwrap_faces(obj, selection)
+ common.apply(obj, shader_sofa_fabric, selection, **kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/velvet.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/velvet.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db54ed40e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/fabrics/velvet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Stamatis Alexandropoulos
+# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55MMAnTYhWI by Dikko
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials import common
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+def shader_velvet(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ reroute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]}
+ )
+ mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": reroute})
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping, "Scale": 1.0000}
+ )
+ mix_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={0: 0.1125, 6: voronoi_texture.outputs["Color"]},
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Scale": 9.6000,
+ "Detail": 11.4000,
+ "Dimension": 0.1000,
+ "Lacunarity": 1.9000,
+ },
+ attrs={"musgrave_type": "MULTIFRACTAL"},
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: uniform(0, 0.8),
+ 6: musgrave_texture,
+ 7: (0.6044, 0.6044, 0.6044, 1.0000),
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA", "blend_type": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={6: mix_6.outputs[2], 7: mix.outputs[2]},
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ color_ramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix_1.outputs[2]})
+ color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0000
+ color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
+ color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.8455
+ color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
+ rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
+ rgb.outputs[0].default_value = color_category("textile")
+ # (0.3547, 0.3018, 0.3087, 1.0000)
+ brightness_contrast = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBrightContrast", input_kwargs={"Color": rgb, "Bright": 0.0500}
+ )
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={0: color_ramp.outputs["Color"], 6: brightness_contrast, 7: rgb},
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": mix_2.outputs[2],
+ "Specular": 0.0000,
+ "Roughness": uniform(0.4, 0.9),
+ "Anisotropic": 0.7614,
+ "Anisotropic Rotation": 1.0000,
+ "Sheen": 16.2273,
+ "Sheen Tint": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": reroute,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0157),
+ "Scale": (2.2000, 2.2000, 2.2000),
+ },
+ )
+ wave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping_1,
+ "Scale": 500.0000,
+ "Distortion": 4.0000,
+ "Detail": 6.7000,
+ "Detail Scale": 1.5000,
+ "Detail Roughness": 0.4308,
+ },
+ attrs={"bands_direction": "DIAGONAL"},
+ )
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 6: mapping_1, 7: wave_texture_1.outputs["Color"]},
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA", "blend_type": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ mix_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 6: color_ramp.outputs["Color"], 7: mix_3.outputs[2]},
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA", "blend_type": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ displacement = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Displacement,
+ input_kwargs={"Height": mix_4.outputs[2], "Midlevel": 0.0000, "Scale": 0.0150},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf, "Displacement": displacement},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
+ common.apply(obj, shader_velvet, selection, **kwargs)
+ # surface.add_material(obj, shader_velvet, selection=selection)
+# apply(bpy.context.active_object)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/face_size_visualizer.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/face_size_visualizer.py
index d8106f8ba..73aebc06b 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/face_size_visualizer.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/face_size_visualizer.py
@@ -4,44 +4,48 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
def shader_material(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'col'})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': attribute.outputs["Color"]})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "col"})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": attribute.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def geo_face_colors(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Name': 'col', "Value": random_value.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'domain': 'FACE'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute})
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"})
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Name": "col",
+ "Value": random_value.outputs["Value"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "domain": "FACE"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute}
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_face_colors, selection=selection, attributes=[])
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_material, selection=selection)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(obj, shader_material, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/fish_eye_shader.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/fish_eye_shader.py
index 31d9a6dc4..757d2f70e 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/fish_eye_shader.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/fish_eye_shader.py
@@ -4,181 +4,358 @@
# Authors: Mingzhe Wang
# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfNzAaqKHXQ by PixelicaCG, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcHX4AT1vtg by CGCookie and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0JyyWeptSA by CGRogue
-import os, sys
-import numpy as np
-import math as ma
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import clip, sample_range, sample_ratio, sample_color, geo_voronoi_noise
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import (
+ sample_color,
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_rotate2_d_002', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
+ "nodegroup_rotate2_d_002", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree"
def nodegroup_rotate2_d_002(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value1', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value2', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value3', 0.5000)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value3"], 1: 0.0175}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'}) # pretty sure Value3 is the right one here
- sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'SINE'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: sine, 1: group_input}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- cosine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'COSINE'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input, 1: cosine}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_2}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input, 1: cosine}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input, 1: sine}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value1", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value2", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value3", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value3"], 1: 0.0175},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ ) # pretty sure Value3 is the right one here
+ sine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "SINE"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: sine, 1: group_input},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ cosine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "COSINE"}
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input, 1: cosine},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input, 1: cosine},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input, 1: sine},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: multiply_4})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Value': subtract, 'Value1': add}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": subtract, "Value1": add},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def shader_eyeball_fish(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={'attribute_name': 'EyeballPosition'})
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute_1.outputs["Color"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 50.0000})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.0200, 'Color1': mapping, 'Color2': noise_texture.outputs["Color"]})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': mix})
+ attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "EyeballPosition"}
+ )
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute_1.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping, "Scale": 50.0000}
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.0200,
+ "Color1": mapping,
+ "Color2": noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": mix})
value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0000
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_rotate2_d_002().name,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Value2': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 2: value})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.3000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: 0.8000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: multiply_2}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_rotate2_d_002().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Value2": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ 2: value,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.3000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: 0.8000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: multiply_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_3})
add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 0.6300})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': add_1})
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": add_1})
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.6400
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6591
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute_1.outputs["Color"], 'Scale': (1.0000, 100.0000, 1.0000)})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.3000, 'Color1': mapping_1, 'Color2': attribute_1.outputs["Color"]})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': mix_1, 'Scale': 10.0000})
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.7000, 'Color1': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], 'Color2': mix_1})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': mix_2, 'Scale': 20.0000})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 1: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- mapping_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute_1.outputs["Color"], 'Scale': (20.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)})
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.3000, 'Color1': mapping_2, 'Color2': attribute_1.outputs["Color"]})
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': mix_3, 'Scale': 10.0000})
- mix_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.7000, 'Color1': noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], 'Color2': mix_3})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix_4, 'W': U(-10, 10), 'Scale': 1.0000},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D'})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"], 1: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- mix_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 1.0000, 'Color1': multiply_4, 'Color2': multiply_5},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'OVERLAY'})
- bright_contrast = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBrightContrast', input_kwargs={'Color': mix_5, 'Bright': 0.6000, 'Contrast': 1.5000})
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": attribute_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Scale": (1.0000, 100.0000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.3000,
+ "Color1": mapping_1,
+ "Color2": attribute_1.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": mix_1, "Scale": 10.0000}
+ )
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.7000,
+ "Color1": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Color2": mix_1,
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": mix_2, "Scale": 20.0000}
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ mapping_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": attribute_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Scale": (20.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.3000,
+ "Color1": mapping_2,
+ "Color2": attribute_1.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": mix_3, "Scale": 10.0000}
+ )
+ mix_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.7000,
+ "Color1": noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Color2": mix_3,
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mix_4, "W": U(-10, 10), "Scale": 1.0000},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ mix_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": 1.0000, "Color1": multiply_4, "Color2": multiply_5},
+ attrs={"blend_type": "OVERLAY"},
+ )
+ bright_contrast = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBrightContrast",
+ input_kwargs={"Color": mix_5, "Bright": 0.6000, "Contrast": 1.5000},
+ )
scale1 = U(0.65, 1.2)
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: scale1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_6, 1: multiply_6}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: scale1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: multiply_8}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: scale1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_6, 1: multiply_6},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: scale1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: multiply_8},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_7, 1: multiply_9})
add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': add_3})
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": add_3})
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.6159
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6591
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]})
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0295
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.0523
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: bright_contrast, 1: colorramp_2.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'use_clamp': True})
+ attrs={"use_clamp": True},
+ )
scale2 = U(0.6, 0.8)
- multiply_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: scale2}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_10, 1: multiply_10}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: scale2}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_12, 1: multiply_12}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: scale2},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_10, 1: multiply_10},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: scale2},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_13 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_12, 1: multiply_12},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_11, 1: multiply_13})
add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_5, 1: 0.1800})
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': add_6})
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": add_6})
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4773
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6659
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
- attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={'attribute_name': 'EyeballPosition'})
- noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute_2.outputs["Color"], 'W': U(-10, 10), 'Scale': 0.5000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_3.outputs["Color"]})
+ attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "EyeballPosition"}
+ )
+ noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": attribute_2.outputs["Color"],
+ "W": U(-10, 10),
+ "Scale": 0.5000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_3.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp_4.color_ramp.interpolation = "CARDINAL"
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.3704
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.9570, 0.9247, 0.2801, 1.0000]
@@ -187,27 +364,61 @@ def shader_eyeball_fish(nw: NodeWrangler):
- mix_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_3.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': (0.7384, 0.5239, 0.2703, 1.0000), 'Color2': colorramp_4.outputs["Color"]})
+ mix_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_3.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": (0.7384, 0.5239, 0.2703, 1.0000),
+ "Color2": colorramp_4.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
- mix_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': mix_6, 'Color2': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000)})
- mix_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, input_kwargs={'Fac': add_4, 'Color1': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000), 'Color2': mix_7})
- mix_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': mix_8, 'Color2': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000)})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_8, 'Specular': 0.0000, 'Roughness': 0.0000})
- glossy_bsdf = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBsdfGlossy')
- mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader, input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.0200, 1: principled_bsdf, 2: glossy_bsdf})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader_1}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ mix_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": mix_6,
+ "Color2": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ mix_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": add_4,
+ "Color1": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000),
+ "Color2": mix_7,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": mix_8,
+ "Color2": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix_8, "Specular": 0.0000, "Roughness": 0.0000},
+ )
+ glossy_bsdf = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeBsdfGlossy")
+ mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.0200, 1: principled_bsdf, 2: glossy_bsdf},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_eyeball_fish, selection=selection)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(obj, shader_eyeball_fish, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/fishbody.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/fishbody.py
index 505253e71..f28e4f817 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/fishbody.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/fishbody.py
@@ -5,482 +5,760 @@
# Acknowledgment: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJVuodaPHTQ and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7a4ouBLIow by Lance Phan
-import os, sys, random
-import numpy as np
-import math as ma
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import clip, sample_range, sample_ratio, sample_color, geo_voronoi_noise
+import os
+import random
import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import (
+ sample_color,
+ sample_range,
+ sample_ratio,
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_node_grid', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
+ "nodegroup_node_grid", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
def nodegroup_node_grid(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5)]
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 1: 2.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- floor = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'FLOOR'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: floor},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_1})
- trunc = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add},
- attrs={'operation': 'TRUNC'})
- trunc_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'TRUNC'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: trunc_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'floor1': trunc, 'floor2': add_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_node_group', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ floor = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "FLOOR"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: floor}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1})
+ trunc = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={"operation": "TRUNC"})
+ trunc_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1}, attrs={"operation": "TRUNC"}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: trunc_1})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"floor1": trunc, "floor2": add_1}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_node_group", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
def nodegroup_UV(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Vector"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketVector", "Vector", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))]
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: 0.75, 1: separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={1: absolute},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- absolute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract}, attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"}
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={1: absolute}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ absolute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_1}, attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: absolute_1, 1: 2.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT', 'use_clamp': True})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': subtract_2, 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_scales', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": subtract_2, "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz})
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_scales", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
def nodegroup_scales(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 40.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Xscale', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Yscale', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Xnoise', 0.02),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Ynoise', 0.02),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Offset', 0.0002)])
- #subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Vector", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 40.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Xscale", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Yscale", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Xnoise", 0.02),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Ynoise", 0.02),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Offset", 0.0002),
+ ],
+ )
+ # subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
# input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Mesh"]})
- separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Vector"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: 10.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- reroute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': multiply})
- angle = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='Angle')
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ reroute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": multiply})
+ angle = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="Angle")
angle.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0
- cosine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: angle},
- attrs={'operation': 'COSINE'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ cosine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: angle}, attrs={"operation": "COSINE"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: reroute_2, 1: cosine},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: angle},
- attrs={'operation': 'SINE'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: angle}, attrs={"operation": "SINE"})
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: sine},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- group_input_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 40.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Xscale', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Yscale', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Xnoise', 0.02),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Ynoise', 0.02),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Offset', 0.0002)])
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ group_input_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Vector", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 40.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Xscale", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Yscale", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Xnoise", 0.02),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Ynoise", 0.02),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Offset", 0.0002),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: group_input_2.outputs["Xscale"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': 0.8, 'Scale': 10.0},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], 1: group_input_2.outputs["Xnoise"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: multiply_4})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"W": 0.8, "Scale": 10.0},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"],
+ 1: group_input_2.outputs["Xnoise"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: multiply_4})
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: reroute_2, 1: sine},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: cosine},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_5, 1: multiply_6})
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_5, 1: multiply_6})
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: group_input_2.outputs["Yscale"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': 0.8, 'Scale': 10.0},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- multiply_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], 1: group_input_2.outputs["Ynoise"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_7, 1: multiply_8})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': add_2})
- group_input_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 40.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Xscale', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Yscale', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Xnoise', 0.02),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Ynoise', 0.02),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Offset', 0.0002)])
- multiply_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_2, 1: group_input_1.outputs["Scale"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply_8})
- nodegrid = nw.new_node(nodegroup_node_grid().name, input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"W": 0.8, "Scale": 10.0},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ multiply_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"],
+ 1: group_input_2.outputs["Ynoise"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_7, 1: multiply_8})
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": add_2})
+ group_input_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Vector", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 40.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Xscale", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Yscale", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Xnoise", 0.02),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Ynoise", 0.02),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Offset", 0.0002),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_2, 1: group_input_1.outputs["Scale"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply_8})
+ nodegrid = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_node_grid().name, input_kwargs={"Value": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]}
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={0: nodegrid.outputs["floor1"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
input_kwargs={0: nodegrid.outputs["floor1"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: nodegrid.outputs["floor1"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- nodegrid_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_node_grid().name, input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': nodegrid_1.outputs["floor2"], 'Y': nodegrid.outputs["floor1"]})
- multiply_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: combine_xyz}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': nodegrid_1.outputs["floor1"], 'Y': nodegrid.outputs["floor2"]})
- multiply_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: combine_xyz_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: multiply_9.outputs["Vector"], 1: multiply_10.outputs["Vector"]})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: add_3}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- distance = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: add_3}, attrs={'operation': 'DISTANCE'})
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: distance.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0100})
- less_than_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: 0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
+ )
+ nodegrid_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_node_grid().name, input_kwargs={"Value": separate_xyz.outputs["X"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": nodegrid_1.outputs["floor2"],
+ "Y": nodegrid.outputs["floor1"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: combine_xyz},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": nodegrid_1.outputs["floor1"],
+ "Y": nodegrid.outputs["floor2"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: combine_xyz_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: multiply_9.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: multiply_10.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: add_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ distance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: add_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "DISTANCE"},
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: distance.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0100}
+ )
+ less_than_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: 0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
greater_than_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: 0.5000})
- multiply_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: combine_xyz_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: combine_xyz}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: multiply_11.outputs["Vector"], 1: multiply_12.outputs["Vector"]})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: add_5}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: combine_xyz_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: combine_xyz},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: multiply_11.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: multiply_12.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: add_5},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_13 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: greater_than_1, 1: subtract_2.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- _multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: less_than_1, 2: multiply_13.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ _multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: subtract_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: less_than_1,
+ 2: multiply_13.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: _multiply_add, 1: (1, -1, 1)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_14 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than_1, 1: add_5}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_14 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: greater_than_1, 1: add_5},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: less_than_1, 2: multiply_14.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply_add_1, 'W': sample_range(-10, 10), 'Scale': 33.0000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- subtract_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.26, 2: 0.74, 3: -0.5, 4: 0.5},
- attrs={'clamp': True}
- )
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": multiply_add_1,
+ "W": sample_range(-10, 10),
+ "Scale": 33.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ subtract_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ 1: 0.26,
+ 2: 0.74,
+ 3: -0.5,
+ 4: 0.5,
+ },
+ attrs={"clamp": True},
+ )
+ sine_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_3}, attrs={"operation": "SINE"}
+ )
+ cosine_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_3}, attrs={"operation": "COSINE"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_color = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": sine_1, "Y": cosine_1, "Z": 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_color.outputs["Vector"], 1: multiply_add},
+ attrs={"operation": "DOT_PRODUCT"},
+ )
+ distance_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: add_5},
+ attrs={"operation": "DISTANCE"},
+ )
+ add_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: distance_1.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0100}
+ )
+ multiply_17 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: greater_than_1, 1: add_7},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: less_than_1, 2: multiply_17},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ multiply_18 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_add_2, 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- sine_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_3}, attrs={'operation': 'SINE'})
- cosine_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_3}, attrs={'operation': 'COSINE'})
- combine_xyz_color = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': sine_1, 'Y': cosine_1, 'Z': 0.0000})
- add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_color.outputs["Vector"], 1: multiply_add}, attrs={'operation': 'DOT_PRODUCT'})
- distance_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: add_5}, attrs={'operation': 'DISTANCE'})
- add_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: distance_1.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0100})
- multiply_17 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: greater_than_1, 1: add_7}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: less_than_1, 2: multiply_17}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- multiply_18 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_add_2, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_19 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
+ multiply_19 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
input_kwargs={0: multiply_18, 1: 0.9156, 2: 1.0000, 3: 0.0000, 4: 0.5},
- attrs={'clamp': True}
+ attrs={"clamp": True},
+ )
+ subtract_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_6, 1: multiply_19},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ subtract_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_4, 1: 0.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
- subtract_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_6, 1: multiply_19}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- subtract_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_4, 1: 0.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- multiply_20 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: subtract_5, 1: normal}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_21 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_20.outputs["Vector"], 1: group_input.outputs["Offset"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Mesh"], 'Offset': multiply_21.outputs["Vector"]})
- capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 1: multiply_add_1},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- capture_attribute_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"], 1: multiply_19},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- separate_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Attribute"]})
- attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"], 2: separate_xyz_7.outputs["X"]})
- subtract_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_7.outputs["X"], 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ multiply_20 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_5, 1: normal},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_21 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: multiply_20.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Offset"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Offset": multiply_21.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, 1: multiply_add_1},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ capture_attribute_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 1: multiply_19,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Attribute"]},
+ )
+ attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: separate_xyz_7.outputs["X"],
+ },
+ )
+ subtract_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz_7.outputs["X"],
+ 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: subtract_8, 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Range"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- attribute_statistic_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"], 2: separate_xyz_7.outputs["Y"]})
- subtract_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_7.outputs["Y"], 1: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Min"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- divide_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ attribute_statistic_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: separate_xyz_7.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ )
+ subtract_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz_7.outputs["Y"],
+ 1: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Min"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ divide_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: subtract_9, 1: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Range"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': divide, 'Y': divide_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute_4.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'attr2': combine_xyz_3,
- 'attr5': capture_attribute_4.outputs["Attribute"]})
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": divide, "Y": divide_1}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute_4.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "attr2": combine_xyz_3,
+ "attr5": capture_attribute_4.outputs["Attribute"],
+ },
+ )
def shader_fish_body_regular(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
texture_coordinate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Generated"]})
- noise_texture_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_1, 'W': 0.8, 'Scale': 50.0},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Generated"]},
+ )
+ noise_texture_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping_1, "W": 0.8, "Scale": 50.0},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
- noise_texture_6.inputs['W'].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
+ noise_texture_6.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
- colorramp_15 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_6.outputs["Fac"]})
+ colorramp_15 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_6.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_15.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.3523
colorramp_15.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_15.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.3727
colorramp_15.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- attribute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'offset2'})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attribute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "offset2"})
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: attribute_3.outputs["Vector"], 1: 0.01},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
texture_coordinate_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_5.outputs["Normal"]})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.5})
+ separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate_5.outputs["Normal"]},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.5})
if rand:
add.inputs[1].default_value = sample_range(0.45, 0.6)
- colorramp_14 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': add})
+ colorramp_14 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": add})
colorramp_14.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_14.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_14.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.2341
colorramp_14.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- attribute_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'Color variations'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute_5.outputs["Vector"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attribute_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "Color variations"}
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute_5.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': subtract, 1: -0.2})
- colorramp_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": subtract, 1: -0.2})
+ colorramp_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
colorramp_12.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_12.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_12.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.2518
colorramp_12.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
texture_coordinate_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_3.outputs["Generated"]})
- invert_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Invert,
- input_kwargs={'Color': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate_3.outputs["Generated"]},
+ )
+ invert_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Invert, input_kwargs={"Color": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 1: 0.57},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: 0.4},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply_1})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_1}, attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: 0.4}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": multiply_1})
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: invert_1, 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_2, 1: 0.1})
- colorramp_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_2, 1: 0.1})
+ colorramp_13 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
colorramp_13.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_13.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
colorramp_13.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6727
colorramp_13.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0685, 0.0685, 0.0685, 1.0)
texture_coordinate_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_2.outputs["Generated"]})
- mix_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.9042, 'Color1': noise_texture_9.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': texture_coordinate_2.outputs["Generated"]})
- wave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix_7, 'Scale': 2.5, 'Distortion': 1.3, 'Detail': 0.0, 'Detail Roughness': 0.0, 'Phase Offset': 0.2})
+ noise_texture_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate_2.outputs["Generated"]},
+ )
+ mix_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.9042,
+ "Color1": noise_texture_9.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": texture_coordinate_2.outputs["Generated"],
+ },
+ )
+ wave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mix_7,
+ "Scale": 2.5,
+ "Distortion": 1.3,
+ "Detail": 0.0,
+ "Detail Roughness": 0.0,
+ "Phase Offset": 0.2,
+ },
+ )
if rand:
- wave_texture.inputs['Scale'].default_value = sample_ratio(2, 0.5, 2)
- wave_texture.inputs['Phase Offset'].default_value = sample_range(0, 10)
- wave_texture.inputs['Distortion'].default_value = sample_range(0, 3)
+ wave_texture.inputs["Scale"].default_value = sample_ratio(2, 0.5, 2)
+ wave_texture.inputs["Phase Offset"].default_value = sample_range(0, 10)
+ wave_texture.inputs["Distortion"].default_value = sample_range(0, 3)
- colorramp_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': wave_texture.outputs["Color"]})
+ colorramp_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": wave_texture.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp_8.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0795
colorramp_8.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_8.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
@@ -488,27 +766,33 @@ def shader_fish_body_regular(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
if rand:
colorramp_8.color_ramp.elements[0].position = sample_range(0, 0.2)
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: colorramp_8.outputs["Color"], 1: -0.5})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: 2.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- invert = nw.new_node(Nodes.Invert,
- input_kwargs={'Color': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]})
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: colorramp_8.outputs["Color"], 1: -0.5}
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: 2.0}, attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"}
+ )
+ invert = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Invert, input_kwargs={"Color": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
if rand:
- invert.inputs['Fac'].default_value = sample_range(0.5, 1)
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: invert})
- mix_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 1.0, 'Color1': colorramp_13.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': add_3},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'MULTIPLY'})
- colorramp_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': mix_10})
+ invert.inputs["Fac"].default_value = sample_range(0.5, 1)
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: invert})
+ mix_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 1.0,
+ "Color1": colorramp_13.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": add_3,
+ },
+ attrs={"blend_type": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ colorramp_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix_10})
colorramp_9.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_9.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0179, 0.0119, 0.0, 1.0)
@@ -520,112 +804,189 @@ def shader_fish_body_regular(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
colorramp_9.color_ramp.elements[1].position = sample_range(0.1, 0.9)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 3.0})
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 3.0})
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2614
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0059, 0.0028, 0.0002, 1.0)
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.5795
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- mix_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 1.0, 'Color1': colorramp_9.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': colorramp_3.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'MULTIPLY'})
- mix_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': add_1, 'Color1': (0.021, 0.0158, 0.0026, 1.0), 'Color2': mix_5})
- mix_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_12.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 'Color2': mix_9})
- colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_6.outputs["Fac"]})
+ mix_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 1.0,
+ "Color1": colorramp_9.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": colorramp_3.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"blend_type": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ mix_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": add_1,
+ "Color1": (0.021, 0.0158, 0.0026, 1.0),
+ "Color2": mix_5,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_12.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
+ "Color2": mix_9,
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_6.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2455
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0642, 0.0339, 0.006, 1.0)
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.4886
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.1224, 0.3306, 0.261, 1.0)
- mix_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.0, 'Color1': mix_8, 'Color2': colorramp_4.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'ADD'})
- mix_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_14.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': (0.4072, 0.4072, 0.4072, 1.0), 'Color2': mix_5})
- colorramp_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': greater_than})
+ mix_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.0,
+ "Color1": mix_8,
+ "Color2": colorramp_4.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"blend_type": "ADD"},
+ )
+ mix_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_14.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": (0.4072, 0.4072, 0.4072, 1.0),
+ "Color2": mix_5,
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": greater_than})
colorramp_7.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_7.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
colorramp_7.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.7682
colorramp_7.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0228, 0.0165, 0.0, 1.0)
- mix_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': greater_than, 'Color1': mix_11, 'Color2': colorramp_7.outputs["Color"]})
- mix_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_15.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': (0.0119, 0.0078, 0.0086, 1.0), 'Color2': mix_4})
+ mix_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": greater_than,
+ "Color1": mix_11,
+ "Color2": colorramp_7.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ mix_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_15.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": (0.0119, 0.0078, 0.0086, 1.0),
+ "Color2": mix_4,
+ },
+ )
if rand:
sample_color(mix_12.inputs[6].default_value, keep_sum=True)
- principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_12, 'Subsurface Radius': (0.36, 0.46, 0.6), 'Subsurface Color': (1.0, 0.9405, 0.7747, 1.0), 'Metallic': 0.8, 'Specular': .9, 'Roughness': 0.3, 'IOR': 1.69},
- attrs={'subsurface_method': 'BURLEY'})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf_1})
+ principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": mix_12,
+ "Subsurface Radius": (0.36, 0.46, 0.6),
+ "Subsurface Color": (1.0, 0.9405, 0.7747, 1.0),
+ "Metallic": 0.8,
+ "Specular": 0.9,
+ "Roughness": 0.3,
+ "IOR": 1.69,
+ },
+ attrs={"subsurface_method": "BURLEY"},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf_1}
+ )
def shader_fish_body_gold(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'Color variations'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute.outputs["Vector"]})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]})
+ attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "Color variations"}
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": separate_xyz.outputs["X"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.4209
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'offset2'})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "offset2"})
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: attribute_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: 0.01},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]})
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": separate_xyz.outputs["X"]}
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.8659
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0685, 0.0685, 0.0685, 1.0)
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"], 'W': 1.1861},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"], "W": 1.1861},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
- noise_texture.inputs['W'].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
+ noise_texture.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.9042,
+ "Color1": noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"],
+ },
+ )
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.9042, 'Color1': noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"]})
- wave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix, 'Scale': 1.0062, 'Distortion': 2.7139, 'Detail': 0.0, 'Detail Roughness': 0.0, 'Phase Offset': 8.0064})
+ wave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mix,
+ "Scale": 1.0062,
+ "Distortion": 2.7139,
+ "Detail": 0.0,
+ "Detail Roughness": 0.0,
+ "Phase Offset": 8.0064,
+ },
+ )
if rand:
- wave_texture.inputs['Scale'].default_value = sample_ratio(2, 0.5, 2)
- wave_texture.inputs['Phase Offset'].default_value = sample_range(0, 10)
- wave_texture.inputs['Distortion'].default_value = sample_range(0, 3)
+ wave_texture.inputs["Scale"].default_value = sample_ratio(2, 0.5, 2)
+ wave_texture.inputs["Phase Offset"].default_value = sample_range(0, 10)
+ wave_texture.inputs["Distortion"].default_value = sample_range(0, 3)
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': wave_texture.outputs["Color"]})
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": wave_texture.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.1254
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
@@ -633,32 +994,40 @@ def shader_fish_body_gold(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
if rand:
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = sample_range(0, 0.2)
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: colorramp_2.outputs["Color"], 1: -0.0})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 2.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: colorramp_2.outputs["Color"], 1: -0.0}
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 2.0}, attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"}
+ )
texture_coordinate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Generated"]})
- invert = nw.new_node(Nodes.Invert,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.5593, 'Color': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]})
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Generated"]},
+ )
+ invert = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Invert, input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.5593, "Color": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
if rand:
- invert.inputs['Fac'].default_value = sample_range(0.5, 1)
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: invert})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 1.0, 'Color1': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': add_1},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'MULTIPLY'})
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': mix_1})
+ invert.inputs["Fac"].default_value = sample_range(0.5, 1)
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: invert})
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 1.0,
+ "Color1": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": add_1,
+ },
+ attrs={"blend_type": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix_1})
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0091
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.9254, 0.0164, 0.0, 1.0)
@@ -671,125 +1040,202 @@ def shader_fish_body_gold(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
sample_color(e.color, offset=0.05)
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = sample_range(0.2, 0.8)
- colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': greater_than})
+ colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": greater_than})
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.7682
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0228, 0.0165, 0.0, 1.0)
- colorramp_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_4.outputs["Color"]})
+ colorramp_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": colorramp_4.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 0.0817, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': greater_than, 'Color1': colorramp_3.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': colorramp_5.outputs["Color"]})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 20.0})
- colorramp_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]})
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": greater_than,
+ "Color1": colorramp_3.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": colorramp_5.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 20.0})
+ colorramp_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_6.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2614
colorramp_6.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 0.2402, 0.0026, 1.0)
colorramp_6.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.5795
colorramp_6.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.75, 'Color1': mix_2, 'Color2': colorramp_6.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'MULTIPLY'})
- mix_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 'Color2': mix_3})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_4, 'Subsurface Radius': (0.36, 0.46, 0.6), 'Subsurface Color': (1.0, 0.9405, 0.7747, 1.0), 'Metallic': 0.5, 'Specular': 0.5273, 'Roughness': 0.1, 'IOR': 1.69},
- attrs={'subsurface_method': 'BURLEY'})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.75,
+ "Color1": mix_2,
+ "Color2": colorramp_6.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"blend_type": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ mix_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
+ "Color2": mix_3,
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": mix_4,
+ "Subsurface Radius": (0.36, 0.46, 0.6),
+ "Subsurface Color": (1.0, 0.9405, 0.7747, 1.0),
+ "Metallic": 0.5,
+ "Specular": 0.5273,
+ "Roughness": 0.1,
+ "IOR": 1.69,
+ },
+ attrs={"subsurface_method": "BURLEY"},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def geometry_fish_body(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput)
- UV = nw.new_node(nodegroup_UV().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': nw.expose_input('UVMap', attribute='UVMap', dtype='NodeSocketVector')})
+ UV = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_UV().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": nw.expose_input(
+ "UVMap", attribute="UVMap", dtype="NodeSocketVector"
+ )
+ },
+ )
- scales = nw.new_node(nodegroup_scales().name,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input, 'Vector': UV, 'Scale': 6, 'Xscale': 0.3, 'Yscale': 12.0, 'Offset': 0.002})
+ scales = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_scales().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": group_input,
+ "Vector": UV,
+ "Scale": 6,
+ "Xscale": 0.3,
+ "Yscale": 12.0,
+ "Offset": 0.002,
+ },
+ )
if rand:
- scales.inputs['Scale'].default_value = sample_ratio(6, 2/3, 3/2)
- scales.inputs['Xscale'].default_value = sample_range(0.2, 0.3)
- scales.inputs['Yscale'].default_value = sample_range(8, 12)
- scales.inputs['Xnoise'].default_value = sample_range(0.1, 0.3)
- scales.inputs['Ynoise'].default_value = sample_range(0.1, 0.3)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 50.0},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
+ scales.inputs["Scale"].default_value = sample_ratio(6, 2 / 3, 3 / 2)
+ scales.inputs["Xscale"].default_value = sample_range(0.2, 0.3)
+ scales.inputs["Yscale"].default_value = sample_range(8, 12)
+ scales.inputs["Xnoise"].default_value = sample_range(0.1, 0.3)
+ scales.inputs["Ynoise"].default_value = sample_range(0.1, 0.3)
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": 50.0},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
- noise_texture.inputs['W'].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
+ noise_texture.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: -0.5}
+ )
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: -0.5})
normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: add, 1: normal},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.002
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: multiply.outputs["Vector"], 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': scales.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': multiply_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position,
- 'attr2': scales.outputs['attr2'],
- 'attr5': scales.outputs['attr5']})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_gradient_color', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": scales.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": multiply_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "attr2": scales.outputs["attr2"],
+ "attr5": scales.outputs["attr5"],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_gradient_color", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree"
def nodegroup_gradient_color(nw: NodeWrangler, **input_args):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'Color variations'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute_5.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5),
- #('NodeSocketColor', 'Color1', (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
- #('NodeSocketColor', 'Color2', (0.5268, 0.6724, 0.5186, 1.0)),
- #('NodeSocketColor', 'Color3', (0.8055, 0.6284, 0.2728, 1.0)),
- #('NodeSocketColor', 'Color4', (0.838, 0.5269, 0.0338, 1.0)),
- #('NodeSocketColor', 'Color5', (0.0397, 0.0175, 0.0028, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value1', -0.2)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attribute_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "Color variations"}
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute_5.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5),
+ # ('NodeSocketColor', 'Color1', (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
+ # ('NodeSocketColor', 'Color2', (0.5268, 0.6724, 0.5186, 1.0)),
+ # ('NodeSocketColor', 'Color3', (0.8055, 0.6284, 0.2728, 1.0)),
+ # ('NodeSocketColor', 'Color4', (0.838, 0.5269, 0.0338, 1.0)),
+ # ('NodeSocketColor', 'Color5', (0.0397, 0.0175, 0.0028, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value1", -0.2),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': subtract, 1: group_input.outputs["Value1"]})
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": subtract, 1: group_input.outputs["Value1"]},
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
@@ -803,221 +1249,338 @@ def nodegroup_gradient_color(nw: NodeWrangler, **input_args):
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[3].color = input_args["Color4"]
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[4].position = 0.7568
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[4].color = input_args["Color5"]
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Color': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Color": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_noise_color', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
+ "nodegroup_noise_color", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree"
def nodegroup_noise_color(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
texture_coordinate_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_3.outputs["Generated"]})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 10.0),
- ('NodeSocketColor', 'Color1', (0.7379, 0.2623, 0.0648, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketColor', 'Color2', (0.5029, 0.4287, 0.1079, 1.0))])
- noise_texture_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_3, 'W': U(-5, 5), 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- colorramp_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_8.outputs["Fac"]})
+ mapping_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate_3.outputs["Generated"]},
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 10.0),
+ ("NodeSocketColor", "Color1", (0.7379, 0.2623, 0.0648, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketColor", "Color2", (0.5029, 0.4287, 0.1079, 1.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ noise_texture_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping_3,
+ "W": U(-5, 5),
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ colorramp_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_8.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_9.color_ramp.elements[0].position = U(0, 0.5)
colorramp_9.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_9.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp_9.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- mix_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_9.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': group_input.outputs["Color1"], 'Color2': group_input.outputs["Color2"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={"Color": mix_12})
+ mix_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_9.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": group_input.outputs["Color1"],
+ "Color2": group_input.outputs["Color2"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Color": mix_12})
def shader_stripe_fish(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'offset2'})
- colorramp_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute_6.outputs["Color"]})
+ attribute_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "offset2"})
+ colorramp_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": attribute_6.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp_11.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_11.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_11.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.2909
colorramp_11.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
texture_coordinate_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_2.outputs["Generated"]})
- noise_texture_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_4, 'Scale': N(10, 2)})
- colorramp_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_9.outputs["Fac"]})
+ mapping_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate_2.outputs["Generated"]},
+ )
+ noise_texture_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping_4, "Scale": N(10, 2)}
+ )
+ colorramp_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_9.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_10.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.3773
colorramp_10.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_10.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
x = U(0.1, 0.9)
colorramp_10.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (x, x, x, 1.0)
- mapping_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_2.outputs["Generated"]})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_2})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ mapping_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate_2.outputs["Generated"]},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping_2})
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- power = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 4.0 if U()<0.7 else 3.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ power = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 4.0 if U() < 0.7 else 3.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "POWER"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: power, 1: U(-2, 3)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 1: multiply})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 'Z': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': combine_xyz})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='scale')
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 1: multiply}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": add,
+ "Y": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"],
+ "Z": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": combine_xyz})
+ scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="scale")
scale.outputs[0].default_value = max(N(2, 0.6), 0.8)
- distortion = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='distortion')
+ distortion = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="distortion")
distortion.outputs[0].default_value = N(5, 1)
- detail = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='detail')
+ detail = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="detail")
detail.outputs[0].default_value = 15.0
- detailscale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='detailscale')
+ detailscale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="detailscale")
detailscale.outputs[0].default_value = U(0.1, 0.8)
- offset = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='offset')
+ offset = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="offset")
offset.outputs[0].default_value = N(1.8, 0.2)
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: offset, 1: -1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- wave_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': reroute, 'Scale': scale, 'Distortion': distortion, 'Detail': detail, 'Detail Scale': detailscale, 'Phase Offset': multiply_1})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: offset, 1: -1.0}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ wave_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": reroute,
+ "Scale": scale,
+ "Distortion": distortion,
+ "Detail": detail,
+ "Detail Scale": detailscale,
+ "Phase Offset": multiply_1,
+ },
+ )
no_side_stripe = U() > 0.7
side_stripe_width = U(0.02, 0.1)
- colorramp_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': wave_texture_2.outputs["Color"]})
+ colorramp_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": wave_texture_2.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp_8.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
- colorramp_8.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (no_side_stripe, no_side_stripe, no_side_stripe, 1.0)
+ colorramp_8.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (
+ no_side_stripe,
+ no_side_stripe,
+ no_side_stripe,
+ 1.0,
+ )
colorramp_8.color_ramp.elements[1].position = side_stripe_width
colorramp_8.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- wave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': reroute, 'Scale': scale, 'Distortion': distortion, 'Detail': detail, 'Detail Scale': detailscale, 'Phase Offset': offset})
- colorramp_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': wave_texture_1.outputs["Color"]})
+ wave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": reroute,
+ "Scale": scale,
+ "Distortion": distortion,
+ "Detail": detail,
+ "Detail Scale": detailscale,
+ "Phase Offset": offset,
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": wave_texture_1.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp_6.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
- colorramp_6.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (no_side_stripe, no_side_stripe, no_side_stripe, 1.0)
+ colorramp_6.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (
+ no_side_stripe,
+ no_side_stripe,
+ no_side_stripe,
+ 1.0,
+ )
colorramp_6.color_ramp.elements[1].position = side_stripe_width
colorramp_6.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- wave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': reroute, 'Scale': scale, 'Distortion': distortion, 'Detail': detail, 'Detail Scale': detailscale})
- colorramp_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': wave_texture.outputs["Color"]})
+ wave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": reroute,
+ "Scale": scale,
+ "Distortion": distortion,
+ "Detail": detail,
+ "Detail Scale": detailscale,
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": wave_texture.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[0].position = U(0.2, 0.8)
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.9955
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
if U() < 0.5:
- group_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_noise_color().name,
- input_kwargs={"Scale": N(10, 2), "Color1":(U(), U(), U(), 1.0), "Color2": (U(), U(), U(), 1.0)})
+ group_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_noise_color().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Scale": N(10, 2),
+ "Color1": (U(), U(), U(), 1.0),
+ "Color2": (U(), U(), U(), 1.0),
+ },
+ )
- group_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_gradient_color(
+ group_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_gradient_color(
Color1=(U(0.8, 1), U(0.8, 1), U(0.8, 1), 1.0),
Color2=(U(), U(), U(), 1.0),
Color3=(U(), U(), U(), 1.0),
Color4=(U(), U(), U(), 1.0),
- Color5=(U(0, 0.1), U(0, 0.1), U(0, 0.1), 1.0),).name,
+ Color5=(U(0, 0.1), U(0, 0.1), U(0, 0.1), 1.0),
+ ).name,
"Value": N(0.5, 0.1),
"Value1": N(-0.2, 0.1),
- })
+ },
+ )
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_gradient_color(
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_gradient_color(
Color1=(U(0.8, 1), U(0.8, 1), U(0.8, 1), 1.0),
Color2=(U(), U(), U(), 1.0),
Color3=(U(), U(), U(), 1.0),
Color4=(U(), U(), U(), 1.0),
- Color5=(U(0, 0.1), U(0, 0.1), U(0, 0.1), 1.0),).name,
+ Color5=(U(0, 0.1), U(0, 0.1), U(0, 0.1), 1.0),
+ ).name,
"Value": N(0.5, 0.1),
"Value1": N(-0.2, 0.1),
- })
- mix_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_5.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': group_1, 'Color2': group})
+ },
+ )
+ mix_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_5.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": group_1,
+ "Color2": group,
+ },
+ )
side_stripe_color = (U(), U(), U(), 1.0)
- mix_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_6.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': side_stripe_color, 'Color2': mix_8})
- mix_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_8.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': side_stripe_color, 'Color2': mix_9})
- mix_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_10.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': mix_10, 'Color2': (U(), U(), U(), 1.0)})
- mix_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_11.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': mix_11, 'Color2': (U(0, 0.5), U(0, 0.5), U(0, 0.5), 1.0)})
- noise_texture_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 10.0})
+ mix_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_6.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": side_stripe_color,
+ "Color2": mix_8,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_8.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": side_stripe_color,
+ "Color2": mix_9,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_10.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": mix_10,
+ "Color2": (U(), U(), U(), 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ mix_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_11.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": mix_11,
+ "Color2": (U(0, 0.5), U(0, 0.5), U(0, 0.5), 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 10.0})
roughness = U(0, 0.5)
- colorramp_14 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_7.outputs["Fac"]})
+ colorramp_14 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_7.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_14.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_14.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_14.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.9955
colorramp_14.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (roughness, roughness, roughness, 1.0)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_7, 'Metallic': max(0, N(0.2, 0.1)), 'Roughness': colorramp_14.outputs["Color"]})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": mix_7,
+ "Metallic": max(0, N(0.2, 0.1)),
+ "Roughness": colorramp_14.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
-def apply(obj, geo_kwargs=None, shader_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
- attributes = [
- 'Color variations',
- 'offset2'
- ]
+def apply(obj, geo_kwargs=None, shader_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
+ attributes = ["Color variations", "offset2"]
x = random.random()
if x < 0.2:
@@ -1027,16 +1590,23 @@ def apply(obj, geo_kwargs=None, shader_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
shader = shader_fish_body_regular
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_fish_body, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs, attributes=attributes)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geometry_fish_body, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs, attributes=attributes
+ )
surface.add_material(obj, shader, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs)
if __name__ == "__main__":
for i in range(1):
- bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath='dev_scene_fish_nurb.blend')
+ bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath="dev_scene_fish_nurb.blend")
i = 0
for obj in bpy.data.objects:
- if obj.name.find('Nurb') >= 0:
- apply(obj, geo_kwargs={'rand': True}, shader_kwargs={'rand': True, 'stripefish':True})
+ if obj.name.find("Nurb") >= 0:
+ apply(
+ obj,
+ geo_kwargs={"rand": True},
+ shader_kwargs={"rand": True, "stripefish": True},
+ )
i += 1
- fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), 'dev_scene_test_fish_nurb2.blend')
+ fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), "dev_scene_test_fish_nurb2.blend")
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/fishfin.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/fishfin.py
index e019c640b..24e48951b 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/fishfin.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/fishfin.py
@@ -4,40 +4,40 @@
# Authors: Mingzhe Wang
-import os, sys
-import numpy as np
-import math as ma
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import clip, sample_range, sample_ratio, sample_color, geo_voronoi_noise
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
import random
+from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import (
+ sample_color,
+ sample_range,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
def shader_fin_regular(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'Bump'})
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute.outputs["Color"]})
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "Bump"})
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": attribute.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0227
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.1432
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 20.0},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": 20.0},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
- noise_texture.inputs['W'].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
+ noise_texture.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]})
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0288, 0.0301, 0.0266, 1.0)
@@ -50,14 +50,17 @@ def shader_fin_regular(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
for e in colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements:
e.color[i] = sample_range(0, 0.15)
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 10.0},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": 10.0},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
- noise_texture_1.inputs['W'].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
+ noise_texture_1.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]})
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0045
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.1512, 0.1236, 0.0977, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.5364
@@ -67,33 +70,42 @@ def shader_fin_regular(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
for e in colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements:
e.color[i] = sample_range(0, 0.15)
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_2.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': colorramp.outputs["Color"]})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_2.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def shader_fin_gold(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'Bump'})
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute.outputs["Vector"]})
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "Bump"})
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": attribute.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.7977
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'BumpMask'})
- colorramp_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute_2.outputs["Color"]})
+ attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "BumpMask"})
+ colorramp_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": attribute_2.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp_8.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0727
colorramp_8.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_8.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
@@ -101,12 +113,13 @@ def shader_fin_gold(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
if rand:
colorramp_8.color_ramp.elements[0].position = sample_range(0.05, 0.15)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: colorramp_2.outputs["Color"], 1: colorramp_8.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- colorramp_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': multiply})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ colorramp_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": multiply})
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
@@ -114,9 +127,10 @@ def shader_fin_gold(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.6977
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- colorramp_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute_2.outputs["Color"]})
+ colorramp_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": attribute_2.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp_7.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_7.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.4063, 0.4063, 0.4063, 1.0)
@@ -127,8 +141,9 @@ def shader_fin_gold(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
if rand:
colorramp_7.color_ramp.elements[1].position = sample_range(0.2, 0.8)
- colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_7.outputs["Color"]})
+ colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": colorramp_7.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 0.8, 0.6, 1.0)
@@ -140,30 +155,38 @@ def shader_fin_gold(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
sample_color(colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].color, offset=0.03)
sample_color(colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].color, offset=0.03)
- transparent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransparentBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': colorramp_4.outputs["Color"]})
- translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslucentBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': (1.0, 0.7354, 0.4708, 1.0)})
- mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.1, 1: transparent_bsdf, 2: translucent_bsdf})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute.outputs["Vector"]})
+ transparent_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TransparentBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": colorramp_4.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TranslucentBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": (1.0, 0.7354, 0.4708, 1.0)}
+ )
+ mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.1, 1: transparent_bsdf, 2: translucent_bsdf},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": attribute.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.1273
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 10.0},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": 10.0},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
- noise_texture_1.inputs['W'].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
+ noise_texture_1.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-2, 2)
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]})
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.3568
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.8258, 0.1192, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
@@ -172,21 +195,36 @@ def shader_fin_gold(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
sample_color(colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color, offset=0.05)
sample_color(colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color, offset=0.05)
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': (1.0, 0.5473, 0.2571, 1.0), 'Color2': colorramp_3.outputs["Color"]})
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": (1.0, 0.5473, 0.2571, 1.0),
+ "Color2": colorramp_3.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix, "Roughness": 1.0}
+ )
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_5.outputs["Color"],
+ 1: mix_shader_1,
+ 2: principled_bsdf,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader}
+ )
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix, 'Roughness': 1.0})
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_5.outputs["Color"], 1: mix_shader_1, 2: principled_bsdf})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader})
def apply(obj, geo_kwargs={}, shader_kwargs={}, **kwargs):
- if 'goldfish' in shader_kwargs:
- if shader_kwargs['goldfish']:
+ if "goldfish" in shader_kwargs:
+ if shader_kwargs["goldfish"]:
shader = shader_fin_gold
shader = shader_fin_regular
@@ -195,4 +233,4 @@ def apply(obj, geo_kwargs={}, shader_kwargs={}, **kwargs):
shader = shader_fin_gold
shader = shader_fin_regular
- surface.add_material(obj, shader, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(obj, shader, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/giraffe_attr.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/giraffe_attr.py
index 87aa31b5f..b1cc8d464 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/giraffe_attr.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/giraffe_attr.py
@@ -4,99 +4,135 @@
# Authors: Mingzhe Wang, Alex Raistrick
-import os, sys
-import numpy as np
-import math as ma
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import clip, sample_range, sample_ratio, sample_color, geo_voronoi_noise
+import os
import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import (
+ sample_range,
+ sample_ratio,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.shader import nodegroup_color_mask
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.shader import nodegroup_color_mask
def shader_giraffe_attr(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'local_pos'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute.outputs["Color"]})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.9, 'Color1': noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': attribute.outputs["Color"]})
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix})
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "local_pos"})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.9,
+ "Color1": noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": attribute.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": mix})
value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value.outputs[0].default_value = 10.0
if rand:
- value.outputs[0].default_value = sample_ratio(value.outputs[0].default_value, 0.5, 2)
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': value},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '2D'})
- voronoi_texture_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': value},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '2D', 'feature': 'SMOOTH_F1'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 1: voronoi_texture_4.outputs["Distance"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = sample_ratio(
+ value.outputs[0].default_value, 0.5, 2
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping, "Scale": value},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "2D"},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping, "Scale": value},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "2D", "feature": "SMOOTH_F1"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: voronoi_texture_4.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: sample_range(0.04, 0.08) if rand else 0.07},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': less_than})
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": less_than})
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2545
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.2886
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_color_mask().name)
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': group})
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": group})
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.9301, 0.5647, 0.3372, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.9755, 1.0, 0.9096, 1.0)
if rand:
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = hsv2rgba((U(0.02, 0.06), U(0.4, 0.8), U(0.15, 0.7)))
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = hsv2rgba((U(0.02, 0.06), U(0.4, 0.8), U(0.15, 0.7)))
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = hsv2rgba(
+ (U(0.02, 0.06), U(0.4, 0.8), U(0.15, 0.7))
+ )
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = hsv2rgba(
+ (U(0.02, 0.06), U(0.4, 0.8), U(0.15, 0.7))
+ )
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
- 'Fac': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
- 'Color1': colorramp.outputs["Color"],
- 'Color2': hsv2rgba((U(0.02, 0.06), U(0.4, 0.9), U(0.04, 0.1)))
- })
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_1},
- attrs={'subsurface_method': 'BURLEY'})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ "Fac": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": hsv2rgba((U(0.02, 0.06), U(0.4, 0.9), U(0.04, 0.1))),
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix_1},
+ attrs={"subsurface_method": "BURLEY"},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def apply(obj, geo_kwargs=None, shader_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_giraffe_attr, reuse=False, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs)
+ surface.add_material(
+ obj, shader_giraffe_attr, reuse=False, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs
+ )
if __name__ == "__main__":
for i in range(1):
- bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath='dev_scene_1019.blend')
- #creature(73349, 0).parts(0, factory=QuadrupedBody)
- apply(bpy.data.objects['creature(73349, 0).parts(0, factory=QuadrupedBody)'], geo_kwargs={'rand': True}, shader_kwargs={'rand': True})
- fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), 'dev_scene_test_giraffe_attr.blend')
+ bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath="dev_scene_1019.blend")
+ # creature(73349, 0).parts(0, factory=QuadrupedBody)
+ apply(
+ bpy.data.objects["creature(73349, 0).parts(0, factory=QuadrupedBody)"],
+ geo_kwargs={"rand": True},
+ shader_kwargs={"rand": True},
+ )
+ fn = os.path.join(
+ os.path.abspath(os.curdir), "dev_scene_test_giraffe_attr.blend"
+ )
- #bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join('surfaces/surface_thumbnails', 'bone%d.jpg'%(i))
- #bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format='JPEG'
- #bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True)
\ No newline at end of file
+ # bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join('surfaces/surface_thumbnails', 'bone%d.jpg'%(i))
+ # bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format='JPEG'
+ # bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/glass.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/glass.py
index be4c28cbb..8d55dd9d6 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/glass.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/glass.py
@@ -2,18 +2,14 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import colorsys
from numpy.random import uniform
-import bpy
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
from infinigen.assets.materials import common
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
def shader_glass(nw: NodeWrangler, color=None, is_window=False, **kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
@@ -21,28 +17,42 @@ def shader_glass(nw: NodeWrangler, color=None, is_window=False, **kwargs):
color = get_glass_color(clear=False)
# TODO windows are currently planes so refract and dont unrefract. ideally we just fix the geometry
- # warning: currently this IOR also accidentally just turns off reflections, the window plane is pretty much invisible.
- ior = 1.5 if not is_window else 1.0
+ # warning: currently this IOR also accidentally just turns off reflections, the window plane is pretty much invisible.
+ ior = 1.5 if not is_window else 1.0
light_path = nw.new_node(Nodes.LightPath)
transparent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransparentBSDF)
- shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.GlassBSDF, input_kwargs={'Roughness': 0.0200, 'IOR': ior})
+ shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GlassBSDF, input_kwargs={"Roughness": 0.0200, "IOR": ior}
+ )
if is_window:
- shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': light_path.outputs["Is Camera Ray"], 1: transparent_bsdf, 2: shader})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': shader}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": light_path.outputs["Is Camera Ray"],
+ 1: transparent_bsdf,
+ 2: shader,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": shader},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, clear=False, **kwargs):
color = get_glass_color(clear)
common.apply(obj, shader_glass, selection, color, **kwargs)
def get_glass_color(clear):
- if uniform(0, 1) < .5:
+ if uniform(0, 1) < 0.5:
color = 1, 1, 1, 1
- color = hsv2rgba(uniform(0, 1), .01 if clear else uniform(.05, .25), 1)
+ color = hsv2rgba(uniform(0, 1), 0.01 if clear else uniform(0.05, 0.25), 1)
return color
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/glass_volume.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/glass_volume.py
index 84fdc059b..a4e998acc 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/glass_volume.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/glass_volume.py
@@ -5,27 +5,34 @@
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
from infinigen.assets.materials import common
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
def shader_glass_volume(nw: NodeWrangler, color=None, density=100.0, **kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
if color is None:
- if uniform(0, 1) < .3:
+ if uniform(0, 1) < 0.3:
color = 1, 1, 1, 1
- color = hsv2rgba(uniform(0, 1), uniform(.5, .9), uniform(.6, .9))
+ color = hsv2rgba(uniform(0, 1), uniform(0.5, 0.9), uniform(0.6, 0.9))
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Roughness": 0.0000, "Transmission": 1.0000}
+ )
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={'Roughness': 0.0000, 'Transmission': 1.0000})
+ volume_absorption = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeVolumeAbsorption", input_kwargs={"Color": color, "Density": density}
+ )
- volume_absorption = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeVolumeAbsorption',
- input_kwargs={'Color': color, 'Density': density})
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf, "Volume": volume_absorption},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf, 'Volume': volume_absorption},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
common.apply(obj, shader_glass_volume, selection, **kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/grass_blade_texture.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/grass_blade_texture.py
index a2d925ed2..35f07ecab 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/grass_blade_texture.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/grass_blade_texture.py
@@ -4,16 +4,14 @@
# Authors: Lahav Lipson, Alexander Raistrick
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-pallete1 = [ ((0.2632, 0.1493, 0.0558, 1.0), 0.0),
+pallete1 = [
+ ((0.2632, 0.1493, 0.0558, 1.0), 0.0),
((0.2695, 0.1585, 0.064, 1.0), 0.058),
((0.829, 0.7488, 0.449, 1.0), 0.0718),
((0.3486, 0.223, 0.1024, 1.0), 0.0773),
@@ -43,9 +41,11 @@
((0.5537, 0.381, 0.2168, 1.0), 0.9309),
((0.3119, 0.1916, 0.0883, 1.0), 0.9558),
((0.931, 0.7854, 0.5187, 1.0), 0.9613),
- ((0.9281, 0.7416, 0.4916, 1.0), 1.0)]
+ ((0.9281, 0.7416, 0.4916, 1.0), 1.0),
-pallete2 = [ ((0.3586, 0.3253, 0.1285, 1.0), 0.0),
+pallete2 = [
+ ((0.3586, 0.3253, 0.1285, 1.0), 0.0),
((0.2603, 0.2268, 0.0725, 1.0), 0.0319),
((0.2972, 0.2467, 0.0864, 1.0), 0.0957),
((0.4891, 0.4373, 0.1874, 1.0), 0.117),
@@ -75,9 +75,11 @@
((0.3915, 0.3563, 0.1493, 1.0), 0.9043),
((0.1694, 0.1873, 0.0553, 1.0), 0.9574),
((0.4335, 0.4064, 0.1848, 1.0), 0.9894),
- ((0.2195, 0.1946, 0.0561, 1.0), 1.0)]
+ ((0.2195, 0.1946, 0.0561, 1.0), 1.0),
-pallete3 = [ ((0.3821, 0.4798, 0.0818, 1.0), 0.0),
+pallete3 = [
+ ((0.3821, 0.4798, 0.0818, 1.0), 0.0),
((0.0858, 0.1301, 0.0193, 1.0), 0.0316),
((0.1099, 0.1785, 0.0071, 1.0), 0.0842),
((0.8128, 0.9357, 0.197, 1.0), 0.1053),
@@ -107,9 +109,11 @@
((0.8421, 0.9664, 0.3916, 1.0), 0.9263),
((0.192, 0.2556, 0.0265, 1.0), 0.9474),
((0.4264, 0.5593, 0.0509, 1.0), 0.9579),
- ((0.1199, 0.1892, 0.004, 1.0), 1.0)]
+ ((0.1199, 0.1892, 0.004, 1.0), 1.0),
-pallete4 = [ ((0.0273, 0.0802, 0.0382, 1.0), 0.0),
+pallete4 = [
+ ((0.0273, 0.0802, 0.0382, 1.0), 0.0),
((0.0232, 0.0742, 0.0356, 1.0), 0.0323),
((0.1095, 0.2159, 0.1221, 1.0), 0.0645),
((0.0296, 0.0865, 0.0319, 1.0), 0.0968),
@@ -132,9 +136,11 @@
((0.0295, 0.0821, 0.0318, 1.0), 0.8387),
((0.0184, 0.0643, 0.0211, 1.0), 0.9032),
((0.0298, 0.0866, 0.0336, 1.0), 0.9355),
- ((0.0193, 0.0679, 0.0271, 1.0), 1.0)]
+ ((0.0193, 0.0679, 0.0271, 1.0), 1.0),
-pallete5 = [ ((0.1712, 0.2776, 0.0465, 1.0), 0.0),
+pallete5 = [
+ ((0.1712, 0.2776, 0.0465, 1.0), 0.0),
((0.0596, 0.1252, 0.0085, 1.0), 0.0732),
((0.1746, 0.2918, 0.0561, 1.0), 0.0976),
((0.0666, 0.1413, 0.007, 1.0), 0.122),
@@ -159,48 +165,80 @@
((0.1389, 0.1985, 0.0443, 1.0), 0.878),
((0.0646, 0.1021, 0.0119, 1.0), 0.9512),
((0.1329, 0.1812, 0.0395, 1.0), 0.9756),
- ((0.1195, 0.1651, 0.0319, 1.0), 1.0)]
+ ((0.1195, 0.1651, 0.0319, 1.0), 1.0),
pallettes = np.array([pallete1, pallete2, pallete3, pallete4, pallete5], dtype=object)
def shader_grass_texture_original(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- coord = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: texture_coordinate.outputs["UV"], 'Scale': uniform(0.02, 0.2)},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': coord})
- edge_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ coord = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: texture_coordinate.outputs["UV"], "Scale": uniform(0.02, 0.2)},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": coord})
+ edge_height = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: 6.0, 2: -10.0},
- label='edge height',
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Y': edge_height})
- wave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Scale': 25.0, 'Distortion': 8.0, 'Detail Scale': 6.0})
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz, 'Scale': 8.0, 'Detail': 5.0, 'Dimension': 0.1, 'Lacunarity': 3.0})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.2, 'Color1': wave_texture.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': musgrave_texture})
+ label="edge height",
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], "Y": edge_height},
+ )
+ wave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Scale": 25.0,
+ "Distortion": 8.0,
+ "Detail Scale": 6.0,
+ },
+ )
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": combine_xyz,
+ "Scale": 8.0,
+ "Detail": 5.0,
+ "Dimension": 0.1,
+ "Lacunarity": 3.0,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.2,
+ "Color1": wave_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": musgrave_texture,
+ },
+ )
object_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo_Shader)
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={0: uniform(), 3: object_info.outputs["Random"], 4: mix_1})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={0: uniform(), 3: object_info.outputs["Random"], 4: mix_1},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": map_range_1.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
pallete = np.random.choice(pallettes)
- pallete = pallete[:np.random.randint(4, len(pallete))]
- for _ in range(len(pallete)-2):
+ pallete = pallete[: np.random.randint(4, len(pallete))]
+ for _ in range(len(pallete) - 2):
assert len(pallete) == len(colorramp.color_ramp.elements)
for el, (rgba, pos) in zip(colorramp.color_ramp.elements, pallete):
@@ -209,15 +247,16 @@ def shader_grass_texture_original(nw: NodeWrangler):
rough1, rough2 = uniform(0.2, 0.6, 2)
roughness = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, [mix_1, 0, 1, rough1, rough2])
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Roughness': roughness})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"], "Roughness": roughness},
+ )
translucent = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslucentBSDF, [colorramp.outputs["Color"]])
shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader, [0.7, principled_bsdf, translucent])
- nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': shader})
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": shader})
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_grass_texture_original, selection=selection)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(obj, shader_grass_texture_original, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/hardwood_floor.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/hardwood_floor.py
index 34ca16bb5..716e3a458 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/hardwood_floor.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/hardwood_floor.py
@@ -5,25 +5,34 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from . import common
-from .utils.surface_utils import perturb_coordinates
-from .table_materials import shader_wood
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_plane
-from ...core.nodes import NodeWrangler, Nodes
+from ...core.nodes import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from ...core.util.random import log_uniform
+from . import common
+from .table_materials import shader_wood
+from .utils.surface_utils import perturb_coordinates
def shader_hardwood_floor(nw: NodeWrangler, rotation=None):
- vec = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, [nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord).outputs["Object"]],
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': rotation})
+ vec = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ [nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord).outputs["Object"]],
+ input_kwargs={"Rotation": rotation},
+ )
color, mortar = map(
- nw.new_node(Nodes.BrickTexture, [vec, (0, 0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1), (0, 0, 0, uniform(.01, .02))],
- input_kwargs={
- 'Scale': 1,
- 'Row Height': log_uniform(.06, .15),
- 'Brick Width': log_uniform(.6, 1),
- 'Mortar Size': uniform(.002, .002)
- }).outputs.get, ['Color', 'Fac'])
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BrickTexture,
+ [vec, (0, 0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1), (0, 0, 0, uniform(0.01, 0.02))],
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Scale": 1,
+ "Row Height": log_uniform(0.06, 0.15),
+ "Brick Width": log_uniform(0.6, 1),
+ "Mortar Size": uniform(0.002, 0.002),
+ },
+ ).outputs.get,
+ ["Color", "Fac"],
+ )
location = nw.combine(color, color, color)
perturb_coordinates(nw, nw.find(Nodes.TextureCoord)[1], location, 0)
@@ -36,7 +45,7 @@ def shader_hardwood_floor(nw: NodeWrangler, rotation=None):
def apply(obj, selection=None, rotation=None, **kwargs):
if rotation is None:
- rotation = (0,0,0) if uniform() < .1 else (0,0,np.pi / 2)
+ rotation = (0, 0, 0) if uniform() < 0.1 else (0, 0, np.pi / 2)
return common.apply(obj, shader_hardwood_floor, selection, rotation, **kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/horn.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/horn.py
index 6a3cca9c4..ed82df8c9 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/horn.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/horn.py
@@ -4,81 +4,127 @@
# Authors: Yihan Wang
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
def shader_horn(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Location': (1.7+ uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05, 0.3 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05, 0.0 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05)})
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 10.8 + uniform(-1, 1) * 3, 'Detail': 15.0, 'Roughness': 0.7667})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], 'Scale': 10.0})
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Color"]})
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Location": (
+ 1.7 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05,
+ 0.3 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05,
+ 0.0 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05,
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Scale": 10.8 + uniform(-1, 1) * 3,
+ "Detail": 15.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.7667,
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], "Scale": 10.0},
+ )
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4364 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.58 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- mapping_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_2, 'Scale': 98.9 + uniform(-0.3, 1) * 30, 'Detail': 15.0, 'Roughness': 0.7667})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 'Scale': 10.0})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': voronoi_texture.outputs["Color"]})
+ mapping_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]}
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping_2,
+ "Scale": 98.9 + uniform(-0.3, 1) * 30,
+ "Detail": 15.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.7667,
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], "Scale": 10.0},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.3089 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.673 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: colorramp_2.outputs["Color"], 1: colorramp.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["UV"], 'Scale': (1.0, 1.0, 0.0)})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_1, 'Scale': 6.4 + uniform(-1, 1) * 1})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["UV"],
+ "Scale": (1.0, 1.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping_1, "Scale": 6.4 + uniform(-1, 1) * 1},
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.3682 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.3813, 0.2384, 0.1183, 1.0)
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.7864 + uniform(-1, 1) * 0.05
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.3916, 0.2831, 0.1683, 1.0)
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Color1': (0.1878, 0.15, 0.0976, 1.0), 'Color2': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix, 'Roughness': 0.0})
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.5917, 1: principled_bsdf})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader})
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Color1": (0.1878, 0.15, 0.0976, 1.0),
+ "Color2": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix, "Roughness": 0.0}
+ )
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader, input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.5917, 1: principled_bsdf}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader}
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_horn, selection=selection)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(obj, shader_horn, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/ice.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/ice.py
index c26f2b3f3..b3479fe50 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/ice.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/ice.py
@@ -6,110 +6,158 @@
import gin
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_color_neighbour
type = SurfaceTypes.SDFPerturb
mod_name = "geo_ice"
name = "ice"
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
def shader_ice(nw: NodeWrangler):
geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.NewGeometry)
noise_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
noise_value.outputs[0].default_value = 6.5000
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': geometry.outputs["Position"], 'W': noise_value, 'Scale': 4.0000, 'Detail': 15.0000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- color_ramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": geometry.outputs["Position"],
+ "W": noise_value,
+ "Scale": 4.0000,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ color_ramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.5000
color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0844, 0.0844, 0.0844, 1.0000]
color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.7500
color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
col_ice = random_color_neighbour((0.6469, 0.6947, 0.9522, 1.0000), 0.05, 0.1, 0.1)
principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
- 'Subsurface': 1.0000,
- 'Subsurface Radius': (0.0010, 0.0010, 0.0020),
- 'Subsurface Color': tuple(col_ice),
- 'Roughness': color_ramp.outputs["Color"],
- 'IOR': 1.3100
+ "Subsurface": 1.0000,
+ "Subsurface Radius": (0.0010, 0.0010, 0.0020),
+ "Subsurface Color": tuple(col_ice),
+ "Roughness": color_ramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "IOR": 1.3100,
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
return principled_bsdf
def geo_ice(nw: NodeWrangler, random_seed=0, selection=None):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
with FixedSeed(random_seed):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
normal_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1, 'W': nw.new_value(uniform(0, 10), "W1"), 'Scale': nw.new_value(uniform(7, 9), "Scale1"), 'Detail': 20.0000, 'Roughness': 1.0000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"]})
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position_1,
+ "W": nw.new_value(uniform(0, 10), "W1"),
+ "Scale": nw.new_value(uniform(7, 9), "Scale1"),
+ "Detail": 20.0000,
+ "Roughness": 1.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.5000
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0000
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Scale': 0.0300},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: colorramp.outputs["Color"], "Scale": 0.0300},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
normal_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_2, 'W': nw.new_value(uniform(0, 10), "W2"), 'Scale': nw.new_value(uniform(1.3, 1.7), "Scale2"), 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Roughness': 0.7000, 'Distortion': 1.5000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position_2,
+ "W": nw.new_value(uniform(0, 10), "W2"),
+ "Scale": nw.new_value(uniform(1.3, 1.7), "Scale2"),
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Roughness": 0.7000,
+ "Distortion": 1.5000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: normal_2, 1: noise_texture_3.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 0.0800},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: normal_1, 1: scale.outputs["Vector"], 2: scale_1.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": 0.0800},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: normal_1,
+ 1: scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ 2: scale_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
offset = multiply_add.outputs["Vector"]
if selection is not None:
offset = nw.multiply(offset, surface.eval_argument(nw, selection))
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': offset})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": offset,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_ice, selection=selection)
surface.add_material(obj, shader_ice, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/invisible_to_camera.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/invisible_to_camera.py
index 3c3e1723e..529fb849d 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/invisible_to_camera.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/invisible_to_camera.py
@@ -5,33 +5,43 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
def shader_invisible(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
light_path = nw.new_node(Nodes.LightPath)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={'Roughness': 0.7697})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Roughness": 0.7697}
+ )
transparent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransparentBSDF)
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': light_path.outputs["Is Camera Ray"], 1: principled_bsdf, 2: transparent_bsdf})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": light_path.outputs["Is Camera Ray"],
+ 1: principled_bsdf,
+ 2: transparent_bsdf,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(obj, list):
obj = [obj]
for o in obj:
for i in range(len(o.material_slots)):
- bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove({'object': o})
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_invisible, selection=selection)
\ No newline at end of file
+ bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove({"object": o})
+ surface.add_material(obj, shader_invisible, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/lamp_shaders.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/lamp_shaders.py
index 55f437b78..15e89506e 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/lamp_shaders.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/lamp_shaders.py
@@ -3,16 +3,25 @@
# Authors: Hongyu Wen
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint as RI
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
def shader_metal(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- anisotropic_bsdf = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBsdfAnisotropic',
- input_kwargs={'Color': (0.3224, 0.3224, 0.3224, 1.0000), 'Roughness': 0.1000})
+ anisotropic_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBsdfAnisotropic",
+ input_kwargs={"Color": (0.3224, 0.3224, 0.3224, 1.0000), "Roughness": 0.1000},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": anisotropic_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': anisotropic_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
def shader_lampshade(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
@@ -21,39 +30,70 @@ def shader_lampshade(nw: NodeWrangler):
object_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo_Shader)
- white_noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WhiteNoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': object_info.outputs["Random"]},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
+ white_noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WhiteNoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": object_info.outputs["Random"]},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: 0.9000, 6: white_noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 7: (0.5000, 0.4444, 0.3669, 1.0000)},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: 0.9000,
+ 6: white_noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ 7: (0.5000, 0.4444, 0.3669, 1.0000),
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- 'Base Color': mix.outputs[2],
- 'Subsurface': U(0.03, 0.08),
- 'Subsurface Radius': (0.1000, 0.1000, 0.1000),
- 'Subsurface IOR': 1.6029,
- 'Roughness': U(0.5, 0.8),
- 'IOR': 4.0000,
- 'Transmission': U(0.05, 0.2),
- 'Transmission Roughness': 1.0000
- }
+ "Base Color": mix.outputs[2],
+ "Subsurface": U(0.03, 0.08),
+ "Subsurface Radius": (0.1000, 0.1000, 0.1000),
+ "Subsurface IOR": 1.6029,
+ "Roughness": U(0.5, 0.8),
+ "IOR": 4.0000,
+ "Transmission": U(0.05, 0.2),
+ "Transmission Roughness": 1.0000,
+ },
- translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix.outputs[2], 'Roughness': 0.7, })
+ translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": mix.outputs[2],
+ "Roughness": 0.7,
+ },
+ )
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': light_path.outputs["Is Camera Ray"], 1: principled_bsdf, 2: translucent_bsdf})
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": light_path.outputs["Is Camera Ray"],
+ 1: principled_bsdf,
+ 2: translucent_bsdf,
+ },
+ )
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def shader_black(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={'Base Color': (0.0039, 0.0039, 0.0039, 1.0000)})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": (0.0039, 0.0039, 0.0039, 1.0000)},
+ )
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/lava.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/lava.py
index 7fa252cd3..f2c8782ff 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/lava.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/lava.py
@@ -9,19 +9,21 @@
import gin
from mathutils import Vector
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import drive_param
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_color_neighbour
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import drive_param
type = SurfaceTypes.BlenderDisplacement
mod_name = "lava_geo"
name = "lava"
def nodegroup_polynomial_base(nw):
group_input = nw.new_node(
@@ -80,11 +82,13 @@ def nodegroup_polynomial_base(nw):
group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": add_1})
@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_polynomial", singleton=False)
def nodegroup_polynomial_geo(nw):
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_polynomial", singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_polynomial", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree")
def nodegroup_polynomial_shader(nw):
@@ -128,7 +132,6 @@ def lava_shader(nw):
drive_param(voronoi_texture.inputs["W"], scale=0.003, offset=uniform(0, 10))
colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]}
@@ -150,7 +153,6 @@ def lava_shader(nw):
drive_param(voronoi_texture_1.inputs["W"], scale=0.003, offset=uniform(0, 10))
colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(
Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"]}
@@ -175,7 +177,8 @@ def lava_shader(nw):
0: ambient_occlusion_1.outputs["Color"],
# determines how strong the small scale noise are
# this makes the lava look turbulent
- 1: 0 if uniform() < 0.2 else uniform(0.0, 0.5)},
+ 1: 0 if uniform() < 0.2 else uniform(0.0, 0.5),
+ },
attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
@@ -200,12 +203,12 @@ def lava_shader(nw):
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.85 + amo_roc
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- invert = nw.new_node(
- "ShaderNodeInvert", input_kwargs={"Color": lava_dir}
- )
+ invert = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeInvert", input_kwargs={"Color": lava_dir})
multiply = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: invert, 1: max_lava_temp - min_lava_temp}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: invert, 1: max_lava_temp - min_lava_temp},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: min_lava_temp, 1: multiply})
@@ -214,24 +217,28 @@ def lava_shader(nw):
"ShaderNodeBlackbody", input_kwargs={"Temperature": add_1}
- noise_emission = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={"W": uniform(0, 10), "Scale": 0.5}
+ noise_emission = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"W": uniform(0, 10), "Scale": 0.5}
+ )
+ strength_emission = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: noise_emission.outputs["Fac"], 1: lava_emi}
- strength_emission = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: noise_emission.outputs["Fac"], 1: lava_emi})
emission_1 = nw.new_node(
- "ShaderNodeEmission", input_kwargs={"Color": blackbody_1, "Strength":
- strength_emission}
+ "ShaderNodeEmission",
+ input_kwargs={"Color": blackbody_1, "Strength": strength_emission},
- noise_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={"W": uniform(0, 10), "Scale": 0.5,
- "Detail": 10.0},
+ noise_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"W": uniform(0, 10), "Scale": 0.5, "Detail": 10.0},
attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
- color_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_bsdf.outputs["Fac"]})
+ color_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_bsdf.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
color_bsdf.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
color_bsdf.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
@@ -252,14 +259,14 @@ def lava_shader(nw):
return mix_shader
def lava_geo(nw, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True):
if nw.node_group.type == "SHADER":
- position = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeNewGeometry')
+ position = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeNewGeometry")
# normal = (nw.new_node('ShaderNodeNewGeometry'), 1)
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
@@ -271,7 +278,7 @@ def lava_geo(nw, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True):
wave_sca = nw.new_value(uniform(3.5, 4.5), "wave_sca")
# direction of wave
dir_x = uniform(-2, 2)
- dir_y = nw.new_value(math.sqrt(5 - (dir_x ** 2)), "dir_y")
+ dir_y = nw.new_value(math.sqrt(5 - (dir_x**2)), "dir_y")
dir_x = nw.new_value(dir_x, "dir_x")
# print(f"{wave_sca=} {dir_x=} {dir_y=}")
@@ -287,32 +294,16 @@ def lava_geo(nw, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True):
separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
- group_3 = nw.scalar_divide(
- nw.scalar_add(
- separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
- 200
- ),
- 400
- )
+ group_3 = nw.scalar_divide(nw.scalar_add(separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 200), 400)
- group_4 = nw.scalar_divide(
- nw.scalar_add(
- separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
- 200
- ),
- 400
- )
+ group_4 = nw.scalar_divide(nw.scalar_add(separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 200), 400)
- group = nw.scalar_divide(
- nw.scalar_add(
- separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
- 0
- ),
- 20
- )
+ group = nw.scalar_divide(nw.scalar_add(separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 0), 20)
group_2 = nw.new_node(
- nodegroup_polynomial_geo().name if nw.node_group.type != "SHADER" else nodegroup_polynomial_shader().name,
+ nodegroup_polynomial_geo().name
+ if nw.node_group.type != "SHADER"
+ else nodegroup_polynomial_shader().name,
"X": group_3,
"Y": group_4,
@@ -332,13 +323,7 @@ def lava_geo(nw, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True):
attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
- group_1 = nw.scalar_divide(
- nw.scalar_add(
- multiply_add,
- 0
- ),
- 3
- )
+ group_1 = nw.scalar_divide(nw.scalar_add(multiply_add, 0), 3)
noise_texture = nw.new_node(
@@ -397,7 +382,11 @@ def lava_geo(nw, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True):
voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
- input_kwargs={"W": nw.new_value(uniform(0, 10), "voronoi_texture_w"), "Vector": position, "Scale": 1.0},
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": nw.new_value(uniform(0, 10), "voronoi_texture_w"),
+ "Vector": position,
+ "Scale": 1.0,
+ },
attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D", "feature": "SMOOTH_F1"},
@@ -423,14 +412,18 @@ def lava_geo(nw, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True):
groupinput = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput)
if selection is not None:
offset = nw.multiply(offset, surface.eval_argument(nw, selection))
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": groupinput, "Offset": offset})
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": groupinput, "Offset": offset}
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position})
return lava_dir
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- obj, lava_geo, selection=selection,
+ obj,
+ lava_geo,
+ selection=selection,
surface.add_material(obj, lava_shader, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/leather_and_fabrics/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/leather_and_fabrics/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 751f12282..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/leather_and_fabrics/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-from .general_fabric import shader_fabric
-from .lined_fabric import shader_lined_fur_base
-from .coarse_knit_fabric import shader_fabric_random as shader_coarse_fabric_random
-from .fine_knit_fabric import shader_fabric_random as shader_fine_fabric_random
-from .leather import shader_leather
-from .sofa_fabric import shader_sofa_fabric
-from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
-from .. import common
-from ...utils.uv import unwrap_faces
-fabric_shader_list = 'weighted_choice', (1, shader_coarse_fabric_random), (1, shader_fine_fabric_random), \
- (2, shader_leather), (1, shader_sofa_fabric), # (1, shader_fabric),
-def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- unwrap_faces(obj, selection)
- common.apply(obj, rg(fabric_shader_list), selection=selection, **kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/leather_and_fabrics/general_fabric.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/leather_and_fabrics/general_fabric.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 33e1e987e..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/leather_and_fabrics/general_fabric.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umrARvXC_MI by Ryan King Art
-from infinigen.assets.materials import common
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import ensure_uv, unwrap_faces
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-def func_fabric(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- group_input = {
- 'Weave Scale': 0.,
- 'Color Pattern Scale': 0.,
- 'Color1': (0.7991, 0.1046, 0.1195, 1.0000),
- 'Color2': (1.0000, 0.5271, 0.5711, 1.0000)
- }
- group_input.update(kwargs)
- wave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture, input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["UV"],
- 'Scale': group_input["Weave Scale"],
- 'Distortion': 7.0000,
- 'Detail': 15.0000
- }, attrs={'bands_direction': 'Y'})
- value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_2.outputs[0].default_value = 0.1000
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': wave_texture_1.outputs["Color"], 1: value_2})
- wave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture, input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["UV"],
- 'Scale': group_input["Weave Scale"],
- 'Distortion': 7.0000,
- 'Detail': 15.0000
- })
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': wave_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: value_2})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={6: map_range.outputs["Result"], 7: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: mix.outputs[2], 1: 0.1000},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- transparent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransparentBSDF)
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input["Color Pattern Scale"], 1: 0.0001},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- brick_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BrickTexture, input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["UV"],
- 'Color1': group_input["Color1"],
- 'Mortar': group_input["Color2"],
- 'Scale': group_input["Color Pattern Scale"],
- 'Mortar Size': 0.0000,
- 'Bias': -1.0000,
- 'Row Height': 0.5000
- }, attrs={'offset_frequency': 1, 'squash': 0.0000})
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate, input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["UV"],
- 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.5708)
- }, attrs={'rotation_type': 'EULER_XYZ'})
- brick_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.BrickTexture, input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': vector_rotate,
- 'Color1': group_input["Color1"],
- 'Mortar': group_input["Color2"],
- 'Scale': group_input["Color Pattern Scale"],
- 'Mortar Size': 0.0000,
- 'Bias': -1.0000,
- 'Row Height': 0.5000
- }, attrs={'offset_frequency': 1, 'squash': 0.0000})
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix, input_kwargs={
- 0: 1.0000,
- 6: brick_texture_2.outputs["Color"],
- 7: brick_texture.outputs["Color"]
- }, attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA', 'blend_type': 'ADD'})
- mix_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix, input_kwargs={0: less_than, 6: mix_2.outputs[2], 7: group_input["Color1"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix, input_kwargs={
- 0: mix.outputs[2],
- 6: (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000),
- 7: mix_4.outputs[2]
- }, attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': mix.outputs[2], 3: 1.0000, 4: 0.9000})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- 'Base Color': mix_3.outputs[2],
- 'Roughness': map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
- 'Sheen': 1.0000,
- 'Sheen Tint': 1.0000
- })
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': greater_than, 1: transparent_bsdf, 2: principled_bsdf})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input["Weave Scale"], 1: 5.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture, input_kwargs={'Scale': multiply})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix, input_kwargs={6: musgrave_texture, 7: mix.outputs[2]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: mix_1.outputs[2]}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 0.0010}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- displacement = nw.new_node(
- 'ShaderNodeDisplacement', input_kwargs={'Height': multiply_1, 'Midlevel': 0.0000}
- )
- return {'Shader': mix_shader, 'Displacement': displacement}
-def shader_fabric(nw: NodeWrangler, weave_scale=500.0, color_scale=None, color_1=None, color_2=None, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- if color_scale is None:
- color_scale = np.random.choice([0.0, uniform(5., 20.)])
- if color_1 is None:
- color_1 = color_category('fabric')
- if color_2 is None:
- color_2 = color_category('white')
- group = func_fabric(nw, **{
- 'Weave Scale': weave_scale,
- 'Color Pattern Scale': color_scale,
- 'Color1': color_1,
- 'Color2': color_2
- })
- displacement = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeDisplacement',
- input_kwargs={'Height': group["Displacement"], 'Midlevel': 0.0000})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': group["Shader"], 'Displacement': displacement
- }, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- if not isinstance(obj, list):
- obj = [obj]
- for o in obj:
- unwrap_faces(o, selection)
- common.apply(obj, shader_fabric, selection, **kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/leather_and_fabrics/leather.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/leather_and_fabrics/leather.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 808f4a950..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/leather_and_fabrics/leather.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=In9V4-ih16o by Ryan King Art
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-import functools
-from infinigen.assets.materials import common
-from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import unwrap_faces
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.color_fits import real_color_distribution
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leather', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leather(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Seed', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketColor', 'Base Color', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000))])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Scale"], 1: 10.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'W': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': multiply, 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Distortion': 0.2000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- color_ramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]})
- color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2841
- color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
- color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.9455
- color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: 0.0200, 6: texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 7: noise_texture.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'LINEAR_LIGHT', 'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Scale"], 1: 800.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix.outputs[2], 'W': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': multiply_1},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D', 'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 1: group_input.outputs["Scale"]},
- attrs={'use_clamp': True, 'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation', input_kwargs={'Value': 0.6000, 'Color': group_input.outputs["Base Color"]})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 6: group_input.outputs["Base Color"], 7: hue_saturation_value},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- hue_saturation_value_1 = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation', input_kwargs={'Value': 0.4000, 'Color': group_input.outputs["Base Color"]})
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: color_ramp.outputs["Color"], 6: mix_1.outputs[2], 7: hue_saturation_value_1},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': mix_2.outputs[2], 3: uniform(.3, .5), 4: uniform(.5, .7)})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_2.outputs[2], 'Roughness': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: mix_1.outputs[2], 1: -0.2000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: color_ramp.outputs["Color"], 1: 0.0500}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: multiply_4})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 0.0200}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'BSDF': principled_bsdf, 'Displacement': multiply_5},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def shader_leather(nw: NodeWrangler, scale=1.0, base_color=None, seed=None, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- if seed is None:
- seed = uniform(-1000.0, 1000.0)
- # if base_color is None:
- # base_color = color_category('leather')
- base_color = real_color_distribution('sofa_leather')
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leather().name,
- input_kwargs={'Seed': seed, 'Scale': scale, 'Base Color': base_color})
- displacement = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeDisplacement', input_kwargs={'Height': group.outputs["Displacement"], 'Midlevel': 0.0000})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': group.outputs["BSDF"], 'Displacement': displacement},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- unwrap_faces(obj, selection)
- common.apply(obj, shader_leather, selection=selection, **kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/leather_and_fabrics/sofa_fabric.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/leather_and_fabrics/sofa_fabric.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 03292592a..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/leather_and_fabrics/sofa_fabric.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.materials import common
-from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import unwrap_faces
-from infinigen.core.nodes import NodeWrangler, Nodes
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-def shader_sofa_fabric(nw: NodeWrangler, scale=1, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={'attribute_name': 'UVMap'})
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,[attribute],input_kwargs={'Scale':[scale]*3})
- rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
- rgb.outputs[0].default_value = color_category('fabric')
- brightness_contrast = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBrightContrast', input_kwargs={'Color': rgb, 'Bright': uniform(-0.1500, -0.05)})
- brick_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.BrickTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute.outputs["Vector"], 'Color1': rgb, 'Color2': brightness_contrast, 'Scale': 276.9800, 'Mortar Size': 0.0100, 'Mortar Smooth': 1.0000, 'Bias': 0.5000, 'Row Height': 0.1000},
- attrs={'offset': 0.5479, 'squash_frequency': 1})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': brick_texture.outputs["Color"], 'Roughness': 0.8624, 'Sheen': 1.0000})
- displacement = nw.new_node(Nodes.Displacement, input_kwargs={'Height': brick_texture.outputs["Fac"]})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf, 'Displacement': displacement},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- unwrap_faces(obj, selection)
- common.apply(obj, shader_sofa_fabric, selection, **kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/leather_and_fabrics/velvet.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/leather_and_fabrics/velvet.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f7f8e2a4..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/leather_and_fabrics/velvet.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Stamatis Alexandropoulos
-# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55MMAnTYhWI by Dikko
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from infinigen.assets.materials import common
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-def shader_velvet(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]})
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={'Vector': reroute})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 1.0000})
- mix_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix, input_kwargs={0: 0.1125, 6: voronoi_texture.outputs["Color"]}, attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 9.6000, 'Detail': 11.4000, 'Dimension': 0.1000, 'Lacunarity': 1.9000},
- attrs={'musgrave_type': 'MULTIFRACTAL'})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: uniform(0,0.8), 6: musgrave_texture, 7: (0.6044, 0.6044, 0.6044, 1.0000)},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA', 'blend_type': 'MULTIPLY'})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix, input_kwargs={6: mix_6.outputs[2], 7: mix.outputs[2]}, attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- color_ramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': mix_1.outputs[2]})
- color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0000
- color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
- color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.8455
- color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
- rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
- rgb.outputs[0].default_value = color_category('textile')
- # (0.3547, 0.3018, 0.3087, 1.0000)
- brightness_contrast = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBrightContrast', input_kwargs={'Color': rgb, 'Bright': 0.0500})
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: color_ramp.outputs["Color"], 6: brightness_contrast, 7: rgb},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_2.outputs[2], 'Specular': 0.0000, 'Roughness': uniform(0.4,0.9), 'Anisotropic': 0.7614, 'Anisotropic Rotation': 1.0000, 'Sheen': 16.2273, 'Sheen Tint': 1.0000})
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': reroute, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0157), 'Scale': (2.2000, 2.2000, 2.2000)})
- wave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_1, 'Scale': 500.0000, 'Distortion': 4.0000, 'Detail': 6.7000, 'Detail Scale': 1.5000, 'Detail Roughness': 0.4308},
- attrs={'bands_direction': 'DIAGONAL'})
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 6: mapping_1, 7: wave_texture_1.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA', 'blend_type': 'MULTIPLY'})
- mix_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 6: color_ramp.outputs["Color"], 7: mix_3.outputs[2]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA', 'blend_type': 'MULTIPLY'})
- displacement = nw.new_node(Nodes.Displacement, input_kwargs={'Height': mix_4.outputs[2], 'Midlevel': 0.0000, 'Scale': 0.0150})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf, 'Displacement': displacement},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- common.apply(obj, shader_velvet, selection, **kwargs)
- # surface.add_material(obj, shader_velvet, selection=selection)
-# apply(bpy.context.active_object)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/marble_regular.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/marble_regular.py
index 1da008c3c..73fe095a5 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/marble_regular.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/marble_regular.py
@@ -4,55 +4,88 @@
# Authors: Zeyu Ma
# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://physbam.stanford.edu/cs448x/old/Procedural_Noise(2f)Perlin_Noise.html
-import bpy
-import mathutils
import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
def shader_material_001(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.NewGeometry)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': geometry.outputs["Position"], 'Scale': (20.0000, 20.0000, 20.0000)})
- roughness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='roughness ~ U(0.7,0.9)')
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": geometry.outputs["Position"],
+ "Scale": (20.0000, 20.0000, 20.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ roughness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="roughness ~ U(0.7,0.9)")
roughness.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(0.7, 0.9)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 0.1000, 'Detail': 9.0000, 'Roughness': roughness, 'Distortion': 0.2000})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: 20.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Scale": 0.1000,
+ "Detail": 9.0000,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ "Distortion": 0.2000,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: 20.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
random_plane_angle = uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)
- dot_product = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: mapping, 1: (np.cos(random_plane_angle), np.sin(random_plane_angle), 0.0000)},
- attrs={'operation': 'DOT_PRODUCT'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: dot_product.outputs["Value"]})
- sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={'operation': 'SINE'})
+ dot_product = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: mapping,
+ 1: (np.cos(random_plane_angle), np.sin(random_plane_angle), 0.0000),
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "DOT_PRODUCT"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: dot_product.outputs["Value"]}
+ )
+ sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={"operation": "SINE"})
add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: sine, 1: 1.0000})
- darkness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='darkness ~ U(0,1)')
+ darkness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="darkness ~ U(0,1)")
darkness.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(0.0, 1.0)
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': darkness, 3: 0.2000, 4: 0.3000})
- power = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]}, attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={'Base Color': power})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": darkness, 3: 0.2000, 4: 0.3000}
+ )
+ power = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "POWER"},
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": power}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_material_001, selection=selection)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(obj, shader_material_001, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/marble_voronoi.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/marble_voronoi.py
index b1119c8b3..9ebfb7f6d 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/marble_voronoi.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/marble_voronoi.py
@@ -4,50 +4,81 @@
# Authors: Zeyu Ma
# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTzk9T06gdw by Ryan King Art
-import bpy
-import mathutils
import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
def shader_material(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.NewGeometry)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={'Vector': geometry.outputs["Position"]})
- roughness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='roughness ~ U(0.5,0.7)')
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": geometry.outputs["Position"]}
+ )
+ roughness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="roughness ~ U(0.5,0.7)")
roughness.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(0.5, 0.7)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 2.0000, 'Detail': 9.0000, 'Roughness': roughness})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Scale": 2.0000,
+ "Detail": 9.0000,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ },
+ )
random_plane_angle = uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)
- dot_product = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: mapping, 1: (np.cos(random_plane_angle), np.sin(random_plane_angle), 0.0000)},
- attrs={'operation': 'DOT_PRODUCT'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: dot_product.outputs["Value"]})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"]})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]})
+ dot_product = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: mapping,
+ 1: (np.cos(random_plane_angle), np.sin(random_plane_angle), 0.0000),
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "DOT_PRODUCT"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ 1: dot_product.outputs["Value"],
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": add.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = uniform(0.4, 0.5)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.9600
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Metallic': 0.5000, 'Roughness': 0.0000})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Metallic": 0.5000,
+ "Roughness": 0.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_material, selection=selection)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(obj, shader_material, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/metal/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/metal/__init__.py
index c427a1357..a00b68ae9 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/metal/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/metal/__init__.py
@@ -8,13 +8,18 @@
from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba, rgb2hsv
-from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg, log_uniform
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
+from .. import common
+from ..bark_random import hex_to_rgb
from . import (
- brushed_metal, galvanized_metal, grained_and_polished_metal, hammered_metal,
+ brushed_metal,
+ galvanized_metal,
+ grained_and_polished_metal,
+ hammered_metal,
-from .. import common
-from ..bark_random import hex_to_rgb
def apply(obj, selection=None, metal_color=None, **kwargs):
@@ -25,32 +30,63 @@ def apply(obj, selection=None, metal_color=None, **kwargs):
def get_shader():
return np.random.choice(
- [brushed_metal.shader_brushed_metal, galvanized_metal.shader_galvanized_metal,
+ [
+ brushed_metal.shader_brushed_metal,
+ galvanized_metal.shader_galvanized_metal,
- hammered_metal.shader_hammered_metal]
+ hammered_metal.shader_hammered_metal,
+ ]
-plain_colors = 'weighted_choice', (.5, 0xfdd017), (1, 0xc0c0c0), (1, 0x8c7853), (.5, 0xb87333), (.5, 0xb5a642), (
- 1, 0xbdbaae), (1, 0xa9acb6), (1, 0xb6afa9)
-natural_colors = 'weighted_choice', (1, 0xc0c0c0), (1, 0x8c7853), (1, 0xbdbaae), (1, 0xa9acb6), (1, 0xb6afa9)
+plain_colors = (
+ "weighted_choice",
+ (0.5, 0xFDD017),
+ (1, 0xC0C0C0),
+ (1, 0x8C7853),
+ (0.5, 0xB87333),
+ (0.5, 0xB5A642),
+ (1, 0xBDBAAE),
+ (1, 0xA9ACB6),
+ (1, 0xB6AFA9),
+natural_colors = (
+ "weighted_choice",
+ (1, 0xC0C0C0),
+ (1, 0x8C7853),
+ (1, 0xBDBAAE),
+ (1, 0xA9ACB6),
+ (1, 0xB6AFA9),
def sample_metal_color(metal_color=None, **kwargs):
match metal_color:
case np.ndarray():
return metal_color
- case 'plain':
+ case "plain":
h, s, v = rgb2hsv(hex_to_rgb(rg(plain_colors))[:-1])
- return hsv2rgba(h + uniform(-.1, .1), s + uniform(-.1, .1), v * log_uniform(.5, .2))
- case 'natural':
+ return hsv2rgba(
+ h + uniform(-0.1, 0.1),
+ s + uniform(-0.1, 0.1),
+ v * log_uniform(0.5, 0.2),
+ )
+ case "natural":
h, s, v = rgb2hsv(hex_to_rgb(rg(natural_colors))[:-1])
- return hsv2rgba(h + uniform(-.1, .1), s + uniform(-.1, .1), v * log_uniform(.5, .2))
- case 'bw':
- return hsv2rgba(uniform(0, 1), uniform(.0, .2), log_uniform(.01, .2))
- case 'bw+natural':
- return sample_metal_color('bw') if uniform() < .5 else sample_metal_color('natural')
+ return hsv2rgba(
+ h + uniform(-0.1, 0.1),
+ s + uniform(-0.1, 0.1),
+ v * log_uniform(0.5, 0.2),
+ )
+ case "bw":
+ return hsv2rgba(uniform(0, 1), uniform(0.0, 0.2), log_uniform(0.01, 0.2))
+ case "bw+natural":
+ return (
+ sample_metal_color("bw")
+ if uniform() < 0.5
+ else sample_metal_color("natural")
+ )
case _:
- if uniform() < .2:
- return sample_metal_color('natural')
- return hsv2rgba(uniform(0, 1), uniform(.3, .6), log_uniform(.02, .5))
+ if uniform() < 0.2:
+ return sample_metal_color("natural")
+ return hsv2rgba(uniform(0, 1), uniform(0.3, 0.6), log_uniform(0.02, 0.5))
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/metal/brushed_metal.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/metal/brushed_metal.py
index 18d879394..6611fb1cb 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/metal/brushed_metal.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/metal/brushed_metal.py
@@ -5,83 +5,165 @@
# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcAMYRgR03k by blenderian
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_brushed_metal', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
+ "nodegroup_brushed_metal", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree"
def nodegroup_brushed_metal(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': (0.2000, 0.2000, 5.0000)})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketColor', 'Base Color', (0.8000, 0.8000, 0.8000, 1.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Seed', 0.0000)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Scale"], 1: 100.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_1, 'W': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': multiply, 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Roughness': 0.4000, 'Distortion': 0.1000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': (1.0000, 1.0000, 20.0000)})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'W': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': 0.1000, 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Roughness': 0.0000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": (0.2000, 0.2000, 5.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketColor", "Base Color", (0.8000, 0.8000, 0.8000, 1.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Seed", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Scale"], 1: 100.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping_1,
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": multiply,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Roughness": 0.4000,
+ "Distortion": 0.1000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": (1.0000, 1.0000, 20.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": 0.1000,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Roughness": 0.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
input_kwargs={0: 0.2000, 6: mapping, 7: noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix.outputs[2], 'W': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': multiply, 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Roughness': 0.6000, 'Distortion': 0.1000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 6: noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], 7: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'DARKEN', 'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': mix_1, 1: 0.4000, 2: 0.6000, 3: 0.8000, 4: 1.2000})
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"], 'Color': group_input.outputs["Base Color"]})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': mix_1, 1: 0.4000, 2: 0.6000, 3: 0.2000, 4: 0.3000})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': hue_saturation_value, 'Metallic': 1.0000, 'Specular': 0.0000, 'Roughness': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'BSDF': principled_bsdf, 'tmp_viewer': principled_bsdf},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def shader_brushed_metal(nw: NodeWrangler, scale=1.0, base_color=None, seed=None, **kwargs):
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mix.outputs[2],
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": multiply,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Roughness": 0.6000,
+ "Distortion": 0.1000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: 1.0000,
+ 6: noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"],
+ 7: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ },
+ attrs={"blend_type": "DARKEN", "data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": mix_1, 1: 0.4000, 2: 0.6000, 3: 0.8000, 4: 1.2000},
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color": group_input.outputs["Base Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": mix_1, 1: 0.4000, 2: 0.6000, 3: 0.2000, 4: 0.3000},
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": hue_saturation_value,
+ "Metallic": 1.0000,
+ "Specular": 0.0000,
+ "Roughness": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"BSDF": principled_bsdf, "tmp_viewer": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def shader_brushed_metal(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, scale=1.0, base_color=None, seed=None, **kwargs
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
if seed is None:
seed = uniform(-1000.0, 1000.0)
if base_color is None:
from infinigen.assets.materials.metal import sample_metal_color
base_color = sample_metal_color(**kwargs)
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_brushed_metal().name,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': base_color, 'Scale': scale, 'Seed': seed})
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_brushed_metal().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": base_color, "Scale": scale, "Seed": seed},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": group.outputs["BSDF"]},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': group.outputs['BSDF']},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_brushed_metal, selection=selection, input_kwargs=kwargs)
+ surface.add_material(
+ obj, shader_brushed_metal, selection=selection, input_kwargs=kwargs
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/metal/galvanized_metal.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/metal/galvanized_metal.py
index ddf6a4040..8fdf82e7e 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/metal/galvanized_metal.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/metal/galvanized_metal.py
@@ -4,65 +4,119 @@
# Authors: Yiming Zuo
# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECl2pQ1jQm8 by Ryan King Art
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
+from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.assets.materials import common
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_galvanized_metal', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
+ "nodegroup_galvanized_metal", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree"
def nodegroup_galvanized_metal(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketColor', 'Base Color', (0.8000, 0.8000, 0.8000, 1.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Seed', 0.0000)])
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketColor", "Base Color", (0.8000, 0.8000, 0.8000, 1.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Seed", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Scale"], 1: 5.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'W': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': multiply, 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Roughness': 0.4000, 'Distortion': 0.2000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: 0.0500, 6: texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 7: noise_texture.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'clamp_factor': False, 'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Scale"], 1: 500.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix.outputs[2], 'W': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': multiply_1},
- attrs={'distance': 'MINKOWSKI', 'voronoi_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture.outputs["Color"], 3: 0.1000, 4: 0.5000})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': group_input.outputs["Base Color"], 'Metallic': 1.0000, 'Specular': 0.0000, 'Roughness': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'BSDF': principled_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def shader_galvanized_metal(nw: NodeWrangler, scale=1.0, base_color=None, seed=None, **kwargs):
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Scale"], 1: 5.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": multiply,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Roughness": 0.4000,
+ "Distortion": 0.2000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: 0.0500,
+ 6: texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ 7: noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"clamp_factor": False, "data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Scale"], 1: 500.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mix.outputs[2],
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": multiply_1,
+ },
+ attrs={"distance": "MINKOWSKI", "voronoi_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": voronoi_texture.outputs["Color"], 3: 0.1000, 4: 0.5000},
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": group_input.outputs["Base Color"],
+ "Metallic": 1.0000,
+ "Specular": 0.0000,
+ "Roughness": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"BSDF": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def shader_galvanized_metal(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, scale=1.0, base_color=None, seed=None, **kwargs
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
if seed is None:
seed = uniform(-1000.0, 1000.0)
if base_color is None:
from infinigen.assets.materials.metal import sample_metal_color
base_color = sample_metal_color(**kwargs)
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_galvanized_metal().name,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': base_color, 'Scale': scale, 'Seed': seed})
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_galvanized_metal().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": base_color, "Scale": scale, "Seed": seed},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": group},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': group}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- common.apply(obj, shader_galvanized_metal, selection=selection,**kwargs)
+ common.apply(obj, shader_galvanized_metal, selection=selection, **kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/metal/grained_and_polished_metal.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/metal/grained_and_polished_metal.py
index 5e63f8219..89dfb23b2 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/metal/grained_and_polished_metal.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/metal/grained_and_polished_metal.py
@@ -3,55 +3,92 @@
# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_grained_metal', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
+ "nodegroup_grained_metal", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree"
def nodegroup_grained_metal(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketColor', 'Base Color', (0.8000, 0.8000, 0.8000, 1.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 5.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Seed', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Roughness', 0.0000)])
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Roughness"], 3: 0.0500, 4: 0.2500})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': group_input.outputs["Base Color"], 'Metallic': 1.0000, 'Specular': 0.0000, 'Roughness': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketColor", "Base Color", (0.8000, 0.8000, 0.8000, 1.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 5.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Seed", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Roughness", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Roughness"], 3: 0.0500, 4: 0.2500},
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": group_input.outputs["Base Color"],
+ "Metallic": 1.0000,
+ "Specular": 0.0000,
+ "Roughness": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Scale"], 1: 2000.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'W': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': multiply, 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Distortion': 2.0000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.4000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": multiply,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Distortion": 2.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.4000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: 0.010}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: 0.010},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'BSDF': principled_bsdf, 'Displacement': multiply_3},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"BSDF": principled_bsdf, "Displacement": multiply_3},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
-def shader_grained_metal(nw: NodeWrangler, scale=1.0, base_color=None, roughness=None, seed=None, **kwargs):
+def shader_grained_metal(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, scale=1.0, base_color=None, roughness=None, seed=None, **kwargs
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
if roughness is None:
roughness = uniform(0.0, 1.0)
@@ -59,21 +96,32 @@ def shader_grained_metal(nw: NodeWrangler, scale=1.0, base_color=None, roughness
seed = uniform(-1000.0, 1000.0)
if base_color is None:
from infinigen.assets.materials.metal import sample_metal_color
base_color = sample_metal_color(**kwargs)
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_grained_metal().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": base_color,
+ "Scale": scale,
+ "Seed": seed,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ },
+ )
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_grained_metal().name,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': base_color,
- 'Scale': scale,
- 'Seed': seed,
- 'Roughness': roughness,
- })
+ displacement = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeDisplacement",
+ input_kwargs={"Height": group.outputs["Displacement"], "Midlevel": 0.0000},
+ )
- displacement = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeDisplacement', input_kwargs={'Height': group.outputs["Displacement"], 'Midlevel': 0.0000})
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": group.outputs["BSDF"], "Displacement": displacement},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': group.outputs["BSDF"], 'Displacement': displacement},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_grained_metal, selection=selection, input_kwargs=kwargs)
+ surface.add_material(
+ obj, shader_grained_metal, selection=selection, input_kwargs=kwargs
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/metal/hammered_metal.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/metal/hammered_metal.py
index d87a27f2b..251ec875f 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/metal/hammered_metal.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/metal/hammered_metal.py
@@ -4,78 +4,150 @@
# Authors: Yiming Zuo
# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82smQvoh0GE by Mix CG Arts
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_hammered_metal', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
+ "nodegroup_hammered_metal", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree"
def nodegroup_hammered_metal(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketColor', 'Base Color', (0.8000, 0.8000, 0.8000, 1.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Seed', 0.0000)])
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': group_input.outputs["Base Color"], 'Metallic': 1.0000, 'Specular': 0.0000, 'Roughness': 0.1000})
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketColor", "Base Color", (0.8000, 0.8000, 0.8000, 1.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Seed", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": group_input.outputs["Base Color"],
+ "Metallic": 1.0000,
+ "Specular": 0.0000,
+ "Roughness": 0.1000,
+ },
+ )
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Scale"], 1: 20.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'W': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': multiply, 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Roughness': 0.4000, 'Distortion': 0.2000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: 0.0100, 6: texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 7: noise_texture.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'clamp_factor': False, 'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Scale"], 1: 300.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix.outputs[2], 'W': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': multiply_1, 'Smoothness': 0.2000},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D', 'feature': 'SMOOTH_F1'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"], 1: group_input.outputs["Scale"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- power = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: 2.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: power, 1: log_uniform(.001,0.003)}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'BSDF': principled_bsdf, 'Displacement': multiply_3, 'tmp_viewer': voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def shader_hammered_metal(nw: NodeWrangler, scale=None, base_color=None, seed=None, **kwargs):
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Scale"], 1: 20.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": multiply,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Roughness": 0.4000,
+ "Distortion": 0.2000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: 0.0100,
+ 6: texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ 7: noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"clamp_factor": False, "data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Scale"], 1: 300.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mix.outputs[2],
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": multiply_1,
+ "Smoothness": 0.2000,
+ },
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D", "feature": "SMOOTH_F1"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ power = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: 2.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "POWER"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: power, 1: log_uniform(0.001, 0.003)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "BSDF": principled_bsdf,
+ "Displacement": multiply_3,
+ "tmp_viewer": voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def shader_hammered_metal(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, scale=None, base_color=None, seed=None, **kwargs
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
if seed is None:
seed = uniform(-1000.0, 1000.0)
if base_color is None:
from infinigen.assets.materials.metal import sample_metal_color
base_color = sample_metal_color(**kwargs)
if scale is None:
- scale = log_uniform(.8, 1.2)
+ scale = log_uniform(0.8, 1.2)
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_hammered_metal().name,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': base_color, 'Scale': scale, 'Seed': seed})
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_hammered_metal().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": base_color, "Scale": scale, "Seed": seed},
+ )
- displacement = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeDisplacement', input_kwargs={'Height': group.outputs["Displacement"], 'Midlevel': 0.0000})
+ displacement = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeDisplacement",
+ input_kwargs={"Height": group.outputs["Displacement"], "Midlevel": 0.0000},
+ )
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': group.outputs["BSDF"], 'Displacement': displacement},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": group.outputs["BSDF"], "Displacement": displacement},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_hammered_metal, selection=selection, input_kwargs=kwargs)
+ surface.add_material(
+ obj, shader_hammered_metal, selection=selection, input_kwargs=kwargs
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/metal/metal_basic.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/metal/metal_basic.py
index 81d5b96b6..928a99f4a 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/metal/metal_basic.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/metal/metal_basic.py
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.assets.materials import common
@@ -11,23 +10,27 @@
def shader_metal(nw: NodeWrangler, color=None, **kwargs):
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord).outputs['Object']
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord).outputs["Object"]
roughness = nw.build_float_curve(
- nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, [position], input_kwargs={'Scale': uniform(10, 25)}),
- [(0, uniform(0, .2)), (1, uniform(.4, .7))]
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, [position], input_kwargs={"Scale": uniform(10, 25)}
+ ),
+ [(0, uniform(0, 0.2)), (1, uniform(0.4, 0.7))],
principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- "Metallic": 1.,
- 'Specular': uniform(.5, 1.),
- 'Base Color': color,
- 'Roughness': roughness
- }
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Metallic": 1.0,
+ "Specular": uniform(0.5, 1.0),
+ "Base Color": color,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ },
- nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf})
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
from infinigen.assets.materials.metal import sample_metal_color
color = sample_metal_color(**kwargs)
common.apply(obj, shader_metal, selection, color, **kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/microwave_shaders.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/microwave_shaders.py
index f08b4ff42..e37bdc0d0 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/microwave_shaders.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/microwave_shaders.py
@@ -5,23 +5,44 @@
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
def shader_black_medal(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- anisotropic_bsdf = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBsdfAnisotropic', input_kwargs={'Color': (0.0167, 0.0167, 0.0167, 1.0000)})
+ anisotropic_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBsdfAnisotropic",
+ input_kwargs={"Color": (0.0167, 0.0167, 0.0167, 1.0000)},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": anisotropic_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': anisotropic_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
def shader_black_glass(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- glossy_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.GlossyBSDF, input_kwargs={'Color': (0.0068, 0.0068, 0.0068, 1.0000), 'Roughness': 0.2000})
+ glossy_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GlossyBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Color": (0.0068, 0.0068, 0.0068, 1.0000), "Roughness": 0.2000},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": glossy_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': glossy_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
def shader_glass(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- glass_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.GlassBSDF, input_kwargs={'IOR': 1.5000})
+ glass_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.GlassBSDF, input_kwargs={"IOR": 1.5000})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': glass_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
\ No newline at end of file
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": glass_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/mirror.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/mirror.py
index a725fce4e..429195488 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/mirror.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/mirror.py
@@ -3,15 +3,19 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
from infinigen.assets.materials import common
-from infinigen.core.nodes import NodeWrangler, Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-def shader_mirror(nw: NodeWrangler,**kwargs):
- glossy_bsdf = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBsdfGlossy',
- input_kwargs={'Color': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 'Roughness': 0,
- })
+def shader_mirror(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ glossy_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBsdfGlossy",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Color": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
+ "Roughness": 0,
+ },
+ )
- nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': glossy_bsdf})
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": glossy_bsdf})
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/mountain.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/mountain.py
index c7ad82cf0..4004c14f8 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/mountain.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/mountain.py
@@ -7,19 +7,19 @@
import gin
import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes
from infinigen.core.util.random import clip_hsv, random_color, random_color_neighbour
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
from infinigen.terrain.land_process.snowfall import snowfall_params
type = SurfaceTypes.SDFPerturb
mod_name = "geo_MOUNTAIN"
name = "mountain"
def geo_MOUNTAIN_general(
nw: NodeWrangler,
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ def geo_MOUNTAIN_general(
- selection=None
+ selection=None,
position = nw.new_node("GeometryNodeInputPosition", [])
normal = nw.new_node("GeometryNodeInputNormal", [])
@@ -51,18 +51,19 @@ def geo_MOUNTAIN_general(
- 'Vector': nw.add(position, position_shift),
- 'Scale': scale, 'Detail': detail, 'Roughness': roughness
- }
+ "Vector": nw.add(position, position_shift),
+ "Scale": scale,
+ "Detail": detail,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ },
- 0.5
+ 0.5,
- zscale
+ zscale,
offset = nw.scalar_max(*noises)
if n_crack > 0:
cracks = []
for i in range(n_crack):
@@ -71,27 +72,46 @@ def geo_MOUNTAIN_general(
detail = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label=f"crack_modulation_detail{i}")
detail.outputs[0].default_value = rg(crack_modulation_params["detail"])
roughness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label=f"crack_modulation_roughness{i}")
- roughness.outputs[0].default_value = rg(crack_modulation_params["roughness"])
+ roughness.outputs[0].default_value = rg(
+ crack_modulation_params["roughness"]
+ )
position_shift = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label=f"position_shift_mask{i}")
position_shift.vector = nw.get_position_translation_seed(f"mask{i}")
mask = nw.new_node(
- input_kwargs={'Vector': nw.add(position, position_shift), 'Scale': scale, 'Detail': detail, 'Roughness': roughness}
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": nw.add(position, position_shift),
+ "Scale": scale,
+ "Detail": detail,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ },
- position_shift = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label=f"position_shift_slope_modulation{i}")
- position_shift.vector = nw.get_position_translation_seed(f"slope_modulation{i}")
+ position_shift = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Vector, label=f"position_shift_slope_modulation{i}"
+ )
+ position_shift.vector = nw.get_position_translation_seed(
+ f"slope_modulation{i}"
+ )
- slope_modulation = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={
- "Value": nw.new_node(
- Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': nw.add(position, position_shift), 'Scale': scale, 'Detail': detail, 'Roughness': roughness}
- ),
- "From Min": 0.45,
- "From Max": 0.55
- })
+ slope_modulation = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": nw.add(position, position_shift),
+ "Scale": scale,
+ "Detail": detail,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ },
+ ),
+ "From Min": 0.45,
+ "From Max": 0.55,
+ },
+ )
scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label=f"crack_scale{i}")
scale.outputs[0].default_value = rg(crack_params["scale"])
@@ -106,40 +126,47 @@ def geo_MOUNTAIN_general(
mask_rampmax = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label=f"crack_mask_rampmax{i}")
mask_rampmax.outputs[0].default_value = rg(crack_params["mask_rampmax"])
- mask_crack = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={
- "Value": mask,
- "From Min": nw.scalar_add(mask_rampmin, 0.5),
- "From Max": nw.scalar_add(mask_rampmax, 0.5)
- })
+ mask_crack = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": mask,
+ "From Min": nw.scalar_add(mask_rampmin, 0.5),
+ "From Max": nw.scalar_add(mask_rampmax, 0.5),
+ },
+ )
zscale_modulation = nw.scalar_multiply(
- slope_modulation # reuse
- )
+ slope_modulation, # reuse
+ ),
slope_modulation = nw.scalar_multiply(
nw.scalar_divide(1.0, slope_scale),
- nw.power(
- nw.scalar_divide(1.0, slope_base),
- slope_modulation
- )
+ nw.power(nw.scalar_divide(1.0, slope_base), slope_modulation),
position_shift = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label=f"position_shift_crack{i}")
position_shift.vector = nw.get_position_translation_seed(f"crack{i}")
crack = nw.scalar_multiply(
- nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={
- "Value": nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': nw.add(position, position_shift), 'Scale': scale},
- attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"}
- ),
- "From Max": slope_modulation,
- "To Min": -1.0,
- "To Max": 0.0
- }),
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": nw.add(position, position_shift),
+ "Scale": scale,
+ },
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ ),
+ "From Max": slope_modulation,
+ "To Min": -1.0,
+ "To Max": 0.0,
+ },
+ ),
- zscale_modulation
+ zscale_modulation,
offset = nw.scalar_add(offset, nw.scalar_add(*cracks))
@@ -153,85 +180,103 @@ def geo_MOUNTAIN_general(
def geo_MOUNTAIN(
nw: NodeWrangler,
- noise_params={"scale": ("uniform", 1, 5), "detail": 8, "roughness": 0.7, "zscale": ("power_uniform", -1, -0.5)},
+ noise_params={
+ "scale": ("uniform", 1, 5),
+ "detail": 8,
+ "roughness": 0.7,
+ "zscale": ("power_uniform", -1, -0.5),
+ },
- crack_params={"scale": ("uniform", 1, 5), "zscale_scale": 0.02, "slope_scale": 5, "slope_base": 3, "mask_rampmin": 0.0, "mask_rampmax": 0.3},
+ crack_params={
+ "scale": ("uniform", 1, 5),
+ "zscale_scale": 0.02,
+ "slope_scale": 5,
+ "slope_base": 3,
+ "mask_rampmin": 0.0,
+ "mask_rampmax": 0.3,
+ },
crack_modulation_params={"scale": 1, "detail": 5, "roughness": 0.5},
- selection=None
+ selection=None,
groupinput = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput)
- offset = geo_MOUNTAIN_general(nw, n_noise, noise_params, n_crack, crack_params, crack_modulation_params)
- if selection is not None: offset = nw.multiply(offset, surface.eval_argument(nw, selection))
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": groupinput, "Offset": offset})
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
+ offset = geo_MOUNTAIN_general(
+ nw, n_noise, noise_params, n_crack, crack_params, crack_modulation_params
+ )
+ if selection is not None:
+ offset = nw.multiply(offset, surface.eval_argument(nw, selection))
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": groupinput, "Offset": offset}
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position})
def shader_MOUNTAIN(
- nw,
- obj,
- is_rock=False,
- spherical=False,
- preset_zrange=(0, 120),
- color=None,
- shader_roughness=1,
- num_layers=16,
- random_seed=0,
- layered_mountain=True,
- prob_arranged_layers=0.1,
- hue_diff=0.1,
- max_sat=0.4,
- max_val=0.4,
- snowy=False,
- *args,
- **kwargs
- ):
+ nw,
+ obj,
+ is_rock=False,
+ spherical=False,
+ preset_zrange=(0, 120),
+ color=("palette", "mountain soil"),
+ shader_roughness=1,
+ num_layers=16,
+ random_seed=0,
+ layered_mountain=True,
+ prob_arranged_layers=0.1,
+ hue_diff=0.1,
+ max_sat=0.4,
+ max_val=0.4,
+ snowy=False,
+ *args,
+ **kwargs,
with FixedSeed(random_seed):
if np.random.uniform() > prob_arranged_layers:
arranged_layers = True
arranged_layers = False
shader_roughness = rg(shader_roughness)
layered_mountain = rg(layered_mountain)
if layered_mountain:
- tex_coor = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeNewGeometry', [])
+ tex_coor = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeNewGeometry", [])
if spherical:
- z = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, [(tex_coor, 0)], attrs={"operation": "LENGTH"})
- z = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeMapRange', [z])
+ z = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, [(tex_coor, 0)], attrs={"operation": "LENGTH"}
+ )
+ z = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeMapRange", [z])
- z = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeSeparateXYZ', [(tex_coor, 0)])
- z = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeMapRange', [(z, 2)])
+ z = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeSeparateXYZ", [(tex_coor, 0)])
+ z = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeMapRange", [(z, 2)])
z_noise_mag = np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.4)
if preset_zrange is None:
# map value from (-z_noise_mag / 2) to (1 - z_noise_mag / 2)
- z_min = 0 # obj.bound_box[0][-1]
+ z_min = 0 # obj.bound_box[0][-1]
z_max = obj.bound_box[1][-1]
z_min, z_max = preset_zrange
# z_min must be 0 to avoid sediment under water
z.inputs[1].default_value = z_min # from min
z.inputs[2].default_value = z_max # from max
z.inputs[3].default_value = -1 * (z_noise_mag / 2) # to min
z.inputs[4].default_value = 1 - (z_noise_mag / 2) # to max
- z_noise = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeTexNoise',
- input_kwargs={'Vector': (tex_coor, 0), 'Scale': 0.1, "Detail": 9},
+ z_noise = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeTexNoise",
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": (tex_coor, 0), "Scale": 0.1, "Detail": 9},
# noise scale
- z_noise = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeMath', [z_noise])
- z_noise.operation = 'MULTIPLY'
+ z_noise = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeMath", [z_noise])
+ z_noise.operation = "MULTIPLY"
z_noise.inputs[1].default_value = np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.3)
z = nw.add2(z, z_noise)
- ramp = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeValToRGB', [z])
+ ramp = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeValToRGB", [z])
elements = ramp.color_ramp.elements
# todo: better way to sample the initial color
@@ -242,27 +287,29 @@ def shader_MOUNTAIN(
cur_color = rg(color)
elements[-1].color = cur_color
cur_loc = 1
for _ in range(num_layers):
if arranged_layers:
- cur_loc -= (np.random.uniform() * 2 / num_layers)
+ cur_loc -= np.random.uniform() * 2 / num_layers
cur_loc = max(0, cur_loc)
cur_loc = np.random.uniform()
element = elements.new(cur_loc)
if color is None:
- cur_color = random_color_neighbour(cur_color, sat_diff=None, val_diff=None, hue_diff=hue_diff)
+ cur_color = random_color_neighbour(
+ cur_color, sat_diff=None, val_diff=None, hue_diff=hue_diff
+ )
cur_color = clip_hsv(cur_color, max_s=max_sat, max_v=max_val)
cur_color = rg(color)
element.color = cur_color
# ambient occlusion
- amb_occl = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeAmbientOcclusion', [])
- ramp = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeMixRGB', [amb_occl, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), ramp])
+ amb_occl = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeAmbientOcclusion", [])
+ ramp = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeMixRGB", [amb_occl, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), ramp]
+ )
if color is None:
@@ -271,45 +318,74 @@ def shader_MOUNTAIN(
ramp = rg(color)[:3]
color_ = nw.multiply(
- nw.scalar_max(0.2,
- nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, [
- nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, [
- nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, [
- (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
- (nw.new_node("ShaderNodeNewGeometry", []), 1)
- ], attrs={'operation': 'DOT_PRODUCT'})
- ], attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'}),
- 3
- ], attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- )
+ nw.scalar_max(
+ 0.2,
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ [
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ [
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ (nw.new_node("ShaderNodeNewGeometry", []), 1),
+ ],
+ attrs={"operation": "DOT_PRODUCT"},
+ )
+ ],
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"},
+ ),
+ 3,
+ ],
+ attrs={"operation": "POWER"},
+ ),
+ ),
if snowy:
if not is_rock:
normal_params = snowfall_params()["detailed_normal_params"]
normal_params = snowfall_params()["on_rock_normal_params"]
- normal = (nw.new_node('ShaderNodeNewGeometry'), 1)
+ normal = (nw.new_node("ShaderNodeNewGeometry"), 1)
weights = [0]
for normal_preference, (th0, th1) in normal_params:
- disturb = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Scale': 0.1, 'Detail': 9})
+ disturb = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 0.1, "Detail": 9}
+ )
th0 = nw.scalar_add(disturb, th0 - 0.5)
th1 = nw.scalar_add(disturb, th1 - 0.5)
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': nw.dot(normal, normal_preference), 1: th0, 2: th1})
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": nw.dot(normal, normal_preference),
+ 1: th0,
+ 2: th1,
+ },
+ )
weights = nw.scalar_add(*weights)
weights.use_clamp = 1
- color_ = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeMixRGB', [weights, color_, [0.904]*3 + [1]])
+ color_ = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeMixRGB", [weights, color_, [0.904] * 3 + [1]]
+ )
- bsdf_mountain = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled",
- [color_, None, None, None, None, None, None,
- None, None, shader_roughness])
+ bsdf_mountain = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled",
+ [color_, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, shader_roughness],
+ )
return bsdf_mountain
def apply(objs, selection=None, **kwargs):
if isinstance(objs, list) and len(objs) == 0:
surface.add_geomod(objs, geo_MOUNTAIN, selection=selection)
- surface.add_material(objs, shader_MOUNTAIN, selection=selection,
- input_kwargs={"obj": objs[0] if isinstance(objs, list) else objs, **kwargs})
+ surface.add_material(
+ objs,
+ shader_MOUNTAIN,
+ selection=selection,
+ input_kwargs={"obj": objs[0] if isinstance(objs, list) else objs, **kwargs},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/mud.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/mud.py
index 6f8073cff..c8d424752 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/mud.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/mud.py
@@ -3,145 +3,229 @@
# Authors: Mingzhe Wang
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+import gin
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-import gin
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes
type = SurfaceTypes.SDFPerturb
mod_name = "geo_mud"
name = "mud"
def shader_mud(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
geometry_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NewGeometry)
- noise_texture_1_w = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='noise_texture_1_w')
+ noise_texture_1_w = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="noise_texture_1_w")
noise_texture_1_w.outputs[0].default_value = 9.6366
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': geometry_5.outputs["Position"], 'W': noise_texture_1_w, 'Scale': N(5, 0.5)},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": geometry_5.outputs["Position"],
+ "W": noise_texture_1_w,
+ "Scale": N(5, 0.5),
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
color1 = [0.0216, 0.0145, 0.0113, 1.0000]
- color2 = [0.0424, 0.0308, 0.0142, 1.0000]
+ color2 = [0.0424, 0.0308, 0.0142, 1.0000]
for i in range(3):
color1[i] += N(0, 0.005)
color2[i] += N(0, 0.005)
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]})
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0000
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = color1
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0000
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = color2
geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NewGeometry)
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': geometry_1.outputs["Position"], 'Scale': 0.2000, 'W': U(-10, 10)},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D', 'musgrave_type': 'RIDGED_MULTIFRACTAL'})
- colorramp_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': musgrave_texture})
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": geometry_1.outputs["Position"],
+ "Scale": 0.2000,
+ "W": U(-10, 10),
+ },
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D", "musgrave_type": "RIDGED_MULTIFRACTAL"},
+ )
+ colorramp_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": musgrave_texture})
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0000
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[1].position = N(0.1045, 0.01)
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
x1 = U(0.85, 0.95)
x2 = U(0.65, 0.75)
- colorramp_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_5.outputs["Color"]})
+ colorramp_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": colorramp_5.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp_6.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0000
colorramp_6.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [x1, x1, x1, 1.0000]
colorramp_6.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0000
colorramp_6.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [x2, x2, x2, 1.0000]
x1 = U(0.05, 0.15)
x2 = U(0.45, 0.55)
- colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]})
+ colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0000
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [x1, x1, x1, 1.0000]
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0000
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [x2, x2, x2, 1.0000]
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_5.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000), 'Color2': colorramp_4.outputs["Color"]})
- principled_bsdf_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp_3.outputs["Color"], 'Specular': colorramp_6.outputs["Color"], 'Roughness': mix_3})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf_2}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_5.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000),
+ "Color2": colorramp_4.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp_3.outputs["Color"],
+ "Specular": colorramp_6.outputs["Color"],
+ "Roughness": mix_3,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf_2},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
return principled_bsdf_2
def geo_mud(nw: NodeWrangler, random_seed=0, selection=None):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
with FixedSeed(random_seed):
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
position_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': position_5})
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': nw.new_value(N(0.6, 0.1), "mix_2_fac"), 'Color1': noise_texture_3.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': position_5})
- noise_texture_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': mix_2, 'Scale': nw.new_value(N(50, 5), "noise_texture_4_scale")})
- voronoi_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': mix_2, 'Scale': nw.new_value(N(3.0000, 0.5), "voronoi_texture_2_scale")})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': voronoi_texture_2.outputs["Distance"]})
+ noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": position_5}
+ )
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": nw.new_value(N(0.6, 0.1), "mix_2_fac"),
+ "Color1": noise_texture_3.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": position_5,
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mix_2,
+ "Scale": nw.new_value(N(50, 5), "noise_texture_4_scale"),
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mix_2,
+ "Scale": nw.new_value(N(3.0000, 0.5), "voronoi_texture_2_scale"),
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture_2.outputs["Distance"]}
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0000
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0000
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
- float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Value': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]})
+ float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
- float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0000, 0.0000), (0.3386, 0.0844), (0.8114, 0.6312), (1.0000, 0.7656)]
+ float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0000, 0.0000), (0.3386, 0.0844), (0.8114, 0.6312), (1.0000, 0.7656)],
# node_utils.assign_curve(
- # float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
+ # float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
# [(0.0000, 0.0000), (0.3386+N(0, 0.05), 0.0844), (0.8114+N(0, 0.05), 0.6312), (1.0000, 0.7656)]
# )
value_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value_6.outputs[0].default_value = N(2, 0.2)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: float_curve_1, 1: value_6}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_4.outputs["Fac"], 1: multiply.outputs["Vector"]})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve_1, 1: value_6},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: noise_texture_4.outputs["Fac"],
+ 1: multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: add.outputs["Vector"], 1: normal}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: add.outputs["Vector"], 1: normal},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
value_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value_5.outputs[0].default_value = N(0.04, 0.005)
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: multiply_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: value_5},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
offset = multiply_2.outputs["Vector"]
if selection is not None:
offset = nw.multiply(offset, surface.eval_argument(nw, selection))
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': offset})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": offset,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_mud, selection=selection)
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_mud, selection=selection)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(obj, shader_mud, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/new_whitewater.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/new_whitewater.py
index 0d3980033..6b0b2f3a4 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/new_whitewater.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/new_whitewater.py
@@ -3,15 +3,13 @@
# Authors: Karhan Kayan
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from numpy.random import normal
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_color_neighbour
def new_whitewater(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
@@ -19,7 +17,9 @@ def new_whitewater(nw: NodeWrangler):
"Base Color": (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000),
- "Subsurface Color": random_color_neighbour((0.7147, 0.6062, 0.8000, 1.0000), 0.05, 0.05, 0.05),
+ "Subsurface Color": random_color_neighbour(
+ (0.7147, 0.6062, 0.8000, 1.0000), 0.05, 0.05, 0.05
+ ),
"Specular": 0.0886 + 0.01 * normal(),
"Roughness": 0.1500,
"Sheen Tint": 0.0000,
@@ -43,4 +43,4 @@ def new_whitewater(nw: NodeWrangler):
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_material(obj, new_whitewater, selection=selection)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(obj, new_whitewater, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/nose.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/nose.py
index 797746dee..671f8b0e8 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/nose.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/nose.py
@@ -4,39 +4,47 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
def shader_nose(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': U(2, 6), 'Detail': 14.699999999999999, 'Dimension': 1.5})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': musgrave_texture})
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": U(2, 6), "Detail": 14.699999999999999, "Dimension": 1.5},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": musgrave_texture})
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = U(0.2, 0.6)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.008, 0.0053, 0.0044, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.7068, 0.436, 0.35, 1.0)
- musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 10.0})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': musgrave_texture_1, 3: N(0.4, 0.1), 4: N(0.7, 0.15)})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Roughness': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 10.0}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": musgrave_texture_1, 3: N(0.4, 0.1), 4: N(0.7, 0.15)},
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Roughness": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/oven_shaders.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/oven_shaders.py
index c6e3017e9..b672c2f02 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/oven_shaders.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/oven_shaders.py
@@ -8,21 +8,39 @@
def shader_super_black_glass(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- glossy_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.GlossyBSDF, input_kwargs={'Color': (0.0095, 0.0095, 0.0095, 1.0000), 'Roughness': 0.0000})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': glossy_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ glossy_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GlossyBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Color": (0.0095, 0.0095, 0.0095, 1.0000), "Roughness": 0.0000},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": glossy_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def shader_black_medal(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- anisotropic_bsdf = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBsdfAnisotropic', input_kwargs={'Color': (0.0167, 0.0167, 0.0167, 1.0000)})
+ anisotropic_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBsdfAnisotropic",
+ input_kwargs={"Color": (0.0167, 0.0167, 0.0167, 1.0000)},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": anisotropic_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': anisotropic_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
def shader_glass(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- glass_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.GlassBSDF, input_kwargs={'IOR': 1.5000})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': glass_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ glass_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.GlassBSDF, input_kwargs={"IOR": 1.5000})
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": glass_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/plaster.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/plaster.py
index 918108828..589ac0f3f 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/plaster.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/plaster.py
@@ -4,56 +4,77 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
from collections.abc import Iterable
-import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_plane
+from infinigen.assets.materials import common
from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import unwrap_normal
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_utils import build_color_ramp
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.assets.materials import common
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_utils import build_color_ramp
def shader_plaster(nw: NodeWrangler, plaster_colored, **kwargs):
hue = uniform(0, 1)
- front_value = log_uniform(.5, 1.)
- back_value = front_value * uniform(.6, 1)
+ front_value = log_uniform(0.5, 1.0)
+ back_value = front_value * uniform(0.6, 1)
if plaster_colored:
- front_color = hsv2rgba(hue, uniform(.3, .5), front_value)
- back_color = hsv2rgba(hue + uniform(-.1, .1), uniform(.3, .5), back_value)
+ front_color = hsv2rgba(hue, uniform(0.3, 0.5), front_value)
+ back_color = hsv2rgba(hue + uniform(-0.1, 0.1), uniform(0.3, 0.5), back_value)
front_color = hsv2rgba(hue, 0, front_value)
- back_color = hsv2rgba(hue + uniform(-.1, .1), 0, back_value)
+ back_color = hsv2rgba(hue + uniform(-0.1, 0.1), 0, back_value)
uv_map = nw.new_node(Nodes.UVMap)
- musgrave = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture, [uv_map],
- input_kwargs={'Detail': log_uniform(15, 30), 'Dimension': 0})
- noise = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, [uv_map],
- input_kwargs={'Detail': log_uniform(15, 30), 'Distortion': log_uniform(4, 8)})
- noise = build_color_ramp(nw, noise, [0, uniform(.3, .5)], [(0, 0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1)])
- difference = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [musgrave, noise], attrs={'blend_type': 'DIFFERENCE'})
- base_color = build_color_ramp(nw, difference, [uniform(.2, .3), 1], [back_color, front_color])
- displacement = nw.new_node(Nodes.Displacement, input_kwargs={
- 'Scale': log_uniform(.0001, .0003),
- 'Height': nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture, input_kwargs={'Scale': uniform(1e3, 2e3)})
- })
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- 'Base Color': base_color,
- 'Roughness': uniform(.7, .8),
- })
- nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf, 'Displacement': displacement})
+ musgrave = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ [uv_map],
+ input_kwargs={"Detail": log_uniform(15, 30), "Dimension": 0},
+ )
+ noise = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ [uv_map],
+ input_kwargs={"Detail": log_uniform(15, 30), "Distortion": log_uniform(4, 8)},
+ )
+ noise = build_color_ramp(
+ nw, noise, [0, uniform(0.3, 0.5)], [(0, 0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1)]
+ )
+ difference = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB, [musgrave, noise], attrs={"blend_type": "DIFFERENCE"}
+ )
+ base_color = build_color_ramp(
+ nw, difference, [uniform(0.2, 0.3), 1], [back_color, front_color]
+ )
+ displacement = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Displacement,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Scale": log_uniform(0.0001, 0.0003),
+ "Height": nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": uniform(1e3, 2e3)}
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": base_color,
+ "Roughness": uniform(0.7, 0.8),
+ },
+ )
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf, "Displacement": displacement},
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, plaster_colored=None, **kwargs):
if plaster_colored is None:
- plaster_colored = uniform() < .4
+ plaster_colored = uniform() < 0.4
for o in obj if isinstance(obj, Iterable) else [obj]:
unwrap_normal(o, selection)
- common.apply(obj, shader_plaster, selection, plaster_colored=plaster_colored, **kwargs)
+ common.apply(
+ obj, shader_plaster, selection, plaster_colored=plaster_colored, **kwargs
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/plastic.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/plastic.py
index 1dd6912b8..d9f12540f 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/plastic.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/plastic.py
@@ -4,21 +4,24 @@
# Authors: Mingzhe Wang, Lingjie Mei
-import colorsys
-from infinigen.assets.materials.plastics.plastic_rough import shader_rough_plastic
-from infinigen.assets.materials.plastics.plastic_translucent import shader_translucent_plastic
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.assets.materials import common
from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials import common
+from infinigen.assets.materials.plastics.plastic_rough import shader_rough_plastic
+from infinigen.assets.materials.plastics.plastic_translucent import (
+ shader_translucent_plastic,
def apply(obj, selection=None, clear=None, **kwargs):
- is_rough = kwargs.get('rough', uniform(0, 1))
- is_translucent = kwargs.get('translucent', uniform(0, 1))
+ is_rough = kwargs.get("rough", uniform(0, 1))
+ is_translucent = kwargs.get("translucent", uniform(0, 1))
if clear is None:
- clear = uniform() < .2
- shader_func = shader_rough_plastic if is_rough > is_translucent else shader_translucent_plastic
+ clear = uniform() < 0.2
+ shader_func = (
+ shader_rough_plastic
+ if is_rough > is_translucent
+ else shader_translucent_plastic
+ )
common.apply(obj, shader_func, selection, clear=clear, **kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/plastics/plastic_rough.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/plastics/plastic_rough.py
index c2db3bd0e..f2ceacc11 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/plastics/plastic_rough.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/plastics/plastic_rough.py
@@ -4,56 +4,96 @@
# Authors: Mingzhe Wang, Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
+from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.assets.materials import common
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core import surface
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_plastics', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_plastics", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree")
def nodegroup_plastics(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketColor', 'Base Color', (0.8000, 0.8000, 0.8000, 1.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 5.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Seed', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Roughness', 0.0000)])
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Roughness"], 3: 0.0500, 4: 0.2500})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': group_input.outputs["Base Color"], 'Roughness': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketColor", "Base Color", (0.8000, 0.8000, 0.8000, 1.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 5.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Seed", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Roughness", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Roughness"], 3: 0.0500, 4: 0.2500},
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": group_input.outputs["Base Color"],
+ "Roughness": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Scale"], 1: 2000.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'W': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': multiply, 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Distortion': 2.0000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.4000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": multiply,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Distortion": 2.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.4000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: 0.0030}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'BSDF': principled_bsdf, 'Displacement': multiply_3},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def shader_rough_plastic(nw: NodeWrangler, scale=1.0, base_color=None, roughness=None, seed=None, clear=False, **kwargs):
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: 0.0030},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"BSDF": principled_bsdf, "Displacement": multiply_3},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def shader_rough_plastic(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ scale=1.0,
+ base_color=None,
+ roughness=None,
+ seed=None,
+ clear=False,
+ **kwargs,
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
if roughness is None:
roughness = uniform(0.0, 1.0)
@@ -61,23 +101,33 @@ def shader_rough_plastic(nw: NodeWrangler, scale=1.0, base_color=None, roughness
seed = uniform(-1000.0, 1000.0)
if base_color is None:
if clear:
- base_color = hsv2rgba(0, 0, log_uniform(.02, .8))
+ base_color = hsv2rgba(0, 0, log_uniform(0.02, 0.8))
- base_color = hsv2rgba(uniform(0, 1), uniform(.5, .8), log_uniform(.01, .5))
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_plastics().name,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': base_color,
- 'Scale': scale,
- 'Seed': seed,
- 'Roughness': roughness,
- })
- displacement = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeDisplacement', input_kwargs={'Height': group.outputs["Displacement"], 'Midlevel': 0.0000})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': group.outputs["BSDF"], 'Displacement': displacement},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ base_color = hsv2rgba(
+ uniform(0, 1), uniform(0.5, 0.8), log_uniform(0.01, 0.5)
+ )
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_plastics().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": base_color,
+ "Scale": scale,
+ "Seed": seed,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ },
+ )
+ displacement = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeDisplacement",
+ input_kwargs={"Height": group.outputs["Displacement"], "Midlevel": 0.0000},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": group.outputs["BSDF"], "Displacement": displacement},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- common.apply(obj, shader_rough_plastic, selection, **kwargs)
\ No newline at end of file
+ common.apply(obj, shader_rough_plastic, selection, **kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/plastics/plastic_translucent.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/plastics/plastic_translucent.py
index d41a04264..14fb2d15f 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/plastics/plastic_translucent.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/plastics/plastic_translucent.py
@@ -4,41 +4,54 @@
# Authors: Mingzhe Wang, Lingjie Mei
-import colorsys
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.assets.materials import common
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import sample_range
-from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
def shader_translucent_plastic(nw: NodeWrangler, clear=False, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- layer_weight = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeLayerWeight', input_kwargs={'Blend': sample_range(0.2, 0.4)})
+ layer_weight = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeLayerWeight", input_kwargs={"Blend": sample_range(0.2, 0.4)}
+ )
rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
if clear:
- base_color = hsv2rgba(0, 0, log_uniform(.4, .8))
+ base_color = hsv2rgba(0, 0, log_uniform(0.4, 0.8))
- base_color = hsv2rgba(uniform(0, 1), uniform(.5, .8), log_uniform(.4, .8))
+ base_color = hsv2rgba(uniform(0, 1), uniform(0.5, 0.8), log_uniform(0.4, 0.8))
rgb.outputs[0].default_value = base_color
value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value.outputs[0].default_value = sample_range(1.2, 1.6)
- glass_bsdf = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBsdfGlass', input_kwargs={'Color': rgb, 'Roughness': 0.2, 'IOR': value})
+ glass_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBsdfGlass",
+ input_kwargs={"Color": rgb, "Roughness": 0.2, "IOR": value},
+ )
- glossy_bsdf = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBsdfGlossy', input_kwargs={'Roughness': 0.2})
+ glossy_bsdf = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeBsdfGlossy", input_kwargs={"Roughness": 0.2})
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': layer_weight.outputs["Fresnel"], 1: glass_bsdf, 2: glossy_bsdf
- })
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": layer_weight.outputs["Fresnel"],
+ 1: glass_bsdf,
+ 2: glossy_bsdf,
+ },
+ )
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader})
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader}
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- common.apply(obj, shader_translucent_plastic, selection, **kwargs)
\ No newline at end of file
+ common.apply(obj, shader_translucent_plastic, selection, **kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/reptile_brown_circle_attr.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/reptile_brown_circle_attr.py
index c08130923..231e74f88 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/reptile_brown_circle_attr.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/reptile_brown_circle_attr.py
@@ -4,90 +4,101 @@
# Authors: Mingzhe Wang
-import os, sys
-import numpy as np
-import math as ma
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import clip, sample_range, sample_ratio, sample_color, geo_voronoi_noise
+import os
import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.shader import nodegroup_color_mask
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.shader import nodegroup_color_mask
def shader_brown_circle(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'local_pos'})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': attribute_2.outputs["Color"]})
+ attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "local_pos"})
+ reroute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": attribute_2.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value.outputs[0].default_value = 10.0
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': reroute, 'Scale': value},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '2D'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': reroute})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.0, 'Color1': reroute, 'Color2': noise_texture.outputs["Color"]})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix, 'Scale': value},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '2D', 'feature': 'SMOOTH_F1'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 1: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- power = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 2.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: power, 1: 10000.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: 2.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': divide})
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": reroute, "Scale": value},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "2D"},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": reroute})
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.0,
+ "Color1": reroute,
+ "Color2": noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mix, "Scale": value},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "2D", "feature": "SMOOTH_F1"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ power = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 2.0}, attrs={"operation": "POWER"}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: power, 1: 10000.0}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 1.0}, attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"}
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: 2.0}, attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"}
+ )
+ colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": divide})
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0591
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.1136
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_color_mask().name)
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'value'})
- less_than_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "value"})
+ less_than_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: attribute.outputs["Color"], 1: 0.85},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'index'})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute_1.outputs["Color"], 'Scale': 100.0})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]})
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "index"})
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute_1.outputs["Color"], "Scale": 100.0},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
@@ -101,12 +112,14 @@ def shader_brown_circle(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[3].color = (0.7346, 0.456, 0.2857, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[4].position = 0.9455
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[4].color = (0.2134, 0.0921, 0.0372, 1.0)
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': reroute, 'Scale': 500.0})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"]})
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": reroute, "Scale": 500.0}
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
@@ -120,55 +133,89 @@ def shader_brown_circle(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[3].color = (0.6724, 0.4179, 0.2623, 1.0)
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[4].position = 1.0
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[4].color = (0.1946, 0.0844, 0.0343, 1.0)
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Color1': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'MULTIPLY'})
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': less_than_1, 'Color1': (0.4969, 0.305, 0.1746, 1.0), 'Color2': mix_1})
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': group})
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Color1": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"blend_type": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": less_than_1,
+ "Color1": (0.4969, 0.305, 0.1746, 1.0),
+ "Color2": mix_1,
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": group})
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.4969, 0.305, 0.1746, 1.0)
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.9684, 1.0, 0.6723, 1.0)
- mix_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': group, 'Color1': mix_2, 'Color2': colorramp_3.outputs["Color"]})
- power_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 2.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ mix_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": group,
+ "Color1": mix_2,
+ "Color2": colorramp_3.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ power_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 2.0}, attrs={"operation": "POWER"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: power_1, 1: 1000000.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- less_than_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ less_than_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: 0.001},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: less_than_2, 1: divide},
- attrs={'use_clamp': True})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: less_than_2, 1: divide}, attrs={"use_clamp": True}
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: less_than_2, 1: attribute_1.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply_2.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 100.0, 'Roughness': 0.49})
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': less_than_2, 'Color1': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 'Color2': noise_texture_3.outputs["Fac"]})
- mix_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': less_than_2, 'Color1': add, 'Color2': mix_3})
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': mix_4})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": multiply_2.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": 100.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.49,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": less_than_2,
+ "Color1": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ "Color2": noise_texture_3.outputs["Fac"],
+ },
+ )
+ mix_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB, input_kwargs={"Fac": less_than_2, "Color1": add, "Color2": mix_3}
+ )
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix_4})
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0045
@@ -179,128 +226,219 @@ def shader_brown_circle(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[3].position = 0.5591
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[3].color = (0.4524, 0.3119, 0.1992, 1.0)
- mix_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_4.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': mix_6, 'Color2': colorramp_2.outputs["Color"]})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_5})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ mix_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_4.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": mix_6,
+ "Color2": colorramp_2.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix_5}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def geometry_reptile_vor(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'value', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "value", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["value"], 1: normal},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.003
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: multiply.outputs["Vector"], 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': multiply_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": multiply_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
def geometry_reptile_vor_attr(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"]}
+ )
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value.outputs[0].default_value = 1.0
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: position, 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 6.0, 'Detail': 15.0})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.1, 'Color1': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Color2': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'ADD'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": 6.0,
+ "Detail": 15.0,
+ },
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.1,
+ "Color1": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Color2": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ },
+ attrs={"blend_type": "ADD"},
+ )
value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0
value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value_2.outputs[0].default_value = 80.0
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix, 'W': value_1, 'Scale': value_2},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D', 'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]})
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mix, "W": value_1, "Scale": value_2},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D", "feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.02
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.2
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 100.0})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]})
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": 100.0},
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.1
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.4
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]})
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 1: mix_1},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix, 'W': value_1, 'Scale': value_2},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D'})
- capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 1: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Position"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"], 'attr1': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"], 'attr2': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Attribute"]})
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, 1: mix_1},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mix, "W": value_1, "Scale": value_2},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 1: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "attr1": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "attr2": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Attribute"],
+ },
+ )
def apply(obj, geo_kwargs=None, shader_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_reptile_vor_attr, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs, attributes=['value', 'index'])
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_reptile_vor, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs, attributes=[])
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geometry_reptile_vor_attr,
+ input_kwargs=geo_kwargs,
+ attributes=["value", "index"],
+ )
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geometry_reptile_vor, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs, attributes=[]
+ )
surface.add_material(obj, shader_brown_circle, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs)
if __name__ == "__main__":
for i in range(1):
- bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath='dev_scene_1019.blend')
- #creature(73349, 0).parts(0, factory=QuadrupedBody)
+ bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath="dev_scene_1019.blend")
+ # creature(73349, 0).parts(0, factory=QuadrupedBody)
import generated_surface_script_replile_gray as gray
import generated_surface_script_replile_two_color as two_color
- apply(bpy.data.objects['creature(73349, 0).parts(0, factory=QuadrupedBody)'], geo_kwargs={'rand': True}, shader_kwargs={'rand': True, 'mat_name':'brown_circle'})
- gray.apply(bpy.data.objects['creature(19946, 0).parts(0, factory=QuadrupedBody)'], geo_kwargs={'rand': True}, shader_kwargs={'rand': True, 'mat_name':'two_color'})
- two_color.apply(bpy.data.objects['creature(51668, 0).parts(0, factory=QuadrupedBody)'], geo_kwargs={'rand': True}, shader_kwargs={'rand': True, 'mat_name':'gray'})
- fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), 'dev_scene_test_brown_circle_attr.blend')
+ apply(
+ bpy.data.objects["creature(73349, 0).parts(0, factory=QuadrupedBody)"],
+ geo_kwargs={"rand": True},
+ shader_kwargs={"rand": True, "mat_name": "brown_circle"},
+ )
+ gray.apply(
+ bpy.data.objects["creature(19946, 0).parts(0, factory=QuadrupedBody)"],
+ geo_kwargs={"rand": True},
+ shader_kwargs={"rand": True, "mat_name": "two_color"},
+ )
+ two_color.apply(
+ bpy.data.objects["creature(51668, 0).parts(0, factory=QuadrupedBody)"],
+ geo_kwargs={"rand": True},
+ shader_kwargs={"rand": True, "mat_name": "gray"},
+ )
+ fn = os.path.join(
+ os.path.abspath(os.curdir), "dev_scene_test_brown_circle_attr.blend"
+ )
- #bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join('surfaces/surface_thumbnails', 'bone%d.jpg'%(i))
- #bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format='JPEG'
- #bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True)
\ No newline at end of file
+ # bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join('surfaces/surface_thumbnails', 'bone%d.jpg'%(i))
+ # bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format='JPEG'
+ # bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/reptile_gray_attr.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/reptile_gray_attr.py
index 867173ee0..370858bfe 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/reptile_gray_attr.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/reptile_gray_attr.py
@@ -4,43 +4,34 @@
# Authors: Mingzhe Wang
-import os, sys
-import numpy as np
-import math as ma
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import clip, sample_range, sample_ratio, sample_color, geo_voronoi_noise
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.shader import nodegroup_color_mask
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.shader import nodegroup_color_mask
def shader_gray(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_color_mask().name)
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': group})
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": group})
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'value'})
- attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'index'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute_1.outputs["Color"], 'Scale': 10.0})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture.outputs["Color"]})
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "value"})
+ attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "index"})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute_1.outputs["Color"], "Scale": 10.0},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.1
@@ -51,132 +42,224 @@ def shader_gray(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.0489, 0.0488, 0.0489, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[3].position = 0.8227
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[3].color = (0.0282, 0.0252, 0.027, 1.0)
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"], 'Scale': 200.0})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]})
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"],
+ "Scale": 200.0,
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': (0.033, 0.033, 0.033, 1.0), 'Color2': mix})
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_2.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': mix_1, 'Color2': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_2, 'Roughness': 1.0})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": attribute.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": (0.033, 0.033, 0.033, 1.0),
+ "Color2": mix,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_2.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": mix_1,
+ "Color2": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix_2, "Roughness": 1.0}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def geometry_reptile_vor(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'value', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "value", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["value"], 1: normal},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.003
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: multiply.outputs["Vector"], 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': multiply_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": multiply_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
def geometry_reptile_vor_attr(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"]}
+ )
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value.outputs[0].default_value = 1.0
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: position, 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 6.0, 'Detail': 15.0})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.1, 'Color1': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Color2': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'ADD'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": 6.0,
+ "Detail": 15.0,
+ },
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.1,
+ "Color1": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Color2": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ },
+ attrs={"blend_type": "ADD"},
+ )
value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0
value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value_2.outputs[0].default_value = 80.0
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix, 'W': value_1, 'Scale': value_2},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D', 'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]})
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mix, "W": value_1, "Scale": value_2},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D", "feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.02
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.2
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 100.0})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]})
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": 100.0},
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.1
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.4
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]})
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 1: mix_1},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix, 'W': value_1, 'Scale': value_2},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D'})
- capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 1: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Position"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"], 'attr1': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"], 'attr2': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Attribute"]})
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, 1: mix_1},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mix, "W": value_1, "Scale": value_2},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 1: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "attr1": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "attr2": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Attribute"],
+ },
+ )
def apply(obj, geo_kwargs=None, shader_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_reptile_vor_attr, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs, attributes=['value', 'index'])
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_reptile_vor, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs, attributes=[])
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geometry_reptile_vor_attr,
+ input_kwargs=geo_kwargs,
+ attributes=["value", "index"],
+ )
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geometry_reptile_vor, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs, attributes=[]
+ )
surface.add_material(obj, shader_gray, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/reptile_two_color_attr.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/reptile_two_color_attr.py
index 2f6994ed1..c3331be32 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/reptile_two_color_attr.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/reptile_two_color_attr.py
@@ -4,50 +4,69 @@
# Authors: Mingzhe Wang
-import os, sys
-import numpy as np
-import math as ma
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import clip, sample_range, sample_ratio, sample_color, geo_voronoi_noise
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.shader import nodegroup_color_mask
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.shader import nodegroup_color_mask
def shader_two_color(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_color_mask().name)
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"], 'Rotation': (0.5236, -0.6807, 0.0)})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 3.0, 'Detail': 10.0, 'Distortion': 0.5})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 20.0, 'Detail': 50.0, 'Distortion': 0.5},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.5667, 'Color1': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 'Color2': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"],
+ "Rotation": (0.5236, -0.6807, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Scale": 3.0,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Distortion": 0.5,
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Scale": 20.0,
+ "Detail": 50.0,
+ "Distortion": 0.5,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.5667,
+ "Color1": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Color2": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"],
+ },
+ attrs={"blend_type": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value.outputs[0].default_value = 2.0
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: mix, 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': multiply.outputs["Vector"]})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": multiply.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
@@ -55,9 +74,10 @@ def shader_two_color(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.1064, 0.1064, 0.1064, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 1.0
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp.outputs["Color"]})
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": colorramp.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
@@ -119,123 +139,203 @@ def shader_two_color(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[19].color = (0.0566, 0.0405, 0.0273, 1.0)
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[20].position = 1.0
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[20].color = (0.0356, 0.0247, 0.0168, 1.0)
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': group, 'Color1': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)})
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'value'})
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute.outputs["Color"]})
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": group,
+ "Color1": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "value"})
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": attribute.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.2634, 0.2634, 0.2634, 1.0)
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_1, 'Specular': 0.0, 'Roughness': colorramp_2.outputs["Color"]})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": mix_1,
+ "Specular": 0.0,
+ "Roughness": colorramp_2.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def geometry_reptile_vor(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'value', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "value", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["value"], 1: normal},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.003
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: multiply.outputs["Vector"], 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': multiply_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": multiply_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
def geometry_reptile_vor_attr(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"]}
+ )
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value.outputs[0].default_value = 1.0
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: position, 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 6.0, 'Detail': 15.0})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.1, 'Color1': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Color2': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'ADD'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": 6.0,
+ "Detail": 15.0,
+ },
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.1,
+ "Color1": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Color2": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ },
+ attrs={"blend_type": "ADD"},
+ )
value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0
value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value_2.outputs[0].default_value = 80.0
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix, 'W': value_1, 'Scale': value_2},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D', 'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]})
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mix, "W": value_1, "Scale": value_2},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D", "feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.02
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.2
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 100.0})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]})
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": 100.0},
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.1
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.4
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]})
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 1: mix_1},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix, 'W': value_1, 'Scale': value_2},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D'})
- capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 1: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Position"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"], 'attr1': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"], 'attr2': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Attribute"]})
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, 1: mix_1},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mix, "W": value_1, "Scale": value_2},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 1: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "attr1": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "attr2": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Attribute"],
+ },
+ )
def apply(obj, geo_kwargs=None, shader_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_reptile_vor_attr, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs, attributes=['value', 'index'])
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_reptile_vor, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs, attributes=[])
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geometry_reptile_vor_attr,
+ input_kwargs=geo_kwargs,
+ attributes=["value", "index"],
+ )
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geometry_reptile_vor, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs, attributes=[]
+ )
surface.add_material(obj, shader_two_color, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/river_water.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/river_water.py
index ef7aef798..b0429fadb 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/river_water.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/river_water.py
@@ -3,181 +3,324 @@
# Authors: Karhan Kayan
-import bpy
-import mathutils
from numpy.random import normal as N
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_color_neighbour
def shader_river_water(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
light_path = nw.new_node(Nodes.LightPath)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={1: light_path.outputs["Is Camera Ray"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={1: light_path.outputs["Is Camera Ray"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
transparent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransparentBSDF)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={'Roughness': 0.0000, 'IOR': 1.3300, 'Transmission': 1.0000})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Roughness": 0.0000, "IOR": 1.3300, "Transmission": 1.0000},
+ )
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader, input_kwargs={'Fac': multiply, 1: transparent_bsdf, 2: principled_bsdf})
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": multiply, 1: transparent_bsdf, 2: principled_bsdf},
+ )
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]})
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]}
+ )
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 2: 20.0000, 3: -0.4000})
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 2: 20.0000, 3: -0.4000},
+ )
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": map_range_1.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.interpolation = "B_SPLINE"
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0000
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = random_color_neighbour([0.1982, 0.1841, 0.0513, 1.0000], 0.05, 0.05, 0.05)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = random_color_neighbour(
+ [0.1982, 0.1841, 0.0513, 1.0000], 0.05, 0.05, 0.05
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.3545 + 0.01 * N()
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = random_color_neighbour([0.1278, 0.1384, 0.0615, 1.0000], 0.05, 0.05, 0.05)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = random_color_neighbour(
+ [0.1278, 0.1384, 0.0615, 1.0000], 0.05, 0.05, 0.05
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.6773 + 0.01 * N()
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = random_color_neighbour([0.0563, 0.0897, 0.0347, 1.0000], 0.05, 0.05, 0.05)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = random_color_neighbour(
+ [0.0563, 0.0897, 0.0347, 1.0000], 0.05, 0.05, 0.05
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[3].position = 1.0000
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[3].color = random_color_neighbour([0.0256, 0.0123, 0.0000, 1.0000], 0.05, 0.05, 0.05)
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 2: 20.0000, 3: 1.0000, 4: 6.0000})
- volume_scatter = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeVolumeScatter',
- input_kwargs={'Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Density': map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 'Anisotropy': 0.1500})
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[3].color = random_color_neighbour(
+ [0.0256, 0.0123, 0.0000, 1.0000], 0.05, 0.05, 0.05
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ 2: 20.0000,
+ 3: 1.0000,
+ 4: 6.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ volume_scatter = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeVolumeScatter",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Density": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ "Anisotropy": 0.1500,
+ },
+ )
rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
- rgb.outputs[0].default_value = random_color_neighbour((0.0290, 0.2718, 0.6748, 1.0000), 0.05, 0.05, 0.05)
+ rgb.outputs[0].default_value = random_color_neighbour(
+ (0.0290, 0.2718, 0.6748, 1.0000), 0.05, 0.05, 0.05
+ )
geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.NewGeometry)
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': geometry.outputs["Position"], 'Scale': 11.6400})
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": geometry.outputs["Position"], "Scale": 11.6400},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": musgrave_texture, 3: 0.0784, 4: 0.2000}
+ )
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': musgrave_texture, 3: 0.0784, 4: 0.2000})
+ principled_volume = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledVolume,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Color": rgb,
+ "Density": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Anisotropy": 0.3909,
+ },
+ )
- principled_volume = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledVolume,
- input_kwargs={'Color': rgb, 'Density': map_range.outputs["Result"], 'Anisotropy': 0.3909})
+ mix_shader_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader, input_kwargs={1: volume_scatter, 2: principled_volume}
+ )
- mix_shader_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader, input_kwargs={1: volume_scatter, 2: principled_volume})
+ volume_absorption = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeVolumeAbsorption",
+ input_kwargs={"Color": rgb, "Density": 5.9000 + 0.1 * N()},
+ )
- volume_absorption = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeVolumeAbsorption', input_kwargs={'Color': rgb, 'Density': 5.9000+ 0.1 * N()})
+ mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader, input_kwargs={1: mix_shader_2, 2: volume_absorption}
+ )
- mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader, input_kwargs={1: mix_shader_2, 2: volume_absorption})
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader, "Volume": mix_shader_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader, 'Volume': mix_shader_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
def geometry_river_water(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- wave = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label='wave')
+ wave = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label="wave")
wave.vector = (581.0000, 380.0000, 982.0000)
add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: position, 1: wave})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: (0.0000, 3.8168, 0.0000), 1: add.outputs["Vector"]})
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: (0.0000, 3.8168, 0.0000), 1: add.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
- water_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='water_scale')
+ water_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="water_scale")
water_scale.outputs[0].default_value = 4.8569
- water_detail = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='water_detail')
+ water_detail = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="water_detail")
water_detail.outputs[0].default_value = 5.8690
- water_dimension = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='water_dimension')
+ water_dimension = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="water_dimension")
water_dimension.outputs[0].default_value = 1.1885
- water_lacunarity = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='water_lacunarity')
+ water_lacunarity = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="water_lacunarity")
water_lacunarity.outputs[0].default_value = 1.8505
- musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add_1.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': water_scale, 'Detail': water_detail, 'Dimension': water_dimension, 'Lacunarity': water_lacunarity})
- water_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='water_height')
+ musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": add_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": water_scale,
+ "Detail": water_detail,
+ "Dimension": water_dimension,
+ "Lacunarity": water_lacunarity,
+ },
+ )
+ water_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="water_height")
water_height.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0011
position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1, 'Scale': 4.8811})
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": position_1, "Scale": 4.8811}
+ )
add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={1: musgrave_texture})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: water_height, 1: add_2}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: water_height, 1: add_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: musgrave_texture_1, 1: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: musgrave_texture_1, 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- ripple0 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label='ripple0')
+ ripple0 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label="ripple0")
ripple0.vector = (130.0000, 634.0000, 140.0000)
add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: ripple0, 1: position})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add_3.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 0.1000},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': add_3.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 0.1000})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: add_3.outputs["Vector"], 1: voronoi_texture.outputs["Position"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- wave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': subtract.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 1.0000, 'Phase Offset': -79.3357},
- attrs={'wave_type': 'RINGS', 'rings_direction': 'SPHERICAL'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"], 1: wave_texture.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- ripple1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label='ripple1')
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": add_3.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": 0.1000},
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": add_3.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": 0.1000},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: add_3.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: voronoi_texture.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ wave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": subtract.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": 1.0000,
+ "Phase Offset": -79.3357,
+ },
+ attrs={"wave_type": "RINGS", "rings_direction": "SPHERICAL"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: wave_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ ripple1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label="ripple1")
ripple1.vector = (819.0000, 938.0000, 541.0000)
add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: ripple1, 1: position})
- voronoi_texture_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add_4.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 0.1000},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- voronoi_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': add_4.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 0.1000})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: add_4.outputs["Vector"], 1: voronoi_texture_2.outputs["Position"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- wave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': subtract_1.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 1.0000, 'Phase Offset': -46.3218},
- attrs={'wave_type': 'RINGS', 'rings_direction': 'SPHERICAL'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture_3.outputs["Distance"], 1: wave_texture_1.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2.outputs["Vector"], 1: multiply_3.outputs["Vector"]})
- ripple_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='ripple_height')
+ voronoi_texture_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": add_4.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": 0.1000},
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": add_4.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": 0.1000},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: add_4.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: voronoi_texture_2.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ wave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": subtract_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": 1.0000,
+ "Phase Offset": -46.3218,
+ },
+ attrs={"wave_type": "RINGS", "rings_direction": "SPHERICAL"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: voronoi_texture_3.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: wave_texture_1.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2.outputs["Vector"], 1: multiply_3.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ ripple_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="ripple_height")
ripple_height.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0109
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_5.outputs["Vector"], 1: ripple_height}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_5.outputs["Vector"], 1: ripple_height},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_4})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: add_6, 1: (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000)}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': multiply_5.outputs["Vector"]})
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_6, 1: (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": multiply_5.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_river_water, selection=selection, attributes=[])
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_river_water, selection=selection)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(obj, shader_river_water, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/rug.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/rug.py
index 4f03d19f2..b26f6d392 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/rug.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/rug.py
@@ -2,49 +2,75 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.assets.materials import common
-from infinigen.core.nodes import NodeWrangler, Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-def shader_rug(nw: NodeWrangler, strength=1., **kwargs):
- coord = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, [nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord).outputs['Object']])
- vec = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [uniform(.8, .9), nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, [coord]), coord])
+def shader_rug(nw: NodeWrangler, strength=1.0, **kwargs):
+ coord = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, [nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord).outputs["Object"]]
+ )
+ vec = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ [uniform(0.8, 0.9), nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, [coord]), coord],
+ )
height = 0, 0, 0, 1
base_scale = log_uniform(250, 500)
- for scale, thresh in zip([1, .75, .5], [1, .5, .33]):
- voronoi = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture, [vec], input_kwargs={'Scale': scale * base_scale}).outputs[
- 0]
- height = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [nw.math('GREATER_THAN', voronoi, thresh), voronoi, height])
+ for scale, thresh in zip([1, 0.75, 0.5], [1, 0.5, 0.33]):
+ voronoi = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture, [vec], input_kwargs={"Scale": scale * base_scale}
+ ).outputs[0]
+ height = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB, [nw.math("GREATER_THAN", voronoi, thresh), voronoi, height]
+ )
- displacement = nw.new_node(Nodes.Displacement, input_kwargs={
- 'Scale': strength,
- 'Height': height
- })
+ displacement = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Displacement, input_kwargs={"Scale": strength, "Height": height}
+ )
base_hue = uniform(0, 1)
- base_value = uniform(.2, .5)
- if uniform() < .2:
- base_saturation = log_uniform(.02, .05)
+ base_value = uniform(0.2, 0.5)
+ if uniform() < 0.2:
+ base_saturation = log_uniform(0.02, 0.05)
front_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, base_saturation, base_value)
- back_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue + uniform(-.01, .01), base_saturation * uniform(.9, 1.1),
- base_value * uniform(.9, 1.1))
+ back_color = hsv2rgba(
+ base_hue + uniform(-0.01, 0.01),
+ base_saturation * uniform(0.9, 1.1),
+ base_value * uniform(0.9, 1.1),
+ )
- base_saturation = log_uniform(.2, .4)
+ base_saturation = log_uniform(0.2, 0.4)
front_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, base_saturation, base_value)
- back_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue + uniform(-.01, .01), base_saturation * uniform(.9, 1.1),
- base_value * uniform(.9, 1.1))
- color = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [
- nw.build_float_curve(nw.musgrave(uniform(20, 50)), [(0, 1), (uniform(.3, .4), 0), (1, 0)]), front_color,
- back_color])
- roughness = nw.build_float_curve(nw.musgrave(uniform(20, 50)), [(.5, .9), (1, .8)])
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': color, 'Roughness': roughness})
- nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf, 'Displacement': displacement})
+ back_color = hsv2rgba(
+ base_hue + uniform(-0.01, 0.01),
+ base_saturation * uniform(0.9, 1.1),
+ base_value * uniform(0.9, 1.1),
+ )
+ color = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ [
+ nw.build_float_curve(
+ nw.musgrave(uniform(20, 50)), [(0, 1), (uniform(0.3, 0.4), 0), (1, 0)]
+ ),
+ front_color,
+ back_color,
+ ],
+ )
+ roughness = nw.build_float_curve(
+ nw.musgrave(uniform(20, 50)), [(0.5, 0.9), (1, 0.8)]
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": color, "Roughness": roughness}
+ )
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf, "Displacement": displacement},
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
common.apply(obj, shader_rug, selection, **kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/sand.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/sand.py
index 6fa798412..e5afe286f 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/sand.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/sand.py
@@ -8,61 +8,79 @@
import gin
from mathutils import Vector
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
type = SurfaceTypes.SDFPerturb
mod_name = "geo_SAND"
name = "sand"
def shader_SAND(
- nw,
- color=("palette", "desert"),
- random_seed=0,
- wet=False,
- wet_part=("uniform", 0.2, 0.25),
- *args,
- **kwargs
- ):
+ nw,
+ color=("palette", "desert"),
+ random_seed=0,
+ wet=False,
+ wet_part=("uniform", 0.2, 0.25),
+ *args,
+ **kwargs,
with FixedSeed(random_seed):
position = (nw.new_node("ShaderNodeTexCoord", []), 3)
- assert(color is not None)
+ assert color is not None
if wet:
- position = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeNewGeometry')
- factor = nw.scalar_divide(nw.separate(position)[2], 3) # this needs to be consistent with value in coast.gin
- factor = nw.scalar_add(factor, -0.5, nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 0.1}))
+ position = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeNewGeometry")
+ factor = nw.scalar_divide(
+ nw.separate(position)[2], 3
+ ) # this needs to be consistent with value in coast.gin
+ factor = nw.scalar_add(
+ factor,
+ -0.5,
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 0.1}),
+ )
sand_color = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, [factor])
sand_color.color_ramp.elements[0].position = rg(wet_part)
sand_color.color_ramp.elements[0].color = rg(("color_category", "wet_sand"))
- sand_color.color_ramp.elements[1].position = sand_color.color_ramp.elements[0].position + 0.11
+ sand_color.color_ramp.elements[1].position = (
+ sand_color.color_ramp.elements[0].position + 0.11
+ )
sand_color.color_ramp.elements[1].color = rg(("color_category", "dry_sand"))
roughness = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, [factor])
- roughness.color_ramp.elements[0].position = sand_color.color_ramp.elements[0].position / 2
+ roughness.color_ramp.elements[0].position = (
+ sand_color.color_ramp.elements[0].position / 2
+ )
roughness.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
- roughness.color_ramp.elements[1].position = sand_color.color_ramp.elements[1].position
+ roughness.color_ramp.elements[1].position = sand_color.color_ramp.elements[
+ 1
+ ].position
roughness.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1, 1, 1, 1)
sand_color = tuple(rg(color))
roughness = 1.0
- bsdf_sand = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled", input_kwargs={
- "Base Color": sand_color,
- "Roughness": roughness,
- })
+ bsdf_sand = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": sand_color,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ },
+ )
return bsdf_sand
-def geo_SAND(nw,
+def geo_SAND(
+ nw,
wave_scale=("log_uniform", 0.2, 4),
- noise_detail=9, # tune down if there are numerical spikes
+ noise_detail=9, # tune down if there are numerical spikes
@@ -73,67 +91,106 @@ def geo_SAND(nw,
offsets = []
for i in range(n_waves):
wave_scale_node = nw.new_value(rg(wave_scale), f"wave_scale_{i}")
position_shift0 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label=f"position_shift_0_{i}")
- position_shift0.vector = nw.get_position_translation_seed(f"position_shift_0_{i}")
+ position_shift0.vector = nw.get_position_translation_seed(
+ f"position_shift_0_{i}"
+ )
position_shift1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label=f"position_shift_1_{i}")
- position_shift1.vector = nw.get_position_translation_seed(f"position_shift_1_{i}")
+ position_shift1.vector = nw.get_position_translation_seed(
+ f"position_shift_1_{i}"
+ )
position_shift2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label=f"position_shift_2_{i}")
- position_shift2.vector = nw.get_position_translation_seed(f"position_shift_2_{i}")
+ position_shift2.vector = nw.get_position_translation_seed(
+ f"position_shift_2_{i}"
+ )
position_shift3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label=f"position_shift_3_{i}")
- position_shift3.vector = nw.get_position_translation_seed(f"position_shift_3_{i}")
+ position_shift3.vector = nw.get_position_translation_seed(
+ f"position_shift_3_{i}"
+ )
- mag = nw.power(1e5, nw.scalar_sub(nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={
- "Vector": nw.add(position, position_shift3),
- "Scale": 0.1,
- }), 0.6))
+ mag = nw.power(
+ 1e5,
+ nw.scalar_sub(
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": nw.add(position, position_shift3),
+ "Scale": 0.1,
+ },
+ ),
+ 0.6,
+ ),
+ )
mag.use_clamp = 1
- offsets.append(nw.multiply(
- nw.add(
- nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture, [
- nw.add(
- position,
- position_shift0,
- (nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={
- "Scale": nw.new_value(1, "warp_scale"),
- "Detail": nw.new_value(9, "warp_detail"),
- }), 1),
+ offsets.append(
+ nw.multiply(
+ nw.add(
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ [
+ nw.add(
+ position,
+ position_shift0,
+ (
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Scale": nw.new_value(1, "warp_scale"),
+ "Detail": nw.new_value(9, "warp_detail"),
+ },
+ ),
+ 1,
+ ),
+ ),
+ wave_scale_node,
+ wave_distortion,
+ ],
- wave_scale_node,
- wave_distortion
- ]),
- nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture, [
- nw.add(position, position_shift1),
- nw.scalar_multiply(wave_scale_node, 0.98),
- wave_distortion
- ]),
- nw.multiply(
- nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, [
- nw.add(position, position_shift2),
- None,
- noise_scale,
- noise_detail,
- noise_roughness
- ]),
- Vector([1] * 3),
- )
- ),
- normal,
- mag,
- Vector([0.01] * 3)
- ))
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ [
+ nw.add(position, position_shift1),
+ nw.scalar_multiply(wave_scale_node, 0.98),
+ wave_distortion,
+ ],
+ ),
+ nw.multiply(
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ [
+ nw.add(position, position_shift2),
+ None,
+ noise_scale,
+ noise_detail,
+ noise_roughness,
+ ],
+ ),
+ Vector([1] * 3),
+ ),
+ ),
+ normal,
+ mag,
+ Vector([0.01] * 3),
+ )
+ )
offset = nw.add(*offsets)
groupinput = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput)
if selection is not None:
offset = nw.multiply(offset, surface.eval_argument(nw, selection))
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": groupinput, "Offset": offset})
- groupoutput = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": groupinput, "Offset": offset}
+ )
+ groupoutput = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
def apply(objs, selection=None, **kwargs):
surface.add_geomod(objs, geo_SAND, selection=selection)
- surface.add_material(objs, shader_SAND, selection=selection,
- input_kwargs={"obj": objs[0] if isinstance(objs, list) else objs})
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(
+ objs,
+ shader_SAND,
+ selection=selection,
+ input_kwargs={"obj": objs[0] if isinstance(objs, list) else objs},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/sandstone.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/sandstone.py
index c9b63bdea..c5163511f 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/sandstone.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/sandstone.py
@@ -4,23 +4,24 @@
# Authors: Ankit Goyal, Mingzhe Wang, Zeyu Ma
# Code generated using version v2.0.0 of the node_transpiler
import gin
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import NodeWrangler, node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_color_neighbour
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
from .mountain import geo_MOUNTAIN_general
-from mathutils import Vector
type = SurfaceTypes.SDFPerturb
mod_name = "geometry_sandstone"
name = "sandstone"
@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_roughness", singleton=False)
def nodegroup_roughness(nw):
@@ -45,10 +46,12 @@ def nodegroup_roughness(nw):
attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
multiply = nw.new_node(
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"], 1: group_input.outputs["Normal"]},
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Normal"],
+ },
attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
@@ -71,10 +74,12 @@ def nodegroup_roughness(nw):
attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_2.outputs["Color"], 1: group_input.outputs["Normal"]},
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: noise_texture_2.outputs["Color"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Normal"],
+ },
attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
@@ -106,7 +111,9 @@ def nodegroup_roughness(nw):
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_cracked_with_mask", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+ "nodegroup_cracked_with_mask", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
def nodegroup_cracked_with_mask(nw):
group_input = nw.new_node(
@@ -267,7 +274,6 @@ def nodegroup_add_noise(nw):
group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": add})
@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_displacement_to_offset", singleton=False)
def nodegroup_displacement_to_offset(nw):
@@ -300,8 +306,9 @@ def nodegroup_displacement_to_offset(nw):
Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply_1.outputs["Vector"]}
-def shader(nw, color=None):
+def shader(nw: NodeWrangler, color=("palette", "sandstone")):
per_dark_1 = uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
per_dark_2 = uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
@@ -321,7 +328,7 @@ def shader(nw, color=None):
colorramp_0.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp_0.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1, 1, 1, 1)
- vector = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeNewGeometry', [])
+ vector = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeNewGeometry", [])
noise_texture = nw.new_node(
@@ -390,6 +397,7 @@ def shader(nw, color=None):
return principled_bsdf
def geometry_sandstone(nw, selection=None, is_rock=False, **kwargs):
@@ -399,7 +407,9 @@ def geometry_sandstone(nw, selection=None, is_rock=False, **kwargs):
roug_mag = nw.new_value(uniform(0.3, 0.5), "roug_mag")
- side_step_displacement_to_offset_magnitude = nw.new_value(uniform(0.5, 1.5), "side_step_displacement_to_offset_magnitude")
+ side_step_displacement_to_offset_magnitude = nw.new_value(
+ uniform(0.5, 1.5), "side_step_displacement_to_offset_magnitude"
+ )
side_step_poly_aplha_x = nw.new_value(uniform(0, 2), "side_step_poly_aplha_x")
side_step_poly_aplha_y = nw.new_value(uniform(0, 2), "side_step_poly_aplha_y")
@@ -413,7 +423,11 @@ def geometry_sandstone(nw, selection=None, is_rock=False, **kwargs):
group_3 = nw.new_node(
- input_kwargs={"Noise 1 Scale": 200.0, "Noise 1 Magnitude": 0.5, 'Normal': normal},
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Noise 1 Scale": 200.0,
+ "Noise 1 Magnitude": 0.5,
+ "Normal": normal,
+ },
multiply = nw.new_node(
@@ -551,28 +565,37 @@ def geometry_sandstone(nw, selection=None, is_rock=False, **kwargs):
"Vector": position_1,
"Scale": nw.new_value(1, "stripe_warp_scale"),
- }
+ },
nw.new_value(0.2, "stripe_warp_mag"),
- )
+ ),
offset2 = nw.add(
- nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture, input_kwargs={
- "Vector": warped_position,
- "Scale": nw.new_value(20, "stripe_scale"),
- }, attrs={
- "bands_direction": "Z",
- "wave_profile": "SAW",
- }),
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": warped_position,
+ "Scale": nw.new_value(20, "stripe_scale"),
+ },
+ attrs={
+ "bands_direction": "Z",
+ "wave_profile": "SAW",
+ },
+ ),
nw.new_value(0.005, "stripe_mag"),
- )
+ ),
- noise_params = {"scale": ("uniform", 10, 20), "detail": 9, "roughness": 0.6, "zscale": ("log_uniform", 0.05, 0.1)}
+ noise_params = {
+ "scale": ("uniform", 10, 20),
+ "detail": 9,
+ "roughness": 0.6,
+ "zscale": ("log_uniform", 0.05, 0.1),
+ }
offset = nw.add(
geo_MOUNTAIN_general(nw, 3, noise_params, 0, {}, {}),
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/scale.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/scale.py
index fb8dfeb17..b271ebda4 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/scale.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/scale.py
@@ -5,34 +5,41 @@
# Acknowledgment: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJVuodaPHTQ and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7a4ouBLIow by Lance Phan
-import os, sys
-import numpy as np
-import math as ma
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import clip, sample_range, sample_ratio, sample_color, geo_voronoi_noise
+import os
+import random
import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import normal as normal_func
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import (
+ sample_color,
+ sample_range,
+ sample_ratio,
from infinigen.core import surface
-import random
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
def shader_scale(nw, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
- math_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'Color variations'})
- noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute_2.outputs["Color"], 'W': 1.0},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
+ math_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 1.0}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "Color variations"}
+ )
+ noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute_2.outputs["Color"], "W": 1.0},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
noise_texture_3.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-5, 5)
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_3.outputs["Fac"]})
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_3.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
for i in range(3):
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.125
@@ -49,19 +56,21 @@ def shader_scale(nw, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
for e in colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements:
- vector_math = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ vector_math = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: math_4, 1: colorramp_2.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- attribute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'offset2'})
- math_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ attribute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "offset2"})
+ math_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: attribute_3.outputs["Vector"], 1: 0.01},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- colorramp_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': math_5})
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ colorramp_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": math_5})
colorramp_7.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_7.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
@@ -72,285 +81,531 @@ def shader_scale(nw, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
if rand:
- vector_math_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: vector_math.outputs["Vector"], 1: colorramp_7.outputs["Color"]})
- attribute_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'Color variations'})
- uv_map_1 = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeUVMap')
- uv_map_1.uv_map = 'UVMap'
- noise_texture_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': uv_map_1, 'Scale': 50.0},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
+ vector_math_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: vector_math.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: colorramp_7.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ attribute_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "Color variations"}
+ )
+ uv_map_1 = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeUVMap")
+ uv_map_1.uv_map = "UVMap"
+ noise_texture_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": uv_map_1, "Scale": 50.0},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
noise_texture_5.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-5, 5)
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 1.0, 'Color1': attribute_4.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': noise_texture_5.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'ADD'})
- noise_texture_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix_3})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_4.outputs["Fac"]})
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 1.0,
+ "Color1": attribute_4.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": noise_texture_5.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"blend_type": "ADD"},
+ )
+ noise_texture_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": mix_3})
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_4.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.5078, 0.5078, 0.5078, 1.0)
- colormap = random.choice([vector_math.outputs["Vector"], vector_math_1.outputs["Vector"]]) if rand else vector_math.outputs["Vector"]
- principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colormap, 'Subsurface': 0.2, 'Subsurface Radius': (0.36, 0.46, 0.6), 'Subsurface Color': (1.0, 0.9405, 0.7747, 1.0), 'Metallic': 0.8, 'Roughness': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'IOR': 1.69},
- attrs={'subsurface_method': 'BURLEY'})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf_1})
+ colormap = (
+ random.choice([vector_math.outputs["Vector"], vector_math_1.outputs["Vector"]])
+ if rand
+ else vector_math.outputs["Vector"]
+ )
+ principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colormap,
+ "Subsurface": 0.2,
+ "Subsurface Radius": (0.36, 0.46, 0.6),
+ "Subsurface Color": (1.0, 0.9405, 0.7747, 1.0),
+ "Metallic": 0.8,
+ "Roughness": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "IOR": 1.69,
+ },
+ attrs={"subsurface_method": "BURLEY"},
+ )
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_node_grid', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf_1}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_node_grid", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
def nodegroup_node_grid(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5)]
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 1: 2.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- floor = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 2.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'FLOOR'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: floor},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_1})
- trunc = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add},
- attrs={'operation': 'TRUNC'})
- trunc_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'TRUNC'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: trunc_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'floor1': trunc, 'floor2': add_1})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ floor = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 2.0}, attrs={"operation": "FLOOR"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: floor}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1})
+ trunc = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={"operation": "TRUNC"})
+ trunc_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1}, attrs={"operation": "TRUNC"}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: trunc_1})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"floor1": trunc, "floor2": add_1}
+ )
def geo_scale(nw, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': nw.expose_input('UVMap', attribute='UVMap', dtype='NodeSocketVector')})
- angle = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='Angle')
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": nw.expose_input(
+ "UVMap", attribute="UVMap", dtype="NodeSocketVector"
+ )
+ },
+ )
+ angle = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="Angle")
angle.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0000
- cosine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: angle}, attrs={'operation': 'COSINE'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: cosine}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: angle}, attrs={'operation': 'SINE'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: sine}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply_1}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- xscale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='Xscale')
+ cosine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: angle}, attrs={"operation": "COSINE"}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: cosine},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: angle}, attrs={"operation": "SINE"})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: sine},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ xscale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="Xscale")
xscale.outputs[0].default_value = sample_range(0.7, 1.3)
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: xscale}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'W': sample_range(-10, 10), 'Scale': 10.0000}, attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- xnoise = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='Xnoise')
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: xscale},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"W": sample_range(-10, 10), "Scale": 10.0000},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ xnoise = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="Xnoise")
xnoise.outputs[0].default_value = sample_range(0.01, 0.03)
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], 1: xnoise}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], 1: xnoise},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: multiply_3})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: sine}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: cosine}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: sine},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: cosine},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: multiply_5})
- yscale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='Yscale')
+ yscale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="Yscale")
yscale.outputs[0].default_value = sample_range(0.7, 1.3)
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: yscale}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'W': sample_range(-10, 10), 'Scale': 10.0000}, attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- ynoise = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='Ynoise')
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: yscale}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"W": sample_range(-10, 10), "Scale": 10.0000},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ ynoise = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="Ynoise")
ynoise.outputs[0].default_value = sample_range(0.01, 0.03)
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], 1: ynoise}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], 1: ynoise},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_6, 1: multiply_7})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': add_2})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='Scale')
- scale.outputs[0].default_value = sample_ratio(25, 2/3, 3/2)
- multiply_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_2, 1: scale}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply_8})
- nodegrid = nw.new_node(nodegroup_node_grid().name, input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": add_2})
+ scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="Scale")
+ scale.outputs[0].default_value = sample_ratio(25, 2 / 3, 3 / 2)
+ multiply_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_2, 1: scale},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply_8})
+ nodegrid = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_node_grid().name, input_kwargs={"Value": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]}
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
input_kwargs={0: nodegrid.outputs["floor1"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: nodegrid.outputs["floor1"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- nodegrid_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_node_grid().name, input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': nodegrid_1.outputs["floor2"], 'Y': nodegrid.outputs["floor1"]})
- multiply_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: combine_xyz}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': nodegrid_1.outputs["floor1"], 'Y': nodegrid.outputs["floor2"]})
- multiply_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: combine_xyz_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: multiply_9.outputs["Vector"], 1: multiply_10.outputs["Vector"]})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: add_3}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- distance = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: add_3}, attrs={'operation': 'DISTANCE'})
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: distance.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0100})
- less_than_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: 0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={0: nodegrid.outputs["floor1"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ nodegrid_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_node_grid().name, input_kwargs={"Value": separate_xyz.outputs["X"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": nodegrid_1.outputs["floor2"],
+ "Y": nodegrid.outputs["floor1"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: combine_xyz},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": nodegrid_1.outputs["floor1"],
+ "Y": nodegrid.outputs["floor2"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: combine_xyz_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: multiply_9.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: multiply_10.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: add_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ distance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: add_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "DISTANCE"},
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: distance.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0100}
+ )
+ less_than_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: 0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
greater_than_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: 0.5000})
- multiply_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: combine_xyz_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: combine_xyz}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: multiply_11.outputs["Vector"], 1: multiply_12.outputs["Vector"]})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: add_5}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: combine_xyz_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: combine_xyz},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: multiply_11.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: multiply_12.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: add_5},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_13 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: greater_than_1, 1: subtract_2.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- _multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: less_than_1, 2: multiply_13.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ _multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: subtract_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: less_than_1,
+ 2: multiply_13.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: _multiply_add, 1: (1, -1, 1)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_14 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than_1, 1: add_5}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_14 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: greater_than_1, 1: add_5},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: less_than_1, 2: multiply_14.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply_add_1, 'W': sample_range(-10, 10), 'Scale': 33.0000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- subtract_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.26, 2: 0.74, 3: -0.5, 4: 0.5},
- attrs={'clamp': True}
- )
- sine_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_3}, attrs={'operation': 'SINE'})
- cosine_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_3}, attrs={'operation': 'COSINE'})
- combine_xyz_color = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': sine_1, 'Y': cosine_1, 'Z': 0.0000})
- add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_color.outputs["Vector"], 1: multiply_add}, attrs={'operation': 'DOT_PRODUCT'})
- distance_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: add_5}, attrs={'operation': 'DISTANCE'})
- add_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: distance_1.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0100})
- multiply_17 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: greater_than_1, 1: add_7}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: less_than_1, 2: multiply_17}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- multiply_18 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_add_2, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_19 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": multiply_add_1,
+ "W": sample_range(-10, 10),
+ "Scale": 33.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ subtract_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ 1: 0.26,
+ 2: 0.74,
+ 3: -0.5,
+ 4: 0.5,
+ },
+ attrs={"clamp": True},
+ )
+ sine_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_3}, attrs={"operation": "SINE"}
+ )
+ cosine_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_3}, attrs={"operation": "COSINE"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_color = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": sine_1, "Y": cosine_1, "Z": 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_color.outputs["Vector"], 1: multiply_add},
+ attrs={"operation": "DOT_PRODUCT"},
+ )
+ distance_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: add_5},
+ attrs={"operation": "DISTANCE"},
+ )
+ add_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: distance_1.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0100}
+ )
+ multiply_17 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: greater_than_1, 1: add_7},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: less_than_1, 2: multiply_17},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ multiply_18 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_add_2, 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_19 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
input_kwargs={0: multiply_18, 1: 0.9156, 2: 1.0000, 3: 0.0000, 4: 0.5},
- attrs={'clamp': True}
+ attrs={"clamp": True},
+ )
+ subtract_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_6, 1: multiply_19},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
- subtract_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_6, 1: multiply_19}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
+ subtract_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_4, 1: 0.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
- subtract_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_4, 1: 0.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- multiply_20 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: subtract_5, 1: normal}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- offset_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='OffsetScale')
+ multiply_20 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_5, 1: normal},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ offset_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="OffsetScale")
offset_scale.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0020
- multiply_21 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_21 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: multiply_20.outputs["Vector"], 1: offset_scale},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': multiply_21.outputs["Vector"]})
- capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position.outputs["Geometry"], 1: multiply_add_1},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- capture_attribute_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"], 1: multiply_19},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": multiply_21.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position.outputs["Geometry"], 1: multiply_add_1},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ capture_attribute_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 1: multiply_19,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
- 'Geometry': capture_attribute_4.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'attr2': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Attribute"],
- 'attr5': capture_attribute_4.outputs["Attribute"]
- },
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute_4.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "attr2": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "attr5": capture_attribute_4.outputs["Attribute"],
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def apply(obj, geo_kwargs=None, shader_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
- attributes = [
- 'Color variations',
- 'offset2'
- ]
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_scale, apply=False, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs, attributes=attributes)
+ attributes = ["Color variations", "offset2"]
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geo_scale, apply=False, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs, attributes=attributes
+ )
surface.add_material(obj, shader_scale, reuse=False, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs)
if __name__ == "__main__":
template = "scale_new2"
- #outpath = os.path.join("outputs", template)
- #if not os.path.isdir(outpath):
+ # outpath = os.path.join("outputs", template)
+ # if not os.path.isdir(outpath):
# os.mkdir(outpath)
for i in range(1):
- bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath='scale_new2.blend')
- apply(bpy.data.objects['creature_16_aquatic_0_root_mesh.001'], geo_kwargs={'rand': False}, shader_kwargs={'rand': True})
- fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), 'dev_test_scale_new2.blend')
+ bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath="scale_new2.blend")
+ apply(
+ bpy.data.objects["creature_16_aquatic_0_root_mesh.001"],
+ geo_kwargs={"rand": False},
+ shader_kwargs={"rand": True},
+ )
+ fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), "dev_test_scale_new2.blend")
- #bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join(outpath, 'scale_%d.jpg'%(i))
- #bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format='JPEG'
- #bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True)
\ No newline at end of file
+ # bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join(outpath, 'scale_%d.jpg'%(i))
+ # bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format='JPEG'
+ # bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/shelf_shaders.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/shelf_shaders.py
index ed92d64ad..dd49e3363 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/shelf_shaders.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/shelf_shaders.py
@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@
# Authors: Beining Han
# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDEijCwz6to by Lachlan Sarv
import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
from infinigen.assets.materials import (
@@ -13,83 +14,95 @@
-from infinigen.assets.materials.leather_and_fabrics import fabric_shader_list
from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core import surface
-import json
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, int_hash
-from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
def shader_shelves_white(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- rgb = kwargs.get('rgb', [0.9, 0.9, 0.9])
- base_color = (*rgb, 1.)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': base_color,
- 'Roughness': kwargs.get('roughness', 0.9)})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ rgb = kwargs.get("rgb", [0.9, 0.9, 0.9])
+ base_color = (*rgb, 1.0)
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": base_color,
+ "Roughness": kwargs.get("roughness", 0.9),
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def shader_shelves_white_sampler():
params = dict()
v = uniform(0.7, 1.0)
- base_color = [v * (1. + normal(0, 0.005)),
- v * (1. + normal(0, 0.005)),
- v * (1. + normal(0, 0.005))]
- params['rgb'] = base_color
- params['roughness'] = uniform(0.7, 1.0)
+ base_color = [
+ v * (1.0 + normal(0, 0.005)),
+ v * (1.0 + normal(0, 0.005)),
+ v * (1.0 + normal(0, 0.005)),
+ ]
+ params["rgb"] = base_color
+ params["roughness"] = uniform(0.7, 1.0)
return params
def shader_shelves_black_metallic(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- color = (*kwargs.get('rgb', [0., 0., 0.]), 1.)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Base Color': color,
- 'Metallic': kwargs.get('metallic', 0.65)})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ color = (*kwargs.get("rgb", [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), 1.0)
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": color, "Metallic": kwargs.get("metallic", 0.65)},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def shader_shelves_black_metallic_sampler():
params = dict()
base_color = [uniform(0, 0.01), uniform(0, 0.01), uniform(0, 0.01)]
- params['rgb'] = base_color
- params['metallic'] = uniform(0.45, 0.75)
+ params["rgb"] = base_color
+ params["metallic"] = uniform(0.45, 0.75)
return params
def shader_shelves_white_metallic(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- rgb = kwargs.get('rgb', [0.9, 0.9, 0.9])
- base_color = (*rgb, 1.)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': base_color,
- 'Metallic': kwargs.get('metallic', 0.65)})
+ rgb = kwargs.get("rgb", [0.9, 0.9, 0.9])
+ base_color = (*rgb, 1.0)
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": base_color,
+ "Metallic": kwargs.get("metallic", 0.65),
+ },
+ )
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def shader_shelves_white_metallic_sampler():
params = dict()
v = uniform(0.7, 1.0)
- base_color = [v * (1. + normal(0, 0.005)),
- v * (1. + normal(0, 0.005)),
- v * (1. + normal(0, 0.005))]
- params['rgb'] = base_color
- params['metallic'] = uniform(0.45, 0.75)
+ base_color = [
+ v * (1.0 + normal(0, 0.005)),
+ v * (1.0 + normal(0, 0.005)),
+ v * (1.0 + normal(0, 0.005)),
+ ]
+ params["rgb"] = base_color
+ params["metallic"] = uniform(0.45, 0.75)
return params
@@ -97,24 +110,40 @@ def shader_shelves_black_wood(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
texture_coordinate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- wave_scale = kwargs.get('wave_scale', 2.0)
- if kwargs.get('z_axis_texture', False):
+ wave_scale = kwargs.get("wave_scale", 2.0)
+ if kwargs.get("z_axis_texture", False):
wave_scale = (wave_scale, wave_scale, 0.1)
wave_scale = (wave_scale, 0.1, 0.1)
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"],
- 'Scale': (0.1, 0.1, 2.0) if kwargs.get('z_axis_texture', False) else (0.1, 2.0, 2.0)})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_1, 'Scale': 100.0000, 'Detail': 10.0000,
- 'Distortion': 2.0000})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], 'Scale': 40.0000})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': voronoi_texture.outputs["Color"]})
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": (0.1, 0.1, 2.0)
+ if kwargs.get("z_axis_texture", False)
+ else (0.1, 2.0, 2.0),
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping_1,
+ "Scale": 100.0000,
+ "Detail": 10.0000,
+ "Distortion": 2.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], "Scale": 40.0000},
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0864
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.1091
@@ -122,65 +151,114 @@ def shader_shelves_black_wood(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
- 'Scale': wave_scale})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 3.0000, 'Detail': 15.0000,
- 'Distortion': 2.0000})
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 'Scale': 20.0000,
- 'Detail': 3.0000})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={6: musgrave_texture, 7: noise_texture.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': mix_1.outputs[2]})
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": wave_scale,
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Scale": 3.0000,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Distortion": 2.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Scale": 20.0000,
+ "Detail": 3.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={6: musgrave_texture, 7: noise_texture.outputs["Color"]},
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix_1.outputs[2]})
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0818
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.8500
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: 0.6000, 6: colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 7: colorramp_2.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- dark_scale = kwargs.get('dark_scale', 0.005)
- gray_scale = kwargs.get('gray_scale', 0.02)
- color_scale = [*kwargs.get('rgb', [0.02, 0.002, 0.002]), 1.0]
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': mix_2})
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: 0.6000,
+ 6: colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ 7: colorramp_2.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ dark_scale = kwargs.get("dark_scale", 0.005)
+ gray_scale = kwargs.get("gray_scale", 0.02)
+ color_scale = [*kwargs.get("rgb", [0.02, 0.002, 0.002]), 1.0]
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix_2})
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.15
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [dark_scale, dark_scale, dark_scale, 1.0000]
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [
+ dark_scale,
+ dark_scale,
+ dark_scale,
+ 1.0000,
+ ]
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.5
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [gray_scale, gray_scale, gray_scale, 1.0000]
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [
+ gray_scale,
+ gray_scale,
+ gray_scale,
+ 1.0000,
+ ]
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 1.0000
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = color_scale
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: 0.0040, 6: colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 7: colorramp_2.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- bump = nw.new_node(Nodes.Bump, input_kwargs={'Strength': 0.5000, 'Height': mix_3.outputs[2]})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"],
- 'Roughness': kwargs.get('roughness', 0.9), 'Normal': bump})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: 0.0040,
+ 6: colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ 7: colorramp_2.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ bump = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Bump, input_kwargs={"Strength": 0.5000, "Height": mix_3.outputs[2]}
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Roughness": kwargs.get("roughness", 0.9),
+ "Normal": bump,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def shader_shelves_black_wood_sampler():
params = dict()
- params['wave_scale'] = uniform(1., 3.)
- params['dark_scale'] = uniform(0.0, 0.01)
- params['gray_scale'] = uniform(0.01, 0.03)
- params['rgb'] = [uniform(0.015, 0.035), uniform(0., 0.01), uniform(0.0, 0.01)]
- params['roughness'] = uniform(0.75, 1.0)
+ params["wave_scale"] = uniform(1.0, 3.0)
+ params["dark_scale"] = uniform(0.0, 0.01)
+ params["gray_scale"] = uniform(0.01, 0.03)
+ params["rgb"] = [uniform(0.015, 0.035), uniform(0.0, 0.01), uniform(0.0, 0.01)]
+ params["roughness"] = uniform(0.75, 1.0)
return params
@@ -188,24 +266,40 @@ def shader_shelves_wood(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
texture_coordinate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- wave_scale = kwargs.get('wave_scale', 2.0)
- if kwargs.get('z_axis_texture', False):
+ wave_scale = kwargs.get("wave_scale", 2.0)
+ if kwargs.get("z_axis_texture", False):
wave_scale = (wave_scale, wave_scale, 0.1)
wave_scale = (wave_scale, 0.1, 0.1)
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"],
- 'Scale': (0.1, 0.1, 2.0) if kwargs.get('z_axis_texture', False) else (0.1, 2.0, 2.0)})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_1, 'Scale': 100.0000, 'Detail': 10.0000,
- 'Distortion': 2.0000})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], 'Scale': 40.0000})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': voronoi_texture.outputs["Color"]})
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": (0.1, 0.1, 2.0)
+ if kwargs.get("z_axis_texture", False)
+ else (0.1, 2.0, 2.0),
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping_1,
+ "Scale": 100.0000,
+ "Detail": 10.0000,
+ "Distortion": 2.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], "Scale": 40.0000},
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0864
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.1091
@@ -213,37 +307,60 @@ def shader_shelves_wood(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
- 'Scale': wave_scale})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 3.0000, 'Detail': 15.0000,
- 'Distortion': 2.0000})
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 'Scale': 20.0000,
- 'Detail': 3.0000})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={6: musgrave_texture, 7: noise_texture.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': mix_1.outputs[2]})
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": wave_scale,
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Scale": 3.0000,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Distortion": 2.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Scale": 20.0000,
+ "Detail": 3.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={6: musgrave_texture, 7: noise_texture.outputs["Color"]},
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix_1.outputs[2]})
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0818
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.8500
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: 0.6000, 6: colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 7: colorramp_2.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- bright_hsv = kwargs.get('bright_hsv', [0.068, 0.665, 0.805])
- mid_hsv = kwargs.get('mid_hsv', [0.042, 0.853, 0.447])
- dark_hsv = kwargs.get('dark_hsv', [0.043, 0.882, 0.183])
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': mix_2})
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: 0.6000,
+ 6: colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ 7: colorramp_2.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ bright_hsv = kwargs.get("bright_hsv", [0.068, 0.665, 0.805])
+ mid_hsv = kwargs.get("mid_hsv", [0.042, 0.853, 0.447])
+ dark_hsv = kwargs.get("dark_hsv", [0.043, 0.882, 0.183])
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix_2})
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.02
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = hsv2rgba(dark_hsv)
@@ -252,52 +369,88 @@ def shader_shelves_wood(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.8
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = hsv2rgba(bright_hsv)
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: 0.0040, 6: colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 7: colorramp_2.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- bump = nw.new_node(Nodes.Bump, input_kwargs={'Strength': 0.5000, 'Height': mix_3.outputs[2]})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"],
- 'Roughness': kwargs.get('roughness', 0.9), 'Normal': bump})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: 0.0040,
+ 6: colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ 7: colorramp_2.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ bump = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Bump, input_kwargs={"Strength": 0.5000, "Height": mix_3.outputs[2]}
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Roughness": kwargs.get("roughness", 0.9),
+ "Normal": bump,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def shader_shelves_wood_sampler():
params = dict()
- params['bright_hsv'] = [uniform(0.03, 0.09), uniform(0.5, 0.7), uniform(0.7, 1.0)]
- params['mid_hsv'] = [uniform(0.02, 0.06), uniform(0.6, 1.0), uniform(0.3, 0.6)]
- params['dark_hsv'] = [uniform(0.03, 0.05), uniform(0.6, 1.0), uniform(0.1, 0.3)]
- params['wave_scale'] = uniform(1., 3.)
- params['roughness'] = uniform(0.75, 1.0)
+ params["bright_hsv"] = [uniform(0.03, 0.09), uniform(0.5, 0.7), uniform(0.7, 1.0)]
+ params["mid_hsv"] = [uniform(0.02, 0.06), uniform(0.6, 1.0), uniform(0.3, 0.6)]
+ params["dark_hsv"] = [uniform(0.03, 0.05), uniform(0.6, 1.0), uniform(0.1, 0.3)]
+ params["wave_scale"] = uniform(1.0, 3.0)
+ params["roughness"] = uniform(0.75, 1.0)
return params
def get_shelf_material(name, **kwargs):
match name:
- case 'white':
- shader_func = np.random.choice([shader_shelves_white, shader_rough_plastic], p=[.6, .4])
- case 'black_wood':
- shader_func = np.random.choice([shader_shelves_black_wood, wood.shader_wood], p=[.6, .4])
- case 'wood':
- shader_func = np.random.choice([shader_shelves_wood, wood.shader_wood], p=[.6, .4])
- case 'glass':
+ case "white":
+ shader_func = np.random.choice(
+ [shader_shelves_white, shader_rough_plastic], p=[0.6, 0.4]
+ )
+ case "black_wood":
+ shader_func = np.random.choice(
+ [shader_shelves_black_wood, wood.shader_wood], p=[0.6, 0.4]
+ )
+ case "wood":
+ shader_func = np.random.choice(
+ [shader_shelves_wood, wood.shader_wood], p=[0.6, 0.4]
+ )
+ case "glass":
shader_func = shader_glass
case _:
- shader_func = np.random.choice([shader_shelves_white, shader_rough_plastic,
- shader_shelves_black_wood, wood.shader_wood,
- shader_shelves_wood], p=[.3, .2, .3, .1, .1])
- r = uniform()
- if name == 'metal':
+ shader_func = np.random.choice(
+ [
+ shader_shelves_white,
+ shader_rough_plastic,
+ shader_shelves_black_wood,
+ wood.shader_wood,
+ shader_shelves_wood,
+ ],
+ p=[0.3, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1],
+ )
+ r = uniform()
+ if name == "metal":
shader_func = np.random.choice(metal_shader_list)
- shader_func = np.random.choice([shader_shelves_white, shader_rough_plastic,
- shader_shelves_black_wood, wood.shader_wood,
- shader_shelves_wood], p=[.3, .2, .3, .1, .1])
+ shader_func = np.random.choice(
+ [
+ shader_shelves_white,
+ shader_rough_plastic,
+ shader_shelves_black_wood,
+ wood.shader_wood,
+ shader_shelves_wood,
+ ],
+ p=[0.3, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1],
+ )
# elif r < .3:
# shader_func = rg(fabric_shader_list)
return surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_func, **kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/simple_brownish.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/simple_brownish.py
index 7043a84da..b0fd32fc4 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/simple_brownish.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/simple_brownish.py
@@ -4,30 +4,45 @@
# Authors: Beining Han
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
def shader_simple_brown(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
def noise():
- return nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'},
- input_kwargs={'W': U(0, 100), 'Scale': N(60, 25), 'Detail': U(0, 10), 'Roughness': U(0, 1),
- 'Distortion': U(0, 3)})
- rough = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'},
- input_kwargs={'Value': noise(), 3: U(0.1, 0.8), 4: U(0.1, 0.8)})
+ return nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": U(0, 100),
+ "Scale": N(60, 25),
+ "Detail": U(0, 10),
+ "Roughness": U(0, 1),
+ "Distortion": U(0, 3),
+ },
+ )
+ rough = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ input_kwargs={"Value": noise(), 3: U(0.1, 0.8), 4: U(0.1, 0.8)},
+ )
v = U(0.01, 0.2)
- base_color = (v, v * U(0, 0.15), v * U(0, 0.12), 1.)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': base_color, 'Roughness': rough.outputs["Result"]})
+ base_color = (v, v * U(0, 0.15), v * U(0, 0.12), 1.0)
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": base_color, "Roughness": rough.outputs["Result"]},
+ )
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_simple_brown, selection=selection)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(obj, shader_simple_brown, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/simple_greenery.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/simple_greenery.py
index 10f3b9f79..18a605827 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/simple_greenery.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/simple_greenery.py
@@ -3,42 +3,73 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
def shader_simple_greenery(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
def noise():
- return nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'},
- input_kwargs={'W': U(0, 100), 'Scale': N(60, 25), 'Detail': U(0, 10), 'Roughness': U(0, 1), 'Distortion': U(0, 3)})
- fac_color = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'},
- input_kwargs={'Value': noise(), 4: U(0.1, 1)})
- color = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': fac_color.outputs["Result"], 'Color1': color_category('greenery'), 'Color2': color_category('greenery')})
- translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslucentBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': color})
- rough = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'},
- input_kwargs={'Value': noise(), 3: U(0.1, 0.8), 4: U(0.1, 0.8)})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': color, 'Roughness': rough.outputs["Result"]})
- fac_translucent = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'},
- input_kwargs={'Value': noise(), 3: U(0.6, 0.9)})
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': fac_translucent.outputs["Result"], 1: translucent_bsdf, 2: principled_bsdf})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader})
+ return nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": U(0, 100),
+ "Scale": N(60, 25),
+ "Detail": U(0, 10),
+ "Roughness": U(0, 1),
+ "Distortion": U(0, 3),
+ },
+ )
+ fac_color = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ input_kwargs={"Value": noise(), 4: U(0.1, 1)},
+ )
+ color = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": fac_color.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color1": color_category("greenery"),
+ "Color2": color_category("greenery"),
+ },
+ )
+ translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslucentBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": color})
+ rough = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ input_kwargs={"Value": noise(), 3: U(0.1, 0.8), 4: U(0.1, 0.8)},
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": color, "Roughness": rough.outputs["Result"]},
+ )
+ fac_translucent = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ input_kwargs={"Value": noise(), 3: U(0.6, 0.9)},
+ )
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": fac_translucent.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: translucent_bsdf,
+ 2: principled_bsdf,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader}
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
surface.add_material(obj, shader_simple_greenery, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/simple_whitish.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/simple_whitish.py
index 3c9ec2e8f..61373a3df 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/simple_whitish.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/simple_whitish.py
@@ -4,31 +4,50 @@
# Authors: Beining Han
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
def shader_simple_white(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
def noise():
- return nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'},
- input_kwargs={'W': U(0, 100), 'Scale': N(60, 25), 'Detail': U(0, 10), 'Roughness': U(0, 1),
- 'Distortion': U(0, 3)})
- rough = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'},
- input_kwargs={'Value': noise(), 3: U(0.1, 0.8), 4: U(0.1, 0.8)})
+ return nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": U(0, 100),
+ "Scale": N(60, 25),
+ "Detail": U(0, 10),
+ "Roughness": U(0, 1),
+ "Distortion": U(0, 3),
+ },
+ )
+ rough = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ input_kwargs={"Value": noise(), 3: U(0.1, 0.8), 4: U(0.1, 0.8)},
+ )
v = U(0.7, 1.0)
- base_color = (v * (1. + N(0, 0.05)), v * (1. + N(0, 0.05)), v * (1. + N(0, 0.05)), 1.)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': base_color, 'Roughness': rough.outputs["Result"]})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ base_color = (
+ v * (1.0 + N(0, 0.05)),
+ v * (1.0 + N(0, 0.05)),
+ v * (1.0 + N(0, 0.05)),
+ 1.0,
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": base_color, "Roughness": rough.outputs["Result"]},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_simple_white, selection=selection)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(obj, shader_simple_white, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/slimy.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/slimy.py
index a5c8926e5..d2062dc02 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/slimy.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/slimy.py
@@ -4,124 +4,176 @@
# Authors: Mingzhe Wang
# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/111219/slime-effect-material
-import os, sys
-import numpy as np
-import math as ma
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import clip, sample_range, sample_ratio, sample_color, geo_voronoi_noise
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import (
+ sample_color,
+ sample_range,
from infinigen.core import surface
-import random
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
def shader_slimy(nw, rand=False, **input_kwargs):
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs["Value"].default_value = input_kwargs['scale'] if 'scale' in input_kwargs else 0.5
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"], 'Scale': value})
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 6.4},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
+ value.outputs["Value"].default_value = (
+ input_kwargs["scale"] if "scale" in input_kwargs else 0.5
+ )
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"],
+ "Scale": value,
+ },
+ )
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping, "Scale": 6.4},
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
musgrave_texture.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-5, 5)
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': musgrave_texture})
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": musgrave_texture})
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0399
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.2464
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 7.6, 'Distortion': 3.0},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping, "Scale": 7.6, "Distortion": 3.0},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
noise_texture_2.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-5, 5)
- colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"]})
+ colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.3554
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Color1': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': colorramp_4.outputs["Color"]})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': (0.6605, 0.0279, 0.0359, 1.0), 'Subsurface': 0.2, 'Subsurface Color': (0.4621, 0.0213, 0.0265, 1.0), 'Specular': 0.8591, 'Roughness': mix_1})
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Color1": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": colorramp_4.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": (0.6605, 0.0279, 0.0359, 1.0),
+ "Subsurface": 0.2,
+ "Subsurface Color": (0.4621, 0.0213, 0.0265, 1.0),
+ "Specular": 0.8591,
+ "Roughness": mix_1,
+ },
+ )
if rand:
- sample_color(principled_bsdf.inputs['Base Color'].default_value)
- sample_color(principled_bsdf.inputs['Subsurface Color'].default_value)
+ sample_color(principled_bsdf.inputs["Base Color"].default_value)
+ sample_color(principled_bsdf.inputs["Subsurface Color"].default_value)
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
-def geo_slimy(nw, rand=False, **input_kwargs):
+def geo_slimy(nw, rand=False, **input_kwargs):
group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput)
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs["Value"].default_value = input_kwargs['scale'] if 'scale' in input_kwargs else 0.2
- vector_math = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ value.outputs["Value"].default_value = (
+ input_kwargs["scale"] if "scale" in input_kwargs else 0.2
+ )
+ vector_math = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: position, 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_math.outputs["Vector"], 'Distortion': 2.0},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_math.outputs["Vector"], "Distortion": 2.0},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
- noise_texture.inputs['W'].default_value = sample_range(-5, 5)
- noise_texture.inputs['Scale'].default_value = sample_range(3, 7)
- noise_texture.inputs['Distortion'].default_value = sample_range(1, 4)
- wave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': wave_texture.outputs["Fac"]})
+ noise_texture.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-5, 5)
+ noise_texture.inputs["Scale"].default_value = sample_range(3, 7)
+ noise_texture.inputs["Distortion"].default_value = sample_range(1, 4)
+ wave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": wave_texture.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- math = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ math = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: colorramp.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- vector_math_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ vector_math_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: math, 1: normal},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value_1.outputs["Value"].default_value = uniform(0.005, 0.02) if rand else 0.015
- vector_math_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ vector_math_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: vector_math_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: value_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input, 'Offset': vector_math_2.outputs["Vector"]})
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
- 'Geometry': set_position,
- 1: math},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Attribute': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]})
+ "Geometry": group_input,
+ "Offset": vector_math_2.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, 1: math},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Attribute": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
+ },
+ )
def apply(obj, geo_kwargs=None, shader_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_slimy, apply=False, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs, attributes=['offset'])
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geo_slimy, apply=False, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs, attributes=["offset"]
+ )
surface.add_material(obj, shader_slimy, reuse=False, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/smoke_material.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/smoke_material.py
index 305cd0914..a87d32a2d 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/smoke_material.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/smoke_material.py
@@ -1,29 +1,30 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# Authors: Karhan Kayan
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
import numpy as np
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_color_neighbour
def smoke_material(nw):
# Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
- principled_volume = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledVolume,
- input_kwargs={'Color': random_color_neighbour((0.3803, 0.3803, 0.3803, 1.0)), 'Density': np.random.uniform(1.0, 5.0)})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Volume': principled_volume})
+ principled_volume = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledVolume,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Color": random_color_neighbour((0.3803, 0.3803, 0.3803, 1.0)),
+ "Density": np.random.uniform(1.0, 5.0),
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Volume": principled_volume}
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_material(obj, smoke_material, selection=selection)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(obj, smoke_material, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/snake_plant.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/snake_plant.py
index f4dc29af0..9826215b5 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/snake_plant.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/snake_plant.py
@@ -4,28 +4,26 @@
# Authors: Beining Han
# Acknowledgements: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHr8LjfX09c
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint, choice
+import colorsys
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core import surface
-import numpy as np
-import colorsys
def shader_snake_plant(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
r = 2.0 * np.random.choice([0, 1], p=(0.4, 0.6))
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 0.001, 1: r},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 0.001, 1: r}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': multiply})
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": multiply})
e = U(0.34, 0.42)
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = e
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
@@ -34,63 +32,89 @@ def shader_snake_plant(nw: NodeWrangler):
texture_coordinate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_1, 'Scale': U(0.2, 1.0), 'Roughness': 1.0})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: (1.0, 1.0, 0.6)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: mapping_1})
- wave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': U(1.0, 2.5),
- 'Distortion': U(2.0, 4.5),
- 'Detail Scale': U(2.0, 8.0), 'Detail Roughness': 2.0},
- attrs={'bands_direction': 'Z'})
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"]}
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping_1, "Scale": U(0.2, 1.0), "Roughness": 1.0},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: (1.0, 1.0, 0.6)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: mapping_1}
+ )
+ wave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": U(1.0, 2.5),
+ "Distortion": U(2.0, 4.5),
+ "Detail Scale": U(2.0, 8.0),
+ "Detail Roughness": 2.0,
+ },
+ attrs={"bands_direction": "Z"},
+ )
w = U(0.2, 0.7)
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: wave_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: w},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- mapping_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': (7.0, 7.0, 0.05)})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_2, 'Scale': U(20.0, 40.0)})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- colorramp_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': multiply_2})
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: wave_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: w},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ mapping_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": (7.0, 7.0, 0.05),
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping_2, "Scale": U(20.0, 40.0)}
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ colorramp_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": multiply_2})
colorramp_8.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2318
colorramp_8.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_8.color_ramp.elements[1].position = U(0.55, 0.75)
colorramp_8.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
r = 0.6 + (w - 0.2) * 0.6
- colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': wave_texture.outputs["Fac"]})
+ colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": wave_texture.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.6 + (w - 0.2) * 0.6
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].position = np.minimum(1.0, r + U(0.02, 0.15))
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': U(0.8, 1.0), 'Color1': colorramp_8.outputs["Color"],
- 'Color2': colorramp_4.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'ADD'})
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": U(0.8, 1.0),
+ "Color1": colorramp_8.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": colorramp_4.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"blend_type": "ADD"},
+ )
c = [U(0.28, 0.36), U(0.35, 0.80), U(0.20, 0.45)]
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': mix_1})
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix_1})
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = hsv2rgba(c)
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
@@ -99,16 +123,30 @@ def shader_snake_plant(nw: NodeWrangler):
c[0] += N(0, 0.015)
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = hsv2rgba(c)
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': (*colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(
- *[U(0.16, 0.23), U(0.8, 0.95), U(0.35, 0.8)]), 1.0),
- 'Color2': colorramp_3.outputs["Color"]})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix, 'Roughness': U(8.0, 15.0), 'Clearcoat Roughness': 0.0})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": (
+ *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(*[U(0.16, 0.23), U(0.8, 0.95), U(0.35, 0.8)]),
+ 1.0,
+ ),
+ "Color2": colorramp_3.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": mix,
+ "Roughness": U(8.0, 15.0),
+ "Clearcoat Roughness": 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/snake_scale.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/snake_scale.py
index 6bff30eb6..938f4d0b5 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/snake_scale.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/snake_scale.py
@@ -4,275 +4,476 @@
# Authors: Hongyu Wen
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import random
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
+from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.assets.materials import snake_shaders
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_scale_shape', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
+ "nodegroup_scale_shape", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
def nodegroup_scale_shape(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'length', 1.0)])
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["length"]})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine,
- input_kwargs={'End': combine_xyz})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line})
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "length", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["length"]}
+ )
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": combine_xyz})
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line}
+ )
spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.25419999999999998), (0.10680000000000001, 0.34379999999999999), (0.39479999999999998, 0.3695), (1.0, 0.0)], handles=['AUTO_CLAMPED', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO'])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": separate_xyz.outputs["X"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.25419999999999998),
+ (0.10680000000000001, 0.34379999999999999),
+ (0.39479999999999998, 0.3695),
+ (1.0, 0.0),
+ ],
+ handles=["AUTO_CLAMPED", "AUTO", "AUTO", "AUTO"],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: group_input.outputs["length"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': multiply})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve, 'Offset': combine_xyz_1})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": resample_curve, "Offset": combine_xyz_1},
+ )
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: -1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 'Y': multiply_1, 'Z': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Position': combine_xyz_2})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_position_1, set_position]})
- convex_hull = nw.new_node(Nodes.ConvexHull,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry})
- mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': convex_hull})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": multiply_1,
+ "Z": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, "Position": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_position_1, set_position]}
+ )
+ convex_hull = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ConvexHull, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry}
+ )
+ mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve, input_kwargs={"Mesh": convex_hull})
position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleNearestSurface,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': convex_hull, 'Value': position_1},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': (transfer_attribute, "Value")})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleNearestSurface,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": convex_hull, "Value": position_1},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": (transfer_attribute, "Value")}
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: group_input.outputs["length"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': divide})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0114, 0.46110000000000001), (0.51139999999999997, 0.30940000000000001), (1.0, 0.058099999999999999)])
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': mesh_to_curve, 'Radius': float_curve_1})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': group_input.outputs["thickness"]})
- curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine,
- input_kwargs={'End': combine_xyz_3})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': curve_line_1})
- convex_hull_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ConvexHull,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [join_geometry, resample_curve]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Convex Hull': convex_hull_1, 'Curve': join_geometry_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_scale', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": divide})
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0114, 0.46110000000000001),
+ (0.51139999999999997, 0.30940000000000001),
+ (1.0, 0.058099999999999999),
+ ],
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": mesh_to_curve, "Radius": float_curve_1},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": group_input.outputs["thickness"]}
+ )
+ curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": combine_xyz_3})
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_curve_radius, "Profile Curve": curve_line_1},
+ )
+ convex_hull_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ConvexHull, input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh}
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [join_geometry, resample_curve]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Convex Hull": convex_hull_1, "Curve": join_geometry_1},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_scale", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
def nodegroup_scale(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius', 0.040000000000000001),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness', 0.10000000000000001),
- ('NodeSocketVectorEuler', 'Rotation', (0.0, -0.17449999999999999, 0.0))])
- nodegroup_nodegroup_nodegroup_scale_shape_011 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_scale_shape().name,
- input_kwargs={'thickness': group_input.outputs["thickness"], 'length': group_input.outputs["Radius"]})
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius", 0.040000000000000001),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness", 0.10000000000000001),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorEuler", "Rotation", (0.0, -0.17449999999999999, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_nodegroup_scale_shape_011 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_scale_shape().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "thickness": group_input.outputs["thickness"],
+ "length": group_input.outputs["Radius"],
+ },
+ )
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0), (0.45229999999999998, 0.13439999999999999), (0.92949999999999999, 0.1875), (1.0, 0.0)])
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': nodegroup_nodegroup_nodegroup_scale_shape_011.outputs["Curve"], 'Radius': float_curve})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 5, 'Radius': 0.02})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"]})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [join_geometry, nodegroup_nodegroup_nodegroup_scale_shape_011.outputs["Convex Hull"]]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Rotation': group_input.outputs["Rotation"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform})
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": separate_xyz.outputs["X"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.45229999999999998, 0.13439999999999999),
+ (0.92949999999999999, 0.1875),
+ (1.0, 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": nodegroup_nodegroup_nodegroup_scale_shape_011.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Radius": float_curve,
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Resolution": 5, "Radius": 0.02}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh}
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ join_geometry,
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_nodegroup_scale_shape_011.outputs["Convex Hull"],
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_1,
+ "Rotation": group_input.outputs["Rotation"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform})
def geometry_snake_scale(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: 0.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- separate_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Selection': greater_than},
- attrs={'domain': 'EDGE'})
- distribute_points_on_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': separate_geometry.outputs["Selection"], 'Distance Min': 0.03, 'Density Max': 10000.0},
- attrs={'distribute_method': 'POISSON'})
- named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Name': 'corner'})
- named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Name': 'inside_mouth'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: named_attribute.outputs[1], 1: named_attribute_1.outputs[1]})
- separate_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Selection': add})
- geometry_proximity = nw.new_node(Nodes.Proximity,
- input_kwargs={'Target': separate_geometry_1.outputs["Selection"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': geometry_proximity.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.050000000000000003})
- greater_than_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ separate_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Selection": greater_than,
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "EDGE"},
+ )
+ distribute_points_on_faces = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": separate_geometry.outputs["Selection"],
+ "Distance Min": 0.03,
+ "Density Max": 10000.0,
+ },
+ attrs={"distribute_method": "POISSON"},
+ )
+ named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute, input_kwargs={"Name": "corner"})
+ named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NamedAttribute, input_kwargs={"Name": "inside_mouth"}
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: named_attribute.outputs[1], 1: named_attribute_1.outputs[1]},
+ )
+ separate_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"], "Selection": add},
+ )
+ geometry_proximity = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Proximity,
+ input_kwargs={"Target": separate_geometry_1.outputs["Selection"]},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": geometry_proximity.outputs["Distance"],
+ 2: 0.050000000000000003,
+ },
+ )
+ greater_than_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.10000000000000001},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- nodegroup_scale_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_scale().name,
- input_kwargs={'Radius': 0.14999999999999999, 'thickness': 0.01, 'Rotation': (0.0, -0.017500000000000002, 0.0)})
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': nodegroup_scale_1})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_shade_smooth, 'Scale': (0.59999999999999998, 0.59999999999999998, 0.59999999999999998)})
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ nodegroup_scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_scale().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Radius": 0.14999999999999999,
+ "thickness": 0.01,
+ "Rotation": (0.0, -0.017500000000000002, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={"Geometry": nodegroup_scale_1}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_shade_smooth,
+ "Scale": (0.59999999999999998, 0.59999999999999998, 0.59999999999999998),
+ },
+ )
normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleNearestSurface,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': separate_geometry.outputs["Selection"], 'Value': normal},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': (transfer_attribute, "Value")},
- attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': map_range.outputs["Result"], 'Y': map_range.outputs["Result"], 'Z': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': distribute_points_on_faces.outputs["Points"], 'Selection': greater_than_1, 'Instance': transform, 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector, 'Scale': combine_xyz})
- distribute_points_on_faces_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': separate_geometry.outputs["Inverted"], 'Distance Min': 0.02, 'Density Max': 10000.0},
- attrs={'distribute_method': 'POISSON'})
- greater_than_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleNearestSurface,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": separate_geometry.outputs["Selection"], "Value": normal},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": (transfer_attribute, "Value")},
+ attrs={"axis": "Z"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Y": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Z": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": distribute_points_on_faces.outputs["Points"],
+ "Selection": greater_than_1,
+ "Instance": transform,
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector,
+ "Scale": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ distribute_points_on_faces_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": separate_geometry.outputs["Inverted"],
+ "Distance Min": 0.02,
+ "Density Max": 10000.0,
+ },
+ attrs={"distribute_method": "POISSON"},
+ )
+ greater_than_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.10000000000000001},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- nodegroup_scale_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_scale().name,
- input_kwargs={'Radius': 0.070000000000000007, 'thickness': 0.0060000000000000001, 'Rotation': (0.0, -0.017500000000000002, 0.0)})
- set_shade_smooth_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': nodegroup_scale_2})
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ nodegroup_scale_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_scale().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Radius": 0.070000000000000007,
+ "thickness": 0.0060000000000000001,
+ "Rotation": (0.0, -0.017500000000000002, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={"Geometry": nodegroup_scale_2}
+ )
normal_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- transfer_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleNearestSurface,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': separate_geometry.outputs["Inverted"], 'Value': normal_1},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': (transfer_attribute_1, "Value")},
- attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': distribute_points_on_faces_1.outputs["Points"], 'Selection': greater_than_2, 'Instance': set_shade_smooth_1, 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector_1, 'Scale': combine_xyz})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [group_input.outputs["Geometry"], instance_on_points, instance_on_points_1]})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry})
+ transfer_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleNearestSurface,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": separate_geometry.outputs["Inverted"], "Value": normal_1},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": (transfer_attribute_1, "Value")},
+ attrs={"axis": "Z"},
+ )
+ instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": distribute_points_on_faces_1.outputs["Points"],
+ "Selection": greater_than_2,
+ "Instance": set_shade_smooth_1,
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector_1,
+ "Scale": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ instance_on_points,
+ instance_on_points_1,
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry}
+ )
position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- bounding_box = nw.new_node(Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1, 7: bounding_box.outputs["Min"], 8: bounding_box.outputs["Max"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances, 'Name': 'Position', 2: map_range.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ bounding_box = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position_1,
+ 7: bounding_box.outputs["Min"],
+ 8: bounding_box.outputs["Max"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": realize_instances,
+ "Name": "Position",
+ 2: map_range.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def apply(obj, **kwargs):
shader = snake_shaders.shaders.choose()
rand = uniform() > 0.3
surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_snake_scale)
- surface.add_material(obj, shader, input_kwargs={'rand': rand})
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(obj, shader, input_kwargs={"rand": rand})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/snake_shaders.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/snake_shaders.py
index 5fe6ac9ca..6d0784fcd 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/snake_shaders.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/snake_shaders.py
@@ -5,46 +5,65 @@
# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MP7EZCFrXek by blenderbitesize and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPI9xq41nOk by Ryan King
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import clip, sample_range, sample_ratio, sample_color, geo_voronoi_noise
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
import random
+from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import (
+ sample_color,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
def shader_black_white_snake(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'Position'})
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute})
- wave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 10.0, 'Distortion': 1.5, 'Detail': 5.0, 'Detail Roughness': 0.8})
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_1, 'Scale': 3.0, 'Detail': 5.0})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.8, 'Color1': noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': mapping_1})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix, 'Scale': 8.0},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.2, 'Color1': wave_texture.outputs["Fac"], 'Color2': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': mix_1})
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "Position"})
+ mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute})
+ wave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Scale": 10.0,
+ "Distortion": 1.5,
+ "Detail": 5.0,
+ "Detail Roughness": 0.8,
+ },
+ )
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping_1, "Scale": 3.0, "Detail": 5.0},
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.8,
+ "Color1": noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": mapping_1,
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mix, "Scale": 8.0},
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.2,
+ "Color1": wave_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Color2": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix_1})
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 0.9647, 0.8308, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.0977
@@ -52,28 +71,46 @@ def shader_black_white_snake(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True):
if rand:
for e in colorramp.color_ramp.elements:
sample_color(e.color, offset=0.05, keep_sum=True)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Metallic': 0.6, 'Specular': 0.2, 'Roughness': 0.4},
- attrs={'subsurface_method': 'BURLEY'})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Metallic": 0.6,
+ "Specular": 0.2,
+ "Roughness": 0.4,
+ },
+ attrs={"subsurface_method": "BURLEY"},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def shader_brown(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=False):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'Position'})
- mapping_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute, 'Scale': (0.5, 1.0, 1.0)})
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_2, 'Scale': 10.0, 'Detail': 20.0, 'Roughness': 0.4, 'Distortion': 0.1})
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"]})
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "Position"})
+ mapping_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute, "Scale": (0.5, 1.0, 1.0)}
+ )
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping_2,
+ "Scale": 10.0,
+ "Detail": 20.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.4,
+ "Distortion": 0.1,
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4045
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.013, 0.0011, 0.0027, 1.0)
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.4568
@@ -81,43 +118,69 @@ def shader_brown(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=False):
if rand:
for e in colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements:
sample_color(e.color, offset=0.05)
- principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp_2.outputs["Color"], 'Metallic': 0.4, 'Specular': 0.3, 'Roughness': 1},
- attrs={'subsurface_method': 'BURLEY'})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute, 'Scale': 0.4, 'Detail': 15.0})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.95, 'Color1': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], 'Color2': attribute},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'LINEAR_LIGHT'})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix_1, 'Scale': 4.0, 'Randomness': 3.0})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"]})
+ principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp_2.outputs["Color"],
+ "Metallic": 0.4,
+ "Specular": 0.3,
+ "Roughness": 1,
+ },
+ attrs={"subsurface_method": "BURLEY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute, "Scale": 0.4, "Detail": 15.0},
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.95,
+ "Color1": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Color2": attribute,
+ },
+ attrs={"blend_type": "LINEAR_LIGHT"},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mix_1, "Scale": 4.0, "Randomness": 3.0},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.1614
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.3068
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- voronoi_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix_1, 'Scale': 10.0, 'Randomness': 3.0})
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': voronoi_texture_2.outputs["Distance"]})
+ voronoi_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mix_1, "Scale": 10.0, "Randomness": 3.0},
+ )
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture_2.outputs["Distance"]}
+ )
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.1682
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.2864
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.0, 'Color1': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': colorramp_3.outputs["Color"]})
- colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': mix_2})
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.0,
+ "Color1": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": colorramp_3.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix_2})
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
@@ -131,49 +194,88 @@ def shader_brown(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=False):
if rand:
for e in colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements:
sample_color(e.color, offset=0.2)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp_4.outputs["Color"], 'Metallic': 0.4, 'Roughness': 0.5},
- attrs={'subsurface_method': 'BURLEY'})
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.3, 1: principled_bsdf_1, 2: principled_bsdf})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp_4.outputs["Color"],
+ "Metallic": 0.4,
+ "Roughness": 0.5,
+ },
+ attrs={"subsurface_method": "BURLEY"},
+ )
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.3, 1: principled_bsdf_1, 2: principled_bsdf},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader}
+ )
def shader_golden(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=False):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'Position'})
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute, 'Scale': (0.5, 1.0, 1.0)})
- wave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Distortion': 1.0, 'Detail': 15.0, 'Detail Roughness': 0.8, 'Phase Offset': 2.0})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': wave_texture.outputs["Color"], 'Scale': 1.5, 'Detail': 5.0, 'Roughness': 0.4})
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_1, 'Scale': 3.0, 'Detail': 5.0})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.8, 'Color1': noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': mapping_1})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix, 'Scale': 8.0},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.1, 'Color1': noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': mix_1})
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "Position"})
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute, "Scale": (0.5, 1.0, 1.0)}
+ )
+ wave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Distortion": 1.0,
+ "Detail": 15.0,
+ "Detail Roughness": 0.8,
+ "Phase Offset": 2.0,
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": wave_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ "Scale": 1.5,
+ "Detail": 5.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.4,
+ },
+ )
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping_1, "Scale": 3.0, "Detail": 5.0},
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.8,
+ "Color1": noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": mapping_1,
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mix, "Scale": 8.0},
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.1,
+ "Color1": noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix_1})
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4682
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.017, 0.0094, 0.0033, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
@@ -181,89 +283,162 @@ def shader_golden(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=False):
if rand:
for e in colorramp.color_ramp.elements:
sample_color(e.color, offset=0.05, keep_sum=True)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Metallic': 0.4, 'Specular': 0.2, 'Roughness': 0.4},
- attrs={'subsurface_method': 'BURLEY'})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Metallic": 0.4,
+ "Specular": 0.2,
+ "Roughness": 0.4,
+ },
+ attrs={"subsurface_method": "BURLEY"},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def shader_green(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'Position'})
- mapping_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_3})
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "Position"})
+ mapping_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute})
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping_3})
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.3864
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6682
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- mapping_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute, 'Scale': (0.5, 1.0, 1.0)})
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_2, 'Scale': 10.0, 'Detail': 10.0, 'Roughness': 0.40000000000000002, 'Distortion': 0.10000000000000001})
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"]})
+ mapping_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute, "Scale": (0.5, 1.0, 1.0)}
+ )
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping_2,
+ "Scale": 10.0,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.40000000000000002,
+ "Distortion": 0.10000000000000001,
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2318
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.64449999999999996, 0.52710000000000001, 0.0011999999999999999, 1.0)
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (
+ 0.64449999999999996,
+ 0.52710000000000001,
+ 0.0011999999999999999,
+ 1.0,
+ )
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.375
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.050299999999999997, 0.033799999999999997, 0.0071999999999999998, 1.0)
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (
+ 0.050299999999999997,
+ 0.033799999999999997,
+ 0.0071999999999999998,
+ 1.0,
+ )
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.45
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.0172, 0.040599999999999997, 0.0, 1.0)
if rand:
for e in colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements:
sample_color(e.color, offset=0.1, keep_sum=True)
- principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp_2.outputs["Color"], 'Metallic': 0.40000000000000002, 'Roughness': 0.27000000000000002},
- attrs={'subsurface_method': 'BURLEY'})
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute, 'Scale': (0.5, 1.0, 1.0)})
- wave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Distortion': 1.0, 'Detail': 15.0, 'Detail Roughness': 0.80000000000000004, 'Phase Offset': 2.0})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': wave_texture.outputs["Color"], 'Scale': 1.3999999999999999, 'Detail': 5.0, 'Roughness': 0.40000000000000002})
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': attribute})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_1, 'Scale': 3.0, 'Detail': 5.0})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.80000000000000004, 'Color1': noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': mapping_1})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix, 'Scale': 8.0},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.10000000000000001, 'Color1': noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': mix_1})
+ principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp_2.outputs["Color"],
+ "Metallic": 0.40000000000000002,
+ "Roughness": 0.27000000000000002,
+ },
+ attrs={"subsurface_method": "BURLEY"},
+ )
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute, "Scale": (0.5, 1.0, 1.0)}
+ )
+ wave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Distortion": 1.0,
+ "Detail": 15.0,
+ "Detail Roughness": 0.80000000000000004,
+ "Phase Offset": 2.0,
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": wave_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ "Scale": 1.3999999999999999,
+ "Detail": 5.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.40000000000000002,
+ },
+ )
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping_1, "Scale": 3.0, "Detail": 5.0},
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.80000000000000004,
+ "Color1": noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": mapping_1,
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mix, "Scale": 8.0},
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.10000000000000001,
+ "Color1": noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix_1})
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2818
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.76819999999999999, 0.78349999999999997, 0.76049999999999995, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (
+ 0.76819999999999999,
+ 0.78349999999999997,
+ 0.76049999999999995,
+ 1.0,
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.4295
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0012999999999999999, 0.0012999999999999999, 0.0012999999999999999, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (
+ 0.0012999999999999999,
+ 0.0012999999999999999,
+ 0.0012999999999999999,
+ 1.0,
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.5068
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.0095999999999999992, 0.0149, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[3].position = 0.6727
@@ -271,16 +446,30 @@ def shader_green(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True):
if rand:
for e in colorramp.color_ramp.elements:
sample_color(e.color, keep_sum=True)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Metallic': 0.40000000000000002, 'Roughness': 0.27000000000000002},
- attrs={'subsurface_method': 'BURLEY'})
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_3.outputs["Color"], 1: principled_bsdf_1, 2: principled_bsdf})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Metallic": 0.40000000000000002,
+ "Roughness": 0.27000000000000002,
+ },
+ attrs={"subsurface_method": "BURLEY"},
+ )
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_3.outputs["Color"],
+ 1: principled_bsdf_1,
+ 2: principled_bsdf,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader}
+ )
def shader_shining_golden(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
@@ -288,19 +477,29 @@ def shader_shining_golden(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True):
base_color = [0.8, 0.2227, 0.0326, 1.0]
if rand:
base_color = sample_color(base_color, keep_sum=True)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': base_color, 'Metallic': 0.6, 'Roughness': 0.27},
- attrs={'subsurface_method': 'BURLEY'})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": base_color, "Metallic": 0.6, "Roughness": 0.27},
+ attrs={"subsurface_method": "BURLEY"},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
class shaders:
def choose():
- choices = [shader_black_white_snake, shader_shining_golden, shader_golden, shader_green]
+ choices = [
+ shader_black_white_snake,
+ shader_shining_golden,
+ shader_golden,
+ shader_green,
+ ]
# choices = [shader_green]
return random.choice(choices)
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
shader = shaders.choose()
surface.add_material(obj, shader, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/snow.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/snow.py
index 2baf3160f..49d764aa6 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/snow.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/snow.py
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
# adapted from Blender Real Snow add-on https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/addons/object/real_snow.html
# License: GPL
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes
type = SurfaceTypes.SDFPerturb
@@ -13,46 +13,46 @@
def shader_snow(nw, subsurface=1.0, **kwargs):
- position = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeNewGeometry', [])
+ position = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeNewGeometry", [])
combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': 0.36, 'Y': 0.46, 'Z': 0.6}
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": 0.36, "Y": 0.46, "Z": 0.6}
vector_math = nw.new_node(
input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'}
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
mapping = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'Scale': (12.0, 12.0, 12.0)}
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": position, "Scale": (12.0, 12.0, 12.0)}
voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 30.0},
- attrs={'feature': 'N_SPHERE_RADIUS'}
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping, "Scale": 30.0},
+ attrs={"feature": "N_SPHERE_RADIUS"},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture.outputs["Radius"]}
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': voronoi_texture.outputs["Radius"]})
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.525
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.58
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
- 'Base Color': (0.904, 0.904, 0.904, 1.0),
- 'Subsurface': subsurface,
- 'Subsurface Radius': vector_math.outputs["Vector"],
- 'Subsurface Color': (0.904, 0.904, 0.904, 1.0),
- 'Specular': 0.224,
- 'Roughness': 0.1,
- 'Clearcoat': colorramp.outputs["Color"],
- 'Clearcoat Roughness': 0.1,
+ "Base Color": (0.904, 0.904, 0.904, 1.0),
+ "Subsurface": subsurface,
+ "Subsurface Radius": vector_math.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Subsurface Color": (0.904, 0.904, 0.904, 1.0),
+ "Specular": 0.224,
+ "Roughness": 0.1,
+ "Clearcoat": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Clearcoat Roughness": 0.1,
- attrs={'distribution': 'MULTI_GGX'}
+ attrs={"distribution": "MULTI_GGX"},
return principled_bsdf
@@ -61,38 +61,35 @@ def geo_snowtexture(nw, selection=None, **kwargs):
group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput)
normal_dir = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
position0 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- position = nw.multiply(position0, [12]*3)
+ position = nw.multiply(position0, [12] * 3)
noise_texture = nw.new_node(
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'Scale': 12.0, 'Detail': 2}
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": position, "Scale": 12.0, "Detail": 2},
noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'Scale': 2.0, 'Detail': 4}
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": position, "Scale": 2.0, "Detail": 4}
colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]}
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]}
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.069
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.757
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'Scale': 1.0, 'Detail': 4}
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": position, "Scale": 1.0, "Detail": 4}
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"]}
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"]}
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.069
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.757
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
height = nw.scalar_add(
nw.scalar_multiply(0.6, noise_texture),
nw.scalar_multiply(0.4, colorramp_1),
@@ -101,34 +98,33 @@ def geo_snowtexture(nw, selection=None, **kwargs):
map_range = nw.new_node(
- input_kwargs={'Value': height, 1: 0.0, 2: 2.0, 3: -0.03, 4: 0.03}
+ input_kwargs={"Value": height, 1: 0.0, 2: 2.0, 3: -0.03, 4: 0.03},
modulation = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position0, 'Scale': 0.5}
- )
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': modulation}
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": position0, "Scale": 0.5}
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": modulation})
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.25
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.75
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
offset = nw.multiply(normal_dir, map_range, colorramp_3)
if selection is not None:
offset = nw.multiply(offset, surface.eval_argument(nw, selection))
set_position = nw.new_node(
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': offset}
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"], "Offset": offset},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
def apply(objs, selection=None, **kwargs):
surface.add_geomod(objs, geo_snowtexture, selection=selection)
- surface.add_material(objs, shader_snow, selection=selection, input_kwargs=kwargs)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(objs, shader_snow, selection=selection, input_kwargs=kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/soil.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/soil.py
index 02029a439..6a02112d5 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/soil.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/soil.py
@@ -5,18 +5,20 @@
import gin
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_color_neighbour
type = SurfaceTypes.SDFPerturb
mod_name = "geometry_soil"
name = "soil"
"nodegroup_displacement_to_offset", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
@@ -55,7 +57,7 @@ def nodegroup_displacement_to_offset(nw):
def nodegroup_pebble(nw):
if nw.node_group.type == "SHADER":
- position = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeNewGeometry')
+ position = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeNewGeometry")
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
@@ -110,13 +112,13 @@ def nodegroup_pebble(nw):
@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_pebble", singleton=False)
def nodegroup_pebble_geo(nw):
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_pebble", singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_pebble", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree")
def nodegroup_pebble_shader(nw):
@@ -127,8 +129,12 @@ def shader_soil(nw, random_seed=0):
big_stone = geometry_soil(nw, random_seed=random_seed, geometry=False)
# Code generated using version 2.3.1 of the node_transpiler
darkness = 1.5
- soil_col_1 = random_color_neighbour((0.28 / darkness, 0.11 / darkness, 0.042 / darkness, 1.0), 0.05, 0.1, 0.1)
- soil_col_2 = random_color_neighbour((0.22 / darkness , 0.0906 / darkness , 0.035 / darkness, 1.0), 0.05, 0.1, 0.1)
+ soil_col_1 = random_color_neighbour(
+ (0.28 / darkness, 0.11 / darkness, 0.042 / darkness, 1.0), 0.05, 0.1, 0.1
+ )
+ soil_col_2 = random_color_neighbour(
+ (0.22 / darkness, 0.0906 / darkness, 0.035 / darkness, 1.0), 0.05, 0.1, 0.1
+ )
peb_col_1 = random_color_neighbour((0.3813, 0.1714, 0.0782, 1.0), 0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
peb_col_2 = random_color_neighbour((0.314, 0.1274, 0.0578, 1.0), 0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
@@ -165,9 +171,7 @@ def shader_soil(nw, random_seed=0):
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = soil_col_2
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": big_stone}
- )
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": big_stone})
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = peb_col_1
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
@@ -211,12 +215,13 @@ def shader_soil(nw, random_seed=0):
return principled_bsdf_4
def geometry_soil(nw, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True):
if nw.node_group.type == "SHADER":
- position = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeNewGeometry')
- normal = (nw.new_node('ShaderNodeNewGeometry'), 1)
+ position = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeNewGeometry")
+ normal = (nw.new_node("ShaderNodeNewGeometry"), 1)
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
@@ -225,17 +230,24 @@ def geometry_soil(nw, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True):
# Code generated using version 2.3.1 of the node_transpiler
peb1_size = nw.new_value(uniform(2.0, 5.0), "peb1_size ~ U(2, 5)")
- peb1_noise_mag = nw.new_value((1 / peb1_size.outputs[0].default_value) * uniform(1.5, 2), "peb1_noise_mag ~ U(0.1, 0.5)")
+ peb1_noise_mag = nw.new_value(
+ (1 / peb1_size.outputs[0].default_value) * uniform(1.5, 2),
+ "peb1_noise_mag ~ U(0.1, 0.5)",
+ )
group = nw.new_node(
- nodegroup_pebble_geo().name if nw.node_group.type != "SHADER" else nodegroup_pebble_shader().name,
+ nodegroup_pebble_geo().name
+ if nw.node_group.type != "SHADER"
+ else nodegroup_pebble_shader().name,
input_kwargs={"PebbleScale": peb1_size, "NoiseMag": peb1_noise_mag},
peb1_roundness = uniform(0.5, 1.0)
peb1_amount = uniform(0.2, 0.5)
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": group}, label="colorramp_VAR")
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": group}, label="colorramp_VAR"
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (
@@ -255,16 +267,23 @@ def geometry_soil(nw, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True):
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
peb2_size = nw.new_value(uniform(5, 9), "peb2_size ~ U(5, 9)")
- peb2_noise_scale = nw.new_value((1 / peb2_size.outputs[0].default_value) * uniform(1.5, 2), "peb2_noise_scale ~ U(0.05, 0.2)")
+ peb2_noise_scale = nw.new_value(
+ (1 / peb2_size.outputs[0].default_value) * uniform(1.5, 2),
+ "peb2_noise_scale ~ U(0.05, 0.2)",
+ )
group_3 = nw.new_node(
- nodegroup_pebble_geo().name if nw.node_group.type != "SHADER" else nodegroup_pebble_shader().name,
+ nodegroup_pebble_geo().name
+ if nw.node_group.type != "SHADER"
+ else nodegroup_pebble_shader().name,
input_kwargs={"PebbleScale": peb2_size, "NoiseMag": peb2_noise_scale},
peb2_roundness = uniform(0.3, 0.8)
peb2_amount = uniform(0.2, 0.5)
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": group_3}, label="colorramp_2_VAR")
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": group_3}, label="colorramp_2_VAR"
+ )
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (
@@ -285,16 +304,23 @@ def geometry_soil(nw, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True):
add = nw.new_node(
- input_kwargs={0: colorramp.outputs["Color"], 1: colorramp_2.outputs["Color"]},
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ 1: colorramp_2.outputs["Color"],
+ },
big_stone = colorramp
peb3_size = nw.new_value(uniform(12.0, 18.0), "peb3_size ~ U(12, 18)")
- peb3_noise_scale = nw.new_value(uniform(0.05, 0.35), "peb3_noise_scale ~ U(0.05, 0.35)")
+ peb3_noise_scale = nw.new_value(
+ uniform(0.05, 0.35), "peb3_noise_scale ~ U(0.05, 0.35)"
+ )
group_2 = nw.new_node(
- nodegroup_pebble_geo().name if nw.node_group.type != "SHADER" else nodegroup_pebble_shader().name,
+ nodegroup_pebble_geo().name
+ if nw.node_group.type != "SHADER"
+ else nodegroup_pebble_shader().name,
input_kwargs={"PebbleScale": peb3_size, "NoiseMag": peb3_noise_scale},
@@ -316,14 +342,14 @@ def geometry_soil(nw, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True):
groupinput = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput)
if selection is not None:
offset = nw.multiply(offset, surface.eval_argument(nw, selection))
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": groupinput, "Offset": offset})
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": groupinput, "Offset": offset}
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position})
return big_stone
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_geomod(
- obj, geometry_soil, selection=selection
- )
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_soil, selection=selection)
surface.add_material(obj, shader_soil, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/spider_plant.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/spider_plant.py
index 1d920761b..b9b615ed1 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/spider_plant.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/spider_plant.py
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
# Authors: Beining Han
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal , randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
+from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
def shader_spider_plant(nw: NodeWrangler):
@@ -16,19 +16,27 @@ def shader_spider_plant(nw: NodeWrangler):
main_hsv_color = (uniform(0.18, 0.36), uniform(0.70, 0.90), uniform(0.2, 0.3))
main_color = hsv2rgba(main_hsv_color)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': main_color, 'Subsurface IOR': 1.01,
- 'Roughness': 2.0})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": main_color,
+ "Subsurface IOR": 1.01,
+ "Roughness": 2.0,
+ },
+ )
- translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslucentBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': main_color})
+ translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TranslucentBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": main_color}
+ )
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={1: principled_bsdf, 2: translucent_bsdf})
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader, input_kwargs={1: principled_bsdf, 2: translucent_bsdf}
+ )
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader})
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader}
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_spider_plant, selection=selection)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(obj, shader_spider_plant, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/spot_sparse_attr.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/spot_sparse_attr.py
index 610f452b8..56279c54f 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/spot_sparse_attr.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/spot_sparse_attr.py
@@ -4,28 +4,31 @@
# Authors: Mingzhe Wang
-import os, sys
-import numpy as np
-import math as ma
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import clip, sample_range, sample_ratio, sample_color, geo_voronoi_noise
+import os
import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import (
+ sample_range,
+ sample_ratio,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.shader import nodegroup_color_mask
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.shader import nodegroup_color_mask
def shader_spots_sparse_attr(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'offset'})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute.outputs["Fac"]})
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "offset"})
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": attribute.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
@@ -33,68 +36,99 @@ def shader_spots_sparse_attr(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0942, 0.0942, 0.0942, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.5
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_color_mask().name)
- getcolor = lambda: hsv2rgba((U(0.02, 0.06), U(0.05, 0.9), np.abs(N(0.05, 0.1))))
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': group})
+ def getcolor():
+ return hsv2rgba((U(0.02, 0.06), U(0.05, 0.9), np.abs(N(0.05, 0.1))))
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": group})
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = getcolor()
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
- colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = hsv2rgba((U(0.02, 0.06), U(0.4, 0.8), U(0.15, 0.7)))
+ colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = hsv2rgba(
+ (U(0.02, 0.06), U(0.4, 0.8), U(0.15, 0.7))
+ )
if rand:
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = sample_range(0, 0.5)
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = getcolor()
- #sample_color(colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color)
+ # sample_color(colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color)
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
- 'Fac': colorramp.outputs["Color"] if U() < 0.6 else 1,
- 'Color1': (0.024, 0.0499, 0.0168, 1.0),
- 'Color2': colorramp_3.outputs["Color"]
- })
+ "Fac": colorramp.outputs["Color"] if U() < 0.6 else 1,
+ "Color1": (0.024, 0.0499, 0.0168, 1.0),
+ "Color2": colorramp_3.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
if rand:
mix.inputs[6].default_value = getcolor()
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix, 'Specular': 0.0, 'Roughness': colorramp.outputs["Color"]})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": mix,
+ "Specular": 0.0,
+ "Roughness": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def geometry_spots_sparse(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value.outputs[0].default_value = U(0.1, 1)
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position, 1: value}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"]})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.1, 'Color1': add.outputs["Vector"], 'Color2': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix, 'Scale': sample_ratio(8, 0.5, 2) if rand else 8.0})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 15.0, 'Roughness': 1.0})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Color1': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 'Color2': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': mix_1})
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position, 1: value},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": add.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.1,
+ "Color1": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Color2": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mix, "Scale": sample_ratio(8, 0.5, 2) if rand else 8.0},
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": add.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": 15.0, "Roughness": 1.0},
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Color1": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ "Color2": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"],
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix_1})
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
@@ -102,45 +136,75 @@ def geometry_spots_sparse(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0953, 0.0953, 0.0953, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.8091
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: colorramp.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: normal},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: multiply.outputs["Vector"], 1: value_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': multiply_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 1: mix_1},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Attribute': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": multiply_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, 1: mix_1},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Attribute": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
+ },
+ )
def apply(obj, geo_kwargs=None, shader_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_spots_sparse, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs, attributes=['offset'])
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_spots_sparse_attr, reuse=False, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geometry_spots_sparse, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs, attributes=["offset"]
+ )
+ surface.add_material(
+ obj, shader_spots_sparse_attr, reuse=False, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs
+ )
if __name__ == "__main__":
for i in range(1):
- bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath='dev_scene_1019.blend')
- #creature(73349, 0).parts(0, factory=QuadrupedBody)
- apply(bpy.data.objects['creature(73349, 0).parts(0, factory=QuadrupedBody)'], geo_kwargs={'rand': True}, shader_kwargs={'rand': True})
- fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), 'dev_scene_test_spot_sparse.blend')
+ bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath="dev_scene_1019.blend")
+ # creature(73349, 0).parts(0, factory=QuadrupedBody)
+ apply(
+ bpy.data.objects["creature(73349, 0).parts(0, factory=QuadrupedBody)"],
+ geo_kwargs={"rand": True},
+ shader_kwargs={"rand": True},
+ )
+ fn = os.path.join(
+ os.path.abspath(os.curdir), "dev_scene_test_spot_sparse.blend"
+ )
- #bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join('surfaces/surface_thumbnails', 'bone%d.jpg'%(i))
- #bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format='JPEG'
- #bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True)
\ No newline at end of file
+ # bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join('surfaces/surface_thumbnails', 'bone%d.jpg'%(i))
+ # bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format='JPEG'
+ # bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/stone.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/stone.py
index 185fb12c8..3478030c9 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/stone.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/stone.py
@@ -5,27 +5,28 @@
# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKRK82JeBo8 by Ryan King Art
-import os
-import bpy
import gin
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal as N
-from infinigen.core import surface
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import sample_color, sample_ratio
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes
from .mountain import geo_MOUNTAIN_general
type = SurfaceTypes.SDFPerturb
mod_name = "geo_stone"
name = "stone"
def shader_stone(nw, random_seed=0):
- stone_base_color, stone_roughness = geo_stone(nw, random_seed=random_seed, geometry=False)
+ stone_base_color, stone_roughness = geo_stone(
+ nw, random_seed=random_seed, geometry=False
+ )
principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
@@ -37,12 +38,13 @@ def shader_stone(nw, random_seed=0):
return principled_bsdf
def geo_stone(nw, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True):
if nw.node_group.type == "SHADER":
- position = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeNewGeometry')
- normal = (nw.new_node('ShaderNodeNewGeometry'), 1)
+ position = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeNewGeometry")
+ normal = (nw.new_node("ShaderNodeNewGeometry"), 1)
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
@@ -51,18 +53,22 @@ def geo_stone(nw, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True):
# size of low frequency bumps, higher means smaller bumps
size_bumps_lf = uniform(0, 30)
# height of low frequency bumps
- heig_bumps_lf = nw.new_value(uniform(.08, .15), "heig_bumps_lf")
+ heig_bumps_lf = nw.new_value(uniform(0.08, 0.15), "heig_bumps_lf")
# density of cracks, lower means cracks are present in smaller area
dens_crack = uniform(0, 0.1)
# scale cracks
- scal_crack = uniform(5, 10)/2
+ scal_crack = uniform(5, 10) / 2
# width of the crack
widt_crack = uniform(0.08, 0.12)
scale = 0.5
musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
- input_kwargs={"Vector": position, "Scale": nw.new_value(size_bumps_lf * scale, "size_bumps_lf"), "W": nw.new_value(uniform(0, 10), "musgrave_texture_w")},
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position,
+ "Scale": nw.new_value(size_bumps_lf * scale, "size_bumps_lf"),
+ "W": nw.new_value(uniform(0, 10), "musgrave_texture_w"),
+ },
attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
@@ -114,12 +120,18 @@ def geo_stone(nw, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True):
noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
- input_kwargs={"Vector": position, "Scale": 5.0 * scale, "W": nw.new_value(uniform(0, 10), "noise_texture_2_w")},
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position,
+ "Scale": 5.0 * scale,
+ "W": nw.new_value(uniform(0, 10), "noise_texture_2_w"),
+ },
attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"]}, label="colorramp_2_VAR"
+ Nodes.ColorRamp,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"]},
+ label="colorramp_2_VAR",
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.445 + (2 * dens_crack) - 0.1
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
@@ -139,11 +151,18 @@ def geo_stone(nw, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True):
wave_texture = nw.new_node(
- input_kwargs={"Vector": noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"], "Scale": nw.new_value(N(2, 0.5), "wave_texture_scale"), "Distortion": nw.new_value(N(6, 2), "wave_texture_distortion"), "Detail": nw.new_value(N(15, 5), "wave_texture_detail")},
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Scale": nw.new_value(N(2, 0.5), "wave_texture_scale"),
+ "Distortion": nw.new_value(N(6, 2), "wave_texture_distortion"),
+ "Detail": nw.new_value(N(15, 5), "wave_texture_detail"),
+ },
colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": wave_texture.outputs["Fac"]}, label="colorramp_1_VAR"
+ Nodes.ColorRamp,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": wave_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
+ label="colorramp_1_VAR",
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
@@ -190,31 +209,54 @@ def geo_stone(nw, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True):
attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
- noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, "W": nw.new_value(uniform(0, 10), "noise_texture_3_w"), 'Scale': nw.new_value(sample_ratio(5, 3/4, 4/3), "noise_texture_3_scale")},
- attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"})
+ noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position,
+ "W": nw.new_value(uniform(0, 10), "noise_texture_3_w"),
+ "Scale": nw.new_value(
+ sample_ratio(5, 3 / 4, 4 / 3), "noise_texture_3_scale"
+ ),
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_3.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
- multiply_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: normal},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
value_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value_5.outputs[0].default_value = 0.05
- multiply_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: multiply_8.outputs["Vector"], 1: value_5},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- noise_texture_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'Scale': nw.new_value(sample_ratio(20, 3/4, 4/3), "noise_texture_4_scale"), "W": nw.new_value(uniform(0, 10), "noise_texture_4_w")},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
+ noise_texture_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position,
+ "Scale": nw.new_value(
+ sample_ratio(20, 3 / 4, 4 / 3), "noise_texture_4_scale"
+ ),
+ "W": nw.new_value(uniform(0, 10), "noise_texture_4_w"),
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
- colorramp_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_4.outputs["Fac"]})
+ colorramp_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_4.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
@@ -226,25 +268,33 @@ def geo_stone(nw, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True):
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[3].position = 1.0
colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[3].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: colorramp_5.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
- multiply_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: normal},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
value_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value_6.outputs[0].default_value = 0.1
- multiply_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: multiply_10.outputs["Vector"], 1: value_6},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
offset = nw.add(multiply_9, vector_math_8, multiply_11)
colorramp = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]}, label="colorramp_1_VAR"
+ Nodes.ColorRamp,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
+ label="colorramp_1_VAR",
color1 = uniform(0, 0.05)
color2 = uniform(0.05, 0.1)
@@ -271,28 +321,46 @@ def geo_stone(nw, selection=None, random_seed=0, geometry=True):
rough_min = uniform(0.6, 0.7)
rough_max = uniform(0.7, 0.8)
colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]}, label="colorramp_3_VAR"
+ Nodes.ColorRamp,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
+ label="colorramp_3_VAR",
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.082
- colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (rough_min, rough_min, rough_min, 1.0)
+ colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (
+ rough_min,
+ rough_min,
+ rough_min,
+ 1.0,
+ )
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.768
- colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (rough_max, rough_max, rough_max, 1.0)
+ colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (
+ rough_max,
+ rough_max,
+ rough_max,
+ 1.0,
+ )
stone_roughness = colorramp_3
if geometry:
groupinput = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput)
- noise_params = {"scale": ("uniform", 10, 20), "detail": 9, "roughness": 0.6, "zscale": ("log_uniform", 0.007, 0.013)}
+ noise_params = {
+ "scale": ("uniform", 10, 20),
+ "detail": 9,
+ "roughness": 0.6,
+ "zscale": ("log_uniform", 0.007, 0.013),
+ }
offset = nw.add(offset, geo_MOUNTAIN_general(nw, 3, noise_params, 0, {}, {}))
if selection is not None:
offset = nw.multiply(offset, surface.eval_argument(nw, selection))
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": groupinput, "Offset": offset})
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": groupinput, "Offset": offset}
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position})
return stone_base_color, stone_roughness
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
@@ -300,4 +368,3 @@ def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
surface.add_material(obj, shader_stone, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/stone_and_concrete/concrete.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/stone_and_concrete/concrete.py
index a41f00ec6..387e1aa7e 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/stone_and_concrete/concrete.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/stone_and_concrete/concrete.py
@@ -5,213 +5,440 @@
# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDqRa0ExDqs by Ryan King Art
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
+from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.assets.materials import common
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_crack', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_crack", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree")
def nodegroup_crack(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Seed', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Amount', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'Snake Crack', 0.3000)])
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Seed", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Amount", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "Snake Crack", 0.3000),
+ ],
+ )
texture_coordinate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- musgrave_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"], 'W': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"], 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Dimension': 0.2000},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Scale"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"], 'W': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': multiply, 'Detail': 15.0000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], 'Scale': 1.2000},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- map_range_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.0200, 3: 2.0000, 4: 0.0000})
- mix_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Snake Crack"], 6: musgrave_texture_2, 7: map_range_4.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'ADD', 'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Scale"], 1: 0.6000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- musgrave_texture_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"], 'W': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': multiply_1, 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Dimension': 1.0000},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Amount"], 3: 1.0000, 4: -0.5000})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.1000})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': musgrave_texture_3, 1: map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 2: add})
- mix_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
+ musgrave_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"],
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Dimension": 0.2000,
+ },
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Scale"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"],
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": multiply,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], "Scale": 1.2000},
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ map_range_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ 2: 0.0200,
+ 3: 2.0000,
+ 4: 0.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Snake Crack"],
+ 6: musgrave_texture_2,
+ 7: map_range_4.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"blend_type": "ADD", "data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Scale"], 1: 0.6000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ musgrave_texture_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"],
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": multiply_1,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Dimension": 1.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Amount"], 3: 1.0000, 4: -0.5000},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.1000}
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": musgrave_texture_3,
+ 1: map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ 2: add,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 6: mix_7.outputs[2], 7: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'DARKEN', 'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Scale"], 1: 0.3000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- musgrave_texture_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"], 'W': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': multiply_2, 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Dimension': 1.0000},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.1000})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': musgrave_texture_4, 1: map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 2: add_1})
- mix_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
+ attrs={"blend_type": "DARKEN", "data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Scale"], 1: 0.3000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ musgrave_texture_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"],
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": multiply_2,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Dimension": 1.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.1000}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": musgrave_texture_4,
+ 1: map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ 2: add_1,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 6: mix_4.outputs[2], 7: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'DARKEN', 'data_type': 'RGBA'})
+ attrs={"blend_type": "DARKEN", "data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
- color_ramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': mix_5.outputs[2]})
+ color_ramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix_5.outputs[2]})
color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0000
color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0000
color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Color': color_ramp.outputs["Color"]}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Color": color_ramp.outputs["Color"]},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_concrete', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_concrete", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree")
def nodegroup_concrete(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketColor', 'Base Color', (0.8000, 0.8000, 0.8000, 1.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Seed', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Roughness', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Crack Amount', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Crack Scale', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'Snake Crack', 0.3000)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ group_input_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketColor", "Base Color", (0.8000, 0.8000, 0.8000, 1.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Seed", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Roughness", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Crack Amount", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Crack Scale", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "Snake Crack", 0.3000),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["Scale"], 1: 10.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input_1.outputs["Crack Scale"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_crack().name,
- input_kwargs={'Seed': group_input_1.outputs["Seed"], 'Amount': group_input_1.outputs["Crack Amount"], 'Scale': multiply_1, 'Snake Crack': group_input_1.outputs["Snake Crack"]})
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_crack().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Seed": group_input_1.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Amount": group_input_1.outputs["Crack Amount"],
+ "Scale": multiply_1,
+ "Snake Crack": group_input_1.outputs["Snake Crack"],
+ },
+ )
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': group})
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": group})
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["Scale"], 1: 2.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'W': group_input_1.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': multiply_2, 'Detail': 15.0000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["Scale"], 1: 5.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'W': group_input_1.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': multiply_3, 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Dimension': 1.0000, 'Lacunarity': 3.0000},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix, input_kwargs={6: musgrave_texture_1}, attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- hue_saturation_value_1 = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Value': 0.6000, 'Color': group_input_1.outputs["Base Color"]})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["Scale"], 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "W": group_input_1.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": multiply_2,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["Scale"], 1: 5.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "W": group_input_1.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": multiply_3,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Dimension": 1.0000,
+ "Lacunarity": 3.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix, input_kwargs={6: musgrave_texture_1}, attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"}
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={"Value": 0.6000, "Color": group_input_1.outputs["Base Color"]},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["Scale"], 1: 20.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'W': group_input_1.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': multiply_4, 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Distortion': 0.2000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "W": group_input_1.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": multiply_4,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Distortion": 0.2000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["Scale"], 1: 20.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'W': group_input_1.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': multiply_5, 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Dimension': 0.2000},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "W": group_input_1.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": multiply_5,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Dimension": 0.2000,
+ },
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
input_kwargs={6: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 7: musgrave_texture},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Value': 1.4000, 'Color': group_input_1.outputs["Base Color"]})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: mix.outputs[2], 6: group_input_1.outputs["Base Color"], 7: hue_saturation_value},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: mix_2.outputs[2], 6: hue_saturation_value_1, 7: mix_1.outputs[2]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- hue_saturation_value_2 = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Value': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], 'Fac': 0.2000, 'Color': mix_3.outputs[2]})
- hue_saturation_value_3 = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Value': 0.2000, 'Color': group_input_1.outputs["Base Color"]})
- mix_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_3.outputs["Result"], 6: hue_saturation_value_2, 7: hue_saturation_value_3},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_6.outputs[2], 'Roughness': group_input_1.outputs["Roughness"]})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={"Value": 1.4000, "Color": group_input_1.outputs["Base Color"]},
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: mix.outputs[2],
+ 6: group_input_1.outputs["Base Color"],
+ 7: hue_saturation_value,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: mix_2.outputs[2],
+ 6: hue_saturation_value_1,
+ 7: mix_1.outputs[2],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value_2 = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Fac": 0.2000,
+ "Color": mix_3.outputs[2],
+ },
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value_3 = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={"Value": 0.2000, "Color": group_input_1.outputs["Base Color"]},
+ )
+ mix_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_3.outputs["Result"],
+ 6: hue_saturation_value_2,
+ 7: hue_saturation_value_3,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": mix_6.outputs[2],
+ "Roughness": group_input_1.outputs["Roughness"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["Crack Amount"], 1: 0.6000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: 5.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_crack().name,
- input_kwargs={'Seed': group_input_1.outputs["Seed"], 'Amount': multiply_6, 'Scale': multiply_7})
- multiply_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: 5.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_crack().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Seed": group_input_1.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Amount": multiply_6,
+ "Scale": multiply_7,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["Roughness"], 1: 1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- multiply_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_1, 1: multiply_8}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_1, 1: multiply_8},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- multiply_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: group}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: group},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_9, 1: multiply_10})
value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.3000
- multiply_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ multiply_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: value, 1: group_input_1.outputs["Roughness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- multiply_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_11, 1: mix_1.outputs[2]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_11, 1: mix_1.outputs[2]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: multiply_12})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'BSDF': principled_bsdf, 'Displacement': add_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def shader_concrete(nw: NodeWrangler, scale=1.0, base_color=None, seed=None,
- roughness=None, crack_amount=None, crack_scale=None, snake_crack=None, **kwargs):
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"BSDF": principled_bsdf, "Displacement": add_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def shader_concrete(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ scale=1.0,
+ base_color=None,
+ seed=None,
+ roughness=None,
+ crack_amount=None,
+ crack_scale=None,
+ snake_crack=None,
+ **kwargs,
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
if seed is None:
seed = uniform(-1000.0, 1000.0)
@@ -224,19 +451,36 @@ def shader_concrete(nw: NodeWrangler, scale=1.0, base_color=None, seed=None,
if snake_crack is None:
snake_crack = uniform(0.0, 1.0)
if base_color is None:
- base_color = color_category('concrete')
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_concrete().name,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': base_color, 'Scale': scale, 'Seed': seed,
- 'Roughness': roughness, 'Crack Amount': crack_amount,
- 'Crack Scale': crack_scale, 'Snake Crack': snake_crack})
- displacement_1 = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeDisplacement',
- input_kwargs={'Height': group.outputs["Displacement"], 'Midlevel': 0.0000, 'Scale': 0.0500})
+ base_color = color_category("concrete")
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_concrete().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": base_color,
+ "Scale": scale,
+ "Seed": seed,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ "Crack Amount": crack_amount,
+ "Crack Scale": crack_scale,
+ "Snake Crack": snake_crack,
+ },
+ )
+ displacement_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeDisplacement",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Height": group.outputs["Displacement"],
+ "Midlevel": 0.0000,
+ "Scale": 0.0500,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": group.outputs["BSDF"], "Displacement": displacement_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': group.outputs["BSDF"], 'Displacement': displacement_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
common.apply(obj, shader_concrete, selection=selection, **kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/succulent.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/succulent.py
index 499c70802..3191b74db 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/succulent.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/succulent.py
@@ -4,23 +4,21 @@
# Authors: Beining Han
# Acknowledgements: This file draws inspiration from https://blenderartists.org/t/extrude-face-along-curve-with-geometry-nodes/1432653/3
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal , randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
def shader_green_transition_succulent(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': uniform(5.0, 20.0)})
+ musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": uniform(5.0, 20.0)}
+ )
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': musgrave_texture_1})
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": musgrave_texture_1})
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.1182
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.7727
@@ -28,59 +26,87 @@ def shader_green_transition_succulent(nw: NodeWrangler):
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"]})
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"]}
+ )
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping})
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.85},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.85},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: colorramp_3.outputs["Color"], 1: less_than},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: colorramp_3.outputs["Color"], 1: less_than},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: uniform(2.0, 10.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: uniform(2.0, 10.0)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
main_hsv_color = (uniform(0.35, 0.42), uniform(0.5, 0.93), uniform(0.20, 0.80))
main_color = hsv2rgba(main_hsv_color)
diffuse_color = hsv2rgba((uniform(0.34, 0.43),) + main_hsv_color[1:])
split_point = uniform(0.82, 0.92)
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.interpolation = "B_SPLINE"
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = split_point
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = main_color
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = split_point + uniform(0.01, 0.05)
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (uniform(0.6, 1.0), uniform(0.0, 0.08), uniform(0.0, 0.08), 1.0)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 'Subsurface': uniform(0.01, 0.03),
- 'Subsurface Radius': (0.01, 0.1, 0.1), 'Subsurface Color': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
- 'Subsurface IOR': 0.0, 'Specular': 0.0, 'Roughness': 2.0, 'Sheen Tint': 0.0,
- 'Clearcoat Roughness': 0.0, 'IOR': 1.3, 'Emission Strength': 0.0})
- diffuse_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.DiffuseBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': diffuse_color, 'Roughness': uniform(0.3, 0.8)})
- mix_shader_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': multiply_1, 1: principled_bsdf, 2: diffuse_bsdf_1})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader_2})
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (
+ uniform(0.6, 1.0),
+ uniform(0.0, 0.08),
+ uniform(0.0, 0.08),
+ 1.0,
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Subsurface": uniform(0.01, 0.03),
+ "Subsurface Radius": (0.01, 0.1, 0.1),
+ "Subsurface Color": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Subsurface IOR": 0.0,
+ "Specular": 0.0,
+ "Roughness": 2.0,
+ "Sheen Tint": 0.0,
+ "Clearcoat Roughness": 0.0,
+ "IOR": 1.3,
+ "Emission Strength": 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ diffuse_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DiffuseBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Color": diffuse_color, "Roughness": uniform(0.3, 0.8)},
+ )
+ mix_shader_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": multiply_1, 1: principled_bsdf, 2: diffuse_bsdf_1},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader_2}
+ )
def shader_pink_transition_succulent(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': uniform(5.0, 20.0)})
+ musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": uniform(5.0, 20.0)}
+ )
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': musgrave_texture_1})
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": musgrave_texture_1})
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.1182
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.7727
@@ -88,56 +114,79 @@ def shader_pink_transition_succulent(nw: NodeWrangler):
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"]})
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"]}
+ )
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping})
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.85},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.85},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: colorramp_3.outputs["Color"], 1: less_than},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: colorramp_3.outputs["Color"], 1: less_than},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: uniform(2.0, 8.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: uniform(2.0, 8.0)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
main_hsv_color = (uniform(0.93, 0.99), uniform(0.64, 0.90), uniform(0.50, 0.90))
main_color = hsv2rgba(main_hsv_color)
- diffuse_color = hsv2rgba((uniform(0.93, 1.), ) + main_hsv_color[1:])
+ diffuse_color = hsv2rgba((uniform(0.93, 1.0),) + main_hsv_color[1:])
split_point = uniform(0.82, 0.92)
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.interpolation = "B_SPLINE"
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = split_point
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = main_color
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = split_point + uniform(0.01, 0.05)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 'Subsurface': uniform(0.01, 0.05),
- 'Subsurface Radius': (0.01, 0.03, 0.03), 'Subsurface Color': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
- 'Subsurface IOR': 0.0, 'Specular': 0.0, 'Roughness': 2.0, 'Sheen Tint': 0.0,
- 'Clearcoat Roughness': 0.0, 'IOR': 1.3, 'Emission Strength': 0.0})
- diffuse_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.DiffuseBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': diffuse_color, 'Roughness': uniform(0.0, 0.5)})
- mix_shader_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': multiply_1, 1: principled_bsdf, 2: diffuse_bsdf_1})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader_2})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Subsurface": uniform(0.01, 0.05),
+ "Subsurface Radius": (0.01, 0.03, 0.03),
+ "Subsurface Color": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Subsurface IOR": 0.0,
+ "Specular": 0.0,
+ "Roughness": 2.0,
+ "Sheen Tint": 0.0,
+ "Clearcoat Roughness": 0.0,
+ "IOR": 1.3,
+ "Emission Strength": 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ diffuse_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DiffuseBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Color": diffuse_color, "Roughness": uniform(0.0, 0.5)},
+ )
+ mix_shader_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": multiply_1, 1: principled_bsdf, 2: diffuse_bsdf_1},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader_2}
+ )
def shader_green_succulent(nw: NodeWrangler):
- musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': uniform(4.0, 15.0)})
+ musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": uniform(4.0, 15.0)}
+ )
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': musgrave_texture_1})
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": musgrave_texture_1})
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.1182
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.7727
@@ -145,54 +194,77 @@ def shader_green_succulent(nw: NodeWrangler):
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"]})
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"]}
+ )
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping})
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: colorramp_3.outputs["Color"], 1: less_than},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: colorramp_3.outputs["Color"], 1: less_than},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: uniform(2.0, 8.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: uniform(2.0, 8.0)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
main_hsv_color = (uniform(0.33, 0.39), uniform(0.5, 0.93), uniform(0.20, 0.70))
main_color = hsv2rgba(main_hsv_color)
diffuse_color = hsv2rgba((uniform(0.34, 0.38),) + main_hsv_color[1:])
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.interpolation = "B_SPLINE"
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 1.0
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = main_color
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 'Subsurface': uniform(0.01, 0.05),
- 'Subsurface Radius': (0.1, 0.1, 0.1), 'Subsurface Color': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
- 'Subsurface IOR': 0.0, 'Specular': 0.0, 'Roughness': 2.0, 'Sheen Tint': 0.0,
- 'Clearcoat Roughness': 0.0, 'IOR': 1.3, 'Emission Strength': 0.0})
- diffuse_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.DiffuseBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': diffuse_color, 'Roughness': uniform(0.0, 0.5)})
- mix_shader_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': multiply_1, 1: principled_bsdf, 2: diffuse_bsdf_1})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader_2})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Subsurface": uniform(0.01, 0.05),
+ "Subsurface Radius": (0.1, 0.1, 0.1),
+ "Subsurface Color": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Subsurface IOR": 0.0,
+ "Specular": 0.0,
+ "Roughness": 2.0,
+ "Sheen Tint": 0.0,
+ "Clearcoat Roughness": 0.0,
+ "IOR": 1.3,
+ "Emission Strength": 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ diffuse_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DiffuseBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Color": diffuse_color, "Roughness": uniform(0.0, 0.5)},
+ )
+ mix_shader_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": multiply_1, 1: principled_bsdf, 2: diffuse_bsdf_1},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader_2}
+ )
def shader_yellow_succulent(nw: NodeWrangler):
- musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': uniform(5.0, 8.0)})
+ musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": uniform(5.0, 8.0)}
+ )
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': musgrave_texture_1})
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": musgrave_texture_1})
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.1182
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.7727
@@ -200,65 +272,91 @@ def shader_yellow_succulent(nw: NodeWrangler):
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"]})
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"]}
+ )
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping})
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: colorramp_3.outputs["Color"], 1: less_than},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: colorramp_3.outputs["Color"], 1: less_than},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: uniform(1.0, 3.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: uniform(1.0, 3.0)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
main_color = hsv2rgba((uniform(0.1, 0.15), uniform(0.8, 1.0), uniform(0.5, 0.7)))
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.interpolation = "B_SPLINE"
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.3114
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = main_color
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6864
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = hsv2rgba((uniform(0.0, 0.06), uniform(0.8, 1.0), uniform(0.5, 0.7)))
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 'Subsurface': 0.01,
- 'Subsurface Radius': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
- 'Subsurface Color': colorramp_1.outputs["Alpha"], 'Subsurface IOR': 1.3,
- 'Specular': 0.0, 'Roughness': 2.0, 'Sheen Tint': 0.0,
- 'Clearcoat Roughness': 0.0, 'IOR': 1.3, 'Emission Strength': 0.0})
- translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslucentBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': main_color})
- mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.4, 1: principled_bsdf, 2: translucent_bsdf})
- diffuse_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.DiffuseBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': main_color,
- 'Roughness': uniform(0.2, 1.0)})
- mix_shader_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': multiply_1, 1: mix_shader_1, 2: diffuse_bsdf_1})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader_2})
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = hsv2rgba(
+ (uniform(0.0, 0.06), uniform(0.8, 1.0), uniform(0.5, 0.7))
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Subsurface": 0.01,
+ "Subsurface Radius": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
+ "Subsurface Color": colorramp_1.outputs["Alpha"],
+ "Subsurface IOR": 1.3,
+ "Specular": 0.0,
+ "Roughness": 2.0,
+ "Sheen Tint": 0.0,
+ "Clearcoat Roughness": 0.0,
+ "IOR": 1.3,
+ "Emission Strength": 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TranslucentBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": main_color}
+ )
+ mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.4, 1: principled_bsdf, 2: translucent_bsdf},
+ )
+ diffuse_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DiffuseBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Color": main_color, "Roughness": uniform(0.2, 1.0)},
+ )
+ mix_shader_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": multiply_1, 1: mix_shader_1, 2: diffuse_bsdf_1},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader_2}
+ )
def shader_whitish_green_succulent(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': uniform(5.0, 8.0)})
+ musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": uniform(5.0, 8.0)}
+ )
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': musgrave_texture_1})
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": musgrave_texture_1})
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = uniform(0.0, 0.3)
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.5273
@@ -266,55 +364,83 @@ def shader_whitish_green_succulent(nw: NodeWrangler):
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"]})
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"]}
+ )
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping})
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping})
l = uniform(0.88, 0.98)
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: l - 0.05},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: colorramp_3.outputs["Color"], 1: less_than},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: uniform(1.0, 4.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- main_color = hsv2rgba((uniform(0.23, 0.25), uniform(0.40, 0.60), uniform(0.18, 0.25)))
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: l - 0.05},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: colorramp_3.outputs["Color"], 1: less_than},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: uniform(1.0, 4.0)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ main_color = hsv2rgba(
+ (uniform(0.23, 0.25), uniform(0.40, 0.60), uniform(0.18, 0.25))
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = l - uniform(0.04, 0.1)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = hsv2rgba((uniform(0.20, 0.38), uniform(0.12, 0.25), uniform(0.50, 0.70)))
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = hsv2rgba(
+ (uniform(0.20, 0.38), uniform(0.12, 0.25), uniform(0.50, 0.70))
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = l
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = main_color
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Subsurface': 0.01,
- 'Subsurface Radius': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
- 'Subsurface Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Subsurface IOR': 1.3,
- 'Specular': 0.0, 'Roughness': 2.0, 'Sheen Tint': 0.0,
- 'Clearcoat Roughness': 0.0, 'IOR': 1.3, 'Emission Strength': 0.0})
- translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslucentBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': main_color})
- mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.7, 1: principled_bsdf, 2: translucent_bsdf})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Subsurface": 0.01,
+ "Subsurface Radius": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
+ "Subsurface Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Subsurface IOR": 1.3,
+ "Specular": 0.0,
+ "Roughness": 2.0,
+ "Sheen Tint": 0.0,
+ "Clearcoat Roughness": 0.0,
+ "IOR": 1.3,
+ "Emission Strength": 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TranslucentBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": main_color}
+ )
+ mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.7, 1: principled_bsdf, 2: translucent_bsdf},
+ )
diffuse = hsv2rgba((uniform(0.23, 0.25), uniform(0.40, 0.60), uniform(0.10, 0.15)))
- diffuse_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.DiffuseBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': diffuse, 'Roughness': 0.5})
+ diffuse_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DiffuseBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": diffuse, "Roughness": 0.5}
+ )
- mix_shader_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': multiply_1, 1: mix_shader_1, 2: diffuse_bsdf_1})
+ mix_shader_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": multiply_1, 1: mix_shader_1, 2: diffuse_bsdf_1},
+ )
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader_2})
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader_2}
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_green_transition_succulent, selection=selection)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(obj, shader_green_transition_succulent, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/table_marble.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/table_marble.py
index 740f9ef75..ae39f7a2e 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/table_marble.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/table_marble.py
@@ -5,143 +5,275 @@
# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTzk9T06gdw by Ryan King Arts
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core import surface
-def shader_marble(nw: NodeWrangler,**kwargs):
+def shader_marble(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]}, attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': scale.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'EULER_XYZ'})
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": scale.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "EULER_XYZ"},
+ )
- seed = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='seed')
+ seed = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="seed")
seed.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0000
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='scale')
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="scale")
scale_1.outputs[0].default_value = 3.0000
add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: scale_1, 1: 1.0000})
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate, 'W': seed, 'Scale': add, 'Detail': 15.0000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.4800, 2: 0.6000})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate, 'W': seed, 'Scale': scale_1, 'Detail': 15.0000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 'Scale': 8.0000, 'Detail': 15.0000})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': noise_texture_3.outputs["Color"], 'W': 1.6400, 'Scale': 3.0000},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE', 'voronoi_dimensions': '4D'})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]})
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vector_rotate,
+ "W": seed,
+ "Scale": add,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.4800, 2: 0.6000},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vector_rotate,
+ "W": seed,
+ "Scale": scale_1,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ "Scale": 8.0000,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": noise_texture_3.outputs["Color"],
+ "W": 1.6400,
+ "Scale": 3.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE", "voronoi_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]}
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0000
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.0300
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 'W': seed, 'Scale': 8.0000, 'Detail': 15.0000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: 0.8000, 6: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 7: noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': mix_1.outputs[2]})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ "W": seed,
+ "Scale": 8.0000,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: 0.8000,
+ 6: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ 7: noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix_1.outputs[2]})
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.3000
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.9000
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 6: colorramp.outputs["Color"], 7: (0.0376, 0.0179, 0.0033, 1.0000)},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: multiply,
+ 6: colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ 7: (0.0376, 0.0179, 0.0033, 1.0000),
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ bump = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBump", input_kwargs={"Strength": 0.0200, "Height": multiply}
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": mix_1.outputs[2],
+ "Specular": 0.6000,
+ "Roughness": 0.1000,
+ "Normal": bump,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
- bump = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBump', input_kwargs={'Strength': 0.0200, 'Height': multiply})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_1.outputs[2], 'Specular': 0.6000, 'Roughness': 0.1000, 'Normal': bump})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
def shader_wood(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]}, attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': scale.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'EULER_XYZ'})
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": scale.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "EULER_XYZ"},
+ )
- mapping_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate, 'Scale': (5.0000, 100.0000, 100.0000)})
+ mapping_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_rotate, "Scale": (5.0000, 100.0000, 100.0000)},
+ )
- seed = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='seed')
+ seed = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="seed")
seed.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0000
- musgrave_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_2, 'W': seed, 'Scale': 10.0000, 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Dimension': 7.0000},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': musgrave_texture_2, 3: 1.0000, 4: -1.0000})
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_1, 'W': seed, 'Scale': 0.5000, 'Detail': 1.0000, 'Distortion': 1.1000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': seed, 'Scale': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Dimension': 0.2000, 'Lacunarity': 2.4000},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': musgrave_texture_1, 3: -1.4000, 4: 1.5000})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"], 3: 1.0000, 4: 0.5000})
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate, 'Scale': (0.1500, 1.0000, 0.1500)})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'W': seed, 'Detail': 5.0000, 'Distortion': 1.0000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 'W': seed, 'Scale': 4.0000, 'Detail': 10.0000, 'Dimension': 0.0000},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
+ musgrave_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping_2,
+ "W": seed,
+ "Scale": 10.0000,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Dimension": 7.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": musgrave_texture_2, 3: 1.0000, 4: -1.0000},
+ )
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_rotate})
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping_1,
+ "W": seed,
+ "Scale": 0.5000,
+ "Detail": 1.0000,
+ "Distortion": 1.1000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": seed,
+ "Scale": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Dimension": 0.2000,
+ "Lacunarity": 2.4000,
+ },
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": musgrave_texture_1, 3: -1.4000, 4: 1.5000},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"], 3: 1.0000, 4: 0.5000},
+ )
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_rotate, "Scale": (0.1500, 1.0000, 0.1500)},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "W": seed,
+ "Detail": 5.0000,
+ "Distortion": 1.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ "W": seed,
+ "Scale": 4.0000,
+ "Detail": 10.0000,
+ "Dimension": 0.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
input_kwargs={6: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 7: musgrave_texture},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
input_kwargs={0: 0.9000, 6: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 7: mix.outputs[2]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA', 'blend_type': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA", "blend_type": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
input_kwargs={0: 0.9500, 6: map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 7: mix_1.outputs[2]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA', 'blend_type': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA", "blend_type": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
rgb.outputs[0].default_value = (0.0242, 0.0056, 0.0027, 1.0000)
@@ -149,10 +281,23 @@ def shader_wood(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
rgb_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
rgb_1.outputs[0].default_value = (0.5089, 0.2122, 0.0685, 1.0000)
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix, input_kwargs={0: mix_2.outputs[2], 6: rgb, 7: rgb_1}, attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- bump = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBump', input_kwargs={'Strength': 0.2000, 'Height': mix_2.outputs[2]})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_3.outputs[2], 'Normal': bump})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={0: mix_2.outputs[2], 6: rgb, 7: rgb_1},
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ bump = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBump", input_kwargs={"Strength": 0.2000, "Height": mix_2.outputs[2]}
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix_3.outputs[2], "Normal": bump},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/table_materials.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/table_materials.py
index 96c8b5756..3c00da9d6 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/table_materials.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/table_materials.py
@@ -4,149 +4,290 @@
# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
+from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba, rgb2hsv
-from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba, rgb2hsv
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-def shader_marble(nw: NodeWrangler,**kwargs):
+def shader_marble(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]}, attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': scale.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'EULER_XYZ'})
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": scale.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "EULER_XYZ"},
+ )
- seed = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='seed')
+ seed = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="seed")
seed.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0000
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='scale')
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="scale")
scale_1.outputs[0].default_value = 3.0000
add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: scale_1, 1: 1.0000})
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate, 'W': seed, 'Scale': add, 'Detail': 15.0000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.4800, 2: 0.6000})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate, 'W': seed, 'Scale': scale_1, 'Detail': 15.0000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 'Scale': 8.0000, 'Detail': 15.0000})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': noise_texture_3.outputs["Fac"], 'W': 1.6400, 'Scale': 3.0000},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE', 'voronoi_dimensions': '4D'})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]})
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vector_rotate,
+ "W": seed,
+ "Scale": add,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.4800, 2: 0.6000},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vector_rotate,
+ "W": seed,
+ "Scale": scale_1,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Scale": 8.0000,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": noise_texture_3.outputs["Fac"],
+ "W": 1.6400,
+ "Scale": 3.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE", "voronoi_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]}
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0000
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.0300
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 'W': seed, 'Scale': 8.0000, 'Detail': 15.0000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: 0.8000, 6: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 7: noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': mix_1.outputs[2]})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ "W": seed,
+ "Scale": 8.0000,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: 0.8000,
+ 6: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ 7: noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix_1.outputs[2]})
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.3000
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.9000
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 6: colorramp.outputs["Color"], 7: (0.0376, 0.0179, 0.0033, 1.0000)},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- bump = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBump', input_kwargs={'Strength': 0.0200, 'Height': multiply})
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: multiply,
+ 6: colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ 7: (0.0376, 0.0179, 0.0033, 1.0000),
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ bump = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBump", input_kwargs={"Strength": 0.0200, "Height": multiply}
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": mix_1.outputs[2],
+ "Specular": 0.6000,
+ "Roughness": 0.1000,
+ "Normal": bump,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_1.outputs[2], 'Specular': 0.6000, 'Roughness': 0.1000, 'Normal': bump})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
def perturb(hsv):
- return np.array([hsv[0]+uniform(-.02,.02), hsv[1]+uniform(-.2,.2), hsv[2]*log_uniform(.5,2.)])
+ return np.array(
+ [
+ hsv[0] + uniform(-0.02, 0.02),
+ hsv[1] + uniform(-0.2, 0.2),
+ hsv[2] * log_uniform(0.5, 2.0),
+ ]
+ )
def shader_wood(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]}, attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': scale.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'EULER_XYZ'})
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": scale.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "EULER_XYZ"},
+ )
- mapping_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate, 'Scale': (5.0000, 100.0000, 100.0000)})
+ mapping_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_rotate, "Scale": (5.0000, 100.0000, 100.0000)},
+ )
- seed = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='seed')
+ seed = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="seed")
seed.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0000
- musgrave_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_2, 'W': seed, 'Scale': 10.0000, 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Dimension': 7.0000},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': musgrave_texture_2, 3: 1.0000, 4: -1.0000})
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_1, 'W': seed, 'Scale': 0.5000, 'Detail': 1.0000, 'Distortion': 1.1000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': seed, 'Scale': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Dimension': 0.2000, 'Lacunarity': 2.4000},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': musgrave_texture_1, 3: -1.4000, 4: 1.5000})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"], 3: 1.0000, 4: 0.5000})
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate, 'Scale': (0.1500, 1.0000, 0.1500)})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'W': seed, 'Detail': 5.0000, 'Distortion': 1.0000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 'W': seed, 'Scale': 4.0000, 'Detail': 10.0000, 'Dimension': 0.0000},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
+ musgrave_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping_2,
+ "W": seed,
+ "Scale": 10.0000,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Dimension": 7.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": musgrave_texture_2, 3: 1.0000, 4: -1.0000},
+ )
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_rotate})
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping_1,
+ "W": seed,
+ "Scale": 0.5000,
+ "Detail": 1.0000,
+ "Distortion": 1.1000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": seed,
+ "Scale": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Dimension": 0.2000,
+ "Lacunarity": 2.4000,
+ },
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": musgrave_texture_1, 3: -1.4000, 4: 1.5000},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"], 3: 1.0000, 4: 0.5000},
+ )
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_rotate, "Scale": (0.1500, 1.0000, 0.1500)},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "W": seed,
+ "Detail": 5.0000,
+ "Distortion": 1.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ "W": seed,
+ "Scale": 4.0000,
+ "Detail": 10.0000,
+ "Dimension": 0.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
input_kwargs={6: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 7: musgrave_texture},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
input_kwargs={0: 0.9000, 6: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 7: mix.outputs[2]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA', 'blend_type': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA", "blend_type": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
input_kwargs={0: 0.9500, 6: map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 7: mix_1.outputs[2]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA', 'blend_type': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA", "blend_type": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
rgb.outputs[0].default_value = hsv2rgba(perturb(rgb2hsv(0.0242, 0.0056, 0.0027)))
@@ -154,10 +295,23 @@ def shader_wood(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
rgb_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
rgb_1.outputs[0].default_value = hsv2rgba(perturb(rgb2hsv(0.5089, 0.2122, 0.0685)))
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix, input_kwargs={0: mix_2.outputs[2], 6: rgb, 7: rgb_1}, attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- bump = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBump', input_kwargs={'Strength': 0.2000, 'Height': mix_2.outputs[2]})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_3.outputs[2], 'Normal': bump})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={0: mix_2.outputs[2], 6: rgb, 7: rgb_1},
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ bump = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBump", input_kwargs={"Strength": 0.2000, "Height": mix_2.outputs[2]}
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix_3.outputs[2], "Normal": bump},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/text.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/text.py
index fe7ee649a..4ad34cccc 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/text.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/text.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Lingjie Mei: text & art generators
# - Stamatis Alexandropoulos: image postprocessing effects
# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpamCaVrbTk by Joey Carlino
@@ -9,62 +9,78 @@
import colorsys
import inspect
import io
-import string
import logging
-import colorsys
+import bpy
import matplotlib.font_manager
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-from matplotlib.patches import Arrow, BoxStyle, Circle, Ellipse, FancyBboxPatch, Rectangle, RegularPolygon, Wedge
-import bpy
import numpy as np
+from matplotlib.patches import (
+ Arrow,
+ BoxStyle,
+ Circle,
+ Ellipse,
+ FancyBboxPatch,
+ Rectangle,
+ RegularPolygon,
+ Wedge,
+from numpy.random import rand, uniform
from PIL import Image
-from numpy.random import uniform, rand
+from infinigen.assets.materials import common
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import decimate
from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import generate_text
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_plane
from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import compute_uv_direction
-from infinigen.assets.materials import common
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, clip_gaussian
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Text:
font_names_all = matplotlib.font_manager.get_font_names()
- default_font_name = 'DejaVu Sans'
- patch_fns = 'weighted_choice', (2, Circle), (4, Rectangle), (1, Wedge), (1, RegularPolygon), (1, Ellipse), (
- 2, Arrow), (2, FancyBboxPatch)
- hatches = {'/', '\\', '|', '-', '+', 'x', 'o', 'O', '.', '*'}
- font_weights = ['normal', 'bold', 'heavy']
- font_styles = ['normal', 'italic', 'oblique']
+ default_font_name = "DejaVu Sans"
+ patch_fns = (
+ "weighted_choice",
+ (2, Circle),
+ (4, Rectangle),
+ (1, Wedge),
+ (1, RegularPolygon),
+ (1, Ellipse),
+ (2, Arrow),
+ (2, FancyBboxPatch),
+ )
+ hatches = {"/", "\\", "|", "-", "+", "x", "o", "O", ".", "*"}
+ font_weights = ["normal", "bold", "heavy"]
+ font_styles = ["normal", "italic", "oblique"]
def __init__(self, factory_seed, has_barcode=True, emission=0):
self.factory_seed = factory_seed
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
self.size = 4
self.dpi = 100
- self.colormap = self.build_sequential_colormap() if uniform() < .5 else \
- self.build_diverging_colormap()
- self.white_chance = .03
- self.black_chance = .05
+ self.colormap = (
+ self.build_sequential_colormap()
+ if uniform() < 0.5
+ else self.build_diverging_colormap()
+ )
+ self.white_chance = 0.03
+ self.black_chance = 0.05
self.n_patches = np.random.randint(5, 8)
- self.force_horizontal = uniform() < .75
+ self.force_horizontal = uniform() < 0.75
self.font_names = np.random.choice(self.font_names_all, 3)
self.n_texts = np.random.randint(2, 4)
- self.n_barcodes = 1 if has_barcode and uniform() < .5 else 0
- self.barcode_scale = uniform(.3, .6)
+ self.n_barcodes = 1 if has_barcode and uniform() < 0.5 else 0
+ self.barcode_scale = uniform(0.3, 0.6)
self.barcode_length = np.random.randint(25, 40)
self.barcode_aspect = log_uniform(1.5, 3)
@@ -73,31 +89,48 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, has_barcode=True, emission=0):
def build_diverging_colormap():
count = 20
- hue = (uniform() + np.linspace(0, .5, count)) % 1
- mid = uniform(.6, .8)
+ hue = (uniform() + np.linspace(0, 0.5, count)) % 1
+ mid = uniform(0.6, 0.8)
lightness = np.concatenate(
- [np.linspace(uniform(.1, .3), mid, count // 2), np.linspace(mid, uniform(.1, .3), count // 2)]
+ [
+ np.linspace(uniform(0.1, 0.3), mid, count // 2),
+ np.linspace(mid, uniform(0.1, 0.3), count // 2),
+ ]
+ )
+ saturation = np.concatenate(
+ [np.linspace(1, 0.5, count // 2), np.linspace(0.5, 1, count // 2)]
- saturation = np.concatenate([np.linspace(1, .5, count // 2), np.linspace(.5, 1, count // 2)])
# TODO hack
saturation *= uniform(0, 1)
lightness *= uniform(0.5, 1)
- return np.array([colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s) for h, l, s in zip(hue, lightness, saturation)])
+ return np.array(
+ [
+ colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)
+ for h, l, s in zip(hue, lightness, saturation)
+ ]
+ )
def build_sequential_colormap():
count = 20
- hue = (uniform() + np.linspace(0, .5, count)) % 1
- lightness = np.linspace(uniform(.0), uniform(.6, .8), count)
- saturation = np.concatenate([np.linspace(1, .5, count // 2), np.linspace(.5, 1, count // 2)])
+ hue = (uniform() + np.linspace(0, 0.5, count)) % 1
+ lightness = np.linspace(uniform(0.0), uniform(0.6, 0.8), count)
+ saturation = np.concatenate(
+ [np.linspace(1, 0.5, count // 2), np.linspace(0.5, 1, count // 2)]
+ )
# TODO hack
saturation *= uniform(0, 1)
lightness *= uniform(0.5, 1)
- return np.array([colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s) for h, l, s in zip(hue, lightness, saturation)])
+ return np.array(
+ [
+ colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)
+ for h, l, s in zip(hue, lightness, saturation)
+ ]
+ )
def random_color(self):
@@ -113,7 +146,7 @@ def random_color(self):
def random_colors(self):
while True:
c, d = self.random_color, self.random_color
- if np.abs(c - d).sum() > .2:
+ if np.abs(c - d).sum() > 0.2:
return c, d
def build_image(self, bbox):
@@ -122,65 +155,93 @@ def build_image(self, bbox):
locs = self.get_locs(bbox, self.n_patches + self.n_texts + self.n_barcodes)
- self.add_patches(locs[:self.n_patches], bbox)
- self.add_texts(locs[self.n_patches:self.n_patches + self.n_texts])
- self.add_barcodes(locs[self.n_patches + self.n_texts:])
+ self.add_patches(locs[: self.n_patches], bbox)
+ self.add_texts(locs[self.n_patches : self.n_patches + self.n_texts])
+ self.add_barcodes(locs[self.n_patches + self.n_texts :])
buffer = io.BytesIO()
- fig.savefig(buffer, format='png')
+ fig.savefig(buffer, format="png")
size = self.size * self.dpi
- image = bpy.data.images.new('text_texture', width=size, height=size, alpha=True)
- data = np.asarray(Image.open(buffer), dtype=np.float32)[::-1, :] / 255.
+ image = bpy.data.images.new("text_texture", width=size, height=size, alpha=True)
+ data = np.asarray(Image.open(buffer), dtype=np.float32)[::-1, :] / 255.0
- plt.close('all')
+ plt.close("all")
return image
def loc_uniform(min_, max_, size=None):
- ratio = .1
- return uniform(min_ + ratio * (max_ - min_), min_ + (1 - ratio) * (max_ - min_), size)
+ ratio = 0.1
+ return uniform(
+ min_ + ratio * (max_ - min_), min_ + (1 - ratio) * (max_ - min_), size
+ )
def scale_uniform(min_, max_):
- return (max_ - min_) * log_uniform(.2, .8)
+ return (max_ - min_) * log_uniform(0.2, 0.8)
def get_locs(self, bbox, n):
m = 8 * n
- x, y = self.loc_uniform(bbox[0], bbox[1], m), self.loc_uniform(bbox[2], bbox[3], m)
+ x, y = (
+ self.loc_uniform(bbox[0], bbox[1], m),
+ self.loc_uniform(bbox[2], bbox[3], m),
+ )
return decimate(np.stack([x, y], -1), n)
def add_divider(self, rs):
- if uniform() < .6: return
- a = 0 if uniform() < .7 else uniform(5, 10)
+ if uniform() < 0.6:
+ return
+ a = 0 if uniform() < 0.7 else uniform(5, 10)
x, y = self.loc_uniform(rs[0], rs[1]), self.loc_uniform(rs[2], rs[3])
if rs[0] == 0 or self.force_horizontal:
- args_list = [[(0, y), 2, 2, a], [(0, y), 2, -2, -a], [(1, y), -2, -2, a], [(1, y), -2, 2, -a]]
+ args_list = [
+ [(0, y), 2, 2, a],
+ [(0, y), 2, -2, -a],
+ [(1, y), -2, -2, a],
+ [(1, y), -2, 2, -a],
+ ]
- args_list = [[(x, 0), -2, 2, a], [(x, 0), 2, 2, -a], [(x, 1), 2, -2, a], [(x, 1), -2, -2, -a]]
+ args_list = [
+ [(x, 0), -2, 2, a],
+ [(x, 0), 2, 2, -a],
+ [(x, 1), 2, -2, a],
+ [(x, 1), -2, -2, -a],
+ ]
args = args_list[np.random.randint(len(args_list))]
- plt.gca().add_patch(Rectangle(*args[:-1], angle=args[-1], color=self.random_color))
+ plt.gca().add_patch(
+ Rectangle(*args[:-1], angle=args[-1], color=self.random_color)
+ )
def add_patches(self, locs, bbox):
for x, y in locs:
- w, h = self.scale_uniform(bbox[0], bbox[1]), self.scale_uniform(bbox[2], bbox[3])
+ w, h = (
+ self.scale_uniform(bbox[0], bbox[1]),
+ self.scale_uniform(bbox[2], bbox[3]),
+ )
x_, y_ = x - w / 2, y - h / 2
r = min(w, h) / 2
fn = rg(self.patch_fns)
kwargs = {
- 'alpha': uniform(.5, .8) if uniform() < .2 else 1,
- 'fill': uniform() < .2,
- 'angle': 0 if uniform() < .8 else uniform(-30, 30),
- 'orientation': uniform(0, np.pi * 2)
+ "alpha": uniform(0.5, 0.8) if uniform() < 0.2 else 1,
+ "fill": uniform() < 0.2,
+ "angle": 0 if uniform() < 0.8 else uniform(-30, 30),
+ "orientation": uniform(0, np.pi * 2),
+ }
+ kwargs = {
+ k: kwargs[k]
+ for k, v in inspect.signature(fn).parameters.items()
+ if k in kwargs
- kwargs = {k: kwargs[k] for k, v in inspect.signature(fn).parameters.items() if k in kwargs}
face_color, edge_color = self.random_colors
- 'facecolor': face_color, 'edgecolor': edge_color,
- 'hatch': np.random.choice(list(self.hatches)) if uniform() < .3 else 'none',
- 'linewidth': uniform(2, 5)
+ "facecolor": face_color,
+ "edgecolor": edge_color,
+ "hatch": np.random.choice(list(self.hatches))
+ if uniform() < 0.3
+ else "none",
+ "linewidth": uniform(2, 5),
match fn.__name__:
@@ -190,42 +251,78 @@ def add_patches(self, locs, bbox):
patch = Rectangle((x_, y_), w, h, **kwargs)
case Wedge.__name__:
start = uniform(0, 360)
- patch = Wedge((x, y), r, start, start + uniform(0, 360), width=uniform(.2, .8) * r, **kwargs)
+ patch = Wedge(
+ (x, y),
+ r,
+ start,
+ start + uniform(0, 360),
+ width=uniform(0.2, 0.8) * r,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
case RegularPolygon.__name__:
- patch = RegularPolygon((x, y), np.random.randint(3, 9), radius=r, **kwargs)
+ patch = RegularPolygon(
+ (x, y), np.random.randint(3, 9), radius=r, **kwargs
+ )
case Ellipse.__name__:
patch = Ellipse((x, y), w, h, **kwargs)
case Arrow.__name__:
- w_, h_ = (w if uniform() < .5 else -w), (h if uniform() < .5 else -h)
- patch = Arrow(x - w_ / 2, y - h_ / 2, w, h, width=log_uniform(.6, 1.5), **kwargs)
+ w_, h_ = (
+ (w if uniform() < 0.5 else -w),
+ (h if uniform() < 0.5 else -h),
+ )
+ patch = Arrow(
+ x - w_ / 2,
+ y - h_ / 2,
+ w,
+ h,
+ width=log_uniform(0.6, 1.5),
+ **kwargs,
+ )
case FancyBboxPatch.__name__:
- pad = uniform(.2, .4) * min(w, h)
- box_style = np.random.choice(list(BoxStyle.get_styles().values()))(pad=pad)
+ pad = uniform(0.2, 0.4) * min(w, h)
+ box_style = np.random.choice(list(BoxStyle.get_styles().values()))(
+ pad=pad
+ )
patch = FancyBboxPatch(
- (x_, y_), w - pad, h - pad, box_style, mutation_scale=log_uniform(.6, 1.5),
- mutation_aspect=log_uniform(.6, 1.5), **kwargs
+ (x_, y_),
+ w - pad,
+ h - pad,
+ box_style,
+ mutation_scale=log_uniform(0.6, 1.5),
+ mutation_aspect=log_uniform(0.6, 1.5),
+ **kwargs,
case _:
raise NotImplementedError
except MemoryError:
- logger.warning(f'Failed to add patch {fn.__name__} at {x, y} with {w, h} due to MemoryError')
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Failed to add patch {fn.__name__} at {x, y} with {w, h} due to MemoryError"
+ )
def add_texts(self, locs):
for x, y in locs:
- x = .5 + (x - .5) * .6
+ x = 0.5 + (x - 0.5) * 0.6
text = generate_text()
- family = np.random.permutation(self.font_names).tolist() + ['DejaVu Sans']
+ family = np.random.permutation(self.font_names).tolist() + ["DejaVu Sans"]
color, background_color = self.random_colors
- x, y, text, family=family,
- size=log_uniform(.75, 1) * self.dpi * clip_gaussian(0.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.65),
- ha='center', va='center', c=color,
- rotation=uniform(-10, 10), wrap=True,
+ x,
+ y,
+ text,
+ family=family,
+ size=log_uniform(0.75, 1)
+ * self.dpi
+ * clip_gaussian(0.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.65),
+ ha="center",
+ va="center",
+ c=color,
+ rotation=uniform(-10, 10),
+ wrap=True,
- backgroundcolor=background_color
+ backgroundcolor=background_color,
def add_barcodes(self, locs):
@@ -236,42 +333,86 @@ def add_barcodes(self, locs):
w = h * self.barcode_aspect
ax = fig.add_axes((x - w / 2, y - h / 2, w, h))
- ax.imshow(code.reshape(1, -1), cmap='binary', aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest')
+ ax.imshow(
+ code.reshape(1, -1),
+ cmap="binary",
+ aspect="auto",
+ interpolation="nearest",
+ )
def make_shader_func(self, bbox):
- assert bbox[1] - bbox[0] > .001 and bbox[3] - bbox[2] >.001
+ assert bbox[1] - bbox[0] > 0.001 and bbox[3] - bbox[2] > 0.001
image = self.build_image(bbox)
def shader_text(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
uv_map = nw.new_node(Nodes.UVMap)
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': uv_map})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': reroute, 'Scale': 60.0000})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': reroute, 'Scale': 60.0000})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={6: voronoi_texture.outputs["Position"], 7: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Position"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': reroute, 'Detail': 5.6000, 'Dimension': 1.4000})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': reroute, 'Scale': 35.4000, 'Detail': 3.3000, 'Roughness': 1.0000})
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: uniform(0.2,1.0), 6: musgrave_texture, 7: noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix, input_kwargs={0: 0.0417, 6: mix.outputs[2], 7: mix_3.outputs[2]}, attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
+ reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": uv_map})
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": reroute, "Scale": 60.0000}
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": reroute, "Scale": 60.0000}
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 6: voronoi_texture.outputs["Position"],
+ 7: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": reroute, "Detail": 5.6000, "Dimension": 1.4000},
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": reroute,
+ "Scale": 35.4000,
+ "Detail": 3.3000,
+ "Roughness": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: uniform(0.2, 1.0),
+ 6: musgrave_texture,
+ 7: noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={0: 0.0417, 6: mix.outputs[2], 7: mix_3.outputs[2]},
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
if rand() < 0.5:
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix, input_kwargs={0: uniform(0, 0.4), 6: mix_1.outputs[2], 7: uv_map}, attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={0: uniform(0, 0.4), 6: mix_1.outputs[2], 7: uv_map},
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix, input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 6: mix_1.outputs[2], 7: uv_map}, attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 6: mix_1.outputs[2], 7: uv_map},
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
# mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix, input_kwargs={0: 0.7375, 6: uv, 7: mix_1.outputs[2]}, attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- color = nw.new_node(Nodes.ShaderImageTexture, [mix_2], attrs={'image': image}).outputs[0]
+ color = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ShaderImageTexture, [mix_2], attrs={"image": image}
+ ).outputs[0]
roughness = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture)
if self.emission > 0:
emission = color
@@ -280,16 +421,17 @@ def shader_text(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
emission = None
principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- 'Base Color': color,
- 'Roughness': roughness,
- 'Metallic': uniform(0, .5),
- 'Specular': uniform(0, .2),
- 'Emission': emission,
- 'Emission Strength': self.emission
- }
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": color,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ "Metallic": uniform(0, 0.5),
+ "Specular": uniform(0, 0.2),
+ "Emission": emission,
+ "Emission Strength": self.emission,
+ },
- nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf})
return shader_text
@@ -297,13 +439,17 @@ def apply(self, obj, selection=None, bbox=(0, 1, 0, 1), **kwargs):
common.apply(obj, self.make_shader_func(bbox), selection, **kwargs)
-def apply(obj, selection=None, bbox=(0, 1, 0, 1), has_barcode=True, emission=0, **kwargs):
- Text(np.random.randint(1e5), has_barcode, emission).apply(obj, selection, bbox, **kwargs)
+def apply(
+ obj, selection=None, bbox=(0, 1, 0, 1), has_barcode=True, emission=0, **kwargs
+ Text(np.random.randint(1e5), has_barcode, emission).apply(
+ obj, selection, bbox, **kwargs
+ )
def make_sphere():
obj = new_plane()
obj.rotation_euler[0] = np.pi / 2
- compute_uv_direction(obj, 'x', 'z')
+ compute_uv_direction(obj, "x", "z")
return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/text_no_barcode.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/text_no_barcode.py
index 51021c598..78ee51f54 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/text_no_barcode.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/text_no_barcode.py
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
import numpy as np
from .text import Text
-from .text import make_sphere
def apply(obj, selection=None, bbox=(0, 1, 0, 1), emission=0, **kwargs):
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/three_color_spots.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/three_color_spots.py
index eb26bb29f..2bdd1a9fe 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/three_color_spots.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/three_color_spots.py
@@ -4,68 +4,89 @@
# Authors: Mingzhe Wang
-import os, sys
-import numpy as np
import math as ma
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import clip, sample_range, sample_ratio, sample_color, geo_voronoi_noise
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import (
+ geo_voronoi_noise,
+ sample_color,
+ sample_range,
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
-def shader_spot(nw, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
+def shader_spot(nw, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.7, 'Color1': noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]},
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.7,
+ "Color1": noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ },
+ )
if rand:
mix.inputs["Factor"].default_value = sample_range(0.5, 0.9)
scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- scale.outputs["Value"].default_value = input_kwargs['scale'] if 'scale' in input_kwargs else 2
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix, 'Scale': scale})
+ scale.outputs["Value"].default_value = (
+ input_kwargs["scale"] if "scale" in input_kwargs else 2
+ )
+ mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": mix, "Scale": scale})
if rand:
for i in range(3):
- mapping.inputs['Location'].default_value[i] = sample_range(-1, 1)
- mapping.inputs['Rotation'].default_value[i] = sample_range(0, 2*ma.pi)
+ mapping.inputs["Location"].default_value[i] = sample_range(-1, 1)
+ mapping.inputs["Rotation"].default_value[i] = sample_range(0, 2 * ma.pi)
spot1_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
spot1_1.outputs["Value"].default_value = 7.5
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': spot1_1})
- mix_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.95, 'Color1': noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': mapping})
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix_7})
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping, "Scale": spot1_1}
+ )
+ mix_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.95,
+ "Color1": noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": mapping,
+ },
+ )
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": mix_7})
if rand:
for i in range(3):
- mapping_1.inputs['Scale'].default_value[i] = sample_range(0.8, 1.2)
+ mapping_1.inputs["Scale"].default_value[i] = sample_range(0.8, 1.2)
spot2_size = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
spot2_size.outputs["Value"].default_value = sample_range(1, 3) if rand else 1.5
- voronoi_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_1, 'Scale': spot2_size},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D'})
+ voronoi_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping_1, "Scale": spot2_size},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
- voronoi_texture_2.inputs['W'].default_value = sample_range(-5, 5)
- math_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture_2.outputs["Distance"], 1: voronoi_texture_2.outputs["Distance"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': math_4})
+ voronoi_texture_2.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-5, 5)
+ math_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: voronoi_texture_2.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: voronoi_texture_2.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": math_4})
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.1409
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
@@ -76,54 +97,81 @@ def shader_spot(nw, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
if rand:
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = sample_range(0.18, 0.23)
- math_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ math_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: spot2_size, 1: 10.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- voronoi_texture_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_1, 'Scale': math_2},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping_1, "Scale": math_2},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
- voronoi_texture_3.inputs['W'].default_value = sample_range(-5, 5)
- math_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture_3.outputs["Distance"], 1: voronoi_texture_3.outputs["Distance"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- mix_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.4467, 'Color1': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': math_3},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'BURN'})
+ voronoi_texture_3.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-5, 5)
+ math_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: voronoi_texture_3.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: voronoi_texture_3.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ mix_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.4467,
+ "Color1": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": math_3,
+ },
+ attrs={"blend_type": "BURN"},
+ )
spot2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
spot2.outputs["Value"].default_value = 1
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': spot2})
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.875, 'Color1': noise_texture_2.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': mapping})
- mapping_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix_3})
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping, "Scale": spot2}
+ )
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.875,
+ "Color1": noise_texture_2.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": mapping,
+ },
+ )
+ mapping_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": mix_3})
if rand:
for i in range(3):
- mapping_2.inputs['Scale'].default_value[i] = sample_range(0.8, 1.2)
+ mapping_2.inputs["Scale"].default_value[i] = sample_range(0.8, 1.2)
spot1_size = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
spot1_size.outputs["Value"].default_value = sample_range(1, 3) if rand else 1.5
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_2, 'W': 1.0, 'Scale': spot1_size},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D'})
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping_2, "W": 1.0, "Scale": spot1_size},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
- voronoi_texture.inputs['W'].default_value = sample_range(-5, 5)
- math_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 1: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': math_5})
+ voronoi_texture.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-5, 5)
+ math_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": math_5})
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
@@ -137,55 +185,87 @@ def shader_spot(nw, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value.outputs["Value"].default_value = sample_range(2, 8) if rand else 5
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_2, 'Scale': value},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D'})
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping_2, "Scale": value},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
- voronoi_texture_1.inputs['W'].default_value = sample_range(-5, 5)
- math_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"], 1: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.82, 'Color1': colorramp_2.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': math_6},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'BURN'})
- math = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: mix_4, 1: mix_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
+ voronoi_texture_1.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-5, 5)
+ math_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.82,
+ "Color1": colorramp_2.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": math_6,
+ },
+ attrs={"blend_type": "BURN"},
+ )
+ math = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: mix_4, 1: mix_1}, attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"}
+ )
rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
- sample_color(rgb.outputs['Color'].default_value)
+ sample_color(rgb.outputs["Color"].default_value)
- color1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': mix_1, 'Color1': (1.0, 0.0223, 0.0, 1.0), 'Color2': rgb})
+ color1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": mix_1, "Color1": (1.0, 0.0223, 0.0, 1.0), "Color2": rgb},
+ )
- color2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': mix_4, 'Color1': (0.0021, 0.0021, 0.0144, 1.0), 'Color2': rgb})
+ color2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": mix_4,
+ "Color1": (0.0021, 0.0021, 0.0144, 1.0),
+ "Color2": rgb,
+ },
+ )
- mix_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': math, 'Color1': color1, 'Color2': color2})
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'offset'})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute.outputs["Color"]})
+ mix_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB, input_kwargs={"Fac": math, "Color1": color1, "Color2": color2}
+ )
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "offset"})
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": attribute.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.3036, 0.3036, 0.3036, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_6, 'Roughness': colorramp.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'subsurface_method': 'BURLEY'})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix_6, "Roughness": colorramp.outputs["Color"]},
+ attrs={"subsurface_method": "BURLEY"},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def apply(obj, geo_kwargs=None, shader_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_voronoi_noise, apply=False, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs, attributes=['offset'])
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geo_voronoi_noise,
+ apply=False,
+ input_kwargs=geo_kwargs,
+ attributes=["offset"],
+ )
surface.add_material(obj, shader_spot, reuse=False, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/tiger_attr.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/tiger_attr.py
index c5e691bca..671221284 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/tiger_attr.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/tiger_attr.py
@@ -5,154 +5,235 @@
# Acknowledgment: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9lukB7cWag by Sam Bowman
-import os, sys
-import numpy as np
-import math as ma
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import clip, sample_range, sample_ratio, sample_color, geo_voronoi_noise
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core import surface
+import os
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.shader import nodegroup_color_mask
import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.shader import nodegroup_color_mask
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.nodegroups.shader import nodegroup_color_mask
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_tiger_fac', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_tiger_fac", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree")
def nodegroup_tiger_fac(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))])
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[("NodeSocketVector", "Vector", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))],
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
noise_texture.inputs["W"].default_value = uniform(-10, 10)
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.8500, 'Color1': noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': group_input.outputs["Vector"]})
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.8500,
+ "Color1": noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": group_input.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
mix_3.inputs["Factor"].default_value = uniform(0.8, 0.9)
- musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix_3, 'W': 1.0000, 'Scale': 1.0000},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
+ musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mix_3, "W": 1.0000, "Scale": 1.0000},
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
musgrave_texture_1.inputs["W"].default_value = uniform(-10, 10)
value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value_1.outputs[0].default_value = normal(0.1180, 0.0100)
value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value_2.outputs[0].default_value = normal(0.0600, 0.0100)
add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: value_1, 1: value_2})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: musgrave_texture_1, 1: add}, attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: value_1, 1: value_2}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- greater_than_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: musgrave_texture_1, 1: subtract}, attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: greater_than_1}, attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': musgrave_texture_1})
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: musgrave_texture_1, 1: add},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: value_1, 1: value_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ greater_than_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: musgrave_texture_1, 1: subtract},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: greater_than_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": musgrave_texture_1})
colorramp_3.color_ramp.interpolation = "CONSTANT"
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0000
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.1182
colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
- mapping_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={'Vector': mix_3, 'Location': (3.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000)})
- mapping_2.inputs["Location"].default_value = (uniform(0, 10), uniform(0, 10), uniform(0, 10))
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix_3, 'Location': (1.0000, 5.0000, -10.0000), 'Rotation': (0.7854, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- mapping_1.inputs["Location"].default_value = (uniform(0, 10), uniform(0, 10), uniform(0, 10))
- mix_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': colorramp_3.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': mapping_2, 'Color2': mapping_1})
- wave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix_5, 'Scale': 1.0000, 'Distortion': 10.0000, 'Detail': 0.0000, 'Phase Offset': 4.0000})
+ mapping_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mix_3, "Location": (3.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000)},
+ )
+ mapping_2.inputs["Location"].default_value = (
+ uniform(0, 10),
+ uniform(0, 10),
+ uniform(0, 10),
+ )
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mix_3,
+ "Location": (1.0000, 5.0000, -10.0000),
+ "Rotation": (0.7854, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ mapping_1.inputs["Location"].default_value = (
+ uniform(0, 10),
+ uniform(0, 10),
+ uniform(0, 10),
+ )
+ mix_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_3.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": mapping_2,
+ "Color2": mapping_1,
+ },
+ )
+ wave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mix_5,
+ "Scale": 1.0000,
+ "Distortion": 10.0000,
+ "Detail": 0.0000,
+ "Phase Offset": 4.0000,
+ },
+ )
wave_texture.inputs["Scale"].default_value = normal(1.0000, 0.1000)
wave_texture.inputs["Distortion"].default_value = normal(10.0000, 0.5000)
wave_texture.inputs["Phase Offset"].default_value = uniform(-20, 20)
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': wave_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.2000, 2: 0.4000})
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': less_than, 'Color1': map_range.outputs["Result"], 'Color2': (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Color': mix_2}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": wave_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.2000, 2: 0.4000},
+ )
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": less_than,
+ "Color1": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color2": (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Color": mix_2},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def shader_tiger_attr(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- local_pos = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'local_pos'})
+ local_pos = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "local_pos"})
value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value.outputs[0].default_value = U(2, 4)
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'tag_head'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "tag_head"})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: attribute.outputs["Fac"], 1: N(3, 1)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: value, 1: multiply})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: local_pos.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': add},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- group_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_tiger_fac().name,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: value, 1: multiply})
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: local_pos.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": add},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ group_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_tiger_fac().name, input_kwargs={"Vector": scale.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_color_mask().name)
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': group})
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": group})
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = hsv2rgba((U(0.015, 0.06), U(0.85, 0.95), U(0.15, 0.7)))
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = hsv2rgba(
+ (U(0.015, 0.06), U(0.85, 0.95), U(0.15, 0.7))
+ )
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = hsv2rgba((U(0.02, 0.05), U(0.3, 0.7), U(0.15, 0.7)))
- mix_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = hsv2rgba(
+ (U(0.02, 0.05), U(0.3, 0.7), U(0.15, 0.7))
+ )
+ mix_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
- 'Fac': group_1,
- 'Color1': (0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 1.0),
- 'Color2': colorramp.outputs["Color"]})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_5, 'Specular': 0.0},
- attrs={'subsurface_method': 'BURLEY'})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ "Fac": group_1,
+ "Color1": (0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 1.0),
+ "Color2": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix_5, "Specular": 0.0},
+ attrs={"subsurface_method": "BURLEY"},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
surface.add_material(obj, shader_tiger_attr, selection=selection)
if __name__ == "__main__":
for i in range(1):
- bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath='dev_scene_1019.blend')
- #creature(73349, 0).parts(0, factory=QuadrupedBody)
- apply(bpy.data.objects['creature(73349, 0).parts(0, factory=QuadrupedBody)'], geo_kwargs={'rand': True}, shader_kwargs={'rand': True})
- fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), 'dev_scene_test_tiger_attr.blend')
+ bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath="dev_scene_1019.blend")
+ # creature(73349, 0).parts(0, factory=QuadrupedBody)
+ apply(
+ bpy.data.objects["creature(73349, 0).parts(0, factory=QuadrupedBody)"],
+ geo_kwargs={"rand": True},
+ shader_kwargs={"rand": True},
+ )
+ fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), "dev_scene_test_tiger_attr.blend")
- #bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join('surfaces/surface_thumbnails', 'bone%d.jpg'%(i))
- #bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format='JPEG'
- #bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True)
\ No newline at end of file
+ # bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join('surfaces/surface_thumbnails', 'bone%d.jpg'%(i))
+ # bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format='JPEG'
+ # bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/tile.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/tile.py
index a926f67d9..f6d4417d6 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/tile.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/tile.py
@@ -1,45 +1,46 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+from functools import partial
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
from inspect import signature
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from . import ceramic, common
-from .utils.surface_utils import perturb_coordinates
-from ..utils.object import new_cube
-from ...core.nodes import NodeWrangler, Nodes
+from ...core.nodes import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from ...core.util.math import FixedSeed
from ...core.util.random import log_uniform
-from functools import partial
+from ..utils.object import new_cube
+from . import ceramic, common
+from .utils.surface_utils import perturb_coordinates
def mix_shader(nw, base_shader, offset, rotations, mortar, alternating, selections):
n = len(selections) + 1
- seeds = np.random.randint(0, 1e7, n) if alternating else [np.random.randint(1e7)] * n
+ seeds = (
+ np.random.randint(0, 1e7, n) if alternating else [np.random.randint(1e7)] * n
+ )
shaders, disps = [], []
- darken_factor = uniform(.4, 1.)
+ darken_factor = uniform(0.4, 1.0)
for i, seed in enumerate(seeds):
with FixedSeed(seed):
kwargs = {}
names = signature(base_shader).parameters
- if 'random_seed' in names:
- kwargs['random_seed'] = np.random.randint(1e7)
- if 'w' in names:
- kwargs['w'] = offset
- if 'hscale' in names:
+ if "random_seed" in names:
+ kwargs["random_seed"] = np.random.randint(1e7)
+ if "w" in names:
+ kwargs["w"] = offset
+ if "hscale" in names:
if i % 2 == 0:
- kwargs['hscale'] = log_uniform(20, 30)
- kwargs['vscale'] = .01
+ kwargs["hscale"] = log_uniform(20, 30)
+ kwargs["vscale"] = 0.01
- kwargs['hscale'] = .01
- kwargs['vscale'] = log_uniform(20, 30)
+ kwargs["hscale"] = 0.01
+ kwargs["vscale"] = log_uniform(20, 30)
base_shader(nw, **kwargs)
- bsdfs = nw.find('Bsdf')
+ bsdfs = nw.find("Bsdf")
n = nw.nodes[-1]
if len(bsdfs) > 0:
bsdf = bsdfs[-1]
@@ -48,263 +49,483 @@ def mix_shader(nw, base_shader, offset, rotations, mortar, alternating, selectio
color = links[0].from_socket
color = bsdf.inputs[0].default_value
- color = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={0: darken_factor, 6: color, 7: nw.scalar_sub(1, mortar)},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'MULTIPLY', 'data_type': 'RGBA'}).outputs[2]
+ color = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: darken_factor,
+ 6: color,
+ 7: nw.scalar_sub(1, mortar),
+ },
+ attrs={"blend_type": "MULTIPLY", "data_type": "RGBA"},
+ ).outputs[2]
nw.connect_input(color, bsdf.inputs[0])
match type(n).__name__:
case Nodes.GroupOutput:
disp_links = nw.find_from(n.inputs[1])
- disps.append(disp_links[0].from_socket if len(disp_links) > 0 else None)
+ disps.append(
+ disp_links[0].from_socket if len(disp_links) > 0 else None
+ )
- case Nodes.PrincipledBSDF | Nodes.GlassBSDF | Nodes.GlossyBSDF | Nodes.TranslucentBSDF | \
- Nodes.TransparentBSDF | Nodes.TranslucentBSDF:
+ case (
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF
+ | Nodes.GlassBSDF
+ | Nodes.GlossyBSDF
+ | Nodes.TranslucentBSDF
+ | Nodes.TransparentBSDF
+ | Nodes.TranslucentBSDF
+ ):
case _:
n = nw.find(Nodes.MaterialOutput)[-1]
- shaders.append(nw.find_from(n.inputs['Surface'])[0].from_socket)
- disp_links = nw.find_from(n.inputs['Displacement'])
- disps.append(disp_links[0].from_socket if len(disp_links) > 0 else None)
+ shaders.append(nw.find_from(n.inputs["Surface"])[0].from_socket)
+ disp_links = nw.find_from(n.inputs["Displacement"])
+ disps.append(
+ disp_links[0].from_socket if len(disp_links) > 0 else None
+ )
shader = shaders[0]
disp = disps[0]
rotation = rotations[0]
for sel, sh, dis, rot in zip(selections, shaders[1:], disps[1:], rotations[1:]):
shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader, [sel, shader, sh])
- disp = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix, input_kwargs={'Factor': sel, 'A': disp, 'B': dis},
- attrs={'data_type': 'VECTOR'})
- rotation = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix, input_kwargs={'Factor': sel, 'A': rotation, 'B': rot},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT'})
+ disp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={"Factor": sel, "A": disp, "B": dis},
+ attrs={"data_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ rotation = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={"Factor": sel, "A": rotation, "B": rot},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT"},
+ )
for node in nw.find(Nodes.TextureCoord)[1:] + nw.find(Nodes.NewGeometry):
perturb_coordinates(nw, node, offset, rotation)
- disp = nw.add(disp, nw.new_node(Nodes.Displacement, input_kwargs={
- 'Height': nw.scalar_multiply(mortar, -uniform(.01, .02)),
- 'Midlevel': 0.
- }))
- nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': shader, 'Displacement': disp})
+ disp = nw.add(
+ disp,
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Displacement,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Height": nw.scalar_multiply(mortar, -uniform(0.01, 0.02)),
+ "Midlevel": 0.0,
+ },
+ ),
+ )
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": shader, "Displacement": disp}
+ )
-def shader_square_tile(nw: NodeWrangler, base_shader, vertical=False, alternating=None, scale=1, **kwargs):
+def shader_square_tile(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, base_shader, vertical=False, alternating=None, scale=1, **kwargs
if alternating is None:
- alternating = uniform() < .75
- size = log_uniform(.2, .4)
- vec = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord).outputs['Object']
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.ShaderNodeNormalMap).outputs['Normal']
+ alternating = uniform() < 0.75
+ size = log_uniform(0.2, 0.4)
+ vec = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord).outputs["Object"]
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.ShaderNodeNormalMap).outputs["Normal"]
if vertical:
- vec = nw.combine(nw.separate(nw.vector_math('CROSS_PRODUCT', vec, normal))[-1], nw.separate(vec)[-1], 0)
- rotation = np.pi / 4 if uniform() < .3 else 0
+ vec = nw.combine(
+ nw.separate(nw.vector_math("CROSS_PRODUCT", vec, normal))[-1],
+ nw.separate(vec)[-1],
+ 0,
+ )
+ rotation = np.pi / 4 if uniform() < 0.3 else 0
vec = nw.new_node(
- [vec, uniform(0, 1, 3), (0, 0, np.pi / 2 * np.random.randint(4) + rotation), [scale] * 3]
+ [
+ vec,
+ uniform(0, 1, 3),
+ (0, 0, np.pi / 2 * np.random.randint(4) + rotation),
+ [scale] * 3,
+ ],
vec = nw.combine(*nw.separate(vec)[:2], 0)
- offset, mortar = map(nw.new_node(Nodes.BrickTexture, [vec], input_kwargs={
- 'Scale': 1 / size,
- 'Row Height': 1,
- 'Brick Width': 1,
- 'Mortar Size': uniform(.005, .01),
- 'Color2': (0, 0, 0, 1)
- }, attrs={'offset': .0, 'offset_frequency': 1}).outputs.get, ['Color', 'Fac'])
- selections = [nw.new_node(Nodes.CheckerTexture, [vec, (0, 0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1), 1 / size]).outputs[1]]
+ offset, mortar = map(
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BrickTexture,
+ [vec],
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Scale": 1 / size,
+ "Row Height": 1,
+ "Brick Width": 1,
+ "Mortar Size": uniform(0.005, 0.01),
+ "Color2": (0, 0, 0, 1),
+ },
+ attrs={"offset": 0.0, "offset_frequency": 1},
+ ).outputs.get,
+ ["Color", "Fac"],
+ )
+ selections = [
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CheckerTexture, [vec, (0, 0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1), 1 / size]
+ ).outputs[1]
+ ]
rotations = np.pi / 2 * np.arange(2)
mix_shader(nw, base_shader, offset, rotations, mortar, alternating, selections)
-def shader_rectangle_tile(nw: NodeWrangler, base_shader, vertical=False, alternating=None, scale=1, **kwargs):
+def shader_rectangle_tile(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, base_shader, vertical=False, alternating=None, scale=1, **kwargs
if alternating is None:
- alternating = uniform() < .75
- size = log_uniform(.2, .4)
- vec = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord).outputs['Object']
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.ShaderNodeNormalMap).outputs['Normal']
+ alternating = uniform() < 0.75
+ size = log_uniform(0.2, 0.4)
+ vec = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord).outputs["Object"]
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.ShaderNodeNormalMap).outputs["Normal"]
if vertical:
- vec = nw.combine(nw.separate(nw.vector_math('CROSS_PRODUCT', vec, normal))[-1], nw.separate(vec)[-1], 0)
+ vec = nw.combine(
+ nw.separate(nw.vector_math("CROSS_PRODUCT", vec, normal))[-1],
+ nw.separate(vec)[-1],
+ 0,
+ )
vec = nw.new_node(
- [vec, uniform(0, 1, 3), (0, 0, np.pi / 2 * np.random.randint(4)), [scale, scale * log_uniform(1.3, 2), scale]]
+ [
+ vec,
+ uniform(0, 1, 3),
+ (0, 0, np.pi / 2 * np.random.randint(4)),
+ [scale, scale * log_uniform(1.3, 2), scale],
+ ],
vec = nw.combine(*nw.separate(vec)[:2], 0)
- offset, mortar = map(nw.new_node(Nodes.BrickTexture, [vec], input_kwargs={
- 'Scale': 1 / size,
- 'Row Height': 1,
- 'Brick Width': 1,
- 'Mortar Size': uniform(.005, .01),
- 'Color2': (0, 0, 0, 1)
- }, attrs={'offset': .0, 'offset_frequency': 1}).outputs.get, ['Color', 'Fac'])
- selections = [nw.new_node(Nodes.CheckerTexture, [vec, (0, 0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1), 1 / size]).outputs[1]]
+ offset, mortar = map(
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BrickTexture,
+ [vec],
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Scale": 1 / size,
+ "Row Height": 1,
+ "Brick Width": 1,
+ "Mortar Size": uniform(0.005, 0.01),
+ "Color2": (0, 0, 0, 1),
+ },
+ attrs={"offset": 0.0, "offset_frequency": 1},
+ ).outputs.get,
+ ["Color", "Fac"],
+ )
+ selections = [
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CheckerTexture, [vec, (0, 0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1), 1 / size]
+ ).outputs[1]
+ ]
rotations = np.pi / 2 * np.arange(2)
mix_shader(nw, base_shader, offset, rotations, mortar, alternating, selections)
-def shader_hexagon_tile(nw: NodeWrangler, base_shader, vertical=False, alternating=None, scale=1, **kwargs):
+def shader_hexagon_tile(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, base_shader, vertical=False, alternating=None, scale=1, **kwargs
if alternating is None:
- alternating = uniform() < .6
- size = log_uniform(.15, .3)
- vec = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord).outputs['Object']
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.ShaderNodeNormalMap).outputs['Normal']
+ alternating = uniform() < 0.6
+ size = log_uniform(0.15, 0.3)
+ vec = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord).outputs["Object"]
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.ShaderNodeNormalMap).outputs["Normal"]
if vertical:
- vec = nw.combine(nw.separate(nw.vector_math('CROSS_PRODUCT', vec, normal))[-1], nw.separate(vec)[-1], 0)
- vec = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- [vec, uniform(0, 1, 3), (0, 0, np.pi / 2 * np.random.randint(4)), [scale] * 3])
+ vec = nw.combine(
+ nw.separate(nw.vector_math("CROSS_PRODUCT", vec, normal))[-1],
+ nw.separate(vec)[-1],
+ 0,
+ )
+ vec = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ [vec, uniform(0, 1, 3), (0, 0, np.pi / 2 * np.random.randint(4)), [scale] * 3],
+ )
qs = []
- for n in np.array([[1 / np.sqrt(3), -1 / 3, 0], [0, 2 / 3, 0], [-1 / np.sqrt(3), -1 / 3, 0]]) / size:
- qs.append(nw.vector_math('DOT_PRODUCT', vec, n))
- qs_ = [nw.math('ROUND', q) for q in qs]
- qs_diff = [nw.math('ABSOLUTE', nw.scalar_sub(q, q_)) for q, q_ in zip(qs, qs_)]
+ for n in (
+ np.array(
+ [[1 / np.sqrt(3), -1 / 3, 0], [0, 2 / 3, 0], [-1 / np.sqrt(3), -1 / 3, 0]]
+ )
+ / size
+ ):
+ qs.append(nw.vector_math("DOT_PRODUCT", vec, n))
+ qs_ = [nw.math("ROUND", q) for q in qs]
+ qs_diff = [nw.math("ABSOLUTE", nw.scalar_sub(q, q_)) for q, q_ in zip(qs, qs_)]
coords = []
for i in range(3):
- coords.append(nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix, [
- nw.scalar_multiply(nw.math('GREATER_THAN', qs_diff[i], qs_diff[(i + 1) % 3]),
- nw.math('GREATER_THAN', qs_diff[i], qs_diff[(i + 2) % 3])), None, qs_[i],
- nw.scalar_sub(0, nw.scalar_add(qs_[(i + 1) % 3], qs_[(i + 2) % 3]))]))
+ coords.append(
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ [
+ nw.scalar_multiply(
+ nw.math("GREATER_THAN", qs_diff[i], qs_diff[(i + 1) % 3]),
+ nw.math("GREATER_THAN", qs_diff[i], qs_diff[(i + 2) % 3]),
+ ),
+ None,
+ qs_[i],
+ nw.scalar_sub(0, nw.scalar_add(qs_[(i + 1) % 3], qs_[(i + 2) % 3])),
+ ],
+ )
+ )
offset = nw.combine(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2])
i = np.random.randint(3)
- fraction = nw.math('FRACT',
- nw.scalar_divide(nw.scalar_add(nw.scalar_sub(coords[i], coords[(i + 1) % 3]), .5), 3))
- diffs = [nw.math('ABSOLUTE', nw.scalar_sub(q, c)) for q, c in zip(qs, coords)]
- max_dist = nw.math('MAXIMUM',
- nw.math('MAXIMUM', nw.scalar_add(diffs[0], diffs[1]), nw.scalar_add(diffs[1], diffs[2])),
- nw.scalar_add(diffs[2], diffs[0]))
- mortar = nw.math('GREATER_THAN', max_dist, 1 - uniform(.005, .01) / size / 2)
+ fraction = nw.math(
+ "FRACT",
+ nw.scalar_divide(
+ nw.scalar_add(nw.scalar_sub(coords[i], coords[(i + 1) % 3]), 0.5), 3
+ ),
+ )
+ diffs = [nw.math("ABSOLUTE", nw.scalar_sub(q, c)) for q, c in zip(qs, coords)]
+ max_dist = nw.math(
+ nw.math(
+ nw.scalar_add(diffs[0], diffs[1]),
+ nw.scalar_add(diffs[1], diffs[2]),
+ ),
+ nw.scalar_add(diffs[2], diffs[0]),
+ )
+ mortar = nw.math("GREATER_THAN", max_dist, 1 - uniform(0.005, 0.01) / size / 2)
rotations = np.pi * 2 / 3 * np.arange(3)
- mix_shader(nw, base_shader, offset, rotations, mortar, alternating,
- [nw.math('LESS_THAN', fraction, 2 / 3), nw.math('LESS_THAN', fraction, 1 / 3), ])
+ mix_shader(
+ nw,
+ base_shader,
+ offset,
+ rotations,
+ mortar,
+ alternating,
+ [
+ nw.math("LESS_THAN", fraction, 2 / 3),
+ nw.math("LESS_THAN", fraction, 1 / 3),
+ ],
+ )
-def shader_staggered_tile(nw: NodeWrangler, base_shader, vertical=False, alternating=None, scale=1,
- vertical_scale=None, **kwargs):
- horizontal_scale = scale * log_uniform(2., 3.5)
+def shader_staggered_tile(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ base_shader,
+ vertical=False,
+ alternating=None,
+ scale=1,
+ vertical_scale=None,
+ **kwargs,
+ horizontal_scale = scale * log_uniform(2.0, 3.5)
if vertical_scale is None:
vertical_scale = horizontal_scale * log_uniform(0.05, 0.2)
vec = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord).outputs["Object"]
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.ShaderNodeNormalMap).outputs['Normal']
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.ShaderNodeNormalMap).outputs["Normal"]
if vertical:
- vec = nw.combine(nw.separate(nw.vector_math('CROSS_PRODUCT', vec, normal))[-1], nw.separate(vec)[-1], 0)
+ vec = nw.combine(
+ nw.separate(nw.vector_math("CROSS_PRODUCT", vec, normal))[-1],
+ nw.separate(vec)[-1],
+ 0,
+ )
vec = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, [vec, uniform(0, 1, 3)])
- vec = nw.add(vec, nw.combine(0, nw.scalar_divide(.5, horizontal_scale), 0))
- offset, mortar = map(nw.new_node(Nodes.BrickTexture, input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': vec,
- 'Color2': (0, 0, 0, 1.0000),
- 'Scale': 1.0000,
- 'Mortar Size': uniform(.005, .01),
- 'Mortar Smooth': 1.0000,
- 'Bias': -0.5000,
- 'Brick Width': nw.scalar_divide(1, vertical_scale),
- 'Row Height': nw.scalar_divide(1, horizontal_scale)
- }, attrs={'squash_frequency': 1}).outputs.get, ['Color', 'Fac'])
+ vec = nw.add(vec, nw.combine(0, nw.scalar_divide(0.5, horizontal_scale), 0))
+ offset, mortar = map(
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BrickTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vec,
+ "Color2": (0, 0, 0, 1.0000),
+ "Scale": 1.0000,
+ "Mortar Size": uniform(0.005, 0.01),
+ "Mortar Smooth": 1.0000,
+ "Bias": -0.5000,
+ "Brick Width": nw.scalar_divide(1, vertical_scale),
+ "Row Height": nw.scalar_divide(1, horizontal_scale),
+ },
+ attrs={"squash_frequency": 1},
+ ).outputs.get,
+ ["Color", "Fac"],
+ )
mix_shader(nw, base_shader, offset, [0], mortar, alternating, [])
-def shader_crossed_tile(nw: NodeWrangler, base_shader, vertical=False, alternating=None, scale=1, n=None,
- **kwargs):
+def shader_crossed_tile(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ base_shader,
+ vertical=False,
+ alternating=None,
+ scale=1,
+ n=None,
+ **kwargs,
n = np.random.randint(4, 8)
vec = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord).outputs["Object"]
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.ShaderNodeNormalMap).outputs['Normal']
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.ShaderNodeNormalMap).outputs["Normal"]
if vertical:
- vec = nw.combine(nw.separate(nw.vector_math('CROSS_PRODUCT', vec, normal))[-1], nw.separate(vec)[-1], 0)
- vec = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- [vec, uniform(0, 1, 3), (0, 0, np.pi / 2 * np.random.randint(4)), [scale] * 3])
+ vec = nw.combine(
+ nw.separate(nw.vector_math("CROSS_PRODUCT", vec, normal))[-1],
+ nw.separate(vec)[-1],
+ 0,
+ )
+ vec = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ [vec, uniform(0, 1, 3), (0, 0, np.pi / 2 * np.random.randint(4)), [scale] * 3],
+ )
x, y, z = nw.separate(vec)
- x_ = nw.scalar_sub(x, nw.scalar_divide(nw.math('FLOOR', nw.scalar_multiply(y, n)), n))
+ x_ = nw.scalar_sub(
+ x, nw.scalar_divide(nw.math("FLOOR", nw.scalar_multiply(y, n)), n)
+ )
vec = nw.combine(x_, y, 0)
- offset, mortar = map(nw.new_node(Nodes.BrickTexture, input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': vec,
- 'Color2': (0, 0, 0, 1.0000),
- 'Scale': 1.0000,
- 'Mortar Size': uniform(.005, .01),
- 'Brick Width': 1,
- 'Row Height': 1 / n
- }, attrs={'squash_frequency': 1, 'offset': 0}).outputs.get, ['Color', 'Fac'])
+ offset, mortar = map(
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BrickTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vec,
+ "Color2": (0, 0, 0, 1.0000),
+ "Scale": 1.0000,
+ "Mortar Size": uniform(0.005, 0.01),
+ "Brick Width": 1,
+ "Row Height": 1 / n,
+ },
+ attrs={"squash_frequency": 1, "offset": 0},
+ ).outputs.get,
+ ["Color", "Fac"],
+ )
vec_ = nw.combine(
- nw.scalar_sub(y, nw.scalar_divide(nw.scalar_add(nw.math('FLOOR', nw.scalar_multiply(x, n)), 1), n)),
- nw.scalar_sub(0, x), 0)
- offset_, mortar_ = map(nw.new_node(Nodes.BrickTexture, input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': vec_,
- 'Color2': (0, 0, 0, 1.0000),
- 'Scale': 1.0000,
- 'Mortar Size': uniform(.005, .01),
- 'Brick Width': 1,
- 'Row Height': 1 / n,
- }, attrs={'squash_frequency': 1, 'offset': 0}).outputs.get, ['Color', 'Fac'])
- selection = nw.math('LESS_THAN',
- nw.scalar_sub(nw.scalar_divide(x_, 2), nw.math('FLOOR', nw.scalar_divide(x_, 2))), .5)
- offset = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix, input_kwargs={'Factor': selection, 'A': offset, 'B': offset_},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT'})
- mortar = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix, input_kwargs={'Factor': selection, 'A': mortar, 'B': mortar_},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT'})
- mix_shader(nw, base_shader, offset, [0, np.pi / 2], mortar, alternating, [selection])
-def shader_composite_tile(nw: NodeWrangler, base_shader, vertical=False, alternating=None, scale=1, **kwargs):
+ nw.scalar_sub(
+ y,
+ nw.scalar_divide(
+ nw.scalar_add(nw.math("FLOOR", nw.scalar_multiply(x, n)), 1), n
+ ),
+ ),
+ nw.scalar_sub(0, x),
+ 0,
+ )
+ offset_, mortar_ = map(
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BrickTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vec_,
+ "Color2": (0, 0, 0, 1.0000),
+ "Scale": 1.0000,
+ "Mortar Size": uniform(0.005, 0.01),
+ "Brick Width": 1,
+ "Row Height": 1 / n,
+ },
+ attrs={"squash_frequency": 1, "offset": 0},
+ ).outputs.get,
+ ["Color", "Fac"],
+ )
+ selection = nw.math(
+ nw.scalar_sub(
+ nw.scalar_divide(x_, 2), nw.math("FLOOR", nw.scalar_divide(x_, 2))
+ ),
+ 0.5,
+ )
+ offset = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={"Factor": selection, "A": offset, "B": offset_},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT"},
+ )
+ mortar = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={"Factor": selection, "A": mortar, "B": mortar_},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT"},
+ )
+ mix_shader(
+ nw, base_shader, offset, [0, np.pi / 2], mortar, alternating, [selection]
+ )
+def shader_composite_tile(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, base_shader, vertical=False, alternating=None, scale=1, **kwargs
if alternating is None:
- alternating = uniform() < .75
- size = log_uniform(.2, .4)
- vec = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord).outputs['Object']
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.ShaderNodeNormalMap).outputs['Normal']
+ alternating = uniform() < 0.75
+ size = log_uniform(0.2, 0.4)
+ vec = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord).outputs["Object"]
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.ShaderNodeNormalMap).outputs["Normal"]
if vertical:
- vec = nw.combine(nw.separate(nw.vector_math('CROSS_PRODUCT', vec, normal))[-1], nw.separate(vec)[-1], 0)
+ vec = nw.combine(
+ nw.separate(nw.vector_math("CROSS_PRODUCT", vec, normal))[-1],
+ nw.separate(vec)[-1],
+ 0,
+ )
vec = nw.new_node(
- [vec, uniform(0, 1, 3), (0, 0, np.pi / 2 * np.random.randint(8)), [scale] * 3]
+ [vec, uniform(0, 1, 3), (0, 0, np.pi / 2 * np.random.randint(8)), [scale] * 3],
vec = nw.combine(*nw.separate(vec)[:2], 0)
- selections = [nw.new_node(Nodes.CheckerTexture, [vec, (0, 0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1), 1 / size]).outputs[1]]
+ selections = [
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CheckerTexture, [vec, (0, 0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1), 1 / size]
+ ).outputs[1]
+ ]
rotations = np.pi / 2 * np.arange(2)
- mortar_size = uniform(.002, .005)
+ mortar_size = uniform(0.002, 0.005)
stride = np.random.randint(4, 7)
offset_h, mortar_h = map(
- Nodes.BrickTexture, input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': vec,
- 'Color2': (0, 0, 0, 1.0000),
- 'Scale': 1.0000,
- 'Mortar Size': mortar_size,
- 'Mortar Smooth': 1.0000,
- 'Brick Width': size / stride,
- 'Row Height': 1000
- }, attrs={'squash_frequency': 1}
- ).outputs.get, ['Color', 'Fac']
+ Nodes.BrickTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vec,
+ "Color2": (0, 0, 0, 1.0000),
+ "Scale": 1.0000,
+ "Mortar Size": mortar_size,
+ "Mortar Smooth": 1.0000,
+ "Brick Width": size / stride,
+ "Row Height": 1000,
+ },
+ attrs={"squash_frequency": 1},
+ ).outputs.get,
+ ["Color", "Fac"],
offset_v, mortar_v = map(
- Nodes.BrickTexture, input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': vec,
- 'Color2': (0, 0, 0, 1.0000),
- 'Scale': 1.0000,
- 'Mortar Size': mortar_size,
- 'Mortar Smooth': 1.0000,
- 'Brick Width': 1000,
- 'Row Height': size / stride,
- }, attrs={'squash_frequency': 1}
- ).outputs.get, ['Color', 'Fac']
+ Nodes.BrickTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vec,
+ "Color2": (0, 0, 0, 1.0000),
+ "Scale": 1.0000,
+ "Mortar Size": mortar_size,
+ "Mortar Smooth": 1.0000,
+ "Brick Width": 1000,
+ "Row Height": size / stride,
+ },
+ attrs={"squash_frequency": 1},
+ ).outputs.get,
+ ["Color", "Fac"],
mortar = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.Mix, input_kwargs={'Factor': selections[0], 'A': mortar_h, 'B': mortar_v},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT'}
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={"Factor": selections[0], "A": mortar_h, "B": mortar_v},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT"},
offset = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.Mix, input_kwargs={'Factor': selections[0], 'A': offset_h, 'B': offset_v},
- attrs={'data_type': 'VECTOR'}
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={"Factor": selections[0], "A": offset_h, "B": offset_v},
+ attrs={"data_type": "VECTOR"},
mix_shader(nw, base_shader, offset, rotations, mortar, alternating, selections)
def get_shader_funcs():
from . import bone, ceramic, cobble_stone, dirt, stone
- from .woods.wood import shader_wood
from .table_materials import shader_marble
- return [(bone.shader_bone, 1), (cobble_stone.shader_cobblestone, 1), (ceramic.shader_ceramic, 4),
- (dirt.shader_dirt, 1), (stone.shader_stone, 1), (shader_marble, 2), (shader_wood, 5), ]
+ from .woods.wood import shader_wood
-def apply(obj, selection=None, vertical=False, shader_func=None, scale=None, alternating=None, shape=None,
- **kwargs):
+ return [
+ (bone.shader_bone, 1),
+ (cobble_stone.shader_cobblestone, 1),
+ (ceramic.shader_ceramic, 4),
+ (dirt.shader_dirt, 1),
+ (stone.shader_stone, 1),
+ (shader_marble, 2),
+ (shader_wood, 5),
+ ]
+def apply(
+ obj,
+ selection=None,
+ vertical=False,
+ shader_func=None,
+ scale=None,
+ alternating=None,
+ shape=None,
+ **kwargs,
funcs, weights = zip(*get_shader_funcs())
weights = np.array(weights) / sum(weights)
if shader_func is None:
@@ -312,35 +533,50 @@ def apply(obj, selection=None, vertical=False, shader_func=None, scale=None, alt
name = shader_func.__name__
if scale is None:
- scale = log_uniform(1., 2.)
+ scale = log_uniform(1.0, 2.0)
if shader_func == ceramic.shader_ceramic:
- low = uniform(.1, .3)
- high = uniform(.6, .8)
- shader_func = partial(ceramic.shader_ceramic, roughness_min=low, roughness_max=high)
+ low = uniform(0.1, 0.3)
+ high = uniform(0.6, 0.8)
+ shader_func = partial(
+ ceramic.shader_ceramic, roughness_min=low, roughness_max=high
+ )
match shape:
- case 'square':
+ case "square":
method = shader_square_tile
- case 'rectangle':
+ case "rectangle":
method = shader_rectangle_tile
- case 'hexagon':
+ case "hexagon":
method = shader_hexagon_tile
- case 'staggered':
+ case "staggered":
method = shader_staggered_tile
- case 'crossed':
+ case "crossed":
method = shader_crossed_tile
- case 'composite':
+ case "composite":
method = shader_composite_tile
case _:
method = np.random.choice(
- [shader_hexagon_tile, shader_square_tile, shader_rectangle_tile, shader_staggered_tile,
- shader_crossed_tile]
+ [
+ shader_hexagon_tile,
+ shader_square_tile,
+ shader_rectangle_tile,
+ shader_staggered_tile,
+ shader_crossed_tile,
+ ]
return common.apply(
- obj, method, selection, shader_func, vertical, alternating, name=f'{name}_{method.__name__}_tile',
- scale=scale, **kwargs)
+ obj,
+ method,
+ selection,
+ shader_func,
+ vertical,
+ alternating,
+ name=f"{name}_{method.__name__}_tile",
+ scale=scale,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
def make_sphere():
- return new_cube()
\ No newline at end of file
+ return new_cube()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/tongue.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/tongue.py
index 8ecd0c4a8..2bb618755 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/tongue.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/tongue.py
@@ -4,32 +4,35 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
def shader_tongue(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 37.88})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': musgrave_texture})
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 37.88})
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": musgrave_texture})
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.24
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0979, 0.0979, 0.0979, 1.0)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': (0.8, 0.0605, 0.0437, 1.0), 'Subsurface': 0.0312, 'Subsurface Color': (0.8, 0.0, 0.2679, 1.0), 'Roughness': colorramp.outputs["Color"]})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": (0.8, 0.0605, 0.0437, 1.0),
+ "Subsurface": 0.0312,
+ "Subsurface Color": (0.8, 0.0, 0.2679, 1.0),
+ "Roughness": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_tongue, selection=selection)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(obj, shader_tongue, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/two_color_spots.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/two_color_spots.py
index d282d268e..a9fe2b2c2 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/two_color_spots.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/two_color_spots.py
@@ -4,67 +4,94 @@
# Authors: Mingzhe Wang
-import os, sys
-import numpy as np
-import math as ma
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import clip, sample_range, sample_ratio, sample_color, geo_voronoi_noise
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import (
+ sample_color,
+ sample_range,
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
def shader_two_color_spots(nw, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'offset'})
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute.outputs["Fac"], 'Color1': (1.0, 0.2397, 0.0028, 1.0), 'Color2': (0.4915, 0.4636, 0.3855, 1.0)})
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "offset"})
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": attribute.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Color1": (1.0, 0.2397, 0.0028, 1.0),
+ "Color2": (0.4915, 0.4636, 0.3855, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
if rand:
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix_2},
- attrs={'subsurface_method': 'BURLEY'})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix_2},
+ attrs={"subsurface_method": "BURLEY"},
+ )
-def geo_two_color_spots(nw, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+def geo_two_color_spots(nw, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput)
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- scale.outputs["Value"].default_value = input_kwargs['scale'] if 'scale' in input_kwargs else 0.2
+ scale.outputs["Value"].default_value = (
+ input_kwargs["scale"] if "scale" in input_kwargs else 0.2
+ )
- vector_math = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ vector_math = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: position, 1: scale},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_math.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 10.0, 'Detail': 10.0})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Color1': noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': vector_math.outputs["Vector"]})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vector_math.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": 10.0,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ },
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Color1": noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": vector_math.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
if rand:
mix.inputs["Factor"].default_value = sample_range(0.5, 0.9)
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D'})
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mix},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
voronoi_texture.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-5, 5)
- voronoi_texture.inputs['Scale'].default_value = sample_range(5, 20)
- math_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 1: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': math_1})
+ voronoi_texture.inputs["Scale"].default_value = sample_range(5, 20)
+ math_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": math_1})
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
@@ -76,49 +103,91 @@ def geo_two_color_spots(nw, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
color = sample_range(0.45, 0.7)
for i in range(3):
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color[i] = color
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mix, 'Scale': 5},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D'})
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mix, "Scale": 5},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
voronoi_texture_1.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-5, 5)
- voronoi_texture_1.inputs['Scale'].default_value = sample_range(5, 20)
- math_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"], 1: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.82, 'Color1': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': math_2},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'BURN'})
- vector_math_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ voronoi_texture_1.inputs["Scale"].default_value = sample_range(5, 20)
+ math_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.82,
+ "Color1": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": math_2,
+ },
+ attrs={"blend_type": "BURN"},
+ )
+ vector_math_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 1: mix_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- vector_math_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ vector_math_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: vector_math_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: normal},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
offsetscale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- offsetscale.outputs["Value"].default_value = input_kwargs['offsetscale'] if 'offsetscale' in input_kwargs else 0.1
- vector_math_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ offsetscale.outputs["Value"].default_value = (
+ input_kwargs["offsetscale"] if "offsetscale" in input_kwargs else 0.1
+ )
+ vector_math_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: vector_math_2.outputs["Vector"], 1: offsetscale},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input, 'Offset': vector_math_3.outputs["Vector"]})
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 1: mix_1},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Attribute': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input,
+ "Offset": vector_math_3.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, 1: mix_1},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Attribute": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
+ },
+ )
def apply(obj, geo_kwargs=None, shader_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_two_color_spots, apply=False, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs, attributes=['offset'])
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_two_color_spots, reuse=False, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geo_two_color_spots,
+ apply=False,
+ input_kwargs=geo_kwargs,
+ attributes=["offset"],
+ )
+ surface.add_material(
+ obj, shader_two_color_spots, reuse=False, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/twocolorz.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/twocolorz.py
index 6e567e09b..918529a61 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/twocolorz.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/twocolorz.py
@@ -4,42 +4,54 @@
# Authors: Mingzhe Wang
-import os, sys
-import numpy as np
-import math as ma
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import clip, sample_range, sample_ratio, sample_color, geo_voronoi_noise
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import (
+ geo_voronoi_noise,
+ sample_color,
+ sample_range,
+ sample_ratio,
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
-def shader_twocolorz(nw, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
+def shader_twocolorz(nw, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"]})
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"]}
+ )
if rand:
for i in range(2):
# do not change Z
- mapping.inputs['Location'].default_value[i] = sample_range(-2, 2)
+ mapping.inputs["Location"].default_value[i] = sample_range(-2, 2)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 10.0, 'Detail': 3.0, 'Distortion': 0.5})
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Scale": 10.0,
+ "Detail": 3.0,
+ "Distortion": 0.5,
+ },
+ )
if rand:
- for k in ['Scale', 'Detail', 'Distortion', 'Roughness']:
- noise_texture.inputs[k].default_value = sample_ratio(noise_texture.inputs[k].default_value, 1/3, 3)
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Color1': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 'Color2': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'MULTIPLY'})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': mix})
+ for k in ["Scale", "Detail", "Distortion", "Roughness"]:
+ noise_texture.inputs[k].default_value = sample_ratio(
+ noise_texture.inputs[k].default_value, 1 / 3, 3
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Color1": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ "Color2": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ },
+ attrs={"blend_type": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix})
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2182
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.2059, 1.0, 0.1039, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.5364
@@ -47,27 +59,43 @@ def shader_twocolorz(nw, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
if rand:
pos_max = [0.4, 0.8]
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = sample_range(0, pos_max[0])
- _min = (pos_max[1] - colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position) / 3 + colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position
+ _min = (
+ pos_max[1] - colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position
+ ) / 3 + colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = sample_range(_min, pos_max[1])
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'offset'})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute.outputs["Color"]})
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "offset"})
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": attribute.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.2634, 0.2634, 0.2634, 1.0)
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Specular': 0.0, 'Roughness': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Specular": 0.0,
+ "Roughness": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
def apply(obj, geo_kwargs=None, shader_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_voronoi_noise, apply=False, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs, attributes=['offset'])
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geo_voronoi_noise,
+ apply=False,
+ input_kwargs=geo_kwargs,
+ attributes=["offset"],
+ )
surface.add_material(obj, shader_twocolorz, reuse=False, input_kwargs=shader_kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/utils/surface_utils.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/utils/surface_utils.py
index d740bcc8c..2d6ff380e 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/utils/surface_utils.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/utils/surface_utils.py
@@ -4,70 +4,136 @@
# Authors: Mingzhe Wang, Lingjie Mei
-import random
import math
+import random
-import numpy as np
+from infinigen.core.nodes import Nodes, NodeWrangler, node_utils
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import Nodes, node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_norm_value', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
+ "nodegroup_norm_value", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
def nodegroup_norm_value(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Attribute', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- attribute_statistic_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 2: group_input.outputs["Attribute"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Attribute"], 1: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Min"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Max"], 1: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Min"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: subtract_1}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_2, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Value': multiply}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_norm_vec', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Attribute", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ attribute_statistic_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Attribute"],
+ },
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Attribute"],
+ 1: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Min"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Max"],
+ 1: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Min"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: subtract_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_2, 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": multiply},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_norm_vec", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
def nodegroup_norm_vec(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketString', 'Name', ''),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))])
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Vector"]})
- normvalue = nw.new_node(nodegroup_norm_value().name,
- input_kwargs={'Attribute': separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
- normvalue_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_norm_value().name,
- input_kwargs={'Attribute': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
- normvalue_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_norm_value().name,
- input_kwargs={'Attribute': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"], 'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': normvalue, 'Y': normvalue_1, 'Z': normvalue_2})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Name': group_input.outputs["Name"], 2: combine_xyz},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketString", "Name", ""),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Vector", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ],
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ normvalue = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_norm_value().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Attribute": separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"],
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ },
+ )
+ normvalue_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_norm_value().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Attribute": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"],
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ },
+ )
+ normvalue_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_norm_value().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Attribute": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"],
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": normvalue, "Y": normvalue_1, "Z": normvalue_2},
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Name": group_input.outputs["Name"],
+ 2: combine_xyz,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def sample_range(x_min, x_max):
@@ -97,16 +163,16 @@ def clip(x, v_min=0, v_max=1):
# if offset is not 0, the color is sampled from [color-offset, color+offset]
def sample_color(color, offset=0, keep_sum=False):
if keep_sum:
- mean = (color[0]+color[1]+color[2])/3
- offset = min(mean, 1-mean)*random.random()
+ mean = (color[0] + color[1] + color[2]) / 3
+ offset = min(mean, 1 - mean) * random.random()
idx = random.randint(0, 2)
f = 1
pcg = random.random()
for i in range(3):
if i == idx:
- color[i] = mean+offset
+ color[i] = mean + offset
- color[i] = mean-offset*(f*pcg+(1-f)*(1-pcg))
+ color[i] = mean - offset * (f * pcg + (1 - f) * (1 - pcg))
f = 0
@@ -117,82 +183,140 @@ def sample_color(color, offset=0, keep_sum=False):
color[i] += (random.random() - 0.5) * 2 * offset
color[i] = clip(color[i])
# generate a random voronoi offset
def geo_voronoi_noise(nw, rand=False, **input_kwargs):
group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput)
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeSubdivideMesh',
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Level': input_kwargs.get('subdivide_mesh_level', 0)})
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeSubdivideMesh",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Level": input_kwargs.get("subdivide_mesh_level", 0),
+ },
+ )
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- scale.outputs["Value"].default_value = input_kwargs.get('scale', 2)
- vector_math = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: position, 1: scale},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_math.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 10.0})
+ scale.outputs["Value"].default_value = input_kwargs.get("scale", 2)
+ vector_math = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position, 1: scale},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_math.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": 10.0},
+ )
if rand:
- sample_max = input_kwargs['noise_scale_max'] if 'noise_scale_max' in input_kwargs else 3
- sample_min = input_kwargs['noise_scale_min'] if 'noise_scale_min' in input_kwargs else 1 / sample_max
- noise_texture.inputs["Scale"].default_value = sample_ratio(noise_texture.inputs["Scale"].default_value,
- sample_min, sample_max)
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.8, 'Color1': noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
- 'Color2': vector_math.outputs["Vector"]})
+ sample_max = (
+ input_kwargs["noise_scale_max"] if "noise_scale_max" in input_kwargs else 3
+ )
+ sample_min = (
+ input_kwargs["noise_scale_min"]
+ if "noise_scale_min" in input_kwargs
+ else 1 / sample_max
+ )
+ noise_texture.inputs["Scale"].default_value = sample_ratio(
+ noise_texture.inputs["Scale"].default_value, sample_min, sample_max
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.8,
+ "Color1": noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": vector_math.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
if rand:
mix.inputs["Fac"].default_value = sample_range(0.7, 0.9)
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': mix},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D'})
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mix},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
if rand:
- sample_max = input_kwargs['voronoi_scale_max'] if 'voronoi_scale_max' in input_kwargs else 3
- sample_min = input_kwargs[
- 'voronoi_scale_min'] if 'voronoi_scale_min' in input_kwargs else 1 / sample_max
+ sample_max = (
+ input_kwargs["voronoi_scale_max"]
+ if "voronoi_scale_max" in input_kwargs
+ else 3
+ )
+ sample_min = (
+ input_kwargs["voronoi_scale_min"]
+ if "voronoi_scale_min" in input_kwargs
+ else 1 / sample_max
+ )
voronoi_texture.inputs["Scale"].default_value = sample_ratio(
- voronoi_texture.inputs["Scale"].default_value, sample_min, sample_max)
- voronoi_texture.inputs['W'].default_value = sample_range(-5, 5)
+ voronoi_texture.inputs["Scale"].default_value, sample_min, sample_max
+ )
+ voronoi_texture.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(-5, 5)
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- vector_math_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: normal},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ vector_math_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: normal},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
offsetscale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- offsetscale.outputs["Value"].default_value = input_kwargs.get('offsetscale', 0.02)
- vector_math_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: vector_math_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: offsetscale},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh,
- 'Offset': vector_math_2.outputs["Vector"]})
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position,
- 1: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]}, attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Attribute': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]})
+ offsetscale.outputs["Value"].default_value = input_kwargs.get("offsetscale", 0.02)
+ vector_math_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: vector_math_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: offsetscale},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": subdivide_mesh,
+ "Offset": vector_math_2.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, 1: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Attribute": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
+ },
+ )
def perturb_coordinates(nw, node, location, rotation):
- for name in ['Generated', 'Object', "Position", "UV"]:
+ for name in ["Generated", "Object", "Position", "UV"]:
if name in node.outputs:
node_socket = node.outputs[name]
to_links = nw.find_to(node_socket)
if len(to_links) == 0:
- shifted = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, [node_socket], input_kwargs={'Location': location,
- 'Rotation': nw.combine(0, 0, rotation)}).outputs[0]
+ shifted = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ [node_socket],
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Location": location,
+ "Rotation": nw.combine(0, 0, rotation),
+ },
+ ).outputs[0]
to_sockets = [tl.to_socket for tl in to_links]
for to_link in to_links:
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/vase_shaders.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/vase_shaders.py
index 674f9a553..4b61d2c97 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/vase_shaders.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/vase_shaders.py
@@ -4,14 +4,10 @@
# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
+from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category, hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
def shader_ceramic(nw: NodeWrangler):
@@ -20,18 +16,43 @@ def shader_ceramic(nw: NodeWrangler):
rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
rgb.outputs[0].default_value = hsv2rgba(hsv)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': rgb, 'Subsurface': 0.3, 'Subsurface Radius': (0.002, 0.002, 0.002), 'Subsurface Color': rgb, 'Subsurface IOR': 1.4700, 'Subsurface Anisotropy': 0.2000, 'Specular': 0.2000, 'Roughness': 0.0500, 'Clearcoat': 0.5000, 'Clearcoat Roughness': 0.0500, 'IOR': 1.4700})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": rgb,
+ "Subsurface": 0.3,
+ "Subsurface Radius": (0.002, 0.002, 0.002),
+ "Subsurface Color": rgb,
+ "Subsurface IOR": 1.4700,
+ "Subsurface Anisotropy": 0.2000,
+ "Specular": 0.2000,
+ "Roughness": 0.0500,
+ "Clearcoat": 0.5000,
+ "Clearcoat Roughness": 0.0500,
+ "IOR": 1.4700,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def shader_glass(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
hsv = (uniform(0.0, 1.0), uniform(0.0, 0.2), 1.0)
- glass_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.GlassBSDF, input_kwargs={'Color': hsv2rgba(hsv), 'Roughness': uniform(0.05, 0.2)})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': glass_bsdf}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ glass_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GlassBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Color": hsv2rgba(hsv), "Roughness": uniform(0.05, 0.2)},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": glass_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/water.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/water.py
index 0fd2de9b9..4b8100aa4 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/water.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/water.py
@@ -5,28 +5,27 @@
# Acknowledgment: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3LlsdddMLo by Kev Binge
-import os
import bpy
import gin
import numpy as np
from mathutils import Vector
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
-from numpy.random import normal, uniform
+from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.terrain.assets.ocean import ocean_asset, spatial_size
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import drive_param
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import Attributes, SurfaceTypes
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import Attributes
+from infinigen.terrain.assets.ocean import spatial_size
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import drive_param
type = SurfaceTypes.BlenderDisplacement
mod_name = "geo_water"
name = "water"
info = {}
def geo_water(
@@ -43,7 +42,7 @@ def geo_water(
water_lacunarity=("uniform", 1.8, 2.0),
height_modulation_scale=("uniform", 1, 5),
- selection=None
+ selection=None,
group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput)
@@ -51,42 +50,59 @@ def geo_water(
if asset_paths == []:
with_ripples = rg(with_ripples)
- water_scale_node = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label=f"water_scale")
+ water_scale_node = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="water_scale")
water_scale_node.outputs[0].default_value = rg(water_scale)
- water_detail_node = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label=f"water_detail")
+ water_detail_node = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="water_detail")
water_detail_node.outputs[0].default_value = rg(water_detail)
- water_height_node = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label=f"water_height")
+ water_height_node = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="water_height")
water_height = rg(water_height)
if with_waves:
water_height_node.outputs[0].default_value = water_height
water_height_node.outputs[0].default_value = 0
- ripple_height_node = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label=f"ripple_height")
+ ripple_height_node = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="ripple_height")
ripple_height_node.outputs[0].default_value = 0
if with_ripples:
water_height_node.outputs[0].default_value *= 0.1
ripple_height_node.outputs[0].default_value = water_height
- water_height_node = nw.scalar_multiply(water_height_node, nw.scalar_add(0.5, nw.new_node("ShaderNodeTexMusgrave", input_kwargs={"Scale": rg(height_modulation_scale)})))
- water_dimension_node = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label=f"water_dimension")
+ water_height_node = nw.scalar_multiply(
+ water_height_node,
+ nw.scalar_add(
+ 0.5,
+ nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeTexMusgrave",
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": rg(height_modulation_scale)},
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ water_dimension_node = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="water_dimension")
water_dimension_node.outputs[0].default_value = rg(water_dimension)
- water_lacunarity_node = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label=f"water_lacunarity")
+ water_lacunarity_node = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="water_lacunarity")
water_lacunarity_node.outputs[0].default_value = rg(water_lacunarity)
position_shift = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label="wave")
- position_shift.vector = nw.get_position_translation_seed(f"wave")
+ position_shift.vector = nw.get_position_translation_seed("wave")
animated_position = nw.add(Vector([0, 0, 0]), position0, position_shift)
if waves_animation_speed is not None:
- drive_param(animated_position.inputs[0], rg(waves_animation_speed), offset=uniform(0, 10), index=1)
+ drive_param(
+ animated_position.inputs[0],
+ rg(waves_animation_speed),
+ offset=uniform(0, 10),
+ index=1,
+ )
- wave0 = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeTexMusgrave", [
- animated_position, None,
- water_scale_node,
- water_detail_node,
- water_dimension_node,
- water_lacunarity_node,
- ])
+ wave0 = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeTexMusgrave",
+ [
+ animated_position,
+ None,
+ water_scale_node,
+ water_detail_node,
+ water_dimension_node,
+ water_lacunarity_node,
+ ],
+ )
# normal_direction = nw.new_node("GeometryNodeInputNormal", [])
# temporarily assume flat water
@@ -96,16 +112,26 @@ def geo_water(
position_shift = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label=f"ripple{i}")
position_shift.vector = nw.get_position_translation_seed(f"ripple{i}")
position = nw.add(position_shift, position0)
- voronoi = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'Scale': 0.1, 'Randomness': 1})
+ voronoi = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": position, "Scale": 0.1, "Randomness": 1},
+ )
instance_offset = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.WaveTexture, [nw.sub(position, (voronoi, 2)), 1],
- attrs={'wave_type': 'RINGS', 'rings_direction': 'SPHERICAL'},
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ [nw.sub(position, (voronoi, 2)), 1],
+ attrs={"wave_type": "RINGS", "rings_direction": "SPHERICAL"},
if animate_ripples:
- drive_param(instance_offset.inputs["Phase Offset"], -uniform(0.2, 1), offset=uniform(0, 10))
- edgeweight = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'Scale': 0.1, 'Randomness': 1},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
+ drive_param(
+ instance_offset.inputs["Phase Offset"],
+ -uniform(0.2, 1),
+ offset=uniform(0, 10),
+ )
+ edgeweight = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": position, "Scale": 0.1, "Randomness": 1},
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
waves.append(nw.multiply(edgeweight, instance_offset))
offset = nw.multiply(
@@ -119,34 +145,73 @@ def geo_water(
directory = asset_paths[0] / "cache"
filepath = directory / "disp_0001.exr"
seq = bpy.data.images.load(str(filepath))
- seq.source = 'SEQUENCE'
+ seq.source = "SEQUENCE"
angle = np.random.uniform(0, np.pi * 2)
- position_shift = nw.get_position_translation_seed(f"wave")
+ position_shift = nw.get_position_translation_seed("wave")
position = nw.add(position0, position_shift)
- position = nw.multiply(nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate, input_kwargs={"Vector": position, "Angle": angle}), [1/tile_size] * 3)
+ position = nw.multiply(
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate, input_kwargs={"Vector": position, "Angle": angle}
+ ),
+ [1 / tile_size] * 3,
+ )
sampled_disp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ImageTexture, [seq, position])
drive_param(sampled_disp.inputs["Frame"], 1, 0)
- offset = nw.multiply(sampled_disp, Vector([tile_size / spatial_size, tile_size / spatial_size, -tile_size / spatial_size]))
- offset = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate, input_kwargs={"Vector": offset, "Angle": -angle})
+ offset = nw.multiply(
+ sampled_disp,
+ Vector(
+ [
+ tile_size / spatial_size,
+ tile_size / spatial_size,
+ -tile_size / spatial_size,
+ ]
+ ),
+ )
+ offset = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate, input_kwargs={"Vector": offset, "Angle": -angle}
+ )
filepath = directory / "foam_0001.exr"
seq = bpy.data.images.load(str(filepath))
- seq.source = 'SEQUENCE'
+ seq.source = "SEQUENCE"
foam = nw.new_node(Nodes.ImageTexture, [seq, position])
drive_param(foam.inputs["Frame"], 1, 0)
if coastal:
X = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, [position0])
- weight1 = nw.scalar_multiply(1 / np.pi, nw.scalar_sub(np.pi / 2, nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, [nw.scalar_multiply(0.1, nw.scalar_add(30, X))], attrs={'operation': 'ARCTANGENT'})))
- weight2 = nw.scalar_add(0.5, nw.scalar_multiply(1 / np.pi, nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, [nw.scalar_multiply(0.1, nw.scalar_add(60, X))], attrs={'operation': 'ARCTANGENT'})))
+ weight1 = nw.scalar_multiply(
+ 1 / np.pi,
+ nw.scalar_sub(
+ np.pi / 2,
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ [nw.scalar_multiply(0.1, nw.scalar_add(30, X))],
+ attrs={"operation": "ARCTANGENT"},
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ weight2 = nw.scalar_add(
+ 0.5,
+ nw.scalar_multiply(
+ 1 / np.pi,
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ [nw.scalar_multiply(0.1, nw.scalar_add(60, X))],
+ attrs={"operation": "ARCTANGENT"},
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
offset = nw.multiply(offset, nw.scalar_multiply(weight1, weight2))
- offset = nw.add(offset, nw.multiply(nw.new_node("ShaderNodeTexMusgrave", input_kwargs={"Scale": 1}), [0, 0, 0.03]))
+ offset = nw.add(
+ offset,
+ nw.multiply(
+ nw.new_node("ShaderNodeTexMusgrave", input_kwargs={"Scale": 1}),
+ [0, 0, 0.03],
+ ),
+ )
foam = nw.multiply(foam, weight2)
group_input = nw.new_node(
- input_kwargs={
- "Geometry": group_input,
- "Value": foam
- },
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input, "Value": foam},
attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT"},
@@ -160,7 +225,7 @@ def geo_water(
"Offset": offset,
- input_kwargs = {'Geometry': set_position}
+ input_kwargs = {"Geometry": set_position}
if asset_paths != []:
input_kwargs["foam"] = (group_input, "Attribute")
group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs=input_kwargs)
@@ -171,7 +236,7 @@ def shader(
- color=("color_category", 'water'),
+ color=("color_category", "water"),
@@ -181,7 +246,7 @@ def shader(
- position = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeNewGeometry', [])
+ position = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeNewGeometry", [])
# Code generated using version 2.3.1 of the node_transpiler (partly)
with FixedSeed(random_seed):
color = rg(color)
@@ -192,48 +257,96 @@ def shader(
color_of_transparent_bsdf_principled_bsdf = (1, 1, 1, 1)
- transparent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransparentBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": color_of_transparent_bsdf_principled_bsdf})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- "Base Color": color_of_transparent_bsdf_principled_bsdf, "Roughness": 0.0, "IOR": 1.33, "Transmission": 1.0
- })
+ transparent_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TransparentBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Color": color_of_transparent_bsdf_principled_bsdf},
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": color_of_transparent_bsdf_principled_bsdf,
+ "Roughness": 0.0,
+ "IOR": 1.33,
+ "Transmission": 1.0,
+ },
+ )
if mix_surface:
- surface_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader, input_kwargs={
- 'Fac': nw.scalar_multiply(1.0, light_path.outputs["Is Camera Ray"]),
- 1: transparent_bsdf,
- 2: principled_bsdf
- })
+ surface_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": nw.scalar_multiply(1.0, light_path.outputs["Is Camera Ray"]),
+ 1: transparent_bsdf,
+ 2: principled_bsdf,
+ },
+ )
surface_shader = principled_bsdf
if asset_paths != []:
if emissive_foam:
- foam_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.Emission, input_kwargs={'Strength': 1})
+ foam_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.Emission, input_kwargs={"Strength": 1})
foam_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.DiffuseBSDF)
foam = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "foam"})
if coastal:
- weight = nw.scalar_multiply(3, nw.scalar_sub2(1, nw.scalar_multiply(5, nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": Attributes.BoundarySDF}))))
+ weight = nw.scalar_multiply(
+ 3,
+ nw.scalar_sub2(
+ 1,
+ nw.scalar_multiply(
+ 5,
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute,
+ attrs={"attribute_name": Attributes.BoundarySDF},
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
weight.use_clamp = 1
- interior_weight = nw.scalar_multiply(1 / np.pi, nw.scalar_sub(
- np.pi / 2,
- nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, [nw.scalar_multiply(0.1, nw.scalar_add(30, nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, [position])))], attrs={'operation': 'ARCTANGENT'})
- ))
+ interior_weight = nw.scalar_multiply(
+ 1 / np.pi,
+ nw.scalar_sub(
+ np.pi / 2,
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ [
+ nw.scalar_multiply(
+ 0.1,
+ nw.scalar_add(
+ 30, nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, [position])
+ ),
+ )
+ ],
+ attrs={"operation": "ARCTANGENT"},
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
weight = nw.scalar_add(weight, interior_weight)
weight.use_clamp = 1
weight = 1
foam = nw.scalar_multiply(foam, weight)
- surface_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader, input_kwargs={'Fac': foam, 1: surface_shader, 2: foam_bsdf})
+ surface_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": foam, 1: surface_shader, 2: foam_bsdf},
+ )
rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
rgb.outputs[0].default_value = color
- principled_volume = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledVolume, input_kwargs={
- 'Color': rgb,
- 'Absorption Color': rgb,
- 'Density': rg(volume_density) if enable_scatter else 0,
- 'Anisotropy': rg(anisotropy),
- })
+ principled_volume = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledVolume,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Color": rgb,
+ "Absorption Color": rgb,
+ "Density": rg(volume_density) if enable_scatter else 0,
+ "Anisotropy": rg(anisotropy),
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": surface_shader, "Volume": principled_volume},
+ )
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': surface_shader, 'Volume': principled_volume})
def apply(objs, is_ocean=False, coastal=0, selection=None, **kwargs):
@@ -246,7 +359,13 @@ def apply(objs, is_ocean=False, coastal=0, selection=None, **kwargs):
(ocean_folder / "cache/foam_0001.exr").touch()
input_kwargs = {"asset_paths": asset_paths, "coastal": coastal}
- surface.add_geomod(objs, geo_water, selection=selection, input_kwargs=input_kwargs, attributes=["foam"] if is_ocean else None)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ objs,
+ geo_water,
+ selection=selection,
+ input_kwargs=input_kwargs,
+ attributes=["foam"] if is_ocean else None,
+ )
surface.add_material(objs, shader, selection=selection, input_kwargs=input_kwargs)
if is_ocean:
(ocean_folder / "cache/disp_0001.exr").unlink()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/waterfall_material.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/waterfall_material.py
index 2805a708c..a500035da 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/waterfall_material.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/waterfall_material.py
@@ -3,13 +3,10 @@
# Authors: Karhan Kayan
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
def waterfall_shader(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
@@ -19,76 +16,128 @@ def waterfall_shader(nw: NodeWrangler):
rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
rgb.outputs[0].default_value = (0.6866, 0.9357, 1.0, 1.0)
- transparent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransparentBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': rgb})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': rgb, 'Roughness': 0.0, 'IOR': 1.33, 'Transmission': 1.0})
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': light_path.outputs["Is Camera Ray"], 1: transparent_bsdf, 2: principled_bsdf})
+ transparent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransparentBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": rgb})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": rgb,
+ "Roughness": 0.0,
+ "IOR": 1.33,
+ "Transmission": 1.0,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": light_path.outputs["Is Camera Ray"],
+ 1: transparent_bsdf,
+ 2: principled_bsdf,
+ },
+ )
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]})
- musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 3.3, 'Detail': 13.0, 'Dimension': 0.3})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': musgrave_texture_1})
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]}
+ )
+ musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Scale": 3.3,
+ "Detail": 13.0,
+ "Dimension": 0.3,
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": musgrave_texture_1})
colorramp.color_ramp.interpolation = "B_SPLINE"
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.325
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6727
colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Metallic': 0.2636, 'Specular': 1.0, 'Roughness': 0.0, 'IOR': 1.333, 'Transmission': 0.8205, 'Alpha': colorramp.outputs["Color"]})
+ principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Metallic": 0.2636,
+ "Specular": 1.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.0,
+ "IOR": 1.333,
+ "Transmission": 0.8205,
+ "Alpha": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader, input_kwargs={1: mix_shader, 2: principled_bsdf_1}
+ )
- mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={1: mix_shader, 2: principled_bsdf_1})
+ volume_scatter = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeVolumeScatter", input_kwargs={"Color": (0.5841, 0.7339, 0.8, 1.0)}
+ )
- volume_scatter = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeVolumeScatter',
- input_kwargs={'Color': (0.5841, 0.7339, 0.8, 1.0)})
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader_1, "Volume": volume_scatter},
+ )
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader_1, 'Volume': volume_scatter})
def geometry_geo_water(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position, 1: (630.0, 564.0, 374.0)})
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 4.1307, 'Detail': 9.7953, 'Dimension': 1.34, 'Lacunarity': 1.8087})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: position, 1: (630.0, 564.0, 374.0)}
+ )
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": 4.1307,
+ "Detail": 9.7953,
+ "Dimension": 1.34,
+ "Lacunarity": 1.8087,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: musgrave_texture, 1: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0128)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value.outputs[0].default_value = 1.0
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: multiply.outputs["Vector"], 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': multiply_1.outputs["Vector"]})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": multiply_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_geo_water, selection=selection, attributes=[])
- surface.add_material(obj, waterfall_shader, selection=selection)
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_material(obj, waterfall_shader, selection=selection)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/wear_tear/procedural_edge_wear.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/wear_tear/procedural_edge_wear.py
index 1b4c44854..5fdd2c068 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/wear_tear/procedural_edge_wear.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/wear_tear/procedural_edge_wear.py
@@ -12,41 +12,44 @@
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wEXl3LncAc by diivja
-from numpy.random import uniform, choice
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
import logging
from collections.abc import Iterable
+from numpy.random import choice, uniform
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_edge_wear_params():
return {
- '_worn_off_opacity': uniform(0.01),
- '_worn_off_radius': uniform(0.005, 0.01),
- '_scratch_radius': uniform(0.01, 0.03),
- '_worn_off_mask_randomness': uniform(2.5, 3.0),
- '_edge_base_color_hue': uniform(0.0, 1.0),
- '_edge_base_color_whiteness': uniform(0.1, 0.6),
- '_scratch_mask_randomness': choice([uniform(0.1, 5.0), uniform(1., 10.0)]),
- '_scratch_density': choice([uniform(1.5, 10.0)]),
- '_scratch_opacity': uniform(0.5, 1.0),
+ "_worn_off_opacity": uniform(0.01),
+ "_worn_off_radius": uniform(0.005, 0.01),
+ "_scratch_radius": uniform(0.01, 0.03),
+ "_worn_off_mask_randomness": uniform(2.5, 3.0),
+ "_edge_base_color_hue": uniform(0.0, 1.0),
+ "_edge_base_color_whiteness": uniform(0.1, 0.6),
+ "_scratch_mask_randomness": choice([uniform(0.1, 5.0), uniform(1.0, 10.0)]),
+ "_scratch_density": choice([uniform(1.5, 10.0)]),
+ "_scratch_opacity": uniform(0.5, 1.0),
-def shader_edge_tear_free_node_group(nw: NodeWrangler,
- original_bsdf,
- original_displacement,
- _worn_off_opacity=0.5,
- _worn_off_radius=0.015,
- _scratch_radius=0.01,
- _worn_off_mask_randomness=2.0,
- _edge_base_color_hue=1.0,
- _edge_base_color_whiteness=0.1,
- _scratch_mask_randomness=0.5,
- _scratch_density=5.0,
- _scratch_opacity=0.2,
- ):
+def shader_edge_tear_free_node_group(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ original_bsdf,
+ original_displacement,
+ _worn_off_opacity=0.5,
+ _worn_off_radius=0.015,
+ _scratch_radius=0.01,
+ _worn_off_mask_randomness=2.0,
+ _edge_base_color_hue=1.0,
+ _edge_base_color_whiteness=0.1,
+ _scratch_mask_randomness=0.5,
+ _scratch_density=5.0,
+ _scratch_opacity=0.2,
scratch_opacity = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
scratch_opacity.outputs[0].default_value = _scratch_opacity
@@ -74,159 +77,266 @@ def shader_edge_tear_free_node_group(nw: NodeWrangler,
scratch_density = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
scratch_density.outputs[0].default_value = _scratch_density
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': scratch_mask_randomness, 'Detail': 1.0000})
- color_ramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]})
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]}
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Scale": scratch_mask_randomness,
+ "Detail": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ color_ramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4436
color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.5345
color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
- bevel = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBevel', input_kwargs={'Radius': scratch_radius}, attrs={'samples': 20})
+ bevel = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBevel",
+ input_kwargs={"Radius": scratch_radius},
+ attrs={"samples": 20},
+ )
geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.NewGeometry)
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: bevel, 1: geometry.outputs["Normal"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"]}, attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"},
+ )
- color_ramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': absolute})
+ color_ramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": absolute})
color_ramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0691
color_ramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
color_ramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.1564
color_ramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: color_ramp.outputs["Color"], 1: color_ramp_1.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'use_clamp': True, 'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"use_clamp": True, "operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: scratch_opacity, 1: multiply},
- attrs={'use_clamp': True, 'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"use_clamp": True, "operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- bevel_1 = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBevel', input_kwargs={'Radius': paint_worn_off_radius}, attrs={'samples': 20})
+ bevel_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBevel",
+ input_kwargs={"Radius": paint_worn_off_radius},
+ attrs={"samples": 20},
+ )
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: bevel_1, 1: geometry.outputs["Normal"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- absolute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_1.outputs["Vector"]}, attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': worn_off_mask_randomness, 'Detail': 1.0000})
- color_ramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]})
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ absolute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"},
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Scale": worn_off_mask_randomness,
+ "Detail": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ color_ramp_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
color_ramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0764
color_ramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
color_ramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.5709
color_ramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: absolute_1, 1: color_ramp_2.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'use_clamp': True, 'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"use_clamp": True, "operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: worn_off_opacity, 1: multiply_2},
- attrs={'use_clamp': True, 'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ attrs={"use_clamp": True, "operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
- color_ramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': multiply_3})
+ color_ramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": multiply_3})
color_ramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0000
color_ramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
color_ramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.7782
color_ramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
- combine_color = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineColor,
- input_kwargs={'Red': edge_base_color_hue, 'Green': 0.7733, 'Blue': 0.0100},
- attrs={'mode': 'HSV'})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: edge_base_color_whiteness, 6: combine_color, 7: (0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 1.0000)},
- attrs={'clamp_result': True, 'data_type': 'RGBA', 'clamp_factor': False})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': mix.outputs[2]})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': reroute, 'Metallic': 0.3745, 'Specular': 0.0000, 'Roughness': 0.1436})
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': color_ramp_3.outputs["Color"], 1: original_bsdf, 2: principled_bsdf})
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': (10.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_1, 'Scale': scratch_density},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- mapping_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': (1.0000, 10.0000, 1.0000)})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: scratch_density, 'Scale': 2.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_2, 'Scale': scale.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 1: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"]},
- attrs={'use_clamp': True, 'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- color_ramp_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': multiply_4})
+ combine_color = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineColor,
+ input_kwargs={"Red": edge_base_color_hue, "Green": 0.7733, "Blue": 0.0100},
+ attrs={"mode": "HSV"},
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: edge_base_color_whiteness,
+ 6: combine_color,
+ 7: (0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 1.0000),
+ },
+ attrs={"clamp_result": True, "data_type": "RGBA", "clamp_factor": False},
+ )
+ reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": mix.outputs[2]})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": reroute,
+ "Metallic": 0.3745,
+ "Specular": 0.0000,
+ "Roughness": 0.1436,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": color_ramp_3.outputs["Color"],
+ 1: original_bsdf,
+ 2: principled_bsdf,
+ },
+ )
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": (10.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping_1, "Scale": scratch_density},
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ mapping_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": (1.0000, 10.0000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: scratch_density, "Scale": 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping_2, "Scale": scale.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ attrs={"use_clamp": True, "operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ color_ramp_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": multiply_4})
color_ramp_6.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0000
color_ramp_6.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
color_ramp_6.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.0073
color_ramp_6.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: color_ramp_1.outputs["Color"], 1: color_ramp_6.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'use_clamp': True, 'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: color_ramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ 1: color_ramp_6.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"use_clamp": True, "operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply_5},
- attrs={'use_clamp': True, 'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': reroute, 'Metallic': 0.3855, 'Specular': 0.0000, 'Roughness': 0.0000})
- mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader, input_kwargs={'Fac': multiply_1, 1: mix_shader, 2: principled_bsdf_1})
+ attrs={"use_clamp": True, "operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": reroute,
+ "Metallic": 0.3855,
+ "Specular": 0.0000,
+ "Roughness": 0.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": multiply_1, 1: mix_shader, 2: principled_bsdf_1},
+ )
# add operation
- scale_multiply6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_6, 'Scale': 2.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
+ scale_multiply6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_6, "Scale": 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
if original_displacement is None:
total_displacement = scale_multiply6
- else:
- total_displacement = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ else:
+ total_displacement = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: original_displacement, 1: scale_multiply6},
- attrs={'operation': 'ADD', 'use_clamp': True})
+ attrs={"operation": "ADD", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
return mix_shader_1, total_displacement
MARKER_LABEL = "wear_tear"
def apply_over(obj, selection=None, **shader_kwargs):
# get all materials
# https://blenderartists.org/t/finding-out-if-an-object-has-a-material/512570/6
materials = obj.data.materials.items()
if len(materials) == 0:
- logging.warning(f"No material exist for {obj.name}! Scratches can only be applied over some existing material.")
+ logging.warning(
+ f"No material exist for {obj.name}! Scratches can only be applied over some existing material."
+ )
if len(shader_kwargs) == 0:
@@ -234,7 +344,6 @@ def apply_over(obj, selection=None, **shader_kwargs):
shader_kwargs = get_edge_wear_params()
for material_name, material in materials:
# get material node tree
# https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/240278/how-to-access-shader-node-via-python-script
material_node_tree = material.node_tree
@@ -243,34 +352,41 @@ def apply_over(obj, selection=None, **shader_kwargs):
nw = NodeWrangler(material_node_tree)
result = nw.find("ShaderNodeOutputMaterial")
if len(result) == 0:
- logger.warning("No Material Output Node found in the object's materials! Returning")
+ logger.warning(
+ "No Material Output Node found in the object's materials! Returning"
+ )
# get nodes and links connected to specific inputs
# https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/5462/is-it-possible-to-find-the-nodes-connected-to-a-node-in-python
- initial_bsdf = result[0].inputs['Surface'].links[0].from_node
- displacement_links = result[0].inputs['Displacement'].links
+ initial_bsdf = result[0].inputs["Surface"].links[0].from_node
+ displacement_links = result[0].inputs["Displacement"].links
if len(displacement_links) == 0:
initial_displacement = None
- initial_displacement = result[0].inputs['Displacement'].links[0].from_node
- final_bsdf, final_displacement = shader_edge_tear_free_node_group(nw, initial_bsdf, initial_displacement, **shader_kwargs)
+ initial_displacement = result[0].inputs["Displacement"].links[0].from_node
+ final_bsdf, final_displacement = shader_edge_tear_free_node_group(
+ nw, initial_bsdf, initial_displacement, **shader_kwargs
+ )
# connecting nodes
# https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/101820/how-to-add-remove-links-to-existing-or-new-nodes-using-python
- material_node_tree.links.new(final_bsdf.outputs[0], result[0].inputs['Surface'])
- material_node_tree.links.new(final_displacement.outputs[0], result[0].inputs['Displacement'])
+ material_node_tree.links.new(final_bsdf.outputs[0], result[0].inputs["Surface"])
+ material_node_tree.links.new(
+ final_displacement.outputs[0], result[0].inputs["Displacement"]
+ )
final_bsdf.label = MARKER_LABEL
def apply(obj):
if not isinstance(obj, Iterable):
obj = [obj]
for o in obj:
- apply_over(o)
\ No newline at end of file
+ apply_over(o)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/wear_tear/procedural_scratch.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/wear_tear/procedural_scratch.py
index 2a3ebc5fc..304815408 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/wear_tear/procedural_scratch.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/wear_tear/procedural_scratch.py
@@ -12,11 +12,12 @@
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MH8iutCKtYc by ChuckCG
-from numpy.random import uniform, choice
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
import logging
from collections.abc import Iterable
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -24,29 +25,32 @@
def get_scratch_params():
return {
- 'angle1': uniform(10., 80.0),
- 'angle2': uniform(-80.0, -10.0),
- 'scratch_scale': log_uniform(5,80),
- 'scratch_mask_ratio': log_uniform(0.01, 0.9),
- 'scratch_mask_noise': log_uniform(5, 40),
- 'scratch_depth': log_uniform(.1,1.),
+ "angle1": uniform(10.0, 80.0),
+ "angle2": uniform(-80.0, -10.0),
+ "scratch_scale": log_uniform(5, 80),
+ "scratch_mask_ratio": log_uniform(0.01, 0.9),
+ "scratch_mask_noise": log_uniform(5, 40),
+ "scratch_depth": log_uniform(0.1, 1.0),
-def scratch_shader(nw: NodeWrangler,
- original_bsdf,
- angle1=45.0,
- angle2=-20.0,
- scratch_scale=20.0,
- scratch_mask_ratio=0.8,
- scratch_mask_noise=10.0,
- scratch_depth=0.1):
+def scratch_shader(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ original_bsdf,
+ angle1=45.0,
+ angle2=-20.0,
+ scratch_scale=20.0,
+ scratch_mask_ratio=0.8,
+ scratch_mask_noise=10.0,
+ scratch_depth=0.1,
# Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
texture_coordinate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
n_angle1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
n_angle1.outputs[0].default_value = angle1
n_angle2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
n_angle2.outputs[0].default_value = angle2
@@ -55,63 +59,124 @@ def scratch_shader(nw: NodeWrangler,
n_scratch_mask_ratio = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
n_scratch_mask_ratio.outputs[0].default_value = scratch_mask_ratio
n_scratch_mask_noise = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
n_scratch_mask_noise.outputs[0].default_value = scratch_mask_noise
n_scratch_depth = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
n_scratch_depth.outputs[0].default_value = scratch_depth
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': n_angle1})
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"], 'Rotation': combine_xyz, 'Scale': (25.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)},
- attrs={'vector_type': 'TEXTURE'})
- noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_1, 'Scale': n_scratch_scale, 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Roughness': 0.0000, 'Distortion': 22.8000})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': n_angle2})
- mapping_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"], 'Rotation': combine_xyz_1, 'Scale': (25.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)},
- attrs={'vector_type': 'TEXTURE'})
- noise_texture_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_2, 'Scale': n_scratch_scale, 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Roughness': 0.0000, 'Distortion': 22.8000})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_3.outputs["Fac"], 1: noise_texture_5.outputs["Fac"]})
- mapping_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"], 'Rotation': (0.1588, -0.5742, 0.1920)},
- attrs={'vector_type': 'TEXTURE'})
- noise_texture_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_3, 'Scale': n_scratch_mask_noise, 'Detail': 1.0000})
- color_ramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_6.outputs["Fac"]})
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": n_angle1})
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"],
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz,
+ "Scale": (25.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ attrs={"vector_type": "TEXTURE"},
+ )
+ noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping_1,
+ "Scale": n_scratch_scale,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Roughness": 0.0000,
+ "Distortion": 22.8000,
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": n_angle2})
+ mapping_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"],
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_1,
+ "Scale": (25.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ attrs={"vector_type": "TEXTURE"},
+ )
+ noise_texture_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping_2,
+ "Scale": n_scratch_scale,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Roughness": 0.0000,
+ "Distortion": 22.8000,
+ },
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: noise_texture_3.outputs["Fac"],
+ 1: noise_texture_5.outputs["Fac"],
+ },
+ )
+ mapping_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"],
+ "Rotation": (0.1588, -0.5742, 0.1920),
+ },
+ attrs={"vector_type": "TEXTURE"},
+ )
+ noise_texture_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping_3,
+ "Scale": n_scratch_mask_noise,
+ "Detail": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ color_ramp_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_6.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
color_ramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4109
color_ramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
color_ramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0000
color_ramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: n_scratch_mask_ratio, 1: color_ramp_2.outputs["Color"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: multiply}, attrs={'use_clamp': True})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': add_1, 1: 0.7000, 2: 0.7200, 4: 0.9000})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: n_scratch_mask_ratio, 1: color_ramp_2.outputs["Color"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: multiply}, attrs={"use_clamp": True}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": add_1, 1: 0.7000, 2: 0.7200, 4: 0.9000}
+ )
# scaled_scratch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: n_scratch_depth, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- # material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- # input_kwargs={'Surface': original_bsdf, 'Displacement': scaled_scratch},
+ # material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ # input_kwargs={'Surface': original_bsdf, 'Displacement': scaled_scratch},
# attrs={'is_active_output': True})
# return material_output
- bump = nw.new_node(Nodes.Bump, input_kwargs={'Strength': n_scratch_depth, 'Height': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- return {'Normal': bump}
+ bump = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Bump,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Strength": n_scratch_depth,
+ "Height": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ return {"Normal": bump}
def find_normal_input(bsdf):
for i, o in enumerate(bsdf.inputs):
if o.name == "Normal":
@@ -119,23 +184,25 @@ def find_normal_input(bsdf):
logger.debug(f"Normal not found for {bsdf}")
return None
MARKER_LABEL = "scratch"
def apply_over(obj, selection=None, **shader_kwargs):
# get all materials
# https://blenderartists.org/t/finding-out-if-an-object-has-a-material/512570/6
materials = obj.data.materials.items()
if len(materials) == 0:
- logging.warning(f"No material exist for {obj.name}! Scratches can only be applied over some existing material.")
+ logging.warning(
+ f"No material exist for {obj.name}! Scratches can only be applied over some existing material."
+ )
if len(shader_kwargs) == 0:
logging.debug("Obtaining Randomized Scratch Parameters")
shader_kwargs = get_scratch_params()
for material_name, material in materials:
# get material node tree
# https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/240278/how-to-access-shader-node-via-python-script
material_node_tree = material.node_tree
@@ -145,26 +212,27 @@ def apply_over(obj, selection=None, **shader_kwargs):
nw = NodeWrangler(material_node_tree)
result = nw.find_recursive("ShaderNodeBsdf")
if len(result) == 0:
logging.debug("No BSDF found in the object's materials! Returning")
nw_bsdf, bsdf = result[-1]
# final_bsdf = scratch_shader(nw_bsdf, bsdf, **shader_kwargs)
- if 'Normal' in bsdf.inputs.keys():
- if len(nw_bsdf.find_from(bsdf.inputs['Normal'])) == 0:
- bump = scratch_shader(nw_bsdf, None, **shader_kwargs)['Normal']
+ if "Normal" in bsdf.inputs.keys():
+ if len(nw_bsdf.find_from(bsdf.inputs["Normal"])) == 0:
+ bump = scratch_shader(nw_bsdf, None, **shader_kwargs)["Normal"]
# connecting nodes: https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/101820/how-to-add-remove-links-to-existing-or-new-nodes-using-python
- nw_bsdf.links.new(bump.outputs[0], bsdf.inputs['Normal'])
+ nw_bsdf.links.new(bump.outputs[0], bsdf.inputs["Normal"])
nw_bsdf.label = MARKER_LABEL
def apply(obj):
if not isinstance(obj, Iterable):
obj = [obj]
for o in obj:
- apply_over(o)
\ No newline at end of file
+ apply_over(o)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/composite_wood_tile.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/composite_wood_tile.py
index 218bc27e9..5566c6042 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/composite_wood_tile.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/composite_wood_tile.py
@@ -2,17 +2,22 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-from functools import wraps
-from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials import tile
-from infinigen.core.nodes import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from .tiled_wood import shader_wood_tiled
-from .. import shader_wood, tile
-from ..tile import shader_staggered_tile
+from .wood import shader_wood
-def apply(obj, selection=None, vertical=False, scale=None, alternating=None, shape=None, **kwargs):
+def apply(
+ obj,
+ selection=None,
+ vertical=False,
+ scale=None,
+ alternating=None,
+ shape=None,
+ **kwargs,
shader_func = shader_wood
- tile.apply(obj, selection, vertical, shader_func, scale, alternating, 'composite', **kwargs)
+ tile.apply(
+ obj, selection, vertical, shader_func, scale, alternating, "composite", **kwargs
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/crossed_wood_tile.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/crossed_wood_tile.py
index 685915b2a..737f11307 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/crossed_wood_tile.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/crossed_wood_tile.py
@@ -1,14 +1,23 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
from .. import tile
from .wood import shader_wood
-from ...utils.object import new_plane
-def apply(obj, selection=None, vertical=False, scale=None, alternating=None, shape=None, **kwargs):
+def apply(
+ obj,
+ selection=None,
+ vertical=False,
+ scale=None,
+ alternating=None,
+ shape=None,
+ **kwargs,
shader_func = shader_wood
- tile.apply(obj, selection, vertical, shader_func, scale, False, 'crossed', **kwargs)
+ tile.apply(obj, selection, vertical, shader_func, scale, False, "crossed", **kwargs)
# def make_sphere():e
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/hexagon_wood_tile.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/hexagon_wood_tile.py
index e530c0c46..ee414dd10 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/hexagon_wood_tile.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/hexagon_wood_tile.py
@@ -1,12 +1,22 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
from .. import tile
from .wood import shader_wood
-from ...utils.object import new_plane
-def apply(obj, selection=None, vertical=False, scale=None, alternating=None, shape=None, **kwargs):
+def apply(
+ obj,
+ selection=None,
+ vertical=False,
+ scale=None,
+ alternating=None,
+ shape=None,
+ **kwargs,
shader_func = shader_wood
- tile.apply(obj, selection, vertical, shader_func, scale, alternating, 'hexagon', **kwargs)
+ tile.apply(
+ obj, selection, vertical, shader_func, scale, alternating, "hexagon", **kwargs
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/non_wood_tile.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/non_wood_tile.py
index d63aa058e..d9824728f 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/non_wood_tile.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/non_wood_tile.py
@@ -6,11 +6,18 @@
def apply(
- obj, selection=None, vertical=False, shader_func=None, scale=None, alternating=None, shape=None,
- **kwargs
+ obj,
+ selection=None,
+ vertical=False,
+ shader_func=None,
+ scale=None,
+ alternating=None,
+ shape=None,
+ **kwargs,
from .. import tile
from .wood import shader_wood
shader_funcs = tile.get_shader_funcs()
shader_funcs = [(f, w) for f, w in shader_funcs if f != shader_wood]
funcs, weights = zip(*shader_funcs)
@@ -18,5 +25,7 @@ def apply(
if shader_func is None:
shader_func = np.random.choice(funcs, p=weights)
if shape is None:
- shape = np.random.choice(['square', 'hexagon', 'rectangle'])
- tile.apply(obj, selection, vertical, shader_func, scale, alternating, shape, **kwargs)
+ shape = np.random.choice(["square", "hexagon", "rectangle"])
+ tile.apply(
+ obj, selection, vertical, shader_func, scale, alternating, shape, **kwargs
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/square_wood_tile.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/square_wood_tile.py
index d86306616..768fb3be2 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/square_wood_tile.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/square_wood_tile.py
@@ -1,14 +1,25 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
from .. import tile
from .wood import shader_wood
-from ...utils.object import new_plane
-def apply(obj, selection=None, vertical=False, scale=None, alternating=None, shape=None, **kwargs):
+def apply(
+ obj,
+ selection=None,
+ vertical=False,
+ scale=None,
+ alternating=None,
+ shape=None,
+ **kwargs,
shader_func = shader_wood
- tile.apply(obj, selection, vertical, shader_func, scale, alternating, 'square', **kwargs)
+ tile.apply(
+ obj, selection, vertical, shader_func, scale, alternating, "square", **kwargs
+ )
# def make_sphere():e
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/staggered_wood_tile.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/staggered_wood_tile.py
index e28507145..4bee3aa9c 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/staggered_wood_tile.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/staggered_wood_tile.py
@@ -1,12 +1,22 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
from .. import tile
from .wood import shader_wood
-from ...utils.object import new_plane
-def apply(obj, selection=None, vertical=False, scale=None, alternating=None, shape=None, **kwargs):
+def apply(
+ obj,
+ selection=None,
+ vertical=False,
+ scale=None,
+ alternating=None,
+ shape=None,
+ **kwargs,
shader_func = shader_wood
- tile.apply(obj, selection, vertical, shader_func, scale, alternating, 'staggered', **kwargs)
+ tile.apply(
+ obj, selection, vertical, shader_func, scale, alternating, "staggered", **kwargs
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/tiled_wood.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/tiled_wood.py
index 3cc818923..1351be44c 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/tiled_wood.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/tiled_wood.py
@@ -5,41 +5,42 @@
# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd2jhGV6tqo by Ryan King Art
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint, choice
+from numpy.random import randint, uniform
from infinigen.assets.materials import common
+from infinigen.assets.materials.bark_random import hex_to_rgb
from infinigen.assets.materials.woods.wood import get_color
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import rgb2hsv
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.util.random import clip_gaussian
-from infinigen.assets.materials.bark_random import get_random_bark_params, hex_to_rgb
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_tiling', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_tiling", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree")
def nodegroup_tiling(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Horizontal Scale', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vertical Scale', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Seed', 0.5000)])
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Horizontal Scale", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vertical Scale", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Seed", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: group_input.outputs["Horizontal Scale"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply})
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply})
vec = texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]
@@ -47,110 +48,243 @@ def nodegroup_tiling(nw: NodeWrangler):
add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: vec, 1: combine_xyz})
- divide_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ divide_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: group_input.outputs["Vertical Scale"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- brick_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.BrickTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"], 'Color2': (0,0,0, 1.0000), 'Scale': 1.0000, 'Mortar Size': 0.0050, 'Mortar Smooth': 1.0000, 'Bias': -0.5000, 'Brick Width': divide_1, 'Row Height': divide},
- attrs={'squash_frequency': 1})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: brick_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: 1000.0000, 2: group_input.outputs["Seed"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Tile Color': brick_texture.outputs["Color"], 'Seed': multiply_add, 'Displacement': brick_texture.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_tiled_wood', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ brick_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BrickTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Color2": (0, 0, 0, 1.0000),
+ "Scale": 1.0000,
+ "Mortar Size": 0.0050,
+ "Mortar Smooth": 1.0000,
+ "Bias": -0.5000,
+ "Brick Width": divide_1,
+ "Row Height": divide,
+ },
+ attrs={"squash_frequency": 1},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: brick_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ 1: 1000.0000,
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Tile Color": brick_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ "Seed": multiply_add,
+ "Displacement": brick_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_tiled_wood", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree")
def nodegroup_tiled_wood(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': (5.0000, 100.0000, 100.0000)})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Tile Horizontal Scale', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Tile Vertical Scale', 2.9600),
- ('NodeSocketColor', 'Main Color', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Seed', 0.0000)])
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_tiling().name,
- input_kwargs={'Horizontal Scale': group_input.outputs["Tile Horizontal Scale"], 'Vertical Scale': group_input.outputs["Tile Vertical Scale"], 'Seed': group_input.outputs["Seed"]})
- musgrave_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_2, 'W': group.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': 10.0000, 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Dimension': 7.0000},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': musgrave_texture_2, 3: 1.0000, 4: -1.0000})
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_1, 'W': group.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': 0.5000, 'Detail': 1.0000, 'Distortion': 1.1000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': group.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], 'Detail': 15.0000, 'Dimension': 0.2000, 'Lacunarity': 2.4000},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': musgrave_texture_1, 3: -1.4000, 4: 1.5000})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"], 3: 1.0000, 4: 0.5000})
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': (0.1500, 1.0000, 0.1500)})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'W': group.outputs["Seed"], 'Detail': 5.0000, 'Distortion': 1.0000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 'W': group.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': 4.0000, 'Detail': 10.0000, 'Dimension': 0.0000},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
+ mapping_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": (5.0000, 100.0000, 100.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Tile Horizontal Scale", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Tile Vertical Scale", 2.9600),
+ ("NodeSocketColor", "Main Color", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Seed", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_tiling().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Horizontal Scale": group_input.outputs["Tile Horizontal Scale"],
+ "Vertical Scale": group_input.outputs["Tile Vertical Scale"],
+ "Seed": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ },
+ )
+ musgrave_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping_2,
+ "W": group.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": 10.0000,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Dimension": 7.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": musgrave_texture_2, 3: 1.0000, 4: -1.0000},
+ )
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]}
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping_1,
+ "W": group.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": 0.5000,
+ "Detail": 1.0000,
+ "Distortion": 1.1000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": group.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Dimension": 0.2000,
+ "Lacunarity": 2.4000,
+ },
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": musgrave_texture_1, 3: -1.4000, 4: 1.5000},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"], 3: 1.0000, 4: 0.5000},
+ )
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": (0.1500, 1.0000, 0.1500),
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "W": group.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Detail": 5.0000,
+ "Distortion": 1.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ "W": group.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": 4.0000,
+ "Detail": 10.0000,
+ "Dimension": 0.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
input_kwargs={6: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 7: musgrave_texture},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
input_kwargs={0: 0.9000, 6: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 7: mix.outputs[2]},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'MULTIPLY', 'data_type': 'RGBA'})
+ attrs={"blend_type": "MULTIPLY", "data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
input_kwargs={0: 0.9500, 6: map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 7: mix_1.outputs[2]},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'MULTIPLY', 'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Saturation': 0.8000, 'Value': 0.2000, 'Fac': 0.0, 'Color': group_input.outputs["Main Color"]})
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: mix_2.outputs[2], 6: hue_saturation_value, 7: group_input.outputs["Main Color"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- mix_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
+ attrs={"blend_type": "MULTIPLY", "data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Saturation": 0.8000,
+ "Value": 0.2000,
+ "Fac": 0.0,
+ "Color": group_input.outputs["Main Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: mix_2.outputs[2],
+ 6: hue_saturation_value,
+ 7: group_input.outputs["Main Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ mix_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 6: mix_3.outputs[2], 7: group.outputs["Tile Color"]},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'MULTIPLY', 'data_type': 'RGBA'})
+ attrs={"blend_type": "MULTIPLY", "data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
color = mix_4.outputs[2]
- roughness = nw.build_float_curve(color, [(0, uniform(.3, .5)), (1, uniform(.8, 1.))])
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={'Base Color': color, 'Roughness': roughness})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: mix_2.outputs[2], 1: 0.1000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group.outputs["Displacement"], 1: multiply})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 0.0100}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'BSDF': principled_bsdf, 'Displacement': multiply_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def shader_wood_tiled(nw: NodeWrangler, hscale=None, vscale=None, base_color=None, seed=None, **kwargs):
+ roughness = nw.build_float_curve(
+ color, [(0, uniform(0.3, 0.5)), (1, uniform(0.8, 1.0))]
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": color, "Roughness": roughness}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: mix_2.outputs[2], 1: 0.1000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group.outputs["Displacement"], 1: multiply}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 0.0100}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"BSDF": principled_bsdf, "Displacement": multiply_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def shader_wood_tiled(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, hscale=None, vscale=None, base_color=None, seed=None, **kwargs
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
if hscale is None:
@@ -162,21 +296,30 @@ def shader_wood_tiled(nw: NodeWrangler, hscale=None, vscale=None, base_color=Non
if base_color is None:
base_color = get_color()
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_tiled_wood().name,
- input_kwargs={'Tile Horizontal Scale': hscale,
- 'Tile Vertical Scale': vscale,
- 'Seed': seed,
- 'Main Color': base_color})
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_tiled_wood().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Tile Horizontal Scale": hscale,
+ "Tile Vertical Scale": vscale,
+ "Seed": seed,
+ "Main Color": base_color,
+ },
+ )
- displacement = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeDisplacement', input_kwargs={'Height': group.outputs["Displacement"], 'Midlevel': 0.0000})
+ displacement = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeDisplacement",
+ input_kwargs={"Height": group.outputs["Displacement"], "Midlevel": 0.0000},
+ )
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': group.outputs["BSDF"], 'Displacement': displacement},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": group.outputs["BSDF"], "Displacement": displacement},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
def get_random_light_wood_params():
- color_fac = [0xdeb887, 0xcdaa7d, 0xfff8dc]
+ color_fac = [0xDEB887, 0xCDAA7D, 0xFFF8DC]
color_factory = [hex_to_rgb(c) for c in color_fac]
return color_factory[randint(len(color_fac))]
@@ -184,5 +327,6 @@ def get_random_light_wood_params():
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
common.apply(obj, shader_wood_tiled, selection=selection, **kwargs)
# def make_sphere():
# return new_plane()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/wood.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/wood.py
index 1891ab51d..91c02bf75 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/wood.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/wood.py
@@ -8,128 +8,197 @@
from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.assets.materials import common
-from infinigen.core.nodes import NodeWrangler, Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba, rgb2hsv
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
from ...utils.object import new_cube
def get_color():
from infinigen.assets.materials.bark_random import get_random_bark_params
_, color_params = get_random_bark_params(np.random.randint(1e7))
- h, s, v = rgb2hsv(color_params['Color'][:-1])
- return hsv2rgba(h + uniform(-.0, .05), s + uniform(-.3, .2), v * log_uniform(.2, 20))
+ h, s, v = rgb2hsv(color_params["Color"][:-1])
+ return hsv2rgba(
+ h + uniform(-0.0, 0.05), s + uniform(-0.3, 0.2), v * log_uniform(0.2, 20)
+ )
def shader_wood(nw: NodeWrangler, color=None, w=None, vertical=False, **kwargs):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- vec = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord).outputs['Object']
+ vec = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord).outputs["Object"]
if vertical:
vec = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.Mapping, [vec], input_kwargs={'Rotation': (np.pi / 2, 0, np.pi / 2 * np.random.randint(2))}
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ [vec],
+ input_kwargs={"Rotation": (np.pi / 2, 0, np.pi / 2 * np.random.randint(2))},
mapping_2 = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': vec,
- 'Scale': (5.0000, 100.0000, 100.0000)
- })
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": vec, "Scale": (5.0000, 100.0000, 100.0000)},
+ )
if color is None:
color = get_color()
if w is None:
w = uniform(0, 1)
- musgrave_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture, input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': mapping_2,
- 'W': w,
- 'Scale': 10.0000,
- 'Detail': 15.0000,
- 'Dimension': 7.0000
- }, attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': musgrave_texture_2, 3: 1.0000, 4: -1.0000})
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={'Vector': vec})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': mapping_1,
- 'W': w,
- 'Scale': 0.5000,
- 'Detail': 1.0000,
- 'Distortion': 1.1000
- }, attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture, input_kwargs={
- 'W': w,
- 'Scale': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"],
- 'Detail': 15.0000,
- 'Dimension': 0.2000,
- 'Lacunarity': 2.4000
- }, attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': musgrave_texture_1, 3: -1.4000, 4: 1.5000})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"], 3: 1.0000, 4: 0.5000})
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': vec,
- 'Scale': (0.1500, 1.0000, 0.1500)
- })
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'W': w, 'Detail': 5.0000, 'Distortion': 1.0000
- }, attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture, input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
- 'W': w,
- 'Scale': 4.0000,
- 'Detail': 10.0000,
- 'Dimension': 0.0000
- }, attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix, input_kwargs={6: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 7: musgrave_texture},
- attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: 0.9000, 6: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 7: mix.outputs[2]},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'MULTIPLY', 'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- mix_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={0: 0.9500, 6: map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 7: mix_1.outputs[2]},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'MULTIPLY', 'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Saturation': 0.8000, 'Value': 0.2000, 'Color': color,
- })
- mix_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix, input_kwargs={0: mix_2.outputs[2], 6: hue_saturation_value, 7: color,
- }, attrs={'data_type': 'RGBA'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: mix_2.outputs[2], 1: log_uniform(.0002, .01)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- displacement = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeDisplacement', input_kwargs={'Height': multiply, 'Midlevel': 0.0000})
+ musgrave_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping_2,
+ "W": w,
+ "Scale": 10.0000,
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Dimension": 7.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": musgrave_texture_2, 3: 1.0000, 4: -1.0000},
+ )
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": vec})
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping_1,
+ "W": w,
+ "Scale": 0.5000,
+ "Detail": 1.0000,
+ "Distortion": 1.1000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": w,
+ "Scale": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Detail": 15.0000,
+ "Dimension": 0.2000,
+ "Lacunarity": 2.4000,
+ },
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": musgrave_texture_1, 3: -1.4000, 4: 1.5000},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"], 3: 1.0000, 4: 0.5000},
+ )
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": vec, "Scale": (0.1500, 1.0000, 0.1500)}
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "W": w,
+ "Detail": 5.0000,
+ "Distortion": 1.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ "W": w,
+ "Scale": 4.0000,
+ "Detail": 10.0000,
+ "Dimension": 0.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={6: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 7: musgrave_texture},
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={0: 0.9000, 6: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 7: mix.outputs[2]},
+ attrs={"blend_type": "MULTIPLY", "data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={0: 0.9500, 6: map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 7: mix_1.outputs[2]},
+ attrs={"blend_type": "MULTIPLY", "data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Saturation": 0.8000,
+ "Value": 0.2000,
+ "Color": color,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: mix_2.outputs[2],
+ 6: hue_saturation_value,
+ 7: color,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "RGBA"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: mix_2.outputs[2], 1: log_uniform(0.0002, 0.01)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ displacement = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeDisplacement", input_kwargs={"Height": multiply, "Midlevel": 0.0000}
+ )
color = mix_3.outputs[2]
- roughness = uniform(.0, .4)
+ roughness = uniform(0.0, 0.4)
roughness = nw.build_float_curve(
- nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Scale': log_uniform(40, 50)}),
- [(0, roughness), (1, roughness + uniform(.0, .8))])
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- 'Base Color': color,
- 'Roughness': roughness,
- 'Clearcoat': np.clip(uniform(0, 1.4), 0, 1)
- })
- nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf, 'Displacement': displacement})
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": log_uniform(40, 50)}),
+ [(0, roughness), (1, roughness + uniform(0.0, 0.8))],
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": color,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ "Clearcoat": np.clip(uniform(0, 1.4), 0, 1),
+ },
+ )
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf, "Displacement": displacement},
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
# TODO HACK - avoiding circular imports for now
- from infinigen.assets.materials.shelf_shaders import shader_shelves_white, shader_shelves_black_wood, shader_shelves_wood
+ from infinigen.assets.materials.shelf_shaders import (
+ shader_shelves_black_wood,
+ shader_shelves_white,
+ shader_shelves_wood,
+ )
r = uniform()
if r < 1 / 12:
@@ -142,5 +211,6 @@ def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
shader = shader_wood
common.apply(obj, shader, selection, **kwargs)
def make_sphere():
return new_cube()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/wood_old.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/wood_old.py
index b1c2d2e49..63ac59b60 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/wood_old.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/wood_old.py
@@ -6,11 +6,14 @@
import math as ma
import numpy as np
-from infinigen.assets.materials import common
-from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import clip, sample_range, sample_ratio, sample_color
from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials import common
+from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import (
+ sample_color,
+ sample_range,
+ sample_ratio,
from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
@@ -21,30 +24,50 @@ def shader_wood_old(nw: NodeWrangler, scale=1, offset=None, rotation=None, **kwa
texture_coordinate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- rotation = uniform(0, ma.pi * 2, 3) if rotation is None else surface.eval_argument(nw, rotation)
- mapping_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"],
- 'Location': surface.eval_argument(nw, offset),
- 'Rotation': rotation
- })
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': mapping_2,
- 'Scale': np.array([log_uniform(2, 4), log_uniform(8, 16), log_uniform(2, 4)]) * scale,
- })
- musgrave_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture, input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_1, 'Scale': 2.0},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- musgrave_texture_2.inputs['W'].default_value = sample_range(0, 5)
- musgrave_texture_2.inputs['Scale'].default_value = sample_ratio(2.0, 3 / 4, 4 / 3)
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': musgrave_texture_2, 'W': 0.7, 'Scale': 10.0},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- noise_texture_1.inputs['W'].default_value = sample_range(0, 5)
- noise_texture_1.inputs['Scale'].default_value = sample_ratio(5, 0.5, 2)
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]})
+ rotation = (
+ uniform(0, ma.pi * 2, 3)
+ if rotation is None
+ else surface.eval_argument(nw, rotation)
+ )
+ mapping_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"],
+ "Location": surface.eval_argument(nw, offset),
+ "Rotation": rotation,
+ },
+ )
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping_2,
+ "Scale": np.array(
+ [log_uniform(2, 4), log_uniform(8, 16), log_uniform(2, 4)]
+ )
+ * scale,
+ },
+ )
+ musgrave_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping_1, "Scale": 2.0},
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ musgrave_texture_2.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(0, 5)
+ musgrave_texture_2.inputs["Scale"].default_value = sample_ratio(2.0, 3 / 4, 4 / 3)
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": musgrave_texture_2, "W": 0.7, "Scale": 10.0},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ noise_texture_1.inputs["W"].default_value = sample_range(0, 5)
+ noise_texture_1.inputs["Scale"].default_value = sample_ratio(5, 0.5, 2)
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.1727
colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.1567, 0.0162, 0.0017, 1.0)
@@ -58,18 +81,26 @@ def shader_wood_old(nw: NodeWrangler, scale=1, offset=None, rotation=None, **kwa
for e in colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements:
sample_color(e.color, offset=0.04)
- colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]})
+ colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.4855, 0.4855, 0.4855, 1.0)
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- 'Base Color': colorramp_2.outputs["Color"],
- 'Roughness': colorramp_4.outputs["Color"]
- }, attrs={'subsurface_method': 'BURLEY'})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf_1})
+ principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp_2.outputs["Color"],
+ "Roughness": colorramp_4.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"subsurface_method": "BURLEY"},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf_1}
+ )
def apply(obj, selection=None, scale=1, **kwargs):
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/wood_tile.py b/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/wood_tile.py
index 07ec1d9d0..7d874fe64 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/wood_tile.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/materials/woods/wood_tile.py
@@ -6,8 +6,21 @@
def get_wood_tiles():
- from . import square_wood_tile, staggered_wood_tile, crossed_wood_tile, composite_wood_tile, hexagon_wood_tile
- return [square_wood_tile, staggered_wood_tile, crossed_wood_tile, composite_wood_tile, hexagon_wood_tile]
+ from . import (
+ composite_wood_tile,
+ crossed_wood_tile,
+ hexagon_wood_tile,
+ square_wood_tile,
+ staggered_wood_tile,
+ )
+ return [
+ square_wood_tile,
+ staggered_wood_tile,
+ crossed_wood_tile,
+ composite_wood_tile,
+ hexagon_wood_tile,
+ ]
def apply(obj, selection=None, vertical=False, scale=None, alternating=None, **kwargs):
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/mollusk/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/mollusk/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c743835b2..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/mollusk/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-from .generate import MolluskFactory, NautilusFactory, ConchFactory, AugerFactory, VoluteFactory, \
- ScallopFactory, ClamFactory, MusselFactory
-from .snail import SnailBaseFactory, NautilusBaseFactory, ConchBaseFactory, AugerBaseFactory, VoluteBaseFactory
-from .shell import ShellBaseFactory, ScallopBaseFactory, ClamBaseFactory, MusselBaseFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/mollusk/snail.py b/infinigen/assets/mollusk/snail.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c34c48d0..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/mollusk/snail.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.mollusk.base import BaseMolluskFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import center, mesh2obj, data2mesh, new_empty
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-class SnailBaseFactory(BaseMolluskFactory):
- freq = 256
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(SnailBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.makers = [self.volute_make, self.nautilus_make, self.snail_make, self.conch_make]
- self.maker = np.random.choice(self.makers)
- self.ratio = uniform(0, .3) if uniform(0, 1) < .5 else uniform(.7, 1.)
- self.z_scale = log_uniform(.2, 1)
- self.distortion = log_uniform(2, 20)
- @staticmethod
- def build_cross_section(n=64, affine=1, spike=0., concave=2.2):
- perturb = 1 / (5 * n)
- angles = (np.arange(n) / n + uniform(-perturb, perturb, n)) * 2 * np.pi
- radius = np.abs(np.cos(angles)) ** concave + np.abs(np.sin(angles)) ** concave
- radius *= 1 + uniform(0, spike, n) * (uniform(0, 1, n) < .2)
- vertices = np.stack(
- [np.cos(angles) * radius, np.sin(angles) * radius * affine, np.zeros_like(angles)]).T
- edges = np.stack([np.arange(n), np.roll(np.arange(n), -1)]).T
- obj = mesh2obj(data2mesh(vertices, edges, [], 'circle'))
- obj.rotation_euler = 0, 0, uniform(0, np.pi / 12)
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- return obj
- def snail_make(self, lateral=.15, longitudinal=0.04, freq=28, scale=.99, loop=8, affine=1, spike=0.):
- n = 40
- resolution = loop * freq
- concave = uniform(1.9, 2.1)
- obj = self.build_cross_section(n, affine, spike, concave)
- empty = new_empty(location=(longitudinal * np.random.choice([-1, 1]), 0, 0),
- rotation=(2 * np.pi / freq, 0, 0), scale=[scale] * 3)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'ARRAY', apply=True, use_relative_offset=False, use_constant_offset=True,
- use_object_offset=True, constant_offset_displace=(0, 0, lateral), count=resolution,
- offset_object=empty)
- butil.delete(empty)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_shader_vector, apply=True, input_args=[n, lateral],
- attributes=['vector'])
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops()
- return obj
- @staticmethod
- def geo_shader_vector(nw: NodeWrangler, n, interval):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- id = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputID)
- angle = nw.scalar_multiply(nw.math('MODULO', id, n), 2 * np.pi / n)
- height = nw.scalar_multiply(nw.math('FLOOR', nw.scalar_divide(id, n)), interval)
- vector = nw.combine(nw.math('COSINE', angle), nw.math('SINE', angle), height)
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry, 'Vector': vector})
- @staticmethod
- def solve_longitude(ratio, freq, scale):
- return ratio * (1 + scale ** freq) / freq
- @staticmethod
- def solve_lateral(ratio, freq, scale):
- return ratio / (np.sin(2 * np.pi / freq * np.arange(freq)) * scale ** np.arange(freq)).sum()
- @staticmethod
- def solve_scale(shrink, freq):
- return shrink ** (1 / freq)
- def conch_make(self):
- scale = self.solve_scale(uniform(.7, .8), self.freq)
- lateral = self.solve_lateral(uniform(.3, .4), self.freq, scale)
- longitude = self.solve_longitude(uniform(.7, .8), self.freq, scale)
- loop = np.random.randint(8, 10)
- obj = self.snail_make(lateral, longitude, self.freq, scale, loop, affine=uniform(.8, .9), spike=.1)
- tag_object(obj, 'conch')
- return obj
- def auger_make(self):
- scale = self.solve_scale(uniform(.7, .8), self.freq)
- lateral = self.solve_lateral(uniform(.1, .15), self.freq, scale)
- longitude = self.solve_longitude(uniform(.9, 1.), self.freq, scale)
- loop = np.random.randint(8, 12)
- obj = self.snail_make(lateral, longitude, self.freq, scale, loop, affine=uniform(.5, .6))
- tag_object(obj, 'auger')
- return obj
- def volute_make(self):
- scale = self.solve_scale(uniform(.5, .6), self.freq)
- lateral = self.solve_lateral(uniform(.4, .5), self.freq, scale)
- longitude = self.solve_longitude(uniform(.6, .7), self.freq, scale)
- loop = np.random.randint(4, 5)
- obj = self.snail_make(lateral, longitude, self.freq, scale, loop)
- tag_object(obj, 'volute')
- return obj
- def nautilus_make(self):
- scale = self.solve_scale(uniform(.4, .5), self.freq)
- lateral = self.solve_lateral(uniform(1.2, 1.4), self.freq, scale)
- longitude = self.solve_longitude(uniform(.2, .3), self.freq, scale)
- loop = np.random.randint(4, 5)
- obj = self.snail_make(lateral, longitude, self.freq, scale, loop)
- tag_object(obj, 'nautilus')
- return obj
- @staticmethod
- def geo_affine(nw: NodeWrangler):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- affine = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': geometry,
- 'Offset': nw.combine(
- *[nw.vector_math('DOT_PRODUCT', uniform(-.1, .1, 3), nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)) for _ in
- range(3)])})
- return affine
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- obj = self.maker()
- obj.scale = [1 / max(obj.dimensions)] * 3
- obj.rotation_euler = uniform(0, np.pi * 2, 3)
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- obj.location = -center(obj)
- obj.location[-1] += obj.dimensions[-1] * .4
- butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_affine, apply=True)
- tag_object(obj, 'snail')
- return obj
-class VoluteBaseFactory(SnailBaseFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(VoluteBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.maker = self.volute_make
-class NautilusBaseFactory(SnailBaseFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(NautilusBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.maker = self.nautilus_make
-class ConchBaseFactory(SnailBaseFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(ConchBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.maker = self.conch_make
-class AugerBaseFactory(SnailBaseFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(AugerBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.maker = self.auger_make
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/monocot/growth.py b/infinigen/assets/monocot/growth.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b35402ed7..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/monocot/growth.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
-# of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import colorsys
-from functools import reduce
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import displace_vertices, geo_extension
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_radius
-from infinigen.core.placement.detail import adapt_mesh_resolution
-from infinigen.core.surface import shaderfunc_to_material
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import data2mesh, join_objects, mesh2obj, new_cube, origin2leftmost
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_utils import build_color_ramp
-class MonocotGrowthFactory(AssetFactory):
- use_distance = False
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(MonocotGrowthFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.count = 128
- self.perturb = .05
- self.angle = np.pi / 6
- self.min_y_angle = 0.
- self.max_y_angle = np.pi / 2
- self.leaf_prob = uniform(.8, .9)
- self.leaf_range = 0, 1
- self.stem_offset = .2
- self.scale_curve = [(0, 1), (1, 1)]
- self.radius = .01
- self.bend_angle = np.pi / 4
- self.twist_angle = np.pi / 6
- self.z_drag = 0.
- self.z_scale = uniform(1., 1.2)
- self.align_factor = 0
- self.align_direction = 1, 0, 0
- self.base_hue = self.build_base_hue()
- self.bright_color = hsv2rgba(self.base_hue, uniform(.6, .8), log_uniform(.05, .1))
- self.dark_color = hsv2rgba((self.base_hue + uniform(-.03, .03)) % 1, uniform(.8, 1.),
- log_uniform(.05, .2))
- self.material = shaderfunc_to_material(self.shader_monocot, self.dark_color, self.bright_color,
- self.use_distance)
- @staticmethod
- def build_base_hue():
- return uniform(.15, .35)
- @property
- def is_grass(self):
- return False
- def build_leaf(self, face_size):
- raise NotImplemented
- @staticmethod
- def decorate_leaf(obj, y_ratio=4, y_bend_angle=np.pi / 6, z_bend_angle=np.pi / 6, noise_scale=.1,
- strength=.02, leftmost=True):
- obj.rotation_euler[1] = -np.pi / 2
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SIMPLE_DEFORM', deform_method='BEND', angle=uniform(.5, 1) * y_bend_angle,
- deform_axis='Y')
- obj.rotation_euler[1] = np.pi / 2
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SIMPLE_DEFORM', deform_method='BEND', angle=uniform(-1, 1) * z_bend_angle,
- deform_axis='Z')
- displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (0, 0, y_ratio * uniform(0, 1) * y * y))
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_extension, apply=True)
- texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name='grasses', type='STUCCI')
- texture.noise_scale = noise_scale
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DISPLACE', strength=strength, texture=texture)
- for direction, width in zip('XY', obj.dimensions[:2]):
- texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name='grasses', type='STUCCI')
- texture.noise_scale = noise_scale
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DISPLACE', strength=uniform(.01, .02) * width, texture=texture,
- direction=direction)
- if leftmost:
- origin2leftmost(obj)
- return obj
- def make_geo_flower(self):
- def geo_flower(nw: NodeWrangler, leaves):
- stem = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'End': (0, 0, self.stem_offset)})
- points = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve, [line, None, self.count])
- parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- y_rotation = nw.build_float_curve(parameter, [(0, -self.min_y_angle), (1, -self.max_y_angle)])
- z_rotation = nw.new_node(Nodes.AccumulateField,
- [None, nw.uniform(self.angle * .95, self.angle * 1.05)])
- rotation = nw.combine(0, y_rotation, z_rotation)
- scale = nw.build_float_curve(parameter, self.scale_curve, 'AUTO')
- if self.perturb:
- rotation = nw.add(rotation, nw.uniform([-self.perturb] * 3, [self.perturb] * 3))
- scale = nw.add(scale, nw.uniform([-self.perturb] * 3, [self.perturb] * 3))
- if self.align_factor:
- rotation = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, input_kwargs={
- 'Rotation': rotation,
- 'Factor': surface.eval_argument(nw, self.align_factor),
- 'Vector': self.align_direction
- }, attrs={'pivot_axis': 'Z'})
- points, _, z_rotation = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute, [points, None, z_rotation]).outputs[:3]
- leaves = nw.new_node(Nodes.CollectionInfo, [leaves, True, True])
- is_leaf = reduce(lambda *xs: nw.boolean_math('AND', *xs), [nw.bernoulli(self.leaf_prob),
- nw.compare('GREATER_EQUAL', parameter, self.leaf_range[0]),
- nw.compare('LESS_EQUAL', parameter, self.leaf_range[1])])
- instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints, input_kwargs={
- 'Points': points,
- 'Selection': is_leaf,
- 'Instance': leaves,
- 'Pick Instance': True,
- 'Rotation': rotation,
- 'Scale': scale
- })
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [instances])
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry, 'Name':'z_rotation', 'Value': z_rotation})
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, [[stem, geometry]])
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
- return geo_flower
- def build_instance(self, i, face_size):
- obj = self.build_leaf(face_size)
- origin2leftmost(obj)
- obj.location[0] -= .01
- butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
- return obj
- def make_collection(self, face_size):
- return make_asset_collection(self.build_instance, 10, 'leaves', verbose=False, face_size=face_size)
- def build_stem(self, face_size):
- obj = mesh2obj(data2mesh([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, self.stem_offset]], [[0, 1]]))
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SUBSURF', True, levels=9, render_levels=9)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[self.radius, 16])
- adapt_mesh_resolution(obj, face_size, 'subdivide')
- texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name='grasses', type='STUCCI')
- texture.noise_scale = .1
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DISPLACE', strength=.01, texture=texture)
- tag_object(obj, 'stem')
- return obj
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- obj = self.create_raw(**params)
- self.decorate_monocot(obj)
- tag_object(obj, 'monocot_growth')
- return obj
- def create_raw(self, face_size=.01, apply=True, **params):
- if self.angle != 0:
- frequency = 2 * np.pi / self.angle
- if .01 < frequency - int(frequency) < .05:
- frequency += .05
- elif -.05 < frequency - int(frequency) < -.01:
- frequency -= .05
- self.angle = 2 * np.pi / frequency
- leaves = self.make_collection(face_size)
- obj = self.build_stem(face_size)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, self.make_geo_flower(), apply=apply, input_args=[leaves])
- if apply:
- butil.delete_collection(leaves)
- tag_object(obj, 'flower')
- return obj
- def decorate_monocot(self, obj):
- displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (0, 0, -self.z_drag * (x * x + y * y)))
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_extension, apply=True, input_args=[.4])
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SIMPLE_DEFORM', deform_method='TWIST',
- angle=uniform(-self.twist_angle, self.twist_angle), deform_axis='Z')
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SIMPLE_DEFORM', deform_method='BEND', angle=uniform(0, self.bend_angle))
- obj.scale = uniform(.8, 1.2), uniform(.8, 1.2), self.z_scale
- obj.rotation_euler[-1] = uniform(0, np.pi * 2)
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- assign_material(obj, self.material)
- @staticmethod
- def shader_monocot(nw: NodeWrangler, dark_color, bright_color, use_distance):
- specular = uniform(.0, .2)
- clearcoat = 0 if uniform(0, 1) < .8 else uniform(.2, .5)
- if use_distance:
- distance = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={'attribute_name': 'distance'}).outputs['Fac']
- exponent = uniform(1.8, 3.5)
- ratio = nw.scalar_sub(1, nw.math('POWER', nw.scalar_sub(1, distance), exponent))
- color = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [ratio, bright_color, dark_color])
- else:
- color = build_color_ramp(nw, nw.musgrave(10), [.0, .3, .7, 1.],
- [bright_color, bright_color, dark_color, dark_color], )
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Scale': 50})
- roughness = nw.build_float_curve(noise_texture, [(0, .5), (1, .8)])
- bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- 'Base Color': color,
- 'Roughness': roughness,
- 'Specular': specular,
- 'Clearcoat': clearcoat,
- 'Subsurface': .01,
- 'Subsurface Radius': (.01, .01, .01),
- })
- return bsdf
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/monocot/pinecone.py b/infinigen/assets/monocot/pinecone.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c360da329..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/monocot/pinecone.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import colorsys
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.monocot.growth import MonocotGrowthFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_circle
-from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import shape_by_angles, shape_by_xs
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.placement.detail import remesh_with_attrs
-from infinigen.core.surface import shaderfunc_to_material
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_utils import build_color_ramp
-class PineconeFactory(MonocotGrowthFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.angle = 2 * np.pi / (np.random.randint(4, 8) + .5)
- self.max_y_angle = uniform(.7, .8) * np.pi / 2
- self.leaf_prob = uniform(.9, .95)
- self.count = int(log_uniform(64, 96))
- self.stem_offset = uniform(.2, .4)
- self.perturb = 0
- self.scale_curve = [(0, .5), (.5, uniform(.6, 1.)), (1, uniform(.1, .2))]
- self.bright_color = hsv2rgba(uniform(.02, .06), uniform(.8, 1.), .01)
- self.dark_color = hsv2rgba(uniform(.02, .06), uniform(.8, 1.), .005)
- self.material = shaderfunc_to_material(self.shader_monocot, self.dark_color, self.bright_color,
- self.use_distance)
- def build_leaf(self, face_size):
- obj = new_circle(vertices=128)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.fill_grid()
- angles = np.array([-1, -.8, -.5, 0, .5, .8, 1]) * self.angle / 2
- scale = uniform(.9, .95)
- scales = [0, .7, scale, 1, scale, .7, 0]
- displacement = [0, 0, 0, -uniform(.2, .3), 0, 0, 0]
- shape_by_angles(obj, angles, scales, displacement)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.convex_hull()
- xs = [0, 1, 2]
- displacement = [0, 0, .5]
- shape_by_xs(obj, xs, displacement)
- obj.scale = [.1] * 3
- obj.rotation_euler[1] -= uniform(np.pi / 18, np.pi / 12)
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- remesh_with_attrs(obj, face_size)
- texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name='pinecone', type='STUCCI')
- texture.noise_scale = log_uniform(.002, .005)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DISPLACE', True, strength=.001, mid_level=0, texture=texture)
- tag_object(obj, 'pinecone')
- return obj
- @staticmethod
- def shader_monocot(nw: NodeWrangler, dark_color, bright_color, use_distance):
- specular = uniform(.2, .4)
- color = build_color_ramp(nw, nw.musgrave(10), [.0, .3, .7, 1.],
- [bright_color, bright_color, dark_color, dark_color], )
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Scale': 50})
- roughness = nw.build_float_curve(noise_texture, [(0, .5), (1, .8)])
- bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': color, 'Roughness': roughness, 'Specular': specular})
- return bsdf
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/mushroom/cap.py b/infinigen/assets/mushroom/cap.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 49374adcf..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/mushroom/cap.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,391 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import colorsys
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import displace_vertices, geo_extension, \
- subsurface2face_size
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
-from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import spin
-from infinigen.assets.utils.mesh import polygon_angles
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import data2mesh, join_objects, mesh2obj
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.placement.detail import remesh_with_attrs
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_utils import build_color_ramp
-class MushroomCapFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, base_hue, material_func, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.x_scale, self.z_scale = uniform(.7, 1.4, 2)
- self.cap_configs = [self.campanulate, self.conical, self.convex, self.depressed, self.flat,
- self.infundiuliform, self.ovate, self.umbillicate, self.umbonate]
- config_weights = np.array([2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1])
- cap_config = np.random.choice(self.cap_configs, p=config_weights / config_weights.sum())
- self.cap_config = {**cap_config,
- 'x_anchors': [_ * self.x_scale for _ in cap_config['x_anchors']],
- 'z_anchors': [_ * self.z_scale for _ in cap_config['z_anchors']]
- }
- self.radius = max(self.cap_config['x_anchors'])
- self.inner_radius = log_uniform(.2, .35) * self.radius
- self.gill_configs = [self.adnexed_gill, self.decurrent_gill, None]
- gill_configs = np.array([1, 1, 1])
- self.gill_config = np.random.choice(self.gill_configs, p=gill_configs / gill_configs.sum())
- if not self.cap_config['has_gill']:
- self.gill_config = None
- self.shader_funcs = [self.shader_cap, self.shader_noise, self.shader_voronoi, self.shader_speckle]
- shader_weights = np.array([2, 1, 1, 1])
- self.shader_func = np.random.choice(self.shader_funcs, p=shader_weights / shader_weights.sum())
- self.is_morel = uniform(0, 1) < .5 and self.shader_func == self.shader_cap
- self.base_hue = base_hue
- self.material_cap = surface.shaderfunc_to_material(self.shader_func, self.base_hue)
- self.material = material_func()
- @property
- def campanulate(self):
- x = uniform(.12, .15)
- return {
- 'x_anchors': [0, x, x, .08, .04, 0],
- 'z_anchors': [0, 0, uniform(.03, .05), uniform(.1, .12), uniform(.16, .2), .2],
- 'vector_locations': [],
- 'has_gill': True
- }
- @property
- def conical(self):
- z = uniform(.2, .3)
- return {
- 'x_anchors': [0, uniform(.12, .15), .01, 0],
- 'z_anchors': [0, 0, z, z],
- 'vector_locations': [1],
- 'has_gill': True
- }
- @property
- def convex(self):
- z = uniform(.14, .16)
- return {
- 'x_anchors': [0, .15, .12, .01, 0],
- 'z_anchors': [0, 0, uniform(.04, .06), z, z],
- 'vector_locations': [1],
- 'has_gill': True
- }
- @property
- def depressed(self):
- z = uniform(.03, .05)
- return {
- 'x_anchors': [0, .15, .12, 0],
- 'z_anchors': [0, 0, uniform(.06, .08), z],
- 'vector_locations': [1],
- 'has_gill': True
- }
- @property
- def flat(self):
- z = uniform(.05, .07)
- return {
- 'x_anchors': [0, .15, .12, 0],
- 'z_anchors': [0, 0, z, z],
- 'vector_locations': [1],
- 'has_gill': True
- }
- @property
- def infundiuliform(self):
- z = uniform(.08, .12)
- x = uniform(.12, .15)
- return {
- 'x_anchors': [0, .03, x, x - .01, 0],
- 'z_anchors': [0, 0, z, z + uniform(.005, .01), .02],
- 'vector_locations': [],
- 'has_gill': False
- }
- @property
- def ovate(self):
- z = uniform(.2, .3)
- return {
- 'x_anchors': [0, uniform(.12, .15), .08, .01, 0],
- 'z_anchors': [0, 0, .8 * z, z, z],
- 'vector_locations': [1],
- 'has_gill': True
- }
- @property
- def umbillicate(self):
- z = uniform(.03, .05)
- return {
- 'x_anchors': [0, .15, .12, .02, 0],
- 'z_anchors': [0, .04, uniform(.06, .08), z + .02, z],
- 'vector_locations': [],
- 'has_gill': False
- }
- @property
- def umbonate(self):
- z = uniform(.05, .07)
- z_ = z + uniform(.02, .04)
- return {
- 'x_anchors': [0, .15, .12, .06, .02, 0],
- 'z_anchors': [0, 0, z - .01, z, z_, z_],
- 'vector_locations': [1],
- 'has_gill': True
- }
- @property
- def adnexed_gill(self):
- return {
- 'x_anchors': [self.radius, (self.radius + self.inner_radius) / 2, self.inner_radius,
- self.inner_radius, self.radius],
- 'z_anchors': [0, -uniform(.05, .08), -uniform(0, .02), 0, 0],
- 'vector_locations': [3]
- }
- @property
- def decurrent_gill(self):
- return {
- 'x_anchors': [self.radius, (self.radius + self.inner_radius) / 2, self.inner_radius, 0,
- self.radius],
- 'z_anchors': [0, -uniform(.05, .08), -uniform(.08, .1), 0, 0],
- 'vector_locations': [2]
- }
- @staticmethod
- def geo_xyz(nw: NodeWrangler):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- for name, component in zip('xyz', nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))):
- component = nw.math('ABSOLUTE', component)
- m = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic, [geometry, None, component]).outputs['Max']
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': geometry,
- 'Name': name,
- 'Value': nw.scalar_divide(component, m)
- })
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
- @staticmethod
- def geo_morel(nw: NodeWrangler):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- selection = nw.compare('LESS_THAN', nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture, input_kwargs={
- 'Scale': uniform(15, 20),
- 'Randomness': uniform(.5, 1)
- }, attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'}), .05)
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry':geometry, 'Name':'morel', 'Value': selection})
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
- def apply_cut(self, obj):
- if max(self.cap_config['x_anchors']) > .1:
- return
- n_cuts = np.random.randint(0, 5)
- angles = polygon_angles(n_cuts, np.pi / 4, np.pi * 2)
- for a in angles:
- width = uniform(.15, .2) * .4
- vertices = [[0, 0, .4], [.4, -width, .4], [.4, width, .4], [0, 0, -1], [.4, -width, -.01],
- [.4, width, -.01]]
- faces = [[0, 1, 2], [1, 0, 3, 4], [2, 1, 4, 5], [0, 2, 5, 3], [5, 4, 3]]
- cutter = mesh2obj(data2mesh(vertices, [], faces))
- displace_vertices(cutter, lambda x, y, z: (0, 2 * y * y, 0))
- butil.modify_mesh(cutter, 'SUBSURF', render_levels=5, levels=5, subdivision_type='SIMPLE')
- depth = self.radius * uniform(.4, .7)
- cutter.location = np.cos(a) * depth, np.sin(a) * depth, 0
- cutter.rotation_euler = 0, 0, a + uniform(-np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'WELD', merge_threshold=.002)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BOOLEAN', object=cutter, operation='DIFFERENCE', apply=True)
- butil.delete(cutter)
- def create_asset(self, face_size, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- cap_config = self.cap_config
- anchors = cap_config['x_anchors'], 0, cap_config['z_anchors']
- obj = spin(anchors, cap_config['vector_locations'])
- self.apply_cut(obj)
- remesh_with_attrs(obj, face_size)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_xyz, apply=True)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_morel, apply=True)
- assign_material(obj, self.material_cap)
- if self.is_morel:
- with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
- surface.set_active(obj,'morel')
- bpy.ops.geometry.attribute_convert(mode='VERTEX_GROUP')
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DISPLACE', vertex_group='morel', strength=.04, mid_level=.7)
- if self.gill_config is not None:
- gill_config = self.gill_config
- anchors = gill_config['x_anchors'], 0, gill_config['z_anchors']
- gill = spin(anchors, gill_config['vector_locations'], dupli=True, loop=True,
- resolution=np.random.randint(8, 20))
- subsurface2face_size(gill, face_size)
- assign_material(gill, self.material)
- obj = join_objects([obj, gill])
- texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name='cap', type=np.random.choice(['STUCCI', 'MARBLE']))
- texture.noise_scale = log_uniform(.01, .05)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DISPLACE', strength=.008, texture=texture, mid_level=0)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_extension, apply=True, input_args=[.1])
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SIMPLE_DEFORM', deform_method='TWIST', angle=uniform(-np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4),
- deform_axis='X')
- r1, r2, r3, r4 = uniform(-.25, .25, 4)
- displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (np.where(x > 0, r1, r2) * x, np.where(y > 0, r3, r4) * y, 0))
- tag_object(obj, 'cap')
- return obj
- @staticmethod
- def shader_voronoi(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue):
- bright_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(.4, .8), log_uniform(.05, .2))
- dark_color = *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb((base_hue + uniform(-.05, .05)) % 1, uniform(.4, .8),
- log_uniform(.01, .05)), 1
- subsurface_color = *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb((base_hue + uniform(-.05, .05)) % 1, uniform(.4, .8),
- log_uniform(.05, .2)), 1
- light_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(0, .1), uniform(.2, .8))
- anchors = [.0, .3, .6, 1.] if uniform(0, 1) < .5 else [.0, .4, .7, 1.]
- color = build_color_ramp(nw, nw.musgrave(500), anchors,
- [dark_color, dark_color, bright_color, bright_color])
- x = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={'attribute_name': 'x'}).outputs['Fac']
- y = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={'attribute_name': 'y'}).outputs['Fac']
- r = nw.power(nw.add(nw.power(x, 2), nw.power(y, 2)), .5)
- coord = nw.scale(nw.combine(x, y, 0), nw.build_float_curve(r, [(0, 1), (uniform(.5, .7), 2), (1, 8)]))
- perturbed_position = nw.add(coord,
- nw.scale(nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, attrs={'noise_dimensions': '2D'}),
- .2))
- voronoi = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': uniform(2, 2.5), 'Vector': perturbed_position},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '2D', 'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- ratio = nw.divide(voronoi, nw.scalar_add(1, nw.scalar_multiply(5, nw.power(r, 2))))
- ratio = nw.build_float_curve(ratio, [(0, .4), (.04, 0)])
- ratio = nw.scalar_multiply(ratio, nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, [
- nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture, input_kwargs={'Scale': 20}), -.2, .1, 0, 1]))
- color = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [ratio, color, light_color])
- roughness = uniform(.2, .5) if uniform(0, 1) < .5 else uniform(.8, 1.)
- specular = uniform(.2, .8)
- clearcoat = uniform(.2, .5) if uniform(0, 1) < .25 else 0
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- 'Base Color': color,
- 'Roughness': roughness,
- 'Specular': specular,
- 'Clearcoat': clearcoat,
- 'Subsurface Color': subsurface_color,
- 'Subsurface': .01,
- 'Subsurface Radius': (.05, .05, .05)
- })
- return principled_bsdf
- @staticmethod
- def shader_speckle(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue):
- bright_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(.4, .8), log_uniform(.05, .2))
- dark_color = *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb((base_hue + uniform(-.05, .05)) % 1, uniform(.4, .8),
- log_uniform(.01, .05)), 1
- subsurface_color = *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb((base_hue + uniform(-.05, .05)) % 1, uniform(.4, .8),
- log_uniform(.05, .2)), 1
- light_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(0, .1), uniform(.2, .8))
- anchors = [.0, .3, .6, 1.] if uniform(0, 1) < .5 else [.0, .4, .7, 1.]
- color = build_color_ramp(nw, nw.musgrave(500), anchors,
- [dark_color, dark_color, bright_color, bright_color])
- musgrave = nw.build_float_curve(nw.musgrave(50), [(.7, 0), (.72, 1.)])
- color = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [musgrave, color, light_color])
- roughness = uniform(.2, .5) if uniform(0, 1) < .5 else uniform(.8, 1.)
- specular = uniform(.2, .8)
- clearcoat = uniform(.2, .5) if uniform(0, 1) < .25 else 0
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- 'Base Color': color,
- 'Roughness': roughness,
- 'Specular': specular,
- 'Clearcoat': clearcoat,
- 'Subsurface Color': subsurface_color,
- 'Subsurface': .01,
- 'Subsurface Radius': (.05, .05, .05)
- })
- return principled_bsdf
- @staticmethod
- def shader_noise(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue):
- bright_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(.4, .8), log_uniform(.05, .2))
- dark_color = *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb((base_hue + uniform(-.05, .05)) % 1, uniform(.4, .8),
- log_uniform(.01, .05)), 1
- subsurface_color = *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb((base_hue + uniform(-.05, .05)) % 1, uniform(.4, .8),
- log_uniform(.05, .2)), 1
- light_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(0, .1), uniform(.2, .8))
- anchors = [.0, .3, .6, 1.] if uniform(0, 1) < .5 else [.0, .4, .7, 1.]
- color = build_color_ramp(nw, nw.musgrave(500), anchors,
- [dark_color, dark_color, bright_color, bright_color])
- ratio = nw.build_float_curve(nw.musgrave(10), [(.52, 0), (.56, .2), (.6, 0.)])
- ratio = nw.scalar_multiply(ratio, nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, [
- nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture, input_kwargs={'Scale': 20}), -.2, .1, 0, 1]))
- color = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [ratio, color, light_color])
- roughness = uniform(.2, .5) if uniform(0, 1) < .5 else uniform(.8, 1.)
- specular = uniform(.2, .8)
- clearcoat = uniform(.2, .5) if uniform(0, 1) < .25 else 0
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- 'Base Color': color,
- 'Roughness': roughness,
- 'Specular': specular,
- 'Clearcoat': clearcoat,
- 'Subsurface Color': subsurface_color,
- 'Subsurface': .01,
- 'Subsurface Radius': (.05, .05, .05)
- })
- return principled_bsdf
- @staticmethod
- def shader_cap(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue):
- bright_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(.6, .8), log_uniform(.05, .2))
- dark_color = *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb((base_hue + uniform(-.05, .05)) % 1, uniform(.4, .8),
- log_uniform(.01, .05)), 1
- light_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(0, .1), uniform(.6, .8))
- subsurface_color = *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb((base_hue + uniform(-.05, .05)) % 1, uniform(.6, .8),
- log_uniform(.05, .2)), 1
- anchors = [.0, .3, .6, 1.] if uniform(0, 1) < .5 else [.0, .4, .7, 1.]
- color = build_color_ramp(nw, nw.musgrave(500), anchors,
- [dark_color, dark_color, bright_color, bright_color])
- z = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={'attribute_name': 'z'})
- musgrave = nw.build_float_curve(z, [(uniform(0, .2), uniform(.95, .98)),
- (uniform(.2, .4), uniform(.98, 1)), (.8, 1)])
- color = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [musgrave, light_color, color])
- roughness = uniform(.2, .5) if uniform(0, 1) < .5 else uniform(.8, 1.)
- specular = uniform(.2, .8)
- clearcoat = uniform(.2, .5) if uniform(0, 1) < .25 else 0
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- 'Base Color': color,
- 'Roughness': roughness,
- 'Specular': specular,
- 'Clearcoat': clearcoat,
- 'Subsurface Color': subsurface_color,
- 'Subsurface': .01,
- 'Subsurface Radius': (.05, .05, .05)
- })
- return principled_bsdf
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/mushroom/growth.py b/infinigen/assets/mushroom/growth.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4164986ec..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/mushroom/growth.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import colorsys
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from .cap import MushroomCapFactory
-from .stem import MushroomStemFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, origin2lowest
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_utils import build_color_ramp
-class MushroomGrowthFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.base_hue = self.build_base_hue()
- self.material_func = lambda: surface.shaderfunc_to_material(self.shader_mushroom, self.base_hue)
- self.cap_factory = MushroomCapFactory(factory_seed, self.base_hue, self.material_func, coarse)
- self.stem_factory = MushroomStemFactory(factory_seed, self.cap_factory.inner_radius,
- self.material_func, coarse)
- @staticmethod
- def build_base_hue():
- if uniform(0, 1) < .4:
- return uniform(0, 1)
- else:
- return uniform(.02, .15)
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- cap = self.cap_factory(**params)
- stem = self.stem_factory(**params)
- obj = join_objects([cap, stem])
- origin2lowest(obj)
- return cap
- @staticmethod
- def shader_mushroom(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue):
- roughness = .8
- front_color = *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb((base_hue + uniform(-.1, .1)) % 1, uniform(.1, .3),
- log_uniform(.02, .5)), 1
- back_color = *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb((base_hue + uniform(-.1, .1)) % 1, uniform(.1, .3),
- log_uniform(.02, .5)), 1
- x, y, z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord).outputs['Generated'])
- musgrave = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, [
- nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture, [nw.combine(x, y, nw.scalar_multiply(uniform(5, 10), z))],
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 200}), -1, 1, 0, 1])
- color = build_color_ramp(nw, musgrave, [0, .3, .7, 1],
- [front_color, front_color, back_color, back_color])
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': color, 'Roughness': roughness})
- return principled_bsdf
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/mushroom/stem.py b/infinigen/assets/mushroom/stem.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d18cfd36f..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/mushroom/stem.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import geo_extension, subsurface2face_size
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
-from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import spin
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.placement.detail import remesh_with_attrs
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-class MushroomStemFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, inner_radius, material_func, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.web_builders = [self.build_hollow_web, self.build_solid_web, None]
- web_weights = np.array([1, 1, 2])
- self.web_builder = np.random.choice(self.web_builders, p=web_weights / web_weights.sum())
- self.has_band = uniform(0, 1) < .75
- self.material = material_func()
- self.material_web = material_func()
- self.inner_radius = inner_radius
- def build_solid_web(self, inner_radius):
- outer_radius = inner_radius * uniform(1.5, 3.5)
- z = uniform(.0, .05)
- length = uniform(.15, .2)
- x_anchors = inner_radius, (outer_radius + inner_radius) / 2, outer_radius
- z_anchors = - z, -z - uniform(.3, .4) * length, -z - length
- anchors = x_anchors, 0, z_anchors
- obj = spin(anchors)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_inverse_band, apply=True, input_args=[-uniform(.008, .01)])
- tag_object(obj, 'web')
- return obj
- @staticmethod
- def geo_voronoi(nw: NodeWrangler):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- selection = nw.compare('LESS_THAN',
- nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture, input_kwargs={'Scale': uniform(15, 20)},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'}), .06)
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateGeometry, [geometry, selection])
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
- def build_hollow_web(self, inner_radius):
- outer_radius = inner_radius * uniform(2, 3.5)
- z = uniform(.0, .05)
- length = log_uniform(.2, .4)
- x_anchors = inner_radius, (outer_radius + inner_radius) / 2, outer_radius
- z_anchors = - z, -z - uniform(.3, .4) * length, -z - length
- anchors = x_anchors, 0, z_anchors
- obj = spin(anchors)
- levels = 3
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SUBSURF', True, render_levels=levels, levels=levels)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_voronoi, apply=True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SMOOTH', iterations=2)
- tag_object(obj, 'web')
- return obj
- def create_asset(self, face_size, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- length = log_uniform(.4, .8)
- x_anchors = 0, self.inner_radius, log_uniform(1, 2) * self.inner_radius, self.inner_radius * uniform(1,
- 1.2), 0
- z_anchors = 0, 0, -length * uniform(.3, .7), -length, -length
- anchors = x_anchors, 0, z_anchors
- obj = spin(anchors, [1, 4])
- remesh_with_attrs(obj, face_size)
- if self.has_band:
- surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_band, apply=True, input_args=[length, uniform(.008, .01)])
- assign_material(obj, self.material)
- if self.web_builder is not None:
- web = self.web_builder(self.inner_radius)
- surface.add_geomod(web, geo_extension, apply=True)
- subsurface2face_size(web, face_size / 2)
- assign_material(obj, self.material_web)
- obj = join_objects([web, obj])
- texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name='cap', type='STUCCI')
- texture.noise_scale = uniform(.005, .01)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DISPLACE', strength=.008, texture=texture, mid_level=0)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SIMPLE_DEFORM', deform_method='BEND', angle=-uniform(0, np.pi / 2),
- deform_axis='Y')
- tag_object(obj, 'stem')
- return obj
- @staticmethod
- def geo_band(nw: NodeWrangler, length, scale):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- wave = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture, input_kwargs={
- 'Scale': log_uniform(5, 10),
- 'Distortion': uniform(5, 10),
- 'Detail Scale': 2, }, attrs={'bands_direction': 'Z', 'wave_profile': 'SAW'}).outputs['Fac']
- selection = nw.compare('LESS_THAN', nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))[-1],
- -uniform(.3, .7) * length)
- normal = nw.vector_math('NORMALIZE', nw.add(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal), (0, 0, 2)))
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- [geometry, selection, None, nw.scale(nw.scale(wave, scale), normal)])
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
- @staticmethod
- def geo_inverse_band(nw: NodeWrangler, scale):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- x, y, z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))
- vector = nw.combine(x, y, nw.scalar_multiply(-1, z))
- wave = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture, input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': vector,
- 'Scale': log_uniform(5, 10),
- 'Distortion': uniform(5, 10),
- 'Detail Scale': 2, }, attrs={'bands_direction': 'Z', 'wave_profile': 'SAW'}).outputs['Fac']
- normal = nw.vector_math('NORMALIZE', nw.add(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal), (0, 0, 2)))
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- [geometry, None, None, nw.scale(nw.scale(wave, scale), normal)])
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/appliances/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/appliances/__init__.py
similarity index 79%
rename from infinigen/assets/appliances/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/appliances/__init__.py
index 795254199..3230c75db 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/appliances/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/appliances/__init__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-from .oven import OvenFactory
from .beverage_fridge import BeverageFridgeFactory
from .dishwasher import DishwasherFactory
from .microwave import MicrowaveFactory
-from .tv import TVFactory, MonitorFactory
+from .oven import OvenFactory
+from .tv import MonitorFactory, TVFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/appliances/beverage_fridge.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/appliances/beverage_fridge.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b37e2db7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/appliances/beverage_fridge.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1541 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Hongyu Wen
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import randint as RI
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.bevelling import (
+ add_bevel,
+ complete_bevel,
+ complete_no_bevel,
+ get_bevel_edges,
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import delete
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+class BeverageFridgeFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]):
+ super(BeverageFridgeFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.dimensions = dimensions
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.params = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
+ self.material_params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = (
+ self.get_material_params()
+ )
+ self.params.update(self.material_params)
+ def get_material_params(self):
+ material_assignments = AssetList["BeverageFridgeFactory"]()
+ params = {
+ "Surface": material_assignments["surface"].assign_material(),
+ "Front": material_assignments["front"].assign_material(),
+ "Handle": material_assignments["handle"].assign_material(),
+ "Back": material_assignments["back"].assign_material(),
+ }
+ wrapped_params = {
+ k: surface.shaderfunc_to_material(v) for k, v in params.items()
+ }
+ scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments["wear_tear_prob"]
+ scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments["wear_tear"]
+ is_scratch = np.random.uniform() < scratch_prob
+ is_edge_wear = np.random.uniform() < edge_wear_prob
+ if not is_scratch:
+ scratch = None
+ if not is_edge_wear:
+ edge_wear = None
+ return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
+ @staticmethod
+ def sample_parameters(dimensions):
+ depth = 1 + N(0, 0.1)
+ width = 1 + N(0, 0.1)
+ height = 1 + N(0, 0.1)
+ # depth, width, height = dimensions
+ door_thickness = U(0.05, 0.1) * depth
+ door_rotation = 0 # Set to 0 for now
+ rack_radius = U(0.01, 0.02) * depth
+ rack_h_amount = RI(2, 4)
+ rack_d_amount = RI(4, 6)
+ brand_name = "BrandName"
+ params = {
+ "Depth": depth,
+ "Width": width,
+ "Height": height,
+ "DoorThickness": door_thickness,
+ "DoorRotation": door_rotation,
+ "RackRadius": rack_radius,
+ "RackHAmount": rack_h_amount,
+ "RackDAmount": rack_d_amount,
+ "BrandName": brand_name,
+ }
+ return params
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ obj = butil.spawn_cube()
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "NODES",
+ node_group=nodegroup_beverage_fridge_geometry(preprocess=True),
+ ng_inputs=self.params,
+ apply=True,
+ )
+ bevel_edges = get_bevel_edges(obj)
+ delete(obj)
+ obj = butil.spawn_cube()
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "NODES",
+ node_group=nodegroup_beverage_fridge_geometry(),
+ ng_inputs=self.params,
+ apply=True,
+ )
+ obj = add_bevel(obj, bevel_edges, offset=0.01)
+ return obj
+ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
+ if self.scratch:
+ self.scratch.apply(assets)
+ if self.edge_wear:
+ self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
+ "nodegroup_oven_rack", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_oven_rack(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Width", 2.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Height", 2.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius", 0.0200),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Amount", 5),
+ ],
+ )
+ quadrilateral = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Width": group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ "Height": group_input.outputs["Height"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_1})
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"Start": combine_xyz_3, "End": combine_xyz_4}
+ )
+ geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_line}
+ )
+ duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DuplicateElements,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": geometry_to_instance,
+ "Amount": group_input.outputs["Amount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "INSTANCE"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Amount"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: divide},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_3})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ duplicate_elements_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DuplicateElements,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": geometry_to_instance,
+ "Amount": group_input.outputs["Amount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "INSTANCE"},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ divide_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: group_input.outputs["Amount"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: divide_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_5})
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [quadrilateral, set_position, set_position_1]},
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"]}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": join_geometry,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": curve_to_mesh},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_text", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_text(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Translation", (1.5000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketString", "String", "BrandName"),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Size", 0.0500),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Offset Scale", 0.0020),
+ ],
+ )
+ string_to_curves = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeStringToCurves",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "String": group_input.outputs["String"],
+ "Size": group_input.outputs["Size"],
+ },
+ attrs={"align_y": "BOTTOM_BASELINE", "align_x": "CENTER"},
+ )
+ fill_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FillCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": string_to_curves.outputs["Curve Instances"]},
+ )
+ extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": fill_curve,
+ "Offset Scale": group_input.outputs["Offset Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": group_input.outputs["Translation"],
+ "Rotation": (1.5708, 0.0000, 1.5708),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_handle", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_handle(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "length", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness", 0.0200),
+ ],
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": group_input.outputs["width"]}
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": group_input.outputs["width"]}
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_1.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_1.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": group_input.outputs["length"]}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute_1, "Translation": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [store_named_attribute, transform]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1, "Translation": combine_xyz_3},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["length"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["width"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["width"],
+ "Y": add,
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["thickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ cube_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz_1})
+ store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_2.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_2.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["length"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: multiply_2}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_1, "Z": add_1}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_2,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_2,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_2, transform_1]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_center", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_center(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Vector", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "MarginX", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "MarginY", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "MarginZ", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ bounding_box = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"]}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vector"], 1: bounding_box.outputs["Min"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": subtract.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginX"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: bounding_box.outputs["Max"], 1: group_input.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": subtract_1.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ greater_than_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["MarginX"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ op_and = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: greater_than_1}
+ )
+ greater_than_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginY"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ greater_than_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["MarginY"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ op_and_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than_2, 1: greater_than_3}
+ )
+ op_and_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and, 1: op_and_1})
+ greater_than_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginZ"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ greater_than_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["MarginZ"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ op_and_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than_4, 1: greater_than_5}
+ )
+ op_and_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and_2, 1: op_and_3})
+ op_not = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and_4}, attrs={"operation": "NOT"}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"In": op_and_4, "Out": op_not},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_cube", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_cube(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Size", (0.1000, 10.0000, 4.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Pos", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 2),
+ ],
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": group_input.outputs["Size"],
+ "Vertices X": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Y": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Z": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute_1, "Name": "uv_map"},
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Size"],
+ 1: (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000),
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Pos"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute,
+ "Translation": multiply_add.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_hollow_cube", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_hollow_cube(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Size", (0.1000, 10.0000, 4.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Pos", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 2),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Thickness", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Switch1", False),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Switch2", False),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Switch3", False),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Switch4", False),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Switch5", False),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Switch6", False),
+ ],
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Size"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ "Y": subtract,
+ "Z": subtract_1,
+ },
+ )
+ cube_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_4,
+ "Vertices X": 2,
+ "Vertices Y": 2,
+ "Vertices Z": 2,
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_2.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_2.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Thickness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Pos"]}
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]}
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Size"], "Scale": 0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": scale.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": add_1, "Z": subtract_2}
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_1,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_5,
+ },
+ )
+ switch_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch3"], 14: transform_2}
+ )
+ subtract_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": subtract_3,
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_2,
+ "Vertices X": 2,
+ "Vertices Y": 2,
+ "Vertices Z": 2,
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_1.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_1.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]},
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ subtract_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_2, "Y": add_3, "Z": subtract_4}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_4,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_3,
+ },
+ )
+ switch_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch2"], 14: transform_1}
+ )
+ subtract_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": subtract_5,
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz,
+ "Vertices X": 2,
+ "Vertices Y": 2,
+ "Vertices Z": 2,
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]},
+ )
+ add_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ add_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_4, "Y": add_5, "Z": add_6}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute, "Translation": combine_xyz_1},
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch1"], 14: transform}
+ )
+ subtract_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ subtract_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ "Y": subtract_6,
+ "Z": subtract_7,
+ },
+ )
+ cube_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_6,
+ "Vertices X": 2,
+ "Vertices Y": 2,
+ "Vertices Z": 2,
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_3.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_3.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ subtract_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ subtract_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": subtract_8, "Y": add_7, "Z": subtract_9}
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_5,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_7,
+ },
+ )
+ switch_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch4"], 14: transform_3}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ "Z": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ cube_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_9,
+ "Vertices X": 2,
+ "Vertices Y": 2,
+ "Vertices Z": 2,
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_4.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_4.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ add_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"]},
+ )
+ add_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply_1}
+ )
+ add_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"]},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_8, "Y": add_9, "Z": add_10}
+ )
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_2,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_8,
+ },
+ )
+ switch_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch5"], 14: transform_4}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ "Z": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ cube_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_10,
+ "Vertices X": 2,
+ "Vertices Y": 2,
+ "Vertices Z": 2,
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_5.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_5.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ add_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]},
+ )
+ subtract_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_11, "Y": subtract_10, "Z": add_12}
+ )
+ transform_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_3,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_11,
+ },
+ )
+ switch_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch6"], 14: transform_5}
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ switch_2.outputs[6],
+ switch_1.outputs[6],
+ switch.outputs[6],
+ switch_3.outputs[6],
+ switch_4.outputs[6],
+ switch_5.outputs[6],
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_beverage_fridge_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_beverage_fridge_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler, preprocess: bool = False):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Depth", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Width", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Height", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "DoorThickness", 0.0700),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "DoorRotation", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "RackRadius", 0.0100),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "RackDAmount", 5),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "RackHAmount", 2),
+ ("NodeSocketString", "BrandName", "BrandName"),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "Surface", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "Front", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "Handle", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "Back", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Depth"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["Height"],
+ },
+ )
+ hollowcube = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_hollow_cube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz,
+ "Thickness": group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"],
+ "Switch2": True,
+ "Switch4": True,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": hollowcube,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ },
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": set_material_1, "Level": 0}
+ )
+ # set_shade_smooth_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh})
+ body = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": subdivide_mesh}, label="Body"
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["Height"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["Depth"]}
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_cube().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz_1, "Pos": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ center = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_center().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube,
+ "Vector": position,
+ "MarginX": -1.0000,
+ "MarginY": 0.1000,
+ "MarginZ": 0.1500,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube,
+ "Selection": center.outputs["In"],
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["Front"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_material_2,
+ "Selection": center.outputs["Out"],
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ },
+ )
+ # set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_3})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: 0.0500},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: 0.8000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ handle = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_handle().name,
+ input_kwargs={"width": multiply, "length": multiply_1, "thickness": multiply_2},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Depth"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: 0.1000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: 0.9000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_13 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": multiply_3, "Z": multiply_4}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": handle,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_13,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_1,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["Handle"],
+ },
+ )
+ geometry_to_instance_4 = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material_8}
+ )
+ rotate_instances_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": geometry_to_instance_4,
+ "Rotation": (-1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Pivot Point": combine_xyz_13,
+ },
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Depth"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_1, "Y": multiply_5, "Z": 0.0300}
+ )
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: 0.0500},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ text = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_text().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_12,
+ "String": group_input.outputs["BrandName"],
+ "Size": multiply_6,
+ "Offset Scale": 0.0020,
+ },
+ )
+ text = complete_no_bevel(nw, text, preprocess)
+ set_material_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": text, "Material": group_input.outputs["Handle"]},
+ )
+ rotate_instances_2 = complete_bevel(nw, rotate_instances_2, preprocess)
+ join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material_3, rotate_instances_2, set_material_9]},
+ )
+ geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_3}
+ )
+ z = nw.scalar_multiply(
+ group_input.outputs["DoorRotation"], 1 if not preprocess else 0
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": z})
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Depth"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ },
+ )
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": geometry_to_instance,
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_3,
+ "Pivot Point": combine_xyz_4,
+ },
+ )
+ door = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute,
+ input_kwargs={"Input": nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [rotate_instances])},
+ label="door",
+ )
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"], 1: 2.1000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"], 1: multiply_7},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"], 1: 2.1000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: multiply_8},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ ovenrack = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_oven_rack().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Width": subtract,
+ "Height": subtract_1,
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["RackRadius"],
+ "Amount": group_input.outputs["RackDAmount"],
+ },
+ )
+ geometry_to_instance_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": ovenrack}
+ )
+ duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DuplicateElements,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": geometry_to_instance_1,
+ "Amount": group_input.outputs["RackHAmount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "INSTANCE"},
+ )
+ multiply_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: 1.0000},
+ )
+ multiply_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"], 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: multiply_11},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["RackHAmount"], 1: 1.0000}
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_2, 1: add_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ multiply_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: divide}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": multiply_9, "Y": multiply_10, "Z": multiply_12},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz_5,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["Handle"],
+ },
+ )
+ racks = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute,
+ input_kwargs={"Input": nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [set_material])},
+ label="racks",
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Depth"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ reroute_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": add_4})
+ reroute_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Width"]}
+ )
+ reroute_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": reroute_10, "Y": reroute_11, "Z": reroute_8},
+ )
+ reroute_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Height"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": reroute_9})
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_cube().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz_6, "Pos": combine_xyz_7},
+ )
+ set_material_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube_1, "Material": group_input.outputs["Back"]},
+ )
+ # set_shade_smooth_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_5})
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material_5}
+ )
+ heater = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": join_geometry_2}, label="heater"
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [body, door, racks, heater]}
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [join_geometry])
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/appliances/dishwasher.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/appliances/dishwasher.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f6b3de30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/appliances/dishwasher.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1596 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Hongyu Wen
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import randint as RI
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.bevelling import (
+ add_bevel,
+ complete_bevel,
+ complete_no_bevel,
+ get_bevel_edges,
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import delete
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+class DishwasherFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]):
+ super(DishwasherFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.dimensions = dimensions
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.params = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
+ self.material_params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = (
+ self.get_material_params()
+ )
+ self.params.update(self.material_params)
+ def get_material_params(self):
+ material_assignments = AssetList["DishwasherFactory"]()
+ params = {
+ "Surface": material_assignments["surface"].assign_material(),
+ "Front": material_assignments["front"].assign_material(),
+ "WhiteMetal": material_assignments["white_metal"].assign_material(),
+ "Top": material_assignments["top"].assign_material(),
+ "NameMaterial": material_assignments["name_material"].assign_material(),
+ }
+ wrapped_params = {
+ k: surface.shaderfunc_to_material(v) for k, v in params.items()
+ }
+ scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments["wear_tear_prob"]
+ scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments["wear_tear"]
+ is_scratch = np.random.uniform() < scratch_prob
+ is_edge_wear = np.random.uniform() < edge_wear_prob
+ if not is_scratch:
+ scratch = None
+ if not is_edge_wear:
+ edge_wear = None
+ return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
+ @staticmethod
+ def sample_parameters(dimensions):
+ # depth, width, height = dimensions
+ depth = 1 + N(0, 0.1)
+ width = 1 + N(0, 0.1)
+ height = 1 + N(0, 0.1)
+ door_thickness = U(0.05, 0.1) * depth
+ door_rotation = 0 # Set to 0 for now
+ rack_radius = U(0.01, 0.02) * depth
+ rack_h_amount = RI(2, 3)
+ brand_name = "BrandName"
+ params = {
+ "Depth": depth,
+ "Width": width,
+ "Height": height,
+ "DoorThickness": door_thickness,
+ "DoorRotation": door_rotation,
+ "RackRadius": rack_radius,
+ "RackAmount": rack_h_amount,
+ "BrandName": brand_name,
+ }
+ return params
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ obj = butil.spawn_cube()
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "NODES",
+ node_group=nodegroup_dishwasher_geometry(preprocess=True),
+ ng_inputs=self.params,
+ apply=True,
+ )
+ bevel_edges = get_bevel_edges(obj)
+ delete(obj)
+ obj = butil.spawn_cube()
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "NODES",
+ node_group=nodegroup_dishwasher_geometry(),
+ ng_inputs=self.params,
+ apply=True,
+ )
+ obj = add_bevel(obj, bevel_edges, offset=0.01)
+ return obj
+ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
+ if self.scratch:
+ self.scratch.apply(assets)
+ if self.edge_wear:
+ self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
+ "nodegroup_dish_rack", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_dish_rack(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ quadrilateral = nw.new_node("GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral")
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": (0.0000, -1.0000, 0.0000),
+ "End": (0.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Depth", 2.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Width", 2.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius", 0.0200),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Amount", 5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Height", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Y": -1.0000, "Z": group_input.outputs["Height"]},
+ )
+ curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine,
+ input_kwargs={"Start": (0.0000, -1.0000, 0.0000), "End": combine_xyz_4},
+ )
+ geometry_to_instance_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_line_1}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Amount"], 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ duplicate_elements_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DuplicateElements,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry_to_instance_1, "Amount": multiply},
+ attrs={"domain": "INSTANCE"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: group_input.outputs["Amount"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements_2.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: divide},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_1})
+ set_position_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": duplicate_elements_2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz_3,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [curve_line, set_position_2]}
+ )
+ geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1}
+ )
+ duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DuplicateElements,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry_to_instance, "Amount": multiply},
+ attrs={"domain": "INSTANCE"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Amount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: divide},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_2})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.5708)},
+ )
+ duplicate_elements_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DuplicateElements,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry_to_instance, "Amount": multiply},
+ attrs={"domain": "INSTANCE"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Duplicate Index"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Amount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: divide},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_3})
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ quadrilateral_1 = nw.new_node("GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral")
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: 0.8000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_4})
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": quadrilateral_1, "Translation": combine_xyz_5},
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [quadrilateral, transform_1, set_position_1, transform_2]
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"]}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": join_geometry,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_5, "Y": multiply_6, "Z": 0.5000}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_to_mesh,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.5708),
+ "Scale": combine_xyz_2,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": transform},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_text", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_text(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Translation", (1.5000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketString", "String", "BrandName"),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Size", 0.0500),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Offset Scale", 0.0020),
+ ],
+ )
+ string_to_curves = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeStringToCurves",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "String": group_input.outputs["String"],
+ "Size": group_input.outputs["Size"],
+ },
+ attrs={"align_y": "BOTTOM_BASELINE", "align_x": "CENTER"},
+ )
+ fill_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FillCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": string_to_curves.outputs["Curve Instances"]},
+ )
+ extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": fill_curve,
+ "Offset Scale": group_input.outputs["Offset Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": group_input.outputs["Translation"],
+ "Rotation": (1.5708, 0.0000, 1.5708),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_handle", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_handle(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "length", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness", 0.0200),
+ ],
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": group_input.outputs["width"]}
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": group_input.outputs["width"]}
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_1.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_1.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": group_input.outputs["length"]}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute_1, "Translation": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [store_named_attribute, transform]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1, "Translation": combine_xyz_3},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["length"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["width"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["width"],
+ "Y": add,
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["thickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ cube_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz_1})
+ store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_2.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_2.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["length"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: multiply_2}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_1, "Z": add_1}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_2,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_2,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_2, transform_1]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_center", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_center(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Vector", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "MarginX", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "MarginY", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "MarginZ", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ bounding_box = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"]}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vector"], 1: bounding_box.outputs["Min"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": subtract.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginX"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: bounding_box.outputs["Max"], 1: group_input.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": subtract_1.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ greater_than_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["MarginX"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ op_and = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: greater_than_1}
+ )
+ greater_than_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginY"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ greater_than_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["MarginY"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ op_and_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than_2, 1: greater_than_3}
+ )
+ op_and_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and, 1: op_and_1})
+ greater_than_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginZ"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ greater_than_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["MarginZ"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ op_and_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than_4, 1: greater_than_5}
+ )
+ op_and_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and_2, 1: op_and_3})
+ op_not = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and_4}, attrs={"operation": "NOT"}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"In": op_and_4, "Out": op_not},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_cube", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_cube(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Size", (0.1000, 10.0000, 4.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Pos", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 2),
+ ],
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": group_input.outputs["Size"],
+ "Vertices X": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Y": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Z": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute_1, "Name": "uv_map"},
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Size"],
+ 1: (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000),
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Pos"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute,
+ "Translation": multiply_add.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_hollow_cube", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_hollow_cube(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Size", (0.1000, 10.0000, 4.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Pos", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 2),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Thickness", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Switch1", False),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Switch2", False),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Switch3", False),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Switch4", False),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Switch5", False),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Switch6", False),
+ ],
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Size"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ "Y": subtract,
+ "Z": subtract_1,
+ },
+ )
+ cube_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_4,
+ "Vertices X": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Y": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Z": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_2.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_2.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Thickness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Pos"]}
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]}
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Size"], "Scale": 0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": scale.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": add_1, "Z": subtract_2}
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_1,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_5,
+ },
+ )
+ switch_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch3"], 14: transform_2}
+ )
+ subtract_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": subtract_3,
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_2,
+ "Vertices X": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Y": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Z": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_1.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_1.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]},
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ subtract_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_2, "Y": add_3, "Z": subtract_4}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_4,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_3,
+ },
+ )
+ switch_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch2"], 14: transform_1}
+ )
+ subtract_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": subtract_5,
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz,
+ "Vertices X": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Y": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Z": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]},
+ )
+ add_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ add_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_4, "Y": add_5, "Z": add_6}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute, "Translation": combine_xyz_1},
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch1"], 14: transform}
+ )
+ subtract_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ subtract_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ "Y": subtract_6,
+ "Z": subtract_7,
+ },
+ )
+ cube_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_6,
+ "Vertices X": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Y": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Z": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_3.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_3.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ subtract_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ subtract_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": subtract_8, "Y": add_7, "Z": subtract_9}
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_5,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_7,
+ },
+ )
+ switch_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch4"], 14: transform_3}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ "Z": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ cube_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_9,
+ "Vertices X": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Y": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Z": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_4.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_4.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ add_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"]},
+ )
+ add_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply_1}
+ )
+ add_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"]},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_8, "Y": add_9, "Z": add_10}
+ )
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_2,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_8,
+ },
+ )
+ switch_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch5"], 14: transform_4}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ "Z": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ cube_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_10,
+ "Vertices X": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Y": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Z": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_5.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_5.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ add_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]},
+ )
+ subtract_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_11, "Y": subtract_10, "Z": add_12}
+ )
+ transform_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_3,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_11,
+ },
+ )
+ switch_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch6"], 14: transform_5}
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ switch_2.outputs[6],
+ switch_1.outputs[6],
+ switch.outputs[6],
+ switch_3.outputs[6],
+ switch_4.outputs[6],
+ switch_5.outputs[6],
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_dishwasher_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_dishwasher_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler, preprocess: bool = False):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Depth", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Width", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Height", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "DoorThickness", 0.0700),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "DoorRotation", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "RackRadius", 0.0100),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "RackAmount", 2),
+ ("NodeSocketString", "BrandName", "BrandName"),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "Surface", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "Front", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "Top", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "WhiteMetal", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "NameMaterial", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Depth"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["Height"],
+ },
+ )
+ hollowcube = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_hollow_cube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz,
+ "Thickness": group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"],
+ "Switch2": True,
+ "Switch4": True,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": hollowcube,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ },
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": set_material_1, "Level": 0}
+ )
+ # set_shade_smooth_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh})
+ body = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": subdivide_mesh}, label="Body"
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["Height"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["Depth"]}
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_cube().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz_1, "Pos": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ center = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_center().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube,
+ "Vector": position,
+ "MarginX": -1.0000,
+ "MarginY": 0.1000,
+ "MarginZ": 0.1500,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube,
+ "Selection": center.outputs["In"],
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["Front"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_material_2,
+ "Selection": center.outputs["Out"],
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ },
+ )
+ # set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_3})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: 0.0500},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: 0.8000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ handle = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_handle().name,
+ input_kwargs={"width": multiply, "length": multiply_1, "thickness": multiply_2},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Depth"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: 0.1000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: 0.9500},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_13 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": multiply_3, "Z": multiply_4}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": handle,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_13,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_1,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["WhiteMetal"],
+ },
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Depth"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_1, "Y": multiply_5, "Z": 0.0300}
+ )
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: 0.0500},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ text = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_text().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_12,
+ "String": group_input.outputs["BrandName"],
+ "Size": multiply_6,
+ },
+ )
+ text = complete_no_bevel(nw, text, preprocess)
+ set_material_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": text,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["NameMaterial"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_8 = complete_bevel(nw, set_material_8, preprocess)
+ join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material_3, set_material_8, set_material_9]},
+ )
+ geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_3}
+ )
+ y = nw.scalar_multiply(
+ group_input.outputs["DoorRotation"], 1 if not preprocess else 0
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": y})
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["Depth"]}
+ )
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": geometry_to_instance,
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_3,
+ "Pivot Point": combine_xyz_4,
+ },
+ )
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [rotate_instances])
+ door = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": rotate_instances}, label="door"
+ )
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"], 1: 2.1000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"], 1: multiply_7},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"], 1: 2.1000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: multiply_8},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ dishrack = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_dish_rack().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Depth": subtract_1,
+ "Width": subtract,
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["RackRadius"],
+ "Amount": 4,
+ "Height": 0.1000,
+ },
+ )
+ geometry_to_instance_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": dishrack}
+ )
+ duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DuplicateElements,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": geometry_to_instance_1,
+ "Amount": group_input.outputs["RackAmount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "INSTANCE"},
+ )
+ multiply_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: 1.0000},
+ )
+ multiply_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"], 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: multiply_11},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["RackAmount"], 1: 1.0000}
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_2, 1: add_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ multiply_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: divide}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": multiply_9, "Y": multiply_10, "Z": multiply_12},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz_5,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [set_material])
+ racks = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": set_material}, label="racks"
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Depth"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ reroute_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": add_4})
+ reroute_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Width"]}
+ )
+ reroute_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": reroute_10, "Y": reroute_11, "Z": reroute_8},
+ )
+ reroute_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Height"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": reroute_9})
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_cube().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz_6, "Pos": combine_xyz_7},
+ )
+ set_material_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube_1, "Material": group_input.outputs["Top"]},
+ )
+ # set_shade_smooth_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_5})
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material_5}
+ )
+ heater = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": join_geometry_2}, label="heater"
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [body, door, racks, heater]}
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [join_geometry])
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/appliances/microwave.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/appliances/microwave.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c5a373d6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/appliances/microwave.py
@@ -0,0 +1,849 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Hongyu Wen
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import generate_text
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.bevelling import add_bevel, complete_no_bevel, get_bevel_edges
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import delete
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+class MicrowaveFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]):
+ super(MicrowaveFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.dimensions = dimensions
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.params = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
+ self.material_params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = (
+ self.get_material_params()
+ )
+ self.params.update(self.material_params)
+ def get_material_params(self):
+ material_assignments = AssetList["MicrowaveFactory"]()
+ params = {
+ "Surface": material_assignments["surface"].assign_material(),
+ "Back": material_assignments["back"].assign_material(),
+ "BlackGlass": material_assignments["black_glass"].assign_material(),
+ "Glass": material_assignments["glass"].assign_material(),
+ }
+ wrapped_params = {
+ k: surface.shaderfunc_to_material(v) for k, v in params.items()
+ }
+ scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments["wear_tear_prob"]
+ scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments["wear_tear"]
+ is_scratch = np.random.uniform() < scratch_prob
+ is_edge_wear = np.random.uniform() < edge_wear_prob
+ if not is_scratch:
+ scratch = None
+ if not is_edge_wear:
+ edge_wear = None
+ return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
+ @staticmethod
+ def sample_parameters(dimensions):
+ depth = U(0.5, 0.7)
+ width = U(0.6, 1.0)
+ height = U(0.35, 0.45)
+ panel_width = U(0.2, 0.4)
+ margin_z = U(0.05, 0.1)
+ door_thickness = U(0.02, 0.04)
+ door_margin = U(0.03, 0.1)
+ door_rotation = 0 # Set to 0 for now
+ brand_name = generate_text()
+ params = {
+ "Depth": depth,
+ "Width": width,
+ "Height": height,
+ "PanelWidth": panel_width,
+ "MarginZ": margin_z,
+ "DoorThickness": door_thickness,
+ "DoorMargin": door_margin,
+ "DoorRotation": door_rotation,
+ "BrandName": brand_name,
+ }
+ return params
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ obj = butil.spawn_cube()
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "NODES",
+ node_group=nodegroup_microwave_geometry(preprocess=True),
+ ng_inputs=self.params,
+ apply=True,
+ )
+ bevel_edges = get_bevel_edges(obj)
+ delete(obj)
+ obj = butil.spawn_cube()
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "NODES",
+ node_group=nodegroup_microwave_geometry(),
+ ng_inputs=self.params,
+ apply=True,
+ )
+ obj = add_bevel(obj, bevel_edges)
+ return obj
+ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
+ if self.scratch:
+ self.scratch.apply(assets)
+ if self.edge_wear:
+ self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_plate", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_plate(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Resolution": 128})
+ bezier_segment = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveBezierSegment,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start Handle": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "End": (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.4000),
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": bezier_segment, "Rotation": (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000)},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Profile Curve": transform,
+ },
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "Scale", (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000))],
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh, "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": transform_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_text", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_text(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Translation", (1.5000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketString", "String", "BrandName"),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Size", 0.0500),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Offset Scale", 0.0020),
+ ],
+ )
+ string_to_curves = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeStringToCurves",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "String": group_input.outputs["String"],
+ "Size": group_input.outputs["Size"],
+ },
+ attrs={"align_y": "BOTTOM_BASELINE", "align_x": "CENTER"},
+ )
+ fill_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FillCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": string_to_curves.outputs["Curve Instances"]},
+ )
+ extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": fill_curve,
+ "Offset Scale": group_input.outputs["Offset Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": group_input.outputs["Translation"],
+ "Rotation": (1.5708, 0.0000, 1.5708),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_center", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_center(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Vector", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "MarginX", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "MarginY", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "MarginZ", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ bounding_box = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"]}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vector"], 1: bounding_box.outputs["Min"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": subtract.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginX"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: bounding_box.outputs["Max"], 1: group_input.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": subtract_1.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ greater_than_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["MarginX"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ op_and = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: greater_than_1}
+ )
+ greater_than_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginY"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ greater_than_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["MarginY"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ op_and_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than_2, 1: greater_than_3}
+ )
+ op_and_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and, 1: op_and_1})
+ greater_than_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginZ"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ greater_than_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["MarginZ"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ op_and_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than_4, 1: greater_than_5}
+ )
+ op_and_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and_2, 1: op_and_3})
+ op_not = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and_4}, attrs={"operation": "NOT"}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"In": op_and_4, "Out": op_not},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_cube", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_cube(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Size", (0.1000, 10.0000, 4.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Pos", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 10),
+ ],
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": group_input.outputs["Size"],
+ "Vertices X": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Y": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Z": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute_1, "Name": "uv_map"},
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Size"],
+ 1: (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000),
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Pos"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute,
+ "Translation": multiply_add.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_microwave_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_microwave_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler, preprocess: bool = False):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Depth", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Width", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Height", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "PanelWidth", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "MarginZ", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "DoorThickness", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "DoorMargin", 0.0500),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "DoorRotation", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketString", "BrandName", "BrandName"),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "Surface", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "Back", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "BlackGlass", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "Glass", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Depth"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["Height"],
+ },
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(nodegroup_cube().name, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz})
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["PanelWidth"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Height"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["MarginZ"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Depth"],
+ "Y": subtract,
+ "Z": subtract_1,
+ },
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["MarginZ"], "Scale": 0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_cube().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz_1, "Pos": scale.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ difference = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshBoolean, input_kwargs={"Mesh 1": cube, "Mesh 2": cube_1}
+ )
+ cube_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_cube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": (0.0300, 0.0300, 0.0100),
+ "Pos": (0.1000, 0.0000, 0.0500),
+ "Resolution": 2,
+ },
+ )
+ geometry_to_instance_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube_2}
+ )
+ duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DuplicateElements,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry_to_instance_1, "Amount": 10},
+ attrs={"domain": "INSTANCE"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: 0.0400},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply})
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz_7,
+ },
+ )
+ duplicate_elements_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DuplicateElements,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_1, "Amount": 7},
+ attrs={"domain": "INSTANCE"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: 0.0200},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_1})
+ set_position_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz_8,
+ },
+ )
+ difference_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshBoolean,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh 1": difference.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Mesh 2": [duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Geometry"], set_position_2],
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": difference_1.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["Back"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["Height"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["Depth"]}
+ )
+ cube_3 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_cube().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz_2, "Pos": combine_xyz_3, "Resolution": 10},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["PanelWidth"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["MarginZ"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_2, 1: multiply_2})
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: add},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ separate_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube_3, "Selection": less_than},
+ attrs={"domain": "FACE"},
+ )
+ convex_hull = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ConvexHull,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": separate_geometry.outputs["Selection"]},
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": convex_hull, "Level": 0}
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ center = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_center().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": subdivide_mesh,
+ "Vector": position_1,
+ "MarginX": -1.0000,
+ "MarginZ": group_input.outputs["DoorMargin"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": subdivide_mesh,
+ "Selection": center.outputs["In"],
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["BlackGlass"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_material_3,
+ "Selection": center.outputs["Out"],
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ },
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Depth"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ bounding_box_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivide_mesh}
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: bounding_box_1.outputs["Min"],
+ 1: bounding_box_1.outputs["Max"],
+ },
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_2.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": 0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": scale_1.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ separate_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": bounding_box_1.outputs["Min"]}
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz_4.outputs["Z"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["DoorMargin"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": add_1, "Y": separate_xyz_3.outputs["Y"], "Z": add_3},
+ )
+ text = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_text().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_5,
+ "String": group_input.outputs["BrandName"],
+ "Size": 0.0300,
+ "Offset Scale": 0.0020,
+ },
+ )
+ text = complete_no_bevel(nw, text, preprocess)
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material_2, text]}
+ )
+ geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1}
+ )
+ z = nw.scalar_multiply(
+ group_input.outputs["DoorRotation"], 1 if not preprocess else 0
+ )
+ combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": z})
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": geometry_to_instance,
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_6,
+ "Pivot Point": combine_xyz_3,
+ },
+ )
+ plate = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_plate().name, input_kwargs={"Scale": (0.1000, 0.1000, 0.1000)}
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: combine_xyz_1,
+ 1: (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.0000),
+ 2: scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": plate, "Offset": multiply_add.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["Glass"],
+ },
+ )
+ convex_hull_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ConvexHull,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": separate_geometry.outputs["Inverted"]},
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": convex_hull_1, "Level": 0}
+ )
+ position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ center_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_center().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": subdivide_mesh_1,
+ "Vector": position_2,
+ "MarginX": -1.0000,
+ "MarginY": 0.0010,
+ "MarginZ": group_input.outputs["DoorMargin"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": subdivide_mesh_1,
+ "Selection": center_1.outputs["In"],
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["BlackGlass"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_material_4,
+ "Selection": center_1.outputs["Out"],
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ },
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Depth"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ bounding_box = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivide_mesh_1}
+ )
+ add_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: bounding_box.outputs["Min"], 1: bounding_box.outputs["Max"]},
+ )
+ scale_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_5.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": 0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": scale_2.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": bounding_box.outputs["Max"]}
+ )
+ subtract_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["DoorMargin"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_3, 1: -0.1000})
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": add_4, "Y": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], "Z": add_6},
+ )
+ text_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_text().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_4,
+ "String": "12:01",
+ "Offset Scale": 0.0050,
+ },
+ )
+ text_1 = complete_no_bevel(nw, text_1, preprocess)
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ set_material_1,
+ rotate_instances,
+ set_material,
+ set_material_5,
+ text_1,
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [join_geometry])
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/appliances/oven.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/appliances/oven.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f3179693
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/appliances/oven.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2456 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Hongyu Wen
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import randint as RI
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import generate_text
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.bevelling import (
+ add_bevel,
+ complete_bevel,
+ complete_no_bevel,
+ get_bevel_edges,
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import delete
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+class OvenFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]):
+ super(OvenFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.dimensions = dimensions
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.params, self.geometry_node_params = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
+ self.material_params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = (
+ self.get_material_params()
+ )
+ self.geometry_node_params.update(self.material_params)
+ def get_material_params(self):
+ material_assignments = AssetList["OvenFactory"]()
+ params = {
+ "Surface": material_assignments["surface"].assign_material(),
+ "Back": material_assignments["back"].assign_material(),
+ "WhiteMetal": material_assignments["white_metal"].assign_material(),
+ "SuperBlackGlass": material_assignments["black_glass"].assign_material(),
+ "Glass": material_assignments["glass"].assign_material(),
+ }
+ wrapped_params = {
+ k: surface.shaderfunc_to_material(v) for k, v in params.items()
+ }
+ scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments["wear_tear_prob"]
+ scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments["wear_tear"]
+ is_scratch = np.random.uniform() < scratch_prob
+ is_edge_wear = np.random.uniform() < edge_wear_prob
+ if not is_scratch:
+ scratch = None
+ if not is_edge_wear:
+ edge_wear = None
+ return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
+ @staticmethod
+ def sample_parameters(dimensions):
+ # depth, width, height = dimensions
+ depth = 1 + N(0, 0.1)
+ width = 1 + N(0, 0.1)
+ height = 1 + N(0, 0.1)
+ door_thickness = U(0.05, 0.1) * depth
+ door_rotation = 0 # Set to 0 for now
+ rack_radius = U(0.01, 0.02) * depth
+ rack_h_amount = RI(2, 4)
+ rack_d_amount = RI(4, 6)
+ panel_height = U(0.2, 0.4) * height
+ panel_thickness = U(0.15, 0.25) * depth
+ botton_amount = RI(1, 3) * 2
+ botton_radius = U(0.05, 0.1) * width
+ botton_thickness = U(0.02, 0.04) * depth
+ heat_radius_ratio = U(0.1, 0.2)
+ brand_name = generate_text()
+ use_gas = RI(2)
+ n_grids = RI(2, 5)
+ grids = [RI(1, 4) for i in range(n_grids)]
+ branches = 2 * RI(2, 9)
+ grate_thickness = U(0.01, 0.03)
+ center_ratio = U(0.05, 0.15)
+ middle_ratio = U(0.5, 0.7)
+ params = {
+ "UseGas": use_gas,
+ "Grids": grids,
+ "Branches": branches,
+ "GrateThickness": grate_thickness,
+ "CenterRatio": center_ratio,
+ "MiddleRatio": middle_ratio,
+ "Depth": depth,
+ "Width": width,
+ "Height": height,
+ "DoorThickness": door_thickness,
+ "DoorRotation": door_rotation,
+ "RackRadius": rack_radius,
+ "RackHAmount": rack_h_amount,
+ "RackDAmount": rack_d_amount,
+ "PanelHeight": panel_height,
+ "PanelThickness": panel_thickness,
+ "BottonAmount": botton_amount,
+ "BottonRadius": botton_radius,
+ "BottonThickness": botton_thickness,
+ "HeaterRadiusRatio": heat_radius_ratio,
+ "BrandName": brand_name,
+ }
+ geometry_node_params = {
+ k: params[k]
+ for k in params.keys()
+ if k
+ not in [
+ "UseGas",
+ "Grids",
+ "Branches",
+ "GrateThickness",
+ "CenterRatio",
+ "MiddleRatio",
+ ]
+ }
+ return params, geometry_node_params
+ def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ # x, y, z = self.params["Depth"], self.params["Width"], self.params["Height"]
+ # box = new_bbox(-x/2 - 0.05, x/2 + self.params["DoorThickness"] + 0.1, -y/2, y/2, 0, z + 0.1)
+ # tagging.tag_object(box, f'{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.SupportSurface.value}', read_normal(box)[:, -1] > .5)
+ # box_top = new_bbox(-x/2 - 0.05, -x/2 - 0.05 + self.params["PanelThickness"], -y/2, y/2, z + 0.1, z+ 0.1 + 0.5)
+ # box_top.rotation_euler[1] = -0.1
+ # box = butil.join_objects([box, box_top])
+ obj = butil.spawn_cube()
+ return butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "NODES",
+ node_group=nodegroup_oven_geometry(
+ use_gas=self.params["UseGas"], is_placeholder=True
+ ),
+ ng_inputs=self.geometry_node_params,
+ apply=True,
+ )
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ obj = butil.spawn_cube()
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "NODES",
+ node_group=nodegroup_oven_geometry(
+ preprocess=True, use_gas=self.params["UseGas"]
+ ),
+ ng_inputs=self.geometry_node_params,
+ apply=True,
+ )
+ bevel_edges = get_bevel_edges(obj)
+ delete(obj)
+ obj = butil.spawn_cube()
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "NODES",
+ node_group=nodegroup_oven_geometry(use_gas=self.params["UseGas"]),
+ ng_inputs=self.geometry_node_params,
+ apply=True,
+ )
+ obj = add_bevel(obj, bevel_edges, offset=0.01)
+ if not self.params["UseGas"]:
+ return obj
+ width, depth = (
+ self.params["Width"],
+ self.params["Depth"] + 2 * self.params["DoorThickness"],
+ )
+ grate_width, grate_depth = width * 0.8, depth * 0.6
+ grate_thickness = self.params["GrateThickness"]
+ grates = gas_grates(
+ width,
+ depth,
+ grate_width,
+ grate_depth,
+ self.params["Height"] + self.params["DoorThickness"] - grate_thickness,
+ grate_thickness,
+ self.params["Grids"],
+ self.params["Branches"],
+ self.params["CenterRatio"],
+ self.params["MiddleRatio"],
+ )
+ grates.data.materials.append(self.geometry_node_params["WhiteMetal"])
+ obj.data.materials.append(self.geometry_node_params["Back"])
+ with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
+ obj.active_material_index = len(obj.material_slots) - 1
+ for i in range(len(obj.material_slots)):
+ bpy.ops.object.material_slot_move(direction="UP")
+ hollow = butil.spawn_cube(
+ size=1,
+ location=(
+ depth / 2,
+ width / 2,
+ self.params["Height"] + self.params["DoorThickness"],
+ ),
+ scale=(
+ grate_depth + grate_thickness,
+ grate_width + grate_thickness,
+ grate_thickness * 2,
+ ),
+ )
+ with butil.SelectObjects(hollow):
+ bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type="BEVEL")
+ bpy.context.object.modifiers["Bevel"].segments = 8
+ bpy.context.object.modifiers["Bevel"].width = grate_thickness
+ bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply(modifier="Bevel")
+ with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
+ bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type="BOOLEAN")
+ bpy.context.object.modifiers["Boolean"].object = hollow
+ bpy.context.object.modifiers["Boolean"].use_hole_tolerant = True
+ bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply(modifier="Boolean")
+ butil.delete(hollow)
+ butil.join_objects([obj, grates], check_attributes=True)
+ return obj
+ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
+ if self.scratch:
+ self.scratch.apply(assets)
+ if self.edge_wear:
+ self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
+def gas_grates(
+ width,
+ depth,
+ grate_width,
+ grate_depth,
+ height,
+ thickness,
+ grids,
+ branches,
+ center_ratio,
+ middle_ratio,
+ high_height = height + thickness * 0.9
+ grates = []
+ for i, n in enumerate(grids):
+ cubes = [
+ butil.spawn_cube(
+ size=1,
+ location=(
+ depth / 2,
+ grate_width / len(grids) * i
+ + (width - grate_width) / 2
+ + thickness / 2,
+ height,
+ ),
+ scale=(grate_depth + thickness, thickness, thickness),
+ name=None,
+ ),
+ butil.spawn_cube(
+ size=1,
+ location=(
+ depth / 2,
+ grate_width / len(grids) * (i + 1)
+ + (width - grate_width) / 2
+ - thickness / 2,
+ height,
+ ),
+ scale=(grate_depth + thickness, thickness, thickness),
+ name=None,
+ ),
+ ]
+ for j in range(n + 1):
+ cubes.append(
+ butil.spawn_cube(
+ size=1,
+ location=(
+ grate_depth / n * j + (depth - grate_depth) / 2,
+ grate_width / len(grids) * (i + 0.5)
+ + (width - grate_width) / 2,
+ high_height,
+ ),
+ scale=(thickness, grate_width / len(grids), thickness),
+ )
+ )
+ for j in range(n):
+ min_dist = min(grate_width / len(grids) / 2, grate_depth / n / 2)
+ line_len = max(grate_width / len(grids) / 2, grate_depth / n / 2) - min_dist
+ center_dist = min_dist * center_ratio
+ middle_dist = min_dist * middle_ratio
+ if grate_width / len(grids) / 2 > grate_depth / n / 2:
+ x_center, y_center = center_dist, line_len + center_dist
+ x_middle, y_middle = middle_dist, line_len + middle_dist
+ x_full, y_full = min_dist, line_len + min_dist
+ else:
+ x_center, y_center = center_dist + line_len, center_dist
+ x_middle, y_middle = middle_dist + line_len, middle_dist
+ x_full, y_full = min_dist + line_len, min_dist
+ center = (
+ (grate_depth / n * (j + 0.5) + (depth - grate_depth) / 2),
+ grate_width / len(grids) * (i + 0.5) + (width - grate_width) / 2,
+ )
+ for k in range(branches):
+ angle = 2 * np.pi / branches * k
+ x0, y0 = x_center * np.cos(angle), y_center * np.sin(angle)
+ x1, y1 = x_middle * np.cos(angle), y_middle * np.sin(angle)
+ location = (
+ center[0] + (x0 + x1) / 2,
+ center[1] + (y0 + y1) / 2,
+ high_height,
+ )
+ scale = ((x0 - x1) ** 2 + (y0 - y1) ** 2) ** 0.5, thickness, thickness
+ actual_angle = np.arctan2(y1 - y0, x1 - x0)
+ obj = butil.spawn_cube(size=1, location=location, scale=scale)
+ bpy.context.object.rotation_euler[2] = actual_angle
+ cubes.append(obj)
+ x0, y0 = x1, y1
+ if x_full - abs(x0) < y_full - abs(y0):
+ x1, y1 = x_full * np.sign(x0), y0
+ else:
+ x1, y1 = x0, y_full * np.sign(y0)
+ location = (
+ center[0] + (x0 + x1) / 2,
+ center[1] + (y0 + y1) / 2,
+ high_height,
+ )
+ scale = ((x0 - x1) ** 2 + (y0 - y1) ** 2) ** 0.5, thickness, thickness
+ actual_angle = np.arctan2(y1 - y0, x1 - x0)
+ obj = butil.spawn_cube(size=1, location=location, scale=scale)
+ bpy.context.object.rotation_euler[2] = actual_angle
+ cubes.append(obj)
+ grates.append(
+ butil.spawn_cylinder(
+ center_dist + thickness,
+ thickness / 2,
+ location=(center[0], center[1], height),
+ )
+ )
+ obj = butil.boolean(cubes)
+ for i in range(1, len(cubes)):
+ butil.delete(cubes[i])
+ with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
+ bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type="REMESH")
+ remesh_type = "VOXEL"
+ bpy.context.object.modifiers["Remesh"].mode = remesh_type
+ bpy.context.object.modifiers["Remesh"].voxel_size = 0.004
+ bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply(modifier="Remesh")
+ bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type="SMOOTH")
+ bpy.context.object.modifiers["Smooth"].iterations = 8
+ bpy.context.object.modifiers["Smooth"].factor = 1
+ bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply(modifier="Smooth")
+ grates.append(obj)
+ obj = butil.boolean(grates)
+ for i in range(1, len(grates)):
+ butil.delete(grates[i])
+ return obj
+ "nodegroup_hollow_cube", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_hollow_cube(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Size", (0.1000, 10.0000, 4.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Pos", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 2),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Thickness", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Switch1", False),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Switch2", False),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Switch3", False),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Switch4", False),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Switch5", False),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Switch6", False),
+ ],
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Size"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ "Y": subtract,
+ "Z": subtract_1,
+ },
+ )
+ cube_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_4,
+ "Vertices X": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Y": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Z": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_2.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_2.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Thickness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Pos"]}
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]}
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Size"], "Scale": 0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": scale.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": add_1, "Z": subtract_2}
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_1,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_5,
+ },
+ )
+ switch_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch3"], 14: transform_2}
+ )
+ subtract_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": subtract_3,
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_2,
+ "Vertices X": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Y": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Z": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_1.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_1.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]},
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ subtract_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_2, "Y": add_3, "Z": subtract_4}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_4,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_3,
+ },
+ )
+ switch_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch2"], 14: transform_1}
+ )
+ subtract_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": subtract_5,
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz,
+ "Vertices X": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Y": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Z": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]},
+ )
+ add_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ add_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_4, "Y": add_5, "Z": add_6}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute, "Translation": combine_xyz_1},
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch1"], 14: transform}
+ )
+ subtract_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ subtract_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ "Y": subtract_6,
+ "Z": subtract_7,
+ },
+ )
+ cube_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_6,
+ "Vertices X": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Y": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Z": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_3.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_3.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ subtract_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ subtract_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": subtract_8, "Y": add_7, "Z": subtract_9}
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_5,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_7,
+ },
+ )
+ switch_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch4"], 14: transform_3}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ "Z": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ cube_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_9,
+ "Vertices X": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Y": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Z": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_4.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_4.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ add_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"]},
+ )
+ add_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply_1}
+ )
+ add_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"]},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_8, "Y": add_9, "Z": add_10}
+ )
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_2,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_8,
+ },
+ )
+ switch_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch5"], 14: transform_4}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ "Z": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ cube_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_10,
+ "Vertices X": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Y": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Z": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_5.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_5.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ add_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]},
+ )
+ subtract_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_11, "Y": subtract_10, "Z": add_12}
+ )
+ transform_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_3,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_11,
+ },
+ )
+ switch_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch6"], 14: transform_5}
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ switch_2.outputs[6],
+ switch_1.outputs[6],
+ switch.outputs[6],
+ switch_3.outputs[6],
+ switch_4.outputs[6],
+ switch_5.outputs[6],
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_o", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_o(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0020)}
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Size", 1.0000)]
+ )
+ curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": group_input.outputs["Size"]}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": curve_line,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+ extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": curve_to_mesh, "Offset Scale": 0.0030}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"]},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_heater", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_heater(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0010)}
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "radius_ratio", 0.2000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "arrangement_ratio", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketShader", "SuperBlackGlass", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ minimum = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: group_input.outputs["depth"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MINIMUM"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: minimum, 1: group_input.outputs["radius_ratio"]},
+ label="Multiply",
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": multiply})
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": curve_line_1,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_to_mesh_1,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["SuperBlackGlass"],
+ },
+ )
+ geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: minimum, 1: group_input.outputs["arrangement_ratio"]},
+ label="Multiply",
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ floor = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide}, attrs={"operation": "FLOOR"}
+ )
+ divide_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ floor_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide_1}, attrs={"operation": "FLOOR"}
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: floor, 1: floor_1}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DuplicateElements,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry_to_instance, "Amount": multiply_2},
+ attrs={"domain": "INSTANCE"},
+ )
+ divide_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: floor_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ divide_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: floor},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ floor_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide_3}, attrs={"operation": "FLOOR"}
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: floor_2, 1: divide_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: divide_2, 2: multiply_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ divide_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: floor},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ modulo = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: floor},
+ attrs={"operation": "MODULO"},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: modulo, 1: divide_4},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: divide_4, 2: multiply_4},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_add, "Y": multiply_add_1}
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": set_position},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_oven_rack", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_oven_rack(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Width", 2.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Height", 2.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius", 0.0200),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Amount", 5),
+ ],
+ )
+ quadrilateral = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Width": group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ "Height": group_input.outputs["Height"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_1})
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"Start": combine_xyz_3, "End": combine_xyz_4}
+ )
+ geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_line}
+ )
+ duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DuplicateElements,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": geometry_to_instance,
+ "Amount": group_input.outputs["Amount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "INSTANCE"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Amount"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: divide},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_3})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ duplicate_elements_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DuplicateElements,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": geometry_to_instance,
+ "Amount": group_input.outputs["Amount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "INSTANCE"},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ divide_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: group_input.outputs["Amount"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: divide_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_5})
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [quadrilateral, set_position, set_position_1]},
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"]}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": join_geometry,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": curve_to_mesh},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_text", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_text(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Translation", (1.5000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketString", "String", "BrandName"),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Size", 0.0500),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Offset Scale", 0.0020),
+ ],
+ )
+ string_to_curves = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeStringToCurves",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "String": group_input.outputs["String"],
+ "Size": group_input.outputs["Size"],
+ },
+ attrs={"align_y": "BOTTOM_BASELINE", "align_x": "CENTER"},
+ )
+ fill_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FillCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": string_to_curves.outputs["Curve Instances"]},
+ )
+ extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": fill_curve,
+ "Offset Scale": group_input.outputs["Offset Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": group_input.outputs["Translation"],
+ "Rotation": (1.5708, 0.0000, 1.5708),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_handle", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_handle(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "length", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness", 0.0200),
+ ],
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": group_input.outputs["width"]}
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": group_input.outputs["width"]}
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_1.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_1.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": group_input.outputs["length"]}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute_1, "Translation": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [store_named_attribute, transform]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1, "Translation": combine_xyz_3},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["length"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["width"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["width"],
+ "Y": add,
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["thickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ cube_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz_1})
+ store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_2.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_2.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["length"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: multiply_2}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_1, "Z": add_1}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_2,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_2,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_2, transform_1]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_center", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_center(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Vector", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "MarginX", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "MarginY", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "MarginZ", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ bounding_box = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"]}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vector"], 1: bounding_box.outputs["Min"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": subtract.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginX"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: bounding_box.outputs["Max"], 1: group_input.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": subtract_1.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ greater_than_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["MarginX"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ op_and = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: greater_than_1}
+ )
+ greater_than_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginY"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ greater_than_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["MarginY"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ op_and_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than_2, 1: greater_than_3}
+ )
+ op_and_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and, 1: op_and_1})
+ greater_than_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: group_input.outputs["MarginZ"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ greater_than_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["MarginZ"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ op_and_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than_4, 1: greater_than_5}
+ )
+ op_and_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and_2, 1: op_and_3})
+ op_not = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and_4}, attrs={"operation": "NOT"}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"In": op_and_4, "Out": op_not},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_cube", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_cube(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Size", (0.1000, 10.0000, 4.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Pos", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 2),
+ ],
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": group_input.outputs["Size"],
+ "Vertices X": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Y": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Z": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute_1, "Name": "uv_map"},
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Size"],
+ 1: (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000),
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Pos"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute,
+ "Translation": multiply_add.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_oven_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_oven_geometry(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ preprocess: bool = False,
+ use_gas: bool = False,
+ is_placeholder: bool = False,
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Depth", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Width", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Height", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "DoorThickness", 0.0700),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "DoorRotation", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "RackRadius", 0.0100),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "RackHAmount", 2),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "RackDAmount", 5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "PanelHeight", 0.3000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "PanelThickness", 0.2000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "BottonAmount", 4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "BottonRadius", 0.0500),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "BottonThickness", 0.0300),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "HeaterRadiusRatio", 0.1500),
+ ("NodeSocketString", "BrandName", "BrandName"),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "Glass", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "Surface", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "WhiteMetal", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "SuperBlackGlass", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "Back", None),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "is_placeholder", is_placeholder),
+ ],
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["Height"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["Depth"]}
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_cube().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz_1, "Pos": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ center = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_center().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube,
+ "Vector": position,
+ "MarginX": -1.0000,
+ "MarginY": 0.1000,
+ "MarginZ": 0.1500,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube,
+ "Selection": center.outputs["In"],
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["Glass"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_material_2,
+ "Selection": center.outputs["Out"],
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ },
+ )
+ # set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_3})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: 0.0500},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: 0.8000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ handle = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_handle().name,
+ input_kwargs={"width": multiply, "length": multiply_1, "thickness": multiply_2},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Depth"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: multiply_4})
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: 0.9200},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_13 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": add_1, "Z": multiply_5}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": handle,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_13,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_1,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["WhiteMetal"],
+ },
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Depth"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_2, "Y": multiply_6, "Z": 0.0300}
+ )
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: 0.0500},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ text = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_text().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_12,
+ "String": group_input.outputs["BrandName"],
+ "Size": multiply_7,
+ },
+ )
+ text = complete_no_bevel(nw, text, preprocess)
+ set_material_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": text, "Material": group_input.outputs["WhiteMetal"]},
+ )
+ set_material_8 = complete_bevel(nw, set_material_8, preprocess)
+ join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material_3, set_material_8, set_material_9]},
+ )
+ geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_3}
+ )
+ y = nw.scalar_multiply(
+ group_input.outputs["DoorRotation"], 1 if not preprocess else 0
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": y})
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["Depth"]}
+ )
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": geometry_to_instance,
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_3,
+ "Pivot Point": combine_xyz_4,
+ },
+ )
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [rotate_instances])
+ door = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": rotate_instances}, label="door"
+ )
+ multiply_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"], 1: 2.1000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"], 1: multiply_8},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"], 1: 2.1000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: multiply_9},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ ovenrack = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_oven_rack().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Width": subtract,
+ "Height": subtract_1,
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["RackRadius"],
+ "Amount": group_input.outputs["RackDAmount"],
+ },
+ )
+ geometry_to_instance_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": ovenrack}
+ )
+ duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DuplicateElements,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": geometry_to_instance_1,
+ "Amount": group_input.outputs["RackHAmount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "INSTANCE"},
+ )
+ multiply_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: 1.0000},
+ )
+ multiply_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"], 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: multiply_12},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["RackHAmount"], 1: 1.0000}
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_2, 1: add_4},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ multiply_13 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: divide}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": multiply_10, "Y": multiply_11, "Z": multiply_13},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz_5,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [set_material])
+ racks = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": set_material}, label="racks"
+ )
+ add_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Depth"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ reroute_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": add_5})
+ reroute_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Width"]}
+ )
+ reroute_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": reroute_10, "Y": reroute_11, "Z": reroute_8},
+ )
+ reroute_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Height"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": reroute_9})
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_cube().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz_6, "Pos": combine_xyz_7},
+ )
+ set_material_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube_1, "Material": group_input.outputs["Back"]},
+ )
+ # set_shade_smooth_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_5})
+ subtract_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute_10, 1: group_input.outputs["PanelThickness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["HeaterRadiusRatio"],
+ 1: 2.0000,
+ 2: 0.1000,
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ heater = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_heater().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "width": reroute_11,
+ "depth": subtract_3,
+ "radius_ratio": group_input.outputs["HeaterRadiusRatio"],
+ "arrangement_ratio": multiply_add,
+ },
+ )
+ add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_8, 1: reroute_9})
+ combine_xyz_15 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["PanelThickness"], "Z": add_6},
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": heater, "Translation": combine_xyz_15},
+ )
+ transform_2 = complete_no_bevel(nw, transform_2, preprocess)
+ if use_gas:
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material_5]}
+ )
+ else:
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material_5, transform_2]}
+ )
+ heater_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": join_geometry_2}, label="heater"
+ )
+ reroute_14 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Width"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["PanelThickness"],
+ "Y": reroute_14,
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["PanelHeight"],
+ },
+ )
+ add_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Height"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": add_7})
+ cube_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_cube().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz_9, "Pos": combine_xyz_8},
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ center_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_center().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_2,
+ "Vector": position_1,
+ "MarginX": -1.0000,
+ "MarginY": 0.0500,
+ "MarginZ": 0.0500,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_2,
+ "Selection": center_1.outputs["In"],
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["Back"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_material_4,
+ "Selection": center_1.outputs["Out"],
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ },
+ )
+ # set_shade_smooth_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_7})
+ reroute_13 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["PanelThickness"]}
+ )
+ multiply_14 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_14}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ bounding_box = nw.new_node(Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube_2})
+ add_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: bounding_box.outputs["Min"], 1: bounding_box.outputs["Max"]},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_8.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": 0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": scale.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_16 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": reroute_13,
+ "Y": multiply_14,
+ "Z": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_15 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["PanelHeight"], 1: 0.2000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ text_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_text().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_16,
+ "String": "12:01",
+ "Size": multiply_15,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_7 = complete_bevel(nw, set_material_7, preprocess)
+ text_1 = complete_no_bevel(nw, text_1, preprocess)
+ join_geometry_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material_7, text_1]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_21 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": group_input.outputs["BottonThickness"]}
+ )
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": combine_xyz_21})
+ reroute_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["BottonRadius"]}
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": reroute_12})
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": curve_line,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ add_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_12, 1: 0.0050})
+ o = nw.new_node(nodegroup_o().name, input_kwargs={"Size": add_9})
+ join_geometry_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [curve_to_mesh, o]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": reroute_13, "Z": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_4,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_10,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ reroute_16 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
+ reroute_15 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["BottonRadius"]}
+ )
+ multiply_16 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["PanelHeight"], 1: 0.0500},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute_15, 1: 1.0000, 2: multiply_16},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ add_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_16, 1: multiply_add_1})
+ combine_xyz_17 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": reroute_13, "Z": add_10}
+ )
+ multiply_17 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["BottonRadius"], 1: 0.2500},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ text_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_text().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_17,
+ "String": "Off",
+ "Size": multiply_17,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute_15, 1: 0.7000, 2: multiply_16},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ add_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_16, 1: multiply_add_2})
+ combine_xyz_18 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": reroute_13, "Y": multiply_add_2, "Z": add_11},
+ )
+ text_3 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_text().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_18,
+ "String": "High",
+ "Size": multiply_17,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_18 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_16, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute_15, 1: -0.7000, 2: multiply_18},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_19 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": reroute_13, "Y": multiply_add_3, "Z": add_11},
+ )
+ text_4 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_text().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_19,
+ "String": "Low",
+ "Size": multiply_17,
+ },
+ )
+ add_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute_13, 1: group_input.outputs["BottonThickness"]},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_20 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_12, "Z": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
+ multiply_19 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["BottonThickness"], 1: 0.1000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ text_5 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_text().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_20,
+ "String": "1",
+ "Size": group_input.outputs["BottonRadius"],
+ "Offset Scale": multiply_19,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform, text_2, text_3, text_4, text_5]},
+ )
+ geometry_to_instance_2 = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_6}
+ )
+ add_13 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["BottonAmount"], 1: 2.0000}
+ )
+ reroute_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": add_13})
+ duplicate_elements_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DuplicateElements,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry_to_instance_2, "Amount": reroute_6},
+ attrs={"domain": "INSTANCE"},
+ )
+ add_14 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: 1.0000},
+ )
+ add_15 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_6, 1: 1.0000})
+ divide_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: add_15},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ multiply_20 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_14, 1: divide_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_20})
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz_11,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_21 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_13}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_16 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_21, 1: -1.0100})
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: add_16},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ add_17 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_21, 1: 0.9900})
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements_1.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: add_17},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ minimum = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: less_than},
+ attrs={"operation": "MINIMUM"},
+ )
+ delete_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_1, "Selection": minimum},
+ attrs={"domain": "INSTANCE"},
+ )
+ set_material_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": delete_geometry,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["WhiteMetal"],
+ },
+ )
+ botton = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": set_material_6}, label="botton"
+ )
+ botton = complete_no_bevel(nw, botton, preprocess)
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [join_geometry_5, botton]}
+ )
+ geometry_to_instance_3 = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_14 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": group_input.outputs["Height"]}
+ )
+ panel_bbox = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry_to_instance_3}
+ )
+ switch_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Switch": group_input.outputs["is_placeholder"],
+ "False": geometry_to_instance_3,
+ "True": panel_bbox,
+ },
+ )
+ rotate_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": switch_1,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, -0.1745, 0.0000),
+ "Pivot Point": combine_xyz_14,
+ },
+ )
+ rotate_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [rotate_instances_1])
+ panel = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": rotate_instances_1}, label="panel"
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Depth"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["Height"],
+ },
+ )
+ hollowcube = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_hollow_cube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz,
+ "Thickness": group_input.outputs["DoorThickness"],
+ "Switch2": True,
+ "Switch4": True,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": hollowcube,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ },
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": set_material_1, "Level": 0}
+ )
+ # set_shade_smooth_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh})
+ body = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": subdivide_mesh}, label="Body"
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [door, racks, heater_1, panel, body]},
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [door, racks, heater_1, body]}
+ )
+ body_bbox = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_2}
+ )
+ join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [body_bbox, panel]}
+ )
+ switch_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Switch": group_input.outputs["is_placeholder"],
+ "False": join_geometry,
+ "True": join_geometry_3,
+ },
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [switch_2])
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/appliances/tv.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/appliances/tv.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b94d9c5a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/appliances/tv.py
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
+# of this source tree.
+# Authors:
+# - Lingjie Mei: primary author
+# - Karhan Kayan: fix rotation
+import bmesh
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.materials.text import Text
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ mirror,
+ read_area,
+ read_co,
+ read_normal,
+ write_attribute,
+ write_co,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_radius
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import (
+ data2mesh,
+ join_objects,
+ mesh2obj,
+ new_bbox,
+ new_cube,
+ new_plane,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import (
+ compute_uv_direction,
+ face_corner2faces,
+ unwrap_faces,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.surface import write_attr_data
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+class TVFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(TVFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
+ self.aspect_ratio = np.random.choice([9 / 16, 3 / 4])
+ self.width = uniform(0.6, 2.1)
+ self.screen_bevel_width = uniform(0, 0.01)
+ self.side_margin = log_uniform(0.005, 0.01)
+ self.bottom_margin = uniform(0.005, 0.03)
+ self.depth = uniform(0.02, 0.04)
+ self.has_depth_extrude = uniform() < 0.4
+ if self.has_depth_extrude:
+ self.depth_extrude = self.depth * uniform(2, 5)
+ else:
+ self.depth_extrude = self.depth * 1.5
+ self.leg_type = np.random.choice(["two-legged", "single-legged"]) # 'none',
+ self.leg_length = uniform(0.1, 0.2)
+ self.leg_length_y = uniform(0.1, 0.15)
+ self.leg_radius = uniform(0.008, 0.015)
+ self.leg_width = uniform(0.5, 0.8)
+ self.leg_bevel_width = uniform(0.01, 0.02)
+ materials = self.get_material_params()
+ self.surface = materials["surface"]
+ self.scratch = materials["scratch"]
+ self.edge_wear = materials["edge_wear"]
+ self.screen_surface = materials["screen_surface"]
+ self.support_surface = materials["support"]
+ def get_material_params(self):
+ material_assignments = AssetList["TVFactory"]()
+ surface = material_assignments["surface"].assign_material()
+ scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments["wear_tear_prob"]
+ scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments["wear_tear"]
+ is_scratch = np.random.uniform() < scratch_prob
+ is_edge_wear = np.random.uniform() < edge_wear_prob
+ if not is_scratch:
+ scratch = None
+ if not is_edge_wear:
+ edge_wear = None
+ args = (self.factory_seed, False)
+ kwargs = {"emission": 0.01 if uniform() < 0.1 else uniform(2, 3)}
+ screen_surface = material_assignments["screen_surface"].assign_material()
+ if screen_surface == Text:
+ screen_surface = screen_surface(*args, **kwargs)
+ support = material_assignments["support"].assign_material()
+ return {
+ "surface": surface,
+ "scratch": scratch,
+ "edge_wear": edge_wear,
+ "screen_surface": screen_surface,
+ "support": support,
+ }
+ @property
+ def height(self):
+ return self.aspect_ratio * self.width
+ @property
+ def total_width(self):
+ return self.width + 2 * self.side_margin
+ @property
+ def total_height(self):
+ return self.height + self.side_margin + self.bottom_margin
+ def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ match self.leg_type:
+ case "two-legged":
+ max_x = (
+ self.leg_length_y / 2 - (1 - self.leg_width) * self.depth_extrude
+ )
+ case _:
+ max_x = self.leg_length_y / 2 - self.depth_extrude / 2
+ return new_bbox(
+ -self.depth_extrude - self.depth,
+ max_x,
+ -self.total_width / 2,
+ self.total_width / 2,
+ -self.leg_length - self.leg_radius / 2,
+ self.total_height,
+ )
+ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ obj = self.make_base()
+ self.make_screen(obj)
+ parts = [obj]
+ match self.leg_type:
+ case "two-legged":
+ legs = self.add_two_legs()
+ case _:
+ legs = self.add_single_leg()
+ for leg_obj in legs:
+ write_attribute(leg_obj, 1, "leg", "FACE", "INT")
+ parts.extend(legs)
+ obj = join_objects(parts)
+ obj.rotation_euler[2] = np.pi / 2
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ return obj
+ def make_screen(self, obj):
+ cutter = new_cube()
+ cutter.location = 0, -1, 1
+ butil.apply_transform(cutter, True)
+ cutter.scale = self.width / 2, 1, self.height / 2
+ cutter.location = 0, 1e-3, self.bottom_margin
+ butil.apply_transform(cutter, True)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BOOLEAN", object=cutter, operation="DIFFERENCE")
+ butil.delete(cutter)
+ areas = read_area(obj)
+ screen = np.zeros(len(areas), int)
+ y = read_normal(obj)[:, 1] < 0
+ screen[np.argmax(areas + 1e5 * y)] = 1
+ fc2f = face_corner2faces(obj)
+ unwrap_faces(obj, screen)
+ bbox = compute_uv_direction(obj, "x", "z", screen[fc2f])
+ write_attr_data(obj, "screen", screen, domain="FACE", type="INT")
+ self.screen_surface.apply(obj, "screen", bbox)
+ def make_base(self):
+ obj = new_cube()
+ obj.location = 0, 1, 1
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
+ obj.scale = self.total_width / 2, self.depth / 2, self.total_height / 2
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BEVEL", width=self.screen_bevel_width, segments=8)
+ if not self.has_depth_extrude:
+ return obj
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
+ geom = [f for f in bm.faces if f.normal[1] > 0.5]
+ bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context="FACES_KEEP_BOUNDARY")
+ bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data)
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.region_to_loop()
+ height_min, height_max = (
+ self.total_height * uniform(0.1, 0.3),
+ self.total_height * uniform(0.5, 0.7),
+ )
+ width = self.total_width * uniform(0.3, 0.6)
+ extra = new_plane()
+ extra.scale = width / 2, (height_max - height_min) / 2, 1
+ extra.rotation_euler[0] = -np.pi / 2
+ extra.location = 0, self.depth_extrude + self.depth, self.total_height / 2
+ obj = join_objects([obj, extra])
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops(
+ number_cuts=32, profile_shape_factor=-uniform(0.0, 0.4)
+ )
+ x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
+ z += (
+ (height_max + height_min - self.total_height)
+ / 2
+ * np.clip(y - self.depth, 0, None)
+ / self.depth_extrude
+ )
+ write_co(obj, np.stack([x, y, z], -1))
+ return obj
+ def add_two_legs(self):
+ vertices = (
+ (
+ -self.total_width / 2 * self.leg_width * uniform(0, 0.6),
+ 0,
+ self.total_height * uniform(0.3, 0.5),
+ ),
+ (0, 0, -self.leg_length),
+ (0, self.leg_length_y / 2, -self.leg_length),
+ (0, -self.leg_length_y / 2, -self.leg_length),
+ )
+ edges = (0, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3)
+ leg = mesh2obj(data2mesh(vertices, edges))
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ leg, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[self.leg_radius, 16]
+ )
+ x, y, z = read_co(leg).T
+ write_co(
+ leg,
+ np.stack(
+ [
+ x,
+ y,
+ np.maximum(
+ z, -self.leg_length - self.leg_radius * uniform(0.0, 0.6)
+ ),
+ ],
+ -1,
+ ),
+ )
+ leg_ = deep_clone_obj(leg)
+ butil.select_none()
+ leg.location = (
+ self.total_width / 2 * self.leg_width,
+ (1 - self.leg_width) * self.depth_extrude,
+ 0,
+ )
+ butil.apply_transform(leg, True)
+ mirror(leg_)
+ leg_.location = (
+ -self.total_width / 2 * self.leg_width,
+ (1 - self.leg_width) * self.depth_extrude,
+ 0,
+ )
+ butil.apply_transform(leg_, True)
+ return [leg, leg_]
+ def add_single_leg(self):
+ leg = new_cube()
+ leg.location = 0, 1, 1
+ butil.apply_transform(leg, True)
+ leg.location = 0, self.depth_extrude / 2, -self.leg_length
+ leg.scale = [
+ self.total_width * uniform(0.05, 0.1),
+ self.leg_radius,
+ (self.leg_length + self.total_height * uniform(0.3, 0.5)) / 2,
+ ]
+ butil.apply_transform(leg, True)
+ butil.modify_mesh(leg, "BEVEL", width=self.leg_bevel_width, segments=8)
+ base = new_cube()
+ base.location = 0, self.depth_extrude / 2, -self.leg_length
+ base.scale = [
+ self.total_width * uniform(0.15, 0.3),
+ self.leg_length_y / 2,
+ self.leg_radius,
+ ]
+ butil.apply_transform(base, True)
+ butil.modify_mesh(base, "BEVEL", width=self.leg_bevel_width, segments=8)
+ return [leg, base]
+ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
+ self.surface.apply(assets, selection="!screen", rough=True, metal_color="bw")
+ self.support_surface.apply(
+ assets, selection="leg", rough=True, metal_color="bw"
+ )
+class MonitorFactory(TVFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(MonitorFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
+ self.width = log_uniform(0.4, 0.8)
+ self.leg_type = "single-legged"
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/bathroom/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/bathroom/__init__.py
similarity index 99%
rename from infinigen/assets/bathroom/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/bathroom/__init__.py
index ab167ac6d..b2bff87e9 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/bathroom/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/bathroom/__init__.py
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-from .bathtub import BathtubFactory
from .bathroom_sink import BathroomSinkFactory, StandingSinkFactory
+from .bathtub import BathtubFactory
from .hardware import HardwareFactory
from .toilet import ToiletFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/bathroom/bathroom_sink.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/bathroom/bathroom_sink.py
similarity index 56%
rename from infinigen/assets/bathroom/bathroom_sink.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/bathroom/bathroom_sink.py
index c1474d254..9bbcfbee1 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/bathroom/bathroom_sink.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/bathroom/bathroom_sink.py
@@ -1,78 +1,93 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+import bmesh
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
import bpy
-import bmesh
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.bathroom import BathtubFactory
-from infinigen.assets.table_decorations import TapFactory
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.objects.bathroom.bathtub import BathtubFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.table_decorations import TapFactory
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, subdivide_edge_ring, subsurf
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_base_cylinder, new_bbox, new_cube, origin2lowest
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import (
+ join_objects,
+ new_base_cylinder,
+ new_bbox,
+ new_cube,
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
class BathroomSinkFactory(BathtubFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(BathroomSinkFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.width = uniform(.6, .9)
- self.size = self.width * log_uniform(.55, .8)
- self.depth = self.width * log_uniform(.2, .4)
+ self.width = uniform(0.6, 0.9)
+ self.size = self.width * log_uniform(0.55, 0.8)
+ self.depth = self.width * log_uniform(0.2, 0.4)
self.contour_fn = self.make_box_contour
- self.sink_types = np.random.choice(['undermount', 'drop-in', 'vessel'])
+ self.sink_types = np.random.choice(["undermount", "drop-in", "vessel"])
self.has_stand = False
match self.sink_types:
- case 'undermount':
- self.bathtub_type = 'freestanding'
- self.has_extrude = uniform() < .7
- case 'drop-in':
- self.bathtub_type = 'alcove'
+ case "undermount":
+ self.bathtub_type = "freestanding"
+ self.has_extrude = uniform() < 0.7
+ case "drop-in":
+ self.bathtub_type = "alcove"
self.has_extrude = True
case _:
- self.bathtub_type = np.random.choice(['alcove', 'freestanding'])
- self.has_extrude = uniform() < .7
+ self.bathtub_type = np.random.choice(["alcove", "freestanding"])
+ self.has_extrude = uniform() < 0.7
self.has_stand = True
self.tap_factory = TapFactory(self.factory_seed)
self.disp_x = [self.disp_x[0], self.disp_x[0]]
- self.alcove_levels = 0 if uniform() < .5 else np.random.randint(2, 4)
- self.thickness = .01 if self.has_base else uniform(.01, .03)
- self.size_extrude = uniform(.2, .35)
- self.tap_offset = uniform(.0, .05)
- self.stand_radius = self.width / 2 * log_uniform(.15, .2)
- self.stand_bottom = self.width * log_uniform(.2, .3) if uniform() < .6 else self.stand_radius
- self.stand_height = uniform(.7, .9) - self.depth
- self.is_stand_circular = uniform() < .5
+ self.alcove_levels = 0 if uniform() < 0.5 else np.random.randint(2, 4)
+ self.thickness = 0.01 if self.has_base else uniform(0.01, 0.03)
+ self.size_extrude = uniform(0.2, 0.35)
+ self.tap_offset = uniform(0.0, 0.05)
+ self.stand_radius = self.width / 2 * log_uniform(0.15, 0.2)
+ self.stand_bottom = (
+ self.width * log_uniform(0.2, 0.3)
+ if uniform() < 0.6
+ else self.stand_radius
+ )
+ self.stand_height = uniform(0.7, 0.9) - self.depth
+ self.is_stand_circular = uniform() < 0.5
self.is_hole_centered = True
- material_assignments = AssetList['BathroomSinkFactory']()
+ material_assignments = AssetList["BathroomSinkFactory"]()
self.surface = material_assignments["surface"].assign_material()
def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
return new_bbox(
- -(self.size_extrude + 1) * self.size, 0, 0, self.width,
- -self.stand_height if self.has_stand else 0, self.depth
+ -(self.size_extrude + 1) * self.size,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ self.width,
+ -self.stand_height if self.has_stand else 0,
+ self.depth,
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
if self.has_base:
obj = self.make_base()
cutter = self.make_cutter()
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BOOLEAN', object=cutter, operation='DIFFERENCE')
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BOOLEAN", object=cutter, operation="DIFFERENCE")
obj = self.make_bowl()
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.thickness)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.thickness)
subsurf(obj, self.side_levels)
obj.location = np.array(obj.location) - np.min(read_co(obj), 0)
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- obj.scale = np.array([self.width, self.size, self.depth]) / np.array(obj.dimensions)
+ obj.scale = np.array([self.width, self.size, self.depth]) / np.array(
+ obj.dimensions
+ )
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
if self.has_extrude:
@@ -82,26 +97,32 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
obj = join_objects([obj, hole])
obj.rotation_euler[-1] = np.pi / 2
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- self.surface.apply(obj, clear=True, metal_color='plain')
+ self.surface.apply(obj, clear=True, metal_color="plain")
if self.has_extrude:
tap = self.tap_factory(np.random.randint(1e7))
min_x = np.min(read_co(tap)[:, 0])
- tap.location = (-1 - self.size_extrude + self.tap_offset) * self.size - min_x, self.width / 2, self.depth
+ tap.location = (
+ (-1 - self.size_extrude + self.tap_offset) * self.size - min_x,
+ self.width / 2,
+ self.depth,
+ )
butil.apply_transform(tap, True)
obj = join_objects([obj, tap])
return obj
def extrude_back(self, obj):
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='FACE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="FACE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="DESELECT")
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
for f in bm.faces:
- f.select_set(f.calc_center_median()[1] > self.size / 2 and f.normal[1] > .1)
+ f.select_set(
+ f.calc_center_median()[1] > self.size / 2 and f.normal[1] > 0.1
+ )
- TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': (0, self.size_extrude * self.size, 0)}
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": (0, self.size_extrude * self.size, 0)}
def add_stand(self, obj):
@@ -113,15 +134,19 @@ def add_stand(self, obj):
stand.location = self.width / 2, self.size / 2, -self.stand_height / 2
butil.apply_transform(stand, True)
subdivide_edge_ring(stand, np.random.randint(3, 6))
- with butil.ViewportMode(stand, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='FACE')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(stand, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="FACE")
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(stand.data)
for f in bm.faces:
- f.select_set(f.normal[-1] < -.1)
+ f.select_set(f.normal[-1] < -0.1)
- value=(self.stand_bottom / self.stand_radius, self.stand_bottom / self.stand_radius, 1)
+ value=(
+ self.stand_bottom / self.stand_radius,
+ self.stand_bottom / self.stand_radius,
+ 1,
+ )
subsurf(stand, 2, True)
subsurf(stand, 1)
@@ -138,6 +163,6 @@ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
class StandingSinkFactory(BathroomSinkFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(StandingSinkFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.bathtub_type = 'freestanding'
+ self.bathtub_type = "freestanding"
self.has_extrude = True
self.has_stand = True
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/bathroom/bathtub.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/bathroom/bathtub.py
similarity index 60%
rename from infinigen/assets/bathroom/bathtub.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/bathroom/bathtub.py
index 1d6df5012..8a6f0528f 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/bathroom/bathtub.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/bathroom/bathtub.py
@@ -1,81 +1,99 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+import bmesh
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
import bpy
-import bmesh
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.utils.autobevel import BevelSharp
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
- read_center, read_co, read_normal, subsurf, write_attribute,
+ read_center,
+ read_co,
+ read_normal,
+ subsurf,
+ write_attribute,
from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_radius
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_bbox, new_cube, new_cylinder, new_line
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import (
+ join_objects,
+ new_bbox,
+ new_cube,
+ new_cylinder,
+ new_line,
from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.assets.utils.autobevel import BevelSharp
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
class BathtubFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(BathtubFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
self.width = uniform(1.5, 2)
- self.size = uniform(.8, 1)
- self.depth = uniform(.55, .7)
+ self.size = uniform(0.8, 1)
+ self.depth = uniform(0.55, 0.7)
prob = np.array([2, 2])
- self.bathtub_type = np.random.choice(['alcove', 'freestanding'], p=prob / prob.sum()) # , 'corner'
- self.contour_fn = self.make_corner_contour if self.has_corner else self.make_box_contour
- self.has_curve = uniform() < .5
- self.has_legs = uniform() < .5
+ self.bathtub_type = np.random.choice(
+ ["alcove", "freestanding"], p=prob / prob.sum()
+ ) # , 'corner'
+ self.contour_fn = (
+ self.make_corner_contour if self.has_corner else self.make_box_contour
+ )
+ self.has_curve = uniform() < 0.5
+ self.has_legs = uniform() < 0.5
- self.thickness = uniform(.04, .08) if self.has_base else uniform(.02, .04)
- self.disp_x = uniform(0, .2, 2)
- self.disp_y = uniform(0, .1)
+ self.thickness = (
+ uniform(0.04, 0.08) if self.has_base else uniform(0.02, 0.04)
+ )
+ self.disp_x = uniform(0, 0.2, 2)
+ self.disp_y = uniform(0, 0.1)
- self.leg_height = uniform(.2, .3) * self.depth
- self.leg_side = uniform(.05, .1)
- self.leg_radius = uniform(.02, .03)
+ self.leg_height = uniform(0.2, 0.3) * self.depth
+ self.leg_side = uniform(0.05, 0.1)
+ self.leg_radius = uniform(0.02, 0.03)
self.leg_y_scale = uniform()
self.leg_subsurf_level = np.random.randint(3)
- self.taper_factor = uniform(-.1, .1)
- self.stretch_factor = uniform(-.2, .2)
+ self.taper_factor = uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
+ self.stretch_factor = uniform(-0.2, 0.2)
self.alcove_levels = np.random.randint(1, 3) if self.has_base else 1
self.levels = 5
self.side_levels = 2
self.is_hole_centered = False
- self.hole_radius = uniform(.015, .02)
+ self.hole_radius = uniform(0.015, 0.02)
# /////////////////// assign materials ///////////////////
- material_assignments = AssetList['BathtubFactory']()
+ material_assignments = AssetList["BathtubFactory"]()
self.surface = material_assignments["surface"].assign_material()
self.leg_surface = material_assignments["leg"].assign_material()
self.hole_surface = material_assignments["hole"].assign_material()
is_scratch = uniform() < material_assignments["wear_tear_prob"][0]
is_edge_wear = uniform() < material_assignments["wear_tear_prob"][1]
self.scratch = material_assignments["wear_tear"][0] if is_scratch else None
- self.edge_wear = material_assignments["wear_tear"][1] if is_edge_wear else None
+ self.edge_wear = (
+ material_assignments["wear_tear"][1] if is_edge_wear else None
+ )
# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
self.beveler = BevelSharp(mult=5, segments=5)
def has_base(self):
- return self.bathtub_type != 'freestanding'
+ return self.bathtub_type != "freestanding"
def has_corner(self):
- return self.bathtub_type == 'corner'
+ return self.bathtub_type == "corner"
def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
return new_bbox(-self.size, 0, 0, self.width, 0, self.depth)
@@ -84,7 +102,7 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
if self.has_base:
obj = self.make_base()
cutter = self.make_cutter()
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BOOLEAN', object=cutter, operation='DIFFERENCE')
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BOOLEAN", object=cutter, operation="DIFFERENCE")
obj = self.make_freestanding()
@@ -93,7 +111,7 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.thickness)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.thickness)
subsurf(obj, self.side_levels)
obj = join_objects(parts)
hole = self.add_hole(obj)
@@ -101,8 +119,8 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
obj.rotation_euler[-1] = np.pi / 2
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- if self.bathtub_type == 'freestanding':
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SUBSURF', levels=1, apply=True)
+ if self.bathtub_type == "freestanding":
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SUBSURF", levels=1, apply=True)
@@ -111,28 +129,40 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
def make_freestanding(self):
obj = self.make_bowl()
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
- value=(1 + self.thickness * 2 / self.width, 1 + self.thickness / self.size, 1)
+ value=(
+ 1 + self.thickness * 2 / self.width,
+ 1 + self.thickness / self.size,
+ 1,
+ )
obj.location[1] -= self.size / 2
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SIMPLE_DEFORM', deform_method='TAPER', angle=self.taper_factor)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SIMPLE_DEFORM', deform_method='STRETCH', angle=self.taper_factor)
- obj.location = 0, self.size / 2, -np.min(read_co(obj)[:, -1]) * uniform(.5, .7)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj, "SIMPLE_DEFORM", deform_method="TAPER", angle=self.taper_factor
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj, "SIMPLE_DEFORM", deform_method="STRETCH", angle=self.taper_factor
+ )
+ obj.location = (
+ 0,
+ self.size / 2,
+ -np.min(read_co(obj)[:, -1]) * uniform(0.5, 0.7),
+ )
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
return obj
def remove_top(self, obj):
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
geom = [f for f in bm.faces if f.calc_center_median()[-1] > self.depth]
- bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context='FACES_KEEP_BOUNDARY')
+ bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context="FACES_KEEP_BOUNDARY")
def make_legs(self, obj):
@@ -146,19 +176,26 @@ def make_legs(self, obj):
i = np.argmax(metric)
p = co[i]
n = normal[i]
- q = co[i] + self.leg_side * np.array([n[0], n[1] * self.leg_y_scale, n[2]])
+ q = co[i] + self.leg_side * np.array(
+ [n[0], n[1] * self.leg_y_scale, n[2]]
+ )
r = np.array([q[0], q[1], 0])
leg = new_line(2)
write_co(leg, np.stack([p, q, r]))
subsurf(leg, self.leg_subsurf_level)
- leg, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[self.leg_radius, 32],
- input_kwargs={'to_align_tilt': False}
+ leg,
+ geo_radius,
+ apply=True,
+ input_args=[self.leg_radius, 32],
+ input_kwargs={"to_align_tilt": False},
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ leg, "BEVEL", width=self.leg_radius * uniform(0.3, 0.7)
- butil.modify_mesh(leg, 'BEVEL', width=self.leg_radius * uniform(.3, .7))
leg.location[-1] = self.leg_radius
butil.apply_transform(leg, True)
- write_attribute(leg, 1, 'leg', 'FACE')
+ write_attribute(leg, 1, "leg", "FACE")
return legs
@@ -168,48 +205,62 @@ def add_base(self, obj):
x, y, z_ = read_co(obj).T
cutter.scale = 10, 10, np.min(z_) + self.leg_height
butil.apply_transform(cutter, True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BOOLEAN', object=cutter, operation='INTERSECT')
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BOOLEAN", object=cutter, operation="INTERSECT")
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
geom = [f for f in bm.faces if len(f.verts) > 10]
- bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context='FACES_KEEP_BOUNDARY')
+ bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context="FACES_KEEP_BOUNDARY")
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='INVERT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': (0, 0, -self.depth)})
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="INVERT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": (0, 0, -self.depth)}
+ )
x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
z = np.clip(z, 0, None)
write_co(obj, np.stack([x, y, z], -1))
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
subsurf(obj, 2)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.thickness)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.thickness)
return obj
def make_box_contour(self, t, i):
- return [(t + self.disp_x[0] * i, t + self.disp_y * i),
+ return [
+ (t + self.disp_x[0] * i, t + self.disp_y * i),
(self.width - t - self.disp_x[1] * i, t + self.disp_y * i),
(self.width - t - self.disp_x[1] * i, self.size - t - self.disp_y * i),
- (t + self.disp_x[0] * i, self.size - t - self.disp_y * i)]
+ (t + self.disp_x[0] * i, self.size - t - self.disp_y * i),
+ ]
def make_corner_contour(self, t, i):
- return [(t + self.disp_y * i, t + self.disp_y * i),
+ return [
+ (t + self.disp_y * i, t + self.disp_y * i),
(self.width - t - self.disp_x[1] * i, t + self.disp_y * i),
- (self.width - t - self.disp_x[1] * i, self.size - (t + self.disp_y * i) / np.sqrt(2)),
- (self.size - (t + self.disp_y * i) / np.sqrt(2), self.width - t - self.disp_x[0] * i),
- (t + self.disp_y * i, self.width - t - self.disp_x[0] * i)]
+ (
+ self.width - t - self.disp_x[1] * i,
+ self.size - (t + self.disp_y * i) / np.sqrt(2),
+ ),
+ (
+ self.size - (t + self.disp_y * i) / np.sqrt(2),
+ self.width - t - self.disp_x[0] * i,
+ ),
+ (t + self.disp_y * i, self.width - t - self.disp_x[0] * i),
+ ]
# noinspection PyArgumentList
def make_base(self):
contour = self.contour_fn(0, 0)
obj = new_cylinder(vertices=len(contour))
- co = np.concatenate([np.array([[x, y, 0], [x, y, self.depth]]) for x, y in contour])
+ co = np.concatenate(
+ [np.array([[x, y, 0], [x, y, self.depth]]) for x, y in contour]
+ )
write_co(obj, co)
return obj
@@ -223,7 +274,10 @@ def make_bowl(self):
upper = self.contour_fn(0, 0)
obj = new_cylinder(vertices=len(lower))
co = np.concatenate(
- [np.array([[x, y, 0], [z, w, self.depth * 2]]) for (x, y), (z, w) in zip(lower[::-1], upper[::-1])]
+ [
+ np.array([[x, y, 0], [z, w, self.depth * 2]])
+ for (x, y), (z, w) in zip(lower[::-1], upper[::-1])
+ ]
write_co(obj, co)
subsurf(obj, self.alcove_levels, True)
@@ -241,8 +295,12 @@ def make_cutter(self):
upper = self.contour_fn(self.thickness, 0)
obj = new_cylinder(vertices=len(lower))
co = np.concatenate(
- [np.array([[x, y, self.thickness], [z, w, self.depth * 2 - self.thickness]]) for (x, y), (z, w) in
- zip(lower[::-1], upper[::-1])]
+ [
+ np.array(
+ [[x, y, self.thickness], [z, w, self.depth * 2 - self.thickness]]
+ )
+ for (x, y), (z, w) in zip(lower[::-1], upper[::-1])
+ ]
write_co(obj, co)
subsurf(obj, self.alcove_levels, True)
@@ -262,26 +320,26 @@ def find_hole(self, obj, x=None, y=None):
def add_hole(self, obj):
match self.bathtub_type:
- case 'alcove':
+ case "alcove":
location = self.find_hole(obj)
- case 'freestanding':
- location = self.find_hole(obj, uniform(.35, .4) * self.width)
+ case "freestanding":
+ location = self.find_hole(obj, uniform(0.35, 0.4) * self.width)
case _:
location = self.find_hole(obj, self.size / 2, self.size / 2)
if self.is_hole_centered:
location = self.find_hole(obj)
obj = new_cylinder()
- obj.scale = self.hole_radius, self.hole_radius, .005
+ obj.scale = self.hole_radius, self.hole_radius, 0.005
obj.location = location
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- write_attribute(obj, 1, 'hole', 'FACE')
+ write_attribute(obj, 1, "hole", "FACE")
return obj
def finalize_assets(self, assets):
self.surface.apply(assets, clear=True)
if self.has_legs and not self.has_base:
- self.leg_surface.apply(assets, 'leg', metal_color='bw+natural')
- self.hole_surface.apply(assets, 'hole', metal_color='bw+natural')
+ self.leg_surface.apply(assets, "leg", metal_color="bw+natural")
+ self.hole_surface.apply(assets, "hole", metal_color="bw+natural")
if self.scratch:
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/bathroom/hardware.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/bathroom/hardware.py
similarity index 69%
rename from infinigen/assets/bathroom/hardware.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/bathroom/hardware.py
index 411dcbbda..49d42c371 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/bathroom/hardware.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/bathroom/hardware.py
@@ -6,41 +6,47 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import subsurf
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_base_cylinder, new_cube
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
class HardwareFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(HardwareFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- self.attachment_radius = uniform(.02, .03)
- self.attachment_depth = uniform(.01, .015)
- self.radius = uniform(.01, .015)
- self.depth = uniform(.06, .1)
- self.is_circular = uniform() < .5
- self.hardware_type = np.random.choice(['hook', 'holder', 'bar', 'ring'])
+ self.attachment_radius = uniform(0.02, 0.03)
+ self.attachment_depth = uniform(0.01, 0.015)
+ self.radius = uniform(0.01, 0.015)
+ self.depth = uniform(0.06, 0.1)
+ self.is_circular = uniform() < 0.5
+ self.hardware_type = np.random.choice(["hook", "holder", "bar", "ring"])
self.hook_length = self.attachment_radius * uniform(2, 4)
- self.holder_length = uniform(.15, .25)
- self.bar_length = uniform(.4, .8)
+ self.holder_length = uniform(0.15, 0.25)
+ self.bar_length = uniform(0.4, 0.8)
self.extension_length = self.attachment_radius * uniform(2, 3)
self.ring_radius = log_uniform(2, 6) * self.attachment_radius
- material_assignments = AssetList['HardwareFactory']()
- self.surface = material_assignments['surface'].assign_material()
- is_scratch = uniform() < material_assignments['wear_tear_prob'][0]
- is_edge_wear = uniform() < material_assignments['wear_tear_prob'][1]
- self.scratch = material_assignments['wear_tear'][0] if is_scratch else None
- self.edge_wear = material_assignments['wear_tear'][1] if is_edge_wear else None
+ material_assignments = AssetList["HardwareFactory"]()
+ self.surface = material_assignments["surface"].assign_material()
+ is_scratch = uniform() < material_assignments["wear_tear_prob"][0]
+ is_edge_wear = uniform() < material_assignments["wear_tear_prob"][1]
+ self.scratch = material_assignments["wear_tear"][0] if is_scratch else None
+ self.edge_wear = (
+ material_assignments["wear_tear"][1] if is_edge_wear else None
+ )
def make_attachment(self):
base = new_base_cylinder() if self.is_circular else new_cube()
- base.scale = self.attachment_radius, self.attachment_radius, self.attachment_depth / 2
+ base.scale = (
+ self.attachment_radius,
+ self.attachment_radius,
+ self.attachment_depth / 2,
+ )
base.rotation_euler[0] = np.pi / 2
base.location[1] = -self.attachment_depth / 2
butil.apply_transform(base, True)
@@ -61,7 +67,11 @@ def make_hook(self):
def make_holder(self):
obj = new_base_cylinder() if self.is_circular else new_cube()
- obj.scale = self.radius, self.radius, (self.holder_length + self.extension_length) / 2
+ obj.scale = (
+ self.radius,
+ self.radius,
+ (self.holder_length + self.extension_length) / 2,
+ )
obj.rotation_euler[1] = np.pi / 2
obj.location[0] = (self.holder_length - self.extension_length) / 2
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
@@ -69,7 +79,11 @@ def make_holder(self):
def make_bar(self):
obj = new_base_cylinder() if self.is_circular else new_cube()
- obj.scale = self.radius, self.radius, self.bar_length / 2 + self.extension_length
+ obj.scale = (
+ self.radius,
+ self.radius,
+ self.bar_length / 2 + self.extension_length,
+ )
obj.rotation_euler[1] = np.pi / 2
obj.location[0] = self.bar_length / 2
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
@@ -77,8 +91,9 @@ def make_bar(self):
def make_ring(self):
- major_segments=128, major_radius=self.ring_radius,
- minor_radius=self.radius * uniform(.4, .7)
+ major_segments=128,
+ major_radius=self.ring_radius,
+ minor_radius=self.radius * uniform(0.4, 0.7),
obj = bpy.context.active_object
obj.rotation_euler[0] = np.pi / 2
@@ -89,13 +104,13 @@ def make_ring(self):
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
match self.hardware_type:
- case 'hook':
+ case "hook":
extra = self.make_hook()
- case 'holder':
+ case "holder":
extra = self.make_holder()
- case 'bar':
+ case "bar":
extra = self.make_bar()
- case 'ring':
+ case "ring":
extra = self.make_ring()
case _:
return self.make_attachment()
@@ -103,7 +118,7 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
extra.location[1] = -self.depth
butil.apply_transform(extra, True)
parts = [self.make_attachment(), extra]
- if self.hardware_type == 'bar':
+ if self.hardware_type == "bar":
attachment_ = self.make_attachment()
attachment_.location[0] = self.bar_length
butil.apply_transform(attachment_, True)
@@ -114,7 +129,7 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
return obj
def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- self.surface.apply(assets, metal_color='plain')
+ self.surface.apply(assets, metal_color="plain")
if self.scratch:
if self.edge_wear:
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/bathroom/toilet.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/bathroom/toilet.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1c1d03378
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/bathroom/toilet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ read_center,
+ read_co,
+ read_edge_center,
+ read_edges,
+ read_normal,
+ select_edges,
+ select_faces,
+ select_vertices,
+ subsurf,
+ write_attribute,
+ write_co,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import align_bezier
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_bbox, new_cube, new_cylinder
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, normalize
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+class ToiletFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
+ self.size = uniform(0.4, 0.5)
+ self.width = self.size * uniform(0.7, 0.8)
+ self.height = self.size * uniform(0.8, 0.9)
+ self.size_mid = uniform(0.6, 0.65)
+ self.curve_scale = log_uniform(0.8, 1.2, 4)
+ self.depth = self.size * uniform(0.5, 0.6)
+ self.tube_scale = uniform(0.25, 0.3)
+ self.thickness = uniform(0.05, 0.06)
+ self.extrude_height = uniform(0.015, 0.02)
+ self.stand_depth = self.depth * uniform(0.85, 0.95)
+ self.stand_scale = uniform(0.7, 0.85)
+ self.bottom_offset = uniform(0.5, 1.5)
+ self.back_thickness = self.thickness * uniform(0, 0.8)
+ self.back_size = self.size * uniform(0.55, 0.65)
+ self.back_scale = uniform(0.8, 1.0)
+ self.seat_thickness = uniform(0.1, 0.3) * self.thickness
+ self.seat_size = self.thickness * uniform(1.2, 1.6)
+ self.has_seat_cut = uniform() < 0.1
+ self.tank_width = self.width * uniform(1.0, 1.2)
+ self.tank_height = self.height * uniform(0.6, 1.0)
+ self.tank_size = self.back_size - self.seat_size - uniform(0.02, 0.03)
+ self.tank_cap_height = uniform(0.03, 0.04)
+ self.tank_cap_extrude = 0 if uniform() < 0.5 else uniform(0.005, 0.01)
+ self.cover_rotation = -uniform(0, np.pi / 2)
+ self.hardware_type = np.random.choice(["button", "handle"])
+ self.hardware_cap = uniform(0.01, 0.015)
+ self.hardware_radius = uniform(0.015, 0.02)
+ self.hardware_length = uniform(0.04, 0.05)
+ self.hardware_on_side = uniform() < 0.5
+ material_assignments = AssetList["ToiletFactory"]()
+ self.surface = material_assignments["surface"].assign_material()
+ self.hardware_surface = material_assignments[
+ "hardware_surface"
+ ].assign_material()
+ is_scratch = uniform() < material_assignments["wear_tear_prob"][0]
+ is_edge_wear = uniform() < material_assignments["wear_tear_prob"][1]
+ self.scratch = material_assignments["wear_tear"][0] if is_scratch else None
+ self.edge_wear = (
+ material_assignments["wear_tear"][1] if is_edge_wear else None
+ )
+ @property
+ def mid_offset(self):
+ return (1 - self.size_mid) * self.size
+ def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ return new_bbox(
+ -self.mid_offset - self.back_size - self.tank_cap_extrude,
+ self.size_mid * self.size + self.thickness + self.thickness,
+ -self.width / 2 - self.thickness * 1.1,
+ self.width / 2 + self.thickness * 1.1,
+ -self.height,
+ max(
+ self.tank_height,
+ -np.sin(self.cover_rotation)
+ * (self.seat_size + self.size + self.thickness + self.thickness),
+ ),
+ )
+ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ upper = self.build_curve()
+ lower = deep_clone_obj(upper)
+ lower.scale = [self.tube_scale] * 3
+ lower.location = 0, self.tube_scale * self.mid_offset / 2, -self.depth
+ butil.apply_transform(lower, True)
+ bottom = deep_clone_obj(upper)
+ bottom.scale = [self.stand_scale] * 3
+ bottom.location = (
+ 0,
+ self.tube_scale * (1 - self.size_mid) * self.size / 2 * self.bottom_offset,
+ -self.height,
+ )
+ butil.apply_transform(bottom, True)
+ obj = self.make_tube(lower, upper)
+ seat, cover = self.make_seat(obj)
+ stand = self.make_stand(obj, bottom)
+ back = self.make_back(obj)
+ tank = self.make_tank()
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BEVEL", segments=2)
+ match self.hardware_type:
+ case "button":
+ hardware = self.add_button()
+ case _:
+ hardware = self.add_handle()
+ write_attribute(hardware, 1, "hardware", "FACE")
+ obj = join_objects([obj, seat, cover, stand, back, tank, hardware])
+ obj.rotation_euler[-1] = np.pi / 2
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ return obj
+ def build_curve(self):
+ x_anchors = [0, self.width / 2, 0]
+ y_anchors = [-self.size_mid * self.size, 0, self.mid_offset]
+ axes = [np.array([1, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 1, 0]), np.array([1, 0, 0])]
+ obj = align_bezier([x_anchors, y_anchors, 0], axes, self.curve_scale)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "MIRROR", use_axis=(True, False, False))
+ return obj
+ def make_tube(self, lower, upper):
+ obj = join_objects([upper, lower])
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops(
+ number_cuts=np.random.randint(12, 16),
+ profile_shape_factor=uniform(0.1, 0.2),
+ interpolation="SURFACE",
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ thickness=self.thickness,
+ offset=1,
+ solidify_mode="NON_MANIFOLD",
+ nonmanifold_boundary_mode="FLAT",
+ )
+ normal = read_normal(obj)
+ select_faces(obj, normal[:, -1] > 0.9)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_region_move(
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={
+ "value": (0, 0, self.thickness + self.extrude_height)
+ }
+ )
+ x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
+ write_co(obj, np.stack([x, y, np.clip(z, None, self.extrude_height)], -1))
+ return obj
+ def make_seat(self, obj):
+ seat = self.make_plane(obj)
+ cover = deep_clone_obj(seat)
+ butil.modify_mesh(seat, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.extrude_height, offset=1)
+ if self.has_seat_cut:
+ cutter = new_cube()
+ cutter.scale = [self.thickness] * 3
+ cutter.location = 0, -self.thickness / 2 - self.size_mid * self.size, 0
+ butil.apply_transform(cutter, True)
+ butil.select_none()
+ butil.modify_mesh(seat, "BOOLEAN", object=cutter, operation="DIFFERENCE")
+ butil.delete(cutter)
+ butil.modify_mesh(seat, "BEVEL", segments=2)
+ x, y, _ = read_edge_center(cover).T
+ i = np.argmin(np.abs(x) + np.abs(y))
+ selection = np.full(len(x), False)
+ selection[i] = True
+ select_edges(cover, selection)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(cover, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.loop_multi_select()
+ bpy.ops.mesh.fill_grid()
+ butil.modify_mesh(cover, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.extrude_height, offset=1)
+ cover.location = [
+ 0,
+ -self.mid_offset - self.seat_size + self.extrude_height / 2,
+ -self.extrude_height / 2,
+ ]
+ butil.apply_transform(cover, True)
+ cover.rotation_euler[0] = self.cover_rotation
+ cover.location = [
+ 0,
+ self.mid_offset + self.seat_size - self.extrude_height / 2,
+ self.extrude_height * 1.5,
+ ]
+ butil.apply_transform(cover, True)
+ butil.modify_mesh(cover, "BEVEL", segments=2)
+ return seat, cover
+ def make_plane(self, obj):
+ select_faces(obj, lambda x, y, z: z > self.extrude_height * 2 / 3)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.duplicate_move()
+ bpy.ops.mesh.separate(type="SELECTED")
+ seat = next(o for o in bpy.context.selected_objects if o != obj)
+ butil.select_none()
+ select_vertices(seat, lambda x, y, z: y > self.mid_offset + self.seat_thickness)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(seat, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={
+ "value": (0, self.seat_size + self.thickness * 2, 0)
+ }
+ )
+ x, y, z = read_co(seat).T
+ write_co(
+ seat,
+ np.stack([x, np.clip(y, None, self.mid_offset + self.seat_size), z], -1),
+ )
+ return seat
+ def make_stand(self, obj, bottom):
+ co = read_co(obj)[read_edges(obj).reshape(-1)].reshape(-1, 2, 3)
+ horizontal = np.abs(normalize(co[:, 0] - co[:, 1])[:, -1]) < 0.1
+ x, y, z = read_edge_center(obj).T
+ under_depth = z < -self.stand_depth
+ i = np.argmin(y - horizontal - under_depth)
+ selection = np.full(len(co), False)
+ selection[i] = True
+ select_edges(obj, selection)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.loop_multi_select()
+ bpy.ops.mesh.duplicate_move()
+ bpy.ops.mesh.separate(type="SELECTED")
+ stand = next(o for o in bpy.context.selected_objects if o != obj)
+ stand = join_objects([stand, bottom])
+ with butil.ViewportMode(stand, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops(
+ number_cuts=np.random.randint(12, 16),
+ profile_shape_factor=uniform(0.0, 0.15),
+ )
+ return stand
+ def make_back(self, obj):
+ back = read_center(obj)[:, 1] > self.mid_offset - self.back_thickness
+ back_facing = read_normal(obj)[:, 1] > 0.1
+ butil.select_none()
+ select_faces(obj, back & back_facing)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.region_to_loop()
+ bpy.ops.mesh.duplicate_move()
+ bpy.ops.mesh.separate(type="SELECTED")
+ back = next(o for o in bpy.context.selected_objects if o != obj)
+ butil.modify_mesh(back, "CORRECTIVE_SMOOTH")
+ butil.select_none()
+ with butil.ViewportMode(back, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={
+ "value": (0, self.back_size + self.thickness * 2, 0)
+ }
+ )
+ bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(self.back_scale, 1, 1))
+ bpy.ops.mesh.edge_face_add()
+ back.location[1] -= 0.01
+ butil.apply_transform(back, True)
+ x, y, z = read_co(back).T
+ write_co(
+ back,
+ np.stack([x, np.clip(y, None, self.mid_offset + self.back_size), z], -1),
+ )
+ return back
+ def make_tank(self):
+ tank = new_cube()
+ tank.scale = self.tank_width / 2, self.tank_size / 2, self.tank_height / 2
+ tank.location = (
+ 0,
+ self.mid_offset + self.back_size - self.tank_size / 2,
+ self.tank_height / 2,
+ )
+ butil.apply_transform(tank, True)
+ subsurf(tank, 2, True)
+ butil.modify_mesh(tank, "BEVEL", segments=2)
+ cap = new_cube()
+ cap.scale = (
+ self.tank_width / 2 + self.tank_cap_extrude,
+ self.tank_size / 2 + self.tank_cap_extrude,
+ self.tank_cap_height / 2,
+ )
+ cap.location = (
+ 0,
+ self.mid_offset + self.back_size - self.tank_size / 2,
+ self.tank_height,
+ )
+ butil.apply_transform(cap, True)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ cap, "BEVEL", width=uniform(0, self.extrude_height), segments=4
+ )
+ tank = join_objects([tank, cap])
+ return tank
+ def add_button(self):
+ obj = new_cylinder()
+ obj.scale = (
+ self.hardware_radius,
+ self.hardware_radius,
+ self.tank_cap_height / 2 + 1e-3,
+ )
+ obj.location = (
+ 0,
+ self.mid_offset + self.back_size - self.tank_size / 2,
+ self.tank_height,
+ )
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
+ return obj
+ def add_handle(self):
+ obj = new_cylinder()
+ obj.scale = self.hardware_radius, self.hardware_radius, self.hardware_cap
+ obj.rotation_euler[0] = np.pi / 2
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
+ lever = new_cylinder()
+ lever.scale = (
+ self.hardware_radius / 2,
+ self.hardware_radius / 2,
+ self.hardware_length,
+ )
+ lever.rotation_euler[1] = np.pi / 2
+ lever.location = [
+ -self.hardware_radius * uniform(0, 0.5),
+ -self.hardware_cap,
+ -self.hardware_radius * uniform(0, 0.5),
+ ]
+ butil.apply_transform(lever, True)
+ obj = join_objects([obj, lever])
+ if self.hardware_on_side:
+ obj.location = [
+ -self.tank_width / 2 + self.hardware_radius + uniform(0.01, 0.02),
+ self.mid_offset + self.back_size - self.tank_size,
+ self.tank_height - self.hardware_radius - uniform(0.02, 0.03),
+ ]
+ else:
+ obj.location = [
+ -self.tank_width / 2,
+ self.mid_offset
+ + self.back_size
+ - self.tank_size
+ + self.hardware_radius
+ + uniform(0.01, 0.02),
+ self.tank_height - self.hardware_radius - uniform(0.02, 0.03),
+ ]
+ obj.rotation_euler[-1] = -np.pi / 2
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BEVEL", width=uniform(0.005, 0.01), segments=2)
+ return obj
+ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
+ self.surface.apply(assets, clear=True, metal_color="plain")
+ self.hardware_surface.apply(assets, "hardware", metal_color="natural")
+ if self.scratch:
+ self.scratch.apply(assets)
+ if self.edge_wear:
+ self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/cactus/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/cactus/__init__.py
similarity index 72%
rename from infinigen/assets/cactus/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/cactus/__init__.py
index 2b6e36f4b..9e97f4e30 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/cactus/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/cactus/__init__.py
@@ -4,9 +4,14 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
# Date: April 13 2023
-from .generate import CactusFactory, ColumnarCactusFactory, GlobularCactusFactory, PrickyPearCactusFactory, \
- KalidiumCactusFactory
from .columnar import ColumnarBaseCactusFactory
+from .generate import (
+ CactusFactory,
+ ColumnarCactusFactory,
+ GlobularCactusFactory,
+ KalidiumCactusFactory,
+ PrickyPearCactusFactory,
from .globular import GlobularBaseCactusFactory
-from .pricky_pear import PrickyPearBaseCactusFactory
from .kalidium import KalidiumBaseCactusFactory
+from .pricky_pear import PrickyPearBaseCactusFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/cactus/base.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/cactus/base.py
similarity index 51%
rename from infinigen/assets/cactus/base.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/cactus/base.py
index b83ec5fa0..5dad2b470 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/cactus/base.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/cactus/base.py
@@ -6,22 +6,22 @@
import bpy
-from infinigen.assets.cactus.spike import make_default_selections
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import write_attribute
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.assets.objects.cactus.spike import make_default_selections
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
class BaseCactusFactory(AssetFactory):
- spike_distance = .025
- cap_percentage = .1
- noise_strength = .02
- base_radius = .002
+ spike_distance = 0.025
+ cap_percentage = 0.1
+ noise_strength = 0.02
+ base_radius = 0.002
density = 5e4
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(BaseCactusFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.points_fn = make_default_selections(self.spike_distance, self.cap_percentage, self.density)
+ self.points_fn = make_default_selections(
+ self.spike_distance, self.cap_percentage, self.density
+ )
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- raise NotImplemented
+ raise NotImplementedError()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/cactus/columnar.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/cactus/columnar.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc3ac8586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/cactus/columnar.py
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.cactus.base import BaseCactusFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.trees.tree import build_radius_tree
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import geo_extension
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import align_tilt
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+class ColumnarBaseCactusFactory(BaseCactusFactory):
+ spike_distance = 0.08
+ @staticmethod
+ def radius_fn(base_radius, size, resolution):
+ radius_decay = uniform(0.5, 0.8)
+ radius_decay_root = uniform(0.7, 0.9)
+ leaf_alpha = uniform(2, 3)
+ radius = base_radius * radius_decay * np.ones(size * resolution)
+ radius[:resolution] *= radius_decay_root ** (
+ 1 - np.arange(resolution) / resolution
+ )
+ radius[-resolution:] *= (
+ 1 - (np.arange(resolution) / resolution) ** leaf_alpha
+ ) ** (1 / leaf_alpha)
+ return radius
+ @property
+ def branch_config(self):
+ n_major = 16
+ n_minor = np.random.randint(10, 14)
+ b_minor = np.random.randint(2, 4)
+ while True:
+ angles = uniform(0, np.pi * 2, b_minor)
+ s = np.sort(angles)
+ if (np.concatenate([s[1:], [s[0] + np.pi * 2]]) - s > np.pi / 3).all():
+ break
+ minor_config = {
+ "n": b_minor,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": n_minor,
+ "std": 0.4,
+ "momentum": 0.1,
+ "sz": 0.2,
+ "pull_dir": [0, 0, 1],
+ "pull_init": 0.0,
+ "pull_factor": 4.0,
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "ang_min": np.pi / 2.5,
+ "ang_max": np.pi / 2,
+ "rng": [0.2, 0.6],
+ "axis2": [np.cos(angles[idx]), np.sin(angles[idx]), 0],
+ },
+ "children": [],
+ }
+ major_config = {
+ "n": 1,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": n_major,
+ "std": 0.4,
+ "momentum": 0.99,
+ "sz": 0.3,
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"init_vec": [0, 0, 1]},
+ "children": [minor_config],
+ }
+ return major_config
+ def create_asset(self, face_size=0.01, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ resolution = 16
+ base_radius = 0.25
+ obj = build_radius_tree(
+ self.radius_fn, self.branch_config, base_radius, resolution, True
+ )
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ self.geo_star,
+ apply=True,
+ input_attributes=[None, "radius"],
+ attributes=["selection"],
+ )
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geo_extension, apply=True, input_kwargs={"musgrave_dimensions": "2D"}
+ )
+ return obj
+ @staticmethod
+ def geo_star(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ perturb = 0.1
+ curve, radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Radius", None),
+ ],
+ ).outputs[:2]
+ star_resolution = np.random.randint(5, 8)
+ circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCircle, [star_resolution * 3])
+ circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ [circle, None, None, nw.uniform([-perturb] * 3, [perturb] * 3)],
+ )
+ circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ [circle],
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": [*uniform(0.8, 1.0, 2), 1]},
+ )
+ selection = nw.compare(
+ "EQUAL", nw.math("MODULO", nw.new_node(Nodes.Index), 2), 0
+ )
+ circle, _, selection = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute, [circle, None, selection]
+ ).outputs[:3]
+ circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ [
+ circle,
+ selection,
+ nw.scale(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition), uniform(1.15, 1.25)),
+ ],
+ )
+ profile_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve, [circle])
+ curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve, [curve])
+ curve = align_tilt(nw, curve, noise_strength=uniform(np.pi / 4, np.pi / 2))
+ curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius, [curve, None, radius])
+ geometry = nw.curve2mesh(curve, profile_curve)
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry, "Selection": selection},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/cactus/generate.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/cactus/generate.py
similarity index 50%
rename from infinigen/assets/cactus/generate.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/cactus/generate.py
index 674afb418..b61762b67 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/cactus/generate.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/cactus/generate.py
@@ -4,47 +4,48 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import colorsys
import bpy
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
-from .base import BaseCactusFactory
-from .globular import GlobularBaseCactusFactory
-from .columnar import ColumnarBaseCactusFactory
-from .pricky_pear import PrickyPearBaseCactusFactory
-from .kalidium import KalidiumBaseCactusFactory
-from infinigen.assets.cactus import spike
+from infinigen.assets.objects.cactus import spike
from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler, Nodes
+from infinigen.core import surface, tagging
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_utils import build_color_ramp
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.placement.detail import remesh_with_attrs
-from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core import tagging
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_utils import build_color_ramp
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+from .base import BaseCactusFactory
+from .columnar import ColumnarBaseCactusFactory
+from .globular import GlobularBaseCactusFactory
+from .kalidium import KalidiumBaseCactusFactory
+from .pricky_pear import PrickyPearBaseCactusFactory
-class CactusFactory(AssetFactory):
+class CactusFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, factory_method=None):
super(CactusFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.factory_methods = [GlobularBaseCactusFactory, ColumnarBaseCactusFactory,
- PrickyPearBaseCactusFactory]#, KalidiumBaseCactusFactory]
+ self.factory_methods = [
+ GlobularBaseCactusFactory,
+ ColumnarBaseCactusFactory,
+ PrickyPearBaseCactusFactory,
+ ] # , KalidiumBaseCactusFactory]
weights = np.array([1] * len(self.factory_methods))
self.weights = weights / weights.sum()
if factory_method is None:
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- factory_method = np.random.choice(self.factory_methods, p=self.weights)
+ factory_method = np.random.choice(
+ self.factory_methods, p=self.weights
+ )
self.factory: BaseCactusFactory = factory_method(factory_seed, coarse)
- base_hue = uniform(.2, .4)
+ base_hue = uniform(0.2, 0.4)
self.material = surface.shaderfunc_to_material(self.shader_cactus, base_hue)
def create_asset(self, face_size=0.01, realize=True, **params):
@@ -53,59 +54,86 @@ def create_asset(self, face_size=0.01, realize=True, **params):
remesh_with_attrs(obj, face_size)
if self.factory.noise_strength > 0:
- t = np.random.choice(['STUCCI', 'MARBLE'])
- texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name='coral', type=t)
- texture.noise_scale = log_uniform(.1, .15)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DISPLACE', True, strength=self.factory.noise_strength, mid_level=0,
- texture=texture)
+ t = np.random.choice(["STUCCI", "MARBLE"])
+ texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name="coral", type=t)
+ texture.noise_scale = log_uniform(0.1, 0.15)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ True,
+ strength=self.factory.noise_strength,
+ mid_level=0,
+ texture=texture,
+ )
assign_material(obj, self.material)
- if face_size <= .05 and self.factory.density > 0:
- t = spike.apply(obj, self.factory.points_fn, self.factory.base_radius, realize)
+ if face_size <= 0.05 and self.factory.density > 0:
+ t = spike.apply(
+ obj, self.factory.points_fn, self.factory.base_radius, realize
+ )
tagging.tag_object(obj, "cactus_spike")
obj = join_objects([obj, t])
- tagging.tag_object(obj, 'cactus')
+ tagging.tag_object(obj, "cactus")
return obj
def shader_cactus(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue):
- shift = uniform(-.15, .15)
- bright_color = hsv2rgba((base_hue + shift) % 1, 1., .02)
- dark_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, .8, .01)
- fresnel_color = hsv2rgba((base_hue - uniform(.05, .1)) % 1, .9, uniform(.3, .5))
- specular = .25
- fresnel = nw.scalar_multiply(nw.new_node(Nodes.Fresnel), log_uniform(.6, 1.))
- color = build_color_ramp(nw, nw.musgrave(log_uniform(10, 50)), [.0, .3, .7, 1.],
- [dark_color, dark_color, bright_color, bright_color])
+ shift = uniform(-0.15, 0.15)
+ bright_color = hsv2rgba((base_hue + shift) % 1, 1.0, 0.02)
+ dark_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, 0.8, 0.01)
+ fresnel_color = hsv2rgba(
+ (base_hue - uniform(0.05, 0.1)) % 1, 0.9, uniform(0.3, 0.5)
+ )
+ specular = 0.25
+ fresnel = nw.scalar_multiply(nw.new_node(Nodes.Fresnel), log_uniform(0.6, 1.0))
+ color = build_color_ramp(
+ nw,
+ nw.musgrave(log_uniform(10, 50)),
+ [0.0, 0.3, 0.7, 1.0],
+ [dark_color, dark_color, bright_color, bright_color],
+ )
color = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [fresnel, color, fresnel_color])
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Scale': 50})
- roughness = nw.build_float_curve(noise_texture, [(0, .5), (1, .8)])
- bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': color, 'Roughness': roughness, 'Specular': specular})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 50})
+ roughness = nw.build_float_curve(noise_texture, [(0, 0.5), (1, 0.8)])
+ bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": color,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ "Specular": specular,
+ },
+ )
return bsdf
class GlobularCactusFactory(CactusFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(GlobularCactusFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse, GlobularBaseCactusFactory)
+ super(GlobularCactusFactory, self).__init__(
+ factory_seed, coarse, GlobularBaseCactusFactory
+ )
class ColumnarCactusFactory(CactusFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(ColumnarCactusFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse, ColumnarBaseCactusFactory)
+ super(ColumnarCactusFactory, self).__init__(
+ factory_seed, coarse, ColumnarBaseCactusFactory
+ )
class PrickyPearCactusFactory(CactusFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(PrickyPearCactusFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse, PrickyPearBaseCactusFactory)
+ super(PrickyPearCactusFactory, self).__init__(
+ factory_seed, coarse, PrickyPearBaseCactusFactory
+ )
class KalidiumCactusFactory(CactusFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(KalidiumCactusFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse, KalidiumBaseCactusFactory)
+ super(KalidiumCactusFactory, self).__init__(
+ factory_seed, coarse, KalidiumBaseCactusFactory
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/cactus/globular.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/cactus/globular.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d3d116f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/cactus/globular.py
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.cactus.base import BaseCactusFactory
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import geo_extension
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_cube
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+class GlobularBaseCactusFactory(BaseCactusFactory):
+ spike_distance = 0.08
+ @staticmethod
+ def geo_globular(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ star_resolution = np.random.randint(6, 12)
+ resolution = 64
+ frequency = uniform(-0.2, 0.2)
+ circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCircle, [star_resolution * 3])
+ selection = nw.compare(
+ "EQUAL", nw.math("MODULO", nw.new_node(Nodes.Index), 2), 0
+ )
+ circle, _, selection = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute, [circle, None, selection]
+ ).outputs[:3]
+ circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ [
+ circle,
+ selection,
+ nw.scale(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition), uniform(1.1, 1.2)),
+ ],
+ )
+ profile_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve, [circle])
+ curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve, [nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine), None, resolution]
+ )
+ anchors = [
+ (0, uniform(0.2, 0.4)),
+ (uniform(0.4, 0.6), log_uniform(0.5, 0.8)),
+ (uniform(0.8, 0.85), uniform(0.4, 0.6)),
+ (1.0, 0.05),
+ ]
+ radius = nw.scalar_multiply(
+ nw.build_float_curve(nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter), anchors, "AUTO"),
+ log_uniform(0.5, 1.0),
+ )
+ curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius, [curve, None, radius])
+ curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveTilt,
+ [
+ curve,
+ None,
+ nw.scalar_multiply(
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter), 2 * np.pi * frequency
+ ),
+ ],
+ )
+ geometry = nw.curve2mesh(curve, profile_curve)
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry, "Selection": selection},
+ )
+ def create_asset(self, face_size=0.01, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ obj = new_cube()
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_globular, apply=True, attributes=["selection"])
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geo_extension, apply=True, input_kwargs={"musgrave_dimensions": "2D"}
+ )
+ obj.scale = uniform(0.8, 1.5, 3)
+ obj.rotation_euler[-1] = uniform(0, np.pi * 2)
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/cactus/kalidium.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/cactus/kalidium.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b74874a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/cactus/kalidium.py
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.cactus.base import BaseCactusFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.trees.tree import build_radius_tree
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ displace_vertices,
+ geo_extension,
+ read_co,
+ remove_vertices,
+ subsurface2face_size,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_radius
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_cube, origin2lowest, separate_loose
+from infinigen.assets.utils.shortest_path import geo_shortest_path
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import make_asset_collection
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+class KalidiumBaseCactusFactory(BaseCactusFactory):
+ cap_percentage = 0.0
+ noise_strength = 0.0
+ density = 0.0
+ @staticmethod
+ def build_twig(i):
+ branch_config = {
+ "n": 1,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": 5,
+ "std": 0.5,
+ "momentum": 0.85,
+ "sz": 0.01,
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"init_vec": (0, 0, 1)},
+ }
+ obj = build_radius_tree(None, branch_config, 0.005)
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=["radius"])
+ return obj
+ def create_asset(self, face_size=0.01, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ resolution = 20
+ obj = new_cube(location=(1, 1, 1))
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "ARRAY",
+ count=resolution,
+ relative_offset_displace=(1, 0, 0),
+ use_merge_vertices=True,
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "ARRAY",
+ count=resolution,
+ relative_offset_displace=(0, 1, 0),
+ use_merge_vertices=True,
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "ARRAY",
+ count=resolution,
+ relative_offset_displace=(0, 0, 1),
+ use_merge_vertices=True,
+ )
+ obj.scale = [1 / resolution] * 3
+ obj.location = -1, -1, -0.1
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
+ remove_vertices(
+ obj,
+ lambda x, y, z: (x**2 + y**2 + (z - 1) ** 2 > 1.1)
+ | (uniform(0, 1, len(x)) < 0.05),
+ )
+ end_indices = np.nonzero(read_co(obj)[:, -1] < 5 / resolution)[0]
+ def end_index(nw):
+ nw.build_index_case(np.random.choice(end_indices, 5))
+ displace_vertices(
+ obj,
+ lambda x, y, z: uniform(-0.8 / resolution, 0.8 / resolution, (3, len(x))),
+ )
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(
+ quad_method="BEAUTY", ngon_method="BEAUTY"
+ )
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_extension, apply=True)
+ def weight(nw):
+ return nw.scalar_multiply(
+ nw.vector_math(
+ "DISTANCE", *nw.new_node(Nodes.InputEdgeVertices).outputs[2:]
+ ),
+ nw.uniform(0.8, 1),
+ )
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geo_shortest_path, apply=True, input_args=[end_index, weight, 0.05]
+ )
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[0.006])
+ twigs = make_asset_collection(self.build_twig, 5, verbose=False)
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_twigs, apply=True, input_args=[twigs])
+ butil.delete_collection(twigs)
+ obj = separate_loose(obj)
+ obj.scale = uniform(0.8, 1.2, 3)
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ subsurface2face_size(obj, face_size)
+ origin2lowest(obj)
+ tag_object(obj, "kalidium_cactus")
+ return obj
+ @staticmethod
+ def geo_twigs(nw: NodeWrangler, instances):
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ points, _, rotation = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces, [geometry], input_kwargs={"Density": 2e3}
+ ).outputs[:3]
+ points = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, [points, None, 0.005])
+ perturb = 0.4
+ rotation = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ [
+ nw.add(rotation, nw.uniform([-perturb] * 3, [perturb] * 3)),
+ nw.uniform(0.2, 0.5),
+ ],
+ attrs={"axis": "Z"},
+ )
+ instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.CollectionInfo, [instances, True, True])
+ twigs = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances,
+ [
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ [
+ points,
+ None,
+ instances,
+ True,
+ None,
+ rotation,
+ nw.combine(1, 1, nw.uniform(1.0, 1.5)),
+ ],
+ )
+ ],
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, [[geometry, twigs]])
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/cactus/pricky_pear.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/cactus/pricky_pear.py
similarity index 58%
rename from infinigen/assets/cactus/pricky_pear.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/cactus/pricky_pear.py
index 8a74ae34f..47f37d288 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/cactus/pricky_pear.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/cactus/pricky_pear.py
@@ -8,37 +8,48 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_cube
+from infinigen.assets.objects.cactus.base import BaseCactusFactory
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import geo_extension
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.surface import write_attr_data
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.cactus.base import BaseCactusFactory
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_cube
+from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
+from infinigen.core.surface import write_attr_data
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
class PrickyPearBaseCactusFactory(BaseCactusFactory):
- spike_distance = .08
+ spike_distance = 0.08
def geo_leaf(nw: NodeWrangler):
resolution = 64
profile_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle)
- curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve, [nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine), None, resolution])
- anchors = [(0, uniform(.15, .2)), (uniform(.4, .6), log_uniform(.4, .5)), (1., .05)]
- radius = nw.scalar_multiply(nw.build_float_curve(nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter), anchors, 'AUTO'),
- log_uniform(.5, 1.5))
+ curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve, [nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine), None, resolution]
+ )
+ anchors = [
+ (0, uniform(0.15, 0.2)),
+ (uniform(0.4, 0.6), log_uniform(0.4, 0.5)),
+ (1.0, 0.05),
+ ]
+ radius = nw.scalar_multiply(
+ nw.build_float_curve(nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter), anchors, "AUTO"),
+ log_uniform(0.5, 1.5),
+ )
curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius, [curve, None, radius])
geometry = nw.curve2mesh(curve, profile_curve)
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
def build_leaf(self):
obj = new_cube()
surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_leaf, apply=True)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_extension, apply=True, input_kwargs={'musgrave_dimensions': '2D'})
- obj.scale = uniform(.8, 1.2), uniform(.2, .25), uniform(.8, 1.2)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geo_extension, apply=True, input_kwargs={"musgrave_dimensions": "2D"}
+ )
+ obj.scale = uniform(0.8, 1.2), uniform(0.2, 0.25), uniform(0.8, 1.2)
return obj
@@ -49,22 +60,26 @@ def build_leaves(self, level=0):
leaves = [self.build_leaves(level - 1) for _ in range(n)]
base = self.build_leaf()
angles = np.random.permutation(
- [-uniform(np.pi / 3, np.pi / 2), uniform(-np.pi / 16, np.pi / 16), uniform(np.pi / 3, np.pi / 2)])[
- :n]
- vectors = [[np.sin(a), 0, np.cos(a) + .5] for a in angles]
+ [
+ -uniform(np.pi / 3, np.pi / 2),
+ uniform(-np.pi / 16, np.pi / 16),
+ uniform(np.pi / 3, np.pi / 2),
+ ]
+ )[:n]
+ vectors = [[np.sin(a), 0, np.cos(a) + 0.5] for a in angles]
locations = np.array([v.co for v in base.data.vertices])
for a, v, leaf in zip(angles, vectors, leaves):
index = np.argmax(locations @ v)
- leaf.location[-1] -= .15
+ leaf.location[-1] -= 0.15
butil.apply_transform(leaf, loc=True)
- leaf.scale = [uniform(.5, .75)] * 3
+ leaf.scale = [uniform(0.5, 0.75)] * 3
leaf.location = locations[index]
leaf.rotation_euler = 0, a, uniform(-np.pi / 3, np.pi / 3)
obj = join_objects([base, *leaves])
return obj
- def create_asset(self, face_size=.01, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ def create_asset(self, face_size=0.01, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
obj = self.build_leaves(2)
- write_attr_data(obj, 'selection', np.ones(len(obj.data.vertices)))
- tag_object(obj, 'prickypear_cactus')
+ write_attr_data(obj, "selection", np.ones(len(obj.data.vertices)))
+ tag_object(obj, "prickypear_cactus")
return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/cactus/spike.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/cactus/spike.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a9615cc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/cactus/spike.py
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
+from infinigen.assets.objects.trees.tree import build_radius_tree
+from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import (
+ assign_material,
+ sample_direction,
+ toggle_hide,
+ toggle_show,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_radius
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import make_asset_collection
+from infinigen.core.tagging import COMBINED_ATTR_NAME
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+def build_spikes(base_radius=0.002, **kwargs):
+ n_branch = 4
+ n_major = 9
+ branch_config = {
+ "n": n_branch,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": n_major,
+ "std": 0.5,
+ "momentum": 0.85,
+ "sz": uniform(0.005, 0.01),
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"init_vec": sample_direction(0.8)},
+ }
+ def radius_fn(base_radius, size, resolution):
+ return base_radius * 0.5 ** (np.arange(size * resolution) / (size * resolution))
+ obj = build_radius_tree(radius_fn, branch_config, base_radius)
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=["radius", None, 0.001])
+ return obj
+def make_default_selections(spike_distance, cap_percentage, density):
+ def selection(nw: NodeWrangler, selected, geometry):
+ z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))[-1]
+ z_stat = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic, [geometry, None, z]).outputs
+ percentage = nw.scalar_divide(nw.scalar_sub(z_stat["Max"], z), z_stat["Range"])
+ is_cap = nw.bernoulli(
+ nw.build_float_curve(percentage, [(0, 1), (cap_percentage, 0.5), (1, 0)])
+ )
+ cap = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateGeometry, [geometry, is_cap])
+ cap = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, [cap, None, spike_distance / 2])
+ points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": geometry, "Selection": selected, "Density": density},
+ ).outputs["Points"]
+ points = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, [points, None, spike_distance])
+ all_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, [[cap, points]])
+ return all_points
+ return selection
+def geo_spikes(nw: NodeWrangler, spikes, points_fn=None, realize=True):
+ geometry, selection = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Selection", None),
+ ],
+ ).outputs[:2]
+ capture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry, "Value": nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)},
+ )
+ selected = nw.compare("GREATER_THAN", selection, 0.8)
+ spikes = nw.new_node(Nodes.CollectionInfo, [spikes, True, True])
+ rotation = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": (capture, "Attribute")},
+ attrs={"axis": "Z"},
+ )
+ rotation = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateEuler,
+ input_kwargs={"Rotation": rotation, "Angle": nw.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)},
+ attrs={"type": "AXIS_ANGLE", "space": "LOCAL"},
+ )
+ rotation = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, [rotation, nw.uniform(0.2, 0.5)], attrs={"axis": "Z"}
+ )
+ rotation = nw.add(rotation, nw.uniform([-0.05] * 3, [0.05] * 3))
+ points = surface.eval_argument(
+ nw, points_fn, selected=selected, geometry=capture.outputs["Geometry"]
+ )
+ spikes = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": points,
+ "Instance": spikes,
+ "Pick Instance": True,
+ "Rotation": rotation,
+ "Scale": nw.uniform([0.5] * 3, [1.0] * 3),
+ },
+ )
+ if realize:
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [spikes])
+ else:
+ realize_instances = spikes
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances})
+def shader_spikes(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ roughness = 0.8
+ specular = 0.25
+ mix_ratio = 0.9
+ color = hsv2rgba(uniform(0.2, 0.4), uniform(0.1, 0.3), 0.8)
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": color,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ "Specular": specular,
+ "Subsurface": 0.1,
+ },
+ )
+ transparent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslucentBSDF, [color])
+ mix_rgb = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader, [mix_ratio, principled_bsdf, transparent_bsdf]
+ )
+ return mix_rgb
+def apply(obj, points_fn, base_radius=0.002, realize=True):
+ spikes = deep_clone_obj(obj)
+ if COMBINED_ATTR_NAME in spikes.data.attributes:
+ spikes.data.attributes.remove(spikes.data.attributes[COMBINED_ATTR_NAME])
+ instances = make_asset_collection(
+ build_spikes, 5, "spikes", verbose=False, base_radius=base_radius
+ )
+ mat = surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_spikes)
+ toggle_show(instances)
+ for o in instances.objects:
+ assign_material(o, mat)
+ toggle_hide(instances)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ spikes,
+ geo_spikes,
+ apply=realize,
+ input_args=[instances, points_fn, realize],
+ input_attributes=[None, "selection"],
+ )
+ butil.delete_collection(instances)
+ return spikes
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/clothes/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/clothes/__init__.py
similarity index 99%
rename from infinigen/assets/clothes/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/clothes/__init__.py
index a1b27f179..5a0bb9209 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/clothes/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/clothes/__init__.py
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
from .blanket import BlanketFactory
-from .shirt import ShirtFactory
from .pants import PantsFactory
+from .shirt import ShirtFactory
from .towel import TowelFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/clothes/blanket.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/clothes/blanket.py
similarity index 68%
rename from infinigen/assets/clothes/blanket.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/clothes/blanket.py
index 2d5d018b7..fbd38b03d 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/clothes/blanket.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/clothes/blanket.py
@@ -6,31 +6,32 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.materials import art, fabrics
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.materials.art import ArtFabric
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, select_vertices, write_co
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_grid
from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import unwrap_faces
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.materials.art import ArtFabric
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
class BlanketFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(BlanketFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.width = log_uniform(.9, 1.2)
- self.size = self.width * log_uniform(.4, .7)
- self.thickness = log_uniform(.004, .008)
+ self.width = log_uniform(0.9, 1.2)
+ self.size = self.width * log_uniform(0.4, 0.7)
+ self.thickness = log_uniform(0.004, 0.008)
- materials = AssetList['BlanketFactory']()
- self.surface = materials['surface'].assign_material()
+ materials = AssetList["BlanketFactory"]()
+ self.surface = materials["surface"].assign_material()
if self.surface == ArtFabric:
self.surface = self.surface(self.factory_seed)
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- obj = new_grid(x_subdivisions=64, y_subdivisions=int(self.size / self.width * 64))
+ obj = new_grid(
+ x_subdivisions=64, y_subdivisions=int(self.size / self.width * 64)
+ )
obj.scale = self.width / 2, self.size / 2, 1
@@ -39,15 +40,15 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
def fold(self, obj):
theta = uniform(-np.pi / 6, np.pi / 6)
- y_margin = self.size * (.5 - uniform(.1, .3))
+ y_margin = self.size * (0.5 - uniform(0.1, 0.3))
obj.rotation_euler[-1] = theta
obj.location[1] -= y_margin
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
bpy.ops.mesh.bisect(plane_co=(0, 0, 0), plane_no=(0, 1, 0))
x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
- co = np.stack([x, np.where(y > 0, -y, y), np.where(y > 0, .05 - z, z)], -1)
+ co = np.stack([x, np.where(y > 0, -y, y), np.where(y > 0, 0.05 - z, z)], -1)
write_co(obj, co)
obj.location[1] += y_margin
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
@@ -56,24 +57,29 @@ def fold(self, obj):
class ComforterFactory(BlanketFactory):
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
obj = super().create_asset(**params)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=.01)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=0.01)
return obj
class BoxComforterFactory(ComforterFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(BoxComforterFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.margin = uniform(.3, .4)
+ self.margin = uniform(0.3, 0.4)
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
obj = super().create_asset(**params)
x, y, _ = read_co(obj).T
- _x = np.abs(x / self.margin - np.round(x / self.margin)) * self.margin < self.width / 64 / 2
- _y = np.abs(y / self.margin - np.round(y / self.margin)) * self.margin < self.width / 64 / 2
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ _x = (
+ np.abs(x / self.margin - np.round(x / self.margin)) * self.margin
+ < self.width / 64 / 2
+ )
+ _y = (
+ np.abs(y / self.margin - np.round(y / self.margin)) * self.margin
+ < self.width / 64 / 2
+ )
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
select_vertices(obj, _x | _y)
- bpy.ops.mesh.remove_doubles(threshold=.02)
+ bpy.ops.mesh.remove_doubles(threshold=0.02)
return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/clothes/pants.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/clothes/pants.py
similarity index 50%
rename from infinigen/assets/clothes/pants.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/clothes/pants.py
index 848f94980..dbc1b9132 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/clothes/pants.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/clothes/pants.py
@@ -6,61 +6,71 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.materials import art, fabrics
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import distance2boundary, read_normal, remove_faces, subsurf, write_co
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.materials.art import ArtFabric
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ distance2boundary,
+ read_normal,
+ remove_faces,
+ subsurf,
+ write_co,
from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import remesh_fill
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_circle
-from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import unwrap_faces, wrap_front_back, wrap_top_bottom
+from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import wrap_top_bottom
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
-from infinigen.assets.materials.art import ArtFabric
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
class PantsFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(PantsFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.width = log_uniform(.45, .55)
- self.size = self.width / 2 + uniform(0, .05)
- self.type = np.random.choice(['underwear', 'shorts', 'pants'])
+ self.width = log_uniform(0.45, 0.55)
+ self.size = self.width / 2 + uniform(0, 0.05)
+ self.type = np.random.choice(["underwear", "shorts", "pants"])
match self.type:
- case 'underwear':
- self.length = self.size + uniform(-.02, .02)
- case 'shorts':
- self.length = self.size + uniform(.05, .1)
+ case "underwear":
+ self.length = self.size + uniform(-0.02, 0.02)
+ case "shorts":
+ self.length = self.size + uniform(0.05, 0.1)
case _:
- self.length = self.size + uniform(.5, .7)
- self.neck_shrink = uniform(.1, .15)
- self.thickness = log_uniform(.02, .03)
- materials = AssetList['PantsFactory']()
- self.surface = materials['surface'].assign_material()
+ self.length = self.size + uniform(0.5, 0.7)
+ self.neck_shrink = uniform(0.1, 0.15)
+ self.thickness = log_uniform(0.02, 0.03)
+ materials = AssetList["PantsFactory"]()
+ self.surface = materials["surface"].assign_material()
if self.surface == ArtFabric:
self.surface = self.surface(self.factory_seed)
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- x_anchors = 0, self.width / 2, self.width / 2 * (
- 1 + self.neck_shrink), self.width / 2 * self.neck_shrink * 2, 0
+ x_anchors = (
+ 0,
+ self.width / 2,
+ self.width / 2 * (1 + self.neck_shrink),
+ self.width / 2 * self.neck_shrink * 2,
+ 0,
+ )
y_anchors = 0, 0, -self.length, -self.length, -self.size
obj = new_circle(vertices=len(x_anchors))
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
write_co(obj, np.stack([x_anchors, y_anchors, np.zeros_like(x_anchors)], -1))
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'MIRROR', use_axis=(True, False, False))
- remesh_fill(obj, .02)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "MIRROR", use_axis=(True, False, False))
+ remesh_fill(obj, 0.02)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.thickness, offset=0)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.thickness, offset=0)
x_, y_, z_ = read_normal(obj).T
- remove_faces(obj, (y_ < -.99) | (y_ > .99))
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'), butil.Suppress():
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ remove_faces(obj, (y_ < -0.99) | (y_ > 0.99))
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"), butil.Suppress():
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
- bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type='EDGE')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type="EDGE")
wrap_top_bottom(obj, self.surface)
subsurf(obj, 1)
return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/clothes/shirt.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/clothes/shirt.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7669e7465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/clothes/shirt.py
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.materials.art import ArtFabric
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ read_center,
+ read_normal,
+ remove_faces,
+ subsurf,
+ write_co,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import remesh_fill
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_circle
+from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import wrap_front_back
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+class ShirtFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(ShirtFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ self.width = log_uniform(0.45, 0.55)
+ self.size = self.width + uniform(0.25, 0.3)
+ self.size_neck = uniform(0.1, 0.15) * self.size
+ self.type = np.random.choice(["short", "long"])
+ match self.type:
+ case "short":
+ self.sleeve_length = self.size / 2 + uniform(-0.35, -0.3)
+ case _:
+ self.sleeve_length = self.size / 2 + uniform(-0.05, 0.0)
+ self.sleeve_width = uniform(0.14, 0.18)
+ self.sleeve_angle = uniform(np.pi / 6, np.pi / 4)
+ self.thickness = log_uniform(0.02, 0.03)
+ materials = AssetList["ShirtFactory"]()
+ self.surface = materials["surface"].assign_material()
+ if self.surface == ArtFabric:
+ self.surface = self.surface(self.factory_seed)
+ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ x_anchors = (
+ 0,
+ self.width / 2,
+ self.width / 2,
+ self.width / 2 + self.sleeve_length * np.sin(self.sleeve_angle),
+ self.width / 2
+ + self.sleeve_length * np.sin(self.sleeve_angle)
+ + self.sleeve_width * np.cos(self.sleeve_angle),
+ self.width / 2,
+ self.width / 4,
+ 0,
+ )
+ y_anchors = (
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ self.size - self.sleeve_width / np.sin(self.sleeve_angle),
+ self.size
+ - self.sleeve_width / np.sin(self.sleeve_angle)
+ - self.sleeve_length * np.cos(self.sleeve_angle),
+ self.size
+ - self.sleeve_width / np.sin(self.sleeve_angle)
+ - self.sleeve_length * np.cos(self.sleeve_angle)
+ + self.sleeve_width * np.sin(self.sleeve_angle),
+ self.size,
+ self.size + self.size_neck,
+ self.size + self.size_neck * uniform(0.3, 0.7),
+ )
+ obj = new_circle(vertices=len(x_anchors))
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.edge_face_add()
+ bpy.ops.mesh.flip_normals()
+ write_co(obj, np.stack([x_anchors, y_anchors, np.zeros_like(x_anchors)], -1))
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "MIRROR", use_axis=(True, False, False))
+ remesh_fill(obj, 0.02)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.thickness)
+ x, y, z = read_center(obj).T
+ x_, y_, z_ = read_normal(obj).T
+ remove_faces(obj, (y_ < -0.5) | ((y_ > 0.5) & (x_ * x < 0)))
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"), butil.Suppress():
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.remove_doubles(threshold=1e-3)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BEVEL", width=self.sleeve_width * uniform(0.1, 0.15))
+ subsurf(obj, 1)
+ wrap_front_back(obj, self.surface)
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/clothes/towel.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/clothes/towel.py
similarity index 57%
rename from infinigen/assets/clothes/towel.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/clothes/towel.py
index 964191c44..860b39bae 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/clothes/towel.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/clothes/towel.py
@@ -1,115 +1,143 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+import bmesh
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
import bpy
-import bmesh
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
-from infinigen.assets.elements.rug import ArtRug
-from infinigen.assets.materials import rug
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import geo_extension, mirror, read_co, read_edge_direction, \
- subdivide_edge_ring, subsurf, write_co
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.objects.elements.rug import ArtRug
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ geo_extension,
+ mirror,
+ read_co,
+ read_edge_direction,
+ subdivide_edge_ring,
+ subsurf,
+ write_co,
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import center, new_plane
-from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import unwrap_faces, wrap_sides
+from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import wrap_sides
from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util.math import normalize
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
class TowelFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(TowelFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.width = log_uniform(.3, .6)
+ self.width = log_uniform(0.3, 0.6)
self.length = self.width * log_uniform(1, 1.5)
- self.thickness = log_uniform(.003, .01)
+ self.thickness = log_uniform(0.003, 0.01)
prob = np.array([2, 1])
- self.fold_type = np.random.choice(['fold', 'roll'], p=prob / prob.sum())
+ self.fold_type = np.random.choice(["fold", "roll"], p=prob / prob.sum())
self.folds = np.random.randint(2, 4)
- self.extra_thickness = self.thickness * uniform(.2, .3)
+ self.extra_thickness = self.thickness * uniform(0.2, 0.3)
self.fold_count = 15
self.roll_count = 256
self.roll_total = self.compute_roll_total()
- materials = AssetList['TowelFactory']()
- self.surface = materials['surface'].assign_material()
+ materials = AssetList["TowelFactory"]()
+ self.surface = materials["surface"].assign_material()
if self.surface == ArtRug:
self.surface = self.surface(self.factory_seed)
def fold(self, obj):
x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
if np.max(x) - np.min(x) > np.max(y) - np.min(y):
- obj.rotation_euler[-1] = np.pi * (uniform() < .5)
+ obj.rotation_euler[-1] = np.pi * (uniform() < 0.5)
- obj.rotation_euler[-1] = np.pi * (uniform() < .5) + np.pi / 2
+ obj.rotation_euler[-1] = np.pi * (uniform() < 0.5) + np.pi / 2
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
obj.location = *(-center(obj))[:-1], 0
obj.location[0] += uniform(-self.thickness, self.thickness)
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
n = len(obj.data.vertices)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
selected = np.abs(read_edge_direction(obj)[:, 0]) > 1 - 1e-3
edges = [bm.edges[i] for i in np.nonzero(selected)[0]]
- bmesh.ops.subdivide_edgering(bm, edges=edges, cuts=self.fold_count, smooth=2)
+ bmesh.ops.subdivide_edgering(
+ bm, edges=edges, cuts=self.fold_count, smooth=2
+ )
co = read_co(obj)
- order = np.where(co[n::self.fold_count, 0] < co[n + 1::self.fold_count, 0], 1, -1)
- x_ = np.linspace(-self.thickness * order, self.thickness * order, self.fold_count).T.ravel()
+ order = np.where(
+ co[n :: self.fold_count, 0] < co[n + 1 :: self.fold_count, 0], 1, -1
+ )
+ x_ = np.linspace(
+ -self.thickness * order, self.thickness * order, self.fold_count
+ ).T.ravel()
co[n:, 0] = x_
x, y, z = co.T
max_z = np.max(z) + self.extra_thickness
theta = x / self.thickness * np.pi / 2
- x__ = np.where(x < -self.thickness, x,
- np.where(x > self.thickness, -x, -self.thickness + (max_z - z) * np.cos(theta)))
- z_ = np.where(x < -self.thickness, z,
- np.where(x > self.thickness, max_z * 2 - z, max_z + (max_z - z) * np.sin(theta)))
+ x__ = np.where(
+ x < -self.thickness,
+ x,
+ np.where(
+ x > self.thickness, -x, -self.thickness + (max_z - z) * np.cos(theta)
+ ),
+ )
+ z_ = np.where(
+ x < -self.thickness,
+ z,
+ np.where(
+ x > self.thickness, max_z * 2 - z, max_z + (max_z - z) * np.sin(theta)
+ ),
+ )
write_co(obj, np.stack([x__, y, z_], -1))
- if uniform() < .5:
+ if uniform() < 0.5:
return obj
def compute_roll_total(self):
c = self.length / (self.thickness + self.extra_thickness) * (4 * np.pi)
- f = lambda t: t * np.sqrt(1 + t * t) + np.log(t + np.sqrt(1 + t * t)) - c
+ def f(t):
+ return t * np.sqrt(1 + t * t) + np.log(t + np.sqrt(1 + t * t)) - c
return fsolve(f, np.zeros(1))[0]
def pre_roll(self, obj):
subdivide_edge_ring(obj, self.roll_count, (1, 0, 0))
x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
- i = np.round((x / self.length + .5) * self.roll_count).astype(int)
+ i = np.round((x / self.length + 0.5) * self.roll_count).astype(int)
t = np.linspace(0, self.roll_total, self.roll_count + 1)[i]
- length = (t * np.sqrt(1 + t * t) + np.log(t + np.sqrt(1 + t * t))) * (
- self.thickness + self.extra_thickness) / (4 * np.pi)
+ length = (
+ (t * np.sqrt(1 + t * t) + np.log(t + np.sqrt(1 + t * t)))
+ * (self.thickness + self.extra_thickness)
+ / (4 * np.pi)
+ )
write_co(obj, np.stack([length, y, z], -1))
return i
def roll(self, obj, i):
t = np.linspace(0, self.roll_total, self.roll_count + 1)[np.concatenate([i, i])]
x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
- r = (self.thickness + self.extra_thickness) / (2 * np.pi) * t + np.where(z > self.thickness / 2,
- -self.thickness / 2,
- self.thickness / 2)
+ r = (self.thickness + self.extra_thickness) / (2 * np.pi) * t + np.where(
+ z > self.thickness / 2, -self.thickness / 2, self.thickness / 2
+ )
write_co(obj, np.stack([r * np.cos(t), y, r * np.sin((t))], -1))
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
obj = new_plane()
- if self.fold_type == 'roll':
+ if self.fold_type == "roll":
obj.scale = self.length / 2, self.width / 2, 1
obj.scale = self.width / 2, self.length / 2, 1
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
i = None
- if self.fold_type == 'roll':
+ if self.fold_type == "roll":
i = self.pre_roll(obj)
- wrap_sides(obj, self.surface, 'z', 'x', 'y', strength=uniform(.2, .4))
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.thickness, offset=1)
- if self.fold_type == 'roll':
+ wrap_sides(obj, self.surface, "z", "x", "y", strength=uniform(0.2, 0.4))
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.thickness, offset=1)
+ if self.fold_type == "roll":
self.roll(obj, i)
subdivide_edge_ring(obj, 16, (0, 1, 0))
@@ -117,7 +145,11 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
subdivide_edge_ring(obj, 16, (1, 0, 0))
subdivide_edge_ring(obj, 16, (0, 1, 0))
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BEVEL', width=self.thickness * uniform(.4, .8), segments=2)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_extension, apply=True, input_args=[uniform(.05, .1)])
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj, "BEVEL", width=self.thickness * uniform(0.4, 0.8), segments=2
+ )
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geo_extension, apply=True, input_args=[uniform(0.05, 0.1)]
+ )
subsurf(obj, 1)
return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/cloud/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/cloud/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ec810324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/cloud/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+from .generate import (
+ AltocumulusFactory,
+ CloudFactory,
+ CumulonimbusFactory,
+ CumulusFactory,
+ StratocumulusFactory,
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/weather/cloud/base.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/cloud/base.py
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/weather/cloud/base.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/cloud/base.py
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/weather/cloud/cloud.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/cloud/cloud.py
similarity index 68%
rename from infinigen/assets/weather/cloud/cloud.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/cloud/cloud.py
index 1383291ad..9779c1082 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/weather/cloud/cloud.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/cloud/cloud.py
@@ -5,25 +5,19 @@
import bpy
import numpy as np
-import mathutils
-from tqdm import trange, tqdm
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.lighting import sky_lighting
-from infinigen.assets.weather.cloud.node import geometry_func, shader_material
-from infinigen.assets.weather.cloud.node import scatter_func
from scipy.ndimage import distance_transform_edt
from skimage import measure
-from infinigen.core.util.logging import Suppress
+from infinigen.assets.lighting import sky_lighting
+from infinigen.assets.objects.cloud.node import (
+ geometry_func,
+ scatter_func,
+ shader_material,
+from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.logging import Suppress
def set_curves(curve, points):
@@ -83,20 +77,25 @@ def get_params(self):
rotate_angle = np.random.uniform(*cls.ANGLE_ROTATE_RANGE)
return {
- 'density': density,
- 'anisotropy': anisotropy,
- 'noise_scale': noise_scale,
- 'noise_detail': noise_detail,
- 'voronoi_scale': voronoi_scale,
- 'mix_factor': mix_factor,
- 'rotate_angle': rotate_angle,
- 'emission_strength': emission, }
+ "density": density,
+ "anisotropy": anisotropy,
+ "noise_scale": noise_scale,
+ "noise_detail": noise_detail,
+ "voronoi_scale": voronoi_scale,
+ "mix_factor": mix_factor,
+ "rotate_angle": rotate_angle,
+ "emission_strength": emission,
+ }
def update_geo_params(self, geo_params):
return geo_params
def update_shader_params(self, shader_params):
- shader_params.update({'density': np.random.uniform(0.05, 0.25), })
+ shader_params.update(
+ {
+ "density": np.random.uniform(0.05, 0.25),
+ }
+ )
return shader_params
def get_node_params(self):
@@ -104,7 +103,12 @@ def get_node_params(self):
curve_func = self.get_curve_func()
params = self.get_params()
- params.update({'scale': scale, 'curve_func': curve_func, })
+ params.update(
+ {
+ "scale": scale,
+ "curve_func": curve_func,
+ }
+ )
geo_params = self.update_geo_params(dict(params))
shader_params = self.update_shader_params(dict(params))
@@ -120,10 +124,19 @@ def sample_curves(self):
forth_pt_x = 1.0
forth_pt_y = np.random.uniform(0.90, 1.00)
- return [[first_pt_x, first_pt_y], [second_pt_x, second_pt_y], [third_pt_x, third_pt_y],
- [forth_pt_x, forth_pt_y], ]
- def make_cloud(self, marching_cubes=False, resolution=128, selection=None, ):
+ return [
+ [first_pt_x, first_pt_y],
+ [second_pt_x, second_pt_y],
+ [third_pt_x, third_pt_y],
+ [forth_pt_x, forth_pt_y],
+ ]
+ def make_cloud(
+ self,
+ marching_cubes=False,
+ resolution=128,
+ selection=None,
+ ):
cloud = bpy.data.objects.new(self.name, self.ref_cloud.copy())
@@ -131,14 +144,27 @@ def make_cloud(self, marching_cubes=False, resolution=128, selection=None, ):
shader_params = self.shader_params
points_only = marching_cubes
- mat = surface.add_material(cloud, shader_material, selection=selection, input_kwargs=shader_params, )
- geo_params['material'] = mat
- surface.add_geomod(cloud, geometry_func(points_only=points_only, resolution=resolution, ),
- selection=selection, input_kwargs=geo_params, apply=True, )
+ mat = surface.add_material(
+ cloud,
+ shader_material,
+ selection=selection,
+ input_kwargs=shader_params,
+ )
+ geo_params["material"] = mat
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ cloud,
+ geometry_func(
+ points_only=points_only,
+ resolution=resolution,
+ ),
+ selection=selection,
+ input_kwargs=geo_params,
+ apply=True,
+ )
if not marching_cubes:
- cloud.dimensions = geo_params['scale']
+ cloud.dimensions = geo_params["scale"]
return cloud
name = cloud.name
@@ -171,14 +197,14 @@ def make_cloud(self, marching_cubes=False, resolution=128, selection=None, ):
cloud = bpy.data.objects.new(name, mesh)
cloud.active_material = mat
- cloud.dimensions = geo_params['scale']
+ cloud.dimensions = geo_params["scale"]
with Suppress():
# Set origin
- bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type='ORIGIN_GEOMETRY', center='MEDIAN')
+ bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type="ORIGIN_GEOMETRY", center="MEDIAN")
# Fix normals
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = cloud
@@ -217,12 +243,24 @@ def sample_curves(self):
forth_pt_x = 1.0
forth_pt_y = np.random.uniform(-1.0, 0.50)
- return [[first_pt_x, first_pt_y], [second_pt_x, second_pt_y], [third_pt_x, third_pt_y],
- [forth_pt_x, forth_pt_y], ]
- def make_cloud(self, marching_cubes=False, resolution=128, selection=None, ):
- return super().make_cloud(marching_cubes=marching_cubes, resolution=resolution * 2,
- selection=selection, )
+ return [
+ [first_pt_x, first_pt_y],
+ [second_pt_x, second_pt_y],
+ [third_pt_x, third_pt_y],
+ [forth_pt_x, forth_pt_y],
+ ]
+ def make_cloud(
+ self,
+ marching_cubes=False,
+ resolution=128,
+ selection=None,
+ ):
+ return super().make_cloud(
+ marching_cubes=marching_cubes,
+ resolution=resolution * 2,
+ selection=selection,
+ )
def get_scale(self):
scale_x = np.random.uniform(512.0, 1024.0)
@@ -232,7 +270,11 @@ def get_scale(self):
return scales
def update_shader_params(self, shader_params):
- shader_params.update({'density': np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.3), })
+ shader_params.update(
+ {
+ "density": np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.3),
+ }
+ )
return shader_params
@@ -240,7 +282,11 @@ class Stratocumulus(Cumulus):
ANGLE_ROTATE_RANGE = [0.0, np.pi / 4]
def update_shader_params(self, shader_params):
- shader_params.update({'density': np.random.uniform(0.01, 0.10), })
+ shader_params.update(
+ {
+ "density": np.random.uniform(0.01, 0.10),
+ }
+ )
return shader_params
def get_scale(self):
@@ -301,43 +347,64 @@ def get_params(self):
densities = np.random.uniform(*cls.DENSITY_RANGE, size=cls.NUM_SUBCLOUDS)
anisotropies = np.random.uniform(*cls.ANISOTROPY_RANGE, size=cls.NUM_SUBCLOUDS)
noise_scales = np.random.uniform(*cls.NOISE_SCALE_RANGE, size=cls.NUM_SUBCLOUDS)
- noise_details = np.random.uniform(*cls.NOISE_DETAIL_RANGE, size=cls.NUM_SUBCLOUDS)
- voronoi_scales = np.random.uniform(*cls.VORONOI_SCALE_RANGE, size=cls.NUM_SUBCLOUDS)
+ noise_details = np.random.uniform(
+ )
+ voronoi_scales = np.random.uniform(
+ )
mix_factors = np.random.uniform(*cls.MIX_FACTOR_RANGE, size=cls.NUM_SUBCLOUDS)
emissions = np.random.uniform(*cls.EMISSION_RANGE, size=cls.NUM_SUBCLOUDS)
- rotate_angles = np.random.uniform(*cls.ANGLE_ROTATE_RANGE, size=cls.NUM_SUBCLOUDS)
+ rotate_angles = np.random.uniform(
+ )
# Scatter Params
voronoi_scale = np.random.uniform(*cls.SCATTER_VORONOI_SCALE_RANGE)
vertices_x = np.random.randint(*cls.SCATTER_GRID_VERTICES_RANGE)
vertices_y = np.random.randint(*cls.SCATTER_GRID_VERTICES_RANGE)
- scatter_params = {'voronoi_scale': voronoi_scale, 'vertices_x': vertices_x, 'vertices_y': vertices_y, }
+ scatter_params = {
+ "voronoi_scale": voronoi_scale,
+ "vertices_x": vertices_x,
+ "vertices_y": vertices_y,
+ }
return {
- 'densities': densities,
- 'anisotropies': anisotropies,
- 'noise_scales': noise_scales,
- 'noise_details': noise_details,
- 'voronoi_scales': voronoi_scales,
- 'mix_factors': mix_factors,
- 'rotate_angles': rotate_angles,
- 'emission_strengths': emissions,
- 'scatter_params': scatter_params, }
+ "densities": densities,
+ "anisotropies": anisotropies,
+ "noise_scales": noise_scales,
+ "noise_details": noise_details,
+ "voronoi_scales": voronoi_scales,
+ "mix_factors": mix_factors,
+ "rotate_angles": rotate_angles,
+ "emission_strengths": emissions,
+ "scatter_params": scatter_params,
+ }
def update_shader_params(self, shader_params):
- params = zip(shader_params['anisotropies'], shader_params['noise_scales'],
- shader_params['noise_details'], shader_params['voronoi_scales'], shader_params['mix_factors'],
- shader_params['rotate_angles'], shader_params['emission_strengths'], )
- shader_params = [{
- 'density': np.random.uniform(0.05, 0.25),
- 'anisotropy': param[0],
- 'noise_scale': param[1],
- 'noise_detail': param[2],
- 'voronoi_scale': param[3],
- 'mix_factor': param[4],
- 'rotate_angle': param[5],
- 'emission_strength': param[6], } for param in params]
+ params = zip(
+ shader_params["anisotropies"],
+ shader_params["noise_scales"],
+ shader_params["noise_details"],
+ shader_params["voronoi_scales"],
+ shader_params["mix_factors"],
+ shader_params["rotate_angles"],
+ shader_params["emission_strengths"],
+ )
+ shader_params = [
+ {
+ "density": np.random.uniform(0.05, 0.25),
+ "anisotropy": param[0],
+ "noise_scale": param[1],
+ "noise_detail": param[2],
+ "voronoi_scale": param[3],
+ "mix_factor": param[4],
+ "rotate_angle": param[5],
+ "emission_strength": param[6],
+ }
+ for param in params
+ ]
return shader_params
def get_node_params(self):
@@ -347,13 +414,23 @@ def get_node_params(self):
curve_funcs = [self.get_curve_func() for _ in range(cls.NUM_SUBCLOUDS)]
params = self.get_params()
- params.update({'scale': scale, 'curve_funcs': curve_funcs, })
+ params.update(
+ {
+ "scale": scale,
+ "curve_funcs": curve_funcs,
+ }
+ )
geo_params = self.update_geo_params(dict(params))
shader_params = self.update_shader_params(dict(params))
return geo_params, shader_params
- def make_cloud(self, marching_cubes=False, resolution=128, selection=None, ):
+ def make_cloud(
+ self,
+ marching_cubes=False,
+ resolution=128,
+ selection=None,
+ ):
resolution = min(resolution, 64)
cloud = bpy.data.objects.new(self.name, self.ref_cloud.copy())
@@ -362,15 +439,25 @@ def make_cloud(self, marching_cubes=False, resolution=128, selection=None, ):
shader_params = self.shader_params
points_only = apply = marching_cubes
- mats = [surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_material, **shader_param) for shader_param in
- shader_params]
- geo_params['materials'] = mats
- surface.add_geomod(cloud, scatter_func(points_only=points_only, resolution=resolution, ),
- selection=selection, input_kwargs=geo_params, apply=True, )
+ mats = [
+ surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_material, **shader_param)
+ for shader_param in shader_params
+ ]
+ geo_params["materials"] = mats
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ cloud,
+ scatter_func(
+ points_only=points_only,
+ resolution=resolution,
+ ),
+ selection=selection,
+ input_kwargs=geo_params,
+ apply=True,
+ )
# TODO: fix this and check if scales is still needed
- cloud.dimensions = geo_params['scale']
+ cloud.dimensions = geo_params["scale"]
return cloud
@@ -429,7 +516,7 @@ def create_3d_grid(steps=64):
ys = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, steps)
zs = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, steps)
- xs, ys, zs = np.meshgrid(xs, ys, zs, indexing='ij')
+ xs, ys, zs = np.meshgrid(xs, ys, zs, indexing="ij")
xs = xs.reshape(-1)
ys = ys.reshape(-1)
zs = zs.reshape(-1)
@@ -437,7 +524,7 @@ def create_3d_grid(steps=64):
return np.stack((xs, ys, zs), axis=1)
-def create_cube(name, steps=128, collection='Clouds'):
+def create_cube(name, steps=128, collection="Clouds"):
grid = create_3d_grid(steps=steps)
mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(name)
@@ -450,8 +537,8 @@ def create_cube(name, steps=128, collection='Clouds'):
def initialize(collection):
- bpy.context.scene.render.engine = 'CYCLES'
- bpy.context.scene.cycles.device = 'GPU'
+ bpy.context.scene.render.engine = "CYCLES"
+ bpy.context.scene.cycles.device = "GPU"
bpy.context.scene.cycles.preview_samples = 32
bpy.context.scene.cycles.samples = 128
@@ -467,20 +554,39 @@ def initialize(collection):
resolution = 256
ref_grid = create_3d_grid(steps=128)
- ref_cloud = bpy.data.meshes.new('ref_cloud')
+ ref_cloud = bpy.data.meshes.new("ref_cloud")
ref_cloud.from_pydata(ref_grid, [], [])
clouds = []
- clouds += [Cumulus(f'Cumulus_{i:03d}', ref_cloud).make_cloud(marching_cubes=False, resolution=resolution, )
- for i in range(6)]
- clouds += [Cumulonimbus(f'Cumulonimbus{i:03d}', ref_cloud).make_cloud(marching_cubes=False,
- resolution=resolution, ) for i in range(6)]
- clouds += [Stratocumulus(f'Stratocumulus{i:03d}', ref_cloud).make_cloud(marching_cubes=False,
- resolution=resolution, ) for i in range(6)]
clouds += [
- Altocumulus(f'Altocumulus{i:03d}', ref_cloud).make_cloud(marching_cubes=False, resolution=resolution, )
- for i in range(7)]
+ Cumulus(f"Cumulus_{i:03d}", ref_cloud).make_cloud(
+ marching_cubes=False,
+ resolution=resolution,
+ )
+ for i in range(6)
+ ]
+ clouds += [
+ Cumulonimbus(f"Cumulonimbus{i:03d}", ref_cloud).make_cloud(
+ marching_cubes=False,
+ resolution=resolution,
+ )
+ for i in range(6)
+ ]
+ clouds += [
+ Stratocumulus(f"Stratocumulus{i:03d}", ref_cloud).make_cloud(
+ marching_cubes=False,
+ resolution=resolution,
+ )
+ for i in range(6)
+ ]
+ clouds += [
+ Altocumulus(f"Altocumulus{i:03d}", ref_cloud).make_cloud(
+ marching_cubes=False,
+ resolution=resolution,
+ )
+ for i in range(7)
+ ]
for cloud in clouds:
@@ -510,7 +616,7 @@ def create_collection(name):
def main():
- collection_name = 'Clouds'
+ collection_name = "Clouds"
@@ -520,13 +626,13 @@ def main():
def single():
- collection_name = 'Clouds'
+ collection_name = "Clouds"
- bpy.context.scene.render.engine = 'CYCLES'
- bpy.context.scene.cycles.device = 'GPU'
+ bpy.context.scene.render.engine = "CYCLES"
+ bpy.context.scene.cycles.device = "GPU"
bpy.context.scene.cycles.preview_samples = 32
bpy.context.scene.cycles.samples = 128
@@ -538,12 +644,17 @@ def single():
ys = ys.reshape(-1)
ref_grid = create_3d_grid(steps=256)
- ref_cloud = bpy.data.meshes.new('ref_cloud')
+ ref_cloud = bpy.data.meshes.new("ref_cloud")
ref_cloud.from_pydata(ref_grid, [], [])
- clouds = [Cumulonimbus(f'Cumulonimbus_{i:03d}', ref_cloud).make_cloud(marching_cubes=True, resolution=128, )
- for i in range(1)]
+ clouds = [
+ Cumulonimbus(f"Cumulonimbus_{i:03d}", ref_cloud).make_cloud(
+ marching_cubes=True,
+ resolution=128,
+ )
+ for i in range(1)
+ ]
for cloud in clouds:
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/cloud/generate.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/cloud/generate.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d565bba1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/cloud/generate.py
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Hei Law
+import bpy
+import gin
+import numpy as np
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_cube
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
+from .cloud import (
+ Altocumulus,
+ Cumulonimbus,
+ Cumulus,
+ Stratocumulus,
+ create_3d_grid,
+class CloudFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ factory_seed,
+ coarse=False,
+ terrain_mesh=None,
+ max_distance=300,
+ steps=128,
+ cloudy=("bool", 0.01),
+ ):
+ super(CloudFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.max_distance = max_distance
+ self.ref_cloud = bpy.data.meshes.new("ref_cloud")
+ self.ref_cloud.from_pydata(create_3d_grid(steps=steps), [], [])
+ self.ref_cloud.update()
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.cloudy = rg(cloudy)
+ self.cloud_types = (
+ [
+ Cumulonimbus,
+ ]
+ if self.cloudy
+ else [
+ Cumulus,
+ Stratocumulus,
+ Altocumulus,
+ ]
+ )
+ self.resolutions = {
+ Cumulonimbus: [16, 128],
+ Cumulus: [16, 128],
+ Stratocumulus: [32, 256],
+ Altocumulus: [16, 64],
+ }
+ scale_resolution = 4
+ self.resolutions = {
+ k: (scale_resolution * u, scale_resolution * v)
+ for k, (u, v) in self.resolutions.items()
+ }
+ self.min_distance = 256 if self.cloudy else 64
+ self.dome_radius = 1024 if self.cloudy else 256
+ self.dome_threshold = 32 if self.cloudy else 0
+ self.density_range = [1e-5, 1e-4] if self.cloudy else [1e-4, 2e-4]
+ self.max_scale = max([t.MAX_EXPECTED_SCALE for t in self.cloud_types])
+ self.density = max([t.PLACEHOLDER_DENSITY for t in self.cloud_types])
+ def spawn_locations(self):
+ obj = new_cube()
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ self.geo_dome,
+ apply=True,
+ input_args=[
+ self.dome_radius,
+ self.dome_threshold,
+ self.density_range,
+ self.min_distance,
+ ],
+ )
+ locations = np.array([obj.matrix_world @ v.co for v in obj.data.vertices])
+ butil.delete(obj)
+ return locations
+ def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ return butil.spawn_empty("placeholder", disp_type="CUBE", s=self.max_scale)
+ def create_asset(self, distance, **kwargs):
+ cloud_type = np.random.choice(self.cloud_types)
+ resolution_min, resolution_max = self.resolutions[cloud_type]
+ resolution = max(1 - distance / self.max_distance, 0)
+ resolution = resolution * (resolution_max - resolution_min) + resolution_min
+ resolution = int(resolution)
+ new_cloud = cloud_type("Cloud", self.ref_cloud)
+ new_cloud = new_cloud.make_cloud(
+ marching_cubes=False,
+ resolution=resolution,
+ )
+ butil.apply_transform(new_cloud)
+ tag_object(new_cloud, "cloud")
+ return new_cloud
+ @staticmethod
+ def geo_dome(
+ nw,
+ dome_radius,
+ dome_threshold,
+ density_range,
+ min_distance,
+ ):
+ ico_sphere = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshIcoSphere",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Radius": dome_radius,
+ "Subdivisions": 8,
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": ico_sphere,
+ "Scale": (1.2, 1.4, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position,
+ },
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ 1: dome_threshold,
+ },
+ attrs={
+ "operation": "LESS_THAN",
+ },
+ )
+ delete_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeDeleteGeometry",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform,
+ "Selection": less_than,
+ },
+ )
+ distribute_points_on_faces = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": delete_geometry,
+ "Distance Min": min_distance,
+ "Density Max": np.random.uniform(*density_range),
+ "Seed": np.random.randint(1e5),
+ },
+ attrs={
+ "distribute_method": "POISSON",
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Z": nw.uniform(32, np.random.randint(64, 1e5)),
+ },
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": distribute_points_on_faces.outputs["Points"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ verts = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PointsToVertices,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": set_position,
+ },
+ )
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": verts,
+ },
+ )
+class CumulonimbusFactory(CloudFactory):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ factory_seed,
+ coarse=False,
+ max_distance=300,
+ steps=128,
+ ):
+ self.cloud_types = [Cumulonimbus]
+ super(CumulonimbusFactory, self).__init__(
+ factory_seed, coarse, max_distance, steps
+ )
+ self.cloud_types = [Cumulonimbus]
+class CumulusFactory(CloudFactory):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ factory_seed,
+ coarse=False,
+ max_distance=300,
+ steps=128,
+ ):
+ self.cloud_types = [Cumulus]
+ super(CumulusFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse, max_distance, steps)
+ self.cloud_types = [Cumulus]
+class StratocumulusFactory(CloudFactory):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ factory_seed,
+ coarse=False,
+ max_distance=300,
+ steps=128,
+ ):
+ self.cloud_types = [Stratocumulus]
+ super(StratocumulusFactory, self).__init__(
+ factory_seed, coarse, max_distance, steps
+ )
+ self.cloud_types = [Stratocumulus]
+class AltocumulusFactory(CloudFactory):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ factory_seed,
+ coarse=False,
+ max_distance=300,
+ steps=128,
+ ):
+ self.cloud_types = [Altocumulus]
+ super(AltocumulusFactory, self).__init__(
+ factory_seed, coarse, max_distance, steps
+ )
+ self.cloud_types = [Altocumulus]
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/weather/cloud/node.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/cloud/node.py
similarity index 71%
rename from infinigen/assets/weather/cloud/node.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/cloud/node.py
index 118f3eb45..a81e62a9c 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/weather/cloud/node.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/cloud/node.py
@@ -4,15 +4,17 @@
# Authors: Hei Law
# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPAYX8z9i8M by CGCookie
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
import numpy as np
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
def cloud_geometry_func(
def cloud_geometry_node(
- nw,
+ nw,
@@ -24,26 +26,26 @@ def cloud_geometry_node(
scale = (1.5, 1.5, 2.0)
group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput)
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
- 'Vector': position,
- 'Angle': rotate_angle,
+ "Vector": position,
+ "Angle": rotate_angle,
noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
- 'Vector': vector_rotate,
- 'Scale': 2.0000,
+ "Vector": vector_rotate,
+ "Scale": 2.0000,
subtract = nw.new_node(
@@ -51,21 +53,21 @@ def cloud_geometry_node(
1: (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000),
- 'operation': 'SUBTRACT',
+ "operation": "SUBTRACT",
scale = nw.new_node(
0: subtract.outputs["Vector"],
- 'Scale': 0.1000,
+ "Scale": 0.1000,
- 'operation': 'SCALE',
+ "operation": "SCALE",
multiply = nw.new_node(
@@ -73,18 +75,18 @@ def cloud_geometry_node(
1: (1.5000, 1.5000, 2.0000),
- 'operation': 'MULTIPLY',
+ "operation": "MULTIPLY",
vector_curves = nw.new_node(
- 'Vector': multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Vector": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
add = nw.new_node(
@@ -92,16 +94,16 @@ def cloud_geometry_node(
1: vector_curves,
noise_texture = nw.new_node(
- 'Vector': vector_rotate,
- 'Scale': noise_scale,
- 'Detail': noise_detail,
+ "Vector": vector_rotate,
+ "Scale": noise_scale,
+ "Detail": noise_detail,
subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
@@ -109,21 +111,21 @@ def cloud_geometry_node(
1: (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000),
- 'operation': 'SUBTRACT',
+ "operation": "SUBTRACT",
scale_1 = nw.new_node(
0: subtract_1.outputs["Vector"],
- 'Scale': 0.1000,
+ "Scale": 0.1000,
- 'operation': 'SCALE',
+ "operation": "SCALE",
add_1 = nw.new_node(
@@ -131,33 +133,33 @@ def cloud_geometry_node(
1: scale_1.outputs["Vector"],
voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
- 'Vector': add_1.outputs["Vector"],
- 'Scale': voronoi_scale,
+ "Vector": add_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": voronoi_scale,
noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
- 'Vector': vector_rotate,
- 'Detail': 5.0000,
+ "Vector": vector_rotate,
+ "Detail": 5.0000,
subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
0: noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"],
- 'operation': 'SUBTRACT',
+ "operation": "SUBTRACT",
multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
@@ -165,10 +167,10 @@ def cloud_geometry_node(
1: 0.1000,
- 'operation': 'MULTIPLY',
+ "operation": "MULTIPLY",
add_2 = nw.new_node(
@@ -176,38 +178,38 @@ def cloud_geometry_node(
1: multiply_1,
mix_1 = nw.new_node(
- 'Fac': mix_factor,
- 'Color1': add.outputs["Vector"],
- 'Color2': add_2,
+ "Fac": mix_factor,
+ "Color1": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Color2": add_2,
- 'blend_type': 'OVERLAY',
+ "blend_type": "OVERLAY",
length = nw.new_node(
0: mix_1,
- 'operation': 'LENGTH',
+ "operation": "LENGTH",
noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(
- 'Vector': vector_rotate,
- 'Scale': 2.0000,
- 'Detail': 5.0000,
+ "Vector": vector_rotate,
+ "Scale": 2.0000,
+ "Detail": 5.0000,
multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
@@ -215,41 +217,42 @@ def cloud_geometry_node(
1: 2.0000,
- 'operation': 'MULTIPLY',
+ "operation": "MULTIPLY",
noise_texture_4 = nw.new_node(
- 'Vector': vector_rotate,
- 'Scale': 1.5000,
- 'Detail': 5.0000,
+ "Vector": vector_rotate,
+ "Scale": 1.5000,
+ "Detail": 5.0000,
divide = nw.new_node(
0: noise_texture_4.outputs["Fac"],
1: 100.0000,
- }, attrs={
- 'operation': 'DIVIDE',
+ },
+ attrs={
+ "operation": "DIVIDE",
map_range = nw.new_node(
- 'Value': length.outputs["Value"],
+ "Value": length.outputs["Value"],
3: multiply_2,
4: divide,
- 'clamp': False,
+ "clamp": False,
multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
@@ -257,10 +260,10 @@ def cloud_geometry_node(
1: density,
- 'operation': 'MULTIPLY',
+ "operation": "MULTIPLY",
greater_than = nw.new_node(
@@ -268,41 +271,42 @@ def cloud_geometry_node(
1: 0.01,
- 'operation': 'GREATER_THAN',
+ "operation": "GREATER_THAN",
separate_geometry = nw.new_node(
- 'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Selection': greater_than,
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Selection": greater_than,
points_to_volume = nw.new_node(
- 'Points': separate_geometry.outputs["Selection"],
- 'Radius': 0.0150,
+ "Points": separate_geometry.outputs["Selection"],
+ "Radius": 0.0150,
volume_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
- 'Volume': points_to_volume,
+ "Volume": points_to_volume,
set_material = nw.new_node(
- 'Geometry': volume_to_mesh,
- 'Material': material,
+ "Geometry": volume_to_mesh,
+ "Material": material,
return set_material
return cloud_geometry_node
@@ -316,7 +320,7 @@ def geometry_func(
def geometry_nodes(
- nw,
+ nw,
@@ -328,7 +332,7 @@ def geometry_nodes(
cloud_mesh = cloud_func(
- nw,
+ nw,
@@ -343,9 +347,10 @@ def geometry_nodes(
group_output = nw.new_node(
- 'Geometry': cloud_mesh,
+ "Geometry": cloud_mesh,
return geometry_nodes
@@ -361,25 +366,25 @@ def shader_material(
location = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- scale = (0.9, 0.9, 0.9)
+ scale = (0.9, 0.9, 0.9)
texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
mapping = nw.new_node(
- 'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(
- 'Vector': mapping,
- 'Scale': 2.0000,
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Scale": 2.0000,
subtract = nw.new_node(
@@ -387,21 +392,21 @@ def shader_material(
1: (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000),
- 'operation': 'SUBTRACT',
+ "operation": "SUBTRACT",
scale = nw.new_node(
0: subtract.outputs["Vector"],
- 'Scale': 0.1000,
+ "Scale": 0.1000,
- 'operation': 'SCALE',
+ "operation": "SCALE",
add = nw.new_node(
@@ -409,15 +414,16 @@ def shader_material(
1: mapping,
noise_texture = nw.new_node(
- 'Vector': mapping,
- 'Scale': noise_scale,
- 'Detail': noise_detail,
- })
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Scale": noise_scale,
+ "Detail": noise_detail,
+ },
+ )
subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
@@ -425,54 +431,54 @@ def shader_material(
1: (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000),
- 'operation': 'SUBTRACT',
+ "operation": "SUBTRACT",
scale_1 = nw.new_node(
0: subtract_1.outputs["Vector"],
- 'Scale': 0.1000,
+ "Scale": 0.1000,
- 'operation': 'SCALE',
+ "operation": "SCALE",
add_1 = nw.new_node(
1: scale_1.outputs["Vector"],
voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
- 'Vector': add_1.outputs["Vector"],
- 'Scale': voronoi_scale,
+ "Vector": add_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": voronoi_scale,
noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
- 'Scale': mapping,
- 'Detail': 5.0000,
+ "Scale": mapping,
+ "Detail": 5.0000,
subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
0: noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"],
- 'operation': 'SUBTRACT',
+ "operation": "SUBTRACT",
multiply = nw.new_node(
@@ -480,10 +486,10 @@ def shader_material(
1: 0.1000,
- 'operation': 'MULTIPLY',
+ "operation": "MULTIPLY",
add_2 = nw.new_node(
@@ -491,38 +497,38 @@ def shader_material(
1: multiply,
mix_1 = nw.new_node(
- 'Fac': 0.3,
- 'Color1': add.outputs["Vector"],
- 'Color2': add_2,
+ "Fac": 0.3,
+ "Color1": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Color2": add_2,
- 'blend_type': 'OVERLAY',
+ "blend_type": "OVERLAY",
length = nw.new_node(
0: mix_1,
- 'operation': 'LENGTH',
+ "operation": "LENGTH",
noise_texture_4 = nw.new_node(
- 'Vector': mapping,
- 'Scale': 2.0000,
- 'Detail': 5.0000,
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Scale": 2.0000,
+ "Detail": 5.0000,
multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
@@ -530,19 +536,19 @@ def shader_material(
1: 2.0000,
- 'operation': 'MULTIPLY',
+ "operation": "MULTIPLY",
noise_texture_5 = nw.new_node(
- 'Vector': mapping,
- 'Scale': 1.5000,
- 'Detail': 5.0000,
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Scale": 1.5000,
+ "Detail": 5.0000,
divide = nw.new_node(
@@ -550,22 +556,22 @@ def shader_material(
1: 100.0000,
- 'operation': 'DIVIDE',
+ "operation": "DIVIDE",
map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
- 'Value': length.outputs["Value"],
+ "Value": length.outputs["Value"],
3: multiply_1,
4: divide,
- 'clamp': False,
+ "clamp": False,
multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
@@ -573,29 +579,29 @@ def shader_material(
1: density,
- 'operation': 'MULTIPLY',
+ "operation": "MULTIPLY",
principled_volume = nw.new_node(
- 'Color': (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000),
- 'Density': multiply_2,
- 'Anisotropy': anisotropy,
- 'Absorption Color': (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000),
- 'Temperature': 0.0,
- 'Emission Strength': emission_strength,
+ "Color": (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000),
+ "Density": multiply_2,
+ "Anisotropy": anisotropy,
+ "Absorption Color": (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000),
+ "Temperature": 0.0,
+ "Emission Strength": emission_strength,
material_output = nw.new_node(
- 'Volume': principled_volume,
+ "Volume": principled_volume,
- 'is_active_output': True,
+ "is_active_output": True,
@@ -610,7 +616,7 @@ def scatter_func(
def scatter_nodes(
- nw,
+ nw,
@@ -638,20 +644,21 @@ def scatter_nodes(
- ) for param in params
+ )
+ for param in params
# Selection
voronoi_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
- 'Scale': scatter_params['voronoi_scale'],
+ "Scale": scatter_params["voronoi_scale"],
map_range = nw.new_node(
- 'Value': voronoi_texture_2.outputs["Distance"],
+ "Value": voronoi_texture_2.outputs["Distance"],
greater_than = nw.new_node(
@@ -661,7 +668,7 @@ def scatter_nodes(
1: 0.6,
- 'operation': 'GREATER_THAN',
+ "operation": "GREATER_THAN",
@@ -669,55 +676,55 @@ def scatter_nodes(
grid = nw.new_node(
- 'Size X': 2.0,
- 'Size Y': 2.0,
- 'Vertices X': scatter_params['vertices_x'],
- 'Vertices Y': scatter_params['vertices_y'],
+ "Size X": 2.0,
+ "Size Y": 2.0,
+ "Vertices X": scatter_params["vertices_x"],
+ "Vertices Y": scatter_params["vertices_y"],
distribute_points_on_faces = nw.new_node(
- 'Mesh': grid,
- 'Distance Min': 0.3,
- 'Density Max': 64.0,
+ "Mesh": grid,
+ "Distance Min": 0.3,
+ "Density Max": 64.0,
- 'distribute_method': 'POISSON',
+ "distribute_method": "POISSON",
# Convert cloud geometry to instance
geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node(
- 'GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance',
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance",
- 'Geometry': cloud_meshes,
+ "Geometry": cloud_meshes,
random_value_2 = nw.new_node(
- 'data_type': 'INT',
+ "data_type": "INT",
instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
- 'Points': distribute_points_on_faces,
- 'Instance': geometry_to_instance,
- 'Pick Instance': True,
- 'Instance Index': random_value_2.outputs[2],
+ "Points": distribute_points_on_faces,
+ "Instance": geometry_to_instance,
+ "Pick Instance": True,
+ "Instance Index": random_value_2.outputs[2],
random_value = nw.new_node(
0: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
- 'Seed': np.random.randint(int(1e5)),
+ "Seed": np.random.randint(int(1e5)),
- 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR',
+ "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR",
random_value_4 = nw.new_node(
@@ -734,14 +741,14 @@ def scatter_nodes(
1: random_value_4.outputs[1],
- 'operation': 'MULTIPLY',
+ "operation": "MULTIPLY",
scale_instances = nw.new_node(
- 'GeometryNodeScaleInstances',
+ "GeometryNodeScaleInstances",
- 'Instances': instance_on_points,
- 'Scale': multiply_4,
+ "Instances": instance_on_points,
+ "Scale": multiply_4,
random_value_1 = nw.new_node(
@@ -757,46 +764,47 @@ def scatter_nodes(
0: random_value_1.outputs[1],
- 'operation': 'RADIANS',
+ "operation": "RADIANS",
combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
- 'Z': radians,
+ "Z": radians,
rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
- 'GeometryNodeRotateInstances',
+ "GeometryNodeRotateInstances",
- 'Instances': scale_instances,
- 'Rotation': combine_xyz,
+ "Instances": scale_instances,
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz,
random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue)
combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
- 'Z': random_value_3.outputs[1],
+ "Z": random_value_3.outputs[1],
translate_instances = nw.new_node(
- 'Instances': rotate_instances,
- 'Translation': combine_xyz_2,
+ "Instances": rotate_instances,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_2,
realize_instances = nw.new_node(
- 'Geometry': translate_instances,
+ "Geometry": translate_instances,
group_output_1 = nw.new_node(
- 'Geometry': realize_instances,
+ "Geometry": realize_instances,
return scatter_nodes
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..47754a5d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+from .diff_growth import (
+ DiffGrowthBaseCoralFactory,
+ LeatherBaseCoralFactory,
+ TableBaseCoralFactory,
+from .elkhorn import ElkhornBaseCoralFactory
+from .fan import FanBaseCoralFactory
+from .generate import (
+ BrainCoralFactory,
+ BushCoralFactory,
+ CauliflowerCoralFactory,
+ CoralFactory,
+ ElkhornCoralFactory,
+ FanCoralFactory,
+ HoneycombCoralFactory,
+ LeatherCoralFactory,
+ StarCoralFactory,
+ TableCoralFactory,
+ TubeCoralFactory,
+ TwigCoralFactory,
+from .laplacian import CauliflowerBaseCoralFactory
+from .reaction_diffusion import (
+ BrainBaseCoralFactory,
+ HoneycombBaseCoralFactory,
+ ReactionDiffusionBaseCoralFactory,
+from .star import StarBaseCoralFactory
+from .tree import BushBaseCoralFactory, TreeBaseCoralFactory, TwigBaseCoralFactory
+from .tube import TubeBaseCoralFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/corals/base.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/base.py
similarity index 77%
rename from infinigen/assets/corals/base.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/corals/base.py
index 3fcec97e1..b415f7a4b 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/corals/base.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/base.py
@@ -10,12 +10,11 @@
class BaseCoralFactory(AssetFactory):
- tentacle_distance = .05
- default_scale = [.8] * 3
- noise_strength = .02
- tentacle_prob = .5
- bump_prob = .3
+ tentacle_distance = 0.05
+ default_scale = [0.8] * 3
+ noise_strength = 0.02
+ tentacle_prob = 0.5
+ bump_prob = 0.3
density = 500
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
@@ -23,4 +22,4 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
self.points_fn = lambda nw, points: points
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- raise NotImplemented
+ raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/corals/diff_growth.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/diff_growth.py
similarity index 57%
rename from infinigen/assets/corals/diff_growth.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/corals/diff_growth.py
index 036f104ec..8b985ff9f 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/corals/diff_growth.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/diff_growth.py
@@ -7,16 +7,20 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.corals.base import BaseCoralFactory
-from infinigen.assets.corals.tentacles import make_upward_points_fn, make_radius_points_fn
-from infinigen.infinigen_gpl.extras.diff_growth import build_diff_growth
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import mesh2obj, data2mesh
+import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
+from infinigen.assets.objects.corals.base import BaseCoralFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.corals.tentacles import (
+ make_radius_points_fn,
+ make_upward_points_fn,
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import geo_extension, read_co
from infinigen.assets.utils.mesh import polygon_angles
-import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import data2mesh, mesh2obj
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
+from infinigen.infinigen_gpl.extras.diff_growth import build_diff_growth
class DiffGrowthBaseCoralFactory(BaseCoralFactory):
default_scale = [1] * 3
@@ -24,15 +28,15 @@ class DiffGrowthBaseCoralFactory(BaseCoralFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(DiffGrowthBaseCoralFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
self.makers = [self.leather_make, self.flat_make]
- self.weights = [.7, .3]
+ self.weights = [0.7, 0.3]
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
self.maker = np.random.choice(self.makers, p=self.weights)
if self.maker == self.flat_make:
- self.tentacle_prob = .8
- self.points_fn = make_upward_points_fn(.05, np.pi / 3)
+ self.tentacle_prob = 0.8
+ self.points_fn = make_upward_points_fn(0.05, np.pi / 3)
- self.tentacle_prob = .5
- self.points_fn = make_radius_points_fn(.05, .5)
+ self.tentacle_prob = 0.5
+ self.points_fn = make_radius_points_fn(0.05, 0.5)
def diff_growth_make(name, n_colonies=1, **kwargs):
@@ -40,7 +44,10 @@ def diff_growth_make(name, n_colonies=1, **kwargs):
stride = 2
if n_colonies > 1:
angles = polygon_angles(np.random.randint(2, 6))
- colony_offsets = np.stack([np.cos(angles), np.sin(angles), np.zeros_like(angles)]).T * stride
+ colony_offsets = (
+ np.stack([np.cos(angles), np.sin(angles), np.zeros_like(angles)]).T
+ * stride
+ )
colony_offsets = np.zeros((1, 3))
@@ -48,58 +55,78 @@ def diff_growth_make(name, n_colonies=1, **kwargs):
for i, offset in enumerate(colony_offsets):
angles = polygon_angles(n_base)
vertices = np.block(
- [[np.cos(angles), 0], [np.sin(angles), 0], [np.zeros(n_base + 1)]]).T + np.expand_dims(offset,
- 0)
- faces = np.stack([np.arange(n_base), np.roll(np.arange(n_base), 1), np.full(n_base, n_base)]).T + (
- n_base + 1) * i
+ [[np.cos(angles), 0], [np.sin(angles), 0], [np.zeros(n_base + 1)]]
+ ).T + np.expand_dims(offset, 0)
+ faces = (
+ np.stack(
+ [
+ np.arange(n_base),
+ np.roll(np.arange(n_base), 1),
+ np.full(n_base, n_base),
+ ]
+ ).T
+ + (n_base + 1) * i
+ )
vertices = np.concatenate(vertices_all)
faces = np.concatenate(faces_all)
- obj = mesh2obj(data2mesh(vertices, [], faces, 'polygon'))
+ obj = mesh2obj(data2mesh(vertices, [], faces, "polygon"))
- boundary = obj.vertex_groups.new(name='Boundary')
+ boundary = obj.vertex_groups.new(name="Boundary")
boundary_vertices = set(range(len(vertices)))
boundary_vertices.difference(range(n_base, len(vertices), n_base + 1))
- boundary.add(list(boundary_vertices), 1.0, 'REPLACE')
+ boundary.add(list(boundary_vertices), 1.0, "REPLACE")
build_diff_growth(obj, boundary.index, **kwargs)
obj.name = name
return obj
def leather_make():
- prob_multiple_colonies = .5
- n_colonies = np.random.randint(2, 3) if uniform() < prob_multiple_colonies else 1
- growth_vec = 0, 0, uniform(.8, 1.2)
- growth_scale = 1, 1, uniform(.5, .7)
- obj = DiffGrowthBaseCoralFactory.diff_growth_make('leather_coral', n_colonies,
- max_polygons=1e3 * n_colonies, fac_noise=2., dt=.25,
- growth_scale=growth_scale, growth_vec=growth_vec)
+ prob_multiple_colonies = 0.5
+ n_colonies = (
+ np.random.randint(2, 3) if uniform() < prob_multiple_colonies else 1
+ )
+ growth_vec = 0, 0, uniform(0.8, 1.2)
+ growth_scale = 1, 1, uniform(0.5, 0.7)
+ obj = DiffGrowthBaseCoralFactory.diff_growth_make(
+ "leather_coral",
+ n_colonies,
+ max_polygons=1e3 * n_colonies,
+ fac_noise=2.0,
+ dt=0.25,
+ growth_scale=growth_scale,
+ growth_vec=growth_vec,
+ )
return obj
def flat_make():
n_colonies = 1
- obj = DiffGrowthBaseCoralFactory.diff_growth_make('flat_coral', n_colonies,
- max_polygons=4e2 * n_colonies, repulsion_radius=2,
- inhibit_shell=1)
+ obj = DiffGrowthBaseCoralFactory.diff_growth_make(
+ "flat_coral",
+ n_colonies,
+ max_polygons=4e2 * n_colonies,
+ repulsion_radius=2,
+ inhibit_shell=1,
+ )
obj.scale = 1, 1, uniform(1, 2)
return obj
def create_asset(self, face_size=0.01, **params):
obj = self.maker()
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SMOOTH', iterations=2)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SMOOTH", iterations=2)
levels = 2
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SUBSURF', render_levels=levels, levels=levels)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SUBSURF", render_levels=levels, levels=levels)
obj.scale = 2 * np.array(self.default_scale) / max(obj.dimensions[:2])
surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_extension, apply=True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=.01)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=0.01)
obj.location = 0, 0, -np.amin(read_co(obj).T[:, -1]) * 0.8
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
- tag_object(obj, 'diffgrowth_coral')
+ tag_object(obj, "diffgrowth_coral")
return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/corals/elkhorn.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/elkhorn.py
similarity index 50%
rename from infinigen/assets/corals/elkhorn.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/corals/elkhorn.py
index 57302fdf0..cfb06ae37 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/corals/elkhorn.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/elkhorn.py
@@ -4,56 +4,90 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
import bmesh
+import bpy
import numpy as np
from mathutils import kdtree
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.corals.base import BaseCoralFactory
-from infinigen.assets.corals.tentacles import make_radius_points_fn
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import displace_vertices, geo_extension, read_co, remove_vertices, write_co
+from infinigen.assets.objects.corals.base import BaseCoralFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.corals.tentacles import make_radius_points_fn
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ displace_vertices,
+ geo_extension,
+ read_co,
+ remove_vertices,
+ write_co,
from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import make_circular_interp
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_circle, origin2lowest, separate_loose
+from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
class ElkhornBaseCoralFactory(BaseCoralFactory):
- tentacle_prob = 0.
- noise_strength = .005
+ tentacle_prob = 0.0
+ noise_strength = 0.005
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(ElkhornBaseCoralFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.points_fn = make_radius_points_fn(.05, .6)
+ self.points_fn = make_radius_points_fn(0.05, 0.6)
def geo_elkhorn(nw: NodeWrangler):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- start_index = nw.boolean_math('AND', nw.compare('GREATER_THAN', nw.vector_math('LENGTH', nw.new_node(
- Nodes.InputPosition)), .7), nw.bernoulli(.005))
- end_index = nw.compare('LESS_THAN', nw.vector_math('LENGTH', nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)), .02)
- distance = nw.vector_math('DISTANCE', *nw.new_node(Nodes.InputEdgeVertices).outputs[2:])
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ start_index = nw.boolean_math(
+ "AND",
+ nw.compare(
+ nw.vector_math("LENGTH", nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)),
+ 0.7,
+ ),
+ nw.bernoulli(0.005),
+ )
+ end_index = nw.compare(
+ nw.vector_math("LENGTH", nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)),
+ 0.02,
+ )
+ distance = nw.vector_math(
+ "DISTANCE", *nw.new_node(Nodes.InputEdgeVertices).outputs[2:]
+ )
weight = nw.scale(distance, nw.musgrave(10))
- curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.EdgePathToCurve, [geometry, start_index,
- nw.new_node(Nodes.ShortestEdgePath, [end_index, weight]).outputs[0]])
- curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineType, [curve], attrs={'spline_type': 'NURBS'})
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, [nw.curve2mesh(curve), None, .005])
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
+ curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.EdgePathToCurve,
+ [
+ geometry,
+ start_index,
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.ShortestEdgePath, [end_index, weight]).outputs[0],
+ ],
+ )
+ curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineType, [curve], attrs={"spline_type": "NURBS"})
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance, [nw.curve2mesh(curve), None, 0.005]
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
def create_asset(self, face_size=0.01, **params):
obj = new_circle(location=(0, 0, 0), vertices=1024)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
- displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (*uniform(-.005, .005, (2, len(x))), 0))
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(quad_method='BEAUTY', ngon_method='BEAUTY')
+ displace_vertices(
+ obj, lambda x, y, z: (*uniform(-0.005, 0.005, (2, len(x))), 0)
+ )
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(
+ quad_method="BEAUTY", ngon_method="BEAUTY"
+ )
temp = deep_clone_obj(obj)
surface.add_geomod(temp, self.geo_elkhorn, apply=True)
@@ -67,14 +101,23 @@ def create_asset(self, face_size=0.01, **params):
obj.rotation_euler[-1] = uniform(0, np.pi * 2)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=.02)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_extension, apply=True, input_kwargs={'musgrave_dimensions': '2D'})
- texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name='elkhorn_coral', type='STUCCI')
- texture.noise_scale = log_uniform(.1, .5)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DISPLACE', True, strength=uniform(.1, .2), texture=texture, mid_level=0,
- direction='Z')
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=0.02)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geo_extension, apply=True, input_kwargs={"musgrave_dimensions": "2D"}
+ )
+ texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name="elkhorn_coral", type="STUCCI")
+ texture.noise_scale = log_uniform(0.1, 0.5)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ True,
+ strength=uniform(0.1, 0.2),
+ texture=texture,
+ mid_level=0,
+ direction="Z",
+ )
- tag_object(obj, 'elkhorn_coral')
+ tag_object(obj, "elkhorn_coral")
return obj
@@ -84,17 +127,19 @@ def tree2mesh(obj, locations):
kd.insert(loc, i)
- large_radius = uniform(.08, .12)
- remove_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: np.array(
- [kd.find(v)[-1] for v in np.stack([x, y, z], -1)]) > .015 + large_radius * (
- 1 - np.sqrt(x * x + y * y)))
+ large_radius = uniform(0.08, 0.12)
+ remove_vertices(
+ obj,
+ lambda x, y, z: np.array([kd.find(v)[-1] for v in np.stack([x, y, z], -1)])
+ > 0.015 + large_radius * (1 - np.sqrt(x * x + y * y)),
+ )
def build_angles(obj):
- angle_radius = .2
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ angle_radius = 0.2
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
- angles = np.full(len(bm.verts), -100.)
+ angles = np.full(len(bm.verts), -100.0)
queue = set()
for v in bm.verts:
x, y, z = v.co
@@ -107,38 +152,40 @@ def build_angles(obj):
new_queue = set()
for v in queue:
pairs = []
- if angles[v.index] <= -100.:
+ if angles[v.index] <= -100.0:
for e in v.link_edges:
o = e.other_vert(v)
- if angles[o.index] > -100.:
+ if angles[o.index] > -100.0:
pairs.append((e.calc_length(), angles[o.index]))
angles[v.index] = min(pairs)[1]
for e in v.link_edges:
o = e.other_vert(v)
- if angles[o.index] <= -100.:
+ if angles[o.index] <= -100.0:
queue = new_queue
return angles
def cluster_displace(obj, angles):
- f_scale = make_circular_interp(.3, 1., 5)
+ f_scale = make_circular_interp(0.3, 1.0, 5)
f_rotation = make_circular_interp(0, np.pi / 3, 10)
- f_power = make_circular_interp(1., 1.6, 5)
+ f_power = make_circular_interp(1.0, 1.6, 5)
x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
a = np.array([angles[_] for _ in range(len(x))]) + np.pi
z += f_scale(a) * (x * x + y * y) ** f_power(a)
rotation = f_rotation(a)
c, s = np.cos(rotation), np.sin(rotation)
- co = np.stack([c * x - s * z, c * y - s * z, c * z + s * np.sqrt(x * x + y * y)], -1)
+ co = np.stack(
+ [c * x - s * z, c * y - s * z, c * z + s * np.sqrt(x * x + y * y)], -1
+ )
write_co(obj, co)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
geom = []
for e in bm.edges:
- if e.calc_length() > .04:
+ if e.calc_length() > 0.04:
- bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context='EDGES')
+ bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context="EDGES")
return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/corals/fan.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/fan.py
similarity index 59%
rename from infinigen/assets/corals/fan.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/corals/fan.py
index 58fe2ca76..a6122f821 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/corals/fan.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/fan.py
@@ -4,69 +4,89 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
import bmesh
+import bpy
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.corals.base import BaseCoralFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import displace_vertices, geo_extension, read_co, subsurface2face_size
-from infinigen.assets.utils.mesh import treeify
+from infinigen.assets.objects.corals.base import BaseCoralFactory
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ displace_vertices,
+ geo_extension,
+ read_co,
+ subsurface2face_size,
from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import shape_by_angles
+from infinigen.assets.utils.mesh import treeify
from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_radius
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_circle, origin2lowest
from infinigen.assets.utils.shortest_path import geo_shortest_path
+from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
class FanBaseCoralFactory(BaseCoralFactory):
- tentacle_prob = 0.
- noise_strength = 0.
+ tentacle_prob = 0.0
+ noise_strength = 0.0
def weight(nw: NodeWrangler):
u, v = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputEdgeVertices).outputs[2:]
- length = nw.vector_math('DISTANCE', u, v)
- return nw.uniform(nw.scalar_multiply(length, .4), length)
+ length = nw.vector_math("DISTANCE", u, v)
+ return nw.uniform(nw.scalar_multiply(length, 0.4), length)
def create_asset(self, face_size=0.01, **params):
obj = new_circle(vertices=512)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
- displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: uniform(-.005, .005, (3, len(x))))
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(quad_method='BEAUTY', ngon_method='BEAUTY')
- shape_by_angles(obj, np.array([-np.pi / 2, 0, np.pi / 2]),
- np.array([uniform(.2, .8), 1, uniform(.2, .8)]))
+ displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: uniform(-0.005, 0.005, (3, len(x))))
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(
+ quad_method="BEAUTY", ngon_method="BEAUTY"
+ )
+ shape_by_angles(
+ obj,
+ np.array([-np.pi / 2, 0, np.pi / 2]),
+ np.array([uniform(0.2, 0.8), 1, uniform(0.2, 0.8)]),
+ )
obj.rotation_euler = np.pi / 2, -np.pi / 2, 0
end_indices = np.nonzero(read_co(obj)[:, -1] < 1e-2)[0]
- end_index = lambda nw: nw.build_index_case(np.random.choice(end_indices, 5))
- texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name='fan', type='STUCCI')
- texture.noise_scale = uniform(.5, 1)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DISPLACE', texture=texture, strength=uniform(.5, 1.), direction='Y')
+ def end_index(nw):
+ return nw.build_index_case(np.random.choice(end_indices, 5))
+ texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name="fan", type="STUCCI")
+ texture.noise_scale = uniform(0.5, 1)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj, "DISPLACE", texture=texture, strength=uniform(0.5, 1.0), direction="Y"
+ )
surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_extension, apply=True)
- obj.scale = uniform(.6, 1.2), 1, 1
+ obj.scale = uniform(0.6, 1.2), 1, 1
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_shortest_path, input_args=[end_index, self.weight, .05], apply=True)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geo_shortest_path,
+ input_args=[end_index, self.weight, 0.05],
+ apply=True,
+ )
obj = self.add_radius(obj)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=['radius', 32])
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'WELD', merge_threshold=.001)
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=["radius", 32])
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "WELD", merge_threshold=0.001)
subsurface2face_size(obj, face_size)
- tag_object(obj, 'fan_coral')
+ tag_object(obj, "fan_coral")
return obj
def add_radius(obj):
obj = treeify(obj)
counts = np.zeros(len(obj.data.vertices))
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
queue = list(sorted(bm.verts, key=lambda v: v.co[-1]))[:1]
visited = np.zeros(len(bm.verts))
@@ -85,10 +105,10 @@ def add_radius(obj):
for e in v.link_edges:
count += counts[e.other_vert(v).index]
counts[v.index] = count
- vg = obj.vertex_groups.new(name='radius')
+ vg = obj.vertex_groups.new(name="radius")
thresh = uniform(100, 200)
- ratio = uniform(.5, 1.5)
+ ratio = uniform(0.5, 1.5)
for i, c in enumerate(counts):
r = 1 if c < thresh else 1 + ratio * np.log(c / thresh)
- vg.add([i], .008 * r, 'REPLACE')
+ vg.add([i], 0.008 * r, "REPLACE")
return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/generate.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/generate.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c3742a080
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/generate.py
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
+from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_utils import build_color_ramp
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.detail import remesh_with_attrs
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+from . import tentacles
+from .base import BaseCoralFactory
+from .diff_growth import (
+ DiffGrowthBaseCoralFactory,
+ LeatherBaseCoralFactory,
+ TableBaseCoralFactory,
+from .elkhorn import ElkhornBaseCoralFactory
+from .fan import FanBaseCoralFactory
+from .laplacian import CauliflowerBaseCoralFactory
+from .reaction_diffusion import (
+ BrainBaseCoralFactory,
+ HoneycombBaseCoralFactory,
+ ReactionDiffusionBaseCoralFactory,
+from .star import StarBaseCoralFactory
+from .tree import BushBaseCoralFactory, TreeBaseCoralFactory, TwigBaseCoralFactory
+from .tube import TubeBaseCoralFactory
+class CoralFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, factory_method=None):
+ super(CoralFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.factory_methods = [
+ DiffGrowthBaseCoralFactory,
+ ReactionDiffusionBaseCoralFactory,
+ TubeBaseCoralFactory,
+ TreeBaseCoralFactory,
+ CauliflowerBaseCoralFactory,
+ ElkhornBaseCoralFactory,
+ StarBaseCoralFactory,
+ ]
+ weights = np.array([0.15, 0.2, 0.15, 0.2, 0.2, 0.15, 0.2])
+ self.weights = weights / weights.sum()
+ if factory_method is None:
+ factory_method = np.random.choice(self.factory_methods, p=self.weights)
+ self.factory: BaseCoralFactory = factory_method(factory_seed, coarse)
+ self.base_hue = self.build_base_hue()
+ self.material = surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ self.shader_coral, self.base_hue
+ )
+ def create_asset(self, face_size=0.01, realize=True, **params):
+ obj = self.factory.create_asset(**params)
+ obj.scale = (
+ 2
+ * np.array(self.factory.default_scale)
+ / max(obj.dimensions[:2])
+ * uniform(0.8, 1.2, 3)
+ )
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ remesh_with_attrs(obj, face_size)
+ assign_material(obj, self.material)
+ has_bump = uniform(0, 1) < self.factory.bump_prob
+ if self.factory.noise_strength > 0:
+ if has_bump:
+ self.apply_noise_texture(obj)
+ else:
+ self.apply_bump(obj)
+ tag_object(obj, "coral")
+ if uniform(0, 1) < self.factory.tentacle_prob and not has_bump:
+ t = tentacles.apply(
+ obj,
+ self.factory.points_fn,
+ self.factory.density,
+ realize,
+ self.base_hue,
+ )
+ obj = join_objects([obj, t])
+ return obj
+ def apply_noise_texture(self, obj):
+ t = np.random.choice(["STUCCI", "MARBLE"])
+ texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name="coral", type=t)
+ texture.noise_scale = log_uniform(0.01, 0.02)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ True,
+ strength=self.factory.noise_strength * uniform(0.9, 1.2),
+ mid_level=0,
+ texture=texture,
+ )
+ def apply_bump(self, obj):
+ texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name="coral", type="VORONOI")
+ texture.noise_scale = log_uniform(0.02, 0.03)
+ texture.noise_intensity = log_uniform(1.5, 2)
+ texture.distance_metric = "MINKOVSKY"
+ texture.minkovsky_exponent = uniform(1, 1.5)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ True,
+ strength=-self.factory.noise_strength * uniform(1, 2),
+ mid_level=1,
+ texture=texture,
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def build_base_hue():
+ if uniform(0, 1) < 0.25:
+ base_hue = uniform(0, 1)
+ else:
+ base_hue = uniform(-0.2, 0.3) % 1
+ return base_hue
+ @staticmethod
+ def shader_coral(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue):
+ shift = uniform(0.05, 0.1) * (-1) ** np.random.randint(2)
+ subsurface_color = hsv2rgba(uniform(0, 1), uniform(0, 1), 1.0)
+ bright_color = hsv2rgba((base_hue + shift) % 1, uniform(0.7, 0.9), 0.2)
+ dark_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(0.5, 0.7), 0.1)
+ light_color = hsv2rgba(
+ (base_hue + uniform(-0.2, 0.2)) % 1, uniform(0.2, 0.4), 0.4
+ )
+ specular = uniform(0.25, 0.5)
+ color = build_color_ramp(
+ nw,
+ nw.musgrave(uniform(10, 20)),
+ [0.0, 0.3, 0.7, 1.0],
+ [dark_color, dark_color, bright_color, bright_color],
+ )
+ color = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ [
+ nw.build_float_curve(
+ nw.musgrave(uniform(10, 20)),
+ [(0, 1), (uniform(0.3, 0.4), 0), (1, 0)],
+ ),
+ color,
+ light_color,
+ ],
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 50})
+ roughness = nw.build_float_curve(noise_texture, [(0, 0.5), (1, 1.0)])
+ subsurface_ratio = uniform(0, 0.05) if uniform(0, 1) > 0.5 else 0
+ subsurface_radius = [uniform(0.05, 0.2)] * 3
+ bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": color,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ "Specular": specular,
+ "Subsurface": subsurface_ratio,
+ "Subsurface Radius": subsurface_radius,
+ "Subsurface Color": subsurface_color,
+ },
+ )
+ return bsdf
+class LeatherCoralFactory(CoralFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(LeatherCoralFactory, self).__init__(
+ factory_seed, coarse, LeatherBaseCoralFactory
+ )
+class TableCoralFactory(CoralFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(TableCoralFactory, self).__init__(
+ factory_seed, coarse, TableBaseCoralFactory
+ )
+class CauliflowerCoralFactory(CoralFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(CauliflowerCoralFactory, self).__init__(
+ factory_seed, coarse, CauliflowerBaseCoralFactory
+ )
+class BrainCoralFactory(CoralFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(BrainCoralFactory, self).__init__(
+ factory_seed, coarse, BrainBaseCoralFactory
+ )
+class HoneycombCoralFactory(CoralFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(HoneycombCoralFactory, self).__init__(
+ factory_seed, coarse, HoneycombBaseCoralFactory
+ )
+class BushCoralFactory(CoralFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(BushCoralFactory, self).__init__(
+ factory_seed, coarse, BushBaseCoralFactory
+ )
+class TwigCoralFactory(CoralFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(TwigCoralFactory, self).__init__(
+ factory_seed, coarse, TwigBaseCoralFactory
+ )
+class TubeCoralFactory(CoralFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(TubeCoralFactory, self).__init__(
+ factory_seed, coarse, TubeBaseCoralFactory
+ )
+class FanCoralFactory(CoralFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(FanCoralFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse, FanBaseCoralFactory)
+class ElkhornCoralFactory(CoralFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(ElkhornCoralFactory, self).__init__(
+ factory_seed, coarse, ElkhornBaseCoralFactory
+ )
+class StarCoralFactory(CoralFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(StarCoralFactory, self).__init__(
+ factory_seed, coarse, StarBaseCoralFactory
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/corals/laplacian.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/laplacian.py
similarity index 69%
rename from infinigen/assets/corals/laplacian.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/corals/laplacian.py
index dc10d769a..8e9d2c487 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/corals/laplacian.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/laplacian.py
@@ -4,28 +4,29 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-from infinigen.assets.corals.base import BaseCoralFactory
-from infinigen.assets.corals.tentacles import make_radius_points_fn
+import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
+from infinigen.assets.objects.corals.base import BaseCoralFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.corals.tentacles import make_radius_points_fn
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import geo_extension
from infinigen.assets.utils.laplacian import build_laplacian_3d
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import mesh2obj
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import geo_extension
-import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
class CauliflowerBaseCoralFactory(BaseCoralFactory):
tentacle_prob = 0.4
- noise_strength = .015
+ noise_strength = 0.015
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(CauliflowerBaseCoralFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.points_fn = make_radius_points_fn(.05, .6)
+ self.points_fn = make_radius_points_fn(0.05, 0.6)
def create_asset(self, face_size=0.01, **params):
mesh = build_laplacian_3d()
obj = mesh2obj(mesh)
surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_extension, apply=True)
levels = 1
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SUBSURF', levels=levels, render_levels=levels)
- tag_object(obj, 'cauliflower_coral')
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SUBSURF", levels=levels, render_levels=levels)
+ tag_object(obj, "cauliflower_coral")
return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/corals/reaction_diffusion.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/reaction_diffusion.py
similarity index 64%
rename from infinigen/assets/corals/reaction_diffusion.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/corals/reaction_diffusion.py
index 3acb7eb77..d1a13f5ad 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/corals/reaction_diffusion.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/reaction_diffusion.py
@@ -4,27 +4,31 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
import numpy as np
-from infinigen.assets.corals.base import BaseCoralFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import center, mesh2obj, new_icosphere
+import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
+from infinigen.assets.objects.corals.base import BaseCoralFactory
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import geo_extension
from infinigen.assets.utils.mesh import build_convex_mesh
-from infinigen.assets.utils.reaction_diffusion import feed2kill, make_periodic_weight_fn, reaction_diffusion
-import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import center, mesh2obj, new_icosphere
+from infinigen.assets.utils.reaction_diffusion import (
+ feed2kill,
+ make_periodic_weight_fn,
+ reaction_diffusion,
from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
class ReactionDiffusionBaseCoralFactory(BaseCoralFactory):
- tentacle_prob = 0.
- noise_strength = .01
+ tentacle_prob = 0.0
+ noise_strength = 0.01
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(ReactionDiffusionBaseCoralFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
self.makers = [self.brain_make, self.honeycomb_make]
- self.weights = [.5, .5]
+ self.weights = [0.5, 0.5]
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
self.maker = np.random.choice(self.makers, p=self.weights)
@@ -34,37 +38,47 @@ def reaction_diffusion_make(weight_fn, **kwargs):
wrapped = mesh2obj(mesh)
subsurf_level = 2
- butil.modify_mesh(wrapped, 'SUBSURF', levels=subsurf_level, render_levels=subsurf_level)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ wrapped, "SUBSURF", levels=subsurf_level, render_levels=subsurf_level
+ )
obj = new_icosphere(subdivisions=8, radius=3)
reaction_diffusion(obj, weight_fn, **kwargs)
obj.location = center(wrapped)
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SHRINKWRAP', target=wrapped, wrap_method="PROJECT", use_negative_direction=True)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ target=wrapped,
+ wrap_method="PROJECT",
+ use_negative_direction=True,
+ )
obj.location[-1] = 1
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_extension, apply=True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DISPLACE', vertex_group='B', strength=.4, mid_level=0.)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj, "DISPLACE", vertex_group="B", strength=0.4, mid_level=0.0
+ )
- tag_object(obj, 'reactiondiffusion_coral')
+ tag_object(obj, "reactiondiffusion_coral")
return obj
def brain_make():
- feed_rate = .055
+ feed_rate = 0.055
kill_rate = feed2kill(feed_rate)
- return ReactionDiffusionBaseCoralFactory.reaction_diffusion_make(make_periodic_weight_fn(100, 0.02),
- feed_rate=feed_rate,
- kill_rate=kill_rate)
+ return ReactionDiffusionBaseCoralFactory.reaction_diffusion_make(
+ make_periodic_weight_fn(100, 0.02), feed_rate=feed_rate, kill_rate=kill_rate
+ )
def honeycomb_make():
- feed_rate = .070
- kill_rate = feed2kill(feed_rate) - .001
- return ReactionDiffusionBaseCoralFactory.reaction_diffusion_make(make_periodic_weight_fn(5),
- feed_rate=feed_rate,
- kill_rate=kill_rate)
+ feed_rate = 0.070
+ kill_rate = feed2kill(feed_rate) - 0.001
+ return ReactionDiffusionBaseCoralFactory.reaction_diffusion_make(
+ make_periodic_weight_fn(5), feed_rate=feed_rate, kill_rate=kill_rate
+ )
def create_asset(self, face_size=0.01, **params):
return self.maker()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/star.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/star.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db504bb91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/star.py
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bmesh
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from mathutils import Vector
+from numpy.random import uniform
+import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
+from infinigen.assets.objects.corals.base import BaseCoralFactory
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import displace_vertices, geo_extension
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_empty, new_icosphere
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
+class StarBaseCoralFactory(BaseCoralFactory):
+ tentacle_prob = 1.0
+ noise_strength = 0.002
+ density = 3000
+ @staticmethod
+ def points_fn(nw: NodeWrangler, points):
+ points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateGeometry,
+ [points, nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute, ["outermost"])],
+ )
+ return points
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(StarBaseCoralFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ self.points_fn = StarBaseCoralFactory.points_fn
+ @staticmethod
+ def geo_dual_mesh(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ perturb = 0.05
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ [geometry, None, None, nw.uniform([-perturb] * 3, [perturb] * 3)],
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.DualMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": geometry})
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
+ @staticmethod
+ def geo_separate_faces(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ selection = nw.compare(
+ "GREATER_THAN", nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))[-1], 0
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateGeometry, [geometry, selection])
+ geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplitEdges, [geometry])
+ scale = nw.uniform(0.9, 1.2)
+ geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleElements, [geometry, None, scale])
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": geometry,
+ "Name": "custom_normal",
+ "Value": nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal),
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
+ @staticmethod
+ def geo_flower(nw: NodeWrangler, size, resolution, anchor):
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ t = nw.scalar_divide(
+ nw.math("FLOOR", nw.scalar_divide(nw.new_node(Nodes.Index), size)),
+ resolution,
+ )
+ offset = nw.build_float_curve(t, [(0, 0), anchor, (1, 0)], "AUTO")
+ normal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NamedAttribute, ["custom_normal"], attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"}
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, [geometry, None, None, nw.scale(offset, normal)]
+ )
+ outer = nw.boolean_math(
+ "AND", nw.compare("GREATER_THAN", t, 0.4), nw.compare("LESS_THAN", t, 0.6)
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry, "Name": "outermost", "Value": outer},
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
+ def create_asset(self, face_size=0.01, **params):
+ obj = new_icosphere(subdivisions=3)
+ obj.location[-1] = uniform(0.25, 0.5)
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_dual_mesh, apply=True)
+ displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (0, 0, -0.9 * np.clip(z, None, 0)))
+ rings = deep_clone_obj(obj)
+ levels = 3
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SUBSURF", levels=levels, render_levels=levels)
+ butil.modify_mesh(rings, "SHRINKWRAP", target=obj)
+ surface.add_geomod(rings, self.geo_separate_faces, apply=True)
+ levels = 3
+ butil.modify_mesh(rings, "SUBSURF", levels=levels, render_levels=levels)
+ butil.select_none()
+ with butil.ViewportMode(rings, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.region_to_loop()
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="INVERT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type="VERT")
+ flowers = []
+ resolution = 16
+ for ring in butil.split_object(rings):
+ size = len(ring.data.vertices)
+ center = np.mean([v.co for v in ring.data.vertices], 0)
+ empty = new_empty(scale=[uniform(0.3, 0.5) ** (1 / resolution)] * 3)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ ring,
+ "ARRAY",
+ apply=True,
+ use_relative_offset=False,
+ use_object_offset=True,
+ count=resolution + 1,
+ offset_object=empty,
+ )
+ butil.delete(empty)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(ring, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops()
+ bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(ring.data)
+ bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table()
+ for i in range(1, resolution + 1):
+ c = np.mean([v.co for v in bm.verts[i * size : (i + 1) * size]], 0)
+ for j in range(i * size, (i + 1) * size):
+ bm.verts[j].co += Vector(center - c)
+ bmesh.update_edit_mesh(ring.data)
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.region_to_loop()
+ bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops()
+ anchor = uniform(0.4, 0.6), uniform(0.08, 0.15)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ ring, self.geo_flower, apply=True, input_args=[size, resolution, anchor]
+ )
+ flowers.append(ring)
+ obj = join_objects([obj, *flowers])
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_extension, apply=True)
+ tag_object(obj, "star_coral")
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/tentacles.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/tentacles.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..39b552e59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/tentacles.py
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
+from infinigen.assets.objects.trees.tree import build_radius_tree
+from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material, sample_direction
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_radius
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import make_asset_collection
+from infinigen.core.tagging import COMBINED_ATTR_NAME
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+def build_tentacles(**kwargs):
+ n_branch = 5
+ n_major = 8
+ branch_config = {
+ "n": n_branch,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": n_major,
+ "std": 0.5,
+ "momentum": 0.5,
+ "sz": 0.008,
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"init_vec": sample_direction(0.6)},
+ }
+ obj = build_radius_tree(None, branch_config, uniform(0.002, 0.004))
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=["radius"])
+ return obj
+def make_min_distance_points_fn(min_distance):
+ def points_fn(nw: NodeWrangler, points):
+ return nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": points, "Distance": min_distance},
+ )
+ return points_fn
+def make_radius_points_fn(min_distance, radius_threshold):
+ def points_fn(nw: NodeWrangler, points):
+ radius = nw.vector_math("DISTANCE", nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition), [0] * 3)
+ points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": points,
+ "Selection": nw.compare("LESS_THAN", radius, radius_threshold * 1.5),
+ "Distance": min_distance * 2,
+ },
+ )
+ points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": points, "Distance": min_distance},
+ )
+ points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateGeometry,
+ [points, nw.compare("GREATER_THAN", radius, radius_threshold)],
+ )
+ return points
+ return points_fn
+def make_upward_points_fn(min_distance, max_angle):
+ def points_fn(nw: NodeWrangler, points, normal):
+ points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateGeometry,
+ [points, nw.compare_direction("LESS_THAN", normal, [0, 0, 1], max_angle)],
+ )
+ return nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": points, "Distance": min_distance},
+ )
+ return points_fn
+def geo_tentacles(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, tentacles, points_fn=None, density=500, realize=True
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ tentacles = nw.new_node(Nodes.CollectionInfo, [tentacles, True, True])
+ points, normal, rotation = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": geometry, "Density": density},
+ ).outputs
+ rotation = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateEuler,
+ input_kwargs={"Rotation": rotation, "Angle": nw.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)},
+ attrs={"type": "AXIS_ANGLE", "space": "LOCAL"},
+ )
+ points = surface.eval_argument(nw, points_fn, points=points, normal=normal)
+ tentacles = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": points,
+ "Instance": tentacles,
+ "Pick Instance": True,
+ "Rotation": rotation,
+ "Scale": nw.uniform([0.6] * 3, [1.0] * 3, data_type="FLOAT_VECTOR"),
+ },
+ )
+ if realize:
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": tentacles}
+ )
+ else:
+ realize_instances = tentacles
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances}
+ )
+def shader_tentacles(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue=0.3):
+ roughness = 0.8
+ specular = 0.25
+ color = hsv2rgba((base_hue + uniform(-0.1, 0.1)) % 1, uniform(0.4, 0.6), 0.5)
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": color,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ "Specular": specular,
+ "Subsurface": 0.01,
+ },
+ )
+ fresnel_color = hsv2rgba(uniform(0, 1), 0.6, 0.6)
+ fresnel_bdsf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, [fresnel_color])
+ mixed_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader, [nw.new_node(Nodes.Fresnel), principled_bsdf, fresnel_bdsf]
+ )
+ return mixed_shader
+def apply(obj, points_fn, density, realize=True, base_hue=0.3):
+ tentacles = deep_clone_obj(obj)
+ if COMBINED_ATTR_NAME in tentacles.data.attributes:
+ tentacles.data.attributes.remove(tentacles.data.attributes[COMBINED_ATTR_NAME])
+ instances = make_asset_collection(build_tentacles, 5, "spikes", verbose=False)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ tentacles,
+ geo_tentacles,
+ apply=realize,
+ input_args=[instances, points_fn, density, realize],
+ )
+ butil.delete_collection(instances)
+ assign_material(
+ tentacles, surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_tentacles, base_hue)
+ )
+ return tentacles
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/tree.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/tree.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46177a520
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/tree.py
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import math
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
+from infinigen.assets.objects.corals.base import BaseCoralFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.corals.tentacles import make_radius_points_fn
+from infinigen.assets.objects.trees.tree import build_radius_tree
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_radius
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+class TreeBaseCoralFactory(BaseCoralFactory):
+ default_scale = [1] * 3
+ tentacle_prob = 0.8
+ noise_strength = 0.01
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, method=None):
+ super(TreeBaseCoralFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ self.tip = 0.4
+ self.configs = {
+ "twig": {"radius": 0.08, "branch_config": self.twig_config},
+ "bush": {"radius": 0.08, "branch_config": self.bush_config},
+ }
+ self.weights = [0.5, 0.5]
+ with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
+ if method is None:
+ method = np.random.choice(list(self.configs.keys()), p=self.weights)
+ self.radius, self.branch_config = map(
+ self.configs[method].get, ["radius", "branch_config"]
+ )
+ self.points_fn = make_radius_points_fn(0.05, 0.4)
+ @property
+ def bush_config(self):
+ n_branch = np.random.randint(6, 8)
+ n_major = np.random.randint(4, 5)
+ n_minor = np.random.randint(4, 5)
+ n_detail = np.random.randint(3, 4)
+ span = uniform(0.4, 0.5)
+ detail_config = {
+ "n": n_minor,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": n_detail + 1,
+ "std": 0.4,
+ "momentum": 0.6,
+ "sz": 0.01 * (1.5 * n_detail - idx),
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "rnd_idx": idx + 1,
+ "ang_min": np.pi / 12,
+ "ang_max": np.pi / 8,
+ "axis2": [0, 0, 1],
+ },
+ "children": [],
+ }
+ minor_config = {
+ "n": n_major,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": n_minor + 1,
+ "std": 0.4,
+ "momentum": 0.4,
+ "sz": 0.03 * (1.2 * n_minor - idx),
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "rnd_idx": idx + 1,
+ "ang_min": np.pi / 12,
+ "ang_max": np.pi / 8,
+ "axis2": [0, 0, 1],
+ },
+ "children": [detail_config],
+ }
+ major_config = {
+ "n": n_branch,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": n_major + 1,
+ "std": 0.4,
+ "momentum": 0.4,
+ "sz": uniform(0.08, 0.1),
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "init_vec": [
+ span
+ * np.cos(
+ 2 * np.pi * idx / n_branch + uniform(-np.pi / 9, np.pi / 9)
+ ),
+ span
+ * np.sin(
+ 2 * np.pi * idx / n_branch + uniform(-np.pi / 9, np.pi / 9)
+ ),
+ math.sqrt(1 - span * span),
+ ]
+ },
+ "children": [minor_config],
+ }
+ return major_config
+ @property
+ def twig_config(self):
+ n_branch = np.random.randint(6, 8)
+ n_major = np.random.randint(4, 5)
+ n_minor = np.random.randint(4, 5)
+ n_detail = np.random.randint(3, 4)
+ span = uniform(0.7, 0.8)
+ detail_config = {
+ "n": n_minor,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": n_detail * 2 + 1,
+ "std": 0.4,
+ "momentum": 0.6,
+ "sz": 0.01 * (2.5 * n_detail - idx),
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "rnd_idx": 2 * idx + 1,
+ "ang_min": np.pi / 8,
+ "ang_max": np.pi / 6,
+ "axis2": [0, 0, 1],
+ },
+ "children": [],
+ }
+ minor_config = {
+ "n": n_major,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": n_minor * 2 + 1,
+ "std": 0.4,
+ "momentum": 0.4,
+ "sz": 0.03 * (2.2 * n_minor - idx),
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "rnd_idx": 2 * idx + 1,
+ "ang_min": np.pi / 8,
+ "ang_max": np.pi / 6,
+ "axis2": [0, 0, 1],
+ },
+ "children": [detail_config],
+ }
+ major_config = {
+ "n": n_branch,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": n_major * 2 + 1,
+ "std": 0.4,
+ "momentum": 0.4,
+ "sz": uniform(0.08, 0.1),
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "init_vec": [
+ span
+ * np.cos(
+ 2 * np.pi * idx / n_branch + uniform(-np.pi / 9, np.pi / 9)
+ ),
+ span
+ * np.sin(
+ 2 * np.pi * idx / n_branch + uniform(-np.pi / 9, np.pi / 9)
+ ),
+ math.sqrt(1 - span * span),
+ ]
+ },
+ "children": [minor_config],
+ }
+ return major_config
+ @staticmethod
+ def radius_fn(base_radius, size, resolution):
+ radius_decay_root = 0.85
+ radius_decay_leaf = uniform(0.4, 0.6)
+ radius = base_radius * radius_decay_root ** (
+ np.arange(size * resolution) / resolution
+ )
+ radius[-resolution:] *= radius_decay_leaf ** (
+ np.arange(resolution) / resolution
+ )
+ return radius
+ def create_asset(self, face_size=0.01, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ resolution = 16
+ obj = build_radius_tree(
+ self.radius_fn, self.branch_config, self.radius, resolution
+ )
+ obj.scale = 2 * np.array(self.default_scale) / max(obj.dimensions[:2])
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=["radius", 32])
+ tag_object(obj, "tree_coral")
+ return obj
+class TwigBaseCoralFactory(TreeBaseCoralFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse, method="twig")
+class BushBaseCoralFactory(TreeBaseCoralFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse, method="bush")
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/tube.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/tube.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9d0bb374b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/corals/tube.py
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
+from infinigen.assets.objects.corals.base import BaseCoralFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.corals.tentacles import make_radius_points_fn
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_icosphere
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+class TubeBaseCoralFactory(BaseCoralFactory):
+ default_scale = [0.7] * 3
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(TubeBaseCoralFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ self.points_fn = make_radius_points_fn(0.05, 0.4)
+ def create_asset(self, face_size=0.01, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ obj = new_icosphere(subdivisions=2)
+ obj.name = "tube_coral"
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_coral_tube, apply=True)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj, "BEVEL", True, offset_type="PERCENT", width_pct=10, segments=1
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", True, thickness=0.05)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SUBSURF", True, levels=2, render_levels=2)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ True,
+ strength=0.1,
+ texture=bpy.data.textures.new(name="tube_coral", type="STUCCI"),
+ mid_level=0,
+ )
+ tag_object(obj, "tube_coral")
+ return obj
+ @staticmethod
+ def geo_coral_tube(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ ico_sphere_perturb = 0.2
+ growth_z = 1
+ short_length_range = 0.2, 0.4
+ long_length_range = 0.4, 1.2
+ angles = np.linspace(np.pi * 2 / 5, np.pi / 10, 6)
+ scales = np.linspace(1, 0.9, 6)
+ face_perturb = 0.4
+ growth_prob = 0.75
+ seed = np.random.randint(1e3)
+ ico_sphere = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ perturbed_ico_sphere = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": ico_sphere,
+ "Offset": nw.uniform(
+ [-ico_sphere_perturb] * 3, [ico_sphere_perturb] * 3, seed
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.DualMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": perturbed_ico_sphere})
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ top = nw.boolean_math(
+ "AND",
+ nw.compare_direction("LESS_THAN", normal, (0, 0, 1), angles[0]),
+ nw.bernoulli(growth_prob, seed),
+ )
+ for i, (angle, scale) in enumerate(zip(angles, scales)):
+ direction = nw.vector_math(
+ nw.add(
+ nw.add(normal, nw.combine(0, 0, nw.uniform(0, growth_z, seed + i))),
+ nw.uniform([face_perturb] * 3, [-face_perturb] * 3, seed + i),
+ ),
+ )
+ length = nw.switch(
+ nw.compare_direction("LESS_THAN", normal, (0, 0, 1), angle),
+ nw.uniform(*long_length_range, seed + i),
+ nw.uniform(*short_length_range, seed + i),
+ )
+ mesh, top = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": mesh,
+ "Selection": top,
+ "Offset": direction,
+ "Offset Scale": length,
+ },
+ ).outputs[:2]
+ mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleElements,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": mesh, "Selection": top, "Scale": scale},
+ )
+ geometry_without_top = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": mesh, "Selection": top},
+ attrs={"domain": "FACE"},
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry_without_top})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/README.md b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/README.md
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/README.md
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/README.md
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/__init__.py
similarity index 66%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/__init__.py
index 0c02caf13..3eb64cf9d 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/__init__.py
@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
-from .beetle import BeetleFactory, AntSwarmFactory
+from .beetle import AntSwarmFactory, BeetleFactory
from .bird import BirdFactory, FlyingBirdFactory
from .carnivore import CarnivoreFactory
+from .crustacean import (
+ CrabFactory,
+ CrustaceanFactory,
+ LobsterFactory,
+ SpinyLobsterFactory,
from .fish import FishFactory, FishSchoolFactory
from .herbivore import HerbivoreFactory
-from .crustacean import CrustaceanFactory, CrabFactory, LobsterFactory, SpinyLobsterFactory
-from .reptile import FrogFactory, LizardFactory, SnakeFactory
from .insects.dragonfly import DragonflyFactory
from .jellyfish import JellyfishFactory
+from .reptile import FrogFactory, LizardFactory, SnakeFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/beetle.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/beetle.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c48c0bf11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/beetle.py
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
+import logging
+import bpy
+import gin
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import randint
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+import infinigen.assets.materials.chitin
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures import parts
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util import creature, genome, joining
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util import hair as creature_hair
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.animation import (
+ run_cycle as creature_animation,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.boid_swarm import BoidSwarmFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature_util import offset_center
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.genome import Joint
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, clip_gaussian, lerp
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def insect_hair_params():
+ mat_roughness = U(0.7, 1)
+ length = U(0.01, 0.04)
+ puff = U(0.7, 1)
+ return {
+ "density": 4000,
+ "clump_n": 1,
+ "avoid_features_dist": 0.01,
+ "grooming": {
+ "Length MinMaxScale": np.array(
+ (length, length * N(2, 0.5), U(15, 60)), dtype=np.float32
+ ),
+ "Puff MinMaxScale": np.array(
+ (puff, puff * N(3, 0.5), U(15, 60)), dtype=np.float32
+ ),
+ "Combing": U(0, 0.2),
+ "Strand Random Mag": 0.0,
+ "Strand Perlin Mag": 0.0,
+ "Strand Perlin Scale": U(15, 45),
+ "Tuft Spread": 0.0,
+ "Tuft Clumping": 0.0,
+ "Root Radius": 0.001,
+ "Post Clump Noise Mag": 0,
+ "Hair Length Pct Min": U(0.7, 1),
+ },
+ "material": {
+ "Roughness": mat_roughness,
+ "Radial Roughness": mat_roughness + N(0, 0.07),
+ "Random Roughness": 0,
+ "IOR": 1.55,
+ },
+ }
+def beetle_postprocessing(body_parts, extras, params):
+ main_template = surface.registry.sample_registry(params["surface_registry"])
+ main_template.apply(body_parts)
+def beetle_genome():
+ fac = parts.generic_nurbs.NurbsBody(
+ prefix="body_insect", tags=["body", "rigid"], var=2
+ )
+ if U() < 0.5:
+ n = len(fac.params["proportions"])
+ noise = U(1, 3, n)
+ noise[-n // 3 :] = 1
+ fac.params["proportions"] *= noise
+ body = genome.part(fac)
+ body_length = fac.params["proportions"].sum() * fac.params["length"]
+ leg_fac = parts.leg.InsectLeg()
+ n_leg_pairs = int(np.clip(body_length * clip_gaussian(3, 2, 2, 6), 2, 15))
+ leg_fac.params["length_rad1_rad2"][0] /= n_leg_pairs / 1.8
+ splay = U(30, 60)
+ for t in np.linspace(0.15, 0.6, n_leg_pairs):
+ for side in [-1, 1]:
+ leg = genome.part(leg_fac)
+ xrot = lerp(70, -100, t)
+ genome.attach(
+ leg,
+ body,
+ coord=(t, splay / 180, 1),
+ joint=Joint((xrot, 5, 90)),
+ side=side,
+ )
+ head = genome.part(
+ parts.generic_nurbs.NurbsHead(prefix="head_insect", tags=["head", "rigid"])
+ )
+ genome.attach(head, body, coord=(1, 0, 0), joint=Joint((0, -15, 0)))
+ if U() < 0.7:
+ mandible_fac = parts.head_detail.InsectMandible()
+ rot = np.array((120, 20, 80)) * N(1, 0.15)
+ for side in [-1, 1]:
+ genome.attach(
+ genome.part(mandible_fac),
+ head,
+ coord=(0.75, 0.5, 0.1),
+ joint=Joint(rot),
+ side=side,
+ )
+ return genome.CreatureGenome(
+ parts=body,
+ postprocess_params=dict(
+ surface_registry=[(infinigen.assets.materials.chitin, 1)],
+ hair=insect_hair_params(),
+ ),
+ )
+class BeetleFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(
+ self, factory_seed=None, bvh=None, coarse=False, animation_mode=None, **kwargs
+ ):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ self.bvh = bvh
+ self.animation_mode = animation_mode
+ def create_asset(self, i, hair=False, **kwargs):
+ genome = beetle_genome()
+ root, parts = creature.genome_to_creature(
+ genome, name=f"beetle({self.factory_seed}, {i})"
+ )
+ tag_object(root, "beetle")
+ offset_center(root)
+ joined, extras, arma, ik_targets = joining.join_and_rig_parts(
+ root,
+ parts,
+ genome,
+ rigging=(self.animation_mode is not None),
+ postprocess_func=beetle_postprocessing,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ if self.animation_mode == "walk_cycle":
+ creature_animation.animate_run(
+ root, arma, ik_targets, steps_per_sec=N(2, 0.2)
+ )
+ if hair and U() < 0.5:
+ creature_hair.configure_hair(
+ joined, root, genome.postprocess_params["hair"]
+ )
+ return root
+class AntSwarmFactory(BoidSwarmFactory):
+ def ant_swarm_settings(self, mode=None):
+ boids_settings = dict(
+ use_flight=False,
+ use_land=True,
+ use_climb=True,
+ land_speed_max=U(0.5, 2),
+ land_acc_max=U(0.7, 1),
+ land_personal_space=0.05,
+ land_jump_speed=U(0, 0.05),
+ bank=0,
+ pitch=0,
+ rule_fuzzy=U(0.6, 0.9),
+ )
+ if mode is None:
+ mode = np.random.choice(["queues", "goal_swarm", "random_swarm"])
+ logger.debug(f"Randomly chose ant_swarm_settings {mode=}")
+ if mode == "queues":
+ boids_settings["rules"] = [
+ dict(
+ type="FOLLOW_LEADER", use_line=True, queue_count=100, distance=0.0
+ ),
+ ]
+ elif mode == "goal_swarm":
+ boids_settings["rules"] = [
+ dict(type="SEPARATE"),
+ dict(type="GOAL", use_predict=True),
+ dict(type="FLOCK"),
+ ]
+ elif mode == "random_swarm":
+ boids_settings["rules"] = [
+ dict(type="SEPARATE"),
+ dict(type="AVERAGE_SPEED"),
+ dict(type="FLOCK"),
+ ]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized {mode=}")
+ return dict(
+ particle_size=U(0.02, 0.1),
+ size_random=U(0.3, 0.7),
+ use_rotation_instance=True,
+ lifetime=bpy.context.scene.frame_end - bpy.context.scene.frame_start,
+ warmup_frames=1,
+ emit_duration=0, # all particles appear immediately
+ emit_from="VOLUME",
+ mass=2,
+ use_multiply_size_mass=True,
+ boids_settings=boids_settings,
+ )
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, bvh, coarse=False):
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ settings = self.ant_swarm_settings()
+ col = make_asset_collection(
+ BeetleFactory(factory_seed=randint(1e7), animation_mode="walk_cycle"),
+ n=1,
+ )
+ super(AntSwarmFactory, self).__init__(
+ factory_seed,
+ child_col=col,
+ collider_col=bpy.data.collections.get("colliders"),
+ settings=settings,
+ bvh=bvh,
+ volume=N(0.1, 0.015),
+ coarse=coarse,
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/bird.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/bird.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1907ae23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/bird.py
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors:
+# - Alexander Raistrick: regular bird, hair params
+# - Beining Han: adapt to create flying bird
+import bpy
+import gin
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+import infinigen.assets.materials.basic_bsdf
+import infinigen.assets.materials.bird
+import infinigen.assets.materials.reptile_brown_circle_attr
+import infinigen.assets.materials.reptile_two_color_attr
+import infinigen.assets.materials.spot_sparse_attr
+from infinigen.assets.materials import beak, bone, eyeball, tongue
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures import parts
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util import creature, genome, joining
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util import hair as creature_hair
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.animation import idle, run_cycle
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.animation.driver_wiggle import (
+ animate_wiggle_bones,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature_util import offset_center
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.genome import Joint
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.placement import animation_policy
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, clip_gaussian
+from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
+def bird_hair_params(flying=True):
+ length = U(0.01, 0.025) if flying else U(0.03, 0.06)
+ puff = U(0.03, 0.2)
+ return {
+ "density": 70000,
+ "clump_n": 10,
+ "avoid_features_dist": 0.02,
+ "grooming": {
+ "Length MinMaxScale": np.array(
+ (length, length * N(2, 0.5), U(15, 60)), dtype=np.float32
+ ),
+ "Puff MinMaxScale": np.array(
+ (puff, puff * N(1.5, 0.5), U(15, 60)), dtype=np.float32
+ ),
+ "Combing": U(0.6, 1),
+ "Strand Random Mag": 0.0,
+ "Strand Perlin Mag": U(0, 0.003),
+ "Strand Perlin Scale": 30.0,
+ "Tuft Spread": 0.01,
+ "Tuft Clumping": U(0.5, 1),
+ "Root Radius": 0.006,
+ "Post Clump Noise Mag": 0.001,
+ "Hair Length Pct Min": U(0.5, 0.9),
+ },
+ "material": {
+ "Roughness": U(0, 0.4),
+ "Radial Roughness": U(0.1, 0.3),
+ "Random Roughness": U(0, 0.2),
+ "IOR": 1.55,
+ },
+ }
+def bird_postprocessing(body_parts, extras, params):
+ def get_extras(k):
+ return [o for o in extras if k in o.name]
+ main_template = surface.registry.sample_registry(params["surface_registry"])
+ main_template.apply(body_parts + get_extras("BodyExtra") + get_extras("Feather"))
+ tongue.apply(get_extras("Tongue"))
+ bone.apply(get_extras("Teeth") + get_extras("Claws"))
+ eyeball.apply(get_extras("Eyeball"), shader_kwargs={"coord": "X"})
+ beak.apply(get_extras("Beak"))
+def duck_genome(mode):
+ body_lrr = np.array((0.85, 0.25, 0.38)) * N(1, 0.2) * N(1, 0.2, 3)
+ body_fac = parts.generic_nurbs.NurbsBody(
+ prefix="body_bird", tags=["body", "rigid"], var=U(0.3, 1)
+ )
+ body = genome.part(body_fac)
+ body_length = body_fac.params["length"][0]
+ tail = genome.part(parts.wings.BirdTail())
+ genome.attach(
+ tail, body, coord=(0.2, 1, 0.5), joint=Joint(rest=(0, 170 * N(1, 0.1), 0))
+ )
+ shoulder_bounds = np.array([[-20, -20, -20], [20, 20, 20]])
+ foot_fac = parts.foot.Foot(
+ {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": np.array((body_length * 0.1, 0.025, 0.04))
+ * N(1, 0.1)
+ * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ "Toe Length Rad1 Rad2": np.array((body_length * N(0.4, 0.07), 0.03, 0.02))
+ * N(1, 0.1)
+ * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ "Toe Splay": 35 * N(1, 0.2),
+ "Toebean Radius": 0.03 * N(1, 0.1),
+ "Toe Rotate": (0.0, -1.57, 0.0),
+ "Claw Curl Deg": 12 * N(1, 0.2),
+ "Claw Pct Length Rad1 Rad2": np.array((0.13, 0.64, 0.05))
+ * N(1, 0.1)
+ * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ "Thumb Pct": np.array((0.61, 1.17, 1.5)) * N(1, 0.1) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ "Toe Curl Scalar": 0.34 * N(1, 0.2),
+ },
+ bald=True,
+ )
+ leg_fac = parts.leg.BirdLeg(
+ {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": (
+ body_length * 0.5 * N(1, 0.05),
+ 0.09 * N(1, 0.1),
+ 0.06 * N(1, 0.1),
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ leg_coord = (N(0.5, 0.05), N(0.7, 0.05), N(0.95, 0.05))
+ for side in [-1, 1]:
+ leg = genome.attach(
+ genome.part(foot_fac),
+ genome.part(leg_fac),
+ coord=(0.9, 0, 0),
+ joint=Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)),
+ )
+ genome.attach(
+ leg,
+ body,
+ coord=leg_coord,
+ joint=Joint(rest=(0, 90, 0), bounds=shoulder_bounds),
+ side=side,
+ )
+ extension = U(0.7, 1) if mode == "flying" else U(0.01, 0.1)
+ wing_len = body_length * 0.5 * clip_gaussian(1.2, 0.7, 0.5, 2.5)
+ wing_fac = parts.wings.BirdWing(
+ {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": np.array((wing_len, 0.1 * N(1, 0.1), 0.02 * N(1, 0.2))),
+ "Extension": extension,
+ }
+ )
+ wing_coord = (N(0.7, 0.02), 110 / 180 * N(1, 0.1), 0.95)
+ if wing_fac.params["Extension"] > 0.5:
+ wing_rot = (90, 0, 90)
+ else:
+ wing_rot = (90, 40, 90)
+ for side in [-1, 1]:
+ wing = genome.part(wing_fac)
+ genome.attach(
+ wing, body, coord=wing_coord, joint=Joint(rest=wing_rot), side=side
+ )
+ head_fac = parts.head.BirdHead()
+ head = genome.part(head_fac)
+ beak = genome.part(parts.beak.BirdBeak())
+ genome.attach(beak, head, coord=(0.75, 0, 0.5), joint=Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)))
+ eye_fac = parts.eye.MammalEye({"Radius": N(0.03, 0.005)})
+ t, splay = U(0.6, 0.85), U(80, 110) / 180
+ r = 0.85
+ rot = np.array([0, 0, 90]) * N(1, 0.1, 3)
+ for side in [-1, 1]:
+ eye = genome.part(eye_fac)
+ genome.attach(
+ eye,
+ head,
+ coord=(t, splay, r),
+ joint=Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)),
+ rotation_basis="normal",
+ side=side,
+ )
+ genome.attach(head, body, coord=(1, 0, 0), joint=Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)))
+ return genome.CreatureGenome(
+ parts=body,
+ postprocess_params=dict(
+ animation=dict(),
+ hair=bird_hair_params(flying=False),
+ surface_registry=[
+ (infinigen.assets.materials.spot_sparse_attr, 4),
+ (infinigen.assets.materials.reptile_brown_circle_attr, 0.5),
+ (infinigen.assets.materials.reptile_two_color_attr, 0.5),
+ (infinigen.assets.materials.bird, 5),
+ ],
+ ),
+ )
+def flying_bird_genome(mode):
+ body_lrr = np.array((0.95, 0.13, 0.18)) * N(1.0, 0.05, size=(3,))
+ body = genome.part(parts.body.BirdBody({"length_rad1_rad2": body_lrr}))
+ body_length = body_lrr[0]
+ tail = genome.part(parts.wings.FlyingBirdTail())
+ genome.attach(
+ tail,
+ body,
+ coord=(U(0.08, 0.15), 1, 0.5),
+ joint=Joint(rest=(0, 180 * N(1, 0.1), 0)),
+ )
+ shoulder_bounds = np.array([[-20, -20, -20], [20, 20, 20]])
+ foot_fac = parts.foot.Foot(
+ {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": np.array((body_length * 0.2, 0.01, 0.02))
+ * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ "Toe Length Rad1 Rad2": np.array((body_length * N(0.4, 0.02), 0.02, 0.01))
+ * N(1, 0.1)
+ * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ "Toe Splay": 8 * N(1, 0.2),
+ "Toe Rotate": (0.0, -N(0.55, 0.1), 0.0),
+ "Toebean Radius": 0.01 * N(1, 0.1),
+ "Claw Curl Deg": 12 * N(1, 0.2),
+ "Claw Pct Length Rad1 Rad2": np.array((0.13, 0.64, 0.05))
+ * N(0.5, 0.05)
+ * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ "Thumb Pct": np.array((0.4, 0.5, 0.75)) * N(1, 0.1) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ "Toe Curl Scalar": 0.34 * N(1, 0.2),
+ },
+ bald=True,
+ )
+ leg_fac = parts.leg.BirdLeg(
+ {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": (
+ body_length * 0.5 * N(1, 0.05),
+ 0.04 * N(1, 0.1),
+ 0.02 * N(1, 0.1),
+ ),
+ "Thigh Rad1 Rad2 Fullness": np.array((0.12, 0.04, 1.26)) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ "Shin Rad1 Rad2 Fullness": np.array((0.1, 0.04, 5.0)) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ }
+ )
+ leg_coord = (N(0.5, 0.05), N(0.2, 0.04), N(0.8, 0.05))
+ for side in [-1, 1]:
+ leg = genome.attach(
+ genome.part(foot_fac),
+ genome.part(leg_fac),
+ coord=(0.9, 0, 0),
+ joint=Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)),
+ )
+ genome.attach(
+ leg,
+ body,
+ coord=leg_coord,
+ joint=Joint(rest=(0, U(135, 175), 0), bounds=shoulder_bounds),
+ side=side,
+ )
+ extension = U(0.8, 1)
+ wing_len = body_length * clip_gaussian(1.0, 0.2, 0.6, 1.5) * 0.8
+ wing_fac = parts.wings.FlyingBirdWing(
+ {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": np.array((wing_len, U(0.08, 0.15), 0.02 * N(1, 0.2))),
+ "Extension": extension,
+ "feather_density": U(25, 40),
+ }
+ )
+ wing_coord = (N(0.68, 0.02), 150 / 180 * N(1, 0.1), 0.8)
+ if wing_fac.params["Extension"] > 0.5:
+ wing_rot = (90, 0, 90)
+ else:
+ wing_rot = (90, 40, 90)
+ for side in [-1, 1]:
+ wing = genome.part(wing_fac)
+ genome.attach(
+ wing, body, coord=wing_coord, joint=Joint(rest=wing_rot), side=side
+ )
+ head_fac = parts.head.FlyingBirdHead()
+ head = genome.part(head_fac)
+ beak = genome.part(parts.beak.FlyingBirdBeak())
+ genome.attach(beak, head, coord=(0.85, 0, 0.5), joint=Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)))
+ eye_fac = parts.eye.MammalEye({"Radius": N(0.02, 0.005)})
+ t, splay = U(0.7, 0.85), U(80, 110) / 180
+ r = 0.85
+ rot = np.array([0, 0, 90]) * N(1, 0.1, 3)
+ for side in [-1, 1]:
+ eye = genome.part(eye_fac)
+ genome.attach(
+ eye,
+ head,
+ coord=(t, splay, r),
+ joint=Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)),
+ rotation_basis="normal",
+ side=side,
+ )
+ genome.attach(
+ head,
+ body,
+ coord=(U(0.84, 0.85), 0, U(1.05, 1.15)),
+ joint=Joint(rest=(0, N(18, 5), 0)),
+ )
+ return genome.CreatureGenome(
+ parts=body,
+ postprocess_params=dict(
+ animation=dict(),
+ hair=bird_hair_params(flying=True),
+ surface_registry=[
+ # (infinigen.assets.materials.spot_sparse_attr, 4),
+ # (infinigen.assets.materials.reptile_brown_circle_attr, 0.5),
+ # (infinigen.assets.materials.reptile_two_color_attr, 0.5),
+ (infinigen.assets.materials.bird, 5)
+ ],
+ ),
+ )
+class BirdFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(
+ self, factory_seed=None, coarse=False, bvh=None, animation_mode=None, **kwargs
+ ):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ self.bvh = bvh
+ self.animation_mode = animation_mode
+ def create_asset(self, i, placeholder, hair=True, **kwargs):
+ dynamic = self.animation_mode is not None
+ genome = duck_genome(mode=self.animation_mode)
+ root, parts = creature.genome_to_creature(
+ genome, name=f"bird({self.factory_seed}, {i})"
+ )
+ tag_object(root, "bird")
+ offset_center(root)
+ joined, extras, arma, ik_targets = joining.join_and_rig_parts(
+ root,
+ parts,
+ genome,
+ rigging=dynamic,
+ postprocess_func=bird_postprocessing,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ joined_extras = butil.join_objects(extras)
+ joined_extras.parent = joined
+ butil.parent_to(root, placeholder, no_inverse=True)
+ if hair:
+ creature_hair.configure_hair(
+ joined, root, genome.postprocess_params["hair"]
+ )
+ if dynamic:
+ if self.animation_mode == "run":
+ run_cycle.animate_run(root, arma, ik_targets)
+ elif self.animation_mode == "idle":
+ idle.snap_iks_to_floor(ik_targets, self.bvh)
+ idle.idle_body_noise_drivers(ik_targets, wing_mag=U(0, 0.3))
+ elif self.animation_mode == "swim":
+ spine = [b for b in arma.pose.bones if "Body" in b.name]
+ tail = [b for b in arma.pose.bones if "Tail" in b.name]
+ animate_wiggle_bones(
+ arma=arma, bones=tail, mag_deg=U(0, 30), freq=U(0.5, 2)
+ )
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized mode {self.animation_mode=}")
+ return root
+class FlyingBirdFactory(AssetFactory):
+ max_expected_radius = 1
+ max_distance = 40
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ factory_seed=None,
+ coarse=False,
+ bvh=None,
+ animation_mode=None,
+ altitude=("uniform", 15, 30),
+ ):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ self.animation_mode = animation_mode
+ self.altitude = altitude
+ self.bvh = bvh
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.policy = animation_policy.AnimPolicyRandomForwardWalk(
+ forward_vec=(1, 0, 0),
+ speed=U(7, 15),
+ step_range=(5, 40),
+ yaw_dist=("normal", 0, 15),
+ )
+ def create_placeholder(self, i, loc, rot):
+ p = butil.spawn_cube(size=3)
+ p.name = f"{self}.create_placeholder({i})"
+ p.location = loc
+ p.rotation_euler = rot
+ if self.bvh is None:
+ return p
+ altitude = rg(self.altitude)
+ p.location.z += altitude
+ curve = animation_policy.policy_create_bezier_path(
+ p,
+ self.bvh,
+ self.policy,
+ retry_rotation=True,
+ max_full_retries=30,
+ fatal=True,
+ )
+ curve.name = f"animhelper:{self}.create_placeholder({i}).path"
+ # animate the placeholder to the APPROX location of the snake, so the camera can follow itcurve.location = (0, 0, 0)
+ run_cycle.follow_path(
+ p,
+ curve,
+ use_curve_follow=True,
+ offset=0,
+ duration=bpy.context.scene.frame_end - bpy.context.scene.frame_start,
+ )
+ p.rotation_euler.z += np.pi / 2
+ curve.data.twist_mode = "Z_UP"
+ curve.data.driver_add("eval_time").driver.expression = "frame"
+ return p
+ def create_asset(self, i, placeholder, hair=True, animate=False, **kwargs):
+ genome = flying_bird_genome(self.animation_mode)
+ root, parts = creature.genome_to_creature(
+ genome, name=f"flying_bird({self.factory_seed}, {i})"
+ )
+ joined, extras, arma, ik_targets = joining.join_and_rig_parts(
+ root,
+ parts,
+ genome,
+ rigging=self.animation_mode is not None,
+ postprocess_func=bird_postprocessing,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ joined_extras = butil.join_objects(extras)
+ joined_extras.parent = joined
+ if hair:
+ creature_hair.configure_hair(
+ joined, root, genome.postprocess_params["hair"]
+ )
+ if self.animation_mode is not None:
+ if self.animation_mode == "idle":
+ idle.idle_body_noise_drivers(
+ ik_targets, body_mag=0.0, foot_motion_chance=1.0, head_benddown=0
+ )
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized {self.animation_mode=}")
+ return root
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/carnivore.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/carnivore.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bec9f3589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/carnivore.py
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
+import gin
+import mathutils
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+import infinigen.assets.materials.giraffe_attr
+import infinigen.assets.materials.spot_sparse_attr
+import infinigen.assets.materials.tiger_attr
+from infinigen.assets.materials import bone, eyeball, nose, tongue
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures import parts
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util import cloth_sim, creature, genome, joining
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util import hair as creature_hair
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.animation import idle, run_cycle
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature_util import offset_center
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.genome import Joint
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian
+def tiger_hair_params():
+ mat_roughness = U(0.4, 0.7)
+ length = clip_gaussian(0.022, 0.03, 0.01, 0.1)
+ puff = U(0.14, 0.4)
+ return {
+ "density": 500000,
+ "clump_n": np.random.randint(5, 70),
+ "avoid_features_dist": 0.01,
+ "grooming": {
+ "Length MinMaxScale": np.array(
+ (length, length * N(2, 0.5), U(15, 60)), dtype=np.float32
+ ),
+ "Puff MinMaxScale": np.array(
+ (puff, puff * N(3, 0.5), U(15, 60)), dtype=np.float32
+ ),
+ "Combing": U(0.7, 1),
+ "Strand Random Mag": 0.0,
+ "Strand Perlin Mag": U(0, 0.006),
+ "Strand Perlin Scale": U(15, 45),
+ "Tuft Spread": N(0.01, 0.002),
+ "Tuft Clumping": U(0.2, 0.8),
+ "Root Radius": 0.001,
+ "Post Clump Noise Mag": 0.0005 * N(1, 0.15),
+ "Hair Length Pct Min": U(0.5, 0.9),
+ },
+ "material": {
+ "Roughness": mat_roughness,
+ "Radial Roughness": mat_roughness + N(0, 0.07),
+ "Random Roughness": 0,
+ "IOR": 1.55,
+ },
+ }
+def tiger_skin_sim_params():
+ return {
+ "bending_stiffness_max": 450.0,
+ "compression_stiffness_max": 80.0,
+ "goal_spring": 0.8,
+ "pin_stiffness": 1,
+ "shear_stiffness": 15.0,
+ "shear_stiffness_max": 80.0,
+ "tension_stiffness_max": 80.0,
+ "uniform_pressure_force": 5.0,
+ "use_pressure": True,
+ }
+def tiger_postprocessing(body_parts, extras, params):
+ def get_extras(k):
+ return [o for o in extras if k in o.name]
+ main_template = surface.registry.sample_registry(params["surface_registry"])
+ main_template.apply(body_parts + get_extras("BodyExtra"))
+ tongue.apply(get_extras("Tongue"))
+ bone.apply(get_extras("Teeth") + get_extras("Claws"))
+ eyeball.apply(get_extras("Eyeball"), shader_kwargs={"coord": "X"})
+ nose.apply(get_extras("Nose"))
+def tiger_genome():
+ body_fac = parts.generic_nurbs.NurbsBody(
+ prefix="body_feline", tags=["body"], var=0.7, temperature=0.2
+ )
+ body_fac.params["thetas"][-3] *= N(1, 0.1)
+ body = genome.part(body_fac)
+ tail = genome.part(parts.tail.Tail())
+ genome.attach(tail, body, coord=(0.07, 1, 1), joint=Joint(rest=(N(0, 10), 180, 0)))
+ if U() < 0.5:
+ head_length_rad1_rad2 = np.array((0.36, 0.20, 0.18)) * N(1, 0.1, 3)
+ head_fac = parts.head.CarnivoreHead({"length_rad1_rad2": head_length_rad1_rad2})
+ head = genome.part(head_fac)
+ jaw_pct = np.array((1.05, 0.55, 0.5))
+ jaw = genome.part(
+ parts.head.CarnivoreJaw(
+ {"length_rad1_rad2": head_length_rad1_rad2 * jaw_pct}
+ )
+ )
+ genome.attach(
+ jaw,
+ head,
+ coord=(0.2 * N(1, 0.1), 0, 0.35 * N(1, 0.1)),
+ joint=Joint(rest=(0, U(10, 35), 0), pose=(0, 0, 0)),
+ )
+ else:
+ head_fac = parts.generic_nurbs.NurbsHead(
+ prefix="head_carnivore", tags=["head"], var=0.5
+ )
+ head = genome.part(head_fac)
+ headl = head_fac.params["length"][0]
+ head_length_rad1_rad2 = np.array((headl, 0.20, 0.18)) * N(1, 0.1, 3)
+ jaw_pct = np.array((0.7, 0.55, 0.5))
+ jaw = genome.part(
+ parts.head.CarnivoreJaw(
+ {"length_rad1_rad2": head_length_rad1_rad2 * jaw_pct}
+ )
+ )
+ genome.attach(
+ jaw,
+ head,
+ coord=(0.12, 0, 0.3 * N(1, 0.1)),
+ joint=Joint(rest=(0, U(10, 35), 0), pose=(0, 0, 0)),
+ )
+ eye_fac = parts.eye.MammalEye({"Radius": N(0.027, 0.009)})
+ eye_t, splay = U(0.61, 0.64), U(90, 140) / 180
+ r = U(0.8, 0.9)
+ rot = np.array([0, 0, 0])
+ for side in [-1, 1]:
+ eye = genome.part(eye_fac)
+ genome.attach(
+ eye,
+ head,
+ coord=(eye_t, splay, r),
+ joint=Joint(rest=rot),
+ rotation_basis="normal",
+ side=side,
+ )
+ nose = genome.part(parts.head_detail.CatNose())
+ genome.attach(
+ nose, head, coord=(U(0.9, 0.96), 1, U(0.5, 0.7)), joint=Joint(rest=(0, 20, 0))
+ )
+ ear_fac = parts.head_detail.CatEar()
+ t, splay = N(0.33, 0.07), U(100, 150) / 180
+ rot = np.array([-20, -10, -23]) + N(0, 4, 3)
+ for side in [-1, 1]:
+ ear = genome.part(ear_fac)
+ genome.attach(
+ ear,
+ head,
+ coord=(t, splay, 1),
+ joint=Joint(rest=rot),
+ rotation_basis="normal",
+ side=side,
+ )
+ neck_t = 0.7
+ shoulder_bounds = np.array([[-20, -20, -20], [20, 20, 20]])
+ splay = clip_gaussian(130, 7, 90, 130) / 180
+ shoulder_t = clip_gaussian(0.12, 0.05, 0.08, 0.12)
+ params = {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": np.array((1.6, 0.1, 0.05)) * N(1, (0.15, 0.05, 0.05), 3)
+ }
+ foot_fac = parts.foot.Foot()
+ backleg_fac = parts.leg.QuadrupedBackLeg(params=params)
+ for side in [-1, 1]:
+ back_leg = genome.attach(
+ genome.part(foot_fac),
+ genome.part(backleg_fac),
+ coord=(0.9, 0, 0),
+ joint=Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)),
+ )
+ genome.attach(
+ back_leg,
+ body,
+ coord=(shoulder_t, splay, 1.2),
+ joint=Joint(rest=(0, 90, 0), bounds=shoulder_bounds),
+ rotation_basis="global",
+ side=side,
+ ) # , smooth_rad=0.06)#, bridge_rad=0.1)
+ frontleg_fac = parts.leg.QuadrupedFrontLeg(params=params)
+ for side in [-1, 1]:
+ front_leg = genome.attach(
+ genome.part(foot_fac),
+ genome.part(frontleg_fac),
+ coord=(0.9, 0, 0),
+ joint=Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)),
+ )
+ genome.attach(
+ front_leg,
+ body,
+ coord=(neck_t - shoulder_t, splay, 0.8),
+ joint=Joint(rest=(0, 90, 0)),
+ rotation_basis="global",
+ side=side,
+ ) # , smooth_rad=0.06)#, bridge_rad=0.1)
+ # neck_lrr = np.array((body_lrr[0], body_lrr[-1], body_lrr[-1])) * np.array((0.45, 0.5, 0.25)) * N(1, 0.05, 3)
+ # neck = genome.part(parts.head.Neck({'length_rad1_rad2': neck_lrr}))
+ genome.attach(
+ head,
+ body,
+ coord=(N(0.97, 0.01), 0, 0),
+ joint=Joint(rest=(0, N(20, 5), 0)),
+ rotation_basis="global",
+ ) # , bridge_rad=0.1)
+ # genome.attach(neck, body, coord=(0.8, 0, 0.1), joint=Joint(rest=(0, -N(15, 2), 0)))
+ return genome.CreatureGenome(
+ parts=body,
+ postprocess_params=dict(
+ hair=tiger_hair_params(),
+ skin=tiger_skin_sim_params(),
+ surface_registry=[
+ (infinigen.assets.materials.tiger_attr, 3),
+ (infinigen.assets.materials.giraffe_attr, 0.2),
+ (infinigen.assets.materials.spot_sparse_attr, 2),
+ ],
+ ),
+ )
+class CarnivoreFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ factory_seed=None,
+ bvh: mathutils.bvhtree.BVHTree = None,
+ coarse: bool = False,
+ animation_mode: str = None,
+ hair: bool = True,
+ clothsim_skin: bool = False,
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ self.bvh = bvh
+ self.animation_mode = animation_mode
+ self.hair = hair
+ self.clothsim_skin = clothsim_skin
+ if self.hair and (self.animation_mode is not None or self.clothsim_skin):
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "Dynamic hair is not yet fully working. "
+ "Please disable either hair or both of animation/clothsim"
+ )
+ def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs):
+ return butil.spawn_cube(size=4)
+ def create_asset(self, i, placeholder, **kwargs):
+ genome = tiger_genome()
+ root, parts = creature.genome_to_creature(
+ genome, name=f"carnivore({self.factory_seed}, {i})"
+ )
+ # tag_object(root, 'carnivore')
+ offset_center(root)
+ dynamic = self.animation_mode is not None
+ joined, extras, arma, ik_targets = joining.join_and_rig_parts(
+ root,
+ parts,
+ genome,
+ rigging=dynamic,
+ postprocess_func=tiger_postprocessing,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ butil.parent_to(root, placeholder, no_inverse=True)
+ if self.hair:
+ creature_hair.configure_hair(
+ joined, root, genome.postprocess_params["hair"], is_dynamic=dynamic
+ )
+ if dynamic:
+ if self.animation_mode == "run":
+ run_cycle.animate_run(root, arma, ik_targets)
+ elif self.animation_mode == "idle":
+ idle.snap_iks_to_floor(ik_targets, self.bvh)
+ idle.idle_body_noise_drivers(ik_targets)
+ elif self.animation_mode == "tpose":
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized mode {self.animation_mode=}")
+ if self.clothsim_skin:
+ rigidity = surface.write_vertex_group(
+ joined, cloth_sim.local_pos_rigity_mask, apply=True
+ )
+ cloth_sim.bake_cloth(
+ joined,
+ genome.postprocess_params["skin"],
+ attributes=dict(vertex_group_mass=rigidity),
+ )
+ return root
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/crustacean.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/crustacean.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..91a21687a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/crustacean.py
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+from collections import defaultdict
+import bpy
+import gin
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.parts.crustacean.antenna import (
+ LobsterAntennaFactory,
+ SpinyLobsterAntennaFactory,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.parts.crustacean.body import (
+ CrabBodyFactory,
+ LobsterBodyFactory,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.parts.crustacean.claw import (
+ CrabClawFactory,
+ LobsterClawFactory,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.parts.crustacean.eye import CrustaceanEyeFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.parts.crustacean.fin import CrustaceanFinFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.parts.crustacean.leg import (
+ CrabLegFactory,
+ LobsterLegFactory,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.parts.crustacean.tail import (
+ CrustaceanTailFactory,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import genome_to_creature
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.genome import (
+ CreatureGenome,
+ Joint,
+ attach,
+ part,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.joining import join_and_rig_parts
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_material_index, write_material_index
+from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_utils import build_color_ramp
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.surface import read_attr_data, shaderfunc_to_material
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+n_legs = 4
+n_limbs = 5
+n_side_fin = 2
+def crustacean_genome(sp):
+ body_fac = sp["body_fn"]()
+ obj = part(body_fac)
+ # Add legs
+ leg_x_length = sp["leg_x_length"](body_fac.params)
+ leg_x_lengths = np.sort(uniform(0.6, 1, 4))[::-1] * leg_x_length
+ leg_angle = sp["leg_angle"]
+ x_legs = sp["x_legs"]
+ leg_joints_x, leg_joints_y, leg_joints_z = sp["leg_joint"]
+ shared_leg_params = ["bottom_flat", "bottom_cutoff"]
+ leg_fn = sp["leg_fn"]
+ leg_params = {k: v for k, v in leg_fn().params.items() if k in shared_leg_params}
+ leg_fac = [
+ leg_fn({**leg_params, "x_length": leg_x_lengths[i]}) for i in range(n_legs)
+ ]
+ for i in range(n_legs):
+ for side in [1, -1]:
+ attach(
+ part(leg_fac[i]),
+ obj,
+ (x_legs[i + 1], leg_angle, 0.99),
+ Joint((leg_joints_x[i], leg_joints_y[i], leg_joints_z[i])),
+ side=side,
+ )
+ # Add claws
+ claw_angle = sp["claw_angle"]
+ claw_fn = sp["claw_fn"]
+ claw_fac = claw_fn({"x_length": sp["claw_x_length"](body_fac.params)})
+ for side in [1, -1]:
+ attach(
+ part(claw_fac),
+ obj,
+ (x_legs[0] + sp["x_claw_offset"], claw_angle, 0.99),
+ Joint(sp["claw_joint"]),
+ side=side,
+ )
+ # Add tails
+ tail_fac = sp["tail_fn"]
+ if tail_fac is not None:
+ shared_params = [
+ "bottom_shift",
+ "bottom_cutoff",
+ "top_shift",
+ "top_cutoff",
+ "y_length",
+ "z_length",
+ ]
+ tail_fac = tail_fac(
+ {
+ **{k: v for k, v in body_fac.params.items() if k in shared_params},
+ "x_length": sp["tail_x_length"](body_fac.params),
+ }
+ )
+ tail = part(tail_fac)
+ attach(tail, obj, (0, 0, 0), Joint((0, 0, 180)))
+ fin_fn = sp["fin_fn"]
+ if fin_fn is not None:
+ fin_fn = sp["fin_fn"]
+ x_fins = sp["x_fins"]
+ fin_joints_x, fin_joints_y, fin_joints_z = sp["fin_joints"]
+ fin_x_length = sp["fin_x_length"](body_fac.params)
+ fin_x_lengths = np.sort(uniform(0.6, 1, 4))[::-1] * fin_x_length
+ fin_fac = [
+ fin_fn({"x_length": fin_x_lengths[i]}) for i in range(n_side_fin + 1)
+ ]
+ for i in range(n_side_fin):
+ for side in [1, -1]:
+ attach(
+ part(fin_fac[i]),
+ tail,
+ (x_fins[i], 0.5, 0.99),
+ Joint((fin_joints_x[i], fin_joints_y[i], fin_joints_z[i])),
+ side=side,
+ )
+ attach(part(fin_fac[-1]), tail, (0.99, 0.5, 0.9), Joint((0, 0, 0)))
+ # Add eyes
+ x_eye = sp["x_eye"]
+ eye_angle = sp["eye_angle"]
+ eye_joint_x, eye_joint_y, eye_joint_z = sp["eye_joint"]
+ eye_fac = CrustaceanEyeFactory()
+ for side in [1, -1]:
+ attach(
+ part(eye_fac),
+ obj,
+ (x_eye, eye_angle, 0.99),
+ Joint((eye_joint_x, eye_joint_y, eye_joint_z)),
+ side=side,
+ )
+ # Add antenna
+ antenna_fn = sp["antenna_fn"]
+ if antenna_fn is not None:
+ x_antenna = sp["x_antenna"]
+ antenna_angle = sp["antenna_angle"]
+ antenna_fac = antenna_fn({"x_length": sp["antenna_x_length"](body_fac.params)})
+ for side in [1, -1]:
+ attach(
+ part(antenna_fac),
+ obj,
+ (x_antenna, antenna_angle, 0.99),
+ Joint(sp["antenna_joint"]),
+ side=side,
+ )
+ anim_params = {k: v for k, v in sp.items() if "curl" in k or "rot" in k}
+ anim_params["freq"] = sp["freq"]
+ postprocess_params = dict(material={"base_hue": sp["base_hue"]}, anim=anim_params)
+ return CreatureGenome(obj, postprocess_params)
+def build_base_hue():
+ if uniform(0, 1) < 0.6:
+ return uniform(0, 0.05)
+ else:
+ return uniform(0.4, 0.45)
+def shader_crustacean(nw: NodeWrangler, params):
+ value_shift = log_uniform(2, 10)
+ base_hue = params["base_hue"]
+ bright_color = hsv2rgba(
+ base_hue, uniform(0.8, 1.0), log_uniform(0.02, 0.05) * value_shift
+ )
+ dark_color = hsv2rgba(
+ (base_hue + uniform(-0.05, 0.05)) % 1,
+ uniform(0.8, 1.0),
+ log_uniform(0.01, 0.02) * value_shift,
+ )
+ light_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(0.0, 0.4), log_uniform(0.2, 1.0))
+ specular = uniform(0.6, 0.8)
+ specular_tint = uniform(0, 1)
+ clearcoat = uniform(0.2, 0.8)
+ roughness = uniform(0.1, 0.3)
+ metallic = uniform(0.6, 0.8)
+ x, y, z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.NewGeometry).outputs["Position"])
+ color = build_color_ramp(
+ nw,
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ [
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ [nw.combine(x, nw.math("ABSOLUTE", y), z)],
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": log_uniform(5, 8)},
+ ),
+ -1,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ ],
+ ),
+ [0.0, 0.3, 0.7, 1.0],
+ [bright_color, bright_color, dark_color, dark_color],
+ )
+ ratio = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "ratio"}).outputs[
+ "Fac"
+ ]
+ color = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [ratio, light_color, color])
+ bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": color,
+ "Metallic": metallic,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ "Specular": specular,
+ "Specular Tint": specular_tint,
+ "Clearcoat": clearcoat,
+ },
+ )
+ return bsdf
+def shader_eye(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ return nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1), "Specular": 0},
+ )
+def crustacean_postprocessing(body_parts, extras, params):
+ tag_list = ["body", "claw", "leg"]
+ materials = [
+ shaderfunc_to_material(shader_crustacean, params["material"])
+ for _, t in enumerate(tag_list)
+ ]
+ tag_list.append("eye")
+ materials.append(shaderfunc_to_material(shader_eye))
+ assign_material(body_parts + extras, materials)
+ for part_obj in body_parts:
+ material_indices = read_material_index(part_obj)
+ for i, tag_name in enumerate(tag_list):
+ if f"tag_{tag_name}" in part_obj.data.attributes.keys():
+ part_obj.data.attributes.active = part_obj.data.attributes[
+ f"tag_{tag_name}"
+ ]
+ with butil.SelectObjects(part_obj):
+ bpy.ops.geometry.attribute_convert(domain="FACE")
+ has_tag = read_attr_data(part_obj, f"tag_{tag_name}", "FACE")
+ material_indices[np.nonzero(has_tag)[0]] = i
+ write_material_index(part_obj, material_indices)
+ for extra in extras:
+ material_indices = read_material_index(extra)
+ material_indices.fill(tag_list.index("claw"))
+ write_material_index(extra, material_indices)
+def animate_crustacean_move(arma, params):
+ groups = defaultdict(list)
+ for bone in arma.pose.bones.values():
+ groups[(bone.bone["factory_class"], bone.bone["index"])].append(bone)
+ for (factory_name, part_id), bones in groups.items():
+ eval(factory_name).animate_bones(arma, bones, params)
+class CrustaceanFactory(AssetFactory):
+ max_expected_radius = 1
+ max_distance = 40
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, **_):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.species_params = {
+ "lobster": self.lobster_params,
+ "crab": self.crab_params,
+ "spiny_lobster": self.spiny_lobster_params,
+ }
+ self.species = np.random.choice(list(self.species_params.keys()))
+ def create_asset(self, i, animate=True, rigging=True, cloth=False, **kwargs):
+ genome = crustacean_genome(self.species_params[self.species]())
+ root, parts = genome_to_creature(
+ genome, name=f"crustacean({self.factory_seed}, {i})"
+ )
+ for p in parts:
+ if p.obj.name.split("=")[-1] == "CrustaceanEyeFactor":
+ assign_material(p.obj, shaderfunc_to_material(shader_eye))
+ joined, extras, arma, ik_targets = join_and_rig_parts(
+ root,
+ parts,
+ genome,
+ postprocess_func=crustacean_postprocessing,
+ rigging=rigging,
+ min_remesh_size=0.005,
+ face_size=kwargs["face_size"],
+ roll="GLOBAL_POS_Z",
+ )
+ if animate and arma is not None:
+ animate_crustacean_move(arma, genome.postprocess_params["anim"])
+ else:
+ butil.join_objects([joined] + extras)
+ return root
+ def crab_params(self):
+ base_leg_curl = uniform(-np.pi * 0.15, np.pi * 0.15)
+ return {
+ "body_fn": CrabBodyFactory,
+ "leg_fn": CrabLegFactory,
+ "claw_fn": CrabClawFactory,
+ "tail_fn": None,
+ "antenna_fn": None,
+ "fin_fn": None,
+ "leg_x_length": lambda p: p["y_length"] * log_uniform(2.0, 3.0),
+ "claw_x_length": lambda p: p["y_length"] * log_uniform(1.5, 1.8),
+ "tail_x_length": lambda p: 0,
+ "antenna_x_length": lambda p: 0,
+ "fin_x_length": lambda p: 0,
+ "x_legs": (
+ np.linspace(uniform(0.08, 0.1), uniform(0.55, 0.6), n_limbs)
+ + np.arange(n_limbs) * 0.02
+ )[::-1],
+ "leg_angle": uniform(0.42, 0.44),
+ "leg_joint": (
+ np.sort(uniform(-5, 5, n_legs))[:: 1 if uniform(0, 1) > 0.5 else -1],
+ np.sort(uniform(0, 10, n_legs)),
+ np.sort(uniform(65, 105, n_legs) + uniform(-8, 8))
+ + np.arange(n_legs) * 2,
+ ),
+ "x_claw_offset": uniform(0.08, 0.1),
+ "claw_angle": uniform(0.44, 0.46),
+ "claw_joint": (uniform(-50, -40), uniform(-20, 20), uniform(10, 20)),
+ "x_eye": uniform(0.92, 0.96),
+ "eye_angle": uniform(0.8, 0.85),
+ "eye_joint": (0, uniform(-60, -0), uniform(10, 70)),
+ "x_antenna": 0,
+ "antenna_angle": 0,
+ "antenna_joint": (0, 0, 0),
+ "x_fins": 0,
+ "fin_joints": ([0] * n_side_fin, [0] * n_side_fin, [0] * n_side_fin),
+ "leg_rot": (uniform(np.pi * 0.8, np.pi * 1.1), 0, 0),
+ "leg_curl": (
+ (-np.pi * 1.1, -np.pi * 0.7),
+ 0,
+ (base_leg_curl - np.pi * 0.02, base_leg_curl + np.pi * 0.02),
+ ),
+ "claw_curl": ((-np.pi * 0.2, np.pi * 0.1), 0, (-np.pi * 0.1, np.pi * 0.1)),
+ "claw_lower_curl": ((-np.pi * 0.1, np.pi * 0.1), 0, 0),
+ "tail_curl": (0, 0, 0),
+ "antenna_curl": (0, 0, 0),
+ "base_hue": build_base_hue(),
+ "freq": 1 / log_uniform(100, 200),
+ }
+ def lobster_params(self):
+ base_leg_curl = uniform(-np.pi * 0.4, np.pi * 0.4)
+ return {
+ "body_fn": LobsterBodyFactory,
+ "leg_fn": LobsterLegFactory,
+ "claw_fn": LobsterClawFactory,
+ "tail_fn": CrustaceanTailFactory,
+ "antenna_fn": LobsterAntennaFactory,
+ "fin_fn": CrustaceanFinFactory,
+ "leg_x_length": lambda p: p["x_length"] * log_uniform(0.6, 0.8),
+ "claw_x_length": lambda p: p["x_length"] * log_uniform(1.2, 1.5),
+ "tail_x_length": lambda p: p["x_length"] * log_uniform(1.2, 1.8),
+ "antenna_x_length": lambda p: p["x_length"] * log_uniform(1.6, 3.0),
+ "fin_x_length": lambda p: p["y_length"] * log_uniform(1.2, 2.5),
+ "x_legs": (
+ np.linspace(0.05, uniform(0.2, 0.25), n_limbs)
+ + np.arange(n_limbs) * 0.02
+ )[::-1],
+ "leg_angle": uniform(0.3, 0.35),
+ "leg_joint": (
+ uniform(-5, 5, n_legs),
+ uniform(0, 10, n_legs),
+ np.sort(uniform(95, 110, n_legs) + uniform(-8, 8)),
+ ),
+ "x_claw_offset": uniform(0.08, 0.1),
+ "claw_angle": uniform(0.4, 0.5),
+ "claw_joint": (uniform(-80, -70), uniform(-10, 10), uniform(10, 20)),
+ "x_eye": uniform(0.8, 0.88),
+ "eye_angle": uniform(0.8, 0.85),
+ "eye_joint": (0, uniform(-60, -0), uniform(10, 70)),
+ "x_antenna": uniform(0.76, 0.8),
+ "antenna_angle": uniform(0.6, 0.7),
+ "antenna_joint": (uniform(70, 110), uniform(-40, -30), uniform(20, 40)),
+ "x_fins": np.sort(uniform(0.85, 0.95, n_side_fin)),
+ "fin_joints": (
+ np.sort(uniform(0, 30, n_side_fin))[
+ :: 1 if uniform(0, 1) < 0.5 else -1
+ ],
+ [0] * n_side_fin,
+ np.sort(uniform(10, 30, n_side_fin)),
+ ),
+ "leg_rot": (uniform(np.pi * 0.8, np.pi * 1.1), 0, 0),
+ "leg_curl": (
+ (-np.pi * 1.1, -np.pi * 0.7),
+ 0,
+ (base_leg_curl - np.pi * 0.02, base_leg_curl + np.pi * 0.02),
+ ),
+ "claw_curl": ((-np.pi * 0.1, np.pi * 0.2), 0, 0),
+ "claw_lower_curl": ((-np.pi * 0.1, np.pi * 0.1), 0, 0),
+ "tail_curl": ((-np.pi * 0.6, 0), 0, 0),
+ "antenna_curl": ((np.pi * 0.1, np.pi * 0.3), 0, (0, np.pi * 0.8)),
+ "base_hue": build_base_hue(),
+ "freq": 1 / log_uniform(400, 500),
+ }
+ def spiny_lobster_params(self):
+ lobster_params = self.lobster_params()
+ leg_joint_x, leg_joint_y, leg_joint_z = lobster_params["leg_joint"]
+ leg_joint_z_min = np.min(leg_joint_z) + uniform(-10, -5)
+ return {
+ **lobster_params,
+ "antenna_fn": SpinyLobsterAntennaFactory,
+ "claw_fn": LobsterLegFactory,
+ "claw_x_length": lobster_params["leg_x_length"],
+ "claw_angle": lobster_params["leg_angle"],
+ "claw_joint": (uniform(10, 40), uniform(0, 10), leg_joint_z_min),
+ "x_antenna": uniform(0.7, 0.75),
+ "antenna_angle": uniform(0.4, 0.5),
+ }
+class CrabFactory(CrustaceanFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, **_):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ self.species = "crab"
+class LobsterFactory(CrustaceanFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, **_):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ self.species = "lobster"
+class SpinyLobsterFactory(CrustaceanFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, **_):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ self.species = "spiny_lobster"
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/fish.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/fish.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b24985ff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/fish.py
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors:
+# - Alexander Raistrick: FishSchoolFactory, basic version of FishFactory, anim & simulation
+# - Mingzhe Wang: Fin placement
+from collections import defaultdict
+import bpy
+import gin
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import randint
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+import infinigen.assets.materials.fishbody
+import infinigen.assets.materials.scale
+from infinigen.assets.materials import fish_eye_shader, fishfin
+from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import sample_range
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures import parts
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util import cloth_sim, creature, genome, joining
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.animation.driver_wiggle import (
+ animate_wiggle_bones,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.boid_swarm import BoidSwarmFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature_util import offset_center
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.genome import Joint
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, clip_gaussian
+def fin_params(scale=(1, 1, 1), dorsal=False):
+ # scale = np.array((0.2, 1, 0.4)) * np.array((l / l_mean, 1, rad/r_mean)) * np.array(scale)
+ noise = np.array(
+ (clip_gaussian(1, 0.1, 0.8, 1.2), 1, 0.8 * clip_gaussian(1, 0.1, 0.8, 1.2))
+ )
+ scale *= noise
+ scale = scale.astype(np.float32)
+ if dorsal:
+ # if U() < 0.8:
+ # for dorsal fins, change the shape via RoundWeight
+ RoundWeight = sample_range(0.8, 1)
+ RoundingWeight = 1
+ # else:
+ # RoundWeight = sample_range(0.4, 0.5)
+ # RoundingWeight = sample_range(0.04, 0.06)
+ AffineZ = sample_range(0, 0.1)
+ OffsetWeightZ = sample_range(0.6, 1)
+ OffsetWeightY = 1
+ Freq = U(100, 150)
+ else:
+ RoundWeight = 1
+ RoundingWeight = sample_range(0.02, 0.07)
+ AffineZ = sample_range(0.8, 1.2)
+ OffsetWeightZ = sample_range(0.05, 0.2)
+ OffsetWeightY = sample_range(0.2, 1)
+ Freq = U(60, 80)
+ return {
+ "FinScale": scale,
+ "RoundWeight": RoundWeight,
+ "RoundingWeight": RoundingWeight,
+ "AffineZ": AffineZ,
+ "OffsetWeightZ": OffsetWeightZ,
+ "OffsetWeightY": OffsetWeightY,
+ "Freq": Freq,
+ }
+def fish_postprocessing(body_parts, extras, params):
+ def get_extras(k):
+ return [o for o in extras if k in o.name]
+ main_template = surface.registry.sample_registry(params["surface_registry"])
+ main_template.apply(body_parts + get_extras("BodyExtra"))
+ mat = body_parts[0].active_material
+ gold = mat is not None and "gold" in mat.name
+ body_parts[0].active_material.name.lower() or U() < 0.1
+ fishfin.apply(get_extras("Fin"), shader_kwargs={"goldfish": gold})
+ fish_eye_shader.apply(get_extras("Eyeball"))
+ # eyeball.apply(get_extras('Eyeball'), shader_kwargs={"coord": "X"})
+def fish_fin_cloth_sim_params():
+ res = dict(
+ compression_stiffness=1200,
+ tension_stiffness=1200,
+ shear_stiffness=1200,
+ bending_stiffness=3000,
+ tension_damping=100,
+ compression_damping=100,
+ shear_damping=100,
+ bending_damping=100,
+ air_damping=5,
+ mass=0.3,
+ )
+ for k, v in res.items():
+ res[k] = clip_gaussian(1, 0.2, 0.2, 3) * v
+ return res
+def fish_genome():
+ temp_dict = defaultdict(
+ lambda: 0.1, {"body_fish_eel": 0.01, "body_fish_puffer": 0.001}
+ )
+ body = genome.part(
+ parts.generic_nurbs.NurbsBody(
+ prefix="body_fish",
+ tags=["body"],
+ var=U(0.3, 1),
+ temperature=temp_dict,
+ shoulder_ik_ts=[0.0, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0],
+ n_bones=15,
+ rig_reverse_skeleton=True,
+ )
+ )
+ if U() < 0.9:
+ n_dorsal = 1 # if U() < 0.6 else randint(1, 4)
+ coord = (U(0.3, 0.45), 1, 0.7)
+ for i in range(n_dorsal):
+ dorsal_fin = parts.ridged_fin.FishFin(
+ fin_params((U(0.4, 0.6), 0.5, 0.2), dorsal=True), rig=False
+ )
+ genome.attach(
+ genome.part(dorsal_fin),
+ body,
+ coord=coord,
+ joint=Joint(rest=(0, -100, 0)),
+ )
+ def rot(r):
+ return np.array((20, r, -205)) + N(0, 7, 3)
+ if U() < 0.8:
+ pectoral_fin = parts.ridged_fin.FishFin(fin_params((0.1, 0.5, 0.3)))
+ coord = (U(0.65, 0.8), U(55, 65) / 180, 0.9)
+ for side in [-1, 1]:
+ genome.attach(
+ genome.part(pectoral_fin),
+ body,
+ coord=coord,
+ joint=Joint(rest=rot(-13)),
+ side=side,
+ )
+ if U() < 0.8:
+ pelvic_fin = parts.ridged_fin.FishFin(fin_params((0.08, 0.5, 0.25)))
+ coord = (U(0.5, 0.65), U(8, 15) / 180, 0.8)
+ for side in [-1, 1]:
+ genome.attach(
+ genome.part(pelvic_fin),
+ body,
+ coord=coord,
+ joint=Joint(rest=rot(28)),
+ side=side,
+ )
+ if U() < 0.8:
+ hind_fin = parts.ridged_fin.FishFin(fin_params((0.1, 0.5, 0.3)))
+ coord = (U(0.2, 0.3), N(36, 5) / 180, 0.9)
+ for side in [-1, 1]:
+ genome.attach(
+ genome.part(hind_fin),
+ body,
+ coord=coord,
+ joint=Joint(rest=rot(28)),
+ side=side,
+ )
+ angle = U(140, 170)
+ tail_fin = parts.ridged_fin.FishFin(fin_params((0.12, 0.5, 0.35)), rig=False)
+ for vdir in [-1, 1]:
+ genome.attach(
+ genome.part(tail_fin),
+ body,
+ coord=(0.05, 0, 0),
+ joint=Joint((0, -angle * vdir, 0)),
+ )
+ eye_fac = parts.eye.MammalEye({"Eyelids": False, "Radius": N(0.036, 0.01)})
+ coord = (0.9, 0.6, 0.9)
+ for side in [-1, 1]:
+ genome.attach(
+ genome.part(eye_fac),
+ body,
+ coord=coord,
+ joint=Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)),
+ side=side,
+ rotation_basis="normal",
+ )
+ if U() < 0:
+ jaw = genome.part(
+ parts.head.CarnivoreJaw({"length_rad1_rad2": (0.2, 0.1, 0.06)})
+ )
+ genome.attach(
+ jaw,
+ body,
+ coord=(0.8, 0, 0.7),
+ joint=Joint(rest=(0, U(-30, -80), 0)),
+ rotation_basis="normal",
+ )
+ return genome.CreatureGenome(
+ parts=body,
+ postprocess_params=dict(
+ cloth=fish_fin_cloth_sim_params(),
+ anim=fish_swim_params(),
+ surface_registry=[
+ (infinigen.assets.materials.fishbody, 3),
+ # (infinigen.assets.materials.scale, 1),
+ ],
+ ),
+ )
+def fish_swim_params():
+ swim_freq = 3 * clip_gaussian(1, 0.3, 0.1, 2)
+ swim_mag = N(20, 3)
+ return dict(
+ swim_mag=swim_mag,
+ swim_freq=swim_freq,
+ flipper_freq=3 * clip_gaussian(1, 0.5, 0.1, 3) * swim_freq,
+ flipper_mag=0.35 * N(1, 0.1) * swim_mag,
+ flipper_var=U(0, 0.2),
+ )
+def animate_fish_swim(arma, params):
+ spine = [b for b in arma.pose.bones if "Body" in b.name]
+ fin_bones = [b for b in arma.pose.bones if "extra_bone(Fin" in b.name]
+ global_offset = U(0, 1000) # so swimming animations dont sync across fish
+ animate_wiggle_bones(
+ arma=arma,
+ bones=spine,
+ off=global_offset,
+ mag_deg=params["swim_mag"],
+ freq=params["swim_freq"],
+ wavelength=U(0.5, 2),
+ )
+ v = params["flipper_var"]
+ for b in fin_bones:
+ animate_wiggle_bones(
+ arma=arma,
+ bones=[b],
+ off=global_offset + U(0, 1),
+ mag_deg=params["flipper_mag"] * N(1, v),
+ freq=params["flipper_mag"] * N(1, v),
+ )
+def simulate_fish_cloth(joined, extras, cloth_params, rigidity="cloth_pin_rigidity"):
+ for e in [joined] + extras:
+ assert e.type == "MESH"
+ if "Fin" in e.name:
+ assert rigidity in e.data.attributes
+ else:
+ surface.write_attribute(
+ joined, lambda nw: 1, data_type="FLOAT", name=rigidity, apply=True
+ )
+ joined = butil.join_objects([joined] + extras)
+ cloth_sim.bake_cloth(
+ joined, settings=cloth_params, attributes=dict(vertex_group_mass=rigidity)
+ )
+ return joined
+class FishFactory(AssetFactory):
+ max_distance = 40
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ factory_seed=None,
+ bvh=None,
+ coarse=False,
+ animation_mode=None,
+ species_variety=None,
+ clothsim_skin: bool = False,
+ **_,
+ ):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ self.bvh = bvh
+ self.animation_mode = animation_mode
+ self.clothsim_skin = clothsim_skin
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.species_genome = fish_genome()
+ self.species_variety = (
+ species_variety
+ if species_variety is not None
+ else clip_gaussian(0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.45)
+ )
+ def create_asset(self, i, **kwargs):
+ instance_genome = genome.interp_genome(
+ self.species_genome, fish_genome(), self.species_variety
+ )
+ root, parts = creature.genome_to_creature(
+ instance_genome, name=f"fish({self.factory_seed}, {i})"
+ )
+ offset_center(root, x=True, z=False)
+ # Force material consistency across a whole species of fish
+ # TODO: Replace once Generator class is stnadardized
+ def seeded_fish_postprocess(*args, **kwargs):
+ with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
+ fish_postprocessing(*args, **kwargs)
+ joined, extras, arma, ik_targets = joining.join_and_rig_parts(
+ root,
+ parts,
+ instance_genome,
+ rigging=(self.animation_mode is not None),
+ rig_before_subdiv=True,
+ postprocess_func=seeded_fish_postprocess,
+ adapt_mode="subdivide",
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ if self.animation_mode is not None and arma is not None:
+ if self.animation_mode == "idle" or self.animation_mode == "roam":
+ animate_fish_swim(arma, instance_genome.postprocess_params["anim"])
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized {self.animation_mode=}")
+ if self.clothsim_skin:
+ joined = simulate_fish_cloth(
+ joined, extras, instance_genome.postprocess_params["cloth"]
+ )
+ else:
+ joined = butil.join_objects([joined] + extras)
+ joined.parent = root
+ tag_object(root, "fish")
+ return root
+class FishSchoolFactory(BoidSwarmFactory):
+ @gin.configurable
+ def fish_school_params(self):
+ boids_settings = dict(
+ use_flight=True,
+ use_land=False,
+ use_climb=False,
+ rules=[
+ dict(type="SEPARATE"),
+ dict(type="GOAL"),
+ dict(type="FLOCK"),
+ ],
+ air_speed_max=U(5, 10),
+ air_acc_max=U(0.7, 1),
+ air_personal_space=U(0.15, 2),
+ bank=0, # fish dont tip over / roll
+ pitch=0.4, #
+ rule_fuzzy=U(0.6, 0.9),
+ )
+ return dict(
+ particle_size=U(0.3, 1),
+ size_random=U(0.1, 0.7),
+ use_rotation_instance=True,
+ lifetime=bpy.context.scene.frame_end - bpy.context.scene.frame_start,
+ warmup_frames=1,
+ emit_duration=0, # all particles appear immediately
+ emit_from="VOLUME",
+ mass=2,
+ use_multiply_size_mass=True,
+ effect_gravity=0,
+ boids_settings=boids_settings,
+ )
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, bvh=None, coarse=False):
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ settings = self.fish_school_params()
+ col = make_asset_collection(
+ FishFactory(factory_seed=randint(1e7), animation_mode="idle"), n=3
+ )
+ super().__init__(
+ factory_seed,
+ child_col=col,
+ collider_col=bpy.data.collections.get("colliders"),
+ settings=settings,
+ bvh=bvh,
+ volume=("uniform", 3, 10),
+ coarse=coarse,
+ )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import os
+ for i in range(3):
+ factory = FishFactory(i)
+ root = factory.create_asset(i)
+ root.location[0] = i * 3
+ bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(
+ filepath=os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), "dev_fish5.blend")
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/herbivore.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/herbivore.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a8db083c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/herbivore.py
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
+from collections import defaultdict
+import gin
+import mathutils
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+import infinigen.assets.materials.giraffe_attr
+import infinigen.assets.materials.reptile_brown_circle_attr
+import infinigen.assets.materials.reptile_gray_attr
+import infinigen.assets.materials.spot_sparse_attr
+import infinigen.assets.materials.tiger_attr
+from infinigen.assets.materials import bone, eyeball, horn, nose, tongue
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures import parts
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util import cloth_sim, creature, genome, joining
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util import hair as creature_hair
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.animation import idle, run_cycle
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature_util import offset_center
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.genome import Joint
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian
+def herbivore_hair():
+ mat_roughness = U(0.5, 0.9)
+ puff = U(0.14, 0.4)
+ length = clip_gaussian(0.035, 0.03, 0.01, 0.1)
+ return {
+ "density": 500000,
+ "clump_n": np.random.randint(10, 300),
+ "avoid_features_dist": 0.06,
+ "grooming": {
+ "Length MinMaxScale": np.array(
+ (length, length * U(1.5, 4), U(15, 60)), dtype=np.float32
+ ),
+ "Puff MinMaxScale": np.array(
+ (puff, U(0.5, 1.3), U(15, 60)), dtype=np.float32
+ ),
+ "Combing": U(0.5, 1),
+ "Strand Random Mag": U(0, 0.003) if U() < 0.5 else 0,
+ "Strand Perlin Mag": U(0, 0.006),
+ "Strand Perlin Scale": U(15, 45),
+ "Tuft Spread": N(0.06, 0.025),
+ "Tuft Clumping": U(0.7, 0.95),
+ "Root Radius": 0.0025,
+ "Post Clump Noise Mag": 0.001 * N(1, 0.15),
+ "Hair Length Pct Min": U(0.5, 0.9),
+ },
+ "material": {
+ "Roughness": mat_roughness,
+ "Radial Roughness": mat_roughness + N(0, 0.07),
+ "Random Roughness": 0,
+ "IOR": 1.55,
+ },
+ }
+def herbivore_postprocessing(body_parts, extras, params):
+ def get_extras(k):
+ return [o for o in extras if k in o.name]
+ main_template = surface.registry.sample_registry(params["surface_registry"])
+ main_template.apply(body_parts + get_extras("BodyExtra"))
+ tongue.apply(get_extras("Tongue"))
+ bone.apply(get_extras("Teeth") + get_extras("Claws"))
+ horn.apply(get_extras("Horn"))
+ eyeball.apply(get_extras("Eyeball"), shader_kwargs={"coord": "X"})
+ nose.apply(get_extras("Nose"))
+def herbivore_genome():
+ temp_dict = defaultdict(
+ lambda: 0.2, {"body_herbivore_giraffe": 0.02, "body_herbivore_llama": 0.1}
+ )
+ body = genome.part(
+ parts.generic_nurbs.NurbsBody(
+ prefix="body_herbivore", tags=["body"], var=1, temperature=temp_dict
+ )
+ )
+ neck_t = 0.67
+ shoulder_bounds = np.array([[-20, -20, -20], [20, 20, 20]])
+ splay = clip_gaussian(130, 7, 90, 130) / 180
+ shoulder_t = clip_gaussian(0.1, 0.05, 0.05, 0.2)
+ params = {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": np.array((1.8, 0.1, 0.05)) * N(1, (0.1, 0.05, 0.05), 3)
+ }
+ leg_rest = (0, 90, 0) # (0, 90, 0)
+ foot_rest = (0, -90, 0)
+ foot_fac = parts.hoof.HoofAnkle()
+ claw_fac = parts.hoof.HoofClaw()
+ backleg_fac = parts.leg.QuadrupedBackLeg(params=params)
+ frontleg_fac = parts.leg.QuadrupedFrontLeg(params=params)
+ if U() < 0.15:
+ lenscale = U(1, 1.3)
+ backleg_fac.params["length_rad1_rad2"][0] *= lenscale
+ frontleg_fac.params["length_rad1_rad2"][0] *= lenscale
+ for side in [-1, 1]:
+ # foot = genome.part(claw_fac)
+ foot = genome.attach(
+ genome.part(claw_fac),
+ genome.part(foot_fac),
+ coord=(0.7, -1, 0),
+ joint=Joint(rest=(0, 90, 0)),
+ rotation_basis="global",
+ )
+ back_leg = genome.attach(
+ foot,
+ genome.part(backleg_fac),
+ coord=(0.95, 1, 0.2),
+ joint=Joint(rest=foot_rest),
+ rotation_basis="global",
+ )
+ genome.attach(
+ back_leg,
+ body,
+ coord=(shoulder_t, splay, 1),
+ joint=Joint(rest=leg_rest, bounds=shoulder_bounds),
+ rotation_basis="global",
+ side=side,
+ )
+ for side in [-1, 1]:
+ # foot = genome.part(claw_fac)
+ foot = genome.attach(
+ genome.part(claw_fac),
+ genome.part(foot_fac),
+ coord=(0.7, 1, 0),
+ joint=Joint(rest=(0, 90, 0)),
+ rotation_basis="normal",
+ )
+ front_leg = genome.attach(
+ foot,
+ genome.part(frontleg_fac),
+ coord=(0.95, 0, 0.5),
+ joint=Joint(rest=(0, -70, 0)),
+ )
+ genome.attach(
+ front_leg,
+ body,
+ coord=(neck_t - shoulder_t, splay + 0 / 180, 0.9),
+ joint=Joint(rest=leg_rest),
+ rotation_basis="global",
+ side=side,
+ )
+ temp_dict = defaultdict(lambda: 0.2, {"body_herbivore_giraffe": 0.02})
+ head_fac = parts.generic_nurbs.NurbsHead(
+ prefix="head_herbivore", tags=["head"], var=0.5, temperature=temp_dict
+ )
+ head = genome.part(head_fac)
+ eye_fac = parts.eye.MammalEye({"Radius": N(0.035, 0.01)})
+ eye_t, splay = U(0.34, 0.45), U(80, 140) / 180
+ r = U(0.7, 0.9)
+ rot = np.array([0, 0, 0])
+ for side in [-1, 1]:
+ eye = genome.part(eye_fac)
+ genome.attach(
+ eye,
+ head,
+ coord=(eye_t, splay, r),
+ joint=Joint(rest=rot),
+ rotation_basis="normal",
+ side=side,
+ )
+ jaw = genome.part(
+ parts.head.CarnivoreJaw(
+ {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": (0.6 * head_fac.params["length"], 0.12, 0.08),
+ "Canine Length": 0,
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ genome.attach(
+ jaw,
+ head,
+ coord=(0.25 * N(1, 0.1), 0, 0.35 * N(1, 0.1)),
+ joint=Joint(rest=(0, 10 * N(1, 0.1), 0)),
+ )
+ if U() < 0.7:
+ nose = genome.part(parts.head_detail.CatNose())
+ genome.attach(nose, head, coord=(0.95, 1, 0.45), joint=Joint(rest=(0, 20, 0)))
+ t, splay = U(0.15, eye_t - 0.07), N(125, 15) / 180
+ ear_fac = parts.head_detail.CatEar({})
+ ear_fac.params["length_rad1_rad2"] *= N(1.2, 0.1, 3)
+ rot = np.array([0, -10, -23]) * N(1, 0.1, 3)
+ for side in [-1, 1]:
+ ear = genome.part(ear_fac)
+ genome.attach(
+ ear,
+ head,
+ coord=(t, splay, 1),
+ joint=Joint(rest=rot),
+ rotation_basis="normal",
+ side=side,
+ )
+ if U() < 0.7:
+ horn_fac = parts.horn.Horn()
+ horn_fac.params["length"] *= U(0.1, 2)
+ horn_fac.params["rad1"] *= U(0.07, 1.5)
+ horn_fac.params["rad2"] *= U(0.07, 1.5)
+ t, splay = U(0.25, t), U(splay + 20 / 180, 130 / 180)
+ rot = np.array([U(-40, 0), 0, N(120, 10)])
+ for side in [-1, 1]:
+ horn = genome.part(horn_fac)
+ genome.attach(
+ horn,
+ head,
+ coord=(t, splay, 0.5),
+ joint=Joint(rest=rot),
+ rotation_basis="global",
+ side=side,
+ )
+ elif U() < 0:
+ horn_fac = parts.horn.Horn()
+ horn_fac.params["length"] *= U(0.3, 1)
+ horn_fac.params["rotation_x"] = 0
+ horn = genome.part(horn_fac)
+ genome.attach(
+ horn,
+ head,
+ coord=(U(0.3, 0.9), 1, 0.6),
+ joint=Joint(rest=(0, -90, -90)),
+ rotation_basis="global",
+ )
+ genome.attach(head, body, coord=(0.97, 0, 0.2), joint=Joint(rest=(0, 20, 0)))
+ if U() < 1:
+ hair = herbivore_hair()
+ registry = [
+ (infinigen.assets.materials.giraffe_attr, 1),
+ (infinigen.assets.materials.spot_sparse_attr, 3),
+ ]
+ else:
+ hair = None
+ registry = [
+ (infinigen.assets.materials.reptile_brown_circle_attr, 1),
+ (infinigen.assets.materials.reptile_gray_attr, 1),
+ ]
+ return genome.CreatureGenome(
+ parts=body,
+ postprocess_params=dict(animation=dict(), hair=hair, surface_registry=registry),
+ )
+class HerbivoreFactory(AssetFactory):
+ max_distance = 40
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ factory_seed=None,
+ bvh: mathutils.bvhtree.BVHTree = None,
+ coarse: bool = False,
+ animation_mode: str = None,
+ hair: bool = True,
+ clothsim_skin: bool = False,
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ self.bvh = bvh
+ self.animation_mode = animation_mode
+ self.hair = hair
+ self.clothsim_skin = clothsim_skin
+ if self.hair and (self.animation_mode is not None or self.clothsim_skin):
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "Dynamic hair is not yet fully working. "
+ "Please disable either hair or both of animation/clothsim"
+ )
+ def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs):
+ return butil.spawn_cube(size=4)
+ def create_asset(self, i, placeholder, **kwargs):
+ genome = herbivore_genome()
+ root, parts = creature.genome_to_creature(
+ genome, name=f"herbivore({self.factory_seed}, {i})"
+ )
+ # tag_object(root, 'herbivore')
+ offset_center(root)
+ dynamic = self.animation_mode is not None
+ joined, extras, arma, ik_targets = joining.join_and_rig_parts(
+ root,
+ parts,
+ genome,
+ rigging=dynamic,
+ postprocess_func=herbivore_postprocessing,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ butil.parent_to(root, placeholder, no_inverse=True)
+ if self.hair:
+ creature_hair.configure_hair(
+ joined, root, genome.postprocess_params["hair"]
+ )
+ if dynamic:
+ if self.animation_mode == "run":
+ run_cycle.animate_run(root, arma, ik_targets)
+ elif self.animation_mode == "idle":
+ idle.snap_iks_to_floor(ik_targets, self.bvh)
+ idle.idle_body_noise_drivers(ik_targets)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized mode {self.animation_mode=}")
+ if self.clothsim_skin:
+ rigidity = surface.write_vertex_group(
+ joined, cloth_sim.local_pos_rigity_mask, apply=True
+ )
+ cloth_sim.bake_cloth(
+ joined,
+ genome.postprocess_params["skin"],
+ attributes=dict(vertex_group_mass=rigidity),
+ )
+ return root
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ec870676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from .dragonfly import DragonflyFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/dragonfly.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/dragonfly.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc76a2593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/dragonfly.py
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+import bpy
+import gin
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement import animation_policy
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from .parts.body.dragonfly_body import nodegroup_dragonfly_body
+from .parts.head.dragonfly_head import nodegroup_dragon_fly_head
+from .parts.leg.dragonfly_leg import nodegroup_dragonfly_leg, nodegroup_leg_control
+from .parts.tail.dragonfly_tail import nodegroup_dragonfly_tail
+from .parts.wing.dragonfly_wing import nodegroup_dragonfly_wing
+from .utils.geom_utils import nodegroup_symmetric_clone
+def geometry_dragonfly(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ value_head_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_head_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["Head Scale"]
+ dragonflyhead = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_dragon_fly_head(
+ base_color=kwargs["Base Color"],
+ eye_color=kwargs["Eye Color"],
+ v=kwargs["V"],
+ ).name
+ )
+ combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": kwargs["Head Roll"], "Y": kwargs["Head Pitch"], "Z": 1.5708},
+ )
+ transform_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": dragonflyhead,
+ "Translation": (0.0, -0.3, 0.0),
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_8,
+ "Scale": value_head_scale,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_13 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_8, "Scale": (1.1, 1.0, 1.0)},
+ )
+ dragonflybody = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_dragonfly_body(base_color=kwargs["Body Color"], v=kwargs["V"]).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Body Length": kwargs["Body Length"],
+ "Random Seed": kwargs["Body Seed"],
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": dragonflybody.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Name": "spline parameter",
+ "Value": dragonflybody.outputs["spline parameter"],
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute,
+ "Name": "body seed",
+ "Value": kwargs["Body Seed"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_1,
+ "Rotation": (1.5708, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: kwargs["Tail Length"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: kwargs["Tail Tip Z"], 1: -0.5},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply, "Z": multiply_1}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": kwargs["Tail Length"], "Z": kwargs["Tail Tip Z"]},
+ )
+ dragonflytail = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_dragonfly_tail(
+ base_color=kwargs["Base Color"],
+ v=kwargs["V"],
+ ring_length=kwargs["Ring Length"],
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Middle": combine_xyz_1,
+ "End": combine_xyz,
+ "Segment Length": 0.38,
+ "Random Seed": kwargs["Tail Seed"],
+ "Radius": kwargs["Tail Radius"],
+ },
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 10.0
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": dragonflytail,
+ "Translation": (0.0, -10.2, 0.0),
+ "Rotation": (0.0, 0.0, -1.5708),
+ "Scale": value,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform, transform_1]}
+ )
+ nodegroup = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leg_control().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Openness": kwargs["Leg Openness 3"]},
+ )
+ dragonflyleg = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_dragonfly_leg().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rot claw": 0.18,
+ "Rot Tarsus": nodegroup.outputs["Tarsus"],
+ "Rot Femur": nodegroup.outputs["Femur"],
+ },
+ )
+ value_leg_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_leg_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["Leg Scale"]
+ transform_15 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": dragonflyleg,
+ "Rotation": (0.0, 0.0, -0.5236),
+ "Scale": value_leg_scale,
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Y": nodegroup.outputs["Shoulder"], "Z": -0.5861},
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_15,
+ "Translation": (0.38, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_6,
+ },
+ )
+ symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_2, "Scale": (-1.0, 1.0, 1.0)},
+ )
+ value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 1.2
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"],
+ "Translation": (0.0, -4.6, -2.26),
+ "Scale": value_1,
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leg_control().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Openness": kwargs["Leg Openness 2"]},
+ )
+ dragonflyleg_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_dragonfly_leg().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rot claw": 0.18,
+ "Rot Tarsus": nodegroup_1.outputs["Tarsus"],
+ "Rot Femur": nodegroup_1.outputs["Femur"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform_16 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": dragonflyleg_1,
+ "Rotation": (0.0, 0.0, -0.1745),
+ "Scale": value_leg_scale,
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Y": nodegroup_1.outputs["Shoulder"], "Z": 0.174},
+ )
+ transform_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_16,
+ "Translation": (0.38, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_5,
+ },
+ )
+ symmetric_clone_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_5, "Scale": (-1.0, 1.0, 1.0)},
+ )
+ value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_2.outputs[0].default_value = 1.18
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": symmetric_clone_1.outputs["Both"],
+ "Translation": (0.0, -3.62, -2.26),
+ "Scale": value_2,
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leg_control().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Openness": kwargs["Leg Openness 1"]},
+ )
+ dragonflyleg_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_dragonfly_leg().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rot claw": 1.0,
+ "Rot Tarsus": nodegroup_2.outputs["Tarsus"],
+ "Rot Femur": nodegroup_2.outputs["Femur"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform_14 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": dragonflyleg_2,
+ "Rotation": (0.0, 0.0, 0.3491),
+ "Scale": value_leg_scale,
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Y": nodegroup_2.outputs["Shoulder"], "Z": 0.663},
+ )
+ transform_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_14,
+ "Translation": (0.38, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_4,
+ },
+ )
+ symmetric_clone_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_6, "Scale": (-1.0, 1.0, 1.0)},
+ )
+ value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_3.outputs[0].default_value = 1.04
+ transform_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": symmetric_clone_2.outputs["Both"],
+ "Translation": (0.0, -2.66, -2.26),
+ "Scale": value_3,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [join_geometry, transform_3, transform_4, transform_7]
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_13, join_geometry_1]}
+ )
+ dragonflywing = nw.new_node(nodegroup_dragonfly_wing().name)
+ scene_time = nw.new_node("GeometryNodeInputSceneTime")
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: scene_time.outputs["Seconds"],
+ 1: 2 * np.pi * kwargs["Flap Freq"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ sine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2}, attrs={"operation": "SINE"}
+ )
+ wing_roll = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: sine, 1: kwargs["Flap Mag"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ value_wing_yaw = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_wing_yaw.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["Wing Yaw"]
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": wing_roll, "Z": value_wing_yaw}
+ )
+ value_wing_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_wing_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["Wing Scale"]
+ transform_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": dragonflywing,
+ "Translation": (0.22, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_2,
+ "Scale": value_wing_scale,
+ },
+ )
+ symmetric_clone_3 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_9, "Scale": (-1.0, 1.0, 1.0)},
+ )
+ value_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_5.outputs[0].default_value = 5.4
+ transform_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": symmetric_clone_3.outputs["Both"],
+ "Translation": (0.0, -2.4, 1.8),
+ "Scale": value_5,
+ },
+ )
+ dragonflywing_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_dragonfly_wing().name)
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: wing_roll, 1: 0.0524})
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={1: value_wing_yaw}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": add, "Z": subtract}
+ )
+ transform_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": dragonflywing_1,
+ "Translation": (0.22, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_3,
+ "Scale": value_wing_scale,
+ },
+ )
+ symmetric_clone_4 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_12, "Scale": (-1.0, 1.0, 1.0)},
+ )
+ value_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_6.outputs[0].default_value = 6.0
+ transform_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": symmetric_clone_4.outputs["Both"],
+ "Translation": (0.0, -4.18, 1.8),
+ "Scale": value_6,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [join_geometry_2, transform_10, transform_11]},
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_3}
+ )
+ # TODO replace this hacky postprocess transform
+ result = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": realize_instances,
+ "Translation": (0.6, 0, 0), # position origin at ~center of dragonfly
+ "Rotation": (0, 0, -np.pi / 2),
+ "Scale": (kwargs["PostprocessScale"],) * 3,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": result})
+class DragonflyFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, bvh=None, **_):
+ super(DragonflyFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.bvh = bvh
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.genome = self.sample_geo_genome()
+ y = U(20, 60)
+ self.policy = animation_policy.AnimPolicyRandomForwardWalk(
+ forward_vec=(1, 0, 0),
+ speed=U(7, 10),
+ step_range=(0.2, 7),
+ yaw_dist=("uniform", -y, y),
+ rot_vars=[0, 0, 0],
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def sample_geo_genome():
+ base_color = np.array((U(0.1, 0.6), 0.9, 0.8))
+ base_color[1] += N(0.0, 0.05)
+ base_color[2] += N(0.0, 0.05)
+ base_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(base_color)
+ eye_color = np.copy(base_color)
+ eye_color[0] += N(0.0, 0.1)
+ eye_color[1] += N(0.0, 0.05)
+ eye_color[2] += N(0.0, 0.05)
+ eye_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(eye_color)
+ body_color = np.copy(base_color)
+ body_color[0] += N(0.0, 0.1)
+ body_color[1] += N(0.0, 0.05)
+ body_color[2] += N(0.0, 0.05)
+ body_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(body_color)
+ return {
+ "Tail Length": U(2.5, 3.5),
+ "Tail Tip Z": U(-0.4, 0.3),
+ "Tail Seed": U(-100, 100),
+ "Tail Radius": U(0.7, 0.9),
+ "Body Length": U(8.0, 10.0),
+ "Body Seed": U(-100, 100),
+ "Flap Freq": U(20, 50),
+ "Flap Mag": U(0.15, 0.25),
+ "Wing Yaw": U(0.43, 0.7),
+ "Wing Scale": U(0.9, 1.1),
+ "Leg Scale": U(0.9, 1.1),
+ "Leg Openness 1": U(0.0, 1.0),
+ "Leg Openness 2": U(0.0, 1.0),
+ "Leg Openness 3": U(0.0, 1.0),
+ "Head Scale": U(1.6, 1.8),
+ "Head Roll": U(-0.2, 0.2),
+ "Head Pitch": U(-0.6, 0.6),
+ "Base Color": base_color_rgba,
+ "Body Color": body_color_rgba,
+ "Eye Color": eye_color_rgba,
+ "V": U(0.0, 0.5),
+ "Ring Length": U(0.0, 0.3),
+ "PostprocessScale": 0.015 * N(1, 0.1),
+ }
+ def create_placeholder(self, i, loc, rot):
+ p = butil.spawn_cube(size=1)
+ p.location = loc
+ p.rotation_euler = rot
+ if self.bvh is not None:
+ p.location.z += U(0.5, 2)
+ animation_policy.animate_trajectory(p, self.bvh, self.policy)
+ return p
+ def create_asset(self, placeholder, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=2,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ phenome = self.genome.copy()
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_dragonfly, apply=False, input_kwargs=phenome)
+ obj.parent = placeholder
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/antenna/dragonfly_antenna.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/antenna/dragonfly_antenna.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab56c7da9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/antenna/dragonfly_antenna.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.insects.utils.geom_utils import (
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2,
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+ "nodegroup_dragonfly_antenna", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_dragonfly_antenna(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (1.24, 0.02, 0.01)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "angles_deg", (0.0, -63.9, 31.39)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Carapace Rad Pct", 1.4),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "spike_length_rad1_rad2", (0.1, 0.025, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ "angles_deg": group_input.outputs["angles_deg"],
+ "proportions": (0.2533, 0.3333, -0.2267),
+ "do_bezier": False,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry,
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Endpoint": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"],
+ },
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/body/dragonfly_body.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/body/dragonfly_body.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..330f4df9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/body/dragonfly_body.py
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.insects.parts.hair.principled_hair import (
+ nodegroup_principled_hair,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.insects.utils.geom_utils import (
+ nodegroup_circle_cross_section,
+ nodegroup_instance_on_points,
+ nodegroup_random_rotation_scale,
+ nodegroup_surface_bump,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.insects.utils.shader_utils import (
+ nodegroup_add_noise,
+ nodegroup_color_noise,
+ shader_black_w_noise_shader,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+def shader_dragonfly_body_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, base_color, v):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "pos"})
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 3.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": absolute, "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], "Z": multiply},
+ )
+ attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "body seed"})
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": combine_xyz,
+ "W": attribute_1.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Scale": 0.5,
+ "Dimension": 1.0,
+ "Lacunarity": 1.0,
+ },
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": musgrave_texture, 1: -0.26, 2: 0.06}
+ )
+ attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "spline parameter"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": attribute_2.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_add_noise().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": combine_xyz_1,
+ "Scale": 0.5,
+ "amount": (0.16, 0.26, 0.0),
+ "Noise Eval Position": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group})
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": attribute_1.outputs["Fac"],
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz_2, "Scale": 10.0},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "2D"},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 1: 0.14, 2: 0.82},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": add, 1: 0.7, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0}
+ )
+ rgb_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
+ rgb_1.outputs[0].default_value = base_color
+ group_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_color_noise().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Scale": 1.34,
+ "Color": rgb_1,
+ "Value From Max": 0.7,
+ "Value To Min": 0.18,
+ },
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation", input_kwargs={"Value": v, "Color": rgb_1}
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color1": group_2,
+ "Color2": hue_saturation_value,
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": mix,
+ "Metallic": 0.2182,
+ "Specular": 0.8318,
+ "Roughness": 0.1545,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_dragonfly_body", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_dragonfly_body(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ curve_control_points=[
+ (0.0, 0.15),
+ (0.1586, 0.4688),
+ (0.36, 0.66),
+ (0.7427, 0.4606),
+ (0.9977, 0.2562),
+ ],
+ base_color=(0.2789, 0.3864, 0.0319, 1.0),
+ v=0.3,
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Body Length", 10.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Random Seed", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Hair Density", 200.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": group_input.outputs["Body Length"]}
+ )
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": combine_xyz})
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line, "Count": 128}
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": resample_curve,
+ 2: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ },
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], curve_control_points)
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Radius": float_curve,
+ },
+ )
+ circlecrosssection = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_circle_cross_section().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "random seed": group_input.outputs["Random Seed"],
+ "noise amount": 1.26,
+ "radius": 4.0,
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": circlecrosssection, "Rotation": (0.0, 0.0, 1.5708)},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": transform,
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position_2, 1: (1.0, 0.2, 0.8)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Random Seed"],
+ "Scale": 0.5,
+ },
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 4: 0.4},
+ attrs={"clamp": False},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: -1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: normal, "Scale": multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={1: scale.outputs["Vector"]})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh, "Offset": add.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ shader_dragonfly_body_shader, base_color, v
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ surfacebump = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_material,
+ "Displacement": -0.12,
+ "Scale": 75.8,
+ "seed": group_input.outputs["Random Seed"],
+ },
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": surfacebump, "Name": "pos", 2: position},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: 0.5}
+ )
+ reroute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": capture_attribute.outputs[2]}
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute, 1: 0.4},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ op_and = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: less_than}
+ )
+ reroute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Hair Density"]}
+ )
+ distribute_points_on_faces = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": store_named_attribute,
+ "Selection": op_and,
+ "Density": reroute_1,
+ },
+ )
+ randomrotationscale = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_random_rotation_scale().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "random seed": -2.4,
+ "rot mean": (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "rot std z": -10.2,
+ "scale mean": 0.03,
+ },
+ )
+ leghair = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_principled_hair().name, input_kwargs={"Resolution": 2}
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": leghair, "Scale": (1.0, 1.0, 5.0)}
+ )
+ set_material_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_3,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_black_w_noise_shader),
+ },
+ )
+ instanceonpoints = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_instance_on_points().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "rotation base": distribute_points_on_faces.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "rotation delta": randomrotationscale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "translation": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "scale": randomrotationscale.outputs["Value"],
+ "Points": distribute_points_on_faces.outputs["Points"],
+ "Instance": set_material_2,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_1, 1: 0.3}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ distribute_points_on_faces_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": store_named_attribute, "Density": multiply_2, "Seed": 1},
+ )
+ instanceonpoints_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_instance_on_points().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "rotation base": distribute_points_on_faces_1.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "rotation delta": randomrotationscale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "translation": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "scale": randomrotationscale.outputs["Value"],
+ "Points": distribute_points_on_faces_1.outputs["Points"],
+ "Instance": set_material_2,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [store_named_attribute, instanceonpoints, instanceonpoints_1]
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry,
+ "Skeleton Curve": resample_curve,
+ "spline parameter": reroute,
+ },
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/eye/dragonfly_eye.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/eye/dragonfly_eye.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d7a18a90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/eye/dragonfly_eye.py
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.insects.utils.shader_utils import (
+ nodegroup_color_noise,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+def shader_dragonfly_eye_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, base_color, v):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 2.0, "Detail": 1.0}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": musgrave_texture, 1: -1.0, 2: 0.2}
+ )
+ rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
+ rgb.outputs[0].default_value = base_color
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation", input_kwargs={"Value": v, "Color": rgb}
+ )
+ group_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_color_noise().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Scale": 1.34,
+ "Color": rgb,
+ "Value From Max": 0.7,
+ "Value To Min": 0.18,
+ },
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color1": hue_saturation_value,
+ "Color2": group_1,
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": 1000.0},
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: 0.03,
+ 2: 0.2,
+ 3: 1.0,
+ 4: -0.78,
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": mix,
+ "Specular": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ "Roughness": 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_dragonfly_eye", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_dragonfly_eye(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ base_color=(0.2789, 0.3864, 0.0319, 1.0),
+ v=0.3,
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketInt", "Rings", 16)]
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Rings"], 1: 2.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ uv_sphere = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
+ input_kwargs={"Segments": multiply, "Rings": group_input.outputs["Rings"]},
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": uv_sphere, "Scale": (1.0, 1.0, 1.3)}
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ shader_dragonfly_eye_shader, base_color, v
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material}
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/hair/principled_hair.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/hair/principled_hair.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dfe27a4ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/hair/principled_hair.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.insects.utils.geom_utils import (
+ nodegroup_circle_cross_section,
+ nodegroup_shape_quadratic,
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+ "nodegroup_principled_hair", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_principled_hair(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketIntUnsigned", "Resolution", 4)]
+ )
+ crosssection = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_circle_cross_section().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"], "radius": 0.5},
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 2.0
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": crosssection, "Scale": value}
+ )
+ shapequadraticleghair = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_shape_quadratic(
+ radius_control_points=[(0.0, 0.1125), (0.625, 0.1), (1.0, 0.0531)]
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Profile Curve": transform,
+ "noise amount tilt": 0.0,
+ "Resolution": 8,
+ "Start": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Middle": (-0.2, 0.0, 1.0),
+ "End": (0.0, 0.0, 2.66),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Mesh": shapequadraticleghair.outputs["Mesh"]}
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/head/dragonfly_head.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/head/dragonfly_head.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0010f1e4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/head/dragonfly_head.py
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.insects.parts.antenna.dragonfly_antenna import (
+ nodegroup_dragonfly_antenna,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.insects.parts.eye.dragonfly_eye import (
+ nodegroup_dragonfly_eye,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.insects.parts.hair.principled_hair import (
+ nodegroup_principled_hair,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.insects.parts.mouth.dragonfly_mouth import (
+ nodegroup_dragonfly_mouth,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.insects.utils.geom_utils import (
+ nodegroup_add_hair,
+ nodegroup_attach_part,
+ nodegroup_surface_bump,
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.insects.utils.shader_utils import (
+ nodegroup_color_noise,
+ shader_black_w_noise_shader,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+def shader_dragonfly_head_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, base_color, v):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "pos"})
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": absolute,
+ "Z": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz, "W": 28.0, "Scale": 2.0, "Detail": 1.0},
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": musgrave_texture, 1: -0.28, 2: 0.48}
+ )
+ rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
+ rgb.outputs[0].default_value = base_color
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation", input_kwargs={"Value": v, "Color": rgb}
+ )
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_color_noise().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Scale": 1.34,
+ "Color": rgb,
+ "Value From Max": 0.7,
+ "Value To Min": 0.18,
+ },
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color1": hue_saturation_value,
+ "Color2": group,
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix, "Specular": 0.7545, "Roughness": 0.0636},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_dragon_fly_head", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_dragon_fly_head(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ base_color=(0.2789, 0.3864, 0.0319, 1.0),
+ eye_color=(0.2789, 0.3864, 0.0319, 1.0),
+ v=0.3,
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": (1.8, 0.0, 0.0)})
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line, "Count": 32}
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": resample_curve}
+ )
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ 2: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"],
+ },
+ )
+ float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": capture_attribute.outputs[2]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0, 0.14), (0.3055, 0.93), (0.7018, 0.79), (0.9236, 0.455), (1.0, 0.0)],
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Radius": float_curve_1,
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Resolution": 200, "Radius": 1.1}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_to_mesh,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ shader_dragonfly_head_shader, base_color, v
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ leghair = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_principled_hair().name, input_kwargs={"Resolution": 2}
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": leghair, "Scale": (1.0, 1.0, 5.0)}
+ )
+ set_material_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_3,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_black_w_noise_shader),
+ },
+ )
+ addhair = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_add_hair().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": set_material_1,
+ "Hair": set_material_2,
+ "Density": 500.0,
+ "rot mean": (0.36, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "scale mean": 0.01,
+ },
+ )
+ reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": addhair})
+ dragonflyeye = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_dragonfly_eye(base_color=eye_color, v=0.0).name,
+ input_kwargs={"Rings": 128},
+ )
+ value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.6
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": dragonflyeye, "Scale": value_1}
+ )
+ attach_part = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_attach_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": reroute,
+ "Skeleton Curve": set_position,
+ "Geometry": transform_1,
+ "Length Fac": 0.5625,
+ "Ray Rot": (1.5474, -0.3944, 1.4556),
+ "Rad": 0.64,
+ "Part Rot": (27.1, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": attach_part.outputs["Geometry"]},
+ )
+ dragonflymouth = nw.new_node(nodegroup_dragonfly_mouth().name)
+ set_material_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": dragonflymouth,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ shader_dragonfly_head_shader, base_color, v
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ addhair_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_add_hair().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": set_material_3,
+ "Hair": set_material_2,
+ "Density": 5.0,
+ "rot mean": (-0.04, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "scale mean": 0.1,
+ },
+ )
+ surfacebump = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": addhair_1, "Displacement": 0.05, "Scale": 5.0},
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.07
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": surfacebump, "Scale": value}
+ )
+ attach_part_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_attach_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": reroute,
+ "Skeleton Curve": resample_curve,
+ "Geometry": transform,
+ "Length Fac": 0.9667,
+ "Part Rot": (0.0, 31.5, 0.0),
+ "Do Normal Rot": True,
+ },
+ )
+ antenna = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_dragonfly_antenna().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": (1.24, 0.05, 0.04),
+ "angles_deg": (0.0, -31.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ surfacebump_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": antenna.outputs["Geometry"], "Scale": 5.0},
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": surfacebump_1,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_black_w_noise_shader),
+ },
+ )
+ value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_2.outputs[0].default_value = 0.48
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_material,
+ "Translation": (-0.02, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Scale": value_2,
+ },
+ )
+ attach_part_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_attach_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": reroute,
+ "Skeleton Curve": resample_curve,
+ "Geometry": transform_2,
+ "Length Fac": 0.6408,
+ "Ray Rot": (1.9722, -1.4364, 1.5708),
+ "Rad": 0.9,
+ "Part Rot": (108.1, -49.8, 26.7),
+ },
+ )
+ symmetric_clone_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": attach_part_2.outputs["Geometry"]},
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"],
+ reroute,
+ attach_part_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ symmetric_clone_1.outputs["Both"],
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1, "Name": "pos", "Value": position},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry}
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/leg/dragonfly_leg.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/leg/dragonfly_leg.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bec3c08d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/leg/dragonfly_leg.py
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.insects.parts.hair.principled_hair import (
+ nodegroup_principled_hair,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.insects.utils.geom_utils import (
+ nodegroup_shape_quadratic,
+ nodegroup_surface_bump,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.insects.utils.shader_utils import (
+ shader_black_w_noise_shader,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+ "nodegroup_leg_control", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leg_control(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Openness", 1.0)]
+ )
+ reroute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Openness"]}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": reroute_2, 3: 0.6, 4: 1.44}
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": reroute_2, 3: -0.26, 4: 0.16}
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": reroute_2, 3: 1.68, 4: 1.88}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Femur": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Tarsus": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ "Shoulder": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_dragonfly_leg", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_dragonfly_leg(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ legcrosssection = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leg_cross_section().name)
+ shapequadraticclaw = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_shape_quadratic(
+ radius_control_points=[
+ (0.0, 0.0031),
+ (0.2682, 0.1906),
+ (0.6364, 0.3594),
+ (0.8091, 0.5031),
+ (1.0, 0.5375),
+ ]
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Profile Curve": legcrosssection,
+ "noise amount tilt": 0.0,
+ "Resolution": 16,
+ "Start": (0.0, 0.0, 3.0),
+ "Middle": (-1.2, 0.0, 1.5),
+ "End": (0.2, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.3
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": shapequadraticclaw,
+ "Translation": (-0.38, 0.0, 1.0),
+ "Rotation": (0.0, 0.4318, 0.0),
+ "Scale": value,
+ },
+ )
+ value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": shapequadraticclaw,
+ "Translation": (0.1, 0.0, 0.04),
+ "Rotation": (0.0, -0.0262, 0.0),
+ "Scale": value_1,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [shapequadraticclaw, transform_2, transform_3]},
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Rot claw", 1.82),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Rot Tarsus", 0.02),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Rot Femur", 1.42),
+ ],
+ )
+ legpart = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leg_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "NextJoint": join_geometry_1,
+ "NextJoint Y rot": group_input.outputs["Rot claw"],
+ "NextJoint Scale": 0.4,
+ "Num Hairs": 10,
+ },
+ )
+ legpart_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leg_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "NextJoint": legpart,
+ "NextJoint Y rot": group_input.outputs["Rot Tarsus"],
+ "NextJoint Scale": 0.45,
+ "Cross Section Scale": 0.8,
+ },
+ )
+ legpart_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leg_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "NextJoint": legpart_1,
+ "NextJoint Y rot": group_input.outputs["Rot Femur"],
+ "NextJoint Scale": 0.75,
+ "Cross Section Scale": 1.2,
+ "Num Hairs": 30,
+ "Hair Scale Max": 0.15,
+ },
+ )
+ surfacebump = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": legpart_2, "Displacement": 0.03, "Scale": 5.0},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": surfacebump}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_leg_part", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_leg_part(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ legcrosssection = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leg_cross_section().name)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "NextJoint", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "NextJoint Y rot", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "NextJoint Scale", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Cross Section Scale", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Num Hairs", 15),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Hair Scale Min", 0.18),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Hair Scale Max", 0.22),
+ ],
+ )
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": legcrosssection,
+ "Rotation": (0.0, 0.0, 3.1416),
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Cross Section Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ tarsus_end = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label="tarsus end")
+ tarsus_end.vector = (0.2, 0.0, 6.0)
+ shapequadratictarsus = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_shape_quadratic(
+ radius_control_points=[
+ (0.0, 0.3125),
+ (0.0841, 0.3469),
+ (0.45, 0.4125),
+ (0.55, 0.3719),
+ (0.9045, 0.325),
+ (1.0, 0.125),
+ ]
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Profile Curve": transform_4,
+ "noise amount tilt": 0.0,
+ "Resolution": 128,
+ "Start": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Middle": (-0.4, 0.0, 3.0),
+ "End": tarsus_end,
+ },
+ )
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": shapequadratictarsus.outputs["Mesh"],
+ 2: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Count": group_input.outputs["Num Hairs"],
+ },
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: capture_attribute_1.outputs[2], 1: 0.9}
+ )
+ delete_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_to_points_1.outputs["Points"],
+ "Selection": greater_than,
+ },
+ )
+ leghair = nw.new_node(nodegroup_principled_hair().name)
+ random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: 0.88})
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": random_value_3.outputs[1]}
+ )
+ random_value_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Hair Scale Min"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["Hair Scale Max"],
+ },
+ )
+ instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": delete_geometry_1,
+ "Instance": leghair,
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_1,
+ "Scale": random_value_2.outputs[1],
+ },
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: tarsus_end, 1: (0.0, 0.0, 0.05)},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": group_input.outputs["NextJoint Y rot"]}
+ )
+ transform_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["NextJoint"],
+ "Translation": subtract.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz,
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["NextJoint Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [shapequadratictarsus.outputs["Mesh"], transform_5]},
+ )
+ join_geometry_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [instance_on_points_1, join_geometry_3]},
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_4,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_black_w_noise_shader),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_leg_cross_section", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leg_cross_section(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketIntUnsigned", "Resolution", 8)]
+ )
+ bezier_segment = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveBezierSegment,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Start Handle": (-0.9, 0.7, 0.0),
+ "End Handle": (0.9, 0.38, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": bezier_segment})
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": reroute, "Scale": (1.0, -1.0, 1.0)}
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform, reroute]}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={"Curve": join_geometry}
+ )
+ merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance, input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh}
+ )
+ mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshToCurve, input_kwargs={"Mesh": merge_by_distance}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": mesh_to_curve,
+ "Rotation": (0.0, 0.0, 1.5708),
+ "Scale": (0.6, 1.0, 0.6),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_1}
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/mouth/dragonfly_mouth.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/mouth/dragonfly_mouth.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7abd8c2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/mouth/dragonfly_mouth.py
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.insects.utils.geom_utils import (
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2,
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+ "nodegroup_dragonfly_mouth", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_dragonfly_mouth(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 1.5
+ simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": (9.5, 9.36, 5.54),
+ "proportions": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
+ "aspect": value,
+ "do_bezier": False,
+ "fullness": 7.9,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Translation": (0.0, 0.0, -9.1),
+ "Rotation": (0.0, 1.7645, 0.0),
+ "Scale": (1.0, 1.2, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ simple_tube_v2_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": (9.64, 5.46, 9.04),
+ "proportions": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
+ "aspect": value,
+ "do_bezier": False,
+ "fullness": 7.9,
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": simple_tube_v2_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Rotation": (0.0, 1.5708, 0.0),
+ "Scale": (1.0, 1.2, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ simple_tube_v2_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": (8.4, 6.16, 4.7),
+ "proportions": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
+ "aspect": value,
+ "do_bezier": False,
+ "fullness": 7.9,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": simple_tube_v2_2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Translation": (-1.1, 0.0, -17.2),
+ "Rotation": (0.0, 2.6005, 0.0),
+ "Scale": (1.0, 1.2, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ simple_tube_v2_3 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": (10.1, 4.28, 6.7),
+ "angles_deg": (4.64, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "proportions": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
+ "aspect": 2.1,
+ "do_bezier": False,
+ "fullness": 7.9,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": simple_tube_v2_3.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Translation": (-6.56, 0.0, 5.34),
+ "Rotation": (0.0, 0.8126, 0.0),
+ "Scale": (1.0, 1.2, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_1, transform, transform_2, transform_4]},
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry})
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 0.5})
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 4: 0.3}
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: normal, "Scale": map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_3, "Offset": scale.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={"Mesh": set_position, "Level": 2}
+ )
+ group_output_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivision_surface}
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/tail/dragonfly_tail.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/tail/dragonfly_tail.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f32c8db86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/tail/dragonfly_tail.py
@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.insects.utils.geom_utils import (
+ nodegroup_circle_cross_section,
+ nodegroup_instance_on_points,
+ nodegroup_random_rotation_scale,
+ nodegroup_shape_quadratic,
+ nodegroup_surface_bump,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.insects.utils.shader_utils import (
+ nodegroup_add_noise,
+ nodegroup_color_noise,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+def shader_dragonfly_tail_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, base_color, v, ring_length):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "cross section parameter"}
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": attribute.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.4455
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.5045
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[3].position = 1.0
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[3].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": colorramp.outputs["Color"], 1: 0.02, 2: 0.38},
+ )
+ attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "spline parameter"}
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": attribute_1.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.18, 2: 0.42},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Y": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_add_noise().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": combine_xyz,
+ "amount": (1.0, 1.0, 0.0),
+ "Noise Eval Position": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ },
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group})
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": attribute_1.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Scale": 5.34,
+ "Randomness": 0.0,
+ },
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "1D"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ 2: 0.1,
+ 3: 1.0,
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ maximum = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add, 1: map_range_2.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MAXIMUM"},
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = ring_length
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: value, 1: 0.05})
+ map_range_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": attribute_1.outputs["Fac"], 1: value, 2: add_1},
+ )
+ minimum = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: maximum, 1: map_range_4.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MINIMUM"},
+ )
+ rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
+ rgb.outputs[0].default_value = base_color
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation", input_kwargs={"Value": v, "Color": rgb}
+ )
+ group_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_color_noise().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Scale": 1.34,
+ "Color": rgb,
+ "Value From Max": 0.7,
+ "Value To Min": 0.18,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": minimum,
+ "Color1": hue_saturation_value,
+ "Color2": group_2,
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": mix_1,
+ "Metallic": 0.5,
+ "Specular": 0.5114,
+ "Roughness": 0.2568,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_dragonfly_tail", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_dragonfly_tail(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, base_color=(0.2789, 0.3864, 0.0319, 1.0), v=0.3, ring_length=0.3
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Start", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Middle", (1.84, 0.0, 0.14)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "End", (3.14, 0.0, -0.32)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Segment Length", 0.44),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Segment Scale", 0.25),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Random Seed", 3.2),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Radius", 0.9),
+ ],
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": group_input.outputs["Start"],
+ "Middle": group_input.outputs["Middle"],
+ "End": group_input.outputs["End"],
+ },
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": quadratic_bezier,
+ 2: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Length": group_input.outputs["Segment Length"],
+ },
+ attrs={"mode": "LENGTH"},
+ )
+ reroute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Segment Scale"]}
+ )
+ randomrotationscale = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_random_rotation_scale().name,
+ input_kwargs={"rot std z": 0.0, "scale mean": reroute_1, "scale std": 0.05},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": capture_attribute.outputs[2], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.8},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: randomrotationscale.outputs["Value"],
+ 1: map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ droplast = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_droplast().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_points.outputs["Points"]},
+ )
+ integer = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, attrs={"integer": 128})
+ integer.integer = 128
+ circlecrosssection = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_circle_cross_section().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "random seed": 23.4,
+ "noise amount": 0.9,
+ "Resolution": integer,
+ "radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": circlecrosssection, "Rotation": (0.0, 0.0, 1.5708)},
+ )
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract}, attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: 2.0}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform,
+ "Name": "cross section parameter",
+ "Value": multiply_1,
+ },
+ )
+ reroute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": store_named_attribute_2}
+ )
+ shapequadratic_001 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_shape_quadratic(
+ radius_control_points=[
+ (0.0, 0.3906),
+ (0.1795, 0.4656),
+ (0.5, 0.4563),
+ (0.8795, 0.45),
+ (1.0, 0.4344),
+ ]
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Profile Curve": reroute,
+ "noise amount tilt": 0.0,
+ "Resolution": integer,
+ "Start": (0.0, 0.0, -1.5),
+ "End": (0.0, 0.0, 0.68),
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": shapequadratic_001.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "spline parameter",
+ "Value": shapequadratic_001.outputs["spline parameter"],
+ },
+ )
+ value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.02
+ surfacebump = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_1,
+ "Displacement": value_1,
+ "Scale": 20.0,
+ "seed": group_input.outputs["Random Seed"],
+ },
+ )
+ addverticalstripes = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_add_vertical_stripes().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": surfacebump,
+ "Seed": group_input.outputs["Random Seed"],
+ },
+ )
+ instanceonpoints = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_instance_on_points().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "rotation base": curve_to_points.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "rotation delta": randomrotationscale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "translation": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "scale": multiply,
+ "Points": droplast.outputs["Others"],
+ "Instance": addverticalstripes,
+ },
+ )
+ shapequadratic_003 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_shape_quadratic(
+ radius_control_points=[
+ (0.0, 0.3312),
+ (0.1773, 0.4281),
+ (0.4318, 0.5031),
+ (0.5886, 0.3562),
+ (0.7864, 0.2687),
+ (1.0, 0.0),
+ ]
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Profile Curve": reroute,
+ "noise amount tilt": 0.0,
+ "Resolution": integer,
+ "Start": (0.26, 0.0, -1.5),
+ "Middle": (0.32, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "End": (-0.04, 0.0, 1.5),
+ },
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": shapequadratic_003.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": (0.0, 0.28, 0.0),
+ "Rotation": (0.0, 0.0, -1.5708),
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_1,
+ "Name": "spline parameter",
+ "Value": shapequadratic_003.outputs["spline parameter"],
+ },
+ )
+ surfacebump_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute,
+ "Displacement": value_1,
+ "Scale": 20.0,
+ },
+ )
+ addverticalstripes_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_add_vertical_stripes().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": surfacebump_1,
+ "Seed": group_input.outputs["Random Seed"],
+ },
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": droplast.outputs["Last"],
+ "Instance": addverticalstripes_1,
+ "Rotation": curve_to_points.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "Scale": reroute_1,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [instanceonpoints, instance_on_points]},
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ shader_dragonfly_tail_shader, base_color, v, ring_length
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_droplast", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_droplast(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ domain_size = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DomainSize,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"]},
+ attrs={"component": "POINTCLOUD"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: domain_size.outputs["Point Count"], 1: 1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ equal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: index, 3: subtract},
+ attrs={"data_type": "INT", "operation": "EQUAL"},
+ )
+ op_not = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: equal}, attrs={"operation": "NOT"}
+ )
+ delete_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"], "Selection": op_not},
+ )
+ delete_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"], "Selection": equal},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Last": delete_geometry_1, "Others": delete_geometry},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_add_vertical_stripes", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_add_vertical_stripes(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 5.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Seed", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.05},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": absolute, "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], "Z": multiply},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": combine_xyz,
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D", "feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ reroute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]}
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Name": "tail vertical strips",
+ "Value": reroute_1,
+ },
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_1, 1: 0.1}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: normal, "Scale": multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_3,
+ "Offset": scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
+## old version
+# def shader_dragonfly_tail_shader(nw: NodeWrangler):
+# # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+# texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+# attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
+# attrs={'attribute_name': 'cross section parameter'})
+# colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
+# input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute_1.outputs["Fac"]})
+# colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
+# colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
+# colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
+# colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+# colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.4455
+# colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+# colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.5045
+# colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+# colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[3].position = 1.0
+# colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[3].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+# map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
+# input_kwargs={'Value': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 1: 0.02, 2: 0.38})
+# attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
+# attrs={'attribute_name': 'spline parameter'})
+# map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
+# input_kwargs={'Value': attribute.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.18, 2: 0.42})
+# combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+# input_kwargs={'X': map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 'Y': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
+# group_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_add_noise().name,
+# input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz, 'amount': (1.0, 1.0, 0.0), 'Noise Eval Position': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],})
+# separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+# input_kwargs={'Vector': group_2})
+# add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+# input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
+# voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+# input_kwargs={'W': attribute.outputs["Fac"], 'Scale': 5.34, 'Randomness': 0.0},
+# attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '1D'})
+# map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
+# input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.1, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
+# maximum = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+# input_kwargs={0: add, 1: map_range_2.outputs["Result"]},
+# attrs={'operation': 'MAXIMUM'})
+# group_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_color_noise().name,
+# input_kwargs={'Scale': 6.4, 'Color': (0.1582, 0.291, 1.0, 1.0), 'Value To Min': 0.4})
+# attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
+# attrs={'attribute_name': 'tail vertical strips'})
+# map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
+# input_kwargs={'Value': attribute_2.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.16, 2: 0.34})
+# mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
+# input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.0, 'Color1': (0.0144, 0.016, 0.0152, 1.0), 'Color2': (0.544, 0.5299, 0.5841, 1.0)})
+# mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
+# input_kwargs={'Fac': maximum, 'Color1': group_1, 'Color2': mix_1})
+# principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+# input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix, 'Metallic': 0.9, 'Specular': 0.5114, 'Roughness': 0.2568})
+# material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+# input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/wing/dragonfly_wing.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/wing/dragonfly_wing.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..960182ba0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/parts/wing/dragonfly_wing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.insects.utils.shader_utils import (
+ nodegroup_add_noise,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+ "nodegroup_dragonfly_wing", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_dragonfly_wing(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ resolution = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label="resolution", attrs={"integer": 32})
+ resolution.integer = 32
+ pivot1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label="pivot1")
+ pivot1.vector = (1.84, -0.28, 0.0)
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: pivot1})
+ reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": add.outputs["Vector"]})
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": resolution,
+ "Start": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Middle": (1.2, -0.16, 0.0),
+ "End": reroute,
+ },
+ )
+ pivot2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label="pivot2")
+ pivot2.vector = (3.98, -0.78, 0.0)
+ quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": resolution,
+ "Start": reroute,
+ "Middle": (3.98, -0.32, 0.0),
+ "End": pivot2,
+ },
+ )
+ pivot3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label="pivot3")
+ pivot3.vector = (2.54, -1.14, 0.0)
+ quadratic_bezier_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": resolution,
+ "Start": pivot2,
+ "Middle": (4.0, -1.1, 0.0),
+ "End": pivot3,
+ },
+ )
+ pivot4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label="pivot4")
+ pivot4.vector = (-0.06, -0.74, 0.0)
+ quadratic_bezier_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": resolution,
+ "Start": pivot3,
+ "Middle": (0.28, -1.34, 0.0),
+ "End": pivot4,
+ },
+ )
+ pivot5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label="pivot5")
+ pivot5.vector = (0.0, -0.14, 0.0)
+ bezier_segment = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveBezierSegment,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": resolution,
+ "Start": pivot4,
+ "Start Handle": (0.16, -0.44, 0.0),
+ "End Handle": (-0.24, -0.34, 0.0),
+ "End": pivot5,
+ },
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": bezier_segment, "Count": resolution}
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": resolution,
+ "Start": pivot5,
+ "Middle": (-0.18, -0.04, 0.0),
+ "End": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ quadratic_bezier,
+ quadratic_bezier_1,
+ quadratic_bezier_2,
+ quadratic_bezier_3,
+ resample_curve,
+ quadratic_bezier_4,
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={"Curve": join_geometry}
+ )
+ merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance, input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh}
+ )
+ mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshToCurve, input_kwargs={"Mesh": merge_by_distance}
+ )
+ fill_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": mesh_to_curve})
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": fill_curve})
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={"Curve": quadratic_bezier_2}
+ )
+ geometry_proximity = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Proximity,
+ input_kwargs={"Target": curve_to_mesh_1},
+ attrs={"target_element": "EDGES"},
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": subdivide_mesh,
+ "Name": "distance to edge",
+ "Value": geometry_proximity.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": quadratic_bezier_1,
+ 2: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={"Curve": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"]}
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={0: capture_attribute.outputs[2], 1: 0.65},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: capture_attribute.outputs[2], 1: 0.84}
+ )
+ op_or = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: greater_than},
+ attrs={"operation": "OR"},
+ )
+ delete_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh_2, "Selection": op_or},
+ )
+ geometry_proximity_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Proximity,
+ input_kwargs={"Target": delete_geometry},
+ attrs={"target_element": "EDGES"},
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute,
+ "Name": "stripes coordinate",
+ "Value": geometry_proximity_1.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_2,
+ "Name": "pos",
+ "Value": position,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_1,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_wing_shader),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material}
+ )
+def shader_wing_shader(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "stripes coordinate"}
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": attribute_2.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.04, 2: 0.54},
+ )
+ attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "pos"})
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute_1.outputs["Vector"], "Angle": 0.1047},
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.08
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_add_noise().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_rotate, "amount": value},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group, "Scale": 12.0, "Randomness": 0.7},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "2D", "feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture_2.outputs["Distance"], 1: 2.34},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group})
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Scale": 14.96,
+ "Randomness": 0.5,
+ },
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "1D", "feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_2.outputs[0].default_value = -0.18
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: value_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ maximum = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 1: less_than},
+ attrs={"operation": "MAXIMUM"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: maximum, 1: 0.56}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ vector_rotate_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute_1.outputs["Vector"], "Angle": 0.2485},
+ )
+ value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.08
+ group_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_add_noise().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_rotate_1, "amount": value_1},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_1})
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: value_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: -0.74},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ power = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: 2.22}, attrs={"operation": "POWER"}
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: power}
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"W": add, "Scale": 10.02},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "1D", "feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: value_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ maximum_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"], 1: greater_than},
+ attrs={"operation": "MAXIMUM"},
+ )
+ less_than_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: -0.48}, attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"}
+ )
+ maximum_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: maximum_1, 1: less_than_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MAXIMUM"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: maximum_2, 1: 3.0}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ minimum = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "MINIMUM"},
+ )
+ minimum_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: minimum},
+ attrs={"operation": "MINIMUM"},
+ )
+ attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "distance to edge"}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": attribute.outputs["Color"], 3: 0.1, 4: 0.0},
+ )
+ maximum_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: minimum_1, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MAXIMUM"},
+ )
+ minimum_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: maximum_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "MINIMUM"},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": minimum_2})
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.1136
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ reroute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": colorramp.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ transparent_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TransparentBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": reroute}
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": reroute}
+ )
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.1, 1: transparent_bsdf_1, 2: principled_bsdf},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader}
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/utils/geom_utils.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/utils/geom_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5aed4b65f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/utils/geom_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1454 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from .shader_utils import nodegroup_add_noise, nodegroup_color_noise
+ "nodegroup_symmetric_clone", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_symmetric_clone(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "Scale", (1.0, -1.0, 1.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ flip_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.FlipFaces, input_kwargs={"Mesh": transform})
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [group_input.outputs["Geometry"], flip_faces]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Both": join_geometry_2,
+ "Orig": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Inverted": flip_faces,
+ },
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_add_hair", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_add_hair(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Hair", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Density", 100.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "rot mean", (1.18, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "scale mean", 0.05),
+ ],
+ )
+ distribute_points_on_faces = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Density": group_input.outputs["Density"],
+ },
+ )
+ randomrotationscale = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_random_rotation_scale().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "random seed": -2.4,
+ "rot mean": group_input.outputs["rot mean"],
+ "scale mean": group_input.outputs["scale mean"],
+ },
+ )
+ instanceonpoints = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_instance_on_points().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "rotation base": distribute_points_on_faces.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "rotation delta": randomrotationscale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "scale": randomrotationscale.outputs["Value"],
+ "Points": distribute_points_on_faces.outputs["Points"],
+ "Instance": group_input.outputs["Hair"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [instanceonpoints, group_input.outputs["Mesh"]]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Instances": join_geometry}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_attach_part", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_attach_part(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skin Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skeleton Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "Length Fac", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorEuler", "Ray Rot", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Rad", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Part Rot", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Do Normal Rot", False),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Do Tangent Rot", False),
+ ],
+ )
+ part_surface = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_part_surface().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skeleton Curve": group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Skin Mesh": group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"],
+ "Length Fac": group_input.outputs["Length Fac"],
+ "Ray Rot": group_input.outputs["Ray Rot"],
+ "Rad": group_input.outputs["Rad"],
+ },
+ )
+ deg2rad = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_deg2_rad().name, input_kwargs={"Deg": group_input.outputs["Part Rot"]}
+ )
+ raycast_rotation = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_raycast_rotation().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rotation": deg2rad,
+ "Hit Normal": part_surface.outputs["Hit Normal"],
+ "Curve Tangent": part_surface.outputs["Tangent"],
+ "Do Normal Rot": group_input.outputs["Do Normal Rot"],
+ "Do Tangent Rot": group_input.outputs["Do Tangent Rot"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Translation": part_surface.outputs["Position"],
+ "Rotation": raycast_rotation,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform,
+ "Position": part_surface.outputs["Position"],
+ "Rotation": raycast_rotation,
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_random_rotation_scale", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_random_rotation_scale(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "random seed", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise scale", 10.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "rot mean", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "rot std z", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "scale mean", 0.35),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "scale std", 0.1),
+ ],
+ )
+ position_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position_3, 1: group_input.outputs["random seed"]},
+ )
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["noise scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_2.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_2.outputs["Color"], 1: value_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": subtract.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["rot std z"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["rot mean"], 1: combine_xyz},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["scale std"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: group_input.outputs["scale mean"]},
+ attrs={"use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": add_1.outputs["Vector"], "Value": add_2},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_instance_on_points", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_instance_on_points(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorEuler", "rotation base", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorEuler", "rotation delta", (-1.5708, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "translation", (0.0, -0.5, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "scale", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Points", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Instance", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ rotate_euler_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateEuler,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rotation": group_input.outputs["rotation base"],
+ "Rotate By": group_input.outputs["rotation delta"],
+ },
+ attrs={"space": "LOCAL"},
+ )
+ instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": group_input.outputs["Points"],
+ "Instance": group_input.outputs["Instance"],
+ "Rotation": rotate_euler_1,
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ translate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TranslateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": instance_on_points_1,
+ "Translation": group_input.outputs["translation"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Instances": translate_instances}
+ )
+def shader_dragonfly_body_shader(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "pos"})
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute_1.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"], 1: 3.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": absolute, "Y": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], "Z": multiply},
+ )
+ attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "body seed"})
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": combine_xyz_1,
+ "W": attribute_2.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Scale": 0.5,
+ "Dimension": 1.0,
+ "Lacunarity": 1.0,
+ },
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": musgrave_texture, 1: -0.26, 2: 0.06}
+ )
+ attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "spline parameter"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": attribute.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_add_noise().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": combine_xyz,
+ "Scale": 0.5,
+ "amount": (0.16, 0.26, 0.0),
+ "Noise Eval Position": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group})
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"], "Y": attribute_2.outputs["Fac"]},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz_2, "Scale": 10.0},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "2D"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 1: 0.14, 2: 0.82},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": add})
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.7386
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.4397, 0.5841, 0.011, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.008, 0.0065, 0.0116, 1.0)
+ group_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_color_noise().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"], "Value To Min": 0.4},
+ )
+ principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": group_1,
+ "Metallic": 0.2182,
+ "Specular": 0.8318,
+ "Roughness": 0.1545,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf_1}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_surface_bump", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_surface_bump(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Displacement", 0.02),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 50.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "seed", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": group_input.outputs["seed"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: group_input.outputs["Displacement"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: normal, 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": multiply_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_circle_cross_section", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_circle_cross_section(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "random seed", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise scale", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise amount", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 256),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "radius", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "symmetric noise", False),
+ ],
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"]},
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": absolute,
+ "Z": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": combine_xyz_1,
+ "W": group_input.outputs["random seed"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["noise scale"],
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": subtract.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ absolute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: normal, "Scale": absolute_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["noise amount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Offset": scale_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, "Scale": group_input.outputs["radius"]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform})
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_deg2_rad", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_deg2_rad(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketVector", "Deg", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))]
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Deg"], 1: (0.0175, 0.0175, 0.0175)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Rad": multiply.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_raycast_rotation", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_raycast_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorEuler", "Rotation", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Hit Normal", (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Curve Tangent", (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Do Normal Rot", False),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Do Tangent Rot", False),
+ ],
+ )
+ align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Hit Normal"]},
+ )
+ rotate_euler = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateEuler,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rotation": group_input.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "Rotate By": align_euler_to_vector,
+ },
+ )
+ if_normal_rot = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Do Normal Rot"],
+ 8: group_input.outputs["Rotation"],
+ 9: rotate_euler,
+ },
+ label="if_normal_rot",
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rotation": group_input.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["Curve Tangent"],
+ },
+ )
+ rotate_euler_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateEuler,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector_1,
+ "Rotate By": group_input.outputs["Rotation"],
+ },
+ attrs={"space": "LOCAL"},
+ )
+ if_tangent_rot = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Do Tangent Rot"],
+ 8: if_normal_rot.outputs[3],
+ 9: rotate_euler_1,
+ },
+ label="if_tangent_rot",
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Output": if_tangent_rot.outputs[3]}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_part_surface", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_part_surface(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skeleton Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skin Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "Length Fac", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorEuler", "Ray Rot", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Rad", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ sample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Factor": group_input.outputs["Length Fac"],
+ },
+ attrs={"mode": "FACTOR"},
+ )
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": sample_curve.outputs["Tangent"],
+ "Rotation": group_input.outputs["Ray Rot"],
+ },
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "EULER_XYZ"},
+ )
+ raycast = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Raycast,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target Geometry": group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"],
+ "Source Position": sample_curve.outputs["Position"],
+ "Ray Direction": vector_rotate,
+ "Ray Length": 5.0,
+ },
+ )
+ lerp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["Rad"],
+ 9: sample_curve.outputs["Position"],
+ 10: raycast.outputs["Hit Position"],
+ },
+ label="lerp",
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "clamp": False},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Position": lerp.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Hit Normal": raycast.outputs["Hit Normal"],
+ "Tangent": sample_curve.outputs["Tangent"],
+ "Skeleton Pos": sample_curve.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_shape_quadratic", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_shape_quadratic(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, radius_control_points=[(0.0, 0.5), (1.0, 0.5)]
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Profile Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "random seed tilt", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise scale tilt", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise amount tilt", 5.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "random seed pos", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise scale pos", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise amount pos", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketIntUnsigned", "Resolution", 256),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Start", (0.0, 0.15, -1.5)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Middle", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "End", (0.0, 0.0, 1.5)),
+ ],
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Start": group_input.outputs["Start"],
+ "Middle": group_input.outputs["Middle"],
+ "End": group_input.outputs["End"],
+ },
+ )
+ spline_parameter_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": quadratic_bezier,
+ 2: spline_parameter_2.outputs["Factor"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
+ capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 1: curve_tangent,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position, 1: group_input.outputs["random seed pos"]},
+ )
+ noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["noise scale pos"],
+ },
+ )
+ value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_3.outputs["Color"], 1: value_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: subtract.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": spline_parameter_2.outputs["Factor"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["noise amount pos"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": scale_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["random seed tilt"],
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"W": add_1, "Scale": group_input.outputs["noise scale tilt"]},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "1D"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: group_input.outputs["noise amount tilt"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveTilt, input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position, "Tilt": multiply}
+ )
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], radius_control_points)
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_curve_tilt, "Radius": float_curve},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToPoints,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position},
+ attrs={"mode": "EVALUATED"},
+ )
+ geometry_proximity = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Proximity,
+ input_kwargs={"Target": curve_to_points.outputs["Points"]},
+ attrs={"target_element": "POINTS"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": curve_to_mesh,
+ "spline parameter": capture_attribute.outputs[2],
+ "spline tangent": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "radius to center": geometry_proximity.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_polar_to_cart", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_polar_to_cart(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Angle", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Length", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Origin", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ cosine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Angle"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "COSINE"},
+ )
+ sine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Angle"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SINE"},
+ )
+ construct_unit_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": cosine, "Z": sine},
+ label="Construct Unit Vector",
+ )
+ offset_polar = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Length"],
+ 1: construct_unit_vector,
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Origin"],
+ },
+ label="Offset Polar",
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": offset_polar.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_switch4", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_switch4(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Arg", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Arg == 0", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Arg == 1", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Arg == 2", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Arg == 3", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ greater_equal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Arg"], 3: 2},
+ attrs={"data_type": "INT", "operation": "GREATER_EQUAL"},
+ )
+ greater_equal_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Arg"], 3: 1},
+ attrs={"data_type": "INT", "operation": "GREATER_EQUAL"},
+ )
+ switch_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: greater_equal_1,
+ 8: group_input.outputs["Arg == 0"],
+ 9: group_input.outputs["Arg == 1"],
+ },
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ greater_equal_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Arg"], 3: 3},
+ attrs={"data_type": "INT", "operation": "GREATER_EQUAL"},
+ )
+ switch_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: greater_equal_2,
+ 8: group_input.outputs["Arg == 2"],
+ 9: group_input.outputs["Arg == 3"],
+ },
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={0: greater_equal, 8: switch_1.outputs[3], 9: switch_2.outputs[3]},
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Output": switch.outputs[3]}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_smooth_taper", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_smooth_taper(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 1: 3.1416},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ sine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "SINE"}
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "start_rad", 0.29),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "end_rad", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "fullness", 2.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: group_input.outputs["fullness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ power = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: sine, 1: divide}, attrs={"operation": "POWER"}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["start_rad"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["end_rad"],
+ },
+ attrs={"clamp": False},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: power, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": multiply_1})
+ "nodegroup_aspect_to_dim", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_aspect_to_dim(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Aspect Ratio", 1.0)]
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"], 1: 1.0}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"], "Y": 1.0},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": 1.0, "Y": divide})
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 8: combine_xyz_1, 9: combine_xyz_2},
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"XY Scale": switch.outputs[3]}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_warped_circle_curve", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_warped_circle_curve(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Position", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Vertices", 32),
+ ],
+ )
+ mesh_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCircle, input_kwargs={"Vertices": group_input.outputs["Vertices"]}
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": mesh_circle,
+ "Position": group_input.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve, input_kwargs={"Mesh": set_position})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Curve": mesh_to_curve})
+ "nodegroup_vector_sum", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_vector_sum(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketVector", "Vector", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))]
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Sum": add_1})
+ "nodegroup_polar_bezier", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_polar_bezier(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketIntUnsigned", "Resolution", 32),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Origin", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "angles_deg", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Seg Lengths", (0.3, 0.3, 0.3)),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Do Bezier", True),
+ ],
+ )
+ mesh_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshLine, input_kwargs={"Count": 4})
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ deg2_rad = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], "Scale": 0.0175},
+ label="Deg2Rad",
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": deg2_rad.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ reroute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": separate_xyz.outputs["X"]}
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Seg Lengths"]}
+ )
+ polartocart = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_polar_to_cart().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Angle": reroute,
+ "Length": separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"],
+ "Origin": group_input.outputs["Origin"],
+ },
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute, 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]}
+ )
+ polartocart_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_polar_to_cart().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Angle": add,
+ "Length": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"],
+ "Origin": polartocart,
+ },
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: add})
+ polartocart_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_polar_to_cart().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Angle": add_1,
+ "Length": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"],
+ "Origin": polartocart_1,
+ },
+ )
+ switch4 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_switch4().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Arg": index,
+ "Arg == 0": group_input.outputs["Origin"],
+ "Arg == 1": polartocart,
+ "Arg == 2": polartocart_1,
+ "Arg == 3": polartocart_2,
+ },
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": mesh_line, "Position": switch4}
+ )
+ mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve, input_kwargs={"Mesh": set_position})
+ subdivide_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": mesh_to_curve,
+ "Cuts": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ integer = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, attrs={"integer": 2})
+ integer.integer = 2
+ bezier_segment = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveBezierSegment,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": integer,
+ "Start": group_input.outputs["Origin"],
+ "Start Handle": polartocart,
+ "End Handle": polartocart_1,
+ "End": polartocart_2,
+ },
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 1: integer},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ subdivide_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": bezier_segment, "Cuts": divide}
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Do Bezier"],
+ 14: subdivide_curve_1,
+ 15: subdivide_curve,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": switch.outputs[6], "Endpoint": polartocart_2},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_profile_part", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_profile_part(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skeleton Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Profile Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius Func", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius Func"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh, "Shade Smooth": False},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_shade_smooth}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_simple_tube_v2", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_simple_tube_v2(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (1.0, 0.5, 0.3)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "angles_deg", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "proportions", (0.3333, 0.3333, 0.3333)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "aspect", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "do_bezier", True),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "fullness", 4.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Origin", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ vector_sum = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_vector_sum().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["proportions"]},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["proportions"], 1: vector_sum},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"]},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: divide.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ polarbezier = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_polar_bezier().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 25,
+ "Origin": group_input.outputs["Origin"],
+ "angles_deg": group_input.outputs["angles_deg"],
+ "Seg Lengths": scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Do Bezier": group_input.outputs["do_bezier"],
+ },
+ )
+ aspect_to_dim = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_aspect_to_dim().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Aspect Ratio": group_input.outputs["aspect"]},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: aspect_to_dim, 1: position},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ warped_circle_curve = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_warped_circle_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Position": multiply.outputs["Vector"], "Vertices": 40},
+ )
+ smoothtaper = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_smooth_taper().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "start_rad": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "end_rad": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ "fullness": group_input.outputs["fullness"],
+ },
+ )
+ profilepart = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_profile_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skeleton Curve": polarbezier.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Profile Curve": warped_circle_curve,
+ "Radius Func": smoothtaper,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": profilepart,
+ "Skeleton Curve": polarbezier.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Endpoint": polarbezier.outputs["Endpoint"],
+ },
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/utils/shader_utils.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/utils/shader_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5731e032d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/insects/utils/shader_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+def shader_black_w_noise_shader(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_color_noise().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": 10.0, "Color": (0.0779, 0.0839, 0.0809, 1.0)},
+ )
+ principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": group,
+ "Metallic": 0.9,
+ "Specular": 0.5114,
+ "Roughness": 0.2568,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf_1}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_add_noise", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_add_noise(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Vector", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 10.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "amount", (0.1, 0.26, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "seed", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Noise Eval Position", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["Noise Eval Position"],
+ "W": group_input.outputs["seed"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"], 1: group_input.outputs["amount"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply.outputs["Vector"], 1: group_input.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": add.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_color_noise", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_color_noise(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 0.8),
+ ("NodeSocketColor", "Color", (0.0147, 0.0156, 0.0152, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Hue From Min", 0.4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Hue From Max", 0.7),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Hue To Min", 0.48),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Hue To Max", 0.55),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value From Min", 0.4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value From Max", 0.78),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value To Min", -0.56),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value To Max", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.7,
+ },
+ )
+ separate_rgb = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateColor,
+ input_kwargs={"Color": noise_texture.outputs["Color"]},
+ attrs={"mode": "HSV"},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_rgb.outputs["Green"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Hue From Min"],
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Hue From Max"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["Hue To Min"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["Hue To Max"],
+ },
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_rgb.outputs["Blue"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Value From Min"],
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Value From Max"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["Value To Min"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["Value To Max"],
+ },
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Hue": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ "Value": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color": group_input.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Color": hue_saturation_value}
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/jellyfish.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/jellyfish.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58b395bbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/jellyfish.py
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from mathutils import Vector
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
+import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.animation.driver_repeated import (
+ repeated_driver,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ geo_extension,
+ read_co,
+ remove_vertices,
+ subsurface2face_size,
+ write_attribute,
+ write_co,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.mesh import polygon_angles
+from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_base_selection
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import (
+ join_objects,
+ new_circle,
+ new_empty,
+ new_icosphere,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.surface import shaderfunc_to_material, write_attr_data
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+class JellyfishFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.base_hue = np.random.normal(0.57, 0.15)
+ self.outside_material = (
+ self.make_transparent() if uniform(0, 1) < 0.8 else self.make_dotted()
+ )
+ self.inside_material = (
+ self.make_transparent() if uniform(0, 1) < 0.8 else self.make_opaque()
+ )
+ self.tentacle_material = self.make_transparent()
+ self.arm_mat_transparent = self.make_transparent()
+ self.arm_mat_opaque = self.make_opaque()
+ self.arm_mat_solid = self.make_solid()
+ self.has_arm = uniform(0, 1) < 0.5
+ arm_radius = uniform(0, 0.3)
+ self.arm_radius_range = arm_radius, arm_radius + uniform(0.1, 0.4)
+ self.arm_height_range = -uniform(0.4, 0.5), -uniform(0, 0.2)
+ self.arm_min_distance = uniform(0.06, 0.08)
+ self.arm_size = uniform(0.03, 0.06)
+ self.arm_length = log_uniform(2, 5)
+ self.arm_bend_angle = uniform(0, np.pi / 60)
+ self.arm_displace_range = uniform(0, 0.4), uniform(0.4, 0.8)
+ self.tentacle_min_distance = uniform(0.04, 0.06)
+ self.tentacle_size = uniform(0.005, 0.01)
+ self.tentacle_length = log_uniform(1.5, 2.5)
+ self.tentacle_bend_angle = uniform(0, np.pi / 12)
+ self.cap_thickness = uniform(0.05, 0.6)
+ self.cap_inner_radius = uniform(0.6, 0.8)
+ self.cap_z_scale = log_uniform(0.4, 1.5)
+ self.cap_dent = uniform(0.15, 0.3) if uniform(0, 1) < 0.5 else 0
+ self.length_scale = log_uniform(0.25, 2.0)
+ self.anim_freq = 1 / log_uniform(25, 100)
+ self.move_freq = 1 / log_uniform(500, 1000)
+ def create_asset(self, face_size, **params):
+ obj, radius = self.build_cap(face_size)
+ assign_material(obj, [self.outside_material, self.inside_material])
+ for axis in "XY":
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ deform_method="TWIST",
+ angle=uniform(-np.pi / 3, np.pi / 3),
+ deform_axis=axis,
+ )
+ for axis in "XY":
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ deform_method="BEND",
+ angle=uniform(-np.pi / 3, np.pi / 3),
+ deform_axis=axis,
+ )
+ def selection(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ x, y, z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))
+ r = nw.math(
+ "POWER", nw.add(nw.math("POWER", x, 2), nw.math("POWER", y, 2)), 0.5
+ )
+ center = nw.boolean_math(
+ "AND",
+ nw.compare("GREATER_THAN", r, self.arm_radius_range[0] * radius),
+ nw.compare("LESS_THAN", r, self.arm_radius_range[1] * radius),
+ )
+ down = nw.compare(
+ "LESS_THAN", nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal))[-1], 0
+ )
+ inside = nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute, ["inside"])
+ return nw.boolean_math("AND", nw.boolean_math("AND", center, down), inside)
+ if self.has_arm:
+ long_arms = self.place_tentacles(
+ obj,
+ selection,
+ self.arm_min_distance,
+ self.arm_size,
+ self.arm_length,
+ self.arm_bend_angle,
+ displace=True,
+ )
+ for a in long_arms:
+ assign_material(
+ a,
+ np.random.choice(
+ [
+ self.arm_mat_opaque,
+ self.arm_mat_transparent,
+ self.arm_mat_solid,
+ ]
+ ),
+ )
+ else:
+ long_arms = []
+ tentacles = self.place_tentacles(
+ obj,
+ "boundary",
+ self.tentacle_min_distance,
+ self.tentacle_size,
+ self.tentacle_length,
+ self.tentacle_bend_angle,
+ )
+ assign_material(tentacles, self.tentacle_material)
+ obj = join_objects([obj] + long_arms + tentacles)
+ head_z = np.amax(read_co(obj)[:, -1])
+ tail_z = -np.amin(read_co(obj)[:, -1])
+ self.animate_expansion(obj, head_z, tail_z)
+ self.animate_movement(obj)
+ tag_object(obj, "jellyfish")
+ return obj
+ def animate_movement(self, obj):
+ offset = uniform(0, 1)
+ seed = np.random.randint(1e5)
+ driver_x, driver_y, driver_z = [_.driver for _ in obj.driver_add("location")]
+ driver_x.expression = repeated_driver(
+ uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(-0.2, 0.2), self.move_freq, offset, seed
+ )
+ driver_y.expression = repeated_driver(
+ uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(-0.2, 0.2), self.move_freq, offset, seed
+ )
+ driver_z.expression = repeated_driver(
+ uniform(-1.5, -0.5), uniform(0.5, 1.5), self.move_freq, offset, seed
+ )
+ driver_rot = obj.driver_add("rotation_euler")[-1].driver
+ twist_range = uniform(0, np.pi / 60)
+ driver_rot.expression = repeated_driver(
+ -twist_range, twist_range, self.move_freq, offset, seed
+ )
+ obj, mod = butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ False,
+ deform_method="TWIST",
+ deform_axis="Z",
+ return_mod=True,
+ )
+ twist_driver = mod.driver_add("angle").driver
+ twist_driver.expression = repeated_driver(
+ -np.pi / 30, np.pi / 30, self.move_freq, offset, seed
+ )
+ def animate_expansion(self, obj, head_z, tail_z):
+ obj.shape_key_add(name="Base")
+ offset = uniform(0, 1)
+ seed = np.random.randint(1e5)
+ self.animate_radius(obj, offset, seed, head_z, tail_z)
+ self.animate_height(obj, offset, seed, head_z, tail_z)
+ self.animate_arms(obj, tail_z)
+ def animate_height(self, obj, offset, seed, head_z, tail_z):
+ x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
+ obj.active_shape_key_index = 0
+ key_block_z = obj.shape_key_add(name="Height")
+ z_anchors = -tail_z, 0, head_z
+ z_disp = 1, 1, uniform(0.6, 0.8)
+ z_curve = interp1d(z_anchors, z_disp, fill_value="extrapolate")
+ co = np.stack([x, y, z_curve(z) * z], -1)
+ key_block_z.data.foreach_set("co", co.reshape(-1))
+ dr = key_block_z.driver_add("value").driver
+ dr.expression = repeated_driver(
+ 0, 1, self.anim_freq, offset + uniform(0.05, 0.15), seed
+ )
+ def animate_radius(self, obj, offset, seed, head_z, tail_z):
+ obj.active_shape_key_index = 0
+ x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
+ key_block_r = obj.shape_key_add(name="Radius")
+ z_anchors = -tail_z, -head_z * 2, -head_z, 0, head_z
+ r_scale = uniform(0.7, 0.9), uniform(0.85, 0.95), 1, uniform(1.2, 1.4), 1
+ r_curve = interp1d(z_anchors, r_scale, "quadratic", fill_value="extrapolate")
+ co = np.stack([r_curve(z) * x, r_curve(z) * y, z], -1)
+ key_block_r.data.foreach_set("co", co.reshape(-1))
+ dr = key_block_r.driver_add("value").driver
+ dr.expression = repeated_driver(0, 1, self.anim_freq, offset, seed)
+ def animate_arms(self, obj, tail_z):
+ def geo_musgrave_texture(nw: NodeWrangler, axis):
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)],
+ )
+ z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))[-1]
+ musgrave = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": uniform(1, 2)},
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "2D"},
+ )
+ offset = nw.scalar_multiply(
+ log_uniform(0.1, 0.4),
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ axis: nw.scalar_divide(nw.scalar_multiply(musgrave, z), -tail_z)
+ },
+ ),
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ [
+ geometry,
+ nw.boolean_math("NOT", nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute, ["pin"])),
+ None,
+ offset,
+ ],
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
+ for i, axis in enumerate("XY"):
+ obj.active_shape_key_index = 0
+ key_block_r = obj.shape_key_add(name=f"Arm_{i}")
+ temp = deep_clone_obj(obj)
+ temp.shape_key_clear()
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ temp, geo_musgrave_texture, apply=True, input_args=[axis]
+ )
+ key_block_r.data.foreach_set("co", read_co(temp).reshape(-1))
+ butil.delete(temp)
+ dr = key_block_r.driver_add("value").driver
+ dr.expression = repeated_driver(0, 1, self.anim_freq)
+ def place_tentacles(
+ self, obj, selection, min_distance, size, length, bend_angle, displace=False
+ ):
+ temp = butil.spawn_vert("temp")
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ temp,
+ geo_base_selection,
+ apply=True,
+ input_args=[obj, selection, min_distance],
+ )
+ locations = read_co(temp)
+ if displace:
+ locations[:, -1] -= uniform(*self.arm_displace_range, len(locations))
+ butil.delete(temp)
+ n = min(10, len(locations))
+ arms = [self.build_arm(size, length, bend_angle) for _ in range(n)]
+ arms += [
+ deep_clone_obj(np.random.choice(arms)) for _ in range(len(locations) - n)
+ ]
+ for arm, loc in zip(arms, locations):
+ arm.rotation_euler[-1] = (
+ np.arctan2(loc[1], loc[0]) + uniform(-np.pi / 6, np.pi / 6) + np.pi
+ )
+ arm.location = loc
+ return arms
+ def build_cap(self, face_size):
+ obj = new_icosphere(subdivisions=6)
+ write_attribute(obj, lambda nw, position: 0, "material_index", "FACE")
+ d = np.sqrt(1 - self.cap_inner_radius**2) + 1 - self.cap_thickness
+ r = (d * d + self.cap_inner_radius**2) / (2 * d)
+ cutter = new_icosphere(subdivisions=6, radius=r)
+ write_attribute(cutter, lambda nw, position: 1, "material_index", "FACE")
+ cutter.location[-1] = 1 - self.cap_thickness - r
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BOOLEAN", object=cutter, operation="DIFFERENCE")
+ co = read_co(obj)
+ outside = np.abs(np.linalg.norm(co, axis=-1) - 1) < 1e-6
+ co[:, -1] -= cutter.location[-1]
+ inside = np.abs(np.linalg.norm(co, axis=-1) - r) < 1e-6
+ write_attr_data(obj, "inside", inside.astype(float))
+ write_attr_data(obj, "boundary", ((~inside) & (~outside)).astype(float))
+ butil.delete(cutter)
+ if self.cap_dent > 0:
+ self.apply_cap_dent(obj)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geo_extension,
+ apply=True,
+ input_args=[log_uniform(0.2, 0.4), log_uniform(0.5, 1.0), "2D"],
+ )
+ obj.scale *= Vector(uniform(0.4, 0.6, 3))
+ obj.scale[-1] *= self.cap_z_scale
+ radius = self.cap_inner_radius * min(obj.scale[:2])
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ subsurface2face_size(obj, face_size)
+ obj.vertex_groups.new(name="pin")
+ tag_object(obj, "cap")
+ return obj, radius
+ def apply_cap_dent(self, obj):
+ n_dent = np.random.randint(6, 12)
+ angles = polygon_angles(n_dent)
+ angles = np.concatenate([angles, angles + 2 * np.pi])
+ dent = uniform(1 - self.cap_dent, 1, n_dent)
+ margin = uniform(np.pi * 0.02, np.pi * 0.05, n_dent)
+ x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
+ a = np.arctan2(y, x) + np.pi * 1.5
+ difference = np.abs(a[:, np.newaxis] - angles[np.newaxis, :])
+ index = np.argmin(difference, 1) % n_dent
+ dent_ = np.take(dent, index)
+ margin_ = np.take(margin, index)
+ s = np.exp(
+ np.log(dent_) / margin_ * np.clip(margin_ - np.min(difference, 1), 0, None)
+ )
+ co = np.stack([s * x, s * y, z]).T
+ write_co(obj, co)
+ def build_arm(self, radius, length, bend_angle):
+ obj = new_circle(vertices=16)
+ obj.scale = radius, radius * uniform(0, 1), 1
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ remove_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: y * (-1) ** np.random.randint(2) > 0)
+ steps = 256
+ empty = new_empty(location=(0, 0, 1), rotation=(0, -uniform(0, np.pi / 24), 0))
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "SCREW",
+ angle=log_uniform(0.5, 3) * np.pi * (-1) ** int(uniform(0, 1)),
+ screw_offset=-length * self.length_scale * uniform(0.5, 1.0),
+ object=empty,
+ steps=steps,
+ render_steps=steps,
+ )
+ butil.delete(empty)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ deform_method="TAPER",
+ factor=uniform(0.5, 1.0),
+ deform_axis="Z",
+ )
+ texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name="arm", type="MARBLE")
+ texture.noise_scale = log_uniform(0.1, 0.2)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ texture=texture,
+ strength=uniform(0.01, 0.02),
+ direction="Y",
+ )
+ texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name="arm", type="MARBLE")
+ texture.noise_scale = log_uniform(0.1, 2.0)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ texture=texture,
+ strength=log_uniform(0.1, 0.2),
+ direction="X",
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ deform_method="BEND",
+ angle=bend_angle * log_uniform(0.5, 1.5),
+ deform_axis="Y",
+ )
+ co = read_co(obj)
+ x, y, z = co.T
+ center = np.mean(co[z > -0.01], 0)
+ obj.location[0] -= center[0]
+ obj.location[1] -= center[1]
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
+ tag_object(obj, "arm")
+ return obj
+ @staticmethod
+ def shader_jellyfish(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue, saturation, transparency):
+ layerweight = nw.build_float_curve(
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.LayerWeight, input_kwargs={"Blend": 0.3}),
+ [(0, 0), (0.4, 0), (uniform(0.6, 0.9), 1), (1, 1)],
+ )
+ emission_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(0.4, 0.6), 1)
+ transparent_color = hsv2rgba((base_hue + uniform(-0.1, 0.1)) % 1, saturation, 1)
+ emission = nw.new_node(Nodes.Emission, [emission_color])
+ glossy = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GlossyBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Color": transparent_color, "Roughness": uniform(0.8, 1)},
+ )
+ transparent = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransparentBSDF, [transparent_color])
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader, [0.5, glossy, transparent])
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader, [layerweight, emission, mix_shader])
+ transparent = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransparentBSDF, [transparent_color])
+ transparency = surface.eval_argument(nw, transparency)
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader, [transparency, mix_shader, transparent]
+ )
+ return mix_shader
+ def make_transparent(self):
+ hue = (self.base_hue + uniform(-0.1, 0.1)) % 1
+ return shaderfunc_to_material(
+ self.shader_jellyfish, hue, uniform(0.1, 0.3), uniform(0.88, 0.92)
+ )
+ def make_opaque(self):
+ hue = (self.base_hue + uniform(-0.1, 0.1)) % 1
+ return shaderfunc_to_material(
+ self.shader_jellyfish, hue, uniform(0.3, 0.6), uniform(0.75, 0.8)
+ )
+ def make_solid(self):
+ hue = (self.base_hue + uniform(-0.1, 0.1)) % 1
+ return shaderfunc_to_material(
+ self.shader_jellyfish, hue, uniform(0.5, 0.8), uniform(0.4, 0.5)
+ )
+ def make_dotted(self):
+ def transparency(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ return nw.build_float_curve(
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": uniform(20, 50)}
+ ),
+ [
+ (0, uniform(0.92, 0.96)),
+ (0.62, uniform(0.92, 0.96)),
+ (0.65, uniform(0.5, 0.6)),
+ (1, uniform(0.5, 0.6)),
+ ],
+ )
+ hue = (self.base_hue + uniform(-0.1, 0.1)) % 1
+ return shaderfunc_to_material(
+ self.shader_jellyfish, hue, uniform(0.5, 0.8), transparency
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78d37747e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from . import (
+ beak,
+ body,
+ chameleon,
+ eye,
+ fin_old,
+ foot,
+ generic_nurbs,
+ head,
+ head_detail,
+ hoof,
+ horn,
+ leg,
+ reptile_detail,
+ ridged_fin,
+ tail,
+ wings,
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/beak.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/beak.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bd65ad3ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/beak.py
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Hongyu Wen
+from math import cos, exp, pi, sin
+import numpy as np
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util import part_util
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import Part, PartFactory
+from infinigen.assets.utils.geometry import nurbs as nurbs_util
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+def square(x):
+ return x * x
+class Beak:
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
+ self.hook_x = lambda x, theta: self.hook(
+ self.hook_scale_x,
+ self.hook_a,
+ self.hook_b,
+ self.hook_pos_x,
+ self.hook_thickness_x,
+ x,
+ theta,
+ )
+ self.hook_z = lambda x, theta: self.hook(
+ self.hook_scale_z,
+ self.hook_a,
+ self.hook_b,
+ self.hook_pos_z,
+ self.hook_thickness_z,
+ x,
+ theta,
+ )
+ self.crown_z = lambda x, theta: self.crown(
+ self.crown_scale_z, self.crown_a, self.crown_b, self.crown_pos_z, x, theta
+ )
+ self.bump_z = lambda x, theta: self.bump(
+ self.bump_scale_z, x, self.bump_l, self.bump_r
+ ) * max(sin(theta), 0)
+ def cx(self, x):
+ return x
+ def cy(self, x):
+ return 1 - exp(self.cy_a * (x - 1))
+ def cz(self, x):
+ return 1 - (x**self.cz_a)
+ def sigmoid(self, x):
+ return 1 / (1 + exp(-x))
+ def exp(self, a, b, x):
+ return a * exp(b * x)
+ def hook(self, scale, a, b, p, t, x, theta):
+ return scale * self.exp(a, b, x - p - (1 - x) * t * sin(theta))
+ def bump(self, scale, x, lower, upper):
+ if x < lower or x > upper:
+ return 0
+ x = (x - lower) / (upper - lower) * pi
+ return scale * sin(x)
+ def crown(self, scale, a, b, p, x, theta):
+ return scale * self.exp(a, b, p - x) * max(sin(theta), 0)
+ def dx(self, x, theta):
+ hook = self.hook_x(x, theta)
+ sharp = self.sharpness * max(x - 0.95, 0)
+ return hook + sharp
+ def dy(self, x):
+ return 0
+ def dz(self, x, theta):
+ hook = self.hook_z(x, theta)
+ crown = self.crown_z(x, theta)
+ bump = self.bump_z(x, theta)
+ return hook + crown + bump
+ def generate(self):
+ self.n = int(self.n)
+ self.m = int(self.m)
+ ctrls = np.zeros((self.n, self.m, 3))
+ for i in range(self.n):
+ for j in range(self.m):
+ p = i / (self.n - 1)
+ theta = 2 * pi * j / (self.m)
+ ctrls[i][j][0] = self.sx * self.cx(p) + self.dx(p, theta)
+ ctrls[i][j][1] = self.sy * self.cy(p) * self.r * cos(theta) + self.dy(p)
+ ctrls[i][j][2] = self.reverse * (
+ self.sz * self.cz(p) * self.r * max(sin(theta), 0)
+ + self.dz(p, theta)
+ )
+ method = "blender" if False else "geomdl"
+ return nurbs_util.nurbs(ctrls, method, face_size=0.02)
+class BirdBeak(PartFactory):
+ param_templates = {}
+ tags = ["head_detail", "rigid"]
+ unit_scale = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ def sample_params(self, select=None, var=1):
+ weights = part_util.random_convex_coord(
+ self.param_templates.keys(), select=select
+ )
+ params = part_util.rdict_comb(self.param_templates, weights)
+ # params = np.random.choice(list(self.param_templates.values()))
+ def N(m, v):
+ return np.random.normal(m, v * var)
+ def U(l, r):
+ return np.random.uniform(l, r)
+ # add additional noise to params
+ for key in params["upper"]:
+ if key in params["range"]:
+ l, r = params["range"][key]
+ noise = N(0, 0.05 * (r - l))
+ params["upper"][key] += noise
+ params["lower"][key] += noise
+ params["upper"][key] = max(min(params["upper"][key], r), l)
+ params["lower"][key] = max(min(params["lower"][key], r), l)
+ params["lower"]["sx"] = min(
+ params["lower"]["sx"],
+ params["upper"]["sx"]
+ * (params["upper"]["hook_pos_x"] - params["upper"]["hook_thickness_x"] / 2),
+ )
+ return params
+ def rescale(self, params, scale):
+ params["sx"] *= scale
+ params["sy"] *= scale
+ params["sz"] *= scale
+ return params
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ obj = butil.spawn_vert("beak_parent_temp")
+ upper = Beak(**params["upper"]).generate()
+ upper.parent = obj
+ upper.name = "BeakUpper"
+ lower = Beak(**params["lower"]).generate()
+ lower.parent = obj
+ lower.name = "BeakLower"
+ upper.scale = self.unit_scale
+ lower.scale = self.unit_scale
+ butil.apply_transform([upper, lower], scale=True)
+ part = Part(skeleton=np.zeros((1, 3)), obj=obj, joints={}, iks={})
+ tag_object(part.obj, "bird_beak")
+ return part
+class FlyingBirdBeak(BirdBeak):
+ def sample_params(self, select="normal", var=1):
+ return super().sample_params(select=select)
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ obj = butil.spawn_vert("beak_parent_temp")
+ params["upper"] = self.rescale(params["upper"], 0.4)
+ params["lower"] = self.rescale(params["lower"], 0.4)
+ upper = Beak(**params["upper"]).generate()
+ upper.parent = obj
+ upper.name = "BeakUpper"
+ lower = Beak(**params["lower"]).generate()
+ lower.parent = obj
+ lower.name = "BeakLower"
+ upper.scale = self.unit_scale
+ lower.scale = self.unit_scale
+ butil.apply_transform([upper, lower], scale=True)
+ return Part(skeleton=np.zeros((1, 3)), obj=obj, joints={}, iks={})
+default_beak = {
+ "n": 20,
+ "m": 20,
+ "r": 1.0,
+ "sx": 1.0,
+ "sy": 1.0,
+ "sz": 1.0,
+ "cy_a": 1.0,
+ "cz_a": 2.0,
+ "reverse": 1,
+ "hook_a": 0.1,
+ "hook_b": 5.0,
+ "hook_scale_x": 0.0,
+ "hook_pos_x": 0.0,
+ "hook_thickness_x": 0.0,
+ "hook_scale_z": 0.0,
+ "hook_pos_z": 0.0,
+ "hook_thickness_z": 0.0,
+ "crown_scale_z": 0.0,
+ "crown_a": 0.5,
+ "crown_b": 0.5,
+ "crown_pos_z": 0.5,
+ "bump_scale_z": 0.0,
+ "bump_l": 0.5,
+ "bump_r": 0.5,
+ "sharpness": 0.0,
+scales = {
+ "r": [0.3, 1],
+ "sx": [0.2, 1],
+ "sy": [0.2, 1],
+ "sz": [0.2, 1],
+ "cy_a": [1, 10],
+ "cz_a": [1, 5],
+ "hook_a": [0.1, 0.8],
+ "hook_b": [1, 5],
+ "hook_scale_x": [-0.5, 0.5],
+ "hook_pos_x": [0.5, 1],
+ "hook_thickness_x": [0, 0.5],
+ "hook_scale_z": [-0.5, 0.5],
+ "hook_pos_z": [0.5, 1],
+ "hook_thickness_z": [0, 0.5],
+ "crown_scale_z": [0, 0.3],
+ "crown_a": [0.1, 0.8],
+ "crown_b": [0, 2],
+ "crown_pos_z": [0, 0.5],
+ "bump_scale_z": [0, 0.03],
+ "bump_l": [0, 0.4],
+ "bump_r": [0.6, 1],
+ "sharpness": [-0.5, 0.5],
+for k, v in scales.items():
+ scales[k] = np.array(v)
+eagle_upper = default_beak | {
+ "r": 0.4,
+ "sx": 0.8,
+ "sy": 0.4,
+ "sz": 1.0,
+ "hook_a": 0.1,
+ "hook_b": 5.0,
+ "hook_scale_x": -1.0,
+ "hook_pos_x": 0.72,
+ "hook_thickness_x": 0.35,
+ "hook_scale_z": -0.8,
+ "hook_pos_z": 0.7,
+ "hook_thickness_z": 0.0,
+eagle_lower = default_beak | {
+ "r": 0.4,
+ "sx": 0.4,
+ "sy": 0.4,
+ "sz": 0.2,
+ "reverse": -1,
+ "hook_a": 0.1,
+ "hook_b": 5.0,
+ "hook_scale_x": 0.0,
+ "hook_pos_x": 0.72,
+ "hook_thickness_x": 0.35,
+ "hook_scale_z": 0.1,
+ "hook_pos_z": 0.6,
+ "hook_thickness_z": -0.2,
+normal_upper = default_beak | {
+ "r": 0.4,
+ "sx": 0.7,
+ "sy": 0.3,
+ "sz": 0.5,
+ "hook_a": 0.1,
+ "hook_b": 2.0,
+ "hook_scale_x": 0.0,
+ "hook_pos_x": 0.72,
+ "hook_thickness_x": 0.35,
+ "hook_scale_z": -0.8,
+ "hook_pos_z": 0.7,
+ "hook_thickness_z": 0.0,
+normal_lower = default_beak | {
+ "r": 0.4,
+ "sx": 0.7,
+ "sy": 0.3,
+ "sz": 0.3,
+ "reverse": -1,
+ "hook_a": 0.1,
+ "hook_b": 2.0,
+ "hook_scale_x": 0.0,
+ "hook_pos_x": 0.72,
+ "hook_thickness_x": 0.35,
+ "hook_scale_z": 0.8,
+ "hook_pos_z": 0.7,
+ "hook_thickness_z": 0.0,
+duck_upper = default_beak | {
+ "n": 50,
+ "r": 0.4,
+ "sx": 1.0,
+ "sy": 0.4,
+ "sz": 0.5,
+ "cy_a": 10.0,
+ "hook_a": 0.1,
+ "hook_b": 2.0,
+ "hook_scale_x": -1.5,
+ "hook_pos_x": 0.9,
+ "hook_thickness_x": 0.0,
+ "hook_scale_z": 0.4,
+ "hook_pos_z": 0.6,
+ "hook_thickness_z": 0.2,
+ "crown_scale_z": 0.3,
+ "crown_a": 0.1,
+ "crown_b": 5.0,
+ "crown_pos_z": 0.3,
+ "bump_scale_z": 0.02,
+ "bump_l": 0.4,
+ "bump_r": 1.0,
+ "sharpness": -0.5,
+duck_lower = default_beak | {
+ "n": 50,
+ "r": 0.4,
+ "sx": 0.97,
+ "sy": 0.4,
+ "sz": 0.1,
+ "cy_a": 10.0,
+ "reverse": -1,
+ "hook_a": 0.1,
+ "hook_b": 2.0,
+ "hook_scale_x": -1.5,
+ "hook_pos_x": 0.9,
+ "hook_thickness_x": 0.0,
+ "hook_scale_z": -0.4,
+ "hook_pos_z": 0.6,
+ "hook_thickness_z": 0.0,
+ "crown_scale_z": 0.1,
+ "crown_a": 0.1,
+ "crown_b": 5.0,
+ "crown_pos_z": 0.3,
+ "bump_scale_z": 0.03,
+ "bump_l": 0.3,
+ "bump_r": 1.0,
+ "sharpness": -0.5,
+short_upper = default_beak | {
+ "r": 0.4,
+ "sx": 0.25,
+ "sy": 0.3,
+ "sz": 0.3,
+ "hook_a": 0.1,
+ "hook_b": 2.0,
+ "hook_scale_x": -0.5,
+ "hook_pos_x": 0.8,
+ "hook_thickness_x": 0.35,
+ "hook_scale_z": -0.15,
+ "hook_pos_z": 0.7,
+ "hook_thickness_z": 0.0,
+short_lower = default_beak | {
+ "r": 0.4,
+ "sx": 0.25,
+ "sy": 0.3,
+ "sz": 0.3,
+ "cy_a": 1.0,
+ "cz_a": 1.1,
+ "reverse": -1,
+ "hook_a": 0.1,
+ "hook_b": 2.0,
+ "hook_scale_x": -0.5,
+ "hook_pos_x": 0.8,
+ "hook_thickness_x": 0.35,
+ "hook_scale_z": 0.15,
+ "hook_pos_z": 0.7,
+ "hook_thickness_z": 0.0,
+BirdBeak.param_templates["normal"] = {
+ "upper": normal_upper,
+ "lower": normal_lower,
+ "range": scales,
+BirdBeak.param_templates["duck"] = {
+ "upper": duck_upper,
+ "lower": duck_lower,
+ "range": scales,
+BirdBeak.param_templates["eagle"] = {
+ "upper": eagle_upper,
+ "lower": eagle_lower,
+ "range": scales,
+BirdBeak.param_templates["short"] = {
+ "upper": short_upper,
+ "lower": short_lower,
+ "range": scales,
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/body.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/body.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..14838d9bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/body.py
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util import part_util
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.genome import IKParams, Joint
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.attach import nodegroup_surface_muscle
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.curve import nodegroup_simple_tube_v2
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.geometry import (
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone,
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+ "nodegroup_quadruped_body", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_quadruped_body(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Pct Ribcage", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Pct Backpart", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Spine StartRad, EndRad, Fullness", (0.05, 0.05, 3.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Belly StartRad, EndRad, Fullness", (0.07, 0.15, 2.5)),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "Belly ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt",
+ (0.5, 114.0, 114.0),
+ ),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "TopFlank StartRad, EndRad, Fullness",
+ (0.2, 0.28, 2.5),
+ ),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "TopFlank ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt",
+ (0.6, 72.0, 8.0),
+ ),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "BackFlank StartRad, EndRad, Fullness",
+ (0.15, 0.15, 2.5),
+ ),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "BackFlank ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt",
+ (0.6, 53.0, 53.0),
+ ),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "BottomFlank StartRad, EndRad, Fullness",
+ (0.14, 0.27, 2.5),
+ ),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "BottomFlank0 ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt",
+ (0.6, -29.0, 48.0),
+ ),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "BottomFlank1 ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt",
+ (0.5, -44.0, -17.4),
+ ),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "aspect", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input_1.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ 1: group_input_1.outputs["Pct Ribcage"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ "angles_deg": (0.0, -1.0, 4.0),
+ "proportions": (0.3333, 0.45, 0.3),
+ "aspect": group_input_1.outputs["aspect"],
+ "fullness": 3.0,
+ "Origin": (0.48, 0.0, -0.07),
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input_1.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ 1: group_input_1.outputs["Pct Backpart"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector)
+ vector.vector = (-0.01, 0.0, 0.02)
+ simple_tube_v2_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": multiply_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ "angles_deg": (0.94, -3.94, 11.66),
+ "proportions": (0.3, 0.6, 0.2),
+ "aspect": group_input_1.outputs["aspect"],
+ "fullness": 7.0,
+ "Origin": vector,
+ },
+ )
+ union = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshBoolean,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh 2": [
+ simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ simple_tube_v2_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ ]
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "UNION"},
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": vector,
+ "Middle": simple_tube_v2_1.outputs["Endpoint"],
+ "End": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"],
+ },
+ )
+ bottom_flank_0 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": union,
+ "Skeleton Curve": quadratic_bezier,
+ "Coord 0": (0.16, 0.91, 0.66),
+ "Coord 1": (0.38, 0.37, 1.0),
+ "Coord 2": (0.67, -0.42, 0.6),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input_1.outputs[
+ "BottomFlank StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"
+ ],
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": group_input_1.outputs[
+ "BottomFlank0 ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"
+ ],
+ },
+ label="Bottom Flank 0",
+ )
+ top_flank = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": union,
+ "Skeleton Curve": quadratic_bezier,
+ "Coord 0": (0.25, 4.91, 0.5),
+ "Coord 1": (0.65, -0.35, 1.0),
+ "Coord 2": (0.88, 0.47, 0.7),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input_1.outputs[
+ "TopFlank StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"
+ ],
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": group_input_1.outputs[
+ "TopFlank ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"
+ ],
+ },
+ label="Top Flank",
+ )
+ bottom_flank_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": union,
+ "Skeleton Curve": quadratic_bezier,
+ "Coord 0": (0.36, 1.03, 0.95),
+ "Coord 1": (0.6, 0.85, 1.0),
+ "Coord 2": (0.9, -0.01, 0.71),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input_1.outputs[
+ "BottomFlank StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"
+ ],
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": group_input_1.outputs[
+ "BottomFlank1 ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"
+ ],
+ },
+ label="Bottom Flank 1",
+ )
+ back_flank = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": union,
+ "Skeleton Curve": quadratic_bezier,
+ "Coord 0": (0.02, -0.9, 0.53),
+ "Coord 1": (0.2, -0.85, 0.85),
+ "Coord 2": (0.61, -0.99, 0.7),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input_1.outputs[
+ "BackFlank StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"
+ ],
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": group_input_1.outputs[
+ "BackFlank ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"
+ ],
+ },
+ label="Back Flank",
+ )
+ belly = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": union,
+ "Skeleton Curve": quadratic_bezier,
+ "Coord 0": (0.24, 1.52, 0.7),
+ "Coord 1": (0.48, 1.24, 1.42),
+ "Coord 2": (0.92, 1.41, 0.97),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input_1.outputs[
+ "Belly StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"
+ ],
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": group_input_1.outputs[
+ "Belly ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"
+ ],
+ },
+ label="Belly",
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [bottom_flank_0, top_flank, bottom_flank_1, back_flank, belly]
+ },
+ )
+ symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1}
+ )
+ spine = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": union,
+ "Skeleton Curve": quadratic_bezier,
+ "Coord 0": (0.05, -1.5708, 1.0),
+ "Coord 1": (0.5, -1.5708, 1.2),
+ "Coord 2": (0.95, -1.5708, 1.0),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input_1.outputs[
+ "Spine StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"
+ ],
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": (1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ label="Spine",
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [union, symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"], spine]},
+ )
+ reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": quadratic_bezier})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry,
+ "Skeleton Curve": reroute,
+ "Base Mesh": union,
+ },
+ )
+class QuadrupedBody(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["body", "head"]
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": np.array((1.7, 0.65, 0.65)) * N(1, 0.15, 3),
+ "Pct Ribcage": (0.76, 0.56, 0.56) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ "Pct Backpart": (0.64, 0.25, 0.4) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ "Spine StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": np.array((0.05, 0.05, 3.0))
+ * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ "Belly StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": np.array((0.07, 0.15, 2.5))
+ * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ "Belly ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": (0.5, 114.0, 114.0),
+ "TopFlank StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": (0.2, 0.28, 2.5),
+ "TopFlank ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": (0.6, 72.0, 8.0),
+ "BackFlank StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": (0.15, 0.15, 2.5),
+ "BackFlank ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": (0.6, 53.0, 53.0),
+ "BottomFlank StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": (0.14, 0.27, 2.5),
+ "BottomFlank0 ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": (0.6, -29.0, 48.0),
+ "BottomFlank1 ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": (0.5, -44.0, -17.4),
+ "aspect": N(1, 0.1),
+ }
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = part_util.nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_quadruped_body, params)
+ part.joints = {
+ i: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [30, 0, 30]]))
+ for i in np.linspace(0, 1, 4, endpoint=True)
+ }
+ part.iks = {
+ 0.0: IKParams(name="hip", mode="pin", target_size=0.3),
+ 1.0: IKParams(name="shoulder", rotation_weight=0.1, target_size=0.4),
+ }
+ tag_object(part.obj, "quadruped_body")
+ return part
+ "nodegroup_fish_body", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_fish_body(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (0.89, 0.2, 0.29)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "angles_deg", (7.0, 0.51, -9.02)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "aspect", 0.56),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "fullness", 3.43),
+ ],
+ )
+ simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ "angles_deg": group_input.outputs["angles_deg"],
+ "aspect": group_input.outputs["aspect"],
+ "fullness": group_input.outputs["fullness"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Endpoint": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"],
+ },
+ )
+class FishBody(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["body"]
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return {}
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = part_util.nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_fish_body, params)
+ part.joints = {
+ i: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [30, 0, 30]]))
+ for i in np.linspace(0, 1, 4, endpoint=True)
+ }
+ part.iks = {
+ 0.0: IKParams(name="hip", mode="pin", target_size=0.3),
+ 1.0: IKParams(name="shoulder", rotation_weight=0.1, target_size=0.4),
+ }
+ tag_object(part.obj, "fish_body")
+ return part
+ "nodegroup_bird_body", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_bird_body(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.5.1 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (1.0000, 0.5000, 0.3000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "aspect", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "fullness", 2.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ "proportions": (0.1000, 0.1000, 0.1000),
+ "aspect": group_input.outputs["aspect"],
+ "fullness": group_input.outputs["fullness"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+class BirdBody(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["body"]
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": np.array((0.95, 0.15, 0.2)) * N(1.0, 0.05, size=(3,)),
+ "aspect": N(1.2, 0.02),
+ "fullness": N(2, 0.1),
+ }
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = part_util.nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_bird_body, params)
+ part.joints = {
+ i: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [30, 0, 30]]))
+ for i in np.linspace(0, 1, 4, endpoint=True)
+ }
+ part.iks = {
+ 0.0: IKParams(name="hip", mode="pin", target_size=0.3),
+ 1.0: IKParams(name="shoulder", rotation_weight=0.1, target_size=0.4),
+ }
+ tag_object(part.obj, "bird_body")
+ return part
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/chameleon.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/chameleon.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ed41fbb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/chameleon.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3708 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Hongyu Wen
+# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJD3nvFXCLE by Redjam9
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.part_util import nodegroup_to_part
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+ "nodegroup_chameleon_toe", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_chameleon_toe(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ spiral = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurveSpiral",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rotations": 0.1000,
+ "Start Radius": 0.1000,
+ "End Radius": 0.3000,
+ "Height": 0.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0000, 1.0000), (1.0000, 0.0000)]
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: 0.4000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius, input_kwargs={"Curve": spiral, "Radius": multiply}
+ )
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_curve_radius,
+ 2: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": 0.1000})
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_to_mesh,
+ "Name": "Ridge",
+ "Value": capture_attribute.outputs[2],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT", "domain": "POINT"},
+ )
+ sample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_curve_radius},
+ attrs={"mode": "FACTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute,
+ "Position": sample_curve.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_floor_ceil", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_floor_ceil(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.0000)]
+ )
+ float_to_integer = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatToInt,
+ input_kwargs={"Float": group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"rounding_mode": "FLOOR"},
+ )
+ float_to_integer_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatToInt,
+ input_kwargs={"Float": group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"rounding_mode": "CEILING"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 1: float_to_integer},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Floor": float_to_integer,
+ "Ceil": float_to_integer_1,
+ "Remainder": subtract,
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_clamp_or_wrap", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_clamp_or_wrap(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Value", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Max", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Use Wrap", False),
+ ],
+ )
+ clamp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Clamp,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["Value"],
+ "Max": group_input.outputs["Max"],
+ },
+ )
+ wrap = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Value"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Max"],
+ 2: 0.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "WRAP"},
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Use Wrap"], 4: clamp, 5: wrap},
+ attrs={"input_type": "INT"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Output": switch.outputs[1]},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_chameleon_claw_shape", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_chameleon_claw_shape(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 32,
+ "Start": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Middle": (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.0000),
+ "End": (0.7000, 0.3000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ simpletube = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": quadratic_bezier,
+ "RadStartEnd": (0.2000, 0.2000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 10,
+ "Start": (0.9500, 0.2500, 0.0000),
+ "Middle": (1.0000, 0.5000, 0.0000),
+ "End": (0.9500, 0.7500, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ curveparametercurve = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": simpletube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "UVCurve": quadratic_bezier_1,
+ "CtrlptsU": 32,
+ "CtrlptsW": 32,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": simpletube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve,
+ "Base Radius": 0.1000,
+ "Base Factor": 0.0200,
+ "Attr": True,
+ },
+ )
+ chameleon_toe = nw.new_node(nodegroup_chameleon_toe().name)
+ sample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": simpletube.outputs["Curve"], "Factor": 1.0000},
+ attrs={"mode": "FACTOR"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: sample_curve.outputs["Position"]}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: add.outputs["Vector"], 1: chameleon_toe.outputs["Position"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": chameleon_toe.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Translation": subtract.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Rotation": (0.1745, -0.1745, 0.8727),
+ },
+ )
+ chameleon_toe_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_chameleon_toe().name)
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: sample_curve.outputs["Position"]}
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: add_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: chameleon_toe_1.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": chameleon_toe_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Translation": subtract_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.1745, 0.8727),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"], transform_1, transform_2]
+ },
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorEuler", "Rotation", (0.0000, 1.0472, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "Scale", (0.2000, 0.2000, 0.4000)),
+ ],
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry,
+ "Rotation": group_input.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_u_v_param_to_vert_idxs", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_u_v_param_to_vert_idxs(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Size", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Cyclic", False),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 1: group_input.outputs["Size"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ floorceil = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_floor_ceil().name, input_kwargs={"Value": multiply}
+ )
+ clamporwrap = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_clamp_or_wrap().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": floorceil.outputs["Floor"],
+ "Max": group_input.outputs["Size"],
+ "Use Wrap": group_input.outputs["Cyclic"],
+ },
+ )
+ clamporwrap_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_clamp_or_wrap().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": floorceil.outputs["Ceil"],
+ "Max": group_input.outputs["Size"],
+ "Use Wrap": group_input.outputs["Cyclic"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Floor": clamporwrap,
+ "Ceil": clamporwrap_1,
+ "Remainder": floorceil.outputs["Remainder"],
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_chameleon_foot_shape", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_chameleon_foot_shape(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ chameleon_claw_shape = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_chameleon_claw_shape().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)},
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorEuler", "ouRotation", (0.0000, 1.0472, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorEuler", "inRotation", (0.0000, 2.0944, 3.1416)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "ouScale", (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "inScale", (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)),
+ ],
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": chameleon_claw_shape,
+ "Rotation": group_input.outputs["ouRotation"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["ouScale"],
+ },
+ )
+ chameleon_claw_shape_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_chameleon_claw_shape().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)},
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": chameleon_claw_shape_1,
+ "Rotation": group_input.outputs["inRotation"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["inScale"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform, transform_1]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_bilinear_interp_index_transfer", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_bilinear_interp_index_transfer(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Source", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "U", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "V", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Attribute", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "SizeU", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "SizeV", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "CyclicU", False),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "CyclicV", False),
+ ],
+ )
+ uvparamtovertidxs = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_u_v_param_to_vert_idxs().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["V"],
+ "Size": group_input.outputs["SizeV"],
+ "Cyclic": group_input.outputs["CyclicV"],
+ },
+ )
+ uvparamtovertidxs_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_u_v_param_to_vert_idxs().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["U"],
+ "Size": group_input.outputs["SizeU"],
+ "Cyclic": group_input.outputs["CyclicU"],
+ },
+ )
+ floor_floor = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: uvparamtovertidxs_1.outputs["Floor"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["SizeV"],
+ 2: uvparamtovertidxs.outputs["Floor"],
+ },
+ label="FloorFloor",
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleIndex,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input,
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "Index": floor_floor,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ ceil_floor = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: uvparamtovertidxs_1.outputs["Ceil"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["SizeV"],
+ 2: uvparamtovertidxs.outputs["Floor"],
+ },
+ label="CeilFloor",
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ transfer_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleIndex,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input,
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "Index": ceil_floor,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": uvparamtovertidxs_1.outputs["Remainder"],
+ 9: (transfer_attribute, "Value"),
+ 10: (transfer_attribute_1, "Value"),
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ floor_ceil = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: uvparamtovertidxs_1.outputs["Floor"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["SizeV"],
+ 2: uvparamtovertidxs.outputs["Ceil"],
+ },
+ label="FloorCeil",
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ transfer_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleIndex,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input,
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "Index": floor_ceil,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ ceil_ceil = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: uvparamtovertidxs_1.outputs["Ceil"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["SizeV"],
+ 2: uvparamtovertidxs.outputs["Ceil"],
+ },
+ label="CeilCeil",
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ transfer_attribute_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleIndex,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input,
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "Index": ceil_ceil,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": uvparamtovertidxs_1.outputs["Remainder"],
+ 9: (transfer_attribute_2, "Value"),
+ 10: (transfer_attribute_3, "Value"),
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": uvparamtovertidxs.outputs["Remainder"],
+ 9: map_range.outputs["Vector"],
+ 10: map_range_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": map_range_2.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_polar_to_cart", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_polar_to_cart(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Angle", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Length", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Origin", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ],
+ )
+ cosine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Angle"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "COSINE"},
+ )
+ sine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Angle"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SINE"},
+ )
+ construct_unit_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": cosine, "Z": sine},
+ label="Construct Unit Vector",
+ )
+ offset_polar = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Length"],
+ 1: construct_unit_vector,
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Origin"],
+ },
+ label="Offset Polar",
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": offset_polar.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_switch4", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_switch4(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Arg", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Arg == 0", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Arg == 1", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Arg == 2", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Arg == 3", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ],
+ )
+ greater_equal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Arg"], 3: 2},
+ attrs={"data_type": "INT", "operation": "GREATER_EQUAL"},
+ )
+ greater_equal_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Arg"], 3: 1},
+ attrs={"data_type": "INT", "operation": "GREATER_EQUAL"},
+ )
+ switch_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: greater_equal_1,
+ 8: group_input.outputs["Arg == 0"],
+ 9: group_input.outputs["Arg == 1"],
+ },
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ greater_equal_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Arg"], 3: 3},
+ attrs={"data_type": "INT", "operation": "GREATER_EQUAL"},
+ )
+ switch_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: greater_equal_2,
+ 8: group_input.outputs["Arg == 2"],
+ 9: group_input.outputs["Arg == 3"],
+ },
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={0: greater_equal, 8: switch_1.outputs[3], 9: switch_2.outputs[3]},
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Output": switch.outputs[3]},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_symmetric_clone", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_symmetric_clone(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "Scale", (1.0000, -1.0000, 1.0000)),
+ ],
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ flip_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.FlipFaces, input_kwargs={"Mesh": transform})
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [group_input.outputs["Geometry"], flip_faces]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Both": join_geometry_2,
+ "Orig": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Inverted": flip_faces,
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_scale_bump", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_scale_bump(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Density", 50.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Depth", 0.0050),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Bump", 0.0100),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Level", 2),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Selection", True),
+ ],
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Level": group_input.outputs["Level"],
+ },
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"], "Scale": 0.2000},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: position}
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Density"],
+ "Randomness": 0.5000,
+ },
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"]}
+ )
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0000
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.9909
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Bump"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ scale_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: normal, "Scale": scale_1.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"]}
+ )
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0000
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.0591
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
+ scale_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Depth"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ scale_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: normal, "Scale": scale_3.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: scale_2.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale_4.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": subdivide_mesh,
+ "Selection": group_input.outputs["Selection"],
+ "Offset": add_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_chameleon_leg_raw_shape", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_chameleon_leg_raw_shape(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thigh_length", 0.6000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "calf_length", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thigh_body_rotation", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "calf_body_rotation", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thigh_calf_rotation", 20.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "toe_toe_rotation", 20.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "thigh_scale", (1.0000, 0.6500, 1.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "calf_scale", (1.0000, 0.6500, 1.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "ouScale", (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "inScale", (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thigh_length"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply})
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["thigh_length"]}
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 64,
+ "Start": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Middle": combine_xyz_3,
+ "End": combine_xyz_2,
+ },
+ )
+ simpletube = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": quadratic_bezier,
+ "RadStartEnd": (0.1500, 0.2000, 0.9000),
+ "Resolution": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thigh_calf_rotation"], 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thigh_body_rotation"], 1: 180.0000},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_1, "Z": add}
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_7, "Scale": 0.0174},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ transform_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": simpletube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Rotation": scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["thigh_scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ round_bump = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_round_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_geometry,
+ "Distance": 0.0070,
+ "Offset Scale": 0.0020,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["calf_length"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_2})
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["calf_length"]}
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 64,
+ "Start": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Middle": combine_xyz_4,
+ "End": combine_xyz_5,
+ },
+ )
+ simpletube_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": quadratic_bezier_1,
+ "RadStartEnd": (0.1500, 0.1000, 0.9000),
+ "Resolution": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["calf_body_rotation"], 1: 180.0000},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Y": group_input.outputs["thigh_calf_rotation"], "Z": add_1},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, "Scale": 0.0174},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ transform_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": simpletube_1.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Rotation": scale_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["calf_scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ round_bump_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_round_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_geometry_1,
+ "Distance": 0.0070,
+ "Offset Scale": 0.0020,
+ },
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 180.0000, 1: group_input.outputs["thigh_calf_rotation"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["toe_toe_rotation"], 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": subtract, "Z": multiply_3}
+ )
+ scale_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_1, "Scale": 0.0174},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["toe_toe_rotation"], 1: 180.0000},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Y": group_input.outputs["thigh_calf_rotation"], "Z": add_2},
+ )
+ scale_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_6, "Scale": 0.0174},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ chameleon_foot_shape = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_chameleon_foot_shape().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "ouRotation": scale_2.outputs["Vector"],
+ "inRotation": scale_3.outputs["Vector"],
+ "ouScale": group_input.outputs["ouScale"],
+ "inScale": group_input.outputs["inScale"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": simpletube_1.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Rotation": scale_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": (1.0000, 0.6500, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ sample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": transform_geometry_2, "Factor": 0.8500},
+ attrs={"mode": "FACTOR"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": chameleon_foot_shape,
+ "Offset": sample_curve.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ round_bump_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_round_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "Distance": 0.0050,
+ "Offset Scale": 0.0020,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [round_bump, round_bump_1, round_bump_2]},
+ )
+ transform_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": simpletube.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Rotation": scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["thigh_scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ sample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": transform_geometry_3, "Factor": 1.0000},
+ attrs={"mode": "FACTOR"},
+ )
+ scale_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: sample_curve_1.outputs["Position"], "Scale": -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry, "Offset": scale_4.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={"Mesh": set_position_1}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": subdivision_surface},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_chameleon_tail_shape", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_chameleon_tail_shape(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 64,
+ "Middle": (0.0000, 0.2000, 0.0000),
+ "End": (2.0000, -0.5000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ simpletube = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": quadratic_bezier,
+ "RadStartEnd": (0.4000, 0.0000, 0.9000),
+ "Resolution": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 64,
+ "Start": (0.2000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Middle": (0.6000, 0.0000, 0.0100),
+ "End": (0.8000, 0.0000, 0.0200),
+ },
+ )
+ curveparametercurve = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": simpletube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "UVCurve": quadratic_bezier_1,
+ "CtrlptsU": 64,
+ "CtrlptsW": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": simpletube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve,
+ "Base Radius": 0.0200,
+ "SymmY": False,
+ "Attr": True,
+ },
+ )
+ subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"], "Level": 2},
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": subdivision_surface,
+ "Translation": (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.1000),
+ "Rotation": (-1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": quadratic_bezier,
+ "Translation": (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Rotation": (-1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": transform, "Curve": transform_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_back_bump1", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_back_bump1(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Surface", None)]
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 25,
+ "Start": (0.0000, 0.7500, 0.1000),
+ "Middle": (0.6000, 0.7500, 0.0000),
+ "End": (1.0000, 0.7500, 0.1000),
+ },
+ )
+ curveparametercurve = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ "UVCurve": quadratic_bezier_1,
+ "CtrlptsU": 64,
+ "CtrlptsW": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve,
+ "Base Radius": 0.3000,
+ "Base Factor": 0.0300,
+ "Name": "",
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"]},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_back_bump2", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_back_bump2(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Surface", None)]
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 64,
+ "Start": (0.1000, 0.7500, 0.1000),
+ "Middle": (0.4000, 0.7500, 0.0000),
+ "End": (0.9000, 0.7500, 0.1000),
+ },
+ )
+ curveparametercurve = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ "UVCurve": quadratic_bezier_1,
+ "CtrlptsU": 64,
+ "CtrlptsW": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve,
+ "Base Radius": 0.1500,
+ "Base Factor": 0.1000,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"]},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_back_bump3", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_back_bump3(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Surface", None)]
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 25,
+ "Start": (0.1500, 0.7500, 0.0600),
+ "Middle": (0.6000, 0.7500, 0.0000),
+ "End": (0.9000, 0.7500, 0.0600),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": quadratic_bezier_1}
+ )
+ curveparametercurve = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ "UVCurve": join_geometry,
+ "CtrlptsU": 64,
+ "CtrlptsW": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve,
+ "Base Radius": 0.1000,
+ "Attr": True,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"]},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_belly_sunken1", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_belly_sunken1(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Surface", None)]
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 30,
+ "Start": (0.0000, 0.2500, 0.0000),
+ "Middle": (0.6000, 0.2500, 0.0000),
+ "End": (1.0000, 0.2500, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": quadratic_bezier_1}
+ )
+ curveparametercurve = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ "UVCurve": join_geometry,
+ "CtrlptsU": 64,
+ "CtrlptsW": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve,
+ "Base Radius": 0.0300,
+ "Base Factor": 0.0200,
+ "Name": "",
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"]},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_shouder_sunken", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_shouder_sunken(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Surface", None)]
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 25,
+ "Start": (0.1500, 0.2500, 0.1000),
+ "Middle": (0.2000, 0.2500, 0.0000),
+ "End": (0.3000, 0.2500, 0.1000),
+ },
+ )
+ curveparametercurve = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ "UVCurve": quadratic_bezier_1,
+ "CtrlptsU": 64,
+ "CtrlptsW": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve,
+ "Base Radius": 0.2000,
+ "Base Factor": -0.0300,
+ "SymmY": False,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"]},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_neck_bump", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_neck_bump(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Surface", None)]
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 25,
+ "Start": (0.0000, 0.2500, 0.0000),
+ "Middle": (0.0500, 0.2500, 0.0000),
+ "End": (0.0700, 0.2500, 0.1000),
+ },
+ )
+ curveparametercurve = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ "UVCurve": quadratic_bezier_1,
+ "CtrlptsU": 64,
+ "CtrlptsW": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve,
+ "Base Radius": 0.2000,
+ "SymmY": False,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"]},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_neck_bump2", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_neck_bump2(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Surface", None)]
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 25,
+ "Start": (0.0000, 0.2500, 0.0000),
+ "Middle": (0.0250, 0.2500, 0.1000),
+ "End": (0.0500, 0.2500, 0.2000),
+ },
+ )
+ curveparametercurve = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ "UVCurve": quadratic_bezier_1,
+ "CtrlptsU": 64,
+ "CtrlptsW": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve,
+ "Base Radius": 0.2000,
+ "SymmY": False,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"]},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Surface", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "UVCurve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "CtrlptsU", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "CtrlptsW", 0),
+ ],
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ bilinearinterpindextransfer = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_bilinear_interp_index_transfer().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Source": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ "U": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "V": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Attribute": position_1,
+ "SizeU": group_input.outputs["CtrlptsU"],
+ "SizeV": group_input.outputs["CtrlptsW"],
+ "CyclicV": True,
+ },
+ )
+ transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleNearestSurface,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ "Value": normal,
+ "Sample Position": bilinearinterpindextransfer,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: (transfer_attribute, "Value"),
+ 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ 2: bilinearinterpindextransfer,
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["UVCurve"],
+ "Position": multiply_add.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ normal_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ dot_product = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: normal, 1: normal_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "DOT_PRODUCT"},
+ )
+ arcsine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: dot_product.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ARCSINE"},
+ )
+ set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveTilt, input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position, "Tilt": arcsine}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_curve_tilt},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_polar_bezier", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_polar_bezier(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketIntUnsigned", "Resolution", 32),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Origin", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "angles_deg", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Seg Lengths", (0.3000, 0.3000, 0.3000)),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Do Bezier", True),
+ ],
+ )
+ mesh_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshLine, input_kwargs={"Count": 4})
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ deg2_rad = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], "Scale": 0.0175},
+ label="Deg2Rad",
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": deg2_rad.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Seg Lengths"]}
+ )
+ polartocart = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_polar_to_cart().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Angle": separate_xyz,
+ "Length": separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"],
+ "Origin": group_input.outputs["Origin"],
+ },
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz, 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]}
+ )
+ polartocart_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_polar_to_cart().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Angle": add,
+ "Length": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"],
+ "Origin": polartocart,
+ },
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: add})
+ polartocart_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_polar_to_cart().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Angle": add_1,
+ "Length": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"],
+ "Origin": polartocart_1,
+ },
+ )
+ switch4 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_switch4().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Arg": index,
+ "Arg == 0": group_input.outputs["Origin"],
+ "Arg == 1": polartocart,
+ "Arg == 2": polartocart_1,
+ "Arg == 3": polartocart_2,
+ },
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": mesh_line, "Position": switch4}
+ )
+ mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve, input_kwargs={"Mesh": set_position})
+ subdivide_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": mesh_to_curve,
+ "Cuts": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ integer = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer)
+ integer.integer = 2
+ bezier_segment = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveBezierSegment,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": integer,
+ "Start": group_input.outputs["Origin"],
+ "Start Handle": polartocart,
+ "End Handle": polartocart_1,
+ "End": polartocart_2,
+ },
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 1: integer},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ subdivide_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": bezier_segment, "Cuts": divide}
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Do Bezier"],
+ 14: subdivide_curve_1,
+ 15: subdivide_curve,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": switch.outputs[6], "Endpoint": polartocart_2},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_simple_tube", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_simple_tube(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "RadStartEnd", (0.0500, 0.0500, 1.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 32),
+ ],
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ sqrt = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "SQRT"}
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["RadStartEnd"]}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ 3: separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ 4: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: sqrt, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"], "Radius": multiply_1},
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"]},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": 1.0000, "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], "Scale": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_curve_radius, "Profile Curve": transform},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": curve_to_mesh, "Curve": set_curve_radius},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_curve_sculpt", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_curve_sculpt(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Target", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Base Radius", 0.0500),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Base Factor", 0.0500),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "SymmY", True),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "StrokeRadFacModifier", None),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Switch", True),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Attr", False),
+ ("NodeSocketString", "Name", "Ridge"),
+ ],
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input_1.outputs["Curve"]},
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 1: group_input_1.outputs["SymmY"],
+ 14: group_input_1.outputs["Curve"],
+ 15: symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={"Curve": switch.outputs[6]}
+ )
+ geometry_proximity = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Proximity,
+ input_kwargs={"Target": curve_to_mesh},
+ attrs={"target_element": "POINTS"},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": group_input_1.outputs["StrokeRadFacModifier"]},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleIndex,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh_1, "Value": position, "Index": index},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": (transfer_attribute, "Value")}
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input_1.outputs["Base Radius"],
+ 1: separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": geometry_proximity.outputs["Distance"], 2: add},
+ )
+ float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0000, 1.0000), (0.4364, 0.9212), (0.6182, 0.0787), (1.0000, 0.0000)],
+ handles=["VECTOR", "AUTO", "AUTO", "VECTOR"],
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0000, 1.0000), (0.2500, 0.9588), (0.7455, 0.0475), (1.0000, 0.0000)],
+ handles=["VECTOR", "AUTO", "AUTO", "VECTOR"],
+ )
+ switch_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input_1.outputs["Switch"],
+ 2: float_curve_1,
+ 3: float_curve,
+ },
+ attrs={"input_type": "FLOAT"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input_1.outputs["Base Factor"],
+ 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: switch_2.outputs["Output"], 1: add_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: normal, "Scale": multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input_1.outputs["Target"],
+ "Offset": scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NamedAttribute, input_kwargs={"Name": group_input_1.outputs["Name"]}
+ )
+ maximum = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: named_attribute.outputs[1], 1: switch_2.outputs["Output"]},
+ attrs={"use_clamp": True, "operation": "MAXIMUM"},
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "Name": group_input_1.outputs["Name"],
+ "Value": maximum,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT", "domain": "POINT"},
+ )
+ switch_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 1: group_input_1.outputs["Attr"],
+ 14: set_position,
+ 15: store_named_attribute,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": switch_3.outputs[6],
+ "Result": switch_2.outputs["Output"],
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_chameleon_eye", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_chameleon_eye(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ polarbezier = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_polar_bezier().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 1024,
+ "angles_deg": (0.0000, 0.0000, 10.0000),
+ "Seg Lengths": (0.1500, 0.1500, 0.1500),
+ },
+ )
+ simpletube = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": polarbezier.outputs["Curve"],
+ "RadStartEnd": (0.4000, 0.4000, 1.0000),
+ "Resolution": 1024,
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": simpletube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Scale": (4.0000, 4.5000, 4.5000),
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_25 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 256,
+ "Start": (0.9900, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Middle": (0.9900, 0.5000, 0.0000),
+ "End": (0.9900, 1.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ curveparametercurve = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": transform,
+ "UVCurve": quadratic_bezier_25,
+ "CtrlptsU": 1024,
+ "CtrlptsW": 1024,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": transform,
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve,
+ "Base Factor": 0.1000,
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_26 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 200,
+ "Start": (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Middle": (1.0000, 0.5000, 0.0000),
+ "End": (1.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ curveparametercurve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "UVCurve": quadratic_bezier_26,
+ "CtrlptsU": 1024,
+ "CtrlptsW": 1024,
+ },
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "pupil_radius", 0.2200)]
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["pupil_radius"], 1: 0.0300}
+ )
+ curvesculpt_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve_1,
+ "Base Radius": add,
+ "Base Factor": 0.0000,
+ "Switch": False,
+ "Attr": True,
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_27 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 256,
+ "Start": (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Middle": (1.0000, 0.5000, 0.0000),
+ "End": (1.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ curveparametercurve_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": curvesculpt_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "UVCurve": quadratic_bezier_27,
+ "CtrlptsU": 1024,
+ "CtrlptsW": 1024,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": curvesculpt_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve_2,
+ "Base Radius": group_input.outputs["pupil_radius"],
+ "Base Factor": 0.0000,
+ "Switch": False,
+ "Attr": True,
+ "Name": "Pupil",
+ },
+ )
+ op_or = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: curvesculpt_1.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: curvesculpt_2.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "OR"},
+ )
+ op_not = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_or}, attrs={"operation": "NOT"}
+ )
+ scale_bump = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_scale_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curvesculpt_2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Density": 20.0000,
+ "Depth": 0.1000,
+ "Bump": 0.0200,
+ "Level": 0,
+ "Selection": op_not,
+ },
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Scale": 12.0000,
+ "Detail": 10.0000,
+ "Roughness": 0.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "1D"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.0300},
+ attrs={"use_clamp": True, "operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: normal, "Scale": multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": scale_bump, "Offset": scale.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_chameleon_eye),
+ },
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material, "Scale": (0.0500, 0.0600, 0.0600)},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def shader_chameleon(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "Ridge", "attribute_type": "GEOMETRY"}
+ )
+ # map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': attribute_1.outputs["Fac"], 2: 0.0010})
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": attribute_1.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0091
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.9841
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"],
+ "Scale": 10.0000,
+ "Distortion": 2.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
+ colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
+ colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2773
+ colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0660, 0.1203, 0.0151, 1.0000]
+ colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6386
+ colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0405, 0.0397, 0.0064, 1.0000]
+ colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 1.0000
+ colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[2].color = [0.0069, 0.0278, 0.0000, 1.0000]
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"], "W": 1.0000},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2818
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.3390, 0.1458, 0.0277, 1.0000]
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.5795
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.1295, 0.0542, 0.0220, 1.0000]
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 1.0000
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].color = [0.2549, 0.1495, 0.0318, 1.0000]
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_2.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": colorramp_3.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ separate_color = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateColor, input_kwargs={"Color": mix_1})
+ texture_coordinate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Normal"],
+ "Scale": 20.0000,
+ "Detail": 200.0000,
+ "Roughness": 0.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_color.outputs["Red"],
+ 1: noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"],
+ },
+ attrs={"use_clamp": True, "operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_color = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeCombineColor",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Red": multiply,
+ "Green": separate_color.outputs["Green"],
+ "Blue": separate_color.outputs["Blue"],
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": combine_color,
+ "Specular": 0.3000,
+ "Roughness": 0.6000,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_chameleon_leg_shape", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_chameleon_leg_shape(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "body_length", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "body_position", 0.1000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "body_thickness", 0.0500),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "body_height", -0.1000),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorEuler", "Rotation", (0.0000, -0.6981, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thigh_length", 0.6000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "calf_length", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thigh_body_rotation", 25.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "calf_body_rotation", 15.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thigh_calf_rotation", 20.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "toe_toe_rotation", 20.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "thigh_scale", (1.0000, 0.6500, 1.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "calf_scale", (1.0000, 0.6500, 1.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "ouScale", (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "inScale", (0.6000, 1.0000, 1.0000)),
+ ],
+ )
+ chameleon_leg_raw_shape = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_chameleon_leg_raw_shape().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "thigh_length": group_input.outputs["thigh_length"],
+ "calf_length": group_input.outputs["calf_length"],
+ "thigh_body_rotation": group_input.outputs["thigh_body_rotation"],
+ "calf_body_rotation": group_input.outputs["calf_body_rotation"],
+ "thigh_calf_rotation": group_input.outputs["thigh_calf_rotation"],
+ "toe_toe_rotation": group_input.outputs["toe_toe_rotation"],
+ "thigh_scale": group_input.outputs["thigh_scale"],
+ "calf_scale": group_input.outputs["calf_scale"],
+ "ouScale": group_input.outputs["ouScale"],
+ "inScale": group_input.outputs["inScale"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["body_length"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["body_position"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": multiply,
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["body_thickness"],
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["body_height"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": chameleon_leg_raw_shape,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz,
+ "Rotation": group_input.outputs["Rotation"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_2},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_chameleon_tail", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_chameleon_tail(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "RadStartEnd", (0.4000, 0.2500, 0.9000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "body_length", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "body_position", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ chameleon_tail_shape = nw.new_node(nodegroup_chameleon_tail_shape().name)
+ sample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": chameleon_tail_shape.outputs["Curve"]},
+ attrs={"mode": "FACTOR"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: sample_curve.outputs["Position"], "Scale": -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": chameleon_tail_shape.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Offset": scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["body_length"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["body_position"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply, "Z": 0.1000}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.1745, 0.3491),
+ "Scale": (1.0000, 0.8000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": transform, "Level": 2}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivide_mesh},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_chameleon_body_shape", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_chameleon_body_shape(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "Scale", (0.9000, 0.7000, 0.8000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "length", 1.4000),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["length"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply, "Y": 0.1000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["length"], "Y": 0.3000}
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 64,
+ "Start": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Middle": combine_xyz_1,
+ "End": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ simpletube = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": quadratic_bezier,
+ "RadStartEnd": (0.6000, 0.6000, 1.0000),
+ "Resolution": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": simpletube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ back_bump1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_back_bump1().name, input_kwargs={"Surface": transform_geometry}
+ )
+ back_bump2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_back_bump2().name, input_kwargs={"Surface": back_bump1}
+ )
+ back_bump3 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_back_bump3().name, input_kwargs={"Surface": back_bump2}
+ )
+ belly_sunken1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_belly_sunken1().name, input_kwargs={"Surface": back_bump3}
+ )
+ shouder_sunken = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_shouder_sunken().name, input_kwargs={"Surface": belly_sunken1}
+ )
+ neck_bump = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_neck_bump().name, input_kwargs={"Surface": shouder_sunken}
+ )
+ neck_bump2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_neck_bump2().name, input_kwargs={"Surface": neck_bump}
+ )
+ subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={"Mesh": neck_bump2}
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivision_surface}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": join_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_chameleon_head_shape", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_chameleon_head_shape(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ polarbezier = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_polar_bezier().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 64,
+ "angles_deg": (0.0000, 0.0000, -5.0000),
+ "Seg Lengths": (0.1000, 0.2400, 0.1000),
+ },
+ )
+ simpletube = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": polarbezier.outputs["Curve"],
+ "RadStartEnd": (0.4000, 0.1800, 0.7800),
+ "Resolution": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ group_input_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Crown", 0.2000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "EyeBrow", 0.0200),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "Scale", (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)),
+ ],
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": simpletube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Scale": group_input_2.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_17 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 32,
+ "Start": (0.2000, 0.2500, 0.1000),
+ "Middle": (0.6000, 0.2500, 0.0000),
+ "End": (0.7900, 0.2500, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ curveparametercurve = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": transform,
+ "UVCurve": quadratic_bezier_17,
+ "CtrlptsU": 64,
+ "CtrlptsW": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": transform,
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve,
+ "Base Radius": 0.1500,
+ "Base Factor": 0.0200,
+ "SymmY": False,
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_22 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 32,
+ "Start": (0.7500, 0.7500, 0.1000),
+ "Middle": (0.7200, 0.7500, 0.0000),
+ "End": (0.7000, 0.7500, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ curveparametercurve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "UVCurve": quadratic_bezier_22,
+ "CtrlptsU": 64,
+ "CtrlptsW": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": curvesculpt.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve_1,
+ "Base Radius": 0.1700,
+ "Base Factor": 0.0300,
+ "SymmY": False,
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_26 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 32,
+ "Start": (0.8000, 0.6800, 0.0300),
+ "Middle": (0.6500, 0.6800, 0.0000),
+ "End": (0.5000, 0.6000, 0.0500),
+ },
+ )
+ curveparametercurve_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": curvesculpt_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "UVCurve": quadratic_bezier_26,
+ "CtrlptsU": 64,
+ "CtrlptsW": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": curvesculpt_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve_2,
+ "Base Factor": 0.0300,
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 32,
+ "Start": (0.7000, 0.5500, 0.0300),
+ "Middle": (0.7000, 0.5500, 0.0300),
+ "End": (0.7500, 0.5700, -0.0200),
+ },
+ )
+ curveparametercurve_3 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": curvesculpt_2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "UVCurve": quadratic_bezier_1,
+ "CtrlptsU": 64,
+ "CtrlptsW": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt_3 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": curvesculpt_2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve_3,
+ "Base Radius": 0.1000,
+ "Base Factor": -0.0200,
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 32,
+ "Start": (0.7000, 0.5800, 0.0100),
+ "Middle": (0.7500, 0.5800, 0.0100),
+ "End": (0.7700, 0.5300, 0.0100),
+ },
+ )
+ curveparametercurve_4 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": curvesculpt_3.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "UVCurve": quadratic_bezier_3,
+ "CtrlptsU": 64,
+ "CtrlptsW": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt_4 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": curvesculpt_3.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve_4,
+ "Base Radius": 0.0400,
+ "Base Factor": -0.0100,
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 32,
+ "Start": (0.3000, 0.2500, 0.0000),
+ "Middle": (0.4000, 0.2500, 0.0000),
+ "End": (0.7000, 0.2500, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ curveparametercurve_5 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": curvesculpt_4.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "UVCurve": quadratic_bezier_4,
+ "CtrlptsU": 64,
+ "CtrlptsW": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt_5 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": curvesculpt_4.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve_5,
+ "Base Radius": 0.2000,
+ "Base Factor": 0.0100,
+ "SymmY": False,
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 32,
+ "Start": (0.3000, 0.2500, 0.0000),
+ "Middle": (0.4000, 0.2500, 0.0000),
+ "End": (0.5000, 0.2500, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ curveparametercurve_6 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": curvesculpt_5.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "UVCurve": quadratic_bezier_9,
+ "CtrlptsU": 64,
+ "CtrlptsW": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt_6 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": curvesculpt_5.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve_6,
+ "Base Radius": 0.2000,
+ "Base Factor": 0.0100,
+ "SymmY": False,
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 40,
+ "Start": (0.5000, 0.6000, 0.0000),
+ "Middle": (0.7000, 0.7000, 0.0000),
+ "End": (1.0000, 0.6500, 0.0100),
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": (0.5000, 0.6000, 0.0000),
+ "Middle": (0.3000, 0.5500, 0.0000),
+ "End": (0.2000, 0.7000, 0.0200),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [quadratic_bezier_5, quadratic_bezier_6]},
+ )
+ curveparametercurve_7 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": curvesculpt_6.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "UVCurve": join_geometry,
+ "CtrlptsU": 64,
+ "CtrlptsW": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt_7 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": curvesculpt_6.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve_7,
+ "Base Radius": 0.0150,
+ "Base Factor": group_input_2.outputs["EyeBrow"],
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 64,
+ "Start": (0.6400, 0.7600, 0.0200),
+ "Middle": (0.4400, 0.8800, 0.0000),
+ "End": (0.5100, 0.9200, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ curveparametercurve_8 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": curvesculpt_7.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "UVCurve": quadratic_bezier_7,
+ "CtrlptsU": 64,
+ "CtrlptsW": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt_8 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": curvesculpt_7.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve_8,
+ "Base Radius": 0.1100,
+ "Base Factor": -0.0100,
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 64,
+ "Start": (0.6500, 0.7500, 0.0200),
+ "Middle": (0.3000, 0.7500, 0.0100),
+ "End": (0.1000, 0.7500, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 12,
+ "Start": (0.1500, 0.6000, 0.0200),
+ "Middle": (0.2000, 0.7000, 0.0100),
+ "End": (0.1000, 0.7500, 0.0050),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [quadratic_bezier_8, quadratic_bezier_12]},
+ )
+ curveparametercurve_9 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": curvesculpt_8.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "UVCurve": join_geometry_1,
+ "CtrlptsU": 64,
+ "CtrlptsW": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt_9 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": curvesculpt_8.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve_9,
+ "Base Radius": 0.0300,
+ "Base Factor": group_input_2.outputs["Crown"],
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_18 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 200,
+ "Start": (0.9000, 0.2500, 0.0500),
+ "Middle": (0.8000, 0.2500, 0.0000),
+ "End": (0.6000, 0.2500, 0.0400),
+ },
+ )
+ curveparametercurve_10 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": curvesculpt_9.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "UVCurve": quadratic_bezier_18,
+ "CtrlptsU": 64,
+ "CtrlptsW": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt_10 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": curvesculpt_9.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve_10,
+ "Base Radius": 0.1000,
+ "Base Factor": 0.0200,
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_16 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 32,
+ "Start": (0.7000, 0.3500, 0.0500),
+ "Middle": (0.6000, 0.4000, 0.0000),
+ "End": (0.4000, 0.3500, 0.0400),
+ },
+ )
+ curveparametercurve_11 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": curvesculpt_10.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "UVCurve": quadratic_bezier_16,
+ "CtrlptsU": 64,
+ "CtrlptsW": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt_11 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": curvesculpt_10.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve_11,
+ "Base Radius": 0.1500,
+ "Base Factor": 0.0200,
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_15 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 20,
+ "Start": (0.9000, 0.2500, 0.0100),
+ "Middle": (0.6000, 0.2500, 0.0000),
+ "End": (0.2000, 0.2500, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ curveparametercurve_12 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": curvesculpt_11.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "UVCurve": quadratic_bezier_15,
+ "CtrlptsU": 64,
+ "CtrlptsW": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt_12 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": curvesculpt_11.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve_12,
+ "Base Radius": 0.0200,
+ "Base Factor": 0.0300,
+ "SymmY": False,
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_19 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 32,
+ "Start": (1.0000, 0.4000, 0.0100),
+ "Middle": (0.5000, 0.4500, 0.0000),
+ "End": (0.4500, 0.4000, 0.0100),
+ },
+ )
+ curveparametercurve_13 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": curvesculpt_12.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "UVCurve": quadratic_bezier_19,
+ "CtrlptsU": 64,
+ "CtrlptsW": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt_13 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": curvesculpt_12.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve_13,
+ "Base Radius": 0.0200,
+ "Base Factor": 0.0100,
+ "Switch": False,
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_14 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 64,
+ "Start": (0.8000, 0.7500, 0.0000),
+ "Middle": (0.5000, 0.7500, 0.0000),
+ "End": (0.1000, 0.7500, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_13 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 12,
+ "Start": (0.1500, 0.6000, 0.0000),
+ "Middle": (0.2000, 0.7000, 0.0000),
+ "End": (0.1000, 0.7500, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [quadratic_bezier_14, quadratic_bezier_13]},
+ )
+ curveparametercurve_14 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": curvesculpt_13.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "UVCurve": join_geometry_2,
+ "CtrlptsU": 64,
+ "CtrlptsW": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt_14 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": curvesculpt_13.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve_14,
+ "Base Radius": 0.0300,
+ "Base Factor": 0.0000,
+ "Attr": True,
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_23 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 40,
+ "Start": (0.6000, 0.6000, 0.0000),
+ "Middle": (0.9000, 0.7300, 0.0000),
+ "End": (1.0000, 0.6500, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_24 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": (0.6000, 0.6000, 0.0000),
+ "Middle": (0.5000, 0.5500, 0.0000),
+ "End": (0.2000, 0.6200, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [quadratic_bezier_23, quadratic_bezier_24]},
+ )
+ curveparametercurve_15 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": curvesculpt_14.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "UVCurve": join_geometry_3,
+ "CtrlptsU": 64,
+ "CtrlptsW": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt_15 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": curvesculpt_14.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve_15,
+ "Base Radius": 0.0200,
+ "Base Factor": 0.0000,
+ "Attr": True,
+ },
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_25 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 64,
+ "Start": (1.0000, 0.4000, 0.0000),
+ "Middle": (0.7000, 0.4500, 0.0000),
+ "End": (0.4500, 0.4000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ curveparametercurve_16 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": curvesculpt_15.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "UVCurve": quadratic_bezier_25,
+ "CtrlptsU": 64,
+ "CtrlptsW": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ curvesculpt_16 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_sculpt().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": curvesculpt_15.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Curve": curveparametercurve_16,
+ "Base Radius": 0.0150,
+ "Base Factor": 0.0000,
+ "Switch": False,
+ "Attr": True,
+ },
+ )
+ merge_by_distance_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curvesculpt_16.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Distance": 0.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={"Mesh": merge_by_distance_1, "Level": 3}
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivision_surface}
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, "Shade Smooth": False},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_shade_smooth},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_round_bump", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_round_bump(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Distance", 0.0200),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Offset Scale", 0.0100),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Level", 1),
+ ],
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Level": group_input.outputs["Level"],
+ },
+ )
+ merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": subdivide_mesh,
+ "Distance": group_input.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ )
+ # merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance,
+ # input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh, 'Distance': 2})
+ dual_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.DualMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": merge_by_distance})
+ split_edges = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplitEdges, input_kwargs={"Mesh": dual_mesh})
+ scale_elements = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleElements, input_kwargs={"Geometry": split_edges, "Scale": 0.9000}
+ )
+ extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": scale_elements,
+ "Offset Scale": group_input.outputs["Offset Scale"],
+ "Individual": False,
+ },
+ )
+ subdivision_surface_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={"Mesh": extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"]}
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivision_surface_1}
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_shade_smooth, group_input.outputs["Geometry"]]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def shader_chameleon_eye(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "Pupil"})
+ colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": attribute_2.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
+ colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0091
+ colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
+ colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.9841
+ colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
+ attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "Ridge"})
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": attribute_1.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0091
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.9841
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"],
+ "Scale": 300.0000,
+ "Smoothness": 0.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"feature": "SMOOTH_F1"},
+ )
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]}
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mapping_1})
+ colorramp.color_ramp.interpolation = "CONSTANT"
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0000
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.3159
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"],
+ "Location": (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping, "Scale": 3.0000}
+ )
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
+ colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
+ colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2773
+ colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0353, 0.0942, 0.0136, 1.0000]
+ colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6000
+ colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0580, 0.0276, 0.0020, 1.0000]
+ colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.6386
+ colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[2].color = [0.0405, 0.0397, 0.0064, 1.0000]
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": colorramp_3.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": (0.1421, 0.1015, 0.0241, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping, "W": 1.0000},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0000
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.6990, 0.5484, 0.1189, 1.0000]
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0000
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.2549, 0.1495, 0.0318, 1.0000]
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_2.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": mix,
+ "Color2": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_4.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": mix_1,
+ "Color2": (0.0082, 0.0082, 0.0082, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ separate_color = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateColor, input_kwargs={"Color": mix_2})
+ texture_coordinate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Normal"],
+ "Scale": 20.0000,
+ "Detail": 200.0000,
+ "Roughness": 0.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_color.outputs["Red"],
+ 1: noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"],
+ },
+ attrs={"use_clamp": True, "operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_color = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeCombineColor",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Red": multiply,
+ "Green": separate_color.outputs["Green"],
+ "Blue": separate_color.outputs["Blue"],
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": combine_color,
+ "Specular": 0.3000,
+ "Roughness": 0.6000,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_chameleon", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_chameleon(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "body_length", 1.4000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "head_crown", 0.2000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "head_eyebrow", 0.0200),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "head_scale", (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorEuler", "left_eye_rotation", (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorEuler", "right_eye_rotation", (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.5)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "pupil_radius", 0.2200),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "front_leg_position", 0.0800),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "back_leg_position", 0.8500),
+ ],
+ )
+ chameleon_head_shape = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_chameleon_head_shape().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Crown": group_input.outputs["head_crown"],
+ "EyeBrow": group_input.outputs["head_eyebrow"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["head_scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": chameleon_head_shape,
+ "Translation": (0.1000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 3.1416),
+ },
+ )
+ round_bump = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_round_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform,
+ "Distance": 0.0080,
+ "Offset Scale": 0.0030,
+ },
+ )
+ chameleon_body_shape = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_chameleon_body_shape().name,
+ input_kwargs={"length": group_input.outputs["body_length"]},
+ )
+ round_bump_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_round_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": chameleon_body_shape.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Distance": 0.0080,
+ "Offset Scale": 0.0030,
+ },
+ )
+ chameleon_tail = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_chameleon_tail().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "body_length": group_input.outputs["body_length"],
+ "body_position": 0.4500,
+ },
+ )
+ round_bump_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_round_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": chameleon_tail.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Distance": 0.0080,
+ "Offset Scale": 0.0030,
+ },
+ )
+ chameleon_leg_shape = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_chameleon_leg_shape().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "body_length": group_input.outputs["body_length"],
+ "body_position": group_input.outputs["back_leg_position"],
+ "body_thickness": 0.2500,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, -1.0472, 3.1416),
+ "thigh_length": 0.4000,
+ "thigh_body_rotation": -35.0000,
+ "calf_body_rotation": -30.0000,
+ "thigh_calf_rotation": 10.0000,
+ "ouScale": (0.6000, 1.0000, 1.0000),
+ "inScale": (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ chameleon_leg_shape_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_chameleon_leg_shape().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "body_length": group_input.outputs["body_length"],
+ "body_position": group_input.outputs["back_leg_position"],
+ "body_thickness": 0.1500,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, -1.0472, 3.1416),
+ "thigh_length": 0.4000,
+ "thigh_body_rotation": 50.0000,
+ "calf_body_rotation": 5.0000,
+ "thigh_calf_rotation": 5.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ chameleon_leg_shape_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_chameleon_leg_shape().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "body_length": group_input.outputs["body_length"],
+ "body_position": group_input.outputs["front_leg_position"],
+ "body_thickness": 0.0800,
+ "thigh_body_rotation": 35.0000,
+ "thigh_calf_rotation": 15.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ chameleon_leg_shape_3 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_chameleon_leg_shape().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "body_length": group_input.outputs["body_length"],
+ "body_position": group_input.outputs["front_leg_position"],
+ "body_thickness": -0.0300,
+ "thigh_body_rotation": -25.0000,
+ "calf_body_rotation": -15.0000,
+ "thigh_calf_rotation": 15.0000,
+ "ouScale": (0.6000, 1.0000, 1.0000),
+ "inScale": (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ chameleon_leg_shape,
+ chameleon_leg_shape_1,
+ chameleon_leg_shape_2,
+ chameleon_leg_shape_3,
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [round_bump, round_bump_1, round_bump_2, join_geometry_2]
+ },
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_1,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_chameleon),
+ },
+ )
+ chameleon_eye = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_chameleon_eye().name,
+ input_kwargs={"pupil_radius": group_input.outputs["pupil_radius"]},
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": chameleon_eye,
+ "Translation": (-0.2000, -0.0300, 0.0200),
+ "Rotation": group_input.outputs["left_eye_rotation"],
+ },
+ )
+ chameleon_eye_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_chameleon_eye().name,
+ input_kwargs={"pupil_radius": group_input.outputs["pupil_radius"]},
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": chameleon_eye_1,
+ "Translation": (-0.2000, 0.0300, 0.0200),
+ "Rotation": group_input.outputs["right_eye_rotation"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_2, transform_1]}
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material, join_geometry_3]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+class Chameleon(PartFactory):
+ param_templates = {}
+ tags = []
+ def sample_params(self, select=None, var=1):
+ return {}
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_chameleon, params)
+ return part
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/crustacean/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/crustacean/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/crustacean/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/crustacean/__init__.py
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/crustacean/antenna.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/crustacean/antenna.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..800ee98bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/crustacean/antenna.py
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.parts.crustacean.leg import CrabLegFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.animation.driver_repeated import (
+ bend_bones_lerp,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import Part
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.genome import Joint
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import displace_vertices
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+class LobsterAntennaFactory(CrabLegFactory):
+ tag = ["claw"]
+ def make_part(self, params) -> Part:
+ x_length, z_length = params["x_length"], params["z_length"]
+ segments, x_cuts = self.make_segments(params)
+ displace_vertices(
+ segments[-1],
+ lambda x, y, z: (
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ params["antenna_bend"]
+ * (x / x_length - x_cuts[-2]) ** 2
+ * params["z_length"],
+ ),
+ )
+ obj = join_objects(segments)
+ skeleton = np.zeros((2, 3))
+ skeleton[1, 0] = x_length
+ joints = {x: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)) for x in x_cuts[1:]}
+ return Part(skeleton, obj, joints=joints)
+ @staticmethod
+ def animate_bones(arma, bones, params):
+ bend_bones_lerp(arma, bones, params["antenna_curl"], params["freq"])
+ def sample_params(self):
+ y_length = uniform(0.01, 0.015)
+ z_length = y_length * log_uniform(1, 1.2)
+ x_mid_first = uniform(0.1, 0.15)
+ x_mid_second = uniform(0.25, 0.3)
+ antenna_bend = uniform(2, 5)
+ return {
+ **super().sample_params(),
+ "y_length": y_length,
+ "z_length": z_length,
+ "x_mid_first": x_mid_first,
+ "x_mid_second": x_mid_second,
+ "antenna_bend": antenna_bend,
+ }
+class SpinyLobsterAntennaFactory(LobsterAntennaFactory):
+ tag = ["claw"]
+ def sample_params(self):
+ y_length = uniform(0.05, 0.08)
+ z_length = y_length * log_uniform(1, 1.2)
+ return {**super().sample_params(), "y_length": y_length, "z_length": z_length}
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/crustacean/body.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/crustacean/body.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f27977d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/crustacean/body.py
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
+# of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.parts.utils.draw import geo_symmetric_texture
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import Part, PartFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.genome import Joint
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ displace_vertices,
+ distance2boundary,
+ read_co,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import leaf, spin
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_line
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.placement import placeholder_locs
+from infinigen.core.surface import read_attr_data, write_attr_data
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+class CrabBodyFactory(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["body"]
+ min_spike_distance = 0.1
+ min_spike_radius = 0.02
+ def make_part(self, params) -> Part:
+ x_length, x_tip, bend_height = map(
+ params.get, ["x_length", "x_tip", "bend_height"]
+ )
+ upper = self.make_surface(params)
+ lower = butil.deep_clone_obj(upper)
+ self.make_surface_side(upper, params, "upper")
+ self.make_surface_side(lower, params, "lower")
+ self.add_spikes(upper, params)
+ self.add_mouth(lower, params)
+ obj = join_objects([upper, lower])
+ x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
+ write_attr_data(
+ obj, "ratio", np.where(z > np.min(z) * params["color_cutoff"], 1, 0)
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "WELD", merge_threshold=0.001)
+ height_scale = interp1d(
+ [0, -x_tip + 0.01, -x_tip - 0.01, -1],
+ [0, bend_height, bend_height, 0],
+ "quadratic",
+ fill_value="extrapolate",
+ )
+ displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (0, 0, height_scale(x / x_length)))
+ self.add_head(obj, params)
+ line = new_line(x_length)
+ line.location[0] -= x_length
+ butil.apply_transform(line, loc=True)
+ line.rotation_euler[1] = np.pi / 2
+ butil.apply_transform(line)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ line,
+ deform_method="BEND",
+ angle=-params["bend_angle"],
+ deform_axis="Y",
+ )
+ line.rotation_euler[1] = -np.pi / 2
+ butil.apply_transform(line)
+ skeleton = read_co(line)
+ butil.delete(line)
+ obj.rotation_euler[1] = np.pi / 2
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ deform_method="BEND",
+ angle=-params["bend_angle"],
+ deform_axis="Y",
+ )
+ obj.rotation_euler[1] = -np.pi / 2
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ joints = {
+ i: Joint((0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]))
+ for i in np.linspace(0, 1, 5, endpoint=True)
+ }
+ return Part(skeleton, obj, joints=joints)
+ def add_head(self, obj, params):
+ def offset(nw: NodeWrangler, vector):
+ head = nw.scalar_add(
+ 1,
+ nw.scalar_divide(
+ nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))[0], params["x_length"]
+ ),
+ )
+ texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ [vector],
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": params["noise_scale"]},
+ )
+ return nw.combine(
+ nw.scalar_multiply(
+ head, nw.scalar_multiply(texture, params["noise_strength"])
+ ),
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ )
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_symmetric_texture, input_args=[offset], apply=True)
+ @staticmethod
+ def make_surface(params):
+ x_length, y_length, x_tip, y_tail = map(
+ params.get, ["x_length", "y_length", "x_tip", "y_tail"]
+ )
+ x_anchors = (
+ np.array(
+ [0, 0, -x_tip / 2, -x_tip, -x_tip, -x_tip, -(x_tip + 1) / 2, -1, -1]
+ )
+ * x_length
+ )
+ y_anchors = (
+ np.array(
+ [
+ 0,
+ 0.1,
+ params["front_midpoint"],
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ params["back_midpoint"],
+ y_tail,
+ 0,
+ ]
+ )
+ * y_length
+ )
+ tip_size = params["tip_size"]
+ if params["has_sharp_tip"]:
+ front_angle = params["front_angle"]
+ back_angle = params["back_angle"]
+ x_anchors[3] += tip_size * np.sin(front_angle) * x_length
+ x_anchors[5] -= tip_size * np.sin(back_angle) * x_length
+ y_anchors[3] += tip_size * (1 - np.cos(front_angle)) * x_length
+ y_anchors[4] += tip_size * x_length
+ y_anchors[5] += tip_size * (1 - np.cos(back_angle)) * x_length
+ vector_locations = [4]
+ else:
+ x_anchors[3] += 0.05 * x_tip * x_length
+ x_anchors[5] -= 0.05 * (1 - x_tip) * x_length
+ vector_locations = []
+ obj = leaf(x_anchors, y_anchors, vector_locations)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SUBSURF", levels=1, render_levels=1)
+ distance2boundary(obj)
+ return obj
+ def make_surface_side(self, obj, params, prefix="upper"):
+ distance = read_attr_data(obj, "distance")
+ height_scale = interp1d(
+ [0, 0.5, 1], [0, params[f"{prefix}_alpha"], 1], "quadratic"
+ )
+ displace_vertices(
+ obj,
+ lambda x, y, z: (
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ (1 if prefix == "upper" else -1)
+ * height_scale(distance)
+ * params[f"{prefix}_z"],
+ ),
+ )
+ displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (params[f"{prefix}_shift"] * z, 0, 0))
+ def offset(nw, vector, distance):
+ return nw.combine(
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ nw.scalar_multiply(
+ distance,
+ nw.scalar_multiply(
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ [vector],
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": params["noise_scale"]},
+ ),
+ params["noise_strength"],
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_symmetric_texture, input_args=[offset], apply=True)
+ return obj
+ def add_spikes(self, obj, params):
+ def selection(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ x, y, z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))
+ return nw.boolean_math(
+ "AND",
+ nw.compare("GREATER_THAN", y, 0),
+ nw.compare("GREATER_THAN", z, 0.02),
+ )
+ locations = placeholder_locs(
+ obj, params["spike_density"], selection, self.min_spike_distance, 0
+ )
+ locations_ = locations.copy()
+ locations_[:, 1] = -locations_[:, 1]
+ locations = np.concatenate([locations, locations_], 0)
+ if len(locations) == 0:
+ return
+ x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
+ dist = np.amin(
+ np.linalg.norm(
+ read_co(obj)[np.newaxis] - locations[:, np.newaxis], axis=-1
+ ),
+ 0,
+ )
+ extrude = params["spike_height"] * np.clip(
+ 1 - dist / self.min_spike_radius, 0, None
+ )
+ d = np.stack(
+ [
+ x + params["spike_center"] * params["x_length"],
+ y,
+ z + params["spike_depth"],
+ ],
+ -1,
+ )
+ d = d / np.linalg.norm(d, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
+ displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (d * extrude[:, np.newaxis]).T)
+ def add_mouth(self, obj, params):
+ def selection(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ x, y, z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))
+ z_length = params["lower_z"] if "lower_z" in params else params["z_length"]
+ z_range = nw.boolean_math(
+ "AND",
+ nw.compare("GREATER_THAN", z, -params["mouth_z"] * z_length),
+ nw.compare("LESS_THAN", z, 0),
+ )
+ x_range = nw.compare(
+ "GREATER_THAN", x, -params["mouth_x"] * params["x_length"]
+ )
+ return nw.boolean_math("AND", z_range, x_range)
+ def offset(nw: NodeWrangler, vector, distance):
+ wave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ [vector],
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Scale": params["mouth_noise_scale"],
+ "Distortion": 20,
+ "Detail": 0,
+ },
+ )
+ ratio = nw.scalar_multiply(
+ distance,
+ nw.build_float_curve(
+ distance, [(0, 0), (0.001, 0), (0.005, 1), (1, 1)]
+ ),
+ )
+ return nw.scale(
+ nw.scalar_multiply(
+ ratio,
+ nw.scalar_multiply(wave_texture, params["mouth_noise_strength"]),
+ ),
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal),
+ )
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geo_symmetric_texture, input_args=[offset, selection], apply=True
+ )
+ def sample_params(self):
+ x_length = uniform(0.8, 1.2)
+ y_length = x_length * uniform(0.5, 0.7)
+ x_tip = uniform(0.3, 0.6)
+ y_tail = uniform(0.1, 0.3)
+ has_sharp_tip = uniform(0, 1) < 0.4
+ front_midpoint = uniform(0.7, 0.9)
+ back_midpoint = uniform(0.7, 0.9)
+ front_angle = uniform(np.pi / 12, np.pi / 8)
+ back_angle = uniform(np.pi / 6, np.pi / 4)
+ tip_size = uniform(0.05, 0.15)
+ upper_z = x_length * uniform(0.15, 0.3)
+ upper_alpha = uniform(0.8, 0.9)
+ upper_shift = uniform(-0.6, -0.4)
+ noise_strength = uniform(0.02, 0.03)
+ noise_scale = uniform(8, 15)
+ lower_alpha = uniform(0.96, 0.98)
+ lower_z = x_length * uniform(0.3, 0.4)
+ lower_shift = uniform(0.1, 0.2)
+ spike_height = uniform(0.05, 0.2) if uniform(0, 1) < 0.5 else 0
+ spike_depth = log_uniform(0.4, 2)
+ spike_center = uniform(0.3, 0.7)
+ spike_density = log_uniform(100, 500)
+ mouth_z = uniform(0.5, 0.8)
+ mouth_x = uniform(0.1, 0.15)
+ mouth_noise_scale = uniform(10, 15)
+ mouth_noise_strength = uniform(0.1, 0.2)
+ bend_angle = uniform(0, np.pi / 3)
+ bend_height = uniform(0.08, 0.12)
+ color_cutoff = uniform(0, 0.5)
+ return {
+ "x_length": x_length,
+ "y_length": y_length,
+ "x_tip": x_tip,
+ "y_tail": y_tail,
+ "has_sharp_tip": has_sharp_tip,
+ "front_midpoint": front_midpoint,
+ "back_midpoint": back_midpoint,
+ "front_angle": front_angle,
+ "back_angle": back_angle,
+ "tip_size": tip_size,
+ "upper_z": upper_z,
+ "upper_alpha": upper_alpha,
+ "upper_shift": upper_shift,
+ "noise_strength": noise_strength,
+ "noise_scale": noise_scale,
+ "lower_z": lower_z,
+ "lower_alpha": lower_alpha,
+ "lower_shift": lower_shift,
+ "spike_height": spike_height,
+ "spike_depth": spike_depth,
+ "spike_density": spike_density,
+ "spike_center": spike_center,
+ "mouth_z": mouth_z,
+ "mouth_x": mouth_x,
+ "mouth_noise_scale": mouth_noise_scale,
+ "mouth_noise_strength": mouth_noise_strength,
+ "bend_angle": bend_angle,
+ "bend_height": bend_height,
+ "color_cutoff": color_cutoff,
+ }
+class LobsterBodyFactory(CrabBodyFactory):
+ tags = ["body"]
+ min_spike_distance = 0.08
+ min_spike_radius = 0.01
+ def make_part(self, params) -> Part:
+ x_length, y_length, z_length = map(
+ params.get, ["x_length", "y_length", "z_length"]
+ )
+ x_anchors = np.array([0, 0, 1 / 3, 2 / 3, 1, 1]) * x_length
+ y_anchors = (
+ np.array(
+ [0, 1, params["midpoint_second"], params["midpoint_first"], 0.01, 0]
+ )
+ * y_length
+ )
+ obj = spin([x_anchors, y_anchors, 0], [1, 4], axis=(1, 0, 0))
+ self.add_mouth(obj, params)
+ height_fn = interp1d(
+ [0, 1 / 2, 1],
+ [0, params["z_shift_midpoint"] / 2, params["z_shift"]],
+ fill_value="extrapolate",
+ )
+ displace_vertices(
+ obj, lambda x, y, z: (0, 0, height_fn(x / x_length) * y_length)
+ )
+ z = read_co(obj).T[-1]
+ write_attr_data(
+ obj, "ratio", 1 + np.where(z > 0, 0, uniform(1, 1.5) * z / y_length)
+ )
+ displace_vertices(
+ obj,
+ lambda x, y, z: (
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ -np.clip(z + y_length * params["bottom_cutoff"], None, 0)
+ * (1 - params["bottom_shift"]),
+ ),
+ )
+ obj.scale[-1] = z_length / y_length
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ def offset(nw, vector):
+ return nw.scale(
+ nw.scalar_multiply(
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ [vector],
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": params["noise_scale"]},
+ ),
+ params["noise_strength"],
+ ),
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal),
+ )
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_symmetric_texture, input_args=[offset], apply=True)
+ n_segments = 4
+ co = read_co(obj)
+ skeleton = np.zeros((n_segments, 3))
+ skeleton[:, 0] = np.linspace(0, x_length, n_segments)
+ head_z = co[np.argmax(co[:, 0])][-1]
+ skeleton[:, -1] = np.linspace(0, head_z, n_segments)
+ return Part(skeleton, obj)
+ def sample_params(self):
+ x_length = uniform(0.6, 0.8)
+ y_length = uniform(0.15, 0.2)
+ z_length = y_length * uniform(1, 1.2)
+ midpoint_first = uniform(0.65, 0.75)
+ midpoint_second = uniform(0.95, 1.05)
+ z_shift = uniform(0.4, 0.6)
+ z_shift_midpoint = uniform(0.2, 0.3)
+ noise_strength = uniform(0.02, 0.04)
+ noise_scale = uniform(5, 8)
+ bottom_shift = uniform(0.3, 0.5)
+ bottom_cutoff = uniform(0.2, 0.3)
+ mouth_z = uniform(0.5, 0.8)
+ mouth_x = uniform(0.1, 0.15) - 1
+ mouth_noise_scale = uniform(10, 15)
+ mouth_noise_strength = uniform(0.2, 0.3)
+ return {
+ "x_length": x_length,
+ "y_length": y_length,
+ "z_length": z_length,
+ "midpoint_first": midpoint_first,
+ "midpoint_second": midpoint_second,
+ "z_shift": z_shift,
+ "z_shift_midpoint": z_shift_midpoint,
+ "noise_strength": noise_strength,
+ "noise_scale": noise_scale,
+ "bottom_shift": bottom_shift,
+ "bottom_cutoff": bottom_cutoff,
+ "mouth_z": mouth_z,
+ "mouth_x": mouth_x,
+ "mouth_noise_scale": mouth_noise_scale,
+ "mouth_noise_strength": mouth_noise_strength,
+ }
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/crustacean/claw.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/crustacean/claw.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9d760ec59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/crustacean/claw.py
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.parts.crustacean.leg import CrabLegFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.parts.utils.draw import decorate_segment
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.animation.driver_repeated import (
+ bend_bones_lerp,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import Part
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.genome import Joint
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import displace_vertices, read_co, remove_vertices
+from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import spin
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_base_selection
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.surface import write_attr_data
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+class CrabClawFactory(CrabLegFactory):
+ tags = ["claw"]
+ min_spike_radius = 0.01
+ def make_part(self, params) -> Part:
+ x_length = params["x_length"]
+ segments, x_cuts = self.make_segments(params)
+ butil.delete(segments[-1])
+ claw, lower = self.make_claw(params)
+ segments[-1] = claw
+ obj = join_objects(segments)
+ lower.parent = obj
+ skeleton = np.zeros((2, 3))
+ skeleton[1, 0] = x_length
+ joints = {x: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)) for x in x_cuts[1:]}
+ return Part(skeleton, obj, joints=joints, settings={"rig_extras": True})
+ def make_claw(self, params):
+ x_length, y_length, z_length, x_mid, y_mid = map(
+ params.get,
+ ["x_length", "y_length", "z_length", "x_mid_second", "y_mid_second"],
+ )
+ xs = x_mid, (x_mid + 1) / 2, (x_mid + 3) / 4, 1
+ ys = (
+ y_mid,
+ y_mid * params["claw_y_first"],
+ y_mid * params["claw_y_second"],
+ 0.01,
+ )
+ obj = spin(
+ [
+ np.array([xs[0], *xs, xs[-1]]) * x_length,
+ np.array([0, *ys, 0]) * y_length,
+ 0.0,
+ ],
+ [1, len(xs)],
+ axis=(1, 0, 0),
+ )
+ bottom_cutoff = params["bottom_cutoff"]
+ claw_x_depth = params["claw_x_depth"]
+ displace_vertices(
+ obj,
+ lambda x, y, z: (
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ -np.clip(
+ z
+ + y_length * bottom_cutoff
+ + y_length
+ * (y_mid - bottom_cutoff)
+ * (x / x_length - x_mid)
+ / claw_x_depth,
+ None,
+ 0,
+ )
+ * (1 - params["bottom_shift"]),
+ ),
+ )
+ width_scale = interp1d(
+ [
+ x_mid,
+ x_mid + claw_x_depth,
+ x_mid
+ + claw_x_depth
+ + params["claw_x_turn"] * (1 - x_mid - claw_x_depth),
+ 1,
+ ],
+ [0, 0, params["claw_z_width"], 0],
+ "cubic",
+ fill_value="extrapolate",
+ )
+ displace_vertices(
+ obj,
+ lambda x, y, z: (
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ np.where(
+ x > (x_mid + claw_x_depth) * x_length,
+ width_scale(x / x_length) * y_mid * y_length,
+ 0,
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ displace_vertices(
+ obj,
+ lambda x, y, z: (
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ np.where(
+ z > 0,
+ np.clip(params["top_cutoff"] * y_length - np.abs(y), 0, None)
+ * params["top_shift"],
+ 0,
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ z = read_co(obj).T[-1]
+ write_attr_data(
+ obj,
+ "ratio",
+ 1 + np.where(z > 0, 0, uniform(0.5, 1.0) * z / params["y_length"]),
+ )
+ def selection(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ x, y, z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))
+ lower = nw.compare(
+ "LESS_THAN", nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal))[-1], 0
+ )
+ x_range = nw.boolean_math(
+ "AND",
+ nw.compare("GREATER_THAN", x, (x_mid + claw_x_depth * 1.5) * x_length),
+ nw.compare("LESS_THAN", x, x_length * 0.98),
+ )
+ center = nw.compare(
+ "LESS_THAN", nw.math("ABSOLUTE", y), params["y_length"] * 0.5
+ )
+ return nw.boolean_math(
+ "AND", nw.boolean_math("AND", lower, x_range), center
+ )
+ temp = butil.spawn_vert("temp")
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ temp,
+ geo_base_selection,
+ apply=True,
+ input_args=[obj, selection, params["claw_spike_distance"]],
+ )
+ locations = read_co(temp)
+ np.random.shuffle(locations)
+ locations = locations[:100]
+ butil.delete(temp)
+ if len(locations) > 0:
+ dist = np.amin(
+ np.linalg.norm(
+ read_co(obj)[np.newaxis] - locations[:, np.newaxis], axis=-1
+ ),
+ 0,
+ )
+ extrude = params["claw_spike_strength"] * np.clip(
+ 1 - dist / self.min_spike_radius, 0, None
+ )
+ displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (0, 0, -extrude))
+ decorate_segment(obj, params, x_mid, 1)
+ obj.scale[-1] = z_length / y_length
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ lower_scale = params["lower_scale"]
+ lower = butil.deep_clone_obj(obj)
+ remove_vertices(lower, lambda x, y, z: x < (x_mid + claw_x_depth) * x_length)
+ lower.location[0] = -(x_mid + claw_x_depth) * x_length
+ butil.apply_transform(lower, loc=True)
+ lower.scale = lower_scale, lower_scale, -lower_scale * params["lower_z_scale"]
+ lower.rotation_euler[1] = uniform(np.pi / 12, np.pi / 4)
+ butil.apply_transform(lower)
+ lower.location[0] = (x_mid + claw_x_depth) * x_length
+ lower.location[-1] = params["lower_z_offset"] * z_length
+ butil.apply_transform(lower, loc=True)
+ butil.modify_mesh(lower, "WELD", merge_threshold=0.001)
+ return obj, lower
+ @staticmethod
+ def animate_bones(arma, bones, params):
+ main_bones = [b for b in bones if "extra" not in b.name]
+ bend_bones_lerp(
+ arma, main_bones, params["claw_curl"], params["freq"], symmetric=False
+ )
+ extra_bones = [b for b in bones if "extra" in b.name]
+ bend_bones_lerp(
+ arma,
+ extra_bones,
+ params["claw_lower_curl"],
+ params["freq"],
+ symmetric=False,
+ )
+ def sample_params(self):
+ params = super().sample_params()
+ z_length = params["y_length"] * uniform(1, 1.2)
+ x_mid_first = uniform(0.2, 0.25)
+ x_mid_second = uniform(0.4, 0.6)
+ y_mid_first = uniform(1.5, 2.0)
+ y_mid_second = y_mid_first * log_uniform(1.0, 1.5)
+ y_expand = uniform(1.4, 1.5)
+ noise_strength = uniform(0.01, 0.02)
+ top_shift = uniform(0.6, 0.8)
+ claw_y_first = uniform(0.6, 1.5)
+ claw_y_second = claw_y_first * uniform(0.4, 0.6)
+ claw_x_depth = (1 - x_mid_second) * uniform(0.3, 0.5)
+ claw_x_turn = uniform(0.2, 0.4)
+ claw_z_width = uniform(0.2, 0.3)
+ claw_spike_strength = uniform(0.02, 0.03)
+ claw_spike_distance = uniform(0.03, 0.06)
+ lower_z_scale = uniform(0.4, 0.6)
+ lower_scale = uniform(0.75, 0.9)
+ lower_z_offset = uniform(-0.5, 0.5)
+ return {
+ **params,
+ "z_length": z_length,
+ "x_mid_first": x_mid_first,
+ "x_mid_second": x_mid_second,
+ "y_mid_first": y_mid_first,
+ "y_mid_second": y_mid_second,
+ "y_expand": y_expand,
+ "noise_strength": noise_strength,
+ "top_shift": top_shift,
+ "claw_y_first": claw_y_first,
+ "claw_y_second": claw_y_second,
+ "claw_x_depth": claw_x_depth,
+ "claw_x_turn": claw_x_turn,
+ "claw_z_width": claw_z_width,
+ "claw_spike_distance": claw_spike_distance,
+ "claw_spike_strength": claw_spike_strength,
+ "lower_z_scale": lower_z_scale,
+ "lower_scale": lower_scale,
+ "lower_z_offset": lower_z_offset,
+ }
+class LobsterClawFactory(CrabClawFactory):
+ def sample_params(self):
+ y_expand = uniform(1.4, 1.5)
+ y_mid_first = uniform(1.5, 2.0)
+ y_mid_second = y_mid_first * log_uniform(1.2, 1.6)
+ claw_y_first = uniform(1.2, 1.5)
+ claw_y_second = claw_y_first * uniform(0.7, 0.8)
+ noise_strength = uniform(0.01, 0.02)
+ claw_spike_strength = uniform(0.01, 0.02)
+ return {
+ **super().sample_params(),
+ "y_expand": y_expand,
+ "y_mid_first": y_mid_first,
+ "y_mid_second": y_mid_second,
+ "claw_y_first": claw_y_first,
+ "claw_y_second": claw_y_second,
+ "noise_strength": noise_strength,
+ "claw_spike_strength": claw_spike_strength,
+ }
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/crustacean/eye.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/crustacean/eye.py
similarity index 62%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/crustacean/eye.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/crustacean/eye.py
index c07eac775..b8a231422 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/crustacean/eye.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/crustacean/eye.py
@@ -8,24 +8,26 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import Part, PartFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import Part, PartFactory
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_icosphere, origin2leftmost
from infinigen.core.placement.detail import remesh_with_attrs
class CrustaceanEyeFactory(PartFactory):
- tags = ['eye']
- min_spike_distance = .05
- min_spike_radius = .02
+ tags = ["eye"]
+ min_spike_distance = 0.05
+ min_spike_radius = 0.02
def make_part(self, params) -> Part:
- length = params['length']
- sphere = new_icosphere(radius=params['radius'])
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add(radius=.01, depth=length, location=(-length / 2, 0, 0))
+ length = params["length"]
+ sphere = new_icosphere(radius=params["radius"])
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add(
+ radius=0.01, depth=length, location=(-length / 2, 0, 0)
+ )
cylinder = bpy.context.active_object
cylinder.rotation_euler[1] = np.pi / 2
obj = join_objects([sphere, cylinder])
- remesh_with_attrs(obj, .005)
+ remesh_with_attrs(obj, 0.005)
skeleton = np.zeros((2, 3))
@@ -33,6 +35,6 @@ def make_part(self, params) -> Part:
return Part(skeleton, obj)
def sample_params(self):
- radius = uniform(.015, .02)
+ radius = uniform(0.015, 0.02)
length = radius * uniform(1, 1.5)
- return {'radius': radius, 'length': length}
+ return {"radius": radius, "length": length}
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/crustacean/fin.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/crustacean/fin.py
similarity index 54%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/crustacean/fin.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/crustacean/fin.py
index f4bb48e7c..1bee6e541 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/crustacean/fin.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/crustacean/fin.py
@@ -7,29 +7,36 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import Part, PartFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import Part, PartFactory
from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import leaf
from infinigen.core.surface import write_attr_data
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
class CrustaceanFinFactory(PartFactory):
- tags = ['body']
+ tags = ["body"]
def make_part(self, params) -> Part:
- x_length, y_length, x_tip, y_mid = map(params.get, ['x_length', 'y_length', 'x_tip', 'y_mid'])
+ x_length, y_length, x_tip, y_mid = map(
+ params.get, ["x_length", "y_length", "x_tip", "y_mid"]
+ )
x_anchors = 0, x_tip / 2, x_tip, 1
y_anchors = 0, y_mid, 1, 0
obj = leaf(np.array(x_anchors) * x_length, np.array(y_anchors) * y_length)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=.01, offset=0.)
- write_attr_data(obj, 'ratio', np.ones(len(obj.data.vertices)))
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=0.01, offset=0.0)
+ write_attr_data(obj, "ratio", np.ones(len(obj.data.vertices)))
skeleton = np.zeros((2, 3))
skeleton[1, 0] = x_length
return Part(skeleton, obj)
def sample_params(self):
- x_length = uniform(.15, .3)
- y_length = x_length * uniform(.3, .4)
- x_tip = uniform(.7, .8)
- y_mid = uniform(.6, .8)
- return {'x_length': x_length, 'y_length': y_length, 'x_tip': x_tip, 'y_mid': y_mid}
+ x_length = uniform(0.15, 0.3)
+ y_length = x_length * uniform(0.3, 0.4)
+ x_tip = uniform(0.7, 0.8)
+ y_mid = uniform(0.6, 0.8)
+ return {
+ "x_length": x_length,
+ "y_length": y_length,
+ "x_tip": x_tip,
+ "y_mid": y_mid,
+ }
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/crustacean/leg.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/crustacean/leg.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b98c1fcfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/crustacean/leg.py
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.parts.utils.draw import make_segments
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.animation.driver_repeated import (
+ bend_bones_lerp,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import Part, PartFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.genome import Joint
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
+from infinigen.core.surface import write_attr_data
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+class CrabLegFactory(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["leg"]
+ def make_part(self, params) -> Part:
+ x_length = params["x_length"]
+ segments, x_cuts = self.make_segments(params)
+ obj = join_objects(segments)
+ skeleton = np.zeros((2, 3))
+ skeleton[1, 0] = x_length
+ joints = {x: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)) for x in x_cuts[1:-1]}
+ return Part(skeleton, obj, joints=joints)
+ def make_segments(self, params):
+ x_cuts = [0, params["x_mid_first"], params["x_mid_second"], 1]
+ y_cuts = [1, params["y_mid_first"], params["y_mid_second"], 0.01]
+ def x_anchors(u, v):
+ return u, u + 0.01, (u + v) / 2, v - 0.01, v
+ def y_anchors(u, v):
+ return u * 0.9, u, (u + v) / 2 * params["y_expand"], v, v * 0.9
+ segments = make_segments(x_cuts, y_cuts, x_anchors, y_anchors, params)
+ for obj in segments:
+ z = read_co(obj).T[-1]
+ write_attr_data(
+ obj,
+ "ratio",
+ 1 + np.where(z > 0, 0, uniform(0.8, 1.5) * z / params["y_length"]),
+ )
+ return segments, x_cuts
+ def sample_params(self):
+ x_length = uniform(0.8, 1.2)
+ y_length = uniform(0.025, 0.035)
+ z_length = y_length * uniform(1.0, 1.5)
+ x_mid_first = uniform(0.3, 0.4)
+ x_mid_second = uniform(0.6, 0.7)
+ y_mid_first = uniform(0.7, 1.0)
+ y_mid_second = y_mid_first / 2 * uniform(1.1, 1.3)
+ y_expand = uniform(1.1, 1.3)
+ noise_strength = uniform(0.005, 0.01)
+ noise_scale = log_uniform(5, 10)
+ bottom_shift = uniform(0.3, 0.5)
+ bottom_cutoff = uniform(0.2, 0.5)
+ top_shift = uniform(0.2, 0.4)
+ top_cutoff = uniform(0.6, 0.8)
+ return {
+ "x_length": x_length,
+ "y_length": y_length,
+ "z_length": z_length,
+ "x_mid_first": x_mid_first,
+ "x_mid_second": x_mid_second,
+ "y_mid_first": y_mid_first,
+ "y_mid_second": y_mid_second,
+ "y_expand": y_expand,
+ "noise_strength": noise_strength,
+ "noise_scale": noise_scale,
+ "bottom_shift": bottom_shift,
+ "bottom_cutoff": bottom_cutoff,
+ "top_shift": top_shift,
+ "top_cutoff": top_cutoff,
+ }
+ @staticmethod
+ def animate_bones(arma, bones, params):
+ bend_bones_lerp(
+ arma, bones, params["leg_curl"], params["freq"], rot=params["leg_rot"]
+ )
+class LobsterLegFactory(CrabLegFactory):
+ def sample_params(self):
+ y_length = uniform(0.01, 0.015)
+ z_length = y_length * log_uniform(1, 1.2)
+ return {
+ **super(LobsterLegFactory, self).sample_params(),
+ "y_length": y_length,
+ "z_length": z_length,
+ }
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/crustacean/tail.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/crustacean/tail.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..62e948cad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/crustacean/tail.py
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.parts.utils.draw import make_segments
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.animation.driver_repeated import (
+ bend_bones_lerp,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import Part, PartFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.genome import Joint
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
+from infinigen.core.surface import write_attr_data
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+class CrustaceanTailFactory(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["body"]
+ def make_part(self, params) -> Part:
+ x_length = params["x_length"]
+ segments, x_cuts = self.make_segments(params)
+ obj = join_objects(segments)
+ skeleton = np.zeros((2, 3))
+ skeleton[1, 0] = x_length
+ joints = {x: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)) for x in x_cuts[1:]}
+ return Part(skeleton, obj, joints=joints)
+ def make_segments(self, params):
+ n = params["n_segments"]
+ decay = np.exp(np.log(params["x_decay"]) / n)
+ x_cuts = np.cumsum(decay ** np.arange(n))
+ x_cuts = [0, *x_cuts / x_cuts[-1]]
+ y_cuts_scale = interp1d(
+ [0, 1 / 3, 2 / 3, 1],
+ [
+ 1 / params["shell_ratio"],
+ params["y_midpoint_first"],
+ params["y_midpoint_second"],
+ 0.1,
+ ],
+ fill_value="extrapolate",
+ )
+ y_cuts = y_cuts_scale(x_cuts)
+ def x_anchors(u, v):
+ return u, (u + v) / 2, v
+ def y_anchors(u, v):
+ return u, np.sqrt(u * v), v * params["shell_ratio"]
+ segments = make_segments(x_cuts, y_cuts, x_anchors, y_anchors, params)
+ height = uniform(0.5, 1.0)
+ for obj in segments:
+ z = read_co(obj).T[-1]
+ write_attr_data(
+ obj, "ratio", 1 + np.where(z > 0, 0, height * z / params["y_length"])
+ )
+ return segments, x_cuts
+ def sample_params(self):
+ x_length = uniform(1.0, 1.5)
+ y_length = uniform(0.15, 0.2)
+ z_length = y_length * uniform(1, 1.2)
+ y_expand = uniform(1.1, 1.3)
+ y_midpoint_first = uniform(0.85, 0.95)
+ y_midpoint_second = uniform(0.7, 0.8)
+ noise_strength = uniform(0.01, 0.02)
+ noise_scale = log_uniform(10, 20)
+ bottom_shift = uniform(0.3, 0.5)
+ bottom_cutoff = uniform(0.2, 0.5)
+ top_shift = 0
+ top_cutoff = 1
+ n_segments = np.random.randint(6, 10)
+ x_decay = log_uniform(0.2, 0.3)
+ shell_ratio = uniform(1.05, 1.08)
+ fin_x_length = uniform(0.5, 0.8)
+ return {
+ "x_length": x_length,
+ "y_length": y_length,
+ "z_length": z_length,
+ "y_expand": y_expand,
+ "noise_strength": noise_strength,
+ "noise_scale": noise_scale,
+ "bottom_shift": bottom_shift,
+ "bottom_cutoff": bottom_cutoff,
+ "top_shift": top_shift,
+ "top_cutoff": top_cutoff,
+ "n_segments": n_segments,
+ "x_decay": x_decay,
+ "shell_ratio": shell_ratio,
+ "y_midpoint_first": y_midpoint_first,
+ "y_midpoint_second": y_midpoint_second,
+ "fin_x_length": fin_x_length,
+ }
+ @staticmethod
+ def animate_bones(arma, bones, params):
+ bend_bones_lerp(arma, bones, params["tail_curl"], params["freq"])
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/eye.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/eye.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48f8b27bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/eye.py
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import nodegroup_norm_vec
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util import part_util
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.curve import (
+ nodegroup_profile_part,
+ nodegroup_simple_tube,
+ nodegroup_smooth_taper,
+ nodegroup_warped_circle_curve,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.math import nodegroup_aspect_to_dim
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_nodegroup, tag_object
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_eyelid", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_eyelid(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Eyeball Radius", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Aspect Ratio", 0.34999999999999998),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "fullness", 2.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "TearDuctCoord", (0.0, -1.5, -0.20000000000000001)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "PeakCoord", (1.2, -0.20000000000000001, 2.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "EyelidEndCoord", (0.0, 1.5, 0.29999999999999999)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "StartRadPct", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "EndRadPct", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatAngle", "Tilt", -0.34910000000000002),
+ ],
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["TearDuctCoord"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Eyeball Radius"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["PeakCoord"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Eyeball Radius"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ scale_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["EyelidEndCoord"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Eyeball Radius"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Middle": scale_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ "End": scale_2.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveTilt,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": quadratic_bezier, "Tilt": group_input.outputs["Tilt"]},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ aspect_to_dim = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_aspect_to_dim().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Aspect Ratio": group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position, 1: aspect_to_dim},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ warped_circle_curve = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_warped_circle_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Position": multiply.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Eyeball Radius"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["StartRadPct"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Eyeball Radius"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["EndRadPct"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ smoothtaper = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_smooth_taper().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "start_rad": multiply_1,
+ "end_rad": multiply_2,
+ "fullness": group_input.outputs["fullness"],
+ },
+ )
+ profilepart = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_profile_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skeleton Curve": set_curve_tilt,
+ "Profile Curve": warped_circle_curve,
+ "Radius Func": smoothtaper,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": tag_nodegroup(nw, profilepart, "eyelid")},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_mammal_eye", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_mammal_eye(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius", 0.050000000000000003),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Eyelid Thickness Ratio", 0.34999999999999998),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Eyelid Fullness", 2.0),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Eyelids", True),
+ ],
+ )
+ eyelid = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_eyelid().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Eyeball Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"],
+ "Aspect Ratio": group_input.outputs["Eyelid Thickness Ratio"],
+ "fullness": group_input.outputs["Eyelid Fullness"],
+ "TearDuctCoord": (0.0, -1.2, -0.20000000000000001),
+ "PeakCoord": (1.2, 0.40000000000000002, -1.7),
+ "EyelidEndCoord": (0.0, 1.2, 0.31),
+ "Tilt": 0.69810000000000005,
+ },
+ )
+ eyelid_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_eyelid().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Eyeball Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"],
+ "Aspect Ratio": group_input.outputs["Eyelid Thickness Ratio"],
+ "fullness": group_input.outputs["Eyelid Fullness"],
+ "PeakCoord": (1.2, -0.20000000000000001, 1.8),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [eyelid, eyelid_1]}
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Eyelids"], 15: join_geometry},
+ )
+ uv_sphere = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshUVSphere, input_kwargs={"Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"]}
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: (0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Radius"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": uv_sphere,
+ "Translation": scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Rotation": (0.0, 1.5708, 0.0),
+ "Scale": (1.0, 1.0, 0.69999999999999996),
+ },
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: (-1.7, 0.0, 0.0), "Scale": group_input.outputs["Radius"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Radius"], 1: 6.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ scale_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: (0.33000000000000002, 0.33000000000000002, 0.33000000000000002),
+ "Scale": multiply,
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Radius"], 1: 3.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ simple_tube = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Origin": scale_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Angles Deg": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Seg Lengths": scale_2.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Start Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"],
+ "End Radius": multiply_1,
+ "Fullness": 0.29999999999999999,
+ "Do Bezier": False,
+ "Aspect Ratio": 1.1000000000000001,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": simple_tube.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Rotation": (0.0, 0.0, 0.34910000000000002),
+ },
+ )
+ eyeball = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={"Mesh": transform_1, "Level": 2}
+ )
+ position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ normvec = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_norm_vec().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": eyeball,
+ "Name": "EyeballPosition",
+ "Vector": position_2,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": None,
+ "BodyExtra_Lid": switch.outputs[6],
+ "Eyeballl": normvec,
+ "ParentCutter": transform_2,
+ },
+ )
+class MammalEye(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["head_detail", "eye_socket"]
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return {
+ "Radius": 0.03 * N(1, 0.1),
+ "Eyelid Thickness Ratio": 0.35 * N(1, 0.05),
+ "Eyelid Fullness": 2.0 * N(1, 0.1),
+ }
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = part_util.nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_mammal_eye, params)
+ tag_object(part.obj, "mammal_eye")
+ return part
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/eye_new.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/eye_new.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9df9dbe6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/eye_new.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4477 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Mingzhe Wang
+# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfNzAaqKHXQ by PixelicaCG, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcHX4AT1vtg by CGCookie and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0JyyWeptSA by CGRogue
+import os
+import bpy
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util import part_util
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_circle", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_circle(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "R", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 512),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply})
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": group_input})
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": group_input})
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Point 1": combine_xyz_4,
+ "Point 2": combine_xyz_3,
+ "Point 3": combine_xyz_5,
+ "Radius": 2.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"mode": "POINTS"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"]},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_eyeball", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_eyeball(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 32),
+ ],
+ )
+ uv_sphere = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Segments": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Rings": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position_1})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ sqrt = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract}, attrs={"operation": "SQRT"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: sqrt, 1: 1.02}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: 0.5},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: subtract_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": subtract_2})
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": uv_sphere, "Offset": combine_xyz_1}
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: 0.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_1, "Name": "Iris", 3: greater_than},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_cornea", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_cornea(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "ScaleX", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Height", 2.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "ScaleZ", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 20.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 128),
+ ],
+ )
+ uv_sphere_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Segments": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Rings": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 3.0000, 1: group_input.outputs["Height"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["ScaleX"], 1: subtract},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ combine_color = nw.new_node(
+ "FunctionNodeCombineColor",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Red": group_input.outputs["ScaleX"],
+ "Green": divide,
+ "Blue": group_input.outputs["ScaleZ"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": uv_sphere_1, "Scale": combine_color}
+ )
+ position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position_2})
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"]}
+ )
+ separate_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Selection": greater_than},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture)
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: normal},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0200
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply.outputs["Vector"], 1: value},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": separate_geometry.outputs["Selection"],
+ "Offset": multiply_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["ScaleX"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["ScaleX"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: multiply_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ sqrt = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_2}, attrs={"operation": "SQRT"}
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: sqrt, 1: 0.9500}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_color_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "FunctionNodeCombineColor", input_kwargs={"Green": multiply_3}
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_4})
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "Translation": combine_color_1,
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_eyelid_radius", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_eyelid_radius(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": (0.0, 0.8, 0.0)})
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "OuterControl", 0.3),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "InnerControl1", 5.4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "InnerControl2", 0.3),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 32),
+ ],
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line, "Count": group_input.outputs["Resolution"]},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": resample_curve, 2: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ reroute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute, 1: 0.4}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ power = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 2.0}, attrs={"operation": "POWER"}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: power, 1: -0.7}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute, 1: group_input.outputs["InnerControl2"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: greater_than},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: greater_than},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ reroute_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["OuterControl"]}
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute_3, 1: reroute},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: subtract_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ power_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: 2.0}, attrs={"operation": "POWER"}
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: power_1, 1: group_input.outputs["InnerControl1"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_3})
+ subtract_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 0.0}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ reroute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["OuterControl"]}
+ )
+ subtract_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: reroute_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": subtract_3, "Y": subtract_4}
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, "Scale": (1.5, 1.5, 1.5)},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Attribute": capture_attribute.outputs[2]},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_eyelid_circle", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_eyelid_circle(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "ShapeW", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "ShapeH", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 32),
+ ],
+ )
+ reroute_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["ShapeW"]}
+ )
+ circle = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_circle().name,
+ input_kwargs={"R": reroute_3, "Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"]},
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": circle, 2: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]},
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 1: position_1},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: -0.5},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: subtract},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: -0.02},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply_1}
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["ShapeH"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["ShapeW"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ reroute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": multiply_2})
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute_1, 1: reroute_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: 0.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: 1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: multiply_4},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: 0.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_5, 1: multiply_6})
+ reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": add_1})
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute, 1: reroute},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: multiply_7},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ sqrt = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_1}, attrs={"operation": "SQRT"}
+ )
+ multiply_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute_3, 1: reroute_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: multiply_8},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ sqrt_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_2}, attrs={"operation": "SQRT"}
+ )
+ reroute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": sqrt_1})
+ subtract_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: sqrt, 1: reroute_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ sign = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "SIGN"},
+ )
+ multiply_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_3, 1: sign},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"], "Y": add, "Z": multiply_9},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Position": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"W": 50.0, "Scale": 0.5},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ subtract_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
+ multiply_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_4.outputs["Vector"], 1: value},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_10.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_1, "Offset": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "Attribute": capture_attribute.outputs[2],
+ "Attribute1": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Attribute"],
+ },
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_eye_ball", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_eye_ball(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "CorneaScaleX", 0.52),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Height", 1.2),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "CorneaScaleZ", 0.8),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 20.0),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "EyeballResolution", 32),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "CorneaResolution", 128),
+ ],
+ )
+ cornea_008 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_cornea().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "ScaleX": group_input.outputs["CorneaScaleX"],
+ "Height": group_input.outputs["Height"],
+ "ScaleZ": group_input.outputs["CorneaScaleZ"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Y"],
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["CorneaResolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": cornea_008, "Name": "tag_cornea", 5: True},
+ attrs={"data_type": "BOOLEAN"},
+ )
+ eyeball_009 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_eyeball().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["CorneaScaleX"],
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["EyeballResolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Cornea": store_named_attribute, "Eyeball": eyeball_009},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_raycast_append", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_raycast_append(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Target Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Ray Direction", (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Default Offset", -0.005),
+ ],
+ )
+ raycast = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Raycast,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target Geometry": group_input.outputs["Target Geometry"],
+ "Ray Direction": group_input.outputs["Ray Direction"],
+ "Ray Length": 0.1,
+ },
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: raycast.outputs["Hit Distance"], 1: 0.07},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: raycast.outputs["Hit Distance"], 1: less_than},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Name": "pos"},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ distance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: named_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DISTANCE"},
+ )
+ value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 1.2
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: distance.outputs["Value"], 1: value_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 1.5},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Default Offset"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: multiply_3})
+ length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Ray Direction"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "LENGTH"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Ray Direction"],
+ 1: length.outputs["Value"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: add, 1: divide.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": multiply_4.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_vector_sum", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_vector_sum(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketVector", "Vector", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))]
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Sum": add_1})
+def shader_material(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": (0.8, 0.0, 0.6028, 1.0)}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_part_surface_simple", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_part_surface_simple(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skeleton Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skin Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Length, Yaw, Rad", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Length, Yaw, Rad"]},
+ )
+ clamp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Clamp, input_kwargs={"Value": separate_xyz.outputs["X"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": 1.5708, "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], "Z": 1.5708},
+ )
+ part_surface = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_part_surface().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skeleton Curve": group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Skin Mesh": group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"],
+ "Length Fac": clamp_1,
+ "Ray Rot": combine_xyz,
+ "Rad": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Position": part_surface.outputs["Position"],
+ "Hit Normal": part_surface.outputs["Hit Normal"],
+ "Tangent": part_surface.outputs["Tangent"],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_aspect_to_dim", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_aspect_to_dim(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Aspect Ratio", 1.0)]
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"], 1: 1.0}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"], "Y": 1.0},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": 1.0, "Y": divide})
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 8: combine_xyz_1, 9: combine_xyz_2},
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"XY Scale": switch.outputs[3]}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_polar_to_cart", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_polar_to_cart(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Angle", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Length", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Origin", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ cosine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Angle"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "COSINE"},
+ )
+ sine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Angle"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SINE"},
+ )
+ construct_unit_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": cosine, "Z": sine},
+ label="Construct Unit Vector",
+ )
+ offset_polar = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Length"],
+ 1: construct_unit_vector,
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Origin"],
+ },
+ label="Offset Polar",
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": offset_polar.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_switch4", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_switch4(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Arg", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Arg == 0", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Arg == 1", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Arg == 2", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Arg == 3", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ greater_equal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Arg"], 3: 2},
+ attrs={"data_type": "INT", "operation": "GREATER_EQUAL"},
+ )
+ greater_equal_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Arg"], 3: 1},
+ attrs={"data_type": "INT", "operation": "GREATER_EQUAL"},
+ )
+ switch_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: greater_equal_1,
+ 8: group_input.outputs["Arg == 0"],
+ 9: group_input.outputs["Arg == 1"],
+ },
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ greater_equal_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Arg"], 3: 3},
+ attrs={"data_type": "INT", "operation": "GREATER_EQUAL"},
+ )
+ switch_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: greater_equal_2,
+ 8: group_input.outputs["Arg == 2"],
+ 9: group_input.outputs["Arg == 3"],
+ },
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={0: greater_equal, 8: switch_1.outputs[3], 9: switch_2.outputs[3]},
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Output": switch.outputs[3]}
+ )
+def shader_eyeball_fish(nw: NodeWrangler, rand=True, **input_kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
+ attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "tag_cornea"})
+ attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "EyeballPosition"}
+ )
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute_1, "Scale": (1.2000, 1.0000, 0.4000)},
+ )
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping, "Scale": 50.0000}
+ )
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.0200,
+ "Color1": mapping,
+ "Color2": noise_texture_2.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": mix_3})
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0000
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_rotate2_d().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ 2: value,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group.outputs[1], 1: 0.3000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.8000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: multiply_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_3})
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 0.6300})
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": add_1})
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.6400
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6591
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute_1, "Scale": (1.0000, 100.0000, 1.0000)},
+ )
+ mix_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.3000, "Color1": mapping_1, "Color2": attribute_1},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": mix_4, "Scale": 10.0000}
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.7000,
+ "Color1": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Color2": mix_4,
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": mix, "Scale": 20.0000}
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ 2: 0.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ mapping_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute_1, "Scale": (1.0000, 20.0000, 1.0000)},
+ )
+ mix_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.3000, "Color1": mapping_2, "Color2": attribute_1},
+ )
+ noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": mix_8, "Scale": 10.0000}
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.7000,
+ "Color1": noise_texture_3.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Color2": mix_8,
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mix_1, "W": 4.5000, "Scale": 1.0000},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"],
+ 2: 0.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ mix_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": 1.0000, "Color1": multiply_4, "Color2": multiply_5},
+ attrs={"blend_type": "OVERLAY"},
+ )
+ bright_contrast = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBrightContrast",
+ input_kwargs={"Color": mix_9, "Bright": 0.6000, "Contrast": 1.5000},
+ )
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group.outputs[1], 1: 0.6000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_6, 1: multiply_6},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.6000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: multiply_8},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_7, 1: multiply_9})
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2})
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": add_3})
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.6159
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6591
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
+ colorramp_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0295
+ colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
+ colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.0523
+ colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: bright_contrast, 1: colorramp_5.outputs["Color"]},
+ attrs={"use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ multiply_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group.outputs[1]}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_10, 1: multiply_10},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.7000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_13 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_12, 1: multiply_12},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_11, 1: multiply_13})
+ add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_5, 1: 0.1800})
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": add_6})
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4773
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6659
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"W": 1.0000}, attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"}
+ )
+ colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ colorramp_4.color_ramp.interpolation = "CARDINAL"
+ colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2886
+ colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [1.0000, 0.5767, 0.0000, 1.0000]
+ colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.5455
+ colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0112, 1.0000]
+ mix_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_2.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": (0.7384, 0.5239, 0.2703, 1.0000),
+ "Color2": colorramp_4.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ mix_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": mix_7,
+ "Color2": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ mix_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": add_4,
+ "Color1": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000),
+ "Color2": mix_6,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": mix_5,
+ "Color2": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix_2, "Specular": 0.0000, "Roughness": 0.0000},
+ )
+ principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Specular": 1.0000,
+ "Roughness": 0.0000,
+ "IOR": 1.3500,
+ "Transmission": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ transparent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransparentBSDF)
+ mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.1577, 1: principled_bsdf_1, 2: transparent_bsdf},
+ )
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": attribute_2.outputs["Color"],
+ 1: principled_bsdf,
+ 2: mix_shader_1,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_eyeball_eyelid_inner", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_eyeball_eyelid_inner(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "EyeRot", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "EyelidCircleShape(W, H)", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "EyelidRadiusShape(Out, In1, In2)",
+ (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ ),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "EyelidResolution(Circle, Radius)",
+ (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ ),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "CorneaScale(W, H, Thickness)",
+ (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ ),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "EyeballResolution(White, Cornea)",
+ (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ ),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "Scale", (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)),
+ ],
+ )
+ separate_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input_2.outputs["CorneaScale(W, H, Thickness)"]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input_2.outputs["EyeRot"], 1: 0.0175},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input_2.outputs["EyeballResolution(White, Cornea)"]
+ },
+ )
+ eyeball = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_eye_ball().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "CorneaScaleX": separate_xyz_6.outputs["X"],
+ "Height": separate_xyz_6.outputs["Y"],
+ "CorneaScaleZ": separate_xyz_6.outputs["Z"],
+ "Y": multiply,
+ "EyeballResolution": separate_xyz_7.outputs["X"],
+ "CorneaResolution": separate_xyz_7.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [eyeball.outputs["Cornea"], eyeball.outputs["Eyeball"]]
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_2,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_eyeball_tiger),
+ },
+ )
+ value_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_5.outputs[0].default_value = 1.5000
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_material_1,
+ "Translation": (0.0000, -1.3500, -0.0500),
+ "Scale": value_5,
+ },
+ )
+ position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_2,
+ "Name": "EyeballPosition",
+ 2: position_2,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute}
+ )
+ separate_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input_2.outputs["EyelidCircleShape(W, H)"]},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input_2.outputs["EyelidResolution(Circle, Radius)"]
+ },
+ )
+ eyelidcircle = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_eyelid_circle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "ShapeW": separate_xyz_3.outputs["X"],
+ "ShapeH": separate_xyz_3.outputs["Y"],
+ "Resolution": separate_xyz_5.outputs["X"],
+ },
+ )
+ value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.6000
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": eyelidcircle.outputs["Geometry"], "Scale": value_1},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input_2.outputs["EyelidRadiusShape(Out, In1, In2)"]
+ },
+ )
+ eyelidradis = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_eyelid_radius().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "OuterControl": separate_xyz_4.outputs["X"],
+ "InnerControl1": separate_xyz_4.outputs["Y"],
+ "InnerControl2": separate_xyz_4.outputs["Z"],
+ "Resolution": separate_xyz_5.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": transform_1,
+ "Profile Curve": eyelidradis.outputs["Geometry"],
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 0.7000})
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000)},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"], 1: normal},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_2.outputs[0].default_value = 0.1000
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: value_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_to_mesh,
+ "Offset": multiply_2.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": eyelidcircle})
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: 0.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: -0.0000, 1: absolute},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: subtract_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: eyelidradis, 1: 0.6000},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: greater_than},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: -1.2000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_5})
+ set_position_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_1, "Offset": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_2,
+ "Scale": group_input_2.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_3}
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ cosine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "COSINE"}
+ )
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: cosine},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ sine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "SINE"}
+ )
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: sine},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_6, 1: multiply_7},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: cosine},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: sine},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: multiply_9})
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": subtract_2, "Y": separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], "Z": add},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1, "Position": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Eyeball": join_geometry_3, "Eyelid": set_position},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_append_eye", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_append_eye(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Target Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Translation", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorEuler", "Rotation", (0.1745, 0.0, -1.3963)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Ray Direction", (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Default Offset", -0.002),
+ ],
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Name": "pos",
+ 2: position,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute,
+ "Translation": group_input.outputs["Translation"],
+ "Rotation": group_input.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ raycastappend = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_raycast_append().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform,
+ "Target Geometry": group_input.outputs["Target Geometry"],
+ "Ray Direction": group_input.outputs["Ray Direction"],
+ "Default Offset": group_input.outputs["Default Offset"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": raycastappend}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_eye_sockets", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_eye_sockets(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skin Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skeleton Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Base Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Length/Yaw/Rad", (0.5000, 0.0000, 1.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Part Rot", (0.0000, 0.0000, 53.7000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "Scale", (2.0000, 2.0000, 2.0000)),
+ ],
+ )
+ eyehole_cutter = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Origin": (-0.1000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Angles Deg": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Seg Lengths": (0.0500, 0.0500, 0.0900),
+ "Start Radius": 0.0200,
+ "Fullness": 0.3000,
+ },
+ label="Eyehole Cutter",
+ )
+ part_surface_simple = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_part_surface_simple().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skeleton Curve": group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Skin Mesh": group_input.outputs["Base Mesh"],
+ "Length, Yaw, Rad": group_input.outputs["Length/Yaw/Rad"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": eyehole_cutter.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Translation": part_surface_simple.outputs["Position"],
+ "Rotation": group_input.outputs["Part Rot"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"],
+ "Mesh": symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"],
+ "Position": part_surface_simple.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_simple_tube_v2", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_simple_tube_v2(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (1.0, 0.5, 0.3)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "angles_deg", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "proportions", (0.3333, 0.3333, 0.3333)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "aspect", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "do_bezier", True),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "fullness", 4.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Origin", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ vector_sum = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_vector_sum().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["proportions"]},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["proportions"], 1: vector_sum},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"]},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: divide.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ polarbezier = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_polar_bezier().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 25,
+ "Origin": group_input.outputs["Origin"],
+ "angles_deg": group_input.outputs["angles_deg"],
+ "Seg Lengths": scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Do Bezier": group_input.outputs["do_bezier"],
+ },
+ )
+ aspect_to_dim = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_aspect_to_dim().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Aspect Ratio": group_input.outputs["aspect"]},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: aspect_to_dim, 1: position},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ warped_circle_curve = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_warped_circle_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Position": multiply.outputs["Vector"], "Vertices": 40},
+ )
+ smoothtaper = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_smooth_taper().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "start_rad": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "end_rad": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ "fullness": group_input.outputs["fullness"],
+ },
+ )
+ profilepart = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_profile_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skeleton Curve": polarbezier.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Profile Curve": warped_circle_curve,
+ "Radius Func": smoothtaper,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": profilepart,
+ "Skeleton Curve": polarbezier.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Endpoint": polarbezier.outputs["Endpoint"],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_surface_muscle", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_surface_muscle(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skin Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skeleton Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Coord 0", (0.4, 0.0, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Coord 1", (0.5, 0.0, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Coord 2", (0.6, 0.0, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Debug Points", False),
+ ],
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": (0.03, 0.03, 0.03)})
+ part_surface_simple = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_part_surface_simple().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skeleton Curve": group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Skin Mesh": group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"],
+ "Length, Yaw, Rad": group_input.outputs["Coord 0"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube,
+ "Translation": part_surface_simple.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ part_surface_simple_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_part_surface_simple().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skeleton Curve": group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Skin Mesh": group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"],
+ "Length, Yaw, Rad": group_input.outputs["Coord 1"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube,
+ "Translation": part_surface_simple_1.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ part_surface_simple_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_part_surface_simple().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skeleton Curve": group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Skin Mesh": group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"],
+ "Length, Yaw, Rad": group_input.outputs["Coord 2"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube,
+ "Translation": part_surface_simple_2.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_2, transform_1, transform_3]},
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Debug Points"], 15: join_geometry},
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": switch.outputs[6],
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_material),
+ },
+ )
+ u_resolution = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Integer, label="U Resolution", attrs={"integer": 16}
+ )
+ u_resolution.integer = 16
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": u_resolution,
+ "Start": part_surface_simple.outputs["Position"],
+ "Middle": part_surface_simple_1.outputs["Position"],
+ "End": part_surface_simple_2.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"]
+ },
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ 3: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"],
+ 4: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ deg2rad = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_deg2_rad().name, input_kwargs={"Deg": map_range_1.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveTilt, input_kwargs={"Curve": quadratic_bezier, "Tilt": deg2rad}
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], "Y": 1.0, "Z": 1.0},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position, 1: combine_xyz},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ v_resolution = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Integer, label="V resolution", attrs={"integer": 10}
+ )
+ v_resolution.integer = 10
+ warped_circle_curve = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_warped_circle_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Position": multiply.outputs["Vector"], "Vertices": v_resolution},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"]},
+ )
+ smoothtaper = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_smooth_taper().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "start_rad": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "end_rad": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "fullness": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ profilepart = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_profile_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skeleton Curve": set_curve_tilt,
+ "Profile Curve": warped_circle_curve,
+ "Radius Func": smoothtaper,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material, profilepart]}
+ )
+ switch_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: True, 15: join_geometry_1})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": switch_1.outputs[6]}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_simple_tube", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_simple_tube(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Origin", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Angles Deg", (30.0, -1.5, 11.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Seg Lengths", (0.02, 0.02, 0.02)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Start Radius", 0.06),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "End Radius", 0.03),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Fullness", 8.17),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Do Bezier", True),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Aspect Ratio", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ polarbezier = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_polar_bezier().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 25,
+ "Origin": group_input.outputs["Origin"],
+ "angles_deg": group_input.outputs["Angles Deg"],
+ "Seg Lengths": group_input.outputs["Seg Lengths"],
+ "Do Bezier": group_input.outputs["Do Bezier"],
+ },
+ )
+ aspect_to_dim = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_aspect_to_dim().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Aspect Ratio": group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"]},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: aspect_to_dim, 1: position},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ warped_circle_curve = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_warped_circle_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Position": multiply.outputs["Vector"], "Vertices": 40},
+ )
+ smoothtaper = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_smooth_taper().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "start_rad": group_input.outputs["Start Radius"],
+ "end_rad": group_input.outputs["End Radius"],
+ "fullness": group_input.outputs["Fullness"],
+ },
+ )
+ profilepart = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_profile_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skeleton Curve": polarbezier.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Profile Curve": warped_circle_curve,
+ "Radius Func": smoothtaper,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": profilepart,
+ "Skeleton Curve": polarbezier.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Endpoint": polarbezier.outputs["Endpoint"],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_smooth_taper", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_smooth_taper(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 1: 3.1416},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ sine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "SINE"}
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "start_rad", 0.29),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "end_rad", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "fullness", 2.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: group_input.outputs["fullness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ power = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: sine, 1: divide}, attrs={"operation": "POWER"}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["start_rad"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["end_rad"],
+ },
+ attrs={"clamp": False},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: power, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": multiply_1})
+ "nodegroup_warped_circle_curve", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_warped_circle_curve(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Position", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Vertices", 32),
+ ],
+ )
+ mesh_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCircle, input_kwargs={"Vertices": group_input.outputs["Vertices"]}
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": mesh_circle,
+ "Position": group_input.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve, input_kwargs={"Mesh": set_position})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Curve": mesh_to_curve})
+ "nodegroup_profile_part", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_profile_part(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skeleton Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Profile Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius Func", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius Func"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh, "Shade Smooth": False},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_shade_smooth}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_polar_bezier", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_polar_bezier(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketIntUnsigned", "Resolution", 32),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Origin", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "angles_deg", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Seg Lengths", (0.3, 0.3, 0.3)),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Do Bezier", True),
+ ],
+ )
+ mesh_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshLine, input_kwargs={"Count": 4})
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ deg2_rad = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], "Scale": 0.0175},
+ label="Deg2Rad",
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": deg2_rad.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ reroute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": separate_xyz.outputs["X"]}
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Seg Lengths"]}
+ )
+ polartocart = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_polar_to_cart().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Angle": reroute,
+ "Length": separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"],
+ "Origin": group_input.outputs["Origin"],
+ },
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute, 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]}
+ )
+ polartocart_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_polar_to_cart().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Angle": add,
+ "Length": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"],
+ "Origin": polartocart,
+ },
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: add})
+ polartocart_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_polar_to_cart().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Angle": add_1,
+ "Length": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"],
+ "Origin": polartocart_1,
+ },
+ )
+ switch4 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_switch4().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Arg": index,
+ "Arg == 0": group_input.outputs["Origin"],
+ "Arg == 1": polartocart,
+ "Arg == 2": polartocart_1,
+ "Arg == 3": polartocart_2,
+ },
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": mesh_line, "Position": switch4}
+ )
+ mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve, input_kwargs={"Mesh": set_position})
+ subdivide_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": mesh_to_curve,
+ "Cuts": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ integer = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, attrs={"integer": 2})
+ integer.integer = 2
+ bezier_segment = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveBezierSegment,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": integer,
+ "Start": group_input.outputs["Origin"],
+ "Start Handle": polartocart,
+ "End Handle": polartocart_1,
+ "End": polartocart_2,
+ },
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 1: integer},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ subdivide_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": bezier_segment, "Cuts": divide}
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Do Bezier"],
+ 14: subdivide_curve_1,
+ 15: subdivide_curve,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": switch.outputs[6], "Endpoint": polartocart_2},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_solidify", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_solidify(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Distance", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Distance"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Offset Scale": multiply,
+ "Individual": False,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Distance"], 1: -0.5},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ extrude_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Offset Scale": multiply_1,
+ "Individual": False,
+ },
+ )
+ flip_faces = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FlipFaces, input_kwargs={"Mesh": extrude_mesh_1.outputs["Mesh"]}
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"], flip_faces]},
+ )
+ merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry, "Distance": 0.0}
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": merge_by_distance, "Shade Smooth": False},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_shade_smooth}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_taper", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_taper(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Start", (1.0, 0.63, 0.72)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "End", (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ 7: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"],
+ 8: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"],
+ 9: group_input.outputs["Start"],
+ 10: group_input.outputs["End"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "clamp": False},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position, 1: map_range.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Position": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_raycast_rotation", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_raycast_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorEuler", "Rotation", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Hit Normal", (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Curve Tangent", (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Do Normal Rot", False),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Do Tangent Rot", False),
+ ],
+ )
+ align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Hit Normal"]},
+ )
+ rotate_euler = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateEuler,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rotation": group_input.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "Rotate By": align_euler_to_vector,
+ },
+ )
+ if_normal_rot = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Do Normal Rot"],
+ 8: group_input.outputs["Rotation"],
+ 9: rotate_euler,
+ },
+ label="if_normal_rot",
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rotation": group_input.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["Curve Tangent"],
+ },
+ )
+ rotate_euler_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateEuler,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector_1,
+ "Rotate By": group_input.outputs["Rotation"],
+ },
+ attrs={"space": "LOCAL"},
+ )
+ if_tangent_rot = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Do Tangent Rot"],
+ 8: if_normal_rot.outputs[3],
+ 9: rotate_euler_1,
+ },
+ label="if_tangent_rot",
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Output": if_tangent_rot.outputs[3]}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_part_surface", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_part_surface(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skeleton Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skin Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "Length Fac", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorEuler", "Ray Rot", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Rad", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ sample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Factor": group_input.outputs["Length Fac"],
+ },
+ attrs={"mode": "FACTOR"},
+ )
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": sample_curve.outputs["Tangent"],
+ "Rotation": group_input.outputs["Ray Rot"],
+ },
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "EULER_XYZ"},
+ )
+ raycast = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Raycast,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target Geometry": group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"],
+ "Source Position": sample_curve.outputs["Position"],
+ "Ray Direction": vector_rotate,
+ "Ray Length": 5.0,
+ },
+ )
+ lerp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["Rad"],
+ 9: sample_curve.outputs["Position"],
+ 10: raycast.outputs["Hit Position"],
+ },
+ label="lerp",
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "clamp": False},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Position": lerp.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Hit Normal": raycast.outputs["Hit Normal"],
+ "Tangent": sample_curve.outputs["Tangent"],
+ "Skeleton Pos": sample_curve.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_eyeball_eyelid", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_eyeball_eyelid(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skin Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Base Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skeleton Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Length/Yaw/Rad", (0.5000, 0.0000, 1.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Target Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "EyeRot", -23.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "EyelidCircleShape(W, H)", (2.0000, 1.4500, 0.0000)),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "EyelidRadiusShape(Out, In1, In2)",
+ (0.4000, 5.3000, 0.4000),
+ ),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "EyelidResolution(Circle, Radius)",
+ (32.0000, 32.0000, 0.0000),
+ ),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "CorneaScale(W, H, Thickness)",
+ (0.8000, 0.8000, 0.5500),
+ ),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "EyeballResolution(White, Cornea)",
+ (32.0000, 128.0000, 0.0000),
+ ),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "OffsetPreAppending", (0.0120, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorEuler", "Rotation", (0.1745, 0.0000, -1.3963)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "RayDirection", (-1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "DefaultAppendDistance", -0.0020),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "EyeSocketRot", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "EyelidScale", (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)),
+ ],
+ )
+ eyesockets = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_eye_sockets().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Base Mesh": group_input.outputs["Base Mesh"],
+ "Length/Yaw/Rad": group_input.outputs["Length/Yaw/Rad"],
+ "Part Rot": group_input.outputs["EyeSocketRot"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ # transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
+ # input_kwargs={'Geometry': eyesockets.outputs["Mesh"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]})
+ tigereyeinner = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_eyeball_eyelid_inner().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "EyeRot": group_input.outputs["EyeRot"],
+ "EyelidCircleShape(W, H)": group_input.outputs["EyelidCircleShape(W, H)"],
+ "EyelidRadiusShape(Out, In1, In2)": group_input.outputs[
+ "EyelidRadiusShape(Out, In1, In2)"
+ ],
+ "EyelidResolution(Circle, Radius)": group_input.outputs[
+ "EyelidResolution(Circle, Radius)"
+ ],
+ "CorneaScale(W, H, Thickness)": group_input.outputs[
+ "CorneaScale(W, H, Thickness)"
+ ],
+ "EyeballResolution(White, Cornea)": group_input.outputs[
+ "EyeballResolution(White, Cornea)"
+ ],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["EyelidScale"],
+ },
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: eyesockets.outputs["Position"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["OffsetPreAppending"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Scale"], 1: 0.0170},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ appendeye = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_append_eye().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target Geometry": group_input.outputs["Target Geometry"],
+ "Geometry": tigereyeinner.outputs["Eyeball"],
+ "Translation": add,
+ "Scale": multiply,
+ "Rotation": group_input.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "Ray Direction": group_input.outputs["RayDirection"],
+ "Default Offset": group_input.outputs["DefaultAppendDistance"],
+ },
+ )
+ appendeye_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_append_eye().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target Geometry": group_input.outputs["Target Geometry"],
+ "Geometry": tigereyeinner.outputs["Eyelid"],
+ "Translation": add,
+ "Scale": multiply,
+ "Rotation": group_input.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "Ray Direction": group_input.outputs["RayDirection"],
+ "Default Offset": group_input.outputs["DefaultAppendDistance"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": None,
+ "ParentCutter": eyesockets.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Eyeballl": appendeye,
+ "BodyExtra_Lid": appendeye_1,
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_carnivore__face_structure", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_carnivore__face_structure(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Skull Length Width1 Width2", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Snout Length Width1 Width2", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Snout Y Scale", 0.62),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "Nose Bridge Scale", (1.0, 0.35, 0.9)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Jaw Muscle Middle Coord", (0.24, 0.41, 1.3)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Jaw StartRad, EndRad, Fullness", (0.06, 0.11, 1.5)),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "Jaw ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt",
+ (0.8, 33.1, 0.0),
+ ),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Lip Muscle Middle Coord", (0.95, 0.0, 1.5)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Lip StartRad, EndRad, Fullness", (0.05, 0.09, 1.48)),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "Lip ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt",
+ (0.8, 0.0, -17.2),
+ ),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Forehead Muscle Middle Coord", (0.7, -1.32, 1.31)),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "Forehead StartRad, EndRad, Fullness",
+ (0.06, 0.05, 2.5),
+ ),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "Forehead ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt",
+ (0.3, 60.6, 66.0),
+ ),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "aspect", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector)
+ vector.vector = (-0.07, 0.0, 0.05)
+ simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": group_input.outputs["Skull Length Width1 Width2"],
+ "angles_deg": (-5.67, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "aspect": group_input.outputs["aspect"],
+ "fullness": 3.63,
+ "Origin": vector,
+ },
+ )
+ snout_origin = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"], 1: (-0.1, 0.0, 0.0)},
+ label="Snout Origin",
+ )
+ split_length_width1_width2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Snout Length Width1 Width2"]},
+ label="Split Length / Width1 / Width2",
+ )
+ snout_seg_lengths = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: (0.33, 0.33, 0.33),
+ "Scale": split_length_width1_width2.outputs["X"],
+ },
+ label="Snout Seg Lengths",
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ bridge = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Origin": snout_origin.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Angles Deg": (-4.0, -4.5, -5.61),
+ "Seg Lengths": snout_seg_lengths.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Start Radius": 0.17,
+ "End Radius": 0.1,
+ "Fullness": 5.44,
+ },
+ label="Bridge",
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": bridge.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Translation": (0.0, 0.0, 0.03),
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Nose Bridge Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ snout = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Origin": snout_origin.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Angles Deg": (-3.0, -4.5, -5.61),
+ "Seg Lengths": snout_seg_lengths.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Start Radius": split_length_width1_width2.outputs["Y"],
+ "End Radius": split_length_width1_width2.outputs["Z"],
+ "Fullness": 2.0,
+ },
+ label="Snout",
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": snout.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Translation": (0.0, 0.0, 0.03),
+ "Scale": (1.0, 0.7, 0.7),
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": 1.0, "Y": group_input.outputs["Snout Y Scale"], "Z": 1.0},
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_1, "Scale": combine_xyz}
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform, transform_2]}
+ )
+ union = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshBoolean,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh 2": [join_geometry, simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"]],
+ "Self Intersection": True,
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "UNION"},
+ )
+ curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine,
+ input_kwargs={"Start": vector, "End": snout.outputs["Endpoint"]},
+ )
+ jaw_muscle = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": union.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": curve_line_1,
+ "Coord 0": (0.19, -0.41, 0.78),
+ "Coord 1": group_input.outputs["Jaw Muscle Middle Coord"],
+ "Coord 2": (0.67, 1.26, 0.52),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input.outputs[
+ "Jaw StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"
+ ],
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": group_input.outputs[
+ "Jaw ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"
+ ],
+ },
+ label="Jaw Muscle",
+ )
+ lip = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": union.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": curve_line_1,
+ "Coord 0": (0.51, -0.13, 0.02),
+ "Coord 1": group_input.outputs["Lip Muscle Middle Coord"],
+ "Coord 2": (0.99, 10.57, 0.1),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input.outputs[
+ "Lip StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"
+ ],
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": group_input.outputs[
+ "Lip ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"
+ ],
+ },
+ label="Lip",
+ )
+ forehead = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Coord 0": (0.31, -1.06, 0.97),
+ "Coord 1": group_input.outputs["Forehead Muscle Middle Coord"],
+ "Coord 2": (0.95, -1.52, 0.9),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input.outputs[
+ "Forehead StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"
+ ],
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": group_input.outputs[
+ "Forehead ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"
+ ],
+ },
+ label="Forehead",
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [jaw_muscle, lip, forehead]}
+ )
+ symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1}
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: (0.33, 0.33, 0.33)},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ jaw_cutter = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Origin": (0.0, 0.0, 0.09),
+ "Angles Deg": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Seg Lengths": scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Start Radius": 0.13,
+ },
+ label="Jaw Cutter",
+ )
+ attach_part = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_attach_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": union.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": curve_line_1,
+ "Geometry": jaw_cutter.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Length Fac": 0.2,
+ "Ray Rot": (0.0, 1.5708, 0.0),
+ "Rad": 1.25,
+ "Part Rot": (0.0, -8.5, 0.0),
+ "Do Tangent Rot": True,
+ },
+ )
+ difference = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshBoolean,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh 1": union.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Mesh 2": attach_part.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Self Intersection": True,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"], difference.outputs["Mesh"]]
+ },
+ )
+ subdivide_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line_1, "Cuts": 10}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_2,
+ "Skeleton Curve": subdivide_curve,
+ "Base Mesh": union.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Cranium Skeleton": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_rotate2_d", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_rotate2_d(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.0175),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value2", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs[2], 1: 0.0175},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ reroute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": multiply})
+ sine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_3}, attrs={"operation": "SINE"}
+ )
+ reroute_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs[1]}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: sine, 1: reroute_5},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ reroute_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Value"]}
+ )
+ cosine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_3}, attrs={"operation": "COSINE"}
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute_4, 1: cosine},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute_5, 1: cosine},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute_4, 1: sine},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: multiply_4})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": subtract, "Value1": add}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_carnivore_jaw", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_carnivore_jaw(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "Width Shaping", 0.6764),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Canine Length", 0.05),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Incisor Size", 0.01),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Tooth Crookedness", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "Tongue Shaping", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Tongue X Scale", 0.9),
+ ],
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"]},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: (0.33, 0.33, 0.33), "Scale": separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ polarbezier = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_polar_bezier().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "angles_deg": (0.0, 0.0, 13.0),
+ "Seg Lengths": scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ vector_curves = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorCurve, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ vector_curves.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(-1.0, -1.0), (0.0036, 0.0), (0.2436, 0.21), (1.0, 1.0)],
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ vector_curves.mapping.curves[1],
+ [
+ (-1.0, 0.12),
+ (-0.7745, 0.06),
+ (-0.6509, -0.44),
+ (-0.3673, -0.4),
+ (-0.0545, -0.01),
+ (0.1055, 0.02),
+ (0.5273, 0.5),
+ (0.7964, 0.64),
+ (1.0, 1.0),
+ ],
+ handles=[
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ ],
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(vector_curves.mapping.curves[2], [(-1.0, -1.0), (1.0, 1.0)])
+ warped_circle_curve = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_warped_circle_curve().name, input_kwargs={"Position": vector_curves}
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Factor": group_input.outputs["Width Shaping"],
+ "Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ },
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0, 0.955), (0.4255, 0.785), (0.6545, 0.535), (0.9491, 0.75), (1.0, 0.595)],
+ handles=["AUTO", "AUTO", "AUTO", "AUTO_CLAMPED", "AUTO"],
+ )
+ smoothtaper = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_smooth_taper().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "start_rad": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "end_rad": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ "fullness": 2.6,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: smoothtaper},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ profilepart = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_profile_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skeleton Curve": polarbezier.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Profile Curve": warped_circle_curve,
+ "Radius Func": multiply,
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": profilepart, "Scale": (1.0, 1.7, 1.0)},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: (0.33, 0.33, 0.33),
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Canine Length"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ canine_tooth = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Seg Lengths": scale_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Start Radius": 0.015,
+ "End Radius": 0.003,
+ },
+ label="Canine Tooth",
+ )
+ attach_part = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_attach_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": transform,
+ "Skeleton Curve": polarbezier.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Geometry": canine_tooth.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Length Fac": 0.9,
+ "Ray Rot": (1.5708, 0.1204, 1.5708),
+ "Rad": 1.0,
+ "Part Rot": (-17.6, -53.49, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": attach_part.outputs["Geometry"]}
+ )
+ symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry}
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: attach_part.outputs["Position"], 1: (0.015, -0.05, 0.0)},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: add.outputs["Vector"], 1: (1.0, -1.0, 1.0)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: add.outputs["Vector"], 1: multiply_1.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: add_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
+ 2: (-0.02, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Scale": 0.5,
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 6,
+ "Start": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Middle": multiply_add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "End": multiply_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={"Curve": quadratic_bezier}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh})
+ scale_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: (3.0, 1.0, 0.6), "Scale": group_input.outputs["Incisor Size"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": scale_2.outputs["Vector"]})
+ subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={"Mesh": cube, "Level": 3}
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivision_surface}
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": transform_1,
+ "Instance": transform_2,
+ "Rotation": (0.0, -1.5708, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: (2.0, 2.0, 2.0), 1: group_input.outputs["Tooth Crookedness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ random_value = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: subtract.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Tooth Crookedness"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ scale_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": instance_on_points,
+ "Scale": random_value.outputs["Value"],
+ },
+ )
+ scale_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: (-3.0, -3.0, -3.0),
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Tooth Crookedness"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ scale_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: (3.0, 3.0, 3.0),
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Tooth Crookedness"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ random_value_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={0: scale_3.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale_4.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ deg2rad = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_deg2_rad().name, input_kwargs={"Deg": random_value_1.outputs["Value"]}
+ )
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": scale_instances, "Rotation": deg2rad},
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": rotate_instances}
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"], realize_instances]},
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": polarbezier.outputs["Curve"]}
+ )
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Factor": group_input.outputs["Tongue Shaping"],
+ "Value": spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"],
+ },
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0, 1.0), (0.6982, 0.55), (0.9745, 0.35), (1.0, 0.175)],
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={3: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 4: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]},
+ attrs={"clamp": False},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve_1, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: 1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": resample_curve, "Radius": multiply_3},
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier, input_kwargs={"Resolution": 3, "Middle": (0.0, 0.7, 0.0)}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": quadratic_bezier_1,
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ solidify = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_solidify().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": curve_to_mesh_1, "Distance": 0.02},
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={"Geometry": solidify, "Shade Smooth": False}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["Tongue X Scale"], "Y": 1.0, "Z": 1.0},
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_shade_smooth,
+ "Rotation": (0.0, -0.0159, 0.0),
+ "Scale": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ subdivision_surface_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={"Mesh": transform_3, "Level": 2}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform,
+ "Skeleton Curve": polarbezier.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Teeth": join_geometry_1,
+ "Tongue": subdivision_surface_1,
+ },
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_deg2_rad", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_deg2_rad(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketVector", "Deg", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))]
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Deg"], 1: (0.0175, 0.0175, 0.0175)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Rad": multiply.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_cat_ear", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_cat_ear(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Depth", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Thickness", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Curl Deg", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Curl Deg"], 1: (-1.0, 1.0, 1.0)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"]},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: 3.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ polarbezier = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_polar_bezier().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Origin": (-0.07, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "angles_deg": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Seg Lengths": divide,
+ },
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0, 0.0), (0.3236, 0.98), (0.7462, 0.63), (1.0, 0.0)],
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": polarbezier.outputs["Curve"], "Radius": float_curve},
+ )
+ set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveTilt, input_kwargs={"Curve": set_curve_radius}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: (-0.5, 0.0, 0.0)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"], 1: (0.0, -1.0, 0.0)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: (0.5, 0.0, 0.0)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": multiply_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Middle": multiply_2.outputs["Vector"],
+ "End": multiply_3.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_curve_tilt, "Profile Curve": quadratic_bezier},
+ )
+ solidify = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_solidify().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": curve_to_mesh,
+ "Distance": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance, input_kwargs={"Geometry": solidify, "Distance": 0.005}
+ )
+ subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={"Mesh": merge_by_distance}
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivision_surface, "Shade Smooth": False},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Mesh": set_shade_smooth}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_symmetric_clone", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_symmetric_clone(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "Scale", (1.0, -1.0, 1.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ flip_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.FlipFaces, input_kwargs={"Mesh": transform})
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [group_input.outputs["Geometry"], flip_faces]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Both": join_geometry_2,
+ "Orig": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Inverted": flip_faces,
+ },
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_cat_nose", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_cat_nose(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Nose Radius", 0.06),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Nostril Size", 0.025),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "Crease", 0.008),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "Scale", (1.2, 1.0, 1.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": group_input.outputs["Nose Radius"]}
+ )
+ subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={"Mesh": cube, "Level": 3}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": subdivision_surface,
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ uv_sphere = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshUVSphere, input_kwargs={"Radius": group_input.outputs["Nostril Size"]}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": uv_sphere,
+ "Translation": (0.04, 0.025, 0.015),
+ "Rotation": (0.5643, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Scale": (1.0, 0.87, 0.31),
+ },
+ )
+ symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_1}
+ )
+ difference = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshBoolean,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh 1": transform,
+ "Mesh 2": symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"],
+ "Self Intersection": True,
+ },
+ )
+ taper = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_taper().name, input_kwargs={"Geometry": difference.outputs["Mesh"]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": taper})
+ "nodegroup_attach_part", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_attach_part(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skin Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skeleton Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "Length Fac", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorEuler", "Ray Rot", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Rad", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Part Rot", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Do Normal Rot", False),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Do Tangent Rot", False),
+ ],
+ )
+ part_surface = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_part_surface().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skeleton Curve": group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Skin Mesh": group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"],
+ "Length Fac": group_input.outputs["Length Fac"],
+ "Ray Rot": group_input.outputs["Ray Rot"],
+ "Rad": group_input.outputs["Rad"],
+ },
+ )
+ deg2rad = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_deg2_rad().name, input_kwargs={"Deg": group_input.outputs["Part Rot"]}
+ )
+ raycast_rotation = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_raycast_rotation().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rotation": deg2rad,
+ "Hit Normal": part_surface.outputs["Hit Normal"],
+ "Curve Tangent": part_surface.outputs["Tangent"],
+ "Do Normal Rot": group_input.outputs["Do Normal Rot"],
+ "Do Tangent Rot": group_input.outputs["Do Tangent Rot"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Translation": part_surface.outputs["Position"],
+ "Rotation": raycast_rotation,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform,
+ "Position": part_surface.outputs["Position"],
+ "Rotation": raycast_rotation,
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_carnivore_head", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_carnivore_head(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (0.5, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "snout_length_rad1_rad2", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Snout Y Scale", 0.62),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "eye_coord", (0.96, -0.95, 0.79)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "Nose Bridge Scale", (1.0, 0.35, 0.9)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Jaw Muscle Middle Coord", (0.24, 0.41, 1.3)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Jaw StartRad, EndRad, Fullness", (0.06, 0.11, 1.5)),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "Jaw ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt",
+ (0.8, 33.1, 0.0),
+ ),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Lip Muscle Middle Coord", (0.95, 0.0, 1.5)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Lip StartRad, EndRad, Fullness", (0.05, 0.09, 1.48)),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "Lip ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt",
+ (0.8, 0.0, -17.2),
+ ),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Forehead Muscle Middle Coord", (0.7, -1.32, 1.31)),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "Forehead StartRad, EndRad, Fullness",
+ (0.06, 0.05, 2.5),
+ ),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "Forehead ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt",
+ (0.3, 60.6, 66.0),
+ ),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "aspect", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ carnivore_face_structure = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_carnivore__face_structure().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skull Length Width1 Width2": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ "Snout Length Width1 Width2": group_input.outputs["snout_length_rad1_rad2"],
+ "Snout Y Scale": group_input.outputs["Snout Y Scale"],
+ "Nose Bridge Scale": group_input.outputs["Nose Bridge Scale"],
+ "Jaw Muscle Middle Coord": group_input.outputs["Jaw Muscle Middle Coord"],
+ "Jaw StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input.outputs[
+ "Jaw StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"
+ ],
+ "Jaw ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": group_input.outputs[
+ "Jaw ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"
+ ],
+ "Lip Muscle Middle Coord": group_input.outputs["Lip Muscle Middle Coord"],
+ "Lip StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input.outputs[
+ "Lip StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"
+ ],
+ "Lip ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": group_input.outputs[
+ "Lip ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"
+ ],
+ "Forehead Muscle Middle Coord": group_input.outputs[
+ "Forehead Muscle Middle Coord"
+ ],
+ "Forehead StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input.outputs[
+ "Forehead StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"
+ ],
+ "Forehead ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": group_input.outputs[
+ "Forehead ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"
+ ],
+ "aspect": group_input.outputs["aspect"],
+ },
+ )
+ tigereye = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_eyeball_eyelid().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": carnivore_face_structure.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Base Mesh": carnivore_face_structure.outputs["Base Mesh"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": carnivore_face_structure.outputs["Cranium Skeleton"],
+ "Length/Yaw/Rad": group_input.outputs["eye_coord"],
+ "Target Geometry": carnivore_face_structure.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "EyelidCircleShape(W, H)": (2.0, 1.35, 0.0),
+ "CorneaScale(W, H, Thickness)": (0.8, 0.8, 0.7),
+ "DefaultAppendDistance": 0.002,
+ "EyelidScale": (1.1, 1.6, 1.6),
+ "Scale": 1.0,
+ },
+ )
+ difference = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshBoolean,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh 1": carnivore_face_structure.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Mesh 2": tigereye.outputs["ParentCutter"],
+ "Self Intersection": True,
+ },
+ )
+ symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": tigereye.outputs["Eyeballl"]},
+ )
+ symmetric_clone_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": tigereye.outputs["BodyExtra_Lid"]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": difference.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": carnivore_face_structure.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Base Mesh": carnivore_face_structure.outputs["Base Mesh"],
+ "LeftEye": symmetric_clone.outputs["Orig"],
+ "RightEye": symmetric_clone.outputs["Inverted"],
+ "Eyelid": symmetric_clone_1.outputs["Both"],
+ },
+ )
+def shader_eyeball_tiger(nw: NodeWrangler, **input_kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "tag_cornea"})
+ attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "EyeballPosition"}
+ )
+ reroute_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": attribute_1.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": reroute_8})
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": reroute, "Scale": 50.0}
+ )
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.02,
+ "Color1": reroute,
+ "Color2": noise_texture_2.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": mix_3})
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 30.0
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_rotate2_d().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ 2: value,
+ },
+ )
+ w_offset = U(0, 0.2)
+ iris_scale = U(0.4, 0.8)
+ scale2 = iris_scale * 1.7 + N(0, 0.05)
+ scale3 = iris_scale * 1.75 + N(0, 0.05)
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group.outputs[1], 1: iris_scale},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ reroute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": multiply})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute_2, 1: reroute_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group.outputs["Value"], 1: iris_scale + w_offset},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ reroute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": multiply_2})
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute_1, 1: reroute_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_3})
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 0.63})
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": add_1})
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.64
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6591
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": reroute_8, "Scale": (1.0, U(1, 200), 1.0)},
+ attrs={"vector_type": "NORMAL"},
+ )
+ mix_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": U(0.2, 0.4), "Color1": mapping_1, "Color2": reroute_8},
+ )
+ reroute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": mix_4})
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": reroute_3, "Scale": 10.0}
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": U(0.5, 0.9),
+ "Color1": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Color2": reroute_3,
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": mix, "Scale": 10.0 + N(0, 2)}
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ 2: 0.0,
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ bright_contrast = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBrightContrast",
+ input_kwargs={"Color": multiply_4, "Bright": 0.6, "Contrast": U(0.8, 1.2)},
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group.outputs[1], 1: scale3},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ reroute_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": multiply_5})
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute_6, 1: reroute_6},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group.outputs["Value"], 1: scale3 + w_offset},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ reroute_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": multiply_7})
+ multiply_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute_7, 1: reroute_7},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_6, 1: multiply_8})
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: 0.18})
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": add_3})
+ colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.5955
+ colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
+ colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.7896, 0.7896, 0.7896, 1.0)
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: bright_contrast, 1: colorramp_3.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ multiply_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group.outputs[1], 1: scale2},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ reroute_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": multiply_9})
+ multiply_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute_4, 1: reroute_4},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group.outputs["Value"], 1: scale2 + w_offset},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ reroute_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": multiply_11})
+ multiply_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute_5, 1: reroute_5},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_10, 1: multiply_12})
+ add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_5})
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": add_6})
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.6159
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6591
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": add_3})
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4773
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6659
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ mix_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_2.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": (U(0.5, 0.9), U(0.3, 0.8), U(0.3, 0.7), 1.0),
+ "Color2": (U(0.2, 0.6), U(0.15, 0.6), U(0.1, 0.4), 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ mix_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": mix_7,
+ "Color2": (U(0.1, 0.55), U(0.1, 0.55), U(0.1, 0.55), 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ color1 = max(0, N(0.125, 0.05))
+ mix_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": add_4,
+ "Color1": (color1, U(0, color1), U(0, color1), 1.0),
+ "Color2": mix_6,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": mix_5,
+ "Color2": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix_2, "Specular": 0.0, "Roughness": 0.0},
+ )
+ principled_bsdf_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Specular": 1.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.0,
+ "IOR": 1.35,
+ "Transmission": 1.0,
+ },
+ )
+ transparent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransparentBSDF)
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.1577, 1: principled_bsdf_1, 2: transparent_bsdf},
+ )
+ mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": attribute_2.outputs["Color"],
+ 1: principled_bsdf,
+ 2: mix_shader,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader_1}
+ )
+def geometry_tiger_head(nw: NodeWrangler, input_kwargs={}):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ carnivorehead = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_carnivore_head().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": (0.36, 0.2, 0.18),
+ "snout_length_rad1_rad2": (0.25, 0.15, 0.15),
+ "eye_coord": (0.96, -0.85, 0.79),
+ "Lip Muscle Middle Coord": (0.95, -0.45, 2.03),
+ },
+ )
+ nose_radius = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_cat_nose().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Nose Radius": 0.11, "Nostril Size": 0.03, "Crease": 0.237},
+ label="NoseRadius ~ N(0.1, 0.02)",
+ )
+ attach_nose = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_attach_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": carnivorehead.outputs["Base Mesh"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": carnivorehead.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Geometry": nose_radius,
+ "Length Fac": 0.9017,
+ "Ray Rot": (0.0, -1.3277, 0.0),
+ "Rad": 0.56,
+ "Part Rot": (0.0, 26.86, 0.0),
+ "Do Normal Rot": True,
+ "Do Tangent Rot": True,
+ },
+ label="Attach Nose",
+ )
+ cat_ear = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_cat_ear().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": (0.2, 0.1, 0.0),
+ "Depth": 0.06,
+ "Thickness": 0.01,
+ "Curl Deg": 49.0,
+ },
+ )
+ deg2rad = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_deg2_rad().name, input_kwargs={"Deg": (90.0, -44.0, 90.0)}
+ )
+ attach_ear = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_attach_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": carnivorehead.outputs["Base Mesh"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": carnivorehead.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Geometry": cat_ear,
+ "Length Fac": 0.3328,
+ "Ray Rot": deg2rad,
+ "Rad": 1.0,
+ "Part Rot": (-43.3, -9.5, -29.6),
+ "Do Normal Rot": True,
+ },
+ label="Attach Ear",
+ )
+ symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": attach_ear.outputs["Geometry"]},
+ )
+ carnivore_jaw = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_carnivore_jaw().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": (0.4, 0.12, 0.08),
+ "Width Shaping": 1.0,
+ "Tooth Crookedness": 1.2,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ carnivore_jaw.outputs["Geometry"],
+ carnivore_jaw.outputs["Teeth"],
+ carnivore_jaw.outputs["Tongue"],
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ attach_jaw = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_attach_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": carnivorehead.outputs["Base Mesh"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": carnivorehead.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_3,
+ "Length Fac": 0.2,
+ "Ray Rot": (0.0, 1.5708, 0.0),
+ "Rad": 0.36,
+ "Part Rot": (0.0, 21.1, 0.0),
+ "Do Normal Rot": True,
+ "Do Tangent Rot": True,
+ },
+ label="Attach Jaw",
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ carnivorehead.outputs["Geometry"],
+ attach_nose.outputs["Geometry"],
+ carnivorehead.outputs["LeftEye"],
+ symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"],
+ attach_jaw.outputs["Geometry"],
+ carnivorehead.outputs["RightEye"],
+ carnivorehead.outputs["Eyelid"],
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_2}
+ )
+class Eye(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["head_detail", "eye_socket"]
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return {
+ "Skin Mesh": None,
+ "Base Mesh": None,
+ "Skeleton Curve": None,
+ "Length/Yaw/Rad": (0.5, 0.0, 1.0),
+ "Target Geometry": None,
+ "EyeRot": -U(15, 35),
+ "EyelidCircleShape(W, H)": (2.0, U(1.3, 1.5), 0.0),
+ "EyelidRadiusShape(Out, In1, In2)": (0.4, 5.3, 0.4),
+ "EyelidResolution(Circle, Radius)": (32.0, 32.0, 0.0),
+ "CorneaScale(W, H, Thickness)": (0.8, 0.8, 0.55),
+ "EyeballResolution(White, Cornea)": (32.0, 128.0, 0.0),
+ "OffsetPreAppending": (0.012, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Scale": (0.9, 1.1),
+ "Rotation": (0.1745, 0.0, -1.3963),
+ "RayDirection": (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "DefaultAppendDistance": -0.002,
+ }
+ def sample_params_fish(self):
+ return {
+ "Skin Mesh": None,
+ "Base Mesh": None,
+ "Skeleton Curve": None,
+ "Length/Yaw/Rad": (0.8800, -0.6000, 1.0000),
+ "Target Geometry": None,
+ "EyeRot": 0.0000,
+ "EyelidCircleShape(W, H)": (2.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000),
+ "EyelidRadiusShape(Out, In1, In2)": (0.4000, 5.3000, 0.3000),
+ "CorneaScale(W, H, Thickness)": (0.8000, 0.8000, 0.8500),
+ "OffsetPreAppending": (0.0000, 0.0100, 0.0000),
+ "Scale": 1.5000,
+ "Rotation": (0.0873, 0.0000, -0.2618),
+ "RayDirection": (-0.3000, -0.8000, 0.0000),
+ "DefaultAppendDistance": 0.0050,
+ "EyeSocketRot": (0.0000, 0.0000, 80.0000),
+ }
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = part_util.nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_eyeball_eyelid, params)
+ return part
+def apply(obj, geo_kwargs=None, shader_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_tiger_head, apply=False, input_kwargs=geo_kwargs)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ mat = "tigereye"
+ for i in range(1):
+ bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath="test.blend")
+ apply(bpy.data.objects["SolidModel"], geo_kwargs={}, shader_kwargs={})
+ fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), "tigereye_test.blend")
+ bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath=fn)
+ # bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join('surfaces/surface_thumbnails', '%s_%d.jpg'%(mat, i))
+ # bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format='JPEG'
+ # bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/fin_old.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/fin_old.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..55ae0016d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/fin_old.py
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
+import numpy as np
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.genome import IKParams, Joint
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.part_util import nodegroup_to_part
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.attach import nodegroup_attach_part
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.curve import nodegroup_simple_tube_v2
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_fish_fin", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_fish_fin(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (0.34, 0.07, 0.04)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "angles_deg", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "proportions", (0.3333, 0.3333, 0.3333)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "aspect", 2.65),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "fullness", 4.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ "angles_deg": group_input.outputs["angles_deg"],
+ "proportions": group_input.outputs["proportions"],
+ "aspect": group_input.outputs["aspect"],
+ "fullness": group_input.outputs["fullness"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Endpoint": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"],
+ },
+ )
+class FishFin(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["limb", "fin"]
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": (0.34, 0.07, 0.04),
+ "angles_deg": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "proportions": (0.3333, 0.3333, 0.3333),
+ "aspect": 2.65,
+ "fullness": 4.0,
+ }
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_fish_fin, params)
+ part.joints = {
+ 0: Joint(
+ rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])
+ ), # shoulder
+ 0.6: Joint(
+ rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])
+ ), # elbow
+ }
+ tag_object(part.obj, "fish_fin")
+ return part
+ "nodegroup_fish_tail", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_fish_tail(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (0.5, 0.18, 0.04)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "angles_deg", (0.0, -4.6, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "aspect", 0.46),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "fullness", 4.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ "angles_deg": group_input.outputs["angles_deg"],
+ "aspect": group_input.outputs["aspect"],
+ "fullness": group_input.outputs["fullness"],
+ "Origin": (-0.07, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ fishfin = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_fish_fin().name,
+ input_kwargs={"length_rad1_rad2": (0.34, 0.07, 0.11), "aspect": 4.7},
+ )
+ attach_part = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_attach_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Geometry": fishfin.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Length Fac": 0.775,
+ "Part Rot": (90.0, -20.7, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ fishfin_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_fish_fin().name,
+ input_kwargs={"length_rad1_rad2": (0.34, 0.07, 0.11), "aspect": 4.7},
+ )
+ attach_part_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_attach_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Geometry": fishfin_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Length Fac": 0.775,
+ "Part Rot": (90.0, 18.64, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ attach_part.outputs["Geometry"],
+ simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ attach_part_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry,
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Endpoint": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"],
+ },
+ )
+class FishTail(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["tail"]
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": (0.5, 0.18, 0.04),
+ "angles_deg": (0.0, -4.6, 0.0),
+ "aspect": 0.46,
+ "fullness": 4.0,
+ }
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_fish_tail, params)
+ part.joints = {
+ t: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]]))
+ for t in np.linspace(0, 0.7, 4)
+ }
+ part.iks = {1.0: IKParams("tail", rotation_weight=0, chain_parts=1)}
+ tag_object(part.obj, "fish_tail")
+ return part
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/foot.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/foot.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..990d3edb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/foot.py
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.genome import IKParams
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.part_util import nodegroup_to_part
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.attach import (
+ nodegroup_attach_part,
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.curve import (
+ nodegroup_simple_tube,
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.math import nodegroup_deg2_rad
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+ "nodegroup_tiger_toe", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_tiger_toe(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (0.18, 0.045, 0.024)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Toebean Radius", 0.03),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Claw Curl Deg", 30.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Claw Pct Length Rad1 Rad2", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Toe Curl Scalar", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: (-50.0, 25.0, 35.0),
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Toe Curl Scalar"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"]},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], "Scale": 0.18},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ toe = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Origin": (-0.05, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Angles Deg": scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Seg Lengths": scale_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Start Radius": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "End Radius": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ label="Toe",
+ )
+ uv_sphere = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Segments": 16,
+ "Rings": 8,
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["Toebean Radius"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": uv_sphere, "Scale": (1.5, 1.0, 0.6)}
+ )
+ attach_part = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_attach_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": toe.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": toe.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Geometry": transform_1,
+ "Length Fac": 0.5037,
+ "Ray Rot": (0.0, 1.5708, 0.0),
+ "Rad": 0.9,
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": uv_sphere, "Scale": (1.0, 0.7, 0.6)}
+ )
+ attach_part_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_attach_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": toe.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": toe.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Geometry": transform,
+ "Length Fac": 0.8,
+ "Ray Rot": (0.0, 1.5708, 0.0),
+ "Rad": 0.7,
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ "Z": 3.0,
+ },
+ )
+ toe_top = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": toe.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": toe.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Coord 0": (0.56, -1.5708, 0.3),
+ "Coord 1": (0.7, -1.5708, 1.0),
+ "Coord 2": (0.95, -1.5708, 0.0),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": combine_xyz,
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": (0.9, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ label="Toe Top",
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ toe.outputs["Geometry"],
+ attach_part.outputs["Geometry"],
+ attach_part_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ toe_top,
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ scale_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: (1.0, -2.0, -1.0),
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Claw Curl Deg"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Claw Pct Length Rad1 Rad2"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ scale_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: (0.33, 0.33, 0.33), "Scale": separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ claw = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Origin": (-0.007, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Angles Deg": scale_2.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Seg Lengths": scale_3.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Start Radius": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"],
+ "End Radius": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ label="Claw",
+ )
+ attach_part_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_attach_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": toe.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": toe.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Geometry": claw.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Length Fac": 0.85,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_1,
+ "Skeleton Curve": toe.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Claw": attach_part_2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ },
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_foot", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_foot(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.5.1 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Num Toes", 3),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (0.2700, 0.0400, 0.0900)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Toe Rotate", (0.0000, -1.57, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Toe Length Rad1 Rad2", (0.3000, 0.0450, 0.0250)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Toe Splay", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Toebean Radius", 0.0300),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Claw Curl Deg", 30.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Claw Pct Length Rad1 Rad2", (0.3000, 0.5000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Thumb Pct", (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Toe Curl Scalar", 1.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ "angles_deg": (10.0000, 8.0000, -25.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"]},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ 1: (0.0000, -0.4500, 0.1000),
+ 2: (-0.0700, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"],
+ 1: multiply_add.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ 1: (0.0000, 0.4500, 0.1000),
+ 2: (-0.0700, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"],
+ 1: multiply_add_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ mesh_line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshLine,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Count": group_input.outputs["Num Toes"],
+ "Start Location": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Offset": add_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ attrs={"mode": "END_POINTS"},
+ )
+ tigertoe = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_tiger_toe().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": group_input.outputs["Toe Length Rad1 Rad2"],
+ "Toebean Radius": group_input.outputs["Toebean Radius"],
+ "Claw Curl Deg": group_input.outputs["Claw Curl Deg"],
+ "Claw Pct Length Rad1 Rad2": group_input.outputs[
+ "Claw Pct Length Rad1 Rad2"
+ ],
+ "Toe Curl Scalar": group_input.outputs["Toe Curl Scalar"],
+ },
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={"Points": mesh_line, "Instance": tigertoe.outputs["Geometry"]},
+ )
+ rotate_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": instance_on_points,
+ "Rotation": group_input.outputs["Toe Rotate"],
+ },
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Num Toes"], 1: -1.0000}
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: add_2}, attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"}
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.0000),
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Toe Splay"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000),
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Toe Splay"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": divide,
+ 9: scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ 10: scale_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ deg2rad = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_deg2_rad().name, input_kwargs={"Deg": map_range.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": rotate_instances_1, "Rotation": deg2rad},
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": rotate_instances}
+ )
+ uv_sphere = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshUVSphere, input_kwargs={"Segments": 16, "Rings": 8, "Radius": 0.01500}
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"],
+ 1: (-0.0200, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": uv_sphere,
+ "Translation": add_3.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": (0.7000, 1.0000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ reroute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"]}
+ )
+ reroute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Toe Length Rad1 Rad2"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Thumb Pct"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ tigertoe_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_tiger_toe().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Toebean Radius": group_input.outputs["Toebean Radius"],
+ "Claw Curl Deg": group_input.outputs["Claw Curl Deg"],
+ "Claw Pct Length Rad1 Rad2": group_input.outputs[
+ "Claw Pct Length Rad1 Rad2"
+ ],
+ "Toe Curl Scalar": group_input.outputs["Toe Curl Scalar"],
+ },
+ )
+ value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_2.outputs[0].default_value = 0.3000
+ vector_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector)
+ vector_1.vector = (90.0000, 90.0000, 90.0000)
+ value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.8000
+ vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector)
+ vector.vector = (90.0000, 1.4300, -55.6800)
+ attach_part = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_attach_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": reroute,
+ "Skeleton Curve": reroute_1,
+ "Geometry": tigertoe_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Length Fac": value_2,
+ "Ray Rot": vector_1,
+ "Rad": value_1,
+ "Part Rot": vector,
+ "Do Tangent Rot": True,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ realize_instances,
+ transform,
+ attach_part.outputs["Geometry"],
+ simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={"Points": mesh_line, "Instance": tigertoe.outputs["Claw"]},
+ )
+ rotate_instances_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": instance_on_points_1,
+ "Rotation": group_input.outputs["Toe Rotate"],
+ },
+ )
+ rotate_instances_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": rotate_instances_2, "Rotation": deg2rad},
+ )
+ realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": rotate_instances_3}
+ )
+ attach_part_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_attach_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": reroute,
+ "Skeleton Curve": reroute_1,
+ "Geometry": tigertoe_1.outputs["Claw"],
+ "Length Fac": value_2,
+ "Ray Rot": vector_1,
+ "Rad": value_1,
+ "Part Rot": vector,
+ "Do Tangent Rot": True,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [realize_instances_1, attach_part_1.outputs["Geometry"]]
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry,
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Base Mesh": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Claws": join_geometry_1,
+ },
+ )
+class Foot(PartFactory):
+ def __init__(self, params=None, bald=False):
+ super().__init__(params)
+ self.tags = ["foot"]
+ if bald:
+ self.tags.append("bald")
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": np.array((0.27, 0.04, 0.09))
+ * N(1, (0.2, 0.05, 0.05), 3),
+ "Num Toes": max(int(N(4, 1)), 2),
+ "Toe Length Rad1 Rad2": np.array((0.3, 0.045, 0.025)) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ "Toe Rotate": (0.0, -N(0.7, 0.15), 0.0),
+ "Toe Splay": 20.0 * N(1, 0.2),
+ "Toebean Radius": 0.03 * N(1, 0.2),
+ "Claw Curl Deg": 30 * N(1, 0.4),
+ "Claw Pct Length Rad1 Rad2": np.array((0.3, 0.5, 0.0)) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ }
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_foot, params, split_extras=True)
+ part.iks = {
+ 1.0: IKParams("foot", rotation_weight=0.1, chain_parts=2, chain_length=-1)
+ }
+ part.settings["rig_extras"] = True
+ tag_object(part.obj, "foot")
+ return part
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/generic_nurbs.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/generic_nurbs.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ecb5bbe61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/generic_nurbs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
+from pathlib import Path
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util import part_util
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.genome import IKParams, Joint
+from infinigen.assets.utils.geometry import lofting
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.logging import Suppress
+NURBS_BASE_PATH = Path(__file__).parent / "nurbs_data"
+NURBS_KEYS = [p.stem for p in NURBS_BASE_PATH.iterdir()]
+def load_nurbs(name: str):
+ return np.load(NURBS_BASE_PATH / (name + ".npy"))[..., :3]
+def decompose_nurbs_handles(handles):
+ skeleton, ts, profiles = lofting.factorize_nurbs_handles(handles)
+ rads = np.linalg.norm(profiles, axis=2, keepdims=True).mean(axis=1, keepdims=True)
+ rads = np.clip(rads, 1e-3, 1e5)
+ profiles_norm = profiles / rads
+ skeleton_root = skeleton[[0]]
+ dirs = np.diff(skeleton, axis=0)
+ lens = np.linalg.norm(dirs, axis=-1)
+ length = lens.sum()
+ proportions = lens / length
+ thetas = np.arctan2(dirs[:, 2], dirs[:, 0])
+ thetas = np.rad2deg(thetas)
+ skeleton_yoffs = dirs[:, 1] / lens
+ return {
+ "ts": ts,
+ "rads": rads,
+ "skeleton_root": skeleton_root,
+ "skeleton_yoffs": skeleton_yoffs,
+ "length": length,
+ "proportions": proportions,
+ "thetas": thetas,
+ "profiles_norm": profiles_norm,
+ }
+def recompose_nurbs_handles(params):
+ lens = params["length"] * params["proportions"]
+ thetas = np.deg2rad(params["thetas"])
+ skeleton_offs = np.stack(
+ [lens * np.cos(thetas), lens * params["skeleton_yoffs"], lens * np.sin(thetas)],
+ axis=-1,
+ )
+ skeleton = np.concatenate([params["skeleton_root"], skeleton_offs], axis=0)
+ skeleton = np.cumsum(skeleton, axis=0)
+ handles = lofting.compute_profile_verts(
+ skeleton,
+ params["ts"],
+ params["profiles_norm"] * params["rads"],
+ profile_as_points=True,
+ )
+ return handles
+class NurbsPart(PartFactory):
+ def __init__(
+ self, params=None, prefix=None, tags=None, temperature=0.3, var=1, exps=None
+ ):
+ self.prefix = prefix
+ self.tags = tags or []
+ self.temperature = temperature
+ self.var = var
+ self.exps = exps
+ super(NurbsPart, self).__init__(params)
+ def sample_params(self, select=None):
+ if self.prefix is None:
+ # for compatibility with interp which will not init prefix but does not need sample_params
+ return {} # TODO hacky, replace
+ def N(u, v, d=1):
+ return np.random.normal(u, np.array(v) * self.var, d)
+ target_keys = [
+ k for k in NURBS_KEYS if self.prefix is None or k.startswith(self.prefix)
+ ]
+ weights = part_util.random_convex_coord(
+ target_keys, select=select, temp=self.temperature
+ )
+ if self.exps is not None:
+ for k, exp in self.exps.items():
+ weights[k] = weights[k] ** exp
+ handles = sum(w * load_nurbs(k) for k, w in weights.items())
+ decomp = decompose_nurbs_handles(handles)
+ sz = N(1, 0.1)
+ decomp["length"] *= sz * N(1, 0.1)
+ decomp["rads"] *= sz * N(1, 0.1) * N(1, 0.15, decomp["rads"].shape)
+ decomp["proportions"] *= N(1, 0.15)
+ ang_noise = N(0, 7, decomp["thetas"].shape)
+ ang_noise -= ang_noise.mean()
+ decomp["thetas"] += ang_noise
+ n, m, d = decomp["profiles_norm"].shape
+ profile_noise = N(1, 0.07, (1, m, 1)) * N(1, 0.15, (n, m, 1))
+ profile_noise[:, : m // 2 - 1] = profile_noise[:, m // 2 : -1][
+ :, ::-1
+ ] # symmetrize noise
+ decomp["profiles_norm"] *= (
+ profile_noise # profiles are 0-centered so multiplication is sensible
+ )
+ return decomp
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ handles = recompose_nurbs_handles(params)
+ part = part_util.nurbs_to_part(handles)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(part.obj, mode="EDIT"), Suppress():
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all()
+ bpy.ops.mesh.remove_doubles()
+ bpy.ops.mesh.normals_make_consistent(inside=False)
+ return part
+class NurbsBody(NurbsPart):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *args,
+ shoulder_ik_ts=[0.0, 0.6],
+ n_bones=8,
+ rig_reverse_skeleton=False,
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.shoulder_ik_ts = shoulder_ik_ts
+ self.n_bones = n_bones
+ self.rig_reverse_skeleton = rig_reverse_skeleton
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = super().make_part(params)
+ part.joints = {
+ i: Joint((0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-30, -30, -30], [30, 30, 30]]))
+ for i in np.linspace(0, 1, self.n_bones, endpoint=True)
+ }
+ part.iks = {
+ t: IKParams(
+ name=f"body_{i}",
+ mode="pin" if i == 0 else "iksolve",
+ rotation_weight=0,
+ target_size=0.3,
+ )
+ for i, t in enumerate(self.shoulder_ik_ts)
+ }
+ part.settings["rig_reverse_skeleton"] = self.rig_reverse_skeleton
+ tag_object(part.obj, "body")
+ return part
+class NurbsHead(NurbsPart):
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = super().make_part(params)
+ part.iks = {
+ 1.0: IKParams(
+ name="head", rotation_weight=0.1, target_size=0.4, chain_length=1
+ )
+ }
+ part.settings["rig_extras"] = True
+ tag_object(part.obj, "head")
+ return part
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/head.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/head.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..791c739ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/head.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1125 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.parts.eye import nodegroup_mammal_eye
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util import part_util
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.genome import IKParams, Joint
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.attach import (
+ nodegroup_attach_part,
+ nodegroup_profile_part,
+ nodegroup_smooth_taper,
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.curve import (
+ nodegroup_polar_bezier,
+ nodegroup_simple_tube,
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2,
+ nodegroup_warped_circle_curve,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.geometry import (
+ nodegroup_solidify,
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.math import nodegroup_deg2_rad
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian
+ "nodegroup_carnivore_jaw", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_carnivore_jaw(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "Width Shaping", 0.6764),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Canine Length", 0.050000000000000003),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Incisor Size", 0.01),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Tooth Crookedness", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "Tongue Shaping", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Tongue X Scale", 0.90000000000000002),
+ ],
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"]},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: (0.33000000000000002, 0.33000000000000002, 0.33000000000000002),
+ "Scale": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ polarbezier = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_polar_bezier().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "angles_deg": (0.0, 0.0, 13.0),
+ "Seg Lengths": scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ vector_curves = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorCurve, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ vector_curves.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (-1.0, -1.0),
+ (0.0035999999999999999, 0.0),
+ (0.24360000000000001, 0.20999999999999999),
+ (1.0, 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ vector_curves.mapping.curves[1],
+ [
+ (-1.0, 0.12),
+ (-0.77449999999999997, 0.059999999999999998),
+ (-0.65090000000000003, -0.44),
+ (-0.36730000000000002, -0.40000000000000002),
+ (-0.0545, -0.01),
+ (0.1055, 0.02),
+ (0.52729999999999999, 0.5),
+ (0.7964, 0.64000000000000001),
+ (1.0, 1.0),
+ ],
+ handles=[
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ ],
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(vector_curves.mapping.curves[2], [(-1.0, -1.0), (1.0, 1.0)])
+ warped_circle_curve = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_warped_circle_curve().name, input_kwargs={"Position": vector_curves}
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Factor": group_input.outputs["Width Shaping"],
+ "Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ },
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.95499999999999996),
+ (0.42549999999999999, 0.78500000000000003),
+ (0.65449999999999997, 0.53500000000000003),
+ (0.94910000000000005, 0.75),
+ (1.0, 0.59499999999999997),
+ ],
+ handles=["AUTO", "AUTO", "AUTO", "AUTO_CLAMPED", "AUTO"],
+ )
+ smoothtaper = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_smooth_taper().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "start_rad": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "end_rad": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ "fullness": 2.6000000000000001,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: smoothtaper},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ profilepart = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_profile_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skeleton Curve": polarbezier.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Profile Curve": warped_circle_curve,
+ "Radius Func": multiply,
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": profilepart, "Scale": (1.0, 1.7, 1.0)},
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Canine Length"]}
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: (0.33000000000000002, 0.33000000000000002, 0.33000000000000002),
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Canine Length"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ canine_tooth = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Seg Lengths": scale_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Start Radius": 0.014999999999999999,
+ "End Radius": 0.0030000000000000001,
+ },
+ label="Canine Tooth",
+ )
+ attach_part = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_attach_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": transform,
+ "Skeleton Curve": polarbezier.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Geometry": canine_tooth.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Length Fac": 0.90000000000000002,
+ "Ray Rot": (1.5708, 0.12039999999999999, 1.5708),
+ "Rad": 1.0,
+ "Part Rot": (-17.600000000000001, -53.490000000000002, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": attach_part.outputs["Geometry"]}
+ )
+ symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry}
+ )
+ switch_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={1: greater_than, 15: symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"]},
+ )
+ greater_than_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Incisor Size"]}
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: attach_part.outputs["Position"],
+ 1: (0.014999999999999999, -0.050000000000000003, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: add.outputs["Vector"], 1: (1.0, -1.0, 1.0)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: add.outputs["Vector"], 1: multiply_1.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: add_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
+ 2: (-0.02, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 6,
+ "Start": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Middle": multiply_add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "End": multiply_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={"Curve": quadratic_bezier}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh})
+ scale_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: (3.0, 1.0, 0.59999999999999998),
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Incisor Size"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": scale_2.outputs["Vector"]})
+ subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={"Mesh": cube, "Level": 3}
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivision_surface}
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": transform_1,
+ "Instance": transform_2,
+ "Rotation": (0.0, -1.5708, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: (2.0, 2.0, 2.0), 1: group_input.outputs["Tooth Crookedness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ random_value = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: subtract.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Tooth Crookedness"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ scale_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": instance_on_points,
+ "Scale": random_value.outputs["Value"],
+ },
+ )
+ scale_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: (-3.0, -3.0, -3.0),
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Tooth Crookedness"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ scale_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: (3.0, 3.0, 3.0),
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Tooth Crookedness"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ random_value_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={0: scale_3.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale_4.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ deg2rad = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_deg2_rad().name, input_kwargs={"Deg": random_value_1.outputs["Value"]}
+ )
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": scale_instances, "Rotation": deg2rad},
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": rotate_instances}
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: greater_than_1, 15: realize_instances}
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [switch_1.outputs[6], switch.outputs[6]]},
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": polarbezier.outputs["Curve"]}
+ )
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Factor": group_input.outputs["Tongue Shaping"],
+ "Value": spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"],
+ },
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 1.0),
+ (0.69820000000000004, 0.55000000000000004),
+ (0.97450000000000003, 0.34999999999999998),
+ (1.0, 0.17499999999999999),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={3: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 4: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]},
+ attrs={"clamp": False},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve_1, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: 1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": resample_curve, "Radius": multiply_3},
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": 3, "Middle": (0.0, 0.69999999999999996, 0.0)},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": quadratic_bezier_1,
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ solidify = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_solidify().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": curve_to_mesh_1, "Distance": 0.02},
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={"Geometry": solidify, "Shade Smooth": False}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["Tongue X Scale"], "Y": 1.0, "Z": 1.0},
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_shade_smooth,
+ "Rotation": (0.0, -0.015900000000000001, 0.0),
+ "Scale": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ subdivision_surface_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={"Mesh": transform_3, "Level": 2}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform,
+ "Skeleton Curve": polarbezier.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Teeth": join_geometry_1,
+ "Tongue": subdivision_surface_1,
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_carnivore_head", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_carnivore_head(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "snout_length_rad1_rad2", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "snout_y_scale", 0.62),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "Nose Bridge Scale", (1.0, 0.35, 0.9)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Jaw Muscle Middle Coord", (0.24, 0.41, 1.3)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Jaw StartRad, EndRad, Fullness", (0.06, 0.11, 1.5)),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "Jaw ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt",
+ (0.8, 33.1, 0.0),
+ ),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Lip Muscle Middle Coord", (0.95, 0.0, 1.5)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Lip StartRad, EndRad, Fullness", (0.05, 0.09, 1.48)),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "Lip ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt",
+ (0.8, 0.0, -17.2),
+ ),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Forehead Muscle Middle Coord", (0.7, -1.32, 1.31)),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "Forehead StartRad, EndRad, Fullness",
+ (0.06, 0.05, 2.5),
+ ),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "Forehead ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt",
+ (0.3, 60.6, 66.0),
+ ),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "aspect", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "EyeRad", 0.03),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "EyeOffset", (-0.2, 0.5, 0.2)),
+ ],
+ )
+ vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector)
+ vector.vector = (-0.07, 0.0, 0.05)
+ simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ "angles_deg": (-5.67, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "aspect": group_input.outputs["aspect"],
+ "fullness": 3.63,
+ "Origin": vector,
+ },
+ )
+ snout_origin = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"], 1: (-0.1, 0.0, 0.0)},
+ label="Snout Origin",
+ )
+ split_length_width1_width2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["snout_length_rad1_rad2"]},
+ label="Split Length / Width1 / Width2",
+ )
+ snout_seg_lengths = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: (0.33, 0.33, 0.33),
+ "Scale": split_length_width1_width2.outputs["X"],
+ },
+ label="Snout Seg Lengths",
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ bridge = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Origin": snout_origin.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Angles Deg": (-4.0, -4.5, -5.61),
+ "Seg Lengths": snout_seg_lengths.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Start Radius": 0.17,
+ "End Radius": 0.1,
+ "Fullness": 5.44,
+ },
+ label="Bridge",
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": bridge.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Translation": (0.0, 0.0, 0.03),
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Nose Bridge Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ snout = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Origin": snout_origin.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Angles Deg": (-3.0, -4.5, -5.61),
+ "Seg Lengths": snout_seg_lengths.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Start Radius": split_length_width1_width2.outputs["Y"],
+ "End Radius": split_length_width1_width2.outputs["Z"],
+ "Fullness": 2.0,
+ },
+ label="Snout",
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": snout.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Translation": (0.0, 0.0, 0.03),
+ "Scale": (1.0, 0.7, 0.7),
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": 1.0, "Y": group_input.outputs["snout_y_scale"], "Z": 1.0},
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_1, "Scale": combine_xyz}
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform, transform_2]}
+ )
+ union = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshBoolean,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh 2": [join_geometry, simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"]],
+ "Self Intersection": True,
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "UNION"},
+ )
+ curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine,
+ input_kwargs={"Start": vector, "End": snout.outputs["Endpoint"]},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: (0.33, 0.33, 0.33)},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ jaw_cutter = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Origin": (0.0, 0.0, 0.09),
+ "Angles Deg": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Seg Lengths": scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Start Radius": 0.13,
+ },
+ label="Jaw Cutter",
+ )
+ attach_part = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_attach_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": union.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": curve_line_1,
+ "Geometry": jaw_cutter.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Length Fac": 0.2,
+ "Ray Rot": (0.0, 1.5708, 0.0),
+ "Rad": 1.25,
+ "Part Rot": (0.0, -8.5, 0.0),
+ "Do Tangent Rot": True,
+ },
+ )
+ mammaleye = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_mammal_eye().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Radius": group_input.outputs["EyeRad"]},
+ )
+ reroute_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"]}
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": reroute_4})
+ reroute_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"]}
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["EyeOffset"],
+ 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ 2: reroute_3,
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": mammaleye.outputs["ParentCutter"],
+ "Translation": multiply_add.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_4}
+ )
+ difference = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshBoolean,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh 1": union.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Mesh 2": [
+ attach_part.outputs["Geometry"],
+ symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"],
+ ],
+ "Self Intersection": True,
+ },
+ )
+ jaw_muscle = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": union.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": curve_line_1,
+ "Coord 0": (0.19, -0.41, 0.78),
+ "Coord 1": group_input.outputs["Jaw Muscle Middle Coord"],
+ "Coord 2": (0.67, 1.26, 0.52),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input.outputs[
+ "Jaw StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"
+ ],
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": group_input.outputs[
+ "Jaw ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"
+ ],
+ },
+ label="Jaw Muscle",
+ )
+ lip = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": union.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": curve_line_1,
+ "Coord 0": (0.51, -0.13, 0.02),
+ "Coord 1": group_input.outputs["Lip Muscle Middle Coord"],
+ "Coord 2": (0.99, 10.57, 0.1),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input.outputs[
+ "Lip StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"
+ ],
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": group_input.outputs[
+ "Lip ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"
+ ],
+ },
+ label="Lip",
+ )
+ forehead = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Coord 0": (0.31, -1.06, 0.97),
+ "Coord 1": group_input.outputs["Forehead Muscle Middle Coord"],
+ "Coord 2": (0.95, -1.52, 0.9),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input.outputs[
+ "Forehead StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"
+ ],
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": group_input.outputs[
+ "Forehead ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"
+ ],
+ },
+ label="Forehead",
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [jaw_muscle, lip, forehead]}
+ )
+ symmetric_clone_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1}
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [difference.outputs["Mesh"], symmetric_clone_1.outputs["Both"]]
+ },
+ )
+ subdivide_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line_1, "Cuts": 10}
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": mammaleye.outputs["Eyeballl"],
+ "Translation": multiply_add.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ symmetric_clone_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_3}
+ )
+ transform_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": mammaleye.outputs["BodyExtra_Lid"],
+ "Translation": multiply_add.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ symmetric_clone_3 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_5}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_2,
+ "Skeleton Curve": subdivide_curve,
+ "Base Mesh": union.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Eyeball_Left": symmetric_clone_2.outputs["Orig"],
+ "Eyeball_Right": symmetric_clone_2.outputs["Inverted"],
+ "BodyExtra_Lid": symmetric_clone_3.outputs["Both"],
+ },
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_neck", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_neck(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (1.0, 0.5, 0.3)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "angles_deg", (0.0, 3.2, -18.11)),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "Muscle StartRad, EndRad, Fullness",
+ (0.17, 0.17, 2.5),
+ ),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt", (0.5, 0.0, 66.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "fullness", 5.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "aspect", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ "angles_deg": group_input.outputs["angles_deg"],
+ "aspect": group_input.outputs["aspect"],
+ "fullness": group_input.outputs["fullness"],
+ },
+ )
+ rear_top = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Coord 0": (0.1, 0.0, 0.9),
+ "Coord 1": (0.48, -0.77, 1.0),
+ "Coord 2": (0.87, -1.5708, 0.8),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input.outputs[
+ "Muscle StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"
+ ],
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": group_input.outputs[
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"
+ ],
+ },
+ label="Rear Top",
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": rear_top}
+ )
+ symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1}
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"],
+ simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry,
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Base Mesh": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ },
+ )
+class Neck(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["neck"]
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": np.array((0.65, 0.35, 0.16)) * N(1, (0.2, 0, 0), 3),
+ "angles_deg": np.array((0.0, 3.2, -18.11)) * N(1, 0.2, 3),
+ "Muscle StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": (0.17, 0.17, 2.5),
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": (0.5, 0.0, 66.0),
+ "fullness": 5.0,
+ "aspect": 1.0 * N(1, 0.05),
+ }
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = part_util.nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_neck, params)
+ part.joints = {
+ i: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [30, 0, 30]]))
+ for i in np.linspace(0, 1, 4, endpoint=True)
+ }
+ tag_object(part.obj, "neck")
+ return part
+class CarnivoreHead(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["head"]
+ def sample_params(self):
+ params = {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": np.array((0.36, 0.20, 0.18)) * N(1, 0.2, 3),
+ "snout_length_rad1_rad2": np.array((0.22, 0.15, 0.15)) * N(1, 0.2, 3),
+ "aspect": N(1, 0.2),
+ }
+ muscle_params = {
+ "Nose Bridge Scale": (1.0, 0.35, 0.9),
+ "Jaw Muscle Middle Coord": (0.24, 0.41, 1.3),
+ "Jaw StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": (0.06, 0.11, 1.5),
+ "Jaw ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": (0.8, 33.1, 0.0),
+ "Lip Muscle Middle Coord": (0.95, 0.0, 1.5),
+ "Lip StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": (0.05, 0.09, 1.48),
+ "Lip ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": (0.8, 0.0, -17.2),
+ "Forehead Muscle Middle Coord": (0.7, -1.32, 1.31),
+ "Forehead StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": (0.06, 0.05, 2.5),
+ "Forehead ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": (0.3, 60.6, 66.0),
+ }
+ for k, v in muscle_params.items():
+ v = np.array(v)
+ v *= N(1, 0.05, len(v))
+ params[k] = v
+ params.update(muscle_params)
+ params["EyeRad"] = 0.023 * N(1, 0.3)
+ params["EyeOffset"] = np.array((-0.25, 0.45, 0.3)) + N(0, (0, 0.02, 0.03))
+ return params
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = part_util.nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_carnivore_head, params)
+ part.iks = {1.0: IKParams("head", rotation_weight=0.1, chain_length=1)}
+ part.settings["rig_extras"] = True
+ tag_object(part.obj, "carnivore_head")
+ return part
+class CarnivoreJaw(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["head", "jaw"]
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": np.array((0.4, 0.12, 0.08)) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ "Width Shaping": 1.0 * clip_gaussian(1, 0.1, 0.5, 1),
+ "Canine Length": 0.05 * N(1, 0.2),
+ "Incisor Size": 0.01 * N(1, 0.2),
+ "Tooth Crookedness": 1.2 * N(1, 0.3),
+ "Tongue Shaping": 1 * clip_gaussian(1, 0.1, 0.5, 1),
+ "Tongue X Scale": 0.9 * clip_gaussian(1, 0.1, 0.5, 1),
+ }
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = part_util.nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_carnivore_jaw, params)
+ tag_object(part.obj, "carnivore_jaw")
+ return part
+ "nodegroup_flying_bird_head", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_flying_bird_head(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "length_rad1_rad2",
+ (0.34999999999999998, 0.11, 0.17000000000000001),
+ ),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "angles_deg", (0.0, -24.0, -20.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "eye_coord", (0.5, 0.0, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius", 0.040000000000000001),
+ ],
+ )
+ simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ "angles_deg": group_input.outputs["angles_deg"],
+ "aspect": N(0.9, 0.05),
+ "fullness": 0.9,
+ "Origin": (-0.13, 0.0, 0.1),
+ },
+ )
+ simple_tube_v2_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ "angles_deg": group_input.outputs["angles_deg"],
+ "aspect": 1.1899999999999999,
+ "fullness": 2.25,
+ "Origin": (-0.13, 0.0, 0.1 - 0.040000000000000001),
+ },
+ )
+ union = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshBoolean,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh 2": [
+ simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ simple_tube_v2_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ ]
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "UNION"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_bird_head", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_bird_head(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "length_rad1_rad2",
+ (0.34999999999999998, 0.11, 0.17000000000000001),
+ ),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "angles_deg", (0.0, -24.0, -20.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "eye_coord", (0.5, 0.0, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius", 0.040000000000000001),
+ ],
+ )
+ simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ "angles_deg": group_input.outputs["angles_deg"],
+ "aspect": 0.85999999999999999,
+ "fullness": 1.7,
+ "Origin": (-0.13, 0.0, 0.1),
+ },
+ )
+ simple_tube_v2_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ "angles_deg": group_input.outputs["angles_deg"],
+ "aspect": 1.1899999999999999,
+ "fullness": 2.25,
+ "Origin": (-0.13, 0.0, 0.1 - 0.040000000000000001),
+ },
+ )
+ union = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshBoolean,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh 2": [
+ simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ simple_tube_v2_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ ]
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "UNION"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": union.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+class BirdHead(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["head"]
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": np.array((0.35, 0.11, 0.13))
+ * N(1, 0.05)
+ * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ "angles_deg": N(0, 5, 3),
+ "eye_coord": np.array((0.65, -0.32, 0.95)) * N(1, (0.1, 0.2, 0), 3),
+ "Radius": 0.025 * N(1, 0.05),
+ }
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = part_util.nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_bird_head, params)
+ part.iks = {1.0: IKParams("head", rotation_weight=0.1, chain_parts=2)}
+ part.settings["rig_extras"] = True
+ tag_object(part.obj, "bird_head")
+ return part
+class FlyingBirdHead(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["head"]
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": np.array((0.3, 0.04, 0.12)) * N(1, 0.05, size=(3,)),
+ "angles_deg": N(0, 0.1, 3),
+ "eye_coord": np.array((0.65, -0.32, 0.95)) * N(1, (0.1, 0.2, 0), 3),
+ "Radius": 0.03 * N(1, 0.05),
+ }
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = part_util.nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_flying_bird_head, params)
+ part.iks = {1.0: IKParams("head", rotation_weight=0.1, chain_parts=2)}
+ part.settings["rig_extras"] = True
+ tag_object(part.obj, "bird_head")
+ return part
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/head_detail.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/head_detail.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1382d9282
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/head_detail.py
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.genome import Joint
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.part_util import nodegroup_to_part
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.curve import (
+ nodegroup_polar_bezier,
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.geometry import (
+ nodegroup_solidify,
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone,
+ nodegroup_taper,
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_cat_ear", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_cat_ear(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Depth", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Thickness", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Curl Deg", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Curl Deg"], 1: (-1.0, 1.0, 1.0)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"]},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: 3.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ polarbezier = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_polar_bezier().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Origin": (-0.07, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "angles_deg": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Seg Lengths": divide,
+ },
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0, 0.0), (0.3236, 0.98), (0.7462, 0.63), (1.0, 0.0)],
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": polarbezier.outputs["Curve"], "Radius": float_curve},
+ )
+ set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveTilt, input_kwargs={"Curve": set_curve_radius}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: (-0.5, 0.0, 0.0)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"], 1: (0.0, -1.0, 0.0)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: (0.5, 0.0, 0.0)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": multiply_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Middle": multiply_2.outputs["Vector"],
+ "End": multiply_3.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_curve_tilt, "Profile Curve": quadratic_bezier},
+ )
+ solidify = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_solidify().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": curve_to_mesh,
+ "Distance": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance, input_kwargs={"Geometry": solidify, "Distance": 0.005}
+ )
+ subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={"Mesh": merge_by_distance}
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivision_surface, "Shade Smooth": False},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_shade_smooth}
+ )
+class CatEar(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["head_detail"]
+ def sample_params(self):
+ size = clip_gaussian(1, 0.1, 0.2, 5)
+ return {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": np.array((0.25, 0.1, 0.0)) * N(1, (0.1, 0.05, 0.05)),
+ "Depth": 0.06 * N(1, 0.1),
+ "Thickness": 0.01,
+ "Curl Deg": 49.0 * N(1, 0.2),
+ }
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_cat_ear, params)
+ tag_object(part.obj, "cat_ear")
+ return part
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_cat_nose", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_cat_nose(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Nose Radius", 0.06),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Nostril Size", 0.025),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "Crease", 0.008),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "Scale", (1.2, 1.0, 1.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": group_input.outputs["Nose Radius"]}
+ )
+ subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": cube,
+ "Level": 4,
+ "Edge Crease": group_input.outputs["Crease"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": subdivision_surface,
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ uv_sphere = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshUVSphere, input_kwargs={"Radius": group_input.outputs["Nostril Size"]}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": uv_sphere,
+ "Translation": (0.04, 0.025, 0.015),
+ "Rotation": (0.5643, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Scale": (1.0, 0.87, 0.31),
+ },
+ )
+ symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_1}
+ )
+ difference = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshBoolean,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh 1": transform,
+ "Mesh 2": symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"],
+ "Self Intersection": True,
+ },
+ )
+ taper = nw.new_node(nodegroup_taper().name, input_kwargs={"Geometry": difference})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": taper})
+class CatNose(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["head_detail"]
+ def sample_params(self):
+ size_mult = N(0.7, 0.05)
+ return {
+ "Nose Radius": 0.11 * size_mult,
+ "Nostril Size": 0.03 * size_mult * N(1, 0.1),
+ "Crease": 0.237 * N(1, 0.1),
+ }
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_cat_nose, params)
+ nose = part.obj
+ nose.name = "Nose"
+ part.obj = butil.spawn_vert("nose_parent")
+ nose.parent = part.obj
+ tag_object(part.obj, "cat_nose")
+ return part
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_mandible", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_mandible(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (1.1, 0.1, 0.02)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "angles_deg", (-4.4, 58.22, 77.96)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "aspect", 0.52),
+ ],
+ )
+ simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ "angles_deg": group_input.outputs["angles_deg"],
+ "aspect": group_input.outputs["aspect"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Endpoint": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"],
+ },
+ )
+class InsectMandible(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["head_detail", "rigid", "bald"]
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": (1.1 * U(0.2, 1), 0.1 * N(1, 0.2), 0.02 * N(1, 0.1)),
+ "angles_deg": np.array((-4.4, 58.22, 77.96)) * N(1, 0.2, 3),
+ "aspect": U(0.3, 1),
+ }
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_mandible, params)
+ part.joints = {0.4: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.zeros((2, 3)))}
+ tag_object(part.obj, "insect_mandible")
+ return part
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/hoof.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/hoof.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..70a67c696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/hoof.py
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Hongyu Wen
+from math import cos, pi, sin
+import bmesh
+import bpy
+import mathutils
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import Part, PartFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.genome import IKParams
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.part_util import nodegroup_to_part
+from infinigen.assets.utils.geometry import nurbs as nurbs_util
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.attach import nodegroup_surface_muscle
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.curve import nodegroup_simple_tube_v2
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+def square(x):
+ return x * x
+def tri(x):
+ return x**3
+class Hoof:
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
+ def scale(self, p):
+ return 1 - 0.2 * p
+ def transform(self, p):
+ return -0.6 * p
+ def down(self, p, theta):
+ return 0.4 * p * cos(theta)
+ def get_shape(self):
+ points = []
+ r = self.r
+ def N(m, v):
+ return np.random.normal(m, v)
+ for i in range(self.m):
+ theta = 2 * pi * i / (self.m)
+ nx = N(0, 0.01)
+ ny = N(0, 0.01)
+ if i >= self.m - r or i <= r:
+ points.append((-0.2 * cos(theta) + nx, 0.05 * sin(theta) + ny))
+ elif i >= self.m - 2 * r or i <= 2 * r:
+ points.append((cos(theta) + nx, 0.2 * sin(theta) + ny))
+ # elif i >= self.m - 4 * r or i <= 4 * r:
+ # points.append((cos(theta) + nx, 0.6 * sin(theta) + ny))
+ else:
+ points.append((cos(theta) + nx, sin(theta) + ny))
+ return points
+ def make_face(self, obj):
+ bm = bmesh.new()
+ for v in obj.data.vertices:
+ x, y, z = obj.matrix_world @ v.co
+ if z == 0:
+ bm.verts.new((x, y, z))
+ bm.faces.new(bm.verts)
+ bm.normal_update()
+ bm.from_mesh(obj.data)
+ butil.delete(obj)
+ me = bpy.data.meshes.new("face")
+ bm.to_mesh(me)
+ # add bmesh to scene
+ ob = bpy.data.objects.new("face", me)
+ bpy.context.scene.collection.objects.link(ob)
+ return ob
+ def generate(self):
+ self.n = int(self.n)
+ self.m = int(self.m)
+ points = self.get_shape()
+ ctrls = np.zeros((self.n, self.m, 3))
+ for i in range(self.n):
+ for j in range(self.m):
+ p = i / (self.n - 1)
+ theta = 2 * pi * j / (self.m)
+ ctrls[i][j][0] = self.scale(p) * points[j][0] + self.transform(p)
+ ctrls[i][j][1] = self.scale(p) * points[j][1] # + self.transform(p)
+ ctrls[i][j][2] = p + self.down(p, theta)
+ ctrls[i][j][0] *= self.sx
+ ctrls[i][j][1] *= self.sy
+ ctrls[i][j][2] *= self.sz
+ method = "blender" if False else "geomdl"
+ obj = nurbs_util.nurbs(ctrls, method, face_size=0.01)
+ obj = self.make_face(obj)
+ top_pos = mathutils.Vector(ctrls[-1].mean(axis=0))
+ with butil.CursorLocation(top_pos), butil.SelectObjects(obj):
+ bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type="ORIGIN_CURSOR")
+ obj.location = (0, 0, 0)
+ obj.rotation_euler.y -= np.pi / 2
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, rot=True)
+ tag_object(obj, "hoof")
+ return obj
+class HoofClaw(PartFactory):
+ param_templates = {}
+ tags = ["head_detail", "rigid"]
+ def sample_params(self, select=None, var=1):
+ params = {
+ "n": 20,
+ "m": 20,
+ "sx": 0.1 * N(1, 0.05),
+ "sy": 0.1 * N(1, 0.05),
+ "sz": 0.08 * N(1, 0.05),
+ "r": 0.5 + N(0, 1),
+ }
+ return params
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ obj = butil.spawn_vert("hoofclaw_parent_temp")
+ hoof = Hoof(**params).generate()
+ hoof.parent = obj
+ hoof.name = "HoofClaw"
+ part = Part(skeleton=np.zeros((1, 3)), obj=obj, joints={}, iks={})
+ tag_object(part.obj, "hoof_claw")
+ return part
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_hoof", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_hoof(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "length_rad1_rad2",
+ (1.4299999999999999, 0.10000000000000001, 0.10000000000000001),
+ ),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "angles_deg", (-20.0, 16.0, 9.1999999999999993)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "aspect", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Upper Rad1 Rad2 Fullness", (0.22, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Lower Rad1 Rad2 Fullness", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketVector",
+ "Height, Tilt1, Tilt2",
+ (0.73999999999999999, 0.0, 0.0),
+ ),
+ ],
+ )
+ simple_tube_v2_001 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ "angles_deg": group_input.outputs["angles_deg"],
+ "aspect": group_input.outputs["aspect"],
+ "fullness": 2.5,
+ },
+ )
+ shoulder = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": simple_tube_v2_001.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2_001.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Coord 0": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Coord 1": (0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Coord 2": (0.55000000000000004, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input.outputs[
+ "Lower Rad1 Rad2 Fullness"
+ ],
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": group_input.outputs[
+ "Height, Tilt1, Tilt2"
+ ],
+ },
+ label="Shoulder",
+ )
+ shoulder_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": simple_tube_v2_001.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2_001.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Coord 0": (1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Coord 1": (0.20000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Coord 2": (0.80000000000000004, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input.outputs[
+ "Upper Rad1 Rad2 Fullness"
+ ],
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": group_input.outputs[
+ "Height, Tilt1, Tilt2"
+ ],
+ },
+ label="Shoulder",
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [shoulder, simple_tube_v2_001.outputs["Geometry"], shoulder_1]
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry,
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2_001.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+class HoofAnkle(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["foot_detail", "rigid"]
+ ankle_scale = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
+ def sample_params(self, var=1):
+ ankle = {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": (
+ 0.45 * N(1, 0.05),
+ 0.07 * N(1, 0.05),
+ 0.1 * N(1, 0.05),
+ ),
+ "angles_deg": (-90.0 + N(0, 5), 40.0 + N(0, 5), N(0, 5)),
+ "aspect": 1.0,
+ "Upper Rad1 Rad2 Fullness": (0.2, 0.0, 4),
+ "Lower Rad1 Rad2 Fullness": (0.15, 0.0, 4),
+ "Height, Tilt1, Tilt2": (1, 0.0, 0.0),
+ }
+ return ankle
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ obj = butil.spawn_vert("hoof_parent_temp")
+ part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_hoof, params)
+ ankle = part.obj
+ with butil.SelectObjects(ankle):
+ bpy.ops.object.shade_flat()
+ butil.modify_mesh(ankle, "SUBSURF", apply=True, levels=2)
+ ankle.parent = obj
+ ankle.name = "HoofAnkle"
+ ankle.scale = self.ankle_scale
+ butil.apply_transform(ankle, scale=True)
+ tag_object(part.obj, "hoof_ankle")
+ part.iks = {
+ 1.0: IKParams("foot", rotation_weight=0.1, chain_parts=2, chain_length=-1)
+ }
+ return part
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/horn.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/horn.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f55adadd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/horn.py
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Hongyu Wen
+# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BXvwqVyCQw by Artisans of Vaul
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util import part_util
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.part_util import nodegroup_to_part
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_noise", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_noise(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 0.05),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "W", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"W": group_input.outputs["W"], "Roughness": 0.0},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: group_input.outputs["Scale"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"], "Offset": multiply},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_ridge", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_ridge(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness", 4.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth_of_ridge", 0.2),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "number_of_ridge", 150),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "geometry", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": group_input.outputs["geometry"],
+ "Count": group_input.outputs["number_of_ridge"],
+ },
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 1.0),
+ (0.2, 0.9),
+ (0.3705, 0.7406),
+ (0.55, 0.5938),
+ (0.6886, 0.4188),
+ (0.85, 0.1844),
+ (1.0, 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ modulo = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter.outputs["Index"], 1: 5.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MODULO"},
+ )
+ power = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: -1.0, 1: modulo}, attrs={"operation": "POWER"}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth_of_ridge"], 1: power},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: multiply})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: add},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture)
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: group_input.outputs["depth_of_ridge"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_2})
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: group_input.outputs["thickness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": resample_curve, "Radius": multiply_3},
+ )
+ noise = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_noise().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_curve_radius, "Scale": 0.02},
+ label="Noise",
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": noise})
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_horn", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_horn(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "length", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "rad1", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "rad2", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness", 4.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "density_of_ridge", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth_of_ridge", 0.2),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "height", 2.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "rotation_x", 0),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["length"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["density_of_ridge"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["rad1"], 1: group_input.outputs["rad2"]},
+ )
+ # divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ # input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 2.0},
+ # attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
+ divide_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["length"], 1: add},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ divide_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide_1, 1: 3.1415}, attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"}
+ )
+ spiral = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurveSpiral",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 150,
+ "Rotations": divide_2,
+ "Start Radius": group_input.outputs["rad1"],
+ "End Radius": group_input.outputs["rad2"],
+ "Height": group_input.outputs["height"],
+ },
+ )
+ ridge = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_ridge().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "thickness": group_input.outputs["thickness"],
+ "depth_of_ridge": group_input.outputs["depth_of_ridge"],
+ "number_of_ridge": multiply,
+ "geometry": spiral,
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Resolution": 10, "Radius": 0.5}
+ )
+ noise = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_noise().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_circle_2.outputs["Curve"], "Scale": 0.2},
+ label="Noise",
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={"Curve": ridge, "Profile Curve": noise}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["rad1"], 1: -1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_1})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh, "Offset": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, "Rotation": (-0.8, 0.0, 2.6)},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["rotation_x"]}
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_1, "Rotation": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_2}
+ )
+class Horn(PartFactory):
+ param_templates = {}
+ tags = ["head_detail", "rigid"]
+ def sample_params(self, select=None, var=1):
+ def N(m, v):
+ return np.random.normal(m, v * var)
+ def U(l, r):
+ return np.random.uniform(l, r)
+ weights = part_util.random_convex_coord(
+ self.param_templates.keys(), select=select
+ )
+ params = part_util.rdict_comb(self.param_templates, weights)
+ for key in params["horn"]:
+ if key in params["range"]:
+ l, r = params["range"][key]
+ noise = N(0, 0.02 * (r - l))
+ params["horn"][key] += noise
+ return params["horn"]
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_horn, params)
+ horn = part.obj
+ # postprocess horn
+ with butil.SelectObjects(horn):
+ bpy.ops.object.shade_flat()
+ horn.name = "Horn"
+ butil.modify_mesh(horn, "SUBSURF", apply=True, levels=2)
+ # swap the horn to be an extra so it doesnt get remeshed etc
+ part.obj = butil.spawn_vert("horn_parent")
+ horn.parent = part.obj
+ tag_object(part.obj, "horn")
+ return part
+goat_horn = {
+ "length": 0.5,
+ "rad1": 0.18,
+ "rad2": 0.3,
+ "thickness": 0.15,
+ "density_of_ridge": 250,
+ "depth_of_ridge": 0.02,
+ "height": 0.1,
+ "rotation_x": 0,
+gazelle_horn = {
+ "length": 0.4,
+ "rad1": 0.7,
+ "rad2": 0.5,
+ "thickness": 0.1,
+ "density_of_ridge": 150,
+ "depth_of_ridge": 0.1,
+ "height": 0.1,
+ "rotation_x": 0,
+bull_horn = {
+ "length": 0.1,
+ "rad1": 0.5,
+ "rad2": 0.1,
+ "thickness": 0.1,
+ "density_of_ridge": 150,
+ "depth_of_ridge": 0.01,
+ "height": -0.1,
+ "rotation_x": -1,
+scales = {
+ "length": [0.1, 0.6],
+ "rad1": [0.1, 1],
+ "rad2": [0.1, 1],
+ "thickness": [0.05, 0.3],
+ "density_of_ridge": [100, 300],
+ "depth_of_ridge": [0.01, 0.1],
+ "height": [-0.3, 0.3],
+ "rotation_x": [-1, 1],
+for k, v in scales.items():
+ scales[k] = np.array(v)
+Horn.param_templates["bull"] = {"horn": bull_horn, "range": scales}
+Horn.param_templates["gazelle"] = {"horn": gazelle_horn, "range": scales}
+Horn.param_templates["goat"] = {"horn": goat_horn, "range": scales}
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/leg.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/leg.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..714010bde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/leg.py
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.genome import IKParams, Joint
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.part_util import nodegroup_to_part
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.attach import nodegroup_surface_muscle
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.curve import nodegroup_simple_tube_v2
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian
+ "nodegroup_quadruped_back_leg", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_quadruped_back_leg(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (1.8, 0.1, 0.05)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "angles_deg", (30.0, -100.0, 81.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Thigh Rad1 Rad2 Fullness", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Calf Rad1 Rad2 Fullness", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Thigh Height Tilt1 Tilt2", (0.6, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Calf Height Tilt1 Tilt2", (0.8, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "fullness", 50.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "aspect", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ "angles_deg": group_input.outputs["angles_deg"],
+ "aspect": group_input.outputs["aspect"],
+ "fullness": group_input.outputs["fullness"],
+ "Origin": (-0.05, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ thigh = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Coord 0": (0.02, 3.1416, 3.0),
+ "Coord 1": (0.1, -0.14, 1.47),
+ "Coord 2": (0.73, 4.71, 1.13),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input.outputs[
+ "Thigh Rad1 Rad2 Fullness"
+ ],
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": group_input.outputs[
+ "Thigh Height Tilt1 Tilt2"
+ ],
+ },
+ label="Thigh",
+ )
+ calf = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Coord 0": (0.51, 18.91, 0.4),
+ "Coord 1": (0.69, 0.26, 0.0),
+ "Coord 2": (0.94, 1.5708, 1.13),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input.outputs[
+ "Calf Rad1 Rad2 Fullness"
+ ],
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": group_input.outputs[
+ "Calf Height Tilt1 Tilt2"
+ ],
+ },
+ label="Calf",
+ )
+ thigh_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Coord 0": (0.04, 3.1416, 0.0),
+ "Coord 1": (0.01, 3.46, -0.05),
+ "Coord 2": (0.73, 4.71, 0.9),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input.outputs[
+ "Thigh Rad1 Rad2 Fullness"
+ ],
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": group_input.outputs[
+ "Thigh Height Tilt1 Tilt2"
+ ],
+ },
+ label="Thigh 2",
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [thigh, calf, thigh_2]}
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [join_geometry, simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"]]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_1,
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+class QuadrupedBackLeg(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["leg"]
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": np.array((1.8, 0.1, 0.05)) * N(1, (0.2, 0, 0), 3),
+ "angles_deg": np.array((40.0, -120.0, 100)),
+ "fullness": 50.0,
+ "aspect": 1.0,
+ "Thigh Rad1 Rad2 Fullness": np.array(
+ (0.33, 0.15, 2.5),
+ )
+ * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ "Calf Rad1 Rad2 Fullness": np.array(
+ (0.17, 0.07, 2.5),
+ )
+ * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ "Thigh Height Tilt1 Tilt2": np.array(
+ (0.6, 0.0, 0.0),
+ )
+ + N(0, [0.05, 2, 10]),
+ "Calf Height Tilt1 Tilt2": np.array((0.8, 0.0, 0.0)) + N(0, [0.05, 10, 10]),
+ }
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_quadruped_back_leg, params)
+ part.joints = {
+ 0: Joint(
+ rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])
+ ), # shoulder
+ 0.5: Joint(
+ rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])
+ ), # elbow
+ }
+ tag_object(part.obj, "quadruped_back_leg")
+ return part
+ "nodegroup_quadruped_front_leg", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_quadruped_front_leg(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (1.43, 0.1, 0.1)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "angles_deg", (-20.0, 16.0, 9.2)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "aspect", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Shoulder Rad1 Rad2 Fullness", (0.22, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Calf Rad1 Rad2 Fullness", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Elbow Rad1 Rad2 Fullness", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Shoulder Height, Tilt1, Tilt2", (0.74, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Elbow Height, Tilt1, Tilt2", (0.9, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Calf Height, Tilt1, Tilt2", (0.74, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ "angles_deg": group_input.outputs["angles_deg"],
+ "aspect": group_input.outputs["aspect"],
+ "fullness": 2.5,
+ "Origin": (-0.15, 0.0, 0.09),
+ },
+ )
+ shoulder = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Coord 0": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Coord 1": (0.2, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Coord 2": (0.55, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input.outputs[
+ "Shoulder Rad1 Rad2 Fullness"
+ ],
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": group_input.outputs[
+ "Shoulder Height, Tilt1, Tilt2"
+ ],
+ },
+ label="Shoulder",
+ )
+ elbow_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Coord 0": (0.53, 1.5708, 1.69),
+ "Coord 1": (0.57, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Coord 2": (0.95, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input.outputs[
+ "Elbow Rad1 Rad2 Fullness"
+ ],
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": group_input.outputs[
+ "Elbow Height, Tilt1, Tilt2"
+ ],
+ },
+ label="Elbow 2",
+ )
+ elbow_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Coord 0": (0.22, 1.5708, 1.0),
+ "Coord 1": (0.4, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Coord 2": (0.57, 1.571, 1.7),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input.outputs[
+ "Elbow Rad1 Rad2 Fullness"
+ ],
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": group_input.outputs[
+ "Elbow Height, Tilt1, Tilt2"
+ ],
+ },
+ label="Elbow 1",
+ )
+ forearm = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Coord 0": (0.41, -1.7008, 0.6),
+ "Coord 1": (0.57, 0.0, 0.8),
+ "Coord 2": (0.95, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input.outputs[
+ "Calf Rad1 Rad2 Fullness"
+ ],
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": group_input.outputs[
+ "Calf Height, Tilt1, Tilt2"
+ ],
+ },
+ label="Forearm",
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ shoulder,
+ elbow_2,
+ elbow_1,
+ forearm,
+ simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry,
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+class QuadrupedFrontLeg(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["leg"]
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": np.array((1.43, 0.1, 0.1)) * N(1, (0.2, 0, 0), 3),
+ "angles_deg": np.array((-40.0, 120.0, -100)),
+ "aspect": 1.0,
+ "Shoulder Rad1 Rad2 Fullness": np.array((0.22, 0.22, 2.5)) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ "Calf Rad1 Rad2 Fullness": np.array((0.08, 0.08, 2.5)) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ "Elbow Rad1 Rad2 Fullness": np.array((0.12, 0.1, 2.5) * N(1, 0.1, 3)),
+ "Shoulder Height, Tilt1, Tilt2": np.array((0.74, 0.0, 0.0))
+ + N(0, [0.05, 10, 10]),
+ "Elbow Height, Tilt1, Tilt2": np.array((0.9, 0.0, 0.0))
+ + N(0, [0.05, 10, 10]),
+ "Calf Height, Tilt1, Tilt2": np.array((0.74, 0.0, 0.0))
+ + N(0, [0.05, 10, 10]),
+ }
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_quadruped_front_leg, params)
+ part.joints = {
+ 0: Joint(
+ rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])
+ ), # shoulder
+ 0.6: Joint(
+ rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])
+ ), # elbow
+ }
+ tag_object(part.obj, "quadruped_front_leg")
+ return part
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_bird_leg", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_bird_leg(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (1.0, 0.09, 0.06)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "angles_deg", (-70.0, 90.0, -2.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "aspect", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "fullness", 8.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Thigh Rad1 Rad2 Fullness", (0.18, 0.1, 1.26)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Shin Rad1 Rad2 Fullness", (0.07, 0.06, 5.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ "angles_deg": group_input.outputs["angles_deg"],
+ "aspect": group_input.outputs["aspect"],
+ "fullness": group_input.outputs["fullness"],
+ },
+ )
+ surface_muscle = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Coord 0": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Coord 1": (0.2, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Coord 2": (0.4, 1.5708, 1.0),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input.outputs[
+ "Thigh Rad1 Rad2 Fullness"
+ ],
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": (0.72, -21.05, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ surface_muscle_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Coord 0": (0.32, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Coord 1": (0.5, 1.5708, 0.0),
+ "Coord 2": (0.74, 1.32, 0.29),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": group_input.outputs[
+ "Shin Rad1 Rad2 Fullness"
+ ],
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": (0.72, -21.05, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ surface_muscle,
+ surface_muscle_1,
+ simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry,
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+class BirdLeg(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["leg"]
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": np.array((1, 0.09, 0.06))
+ * np.array((clip_gaussian(1, 0.3, 0.2, 1.5), *N(1, 0.1, 2))),
+ "angles_deg": np.array((-70.0, 90.0, -2.0)),
+ "aspect": N(1, 0.05),
+ "fullness": 8.0 * N(1, 0.1),
+ "Thigh Rad1 Rad2 Fullness": np.array((0.18, 0.1, 1.26)) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ "Shin Rad1 Rad2 Fullness": np.array((0.07, 0.06, 5.0)) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ }
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_bird_leg, params)
+ part.joints = {
+ 0: Joint(
+ rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])
+ ), # shoulder
+ 0.5: Joint(
+ rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])
+ ), # elbow
+ }
+ part.iks = {}
+ tag_object(part.obj, "bird_leg")
+ return part
+ "nodegroup_insect_leg", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_insect_leg(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (1.24, 0.02, 0.01)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "angles_deg", (0.0, -63.9, 31.39)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Carapace Rad Pct", 1.4),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "spike_length_rad1_rad2", (0.1, 0.025, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ "angles_deg": group_input.outputs["angles_deg"],
+ "proportions": (0.2533, 0.3333, 0.1333),
+ "do_bezier": False,
+ },
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Carapace Rad Pct"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": scale.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Z": 30.0,
+ },
+ )
+ surface_muscle = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_muscle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skin Mesh": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Coord 0": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Coord 1": (0.01, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Coord 2": (0.35, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness": combine_xyz,
+ "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt": (0.73, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ trim_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TrimCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Start": 0.4892,
+ "End": 0.725,
+ },
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": trim_curve, "Count": 4}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={"Curve": resample_curve}
+ )
+ simple_tube_v2_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": group_input.outputs["spike_length_rad1_rad2"],
+ "angles_deg": (0.0, -40.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": curve_to_mesh,
+ "Instance": simple_tube_v2_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Rotation": (0.0, 0.1239, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ surface_muscle,
+ instance_on_points,
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry,
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Endpoint": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Endpoint"],
+ },
+ )
+class InsectLeg(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["leg", "rigid"]
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": np.array((1, 0.02, 0.01)) * N(1, 0.25, 3),
+ "angles_deg": np.array((0.0, -63.9, 31.39)) + N(0, 10, 3),
+ "Carapace Rad Pct": 1.4 * U(0.5, 2),
+ "spike_length_rad1_rad2": np.array((0.2, 0.025, 0.0))
+ * N(1, (0.2, 0.1, 0.1), 3),
+ }
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_insect_leg, params)
+ part.joints = {
+ 0: Joint(
+ rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])
+ ), # shoulder
+ 0.3: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])),
+ 0.7: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])),
+ }
+ part.iks = {1.0: IKParams("foot", rotation_weight=0.1, chain_parts=1)}
+ tag_object(part.obj, "insect_leg")
+ return part
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_bird_duck.npy b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_bird_duck.npy
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_bird_duck.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_bird_duck.npy
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similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_bird_gull.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_bird_gull.npy
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similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_bird_robin.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_bird_robin.npy
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similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_feline_cheetah.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_feline_cheetah.npy
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similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_feline_housecat.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_feline_housecat.npy
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similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_feline_tiger.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_feline_tiger.npy
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similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_feline_tiger_2.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_feline_tiger_2.npy
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similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_feline_wolf.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_feline_wolf.npy
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similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_fish_bluefish.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_fish_bluefish.npy
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similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_fish_crappie.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_fish_crappie.npy
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similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_fish_eel.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_fish_eel.npy
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similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_fish_pickerel.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_fish_pickerel.npy
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similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_fish_pufferfish.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_fish_pufferfish.npy
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similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_fish_spadefish.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_fish_spadefish.npy
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similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_herbivore_cow.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_herbivore_cow.npy
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similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_herbivore_giraffe.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_herbivore_giraffe.npy
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_herbivore_goat.npy b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_herbivore_goat.npy
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_herbivore_goat.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_herbivore_goat.npy
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_herbivore_llama.npy b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_herbivore_llama.npy
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_herbivore_llama.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_herbivore_llama.npy
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_insect_bee.npy b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_insect_bee.npy
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_insect_bee.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_insect_bee.npy
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_insect_beetle.npy b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_insect_beetle.npy
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_insect_beetle.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_insect_beetle.npy
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_insect_tarantula.npy b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_insect_tarantula.npy
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_insect_tarantula.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_insect_tarantula.npy
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_llama.npy b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_llama.npy
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_llama.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/body_llama.npy
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_carnivore_tiger.npy b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_carnivore_tiger.npy
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_carnivore_tiger.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_carnivore_tiger.npy
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_carnivore_wolf.npy b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_carnivore_wolf.npy
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_carnivore_wolf.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_carnivore_wolf.npy
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_herbivore_cow.npy b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_herbivore_cow.npy
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_herbivore_cow.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_herbivore_cow.npy
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similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_herbivore_giraffe.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_herbivore_giraffe.npy
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_herbivore_goat.npy b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_herbivore_goat.npy
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_herbivore_goat.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_herbivore_goat.npy
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_herbivore_llama.npy b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_herbivore_llama.npy
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_herbivore_llama.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_herbivore_llama.npy
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_insect_beetle.npy b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_insect_beetle.npy
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_insect_beetle.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_insect_beetle.npy
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_insect_wasp.npy b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_insect_wasp.npy
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_insect_wasp.npy
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/nurbs_data/head_insect_wasp.npy
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/reptile_detail.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/reptile_detail.py
similarity index 65%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/reptile_detail.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/reptile_detail.py
index 136ded6c0..9e9c2f8e4 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/parts/reptile_detail.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/reptile_detail.py
@@ -5,47 +5,58 @@
import logging
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from math import sin, cos, pi, exp, sqrt
+from math import cos, exp, pi, sin, sqrt
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory, Part
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint, IKParams
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import part_util
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.geometry import nurbs as nurbs_util
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util import part_util
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.genome import IKParams, Joint
+from infinigen.assets.utils.geometry import nurbs as nurbs_util
from infinigen.core import surface
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def square(x):
return x * x
def sigmoid(x):
return 1 / (1 + exp(-x))
def interpolate(coords):
x = [c[0] for c in coords]
y = [c[1] for c in coords]
- f = interp1d(x, y, kind='cubic')
+ f = interp1d(x, y, kind="cubic")
return f
-def lr_scale(l, r, p):
- p = p * (r - l) + l
+def lr_scale(lower, upper, p):
+ p = p * (upper - lower) + lower
return p
-def lrlr_scale(l, r, L, R, p):
- p = (p - L) / (R - L)
- p = p * (r - l) + l
+def lrlr_scale(lower, upper, from_lower, from_upper, p):
+ p = (p - from_lower) / (from_upper - from_lower)
+ p = p * (upper - lower) + lower
return p
-def sunk(l, r, gr, p):
- if p < l or p > r:
+def sunk(lower, upper, gr, p):
+ if p < lower or p > upper:
return 1
- p = (p - l) / (r - l)
+ p = (p - lower) / (upper - lower)
return lrlr_scale(gr, 1, 0, 0.5, abs(p - 0.5))
def dist(x, y):
return sqrt(square(x[0] - y[0]) + square(x[1] - y[1]))
def corner_vertices(obj):
mesh = obj.data
@@ -53,6 +64,7 @@ def corner_vertices(obj):
value = np.zeros(n)
nor = {}
def add(u, v):
if u not in nor:
nor[u] = []
@@ -67,7 +79,7 @@ def add(u, v):
if u.index not in nor:
value[u.index] = 1.0
COUNT += 1
- continue
+ continue
normals = nor[u.index]
mx_cross = 0
@@ -81,11 +93,13 @@ def add(u, v):
if mx_cross > THRESHOLD:
if mx_cross > THRESHOLD:
COUNT += 1
value[u.index] = 1.0
return value
def dorsal_vertices(obj):
mesh = obj.data
n = len(obj.data.vertices)
@@ -99,6 +113,8 @@ def dorsal_vertices(obj):
if u.co[0] > 0:
value[u.index] = 0
return value
def ventral_vertices(obj, bodycheck=False):
mesh = obj.data
n = len(obj.data.vertices)
@@ -114,7 +130,8 @@ def ventral_vertices(obj, bodycheck=False):
value[u.index] = 0
return value
-class nurbs_ReptileTail():
+class nurbs_ReptileTail:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.n = 20
@@ -123,7 +140,7 @@ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def local_scale(self, p):
def foo(p):
return 2 * p * (1 - p)
sunken = self.sunken
sunken *= sunk(-0.1, 0.1, 0.65, p)
sunken *= sunk(self.wrist - 0.075, self.wrist + 0.075, 0.7, p)
@@ -136,11 +153,10 @@ def foo(p):
value = foo(p) * sunken
return value
def get_ctrls(self):
self.n = int(self.n)
self.m = int(self.m)
- ctrls = np.zeros((self.n, self.m, 3))
+ ctrls = np.zeros((self.n, self.m, 3))
for i in range(self.n):
for j in range(self.m):
p = i / (self.n - 1)
@@ -148,18 +164,20 @@ def get_ctrls(self):
ctrls[i][j][0] = p
ctrls[i][j][1] = self.local_scale(p) * cos(theta)
ctrls[i][j][2] = self.local_scale(p) * sin(theta)
ctrls[i][j][0] *= self.scale_x
ctrls[i][j][1] *= self.scale_y
ctrls[i][j][2] *= self.scale_z
- if (self.breast > 0.5):
- if (0.10 < p and p < 0.25):
+ if self.breast > 0.5:
+ if 0.10 < p and p < 0.25:
if abs(sin(theta)) < 0.5:
- ctrls[i][j][1] *= 40 * (0.1 - abs(0.15 - p)) * (1 - abs(sin(theta)))
+ ctrls[i][j][1] *= (
+ 40 * (0.1 - abs(0.15 - p)) * (1 - abs(sin(theta)))
+ )
ctrls[i][j][2] *= 0.8
- if (p > self.wrist):
+ if p > self.wrist:
ctrls[i][j][1] *= self.tail_modification
ctrls[i][j][2] *= self.tail_modification
@@ -171,47 +189,54 @@ def get_ctrls(self):
ctrls[i][j][2] -= float_ground - ground
return ctrls
def generate(self):
ctrls = self.get_ctrls()
- method = 'blender' if False else 'geomdl'
+ method = "blender" if False else "geomdl"
return nurbs_util.nurbs(ctrls, method, face_size=0.1)
-class nurbs_ReptileUpperHead():
+class nurbs_ReptileUpperHead:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.n = 50
self.m = 50
self.local_scale_y = self.init_local_scale_y()
self.local_scale_z = self.init_local_scale_z()
def local_offset_x(self, p):
return -self.blunt_head * max(p - 0.9, 0)
def local_offset_z(self, p, theta):
a = sin(theta)
- if (a > 0.7):
+ if a > 0.7:
return -(a - 0.7) * 0.7
return 0
def init_local_scale_y(self):
- lrp = lambda p: lr_scale(-1/4, 1, p)
+ def lrp(p):
+ return lr_scale(-1 / 4, 1, p)
return lambda p, theta: sqrt(1 - abs(lrp(p)) ** 1)
def init_local_scale_z(self):
def f1(p, theta):
- lrp = lambda p: lr_scale(-1/3, 1, p)
+ def lrp(p):
+ return lr_scale(-1 / 3, 1, p)
return sqrt(1 - lrp(p) ** 2)
def f2(p, theta):
- return (1 - p ** 2) / 10
+ return (1 - p**2) / 10
def foo(p, theta):
if 0 <= theta and theta <= pi:
return 0.9 * f1(p, theta) + 0.1 * f2(p, theta)
return 0.1 * f1(p, theta) + 0.9 * f2(p, theta)
return foo
def update(self, set):
xs, ys, k = set
for x in xs:
@@ -228,26 +253,28 @@ def bump(self, pos, degree, boundx, boundy):
ry = round(self.m * boundy[1])
for i in range(cx - lx, cx + rx + 1):
for j in range(cy - ly, cy + ry + 1):
- self.ctrls[i][j][2] *= 1 + max(0, degree * lrlr_scale(0, 1, 5 * 1.4, 0, dist((cx, cy), (i, j))))
+ self.ctrls[i][j][2] *= 1 + max(
+ 0, degree * lrlr_scale(0, 1, 5 * 1.4, 0, dist((cx, cy), (i, j)))
+ )
def get_ctrls(self):
self.n = int(self.n)
self.m = int(self.m)
- ctrls = np.zeros((self.n, self.m, 3))
+ ctrls = np.zeros((self.n, self.m, 3))
for i in range(self.n):
for j in range(self.m):
p = i / (self.n - 1)
theta = 2 * pi * j / (self.m)
ctrls[i][j][0] = p + self.local_offset_x(p)
ctrls[i][j][1] = self.local_scale_y(p, theta) * cos(theta)
- ctrls[i][j][2] = self.local_scale_z(p, theta) * (sin(theta) + self.local_offset_z(p, theta))
+ ctrls[i][j][2] = self.local_scale_z(p, theta) * (
+ sin(theta) + self.local_offset_z(p, theta)
+ )
ctrls[i][j][0] *= self.scale_x
ctrls[i][j][1] *= self.scale_y
ctrls[i][j][2] *= self.scale_z
self.ctrls = ctrls
# snakes
@@ -288,14 +315,16 @@ def get_ctrls(self):
# ]
for set in settings:
for i in range(self.n):
for j in range(self.m):
p = i / (self.n - 1)
theta = 2 * pi * j / (self.m)
- if (p >= self.up_head_position):
- self.ctrls[i][j][2] += self.up_head_degree * (p - self.up_head_position)
- if (sin(theta) < -0.6):
+ if p >= self.up_head_position:
+ self.ctrls[i][j][2] += self.up_head_degree * (
+ p - self.up_head_position
+ )
+ if sin(theta) < -0.6:
self.ctrls[i][j][2] += 0.3 * (-sin(theta) - 0.6)
# self.bump((0.8, 0.2), 0.2, (0.15, 0.15), (0.15, 0.02))
for i in range(self.n):
@@ -303,46 +332,52 @@ def get_ctrls(self):
self.ctrls[i][j][0] += self.offset_x
self.ctrls[i][j][1] += self.offset_y
self.ctrls[i][j][2] += self.offset_z
return self.ctrls
def generate(self):
ctrls = self.get_ctrls()
- method = 'blender' if False else 'geomdl'
+ method = "blender" if False else "geomdl"
obj = nurbs_util.nurbs(ctrls, method, face_size=0.05)
- surface.new_attr_data(obj, 'corner', 'FLOAT', 'POINT', corner_vertices(obj))
- surface.new_attr_data(obj, 'inside_mouth', 'FLOAT', 'POINT', ventral_vertices(obj))
+ surface.new_attr_data(obj, "corner", "FLOAT", "POINT", corner_vertices(obj))
+ surface.new_attr_data(
+ obj, "inside_mouth", "FLOAT", "POINT", ventral_vertices(obj)
+ )
return obj
-class nurbs_ReptileLowerHead():
+class nurbs_ReptileLowerHead:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.n = 50
self.m = 50
self.local_scale_y = self.init_local_scale_y()
self.local_scale_z = self.init_local_scale_z()
def local_offset_x(self, p):
return -0.7 * max(p - 0.9, 0)
def local_offset_z(self, p, theta):
a = sin(theta)
- if (a > 0.7):
- return -(a - 0.7) ** 2 * 0.7
+ if a > 0.7:
+ return -((a - 0.7) ** 2) * 0.7
return 0
def init_local_scale_y(self):
- lrp = lambda p: lr_scale(-1/4, 1, p)
+ def lrp(p):
+ return lr_scale(-1 / 4, 1, p)
return lambda p, theta: sqrt(1 - abs(lrp(p)) ** 1)
def init_local_scale_z(self):
def foo(p, theta):
if 0 <= theta and theta <= pi:
- return sqrt(1 - p ** 2)
+ return sqrt(1 - p**2)
- return (1 - p ** 2) / 10
+ return (1 - p**2) / 10
return foo
def update(self, set):
xs, ys, k = set
for x in xs:
@@ -353,22 +388,24 @@ def update(self, set):
def get_ctrls(self):
self.n = int(self.n)
self.m = int(self.m)
- ctrls = np.zeros((self.n, self.m, 3))
+ ctrls = np.zeros((self.n, self.m, 3))
for i in range(self.n):
for j in range(self.m):
p = i / (self.n - 1)
theta = 2 * pi * j / (self.m)
ctrls[i][j][0] = p + self.local_offset_x(p)
ctrls[i][j][1] = self.local_scale_y(p, theta) * cos(theta)
- ctrls[i][j][2] = self.local_scale_z(p, theta) * (sin(theta) + self.local_offset_z(p, theta))
+ ctrls[i][j][2] = self.local_scale_z(p, theta) * (
+ sin(theta) + self.local_offset_z(p, theta)
+ )
ctrls[i][j][0] *= self.scale_x
ctrls[i][j][1] *= self.scale_y
ctrls[i][j][2] *= -self.scale_z
- if (p > 0.6):
+ if p > 0.6:
ctrls[i][j][2] += 0.4 * ((p - 0.6) ** 2)
self.ctrls = ctrls
for i in range(self.n):
for j in range(self.m):
@@ -376,50 +413,59 @@ def get_ctrls(self):
self.ctrls[i][j][1] += self.offset_y
self.ctrls[i][j][2] += self.offset_z
return self.ctrls
def generate(self):
ctrls = self.get_ctrls()
- method = 'blender' if False else 'geomdl'
+ method = "blender" if False else "geomdl"
obj = nurbs_util.nurbs(ctrls, method, face_size=0.01)
- surface.new_attr_data(obj, 'corner', 'FLOAT', 'POINT', corner_vertices(obj))
- surface.new_attr_data(obj, 'inside_mouth', 'FLOAT', 'POINT', ventral_vertices(obj))
+ surface.new_attr_data(obj, "corner", "FLOAT", "POINT", corner_vertices(obj))
+ surface.new_attr_data(
+ obj, "inside_mouth", "FLOAT", "POINT", ventral_vertices(obj)
+ )
return obj
-class nurbs_ReptileHead():
+class nurbs_ReptileHead:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.n = 50
self.m = 50
self.local_scale_y = self.init_local_scale_y()
self.local_scale_z = self.init_local_scale_z()
def local_offset_x(self, p):
return -self.blunt_head * max(p - 0.9, 0)
def local_offset_z(self, p, theta):
a = sin(theta)
- if (a > 0.7):
+ if a > 0.7:
return -(a - 0.7) * 0.7
return 0
def init_local_scale_y(self):
- lrp = lambda p: lr_scale(-1/2, 1, p)
+ def lrp(p):
+ return lr_scale(-1 / 2, 1, p)
return lambda p, theta: sqrt(1 - abs(lrp(p)) ** 1)
def init_local_scale_z(self):
def f1(p, theta):
- lrp = lambda p: lr_scale(-1/3, 1, p)
+ def lrp(p):
+ return lr_scale(-1 / 3, 1, p)
return sqrt(1 - lrp(p) ** 2)
def f2(p, theta):
- return (1 - p ** 2) / 10
+ return (1 - p**2) / 10
def foo(p, theta):
if 0 <= theta and theta <= pi:
return 0.9 * f1(p, theta) + 0.1 * f2(p, theta)
return 0.8 * f1(p, theta) + 0.2 * f2(p, theta)
return foo
def update(self, set):
xs, ys, k = set
for x in xs:
@@ -429,38 +475,39 @@ def update(self, set):
def update_all(self, scale, offset=(0, 0, 0)):
l, r = scale
n, m, _ = self.ctrls.shape
for i in range(n):
for j in range(m):
- self.ctrls[i][j][0] *= (r - l)
+ self.ctrls[i][j][0] *= r - l
self.ctrls[i][j][1] *= abs(r - l)
self.ctrls[i][j][2] *= abs(r - l)
self.ctrls[i][j][0] += offset[0]
self.ctrls[i][j][1] += offset[1]
self.ctrls[i][j][2] += offset[2]
- if (l > r):
+ if l > r:
self.ctrls = np.flip(self.ctrls, axis=0)
return self.ctrls
def get_ctrls(self):
self.n = int(self.n)
self.m = int(self.m)
- ctrls = np.zeros((self.n, self.m, 3))
+ ctrls = np.zeros((self.n, self.m, 3))
for i in range(self.n):
for j in range(self.m):
p = i / (self.n - 1)
theta = 2 * pi * j / (self.m)
ctrls[i][j][0] = p + self.local_offset_x(p)
ctrls[i][j][1] = self.local_scale_y(p, theta) * cos(theta)
- ctrls[i][j][2] = self.local_scale_z(p, theta) * (sin(theta) + self.local_offset_z(p, theta))
+ ctrls[i][j][2] = self.local_scale_z(p, theta) * (
+ sin(theta) + self.local_offset_z(p, theta)
+ )
ctrls[i][j][0] *= self.scale_x
ctrls[i][j][1] *= self.scale_y
ctrls[i][j][2] *= self.scale_z
self.ctrls = ctrls
settings = [
([42], [4, 21], (0.7, 1)),
@@ -476,20 +523,23 @@ def get_ctrls(self):
for j in range(self.m):
p = i / (self.n - 1)
theta = 2 * pi * j / (self.m)
- if (p >= self.up_head_position):
- self.ctrls[i][j][2] += self.up_head_degree * (p - self.up_head_position)
- if (sin(theta) < -0.6):
+ if p >= self.up_head_position:
+ self.ctrls[i][j][2] += self.up_head_degree * (
+ p - self.up_head_position
+ )
+ if sin(theta) < -0.6:
self.ctrls[i][j][2] += 0.3 * (-sin(theta) - 0.6)
# self.update_all((1, 0), (0, 0, -0.05))
return self.ctrls
def generate(self):
ctrls = self.get_ctrls()
- method = 'blender' if False else 'geomdl'
+ method = "blender" if False else "geomdl"
return nurbs_util.nurbs(ctrls, method, face_size=0.05)
-class nurbs_LizardFrontLeg():
+class nurbs_LizardFrontLeg:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.n = 50
@@ -502,31 +552,34 @@ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.scale_y *= 0.4
self.scale_z *= 0.4
def init_local_offset_x(self):
return lambda p, theta: 0
alpha = pi * 0.45
thred = 0.9
def foo(p, theta):
offset = 0
- if (p <= thred):
+ if p <= thred:
offset += -(1 - cos(alpha)) * (p - thred)
offset -= -(1 - cos(alpha)) * (0 - thred)
return offset
return foo
def init_local_offset_y(self):
return lambda p, theta: 0
alpha = -pi * 0.45
thred = 0.9
def foo(p, theta):
offset = 0
- if (p <= thred):
+ if p <= thred:
offset += sin(alpha) * (p - thred)
# offset -= sin(alpha) * (0 - thred)
return offset
return foo
def init_local_scale_y(self):
th0 = 0.03
th1 = 0.1
@@ -539,24 +592,26 @@ def init_local_scale_y(self):
bar1 = 0.3 - (th0 - th1) * sin(lrlr_scale(0, pi, th0, th1, th1 - th0))
bar2 = 0.3 - cr2 * th1
bar3 = cr2 * th2 + bar2 - cr3 * th2
def foo(p, theta):
p = 1 - p
- if (p < th0):
+ if p < th0:
return cos(lrlr_scale(0, pi / 2, 0, th0, th0 - p))
- elif (p < th1):
+ elif p < th1:
return (th0 - th1) * sin(lrlr_scale(0, pi, th0, th1, p - th0)) + bar1
- elif (p < th2):
+ elif p < th2:
return cr2 * p + bar2
return cr3 * p + bar3
return foo
def init_local_scale_z(self):
def foo(p, theta):
return 0.2 + 0.8 * (1 - p)
return foo
def update(self, set):
xs, ys, k = set
for x in xs:
@@ -567,28 +622,31 @@ def update(self, set):
def get_ctrls(self):
self.n = int(self.n)
self.m = int(self.m)
- ctrls = np.zeros((self.n, self.m, 3))
+ ctrls = np.zeros((self.n, self.m, 3))
for i in range(self.n):
for j in range(self.m):
p = i / (self.n - 1)
theta = 2 * pi * j / (self.m)
ctrls[i][j][0] = p + self.local_offset_x(p, theta)
- ctrls[i][j][1] = self.local_scale_y(p, theta) * (cos(theta) + self.local_offset_y(p, theta))
+ ctrls[i][j][1] = self.local_scale_y(p, theta) * (
+ cos(theta) + self.local_offset_y(p, theta)
+ )
ctrls[i][j][2] = self.local_scale_z(p, theta) * sin(theta)
ctrls[i][j][0] *= self.scale_x
ctrls[i][j][1] *= self.scale_y
ctrls[i][j][2] *= self.scale_z
- self.ctrls = ctrls
+ self.ctrls = ctrls
return self.ctrls
def generate(self):
ctrls = self.get_ctrls()
- method = 'blender' if False else 'geomdl'
+ method = "blender" if False else "geomdl"
return nurbs_util.nurbs(ctrls, method, face_size=0.015)
-class nurbs_LizardBackLeg():
+class nurbs_LizardBackLeg:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.n = 50
@@ -600,31 +658,35 @@ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.scale_x *= 0.6
self.scale_y *= 0.4
self.scale_z *= 0.4
def init_local_offset_x(self):
return lambda p, theta: 0
alpha = -pi * 0.45
thred = 0.9
def foo(p, theta):
offset = 0
- if (p <= thred):
+ if p <= thred:
offset += -(1 - cos(alpha)) * (p - thred)
offset -= -(1 - cos(alpha)) * (0 - thred)
return offset
return foo
def init_local_offset_y(self):
return lambda p, theta: 0
alpha = pi * 0.45
thred = 0.9
def foo(p, theta):
offset = 0
- if (p <= thred):
+ if p <= thred:
offset += sin(alpha) * (p - thred)
# offset -= sin(alpha) * (0 - thred)
return offset
return foo
def init_local_scale_y(self):
th0 = 0.03
th1 = 0.1
@@ -637,24 +699,26 @@ def init_local_scale_y(self):
bar1 = 0.3 - (th0 - th1) * sin(lrlr_scale(0, pi, th0, th1, th1 - th0))
bar2 = 0.3 - cr2 * th1
bar3 = cr2 * th2 + bar2 - cr3 * th2
def foo(p, theta):
p = 1 - p
- if (p < th0):
+ if p < th0:
return cos(lrlr_scale(0, pi / 2, 0, th0, th0 - p))
- elif (p < th1):
+ elif p < th1:
return (th0 - th1) * sin(lrlr_scale(0, pi, th0, th1, p - th0)) + bar1
- elif (p < th2):
+ elif p < th2:
return cr2 * p + bar2
return cr3 * p + bar3
return foo
def init_local_scale_z(self):
def foo(p, theta):
return 0.2 + 0.8 * (1 - p)
return foo
def update(self, set):
xs, ys, k = set
for x in xs:
@@ -665,28 +729,31 @@ def update(self, set):
def get_ctrls(self):
self.n = int(self.n)
self.m = int(self.m)
- ctrls = np.zeros((self.n, self.m, 3))
+ ctrls = np.zeros((self.n, self.m, 3))
for i in range(self.n):
for j in range(self.m):
p = i / (self.n - 1)
theta = 2 * pi * j / (self.m)
ctrls[i][j][0] = p + self.local_offset_x(p, theta)
- ctrls[i][j][1] = self.local_scale_y(p, theta) * (cos(theta) + self.local_offset_y(p, theta))
+ ctrls[i][j][1] = self.local_scale_y(p, theta) * (
+ cos(theta) + self.local_offset_y(p, theta)
+ )
ctrls[i][j][2] = self.local_scale_z(p, theta) * sin(theta)
ctrls[i][j][0] *= self.scale_x
ctrls[i][j][1] *= self.scale_y
ctrls[i][j][2] *= self.scale_z
- self.ctrls = ctrls
+ self.ctrls = ctrls
return self.ctrls
def generate(self):
ctrls = self.get_ctrls()
- method = 'blender' if False else 'geomdl'
+ method = "blender" if False else "geomdl"
return nurbs_util.nurbs(ctrls, method, face_size=0.015)
-class nurbs_LizardToe():
+class nurbs_LizardToe:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.n = 50
@@ -701,28 +768,30 @@ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.scale_x *= 0.6
self.scale_y *= 0.4
self.scale_z *= 0.4
def init_local_offset_x(self):
def foo(p, theta):
- if (p < 0.98):
+ if p < 0.98:
return 0
return (p - 0.9) * 3
return foo
def init_local_offset_y(self):
return lambda p, theta: 0
def init_local_scale(self):
def foo(p, theta):
- if (p < 0.4):
+ if p < 0.4:
return 1
- elif (p < 0.9):
+ elif p < 0.9:
return 1 + 0.5 * sin(lrlr_scale(0, pi, 0, 0.5, p - 0.4))
return cos(lrlr_scale(0, pi / 2, 0, 0.1, p - 0.9))
return foo
def update(self, set):
xs, ys, k = set
for x in xs:
@@ -733,75 +802,78 @@ def update(self, set):
def get_ctrls(self):
self.n = int(self.n)
self.m = int(self.m)
- ctrls = np.zeros((self.n, self.m, 3))
+ ctrls = np.zeros((self.n, self.m, 3))
for i in range(self.n):
for j in range(self.m):
p = i / (self.n - 1)
theta = 2 * pi * j / (self.m)
ctrls[i][j][0] = p + self.local_offset_x(p, theta)
- ctrls[i][j][1] = self.local_scale_y(p, theta) * (cos(theta) + self.local_offset_y(p, theta))
+ ctrls[i][j][1] = self.local_scale_y(p, theta) * (
+ cos(theta) + self.local_offset_y(p, theta)
+ )
ctrls[i][j][2] = self.local_scale_z(p, theta) * sin(theta)
ctrls[i][j][0] *= self.scale_x
ctrls[i][j][1] *= self.scale_y
ctrls[i][j][2] *= self.scale_z
- self.ctrls = ctrls
+ self.ctrls = ctrls
return self.ctrls
def generate(self):
ctrls = self.get_ctrls()
- method = 'blender' if False else 'geomdl'
+ method = "blender" if False else "geomdl"
return nurbs_util.nurbs(ctrls, method, face_size=0.005)
-class nurbs_ReptileBody():
+class nurbs_ReptileBody:
def __init__(self, head, tail, **kwargs):
self.param_head = head
self.param_tail = tail
self.m = 50
def position(self, x):
return np.array([x, 0, sigmoid((x - 0.5) * 4)])
def update(self, ctrls, scale, offset=(0, 0, 0)):
l, r = scale
n, m, _ = ctrls.shape
for i in range(n):
for j in range(m):
- ctrls[i][j][0] *= (r - l)
+ ctrls[i][j][0] *= r - l
ctrls[i][j][1] *= abs(r - l)
ctrls[i][j][2] *= abs(r - l)
ctrls[i][j][0] += offset[0]
ctrls[i][j][1] += offset[1]
ctrls[i][j][2] += offset[2]
- if (l > r):
+ if l > r:
ctrls = np.flip(ctrls, axis=0)
return ctrls
def merge(self, c1, c2):
nc1 = np.copy(c1)
nc2 = np.copy(c2)
nc2[0] = 0.5 * c2[0] + 0.5 * c1[-1]
- nc1[-1] = nc2[0]
+ nc1[-1] = nc2[0]
for i in range(2, 6):
nc1[-i] = 0.1 * ((i + 4) * c1[-i] + (6 - i) * c2[0])
for i in range(1, 5):
nc2[i] = 0.1 * ((i + 5) * c2[i] + (5 - i) * c1[-1])
return np.concatenate((nc1, nc2), axis=0)
def get_ctrls(self):
if self.open_mouth:
head = nurbs_ReptileUpperHead(**self.param_head)
head = nurbs_ReptileHead(**self.param_head)
tail = nurbs_ReptileTail(**self.param_tail)
head_ctrls = head.get_ctrls()
tail_ctrls = tail.get_ctrls()
if self.open_mouth:
head_ctrls = self.update(head_ctrls, (1, 0), (0, 0, -0.05))
@@ -809,18 +881,19 @@ def get_ctrls(self):
tail_ctrls = self.update(tail_ctrls, (0, 1))
self.ctrls = self.merge(head_ctrls, tail_ctrls)
return self.ctrls
def generate(self):
ctrls = self.get_ctrls()
- method = 'blender' if False else 'geomdl'
+ method = "blender" if False else "geomdl"
return nurbs_util.nurbs(ctrls, method, face_size=0.5)
class ReptileHeadBody(PartFactory):
param_templates = {}
- tags = ['body']
+ tags = ["body"]
unit_scale = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
- def __init__(self, params=None, type='lizard'):
+ def __init__(self, params=None, type="lizard"):
self.type = type
@@ -828,25 +901,28 @@ def sample_params(self, select=None, var=1):
params = self.param_templates[self.type]
# weights = part_util.random_convex_coord(param_templates.keys(), select=select)
# params = part_util.rdict_comb(param_templates, weights)
- N = lambda m, v: np.random.normal(m, v * var)
- U = lambda l, r: np.random.uniform(l, r)
- for key in params['tail']:
- l, r = params['trange'][key]
+ def N(m, v):
+ return np.random.normal(m, v * var)
+ def U(l, r):
+ return np.random.uniform(l, r)
+ for key in params["tail"]:
+ l, r = params["trange"][key]
noise = N(0, 0.1 * (r - l))
- params['tail'][key] += noise
- for key in params['head']:
- l, r = params['hrange'][key]
+ params["tail"][key] += noise
+ for key in params["head"]:
+ l, r = params["hrange"][key]
noise = N(0, 0.1 * (r - l))
- params['head'][key] += noise
+ params["head"][key] += noise
return params
def rescale(self, params, scale):
- params['sx'] *= scale
- params['sy'] *= scale
- params['sz'] *= scale
+ params["sx"] *= scale
+ params["sy"] *= scale
+ params["sz"] *= scale
return params
def make_part(self, params):
@@ -854,40 +930,59 @@ def make_part(self, params):
part = part_util.nurbs_to_part(handles)
part.skeleton = handles.mean(axis=1)
part.joints = {
- 0.1: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])), # head
- 0.73: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])), # neck
- 0.80: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])), # waist
- 0.85: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [30, 0, 30]])),
- 0.88: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [30, 0, 30]])),
- 0.92: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [30, 0, 30]])),
- 0.95: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [30, 0, 30]])),
- 0.98: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [30, 0, 30]])),
- 1.0: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [30, 0, 30]])),
+ 0.1: Joint(
+ rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])
+ ), # head
+ 0.73: Joint(
+ rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])
+ ), # neck
+ 0.80: Joint(
+ rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])
+ ), # waist
+ 0.85: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [30, 0, 30]])),
+ 0.88: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [30, 0, 30]])),
+ 0.92: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [30, 0, 30]])),
+ 0.95: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [30, 0, 30]])),
+ 0.98: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [30, 0, 30]])),
+ 1.0: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [30, 0, 30]])),
- if self.type == 'snake':
+ if self.type == "snake":
part.iks = {
- 0.1: IKParams('snake_head', rotation_weight=0.1, chain_parts=2),
- 0.73: IKParams(name='snake_shoulder', rotation_weight=0.1, target_size=0.4),
- 0.85: IKParams(name='snake_hip', target_size=0.3),
- 1.0: IKParams(name='snake_tail', chain_parts=1)
- }
+ 0.1: IKParams("snake_head", rotation_weight=0.1, chain_parts=2),
+ 0.73: IKParams(
+ name="snake_shoulder", rotation_weight=0.1, target_size=0.4
+ ),
+ 0.85: IKParams(name="snake_hip", target_size=0.3),
+ 1.0: IKParams(name="snake_tail", chain_parts=1),
+ }
part.iks = {
- 0.1: IKParams('head', rotation_weight=0.1, chain_parts=2),
- 0.73: IKParams(name='shoulder', rotation_weight=0.1, target_size=0.4),
- 0.85: IKParams(name='hip', target_size=0.3),
- 1.0: IKParams(name='reptile_tail', chain_parts=1)
- }
- surface.new_attr_data(part.obj, 'corner', 'FLOAT', 'POINT', corner_vertices(part.obj))
- surface.new_attr_data(part.obj, 'inside_mouth', 'FLOAT', 'POINT', ventral_vertices(part.obj, bodycheck=True))
+ 0.1: IKParams("head", rotation_weight=0.1, chain_parts=2),
+ 0.73: IKParams(name="shoulder", rotation_weight=0.1, target_size=0.4),
+ 0.85: IKParams(name="hip", target_size=0.3),
+ 1.0: IKParams(name="reptile_tail", chain_parts=1),
+ }
+ surface.new_attr_data(
+ part.obj, "corner", "FLOAT", "POINT", corner_vertices(part.obj)
+ )
+ surface.new_attr_data(
+ part.obj,
+ "inside_mouth",
+ "FLOAT",
+ "POINT",
+ ventral_vertices(part.obj, bodycheck=True),
+ )
return part
class ReptileBody(PartFactory):
param_templates = {}
- tags = ['body']
+ tags = ["body"]
unit_scale = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
- def __init__(self, params=None, type='lizard', n_bones=None, shoulder_ik_ts=None, mod=None):
+ def __init__(
+ self, params=None, type="lizard", n_bones=None, shoulder_ik_ts=None, mod=None
+ ):
self.type = type
self.n_bones = n_bones
self.shoulder_ik_ts = shoulder_ik_ts
@@ -897,48 +992,64 @@ def __init__(self, params=None, type='lizard', n_bones=None, shoulder_ik_ts=None
def sample_params(self, select=None, var=1):
params = self.param_templates[self.type]
- N = lambda m, v: np.random.normal(m, v * var)
- U = lambda l, r: np.random.uniform(l, r)
+ def N(m, v):
+ return np.random.normal(m, v * var)
+ def U(l, r):
+ return np.random.uniform(l, r)
- for key in params['tail']:
- l, r = params['trange'][key]
+ for key in params["tail"]:
+ l, r = params["trange"][key]
noise = N(0, 0.1 * (r - l))
- params['tail'][key] += noise
- return params['tail']
+ params["tail"][key] += noise
+ return params["tail"]
def rescale(self, handles):
if self.mod is None:
return handles
- handles[:,:,0] *= self.mod[0]
- handles[:,:,1] *= self.mod[1]
- handles[:,:,2] *= self.mod[2]
+ handles[:, :, 0] *= self.mod[0]
+ handles[:, :, 1] *= self.mod[1]
+ handles[:, :, 2] *= self.mod[2]
return handles
def make_part(self, params):
handles = nurbs_ReptileTail(**params).get_ctrls()
handles = self.rescale(handles)
part = part_util.nurbs_to_part(handles)
part.skeleton = handles.mean(axis=1)
part.joints = {
- i: Joint((0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-30, -30, -30], [30, 30, 30]]))
+ i: Joint((0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-30, -30, -30], [30, 30, 30]]))
for i in np.linspace(0, 1, self.n_bones, endpoint=True)
part.iks = {
- t: IKParams(name=f'body_{i+1}', mode='pin' if i == 0 else 'iksolve',
- rotation_weight=0, target_size=0.3)
+ t: IKParams(
+ name=f"body_{i+1}",
+ mode="pin" if i == 0 else "iksolve",
+ rotation_weight=0,
+ target_size=0.3,
+ )
for i, t in enumerate(self.shoulder_ik_ts)
- surface.new_attr_data(part.obj, 'corner', 'FLOAT', 'POINT', corner_vertices(part.obj))
- surface.new_attr_data(part.obj, 'inside_mouth', 'FLOAT', 'POINT', ventral_vertices(part.obj, bodycheck=True))
+ surface.new_attr_data(
+ part.obj, "corner", "FLOAT", "POINT", corner_vertices(part.obj)
+ )
+ surface.new_attr_data(
+ part.obj,
+ "inside_mouth",
+ "FLOAT",
+ "POINT",
+ ventral_vertices(part.obj, bodycheck=True),
+ )
return part
class ReptileUpperHead(PartFactory):
param_templates = {}
- tags = ['jaw']
+ tags = ["jaw"]
def __init__(self, params=None, mod=None):
self.mod = mod
@@ -949,40 +1060,49 @@ def sample_params(self, select=None, var=1):
# weights = part_util.random_convex_coord(self.param_templates.keys(), select=select)
# params = part_util.rdict_comb(self.param_templates, weights)
# params = np.random.choice(list(self.param_templates.values()))
- N = lambda m, v: np.random.normal(m, v * var)
- U = lambda l, r: np.random.uniform(l, r)
- for key in params['head']:
- if key in params['range']:
- l, r = params['range'][key]
+ def N(m, v):
+ return np.random.normal(m, v * var)
+ def U(l, r):
+ return np.random.uniform(l, r)
+ for key in params["head"]:
+ if key in params["range"]:
+ l, r = params["range"][key]
noise = N(0, 0.1 * (r - l))
- params['head'][key] += noise
- return params['head']
+ params["head"][key] += noise
+ return params["head"]
def rescale(self, handles):
if self.mod is None:
return handles
- handles[:,:,0] *= self.mod[0]
- handles[:,:,1] *= self.mod[1]
- handles[:,:,2] *= self.mod[2]
+ handles[:, :, 0] *= self.mod[0]
+ handles[:, :, 1] *= self.mod[1]
+ handles[:, :, 2] *= self.mod[2]
return handles
def make_part(self, params):
handles = nurbs_ReptileUpperHead(**params).get_ctrls()
handles = self.rescale(handles)
part = part_util.nurbs_to_part(handles, 0.01)
part.skeleton = handles.mean(axis=1)
# part.iks = {1.0: IKParams('body_0', rotation_weight=0.1, chain_parts=1)}
- surface.new_attr_data(part.obj, 'corner', 'FLOAT', 'POINT', corner_vertices(part.obj))
- surface.new_attr_data(part.obj, 'inside_mouth', 'FLOAT', 'POINT', ventral_vertices(part.obj))
+ surface.new_attr_data(
+ part.obj, "corner", "FLOAT", "POINT", corner_vertices(part.obj)
+ )
+ surface.new_attr_data(
+ part.obj, "inside_mouth", "FLOAT", "POINT", ventral_vertices(part.obj)
+ )
return part
class ReptileLowerHead(PartFactory):
param_templates = {}
- tags = ['jaw']
+ tags = ["jaw"]
def __init__(self, params=None, mod=None):
self.mod = mod
@@ -993,42 +1113,50 @@ def sample_params(self, select=None, var=1):
# weights = part_util.random_convex_coord(self.param_templates.keys(), select=select)
# params = part_util.rdict_comb(self.param_templates, weights)
# params = np.random.choice(list(self.param_templates.values()))
- N = lambda m, v: np.random.normal(m, v * var)
- U = lambda l, r: np.random.uniform(l, r)
- for key in params['head']:
- if key in params['range']:
- l, r = params['range'][key]
+ def N(m, v):
+ return np.random.normal(m, v * var)
+ def U(l, r):
+ return np.random.uniform(l, r)
+ for key in params["head"]:
+ if key in params["range"]:
+ l, r = params["range"][key]
noise = N(0, 0.1 * (r - l))
- params['head'][key] += noise
- return params['head']
+ params["head"][key] += noise
+ return params["head"]
def rescale(self, handles):
if self.mod is None:
return handles
- handles[:,:,0] *= self.mod[0]
- handles[:,:,1] *= self.mod[1]
- handles[:,:,2] *= self.mod[2]
+ handles[:, :, 0] *= self.mod[0]
+ handles[:, :, 1] *= self.mod[1]
+ handles[:, :, 2] *= self.mod[2]
return handles
def make_part(self, params):
handles = nurbs_ReptileLowerHead(**params).get_ctrls()
handles = self.rescale(handles)
part = part_util.nurbs_to_part(handles, 0.015)
part.skeleton = handles.mean(axis=1)
# part.iks = {1.0: IKParams('body_0', rotation_weight=0.1, chain_parts=1)}
- surface.new_attr_data(part.obj, 'corner', 'FLOAT', 'POINT', corner_vertices(part.obj))
- surface.new_attr_data(part.obj, 'inside_mouth', 'FLOAT', 'POINT', ventral_vertices(part.obj))
+ surface.new_attr_data(
+ part.obj, "corner", "FLOAT", "POINT", corner_vertices(part.obj)
+ )
+ surface.new_attr_data(
+ part.obj, "inside_mouth", "FLOAT", "POINT", ventral_vertices(part.obj)
+ )
return part
class LizardFrontLeg(PartFactory):
param_templates = {}
- tags = ['leg']
+ tags = ["leg"]
- def __init__(self, params=None, type='lizard'):
+ def __init__(self, params=None, type="lizard"):
self.type = type
@@ -1037,21 +1165,24 @@ def sample_params(self, select=None, var=1):
# weights = part_util.random_convex_coord(self.param_templates.keys(), select=select)
# params = part_util.rdict_comb(self.param_templates, weights)
# params = np.random.choice(list(self.param_templates.values()))
- N = lambda m, v: np.random.normal(m, v * var)
- U = lambda l, r: np.random.uniform(l, r)
- for key in params['leg']:
- l, r = params['range'][key]
+ def N(m, v):
+ return np.random.normal(m, v * var)
+ def U(l, r):
+ return np.random.uniform(l, r)
+ for key in params["leg"]:
+ l, r = params["range"][key]
noise = N(0, 0.1 * (r - l))
- params['leg'][key] += noise
+ params["leg"][key] += noise
+ return params["leg"]
- return params['leg']
def rescale(self, params, scale):
- params['sx'] *= scale
- params['sy'] *= scale
- params['sz'] *= scale
+ params["sx"] *= scale
+ params["sy"] *= scale
+ params["sz"] *= scale
return params
def make_part(self, params):
@@ -1059,10 +1190,16 @@ def make_part(self, params):
part = part_util.nurbs_to_part(handles, 0.015)
part.skeleton = handles.mean(axis=1)
part.joints = {
- 0: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [100, 0, 100]])), # shoulder
- 0.4: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])), # knee
- 0.9: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])), # ankle
- }
+ 0: Joint(
+ rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [100, 0, 100]])
+ ), # shoulder
+ 0.4: Joint(
+ rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])
+ ), # knee
+ 0.9: Joint(
+ rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])
+ ), # ankle
+ }
# part.obj.scale = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
# butil.apply_transform(part.obj, scale=True)
# part.iks = {
@@ -1071,11 +1208,12 @@ def make_part(self, params):
# 1.0: IKParams('foot', rotation_weight=0.1, chain_parts=1)}
return part
class LizardBackLeg(PartFactory):
param_templates = {}
- tags = ['leg']
+ tags = ["leg"]
- def __init__(self, params=None, type='lizard'):
+ def __init__(self, params=None, type="lizard"):
self.type = type
@@ -1084,21 +1222,24 @@ def sample_params(self, select=None, var=1):
# weights = part_util.random_convex_coord(self.param_templates.keys(), select=select)
# params = part_util.rdict_comb(self.param_templates, weights)
# params = np.random.choice(list(self.param_templates.values()))
- N = lambda m, v: np.random.normal(m, v * var)
- U = lambda l, r: np.random.uniform(l, r)
- for key in params['leg']:
- l, r = params['range'][key]
+ def N(m, v):
+ return np.random.normal(m, v * var)
+ def U(l, r):
+ return np.random.uniform(l, r)
+ for key in params["leg"]:
+ l, r = params["range"][key]
noise = N(0, 0.1 * (r - l))
- params['leg'][key] += noise
+ params["leg"][key] += noise
- return params['leg']
+ return params["leg"]
def rescale(self, params, scale):
- params['sx'] *= scale
- params['sy'] *= scale
- params['sz'] *= scale
+ params["sx"] *= scale
+ params["sy"] *= scale
+ params["sz"] *= scale
return params
def make_part(self, params):
@@ -1106,33 +1247,46 @@ def make_part(self, params):
part = part_util.nurbs_to_part(handles, 0.015)
part.skeleton = handles.mean(axis=1)
part.joints = {
- 0: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [100, 0, 100]])), # shoulder
- 0.4: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])), # knee
- 0.9: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])), # ankle
- }
+ 0: Joint(
+ rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [100, 0, 100]])
+ ), # shoulder
+ 0.4: Joint(
+ rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])
+ ), # knee
+ 0.9: Joint(
+ rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])
+ ), # ankle
+ }
# part.iks = {
# 0.1: IKParams('knee', rotation_weight=0.1, chain_parts=1),
# # 0.9: IKParams('ankle', rotation_weight=0.1, chain_parts=1),
# 1.0: IKParams('foot', rotation_weight=0.1, chain_parts=1)}
return part
class LizardToe(PartFactory):
param_templates = {}
- tags = ['foot_detail']
+ tags = ["foot_detail"]
def sample_params(self, select=None, var=1):
- weights = part_util.random_convex_coord(self.param_templates.keys(), select=select)
+ weights = part_util.random_convex_coord(
+ self.param_templates.keys(), select=select
+ )
params = part_util.rdict_comb(self.param_templates, weights)
# params = np.random.choice(list(self.param_templates.values()))
- N = lambda m, v: np.random.normal(m, v * var)
- U = lambda l, r: np.random.uniform(l, r)
+ def N(m, v):
+ return np.random.normal(m, v * var)
+ def U(l, r):
+ return np.random.uniform(l, r)
return params
def rescale(self, params, scale):
- params['sx'] *= scale
- params['sy'] *= scale
- params['sz'] *= scale
+ params["sx"] *= scale
+ params["sy"] *= scale
+ params["sz"] *= scale
return params
def make_part(self, params):
@@ -1142,60 +1296,60 @@ def make_part(self, params):
# butil.apply_transform(part.obj, scale=True)
part.joints = {
- 0: Joint(rest=(0,0,0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])),
- }
+ 0: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])),
+ }
return part
lizard_tail = {
- 'scale_x': 7,
- 'scale_y': 0.65,
- 'scale_z': 0.6,
- 'sunken': 1,
- 'sunken_limit': 0.9,
- 'breast': 0,
- 'body_curve': 0.75,
- 'wrist': 0.32,
- 'tail_modification': 0.8
+ "scale_x": 7,
+ "scale_y": 0.65,
+ "scale_z": 0.6,
+ "sunken": 1,
+ "sunken_limit": 0.9,
+ "breast": 0,
+ "body_curve": 0.75,
+ "wrist": 0.32,
+ "tail_modification": 0.8,
lizard_tail_range = {
- 'scale_x': [4, 10],
- 'scale_y': [0.5, 1.5],
- 'scale_z': [0.8, 1.5],
- 'sunken': [0.8, 1.2],
- 'sunken_limit': [0.5, 0.7],
- 'breast': [0, 0],
- 'body_curve': [0.7, 0.8],
- 'wrist': [0.50, 0.55],
- 'tail_modification': [0.3, 0.7]
+ "scale_x": [4, 10],
+ "scale_y": [0.5, 1.5],
+ "scale_z": [0.8, 1.5],
+ "sunken": [0.8, 1.2],
+ "sunken_limit": [0.5, 0.7],
+ "breast": [0, 0],
+ "body_curve": [0.7, 0.8],
+ "wrist": [0.50, 0.55],
+ "tail_modification": [0.3, 0.7],
for k, v in lizard_tail_range.items():
lizard_tail_range[k] = np.array(v)
dinosaur_tail = {
- 'scale_x': 30,
- 'scale_y': 3,
- 'scale_z': 3,
- 'sunken': 1,
- 'sunken_limit': 1,
- 'breast': 0,
- 'body_curve': 0.8,
- 'wrist': 0.4,
- 'tail_modification': 0.4
+ "scale_x": 30,
+ "scale_y": 3,
+ "scale_z": 3,
+ "sunken": 1,
+ "sunken_limit": 1,
+ "breast": 0,
+ "body_curve": 0.8,
+ "wrist": 0.4,
+ "tail_modification": 0.4,
dinosaur_tail_range = {
- 'scale_x': [4, 40],
- 'scale_y': [5, 5],
- 'scale_z': [5, 5],
- 'sunken': [0.8, 1.2],
- 'sunken_limit': [0.5, 0.7],
- 'breast': [0, 0],
- 'body_curve': [0.75, 0.75],
- 'wrist': [0.50, 0.55],
- 'tail_modification': [0.3, 0.7]
+ "scale_x": [4, 40],
+ "scale_y": [5, 5],
+ "scale_z": [5, 5],
+ "sunken": [0.8, 1.2],
+ "sunken_limit": [0.5, 0.7],
+ "breast": [0, 0],
+ "body_curve": [0.75, 0.75],
+ "wrist": [0.50, 0.55],
+ "tail_modification": [0.3, 0.7],
for k, v in dinosaur_tail_range.items():
@@ -1203,52 +1357,52 @@ def make_part(self, params):
snake_tail = {
- 'scale_x': 30,
- 'scale_y': 0.65,
- 'scale_z': 0.57,
- 'sunken': 1,
- 'sunken_limit': 1,
- 'breast': 0.5,
- 'body_curve': 0.75,
- 'wrist': 0.52,
- 'tail_modification': 1,
+ "scale_x": 30,
+ "scale_y": 0.65,
+ "scale_z": 0.57,
+ "sunken": 1,
+ "sunken_limit": 1,
+ "breast": 0.5,
+ "body_curve": 0.75,
+ "wrist": 0.52,
+ "tail_modification": 1,
snake_tail_range = {
- 'scale_x': [20, 40],
- 'scale_y': [0, 0],
- 'scale_z': [0, 0],
- 'sunken': [1, 1],
- 'sunken_limit': [1, 1],
- 'breast': [0, 1],
- 'body_curve': [0.7, 0.8],
- 'wrist': [0.50, 0.55],
- 'tail_modification': [1, 1],
+ "scale_x": [20, 40],
+ "scale_y": [0, 0],
+ "scale_z": [0, 0],
+ "sunken": [1, 1],
+ "sunken_limit": [1, 1],
+ "breast": [0, 1],
+ "body_curve": [0.7, 0.8],
+ "wrist": [0.50, 0.55],
+ "tail_modification": [1, 1],
for k, v in snake_tail_range.items():
snake_tail_range[k] = np.array(v)
frog_tail = {
- 'scale_x': 2,
- 'scale_y': 0.8,
- 'scale_z': 0.8,
- 'sunken': 1,
- 'sunken_limit': 1,
- 'breast': 0,
- 'body_curve': 0.75,
- 'wrist': 0.95
+ "scale_x": 2,
+ "scale_y": 0.8,
+ "scale_z": 0.8,
+ "sunken": 1,
+ "sunken_limit": 1,
+ "breast": 0,
+ "body_curve": 0.75,
+ "wrist": 0.95,
frog_tail_range = {
- 'scale_x': [1, 3],
- 'scale_y': [0.5, 1.5],
- 'scale_z': [0.8, 1.5],
- 'sunken': [0.8, 1.2],
- 'sunken_limit': [0.5, 0.7],
- 'breast': [0, 0],
- 'body_curve': [0.7, 0.8],
- 'wrist': [0.9, 0.98]
+ "scale_x": [1, 3],
+ "scale_y": [0.5, 1.5],
+ "scale_z": [0.8, 1.5],
+ "sunken": [0.8, 1.2],
+ "sunken_limit": [0.5, 0.7],
+ "breast": [0, 0],
+ "body_curve": [0.7, 0.8],
+ "wrist": [0.9, 0.98],
for k, v in frog_tail_range.items():
@@ -1256,141 +1410,141 @@ def make_part(self, params):
lizard_upper_head = {
- 'scale_x': 0.8,
- 'scale_y': 0.3,
- 'scale_z': 0.4,
- 'blunt_head': 0.3,
- 'up_head_position': 0.4,
- 'up_head_degree': 0.2,
- 'offset_x': 0,
- 'offset_y': 0,
- 'offset_z': 0,
+ "scale_x": 0.8,
+ "scale_y": 0.3,
+ "scale_z": 0.4,
+ "blunt_head": 0.3,
+ "up_head_position": 0.4,
+ "up_head_degree": 0.2,
+ "offset_x": 0,
+ "offset_y": 0,
+ "offset_z": 0,
lizard_upper_head_range = {
- 'scale_x': [0.5, 1],
- 'scale_y': [0, 0],
- 'scale_z': [0, 0],
- 'blunt_head': [0, 0.8],
- 'up_head_position': [0.2, 0.5],
- 'up_head_degree': [0.1, 0.3]
+ "scale_x": [0.5, 1],
+ "scale_y": [0, 0],
+ "scale_z": [0, 0],
+ "blunt_head": [0, 0.8],
+ "up_head_position": [0.2, 0.5],
+ "up_head_degree": [0.1, 0.3],
for k, v in lizard_upper_head_range.items():
lizard_upper_head_range[k] = np.array(v)
lizard_lower_head = {
- 'scale_x': 0.8,
- 'scale_y': 0.3,
- 'scale_z': 0.15,
- 'blunt_head': 0.3,
- 'up_head_position': 0.4,
- 'up_head_degree': 0.2,
- 'offset_x': 0,
- 'offset_y': 0,
- 'offset_z': 0,
+ "scale_x": 0.8,
+ "scale_y": 0.3,
+ "scale_z": 0.15,
+ "blunt_head": 0.3,
+ "up_head_position": 0.4,
+ "up_head_degree": 0.2,
+ "offset_x": 0,
+ "offset_y": 0,
+ "offset_z": 0,
lizard_lower_head_range = {
- 'scale_x': [0.5, 1],
- 'scale_y': [0, 0],
- 'scale_z': [0, 0],
- 'blunt_head': [0, 0.8],
- 'up_head_position': [0.2, 0.5],
- 'up_head_degree': [0.1, 0.3]
+ "scale_x": [0.5, 1],
+ "scale_y": [0, 0],
+ "scale_z": [0, 0],
+ "blunt_head": [0, 0.8],
+ "up_head_position": [0.2, 0.5],
+ "up_head_degree": [0.1, 0.3],
for k, v in lizard_lower_head_range.items():
lizard_lower_head_range[k] = np.array(v)
ReptileHeadBody.param_templates = {
- 'lizard': {
- 'head': lizard_upper_head,
- 'hrange': lizard_upper_head_range,
- 'tail': lizard_tail,
- 'trange': lizard_tail_range,
- },
- 'snake': {
- 'head': lizard_upper_head,
- 'hrange': lizard_upper_head_range,
- 'tail': snake_tail,
- 'trange': snake_tail_range
- },
- 'dinosaur': {
- 'head': lizard_upper_head,
- 'hrange': lizard_upper_head_range,
- 'tail': dinosaur_tail,
- 'trange': dinosaur_tail_range
- },
- 'frog': {
- 'head': lizard_upper_head,
- 'hrange': lizard_upper_head_range,
- 'tail': frog_tail,
- 'trange': frog_tail_range
- }
+ "lizard": {
+ "head": lizard_upper_head,
+ "hrange": lizard_upper_head_range,
+ "tail": lizard_tail,
+ "trange": lizard_tail_range,
+ },
+ "snake": {
+ "head": lizard_upper_head,
+ "hrange": lizard_upper_head_range,
+ "tail": snake_tail,
+ "trange": snake_tail_range,
+ },
+ "dinosaur": {
+ "head": lizard_upper_head,
+ "hrange": lizard_upper_head_range,
+ "tail": dinosaur_tail,
+ "trange": dinosaur_tail_range,
+ },
+ "frog": {
+ "head": lizard_upper_head,
+ "hrange": lizard_upper_head_range,
+ "tail": frog_tail,
+ "trange": frog_tail_range,
+ },
ReptileBody.param_templates = {
- 'lizard': {
- 'head': lizard_upper_head,
- 'hrange': lizard_upper_head_range,
- 'tail': lizard_tail,
- 'trange': lizard_tail_range,
- },
- 'snake': {
- 'head': lizard_upper_head,
- 'hrange': lizard_upper_head_range,
- 'tail': snake_tail,
- 'trange': snake_tail_range
- },
- 'dinosaur': {
- 'head': lizard_upper_head,
- 'hrange': lizard_upper_head_range,
- 'tail': dinosaur_tail,
- 'trange': dinosaur_tail_range
- },
- 'frog': {
- 'head': lizard_upper_head,
- 'hrange': lizard_upper_head_range,
- 'tail': frog_tail,
- 'trange': frog_tail_range
- }
+ "lizard": {
+ "head": lizard_upper_head,
+ "hrange": lizard_upper_head_range,
+ "tail": lizard_tail,
+ "trange": lizard_tail_range,
+ },
+ "snake": {
+ "head": lizard_upper_head,
+ "hrange": lizard_upper_head_range,
+ "tail": snake_tail,
+ "trange": snake_tail_range,
+ },
+ "dinosaur": {
+ "head": lizard_upper_head,
+ "hrange": lizard_upper_head_range,
+ "tail": dinosaur_tail,
+ "trange": dinosaur_tail_range,
+ },
+ "frog": {
+ "head": lizard_upper_head,
+ "hrange": lizard_upper_head_range,
+ "tail": frog_tail,
+ "trange": frog_tail_range,
+ },
ReptileLowerHead.param_templates = {
- 'head': lizard_lower_head,
- 'range': lizard_lower_head_range
+ "head": lizard_lower_head,
+ "range": lizard_lower_head_range,
ReptileUpperHead.param_templates = {
- 'head': lizard_upper_head,
- 'range': lizard_upper_head_range
+ "head": lizard_upper_head,
+ "range": lizard_upper_head_range,
LizardFrontLeg.param_templates = {
# 'lizard': {'leg': {}, 'range': {}},
- 'lizard': {
- 'leg': {
- 'scale_x': 1,
- 'scale_y': 0.2,
- 'scale_z': 0.2,
- },
- 'range': {
- 'scale_x': [0.5, 1],
- 'scale_y': [0.15, 0.3],
- 'scale_z': [0.05, 0.2],
- }
+ "lizard": {
+ "leg": {
+ "scale_x": 1,
+ "scale_y": 0.2,
+ "scale_z": 0.2,
+ },
+ "range": {
+ "scale_x": [0.5, 1],
+ "scale_y": [0.15, 0.3],
+ "scale_z": [0.05, 0.2],
+ },
LizardBackLeg.param_templates = {
# 'lizard': {'leg': {}, 'range': {}},
- 'lizard': {
- 'leg': {
- 'scale_x': 1.5,
- 'scale_y': 0.2,
- 'scale_z': 0.2,
- },
- 'range': {
- 'scale_x': [1.5, 3],
- 'scale_y': [0.15, 0.3],
- 'scale_z': [0.05, 0.2],
- }
+ "lizard": {
+ "leg": {
+ "scale_x": 1.5,
+ "scale_y": 0.2,
+ "scale_z": 0.2,
+ },
+ "range": {
+ "scale_x": [1.5, 3],
+ "scale_y": [0.15, 0.3],
+ "scale_z": [0.05, 0.2],
+ },
-LizardToe.param_templates['lizard'] = {'toe': {}, 'range': {}}
\ No newline at end of file
+LizardToe.param_templates["lizard"] = {"toe": {}, "range": {}}
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/ridged_fin.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/ridged_fin.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a57b619bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/ridged_fin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,669 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Mingzhe Wang
+import random
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from infinigen.assets.materials.utils.surface_utils import sample_range
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import Part, PartFactory
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+ "nodegroup_mix2_values", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_mix2_values(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Ratio", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value1", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value2", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Value1"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Ratio"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: group_input.outputs["Ratio"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: group_input.outputs["Value2"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply_1})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": add})
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_fish_fin", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_fish_fin(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.5.1 of the node_transpiler
+ grid = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshGrid, input_kwargs={"Vertices X": 100, "Vertices Y": 100}
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": grid, "Rotation": (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000)},
+ )
+ position_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ sep_z = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position_3}, label="sep_z"
+ )
+ z_stats = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_3, 2: sep_z.outputs["Z"]},
+ label="z_stats",
+ )
+ norm_z = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": sep_z.outputs["Z"],
+ 1: z_stats.outputs["Min"],
+ 2: z_stats.outputs["Max"],
+ },
+ label="norm_z",
+ )
+ remap_z = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": norm_z.outputs["Result"]},
+ label="remap_z",
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ remap_z.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.1727, 0.9875), (0.5182, 0.2438), (1.0000, 0.0063)],
+ )
+ capture_z_rigidity = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_3, 2: remap_z},
+ label="capture_z_rigidity",
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]}
+ )
+ op_and = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={1: greater_than})
+ delete_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_z_rigidity.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Selection": op_and,
+ },
+ )
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": delete_geometry, 1: position},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: position_1, 1: (0.5000, 0.0000, 0.5000)}
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": add.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "FinScale", (1.0000, 1.0000, 0.5000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "RoundWeight", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Freq", 69.1150),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "OffsetWeightZ", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "PatternRotation", (4.0000, 0.0000, 2.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "OffsetWeightY", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "RoundingWeight", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "AffineX", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "AffineZ", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "NoiseWeight", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "BumpX", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "BumpZ", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "NoiseRatioZ", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "NoiseRatioX", 1.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["NoiseWeight"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input.outputs["AffineZ"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"]})
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": add_2})
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0068, 0.0000),
+ (0.0455, 0.3812),
+ (0.1091, 0.5419),
+ (0.1955, 0.6437),
+ (0.3205, 0.7300),
+ (0.4955, 0.7719),
+ (0.7545, 0.7350),
+ (0.8705, 0.6562),
+ (1.0000, 0.4413),
+ ],
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: 0.7000},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: group_input.outputs["RoundWeight"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: group_input.outputs["AffineX"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: multiply_4})
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_1, "Z": add_4}
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 3.0000})
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ nodegroup_mix2_values_no_gc = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_mix2_values().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Ratio": group_input.outputs["NoiseRatioX"],
+ "Value1": separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"],
+ "Value2": subtract_1,
+ },
+ )
+ add_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: nodegroup_mix2_values_no_gc, 1: 10.0000}
+ )
+ separate_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["PatternRotation"]},
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_5, 1: 0.1000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_3.outputs["X"], 1: multiply_5},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_5, 1: subtract_2})
+ power = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_6, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={"operation": "POWER"}
+ )
+ nodegroup_mix2_values_no_gc_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_mix2_values().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Ratio": group_input.outputs["NoiseRatioZ"],
+ "Value1": separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"],
+ "Value2": subtract_1,
+ },
+ )
+ add_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: nodegroup_mix2_values_no_gc_1, 1: 1.0000}
+ )
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_7, 1: 0.1000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ subtract_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_3.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply_6},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_7, 1: subtract_3})
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_8}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ power_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_7, 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "POWER"},
+ )
+ add_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: power, 1: power_1})
+ sqrt = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_9}, attrs={"operation": "SQRT"})
+ multiply_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: sqrt, 1: group_input.outputs["Freq"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ sine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_8}, attrs={"operation": "SINE"}
+ )
+ power_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: sine, 1: 2.1000}, attrs={"operation": "POWER"}
+ )
+ capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, 2: power_2}
+ )
+ multiply_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: group_input.outputs["BumpX"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: group_input.outputs["BumpZ"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_9, 1: multiply_10})
+ subtract_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={1: add_10}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ capture_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: subtract_4,
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 100.0000})
+ subtract_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ multiply_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_5, 1: normal},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0010
+ multiply_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_11.outputs["Vector"], 1: value},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute_2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": multiply_12.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ subtract_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={1: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_13 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: sine, 1: subtract_6},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_14 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["OffsetWeightZ"], 1: -0.0200},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_15 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_13, 1: multiply_14},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ sign = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SIGN"},
+ )
+ multiply_16 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: power_2, 1: sign}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_17 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["OffsetWeightY"], 1: 0.0060},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_18 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_17, 1: subtract_4},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_19 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_16, 1: multiply_18},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_20 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["OffsetWeightZ"], 1: 0.0300},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_21 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: sine, 1: multiply_20},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_21, 1: 0.0000})
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_15, "Y": multiply_19, "Z": add_11}
+ )
+ set_position_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_1, "Offset": combine_xyz_1},
+ )
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"W": -0.6000, "Scale": 0.8000},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ subtract_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_2.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000)},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_22 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: subtract_7.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["NoiseWeight"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_2,
+ "Offset": multiply_22.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position_2})
+ subtract_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_4.outputs["Z"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_8}, attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"}
+ )
+ power_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: 1.0000}, attrs={"operation": "POWER"}
+ )
+ multiply_23 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: power_3, 1: 0.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_23})
+ set_position_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_3, "Offset": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_4,
+ "Translation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.4000),
+ },
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708),
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["FinScale"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_1, "Rotation": (1.5708, 0.0000, 1.5708)},
+ )
+ multiply_24 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: capture_attribute_1.outputs[2],
+ 1: capture_z_rigidity.outputs[2],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_25 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_24, 1: 1.600},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_final_rigidity = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: capture_z_rigidity.outputs[2], 1: multiply_25},
+ label="add_final_rigidity",
+ attrs={"use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ store_cloth_pin = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_2,
+ "Name": "cloth_pin_rigidity",
+ "Value": add_final_rigidity,
+ },
+ label="store_cloth_pin",
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_cloth_pin,
+ "Bump": capture_attribute_1.outputs[2],
+ "BumpMask": capture_attribute_2.outputs[2],
+ },
+ )
+class FishFin(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["limb", "fin"]
+ def __init__(self, *args, rig=True, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.rig = rig
+ def sample_params(self):
+ params = {
+ "FinScale": np.array((1.0, 1.0, 0.5), dtype=np.float32),
+ "RoundWeight": sample_range(0, 1),
+ "Freq": sample_range(50, 100),
+ "OffsetWeightZ": sample_range(0.1, 0.5),
+ "PatternRotation": np.array(
+ (4.0 if random.random() < 0.5 else -4, 0.0, 2.0), dtype=np.float32
+ ),
+ "OffsetWeightY": sample_range(0.5, 1),
+ "RoundingWeight": sample_range(0.02, 0.07),
+ "AffineX": sample_range(0, 0.3),
+ "AffineZ": sample_range(0, 1),
+ "Value": 0.5,
+ "NoiseWeight": 0.0,
+ "BumpX": 0.0,
+ "BumpZ": 1.0,
+ "NoiseRatioZ": 1.0,
+ "NoiseRatioX": sample_range(0.9, 0.95),
+ }
+ return params
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = Part(
+ skeleton=np.zeros((2, 3), dtype=float), obj=butil.spawn_vert("fin_parent")
+ )
+ fin = butil.spawn_vert("Fin")
+ fin.parent = part.obj
+ _, mod = butil.modify_mesh(
+ fin, "NODES", apply=False, return_mod=True, node_group=nodegroup_fish_fin()
+ )
+ butil.set_geomod_inputs(mod, params)
+ id1 = mod.node_group.outputs["Bump"].identifier
+ mod[f"{id1}_attribute_name"] = "Bump"
+ id2 = mod.node_group.outputs["BumpMask"].identifier
+ mod[f"{id2}_attribute_name"] = "BumpMask"
+ butil.apply_modifiers(fin, mod)
+ part.settings["rig_extras"] = self.rig
+ tag_object(part.obj, "fish_fin")
+ return part
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ fin = FishFin()
+ import os
+ fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), "dev_scene_test_fin.blend")
+ bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath=fn)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/tail.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/tail.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ca442ed31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/tail.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.genome import IKParams, Joint
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.part_util import nodegroup_to_part
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.curve import nodegroup_simple_tube_v2
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_tail", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_tail(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (1.49, 0.05, 0.02)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "angles_deg", (31.39, 65.81, -106.93)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "aspect", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ "angles_deg": group_input.outputs["angles_deg"],
+ "aspect": group_input.outputs["aspect"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+class Tail(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["tail"]
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": (N(0.5, 0.1), 0.05, 0.02),
+ "angles_deg": np.array((31.39, 65.81, -106.93)) * N(1, 0.1),
+ "aspect": N(1, 0.05),
+ }
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_tail, params)
+ part.joints = {
+ i: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-30, 0, -30], [30, 0, 30]]))
+ for i in np.linspace(0, 1, 6)
+ }
+ part.iks = {1.0: IKParams(name="tail", chain_parts=1)}
+ tag_object(part.obj, "tail")
+ return part
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/utils/draw.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/utils/draw.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e3f933949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/utils/draw.py
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import numpy as np
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import displace_vertices
+from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import spin
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+def make_segments(x_cuts, y_cuts, x_anchors, y_anchors, params):
+ x_length, y_length, z_length = map(params.get, ["x_length", "y_length", "z_length"])
+ segments = []
+ for i in range(len(x_cuts) - 1):
+ x_start, x_end = x_cuts[i], x_cuts[i + 1]
+ y_start, y_end = y_cuts[i], y_cuts[i + 1]
+ xs = x_anchors(x_start, x_end)
+ ys = y_anchors(y_start, y_end)
+ obj = spin(
+ [
+ np.array([xs[0], *xs, xs[-1]]) * x_length,
+ np.array([0, *ys, 0]) * y_length,
+ 0.0,
+ ],
+ [1, len(xs)],
+ axis=(1, 0, 0),
+ )
+ y_base = y_length * y_start
+ displace_vertices(
+ obj,
+ lambda x, y, z: (
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ -np.clip(z + y_base * params["bottom_cutoff"], None, 0)
+ * (1 - params["bottom_shift"]),
+ ),
+ )
+ displace_vertices(
+ obj,
+ lambda x, y, z: (
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ np.where(
+ z > 0,
+ np.clip(params["top_cutoff"] * y_base - np.abs(y), 0, None)
+ * params["top_shift"],
+ 0,
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ decorate_segment(obj, params, x_start, x_end)
+ obj.scale[-1] = params["z_length"] / y_length
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ segments.append(obj)
+ return segments
+def decorate_segment(obj, params, x_start, x_end):
+ def offset(nw: NodeWrangler, vector):
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, [vector], input_kwargs={"Scale": params["noise_scale"]}
+ )
+ x = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))[0]
+ ratio = nw.build_float_curve(
+ nw.scalar_divide(x, params["x_length"]),
+ [(x_start, 1), (x_end - 0.01, 1), (x_end, 0), (x_end + 0.01, 0)],
+ )
+ return nw.scale(
+ nw.scalar_multiply(
+ ratio, nw.scalar_multiply(noise_texture, params["noise_strength"])
+ ),
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal),
+ )
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_symmetric_texture, input_args=[offset], apply=True)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "WELD", merge_threshold=0.001)
+def geo_symmetric_texture(nw: NodeWrangler, offset, selection=None):
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ pos = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ x, y, z = nw.separate(pos)
+ vector = nw.combine(x, nw.math("ABSOLUTE", y), z)
+ distance = nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute, ["distance"])
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ [
+ geometry,
+ surface.eval_argument(nw, selection),
+ None,
+ surface.eval_argument(nw, offset, vector=vector, distance=distance),
+ ],
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/wings.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/wings.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2cfa03c6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/parts/wings.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1144 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors:
+# - Alexander Raistrick: base version
+# - Beining Han: flying variant
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import PartFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.genome import IKParams, Joint
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.part_util import nodegroup_to_part
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.curve import (
+ nodegroup_simple_tube,
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.geometry import (
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.math import nodegroup_deg2_rad
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_nodegroup, tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_feather", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_feather(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[("NodeSocketVector", "Length Rad1 Rad2", (0.5, 0.1, 0.1))],
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Length Rad1 Rad2"]},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), "Scale": separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": scale.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ subdivide_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line, "Cuts": 30}
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0, 0.0), (0.2327, 0.985), (0.8909, 0.6), (1.0, 0.0)],
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ 3: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ 4: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": subdivide_curve, "Radius": multiply},
+ )
+ curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine,
+ input_kwargs={"Start": (0.0, -1.0, 0.0), "End": (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_curve_radius, "Profile Curve": curve_line_1},
+ )
+ subdivide_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line, "Cuts": 4}
+ )
+ trim_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TrimCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": subdivide_curve_1, "End": 0.8742}
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: 0.15, 4: 0.05},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius, input_kwargs={"Curve": trim_curve, "Radius": multiply_1}
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Resolution": 6})
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius_1,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+ # join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ # input_kwargs={'Geometry': [curve_to_mesh, curve_to_mesh_1]})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": tag_nodegroup(nw, curve_to_mesh, "feather")},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_bird_tail", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_bird_tail(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ simple_tube = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Angles Deg": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Seg Lengths": (0.11, 0.11, 0.11),
+ "Start Radius": 0.07,
+ "End Radius": 0.02,
+ "Fullness": 3.0,
+ },
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Feather Length Rad1 Rad2", (0.5, 0.08, 0.1)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Feather Rot Extent", (136.51, -11.8, 34.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Feather Rot Rand Bounds", (5.0, 5.0, 5.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketIntUnsigned", "N Feathers", 16),
+ ],
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["N Feathers"],
+ "Start": (0.0, 0.0, -0.1),
+ "Middle": (0.0, 0.15, -0.05),
+ "End": (0.0, 0.15, 0.11),
+ },
+ )
+ feather = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_feather().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Length Rad1 Rad2": group_input.outputs["Feather Length Rad1 Rad2"]
+ },
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["N Feathers"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": divide,
+ 9: (-90.0, -14.88, 4.01),
+ 10: group_input.outputs["Feather Rot Extent"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Feather Rot Rand Bounds"], "Scale": -1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ random_value = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Feather Rot Rand Bounds"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Vector"], 1: random_value.outputs["Value"]},
+ )
+ deg2rad = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_deg2_rad().name, input_kwargs={"Deg": add.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": quadratic_bezier,
+ "Instance": feather,
+ "Rotation": deg2rad,
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instance_on_points}
+ )
+ symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name, input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": simple_tube.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "TailFeathers": symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_bird_wing", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_bird_wing(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (1.0, 0.26, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "feather_density", 18.7),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "aspect", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "fullness", 4.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "Wing Shape Sculpting", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Feather length_rad1_rad2", (0.6, 0.04, 0.04)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Extension", 1.68),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["Extension"],
+ 9: (-83.46, 154.85, -155.38),
+ 10: (-15.04, 60.5, -41.1),
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ "angles_deg": map_range_3.outputs["Vector"],
+ "proportions": (0.2, 0.27, 0.3),
+ "aspect": group_input.outputs["aspect"],
+ "do_bezier": False,
+ "fullness": group_input.outputs["fullness"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLength,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: curve_length, 1: group_input.outputs["feather_density"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Count": multiply,
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={"Curve": resample_curve}
+ )
+ reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": curve_to_mesh})
+ feather = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_feather().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Length Rad1 Rad2": group_input.outputs["Feather length_rad1_rad2"]
+ },
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic, input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh, 2: index}
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": index,
+ 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"],
+ 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"],
+ },
+ )
+ transfer_attribute_index = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleNearest,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_to_mesh,
+ "Sample Position": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleIndex,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh, "Index": transfer_attribute_index},
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Factor": group_input.outputs["Wing Shape Sculpting"],
+ "Value": (transfer_attribute, "Value"),
+ },
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0, 0.0), (0.5164, 0.245), (0.7564, 0.625), (1.0, 1.0)],
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Extension"], 3: 115.65, 4: 0.0},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": map_range_2.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": float_curve, 9: (0.0, 80.0, 0.0), 10: combine_xyz},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Vector"], 1: (-5.0, 0.0, -1.0)},
+ )
+ deg2rad = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_deg2_rad().name, input_kwargs={"Deg": add.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ vector_curves = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": group_input.outputs["Wing Shape Sculpting"],
+ "Vector": transfer_attribute,
+ },
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ vector_curves.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (-1.0, -0.0),
+ (0.0036, 0.0),
+ (0.0473, 0.6),
+ (0.3527, 0.54),
+ (0.6, 0.9),
+ (0.8836, 0.92),
+ (1.0, 0.58),
+ ],
+ handles=["AUTO", "VECTOR", "AUTO", "AUTO", "VECTOR", "AUTO", "AUTO"],
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(vector_curves.mapping.curves[1], [(-1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0)])
+ node_utils.assign_curve(vector_curves.mapping.curves[2], [(-1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0)])
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": reroute,
+ "Instance": feather,
+ "Rotation": deg2rad,
+ "Scale": vector_curves,
+ },
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Vector"], 1: (-5.0, 0.0, 0.0)},
+ )
+ deg2rad_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_deg2_rad().name, input_kwargs={"Deg": add_1.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: vector_curves, 1: (0.75, 1.0, 1.0)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": reroute,
+ "Instance": feather,
+ "Rotation": deg2rad_1,
+ "Scale": multiply_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Vector"], 1: (-10.3, 0.0, 1.0)},
+ )
+ deg2rad_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_deg2_rad().name, input_kwargs={"Deg": add_2.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: vector_curves, 1: (0.45, 1.0, 1.0)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ instance_on_points_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": reroute,
+ "Instance": feather,
+ "Rotation": deg2rad_2,
+ "Scale": multiply_2.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [instance_on_points, instance_on_points_1, instance_on_points_2]
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Feathers": realize_instances,
+ },
+ )
+class BirdTail(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["tail", "wing"]
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return {
+ "Feather Length Rad1 Rad2": np.array((0.4, 0.06, 0.04))
+ * N(1, 0.1)
+ * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ "Feather Rot Extent": np.array((25, -10, -16)) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ "Feather Rot Rand Bounds": np.array((5.0, 5.0, 5.0))
+ * N(1, 0.1)
+ * N(1, 0.05, 3),
+ "N Feathers": int(N(16, 3)),
+ }
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_bird_tail, params)
+ return part
+class BirdWing(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["limb", "wing"]
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": np.array((clip_gaussian(1.2, 0.7, 0.4, 2), 0.1, 0.02)),
+ "feather_density": 30,
+ "aspect": N(0.4, 0.05),
+ "fullness": N(4, 0.1),
+ "Wing Shape Sculpting": U(0.6, 1),
+ "Feather length_rad1_rad2": np.array((0.7 * N(1, 0.2), 0.04, 0.04)),
+ "Extension": U(0, 0.05) if U() < 0.8 else U(0.7, 1),
+ }
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ # split extras is essential to make automatic rigging work. We will join them back together later
+ part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_bird_wing, params, split_extras=True)
+ part.joints = {
+ 0: Joint(
+ rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])
+ ), # shoulder
+ 0.27: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])),
+ 0.65: Joint(
+ rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])
+ ), # elbow
+ }
+ part.iks = {1.0: IKParams(name="wingtip", chain_parts=1)}
+ tag_object(part.obj, "bird_wing")
+ part.settings["parent_extras_rigid"] = True
+ return part
+ "nodegroup_flying_feather", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_flying_feather(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.5.1 of the node_transpiler
+ vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector)
+ vector.vector = (0.5000, 0.0500, 0.0000)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Length Rad1 Rad2", (0.5000, 0.1000, 0.1000))
+ ],
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Length Rad1 Rad2"]},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: vector, "Scale": separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), "Scale": separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 32,
+ "Start": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Middle": scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "End": scale_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": quadratic_bezier}
+ )
+ subdivide_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position, "Cuts": 4}
+ )
+ trim_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TrimCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": subdivide_curve_1, "End": 0.8742}
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ 3: 0.1500,
+ 4: 0.0100,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius, input_kwargs={"Curve": trim_curve, "Radius": multiply}
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Resolution": 6})
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius_1,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+ subdivide_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position, "Cuts": 30}
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0000, 0.0000), (0.3373, 0.8188), (0.7182, 0.7375), (1.0000, 0.0000)],
+ )
+ white_noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WhiteNoiseTexture)
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: white_noise_texture.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.1000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: multiply_1})
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ 3: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ 4: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": subdivide_curve, "Radius": multiply_2},
+ )
+ curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": (0.0000, -1.0000, 0.1000),
+ "End": (0.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_line_1,
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [curve_to_mesh_1, curve_to_mesh]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Mesh": join_geometry})
+ "nodegroup_flying_bird_tail", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_flying_bird_tail(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.5.1 of the node_transpiler
+ simple_tube = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Angles Deg": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Seg Lengths": (0.00, 0.00, 0.00),
+ "Start Radius": 0.000,
+ "End Radius": 0.000,
+ "Fullness": 3.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Feather Length Rad1 Rad2", (0.5000, 0.0800, 0.1000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Feather Rot Extent", (136.5100, -11.8000, 34.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Feather Rot Rand Bounds", (5.0000, 5.0000, 5.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketIntUnsigned", "N Feathers", 16),
+ ],
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["N Feathers"],
+ "Start": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Middle": (0.0000, 0.0500, 0.0000),
+ "End": (-0.0500, 0.1000, 0.0300),
+ },
+ )
+ feather = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_flying_feather().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Length Rad1 Rad2": group_input.outputs["Feather Length Rad1 Rad2"]
+ },
+ )
+ curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
+ align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": curve_tangent},
+ attrs={"axis": "Y"},
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": quadratic_bezier,
+ "Instance": feather,
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector,
+ },
+ )
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": instance_on_points,
+ "Rotation": (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ random_value_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.1000, 3: 0.1000}
+ )
+ random_value_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.1000, 3: 0.1000, "Seed": 1}
+ )
+ random_value_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.1000, 3: 0.1000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": random_value_1.outputs[1],
+ "Y": random_value_2.outputs[1],
+ "Z": random_value_3.outputs[1],
+ },
+ )
+ rotate_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": rotate_instances, "Rotation": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": index_1, 2: group_input.outputs["N Feathers"]},
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_1.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ if U(0, 1) < 0.5:
+ control_points = [0.2, 0.3, 0.45, 0.9]
+ else:
+ control_points = [0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4]
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0136, control_points[0] + N(0.0, 0.02)),
+ (0.3273, control_points[1] + N(0.0, 0.02)),
+ (0.7500, control_points[2] + N(0.0, 0.03)),
+ (1.0000, control_points[3] + N(0.0, 0.04)),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: 1.2000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_add, "Y": 1.0000, "Z": 1.0000}
+ )
+ scale_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": rotate_instances_1, "Scale": combine_xyz_1},
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": scale_instances}
+ )
+ symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name, input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": simple_tube.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Feathers": symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_flying_bird_wing", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_flying_bird_wing(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.5.1 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (1.0000, 0.2600, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "feather_density", 18.7000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "aspect", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "fullness", 4.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "Wing Shape Sculpting", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Length Rad1 Rad2", (0.6000, 0.0400, 0.0400)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Extension", 1.6800),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["Extension"],
+ 9: (-76.2600, 170.9500, -144.3800),
+ 10: (10.0000, -10.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ simple_tube_v2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_simple_tube_v2().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length_rad1_rad2": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"],
+ "angles_deg": map_range_3.outputs["Vector"],
+ "proportions": (0.2000, 0.2700, 0.5000),
+ "aspect": group_input.outputs["aspect"],
+ "do_bezier": False,
+ "fullness": group_input.outputs["fullness"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLength,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: curve_length, 1: group_input.outputs["feather_density"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Count": multiply,
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={"Curve": resample_curve}
+ )
+ reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": curve_to_mesh})
+ feather = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_flying_feather().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Length Rad1 Rad2": group_input.outputs["Length Rad1 Rad2"]},
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic, input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh, 2: index}
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": index,
+ 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"],
+ 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"],
+ },
+ )
+ transfer_attribute_index = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleNearest,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_to_mesh,
+ "Sample Position": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleIndex,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh, "Index": transfer_attribute_index},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["Extension"],
+ 3: 115.6500,
+ 4: 0.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": map_range_2.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ wing_feathers = []
+ for i in range(3):
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Factor": group_input.outputs["Wing Shape Sculpting"],
+ "Value": (transfer_attribute, "Value"),
+ },
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0000, 0.0000),
+ (0.25, 0.2),
+ (0.50, 0.4),
+ (0.75, 0.6),
+ (1.0000, 0.8 - i * 0.02 + N(0.0, 0.02)),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": float_curve,
+ 9: (0.0000, 80.0000, 0.0000),
+ 10: combine_xyz,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: (0.0, -5 + 5 * i, (i - 1) * 8.0),
+ },
+ )
+ deg2rad = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_deg2_rad().name, input_kwargs={"Deg": add.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ vector_curves = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": group_input.outputs["Wing Shape Sculpting"],
+ "Vector": (transfer_attribute, "Value"),
+ },
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ vector_curves.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (-1.0000, -0.0000),
+ (0.0218, 0.4),
+ (0.20, 0.45),
+ (0.5, 0.5),
+ (0.65000, 0.6),
+ (0.80, 0.7),
+ (1.0000, 0.78 + N(0.0, 0.02)),
+ ],
+ handles=["AUTO", "VECTOR", "AUTO", "AUTO", "VECTOR", "AUTO", "AUTO"],
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ vector_curves.mapping.curves[1], [(-1.0000, 1.0000), (1.0000, 1.0000)]
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ vector_curves.mapping.curves[2], [(-1.0000, 1.0000), (1.0000, 1.0000)]
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: vector_curves, "Scale": U(1.6, 2.0) - i * 0.65},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": reroute,
+ "Instance": feather,
+ "Rotation": deg2rad,
+ "Scale": scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ random_value_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.01, 3: 0.01}
+ )
+ random_value_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.03, 3: 0.03, "Seed": 1}
+ )
+ random_value_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.01, 3: 0.01, "Seed": 2}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": random_value_1.outputs[1],
+ "Y": random_value_2.outputs[1],
+ "Z": random_value_3.outputs[1],
+ },
+ )
+ rotate_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": instance_on_points, "Rotation": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ wing_feathers.append(rotate_instances_1)
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": wing_feathers}
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Skeleton Curve": simple_tube_v2.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Feathers": realize_instances,
+ },
+ )
+class FlyingBirdTail(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["tail", "wing"]
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return {
+ "Feather Length Rad1 Rad2": np.array((0.4, 0.06, 0.04))
+ * N(1, 0.1)
+ * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ "Feather Rot Extent": np.array((25, -10, -16)) * N(1, 0.1, 3),
+ "Feather Rot Rand Bounds": np.array((5.0, 5.0, 5.0))
+ * N(1, 0.1)
+ * N(1, 0.05, 3),
+ "N Feathers": int(N(16, 3)),
+ }
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_flying_bird_tail, params)
+ return part
+class FlyingBirdWing(PartFactory):
+ tags = ["limb", "wing"]
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return {
+ "length_rad1_rad2": np.array(
+ (clip_gaussian(1.2, 0.7, 0.4, 2), U(0.08, 0.13), 0.02)
+ ),
+ "feather_density": 40,
+ "aspect": N(0.35, 0.04),
+ "fullness": N(4, 0.1),
+ "Wing Shape Sculpting": U(0.6, 1),
+ "Length Rad1 Rad2": np.array((0.6 * N(1, 0.2), 0.04, 0.04)),
+ "Extension": U(0, 0.05) if U() < 0.8 else U(0.7, 1),
+ }
+ def make_part(self, params):
+ # split extras is essential to make automatic rigging work. We will join them back together later
+ part = nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_flying_bird_wing, params, split_extras=True)
+ part.joints = {
+ 0: Joint(
+ rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])
+ ), # shoulder
+ 0.27: Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])),
+ 0.65: Joint(
+ rest=(0, 0, 0), bounds=np.array([[-35, 0, -70], [35, 0, 70]])
+ ), # elbow
+ }
+ part.iks = {1.0: IKParams(name="wingtip", chain_length=3)}
+ part.settings["parent_extras_rigid"] = True
+ return part
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/reptile.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/reptile.py
similarity index 65%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/reptile.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/reptile.py
index 1931fe40e..b0c187af0 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/reptile.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/reptile.py
@@ -1,50 +1,38 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Hongyu Wen: primary author
# - Alexander Raistrick: snake curve following animation
-import pdb
-import gin
import logging
import bpy
+import gin
import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import normal as N, uniform as U
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import genome
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint
-from infinigen.assets.creatures import parts
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature_util import euler
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
-import infinigen.assets.materials.spot_sparse_attr
-import infinigen.assets.materials.snake_scale
-import infinigen.assets.materials.snake_shaders
import infinigen.assets.materials.bird
import infinigen.assets.materials.scale
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import creature, joining, animation as creature_animation
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.materials import bone, tongue, eyeball, nose, horn
+import infinigen.assets.materials.snake_scale
+import infinigen.assets.materials.snake_shaders
+import infinigen.assets.materials.spot_sparse_attr
+from infinigen.assets.materials import bone, eyeball, nose, tongue
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures import parts
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util import animation as creature_animation
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util import creature, genome, joining
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.animation import curve_slither
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.animation.run_cycle import follow_path
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.genome import Joint
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.placement import animation_policy
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import creature, joining
-from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian, FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, clip_gaussian
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.animation import curve_slither
-from infinigen.core.placement import animation_policy
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.animation.run_cycle import follow_path
def dinosaur():
open_mouth = U() > 0
@@ -53,7 +41,7 @@ def dinosaur():
# 'scale_y': 1,
# 'scale_z': 1,
# }
- body_fac = parts.body_tube.ReptileBody(type='dinosaur_body')
+ body_fac = parts.body_tube.ReptileBody(type="dinosaur_body")
body = genome.part(body_fac)
shoulder_bounds = np.array([[-20, -20, -20], [20, 20, 20]])
@@ -80,7 +68,6 @@ def dinosaur():
# neck = genome.part(neck_fac)
# genome.attach(neck, body, coord=(0.1, 0, 0.2), joint=Joint(rest=(180, 180, 0)), rotation_basis='global', bridge_rad=0.2, smooth_rad=0.1)
# head_size = {
# 'scale_x': 0.8 + N(0, 0.02),
# 'scale_y': 0.3 + N(0, 0.02),
@@ -104,7 +91,6 @@ def dinosaur():
# horn = genome.part(horn_fac)
# genome.attach(horn, head, coord=(t, splay, 0.8), joint=Joint(rest=(30, 130, -20)), rotation_basis='global', side=side)
# jaw_fac = parts.reptile_detail.ReptileLowerHead(head_size)
# jaw = genome.part(jaw_fac)
# genome.attach(jaw, neck, coord=(0.88, 0, 0.1), joint=Joint(rest=(180, 170, 180)), rotation_basis='global', bridge_rad=0.1, smooth_rad=0.1)
@@ -112,13 +98,14 @@ def dinosaur():
return genome.CreatureGenome(
- animation=dict(),
+ animation=dict(),
(infinigen.assets.materials.snake_scale, 1),
- ]
- )
+ ],
+ ),
def lizard_genome():
open_mouth = U() > 0
# body_fac = parts.reptile_detail.ReptileBody(type='lizard', n_bones=15, shoulder_ik_ts=[0.0, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0])
@@ -143,10 +130,10 @@ def lizard_genome():
# leg = genome.attach(genome.part(toe_fac), leg, coord=(0.98, 0.5, -0.3), joint=Joint(rest=(0,0,-13)))
# leg = genome.attach(genome.part(toe_fac), leg, coord=(0.97, 0.5, -0.6), joint=Joint(rest=(0,0,-40)))
# genome.attach(leg, body, coord=(U(0.21, 0.23), 0.5, 0.6), joint=Joint(rest=(0, 0, 80), bounds=shoulder_bounds), side=side, bridge_rad=0.1, smooth_rad=0.1)
head_size = {
- 'scale_x': 0.8 + N(0, 0.02),
- 'scale_y': 0.3 + N(0, 0.02),
+ "scale_x": 0.8 + N(0, 0.02),
+ "scale_y": 0.3 + N(0, 0.02),
head_fac = parts.reptile_detail.ReptileUpperHead(head_size)
head = genome.part(head_fac)
@@ -167,70 +154,115 @@ def lizard_genome():
# horn = genome.part(horn_fac)
# genome.attach(horn, head, coord=(t, splay, 0.8), joint=Joint(rest=(30, 130, -20)), rotation_basis='global', side=side)
# jaw_fac = parts.reptile_detail.ReptileLowerHead(head_size)
# jaw = genome.part(jaw_fac)
# genome.attach(jaw, body, coord=(0.01, 0, 0.1), joint=Joint(rest=(180, 150, 0)), rotation_basis='global', bridge_rad=0.1, smooth_rad=0.1)
return genome.CreatureGenome(
- parts=head,
+ parts=head,
(infinigen.assets.materials.snake_scale, 1),
- ]
- )
+ ],
+ ),
def snake_genome():
open_mouth = U() > 0
w_mod = N(1, 0.05)
h_mod = N(1, 0.05)
- body_fac = parts.reptile_detail.ReptileBody(type='snake', n_bones=15, shoulder_ik_ts=[0.0, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0], mod=(1, w_mod, h_mod))
+ body_fac = parts.reptile_detail.ReptileBody(
+ type="snake",
+ n_bones=15,
+ shoulder_ik_ts=[0.0, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0],
+ mod=(1, w_mod, h_mod),
+ )
body = genome.part(body_fac)
head_size = {
- 'scale_x': 0.8 + N(0, 0.02),
- 'scale_y': 0.3 + N(0, 0.02),
+ "scale_x": 0.8 + N(0, 0.02),
+ "scale_y": 0.3 + N(0, 0.02),
head_fac = parts.reptile_detail.ReptileUpperHead(head_size, mod=(1, w_mod, h_mod))
head = genome.part(head_fac)
- genome.attach(head, body, coord=(0.01, 0, 0.2), joint=Joint(rest=(180, 180, 0)), rotation_basis='global', bridge_rad=0.2, smooth_rad=0.1)
+ genome.attach(
+ head,
+ body,
+ coord=(0.01, 0, 0.2),
+ joint=Joint(rest=(180, 180, 0)),
+ rotation_basis="global",
+ bridge_rad=0.2,
+ smooth_rad=0.1,
+ )
- eye_fac = parts.eye.MammalEye({'Radius': N(0.03, 0.005)})
- t, splay = U(0.7, 0.7), 100/180
+ eye_fac = parts.eye.MammalEye({"Radius": N(0.03, 0.005)})
+ t, splay = U(0.7, 0.7), 100 / 180
r = 1
rot = np.array([0, 0, 90]) * N(1, 0.1, 3)
for side in [-1, 1]:
eye = genome.part(eye_fac)
- genome.attach(eye, head, coord=(t, splay, r), joint=Joint(rest=(0,0,0)), rotation_basis='normal', side=side)
+ genome.attach(
+ eye,
+ head,
+ coord=(t, splay, r),
+ joint=Joint(rest=(0, 0, 0)),
+ rotation_basis="normal",
+ side=side,
+ )
# teeth
- horn_fac = parts.horn.Horn({'depth_of_ridge': 0, 'length': U(0.2, 0.3), 'rad1': U(0.4, 0.4), 'rad2': U(0.3, 0.3), 'thickness': U(0.04, 0.08), 'height': 0})
- t, splay = U(0.67, 0.7), 60/180
+ horn_fac = parts.horn.Horn(
+ {
+ "depth_of_ridge": 0,
+ "length": U(0.2, 0.3),
+ "rad1": U(0.4, 0.4),
+ "rad2": U(0.3, 0.3),
+ "thickness": U(0.04, 0.08),
+ "height": 0,
+ }
+ )
+ t, splay = U(0.67, 0.7), 60 / 180
for side in [-1, 1]:
horn = genome.part(horn_fac)
- genome.attach(horn, head, coord=(t, splay, 0.8), joint=Joint(rest=(30, 130, -20)), rotation_basis='global', side=side)
+ genome.attach(
+ horn,
+ head,
+ coord=(t, splay, 0.8),
+ joint=Joint(rest=(30, 130, -20)),
+ rotation_basis="global",
+ side=side,
+ )
jaw_fac = parts.reptile_detail.ReptileLowerHead(head_size, mod=(1, w_mod, h_mod))
jaw = genome.part(jaw_fac)
mouth_open_deg = 0
- genome.attach(jaw, body, coord=(0.01, 0, 0.15), joint=Joint(rest=(180, 180 - mouth_open_deg, 0)), rotation_basis='global', bridge_rad=0.1, smooth_rad=0.1)
+ genome.attach(
+ jaw,
+ body,
+ coord=(0.01, 0, 0.15),
+ joint=Joint(rest=(180, 180 - mouth_open_deg, 0)),
+ rotation_basis="global",
+ bridge_rad=0.1,
+ smooth_rad=0.1,
+ )
return genome.CreatureGenome(
- parts=body,
+ parts=body,
(infinigen.assets.materials.snake_scale, 1),
- ]
- )
+ ],
+ ),
def chameleon_genome():
open_mouth = U() > 0
@@ -238,19 +270,20 @@ def chameleon_genome():
body = genome.part(body_fac)
return genome.CreatureGenome(
- parts=body,
+ parts=body,
(infinigen.assets.materials.snake_scale, 1),
- ]
- )
+ ],
+ ),
def frog_genome():
- #body_fac = parts.reptile_detail.ReptileHeadBody(params={'open_mouth': False}, type='frog')
- #body = genome.part(body_fac)
- #shoulder_bounds = np.array([[-20, -20, -20], [20, 20, 20]])
+ # body_fac = parts.reptile_detail.ReptileHeadBody(params={'open_mouth': False}, type='frog')
+ # body = genome.part(body_fac)
+ # shoulder_bounds = np.array([[-20, -20, -20], [20, 20, 20]])
# open_mouth = U() > 0
# body_fac = parts.body_tube.ReptileBody(type='frog_body')
# body = genome.part(body_fac)
@@ -274,9 +307,9 @@ def frog_genome():
# leg = genome.attach(genome.part(toe_fac), leg, coord=(0.98, 0.5, -0.3), joint=Joint(rest=(0,0,-13)))
# leg = genome.attach(genome.part(toe_fac), leg, coord=(0.97, 0.5, -0.6), joint=Joint(rest=(0,0,-40)))
# genome.attach(leg, body, coord=(U(0.70, 0.75), 0.45, 0.8), joint=Joint(rest=(0, 0, 50), bounds=shoulder_bounds), side=side)
head_size = {
- 'scale_y': 0.4 + N(0, 0.02),
+ "scale_y": 0.4 + N(0, 0.02),
head_fac = parts.reptile_detail.ReptileUpperHead(head_size)
head = genome.part(head_fac)
@@ -298,127 +331,174 @@ def frog_genome():
- animation=dict(
- mode='swim',
- speed_m_s=0.5
- ),
+ animation=dict(mode="swim", speed_m_s=0.5),
(infinigen.assets.materials.snake_scale, 1),
- ]
- )
+ ],
+ ),
def snake_swim_params():
swim_freq = 2 * clip_gaussian(1, 0.3, 0.1, 2)
swim_mag = N(200, 3)
return dict(
- flipper_freq = 2 * clip_gaussian(1, 0.5, 0.1, 3) * swim_freq,
- flipper_mag = 0.25 * N(1, 0.1) * swim_mag,
- flipper_var = U(0, 0.2),
+ flipper_freq=2 * clip_gaussian(1, 0.5, 0.1, 3) * swim_freq,
+ flipper_mag=0.25 * N(1, 0.1) * swim_mag,
+ flipper_var=U(0, 0.2),
def chameleon_eye_params():
swim_freq = 0.2 * clip_gaussian(1, 0.3, 0.1, 2)
swim_mag = N(20, 3)
return dict(
- flipper_freq = 2 * clip_gaussian(1, 0.5, 0.1, 3) * swim_freq,
- flipper_mag = 0.25 * N(1, 0.1) * swim_mag,
- flipper_var = U(0, 0.2),
+ flipper_freq=2 * clip_gaussian(1, 0.5, 0.1, 3) * swim_freq,
+ flipper_mag=0.25 * N(1, 0.1) * swim_mag,
+ flipper_var=U(0, 0.2),
def animate_snake_swim(root, arma, params, ik_targets):
- spine = [b for b in arma.pose.bones if 'Body' in b.name]
+ spine = [b for b in arma.pose.bones if "Body" in b.name]
- arma=arma, bones=spine, fixed_head=False, off=1/2,
- mag_deg=params['swim_mag'], freq=params['swim_freq'], wavelength=U(0.2, 0.4))
+ arma=arma,
+ bones=spine,
+ fixed_head=False,
+ off=1 / 2,
+ mag_deg=params["swim_mag"],
+ freq=params["swim_freq"],
+ wavelength=U(0.2, 0.4),
+ )
def animate_chameleon_eye(root, arma, params, ik_targets):
- spine = [b for b in arma.pose.bones if 'Eye' in b.name]
+ spine = [b for b in arma.pose.bones if "Eye" in b.name]
- arma=arma, bones=spine, fixed_head=False, off=1/2,
- mag_deg=params['swim_mag'], freq=params['swim_freq'], wavelength=U(0.2, 0.4))
+ arma=arma,
+ bones=spine,
+ fixed_head=False,
+ off=1 / 2,
+ mag_deg=params["swim_mag"],
+ freq=params["swim_freq"],
+ wavelength=U(0.2, 0.4),
+ )
def lizard_run_params():
swim_freq = 1 * clip_gaussian(1, 0.3, 0.1, 2)
swim_mag = N(50, 3)
return dict(
- flipper_freq = 2 * clip_gaussian(1, 0.5, 0.1, 3) * swim_freq,
- flipper_mag = 0.25 * N(1, 0.1) * swim_mag,
- flipper_var = U(0, 0.2),
+ flipper_freq=2 * clip_gaussian(1, 0.5, 0.1, 3) * swim_freq,
+ flipper_mag=0.25 * N(1, 0.1) * swim_mag,
+ flipper_var=U(0, 0.2),
def animate_lizard_run(root, arma, params, ik_targets):
- spine = [b for b in arma.pose.bones if 'Body' in b.name]
+ spine = [b for b in arma.pose.bones if "Body" in b.name]
- arma=arma, bones=spine, fixed_head=False, off=1/2,
- mag_deg=params['swim_mag'], freq=params['swim_freq'], wavelength=U(1, 1.2))
- spine = [b for b in arma.pose.bones if 'FrontLeg' in b.name]
+ arma=arma,
+ bones=spine,
+ fixed_head=False,
+ off=1 / 2,
+ mag_deg=params["swim_mag"],
+ freq=params["swim_freq"],
+ wavelength=U(1, 1.2),
+ )
+ spine = [b for b in arma.pose.bones if "FrontLeg" in b.name]
- arma=arma, bones=spine, fixed_head=False, off=1/2,
- mag_deg=params['swim_mag'], freq=params['swim_freq'], wavelength=U(1, 1.2))
+ arma=arma,
+ bones=spine,
+ fixed_head=False,
+ off=1 / 2,
+ mag_deg=params["swim_mag"],
+ freq=params["swim_freq"],
+ wavelength=U(1, 1.2),
+ )
- spine = [b for b in arma.pose.bones if 'BackLeg' in b.name]
+ spine = [b for b in arma.pose.bones if "BackLeg" in b.name]
- arma=arma, bones=spine, fixed_head=False, off=0,
- mag_deg=params['swim_mag'], freq=params['swim_freq'], wavelength=U(1, 1.2))
+ arma=arma,
+ bones=spine,
+ fixed_head=False,
+ off=0,
+ mag_deg=params["swim_mag"],
+ freq=params["swim_freq"],
+ wavelength=U(1, 1.2),
+ )
# creature_animation.animate_run(root, arma, ik_targets)
def reptile_postprocessing(body_parts, extras, params):
- get_extras = lambda k: [o for o in extras if k in o.name]
- main_template = surface.registry.sample_registry(params['surface_registry'])
- body = body_parts + get_extras('BodyExtra')
+ def get_extras(k):
+ return [o for o in extras if k in o.name]
+ main_template = surface.registry.sample_registry(params["surface_registry"])
+ body = body_parts + get_extras("BodyExtra")
- tongue.apply(get_extras('Tongue'))
- bone.apply(get_extras('Horn'))
- eyeball.apply(get_extras('Eyeball'), shader_kwargs={"coord": "X"})
- nose.apply(get_extras('Nose'))
+ tongue.apply(get_extras("Tongue"))
+ bone.apply(get_extras("Horn"))
+ eyeball.apply(get_extras("Eyeball"), shader_kwargs={"coord": "X"})
+ nose.apply(get_extras("Nose"))
def chameleon_postprocessing(body_parts, extras, params):
- get_extras = lambda k: [o for o in extras if k in o.name]
- main_template = surface.registry.sample_registry(params['surface_registry'])
- body = body_parts + get_extras('BodyExtra')
+ def get_extras(k):
+ return [o for o in extras if k in o.name]
+ main_template = surface.registry.sample_registry(params["surface_registry"])
+ body = body_parts + get_extras("BodyExtra")
- #chameleon_eye.apply(get_extras('Eye'))
+ # chameleon_eye.apply(get_extras('Eye'))
class LizardFactory(AssetFactory):
max_distance = 40
def __init__(self, factory_seed, bvh=None, coarse=False):
super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
self.bvh = bvh
- def create_asset(self, i, animate=False, rigging=False, cloth=False, **kwargs):
+ def create_asset(self, i, animate=False, rigging=False, cloth=False, **kwargs):
genome = lizard_genome()
- root, parts = creature.genome_to_creature(genome, name=f'lizard({self.factory_seed}, {i})')
- joined, extras, arma, ik_targets = joining.join_and_rig_parts(root, parts, genome,
- postprocess_func=reptile_postprocessing, adapt_mode='remesh', rigging=rigging, **kwargs)
+ root, parts = creature.genome_to_creature(
+ genome, name=f"lizard({self.factory_seed}, {i})"
+ )
+ joined, extras, arma, ik_targets = joining.join_and_rig_parts(
+ root,
+ parts,
+ genome,
+ postprocess_func=reptile_postprocessing,
+ adapt_mode="remesh",
+ rigging=rigging,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
if animate and arma is not None:
- pass
+ pass
joined = butil.join_objects([joined] + extras)
return root
class FrogFactory(AssetFactory):
max_distance = 40
def __init__(self, factory_seed, bvh=None, coarse=False):
@@ -426,34 +506,52 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, bvh=None, coarse=False):
self.bvh = bvh
def create_asset(self, i, animate=False, rigging=False, simulate=False, **kwargs):
genome = frog_genome()
- root, parts = creature.genome_to_creature(genome, name=f'frog({self.factory_seed}, {i})')
- joined, extras, arma, ik_targets = joining.join_and_rig_parts(root, parts, genome,
- postprocess_func=reptile_postprocessing, adapt_mode='remesh', rigging=rigging, **kwargs)
+ root, parts = creature.genome_to_creature(
+ genome, name=f"frog({self.factory_seed}, {i})"
+ )
+ joined, extras, arma, ik_targets = joining.join_and_rig_parts(
+ root,
+ parts,
+ genome,
+ postprocess_func=reptile_postprocessing,
+ adapt_mode="remesh",
+ rigging=rigging,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
if animate and arma is not None:
- pass
+ pass
if simulate:
joined = butil.join_objects([joined] + extras)
return root
class SnakeFactory(AssetFactory):
max_distance = 40
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, bvh=None, coarse=False, snake_length=('uniform', 0.5, 3), **kwargs):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ factory_seed,
+ bvh=None,
+ coarse=False,
+ snake_length=("uniform", 0.5, 3),
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
self.bvh = bvh
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
self.snake_length = random_general(snake_length)
self.policy = animation_policy.AnimPolicyRandomForwardWalk(
- forward_vec=(1, 0, 0), speed=min(self.snake_length, 2)*U(0.5, 1),
- step_range=(0.2, 0.2), yaw_dist=("uniform", -7, 7)) # take very small steps, to avoid clipping into convex surfaces
+ forward_vec=(1, 0, 0),
+ speed=min(self.snake_length, 2) * U(0.5, 1),
+ step_range=(0.2, 0.2),
+ yaw_dist=("uniform", -7, 7),
+ ) # take very small steps, to avoid clipping into convex surfaces
def create_placeholder(self, i, loc, rot, **kwargs):
p = butil.spawn_cube(size=self.snake_length)
@@ -462,58 +560,84 @@ def create_placeholder(self, i, loc, rot, **kwargs):
if self.bvh is None:
return p
- curve = animation_policy.policy_create_bezier_path(p, self.bvh, self.policy, eval_offset=(0, 0, 0.5), retry_rotation=True)
- curve.name = f'animhelper:{self}.create_placeholder({i}).path'
+ curve = animation_policy.policy_create_bezier_path(
+ p, self.bvh, self.policy, eval_offset=(0, 0, 0.5), retry_rotation=True
+ )
+ curve.name = f"animhelper:{self}.create_placeholder({i}).path"
slither_curve = butil.deep_clone_obj(curve)
curve_slither.add_curve_slithers(slither_curve, snake_length=self.snake_length)
- if slither_curve.type != 'CURVE':
- logging.warning(f'{self.__class__.__name__} created invalid path {curve.name} with {curve.type=}')
+ if slither_curve.type != "CURVE":
+ logging.warning(
+ f"{self.__class__.__name__} created invalid path {curve.name} with {curve.type=}"
+ )
return p
curve_slither.snap_curve_to_floor(slither_curve, self.bvh)
butil.parent_to(curve, slither_curve, keep_transform=True)
# animate the placeholder to the APPROX location of the snake, so the camera can follow it
- follow_path(p, curve, use_curve_follow=True, offset=0,
- duration=bpy.context.scene.frame_end-bpy.context.scene.frame_start)
- curve.data.driver_add('eval_time').driver.expression = 'frame'
+ follow_path(
+ p,
+ curve,
+ use_curve_follow=True,
+ offset=0,
+ duration=bpy.context.scene.frame_end - bpy.context.scene.frame_start,
+ )
+ curve.data.driver_add("eval_time").driver.expression = "frame"
return p
def create_asset(self, i, placeholder, **kwargs):
genome = snake_genome()
- root, parts = creature.genome_to_creature(genome, name=f'snake({self.factory_seed}, {i})')
- joined, extras, arma, ik_targets = joining.join_and_rig_parts(root, parts, genome,
- postprocess_func=reptile_postprocessing, adaptive_resolution=False, rigging=False, **kwargs)
+ root, parts = creature.genome_to_creature(
+ genome, name=f"snake({self.factory_seed}, {i})"
+ )
+ joined, extras, arma, ik_targets = joining.join_and_rig_parts(
+ root,
+ parts,
+ genome,
+ postprocess_func=reptile_postprocessing,
+ adaptive_resolution=False,
+ rigging=False,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
joined = butil.join_objects([joined] + extras)
- s = self.snake_length / 20 # convert to real units. existing code averages 20m length
+ s = (
+ self.snake_length / 20
+ ) # convert to real units. existing code averages 20m length
joined.scale = (s, s, s)
butil.apply_transform(joined, scale=True)
- if len(placeholder.constraints) and placeholder.constraints[0].type == 'FOLLOW_PATH':
+ if (
+ len(placeholder.constraints)
+ and placeholder.constraints[0].type == "FOLLOW_PATH"
+ ):
curve = placeholder.constraints[0].target.parent
- assert curve.type == 'CURVE', curve.type
+ assert curve.type == "CURVE", curve.type
if len(curve.data.splines[0].points) > 3:
orig_len = curve.data.splines[0].calc_length()
joined.parent = None
- curve_slither.slither_along_path(joined, curve, speed=self.policy.speed, orig_len=orig_len)
+ curve_slither.slither_along_path(
+ joined, curve, speed=self.policy.speed, orig_len=orig_len
+ )
- root.parent = butil.spawn_empty('snake_parent_temp') # so AssetFactory.spawn_asset doesnt attempt to parent
+ root.parent = butil.spawn_empty(
+ "snake_parent_temp"
+ ) # so AssetFactory.spawn_asset doesnt attempt to parent
butil.parent_to(joined, root, keep_transform=True)
return joined
class ChameleonFactory(AssetFactory):
max_distance = 40
@@ -530,13 +654,21 @@ def create_placeholder(self, i, loc, rot, **kwargs):
return p
def create_asset(self, i, placeholder, **kwargs):
genome = chameleon_genome()
- root, parts = creature.genome_to_creature(genome, name=f'snake({self.factory_seed}, {i})')
- joined, extras, arma, ik_targets = joining.join_and_rig_parts(root, parts, genome,
- postprocess_func=reptile_postprocessing, adaptive_resolution=False, rigging=False, **kwargs)
+ root, parts = creature.genome_to_creature(
+ genome, name=f"snake({self.factory_seed}, {i})"
+ )
+ joined, extras, arma, ik_targets = joining.join_and_rig_parts(
+ root,
+ parts,
+ genome,
+ postprocess_func=reptile_postprocessing,
+ adaptive_resolution=False,
+ rigging=False,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
joined = butil.join_objects([joined] + extras)
- return root
\ No newline at end of file
+ return root
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/util/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/__init__.py
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/animation/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/animation/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/util/animation/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/animation/__init__.py
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/animation/curve_slither.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/animation/curve_slither.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4fd197db9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/animation/curve_slither.py
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
+import logging
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from mathutils import Vector
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+ "nodegroup_add_wiggles", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_add_wiggles(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Magnitude", 1.6800),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "MagRandom", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Up", (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000)),
+ ],
+ )
+ curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
+ cross_product = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: curve_tangent, 1: group_input.outputs["Up"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "CROSS_PRODUCT"},
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ modulo = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 4.0000}, attrs={"operation": "MODULO"}
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: modulo, 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": less_than, 3: -1.0000}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Magnitude"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: group_input.outputs["MagRandom"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: subtract})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: random_value.outputs[1]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: cross_product.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_add_loopbacks", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_add_loopbacks(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Vector", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Amount", 0.5800),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Randomness", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index_1, 1: 1.0000})
+ modulo = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={"operation": "MODULO"}
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: modulo}, attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"}
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": less_than, 3: -1.0000}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Amount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: group_input.outputs["Randomness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ random_value = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: subtract, "ID": index_1}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: random_value.outputs[1]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_wiggles", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_wiggles(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Wavelength", 2.3300),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Magnitude", 1.6800),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "MagRandom", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Loopyness", 0.5800),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "LoopRandom", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "AltitudeOffset", 0.00),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Up", (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000)),
+ ],
+ )
+ curve_tangent_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 1: curve_tangent_1},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Wavelength"], 1: 4.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], "Length": divide},
+ attrs={"mode": "LENGTH"},
+ )
+ addwiggles = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_add_wiggles().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": resample_curve,
+ "Magnitude": group_input.outputs["Magnitude"],
+ "MagRandom": group_input.outputs["MagRandom"],
+ "Up": group_input.outputs["Up"],
+ },
+ )
+ addloopbacks = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_add_loopbacks().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": addwiggles,
+ "Vector": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "Amount": group_input.outputs["Loopyness"],
+ "Randomness": group_input.outputs["LoopRandom"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={"Curve": addloopbacks, "Fill Caps": True}
+ )
+ subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={"Mesh": curve_to_mesh, "Level": 3}
+ )
+ mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshToCurve, input_kwargs={"Mesh": subdivision_surface}
+ )
+ off = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": group_input.outputs["AltitudeOffset"]}
+ )
+ result = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": mesh_to_curve, "Offset": off}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": result},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def add_curve_slithers(curve, snake_length):
+ params = {
+ "Wavelength": snake_length / U(2, 4),
+ "Magnitude": snake_length * 0.05 * N(1, 0.2),
+ "MagRandom": U(0, 0.7),
+ "Loopyness": 0,
+ "LoopRandom": 0,
+ "AltitudeOffset": 0.02,
+ }
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ curve,
+ "NODES",
+ node_group=nodegroup_wiggles(),
+ ng_inputs=params,
+ apply=False,
+ show_viewport=True,
+ )
+ with butil.SelectObjects(curve):
+ bpy.ops.object.convert(target="MESH")
+ bpy.ops.object.convert(target="CURVE")
+ return curve
+def slither_along_path(obj, curve, speed, zoff_pct=0.7, orig_len=None):
+ if not curve.type == "CURVE":
+ with butil.SelectObjects(curve):
+ bpy.ops.object.convert(target="CURVE")
+ curve = bpy.context.active_object
+ if curve.type != "CURVE":
+ message = f"slither_along_path failed, {curve.name=} had {curve.type=} but expected CURVE"
+ if curve.type == "MESH":
+ message == f". {len(curve.data.vertices)=}"
+ logging.warning(message)
+ return
+ curve.data.twist_mode = "Z_UP"
+ xmax = max(v[0] for v in obj.bound_box)
+ l = curve.data.splines[0].calc_length()
+ zoff = zoff_pct * obj.dimensions[-1] / 2
+ obj.location = (xmax, 0, zoff)
+ obj.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", frame=0)
+ obj.location = (l, 0, zoff)
+ obj.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", frame=bpy.context.scene.frame_end)
+ for fc in obj.animation_data.action.fcurves:
+ for k in fc.keyframe_points:
+ k.interpolation = "LINEAR"
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "CURVE", object=curve, apply=False, show_viewport=True)
+ obj.rotation_euler = (0, 0, np.pi)
+def snap_curve_to_floor(curve, bvh, step_height=1):
+ s = curve.data.splines[0]
+ for p in s.points:
+ raystart = Vector(p.co[:3]) + Vector((0, 0, step_height))
+ loc, *_ = bvh.ray_cast(raystart, Vector((0, 0, -1)))
+ if loc is not None:
+ p.co = (*loc, 1)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/animation/driver_repeated.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/animation/driver_repeated.py
similarity index 69%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/util/animation/driver_repeated.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/animation/driver_repeated.py
index b1f1d64f4..1eb8b156d 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/animation/driver_repeated.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/animation/driver_repeated.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, uniform
+from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, int_hash
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ def repeated_driver(start, end, freq, off=None, seed=None):
if seed is None:
seed = np.random.randint(1e5)
with FixedSeed(seed):
- phase = uniform(.2, .8)
- u = phase * uniform(.8, 1.)
- v = (1 - phase) * uniform(.8, 1.)
+ phase = uniform(0.2, 0.8)
+ u = phase * uniform(0.8, 1.0)
+ v = (1 - phase) * uniform(0.8, 1.0)
t = f"{freq: .4f} * frame+{off:.4f}"
t = f"{t}-floor({t})"
return f"{start}+{end - start}*(smoothstep(0,{u},{t})-smoothstep({phase},{phase + v},{t}))"
@@ -27,22 +27,33 @@ def repeated_driver(start, end, freq, off=None, seed=None):
def bend_bones_lerp(arma, bones, total, freq, rot=None, symmetric=True):
bone_lengths = []
for bone in bones:
- length = bone.bone['length'] if isinstance(bone.bone['length'], (int, float)) else 0
+ length = (
+ bone.bone["length"] if isinstance(bone.bone["length"], (int, float)) else 0
+ )
if length >= 0:
bone_lengths.append((bone, length))
bone_lengths = list(sorted(bone_lengths, key=lambda _: _[1]))
bones = [b for (b, _) in bone_lengths] if bone_lengths else bones
bone = bones[0].bone
- hashable = arma.parent.name, bone['factory_class'], bone['index'] + (bone['side'] > 0) * symmetric
+ hashable = (
+ arma.parent.name,
+ bone["factory_class"],
+ bone["index"] + (bone["side"] > 0) * symmetric,
+ )
with FixedSeed(int_hash(hashable)):
ratio = uniform(1, 2, len(bones))
ratio /= ratio.sum()
- total = [(t if uniform(0, 1) < .5 else (t[1], t[0])) if isinstance(t, tuple) else (t, t) for t in total]
+ total = [
+ (t if uniform(0, 1) < 0.5 else (t[1], t[0]))
+ if isinstance(t, tuple)
+ else (t, t)
+ for t in total
+ ]
o0, o1, o2 = uniform(0, 1, 3)
seed = np.random.randint(1e5)
for i, (bone, r) in enumerate(zip(bones, ratio)):
- s = bone.bone['side']
- bone.rotation_mode = 'XYZ'
+ s = bone.bone["side"]
+ bone.rotation_mode = "XYZ"
(x0, x1), (y0, y1), (z0, z1) = total
if rot is not None and i == 0:
x0 += rot[0]
@@ -51,7 +62,9 @@ def bend_bones_lerp(arma, bones, total, freq, rot=None, symmetric=True):
y1 += rot[1]
z0 += rot[2]
z1 += rot[2]
- driver_x, driver_y, driver_z = [_.driver for _ in bone.driver_add('rotation_euler')]
+ driver_x, driver_y, driver_z = [
+ _.driver for _ in bone.driver_add("rotation_euler")
+ ]
driver_x.expression = f"({repeated_driver(x0, x1, freq, o0, seed)})*{r}"
driver_y.expression = f"({repeated_driver(y0, y1, freq, o1, seed)})*{r}"
driver_z.expression = f"({repeated_driver(z0, z1, freq, o2, seed)})*{s * r}"
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/animation/driver_wiggle.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/animation/driver_wiggle.py
similarity index 58%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/util/animation/driver_wiggle.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/animation/driver_wiggle.py
index 1f86c2f10..76c00732c 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/animation/driver_wiggle.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/animation/driver_wiggle.py
@@ -7,51 +7,47 @@
import logging
import bpy
-import bpy_types
-import mathutils
import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N
-import pdb
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import creature, creature_util as cutil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian, randomspacing, lerp
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def sinusoid_driver(driver, mag, freq, off):
- driver.expression = f'{mag:.4f}*sin(({freq:.4f}*frame+{off:.4f})/(2*pi))'
+ driver.expression = f"{mag:.4f}*sin(({freq:.4f}*frame+{off:.4f})/(2*pi))"
def remove_ik_constraints(bones):
for b in bones:
for c in b.constraints:
- logger.debug(f'Removing {c.name} from {b.name=}')
- if hasattr(c, 'target'):
+ logger.debug(f"Removing {c.name} from {b.name=}")
+ if hasattr(c, "target"):
-def animate_wiggle_bones(arma, bones, mag_deg, freq, off=0, wavelength=1, remove_iks=True):
- '''
+def animate_wiggle_bones(
+ arma, bones, mag_deg, freq, off=0, wavelength=1, remove_iks=True
+ """
mag_deg = sum of magnitudes across al bones
freq = flaps per second
off = global time offset
wavelength = how many flaps fit into one creature
- '''
+ """
- logger.debug(f'animate_wiggle_bones on {len(bones)=} {mag_deg=}')
+ logger.debug(f"animate_wiggle_bones on {len(bones)=} {mag_deg=}")
# remove any iks, we will be overriding them
if remove_iks:
mag = np.deg2rad(mag_deg) / len(bones)
frame_period = int(bpy.context.scene.render.fps / freq)
for i, b in enumerate(bones):
b_off = -(off + i / len(bones)) * frame_period / wavelength
- b.rotation_mode = 'XYZ'
- sinusoid_driver(b.driver_add('rotation_euler')[0].driver, mag, freq, b_off)
\ No newline at end of file
+ b.rotation_mode = "XYZ"
+ sinusoid_driver(b.driver_add("rotation_euler")[0].driver, mag, freq, b_off)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/animation/idle.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/animation/idle.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..19d2e903f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/animation/idle.py
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
+import logging
+import bpy
+import mathutils
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+def compute_ik_length_height(targets):
+ bounds = []
+ for i in range(3):
+ vmin = min(t.matrix_world.translation[i] for t in targets)
+ vmax = max(t.matrix_world.translation[i] for t in targets)
+ bounds.append([vmin, vmax])
+ return np.array(bounds)
+def snap_iks_to_floor(targets, floor_bvh, minweight=0.7):
+ assert floor_bvh is not None
+ bpy.context.view_layer.update()
+ def get_targets(k):
+ return [t for t in targets if k in t.name]
+ bounds = compute_ik_length_height(targets)
+ def find_floor_offset(t):
+ ray_origin = mathutils.Vector(
+ (t.matrix_world.translation.x, t.matrix_world.translation.y, bounds[2, 1])
+ )
+ location, normal, index, dist = floor_bvh.ray_cast(
+ ray_origin, mathutils.Vector((0, 0, -1))
+ )
+ if location is None:
+ return None
+ return location - t.matrix_world.translation
+ feet = get_targets("foot")
+ feet_offsets = [find_floor_offset(f) for f in feet]
+ if any(off is None for off in feet_offsets):
+ logging.warning(
+ f"snap_iks_to_floor found {feet_offsets=}, aborting snap operation"
+ )
+ return
+ # dont allow the pose diff to be too large (ie, prevent weird behavior at cliffs)
+ for i, o in enumerate(feet_offsets):
+ if o.length > bounds[2, 1] - bounds[2, 0]:
+ logging.warning(f"snap_iks_to_floor ignoring too-long offset {o.length=}")
+ feet_offsets[i] = mathutils.Vector()
+ for (
+ f,
+ fo,
+ ) in zip(feet, feet_offsets):
+ f.location += fo
+ hips = get_targets("body")
+ if len(feet) == len(hips) * 2:
+ # hips seem coupled to pairs of feet, take that into consideration
+ # TODO: Restructure to make detecting this more robust
+ hip_offsets = []
+ for i in range(len(feet) // 2):
+ o1, o2 = feet_offsets[2 * i], feet_offsets[2 * i + 1]
+ hip_off = minweight * min(o1, o2) + (1 - minweight) * max(o1, o2)
+ hip_offsets.append(hip_off)
+ for h, ho in zip(hips, hip_offsets):
+ h.location += ho
+ for o in get_targets("head"): # front-associated
+ o.location += hip_offsets[-1]
+ for o in get_targets("tail"): # back associated
+ o.location += hip_offsets[0]
+ else:
+ logging.warning("Couldnt establish feet-hip mapping")
+ off = mathutils.Vector(np.array(feet_offsets).mean(axis=0))
+ for o in targets:
+ if o in feet:
+ continue
+ o.location += off
+def idle_body_noise_drivers(
+ targets, foot_motion_chance=0.2, head_benddown=1.0, body_mag=1.0, wing_mag=1.0
+ # all magnitudes are determined as multiples of the creatures overall length/height/width
+ bounds = compute_ik_length_height(targets)
+ ls = bounds[:, 1] - bounds[:, 0]
+ # scalars for the whole creature
+ freq_scalar = N(1, 0.15)
+ mag_scalar = N(1, 0.15)
+ def add_noise(t, k, axis, mag, freq, off=0, mode="noise", seeds=None):
+ d = t.driver_add(k, axis)
+ p = getattr(t, k)[axis]
+ if k == "location":
+ mag *= ls[axis]
+ freq = freq / bpy.context.scene.render.fps
+ freq *= freq_scalar
+ mag *= mag_scalar
+ if mode == "noise":
+ s1, s2 = (
+ seeds if seeds is not None else U(0, 1000, 2)
+ ) # random offsets as 'seeds'
+ varying = f"noise.noise(({freq:.6f}*frame, {s1:.2f}, {s2:.2f}))"
+ elif mode == "sin":
+ varying = f"sin({freq:6f}*frame*2*pi)"
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(mode)
+ d.driver.expression = f"{p:.4f}+{mag:.4f}*({off:.4f}+{varying})"
+ def get_targets(k):
+ return [t for t in targets if k in t.name]
+ for i, t in enumerate(get_targets("body")):
+ add_noise(
+ t, "location", 0, mag=body_mag * 0.025 * N(1, 0.2), freq=0.25 * N(1, 0.2)
+ )
+ if i != 0:
+ add_noise(
+ t,
+ "location",
+ 2,
+ mag=body_mag * 0.015 * N(1, 0.2),
+ freq=0.5 * N(1, 0.2),
+ mode="sin",
+ )
+ for t in get_targets("foot"):
+ if U() < foot_motion_chance:
+ add_noise(t, "location", 0, mag=0.07 * N(1, 0.1), freq=U(0.2, 0.7))
+ add_noise(t, "location", 2, mag=0.04 * N(1, 0.1), freq=U(0.2, 0.7))
+ for t in get_targets("head"):
+ headfreq = 0.4
+ add_noise(
+ t,
+ "location",
+ 0,
+ mag=0.07 * N(1, 0.1),
+ freq=headfreq,
+ off=-0.5 * head_benddown,
+ )
+ add_noise(t, "location", 1, mag=0.03 * N(1, 0.1), freq=headfreq)
+ add_noise(
+ t,
+ "location",
+ 2,
+ mag=0.2 * N(1, 0.1),
+ freq=headfreq / 2,
+ off=-0.7 * head_benddown,
+ )
+ # add_noise(t, 'rotation_euler', 0, mag=0.4*N(1, 0.1), freq=U(0.1, 0.4))
+ # add_noise(t, 'rotation_euler', 1, mag=0.4*N(1, 0.1), freq=U(0.1, 0.4))
+ seeds = U(0, 1000, 2) # synchronize wing motion a little bit
+ for t in get_targets("wingtip"):
+ add_noise(
+ t,
+ "location",
+ 0,
+ mag=wing_mag * 0.1 * N(1, 0.1),
+ freq=U(0.6, 4),
+ seeds=seeds + N(0, 0.2, 2),
+ )
+ add_noise(
+ t,
+ "location",
+ 2,
+ mag=wing_mag * 0.2 * N(1, 0.1),
+ freq=U(0.6, 4),
+ seeds=seeds + N(0, 0.2, 2),
+ )
+ for t in get_targets("tail"):
+ for i in range(3):
+ add_noise(t, "location", 0, mag=0.07 * N(1, 0.1), freq=headfreq, off=-0.5)
+def head_look_around(targets):
+ pass
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/animation/run_cycle.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/animation/run_cycle.py
similarity index 52%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/util/animation/run_cycle.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/animation/run_cycle.py
index a442ff085..dce9389e0 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/animation/run_cycle.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/animation/run_cycle.py
@@ -5,82 +5,80 @@
import logging
import re
-import bpy
-import bpy_types
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N
from math import pi
-import pdb
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import creature, creature_util as cutil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian, randomspacing, lerp
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian, lerp
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def foot_path(length, height, upturn, down_stroke, curve_resolution=8):
- curve = bpy.data.curves.new('foot_path', 'CURVE')
- curve.dimensions = '3D'
+def foot_path(length, height, upturn, down_stroke, curve_resolution=8):
+ curve = bpy.data.curves.new("foot_path", "CURVE")
+ curve.dimensions = "3D"
curve.resolution_u = curve_resolution
curve.render_resolution_u = curve_resolution
- obj = bpy.data.objects.new('foot_path', curve)
+ obj = bpy.data.objects.new("foot_path", curve)
- s = curve.splines.new(type='NURBS')
- s.use_cyclic_u = True
- s.use_bezier_u = False
+ s = curve.splines.new(type="NURBS")
+ s.use_cyclic_u = True
+ s.use_bezier_u = False
s.points.add(4 - len(s.points))
- s.points[0].co = (0, 0, -down_stroke, 1)
- s.points[1].co = (-length/2, 0, -down_stroke + upturn, 1)
- s.points[2].co = (0, 0, height, 1)
- s.points[3].co = (length/2, 0, -down_stroke + upturn, 1)
+ s.points[0].co = (0, 0, -down_stroke, 1)
+ s.points[1].co = (-length / 2, 0, -down_stroke + upturn, 1)
+ s.points[2].co = (0, 0, height, 1)
+ s.points[3].co = (length / 2, 0, -down_stroke + upturn, 1)
curve.splines[0].order_u = 3
return obj
-def body_path(length, height, upturn, down_stroke, curve_resolution=8):
- curve = bpy.data.curves.new('body_path', 'CURVE')
- curve.dimensions = '3D'
+def body_path(length, height, upturn, down_stroke, curve_resolution=8):
+ curve = bpy.data.curves.new("body_path", "CURVE")
+ curve.dimensions = "3D"
curve.resolution_u = curve_resolution
curve.render_resolution_u = curve_resolution
- obj = bpy.data.objects.new('body_path', curve)
+ obj = bpy.data.objects.new("body_path", curve)
- s = curve.splines.new(type='NURBS')
- s.use_cyclic_u = True
- s.use_bezier_u = False
+ s = curve.splines.new(type="NURBS")
+ s.use_cyclic_u = True
+ s.use_bezier_u = False
s.points.add(4 - len(s.points))
- s.points[0].co = (0, -down_stroke, 0, 1)
- s.points[1].co = (-length/2, -down_stroke + upturn, 0, 1)
- s.points[2].co = (0, height, 0, 1)
- s.points[3].co = (length/2, -down_stroke + upturn, 0, 1)
+ s.points[0].co = (0, -down_stroke, 0, 1)
+ s.points[1].co = (-length / 2, -down_stroke + upturn, 0, 1)
+ s.points[2].co = (0, height, 0, 1)
+ s.points[3].co = (length / 2, -down_stroke + upturn, 0, 1)
curve.splines[0].order_u = 3
return obj
-def follow_path(target, path, duration: int, offset: float = 0, reset_rot=True, **kwargs):
+def follow_path(
+ target, path, duration: int, offset: float = 0, reset_rot=True, **kwargs
target.location = (0, 0, 0)
if reset_rot:
target.rotation_euler = (0, 0, 0)
- c = butil.constrain_object(target, 'FOLLOW_PATH',
- target=path, offset=offset, **kwargs)
+ c = butil.constrain_object(
+ target, "FOLLOW_PATH", target=path, offset=offset, **kwargs
+ )
path.data.use_path = True
path.data.path_duration = duration
-def follow_gait_path(targets, path_dims, period, offset, spread):
- offsets = offset + np.linspace(-spread/2, spread/2, len(targets), endpoint=True)
+def follow_gait_path(targets, path_dims, period, offset, spread):
+ offsets = offset + np.linspace(-spread / 2, spread / 2, len(targets), endpoint=True)
offsets *= period
paths = []
@@ -93,9 +91,9 @@ def follow_gait_path(targets, path_dims, period, offset, spread):
return paths
-def follow_body_path(targets, path_dims, period, offset, spread):
- offsets = offset + np.linspace(-spread/2, spread/2, len(targets), endpoint=True)
+def follow_body_path(targets, path_dims, period, offset, spread):
+ offsets = offset + np.linspace(-spread / 2, spread / 2, len(targets), endpoint=True)
offsets *= period
paths = []
@@ -108,80 +106,127 @@ def follow_body_path(targets, path_dims, period, offset, spread):
return paths
-def animate_run(root, arma, targets, steps_per_sec=1, body=True, motion=True, squash_gait_pct=0.1):
- '''
+def animate_run(
+ root, arma, targets, steps_per_sec=1, body=True, motion=True, squash_gait_pct=0.1
+ """
Animate creature by moving its IK targets
- '''
- assert arma.type == 'ARMATURE'
+ """
+ assert arma.type == "ARMATURE"
stride_length = 0.7 * clip_gaussian(0.4, 0.3, 0.3, 0.6) * arma.dimensions.x
spread = clip_gaussian(0.15, 0.1, 0, 0.5)
stride_height = U(0.15, 0.4)
body_height = stride_height * clip_gaussian(0.6, 0.4, 0.3, 1.2)
base_offset = U(0, 1)
offset = U(0.5, 0.7)
frame_period = int(bpy.context.scene.render.fps / steps_per_sec)
- get_targets = lambda k: [t for t in targets if k in t.name]
- feet_targets = get_targets('foot')
- foot_paths = []
- foot_paths += follow_gait_path(targets=feet_targets[:2], period=frame_period,
- path_dims=(stride_length, stride_height, 0.0, 0.0), offset=base_offset, spread=spread)
- foot_paths += follow_gait_path(targets=feet_targets[2:], period=frame_period,
- path_dims=(stride_length, stride_height, 0.0, 0.0), offset=base_offset+offset, spread=spread)
+ def get_targets(k):
+ return [t for t in targets if k in t.name]
+ feet_targets = get_targets("foot")
+ foot_paths = []
+ foot_paths += follow_gait_path(
+ targets=feet_targets[:2],
+ period=frame_period,
+ path_dims=(stride_length, stride_height, 0.0, 0.0),
+ offset=base_offset,
+ spread=spread,
+ )
+ foot_paths += follow_gait_path(
+ targets=feet_targets[2:],
+ period=frame_period,
+ path_dims=(stride_length, stride_height, 0.0, 0.0),
+ offset=base_offset + offset,
+ spread=spread,
+ )
for p in foot_paths:
p.parent = root
- feet_targets = get_targets('knee')
- knee_paths = []
- knee_paths += follow_gait_path(targets=feet_targets[:2], period=frame_period,
- path_dims=(0.1 * stride_length, 0.1 * stride_height, 0.0, 0.0), offset=base_offset, spread=spread)
- knee_paths += follow_gait_path(targets=feet_targets[2:], period=frame_period,
- path_dims=(0.1 * stride_length, 0.1 * stride_height, 0.0, 0.0), offset=base_offset+offset, spread=spread)
+ feet_targets = get_targets("knee")
+ knee_paths = []
+ knee_paths += follow_gait_path(
+ targets=feet_targets[:2],
+ period=frame_period,
+ path_dims=(0.1 * stride_length, 0.1 * stride_height, 0.0, 0.0),
+ offset=base_offset,
+ spread=spread,
+ )
+ knee_paths += follow_gait_path(
+ targets=feet_targets[2:],
+ period=frame_period,
+ path_dims=(0.1 * stride_length, 0.1 * stride_height, 0.0, 0.0),
+ offset=base_offset + offset,
+ spread=spread,
+ )
for p in knee_paths:
p.location.z = -0.1
p.parent = root
body_paths = []
if body:
- body_paths += follow_gait_path(targets=get_targets('body_0'), period=frame_period,
- path_dims=(0, body_height, 0.0, 0.0), offset=base_offset+1-offset/2, spread=0)
- body_paths += follow_gait_path(targets=get_targets('body_1'), period=frame_period,
- path_dims=(0, body_height, 0.0, 0.0), offset=base_offset+offset/2, spread=0)
- #body_paths += animate_feet(targets=get_targets('tail'), period=frame_period,
+ body_paths += follow_gait_path(
+ targets=get_targets("body_0"),
+ period=frame_period,
+ path_dims=(0, body_height, 0.0, 0.0),
+ offset=base_offset + 1 - offset / 2,
+ spread=0,
+ )
+ body_paths += follow_gait_path(
+ targets=get_targets("body_1"),
+ period=frame_period,
+ path_dims=(0, body_height, 0.0, 0.0),
+ offset=base_offset + offset / 2,
+ spread=0,
+ )
+ # body_paths += animate_feet(targets=get_targets('tail'), period=frame_period,
# path_dims=(0.1, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0), offset=0, spread=0)
- body_paths += follow_gait_path(targets=get_targets('head'), period=frame_period,
- path_dims=(0, body_height*0.5*N(1, 0.05), 0.0, 0.0), offset=0, spread=0)
+ body_paths += follow_gait_path(
+ targets=get_targets("head"),
+ period=frame_period,
+ path_dims=(0, body_height * 0.5 * N(1, 0.05), 0.0, 0.0),
+ offset=0,
+ spread=0,
+ )
flap_height = U(0.3, 1)
- flap_speed_mult = 1 #uniform(0.7, 2)
- body_paths += follow_gait_path(targets=get_targets('wingtip'), period=int(frame_period/flap_speed_mult),
- path_dims=(0, flap_height, 0.0, flap_height), offset=base_offset+offset, spread=0)
+ flap_speed_mult = 1 # uniform(0.7, 2)
+ body_paths += follow_gait_path(
+ targets=get_targets("wingtip"),
+ period=int(frame_period / flap_speed_mult),
+ path_dims=(0, flap_height, 0.0, flap_height),
+ offset=base_offset + offset,
+ spread=0,
+ )
for p in body_paths:
if len(foot_paths):
- p.location.z = (1 - squash_gait_pct) * p.location.z + squash_gait_pct * foot_paths[0].location.z
+ p.location.z = (
+ 1 - squash_gait_pct
+ ) * p.location.z + squash_gait_pct * foot_paths[0].location.z
p.parent = root
all_paths = foot_paths + knee_paths + body_paths
if motion:
for p in all_paths:
- p.data.driver_add('eval_time').driver.expression = 'frame'
+ p.data.driver_add("eval_time").driver.expression = "frame"
return all_paths
-def animate_wiggle_body_iks(root, arma, targets, compression_ratio=1.01, cycles_per_bodylen=1.5, fix_head=True):
- assert arma.type == 'ARMATURE'
+def animate_wiggle_body_iks(
+ root, arma, targets, compression_ratio=1.01, cycles_per_bodylen=1.5, fix_head=True
+ assert arma.type == "ARMATURE"
- logger.info('Starting animate_wiggle')
+ logger.info("Starting animate_wiggle")
steps_per_sec = clip_gaussian(1.5, 0.5, 0.1, 3)
@@ -191,74 +236,83 @@ def animate_wiggle_body_iks(root, arma, targets, compression_ratio=1.01, cycles_
frame_period = int(bpy.context.scene.render.fps / steps_per_sec)
body_paths = []
- targets = [t for t in targets if 'body_' in t.name]
+ targets = [t for t in targets if "body_" in t.name]
for i, t in enumerate(targets):
- offset = cycles_per_bodylen * (i/len(targets)) * frame_period
- w = lerp(start_percent * width, width, 1 - i/len(targets))
+ offset = cycles_per_bodylen * (i / len(targets)) * frame_period
+ w = lerp(start_percent * width, width, 1 - i / len(targets))
dims = (w, 0, 0.0, 0.0)
- body_paths += follow_gait_path(targets=[t], path_dims=dims, period=frame_period,
- offset=offset, spread=0)
+ body_paths += follow_gait_path(
+ targets=[t], path_dims=dims, period=frame_period, offset=offset, spread=0
+ )
- bstart = body_paths[0].location.x
+ bstart = body_paths[0].location.x
for p in body_paths:
p.rotation_euler.z += np.pi / 2
p.location.x = (p.location.x - bstart) * compression_ratio + bstart
p.parent = root
- p.data.driver_add('eval_time').expression = 'frame'
+ p.data.driver_add("eval_time").expression = "frame"
return body_paths
def sinusoid_driver(driver, mag, freq, off):
- driver.expression = f'{mag:.4f}*sin(({freq:.4f}*frame+{off:.4f})/(2*pi))'
+ driver.expression = f"{mag:.4f}*sin(({freq:.4f}*frame+{off:.4f})/(2*pi))"
def cosusoid_driver(driver, mag, freq, off):
- driver.expression = f'{mag:.4f}*cos(({freq:.4f}*frame+{off:.4f})/(2*pi))'
+ driver.expression = f"{mag:.4f}*cos(({freq:.4f}*frame+{off:.4f})/(2*pi))"
-def animate_wiggle_bones(arma, bones, mag_deg, freq, off=0, wavelength=1, remove_iks=True, fixed_head=True):
- '''
+def animate_wiggle_bones(
+ arma, bones, mag_deg, freq, off=0, wavelength=1, remove_iks=True, fixed_head=True
+ """
mag_deg = sum of magnitudes across al bones
freq = flaps per second
off = global time offset
wavelength = how many flaps fit into one creature
- '''
+ """
# remove any iks, we will be overriding them
if remove_iks:
for b in bones:
for c in b.constraints:
- if hasattr(c, 'target'):
+ if hasattr(c, "target"):
mag = np.deg2rad(mag_deg) / len(bones)
frame_period = int(bpy.context.scene.render.fps / freq)
- print('freq:', freq)
+ print("freq:", freq)
for i, b in enumerate(bones):
b_off = -(off + i / len(bones)) * frame_period / wavelength
- b.rotation_mode = 'XYZ'
- sinusoid_driver(b.driver_add('rotation_euler')[0].driver, mag, freq, b_off)
- if not fixed_head and i == 0: # move head
- cosusoid_driver(b.driver_add('location')[2].driver, mag / (freq / (2 * pi)), freq, b_off)
+ b.rotation_mode = "XYZ"
+ sinusoid_driver(b.driver_add("rotation_euler")[0].driver, mag, freq, b_off)
+ if not fixed_head and i == 0: # move head
+ cosusoid_driver(
+ b.driver_add("location")[2].driver, mag / (freq / (2 * pi)), freq, b_off
+ )
# sinusoid_driver(b.driver_add('rotation_euler')[0].driver, -mag, freq, b_off)
-def animate_running_front_leg(arma, bones, mag_deg, freq, off=0, wavelength=1, remove_iks=True, fixed_head=True):
- '''
+def animate_running_front_leg(
+ arma, bones, mag_deg, freq, off=0, wavelength=1, remove_iks=True, fixed_head=True
+ """
mag_deg = sum of magnitudes across al bones
freq = flaps per second
off = global time offset
wavelength = how many flaps fit into one creature
- '''
+ """
# remove any iks, we will be overriding them
if remove_iks:
for b in bones:
for c in b.constraints:
- if hasattr(c, 'target'):
+ if hasattr(c, "target"):
@@ -279,27 +333,29 @@ def number_finder(s):
for i, b in enumerate(bones):
rr = number_finder(b.name)
b_off = -(off + (1 / 2 * (rr == right))) * frame_period / wavelength
- b.rotation_mode = 'XYZ'
- sinusoid_driver(b.driver_add('rotation_euler')[0].driver, mag, freq, b_off)
- sinusoid_driver(b.driver_add('rotation_euler')[2].driver, 3 * mag, freq, b_off)
- b.driver_add('location')[2].driver.expression = '-0.1'
+ b.rotation_mode = "XYZ"
+ sinusoid_driver(b.driver_add("rotation_euler")[0].driver, mag, freq, b_off)
+ sinusoid_driver(b.driver_add("rotation_euler")[2].driver, 3 * mag, freq, b_off)
+ b.driver_add("location")[2].driver.expression = "-0.1"
# sinusoid_driver(b.driver_add('location')[0].driver, 5 * mag, freq, b_off)
# sinusoid_driver(b.driver_add('location')[2].driver, 0.1 * mag, freq, b_off)
-def animate_running_back_leg(arma, bones, mag_deg, freq, off=0, wavelength=1, remove_iks=True, fixed_head=True):
- '''
+def animate_running_back_leg(
+ arma, bones, mag_deg, freq, off=0, wavelength=1, remove_iks=True, fixed_head=True
+ """
mag_deg = sum of magnitudes across al bones
freq = flaps per second
off = global time offset
wavelength = how many flaps fit into one creature
- '''
+ """
# remove any iks, we will be overriding them
if remove_iks:
for b in bones:
for c in b.constraints:
- if hasattr(c, 'target'):
+ if hasattr(c, "target"):
@@ -320,14 +376,9 @@ def number_finder(s):
for i, b in enumerate(bones):
rr = number_finder(b.name)
b_off = -(off + (1 / 2 * (rr == right))) * frame_period / wavelength
- b.rotation_mode = 'XYZ'
- sinusoid_driver(b.driver_add('rotation_euler')[0].driver, 3 * mag, freq, b_off)
+ b.rotation_mode = "XYZ"
+ sinusoid_driver(b.driver_add("rotation_euler")[0].driver, 3 * mag, freq, b_off)
# sinusoid_driver(b.driver_add('rotation_euler')[1].driver, 3 * mag, freq, b_off)
- b.driver_add('location')[2].driver.expression = '-0.1'
+ b.driver_add("location")[2].driver.expression = "-0.1"
# sinusoid_driver(b.driver_add('location')[0].driver, 5 * mag, freq, b_off)
# sinusoid_driver(b.driver_add('location')[2].driver, 0.1 * mag, freq, b_off)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/boid_swarm.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/boid_swarm.py
similarity index 52%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/util/boid_swarm.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/boid_swarm.py
index c5c6ba5f2..539c171ff 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/boid_swarm.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/boid_swarm.py
@@ -4,95 +4,105 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-from functools import partial
import logging
import bpy
import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from infinigen.core.placement import animation_policy, particles
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.placement import particles, animation_policy
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def creature_col_to_particle_col(col, name, prefix='particleassets'):
+def creature_col_to_particle_col(col, name, prefix="particleassets"):
roots = [o for o in col.objects if o.parent is None]
objs = []
for root in roots:
- first, *rest = [o for o in butil.iter_object_tree(root) if o.type == 'MESH']
+ first, *rest = [o for o in butil.iter_object_tree(root) if o.type == "MESH"]
if len(rest):
- logger.warning(f'{col.name=} had {root.name=} with multiple child meshes, taking {first.name=}, but it should have been joined with {rest}')
+ logger.warning(
+ f"{col.name=} had {root.name=} with multiple child meshes, taking {first.name=}, but it should have been joined with {rest}"
+ )
- root.location.z -= 100 # we will have hide_render=False so make sure the base asset is not visible
+ root.location.z -= 100 # we will have hide_render=False so make sure the base asset is not visible
- col = butil.group_in_collection(objs, name=f'{prefix}:{name}', exclusive=False)
+ col = butil.group_in_collection(objs, name=f"{prefix}:{name}", exclusive=False)
col.hide_viewport = True
col.hide_render = False
return col
-class BoidSwarmFactory(AssetFactory):
+class BoidSwarmFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(
- self, factory_seed, child_col, settings, bvh,
- collider_col, volume=0.1, coarse=False
+ self,
+ factory_seed,
+ child_col,
+ settings,
+ bvh,
+ collider_col,
+ volume=0.1,
+ coarse=False,
super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
self.collider_col = collider_col
self.settings = settings
self.bvh = bvh
self.target_child_volume = volume
- self.col = creature_col_to_particle_col(child_col, name=f'{self}.children')
+ self.col = creature_col_to_particle_col(child_col, name=f"{self}.children")
def create_placeholder(self, loc, rot, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
p = butil.spawn_cube(size=4)
p.location = loc
p.rotation_euler = rot
- speed_keys = ['land_speed_max', 'air_speed_max', 'climb_speed_max']
- speed = max(self.settings['boids_settings'].get(k, 0) for k in speed_keys)
+ speed_keys = ["land_speed_max", "air_speed_max", "climb_speed_max"]
+ speed = max(self.settings["boids_settings"].get(k, 0) for k in speed_keys)
step_size_range = speed * 3 * N(1, 0.1) * np.array([0.5, 1.5])
- policy = animation_policy.AnimPolicyRandomForwardWalk(forward_vec=(1, 0, 0),
- speed=speed*N(1, 0.1), step_range=step_size_range, yaw_dist=("normal", 0, 70))
- animation_policy.animate_trajectory(p, self.bvh, policy, retry_rotation=True, max_full_retries=20)
+ policy = animation_policy.AnimPolicyRandomForwardWalk(
+ forward_vec=(1, 0, 0),
+ speed=speed * N(1, 0.1),
+ step_range=step_size_range,
+ yaw_dist=("normal", 0, 70),
+ )
+ animation_policy.animate_trajectory(
+ p, self.bvh, policy, retry_rotation=True, max_full_retries=20
+ )
return p
def create_asset(self, placeholder, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
assert self.col is not None
- size = self.settings['particle_size']
- size_random = self.settings['size_random']
- avg_size = (size + size_random*size)/2
+ size = self.settings["particle_size"]
+ size_random = self.settings["size_random"]
+ avg_size = (size + size_random * size) / 2
child_vol = butil.avg_approx_vol(self.col.objects)
- count = random_general(self.target_child_volume) / float(avg_size**3 * child_vol)
- self.settings['count'] = int(count)
+ count = random_general(self.target_child_volume) / float(
+ avg_size**3 * child_vol
+ )
+ self.settings["count"] = int(count)
emitter, system = particles.particle_system(
- emitter=placeholder, subject=self.col,
+ emitter=placeholder,
+ subject=self.col,
- settings=self.settings)
+ settings=self.settings,
+ )
for r in system.settings.boids.states[0].rules:
- if r.type in ['GOAL', 'FOLLOW_LEADER']:
+ if r.type in ["GOAL", "FOLLOW_LEADER"]:
r.object = placeholder
- logger.info(f'Baking {emitter.name=} with {self.col.name=}')
+ logger.info(f"Baking {emitter.name=} with {self.col.name=}")
particles.bake(emitter, system)
emitter.hide_render = False
- return emitter
+ return emitter
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/cloth_sim.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/cloth_sim.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f052d50da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/cloth_sim.py
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
+# Acknowledgment: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDrbyITWMGU by Mr. Cheebs
+import logging
+import bpy
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.surface import attribute_to_vertex_group
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.logging import Timer
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def local_pos_rigity_mask(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "To Min", 0.4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "To Max", 0.9),
+ ],
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": nw.expose_input("Local Pos", attribute="local_pos")},
+ )
+ clamp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Clamp,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": nw.expose_input("Radius", attribute="skeleton_rad"),
+ "Min": 0.03,
+ "Max": 0.49,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: clamp, 1: -1.0}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: clamp, 1: 1.5}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: multiply, 2: multiply_1},
+ )
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"W": uniform(1e3), "Scale": normal(10, 1)},
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: musgrave_texture, 1: normal(0.07, 0.007)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ musgrave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": normal(5, 0.5), "W": uniform(1e3)},
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: musgrave_texture_1, 1: normal(0.12, 0.01)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: multiply_3})
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: add}
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": add_1})
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(1)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = normal(0.23, 0.05)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = normal(0.6, 0.05)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 1.0
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["To Min"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["To Max"],
+ },
+ )
+ musgrave_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture)
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: musgrave_texture_2, 1: normal(0.1, 0.02)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ return nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_4}
+ )
+def bake_cloth(obj, settings=None, attributes=None, frame_start=None, frame_end=None):
+ if frame_start is None:
+ frame_start = bpy.context.scene.frame_start
+ if frame_end is None:
+ frame_end = bpy.context.scene.frame_end
+ if settings is None:
+ settings = {}
+ if attributes is None:
+ attributes = {}
+ mod = obj.modifiers.new("bake_cloth", "CLOTH")
+ mod.settings.effector_weights.gravity = settings.pop("gravity", 1)
+ mod.collision_settings.distance_min = settings.pop("distance_min", 0.015)
+ mod.collision_settings.use_self_collision = settings.pop(
+ "use_self_collision", False
+ )
+ for k, v in settings.items():
+ setattr(mod.settings, k, v)
+ with butil.DisableModifiers(obj):
+ for name, attr in attributes.items():
+ vgroup = attribute_to_vertex_group(obj, attr, name=f"skin_sim.{name}")
+ setattr(mod.settings, name, vgroup.name)
+ mod.point_cache.frame_start = frame_start
+ mod.point_cache.frame_end = frame_end
+ with (
+ butil.ViewportMode(obj, mode="OBJECT"),
+ butil.SelectObjects(obj),
+ Timer("Baking fish cloth"),
+ ):
+ override = {
+ "scene": bpy.context.scene,
+ "active_object": obj,
+ "point_cache": mod.point_cache,
+ }
+ bpy.ops.ptcache.bake(override, bake=True)
+ return mod
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/creature.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/creature.py
similarity index 62%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/util/creature.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/creature.py
index 8675831f2..cf835cdc0 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/creature.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/creature.py
@@ -4,30 +4,23 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import pdb
-from dataclasses import dataclass, field
-import typing
-import warnings
import logging
+import warnings
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import bpy
import mathutils
-from mathutils.bvhtree import BVHTree
import numpy as np
+from mathutils.bvhtree import BVHTree
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.geometry import lofting, skin_ops
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature_util import interp_dict, euler
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import genome
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import tree, join_smoothing
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import genome
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util import genome, tree
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature_util import euler, interp_dict
+from infinigen.assets.utils.geometry import lofting
from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement import detail
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil, logging as logging_util
-from infinigen.core.util.math import homogenize, lerp_sample, lerp
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util import logging as logging_util
+from infinigen.core.util.math import homogenize, lerp, lerp_sample
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -39,7 +32,9 @@ def infer_skeleton_from_mesh(obj):
v_xmax = vs[vs[:, 0].argmax()]
return np.array([v_xmin, v_xmax])
except ValueError:
- warnings.warn(f'infer_skeleton_from_mesh({obj=}) failed, returning null skeleton')
+ warnings.warn(
+ f"infer_skeleton_from_mesh({obj=}) failed, returning null skeleton"
+ )
return np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0.1, 0, 0]])
@@ -64,26 +59,27 @@ def __post_init__(self):
def bvh(self):
if self._bvh is None:
- logger.debug(f'Computing part bvh for {self.obj.name}')
+ logger.debug(f"Computing part bvh for {self.obj.name}")
target = self.attach_basemesh or self.obj
- assert target.type == 'MESH'
+ assert target.type == "MESH"
depsgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
self._bvh = BVHTree.FromObject(target, depsgraph)
return self._bvh
def __repr__(self):
- return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(obj.name={repr(self.obj.name)}, skeleton.shape=' \
- f'{self.skeleton.shape if self.skeleton is not None else None})'
+ return (
+ f"{self.__class__.__name__}(obj.name={repr(self.obj.name)}, skeleton.shape="
+ f"{self.skeleton.shape if self.skeleton is not None else None})"
+ )
def skeleton_global(self):
return homogenize(self.skeleton) @ np.array(self.obj.matrix_world)[:-1].T
-ALL_TAGS = ['body', 'neck', 'head', 'jaw', 'head_detail', 'limb', 'foot', 'rigid']
+ALL_TAGS = ["body", "neck", "head", "jaw", "head_detail", "limb", "foot", "rigid"]
class PartFactory:
def __init__(self, params=None, sample=True):
if sample:
self.params = self.sample_params()
@@ -106,11 +102,13 @@ def __call__(self, rand=0) -> Part:
other_sample = self.sample_params()
params = interp_dict(params, other_sample, rand)
- logger.debug(f'Computing {self}.make_part()')
+ logger.debug(f"Computing {self}.make_part()")
part = self.make_part(params)
if part is None:
- raise ValueError(f'{self}.make_part() returned None, did you forget a return?')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"{self}.make_part() returned None, did you forget a return?"
+ )
return part
@@ -131,7 +129,9 @@ def quat_align_vecs(a, b):
return mathutils.Quaternion(a.cross(b), a.angle(b))
-def raycast_surface(part: Part, idx_pct, dir_rot: mathutils.Quaternion, r=1, debug=False):
+def raycast_surface(
+ part: Part, idx_pct, dir_rot: mathutils.Quaternion, r=1, debug=False
# figure out axis of rotation
idx = np.array([idx_pct]) * (len(part.skeleton) - 1)
tangents = lofting.skeleton_to_tangents(part.skeleton)
@@ -139,24 +139,28 @@ def raycast_surface(part: Part, idx_pct, dir_rot: mathutils.Quaternion, r=1, deb
# raycast to find surface of the part
origin = mathutils.Vector(lerp_sample(part.skeleton, idx).reshape(-1))
- basis = part.obj.rotation_euler.to_quaternion() @ quat_align_vecs((1, 0, 0), forward.reshape(-1))
+ basis = part.obj.rotation_euler.to_quaternion() @ quat_align_vecs(
+ (1, 0, 0), forward.reshape(-1)
+ )
direction = basis @ dir_rot @ mathutils.Vector([1, 0, 0])
location, normal, index, dist = part.bvh().ray_cast(origin, direction)
if location is None:
- logger.warning(f'Raycast did not intersect {part} with {dist=} {dir_rot=} {idx_pct=}')
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Raycast did not intersect {part} with {dist=} {dir_rot=} {idx_pct=}"
+ )
location = origin
dist = 0
normal = (1, 0, 0)
elif debug:
- o = butil.spawn_empty('origin')
+ o = butil.spawn_empty("origin")
o.location = origin
- d = butil.spawn_empty('dir')
- d.location = (origin + 0.05 * direction)
+ d = butil.spawn_empty("dir")
+ d.location = origin + 0.05 * direction
- e = butil.spawn_empty('hit')
+ e = butil.spawn_empty("hit")
e.location = location
for v in [o, d, e]:
@@ -174,71 +178,88 @@ def write_local_attributes(part, idx, tags):
n = len(part.obj.data.vertices)
# local position
- surface.write_attribute(part.obj, lambda nw: nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition), name='local_pos', apply=True)
+ surface.write_attribute(
+ part.obj,
+ lambda nw: nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition),
+ name="local_pos",
+ apply=True,
+ )
# float repr of integer part idx, useful after join/remesh
- part_idx_attr = part.obj.data.attributes.new('part_idx', 'FLOAT', 'POINT')
- part_idx_attr.data.foreach_set('value', np.full(n, idx))
+ part_idx_attr = part.obj.data.attributes.new("part_idx", "FLOAT", "POINT")
+ part_idx_attr.data.foreach_set("value", np.full(n, idx))
for t in tags:
- attr = part.obj.data.attributes.new(f'tag_{t}', 'FLOAT', 'POINT')
- attr.data.foreach_set('value', np.ones(n))
+ attr = part.obj.data.attributes.new(f"tag_{t}", "FLOAT", "POINT")
+ attr.data.foreach_set("value", np.ones(n))
def write_global_attributes(part):
skeleton = part.skeleton_global()
verts = np.array([part.obj.matrix_world @ v.co for v in part.obj.data.vertices])
- dists = np.linalg.norm(skeleton.reshape(1, -1, 3) - verts.reshape(-1, 1, 3), axis=-1)
+ dists = np.linalg.norm(
+ skeleton.reshape(1, -1, 3) - verts.reshape(-1, 1, 3), axis=-1
+ )
closest_idx = dists.argmin(axis=1)
rads = dists[np.arange(dists.shape[0]), closest_idx]
- rad_attr = part.obj.data.attributes.new('skeleton_rad', 'FLOAT', 'POINT')
- rad_attr.data.foreach_set('value', rads)
+ rad_attr = part.obj.data.attributes.new("skeleton_rad", "FLOAT", "POINT")
+ rad_attr.data.foreach_set("value", rads)
# location of nearest skeleton point
- skeleton_loc_attr = part.obj.data.attributes.new('skeleton_loc', 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'POINT')
- skeleton_loc_attr.data.foreach_set('vector', skeleton[closest_idx].reshape(-1))
+ skeleton_loc_attr = part.obj.data.attributes.new(
+ "skeleton_loc", "FLOAT_VECTOR", "POINT"
+ )
+ skeleton_loc_attr.data.foreach_set("vector", skeleton[closest_idx].reshape(-1))
# location of the parent of the nearest skeleton point
parent_loc = skeleton[np.clip(closest_idx - 1, 0, len(skeleton))]
if skeleton.shape[0] > 1:
parent_loc[closest_idx == 0] = skeleton[0] - (skeleton[1] - skeleton[0])
- parent_skeleton_loc_attr = part.obj.data.attributes.new('parent_skeleton_loc', 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'POINT')
- parent_skeleton_loc_attr.data.foreach_set('vector', parent_loc.reshape(-1))
+ parent_skeleton_loc_attr = part.obj.data.attributes.new(
+ "parent_skeleton_loc", "FLOAT_VECTOR", "POINT"
+ )
+ parent_skeleton_loc_attr.data.foreach_set("vector", parent_loc.reshape(-1))
def sanitize_for_boolean(o):
- '''
+ """
Attempt to clean up `o` to make boolean operations more likely to succeed
- '''
+ """
with butil.SelectObjects(o), logging_util.Suppress():
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
def apply_attach_transform(part, target, att):
u, v, rad = att.coord
- loc, normal, tangent = raycast_surface(target, idx_pct=u, dir_rot=euler(180 * v, 0, 0) @ euler(0, 90, 0),
- r=rad, debug=False)
+ loc, normal, tangent = raycast_surface(
+ target,
+ idx_pct=u,
+ dir_rot=euler(180 * v, 0, 0) @ euler(0, 90, 0),
+ r=rad,
+ debug=False,
+ )
- if att.rotation_basis == 'global':
+ if att.rotation_basis == "global":
basis_rot = mathutils.Quaternion()
- elif att.rotation_basis == 'normal':
+ elif att.rotation_basis == "normal":
basis_rot = quat_align_vecs((1, 0, 0), normal)
- elif att.rotation_basis == 'tangent':
+ elif att.rotation_basis == "tangent":
basis_rot = quat_align_vecs((1, 0, 0), tangent)
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized {att.rotation_basis=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized {att.rotation_basis=}")
rot = basis_rot @ euler(*att.joint.rest)
att.joint.rest = np.rad2deg(
- np.array(rot.to_euler())) # write back so subsequent steps can use updated global pose
+ np.array(rot.to_euler())
+ ) # write back so subsequent steps can use updated global pose
part.obj.parent = target.obj
part.obj.location = loc
@@ -250,15 +271,17 @@ def apply_attach_transform(part, target, att):
if obj is None:
part.side = target.side * att.side
- obj.matrix_world = mathutils.Matrix.Scale(att.side, 4, (
- 0, 1, 0)) @ obj.matrix_world # # butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=False, rot=False, scale=True)
+ obj.matrix_world = (
+ mathutils.Matrix.Scale(att.side, 4, (0, 1, 0)) @ obj.matrix_world
+ ) # # butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=False, rot=False, scale=True)
def attach(part: Part, target: Part, att: genome.Attachment):
- if target.obj.type != 'MESH':
+ if target.obj.type != "MESH":
raise ValueError(
- f'attach() recieved {target.obj=} with {target.obj.type=} which is not valid for raycast '
- f'attachment, please convert to type=MESH')
+ f"attach() recieved {target.obj=} with {target.obj.type=} which is not valid for raycast "
+ f"attachment, please convert to type=MESH"
+ )
apply_attach_transform(part, target, att)
@@ -269,10 +292,17 @@ def attach(part: Part, target: Part, att: genome.Attachment):
# bevel_obj.parent = part.obj
# Cut any cutters from the parent
- cutter_extras = [o for o in butil.iter_object_tree(part.obj) if 'Cutter' in o.name]
+ cutter_extras = [o for o in butil.iter_object_tree(part.obj) if "Cutter" in o.name]
for o in cutter_extras:
- butil.modify_mesh(target.obj, 'BOOLEAN', object=o, operation='DIFFERENCE', apply=True, solver='FAST')
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ target.obj,
+ object=o,
+ operation="DIFFERENCE",
+ apply=True,
+ solver="FAST",
+ )
@@ -281,30 +311,32 @@ def genome_to_creature(genome: genome.CreatureGenome, name: str):
for i, (part, cnode) in enumerate(zip(parts, genome.parts)):
factory_class = cnode.part_factory.__class__.__name__
- part.obj.name = f'{name}.parts({i}, factory={factory_class})'
- part.obj['factory_class'] = factory_class
- part.obj['index'] = i
+ part.obj.name = f"{name}.parts({i}, factory={factory_class})"
+ part.obj["factory_class"] = factory_class
+ part.obj["index"] = i
for extra in part.obj.children:
- extra.name = f'{name}.parts({i}).extra({extra.name}, {i})'
+ extra.name = f"{name}.parts({i}).extra({extra.name}, {i})"
extra.parent = part.obj
- extra['factory_class'] = factory_class
- extra['index'] = i
+ extra["factory_class"] = factory_class
+ extra["index"] = i
# write attribute values that must come before posing/arrangement
- logger.debug(f'Writing local attributes')
+ logger.debug("Writing local attributes")
for i, (part, genode) in enumerate(tree.tzip(parts, genome.parts)):
tags = genode.part_factory.tags
write_local_attributes(part, i, tags)
- for genome, (parent, part) in zip(tree.iter_items(genome.parts, postorder=True),
- tree.iter_parent_child(parts, postorder=True)):
+ for genome, (parent, part) in zip(
+ tree.iter_items(genome.parts, postorder=True),
+ tree.iter_parent_child(parts, postorder=True),
+ ):
if parent is None:
continue # root object doesnt need attaching
- logger.debug(f'Attaching {part} to {parent}')
+ logger.debug(f"Attaching {part} to {parent}")
attach(part, parent, genome.att)
# write any attributes that must come after posign/arrangement
- logger.debug(f'Writing global attributes')
+ logger.debug("Writing global attributes")
for part in parts:
@@ -315,7 +347,7 @@ def genome_to_creature(genome: genome.CreatureGenome, name: str):
p.attach_basemesh = None
p._bvh = None
with butil.SelectObjects(p.obj):
- bpy.ops.object.parent_clear(type='CLEAR_KEEP_TRANSFORM')
+ bpy.ops.object.parent_clear(type="CLEAR_KEEP_TRANSFORM")
p.obj.parent = root
return root, parts
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/creature_parser.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/creature_parser.py
similarity index 61%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/util/creature_parser.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/creature_parser.py
index 5f6560432..4518ce26b 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/creature_parser.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/creature_parser.py
@@ -5,70 +5,77 @@
from pathlib import Path
-import pdb
import numpy as np
+from infinigen.assets.utils.geometry import lofting
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_transpiler.transpiler import indent
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_transpiler.transpiler import transpile, indent
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.geometry import lofting
def prefix():
return (
"import numpy as np\n"
- "from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import CreatureGenome, PartGenome, Attachment, Joint\n"
+ "from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import CreatureGenome, PartGenome, Attachment, Joint\n"
def repr_np_array(v):
v = np.round(v, 3)
- return f'np.{repr(v)}'
+ return f"np.{repr(v)}"
def basename(obj):
- return obj.name.split('.')[0]
+ return obj.name.split(".")[0]
-def parse_nurbs_data(obj, i=0):
- '''
+def parse_nurbs_data(obj, i=0):
+ """
Given a blender object, read it's handles out as a (n,m,3) vertex array
TODO: Read out knotvector. Function should yield all data necessary to define that NURBS
- '''
- assert obj.type == 'SURFACE'
+ """
+ assert obj.type == "SURFACE"
spline = obj.data.splines[i]
m, n = spline.point_count_u, spline.point_count_v
points = np.array([p.co for p in spline.points])
points = points.reshape(n, m, -1)
return points
def parse_part(nurbs_part, mesh_part, profiles_folder):
name = basename(nurbs_part)
part_genome_kwargs = {}
handles = parse_nurbs_data(nurbs_part)
- skeleton, ts, rads, profiles_norm = lofting.factorize_nurbs_handles(handles[..., :-1])
+ skeleton, ts, rads, profiles_norm = lofting.factorize_nurbs_handles(
+ handles[..., :-1]
+ )
- part_genome_kwargs['skeleton'] = repr_np_array(skeleton)
- part_genome_kwargs['rads'] = repr_np_array(rads.reshape(-1))
+ part_genome_kwargs["skeleton"] = repr_np_array(skeleton)
+ part_genome_kwargs["rads"] = repr_np_array(rads.reshape(-1))
- path = Path(profiles_folder)/f'profile_{name}.npy'
+ path = Path(profiles_folder) / f"profile_{name}.npy"
np.save(path, profiles_norm)
- print(f'Saving {path}')
- part_genome_kwargs['profile'] = f'np.load({repr(str(path))})'
+ print(f"Saving {path}")
+ part_genome_kwargs["profile"] = f"np.load({repr(str(path))})"
body = f"return {repr_function_call('PartGenome', part_genome_kwargs)}"
- code = f'def {name}():\n' + indent(body)
+ code = f"def {name}():\n" + indent(body)
return name, code
def find_approx_uvr_coord(child, parent_mesh, parent_nurbs):
- assert parent_mesh.type == 'MESH'
+ assert parent_mesh.type == "MESH"
loc = np.array(child.matrix_world.translation)
- verts = np.array([parent_mesh.matrix_world @ v.co for v in parent_mesh.data.vertices])
+ verts = np.array(
+ [parent_mesh.matrix_world @ v.co for v in parent_mesh.data.vertices]
+ )
dists = np.linalg.norm(verts - loc, axis=-1)
i = dists.argmin()
@@ -88,29 +95,30 @@ def find_approx_uvr_coord(child, parent_mesh, parent_nurbs):
return np.array([u, v, r])
-def parse_attachment(part, parent_mesh, parent_nurbs):
+def parse_attachment(part, parent_mesh, parent_nurbs):
uvr = find_approx_uvr_coord(part, parent_mesh, parent_nurbs)
- kwargs = {
- 'target': repr(basename(parent_mesh)),
- 'coord': tuple(np.round(uvr, 2)),
- 'joint': f'Joint(rest={tuple(np.round(part.rotation_euler, 2))})',
+ kwargs = {
+ "target": repr(basename(parent_mesh)),
+ "coord": tuple(np.round(uvr, 2)),
+ "joint": f"Joint(rest={tuple(np.round(part.rotation_euler, 2))})",
- return repr_function_call('Attachment', kwargs, spacing=' ')
+ return repr_function_call("Attachment", kwargs, spacing=" ")
+def repr_function_call(funcname, kwargs, spacing="\n", multiline=True):
+ kwargs_str = f",{spacing}".join([f"{k}={v}" for k, v in kwargs.items()])
+ paren_sep = "\n" if multiline else ""
+ return f"{funcname}({paren_sep}{indent(kwargs_str)}{paren_sep})"
-def repr_function_call(funcname, kwargs, spacing='\n', multiline=True):
- kwargs_str = f',{spacing}'.join([f'{k}={v}' for k, v in kwargs.items()])
- paren_sep = '\n' if multiline else ''
- return f'{funcname}({paren_sep}{indent(kwargs_str)}{paren_sep})'
def parse_creature(nurbs_root, mesh_root, profiles_folder):
- assert nurbs_root.type == 'SURFACE'
- assert mesh_root.type == 'MESH'
+ assert nurbs_root.type == "SURFACE"
+ assert mesh_root.type == "MESH"
- code = prefix() + '\n'
+ code = prefix() + "\n"
nurbs_parts = list(butil.iter_object_tree(nurbs_root))
mesh_parts = list(butil.iter_object_tree(mesh_root))
@@ -119,20 +127,21 @@ def parse_creature(nurbs_root, mesh_root, profiles_folder):
names = []
atts = {}
for nurbs_part, mesh_part in zip(nurbs_parts, mesh_parts):
assert basename(nurbs_part) == basename(mesh_part)
- print(f'Processing {basename(nurbs_part)}')
+ print(f"Processing {basename(nurbs_part)}")
name, new_code = parse_part(nurbs_part, mesh_part, profiles_folder)
- code += new_code + '\n\n'
+ code += new_code + "\n\n"
if mesh_part.parent is not None:
- atts[name] = parse_attachment(mesh_part, mesh_part.parent, nurbs_part.parent)
+ atts[name] = parse_attachment(
+ mesh_part, mesh_part.parent, nurbs_part.parent
+ )
joiningome_args = {
- 'parts': repr_function_call('dict', {name: f'{name}()' for name in names}),
- 'attachments': repr_function_call('dict', atts)
+ "parts": repr_function_call("dict", {name: f"{name}()" for name in names}),
+ "attachments": repr_function_call("dict", atts),
body = f"return {repr_function_call('CreatureGenome', joiningome_args)}"
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/creature_util.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/creature_util.py
similarity index 75%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/util/creature_util.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/creature_util.py
index 4335874bd..7dfe5622b 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/creature_util.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/creature_util.py
@@ -4,44 +4,46 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-from dataclasses import dataclass
import numbers
-import bpy
import mathutils
-from mathutils import Vector, Euler, Quaternion
import numpy as np
+from mathutils import Euler, Quaternion, Vector
-from infinigen.core.util.math import lerp
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import lerp
def euler(r, p, y):
return mathutils.Euler(np.deg2rad([r, p, y])).to_quaternion()
-def interp_dict(a: dict, b: dict, t: float, keys='assert', fill=0, recurse=True, lerp=lerp):
- '''
+def interp_dict(
+ a: dict, b: dict, t: float, keys="assert", fill=0, recurse=True, lerp=lerp
+ """
keys: 'a', 'b', 'intersect', 'union', 'asset', 'switch'
- '''
+ """
- if keys == 'switch':
- keys = 'b' if t > 0.5 else 'a'
+ if keys == "switch":
+ keys = "b" if t > 0.5 else "a"
- if keys == 'assert':
+ if keys == "assert":
if not a.keys() == b.keys():
- raise ValueError(f'lerp_dict(..., {keys=}) recieved {a.keys()=}, {b.keys()}=')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"lerp_dict(..., {keys=}) recieved {a.keys()=}, {b.keys()}="
+ )
out_keys = a.keys()
- elif keys == 'a':
+ elif keys == "a":
out_keys = a.keys()
- elif keys == 'b':
+ elif keys == "b":
out_keys = b.keys()
- elif keys == 'union':
+ elif keys == "union":
out_keys = set(a.keys()).union(b.keys())
- elif keys == 'intersect':
+ elif keys == "intersect":
out_keys = set(a.keys()).intersection(b.keys())
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized lerp_dict(..., {keys=})')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized lerp_dict(..., {keys=})")
res = {}
for k in out_keys:
@@ -50,16 +52,18 @@ def interp_dict(a: dict, b: dict, t: float, keys='assert', fill=0, recurse=True,
elif k not in a:
res[k] = b[k]
elif recurse and isinstance(a[k], dict):
- res[k] = interp_dict(a[k], b[k], t, keys=keys, fill=fill, recurse=recurse, lerp=lerp)
+ res[k] = interp_dict(
+ a[k], b[k], t, keys=keys, fill=fill, recurse=recurse, lerp=lerp
+ )
elif isinstance(a[k], numbers.Number) or isinstance(a[k], np.ndarray):
res[k] = lerp(a[k], b[k], t)
- raise TypeError(f'interp_dict could not handle {type(a[k])=}')
+ raise TypeError(f"interp_dict could not handle {type(a[k])=}")
return res
-def polar_skeleton(rads, eulers):
+def polar_skeleton(rads, eulers):
assert len(rads.shape) == 1
# if too few eulers are provided, we will assume the user only cares about the latter angles
@@ -83,8 +87,8 @@ def polar_skeleton(rads, eulers):
return positions
def offset_center(obj, x=True, z=True):
# find all bbox corners
vs = []
for ob in butil.iter_object_tree(obj):
@@ -97,4 +101,4 @@ def offset_center(obj, x=True, z=True):
zoff = -vs[:, -1].min() if z else 0
offset = mathutils.Vector((xoff, 0, zoff))
for ob in obj.children:
- ob.location += offset
\ No newline at end of file
+ ob.location += offset
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/genome.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/genome.py
similarity index 74%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/util/genome.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/genome.py
index c60ed5334..dc80a78d0 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/genome.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/genome.py
@@ -4,29 +4,27 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-from dataclasses import dataclass, field
+import copy
import itertools
import typing
-import pdb
-import copy
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import numpy as np
-from scipy.sparse.csgraph import maximum_bipartite_matching
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
+from scipy.sparse.csgraph import maximum_bipartite_matching
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.tree import Tree
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature_util import interp_dict
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature_util import interp_dict
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.tree import Tree
from infinigen.core.util.math import lerp
class IKParams:
name: str
- chain_parts: int = 1 # how many parts up the hierarchy can this IK affect
+ chain_parts: int = 1 # how many parts up the hierarchy can this IK affect
chain_length: int = None
rotation_weight: float = 0
- mode: str = 'iksolve' # iksolve, pin
+ mode: str = "iksolve" # iksolve, pin
target_size: float = 0.2
@@ -56,7 +54,7 @@ class Attachment:
joint: Joint = None
bridge: str = None
side: int = 1
- rotation_basis: str = 'global'
+ rotation_basis: str = "global"
bridge_rad: float = 0.0
smooth_rad: float = 0.0
@@ -86,7 +84,7 @@ def match_cost(a: Tree, b: Tree):
cost_matrix = cost_matrix.reshape(len(a), len(b))
cost_matrix = csr_matrix(cost_matrix)
- perm = maximum_bipartite_matching(-cost_matrix, perm_type='column')
+ perm = maximum_bipartite_matching(-cost_matrix, perm_type="column")
res = []
for ai, bi in enumerate(perm):
@@ -117,18 +115,24 @@ def interp_attachment(a: Attachment, b: Attachment, t: float):
joint = Joint(rest=lerp(a.joint.rest, b.joint.rest, t), bounds=s.joint.bounds)
- att = Attachment(coord=lerp(a.coord, b.coord, t), joint=joint, bridge=s.bridge, side=s.side)
+ att = Attachment(
+ coord=lerp(a.coord, b.coord, t), joint=joint, bridge=s.bridge, side=s.side
+ )
return att
def interp_creature_node(a: CreatureNode, b: CreatureNode, t):
- s = b if t > 0.5 else a # which of a,b should we take non-interpolatable things from
+ s = (
+ b if t > 0.5 else a
+ ) # which of a,b should we take non-interpolatable things from
fac = copy.copy(s.part_factory)
- fac.params = interp_dict(a.part_factory.params, b.part_factory.params, t, keys='switch', lerp=lerp_any)
+ fac.params = interp_dict(
+ a.part_factory.params, b.part_factory.params, t, keys="switch", lerp=lerp_any
+ )
- #att = interp_attachment(a.att, b.att, t)
- att = a.att # TODO: Enable attachment interp later, debug symmetry
+ # att = interp_attachment(a.att, b.att, t)
+ att = a.att # TODO: Enable attachment interp later, debug symmetry
return CreatureNode(part_factory=fac, att=att)
@@ -158,30 +162,43 @@ def interp_genome(a: CreatureGenome, b: CreatureGenome, t: float) -> CreatureGen
return a
elif t == 1:
return b
- #postprocess = interp_dict(a.postprocess_params, b.postprocess_params, t, recurse=True, keys='switch')
- #TODO a.postprocess_params
+ # postprocess = interp_dict(a.postprocess_params, b.postprocess_params, t, recurse=True, keys='switch')
+ # TODO a.postprocess_params
postprocess = a.postprocess_params
- return CreatureGenome(parts=interp_part_tree(a.parts, b.parts, t),
- postprocess_params=postprocess)
+ return CreatureGenome(
+ parts=interp_part_tree(a.parts, b.parts, t), postprocess_params=postprocess
+ )
# Syntactic sugar to make defining trees of part params less verbose
def part(fac):
return Tree(CreatureNode(fac, None))
-def attach(child: Tree, parent: Tree, coord=None, joint=None, bridge=None, side=1, rotation_basis='global',
- bridge_rad=.0, smooth_rad=.0):
+def attach(
+ child: Tree,
+ parent: Tree,
+ coord=None,
+ joint=None,
+ bridge=None,
+ side=1,
+ rotation_basis="global",
+ bridge_rad=0.0,
+ smooth_rad=0.0,
assert child.item.att is None
if coord is None:
coord = np.array([0, 0, 0])
if joint is None:
joint = Joint((0, 0, 0))
- child.item.att = Attachment(coord, joint, bridge, side, rotation_basis, bridge_rad, smooth_rad)
+ child.item.att = Attachment(
+ coord, joint, bridge, side, rotation_basis, bridge_rad, smooth_rad
+ )
return parent
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geonode_part.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/geonode_part.py
similarity index 57%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geonode_part.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/geonode_part.py
index ad7b91e4b..c42b7b6a0 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geonode_part.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/geonode_part.py
@@ -5,14 +5,15 @@
import numpy as np
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import Part, Joint, infer_skeleton_from_mesh
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import (
+ Part,
+ infer_skeleton_from_mesh,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.extract_nodegroup_parts import extract_nodegroup_geo
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler, Nodes, geometry_node_group_empty_new
-from infinigen.assets.utils.extract_nodegroup_parts import extract_nodegroup_geo
class GeonodePartFactory:
def __init__(self, nodegroup_func, joints=None):
self.nodegroup_func = nodegroup_func
self.joints = joints
@@ -21,40 +22,42 @@ def __init__(self, nodegroup_func, joints=None):
def base_obj(self):
# May be overridden
- return butil.spawn_vert('temp')
+ return butil.spawn_vert("temp")
def params(self):
# Must be overridden
- raise NotImplementedError(f'{self.__class__} did not override abstract base method GeonodePartFactory.params')
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ f"{self.__class__} did not override abstract base method GeonodePartFactory.params"
+ )
def _extract_geo_results(self):
ng_params = self.species_params
with butil.TemporaryObject(self.base_obj()) as base_obj:
ng = self.nodegroup_func()
- geo_outputs = [o for o in ng.outputs if o.bl_socket_idname == 'NodeSocketGeometry']
+ geo_outputs = [
+ o for o in ng.outputs if o.bl_socket_idname == "NodeSocketGeometry"
+ ]
results = {
- o.name: extract_nodegroup_geo(
- base_obj, ng, o.name, ng_params=ng_params
- )
+ o.name: extract_nodegroup_geo(base_obj, ng, o.name, ng_params=ng_params)
for o in geo_outputs
return results
def __call__(self):
objs = self._extract_geo_results()
- skin_obj = objs.pop('Geometry')
- attach_basemesh = objs.pop('Base Mesh', None)
+ skin_obj = objs.pop("Geometry")
+ attach_basemesh = objs.pop("Base Mesh", None)
- if 'Skeleton Curve' in objs:
- skeleton_obj = objs.pop('Skeleton Curve')
+ if "Skeleton Curve" in objs:
+ skeleton_obj = objs.pop("Skeleton Curve")
skeleton = np.array([v.co for v in skeleton_obj.data.vertices])
if len(skeleton) == 0:
- raise ValueError(f"Skeleton export failed for {self}, {skeleton_obj}, got {skeleton.shape=}")
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Skeleton export failed for {self}, {skeleton_obj}, got {skeleton.shape=}"
+ )
skeleton = infer_skeleton_from_mesh(skin_obj)
@@ -62,17 +65,9 @@ def __call__(self):
# Handle any 'Extras' exported by the nodegroup
for k, o in objs.items():
o.name = k
- o.mesh.name = k + '.mesh'
+ o.mesh.name = k + ".mesh"
o.parent = skin_obj
return Part(
- skeleton,
- obj=skin_obj,
- attach_basemesh=attach_basemesh,
- joints=self.joints
+ skeleton, obj=skin_obj, attach_basemesh=attach_basemesh, joints=self.joints
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/hair.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/hair.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..14708f302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/hair.py
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
+# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCIKH649gac by Hey Pictures
+import logging
+import warnings
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.spatial import KDTree
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.hair import (
+ nodegroup_comb_direction,
+ nodegroup_comb_hairs,
+ nodegroup_duplicate_to_clumps,
+ nodegroup_hair_length_rescale,
+ nodegroup_hair_position,
+ nodegroup_snap_roots_to_surface,
+ nodegroup_strand_noise,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def add_hair_particles(obj, params, props):
+ _, mod = butil.modify_mesh(obj, "PARTICLE_SYSTEM", apply=False, return_mod=True)
+ settings = mod.particle_system.settings
+ settings.type = "HAIR"
+ for k, v in params.items():
+ setattr(settings, k, v)
+ for k, v in props.items():
+ setattr(mod.particle_system, k, v)
+def as_hair_bsdf(mat, hair_bsdf_params):
+ assert mat.use_nodes
+ new_mat = mat.copy()
+ new_mat.name = f"as_hair_bsdf({mat.name})"
+ ng = new_mat.node_tree
+ def child(inp):
+ return next(link.from_node for link in ng.links if link.to_socket == inp)
+ try:
+ out = ng.nodes["Material Output"]
+ shader = child(out.inputs["Surface"])
+ rgb = child(shader.inputs["Base Color"])
+ except StopIteration:
+ # shader didnt match expected structure, abort and use original shader
+ warnings.warn(
+ f"as_hair_bsdf failed for {mat.name=}, did not match expected structure"
+ )
+ return new_mat
+ nw = NodeWrangler(ng)
+ hair_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledHairBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": rgb, **hair_bsdf_params}
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": hair_bsdf})
+ return new_mat
+def compute_hair_placement_vertgroup(obj, root, avoid_features_dist):
+ avoid_types = ["Eyeball", "Teeth", "Tongue"] # , 'Nose']
+ extras = [o for o in butil.iter_object_tree(root) if "extra" in o.name]
+ avoid_extras = [o for o in extras if any(n in o.name for n in avoid_types)]
+ avoid_verts = []
+ for o in avoid_extras:
+ for v in o.data.vertices:
+ avoid_verts.append(o.matrix_world @ v.co)
+ avoid_verts = np.array(avoid_verts).reshape(-1, 3)
+ verts = np.array([obj.matrix_world @ v.co for v in obj.data.vertices])
+ if len(avoid_verts):
+ kd = KDTree(avoid_verts)
+ dists, _ = kd.query(verts, k=1)
+ else:
+ dists = np.full(len(verts), 1e5)
+ tag_bald_mask = np.zeros(len(verts), dtype=np.float32)
+ if "tag_bald" in obj.data.attributes:
+ obj.data.attributes["tag_bald"].data.foreach_get("value", tag_bald_mask)
+ idxs = np.where((dists > avoid_features_dist) & (tag_bald_mask < 0.5))[0]
+ group = obj.vertex_groups.new(name="hair_placement")
+ group.add(
+ idxs.tolist(), 1.0, "ADD"
+ ) # .tolist() necessary to avoid np.int64 type error
+ return group
+ "nodegroup_decode_noise", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_decode_noise(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "MinMaxScale", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Source", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Source Position", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["MinMaxScale"]}
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], "Detail": 5.0},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ 3: separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ 4: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ )
+ transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleNearestSurface,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Source"],
+ "Value": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ "Sample Position": group_input.outputs["Source Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Attribute": (transfer_attribute, "Value")}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_hair_grooming", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_hair_grooming(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketObject", "Object", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Length MinMaxScale", (0.014, 0.04, 40.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Puff MinMaxScale", (0.14, 0.40, 40.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Combing", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Strand Random Mag", 0.001),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Strand Perlin Mag", 0.05),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Strand Perlin Scale", 33.38),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Tuft Amount", 1),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Tuft Spread", 0.005),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Tuft Clumping", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Root Radius", 0.01),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Post Clump Noise Mag", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Hair Length Pct Min", 0.7),
+ ],
+ )
+ hairposition = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_hair_position().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Curves": group_input.outputs["Geometry"]},
+ )
+ object_info = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={"Object": group_input.outputs["Object"]}
+ )
+ combdirection = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_comb_direction().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": object_info.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Root Positiion": hairposition.outputs["Root Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ decode_length = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_decode_noise().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "MinMaxScale": group_input.outputs["Length MinMaxScale"],
+ "Source": object_info.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Source Position": hairposition.outputs["Root Position"],
+ },
+ label="Decode Length",
+ )
+ decode_puff = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_decode_noise().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "MinMaxScale": group_input.outputs["Puff MinMaxScale"],
+ "Source": object_info.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Source Position": hairposition.outputs["Root Position"],
+ },
+ label="Decode Puff",
+ )
+ combhairs = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_comb_hairs().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curves": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Root Position": hairposition.outputs["Root Position"],
+ "Comb Dir": combdirection.outputs["Combing Direction"],
+ "Surface Normal": combdirection.outputs["Surface Normal"],
+ "Length": decode_length,
+ "Puiff": group_input.outputs["Combing"],
+ "Comb": decode_puff,
+ },
+ )
+ strandnoise = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_strand_noise().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": combhairs,
+ "Random Mag": group_input.outputs["Strand Random Mag"],
+ "Perlin Mag": group_input.outputs["Strand Perlin Mag"],
+ "Perlin Scale": group_input.outputs["Strand Perlin Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ duplicatetoclumps = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_duplicate_to_clumps().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": strandnoise,
+ "Surface Normal": combdirection.outputs["Surface Normal"],
+ "Amount": group_input.outputs["Tuft Amount"],
+ "Tuft Spread": group_input.outputs["Tuft Spread"],
+ "Tuft Clumping": group_input.outputs["Tuft Clumping"],
+ },
+ )
+ random_value = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={0: (-1.0, -1.0, -1.0)},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: random_value.outputs["Value"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Post Clump Noise Mag"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": duplicatetoclumps, "Offset": scale.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ hairlengthrescale = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_hair_length_rescale().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curves": set_position,
+ "Min": group_input.outputs["Hair Length Pct Min"],
+ },
+ )
+ snaprootstosurface = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_snap_roots_to_surface().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": object_info.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Curves": hairlengthrescale,
+ },
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["Root Radius"],
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": snaprootstosurface,
+ "Radius": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_curve_radius}
+ )
+def mat_attr_dependencies(node_tree):
+ attrs = set()
+ for node in node_tree.nodes:
+ if node.bl_idname == Nodes.Attribute:
+ attrs.add(node.attribute_name)
+ elif node.bl_idname == "ShaderNodeGroup":
+ attrs = attrs | mat_attr_dependencies(node.node_tree)
+ return attrs
+def geo_transfer_hair_attributes(nw, obj, attrs):
+ group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput)
+ hairposition = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_hair_position().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Curves": group_input.outputs["Geometry"]},
+ )
+ object_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={"Object": obj})
+ attrs_out = {}
+ for attr_name in attrs:
+ if attr_name not in obj.data.attributes:
+ logger.warn(
+ f"Attempted to geo_transfer_hair_attributes() including {attr_name=} which is not present on {obj=}. Available are {list(obj.data.attributes.keys())}"
+ )
+ continue
+ obj_attr = obj.data.attributes[attr_name]
+ named_attr = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NamedAttribute,
+ attrs={"data_type": obj_attr.data_type},
+ input_kwargs={"Name": attr_name},
+ )
+ transfer = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleNearestSurface,
+ attrs={"data_type": obj_attr.data_type},
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": object_info.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Value": named_attr,
+ "Sample Position": hairposition,
+ },
+ )
+ attrs_out[attr_name] = (transfer, "Value")
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"], **attrs_out},
+ )
+def configure_hair(obj, root, hair_genome: dict, apply=True, is_dynamic=None):
+ if is_dynamic is None:
+ is_dynamic = any(m.type == "ARMATURE" for m in obj.modifiers)
+ # re-parameterize density params
+ sa = butil.surface_area(obj)
+ count = int(sa * hair_genome["density"])
+ n_guide_hairs = count // hair_genome["clump_n"]
+ hair_genome["grooming"]["Tuft Amount"] = hair_genome["clump_n"]
+ logger.debug("Computing hair placement vertex group")
+ avoid_group = compute_hair_placement_vertgroup(
+ obj, root, avoid_features_dist=hair_genome["avoid_features_dist"]
+ )
+ logger.debug(f"Add particle system with {n_guide_hairs=}")
+ add_hair_particles(
+ obj,
+ params={"count": n_guide_hairs},
+ props={"vertex_group_density": avoid_group.name},
+ )
+ logger.debug("Converting particles to curves")
+ with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
+ for m in obj.modifiers:
+ if m.type == "PARTICLE_SYSTEM":
+ m.show_viewport = True
+ bpy.ops.curves.convert_from_particle_system()
+ curves = bpy.context.active_object
+ with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
+ bpy.ops.object.particle_system_remove()
+ logger.debug("Performing geonodes hair grooming")
+ with butil.DisableModifiers(obj):
+ _, mod = butil.modify_mesh(curves, "NODES", apply=False, return_mod=True)
+ mod.node_group = nodegroup_hair_grooming()
+ butil.set_geomod_inputs(mod, {"Object": obj, **hair_genome["grooming"]})
+ if apply:
+ butil.apply_modifiers(curves, mod=mod)
+ curves.parent = obj
+ curves.matrix_parent_inverse = (
+ obj.matrix_world.inverted()
+ ) # keep prexisting transform
+ curves.data.surface = obj
+ if len(obj.material_slots) == 0:
+ return
+ if obj.active_material is not None:
+ hair_mat = as_hair_bsdf(obj.active_material, hair_genome["material"])
+ logger.debug("Transfer material attr dependencies from surf to curves")
+ attr_deps = mat_attr_dependencies(hair_mat.node_tree)
+ attr_deps = [a for a in attr_deps if a in obj.data.attributes]
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ curves,
+ geo_transfer_hair_attributes,
+ apply=apply,
+ input_kwargs=dict(obj=obj, attrs=attr_deps),
+ attributes=attr_deps,
+ )
+ curves.active_material = hair_mat
+ if is_dynamic:
+ attach_hair_to_surface(curves, obj)
+ curves.name = obj.name + ".hair_curves"
+ return curves
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_transfer_uvs_to_curves_vec3", singleton=True)
+def nodegroup_transfer_uvs_to_curves_vec3(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketObject", "Object", None),
+ ("NodeSocketString", "from_uv", None),
+ ("NodeSocketString", "to_attr", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ object_info = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ObjectInfo,
+ input_kwargs={"Object": group_input.outputs["Object"]},
+ attrs={"transform_space": "RELATIVE"},
+ )
+ obj = object_info.outputs["Geometry"]
+ domain = "POINT"
+ uvtype = "FLOAT_VECTOR"
+ uv = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Name": group_input.outputs["from_uv"]},
+ attrs={"data_type": uvtype},
+ )
+ capture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": obj, "Value": uv},
+ attrs={"data_type": uvtype, "domain": domain},
+ )
+ root_pos = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_hair_position().name, [group_input.outputs["Geometry"]]
+ )
+ nearest_idx = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleNearest,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Sample Position": root_pos,
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": domain},
+ )
+ # transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleNearest,
+ # input_kwargs={
+ # 'Mesh': capture.outputs['Geometry'],
+ # 'Value': capture.outputs["Attribute"],
+ # 'Sample Position': root_pos
+ # },
+ # attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
+ transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleIndex,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Index": nearest_idx.outputs["Index"],
+ "Value": capture.outputs["Attribute"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": uvtype, "domain": domain},
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Name": group_input.outputs["to_attr"],
+ "Value": transfer_attribute,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "domain": "CURVE"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute}
+ )
+def transfer_uvs_to_curves(curves, target, uv_name):
+ # blender doesnt seem to support writing directly to FLOAT2 uv attributes.
+ # lets write to a FLOAT_VECTOR then change it over to a FLOAT2
+ curve_uv_attr = "surface_uv_coordinate"
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ curves,
+ "NODES",
+ node_group=nodegroup_transfer_uvs_to_curves_vec3(),
+ ng_inputs={"Object": target, "from_uv": uv_name, "to_attr": curve_uv_attr},
+ apply=True,
+ )
+ # rip uvs to np array
+ n = len(curves.data.curves)
+ uvs = np.empty(3 * n, dtype=np.float32)
+ attr = curves.data.attributes[curve_uv_attr]
+ assert attr.domain == "CURVE" and attr.data_type == "FLOAT_VECTOR"
+ attr.data.foreach_get("vector", uvs)
+ curves.data.attributes.remove(attr)
+ # write back as FLOAT2
+ uvs = uvs.reshape(n, 3)[:, :2].reshape(-1)
+ attr = curves.data.attributes.new(curve_uv_attr, type="FLOAT2", domain="CURVE")
+ attr.data.foreach_set("vector", uvs)
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_deform_curves_on_surface", singleton=True)
+def nodegroup_deform_curves_on_surface(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ deform_curves_on_surface = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeDeformCurvesOnSurface",
+ input_kwargs={"Curves": group_input.outputs["Geometry"]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": deform_curves_on_surface}
+ )
+def attach_hair_to_surface(curves, target):
+ # target object needs UVMap and rest_position attribute,
+ # curves obj needs surface_uv_coordinate attribute
+ # defined in https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/modeling/geometry_nodes/curve/deform_curves_on_surface.html
+ surface.write_attribute(
+ target, lambda nw: nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition), "rest_position", apply=True
+ )
+ with butil.ViewportMode(target, mode="EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.uv.smart_project(island_margin=0.03)
+ assert len(target.data.uv_layers) > 0
+ curves.data.surface = target
+ curves.data.surface_uv_map = target.data.uv_layers[-1].name
+ transfer_uvs_to_curves(curves, target, curves.data.surface_uv_map)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ curves,
+ "NODES",
+ apply=False,
+ show_viewport=True,
+ node_group=nodegroup_deform_curves_on_surface(),
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/join_smoothing.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/join_smoothing.py
similarity index 72%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/util/join_smoothing.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/join_smoothing.py
index 2a480f9da..6784e5ec0 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/join_smoothing.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/join_smoothing.py
@@ -4,25 +4,24 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import pdb
-import warnings
-import bpy, mathutils
+import bpy
+import mathutils
+import numpy as np
+from mathutils import geometry
from mathutils.bvhtree import BVHTree
-from mathutils import geometry, Vector
+from infinigen.assets.utils.geometry.nurbs import (
+ blender_mesh_from_pydata,
+ compute_cylinder_topology,
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.geometry.nurbs import compute_cylinder_topology, blender_mesh_from_pydata
-import numpy as np
def invert_line(line, point, eps=1e-4):
- '''
+ """
assumes point is on line = (p, v)
returns t st `p + v * t = point`
- '''
+ """
if line[0] is None or line[1] is None:
raise ValueError()
@@ -31,14 +30,15 @@ def invert_line(line, point, eps=1e-4):
div = div[~np.isnan(div)]
return div.mean()
def intersect_line_seg(line, seg):
v1, v2 = seg
line_start, line_dir = line
res = geometry.intersect_line_line(line_start, line_start + line_dir, v1, v2)
if res is None:
return None, None
lp, vp = res
t = invert_line((v1, v2 - v1), vp)
@@ -47,12 +47,12 @@ def intersect_line_seg(line, seg):
return lp, vp
-def find_poly_line_bounds(mesh, poly_idx, line, eps=1e-5):
- '''
+def find_poly_line_bounds(mesh, poly_idx, line, eps=1e-5):
+ """
assumes `mesh.polygons[poly_idx]` is valid, convex, and contains `line`
returns t1, t2 such that `for all t1 tmax:
return None
p0 = np.array(line[0] + tmin * line[1])
p1 = np.array(line[0] + tmax * line[1])
if not return_normals:
return p0, p1
raise NotImplementedError
def normal_offset_verts(verts, pusher_bvh, snap_to_bvh, dist):
offset_verts = np.empty_like(verts)
for i, v in enumerate(verts):
@@ -113,63 +118,78 @@ def normal_offset_verts(verts, pusher_bvh, snap_to_bvh, dist):
offset_verts[i] = snapped
return offset_verts
-def compute_intersection_curve(a, b, a_bvh, b_bvh, simplify_thresh=1.5e-2):
+def compute_intersection_curve(a, b, a_bvh, b_bvh, simplify_thresh=1.5e-2):
overlap = a_bvh.overlap(b_bvh)
segs = [intersect_poly_poly(a.data, b.data, ai, bi) for ai, bi in overlap]
segs = np.array([s for s in segs if s is not None])
# join and merge by distance
m = len(overlap)
- loop_verts = segs.reshape(2*m, 3)
- pair_edges = np.arange(2*m).reshape(-1, 2)
+ loop_verts = segs.reshape(2 * m, 3)
+ pair_edges = np.arange(2 * m).reshape(-1, 2)
obj = blender_mesh_from_pydata(loop_verts, pair_edges, [])
butil.merge_by_distance(obj, simplify_thresh)
return obj
def create_bevel_connection(
- a, b, a_bvh: BVHTree, b_bvh: BVHTree,
- width: float, segments=9,
- close_caps=True, intersection_curve=None,
+ a,
+ b,
+ a_bvh: BVHTree,
+ b_bvh: BVHTree,
+ width: float,
+ segments=9,
+ close_caps=True,
+ intersection_curve=None,
inter = intersection_curve or compute_intersection_curve(a, b, a_bvh, b_bvh)
- verts = np.empty((len(inter.data.vertices), 3))
+ verts = np.empty((len(inter.data.vertices), 3))
edges = np.empty((len(inter.data.edges), 2), dtype=int)
inter.data.vertices.foreach_get("co", verts.ravel())
- inter.data.edges.foreach_get('vertices', edges.ravel())
+ inter.data.edges.foreach_get("vertices", edges.ravel())
if intersection_curve is None:
# only delete it if we made it ourselvse
if len(verts) < 3:
- raise ValueError(f'create_bevel_connection({a=}, {b=}) had only {len(verts)=} intersecting points')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"create_bevel_connection({a=}, {b=}) had only {len(verts)=} intersecting points"
+ )
a_offset = normal_offset_verts(verts, a_bvh, b_bvh, width)
b_offset = normal_offset_verts(verts, b_bvh, a_bvh, width)
- final_vert_parts = [a_offset, verts, b_offset ]
+ final_vert_parts = [a_offset, verts, b_offset]
if close_caps:
- close = lambda vs: np.ones_like(vs) * vs.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True)
+ def close(vs):
+ return np.ones_like(vs) * vs.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True)
final_vert_parts = [close(a_offset)] + final_vert_parts + [close(b_offset)]
final_verts = np.concatenate(final_vert_parts, axis=0)
- final_edges, final_faces = compute_cylinder_topology(len(final_vert_parts), len(verts), cyclic=True, h_neighbors=edges)
- final = blender_mesh_from_pydata(final_verts, final_edges.reshape(-1, 2), final_faces)
+ final_edges, final_faces = compute_cylinder_topology(
+ len(final_vert_parts), len(verts), cyclic=True, h_neighbors=edges
+ )
+ final = blender_mesh_from_pydata(
+ final_verts, final_edges.reshape(-1, 2), final_faces
+ )
def select_loop(li):
- in_loop = lambda vi: (li * len(verts) <= vi) and (vi < (li + 1) * len(verts))
+ def in_loop(vi):
+ return li * len(verts) <= vi and vi < (li + 1) * len(verts)
for vi, v in enumerate(final.data.vertices):
v.select = in_loop(vi)
for e in final.data.edges:
e.select = in_loop(e.vertices[0]) and in_loop(e.vertices[1])
- with butil.ViewportMode(final, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(final, "EDIT"):
if close_caps:
@@ -177,21 +197,21 @@ def select_loop(li):
center_part_idx = next(i for i, v in enumerate(final_vert_parts) if v is verts)
- select_loop(center_part_idx)
- bpy.ops.mesh.bevel(offset_type='PERCENT', offset_pct=98, segments=segments)
+ select_loop(center_part_idx)
+ bpy.ops.mesh.bevel(offset_type="PERCENT", offset_pct=98, segments=segments)
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(quad_method='BEAUTY', ngon_method='BEAUTY')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(quad_method="BEAUTY", ngon_method="BEAUTY")
return final
def smooth_around_line(obj, line_obj, rad, iters=30, factor=0.9):
- '''
+ """
Assumes: polyline is fairly densely sampled with points,
obj and line_obj have same transform
- '''
+ """
assert obj.matrix_world == line_obj.matrix_world
@@ -202,22 +222,7 @@ def smooth_around_line(obj, line_obj, rad, iters=30, factor=0.9):
ds = np.array([kd.find(v.co)[2] for v in obj.data.vertices])
for i, v in enumerate(obj.data.vertices):
- v.select = (ds[i] < rad)
+ v.select = ds[i] < rad
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, mode='EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, mode="EDIT"):
bpy.ops.mesh.vertices_smooth(repeat=iters, factor=0.9)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/joining.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/joining.py
similarity index 56%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/util/joining.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/joining.py
index 08cb5998d..766ea3b88 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/joining.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/joining.py
@@ -4,15 +4,13 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import bpy
import logging
+import bpy
import numpy as np
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import tree, join_smoothing
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import rigging as creature_rigging
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util import join_smoothing, tree
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util import rigging as creature_rigging
from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.placement import detail
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
@@ -20,22 +18,21 @@
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def compute_joining_effects(genome, parts):
- '''
- Compute all joining curves between parts
+def compute_joining_effects(genome, parts):
+ """
+ Compute all joining curves between parts
(only those with some bridge or smooth rad specified in attachment params),
- and compute any bridge parts requested.
+ and compute any bridge parts requested.
ASSUMES: All parts have same matrix_world, and are triangles only
- '''
+ """
inter_curves, bridge_objs = {}, []
g_items = enumerate(tree.iter_items(genome.parts, postorder=True))
part_items = tree.iter_parent_child(parts, postorder=True)
for (i, genome), (parent, part) in zip(g_items, part_items):
if genome.att is None:
@@ -43,25 +40,36 @@ def compute_joining_effects(genome, parts):
if not br > 0 and not sr > 0:
- logger.debug(f'Computing joining geometry for {i=} with {br=} and {sr=}')
+ logger.debug(f"Computing joining geometry for {i=} with {br=} and {sr=}")
inter = join_smoothing.compute_intersection_curve(
- parent.obj, part.obj, parent.bvh(), part.bvh())
- inter.name = 'intersection_curve'
+ parent.obj, part.obj, parent.bvh(), part.bvh()
+ )
+ inter.name = "intersection_curve"
except ValueError as e:
- logger.warning(f'join_smoothing.compute_intersection_curve for threw {e}, skipping')
+ logger.warning(
+ f"join_smoothing.compute_intersection_curve for threw {e}, skipping"
+ )
inter = None
if inter is not None and len(inter.data.vertices) < 4:
- logger.warning(f'join_smoothing.compute_intersection_curve found too few verts, skipping')
+ logger.warning(
+ "join_smoothing.compute_intersection_curve found too few verts, skipping"
+ )
inter = None
if br > 0 and inter is not None:
b = join_smoothing.create_bevel_connection(
- parent.obj, part.obj, parent.bvh(), part.bvh(),
- width=br, intersection_curve=inter, segments=5)
- b.name = part.obj.name + '.bevel_connector'
+ parent.obj,
+ part.obj,
+ parent.bvh(),
+ part.bvh(),
+ width=br,
+ intersection_curve=inter,
+ segments=5,
+ )
+ b.name = part.obj.name + ".bevel_connector"
b.parent = parent.obj
@@ -69,9 +77,9 @@ def compute_joining_effects(genome, parts):
return inter_curves, bridge_objs
def select_large_component(o, thresh=0.95, tries=5):
- with butil.ViewportMode(o, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(o, "EDIT"):
r = 0
@@ -79,9 +87,9 @@ def select_large_component(o, thresh=0.95, tries=5):
o.data.vertices[r].select = False
r = np.random.randint(len(o.data.vertices))
o.data.vertices[r].select = True
- with butil.ViewportMode(o, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='VERT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(o, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="VERT")
pct = np.array([v.select for v in o.data.vertices]).mean()
@@ -90,38 +98,56 @@ def select_large_component(o, thresh=0.95, tries=5):
return 0
def join_and_rig_parts(
- root, parts, genome, face_size, postprocess_func,
- adaptive_resolution=True, adapt_mode='remesh', min_remesh_size=0.01,
- smooth_joins=True, smooth_attrs=False,
- rigging=False, constraints=False, rig_before_subdiv=False,
- materials=True, roll='GLOBAL_POS_Y',
- **_
+ root,
+ parts,
+ genome,
+ face_size,
+ postprocess_func,
+ adaptive_resolution=True,
+ adapt_mode="remesh",
+ min_remesh_size=0.01,
+ smooth_joins=True,
+ smooth_attrs=False,
+ rigging=False,
+ constraints=False,
+ rig_before_subdiv=False,
+ materials=True,
+ roll="GLOBAL_POS_Y",
+ **_,
- body_parts = [o for o in root.children if o.type == 'MESH']
- extras = [o for o in butil.iter_object_tree(root) if not o in body_parts and o is not root]
+ body_parts = [o for o in root.children if o.type == "MESH"]
+ extras = [
+ o for o in butil.iter_object_tree(root) if o not in body_parts and o is not root
+ ]
if rigging:
- logger.debug(f'Computing creature rig')
- arma, ik_targets = creature_rigging.creature_rig(root, genome, parts, constraints=constraints, roll=roll)
- arma.show_in_front=True
+ logger.debug("Computing creature rig")
+ arma, ik_targets = creature_rigging.creature_rig(
+ root, genome, parts, constraints=constraints, roll=roll
+ )
+ arma.show_in_front = True
with butil.SelectObjects(extras):
- bpy.ops.object.parent_clear(type='CLEAR_KEEP_TRANSFORM')
- with butil.SelectObjects(body_parts), butil.CursorLocation(root.location), Suppress():
- # must convert to all transforms applied & triangles only,
+ bpy.ops.object.parent_clear(type="CLEAR_KEEP_TRANSFORM")
+ with (
+ butil.SelectObjects(body_parts),
+ butil.CursorLocation(root.location),
+ Suppress(),
+ ):
+ # must convert to all transforms applied & triangles only,
# in case we want to do join_smoothing
bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=True, rotation=True, scale=True)
- bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type='ORIGIN_CURSOR')
+ bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type="ORIGIN_CURSOR")
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
- bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(quad_method='BEAUTY', ngon_method='BEAUTY')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(quad_method="BEAUTY", ngon_method="BEAUTY")
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
# bvhs no longer valid due to transform / triangulate
for p in parts:
p._bvh = None
@@ -130,7 +156,7 @@ def join_and_rig_parts(
inter_curves, bridge_objs = compute_joining_effects(genome, parts)
body_parts += bridge_objs
- logger.debug(f'Joining {len(body_parts)=}')
+ logger.debug(f"Joining {len(body_parts)=}")
joined = butil.join_objects(body_parts, check_attributes=False)
body_parts = [joined]
joined.parent = root
@@ -138,76 +164,80 @@ def join_and_rig_parts(
for o in extras:
o.parent = root
for p in parts:
- p.obj = None # deleted by join, should not be referenced
+ p.obj = None # deleted by join, should not be referenced
def rig():
- with Timer(f'Computing creature rig weights'):
+ with Timer("Computing creature rig weights"):
with butil.SelectObjects(body_parts + extras, active=-1), Suppress():
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
with butil.SelectObjects(body_parts + extras + [arma], active=-1):
- bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='ARMATURE_AUTO')
+ bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type="ARMATURE_AUTO")
arma.parent = root
if rigging and rig_before_subdiv:
if adaptive_resolution:
+ if adapt_mode == "remesh":
+ butil.modify_mesh(joined, "SUBSURF", levels=1)
- if adapt_mode == 'remesh':
- butil.modify_mesh(joined, 'SUBSURF', levels=1)
- logger.debug(f'Adapting {joined.name=}')
- detail.adapt_mesh_resolution(joined,
- face_size=max(face_size, min_remesh_size),
- method=adapt_mode, apply=True)
+ logger.debug(f"Adapting {joined.name=}")
+ detail.adapt_mesh_resolution(
+ joined,
+ face_size=max(face_size, min_remesh_size),
+ method=adapt_mode,
+ apply=True,
+ )
# remeshing can create outlier islands that mess with rigging. Clear them out
percent = select_large_component(joined, thresh=0.9)
- if percent < 0.99:
- logger.warning(f'Creature had largest component {percent=}')
+ if percent < 0.99:
+ logger.warning(f"Creature had largest component {percent=}")
- with butil.ViewportMode(joined, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='INVERT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type='VERT')
- #for e in extras:
+ with butil.ViewportMode(joined, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="INVERT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type="VERT")
+ # for e in extras:
# detail.adapt_mesh_resolution(e, face_size=face_size, method='subdivide', apply=True)
# Apply smoothing around any intersection curves found before remeshing
if adaptive_resolution and smooth_joins:
- assert 'inter_curves' in locals()
+ assert "inter_curves" in locals()
for i, g in enumerate(tree.iter_items(genome.parts, postorder=True)):
- if g.att is None or g.att.smooth_rad == 0: continue
- if not (l := inter_curves.get(i)): continue
- logger.debug(f'Smoothing mesh geometry around {i, l}')
+ if g.att is None or g.att.smooth_rad == 0:
+ continue
+ if not (l := inter_curves.get(i)):
+ continue
+ logger.debug(f"Smoothing mesh geometry around {i, l}")
join_smoothing.smooth_around_line(joined, l, g.att.smooth_rad)
# Cleanup any remaining join-smoothing-curves
- if smooth_joins and 'inter_curves' in locals():
+ if smooth_joins and "inter_curves" in locals():
for o in inter_curves.values():
if o is None:
if adaptive_resolution and smooth_attrs:
for attr in joined.data.attributes.keys():
if butil.blender_internal_attr(attr):
- logger.debug(f'Smoothing attr {attr}')
+ logger.debug(f"Smoothing attr {attr}")
surface.smooth_attribute(joined, attr, iters=10)
if materials:
- logger.debug(f'Applying postprocess func')
+ logger.debug("Applying postprocess func")
with butil.DisableModifiers(body_parts):
postprocess_func(body_parts, extras, genome.postprocess_params)
- logger.debug(f'Finalizing material geomods')
+ logger.debug("Finalizing material geomods")
for o in body_parts:
for m in o.modifiers:
- if m.type == 'NODES':
+ if m.type == "NODES":
butil.apply_modifiers(o, mod=m)
if rigging and not rig_before_subdiv:
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/part_util.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/part_util.py
similarity index 68%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/util/part_util.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/part_util.py
index e42805929..db4ecd0a7 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/part_util.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/part_util.py
@@ -4,45 +4,52 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import pdb
-from pathlib import Path
import logging
import bpy
import numpy as np
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import Part, PartFactory, infer_skeleton_from_mesh
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.geometry import nurbs
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler, Nodes
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import (
+ Part,
+ infer_skeleton_from_mesh,
from infinigen.assets.utils.extract_nodegroup_parts import extract_nodegroup_geo
+from infinigen.assets.utils.geometry import nurbs
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-def nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_func, params, kwargs=None, base_obj=None, split_extras=False):
+def nodegroup_to_part(
+ nodegroup_func, params, kwargs=None, base_obj=None, split_extras=False
if base_obj is None:
- base_obj = butil.spawn_vert('temp')
+ base_obj = butil.spawn_vert("temp")
with butil.TemporaryObject(base_obj) as base_obj:
if kwargs is not None:
ng = nodegroup_func(**kwargs)
ng = nodegroup_func()
- geo_outputs = [o for o in ng.outputs if o.bl_socket_idname == 'NodeSocketGeometry']
- objs = {o.name: extract_nodegroup_geo(base_obj, ng, o.name, ng_params=params) for o in geo_outputs}
- skin_obj = objs.pop('Geometry', None)
+ geo_outputs = [
+ o for o in ng.outputs if o.bl_socket_idname == "NodeSocketGeometry"
+ ]
+ objs = {
+ o.name: extract_nodegroup_geo(base_obj, ng, o.name, ng_params=params)
+ for o in geo_outputs
+ }
+ skin_obj = objs.pop("Geometry", None)
if skin_obj is None:
- skin_obj = butil.spawn_vert('nodegroup_to_part.no_geo_temp')
+ skin_obj = butil.spawn_vert("nodegroup_to_part.no_geo_temp")
- attach_basemesh = objs.pop('Base Mesh', None)
+ attach_basemesh = objs.pop("Base Mesh", None)
- if 'Skeleton Curve' in objs:
- skeleton_obj = objs.pop('Skeleton Curve')
+ if "Skeleton Curve" in objs:
+ skeleton_obj = objs.pop("Skeleton Curve")
skeleton = np.array([v.co for v in skeleton_obj.data.vertices])
if len(skeleton) == 0:
- raise ValueError(f"Skeleton export failed for {nodegroup_func}, {skeleton_obj}, got {skeleton.shape=}")
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Skeleton export failed for {nodegroup_func}, {skeleton_obj}, got {skeleton.shape=}"
+ )
skeleton = infer_skeleton_from_mesh(skin_obj)
@@ -51,33 +58,32 @@ def nodegroup_to_part(nodegroup_func, params, kwargs=None, base_obj=None, split_
for k, o in objs.items():
if split_extras:
for i, piece in enumerate(butil.split_object(o)):
- logging.debug(f'Processing piece {i} for split_extras on {nodegroup_func}')
+ logging.debug(
+ f"Processing piece {i} for split_extras on {nodegroup_func}"
+ )
with butil.SelectObjects(piece):
- bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type='ORIGIN_GEOMETRY')
- piece.name = f'{k}_{i}'
+ bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type="ORIGIN_GEOMETRY")
+ piece.name = f"{k}_{i}"
piece.parent = skin_obj
o.parent = skin_obj
o.name = k
return Part(
- skeleton,
- obj=skin_obj,
- attach_basemesh=attach_basemesh,
- joints=None, iks=None
+ skeleton, obj=skin_obj, attach_basemesh=attach_basemesh, joints=None, iks=None
-def nurbs_to_part(handles, face_size=0.07):
+def nurbs_to_part(handles, face_size=0.07):
assert handles.shape[-1] == 3
skeleton = handles.mean(axis=1)
- obj = nurbs.nurbs(handles, method='geomdl', face_size=face_size)
+ obj = nurbs.nurbs(handles, method="geomdl", face_size=face_size)
# first and last ring are used to close the part, need not be included in skeleton
- skeleton = skeleton[1:-1]
- skeleton_obj = butil.spawn_line('skeleton_subdiv_temp', skeleton)
- butil.modify_mesh(skeleton_obj, 'SUBSURF', levels=2, apply=True)
+ skeleton = skeleton[1:-1]
+ skeleton_obj = butil.spawn_line("skeleton_subdiv_temp", skeleton)
+ butil.modify_mesh(skeleton_obj, "SUBSURF", levels=2, apply=True)
mesh = skeleton_obj.data
verts = [mesh.vertices[0].co]
@@ -90,16 +96,16 @@ def nurbs_to_part(handles, face_size=0.07):
curr = edge.vertices[1]
skeleton = np.array(verts)
return Part(skeleton=skeleton, obj=obj)
def linear_combination(corners, weights):
assert len(corners) == len(weights)
first = corners[0]
if not isinstance(first, dict):
ret = sum(corners[i] * weights[i] for i in range(len(corners)))
return ret
@@ -110,11 +116,11 @@ def linear_combination(corners, weights):
results[k] = linear_combination(new_corners, weights)
return results
-def rdict_comb(corners, weights):
- '''
+def rdict_comb(corners, weights):
+ """
Take a linear combination of the dicts in `corners`, according to correspondng `weights`
- '''
+ """
norm = sum(weights.values())
for k in weights:
@@ -128,6 +134,7 @@ def rdict_comb(corners, weights):
return linear_combination(corners_list, weights_list)
# def rdict_comb(corners, weights):
# '''
@@ -146,13 +153,13 @@ def rdict_comb(corners, weights):
# res[k] = int(res[k])
# return res
-def random_convex_coord(names, select=None, temp=1):
- '''
+def random_convex_coord(names, select=None, temp=1):
+ """
corners: dict[dict[]]
select: str | dict
temp: float - like softmax, high temp = more even numbers, low temp = more 0s and 1s
- '''
+ """
if isinstance(temp, (float, int)):
temp = temp * np.ones(len(names))
@@ -161,26 +168,26 @@ def random_convex_coord(names, select=None, temp=1):
elif isinstance(temp, np.ndarray):
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized {temp=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized {temp=}")
if isinstance(select, str):
- if not select in names:
- raise ValueError(f'Attempted to random_convex_comb({names=}, {select=}) but select is invalid')
+ if select not in names:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Attempted to random_convex_comb({names=}, {select=}) but select is invalid"
+ )
return {n: 1 if n == select else 0 for n in names}
if isinstance(select, dict):
if any(k not in names for k in select):
- raise ValueError(f'Attempted to random_convex_comb({names=}, {select.keys()=}) but select is invalid')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Attempted to random_convex_comb({names=}, {select.keys()=}) but select is invalid"
+ )
weights = select
norm = sum(weights.values())
for k, v in weights.items():
weights[k] = v / norm
return weights
vs = np.random.dirichlet(temp)
weights = {k: vs[i] for i, k in enumerate(names)}
return weights
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/rigging.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/rigging.py
similarity index 66%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/util/rigging.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/rigging.py
index f085d9463..33e5c6f45 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/rigging.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/rigging.py
@@ -3,29 +3,28 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import re
+import logging
import math
-from numbers import Number
+import re
from functools import partial
-import logging
+from numbers import Number
import bpy
-import mathutils
import numpy as np
-from tqdm import tqdm
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil, math as mutil
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util import tree
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.creature import Part, infer_skeleton_from_mesh
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genome import Joint, IKParams
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util import tree
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.creature import infer_skeleton_from_mesh
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.genome import IKParams, Joint
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util import math as mutil
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-IK_TARGET_PREFIX = 'ik_target'
+IK_TARGET_PREFIX = "ik_target"
def bone(editbones, head, tail, parent):
- bone = editbones.new('bone') # name overriden later
+ bone = editbones.new("bone") # name overriden later
bone.head = head
bone.tail = tail
bone.parent = parent
@@ -33,7 +32,6 @@ def bone(editbones, head, tail, parent):
def get_bone_idxs(part_node: tree.Tree):
part, att = part_node.item
child_ts = [c.item[1].coord[0] for c in part_node.children]
@@ -42,7 +40,7 @@ def get_bone_idxs(part_node: tree.Tree):
bounds = [0.0, 1.0]
- tr = part.settings.get('trim_bounds_child_margin', 0.15)
+ tr = part.settings.get("trim_bounds_child_margin", 0.15)
if tr > 0 and len(child_ts):
if min(child_ts) < tr:
bounds[0] = min(child_ts)
@@ -54,14 +52,14 @@ def get_bone_idxs(part_node: tree.Tree):
idxs = idxs.union(part.joints.keys())
return sorted(list(idxs))
def create_part_bones(part_node: tree.Tree, editbones, parent):
bones = {}
part, att = part_node.item
skeleton = part.skeleton_global()
idxs = get_bone_idxs(part_node)
- if part.settings.get('rig_reverse_skeleton', False):
+ if part.settings.get("rig_reverse_skeleton", False):
idxs = list(reversed(idxs))
for idx1, idx2 in zip(idxs[:-1], idxs[1:]):
@@ -70,23 +68,25 @@ def create_part_bones(part_node: tree.Tree, editbones, parent):
parent = bone(editbones, head, tail, parent)
bones[idx1] = parent
- if part.settings.get('rig_extras', False):
+ if part.settings.get("rig_extras", False):
for i, extra in enumerate(part.obj.children):
- if extra.type != 'MESH':
+ if extra.type != "MESH":
- skeleton = mutil.homogenize(infer_skeleton_from_mesh(extra)) @ np.array(extra.matrix_world)[:-1].T
+ skeleton = (
+ mutil.homogenize(infer_skeleton_from_mesh(extra))
+ @ np.array(extra.matrix_world)[:-1].T
+ )
head = mutil.lerp_sample(skeleton, 0 * (len(skeleton) - 1)).reshape(-1)
tail = mutil.lerp_sample(skeleton, 1 * (len(skeleton) - 1)).reshape(-1)
- extra_id = re.fullmatch('.*\.extra\((.*),.*', extra.name).group(1)
+ extra_id = re.fullmatch(".*\.extra\((.*),.*", extra.name).group(1)
bones[extra_id] = bone(editbones, head, tail, parent)
return bones
-def create_bones(parts_atts, arma):
+def create_bones(parts_atts, arma):
def make_parent_connector_bone(part, att, parent_bones, parent_bone_t):
u, v, r = att.coord
parent_bone = parent_bones[parent_bone_t]
@@ -114,14 +114,20 @@ def make_bones(node: tree.Tree, parent_bones: dict, editbones):
bones = {}
parent_bone = None
if parent_bones is not None:
bonekeys = [k for k in parent_bones.keys() if not isinstance(k, str)]
- parent_bone_t = max((i for i in bonekeys if i <= att.coord[0]), default=min(bonekeys))
+ parent_bone_t = max(
+ (i for i in bonekeys if i <= att.coord[0]), default=min(bonekeys)
+ )
parent_bone = parent_bones[parent_bone_t]
- if att.coord[-1] > part.settings.get('connector_collapse_margin_radpct', 0.5):
- bones[-1] = parent_bone = make_parent_connector_bone(part, att, parent_bones, parent_bone_t)
+ if att.coord[-1] > part.settings.get(
+ "connector_collapse_margin_radpct", 0.5
+ ):
+ bones[-1] = parent_bone = make_parent_connector_bone(
+ part, att, parent_bones, parent_bone_t
+ )
part_bones = create_part_bones(node, editbones, parent=parent_bone)
@@ -131,23 +137,25 @@ def make_bones(node: tree.Tree, parent_bones: dict, editbones):
def finalize_bonedict_to_leave_editmode(bones):
# the edit bones wont continue to exist once we leave edit mode, store their names instead
for j, b in bones.items():
- partname = part.obj.name.split('.')[-1]
+ partname = part.obj.name.split(".")[-1]
if isinstance(j, (int, float)):
- b.name = f'{partname}.side({part.side}).bone({j:.2f})'
+ b.name = f"{partname}.side({part.side}).bone({j:.2f})"
elif isinstance(j, str):
- b.name = f'{partname}.side({part.side}).extra_bone({j})'
+ b.name = f"{partname}.side({part.side}).extra_bone({j})"
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized {j=}')
- b['side'] = part.side
- b['factory_class'] = part.obj['factory_class']
- b['index'] = part.obj['index']
- b['length'] = j
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized {j=}")
+ b["side"] = part.side
+ b["factory_class"] = part.obj["factory_class"]
+ b["index"] = part.obj["index"]
+ b["length"] = j
bones[j] = b.name
- with butil.ViewportMode(arma, mode='EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(arma, mode="EDIT"):
editbones = arma.data.edit_bones
- part_bones = tree.map_parent_child(parts_atts, partial(make_bones, editbones=editbones))
+ part_bones = tree.map_parent_child(
+ parts_atts, partial(make_bones, editbones=editbones)
+ )
for (part, _), bones in tree.tzip(parts_atts, part_bones):
@@ -155,7 +163,6 @@ def finalize_bonedict_to_leave_editmode(bones):
def compute_chain_length(parts_atts: tree.Tree, bones, part, ik: IKParams):
if ik.chain_parts is None:
assert ik.chain_length is not None
return ik.chain_length
@@ -165,7 +172,9 @@ def compute_chain_length(parts_atts: tree.Tree, bones, part, ik: IKParams):
chain_length = 0
for i in range(math.ceil(ik.chain_parts)):
p = 1 if i < int(ik.chain_parts) else (ik.chain_parts - int(ik.chain_parts))
- n_skeleton_bones = len([b for b in nodes[curr_idx][1].values() if 'extra' not in b])
+ n_skeleton_bones = len(
+ [b for b in nodes[curr_idx][1].values() if "extra" not in b]
+ )
chain_length += math.ceil(p * n_skeleton_bones)
if curr_idx not in parents:
@@ -178,57 +187,55 @@ def compute_chain_length(parts_atts: tree.Tree, bones, part, ik: IKParams):
def create_ik_targets(arma, parts_atts: tree.Tree, bones):
def make_target(part_node, part_bones, ik: IKParams):
part, att = part_node.item
joint_ts = get_bone_idxs(part_node)
- bone_idx = t if t != joint_ts[-1] else joint_ts[
- -2] # the last idx doesnt have its own bone, it is just the endpoint
- base_keys =[k for k in part_bones.keys() if isinstance(k,Number)]
+ bone_idx = (
+ t if t != joint_ts[-1] else joint_ts[-2]
+ ) # the last idx doesnt have its own bone, it is just the endpoint
+ base_keys = [k for k in part_bones.keys() if isinstance(k, Number)]
bone_idx = max((i for i in base_keys if i <= bone_idx), default=min(base_keys))
name = part_bones[bone_idx]
pbone = arma.pose.bones[name]
- if ik.mode == 'iksolve':
- con = pbone.constraints.new('IK')
+ if ik.mode == "iksolve":
+ con = pbone.constraints.new("IK")
con.chain_count = compute_chain_length(parts_atts, bones, part, ik)
- elif ik.mode == 'pin':
- con = pbone.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION')
+ elif ik.mode == "pin":
+ con = pbone.constraints.new("COPY_LOCATION")
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized {ik.mode=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized {ik.mode=}")
- con.target = butil.spawn_empty(f'{IK_TARGET_PREFIX}({ik.name})', disp_type='CUBE', s=ik.target_size)
+ con.target = butil.spawn_empty(
+ f"{IK_TARGET_PREFIX}({ik.name})", disp_type="CUBE", s=ik.target_size
+ )
con.target.location = pbone.tail if t != 0 else pbone.head
if ik.rotation_weight > 0:
- if ik.mode == 'iksolve':
+ if ik.mode == "iksolve":
con.use_rotation = True
con.orient_weight = ik.rotation_weight
con.target.rotation_euler = (pbone.matrix).to_euler()
- rot_con = pbone.constraints.new('COPY_ROTATION')
+ rot_con = pbone.constraints.new("COPY_ROTATION")
rot_con.target = con.target
rot_con.influence = ik.rotation_weight
return con.target
targets = []
- with butil.ViewportMode(arma, mode='POSE'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(arma, mode="POSE"):
# TODO: risky zip, silent fail on non-matching topology
- data_iter = zip(
- tree.iter_nodes(parts_atts),
- tree.iter_nodes(bones)
- )
- for part_node, bones_node in data_iter:
+ data_iter = zip(tree.iter_nodes(parts_atts), tree.iter_nodes(bones))
+ for part_node, bones_node in data_iter:
part, att = part_node.item
assert part.iks is not None, part
for t, ik in part.iks.items():
targets.append(make_target(part_node, bones_node.item, ik))
- col = butil.get_collection('ik_targets')
+ col = butil.get_collection("ik_targets")
for t in targets:
butil.put_in_collection(t, col)
@@ -242,34 +249,35 @@ def apply_joint_constraint(joint: Joint, pose_bone, eps=1e-2):
bounds = np.deg2rad(joint.bounds)
if not bounds.shape == (2, 3):
- raise ValueError(f'Encountered invalid {joint.bounds=}, {joint.bounds.shape=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Encountered invalid {joint.bounds=}, {joint.bounds.shape=}"
+ )
ranges = bounds[1] - bounds[0]
- for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
+ for i, ax in enumerate("xyz"):
if ranges[i] > eps:
- setattr(pb, f'use_ik_limit_{ax}', True)
- setattr(pb, f'ik_min_{ax}', bounds[0, i])
- setattr(pb, f'ik_max_{ax}', bounds[1, i])
+ setattr(pb, f"use_ik_limit_{ax}", True)
+ setattr(pb, f"ik_min_{ax}", bounds[0, i])
+ setattr(pb, f"ik_max_{ax}", bounds[1, i])
- setattr(pb, f'lock_ik_{ax}', True)
+ setattr(pb, f"lock_ik_{ax}", True)
- for ax in 'xyz':
- setattr(pb, f'use_ik_limit_{ax}', False)
- setattr(pb, f'lock_ik_{ax}', False)
+ for ax in "xyz":
+ setattr(pb, f"use_ik_limit_{ax}", False)
+ setattr(pb, f"lock_ik_{ax}", False)
if joint.stretch is not None:
pb.ik_stretch = joint.stretch
if joint.stiffness is not None:
s = joint.stiffness
- if not (hasattr(s, '__len__') and len(s) == 3):
+ if not (hasattr(s, "__len__") and len(s) == 3):
s = (s,) * 3
pb.ik_stiffness_x, pb.ik_stiffness_y, pb.ik_stiffness_z = s
def constrain_bones(arma, parts_atts, bones, shoulder_auto_stiffness=0.85):
def constrain_bone(part, att, skeleton_idx, bname):
pb = arma.pose.bones[bname]
@@ -285,20 +293,23 @@ def constrain_bone(part, att, skeleton_idx, bname):
if skeleton_idx < 0 and shoulder_auto_stiffness > 0:
# shoulder bones have index < 1, and were added automatically
# make them stiff to minimally affect final outcome
- pb.ik_stiffness_x, pb.ik_stiffness_y, pb.ik_stiffness_z = (shoulder_auto_stiffness,) * 3
+ pb.ik_stiffness_x, pb.ik_stiffness_y, pb.ik_stiffness_z = (
+ shoulder_auto_stiffness,
+ ) * 3
pb.lock_ik_x = True
pb.lock_ik_y = True
pb.lock_ik_z = True
- with butil.ViewportMode(arma, mode='POSE'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(arma, mode="POSE"):
for (part, att), part_bones in tree.tzip(parts_atts, bones):
for skeleton_idx, bname in part_bones.items():
if not isinstance(skeleton_idx, int):
constrain_bone(part, att, skeleton_idx, bname)
def pose_bones(arma, parts_atts, bones):
- with butil.ViewportMode(arma, mode='POSE'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(arma, mode="POSE"):
for (part, att), part_bones in tree.tzip(parts_atts, bones):
if part.joints is None:
@@ -317,36 +328,39 @@ def parent_to_bones(objs, arma):
for obj in objs:
save_pos = obj.location
with butil.SelectObjects([obj, arma], active=arma):
- bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='ARMATURE_AUTO')
+ bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type="ARMATURE_AUTO")
obj.location = save_pos
def parent_bones_by_part(creature, arma, part_bones):
assert creature.parts[0] is creature.root
for i, part in enumerate(creature.parts[1:]):
- with butil.SelectObjects([part.obj, arma]), butil.ViewportMode(arma, mode='POSE'):
+ with (
+ butil.SelectObjects([part.obj, arma]),
+ butil.ViewportMode(arma, mode="POSE"),
+ ):
for bone in arma.pose.bones:
- select = (bone.name in part_bones[i].values())
+ select = bone.name in part_bones[i].values()
arma.data.bones[bone.name].select = select
bone.bone.select = select
- bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='ARMATURE_AUTO')
+ bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type="ARMATURE_AUTO")
- with butil.ViewportMode(arma, mode='POSE'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(arma, mode="POSE"):
for bone in arma.pose.bones:
bone.bone.select = False
-def creature_rig(root, genome, parts, constraints=True, roll='GLOBAL_POS_Y'):
- data = bpy.data.armatures.new(name=f'{root.name}.armature_data')
- arma = bpy.data.objects.new(f'{root.name}_armature', data)
+def creature_rig(root, genome, parts, constraints=True, roll="GLOBAL_POS_Y"):
+ data = bpy.data.armatures.new(name=f"{root.name}.armature_data")
+ arma = bpy.data.objects.new(f"{root.name}_armature", data)
parts_atts = tree.tzip(parts, tree.map(genome.parts, lambda n: n.att))
bones = create_bones(parts_atts, arma)
# force recalculate roll to eliminate bad guesses made by blender
- with butil.ViewportMode(arma, mode='EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.armature.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(arma, mode="EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.armature.select_all(action="SELECT")
targets = create_ik_targets(arma, parts_atts, bones)
@@ -361,9 +375,11 @@ def creature_rig(root, genome, parts, constraints=True, roll='GLOBAL_POS_Y'):
return arma, targets
-def create_ragdoll(root, arma, min_col_length=0.1, col_joint_margin=0.2, col_radius=0.07):
+def create_ragdoll(
+ root, arma, min_col_length=0.1, col_joint_margin=0.2, col_radius=0.07
def include_bone(b):
- if '-1' in b.name:
+ if "-1" in b.name:
return False
if (b.head - b.tail).length < min_col_length:
return False
@@ -373,16 +389,16 @@ def create_bone_collider(pbone):
col_head = mutil.lerp(pbone.head, pbone.tail, col_joint_margin)
col_tail = mutil.lerp(pbone.head, pbone.tail, 1 - col_joint_margin)
- col = butil.spawn_line(pbone.name + '.col', np.array([col_head, col_tail]))
+ col = butil.spawn_line(pbone.name + ".col", np.array([col_head, col_tail]))
with butil.SelectObjects(col), butil.CursorLocation(col_head):
- bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type='ORIGIN_CURSOR', center='MEDIAN')
+ bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type="ORIGIN_CURSOR", center="MEDIAN")
- skin_mod = butil.modify_mesh(col, 'SKIN', apply=False)
+ skin_mod = butil.modify_mesh(col, "SKIN", apply=False)
for svert in col.data.skin_vertices[0].data:
svert.radius = (col_radius, col_radius)
butil.apply_modifiers(col, mod=skin_mod)
- con = pbone.constraints.new('CHILD_OF')
+ con = pbone.constraints.new("CHILD_OF")
con.target = col
with butil.SelectObjects(col):
@@ -392,33 +408,33 @@ def create_bone_collider(pbone):
return col
def configure_rigidbody_joint(child_bone, child_obj, parent_obj):
- o = butil.spawn_empty(child_bone.name + '.phys_joint')
+ o = butil.spawn_empty(child_bone.name + ".phys_joint")
o.location = child_bone.head
with butil.SelectObjects(o):
cons = bpy.context.object.rigid_body_constraint
- cons.type = 'GENERIC_SPRING'
+ cons.type = "GENERIC_SPRING"
cons.object1 = child_obj
cons.object2 = parent_obj
# no linear sliding
- for ax in 'xyz':
- setattr(cons, f'use_limit_lin_{ax}', True)
- setattr(cons, f'limit_lin_{ax}_lower', 0)
- setattr(cons, f'limit_lin_{ax}_upper', 0)
+ for ax in "xyz":
+ setattr(cons, f"use_limit_lin_{ax}", True)
+ setattr(cons, f"limit_lin_{ax}_lower", 0)
+ setattr(cons, f"limit_lin_{ax}_upper", 0)
# copy over any angle constraints
- for ax in 'xyz':
- do_limit = getattr(child_bone, f'use_ik_limit_{ax}')
- setattr(cons, f'use_limit_ang_{ax}', do_limit)
- for ck, bk in (('lower', 'min'), ('upper', 'max')):
- lim = getattr(child_bone, f'ik_{bk}_{ax}')
- setattr(cons, f'limit_ang_{ax}_{ck}', lim / 3)
+ for ax in "xyz":
+ do_limit = getattr(child_bone, f"use_ik_limit_{ax}")
+ setattr(cons, f"use_limit_ang_{ax}", do_limit)
+ for ck, bk in (("lower", "min"), ("upper", "max")):
+ lim = getattr(child_bone, f"ik_{bk}_{ax}")
+ setattr(cons, f"limit_ang_{ax}_{ck}", lim / 3)
- for ax in 'xyz':
- setattr(cons, f'use_spring_ang_{ax}', True)
+ for ax in "xyz":
+ setattr(cons, f"use_spring_ang_{ax}", True)
return o
@@ -427,7 +443,7 @@ def ancestors(pbone):
pbone = pbone.parent
yield pbone
- with butil.ViewportMode(arma, mode='POSE'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(arma, mode="POSE"):
# remove any ik constraints
for b in arma.pose.bones:
for c in b.constraints:
@@ -447,15 +463,18 @@ def ancestors(pbone):
hinge_target = next(b for b in ancestors(b) if b in col_bones)
except StopIteration:
- joint_obj = configure_rigidbody_joint(b, col_objs[b.name], col_objs[hinge_target.name])
+ joint_obj = configure_rigidbody_joint(
+ b, col_objs[b.name], col_objs[hinge_target.name]
+ )
joint_obj.parent = root
- col_bone_names = [b.name for b in
- col_bones] # store names so we can reference outside of pose mode in the next step
+ col_bone_names = [
+ b.name for b in col_bones
+ ] # store names so we can reference outside of pose mode in the next step
# animation will be applied wrong if children inherit physics transformations from parents - unparent all
# bones
- with butil.ViewportMode(arma, mode='EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(arma, mode="EDIT"):
for b in arma.data.edit_bones:
b.select = b.name in col_bone_names
- bpy.ops.armature.parent_clear(type='CLEAR')
+ bpy.ops.armature.parent_clear(type="CLEAR")
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/tree.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/tree.py
similarity index 80%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/util/tree.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/tree.py
index 65daaf752..be7a08c58 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/tree.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/creatures/util/tree.py
@@ -4,31 +4,35 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import typing
-import itertools
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field
class Tree:
item: typing.Any
children: list = field(default_factory=list)
def iter_nodes(t: Tree, postorder=False):
if not postorder:
- yield t
+ yield t
for c in t.children:
yield from iter_nodes(c, postorder=postorder)
if postorder:
yield t
def iter_items(t: Tree, postorder=False):
for n in iter_nodes(t, postorder=postorder):
yield n.item
Tree.__iter__ = iter_items
inorder = iter_items
def iter_parent_child(t: Tree, parent=None, postorder=False):
if not postorder:
yield None if parent is None else parent.item, t.item
@@ -36,28 +40,42 @@ def iter_parent_child(t: Tree, parent=None, postorder=False):
yield from iter_parent_child(c, parent=t, postorder=postorder)
if postorder:
yield None if parent is None else parent.item, t.item
def fold(t: Tree, func):
child_res = [fold(func, node=child) for child in t.children]
return func(t.item, child_res)
def map(t: Tree, func) -> Tree:
return Tree(item=func(t.item), children=[map(c, func) for c in t.children])
def map_parent_child(t, func, parent_node=None, parent_res=None, **opts) -> Tree:
- arg = (t, parent_node) if opts.get('include_parent_node', False) else t
+ arg = (t, parent_node) if opts.get("include_parent_node", False) else t
res = func(arg, parent_res)
- return Tree(res, children=[map_parent_child(c, func, parent_node=t, parent_res=res, **opts) for c in t.children])
+ return Tree(
+ res,
+ children=[
+ map_parent_child(c, func, parent_node=t, parent_res=res, **opts)
+ for c in t.children
+ ],
+ )
def tzip(*trees):
- return Tree(tuple(t.item for t in trees),
- children=[tzip(*children) for children in zip(*[t.children for t in trees])])
+ return Tree(
+ tuple(t.item for t in trees),
+ children=[tzip(*children) for children in zip(*[t.children for t in trees])],
+ )
def to_node_parent(t):
nodes = list(iter_items(t))
parents = {}
- index = lambda x: next(i for i, v in enumerate(nodes) if v is x)
+ def index(x):
+ return next(i for i, v in enumerate(nodes) if v is x)
for parent, child in iter_parent_child(t):
if parent is None:
@@ -65,5 +83,3 @@ def to_node_parent(t):
parents[index(child)] = index(parent)
return nodes, parents
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/decor/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/decor/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..01ea0ca11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/decor/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from .aquarium_tank import AquariumTankFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/decor/aquarium_tank.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/decor/aquarium_tank.py
similarity index 55%
rename from infinigen/assets/decor/aquarium_tank.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/decor/aquarium_tank.py
index 627c5db35..64f356516 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/decor/aquarium_tank.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/decor/aquarium_tank.py
@@ -6,47 +6,57 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.rocks.boulder import BoulderFactory
-from infinigen.assets.cactus import CactusFactory
-from infinigen.assets.corals import CoralFactory
-from infinigen.assets.mollusk import MolluskFactory
-from infinigen.assets.mushroom import MushroomFactory
-from infinigen.assets.underwater.seaweed import SeaweedFactory
-from infinigen.assets.materials import metal, water
-from infinigen.assets.materials import glass
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.objects import (
+ cactus,
+ corals,
+ mollusk,
+ mushroom,
+ rocks,
+ underwater,
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, write_attribute
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_bbox, new_cube, new_plane
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
class AquariumTankFactory(AssetFactory):
- dry_factories = [MushroomFactory, CactusFactory, BoulderFactory]
- wet_factories = [MolluskFactory, CoralFactory, SeaweedFactory]
+ dry_factories = [
+ mushroom.MushroomFactory,
+ cactus.CactusFactory,
+ rocks.BoulderFactory,
+ ]
+ wet_factories = [
+ mollusk.MolluskFactory,
+ corals.CoralFactory,
+ underwater.SeaweedFactory,
+ ]
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(AquariumTankFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- self.is_wet = uniform() < .5
- base_factory_fn = np.random.choice(self.wet_factories if self.is_wet else self.dry_factories)
+ self.is_wet = uniform() < 0.5
+ base_factory_fn = np.random.choice(
+ self.wet_factories if self.is_wet else self.dry_factories
+ )
self.base_factory = base_factory_fn(self.factory_seed)
- self.width = log_uniform(.5, 1)
- self.depth = log_uniform(.5, .8)
- self.height = log_uniform(.5, 1)
- self.thickness = uniform(.01, .02)
- self.belt_thickness = log_uniform(.02, .05)
+ self.width = log_uniform(0.5, 1)
+ self.depth = log_uniform(0.5, 0.8)
+ self.height = log_uniform(0.5, 1)
+ self.thickness = uniform(0.01, 0.02)
+ self.belt_thickness = log_uniform(0.02, 0.05)
- materials = AssetList['AquariumTankFactory']()
- self.glass_surface = materials['glass_surface'].assign_material()
- self.belt_surface = materials['belt_surface'].assign_material()
- self.water_surface = materials['water_surface'].assign_material()
+ materials = AssetList["AquariumTankFactory"]()
+ self.glass_surface = materials["glass_surface"].assign_material()
+ self.belt_surface = materials["belt_surface"].assign_material()
+ self.water_surface = materials["water_surface"].assign_material()
- scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = materials['wear_tear_prob']
- self.scratch, self.edge_wear = materials['wear_tear']
+ scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = materials["wear_tear_prob"]
+ self.scratch, self.edge_wear = materials["wear_tear"]
is_scratch = uniform() < scratch_prob
is_edge_wear = uniform() < edge_wear_prob
if not is_scratch:
@@ -56,7 +66,12 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
return new_bbox(
- -self.thickness - self.depth, self.thickness, -self.thickness, self.width + self.thickness, 0, self.height
+ -self.thickness - self.depth,
+ self.thickness,
+ -self.thickness,
+ self.width + self.thickness,
+ 0,
+ self.height,
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
@@ -64,14 +79,16 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
butil.apply_transform(tank, loc=True)
tank.scale = self.width / 2, self.depth / 2, self.height / 2
- butil.modify_mesh(tank, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.thickness)
- write_attribute(tank, 1, 'glass', 'FACE')
+ butil.modify_mesh(tank, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.thickness)
+ write_attribute(tank, 1, "glass", "FACE")
parts = [tank]
base_obj = self.base_factory.create_asset(**params)
co = read_co(base_obj)
x_min, x_max = np.amin(co, 0), np.amax(co, 0)
- scale = uniform(.7, .9) / np.max((x_max - x_min) / np.array([self.width, self.depth, self.height]))
+ scale = uniform(0.7, 0.9) / np.max(
+ (x_max - x_min) / np.array([self.width, self.depth, self.height])
+ )
base_obj.location = -(x_min + x_max) * np.array(base_obj.scale) / 2
base_obj.location[-1] = -(x_min * base_obj.scale)[-1]
butil.apply_transform(base_obj, True)
@@ -86,18 +103,20 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
def make_belts(self):
belt = new_plane()
- with butil.ViewportMode(belt, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type='ONLY_FACE')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(belt, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type="ONLY_FACE")
belt.location = self.width / 2, self.depth / 2, 0
belt.scale = self.width / 2, self.depth / 2, 0
butil.apply_transform(belt, loc=True)
- with butil.ViewportMode(belt, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': (0, 0, self.belt_thickness)})
- butil.modify_mesh(belt, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.thickness)
- write_attribute(belt, 1, 'belt', 'FACE')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(belt, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": (0, 0, self.belt_thickness)}
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(belt, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.thickness)
+ write_attribute(belt, 1, "belt", "FACE")
belt_ = deep_clone_obj(belt)
belt_.location[-1] = self.height - self.belt_thickness
@@ -105,8 +124,8 @@ def make_belts(self):
return [belt, belt_]
def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- self.glass_surface.apply(assets, selection='glass')
- self.belt_surface.apply(assets, selection='belt')
+ self.glass_surface.apply(assets, selection="glass")
+ self.belt_surface.apply(assets, selection="belt")
if self.scratch:
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/deformed_trees/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/deformed_trees/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/deformed_trees/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/deformed_trees/__init__.py
index d7d76d5c8..86bef7a17 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/deformed_trees/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/deformed_trees/__init__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
from .fallen import FallenTreeFactory
+from .generate import DeformedTreeFactory
+from .hollow import HollowTreeFactory
from .rotten import RottenTreeFactory
from .truncated import TruncatedTreeFactory
-from .hollow import HollowTreeFactory
-from .generate import DeformedTreeFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/deformed_trees/base.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/deformed_trees/base.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1c57ff0df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/deformed_trees/base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
+# of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import colorsys
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.trees.generate import GenericTreeFactory, random_species
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.surface import NoApply
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+class BaseDeformedTreeFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(BaseDeformedTreeFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ (tree_params, _, _), _ = random_species()
+ tree_params.skinning.update({"Scaling": 0.2})
+ self.base_factory = GenericTreeFactory(
+ factory_seed, tree_params, None, NoApply, coarse
+ )
+ self.trunk_surface = surface.registry("bark")
+ self.base_hue = uniform(0.02, 0.08)
+ self.material = surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ self.shader_rings, self.base_hue
+ )
+ def build_tree(self, i, distance, **kwargs):
+ return self.base_factory.spawn_asset(i=i, distance=distance)
+ @staticmethod
+ def geo_xyz(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ for name, component in zip(
+ "xyz", nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))
+ ):
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry, "Name": name, "Value": component},
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
+ @staticmethod
+ def shader_rings(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue):
+ position = nw.combine(
+ *map(
+ lambda n: nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": n}),
+ "xyz",
+ )
+ )
+ ratio = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ [position],
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": uniform(10, 20), "Distortion": uniform(4, 10)},
+ attrs={"wave_type": "RINGS", "rings_direction": "Z", "wave_profile": "SAW"},
+ )
+ bright_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(0.4, 0.8), log_uniform(0.2, 0.8))
+ dark_color = (
+ *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(
+ (base_hue + uniform(-0.02, 0.02)) % 1,
+ uniform(0.4, 0.8),
+ log_uniform(0.02, 0.05),
+ ),
+ 1.0,
+ )
+ color = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [ratio, dark_color, bright_color])
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": color}
+ )
+ return principled_bsdf
+ def create_asset(self, face_size, **params):
+ raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/deformed_trees/fallen.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/deformed_trees/fallen.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d32ff8058
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/deformed_trees/fallen.py
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
+# of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.deformed_trees.base import BaseDeformedTreeFactory
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import remove_vertices
+from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import cut_plane
+from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, separate_loose
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
+class FallenTreeFactory(BaseDeformedTreeFactory):
+ @staticmethod
+ def geo_cutter(nw: NodeWrangler, strength, scale, radius, metric_fn):
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ x, y, z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))
+ selection = nw.compare(
+ "LESS_THAN", nw.scalar_add(nw.power(x, 2), nw.power(y, 2)), 1
+ )
+ offset = nw.scalar_multiply(
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Clamp,
+ [
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition),
+ "Scale": scale,
+ },
+ ),
+ 0.3,
+ 0.7,
+ ],
+ ),
+ strength,
+ )
+ offset = nw.scalar_multiply(
+ offset, nw.build_float_curve(x, [(-radius, 1), (radius, 0)])
+ )
+ anchors = (-1, 0), (-0.5, 0), (0, -1), (0.5, 0), (1, 0)
+ offset = nw.scalar_multiply(
+ offset, nw.build_float_curve(surface.eval_argument(nw, metric_fn), anchors)
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, [geometry, selection, None, nw.combine(0, 0, offset)]
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
+ def build_half(
+ self,
+ obj,
+ cut_center,
+ cut_normal,
+ noise_strength,
+ noise_scale,
+ radius,
+ is_up=True,
+ ):
+ obj, cut = cut_plane(obj, cut_center, cut_normal, not is_up)
+ assign_material(cut, self.material)
+ obj = join_objects([obj, cut])
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"), butil.Suppress():
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.region_to_loop()
+ bpy.ops.mesh.remove_doubles(threshold=1e-2)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.fill_holes()
+ def metric_fn(nw):
+ return nw.dot(
+ nw.sub(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition), cut_center), cut_normal
+ )
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ self.geo_cutter,
+ apply=True,
+ input_args=[noise_strength, noise_scale, radius, metric_fn],
+ )
+ obj = separate_loose(obj)
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_xyz, apply=True)
+ return obj
+ def create_asset(self, i, distance=0, **params):
+ upper = self.build_tree(i, distance, **params)
+ radius = max(
+ [
+ np.sqrt(v.co[0] ** 2 + v.co[1] ** 2)
+ for v in upper.data.vertices
+ if v.co[-1] < 0.1
+ ]
+ )
+ self.trunk_surface.apply(upper)
+ butil.apply_modifiers(upper)
+ lower = deep_clone_obj(upper, keep_materials=True)
+ cut_center = np.array([0, 0, uniform(0.6, 1.2)])
+ cut_normal = np.array([uniform(0.1, 0.2), 0, 1])
+ noise_strength = uniform(0.3, 0.5)
+ noise_scale = uniform(10, 15)
+ upper = self.build_half(
+ upper, cut_center, cut_normal, noise_strength, noise_scale, radius, True
+ )
+ lower = self.build_half(
+ lower, cut_center, cut_normal, noise_strength, noise_scale, radius, False
+ )
+ ortho = np.array([-cut_normal[0], 0, 1])
+ locations = np.array([v.co for v in lower.data.vertices])
+ highest = locations[np.argmax(locations @ ortho)] + np.array(
+ [-uniform(0.05, 0.15), 0, -uniform(0.05, 0.15)]
+ )
+ upper.location = -highest
+ butil.apply_transform(upper, loc=True)
+ x, _, z = np.mean(np.stack([v.co for v in upper.data.vertices]), 0)
+ r = np.sqrt(x * x + z * z)
+ if r > 0:
+ upper.rotation_euler[1] = (
+ np.pi / 2
+ + np.arcsin((highest[-1] - uniform(0, 0.2)) / r)
+ - np.arctan(x / z)
+ )
+ upper.location = highest
+ butil.apply_transform(upper, loc=True)
+ remove_vertices(upper, lambda x, y, z: z < -0.5)
+ upper = separate_loose(upper)
+ obj = join_objects([upper, lower])
+ tag_object(obj, "fallen_tree")
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/deformed_trees/generate.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/deformed_trees/generate.py
similarity index 65%
rename from infinigen/assets/deformed_trees/generate.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/deformed_trees/generate.py
index 24ac17a63..6ad37b6fa 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/deformed_trees/generate.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/deformed_trees/generate.py
@@ -4,24 +4,32 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
import numpy as np
-from infinigen.assets.deformed_trees import FallenTreeFactory, HollowTreeFactory, RottenTreeFactory
+from infinigen.assets.deformed_trees import (
+ FallenTreeFactory,
+ HollowTreeFactory,
+ RottenTreeFactory,
from infinigen.assets.deformed_trees.truncated import TruncatedTreeFactory
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
class DeformedTreeFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(DeformedTreeFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.maker_factories = [FallenTreeFactory, RottenTreeFactory, TruncatedTreeFactory, HollowTreeFactory]
+ self.maker_factories = [
+ FallenTreeFactory,
+ RottenTreeFactory,
+ TruncatedTreeFactory,
+ HollowTreeFactory,
+ ]
self.weights = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1])
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.maker_factory = np.random.choice(self.maker_factories, p=self.weights / self.weights.sum())
+ self.maker_factory = np.random.choice(
+ self.maker_factories, p=self.weights / self.weights.sum()
+ )
self.maker = self.maker_factory(factory_seed, coarse)
def create_asset(self, **params):
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/deformed_trees/hollow.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/deformed_trees/hollow.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d25e71dbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/deformed_trees/hollow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
+# of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.deformed_trees.base import BaseDeformedTreeFactory
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ read_co,
+ read_material_index,
+ write_material_index,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_selection
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj, select_none
+class HollowTreeFactory(BaseDeformedTreeFactory):
+ @staticmethod
+ def geo_texture(nw: NodeWrangler, material_index):
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ selection = nw.compare(
+ "EQUAL", nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialIndex), material_index
+ )
+ offset = nw.scale(
+ nw.scalar_multiply(nw.musgrave(uniform(10, 20)), -uniform(0.03, 0.06)),
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal),
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, [geometry, selection, None, offset])
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
+ @staticmethod
+ def filter_lower(obj):
+ select_none()
+ objs = butil.split_object(obj)
+ filtered = [o for o in objs if np.min(read_co(o)[:, -1]) < 0.5]
+ obj = filtered[np.argmax([len(o.data.vertices) for o in filtered])]
+ objs.remove(obj)
+ butil.delete(objs)
+ return obj
+ def create_asset(self, i, distance=0, **params):
+ obj = self.build_tree(i, distance, **params)
+ scale = uniform(0.8, 1.0)
+ threshold = uniform(0.36, 0.4)
+ def selection(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ x, y, z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))
+ radius = nw.power(nw.scalar_add(nw.power(x, 2), nw.power(y, 2)), 0.5)
+ vector = nw.combine(
+ nw.scalar_divide(x, radius), nw.scalar_divide(y, radius), z
+ )
+ noise = nw.compare(
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, [vector], input_kwargs={"Scale": scale}
+ ),
+ threshold,
+ )
+ r_outside = nw.compare(
+ "GREATER_THAN", nw.scalar_add(nw.power(x, 2), nw.power(y, 2)), 1
+ )
+ z_lower = nw.scalar_add(
+ 0.1,
+ nw.scale(
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, attrs={"noise_dimensions": "2D"}),
+ 0.4,
+ ),
+ )
+ z_upper = nw.scalar_sub(
+ 3.5,
+ nw.scale(
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, attrs={"noise_dimensions": "2D"}),
+ 0.4,
+ ),
+ )
+ z_outside = nw.boolean_math(
+ "OR",
+ nw.compare("LESS_THAN", z, z_lower),
+ nw.compare("GREATER_THAN", z, z_upper),
+ )
+ return nw.boolean_math(
+ "OR", nw.boolean_math("OR", z_outside, noise), r_outside
+ )
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_selection, apply=True, input_args=[selection])
+ hollow = deep_clone_obj(obj)
+ self.trunk_surface.apply(obj)
+ butil.apply_modifiers(obj)
+ assign_material(hollow, self.material)
+ obj = join_objects([self.filter_lower(obj), self.filter_lower(hollow)])
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.region_to_loop()
+ bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops(
+ type="PAIRS", number_cuts=10, interpolation="LINEAR"
+ )
+ ring_material_index = list(obj.data.materials).index(
+ obj.data.materials["shader_rings"]
+ )
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, self.geo_texture, apply=True, input_args=[ring_material_index]
+ )
+ material_indices = read_material_index(obj)
+ null_indices = np.array(
+ [i for i, m in enumerate(obj.data.materials) if not hasattr(m, "name")]
+ )
+ material_indices[
+ np.any(material_indices[:, np.newaxis] == null_indices[np.newaxis, :], -1)
+ ] = ring_material_index
+ write_material_index(obj, material_indices)
+ tag_object(obj, "hollow_tree")
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/deformed_trees/rotten.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/deformed_trees/rotten.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ccace381
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/deformed_trees/rotten.py
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.deformed_trees.base import BaseDeformedTreeFactory
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ read_material_index,
+ remove_vertices,
+ write_material_index,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_icosphere, separate_loose
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+class RottenTreeFactory(BaseDeformedTreeFactory):
+ @staticmethod
+ def geo_cutter(nw: NodeWrangler, strength, scale, metric_fn):
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ x, y, z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))
+ selection = nw.compare(
+ "LESS_THAN", nw.scalar_add(nw.power(x, 2), nw.power(y, 2)), 1
+ )
+ offset = nw.scalar_multiply(
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Clamp,
+ [
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition),
+ "Scale": scale,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "2D"},
+ ),
+ 0.3,
+ 0.7,
+ ],
+ ),
+ strength,
+ )
+ anchors = (0, 1), (1.02, 1), (1.05, 0), (2, 0)
+ metric = surface.eval_argument(nw, metric_fn)
+ offset = nw.scalar_multiply(offset, nw.build_float_curve(metric, anchors))
+ offset = nw.scalar_multiply(
+ offset,
+ nw.switch(
+ nw.compare(
+ "GREATER_THAN", nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal))[-1], 0
+ ),
+ 1,
+ -1,
+ ),
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, [geometry, selection, None, nw.combine(0, 0, offset)]
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
+ def build_cutter(self, radius, height):
+ cutter = new_icosphere(subdivisions=6)
+ angle = uniform(-np.pi, 0)
+ depth = radius * uniform(0.4, 0.9)
+ cutter_scale = np.array(
+ [
+ radius * uniform(0.8, 1.2),
+ radius * uniform(0.8, 1.2),
+ log_uniform(1.0, 1.2),
+ ]
+ )
+ cutter_location = np.array(
+ [depth * np.cos(angle), depth * np.sin(angle), height]
+ )
+ cutter.scale = cutter_scale
+ cutter.location = cutter_location
+ assign_material(cutter, self.material)
+ def metric(x, y, z):
+ return np.linalg.norm(
+ (np.stack([x, y, z], -1) - cutter_location[np.newaxis, :])
+ / cutter_scale[np.newaxis, :],
+ axis=-1,
+ )
+ def fn(x, y, z):
+ return metric(x, y, z) < 1 + 0.0001
+ def inverse_fn(x, y, z):
+ return metric(x, y, z) > 1 + 0.0001
+ def metric_fn(nw):
+ return nw.vector_math(
+ nw.divide(
+ nw.sub(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition), cutter_location),
+ cutter_scale,
+ ),
+ )
+ return cutter, fn, inverse_fn, metric_fn
+ def create_asset(self, i, distance=0, **params):
+ outer = self.build_tree(i, distance, **params)
+ radius = max(
+ [
+ np.sqrt(v.co[0] ** 2 + v.co[1] ** 2)
+ for v in outer.data.vertices
+ if v.co[-1] < 0.1
+ ]
+ )
+ height = uniform(0.8, 1.6)
+ cutter, fn, inverse_fn, metric_fn = self.build_cutter(radius, height)
+ butil.modify_mesh(outer, "BOOLEAN", object=cutter, operation="DIFFERENCE")
+ outer = separate_loose(outer)
+ inner = deep_clone_obj(outer)
+ remove_vertices(outer, fn)
+ remove_vertices(inner, inverse_fn)
+ self.trunk_surface.apply(outer)
+ butil.apply_modifiers(outer)
+ obj = join_objects([outer, inner])
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.region_to_loop()
+ bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops(number_cuts=10, interpolation="LINEAR")
+ ring_material_index = list(obj.data.materials).index(
+ obj.data.materials["shader_rings"]
+ )
+ material_indices = read_material_index(obj)
+ null_indices = np.array(
+ [i for i, m in enumerate(obj.data.materials) if not hasattr(m, "name")]
+ )
+ material_indices[
+ np.any(material_indices[:, np.newaxis] == null_indices[np.newaxis, :], -1)
+ ] = ring_material_index
+ write_material_index(obj, material_indices)
+ noise_strength = cutter.scale[-1] * uniform(0.5, 0.8)
+ noise_scale = uniform(10, 15)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ self.geo_cutter,
+ apply=True,
+ input_args=[noise_strength, noise_scale, metric_fn],
+ )
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_xyz, apply=True)
+ butil.delete(cutter)
+ tag_object(outer, "rotten_tree")
+ return outer
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/deformed_trees/truncated.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/deformed_trees/truncated.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..85a7bd72c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/deformed_trees/truncated.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
+# of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.deformed_trees import FallenTreeFactory
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+class TruncatedTreeFactory(FallenTreeFactory):
+ @staticmethod
+ def geo_cutter(nw: NodeWrangler, strength, scale, radius, metric_fn):
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ offset = nw.scalar_multiply(
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Clamp,
+ [
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition),
+ "Scale": scale,
+ },
+ ),
+ 0.3,
+ 0.7,
+ ],
+ ),
+ strength,
+ )
+ anchors = (-1, 0), (-0.5, 0), (0, 1), (0.5, 0), (1, 0)
+ offset = nw.scalar_multiply(
+ offset, nw.build_float_curve(surface.eval_argument(nw, metric_fn), anchors)
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, [geometry, None, None, nw.combine(0, 0, offset)]
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
+ def create_asset(self, i, distance=0, **params):
+ obj = self.build_tree(i, distance, **params)
+ x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
+ radius = np.amax(np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)[z < 0.1])
+ self.trunk_surface.apply(obj)
+ butil.apply_modifiers(obj)
+ cut_center = np.array([0, 0, uniform(0.8, 1.5)])
+ cut_normal = np.array([uniform(-0.4, 0.4), 0, 1])
+ noise_strength = uniform(0.6, 1.0)
+ noise_scale = uniform(10, 15)
+ obj = self.build_half(
+ obj, cut_center, cut_normal, noise_strength, noise_scale, radius, False
+ )
+ tag_object(obj, "truncated_tree")
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb6ba94a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+from .doors import (
+ DoorCasingFactory,
+ GlassPanelDoorFactory,
+ LiteDoorFactory,
+ LouverDoorFactory,
+ PanelDoorFactory,
+ random_door_factory,
+from .nature_shelf_trinkets.generate import NatureShelfTrinketsFactory
+from .pillars import PillarFactory
+from .rug import RugFactory
+from .staircases import (
+ CantileverStaircaseFactory,
+ CurvedStaircaseFactory,
+ LShapedStaircaseFactory,
+ SpiralStaircaseFactory,
+ StraightStaircaseFactory,
+ UShapedStaircaseFactory,
+ random_staircase_factory,
+from .warehouses import (
+ PalletFactory,
+ RackFactory,
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/elements/doors/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/doors/__init__.py
similarity index 84%
rename from infinigen/assets/elements/doors/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/elements/doors/__init__.py
index e0d675979..0779c93e3 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/elements/doors/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/doors/__init__.py
@@ -6,16 +6,22 @@
import numpy as np
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from .panel import PanelDoorFactory, GlassPanelDoorFactory
+from .casing import DoorCasingFactory
from .lite import LiteDoorFactory
from .louver import LouverDoorFactory
-from .casing import DoorCasingFactory
+from .panel import GlassPanelDoorFactory, PanelDoorFactory
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
def random_door_factory():
- door_factories = [PanelDoorFactory, GlassPanelDoorFactory, LouverDoorFactory, LiteDoorFactory]
+ door_factories = [
+ PanelDoorFactory,
+ GlassPanelDoorFactory,
+ LouverDoorFactory,
+ LiteDoorFactory,
+ ]
door_probs = np.array([4, 2, 3, 3])
return np.random.choice(door_factories, p=door_probs / door_probs.sum())
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/doors/base.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/doors/base.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..243a5f1dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/doors/base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
+# of this source tree.
+# Authors:
+# - Lingjie Mei: primary author
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials import glass, metal, wood
+from infinigen.assets.materials.common import unique_surface
+from infinigen.assets.utils.autobevel import BevelSharp
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import mirror, read_co, write_attribute, write_co
+from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import spin
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_radius
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import (
+ data2mesh,
+ join_objects,
+ mesh2obj,
+ new_cube,
+ new_line,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room import constants
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.bevelling import add_bevel, get_bevel_edges
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+class BaseDoorFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(BaseDoorFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
+ self.width = constants.DOOR_WIDTH
+ self.height = constants.DOOR_SIZE
+ self.depth = uniform(0.04, 0.06)
+ self.panel_margin = log_uniform(0.08, 0.12)
+ self.bevel_width = uniform(0.005, 0.01)
+ self.out_bevel = uniform() < 0.7
+ self.shrink_width = log_uniform(0.005, 0.06)
+ surface_fn = np.random.choice([metal, wood], p=[0.2, 0.8])
+ self.surface = unique_surface(surface_fn, self.factory_seed)
+ self.has_glass = False
+ self.glass_surface = glass
+ self.has_louver = False
+ self.louver_surface = np.random.choice([metal, wood], p=[0.2, 0.8])
+ self.handle_type = np.random.choice(["knob", "lever", "pull"])
+ self.handle_surface = np.random.choice([metal, wood], p=[0.2, 0.8])
+ self.handle_offset = self.panel_margin * 0.5
+ self.handle_height = self.height * uniform(0.45, 0.5)
+ self.knob_radius = uniform(0.03, 0.04)
+ base_radius = uniform(1.1, 1.2)
+ mid_radius = uniform(0.4, 0.5)
+ self.knob_radius_mid = (
+ base_radius,
+ base_radius,
+ mid_radius,
+ mid_radius,
+ 1,
+ uniform(0.6, 0.8),
+ 0,
+ )
+ self.knob_depth = uniform(0.08, 0.1)
+ self.knob_depth_mid = [
+ 0,
+ uniform(0.1, 0.15),
+ uniform(0.25, 0.3),
+ uniform(0.35, 0.45),
+ uniform(0.6, 0.8),
+ 1,
+ 1 + 1e-3,
+ ]
+ self.lever_radius = uniform(0.03, 0.04)
+ self.lever_mid_radius = uniform(0.01, 0.02)
+ self.lever_depth = uniform(0.05, 0.08)
+ self.lever_mid_depth = uniform(0.15, 0.25)
+ self.lever_length = log_uniform(0.15, 0.2)
+ self.level_type = np.random.choice(["wave", "cylinder", "bent"])
+ self.pull_size = log_uniform(0.1, 0.4)
+ self.pull_depth = uniform(0.05, 0.08)
+ self.pull_width = log_uniform(0.08, 0.15)
+ self.pull_extension = uniform(0.05, 0.15)
+ self.to_pull_bevel = uniform() < 0.5
+ self.pull_bevel_width = uniform(0.02, 0.04)
+ self.pull_radius = uniform(0.01, 0.02)
+ self.pull_type = np.random.choice(["u", "tee", "zed"])
+ self.is_pull_circular = uniform() < 0.5 or self.pull_type == "zed"
+ self.panel_surface = unique_surface(surface_fn, np.random.randint(1e5))
+ self.auto_bevel = BevelSharp()
+ self.side_bevel = log_uniform(0.005, 0.015)
+ self.metal_color = metal.sample_metal_color()
+ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ for _ in range(100):
+ obj = self._create_asset()
+ if max(obj.dimensions) < 5:
+ return obj
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Bad door booleaning")
+ def _create_asset(self):
+ obj = new_cube(location=(1, 1, 1))
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
+ obj.scale = self.width / 2, self.depth / 2, self.height / 2
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ panels = self.make_panels()
+ extras = []
+ for panel in panels:
+ extras.extend(panel["func"](obj, panel))
+ match self.handle_type:
+ case "knob":
+ extras.extend(self.make_knobs())
+ case "lever":
+ extras.extend(self.make_levers())
+ case "pull":
+ extras.extend(self.make_pulls())
+ obj = join_objects([obj] + extras)
+ self.auto_bevel(obj)
+ obj.location = -self.width, -self.depth, 0
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
+ obj = add_bevel(obj, get_bevel_edges(obj), offset=self.side_bevel)
+ return obj
+ def make_panels(self):
+ return []
+ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
+ self.surface.apply(assets, metal_color=self.metal_color, vertical=True)
+ if self.has_glass:
+ self.glass_surface.apply(assets, selection="glass", clear=True)
+ if self.has_louver:
+ self.louver_surface.apply(
+ assets, selection="louver", metal_color=self.metal_color
+ )
+ self.handle_surface.apply(assets, selection="handle", metal_color="natural")
+ def make_knobs(self):
+ x_anchors = np.array(self.knob_radius_mid) * self.knob_radius
+ y_anchors = np.array(self.knob_depth_mid) * self.knob_depth
+ obj = spin([x_anchors, y_anchors, 0], [0, 2, 3], axis=(0, 1, 0))
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.region_to_loop()
+ bpy.ops.mesh.edge_face_add()
+ return self.make_handles(obj)
+ def make_handles(self, obj):
+ write_attribute(obj, 1, "handle", "FACE")
+ obj.location = self.handle_offset, 0, self.handle_height
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
+ other = deep_clone_obj(obj)
+ obj.location[1] += self.depth
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
+ mirror(other, 1)
+ return [obj, other]
+ def make_levers(self):
+ x_anchors = (
+ self.lever_radius,
+ self.lever_radius,
+ self.lever_mid_radius,
+ self.lever_mid_radius,
+ 0,
+ )
+ y_anchors = (
+ np.array([0, self.lever_mid_depth, self.lever_mid_depth, 1, 1 + 1e-3])
+ * self.lever_depth
+ )
+ obj = spin([x_anchors, y_anchors, 0], [0, 1, 2, 3], axis=(0, 1, 0))
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.region_to_loop()
+ bpy.ops.mesh.fill()
+ lever = new_line(4)
+ if self.level_type == "wave":
+ co = read_co(lever)
+ co[1, -1] = -uniform(0.2, 0.3)
+ co[3, -1] = uniform(0.1, 0.15)
+ write_co(lever, co)
+ elif self.level_type == "bent":
+ co = read_co(lever)
+ co[4, 1] = -uniform(0.2, 0.3)
+ write_co(lever, co)
+ lever.scale = [self.lever_length] * 3
+ butil.apply_transform(lever)
+ butil.select_none()
+ with butil.ViewportMode(lever, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": (0, 0, self.lever_mid_radius * 2)}
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ lever, "SOLIDIFY", lever, thickness=self.lever_mid_radius, offset=0
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(lever, "SUBSURF", render_levels=1, levels=1)
+ lever.location = (
+ -self.lever_mid_radius,
+ self.lever_depth,
+ -self.lever_mid_radius,
+ )
+ butil.apply_transform(lever, loc=True)
+ obj = join_objects([obj, lever])
+ return self.make_handles(obj)
+ def make_pulls(self):
+ if self.pull_type == "u":
+ vertices = (
+ (0, 0, self.pull_size),
+ (0, self.pull_depth, self.pull_size),
+ (0, self.pull_depth, 0),
+ )
+ edges = (0, 1), (1, 2)
+ elif self.pull_type == "tee":
+ vertices = (
+ (0, 0, self.pull_size),
+ (0, self.pull_depth, self.pull_size),
+ (0, self.pull_depth, 0),
+ (0, self.pull_depth, self.pull_size + self.pull_extension),
+ )
+ edges = (0, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3)
+ else:
+ vertices = (
+ (0, 0, self.pull_size),
+ (0, self.pull_depth, self.pull_size),
+ (self.pull_width, self.pull_depth, self.pull_size),
+ (self.pull_width, self.pull_depth, 0),
+ )
+ edges = (0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)
+ obj = mesh2obj(data2mesh(vertices, edges))
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "MIRROR", use_axis=(False, False, True))
+ if self.to_pull_bevel:
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj, "BEVEL", width=self.pull_bevel_width, segments=4, affect="VERTICES"
+ )
+ if self.is_pull_circular:
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geo_radius,
+ apply=True,
+ input_args=[self.pull_radius, 32],
+ input_kwargs={"to_align_tilt": False},
+ )
+ else:
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": (self.pull_radius * 2, 0, 0)}
+ )
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.normals_make_consistent(inside=False)
+ obj.location = -self.pull_radius, -self.pull_radius, -self.pull_radius
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.pull_radius * 2, offset=0)
+ return self.make_handles(obj)
+ @property
+ def casing_factory(self):
+ from infinigen.assets.objects.elements import DoorCasingFactory
+ factory = DoorCasingFactory(self.factory_seed, self.coarse)
+ factory.surface = self.surface
+ factory.metal_color = self.metal_color
+ return factory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/elements/doors/casing.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/doors/casing.py
similarity index 68%
rename from infinigen/assets/elements/doors/casing.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/elements/doors/casing.py
index 32317fe93..4989d358e 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/elements/doors/casing.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/doors/casing.py
@@ -8,13 +8,12 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.materials import wood, metal
+from infinigen.assets.materials import metal, wood
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_edge_center, read_edge_direction
from infinigen.assets.utils.mesh import bevel
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_cube
from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room import constants
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
@@ -23,9 +22,9 @@ class DoorCasingFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(DoorCasingFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- self.margin = constants.DOOR_SIZE * uniform(.05, .1)
- self.extrude = uniform(.02, .08)
- self.bevel_all_sides = uniform() < .3
+ self.margin = constants.DOOR_SIZE * uniform(0.05, 0.1)
+ self.extrude = uniform(0.02, 0.08)
+ self.bevel_all_sides = uniform() < 0.3
self.surface = np.random.choice([metal, wood])
self.metal_color = metal.sample_metal_color()
@@ -35,27 +34,31 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
w = constants.DOOR_WIDTH
s = constants.DOOR_SIZE
- obj.scale = w / 2 + self.margin, constants.WALL_THICKNESS / 2 + self.extrude, \
- s / 2 + self.margin / 2
+ obj.scale = (
+ w / 2 + self.margin,
+ constants.WALL_THICKNESS / 2 + self.extrude,
+ s / 2 + self.margin / 2,
+ )
cutter = new_cube()
cutter.location = 0, 0, 1 - 1e-3
butil.apply_transform(cutter, True)
cutter.scale = w / 2 - 1e-3, constants.WALL_THICKNESS + self.extrude, s / 2
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BOOLEAN', object=cutter, operation='DIFFERENCE')
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BOOLEAN", object=cutter, operation="DIFFERENCE")
x, y, z = read_edge_center(obj).T
x_, y_, z_ = read_edge_direction(obj).T
if self.bevel_all_sides:
- selection = (np.abs(z_) > .5) | (np.abs(x_) > .5)
+ selection = (np.abs(z_) > 0.5) | (np.abs(x_) > 0.5)
- selection = ((np.abs(z_) > .5) & (np.abs(x) < w / 2 + self.margin / 2)) | (
- (np.abs(x_) > .5) & (z < s + self.margin / 2))
- obj.data.edges.foreach_set('bevel_weight', selection)
- bevel(obj, self.extrude, limit_method='WEIGHT')
+ selection = ((np.abs(z_) > 0.5) & (np.abs(x) < w / 2 + self.margin / 2)) | (
+ (np.abs(x_) > 0.5) & (z < s + self.margin / 2)
+ )
+ obj.data.edges.foreach_set("bevel_weight", selection)
+ bevel(obj, self.extrude, limit_method="WEIGHT")
return obj
def finalize_assets(self, assets):
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/elements/doors/lite.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/doors/lite.py
similarity index 58%
rename from infinigen/assets/elements/doors/lite.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/elements/doors/lite.py
index e96e0a663..44345186a 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/elements/doors/lite.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/doors/lite.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from .panel import PanelDoorFactory
@@ -16,40 +17,50 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
r = uniform()
subdivide_glass = False
if r <= 1 / 6:
- dimension = 0, 1, uniform(.4, .6), 1
+ dimension = 0, 1, uniform(0.4, 0.6), 1
subdivide_glass = True
elif r <= 1 / 3:
dimension = 0, 1, 0, 1
subdivide_glass = True
elif r <= 1 / 2:
- dimension = 0, uniform(.3, .4), uniform(.4, .6), 1
+ dimension = 0, uniform(0.3, 0.4), uniform(0.4, 0.6), 1
elif r <= 2 / 3:
- dimension = 0, uniform(.3, .4), uniform(.4, .6), 1
+ dimension = 0, uniform(0.3, 0.4), uniform(0.4, 0.6), 1
elif r <= 5 / 6:
dimension = 0, 1, 0, 1
- x = uniform(.3, .35)
- dimension = x, 1 - x, uniform(.7, .8), 1
+ x = uniform(0.3, 0.35)
+ dimension = x, 1 - x, uniform(0.7, 0.8), 1
self.x_min, self.x_max, self.y_min, self.y_max = dimension
if subdivide_glass:
self.x_subdivisions = np.random.choice([1, 3])
- self.y_subdivisions = int(self.height / self.width * self.x_subdivisions) + np.random.randint(
- -1, 2
- )
+ self.y_subdivisions = int(
+ self.height / self.width * self.x_subdivisions
+ ) + np.random.randint(-1, 2)
self.x_subdivisions = 1
self.y_subdivisions = 1
self.has_glass = True
def make_panels(self):
- x_range = np.linspace(self.x_min, self.x_max, self.x_subdivisions + 1) * (
- self.width - self.panel_margin * 2) + self.panel_margin
- y_range = np.linspace(self.y_min, self.y_max, self.y_subdivisions + 1) * (
- self.height - self.panel_margin * 2) + self.panel_margin
+ x_range = (
+ np.linspace(self.x_min, self.x_max, self.x_subdivisions + 1)
+ * (self.width - self.panel_margin * 2)
+ + self.panel_margin
+ )
+ y_range = (
+ np.linspace(self.y_min, self.y_max, self.y_subdivisions + 1)
+ * (self.height - self.panel_margin * 2)
+ + self.panel_margin
+ )
panels = []
for x_min, x_max in zip(x_range[:-1], x_range[1:]):
for y_min, y_max in zip(y_range[:-1], y_range[1:]):
- {'dimension': (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max), 'func': self.bevel, 'attribute_name': 'glass'}
+ {
+ "dimension": (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max),
+ "func": self.bevel,
+ "attribute_name": "glass",
+ }
return panels
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/elements/doors/louver.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/doors/louver.py
similarity index 59%
rename from infinigen/assets/elements/doors/louver.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/elements/doors/louver.py
index 48f8bee6e..8b50e2ba9 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/elements/doors/louver.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/doors/louver.py
@@ -5,12 +5,13 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from .panel import PanelDoorFactory
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import write_attribute, write_co
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_cube, new_plane
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from .panel import PanelDoorFactory
class LouverDoorFactory(PanelDoorFactory):
@@ -18,33 +19,44 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(LouverDoorFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
self.x_subdivisions = 1
- self.y_subdivisions = np.clip(np.random.binomial(5, .4), 1, None)
- self.has_panel = uniform() < .7
- self.has_upper_panel = uniform() < .5
- self.louver_width = uniform(.002, .004)
- self.louver_margin = uniform(.02, .03)
- self.louver_size = log_uniform(.05, .1)
+ self.y_subdivisions = np.clip(np.random.binomial(5, 0.4), 1, None)
+ self.has_panel = uniform() < 0.7
+ self.has_upper_panel = uniform() < 0.5
+ self.louver_width = uniform(0.002, 0.004)
+ self.louver_margin = uniform(0.02, 0.03)
+ self.louver_size = log_uniform(0.05, 0.1)
self.louver_angle = uniform(np.pi / 4.5, np.pi / 3.5)
self.has_louver = True
def louver(self, obj, panel):
- x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = panel['dimension']
+ x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = panel["dimension"]
cutter = new_cube(location=(1, 1, 1))
butil.apply_transform(cutter, loc=True)
- write_attribute(cutter, 1, 'louver', 'FACE')
- cutter.location = x_min - self.louver_margin, -self.louver_width, y_min - self.louver_margin
- cutter.scale = [(x_max - x_min) / 2 + self.louver_margin, self.depth / 2 + self.louver_width,
- (y_max - y_min) / 2 + self.louver_margin]
+ write_attribute(cutter, 1, "louver", "FACE")
+ cutter.location = (
+ x_min - self.louver_margin,
+ -self.louver_width,
+ y_min - self.louver_margin,
+ )
+ cutter.scale = [
+ (x_max - x_min) / 2 + self.louver_margin,
+ self.depth / 2 + self.louver_width,
+ (y_max - y_min) / 2 + self.louver_margin,
+ ]
butil.apply_transform(cutter, loc=True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BOOLEAN', object=cutter, operation='DIFFERENCE')
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BOOLEAN", object=cutter, operation="DIFFERENCE")
hole = new_cube(location=(1, 1, 1))
butil.apply_transform(hole, loc=True)
- write_attribute(hole, 1, 'louver', 'FACE')
+ write_attribute(hole, 1, "louver", "FACE")
hole.location = x_min, -self.louver_width * 2, y_min
- hole.scale = (x_max - x_min) / 2, self.depth / 2 + self.louver_width * 2, (y_max - y_min) / 2
+ hole.scale = (
+ (x_max - x_min) / 2,
+ self.depth / 2 + self.louver_width * 2,
+ (y_max - y_min) / 2,
+ )
butil.apply_transform(hole, loc=True)
- butil.modify_mesh(cutter, 'BOOLEAN', object=hole, operation='DIFFERENCE')
+ butil.modify_mesh(cutter, "BOOLEAN", object=hole, operation="DIFFERENCE")
louver = new_plane()
@@ -53,28 +65,31 @@ def louver(self, obj, panel):
y_upper = y_min + self.depth * np.tan(self.louver_angle)
z = y_min, y_min, y_upper, y_upper
write_co(louver, np.stack([x, y, z], -1))
- butil.modify_mesh(louver, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.louver_width, offset=0)
+ butil.modify_mesh(louver, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.louver_width, offset=0)
- louver, 'ARRAY', use_relative_offset=False, use_constant_offset=True,
+ louver,
+ "ARRAY",
+ use_relative_offset=False,
+ use_constant_offset=True,
constant_offset_displace=(0, 0, self.louver_size),
- count=int(np.ceil((y_max - y_min) / self.louver_size) + .5)
+ count=int(np.ceil((y_max - y_min) / self.louver_size) + 0.5),
- write_attribute(louver, 1, 'louver', 'FACE')
+ write_attribute(louver, 1, "louver", "FACE")
return [cutter, louver]
def make_panels(self):
panels = super(LouverDoorFactory, self).make_panels()
if len(panels) == 1:
- panels[0]['func'] = self.louver
+ panels[0]["func"] = self.louver
elif len(panels) == 2:
if not self.has_panel:
- panels[0]['func'] = self.louver
- panels[1]['func'] = self.louver
+ panels[0]["func"] = self.louver
+ panels[1]["func"] = self.louver
if self.has_upper_panel:
panels = [panels[0], panels[-1]]
panels = [panels[0]]
for panel in panels:
- panel['func'] = self.louver
+ panel["func"] = self.louver
return panels
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/elements/doors/panel.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/doors/panel.py
similarity index 53%
rename from infinigen/assets/elements/doors/panel.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/elements/doors/panel.py
index eb73f1434..d355e531c 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/elements/doors/panel.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/doors/panel.py
@@ -6,45 +6,49 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.surface import write_attr_data, read_attr_data
-from .casing import DoorCasingFactory
-from infinigen.assets.elements.doors.base import BaseDoorFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import write_attribute, select_faces, read_area
+from infinigen.assets.objects.elements.doors.base import BaseDoorFactory
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_area, select_faces, write_attribute
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_cube
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.surface import read_attr_data, write_attr_data
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
class PanelDoorFactory(BaseDoorFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(PanelDoorFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- self.x_subdivisions = 1 if uniform() < .5 else 2
- self.y_subdivisions = np.clip(np.random.binomial(5, .45), 1, None)
+ self.x_subdivisions = 1 if uniform() < 0.5 else 2
+ self.y_subdivisions = np.clip(np.random.binomial(5, 0.45), 1, None)
def bevel(self, obj, panel):
- x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = panel['dimension']
+ x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = panel["dimension"]
assert x_min <= x_max and y_min <= y_max
cutter = new_cube()
butil.apply_transform(cutter, loc=True)
- if panel['attribute_name'] is not None:
- write_attribute(cutter, 1, panel['attribute_name'], 'FACE')
- cutter.location = (x_max + x_min) / 2, self.bevel_width * .5 - .1, (y_max + y_min) / 2
- cutter.scale = (x_max - x_min) / 2 - 2e-3, .1, (y_max - y_min) / 2 - 2e-3
+ if panel["attribute_name"] is not None:
+ write_attribute(cutter, 1, panel["attribute_name"], "FACE")
+ cutter.location = (
+ (x_max + x_min) / 2,
+ self.bevel_width * 0.5 - 0.1,
+ (y_max + y_min) / 2,
+ )
+ cutter.scale = (x_max - x_min) / 2 - 2e-3, 0.1, (y_max - y_min) / 2 - 2e-3
butil.apply_transform(cutter, loc=True)
# butil.modify_mesh(cutter, 'BEVEL', width=self.bevel_width)
- write_attr_data(cutter, 'cut', np.ones(len(cutter.data.polygons), dtype=int), 'INT', 'FACE')
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BOOLEAN', object=cutter, operation='DIFFERENCE')
- cutter.location[1] += .2 + self.depth - self.bevel_width
+ write_attr_data(
+ cutter, "cut", np.ones(len(cutter.data.polygons), dtype=int), "INT", "FACE"
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BOOLEAN", object=cutter, operation="DIFFERENCE")
+ cutter.location[1] += 0.2 + self.depth - self.bevel_width
butil.apply_transform(cutter, loc=True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BOOLEAN', object=cutter, operation='DIFFERENCE')
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BOOLEAN", object=cutter, operation="DIFFERENCE")
- select_faces(obj, (read_area(obj) > .01) & (read_attr_data(obj, 'cut')))
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ select_faces(obj, (read_area(obj) > 0.01) & (read_attr_data(obj, "cut")))
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bpy.ops.mesh.inset(thickness=self.bevel_width, depth=self.bevel_width)
- obj.data.attributes.remove(obj.data.attributes['cut'])
+ obj.data.attributes.remove(obj.data.attributes["cut"])
return []
def make_panels(self):
@@ -55,38 +59,50 @@ def make_panels(self):
y_cuts = np.cumsum(y_cuts / y_cuts.sum())
for j in range(len(y_cuts)):
for i in range(len(x_cuts)):
- x_min = self.panel_margin + (self.width - self.panel_margin) * (x_cuts[i - 1] if i > 0 else 0)
+ x_min = self.panel_margin + (self.width - self.panel_margin) * (
+ x_cuts[i - 1] if i > 0 else 0
+ )
x_max = (self.width - self.panel_margin) * x_cuts[i]
- y_min = self.panel_margin + (self.height - self.panel_margin) * (y_cuts[j - 1] if j > 0 else 0)
+ y_min = self.panel_margin + (self.height - self.panel_margin) * (
+ y_cuts[j - 1] if j > 0 else 0
+ )
y_max = (self.height - self.panel_margin) * y_cuts[j]
- {'dimension': (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max), 'func': self.bevel, 'attribute_name': None}
+ {
+ "dimension": (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max),
+ "func": self.bevel,
+ "attribute_name": None,
+ }
return panels
class GlassPanelDoorFactory(PanelDoorFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(GlassPanelDoorFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
self.x_subdivisions = 2
- self.y_subdivisions = np.clip(np.random.binomial(5, .5), 2, None)
+ self.y_subdivisions = np.clip(np.random.binomial(5, 0.5), 2, None)
self.merge_glass = self.y_subdivisions < 4
self.has_glass = True
def make_panels(self):
panels = super(GlassPanelDoorFactory, self).make_panels()
if self.merge_glass:
- first_dimension = panels[-self.x_subdivisions]['dimension']
- last_dimension = panels[- 1]['dimension']
+ first_dimension = panels[-self.x_subdivisions]["dimension"]
+ last_dimension = panels[-1]["dimension"]
merged = {
- 'dimension': (first_dimension[0], last_dimension[1], first_dimension[2], last_dimension[3]),
- 'func': self.bevel,
- 'attribute_name': 'glass'
+ "dimension": (
+ first_dimension[0],
+ last_dimension[1],
+ first_dimension[2],
+ last_dimension[3],
+ ),
+ "func": self.bevel,
+ "attribute_name": "glass",
- return [merged, *panels[:self.x_subdivisions]]
+ return [merged, *panels[: self.x_subdivisions]]
- for panel in panels[-self.x_subdivisions:]:
- panel['attribute_name'] = 'glass'
+ for panel in panels[-self.x_subdivisions :]:
+ panel["attribute_name"] = "glass"
return panels
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/nature_shelf_trinkets/generate.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/nature_shelf_trinkets/generate.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..685ea8243
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/nature_shelf_trinkets/generate.py
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Stamatis Alexandropulos
+import bpy
+import mathutils
+import numpy as np
+import trimesh
+from infinigen.assets.objects import corals, creatures, mollusk, monocot, rocks
+from infinigen.assets.utils import object as obj
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+class NatureShelfTrinketsFactory(AssetFactory):
+ factories = [
+ corals.CoralFactory,
+ rocks.BlenderRockFactory,
+ rocks.BoulderFactory,
+ monocot.PineconeFactory,
+ mollusk.MolluskFactory,
+ mollusk.AugerFactory,
+ mollusk.ClamFactory,
+ mollusk.ConchFactory,
+ mollusk.MusselFactory,
+ mollusk.ScallopFactory,
+ mollusk.VoluteFactory,
+ creatures.CarnivoreFactory,
+ creatures.HerbivoreFactory,
+ ]
+ probs = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 5, 5])
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(NatureShelfTrinketsFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
+ base_factory_fn = np.random.choice(
+ self.factories, p=self.probs / self.probs.sum()
+ )
+ kwargs = {}
+ if base_factory_fn in [
+ creatures.HerbivoreFactory,
+ creatures.CarnivoreFactory,
+ ]:
+ kwargs.update({"hair": False})
+ self.base_factory = base_factory_fn(self.factory_seed, **kwargs)
+ def create_placeholder(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ size = np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.15)
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(size=size, location=(0, 0, size / 2))
+ placeholder = bpy.context.active_object
+ return placeholder
+ def create_asset(self, i, placeholder=None, **params):
+ asset = self.base_factory.spawn_asset(
+ np.random.randint(1e7), distance=200, adaptive_resolution=False
+ )
+ if list(asset.children):
+ asset = join_objects(list(asset.children))
+ # butil.modify_mesh(asset, 'DECIMATE')
+ butil.apply_transform(asset, loc=True)
+ butil.apply_modifiers(asset)
+ if isinstance(self.base_factory, creatures.HerbivoreFactory) or isinstance(
+ self.base_factory, creatures.CarnivoreFactory
+ ):
+ pass
+ else:
+ if not isinstance(asset, trimesh.Trimesh):
+ mesh = obj.obj2trimesh(asset)
+ stable_poses, probs = trimesh.poses.compute_stable_poses(mesh)
+ stable_pose = stable_poses[np.argmax(probs)]
+ asset.rotation_euler = mathutils.Matrix(stable_pose[:3, :3]).to_euler()
+ butil.apply_transform(asset, rot=True)
+ dim = asset.dimensions
+ bounding_box = placeholder.dimensions
+ scale = min([bounding_box[i] / dim[i] for i in range(3)])
+ asset.scale = [scale for i in range(3)]
+ # asset.dimensions = placeholder.dimensions
+ butil.apply_transform(asset, loc=True)
+ bounds = butil.bounds(asset)
+ cur_loc = asset.location
+ new_location = [
+ cur_loc[i] - (bounds[0][i] + bounds[1][i]) / 2 for i in range(3)
+ ]
+ new_location[2] = cur_loc[2] - (bounds[0][2] + bounding_box[2] / 2)
+ asset.location = new_location
+ butil.apply_transform(asset, loc=True)
+ return asset
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/elements/pillars.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/pillars.py
similarity index 51%
rename from infinigen/assets/elements/pillars.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/elements/pillars.py
index 8507f1931..b1c949909 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/elements/pillars.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/pillars.py
@@ -4,24 +4,25 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
import bmesh
import bpy
-import gin
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.assets.materials import marble_regular, marble_voronoi
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
- read_co, read_edge_center, read_selected, select_edges,
- subdivide_edge_ring, subsurf, write_co,
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import (
- join_objects, new_base_circle, new_base_cylinder, new_circle,
- new_cylinder,
+ read_co,
+ read_edge_center,
+ read_selected,
+ select_edges,
+ subdivide_edge_ring,
+ subsurf,
+ write_co,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_base_circle, new_cylinder
from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room import constants
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
@@ -31,69 +32,91 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
self.height = constants.WALL_HEIGHT - constants.WALL_THICKNESS
self.n = np.random.randint(5, 10)
- self.radius = uniform(.08, .12)
+ self.radius = uniform(0.08, 0.12)
self.outer_radius = self.radius * uniform(1.3, 1.5)
- self.lower_offset = uniform(.05, .15)
- self.upper_offset = uniform(.05, .15)
- self.detail_type = np.random.choice(['fluting', 'reeding'])
+ self.lower_offset = uniform(0.05, 0.15)
+ self.upper_offset = uniform(0.05, 0.15)
+ self.detail_type = np.random.choice(["fluting", "reeding"])
width = np.pi / 2 / self.n
- self.inset_width = width * log_uniform(.1, .2)
- self.inset_width_ = (width - self.inset_width * 2) * uniform(-.1, .3)
- self.inset_depth = uniform(.1, .15)
- self.inset_scale = uniform(.05, .1)
+ self.inset_width = width * log_uniform(0.1, 0.2)
+ self.inset_width_ = (width - self.inset_width * 2) * uniform(-0.1, 0.3)
+ self.inset_depth = uniform(0.1, 0.15)
+ self.inset_scale = uniform(0.05, 0.1)
self.outer_n = np.random.choice([1, 2, self.n])
self.m = np.random.randint(12, 20)
z_profile = uniform(1, 3, self.m)
- self.z_profile = np.array([0, *(np.cumsum(z_profile) / np.sum(z_profile))[:-1]])
- alpha = uniform(.7, .85)
+ self.z_profile = np.array(
+ [0, *(np.cumsum(z_profile) / np.sum(z_profile))[:-1]]
+ )
+ alpha = uniform(0.7, 0.85)
r_profile = uniform(0, 1, self.m + 3)
r_profile[[0, 1]] = 1
r_profile[[-2, -1]] = 0
- r_profile = np.convolve(r_profile, np.array([(1 - alpha) / 2, alpha, (1 - alpha) / 2]))
- self.r_profile = np.array([1, *r_profile[2:-2]]) * (self.outer_radius - self.radius) + self.radius
+ r_profile = np.convolve(
+ r_profile, np.array([(1 - alpha) / 2, alpha, (1 - alpha) / 2])
+ )
+ self.r_profile = (
+ np.array([1, *r_profile[2:-2]]) * (self.outer_radius - self.radius)
+ + self.radius
+ )
self.n_profile = np.where(
- np.arange(self.m) < np.random.randint(2, self.m - 1), self.outer_n,
- self.n
+ np.arange(self.m) < np.random.randint(2, self.m - 1),
+ self.outer_n,
+ self.n,
- self.inset_profile = uniform(0, 1, self.m) < .3
+ self.inset_profile = uniform(0, 1, self.m) < 0.3
self.surface = np.random.choice([marble_regular, marble_voronoi])
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
obj = new_cylinder(vertices=4 * self.n)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
geom = [f for f in bm.faces if len(f.verts) > 4]
- bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context='FACES_ONLY')
+ bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context="FACES_ONLY")
- obj.scale = self.radius, self.radius, (1 - self.lower_offset - self.upper_offset) * self.height
+ obj.scale = (
+ self.radius,
+ self.radius,
+ (1 - self.lower_offset - self.upper_offset) * self.height,
+ )
obj.location[-1] = self.lower_offset * self.height
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- inset_scale = 1 + self.inset_scale * (1 if self.detail_type == 'reeding' else -1)
- if self.detail_type in ['fluting', 'reeding']:
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='FACE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.inset(thickness=self.inset_width * self.radius, use_individual=True)
- bpy.ops.mesh.inset(thickness=self.inset_width_ * self.radius, use_individual=True)
+ inset_scale = 1 + self.inset_scale * (
+ 1 if self.detail_type == "reeding" else -1
+ )
+ if self.detail_type in ["fluting", "reeding"]:
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="FACE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.inset(
+ thickness=self.inset_width * self.radius, use_individual=True
+ )
+ bpy.ops.mesh.inset(
+ thickness=self.inset_width_ * self.radius, use_individual=True
+ )
bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(inset_scale, inset_scale, 1))
subdivide_edge_ring(obj, 16)
parts = [obj]
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
z_rot = np.pi / 2 * np.random.randint(2)
- for z, r, n, i in zip(self.z_profile, self.r_profile, self.n_profile, self.inset_profile):
+ for z, r, n, i in zip(
+ self.z_profile, self.r_profile, self.n_profile, self.inset_profile
+ ):
o = new_base_circle(vertices=4 * n)
if i:
co = read_co(o)
stride = np.random.choice([2, 4, 8])
- co *= np.where(np.arange(len(co)) % stride == 0, 1, inset_scale)[:, np.newaxis]
+ co *= np.where(np.arange(len(co)) % stride == 0, 1, inset_scale)[
+ :, np.newaxis
+ ]
write_co(o, co)
- with butil.ViewportMode(o, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(o, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
bpy.ops.mesh.subdivide(number_cuts=self.n // n - 1)
o.location[-1] = z * self.lower_offset * self.height
r_ = r / np.cos(np.pi / 4 / n)
@@ -105,16 +128,20 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
butil.apply_transform(o_, True)
parts.extend([o, o_])
obj = join_objects(parts)
- selection = read_selected(obj, 'EDGE')
+ selection = read_selected(obj, "EDGE")
z = read_edge_center(obj)[:, -1]
number_cuts = 0
smoothness = uniform(1, 1.4)
- select_edges(obj, selection & (z < .5))
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops(number_cuts=number_cuts, smoothness=smoothness)
- select_edges(obj, selection & (z > .5))
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops(number_cuts=number_cuts, smoothness=smoothness)
+ select_edges(obj, selection & (z < 0.5))
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops(
+ number_cuts=number_cuts, smoothness=smoothness
+ )
+ select_edges(obj, selection & (z > 0.5))
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops(
+ number_cuts=number_cuts, smoothness=smoothness
+ )
subsurf(obj, 1, True)
subsurf(obj, 1)
return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/elements/rug.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/rug.py
similarity index 61%
rename from infinigen/assets/elements/rug.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/elements/rug.py
index 0f5072902..12e3da63a 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/elements/rug.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/rug.py
@@ -6,16 +6,14 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.materials import rug
-from infinigen.assets.materials.art import Art, ArtRug
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_bbox, new_circle, new_plane, new_base_circle
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.materials.art import ArtRug
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_base_circle, new_bbox, new_plane
from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import wrap_sides
-from infinigen.core.nodes import NodeWrangler, Nodes
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform, clip_gaussian
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import clip_gaussian
class RugFactory(AssetFactory):
@@ -24,41 +22,50 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
self.width = clip_gaussian(3, 1, 2, 6)
self.length = self.width * uniform(1, 1.5)
- self.rug_shape = np.random.choice(['rectangle', 'circle', 'rounded', 'ellipse'])
- if self.rug_shape == 'circle':
+ self.rug_shape = np.random.choice(
+ ["rectangle", "circle", "rounded", "ellipse"]
+ )
+ if self.rug_shape == "circle":
self.length = self.width
- self.rounded_buffer = self.width * uniform(.1, .5)
- self.thickness = uniform(.01, .02)
- material_assignments = AssetList['RugFactory']()
- self.surface = material_assignments['surface'].assign_material()
+ self.rounded_buffer = self.width * uniform(0.1, 0.5)
+ self.thickness = uniform(0.01, 0.02)
+ material_assignments = AssetList["RugFactory"]()
+ self.surface = material_assignments["surface"].assign_material()
if self.surface == ArtRug:
self.surface = self.surface(self.factory_seed)
def build_shape(self):
match self.rug_shape:
- case 'rectangle':
+ case "rectangle":
obj = new_plane()
obj.scale = self.length / 2, self.width / 2, 1
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- case 'rounded':
+ case "rounded":
obj = new_plane()
obj.scale = self.length / 2, self.width / 2, 1
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BEVEL', width=self.rounded_buffer, segments=16)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BEVEL", width=self.rounded_buffer, segments=16)
case _:
obj = new_base_circle(vertices=128)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
obj.scale = self.length / 2, self.width / 2, 1
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
return obj
def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
- return new_bbox(-self.length / 2, self.length / 2, -self.width / 2, self.width / 2, 0, self.thickness)
+ return new_bbox(
+ -self.length / 2,
+ self.length / 2,
+ -self.width / 2,
+ self.width / 2,
+ 0,
+ self.thickness,
+ )
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
obj = self.build_shape()
- wrap_sides(obj, self.surface, 'z', 'x', 'y')
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.thickness, offset=1)
+ wrap_sides(obj, self.surface, "z", "x", "y")
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.thickness, offset=1)
return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/staircases/__init__.py
similarity index 68%
rename from infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/elements/staircases/__init__.py
index 0558c4205..74998c43a 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/staircases/__init__.py
@@ -3,16 +3,23 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
import numpy as np
+from .cantilever import CantileverStaircaseFactory
from .curved import CurvedStaircaseFactory
+from .l_shaped import LShapedStaircaseFactory
from .spiral import SpiralStaircaseFactory
from .straight import StraightStaircaseFactory
-from .l_shaped import LShapedStaircaseFactory
from .u_shaped import UShapedStaircaseFactory
-from .cantilever import CantileverStaircaseFactory
def random_staircase_factory():
- door_factories = [StraightStaircaseFactory, LShapedStaircaseFactory, UShapedStaircaseFactory,
- SpiralStaircaseFactory, CurvedStaircaseFactory, CantileverStaircaseFactory]
- door_probs = np.array([2, 2, 2, .5, 2, 2])
+ door_factories = [
+ StraightStaircaseFactory,
+ LShapedStaircaseFactory,
+ UShapedStaircaseFactory,
+ SpiralStaircaseFactory,
+ CurvedStaircaseFactory,
+ CantileverStaircaseFactory,
+ ]
+ door_probs = np.array([2, 2, 2, 0.5, 2, 2])
return np.random.choice(door_factories, p=door_probs / door_probs.sum())
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/cantilever.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/staircases/cantilever.py
similarity index 61%
rename from infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/cantilever.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/elements/staircases/cantilever.py
index 581a28672..0aa49f538 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/cantilever.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/staircases/cantilever.py
@@ -5,16 +5,18 @@
import numpy as np
import shapely
import shapely.affinity
-from infinigen.assets.elements.staircases.straight import StraightStaircaseFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.elements.staircases.straight import (
+ StraightStaircaseFactory,
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
class CantileverStaircaseFactory(StraightStaircaseFactory):
- support_types = 'wall'
- handrail_types = 'weighted_choice', (2, 'horizontal-post'), (2, 'vertical-post')
+ support_types = "wall"
+ handrail_types = "weighted_choice", (2, "horizontal-post"), (2, "vertical-post")
def valid_contour(self, offset, contour, doors, lower=True):
valid = super().valid_contour(offset, contour, doors, lower)
@@ -25,8 +27,14 @@ def valid_contour(self, offset, contour, doors, lower=True):
if self.mirror:
co[:, 0] = -co[:, 0]
- points = [shapely.affinity.translate(shapely.affinity.rotate(p, self.rot_z, (0, 0)), *offset) for p in
- shapely.points(co)]
+ points = [
+ shapely.affinity.translate(
+ shapely.affinity.rotate(p, self.rot_z, (0, 0)), *offset
+ )
+ for p in shapely.points(co)
+ ]
others = [shapely.ops.nearest_points(p, contour.boundary)[0] for p in points]
- distance = np.array([np.abs(p.x - o.x) + np.abs(p.y - o.y) for p, o in zip(points, others)])
- return (distance < .1).sum() / len(distance) > .5
+ distance = np.array(
+ [np.abs(p.x - o.x) + np.abs(p.y - o.y) for p, o in zip(points, others)]
+ )
+ return (distance < 0.1).sum() / len(distance) > 0.5
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/curved.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/staircases/curved.py
similarity index 83%
rename from infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/curved.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/elements/staircases/curved.py
index 2190e1af3..dab01e79a 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/curved.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/staircases/curved.py
@@ -2,24 +2,32 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
# of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Lingjie Mei
# - Karhan Kayan: fix constants
import numpy as np
-from infinigen.assets.elements.staircases.straight import StraightStaircaseFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.elements.staircases.straight import (
+ StraightStaircaseFactory,
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, write_co
from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room import constants
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
class CurvedStaircaseFactory(StraightStaircaseFactory):
- support_types = 'weighted_choice', (2, 'single-rail'), (2, 'double-rail'), (4, 'side'), (4, 'solid'), (
- 4, 'hole')
+ support_types = (
+ "weighted_choice",
+ (2, "single-rail"),
+ (2, "double-rail"),
+ (4, "side"),
+ (4, "solid"),
+ (4, "hole"),
+ )
- handrail_types = 'weighted_choice', (2, 'horizontal-post'), (2, 'vertical-post')
+ handrail_types = "weighted_choice", (2, "horizontal-post"), (2, "vertical-post")
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
self.full_angle, self.radius, self.theta = 0, 0, 0
@@ -34,7 +42,7 @@ def build_size_config(self):
self.step_height = constants.WALL_HEIGHT / self.n
self.theta = self.full_angle / self.n
self.step_length = self.step_height * log_uniform(1, 1.5)
- self.step_width = log_uniform(.9, 1.5)
+ self.step_width = log_uniform(0.9, 1.5)
self.radius = self.step_length / self.theta
if self.radius / self.step_width > 1.5:
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/generate.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/staircases/generate.py
similarity index 76%
rename from infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/generate.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/elements/staircases/generate.py
index 13e12ffef..1ca67f1f2 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/generate.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/staircases/generate.py
@@ -7,23 +7,32 @@
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from .straight import StraightStaircaseFactory
-from .l_shaped import LShapedStaircaseFactory
-from .u_shaped import UShapedStaircaseFactory
from .cantilever import CantileverStaircaseFactory
-from .spiral import SpiralStaircaseFactory
from .curved import CurvedStaircaseFactory
+from .l_shaped import LShapedStaircaseFactory
+from .spiral import SpiralStaircaseFactory
+from .straight import StraightStaircaseFactory
+from .u_shaped import UShapedStaircaseFactory
class StaircaseFactory(AssetFactory):
- factories = [StraightStaircaseFactory, LShapedStaircaseFactory, UShapedStaircaseFactory,
- SpiralStaircaseFactory, CurvedStaircaseFactory, CantileverStaircaseFactory]
+ factories = [
+ StraightStaircaseFactory,
+ LShapedStaircaseFactory,
+ UShapedStaircaseFactory,
+ SpiralStaircaseFactory,
+ CurvedStaircaseFactory,
+ CantileverStaircaseFactory,
+ ]
probs = np.array([4, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2])
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(StaircaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- base_factory_fn = np.random.choice(self.factories, p=self.probs / self.probs.sum())
+ base_factory_fn = np.random.choice(
+ self.factories, p=self.probs / self.probs.sum()
+ )
self.base_factory = base_factory_fn(self.factory_seed)
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/l_shaped.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/staircases/l_shaped.py
similarity index 65%
rename from infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/l_shaped.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/elements/staircases/l_shaped.py
index 78014290e..0b6b9f81b 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/l_shaped.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/staircases/l_shaped.py
@@ -6,43 +6,58 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from .straight import StraightStaircaseFactory
+import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, write_attribute, write_co
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_cube, new_line
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
+from .straight import StraightStaircaseFactory
class LShapedStaircaseFactory(StraightStaircaseFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(LShapedStaircaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- self.m = int(self.n * uniform(.4, .6))
+ self.m = int(self.n * uniform(0.4, 0.6))
self.is_rail_circular = True
def make_line(self, alpha):
obj = new_line(self.n + 2)
x = np.concatenate(
- [np.full(self.m + 2, alpha * self.step_width), -np.arange(self.n - self.m + 1) * self.step_length]
+ [
+ np.full(self.m + 2, alpha * self.step_width),
+ -np.arange(self.n - self.m + 1) * self.step_length,
+ ]
y = np.concatenate(
- [np.arange(self.m + 1) * self.step_length, [self.m * self.step_length + alpha * self.step_width],
- np.full(self.n - self.m + 1, self.m * self.step_length + alpha * self.step_width)]
+ [
+ np.arange(self.m + 1) * self.step_length,
+ [self.m * self.step_length + alpha * self.step_width],
+ np.full(
+ self.n - self.m + 1,
+ self.m * self.step_length + alpha * self.step_width,
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
+ z = (
+ np.concatenate(
+ [np.arange(self.m + 1), [self.m], np.arange(self.m, self.n + 1)]
+ )
+ * self.step_height
- z = np.concatenate([np.arange(self.m + 1), [self.m], np.arange(self.m, self.n + 1)]) * self.step_height
write_co(obj, np.stack([x, y, z], -1))
return obj
def make_line_offset(self, alpha):
obj = self.make_line(alpha)
co = read_co(obj)
- co[self.m:self.m + 2] = co[self.m + 1:self.m + 3]
+ co[self.m : self.m + 2] = co[self.m + 1 : self.m + 3]
x, y, z = co.T
x[self.m + 1] += min(self.step_length / 2, alpha * self.step_width)
- x[self.m + 2:] -= self.step_length / 2
- y[:self.m] += self.step_length / 2
+ x[self.m + 2 :] -= self.step_length / 2
+ y[: self.m] += self.step_length / 2
z += self.step_height
- z[[self.m, self.m + 1, - 1]] -= self.step_height
+ z[[self.m, self.m + 1, -1]] -= self.step_height
write_co(obj, np.stack([x, y, z], -1))
return obj
@@ -52,9 +67,12 @@ def make_post_locs(self, alpha):
chunks = self.split(self.m - 1)
chunks_ = self.split(self.m + 1, self.n + 2)
- indices = list(c[0] for c in chunks) + [self.m - 1, self.m, self.m + 1] + list(
- c[0] for c in chunks_
- ) + [self.n + 1, self.n + 2]
+ indices = (
+ list(c[0] for c in chunks)
+ + [self.m - 1, self.m, self.m + 1]
+ + list(c[0] for c in chunks_)
+ + [self.n + 1, self.n + 2]
+ )
return cos[indices]
def make_vertical_post_locs(self, alpha):
@@ -68,13 +86,15 @@ def make_vertical_post_locs(self, alpha):
mid_cos = []
mid = [self.m - 1, self.m]
for m in mid:
- for r in np.linspace(0, 1, self.post_k + 1 if m >= self.m else self.post_k + 2)[1:-1]:
+ for r in np.linspace(
+ 0, 1, self.post_k + 1 if m >= self.m else self.post_k + 2
+ )[1:-1]:
mid_cos.append(r * cos[m] + (1 - r) * cos[m + 1])
return np.concatenate([cos[indices], np.stack(mid_cos), cos[indices_]], 0)
def make_steps(self):
objs = super(LShapedStaircaseFactory, self).make_steps()
- for obj in objs[self.m:]:
+ for obj in objs[self.m :]:
obj.rotation_euler[-1] = np.pi / 2
obj.location = self.m * self.step_length, self.m * self.step_length, 0
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
@@ -82,14 +102,18 @@ def make_steps(self):
platform = new_cube(location=(1, 1, 1))
butil.apply_transform(platform, loc=True)
platform.location = 0, self.step_length * self.m, lowest
- platform.scale = self.step_width / 2, self.step_width / 2, (self.step_height * self.m - lowest) / 2
+ platform.scale = (
+ self.step_width / 2,
+ self.step_width / 2,
+ (self.step_height * self.m - lowest) / 2,
+ )
butil.apply_transform(platform, loc=True)
- write_attribute(platform, 1, 'steps', 'FACE')
+ write_attribute(platform, 1, "steps", "FACE")
return objs + [platform]
def make_treads(self):
objs = super(LShapedStaircaseFactory, self).make_treads()
- for obj in objs[self.m:]:
+ for obj in objs[self.m :]:
obj.rotation_euler[-1] = np.pi / 2
obj.location = self.m * self.step_length, self.m * self.step_length, 0
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
@@ -98,12 +122,12 @@ def make_treads(self):
platform.location = 0, self.step_length * self.m, self.step_height * self.m
platform.scale = self.step_width / 2, self.step_width / 2, self.tread_height / 2
butil.apply_transform(platform, loc=True)
- write_attribute(platform, 1, 'treads', 'FACE')
+ write_attribute(platform, 1, "treads", "FACE")
return objs + [platform]
def make_inner_sides(self):
objs = super(LShapedStaircaseFactory, self).make_inner_sides()
- for obj in objs[self.m:]:
+ for obj in objs[self.m :]:
obj.rotation_euler[-1] = np.pi / 2
obj.location = self.m * self.step_length, self.m * self.step_length, 0
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
@@ -112,32 +136,37 @@ def make_inner_sides(self):
butil.apply_transform(top_cutter, loc=True)
top_cutter.scale = [100] * 3
top_cutter.location[-1] = self.m * self.step_height + self.tread_height
- for obj in objs[:self.m]:
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BOOLEAN', object=top_cutter, operation='DIFFERENCE')
+ for obj in objs[: self.m]:
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BOOLEAN", object=top_cutter, operation="DIFFERENCE")
return objs
def make_outer_sides(self):
objs = self.make_inner_sides()
- for obj in objs[:self.m]:
+ for obj in objs[: self.m]:
obj.location[0] += self.step_width
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
- for obj in objs[self.m:]:
+ for obj in objs[self.m :]:
obj.location[1] += self.step_width
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
platform = new_line(2)
x = self.step_width, self.step_width, 0
- y = self.m * self.step_length, self.m * self.step_length + self.step_width, self.m * self.step_length \
- + self.step_width
+ y = (
+ self.m * self.step_length,
+ self.m * self.step_length + self.step_width,
+ self.m * self.step_length + self.step_width,
+ )
z = [self.m * self.step_height] * 3
write_co(platform, np.stack([x, y, z], -1))
- with butil.ViewportMode(platform, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': (0, 0, -self.side_height)})
- butil.modify_mesh(platform, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.side_thickness)
- write_attribute(platform, 1, 'sides', 'FACE')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(platform, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": (0, 0, -self.side_height)}
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(platform, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.side_thickness)
+ write_attribute(platform, 1, "sides", "FACE")
return objs + [platform]
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/spiral.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/staircases/spiral.py
similarity index 81%
rename from infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/spiral.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/elements/staircases/spiral.py
index 6d5a75c9d..86c00f217 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/spiral.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/staircases/spiral.py
@@ -2,31 +2,31 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
# of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Lingjie Mei
# - Karhan Kayan: fix constants
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.elements.staircases.curved import CurvedStaircaseFactory
+import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
+from infinigen.assets.objects.elements.staircases.curved import CurvedStaircaseFactory
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, remove_vertices, write_attribute
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room import constants
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_radius
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_line, separate_loose
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room import constants
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
class SpiralStaircaseFactory(CurvedStaircaseFactory):
- support_types = 'column'
+ support_types = "column"
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(SpiralStaircaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- self.column_radius = self.radius - self.step_width + uniform(.05, .08)
+ self.column_radius = self.radius - self.step_width + uniform(0.05, 0.08)
self.has_column = True
self.handrail_alphas = [1 - self.handrail_offset / self.step_width]
@@ -38,22 +38,24 @@ def build_size_config(self):
self.theta = self.full_angle / self.n
self.step_length = self.step_height * log_uniform(1, 1.2)
self.radius = self.step_length / self.theta
- if .9 < self.radius < 1.5:
- self.step_width = self.radius * uniform(.9, .95)
+ if 0.9 < self.radius < 1.5:
+ self.step_width = self.radius * uniform(0.9, 0.95)
def make_column(self):
obj = new_line(self.n, self.step_height * self.n + self.post_height)
- obj.rotation_euler[1] = - np.pi / 2
+ obj.rotation_euler[1] = -np.pi / 2
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[self.column_radius, 16])
- write_attribute(obj, 1, 'steps', 'FACE')
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[self.column_radius, 16]
+ )
+ write_attribute(obj, 1, "steps", "FACE")
return obj
def unmake_spiral(self, obj):
obj = super().unmake_spiral(obj)
x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
- margin = .1
+ margin = 0.1
if (x >= 0).sum() >= (x <= 0).sum():
remove_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: x < margin)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/straight.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/staircases/straight.py
similarity index 54%
rename from infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/straight.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/elements/staircases/straight.py
index 11a204524..aab5836b0 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/straight.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/staircases/straight.py
@@ -2,49 +2,69 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
# of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Lingjie Mei
# - Karhan Kayan: fix constants
-import bpy
import bmesh
-import gin
+import bpy
import numpy as np
import shapely
from numpy.random import uniform
from shapely import LineString, Polygon
+from infinigen.assets.materials import fabrics, glass, metal, plaster, wood
from infinigen.assets.materials.stone_and_concrete import concrete
-from infinigen.assets.utils.mesh import canonicalize_ls, convert2ls
-from infinigen.assets.utils.shapes import cut_polygon_by_line
-from infinigen.assets.materials import metal, glass, plaster, wood, fabrics
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
- mirror, read_co, remove_faces, remove_vertices, subsurf,
- write_attribute, write_co,
+ mirror,
+ read_co,
+ remove_faces,
+ remove_vertices,
+ subsurf,
+ write_attribute,
+ write_co,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.mesh import canonicalize_ls, convert2ls
from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_radius
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import (
- data2mesh, join_objects, mesh2obj, new_circle, new_cube, new_line,
+ data2mesh,
+ join_objects,
+ mesh2obj,
+ new_circle,
+ new_cube,
+ new_line,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.shapes import cut_polygon_by_line
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core import tags as t
from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room import constants
-from infinigen.core.nodes import NodeWrangler, Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.placement.detail import sharp_remesh_with_attrs
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.surface import read_attr_data, write_attr_data
from infinigen.core.tagging import PREFIX
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, normalize
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform, random_general as rg
-from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
class StraightStaircaseFactory(AssetFactory):
- support_types = 'weighted_choice', (2, 'single-rail'), (2, 'double-rail'), (3, 'side'), (3, 'solid'), (
- 3, 'hole')
- handrail_types = 'weighted_choice', (2, 'glass'), (2, 'horizontal-post'), (2, 'vertical-post')
+ support_types = (
+ "weighted_choice",
+ (2, "single-rail"),
+ (2, "double-rail"),
+ (3, "side"),
+ (3, "solid"),
+ (3, "hole"),
+ )
+ handrail_types = (
+ "weighted_choice",
+ (2, "glass"),
+ (2, "horizontal-post"),
+ (2, "vertical-post"),
+ )
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(StraightStaircaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
@@ -53,74 +73,96 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
self.n, self.step_height, self.step_width, self.step_length = 0, 0, 0, 0
- self.has_step = self.support_type in ['solid', 'hole']
- self.hole_size = log_uniform(.6, 1.)
+ self.has_step = self.support_type in ["solid", "hole"]
+ self.hole_size = log_uniform(0.6, 1.0)
probs = np.array([3, 2, 2, 2])
- self.step_surface = np.random.choice([wood, plaster, concrete, fabrics], p=probs / probs.sum())
+ self.step_surface = np.random.choice(
+ [wood, plaster, concrete, fabrics], p=probs / probs.sum()
+ )
- self.has_rail = self.support_type in ['single-rail', 'double-rail']
- self.rail_offset = self.step_width * uniform(.15, .3)
- self.is_rail_circular = uniform() < .5
- self.rail_width = log_uniform(.08, .2)
- self.rail_height = log_uniform(.08, .12)
+ self.has_rail = self.support_type in ["single-rail", "double-rail"]
+ self.rail_offset = self.step_width * uniform(0.15, 0.3)
+ self.is_rail_circular = uniform() < 0.5
+ self.rail_width = log_uniform(0.08, 0.2)
+ self.rail_height = log_uniform(0.08, 0.12)
probs = np.array([3, 2, 2, 1])
- self.rail_surface = np.random.choice([metal, plaster, concrete, fabrics], p=probs / probs.sum())
+ self.rail_surface = np.random.choice(
+ [metal, plaster, concrete, fabrics], p=probs / probs.sum()
+ )
- self.has_tread = not self.has_step or uniform() < .75
- self.tread_height = uniform(.01, .02) if self.has_step else uniform(.06, .08)
- self.tread_length = self.step_length + uniform(.01, .02)
- self.tread_width = self.step_width + uniform(.01, .02) if uniform() < .8 else self.step_width
+ self.has_tread = not self.has_step or uniform() < 0.75
+ self.tread_height = (
+ uniform(0.01, 0.02) if self.has_step else uniform(0.06, 0.08)
+ )
+ self.tread_length = self.step_length + uniform(0.01, 0.02)
+ self.tread_width = (
+ self.step_width + uniform(0.01, 0.02)
+ if uniform() < 0.8
+ else self.step_width
+ )
probs = np.array([3, 3, 1])
- self.tread_surface = np.random.choice([wood, metal, glass], p=probs / probs.sum())
+ self.tread_surface = np.random.choice(
+ [wood, metal, glass], p=probs / probs.sum()
+ )
- self.has_sides = self.support_type in ['side', 'solid', 'hole']
- self.side_type = np.random.choice(['zig-zag', 'straight'])
- self.side_height = self.step_height * log_uniform(.2, .8)
- self.side_thickness = uniform(.03, .08)
+ self.has_sides = self.support_type in ["side", "solid", "hole"]
+ self.side_type = np.random.choice(["zig-zag", "straight"])
+ self.side_height = self.step_height * log_uniform(0.2, 0.8)
+ self.side_thickness = uniform(0.03, 0.08)
probs = np.array([3, 3, 1, 2])
- self.side_surface = np.random.choice([wood, metal, plaster, fabrics], p=probs / probs.sum())
+ self.side_surface = np.random.choice(
+ [wood, metal, plaster, fabrics], p=probs / probs.sum()
+ )
- self.has_column = self.support_type == 'chord'
+ self.has_column = self.support_type == "chord"
self.handrail_type = rg(self.handrail_types)
- self.is_handrail_circular = uniform() < .7
- self.handrail_width = log_uniform(.02, .06)
- self.handrail_height = log_uniform(.02, .06)
+ self.is_handrail_circular = uniform() < 0.7
+ self.handrail_width = log_uniform(0.02, 0.06)
+ self.handrail_height = log_uniform(0.02, 0.06)
self.handrail_offset = self.handrail_width * log_uniform(1, 2)
- self.handrail_extension = uniform(.1, .2)
- self.handrail_alphas = [self.handrail_offset / self.step_width,
- 1 - self.handrail_offset / self.step_width]
+ self.handrail_extension = uniform(0.1, 0.2)
+ self.handrail_alphas = [
+ self.handrail_offset / self.step_width,
+ 1 - self.handrail_offset / self.step_width,
+ ]
probs = np.array([3, 2, 3])
- self.handrail_surface = np.random.choice([wood, metal, fabrics], p=probs / probs.sum())
+ self.handrail_surface = np.random.choice(
+ [wood, metal, fabrics], p=probs / probs.sum()
+ )
- self.post_height = log_uniform(.8, 1.2)
+ self.post_height = log_uniform(0.8, 1.2)
self.post_k = int(np.ceil(self.step_width / self.step_length))
- self.post_width = self.handrail_width * log_uniform(.6, .8)
- self.post_minor_width = self.post_width * log_uniform(.3, .5)
- self.is_post_circular = uniform() < .5
+ self.post_width = self.handrail_width * log_uniform(0.6, 0.8)
+ self.post_minor_width = self.post_width * log_uniform(0.3, 0.5)
+ self.is_post_circular = uniform() < 0.5
probs = np.array([3, 3, 2])
- self.post_surface = np.random.choice([wood, metal, fabrics], p=probs / probs.sum())
- self.has_vertical_post = self.handrail_type == 'vertical-post'
+ self.post_surface = np.random.choice(
+ [wood, metal, fabrics], p=probs / probs.sum()
+ )
+ self.has_vertical_post = self.handrail_type == "vertical-post"
- self.has_bars = self.handrail_type == 'horizontal-post'
- self.bar_size = log_uniform(.1, .2)
- self.n_bars = int(np.floor(self.post_height / self.bar_size * uniform(.35, .75)))
+ self.has_bars = self.handrail_type == "horizontal-post"
+ self.bar_size = log_uniform(0.1, 0.2)
+ self.n_bars = int(
+ np.floor(self.post_height / self.bar_size * uniform(0.35, 0.75))
+ )
- self.has_glasses = self.handrail_type == 'glass'
- self.glass_height = self.post_height - uniform(0, .05)
- self.glass_margin = self.step_height / 2 + uniform(0, .05)
+ self.has_glasses = self.handrail_type == "glass"
+ self.glass_height = self.post_height - uniform(0, 0.05)
+ self.glass_margin = self.step_height / 2 + uniform(0, 0.05)
self.glass_surface = glass
self.has_spiral = False
- self.mirror = uniform() < .5
+ self.mirror = uniform() < 0.5
self.rot_z = np.random.randint(4) * np.pi / 2
self.end_margin = self.step_length * 8
def build_size_config(self):
self.n = np.random.randint(13, 21)
self.step_height = constants.WALL_HEIGHT / self.n
- self.step_width = uniform(.8, 1.6)
- self.step_length = self.step_height * log_uniform(.8, 1.2)
+ self.step_width = uniform(0.8, 1.6)
+ self.step_length = self.step_height * log_uniform(0.8, 1.2)
def make_line(self, alpha):
obj = new_line(self.n)
@@ -159,14 +201,20 @@ def make_vertical_post_locs(self, alpha):
def split(self, start, end=None):
return np.array_split(
np.arange(start, end),
- np.ceil((start if end is None else end - start) / self.post_k)
+ np.ceil((start if end is None else end - start) / self.post_k),
def triangulate(obj):
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'TRIANGULATE', min_vertices=3)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "TRIANGULATE", min_vertices=3)
levels = 1
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SUBSURF', levels=levels, render_levels=levels, subdivision_type='SIMPLE')
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ levels=levels,
+ render_levels=levels,
+ subdivision_type="SIMPLE",
+ )
return obj
def vertical_cut(self, p):
@@ -176,9 +224,17 @@ def vertical_cut(self, p):
for p in polygons:
coords = p.boundary.coords[:][:-1]
part = new_circle(vertices=len(coords))
- with butil.ViewportMode(part, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(part, "EDIT"):
- write_co(part, np.array(list([0, y * self.step_length, z * self.step_height] for y, z in coords)))
+ write_co(
+ part,
+ np.array(
+ list(
+ [0, y * self.step_length, z * self.step_height]
+ for y, z in coords
+ )
+ ),
+ )
return parts
@@ -188,42 +244,51 @@ def make_steps(self):
coords.extend([(i, i + 1), (i + 1, i + 1)])
coords.extend([(self.n, 0), (0, 0)])
p = Polygon(LineString(coords))
- if self.support_type == 'hole':
+ if self.support_type == "hole":
hole = Polygon(
- [((1 - self.hole_size) * self.n, 0), (self.n, self.hole_size * self.n), (self.n, 0),
- ((1 - self.hole_size) * self.n, 0)]
+ [
+ ((1 - self.hole_size) * self.n, 0),
+ (self.n, self.hole_size * self.n),
+ (self.n, 0),
+ ((1 - self.hole_size) * self.n, 0),
+ ]
p = p.difference(hole)
objs = self.vertical_cut(p)
for obj in objs:
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.step_width)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.step_width)
- write_attribute(obj, 1, 'steps', 'FACE')
+ write_attribute(obj, 1, "steps", "FACE")
return objs
def make_rails(self):
parts = []
- if self.support_type == 'single-rail':
- alphas = [.5]
+ if self.support_type == "single-rail":
+ alphas = [0.5]
- alphas = [self.rail_offset / self.step_width, 1 - self.rail_offset / self.step_width]
+ alphas = [
+ self.rail_offset / self.step_width,
+ 1 - self.rail_offset / self.step_width,
+ ]
for alpha in alphas:
obj = self.make_line(alpha)
if self.is_rail_circular:
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[self.rail_width, 16])
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[self.rail_width, 16]
+ )
obj.location[-1] = -self.rail_width
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
- TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': (0, 0, -self.rail_height * 2)}
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": (0, 0, -self.rail_height * 2)}
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.rail_width, offset=0)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.rail_width, offset=0)
- write_attribute(obj, 1, 'rails', 'FACE')
+ write_attribute(obj, 1, "rails", "FACE")
return parts
@@ -231,11 +296,14 @@ def make_treads(self):
tread = new_cube(location=(1, 1, 1))
butil.apply_transform(tread, loc=True)
tread.scale = self.tread_width / 2, self.tread_length / 2, self.tread_height / 2
- tread.location = -(self.tread_width - self.step_width) / 2, -(
- self.tread_length - self.step_length), self.step_height
+ tread.location = (
+ -(self.tread_width - self.step_width) / 2,
+ -(self.tread_length - self.step_length),
+ self.step_height,
+ )
butil.apply_transform(tread, loc=True)
- write_attribute(tread, 1, 'treads', 'FACE')
+ write_attribute(tread, 1, "treads", "FACE")
treads = [tread] + list(butil.deep_clone_obj(tread) for _ in range(self.n - 1))
for i in range(1, self.n):
treads[i].location = 0, self.step_length * i, self.step_height * i
@@ -244,15 +312,27 @@ def make_treads(self):
def make_inner_sides(self):
offset = -self.side_height / self.step_height
- if self.side_type == 'zig-zag':
+ if self.side_type == "zig-zag":
coords = [(0, 0)]
for i in range(self.n):
coords.extend([(i, i + 1), (i + 1, i + 1)])
l = LineString(coords)
- p = l.buffer(offset, join_style='mitre', single_sided=True, )
+ p = l.buffer(
+ offset,
+ join_style="mitre",
+ single_sided=True,
+ )
p = Polygon(
- LineString([(0, offset), (0, 1), (self.n, self.n + 1), (self.n, self.n + offset), (0, offset)])
+ LineString(
+ [
+ (0, offset),
+ (0, 1),
+ (self.n, self.n + 1),
+ (self.n, self.n + offset),
+ (0, offset),
+ ]
+ )
objs = self.vertical_cut(p)
@@ -266,10 +346,10 @@ def make_inner_sides(self):
top_cutter.location[-1] = self.n * self.step_height + self.tread_height
for obj in objs:
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.side_thickness, offset=0)
- write_attribute(obj, 1, 'sides', 'FACE')
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.side_thickness, offset=0)
+ write_attribute(obj, 1, "sides", "FACE")
for cutter in [top_cutter, bottom_cutter]:
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BOOLEAN', object=cutter, operation='DIFFERENCE')
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BOOLEAN", object=cutter, operation="DIFFERENCE")
butil.delete([top_cutter, bottom_cutter])
return objs
@@ -295,27 +375,35 @@ def make_single_handrail(self, obj):
self.extend_line(obj, self.handrail_extension)
if self.is_handrail_circular:
- obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[self.handrail_width, 32],
- input_kwargs={'to_align_tilt': False}
+ obj,
+ geo_radius,
+ apply=True,
+ input_args=[self.handrail_width, 32],
+ input_kwargs={"to_align_tilt": False},
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
- TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': (0, 0, -self.handrail_height * 2)}
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": (0, 0, -self.handrail_height * 2)}
- obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.handrail_width * 2, offset=0,
- solidify_mode='NON_MANIFOLD'
+ obj,
+ thickness=self.handrail_width * 2,
+ offset=0,
+ solidify_mode="NON_MANIFOLD",
- obj, 'BEVEL', width=self.handrail_width * uniform(.2, .5),
- segments=np.random.randint(4, 7)
+ obj,
+ "BEVEL",
+ width=self.handrail_width * uniform(0.2, 0.5),
+ segments=np.random.randint(4, 7),
obj.location[-1] += self.handrail_height
- write_attribute(obj, 1, 'handrails', 'FACE')
+ write_attribute(obj, 1, "handrails", "FACE")
obj.location[-1] += self.post_height
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
@@ -324,7 +412,7 @@ def make_single_handrail(self, obj):
def extend_line(obj, extension):
if len(obj.data.vertices) <= 1:
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
v0, v1, v2, v3 = bm.verts[0], bm.verts[1], bm.verts[-1], bm.verts[-2]
@@ -345,28 +433,36 @@ def make_posts(self, locs, widths):
existing = np.concatenate([existing, loc[:1]], 0)
cos = [0]
for i, l in enumerate(loc):
- if i > 0 and np.min(
- np.linalg.norm(existing - l[np.newaxis, :], axis=1)
- ) > self.handrail_width * 2:
+ if (
+ i > 0
+ and np.min(np.linalg.norm(existing - l[np.newaxis, :], axis=1))
+ > self.handrail_width * 2
+ ):
- existing = np.concatenate([existing, loc[i:i + 1]], 0)
+ existing = np.concatenate([existing, loc[i : i + 1]], 0)
obj = mesh2obj(data2mesh(loc[cos]))
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_vertices_move(TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': (0, 0, self.post_height)})
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_vertices_move(
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": (0, 0, self.post_height)}
+ )
if self.is_post_circular:
surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[width, 32])
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': (width * 2, 0, 0)})
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='FACE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_region_move(TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': (0, width * 2, 0)})
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": (width * 2, 0, 0)}
+ )
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="FACE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_region_move(
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": (0, width * 2, 0)}
+ )
obj.location = -width, -width, 0
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
- write_attribute(obj, 1, 'posts', 'FACE')
+ write_attribute(obj, 1, "posts", "FACE")
return parts
@@ -378,10 +474,12 @@ def make_bars(self, locs):
obj = new_line()
write_co(obj, np.stack([loc, loc_]))
subsurf(obj, 4)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[self.post_minor_width])
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[self.post_minor_width]
+ )
obj.location[-1] += self.post_height - (i + 1) * self.bar_size
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
- write_attribute(obj, 1, 'posts', 'FACE')
+ write_attribute(obj, 1, "posts", "FACE")
return parts
@@ -391,16 +489,18 @@ def make_glasses(self, locs):
for loc, loc_ in zip(loc[:-1], loc[1:]):
obj = new_line()
write_co(obj, np.stack([loc, loc_]))
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
- TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': (0, 0, self.glass_height - self.glass_margin)}
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={
+ "value": (0, 0, self.glass_height - self.glass_margin)
+ }
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.post_minor_width)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.post_minor_width)
obj.location[-1] += self.glass_margin
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
- write_attribute(obj, 1, 'glasses', 'FACE')
+ write_attribute(obj, 1, "glasses", "FACE")
return parts
@@ -411,14 +511,11 @@ def unmake_spiral(self, obj):
return obj
def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
- obj = self.make_line_offset(.5)
+ obj = self.make_line_offset(0.5)
if self.has_spiral:
self.extend_line(obj, self.end_margin)
- self.decorate_line(
- obj, constants.WALL_THICKNESS / 2,
- constants.DOOR_SIZE
- )
+ self.decorate_line(obj, constants.WALL_THICKNESS / 2, constants.DOOR_SIZE)
if self.mirror:
obj.rotation_euler[-1] = self.rot_z
@@ -426,7 +523,7 @@ def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
return obj
def create_cutter(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
- obj = self.make_line_offset(.5)
+ obj = self.make_line_offset(0.5)
if self.has_spiral:
self.decorate_line(obj, 0, constants.DOOR_SIZE)
@@ -451,13 +548,14 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
post_locs = list(self.make_post_locs(alpha) for alpha in self.handrail_alphas)
if self.has_vertical_post:
- vertical_post_locs = list(self.make_vertical_post_locs(alpha) for alpha in self.handrail_alphas)
+ vertical_post_locs = list(
+ self.make_vertical_post_locs(alpha) for alpha in self.handrail_alphas
+ )
post_locs + vertical_post_locs,
- [self.post_width] * len(post_locs) + [self.post_minor_width] * len(
- vertical_post_locs
- )
+ [self.post_width] * len(post_locs)
+ + [self.post_minor_width] * len(vertical_post_locs),
@@ -480,73 +578,90 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
def decorate_line(self, line, low, high):
end = np.zeros(len(line.data.vertices))
end[[0, -1]] = 1
- write_attr_data(line, 'end', end)
- with butil.ViewportMode(line, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ write_attr_data(line, "end", end)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(line, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
- TRANSFORM_OT_translate={
- 'value': (0, 0, high - low)
- }
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": (0, 0, high - low)}
line.location[-1] -= low
- butil.modify_mesh(line, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.step_width, offset=0, use_even_offset=True)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ line, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.step_width, offset=0, use_even_offset=True
+ )
line.location[-1] -= constants.WALL_THICKNESS / 2
butil.apply_transform(line, True)
- line, lambda nw: nw.compare('LESS_THAN', surface.eval_argument(nw, 'end'), .99),
- f'staircase_wall', 'FACE', 'INT'
+ line,
+ lambda nw: nw.compare("LESS_THAN", surface.eval_argument(nw, "end"), 0.99),
+ "staircase_wall",
+ "FACE",
+ "INT",
- sharp_remesh_with_attrs(line, .05)
+ sharp_remesh_with_attrs(line, 0.05)
zeros = np.zeros(len(line.data.polygons), dtype=int)
ones = np.ones(len(line.data.polygons), dtype=int)
- write_attr_data(line, f'{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.Ceiling.value}', zeros, 'INT', 'FACE')
- write_attr_data(line, f'{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.SupportSurface.value}', zeros, 'INT', 'FACE')
- write_attr_data(line, f'{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.Wall.value}', ones, 'INT', 'FACE')
- write_attr_data(line, f'{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.Visible.value}', ones, 'INT', 'FACE')
- with butil.ViewportMode(line, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ write_attr_data(
+ line, f"{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.Ceiling.value}", zeros, "INT", "FACE"
+ )
+ write_attr_data(
+ line, f"{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.SupportSurface.value}", zeros, "INT", "FACE"
+ )
+ write_attr_data(line, f"{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.Wall.value}", ones, "INT", "FACE")
+ write_attr_data(line, f"{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.Visible.value}", ones, "INT", "FACE")
+ with butil.ViewportMode(line, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
def finalize_assets(self, assets):
if self.has_step:
- self.step_surface.apply(assets, selection='steps', metal_color='bw+natural')
+ self.step_surface.apply(assets, selection="steps", metal_color="bw+natural")
if self.has_tread:
- self.tread_surface.apply(assets, selection='treads', metal_color='bw+natural')
+ self.tread_surface.apply(
+ assets, selection="treads", metal_color="bw+natural"
+ )
if self.has_rail:
- self.rail_surface.apply(assets, selection='rails')
+ self.rail_surface.apply(assets, selection="rails")
if self.has_sides:
- self.side_surface.apply(assets, selection='sides')
- self.handrail_surface.apply(assets, selection='handrails')
- self.post_surface.apply(assets, selection='posts')
+ self.side_surface.apply(assets, selection="sides")
+ self.handrail_surface.apply(assets, selection="handrails")
+ self.post_surface.apply(assets, selection="posts")
if self.has_glasses:
- self.glass_surface.apply(assets, selection='glasses')
+ self.glass_surface.apply(assets, selection="glasses")
def make_guardrail(self, mesh):
def geo_extrude(nw: NodeWrangler):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)],
+ )
x, y, _ = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal))
- offset = nw.scale(-self.handrail_offset, nw.vector_math('NORMALIZE', nw.combine(x, y, 0)))
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, [geometry], input_kwargs={'Offset': offset})
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
+ offset = nw.scale(
+ -self.handrail_offset, nw.vector_math("NORMALIZE", nw.combine(x, y, 0))
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, [geometry], input_kwargs={"Offset": offset}
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
- with butil.ViewportMode(mesh, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(mesh, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
surface.add_geomod(mesh, geo_extrude, apply=True)
- remove_faces(mesh, read_attr_data(mesh, 'staircase_wall') == 0)
- with butil.ViewportMode(mesh, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ remove_faces(mesh, read_attr_data(mesh, "staircase_wall") == 0)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(mesh, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='INVERT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type='EDGE')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="INVERT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type="EDGE")
- mesh, lambda x, y, z: (z < constants.WALL_THICKNESS / 4) | (
- z > constants.WALL_THICKNESS * 3 / 4)
+ mesh,
+ lambda x, y, z: (z < constants.WALL_THICKNESS / 4)
+ | (z > constants.WALL_THICKNESS * 3 / 4),
- butil.modify_mesh(mesh, 'WELD', merge_threshold=constants.WALL_THICKNESS / 4)
+ butil.modify_mesh(mesh, "WELD", merge_threshold=constants.WALL_THICKNESS / 4)
name = mesh.name
mesh = separate_loose(mesh)
ls = shapely.force_2d(convert2ls(mesh))
@@ -566,7 +681,8 @@ def geo_extrude(nw: NodeWrangler):
locs + minor_locs,
- [self.post_width] * len(locs) + [self.post_minor_width] * len(minor_locs)
+ [self.post_width] * len(locs)
+ + [self.post_minor_width] * len(minor_locs),
if self.has_bars:
@@ -576,16 +692,16 @@ def geo_extrude(nw: NodeWrangler):
obj = join_objects(parts)
- self.handrail_surface.apply(obj, selection='handrails')
- self.post_surface.apply(obj, selection='posts')
+ self.handrail_surface.apply(obj, selection="handrails")
+ self.post_surface.apply(obj, selection="posts")
if self.has_glasses:
- self.glass_surface.apply(obj, selection='glasses')
+ self.glass_surface.apply(obj, selection="glasses")
obj.name = name
return obj
def lower(self):
- return - np.pi / 2
+ return -np.pi / 2
def upper(self):
@@ -599,6 +715,9 @@ def valid_contour(self, offset, contour, doors, lower=True):
t = self.lower if lower else self.upper
t = (np.pi - t if self.mirror else t) + self.rot_z
v = np.array([np.cos(t), np.sin(t)])
- if normalize(np.array([door.location[0] - x, door.location[1] - y])) @ v >= -.5:
+ if (
+ normalize(np.array([door.location[0] - x, door.location[1] - y])) @ v
+ >= -0.5
+ ):
return True
return False
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/u_shaped.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/staircases/u_shaped.py
similarity index 69%
rename from infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/u_shaped.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/elements/staircases/u_shaped.py
index 7c0aeebf1..5c126c713 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/u_shaped.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/staircases/u_shaped.py
@@ -2,20 +2,21 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
# of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Lingjie Mei
# - Karhan Kayan: fix constants
import bpy
import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room import constants
-from .straight import StraightStaircaseFactory
+import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, write_attribute, write_co
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_cube, new_line
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room import constants
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
+from .straight import StraightStaircaseFactory
class UShapedStaircaseFactory(StraightStaircaseFactory):
@@ -28,35 +29,44 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
def build_size_config(self):
self.n = int(np.random.randint(13, 21) / 2) * 2
self.step_height = constants.WALL_HEIGHT / self.n
- self.step_width = log_uniform(.9, 1.5)
+ self.step_width = log_uniform(0.9, 1.5)
self.step_length = self.step_height * log_uniform(1, 1.2)
def make_line(self, alpha):
obj = new_line(self.n + 4)
x = np.concatenate(
- [np.full(self.m + 2, alpha * self.step_width), [0], np.full(self.m + 2, -alpha * self.step_width)]
+ [
+ np.full(self.m + 2, alpha * self.step_width),
+ [0],
+ np.full(self.m + 2, -alpha * self.step_width),
+ ]
y = np.concatenate(
- [np.arange(self.m + 1) * self.step_length,
+ [
+ np.arange(self.m + 1) * self.step_length,
[self.m * self.step_length + alpha * self.step_width] * 3,
- np.arange(self.m, -1, -1) * self.step_length]
+ np.arange(self.m, -1, -1) * self.step_length,
+ ]
+ )
+ z = (
+ np.concatenate(
+ [np.arange(self.m + 1), [self.m] * 3, np.arange(self.m, self.n + 1)]
+ )
+ * self.step_height
- z = np.concatenate(
- [np.arange(self.m + 1), [self.m] * 3, np.arange(self.m, self.n + 1)]
- ) * self.step_height
write_co(obj, np.stack([x, y, z], -1))
return obj
def make_line_offset(self, alpha):
obj = self.make_line(alpha)
co = read_co(obj)
- co[self.m:self.m + 4] = co[self.m + 1:self.m + 5]
+ co[self.m : self.m + 4] = co[self.m + 1 : self.m + 5]
x, y, z = co.T
- y[:self.m] += self.step_length / 2
+ y[: self.m] += self.step_length / 2
y[self.m + 3] += min(self.step_length / 2, alpha * self.step_width)
- y[self.m + 4:] -= self.step_length / 2
+ y[self.m + 4 :] -= self.step_length / 2
z += self.step_height
- z[[self.m, self.m + 1, self.m + 2, self.m + 3, - 1]] -= self.step_height
+ z[[self.m, self.m + 1, self.m + 2, self.m + 3, -1]] -= self.step_height
write_co(obj, np.stack([x, y, z], -1))
return obj
@@ -67,7 +77,12 @@ def make_post_locs(self, alpha):
chunks = self.split(self.m - 1)
chunks_ = self.split(self.m + 3, self.n + 4)
mid = [self.m - 1, self.m, self.m + 1, self.m + 2, self.m + 3]
- indices = list(c[0] for c in chunks) + mid + list(c[0] for c in chunks_) + [self.n + 3, self.n + 4]
+ indices = (
+ list(c[0] for c in chunks)
+ + mid
+ + list(c[0] for c in chunks_)
+ + [self.n + 3, self.n + 4]
+ )
return cos[indices]
def make_vertical_post_locs(self, alpha):
@@ -75,19 +90,23 @@ def make_vertical_post_locs(self, alpha):
cos = read_co(temp)
chunks = self.split(self.m - 1)
- chunks_ = np.array_split(np.arange(self.m + 3, self.n + 4), np.ceil((self.n - self.m) / self.post_k))
+ chunks_ = np.array_split(
+ np.arange(self.m + 3, self.n + 4), np.ceil((self.n - self.m) / self.post_k)
+ )
indices = sum(list(c[1:].tolist() for c in chunks + chunks_), [])
indices_ = sum(list(c[1:].tolist() for c in chunks_), [])
mid_cos = []
mid = [self.m - 1, self.m, self.m + 1, self.m + 2]
for m in mid:
- for r in np.linspace(0, 1, self.post_k + 1 if m >= self.m else self.post_k + 2)[1:-1]:
+ for r in np.linspace(
+ 0, 1, self.post_k + 1 if m >= self.m else self.post_k + 2
+ )[1:-1]:
mid_cos.append(r * cos[m] + (1 - r) * cos[m + 1])
return np.concatenate([cos[indices], np.stack(mid_cos), cos[indices_]], 0)
def make_steps(self):
objs = super(UShapedStaircaseFactory, self).make_steps()
- for obj in objs[self.m:]:
+ for obj in objs[self.m :]:
obj.rotation_euler[-1] = np.pi
obj.location = 0, 2 * self.m * self.step_length, 0
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
@@ -95,14 +114,18 @@ def make_steps(self):
platform = new_cube(location=(0, 1, 1))
butil.apply_transform(platform, loc=True)
platform.location = 0, self.step_length * self.m, lowest
- platform.scale = self.step_width, self.step_width / 2, (self.step_height * self.m - lowest) / 2
+ platform.scale = (
+ self.step_width,
+ self.step_width / 2,
+ (self.step_height * self.m - lowest) / 2,
+ )
butil.apply_transform(platform, loc=True)
- write_attribute(platform, 1, 'steps', 'FACE')
+ write_attribute(platform, 1, "steps", "FACE")
return objs + [platform]
def make_treads(self):
objs = super(UShapedStaircaseFactory, self).make_treads()
- for obj in objs[self.m:]:
+ for obj in objs[self.m :]:
obj.rotation_euler[-1] = np.pi
obj.location = 0, 2 * self.m * self.step_length, 0
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
@@ -111,12 +134,12 @@ def make_treads(self):
platform.location = 0, self.step_length * self.m, self.step_height * self.m
platform.scale = self.step_width, self.step_width / 2, self.tread_height / 2
butil.apply_transform(platform, loc=True)
- write_attribute(platform, 1, 'treads', 'FACE')
+ write_attribute(platform, 1, "treads", "FACE")
return objs + [platform]
def make_inner_sides(self):
objs = super(UShapedStaircaseFactory, self).make_inner_sides()
- for obj in objs[self.m:]:
+ for obj in objs[self.m :]:
obj.rotation_euler[-1] = np.pi
obj.location = 0, 2 * self.m * self.step_length, 0
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
@@ -125,17 +148,17 @@ def make_inner_sides(self):
butil.apply_transform(top_cutter, loc=True)
top_cutter.scale = [100] * 3
top_cutter.location[-1] = self.m * self.step_height + self.tread_height
- for obj in objs[:self.m]:
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BOOLEAN', object=top_cutter, operation='DIFFERENCE')
+ for obj in objs[: self.m]:
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BOOLEAN", object=top_cutter, operation="DIFFERENCE")
return objs
def make_outer_sides(self):
objs = self.make_inner_sides()
- for obj in objs[:self.m]:
+ for obj in objs[: self.m]:
obj.location[0] += self.step_width
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
- for obj in objs[self.m:]:
+ for obj in objs[self.m :]:
obj.location[0] -= self.step_width
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
platform = new_line(4)
@@ -145,12 +168,14 @@ def make_outer_sides(self):
z = [self.m * self.step_height] * 5
write_co(platform, np.stack([x, y, z], -1))
- with butil.ViewportMode(platform, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': (0, 0, -self.side_height)})
- butil.modify_mesh(platform, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.side_thickness)
- write_attribute(platform, 1, 'sides', 'FACE')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(platform, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": (0, 0, -self.side_height)}
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(platform, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.side_thickness)
+ write_attribute(platform, 1, "sides", "FACE")
return objs + [platform]
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/elements/warehouses/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/warehouses/__init__.py
similarity index 99%
rename from infinigen/assets/elements/warehouses/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/elements/warehouses/__init__.py
index ad3fe7df2..cc3b176fa 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/elements/warehouses/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/warehouses/__init__.py
@@ -2,5 +2,6 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-from .rack import RackFactory
from .pallet import PalletFactory
+from .rack import RackFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/elements/warehouses/pallet.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/warehouses/pallet.py
similarity index 54%
rename from infinigen/assets/elements/warehouses/pallet.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/elements/warehouses/pallet.py
index 754ab60d1..5bcf54df0 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/elements/warehouses/pallet.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/warehouses/pallet.py
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
from infinigen.assets.materials import wood
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_normal
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_bbox, new_cube
+from infinigen.core import tags as t
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
from infinigen.core.surface import write_attr_data
from infinigen.core.tagging import PREFIX
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
class PalletFactory(AssetFactory):
@@ -22,16 +22,21 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(PalletFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
self.depth = uniform(1.2, 1.4)
self.width = uniform(1.2, 1.4)
- self.thickness = uniform(.01, .015)
- self.tile_width = uniform(.06, .1)
+ self.thickness = uniform(0.01, 0.015)
+ self.tile_width = uniform(0.06, 0.1)
self.tile_slackness = uniform(1.5, 2)
- self.height = uniform(.2, .25)
+ self.height = uniform(0.2, 0.25)
self.surface = wood
def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
bbox = new_bbox(0, self.width, 0, self.depth, 0, self.height)
- write_attr_data(bbox, f'{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.SupportSurface.value}', read_normal(bbox)[:, -1] > .5, 'INT',
- 'FACE')
+ write_attr_data(
+ bbox,
+ f"{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.SupportSurface.value}",
+ read_normal(bbox)[:, -1] > 0.5,
+ "INT",
+ "FACE",
+ )
return bbox
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
@@ -53,10 +58,25 @@ def make_vertical(self):
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
obj.scale = self.tile_width / 2, self.depth / 2, self.thickness / 2
- count = int(np.floor((self.width - self.tile_width) / self.tile_width / self.tile_slackness) / 2) * 2
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'ARRAY', use_relative_offset=False, use_constant_offset=True,
- constant_offset_displace=((self.width - self.tile_width) / count, 0, 0),
- count=count + 1)
+ count = (
+ int(
+ np.floor(
+ (self.width - self.tile_width)
+ / self.tile_width
+ / self.tile_slackness
+ )
+ / 2
+ )
+ * 2
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "ARRAY",
+ use_relative_offset=False,
+ use_constant_offset=True,
+ constant_offset_displace=((self.width - self.tile_width) / count, 0, 0),
+ count=count + 1,
+ )
return obj
def make_horizontal(self):
@@ -65,22 +85,53 @@ def make_horizontal(self):
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
obj.scale = self.width / 2, self.tile_width / 2, self.thickness / 2
- count = int(np.floor((self.depth - self.tile_width) / self.tile_width / self.tile_slackness) / 2) * 2
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'ARRAY', use_relative_offset=False, use_constant_offset=True,
- constant_offset_displace=(0, (self.depth - self.tile_width) / count, 0),
- count=count + 1)
+ count = (
+ int(
+ np.floor(
+ (self.depth - self.tile_width)
+ / self.tile_width
+ / self.tile_slackness
+ )
+ / 2
+ )
+ * 2
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "ARRAY",
+ use_relative_offset=False,
+ use_constant_offset=True,
+ constant_offset_displace=(0, (self.depth - self.tile_width) / count, 0),
+ count=count + 1,
+ )
return obj
def make_support(self):
obj = new_cube()
obj.location = 1, 1, 1
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- obj.scale = self.tile_width / 2, self.tile_width / 2, self.height / 2 - 2 * self.thickness
+ obj.scale = (
+ self.tile_width / 2,
+ self.tile_width / 2,
+ self.height / 2 - 2 * self.thickness,
+ )
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'ARRAY', use_relative_offset=False, use_constant_offset=True,
- constant_offset_displace=((self.width - self.tile_width) / 2, 0, 0), count=3)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'ARRAY', use_relative_offset=False, use_constant_offset=True,
- constant_offset_displace=(0, (self.depth - self.tile_width) / 2, 0), count=3)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "ARRAY",
+ use_relative_offset=False,
+ use_constant_offset=True,
+ constant_offset_displace=((self.width - self.tile_width) / 2, 0, 0),
+ count=3,
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "ARRAY",
+ use_relative_offset=False,
+ use_constant_offset=True,
+ constant_offset_displace=(0, (self.depth - self.tile_width) / 2, 0),
+ count=3,
+ )
return obj
def finalize_assets(self, assets):
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/elements/warehouses/rack.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/warehouses/rack.py
similarity index 66%
rename from infinigen/assets/elements/warehouses/rack.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/elements/warehouses/rack.py
index 7a7dd2023..6bcf5d11b 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/elements/warehouses/rack.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/elements/warehouses/rack.py
@@ -6,22 +6,31 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.elements.warehouses.pallet import PalletFactory
from infinigen.assets.materials import metal
-from infinigen.assets.materials.metal import galvanized_metal
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, remove_faces, solidify, write_attribute, write_co
+from infinigen.assets.objects.elements.warehouses.pallet import PalletFactory
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ read_co,
+ remove_faces,
+ solidify,
+ write_attribute,
+ write_co,
from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_radius
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import (
- join_objects, new_base_cylinder, new_bbox, new_cube, new_line,
+ join_objects,
+ new_base_cylinder,
+ new_bbox,
+ new_cube,
+ new_line,
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core import tags as t
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
from infinigen.core.surface import write_attr_data
from infinigen.core.tagging import PREFIX
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
@@ -30,24 +39,28 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(RackFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
self.depth = uniform(1, 1.2)
- self.width = uniform(4., 5.)
+ self.width = uniform(4.0, 5.0)
self.height = uniform(1.6, 1.8)
self.steps = np.random.randint(3, 6)
- self.thickness = uniform(.06, .08)
- self.hole_radius = self.thickness / 2 * uniform(.5, .6)
+ self.thickness = uniform(0.06, 0.08)
+ self.hole_radius = self.thickness / 2 * uniform(0.5, 0.6)
self.support_angle = uniform(np.pi / 6, np.pi / 4)
- self.is_support_round = uniform() < .5
+ self.is_support_round = uniform() < 0.5
self.frame_height = self.thickness * uniform(3, 4)
self.frame_count = np.random.randint(20, 30)
self.stand_surface = self.support_surface = self.frame_surface = metal
self.pallet_factory = PalletFactory(self.factory_seed)
- self.margin_range = .3, .5
+ self.margin_range = 0.3, 0.5
def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
bbox = new_bbox(
- -self.depth - self.thickness / 2, self.thickness / 2, -self.thickness / 2, self.width + self.thickness / 2,
- 0, self.height * self.steps
+ -self.depth - self.thickness / 2,
+ self.thickness / 2,
+ -self.thickness / 2,
+ self.width + self.thickness / 2,
+ 0,
+ self.height * self.steps,
objs = [bbox]
for i in range(self.steps):
@@ -55,7 +68,13 @@ def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
obj.scale = self.depth / 2, self.width / 2 - self.thickness, 1
obj.location = -self.depth / 2, self.width / 2, self.height * i
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- write_attr_data(obj, f'{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.SupportSurface.value}', np.ones(1).astype(bool), 'INT', 'FACE')
+ write_attr_data(
+ obj,
+ f"{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.SupportSurface.value}",
+ np.ones(1).astype(bool),
+ "INT",
+ "FACE",
+ )
obj = join_objects(objs)
return obj
@@ -72,8 +91,11 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
for i, p in enumerate(pallets):
p.parent = obj
margin = uniform(*self.margin_range)
- p.location = margin if i % 2 else self.width - margin - p.dimensions[0], (self.depth - p.dimensions[
- 1]) / 2, i // 2 * self.height
+ p.location = (
+ margin if i % 2 else self.width - margin - p.dimensions[0],
+ (self.depth - p.dimensions[1]) / 2,
+ i // 2 * self.height,
+ )
for p in pallets:
p.parent = obj
@@ -90,24 +112,28 @@ def make_stands(self):
cylinder.scale = self.hole_radius, self.hole_radius, self.thickness * 2
cylinder.rotation_euler[1] = np.pi / 2
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BOOLEAN', object=cylinder, operation='DIFFERENCE')
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BOOLEAN", object=cylinder, operation="DIFFERENCE")
cylinder.rotation_euler[-1] = np.pi / 2
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BOOLEAN', object=cylinder, operation='DIFFERENCE')
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BOOLEAN", object=cylinder, operation="DIFFERENCE")
- lambda x, y, z: (np.abs(x) < self.thickness * .49) & (np.abs(y) < self.thickness * .49) & (
- np.abs(z) < self.thickness * .49)
+ lambda x, y, z: (np.abs(x) < self.thickness * 0.49)
+ & (np.abs(y) < self.thickness * 0.49)
+ & (np.abs(z) < self.thickness * 0.49),
- remove_faces(obj, lambda x, y, z: np.abs(x) + np.abs(y) < self.thickness * .1)
+ remove_faces(obj, lambda x, y, z: np.abs(x) + np.abs(y) < self.thickness * 0.1)
obj.location[-1] = self.thickness / 2
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- obj, 'ARRAY', count=int(np.ceil(self.height / self.thickness * self.steps)),
- relative_offset_displace=(0, 0, 1), use_merge_vertices=True
+ obj,
+ "ARRAY",
+ count=int(np.ceil(self.height / self.thickness * self.steps)),
+ relative_offset_displace=(0, 0, 1),
+ use_merge_vertices=True,
- write_attribute(obj, 1, 'stand', 'FACE')
+ write_attribute(obj, 1, "stand", "FACE")
stands = [obj]
for locs in [(0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0)]:
o = deep_clone_obj(obj)
@@ -117,7 +143,9 @@ def make_stands(self):
return stands
def make_supports(self):
- n = int(np.floor(self.height * self.steps / self.depth / np.tan(self.support_angle)))
+ n = int(
+ np.floor(self.height * self.steps / self.depth / np.tan(self.support_angle))
+ )
obj = new_line(n, self.height * self.steps)
obj.rotation_euler[1] = -np.pi / 2
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
@@ -125,10 +153,12 @@ def make_supports(self):
co[1::2, 1] = self.depth
write_co(obj, co)
if self.is_support_round:
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[self.thickness / 2, 16])
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[self.thickness / 2, 16]
+ )
solidify(obj, 1, self.thickness)
- write_attribute(obj, 1, 'support', 'FACE')
+ write_attribute(obj, 1, "support", "FACE")
o = deep_clone_obj(obj)
o.location[0] = self.width
return [obj, o]
@@ -147,8 +177,12 @@ def make_frames(self):
y_bar.location = margin, self.depth / 2, self.height - self.thickness / 2
butil.apply_transform(y_bar, True)
- y_bar, 'ARRAY', use_relative_offset=False, use_constant_offset=True,
- count=self.frame_count - 1, constant_offset_displace=(margin, 0, 0)
+ y_bar,
+ "ARRAY",
+ use_relative_offset=False,
+ use_constant_offset=True,
+ count=self.frame_count - 1,
+ constant_offset_displace=(margin, 0, 0),
frames = [x_bar, x_bar_, y_bar]
for i in range(1, self.steps - 1):
@@ -159,10 +193,10 @@ def make_frames(self):
for o in frames:
- write_attribute(o, 1, 'frame', 'FACE')
+ write_attribute(o, 1, "frame", "FACE")
return frames
def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- self.stand_surface.apply(assets, 'stand', metal_color='bw')
- self.support_surface.apply(assets, 'support', metal_color='bw')
- self.frame_surface.apply(assets, 'frame', metal_color='bw')
+ self.stand_surface.apply(assets, "stand", metal_color="bw")
+ self.support_surface.apply(assets, "support", metal_color="bw")
+ self.frame_surface.apply(assets, "frame", metal_color="bw")
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/fruits/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/__init__.py
similarity index 85%
rename from infinigen/assets/fruits/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/__init__.py
index 32831e2e3..1400bd850 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/fruits/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/__init__.py
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
from .blackberry import FruitFactoryBlackberry
from .coconutgreen import FruitFactoryCoconutgreen
from .coconuthairy import FruitFactoryCoconuthairy
+from .compositional_fruit import FruitFactoryCompositional
from .durian import FruitFactoryDurian
from .pineapple import FruitFactoryPineapple
from .starfruit import FruitFactoryStarfruit
from .strawberry import FruitFactoryStrawberry
-from .compositional_fruit import FruitFactoryCompositional
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/apple.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/apple.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9f3d55ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/apple.py
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.general_fruit import FruitFactoryGeneralFruit
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+class FruitFactoryApple(FruitFactoryGeneralFruit):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, scale=1.0, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, scale=scale, coarse=coarse)
+ self.name = "apple"
+ def sample_cross_section_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
+ return {
+ "cross_section_name": "circle_cross_section",
+ "cross_section_func_args": {},
+ "cross_section_input_args": {
+ "random seed": uniform(-100, 100),
+ "radius": normal(1.5, 0.05),
+ "Resolution": surface_resolution,
+ },
+ "cross_section_output_args": {},
+ }
+ def sample_shape_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
+ return {
+ "shape_name": "shape_quadratic",
+ "shape_func_args": {
+ "radius_control_points": [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.1227, 0.4281),
+ (0.4705, 0.6625),
+ (0.8886, 0.4156),
+ (1.0, 0.0),
+ ],
+ },
+ "shape_input_args": {
+ "Profile Curve": "noderef-crosssection-Geometry",
+ "noise amount tilt": 0.0,
+ "noise scale pos": 0.5,
+ "noise amount pos": 0.1,
+ "Resolution": surface_resolution,
+ "Start": (uniform(-0.1, 0.1), uniform(-0.1, 0.1), uniform(-0.9, -1.1)),
+ "End": (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ },
+ "shape_output_args": {},
+ }
+ def sample_surface_params(self):
+ base_color = np.array((uniform(-0.05, 0.1), 0.999, 0.799))
+ base_color[1] += normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ base_color[2] += normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ base_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(base_color)
+ alt_color = np.copy(base_color)
+ alt_color[0] += normal(0.05, 0.02)
+ alt_color[1] += normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ alt_color[2] += normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ alt_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(alt_color)
+ return {
+ "surface_name": "apple_surface",
+ "surface_func_args": {
+ "color1": base_color_rgba,
+ "color2": alt_color_rgba,
+ "random_seed": uniform(-100, 100),
+ },
+ "surface_input_args": {
+ "Geometry": "noderef-shapequadratic-Mesh",
+ "spline parameter": "noderef-shapequadratic-spline parameter",
+ "spline tangent": "noderef-shapequadratic-spline tangent",
+ "distance to center": "noderef-shapequadratic-radius to center",
+ },
+ "surface_output_args": {},
+ "surface_resolution": 64,
+ "scale_multiplier": 1.0,
+ }
+ def sample_stem_params(self):
+ stem_color = np.array((0.10, 0.96, 0.13))
+ stem_color[0] += normal(0.0, 0.02)
+ stem_color[1] += normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ stem_color[2] += normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ stem_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(stem_color)
+ return {
+ "stem_name": "basic_stem",
+ "stem_func_args": {"stem_color": stem_color_rgba},
+ "stem_input_args": {
+ "quad_mid": (
+ uniform(-0.1, 0.1),
+ uniform(-0.1, 0.1),
+ uniform(0.15, 0.2),
+ ),
+ "quad_end": (uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(0.3, 0.4)),
+ "quad_res": 32,
+ "cross_radius": uniform(0.025, 0.035),
+ "cross_res": 32,
+ "Translation": (0.0, 0.0, 0.6),
+ },
+ "stem_output_args": {},
+ }
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/blackberry.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/blackberry.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b8eb7be21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/blackberry.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.general_fruit import FruitFactoryGeneralFruit
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+class FruitFactoryBlackberry(FruitFactoryGeneralFruit):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, scale=1.0, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, scale=scale, coarse=coarse)
+ self.name = "blackberry"
+ def sample_cross_section_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
+ return {
+ "cross_section_name": "circle_cross_section",
+ "cross_section_func_args": {},
+ "cross_section_input_args": {
+ "random seed": uniform(-100, 100),
+ "radius": normal(0.9, 0.05),
+ "Resolution": surface_resolution,
+ },
+ "cross_section_output_args": {},
+ }
+ def sample_shape_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
+ return {
+ "shape_name": "shape_quadratic",
+ "shape_func_args": {
+ "radius_control_points": [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.0841, 0.3469),
+ (uniform(0.4, 0.6), 0.8),
+ (0.9432, 0.4781),
+ (1.0, 0.0),
+ ]
+ },
+ "shape_input_args": {
+ "Profile Curve": "noderef-crosssection-Geometry",
+ "Start": (uniform(-0.5, 0.5), uniform(-0.5, 0.5), uniform(-0.5, -3.0)),
+ "End": (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ "random seed tilt": uniform(-100, 100),
+ "noise amount tilt": 1.0,
+ "Resolution": surface_resolution,
+ },
+ "shape_output_args": {},
+ }
+ def sample_surface_params(self):
+ berry_color = np.array((0.667, 0.254, 0.0))
+ berry_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
+ berry_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ berry_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.005)
+ berry_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(berry_color)
+ return {
+ "surface_name": "blackberry_surface",
+ "surface_func_args": {"berry_color": berry_color_rgba},
+ "surface_input_args": {
+ "Geometry": "noderef-shapequadratic-Mesh",
+ "spline parameter": "noderef-shapequadratic-spline parameter",
+ },
+ "surface_output_args": {},
+ "surface_resolution": 64,
+ "scale_multiplier": 0.3,
+ }
+ def sample_stem_params(self):
+ stem_color = np.array((0.179, 0.836, 0.318))
+ stem_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
+ stem_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ stem_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ stem_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(stem_color)
+ return {
+ "stem_name": "basic_stem",
+ "stem_func_args": {"stem_color": stem_color_rgba},
+ "stem_input_args": {
+ "cross_radius": normal(0.075, 0.005),
+ "quad_mid": (uniform(-0.1, 0.1), uniform(-0.1, 0.1), uniform(0.2, 0.3)),
+ "quad_end": (uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(0.4, 0.6)),
+ },
+ "stem_output_args": {},
+ }
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/coconutgreen.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/coconutgreen.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1238d891e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/coconutgreen.py
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, randint, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.general_fruit import FruitFactoryGeneralFruit
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+class FruitFactoryCoconutgreen(FruitFactoryGeneralFruit):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, scale=1.0, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, scale=scale, coarse=coarse)
+ self.name = "coconut_green"
+ def sample_cross_section_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
+ rad_small = uniform(0.65, 0.75)
+ return {
+ "cross_section_name": "coconut_cross_section",
+ "cross_section_func_args": {
+ "control_points": [(0.0, rad_small), (0.1, rad_small), (1.0, 0.76)]
+ },
+ "cross_section_input_args": {
+ "random seed": uniform(-100, 100),
+ "radius": normal(1.8, 0.1),
+ "noise scale": 20.0,
+ "noise amount": 0.02,
+ "Resolution": surface_resolution,
+ },
+ "cross_section_output_args": {
+ "crosssection_coordinate": "noderef-crosssection-curve parameters"
+ },
+ }
+ def sample_shape_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
+ return {
+ "shape_name": "shape_quadratic",
+ "shape_func_args": {
+ "radius_control_points": [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.0591, 0.3156),
+ (uniform(0.2, 0.3), 0.6125),
+ (uniform(0.6, 0.7), 0.675),
+ (0.9636, 0.3625),
+ (1.0, 0.0),
+ ]
+ },
+ "shape_input_args": {
+ "Profile Curve": "noderef-crosssection-Geometry",
+ "Start": (uniform(-0.1, 0.1), uniform(-0.1, 0.1), normal(-1.0, 0.1)),
+ "End": (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ "Resolution": surface_resolution,
+ },
+ "shape_output_args": {
+ "shape_coordinate": "noderef-shapequadratic-spline parameter"
+ },
+ }
+ def sample_surface_params(self):
+ bottom_color = np.array((0.282, 0.951, 0.266))
+ bottom_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
+ bottom_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ bottom_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ bottom_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(bottom_color)
+ basic_color = np.array((0.235, 0.989, 0.413))
+ basic_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.025)
+ basic_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ basic_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ basic_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(basic_color)
+ return {
+ "surface_name": "coconutgreen_surface",
+ "surface_func_args": {
+ "basic_color": basic_color_rgba,
+ "bottom_color": bottom_color_rgba,
+ },
+ "surface_input_args": {
+ "Geometry": "noderef-shapequadratic-Mesh",
+ "spline parameter": "noderef-shapequadratic-spline parameter",
+ "spline tangent": "noderef-shapequadratic-spline tangent",
+ "distance to center": "noderef-shapequadratic-radius to center",
+ "cross section paramater": "noderef-crosssection-curve parameters",
+ },
+ "surface_output_args": {},
+ "surface_resolution": 256,
+ "scale_multiplier": 1.5,
+ }
+ def sample_stem_params(self):
+ bottom_color = np.array((0.282, 0.951, 0.266))
+ bottom_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
+ bottom_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ bottom_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ bottom_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(bottom_color)
+ calyx_edge_color = np.array((0.039, 0.96, 0.037))
+ calyx_edge_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
+ calyx_edge_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ calyx_edge_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ calyx_edge_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(calyx_edge_color)
+ stem_x = uniform(-0.4, 0.4)
+ stem_y = uniform(-0.4, 0.4)
+ return {
+ "stem_name": "coconut_stem",
+ "stem_func_args": {
+ "basic_color": bottom_color_rgba,
+ "edge_color": calyx_edge_color_rgba,
+ },
+ "stem_input_args": {
+ "Target": "noderef-fruitsurface-Geometry",
+ "radius": 0.001,
+ "calyx width": uniform(0.2, 0.25),
+ "Count": randint(4, 6),
+ "stem_radius": normal(0.04, 0.005),
+ "stem_mid": (stem_x, stem_y, 0.0),
+ "stem_end": (2 * stem_x, 2 * stem_y, uniform(0.3, 0.5)),
+ },
+ "stem_output_args": {"distance to edge": "noderef-stem-distance to edge"},
+ }
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/coconuthairy.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/coconuthairy.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a207281b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/coconuthairy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.general_fruit import FruitFactoryGeneralFruit
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+class FruitFactoryCoconuthairy(FruitFactoryGeneralFruit):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, scale=1.0, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, scale=scale, coarse=coarse)
+ self.name = "coconut_hairy"
+ def sample_cross_section_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
+ rad_small = uniform(0.65, 0.75)
+ return {
+ "cross_section_name": "coconut_cross_section",
+ "cross_section_func_args": {
+ "control_points": [(0.0, rad_small), (0.1, rad_small), (1.0, 0.76)]
+ },
+ "cross_section_input_args": {
+ "random seed": uniform(-100, 100),
+ "radius": normal(1.8, 0.1),
+ "noise scale": 20.0,
+ "noise amount": 0.02,
+ "Resolution": surface_resolution,
+ },
+ "cross_section_output_args": {},
+ }
+ def sample_shape_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
+ return {
+ "shape_name": "shape_quadratic",
+ "shape_func_args": {
+ "radius_control_points": [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.0591, 0.3156),
+ (uniform(0.2, 0.3), 0.6125),
+ (uniform(0.6, 0.7), 0.675),
+ (0.9636, 0.3625),
+ (1.0, 0.0),
+ ]
+ },
+ "shape_input_args": {
+ "Profile Curve": "noderef-crosssection-Geometry",
+ "Start": (uniform(-0.1, 0.1), uniform(-0.1, 0.1), normal(-1.0, 0.1)),
+ "End": (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ "Resolution": surface_resolution,
+ },
+ "shape_output_args": {},
+ }
+ def sample_surface_params(self):
+ basic_color = np.array((0.05, 0.97, 0.6))
+ basic_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.01)
+ basic_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ basic_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.1)
+ basic_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(basic_color)
+ return {
+ "surface_name": "coconuthairy_surface",
+ "surface_func_args": {"basic_color": basic_color_rgba},
+ "surface_input_args": {
+ "Geometry": "noderef-shapequadratic-Mesh",
+ "spline parameter": "noderef-shapequadratic-spline parameter",
+ },
+ "surface_output_args": {},
+ "surface_resolution": 256,
+ "scale_multiplier": 1.5,
+ }
+ def sample_stem_params(self):
+ return {
+ "stem_name": "empty_stem",
+ "stem_func_args": {},
+ "stem_input_args": {},
+ "stem_output_args": {},
+ }
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/compositional_fruit.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/compositional_fruit.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a01666c75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/compositional_fruit.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+import numpy as np
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.apple import FruitFactoryApple
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.blackberry import FruitFactoryBlackberry
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.coconutgreen import FruitFactoryCoconutgreen
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.coconuthairy import FruitFactoryCoconuthairy
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.durian import FruitFactoryDurian
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.general_fruit import FruitFactoryGeneralFruit
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.pineapple import FruitFactoryPineapple
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.starfruit import FruitFactoryStarfruit
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.strawberry import FruitFactoryStrawberry
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+fruit_names = {
+ "Apple": FruitFactoryApple,
+ "Pineapple": FruitFactoryPineapple,
+ "Starfruit": FruitFactoryStarfruit,
+ "Strawberry": FruitFactoryStrawberry,
+ "Blackberry": FruitFactoryBlackberry,
+ "Coconuthairy": FruitFactoryCoconuthairy,
+ "Coconutgreen": FruitFactoryCoconutgreen,
+ "Durian": FruitFactoryDurian,
+class FruitFactoryCompositional(FruitFactoryGeneralFruit):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, scale=1.0, coarse=False):
+ super(FruitFactoryCompositional, self).__init__(
+ factory_seed, scale=scale, coarse=coarse
+ )
+ self.name = "compositional"
+ self.factories = {}
+ for name, factory in fruit_names.items():
+ self.factories[name] = factory(factory_seed, scale, coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.cross_section_source = np.random.choice(list(fruit_names.keys()))
+ self.shape_source = np.random.choice(list(fruit_names.keys()))
+ self.surface_source = np.random.choice(list(fruit_names.keys()))
+ self.stem_source = np.random.choice(list(fruit_names.keys()))
+ def sample_cross_section_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
+ return self.factories[self.cross_section_source].sample_cross_section_params(
+ surface_resolution
+ )
+ def sample_shape_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
+ return self.factories[self.shape_source].sample_shape_params(surface_resolution)
+ def sample_surface_params(self):
+ return self.factories[self.surface_source].sample_surface_params()
+ def sample_stem_params(self):
+ return self.factories[self.stem_source].sample_stem_params()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/cross_section_lib.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/cross_section_lib.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..90f69006c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/cross_section_lib.py
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.fruit_utils import nodegroup_rot_semmetry
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+ "nodegroup_circle_cross_section", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_circle_cross_section(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "random seed", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise scale", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise amount", 0.1),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 256),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "radius", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"]},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position, 1: group_input.outputs["random seed"]},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["noise scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": subtract.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"], "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, "Scale": group_input.outputs["noise amount"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Offset": scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, "Scale": group_input.outputs["radius"]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "curve parameters": value},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_star_cross_section", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_star_cross_section(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "random seed", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise scale", 2.4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise amount", 0.2),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 256),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "radius", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"]},
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ rotsemmetry = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_rot_semmetry().name,
+ input_kwargs={"N": 5, "spline parameter": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]},
+ )
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ 2: rotsemmetry.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": rotsemmetry.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.4156), (0.65, 0.8125), (1.0, 1.0)]
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position, "Scale": float_curve},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position, 1: group_input.outputs["random seed"]},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["noise scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": subtract.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"], "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, "Scale": group_input.outputs["noise amount"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale_1.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ scale_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: add_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["radius"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Position": scale_2.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "curve parameters": capture_attribute.outputs[2],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_cylax_cross_section", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_cylax_cross_section(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "fork number", 10),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "bottom radius", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "noise random seed", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise amount", 0.4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "radius", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": 256, "Radius": group_input.outputs["radius"]},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ rotsemmetry = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_rot_semmetry().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "N": group_input.outputs["fork number"],
+ "spline parameter": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ },
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": rotsemmetry.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0), (0.65, 0.8125), (1.0, 1.0)]
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": float_curve, 3: group_input.outputs["bottom radius"]},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position, "Scale": map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position, 1: group_input.outputs["noise random seed"]},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": add.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": 2.4}
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: value},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": subtract.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"], "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, "Scale": group_input.outputs["noise amount"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale_1.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Position": add_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_coconut_cross_section", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_coconut_cross_section(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, control_points=[(0.0, 0.7156), (0.1023, 0.7156), (1.0, 0.7594)]
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "random seed", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise scale", 2.4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise amount", 0.2),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 256),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "radius", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"]},
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ rot_semmetry = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_rot_semmetry().name,
+ input_kwargs={"N": 3, "spline parameter": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]},
+ )
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 2: rot_semmetry},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": rot_semmetry})
+ node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0], control_points)
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position, "Scale": float_curve_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position, 1: group_input.outputs["random seed"]},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["noise scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": subtract.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"], "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, "Scale": group_input.outputs["noise amount"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale_1.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ scale_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: add_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["radius"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Position": scale_2.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "curve parameters": capture_attribute.outputs[2],
+ },
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/durian.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/durian.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f326b6f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/durian.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+import gin
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.general_fruit import FruitFactoryGeneralFruit
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+class FruitFactoryDurian(FruitFactoryGeneralFruit):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, scale=1.0, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, scale=scale, coarse=coarse)
+ self.name = "durian"
+ def sample_cross_section_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
+ return {
+ "cross_section_name": "circle_cross_section",
+ "cross_section_func_args": {},
+ "cross_section_input_args": {
+ "random seed": uniform(-100, 100),
+ "radius": normal(1.2, 0.03),
+ "Resolution": surface_resolution,
+ },
+ "cross_section_output_args": {},
+ }
+ def sample_shape_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
+ return {
+ "shape_name": "shape_quadratic",
+ "shape_func_args": {
+ "radius_control_points": [
+ (0.0, 0.0031),
+ (0.0841, 0.3469),
+ (uniform(0.4, 0.6), 0.8),
+ (0.8886, 0.6094),
+ (1.0, 0.0),
+ ]
+ },
+ "shape_input_args": {
+ "Profile Curve": "noderef-crosssection-Geometry",
+ "noise amount tilt": 5.0,
+ "noise scale tilt": 0.5,
+ "random seed tilt": uniform(-100, 100),
+ "Resolution": surface_resolution,
+ "Start": (uniform(-0.3, 0.3), uniform(-0.3, 0.3), uniform(-0.5, -1.5)),
+ "End": (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ },
+ "shape_output_args": {},
+ }
+ def sample_surface_params(self):
+ base_color = np.array((0.15, 0.74, 0.32))
+ base_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
+ base_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ base_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ base_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(base_color)
+ peak_color = np.array((0.09, 0.87, 0.24))
+ peak_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.025)
+ peak_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ peak_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ peak_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(peak_color)
+ return {
+ "surface_name": "durian_surface",
+ "surface_func_args": {
+ "thorn_control_points": [(0.0, 0.0), (0.7318, 0.4344), (1.0, 1.0)],
+ "peak_color": peak_color_rgba,
+ "base_color": base_color_rgba,
+ },
+ "surface_input_args": {
+ "Geometry": "noderef-shapequadratic-Mesh",
+ "spline parameter": "noderef-shapequadratic-spline parameter",
+ "distance Min": uniform(0.07, 0.13),
+ "displacement": uniform(0.25, 0.35),
+ "noise amount": 0.2,
+ },
+ "surface_output_args": {
+ "durian thorn coordiante": "noderef-fruitsurface-distance to center"
+ },
+ "surface_resolution": 512,
+ "scale_multiplier": 2.0,
+ }
+ def sample_stem_params(self):
+ stem_color = np.array((0.10, 0.96, 0.13))
+ stem_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
+ stem_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ stem_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ stem_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(stem_color)
+ return {
+ "stem_name": "basic_stem",
+ "stem_func_args": {"stem_color": stem_color_rgba},
+ "stem_input_args": {
+ "cross_radius": uniform(0.07, 0.09),
+ "quad_mid": (
+ uniform(-0.1, 0.1),
+ uniform(-0.1, 0.1),
+ uniform(0.15, 0.2),
+ ),
+ "quad_end": (uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(0.3, 0.4)),
+ "Translation": (0.0, 0.0, 0.9),
+ },
+ "stem_output_args": {},
+ }
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/fruit_utils.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/fruit_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f0e1f9cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/fruit_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1077 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+ "nodegroup_random_rotation_scale", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_random_rotation_scale(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "random seed", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise scale", 10.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "rot mean", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "rot std", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "scale mean", 0.35),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "scale std", 0.1),
+ ],
+ )
+ position_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position_3, 1: group_input.outputs["random seed"]},
+ )
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["noise scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_2.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_2.outputs["Color"], 1: value_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": subtract.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["rot std"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["rot mean"], 1: combine_xyz},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["scale std"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: group_input.outputs["scale mean"]},
+ attrs={"use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": add_1.outputs["Vector"], "Value": add_2},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_surface_bump", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_surface_bump(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Displacement", 0.02),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 50.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"]}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: group_input.outputs["Displacement"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: normal, 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": multiply_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_point_on_mesh", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_point_on_mesh(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "spline parameter", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Distance Min", 0.2),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "parameter max", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "parameter min", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise amount", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise scale", 5.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ distribute_points_on_faces = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Distance Min": group_input.outputs["Distance Min"],
+ "Density Max": 10000.0,
+ },
+ attrs={"distribute_method": "POISSON"},
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["spline parameter"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["parameter min"],
+ },
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["spline parameter"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["parameter max"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ nand = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: less_than},
+ attrs={"operation": "NAND"},
+ )
+ delete_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": distribute_points_on_faces.outputs["Points"],
+ "Selection": nand,
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": group_input.outputs["noise scale"]}
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: value},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: subtract.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["noise amount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": delete_geometry, "Offset": scale.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ geometry_proximity = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Proximity, input_kwargs={"Target": group_input.outputs["Mesh"]}
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "Position": geometry_proximity.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_1,
+ "Rotation": distribute_points_on_faces.outputs["Rotation"],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_instance_on_points", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_instance_on_points(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorEuler", "rotation base", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorEuler", "rotation delta", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "translation", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "scale", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Points", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Instance", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ rotate_euler_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateEuler,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rotation": group_input.outputs["rotation base"],
+ "Rotate By": group_input.outputs["rotation delta"],
+ },
+ attrs={"space": "LOCAL"},
+ )
+ instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": group_input.outputs["Points"],
+ "Instance": group_input.outputs["Instance"],
+ "Rotation": rotate_euler_1,
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ translate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TranslateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": instance_on_points_1,
+ "Translation": group_input.outputs["translation"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Instances": translate_instances}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_shape_quadratic", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_shape_quadratic(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, radius_control_points=[(0.0, 0.5), (1.0, 0.5)]
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Profile Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "random seed tilt", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise scale tilt", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise amount tilt", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "random seed pos", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise scale pos", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise amount pos", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketIntUnsigned", "Resolution", 256),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Start", (0.0, 0.0, -1.5)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Middle", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "End", (0.0, 0.0, 1.5)),
+ ],
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Start": group_input.outputs["Start"],
+ "Middle": group_input.outputs["Middle"],
+ "End": group_input.outputs["End"],
+ },
+ )
+ spline_parameter_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": quadratic_bezier,
+ 2: spline_parameter_2.outputs["Factor"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
+ capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 1: curve_tangent,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position, 1: group_input.outputs["random seed pos"]},
+ )
+ noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["noise scale pos"],
+ },
+ )
+ value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_3.outputs["Color"], 1: value_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: subtract.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": spline_parameter_2.outputs["Factor"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["noise amount pos"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": scale_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["random seed tilt"],
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"W": add_1, "Scale": group_input.outputs["noise scale tilt"]},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "1D"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: group_input.outputs["noise amount tilt"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveTilt, input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position, "Tilt": multiply}
+ )
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_2.mapping.curves[0], radius_control_points)
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_curve_tilt, "Radius": float_curve_2},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToPoints,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position},
+ attrs={"mode": "EVALUATED"},
+ )
+ geometry_proximity = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Proximity,
+ input_kwargs={"Target": curve_to_points.outputs["Points"]},
+ attrs={"target_element": "POINTS"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": curve_to_mesh,
+ "spline parameter": capture_attribute.outputs[2],
+ "spline tangent": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "radius to center": geometry_proximity.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_add_dent", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_add_dent(nw: NodeWrangler, dent_control_points):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "spline parameter", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "spline tangent", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "distance to center", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "bottom", False),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "intensity", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "max radius", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["spline parameter"], 1: 0.5}
+ )
+ op_not = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than}, attrs={"operation": "NOT"}
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["bottom"], 6: greater_than, 7: op_not},
+ attrs={"input_type": "BOOLEAN"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["distance to center"],
+ 2: group_input.outputs["max radius"],
+ },
+ )
+ float_curve_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_3.mapping.curves[0], dent_control_points)
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": float_curve_3, 3: -1.0}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["intensity"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["spline tangent"], "Scale": multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Selection": switch.outputs[2],
+ "Offset": scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_2}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_add_crater", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_add_crater(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Points", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Strength", 1.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ geometry_proximity = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Proximity,
+ input_kwargs={"Target": group_input.outputs["Points"]},
+ attrs={"target_element": "POINTS"},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": geometry_proximity.outputs["Distance"],
+ 2: 0.08,
+ 3: -0.04,
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ smooth_min = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.0, 2: 0.05},
+ attrs={"operation": "SMOOTH_MIN"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: normal, "Scale": smooth_min},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Strength"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": scale_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={"Mesh": set_position_1}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivision_surface}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_mix_vector", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_mix_vector(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Vector 1", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Vector 2", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "alpha", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: group_input.outputs["alpha"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vector 1"], "Scale": subtract},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Vector 2"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["alpha"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale_1.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": add.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_add_noise_scalar", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_add_noise_scalar(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "value", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise random seed", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise scale", 5.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise amount", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position, 1: group_input.outputs["noise random seed"]},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["noise scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: group_input.outputs["noise amount"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input.outputs["value"]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"value": add_1})
+ "nodegroup_attach_to_nearest", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_attach_to_nearest(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Target", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "threshold", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "multiplier", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Offset", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ geometry_proximity = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Proximity, input_kwargs={"Target": group_input.outputs["Target"]}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["threshold"],
+ 1: geometry_proximity.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: group_input.outputs["multiplier"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ exponent = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "EXPONENT"}
+ )
+ clamp = nw.new_node(Nodes.Clamp, input_kwargs={"Value": exponent})
+ mixvector = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_mix_vector().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector 1": position,
+ "Vector 2": geometry_proximity.outputs["Position"],
+ "alpha": clamp,
+ },
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Position": mixvector,
+ "Offset": group_input.outputs["Offset"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_manhattan", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_manhattan(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "v1", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "v2", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["v1"]}
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["v2"]}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract}, attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"}
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ absolute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_1}, attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"}
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: absolute_1})
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ absolute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_2}, attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: absolute_2})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": add_1})
+ "nodegroup_rot_semmetry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_rot_semmetry(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "N", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "spline parameter", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["N"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ pingpong = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["spline parameter"], 1: divide},
+ attrs={"operation": "PINGPONG"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": pingpong, 2: divide})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Result": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_scale_mesh", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_scale_mesh(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position, "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Position": scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_hair", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_hair(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "shape noise random seed", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "shape noise amount", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketIntUnsigned", "length resolution", 8),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "cross section resolution", 4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "scale", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius", 0.01),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "Material", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Start", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Middle", (0.0, 0.3, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "End", (0.0, -1.4, 2.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["length resolution"],
+ "Start": group_input.outputs["Start"],
+ "Middle": group_input.outputs["Middle"],
+ "End": group_input.outputs["End"],
+ },
+ )
+ subdivide_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": quadratic_bezier_1}
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position, 1: group_input.outputs["shape noise random seed"]},
+ )
+ noise_texture_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": add.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": 1.0}
+ )
+ value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_3.outputs["Color"], 1: value_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ spline_parameter_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: subtract.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": spline_parameter_2.outputs["Factor"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["shape noise amount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivide_curve, "Offset": scale_1.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["cross section resolution"],
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_position_1,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_to_mesh_1,
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_1,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["Material"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material_1}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_align_top_to_horizon", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_align_top_to_horizon(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ bounding_box = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"]}
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": bounding_box.outputs["Max"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: -1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/general_fruit.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/general_fruit.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9196b7c4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/general_fruit.py
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+import bpy
+from numpy.random import normal
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.cross_section_lib import (
+ nodegroup_circle_cross_section,
+ nodegroup_coconut_cross_section,
+ nodegroup_star_cross_section,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.fruit_utils import (
+ nodegroup_align_top_to_horizon,
+ nodegroup_shape_quadratic,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.stem_lib import (
+ nodegroup_basic_stem,
+ nodegroup_calyx_stem,
+ nodegroup_coconut_stem,
+ nodegroup_empty_stem,
+ nodegroup_pineapple_stem,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.surfaces.apple_surface import (
+ nodegroup_apple_surface,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.surfaces.blackberry_surface import (
+ nodegroup_blackberry_surface,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.surfaces.coconutgreen_surface import (
+ nodegroup_coconutgreen_surface,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.surfaces.coconuthairy_surface import (
+ nodegroup_coconuthairy_surface,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.surfaces.durian_surface import (
+ nodegroup_durian_surface,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.surfaces.pineapple_surface import (
+ nodegroup_pineapple_surface,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.surfaces.starfruit_surface import (
+ nodegroup_starfruit_surface,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.surfaces.strawberry_surface import (
+ nodegroup_strawberry_surface,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+crosssectionlib = {
+ "circle_cross_section": nodegroup_circle_cross_section,
+ "star_cross_section": nodegroup_star_cross_section,
+ "coconut_cross_section": nodegroup_coconut_cross_section,
+shapelib = {"shape_quadratic": nodegroup_shape_quadratic}
+surfacelib = {
+ "apple_surface": nodegroup_apple_surface,
+ "pineapple_surface": nodegroup_pineapple_surface,
+ "starfruit_surface": nodegroup_starfruit_surface,
+ "strawberry_surface": nodegroup_strawberry_surface,
+ "blackberry_surface": nodegroup_blackberry_surface,
+ "coconuthairy_surface": nodegroup_coconuthairy_surface,
+ "coconutgreen_surface": nodegroup_coconutgreen_surface,
+ "durian_surface": nodegroup_durian_surface,
+stemlib = {
+ "basic_stem": nodegroup_basic_stem,
+ "pineapple_stem": nodegroup_pineapple_stem,
+ "calyx_stem": nodegroup_calyx_stem,
+ "empty_stem": nodegroup_empty_stem,
+ "coconut_stem": nodegroup_coconut_stem,
+def parse_args(nodeinfo, dictionary):
+ for k1, v1 in dictionary.items():
+ if isinstance(v1, str) and v1.startswith("noderef"):
+ _, nodename, outputname = v1.split("-")
+ dictionary[k1] = nodeinfo[nodename].outputs[outputname]
+ return dictionary
+def general_fruit_geometry_nodes(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, cross_section_params, shape_params, surface_params, stem_params
+ nodeinfo = {}
+ parse_args(nodeinfo, cross_section_params["cross_section_input_args"])
+ crosssection = nw.new_node(
+ crosssectionlib[cross_section_params["cross_section_name"]](
+ **cross_section_params["cross_section_func_args"]
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs=cross_section_params["cross_section_input_args"],
+ )
+ nodeinfo["crosssection"] = crosssection
+ parse_args(nodeinfo, cross_section_params["cross_section_output_args"])
+ parse_args(nodeinfo, shape_params["shape_input_args"])
+ shapequadratic = nw.new_node(
+ shapelib[shape_params["shape_name"]](**shape_params["shape_func_args"]).name,
+ input_kwargs=shape_params["shape_input_args"],
+ )
+ nodeinfo["shapequadratic"] = shapequadratic
+ parse_args(nodeinfo, shape_params["shape_output_args"])
+ parse_args(nodeinfo, surface_params["surface_input_args"])
+ fruitsurface = nw.new_node(
+ surfacelib[surface_params["surface_name"]](
+ **surface_params["surface_func_args"]
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs=surface_params["surface_input_args"],
+ )
+ nodeinfo["fruitsurface"] = fruitsurface
+ parse_args(nodeinfo, surface_params["surface_output_args"])
+ parse_args(nodeinfo, stem_params["stem_input_args"])
+ stem = nw.new_node(
+ stemlib[stem_params["stem_name"]](**stem_params["stem_func_args"]).name,
+ input_kwargs=stem_params["stem_input_args"],
+ )
+ nodeinfo["stem"] = stem
+ parse_args(nodeinfo, stem_params["stem_output_args"])
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [fruitsurface, stem]}
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry}
+ )
+ align = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_align_top_to_horizon().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances},
+ )
+ output_dict = {"Geometry": align}
+ output_dict.update(cross_section_params["cross_section_output_args"])
+ output_dict.update(shape_params["shape_output_args"])
+ output_dict.update(surface_params["surface_output_args"])
+ output_dict.update(stem_params["stem_output_args"])
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs=output_dict)
+class FruitFactoryGeneralFruit(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, scale=1.0, coarse=False):
+ super(FruitFactoryGeneralFruit, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.scale = scale
+ def sample_cross_section_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def sample_shape_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def sample_surface_params(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def sample_stem_params(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def sample_geo_genome(self):
+ surface_params = self.sample_surface_params()
+ surface_resolution = surface_params["surface_resolution"]
+ cross_section_params = self.sample_cross_section_params(surface_resolution)
+ shape_params = self.sample_shape_params(surface_resolution)
+ stem_params = self.sample_stem_params()
+ return cross_section_params, shape_params, surface_params, stem_params
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=4,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
+ cross_section_params, shape_params, surface_params, stem_params = (
+ self.sample_geo_genome()
+ )
+ scale_multiplier = surface_params["scale_multiplier"]
+ output_list = []
+ output_list.extend(cross_section_params["cross_section_output_args"].keys())
+ output_list.extend(shape_params["shape_output_args"].keys())
+ output_list.extend(surface_params["surface_output_args"].keys())
+ output_list.extend(stem_params["stem_output_args"].keys())
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ general_fruit_geometry_nodes,
+ attributes=output_list,
+ apply=False,
+ input_args=[
+ cross_section_params,
+ shape_params,
+ surface_params,
+ stem_params,
+ ],
+ )
+ bpy.ops.object.convert(target="MESH")
+ obj = bpy.context.object
+ obj.scale *= normal(1, 0.1) * self.scale * scale_multiplier
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ # TODO remove when empty materials from geonodes is debugged
+ butil.purge_empty_materials(obj)
+ tag_object(obj, "fruit_" + self.name)
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/pineapple.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/pineapple.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d187188bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/pineapple.py
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, randint, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.general_fruit import FruitFactoryGeneralFruit
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+class FruitFactoryPineapple(FruitFactoryGeneralFruit):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, scale=1.0, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, scale=scale, coarse=coarse)
+ self.name = "pineapple"
+ def sample_cross_section_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
+ return {
+ "cross_section_name": "circle_cross_section",
+ "cross_section_func_args": {},
+ "cross_section_input_args": {
+ "random seed": uniform(-100, 100),
+ "radius": normal(1.2, 0.05),
+ "Resolution": surface_resolution,
+ },
+ "cross_section_output_args": {},
+ }
+ def sample_shape_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
+ return {
+ "shape_name": "shape_quadratic",
+ "shape_func_args": {
+ "radius_control_points": [
+ (0.0, 0.1031),
+ (0.1182, 0.5062),
+ (uniform(0.3, 0.7), 0.5594),
+ (0.8364, 0.425),
+ (0.9864, 0.1406),
+ (1.0, 0.0),
+ ]
+ },
+ "shape_input_args": {
+ "Profile Curve": "noderef-crosssection-Geometry",
+ "Start": (uniform(-0.1, 0.1), uniform(-0.1, 0.1), uniform(-0.8, -1.2)),
+ "End": (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ "random seed pos": uniform(-100, 100),
+ "noise scale pos": 0.5,
+ "noise amount pos": 0.4,
+ "Resolution": surface_resolution,
+ },
+ "shape_output_args": {},
+ }
+ def sample_surface_params(self):
+ bottom_color = np.array((0.192, 0.898, 0.095))
+ bottom_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.025)
+ bottom_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ bottom_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ bottom_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(bottom_color)
+ mid_color = np.array((0.05, 0.96, 0.55))
+ mid_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.025)
+ mid_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ mid_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ mid_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(mid_color)
+ top_color = np.array((0.04, 0.99, 0.45))
+ top_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.025)
+ top_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ top_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ top_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(top_color)
+ center_color = np.array((0.07, 0.63, 0.84))
+ center_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.025)
+ center_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ center_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ center_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(center_color)
+ cell_distance = uniform(0.18, 0.22)
+ return {
+ "surface_name": "pineapple_surface",
+ "surface_func_args": {
+ "color_bottom": bottom_color_rgba,
+ "color_mid": mid_color_rgba,
+ "color_top": top_color_rgba,
+ "color_center": center_color_rgba,
+ },
+ "surface_input_args": {
+ "Geometry": "noderef-shapequadratic-Mesh",
+ "spline parameter": "noderef-shapequadratic-spline parameter",
+ "point distance": cell_distance,
+ "cell scale": cell_distance + 0.02,
+ },
+ "surface_output_args": {"radius": "noderef-fruitsurface-spline parameter"},
+ "surface_resolution": 64,
+ "scale_multiplier": 1.8,
+ }
+ def sample_stem_params(self):
+ leaf_color = np.array((0.32, 0.79, 0.20))
+ leaf_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.025)
+ leaf_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ leaf_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ leaf_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(leaf_color)
+ return {
+ "stem_name": "pineapple_stem",
+ "stem_func_args": {"basic_color": leaf_color_rgba},
+ "stem_input_args": {
+ "rotation base": (-uniform(0.5, 0.55), 0.0, 0.0),
+ "noise amount": 0.1,
+ "noise scale": uniform(10, 30),
+ "number of leaves": randint(40, 80),
+ "scale base": normal(0.5, 0.05),
+ "scale z base": normal(0.15, 0.03),
+ "scale z top": normal(0.62, 0.03),
+ "rot z base": normal(-0.62, 0.03),
+ "rot z top": normal(0.54, 0.03),
+ },
+ "stem_output_args": {},
+ }
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/seed_lib.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/seed_lib.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d71da66a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/seed_lib.py
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+def shader_seed_shader(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], "Scale": 7.8},
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Color1": (0.807, 0.624, 0.0704, 1.0),
+ "Color2": (0.3467, 0.2623, 0.0296, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix, "Roughness": 0.5114}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_strawberry_seed", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_strawberry_seed(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketIntUnsigned", "Resolution", 8)]
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Start": (0.0, 0.0, -0.5),
+ "Middle": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "End": (0.0, 0.0, 0.5),
+ },
+ )
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0, 0.0281), (0.7023, 0.2781), (1.0, 0.0281)],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve_1, 1: 0.9},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": quadratic_bezier, "Radius": multiply},
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"]},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_to_mesh,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_seed_shader),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material_1}
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/starfruit.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/starfruit.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..62ce61f43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/starfruit.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.general_fruit import FruitFactoryGeneralFruit
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+class FruitFactoryStarfruit(FruitFactoryGeneralFruit):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, scale=1.0, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, scale=scale, coarse=coarse)
+ self.name = "starfruit"
+ def sample_cross_section_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
+ return {
+ "cross_section_name": "star_cross_section",
+ "cross_section_func_args": {},
+ "cross_section_input_args": {
+ "random seed": uniform(-100, 100),
+ "radius": normal(1.3, 0.05),
+ "Resolution": surface_resolution,
+ },
+ "cross_section_output_args": {
+ "star parameters": "noderef-crosssection-curve parameters"
+ },
+ }
+ def sample_shape_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
+ return {
+ "shape_name": "shape_quadratic",
+ "shape_func_args": {
+ "radius_control_points": [
+ (0.0727, 0.2),
+ (0.2636, 0.6063),
+ (uniform(0.45, 0.65), uniform(0.7, 0.9)),
+ (0.8886, 0.6094),
+ (1.0, 0.0),
+ ],
+ },
+ "shape_input_args": {
+ "Profile Curve": "noderef-crosssection-Geometry",
+ "Resolution": surface_resolution,
+ "Start": (uniform(-0.3, 0.3), uniform(-0.3, 0.3), uniform(-1.0, -2.0)),
+ "End": (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ },
+ "shape_output_args": {},
+ }
+ def sample_surface_params(self):
+ base_color = np.array((0.10, 0.999, 0.799))
+ base_color[0] += normal(0.0, 0.025)
+ base_color[1] += normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ base_color[2] += normal(0.0, 0.005)
+ base_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(base_color)
+ ridge_color = np.copy(base_color)
+ ridge_color[0] += normal(0.04, 0.02)
+ ridge_color[2] += normal(-0.2, 0.02)
+ ridge_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(ridge_color)
+ return {
+ "surface_name": "starfruit_surface",
+ "surface_func_args": {
+ "dent_control_points": [
+ (0.0, 0.4219),
+ (0.0977, 0.4469),
+ (0.2273, 0.4844),
+ (0.5568, 0.5125),
+ (1.0, 0.5),
+ ],
+ "base_color": base_color_rgba,
+ "ridge_color": ridge_color_rgba,
+ },
+ "surface_input_args": {
+ "Geometry": "noderef-shapequadratic-Mesh",
+ "spline parameter": "noderef-shapequadratic-spline parameter",
+ "spline tangent": "noderef-shapequadratic-spline tangent",
+ "distance to center": "noderef-shapequadratic-radius to center",
+ "dent intensity": normal(1.0, 0.1),
+ },
+ "surface_output_args": {},
+ "surface_resolution": 256,
+ "scale_multiplier": 1.0,
+ }
+ def sample_stem_params(self):
+ stem_color = np.array((0.10, 0.96, 0.13))
+ stem_color[0] += normal(0.0, 0.02)
+ stem_color[1] += normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ stem_color[2] += normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ stem_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(stem_color)
+ return {
+ "stem_name": "basic_stem",
+ "stem_func_args": {"stem_color": stem_color_rgba},
+ "stem_input_args": {
+ "quad_mid": (
+ uniform(-0.1, 0.1),
+ uniform(-0.1, 0.1),
+ uniform(0.15, 0.2),
+ ),
+ "quad_end": (uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(0.3, 0.4)),
+ "cross_radius": uniform(0.03, 0.05),
+ "Translation": (0.0, 0.0, 0.8),
+ },
+ "stem_output_args": {},
+ }
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/stem_lib.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/stem_lib.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..47dfaf439
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/stem_lib.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1138 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.cross_section_lib import (
+ nodegroup_cylax_cross_section,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.fruit_utils import (
+ nodegroup_add_noise_scalar,
+ nodegroup_attach_to_nearest,
+ nodegroup_scale_mesh,
+ nodegroup_surface_bump,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+ "nodegroup_empty_stem", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_empty_stem(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ points = nw.new_node("GeometryNodePoints", input_kwargs={"Count": 0})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": points})
+def shader_basic_stem_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, stem_color):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": 0.8,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.7,
+ },
+ )
+ separate_rgb = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateColor, input_kwargs={"Color": noise_texture.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_rgb.outputs["Green"],
+ 1: 0.4,
+ 2: 0.7,
+ 3: 0.48,
+ 4: 0.55,
+ },
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": separate_rgb.outputs["Blue"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.4},
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Hue": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ "Value": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color": stem_color,
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": hue_saturation_value,
+ "Specular": 0.1205,
+ "Roughness": 0.5068,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_basic_stem", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_basic_stem(nw: NodeWrangler, stem_color=(0.179, 0.836, 0.318, 1.0)):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "quad_start", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "quad_mid", (0.0, -0.05, 0.2)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "quad_end", (-0.1, 0.0, 0.4)),
+ ("NodeSocketIntUnsigned", "quad_res", 128),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "cross_radius", 0.08),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "cross_res", 128),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Translation", (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "Scale", (1.0, 1.0, 2.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["quad_res"],
+ "Start": group_input.outputs["quad_start"],
+ "Middle": group_input.outputs["quad_mid"],
+ "End": group_input.outputs["quad_end"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["cross_res"],
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["cross_radius"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": quadratic_bezier_2,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle_2.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ surfacebump = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh_2, "Displacement": 0.01, "Scale": 2.9},
+ )
+ surfacebump_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": surfacebump, "Scale": 20.0},
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": surfacebump_1,
+ "Translation": group_input.outputs["Translation"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_3,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ shader_basic_stem_shader, stem_color
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material}
+ )
+def shader_calyx_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, stem_color):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": 2.8, "Detail": 10.0, "Roughness": 0.7},
+ )
+ separate_rgb = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateColor, input_kwargs={"Color": noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_rgb.outputs["Green"],
+ 1: 0.4,
+ 2: 0.7,
+ 3: 0.48,
+ 4: 0.55,
+ },
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": separate_rgb.outputs["Blue"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.4},
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Hue": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ "Value": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color": stem_color,
+ },
+ )
+ translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TranslucentBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": hue_saturation_value}
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": hue_saturation_value,
+ "Specular": 0.5136,
+ "Roughness": 0.7614,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.5083, 1: translucent_bsdf, 2: principled_bsdf},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader}
+ )
+### straberry calyx ###
+ "nodegroup_calyx_stem", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_calyx_stem(nw: NodeWrangler, stem_color=(0.1678, 0.4541, 0.0397, 1.0)):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "fork number", 10),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "outer radius", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "inner radius", 0.2),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "cross section noise amount", 0.4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "z noise amount", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "noise random seed", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "quad_start", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "quad_mid", (0.0, -0.05, 0.2)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "quad_end", (-0.1, 0.0, 0.4)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Translation", (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "cross_radius", 0.04),
+ ],
+ )
+ cylaxcrosssection = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_cylax_cross_section().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "fork number": group_input.outputs["fork number"],
+ "bottom radius": group_input.outputs["inner radius"],
+ "noise random seed": group_input.outputs["noise random seed"],
+ "noise amount": group_input.outputs["cross section noise amount"],
+ "radius": group_input.outputs["outer radius"],
+ },
+ )
+ fill_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": cylaxcrosssection})
+ triangulate = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeTriangulate", input_kwargs={"Mesh": fill_curve}
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": triangulate, "Level": 3}
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ addnoisescalar = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_add_noise_scalar().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "value": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ "noise random seed": group_input.outputs["noise random seed"],
+ "noise scale": 1.0,
+ "noise amount": group_input.outputs["z noise amount"],
+ },
+ )
+ length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: position}, attrs={"operation": "LENGTH"}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: addnoisescalar, 1: length.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Z": multiply,
+ },
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivide_mesh, "Position": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ basicstem = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_basic_stem().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "quad_start": group_input.outputs["quad_start"],
+ "quad_mid": group_input.outputs["quad_mid"],
+ "quad_end": group_input.outputs["quad_end"],
+ "quad_res": 16,
+ "cross_radius": group_input.outputs["cross_radius"],
+ "cross_res": 16,
+ "Translation": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_position_1, basicstem]}
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_2,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_calyx_shader, stem_color),
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_material,
+ "Translation": group_input.outputs["Translation"],
+ "Scale": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ attachtonearest = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_attach_to_nearest().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform,
+ "Target": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "threshold": 0.1,
+ "multiplier": 10.0,
+ "Offset": (0.0, 0.0, 0.05),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": attachtonearest}
+ )
+### coconutgreen ###
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_jigsaw", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_jigsaw(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise scale", 30.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "noise randomness", 0.7),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "From Max", 0.15),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "To Min", 0.9),
+ ],
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"]})
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 1: subtract, 2: add},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["noise scale"],
+ "Randomness": group_input.outputs["noise randomness"],
+ },
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "1D", "feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ 2: group_input.outputs["From Max"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["To Min"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Result": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+def shader_coconut_calyx_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, basic_color, edge_color):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": 10.0,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.7,
+ },
+ )
+ separate_rgb = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateColor, input_kwargs={"Color": noise_texture.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_rgb.outputs["Green"],
+ 1: 0.4,
+ 2: 0.7,
+ 3: 0.45,
+ 4: 0.52,
+ },
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": separate_rgb.outputs["Blue"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.6},
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "distance to edge"}
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 3.0})
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 0.1}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: attribute.outputs["Fac"], 1: multiply}
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": add})
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0159
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = edge_color # (0.0369, 0.0086, 0.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.0716
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = basic_color # (0.1119, 0.2122, 0.008, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 1.0
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = basic_color # (0.1119, 0.2122, 0.008, 1.0)
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Hue": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ "Value": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": hue_saturation_value, "Roughness": 0.90},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_coconut_calyx", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_coconut_calyx(nw: NodeWrangler, basic_color, edge_color):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "resolution", 128),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "radius", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "subdivision", 5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "bump displacement", 0.16),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "bump scale", 3.22),
+ ],
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["resolution"],
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["radius"],
+ },
+ )
+ jigsaw = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_jigsaw().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["width"], "noise scale": 30.22},
+ )
+ scale_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_scale_mesh().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], "Scale": jigsaw},
+ label="ScaleMesh",
+ )
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"], 1: value},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract}, attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"}
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": absolute, 1: value, 2: group_input.outputs["width"]},
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_2.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0, 0.0), (0.2409, 0.0), (0.7068, 0.275), (1.0, 0.9781)],
+ )
+ scale_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_scale_mesh().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": scale_mesh, "Scale": float_curve},
+ label="ScaleMesh",
+ )
+ fill_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": scale_mesh_1}, attrs={"mode": "NGONS"}
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": fill_curve, "Level": group_input.outputs["subdivision"]},
+ )
+ surfacebump = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": subdivide_mesh,
+ "Displacement": group_input.outputs["bump displacement"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["bump scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": surfacebump,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ shader_coconut_calyx_shader, basic_color, edge_color
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ geometry_proximity = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Proximity,
+ input_kwargs={"Target": fill_curve},
+ attrs={"target_element": "EDGES"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_material,
+ "distance to edge": geometry_proximity.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_coconut_stem", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_coconut_stem(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ basic_color=(0.1119, 0.2122, 0.008, 1.0),
+ edge_color=(0.0369, 0.0086, 0.0, 1.0),
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Target", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "radius", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Translation", (0.0, 0.0, 1.08)),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Count", 6),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "base scale", 0.3),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "top scale", 0.24),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "attach threshold", 0.1),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "attach multiplier", 10.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "calyx width", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "stem_mid", (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "stem_end", (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "stem_radius", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ coconutcalyx = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_coconut_calyx(basic_color=basic_color, edge_color=edge_color).name,
+ input_kwargs={"width": group_input.outputs["calyx width"]},
+ )
+ capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": coconutcalyx.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: coconutcalyx.outputs["distance to edge"],
+ },
+ )
+ spiral = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurveSpiral",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rotations": 1.0,
+ "Start Radius": group_input.outputs["radius"],
+ "End Radius": group_input.outputs["radius"],
+ "Height": 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": spiral, 2: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]},
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Translation": group_input.outputs["Translation"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToPoints,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": transform, "Count": group_input.outputs["Count"]},
+ )
+ align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Rotation": curve_to_points.outputs["Rotation"]},
+ attrs={"axis": "Z"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": capture_attribute.outputs[2],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["base scale"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["top scale"],
+ },
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHERSTEP"},
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": curve_to_points.outputs["Points"],
+ "Instance": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector,
+ "Scale": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instance_on_points}
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": capture_attribute.outputs[2], 4: 0.01}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": map_range_1.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ attachtonearest = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_attach_to_nearest().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": realize_instances,
+ "Target": group_input.outputs["Target"],
+ "threshold": group_input.outputs["attach threshold"],
+ "multiplier": group_input.outputs["attach multiplier"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ basicstem = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_basic_stem(basic_color).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "cross_radius": group_input.outputs["stem_radius"],
+ "quad_mid": group_input.outputs["stem_mid"],
+ "quad_end": group_input.outputs["stem_end"],
+ "Translation": (0.0, 0.0, 0.98),
+ "Scale": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [basicstem, attachtonearest]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry,
+ "distance to edge": capture_attribute_1.outputs[2],
+ },
+ )
+### pineapple ###
+def shader_leaf(nw: NodeWrangler, basic_color):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ texture_coordinate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": 3.48,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.7,
+ },
+ )
+ separate_rgb = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateColor, input_kwargs={"Color": noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_rgb.outputs["Green"],
+ 1: 0.4,
+ 2: 0.7,
+ 3: 0.48,
+ 4: 0.55,
+ },
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_rgb.outputs["Red"],
+ 1: 0.52,
+ 2: 0.48,
+ 3: 0.32,
+ 4: 0.74,
+ },
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_rgb.outputs["Blue"],
+ 1: 0.4,
+ 2: 0.7,
+ 3: 0.94,
+ 4: 1.1,
+ },
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Hue": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ "Saturation": map_range_3.outputs["Result"],
+ "Value": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color": basic_color,
+ },
+ ) # (0.0545, 0.1981, 0.0409, 1.0)
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": hue_saturation_value,
+ "Specular": 0.5955,
+ "Roughness": 1.0,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pineapple_leaf", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pineapple_leaf(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketIntUnsigned", "Resolution", 8),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Start", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Middle", (0.0, -0.32, 3.72)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "End", (0.0, 0.92, 4.32)),
+ ],
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Start": group_input.outputs["Start"],
+ "Middle": group_input.outputs["Middle"],
+ "End": group_input.outputs["End"],
+ },
+ )
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 1.0), (0.6818, 0.5063), (1.0, 0.0)]
+ )
+ set_curve_radius_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": quadratic_bezier_1, "Radius": float_curve_1},
+ )
+ curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"]},
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Scale": (0.5, 0.1, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: absolute}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Offset": combine_xyz}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius_1,
+ "Profile Curve": set_position,
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh_1}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pineapple_crown", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pineapple_crown(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ spiral_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurveSpiral",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 10,
+ "Rotations": 5.0,
+ "Start Radius": 0.01,
+ "End Radius": 0.01,
+ "Height": 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Leaf", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "translation", (0.0, 0.0, 0.7)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorEuler", "rotation base", (-0.4363, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "number of leaves", 75),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise amount", 0.1),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise scale", 50.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "scale base", 0.4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "scale z base", 0.12),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "scale z top", 0.68),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "rot z base", -0.64),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "rot z top", 0.38),
+ ],
+ )
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": spiral_1,
+ "Translation": group_input.outputs["translation"],
+ },
+ )
+ resample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": transform_4,
+ "Count": group_input.outputs["number of leaves"],
+ },
+ )
+ surfacebump = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": resample_curve_1,
+ "Displacement": group_input.outputs["noise amount"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["noise scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_tangent_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
+ align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, input_kwargs={"Vector": curve_tangent_1}
+ )
+ rotate_euler_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateEuler,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector_1,
+ "Rotate By": group_input.outputs["rotation base"],
+ },
+ attrs={"space": "LOCAL"},
+ )
+ spline_parameter_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.1, 3: 0.1})
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: spline_parameter_2.outputs["Factor"],
+ 1: random_value.outputs[1],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": add, 3: 0.2})
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["rot z base"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["rot z top"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": map_range_1.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ rotate_euler_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateEuler,
+ input_kwargs={"Rotation": rotate_euler_3, "Rotate By": combine_xyz_1},
+ attrs={"space": "LOCAL"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["scale z base"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["scale z top"],
+ },
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHERSTEP"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["scale base"],
+ "Y": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Z": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ instance_on_points_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": surfacebump,
+ "Instance": group_input.outputs["Leaf"],
+ "Rotation": rotate_euler_2,
+ "Scale": combine_xyz_3,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instance_on_points_2}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pineapple_stem", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pineapple_stem(nw: NodeWrangler, basic_color):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketIntUnsigned", "Resolution", 16),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Start", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Middle", (0.0, -0.32, 3.72)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "End", (0.0, 0.92, 4.32)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "translation", (0.0, 0.0, 0.7)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorEuler", "rotation base", (-0.5236, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "number of leaves", 75),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise amount", 0.1),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise scale", 20.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "scale base", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "scale z base", 0.15),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "scale z top", 0.62),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "rot z base", -0.62),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "rot z top", 0.54),
+ ],
+ )
+ pineappleleaf = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pineapple_leaf().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Start": group_input.outputs["Start"],
+ "Middle": group_input.outputs["Middle"],
+ "End": group_input.outputs["End"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": pineappleleaf,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_leaf, basic_color),
+ },
+ )
+ pineapplecrown = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pineapple_crown().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Leaf": set_material_2,
+ "translation": group_input.outputs["translation"],
+ "rotation base": group_input.outputs["rotation base"],
+ "noise amount": group_input.outputs["noise amount"],
+ "noise scale": group_input.outputs["noise scale"],
+ "scale base": group_input.outputs["scale base"],
+ "scale z base": group_input.outputs["scale z base"],
+ "scale z top": group_input.outputs["scale z top"],
+ "rot z base": group_input.outputs["rot z base"],
+ "rot z top": group_input.outputs["rot z top"],
+ "number of leaves": group_input.outputs["number of leaves"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": pineapplecrown}
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/strawberry.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/strawberry.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bd0f817c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/strawberry.py
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, randint, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.general_fruit import FruitFactoryGeneralFruit
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+class FruitFactoryStrawberry(FruitFactoryGeneralFruit):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, scale=1.0, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, scale=scale, coarse=coarse)
+ self.name = "strawberry"
+ def sample_cross_section_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
+ return {
+ "cross_section_name": "circle_cross_section",
+ "cross_section_func_args": {},
+ "cross_section_input_args": {
+ "random seed": uniform(-100, 100),
+ "radius": normal(1.0, 0.02),
+ "Resolution": surface_resolution,
+ },
+ "cross_section_output_args": {},
+ }
+ def sample_shape_params(self, surface_resolution=256):
+ return {
+ "shape_name": "shape_quadratic",
+ "shape_func_args": {
+ "radius_control_points": [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.0227, 0.1313),
+ (0.2227, 0.4406),
+ (uniform(0.55, 0.7), uniform(0.7, 0.78)),
+ (0.925, 0.4719),
+ (1.0, 0.0),
+ ]
+ },
+ "shape_input_args": {
+ "Profile Curve": "noderef-crosssection-Geometry",
+ "Start": (uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(-0.5, -1.0)),
+ "End": (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ "random seed pos": uniform(-100, 100),
+ "Resolution": surface_resolution,
+ },
+ "shape_output_args": {},
+ }
+ def sample_surface_params(self):
+ main_color = np.array((0.0, 0.995, 0.85))
+ main_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
+ main_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ main_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ main_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(main_color)
+ top_color = np.array((0.15, 0.75, 0.75))
+ top_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
+ top_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ top_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ top_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(top_color)
+ return {
+ "surface_name": "strawberry_surface",
+ "surface_func_args": {
+ "top_pos": uniform(0.85, 0.95),
+ "main_color": main_color_rgba,
+ "top_color": top_color_rgba,
+ },
+ "surface_input_args": {
+ "Geometry": "noderef-shapequadratic-Mesh",
+ "spline parameter": "noderef-shapequadratic-spline parameter",
+ "Distance Min": 0.15,
+ "Strength": 1.5,
+ "noise random seed": uniform(-100, 100),
+ },
+ "surface_output_args": {
+ "strawberry seed height": "noderef-fruitsurface-curve parameters"
+ },
+ "surface_resolution": 64,
+ "scale_multiplier": 0.5,
+ }
+ def sample_stem_params(self):
+ stem_color = np.array((0.28, 0.91, 0.45))
+ stem_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
+ stem_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ stem_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ stem_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(stem_color)
+ stem_color = np.array((0.28, 0.91, 0.45))
+ stem_color[0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
+ stem_color[1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ stem_color[2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05)
+ stem_color_rgba = hsv2rgba(stem_color)
+ return {
+ "stem_name": "calyx_stem",
+ "stem_func_args": {"stem_color": stem_color_rgba},
+ "stem_input_args": {
+ "Geometry": "noderef-fruitsurface-Geometry",
+ "fork number": randint(8, 13),
+ "outer radius": uniform(0.7, 0.9),
+ "noise random seed": uniform(-100, 100),
+ "quad_mid": (
+ uniform(-0.1, 0.1),
+ uniform(-0.1, 0.1),
+ uniform(0.15, 0.2),
+ ),
+ "quad_end": (uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(0.3, 0.4)),
+ "cross_radius": uniform(0.035, 0.045),
+ "Translation": (0.0, 0.0, 0.97),
+ },
+ "stem_output_args": {},
+ }
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/apple_surface.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/apple_surface.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..49a09635e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/apple_surface.py
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.fruit_utils import nodegroup_add_dent
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+def shader_apple_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, color1, color2, random_seed):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = random_seed
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 1: value},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": add.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.2},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Z": multiply,
+ },
+ )
+ musgrave_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": combine_xyz,
+ "Scale": 10.0,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Dimension": 0.3,
+ "Lacunarity": 3.0,
+ },
+ )
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": add.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": 0.6, "Lacunarity": 1.0},
+ )
+ rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
+ rgb.outputs[0].default_value = color1 #
+ rgb_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
+ rgb_1.outputs[0].default_value = color2 #
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": musgrave_texture, "Color1": rgb, "Color2": rgb_1},
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation", input_kwargs={"Hue": 0.55, "Color": mix}
+ )
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": musgrave_texture_2,
+ "Color1": mix,
+ "Color2": hue_saturation_value,
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix_3}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_apple_surface", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_apple_surface(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ color1=(0.2881, 0.6105, 0.0709, 1.0),
+ color2=(0.7454, 0.6172, 0.0296, 1.0),
+ random_seed=0.0,
+ dent_control_points=[
+ (0.0045, 0.3719),
+ (0.0727, 0.4532),
+ (0.2273, 0.4844),
+ (0.5568, 0.5125),
+ (1.0, 0.5),
+ ],
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "spline parameter", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "spline tangent", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "distance to center", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ adddent = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_add_dent(dent_control_points=dent_control_points).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "spline parameter": group_input.outputs["spline parameter"],
+ "spline tangent": group_input.outputs["spline tangent"],
+ "distance to center": group_input.outputs["distance to center"],
+ "intensity": 1.5,
+ "max radius": 1.5,
+ },
+ )
+ adddent_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_add_dent(dent_control_points=dent_control_points).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": adddent,
+ "spline parameter": group_input.outputs["spline parameter"],
+ "spline tangent": group_input.outputs["spline tangent"],
+ "distance to center": group_input.outputs["distance to center"],
+ "bottom": True,
+ "intensity": -1.0,
+ "max radius": 1.5,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": adddent_1,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ shader_apple_shader, color1, color2, random_seed
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material}
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/blackberry_surface.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/blackberry_surface.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ad95e3e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/blackberry_surface.py
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.cross_section_lib import (
+ nodegroup_circle_cross_section,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.fruit_utils import (
+ nodegroup_instance_on_points,
+ nodegroup_point_on_mesh,
+ nodegroup_random_rotation_scale,
+ nodegroup_shape_quadratic,
+ nodegroup_surface_bump,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+def shader_berry_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, berry_color):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": berry_color, "Specular": 0.5705, "Roughness": 0.2},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+def shader_hair_shader(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": 0.8,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.7,
+ },
+ )
+ separate_rgb = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateColor,
+ input_kwargs={"Color": noise_texture.outputs["Color"]},
+ attrs={"mode": "HSV"},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_rgb.outputs["Green"],
+ 1: 0.4,
+ 2: 0.7,
+ 3: 0.48,
+ 4: 0.55,
+ },
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": separate_rgb.outputs["Blue"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.4},
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Hue": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ "Value": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color": (0.6939, 0.2307, 0.0529, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": hue_saturation_value}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_blackberry_surface", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_blackberry_surface(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, berry_color=(0.0212, 0.0212, 0.0284, 1.0)
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "spline parameter", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ surfacebump = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Displacement": 0.5,
+ "Scale": 0.5,
+ },
+ )
+ pointonmesh = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_point_on_mesh().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": surfacebump,
+ "Distance Min": 0.4,
+ "spline parameter": group_input.outputs["spline parameter"],
+ "noise amount": 0.5,
+ "noise scale": 2.0,
+ },
+ )
+ randomrotationscale = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_random_rotation_scale().name,
+ input_kwargs={"rot mean": (3.89, 0.0, 0.0)},
+ )
+ uv_sphere_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshUVSphere, input_kwargs={"Segments": 32, "Rings": 16}
+ )
+ surfacebump_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": uv_sphere_2, "Displacement": 0.5, "Scale": 0.3},
+ )
+ subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={"Mesh": surfacebump_1}
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": subdivision_surface,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ shader_berry_shader, berry_color
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ circlecrosssection_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_circle_cross_section().name,
+ input_kwargs={"noise amount": 0.0, "Resolution": 8, "radius": 0.15},
+ )
+ shapequadratic_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_shape_quadratic().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Profile Curve": circlecrosssection_1,
+ "random seed tilt": 0.0,
+ "noise scale tilt": 0.0,
+ "noise amount tilt": 0.0,
+ "noise scale pos": 1.0,
+ "noise amount pos": 2.0,
+ "Resolution": 8,
+ "Start": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Middle": (0.0, 0.0, -1.0),
+ "End": (0.0, 0.0, -2.0),
+ },
+ )
+ value_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_4.outputs[0].default_value = 0.2
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": shapequadratic_1,
+ "Translation": (0.0, 0.0, -1.0),
+ "Scale": value_4,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_3,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_hair_shader),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material, set_material_3]}
+ )
+ instanceonpoints = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_instance_on_points().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "rotation base": pointonmesh.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "rotation delta": randomrotationscale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "translation": (0.0, -0.5, 0.0),
+ "scale": randomrotationscale.outputs["Value"],
+ "Points": pointonmesh.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Instance": join_geometry,
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instanceonpoints}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances}
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/coconutgreen_surface.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/coconutgreen_surface.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..99f3cad1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/coconutgreen_surface.py
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.fruit_utils import (
+ nodegroup_add_dent,
+ nodegroup_surface_bump,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.surfaces.surface_utils import (
+ nodegroup_stripe_pattern,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+def shader_coconut_green_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, basic_color, bottom_color):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ texture_coordinate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": 1.0,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.7,
+ },
+ )
+ separate_rgb = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateColor, input_kwargs={"Color": noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_rgb.outputs["Green"],
+ 1: 0.4,
+ 2: 0.7,
+ 3: 0.48,
+ 4: 0.52,
+ },
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": separate_rgb.outputs["Blue"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.6},
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "shape_coordinate"}
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": attribute_1.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[
+ 0
+ ].color = bottom_color # (0.0908, 0.2664, 0.013, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.01
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[
+ 1
+ ].color = bottom_color # (0.0908, 0.2664, 0.013, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 1.0
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[
+ 2
+ ].color = basic_color # (0.2462, 0.4125, 0.0044, 1.0)
+ hue_saturation_value_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Hue": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ "Value": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "crosssection_coordinate"}
+ )
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_stripe_pattern().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Color": hue_saturation_value_1,
+ "attribute": attribute_2.outputs["Fac"],
+ "seed": 10.0,
+ },
+ )
+ group_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_stripe_pattern().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Color": group,
+ "attribute": attribute_1.outputs["Fac"],
+ "voronoi scale": 10.0,
+ "voronoi randomness": 0.6446,
+ "seed": -10.0,
+ "noise amount": 0.48,
+ "hue min": 1.32,
+ "hue max": 0.9,
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": group_1, "Specular": 0.4773, "Roughness": 0.4455},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_coconutgreen_surface", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_coconutgreen_surface(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ basic_color=(0.2462, 0.4125, 0.0044, 1.0),
+ bottom_color=(0.0908, 0.2664, 0.013, 1.0),
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "spline parameter", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "spline tangent", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "distance to center", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "cross section paramater", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ surfacebump = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Displacement": 0.2,
+ "Scale": 0.5,
+ },
+ )
+ surfacebump_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": surfacebump, "Displacement": 0.0, "Scale": 10.0},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["distance to center"],
+ 1: 0.05,
+ 2: 0.2,
+ 4: 0.68,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["cross section paramater"],
+ 1: map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ adddent = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_add_dent(
+ dent_control_points=[
+ (0.0, 0.4219),
+ (0.0977, 0.4469),
+ (0.2273, 0.4844),
+ (0.5568, 0.5125),
+ (1.0, 0.5),
+ ]
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": surfacebump_1,
+ "spline parameter": group_input.outputs["spline parameter"],
+ "spline tangent": group_input.outputs["spline tangent"],
+ "distance to center": group_input.outputs["distance to center"],
+ "bottom": True,
+ "intensity": multiply,
+ "max radius": 3.0,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": adddent,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ shader_coconut_green_shader, basic_color, bottom_color
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material_3}
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/coconuthairy_surface.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/coconuthairy_surface.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c65afccc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/coconuthairy_surface.py
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.fruit_utils import (
+ nodegroup_hair,
+ nodegroup_instance_on_points,
+ nodegroup_point_on_mesh,
+ nodegroup_random_rotation_scale,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+def shader_hair_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, basic_color):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": 0.5,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.7,
+ },
+ )
+ separate_rgb = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateColor, input_kwargs={"Color": noise_texture.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_rgb.outputs["Green"],
+ 1: 0.4,
+ 2: 0.7,
+ 3: 0.48,
+ 4: 0.55,
+ },
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": separate_rgb.outputs["Blue"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.4},
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Hue": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ "Value": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color": basic_color,
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": hue_saturation_value}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_coconuthairy_surface", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_coconuthairy_surface(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, basic_color=(0.9473, 0.552, 0.2623, 1.0)
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "spline parameter", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ material = nw.new_node("GeometryNodeInputMaterial")
+ material.material = surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_hair_shader, basic_color)
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Material": material,
+ },
+ )
+ pointonmesh = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_point_on_mesh().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "spline parameter": group_input.outputs["spline parameter"],
+ "Distance Min": 0.03,
+ "noise amount": 0.0,
+ "noise scale": 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ randomrotationscale = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_random_rotation_scale().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "noise scale": 100.0,
+ "rot mean": (0.47, 0.0, 4.8),
+ "rot std": 100.0,
+ "scale mean": 0.2,
+ "scale std": 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ hair = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_hair().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "length resolution": 1,
+ "cross section resolution": 1,
+ "scale": 0.3,
+ "Radius": 0.03,
+ "Material": material,
+ "Middle": (0.0, 0.3, 1.0),
+ "End": (0.0, -1.4, 2.0),
+ },
+ )
+ instanceonpoints = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_instance_on_points().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "rotation base": pointonmesh.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "rotation delta": randomrotationscale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "translation": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "scale": randomrotationscale.outputs["Value"],
+ "Points": pointonmesh.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Instance": hair,
+ },
+ )
+ pointonmesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_point_on_mesh().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "spline parameter": group_input.outputs["spline parameter"],
+ "Distance Min": 0.06,
+ "parameter min": 0.2,
+ "noise amount": 0.5,
+ "noise scale": 2.0,
+ },
+ )
+ randomrotationscale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_random_rotation_scale().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "rot mean": (1.3, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "rot std": 3.0,
+ "scale mean": 0.3,
+ "scale std": 0.5,
+ },
+ )
+ hair_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_hair().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "scale": 1.0,
+ "Material": material,
+ "Middle": (0.0, 0.5, 1.0),
+ "End": (0.0, -1.9, 2.0),
+ },
+ )
+ instanceonpoints_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_instance_on_points().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "rotation base": pointonmesh_1.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "rotation delta": randomrotationscale_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ "translation": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "scale": randomrotationscale_1.outputs["Value"],
+ "Points": pointonmesh_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Instance": hair_1,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material, instanceonpoints, instanceonpoints_1]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_2}
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/durian_surface.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/durian_surface.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..290e40bb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/durian_surface.py
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.fruit_utils import (
+ nodegroup_manhattan,
+ nodegroup_point_on_mesh,
+ nodegroup_surface_bump,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+def shader_durian_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, peak_color, base_color):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": 0.8,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.7,
+ },
+ )
+ separate_rgb = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateColor, input_kwargs={"Color": noise_texture.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_rgb.outputs["Green"],
+ 1: 0.4,
+ 2: 0.7,
+ 3: 0.48,
+ 4: 0.55,
+ },
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": separate_rgb.outputs["Blue"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.6},
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "durian thorn coordiante"}
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": attribute.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = peak_color
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.2705
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = base_color
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Hue": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ "Value": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": hue_saturation_value,
+ "Specular": 0.1205,
+ "Roughness": 0.5068,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_durian_surface", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_durian_surface(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ thorn_control_points=[(0.0, 0.0), (0.7318, 0.4344), (1.0, 1.0)],
+ peak_color=(0.2401, 0.1455, 0.0313, 1.0),
+ base_color=(0.3278, 0.3005, 0.0704, 1.0),
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "displacement", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "spline parameter", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "distance Min", 0.1),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise amount", 0.3),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise scale", 5.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ surfacebump = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Displacement": 0.5,
+ "Scale": 0.5,
+ },
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ pointonmesh = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_point_on_mesh().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": surfacebump,
+ "spline parameter": group_input.outputs["spline parameter"],
+ "Distance Min": group_input.outputs["distance Min"],
+ "noise amount": group_input.outputs["noise amount"],
+ "noise scale": group_input.outputs["noise scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ geometry_proximity = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Proximity,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": pointonmesh.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Source Position": position_1,
+ },
+ attrs={"target_element": "POINTS"},
+ )
+ manhattan = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_manhattan().name,
+ input_kwargs={"v1": geometry_proximity.outputs["Position"], "v2": position_1},
+ label="manhattan",
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["distance Min"], 1: 2.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": manhattan, 2: multiply, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0}
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], thorn_control_points)
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: normal, "Scale": float_curve},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["displacement"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": surfacebump, "Offset": scale_1.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_1, 2: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ shader_durian_shader, peak_color, base_color
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_material,
+ "distance to center": capture_attribute.outputs[2],
+ },
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/pineapple_surface.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/pineapple_surface.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..475df34f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/pineapple_surface.py
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.cross_section_lib import (
+ nodegroup_circle_cross_section,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.fruit_utils import (
+ nodegroup_instance_on_points,
+ nodegroup_point_on_mesh,
+ nodegroup_random_rotation_scale,
+ nodegroup_surface_bump,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.stem_lib import nodegroup_pineapple_leaf
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+ "nodegroup_pineapple_surface", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pineapple_surface(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ color_bottom=(0.0823, 0.0953, 0.0097, 1.0),
+ color_mid=(0.552, 0.1845, 0.0222, 1.0),
+ color_top=(0.4508, 0.0999, 0.0003, 1.0),
+ color_center=(0.8388, 0.5395, 0.314, 1.0),
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "spline parameter", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "point distance", 0.22),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "cell scale", 0.2),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "random seed", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ pointonmesh = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_point_on_mesh().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "spline parameter": group_input.outputs["spline parameter"],
+ "Distance Min": group_input.outputs["point distance"],
+ "parameter max": 0.999,
+ "noise amount": 0.05,
+ },
+ )
+ randomrotationscale = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_random_rotation_scale().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "random seed": group_input.outputs["random seed"],
+ "rot std": 0.3,
+ "scale mean": group_input.outputs["cell scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ pineapplecellbody = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pineapple_cell_body().name,
+ input_kwargs={"resolution": 16, "scale diff": -0.3},
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": pineapplecellbody.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ shader_cell, color_bottom, color_mid, color_top, color_center
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ pineappleleaf = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pineapple_leaf().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Middle": (0.0, -0.1, 1.0), "End": (0.0, 0.9, 2.5)},
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.3
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": pineappleleaf,
+ "Translation": (0.0, -0.1, 0.3),
+ "Rotation": (-1.0315, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Scale": value,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_2,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ shader_needle, color_center, color_top
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material, set_material_3]}
+ )
+ surfacebump = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry, "Displacement": 0.2, "Scale": 10.0},
+ )
+ instanceonpoints = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_instance_on_points().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "rotation base": pointonmesh.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "rotation delta": randomrotationscale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "translation": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "scale": randomrotationscale.outputs["Value"],
+ "Points": pointonmesh.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Instance": surfacebump,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ shader_cell, color_bottom, color_mid, color_top, color_center
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [instanceonpoints, set_material_1]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_1,
+ "spline parameter": pineapplecellbody.outputs["spline parameter"],
+ },
+ )
+def shader_needle(nw: NodeWrangler, color1, color2):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": 8.0,
+ "Detail": 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Color1": color1, # (0.7758, 0.4678, 0.2346, 1.0)
+ "Color2": color2,
+ },
+ ) # (0.3467, 0.0595, 0.0, 1.0)
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+def shader_cell(nw: NodeWrangler, color_bottom, color_mid, color_top, color_center):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], "Scale": 4.6},
+ )
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "radius"})
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": attribute.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[
+ 0
+ ].color = color_bottom # (0.0823, 0.0953, 0.0097, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.67
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = color_mid # (0.552, 0.1845, 0.0222, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.93
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = color_top # (0.4508, 0.0999, 0.0003, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[3].position = 1.0
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[
+ 3
+ ].color = color_center # (0.8388, 0.5395, 0.314, 1.0)
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={"Hue": 0.55, "Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"]},
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Color1": hue_saturation_value,
+ "Color2": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix, "Roughness": 0.2}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pineapple_cell_body", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pineapple_cell_body(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "resolution", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "scale diff", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["resolution"],
+ "Start": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Middle": (0.0, 0.0, 0.2),
+ "End": (0.0, 0.0, 0.4),
+ },
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": quadratic_bezier,
+ 2: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ },
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0, 1.0), (0.1568, 0.875), (0.8045, 0.5313), (1.0, 0.0)],
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Radius": float_curve,
+ },
+ )
+ circlecrosssection = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_circle_cross_section().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "noise scale": 8.0,
+ "noise amount": 0.4,
+ "Resolution": 64,
+ "radius": 1.0,
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_curve_radius, "Profile Curve": circlecrosssection},
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position_1})
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position_1, 1: group_input.outputs["scale diff"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_to_mesh,
+ "Selection": greater_than,
+ "Offset": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_1,
+ "spline parameter": capture_attribute.outputs[2],
+ },
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/starfruit_surface.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/starfruit_surface.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c27b3bbe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/starfruit_surface.py
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.fruit_utils import (
+ nodegroup_add_dent,
+ nodegroup_surface_bump,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+def shader_starfruit_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, base_color, ridge_color):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "star parameters"}
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": attribute.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = base_color
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.9
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = base_color
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.95
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = ridge_color
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[3].position = 1.0
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[3].color = base_color
+ translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TranslucentBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Specular": 0.775,
+ "Roughness": 0.2,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.7, 1: translucent_bsdf, 2: principled_bsdf},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_starfruit_surface", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_starfruit_surface(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ dent_control_points=[
+ (0.0, 0.4219),
+ (0.0977, 0.4469),
+ (0.2273, 0.4844),
+ (0.5568, 0.5125),
+ (1.0, 0.5),
+ ],
+ base_color=(0.7991, 0.6038, 0.0009, 1.0),
+ ridge_color=(0.3712, 0.4179, 0.0006, 1.0),
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "spline parameter", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "spline tangent", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "distance to center", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "dent intensity", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ adddent = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_add_dent(dent_control_points=dent_control_points).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "spline parameter": group_input.outputs["spline parameter"],
+ "spline tangent": group_input.outputs["spline tangent"],
+ "distance to center": group_input.outputs["distance to center"],
+ "intensity": group_input.outputs["dent intensity"],
+ },
+ )
+ surfacebump_002 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": adddent, "Displacement": 0.03, "Scale": 10.0},
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": surfacebump_002,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ shader_starfruit_shader, base_color, ridge_color
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material}
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/strawberry_surface.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/strawberry_surface.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..392f3f2f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/strawberry_surface.py
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.fruit_utils import (
+ nodegroup_add_crater,
+ nodegroup_add_noise_scalar,
+ nodegroup_instance_on_points,
+ nodegroup_point_on_mesh,
+ nodegroup_random_rotation_scale,
+ nodegroup_surface_bump,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.seed_lib import nodegroup_strawberry_seed
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+def shader_strawberry_shader(nw: NodeWrangler, top_pos, main_color, top_color):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], "Scale": 0.5},
+ )
+ attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "strawberry seed height"}
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": attribute.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = main_color
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = top_pos
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = main_color
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 1.0
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].color = top_color
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Hue": 0.55,
+ "Saturation": 1.5,
+ "Value": 0.2,
+ "Fac": 0.3,
+ "Color": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Color1": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": hue_saturation_value,
+ },
+ )
+ translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslucentBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": mix})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix, "Specular": 1.0, "Roughness": 0.15},
+ )
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.8, 1: translucent_bsdf, 2: principled_bsdf},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_strawberry_surface", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_strawberry_surface(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ top_pos=0.9,
+ main_color=(0.8879, 0.0097, 0.0319, 1.0),
+ top_color=(0.8148, 0.6105, 0.1746, 1.0),
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ strawberryseed = nw.new_node(nodegroup_strawberry_seed().name)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "spline parameter", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Distance Min", 0.12),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Strength", 0.74),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise random seed", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ surfacebump = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Displacement": 0.4,
+ "Scale": 0.5,
+ },
+ )
+ addnoisescalar = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_add_noise_scalar().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "noise random seed": group_input.outputs["noise random seed"],
+ "value": group_input.outputs["spline parameter"],
+ "noise amount": 0.2,
+ },
+ )
+ pointonmesh = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_point_on_mesh().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": surfacebump,
+ "spline parameter": addnoisescalar,
+ "Distance Min": group_input.outputs["Distance Min"],
+ "parameter max": top_pos,
+ "noise amount": 0.1,
+ "noise scale": 2.0,
+ },
+ )
+ addcrater = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_add_crater().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": surfacebump,
+ "Points": pointonmesh.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Strength": group_input.outputs["Strength"],
+ },
+ )
+ surfacebump_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": addcrater, "Displacement": 0.03, "Scale": 20.0},
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": surfacebump_1,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ shader_strawberry_shader, top_pos, main_color, top_color
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ randomrotationscale = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_random_rotation_scale().name,
+ input_kwargs={"rot mean": (-1.571, 0.0, 0.0), "scale mean": 0.08},
+ )
+ instanceonpoints = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_instance_on_points().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "rotation base": pointonmesh.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "rotation delta": randomrotationscale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "translation": (0.0, 0.3, 0.0),
+ "scale": randomrotationscale.outputs["Value"],
+ "Points": pointonmesh.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Instance": strawberryseed,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material, instanceonpoints]}
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": realize_instances,
+ "curve parameters": addnoisescalar,
+ },
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/surface_utils.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/surface_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..439ea009d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/fruits/surfaces/surface_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+ "nodegroup_stripe_pattern", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_stripe_pattern(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketColor", "Color", (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "attribute", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "voronoi scale", 50.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "voronoi randomness", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "seed", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise scale", 10.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise amount", 1.4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "hue min", 0.6),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "hue max", 1.085),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["seed"],
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["noise scale"],
+ "Detail": 1.0,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["noise amount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": group_input.outputs["attribute"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["voronoi scale"],
+ "Randomness": group_input.outputs["voronoi randomness"],
+ },
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "1D"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": add_1,
+ 3: group_input.outputs["hue min"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["hue max"],
+ },
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color": group_input.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Color": hue_saturation_value}
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/grassland/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/grassland/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/grassland/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/grassland/__init__.py
index 93856183c..c6019dea2 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/grassland/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/grassland/__init__.py
@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
from .dandelion import DandelionFactory, DandelionSeedFactory
+from .flower import FlowerFactory
from .flowerplant import FlowerPlantFactory
from .grass_tuft import GrassTuftFactory
-from .flower import FlowerFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/grassland/dandelion.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/grassland/dandelion.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..508bdb798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/grassland/dandelion.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1012 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61Sk8j1Ml9c by BradleyAnimation
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, randint, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials import simple_brownish, simple_greenery, simple_whitish
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_nodegroup, tag_object
+ "nodegroup_pedal_stem_head_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pedal_stem_head_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Translation", (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius", 0.04),
+ ],
+ )
+ uv_sphere_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
+ input_kwargs={"Segments": 64, "Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"]},
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": uv_sphere_1,
+ "Translation": group_input.outputs["Translation"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_1,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ simple_brownish.shader_simple_brown
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pedal_stem_end_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pedal_stem_end_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Points", None)]
+ )
+ endpoint_selection = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurveEndpointSelection", input_kwargs={"End Size": 0}
+ )
+ uv_sphere = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshUVSphere, input_kwargs={"Segments": 64, "Radius": 0.04}
+ )
+ vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector)
+ vector.vector = (uniform(0.45, 0.7), uniform(0.45, 0.7), uniform(2, 3))
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": uv_sphere, "Scale": vector}
+ )
+ cone = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCone", input_kwargs={"Radius Bottom": 0.0040, "Depth": 0.0040}
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, input_kwargs={"Vector": normal}, attrs={"axis": "Z"}
+ )
+ instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": transform,
+ "Instance": cone.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector_1,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [instance_on_points_1, transform]}
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ simple_brownish.shader_simple_brown
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material}
+ )
+ curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
+ align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": curve_tangent},
+ attrs={"axis": "Z"},
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": group_input.outputs["Points"],
+ "Selection": endpoint_selection,
+ "Instance": geometry_to_instance,
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector,
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instance_on_points}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pedal_stem_branch_shape", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pedal_stem_branch_shape(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ pedal_stem_branches_num = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Integer, label="pedal_stem_branches_num"
+ )
+ pedal_stem_branches_num.integer = 40
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius", 0.0100)]
+ )
+ curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": pedal_stem_branches_num,
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"],
+ },
+ )
+ pedal_stem_branch_length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Value, label="pedal_stem_branch_length"
+ )
+ pedal_stem_branch_length.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5000
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": pedal_stem_branch_length}
+ )
+ curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": combine_xyz_1})
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line_1, "Count": 40}
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0000, 0.0000),
+ (0.2, 0.08 * np.random.normal(1.0, 0.15)),
+ (0.4, 0.22 * np.random.normal(1.0, 0.2)),
+ (0.6, 0.45 * np.random.normal(1.0, 0.2)),
+ (0.8, 0.7 * np.random.normal(1.0, 0.1)),
+ (1.0000, 1.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: uniform(0.15, 0.4)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": resample_curve, "Offset": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, input_kwargs={"Vector": normal}
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Instance": set_position,
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector,
+ },
+ )
+ random_value_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.2000, 3: 0.2000, "Seed": 2}
+ )
+ random_value_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.2000, 3: 0.2000, "Seed": 1}
+ )
+ random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.2000, 3: 0.2000})
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": random_value_1.outputs[1],
+ "Y": random_value_2.outputs[1],
+ "Z": random_value.outputs[1],
+ },
+ )
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": instance_on_points, "Rotation": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: 0.8000})
+ scale_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": rotate_instances,
+ "Scale": random_value_3.outputs[1],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": scale_instances},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pedal_stem_branch_contour", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pedal_stem_branch_contour(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"]},
+ )
+ pedal_stem_branch_rsample = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Value, label="pedal_stem_branch_rsample"
+ )
+ pedal_stem_branch_rsample.outputs[0].default_value = 10.0
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": realize_instances, "Count": pedal_stem_branch_rsample},
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": resample_curve, 5: index},
+ attrs={"domain": "CURVE", "data_type": "INT"},
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ # generate pedal branch contour
+ dist = uniform(-0.05, -0.25)
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.2, 0.2 + (dist + normal(0, 0.05)) / 2.0),
+ (0.4, 0.4 + (dist + normal(0, 0.05))),
+ (0.6, 0.6 + (dist + normal(0, 0.05)) / 1.2),
+ (0.8, 0.8 + (dist + normal(0, 0.05)) / 2.4),
+ (1.0, 0.95 + normal(0, 0.05)),
+ ],
+ )
+ random_value = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={2: 0.05, 3: 0.35, "ID": capture_attribute.outputs[5]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: random_value.outputs[1]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pedal_stem_branch_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pedal_stem_branch_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Translation", (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ set_curve_radius_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"], "Radius": 1.0},
+ )
+ curve_circle_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={"Radius": uniform(0.001, 0.0025), "Resolution": 4},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius_1,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle_2.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_to_mesh_1,
+ "Translation": group_input.outputs["Translation"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_2}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pedal_stem_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pedal_stem_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "End", (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Middle", (0.0, 0.0, 0.5)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius", 0.05),
+ ],
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Middle": group_input.outputs["Middle"],
+ "End": group_input.outputs["End"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": quadratic_bezier,
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": 0.2, "Resolution": 8}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_to_mesh,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ simple_whitish.shader_simple_white
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material_2, "Curve": quadratic_bezier},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pedal_selection", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pedal_selection(nw: NodeWrangler, params):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={5: 1})
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: params["random_dropout"], 1: random_value.outputs[1]},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "num_segments", 0.5)]
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index_1, 1: group_input.outputs["num_segments"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: params["row_less_than"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ greater_than_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: params["row_great_than"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ op_and = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: greater_than_1}
+ )
+ modulo = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index_1, 1: group_input.outputs["num_segments"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MODULO"},
+ )
+ less_than_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: modulo, 1: params["col_less_than"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ greater_than_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: modulo, 1: params["col_great_than"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ op_and_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: less_than_1, 1: greater_than_2}
+ )
+ nand = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: op_and, 1: op_and_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "NAND"},
+ )
+ op_and_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: nand})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Boolean": op_and_2})
+ "nodegroup_stem_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_stem_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None)]
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(0.2, 0.4)
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: 0.4, 4: value},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Radius": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ stem_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="stem_radius")
+ stem_radius.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(0.01, 0.024)
+ curve_circle_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": stem_radius}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius_2,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle_3.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_to_mesh_2,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ simple_greenery.shader_simple_greenery
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": tag_nodegroup(nw, set_material, "stem")},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pedal_stem", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pedal_stem(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ pedal_stem_top_point = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label="pedal_stem_top_point")
+ pedal_stem_top_point.vector = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ pedal_stem_mid_point = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label="pedal_stem_mid_point")
+ pedal_stem_mid_point.vector = (normal(0, 0.05), normal(0, 0.05), 0.5)
+ pedal_stem_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="pedal_stem_radius")
+ pedal_stem_radius.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(0.02, 0.045)
+ pedal_stem_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pedal_stem_geometry().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "End": pedal_stem_top_point,
+ "Middle": pedal_stem_mid_point,
+ "Radius": pedal_stem_radius,
+ },
+ )
+ pedal_stem_top_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="pedal_stem_top_radius")
+ pedal_stem_top_radius.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(0.005, 0.008)
+ pedal_stem_branch_shape = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pedal_stem_branch_shape().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Radius": pedal_stem_top_radius},
+ )
+ pedal_stem_branch_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pedal_stem_branch_geometry().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": pedal_stem_branch_shape,
+ "Translation": pedal_stem_top_point,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": pedal_stem_branch_geometry,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ simple_whitish.shader_simple_white
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": pedal_stem_geometry.outputs["Curve"]},
+ )
+ pedal_stem_end_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pedal_stem_end_geometry().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Points": resample_curve},
+ )
+ pedal_stem_head_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pedal_stem_head_geometry().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Translation": pedal_stem_top_point,
+ "Radius": pedal_stem_top_radius,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ pedal_stem_geometry.outputs["Geometry"],
+ set_material_3,
+ pedal_stem_end_geometry,
+ pedal_stem_head_geometry,
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_flower_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_flower_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler, params):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ num_core_segments = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Integer, label="num_core_segments", attrs={"integer": 10}
+ )
+ num_core_segments.integer = randint(8, 25)
+ num_core_rings = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Integer, label="num_core_rings", attrs={"integer": 10}
+ )
+ num_core_rings.integer = randint(8, 20)
+ uv_sphere_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Segments": num_core_segments,
+ "Rings": num_core_rings,
+ "Radius": uniform(0.02, 0.05),
+ },
+ )
+ flower_core_shape = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label="flower_core_shape")
+ flower_core_shape.vector = (uniform(0.8, 1.2), uniform(0.8, 1.2), uniform(0.5, 0.8))
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": uv_sphere_2, "Scale": flower_core_shape},
+ )
+ selection_params = {
+ "random_dropout": params["random_dropout"],
+ "row_less_than": int(params["row_less_than"] * num_core_rings.integer),
+ "row_great_than": int(params["row_great_than"] * num_core_rings.integer),
+ "col_less_than": int(params["col_less_than"] * num_core_segments.integer),
+ "col_great_than": int(params["col_less_than"] * num_core_segments.integer),
+ }
+ pedal_selection = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pedal_selection(params=selection_params).name,
+ input_kwargs={"num_segments": num_core_segments},
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Instance", None)]
+ )
+ normal_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, input_kwargs={"Vector": normal_1}, attrs={"axis": "Z"}
+ )
+ random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: 0.4, 3: 0.7})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: random_value_1.outputs[1]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": transform,
+ "Selection": pedal_selection,
+ "Instance": group_input.outputs["Instance"],
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector_1,
+ "Scale": multiply,
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instance_on_points_1}
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ simple_whitish.shader_simple_white
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [realize_instances_1, set_material]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": tag_nodegroup(nw, join_geometry_1, "flower")},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_flower_on_stem", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_flower_on_stem(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Points", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Instance", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ endpoint_selection = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurveEndpointSelection", input_kwargs={"Start Size": 0}
+ )
+ curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
+ align_euler_to_vector_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": curve_tangent},
+ attrs={"axis": "Z"},
+ )
+ instance_on_points_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": group_input.outputs["Points"],
+ "Selection": endpoint_selection,
+ "Instance": group_input.outputs["Instance"],
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector_2,
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instance_on_points_2}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Instances": realize_instances_2}
+ )
+def geometry_dandelion_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Middle": (normal(0, 0.1), normal(0, 0.1), 0.5),
+ "End": (normal(0, 0.1), normal(0, 0.1), 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": quadratic_bezier_1}
+ )
+ pedal_stem = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_stem().name)
+ geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": pedal_stem}
+ )
+ flower_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_flower_geometry(kwargs).name,
+ input_kwargs={"Instance": geometry_to_instance},
+ )
+ geometry_to_instance_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": flower_geometry}
+ )
+ value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_2.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(-0.15, -0.5)
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry_to_instance_1, "Scale": value_2},
+ )
+ flower_on_stem = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_flower_on_stem().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Points": resample_curve, "Instance": transform_3},
+ )
+ stem_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_stem_geometry().name, input_kwargs={"Curve": quadratic_bezier_1}
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [flower_on_stem, stem_geometry]}
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_2}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances}
+ )
+def geometry_dandelion_seed_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ pedal_stem = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_stem().name)
+ geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": pedal_stem}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry_to_instance}
+ )
+class DandelionFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(DandelionFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.flower_mode = [
+ "full_flower",
+ "no_flower",
+ "top_half_flower",
+ "top_missing_flower",
+ "sparse_flower",
+ ]
+ self.flower_mode_pb = [0.4, 0.04, 0.23, 0.13, 0.2]
+ def get_mode_params(self, mode):
+ if mode == "full_flower":
+ # generate a flower with full seeds
+ return {
+ "random_dropout": uniform(0.5, 1.0),
+ "row_less_than": 0.0,
+ "row_great_than": 0.0,
+ "col_less_than": 0.0,
+ "col_great_than": 0.0,
+ }
+ elif mode == "no_flower":
+ # generate a flower with no seeds
+ return {
+ "random_dropout": 0.0,
+ "row_less_than": 1.0,
+ "row_great_than": 0.0,
+ "col_less_than": 1.0,
+ "col_great_than": 0.0,
+ }
+ elif mode == "top_half_flower":
+ # generate a flower with no seeds at bottom half
+ return {
+ "random_dropout": uniform(0.6, 1.0),
+ "row_less_than": uniform(0.3, 0.5),
+ "row_great_than": 0.0,
+ "col_less_than": 1.0,
+ "col_great_than": 0.0,
+ }
+ elif mode == "top_missing_flower":
+ # generate a flower with no seeds at bottom half
+ col = uniform(0.3, 1.0)
+ return {
+ "random_dropout": uniform(0.5, 0.9),
+ "row_less_than": 1.0,
+ "row_great_than": uniform(0.5, 0.7),
+ "col_less_than": col,
+ "col_great_than": col - uniform(0.2, 0.4),
+ }
+ elif mode == "sparse_flower":
+ # generate a flower with no seeds at bottom half
+ return {
+ "random_dropout": uniform(0.3, 0.5),
+ "row_less_than": 0.0,
+ "row_great_than": 0.0,
+ "col_less_than": 0.0,
+ "col_great_than": 0.0,
+ }
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ mode = np.random.choice(self.flower_mode, p=self.flower_mode_pb)
+ params = self.get_mode_params(mode)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geometry_dandelion_nodes,
+ apply=True,
+ attributes=[],
+ input_kwargs=params,
+ )
+ tag_object(obj, "dandelion")
+ return obj
+class DandelionSeedFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(DandelionSeedFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geometry_dandelion_seed_nodes,
+ apply=True,
+ attributes=[],
+ input_kwargs=params,
+ )
+ tag_object(obj, "seed")
+ return obj
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ f = DandelionSeedFactory(0)
+ obj = f.create_asset()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/grassland/flower.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/grassland/flower.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a185f240f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/grassland/flower.py
@@ -0,0 +1,956 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick, Alejandro Newell
+# Code generated using version v2.0.1 of the node_transpiler
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_nodegroup, tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util import color
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, dict_lerp
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_polar_to_cart_old", singleton=True)
+def nodegroup_polar_to_cart_old(nw):
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Addend", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Vector", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ cosine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "COSINE"},
+ )
+ sine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SINE"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": cosine, "Z": sine})
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: combine_xyz_4,
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Addend"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply_add.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_follow_curve", singleton=True)
+def nodegroup_follow_curve(nw):
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Curve Min", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Curve Max", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 1: position},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]},
+ )
+ attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"],
+ 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["Curve Min"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["Curve Max"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLength, input_kwargs={"Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: curve_length},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ sample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curves": group_input.outputs["Curve"], "Length": multiply},
+ attrs={"mode": "LENGTH"},
+ )
+ cross_product = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: sample_curve.outputs["Tangent"],
+ 1: sample_curve.outputs["Normal"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "CROSS_PRODUCT"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: cross_product.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: sample_curve.outputs["Normal"],
+ "Scale": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale_1.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Position": sample_curve.outputs["Position"],
+ "Offset": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_norm_index", singleton=True)
+def nodegroup_norm_index(nw):
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketInt", "Count", 0)]
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["Count"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"T": divide})
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_flower_petal", singleton=True)
+def nodegroup_flower_petal(nw):
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Length", 0.2),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Point", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Point height", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Bevel", 6.8),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Base width", 0.2),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Upper width", 0.3),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution H", 8),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution V", 4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wrinkle", 0.1),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Curl", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Resolution H"], 1: 2.0, 2: 1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ grid = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshGrid,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vertices X": group_input.outputs["Resolution V"],
+ "Vertices Y": multiply_add,
+ },
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": grid, 1: position},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: 0.05},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply, "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]}
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": combine_xyz,
+ "Scale": 7.9,
+ "Detail": 0.0,
+ "Distortion": 0.2,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "2D"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: -0.5}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add, 1: group_input.outputs["Wrinkle"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]})
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: 2.0}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ power = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Bevel"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "POWER"},
+ )
+ multiply_add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: power, 1: -1.0, 2: 1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: multiply_add_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: multiply_3,
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Upper width"],
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Base width"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply_add_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ power_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: group_input.outputs["Point"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "POWER"},
+ )
+ multiply_add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: power_1, 1: -1.0, 2: 1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_add_3, 1: group_input.outputs["Point height"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_add_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Point height"], 1: -1.0, 2: 1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_5, 1: multiply_add_4})
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: multiply_add_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: multiply_6},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": multiply_1, "Y": multiply_4, "Z": multiply_7},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Position": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Length"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_8})
+ reroute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Curl"]}
+ )
+ group_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_polar_to_cart_old().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Addend": combine_xyz_3, "Value": reroute, "Vector": multiply_8},
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 8,
+ "Start": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Middle": combine_xyz_3,
+ "End": group_1,
+ },
+ )
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_follow_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "Curve": quadratic_bezier,
+ "Curve Min": 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": tag_nodegroup(nw, group, "petal")}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_phyllo_points", singleton=True)
+def nodegroup_phyllo_points(nw):
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Count", 50),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Min Radius", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Max Radius", 2.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Radius exp", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Min angle", -0.5236),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Max angle", 0.7854),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Min z", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Max z", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Clamp z", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Yaw offset", -1.5708),
+ ],
+ )
+ mesh_line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshLine, input_kwargs={"Count": group_input.outputs["Count"]}
+ )
+ mesh_to_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToPoints, input_kwargs={"Mesh": mesh_line})
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": mesh_to_points, 1: position},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ cosine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index}, attrs={"operation": "COSINE"}
+ )
+ sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index}, attrs={"operation": "SINE"})
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": cosine, "Y": sine})
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["Count"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ power = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: group_input.outputs["Radius exp"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "POWER"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": power,
+ 3: group_input.outputs["Min Radius"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["Max Radius"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": divide,
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Clamp z"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["Min z"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["Max z"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Z": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Position": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": divide,
+ 3: group_input.outputs["Min angle"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["Max angle"],
+ },
+ )
+ random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.1, 3: 0.1})
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["Yaw offset"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": map_range_3.outputs["Result"],
+ "Y": random_value.outputs[1],
+ "Z": add,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Points": set_position, "Rotation": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_plant_seed", singleton=True)
+def nodegroup_plant_seed(nw):
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Dimensions", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketIntUnsigned", "U", 4),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "V", 8),
+ ],
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Dimensions"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"]}
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["U"],
+ "Start": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Middle": multiply_add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "End": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_norm_index().name, input_kwargs={"Count": group_input.outputs["U"]}
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": group})
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0), (0.3159, 0.4469), (1.0, 0.0156)]
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": float_curve, 4: 3.0})
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": quadratic_bezier_1,
+ "Radius": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["V"],
+ "Radius": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": tag_nodegroup(nw, curve_to_mesh, "seed")},
+ )
+def shader_flower_center(nw):
+ ambient_occlusion = nw.new_node(Nodes.AmbientOcclusion)
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": ambient_occlusion.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(1)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4841
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0127, 0.0075, 0.0026, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.8591
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0848, 0.0066, 0.0007, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 1.0
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (1.0, 0.6228, 0.1069, 1.0)
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+def shader_petal(nw):
+ translucent_color_change = uniform(0.1, 0.6)
+ specular = normal(0.6, 0.1)
+ roughness = normal(0.4, 0.05)
+ translucent_amt = normal(0.3, 0.05)
+ petal_color = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
+ petal_color.outputs[0].default_value = color.color_category("petal")
+ translucent_color = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ [translucent_color_change, petal_color, color.color_category("petal")],
+ )
+ translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TranslucentBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": translucent_color}
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": petal_color,
+ "Specular": specular,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": translucent_amt, 1: principled_bsdf, 2: translucent_bsdf},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader}
+ )
+def geo_flower(nw, petal_material, center_material):
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Center Rad", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Petal Dims", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Seed Size", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Min Petal Angle", 0.1),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Max Petal Angle", 1.36),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wrinkle", 0.01),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Curl", 13.89),
+ ],
+ )
+ uv_sphere = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Segments": 8,
+ "Rings": 8,
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["Center Rad"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": uv_sphere, "Scale": (1.0, 1.0, 0.05)}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Seed Size"], 1: 1.5},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ distribute_points_on_faces = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": transform,
+ "Distance Min": multiply,
+ "Density Max": 50000.0,
+ },
+ attrs={"distribute_method": "POISSON"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Seed Size"], 1: 10.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": multiply_1, "Y": group_input.outputs["Seed Size"]},
+ )
+ group_3 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_plant_seed().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Dimensions": combine_xyz, "U": 6, "V": 6},
+ )
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"W": 13.8, "Scale": 2.41},
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": musgrave_texture, 3: 0.34, 4: 1.21}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": map_range.outputs["Result"], "Y": 1.0, "Z": 1.0},
+ )
+ instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": distribute_points_on_faces.outputs["Points"],
+ "Instance": group_3,
+ "Rotation": (0.0, -1.5708, 0.0541),
+ "Scale": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instance_on_points_1}
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [realize_instances, transform]}
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1, "Material": center_material},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Center Rad"], 1: 6.2832},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Petal Dims"]}
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: 1.2}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ reroute_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Center Rad"]}
+ )
+ reroute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Min Petal Angle"]}
+ )
+ reroute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Max Petal Angle"]}
+ )
+ group_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_phyllo_points().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Count": multiply_3,
+ "Min Radius": reroute_3,
+ "Max Radius": reroute_3,
+ "Radius exp": 0.0,
+ "Min angle": reroute_1,
+ "Max angle": reroute,
+ "Max z": 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ reroute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Wrinkle"]}
+ )
+ reroute_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Curl"]}
+ )
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_flower_petal().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Length": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Point": 0.56,
+ "Point height": -0.1,
+ "Bevel": 1.83,
+ "Base width": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Upper width": subtract,
+ "Resolution H": 8,
+ "Resolution V": 16,
+ "Wrinkle": reroute_2,
+ "Curl": reroute_4,
+ },
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": group_1.outputs["Points"],
+ "Instance": group,
+ "Rotation": group_1.outputs["Rotation"],
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instance_on_points}
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": 3.73, "Detail": 5.41, "Distortion": -1.0},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.025
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: value},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": realize_instances_1,
+ "Offset": multiply_4.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, "Material": petal_material},
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material_1, set_material]}
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry, "Shade Smooth": False},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_shade_smooth}
+ )
+class FlowerFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, rad=0.15, diversity_fac=0.25):
+ super(FlowerFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed=factory_seed)
+ self.rad = rad
+ self.diversity_fac = diversity_fac
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.petal_material = surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_petal)
+ self.center_material = surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_flower_center)
+ self.species_params = self.get_flower_params(self.rad)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_flower_params(overall_rad=0.05):
+ pct_inner = uniform(0.05, 0.4)
+ base_width = 2 * np.pi * overall_rad * pct_inner / normal(20, 5)
+ top_width = overall_rad * np.clip(normal(0.7, 0.3), base_width * 1.2, 100)
+ min_angle, max_angle = np.deg2rad(np.sort(uniform(-20, 100, 2)))
+ return {
+ "Center Rad": overall_rad * pct_inner,
+ "Petal Dims": np.array(
+ [overall_rad * (1 - pct_inner), base_width, top_width], dtype=np.float32
+ ),
+ "Seed Size": uniform(0.005, 0.01),
+ "Min Petal Angle": min_angle,
+ "Max Petal Angle": max_angle,
+ "Wrinkle": uniform(0.003, 0.02),
+ "Curl": np.deg2rad(normal(30, 50)),
+ }
+ def create_asset(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ vert = butil.spawn_vert("flower")
+ mod = surface.add_geomod(
+ vert,
+ geo_flower,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "petal_material": self.petal_material,
+ "center_material": self.center_material,
+ },
+ )
+ inst_params = self.get_flower_params(self.rad * normal(1, 0.05))
+ params = dict_lerp(self.species_params, inst_params, 0.25)
+ butil.set_geomod_inputs(mod, params)
+ butil.apply_modifiers(vert, mod=mod)
+ vert.rotation_euler.z = uniform(0, 360)
+ tag_object(vert, "flower")
+ return vert
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/grassland/flowerplant.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/grassland/flowerplant.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a9e76be28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/grassland/flowerplant.py
@@ -0,0 +1,868 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, randint, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials import simple_greenery
+from infinigen.assets.objects.grassland import flower as Flower
+from infinigen.assets.objects.small_plants import leaf_general as Leaf
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_nodegroup, tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+ "nodegroup_stem_branch_leaf_s_r", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_stem_branch_leaf_s_r(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: 0.2, 3: 0.7})
+ curve_tangent_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
+ align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": curve_tangent_1},
+ attrs={"axis": "Z"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": random_value.outputs[1],
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector_1,
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_stem_branch_leaf_selection", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_stem_branch_leaf_selection(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.interpolation = "CONSTANT"
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.20
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.80
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ integer = randint(10, 30, size=(1,))[0]
+ random_value_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={5: integer}, attrs={"data_type": "INT"}
+ )
+ op_not = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: random_value_3.outputs[2]},
+ attrs={"operation": "NOT"},
+ )
+ op_and = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 1: op_not}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Boolean": op_and})
+ "nodegroup_stem_branch_leaves", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_stem_branch_leaves(nw: NodeWrangler, leaves):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None)]
+ )
+ resample_curve_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"], "Count": 100},
+ )
+ stembranchleafselection = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_branch_leaf_selection().name)
+ leaf_id = randint(0, len(leaves), size=(1,))[0]
+ leaf = leaves[leaf_id]
+ object_info_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={"Object": leaf})
+ stembranchleafsr = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_branch_leaf_s_r().name)
+ instance_on_points_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": resample_curve_3,
+ "Selection": stembranchleafselection,
+ "Instance": object_info_2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Rotation": stembranchleafsr.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "Scale": stembranchleafsr.outputs["Value"],
+ },
+ )
+ random_value_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={"Max": (0.6, 0.6, 6.28), "Seed": 30},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ rotate_instances_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": instance_on_points_4,
+ "Rotation": random_value_3.outputs["Value"],
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": rotate_instances_2}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Instances": realize_instances}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_stem_branch_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_stem_branch_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None)]
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0)
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Radius": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ r = uniform(0.015, 0.022, size=(1,))[0]
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Resolution": 10, "Radius": r}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Mesh": curve_to_mesh})
+ "nodegroup_stem_branch_rotation", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_stem_branch_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ bounding_box = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: bounding_box.outputs["Max"], 1: (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": index, 2: 20.0})
+ curvature = uniform(-0.5, 0.5, (1,))[0]
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (0.1, curvature / 5.0 + 0.5),
+ (0.25, curvature / 2.5 + 0.5),
+ (0.45, curvature / 1.5 + 0.5),
+ (0.6, curvature / 1.2 + 0.5),
+ (1.0, curvature + 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: -0.5})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 1.0}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position,
+ "Center": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Angle": multiply_1,
+ },
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "X_AXIS"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_rotate}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_stem_leaf_s_r", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_stem_leaf_s_r(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: 0.3, 3: 0.6})
+ curve_tangent_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
+ align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": curve_tangent_1},
+ attrs={"axis": "Z"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": random_value.outputs[1],
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector_1,
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_stem_leaf_selection", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_stem_leaf_selection(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.interpolation = "CONSTANT"
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.30
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.85
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ integer = randint(5, 15, size=(1,))[0]
+ random_value_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={5: integer}, attrs={"data_type": "INT"}
+ )
+ op_not = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: random_value_3.outputs[2]},
+ attrs={"operation": "NOT"},
+ )
+ op_and = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 1: op_not}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Boolean": op_and})
+ "nodegroup_stem_branch", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_stem_branch(nw: NodeWrangler, flowers, leaves):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ curve_line_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine)
+ resample_curve_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line_2, "Count": 20}
+ )
+ stembranchrotation = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_branch_rotation().name)
+ set_position_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": resample_curve_4, "Position": stembranchrotation},
+ )
+ branchflowersetting = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_branch_flower_setting(flowers=flowers).name
+ )
+ instance_on_points_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": set_position_2,
+ "Selection": branchflowersetting.outputs["Selection"],
+ "Instance": branchflowersetting.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Rotation": branchflowersetting.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "Scale": branchflowersetting.outputs["Value"],
+ },
+ )
+ random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: 0.4, 3: 0.7})
+ scale_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": instance_on_points_3,
+ "Scale": random_value.outputs[1],
+ },
+ )
+ stembranchgeometry = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_stem_branch_geometry().name, input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position_2}
+ )
+ stembranchleaves = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_stem_branch_leaves(leaves=leaves).name,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position_2},
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [stembranchgeometry, stembranchleaves]},
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_1,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ simple_greenery.shader_simple_greenery
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": scale_instances}
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [realize_instances, join_geometry_1]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_2}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_stem_branch_selection", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_stem_branch_selection(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.interpolation = "CONSTANT"
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.50
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.80
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ seed = randint(0, 10000, size=(1,))[0]
+ threshold = uniform(0.05, 0.1, size=(1,))[0]
+ random_value = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={"Min": 0.0, "Max": 1.0, "Seed": seed}
+ )
+ less_equal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={0: random_value, 1: threshold},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_EQUAL"},
+ )
+ op_and = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 1: less_equal}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Boolean": op_and})
+ "nodegroup_stem_leaves", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_stem_leaves(nw: NodeWrangler, leaves):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None)]
+ )
+ stemleafselection = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_leaf_selection().name)
+ leaf_id = randint(0, len(leaves), size=(1,))[0]
+ leaf = leaves[leaf_id]
+ object_info_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={"Object": leaf})
+ stemleafsr = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_leaf_s_r().name)
+ instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": group_input.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Selection": stemleafselection,
+ "Instance": object_info_2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Rotation": stemleafsr.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "Scale": stemleafsr.outputs["Value"],
+ },
+ )
+ random_value_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={"Max": (0.5, 0.5, 6.28), "Seed": 30},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": instance_on_points_1,
+ "Rotation": random_value_2.outputs["Value"],
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": rotate_instances}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Instances": realize_instances}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_main_flower_setting", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_main_flower_setting(nw: NodeWrangler, flowers):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ flower_id = randint(0, len(flowers), size=(1,))[0]
+ scale = uniform(0.25, 0.45, size=(1,))[0]
+ flower = flowers[flower_id]
+ object_info_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={"Object": flower})
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": object_info_2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Scale": (scale, scale, scale),
+ },
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
+ endpoint_selection = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurveEndpointSelection", input_kwargs={"Start Size": 0}
+ )
+ curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
+ align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": curve_tangent},
+ attrs={"axis": "Z"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform,
+ "Value": value,
+ "Selection": endpoint_selection,
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector,
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_branch_flower_setting", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_branch_flower_setting(nw: NodeWrangler, flowers):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ flower_id = randint(0, len(flowers), size=(1,))[0]
+ scale = uniform(0.4, 0.6, size=(1,))[0]
+ flower = flowers[flower_id]
+ object_info_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={"Object": flower})
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": object_info_2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Scale": (scale, scale, scale),
+ },
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
+ endpoint_selection = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurveEndpointSelection", input_kwargs={"Start Size": 0}
+ )
+ curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
+ align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": curve_tangent},
+ attrs={"axis": "Z"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform,
+ "Value": value,
+ "Selection": endpoint_selection,
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector,
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_stem_rotation", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_stem_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ bounding_box = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: bounding_box.outputs["Max"], 1: (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": index, 2: 20.0})
+ curvature = np.clip(np.abs(normal(0, 0.4, (1,))[0]), 0.0, 0.8)
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.1, curvature / 5.0),
+ (0.25, curvature / 2.5),
+ (0.45, curvature / 1.5),
+ (0.6, curvature / 1.2),
+ (1.0, curvature),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: 1.2},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position,
+ "Center": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Angle": multiply_2,
+ },
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "X_AXIS"},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 0.3})
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: (-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), 1: noise_texture.outputs["Color"]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Rotation": vector_rotate, "Noise": add_1.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_stem_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_stem_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None)]
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0)
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Radius": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ rad = uniform(0.01, 0.02, size=(1,))[0]
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Resolution": 10, "Radius": rad}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": tag_nodegroup(nw, curve_to_mesh, "stem")},
+ )
+def geo_flowerplant(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ leaves = kwargs["leaves"]
+ flowers = kwargs["flowers"]
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine)
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line, "Count": 20}
+ )
+ stemrotation = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_stem_rotation().name, input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_line}
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": resample_curve,
+ "Position": stemrotation.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "Offset": stemrotation.outputs["Noise"],
+ },
+ )
+ stemgeometry = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_stem_geometry().name, input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position}
+ )
+ mainflowersetting = nw.new_node(nodegroup_main_flower_setting(flowers=flowers).name)
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": set_position,
+ "Selection": mainflowersetting.outputs["Selection"],
+ "Instance": mainflowersetting.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Rotation": mainflowersetting.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "Scale": mainflowersetting.outputs["Value"],
+ },
+ )
+ resample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position, "Count": 150}
+ )
+ stemleaves = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_stem_leaves(leaves=leaves).name,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": resample_curve_1},
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [stemgeometry, stemleaves]}
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ simple_greenery.shader_simple_greenery
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ num_versions = randint(0, 3, size=(1,))[0]
+ branches = []
+ for version in range(num_versions):
+ resample_num = randint(80, 100, size=(1,))[0]
+ resample_curve_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position, "Count": resample_num},
+ )
+ stembranchselection = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_branch_selection().name)
+ stembranch = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_stem_branch(flowers=flowers, leaves=leaves).name
+ )
+ random_value_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={"Min": (0.4, 0.4, 0.4)},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ instance_on_points_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": resample_curve_2,
+ "Selection": stembranchselection,
+ "Instance": stembranch,
+ "Scale": (random_value_1, "Value"),
+ },
+ )
+ random_value_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Min": (0.15, 0.15, 0.0),
+ "Max": (0.45, 0.45, 6.28),
+ "Seed": 30,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ rotate_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": instance_on_points_2,
+ "Rotation": (random_value_4, "Value"),
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": rotate_instances_1}
+ )
+ branches.append(realize_instances_1)
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instance_on_points}
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [join_geometry, realize_instances] + branches},
+ )
+ z_rotate = uniform(0, 6.28, size=(1,))[0]
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1, "Rotation": (0.0, 0.0, z_rotate)},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform})
+class FlowerPlantFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(FlowerPlantFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.leaves_version_num = 4
+ self.flowers_version_num = 1
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ # Make the Leaf and Delete It Later
+ leaves = []
+ for _ in range(self.leaves_version_num):
+ lf_seed = randint(0, 1000, size=(1,))[0]
+ leaf_model = Leaf.LeafFactory(
+ genome={"leaf_width": 0.35, "width_rand": 0.1}, factory_seed=lf_seed
+ )
+ leaf = leaf_model.create_asset()
+ leaves.append(leaf)
+ flowers = []
+ for _ in range(self.flowers_version_num):
+ fw_seed = randint(0, 1000, size=(1,))[0]
+ rad = uniform(0.4, 0.7, size=(1,))[0]
+ flower_model = Flower.FlowerFactory(rad=rad, factory_seed=fw_seed)
+ flower = flower_model.create_asset()
+ flowers.append(flower)
+ params["leaves"] = leaves
+ params["flowers"] = flowers
+ mod = surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geo_flowerplant, apply=False, attributes=[], input_kwargs=params
+ )
+ butil.delete(leaves + flowers)
+ with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
+ bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove()
+ bpy.ops.object.shade_flat()
+ butil.apply_modifiers(obj)
+ tag_object(obj, "flowerplant")
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/grassland/grass_tuft.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/grassland/grass_tuft.py
similarity index 73%
rename from infinigen/assets/grassland/grass_tuft.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/grassland/grass_tuft.py
index 9b61fb06b..d720d2837 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/grassland/grass_tuft.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/grassland/grass_tuft.py
@@ -5,24 +5,18 @@
import bpy
import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.geometry.curve import Curve
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
from infinigen.assets.materials import grass_blade_texture
+from infinigen.assets.utils.geometry.curve import Curve
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-class GrassTuftFactory(AssetFactory):
+class GrassTuftFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, seed):
super(GrassTuftFactory, self).__init__(seed)
self.n_seg = 4
@@ -37,22 +31,25 @@ def __init__(self, seed):
self.blade_width_var = uniform(0, 0.05)
self.taper_var = uniform(0, 0.1)
- self.taper_y = np.linspace(1, 0, self.n_seg) * normal(1, self.taper_var, self.n_seg)
+ self.taper_y = np.linspace(1, 0, self.n_seg) * normal(
+ 1, self.taper_var, self.n_seg
+ )
self.taper_x = np.linspace(0, 1, self.n_seg)
self.taper_points = np.stack([self.taper_x, self.taper_y], axis=-1)
- self.base_spread = uniform(0, self.length_mean/4)
+ self.base_spread = uniform(0, self.length_mean / 4)
self.base_angle_var = uniform(0, 15)
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
n_blades = np.random.randint(30, 60)
blade_lengths = normal(self.length_mean, self.length_std, (n_blades, 1))
- seg_lens = (blade_lengths / self.n_seg)
- seg_curls = normal(self.curl_mean, self.curl_std, (n_blades, self.n_seg))
- seg_curls *= np.power(np.linspace(0, 1, self.n_seg).reshape(1, self.n_seg), self.curl_power)
+ seg_lens = blade_lengths / self.n_seg
+ seg_curls = normal(self.curl_mean, self.curl_std, (n_blades, self.n_seg))
+ seg_curls *= np.power(
+ np.linspace(0, 1, self.n_seg).reshape(1, self.n_seg), self.curl_power
+ )
seg_curls = np.deg2rad(seg_curls)
point_rads = np.arange(self.n_seg).reshape(1, self.n_seg) * seg_lens
@@ -65,14 +62,18 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
taper = Curve(self.taper_points).to_curve_obj()
- widths = blade_lengths.reshape(-1) * normal(self.blade_width_pct_mean, self.blade_width_var, n_blades)
+ widths = blade_lengths.reshape(-1) * normal(
+ self.blade_width_pct_mean, self.blade_width_var, n_blades
+ )
objs = []
for i in range(n_blades):
- obj = Curve(points[i], taper=taper).to_curve_obj(name=f'_blade_{i}', extrude=widths[i], resu=2)
+ obj = Curve(points[i], taper=taper).to_curve_obj(
+ name=f"_blade_{i}", extrude=widths[i], resu=2
+ )
with butil.SelectObjects(objs):
- bpy.ops.object.convert(target='MESH')
+ bpy.ops.object.convert(target="MESH")
# Randomly pose and arrange the blades in a circle-ish cluster
@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
facing_offsets = np.rad2deg(normal(0, self.base_angle_var, n_blades))
for a, r, off, obj in zip(base_angles, base_rads, facing_offsets, objs):
obj.location = (-r * np.cos(a), r * np.sin(a), -0.05 * self.length_mean)
- obj.rotation_euler = (np.pi/2, -np.pi/2, -a + off)
+ obj.rotation_euler = (np.pi / 2, -np.pi / 2, -a + off)
with butil.SelectObjects(objs):
bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=True, rotation=True, scale=True)
@@ -91,9 +92,9 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
parent = objs[0]
- tag_object(parent, 'grass_tuft')
+ tag_object(parent, "grass_tuft")
return parent
def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- grass_blade_texture.apply(assets)
\ No newline at end of file
+ grass_blade_texture.apply(assets)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/lamp/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/lamp/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c8445322
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/lamp/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from .ceiling_classic_lamp import CeilingClassicLampFactory
+from .ceiling_lights import CeilingLightFactory
+from .lamp import DeskLampFactory, FloorLampFactory, LampFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/lamp/ceiling_classic_lamp.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/lamp/ceiling_classic_lamp.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e4ee2342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/lamp/ceiling_classic_lamp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Stamatis Alexandropoulos
+from numpy.random import randint, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.lighting.indoor_lights import PointLampFactory
+from infinigen.assets.materials.ceiling_light_shaders import (
+ shader_lamp_bulb_nonemissive,
+from infinigen.core import surface, tagging
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+def shader_lamp_material(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
+ rgb.outputs[0].default_value = color_category("textile")
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": rgb,
+ "Subsurface Radius": (0.1000, 0.1000, 0.1000),
+ "Roughness": uniform(0.2, 0.9),
+ "Sheen": 0.2068,
+ "Clearcoat Roughness": 0.1436,
+ "Transmission": 0.4045,
+ "Transmission Roughness": 0.6932,
+ "Emission": (0.9858, 0.9858, 0.9858, 1.0000),
+ "Emission Strength": 0.0000,
+ "Alpha": 0.8614,
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": 104.3000, "Randomness": 0.0000},
+ attrs={"feature": "SMOOTH_F1"},
+ )
+ displacement = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Displacement,
+ input_kwargs={"Height": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], "Scale": 0.4000},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf, "Displacement": displacement},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def shader_inside_medal(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": (0.0018, 0.0015, 0.0000, 1.0000),
+ "Metallic": 1.0000,
+ "Roughness": 0.0682,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def shader_cable(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000),
+ "Metallic": 1.0000,
+ "Roughness": 0.4273,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("geometry_nodes", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "cable_length", 0.7000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "cable_radius", 0.0500),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "height", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "bottom_radius", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "top_radius", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Amount", 1.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": group_input.outputs["cable_length"]}
+ )
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": combine_xyz})
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": 87, "Radius": group_input.outputs["cable_radius"]},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": curve_line,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh, "Scale": (1.0000, 1.0000, -1.0000)},
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_geometry,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_cable),
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": group_input.outputs["top_radius"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ transform_geometry_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle_3.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_4,
+ },
+ )
+ curve_line_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": (-1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "End": (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_line_3}
+ )
+ reroute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Amount"]}
+ )
+ duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DuplicateElements,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry_to_instance, "Amount": reroute},
+ attrs={"domain": "INSTANCE"},
+ )
+ realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"]},
+ )
+ endpoint_selection_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.EndpointSelection, input_kwargs={"Start Size": 0}
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: reroute}, attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: divide},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ sample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curves": transform_geometry_4, "Factor": multiply_1},
+ attrs={"use_all_curves": True},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": realize_instances_1,
+ "Selection": endpoint_selection_1,
+ "Position": sample_curve.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ endpoint_selection_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.EndpointSelection, input_kwargs={"End Size": 0}
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 2: 0.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ curve_circle_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": multiply_add}
+ )
+ transform_geometry_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_circle_4.outputs["Curve"]}
+ )
+ sample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curves": transform_geometry_5, "Factor": multiply_1},
+ attrs={"use_all_curves": True},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "Selection": endpoint_selection_2,
+ "Position": sample_curve_1.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [transform_geometry_4, set_position_1, transform_geometry_5]
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": group_input.outputs["Thickness"]}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": join_geometry_3,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle_5.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh_3}
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_geometry_6,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_inside_medal),
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: -1.5000, 1: -0.1000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_2})
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 0.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={1: -1.0000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: multiply_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_4})
+ curve_line_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"Start": combine_xyz_1, "End": combine_xyz_2}
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["bottom_radius"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["top_radius"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line_2, "Radius": map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ )
+ curve_circle_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle)
+ curve_to_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle_2.outputs["Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+ flip_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.FlipFaces, input_kwargs={"Mesh": curve_to_mesh_2})
+ extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": curve_to_mesh_2,
+ "Offset Scale": 0.0050,
+ "Individual": False,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [flip_faces, extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"]]},
+ )
+ transform_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry}
+ )
+ set_material_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_geometry_2,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_lamp_material),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material_1, set_material_2]}
+ )
+ ico_sphere = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshIcoSphere, input_kwargs={"Radius": 0.0500, "Subdivisions": 4}
+ )
+ set_material_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": ico_sphere.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_lamp_bulb_nonemissive),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material, join_geometry_1, set_material_3]},
+ )
+ transform_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_2,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 3.1416, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_geometry_3},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+class CeilingClassicLampFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed):
+ super(CeilingClassicLampFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.params = {
+ "cable_length": uniform(0.6, 0.710),
+ "cable_radius": uniform(0.015, 0.02),
+ "height": uniform(0.4, 0.710),
+ "top_radius": uniform(0.05, 0.2),
+ "bottom_radius": uniform(0.22, 0.35),
+ "Thickness": uniform(0.002, 0.006),
+ "Amount": randint(1, 8),
+ }
+ self.light_factory = PointLampFactory(factory_seed)
+ # self.beveler = BevelSharp(mult=uniform(1, 3))
+ def create_placeholder(self, **_):
+ obj = butil.spawn_cube()
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj, "NODES", node_group=geometry_nodes(), ng_inputs=self.params, apply=True
+ )
+ tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
+ return obj
+ def create_asset(self, i, placeholder, face_size, **_):
+ obj = butil.deep_clone_obj(placeholder, keep_materials=True)
+ light = self.light_factory.spawn_asset(i)
+ butil.parent_to(light, obj)
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/lamp/ceiling_lights.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/lamp/ceiling_lights.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..860db0e70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/lamp/ceiling_lights.py
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
+# of this source tree.
+# Authors:
+# -
+# - Alexander Raistrick: add point light
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import randint as RI
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from infinigen.assets.lighting.indoor_lights import PointLampFactory
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.utils.autobevel import BevelSharp
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, clip_gaussian
+class CeilingLightFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]):
+ super(CeilingLightFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.dimensions = dimensions
+ self.ceiling_light_default_params = [
+ {
+ "Radius": 0.2,
+ "Thickness": 0.001,
+ "InnerRadius": 0.2,
+ "Height": 0.1,
+ "InnerHeight": 0.1,
+ "Curvature": 0.1,
+ },
+ {
+ "Radius": 0.18,
+ "Thickness": 0.05,
+ "InnerRadius": 0.18,
+ "Height": 0.1,
+ "InnerHeight": 0.1,
+ "Curvature": 0.25,
+ },
+ {
+ "Radius": 0.2,
+ "Thickness": 0.005,
+ "InnerRadius": 0.18,
+ "Height": 0.1,
+ "InnerHeight": 0.03,
+ "Curvature": 0.4,
+ },
+ ]
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.light_factory = PointLampFactory(factory_seed)
+ self.params = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
+ self.material_params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = (
+ self.get_material_params()
+ )
+ self.params.update(self.material_params)
+ self.beveler = BevelSharp(mult=U(1, 3))
+ def get_material_params(self):
+ material_assignments = AssetList["CeilingLightFactory"]()
+ black_material = material_assignments["black_material"].assign_material()
+ white_material = material_assignments["white_material"].assign_material()
+ wrapped_params = {
+ "BlackMaterial": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(black_material),
+ "WhiteMaterial": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(white_material),
+ }
+ scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments["wear_tear_prob"]
+ scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments["wear_tear"]
+ is_scratch = np.random.uniform() < scratch_prob
+ is_edge_wear = np.random.uniform() < edge_wear_prob
+ if not is_scratch:
+ scratch = None
+ if not is_edge_wear:
+ edge_wear = None
+ return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
+ def sample_parameters(self, dimensions, use_default=False):
+ if use_default:
+ return self.ceiling_light_default_params[
+ RI(0, len(self.ceiling_light_default_params))
+ ]
+ else:
+ Radius = clip_gaussian(0.12, 0.04, 0.1, 0.25)
+ Thickness = U(0.005, 0.05)
+ InnerRadius = Radius * U(0.4, 0.9)
+ Height = 0.7 * clip_gaussian(0.09, 0.03, 0.07, 0.15)
+ InnerHeight = Height * U(0.5, 1.1)
+ Curvature = U(0.1, 0.5)
+ params = {
+ "Radius": Radius,
+ "Thickness": Thickness,
+ "InnerRadius": InnerRadius,
+ "Height": Height,
+ "InnerHeight": InnerHeight,
+ "Curvature": Curvature,
+ }
+ return params
+ def create_placeholder(self, i, **params):
+ obj = butil.spawn_cube()
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "NODES",
+ node_group=nodegroup_ceiling_light_geometry(),
+ ng_inputs=self.params,
+ apply=True,
+ )
+ return obj
+ def create_asset(self, i, placeholder, **params):
+ obj = butil.copy(placeholder, keep_materials=True)
+ self.beveler(obj)
+ lamp = self.light_factory.spawn_asset(i, loc=(0, 0, 0), rot=(0, 0, 0))
+ butil.parent_to(lamp, obj, no_transform=True, no_inverse=True)
+ lamp.location.z -= 0.03
+ return obj
+ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
+ if self.scratch:
+ self.scratch.apply(assets)
+ if self.edge_wear:
+ self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
+ "nodegroup_ceiling_light_geometry", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_ceiling_light_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius", 0.2000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Thickness", 0.0050),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "InnerRadius", 0.1800),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Height", 0.1000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "InnerHeight", 0.0300),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Curvature", 0.4000),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "BlackMaterial", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "WhiteMaterial", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": combine_xyz})
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": 512, "Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"]},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": curve_line,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+ extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": curve_to_mesh,
+ "Offset Scale": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ "Individual": False,
+ },
+ )
+ flip_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.FlipFaces, input_kwargs={"Mesh": curve_to_mesh})
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"], flip_faces]},
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry, "Shade Smooth": False},
+ )
+ mesh_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCircle,
+ input_kwargs={"Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"]},
+ attrs={"fill_type": "NGON"},
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_shade_smooth, mesh_circle]}
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_1,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["BlackMaterial"],
+ },
+ )
+ ico_sphere_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshIcoSphere,
+ input_kwargs={"Radius": group_input.outputs["InnerRadius"], "Subdivisions": 5},
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": ico_sphere_1.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "UVMap",
+ 3: ico_sphere_1.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position_2})
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.0010},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ separate_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute, "Selection": less_than},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["InnerHeight"], 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_1})
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": 1.0000, "Y": 1.0000, "Z": group_input.outputs["Curvature"]},
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": separate_geometry_1.outputs["Selection"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_2,
+ "Scale": combine_xyz_3,
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_1})
+ curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine,
+ input_kwargs={"Start": (0.0000, 0.0000, -0.0010), "End": combine_xyz_1},
+ )
+ curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": group_input.outputs["InnerRadius"]}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": curve_line_1,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform, curve_to_mesh_1]}
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_2,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["WhiteMaterial"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material, set_material_1]}
+ )
+ bounding_box = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_3}
+ )
+ vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector)
+ vector.vector = (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_3,
+ "Bounding Box": bounding_box.outputs["Bounding Box"],
+ "LightPosition": vector,
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/lamp/lamp.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/lamp/lamp.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5397ec1fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/lamp/lamp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,980 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
+# of this source tree.
+# Authors:
+# - Hongyu Wen: primary author
+# - Alexander Raistrick: add point light
+import random
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from infinigen.assets.lighting.indoor_lights import PointLampFactory
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+class LampFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ factory_seed,
+ coarse=False,
+ dimensions=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+ lamp_type="FloorLamp",
+ ):
+ super(LampFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.bulb_fac = PointLampFactory(factory_seed)
+ self.bulb_fac.params["Temperature"] = max(
+ self.bulb_fac.params["Temperature"] * 0.6, 2500
+ )
+ self.bulb_fac.params["Wattage"] *= 0.5
+ self.dimensions = dimensions
+ self.lamp_type = lamp_type
+ self.lamp_default_params = {
+ "DeskLamp": {
+ "StandRadius": 0.01,
+ "StandHeight": 0.3,
+ "BaseRadius": 0.07,
+ "BaseHeight": 0.02,
+ "ShadeHeight": 0.18,
+ "HeadTopRadius": 0.08,
+ "HeadBotRadius": 0.11,
+ "ReverseLamp": True,
+ "RackThickness": 0.002,
+ "CurvePoint1": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "CurvePoint2": (0.0, 0.0, 0.2),
+ "CurvePoint3": (0.0, 0.0, 0.3),
+ },
+ "FloorLamp1": {
+ "StandRadius": 0.01,
+ "StandHeight": 0.3,
+ "BaseRadius": 0.1,
+ "BaseHeight": 0.02,
+ "ShadeHeight": 0.2,
+ "HeadTopRadius": 0.1,
+ "HeadBotRadius": 0.12,
+ "ReverseLamp": False,
+ "RackThickness": 0.002,
+ "CurvePoint1": (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ "CurvePoint2": (0.05, 0.0, 1.2),
+ "CurvePoint3": (0.2, 0.0, 1.0),
+ },
+ "FloorLamp2": {
+ "StandRadius": 0.01,
+ "StandHeight": 0.3,
+ "BaseRadius": 0.1,
+ "BaseHeight": 0.02,
+ "ShadeHeight": 0.2,
+ "HeadTopRadius": 0.1,
+ "HeadBotRadius": 0.11,
+ "ReverseLamp": True,
+ "RackThickness": 0.002,
+ "CurvePoint1": (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ "CurvePoint2": (0.0, 0.0, 1.1),
+ "CurvePoint3": (0.0, 0.0, 1.2),
+ },
+ }
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.params = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
+ self.material_params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = (
+ self.get_material_params()
+ )
+ self.params.update(self.material_params)
+ def get_material_params(self):
+ material_assignments = AssetList["LampFactory"]()
+ black_material = material_assignments["black_material"].assign_material()
+ white_material = material_assignments["metal"].assign_material()
+ lampshade_material = material_assignments["lampshade"].assign_material()
+ wrapped_params = {
+ "BlackMaterial": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(black_material),
+ "MetalMaterial": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(white_material),
+ "LampshadeMaterial": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(lampshade_material),
+ }
+ scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments["wear_tear_prob"]
+ scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments["wear_tear"]
+ is_scratch = np.random.uniform() < scratch_prob
+ is_edge_wear = np.random.uniform() < edge_wear_prob
+ if not is_scratch:
+ scratch = None
+ if not is_edge_wear:
+ edge_wear = None
+ return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
+ def sample_parameters(self, dimensions, use_default=False):
+ if use_default:
+ if self.lamp_type == "DeskLamp":
+ return self.lamp_default_params["DeskLamp"]
+ else:
+ return random.choice(
+ [
+ self.lamp_default_params["FloorLamp1"],
+ self.lamp_default_params["FloorLamp2"],
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ stand_radius = U(0.005, 0.015)
+ base_radius = U(0.05, 0.15)
+ base_height = U(0.01, 0.03)
+ shade_height = U(0.18, 0.3)
+ head_top_radius = U(0.07, 0.15)
+ head_bot_radius = head_top_radius + U(0, 0.05)
+ rack_thickness = U(0.001, 0.003)
+ reverse_lamp = True
+ if self.lamp_type == "DeskLamp":
+ height = U(0.25, 0.4)
+ else:
+ height = U(1, 1.5)
+ z1 = U(base_height, height)
+ z2 = U(z1, height)
+ z3 = height
+ x1, x2, x3 = 0, 0, 0
+ # if self.lamp_type == "FloorLamp" and U() < 0.5:
+ # x2 = U(0.03, 0.1)
+ # x3 = U(0.2, 0.4)
+ # z2, z3 = z3, z2
+ # reverse_lamp = False
+ params = {
+ "StandRadius": stand_radius,
+ "BaseRadius": base_radius,
+ "BaseHeight": base_height,
+ "ShadeHeight": shade_height,
+ "HeadTopRadius": head_top_radius,
+ "HeadBotRadius": head_bot_radius,
+ "ReverseLamp": reverse_lamp,
+ "RackThickness": rack_thickness,
+ "CurvePoint1": (x1, 0.0, z1),
+ "CurvePoint2": (x2, 0.0, z2),
+ "CurvePoint3": (x3, 0.0, z3),
+ }
+ return params
+ def create_asset(self, i, **params):
+ obj = butil.spawn_cube()
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "NODES",
+ node_group=nodegroup_lamp_geometry(),
+ ng_inputs=self.params,
+ apply=True,
+ )
+ if np.random.uniform() < 0.6:
+ bulb = self.bulb_fac(i)
+ butil.parent_to(bulb, obj, no_inverse=True, no_transform=True)
+ bulb.location.z = obj.bound_box[-2][2] - self.params["ShadeHeight"] * 0.5
+ with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
+ bpy.ops.object.shade_flat()
+ return obj
+ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
+ if self.scratch:
+ self.scratch.apply(assets)
+ if self.edge_wear:
+ self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
+class DeskLampFactory(LampFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse, lamp_type="DeskLamp")
+class FloorLampFactory(LampFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(
+ factory_seed,
+ coarse,
+ lamp_type=np.random.choice(["FloorLamp1", "FloorLamp2"]),
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_bulb", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_bulb(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "LampshadeMaterial", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "MetalMaterial", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": (0.0000, 0.0000, -0.2000),
+ "End": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": 0.1500, "Resolution": 100}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": curve_line_1,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ spiral = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurveSpiral",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rotations": 5.0000,
+ "Start Radius": 0.1500,
+ "End Radius": 0.1500,
+ "Height": 0.2000,
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": spiral, "Translation": (0.0000, 0.0000, -0.2000)},
+ )
+ curve_circle_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": 0.0150, "Resolution": 100}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": transform,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle_2.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ curve_line_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": (0.0000, 0.0000, -0.2000),
+ "End": (0.0000, 0.0000, -0.3000),
+ },
+ )
+ resample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line_2, "Count": 100}
+ )
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0000, 1.0000), (0.4432, 0.5500), (1.0000, 0.2750)],
+ handles=["AUTO", "VECTOR", "AUTO"],
+ )
+ set_curve_radius_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": resample_curve_1, "Radius": float_curve_1},
+ )
+ curve_circle_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": 0.1500, "Resolution": 100}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius_1,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle_3.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [curve_to_mesh_1, curve_to_mesh_2, curve_to_mesh_3]},
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_1,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["MetalMaterial"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine)
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line, "Count": 100}
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0000, 0.1500),
+ (0.0500, 0.1700),
+ (0.1500, 0.2000),
+ (0.5500, 0.3800),
+ (0.8000, 0.3500),
+ (0.9568, 0.2200),
+ (1.0000, 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": resample_curve, "Radius": float_curve},
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Resolution": 100})
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_to_mesh,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["LampshadeMaterial"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material, set_material_1]}
+ )
+ transform_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry,
+ "Translation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.3000),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_bulb_rack", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_bulb_rack(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ amount = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ label="amount",
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Thickness", 0.0200),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Amount", 3),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "InnerRadius", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "OuterRadius", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "InnerHeight", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "OuterHeight", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ curve_circle_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={"Radius": amount.outputs["OuterRadius"], "Resolution": 100},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": amount.outputs["OuterHeight"]}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle_2.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": (-1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "End": (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_line}
+ )
+ reroute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": amount.outputs["Amount"]}
+ )
+ duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DuplicateElements,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry_to_instance, "Amount": reroute},
+ attrs={"domain": "INSTANCE"},
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"]},
+ )
+ endpoint_selection = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.EndpointSelection, input_kwargs={"Start Size": 0}
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: reroute}, attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: divide},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ sample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curves": transform, "Factor": multiply},
+ attrs={"use_all_curves": True},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": realize_instances,
+ "Selection": endpoint_selection,
+ "Position": sample_curve.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ endpoint_selection_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.EndpointSelection, input_kwargs={"End Size": 0}
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: amount.outputs["Thickness"], 2: amount.outputs["InnerRadius"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": multiply_add, "Resolution": 100}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": amount.outputs["InnerHeight"]}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ sample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curves": transform_1, "Factor": multiply},
+ attrs={"use_all_curves": True},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "Selection": endpoint_selection_1,
+ "Position": sample_curve_1.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform, set_position_1, transform_1]},
+ )
+ curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={"Radius": amount.outputs["Thickness"], "Resolution": 100},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": join_geometry,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_reversiable_bulb", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_reversiable_bulb(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 0.3000),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Reverse", False),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "BlackMaterial", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "LampshadeMaterial", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "MetalMaterial", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ bulb = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_bulb().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "LampshadeMaterial": group_input.outputs["LampshadeMaterial"],
+ "MetalMaterial": group_input.outputs["MetalMaterial"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": bulb, "Scale": combine_xyz_1}
+ )
+ geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Reverse"], 1: 3.1415},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply})
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": geometry_to_instance, "Rotation": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Reverse"], 1: 2.0000, 2: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: -0.0150, 1: multiply_add},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": rotate_instances, "RackSupport": multiply_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_lamp_head", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_lamp_head(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "ShadeHeight", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "TopRadius", 0.3000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "BotRadius", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "ReverseBulb", True),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "RackThickness", 0.0050),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "RackHeight", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "BlackMaterial", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "LampshadeMaterial", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "MetalMaterial", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["TopRadius"], 1: 0.8000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ reversiable_bulb = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_reversiable_bulb().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Scale": multiply,
+ "BlackMaterial": group_input.outputs["BlackMaterial"],
+ "LampshadeMaterial": group_input.outputs["LampshadeMaterial"],
+ "MetalMaterial": group_input.outputs["MetalMaterial"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 0.1500},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["ReverseBulb"], 1: 2.0000, 2: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["RackHeight"], 1: multiply_add},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ bulb_rack = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_bulb_rack().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Thickness": group_input.outputs["RackThickness"],
+ "InnerRadius": multiply_1,
+ "OuterRadius": group_input.outputs["TopRadius"],
+ "InnerHeight": reversiable_bulb.outputs["RackSupport"],
+ "OuterHeight": multiply_2,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": bulb_rack,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["BlackMaterial"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_2})
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["ShadeHeight"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["RackHeight"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_add, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: multiply_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_4})
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"Start": combine_xyz_1, "End": combine_xyz}
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["TopRadius"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["BotRadius"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line, "Radius": map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Resolution": 100})
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+ flip_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.FlipFaces, input_kwargs={"Mesh": curve_to_mesh})
+ extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": curve_to_mesh,
+ "Offset Scale": 0.0050,
+ "Individual": False,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [flip_faces, extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"]]},
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_1,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["LampshadeMaterial"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ reversiable_bulb.outputs["Geometry"],
+ set_material,
+ set_material_1,
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_lamp_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_lamp_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "StandRadius", 0.0200),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "BaseRadius", 0.1000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "BaseHeight", 0.0200),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "ShadeHeight", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "HeadTopRadius", 0.3000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "HeadBotRadius", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "ReverseLamp", True),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "RackThickness", 0.0050),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "CurvePoint1", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "CurvePoint2", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "CurvePoint3", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "BlackMaterial", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "LampshadeMaterial", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "MetalMaterial", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": group_input.outputs["BaseHeight"]}
+ )
+ curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": combine_xyz_1})
+ curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={"Radius": group_input.outputs["BaseRadius"], "Resolution": 100},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": curve_line_1,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": group_input.outputs["BaseHeight"]}
+ )
+ bezier_segment = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveBezierSegment,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": combine_xyz,
+ "Start Handle": group_input.outputs["CurvePoint1"],
+ "End Handle": group_input.outputs["CurvePoint2"],
+ "End": group_input.outputs["CurvePoint3"],
+ "Resolution": 100,
+ },
+ )
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": combine_xyz})
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [bezier_segment, curve_line]}
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={"Radius": group_input.outputs["StandRadius"], "Resolution": 100},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": join_geometry_2,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [curve_to_mesh_1, curve_to_mesh]}
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["BlackMaterial"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["ShadeHeight"], 1: 0.4000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["ShadeHeight"], 1: 0.2000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: multiply,
+ 1: group_input.outputs["ReverseLamp"],
+ 2: multiply_1,
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ lamp_head = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_lamp_head().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "ShadeHeight": group_input.outputs["ShadeHeight"],
+ "TopRadius": group_input.outputs["HeadTopRadius"],
+ "BotRadius": group_input.outputs["HeadBotRadius"],
+ "ReverseBulb": group_input.outputs["ReverseLamp"],
+ "RackThickness": group_input.outputs["RackThickness"],
+ "RackHeight": multiply_add,
+ "BlackMaterial": group_input.outputs["BlackMaterial"],
+ "LampshadeMaterial": group_input.outputs["LampshadeMaterial"],
+ "MetalMaterial": group_input.outputs["MetalMaterial"],
+ },
+ )
+ sample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curves": bezier_segment, "Factor": 1.0000},
+ attrs={"use_all_curves": True},
+ )
+ align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": sample_curve.outputs["Tangent"]},
+ attrs={"axis": "Z"},
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": lamp_head,
+ "Translation": sample_curve.outputs["Position"],
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material, transform]}
+ )
+ bounding_box = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1}
+ )
+ curve_line_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.1000)}
+ )
+ transform_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_line_2,
+ "Translation": sample_curve.outputs["Position"],
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector,
+ },
+ )
+ sample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleCurve, input_kwargs={"Curves": transform_geometry, "Factor": 1.0000}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_1,
+ "Bounding Box": bounding_box.outputs["Bounding Box"],
+ "LightPosition": sample_curve_1.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/leaves/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/leaves/__init__.py
similarity index 83%
rename from infinigen/assets/leaves/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/leaves/__init__.py
index 64eb41321..875fdb4a8 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/leaves/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/leaves/__init__.py
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
from .leaf_maple import LeafFactoryMaple
from .leaf_pine import LeafFactoryPine
from .leaf_v2 import LeafFactoryV2
-from .leaf_wrapped import LeafFactoryWrapped
\ No newline at end of file
+from .leaf_wrapped import LeafFactoryWrapped
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/leaves/leaf.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/leaves/leaf.py
similarity index 78%
rename from infinigen/assets/leaves/leaf.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/leaves/leaf.py
index 0caaedd47..a9bd31249 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/leaves/leaf.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/leaves/leaf.py
@@ -4,27 +4,21 @@
# Authors: Alejandro Newell, Yiming Zuo, Alexander Raistrick
-import pdb
-import numpy as np
import bpy
-from mathutils import Vector, Matrix
-from infinigen.assets.trees.utils import helper, mesh, materials
+import numpy as np
+from infinigen.assets.objects.trees.utils import mesh
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
C = bpy.context
D = bpy.data
class LeafFactory(AssetFactory):
scale = 0.3
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, genome: dict=None, coarse=False):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, genome: dict = None, coarse=False):
super(LeafFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
self.genome = dict(
@@ -33,7 +27,7 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, genome: dict=None, coarse=False):
- width_rand=0.33
+ width_rand=0.33,
if genome:
for k, g in genome.items():
@@ -41,15 +35,15 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, genome: dict=None, coarse=False):
self.genome[k] = g
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
# bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'OBJECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_circle_add(enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD',
- location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_circle_add(
+ enter_editmode=False, align="WORLD", location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1)
+ )
obj = bpy.context.active_object
- min_radius = .02
+ min_radius = 0.02
radii_ref = [1]
n = len(obj.data.vertices) // 2
@@ -58,23 +52,33 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
a = np.linspace(0, np.pi, n)
- if self.genome['flip_leaf']:
+ if self.genome["flip_leaf"]:
a = a[::-1]
- x = np.sin(a) * (self.genome['leaf_width'] + np.random.randn() * self.genome['width_rand']) + self.genome['x_offset']
- y = -np.cos(.9 * (a - self.genome['alpha']))
- z = x ** 2 * self.genome['z_scaling']
- full_coords = np.concatenate([np.stack([x, y, z], 1),
- np.stack([-x[::-1], y[::-1], z], 1),
- np.array([[0, y[0], 0]])]).flatten()
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
- obj.data.vertices.foreach_set('co', full_coords)
- if self.genome['use_wave']:
- bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='WAVE')
- bpy.context.object.modifiers["Wave"].height = np.random.randn() * .3
- bpy.context.object.modifiers["Wave"].width = 0.75 + \
- np.random.randn() * .1
+ x = (
+ np.sin(a)
+ * (
+ self.genome["leaf_width"]
+ + np.random.randn() * self.genome["width_rand"]
+ )
+ + self.genome["x_offset"]
+ )
+ y = -np.cos(0.9 * (a - self.genome["alpha"]))
+ z = x**2 * self.genome["z_scaling"]
+ full_coords = np.concatenate(
+ [
+ np.stack([x, y, z], 1),
+ np.stack([-x[::-1], y[::-1], z], 1),
+ np.array([[0, y[0], 0]]),
+ ]
+ ).flatten()
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
+ obj.data.vertices.foreach_set("co", full_coords)
+ if self.genome["use_wave"]:
+ bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type="WAVE")
+ bpy.context.object.modifiers["Wave"].height = np.random.randn() * 0.3
+ bpy.context.object.modifiers["Wave"].width = 0.75 + np.random.randn() * 0.1
bpy.context.object.modifiers["Wave"].speed = np.random.rand()
@@ -88,7 +92,8 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
return obj
class BerryFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, genome, coarse=False):
@@ -117,9 +122,9 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
tag_object(obj, 'leaf')
return obj
def init_berries(n_leaves=5, im_mat=None, **leaf_kargs):
# Initializing leaves
leaves = [create_leaf(**leaf_kargs) for _ in range(n_leaves)]
@@ -154,4 +159,4 @@ def init_berries(n_leaves=5, im_mat=None, **leaf_kargs):
c_name = helper.create_collection('Leaves', leaves)
return leaves, c_name
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/leaves/leaf_broadleaf.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/leaves/leaf_broadleaf.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a1fc9153
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/leaves/leaf_broadleaf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1315 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+# Acknowledgment: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfOKB1GKJHM by Dr. Blender
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.leaves.leaf_maple import nodegroup_leaf_shader
+from infinigen.assets.objects.leaves.leaf_v2 import (
+ nodegroup_apply_wave,
+ nodegroup_move_to_origin,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+ "nodegroup_random_mask_vein", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_random_mask_vein(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Coord", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Shape", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Density", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Random Scale Seed", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ vein = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Coord"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Density"],
+ "Randomness": 0.2,
+ },
+ label="Vein",
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "1D"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Density"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Random Scale Seed"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ vein_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"W": group_input.outputs["Coord"], "Scale": multiply},
+ label="Vein",
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "1D"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: vein_1.outputs["Distance"], 1: 0.35})
+ round = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={"operation": "ROUND"})
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: vein.outputs["Distance"], 1: round}
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": add_1, 2: 0.02, 3: 0.95, 4: 0.0}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Shape"],
+ 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": multiply_1, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.005, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Result": map_range_2.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord_001", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord_001(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Modulated", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Asymmetry", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Angle", 2.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leaf Shape", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ sign = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SIGN"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"], 1: sign},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -1.0}
+ )
+ vein_shape = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
+ label="Vein Shape",
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ vein_shape.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0, 0.0), (0.0182, 0.05), (0.3364, 0.2386), (0.7227, 0.75), (1.0, 1.0)],
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": vein_shape, 4: 1.9}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: subtract})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vein Coord": add})
+ "nodegroup_nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Midrib Value", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Coord", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leaf Shape", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Jigsaw Scale", 18.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Jigsaw Depth", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Midrib Value"], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0},
+ )
+ jigsaw = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Vein Coord"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Jigsaw Scale"],
+ },
+ label="Jigsaw",
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "1D"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Jigsaw Depth"], 1: 0.05},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: jigsaw.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: multiply,
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Leaf Shape"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": multiply_add, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.002, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0},
+ )
+ maximum = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MAXIMUM"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": maximum})
+ "nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, vein_curve_control_points, vein_curve_control_handles
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Modulated", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Asymmetry", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Angle", 2.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leaf Shape", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ sign = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SIGN"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"], 1: sign},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -1.0}
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: group_input.outputs["Leaf Shape"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ vein_shape = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": divide}, label="Vein Shape"
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ vein_shape.mapping.curves[0],
+ vein_curve_control_points,
+ vein_curve_control_handles,
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": vein_shape, 4: 1.9}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: subtract})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vein Coord": add})
+ "nodegroup_nodegroup_shape", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_shape(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ shape_curve_control_points=[
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.15, 0.2),
+ (0.3864, 0.2625),
+ (0.6227, 0.2),
+ (0.7756, 0.1145),
+ (0.8955, 0.0312),
+ (1.0, 0.0),
+ ],
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Modulated", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ )
+ clamp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Clamp,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Y"], "Min": -0.6, "Max": 0.6},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": clamp})
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 1: combine_xyz_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "LENGTH"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -0.6, 2: 0.6},
+ )
+ leaf_shape = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ label="Leaf shape",
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(leaf_shape.mapping.curves[0], shape_curve_control_points)
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: length.outputs["Value"], 1: leaf_shape},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Leaf Shape": subtract_1, "Value": leaf_shape}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_nodegroup_midrib", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_midrib(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ midrib_curve_control_points=[
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (0.2455, 0.5078),
+ (0.5, 0.4938),
+ (0.75, 0.503),
+ (0.8773, 0.5125),
+ (1.0, 0.5),
+ ],
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", -0.6),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Midrib Length", 0.4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Midrib Width", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Stem Length", 0.8),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -0.6, 2: 0.6},
+ )
+ stem_shape = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ label="Stem shape",
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(stem_shape.mapping.curves[0], midrib_curve_control_points)
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": stem_shape, 3: -1.0}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 20.0})
+ map_range_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 3: -1.0}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_5.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.01},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["Y"],
+ 1: -70.0,
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Midrib Length"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["Midrib Width"],
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: map_range_2.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract}, attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"}
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: absolute}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ absolute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"},
+ )
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": absolute_1,
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Stem Length"],
+ 3: 1.0,
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ smooth_min = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: map_range_3.outputs["Result"], 2: 0.06},
+ attrs={"operation": "SMOOTH_MIN"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: smooth_min},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ map_range_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": divide, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.03, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X Modulated": subtract,
+ "Midrib Value": map_range_4.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib(nw: NodeWrangler, random_scale_seed=1.08):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Midrib Value", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leaf Shape", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Density", 6.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Coord - main", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Coord - 1", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Coord - 2", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["Leaf Shape"],
+ 1: -0.3,
+ 2: 0.05,
+ 3: 0.015,
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_random_mask_vein().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Coord": group_input.outputs["Vein Coord - 2"],
+ "Shape": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Density": group_input.outputs["Vein Density"],
+ "Random Scale Seed": random_scale_seed * 2.7,
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_random_mask_vein().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Coord": group_input.outputs["Vein Coord - 1"],
+ "Shape": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Density": group_input.outputs["Vein Density"],
+ "Random Scale Seed": random_scale_seed,
+ },
+ )
+ vein = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Vein Coord - main"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Vein Density"],
+ "Randomness": 0.2,
+ },
+ label="Vein",
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "1D"},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": position, "Scale": 20.0}
+ )
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 3: -1.0}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_3.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.02},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: vein.outputs["Distance"], 1: multiply}
+ )
+ map_range_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": add, 2: 0.03, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_4.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ map_range_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": multiply_1, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.01, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: nodegroup_1, 1: map_range_5.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: nodegroup, 1: multiply_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Midrib Value"], 1: multiply_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vein Value": multiply_4}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "X", 0.5), ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 0.0)],
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": absolute, "Y": group_input.outputs["Y"]}
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz, "Scale": 30.0}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.1, 4: 2.0},
+ attrs={"clamp": False},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz, "Scale": 150.0},
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.1},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: -1.0}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 4: -1.0}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": multiply, "Color Value": map_range_3.outputs["Result"]},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_gen", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_gen(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Displancement scale", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Asymmetry", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Density", 6.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Jigsaw Scale", 18.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Jigsaw Depth", 0.07),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Angle", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Sub-vein Displacement", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Sub-vein Scale", 50.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wave Displacement", 0.1),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Midrib Length", 0.4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Midrib Width", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Stem Length", 0.8),
+ ],
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ nodegroup_midrib = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_midrib(
+ midrib_curve_control_points=kwargs["midrib_curve_control_points"]
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Midrib Length": group_input.outputs["Midrib Length"],
+ "Midrib Width": group_input.outputs["Midrib Width"],
+ "Stem Length": group_input.outputs["Stem Length"],
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_shape = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_shape(
+ shape_curve_control_points=kwargs["shape_curve_control_points"]
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X Modulated": nodegroup_midrib.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_vein_coord = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord(
+ vein_curve_control_points=[
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.0182, 0.05),
+ (0.3364, 0.2386),
+ (0.6045, 0.4812),
+ (0.7, 0.725),
+ (0.8273, 0.8437),
+ (1.0, 1.0),
+ ],
+ vein_curve_control_handles=[
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ ],
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X Modulated": nodegroup_midrib.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Vein Asymmetry": group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"],
+ "Vein Angle": group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"],
+ "Leaf Shape": nodegroup_shape.outputs["Value"],
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_vein_coord_002 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord(
+ vein_curve_control_points=[
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.0182, 0.05),
+ (0.3364, 0.2386),
+ (0.8091, 0.7312),
+ (1.0, 0.9937),
+ ],
+ vein_curve_control_handles=["AUTO", "AUTO", "AUTO", "AUTO", "AUTO"],
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X Modulated": nodegroup_midrib.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Vein Asymmetry": group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"],
+ "Vein Angle": group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"],
+ "Leaf Shape": nodegroup_shape.outputs["Value"],
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_vein_coord_003 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord(
+ vein_curve_control_points=[
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.0182, 0.05),
+ (0.2909, 0.2199),
+ (0.4182, 0.3063),
+ (0.7045, 0.3),
+ (1.0, 0.8562),
+ ],
+ vein_curve_control_handles=[
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ ],
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X Modulated": nodegroup_midrib.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Vein Asymmetry": group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"],
+ "Vein Angle": group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"],
+ "Leaf Shape": nodegroup_shape.outputs["Value"],
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib(
+ random_scale_seed=kwargs["vein_mask_random_seed"]
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Midrib Value": nodegroup_midrib.outputs["Midrib Value"],
+ "Leaf Shape": nodegroup_shape.outputs["Leaf Shape"],
+ "Vein Density": group_input.outputs["Vein Density"],
+ "Vein Coord - main": nodegroup_vein_coord_002,
+ "Vein Coord - 1": nodegroup_vein_coord,
+ "Vein Coord - 2": nodegroup_vein_coord_003,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Displancement scale"],
+ 1: nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib,
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Mesh"], "Offset": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Midrib Value": nodegroup_midrib.outputs["Midrib Value"],
+ "Vein Coord": nodegroup_vein_coord_002,
+ "Leaf Shape": nodegroup_shape.outputs["Leaf Shape"],
+ "Jigsaw Scale": group_input.outputs["Jigsaw Scale"],
+ "Jigsaw Depth": group_input.outputs["Jigsaw Depth"],
+ },
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={0: nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw, 1: 0.5},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ delete_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DeleteGeom,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, "Selection": less_than},
+ )
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": delete_geometry, 2: nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib},
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position_1})
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: -0.6, 2: 0.6},
+ )
+ float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_1.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0), (0.5182, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0)]
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": nodegroup_shape.outputs["Leaf Shape"], 2: -1.0},
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0045, 0.0063), (0.0409, 0.0375), (0.4182, 0.05), (1.0, 0.0)],
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve_1, 1: float_curve},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: 0.7},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_2})
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_vein_coord_001 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord_001().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X Modulated": nodegroup_midrib.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Vein Asymmetry": group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"],
+ "Vein Angle": group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": set_position_1,
+ "Attribute": capture_attribute.outputs[2],
+ "X Modulated": nodegroup_midrib.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Vein Coord": nodegroup_vein_coord_001,
+ "Vein Value": nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib,
+ },
+ )
+def shader_material(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "vein value"})
+ # rgb_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
+ # rgb_3.outputs[0].default_value = (0.9823, 0.8388, 0.117, 1.0)
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": 6.8,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.7,
+ },
+ )
+ separate_rgb = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateRGB, input_kwargs={"Image": noise_texture.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_rgb.outputs["G"],
+ 1: 0.4,
+ 2: 0.7,
+ 3: 0.48,
+ 4: 0.52,
+ },
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_rgb.outputs["B"],
+ 1: 0.4,
+ 2: 0.7,
+ 3: 0.8,
+ 4: 1.2,
+ },
+ )
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "subvein offset"})
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": attribute.outputs["Color"], 2: -0.94}
+ )
+ # rgb_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
+ # rgb_1.outputs[0].default_value = (0.1878, 0.305, 0.0762, 1.0)
+ # rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
+ # rgb.outputs[0].default_value = (0.0762, 0.1441, 0.0529, 1.0)
+ hue_saturation_value_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={"Value": 2.0, "Color": kwargs["color_base"]},
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color1": hue_saturation_value_1,
+ "Color2": kwargs["color_base"],
+ },
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Hue": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ "Value": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color": mix,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": attribute_1.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": kwargs["color_vein"],
+ "Color2": hue_saturation_value,
+ },
+ )
+ leaf_shader = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leaf_shader().name, input_kwargs={"Color": mix_1}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": leaf_shader}
+ )
+def geo_leaf_broadleaf(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": group_input.outputs["Geometry"], "Level": 10},
+ )
+ # subdivide_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
+ # input_kwargs={'Mesh': subdivide_mesh})
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivide_mesh, 1: position},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ nodegroup_leaf_gen = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_gen(**kwargs).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Displancement scale": 0.005,
+ "Vein Asymmetry": kwargs["vein_asymmetry"], # 0.3023
+ "Vein Density": kwargs["vein_density"], # 7.0
+ "Jigsaw Scale": kwargs["jigsaw_scale"], # 50
+ "Jigsaw Depth": kwargs["jigsaw_depth"], # 0.3
+ "Vein Angle": kwargs["vein_angle"], # 0.3
+ "Midrib Length": kwargs["midrib_length"], # 0.3336
+ "Midrib Width": kwargs["midrib_length"], # 0.6302,
+ "Stem Length": kwargs["stem_length"],
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_sub_vein = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Y": nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Vein Coord"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: nodegroup_sub_vein.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0002},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ 2: nodegroup_sub_vein.outputs["Color Value"],
+ },
+ )
+ capture_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Vein Value"],
+ },
+ )
+ apply_wave = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_apply_wave(
+ y_wave_control_points=kwargs["y_wave_control_points"],
+ x_wave_control_points=kwargs["x_wave_control_points"],
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute_2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Wave Scale X": 0.2,
+ "Wave Scale Y": 1.0,
+ "X Modulated": nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ },
+ )
+ move_to_origin = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_move_to_origin().name, input_kwargs={"Geometry": apply_wave}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": move_to_origin,
+ "Offset": nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "Coordinate": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "subvein offset": capture_attribute_1.outputs[2],
+ "vein value": capture_attribute_2.outputs[2],
+ },
+ )
+class LeafFactoryBroadleaf(AssetFactory):
+ scale = 0.5
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, season="autumn", coarse=False):
+ super(LeafFactoryBroadleaf, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.genome = self.sample_geo_genome()
+ t = uniform(0.0, 1.0)
+ if season == "autumn":
+ hsvcol_blade = [uniform(0.0, 0.20), 0.85, 0.9]
+ hsvcol_vein = np.copy(hsvcol_blade)
+ hsvcol_vein[2] = 0.7
+ elif season == "summer" or season == "spring":
+ hsvcol_blade = [uniform(0.28, 0.32), uniform(0.6, 0.7), 0.9]
+ hsvcol_vein = np.copy(hsvcol_blade)
+ hsvcol_blade[2] = uniform(0.1, 0.5)
+ hsvcol_vein[2] = uniform(0.1, 0.5)
+ elif season == "winter":
+ hsvcol_blade = [
+ uniform(0.0, 0.10),
+ uniform(0.2, 0.6),
+ uniform(0.0, 0.1),
+ ]
+ hsvcol_vein = [uniform(0.0, 0.10), uniform(0.2, 0.6), uniform(0.0, 0.1)]
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ self.blade_color = hsvcol_blade
+ self.vein_color = hsvcol_vein
+ self.color_randomness = uniform(0.05, 0.10)
+ # if t < 0.5:
+ # self.blade_color = np.array((0.2346, 0.4735, 0.0273, 1.0))
+ # else:
+ # self.blade_color = np.array((1.000, 0.855, 0.007, 1.0))
+ @staticmethod
+ def sample_geo_genome():
+ leaf_width_1 = uniform(0.2, 0.4)
+ leaf_width_2 = uniform(0.1, leaf_width_1)
+ leaf_offset_1 = uniform(0.49, 0.51)
+ return {
+ "midrib_length": uniform(0.0, 0.8),
+ "midrib_width": uniform(0.5, 1.0),
+ "stem_length": uniform(0.7, 0.9),
+ "vein_asymmetry": uniform(0.0, 1.0),
+ "vein_angle": uniform(0.4, 1.0),
+ "vein_density": uniform(3.0, 8.0),
+ "subvein_scale": uniform(10.0, 20.0),
+ "jigsaw_scale": uniform(30.0, 70.0),
+ "jigsaw_depth": uniform(0.0, 0.6),
+ "vein_mask_random_seed": uniform(0.0, 100.0),
+ "midrib_curve_control_points": [
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (0.25, leaf_offset_1),
+ (0.75, 1.0 - leaf_offset_1),
+ (1.0, 0.5),
+ ],
+ "shape_curve_control_points": [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (uniform(0.2, 0.4), leaf_width_1),
+ (uniform(0.6, 0.8), leaf_width_2),
+ (1.0, 0.0),
+ ],
+ "vein_curve_control_points": [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.25, uniform(0.1, 0.4)),
+ (0.75, uniform(0.6, 0.9)),
+ (1.0, 1.0),
+ ],
+ }
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=2,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ # add noise to the genotype output
+ # hue_noise = np.random.randn() * 0
+ # hsv_blade = self.hsv_blade + hue_noise
+ # hsv_vein = self.hsv_vein + hue_noise
+ phenome = self.genome.copy()
+ phenome["y_wave_control_points"] = [
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (uniform(0.25, 0.75), uniform(0.50, 0.60)),
+ (1.0, 0.5),
+ ]
+ x_wave_val = np.random.uniform(0.50, 0.58)
+ phenome["x_wave_control_points"] = [
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (0.4, x_wave_val),
+ (0.5, 0.5),
+ (0.6, x_wave_val),
+ (1.0, 0.5),
+ ]
+ material_kwargs = phenome.copy()
+ material_kwargs["color_base"] = np.copy(
+ self.blade_color
+ ) # (0.2346, 0.4735, 0.0273, 1.0),
+ material_kwargs["color_base"][0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
+ material_kwargs["color_base"][1] += np.random.normal(0.0, self.color_randomness)
+ material_kwargs["color_base"][2] += np.random.normal(0.0, self.color_randomness)
+ material_kwargs["color_base"] = hsv2rgba(material_kwargs["color_base"])
+ material_kwargs["color_vein"] = np.copy(
+ self.vein_color
+ ) # (0.2346, 0.4735, 0.0273, 1.0),
+ material_kwargs["color_vein"][0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
+ material_kwargs["color_vein"][1] += np.random.normal(0.0, self.color_randomness)
+ material_kwargs["color_vein"][2] += np.random.normal(0.0, self.color_randomness)
+ material_kwargs["color_vein"] = hsv2rgba(material_kwargs["color_vein"])
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geo_leaf_broadleaf,
+ apply=False,
+ attributes=["offset", "coordinate", "subvein offset", "vein value"],
+ input_kwargs=phenome,
+ )
+ surface.add_material(
+ obj, shader_material, reuse=False, input_kwargs=material_kwargs
+ )
+ bpy.ops.object.convert(target="MESH")
+ obj = bpy.context.object
+ obj.scale *= normal(1, 0.1) * self.scale
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ tag_object(obj, "leaf_broadleaf")
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/leaves/leaf_ginko.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/leaves/leaf_ginko.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c86065589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/leaves/leaf_ginko.py
@@ -0,0 +1,844 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.leaves.leaf_maple import nodegroup_leaf_shader
+from infinigen.assets.objects.leaves.leaf_v2 import (
+ nodegroup_apply_wave,
+ nodegroup_move_to_origin,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+def deg2rad(deg):
+ return deg / 180.0 * np.pi
+ "nodegroup_ginko_stem", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_ginko_stem(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ stem_curve_control_points=[
+ (0.0, 0.4938),
+ (0.3659, 0.4969),
+ (0.7477, 0.4688),
+ (1.0, 0.4969),
+ ],
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Coordinate", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Length", 0.64),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.005),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Coordinate"], 1: (0.0, 0.03, 0.0)},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": add.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: -1.0, 2: 0.0},
+ )
+ float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_2.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0], stem_curve_control_points)
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": float_curve_1, 3: -1.0}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_3.outputs["Result"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ 1: -1.72,
+ 2: -0.35,
+ 3: 0.03,
+ 4: 0.008,
+ },
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: group_input.outputs["Length"]},
+ )
+ absolute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2}, attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"}
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: absolute_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Length"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ smooth_max = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: subtract_1, 2: 0.02},
+ attrs={"operation": "SMOOTH_MAX"},
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: smooth_max, 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Stem": subtract_2, "Stem Raw": absolute}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_ginko_vein", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_ginko_vein(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Vector", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale Vein", 80.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale Wave", 5.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vector"], 1: (-0.18, 0.0, 0.0)},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": subtract.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ gradient_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GradientTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": subtract.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"gradient_type": "RADIAL"},
+ )
+ pingpong = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: gradient_texture_1.outputs["Fac"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "PINGPONG"},
+ )
+ length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "LENGTH"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: pingpong}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: -0.44},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: length.outputs["Value"], 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: pingpong, 1: multiply_1})
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.005, 2: add},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_add})
+ wave_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": combine_xyz_2,
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale Vein"],
+ "Distortion": 0.6,
+ "Detail": 3.0,
+ "Detail Scale": 5.0,
+ "Detail Roughness": 1.0,
+ "Phase Offset": -4.62,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: wave_texture_1.outputs["Color"], 1: length.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": multiply_2, 1: 0.15, 2: -0.32, 4: -0.02}
+ )
+ multiply_add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.03, 2: add},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_add_1})
+ wave_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": combine_xyz_3,
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale Wave"],
+ "Distortion": -0.42,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Detail Roughness": 1.0,
+ "Phase Offset": -4.62,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: wave_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], 1: length.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Vein": map_range_1.outputs["Result"], "Wave": multiply_3},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_ginko_shape", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_ginko_shape(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ shape_curve_control_points=[
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.523, 0.1156),
+ (0.5805, 0.7469),
+ (0.7742, 0.7719),
+ (0.9461, 0.7531),
+ (1.0, 0.0),
+ ],
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Coordinate", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Multiplier", 1.980),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale Margin", 6.6),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Coordinate"], 1: (0.9, 1.0, 0.0)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "LENGTH"},
+ )
+ gradient_texture = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeTexGradient",
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Coordinate"]},
+ )
+ gradient_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GradientTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Coordinate"]},
+ attrs={"gradient_type": "RADIAL"},
+ )
+ pingpong = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: gradient_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "PINGPONG"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: pingpong, 1: group_input.outputs["Multiplier"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"W": gradient_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "1D"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.3},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_2})
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add})
+ wave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": combine_xyz_1,
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale Margin"],
+ "Distortion": 5.82,
+ "Detail": 1.52,
+ "Detail Roughness": 1.0,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: wave_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: 0.02},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": multiply_1})
+ node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], shape_curve_control_points)
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: float_curve})
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: length.outputs["Value"], 1: add_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": subtract})
+ "nodegroup_valid_area", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_valid_area(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5)]
+ )
+ sign = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SIGN"},
+ )
+ map_range_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": sign, 1: -1.0, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Result": map_range_4.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_ginko", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_ginko(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, stem_curve_control_points, shape_curve_control_points
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Length", 0.64),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Width", 0.005),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatAngle", "Angle", -1.7617),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Displacenment", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Multiplier", 1.980),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale Vein", 80.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale Wave", 5.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale Margin", 6.6),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Level", 9),
+ ],
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Level": group_input.outputs["Level"],
+ },
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": position, "Angle": group_input.outputs["Angle"]},
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "Z_AXIS"},
+ )
+ ginkoshape = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_ginko_shape(
+ shape_curve_control_points=shape_curve_control_points
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Coordinate": vector_rotate,
+ "Multiplier": group_input.outputs["Multiplier"],
+ "Scale Margin": group_input.outputs["Scale Margin"],
+ },
+ )
+ validarea = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_valid_area().name, input_kwargs={"Value": ginkoshape}
+ )
+ ginkovein = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_ginko_vein().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vector_rotate,
+ "Scale Vein": group_input.outputs["Scale Vein"],
+ "Scale Wave": group_input.outputs["Scale Wave"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: validarea, 1: ginkovein.outputs["Vein"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ map_range_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": ginkoshape, 1: -1.0, 2: 0.0, 3: -5.0, 4: 0.0},
+ attrs={"clamp": False},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: map_range_4.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ clamp = nw.new_node(Nodes.Clamp, input_kwargs={"Value": multiply_1, "Max": 0.01})
+ capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute, input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivide_mesh, 2: clamp}
+ )
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: ginkoshape,
+ },
+ )
+ ginkostem = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_ginko_stem(stem_curve_control_points=stem_curve_control_points).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Coordinate": position,
+ "Length": group_input.outputs["Vein Length"],
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["Vein Width"],
+ },
+ )
+ smooth_min = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: ginkoshape, 1: ginkostem.outputs["Stem"], 2: 0.1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SMOOTH_MIN"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: smooth_min, 1: -1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ stem_length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: 0.0},
+ label="stem length",
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ delete_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DeleteGeom,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Selection": stem_length,
+ },
+ )
+ validarea_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_valid_area().name, input_kwargs={"Value": ginkostem.outputs["Stem"]}
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: validarea_1, 1: ginkostem.outputs["Stem Raw"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: clamp})
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add, 1: group_input.outputs["Displacenment"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_4})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": delete_geometry, "Offset": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ validarea_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_valid_area().name, input_kwargs={"Value": ginkoshape}
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: validarea_2, 1: ginkovein.outputs["Wave"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "Vein": capture_attribute_1.outputs[2],
+ "Shape": capture_attribute.outputs[2],
+ "Wave": multiply_5,
+ },
+ )
+def shader_material(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "vein"})
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": attribute.outputs["Color"], 2: 0.12, 4: 6.26},
+ )
+ attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "shape"})
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": attribute_1.outputs["Color"],
+ 1: -0.74,
+ 2: 0.01,
+ 3: 2.0,
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_1.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0), (0.3795, 0.6344), (1.0, 1.0)]
+ )
+ separate_hsv = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeSeparateHSV", input_kwargs={"Color": kwargs["color_base"]}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_hsv.outputs["V"], 1: 0.2},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_hsv = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineHSV,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "H": separate_hsv.outputs["H"],
+ "S": separate_hsv.outputs["S"],
+ "V": subtract,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": float_curve,
+ "Color1": kwargs["color_base"],
+ "Color2": combine_hsv,
+ },
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color1": mix_1,
+ "Color2": kwargs["color_vein"],
+ },
+ )
+ group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_shader().name, input_kwargs={"Color": mix})
+ material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": group})
+def geo_leaf_ginko(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ nodegroup = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_ginko(
+ stem_curve_control_points=kwargs["stem_curve_control_points"],
+ shape_curve_control_points=kwargs["shape_curve_control_points"],
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Vein Length": kwargs["vein_length"],
+ "Angle": deg2rad(kwargs["angle"]),
+ "Multiplier": kwargs["multiplier"],
+ "Scale Vein": kwargs["scale_vein"],
+ "Scale Wave": kwargs["scale_wave"],
+ "Scale Margin": kwargs["scale_margin"],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": nodegroup.outputs["Wave"], 4: 0.04}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": nodegroup.outputs["Geometry"], "Offset": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ apply_wave = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_apply_wave(
+ y_wave_control_points=kwargs["y_wave_control_points"],
+ x_wave_control_points=kwargs["x_wave_control_points"],
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "Wave Scale X": 0.0,
+ "Wave Scale Y": 1.0,
+ "X Modulated": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ },
+ )
+ move_to_origin = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_move_to_origin().name, input_kwargs={"Geometry": apply_wave}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": move_to_origin,
+ "Vein": nodegroup.outputs["Vein"],
+ "Shape": nodegroup.outputs["Shape"],
+ },
+ )
+class LeafFactoryGinko(AssetFactory):
+ scale = 0.3
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, season="autumn", coarse=False):
+ super(LeafFactoryGinko, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.genome = self.sample_geo_genome()
+ t = uniform(0.0, 1.0)
+ # self.blade_color = hsv2rgba([0.125 + 0.16 * factory_seed / 10, 0.95, 0.6])
+ if season == "autumn":
+ self.blade_color = [uniform(0.125, 0.2), 0.95, 0.6]
+ elif season == "summer" or season == "spring":
+ self.blade_color = [uniform(0.25, 0.3), 0.95, 0.6]
+ elif season == "winter":
+ self.blade_color = [uniform(0.125, 0.2), 0.95, 0.6]
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ self.color_randomness = 0.05
+ @staticmethod
+ def sample_geo_genome():
+ return {
+ "midrib_length": uniform(0.0, 0.8),
+ "midrib_width": uniform(0.5, 1.0),
+ "stem_length": uniform(0.7, 0.9),
+ "vein_asymmetry": uniform(0.0, 1.0),
+ "vein_angle": uniform(0.2, 2.0),
+ "vein_density": uniform(5.0, 20.0),
+ "subvein_scale": uniform(10.0, 20.0),
+ "jigsaw_scale": uniform(5.0, 20.0),
+ "jigsaw_depth": uniform(0.0, 2.0),
+ "midrib_shape_control_points": [
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (0.25, uniform(0.48, 0.52)),
+ (0.75, uniform(0.48, 0.52)),
+ (1.0, 0.5),
+ ],
+ "leaf_shape_control_points": [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (uniform(0.2, 0.4), uniform(0.1, 0.4)),
+ (uniform(0.6, 0.8), uniform(0.1, 0.4)),
+ (1.0, 0.0),
+ ],
+ "vein_shape_control_points": [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.25, uniform(0.1, 0.4)),
+ (0.75, uniform(0.6, 0.9)),
+ (1.0, 1.0),
+ ],
+ }
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=2,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ # add noise to the genotype output
+ # hue_noise = np.random.randn() * 0
+ # hsv_blade = self.hsv_blade + hue_noise
+ # hsv_vein = self.hsv_vein + hue_noise
+ phenome = self.genome.copy()
+ phenome["y_wave_control_points"] = [
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (uniform(0.25, 0.75), uniform(0.50, 0.60)),
+ (1.0, 0.5),
+ ]
+ x_wave_val = np.random.uniform(0.50, 0.58)
+ phenome["x_wave_control_points"] = [
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (0.4, x_wave_val),
+ (0.5, 0.5),
+ (0.6, x_wave_val),
+ (1.0, 0.5),
+ ]
+ phenome["stem_curve_control_points"] = [
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (uniform(0.2, 0.3), uniform(0.45, 0.55)),
+ (uniform(0.7, 0.8), uniform(0.45, 0.55)),
+ (1.0, 0.5),
+ ]
+ phenome["shape_curve_control_points"] = [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.523, 0.1156),
+ (0.5805, 0.7469),
+ (0.7742, 0.7719),
+ (0.9461, 0.7531),
+ (1.0, 0.0),
+ ]
+ phenome["vein_length"] = uniform(0.4, 0.5)
+ phenome["angle"] = uniform(-110.0, -70.0)
+ phenome["multiplier"] = uniform(1.90, 1.98)
+ phenome["scale_vein"] = uniform(70.0, 90.0)
+ phenome["scale_wave"] = uniform(4.0, 6.0)
+ phenome["scale_margin"] = uniform(5.5, 7.5)
+ material_kwargs = phenome.copy()
+ material_kwargs["color_base"] = np.copy(
+ self.blade_color
+ ) # (0.2346, 0.4735, 0.0273, 1.0),
+ material_kwargs["color_base"][0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
+ material_kwargs["color_base"][1] += np.random.normal(0.0, self.color_randomness)
+ material_kwargs["color_base"][2] += np.random.normal(0.0, self.color_randomness)
+ material_kwargs["color_base"] = hsv2rgba(material_kwargs["color_base"])
+ material_kwargs["color_vein"] = hsv2rgba(np.copy(self.blade_color))
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geo_leaf_ginko,
+ apply=False,
+ attributes=["vein", "shape"],
+ input_kwargs=phenome,
+ )
+ surface.add_material(
+ obj, shader_material, reuse=False, input_kwargs=material_kwargs
+ )
+ bpy.ops.object.convert(target="MESH")
+ obj = bpy.context.object
+ obj.scale *= normal(1, 0.2) * self.scale
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ tag_object(obj, "leaf_ginko")
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/leaves/leaf_maple.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/leaves/leaf_maple.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..620292bbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/leaves/leaf_maple.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1356 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9YmJ0zGWHw by Creative Shrimp
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.leaves.leaf_v2 import nodegroup_apply_wave
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+def deg2rad(deg):
+ return deg / 180.0 * np.pi
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_vein", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_vein(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Vector", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatAngle", "Angle", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Length", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Start", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Modulated", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Anneal", 0.4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Phase Offset", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": absolute,
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Z": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz_1, "Angle": group_input.outputs["Angle"]},
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "Z_AXIS"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_rotate}
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz_1}
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 2: 0.3}
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_1.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0), (0.5932, 0.1969), (1.0, 1.0)]
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: 0.2},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_3.outputs["X"], 1: multiply}
+ )
+ sign = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SIGN"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: sign, 1: 0.1}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: multiply_1})
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Phase Offset"]}
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"W": add_2, "Scale": 8.0, "Randomness": 0.7125},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "1D"},
+ )
+ length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: vector_rotate}, attrs={"operation": "LENGTH"}
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 0.05, 1: length.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 0.08, 1: multiply_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ 2: subtract,
+ 3: 1.0,
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ absolute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: 0.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Anneal"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: absolute_1, 1: multiply_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: less_than},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ less_than_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add, 1: group_input.outputs["Start"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: less_than_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Result": multiply_5})
+ "nodegroup_leaf_shader", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leaf_shader(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[("NodeSocketColor", "Color", (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0))],
+ )
+ diffuse_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBsdfDiffuse", input_kwargs={"Color": group_input.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ glossy_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBsdfGlossy",
+ input_kwargs={"Color": group_input.outputs["Color"], "Roughness": 0.3},
+ )
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader, input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.2, 1: diffuse_bsdf, 2: glossy_bsdf}
+ )
+ translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TranslucentBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": group_input.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader, input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.3, 1: mix_shader, 2: translucent_bsdf}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Shader": mix_shader_1})
+ "nodegroup_node_group_002", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_node_group_002(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: position}, attrs={"operation": "LENGTH"}
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Shape", 0.5)]
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: length.outputs["Value"], 1: group_input.outputs["Shape"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": multiply, 1: -1.0, 2: 0.0, 3: -0.1, 4: 0.1},
+ attrs={"clamp": False},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Result": map_range_1.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "X", 0.5), ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 0.0)],
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": absolute, "Y": group_input.outputs["Y"]}
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz}
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.9,
+ "Color1": noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": mix, "Scale": 30.0}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.1, 4: 2.0},
+ attrs={"clamp": False},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mix, "Scale": 150.0},
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.1},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: -1.0}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 4: -1.0}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": multiply, "Color Value": map_range_3.outputs["Result"]},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_midrib", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_midrib(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Vector", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatAngle", "Angle", 0.8238),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatAngle", "vein Angle", 0.7854),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "vein Length", 0.2),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "vein Start", -0.2),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Anneal", 0.4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Phase Offset", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ vector_rotate_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Angle": group_input.outputs["Angle"],
+ },
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "Z_AXIS"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_rotate_1}
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]}
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_1.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (0.1432, 0.5406),
+ (0.2591, 0.5062),
+ (0.3705, 0.5406),
+ (0.4591, 0.425),
+ (0.5932, 0.4562),
+ (0.7432, 0.3562),
+ (0.8727, 0.5062),
+ (1.0, 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.1
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: value},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: multiply}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: value}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add, 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ vein = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_vein().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vector_rotate_1,
+ "Angle": group_input.outputs["vein Angle"],
+ "Length": group_input.outputs["vein Length"],
+ "Start": group_input.outputs["vein Start"],
+ "X Modulated": subtract,
+ "Anneal": group_input.outputs["Anneal"],
+ "Phase Offset": group_input.outputs["Phase Offset"],
+ },
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract}, attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"}
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_rotate_1, "Scale": 10.0}
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: 0.01},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: multiply_2})
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": add_1, 2: 0.01, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0}
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: 0.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: greater_than},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ maximum = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: vein, 1: multiply_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "MAXIMUM"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Result": maximum, "Vector": vector_rotate_1}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_valid_area", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_valid_area(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5)]
+ )
+ sign = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SIGN"},
+ )
+ map_range_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": sign, 1: -1.0, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Result": map_range_4.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_maple_shape", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_maple_shape(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Coordinate", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Multiplier", 1.96),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Noise Level", 0.02),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Coordinate"], 1: (0.9, 1.0, 0.0)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "LENGTH"},
+ )
+ gradient_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GradientTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Coordinate"]},
+ attrs={"gradient_type": "RADIAL"},
+ )
+ pingpong = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: gradient_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "PINGPONG"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: pingpong, 1: group_input.outputs["Multiplier"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": multiply_1})
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.1156, 0.075),
+ (0.2109, 0.2719),
+ (0.2602, 0.2344),
+ (0.3633, 0.2625),
+ (0.4171, 0.5545),
+ (0.4336, 0.5344),
+ (0.4568, 0.7094),
+ (0.4749, 0.6012),
+ (0.4882, 0.6636),
+ (0.5352, 0.4594),
+ (0.5484, 0.4375),
+ (0.5648, 0.4469),
+ (0.6366, 0.7331),
+ (0.6719, 0.6562),
+ (0.7149, 0.8225),
+ (0.768, 0.6344),
+ (0.7928, 0.6853),
+ (0.8156, 0.5125),
+ (0.8297, 0.4906),
+ (0.85, 0.5125),
+ (0.8988, 0.747),
+ (0.9297, 0.6937),
+ (0.9648, 0.8937),
+ (0.9797, 0.8656),
+ (0.9883, 0.8938),
+ (1.0, 1.0),
+ ],
+ handles=[
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ ],
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: length.outputs["Value"], 1: float_curve},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 0.06}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": multiply_1})
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.1156, 0.075),
+ (0.2109, 0.2719),
+ (0.2602, 0.2344),
+ (0.3633, 0.2625),
+ (0.4336, 0.5344),
+ (0.4568, 0.7094),
+ (0.4749, 0.6012),
+ (0.5352, 0.4594),
+ (0.5484, 0.4375),
+ (0.5648, 0.4469),
+ (0.6719, 0.6562),
+ (0.7149, 0.8225),
+ (0.768, 0.6344),
+ (0.8156, 0.5125),
+ (0.8297, 0.4906),
+ (0.85, 0.5125),
+ (0.9297, 0.6937),
+ (0.9883, 0.8938),
+ (1.0, 1.0),
+ ],
+ handles=[
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ ],
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: length.outputs["Value"], 1: float_curve_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ subtract_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_2, 1: 0.06},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Shape": subtract_1, "Displacement": subtract_3},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_maple_stem", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_maple_stem(nw: NodeWrangler, stem_curve_control_points):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Coordinate", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Length", 0.64),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.005),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Coordinate"], 1: (0.0, 0.08, 0.0)},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": add.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: -1.0, 2: 0.0},
+ )
+ float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_2.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0], stem_curve_control_points)
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": float_curve_1, 3: -1.0}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_3.outputs["Result"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ 1: -1.72,
+ 2: -0.35,
+ 3: 0.03,
+ 4: 0.008,
+ },
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: group_input.outputs["Length"]},
+ )
+ absolute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2}, attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"}
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: absolute_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Length"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ smooth_max = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: subtract_1, 2: 0.02},
+ attrs={"operation": "SMOOTH_MAX"},
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: smooth_max, 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Stem": subtract_2, "Stem Raw": absolute}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_move_to_origin", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_move_to_origin(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 0.0, 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ attribute_statistic_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 0.0, 1: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Max"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": subtract, "Z": subtract_1}
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
+def shader_material(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.7,
+ },
+ )
+ separate_rgb = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateRGB, input_kwargs={"Image": noise_texture.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ map_range_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_rgb.outputs["G"],
+ 1: 0.4,
+ 2: 0.7,
+ 3: 0.48,
+ 4: 0.55,
+ },
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ map_range_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": separate_rgb.outputs["B"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.4},
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "vein"})
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": attribute.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": kwargs["color_vein"],
+ "Color2": kwargs["color_base"],
+ },
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Hue": map_range_4.outputs["Result"],
+ "Value": map_range_6.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color": mix,
+ },
+ )
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leaf_shader().name, input_kwargs={"Color": hue_saturation_value}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": group})
+def geo_leaf_maple(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ # subdivide_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
+ # input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": group_input.outputs["Geometry"], "Level": 11},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ maplestem = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_maple_stem(
+ stem_curve_control_points=kwargs["stem_curve_control_points"]
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={"Coordinate": position, "Length": 0.32, "Value": 0.005},
+ )
+ vector_rotate_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": position, "Angle": deg2rad(kwargs["angle"])},
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "Z_AXIS"},
+ )
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_rotate_1, "Angle": -1.5708},
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "Z_AXIS"},
+ )
+ mapleshape = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_maple_shape().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Coordinate": vector_rotate,
+ "Multiplier": kwargs["multiplier"],
+ "Noise Level": 0.04,
+ },
+ )
+ smooth_min = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: maplestem.outputs["Stem"],
+ 1: mapleshape.outputs["Shape"],
+ 2: 0.0,
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SMOOTH_MIN"},
+ )
+ stem_length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: smooth_min}, label="stem length"
+ )
+ delete_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DeleteGeom,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivide_mesh, "Selection": stem_length},
+ )
+ validarea = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_valid_area().name, input_kwargs={"Value": mapleshape.outputs["Shape"]}
+ )
+ midrib = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_midrib().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vector_rotate_1,
+ "Angle": 1.693,
+ "vein Length": 0.12,
+ "vein Start": -0.12,
+ "Phase Offset": uniform(0, 100),
+ },
+ )
+ midrib_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_midrib().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vector_rotate_1,
+ "Angle": -1.7279,
+ "vein Length": 0.12,
+ "vein Start": -0.12,
+ "Phase Offset": uniform(0, 100),
+ },
+ )
+ maximum = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: midrib.outputs["Result"], 1: midrib_1.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MAXIMUM"},
+ )
+ midrib_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_midrib().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vector_rotate_1,
+ "Angle": 0.8901,
+ "vein Length": 0.2,
+ "vein Start": 0.0,
+ "Phase Offset": uniform(0, 100),
+ },
+ )
+ midrib_3 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_midrib().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vector_rotate_1,
+ "Angle": -0.9041,
+ "vein Start": 0.0,
+ "Phase Offset": uniform(0, 100),
+ },
+ )
+ maximum_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: midrib_2.outputs["Result"], 1: midrib_3.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MAXIMUM"},
+ )
+ maximum_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: maximum, 1: maximum_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MAXIMUM"},
+ )
+ midrib_4 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_midrib().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vector_rotate_1,
+ "Angle": 0.0,
+ "vein Length": 1.64,
+ "vein Start": -0.12,
+ "Phase Offset": uniform(0, 100),
+ },
+ )
+ midrib_5 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_midrib().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vector_rotate_1,
+ "Angle": 3.1416,
+ "vein Angle": 0.761,
+ "vein Length": -10.56,
+ "vein Start": 0.02,
+ "Anneal": 10.0,
+ "Phase Offset": uniform(0, 100),
+ },
+ )
+ maximum_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: midrib_4.outputs["Result"], 1: midrib_5.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MAXIMUM"},
+ )
+ maximum_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: maximum_2, 1: maximum_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "MAXIMUM"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ nodegroup_sub_vein = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein().name,
+ input_kwargs={"X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"], "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": nodegroup_sub_vein.outputs["Color Value"],
+ 2: -0.94,
+ 3: 1.0,
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ maximum_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: maximum_4, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MAXIMUM"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: maximum_5}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: validarea, 1: subtract},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute, input_kwargs={"Geometry": delete_geometry, 2: multiply}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: nodegroup_sub_vein.outputs["Value"], 1: -0.03},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ maximum_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: maximum_4, 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MAXIMUM"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: maximum_6, 1: 0.015},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: -1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: validarea},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ validarea_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_valid_area().name, input_kwargs={"Value": maplestem.outputs["Stem"]}
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: maplestem.outputs["Stem Raw"], 1: 0.01},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: validarea_1, 1: subtract_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: multiply_5})
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ nodegroup_002 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_node_group_002().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Shape": mapleshape.outputs["Displacement"]},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_6, 1: nodegroup_002})
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": add_1})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_rotate_1}
+ )
+ move_to_origin = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_move_to_origin().name, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
+ apply_wave = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_apply_wave(
+ y_wave_control_points=kwargs["y_wave_control_points"],
+ x_wave_control_points=kwargs["x_wave_control_points"],
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": move_to_origin,
+ "Wave Scale X": 0.5,
+ "Wave Scale Y": 1.0,
+ "X Modulated": separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": apply_wave, "Vein": capture_attribute.outputs[2]},
+ )
+class LeafFactoryMaple(AssetFactory):
+ scale = 0.5
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, season="autumn", coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.genome = self.sample_geo_genome()
+ t = uniform(0.0, 1.0)
+ if season == "autumn":
+ hsvcol_blade = [uniform(0.0, 0.20), 0.85, 0.9]
+ hsvcol_vein = np.copy(hsvcol_blade)
+ hsvcol_vein[2] = 0.7
+ elif season == "summer" or season == "spring":
+ hsvcol_blade = [uniform(0.28, 0.32), uniform(0.6, 0.7), 0.9]
+ hsvcol_vein = np.copy(hsvcol_blade)
+ hsvcol_blade[2] = uniform(0.1, 0.5)
+ hsvcol_vein[2] = uniform(0.1, 0.5)
+ elif season == "winter":
+ hsvcol_blade = [
+ uniform(0.0, 0.10),
+ uniform(0.2, 0.6),
+ uniform(0.0, 0.1),
+ ]
+ hsvcol_vein = [uniform(0.0, 0.10), uniform(0.2, 0.6), uniform(0.0, 0.1)]
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ self.blade_color = hsvcol_blade
+ self.vein_color = hsvcol_vein
+ self.color_randomness = uniform(0.05, 0.10)
+ # if t < 0.5:
+ # self.blade_color = np.array((0.2346, 0.4735, 0.0273, 1.0))
+ # else:
+ # self.blade_color = np.array((1.000, 0.855, 0.007, 1.0))
+ @staticmethod
+ def sample_geo_genome():
+ return {
+ "midrib_length": uniform(0.0, 0.8),
+ "midrib_width": uniform(0.5, 1.0),
+ "stem_length": uniform(0.7, 0.9),
+ "vein_asymmetry": uniform(0.0, 1.0),
+ "vein_angle": uniform(0.2, 2.0),
+ "vein_density": uniform(5.0, 20.0),
+ "subvein_scale": uniform(10.0, 20.0),
+ "jigsaw_scale": uniform(5.0, 20.0),
+ "jigsaw_depth": uniform(0.0, 2.0),
+ "midrib_shape_control_points": [
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (0.25, uniform(0.48, 0.52)),
+ (0.75, uniform(0.48, 0.52)),
+ (1.0, 0.5),
+ ],
+ "leaf_shape_control_points": [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (uniform(0.2, 0.4), uniform(0.1, 0.4)),
+ (uniform(0.6, 0.8), uniform(0.1, 0.4)),
+ (1.0, 0.0),
+ ],
+ "vein_shape_control_points": [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.25, uniform(0.1, 0.4)),
+ (0.75, uniform(0.6, 0.9)),
+ (1.0, 1.0),
+ ],
+ }
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=4,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ # add noise to the genotype output
+ # hue_noise = np.random.randn() * 0
+ # hsv_blade = self.hsv_blade + hue_noise
+ # hsv_vein = self.hsv_vein + hue_noise
+ phenome = self.genome.copy()
+ phenome["y_wave_control_points"] = [
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (uniform(0.25, 0.75), uniform(0.50, 0.60)),
+ (1.0, 0.5),
+ ]
+ x_wave_val = np.random.uniform(0.50, 0.58)
+ phenome["x_wave_control_points"] = [
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (0.4, x_wave_val),
+ (0.5, 0.5),
+ (0.6, x_wave_val),
+ (1.0, 0.5),
+ ]
+ phenome["stem_curve_control_points"] = [
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (uniform(0.2, 0.3), uniform(0.45, 0.55)),
+ (uniform(0.7, 0.8), uniform(0.45, 0.55)),
+ (1.0, 0.5),
+ ]
+ phenome["shape_curve_control_points"] = [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.523, 0.1156),
+ (0.5805, 0.7469),
+ (0.7742, 0.7719),
+ (0.9461, 0.7531),
+ (1.0, 0.0),
+ ]
+ phenome["vein_length"] = uniform(0.4, 0.5)
+ phenome["angle"] = uniform(-15.0, 15.0)
+ phenome["multiplier"] = uniform(1.92, 2.00)
+ phenome["scale_vein"] = uniform(70.0, 90.0)
+ phenome["scale_wave"] = uniform(4.0, 6.0)
+ phenome["scale_margin"] = uniform(5.5, 7.5)
+ material_kwargs = phenome.copy()
+ material_kwargs["color_base"] = np.copy(
+ self.blade_color
+ ) # (0.2346, 0.4735, 0.0273, 1.0),
+ material_kwargs["color_base"][0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
+ material_kwargs["color_base"][1] += np.random.normal(0.0, self.color_randomness)
+ material_kwargs["color_base"][2] += np.random.normal(0.0, self.color_randomness)
+ material_kwargs["color_base"] = hsv2rgba(material_kwargs["color_base"])
+ material_kwargs["color_vein"] = np.copy(
+ self.vein_color
+ ) # (0.2346, 0.4735, 0.0273, 1.0),
+ material_kwargs["color_vein"][0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.02)
+ material_kwargs["color_vein"][1] += np.random.normal(0.0, self.color_randomness)
+ material_kwargs["color_vein"][2] += np.random.normal(0.0, self.color_randomness)
+ material_kwargs["color_vein"] = hsv2rgba(material_kwargs["color_vein"])
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geo_leaf_maple, apply=False, attributes=["vein"], input_kwargs=phenome
+ )
+ surface.add_material(
+ obj, shader_material, reuse=False, input_kwargs=material_kwargs
+ )
+ bpy.ops.object.convert(target="MESH")
+ obj = bpy.context.object
+ obj.scale *= normal(1, 0.1) * self.scale
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ tag_object(obj, "leaf_maple")
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/leaves/leaf_pine.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/leaves/leaf_pine.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e07ee8fe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/leaves/leaf_pine.py
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from random import randint
+import bpy
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+######## code for creating pine needles ########
+def shader_needle(nw):
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.1 of the node_transpiler
+ velvet_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBsdfVelvet", input_kwargs={"Color": (0.016, 0.2241, 0.0252, 1.0)}
+ )
+ glossy_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBsdfGlossy",
+ input_kwargs={"Color": (0.5771, 0.8, 0.5713, 1.0), "Roughness": 0.4},
+ )
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader, input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.3, 1: velvet_bsdf, 2: glossy_bsdf}
+ )
+ translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TranslucentBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": (0.0116, 0.4409, 0.0262, 1.0)}
+ )
+ mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader, input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.1, 1: mix_shader, 2: translucent_bsdf}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader_1}
+ )
+def geometry_needle(nw):
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.1 of the node_transpiler
+ cone = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCone",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vertices": 4,
+ "Radius Top": 0.01,
+ "Radius Bottom": 0.02,
+ "Depth": 1.0,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cone.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_needle),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material}
+ )
+def apply_needle(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_needle, selection=selection, attributes=[])
+def make_needle(name="Needle"):
+ if bpy.context.scene.objects.get(name):
+ return bpy.context.scene.objects.get(name)
+ else:
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=2,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ needle = bpy.context.active_object
+ needle.name = name
+ apply_needle(needle)
+ bpy.ops.object.convert(target="MESH")
+ return needle
+######## code for creating pine needles ########
+######## code for creating pine twigs ########
+ "nodegroup_instance_needle", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_instance_needle(nw):
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "Needle Density", 0.9),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Seed", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Instance", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Angle Mean", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Angle Range", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node("GeometryNodeSplineParameter")
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"], 1: 0.1}
+ )
+ random_value_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Probability": group_input.outputs["Needle Density"],
+ "Seed": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "BOOLEAN"},
+ )
+ op_and = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: random_value_3.outputs[3]}
+ )
+ curve_tangent = nw.new_node("GeometryNodeInputTangent")
+ align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": curve_tangent},
+ attrs={"axis": "Y"},
+ )
+ random_value = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: 0.6, "Seed": group_input.outputs["Seed"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": 0.8, "Y": 0.8, "Z": random_value.outputs[1]},
+ )
+ value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.3
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 1: value_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": group_input.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Selection": op_and,
+ "Instance": group_input.outputs["Instance"],
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector,
+ "Scale": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["X Angle Mean"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["X Angle Range"],
+ },
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["X Angle Mean"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["X Angle Range"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ random_value_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={2: add, 3: subtract, "Seed": group_input.outputs["Seed"]},
+ )
+ radians = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: random_value_2.outputs[1]},
+ attrs={"operation": "RADIANS"},
+ )
+ random_value_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={3: 360.0, "Seed": group_input.outputs["Seed"]}
+ )
+ radians_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: random_value_1.outputs[1]},
+ attrs={"operation": "RADIANS"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": radians, "Y": radians_1}
+ )
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeRotateInstances",
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": instance_on_points, "Rotation": combine_xyz_1},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Instances": rotate_instances}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_needle5", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_needle5(nw):
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Instance", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Angle Mean", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Angle Range", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "Needle Density", 0.9),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Seed", 0),
+ ],
+ )
+ instanceneedle = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_instance_needle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Needle Density": group_input.outputs["Needle Density"],
+ "Seed": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Instance": group_input.outputs["Instance"],
+ "X Angle Mean": group_input.outputs["X Angle Mean"],
+ "X Angle Range": group_input.outputs["X Angle Range"],
+ },
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Seed"], 1: 1.0})
+ instanceneedle_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_instance_needle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Needle Density": group_input.outputs["Needle Density"],
+ "Seed": add,
+ "X Angle Mean": group_input.outputs["X Angle Mean"],
+ "X Angle Range": group_input.outputs["X Angle Range"],
+ },
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Seed"], 1: 2.0}
+ )
+ instanceneedle_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_instance_needle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Needle Density": group_input.outputs["Needle Density"],
+ "Seed": add_1,
+ "Instance": group_input.outputs["Instance"],
+ "X Angle Mean": group_input.outputs["X Angle Mean"],
+ "X Angle Range": group_input.outputs["X Angle Range"],
+ },
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Seed"], 1: 3.0}
+ )
+ instanceneedle_3 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_instance_needle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Needle Density": group_input.outputs["Needle Density"],
+ "Seed": add_2,
+ "Instance": group_input.outputs["Instance"],
+ "X Angle Mean": group_input.outputs["X Angle Mean"],
+ "X Angle Range": group_input.outputs["X Angle Range"],
+ },
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Seed"], 1: 4.0}
+ )
+ instanceneedle_4 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_instance_needle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Needle Density": group_input.outputs["Needle Density"],
+ "Seed": add_3,
+ "Instance": group_input.outputs["Instance"],
+ "X Angle Mean": group_input.outputs["X Angle Mean"],
+ "X Angle Range": group_input.outputs["X Angle Range"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ instanceneedle,
+ instanceneedle_1,
+ instanceneedle_2,
+ instanceneedle_3,
+ instanceneedle_4,
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Instances": join_geometry}
+ )
+def shader_twig(nw):
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": (0.08, 0.0329, 0.0414, 1.0),
+ "Specular": 0.0527,
+ "Roughness": 0.4491,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pine_twig", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pine_twig(nw):
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketIntUnsigned", "Resolution", 20),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Middle Y", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Middle Z", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "Needle Density", 0.9),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Instance", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Angle Mean", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Angle Range", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Seed", 0),
+ ],
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 1: 30.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ divide_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: 2.0}, attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Middle Y"],
+ "Y": divide_1,
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["Middle Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": divide})
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Start": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Middle": combine_xyz,
+ "End": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"W": -1.7}, attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"}
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: value},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node("GeometryNodeSplineParameter")
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 1: 0.1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"], 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": quadratic_bezier,
+ "Offset": multiply_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0},
+ )
+ power = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 2.0, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "POWER"},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius, input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position, "Radius": power}
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Resolution": 16, "Radius": 0.01}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_to_mesh,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_twig),
+ },
+ )
+ needle5 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_needle5().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_position,
+ "Instance": group_input.outputs["Instance"],
+ "X Angle Mean": group_input.outputs["X Angle Mean"],
+ "X Angle Range": group_input.outputs["X Angle Range"],
+ "Needle Density": group_input.outputs["Needle Density"],
+ "Seed": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material, needle5]}
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry}
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances, "Shade Smooth": False},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_shade_smooth}
+ )
+def geometry_node_pine_twig(
+ nw,
+ needle_name="Needle",
+ length=30,
+ middle_y=0.0,
+ middle_z=0.0,
+ seed=0,
+ x_angle_mean=-50.0,
+ x_angle_range=10.0,
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
+ object_info = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={"Object": bpy.data.objects[needle_name]}
+ )
+ pine_needle = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pine_twig().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": length,
+ "Middle Y": middle_y,
+ "Middle Z": middle_z,
+ "Instance": object_info.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "X Angle Mean": x_angle_mean,
+ "X Angle Range": x_angle_range,
+ "Seed": seed,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": pine_needle}
+ )
+def apply_twig(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geometry_node_pine_twig,
+ selection=selection,
+ attributes=[],
+ input_kwargs=kwargs,
+ )
+ surface.add_material(obj, shader_twig, selection=selection)
+def make_pine_twig(**kwargs):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=2, enter_editmode=False, align="WORLD", location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1)
+ )
+ twig = bpy.context.active_object
+ twig.name = "Twig"
+ apply_twig(twig, **kwargs)
+ # bpy.ops.object.convert(target='MESH')
+ return twig
+class LeafFactoryPine(AssetFactory):
+ scale = 0.7
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, season="autumn", coarse=False):
+ super(LeafFactoryPine, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.needle = make_needle("Needle")
+ self.needle.hide_viewport = True
+ self.needle.hide_render = True
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ # with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
+ seed = randint(0, 1e6)
+ middle_y = normal(0.0, 0.1)
+ middle_z = normal(0.0, 0.1)
+ length = randint(25, 35)
+ x_angle_mean = uniform(-40, -60)
+ obj = make_pine_twig(
+ needle_name="Needle",
+ length=length,
+ middle_y=middle_y,
+ middle_z=middle_z,
+ seed=seed,
+ x_angle_mean=x_angle_mean,
+ x_angle_range=10.0,
+ )
+ bpy.ops.object.convert(target="MESH")
+ obj = bpy.context.object
+ obj.scale *= normal(1, 0.05) * self.scale
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ butil.purge_empty_materials(obj) # TODO remove when geonodes emptymats solved
+ tag_object(obj, "leaf_pine")
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/leaves/leaf_v2.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/leaves/leaf_v2.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f503a94b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/leaves/leaf_v2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1693 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+import logging
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+ "shader_nodegroup_sub_vein", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree"
+def shader_nodegroup_sub_vein(nw):
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Modulated", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": absolute, "Y": group_input.outputs["Y"]}
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz, "Scale": 30.0, "Randomness": 0.754},
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.1, 4: 3.0},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz, "Scale": 10.0, "Randomness": 0.754},
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.1, 4: 3.0},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": multiply})
+ "shader_nodegroup_midrib", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree"
+def shader_nodegroup_midrib(
+ nw,
+ midrib_curve_control_points=[
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (0.2809, 0.4868),
+ (0.7448, 0.5164),
+ (1.0, 0.5),
+ ],
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", -0.6),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Midrib Length", 0.4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Midrib Width", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Stem Length", 0.8),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -0.6, 2: 0.6},
+ )
+ stem_shape = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_6.outputs["Result"]},
+ label="Stem shape",
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(stem_shape.mapping.curves[0], midrib_curve_control_points)
+ map_range_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": stem_shape, 3: -1.0}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_7.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ map_range_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["Y"],
+ 1: -70.0,
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Midrib Length"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["Midrib Width"],
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract}, attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"}
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_8.outputs["Result"], 1: absolute},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ absolute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"},
+ )
+ map_range_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": absolute_1,
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Stem Length"],
+ 3: 1.0,
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ smooth_min = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: map_range_9.outputs["Result"], 2: 0.06},
+ attrs={"operation": "SMOOTH_MIN"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_8.outputs["Result"], 1: smooth_min},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ map_range_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": divide, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.03, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X Modulated": subtract,
+ "Midrib Value": map_range_11.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ "shader_nodegroup_vein_coord", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree"
+def shader_nodegroup_vein_coord(
+ nw,
+ vein_curve_control_points=[
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.3608, 0.2434),
+ (0.7454, 0.4951),
+ (1.0, 1.0),
+ ],
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Modulated", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Asymmetry", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Angle", 2.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ sign = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SIGN"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: sign, 1: group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ map_range_13 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -1.0}
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ vein__shape = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": absolute}, label="Vein Shape"
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(vein__shape.mapping.curves[0], vein_curve_control_points)
+ map_range_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": vein__shape, 2: 0.9, 4: 1.9}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_4.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_13.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: subtract})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vein Coord": add})
+ "shader_nodegroup_shape", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree"
+def shader_nodegroup_shape(
+ nw, shape_curve_control_points=[(0.0, 0.0), (0.3454, 0.2336), (1.0, 0.0)]
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Modulated", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ )
+ clamp = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeClamp",
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Y"], "Min": -0.6, "Max": 0.6},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": clamp})
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_2, 1: combine_xyz_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "LENGTH"},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -0.6, 2: 0.6},
+ )
+ leaf_shape = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
+ label="Leaf shape",
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(leaf_shape.mapping.curves[0], shape_curve_control_points)
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: length.outputs["Value"], 1: leaf_shape},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Leaf Shape": subtract_1}
+ )
+ "shader_nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree"
+def shader_nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib(nw):
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Coord", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Midrib Value", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leaf Shape", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Density", 6.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["Leaf Shape"],
+ 1: -0.3,
+ 2: 0.0,
+ 3: 0.015,
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ vein = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Vein Coord"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Vein Density"],
+ "Randomness": 0.2,
+ },
+ label="Vein",
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "1D"},
+ )
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": vein.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: 0.001,
+ 2: 0.05,
+ 3: 1.0,
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_5.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: map_range_3.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ map_range_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": multiply, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.03, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Midrib Value"],
+ 1: map_range_10.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vein Value": multiply_1}
+ )
+ "shader_nodegroup_leaf_gen", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree"
+def shader_nodegroup_leaf_gen(
+ nw,
+ midrib_curve_control_points,
+ vein_curve_control_points,
+ shape_curve_control_points,
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
+ input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Displancement scale", 0.01),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Asymmetry", 0.8),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Density", 10.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Jigsaw Scale", 18.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Jigsaw Depth", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Angle", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Sub-vein Displacement", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Sub-vein Scale", 20.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wave Displacement", 0.05),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Midrib Length", 0.4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Midrib Width", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Stem Length", 0.8),
+ ],
+ )
+ coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "coordinate"})
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": coordinate.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ midrib = nw.new_node(
+ shader_nodegroup_midrib(
+ midrib_curve_control_points=midrib_curve_control_points
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Midrib Length": input.outputs["Midrib Length"],
+ "Midrib Width": input.outputs["Midrib Width"],
+ "Stem Length": input.outputs["Stem Length"],
+ },
+ )
+ veincoord = nw.new_node(
+ shader_nodegroup_vein_coord(
+ vein_curve_control_points=vein_curve_control_points
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X Modulated": midrib.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Vein Asymmetry": input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"],
+ "Vein Angle": input.outputs["Vein Angle"],
+ },
+ )
+ shape = nw.new_node(
+ shader_nodegroup_shape(
+ shape_curve_control_points=shape_curve_control_points
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X Modulated": midrib.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ )
+ applyveinmidrib = nw.new_node(
+ shader_nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vein Coord": veincoord,
+ "Midrib Value": midrib.outputs["Midrib Value"],
+ "Leaf Shape": shape,
+ "Vein Density": input.outputs["Vein Density"],
+ },
+ )
+ subvein = nw.new_node(
+ shader_nodegroup_sub_vein().name,
+ input_kwargs={"X Modulated": midrib.outputs["X Modulated"], "Y": veincoord},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Vein Value": applyveinmidrib, "Sub Vein Value": subvein},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw(nw):
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Midrib Value", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Coord", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leaf Shape", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Jigsaw Scale", 18.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Jigsaw Depth", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Midrib Value"], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0},
+ )
+ jigsaw = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Vein Coord"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Jigsaw Scale"],
+ },
+ label="Jigsaw",
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "1D"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Jigsaw Depth"], 1: 0.05},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: jigsaw.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: multiply,
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Leaf Shape"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": multiply_add, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.002, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0},
+ )
+ maximum = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_12.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MAXIMUM"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": maximum})
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_shape", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_shape(
+ nw, shape_curve_control_points=[(0.0, 0.0), (0.3454, 0.2336), (1.0, 0.0)]
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Modulated", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ )
+ clamp = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeClamp",
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Y"], "Min": -0.6, "Max": 0.6},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": clamp})
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_2, 1: combine_xyz_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "LENGTH"},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -0.6, 2: 0.6},
+ )
+ leaf_shape = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
+ label="Leaf shape",
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(leaf_shape.mapping.curves[0], shape_curve_control_points)
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: length.outputs["Value"], 1: leaf_shape},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Leaf Shape": subtract_1}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_midrib", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_midrib(
+ nw,
+ midrib_curve_control_points=[
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (0.2809, 0.4868),
+ (0.7448, 0.5164),
+ (1.0, 0.5),
+ ],
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", -0.6),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Midrib Length", 0.4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Midrib Width", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Stem Length", 0.8),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -0.6, 2: 0.6},
+ )
+ stem_shape = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_6.outputs["Result"]},
+ label="Stem shape",
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(stem_shape.mapping.curves[0], midrib_curve_control_points)
+ map_range_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": stem_shape, 3: -1.0}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_7.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ map_range_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["Y"],
+ 1: -70.0,
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Midrib Length"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["Midrib Width"],
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract}, attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"}
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_8.outputs["Result"], 1: absolute},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ absolute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"},
+ )
+ map_range_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": absolute_1,
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Stem Length"],
+ 3: 1.0,
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ smooth_min = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: map_range_9.outputs["Result"], 2: 0.06},
+ attrs={"operation": "SMOOTH_MIN"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_8.outputs["Result"], 1: smooth_min},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ map_range_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": divide, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.03, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X Modulated": subtract,
+ "Midrib Value": map_range_11.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_vein_coord", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_vein_coord(
+ nw,
+ vein_curve_control_points=[
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.3608, 0.2434),
+ (0.7454, 0.4951),
+ (1.0, 1.0),
+ ],
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Modulated", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Asymmetry", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Angle", 2.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ sign = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SIGN"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: sign, 1: group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ map_range_13 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -1.0}
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ vein__shape = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": absolute}, label="Vein Shape"
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(vein__shape.mapping.curves[0], vein_curve_control_points)
+ map_range_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": vein__shape, 2: 0.9, 4: 1.9}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_4.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_13.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: subtract})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vein Coord": add})
+ "nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib(nw):
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Coord", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Midrib Value", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leaf Shape", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Density", 6.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["Leaf Shape"],
+ 1: -0.3,
+ 2: 0.0,
+ 3: 0.015,
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ vein = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Vein Coord"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Vein Density"],
+ "Randomness": 0.2,
+ },
+ label="Vein",
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "1D"},
+ )
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": vein.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: 0.001,
+ 2: 0.05,
+ 3: 1.0,
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_5.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: map_range_3.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ map_range_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": multiply, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.01, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Midrib Value"],
+ 1: map_range_10.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vein Value": multiply_1}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_leaf_gen", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_leaf_gen(
+ nw,
+ midrib_curve_control_points,
+ vein_curve_control_points,
+ shape_curve_control_points,
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Displancement scale", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Asymmetry", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Density", 6.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Jigsaw Scale", 18.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Jigsaw Depth", 0.07),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Angle", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Sub-vein Displacement", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Sub-vein Scale", 50.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wave Displacement", 0.1),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Midrib Length", 0.4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Midrib Width", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Stem Length", 0.8),
+ ],
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ midrib = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_midrib(midrib_curve_control_points=midrib_curve_control_points).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Midrib Length": geometry.outputs["Midrib Length"],
+ "Midrib Width": geometry.outputs["Midrib Width"],
+ "Stem Length": geometry.outputs["Stem Length"],
+ },
+ )
+ veincoord = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_vein_coord(vein_curve_control_points=vein_curve_control_points).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X Modulated": midrib.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Vein Asymmetry": geometry.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"],
+ "Vein Angle": geometry.outputs["Vein Angle"],
+ },
+ )
+ shape = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_shape(shape_curve_control_points=shape_curve_control_points).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X Modulated": midrib.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ )
+ applyveinmidrib = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vein Coord": veincoord,
+ "Midrib Value": midrib.outputs["Midrib Value"],
+ "Leaf Shape": shape,
+ "Vein Density": geometry.outputs["Vein Density"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: geometry.outputs["Displancement scale"], 1: applyveinmidrib},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry.outputs["Mesh"], "Offset": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ shapewithjigsaw = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Midrib Value": midrib.outputs["Midrib Value"],
+ "Vein Coord": veincoord,
+ "Leaf Shape": shape,
+ "Jigsaw Scale": geometry.outputs["Jigsaw Scale"],
+ "Jigsaw Depth": geometry.outputs["Jigsaw Depth"],
+ },
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={0: shapewithjigsaw, 1: 0.5},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ delete_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeDeleteGeometry",
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, "Selection": less_than},
+ )
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": delete_geometry, 2: applyveinmidrib},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": capture_attribute,
+ "Attribute": capture_attribute.outputs[2],
+ "X Modulated": midrib.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Vein Coord": veincoord,
+ },
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_sub_vein", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_sub_vein(nw):
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "X", 0.5), ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 0.0)],
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": absolute, "Y": group_input.outputs["Y"]}
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz, "Scale": 30.0, "Randomness": 0.754},
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.1},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz, "Scale": 10.0, "Randomness": 0.754},
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.1},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": multiply})
+ "nodegroup_add_noise", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_add_noise(nw):
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Displacement", 0.05),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 10.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": position_1, "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Displacement"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_apply_wave", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_apply_wave(nw, y_wave_control_points, x_wave_control_points):
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wave Scale Y", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wave Scale X", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Modulated", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position_1})
+ attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"],
+ 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"],
+ },
+ )
+ float_curves = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(float_curves.mapping.curves[0], y_wave_control_points)
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": float_curves, 3: -1.0}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Wave Scale Y"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ attribute_statistic_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ 1: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Min"],
+ 2: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Max"],
+ },
+ )
+ float_curves_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_7.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(float_curves_2.mapping.curves[0], x_wave_control_points)
+ float_curves_2.mapping.curves[0].points[2].handle_type = "VECTOR"
+ map_range_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": float_curves_2, 3: -1.0}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_4.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Wave Scale X"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_1})
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, "Offset": combine_xyz_1},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_1}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_move_to_origin", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_move_to_origin(nw):
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 0.0, 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": subtract})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_blight", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_blight(nw):
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Coordinate", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketColor", "Leaf Color", (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketColor", "Blight Color", (0.5, 0.3992, 0.035, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Random Seed", 18.3),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Offset", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["Coordinate"],
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Random Seed"],
+ "Scale": 4.0,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Dimension": 10.0,
+ "Lacunarity": 5.0,
+ "Offset": group_input.outputs["Offset"],
+ },
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D", "musgrave_type": "HETERO_TERRAIN"},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": musgrave_texture, 4: 0.8}
+ )
+ mix_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color1": group_input.outputs["Leaf Color"],
+ "Color2": group_input.outputs["Blight Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Color": mix_4})
+ "nodegroup_dotted_blight", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_dotted_blight(nw):
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Coord", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketColor", "Leaf Color", (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketColor", "Blight Color", (0.4969, 0.2831, 0.0273, 1.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Coord"], "Scale": 20.0},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "2D"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ 2: 0.15,
+ 3: 1.0,
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color1": group_input.outputs["Blight Color"],
+ "Color2": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color1": group_input.outputs["Leaf Color"],
+ "Color2": mix_5,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Color": mix_3})
+def shader_leaf_new(nw, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
+ leafgen = nw.new_node(
+ shader_nodegroup_leaf_gen(
+ midrib_curve_control_points=kwargs["midrib_shape_control_points"],
+ vein_curve_control_points=kwargs["vein_shape_control_points"],
+ shape_curve_control_points=kwargs["leaf_shape_control_points"],
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Displancement scale": 0.01,
+ "Vein Asymmetry": kwargs["vein_asymmetry"],
+ "Vein Angle": kwargs["vein_angle"],
+ "Vein Density": kwargs["vein_density"],
+ "Jigsaw Scale": kwargs["jigsaw_scale"],
+ "Jigsaw Depth": kwargs["jigsaw_depth"],
+ "Midrib Length": kwargs["midrib_length"],
+ "Midrib Width": kwargs["midrib_width"],
+ "Stem Length": kwargs["stem_length"],
+ },
+ )
+ rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
+ rgb.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["blade_color"]
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": kwargs["vein_color_mix_factor"],
+ "Color1": rgb,
+ "Color2": (0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": leafgen.outputs["Sub Vein Value"],
+ "Color1": mix,
+ "Color2": rgb,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": leafgen.outputs["Vein Value"],
+ "Color1": mix,
+ "Color2": mix_1,
+ },
+ )
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ rgb_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
+ rgb_1.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["blight_color"]
+ group_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_dotted_blight().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Coord": texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"],
+ "Leaf Color": mix_2,
+ "Blight Color": rgb_1,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": kwargs["dotted_blight_weight"],
+ "Color1": mix_2,
+ "Color2": group_1,
+ },
+ )
+ group_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_blight().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Coordinate": texture_coordinate.outputs["Generated"],
+ "Leaf Color": mix_3,
+ "Blight Color": rgb_1,
+ "Random Seed": kwargs["blight_random_seed"],
+ "Offset": kwargs["blight_area_factor"],
+ },
+ )
+ mix_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": kwargs["blight_weight"],
+ "Color1": mix_3,
+ "Color2": group_2,
+ },
+ )
+ translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslucentBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": mix_4})
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": mix_4}
+ )
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.7, 1: translucent_bsdf, 2: principled_bsdf},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader}
+ )
+def geo_leaf_v2(nw, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.2 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": group_input.outputs["Geometry"], "Level": 10},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivide_mesh, 1: position},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ leafgen = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leaf_gen(
+ midrib_curve_control_points=kwargs["midrib_shape_control_points"],
+ vein_curve_control_points=kwargs["vein_shape_control_points"],
+ shape_curve_control_points=kwargs["leaf_shape_control_points"],
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Displancement scale": 0.005,
+ "Vein Asymmetry": kwargs["vein_asymmetry"],
+ "Vein Angle": kwargs["vein_angle"],
+ "Vein Density": kwargs["vein_density"],
+ "Jigsaw Scale": kwargs["jigsaw_scale"],
+ "Jigsaw Depth": kwargs["jigsaw_depth"],
+ "Midrib Length": kwargs["midrib_length"],
+ "Midrib Width": kwargs["midrib_width"],
+ "Stem Length": kwargs["stem_length"],
+ },
+ )
+ # addnoise = nw.new_node(nodegroup_add_noise().name,
+ # input_kwargs={'Geometry': leafgen.outputs["Mesh"], 'Displacement': 0.03, 'Scale': 10.0})
+ subvein = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_sub_vein().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": leafgen.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Y": leafgen.outputs["Vein Coord"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subvein, 1: 0.001}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": leafgen.outputs["Mesh"], "Offset": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ logging.warning("Disabling set_position to avoid LeafV2 segfault")
+ set_position = leafgen.outputs["Mesh"]
+ applywave = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_apply_wave(
+ y_wave_control_points=kwargs["y_wave_control_points"],
+ x_wave_control_points=kwargs["x_wave_control_points"],
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "Wave Scale X": 0.15,
+ "Wave Scale Y": 1.5,
+ "X Modulated": leafgen.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ },
+ )
+ movetoorigin = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_move_to_origin().name, input_kwargs={"Geometry": applywave}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": movetoorigin,
+ "Attribute": leafgen.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "Coordinate": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
+ },
+ )
+class LeafFactoryV2(AssetFactory):
+ scale = 0.5
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(LeafFactoryV2, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.genome = self.sample_geo_genome()
+ t = uniform(0.0, 1.0)
+ if t < 0.8:
+ self.blade_color = color_category("greenery")
+ elif t < 0.9:
+ self.blade_color = color_category("yellowish")
+ else:
+ self.blade_color = color_category("red")
+ self.blight_color = color_category("yellowish")
+ self.vein_color_mix_factor = uniform(0.2, 0.6)
+ @staticmethod
+ def sample_geo_genome():
+ return {
+ "midrib_length": uniform(0.0, 0.8),
+ "midrib_width": uniform(0.5, 1.0),
+ "stem_length": uniform(0.7, 0.9),
+ "vein_asymmetry": uniform(0.0, 1.0),
+ "vein_angle": uniform(0.2, 2.0),
+ "vein_density": uniform(5.0, 20.0),
+ "subvein_scale": uniform(10.0, 20.0),
+ "jigsaw_scale": uniform(5.0, 20.0),
+ "jigsaw_depth": uniform(0.0, 2.0),
+ "midrib_shape_control_points": [
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (0.25, uniform(0.48, 0.52)),
+ (0.75, uniform(0.48, 0.52)),
+ (1.0, 0.5),
+ ],
+ "leaf_shape_control_points": [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (uniform(0.2, 0.4), uniform(0.1, 0.4)),
+ (uniform(0.6, 0.8), uniform(0.1, 0.4)),
+ (1.0, 0.0),
+ ],
+ "vein_shape_control_points": [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.25, uniform(0.1, 0.4)),
+ (0.75, uniform(0.6, 0.9)),
+ (1.0, 1.0),
+ ],
+ }
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=2,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ # add noise to the genotype output
+ # hue_noise = np.random.randn() * 0
+ # hsv_blade = self.hsv_blade + hue_noise
+ # hsv_vein = self.hsv_vein + hue_noise
+ phenome = self.genome.copy()
+ phenome["y_wave_control_points"] = [
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (np.random.uniform(0.25, 0.75), np.random.uniform(0.50, 0.60)),
+ (1.0, 0.5),
+ ]
+ x_wave_val = np.random.uniform(0.50, 0.58)
+ phenome["x_wave_control_points"] = [
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (0.4, x_wave_val),
+ (0.5, 0.5),
+ (0.6, x_wave_val),
+ (1.0, 0.5),
+ ]
+ material_kwargs = phenome.copy()
+ material_kwargs["blade_color"] = self.blade_color
+ material_kwargs["blade_color"][0] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.03)
+ material_kwargs["blade_color"][1] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.03)
+ material_kwargs["blade_color"][2] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.03)
+ material_kwargs["blight_color"] = self.blight_color
+ material_kwargs["vein_color_mix_factor"] = self.vein_color_mix_factor
+ material_kwargs["blight_weight"] = np.random.binomial(1, 0.1)
+ material_kwargs["dotted_blight_weight"] = np.random.binomial(1, 0.1)
+ material_kwargs["blight_random_seed"] = np.random.uniform(0.0, 100.0)
+ material_kwargs["blight_area_factor"] = np.random.uniform(0.2, 0.8)
+ # TODO: add more phenome attributes
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geo_leaf_v2,
+ apply=False,
+ attributes=["offset", "coordinate"],
+ input_kwargs=phenome,
+ )
+ surface.add_material(
+ obj, shader_leaf_new, reuse=False, input_kwargs=material_kwargs
+ )
+ bpy.ops.object.convert(target="MESH")
+ obj = bpy.context.object
+ obj.scale *= normal(1, 0.05) * self.scale
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ tag_object(obj, "leaf")
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/leaves/leaf_wrapped.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/leaves/leaf_wrapped.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f5919954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/leaves/leaf_wrapped.py
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import randint, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.leaves.leaf_broadleaf import LeafFactoryBroadleaf
+from infinigen.assets.objects.leaves.leaf_ginko import LeafFactoryGinko
+from infinigen.assets.objects.leaves.leaf_maple import LeafFactoryMaple
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_wrap(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ angle = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="angle")
+ angle.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["angle"]
+ radians = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: angle}, attrs={"operation": "RADIANS"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": radians})
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_2,
+ },
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position_1})
+ rotation = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="rotation")
+ rotation.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["rotation"]
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 1.0
+ end_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="end_radius")
+ end_radius.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["end_radius"]
+ spiral = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurveSpiral",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 1000,
+ "Rotations": rotation,
+ "Start Radius": value,
+ "End Radius": end_radius,
+ "Height": 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ curve_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLength, input_kwargs={"Curve": spiral})
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_2, 2: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"],
+ 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: curve_length, 1: subtract},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ divide_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: value, 1: divide}, attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"}
+ )
+ divide_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: end_radius, 1: divide},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ spiral_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurveSpiral",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 1000,
+ "Rotations": rotation,
+ "Start Radius": divide_1,
+ "End Radius": divide_2,
+ "Height": 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": spiral_1, "Rotation": (0.0, 1.5708, 3.1416)},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 2.0})
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ noise_level = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="noise_level")
+ noise_level.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["noise_level"]
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: noise_level},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Offset": multiply.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"],
+ 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"],
+ 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"],
+ },
+ )
+ sample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position_2, "Factor": map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"mode": "FACTOR"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": sample_curve.outputs["Position"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"],
+ "Z": separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ normalize = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: sample_curve.outputs["Position"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "NORMALIZE"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: normalize.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 1: multiply_1.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_2, "Position": add.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 0.0, 1: radians}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": subtract_2})
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, "Rotation": combine_xyz_3},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": divide_1})
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_3, "Translation": combine_xyz_4},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_4}
+ )
+class LeafFactoryWrapped(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, season="autumn", coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.factory_list = [
+ LeafFactoryMaple(factory_seed, season=season, coarse=coarse),
+ LeafFactoryBroadleaf(factory_seed, season=season, coarse=coarse),
+ LeafFactoryGinko(factory_seed, season=season, coarse=coarse),
+ ]
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ fac_id = randint(len(self.factory_list))
+ fac = self.factory_list[fac_id]
+ wrap_params = {
+ "angle": uniform(-70, 70),
+ "rotation": uniform(0.2, 2.0),
+ "end_radius": np.exp(uniform(-2.0, 2.0)),
+ "noise_level": uniform(0.0, 0.5),
+ }
+ obj = fac.create_asset()
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_wrap, apply=False, input_kwargs=wrap_params
+ )
+ bpy.ops.object.convert(target="MESH")
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/mollusk/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/mollusk/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ee6f9a6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/mollusk/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+from .generate import (
+ AugerFactory,
+ ClamFactory,
+ ConchFactory,
+ MolluskFactory,
+ MusselFactory,
+ NautilusFactory,
+ ScallopFactory,
+ VoluteFactory,
+from .shell import (
+ ClamBaseFactory,
+ MusselBaseFactory,
+ ScallopBaseFactory,
+ ShellBaseFactory,
+from .snail import (
+ AugerBaseFactory,
+ ConchBaseFactory,
+ NautilusBaseFactory,
+ SnailBaseFactory,
+ VoluteBaseFactory,
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/mollusk/base.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/mollusk/base.py
similarity index 86%
rename from infinigen/assets/mollusk/base.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/mollusk/base.py
index d3528b188..50ba656b0 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/mollusk/base.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/mollusk/base.py
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
class BaseMolluskFactory(AssetFactory):
- max_expected_radius = .5
- noise_strength = .02
+ max_expected_radius = 0.5
+ noise_strength = 0.02
ratio = 1
x_scale = 2
z_scale = 1
@@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(BaseMolluskFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- raise NotImplemented
+ raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/mollusk/generate.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/mollusk/generate.py
similarity index 52%
rename from infinigen/assets/mollusk/generate.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/mollusk/generate.py
index 103068df0..5320f15b4 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/mollusk/generate.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/mollusk/generate.py
@@ -11,18 +11,30 @@
from numpy.random import uniform
import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
-from .base import BaseMolluskFactory
-from .shell import ShellBaseFactory, ScallopBaseFactory, ClamBaseFactory, MusselBaseFactory
-from .snail import SnailBaseFactory, ConchBaseFactory, AugerBaseFactory, VoluteBaseFactory, NautilusBaseFactory
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_utils import build_color_ramp
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import subsurface2face_size
from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler, Nodes
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_utils import build_color_ramp
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+from .base import BaseMolluskFactory
+from .shell import (
+ ClamBaseFactory,
+ MusselBaseFactory,
+ ScallopBaseFactory,
+ ShellBaseFactory,
+from .snail import (
+ AugerBaseFactory,
+ ConchBaseFactory,
+ NautilusBaseFactory,
+ SnailBaseFactory,
+ VoluteBaseFactory,
class MolluskFactory(AssetFactory):
@@ -37,9 +49,14 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, factory_method=None):
self.factory: BaseMolluskFactory = factory_method(factory_seed, coarse)
base_hue = self.build_base_hue()
- self.material = surface.shaderfunc_to_material(self.shader_mollusk, base_hue, self.factory.ratio,
- self.factory.x_scale, self.factory.z_scale,
- self.factory.distortion)
+ self.material = surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ self.shader_mollusk,
+ base_hue,
+ self.factory.ratio,
+ self.factory.x_scale,
+ self.factory.z_scale,
+ self.factory.distortion,
+ )
def create_asset(self, face_size=0.01, **params):
obj = self.factory.create_asset(**params)
@@ -48,55 +65,82 @@ def create_asset(self, face_size=0.01, **params):
def decorate_mollusk(self, obj, face_size):
subsurface2face_size(obj, face_size)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', True, thickness=.005)
- t = np.random.choice(['STUCCI', 'MARBLE'])
- texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name='mollusk', type=t)
- texture.noise_scale = log_uniform(.1, .2)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DISPLACE', strength=self.factory.noise_strength, mid_level=0, texture=texture)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", True, thickness=0.005)
+ t = np.random.choice(["STUCCI", "MARBLE"])
+ texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name="mollusk", type=t)
+ texture.noise_scale = log_uniform(0.1, 0.2)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ strength=self.factory.noise_strength,
+ mid_level=0,
+ texture=texture,
+ )
assign_material(obj, self.material)
- tag_object(obj, 'mollusk')
+ tag_object(obj, "mollusk")
return obj
def build_base_hue():
- if uniform(0, 1) < .4:
- return uniform(0, .2)
+ if uniform(0, 1) < 0.4:
+ return uniform(0, 0.2)
- return uniform(.05, .12)
+ return uniform(0.05, 0.12)
- def shader_mollusk(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue, ratio=0, x_scale=2, z_scale=1, distortion=5):
- roughness = uniform(.2, .8)
- specular = .3
+ def shader_mollusk(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue, ratio=0, x_scale=2, z_scale=1, distortion=5
+ ):
+ roughness = uniform(0.2, 0.8)
+ specular = 0.3
value_scale = log_uniform(1, 20)
- saturation_scale = log_uniform(.4, 1)
+ saturation_scale = log_uniform(0.4, 1)
def dark_color():
- return *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(base_hue + uniform(-.06, .06), uniform(.6, 1.) * saturation_scale,
- .005 * value_scale ** 1.5), 1
+ return *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(
+ base_hue + uniform(-0.06, 0.06),
+ uniform(0.6, 1.0) * saturation_scale,
+ 0.005 * value_scale**1.5,
+ ), 1
def light_color():
- return *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(base_hue + uniform(-.06, .06), uniform(.6, 1.) * saturation_scale,
- .05 * value_scale), 1
+ return *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(
+ base_hue + uniform(-0.06, 0.06),
+ uniform(0.6, 1.0) * saturation_scale,
+ 0.05 * value_scale,
+ ), 1
def color_fn(dark_prob):
return dark_color() if uniform(0, 1) < dark_prob else light_color()
- vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={'attribute_name': 'vector'}).outputs['Vector']
+ vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "vector"}
+ ).outputs["Vector"]
n = np.random.randint(3, 5)
- texture_0 = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector, 'Distortion': distortion, 'Scale': x_scale},
- attrs={'wave_profile': 'SAW', 'bands_direction': 'X'})
- cr_0 = build_color_ramp(nw, texture_0, np.sort(uniform(0, 1, n)), [color_fn(.4) for _ in range(n)])
- texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector, 'Distortion': distortion, 'Scale': z_scale},
- attrs={'wave_profile': 'SAW', 'bands_direction': 'Z'})
- cr_1 = build_color_ramp(nw, texture_1, np.sort(uniform(0, 1, n)), [color_fn(.4) for _ in range(n)])
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- 'Base Color': nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [ratio, cr_0, cr_1]),
- 'Specular': specular,
- 'Roughness': roughness
- })
+ texture_0 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": vector, "Distortion": distortion, "Scale": x_scale},
+ attrs={"wave_profile": "SAW", "bands_direction": "X"},
+ )
+ cr_0 = build_color_ramp(
+ nw, texture_0, np.sort(uniform(0, 1, n)), [color_fn(0.4) for _ in range(n)]
+ )
+ texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": vector, "Distortion": distortion, "Scale": z_scale},
+ attrs={"wave_profile": "SAW", "bands_direction": "Z"},
+ )
+ cr_1 = build_color_ramp(
+ nw, texture_1, np.sort(uniform(0, 1, n)), [color_fn(0.4) for _ in range(n)]
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [ratio, cr_0, cr_1]),
+ "Specular": specular,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ },
+ )
return principled_bsdf
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/mollusk/shell.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/mollusk/shell.py
similarity index 58%
rename from infinigen/assets/mollusk/shell.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/mollusk/shell.py
index 3babd5753..f25b37fd2 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/mollusk/shell.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/mollusk/shell.py
@@ -6,24 +6,22 @@
import bpy
import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import normal, uniform
+from numpy.random import uniform
import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.animation.driver_repeated import repeated_driver
-from infinigen.assets.mollusk.base import BaseMolluskFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, mesh2obj, data2mesh, new_circle
-from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import shape_by_angles
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.mollusk.base import BaseMolluskFactory
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import displace_vertices
+from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import shape_by_angles
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import data2mesh, join_objects, mesh2obj, new_circle
+from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
class ShellBaseFactory(BaseMolluskFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
@@ -31,67 +29,82 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
self.maker = np.random.choice(self.makers)
self.z_scale = log_uniform(2, 10)
- def build_ellipse(self, viewpoint=(0., 0, 1.), softness=.3):
+ def build_ellipse(self, viewpoint=(0.0, 0, 1.0), softness=0.3):
viewpoint = np.array(viewpoint)
obj = new_circle(vertices=1024)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
- surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_shader_vector, apply=True, attributes=['vector'])
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, self.geo_shader_vector, apply=True, attributes=["vector"]
+ )
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
def displace(x, y, z):
- r = np.sqrt((x - 1) ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2)
- t = 1 - softness + softness * r ** 4
- return ((1 - t)[:, np.newaxis] * (viewpoint[np.newaxis, :] - np.stack([x, y, z], -1))).T
+ r = np.sqrt((x - 1) ** 2 + y**2 + z**2)
+ t = 1 - softness + softness * r**4
+ return (
+ (1 - t)[:, np.newaxis]
+ * (viewpoint[np.newaxis, :] - np.stack([x, y, z], -1))
+ ).T
displace_vertices(obj, displace)
return obj
def geo_shader_vector(nw: NodeWrangler):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
pos = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
x, y, z = nw.separate(pos)
- vector = nw.combine(x, y, nw.vector_math('DISTANCE', pos, [1, 0, 0]))
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry, 'Vector': vector})
+ vector = nw.combine(x, y, nw.vector_math("DISTANCE", pos, [1, 0, 0]))
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry, "Vector": vector}
+ )
return geometry
def scallop_make(self):
obj = self.build_ellipse()
obj.scale = 1, 1.2, 1
- boundary = .42
- outer = uniform(.28, .32)
- inner = uniform(.18, .22)
- s = uniform(.6, .7)
+ boundary = 0.42
+ outer = uniform(0.28, 0.32)
+ inner = uniform(0.18, 0.22)
+ s = uniform(0.6, 0.7)
angles = [-boundary, -outer, -inner, inner, outer, boundary]
scales = [0, s, 1, 1, s, 0]
shape_by_angles(obj, np.array(angles) * np.pi, scales)
obj = self.add_hinge(obj)
- tag_object(obj, 'scallop')
+ tag_object(obj, "scallop")
return obj
def clam_make(self):
- obj = self.build_ellipse(softness=.5)
+ obj = self.build_ellipse(softness=0.5)
obj.scale = 1, 1.2, 1
- s = uniform(.6, .7)
- angles = [-uniform(.4, .5), -uniform(.3, .35), uniform(-.25, .25), uniform(.3, .35), uniform(.4, .5)]
+ s = uniform(0.6, 0.7)
+ angles = [
+ -uniform(0.4, 0.5),
+ -uniform(0.3, 0.35),
+ uniform(-0.25, 0.25),
+ uniform(0.3, 0.35),
+ uniform(0.4, 0.5),
+ ]
scales = [0, s, 1, s, 0]
shape_by_angles(obj, np.array(angles) * np.pi, scales)
- tag_object(obj, 'clam')
+ tag_object(obj, "clam")
return obj
def mussel_make(self):
- obj = self.build_ellipse(softness=.5)
+ obj = self.build_ellipse(softness=0.5)
obj.scale = 1, 3, 1
- s = uniform(.6, .8)
- angles = [-.5, -uniform(.1, .15), uniform(0., .25), .5]
- scales = [0, s, 1, uniform(.6, .8)]
+ s = uniform(0.6, 0.8)
+ angles = [-0.5, -uniform(0.1, 0.15), uniform(0.0, 0.25), 0.5]
+ scales = [0, s, 1, uniform(0.6, 0.8)]
shape_by_angles(obj, np.array(angles) * np.pi, scales)
- tag_object(obj, 'mussel')
+ tag_object(obj, "mussel")
return obj
@@ -102,21 +115,32 @@ def add_radial_groove(obj):
def displace(x, y, z):
a = np.arctan(y / (x + 1e-6 * (x >= 0)))
r = np.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)
- return scale * np.cos(a * frequency) * np.clip(r - .25, 0, None)
+ return scale * np.cos(a * frequency) * np.clip(r - 0.25, 0, None)
displace_vertices(obj, displace)
return obj
def add_hinge(obj):
- length = .4
- width = .1
- x = uniform(.8, 1.)
- vertices = [[0, -length, 0], [width, -length * x, 0], [width, length * x, 0], [0, length, 0]]
- o = mesh2obj(data2mesh(vertices, [], [[0, 1, 2, 3]], 'trap'))
- butil.modify_mesh(o, 'SUBSURF', render_levels=2, levels=2, subdivision_type='SIMPLE')
- butil.modify_mesh(o, 'DISPLACE', strength=.2,
- texture=bpy.data.textures.new(name='hinge', type='STUCCI'))
+ length = 0.4
+ width = 0.1
+ x = uniform(0.8, 1.0)
+ vertices = [
+ [0, -length, 0],
+ [width, -length * x, 0],
+ [width, length * x, 0],
+ [0, length, 0],
+ ]
+ o = mesh2obj(data2mesh(vertices, [], [[0, 1, 2, 3]], "trap"))
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ o, "SUBSURF", render_levels=2, levels=2, subdivision_type="SIMPLE"
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ o,
+ strength=0.2,
+ texture=bpy.data.textures.new(name="hinge", type="STUCCI"),
+ )
obj = join_objects([obj, o])
return obj
@@ -124,15 +148,15 @@ def create_asset(self, **params):
upper = self.maker()
dim = np.sqrt(upper.dimensions[0] * upper.dimensions[1] + 0.01)
upper.scale = [1 / dim] * 3
- upper.location[-1] += .005
+ upper.location[-1] += 0.005
butil.apply_transform(upper, loc=True)
lower = butil.deep_clone_obj(upper)
lower.scale[-1] = -1
base = uniform(0, np.pi / 4)
- lower.rotation_euler[1] = - base
- upper.rotation_euler[1] = - base - uniform(np.pi / 6, np.pi / 3)
+ lower.rotation_euler[1] = -base
+ upper.rotation_euler[1] = -base - uniform(np.pi / 6, np.pi / 3)
obj = join_objects([lower, upper])
return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/mollusk/snail.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/mollusk/snail.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f8554e46a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/mollusk/snail.py
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
+from infinigen.assets.objects.mollusk.base import BaseMolluskFactory
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import center, data2mesh, mesh2obj, new_empty
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+class SnailBaseFactory(BaseMolluskFactory):
+ freq = 256
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(SnailBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.makers = [
+ self.volute_make,
+ self.nautilus_make,
+ self.snail_make,
+ self.conch_make,
+ ]
+ self.maker = np.random.choice(self.makers)
+ self.ratio = uniform(0, 0.3) if uniform(0, 1) < 0.5 else uniform(0.7, 1.0)
+ self.z_scale = log_uniform(0.2, 1)
+ self.distortion = log_uniform(2, 20)
+ @staticmethod
+ def build_cross_section(n=64, affine=1, spike=0.0, concave=2.2):
+ perturb = 1 / (5 * n)
+ angles = (np.arange(n) / n + uniform(-perturb, perturb, n)) * 2 * np.pi
+ radius = np.abs(np.cos(angles)) ** concave + np.abs(np.sin(angles)) ** concave
+ radius *= 1 + uniform(0, spike, n) * (uniform(0, 1, n) < 0.2)
+ vertices = np.stack(
+ [
+ np.cos(angles) * radius,
+ np.sin(angles) * radius * affine,
+ np.zeros_like(angles),
+ ]
+ ).T
+ edges = np.stack([np.arange(n), np.roll(np.arange(n), -1)]).T
+ obj = mesh2obj(data2mesh(vertices, edges, [], "circle"))
+ obj.rotation_euler = 0, 0, uniform(0, np.pi / 12)
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ return obj
+ def snail_make(
+ self,
+ lateral=0.15,
+ longitudinal=0.04,
+ freq=28,
+ scale=0.99,
+ loop=8,
+ affine=1,
+ spike=0.0,
+ ):
+ n = 40
+ resolution = loop * freq
+ concave = uniform(1.9, 2.1)
+ obj = self.build_cross_section(n, affine, spike, concave)
+ empty = new_empty(
+ location=(longitudinal * np.random.choice([-1, 1]), 0, 0),
+ rotation=(2 * np.pi / freq, 0, 0),
+ scale=[scale] * 3,
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "ARRAY",
+ apply=True,
+ use_relative_offset=False,
+ use_constant_offset=True,
+ use_object_offset=True,
+ constant_offset_displace=(0, 0, lateral),
+ count=resolution,
+ offset_object=empty,
+ )
+ butil.delete(empty)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ self.geo_shader_vector,
+ apply=True,
+ input_args=[n, lateral],
+ attributes=["vector"],
+ )
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops()
+ return obj
+ @staticmethod
+ def geo_shader_vector(nw: NodeWrangler, n, interval):
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ id = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputID)
+ angle = nw.scalar_multiply(nw.math("MODULO", id, n), 2 * np.pi / n)
+ height = nw.scalar_multiply(nw.math("FLOOR", nw.scalar_divide(id, n)), interval)
+ vector = nw.combine(nw.math("COSINE", angle), nw.math("SINE", angle), height)
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry, "Vector": vector}
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def solve_longitude(ratio, freq, scale):
+ return ratio * (1 + scale**freq) / freq
+ @staticmethod
+ def solve_lateral(ratio, freq, scale):
+ return (
+ ratio
+ / (
+ np.sin(2 * np.pi / freq * np.arange(freq)) * scale ** np.arange(freq)
+ ).sum()
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def solve_scale(shrink, freq):
+ return shrink ** (1 / freq)
+ def conch_make(self):
+ scale = self.solve_scale(uniform(0.7, 0.8), self.freq)
+ lateral = self.solve_lateral(uniform(0.3, 0.4), self.freq, scale)
+ longitude = self.solve_longitude(uniform(0.7, 0.8), self.freq, scale)
+ loop = np.random.randint(8, 10)
+ obj = self.snail_make(
+ lateral,
+ longitude,
+ self.freq,
+ scale,
+ loop,
+ affine=uniform(0.8, 0.9),
+ spike=0.1,
+ )
+ tag_object(obj, "conch")
+ return obj
+ def auger_make(self):
+ scale = self.solve_scale(uniform(0.7, 0.8), self.freq)
+ lateral = self.solve_lateral(uniform(0.1, 0.15), self.freq, scale)
+ longitude = self.solve_longitude(uniform(0.9, 1.0), self.freq, scale)
+ loop = np.random.randint(8, 12)
+ obj = self.snail_make(
+ lateral, longitude, self.freq, scale, loop, affine=uniform(0.5, 0.6)
+ )
+ tag_object(obj, "auger")
+ return obj
+ def volute_make(self):
+ scale = self.solve_scale(uniform(0.5, 0.6), self.freq)
+ lateral = self.solve_lateral(uniform(0.4, 0.5), self.freq, scale)
+ longitude = self.solve_longitude(uniform(0.6, 0.7), self.freq, scale)
+ loop = np.random.randint(4, 5)
+ obj = self.snail_make(lateral, longitude, self.freq, scale, loop)
+ tag_object(obj, "volute")
+ return obj
+ def nautilus_make(self):
+ scale = self.solve_scale(uniform(0.4, 0.5), self.freq)
+ lateral = self.solve_lateral(uniform(1.2, 1.4), self.freq, scale)
+ longitude = self.solve_longitude(uniform(0.2, 0.3), self.freq, scale)
+ loop = np.random.randint(4, 5)
+ obj = self.snail_make(lateral, longitude, self.freq, scale, loop)
+ tag_object(obj, "nautilus")
+ return obj
+ @staticmethod
+ def geo_affine(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ affine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": geometry,
+ "Offset": nw.combine(
+ *[
+ nw.vector_math(
+ uniform(-0.1, 0.1, 3),
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition),
+ )
+ for _ in range(3)
+ ]
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ return affine
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ obj = self.maker()
+ obj.scale = [1 / max(obj.dimensions)] * 3
+ obj.rotation_euler = uniform(0, np.pi * 2, 3)
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ obj.location = -center(obj)
+ obj.location[-1] += obj.dimensions[-1] * 0.4
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_affine, apply=True)
+ tag_object(obj, "snail")
+ return obj
+class VoluteBaseFactory(SnailBaseFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(VoluteBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ self.maker = self.volute_make
+class NautilusBaseFactory(SnailBaseFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(NautilusBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ self.maker = self.nautilus_make
+class ConchBaseFactory(SnailBaseFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(ConchBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ self.maker = self.conch_make
+class AugerBaseFactory(SnailBaseFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(AugerBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ self.maker = self.auger_make
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/monocot/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/__init__.py
similarity index 69%
rename from infinigen/assets/monocot/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/__init__.py
index 833443f62..afee96c08 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/monocot/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/__init__.py
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
from .agave import AgaveMonocotFactory
-from .grasses import GrassesMonocotFactory, WheatMonocotFactory, WheatEarMonocotFactory, MaizeMonocotFactory
-from .tussock import TussockMonocotFactory
-from .pinecone import PineconeFactory
-from .generate import MonocotFactory
from .banana import BananaMonocotFactory, TaroMonocotFactory
-from .veratrum import VeratrumMonocotFactory
+from .generate import MonocotFactory
+from .grasses import (
+ GrassesMonocotFactory,
+ MaizeMonocotFactory,
+ WheatEarMonocotFactory,
+ WheatMonocotFactory,
from .kelp import KelpMonocotFactory
+from .pinecone import PineconeFactory
+from .tussock import TussockMonocotFactory
+from .veratrum import VeratrumMonocotFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/monocot/agave.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/agave.py
similarity index 59%
rename from infinigen/assets/monocot/agave.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/agave.py
index bf8fd4deb..a53980bba 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/monocot/agave.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/agave.py
@@ -4,22 +4,20 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import colorsys
import bpy
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.monocot.growth import MonocotGrowthFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import distance2boundary, displace_vertices
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
+from infinigen.assets.objects.monocot.growth import MonocotGrowthFactory
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import displace_vertices, distance2boundary
from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import cut_plane, leaf
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.surface import shaderfunc_to_material
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
class AgaveMonocotFactory(MonocotGrowthFactory):
use_distance = True
@@ -27,45 +25,51 @@ class AgaveMonocotFactory(MonocotGrowthFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(AgaveMonocotFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.stem_offset = uniform(.0, .5)
+ self.stem_offset = uniform(0.0, 0.5)
self.angle = uniform(np.pi / 9, np.pi / 6)
- self.z_drag = uniform(.05, .1)
- self.min_y_angle = uniform(np.pi * .1, np.pi * .15)
- self.max_y_angle = uniform(np.pi * .4, np.pi * .52)
+ self.z_drag = uniform(0.05, 0.1)
+ self.min_y_angle = uniform(np.pi * 0.1, np.pi * 0.15)
+ self.max_y_angle = uniform(np.pi * 0.4, np.pi * 0.52)
self.count = int(log_uniform(32, 64))
- self.scale_curve = [(0, uniform(.8, 1.)), (.5, 1), (1, uniform(.6, 1.))]
+ self.scale_curve = [
+ (0, uniform(0.8, 1.0)),
+ (0.5, 1),
+ (1, uniform(0.6, 1.0)),
+ ]
self.bud_angle = uniform(np.pi / 8, np.pi / 4)
- self.cut_prob = 0 if uniform(0, 1) < .5 else uniform(.2, .4)
+ self.cut_prob = 0 if uniform(0, 1) < 0.5 else uniform(0.2, 0.4)
def build_base_hue():
- return uniform(.12, .32)
+ return uniform(0.12, 0.32)
def build_leaf(self, face_size):
- x_anchors = 0, .2 * np.cos(self.bud_angle), uniform(1., 1.4), 1.5
- y_anchors = 0, .2 * np.sin(self.bud_angle), uniform(.1, .15), 0
+ x_anchors = 0, 0.2 * np.cos(self.bud_angle), uniform(1.0, 1.4), 1.5
+ y_anchors = 0, 0.2 * np.sin(self.bud_angle), uniform(0.1, 0.15), 0
obj = leaf(x_anchors, y_anchors, face_size=face_size)
distance = distance2boundary(obj)
lower = deep_clone_obj(obj)
- z_offset = -log_uniform(.08, .16)
+ z_offset = -log_uniform(0.08, 0.16)
z_ratio = uniform(1.5, 2.5)
- displace_vertices(lower, lambda x, y, z: (0, 0, (1 - (1 - distance) ** z_ratio) * z_offset))
+ displace_vertices(
+ lower, lambda x, y, z: (0, 0, (1 - (1 - distance) ** z_ratio) * z_offset)
+ )
obj = join_objects([lower, obj])
butil.modify_mesh(obj, "WELD", merge_threshold=2e-4)
if uniform(0, 1) < self.cut_prob:
angle = uniform(-np.pi / 3, np.pi / 3)
- cut_center = np.array([uniform(1., 1.4), 0, 0])
+ cut_center = np.array([uniform(1.0, 1.4), 0, 0])
cut_normal = np.array([np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle), 0])
obj, cut = cut_plane(obj, cut_center, cut_normal)
obj = join_objects([obj, cut])
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'), butil.Suppress():
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"), butil.Suppress():
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
- tag_object(obj, 'agave')
+ tag_object(obj, "agave")
return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/monocot/banana.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/banana.py
similarity index 50%
rename from infinigen/assets/monocot/banana.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/banana.py
index 74fa33461..3071150cb 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/monocot/banana.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/banana.py
@@ -3,61 +3,66 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
import bmesh
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.monocot.growth import MonocotGrowthFactory
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import displace_vertices, read_co
from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import bezier_curve, leaf
from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_radius
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, origin2lowest
from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.monocot.growth import MonocotGrowthFactory
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-class BananaMonocotFactory(MonocotGrowthFactory):
+class BananaMonocotFactory(MonocotGrowthFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(BananaMonocotFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.stem_offset = uniform(.6, 1.)
+ self.stem_offset = uniform(0.6, 1.0)
self.angle = uniform(np.pi / 4, np.pi / 3)
self.z_scale = uniform(1, 1.5)
- self.z_drag = uniform(.1, .2)
- self.min_y_angle = uniform(np.pi * .05, np.pi * .1)
- self.max_y_angle = uniform(np.pi * .25, np.pi * .45)
- self.leaf_range = uniform(.5, .7), 1
+ self.z_drag = uniform(0.1, 0.2)
+ self.min_y_angle = uniform(np.pi * 0.05, np.pi * 0.1)
+ self.max_y_angle = uniform(np.pi * 0.25, np.pi * 0.45)
+ self.leaf_range = uniform(0.5, 0.7), 1
self.count = int(log_uniform(16, 24))
- self.scale_curve = [(0, uniform(.4, 1.)), (1, uniform(.6, 1.))]
- self.radius = uniform(.04, .06)
+ self.scale_curve = [(0, uniform(0.4, 1.0)), (1, uniform(0.6, 1.0))]
+ self.radius = uniform(0.04, 0.06)
self.bud_angle = uniform(np.pi / 8, np.pi / 6)
self.cut_angle = self.bud_angle + uniform(np.pi / 20, np.pi / 12)
self.freq = log_uniform(100, 300)
- self.n_cuts = np.random.randint(6, 10) if uniform(0, 1) < .8 else 0
+ self.n_cuts = np.random.randint(6, 10) if uniform(0, 1) < 0.8 else 0
def build_base_hue():
- return uniform(.15, .35)
+ return uniform(0.15, 0.35)
def cut_leaf(self, obj):
coords = read_co(obj)
x, y, z = coords.T
- coords = coords[(np.abs(y) < .08) & (np.abs(y) > .01)]
+ coords = coords[(np.abs(y) < 0.08) & (np.abs(y) > 0.01)]
positive_coords = coords[coords.T[1] > 0]
positive_coords = positive_coords[np.argsort(positive_coords[:, 0])]
negative_coords = coords[coords.T[1] < 0]
negative_coords = negative_coords[np.argsort(negative_coords[:, 0])]
- positive_coords = positive_coords[np.random.choice(len(positive_coords), self.n_cuts, replace=False)]
- negative_coords = negative_coords[np.random.choice(len(negative_coords), self.n_cuts, replace=False)]
- for (x1, y1, _), (x2, y2, _) in zip(np.concatenate([positive_coords[:-1], negative_coords[:-1]], 0),
- np.concatenate([positive_coords[1:], negative_coords[1:]], 0)):
+ positive_coords = positive_coords[
+ np.random.choice(len(positive_coords), self.n_cuts, replace=False)
+ ]
+ negative_coords = negative_coords[
+ np.random.choice(len(negative_coords), self.n_cuts, replace=False)
+ ]
+ for (x1, y1, _), (x2, y2, _) in zip(
+ np.concatenate([positive_coords[:-1], negative_coords[:-1]], 0),
+ np.concatenate([positive_coords[1:], negative_coords[1:]], 0),
+ ):
coeff = 1 if y1 > 0 else -1
- ratio = uniform(-2., .4)
+ ratio = uniform(-2.0, 0.4)
exponent = uniform(1.2, 1.6)
def cut(x, y, z):
@@ -65,69 +70,99 @@ def cut(x, y, z):
m2 = x2 * np.sin(self.cut_angle) - y2 * np.cos(self.cut_angle) * coeff
m = x * np.sin(self.cut_angle) - y * np.cos(self.cut_angle) * coeff
dist = ((x - x1) * (y1 - y2) + (y - y1) * (x1 - x2)) / np.sqrt(
- (x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2 + .1)
- return 0, 0, np.where((m1 < m) & (m < m2) & (dist * coeff < 0),
- ratio * np.abs(dist) ** exponent, 0)
+ (x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2 + 0.1
+ )
+ return (
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ np.where(
+ (m1 < m) & (m < m2) & (dist * coeff < 0),
+ ratio * np.abs(dist) ** exponent,
+ 0,
+ ),
+ )
displace_vertices(obj, cut)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
- geom = [e for e in bm.edges if e.calc_length() > .02]
- bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context='EDGES')
+ geom = [e for e in bm.edges if e.calc_length() > 0.02]
+ bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context="EDGES")
def build_leaf(self, face_size):
- x_anchors = 0, .2 * np.cos(self.bud_angle), uniform(.8, 1.2), 2.
- y_anchors = 0, .2 * np.sin(self.bud_angle), uniform(.2, .25), 0
+ x_anchors = 0, 0.2 * np.cos(self.bud_angle), uniform(0.8, 1.2), 2.0
+ y_anchors = 0, 0.2 * np.sin(self.bud_angle), uniform(0.2, 0.25), 0
obj = leaf(x_anchors, y_anchors, face_size=face_size)
- tag_object(obj, 'banana')
+ tag_object(obj, "banana")
return obj
def displace_veins(self, obj):
- vg = obj.vertex_groups.new(name='distance')
+ vg = obj.vertex_groups.new(name="distance")
x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
branch = np.cos(
- (np.abs(y) * np.cos(self.cut_angle) - x * np.sin(self.cut_angle)) * self.freq) > uniform(.85, .9,
- len(x))
- leaf = np.abs(y) < uniform(.002, .008, len(x))
+ (np.abs(y) * np.cos(self.cut_angle) - x * np.sin(self.cut_angle))
+ * self.freq
+ ) > uniform(0.85, 0.9, len(x))
+ leaf = np.abs(y) < uniform(0.002, 0.008, len(x))
weights = branch | leaf
for i, l in enumerate(weights):
- vg.add([i], l, 'REPLACE')
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DISPLACE', strength=-uniform(5e-3, 8e-3), mid_level=0, vertex_group='distance')
+ vg.add([i], l, "REPLACE")
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ strength=-uniform(5e-3, 8e-3),
+ mid_level=0,
+ vertex_group="distance",
+ )
class TaroMonocotFactory(BananaMonocotFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(TaroMonocotFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.stem_offset = uniform(.05, .1)
- self.radius = uniform(.02, .04)
- self.z_drag = uniform(.2, .3)
- self.bud_angle = uniform(np.pi * .6, np.pi * .7)
+ self.stem_offset = uniform(0.05, 0.1)
+ self.radius = uniform(0.02, 0.04)
+ self.z_drag = uniform(0.2, 0.3)
+ self.bud_angle = uniform(np.pi * 0.6, np.pi * 0.7)
self.freq = log_uniform(10, 20)
self.count = int(log_uniform(12, 16))
- self.n_cuts = np.random.randint(1, 2) if uniform(0, 1) < .5 else 0
- self.min_y_angle = uniform(-np.pi * .25, -np.pi * .05)
- self.max_y_angle = uniform(-np.pi * .05, 0)
+ self.n_cuts = np.random.randint(1, 2) if uniform(0, 1) < 0.5 else 0
+ self.min_y_angle = uniform(-np.pi * 0.25, -np.pi * 0.05)
+ self.max_y_angle = uniform(-np.pi * 0.05, 0)
def displace_veins(self, obj):
- vg = obj.vertex_groups.new(name='distance')
+ vg = obj.vertex_groups.new(name="distance")
x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
- branch = np.cos(uniform(0, np.pi * 2) + np.arctan2(y - np.where(y > 0, -1, 1) * uniform(.1, .2),
- x - uniform(.1, .4)) * self.freq) > uniform(.98, .99,
- len(x))
- leaf = np.abs(y) < uniform(.002, .008, len(x))
+ branch = np.cos(
+ uniform(0, np.pi * 2)
+ + np.arctan2(
+ y - np.where(y > 0, -1, 1) * uniform(0.1, 0.2), x - uniform(0.1, 0.4)
+ )
+ * self.freq
+ ) > uniform(0.98, 0.99, len(x))
+ leaf = np.abs(y) < uniform(0.002, 0.008, len(x))
weights = branch | leaf
for i, l in enumerate(weights):
- vg.add([i], l, 'REPLACE')
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DISPLACE', strength=-uniform(5e-3, 8e-3), mid_level=0, vertex_group='distance')
+ vg.add([i], l, "REPLACE")
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ strength=-uniform(5e-3, 8e-3),
+ mid_level=0,
+ vertex_group="distance",
+ )
def build_leaf(self, face_size):
- x_anchors = 0, .2 * np.cos(self.bud_angle), uniform(.4, 1.), uniform(.8, 1.)
- y_anchors = 0, .2 * np.sin(self.bud_angle), uniform(.25, .3), 0
+ x_anchors = (
+ 0,
+ 0.2 * np.cos(self.bud_angle),
+ uniform(0.4, 1.0),
+ uniform(0.8, 1.0),
+ )
+ y_anchors = 0, 0.2 * np.sin(self.bud_angle), uniform(0.25, 0.3), 0
obj = leaf(x_anchors, y_anchors, face_size=face_size)
@@ -135,16 +170,18 @@ def build_leaf(self, face_size):
bezier = self.build_branch()
obj = join_objects([obj, bezier])
- tag_object(obj, 'taro')
+ tag_object(obj, "taro")
return obj
def build_branch(self):
- offset = uniform(.2, .3)
+ offset = uniform(0.2, 0.3)
length = uniform(1, 2)
- x_anchors = 0, -.05, - offset - uniform(.01, .02), -offset
- z_anchors = 0, 0, - length + .1, -length
+ x_anchors = 0, -0.05, -offset - uniform(0.01, 0.02), -offset
+ z_anchors = 0, 0, -length + 0.1, -length
bezier = bezier_curve([x_anchors, 0, z_anchors])
- surface.add_geomod(bezier, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[uniform(.02, .03), 32])
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ bezier, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[uniform(0.02, 0.03), 32]
+ )
return bezier
def build_instance(self, i, face_size):
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/monocot/generate.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/generate.py
similarity index 62%
rename from infinigen/assets/monocot/generate.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/generate.py
index 98b16eb63..b172aae0c 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/monocot/generate.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/generate.py
@@ -8,51 +8,71 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from .veratrum import VeratrumMonocotFactory
-from .banana import BananaMonocotFactory, TaroMonocotFactory
+from infinigen.assets.utils.mesh import polygon_angles
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from .agave import AgaveMonocotFactory
+from .banana import BananaMonocotFactory, TaroMonocotFactory
from .grasses import GrassesMonocotFactory, MaizeMonocotFactory, WheatMonocotFactory
from .growth import MonocotGrowthFactory
from .tussock import TussockMonocotFactory
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
-from infinigen.assets.utils.mesh import polygon_angles
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
+from .veratrum import VeratrumMonocotFactory
class MonocotFactory(AssetFactory):
max_cluster = 10
def create_asset(self, i, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- params['decorate'] = True
+ params["decorate"] = True
if self.factory.is_grass:
n = np.random.randint(1, 6)
angles = polygon_angles(n, np.pi / 4, np.pi * 2)
- radius = uniform(.08, .16, n)
- monocots = [self.factory.create_asset(**params, i=j + i * self.max_cluster) for j in range(n)]
+ radius = uniform(0.08, 0.16, n)
+ monocots = [
+ self.factory.create_asset(**params, i=j + i * self.max_cluster)
+ for j in range(n)
+ ]
for m, a, r in zip(monocots, angles, radius):
m.location = r * np.cos(a), r * np.sin(a), 0
obj = join_objects(monocots)
- tag_object(obj, 'monocot')
+ tag_object(obj, "monocot")
return obj
m = self.factory.create_asset(**params)
- tag_object(m, 'monocot')
+ tag_object(m, "monocot")
return m
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, factory_method=None, grass=None):
super(MonocotFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- grass_factory = [TussockMonocotFactory, GrassesMonocotFactory, WheatMonocotFactory,
- MaizeMonocotFactory]
- nongrass_factory = [AgaveMonocotFactory, BananaMonocotFactory, TaroMonocotFactory,
- VeratrumMonocotFactory]
+ grass_factory = [
+ TussockMonocotFactory,
+ GrassesMonocotFactory,
+ WheatMonocotFactory,
+ MaizeMonocotFactory,
+ ]
+ nongrass_factory = [
+ AgaveMonocotFactory,
+ BananaMonocotFactory,
+ TaroMonocotFactory,
+ VeratrumMonocotFactory,
+ ]
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
- self.factory_methods = grass_factory + nongrass_factory if grass is None else grass_factory if \
- grass else nongrass_factory
+ self.factory_methods = (
+ grass_factory + nongrass_factory
+ if grass is None
+ else grass_factory
+ if grass
+ else nongrass_factory
+ )
weights = np.array([1] * len(self.factory_methods))
self.weights = weights / weights.sum()
if factory_method is None:
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- factory_method = np.random.choice(self.factory_methods, p=self.weights)
+ factory_method = np.random.choice(
+ self.factory_methods, p=self.weights
+ )
self.factory: MonocotGrowthFactory = factory_method(factory_seed, coarse)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/monocot/grasses.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/grasses.py
similarity index 57%
rename from infinigen/assets/monocot/grasses.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/grasses.py
index 0fea24138..7ee174fa0 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/monocot/grasses.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/grasses.py
@@ -4,66 +4,68 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import colorsys
import bpy
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.monocot.growth import MonocotGrowthFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import remove_vertices, write_attribute, \
- write_material_index
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
+from infinigen.assets.objects.monocot.growth import MonocotGrowthFactory
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ remove_vertices,
+ write_attribute,
+ write_material_index,
from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import bezier_curve, leaf, spin
from infinigen.assets.utils.mesh import polygon_angles
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
+from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
from infinigen.core.placement.detail import remesh_with_attrs
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.surface import read_attr_data, shaderfunc_to_material
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import make_asset_collection
+from infinigen.core.surface import shaderfunc_to_material
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-class GrassesMonocotFactory(MonocotGrowthFactory):
+class GrassesMonocotFactory(MonocotGrowthFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(GrassesMonocotFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.stem_offset = uniform(1.5, 2.)
+ self.stem_offset = uniform(1.5, 2.0)
self.angle = uniform(np.pi / 6, np.pi / 3)
- self.z_drag = uniform(.0, .2)
- self.min_y_angle = uniform(np.pi * .35, np.pi * .45)
- self.max_y_angle = uniform(np.pi * .45, np.pi * .5)
+ self.z_drag = uniform(0.0, 0.2)
+ self.min_y_angle = uniform(np.pi * 0.35, np.pi * 0.45)
+ self.max_y_angle = uniform(np.pi * 0.45, np.pi * 0.5)
self.count = int(log_uniform(16, 64))
- self.scale_curve = [(0, 1.), (1, .2)]
+ self.scale_curve = [(0, 1.0), (1, 0.2)]
self.bend_angle = np.pi / 2
def build_base_hue():
- if uniform(0, 1) < .6:
- return uniform(.08, .12)
+ if uniform(0, 1) < 0.6:
+ return uniform(0.08, 0.12)
- return uniform(.2, .25)
+ return uniform(0.2, 0.25)
def build_leaf(self, face_size):
- x_anchors = np.array([0, uniform(.1, .2), uniform(.5, .7), 1.])
- y_anchors = np.array([0, uniform(.02, .03), uniform(.02, .03), 0])
+ x_anchors = np.array([0, uniform(0.1, 0.2), uniform(0.5, 0.7), 1.0])
+ y_anchors = np.array([0, uniform(0.02, 0.03), uniform(0.02, 0.03), 0])
obj = leaf(x_anchors, y_anchors, face_size=face_size)
- cut_prob = .4
+ cut_prob = 0.4
if uniform(0, 1) < cut_prob:
- x_cutoff = uniform(.5, 1.)
+ x_cutoff = uniform(0.5, 1.0)
angle = uniform(-np.pi / 3, np.pi / 3)
- remove_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (x - x_cutoff) * np.cos(angle) + y * np.sin(angle) > 0)
+ remove_vertices(
+ obj,
+ lambda x, y, z: (x - x_cutoff) * np.cos(angle) + y * np.sin(angle) > 0,
+ )
- tag_object(obj, 'grasses')
+ tag_object(obj, "grasses")
return obj
@@ -72,91 +74,92 @@ def is_grass(self):
class WheatEarMonocotFactory(MonocotGrowthFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(WheatEarMonocotFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.stem_offset = uniform(.4, .5)
+ self.stem_offset = uniform(0.4, 0.5)
self.angle = uniform(np.pi / 6, np.pi / 4)
self.min_y_angle = uniform(np.pi / 4, np.pi / 3)
self.max_y_angle = np.pi / 2
- self.leaf_prob = uniform(.9, 1)
+ self.leaf_prob = uniform(0.9, 1)
self.count = int(log_uniform(96, 128))
self.bend_angle = np.pi
def build_base_hue():
- return uniform(.12, .28)
+ return uniform(0.12, 0.28)
def build_leaf(self, face_size):
- x_anchors = np.array([0, .05, .1])
- y_anchors = np.array([0, uniform(.01, .015), 0])
+ x_anchors = np.array([0, 0.05, 0.1])
+ y_anchors = np.array([0, uniform(0.01, 0.015), 0])
curves = []
for angle in polygon_angles(np.random.randint(4, 6)):
anchors = [x_anchors, np.cos(angle) * y_anchors, np.sin(angle) * y_anchors]
obj = butil.join_objects(curves)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
remesh_with_attrs(obj, face_size / 2)
- tag_object(obj, 'wheat_ear')
+ tag_object(obj, "wheat_ear")
return obj
class WheatMonocotFactory(GrassesMonocotFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(WheatMonocotFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
self.ear_factory = WheatEarMonocotFactory(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.scale_curve = [(0, 1.), (1, .6)]
- self.leaf_range = .1, .7
+ self.scale_curve = [(0, 1.0), (1, 0.6)]
+ self.leaf_range = 0.1, 0.7
def build_base_hue():
- return uniform(.08, .12)
+ return uniform(0.08, 0.12)
def create_asset(self, **params):
obj = super().create_raw(**params)
ear = self.ear_factory.create_asset(**params)
- butil.modify_mesh(ear, 'SIMPLE_DEFORM', deform_method='BEND',
- angle=uniform(0, self.ear_factory.bend_angle))
- ear.location[-1] = self.stem_offset - .02
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ ear,
+ deform_method="BEND",
+ angle=uniform(0, self.ear_factory.bend_angle),
+ )
+ ear.location[-1] = self.stem_offset - 0.02
obj = join_objects([obj, ear])
- tag_object(obj, 'wheat')
+ tag_object(obj, "wheat")
return obj
class MaizeMonocotFactory(GrassesMonocotFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(MaizeMonocotFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.stem_offset = uniform(2., 2.5)
- self.scale_curve = [(0, 1.), (1, .6)]
- self.leaf_range = .1, .7
+ self.stem_offset = uniform(2.0, 2.5)
+ self.scale_curve = [(0, 1.0), (1, 0.6)]
+ self.leaf_range = 0.1, 0.7
def build_leaf(self, face_size):
- x_anchors = np.array([0, uniform(.1, .2), uniform(.5, .7), 1.])
- y_anchors = np.array([0, uniform(.03, .06), uniform(.03, .06), 0])
+ x_anchors = np.array([0, uniform(0.1, 0.2), uniform(0.5, 0.7), 1.0])
+ y_anchors = np.array([0, uniform(0.03, 0.06), uniform(0.03, 0.06), 0])
obj = leaf(x_anchors, y_anchors, face_size=face_size)
- tag_object(obj, 'maize_leaf')
+ tag_object(obj, "maize_leaf")
return obj
def build_husk(self):
- x_anchors = 0, uniform(.04, .05), uniform(.03, .03), 0
- z_anchors = 0, .01, uniform(.24, .3), uniform(.35, .4)
+ x_anchors = 0, uniform(0.04, 0.05), uniform(0.03, 0.03), 0
+ z_anchors = 0, 0.01, uniform(0.24, 0.3), uniform(0.35, 0.4)
anchors = x_anchors, 0, z_anchors
husk = spin(anchors)
- texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name='husk', type='STUCCI')
- texture.noise_scale = .01
- butil.modify_mesh(husk, 'DISPLACE', strength=.02, texture=texture)
- husk.location[-1] = self.stem_offset - .02
- husk.rotation_euler[0] = uniform(0, np.pi * .2)
- tag_object(husk, 'maize_husk')
+ texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name="husk", type="STUCCI")
+ texture.noise_scale = 0.01
+ butil.modify_mesh(husk, "DISPLACE", strength=0.02, texture=texture)
+ husk.location[-1] = self.stem_offset - 0.02
+ husk.rotation_euler[0] = uniform(0, np.pi * 0.2)
+ tag_object(husk, "maize_husk")
return husk
def create_asset(self, **params):
@@ -164,31 +167,30 @@ def create_asset(self, **params):
husk = self.build_husk()
obj = join_objects([obj, husk])
- tag_object(obj, 'maize')
+ tag_object(obj, "maize")
return obj
class ReedEarMonocotFactory(MonocotGrowthFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(ReedEarMonocotFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.stem_offset = uniform(.3, .4)
+ self.stem_offset = uniform(0.3, 0.4)
self.min_y_angle = uniform(np.pi / 4, np.pi / 3)
self.max_y_angle = self.min_y_angle + np.pi / 12
self.count = int(log_uniform(48, 96))
- self.radius = .002
+ self.radius = 0.002
def build_leaf(self, face_size):
- x_anchors = np.array([0, uniform(.02, .03), .05])
- y_anchors = np.array([0, uniform(.005, .01), 0])
+ x_anchors = np.array([0, uniform(0.02, 0.03), 0.05])
+ y_anchors = np.array([0, uniform(0.005, 0.01), 0])
obj = leaf(x_anchors, y_anchors, face_size=face_size)
return obj
def create_raw(self, **params):
obj = super(ReedEarMonocotFactory, self).create_raw(**params)
- write_attribute(obj, 1, 'ear', 'FACE')
- tag_object(obj, 'reed_ear')
+ write_attribute(obj, 1, "ear", "FACE")
+ tag_object(obj, "reed_ear")
return obj
@@ -198,59 +200,65 @@ class ReedBranchMonocotFactory(MonocotGrowthFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(ReedBranchMonocotFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.stem_offset = uniform(.6, .8)
+ self.stem_offset = uniform(0.6, 0.8)
self.ear_factory = ReedEarMonocotFactory(self.factory_seed)
- self.scale_curve = (0, 1), (.5, .6), (1, .1)
+ self.scale_curve = (0, 1), (0.5, 0.6), (1, 0.1)
self.min_y_angle = uniform(-np.pi / 10, -np.pi / 8)
self.max_y_angle = uniform(-np.pi / 6, -np.pi / 8)
self.angle = 0
- self.radius = .005
+ self.radius = 0.005
def make_collection(self, face_size):
- return make_asset_collection(self.ear_factory.create_raw, 2, 'leaves', verbose=False,
- face_size=face_size)
+ return make_asset_collection(
+ self.ear_factory.create_raw, 2, "leaves", verbose=False, face_size=face_size
+ )
class ReedMonocotFactory(GrassesMonocotFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(ReedMonocotFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.stem_offset = uniform(3., 4.)
- self.scale_curve = [(0, 1.2), (1, .8)]
+ self.stem_offset = uniform(3.0, 4.0)
+ self.scale_curve = [(0, 1.2), (1, 0.8)]
self.branch_factory = ReedBranchMonocotFactory(factory_seed, coarse)
self.branch_material = shaderfunc_to_material(self.shader_ear)
def build_base_hue():
- return uniform(.08, .12)
+ return uniform(0.08, 0.12)
def create_asset(self, **params):
obj = super().create_raw(**params)
branch = self.branch_factory.create_asset(**params)
- branch.location[-1] = self.stem_offset - .02
+ branch.location[-1] = self.stem_offset - 0.02
obj = join_objects([obj, branch])
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'WELD', merge_threshold=1e-3)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "WELD", merge_threshold=1e-3)
assign_material(obj, [self.material, self.branch_material])
- write_material_index(obj, surface.read_attr_data(obj, 'ear', 'FACE').astype(int)[:, 0])
- tag_object(obj, 'reed')
+ write_material_index(
+ obj, surface.read_attr_data(obj, "ear", "FACE").astype(int)[:, 0]
+ )
+ tag_object(obj, "reed")
return obj
def shader_ear(nw: NodeWrangler):
- color = hsv2rgba(uniform(.06, .1), uniform(.2, .5), log_uniform(.2, .5))
- specular = uniform(.0, .2)
- clearcoat = 0 if uniform(0, 1) < .8 else uniform(.2, .5)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Scale': 50})
- roughness = nw.build_float_curve(noise_texture, [(0, .5), (1, .8)])
- bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- 'Base Color': color,
- 'Roughness': roughness,
- 'Specular': specular,
- 'Clearcoat': clearcoat,
- 'Subsurface': .01,
- 'Subsurface Radius': (.01, .01, .01),
- })
+ color = hsv2rgba(uniform(0.06, 0.1), uniform(0.2, 0.5), log_uniform(0.2, 0.5))
+ specular = uniform(0.0, 0.2)
+ clearcoat = 0 if uniform(0, 1) < 0.8 else uniform(0.2, 0.5)
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 50})
+ roughness = nw.build_float_curve(noise_texture, [(0, 0.5), (1, 0.8)])
+ bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": color,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ "Specular": specular,
+ "Clearcoat": clearcoat,
+ "Subsurface": 0.01,
+ "Subsurface Radius": (0.01, 0.01, 0.01),
+ },
+ )
return bsdf
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/growth.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/growth.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e1782fc9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/growth.py
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
+# of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+from functools import reduce
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import displace_vertices, geo_extension
+from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_radius
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import data2mesh, mesh2obj, origin2leftmost
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_utils import build_color_ramp
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.detail import adapt_mesh_resolution
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
+from infinigen.core.surface import shaderfunc_to_material
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+class MonocotGrowthFactory(AssetFactory):
+ use_distance = False
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(MonocotGrowthFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.count = 128
+ self.perturb = 0.05
+ self.angle = np.pi / 6
+ self.min_y_angle = 0.0
+ self.max_y_angle = np.pi / 2
+ self.leaf_prob = uniform(0.8, 0.9)
+ self.leaf_range = 0, 1
+ self.stem_offset = 0.2
+ self.scale_curve = [(0, 1), (1, 1)]
+ self.radius = 0.01
+ self.bend_angle = np.pi / 4
+ self.twist_angle = np.pi / 6
+ self.z_drag = 0.0
+ self.z_scale = uniform(1.0, 1.2)
+ self.align_factor = 0
+ self.align_direction = 1, 0, 0
+ self.base_hue = self.build_base_hue()
+ self.bright_color = hsv2rgba(
+ self.base_hue, uniform(0.6, 0.8), log_uniform(0.05, 0.1)
+ )
+ self.dark_color = hsv2rgba(
+ (self.base_hue + uniform(-0.03, 0.03)) % 1,
+ uniform(0.8, 1.0),
+ log_uniform(0.05, 0.2),
+ )
+ self.material = shaderfunc_to_material(
+ self.shader_monocot,
+ self.dark_color,
+ self.bright_color,
+ self.use_distance,
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def build_base_hue():
+ return uniform(0.15, 0.35)
+ @property
+ def is_grass(self):
+ return False
+ def build_leaf(self, face_size):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @staticmethod
+ def decorate_leaf(
+ obj,
+ y_ratio=4,
+ y_bend_angle=np.pi / 6,
+ z_bend_angle=np.pi / 6,
+ noise_scale=0.1,
+ strength=0.02,
+ leftmost=True,
+ ):
+ obj.rotation_euler[1] = -np.pi / 2
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ deform_method="BEND",
+ angle=uniform(0.5, 1) * y_bend_angle,
+ deform_axis="Y",
+ )
+ obj.rotation_euler[1] = np.pi / 2
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ deform_method="BEND",
+ angle=uniform(-1, 1) * z_bend_angle,
+ deform_axis="Z",
+ )
+ displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (0, 0, y_ratio * uniform(0, 1) * y * y))
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_extension, apply=True)
+ texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name="grasses", type="STUCCI")
+ texture.noise_scale = noise_scale
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "DISPLACE", strength=strength, texture=texture)
+ for direction, width in zip("XY", obj.dimensions[:2]):
+ texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name="grasses", type="STUCCI")
+ texture.noise_scale = noise_scale
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ strength=uniform(0.01, 0.02) * width,
+ texture=texture,
+ direction=direction,
+ )
+ if leftmost:
+ origin2leftmost(obj)
+ return obj
+ def make_geo_flower(self):
+ def geo_flower(nw: NodeWrangler, leaves):
+ stem = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)],
+ )
+ line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": (0, 0, self.stem_offset)}
+ )
+ points = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve, [line, None, self.count])
+ parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ y_rotation = nw.build_float_curve(
+ parameter, [(0, -self.min_y_angle), (1, -self.max_y_angle)]
+ )
+ z_rotation = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AccumulateField,
+ [None, nw.uniform(self.angle * 0.95, self.angle * 1.05)],
+ )
+ rotation = nw.combine(0, y_rotation, z_rotation)
+ scale = nw.build_float_curve(parameter, self.scale_curve, "AUTO")
+ if self.perturb:
+ rotation = nw.add(
+ rotation, nw.uniform([-self.perturb] * 3, [self.perturb] * 3)
+ )
+ scale = nw.add(
+ scale, nw.uniform([-self.perturb] * 3, [self.perturb] * 3)
+ )
+ if self.align_factor:
+ rotation = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rotation": rotation,
+ "Factor": surface.eval_argument(nw, self.align_factor),
+ "Vector": self.align_direction,
+ },
+ attrs={"pivot_axis": "Z"},
+ )
+ points, _, z_rotation = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute, [points, None, z_rotation]
+ ).outputs[:3]
+ leaves = nw.new_node(Nodes.CollectionInfo, [leaves, True, True])
+ is_leaf = reduce(
+ lambda *xs: nw.boolean_math("AND", *xs),
+ [
+ nw.bernoulli(self.leaf_prob),
+ nw.compare("GREATER_EQUAL", parameter, self.leaf_range[0]),
+ nw.compare("LESS_EQUAL", parameter, self.leaf_range[1]),
+ ],
+ )
+ instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": points,
+ "Selection": is_leaf,
+ "Instance": leaves,
+ "Pick Instance": True,
+ "Rotation": rotation,
+ "Scale": scale,
+ },
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [instances])
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": geometry,
+ "Name": "z_rotation",
+ "Value": z_rotation,
+ },
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, [[stem, geometry]])
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
+ return geo_flower
+ def build_instance(self, i, face_size):
+ obj = self.build_leaf(face_size)
+ origin2leftmost(obj)
+ obj.location[0] -= 0.01
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
+ return obj
+ def make_collection(self, face_size):
+ return make_asset_collection(
+ self.build_instance, 10, "leaves", verbose=False, face_size=face_size
+ )
+ def build_stem(self, face_size):
+ obj = mesh2obj(data2mesh([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, self.stem_offset]], [[0, 1]]))
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SUBSURF", True, levels=9, render_levels=9)
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[self.radius, 16])
+ adapt_mesh_resolution(obj, face_size, "subdivide")
+ texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name="grasses", type="STUCCI")
+ texture.noise_scale = 0.1
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "DISPLACE", strength=0.01, texture=texture)
+ tag_object(obj, "stem")
+ return obj
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ obj = self.create_raw(**params)
+ self.decorate_monocot(obj)
+ tag_object(obj, "monocot_growth")
+ return obj
+ def create_raw(self, face_size=0.01, apply=True, **params):
+ if self.angle != 0:
+ frequency = 2 * np.pi / self.angle
+ if 0.01 < frequency - int(frequency) < 0.05:
+ frequency += 0.05
+ elif -0.05 < frequency - int(frequency) < -0.01:
+ frequency -= 0.05
+ self.angle = 2 * np.pi / frequency
+ leaves = self.make_collection(face_size)
+ obj = self.build_stem(face_size)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, self.make_geo_flower(), apply=apply, input_args=[leaves]
+ )
+ if apply:
+ butil.delete_collection(leaves)
+ tag_object(obj, "flower")
+ return obj
+ def decorate_monocot(self, obj):
+ displace_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (0, 0, -self.z_drag * (x * x + y * y)))
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_extension, apply=True, input_args=[0.4])
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ deform_method="TWIST",
+ angle=uniform(-self.twist_angle, self.twist_angle),
+ deform_axis="Z",
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ deform_method="BEND",
+ angle=uniform(0, self.bend_angle),
+ )
+ obj.scale = uniform(0.8, 1.2), uniform(0.8, 1.2), self.z_scale
+ obj.rotation_euler[-1] = uniform(0, np.pi * 2)
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ assign_material(obj, self.material)
+ @staticmethod
+ def shader_monocot(nw: NodeWrangler, dark_color, bright_color, use_distance):
+ specular = uniform(0.0, 0.2)
+ clearcoat = 0 if uniform(0, 1) < 0.8 else uniform(0.2, 0.5)
+ if use_distance:
+ distance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "distance"}
+ ).outputs["Fac"]
+ exponent = uniform(1.8, 3.5)
+ ratio = nw.scalar_sub(
+ 1, nw.math("POWER", nw.scalar_sub(1, distance), exponent)
+ )
+ color = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [ratio, bright_color, dark_color])
+ else:
+ color = build_color_ramp(
+ nw,
+ nw.musgrave(10),
+ [0.0, 0.3, 0.7, 1.0],
+ [bright_color, bright_color, dark_color, dark_color],
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 50})
+ roughness = nw.build_float_curve(noise_texture, [(0, 0.5), (1, 0.8)])
+ bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": color,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ "Specular": specular,
+ "Clearcoat": clearcoat,
+ "Subsurface": 0.01,
+ "Subsurface Radius": (0.01, 0.01, 0.01),
+ },
+ )
+ return bsdf
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/monocot/kelp.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/kelp.py
similarity index 62%
rename from infinigen/assets/monocot/kelp.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/kelp.py
index 5851f9cc2..f32cdcbf5 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/monocot/kelp.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/kelp.py
@@ -9,15 +9,17 @@
from numpy.random import uniform
import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.animation.driver_repeated import repeated_driver
-from infinigen.assets.monocot.growth import MonocotGrowthFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.animation.driver_repeated import (
+ repeated_driver,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.monocot.growth import MonocotGrowthFactory
from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import bezier_curve, leaf
from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, origin2leftmost
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.placement.detail import remesh_with_attrs
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
class KelpMonocotFactory(MonocotGrowthFactory):
@@ -27,66 +29,79 @@ class KelpMonocotFactory(MonocotGrowthFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(KelpMonocotFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.stem_offset = 10.
+ self.stem_offset = 10.0
self.angle = uniform(np.pi / 6, np.pi / 4)
- self.z_drag = uniform(.0, .2)
- self.min_y_angle = uniform(0, np.pi * .1)
+ self.z_drag = uniform(0.0, 0.2)
+ self.min_y_angle = uniform(0, np.pi * 0.1)
self.max_y_angle = self.min_y_angle
self.bend_angle = uniform(0, np.pi / 6)
self.twist_angle = uniform(0, np.pi / 6)
self.count = 512
- self.leaf_prob = uniform(.6, .7)
+ self.leaf_prob = uniform(0.6, 0.7)
self.align_angle = uniform(np.pi / 30, np.pi / 15)
- self.radius = .02
+ self.radius = 0.02
self.align_factor = self.make_align_factor()
self.align_direction = self.make_align_direction()
flow_angle = uniform(0, np.pi * 2)
- self.align_direction = np.cos(flow_angle), np.sin(flow_angle), uniform(-.2, .2)
+ self.align_direction = (
+ np.cos(flow_angle),
+ np.sin(flow_angle),
+ uniform(-0.2, 0.2),
+ )
self.anim_freq = 1 / log_uniform(100, 200)
self.anim_offset = uniform(0, 1)
self.anim_seed = np.random.randint(1e5)
def make_align_factor(self):
def align_factor(nw: NodeWrangler):
- rand = nw.uniform(.7, .95)
- driver = rand.inputs[2].driver_add('default_value').driver
- driver.expression = repeated_driver(.7, .85, self.anim_freq, self.anim_offset, self.anim_seed)
- return nw.scalar_multiply(nw.bernoulli(.9), rand)
+ rand = nw.uniform(0.7, 0.95)
+ driver = rand.inputs[2].driver_add("default_value").driver
+ driver.expression = repeated_driver(
+ 0.7, 0.85, self.anim_freq, self.anim_offset, self.anim_seed
+ )
+ return nw.scalar_multiply(nw.bernoulli(0.9), rand)
return align_factor
def make_align_direction(self):
def align_direction(nw: NodeWrangler):
direction = nw.combine(1, 0, 0)
- driver = direction.inputs[2].driver_add('default_value').driver
- driver.expression = repeated_driver(-.5, -.1, self.anim_freq, self.anim_offset, self.anim_seed)
+ driver = direction.inputs[2].driver_add("default_value").driver
+ driver.expression = repeated_driver(
+ -0.5, -0.1, self.anim_freq, self.anim_offset, self.anim_seed
+ )
return direction
return align_direction
def build_base_hue():
- return uniform(.05, .25)
+ return uniform(0.05, 0.25)
def build_instance(self, i, face_size):
- x_anchors = np.array([0, -.02, -.04])
- y_anchors = np.array([0, uniform(.01, .02), 0])
+ x_anchors = np.array([0, -0.02, -0.04])
+ y_anchors = np.array([0, uniform(0.01, 0.02), 0])
curves = []
for angle in np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, 6):
anchors = [x_anchors, np.cos(angle) * y_anchors, np.sin(angle) * y_anchors]
bud = butil.join_objects(curves)
- bud.location[0] += .02
- with butil.ViewportMode(bud, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ bud.location[0] += 0.02
+ with butil.ViewportMode(bud, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
remesh_with_attrs(bud, face_size)
- x_anchors = 0, uniform(.35, .65), uniform(.8, 1.2)
- y_anchors = 0, uniform(.06, .08), 0
+ x_anchors = 0, uniform(0.35, 0.65), uniform(0.8, 1.2)
+ y_anchors = 0, uniform(0.06, 0.08), 0
obj = leaf(x_anchors, y_anchors, face_size=face_size)
obj = join_objects([obj, bud])
- self.decorate_leaf(obj, uniform(-2, 2), uniform(-np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4), uniform(-np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4))
+ self.decorate_leaf(
+ obj,
+ uniform(-2, 2),
+ uniform(-np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4),
+ uniform(-np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4),
+ )
return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/pinecone.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/pinecone.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e863689cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/pinecone.py
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
+from infinigen.assets.objects.monocot.growth import MonocotGrowthFactory
+from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import shape_by_angles, shape_by_xs
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_circle
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_utils import build_color_ramp
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.detail import remesh_with_attrs
+from infinigen.core.surface import shaderfunc_to_material
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+class PineconeFactory(MonocotGrowthFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.angle = 2 * np.pi / (np.random.randint(4, 8) + 0.5)
+ self.max_y_angle = uniform(0.7, 0.8) * np.pi / 2
+ self.leaf_prob = uniform(0.9, 0.95)
+ self.count = int(log_uniform(64, 96))
+ self.stem_offset = uniform(0.2, 0.4)
+ self.perturb = 0
+ self.scale_curve = [
+ (0, 0.5),
+ (0.5, uniform(0.6, 1.0)),
+ (1, uniform(0.1, 0.2)),
+ ]
+ self.bright_color = hsv2rgba(uniform(0.02, 0.06), uniform(0.8, 1.0), 0.01)
+ self.dark_color = hsv2rgba(uniform(0.02, 0.06), uniform(0.8, 1.0), 0.005)
+ self.material = shaderfunc_to_material(
+ self.shader_monocot,
+ self.dark_color,
+ self.bright_color,
+ self.use_distance,
+ )
+ def build_leaf(self, face_size):
+ obj = new_circle(vertices=128)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.fill_grid()
+ angles = np.array([-1, -0.8, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.8, 1]) * self.angle / 2
+ scale = uniform(0.9, 0.95)
+ scales = [0, 0.7, scale, 1, scale, 0.7, 0]
+ displacement = [0, 0, 0, -uniform(0.2, 0.3), 0, 0, 0]
+ shape_by_angles(obj, angles, scales, displacement)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.convex_hull()
+ xs = [0, 1, 2]
+ displacement = [0, 0, 0.5]
+ shape_by_xs(obj, xs, displacement)
+ obj.scale = [0.1] * 3
+ obj.rotation_euler[1] -= uniform(np.pi / 18, np.pi / 12)
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ remesh_with_attrs(obj, face_size)
+ texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name="pinecone", type="STUCCI")
+ texture.noise_scale = log_uniform(0.002, 0.005)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj, "DISPLACE", True, strength=0.001, mid_level=0, texture=texture
+ )
+ tag_object(obj, "pinecone")
+ return obj
+ @staticmethod
+ def shader_monocot(nw: NodeWrangler, dark_color, bright_color, use_distance):
+ specular = uniform(0.2, 0.4)
+ color = build_color_ramp(
+ nw,
+ nw.musgrave(10),
+ [0.0, 0.3, 0.7, 1.0],
+ [bright_color, bright_color, dark_color, dark_color],
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 50})
+ roughness = nw.build_float_curve(noise_texture, [(0, 0.5), (1, 0.8)])
+ bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": color,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ "Specular": specular,
+ },
+ )
+ return bsdf
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/monocot/tussock.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/tussock.py
similarity index 64%
rename from infinigen/assets/monocot/tussock.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/tussock.py
index 225427d8a..13bf520fe 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/monocot/tussock.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/tussock.py
@@ -6,36 +6,36 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.monocot.growth import MonocotGrowthFactory
from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import leaf
-from infinigen.assets.monocot.growth import MonocotGrowthFactory
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
class TussockMonocotFactory(MonocotGrowthFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(TussockMonocotFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.stem_offset = uniform(.0, .2)
+ self.stem_offset = uniform(0.0, 0.2)
self.angle = uniform(np.pi / 20, np.pi / 18)
- self.z_drag = uniform(.1, .2)
- self.min_y_angle = uniform(np.pi * .2, np.pi * .25)
+ self.z_drag = uniform(0.1, 0.2)
+ self.min_y_angle = uniform(np.pi * 0.2, np.pi * 0.25)
self.max_y_angle = np.pi / 2
self.count = int(log_uniform(512, 1024))
- self.scale_curve = [(0, uniform(.6, 1.)), (1, uniform(.6, 1.))]
+ self.scale_curve = [(0, uniform(0.6, 1.0)), (1, uniform(0.6, 1.0))]
def build_base_hue():
- if uniform(0, 1) < .5:
- return uniform(.1, .15)
+ if uniform(0, 1) < 0.5:
+ return uniform(0.1, 0.15)
- return uniform(.25, .35)
+ return uniform(0.25, 0.35)
def build_leaf(self, face_size):
- x_anchors = np.array([0, uniform(.3, .7), 1.])
- y_anchors = np.array([0, .01, 0])
+ x_anchors = np.array([0, uniform(0.3, 0.7), 1.0])
+ y_anchors = np.array([0, 0.01, 0])
obj = leaf(x_anchors, y_anchors, face_size=face_size)
- tag_object(obj, 'tussock')
+ tag_object(obj, "tussock")
return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/monocot/veratrum.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/veratrum.py
similarity index 52%
rename from infinigen/assets/monocot/veratrum.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/veratrum.py
index a7906be1e..01cef3027 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/monocot/veratrum.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/monocot/veratrum.py
@@ -5,43 +5,49 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import colorsys
import bpy
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.monocot.growth import MonocotGrowthFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import distance2boundary, write_attribute, write_material_index
+from infinigen.assets.objects.monocot.growth import MonocotGrowthFactory
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ distance2boundary,
+ write_attribute,
+ write_material_index,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import leaf, spin
from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
-from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import leaf, spin
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.surface import shaderfunc_to_material
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
class VeratrumMonocotFactory(MonocotGrowthFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(VeratrumMonocotFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.stem_offset = uniform(1., 1.5)
+ self.stem_offset = uniform(1.0, 1.5)
self.angle = uniform(np.pi / 4, np.pi / 3)
- self.z_drag = uniform(.4, .5)
+ self.z_drag = uniform(0.4, 0.5)
self.bend_angle = np.pi / 2
- self.min_y_angle = uniform(np.pi * .25, np.pi * .35)
- self.max_y_angle = uniform(np.pi * .6, np.pi * .7)
+ self.min_y_angle = uniform(np.pi * 0.25, np.pi * 0.35)
+ self.max_y_angle = uniform(np.pi * 0.6, np.pi * 0.7)
self.count = int(log_uniform(32, 64))
- self.scale_curve = (0, uniform(.8, 1.)), (.4, .6), (.8, uniform(0, .1)), (1, 0)
- self.leaf_range = 0, uniform(.7, .8)
+ self.scale_curve = (
+ (0, uniform(0.8, 1.0)),
+ (0.4, 0.6),
+ (0.8, uniform(0, 0.1)),
+ (1, 0),
+ )
+ self.leaf_range = 0, uniform(0.7, 0.8)
self.bud_angle = uniform(np.pi / 15, np.pi / 12)
self.freq = uniform(25, 50)
self.branches_factory = VeratrumBranchMonocotFactory(factory_seed, coarse)
@@ -49,49 +55,60 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
def build_base_hue():
- return uniform(.12, .32)
+ return uniform(0.12, 0.32)
def shader_ear(nw: NodeWrangler):
- color = hsv2rgba(uniform(.1, .35), uniform(.1, .5), log_uniform(.2, .5))
- specular = uniform(.0, .2)
- clearcoat = 0 if uniform(0, 1) < .8 else uniform(.2, .5)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Scale': 50})
- roughness = nw.build_float_curve(noise_texture, [(0, .5), (1, .8)])
- bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- 'Base Color': color,
- 'Roughness': roughness,
- 'Specular': specular,
- 'Clearcoat': clearcoat,
- 'Subsurface': .01,
- 'Subsurface Radius': (.01, .01, .01),
- })
+ color = hsv2rgba(uniform(0.1, 0.35), uniform(0.1, 0.5), log_uniform(0.2, 0.5))
+ specular = uniform(0.0, 0.2)
+ clearcoat = 0 if uniform(0, 1) < 0.8 else uniform(0.2, 0.5)
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 50})
+ roughness = nw.build_float_curve(noise_texture, [(0, 0.5), (1, 0.8)])
+ bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": color,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ "Specular": specular,
+ "Clearcoat": clearcoat,
+ "Subsurface": 0.01,
+ "Subsurface Radius": (0.01, 0.01, 0.01),
+ },
+ )
return bsdf
def build_leaf(self, face_size):
- x_anchors = 0, .2 * np.cos(self.bud_angle), uniform(.6, .7), .8
- y_anchors = 0, .2 * np.sin(self.bud_angle), uniform(.06, .1), 0
+ x_anchors = 0, 0.2 * np.cos(self.bud_angle), uniform(0.6, 0.7), 0.8
+ y_anchors = 0, 0.2 * np.sin(self.bud_angle), uniform(0.06, 0.1), 0
obj = leaf(x_anchors, y_anchors, face_size=face_size)
distance = distance2boundary(obj)
- vg = obj.vertex_groups.new(name='distance')
+ vg = obj.vertex_groups.new(name="distance")
weights = np.cos(self.freq * distance) ** 4
for i, w in enumerate(weights):
- vg.add([i], w, 'REPLACE')
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DISPLACE', strength=-uniform(5e-3, 8e-3), mid_level=0, vertex_group='distance')
+ vg.add([i], w, "REPLACE")
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ strength=-uniform(5e-3, 8e-3),
+ mid_level=0,
+ vertex_group="distance",
+ )
self.decorate_leaf(obj, 8, np.pi / 2)
return obj
def create_asset(self, **params):
obj = super().create_raw(**params)
branches = self.branches_factory.create_asset(**params)
- branches.location[-1] = self.stem_offset - .02
+ branches.location[-1] = self.stem_offset - 0.02
obj = join_objects([obj, branches])
assign_material(obj, [self.material, self.branch_material])
- write_material_index(obj, surface.read_attr_data(obj, 'ear', 'FACE').astype(int))
- tag_object(obj, 'veratrum')
+ write_material_index(
+ obj, surface.read_attr_data(obj, "ear", "FACE").astype(int)
+ )
+ tag_object(obj, "veratrum")
return obj
@@ -100,12 +117,14 @@ class VeratrumBranchMonocotFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(VeratrumBranchMonocotFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.branch_factories = [VeratrumEarMonocotFactory(self.factory_seed * self.max_branches + i, coarse)
- for i in range(np.random.randint(3, self.max_branches) + 1)]
- self.primary_stem_offset = uniform(.4, .8)
+ self.branch_factories = [
+ VeratrumEarMonocotFactory(self.factory_seed * self.max_branches + i, coarse)
+ for i in range(np.random.randint(3, self.max_branches) + 1)
+ ]
+ self.primary_stem_offset = uniform(0.4, 0.8)
for i, f in enumerate(self.branch_factories):
- scale = log_uniform(.3, .6) if i > 0 else 1
+ scale = log_uniform(0.3, 0.6) if i > 0 else 1
f.stem_offset = scale * self.primary_stem_offset
f.count = int(log_uniform(64, 238) * scale)
@@ -113,32 +132,41 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
branches = [f.create_asset(**params) for f in self.branch_factories]
for i, branch in enumerate(branches):
if i > 0:
- branch.location[-1] = self.primary_stem_offset * uniform(0, .6)
- branch.rotation_euler = uniform(np.pi * .25, np.pi * .4), 0, uniform(0, np.pi * 2)
+ branch.location[-1] = self.primary_stem_offset * uniform(0, 0.6)
+ branch.rotation_euler = (
+ uniform(np.pi * 0.25, np.pi * 0.4),
+ 0,
+ uniform(0, np.pi * 2),
+ )
obj = join_objects(branches)
- tag_object(obj, 'veratrum_branch')
+ tag_object(obj, "veratrum_branch")
return obj
class VeratrumEarMonocotFactory(MonocotGrowthFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(VeratrumEarMonocotFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
self.angle = uniform(np.pi / 4, np.pi / 3)
- self.min_y_angle = uniform(np.pi * .25, np.pi * .3)
- self.max_y_angle = uniform(np.pi * .3, np.pi * .35)
+ self.min_y_angle = uniform(np.pi * 0.25, np.pi * 0.3)
+ self.max_y_angle = uniform(np.pi * 0.3, np.pi * 0.35)
self.count = np.random.randint(64, 128)
- self.leaf_prob = uniform(.6, .8)
- self.leaf_range = 0, .98
+ self.leaf_prob = uniform(0.6, 0.8)
+ self.leaf_range = 0, 0.98
def build_leaf(self, face_size):
- x_anchors = 0, .04, .06, .04, 0
- y_anchors = 0, .01, 0, -.01, 0
- z_anchors = 0, - .01, -.01, -.006, 0
+ x_anchors = 0, 0.04, 0.06, 0.04, 0
+ y_anchors = 0, 0.01, 0, -0.01, 0
+ z_anchors = 0, -0.01, -0.01, -0.006, 0
anchors = [x_anchors, y_anchors, z_anchors]
- obj = spin(anchors, [0, 2, 4], dupli=True, loop=True, resolution=np.random.randint(3, 5),
- axis=(1, 0, 0))
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'WELD', merge_threshold=face_size / 2)
- write_attribute(obj, 1, 'ear', 'FACE')
- tag_object(obj, 'veratrum_ear')
+ obj = spin(
+ anchors,
+ [0, 2, 4],
+ dupli=True,
+ loop=True,
+ resolution=np.random.randint(3, 5),
+ axis=(1, 0, 0),
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "WELD", merge_threshold=face_size / 2)
+ write_attribute(obj, 1, "ear", "FACE")
+ tag_object(obj, "veratrum_ear")
return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/mushroom/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/mushroom/__init__.py
similarity index 52%
rename from infinigen/assets/mushroom/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/mushroom/__init__.py
index c344738fe..df7ffbf96 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/mushroom/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/mushroom/__init__.py
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
+from .generate import MushroomFactory
from .growth import MushroomGrowthFactory
-from .generate import MushroomFactory
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/mushroom/cap.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/mushroom/cap.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d2e3da10a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/mushroom/cap.py
@@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import colorsys
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ displace_vertices,
+ geo_extension,
+ subsurface2face_size,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import spin
+from infinigen.assets.utils.mesh import polygon_angles
+from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import data2mesh, join_objects, mesh2obj
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_utils import build_color_ramp
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.detail import remesh_with_attrs
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+class MushroomCapFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, base_hue, material_func, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.x_scale, self.z_scale = uniform(0.7, 1.4, 2)
+ self.cap_configs = [
+ self.campanulate,
+ self.conical,
+ self.convex,
+ self.depressed,
+ self.flat,
+ self.infundiuliform,
+ self.ovate,
+ self.umbillicate,
+ self.umbonate,
+ ]
+ config_weights = np.array([2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1])
+ cap_config = np.random.choice(
+ self.cap_configs, p=config_weights / config_weights.sum()
+ )
+ self.cap_config = {
+ **cap_config,
+ "x_anchors": [_ * self.x_scale for _ in cap_config["x_anchors"]],
+ "z_anchors": [_ * self.z_scale for _ in cap_config["z_anchors"]],
+ }
+ self.radius = max(self.cap_config["x_anchors"])
+ self.inner_radius = log_uniform(0.2, 0.35) * self.radius
+ self.gill_configs = [self.adnexed_gill, self.decurrent_gill, None]
+ gill_configs = np.array([1, 1, 1])
+ self.gill_config = np.random.choice(
+ self.gill_configs, p=gill_configs / gill_configs.sum()
+ )
+ if not self.cap_config["has_gill"]:
+ self.gill_config = None
+ self.shader_funcs = [
+ self.shader_cap,
+ self.shader_noise,
+ self.shader_voronoi,
+ self.shader_speckle,
+ ]
+ shader_weights = np.array([2, 1, 1, 1])
+ self.shader_func = np.random.choice(
+ self.shader_funcs, p=shader_weights / shader_weights.sum()
+ )
+ self.is_morel = uniform(0, 1) < 0.5 and self.shader_func == self.shader_cap
+ self.base_hue = base_hue
+ self.material_cap = surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ self.shader_func, self.base_hue
+ )
+ self.material = material_func()
+ @property
+ def campanulate(self):
+ x = uniform(0.12, 0.15)
+ return {
+ "x_anchors": [0, x, x, 0.08, 0.04, 0],
+ "z_anchors": [
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ uniform(0.03, 0.05),
+ uniform(0.1, 0.12),
+ uniform(0.16, 0.2),
+ 0.2,
+ ],
+ "vector_locations": [],
+ "has_gill": True,
+ }
+ @property
+ def conical(self):
+ z = uniform(0.2, 0.3)
+ return {
+ "x_anchors": [0, uniform(0.12, 0.15), 0.01, 0],
+ "z_anchors": [0, 0, z, z],
+ "vector_locations": [1],
+ "has_gill": True,
+ }
+ @property
+ def convex(self):
+ z = uniform(0.14, 0.16)
+ return {
+ "x_anchors": [0, 0.15, 0.12, 0.01, 0],
+ "z_anchors": [0, 0, uniform(0.04, 0.06), z, z],
+ "vector_locations": [1],
+ "has_gill": True,
+ }
+ @property
+ def depressed(self):
+ z = uniform(0.03, 0.05)
+ return {
+ "x_anchors": [0, 0.15, 0.12, 0],
+ "z_anchors": [0, 0, uniform(0.06, 0.08), z],
+ "vector_locations": [1],
+ "has_gill": True,
+ }
+ @property
+ def flat(self):
+ z = uniform(0.05, 0.07)
+ return {
+ "x_anchors": [0, 0.15, 0.12, 0],
+ "z_anchors": [0, 0, z, z],
+ "vector_locations": [1],
+ "has_gill": True,
+ }
+ @property
+ def infundiuliform(self):
+ z = uniform(0.08, 0.12)
+ x = uniform(0.12, 0.15)
+ return {
+ "x_anchors": [0, 0.03, x, x - 0.01, 0],
+ "z_anchors": [0, 0, z, z + uniform(0.005, 0.01), 0.02],
+ "vector_locations": [],
+ "has_gill": False,
+ }
+ @property
+ def ovate(self):
+ z = uniform(0.2, 0.3)
+ return {
+ "x_anchors": [0, uniform(0.12, 0.15), 0.08, 0.01, 0],
+ "z_anchors": [0, 0, 0.8 * z, z, z],
+ "vector_locations": [1],
+ "has_gill": True,
+ }
+ @property
+ def umbillicate(self):
+ z = uniform(0.03, 0.05)
+ return {
+ "x_anchors": [0, 0.15, 0.12, 0.02, 0],
+ "z_anchors": [0, 0.04, uniform(0.06, 0.08), z + 0.02, z],
+ "vector_locations": [],
+ "has_gill": False,
+ }
+ @property
+ def umbonate(self):
+ z = uniform(0.05, 0.07)
+ z_ = z + uniform(0.02, 0.04)
+ return {
+ "x_anchors": [0, 0.15, 0.12, 0.06, 0.02, 0],
+ "z_anchors": [0, 0, z - 0.01, z, z_, z_],
+ "vector_locations": [1],
+ "has_gill": True,
+ }
+ @property
+ def adnexed_gill(self):
+ return {
+ "x_anchors": [
+ self.radius,
+ (self.radius + self.inner_radius) / 2,
+ self.inner_radius,
+ self.inner_radius,
+ self.radius,
+ ],
+ "z_anchors": [0, -uniform(0.05, 0.08), -uniform(0, 0.02), 0, 0],
+ "vector_locations": [3],
+ }
+ @property
+ def decurrent_gill(self):
+ return {
+ "x_anchors": [
+ self.radius,
+ (self.radius + self.inner_radius) / 2,
+ self.inner_radius,
+ 0,
+ self.radius,
+ ],
+ "z_anchors": [0, -uniform(0.05, 0.08), -uniform(0.08, 0.1), 0, 0],
+ "vector_locations": [2],
+ }
+ @staticmethod
+ def geo_xyz(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ for name, component in zip(
+ "xyz", nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))
+ ):
+ component = nw.math("ABSOLUTE", component)
+ m = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic, [geometry, None, component]
+ ).outputs["Max"]
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": geometry,
+ "Name": name,
+ "Value": nw.scalar_divide(component, m),
+ },
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
+ @staticmethod
+ def geo_morel(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ selection = nw.compare(
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": uniform(15, 20), "Randomness": uniform(0.5, 1)},
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ ),
+ 0.05,
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry, "Name": "morel", "Value": selection},
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
+ def apply_cut(self, obj):
+ if max(self.cap_config["x_anchors"]) > 0.1:
+ return
+ n_cuts = np.random.randint(0, 5)
+ angles = polygon_angles(n_cuts, np.pi / 4, np.pi * 2)
+ for a in angles:
+ width = uniform(0.15, 0.2) * 0.4
+ vertices = [
+ [0, 0, 0.4],
+ [0.4, -width, 0.4],
+ [0.4, width, 0.4],
+ [0, 0, -1],
+ [0.4, -width, -0.01],
+ [0.4, width, -0.01],
+ ]
+ faces = [[0, 1, 2], [1, 0, 3, 4], [2, 1, 4, 5], [0, 2, 5, 3], [5, 4, 3]]
+ cutter = mesh2obj(data2mesh(vertices, [], faces))
+ displace_vertices(cutter, lambda x, y, z: (0, 2 * y * y, 0))
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ cutter, "SUBSURF", render_levels=5, levels=5, subdivision_type="SIMPLE"
+ )
+ depth = self.radius * uniform(0.4, 0.7)
+ cutter.location = np.cos(a) * depth, np.sin(a) * depth, 0
+ cutter.rotation_euler = 0, 0, a + uniform(-np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "WELD", merge_threshold=0.002)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj, "BOOLEAN", object=cutter, operation="DIFFERENCE", apply=True
+ )
+ butil.delete(cutter)
+ def create_asset(self, face_size, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ cap_config = self.cap_config
+ anchors = cap_config["x_anchors"], 0, cap_config["z_anchors"]
+ obj = spin(anchors, cap_config["vector_locations"])
+ self.apply_cut(obj)
+ remesh_with_attrs(obj, face_size)
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_xyz, apply=True)
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_morel, apply=True)
+ assign_material(obj, self.material_cap)
+ if self.is_morel:
+ with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
+ surface.set_active(obj, "morel")
+ bpy.ops.geometry.attribute_convert(mode="VERTEX_GROUP")
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj, "DISPLACE", vertex_group="morel", strength=0.04, mid_level=0.7
+ )
+ if self.gill_config is not None:
+ gill_config = self.gill_config
+ anchors = gill_config["x_anchors"], 0, gill_config["z_anchors"]
+ gill = spin(
+ anchors,
+ gill_config["vector_locations"],
+ dupli=True,
+ loop=True,
+ resolution=np.random.randint(8, 20),
+ )
+ subsurface2face_size(gill, face_size)
+ assign_material(gill, self.material)
+ obj = join_objects([obj, gill])
+ texture = bpy.data.textures.new(
+ name="cap", type=np.random.choice(["STUCCI", "MARBLE"])
+ )
+ texture.noise_scale = log_uniform(0.01, 0.05)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "DISPLACE", strength=0.008, texture=texture, mid_level=0)
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_extension, apply=True, input_args=[0.1])
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ deform_method="TWIST",
+ angle=uniform(-np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4),
+ deform_axis="X",
+ )
+ r1, r2, r3, r4 = uniform(-0.25, 0.25, 4)
+ displace_vertices(
+ obj,
+ lambda x, y, z: (
+ np.where(x > 0, r1, r2) * x,
+ np.where(y > 0, r3, r4) * y,
+ 0,
+ ),
+ )
+ tag_object(obj, "cap")
+ return obj
+ @staticmethod
+ def shader_voronoi(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue):
+ bright_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(0.4, 0.8), log_uniform(0.05, 0.2))
+ dark_color = (
+ *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(
+ (base_hue + uniform(-0.05, 0.05)) % 1,
+ uniform(0.4, 0.8),
+ log_uniform(0.01, 0.05),
+ ),
+ 1,
+ )
+ subsurface_color = (
+ *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(
+ (base_hue + uniform(-0.05, 0.05)) % 1,
+ uniform(0.4, 0.8),
+ log_uniform(0.05, 0.2),
+ ),
+ 1,
+ )
+ light_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(0, 0.1), uniform(0.2, 0.8))
+ anchors = [0.0, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0] if uniform(0, 1) < 0.5 else [0.0, 0.4, 0.7, 1.0]
+ color = build_color_ramp(
+ nw,
+ nw.musgrave(500),
+ anchors,
+ [dark_color, dark_color, bright_color, bright_color],
+ )
+ x = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "x"}).outputs["Fac"]
+ y = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "y"}).outputs["Fac"]
+ r = nw.power(nw.add(nw.power(x, 2), nw.power(y, 2)), 0.5)
+ coord = nw.scale(
+ nw.combine(x, y, 0),
+ nw.build_float_curve(r, [(0, 1), (uniform(0.5, 0.7), 2), (1, 8)]),
+ )
+ perturbed_position = nw.add(
+ coord,
+ nw.scale(
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, attrs={"noise_dimensions": "2D"}), 0.2
+ ),
+ )
+ voronoi = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": uniform(2, 2.5), "Vector": perturbed_position},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "2D", "feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ ratio = nw.divide(
+ voronoi, nw.scalar_add(1, nw.scalar_multiply(5, nw.power(r, 2)))
+ )
+ ratio = nw.build_float_curve(ratio, [(0, 0.4), (0.04, 0)])
+ ratio = nw.scalar_multiply(
+ ratio,
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ [
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 20}),
+ -0.2,
+ 0.1,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ ],
+ ),
+ )
+ color = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [ratio, color, light_color])
+ roughness = uniform(0.2, 0.5) if uniform(0, 1) < 0.5 else uniform(0.8, 1.0)
+ specular = uniform(0.2, 0.8)
+ clearcoat = uniform(0.2, 0.5) if uniform(0, 1) < 0.25 else 0
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": color,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ "Specular": specular,
+ "Clearcoat": clearcoat,
+ "Subsurface Color": subsurface_color,
+ "Subsurface": 0.01,
+ "Subsurface Radius": (0.05, 0.05, 0.05),
+ },
+ )
+ return principled_bsdf
+ @staticmethod
+ def shader_speckle(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue):
+ bright_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(0.4, 0.8), log_uniform(0.05, 0.2))
+ dark_color = (
+ *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(
+ (base_hue + uniform(-0.05, 0.05)) % 1,
+ uniform(0.4, 0.8),
+ log_uniform(0.01, 0.05),
+ ),
+ 1,
+ )
+ subsurface_color = (
+ *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(
+ (base_hue + uniform(-0.05, 0.05)) % 1,
+ uniform(0.4, 0.8),
+ log_uniform(0.05, 0.2),
+ ),
+ 1,
+ )
+ light_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(0, 0.1), uniform(0.2, 0.8))
+ anchors = [0.0, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0] if uniform(0, 1) < 0.5 else [0.0, 0.4, 0.7, 1.0]
+ color = build_color_ramp(
+ nw,
+ nw.musgrave(500),
+ anchors,
+ [dark_color, dark_color, bright_color, bright_color],
+ )
+ musgrave = nw.build_float_curve(nw.musgrave(50), [(0.7, 0), (0.72, 1.0)])
+ color = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [musgrave, color, light_color])
+ roughness = uniform(0.2, 0.5) if uniform(0, 1) < 0.5 else uniform(0.8, 1.0)
+ specular = uniform(0.2, 0.8)
+ clearcoat = uniform(0.2, 0.5) if uniform(0, 1) < 0.25 else 0
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": color,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ "Specular": specular,
+ "Clearcoat": clearcoat,
+ "Subsurface Color": subsurface_color,
+ "Subsurface": 0.01,
+ "Subsurface Radius": (0.05, 0.05, 0.05),
+ },
+ )
+ return principled_bsdf
+ @staticmethod
+ def shader_noise(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue):
+ bright_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(0.4, 0.8), log_uniform(0.05, 0.2))
+ dark_color = (
+ *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(
+ (base_hue + uniform(-0.05, 0.05)) % 1,
+ uniform(0.4, 0.8),
+ log_uniform(0.01, 0.05),
+ ),
+ 1,
+ )
+ subsurface_color = (
+ *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(
+ (base_hue + uniform(-0.05, 0.05)) % 1,
+ uniform(0.4, 0.8),
+ log_uniform(0.05, 0.2),
+ ),
+ 1,
+ )
+ light_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(0, 0.1), uniform(0.2, 0.8))
+ anchors = [0.0, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0] if uniform(0, 1) < 0.5 else [0.0, 0.4, 0.7, 1.0]
+ color = build_color_ramp(
+ nw,
+ nw.musgrave(500),
+ anchors,
+ [dark_color, dark_color, bright_color, bright_color],
+ )
+ ratio = nw.build_float_curve(
+ nw.musgrave(10), [(0.52, 0), (0.56, 0.2), (0.6, 0.0)]
+ )
+ ratio = nw.scalar_multiply(
+ ratio,
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ [
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 20}),
+ -0.2,
+ 0.1,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ ],
+ ),
+ )
+ color = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [ratio, color, light_color])
+ roughness = uniform(0.2, 0.5) if uniform(0, 1) < 0.5 else uniform(0.8, 1.0)
+ specular = uniform(0.2, 0.8)
+ clearcoat = uniform(0.2, 0.5) if uniform(0, 1) < 0.25 else 0
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": color,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ "Specular": specular,
+ "Clearcoat": clearcoat,
+ "Subsurface Color": subsurface_color,
+ "Subsurface": 0.01,
+ "Subsurface Radius": (0.05, 0.05, 0.05),
+ },
+ )
+ return principled_bsdf
+ @staticmethod
+ def shader_cap(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue):
+ bright_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(0.6, 0.8), log_uniform(0.05, 0.2))
+ dark_color = (
+ *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(
+ (base_hue + uniform(-0.05, 0.05)) % 1,
+ uniform(0.4, 0.8),
+ log_uniform(0.01, 0.05),
+ ),
+ 1,
+ )
+ light_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(0, 0.1), uniform(0.6, 0.8))
+ subsurface_color = (
+ *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(
+ (base_hue + uniform(-0.05, 0.05)) % 1,
+ uniform(0.6, 0.8),
+ log_uniform(0.05, 0.2),
+ ),
+ 1,
+ )
+ anchors = [0.0, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0] if uniform(0, 1) < 0.5 else [0.0, 0.4, 0.7, 1.0]
+ color = build_color_ramp(
+ nw,
+ nw.musgrave(500),
+ anchors,
+ [dark_color, dark_color, bright_color, bright_color],
+ )
+ z = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "z"})
+ musgrave = nw.build_float_curve(
+ z,
+ [
+ (uniform(0, 0.2), uniform(0.95, 0.98)),
+ (uniform(0.2, 0.4), uniform(0.98, 1)),
+ (0.8, 1),
+ ],
+ )
+ color = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [musgrave, light_color, color])
+ roughness = uniform(0.2, 0.5) if uniform(0, 1) < 0.5 else uniform(0.8, 1.0)
+ specular = uniform(0.2, 0.8)
+ clearcoat = uniform(0.2, 0.5) if uniform(0, 1) < 0.25 else 0
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": color,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ "Specular": specular,
+ "Clearcoat": clearcoat,
+ "Subsurface Color": subsurface_color,
+ "Subsurface": 0.01,
+ "Subsurface Radius": (0.05, 0.05, 0.05),
+ },
+ )
+ return principled_bsdf
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/mushroom/generate.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/mushroom/generate.py
similarity index 77%
rename from infinigen/assets/mushroom/generate.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/mushroom/generate.py
index 1f4c49459..0b5891b8a 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/mushroom/generate.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/mushroom/generate.py
@@ -4,21 +4,20 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from mathutils import Euler, kdtree
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from .growth import MushroomGrowthFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
from infinigen.assets.utils.mesh import polygon_angles
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from .growth import MushroomGrowthFactory
class MushroomFactory(AssetFactory):
max_cluster = 10
@@ -28,9 +27,9 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
self.makers = [self.directional_make, self.cluster_make]
self.maker = np.random.choice(self.makers)
- self.lowered = uniform(0, 1) < .5
+ self.lowered = uniform(0, 1) < 0.5
self.factory = MushroomGrowthFactory(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.tolerant_length = uniform(0, .2)
+ self.tolerant_length = uniform(0, 0.2)
def create_asset(self, i, face_size, **params):
mushrooms, keypoints = self.build_mushrooms(i, face_size)
@@ -41,20 +40,29 @@ def create_asset(self, i, face_size, **params):
m.scale = s
butil.apply_transform(m, loc=True)
obj = join_objects(mushrooms)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SIMPLE_DEFORM', deform_method='BEND', angle=uniform(- np.pi / 8, np.pi / 8),
- deform_axis=np.random.choice(['X', 'Y']))
- tag_object(obj, 'mushroom')
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ deform_method="BEND",
+ angle=uniform(-np.pi / 8, np.pi / 8),
+ deform_axis=np.random.choice(["X", "Y"]),
+ )
+ tag_object(obj, "mushroom")
return obj
- def build_mushrooms(self, i, face_size=.01):
+ def build_mushrooms(self, i, face_size=0.01):
n = np.random.randint(1, 6)
mushrooms, keypoints = [], []
for j in range(n):
- obj = self.factory.create_asset(i=j + i * self.max_cluster, face_size=face_size / 2)
+ obj = self.factory.create_asset(
+ i=j + i * self.max_cluster, face_size=face_size / 2
+ )
clone = deep_clone_obj(obj)
- butil.modify_mesh(clone, 'REMESH', voxel_size=.04)
+ butil.modify_mesh(clone, "REMESH", voxel_size=0.04)
- k = np.array([v.co for v in clone.data.vertices if v.co[-1] > self.tolerant_length])
+ k = np.array(
+ [v.co for v in clone.data.vertices if v.co[-1] > self.tolerant_length]
+ )
if len(k) == 0:
k = np.array([v.co for v in clone.data.vertices])
if len(k) == 0:
@@ -70,9 +78,13 @@ def radius(self):
def find_closest(self, keypoints, rotations, start_locs, directions):
vertices = [k.copy() for k in keypoints]
locations, scales = [np.zeros(3)], []
- scales = np.tile(uniform(.3, 1.2, len(keypoints))[:, np.newaxis], 3)
+ scales = np.tile(uniform(0.3, 1.2, len(keypoints))[:, np.newaxis], 3)
for i in range(len(vertices)):
- vertices[i] = (np.array(Euler(rotations[i]).to_matrix()) @ np.diag(scales[i]) @ vertices[i].T).T
+ vertices[i] = (
+ np.array(Euler(rotations[i]).to_matrix())
+ @ np.diag(scales[i])
+ @ vertices[i].T
+ ).T
for i in range(1, len(vertices)):
basis = np.concatenate(vertices[:i])
kd = kdtree.KDTree(len(basis))
@@ -81,7 +93,7 @@ def find_closest(self, keypoints, rotations, start_locs, directions):
for d in np.linspace(0, 4, 20) * self.radius:
offset = start_locs[i] + directions[i] * d
- if min(kd.find(v + offset)[-1] for v in vertices[i]) > .008:
+ if min(kd.find(v + offset)[-1] for v in vertices[i]) > 0.008:
offset = start_locs[i] + directions[i] * 4 * self.radius
@@ -104,6 +116,8 @@ def directional_make(self, keypoints):
rot_y = uniform(0, np.pi / 6, n) if self.lowered else np.zeros(n)
rot_z = -np.pi / 2 + uniform(-np.pi / 8, np.pi / 8, n)
rotations = np.stack([np.zeros(n), rot_y, rot_z], -1)
- start_locs = np.stack([np.linspace(0, self.radius * n * .4, n), np.zeros(n), np.zeros(n)], -1)
+ start_locs = np.stack(
+ [np.linspace(0, self.radius * n * 0.4, n), np.zeros(n), np.zeros(n)], -1
+ )
directions = np.tile([0, 1, 0], (n, 1))
return self.find_closest(keypoints, rotations, start_locs, directions)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/mushroom/growth.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/mushroom/growth.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ba06f728
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/mushroom/growth.py
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import colorsys
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, origin2lowest
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_utils import build_color_ramp
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+from .cap import MushroomCapFactory
+from .stem import MushroomStemFactory
+class MushroomGrowthFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.base_hue = self.build_base_hue()
+ self.material_func = lambda: surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ self.shader_mushroom, self.base_hue
+ )
+ self.cap_factory = MushroomCapFactory(
+ factory_seed, self.base_hue, self.material_func, coarse
+ )
+ self.stem_factory = MushroomStemFactory(
+ factory_seed, self.cap_factory.inner_radius, self.material_func, coarse
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def build_base_hue():
+ if uniform(0, 1) < 0.4:
+ return uniform(0, 1)
+ else:
+ return uniform(0.02, 0.15)
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ cap = self.cap_factory(**params)
+ stem = self.stem_factory(**params)
+ obj = join_objects([cap, stem])
+ origin2lowest(obj)
+ return cap
+ @staticmethod
+ def shader_mushroom(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue):
+ roughness = 0.8
+ front_color = (
+ *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(
+ (base_hue + uniform(-0.1, 0.1)) % 1,
+ uniform(0.1, 0.3),
+ log_uniform(0.02, 0.5),
+ ),
+ 1,
+ )
+ back_color = (
+ *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(
+ (base_hue + uniform(-0.1, 0.1)) % 1,
+ uniform(0.1, 0.3),
+ log_uniform(0.02, 0.5),
+ ),
+ 1,
+ )
+ x, y, z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord).outputs["Generated"])
+ musgrave = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ [
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ [nw.combine(x, y, nw.scalar_multiply(uniform(5, 10), z))],
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": 200},
+ ),
+ -1,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ ],
+ )
+ color = build_color_ramp(
+ nw,
+ musgrave,
+ [0, 0.3, 0.7, 1],
+ [front_color, front_color, back_color, back_color],
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": color, "Roughness": roughness},
+ )
+ return principled_bsdf
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/mushroom/stem.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/mushroom/stem.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7e56fa42a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/mushroom/stem.py
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import geo_extension, subsurface2face_size
+from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import spin
+from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.detail import remesh_with_attrs
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+class MushroomStemFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, inner_radius, material_func, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.web_builders = [self.build_hollow_web, self.build_solid_web, None]
+ web_weights = np.array([1, 1, 2])
+ self.web_builder = np.random.choice(
+ self.web_builders, p=web_weights / web_weights.sum()
+ )
+ self.has_band = uniform(0, 1) < 0.75
+ self.material = material_func()
+ self.material_web = material_func()
+ self.inner_radius = inner_radius
+ def build_solid_web(self, inner_radius):
+ outer_radius = inner_radius * uniform(1.5, 3.5)
+ z = uniform(0.0, 0.05)
+ length = uniform(0.15, 0.2)
+ x_anchors = inner_radius, (outer_radius + inner_radius) / 2, outer_radius
+ z_anchors = -z, -z - uniform(0.3, 0.4) * length, -z - length
+ anchors = x_anchors, 0, z_anchors
+ obj = spin(anchors)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, self.geo_inverse_band, apply=True, input_args=[-uniform(0.008, 0.01)]
+ )
+ tag_object(obj, "web")
+ return obj
+ @staticmethod
+ def geo_voronoi(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ selection = nw.compare(
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": uniform(15, 20)},
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ ),
+ 0.06,
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateGeometry, [geometry, selection])
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
+ def build_hollow_web(self, inner_radius):
+ outer_radius = inner_radius * uniform(2, 3.5)
+ z = uniform(0.0, 0.05)
+ length = log_uniform(0.2, 0.4)
+ x_anchors = inner_radius, (outer_radius + inner_radius) / 2, outer_radius
+ z_anchors = -z, -z - uniform(0.3, 0.4) * length, -z - length
+ anchors = x_anchors, 0, z_anchors
+ obj = spin(anchors)
+ levels = 3
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SUBSURF", True, render_levels=levels, levels=levels)
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_voronoi, apply=True)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SMOOTH", iterations=2)
+ tag_object(obj, "web")
+ return obj
+ def create_asset(self, face_size, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ length = log_uniform(0.4, 0.8)
+ x_anchors = (
+ 0,
+ self.inner_radius,
+ log_uniform(1, 2) * self.inner_radius,
+ self.inner_radius * uniform(1, 1.2),
+ 0,
+ )
+ z_anchors = 0, 0, -length * uniform(0.3, 0.7), -length, -length
+ anchors = x_anchors, 0, z_anchors
+ obj = spin(anchors, [1, 4])
+ remesh_with_attrs(obj, face_size)
+ if self.has_band:
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ self.geo_band,
+ apply=True,
+ input_args=[length, uniform(0.008, 0.01)],
+ )
+ assign_material(obj, self.material)
+ if self.web_builder is not None:
+ web = self.web_builder(self.inner_radius)
+ surface.add_geomod(web, geo_extension, apply=True)
+ subsurface2face_size(web, face_size / 2)
+ assign_material(obj, self.material_web)
+ obj = join_objects([web, obj])
+ texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name="cap", type="STUCCI")
+ texture.noise_scale = uniform(0.005, 0.01)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "DISPLACE", strength=0.008, texture=texture, mid_level=0)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ deform_method="BEND",
+ angle=-uniform(0, np.pi / 2),
+ deform_axis="Y",
+ )
+ tag_object(obj, "stem")
+ return obj
+ @staticmethod
+ def geo_band(nw: NodeWrangler, length, scale):
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ wave = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Scale": log_uniform(5, 10),
+ "Distortion": uniform(5, 10),
+ "Detail Scale": 2,
+ },
+ attrs={"bands_direction": "Z", "wave_profile": "SAW"},
+ ).outputs["Fac"]
+ selection = nw.compare(
+ nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))[-1],
+ -uniform(0.3, 0.7) * length,
+ )
+ normal = nw.vector_math(
+ "NORMALIZE", nw.add(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal), (0, 0, 2))
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ [geometry, selection, None, nw.scale(nw.scale(wave, scale), normal)],
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
+ @staticmethod
+ def geo_inverse_band(nw: NodeWrangler, scale):
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ x, y, z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))
+ vector = nw.combine(x, y, nw.scalar_multiply(-1, z))
+ wave = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vector,
+ "Scale": log_uniform(5, 10),
+ "Distortion": uniform(5, 10),
+ "Detail Scale": 2,
+ },
+ attrs={"bands_direction": "Z", "wave_profile": "SAW"},
+ ).outputs["Fac"]
+ normal = nw.vector_math(
+ "NORMALIZE", nw.add(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal), (0, 0, 2))
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ [geometry, None, None, nw.scale(nw.scale(wave, scale), normal)],
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/organizer/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/organizer/__init__.py
similarity index 82%
rename from infinigen/assets/organizer/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/organizer/__init__.py
index 4eeef6039..9faff406e 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/organizer/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/organizer/__init__.py
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@
from .basket import BasketBaseFactory
from .hook import HookBaseFactory, SpatulaOnHookBaseFactory
-from .plate_rack import PlateRackBaseFactory, PlateOnRackBaseFactory
+from .plate_rack import PlateOnRackBaseFactory, PlateRackBaseFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/organizer/basket.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/organizer/basket.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..66636a1c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/organizer/basket.py
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials.plastics.plastic_rough import shader_rough_plastic
+from infinigen.core import surface, tagging
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_holes", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_holes(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value1", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value2", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value3", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value4", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value5", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value6", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value3"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value1"], 1: add},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value6"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: add}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value4"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Value2"]}
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: add_3}, attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"}
+ )
+ divide_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: add_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ grid = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshGrid,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size X": subtract,
+ "Size Y": subtract_1,
+ "Vertices X": divide,
+ "Vertices Y": divide_1,
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": grid.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: grid.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value5"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: 0.1})
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_5, "Y": add_2, "Z": add_2}
+ )
+ cube_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz_3})
+ store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_2.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_2.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={"Points": transform_1, "Instance": store_named_attribute_1},
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: add}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ divide_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_2, 1: add_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ grid_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshGrid,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size X": subtract_2,
+ "Size Y": subtract,
+ "Vertices X": divide_2,
+ "Vertices Y": divide,
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": grid_1.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: grid_1.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_2,
+ "Rotation": (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: 0.1})
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_2, "Y": add_6, "Z": add_2}
+ )
+ cube_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz_4})
+ store_named_attribute_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_3.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_3.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={"Points": transform_2, "Instance": store_named_attribute_3},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances1": instance_on_points,
+ "Instances2": instance_on_points_1,
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_handle_hole", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_handle_hole(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Z", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value2", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Level", 0),
+ ],
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": 1.0000,
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ cube_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz_3})
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_2.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_2.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": store_named_attribute}
+ )
+ subdivision_surface_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": subdivide_mesh_2, "Level": group_input.outputs["Level"]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input.outputs["Value2"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": subtract})
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivision_surface_2, "Translation": combine_xyz_4},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ depth = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="depth")
+ depth.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["depth"]
+ width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="width")
+ width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["width"]
+ height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="height")
+ height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["height"]
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": depth, "Y": width, "Z": height}
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz})
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": store_named_attribute, "Level": 2}
+ )
+ sub_level = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label="sub_level")
+ sub_level.integer = kwargs["frame_sub_level"]
+ subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": subdivide_mesh, "Level": sub_level},
+ )
+ differences = []
+ if kwargs["has_handle"]:
+ hole_depth = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="hole_depth")
+ hole_depth.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["handle_depth"]
+ hole_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="hole_height")
+ hole_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["handle_height"]
+ hole_dist = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="hole_dist")
+ hole_dist.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["handle_dist_to_top"]
+ handle_level = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label="handle_level")
+ handle_level.integer = kwargs["handle_sub_level"]
+ handle_hole = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_handle_hole().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": hole_depth,
+ "Z": hole_height,
+ "Value": height,
+ "Value2": hole_dist,
+ "Level": handle_level,
+ },
+ )
+ differences.append(handle_hole)
+ thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="thickness")
+ thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["thickness"]
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: depth, 1: thickness},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: width, 1: thickness},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": subtract, "Y": subtract_1, "Z": height}
+ )
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz_1})
+ store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_1.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_1.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": store_named_attribute_1, "Level": 2}
+ )
+ subdivision_surface_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": subdivide_mesh_1, "Level": sub_level},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: thickness, 2: 0.2500},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivision_surface_1, "Translation": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ if kwargs["has_holes"]:
+ gap_size = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="gap_size")
+ gap_size.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["hole_gap_size"]
+ hole_edge_gap = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="hole_edge_gap")
+ hole_edge_gap.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["hole_edge_gap"]
+ hole_size = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="hole_size")
+ hole_size.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["hole_size"]
+ holes = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_holes().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value1": height,
+ "Value2": gap_size,
+ "Value3": hole_edge_gap,
+ "Value4": hole_size,
+ "Value5": depth,
+ "Value6": width,
+ },
+ )
+ differences.extend([holes.outputs["Instances1"], holes.outputs["Instances2"]])
+ difference = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshBoolean,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh 1": subdivision_surface,
+ "Mesh 2": [transform] + differences,
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": difference.outputs["Mesh"]}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: height}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_1})
+ transform_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances, "Translation": combine_xyz_3},
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_geometry,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_rough_plastic),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+class BasketBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
+ super(BasketBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.params = params
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return self.params.copy()
+ def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
+ params = self.sample_params()
+ if params.get("depth", None) is None:
+ params["depth"] = uniform(0.15, 0.4)
+ if params.get("width", None) is None:
+ params["width"] = uniform(0.2, 0.6)
+ if params.get("height", None) is None:
+ params["height"] = uniform(0.06, 0.24)
+ if params.get("frame_sub_level", None) is None:
+ params["frame_sub_level"] = np.random.choice([0, 3], p=[0.5, 0.5])
+ if params.get("thickness", None) is None:
+ params["thickness"] = uniform(0.001, 0.005)
+ if params.get("has_handle", None) is None:
+ params["has_handle"] = np.random.choice([True, False], p=[0.8, 0.2])
+ if params.get("handle_sub_level", None) is None:
+ params["handle_sub_level"] = np.random.choice([0, 1, 2], p=[0.2, 0.4, 0.4])
+ if params.get("handle_depth", None) is None:
+ params["handle_depth"] = params["depth"] * uniform(0.2, 0.4)
+ if params.get("handle_height", None) is None:
+ params["handle_height"] = params["height"] * uniform(0.1, 0.25)
+ if params.get("handle_dist_to_top", None) is None:
+ params["handle_dist_to_top"] = params["handle_height"] * 0.5 + params[
+ "height"
+ ] * uniform(0.08, 0.15)
+ if params.get("has_holes", None) is None:
+ if params["height"] < 0.12:
+ params["has_holes"] = False
+ else:
+ params["has_holes"] = np.random.choice([True, False], p=[0.5, 0.5])
+ if params.get("hole_size", None) is None:
+ params["hole_size"] = uniform(0.005, 0.01)
+ if params.get("hole_gap_size", None) is None:
+ params["hole_gap_size"] = params["hole_size"] * uniform(0.8, 1.1)
+ if params.get("hole_edge_gap", None) is None:
+ params["hole_edge_gap"] = uniform(0.04, 0.06)
+ return params
+ def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ obj_params = self.get_asset_params(i)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geometry_nodes, attributes=[], apply=True, input_kwargs=obj_params
+ )
+ tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/organizer/hook.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/organizer/hook.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5be1a829d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/organizer/hook.py
@@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import randint, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials import shader_brushed_metal, shader_rough_plastic
+from infinigen.core import surface, tagging
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+def hook_geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ hook_num = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label="hook_num")
+ hook_num.integer = kwargs["num_hook"]
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: hook_num, 1: -1.0000})
+ hook_gap = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="hook_gap")
+ hook_gap.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["hook_gap"]
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: hook_gap, 1: add}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_2})
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_1})
+ mesh_line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshLine,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Count": add,
+ "Start Location": combine_xyz_2,
+ "Offset": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ attrs={"mode": "END_POINTS"},
+ )
+ bezier_segment = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveBezierSegment,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Start Handle": (0.0000, 0.0000, kwargs["init_handle"]),
+ "End Handle": kwargs["curve_handle"],
+ "End": kwargs["curve_end_point"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine)
+ join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [bezier_segment, curve_line]}
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Factor": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0000, 0.8), (0.5, 0.8), (1.0000, 0.8)]
+ )
+ raduis = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="raduis")
+ raduis.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["hook_radius"]
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: raduis},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": join_geometry_3, "Radius": multiply_3},
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": kwargs["hook_resolution"],
+ "Point 1": (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Point 3": (-1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ attrs={"mode": "POINTS"},
+ )
+ hook_reshape = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label="hook_reshape")
+ hook_reshape.vector = (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)
+ transform_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], "Scale": hook_reshape},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": transform_geometry_2,
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ hook_size = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="hook_size")
+ hook_size.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["hook_size"]
+ transform_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh, "Scale": hook_size}
+ )
+ realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_geometry}
+ )
+ merge_by_distance_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance, input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances_1}
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={"Points": mesh_line, "Instance": merge_by_distance_1},
+ )
+ scale_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances, input_kwargs={"Instances": instance_on_points}
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": scale_instances,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_brushed_metal),
+ },
+ )
+ board_side_gap = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="board_side_gap")
+ board_side_gap.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["board_side_gap"]
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: board_side_gap})
+ board_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="board_thickness")
+ board_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["board_thickness"]
+ board_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="board_height")
+ board_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["board_height"]
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": add_1, "Y": board_thickness, "Z": board_height},
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz})
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: board_thickness, 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: board_height}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: hook_size, 1: multiply_5},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_4, "Z": subtract}
+ )
+ transform_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube.outputs["Mesh"], "Translation": combine_xyz_3},
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_geometry_1,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_rough_plastic),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material, set_material_1]}
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_2}
+ )
+ triangulate = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeTriangulate", input_kwargs={"Mesh": realize_instances}
+ )
+ transform_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": triangulate, "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708)},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_geometry_3},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def spatula_geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ handle_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="handle_length")
+ handle_length.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["handle_length"]
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": handle_length})
+ mesh_line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshLine,
+ input_kwargs={"Count": 64, "Offset": combine_xyz},
+ attrs={"mode": "END_POINTS"},
+ )
+ mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve, input_kwargs={"Mesh": mesh_line})
+ handle_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="handle_radius")
+ handle_radius.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["handle_radius"]
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0], kwargs["handle_control_points"]
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: handle_radius, 1: float_curve},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius, input_kwargs={"Curve": mesh_to_curve, "Radius": multiply}
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle)
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_to_mesh,
+ "Scale": (kwargs["handle_ratio"], 1.0, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ hole_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="hole_radius")
+ hole_radius.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["hole_radius"]
+ cylinder = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder",
+ input_kwargs={"Radius": hole_radius, "Depth": 0.1000},
+ )
+ hole_place_ratio = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="hole_placement")
+ hole_place_ratio.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["hole_placement"]
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: handle_length, 1: hole_place_ratio},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_1})
+ transform_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_1,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000),
+ "Scale": (kwargs["hole_ratio"], 1.0000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ difference = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshBoolean,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh 1": transform_geometry, "Mesh 2": transform_geometry_1},
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": (
+ kwargs["plate_thickness"],
+ kwargs["plate_width"],
+ kwargs["plate_length"],
+ ),
+ "Vertices X": 4,
+ "Vertices Y": 4,
+ "Vertices Z": 4,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": (0.0000, 0.0000, -kwargs["plate_length"] / 2.0),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [difference.outputs["Mesh"], transform_geometry_3]},
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry}
+ )
+ triangulate = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeTriangulate", input_kwargs={"Mesh": realize_instances}
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_2})
+ transform_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": triangulate, "Translation": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_geometry_2,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_rough_plastic),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+class HookBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
+ super(HookBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.params = params
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return self.params.copy()
+ def get_hang_points(self, params):
+ # compute the lowest point in the bezier curve
+ x = params["init_handle"]
+ y = params["curve_handle"][2] - params["init_handle"]
+ z = params["curve_end_point"][2] - params["curve_handle"][2]
+ t1 = (x - y + np.sqrt(y**2 - x * z)) / (x + z - 2 * y)
+ t2 = (x - y - np.sqrt(y**2 - x * z)) / (x + z - 2 * y)
+ t = 0
+ if t1 >= 0 and t1 <= 1:
+ t = max(t1, t)
+ if t2 >= 0 and t2 <= 1:
+ t = max(t2, t)
+ if t == 0:
+ t = 0.5
+ # get x, z coordinate
+ alpha1 = 3 * ((1 - t) ** 2) * t
+ alpha2 = 3 * (1 - t) * (t**2)
+ alpha3 = t**3
+ z = (
+ alpha1 * params["init_handle"]
+ + alpha2 * params["curve_handle"][-1]
+ + alpha3 * params["curve_end_point"][-1]
+ )
+ x = alpha2 * params["curve_handle"][-2] + alpha3 * params["curve_end_point"][-2]
+ ys = []
+ total_length = (
+ params["board_side_gap"] + (params["num_hook"] - 1) * params["hook_gap"]
+ )
+ for i in range(params["num_hook"]):
+ y = (
+ -total_length / 2.0
+ + params["board_side_gap"] / 2.0
+ + i * params["hook_gap"]
+ )
+ ys.append(y)
+ hang_points = []
+ for y in ys:
+ hang_points.append((x * params["hook_size"], y, z * params["hook_size"]))
+ return hang_points
+ def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
+ params = self.sample_params()
+ if params.get("num_hook", None) is None:
+ params["num_hook"] = randint(3, 6)
+ if params.get("hook_size", None) is None:
+ params["hook_size"] = uniform(0.05, 0.1)
+ if params.get("hook_radius", None) is None:
+ params["hook_radius"] = uniform(0.002, 0.004) / params["hook_size"]
+ else:
+ params["hook_radius"] = params["hook_radius"] / params["hook_size"]
+ if params.get("hook_resolution", None) is None:
+ params["hook_resolution"] = np.random.choice([4, 32], p=[0.5, 0.5])
+ if params.get("hook_gap", None) is None:
+ params["hook_gap"] = uniform(0.04, 0.08)
+ if params.get("board_height", None) is None:
+ params["board_height"] = params["hook_size"] + uniform(-0.02, 0.01)
+ if params.get("board_thickness", None) is None:
+ params["board_thickness"] = uniform(0.005, 0.015)
+ if params.get("board_side_gap", None) is None:
+ params["board_side_gap"] = uniform(0.03, 0.05)
+ params["init_handle"] = uniform(-0.15, -0.25)
+ params["curve_handle"] = (0, uniform(0.15, 0.35), uniform(-0.15, -0.35))
+ params["curve_end_point"] = (0, uniform(0.35, 0.55), uniform(-0.05, 0.15))
+ return params
+ def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ obj_params = self.get_asset_params(i)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, hook_geometry_nodes, attributes=[], apply=True, input_kwargs=obj_params
+ )
+ tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
+ hang_points = self.get_hang_points(obj_params)
+ return obj, hang_points
+class SpatulaBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
+ super(SpatulaBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.params = params
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return self.params.copy()
+ def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
+ params = self.sample_params()
+ if params.get("hole_radius", None) is None:
+ params["hole_radius"] = uniform(0.003, 0.008)
+ if params.get("hole_placement", None) is None:
+ params["hole_placement"] = uniform(0.75, 0.9)
+ if params.get("hole_ratio", None) is None:
+ params["hole_ratio"] = uniform(0.8, 2.0)
+ if params.get("handle_length", None) is None:
+ params["handle_length"] = uniform(0.15, 0.25)
+ if params.get("handle_ratio", None) is None:
+ params["handle_ratio"] = uniform(0.1, 0.4)
+ if params.get("handle_control_points", None) is None:
+ params["handle_control_points"] = [
+ (0, 0.5),
+ (0.5, uniform(0.45, 0.65)),
+ (1.0, uniform(0.4, 0.6)),
+ ]
+ if params.get("handle_radius", None) is None:
+ params["handle_radius"] = (
+ params["hole_radius"] / params["handle_control_points"][0][1]
+ ) / uniform(0.6, 0.8)
+ if params.get("plate_thickness", None) is None:
+ params["plate_thickness"] = uniform(0.005, 0.01)
+ if params.get("plate_width", None) is None:
+ params["plate_width"] = uniform(0.04, 0.06)
+ if params.get("plate_length", None) is None:
+ params["plate_length"] = uniform(0.05, 0.08)
+ return params
+ def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ obj_params = self.get_asset_params(i)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ spatula_geometry_nodes,
+ attributes=[],
+ apply=True,
+ input_kwargs=obj_params,
+ )
+ tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
+ return obj
+class SpatulaOnHookBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
+ super(SpatulaOnHookBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.params = params
+ self.hook_fac = HookBaseFactory(factory_seed, params=params)
+ self.spatula_fac = SpatulaBaseFactory(factory_seed, params=params)
+ def get_asset_params(self, i):
+ if self.params.get("hook_radius", None) is None:
+ r = uniform(0.002, 0.0035)
+ self.hook_fac.params["hook_radius"] = r
+ self.spatula_fac.params["hole_radius"] = r / uniform(0.3, 0.6)
+ def create_asset(self, i, **params):
+ self.get_asset_params(i)
+ hook, hang_points = self.hook_fac.create_asset(i)
+ spatula = self.spatula_fac.create_asset(i)
+ spatula.location = hang_points[0]
+ butil.apply_transform(spatula, loc=True)
+ return hook
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/organizer/plate_rack.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/organizer/plate_rack.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..23885c86f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/organizer/plate_rack.py
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+import bpy
+from numpy.random import randint, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials import shader_wood
+from infinigen.assets.materials.plastics.plastic_rough import shader_rough_plastic
+from infinigen.core import surface, tagging
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+ "nodegroup_plate_rack_connect", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_plate_rack_connect(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value1", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value1"], 1: 2.0000, 2: -0.0020},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ cylinder = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder",
+ input_kwargs={"Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"], "Depth": multiply_add},
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cylinder.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "domain": "CORNER"},
+ )
+ multiply_add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 2: -uniform(0.02, 0.045)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_add_1})
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz,
+ "Rotation": (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Scale": (-1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)},
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_2, transform]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_2},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_rack_cyn", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_rack_cyn(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ cylinder = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder",
+ input_kwargs={"Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"], "Depth": add},
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cylinder.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "domain": "CORNER"},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add, 2: 0.0010},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_add})
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute, "Translation": combine_xyz_4},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_2},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_rack_base", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_rack_base(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Instance", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value1", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value2", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value3", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Count", 10),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value1"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value2"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": add_1, "Z": add_1}
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz})
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "domain": "CORNER"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value3"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": add_2})
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute, "Translation": combine_xyz_1},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add, 2: -0.0150},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_add, "Y": add_2}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_add, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply, "Y": add_2}
+ )
+ mesh_line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshLine,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Count": group_input.outputs["Count"],
+ "Start Location": combine_xyz_2,
+ "Offset": combine_xyz_3,
+ },
+ attrs={"mode": "END_POINTS"},
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={"Points": mesh_line, "Instance": group_input.outputs["Instance"]},
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instance_on_points}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Base": transform, "Racks": realize_instances},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def rack_geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ rack_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="rack_radius")
+ rack_radius.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["rack_radius"]
+ rack_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="rack_height")
+ rack_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["rack_height"]
+ rack_cyn = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_rack_cyn().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Radius": rack_radius, "Value": rack_height},
+ )
+ base_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="base_length")
+ base_length.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["base_length"]
+ base_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="base_width")
+ base_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["base_width"]
+ base_gap = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="base_gap")
+ base_gap.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["base_gap"]
+ integer = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer)
+ integer.integer = kwargs["num_rack"]
+ rack_base = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_rack_base().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instance": rack_cyn,
+ "Value1": base_length,
+ "Value2": base_width,
+ "Value3": base_gap,
+ "Count": integer,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [rack_base.outputs["Base"], rack_base.outputs["Racks"]]
+ },
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry, "Scale": (1.0000, -1.0000, 1.0000)},
+ )
+ plate_rack_connect = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_plate_rack_connect().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Radius": rack_radius, "Value1": base_gap, "Value": base_length},
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_1, join_geometry, plate_rack_connect]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: base_width}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1, "Translation": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform}
+ )
+ triangulate = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeTriangulate", input_kwargs={"Mesh": realize_instances}
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": triangulate,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_wood),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def plate_geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="radius")
+ radius.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["radius"]
+ thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="thickness")
+ thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["thickness"]
+ cylinder = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder",
+ input_kwargs={"Vertices": 64, "Radius": radius, "Depth": thickness},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": radius})
+ transform_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ triangulate = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeTriangulate", input_kwargs={"Mesh": transform_geometry}
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": triangulate,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_rough_plastic),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+class PlateRackBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
+ super(PlateRackBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.params = params
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return self.params.copy()
+ def get_place_points(self, params):
+ # compute the lowest point in the bezier curve
+ xs = []
+ for i in range(params["num_rack"] - 1):
+ l = params["base_length"]
+ d = (l - 0.03) / (params["num_rack"] - 1)
+ x = -l / 2.0 + 0.015 + (i + 0.5) * d
+ xs.append(x)
+ y = 0
+ z = params["base_width"]
+ place_points = []
+ for x in xs:
+ place_points.append((x, y, z))
+ return place_points
+ def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
+ params = self.sample_params()
+ if params.get("num_rack", None) is None:
+ params["num_rack"] = randint(3, 7)
+ if params.get("rack_radius", None) is None:
+ params["rack_radius"] = uniform(0.0025, 0.006)
+ if params.get("rack_height", None) is None:
+ params["rack_height"] = uniform(0.08, 0.15)
+ if params.get("base_length", None) is None:
+ params["base_length"] = (params["num_rack"] - 1) * uniform(
+ 0.03, 0.06
+ ) + 0.03
+ if params.get("base_gap", None) is None:
+ params["base_gap"] = uniform(0.05, 0.08)
+ if params.get("base_width", None) is None:
+ params["base_width"] = uniform(0.015, 0.03)
+ return params
+ def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ obj_params = self.get_asset_params(i)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, rack_geometry_nodes, attributes=[], apply=True, input_kwargs=obj_params
+ )
+ tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
+ place_points = self.get_place_points(obj_params)
+ return obj, place_points
+class PlateBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
+ super(PlateBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.params = params
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return self.params.copy()
+ def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
+ params = self.sample_params()
+ if params.get("radius", None) is None:
+ params["radius"] = uniform(0.15, 0.25)
+ if params.get("thickness", None) is None:
+ params["thickness"] = uniform(0.01, 0.025)
+ return params
+ def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ obj_params = self.get_asset_params(i)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ plate_geometry_nodes,
+ attributes=[],
+ apply=True,
+ input_kwargs=obj_params,
+ )
+ tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
+ return obj
+class PlateOnRackBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
+ super(PlateOnRackBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.params = params
+ self.rack_fac = PlateRackBaseFactory(factory_seed, params=params)
+ self.plate_fac = PlateBaseFactory(factory_seed, params=params)
+ def get_asset_params(self, i):
+ if self.params.get("base_gap", None) is None:
+ d = uniform(0.05, 0.08)
+ self.rack_fac.params["base_gap"] = d
+ self.plate_fac.params["radius"] = d + uniform(0.025, 0.06)
+ def create_asset(self, i, **params):
+ self.get_asset_params(i)
+ rack, place_points = self.rack_fac.create_asset(i)
+ plate = self.plate_fac.create_asset(i)
+ plate.location = place_points[0]
+ butil.apply_transform(plate, loc=True)
+ return plate
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/particles/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/particles/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f0045e029
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/particles/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+from .lichen import LichenFactory
+from .moss import MossFactory
+from .particles import DustMoteFactory, RaindropFactory, SnowflakeFactory
+from .pine_needle import PineNeedleFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/particles/lichen.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/particles/lichen.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e0337d522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/particles/lichen.py
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.utils.mesh import polygon_angles
+from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import data2mesh
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+from infinigen.infinigen_gpl.extras.diff_growth import build_diff_growth
+class LichenFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed):
+ super(LichenFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed)
+ self.max_polygon = 1e4
+ self.base_hue = uniform(0.15, 0.3)
+ @staticmethod
+ def build_lichen_circle_mesh(n):
+ angles = polygon_angles(n)
+ z_jitter = N(0.0, 0.02, n)
+ r_jitter = np.exp(uniform(-0.2, 0.0, n))
+ vertices = np.concatenate(
+ [
+ np.stack(
+ [np.cos(angles) * r_jitter, np.sin(angles) * r_jitter, z_jitter]
+ ).T,
+ np.zeros((1, 3)),
+ ],
+ 0,
+ )
+ faces = np.stack([np.arange(n), np.roll(np.arange(n), 1), np.full(n, n)]).T
+ mesh = data2mesh(vertices, [], faces, "circle")
+ return mesh
+ @staticmethod
+ def shader_lichen(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue=0.2, **params):
+ h_perturb = uniform(-0.02, 0.02)
+ s_perturb = uniform(-0.05, -0.0)
+ v_perturb = uniform(1.0, 1.5)
+ def map_perturb(h, s, v):
+ return hsv2rgba(h + h_perturb, s + s_perturb, v / v_perturb)
+ subsurface_ratio = 0.02
+ roughness = 1.0
+ cr = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": nw.musgrave(5000)})
+ elements = cr.color_ramp.elements
+ elements.new(1)
+ elements[0].position = 0.0
+ elements[1].position = 0.5
+ elements[2].position = 1.0
+ elements[0].color = map_perturb(base_hue, 1, 0.05)
+ elements[1].color = map_perturb((base_hue + 0.05) % 1, 1, 0.05)
+ elements[2].color = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
+ background = map_perturb(base_hue, 0.5, 0.3)
+ mix_rgb = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ [
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo_Shader).outputs["Random"],
+ cr.outputs["Color"],
+ background,
+ ],
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": mix_rgb,
+ "Subsurface": subsurface_ratio,
+ "Subsurface Radius": (0.01, 0.01, 0.01),
+ "Subsurface Color": background,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ },
+ )
+ return principled_bsdf
+ def create_asset(self, **kwargs):
+ n = np.random.randint(4, 6)
+ mesh = self.build_lichen_circle_mesh(n)
+ obj = bpy.data.objects.new("lichen", mesh)
+ bpy.context.scene.collection.objects.link(obj)
+ bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
+ boundary = obj.vertex_groups.new(name="Boundary")
+ boundary.add(list(range(n)), 1.0, "REPLACE")
+ growth_scale = 1, 1, 0.5
+ build_diff_growth(
+ obj,
+ boundary.index,
+ max_polygons=self.max_polygon * uniform(0.2, 1),
+ growth_scale=growth_scale,
+ inhibit_shell=4,
+ repulsion_radius=2,
+ dt=0.25,
+ )
+ obj.scale = [0.004] * 3
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ assign_material(
+ obj,
+ surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ LichenFactory.shader_lichen, (self.base_hue + uniform(-0.04, 0.04)) % 1
+ ),
+ )
+ tag_object(obj, "lichen")
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/particles/moss.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/particles/moss.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..811236582
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/particles/moss.py
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
+# of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import math
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_cube
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_utils import build_color_ramp
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+class MossFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed):
+ super(MossFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed)
+ self.max_polygon = 1e4
+ self.base_hue = U(0.2, 0.24)
+ @staticmethod
+ def shader_moss(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue=0.3):
+ h_perturb = U(-0.02, 0.02)
+ s_perturb = U(-0.1, -0.0)
+ v_perturb = U(1.0, 1.5)
+ def map_perturb(h, s, v):
+ return hsv2rgba(h + h_perturb, s + s_perturb, v / v_perturb)
+ subsurface_ratio = 0.05
+ roughness = 1.0
+ mix_ratio = 0.2
+ cr = build_color_ramp(
+ nw,
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 5.0}).outputs["Fac"],
+ [0, 0.5, 1],
+ [
+ map_perturb(base_hue, 0.8, 0.1),
+ map_perturb(base_hue - 0.05, 0.8, 0.1),
+ (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ background = map_perturb(base_hue, 0.8, 0.02)
+ mix_rgb = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ [
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo_Shader).outputs["Random"],
+ cr.outputs["Color"],
+ background,
+ ],
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": mix_rgb,
+ "Subsurface": subsurface_ratio,
+ "Subsurface Radius": (0.01, 0.01, 0.01),
+ "Subsurface Color": background,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ },
+ )
+ translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TranslucentBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": mix_rgb}
+ )
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader, [mix_ratio, principled_bsdf, translucent_bsdf]
+ )
+ return mix_shader
+ def create_asset(self, face_size=0.01, **params):
+ obj = new_cube()
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, self.geo_moss_instance, apply=True, input_args=[face_size]
+ )
+ assign_material(
+ obj,
+ surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ MossFactory.shader_moss, (self.base_hue + U(-0.02, 0.02) % 1)
+ ),
+ )
+ tag_object(obj, "moss")
+ return obj
+ @staticmethod
+ def geo_moss_instance(nw: NodeWrangler, face_size):
+ radius = 0.008
+ start = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+ start_handle = (-0.03, 0.0, 0.02)
+ end = (-0.04, 0.0, U(0.04, 0.05))
+ end_handle = (end[0] + U(-0.03, -0.02), 0.0, end[2] + U(-0.01, 0.0))
+ bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveBezierSegment,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 10 * math.ceil(0.01 / face_size),
+ "Start": start,
+ "Start Handle": start_handle,
+ "End Handle": end_handle,
+ "End": end,
+ },
+ )
+ circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Resolution": 4, "Radius": radius}
+ ).outputs["Curve"]
+ mesh = nw.curve2mesh(bezier, circle)
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": mesh})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/particles/particles.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/particles/particles.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a514bcd55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/particles/particles.py
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Hei Law, Alexander Raistrick
+import bpy
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from infinigen.assets.materials import dirt
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.infinigen_gpl.surfaces import snow
+def shader_raindrop(nw):
+ glass_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBsdfGlass",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "IOR": 1.33,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Surface": glass_bsdf,
+ },
+ )
+def geo_raindrop(nw):
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ (
+ "NodeSocketGeometry",
+ "Geometry",
+ None,
+ )
+ ],
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ vector_curves = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position,
+ },
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ vector_curves.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(-1.0, -1.0), (1.0, 1.0)],
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ vector_curves.mapping.curves[1],
+ [(-1.0, -1.0), (1.0, 1.0)],
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ vector_curves.mapping.curves[2],
+ [(-1.0, -0.15 * N(1, 0.15)), (-0.6091, -0.0938), (1.0, 1.0)],
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Position": vector_curves,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ },
+ )
+class RaindropFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def create_asset(self, **kwargs):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_ico_sphere_add(
+ radius=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ subdivisions=5,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ sphere = bpy.context.object
+ surface.add_geomod(sphere, geo_raindrop, apply=True)
+ tag_object(sphere, "raindrop")
+ return sphere
+ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
+ surface.add_material(assets, shader_raindrop)
+class DustMoteFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def create_asset(self, **kwargs):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_ico_sphere_add(
+ radius=1,
+ subdivisions=2,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ tag_object(bpy.context.object, "dustmote")
+ return bpy.context.object
+ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
+ dirt.apply(assets)
+class SnowflakeFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_circle_add(
+ vertices=6,
+ fill_type="TRIFAN",
+ )
+ tag_object(bpy.context.object, "snowflake")
+ return bpy.context.object
+ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
+ snow.apply(assets, subsurface=0)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/particles/pine_needle.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/particles/pine_needle.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..778764d9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/particles/pine_needle.py
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick, Lingjie Mei
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+def shader_material(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
+ object_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo_Shader)
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": object_info.outputs["Random"]}
+ )
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0000
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = color_category("pine_needle")
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0000
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = color_category("pine_needle")
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": colorramp}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pine_needle", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pine_needle(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 0.0400),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Bend", 0.0300),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius", 0.0010),
+ ],
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: (-1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: (0.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Bend"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ scale_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 5,
+ "Start": scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Middle": scale_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ "End": scale_2.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": 6, "Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"]},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": quadratic_bezier,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+class PineNeedleFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def sample_params(self):
+ s = N(1, 0.2)
+ return {
+ "Scale": 0.04 * s,
+ "Bend": 0.03 * s * N(1, 0.2),
+ "Radius": 0.001 * s * N(1, 0.2),
+ }
+ def create_asset(self, **_):
+ obj = butil.spawn_vert("pine_needle")
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "NODES",
+ apply=True,
+ node_group=nodegroup_pine_needle(),
+ ng_inputs=self.sample_params(),
+ )
+ tag_object(obj, "pine_needle")
+ return obj
+ def finalize_assets(self, objs):
+ surface.add_material(objs, shader_material)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/rocks/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/rocks/__init__.py
similarity index 63%
rename from infinigen/assets/rocks/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/rocks/__init__.py
index b132ae749..c4d5123e0 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/rocks/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/rocks/__init__.py
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
from .blender_rock import BlenderRockFactory
from .boulder import BoulderFactory
-from .glowing_rocks import GlowingRocksFactory
\ No newline at end of file
+from .glowing_rocks import GlowingRocksFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/rocks/blender_rock.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/rocks/blender_rock.py
similarity index 64%
rename from infinigen/assets/rocks/blender_rock.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/rocks/blender_rock.py
index 76fb9d1ce..217c36015 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/rocks/blender_rock.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/rocks/blender_rock.py
@@ -5,20 +5,17 @@
import bpy
-from mathutils import Vector
import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-class BlenderRockFactory(AssetFactory):
+class BlenderRockFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, detail=1):
super(BlenderRockFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed)
self.detail = detail
@@ -36,11 +33,14 @@ def create_asset(self, **params):
kwargs = dict(
- display_detail=self.detail, detail=self.detail,
- scale_Z=(zrand*zscale, zscale), scale_fac=(1, 1, 1),
- scale_X=(1.00, 1.01), scale_Y=(1.00, 1.01), # Bug occurs otherwise, I think
- deform=U(2, 10),
- rough=U(0.5, 1.0) # Higher than 1.0 can cause self-intersection
+ display_detail=self.detail,
+ detail=self.detail,
+ scale_Z=(zrand * zscale, zscale),
+ scale_fac=(1, 1, 1),
+ scale_X=(1.00, 1.01),
+ scale_Y=(1.00, 1.01), # Bug occurs otherwise, I think
+ deform=U(2, 10),
+ rough=U(0.5, 1.0), # Higher than 1.0 can cause self-intersection
# The rock generator is poorly built.
# It uses a weibull distribution to sample from a list, which will fail w/ 1.111% probability.
@@ -56,6 +56,6 @@ def create_asset(self, **params):
- tag_object(obj, 'blender_rock')
+ tag_object(obj, "blender_rock")
- return obj
\ No newline at end of file
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/rocks/boulder.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/rocks/boulder.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0feb92571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/rocks/boulder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import logging
+from functools import reduce
+import bpy
+import gin
+import numpy as np
+import trimesh.convex
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import geo_extension
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import trimesh2obj
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement import detail
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.placement.split_in_view import split_inview
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class BoulderFactory(AssetFactory):
+ config_mappings = {"boulder": [True, False], "slab": [False, True]}
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ factory_seed,
+ meshing_camera=None,
+ adapt_mesh_method="remesh",
+ cam_meshing_max_dist=1e7,
+ coarse=False,
+ do_voronoi=True,
+ ):
+ super(BoulderFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ self.camera = meshing_camera
+ self.cam_meshing_max_dist = cam_meshing_max_dist
+ self.adapt_mesh_method = adapt_mesh_method
+ self.octree_depth = 3
+ self.do_voronoi = do_voronoi
+ self.weights = [0.8, 0.2]
+ self.configs = ["boulder", "slab"]
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.rock_surface = surface.registry("rock_collection")
+ method = np.random.choice(self.configs, p=self.weights)
+ self.has_horizontal_cut, self.is_slab = self.config_mappings[method]
+ @gin.configurable
+ def create_placeholder(self, boulder_scale=1, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ butil.select_none()
+ vertices = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (32, 3))
+ obj = trimesh2obj(trimesh.convex.convex_hull(vertices))
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_extrusion, apply=True)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj, "SUBSURF", render_levels=2, levels=2, subdivision_type="SIMPLE"
+ )
+ obj.location[-1] += obj.dimensions[-1] * 0.2
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
+ if self.is_slab:
+ obj.scale = *log_uniform(0.5, 2.0, 2), log_uniform(0.1, 0.15)
+ else:
+ obj.scale = *log_uniform(0.4, 1.2, 2), log_uniform(0.4, 0.8)
+ obj.scale *= boulder_scale
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ obj.rotation_euler[0] = uniform(-np.pi / 24, np.pi / 24)
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ obj.rotation_euler[-1] = uniform(0, np.pi * 2)
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
+ bpy.ops.geometry.attribute_convert(mode="VERTEX_GROUP")
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "BEVEL",
+ limit_method="VGROUP",
+ vertex_group="top",
+ invert_vertex_group=True,
+ offset_type="PERCENT",
+ width_pct=10,
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj, "REMESH", apply=True, mode="SHARP", octree_depth=self.octree_depth
+ )
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_extension, apply=True)
+ if self.do_voronoi:
+ voronoi_texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name="boulder", type="VORONOI")
+ voronoi_texture.noise_scale = log_uniform(0.2, 0.5)
+ voronoi_texture.distance_metric = "DISTANCE"
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj, "DISPLACE", texture=voronoi_texture, strength=0.01, mid_level=0
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name="boulder", type="VORONOI")
+ voronoi_texture.noise_scale = log_uniform(0.05, 0.1)
+ voronoi_texture.distance_metric = "DISTANCE"
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj, "DISPLACE", texture=voronoi_texture, strength=0.01, mid_level=0
+ )
+ return obj
+ def finalize_placeholders(self, placeholders):
+ with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
+ self.rock_surface.apply(placeholders, is_rock=True)
+ @staticmethod
+ def geo_extrusion(nw: NodeWrangler, extrude_scale=1):
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ face_area = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputMeshFaceArea)
+ tops = []
+ extrude_configs = [(uniform(0.2, 0.3), 0.8, 0.4), (0.6, 0.2, 0.6)]
+ top_facing = nw.compare_direction(
+ "LESS_THAN", nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal), (0, 0, 1), np.pi * 2 / 3
+ )
+ for prob, extrude, scale in extrude_configs:
+ extrude = extrude * extrude_scale
+ face_area_stats = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ [geometry, None, face_area],
+ attrs={"domain": "FACE"},
+ ).outputs
+ selection = reduce(
+ lambda *xs: nw.boolean_math("AND", *xs),
+ [
+ top_facing,
+ nw.bernoulli(prob),
+ nw.compare("GREATER_THAN", face_area, face_area_stats["Mean"]),
+ ],
+ )
+ geometry, top, side = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
+ [geometry, selection, None, nw.uniform(extrude * 0.5, extrude)],
+ ).outputs
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleElements, [geometry, top, nw.uniform(scale * 0.5, scale)]
+ )
+ tops.append(top)
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": geometry,
+ "Name": "top",
+ "Value": reduce(lambda *xs: nw.boolean_math("OR", *xs), tops),
+ },
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
+ def create_asset(self, i, placeholder, face_size=0.01, distance=0, **params):
+ if self.camera is not None and distance < self.cam_meshing_max_dist:
+ assert self.adapt_mesh_method != "remesh"
+ skin_obj, outofview, vert_dists, _ = split_inview(
+ placeholder, cam=self.camera, vis_margin=0.15
+ )
+ butil.parent_to(outofview, skin_obj, no_inverse=True, no_transform=True)
+ face_size = detail.target_face_size(vert_dists.min())
+ else:
+ skin_obj = deep_clone_obj(
+ placeholder, keep_modifiers=True, keep_materials=True
+ )
+ butil.parent_to(skin_obj, placeholder, no_inverse=True, no_transform=True)
+ with butil.DisableModifiers(skin_obj):
+ detail.adapt_mesh_resolution(
+ skin_obj, face_size, method=self.adapt_mesh_method, apply=True
+ )
+ butil.apply_modifiers(skin_obj)
+ tag_object(skin_obj, "boulder")
+ return skin_obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/rocks/glowing_rocks.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/rocks/glowing_rocks.py
similarity index 63%
rename from infinigen/assets/rocks/glowing_rocks.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/rocks/glowing_rocks.py
index a52dbfe21..fafff3d3b 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/rocks/glowing_rocks.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/rocks/glowing_rocks.py
@@ -7,50 +7,68 @@
import bpy
import gin
import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.assets.objects.rocks.blender_rock import BlenderRockFactory
+from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
-from infinigen.assets.rocks.blender_rock import BlenderRockFactory
-from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
def shader_glowrock(nw: NodeWrangler, transparent_for_bounce=True):
object_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo_Shader)
- white_noise = nw.new_node(Nodes.WhiteNoiseTexture, attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
- input_kwargs={"Vector": (object_info, "Random")})
- mix_rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [0.6, (white_noise, "Color"), tuple(color_category("gem"))])
+ white_noise = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WhiteNoiseTexture,
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": (object_info, "Random")},
+ )
+ mix_rgb = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB, [0.6, (white_noise, "Color"), tuple(color_category("gem"))]
+ )
translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslucentBSDF, [mix_rgb])
transparent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransparentBSDF, [mix_rgb])
is_camera_ray = nw.new_node(Nodes.LightPath) if transparent_for_bounce else 1
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader, [is_camera_ray, transparent_bsdf, translucent_bsdf])
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader, [is_camera_ray, transparent_bsdf, translucent_bsdf]
+ )
nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, [mix_shader])
class GlowingRocksFactory(AssetFactory):
def quickly_resample(obj):
assert obj.type == "EMPTY", obj.type
obj.rotation_euler[:] = np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi, size=(3,))
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, transparent_for_bounce=True, watt_power_range=(400, 800), **kwargs):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ factory_seed,
+ coarse=False,
+ transparent_for_bounce=True,
+ watt_power_range=(400, 800),
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
if coarse:
self.watt_power_range = watt_power_range
- self.rock_collection = make_asset_collection(BlenderRockFactory(np.random.randint(1e5), detail=1),
- name="glow_rock_base", n=5)
+ self.rock_collection = make_asset_collection(
+ BlenderRockFactory(np.random.randint(1e5), detail=1),
+ name="glow_rock_base",
+ n=5,
+ )
for o in self.rock_collection.objects:
- butil.modify_mesh(o, 'SUBSURF', levels=2)
+ butil.modify_mesh(o, "SUBSURF", levels=2)
self.material = surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_glowrock)
def create_placeholder(self, i, loc, rot):
- placeholder = butil.spawn_empty('placeholder', disp_type='SPHERE', s=0.1)
+ placeholder = butil.spawn_empty("placeholder", disp_type="SPHERE", s=0.1)
return placeholder
def create_asset(self, *args, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
src_obj = np.random.choice(list(self.rock_collection.objects))
new_obj = butil.deep_clone_obj(src_obj)
@@ -62,13 +80,19 @@ def create_asset(self, *args, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
min_side_length = (bbox.max(axis=0) - bbox.min(axis=0)).min()
# Diameter is set to half the shortest edge of the bbox
- bpy.ops.object.light_add(type='POINT', radius=min_side_length * 1.0, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0),
- rotation=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
+ bpy.ops.object.light_add(
+ type="POINT",
+ radius=min_side_length * 1.0,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ rotation=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
point_light = bpy.context.selected_objects[0]
point_light.data.energy = round(np.random.uniform(*self.watt_power_range))
point_light.parent = new_obj
- tag_object(new_obj, 'glowing_rocks')
+ tag_object(new_obj, "glowing_rocks")
return new_obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/rocks/pile.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/rocks/pile.py
similarity index 83%
rename from infinigen/assets/rocks/pile.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/rocks/pile.py
index e6d37fd0b..320754ca3 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/rocks/pile.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/rocks/pile.py
@@ -5,26 +5,25 @@
import bpy
-import tqdm
import numpy as np
+import tqdm
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.rocks.boulder import BoulderFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.physics import free_fall
-from infinigen.core.placement.detail import remesh_with_attrs
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
+from infinigen.assets.objects.rocks.boulder import BoulderFactory
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import multi_res
+from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import surface_from_func
from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import toggle_hide
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
-from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import surface_from_func
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
+from infinigen.assets.utils.physics import free_fall
+from infinigen.core.placement.detail import remesh_with_attrs
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
class BoulderPileFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
self.factory = BoulderFactory(factory_seed, coarse)
@@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ def floor_fn(x, y):
return np.maximum(x, alpha * x)
mesh = surface_from_func(floor_fn, 32, 32, 12, 12)
- obj = bpy.data.objects.new('floor', mesh)
+ obj = bpy.data.objects.new("floor", mesh)
return obj
@@ -51,12 +50,18 @@ def place_boulder(obj, height):
def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs):
n = np.random.randint(3, 5)
- empty = butil.spawn_empty('placeholder', disp_type='CUBE', s=8)
+ empty = butil.spawn_empty("placeholder", disp_type="CUBE", s=8)
objects = []
for i in range(n):
- empty_ = butil.spawn_empty('placeholder', disp_type='CUBE', s=8)
- scale = [1, log_uniform(.4, .6), log_uniform(.2, .4), log_uniform(.2, .4), log_uniform(.2, .4),
- log_uniform(.1, .2)]
+ empty_ = butil.spawn_empty("placeholder", disp_type="CUBE", s=8)
+ scale = [
+ 1,
+ log_uniform(0.4, 0.6),
+ log_uniform(0.2, 0.4),
+ log_uniform(0.2, 0.4),
+ log_uniform(0.2, 0.4),
+ log_uniform(0.1, 0.2),
+ ]
p = self.factory.create_placeholder()
p.parent = empty_
@@ -76,7 +81,7 @@ def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs):
def create_asset(self, placeholder, face_size=0.01, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
objects = []
- for c in tqdm.tqdm(placeholder.children, desc='Creating boulder assets'):
+ for c in tqdm.tqdm(placeholder.children, desc="Creating boulder assets"):
p = c.children[0]
a = self.factory.create_asset(placeholder=p)
a.location = p.children[0].location
@@ -96,5 +101,5 @@ def create_asset(self, placeholder, face_size=0.01, **params) -> bpy.types.Objec
remesh_with_attrs(obj, face_size)
- tag_object(obj, 'pile')
+ tag_object(obj, "pile")
return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/seating/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/__init__.py
similarity index 71%
rename from infinigen/assets/seating/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/seating/__init__.py
index 5abb955c1..8cc29004c 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/seating/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/__init__.py
@@ -3,9 +3,13 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-from .sofa import SofaFactory, ArmChairFactory
+from .bed import BedFactory
from .bedframe import BedFrameFactory
-from .pillow import PillowFactory
+from .chairs import (
+ BarChairFactory,
+ ChairFactory,
+ OfficeChairFactory,
from .mattress import MattressFactory
-from .bed import BedFactory
-from .chairs import *
+from .pillow import PillowFactory
+from .sofa import ArmChairFactory, SofaFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/seating/bed.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/bed.py
similarity index 65%
rename from infinigen/assets/seating/bed.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/seating/bed.py
index 7a437dcd1..c6ba18c7f 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/seating/bed.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/bed.py
@@ -9,80 +9,85 @@
import trimesh
from numpy.random import uniform
-from ..scatters import clothes
-from . import BedFrameFactory, MattressFactory, PillowFactory
-from ..scatters.clothes import ClothesCover
-from ..utils.decorate import decimate, read_co, subsurf
-from ..utils.object import obj2trimesh
-from ...core import surface
+from infinigen.assets.objects.seating import bedframe, mattress, pillow
+from infinigen.assets.scatters import clothes
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import decimate, read_co, subsurf
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import obj2trimesh
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg, log_uniform
-from ...core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
-class BedFactory(BedFrameFactory):
- mattress_types = 'weighted_choice', (1, 'coiled'), (3, 'wrapped')
- sheet_types = 'weighted_choice', (4, 'quilt'), (4, 'comforter'), (4, 'box_comforter'), (1, 'none')
+class BedFactory(bedframe.BedFrameFactory):
+ mattress_types = "weighted_choice", (1, "coiled"), (3, "wrapped")
+ sheet_types = (
+ "weighted_choice",
+ (4, "quilt"),
+ (4, "comforter"),
+ (4, "box_comforter"),
+ (1, "none"),
+ )
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(BedFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
self.sheet_type = rg(self.sheet_types)
- self.sheet_folded = uniform() < .5
- self.has_cover = uniform() < .5
- self.clothes_scatter = ClothesCover((.3, .7, .3, .7)) if uniform() < 0.2 else surface.NoApply
+ self.sheet_folded = uniform() < 0.5
+ self.has_cover = uniform() < 0.5
def mattress_factory(self):
- factory = MattressFactory(self.factory_seed, self.coarse)
+ factory = mattress.MattressFactory(self.factory_seed, self.coarse)
factory.type = rg(self.mattress_types)
- factory.width = self.width * uniform(.88, .96)
- factory.size = self.size * uniform(.88, .96)
+ factory.width = self.width * uniform(0.88, 0.96)
+ factory.size = self.size * uniform(0.88, 0.96)
return factory
def quilt_factory(self):
from ..clothes.blanket import BlanketFactory
factory = BlanketFactory(self.factory_seed, self.coarse)
factory.width = self.mattress_factory.width * uniform(1.4, 1.6)
- factory.size = self.mattress_factory.size * uniform(.9, 1.1)
+ factory.size = self.mattress_factory.size * uniform(0.9, 1.1)
return factory
def comforter_factory(self):
from ..clothes.blanket import ComforterFactory
factory = ComforterFactory(self.factory_seed, self.coarse)
factory.width = self.mattress_factory.width * uniform(1.4, 1.8)
- factory.size = self.mattress_factory.size * uniform(.9, 1.2)
+ factory.size = self.mattress_factory.size * uniform(0.9, 1.2)
return factory
def box_comforter_factory(self):
from ..clothes.blanket import BoxComforterFactory
factory = BoxComforterFactory(self.factory_seed, self.coarse)
factory.width = self.mattress_factory.width * uniform(1.4, 1.8)
- factory.size = self.mattress_factory.size * uniform(.9, 1.2)
+ factory.size = self.mattress_factory.size * uniform(0.9, 1.2)
return factory
def cover_factory(self):
from ..clothes.blanket import BlanketFactory
factory = BlanketFactory(self.factory_seed, self.coarse)
factory.width = self.mattress_factory.width * uniform(1.6, 1.8)
- factory.size = self.mattress_factory.size * uniform(.3, .4)
+ factory.size = self.mattress_factory.size * uniform(0.3, 0.4)
return factory
def towel_factory(self):
from ..clothes import TowelFactory
- return TowelFactory(self.factory_seed)
- @cached_property
- def cloth_scatter(self):
- return ClothesCover((.3, .7, .3, .7)) if uniform() < 0.0 else surface.NoApply
+ return TowelFactory(self.factory_seed)
def pillow_factory(self):
- return PillowFactory(self.factory_seed, self.coarse)
+ return pillow.PillowFactory(self.factory_seed, self.coarse)
def create_asset(self, i, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
frame = super().create_asset(i=i, **params)
@@ -90,7 +95,6 @@ def create_asset(self, i, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
mattress = self.make_mattress(i)
sheet = self.make_sheet(i, mattress, frame)
cover = self.make_cover(i, sheet, mattress)
- self.cloth_scatter.apply(sheet)
n_pillows = np.random.randint(2, 4)
if n_pillows > 0:
@@ -100,9 +104,12 @@ def create_asset(self, i, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
pillows = []
points = np.stack(
- [uniform(.1, .4, 10) * self.size,
- uniform(-.3, .3, 10) * self.width,
- np.full(10, 1)], -1
+ [
+ uniform(0.1, 0.4, 10) * self.size,
+ uniform(-0.3, 0.3, 10) * self.width,
+ np.full(10, 1),
+ ],
+ -1,
self.scatter(pillows, points, [sheet, mattress])
@@ -114,9 +121,12 @@ def create_asset(self, i, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
towels = []
points = np.stack(
- [uniform(.5, .8, 10) * self.size,
- uniform(-.3, .3, 10) * self.width,
- np.full(10, 1)], -1
+ [
+ uniform(0.5, 0.8, 10) * self.size,
+ uniform(-0.3, 0.3, 10) * self.width,
+ np.full(10, 1),
+ ],
+ -1,
self.scatter(towels, points, [sheet, mattress])
@@ -135,12 +145,12 @@ def make_mattress(self, i):
def make_sheet(self, i, mattress, obj):
match self.sheet_type:
- case 'quilt':
+ case "quilt":
factory = self.quilt_factory
pressure = 0
- case 'comforter':
+ case "comforter":
factory = self.comforter_factory
- pressure = uniform(1., 1.5)
+ pressure = uniform(1.0, 1.5)
case _:
factory = self.box_comforter_factory
pressure = log_uniform(8, 15)
@@ -149,12 +159,18 @@ def make_sheet(self, i, mattress, obj):
z_sheet = mattress.location[-1] + np.max(read_co(mattress)[:, -1])
- sheet.location = factory.size / 2 + uniform(0, .15), 0, z_sheet
+ sheet.location = factory.size / 2 + uniform(0, 0.15), 0, z_sheet
sheet.rotation_euler[-1] = np.pi / 2
butil.apply_transform(sheet, True)
- sheet, [mattress, obj], mass=.05, tension_stiffness=2, distance_min=5e-3, use_pressure=True,
- uniform_pressure_force=pressure, use_self_collision=self.sheet_folded
+ sheet,
+ [mattress, obj],
+ mass=0.05,
+ tension_stiffness=2,
+ distance_min=5e-3,
+ use_pressure=True,
+ uniform_pressure_force=pressure,
+ use_self_collision=self.sheet_folded,
subsurf(sheet, 2)
return sheet
@@ -163,11 +179,16 @@ def make_cover(self, i, sheet, mattress):
cover = self.cover_factory(i)
z_sheet = sheet.location[-1] + np.max(read_co(sheet)[:, -1])
- cover.location = self.size / 2 + uniform(0, .3), 0, z_sheet
+ cover.location = self.size / 2 + uniform(0, 0.3), 0, z_sheet
cover.rotation_euler[-1] = np.pi / 2
butil.apply_transform(cover, True)
- cover, [sheet, mattress], 80, mass=.05, tension_stiffness=2, distance_min=5e-3
+ cover,
+ [sheet, mattress],
+ 80,
+ mass=0.05,
+ tension_stiffness=2,
+ distance_min=5e-3,
subsurf(cover, 2)
return cover
@@ -177,10 +198,13 @@ def scatter(self, pillows, points, bases):
lengths = np.full(len(points), np.inf)
for b in bases:
lengths = np.minimum(
- lengths, trimesh.proximity.longest_ray(obj2trimesh(b), points, np.repeat(dir, len(points), 0))
+ lengths,
+ trimesh.proximity.longest_ray(
+ obj2trimesh(b), points, np.repeat(dir, len(points), 0)
+ ),
points += dir * lengths[:, np.newaxis]
for a, loc in zip(pillows, decimate(points, len(pillows))):
a.location = loc
- a.location[-1] += .02 - np.min(read_co(a)[:, -1])
+ a.location[-1] += 0.02 - np.min(read_co(a)[:, -1])
a.rotation_euler[-1] = uniform(0, np.pi)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/bedframe.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/bedframe.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d6555856b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/bedframe.py
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.objects.seating.chairs.chair import ChairFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.seating.mattress import make_coiled
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ read_co,
+ read_normal,
+ remove_faces,
+ select_faces,
+ subdivide_edge_ring,
+ write_attribute,
+ write_co,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_grid
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
+class BedFrameFactory(ChairFactory):
+ scale = 1.0
+ leg_decor_types = (
+ "weighted_choice",
+ (2, "coiled"),
+ (2, "pad"),
+ (1, "plain"),
+ (2, "legs"),
+ )
+ back_types = (
+ "weighted_choice",
+ (3, "coiled"),
+ (3, "pad"),
+ (2, "whole"),
+ (1, "horizontal-bar"),
+ (1, "vertical-bar"),
+ )
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
+ self.width = log_uniform(1.4, 2.4)
+ self.size = uniform(2, 2.4)
+ self.thickness = uniform(0.05, 0.12)
+ self.has_all_legs = uniform() < 0.2
+ self.leg_thickness = uniform(0.08, 0.12)
+ self.leg_height = uniform(0.2, 0.6)
+ self.leg_decor_type = rg(self.leg_decor_types)
+ self.leg_decor_wrapped = uniform() < 0.5
+ self.back_height = uniform(0.5, 1.3)
+ self.seat_back = 1
+ self.seat_subdivisions_x = np.random.randint(1, 4)
+ self.seat_subdivisions_y = int(log_uniform(4, 10))
+ self.has_arm = False
+ self.leg_type = "vertical"
+ self.leg_x_offset = 0
+ self.leg_y_offset = 0, 0
+ self.back_x_offset = 0
+ self.back_y_offset = 0
+ materials = AssetList["BedFrameFactory"]()
+ self.surface = materials["surface"].assign_material()
+ self.limb_surface = materials["limb_surface"].assign_material()
+ scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = materials["wear_tear_prob"]
+ self.scratch, self.edge_wear = materials["wear_tear"]
+ self.scratch = None if uniform() > scratch_prob else self.scratch
+ self.edge_wear = None if uniform() > edge_wear_prob else self.edge_wear
+ self.clothes_scatter = surface.NoApply
+ self.dot_distance = log_uniform(0.16, 0.2)
+ self.dot_size = uniform(0.005, 0.02)
+ self.dot_depth = uniform(0.04, 0.08)
+ self.panel_distance = uniform(0.3, 0.5)
+ self.panel_margin = uniform(0.01, 0.02)
+ self.post_init()
+ def make_seat(self):
+ obj = new_grid(
+ x_subdivisions=self.seat_subdivisions_x,
+ y_subdivisions=self.seat_subdivisions_y,
+ )
+ obj.scale = (
+ (self.width - self.leg_thickness) / 2,
+ (self.size - self.leg_thickness) / 2,
+ 1,
+ )
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type="ONLY_FACE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": (0, 0, self.thickness)}
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ thickness=self.leg_thickness - 1e-3,
+ offset=0,
+ solidify_mode="NON_MANIFOLD",
+ )
+ obj.location = 0, -self.size / 2, -self.thickness / 2
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BEVEL", width=self.bevel_width, segments=8)
+ return obj
+ def make_legs(self):
+ legs = super().make_legs()
+ if self.has_all_legs:
+ leg_starts = np.array(
+ [[-1, -0.5, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, -0.5, 0]]
+ ) * np.array([[self.width / 2, self.size, 0]])
+ leg_ends = leg_starts.copy()
+ leg_ends[0, 0] -= self.leg_x_offset
+ leg_ends[3, 0] += self.leg_x_offset
+ leg_ends[2, 1] += self.leg_y_offset[0]
+ leg_ends[1, 1] -= self.leg_y_offset[1]
+ leg_ends[:, -1] = -self.leg_height
+ legs += self.make_limb(leg_ends, leg_starts)
+ return legs
+ def make_leg_decors(self, legs):
+ if self.leg_decor_type == "none":
+ return super().make_leg_decors(legs)
+ obj = join_objects([deep_clone_obj(_) for _ in legs])
+ x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
+ z = np.maximum(z, -self.leg_height * uniform(0.7, 0.9))
+ write_co(obj, np.stack([x, y, z], -1))
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.convex_hull()
+ bpy.ops.mesh.normals_make_consistent(inside=False)
+ remove_faces(obj, np.abs(read_normal(obj)[:, -1]) > 0.5)
+ if self.leg_decor_wrapped:
+ x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
+ x[x < 0] -= self.leg_thickness / 2 + 1e-3
+ x[x > 0] += self.leg_thickness / 2 + 1e-3
+ y[y < -self.size / 2] -= self.leg_thickness / 2 + 1e-3
+ y[y > -self.size / 2] += self.leg_thickness / 2 + 1e-3
+ write_co(obj, np.stack([x, y, z], -1))
+ match self.leg_decor_type:
+ case "coiled":
+ self.divide(obj, self.dot_distance)
+ make_coiled(obj, self.dot_distance, self.dot_depth, self.dot_size)
+ case "pad":
+ self.divide(obj, self.panel_distance)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.inset(
+ thickness=self.panel_margin,
+ depth=self.panel_margin,
+ use_individual=True,
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BEVEL", segments=4)
+ write_attribute(obj, 1, "panel", "FACE")
+ return [obj]
+ def divide(self, obj, distance):
+ for i, size in enumerate(obj.dimensions):
+ axis = np.zeros(3)
+ axis[i] = 1
+ distance = distance if i != 2 else distance * uniform(0.5, 1.0)
+ subdivide_edge_ring(obj, int(np.ceil(size / distance)), axis)
+ def make_back_decors(self, backs, finalize=True):
+ decors = super().make_back_decors(backs)
+ match self.back_type:
+ case "coiled":
+ obj = self.make_back(backs)
+ self.divide(obj, self.dot_distance)
+ make_coiled(obj, self.dot_distance, self.dot_depth, self.dot_size)
+ obj.scale = (1 - 1e-3,) * 3
+ write_attribute(obj, 1, "panel", "FACE")
+ with butil.ViewportMode(decors[0], "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.bisect(
+ plane_co=(0, 0, self.back_height),
+ plane_no=(0, 0, 1),
+ clear_inner=True,
+ )
+ return [obj] + decors
+ case "pad":
+ obj = self.make_back(backs)
+ self.divide(obj, self.panel_distance)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ select_faces(obj, np.abs(read_normal(obj)[:, 1]) > 0.5)
+ bpy.ops.mesh.inset(
+ thickness=self.panel_margin,
+ depth=self.panel_margin,
+ use_individual=True,
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BEVEL", segments=4)
+ write_attribute(obj, 1, "panel", "FACE")
+ obj.scale = (1 - 1e-3,) * 3
+ with butil.ViewportMode(decors[0], "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.bisect(
+ plane_co=(0, 0, self.back_height),
+ plane_no=(0, 0, 1),
+ clear_inner=True,
+ )
+ return [obj] + decors
+ case _:
+ return decors
+ def make_back(self, backs):
+ obj = join_objects([deep_clone_obj(b) for b in backs])
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.convex_hull()
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ thickness=np.minimum(self.thickness, self.leg_thickness),
+ offset=0,
+ )
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.normals_make_consistent(inside=False)
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/chairs/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/seating/chairs/__init__.py
index 5d10c9c3b..a7f276345 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/chairs/__init__.py
@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
from .bar_chair import BarChairFactory
-from .office_chair import OfficeChairFactory
from .chair import ChairFactory
+from .office_chair import OfficeChairFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/chairs/bar_chair.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/chairs/bar_chair.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bb805b4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/chairs/bar_chair.py
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+import bpy
+from numpy.random import choice, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.objects.seating.chairs.seats.round_seats import (
+ generate_round_seats,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tables.cocktail_table import geometry_create_legs
+from infinigen.core import surface, tagging
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+def geometry_assemble_chair(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ generateseat = nw.new_node(
+ generate_round_seats(
+ thickness=kwargs["Top Thickness"],
+ radius=kwargs["Top Profile Width"],
+ seat_material=kwargs["SeatMaterial"],
+ ).name
+ )
+ seat_instance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": generateseat,
+ "Translation": (0.0000, 0.0000, kwargs["Top Height"]),
+ },
+ )
+ legs = nw.new_node(geometry_create_legs(**kwargs).name)
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [seat_instance, legs]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+class BarChairFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=None):
+ super(BarChairFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.dimensions = dimensions
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.params, leg_style = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
+ self.material_params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = (
+ self.get_material_params(leg_style)
+ )
+ self.params.update(self.material_params)
+ def get_material_params(self, leg_style):
+ material_assignments = AssetList["BarChairFactory"](leg_style=leg_style)
+ params = {
+ "SeatMaterial": material_assignments["seat"].assign_material(),
+ "LegMaterial": material_assignments["leg"].assign_material(),
+ }
+ wrapped_params = {
+ k: surface.shaderfunc_to_material(v) for k, v in params.items()
+ }
+ scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments["wear_tear_prob"]
+ scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments["wear_tear"]
+ is_scratch = uniform() < scratch_prob
+ is_edge_wear = uniform() < edge_wear_prob
+ if not is_scratch:
+ scratch = None
+ if not is_edge_wear:
+ edge_wear = None
+ return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
+ @staticmethod
+ def sample_parameters(dimensions):
+ # all in meters
+ if dimensions is None:
+ x = uniform(0.35, 0.45)
+ z = uniform(0.7, 1)
+ dimensions = (x, x, z)
+ x, y, z = dimensions
+ top_thickness = uniform(0.06, 0.10)
+ leg_style = choice(["straight", "single_stand", "wheeled"])
+ parameters = {
+ "Top Profile Width": x,
+ "Top Thickness": top_thickness,
+ "Height": z,
+ "Top Height": z - top_thickness,
+ "Leg Style": leg_style,
+ "Leg NGon": choice([4, 32]),
+ "Leg Placement Top Relative Scale": 0.7,
+ "Leg Placement Bottom Relative Scale": uniform(1.1, 1.3),
+ "Leg Height": 1.0,
+ }
+ if leg_style == "single_stand":
+ leg_number = 1
+ leg_diameter = uniform(0.7 * x, 0.9 * x)
+ leg_curve_ctrl_pts = [
+ (0.0, uniform(0.1, 0.2)),
+ (0.5, uniform(0.1, 0.2)),
+ (0.9, uniform(0.2, 0.3)),
+ (1.0, 1.0),
+ ]
+ parameters.update(
+ {
+ "Leg Number": leg_number,
+ "Leg Diameter": leg_diameter,
+ "Leg Curve Control Points": leg_curve_ctrl_pts,
+ # 'Leg Material': choice(['metal', 'wood'])
+ }
+ )
+ elif leg_style == "straight":
+ leg_diameter = uniform(0.04, 0.06)
+ leg_number = choice([3, 4])
+ leg_curve_ctrl_pts = [
+ (0.0, 1.0),
+ (0.4, uniform(0.85, 0.95)),
+ (1.0, uniform(0.4, 0.6)),
+ ]
+ parameters.update(
+ {
+ "Leg Number": leg_number,
+ "Leg Diameter": leg_diameter,
+ "Leg Curve Control Points": leg_curve_ctrl_pts,
+ # 'Leg Material': choice(['metal', 'wood']),
+ "Strecher Relative Pos": uniform(0.6, 0.9),
+ "Strecher Increament": choice([0, 1, 2]),
+ }
+ )
+ elif leg_style == "wheeled":
+ leg_diameter = uniform(0.03, 0.05)
+ leg_number = 1
+ pole_number = choice([4, 5])
+ joint_height = uniform(0.5, 0.8) * (z - top_thickness)
+ wheel_arc_sweep_angle = uniform(120, 240)
+ wheel_width = uniform(0.11, 0.15)
+ wheel_rot = uniform(0, 360)
+ pole_length = uniform(1.6, 2.0)
+ parameters.update(
+ {
+ "Leg Number": leg_number,
+ "Leg Pole Number": pole_number,
+ "Leg Diameter": leg_diameter,
+ "Leg Joint Height": joint_height,
+ "Leg Wheel Arc Sweep Angle": wheel_arc_sweep_angle,
+ "Leg Wheel Width": wheel_width,
+ "Leg Wheel Rot": wheel_rot,
+ "Leg Pole Length": pole_length,
+ # 'Leg Material': choice(['metal'])
+ }
+ )
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ return parameters, leg_style
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=2,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geometry_assemble_chair, apply=True, input_kwargs=self.params
+ )
+ tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
+ return obj
+ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
+ if self.scratch:
+ self.scratch.apply(assets)
+ if self.edge_wear:
+ self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/chairs/chair.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/chairs/chair.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d83e3f395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/chairs/chair.py
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ read_co,
+ read_edge_center,
+ read_edge_direction,
+ remove_edges,
+ remove_vertices,
+ select_edges,
+ solidify,
+ subsurf,
+ write_attribute,
+ write_co,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import align_bezier, bezier_curve
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_radius
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_bbox
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.surface import NoApply
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
+class ChairFactory(AssetFactory):
+ back_types = (
+ "weighted_choice",
+ (1, "whole"),
+ (1, "partial"),
+ (1, "horizontal-bar"),
+ (1, "vertical-bar"),
+ )
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
+ self.width = uniform(0.4, 0.5)
+ self.size = uniform(0.38, 0.45)
+ self.thickness = uniform(0.04, 0.08)
+ self.bevel_width = self.thickness * (0.1 if uniform() < 0.4 else 0.5)
+ self.seat_back = uniform(0.7, 1.0) if uniform() < 0.75 else 1.0
+ self.seat_mid = uniform(0.7, 0.8)
+ self.seat_mid_x = uniform(
+ self.seat_back + self.seat_mid * (1 - self.seat_back), 1
+ )
+ self.seat_mid_z = uniform(0, 0.5)
+ self.seat_front = uniform(1.0, 1.2)
+ self.is_seat_round = uniform() < 0.6
+ self.is_seat_subsurf = uniform() < 0.5
+ self.leg_thickness = uniform(0.04, 0.06)
+ self.limb_profile = uniform(1.5, 2.5)
+ self.leg_height = uniform(0.45, 0.5)
+ self.back_height = uniform(0.4, 0.5)
+ self.is_leg_round = uniform() < 0.5
+ self.leg_type = np.random.choice(
+ ["vertical", "straight", "up-curved", "down-curved"]
+ )
+ self.leg_x_offset = 0
+ self.leg_y_offset = 0, 0
+ self.back_x_offset = 0
+ self.back_y_offset = 0
+ self.has_leg_x_bar = uniform() < 0.6
+ self.has_leg_y_bar = uniform() < 0.6
+ self.leg_offset_bar = uniform(0.2, 0.4), uniform(0.6, 0.8)
+ self.has_arm = uniform() < 0.7
+ self.arm_thickness = uniform(0.04, 0.06)
+ self.arm_height = self.arm_thickness * uniform(0.6, 1)
+ self.arm_y = uniform(0.8, 1) * self.size
+ self.arm_z = uniform(0.3, 0.6) * self.back_height
+ self.arm_mid = np.array(
+ [uniform(-0.03, 0.03), uniform(-0.03, 0.09), uniform(-0.09, 0.03)]
+ )
+ self.arm_profile = log_uniform(0.1, 3, 2)
+ self.back_thickness = uniform(0.04, 0.05)
+ self.back_type = rg(self.back_types)
+ self.back_profile = [(0, 1)]
+ self.back_vertical_cuts = np.random.randint(1, 4)
+ self.back_partial_scale = uniform(1, 1.4)
+ materials = AssetList["ChairFactory"]()
+ self.limb_surface = materials["limb"].assign_material()
+ self.surface = materials["surface"].assign_material()
+ if uniform() < 0.3:
+ self.panel_surface = self.surface
+ else:
+ self.panel_surface = materials["panel"].assign_material()
+ scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = materials["wear_tear_prob"]
+ self.scratch, self.edge_wear = materials["wear_tear"]
+ is_scratch = uniform() < scratch_prob
+ is_edge_wear = uniform() < edge_wear_prob
+ if not is_scratch:
+ self.scratch = None
+ if not is_edge_wear:
+ self.edge_wear = None
+ # from infinigen.assets.clothes import blanket
+ # from infinigen.assets.scatters.clothes import ClothesCover
+ # self.clothes_scatter = ClothesCover(factory_fn=blanket.BlanketFactory, width=log_uniform(.8, 1.2),
+ # size=uniform(.8, 1.2)) if uniform() < .3 else NoApply()
+ self.clothes_scatter = NoApply()
+ self.post_init()
+ def post_init(self):
+ with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
+ if self.leg_type == "vertical":
+ self.leg_x_offset = 0
+ self.leg_y_offset = 0, 0
+ self.back_x_offset = 0
+ self.back_y_offset = 0
+ else:
+ self.leg_x_offset = self.width * uniform(0.05, 0.2)
+ self.leg_y_offset = self.size * uniform(0.05, 0.2, 2)
+ self.back_x_offset = self.width * uniform(-0.1, 0.15)
+ self.back_y_offset = self.size * uniform(0.1, 0.25)
+ match self.back_type:
+ case "partial":
+ self.back_profile = ((uniform(0.4, 0.8), 1),)
+ case "horizontal-bar":
+ n_cuts = np.random.randint(2, 4)
+ locs = uniform(1, 2, n_cuts).cumsum()
+ locs = locs / locs[-1]
+ ratio = uniform(0.5, 0.75)
+ locs = np.array(
+ [
+ (p + ratio * (l - p), l)
+ for p, l in zip([0, *locs[:-1]], locs)
+ ]
+ )
+ lowest = uniform(0, 0.4)
+ self.back_profile = locs * (1 - lowest) + lowest
+ case "vertical-bar":
+ self.back_profile = ((uniform(0.8, 0.9), 1),)
+ case _:
+ self.back_profile = [(0, 1)]
+ def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ obj = new_bbox(
+ -self.width / 2 - max(self.leg_x_offset, self.back_x_offset),
+ self.width / 2 + max(self.leg_x_offset, self.back_x_offset),
+ -self.size - self.leg_y_offset[1] - self.leg_thickness * 0.5,
+ max(self.leg_y_offset[0], self.back_y_offset),
+ -self.leg_height,
+ self.back_height * 1.2,
+ )
+ obj.rotation_euler.z += np.pi / 2
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ return obj
+ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ obj = self.make_seat()
+ legs = self.make_legs()
+ backs = self.make_backs()
+ parts = [obj] + legs + backs
+ parts.extend(self.make_leg_decors(legs))
+ if self.has_arm:
+ parts.extend(self.make_arms(obj, backs))
+ parts.extend(self.make_back_decors(backs))
+ for obj in legs:
+ self.solidify(obj, 2)
+ for obj in backs:
+ self.solidify(obj, 2, self.back_thickness)
+ obj = join_objects(parts)
+ obj.rotation_euler.z += np.pi / 2
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
+ # TODO: wasteful to create unique materials for each individual asset
+ self.surface.apply(obj)
+ self.panel_surface.apply(obj, selection="panel")
+ self.limb_surface.apply(obj, selection="limb")
+ return obj
+ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
+ if self.scratch:
+ self.scratch.apply(assets)
+ if self.edge_wear:
+ self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
+ def make_seat(self):
+ x_anchors = (
+ np.array(
+ [
+ 0,
+ -self.seat_back,
+ -self.seat_mid_x,
+ -1,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ self.seat_mid_x,
+ self.seat_back,
+ 0,
+ ]
+ )
+ * self.width
+ / 2
+ )
+ y_anchors = (
+ np.array(
+ [0, 0, -self.seat_mid, -1, -self.seat_front, -1, -self.seat_mid, 0, 0]
+ )
+ * self.size
+ )
+ z_anchors = (
+ np.array([0, 0, self.seat_mid_z, 0, 0, 0, self.seat_mid_z, 0, 0])
+ * self.thickness
+ )
+ vector_locations = [1, 7] if self.is_seat_round else [1, 3, 5, 7]
+ obj = bezier_curve((x_anchors, y_anchors, z_anchors), vector_locations, 8)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.fill_grid(use_interp_simple=True)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.thickness, offset=0)
+ subsurf(obj, 1, not self.is_seat_subsurf)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BEVEL", width=self.bevel_width, segments=8)
+ return obj
+ def make_legs(self):
+ leg_starts = np.array(
+ [[-self.seat_back, 0, 0], [-1, -1, 0], [1, -1, 0], [self.seat_back, 0, 0]]
+ ) * np.array([[self.width / 2, self.size, 0]])
+ leg_ends = leg_starts.copy()
+ leg_ends[[0, 1], 0] -= self.leg_x_offset
+ leg_ends[[2, 3], 0] += self.leg_x_offset
+ leg_ends[[0, 3], 1] += self.leg_y_offset[0]
+ leg_ends[[1, 2], 1] -= self.leg_y_offset[1]
+ leg_ends[:, -1] = -self.leg_height
+ return self.make_limb(leg_ends, leg_starts)
+ def make_limb(self, leg_ends, leg_starts):
+ limbs = []
+ for leg_start, leg_end in zip(leg_starts, leg_ends):
+ match self.leg_type:
+ case "up-curved":
+ axes = [(0, 0, 1), None]
+ scale = [self.limb_profile, 1]
+ case "down-curved":
+ axes = [None, (0, 0, 1)]
+ scale = [1, self.limb_profile]
+ case _:
+ axes = None
+ scale = None
+ limb = align_bezier(
+ np.stack([leg_start, leg_end], -1), axes, scale, resolution=64
+ )
+ limb.location = (
+ np.array(
+ [
+ 1 if leg_start[0] < 0 else -1,
+ 1 if leg_start[1] < -self.size / 2 else -1,
+ 0,
+ ]
+ )
+ * self.leg_thickness
+ / 2
+ )
+ butil.apply_transform(limb, True)
+ limbs.append(limb)
+ return limbs
+ def make_backs(self):
+ back_starts = (
+ np.array([[-self.seat_back, 0, 0], [self.seat_back, 0, 0]]) * self.width / 2
+ )
+ back_ends = back_starts.copy()
+ back_ends[:, 0] += np.array([self.back_x_offset, -self.back_x_offset])
+ back_ends[:, 1] = self.back_y_offset
+ back_ends[:, 2] = self.back_height
+ return self.make_limb(back_starts, back_ends)
+ def make_leg_decors(self, legs):
+ decors = []
+ if self.has_leg_x_bar:
+ z_height = -self.leg_height * uniform(*self.leg_offset_bar)
+ locs = []
+ for leg in legs:
+ co = read_co(leg)
+ locs.append(co[np.argmin(np.abs(co[:, -1] - z_height))])
+ decors.append(
+ self.solidify(bezier_curve(np.stack([locs[0], locs[3]], -1)), 0)
+ )
+ decors.append(
+ self.solidify(bezier_curve(np.stack([locs[1], locs[2]], -1)), 0)
+ )
+ if self.has_leg_y_bar:
+ z_height = -self.leg_height * uniform(*self.leg_offset_bar)
+ locs = []
+ for leg in legs:
+ co = read_co(leg)
+ locs.append(co[np.argmin(np.abs(co[:, -1] - z_height))])
+ decors.append(
+ self.solidify(bezier_curve(np.stack([locs[0], locs[1]], -1)), 1)
+ )
+ decors.append(
+ self.solidify(bezier_curve(np.stack([locs[2], locs[3]], -1)), 1)
+ )
+ for d in decors:
+ write_attribute(d, 1, "limb", "FACE")
+ return decors
+ def make_back_decors(self, backs, finalize=True):
+ obj = join_objects([deep_clone_obj(b) for b in backs])
+ x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
+ x += np.where(x > 0, self.back_thickness / 2, -self.back_thickness / 2)
+ write_co(obj, np.stack([x, y, z], -1))
+ smoothness = uniform(0, 1)
+ profile_shape_factor = uniform(0, 0.4)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ center = read_edge_center(obj)
+ for z_min, z_max in self.back_profile:
+ select_edges(
+ obj,
+ (z_min * self.back_height <= center[:, -1])
+ & (center[:, -1] <= z_max * self.back_height),
+ )
+ bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops(
+ number_cuts=32,
+ interpolation="LINEAR",
+ smoothness=smoothness,
+ profile_shape_factor=profile_shape_factor,
+ )
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_loose()
+ bpy.ops.mesh.delete()
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ thickness=np.minimum(self.thickness, self.back_thickness),
+ offset=0,
+ )
+ if finalize:
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BEVEL", width=self.bevel_width, segments=8)
+ parts = [obj]
+ if self.back_type == "vertical-bar":
+ other = join_objects([deep_clone_obj(b) for b in backs])
+ with butil.ViewportMode(other, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops(
+ number_cuts=self.back_vertical_cuts,
+ interpolation="LINEAR",
+ smoothness=smoothness,
+ profile_shape_factor=profile_shape_factor,
+ )
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="INVERT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.delete()
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type="ONLY_FACE")
+ remove_edges(other, np.abs(read_edge_direction(other)[:, -1]) < 0.5)
+ remove_vertices(other, lambda x, y, z: z < -self.thickness / 2)
+ remove_vertices(
+ other,
+ lambda x, y, z: z
+ > (self.back_profile[0][0] + self.back_profile[0][1])
+ * self.back_height
+ / 2,
+ )
+ parts.append(self.solidify(other, 2, self.back_thickness))
+ elif self.back_type == "partial":
+ co = read_co(obj)
+ co[:, 1] *= self.back_partial_scale
+ write_co(obj, co)
+ for p in parts:
+ write_attribute(p, 1, "panel", "FACE")
+ return parts
+ def make_arms(self, base, backs):
+ co = read_co(base)
+ end = co[np.argmin(co[:, 0] - (np.abs(co[:, 1] + self.arm_y) < 0.02))]
+ end[0] += self.arm_thickness / 4
+ end_ = end.copy()
+ end_[0] = -end[0]
+ arms = []
+ co = read_co(backs[0])
+ start = co[np.argmin(co[:, 0] - (np.abs(co[:, -1] - self.arm_z) < 0.02))]
+ start[0] -= self.arm_thickness / 4
+ start_ = start.copy()
+ start_[0] = -start[0]
+ for start, end in zip([start, start_], [end, end_]):
+ mid = np.array(
+ [
+ end[0] + self.arm_mid[0] * (-1 if end[0] > 0 else 1),
+ end[1] + self.arm_mid[1],
+ start[2] + self.arm_mid[2],
+ ]
+ )
+ arm = align_bezier(
+ np.stack([start, mid, end], -1),
+ np.array(
+ [
+ [end[0] - start[0], end[1] - start[1], 0],
+ [0, 1 / np.sqrt(2), 1 / np.sqrt(2)],
+ [0, 0, 1],
+ ]
+ ),
+ [1, *self.arm_profile, 1],
+ )
+ if self.is_leg_round:
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ arm,
+ geo_radius,
+ apply=True,
+ input_args=[self.arm_thickness / 2, 32],
+ input_kwargs={"to_align_tilt": False},
+ )
+ else:
+ with butil.ViewportMode(arm, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={
+ "value": (
+ self.arm_thickness
+ if end[0] < 0
+ else -self.arm_thickness,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(arm, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.arm_height, offset=0)
+ write_attribute(arm, 1, "limb", "FACE")
+ arms.append(arm)
+ return arms
+ def solidify(self, obj, axis, thickness=None):
+ if thickness is None:
+ thickness = self.leg_thickness
+ if self.is_leg_round:
+ solidify(obj, axis, thickness)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BEVEL", width=self.bevel_width, segments=8)
+ else:
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[thickness / 2, 32]
+ )
+ write_attribute(obj, 1, "limb", "FACE")
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/chairs/office_chair.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/chairs/office_chair.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..329c5ba04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/chairs/office_chair.py
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import choice, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.objects.seating.chairs.seats.curvy_seats import (
+ generate_curvy_seats,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tables.cocktail_table import geometry_create_legs
+from infinigen.core import surface, tagging
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+def geometry_assemble_chair(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ generateseat = nw.new_node(
+ generate_curvy_seats().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Width": kwargs["Top Profile Width"],
+ "Front Relative Width": kwargs["Top Front Relative Width"],
+ "Front Bent": kwargs["Top Front Bent"],
+ "Seat Bent": kwargs["Top Seat Bent"],
+ "Mid Bent": kwargs["Top Mid Bent"],
+ "Mid Relative Width": kwargs["Top Mid Relative Width"],
+ "Back Bent": kwargs["Top Back Bent"],
+ "Back Relative Width": kwargs["Top Back Relative Width"],
+ "Mid Pos": kwargs["Top Mid Pos"],
+ "Seat Height": kwargs["Top Thickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ seat_instance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": generateseat,
+ "Translation": (0.0000, 0.0000, kwargs["Top Height"]),
+ },
+ )
+ seat_instance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": seat_instance, "Material": kwargs["TopMaterial"]},
+ )
+ legs = nw.new_node(geometry_create_legs(**kwargs).name)
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [seat_instance, legs]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+class OfficeChairFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=None):
+ super(OfficeChairFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.dimensions = dimensions
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.params, leg_style = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
+ self.material_params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = (
+ self.get_material_params(leg_style)
+ )
+ self.params.update(self.material_params)
+ def get_material_params(self, leg_style):
+ material_assignments = AssetList["OfficeChairFactory"](leg_style)
+ params = {
+ "TopMaterial": material_assignments["top"].assign_material(),
+ "LegMaterial": material_assignments["leg"].assign_material(),
+ }
+ wrapped_params = {
+ k: surface.shaderfunc_to_material(v) for k, v in params.items()
+ }
+ scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments["wear_tear_prob"]
+ scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments["wear_tear"]
+ is_scratch = uniform() < scratch_prob
+ is_edge_wear = uniform() < edge_wear_prob
+ if not is_scratch:
+ scratch = None
+ if not is_edge_wear:
+ edge_wear = None
+ return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
+ @staticmethod
+ def sample_parameters(dimensions):
+ # all in meters
+ if dimensions is None:
+ x = uniform(0.5, 0.6)
+ z = uniform(1.0, 1.4)
+ dimensions = (x, x, z)
+ x, y, z = dimensions
+ top_thickness = uniform(0.5, 0.7)
+ # straight has the bug that seat and legs are disjoint, so disable for now.
+ # leg_style = choice(['straight', 'single_stand', 'wheeled'])
+ leg_style = choice(["single_stand", "wheeled"])
+ parameters = {
+ "Top Profile Width": x,
+ "Top Thickness": top_thickness,
+ "Top Front Relative Width": uniform(0.5, 0.8),
+ "Top Front Bent": uniform(-1.5, -0.4),
+ "Top Seat Bent": uniform(-1.5, -0.4),
+ "Top Mid Bent": uniform(-2.4, -0.5),
+ "Top Mid Relative Width": uniform(0.5, 0.9),
+ "Top Back Bent": uniform(-1, -0.1),
+ "Top Back Relative Width": uniform(0.6, 0.9),
+ "Top Mid Pos": uniform(0.4, 0.6),
+ # 'Top Material': choice(['leather', 'wood', 'plastic', 'glass']),
+ "Height": z,
+ "Top Height": z - top_thickness,
+ "Leg Style": leg_style,
+ "Leg NGon": choice([4, 32]),
+ "Leg Placement Top Relative Scale": 0.7,
+ "Leg Placement Bottom Relative Scale": uniform(1.1, 1.3),
+ "Leg Height": 1.0,
+ }
+ if leg_style == "single_stand":
+ leg_number = 1
+ leg_diameter = uniform(0.7 * x, 0.9 * x)
+ leg_curve_ctrl_pts = [
+ (0.0, uniform(0.1, 0.2)),
+ (0.5, uniform(0.1, 0.2)),
+ (0.9, uniform(0.2, 0.3)),
+ (1.0, 1.0),
+ ]
+ parameters.update(
+ {
+ "Leg Number": leg_number,
+ "Leg Diameter": leg_diameter,
+ "Leg Curve Control Points": leg_curve_ctrl_pts,
+ # 'Leg Material': choice(['metal', 'wood'])
+ }
+ )
+ elif leg_style == "straight":
+ leg_diameter = uniform(0.04, 0.06)
+ leg_number = 4
+ leg_curve_ctrl_pts = [
+ (0.0, 1.0),
+ (0.4, uniform(0.85, 0.95)),
+ (1.0, uniform(0.4, 0.6)),
+ ]
+ parameters.update(
+ {
+ "Leg Number": leg_number,
+ "Leg Diameter": leg_diameter,
+ "Leg Curve Control Points": leg_curve_ctrl_pts,
+ # 'Leg Material': choice(['metal', 'wood']),
+ "Strecher Relative Pos": uniform(0.2, 0.6),
+ "Strecher Increament": choice([0, 1, 2]),
+ }
+ )
+ elif leg_style == "wheeled":
+ leg_diameter = uniform(0.03, 0.05)
+ leg_number = 1
+ pole_number = choice([4, 5])
+ joint_height = uniform(0.5, 0.8) * (z - top_thickness)
+ wheel_arc_sweep_angle = uniform(120, 240)
+ wheel_width = uniform(0.11, 0.15)
+ wheel_rot = uniform(0, 360)
+ pole_length = uniform(1.6, 2.0)
+ parameters.update(
+ {
+ "Leg Number": leg_number,
+ "Leg Pole Number": pole_number,
+ "Leg Diameter": leg_diameter,
+ "Leg Joint Height": joint_height,
+ "Leg Wheel Arc Sweep Angle": wheel_arc_sweep_angle,
+ "Leg Wheel Width": wheel_width,
+ "Leg Wheel Rot": wheel_rot,
+ "Leg Pole Length": pole_length,
+ # 'Leg Material': choice(['metal'])
+ }
+ )
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ return parameters, leg_style
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=2,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geometry_assemble_chair, apply=True, input_kwargs=self.params
+ )
+ tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
+ obj.rotation_euler.z += np.pi / 2
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ return obj
+ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
+ if self.scratch:
+ self.scratch.apply(assets)
+ if self.edge_wear:
+ self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/chairs/seats/curvy_seats.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/chairs/seats/curvy_seats.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e131c936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/chairs/seats/curvy_seats.py
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.assets.objects.table_decorations.utils import (
+ nodegroup_lofting,
+ nodegroup_warp_around_curve,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tables.table_utils import nodegroup_bent
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+# TODO: set material automatically
+ "generate_curvy_seats", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def generate_curvy_seats(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "U Resolution", 256),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "V Resolution", 128),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Thickness", 0.0300),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Front Relative Width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Front Bent", -0.3800),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Seat Bent", -0.5600),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Mid Relative Width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Mid Bent", -0.7000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Back Relative Width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Back Bent", -0.2000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Top Relative Width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Top Bent", -0.2000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Seat Height", 0.6000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Mid Pos", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "SeatMaterial", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["U Resolution"],
+ "Radius": 0.5000,
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ "Z": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Translation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.5000),
+ "Scale": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ bent = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_bent().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_geometry_1,
+ "Amount": group_input.outputs["Seat Bent"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["U Resolution"],
+ "Radius": 0.5000,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Mid Relative Width"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": multiply,
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ "Z": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle_2.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Translation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000),
+ "Scale": combine_xyz_2,
+ },
+ )
+ bent_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_bent().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_geometry_2,
+ "Amount": group_input.outputs["Mid Bent"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["U Resolution"],
+ "Radius": 0.5000,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle_3.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Scale": (0.0000, 0.0050, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["U Resolution"],
+ "Radius": 0.5000,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Front Relative Width"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_1, "Y": 0.0050, "Z": 1.0000}
+ )
+ transform_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Translation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0600),
+ "Scale": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ bent_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_bent().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_geometry,
+ "Amount": group_input.outputs["Front Bent"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [bent_1, bent, bent_2, transform_geometry_3]},
+ )
+ curve_circle_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["U Resolution"],
+ "Radius": 0.5000,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Back Relative Width"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": multiply_2,
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ "Z": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle_4.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Translation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.5000),
+ "Scale": combine_xyz_3,
+ },
+ )
+ bent_3 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_bent().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_geometry_4,
+ "Amount": group_input.outputs["Back Bent"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["U Resolution"],
+ "Radius": 0.5000,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Top Relative Width"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_3, "Y": 0.0050, "Z": 1.0000}
+ )
+ transform_geometry_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle_5.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Translation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 2.0200),
+ "Scale": combine_xyz_4,
+ },
+ )
+ bent_4 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_bent().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_geometry_5,
+ "Amount": group_input.outputs["Top Bent"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["U Resolution"],
+ "Radius": 0.5000,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle_6.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Translation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 2.1000),
+ "Scale": (0.0000, 0.0050, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_geometry_6, bent_4, bent_3]},
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [join_geometry_2, join_geometry]}
+ )
+ lofting_001 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_lofting().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Profile Curves": join_geometry_1,
+ "U Resolution": group_input.outputs["U Resolution"],
+ "V Resolution": group_input.outputs["V Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_4, "Z": 0.0300}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Y": group_input.outputs["Mid Pos"], "Z": -0.0500},
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_5, "Z": group_input.outputs["Seat Height"]},
+ )
+ bezier_segment = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveBezierSegment,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 128,
+ "Start": combine_xyz_6,
+ "Start Handle": combine_xyz_7,
+ "End Handle": (0.0000, 0.1000, 0.1000),
+ "End": combine_xyz_5,
+ },
+ )
+ warparoundcurvealt = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_warp_around_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": lofting_001.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Curve": bezier_segment,
+ },
+ )
+ # material_func =np.random.choice([plastic.shader_rough_plastic, metal.get_shader(), wood_new.shader_wood, leather.shader_leather])
+ warparoundcurvealt = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": warparoundcurvealt,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["SeatMaterial"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": warparoundcurvealt},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/chairs/seats/round_seats.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/chairs/seats/round_seats.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eea4cd75b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/chairs/seats/round_seats.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tables.table_top import nodegroup_capped_cylinder
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+ "generate_round_seats", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def generate_round_seats(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ thickness=None,
+ radius=None,
+ cap_radius=None,
+ bevel_factor=None,
+ seat_material=None,
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ if thickness is None:
+ thickness = uniform(0.05, 0.12)
+ if radius is None:
+ radius = uniform(0.35, 0.45)
+ if cap_radius is None:
+ cap_radius = uniform(2.0, 3.2)
+ if bevel_factor is None:
+ bevel_factor = uniform(0.01, 0.04)
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: thickness, 1: 1.0}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: bevel_factor, 1: thickness},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ cappedcylinder = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_capped_cylinder().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Thickness": multiply,
+ "Radius": radius,
+ "Cap Flatness": cap_radius,
+ "Fillet Radius Vertical": divide,
+ "Cap Relative Scale": 0.0140,
+ "Cap Relative Z Offset": -0.0020,
+ "Resolution": 128,
+ },
+ )
+ seat = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": cappedcylinder, "Material": seat_material},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": seat},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/seating/mattress.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/mattress.py
similarity index 54%
rename from infinigen/assets/seating/mattress.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/seating/mattress.py
index 1d9a9612a..a7a0bbc28 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/seating/mattress.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/mattress.py
@@ -1,92 +1,100 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+import bmesh
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
import bpy
-import bmesh
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
from infinigen.assets.materials import fabrics
from infinigen.assets.scatters import clothes
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
- subdivide_edge_ring, read_co,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, subdivide_edge_ring
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_bbox, new_cube
from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.nodes import NodeWrangler, Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
from infinigen.core.surface import write_attr_data
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
def make_coiled(obj, dot_distance, dot_depth, dot_size):
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='FACE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="FACE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="DESELECT")
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
for v in bm.verts:
if len(v.link_edges) == 16:
- radius = dot_distance * uniform(.06, .08)
- bpy.ops.mesh.bevel(offset=radius, affect='VERTICES')
- bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_region_shrink_fatten(TRANSFORM_OT_shrink_fatten={'value': -dot_depth})
- bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_region_shrink_fatten(TRANSFORM_OT_shrink_fatten={'value': dot_depth})
+ radius = dot_distance * uniform(0.06, 0.08)
+ bpy.ops.mesh.bevel(offset=radius, affect="VERTICES")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_region_shrink_fatten(
+ TRANSFORM_OT_shrink_fatten={"value": -dot_depth}
+ )
+ bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_region_shrink_fatten(
+ TRANSFORM_OT_shrink_fatten={"value": dot_depth}
+ )
- write_attr_data(obj, 'tip', np.zeros(len(obj.data.polygons)), domain='FACE')
- surface.set_active(obj, 'tip')
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ write_attr_data(obj, "tip", np.zeros(len(obj.data.polygons)), domain="FACE")
+ surface.set_active(obj, "tip")
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
def geo_scale(nw: NodeWrangler):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- selection = nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute, ['tip'])
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ selection = nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute, ["tip"])
geometry = nw.new_node(
- [geometry, selection, nw.combine(*([dot_size / radius] * 3))]
+ [geometry, selection, nw.combine(*([dot_size / radius] * 3))],
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_scale, apply=True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'TRIANGULATE', min_vertices=4)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SMOOTH', factor=uniform(.5, 1.), iterations=5)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "TRIANGULATE", min_vertices=4)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SMOOTH", factor=uniform(0.5, 1.0), iterations=5)
class MattressFactory(AssetFactory):
- types = 'weighted_choice', (1, 'coiled'), (1, 'wrapped')
+ types = "weighted_choice", (1, "coiled"), (1, "wrapped")
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- self.width = log_uniform(.9, 2.)
+ self.width = log_uniform(0.9, 2.0)
self.size = uniform(2, 2.4)
- self.thickness = uniform(.2, .35)
- self.dot_distance = log_uniform(.16, .2)
- self.dot_size = uniform(.005, .02)
- self.dot_depth = uniform(.04, .08)
- self.wrap_distance = .05
- self.surface = fabrics
- self.type= rg(self.types)
- materials = AssetList['MattressFactory']()
- self.surface = materials['surface'].assign_material()
+ self.thickness = uniform(0.2, 0.35)
+ self.dot_distance = log_uniform(0.16, 0.2)
+ self.dot_size = uniform(0.005, 0.02)
+ self.dot_depth = uniform(0.04, 0.08)
+ self.wrap_distance = 0.05
+ self.surface = fabrics.fabric_random
+ self.type = rg(self.types)
+ materials = AssetList["MattressFactory"]()
+ self.surface = materials["surface"].assign_material()
def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
return new_bbox(
- -self.width / 2, self.width / 2, -self.size / 2, self.size / 2, -self.thickness / 2,
- self.thickness / 2
+ -self.width / 2,
+ self.width / 2,
+ -self.size / 2,
+ self.size / 2,
+ -self.thickness / 2,
+ self.thickness / 2,
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
@@ -94,9 +102,9 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
obj.scale = self.width / 2, self.size / 2, self.thickness / 2
match self.type:
- case 'coiled':
+ case "coiled":
- case 'wrapped':
+ case "wrapped":
return obj
@@ -112,14 +120,19 @@ def make_wrapped(self, obj):
axis = np.zeros(3)
axis[i] = 1
subdivide_edge_ring(obj, int(np.ceil(size / self.wrap_distance)), axis)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BEVEL', width=self.wrap_distance / 3, segments=2)
- vg = obj.vertex_groups.new(name='pin')
- vg.add(np.nonzero((read_co(obj)[:, -1] < 1e-1 - self.thickness / 2))[0].tolist(), 1, 'REPLACE')
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BEVEL", width=self.wrap_distance / 3, segments=2)
+ vg = obj.vertex_groups.new(name="pin")
+ vg.add(
+ np.nonzero((read_co(obj)[:, -1] < 1e-1 - self.thickness / 2))[0].tolist(),
+ 1,
+ )
- obj, gravity=0,
+ obj,
+ gravity=0,
- uniform_pressure_force=uniform(.1, .2),
- vertex_group_mass='pin'
+ uniform_pressure_force=uniform(0.1, 0.2),
+ vertex_group_mass="pin",
def finalize_assets(self, assets):
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/seating/pillow.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/pillow.py
similarity index 53%
rename from infinigen/assets/seating/pillow.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/seating/pillow.py
index f5f871a24..d87d4a3a6 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/seating/pillow.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/pillow.py
@@ -6,91 +6,115 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
from infinigen.assets.materials import art, fabrics
from infinigen.assets.scatters import clothes
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_normal, read_selected, select_faces, subsurf, set_shade_smooth
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import center, join_objects, new_base_circle, new_grid
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ read_normal,
+ read_selected,
+ select_faces,
+ set_shade_smooth,
+ subsurf,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import (
+ center,
+ join_objects,
+ new_base_circle,
+ new_grid,
from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import unwrap_faces
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
class PillowFactory(AssetFactory):
- shapes = 'weighted_choice', (4, 'square'), (4, 'rectangle'), (1, 'circle'), (1, 'torus')
+ shapes = (
+ "weighted_choice",
+ (4, "square"),
+ (4, "rectangle"),
+ (1, "circle"),
+ (1, "torus"),
+ )
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(PillowFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
self.shape = rg(self.shapes)
- self.width = uniform(.4, .7)
+ self.width = uniform(0.4, 0.7)
match self.shape:
- case 'square':
+ case "square":
self.size = self.width
case _:
- self.size = self.width * log_uniform(.6, .8)
- self.bevel_width = uniform(.02, .05)
- self.thickness = log_uniform(.006, .008)
- self.extrude_thickness = self.thickness * log_uniform(1, 8) if uniform() < .5 else 0
+ self.size = self.width * log_uniform(0.6, 0.8)
+ self.bevel_width = uniform(0.02, 0.05)
+ self.thickness = log_uniform(0.006, 0.008)
+ self.extrude_thickness = (
+ self.thickness * log_uniform(1, 8) if uniform() < 0.5 else 0
+ )
self.surface = np.random.choice([art.ArtFabric(self.factory_seed), fabrics])
- self.has_seam = uniform() < .3 and not self.shape == 'torus'
- self.seam_radius = uniform(.01, .02)
+ self.has_seam = uniform() < 0.3 and not self.shape == "torus"
+ self.seam_radius = uniform(0.01, 0.02)
- materials = AssetList['PillowFactory']()
- self.surface = materials['surface'].assign_material()
+ materials = AssetList["PillowFactory"]()
+ self.surface = materials["surface"].assign_material()
if self.surface == art.ArtFabric:
self.surface = self.surface(self.factory_seed)
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
match self.shape:
- case 'circle':
+ case "circle":
obj = new_base_circle(vertices=128)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
- case 'torus':
+ case "torus":
obj = new_base_circle(vertices=128)
- inner = new_base_circle(vertices=128, radius=uniform(.2, .4))
+ inner = new_base_circle(vertices=128, radius=uniform(0.2, 0.4))
obj = join_objects([obj, inner])
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops(number_cuts=12, interpolation='LINEAR')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops(
+ number_cuts=12, interpolation="LINEAR"
+ )
obj = bpy.context.active_object
case _:
obj = new_grid(x_subdivisions=32, y_subdivisions=32)
obj.scale = self.width / 2, self.size / 2, 1
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.thickness, offset=0)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.thickness, offset=0)
normal = read_normal(obj)
- group = obj.vertex_groups.new(name='pin')
+ group = obj.vertex_groups.new(name="pin")
if self.has_seam:
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='FACE')
- select_faces(obj, lambda x, y, z: (x ** 2 + y ** 2 < self.seam_radius ** 2) & (z > 0))
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="FACE")
+ select_faces(
+ obj, lambda x, y, z: (x**2 + y**2 < self.seam_radius**2) & (z > 0)
+ )
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='VERT')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="VERT")
selection = read_selected(obj)
- group.add(np.nonzero(selection)[0].tolist(), 1, 'REPLACE')
- select_faces(obj, np.abs(normal[:, -1]) < .1)
+ group.add(np.nonzero(selection)[0].tolist(), 1, "REPLACE")
+ select_faces(obj, np.abs(normal[:, -1]) < 0.1)
match self.shape:
- case 'torus':
+ case "torus":
pressure = uniform(8, 12)
case _:
pressure = uniform(1, 2)
- obj, tension_stiffness=uniform(0, 5),
+ obj,
+ tension_stiffness=uniform(0, 5),
- vertex_group_mass='pin' if self.has_seam else ""
+ vertex_group_mass="pin" if self.has_seam else "",
if self.extrude_thickness > 0:
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
- TRANSFORM_OT_shrink_fatten={'value': self.extrude_thickness}
+ TRANSFORM_OT_shrink_fatten={"value": self.extrude_thickness}
obj.location = -center(obj)
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
@@ -100,16 +124,20 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
def make_circle(self):
obj = new_base_circle(vertices=128)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
- select_faces(obj, lambda x, y, z: x ** 2 + y ** 2 < self.seam_radius ** 2)
+ select_faces(obj, lambda x, y, z: x**2 + y**2 < self.seam_radius**2)
return obj
def make_gird(self):
obj = new_grid(x_subdivisions=64, y_subdivisions=64)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- select_faces(obj, lambda x, y, z: (np.abs(x) < self.seam_radius) & (np.abs(y) < self.seam_radius))
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ select_faces(
+ obj,
+ lambda x, y, z: (np.abs(x) < self.seam_radius)
+ & (np.abs(y) < self.seam_radius),
+ )
return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/sofa.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/sofa.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ab7c1931
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/seating/sofa.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1475 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick, Stamatis Alexandropolous, Yiming Zuo
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.core import surface, tagging
+from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import clip_gaussian
+ "nodegroup_array_fill_line", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_array_fill_line(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Line Start", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Line End", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Instance Dimensions", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Count", 10),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Instance", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Instance Dimensions"],
+ 1: (0.0000, -0.5000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Line End"],
+ 1: multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Line Start"],
+ 1: multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ mesh_line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshLine,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Count": group_input.outputs["Count"],
+ "Start Location": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Offset": subtract.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ attrs={"mode": "END_POINTS"},
+ )
+ instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={"Points": mesh_line, "Instance": group_input.outputs["Instance"]},
+ )
+ realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instance_on_points_1}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_corner_cube", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_corner_cube(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Location", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "CenteringLoc", (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Dimensions", (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "SupportingEdgeFac", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Vertices X", 4),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Vertices Y", 4),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Vertices Z", 4),
+ ],
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": group_input.outputs["Dimensions"],
+ "Vertices X": group_input.outputs["Vertices X"],
+ "Vertices Y": group_input.outputs["Vertices Y"],
+ "Vertices Z": group_input.outputs["Vertices Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["CenteringLoc"],
+ 9: (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000),
+ 10: (-0.5000, -0.5000, -0.5000),
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Dimensions"],
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Location"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ transform_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": multiply_add.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_geometry,
+ "Name": "UVMap",
+ 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_sofa_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_sofa_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Dimensions", (0.0000, 0.9000, 2.5000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Arm Dimensions", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Back Dimensions", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Seat Dimensions", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Foot Dimensions", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Baseboard Height", 0.1300),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Backrest Width", 0.1100),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Seat Margin", 0.9700),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Backrest Angle", -0.2000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "arm_width", 0.7000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Arm Type", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "Arm_height", 0.7318),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatAngle", "arms_angle", 0.8727),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Footrest", False),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Count", 4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scaling footrest", 1.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Reflection", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "leg_type", False),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "leg_dimensions", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "leg_z", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "leg_faces", 20),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Subdivide", True),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Dimensions"],
+ 1: (0.0000, 0.5000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ reroute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Arm Dimensions"]}
+ )
+ arm_cube = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_corner_cube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Location": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ "CenteringLoc": (0.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Dimensions": reroute,
+ "Vertices Z": 10,
+ },
+ label="ArmCube",
+ )
+ reroute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": arm_cube})
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": reroute})
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ 1: -0.1000,
+ 2: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"],
+ 3: -0.1000,
+ 4: 0.2000,
+ },
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Factor": group_input.outputs["arm_width"],
+ "Value": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0092, 0.7688),
+ (0.1011, 0.5937),
+ (0.1494, 0.4062),
+ (0.3954, 0.0781),
+ (1.0000, 0.2187),
+ ],
+ )
+ separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: subtract},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz_14 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position_1}
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_xyz_14.outputs["X"],
+ 1: -1.0000,
+ 2: 0.6000,
+ 3: 2.1000,
+ 4: -1.1000,
+ },
+ )
+ float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Factor": group_input.outputs["Arm_height"],
+ "Value": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.1341, 0.2094), (0.7386, 1.0000), (0.9682, 0.0781), (1.0000, 0.0000)],
+ )
+ separate_xyz_15 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": (-2.9000, 3.3000, 0.0000)}
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_14.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_15.outputs["Z"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve_1, 1: subtract_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_1, "Z": multiply_2}
+ )
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": combine_xyz,
+ "Axis": (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Angle": group_input.outputs["arms_angle"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": reroute_1, "Offset": vector_rotate}
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Dimensions"],
+ 1: (0.0000, 0.5000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Arm Dimensions"]},
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_3.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_3.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz_3.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz_3.outputs["Y"],
+ "Z": subtract_2,
+ },
+ )
+ reroute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": combine_xyz_1})
+ arm_cube_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_corner_cube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Location": multiply_3.outputs["Vector"],
+ "CenteringLoc": (0.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Dimensions": reroute_2,
+ },
+ label="ArmCube",
+ )
+ separate_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": reroute_2})
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_4.outputs["X"], 1: 1.0001},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ reroute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": multiply_4})
+ arm_cylinder = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Side Segments": 4,
+ "Radius": separate_xyz_4.outputs["Y"],
+ "Depth": reroute_3,
+ },
+ attrs={"fill_type": "TRIANGLE_FAN"},
+ )
+ arm_cylinder = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": arm_cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "UVMap",
+ 3: arm_cylinder.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute_3, 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply_3.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": divide,
+ "Y": separate_xyz_5.outputs["Y"],
+ "Z": separate_xyz_4.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ arm_cylinder = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": arm_cylinder,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_2,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ roundtop = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [arm_cube_1, arm_cylinder]}
+ )
+ square_or_round = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Switch": nw.compare(
+ "EQUAL", group_input.outputs["Arm Type"], ARM_TYPE_SQUARE
+ ),
+ "False": roundtop,
+ "True": arm_cube_1,
+ },
+ )
+ angular_or_squareround = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Switch": nw.compare(
+ "EQUAL", group_input.outputs["Arm Type"], ARM_TYPE_ANGULAR
+ ),
+ "False": square_or_round,
+ "True": set_position,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": angular_or_squareround,
+ "Scale": (1.0000, -1.0000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ flip_faces = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FlipFaces, input_kwargs={"Mesh": transform_geometry_1}
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [flip_faces, angular_or_squareround]},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Back Dimensions"]},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Arm Dimensions"]},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Dimensions"]}
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz_7.outputs["Y"],
+ 1: -2.0000,
+ 2: separate_xyz_8.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz_6.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": multiply_add,
+ "Z": separate_xyz_6.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ back_board = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_corner_cube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "CenteringLoc": (0.0000, 0.5000, -1.0000),
+ "Dimensions": combine_xyz_3,
+ "Vertices X": 2,
+ "Vertices Y": 2,
+ "Vertices Z": 2,
+ },
+ label="BackBoard",
+ )
+ join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [join_geometry_2, back_board]}
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_3, 1: (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Arm Dimensions"],
+ 1: (0.0000, -2.0000, 0.0000),
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Dimensions"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ multiply_add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Back Dimensions"],
+ 1: (-1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ 2: multiply_add_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply_add_2.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz_9.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz_9.outputs["Y"],
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["Baseboard Height"],
+ },
+ )
+ base_board = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_corner_cube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Location": multiply_5.outputs["Vector"],
+ "CenteringLoc": (0.0000, 0.5000, -1.0000),
+ "Dimensions": combine_xyz_4,
+ "Vertices X": 2,
+ "Vertices Y": 2,
+ "Vertices Z": 2,
+ },
+ label="BaseBoard",
+ )
+ reroute_13 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Count"]}
+ )
+ equal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: reroute_13, 3: 4},
+ attrs={"operation": "EQUAL", "data_type": "INT"},
+ )
+ reroute_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": separate_xyz_9.outputs["Y"]}
+ )
+ separate_xyz_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Seat Dimensions"]},
+ )
+ divide_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute_5, 1: separate_xyz_10.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ ceil = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide_1}, attrs={"operation": "CEIL"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_14 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": 1.0000, "Y": ceil, "Z": 1.0000}
+ )
+ divide_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_4, 1: combine_xyz_14},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ reroute_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": divide_2.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ base_board_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_corner_cube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Location": multiply_5.outputs["Vector"],
+ "CenteringLoc": (0.0000, 0.5000, -1.0000),
+ "Dimensions": reroute_12,
+ "Vertices X": 2,
+ "Vertices Y": 2,
+ "Vertices Z": 2,
+ },
+ label="BaseBoard",
+ )
+ equal_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={0: 4.0000, 2: reroute_13, 3: 4},
+ attrs={"operation": "EQUAL", "data_type": "INT"},
+ )
+ switch_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={0: equal_1, 8: divide_2.outputs["Vector"], 9: combine_xyz_4},
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_16 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": switch_8.outputs[3]}
+ )
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_16.outputs["Y"], 1: 0.7000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ grid_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshGrid,
+ input_kwargs={"Size Y": multiply_6, "Vertices X": 1, "Vertices Y": 2},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_18 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": 0.1000,
+ "Y": separate_xyz_16.outputs["Y"],
+ "Z": separate_xyz_16.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ subtract_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: switch_8.outputs[3], 1: combine_xyz_18},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Back Dimensions"],
+ 1: (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_3.outputs["Vector"], 1: multiply_7.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ transform_geometry_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": grid_1.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": (1.0000, 1.0000, 0.9000),
+ },
+ )
+ cone = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCone",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vertices": group_input.outputs["leg_faces"],
+ "Side Segments": 4,
+ "Radius Top": 0.0100,
+ "Radius Bottom": 0.0250,
+ "Depth": 0.0700,
+ },
+ )
+ reroute_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["leg_dimensions"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_17 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": reroute_9,
+ "Y": reroute_9,
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["leg_z"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cone.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0100),
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 3.1416, 0.0000),
+ "Scale": combine_xyz_17,
+ },
+ )
+ foot_cube = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_corner_cube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "CenteringLoc": (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.9000),
+ "Dimensions": group_input.outputs["Foot Dimensions"],
+ },
+ label="FootCube",
+ )
+ transform_geometry_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": foot_cube, "Scale": (0.5000, 0.8000, 0.8000)},
+ )
+ switch_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 1: group_input.outputs["leg_type"],
+ 14: transform_geometry_9,
+ 15: transform_geometry_12,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": switch_6.outputs[6]}
+ )
+ instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": transform_geometry_10,
+ "Instance": transform_geometry_8,
+ "Scale": (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.2000),
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instance_on_points_1}
+ )
+ join_geometry_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [base_board_1, realize_instances_1]},
+ )
+ subtract_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_14, 1: (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_4.outputs["Vector"], 1: (0.0000, 0.5000, 0.0000)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: divide_2.outputs["Vector"], 1: multiply_8.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_16 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": 1.0000, "Y": group_input.outputs["Reflection"], "Z": 1.0000},
+ )
+ multiply_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_9.outputs["Vector"], 1: combine_xyz_16},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Scaling footrest"],
+ "Y": 1.0000,
+ "Z": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_10,
+ "Translation": multiply_10.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": combine_xyz_12,
+ },
+ )
+ switch_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Footrest"], 15: transform_geometry_5},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_19 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Scaling footrest"],
+ "Y": 1.3000,
+ "Z": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances_1, "Scale": combine_xyz_19},
+ )
+ base_board_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_corner_cube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Location": multiply_5.outputs["Vector"],
+ "CenteringLoc": (0.0000, 0.5000, -1.0000),
+ "Dimensions": combine_xyz_4,
+ "Vertices X": 3,
+ "Vertices Y": 3,
+ "Vertices Z": 3,
+ },
+ label="BaseBoard",
+ )
+ combine_xyz_13 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Scaling footrest"],
+ "Y": 1.0000,
+ "Z": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": base_board_2, "Scale": combine_xyz_13},
+ )
+ join_geometry_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_geometry_11, transform_geometry_6]},
+ )
+ switch_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Footrest"], 15: join_geometry_11},
+ )
+ switch_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={1: equal, 14: switch_2.outputs[6], 15: switch_4.outputs[6]},
+ )
+ join_geometry_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [join_geometry_3, base_board, switch_5.outputs[6]]},
+ )
+ grid = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshGrid, input_kwargs={"Vertices X": 2, "Vertices Y": 2})
+ multiply_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Dimensions"],
+ 1: (0.5000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Dimensions"],
+ 1: (1.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_13 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Foot Dimensions"],
+ 1: (2.5000, 2.5000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: multiply_12.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: multiply_13.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ transform_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": grid.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": multiply_11.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": subtract_5.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={"Points": transform_geometry_2, "Instance": transform_geometry_8},
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instance_on_points}
+ )
+ join_geometry_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [join_geometry_4, realize_instances]},
+ )
+ reroute_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Count"]}
+ )
+ equal_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={1: 4.0000, 2: reroute_10, 3: 4},
+ attrs={"operation": "EQUAL", "data_type": "INT"},
+ )
+ reroute_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": combine_xyz_4})
+ multiply_14 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute_4, 1: (0.0000, -0.5000, 1.0000)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_15 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute_4, 1: (0.0000, 0.5000, 1.0000)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ equal_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={1: 4.0000, 2: reroute_10, 3: 4},
+ attrs={"operation": "EQUAL", "data_type": "INT"},
+ )
+ reroute_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Reflection"]}
+ )
+ switch_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={0: equal_3, 4: reroute_11, 5: 1},
+ attrs={"input_type": "INT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_15 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": 1.0000, "Y": switch_7.outputs[1], "Z": 1.1000},
+ )
+ multiply_16 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_15.outputs["Vector"], 1: combine_xyz_15},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ divide_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_5, 1: ceil}, attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz_10.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": divide_3,
+ "Z": separate_xyz_10.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ reroute_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": combine_xyz_5})
+ multiply_17 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute_6, 1: combine_xyz_15},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_18 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_5, 1: (1.0000, 1.0300, 1.0000)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ seat_cushion = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_corner_cube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "CenteringLoc": (0.0000, 0.5000, 0.0000),
+ "Dimensions": multiply_18.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Vertices X": 2,
+ "Vertices Y": 2,
+ "Vertices Z": 2,
+ },
+ label="SeatCushion",
+ )
+ upwards_part = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={"A": nw.new_node(Nodes.Index), "B": 2},
+ attrs={"data_type": "INT", "operation": "EQUAL"},
+ )
+ seat_cushion = tagging.tag_nodegroup(
+ nw, seat_cushion, t.Subpart.SupportSurface, selection=upwards_part
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ equal_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: index, 3: 1},
+ attrs={"operation": "EQUAL", "data_type": "INT"},
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": seat_cushion,
+ "Selection": equal_4,
+ "Name": "TAG_support",
+ 6: True,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "BOOLEAN", "domain": "FACE"},
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 1.0000
+ store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_1,
+ "Selection": value,
+ "Name": "TAG_cushion",
+ 6: True,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "BOOLEAN", "domain": "FACE"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Seat Margin"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Seat Margin"],
+ "Z": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute_2, "Scale": combine_xyz_6},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Scaling footrest"],
+ "Y": 1.0000,
+ "Z": 1.1000,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_geometry_3, "Scale": combine_xyz_11},
+ )
+ nodegroup_array_fill_line_002 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_array_fill_line().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Line Start": multiply_14.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Line End": multiply_16.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Instance Dimensions": multiply_17.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Count": reroute_10,
+ "Instance": transform_geometry_7,
+ },
+ )
+ separate_xyz_17 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply_16.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_21 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": separate_xyz_17.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
+ reroute_14 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": ceil})
+ combine_xyz_20 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": 1.0000, "Y": reroute_14, "Z": 1.0000}
+ )
+ transform_geometry_13 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_geometry_7, "Scale": combine_xyz_20},
+ )
+ nodegroup_array_fill_line_002_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_array_fill_line().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Line End": combine_xyz_21,
+ "Count": 1,
+ "Instance": transform_geometry_13,
+ },
+ )
+ switch_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 1: equal_2,
+ 14: nodegroup_array_fill_line_002,
+ 15: nodegroup_array_fill_line_002_1,
+ },
+ )
+ switch_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Footrest"], 15: switch_9.outputs[6]},
+ )
+ nodegroup_array_fill_line_002_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_array_fill_line().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Line Start": multiply_14.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Line End": multiply_15.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Instance Dimensions": reroute_6,
+ "Count": reroute_14,
+ "Instance": transform_geometry_3,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [switch_3.outputs[6], nodegroup_array_fill_line_002_2]
+ },
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": join_geometry_9, "Level": 2}
+ )
+ separate_xyz_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Seat Dimensions"]},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Backrest Width"],
+ "Z": separate_xyz_11.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_14.outputs["Vector"], 1: combine_xyz_7},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_15.outputs["Vector"], 1: combine_xyz_7},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Dimensions"]}
+ )
+ subtract_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_12.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_11.outputs["Z"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ subtract_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_6, 1: group_input.outputs["Baseboard Height"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": subtract_7,
+ "Y": divide_3,
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["Backrest Width"],
+ },
+ )
+ seat_cushion_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_corner_cube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "CenteringLoc": (0.1000, 0.5000, 1.0000),
+ "Dimensions": combine_xyz_8,
+ "Vertices X": 2,
+ "Vertices Y": 2,
+ "Vertices Z": 2,
+ },
+ label="SeatCushion",
+ )
+ extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": seat_cushion_1, "Offset Scale": 0.0300}
+ )
+ scale_elements = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleElements,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Selection": extrude_mesh.outputs["Top"],
+ "Scale": 0.6000,
+ },
+ )
+ subdivision_surface_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={"Mesh": scale_elements}
+ )
+ random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"})
+ store_named_attribute_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": subdivision_surface_1,
+ "Name": "UVMap",
+ 3: random_value.outputs["Value"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ multiply_19 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Backrest Width"], 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_13 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Back Dimensions"]},
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_13.outputs["X"], 1: 0.1000}
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_19, 1: add_3})
+ combine_xyz_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_4})
+ add_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Backrest Angle"], 1: -1.5708}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": add_5})
+ transform_geometry_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_3,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_9,
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_10,
+ "Scale": combine_xyz_6,
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_array_fill_line_003 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_array_fill_line().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Line Start": add_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Line End": add_2.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Instance Dimensions": reroute_6,
+ "Count": ceil,
+ "Instance": transform_geometry_4,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [subdivide_mesh, nodegroup_array_fill_line_003]},
+ )
+ join_geometry_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [join_geometry_5, realize_instances, join_geometry_6]
+ },
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": join_geometry_5, "Level": 2}
+ )
+ join_geometry_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [subdivide_mesh_1, realize_instances, join_geometry_6]
+ },
+ )
+ subdivision_surface_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={"Mesh": join_geometry_8, "Level": 1}
+ )
+ switch_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={1: True, 14: join_geometry_7, 15: subdivision_surface_2},
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Subdivide"],
+ 14: join_geometry_7,
+ 15: subdivision_surface_2,
+ },
+ )
+ bounding_box = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_corner_cube().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "CenteringLoc": (0.0000, 0.5000, -1.0000),
+ "Dimensions": group_input.outputs["Dimensions"],
+ "Vertices X": 2,
+ "Vertices Y": 2,
+ "Vertices Z": 2,
+ },
+ label="BoundingBox",
+ )
+ reroute_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": bounding_box})
+ reroute_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": reroute_7})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": switch_1.outputs[6], "BoundingBox": reroute_8},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def sofa_parameter_distribution(dimensions=None):
+ if dimensions is None:
+ dimensions = (
+ uniform(0.95, 1.1),
+ clip_gaussian(1.75, 0.75, 0.9, 3),
+ uniform(0.69, 0.97),
+ )
+ return {
+ "Dimensions": dimensions,
+ "Arm Dimensions": (
+ uniform(1, 1),
+ uniform(0.06, 0.15),
+ uniform(0.5, 0.75),
+ ),
+ "Back Dimensions": (uniform(0.15, 0.25), 0.0000, uniform(0.5, 0.75)),
+ "Seat Dimensions": (dimensions[0], uniform(0.7, 1), uniform(0.15, 0.3)),
+ "Foot Dimensions": (uniform(0.07, 0.25), 0.06, 0.06),
+ "Baseboard Height": uniform(0.05, 0.09),
+ "Backrest Width": uniform(0.1, 0.2),
+ "Seat Margin": uniform(0.9700, 1),
+ "Backrest Angle": uniform(-0.15, -0.5),
+ "Arm Type": np.random.choice(
+ ),
+ "arm_width": uniform(0.6, 0.9),
+ "Arm_height": uniform(0.7, 1.0),
+ "arms_angle": uniform(0.0, 1.08),
+ "Footrest": True if uniform() > 0.5 and dimensions[1] > 2 else False,
+ "Count": 1 if uniform() > 0.2 else 4,
+ "Scaling footrest": uniform(1.3, 1.6),
+ "Reflection": 1 if uniform() > 0.5 else -1,
+ "leg_type": True if uniform() > 0.5 else False,
+ "leg_dimensions": uniform(0.4, 0.9),
+ "leg_z": uniform(1.1, 2.5),
+ "leg_faces": uniform(4, 25),
+ }
+class SofaFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.params = sofa_parameter_distribution()
+ # from infinigen.assets.scatters.clothes import ClothesCover
+ # self.clothes_scatter = ClothesCover(factory_fn=blanket.BlanketFactory, width=log_uniform(1, 1.5),
+ # size=uniform(.8, 1.2)) if uniform() < .3 else NoApply()
+ materials = AssetList["SofaFactory"]()
+ self.sofa_fabric = materials["sofa_fabric"].assign_material()
+ def create_placeholder(self, **_):
+ obj = butil.spawn_vert()
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "NODES",
+ node_group=nodegroup_sofa_geometry(),
+ ng_inputs={
+ **self.params,
+ },
+ apply=True,
+ )
+ tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
+ surface.add_material(obj, self.sofa_fabric)
+ return obj
+ def create_asset(self, i, placeholder, face_size, **_):
+ hipoly = butil.copy(placeholder, keep_materials=True)
+ butil.modify_mesh(hipoly, "SUBSURF", levels=1, apply=True)
+ with butil.SelectObjects(hipoly):
+ bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth()
+ return hipoly
+class ArmChairFactory(SofaFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ dimensions = (uniform(0.8, 1), uniform(0.9, 1.1), uniform(0.69, 0.97))
+ self.params = sofa_parameter_distribution(dimensions=dimensions)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/shelves/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/__init__.py
similarity index 75%
rename from infinigen/assets/shelves/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/__init__.py
index 7fea19c8b..fa9b44b14 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/shelves/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/__init__.py
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-from .simple_desk import SimpleDeskFactory, SidetableDeskFactory
-from .simple_bookcase import SimpleBookcaseFactory
from .cell_shelf import CellShelfFactory, TVStandFactory
-from .triangle_shelf import TriangleShelfFactory
-from .large_shelf import LargeShelfFactory
+from .countertop import CountertopFactory
from .doors import CabinetDoorBaseFactory
-from .single_cabinet import SingleCabinetFactory
from .kitchen_cabinet import KitchenCabinetFactory
-from .kitchen_space import KitchenSpaceFactory, KitchenIslandFactory
-from .countertop import CountertopFactory
+from .kitchen_space import KitchenIslandFactory, KitchenSpaceFactory
+from .large_shelf import LargeShelfFactory
+from .simple_bookcase import SimpleBookcaseFactory
+from .simple_desk import SidetableDeskFactory, SimpleDeskFactory
+from .single_cabinet import SingleCabinetFactory
+from .triangle_shelf import TriangleShelfFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/cabinet.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/cabinet.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93527d63f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/cabinet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1592 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, randint, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials.shelf_shaders import get_shelf_material
+from infinigen.assets.objects.shelves.large_shelf import LargeShelfBaseFactory
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+ "nodegroup_node_group", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_node_group(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": (0.0120, 0.00060, 0.0400)})
+ cylinder = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder",
+ input_kwargs={"Vertices": 64, "Radius": 0.0100, "Depth": 0.00050},
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": (0.0050, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Rotation": (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": (0.0200, 0.0006, 0.0120)}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube_1, "Translation": (0.0080, 0.0000, 0.0000)},
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [cube, transform, transform_1]}
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "attach_height", 0.1000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "door_width", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["door_width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 0.0181},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": subtract, "Z": group_input.outputs["attach_height"]},
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1, "Translation": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_2},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_knob_handle", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_knob_handle(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius", 0.0100),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness_1", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness_2", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "length", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "knob_mid_height", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "edge_width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "door_width", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["thickness_2"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["thickness_1"],
+ },
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: group_input.outputs["length"]}
+ )
+ cylinder = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vertices": 64,
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"],
+ "Depth": add_1,
+ },
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["door_width"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["edge_width"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: -0.005})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": add_2,
+ "Y": multiply_1,
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["knob_mid_height"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_6,
+ "Rotation": (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_6},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_mid_board", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_mid_board(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: -0.0001}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_k = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: 0.5000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_k = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_k, 1: 0.004})
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: -0.0001})
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": add_1, "Z": add_2}
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_3,
+ "Vertices X": 5,
+ "Vertices Y": 5,
+ "Vertices Z": 5,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": add_k, "Z": multiply_1}
+ )
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_4}
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_4, "Material": kwargs["material"][0]},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": add_1, "Z": add_2}
+ )
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_7,
+ "Vertices X": 5,
+ "Vertices Y": 5,
+ "Vertices Z": 5,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 1.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": add_k, "Z": multiply_2}
+ )
+ transform_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube_1, "Translation": combine_xyz_8}
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_7, "Material": kwargs["material"][1]},
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material, set_material_1]}
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances, "mid_height": multiply},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_mid_board_001", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_mid_board_001(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: -0.0001}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ multiply_k = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: 0.5000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_k = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_k, 1: 0.004})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: -0.0001})
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": add_1, "Z": add_2}
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_3,
+ "Vertices X": 5,
+ "Vertices Y": 5,
+ "Vertices Z": 5,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": add_k, "Z": multiply_1}
+ )
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_4}
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_4, "Material": kwargs["material"][0]},
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material}
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances, "mid_height": multiply},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_double_rampled_edge", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_double_rampled_edge(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness_2", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness_1", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "ramp_angle", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": add})
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": combine_xyz_10})
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Resolution": 3, "Radius": 0.0100}
+ )
+ endpoint_selection = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.EndpointSelection, input_kwargs={"End Size": 0}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["ramp_angle"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ tangent = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2}, attrs={"operation": "TANGENT"}
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness_2"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: tangent, 1: add_3}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 2.0000, 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness_1"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_3, "Y": add_4}
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Selection": endpoint_selection,
+ "Position": combine_xyz_7,
+ },
+ )
+ endpoint_selection_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.EndpointSelection, input_kwargs={"Start Size": 0}
+ )
+ add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: add_3})
+ combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_3, "Y": add_5}
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "Selection": endpoint_selection_1,
+ "Position": combine_xyz_8,
+ },
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 1.0100}, attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"}
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 0.9900},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ op_and = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: greater_than}
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_5, "Y": add_4}
+ )
+ set_position_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_1,
+ "Selection": op_and,
+ "Position": combine_xyz_9,
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": curve_line,
+ "Profile Curve": set_position_2,
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_1, "Y": add_4, "Z": add}
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz})
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_6})
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_2}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": subtract, "Y": add_3, "Z": add}
+ )
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz_1})
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: multiply_7})
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": add_6})
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube_1, "Translation": combine_xyz_3}
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform, transform_1]}
+ )
+ multiply_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_8})
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry, "Translation": combine_xyz_11},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": add})
+ curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": combine_xyz_12})
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_2, "Scale": (-1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": curve_line_1,
+ "Profile Curve": transform_2,
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [curve_to_mesh, transform_4, curve_to_mesh_1]},
+ )
+ merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1, "Distance": 0.0001},
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": merge_by_distance}
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": realize_instances, "Level": 4}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivide_mesh},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_ramped_edge", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_ramped_edge(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness_2", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness_1", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "ramp_angle", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": add})
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": combine_xyz_10})
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Resolution": 3, "Radius": 0.0100}
+ )
+ endpoint_selection = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.EndpointSelection, input_kwargs={"End Size": 0}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["ramp_angle"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ tangent = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2}, attrs={"operation": "TANGENT"}
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness_2"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: tangent, 1: add_3}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: subtract},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness_1"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": subtract_1, "Y": add_4}
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Selection": endpoint_selection,
+ "Position": combine_xyz_7,
+ },
+ )
+ endpoint_selection_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.EndpointSelection, input_kwargs={"Start Size": 0}
+ )
+ add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: add_3})
+ combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": subtract_1, "Y": add_5}
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "Selection": endpoint_selection_1,
+ "Position": combine_xyz_8,
+ },
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 1.0100}, attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"}
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 0.9900},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ op_and = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: greater_than}
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_2, "Y": add_4}
+ )
+ set_position_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_1,
+ "Selection": op_and,
+ "Position": combine_xyz_9,
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": curve_line,
+ "Profile Curve": set_position_2,
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_1, "Y": add_4, "Z": add}
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz})
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_3})
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_2}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": subtract, "Y": add_3, "Z": add}
+ )
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz_1})
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: multiply_5})
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_4, "Y": add_6}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube_1, "Translation": combine_xyz_3}
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform, transform_1]}
+ )
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_6})
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry, "Translation": combine_xyz_11},
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [curve_to_mesh, transform_4]}
+ )
+ merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1, "Distance": 0.0001},
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": merge_by_distance}
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": realize_instances, "Level": 4}
+ )
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_7})
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivide_mesh, "Translation": combine_xyz_4},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_2},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_panel_edge_frame", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_panel_edge_frame(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "vertical_edge", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "door_width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "door_height", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "horizontal_edge", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["door_width"], 2: 0.0010},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_add, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ transform_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["horizontal_edge"],
+ "Translation": (0.0000, -0.0001, 0.0000),
+ "Scale": (0.9999, 1.0000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_add, 1: 1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: -0.0001})
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["door_height"], 1: 0.0001}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Z": add_1})
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_7,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_2,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, -1.5708, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 0.0001})
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_2})
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_7,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_1,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_add})
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["vertical_edge"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Scale": (-1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)},
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_3, transform_2, transform_1, transform]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": multiply, "Geometry": join_geometry_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def geometry_door_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ door_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="door_height")
+ door_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["door_height"]
+ door_edge_thickness_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="door_edge_thickness_2")
+ door_edge_thickness_2.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["edge_thickness_2"]
+ door_edge_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="door_edge_width")
+ door_edge_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["edge_width"]
+ door_edge_thickness_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="door_edge_thickness_1")
+ door_edge_thickness_1.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["edge_thickness_1"]
+ door_edge_ramp_angle = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="door_edge_ramp_angle")
+ door_edge_ramp_angle.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["edge_ramp_angle"]
+ ramped_edge = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_ramped_edge().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "height": door_height,
+ "thickness_2": door_edge_thickness_2,
+ "width": door_edge_width,
+ "thickness_1": door_edge_thickness_1,
+ "ramp_angle": door_edge_ramp_angle,
+ },
+ )
+ door_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="door_width")
+ door_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["door_width"]
+ ramped_edge_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_ramped_edge().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "height": door_width,
+ "thickness_2": door_edge_thickness_2,
+ "width": door_edge_width,
+ "thickness_1": door_edge_thickness_1,
+ "ramp_angle": door_edge_ramp_angle,
+ },
+ )
+ panel_edge_frame = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_panel_edge_frame().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "vertical_edge": ramped_edge,
+ "door_width": door_width,
+ "door_height": door_height,
+ "horizontal_edge": ramped_edge_1,
+ },
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: panel_edge_frame.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0001}
+ )
+ mid_board_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="mid_board_thickness")
+ mid_board_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["board_thickness"]
+ if kwargs["has_mid_ramp"]:
+ mid_board = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_mid_board(material=kwargs["board_material"]).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "height": door_height,
+ "thickness": mid_board_thickness,
+ "width": door_width,
+ },
+ )
+ else:
+ mid_board = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_mid_board_001(material=kwargs["board_material"]).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "height": door_height,
+ "thickness": mid_board_thickness,
+ "width": door_width,
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": -0.0001, "Z": mid_board.outputs["mid_height"]},
+ )
+ frame = [panel_edge_frame.outputs["Geometry"]]
+ if kwargs["has_mid_ramp"]:
+ double_rampled_edge = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_double_rampled_edge().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "height": door_width,
+ "thickness_2": door_edge_thickness_2,
+ "width": door_edge_width,
+ "thickness_1": door_edge_thickness_1,
+ "ramp_angle": door_edge_ramp_angle,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": double_rampled_edge,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_5,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ frame.append(transform_5)
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": frame})
+ set_material_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_1,
+ "Material": kwargs["frame_material"],
+ },
+ )
+ knob_raduis = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="knob_raduis")
+ knob_raduis.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["knob_R"]
+ know_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="know_length")
+ know_length.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["knob_length"]
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: door_height}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ knob_handle = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_knob_handle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Radius": knob_raduis,
+ "thickness_1": door_edge_thickness_1,
+ "thickness_2": door_edge_thickness_2,
+ "length": know_length,
+ "knob_mid_height": multiply,
+ "edge_width": door_edge_width,
+ "door_width": door_width,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": knob_handle, "Material": kwargs["frame_material"]},
+ )
+ attach_gadgets = []
+ for h in kwargs["attach_height"]:
+ attach_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="attach_height")
+ attach_height.outputs[0].default_value = h
+ attach = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_node_group().name,
+ input_kwargs={"attach_height": attach_height, "door_width": door_width},
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": attach, "Material": get_shelf_material("metal")},
+ )
+ attach_gadgets.append(set_material_1)
+ geos = [
+ set_material_2,
+ set_material_3,
+ mid_board.outputs["Geometry"],
+ ] + attach_gadgets
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geos})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: door_width, 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply})
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry, "Translation": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform}
+ )
+ triangulate = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeTriangulate", input_kwargs={"Mesh": realize_instances_1}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": triangulate,
+ "Scale": (-1.0 if kwargs["door_left_hinge"] else 1.0, 1.0000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_1, "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708)},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_2},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def geometry_cabinet_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ right_door_info = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={"Object": kwargs["door"][0]}
+ )
+ left_door_info = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={"Object": kwargs["door"][1]}
+ )
+ shelf_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={"Object": kwargs["shelf"]})
+ doors = []
+ transform_r = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": right_door_info.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Translation": kwargs["door_hinge_pos"][0],
+ "Rotation": (0, 0, kwargs["door_open_angle"]),
+ },
+ )
+ doors.append(transform_r)
+ if len(kwargs["door_hinge_pos"]) > 1:
+ transform_l = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": left_door_info.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Translation": kwargs["door_hinge_pos"][1],
+ "Rotation": (0, 0, kwargs["door_open_angle"]),
+ },
+ )
+ doors.append(transform_l)
+ attaches = []
+ for pos in kwargs["attach_pos"]:
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": (0.0006, 0.0200, 0.04500)}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": -0.0100})
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz}
+ )
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": (0.0005, 0.0340, 0.0200)}
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform, cube_1]}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry,
+ "Translation": (0.0000, -0.0170, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_1,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708),
+ },
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_2, "Translation": pos}
+ )
+ attaches.append(transform_3)
+ join_geometry_a = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": attaches}
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_a,
+ "Material": get_shelf_material("metal"),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [shelf_info.outputs["Geometry"]] + doors + [set_material]
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+class CabinetDoorBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
+ super(CabinetDoorBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.params = {}
+ def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
+ params = self.params.copy()
+ if params.get("door_height", None) is None:
+ params["door_height"] = uniform(0.7, 2.2)
+ if params.get("door_width", None) is None:
+ params["door_width"] = uniform(0.3, 0.4)
+ if params.get("edge_thickness_1", None) is None:
+ params["edge_thickness_1"] = uniform(0.01, 0.02)
+ if params.get("edge_width", None) is None:
+ params["edge_width"] = uniform(0.03, 0.05)
+ if params.get("edge_thickness_2", None) is None:
+ params["edge_thickness_2"] = uniform(0.005, 0.01)
+ if params.get("edge_ramp_angle", None) is None:
+ params["edge_ramp_angle"] = uniform(0.6, 0.8)
+ params["board_thickness"] = params["edge_thickness_1"] - 0.005
+ if params.get("knob_R", None) is None:
+ params["knob_R"] = uniform(0.003, 0.006)
+ if params.get("knob_length", None) is None:
+ params["knob_length"] = uniform(0.018, 0.035)
+ if params.get("attach_height", None) is None:
+ gap = uniform(0.05, 0.15)
+ params["attach_height"] = [gap, params["door_height"] - gap]
+ if params.get("has_mid_ramp", None) is None:
+ params["has_mid_ramp"] = np.random.choice([True, False], p=[0.6, 0.4])
+ if params.get("door_left_hinge", None) is None:
+ params["door_left_hinge"] = False
+ if params.get("frame_material", None) is None:
+ params["frame_material"] = np.random.choice(
+ ["white", "black_wood", "wood"], p=[0.5, 0.2, 0.3]
+ )
+ if params.get("board_material", None) is None:
+ if params["has_mid_ramp"]:
+ lower_mat = np.random.choice(
+ [params["frame_material"], "glass"], p=[0.7, 0.3]
+ )
+ upper_mat = np.random.choice([lower_mat, "glass"], p=[0.6, 0.4])
+ params["board_material"] = [lower_mat, upper_mat]
+ else:
+ params["board_material"] = [params["frame_material"]]
+ params = self.get_material_func(params)
+ return params
+ def get_material_func(self, params, randomness=True):
+ params["frame_material"] = get_shelf_material(params["frame_material"])
+ materials = []
+ if not isinstance(params["board_material"], list):
+ params["board_material"] = [params["board_material"]]
+ for mat in params["board_material"]:
+ materials.append(get_shelf_material(mat))
+ params["board_material"] = materials
+ return params
+ def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ obj_params = self.get_asset_params(i)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geometry_door_nodes, apply=True, attributes=[], input_kwargs=obj_params
+ )
+ if params.get("ret_params", False):
+ return obj, obj_params
+ return obj
+class CabinetDoorIkeaFactory(CabinetDoorBaseFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
+ super(CabinetDoorIkeaFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.params = {
+ "edge_thickness_1": 0.012,
+ "edge_thickness_2": 0.008,
+ "board_thickness": 0.006,
+ "edge_width": 0.02,
+ "edge_ramp_angle": 0.5,
+ "knob_R": 0.004,
+ "knob_length": 0.03,
+ "has_mid_ramp": False,
+ "attach_height": 0.08,
+ }
+ def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
+ params = self.params.copy()
+ if params.get("door_height", None) is None:
+ params["door_height"] = uniform(0.7, 2.2)
+ if params.get("door_width", None) is None:
+ params["door_width"] = uniform(0.3, 0.4)
+ if params.get("door_left_hinge", None) is None:
+ params["door_left_hinge"] = False
+ params["attach_height"] = [
+ params["door_height"] - params["attach_height"],
+ params["attach_height"],
+ ]
+ params = self.get_material_func(params)
+ return params
+class CabinetBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
+ super(CabinetBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.shelf_params = {}
+ self.door_params = {}
+ self.mat_params = {}
+ self.shelf_fac = LargeShelfBaseFactory(factory_seed)
+ self.door_fac = CabinetDoorBaseFactory(factory_seed)
+ def sample_params(self):
+ # Update fac params
+ pass
+ def get_material_params(self):
+ with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
+ params = self.mat_params.copy()
+ if params.get("frame_material", None) is None:
+ params["frame_material"] = np.random.choice(
+ ["white", "black_wood", "wood"], p=[0.5, 0.2, 0.3]
+ )
+ return params
+ def get_shelf_params(self, i=0):
+ params = self.shelf_params.copy()
+ if params.get("shelf_cell_width", None) is None:
+ params["shelf_cell_width"] = [
+ np.random.choice([0.76, 0.36], p=[0.5, 0.5])
+ * np.clip(normal(1.0, 0.1), 0.75, 1.25)
+ ]
+ if params.get("shelf_cell_height", None) is None:
+ num_v_cells = randint(3, 7)
+ shelf_cell_height = []
+ for i in range(num_v_cells):
+ shelf_cell_height.append(0.3 * np.clip(normal(1.0, 0.06), 0.75, 1.25))
+ params["shelf_cell_height"] = shelf_cell_height
+ if params.get("frame_material", None) is None:
+ params["frame_material"] = self.mat_params["frame_material"]
+ return params
+ def get_door_params(self, i=0):
+ params = self.door_params.copy()
+ # get door params
+ shelf_width = (
+ self.shelf_params["shelf_width"]
+ + self.shelf_params["side_board_thickness"] * 2
+ )
+ if params.get("door_width", None) is None:
+ if shelf_width < 0.55:
+ params["door_width"] = shelf_width
+ params["num_door"] = 1
+ else:
+ params["door_width"] = shelf_width / 2.0 - 0.0005
+ params["num_door"] = 2
+ if params.get("door_height", None) is None:
+ params["door_height"] = (
+ self.shelf_params["division_board_z_translation"][-1]
+ - self.shelf_params["division_board_z_translation"][0]
+ + self.shelf_params["division_board_thickness"]
+ )
+ if len(
+ self.shelf_params["division_board_z_translation"]
+ ) > 5 and np.random.choice([True, False], p=[0.5, 0.5]):
+ params["door_height"] = (
+ self.shelf_params["division_board_z_translation"][3]
+ - self.shelf_params["division_board_z_translation"][0]
+ + self.shelf_params["division_board_thickness"]
+ )
+ if params.get("frame_material", None) is None:
+ params["frame_material"] = self.mat_params["frame_material"]
+ return params
+ def get_cabinet_params(self, i=0):
+ params = dict()
+ shelf_width = (
+ self.shelf_params["shelf_width"]
+ + self.shelf_params["side_board_thickness"] * 2
+ )
+ if self.door_params["num_door"] == 1:
+ params["door_hinge_pos"] = [
+ (
+ self.shelf_params["shelf_depth"] / 2.0 + 0.0025,
+ -shelf_width / 2.0,
+ self.shelf_params["bottom_board_height"],
+ )
+ ]
+ params["door_open_angle"] = 0
+ params["attach_pos"] = [
+ (
+ self.shelf_params["shelf_depth"] / 2.0,
+ -self.shelf_params["shelf_width"] / 2.0,
+ self.shelf_params["bottom_board_height"] + z,
+ )
+ for z in self.door_params["attach_height"]
+ ]
+ elif self.door_params["num_door"] == 2:
+ params["door_hinge_pos"] = [
+ (
+ self.shelf_params["shelf_depth"] / 2.0 + 0.008,
+ -shelf_width / 2.0,
+ self.shelf_params["bottom_board_height"],
+ ),
+ (
+ self.shelf_params["shelf_depth"] / 2.0 + 0.008,
+ shelf_width / 2.0,
+ self.shelf_params["bottom_board_height"],
+ ),
+ ]
+ params["door_open_angle"] = 0
+ params["attach_pos"] = [
+ (
+ self.shelf_params["shelf_depth"] / 2.0,
+ -self.shelf_params["shelf_width"] / 2.0,
+ self.shelf_params["bottom_board_height"] + z,
+ )
+ for z in self.door_params["attach_height"]
+ ] + [
+ (
+ self.shelf_params["shelf_depth"] / 2.0,
+ self.shelf_params["shelf_width"] / 2.0,
+ self.shelf_params["bottom_board_height"] + z,
+ )
+ for z in self.door_params["attach_height"]
+ ]
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ return params
+ def get_cabinet_components(self, i):
+ # update material params
+ self.sample_params()
+ self.mat_params = self.get_material_params()
+ # create shelf
+ shelf_params = self.get_shelf_params(i=i)
+ self.shelf_fac.params = shelf_params
+ shelf, shelf_params = self.shelf_fac.create_asset(i=i, ret_params=True)
+ shelf.name = "cabinet_frame"
+ self.shelf_params = shelf_params
+ # create doors
+ door_params = self.get_door_params(i=i)
+ self.door_fac.params = door_params
+ self.door_fac.params["door_left_hinge"] = False
+ right_door, door_obj_params = self.door_fac.create_asset(i=i, ret_params=True)
+ right_door.name = "cabinet_right_door"
+ self.door_fac.params = door_obj_params
+ self.door_fac.params["door_left_hinge"] = True
+ left_door, _ = self.door_fac.create_asset(i=i, ret_params=True)
+ left_door.name = "cabinet_left_door"
+ self.door_params = door_obj_params
+ return shelf, right_door, left_door
+ def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ shelf, right_door, left_door = self.get_cabinet_components(i=i)
+ # create cabinet
+ cabinet_params = self.get_cabinet_params(i=i)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geometry_cabinet_nodes,
+ attributes=[],
+ input_kwargs={
+ "door": [right_door, left_door],
+ "shelf": shelf,
+ "door_hinge_pos": cabinet_params["door_hinge_pos"],
+ "door_open_angle": cabinet_params["door_open_angle"],
+ "attach_pos": cabinet_params["attach_pos"],
+ },
+ )
+ butil.delete([shelf, left_door, right_door])
+ return obj
+class CabinetFactory(CabinetBaseFactory):
+ def sample_params(self):
+ params = dict()
+ params["Dimensions"] = (
+ uniform(0.25, 0.35),
+ uniform(0.3, 0.7),
+ uniform(0.9, 1.8),
+ )
+ params["bottom_board_height"] = 0.083
+ params["shelf_depth"] = params["Dimensions"][0] - 0.01
+ num_h = int((params["Dimensions"][2] - 0.083) / 0.3)
+ params["shelf_cell_height"] = [
+ (params["Dimensions"][2] - 0.083) / num_h for _ in range(num_h)
+ ]
+ params["shelf_cell_width"] = [params["Dimensions"][1]]
+ self.shelf_params = self.shelf_fac.sample_params()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/cell_shelf.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/cell_shelf.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e36a60223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/cell_shelf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1598 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, randint, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials import metal
+from infinigen.assets.materials.shelf_shaders import (
+ shader_shelves_black_metallic,
+ shader_shelves_black_metallic_sampler,
+ shader_shelves_black_wood,
+ shader_shelves_black_wood_sampler,
+ shader_shelves_white,
+ shader_shelves_white_metallic,
+ shader_shelves_white_metallic_sampler,
+ shader_shelves_white_sampler,
+ shader_shelves_wood,
+ shader_shelves_wood_sampler,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.shelves.utils import nodegroup_tagged_cube
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_bbox
+from infinigen.core import surface, tagging
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+ "nodegroup_screw_head", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_screw_head(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ cylinder = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder", input_kwargs={"Radius": 0.0050, "Depth": 0.0010}
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Z", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "leg", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "external", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["external"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X"], 1: add},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Z"], 1: group_input.outputs["leg"]},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: multiply_2})
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply, "Y": multiply_1, "Z": add_2}
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"], "Translation": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply, "Y": subtract_1, "Z": add_2}
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_3, "Y": subtract_1, "Z": add_2}
+ )
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_2,
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_3, "Y": multiply_1, "Z": add_2}
+ )
+ transform_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_3,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_2, transform_3, transform_4, transform_5]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_3},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_base_frame", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_base_frame(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "leg_height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "leg_size", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "bottom_x", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["leg_size"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["leg_height"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": add, "Z": add_1}
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz,
+ "Vertices X": 5,
+ "Vertices Y": 5,
+ "Vertices Z": 5,
+ },
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["bottom_x"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": subtract, "Y": multiply_1, "Z": multiply_2}
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_1}
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": multiply_3, "Y": multiply_1, "Z": multiply_2},
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_2}
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: 0.0000})
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": subtract, "Y": subtract_1, "Z": multiply_2}
+ )
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_3}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": multiply_3, "Y": subtract_1, "Z": multiply_2},
+ )
+ transform_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_4}
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: multiply_4},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": subtract_2, "Y": add, "Z": add}
+ )
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_5,
+ "Vertices X": 5,
+ "Vertices Y": 5,
+ "Vertices Z": 5,
+ },
+ )
+ subtract_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_1, "Z": subtract_3}
+ )
+ transform_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube_1, "Translation": combine_xyz_6}
+ )
+ add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: 0.0000})
+ subtract_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_5, 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": subtract_4, "Z": subtract_3}
+ )
+ transform_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube_1, "Translation": combine_xyz_7}
+ )
+ subtract_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: multiply_4},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": subtract_5, "Z": add}
+ )
+ cube_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_8,
+ "Vertices X": 5,
+ "Vertices Y": 5,
+ "Vertices Z": 5,
+ },
+ )
+ subtract_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: add}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_6}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_5}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_6, 1: add})
+ subtract_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_5, "Y": add_6, "Z": subtract_7}
+ )
+ transform_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube_2, "Translation": combine_xyz_9}
+ )
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_5, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_7, "Y": add_6, "Z": subtract_7}
+ )
+ transform_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube_2, "Translation": combine_xyz_10},
+ )
+ join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ transform_2,
+ transform_3,
+ transform_4,
+ transform_5,
+ transform_6,
+ transform_7,
+ transform_8,
+ transform_9,
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_3},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_back_board", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_back_board(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Z", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "leg", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "external", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.0000})
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["X"], "Y": 0.01, "Z": add},
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_4,
+ "Vertices X": 5,
+ "Vertices Y": 5,
+ "Vertices Z": 5,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input.outputs["leg"]}
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: group_input.outputs["external"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": add_2})
+ transform_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_5}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_6},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_attach_gadget", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_attach_gadget(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "z", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "base_leg", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "x", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "size", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["size"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": 0.0010, "Z": add}
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz_4})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["x"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input.outputs["thickness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["base_leg"], 1: group_input.outputs["z"]},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: group_input.outputs["thickness"]}
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: -0.02})
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_2, "Z": subtract_2}
+ )
+ transform_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_5}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": subtract_1, "Z": subtract_2}
+ )
+ transform_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_6}
+ )
+ join_geometry_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_6, transform_7]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_5},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_h_division_placement", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_h_division_placement(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "cell_size", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "leg_height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "division_board_thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "external_board_thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "index", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["index"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add, 1: group_input.outputs["cell_size"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: -1.0000})
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["external_board_thickness"], 1: 0.0000},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: add_2}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_2})
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["division_board_thickness"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["leg_height"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: multiply_3})
+ add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: add_5})
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply, "Z": add_6}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_h_division_board", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_h_division_board(nw: NodeWrangler, tag_support=False):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "cell_size", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "horizontal_cell_num", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "division_board_thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["horizontal_cell_num"], 1: 0.0000},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add, 1: group_input.outputs["cell_size"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: -1.0000})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: group_input.outputs["division_board_thickness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply_1})
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["division_board_thickness"], 1: 0.0000},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": add_2, "Y": group_input.outputs["depth"], "Z": add_3},
+ )
+ if tag_support:
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_tagged_cube().name, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz}
+ )
+ else:
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz,
+ "Vertices X": 5,
+ "Vertices Y": 5,
+ "Vertices Z": 5,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Mesh": cube}, attrs={"is_active_output": True}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_v_division_board_placement", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_v_division_board_placement(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "base_leg", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "external_thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "side_z", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "index", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "h_cell_num", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "division_thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "cell_size", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["h_cell_num"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: -1.0000})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={1: add_1}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["index"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: add_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: group_input.outputs["division_thickness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: add_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["cell_size"], 1: subtract_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_3})
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["base_leg"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["external_thickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["side_z"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_5, 1: multiply_5})
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_4, "Y": multiply_4, "Z": add_6}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_v_division_board", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_v_division_board(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "division_board_thickness", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "cell_size", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "vertical_cell_num", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["vertical_cell_num"], 1: 0.0000},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["cell_size"], 1: add},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 1.0000}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: group_input.outputs["division_board_thickness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply_1})
+ add_200 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: -0.001}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["division_board_thickness"],
+ "Y": add_200,
+ "Z": add_1,
+ },
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz,
+ "Vertices X": 5,
+ "Vertices Y": 5,
+ "Vertices Z": 5,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": cube, "Value": add_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_top_bottom_board", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_top_bottom_board(nw: NodeWrangler, tag_support=False):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "base_leg_height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "horizontal_cell_num", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "vertical_cell_num", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "cell_size", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "division_board_thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "external_board_thickness", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["external_board_thickness"], 1: 0.0000},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["division_board_thickness"], 1: 0.0000},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["horizontal_cell_num"], 1: 0.0000},
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: -1.0000})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: add_3}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply_1})
+ add_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["cell_size"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_5, 1: add_2}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: multiply_2})
+ add_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_6, 1: 0.0020})
+ add_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_8, 1: 0.0000})
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_7, "Y": add_9, "Z": add}
+ )
+ if tag_support:
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_tagged_cube().name, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz_3}
+ )
+ else:
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_3,
+ "Vertices X": 5,
+ "Vertices Y": 5,
+ "Vertices Z": 5,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_8}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: group_input.outputs["base_leg_height"]},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_3, "Z": add_10}
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube_1, "Translation": combine_xyz}
+ )
+ add_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_10, 1: add})
+ add_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["vertical_cell_num"], 1: 0.0000},
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_12, 1: add_5}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_11, 1: multiply_5})
+ add_14 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_12, 1: -1.0000})
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: add_14}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_15 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_13, 1: multiply_6})
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_3, "Z": add_15}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube_1, "Translation": combine_xyz_1}
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_2, transform]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1, "x": add_7},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_side_board", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_side_board(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "base_leg_height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "horizontal_cell_num", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "vertical_cell_num", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "cell_size", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "division_thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "external_thickness", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["external_thickness"], 1: 0.0000},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["vertical_cell_num"], 1: 0.0000},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: 1.0000}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["division_thickness"], 1: 0.0000},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: add_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["cell_size"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: add_4}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply_1})
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": add_1, "Z": add_5}
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz,
+ "Vertices X": 5,
+ "Vertices Y": 5,
+ "Vertices Z": 5,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: group_input.outputs["horizontal_cell_num"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["horizontal_cell_num"], 1: 1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: subtract_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: multiply_3})
+ add_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: add_6})
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={1: add_7}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_5}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_6, 1: group_input.outputs["base_leg_height"]},
+ )
+ add_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["external_thickness"], 1: add_8},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_4, "Y": multiply_5, "Z": add_9}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_1}
+ )
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_7, "Y": multiply_5, "Z": add_9}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_2}
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform, transform_1]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ base_leg_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="base_leg_height")
+ base_leg_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["base_leg_height"]
+ horizontal_cell_num = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label="horizontal_cell_num")
+ horizontal_cell_num.integer = kwargs["horizontal_cell_num"]
+ vertical_cell_num = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label="vertical_cell_num")
+ vertical_cell_num.integer = kwargs["vertical_cell_num"]
+ cell_size = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="cell_size")
+ cell_size.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["cell_size"]
+ depth = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="depth")
+ depth.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["depth"]
+ division_board_thickness = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Value, label="division_board_thickness"
+ )
+ division_board_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs[
+ "division_board_thickness"
+ ]
+ external_board_thickness = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Value, label="external_board_thickness"
+ )
+ external_board_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs[
+ "external_board_thickness"
+ ]
+ sideboard = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_side_board().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "base_leg_height": base_leg_height,
+ "horizontal_cell_num": horizontal_cell_num,
+ "vertical_cell_num": vertical_cell_num,
+ "cell_size": cell_size,
+ "depth": depth,
+ "division_thickness": division_board_thickness,
+ "external_thickness": external_board_thickness,
+ },
+ )
+ topbottomboard = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_top_bottom_board(tag_support=kwargs.get("tag_support", False)).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "base_leg_height": base_leg_height,
+ "horizontal_cell_num": horizontal_cell_num,
+ "vertical_cell_num": vertical_cell_num,
+ "cell_size": cell_size,
+ "depth": depth,
+ "division_board_thickness": division_board_thickness,
+ "external_board_thickness": external_board_thickness,
+ },
+ )
+ vdivisionboard = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_v_division_board().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "division_board_thickness": division_board_thickness,
+ "depth": depth,
+ "cell_size": cell_size,
+ "vertical_cell_num": vertical_cell_num,
+ },
+ )
+ all_components = [sideboard, topbottomboard.outputs["Geometry"]]
+ v_division_boards = []
+ for i in range(1, kwargs["horizontal_cell_num"]):
+ v_division_index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label="VDivisionIndex")
+ v_division_index.integer = i
+ vdivisionboardplacement = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_v_division_board_placement().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "depth": depth,
+ "base_leg": base_leg_height,
+ "external_thickness": external_board_thickness,
+ "side_z": vdivisionboard.outputs["Value"],
+ "index": v_division_index,
+ "h_cell_num": horizontal_cell_num,
+ "division_thickness": division_board_thickness,
+ "cell_size": cell_size,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": vdivisionboard.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": vdivisionboardplacement,
+ },
+ )
+ v_division_boards.append(transform_1)
+ if len(v_division_boards) > 0:
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": v_division_boards}
+ )
+ all_components.append(join_geometry_1)
+ hdivisionboard = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_h_division_board(tag_support=kwargs.get("tag_support", False)).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "cell_size": cell_size,
+ "horizontal_cell_num": horizontal_cell_num,
+ "division_board_thickness": division_board_thickness,
+ "depth": depth,
+ },
+ )
+ h_division_boards = []
+ for j in range(1, kwargs["vertical_cell_num"]):
+ h_division_index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label="HDivisionIndex")
+ h_division_index.integer = j
+ hdivisionplacement = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_h_division_placement().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "depth": depth,
+ "cell_size": cell_size,
+ "leg_height": base_leg_height,
+ "division_board_thickness": external_board_thickness,
+ "external_board_thickness": division_board_thickness,
+ "index": h_division_index,
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": hdivisionboard,
+ "Translation": hdivisionplacement,
+ },
+ )
+ h_division_boards.append(transform)
+ if len(h_division_boards) > 0:
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": h_division_boards}
+ )
+ all_components.append(join_geometry)
+ if kwargs["has_backboard"]:
+ backboard = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_back_board().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": topbottomboard.outputs["x"],
+ "Z": vdivisionboard.outputs["Value"],
+ "leg": base_leg_height,
+ "external": external_board_thickness,
+ },
+ )
+ all_components.append(backboard)
+ else:
+ attach_square_size = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="attach_square_size")
+ attach_square_size.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["attachment_size"]
+ attachgadget = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_attach_gadget().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "z": vdivisionboard.outputs["Value"],
+ "base_leg": base_leg_height,
+ "x": topbottomboard.outputs["x"],
+ "thickness": external_board_thickness,
+ "size": attach_square_size,
+ },
+ )
+ all_components.append(attachgadget)
+ join_geometry_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": all_components}
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_4}
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": realize_instances,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(kwargs["wood_material"]),
+ },
+ )
+ base_leg_size = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="base_leg_size")
+ base_leg_size.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["base_leg_size"]
+ merge_components = [set_material_1]
+ if kwargs["has_base_frame"]:
+ baseframe = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_base_frame().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "leg_height": base_leg_height,
+ "leg_size": base_leg_size,
+ "depth": depth,
+ "bottom_x": topbottomboard.outputs["x"],
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": baseframe}
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": realize_instances_1,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(kwargs["base_material"]),
+ },
+ )
+ merge_components.append(set_material)
+ screwhead = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_screw_head().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Z": vdivisionboard.outputs["Value"],
+ "leg": base_leg_height,
+ "X": topbottomboard.outputs["x"],
+ "external": external_board_thickness,
+ "depth": depth,
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": screwhead}
+ )
+ set_material_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": realize_instances_2,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(metal.get_shader()),
+ },
+ )
+ merge_components.append(set_material_2)
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": merge_components}
+ )
+ triangulate = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeTriangulate", input_kwargs={"Mesh": join_geometry_2}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": triangulate, "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708)},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+class CellShelfBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(CellShelfBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.params = self.sample_params()
+ self.params = self.get_asset_params(self.params)
+ def get_asset_params(self, params):
+ if params is None:
+ params = {}
+ if params.get("depth", None) is None:
+ params["depth"] = np.clip(normal(0.39, 0.05), 0.29, 0.49)
+ if params.get("cell_size", None) is None:
+ params["cell_size"] = np.clip(normal(0.335, 0.03), 0.26, 0.40)
+ if params.get("vertical_cell_num", None) is None:
+ params["vertical_cell_num"] = randint(1, 7)
+ if params.get("horizontal_cell_num", None) is None:
+ params["horizontal_cell_num"] = randint(1, 7)
+ if params.get("division_board_thickness", None) is None:
+ params["division_board_thickness"] = np.clip(
+ normal(0.015, 0.005), 0.008, 0.022
+ )
+ if params.get("external_board_thickness", None) is None:
+ params["external_board_thickness"] = np.clip(
+ normal(0.04, 0.005), 0.028, 0.052
+ )
+ if params.get("has_backboard", None) is None:
+ params["has_backboard"] = False
+ if params.get("has_base_frame", None) is None:
+ params["has_base_frame"] = np.random.choice([True, False], p=[0.4, 0.6])
+ if params["has_base_frame"]:
+ if params.get("base_leg_height", None) is None:
+ params["base_leg_height"] = np.clip(normal(0.174, 0.03), 0.1, 0.25)
+ if params.get("base_leg_size", None) is None:
+ params["base_leg_size"] = np.clip(normal(0.035, 0.007), 0.02, 0.05)
+ if params.get("base_material", None) is None:
+ params["base_material"] = np.random.choice(
+ ["black", "white"], p=[0.4, 0.6]
+ )
+ else:
+ params["base_leg_height"] = 0.0
+ params["base_leg_size"] = 0.0
+ params["base_material"] = "white"
+ if params.get("attachment_size", None) is None:
+ params["attachment_size"] = np.clip(normal(0.05, 0.02), 0.02, 0.1)
+ if params.get("wood_material", None) is None:
+ params["wood_material"] = np.random.choice(
+ ["black_wood", "white", "wood"], p=[0.3, 0.2, 0.5]
+ )
+ params["tag_support"] = True
+ params = self.get_material_func(params, randomness=True)
+ return params
+ def get_material_func(self, params, randomness=True):
+ if params["wood_material"] == "white":
+ if randomness:
+ params["wood_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_white(
+ x, **shader_shelves_white_sampler()
+ )
+ else:
+ params["wood_material"] = shader_shelves_white
+ elif params["wood_material"] == "black_wood":
+ if randomness:
+ params["wood_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(
+ x, **shader_shelves_black_wood_sampler()
+ )
+ else:
+ params["wood_material"] = shader_shelves_black_wood
+ elif params["wood_material"] == "wood":
+ if randomness:
+ params["wood_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_wood(
+ x, **shader_shelves_wood_sampler()
+ )
+ else:
+ params["wood_material"] = shader_shelves_wood
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ if params["base_material"] == "white":
+ if randomness:
+ params["base_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_white_metallic(
+ x, **shader_shelves_white_metallic_sampler()
+ )
+ else:
+ params["base_material"] = shader_shelves_white_metallic
+ elif params["base_material"] == "black":
+ if randomness:
+ params["base_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_metallic(
+ x, **shader_shelves_black_metallic_sampler()
+ )
+ else:
+ params["base_material"] = shader_shelves_black_metallic
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ return params
+ def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ obj_params = self.params
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geometry_nodes, attributes=[], input_kwargs=obj_params, apply=True
+ )
+ tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
+ return obj
+class CellShelfFactory(CellShelfBaseFactory):
+ def sample_params(self):
+ params = dict()
+ params["Dimensions"] = (
+ uniform(0.3, 0.45),
+ uniform(2 * 0.35, 6 * 0.35),
+ uniform(1 * 0.35, 6 * 0.35),
+ )
+ h_cell_num = int(params["Dimensions"][1] / 0.35)
+ params["cell_size"] = params["Dimensions"][1] / h_cell_num
+ params["horizontal_cell_num"] = h_cell_num
+ params["vertical_cell_num"] = max(
+ int(params["Dimensions"][2] / params["cell_size"]), 1
+ )
+ params["depth"] = params["Dimensions"][0]
+ params["has_base_frame"] = False
+ params["Dimensions"] = list(params["Dimensions"])
+ params["Dimensions"][2] = params["vertical_cell_num"] * params["cell_size"]
+ return params
+ def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ x, y, z = (
+ self.params["Dimensions"][0],
+ self.params["Dimensions"][1],
+ self.params["Dimensions"][2],
+ )
+ return new_bbox(
+ 0,
+ x,
+ -y / 2 * 1.1,
+ y / 2 * 1.1,
+ 0,
+ z
+ + (self.params["vertical_cell_num"] - 1)
+ * self.params["division_board_thickness"]
+ + 2 * self.params["external_board_thickness"],
+ )
+class TVStandFactory(CellShelfFactory):
+ def sample_params(
+ self,
+ ): # TODO HACK copied code just following the pattern to get this working
+ params = dict()
+ params["Dimensions"] = (
+ uniform(0.3, 0.45),
+ uniform(2 * 0.35, 6 * 0.35),
+ uniform(0.3, 0.5),
+ )
+ h_cell_num = int(params["Dimensions"][1] / 0.35)
+ params["cell_size"] = params["Dimensions"][1] / h_cell_num
+ params["horizontal_cell_num"] = h_cell_num
+ params["vertical_cell_num"] = max(
+ int(params["Dimensions"][2] / params["cell_size"]), 1
+ )
+ params["depth"] = params["Dimensions"][0]
+ params["has_base_frame"] = False
+ params["Dimensions"] = list(params["Dimensions"])
+ params["Dimensions"][2] = params["vertical_cell_num"] * params["cell_size"]
+ return params
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/shelves/countertop.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/countertop.py
similarity index 69%
rename from infinigen/assets/shelves/countertop.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/countertop.py
index 087503dce..e2ff31b74 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/shelves/countertop.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/countertop.py
@@ -7,44 +7,51 @@
import shapely
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.materials import marble, ceramic
+from infinigen.assets.materials import ceramic, marble
from infinigen.assets.materials.woods import wood_tile
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_normal, read_center, select_faces
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_center, read_normal, select_faces
from infinigen.assets.utils.mesh import separate_selected, snap_mesh
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
-from infinigen.assets.utils.shapes import obj2polygon, safe_polygon2obj, buffer, dissolve_limited
+from infinigen.assets.utils.shapes import (
+ buffer,
+ dissolve_limited,
+ obj2polygon,
+ safe_polygon2obj,
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
class CountertopFactory(AssetFactory):
- surfaces = 'weighted_choice', (5, marble), (2, ceramic), (2, wood_tile)
+ surfaces = "weighted_choice", (5, marble), (2, ceramic), (2, wood_tile)
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
self.surface = rg(self.surfaces)
- self.thickness = uniform(.02, .06)
- self.extrusion = 0 if uniform() < .4 else uniform(.02, .03)
- self.h_snap = .5
- self.v_snap = .5
- self.v_merge = .1
- self.z_range = .5, 1.5
+ self.thickness = uniform(0.02, 0.06)
+ self.extrusion = 0 if uniform() < 0.4 else uniform(0.02, 0.03)
+ self.h_snap = 0.5
+ self.v_snap = 0.5
+ self.v_merge = 0.1
+ self.z_range = 0.5, 1.5
self.surface = rg(self.surfaces)
def generate_shelves():
from .kitchen_cabinet import KitchenCabinetFactory
from .simple_desk import SimpleDeskFactory
shelves = make_asset_collection(
- SimpleDeskFactory(np.random.randint(1e7))], 10
+ SimpleDeskFactory(np.random.randint(1e7)),
+ ],
+ 10,
for s in shelves.objects:
- s.location = *uniform(-1, 1, 2), uniform(0, .5)
+ s.location = *uniform(-1, 1, 2), uniform(0, 0.5)
s.rotation_euler[-1] = np.pi / 2 * np.random.randint(4)
return shelves
@@ -59,7 +66,9 @@ def create_asset(self, shelves=None, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
t = deep_clone_obj(s)
z = read_center(t)[:, -1]
max_z = np.max(z[(self.z_range[0] < z) & (z < self.z_range[1])])
- selection = (read_normal(t)[:, -1] > .5) & (z - 1e-2 < max_z) & (max_z < z + 1e-2)
+ selection = (
+ (read_normal(t)[:, -1] > 0.5) & (z - 1e-2 < max_z) & (max_z < z + 1e-2)
+ )
select_faces(t, selection)
r = separate_selected(t, True)
r.location = s.location
@@ -86,7 +95,10 @@ def create_asset(self, shelves=None, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
groups = []
for i in range(len(geoms)):
for j in range(i):
- if geoms[i].distance(geoms[j]) <= self.h_snap and zs[i] - zs[j] < self.v_snap:
+ if (
+ geoms[i].distance(geoms[j]) <= self.h_snap
+ and zs[i] - zs[j] < self.v_snap
+ ):
group = next(g for g in groups if j in g)
@@ -97,10 +109,15 @@ def create_asset(self, shelves=None, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
n = len(group)
geoms_ = [geoms[i] for i in group]
zs_ = [zs[i] for i in group]
- geom_unions = [self.rebuffer(shapely.union_all(geoms_[i:]), self.h_snap / 2) for i in
- range(n)]
+ geom_unions = [
+ self.rebuffer(shapely.union_all(geoms_[i:]), self.h_snap / 2)
+ for i in range(n)
+ ]
- shapes = [self.rebuffer(geom_unions[i].difference(geom_unions[i + 1]), -1e-4) for i in range(n)]
+ shapes = [
+ self.rebuffer(geom_unions[i].difference(geom_unions[i + 1]), -1e-4)
+ for i in range(n)
+ ]
for s, z in zip(shapes, zs_):
if s.area > 0:
o = safe_polygon2obj(self.rebuffer(s, -1e-4).buffer(0))
@@ -120,23 +137,28 @@ def create_asset(self, shelves=None, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
o = safe_polygon2obj(s)
if o is None:
- butil.modify_mesh(o, 'WELD', merge_threshold=5e-4)
+ butil.modify_mesh(o, "WELD", merge_threshold=5e-4)
o.location[-1] = zs_[i]
- with butil.ViewportMode(o, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(o, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
- TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': (0, 0, zs_[j] - zs_[i])}
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": (0, 0, zs_[j] - zs_[i])}
obj = join_objects(objs)
snap_mesh(obj, 2e-2)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
- obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.thickness, use_even_offset=True, offset=1, use_quality_normals=True
+ obj,
+ thickness=self.thickness,
+ use_even_offset=True,
+ offset=1,
+ use_quality_normals=True,
if shelves_generated:
@@ -146,8 +168,8 @@ def create_asset(self, shelves=None, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
def rebuffer(shape, distance):
- return shape.buffer(distance, join_style='mitre', cap_style='flat').buffer(
- -distance, join_style='mitre', cap_style='flat'
+ return shape.buffer(distance, join_style="mitre", cap_style="flat").buffer(
+ -distance, join_style="mitre", cap_style="flat"
def finalize_assets(self, assets):
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/doors.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/doors.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f237e794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/doors.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1314 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials.shelf_shaders import (
+ shader_glass,
+ shader_shelves_black_wood,
+ shader_shelves_black_wood_sampler,
+ shader_shelves_white,
+ shader_shelves_white_sampler,
+ shader_shelves_wood,
+ shader_shelves_wood_sampler,
+from infinigen.core import surface, tagging
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+ "nodegroup_node_group", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_node_group(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": (0.0120, 0.00060, 0.0400)})
+ cylinder = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder",
+ input_kwargs={"Vertices": 64, "Radius": 0.0100, "Depth": 0.00050},
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": (0.0050, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Rotation": (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": (0.0200, 0.0006, 0.0120)}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube_1, "Translation": (0.0080, 0.0000, 0.0000)},
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [cube, transform, transform_1]}
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "attach_height", 0.1000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "door_width", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["door_width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 0.0181},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": subtract, "Z": group_input.outputs["attach_height"]},
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1, "Translation": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_2},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_knob_handle", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_knob_handle(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius", 0.0100),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness_1", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness_2", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "length", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "knob_mid_height", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "edge_width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "door_width", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["thickness_2"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["thickness_1"],
+ },
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: group_input.outputs["length"]}
+ )
+ cylinder = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vertices": 64,
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"],
+ "Depth": add_1,
+ },
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["door_width"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["edge_width"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: -0.005})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": add_2,
+ "Y": multiply_1,
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["knob_mid_height"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_6,
+ "Rotation": (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_6},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_mid_board", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_mid_board(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: -0.0001}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_k = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: 0.5000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_k = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_k, 1: 0.004})
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: -0.0001})
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": add_1, "Z": add_2}
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_3,
+ "Vertices X": 5,
+ "Vertices Y": 5,
+ "Vertices Z": 5,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": add_k, "Z": multiply_1}
+ )
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_4}
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_4,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(kwargs["material"][0]),
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": add_1, "Z": add_2}
+ )
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_7,
+ "Vertices X": 5,
+ "Vertices Y": 5,
+ "Vertices Z": 5,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 1.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": add_k, "Z": multiply_2}
+ )
+ transform_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube_1, "Translation": combine_xyz_8}
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_7,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(kwargs["material"][1]),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material, set_material_1]}
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances, "mid_height": multiply},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_mid_board_001", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_mid_board_001(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: -0.0001}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ multiply_k = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: 0.5000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_k = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_k, 1: 0.004})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: -0.0001})
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": add_1, "Z": add_2}
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_3,
+ "Vertices X": 5,
+ "Vertices Y": 5,
+ "Vertices Z": 5,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": add_k, "Z": multiply_1}
+ )
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_4}
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_4,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(kwargs["material"][0]),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material}
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances, "mid_height": multiply},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_double_rampled_edge", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_double_rampled_edge(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness_2", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness_1", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "ramp_angle", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": add})
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": combine_xyz_10})
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Resolution": 3, "Radius": 0.0100}
+ )
+ endpoint_selection = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.EndpointSelection, input_kwargs={"End Size": 0}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["ramp_angle"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ tangent = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2}, attrs={"operation": "TANGENT"}
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness_2"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: tangent, 1: add_3}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 2.0000, 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness_1"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_3, "Y": add_4}
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Selection": endpoint_selection,
+ "Position": combine_xyz_7,
+ },
+ )
+ endpoint_selection_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.EndpointSelection, input_kwargs={"Start Size": 0}
+ )
+ add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: add_3})
+ combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_3, "Y": add_5}
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "Selection": endpoint_selection_1,
+ "Position": combine_xyz_8,
+ },
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 1.0100}, attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"}
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 0.9900},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ op_and = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: greater_than}
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_5, "Y": add_4}
+ )
+ set_position_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_1,
+ "Selection": op_and,
+ "Position": combine_xyz_9,
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": curve_line,
+ "Profile Curve": set_position_2,
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_1, "Y": add_4, "Z": add}
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz})
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_6})
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_2}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": subtract, "Y": add_3, "Z": add}
+ )
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz_1})
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: multiply_7})
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": add_6})
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube_1, "Translation": combine_xyz_3}
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform, transform_1]}
+ )
+ multiply_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_8})
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry, "Translation": combine_xyz_11},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": add})
+ curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": combine_xyz_12})
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_2, "Scale": (-1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": curve_line_1,
+ "Profile Curve": transform_2,
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [curve_to_mesh, transform_4, curve_to_mesh_1]},
+ )
+ merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1, "Distance": 0.0001},
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": merge_by_distance}
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": realize_instances, "Level": 4}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivide_mesh},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_ramped_edge", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_ramped_edge(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness_2", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness_1", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "ramp_angle", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": add})
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": combine_xyz_10})
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Resolution": 3, "Radius": 0.0100}
+ )
+ endpoint_selection = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.EndpointSelection, input_kwargs={"End Size": 0}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["ramp_angle"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ tangent = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2}, attrs={"operation": "TANGENT"}
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness_2"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: tangent, 1: add_3}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: subtract},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness_1"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": subtract_1, "Y": add_4}
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Selection": endpoint_selection,
+ "Position": combine_xyz_7,
+ },
+ )
+ endpoint_selection_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.EndpointSelection, input_kwargs={"Start Size": 0}
+ )
+ add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: add_3})
+ combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": subtract_1, "Y": add_5}
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "Selection": endpoint_selection_1,
+ "Position": combine_xyz_8,
+ },
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 1.0100}, attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"}
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 0.9900},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ op_and = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: greater_than}
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_2, "Y": add_4}
+ )
+ set_position_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_1,
+ "Selection": op_and,
+ "Position": combine_xyz_9,
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": curve_line,
+ "Profile Curve": set_position_2,
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_1, "Y": add_4, "Z": add}
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz})
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_3})
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_2}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": subtract, "Y": add_3, "Z": add}
+ )
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz_1})
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: multiply_5})
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_4, "Y": add_6}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube_1, "Translation": combine_xyz_3}
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform, transform_1]}
+ )
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_6})
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry, "Translation": combine_xyz_11},
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [curve_to_mesh, transform_4]}
+ )
+ merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1, "Distance": 0.0001},
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": merge_by_distance}
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": realize_instances, "Level": 4}
+ )
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_7})
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivide_mesh, "Translation": combine_xyz_4},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_2},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_panel_edge_frame", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_panel_edge_frame(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "vertical_edge", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "door_width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "door_height", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "horizontal_edge", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["door_width"], 2: 0.0010},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_add, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ transform_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["horizontal_edge"],
+ "Translation": (0.0000, -0.0001, 0.0000),
+ "Scale": (0.9999, 1.0000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_add, 1: 1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: -0.0001})
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["door_height"], 1: 0.0001}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Z": add_1})
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_7,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_2,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, -1.5708, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 0.0001})
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_2})
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_7,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_1,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_add})
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["vertical_edge"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Scale": (-1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)},
+ )
+ # transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FlipFaces, input_kwargs={'Mesh': transform_1})
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_3, transform_2, transform_1, transform]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": multiply, "Geometry": join_geometry_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def geometry_door_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ door_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="door_height")
+ door_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["door_height"]
+ door_edge_thickness_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="door_edge_thickness_2")
+ door_edge_thickness_2.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["edge_thickness_2"]
+ door_edge_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="door_edge_width")
+ door_edge_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["edge_width"]
+ door_edge_thickness_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="door_edge_thickness_1")
+ door_edge_thickness_1.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["edge_thickness_1"]
+ door_edge_ramp_angle = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="door_edge_ramp_angle")
+ door_edge_ramp_angle.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["edge_ramp_angle"]
+ ramped_edge = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_ramped_edge().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "height": door_height,
+ "thickness_2": door_edge_thickness_2,
+ "width": door_edge_width,
+ "thickness_1": door_edge_thickness_1,
+ "ramp_angle": door_edge_ramp_angle,
+ },
+ )
+ door_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="door_width")
+ door_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["door_width"]
+ ramped_edge_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_ramped_edge().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "height": door_width,
+ "thickness_2": door_edge_thickness_2,
+ "width": door_edge_width,
+ "thickness_1": door_edge_thickness_1,
+ "ramp_angle": door_edge_ramp_angle,
+ },
+ )
+ panel_edge_frame = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_panel_edge_frame().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "vertical_edge": ramped_edge,
+ "door_width": door_width,
+ "door_height": door_height,
+ "horizontal_edge": ramped_edge_1,
+ },
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: panel_edge_frame.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0001}
+ )
+ mid_board_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="mid_board_thickness")
+ mid_board_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["board_thickness"]
+ if kwargs["has_mid_ramp"]:
+ mid_board = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_mid_board(material=kwargs["panel_material"]).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "height": door_height,
+ "thickness": mid_board_thickness,
+ "width": door_width,
+ },
+ )
+ else:
+ mid_board = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_mid_board_001(material=kwargs["panel_material"]).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "height": door_height,
+ "thickness": mid_board_thickness,
+ "width": door_width,
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": -0.0001, "Z": mid_board.outputs["mid_height"]},
+ )
+ frame = [panel_edge_frame.outputs["Geometry"]]
+ if kwargs["has_mid_ramp"]:
+ double_rampled_edge = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_double_rampled_edge().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "height": door_width,
+ "thickness_2": door_edge_thickness_2,
+ "width": door_edge_width,
+ "thickness_1": door_edge_thickness_1,
+ "ramp_angle": door_edge_ramp_angle,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": double_rampled_edge,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_5,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ frame.append(transform_5)
+ knob_raduis = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="knob_raduis")
+ knob_raduis.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["knob_R"]
+ know_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="know_length")
+ know_length.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["knob_length"]
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: door_height}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ knob_handle = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_knob_handle().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Radius": knob_raduis,
+ "thickness_1": door_edge_thickness_1,
+ "thickness_2": door_edge_thickness_2,
+ "length": know_length,
+ "knob_mid_height": multiply,
+ "edge_width": door_edge_width,
+ "door_width": door_width,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": frame + [knob_handle]}
+ )
+ set_material_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_1,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(kwargs["frame_material"]),
+ },
+ )
+ geos = [set_material_3, mid_board.outputs["Geometry"]]
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geos})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: door_width, 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply})
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry, "Translation": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform}
+ )
+ triangulate = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeTriangulate", input_kwargs={"Mesh": realize_instances_1}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": triangulate,
+ "Scale": (-1.0 if kwargs["door_left_hinge"] else 1.0, 1.0000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ if kwargs["door_left_hinge"]:
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FlipFaces, input_kwargs={"Mesh": transform_1})
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_1, "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708)},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_2},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+class CabinetDoorBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
+ super(CabinetDoorBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.params = {}
+ def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
+ params = self.params.copy()
+ if params.get("door_height", None) is None:
+ params["door_height"] = uniform(0.7, 2.2)
+ if params.get("door_width", None) is None:
+ params["door_width"] = uniform(0.3, 0.4)
+ if params.get("edge_thickness_1", None) is None:
+ params["edge_thickness_1"] = uniform(0.01, 0.018)
+ if params.get("edge_width", None) is None:
+ params["edge_width"] = uniform(0.03, 0.05)
+ if params.get("edge_thickness_2", None) is None:
+ params["edge_thickness_2"] = uniform(0.005, 0.008)
+ if params.get("edge_ramp_angle", None) is None:
+ params["edge_ramp_angle"] = uniform(0.6, 0.8)
+ params["board_thickness"] = params["edge_thickness_1"] - 0.005
+ if params.get("knob_R", None) is None:
+ params["knob_R"] = uniform(0.003, 0.006)
+ if params.get("knob_length", None) is None:
+ params["knob_length"] = uniform(0.018, 0.035)
+ if params.get("attach_height", None) is None:
+ gap = uniform(0.05, 0.15)
+ params["attach_height"] = [gap, params["door_height"] - gap]
+ if params.get("has_mid_ramp", None) is None:
+ params["has_mid_ramp"] = np.random.choice([True, False], p=[0.6, 0.4])
+ if params.get("door_left_hinge", None) is None:
+ params["door_left_hinge"] = False
+ if params.get("frame_material", None) is None:
+ params["frame_material"] = np.random.choice(
+ ["white", "black_wood", "wood"], p=[0.5, 0.2, 0.3]
+ )
+ if params.get("panel_material", None) is None:
+ if params["has_mid_ramp"]:
+ lower_mat = np.random.choice(
+ [params["frame_material"], "glass"], p=[0.7, 0.3]
+ )
+ upper_mat = np.random.choice([lower_mat, "glass"], p=[0.6, 0.4])
+ params["panel_material"] = [lower_mat, upper_mat]
+ else:
+ params["panel_material"] = [params["frame_material"]]
+ params = self.get_material_func(params)
+ return params
+ def get_material_func(self, params, randomness=True):
+ white_wood_params = shader_shelves_white_sampler()
+ black_wood_params = shader_shelves_black_wood_sampler()
+ normal_wood_params = shader_shelves_wood_sampler()
+ if params["frame_material"] == "white":
+ if randomness:
+ params["frame_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_white(
+ x, **white_wood_params
+ )
+ else:
+ params["frame_material"] = shader_shelves_white
+ elif params["frame_material"] == "black_wood":
+ if randomness:
+ params["frame_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(
+ x, **black_wood_params, z_axis_texture=True
+ )
+ else:
+ params["frame_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(
+ x, z_axis_texture=True
+ )
+ elif params["frame_material"] == "wood":
+ if randomness:
+ params["frame_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_wood(
+ x, **normal_wood_params, z_axis_texture=True
+ )
+ else:
+ params["frame_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_wood(
+ x, z_axis_texture=True
+ )
+ materials = []
+ if not isinstance(params["panel_material"], list):
+ params["panel_material"] = [params["board_material"]]
+ for mat in params["panel_material"]:
+ if mat == "white":
+ if randomness:
+ def mat(x):
+ return shader_shelves_white(x, **white_wood_params)
+ else:
+ mat = shader_shelves_white
+ elif mat == "black_wood":
+ if randomness:
+ def mat(x):
+ return shader_shelves_black_wood(
+ x, **black_wood_params, z_axis_texture=True
+ )
+ else:
+ def mat(x):
+ return shader_shelves_black_wood(x, z_axis_texture=True)
+ elif mat == "wood":
+ if randomness:
+ def mat(x):
+ return shader_shelves_wood(
+ x, **normal_wood_params, z_axis_texture=True
+ )
+ else:
+ def mat(x):
+ return shader_shelves_wood(x, z_axis_texture=True)
+ elif mat == "glass":
+ if randomness:
+ def mat(x):
+ return shader_glass(x)
+ else:
+ mat = shader_glass
+ materials.append(mat)
+ params["panel_material"] = materials
+ return params
+ def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ obj_params = self.get_asset_params(i)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geometry_door_nodes, apply=True, attributes=[], input_kwargs=obj_params
+ )
+ tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
+ if params.get("ret_params", False):
+ return obj, obj_params
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/drawers.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/drawers.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..baed2c69e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/drawers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials import metal
+from infinigen.assets.materials.shelf_shaders import (
+ shader_shelves_black_wood,
+ shader_shelves_black_wood_sampler,
+ shader_shelves_white,
+ shader_shelves_white_sampler,
+ shader_shelves_wood,
+ shader_shelves_wood_sampler,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+ "nodegroup_board_rail", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_board_rail(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ cylinder_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder",
+ input_kwargs={"Vertices": 64, "Radius": 0.0040, "Depth": 0.0050},
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder_1.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cylinder_1.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "domain": "CORNER"},
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 0.0200})
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": add_1})
+ transform_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_2,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_3,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 0.0300}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": 0.0020, "Y": subtract, "Z": group_input.outputs["width"]},
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz})
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "domain": "CORNER"},
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute}
+ )
+ cylinder = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder",
+ input_kwargs={"Vertices": 64, "Radius": 0.0030, "Depth": subtract},
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cylinder.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "domain": "CORNER"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_1})
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_1,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_1,
+ "Rotation": (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_1, "Scale": (1.0000, 1.0000, -1.0000)},
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_2, transform_1]}
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_5, transform, join_geometry_2]},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: 0.0030})
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: 0.0200})
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_2, "Y": multiply_3, "Z": add_3}
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1, "Translation": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_3, "Scale": (-1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)},
+ )
+ join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_4, transform_3]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_3},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_kallax_drawer_frame", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_kallax_drawer_frame(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": add_1, "Z": add_2}
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz,
+ "Vertices X": 4,
+ "Vertices Y": 4,
+ "Vertices Z": 4,
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "domain": "CORNER"},
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: -0.0001})
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_2, 2: 0.0100},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply, "Y": add_4, "Z": multiply_add}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_1,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Scale": (-1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)},
+ )
+ add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: -0.0001})
+ add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: add_5})
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_6, "Y": add_1, "Z": add}
+ )
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_2,
+ "Vertices X": 4,
+ "Vertices Y": 4,
+ "Vertices Z": 4,
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_1.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_1.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "domain": "CORNER"},
+ )
+ multiply_add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: -0.5000, 2: -0.0001},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_add_1, "Z": 0.0100}
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute_2,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_3,
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_3, "Y": add, "Z": add_2}
+ )
+ cube_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_4,
+ "Vertices X": 4,
+ "Vertices Y": 4,
+ "Vertices Z": 4,
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_2.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube_2.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "domain": "CORNER"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: -1.0000, 2: multiply_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ multiply_add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_2, 2: 0.0100},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_add_2, "Z": multiply_add_3}
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute, "Translation": combine_xyz_5},
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_1, transform, transform_2, transform_3]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_door_knob", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_door_knob(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius", 0.0040),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "length", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "z", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["length"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ cylinder = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vertices": 64,
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"],
+ "Depth": add,
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cylinder.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "domain": "CORNER"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 0.0001})
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["z"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": add_1, "Z": multiply_1}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_2,
+ "Rotation": (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_drawer_door_board", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_drawer_door_board(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "height", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": add_1, "Z": add_2}
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz,
+ "Vertices X": 5,
+ "Vertices Y": 5,
+ "Vertices Z": 5,
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "domain": "CORNER"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply, "Z": multiply_1}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute, "Translation": combine_xyz_1},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ door_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="door_thickness")
+ door_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["drawer_board_thickness"]
+ drawer_board_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="drawer_board_width")
+ drawer_board_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["drawer_board_width"]
+ drawer_board_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="drawer_board_height")
+ drawer_board_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["drawer_board_height"]
+ drawer_door_board = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_drawer_door_board().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "thickness": door_thickness,
+ "width": drawer_board_width,
+ "height": drawer_board_height,
+ },
+ )
+ knob_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="knob_radius")
+ knob_radius.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["knob_radius"]
+ knob_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="knob_length")
+ knob_length.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["knob_length"]
+ door_knob = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_door_knob().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Radius": knob_radius,
+ "length": knob_length,
+ "z": drawer_board_height,
+ },
+ )
+ drawer_depth = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="drawer_depth")
+ drawer_depth.outputs[0].default_value = (
+ kwargs["drawer_depth"] - kwargs["drawer_board_thickness"]
+ )
+ drawer_side_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="drawer_side_height")
+ drawer_side_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["drawer_side_height"]
+ drawer_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="drawer_width")
+ drawer_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["drawer_width"]
+ kallax_drawer_frame = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_kallax_drawer_frame().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "depth": drawer_depth,
+ "height": drawer_side_height,
+ "thickness": door_thickness,
+ "width": drawer_width,
+ },
+ )
+ side_tilt_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="side_tilt_width")
+ side_tilt_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["side_tilt_width"]
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [door_knob, drawer_door_board, kallax_drawer_frame]},
+ )
+ set_material_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(kwargs["frame_material"]),
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material_2}
+ )
+ triangulate = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeTriangulate", input_kwargs={"Mesh": realize_instances}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": triangulate, "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708)},
+ )
+ group_output_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+class CabinetDrawerBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
+ super(CabinetDrawerBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.params = {}
+ def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
+ params = self.params.copy()
+ if params.get("drawer_board_thickness", None) is None:
+ params["drawer_board_thickness"] = uniform(0.005, 0.01)
+ if params.get("drawer_board_width", None) is None:
+ params["drawer_board_width"] = uniform(0.3, 0.7)
+ if params.get("drawer_board_height", None) is None:
+ params["drawer_board_height"] = uniform(0.25, 0.4)
+ if params.get("drawer_depth", None) is None:
+ params["drawer_depth"] = uniform(0.3, 0.4)
+ if params.get("drawer_side_height", None) is None:
+ params["drawer_side_height"] = uniform(0.05, 0.2)
+ if params.get("drawer_width", None) is None:
+ params["drawer_width"] = params["drawer_board_width"] - uniform(
+ 0.015, 0.025
+ )
+ if params.get("side_tilt_width", None) is None:
+ params["side_tilt_width"] = uniform(0.02, 0.03)
+ if params.get("knob_radius", None) is None:
+ params["knob_radius"] = uniform(0.003, 0.006)
+ if params.get("knob_length", None) is None:
+ params["knob_length"] = uniform(0.018, 0.035)
+ if params.get("frame_material", None) is None:
+ params["frame_material"] = np.random.choice(
+ ["white", "black_wood", "wood"], p=[0.5, 0.2, 0.3]
+ )
+ if params.get("knob_material", None) is None:
+ params["knob_material"] = np.random.choice(
+ [params["frame_material"], "metal"], p=[0.5, 0.5]
+ )
+ params = self.get_material_func(params)
+ return params
+ def get_material_func(self, params, randomness=True):
+ white_wood_params = shader_shelves_white_sampler()
+ black_wood_params = shader_shelves_black_wood_sampler()
+ normal_wood_params = shader_shelves_wood_sampler()
+ if params["frame_material"] == "white":
+ if randomness:
+ params["frame_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_white(
+ x, **white_wood_params
+ )
+ else:
+ params["frame_material"] = shader_shelves_white
+ elif params["frame_material"] == "black_wood":
+ if randomness:
+ params["frame_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(
+ x, **black_wood_params, z_axis_texture=True
+ )
+ else:
+ params["frame_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(
+ x, z_axis_texture=True
+ )
+ elif params["frame_material"] == "wood":
+ if randomness:
+ params["frame_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_wood(
+ x, **normal_wood_params, z_axis_texture=True
+ )
+ else:
+ params["frame_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_wood(
+ x, z_axis_texture=True
+ )
+ if params["knob_material"] == "metal":
+ params["knob_material"] = metal.get_shader()
+ else:
+ params["knob_material"] = params["frame_material"]
+ return params
+ def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ obj_params = self.get_asset_params(i)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geometry_nodes, apply=True, attributes=[], input_kwargs=obj_params
+ )
+ if params.get("ret_params", False):
+ return obj, obj_params
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/kitchen_cabinet.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/kitchen_cabinet.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d2d487ebe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/kitchen_cabinet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials.shelf_shaders import (
+ shader_shelves_black_wood,
+ shader_shelves_black_wood_sampler,
+ shader_shelves_white,
+ shader_shelves_white_sampler,
+ shader_shelves_wood,
+ shader_shelves_wood_sampler,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.shelves.doors import CabinetDoorBaseFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.shelves.drawers import CabinetDrawerBaseFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.shelves.large_shelf import LargeShelfBaseFactory
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_bbox
+from infinigen.core import surface, tagging
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+def geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ cabinets = []
+ for i, component in enumerate(kwargs["components"]):
+ frame_info = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={"Object": component[0]}
+ )
+ attachments = []
+ if component[1] == "door":
+ right_door_info = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={"Object": component[2][0]}
+ )
+ left_door_info = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={"Object": component[2][1]}
+ )
+ transform_r = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": right_door_info.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Translation": component[2][2]["door_hinge_pos"][0],
+ "Rotation": (0, 0, component[2][2]["door_open_angle"]),
+ },
+ )
+ attachments.append(transform_r)
+ if len(component[2][2]["door_hinge_pos"]) > 1:
+ transform_l = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": left_door_info.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Translation": component[2][2]["door_hinge_pos"][1],
+ "Rotation": (0, 0, component[2][2]["door_open_angle"]),
+ },
+ )
+ attachments.append(transform_l)
+ elif component[1] == "drawer":
+ for j, drawer in enumerate(component[2]):
+ drawer_info = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={"Object": drawer[0]}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": drawer_info.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Translation": drawer[1]["drawer_hinge_pos"],
+ },
+ )
+ attachments.append(transform)
+ else:
+ continue
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": attachments}
+ )
+ # [frame_info.outputs['Geometry']]})
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry,
+ "Translation": (0, kwargs["y_translations"][i], 0),
+ },
+ )
+ cabinets.append(transform)
+ try:
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cabinets}
+ )
+ except TypeError:
+ import pdb
+ pdb.set_trace()
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+class KitchenCabinetBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
+ super(KitchenCabinetBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.frame_params = {}
+ self.material_params = {}
+ self.cabinet_widths = []
+ self.frame_fac = LargeShelfBaseFactory(factory_seed)
+ self.door_fac = CabinetDoorBaseFactory(factory_seed)
+ self.drawer_fac = CabinetDrawerBaseFactory(factory_seed)
+ self.drawer_only = False
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.params = self.sample_params()
+ def sample_params(self):
+ pass
+ def get_material_params(self):
+ with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
+ params = self.material_params.copy()
+ if params.get("frame_material", None) is None:
+ with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
+ params["frame_material"] = np.random.choice(
+ ["white", "black_wood", "wood"], p=[0.4, 0.3, 0.3]
+ )
+ params["board_material"] = params["frame_material"]
+ return self.get_material_func(params, randomness=True)
+ def get_material_func(self, params, randomness=True):
+ with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
+ white_wood_params = shader_shelves_white_sampler()
+ black_wood_params = shader_shelves_black_wood_sampler()
+ normal_wood_params = shader_shelves_wood_sampler()
+ if params["frame_material"] == "white":
+ if randomness:
+ params["frame_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_white(
+ x, **white_wood_params
+ )
+ else:
+ params["frame_material"] = shader_shelves_white
+ elif params["frame_material"] == "black_wood":
+ if randomness:
+ params["frame_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(
+ x, **black_wood_params, z_axis_texture=True
+ )
+ else:
+ params["frame_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(
+ x, z_axis_texture=True
+ )
+ elif params["frame_material"] == "wood":
+ if randomness:
+ params["frame_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_wood(
+ x, **normal_wood_params, z_axis_texture=True
+ )
+ else:
+ params["frame_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_wood(
+ x, z_axis_texture=True
+ )
+ if params["board_material"] == "white":
+ if randomness:
+ params["board_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_white(
+ x, **white_wood_params
+ )
+ else:
+ params["board_material"] = shader_shelves_white
+ elif params["board_material"] == "black_wood":
+ if randomness:
+ params["board_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(
+ x, **black_wood_params
+ )
+ else:
+ params["board_material"] = shader_shelves_black_wood
+ elif params["board_material"] == "wood":
+ if randomness:
+ params["board_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_wood(
+ x, **normal_wood_params
+ )
+ else:
+ params["board_material"] = shader_shelves_wood
+ params["panel_meterial"] = params["frame_material"]
+ params["knob_material"] = params["frame_material"]
+ return params
+ def get_frame_params(self, width, i=0):
+ params = self.frame_params.copy()
+ params["shelf_cell_width"] = [width]
+ params.update(self.material_params.copy())
+ return params
+ def get_attach_params(self, attach_type, i=0):
+ param_sets = []
+ if attach_type == "none":
+ pass
+ elif attach_type == "door":
+ params = dict()
+ shelf_width = (
+ self.frame_params["shelf_width"]
+ + self.frame_params["side_board_thickness"] * 2
+ )
+ if shelf_width <= 0.6:
+ params["door_width"] = shelf_width
+ params["has_mid_ramp"] = False
+ params["edge_thickness_1"] = 0.01
+ params["door_hinge_pos"] = [
+ (
+ self.frame_params["shelf_depth"] / 2.0 + 0.0025,
+ -shelf_width / 2.0,
+ self.frame_params["bottom_board_height"],
+ )
+ ]
+ params["door_open_angle"] = 0
+ else:
+ params["door_width"] = shelf_width / 2.0 - 0.0005
+ params["has_mid_ramp"] = False
+ params["edge_thickness_1"] = 0.01
+ params["door_hinge_pos"] = [
+ (
+ self.frame_params["shelf_depth"] / 2.0 + 0.008,
+ -shelf_width / 2.0,
+ self.frame_params["bottom_board_height"],
+ ),
+ (
+ self.frame_params["shelf_depth"] / 2.0 + 0.008,
+ shelf_width / 2.0,
+ self.frame_params["bottom_board_height"],
+ ),
+ ]
+ params["door_open_angle"] = 0
+ params["door_height"] = (
+ self.frame_params["division_board_z_translation"][-1]
+ - self.frame_params["division_board_z_translation"][0]
+ + self.frame_params["division_board_thickness"]
+ )
+ params.update(self.material_params.copy())
+ param_sets.append(params)
+ elif attach_type == "drawer":
+ for i, h in enumerate(self.frame_params["shelf_cell_height"]):
+ params = dict()
+ drawer_h = (
+ self.frame_params["division_board_z_translation"][i + 1]
+ - self.frame_params["division_board_z_translation"][i]
+ - self.frame_params["division_board_thickness"]
+ )
+ drawer_depth = self.frame_params["shelf_depth"]
+ params["drawer_board_width"] = self.frame_params["shelf_width"]
+ params["drawer_board_height"] = drawer_h
+ params["drawer_depth"] = drawer_depth
+ params["drawer_hinge_pos"] = (
+ self.frame_params["shelf_depth"] / 2.0,
+ 0,
+ (
+ self.frame_params["division_board_thickness"] / 2.0
+ + self.frame_params["division_board_z_translation"][i]
+ ),
+ )
+ params.update(self.material_params.copy())
+ param_sets.append(params)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ return param_sets
+ def get_cabinet_params(self, i=0):
+ x_translations = []
+ accum_w, thickness = (
+ 0,
+ self.frame_params.get("side_board_thickness", 0.005),
+ ) # instructed by Beining
+ for w in self.cabinet_widths:
+ accum_w += thickness + w / 2.0
+ x_translations.append(accum_w)
+ accum_w += thickness + w / 2.0 + 0.0005
+ return x_translations
+ def create_cabinet_components(self, i, drawer_only=False):
+ # update material params
+ self.material_params = self.get_material_params()
+ components = []
+ for k, w in enumerate(self.cabinet_widths):
+ # create frame
+ frame_params = self.get_frame_params(w, i=i)
+ self.frame_fac.params = frame_params
+ frame, frame_params = self.frame_fac.create_asset(i=i, ret_params=True)
+ frame.name = f"cabinet_frame_{k}"
+ self.frame_params = frame_params
+ # create attach
+ if drawer_only:
+ attach_type = np.random.choice(["drawer", "door"], p=[0.5, 0.5])
+ else:
+ attach_type = np.random.choice(
+ ["drawer", "door", "none"], p=[0.4, 0.4, 0.2]
+ )
+ attach_params = self.get_attach_params(attach_type, i=i)
+ if attach_type == "door":
+ self.door_fac.params = attach_params[0]
+ self.door_fac.params["door_left_hinge"] = False
+ right_door, door_obj_params = self.door_fac.create_asset(
+ i=i, ret_params=True
+ )
+ right_door.name = f"cabinet_right_door_{k}"
+ self.door_fac.params = door_obj_params
+ self.door_fac.params["door_left_hinge"] = True
+ left_door, _ = self.door_fac.create_asset(i=i, ret_params=True)
+ left_door.name = f"cabinet_left_door_{k}"
+ components.append(
+ [frame, "door", [right_door, left_door, attach_params[0]]]
+ )
+ elif attach_type == "drawer":
+ drawers = []
+ for j, p in enumerate(attach_params):
+ self.drawer_fac.params = p
+ drawer = self.drawer_fac.create_asset(i=i)
+ drawer.name = f"drawer_{k}_layer{j}"
+ drawers.append([drawer, p])
+ components.append([frame, "drawer", drawers])
+ elif attach_type == "none":
+ components.append([frame, "none"])
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ return components
+ def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
+ components = self.create_cabinet_components(i=i, drawer_only=self.drawer_only)
+ cabinet_params = self.get_cabinet_params(i=i)
+ join_objs = []
+ contain_attach = False
+ for com in components:
+ if com[1] == "none":
+ continue
+ else:
+ contain_attach = True
+ if contain_attach:
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geometry_nodes,
+ attributes=[],
+ input_kwargs={
+ "components": components,
+ "y_translations": cabinet_params,
+ },
+ apply=True,
+ )
+ join_objs += [obj]
+ for i, c in enumerate(components):
+ if c[1] == "door":
+ butil.delete(c[2][:-1])
+ elif c[1] == "drawer":
+ butil.delete([x[0] for x in c[2]])
+ c[0].location = (0, cabinet_params[i], 0)
+ butil.apply_transform(c[0], loc=True)
+ join_objs.append(c[0])
+ # butil.delete(c[:1])
+ obj = butil.join_objects(join_objs)
+ tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
+ return obj
+class KitchenCabinetFactory(KitchenCabinetBaseFactory):
+ def __init__(
+ self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False, dimensions=None, drawer_only=False
+ ):
+ self.dimensions = dimensions
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, params, coarse)
+ self.drawer_only = drawer_only
+ def sample_params(self):
+ params = dict()
+ if self.dimensions is None:
+ dimensions = (uniform(0.25, 0.35), uniform(1.0, 4.0), uniform(0.5, 1.3))
+ self.dimensions = dimensions
+ else:
+ dimensions = self.dimensions
+ params["Dimensions"] = dimensions
+ params["bottom_board_height"] = 0.06
+ params["shelf_depth"] = params["Dimensions"][0] - 0.01
+ num_h = int((params["Dimensions"][2] - 0.06) / 0.3)
+ params["shelf_cell_height"] = [
+ (params["Dimensions"][2] - 0.06) / num_h for _ in range(num_h)
+ ]
+ self.frame_params = params
+ n_cells = max(int(params["Dimensions"][1] / 0.45), 1)
+ intervals = np.random.uniform(0.55, 1.0, size=(n_cells,))
+ intervals = intervals / intervals.sum() * params["Dimensions"][1]
+ self.cabinet_widths = intervals.tolist()
+ def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ x, y, z = self.dimensions
+ return new_bbox(-x / 2 * 1.2, x / 2 * 1.2, 0, y * 1.1, 0, (z + 0.06) * 1.03)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/kitchen_space.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/kitchen_space.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a13f5776a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/kitchen_space.py
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo, Stamatis Alexandropoulos
+import bpy
+from mathutils import Vector
+from numpy.random import choice, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials.table_materials import shader_marble
+from infinigen.assets.objects.shelves.kitchen_cabinet import KitchenCabinetFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tables.table_top import nodegroup_generate_table_top
+from infinigen.assets.objects.wall_decorations.range_hood import RangeHoodFactory
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_bbox
+from infinigen.core import surface, tagging
+from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.constants import (
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+def nodegroup_tag_cube(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ equal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: index, 3: 5},
+ attrs={"data_type": "INT", "operation": "EQUAL"},
+ )
+ cube = tagging.tag_nodegroup(
+ nw, group_input.outputs["Geometry"], t.Subpart.SupportSurface, selection=equal
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def geometry_nodes_add_cabinet_top(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0500
+ bounding_box = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"]}
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": bounding_box.outputs["Max"]}
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": bounding_box.outputs["Min"]}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 1.4140},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: subtract},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ generatetabletop = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_generate_table_top().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Thickness": value,
+ "N-gon": 4,
+ "Profile Width": multiply,
+ "Aspect Ratio": divide,
+ "Fillet Ratio": 0.0100,
+ "Fillet Radius Vertical": 0.0100,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": generatetabletop,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_marble),
+ },
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ divide_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"}
+ )
+ separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": bounding_box.outputs["Max"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": divide_1, "Z": separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
+ transform_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material, "Translation": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [group_input.outputs["Geometry"], transform_geometry]
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def geometry_node_to_tagged_bbox(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ bounding_box = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"]}
+ )
+ transform_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": bounding_box, "Scale": (0.9700, 0.9700, 1.000)},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def geometry_node_to_bbox(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ bounding_box = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"]}
+ )
+ transform_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": bounding_box, "Scale": (0.9700, 0.9700, 1.000)},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+class KitchenSpaceFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=None, island=False):
+ super(KitchenSpaceFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ if dimensions is None:
+ dimensions = Vector(
+ (
+ uniform(0.7, 1),
+ uniform(1.7, 5),
+ )
+ )
+ self.island = island
+ if self.island:
+ dimensions.x *= uniform(1.5, 2)
+ self.dimensions = dimensions
+ self.params = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
+ def sample_parameters(self, dimensions):
+ self.cabinet_bottom_height = uniform(0.8, 1.0)
+ self.cabinet_top_height = uniform(0.8, 1.0)
+ def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ x, y, z = self.dimensions
+ box = new_bbox(
+ -x / 2 * 1.08, x / 2 * 1.08, 0, y, 0, self.cabinet_bottom_height + 0.13
+ )
+ surface.add_geomod(box, nodegroup_tag_cube, apply=True)
+ if not self.island:
+ box_top = new_bbox(
+ -x / 2, x * 0.16, 0, y, z - self.cabinet_top_height - 0.1, z
+ )
+ box = butil.join_objects([box, box_top])
+ return box
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ x, y, z = self.dimensions
+ parts = []
+ cabinet_bottom_height = self.cabinet_bottom_height
+ cabinet_top_height = self.cabinet_top_height
+ cabinet_bottom_factory = KitchenCabinetFactory(
+ self.factory_seed,
+ dimensions=(x, y - 0.15, cabinet_bottom_height),
+ drawer_only=True,
+ )
+ cabinet_bottom = cabinet_bottom_factory(i=0)
+ parts.append(cabinet_bottom)
+ surface.add_geomod(cabinet_bottom, geometry_nodes_add_cabinet_top, apply=True)
+ if not self.island:
+ # top
+ top_mid_width = uniform(1.0, 1.3)
+ cabinet_top_width = (y - top_mid_width) / 2.0 - 0.05
+ cabinet_top_factory = KitchenCabinetFactory(
+ self.factory_seed,
+ dimensions=(x / 2.0, cabinet_top_width, cabinet_top_height),
+ drawer_only=False,
+ )
+ cabinet_top_left = cabinet_top_factory(i=0)
+ cabinet_top_right = cabinet_top_factory(i=1)
+ cabinet_top_left.location = (-x / 4.0, 0.0, z - cabinet_top_height)
+ cabinet_top_right.location = (
+ -x / 4.0,
+ y - cabinet_top_width,
+ z - cabinet_top_height,
+ )
+ # hood / cab
+ # mid_style = choice(['range_hood', 'cabinet'])
+ # mid_style = 'range_hood'
+ mid_style = choice(["cabinet"])
+ if mid_style == "range_hood":
+ range_hood_factory = RangeHoodFactory(
+ self.factory_seed,
+ dimensions=(x * 0.66, top_mid_width + 0.15, cabinet_top_height),
+ )
+ top_mid = range_hood_factory(i=0)
+ top_mid.location = (-x * 0.5, y / 2.0, z - cabinet_top_height + 0.05)
+ elif mid_style == "cabinet":
+ cabinet_top_mid_factory = KitchenCabinetFactory(
+ self.factory_seed,
+ dimensions=(x * 0.66, top_mid_width, cabinet_top_height * 0.8),
+ drawer_only=False,
+ )
+ top_mid = cabinet_top_mid_factory(i=0)
+ top_mid.location = (
+ -x / 6.0,
+ y / 2.0 - top_mid_width / 2.0,
+ z - (cabinet_top_height * 0.8),
+ )
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ # parts += [sink, cabinet_top_left, cabinet_top_right, top_mid]
+ parts += [cabinet_top_left, cabinet_top_right, top_mid]
+ kitchen_space = butil.join_objects(
+ parts
+ ) # [cabinet_bottom, sink, cabinet_top_left, cabinet_top_right, top_mid])
+ if not self.island:
+ kitchen_space.dimensions = self.dimensions
+ butil.apply_transform(kitchen_space)
+ tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(kitchen_space)
+ return kitchen_space
+class KitchenIslandFactory(KitchenSpaceFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed):
+ super(KitchenIslandFactory, self).__init__(
+ factory_seed=factory_seed,
+ island=True,
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/large_shelf.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/large_shelf.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae6ffe7e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/large_shelf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,966 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, randint, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials.shelf_shaders import (
+ shader_shelves_black_wood,
+ shader_shelves_black_wood_sampler,
+ shader_shelves_white,
+ shader_shelves_white_sampler,
+ shader_shelves_wood,
+ shader_shelves_wood_sampler,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.shelves.utils import nodegroup_tagged_cube
+from infinigen.core import surface, tagging
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+ "nodegroup_screw_head", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_screw_head(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Depth", 0.0050),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "division_thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "screw_width_gap", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "screw_depth_gap", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ cylinder = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"],
+ "Depth": group_input.outputs["Depth"],
+ },
+ attrs={"fill_type": "TRIANGLE_FAN"},
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input.outputs["screw_width_gap"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["screw_width_gap"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: add},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["division_thickness"], 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": subtract, "Y": multiply_2, "Z": multiply_3}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Translation": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": subtract, "Y": subtract_1, "Z": multiply_3}
+ )
+ transform_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Translation": combine_xyz_4},
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_1, transform_6]}
+ )
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_2, "Scale": (-1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)},
+ )
+ join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_4, join_geometry_2]}
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_3}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_attachment", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_attachment(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "attach_thickness", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "attach_length", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "attach_z_translation", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "attach_gap", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "attach_width", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["attach_width"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["attach_length"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": add,
+ "Y": add_1,
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["attach_thickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz,
+ "Vertices X": 5,
+ "Vertices Y": 5,
+ "Vertices Z": 5,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input.outputs["attach_gap"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: add}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_2})
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": subtract_1,
+ "Y": add_2,
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["attach_z_translation"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_1}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Scale": (-1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)},
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_1, transform]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_division_board", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_division_board(nw: NodeWrangler, material, tag_support=False):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "z_translation", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "x_translation", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "screw_depth", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "screw_radius", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "screw_width_gap", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "screw_depth_gap", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["width"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["depth"],
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["thickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ if tag_support:
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_tagged_cube().name, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz}
+ )
+ else:
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz,
+ "Vertices X": 10,
+ "Vertices Y": 10,
+ "Vertices Z": 10,
+ },
+ )
+ screw_head = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_screw_head().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Depth": group_input.outputs["screw_depth"],
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["screw_radius"],
+ "division_thickness": group_input.outputs["thickness"],
+ "width": group_input.outputs["width"],
+ "depth": group_input.outputs["depth"],
+ "screw_width_gap": group_input.outputs["screw_width_gap"],
+ "screw_depth_gap": group_input.outputs["screw_depth_gap"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [cube, screw_head]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["x_translation"],
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["z_translation"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry, "Translation": combine_xyz_1},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_bottom_board", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_bottom_board(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "y_gap", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "x_translation", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["width"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["thickness"],
+ "Z": add,
+ },
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz,
+ "Vertices X": 10,
+ "Vertices Y": 10,
+ "Vertices Z": 10,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input.outputs["y_gap"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["x_translation"],
+ "Y": subtract,
+ "Z": multiply_1,
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_1}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_back_board", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_back_board(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["width"], "Y": add, "Z": add_1},
+ )
+ cube_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_4,
+ "Vertices X": 10,
+ "Vertices Y": 10,
+ "Vertices Z": 10,
+ },
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: -0.5000, 2: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_add, "Z": multiply_1}
+ )
+ transform_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube_2, "Translation": combine_xyz_5}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_5},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_side_board", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_side_board(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "board_thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "x_translation", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["board_thickness"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": add_1, "Z": add_2}
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz,
+ "Vertices X": 10,
+ "Vertices Y": 10,
+ "Vertices Z": 10,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: 0.5000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["x_translation"], "Z": multiply},
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_1}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ side_board_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="side_board_thickness")
+ side_board_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["side_board_thickness"]
+ shelf_depth = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="shelf_depth")
+ shelf_depth.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["shelf_depth"]
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: shelf_depth, 1: 0.0040})
+ shelf_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="shelf_height")
+ shelf_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["shelf_height"]
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: shelf_height, 1: 0.0020})
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: shelf_height, 1: -0.0010})
+ side_boards = []
+ for x in kwargs["side_board_x_translation"]:
+ side_board_x_translation = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Value, label="side_board_x_translation"
+ )
+ side_board_x_translation.outputs[0].default_value = x
+ side_board = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_side_board().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "board_thickness": side_board_thickness,
+ "depth": add,
+ "height": add_1,
+ "x_translation": side_board_x_translation,
+ },
+ )
+ side_boards.append(side_board)
+ shelf_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="shelf_width")
+ shelf_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["shelf_width"]
+ backboard_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="backboard_thickness")
+ backboard_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["backboard_thickness"]
+ add_side = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: shelf_width, 1: kwargs["side_board_thickness"] * 2}
+ )
+ back_board = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_back_board().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "width": add_side,
+ "thickness": backboard_thickness,
+ "height": add_2,
+ "depth": shelf_depth,
+ },
+ )
+ bottom_board_y_gap = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="bottom_board_y_gap")
+ bottom_board_y_gap.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["bottom_board_y_gap"]
+ bottom_board_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="bottom_board_height")
+ bottom_board_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["bottom_board_height"]
+ bottom_boards = []
+ for i in range(len(kwargs["shelf_cell_width"])):
+ bottom_gap_x_translation = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Value, label="bottom_gap_x_translation"
+ )
+ bottom_gap_x_translation.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs[
+ "bottom_gap_x_translation"
+ ][i]
+ shelf_cell_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="shelf_cell_width")
+ shelf_cell_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["shelf_cell_width"][i]
+ bottomboard = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_bottom_board().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "thickness": side_board_thickness,
+ "depth": shelf_depth,
+ "y_gap": bottom_board_y_gap,
+ "x_translation": bottom_gap_x_translation,
+ "height": bottom_board_height,
+ "width": shelf_cell_width,
+ },
+ )
+ bottom_boards.append(bottomboard)
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [back_board] + side_boards + bottom_boards},
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry}
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": realize_instances,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(kwargs["frame_material"]),
+ },
+ )
+ division_board_thickness = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Value, label="division_board_thickness"
+ )
+ division_board_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs[
+ "division_board_thickness"
+ ]
+ division_boards = []
+ for i in range(len(kwargs["shelf_cell_width"])):
+ for j in range(len(kwargs["division_board_z_translation"])):
+ division_board_z_translation = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Value, label="division_board_z_translation"
+ )
+ division_board_z_translation.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs[
+ "division_board_z_translation"
+ ][j]
+ division_board_x_translation = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Value, label="division_board_x_translation"
+ )
+ division_board_x_translation.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs[
+ "division_board_x_translation"
+ ][i]
+ shelf_cell_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="shelf_cell_width")
+ shelf_cell_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["shelf_cell_width"][i]
+ screw_depth_head = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="screw_depth_head")
+ screw_depth_head.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["screw_depth_head"]
+ screw_head_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="screw_head_radius")
+ screw_head_radius.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["screw_head_radius"]
+ screw_width_gap = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="screw_width_gap")
+ screw_width_gap.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["screw_width_gap"]
+ screw_depth_gap = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="screw_depth_gap")
+ screw_depth_gap.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["screw_depth_gap"]
+ division_board = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_division_board(
+ material=kwargs["board_material"],
+ tag_support=kwargs.get("tag_support", False),
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "thickness": division_board_thickness,
+ "width": shelf_cell_width,
+ "depth": shelf_depth,
+ "z_translation": division_board_z_translation,
+ "x_translation": division_board_x_translation,
+ "screw_depth": screw_depth_head,
+ "screw_radius": screw_head_radius,
+ "screw_width_gap": screw_width_gap,
+ "screw_depth_gap": screw_depth_gap,
+ },
+ )
+ division_boards.append(division_board)
+ attach_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="attach_thickness")
+ attach_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["attach_thickness"]
+ attach_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="attach_length")
+ attach_length.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["attach_length"]
+ attach_z_translation = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="attach_z_translation")
+ attach_z_translation.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["attach_z_translation"]
+ attach_gap = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="attach_gap")
+ attach_gap.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["attach_gap"]
+ attach_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="attach_width")
+ attach_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["attach_width"]
+ join_geometry_k = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": division_boards}
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_k,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(kwargs["board_material"]),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material, set_material_1]}
+ )
+ realize_instances_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_3}
+ )
+ triangulate = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeTriangulate", input_kwargs={"Mesh": realize_instances_3}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": triangulate, "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708)},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+class LargeShelfBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
+ super(LargeShelfBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.params = {}
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return self.params.copy()
+ def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
+ params = self.sample_params()
+ if params.get("shelf_depth", None) is None:
+ params["shelf_depth"] = np.clip(normal(0.26, 0.03), 0.18, 0.36)
+ if params.get("side_board_thickness", None) is None:
+ params["side_board_thickness"] = np.clip(normal(0.02, 0.002), 0.015, 0.025)
+ if params.get("back_board_thickness", None) is None:
+ params["backboard_thickness"] = 0.01
+ if params.get("bottom_board_y_gap", None) is None:
+ params["bottom_board_y_gap"] = uniform(0.01, 0.05)
+ if params.get("bottom_board_height", None) is None:
+ params["bottom_board_height"] = np.clip(
+ normal(0.083, 0.01), 0.05, 0.11
+ ) * np.random.choice([1.0, 0.0], p=[0.8, 0.2])
+ if params.get("division_board_thickness", None) is None:
+ params["division_board_thickness"] = np.clip(
+ normal(0.02, 0.002), 0.015, 0.025
+ )
+ if params.get("screw_depth_head", None) is None:
+ params["screw_depth_head"] = uniform(0.001, 0.004)
+ if params.get("screw_head_radius", None) is None:
+ params["screw_head_radius"] = uniform(0.001, 0.004)
+ if params.get("screw_width_gap", None) is None:
+ params["screw_width_gap"] = uniform(0.0, 0.02)
+ if params.get("screw_depth_gap", None) is None:
+ params["screw_depth_gap"] = uniform(0.025, 0.06)
+ if params.get("attach_length", None) is None:
+ params["attach_length"] = uniform(0.05, 0.1)
+ if params.get("attach_width", None) is None:
+ params["attach_width"] = uniform(0.01, 0.025)
+ if params.get("attach_thickness", None) is None:
+ params["attach_thickness"] = uniform(0.002, 0.005)
+ if params.get("attach_gap", None) is None:
+ params["attach_gap"] = uniform(0.0, 0.05)
+ if params.get("shelf_cell_width", None) is None:
+ num_h_cells = randint(1, 4)
+ shelf_cell_width = []
+ for i in range(num_h_cells):
+ shelf_cell_width.append(
+ np.random.choice([0.76, 0.36], p=[0.5, 0.5])
+ * np.clip(normal(1.0, 0.1), 0.75, 1.25)
+ )
+ params["shelf_cell_width"] = shelf_cell_width
+ if params.get("shelf_cell_height", None) is None:
+ num_v_cells = randint(3, 8)
+ shelf_cell_height = []
+ for i in range(num_v_cells):
+ shelf_cell_height.append(0.3 * np.clip(normal(1.0, 0.1), 0.75, 1.25))
+ params["shelf_cell_height"] = shelf_cell_height
+ params = self.update_translation_params(params)
+ if params.get("frame_material", None) is None:
+ params["frame_material"] = np.random.choice(
+ ["white", "black_wood", "wood"], p=[0.4, 0.3, 0.3]
+ )
+ if params.get("board_material", None) is None:
+ params["board_material"] = params["frame_material"]
+ params = self.get_material_func(params)
+ params["tag_support"] = True
+ return params
+ def get_material_func(self, params, randomness=True):
+ white_wood_params = shader_shelves_white_sampler()
+ black_wood_params = shader_shelves_black_wood_sampler()
+ normal_wood_params = shader_shelves_wood_sampler()
+ if params["frame_material"] == "white":
+ if randomness:
+ params["frame_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_white(
+ x, **white_wood_params
+ )
+ else:
+ params["frame_material"] = shader_shelves_white
+ elif params["frame_material"] == "black_wood":
+ if randomness:
+ params["frame_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(
+ x, **black_wood_params, z_axis_texture=True
+ )
+ else:
+ params["frame_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(
+ x, z_axis_texture=True
+ )
+ elif params["frame_material"] == "wood":
+ if randomness:
+ params["frame_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_wood(
+ x, **normal_wood_params, z_axis_texture=True
+ )
+ else:
+ params["frame_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_wood(
+ x, z_axis_texture=True
+ )
+ if params["board_material"] == "white":
+ if randomness:
+ params["board_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_white(
+ x, **white_wood_params
+ )
+ else:
+ params["board_material"] = shader_shelves_white
+ elif params["board_material"] == "black_wood":
+ if randomness:
+ params["board_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(
+ x, **black_wood_params
+ )
+ else:
+ params["board_material"] = shader_shelves_black_wood
+ elif params["board_material"] == "wood":
+ if randomness:
+ params["board_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_wood(
+ x, **normal_wood_params
+ )
+ else:
+ params["board_material"] = shader_shelves_wood
+ return params
+ def update_translation_params(self, params):
+ cell_widths = params["shelf_cell_width"]
+ cell_heights = params["shelf_cell_height"]
+ side_thickness = params["side_board_thickness"]
+ div_thickness = params["division_board_thickness"]
+ # get shelf_width and shelf_height
+ width = (len(cell_widths) - 1) * side_thickness * 2 + (
+ len(cell_widths) - 1
+ ) * 0.001
+ height = (len(cell_heights) + 1) * div_thickness + params["bottom_board_height"]
+ for w in cell_widths:
+ width += w
+ for h in cell_heights:
+ height += h
+ params["shelf_width"] = width
+ params["shelf_height"] = height
+ params["attach_z_translation"] = height - div_thickness
+ # get side_board_x_translation
+ dist = -(width + side_thickness) / 2.0
+ side_board_x_translation = [dist]
+ for w in cell_widths:
+ dist += side_thickness + w
+ side_board_x_translation.append(dist)
+ dist += side_thickness + 0.001
+ side_board_x_translation.append(dist)
+ side_board_x_translation = side_board_x_translation[:-1]
+ # get division_board_z_translation
+ dist = params["bottom_board_height"] + div_thickness / 2.0
+ division_board_z_translation = [dist]
+ for h in cell_heights:
+ dist += h + div_thickness
+ division_board_z_translation.append(dist)
+ # get division_board_x_translation
+ division_board_x_translation = []
+ for i in range(len(cell_widths)):
+ division_board_x_translation.append(
+ (side_board_x_translation[2 * i] + side_board_x_translation[2 * i + 1])
+ / 2.0
+ )
+ params["side_board_x_translation"] = side_board_x_translation
+ params["division_board_x_translation"] = division_board_x_translation
+ params["division_board_z_translation"] = division_board_z_translation
+ params["bottom_gap_x_translation"] = division_board_x_translation
+ return params
+ def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ obj_params = self.get_asset_params(i)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geometry_nodes, attributes=[], apply=True, input_kwargs=obj_params
+ )
+ if params.get("ret_params", False):
+ return obj, obj_params
+ tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
+ return obj
+class LargeShelfFactory(LargeShelfBaseFactory):
+ def sample_params(self):
+ params = dict()
+ params["Dimensions"] = (
+ uniform(0.25, 0.35),
+ uniform(0.3, 2.0),
+ uniform(0.9, 2.0),
+ )
+ params["bottom_board_height"] = 0.083
+ params["shelf_depth"] = params["Dimensions"][0] - 0.01
+ num_h = int((params["Dimensions"][2] - 0.083) / 0.3)
+ params["shelf_cell_height"] = [
+ (params["Dimensions"][2] - 0.083) / num_h for _ in range(num_h)
+ ]
+ num_v = max(int(params["Dimensions"][1] / 0.5), 1)
+ params["shelf_cell_width"] = [
+ params["Dimensions"][1] / num_v for _ in range(num_v)
+ ]
+ return params
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/simple_bookcase.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/simple_bookcase.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4f6b83e84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/simple_bookcase.py
@@ -0,0 +1,867 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials.shelf_shaders import get_shelf_material
+from infinigen.assets.objects.shelves.utils import nodegroup_tagged_cube
+from infinigen.core import surface, tagging
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+ "nodegroup_attach_gadget", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_attach_gadget(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "division_thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "attach_thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "attach_width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "attach_back_len", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "attach_top_len", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["attach_width"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["attach_top_len"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["attach_thickness"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": add_1, "Z": add_2}
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz,
+ "Vertices X": 5,
+ "Vertices Y": 5,
+ "Vertices Z": 5,
+ },
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: add_1}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["height"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["division_thickness"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply, "Z": subtract_1}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_2}
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["attach_back_len"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": add_2, "Z": add_4}
+ )
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_1,
+ "Vertices X": 5,
+ "Vertices Y": 5,
+ "Vertices Z": 5,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: multiply_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_1, "Z": subtract_2}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube_1, "Translation": combine_xyz_3}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"attach1": transform, "attach2": transform_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_screw_head", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_screw_head(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Depth", 0.0050),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "bottom_gap", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "division_thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "screw_gap", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ cylinder = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"],
+ "Depth": group_input.outputs["Depth"],
+ },
+ attrs={"fill_type": "TRIANGLE_FAN"},
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["screw_gap"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: add},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["division_thickness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: multiply_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply, "Y": subtract, "Z": subtract_1}
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Translation": combine_xyz_1},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["bottom_gap"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply, "Y": subtract, "Z": add_1}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Translation": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply, "Y": multiply_3, "Z": subtract_1}
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Translation": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: add_1})
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply, "Z": multiply_4}
+ )
+ transform_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Translation": combine_xyz_3},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply, "Y": multiply_3, "Z": add_1}
+ )
+ transform_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Translation": combine_xyz_4},
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ transform_2,
+ transform_1,
+ transform_3,
+ transform_5,
+ transform_6,
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_2, "Scale": (-1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)},
+ )
+ join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_4, join_geometry_2]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_3},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_back_board", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_back_board(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["width"], "Y": add, "Z": add_1},
+ )
+ cube_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_4,
+ "Vertices X": 10,
+ "Vertices Y": 10,
+ "Vertices Z": 10,
+ },
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: -0.5000, 2: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_add, "Z": multiply_1}
+ )
+ transform_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube_2, "Translation": combine_xyz_5}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_5},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_division_board", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_division_board(nw: NodeWrangler, tag_support=False):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "board_thickness", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "side_thickness", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["side_thickness"], 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": subtract,
+ "Y": add,
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["board_thickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ if tag_support:
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_tagged_cube().name, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz_3}
+ )
+ else:
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz_3,
+ "Vertices X": 10,
+ "Vertices Y": 10,
+ "Vertices Z": 10,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": cube_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_division_boards", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_division_boards(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "gap", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["gap"], 1: multiply}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": add})
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances_1, "Translation": combine_xyz_1},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: add})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_1})
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances_1, "Translation": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": subtract})
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances_1, "Translation": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "board1": transform_2,
+ "board2": transform_3,
+ "board3": transform_4,
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_side_board", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_side_board(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "board_thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["board_thickness"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": add_1, "Z": add_2}
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz,
+ "Vertices X": 10,
+ "Vertices Y": 10,
+ "Vertices Z": 10,
+ },
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: add}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: 0.5000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply, "Z": multiply_1}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_1}
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_2, "Z": multiply_1}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_2}
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform, transform_1]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ side_board_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="side_board_thickness")
+ side_board_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["side_board_thickness"]
+ shelf_depth = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="shelf_depth")
+ shelf_depth.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["depth"]
+ shelf_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="shelf_height")
+ shelf_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["height"]
+ shelf_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="shelf_width")
+ shelf_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["width"]
+ side_board = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_side_board().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "board_thickness": side_board_thickness,
+ "depth": shelf_depth,
+ "height": shelf_height,
+ "width": shelf_width,
+ },
+ )
+ division_board_thickness = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Value, label="division_board_thickness"
+ )
+ division_board_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs[
+ "division_board_thickness"
+ ]
+ bottom_gap = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="bottom_gap")
+ bottom_gap.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["bottom_gap"]
+ division_board = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_division_board(tag_support=kwargs["tag_support"]).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "board_thickness": division_board_thickness,
+ "depth": shelf_depth,
+ "width": shelf_width,
+ "side_thickness": side_board_thickness,
+ },
+ )
+ division_boards = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_division_boards().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "thickness": division_board_thickness,
+ "height": shelf_height,
+ "gap": bottom_gap,
+ "Geometry": division_board,
+ },
+ )
+ backboard_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="backboard_thickness")
+ backboard_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["backboard_thickness"]
+ back_board = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_back_board().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "width": shelf_width,
+ "thickness": backboard_thickness,
+ "height": shelf_height,
+ "depth": shelf_depth,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ side_board,
+ division_boards.outputs["board1"],
+ division_boards.outputs["board2"],
+ back_board,
+ division_boards.outputs["board3"],
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry}
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": realize_instances,
+ "Material": kwargs["frame_material"],
+ },
+ )
+ screw_depth_head = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="screw_depth_head")
+ screw_depth_head.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["screw_head_depth"]
+ screw_head_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="screw_head_radius")
+ screw_head_radius.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["screw_head_radius"]
+ screw_head_gap = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="screw_head_gap")
+ screw_head_gap.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["screw_head_dist"]
+ screw_head = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_screw_head().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Depth": screw_depth_head,
+ "Radius": screw_head_radius,
+ "bottom_gap": bottom_gap,
+ "division_thickness": division_board_thickness,
+ "width": shelf_width,
+ "height": shelf_height,
+ "depth": shelf_depth,
+ "screw_gap": screw_head_gap,
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": screw_head}
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": realize_instances_1,
+ "Material": kwargs["metal_material"],
+ },
+ )
+ attach_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="attach_thickness")
+ attach_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["attach_thickness"]
+ attach_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="attach_width")
+ attach_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["attach_width"]
+ attach_back_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="attach_back_length")
+ attach_back_length.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["attach_back_length"]
+ attach_top_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="attach_top_length")
+ attach_top_length.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["attach_top_length"]
+ attach_gadget = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_attach_gadget().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "division_thickness": division_board_thickness,
+ "height": shelf_height,
+ "attach_thickness": attach_thickness,
+ "attach_width": attach_width,
+ "attach_back_len": attach_back_length,
+ "attach_top_len": attach_top_length,
+ "depth": shelf_depth,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ attach_gadget.outputs["attach1"],
+ attach_gadget.outputs["attach2"],
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_2}
+ )
+ set_material_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": realize_instances_2,
+ "Material": kwargs["metal_material"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material, set_material_1, set_material_2]},
+ )
+ realize_instances_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1}
+ )
+ triangulate = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeTriangulate", input_kwargs={"Mesh": realize_instances_3}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": triangulate, "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708)},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+class SimpleBookcaseBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
+ super(SimpleBookcaseBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.params = params
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return self.params.copy()
+ def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
+ params = self.sample_params()
+ if params.get("depth", None) is None:
+ params["depth"] = np.clip(normal(0.3, 0.05), 0.15, 0.45)
+ if params.get("width", None) is None:
+ params["width"] = np.clip(normal(0.5, 0.1), 0.25, 0.75)
+ if params.get("height", None) is None:
+ params["height"] = np.clip(normal(0.8, 0.1), 0.5, 1.0)
+ params["side_board_thickness"] = uniform(0.005, 0.03)
+ params["division_board_thickness"] = np.clip(normal(0.015, 0.005), 0.005, 0.025)
+ params["bottom_gap"] = np.clip(normal(0.14, 0.05), 0.0, 0.2)
+ params["backboard_thickness"] = uniform(0.01, 0.02)
+ params["screw_head_depth"] = uniform(0.002, 0.008)
+ params["screw_head_radius"] = uniform(0.003, 0.008)
+ params["screw_head_dist"] = uniform(0.03, 0.1)
+ params["attach_thickness"] = uniform(0.002, 0.005)
+ params["attach_width"] = uniform(0.01, 0.04)
+ params["attach_top_length"] = uniform(0.03, 0.1)
+ params["attach_back_length"] = uniform(0.02, 0.05)
+ params["frame_material"] = get_shelf_material("white")
+ params["metal_material"] = get_shelf_material("metal")
+ params["tag_support"] = True
+ return params
+ def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ obj_params = self.get_asset_params(i)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geometry_nodes, apply=True, attributes=[], input_kwargs=obj_params
+ )
+ tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
+ return obj
+class SimpleBookcaseFactory(SimpleBookcaseBaseFactory):
+ def sample_params(self):
+ params = dict()
+ params["Dimensions"] = (
+ uniform(0.25, 0.4),
+ uniform(0.5, 0.7),
+ uniform(0.7, 0.9),
+ )
+ params["depth"] = params["Dimensions"][0] - 0.015
+ params["width"] = params["Dimensions"][1]
+ params["height"] = params["Dimensions"][2]
+ return params
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/simple_desk.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/simple_desk.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..422d09f22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/simple_desk.py
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials.shelf_shaders import (
+ shader_shelves_black_metallic,
+ shader_shelves_black_metallic_sampler,
+ shader_shelves_black_wood,
+ shader_shelves_black_wood_sampler,
+ shader_shelves_white,
+ shader_shelves_white_metallic,
+ shader_shelves_white_metallic_sampler,
+ shader_shelves_white_sampler,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.shelves.utils import nodegroup_tagged_cube
+from infinigen.core import surface, tagging
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+ "nodegroup_table_legs", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_table_legs(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "radius", 0.0200),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "dist", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["height"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["thickness"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ cylinder = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["radius"],
+ "Depth": subtract,
+ "Vertices": 128,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["dist"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: add}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["depth"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: add},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": subtract_1, "Y": subtract_2, "Z": multiply_2},
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_2,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": multiply_3, "Y": subtract_2, "Z": multiply_2},
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_3,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_2, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": subtract_1, "Y": multiply_4, "Z": multiply_2},
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_4,
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": multiply_3, "Y": multiply_4, "Z": multiply_2},
+ )
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_5,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform, transform_2, transform_3, transform_4]},
+ )
+ realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_table_top", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_table_top(nw: NodeWrangler, tag_support=True):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "depth", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "thickness", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["width"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["depth"],
+ "Z": add,
+ },
+ )
+ if tag_support:
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_tagged_cube().name, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz}
+ )
+ else:
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz,
+ "Vertices X": 10,
+ "Vertices Y": 10,
+ "Vertices Z": 10,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": subtract})
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_1}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ table_depth = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="table_depth")
+ table_depth.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["depth"]
+ table_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="table_width")
+ table_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["width"]
+ table_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="table_height")
+ table_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["height"]
+ top_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="top_thickness")
+ top_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["thickness"]
+ table_top = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_table_top(tag_support=True).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "depth": table_depth,
+ "width": table_width,
+ "height": table_height,
+ "thickness": top_thickness,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": table_top,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(kwargs["top_material"]),
+ },
+ )
+ leg_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="leg_radius")
+ leg_radius.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["leg_radius"]
+ leg_center_to_edge = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="leg_center_to_edge")
+ leg_center_to_edge.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["leg_dist"]
+ table_legs = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_table_legs().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "thickness": top_thickness,
+ "height": table_height,
+ "radius": leg_radius,
+ "width": table_width,
+ "depth": table_depth,
+ "dist": leg_center_to_edge,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": table_legs,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(kwargs["leg_material"]),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material, set_material_1]}
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry}
+ )
+ triangulate = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeTriangulate", input_kwargs={"Mesh": realize_instances}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": triangulate, "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.5708)},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+class SimpleDeskBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
+ super(SimpleDeskBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.params = params
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return self.params.copy()
+ def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
+ params = self.sample_params()
+ if params.get("depth", None) is None:
+ params["depth"] = np.clip(normal(0.6, 0.05), 0.45, 0.7)
+ if params.get("width", None) is None:
+ params["width"] = np.clip(normal(1.0, 0.1), 0.7, 1.3)
+ if params.get("height", None) is None:
+ params["height"] = np.clip(normal(0.73, 0.05), 0.6, 0.83)
+ if params.get("top_material", None) is None:
+ params["top_material"] = np.random.choice(["white", "black_wood"])
+ if params.get("leg_material", None) is None:
+ params["leg_material"] = np.random.choice(["white", "black"])
+ if params.get("leg_radius", None) is None:
+ params["leg_radius"] = uniform(0.01, 0.025)
+ if params.get("leg_dist", None) is None:
+ params["leg_dist"] = uniform(0.035, 0.07)
+ if params.get("thickness", None) is None:
+ params["thickness"] = uniform(0.01, 0.03)
+ params = self.get_material_func(params)
+ return params
+ def get_material_func(self, params, randomness=True):
+ if params["top_material"] == "white":
+ if randomness:
+ params["top_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_white(
+ x, **shader_shelves_white_sampler()
+ )
+ else:
+ params["top_material"] = shader_shelves_white
+ elif params["top_material"] == "black_wood":
+ if randomness:
+ params["top_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(
+ x, **shader_shelves_black_wood_sampler()
+ )
+ else:
+ params["top_material"] = shader_shelves_black_wood
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ if params["leg_material"] == "white":
+ if randomness:
+ params["leg_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_white_metallic(
+ x, **shader_shelves_white_metallic_sampler()
+ )
+ else:
+ params["leg_material"] = shader_shelves_white_metallic
+ elif params["leg_material"] == "black":
+ if randomness:
+ params["leg_material"] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_metallic(
+ x, **shader_shelves_black_metallic_sampler()
+ )
+ else:
+ params["leg_material"] = shader_shelves_black_metallic
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ return params
+ def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ obj_params = self.get_asset_params(i)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geometry_nodes, attributes=[], apply=True, input_kwargs=obj_params
+ )
+ tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
+ return obj
+class SimpleDeskFactory(SimpleDeskBaseFactory):
+ def sample_params(self):
+ params = dict()
+ params["Dimensions"] = (uniform(0.5, 0.75), uniform(0.8, 2), uniform(0.6, 0.8))
+ params["depth"] = params["Dimensions"][0]
+ params["width"] = params["Dimensions"][1]
+ params["height"] = params["Dimensions"][2]
+ return params
+class SidetableDeskFactory(SimpleDeskBaseFactory):
+ def sample_params(self):
+ params = dict()
+ w = 0.55 * normal(1, 0.1)
+ params["Dimensions"] = (w, w, w * normal(1, 0.05))
+ params["depth"] = params["Dimensions"][0]
+ params["width"] = params["Dimensions"][1]
+ params["height"] = params["Dimensions"][2]
+ return params
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/single_cabinet.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/single_cabinet.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f319ac392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/single_cabinet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, randint, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.shelves.doors import CabinetDoorBaseFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.shelves.large_shelf import LargeShelfBaseFactory
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_bbox
+from infinigen.core import surface, tagging
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+def geometry_cabinet_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ right_door_info = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={"Object": kwargs["door"][0]}
+ )
+ left_door_info = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={"Object": kwargs["door"][1]}
+ )
+ shelf_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={"Object": kwargs["shelf"]})
+ doors = []
+ transform_r = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": right_door_info.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Translation": kwargs["door_hinge_pos"][0],
+ "Rotation": (0, 0, kwargs["door_open_angle"]),
+ },
+ )
+ doors.append(transform_r)
+ if len(kwargs["door_hinge_pos"]) > 1:
+ transform_l = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": left_door_info.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Translation": kwargs["door_hinge_pos"][1],
+ "Rotation": (0, 0, kwargs["door_open_angle"]),
+ },
+ )
+ doors.append(transform_l)
+ attaches = []
+ for pos in kwargs["attach_pos"]:
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": (0.0006, 0.0200, 0.04500)}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": -0.0100})
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz}
+ )
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": (0.0005, 0.0340, 0.0200)}
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform, cube_1]}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry,
+ "Translation": (0.0000, -0.0170, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_1,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708),
+ },
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_2, "Translation": pos}
+ )
+ attaches.append(transform_3)
+ join_geometry_a = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": attaches}
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": doors + [join_geometry_a]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+class SingleCabinetBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
+ super(SingleCabinetBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.shelf_params = {}
+ self.door_params = {}
+ self.mat_params = {}
+ self.shelf_fac = LargeShelfBaseFactory(factory_seed)
+ self.door_fac = CabinetDoorBaseFactory(factory_seed)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.params = self.sample_params()
+ def sample_params(self):
+ # Update fac params
+ pass
+ def get_material_params(self):
+ with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
+ params = self.mat_params.copy()
+ if params.get("frame_material", None) is None:
+ params["frame_material"] = np.random.choice(
+ ["white", "black_wood", "wood"], p=[0.5, 0.2, 0.3]
+ )
+ return params
+ def get_shelf_params(self, i=0):
+ params = self.shelf_params.copy()
+ if params.get("shelf_cell_width", None) is None:
+ params["shelf_cell_width"] = [
+ np.random.choice([0.76, 0.36], p=[0.5, 0.5])
+ * np.clip(normal(1.0, 0.1), 0.75, 1.25)
+ ]
+ if params.get("shelf_cell_height", None) is None:
+ num_v_cells = randint(3, 7)
+ shelf_cell_height = []
+ for i in range(num_v_cells):
+ shelf_cell_height.append(0.3 * np.clip(normal(1.0, 0.06), 0.75, 1.25))
+ params["shelf_cell_height"] = shelf_cell_height
+ if params.get("frame_material", None) is None:
+ params["frame_material"] = self.mat_params["frame_material"]
+ return params
+ def get_door_params(self, i=0):
+ params = self.door_params.copy()
+ # get door params
+ shelf_width = (
+ self.shelf_params["shelf_width"]
+ + self.shelf_params["side_board_thickness"] * 2
+ )
+ if params.get("door_width", None) is None:
+ if shelf_width < 0.55:
+ params["door_width"] = shelf_width
+ params["num_door"] = 1
+ else:
+ params["door_width"] = shelf_width / 2.0 - 0.0005
+ params["num_door"] = 2
+ if params.get("door_height", None) is None:
+ params["door_height"] = (
+ self.shelf_params["division_board_z_translation"][-1]
+ - self.shelf_params["division_board_z_translation"][0]
+ + self.shelf_params["division_board_thickness"]
+ )
+ if len(
+ self.shelf_params["division_board_z_translation"]
+ ) > 5 and np.random.choice([True, False], p=[0.5, 0.5]):
+ params["door_height"] = (
+ self.shelf_params["division_board_z_translation"][3]
+ - self.shelf_params["division_board_z_translation"][0]
+ + self.shelf_params["division_board_thickness"]
+ )
+ if params.get("frame_material", None) is None:
+ params["frame_material"] = self.mat_params["frame_material"]
+ return params
+ def get_cabinet_params(self, i=0):
+ params = dict()
+ shelf_width = (
+ self.shelf_params["shelf_width"]
+ + self.shelf_params["side_board_thickness"] * 2
+ )
+ if self.door_params["num_door"] == 1:
+ params["door_hinge_pos"] = [
+ (
+ self.shelf_params["shelf_depth"] / 2.0 + 0.0025,
+ -shelf_width / 2.0,
+ self.shelf_params["bottom_board_height"],
+ )
+ ]
+ params["door_open_angle"] = 0
+ params["attach_pos"] = [
+ (
+ self.shelf_params["shelf_depth"] / 2.0,
+ -self.shelf_params["shelf_width"] / 2.0,
+ self.shelf_params["bottom_board_height"] + z,
+ )
+ for z in self.door_params["attach_height"]
+ ]
+ elif self.door_params["num_door"] == 2:
+ params["door_hinge_pos"] = [
+ (
+ self.shelf_params["shelf_depth"] / 2.0 + 0.008,
+ -shelf_width / 2.0,
+ self.shelf_params["bottom_board_height"],
+ ),
+ (
+ self.shelf_params["shelf_depth"] / 2.0 + 0.008,
+ shelf_width / 2.0,
+ self.shelf_params["bottom_board_height"],
+ ),
+ ]
+ params["door_open_angle"] = 0
+ params["attach_pos"] = [
+ (
+ self.shelf_params["shelf_depth"] / 2.0,
+ -self.shelf_params["shelf_width"] / 2.0,
+ self.shelf_params["bottom_board_height"] + z,
+ )
+ for z in self.door_params["attach_height"]
+ ] + [
+ (
+ self.shelf_params["shelf_depth"] / 2.0,
+ self.shelf_params["shelf_width"] / 2.0,
+ self.shelf_params["bottom_board_height"] + z,
+ )
+ for z in self.door_params["attach_height"]
+ ]
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ return params
+ def get_cabinet_components(self, i):
+ # update material params
+ self.mat_params = self.get_material_params()
+ # create shelf
+ shelf_params = self.get_shelf_params(i=i)
+ self.shelf_fac.params = shelf_params
+ shelf, shelf_params = self.shelf_fac.create_asset(i=i, ret_params=True)
+ shelf.name = "cabinet_frame"
+ self.shelf_params = shelf_params
+ # create doors
+ door_params = self.get_door_params(i=i)
+ self.door_fac.params = door_params
+ self.door_fac.params["door_left_hinge"] = False
+ right_door, door_obj_params = self.door_fac.create_asset(i=i, ret_params=True)
+ right_door.name = "cabinet_right_door"
+ self.door_fac.params = door_obj_params
+ self.door_fac.params["door_left_hinge"] = True
+ left_door, _ = self.door_fac.create_asset(i=i, ret_params=True)
+ left_door.name = "cabinet_left_door"
+ self.door_params = door_obj_params
+ return shelf, right_door, left_door
+ def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ shelf, right_door, left_door = self.get_cabinet_components(i=i)
+ # create cabinet
+ cabinet_params = self.get_cabinet_params(i=i)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geometry_cabinet_nodes,
+ attributes=[],
+ apply=True,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "door": [right_door, left_door],
+ "shelf": shelf,
+ "door_hinge_pos": cabinet_params["door_hinge_pos"],
+ "door_open_angle": cabinet_params["door_open_angle"],
+ "attach_pos": cabinet_params["attach_pos"],
+ },
+ )
+ butil.delete([left_door, right_door])
+ obj = butil.join_objects([shelf, obj])
+ tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
+ return obj
+class SingleCabinetFactory(SingleCabinetBaseFactory):
+ def sample_params(self):
+ params = dict()
+ params["Dimensions"] = (
+ uniform(0.25, 0.35),
+ uniform(0.3, 0.7),
+ uniform(0.9, 1.8),
+ )
+ params["bottom_board_height"] = 0.083
+ params["shelf_depth"] = params["Dimensions"][0] - 0.01
+ num_h = int((params["Dimensions"][2] - 0.083) / 0.3)
+ params["shelf_cell_height"] = [
+ (params["Dimensions"][2] - 0.083) / num_h for _ in range(num_h)
+ ]
+ params["shelf_cell_width"] = [params["Dimensions"][1]]
+ self.shelf_params = params
+ self.dims = params["Dimensions"]
+ def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ x, y, z = self.dims
+ return new_bbox(
+ -x / 2 * 1.2, x / 2 * 1.2, -y / 2 * 1.2, y / 2 * 1.2, 0, (z + 0.083) * 1.02
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/triangle_shelf.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/triangle_shelf.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d7fba9c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/triangle_shelf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1394 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials.shelf_shaders import get_shelf_material
+from infinigen.core import surface, tagging
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+ "nodegroup_table_profile", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_table_profile(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Profile N-gon", 4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Profile Width", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Profile Aspect Ratio", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Profile Fillet Ratio", 0.2000),
+ ],
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.7071
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["Profile N-gon"],
+ "Radius": value,
+ },
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 3.1416, 1: group_input.outputs["Profile N-gon"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": divide})
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708)},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Profile Aspect Ratio"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Profile Width"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Profile Width"],
+ "Y": multiply,
+ "Z": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_2, "Scale": combine_xyz}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Profile Width"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Profile Fillet Ratio"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ fillet_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeFilletCurve",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": transform_1,
+ "Count": 4,
+ "Radius": multiply_1,
+ "Limit Radius": True,
+ },
+ attrs={"mode": "POLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Output": fillet_curve_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_curve_to_board", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_curve_to_board(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Profile Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Shape Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Height", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": combine_xyz_1})
+ set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveTilt, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line, "Tilt": 3.1416}
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_curve_tilt, "Count": 128, "Length": 0.0500},
+ )
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": resample_curve,
+ 2: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Profile Curve": group_input.outputs["Shape Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position_1})
+ sample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"],
+ "Factor": capture_attribute.outputs[2],
+ },
+ attrs={"mode": "FACTOR"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": sample_curve.outputs["Position"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"], "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz}, attrs={"operation": "LENGTH"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: length.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: length.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"],
+ 2: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"],
+ 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"],
+ 3: multiply,
+ 4: 0.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": multiply_1,
+ "Y": multiply_2,
+ "Z": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh, "Position": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": set_position},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_leg_straight", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leg_straight(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Profile Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "N-gon", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Profile Width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Aspect Ratio", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Fillet Ratio", 0.2000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 128),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": combine_xyz_1})
+ set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveTilt, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line, "Tilt": 3.1416}
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_tilt,
+ "Count": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Length": 0.0500,
+ },
+ )
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": resample_curve,
+ 2: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"],
+ },
+ )
+ tableprofile = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_table_profile().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Profile N-gon": group_input.outputs["N-gon"],
+ "Profile Width": group_input.outputs["Profile Width"],
+ "Profile Aspect Ratio": group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"],
+ "Profile Fillet Ratio": group_input.outputs["Fillet Ratio"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Profile Curve": tableprofile,
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position_1})
+ sample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"],
+ "Factor": capture_attribute.outputs[2],
+ },
+ attrs={"mode": "FACTOR"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": sample_curve.outputs["Position"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"], "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz}, attrs={"operation": "LENGTH"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: length.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: length.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"],
+ 2: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"],
+ 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"],
+ 3: multiply,
+ 4: 0.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": multiply_1,
+ "Y": multiply_2,
+ "Z": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh, "Position": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": set_position, "Profile Curve": tableprofile},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_curve_board", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_curve_board(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": (1.0000, 0.0000, -1.0000),
+ "End": (1.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Fillet Radius Vertical", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "width", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "extrude_length", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["width"]}
+ )
+ curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": combine_xyz_3})
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": group_input.outputs["width"]}
+ )
+ curve_line_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": combine_xyz_4})
+ combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["width"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["extrude_length"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_line_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"Start": combine_xyz_3, "End": combine_xyz_6}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["extrude_length"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["width"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_line_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"Start": combine_xyz_4, "End": combine_xyz_5}
+ )
+ curve_line_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"Start": combine_xyz_6, "End": combine_xyz_5}
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ curve_line_1,
+ curve_line_2,
+ curve_line_3,
+ curve_line_4,
+ curve_line_5,
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={"Curve": join_geometry_1}
+ )
+ merge_by_distance_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance, input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh_1}
+ )
+ mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshToCurve, input_kwargs={"Mesh": merge_by_distance_1}
+ )
+ curve_to_board = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_to_board().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Profile Curve": curve_line,
+ "Shape Curve": mesh_to_curve,
+ "Height": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ arc = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurveArc",
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": 4, "Radius": 0.7071, "Sweep Angle": 4.7124},
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": arc.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, -0.7854),
+ },
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Rotation": (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000)},
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_2, "Translation": (0.0000, 0.5000, 0.0000)},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": 1.0000, "Y": group_input, "Z": 1.0000}
+ )
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_3, "Scale": combine_xyz}
+ )
+ fillet_curve = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeFilletCurve",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": transform_4,
+ "Count": 8,
+ "Radius": group_input,
+ "Limit Radius": True,
+ },
+ attrs={"mode": "POLY"},
+ )
+ transform_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": fillet_curve,
+ "Rotation": (1.5708, 1.5708, 0.0000),
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={"Profile Curve": transform_6}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ transform_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh, "Translation": combine_xyz_1},
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [curve_to_board.outputs["Mesh"], transform_5]},
+ )
+ merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": group_input.outputs["Thickness"]}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": merge_by_distance, "Translation": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_side_leg", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_side_leg(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": (1.0000, 0.0000, -1.0000),
+ "End": (1.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "N-gon", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Profile Width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Aspect Ratio", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Fillet Ratio", 0.2000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Fillet Radius Vertical", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ legstraight = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leg_straight().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Profile Curve": curve_line,
+ "Height": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ "N-gon": group_input.outputs["N-gon"],
+ "Profile Width": group_input.outputs["Profile Width"],
+ "Aspect Ratio": group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"],
+ "Fillet Ratio": group_input.outputs["Fillet Ratio"],
+ },
+ )
+ arc = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurveArc",
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": 4, "Radius": 0.7071, "Sweep Angle": 4.7124},
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": arc.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, -0.7854),
+ },
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Rotation": (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000)},
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_2, "Translation": (0.0000, 0.5000, 0.0000)},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": 1.0000, "Y": group_input, "Z": 1.0000}
+ )
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_3, "Scale": combine_xyz}
+ )
+ fillet_curve = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeFilletCurve",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": transform_4,
+ "Count": 8,
+ "Radius": group_input,
+ "Limit Radius": True,
+ },
+ attrs={"mode": "POLY"},
+ )
+ transform_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": fillet_curve,
+ "Rotation": (1.5708, 1.5708, 0.0000),
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": legstraight.outputs["Profile Curve"],
+ "Profile Curve": transform_6,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ transform_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh, "Translation": combine_xyz_1},
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_5, legstraight.outputs["Mesh"]]},
+ )
+ merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": group_input.outputs["Thickness"]}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": merge_by_distance, "Translation": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_side_boards", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_side_boards(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Z", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "x1", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "x2", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "x3", 0.0010),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "x4", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "x5", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["x5"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": add,
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Y"],
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size": combine_xyz,
+ "Vertices X": 5,
+ "Vertices Y": 5,
+ "Vertices Z": 5,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input.outputs["x3"]}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["x1"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["x2"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_1, "Z": subtract}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_1}
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["x4"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_1, "Z": subtract_1}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube, "Translation": combine_xyz_2}
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform, transform_1]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_shelf_boards", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_shelf_boards(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Thickness", 0.0100),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Bottom_z", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Mid_z", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Top_z", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Board_width", 0.3000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leg_gap", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "extrude_length", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ curve_board = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curve_board().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Thickness": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ "Fillet Radius Vertical": 0.0100,
+ "width": group_input.outputs["Board_width"],
+ "extrude_length": group_input.outputs["extrude_length"],
+ },
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Leg_gap"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Z": group_input.outputs["Bottom_z"]}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_board,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_1,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708),
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Z": group_input.outputs["Mid_z"]}
+ )
+ transform_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_board,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_4,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708),
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Z": group_input.outputs["Top_z"]}
+ )
+ transform_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_board,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_5,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_1, transform_5, transform_6]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_screw_head", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_screw_head(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ cylinder = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder", input_kwargs={"Radius": 0.004, "Depth": 0.0030}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Rotation": (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "leg_width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "board_thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "board_height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "leg_gap", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "board_width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "leg_depth", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["leg_width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["leg_depth"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 0.0000, 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["board_thickness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["board_height"], 1: multiply_2}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply, "Y": subtract, "Z": add}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Translation": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["board_width"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ divide1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["leg_depth"], 1: 0.5},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: divide1})
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply, "Y": add_2, "Z": add}
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Translation": combine_xyz_1},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["leg_gap"], 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: multiply_3})
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": subtract_1, "Y": subtract, "Z": add}
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Translation": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_1, transform_2, transform_3]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_shelf_legs", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_shelf_legs(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "leg_gap", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "leg_curve_ratio", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "leg_width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "leg_length", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "board_width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "leg_depth", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["leg_width"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["leg_length"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["leg_depth"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["leg_length"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["leg_curve_ratio"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ side_leg = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_side_leg().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Thickness": add,
+ "N-gon": 4,
+ "Profile Width": add_1,
+ "Aspect Ratio": divide,
+ "Fillet Ratio": add_2,
+ "Fillet Radius Vertical": add_2,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": side_leg,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["board_width"], 1: 0.0000}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: add}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["leg_gap"], 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: multiply_1})
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_4})
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Translation": combine_xyz_3},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": add_3})
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Translation": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform})
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_4, transform_2, transform_3]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_2},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ leg_gap = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="leg_gap")
+ leg_gap.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["leg_board_gap"]
+ curvature_ratio = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="curvature_ratio")
+ curvature_ratio.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["leg_curvature_ratio"]
+ leg_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="leg_width")
+ leg_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["leg_width"]
+ leg_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="leg_length")
+ leg_length.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["leg_length"]
+ leg_depth = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="leg_depth")
+ leg_depth.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["leg_depth"]
+ board_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="board_width")
+ board_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["board_width"]
+ shelf_legs = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_shelf_legs().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "leg_gap": leg_gap,
+ "leg_curve_ratio": curvature_ratio,
+ "leg_width": leg_width,
+ "leg_length": leg_length,
+ "board_width": board_width,
+ "leg_depth": leg_depth,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": shelf_legs, "Material": kwargs["leg_material"]},
+ )
+ board_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="board_thickness")
+ board_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["board_thickness"]
+ board_extrude_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="board_extrude_length")
+ board_extrude_length.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["board_extrude_length"]
+ bottom_layer_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="bottom_layer_height")
+ bottom_layer_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["bottom_layer_height"]
+ mid_layer_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="mid_layer_height")
+ mid_layer_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["mid_layer_height"]
+ top_layer_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="top_layer_height")
+ top_layer_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["top_layer_height"]
+ screwhead1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_screw_head().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "leg_width": leg_width,
+ "board_thickness": board_thickness,
+ "board_height": bottom_layer_height,
+ "leg_gap": leg_gap,
+ "board_width": board_width,
+ "leg_depth": leg_depth,
+ },
+ )
+ screwhead2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_screw_head().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "leg_width": leg_width,
+ "board_thickness": board_thickness,
+ "board_height": mid_layer_height,
+ "leg_gap": leg_gap,
+ "board_width": board_width,
+ "leg_depth": leg_depth,
+ },
+ )
+ screwhead3 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_screw_head().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "leg_width": leg_width,
+ "board_thickness": board_thickness,
+ "board_height": top_layer_height,
+ "leg_gap": leg_gap,
+ "board_width": board_width,
+ "leg_depth": leg_depth,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [screwhead1, screwhead2, screwhead3]},
+ )
+ set_material_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry2,
+ "Material": get_shelf_material("metal"),
+ },
+ )
+ shelf_boards = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_shelf_boards().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Thickness": board_thickness,
+ "Bottom_z": bottom_layer_height,
+ "Mid_z": mid_layer_height,
+ "Top_z": top_layer_height,
+ "Board_width": board_width,
+ "Leg_gap": leg_gap,
+ "extrude_length": board_extrude_length,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": shelf_boards, "Material": kwargs["board_material"]},
+ )
+ side_board_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="side_board_height")
+ side_board_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["side_board_height"]
+ side_boards = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_side_boards().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Y": leg_depth,
+ "Z": side_board_height,
+ "x1": side_board_height,
+ "x2": bottom_layer_height,
+ "x3": leg_gap,
+ "x4": top_layer_height,
+ "x5": board_width,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": side_boards, "Material": kwargs["leg_material"]},
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [set_material, set_material_2, set_material_1, set_material_3]
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry}
+ )
+ transform4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances, "Scale": (-1, 1, 1)},
+ )
+ triangulate = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeTriangulate", input_kwargs={"Mesh": transform4}
+ )
+ transform5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": triangulate, "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708)},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform5},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+class TriangleShelfBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
+ super(TriangleShelfBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.params = {}
+ def sample_params(self):
+ return self.params.copy()
+ def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
+ params = self.sample_params()
+ if params.get("leg_board_gap", None) is None:
+ params["leg_board_gap"] = uniform(0.002, 0.005)
+ if params.get("leg_width", None) is None:
+ params["leg_width"] = uniform(0.01, 0.03)
+ if params.get("leg_depth", None) is None:
+ params["leg_depth"] = uniform(0.01, 0.02)
+ if params.get("leg_length", None) is None:
+ params["leg_length"] = np.clip(normal(0.6, 0.05), 0.45, 0.75)
+ if params.get("leg_curvature_ratio", None) is None:
+ params["leg_curvature_ratio"] = uniform(0.0, 0.02)
+ if params.get("board_thickness", None) is None:
+ params["board_thickness"] = uniform(0.01, 0.025)
+ if params.get("board_width", None) is None:
+ params["board_width"] = np.clip(normal(0.3, 0.03), 0.2, 0.4)
+ if params.get("board_extrude_length", None) is None:
+ params["board_extrude_length"] = uniform(0.03, 0.07)
+ if params.get("side_board_height", None) is None:
+ params["side_board_height"] = uniform(0.02, 0.04)
+ if params.get("bottom_layer_height", None) is None:
+ params["bottom_layer_height"] = uniform(0.05, 0.1)
+ if params.get("shelf_layer_height", None) is None:
+ params["top_layer_height"] = params["leg_length"] - uniform(0.02, 0.07)
+ if params.get("board_material", None) is None:
+ params["board_material"] = np.random.choice(
+ ["black_wood", "wood", "white"], p=[0.2, 0.6, 0.2]
+ )
+ if params.get("leg_material", None) is None:
+ params["leg_material"] = np.random.choice(
+ ["black_wood", "wood", "white"], p=[0.2, 0.6, 0.2]
+ )
+ params["mid_layer_height"] = (
+ params["top_layer_height"] + params["bottom_layer_height"]
+ ) / 2.0
+ params = self.get_material_func(params)
+ return params
+ def get_material_func(self, params, randomness=True):
+ params["board_material"] = get_shelf_material(params["board_material"])
+ params["leg_material"] = get_shelf_material(
+ params["leg_material"], z_axis_texture=True
+ )
+ return params
+ def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ obj_params = self.get_asset_params(i)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geometry_nodes, attributes=[], input_kwargs=obj_params, apply=True
+ )
+ tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
+ return obj
+class TriangleShelfFactory(TriangleShelfBaseFactory):
+ def sample_params(self):
+ params = dict()
+ params["Dimensions"] = (
+ uniform(0.25, 0.35),
+ uniform(0.25, 0.35),
+ uniform(0.5, 0.7),
+ )
+ params["leg_length"] = params["Dimensions"][2]
+ params["board_width"] = params["Dimensions"][0]
+ return params
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/utils.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f0fa73f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/shelves/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from infinigen.assets.utils.extract_nodegroup_parts import extract_nodegroup_geo
+from infinigen.core import tagging
+from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+def get_nodegroup_assets(func, params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1, enter_editmode=False, align="WORLD", location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1)
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ with butil.TemporaryObject(obj) as base_obj:
+ node_group_func = func(**params)
+ geo_outputs = [
+ o
+ for o in node_group_func.outputs
+ if o.bl_socket_idname == "NodeSocketGeometry"
+ ]
+ results = {
+ o.name: extract_nodegroup_geo(
+ base_obj, node_group_func, o.name, ng_params={}
+ )
+ for o in geo_outputs
+ }
+ return results
+ "nodegroup_tagged_cube", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_tagged_cube(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorTranslation", "Size", (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000))
+ ],
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": group_input.outputs["Size"]}
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ equal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: index, 3: 2},
+ attrs={"data_type": "INT", "operation": "EQUAL"},
+ )
+ cube = tagging.tag_nodegroup(nw, cube, t.Subpart.SupportSurface, selection=equal)
+ # subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': cube, 'Level': 2})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Mesh": cube}, attrs={"is_active_output": True}
+ )
+def blender_rotate(vec):
+ if isinstance(vec, tuple):
+ vec = list(vec)
+ if isinstance(vec, list):
+ vec = np.array(vec, dtype=np.float32)
+ if len(vec.shape) == 1:
+ vec = np.expand_dims(vec, axis=-1)
+ if vec.shape[0] == 3:
+ new_vec = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, -1, 0]], dtype=np.float32) @ vec
+ return new_vec.squeeze()
+ if vec.shape[0] == 4:
+ new_vec = (
+ np.array(
+ [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]],
+ dtype=np.float32,
+ )
+ @ vec
+ )
+ return new_vec.squeeze()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/small_plants/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/small_plants/__init__.py
similarity index 72%
rename from infinigen/assets/small_plants/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/small_plants/__init__.py
index 70eeaac6a..db5e5b2b3 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/small_plants/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/small_plants/__init__.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from .fern import FernFactory
-from .succulent import SucculentFactory
+from .snake_plant import SnakePlantFactory
from .spider_plant import SpiderPlantFactory
-from .snake_plant import SnakePlantFactory
\ No newline at end of file
+from .succulent import SucculentFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/small_plants/fern.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/small_plants/fern.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a66f72ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/small_plants/fern.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1451 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGxNuS_-bpo by Bad Normals
+import bpy
+import gin
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, randint, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials import simple_greenery
+from infinigen.assets.objects.small_plants import leaf_general as Leaf
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+def random_pinnae_level2_curvature():
+ z_max_curvature = uniform(0.3, 0.45, (1,))[0]
+ y_curvature_noise = np.clip(np.abs(normal(0.0, 0.2, (1,))), a_min=0.0, a_max=0.3)[0]
+ y_curvature_k = uniform(-0.04, 0.2, (1,))[0]
+ z_curvature, y_curvature = [0.25], [0.5]
+ for k in range(1, 6):
+ z_curvature.append(0.25 + z_max_curvature * k / 5.0)
+ y_curvature.append(0.5 + y_curvature_k + y_curvature_noise * k / 5.0)
+ x_curvature = [0.0 for _ in range(6)]
+ return x_curvature, y_curvature, z_curvature
+ "nodegroup_pinnae_level1_yaxis_rotation", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pinnae_level1_yaxis_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "From Max", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["Value"],
+ 2: group_input.outputs["From Max"],
+ },
+ )
+ curvature = np.clip(normal(0, 0.3, 1), a_min=-0.4, a_max=0.4)
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (0.1, curvature / 5.0 + 0.5),
+ (0.25, curvature / 2.5 + 0.5),
+ (0.45, curvature / 1.5 + 0.5),
+ (0.6, curvature / 1.2 + 0.5),
+ (1.0, curvature + 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: -0.5}, attrs={"operation": "ADD"}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 1.0}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": multiply})
+ "nodegroup_pinnae_level1_zaxis_rotation", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pinnae_level1_zaxis_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "From Max", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["Value"],
+ 2: group_input.outputs["From Max"],
+ },
+ )
+ curvature = normal(0, 0.2, 1)
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (0.1, curvature / 5.0 + 0.5),
+ (0.25, curvature / 2.5 + 0.5),
+ (0.45, curvature / 1.5 + 0.5),
+ (0.6, curvature / 1.2 + 0.5),
+ (1.0, curvature + 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: -0.5}, attrs={"operation": "ADD"}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 1.0}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": multiply})
+ "nodegroup_pinnae_level1_gravity_rotation", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pinnae_level1_gravity_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler, gravity_rotation=1.0):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "From Max", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["Value"],
+ 2: group_input.outputs["From Max"],
+ },
+ )
+ curvature = uniform(0.25, 0.42, size=(1,))[0] * gravity_rotation
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (0.1, curvature / 5.0 + 0.5),
+ (0.25, curvature / 2.5 + 0.5),
+ (0.45, curvature / 1.67 + 0.5),
+ (0.6, curvature / 1.25 + 0.5),
+ (1.0, curvature + 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: -0.5}, attrs={"operation": "ADD"}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 1}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": multiply})
+ "nodegroup_pinnae_level1_xaxis_rotation", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pinnae_level1_xaxis_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "From Max", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value1", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value2", 1.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["Value1"],
+ 2: group_input.outputs["From Max"],
+ },
+ attrs={"clamp": False},
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_1.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0000, 0.0000),
+ (0.2000, 0.2563),
+ (0.4843, 0.4089),
+ (0.7882, 0.3441),
+ (1.0000, 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Value2"], 3: -1.5000, 4: 0.0000},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": multiply},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pinnae_level1_stein", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pinnae_level1_stein(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value1", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value2", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshToCurve, input_kwargs={"Mesh": group_input.outputs["Mesh"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value2"], 1: 0.01},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius, input_kwargs={"Curve": mesh_to_curve, "Radius": multiply}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value1"], 1: 15.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": multiply_1, "Resolution": 10}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Mesh": curve_to_mesh})
+ "nodegroup_pinnae_level1_scale", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pinnae_level1_scale(nw: NodeWrangler, pinnae_contour):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value1", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value2", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ pinnae_contour_float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Value1"]},
+ label="PinnaeContourFloatCurve",
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ pinnae_contour_float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, pinnae_contour[0]),
+ (0.2, pinnae_contour[1]),
+ (0.4, pinnae_contour[2]),
+ (0.55, pinnae_contour[3]),
+ (0.7, pinnae_contour[4]),
+ (0.8, pinnae_contour[5]),
+ (0.9, pinnae_contour[6]),
+ (1.0, pinnae_contour[7]),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Value2"], 3: 1.0, 4: 3.0},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: pinnae_contour_float_curve, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": multiply})
+ "nodegroup_pinnae_level1_instance_rotation",
+ singleton=False,
+ type="GeometryNodeTree",
+def nodegroup_pinnae_level1_instance_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value1", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value2", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Value2"], 3: 2, 4: 3.1},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Value1"],
+ 1: map_range_8.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz})
+ "nodegroup_pinnae_level1_rotation", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pinnae_level1_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler, gravity_rotation=1):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value1", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value2", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ bounding_box = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: bounding_box.outputs["Max"], 1: (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value2"], 1: 0.0}
+ )
+ pinnae_index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index, label="PinnaeIndex")
+ pinnaelevel1xaxisrotation = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pinnae_level1_xaxis_rotation().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "From Max": add,
+ 1: pinnae_index,
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Value1"],
+ },
+ )
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position,
+ "Center": (0, 0, 0),
+ "Angle": pinnaelevel1xaxisrotation,
+ },
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "X_AXIS"},
+ )
+ pinnaelevel1gravityrotation = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pinnae_level1_gravity_rotation(
+ gravity_rotation=gravity_rotation
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={"From Max": add, "Value": pinnae_index},
+ )
+ vector_rotate_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vector_rotate,
+ "Center": (0, 0, 0),
+ "Angle": pinnaelevel1gravityrotation,
+ },
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "X_AXIS"},
+ )
+ pinnaelevel1zaxisrotation = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pinnae_level1_zaxis_rotation().name,
+ input_kwargs={"From Max": add, "Value": pinnae_index},
+ )
+ vector_rotate_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vector_rotate_1,
+ "Center": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Angle": pinnaelevel1zaxisrotation,
+ },
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "Z_AXIS"},
+ )
+ pinnaelevel1yaxisrotation = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pinnae_level1_yaxis_rotation().name,
+ input_kwargs={"From Max": add, "Value": pinnae_index},
+ )
+ vector_rotate_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vector_rotate_2,
+ "Center": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Angle": pinnaelevel1yaxisrotation,
+ },
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "Y_AXIS"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_rotate_3, "Value": pinnaelevel1xaxisrotation},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pinnae_level1_instance_position",
+ singleton=False,
+ type="GeometryNodeTree",
+def nodegroup_pinnae_level1_instance_position(nw: NodeWrangler, pinnae_contour):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value1", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "From Max", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value2", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["Value1"],
+ 2: group_input.outputs["From Max"],
+ 3: 1.0,
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ float_curve_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_3.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve_2.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, pinnae_contour[0]),
+ (0.2, pinnae_contour[1]),
+ (0.4, pinnae_contour[2]),
+ (0.55, pinnae_contour[3]),
+ (0.7, pinnae_contour[4]),
+ (0.8, pinnae_contour[5]),
+ (0.9, pinnae_contour[6]),
+ (1.0, pinnae_contour[7]),
+ ],
+ )
+ accumulate_field_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AccumulateField, input_kwargs={1: float_curve_2}
+ )
+ # pinnae scale w.r.t fern age
+ map_range_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Value2"], 3: 0.3, 4: 4.5},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: accumulate_field_1.outputs[4],
+ 1: map_range_5.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz_1, "Result": map_range_3.outputs["Result"]},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pinnae_level2_rotation", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pinnae_level2_rotation(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, z_axis_rotate, y_axis_rotate, x_axis_rotate
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value1", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value2", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value3", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value2"], 1: 0.0}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value3"], 1: 0.0}
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": add, "From Max": add_1}
+ )
+ float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_2.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, z_axis_rotate[0]),
+ (0.1, z_axis_rotate[1]),
+ (0.25, z_axis_rotate[2]),
+ (0.45, z_axis_rotate[3]),
+ (0.6, z_axis_rotate[4]),
+ (1.0, z_axis_rotate[5]),
+ ],
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: float_curve_1, 1: -0.25})
+ # pinna z-axis curvature w.r.t the fern age
+ map_range_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Value1"], 3: 1.2, 4: 0.0},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: map_range_7.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ vector_rotate_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": position_1, "Center": (0, 0, 0), "Angle": multiply_1},
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "Z_AXIS"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": add, 2: add_1})
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, y_axis_rotate[0]),
+ (0.1, y_axis_rotate[1]),
+ (0.25, y_axis_rotate[2]),
+ (0.45, y_axis_rotate[3]),
+ (0.6, y_axis_rotate[4]),
+ (1.0, y_axis_rotate[5]),
+ ],
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: -0.5})
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: 1.0}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_rotate_1, "Angle": multiply_2},
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "Y_AXIS"},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": add, 2: add_1})
+ float_curve_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_1.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve_2.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, x_axis_rotate[0]),
+ (0.1, x_axis_rotate[1]),
+ (0.25, x_axis_rotate[2]),
+ (0.45, x_axis_rotate[3]),
+ (0.6, x_axis_rotate[4]),
+ (1.0, x_axis_rotate[5]),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve_2, 1: 1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ vector_rotate_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_rotate, "Angle": multiply_3},
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "X_AXIS"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_rotate_2}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pinnae_level2_set_point", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pinnae_level2_set_point(nw: NodeWrangler, pinna_contour):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value1", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "From Max", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value2", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["Value1"],
+ 2: group_input.outputs["From Max"],
+ 3: 1.0,
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_4.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, pinna_contour[0]),
+ (0.38, pinna_contour[1]),
+ (0.55, pinna_contour[2]),
+ (0.75, pinna_contour[3]),
+ (0.9, pinna_contour[4]),
+ (1.0, pinna_contour[5]),
+ ],
+ )
+ accumulate_field_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AccumulateField, input_kwargs={1: float_curve}
+ )
+ # pinna scale w.r.t fern age
+ map_range_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Value2"], 3: 0.5, 4: 2.0},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: accumulate_field_2.outputs[4],
+ 1: map_range_6.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": combine_xyz_2,
+ "Value": float_curve,
+ "Result": map_range_4.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pinnae_level2_instance_on_points",
+ singleton=False,
+ type="GeometryNodeTree",
+def nodegroup_pinnae_level2_instance_on_points(nw: NodeWrangler, leaf, pinna_contour):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Points", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value1", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value2", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value3", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ object_info_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={"Object": leaf})
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": object_info_2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Scale": (1.2, -1.0, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": object_info_2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Scale": (1.2, 1.0, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform, transform_2]}
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value2"], 1: -0.3}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": 1.57, "Z": add})
+ float_curve_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Value1"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve_6.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, pinna_contour[0]),
+ (0.38, pinna_contour[1]),
+ (0.55, pinna_contour[2]),
+ (0.75, pinna_contour[3]),
+ (0.9, pinna_contour[4]),
+ (1.0, pinna_contour[5]),
+ ],
+ )
+ # pinna leaf size w.r.t the fern age
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Value3"], 3: 6, 4: 8},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve_6, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ instance_on_points_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": group_input.outputs["Points"],
+ "Selection": index,
+ "Instance": join_geometry,
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_3,
+ "Scale": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Instances": instance_on_points_2}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pinnae_level2_stein", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pinnae_level2_stein(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value1", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value2", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Mesh", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ mesh_to_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshToCurve, input_kwargs={"Mesh": group_input.outputs["Mesh"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value1"], 1: 0.1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": mesh_to_curve_1, "Radius": multiply},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value2"], 1: 0.5},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": multiply_1, "Resolution": 10}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius_1,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Mesh": curve_to_mesh_1}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_pinnae", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def geometry_pinnae_nodes(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ leaf,
+ leaf_num_param=18,
+ age_param=0.4,
+ pinna_num_param=40,
+ version_num_param=4,
+ gravity_rotation=1,
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ # Define Input Node
+ leaf_index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index, label="LeafIndex")
+ pinna_index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index, label="PinnaIndex")
+ pinna_num = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label="PinnaNum", attrs={"integer": 10})
+ pinna_num.integer = pinna_num_param
+ age = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="Age")
+ age.outputs[0].default_value = age_param
+ mesh_lines_left, selections_left = [], []
+ mesh_lines_right, selections_right = [], []
+ # Generate Random Pinnae Contour, Two Modes: Linear+Noise, StepwiseLinear+Noise
+ mode_random_bit = randint(0, 2, size=(1,))[0]
+ if mode_random_bit:
+ pinnae_contour = [0, 0.2, 0.6, 1.4, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0]
+ for i in range(8):
+ pinnae_contour[i] = (pinnae_contour[i] + normal(0, 0.04 * i, (1,))[0]) / 6.0
+ else:
+ pinnae_contour = [0, 0.2, 0.6, 1.4, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 4.2]
+ for i in range(8):
+ pinnae_contour[i] = (pinnae_contour[i] + normal(0, 0.04 * i, (1,))[0]) / 6.0
+ # Common Components
+ pinnaelevel1instanceposition = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pinnae_level1_instance_position(pinnae_contour).name,
+ input_kwargs={0: pinna_index, "From Max": pinna_num, 2: age},
+ )
+ left_noise, right_noise = (
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.WhiteNoiseTexture),
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.WhiteNoiseTexture),
+ )
+ pinnaelevel1scale = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pinnae_level1_scale(pinnae_contour).name,
+ input_kwargs={0: pinnaelevel1instanceposition.outputs["Result"], 1: age},
+ )
+ # Left & Right Instance Point Selections for each Version
+ random_bit = randint(2, size=(1,))[0]
+ for i in range(version_num_param):
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ greater_equal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={0: left_noise.outputs["Value"], 1: i / version_num_param},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_EQUAL"},
+ )
+ less_equal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: left_noise.outputs["Value"],
+ 1: (i + 1) / version_num_param,
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_EQUAL"},
+ )
+ op_and = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_equal, 1: less_equal}
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 2.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ modulo = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 2.0}, attrs={"operation": "MODULO"}
+ )
+ if random_bit:
+ modulo = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1, 1: modulo},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ op_and_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: modulo}
+ )
+ op_and_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and, 1: op_and_1})
+ selections_left.append(op_and_2)
+ random_bit = randint(2, size=(1,))[0]
+ for i in range(version_num_param):
+ greater_equal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={0: right_noise.outputs["Value"], 1: i / version_num_param},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_EQUAL"},
+ )
+ less_equal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: right_noise.outputs["Value"],
+ 1: (i + 1) / version_num_param,
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_EQUAL"},
+ )
+ op_and = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_equal, 1: less_equal}
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 2.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ modulo = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 2.0}, attrs={"operation": "MODULO"}
+ )
+ if random_bit:
+ modulo = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1, 1: modulo},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ op_and_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: modulo}
+ )
+ op_and_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and, 1: op_and_1})
+ selections_right.append(op_and_2)
+ # Each Pinna Version
+ rotation, pinnaelevel1rotation = True, None
+ for i in range(version_num_param):
+ # Define the Pinna Contour of each Version
+ pinna_contour = []
+ k = uniform(0.5, 0.58, size=(1,))[0]
+ for j in range(6):
+ pinna_contour.append(
+ k * np.clip(j * (1.0 + normal(0, 0.1, (1,))[0]) / 5.0 + 0.08, 0, 0.7)
+ )
+ # Define the Num Leaf of each Version
+ integer_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, attrs={"integer": 10})
+ integer_2.integer = leaf_num_param + randint(-1, 2, (1,))[0]
+ mesh_line_pinna = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshLine, input_kwargs={"Count": pinna_num, "Offset": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)}
+ )
+ set_position_pinna = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": mesh_line_pinna,
+ "Position": pinnaelevel1instanceposition.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ if rotation:
+ pinnaelevel1rotation = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pinnae_level1_rotation(
+ gravity_rotation=gravity_rotation
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_pinna, 1: age, 2: pinna_num},
+ )
+ rotation = False
+ pinnaelevel1instancerotation = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pinnae_level1_instance_rotation().name,
+ input_kwargs={0: pinnaelevel1rotation.outputs["Value"], 1: age},
+ )
+ set_rotation_pinna = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_pinna,
+ "Position": pinnaelevel1rotation.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ mesh_line_leaf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshLine, input_kwargs={"Count": integer_2, "Offset": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)}
+ )
+ pinnaelevel2setpoint = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pinnae_level2_set_point(pinna_contour=pinna_contour).name,
+ input_kwargs={0: leaf_index, "From Max": integer_2, 2: age},
+ )
+ set_position_leaf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": mesh_line_leaf,
+ "Position": pinnaelevel2setpoint.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ x_curvature, y_curvature, z_curvature = random_pinnae_level2_curvature()
+ pinnaelevel2rotation = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pinnae_level2_rotation(
+ z_axis_rotate=z_curvature,
+ y_axis_rotate=y_curvature,
+ x_axis_rotate=x_curvature,
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_leaf,
+ 1: age,
+ 2: leaf_index,
+ 3: integer_2,
+ },
+ )
+ set_rotation_leaf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_leaf,
+ "Position": pinnaelevel2rotation,
+ },
+ )
+ pinna_on_pinnae = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": set_rotation_pinna,
+ "Selection": selections_left[i],
+ "Instance": set_rotation_leaf,
+ "Rotation": pinnaelevel1instancerotation,
+ "Scale": pinnaelevel1scale,
+ },
+ )
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": pinna_on_pinnae,
+ "Rotation": (-0.1571, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ scale_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": rotate_instances, "Scale": (-1.0, 1.0, 1.0)},
+ )
+ pinnaelevel2stein = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pinnae_level2_stein().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: pinnaelevel2setpoint.outputs["Result"],
+ "Mesh": scale_instances,
+ },
+ )
+ pinnaelevel2instanceonpoints = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pinnae_level2_instance_on_points(
+ leaf=leaf, pinna_contour=pinna_contour
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": scale_instances,
+ 1: pinnaelevel2setpoint.outputs["Result"],
+ 2: 0.0,
+ 3: age,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [pinnaelevel2stein, pinnaelevel2instanceonpoints]
+ },
+ )
+ mesh_lines_left.append(join_geometry)
+ if i == version_num_param - 1:
+ pinnaelevel1stein = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pinnae_level1_stein().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": set_rotation_pinna,
+ 1: age,
+ 2: pinnaelevel1instanceposition.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ mesh_lines_left.append(pinnaelevel1stein)
+ for i in range(version_num_param):
+ # Define the Pinna Contour of each Version
+ pinna_contour = []
+ k = uniform(0.5, 0.58, size=(1,))[0]
+ for j in range(6):
+ pinna_contour.append(
+ k * np.clip(j * (1.0 + normal(0, 0.1, (1,))[0]) / 5.0 + 0.08, 0, 0.7)
+ )
+ # Define the Num Leaf of each Version
+ integer_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, attrs={"integer": 10})
+ integer_2.integer = leaf_num_param + randint(-1, 2, (1,))[0]
+ mesh_line_pinna = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshLine, input_kwargs={"Count": pinna_num, "Offset": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)}
+ )
+ set_position_pinna = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": mesh_line_pinna,
+ "Position": pinnaelevel1instanceposition.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ pinnaelevel1instancerotation = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pinnae_level1_instance_rotation().name,
+ input_kwargs={0: pinnaelevel1rotation.outputs["Value"], 1: age},
+ )
+ set_rotation_pinna = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_pinna,
+ "Position": pinnaelevel1rotation.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ mesh_line_leaf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshLine, input_kwargs={"Count": integer_2, "Offset": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)}
+ )
+ pinnaelevel2setpoint = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pinnae_level2_set_point(pinna_contour=pinna_contour).name,
+ input_kwargs={0: leaf_index, "From Max": integer_2, 2: age},
+ )
+ set_position_leaf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": mesh_line_leaf,
+ "Position": pinnaelevel2setpoint.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ x_curvature, y_curvature, z_curvature = random_pinnae_level2_curvature()
+ pinnaelevel2rotation = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pinnae_level2_rotation(
+ z_axis_rotate=z_curvature,
+ y_axis_rotate=y_curvature,
+ x_axis_rotate=x_curvature,
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_leaf,
+ 1: age,
+ 2: leaf_index,
+ 3: integer_2,
+ },
+ )
+ set_rotation_leaf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_leaf,
+ "Position": pinnaelevel2rotation,
+ },
+ )
+ pinna_on_pinnae = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": set_rotation_pinna,
+ "Selection": selections_right[i],
+ "Instance": set_rotation_leaf,
+ "Scale": pinnaelevel1scale,
+ "Rotation": pinnaelevel1instancerotation,
+ },
+ )
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": pinna_on_pinnae,
+ "Rotation": (-0.1571, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ scale_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": rotate_instances, "Scale": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)},
+ )
+ pinnaelevel2stein = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pinnae_level2_stein().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: pinnaelevel2setpoint.outputs["Result"],
+ "Mesh": scale_instances,
+ },
+ )
+ pinnaelevel2instanceonpoints = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pinnae_level2_instance_on_points(
+ leaf=leaf, pinna_contour=pinna_contour
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": scale_instances,
+ 1: pinnaelevel2setpoint.outputs["Result"],
+ 2: 0.0,
+ 3: age,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [pinnaelevel2stein, pinnaelevel2instanceonpoints]
+ },
+ )
+ mesh_lines_right.append(join_geometry)
+ join_geometry_whole = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": mesh_lines_left + mesh_lines_right},
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_whole}
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 0.4, "Roughness": 0.2}
+ )
+ set_positions = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": realize_instances,
+ "Offset": noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_positions}
+ )
+def check_vicinity(rotation, pinnae_rs):
+ for r in pinnae_rs:
+ if abs(rotation[1] - r[1]) < 0.1 and abs(rotation[2] - r[2]) < 0.15:
+ return True
+ return False
+def geo_fern(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ pinnaes = []
+ # Two modes: Random Like and Flatten Like
+ fern_mode = kwargs["fern_mode"]
+ pinnae_num = kwargs["pinnae_num"]
+ scale = kwargs["scale"]
+ version_num = kwargs["version_num"]
+ leaf = kwargs["leaf"]
+ if fern_mode == "young_and_grownup":
+ rotates = [] # Horizontal grownup pinnae
+ # Generate non-overlapping pinnae orientations
+ for i in range(pinnae_num):
+ flip_bit = randint(0, 3, (1,))[0]
+ if flip_bit:
+ rotate_z = uniform(2.74, 3.54, (1,))[0]
+ else:
+ rotate_z = uniform(-0.4, 0.4, (1,))[0]
+ rotate_x = uniform(0.8, 1.1, (1,))[0]
+ rotate_z2 = uniform(0, 6.28, (1,))[0]
+ if flip_bit:
+ gravity_dir = 1
+ else:
+ gravity_dir = -1
+ rotate = (rotate_z, rotate_x, rotate_z2, gravity_dir)
+ if check_vicinity(rotate, rotates):
+ continue
+ else:
+ rotates.append(rotate)
+ # Generate pinnae
+ for r in rotates:
+ random_age = uniform(0.7, 0.95, (1,))[0]
+ random_leaf_num = randint(15, 25, (1,))[0]
+ random_pinna_num = randint(60, 80, (1,))[0]
+ shape = nw.new_node(
+ geometry_pinnae_nodes(
+ leaf,
+ leaf_num_param=random_leaf_num,
+ age_param=random_age,
+ pinna_num_param=random_pinna_num,
+ version_num_param=version_num,
+ gravity_rotation=r[3],
+ ).name
+ )
+ z_transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": shape, "Rotation": (0.0, 0.0, r[0])},
+ )
+ x_transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": z_transform, "Rotation": (-r[1], 0.0, 0.0)},
+ )
+ z2_transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": x_transform, "Rotation": (0.0, 0.0, r[2])},
+ )
+ pinnaes.append(z2_transform)
+ # Verticle young pinnae
+ young_num = randint(0, 5, size=(1,))[0]
+ for i in range(young_num):
+ random_age = uniform(0.2, 0.5, (1,))[0]
+ random_leaf_num = randint(14, 20, (1,))[0]
+ random_pinna_num = randint(60, 100, (1,))[0]
+ rotate_z = uniform(0, 6.28, (1,))
+ rotate_x = uniform(0, 0.4, (1,))
+ rotate_z2 = uniform(0, 6.28, (1,))
+ shape = nw.new_node(
+ geometry_pinnae_nodes(
+ leaf,
+ leaf_num_param=random_leaf_num,
+ age_param=random_age,
+ pinna_num_param=random_pinna_num,
+ version_num_param=version_num,
+ gravity_rotation=0,
+ ).name
+ )
+ z_transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": shape, "Rotation": (0.0, 0.0, rotate_z[0])},
+ )
+ x_transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": z_transform,
+ "Rotation": (-rotate_x[0], 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ z2_transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": x_transform,
+ "Rotation": (0.0, 0.0, rotate_z2[0]),
+ },
+ )
+ pinnaes.append(z2_transform)
+ elif fern_mode == "all_grownup":
+ # Random grownup pinnae
+ rotates = []
+ for i in range(pinnae_num):
+ rotate_z = normal(3.14, 0.2, (1,))[0]
+ rotate_x = uniform(0.5, 1.1, (1,))[0]
+ rotate_z2 = uniform(0, 6.28, (1,))[0]
+ rotate = (rotate_z, rotate_x, rotate_z2, 1)
+ if check_vicinity(rotate, rotates):
+ continue
+ else:
+ rotates.append(rotate)
+ for r in rotates:
+ random_age = uniform(0.7, 0.9, (1,))[0]
+ random_leaf_num = randint(16, 25, (1,))[0]
+ random_pinna_num = randint(60, 80, (1,))[0]
+ shape = nw.new_node(
+ geometry_pinnae_nodes(
+ leaf,
+ leaf_num_param=random_leaf_num,
+ age_param=random_age,
+ pinna_num_param=random_pinna_num,
+ version_num_param=version_num,
+ gravity_rotation=r[3],
+ ).name
+ )
+ z_transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": shape, "Rotation": (0.0, 0.0, r[0])},
+ )
+ x_transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": z_transform, "Rotation": (-r[1], 0.0, 0.0)},
+ )
+ z2_transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": x_transform, "Rotation": (0.0, 0.0, r[2])},
+ )
+ pinnaes.append(z2_transform)
+ elif fern_mode == "single_pinnae":
+ shape = nw.new_node(
+ geometry_pinnae_nodes(
+ leaf,
+ leaf_num_param=20,
+ age_param=kwargs["age"],
+ pinna_num_param=60,
+ version_num_param=version_num,
+ ).name
+ )
+ pinnaes.append(shape)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": pinnaes})
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry, "Scale": (scale, scale, scale)},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
+class FernFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(FernFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ if "fern_mode" not in params:
+ type_bit = randint(0, 2, (1,))[0]
+ if type_bit:
+ params["fern_mode"] = "young_and_grownup"
+ else:
+ params["fern_mode"] = "all_grownup"
+ if "scale" not in params:
+ params["scale"] = 0.02
+ if "version_num" not in params:
+ params["version_num"] = 5
+ if "pinnae_num" not in params:
+ params["pinnae_num"] = randint(12, 30, size=(1,))[0]
+ # Make the Leaf and Delete It Later
+ lf_seed = randint(0, 1000, size=(1,))[0]
+ leaf_model = Leaf.LeafFactory(
+ genome={"leaf_width": 0.4, "width_rand": 0.04}, factory_seed=lf_seed
+ )
+ leaf = leaf_model.create_asset(material=False)
+ params["leaf"] = leaf
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geo_fern, apply=True, attributes=[], input_kwargs=params
+ )
+ butil.delete([leaf])
+ with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
+ bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove()
+ bpy.ops.object.shade_flat()
+ simple_greenery.apply(obj)
+ return obj
+ def debug_asset(self, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ params["fern_mode"] = "single_pinnae"
+ params["scale"] = 1.0
+ params["version_num"] = 5
+ params["pinnae_num"] = 1
+ params["age"] = uniform(0.5, 0.9)
+ leaf_model = Leaf.LeafFactory(
+ genome={"leaf_width": 0.4, "width_rand": 0.04}, factory_seed=0
+ )
+ leaf = leaf_model.create_asset(material=False)
+ params["leaf"] = leaf
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geo_fern, apply=True, attributes=[], input_kwargs=params
+ )
+ bpy.ops.object.convert(target="MESH")
+ butil.delete([leaf])
+ tag_object(obj, "fern")
+ return obj
+# if __name__ == '__main__':
+# fern = FernFactory(0)
+# obj = fern.debug_asset()
+# simple_greenery.apply([obj])
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/small_plants/leaf_general.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/small_plants/leaf_general.py
similarity index 56%
rename from infinigen/assets/small_plants/leaf_general.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/small_plants/leaf_general.py
index 8f3222f7a..6882cb1e4 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/small_plants/leaf_general.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/small_plants/leaf_general.py
@@ -3,26 +3,20 @@
# Authors: Beining Han
-import pdb
-import numpy as np
import bpy
+import numpy as np
-from infinigen.assets.trees.utils import helper, mesh, materials
+from infinigen.assets.objects.trees.utils import mesh
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-C = bpy.context
-D = bpy.data
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
class LeafFactory(AssetFactory):
scale = 0.3
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, genome: dict=None, coarse=False):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, genome: dict = None, coarse=False):
super(LeafFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
self.genome = dict(
@@ -31,7 +25,7 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, genome: dict=None, coarse=False):
- width_rand=0.33
+ width_rand=0.33,
if genome:
for k, g in genome.items():
@@ -39,15 +33,15 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, genome: dict=None, coarse=False):
self.genome[k] = g
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
# bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'OBJECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_circle_add(enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD',
- location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_circle_add(
+ enter_editmode=False, align="WORLD", location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1)
+ )
obj = bpy.context.active_object
- min_radius = .02
+ min_radius = 0.02
radii_ref = [1]
n = len(obj.data.vertices) // 2
@@ -56,37 +50,47 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
a = np.linspace(0, np.pi, n)
- if self.genome['flip_leaf']:
+ if self.genome["flip_leaf"]:
a = a[::-1]
- x = np.sin(a) * (self.genome['leaf_width'] + np.random.randn() * self.genome['width_rand']) + self.genome['x_offset']
- y = -np.cos(.9 * (a - self.genome['alpha']))
- z = x ** 2 * self.genome['z_scaling']
- full_coords = np.concatenate([np.stack([x, y, z], 1),
- np.stack([-x[::-1], y[::-1], z], 1),
- np.array([[0, y[0], 0]])]).flatten()
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
- obj.data.vertices.foreach_set('co', full_coords)
- if self.genome['use_wave']:
- bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='WAVE')
- bpy.context.object.modifiers["Wave"].height = np.random.randn() * .3
- bpy.context.object.modifiers["Wave"].width = 0.75 + \
- np.random.randn() * .1
+ x = (
+ np.sin(a)
+ * (
+ self.genome["leaf_width"]
+ + np.random.randn() * self.genome["width_rand"]
+ )
+ + self.genome["x_offset"]
+ )
+ y = -np.cos(0.9 * (a - self.genome["alpha"]))
+ z = x**2 * self.genome["z_scaling"]
+ full_coords = np.concatenate(
+ [
+ np.stack([x, y, z], 1),
+ np.stack([-x[::-1], y[::-1], z], 1),
+ np.array([[0, y[0], 0]]),
+ ]
+ ).flatten()
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
+ obj.data.vertices.foreach_set("co", full_coords)
+ if self.genome["use_wave"]:
+ bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type="WAVE")
+ bpy.context.object.modifiers["Wave"].height = np.random.randn() * 0.3
+ bpy.context.object.modifiers["Wave"].width = 0.75 + np.random.randn() * 0.1
bpy.context.object.modifiers["Wave"].speed = np.random.rand()
- C.scene.cursor.location = obj.data.vertices[-1].co
+ bpy.context.scene.cursor.location = obj.data.vertices[-1].co
obj.location = (0, 0, 0)
obj.scale *= self.scale
- tag_object(obj, 'leaf')
+ tag_object(obj, "leaf")
return obj
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
leaf = LeafFactory(factory_seed=0)
- leaf.create_asset()
\ No newline at end of file
+ leaf.create_asset()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/small_plants/leaf_heart.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/small_plants/leaf_heart.py
similarity index 58%
rename from infinigen/assets/small_plants/leaf_heart.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/small_plants/leaf_heart.py
index 83cc15249..52eda2981 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/small_plants/leaf_heart.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/small_plants/leaf_heart.py
@@ -4,36 +4,31 @@
# Authors: Beining Han
-import numpy as np
import bpy
-from infinigen.assets.trees.utils import mesh
+import numpy as np
+from infinigen.assets.objects.trees.utils import mesh
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-C = bpy.context
-D = bpy.data
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
class LeafHeartFactory(AssetFactory):
scale = 0.2
def __init__(self, factory_seed, genome: dict = None, coarse=False):
super(LeafHeartFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.genome = dict(
- leaf_width=1.0,
- use_wave=True,
- z_scaling=0,
- width_rand=0.1
- )
+ self.genome = dict(leaf_width=1.0, use_wave=True, z_scaling=0, width_rand=0.1)
if genome:
for k, g in genome.items():
assert k in self.genome
self.genome[k] = g
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
# bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'OBJECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_circle_add(enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_circle_add(
+ enter_editmode=False, align="WORLD", location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1)
+ )
@@ -45,31 +40,47 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
a = np.linspace(0, np.pi, n)
- x = 16. * (np.sin(a - np.pi) ** 3) * (self.genome['leaf_width'] + np.random.randn() * self.genome['width_rand'])
- y = 13. * np.cos(a - np.pi) - 5 * np.cos(2 * (a - np.pi)) - 2 * np.cos(3 * (a - np.pi))
+ x = (
+ 16.0
+ * (np.sin(a - np.pi) ** 3)
+ * (
+ self.genome["leaf_width"]
+ + np.random.randn() * self.genome["width_rand"]
+ )
+ )
+ y = (
+ 13.0 * np.cos(a - np.pi)
+ - 5 * np.cos(2 * (a - np.pi))
+ - 2 * np.cos(3 * (a - np.pi))
+ )
x, y = x * 0.3, y * 0.3
- z = x ** 2 * self.genome['z_scaling']
- full_coords = np.concatenate([np.stack([x, y, z], 1), np.stack([-x[::-1], y[::-1], z], 1),
- np.array([[0, y[0], 0]])]).flatten()
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
- obj.data.vertices.foreach_set('co', full_coords)
+ z = x**2 * self.genome["z_scaling"]
+ full_coords = np.concatenate(
+ [
+ np.stack([x, y, z], 1),
+ np.stack([-x[::-1], y[::-1], z], 1),
+ np.array([[0, y[0], 0]]),
+ ]
+ ).flatten()
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
+ obj.data.vertices.foreach_set("co", full_coords)
if self.genome["use_wave"]:
- bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='WAVE')
+ bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type="WAVE")
bpy.context.object.modifiers["Wave"].height = 0.8 * np.random.randn() * 0.8
- bpy.context.object.modifiers["Wave"].width = 3.5 + np.random.randn() * 1.
+ bpy.context.object.modifiers["Wave"].width = 3.5 + np.random.randn() * 1.0
bpy.context.object.modifiers["Wave"].speed = 40 + np.random.uniform(-10, 20)
- C.scene.cursor.location = obj.data.vertices[-1].co
+ bpy.context.scene.cursor.location = obj.data.vertices[-1].co
obj.location = (0, 0, 0)
obj.scale *= self.scale
- tag_object(obj, 'leaf_heart')
+ tag_object(obj, "leaf_heart")
return obj
@@ -77,5 +88,3 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# leaf = LeafHeartFactory(factory_seed=0)
# leaf.create_asset()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/small_plants/num_leaf_grass.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/small_plants/num_leaf_grass.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98f1246ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/small_plants/num_leaf_grass.py
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, randint, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials import simple_greenery
+from infinigen.assets.objects.small_plants.leaf_general import LeafFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.small_plants.leaf_heart import LeafHeartFactory
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_nodegroup, tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+ "nodegroup_leafon_stem", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leaf_on_stem(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ z_rotation=(
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ ),
+ leaf_scale=1.0,
+ leaf=None,
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Points", None)]
+ )
+ endpoint_selection = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurveEndpointSelection", input_kwargs={"Start Size": 0}
+ )
+ object_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={"Object": leaf})
+ curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
+ align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": curve_tangent},
+ attrs={"axis": "Z"},
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = leaf_scale
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": group_input.outputs["Points"],
+ "Selection": endpoint_selection,
+ "Instance": object_info.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector,
+ "Scale": value,
+ },
+ )
+ vector_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector)
+ vector_1.vector = z_rotation
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": instance_on_points, "Rotation": vector_1},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Instances": rotate_instances}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_stem_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_stem_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None)]
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.4},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Radius": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Resolution": 12, "Radius": 0.03}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": tag_nodegroup(nw, curve_to_mesh, "stem")},
+ )
+def geo_face_colors(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ rotation_scale = kwargs["stem_rotation"]
+ leaf_num = kwargs["leaf_num"]
+ leaf = kwargs["leaf"]
+ mid_z = uniform(0.35, 0.65, size=(1,))[0]
+ mid_x = normal(0.0, rotation_scale, size=(1,))[0]
+ mid_y = normal(0.0, rotation_scale, size=(1,))[0]
+ vector_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector)
+ vector_2.vector = (mid_x, mid_y, mid_z)
+ top_x = normal(0.0, rotation_scale, size=(1,))[0]
+ top_y = normal(0.0, rotation_scale, size=(1,))[0]
+ vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector)
+ vector.vector = (top_x, top_y, 1.0)
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 25,
+ "Start": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Middle": vector_2,
+ "End": vector,
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": 1.0, "Roughness": 0.2}
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: (-0.5, -0.5, -0.5)},
+ )
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: add.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": quadratic_bezier,
+ "Offset": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ stemgeometry = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_stem_geometry().name, input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position}
+ )
+ leaf_scale = uniform(0.15, 0.35, size=(1,))[0] * kwargs["leaf_scale"]
+ leaves = []
+ rotation = 0
+ for _ in range(leaf_num):
+ leaves.append(
+ nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leaf_on_stem(
+ z_rotation=(0, 0, rotation), leaf_scale=leaf_scale, leaf=leaf
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={"Points": set_position},
+ )
+ )
+ rotation += 6.28 / leaf_num
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": leaves + [stemgeometry]}
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry}
+ )
+ colored = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": realize_instances,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ simple_greenery.shader_simple_greenery
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": colored})
+class NumLeafGrassFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(NumLeafGrassFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.leaf_num = [2, 3, 4]
+ self.leaf_model = [LeafFactory, LeafHeartFactory]
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ lf_seed = randint(0, 1000, size=(1,))[0]
+ leaf_num = np.random.choice(self.leaf_num, size=(1,), p=[0.2, 0.4, 0.4])[0]
+ z_offset = normal(0, 0.05, size=(1,))[0]
+ if leaf_num == 2:
+ leaf_model = LeafFactory(
+ genome={"leaf_width": 0.95, "width_rand": 0.1, "z_scaling": z_offset},
+ factory_seed=lf_seed,
+ )
+ leaf = leaf_model.create_asset()
+ params["leaf_scale"] = 2.0
+ elif leaf_num == 3:
+ leaf_model = LeafHeartFactory(
+ genome={"leaf_width": 1.1, "width_rand": 0.05, "z_scaling": z_offset},
+ factory_seed=lf_seed,
+ )
+ leaf = leaf_model.create_asset()
+ params["leaf_scale"] = 1.0
+ else:
+ leaf_model = LeafHeartFactory(
+ genome={"leaf_width": 0.85, "width_rand": 0.05, "z_scaling": z_offset},
+ factory_seed=lf_seed,
+ )
+ leaf = leaf_model.create_asset()
+ params["leaf_scale"] = 1.0
+ params["leaf"] = leaf
+ params["leaf_num"] = leaf_num
+ params["stem_rotation"] = 0.15
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geo_face_colors, apply=True, attributes=[], input_kwargs=params
+ )
+ butil.delete([leaf])
+ with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
+ bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove()
+ bpy.ops.object.shade_flat()
+ tag_object(obj, "num_leaf_grass")
+ return obj
+# if __name__ == '__main__':
+# grass = NumLeafGrassFactory(0)
+# obj = grass.create_asset()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/small_plants/snake_plant.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/small_plants/snake_plant.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e101a7aca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/small_plants/snake_plant.py
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+# Acknowledgements: This file draws inspiration from https://blenderartists.org/t/extrude-face-along-curve-with-geometry-nodes/1432653/3
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, randint, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials import snake_plant
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+ "nodegroup_pedal_thickness", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pedal_thickness(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 1.0)]
+ )
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Value"], 3: 0.2, 4: 0.04},
+ )
+ thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ thickness.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(0.1, 0.35)
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_3.outputs["Result"], 1: thickness},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": multiply})
+ "nodegroup_z_pedal_rotation", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_z_pedal_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 1.0)]
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Value"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.25, 0.25 + uniform(-0.1, 0.1)),
+ (0.50, 0.5 + uniform(-0.15, 0.15)),
+ (0.75, 0.5 + uniform(0.25, 0.25)),
+ (1.0, 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: uniform(0.8, 2.0)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ vector_rotate_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": position_1, "Angle": multiply},
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "Z_AXIS"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_rotate_1}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_x_pedal_rotation", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_x_pedal_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 0.5, 1: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": position_1, "Angle": multiply},
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "X_AXIS"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_rotate}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_setup", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_setup(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 25,
+ "Start": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Middle": (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ "End": (uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(0.2, 0.2), 2.0),
+ },
+ )
+ x_pedal_rotation = nw.new_node(nodegroup_x_pedal_rotation().name)
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": quadratic_bezier, "Offset": x_pedal_rotation},
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, 2: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Spline": capture_attribute_1.outputs[2],
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_edge_extrusion", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_edge_extrusion(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ init_width = uniform(0.15, 0.3)
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 1: normal},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Value"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, init_width),
+ (0.25, init_width + uniform(0.0, 0.1)),
+ (0.50, init_width + uniform(0.02, 0.18)),
+ (0.75, init_width + uniform(0.02, 0.1)),
+ (1.0, 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": float_curve})
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position_1}
+ )
+ extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": curve_to_mesh,
+ "Offset": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "Offset Scale": float_curve,
+ },
+ attrs={"mode": "EDGES"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Mesh": extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"]}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_face_extrusion", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_face_extrusion(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ z_pedal_rotation = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_z_pedal_rotation().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ )
+ set_position_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": z_pedal_rotation,
+ },
+ )
+ pedal_thickness = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pedal_thickness().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ )
+ extrude_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": set_position_2,
+ "Offset Scale": pedal_thickness,
+ "Individual": False,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": extrude_mesh_2}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_single_pedal", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_single_pedal_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ setup = nw.new_node(nodegroup_setup().name)
+ edge_extrusion = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_edge_extrusion().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": setup.outputs["Spline"],
+ "Geometry": setup.outputs["Geometry"],
+ },
+ )
+ face_extrusion = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_face_extrusion().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": edge_extrusion, "Value": setup.outputs["Spline"]},
+ )
+ subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={"Mesh": face_extrusion, "Level": 2}
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivision_surface}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_shade_smooth}
+ )
+def check_vicinity(param, pedal_params):
+ for p in pedal_params:
+ r1 = max(param[0] * np.sin(param[1]), 0.2)
+ r2 = max(p[0] * np.sin(p[1]), 0.2)
+ dist = np.linalg.norm([param[2] - p[2], param[3] - p[3]])
+ if r1 + r2 > dist:
+ return True
+ return False
+def geometry_snake_plant_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ num_pedals = kwargs["num_pedals"]
+ pedals = []
+ pedal_params = []
+ c = 0
+ while c < 50 and len(pedal_params) < num_pedals:
+ c += 1
+ scale = uniform(0.7, 1.0)
+ x_rotation = normal(0, 0.15)
+ x, y = uniform(-0.7, 0.7), uniform(-0.7, 0.7)
+ param = (scale, x_rotation, x, y)
+ if check_vicinity(param, pedal_params):
+ continue
+ else:
+ pedal_params.append(param)
+ for param in pedal_params:
+ scale = param[0]
+ z_rotation = uniform(0, 6.28)
+ x_rotation = param[1]
+ z2_rotation = uniform(0, 6.28)
+ x, y = param[2], param[3]
+ pedal = nw.new_node(nodegroup_single_pedal_nodes().name)
+ s_transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": pedal,
+ "Scale": (scale, scale, scale),
+ "Rotation": (0.0, 0.0, z_rotation),
+ },
+ )
+ x_transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": s_transform, "Rotation": (x_rotation, 0.0, 0.0)},
+ )
+ z_transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": x_transform,
+ "Rotation": (0.0, 0.0, z2_rotation),
+ "Translation": (x, y, 0),
+ },
+ )
+ pedals.append(z_transform)
+ pedals = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": pedals})
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": pedals,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(snake_plant.shader_snake_plant),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material}
+ )
+class SnakePlantFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(SnakePlantFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ pedal_num = randint(4, 8)
+ params["num_pedals"] = pedal_num
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geometry_snake_plant_nodes, apply=True, input_kwargs=params
+ )
+ # convert to appropriate units - TODO replace this
+ butil.apply_modifiers(obj)
+ obj.scale = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, scale=True)
+ butil.purge_empty_materials(obj)
+ tag_object(obj, "snake_plant")
+ return obj
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ grass = SnakePlantFactory(0)
+ obj = grass.create_asset()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/small_plants/spider_plant.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/small_plants/spider_plant.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff4b68567
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/small_plants/spider_plant.py
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+# Acknowledgements: This file draws inspiration from https://blenderartists.org/t/extrude-face-along-curve-with-geometry-nodes/1432653/3
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, randint, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials import spider_plant
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+ "nodegroup_set_leaf_countour", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_set_leaf_countour(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 1.0)]
+ )
+ float_curve_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Value"]}
+ )
+ k = uniform(0, 0.05)
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve_2.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.1),
+ (0.2, 0.1 + k / 1.5),
+ (0.4, 0.1 + k / 1.5),
+ (0.6, 0.1),
+ (0.8, 0.1 - k),
+ (1.0, 0.0),
+ ],
+ handles=["AUTO", "AUTO", "AUTO", "AUTO", "AUTO", "VECTOR"],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve_2, 1: uniform(0.8, 1.3)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz_2, "Value": multiply}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_leaf_z_rotation", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leaf_z_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ position_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"],
+ 4: np.abs(normal(0, 0.6)),
+ },
+ )
+ vector_rotate_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position_8,
+ "Center": (0.0, 0.0, 0.5),
+ "Angle": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "Z_AXIS"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_rotate_6}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_leaf_x_rotation", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leaf_x_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ position_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ 4: np.abs(normal(0, 1.2)),
+ },
+ )
+ vector_rotate_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position_5,
+ "Center": (0.0, 0.0, 0.5),
+ "Angle": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "X_AXIS"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_rotate_4}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_leaf_rotate_on_base", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leaf_rotate_on_base(nw: NodeWrangler, x_R=0.0):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ random_value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.3, 3: 0.3})
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: x_R, 1: random_value_2.outputs[1]})
+ random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.6, 3: 0.6})
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture)
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], 3: -0.5, 4: 0.5},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": add,
+ "Y": random_value_3.outputs[1],
+ "Z": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz_1}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_leaf_scale_align", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leaf_scale_align(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, input_kwargs={"Vector": normal}, attrs={"axis": "Y"}
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture)
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 3: 0.6, 4: 1.1},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector,
+ "Result": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_leaf_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leaf_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 100,
+ "Start": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Middle": (0.0, 0.0, 0.5),
+ "End": (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ leaf_x_rotation = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_x_rotation().name)
+ set_position_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": quadratic_bezier, "Offset": leaf_x_rotation},
+ )
+ leaf_z_rotation = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_z_rotation().name)
+ set_position_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_7, "Offset": leaf_z_rotation},
+ )
+ spline_parameter_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ capture_attribute_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_2,
+ 2: spline_parameter_3.outputs["Factor"],
+ },
+ )
+ normal_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ capture_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": capture_attribute_3.outputs["Geometry"], 1: normal_1},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ set_leaf_countour = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_set_leaf_countour().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": capture_attribute_3.outputs[2]},
+ )
+ set_position_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute_2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": set_leaf_countour.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position_8, "Fill Caps": True}
+ )
+ extrude_mesh_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": curve_to_mesh_2,
+ "Offset": capture_attribute_2.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "Offset Scale": set_leaf_countour.outputs["Value"],
+ },
+ attrs={"mode": "EDGES"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Mesh": extrude_mesh_3})
+def geometry_spider_plant_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ num_leaf_versions = kwargs["num_leaf_versions"]
+ num_plant_bases = kwargs["num_plant_bases"]
+ base_radius = kwargs["base_radius"]
+ leaf_x_R = kwargs["leaf_x_R"]
+ leaf_x_S = kwargs["leaf_x_S"]
+ leaves, bases = [], []
+ for _ in range(num_leaf_versions):
+ leaf = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_geometry().name)
+ leaves.append(leaf)
+ geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": leaves}
+ )
+ for i in range(num_plant_bases):
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": base_radius[i]}
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Count": randint(20, 40),
+ },
+ )
+ random_value = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={2: -0.3 * base_radius[i], 3: 0.3 * base_radius[i]},
+ )
+ random_value_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={2: -0.3 * base_radius[i], 3: 0.3 * base_radius[i]},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": random_value.outputs[1], "Y": random_value_1.outputs[1]},
+ )
+ set_position_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": resample_curve, "Offset": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={"Mesh": geometry_to_instance}
+ )
+ leaf_scale_align = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_scale_align().name)
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": set_position_3,
+ "Instance": subdivision_surface,
+ "Pick Instance": True,
+ "Rotation": leaf_scale_align.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "Scale": leaf_scale_align.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = leaf_x_S[i]
+ scale_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": instance_on_points, "Scale": value},
+ )
+ leaf_rotate_on_base = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leaf_rotate_on_base(x_R=leaf_x_R[i]).name
+ )
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": scale_instances,
+ "Rotation": leaf_rotate_on_base,
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": rotate_instances}
+ )
+ bases.append(realize_instances)
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": bases})
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry}
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_shade_smooth,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ spider_plant.shader_spider_plant
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material}
+ )
+class SpiderPlantFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(SpiderPlantFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ def get_params(self):
+ params = {}
+ params["num_leaf_versions"] = randint(4, 8)
+ num_bases = randint(5, 12)
+ params["num_plant_bases"] = num_bases
+ base_radius, leaf_x_R, leaf_x_S = [], [], []
+ init_base_radius = uniform(0.10, 0.20)
+ diff_base_radius = init_base_radius - 0.04
+ init_x_R, diff_x_R = uniform(1.2, 1.5), uniform(0.7, 1.1)
+ init_x_S, diff_x_S = uniform(1.4, 2.0), uniform(0.2, 0.6)
+ for i in range(params["num_plant_bases"]):
+ base_radius.append(init_base_radius - (i * diff_base_radius) / num_bases)
+ leaf_x_R.append(init_x_R - (i * diff_x_R) / num_bases)
+ leaf_x_S.append(init_x_S - (i * diff_x_S) / num_bases)
+ params["base_radius"] = base_radius
+ params["leaf_x_R"] = leaf_x_R
+ params["leaf_x_S"] = leaf_x_S
+ return params
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ params = self.get_params()
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geometry_spider_plant_nodes, apply=True, input_kwargs=params
+ )
+ surface.add_material(obj, spider_plant.shader_spider_plant, selection=None)
+ # convert to appropriate units - TODO replace this
+ butil.apply_modifiers(obj)
+ obj.scale = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, scale=True)
+ tag_object(obj, "spider_plant")
+ return obj
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ fac = SpiderPlantFactory(0)
+ fac.create_asset()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/small_plants/succulent.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/small_plants/succulent.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..640ee5dcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/small_plants/succulent.py
@@ -0,0 +1,726 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, randint, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials import succulent
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+ "nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_top", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_top(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ normal_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 0.0), ("NodeSocketFloat", "X", 0.0)],
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["X"], "Y": group_input.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: normal_2, 1: combine_xyz_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index_1, 1: 63.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply.outputs["Vector"], "Value": greater_than},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_bottom", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_bottom(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 0.0), ("NodeSocketFloat", "X", 0.0)],
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["X"], "Y": group_input.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: normal, 1: combine_xyz},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 64.0}, attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply.outputs["Vector"], "Value": less_than},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Resolution": 128, "Radius": 0.05}
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y_bottom", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y_top", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ pedal_cross_contour_bottom = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_bottom().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Y_bottom"],
+ "X": group_input.outputs["X"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Selection": pedal_cross_contour_bottom.outputs["Value"],
+ "Offset": pedal_cross_contour_bottom.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ pedal_cross_contour_top = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_top().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Y": group_input.outputs["Y_top"], "X": group_input.outputs["X"]},
+ )
+ set_position_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_1,
+ "Selection": pedal_cross_contour_top.outputs["Value"],
+ "Offset": pedal_cross_contour_top.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"W": 7.0, "Detail": 15.0},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], "Scale": uniform(0.00, 0.02)},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_2, "Offset": scale.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_5}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pedal_z_contour", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pedal_z_contour(nw: NodeWrangler, curve_param=[]):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, curve_param[0]),
+ (0.2, curve_param[1] * (1.0 + normal(0, 0.04))),
+ (0.4, curve_param[2] * (1.0 + normal(0, 0.1))),
+ (0.6, curve_param[3] * (1.0 + normal(0, 0.03))),
+ (0.8, curve_param[4] * (1.0 + normal(0, 0.06))),
+ (0.9, curve_param[5] * (1.0 + normal(0, 0.04))),
+ (1.0, 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5)]
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": multiply})
+ "nodegroup_pedal_stem_curvature", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pedal_stem_curvature(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ position_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ k = uniform(0.0, 0.3)
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.2, 0.2 - k / 2.5),
+ (0.4, 0.4 - k / 1.1),
+ (0.6, 0.6 - k),
+ (0.8, 0.8 - k / 1.5),
+ (1.0, 1.0 - k / 3.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.2)]
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position_3,
+ "Center": (0.0, 0.0, 0.2),
+ "Angle": multiply,
+ },
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "X_AXIS"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_rotate}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pedal_rotation_on_base_circle", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pedal_rotation_on_base_circle(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.1, 3: 0.1})
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value1", -1.3),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value2", -1.57),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: random_value_1.outputs[1], 1: group_input.outputs["Value1"]},
+ )
+ random_value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.3, 3: 0.3})
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: random_value_2.outputs[1], 1: group_input.outputs["Value2"]},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Z": add_1})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz_2}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_base_perturbation", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_base_perturbation(nw: NodeWrangler, R=1.0):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ random_value_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.8 * R, 3: 0.8 * R}
+ )
+ random_value = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.8 * R, 3: 0.8 * R}
+ )
+ random_value_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.2 * R, 3: 0.2 * R}
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5)]
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: random_value_1.outputs[1], 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": random_value_4.outputs[1],
+ "Y": random_value.outputs[1],
+ "Z": add,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz_1}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pedal_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pedal_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler, curve_param=[]):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": (0.0, 0.0, 0.2)})
+ integer = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, attrs={"integer": 64})
+ integer.integer = 64
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line, "Count": integer}
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y_bottom", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y_top", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "pedal_stem", 0.2),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "pedal_z", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ pedal_stem_curvature = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pedal_stem_curvature().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["pedal_stem"]},
+ )
+ set_position_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": resample_curve, "Offset": pedal_stem_curvature},
+ )
+ pedal_z_contour = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pedal_z_contour(curve_param=curve_param).name,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["pedal_z"]},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position_4, "Radius": pedal_z_contour},
+ )
+ pedal_cross_contour = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Y_bottom": group_input.outputs["Y_bottom"],
+ "X": group_input.outputs["X"],
+ "Y_top": group_input.outputs["Y_top"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": pedal_cross_contour,
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Mesh": curve_to_mesh})
+ "nodegroup_pedal_on_base", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pedal_on_base(nw: NodeWrangler, R=1.0):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius", 0.1),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "x_R", -1.3),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "z_R", -1.57),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 10),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Instance", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "Scale", (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "base_z", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"],
+ },
+ )
+ base_perturbation = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_base_perturbation(R=R).name,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["base_z"]},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Offset": base_perturbation,
+ },
+ )
+ normal_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": normal_1},
+ attrs={"pivot_axis": "Z"},
+ )
+ random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: 0.7, 3: 1.2})
+ instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": set_position,
+ "Instance": group_input.outputs["Instance"],
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector_1,
+ "Scale": random_value_3.outputs[1],
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instance_on_points_1}
+ )
+ pedal_rotation_on_base_circle = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pedal_rotation_on_base_circle().name,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["x_R"], 1: group_input.outputs["z_R"]},
+ )
+ rotate_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": realize_instances_1,
+ "Rotation": pedal_rotation_on_base_circle,
+ },
+ )
+ scale_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": rotate_instances_1,
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Instances": scale_instances}
+ )
+def geometry_succulent_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ pedal_bases = []
+ pedal_cross_coutour_y_bottom = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Value, label="pedal_cross_coutour_y_bottom"
+ )
+ pedal_cross_coutour_y_bottom.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["cross_y_bottom"]
+ pedal_cross_coutour_x = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="pedal_cross_coutour_x")
+ pedal_cross_coutour_x.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["cross_x"]
+ pedal_cross_coutour_y_top = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Value, label="pedal_cross_coutour_y_top"
+ )
+ pedal_cross_coutour_y_top.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["cross_y_top"]
+ pedal_stem_curvature_scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Value, label="pedal_stem_curvature_scale"
+ )
+ pedal_stem_curvature_scale.outputs[0].default_value = np.abs(normal(0, 1.0))
+ pedal_z_coutour_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="pedal_z_coutour_scale")
+ pedal_z_coutour_scale.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(0.4, 0.9)
+ material = kwargs["material"]
+ for i in range(kwargs["num_bases"]):
+ pedal_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pedal_geometry(curve_param=kwargs["pedal_curve_param"]).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Y_bottom": pedal_cross_coutour_y_bottom,
+ "X": pedal_cross_coutour_x,
+ "Y_top": pedal_cross_coutour_y_top,
+ "pedal_stem": pedal_stem_curvature_scale,
+ "pedal_z": pedal_z_coutour_scale,
+ },
+ )
+ base_circle_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="base_circle_radius")
+ base_circle_radius.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["base_radius"][i]
+ pedal_x_rotation = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="pedal_x_rotation")
+ pedal_x_rotation.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["pedal_x_R"][i]
+ base_z_rotation = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="base_z_rotation")
+ base_z_rotation.outputs[0].default_value = -1.57 + normal(0, 0.3)
+ base_pedal_num = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Integer, label="base_pedal_num", attrs={"integer": 10}
+ )
+ base_pedal_num.integer = kwargs["base_pedal_num"][i]
+ pedal_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="pedal_scale")
+ pedal_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["base_pedal_scale"][i]
+ base_z = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="base_z")
+ base_z.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["base_z"][i]
+ pedal_on_base = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pedal_on_base(R=kwargs["base_radius"][i]).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Radius": base_circle_radius,
+ "x_R": pedal_x_rotation,
+ "z_R": base_z_rotation,
+ "Resolution": base_pedal_num,
+ "Instance": pedal_geometry,
+ "Scale": pedal_scale,
+ "base_z": base_z,
+ },
+ )
+ pedal_bases.append(pedal_on_base)
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": pedal_bases}
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry}
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_shade_smooth_1,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(material),
+ },
+ )
+ realized = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [set_material])
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": realized})
+class SucculentFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(SucculentFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.mode = np.random.choice(["thin_pedal", "thick_pedal"], p=[0.65, 0.35])
+ def get_params(self, mode):
+ if mode == "thin_pedal":
+ params = {}
+ params["cross_y_bottom"] = uniform(0.08, 0.25)
+ params["cross_y_top"] = uniform(-0.04, 0.02)
+ params["cross_x"] = uniform(0.3, 0.6)
+ # get geometry params on each base
+ num_bases = randint(5, 8)
+ params["num_bases"] = num_bases
+ base_radius, pedal_x_R, base_pedal_num, base_pedal_scale, base_z = (
+ [],
+ [],
+ [],
+ [],
+ [],
+ )
+ init_base_radius, diff_base_radius = uniform(0.09, 0.11), 0.1
+ init_x_R, diff_x_R = uniform(-1.2, -1.35), uniform(-0.7, -1.1)
+ init_pedal_num = randint(num_bases, 15)
+ diff_pedal_scale = uniform(0.5, 0.9)
+ for i in range(num_bases):
+ base_radius.append(
+ init_base_radius - (i * diff_base_radius) / num_bases
+ )
+ pedal_x_R.append(init_x_R - (i * diff_x_R) / num_bases)
+ base_pedal_num.append(init_pedal_num - i + randint(0, 2))
+ base_pedal_scale.append(1.0 - (i * diff_pedal_scale) / num_bases)
+ base_z.append(0.0 + i * uniform(0.005, 0.008))
+ params["base_radius"] = base_radius
+ params["pedal_x_R"] = pedal_x_R
+ params["base_pedal_num"] = base_pedal_num
+ params["base_pedal_scale"] = base_pedal_scale
+ params["base_z"] = base_z
+ contour_bit = randint(0, 3)
+ material_bit = randint(0, 3)
+ if contour_bit == 0:
+ params["pedal_curve_param"] = [0.08, 0.4, 0.46, 0.36, 0.17, 0.05]
+ elif contour_bit == 1:
+ params["pedal_curve_param"] = [0.22, 0.37, 0.50, 0.49, 0.30, 0.08]
+ elif contour_bit == 2:
+ params["pedal_curve_param"] = [0.21, 0.26, 0.31, 0.36, 0.29, 0.16]
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ if material_bit == 0:
+ params["material"] = succulent.shader_green_transition_succulent
+ elif material_bit == 1:
+ params["material"] = succulent.shader_pink_transition_succulent
+ elif material_bit == 2:
+ params["material"] = succulent.shader_green_succulent
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ return params
+ elif mode == "thick_pedal":
+ params = {}
+ params["cross_y_bottom"] = uniform(0.22, 0.30)
+ params["cross_y_top"] = uniform(0.08, 0.15)
+ params["cross_x"] = uniform(0.14, 0.16)
+ # get geometry params on each base
+ num_bases = randint(3, 6)
+ params["num_bases"] = num_bases
+ base_radius, pedal_x_R, base_pedal_num, base_pedal_scale, base_z = (
+ [],
+ [],
+ [],
+ [],
+ [],
+ )
+ init_base_radius, diff_base_radius = uniform(0.12, 0.14), 0.11
+ init_x_R, diff_x_R = uniform(-1.3, -1.4), uniform(-0.1, -1.2)
+ init_pedal_num = randint(num_bases, 12)
+ diff_pedal_scale = uniform(0.6, 0.9)
+ for i in range(num_bases):
+ base_radius.append(
+ init_base_radius - (i * diff_base_radius) / num_bases
+ )
+ pedal_x_R.append(init_x_R - (i * diff_x_R) / num_bases)
+ base_pedal_num.append(init_pedal_num - i + randint(0, 2))
+ base_pedal_scale.append(1.0 - (i * diff_pedal_scale) / num_bases)
+ base_z.append(0.0 + i * uniform(0.005, 0.006))
+ params["base_radius"] = base_radius
+ params["pedal_x_R"] = pedal_x_R
+ params["base_pedal_num"] = base_pedal_num
+ params["base_pedal_scale"] = base_pedal_scale
+ params["base_z"] = base_z
+ contour_bit = randint(0, 2)
+ material_bit = randint(0, 2)
+ if contour_bit == 0:
+ params["pedal_curve_param"] = [0.10, 0.36, 0.44, 0.45, 0.30, 0.24]
+ elif contour_bit == 1:
+ params["pedal_curve_param"] = [0.16, 0.35, 0.48, 0.42, 0.30, 0.18]
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ if material_bit == 0:
+ params["material"] = succulent.shader_yellow_succulent
+ elif material_bit == 1:
+ params["material"] = succulent.shader_whitish_green_succulent
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ return params
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ params = self.get_params(self.mode)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geometry_succulent_nodes,
+ apply=True,
+ attributes=[],
+ input_kwargs=params,
+ )
+ obj.scale = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
+ obj.location.z += 0.01
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True, scale=True)
+ tag_object(obj, "succulent")
+ return obj
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ fac = SucculentFactory(0)
+ fac.create_asset()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/table_decorations/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/table_decorations/__init__.py
similarity index 53%
rename from infinigen/assets/table_decorations/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/table_decorations/__init__.py
index a58696a3a..1768f2fb2 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/table_decorations/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/table_decorations/__init__.py
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-from .vase import VaseFactory
+from .book import BookColumnFactory, BookFactory, BookStackFactory
from .sink import SinkFactory, TapFactory
-from .book import BookFactory, BookColumnFactory, BookStackFactory
+from .vase import VaseFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/table_decorations/book.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/table_decorations/book.py
similarity index 69%
rename from infinigen/assets/table_decorations/book.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/table_decorations/book.py
index 785abedce..dc41242b0 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/table_decorations/book.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/table_decorations/book.py
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+import math
+import bmesh
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
import bpy
-import bmesh
import numpy as np
-import math
-import trimesh
from numpy.random import uniform
-from trimesh import proximity
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
from infinigen.assets.materials import text
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, write_attribute, write_co
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import center, join_objects, new_bbox, new_cube, obj2trimesh
from infinigen.assets.utils.mesh import longest_ray
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import center, join_objects, new_bbox, new_cube
from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import wrap_front_back_side
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
class BookFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(BookFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
self.rel_scale = log_uniform(1, 1.5)
self.skewness = log_uniform(1.3, 1.8)
- self.unit = .0127
- self.is_paperback = uniform() < .5
- self.margin = uniform(.005, .01)
- self.offset = 0 if uniform() < .5 else log_uniform(.002, .008)
- self.thickness = uniform(.002, .003)
- materials = AssetList['BookFactory']()
- self.surface = materials['surface'].assign_material()
- self.cover_surface = materials['cover_surface'].assign_material()
+ self.unit = 0.0127
+ self.is_paperback = uniform() < 0.5
+ self.margin = uniform(0.005, 0.01)
+ self.offset = 0 if uniform() < 0.5 else log_uniform(0.002, 0.008)
+ self.thickness = uniform(0.002, 0.003)
+ materials = AssetList["BookFactory"]()
+ self.surface = materials["surface"].assign_material()
+ self.cover_surface = materials["cover_surface"].assign_material()
if self.cover_surface == text.Text:
self.cover_surface = self.cover_surface(self.factory_seed)
- scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = materials['wear_tear_prob']
- self.scratch, self.edge_wear = materials['wear_tear']
+ scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = materials["wear_tear_prob"]
+ self.scratch, self.edge_wear = materials["wear_tear"]
self.scratch = None if uniform() > scratch_prob else self.scratch
self.edge_wear = None if uniform() > edge_wear_prob else self.edge_wear
- self.texture_shared = uniform() < .2
+ self.texture_shared = uniform() < 0.2
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- width = int(log_uniform(.08, .15) * self.rel_scale / self.unit) * self.unit
+ width = int(log_uniform(0.08, 0.15) * self.rel_scale / self.unit) * self.unit
height = int(width * self.skewness / self.unit) * self.unit
- depth = uniform(.01, .02) * self.rel_scale
+ depth = uniform(0.01, 0.02) * self.rel_scale
fn = self.make_paperback if self.is_paperback else self.make_hardcover
# noinspection PyArgumentList
obj = fn(width, height, depth)
return obj
def finalize_assets(self, assets):
@@ -69,17 +69,17 @@ def make_paperback(self, width, height, depth):
obj.scale = width / 2, height / 2, depth / 2
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
geom = []
for e in bm.edges:
u, v = e.verts
if u.co[0] > 0 and v.co[0] > 0 and u.co[-1] != v.co[-1]:
- bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context='EDGES')
+ bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context="EDGES")
- write_attribute(obj, 1, 'cover', 'FACE')
+ write_attribute(obj, 1, "cover", "FACE")
obj = join_objects([paper, obj])
return obj
@@ -95,27 +95,36 @@ def make_hardcover(self, width, height, depth):
paper = self.make_paper(depth, height, width)
obj = new_cube()
count = 8
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'ARRAY', count=count, relative_offset_displace=(0, 0, 1),
- use_merge_vertices=True)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "ARRAY",
+ count=count,
+ relative_offset_displace=(0, 0, 1),
+ use_merge_vertices=True,
+ )
obj.location = 1, 1, 1
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
geom = []
for v in bm.verts:
if v.co[0] > 0 and 0 < v.co[-1] < count * 2:
- bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context='VERTS')
- obj.location = 0, - self.margin, 0
- obj.scale = (width + self.margin) / 2, height / 2 + self.margin, depth / 2 / count
+ bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context="VERTS")
+ obj.location = 0, -self.margin, 0
+ obj.scale = (
+ (width + self.margin) / 2,
+ height / 2 + self.margin,
+ depth / 2 / count,
+ )
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
ratio = np.minimum(z / depth, 1 - z / depth)
x -= 4 * ratio * (1 - ratio) * self.offset
write_co(obj, np.stack([x, y, z]).T)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.thickness)
- write_attribute(obj, 1, 'cover', 'FACE')
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.thickness)
+ write_attribute(obj, 1, "cover", "FACE")
obj = join_objects([paper, obj])
return obj
@@ -131,16 +140,27 @@ class BookColumnFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(BookColumnFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- self.base_factories = [BookFactory(np.random.randint(1e5)) for _ in range(np.random.randint(1, 4))]
+ self.base_factories = [
+ BookFactory(np.random.randint(1e5))
+ for _ in range(np.random.randint(1, 4))
+ ]
self.n_books = np.random.randint(10, 20)
- self.max_angle = uniform(0, np.pi / 9) if uniform() < .7 else 0
+ self.max_angle = uniform(0, np.pi / 9) if uniform() < 0.7 else 0
self.max_rel_scale = max(f.rel_scale for f in self.base_factories)
self.max_skewness = max(f.skewness for f in self.base_factories)
def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
- height = .15 * self.max_rel_scale * self.max_skewness
- return new_bbox(0, (.02 + np.sin(self.max_angle) * height) * self.n_books * self.max_rel_scale,
- -.15 * self.max_rel_scale, 0, 0, height)
+ height = 0.15 * self.max_rel_scale * self.max_skewness
+ return new_bbox(
+ 0,
+ (0.02 + np.sin(self.max_angle) * height)
+ * self.n_books
+ * self.max_rel_scale,
+ -0.15 * self.max_rel_scale,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ height,
+ )
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
books = []
@@ -150,12 +170,20 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
obj.location = [-np.max(x), -np.min(y), -np.min(z)]
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- if uniform() < .5:
- obj.rotation_euler = np.pi / 2 - uniform(0, self.max_angle), 0, np.pi / 2
+ if uniform() < 0.5:
+ obj.rotation_euler = (
+ np.pi / 2 - uniform(0, self.max_angle),
+ 0,
+ np.pi / 2,
+ )
obj.location[-1] = -np.max(z)
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- obj.rotation_euler = np.pi / 2 + uniform(0, self.max_angle), 0, np.pi / 2
+ obj.rotation_euler = (
+ np.pi / 2 + uniform(0, self.max_angle),
+ 0,
+ np.pi / 2,
+ )
if i > 0:
obj.location[0] = 10
@@ -171,24 +199,31 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
return obj
def rotate(theta, x, y):
- return x * math.cos(theta) - y * math.sin(theta), x * math.sin(theta) + y * math.cos(theta)
+ return x * math.cos(theta) - y * math.sin(theta), x * math.sin(
+ theta
+ ) + y * math.cos(theta)
class BookStackFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(BookStackFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- self.base_factories = [BookFactory(np.random.randint(1e5)) for _ in range(np.random.randint(1, 4))]
+ self.base_factories = [
+ BookFactory(np.random.randint(1e5))
+ for _ in range(np.random.randint(1, 4))
+ ]
self.n_books = int(log_uniform(5, 15))
- self.max_angle = uniform(np.pi / 9, np.pi / 6) if uniform() < .7 else 0
+ self.max_angle = uniform(np.pi / 9, np.pi / 6) if uniform() < 0.7 else 0
self.max_rel_scale = max(f.rel_scale for f in self.base_factories)
self.max_skewness = max(f.skewness for f in self.base_factories)
def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
- x_lo = -.15 * self.max_rel_scale / 2
- x_hi = .15 * self.max_rel_scale / 2
- y_lo = -.15 * self.max_rel_scale / 2 * self.max_skewness
- y_hi = .15 * self.max_rel_scale / 2 * self.max_skewness
+ x_lo = -0.15 * self.max_rel_scale / 2
+ x_hi = 0.15 * self.max_rel_scale / 2
+ y_lo = -0.15 * self.max_rel_scale / 2 * self.max_skewness
+ y_hi = 0.15 * self.max_rel_scale / 2 * self.max_skewness
theta = self.max_angle
x_1, y_1 = rotate(theta, x_lo, y_lo)
@@ -196,9 +231,14 @@ def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
x_3, y_3 = rotate(theta, x_hi, y_lo)
x_4, y_4 = rotate(theta, x_hi, y_hi)
- return new_bbox(min(min([x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4]), x_lo ), max(max([x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4]), x_hi),
- min(min([y_1,y_2,y_3,y_4]), y_lo), max(max([y_1,y_2,y_3,y_4]), y_hi),
- 0, self.n_books * .02 * self.max_rel_scale * 0.8)
+ return new_bbox(
+ min(min([x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4]), x_lo),
+ max(max([x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4]), x_hi),
+ min(min([y_1, y_2, y_3, y_4]), y_lo),
+ max(max([y_1, y_2, y_3, y_4]), y_hi),
+ 0,
+ self.n_books * 0.02 * self.max_rel_scale * 0.8,
+ )
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
books = []
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/table_decorations/sink.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/table_decorations/sink.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4899c0c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/table_decorations/sink.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1352 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors:
+# - Hongyu Wen: sink geometry
+# - Meenal Parakh: material assignment
+# - Stamatis Alexandropoulos: taps
+# - Alexander Raistrick: placeholder, optimize detail, redo cutter
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.utils import bbox_from_mesh
+from infinigen.assets.utils.extract_nodegroup_parts import extract_nodegroup_geo
+from infinigen.core import surface, tagging
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+class SinkFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(
+ self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], upper_height=None
+ ):
+ super(SinkFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.dimensions = dimensions
+ self.factory_seed = factory_seed
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.params = self.sample_parameters(dimensions, upper_height=upper_height)
+ self.material_params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = (
+ self.get_material_params()
+ )
+ self.params.update(self.material_params)
+ self.tap_factory = TapFactory(factory_seed)
+ def get_material_params(self):
+ material_assignments = AssetList["SinkFactory"]()
+ params = {
+ "Sink": material_assignments["sink"].assign_material(),
+ "Tap": material_assignments["tap"].assign_material(),
+ }
+ wrapped_params = {
+ k: surface.shaderfunc_to_material(v) for k, v in params.items()
+ }
+ scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments["wear_tear_prob"]
+ scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments["wear_tear"]
+ is_scratch = U() < scratch_prob
+ is_edge_wear = U() < edge_wear_prob
+ if not is_scratch:
+ scratch = None
+ if not is_edge_wear:
+ edge_wear = None
+ return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
+ @staticmethod
+ def sample_parameters(dimensions, upper_height, use_default=False, open=False):
+ width = U(0.4, 1.0)
+ depth = U(0.4, 0.5)
+ curvature = U(1.0, 1.0)
+ if upper_height is None:
+ upper_height = U(0.2, 0.4)
+ lower_height = U(0.00, 0.01)
+ hole_radius = U(0.02, 0.05)
+ margin = U(0.02, 0.05)
+ watertap_margin = U(0.1, 0.12)
+ params = {
+ "Width": width,
+ "Depth": depth,
+ "Curvature": curvature,
+ "Upper Height": upper_height,
+ "Lower Height": lower_height,
+ "HoleRadius": hole_radius,
+ "Margin": margin,
+ "WaterTapMargin": watertap_margin,
+ "ProtrudeAboveCounter": U(0.01, 0.025),
+ }
+ return params
+ def _extract_geo_results(self):
+ params = self.params.copy()
+ params.pop("ProtrudeAboveCounter")
+ with butil.TemporaryObject(butil.spawn_vert()) as temp:
+ obj = extract_nodegroup_geo(
+ temp, nodegroup_sink_geometry(), "Geometry", ng_params=params
+ )
+ cutter = extract_nodegroup_geo(
+ temp, nodegroup_sink_geometry(), "Cutter", ng_params=params
+ )
+ return obj, cutter
+ def create_placeholder(self, i, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ obj, cutter = self._extract_geo_results()
+ butil.delete(cutter)
+ min_corner, max_corner = butil.bounds(obj)
+ min_corner[-1] = max_corner[-1] - self.params["ProtrudeAboveCounter"]
+ top_slice_placeholder = bbox_from_mesh.box_from_corners(min_corner, max_corner)
+ butil.delete(obj)
+ return top_slice_placeholder
+ def create_asset(self, i, placeholder, state=None, **params):
+ obj, cutter = self._extract_geo_results()
+ tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
+ cutter.parent = obj
+ cutter.name = repr(self) + f".spawn_placeholder({i}).cutter"
+ cutter.hide_render = True
+ tap_loc = (-self.params["Depth"] / 2, 0, self.params["Upper Height"])
+ tap = self.tap_factory.spawn_asset(i, loc=tap_loc, rot=(0, 0, 0))
+ tap.parent = obj
+ return obj
+ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
+ if self.scratch:
+ self.scratch.apply(assets)
+ if self.edge_wear:
+ self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
+class TapFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = self.get_material_params()
+ @staticmethod
+ def tap_parameters():
+ params = {
+ "base_width": U(0.570, 0.630),
+ "tap_head": U(0.7, 1.1),
+ "roation_z": U(5.5, 7.0),
+ "tap_height": U(0.5, 1),
+ "base_radius": U(0.0, 0.3),
+ "Switch": True if U() > 0.5 else False,
+ "Y": U(-0.5, -0.06),
+ "hand_type": True if U() > 0.2 else False,
+ "hands_length_x": U(0.750, 1.25),
+ "hands_length_Y": U(0.950, 1.550),
+ "one_side": True if U() > 0.5 else False,
+ "different_type": True if U() > 0.8 else False,
+ }
+ return params
+ def get_material_params(self):
+ material_assignments = AssetList["TapFactory"]()
+ tap_material = material_assignments["tap"].assign_material()
+ wrapped_params = {"Tap": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(tap_material)}
+ scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments["wear_tear_prob"]
+ scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments["wear_tear"]
+ is_scratch = U() < scratch_prob
+ is_edge_wear = U() < edge_wear_prob
+ if not is_scratch:
+ scratch = None
+ if not is_edge_wear:
+ edge_wear = None
+ return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
+ def create_asset(self, **_):
+ obj = butil.spawn_cube()
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "NODES",
+ node_group=nodegroup_water_tap(),
+ ng_inputs=self.params,
+ apply=True,
+ )
+ obj.scale = (0.4,) * 3
+ obj.rotation_euler.z += np.pi
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ return obj
+ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
+ if self.scratch:
+ self.scratch.apply(assets)
+ if self.edge_wear:
+ self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_handle", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_handle(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ bezier_segment = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveBezierSegment,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Start Handle": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.7000),
+ "End Handle": (0.2000, 0.0000, 0.7000),
+ "End": (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.9000),
+ },
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0000, 0.9750), (1.0000, 0.1625)]
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: 1.3000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius, input_kwargs={"Curve": bezier_segment, "Radius": multiply}
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": 0.2000})
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ 1: 0.2000,
+ 3: 1.0000,
+ 4: 2.5000,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": multiply_1,
+ "Z": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh, "Position": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={"Mesh": set_position, "Level": 2}
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivision_surface}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_shade_smooth},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_water_tap", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_water_tap(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "base_width", U(0.2, 0.3)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "tap_head", U(0.7, 1.1)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "roation_z", U(5.5, 7.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "tap_height", U(0.5, 1)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "base_radius", U(0.0, 0.1)),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Switch", True if U() > 0.5 else False),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", U(-0.5, -0.06)),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "hand_type", True if U() > 0.2 else False),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "hands_length_x", U(0.750, 1.25)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "hands_length_Y", U(0.950, 1.550)),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "one_side", True if U() > 0.5 else False),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "different_type", True if U() > 0.8 else False),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "length_one_side", True if U() > 0.8 else False),
+ ],
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketMaterial", "Tap", None)]
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": 0.0500})
+ fill_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"]}
+ )
+ extrude_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": fill_curve_1, "Offset Scale": 0.1500}
+ )
+ quadrilateral = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral",
+ input_kwargs={"Width": 0.2000, "Height": 0.7000},
+ )
+ fillet_curve = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeFilletCurve",
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": quadrilateral, "Count": 19, "Radius": 0.1000},
+ attrs={"mode": "POLY"},
+ )
+ fill_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": fillet_curve})
+ extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": fill_curve, "Offset Scale": 0.0500}
+ )
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.6000)}
+ )
+ curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": 0.0300})
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": curve_line,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": 0.2000})
+ transform_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle_2.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Translation": (0.0000, 0.2000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_geometry,
+ "Rotation": (-1.5708, 1.5708, 0.0000),
+ "Scale": (1.0000, 0.7000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": 0.2000, "Y": group_input.outputs["Y"]}
+ )
+ bezier_segment = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveBezierSegment,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 177,
+ "Start": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Start Handle": (0.0000, 1.2000, 0.0000),
+ "End Handle": combine_xyz_3,
+ "End": (-0.0500, 0.1000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ trim_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TrimCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": bezier_segment, 3: 0.6625, 5: 3.0000}
+ )
+ transform_geometry_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": trim_curve,
+ "Rotation": (1.5708, 0.0000, 2.5220),
+ "Scale": (5.2000, 0.5000, 7.8000),
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": 0.0300})
+ curve_to_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": transform_geometry_6,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle_3.outputs["Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Switch"],
+ 14: transform_geometry_1,
+ 15: curve_to_mesh_2,
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": switch.outputs[6],
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: -0.0100},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ switch_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Switch"], 2: greater_than, 3: 1.0000},
+ attrs={"input_type": "FLOAT"},
+ )
+ separate_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_to_mesh_1,
+ "Selection": switch_1.outputs["Output"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": 1.0000, "Y": 1.0000, "Z": group_input.outputs["tap_head"]},
+ )
+ switch_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Switch"],
+ 8: combine_xyz,
+ 9: (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ transform_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": separate_geometry.outputs["Selection"],
+ "Translation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.6000),
+ "Scale": switch_2.outputs[3],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [curve_to_mesh, transform_geometry_2]},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": group_input.outputs["roation_z"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": 1.0000, "Y": 1.0000, "Z": group_input.outputs["tap_height"]},
+ )
+ transform_geometry_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry,
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_1,
+ "Scale": combine_xyz_2,
+ },
+ )
+ handle = nw.new_node(nodegroup_handle().name)
+ transform_geometry_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": handle,
+ "Translation": (0.0000, -0.2000, 0.0000),
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 3.6652),
+ "Scale": (0.3000, 0.3000, 0.3000),
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": handle,
+ "Translation": (0.0000, 0.2000, 0.0000),
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 2.6180),
+ "Scale": (0.3000, 0.3000, 0.3000),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_geometry_4, transform_geometry_3]},
+ )
+ cylinder = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vertices": 41,
+ "Side Segments": 39,
+ "Radius": 0.0300,
+ "Depth": 0.1000,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": (0.0000, 0.0500, 0.1000),
+ "Rotation": (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ switch_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["one_side"], 14: transform_geometry_7},
+ )
+ transform_geometry_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": (0.0000, -0.0500, 0.1000),
+ "Rotation": (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [switch_5.outputs[6], transform_geometry_8]},
+ )
+ cylinder_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vertices": 41,
+ "Side Segments": 39,
+ "Radius": 0.0050,
+ "Depth": 0.1000,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder_1.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": (0.0000, 0.0800, 0.1500),
+ "Scale": (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.1000),
+ },
+ )
+ switch_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["one_side"], 14: transform_geometry_9},
+ )
+ transform_geometry_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder_1.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": (0.0000, -0.0800, 0.1500),
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0855),
+ "Scale": (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.1000),
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry_17 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_geometry_10,
+ "Translation": (0.0000, -0.0100, -0.0050),
+ "Scale": (4.1000, 1.0000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ switch_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 1: group_input.outputs["length_one_side"],
+ 14: transform_geometry_10,
+ 15: transform_geometry_17,
+ },
+ )
+ switch_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 1: group_input.outputs["one_side"],
+ 14: transform_geometry_10,
+ 15: switch_8.outputs[6],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [switch_4.outputs[6], switch_7.outputs[6]]},
+ )
+ join_geometry_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [join_geometry_3, join_geometry_4]},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["hands_length_x"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["hands_length_Y"],
+ "Z": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_5, "Scale": combine_xyz_4},
+ )
+ switch_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 1: group_input.outputs["hand_type"],
+ 14: join_geometry_2,
+ 15: transform_geometry_11,
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": 0.0500})
+ fill_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"]}
+ )
+ extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": fill_curve, "Offset Scale": 0.1500}
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ transform_geometry_5,
+ switch_3.outputs[6],
+ extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"],
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ bezier_segment_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveBezierSegment,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 54,
+ "Start": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Start Handle": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.7000),
+ "End Handle": (0.2000, 0.0000, 0.7000),
+ "End": (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.9000),
+ },
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0000, 0.9750), (0.6295, 0.4125), (1.0000, 0.1625)],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: 1.3000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": bezier_segment_1, "Radius": multiply},
+ )
+ curve_circle_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": 0.1000})
+ curve_to_mesh_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle_4.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position_1})
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"],
+ 1: 0.2000,
+ 3: 1.0000,
+ 4: 2.5000,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": multiply_1,
+ "Z": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_to_mesh_3,
+ "Position": combine_xyz_5,
+ "Offset": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={"Mesh": set_position, "Level": 1}
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivision_surface}
+ )
+ transform_geometry_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_shade_smooth,
+ "Translation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.1000),
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.6807),
+ "Scale": (0.4000, 0.4000, 0.3000),
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Resolution": 307, "Radius": 0.0550}
+ )
+ fill_curve_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_circle_5.outputs["Curve"]}
+ )
+ extrude_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": fill_curve_2, "Offset Scale": 0.1500}
+ )
+ cylinder_2 = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder",
+ input_kwargs={"Vertices": 100, "Radius": 0.0100, "Depth": 0.7000},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": cylinder_2.outputs["Mesh"]}
+ )
+ transform_geometry_13 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_1,
+ "Translation": (0.3000, 0.0000, 0.2500),
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, -2.0420, 0.0000),
+ "Scale": (1.7000, 3.1000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ cylinder_3 = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder",
+ input_kwargs={"Vertices": 318, "Radius": 0.0200, "Depth": 0.0300},
+ )
+ transform_geometry_14 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder_3.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": (0.5950, 0.0000, 0.3800),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_geometry_13, transform_geometry_14]},
+ )
+ transform_geometry_15 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_7, "Scale": (0.9000, 1.0000, 1.0000)},
+ )
+ join_geometry_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ transform_geometry_12,
+ extrude_mesh_2.outputs["Mesh"],
+ transform_geometry_15,
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry_16 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_8,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 3.1416),
+ },
+ )
+ switch_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 1: group_input.outputs["different_type"],
+ 14: join_geometry_1,
+ 15: transform_geometry_16,
+ },
+ )
+ quadrilateral = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral",
+ input_kwargs={"Width": group_input.outputs["base_width"], "Height": 0.7000},
+ )
+ fillet_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FilletCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": quadrilateral,
+ "Count": 19,
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["base_radius"],
+ },
+ attrs={"mode": "POLY"},
+ )
+ fill_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": fillet_curve})
+ extrude_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": fill_curve_1, "Offset Scale": 0.0500}
+ )
+ join_geometry_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [switch_6.outputs[6], extrude_mesh_1.outputs["Mesh"]]
+ },
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_6,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["Tap"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_sink_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_sink_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Width", 2.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Depth", 2.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Curvature", 0.9500),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Upper Height", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Lower Height", -0.0500),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "HoleRadius", 0.1000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Margin", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "WaterTapMargin", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "Tap", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "Sink", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ reroute_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Depth"]}
+ )
+ reroute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Width"]}
+ )
+ quadrilateral = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral",
+ input_kwargs={"Width": reroute_3, "Height": reroute_2},
+ )
+ minimum = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute_3, 1: reroute_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "MINIMUM"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: minimum, 1: 0.1000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ # inside of sink curve
+ sink_interior_border = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeFilletCurve",
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": quadrilateral, "Count": 50, "Radius": multiply},
+ attrs={"mode": "POLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Curvature"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Curvature"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": sink_interior_border, "Scale": combine_xyz_1},
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": group_input.outputs["HoleRadius"]}
+ )
+ join_geometry_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_1, curve_circle.outputs["Curve"]]},
+ )
+ fill_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": join_geometry_4})
+ # fill_curve_1 = tagging.tag_nodegroup(nw, fill_curve_1, t.Subpart.SupportSurface)
+ reroute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Lower Height"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": reroute})
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": fill_curve_1, "Translation": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ extrude_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": transform_2,
+ "Offset Scale": -0.0100,
+ "Individual": False,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Scale": (0.7000, 0.7000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], transform_5]},
+ )
+ fill_curve_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": join_geometry_6})
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute, 1: -0.0100})
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": add})
+ transform_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": fill_curve_4, "Translation": combine_xyz_4},
+ )
+ extrude_mesh_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": transform_6,
+ "Offset Scale": group_input.outputs["Lower Height"],
+ "Individual": False,
+ },
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Lower Height"], 1: -0.0100}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": add_1})
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": combine_xyz_6})
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": curve_line,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh, "Translation": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ join_geometry_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ extrude_mesh_2.outputs["Mesh"],
+ transform_2,
+ extrude_mesh_4.outputs["Mesh"],
+ transform_7,
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": sink_interior_border,
+ "Scale": (0.9900, 0.9900, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform, sink_interior_border]}
+ )
+ fill_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": join_geometry})
+ extrude_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": fill_curve,
+ "Offset Scale": group_input.outputs["Lower Height"],
+ },
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position_1})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Curvature"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Curvature"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": multiply_1,
+ "Y": multiply_2,
+ "Z": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": extrude_mesh_1.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Selection": less_than,
+ "Position": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Margin"],
+ },
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Depth"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Margin"],
+ },
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: group_input.outputs["WaterTapMargin"]}
+ )
+ quadrilateral_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral",
+ input_kwargs={"Width": add_4, "Height": add_2},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["WaterTapMargin"], 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_3})
+ transform_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": quadrilateral_1, "Translation": combine_xyz_7},
+ )
+ fillet_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeFilletCurve",
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": transform_8, "Count": 10, "Radius": multiply},
+ attrs={"mode": "POLY"},
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [sink_interior_border, fillet_curve_1]},
+ )
+ fill_curve_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": join_geometry_2})
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Lower Height"], 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Upper Height"], 1: multiply_4}
+ )
+ extrude_mesh_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": fill_curve_2, "Offset Scale": add_5}
+ )
+ reroute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Lower Height"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": reroute_1})
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": extrude_mesh_3.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_3,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_3}
+ )
+ # watertap = nw.new_node(nodegroup_water_tap().name, input_kwargs={'Tap': group_input.outputs['Tap']})
+ add_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Depth"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["WaterTapMargin"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_6, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": multiply_5, "Z": group_input.outputs["Upper Height"]},
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ join_geometry_5,
+ set_position,
+ join_geometry_3,
+ ] # , transform_geometry]
+ },
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_1,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["Sink"],
+ },
+ )
+ add_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["WaterTapMargin"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Margin"],
+ },
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_7, 1: 2.5600}, attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": divide})
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material, "Offset": combine_xyz_8},
+ )
+ # region CREATE CUTTER (manually added by araistrick post-fact)
+ sink_interior_border_simplified = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeFilletCurve",
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": quadrilateral, "Count": 3, "Radius": multiply},
+ attrs={"mode": "POLY"},
+ )
+ scaled_sink_interior_border = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": sink_interior_border_simplified,
+ "Scale": (1.01, 1.01, 1), # scale it up just a little to avoid zclip
+ },
+ )
+ fill_interior = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FillCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": scaled_sink_interior_border},
+ attrs={"mode": "NGONS"},
+ )
+ extrude_amt = nw.scalar_add(
+ group_input.outputs["Lower Height"], group_input.outputs["Upper Height"], 0.05
+ )
+ extrude = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": fill_interior, "Offset Scale": extrude_amt},
+ )
+ # same translation as set_position_1, to keep it in sync
+ setpos_move_cutter = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": extrude, "Offset": combine_xyz_8}
+ )
+ # endregion
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_1, "Cutter": setpos_move_cutter},
+ )
+def geometry_node_to_bbox(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ bounding_box = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"]}
+ )
+ transform_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": bounding_box, "Scale": (0.100, 0.100, 0.1000)},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/table_decorations/utils.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/table_decorations/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..340781c88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/table_decorations/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,655 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+ "nodegroup_star_profile", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_star_profile(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 64),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Points", 64),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Inner Radius", 0.9000),
+ ],
+ )
+ star = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurveStar",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": group_input.outputs["Points"],
+ "Inner Radius": group_input.outputs["Inner Radius"],
+ "Outer Radius": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": star.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Count": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": resample_curve},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_flip_index", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_flip_index(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "V Resolution", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "U Resolution", 0),
+ ],
+ )
+ modulo = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["V Resolution"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MODULO"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: modulo, 1: group_input.outputs["U Resolution"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["V Resolution"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ floor = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide}, attrs={"operation": "FLOOR"}
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: floor})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Index": add}, attrs={"is_active_output": True}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_cylinder_side", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_cylinder_side(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "U Resolution", 32),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "V Resolution", 0),
+ ],
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["V Resolution"], 1: 1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ cylinder = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vertices": group_input.outputs["U Resolution"],
+ "Side Segments": subtract,
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cylinder.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "domain": "CORNER"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute,
+ "Top": cylinder.outputs["Top"],
+ "Side": cylinder.outputs["Side"],
+ "Bottom": cylinder.outputs["Bottom"],
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_shifted_circle", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_shifted_circle(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 32),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Z", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Rot Z", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ curve_circle_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": group_input.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
+ radians = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Rot Z"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "RADIANS"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": radians})
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle_3.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz,
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_3},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_lofting", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_lofting(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Profile Curves", None),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "U Resolution", 32),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "V Resolution", 32),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Use Nurb", False),
+ ],
+ )
+ cylinderside = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_cylinder_side().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "U Resolution": group_input.outputs["U Resolution"],
+ "V Resolution": group_input.outputs["V Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ evaluate_on_domain = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.EvaluateonDomain,
+ input_kwargs={1: index},
+ attrs={"data_type": "INT", "domain": "CURVE"},
+ )
+ equal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: evaluate_on_domain.outputs[1]},
+ attrs={"data_type": "INT", "operation": "EQUAL"},
+ )
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine)
+ domain_size = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DomainSize,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Profile Curves"]},
+ attrs={"component": "CURVE"},
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": curve_line,
+ "Count": domain_size.outputs["Spline Count"],
+ },
+ )
+ instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": group_input.outputs["Profile Curves"],
+ "Selection": equal,
+ "Instance": resample_curve,
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instance_on_points_1}
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ flipindex = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_flip_index().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "V Resolution": domain_size.outputs["Spline Count"],
+ "U Resolution": group_input.outputs["U Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ sample_index_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleIndex,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Profile Curves"],
+ 3: position,
+ "Index": flipindex,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": realize_instances,
+ "Position": sample_index_2.outputs[2],
+ },
+ )
+ set_spline_type_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SplineType,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position},
+ attrs={"spline_type": "CATMULL_ROM"},
+ )
+ set_spline_type = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SplineType,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position},
+ attrs={"spline_type": "NURBS"},
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Use Nurb"],
+ 14: set_spline_type_1,
+ 15: set_spline_type,
+ },
+ )
+ resample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": switch.outputs[6],
+ "Count": group_input.outputs["V Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ flipindex_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_flip_index().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "V Resolution": group_input.outputs["U Resolution"],
+ "U Resolution": group_input.outputs["V Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ sample_index_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleIndex,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": resample_curve_1,
+ 3: position_1,
+ "Index": flipindex_1,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinderside.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Position": sample_index_3.outputs[2],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_1,
+ "Top": cylinderside.outputs["Top"],
+ "Side": cylinderside.outputs["Side"],
+ "Bottom": cylinderside.outputs["Bottom"],
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_lofting_poly", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_lofting_poly(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Profile Curves", None),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "U Resolution", 32),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "V Resolution", 32),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Use Nurb", False),
+ ],
+ )
+ reroute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["V Resolution"]}
+ )
+ cylinderside_001 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_cylinder_side().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "U Resolution": group_input.outputs["U Resolution"],
+ "V Resolution": reroute_2,
+ },
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ evaluate_on_domain = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.EvaluateonDomain,
+ input_kwargs={1: index},
+ attrs={"domain": "CURVE", "data_type": "INT"},
+ )
+ equal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: evaluate_on_domain.outputs[1]},
+ attrs={"operation": "EQUAL", "data_type": "INT"},
+ )
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine)
+ domain_size = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DomainSize,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Profile Curves"]},
+ attrs={"component": "CURVE"},
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": curve_line,
+ "Count": domain_size.outputs["Spline Count"],
+ },
+ )
+ instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": group_input.outputs["Profile Curves"],
+ "Selection": equal,
+ "Instance": resample_curve,
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instance_on_points_1}
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ flipindex_001 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_flip_index().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "V Resolution": domain_size.outputs["Spline Count"],
+ "U Resolution": group_input.outputs["U Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ sample_index_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleIndex,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Profile Curves"],
+ 3: position,
+ "Index": flipindex_001,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": realize_instances,
+ "Position": sample_index_2.outputs[2],
+ },
+ )
+ set_spline_type_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SplineType, input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position}
+ )
+ set_spline_type = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SplineType,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position},
+ attrs={"spline_type": "NURBS"},
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Use Nurb"],
+ 14: set_spline_type_1,
+ 15: set_spline_type,
+ },
+ )
+ resample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": switch.outputs[6], "Count": reroute_2},
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ flipindex_001_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_flip_index().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "V Resolution": group_input.outputs["U Resolution"],
+ "U Resolution": reroute_2,
+ },
+ )
+ sample_index_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleIndex,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": resample_curve_1,
+ 3: position_1,
+ "Index": flipindex_001_1,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinderside_001.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Position": sample_index_3.outputs[2],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_1,
+ "Top": cylinderside_001.outputs["Top"],
+ "Side": cylinderside_001.outputs["Side"],
+ "Bottom": cylinderside_001.outputs["Bottom"],
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_warp_around_curve", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_warp_around_curve(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Curve Resolution", 1024),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Curve Resolution"], 1: 1.0000}
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"], "Count": add},
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position_2})
+ bounding_box = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"]}
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": bounding_box.outputs["Min"]}
+ )
+ separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": bounding_box.outputs["Max"]}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_xyz_3.outputs["Z"],
+ 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"],
+ 2: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Curve Resolution"],
+ 1: map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ round = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "ROUND"}
+ )
+ sample_index_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleIndex,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": resample_curve, 3: position_1, "Index": round},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ sample_index_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleIndex,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": resample_curve, 3: normal, "Index": round},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: sample_index_5.outputs[2], "Scale": separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
+ sample_index_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleIndex,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": resample_curve, 3: curve_tangent, "Index": round},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ cross_product = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: sample_index_4.outputs[2], 1: sample_index_5.outputs[2]},
+ attrs={"operation": "CROSS_PRODUCT"},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: cross_product.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale_1.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: sample_index_3.outputs[2], 1: add_1.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Position": add_2.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/table_decorations/vase.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/table_decorations/vase.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..576d9c105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/table_decorations/vase.py
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+import bpy
+from numpy.random import choice, randint, uniform
+import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.objects.table_decorations.utils import (
+ nodegroup_lofting,
+ nodegroup_star_profile,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+class VaseFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=None):
+ super(VaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ if dimensions is None:
+ z = uniform(0.17, 0.5)
+ x = z * uniform(0.3, 0.6)
+ dimensions = (x, x, z)
+ self.dimensions = dimensions
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.params = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
+ self.material_params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = (
+ self.get_material_params()
+ )
+ self.params.update(self.material_params)
+ def get_material_params(self):
+ material_assignments = AssetList["VaseFactory"]()
+ params = {
+ "Material": material_assignments["surface"].assign_material(),
+ }
+ wrapped_params = {
+ k: surface.shaderfunc_to_material(v) for k, v in params.items()
+ }
+ scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments["wear_tear_prob"]
+ scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments["wear_tear"]
+ is_scratch = uniform() < scratch_prob
+ is_edge_wear = uniform() < edge_wear_prob
+ if not is_scratch:
+ scratch = None
+ if not is_edge_wear:
+ edge_wear = None
+ return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
+ @staticmethod
+ def sample_parameters(dimensions):
+ # all in meters
+ if dimensions is None:
+ z = uniform(0.25, 0.40)
+ x = uniform(0.2, 0.4) * z
+ dimensions = (x, x, z)
+ x, y, z = dimensions
+ U_resolution = 64
+ V_resolution = 64
+ neck_scale = uniform(0.2, 0.8)
+ parameters = {
+ "Profile Inner Radius": choice([1.0, uniform(0.8, 1.0)]),
+ "Profile Star Points": randint(16, U_resolution // 2 + 1),
+ "U_resolution": U_resolution,
+ "V_resolution": V_resolution,
+ "Height": z,
+ "Diameter": x,
+ "Top Scale": neck_scale * uniform(0.8, 1.2),
+ "Neck Mid Position": uniform(0.7, 0.95),
+ "Neck Position": 0.5 * neck_scale + 0.5 + uniform(-0.05, 0.05),
+ "Neck Scale": neck_scale,
+ "Shoulder Position": uniform(0.3, 0.7),
+ "Shoulder Thickness": uniform(0.1, 0.25),
+ "Foot Scale": uniform(0.4, 0.6),
+ "Foot Height": uniform(0.01, 0.1),
+ "Material": choice(["glass", "ceramic"]),
+ }
+ return parameters
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=2,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_vases, apply=True, input_kwargs=self.params)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", apply=True, thickness=0.002)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SUBSURF", apply=True, levels=2, render_levels=2)
+ return obj
+ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
+ if self.scratch:
+ self.scratch.apply(assets)
+ if self.edge_wear:
+ self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
+ "nodegroup_vase_profile", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_vase_profile(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Profile Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Height", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Diameter", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Top Scale", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Neck Mid Position", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Neck Position", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Neck Scale", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Shoulder Position", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Shoulder Thickness", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Foot Scale", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Foot Height", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": group_input.outputs["Height"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Top Scale"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Diameter"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ neck_top = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_1,
+ "Scale": multiply,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Height"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Neck Position"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_1})
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Diameter"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Neck Scale"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ neck = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz,
+ "Scale": multiply_2,
+ },
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: group_input.outputs["Neck Position"]},
+ attrs={"use_clamp": True, "operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: subtract,
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Neck Mid Position"],
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Neck Position"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_add, 1: group_input.outputs["Height"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_3})
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Neck Scale"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Top Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"}
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Diameter"], 1: divide},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ neck_middle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_2,
+ "Scale": multiply_4,
+ },
+ )
+ neck_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [neck, neck_middle, neck_top]}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["Shoulder Position"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["Foot Height"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["Neck Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Neck Position"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Foot Height"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Shoulder Thickness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_5}
+ )
+ minimum = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Neck Position"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MINIMUM"},
+ )
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: minimum, 1: group_input.outputs["Height"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_6})
+ body_top = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_3,
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Diameter"],
+ },
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_5},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ maximum = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Foot Height"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MAXIMUM"},
+ )
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: maximum, 1: group_input.outputs["Height"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_7})
+ body_bottom = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_5,
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Diameter"],
+ },
+ )
+ body_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [body_bottom, body_top]}
+ )
+ multiply_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Foot Height"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Height"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_8})
+ multiply_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Diameter"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Foot Scale"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ foot_top = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_4,
+ "Scale": multiply_9,
+ },
+ )
+ foot_bottom = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input, "Scale": multiply_9}
+ )
+ foot_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [foot_bottom, foot_top]}
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [foot_geometry, body_geometry, neck_geometry]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_2},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def geometry_vases(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ starprofile = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_star_profile().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": kwargs["U_resolution"],
+ "Points": kwargs["Profile Star Points"],
+ "Inner Radius": kwargs["Profile Inner Radius"],
+ },
+ )
+ vaseprofile = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_vase_profile().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Profile Curve": starprofile.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Height": kwargs["Height"],
+ "Diameter": kwargs["Diameter"],
+ "Top Scale": kwargs["Top Scale"],
+ "Neck Mid Position": kwargs["Neck Mid Position"],
+ "Neck Position": kwargs["Neck Position"],
+ "Neck Scale": kwargs["Neck Scale"],
+ "Shoulder Position": kwargs["Shoulder Position"],
+ "Shoulder Thickness": kwargs["Shoulder Thickness"],
+ "Foot Scale": kwargs["Foot Scale"],
+ "Foot Height": kwargs["Foot Height"],
+ },
+ )
+ lofting = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_lofting().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Profile Curves": vaseprofile,
+ "U Resolution": 64,
+ "V Resolution": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ delete_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": lofting.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Selection": lofting.outputs["Top"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": delete_geometry, "Material": kwargs["Material"]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tables/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/__init__.py
similarity index 77%
rename from infinigen/assets/tables/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/tables/__init__.py
index 96d9cfa0b..7fddf378a 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/tables/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/__init__.py
@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
from .cocktail_table import TableCocktailFactory
-from .dining_table import TableDiningFactory, SideTableFactory, CoffeeTableFactory
+from .dining_table import CoffeeTableFactory, SideTableFactory, TableDiningFactory
from .table_top import TableTopFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/cocktail_table.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/cocktail_table.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8decf48bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/cocktail_table.py
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors:
+# - Yiming Zuo: primary author
+# - Alexander Raistrick: implement placeholder
+import bpy
+from numpy.random import choice, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tables.legs.single_stand import (
+ nodegroup_generate_single_stand,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tables.legs.straight import (
+ nodegroup_generate_leg_straight,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tables.legs.wheeled import nodegroup_wheeled_leg
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tables.strechers import nodegroup_strecher
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tables.table_top import nodegroup_generate_table_top
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tables.table_utils import (
+ nodegroup_create_anchors,
+ nodegroup_create_legs_and_strechers,
+from infinigen.core import surface, tagging
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.surface import NoApply
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+ "geometry_create_legs", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def geometry_create_legs(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ createanchors = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_create_anchors().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Profile N-gon": kwargs["Leg Number"],
+ "Profile Width": kwargs["Leg Placement Top Relative Scale"]
+ * kwargs["Top Profile Width"],
+ "Profile Aspect Ratio": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ if kwargs["Leg Style"] == "single_stand":
+ leg = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_generate_single_stand(**kwargs).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Leg Height": kwargs["Leg Height"],
+ "Leg Diameter": kwargs["Leg Diameter"],
+ "Resolution": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ leg = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_create_legs_and_strechers().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Anchors": createanchors,
+ "Keep Legs": True,
+ "Leg Instance": leg,
+ "Table Height": kwargs["Top Height"],
+ "Leg Bottom Relative Scale": kwargs[
+ "Leg Placement Bottom Relative Scale"
+ ],
+ "Align Leg X rot": True,
+ },
+ )
+ elif kwargs["Leg Style"] == "straight":
+ leg = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_generate_leg_straight(**kwargs).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Leg Height": kwargs["Leg Height"],
+ "Leg Diameter": kwargs["Leg Diameter"],
+ "Resolution": 32,
+ "N-gon": kwargs["Leg NGon"],
+ "Fillet Ratio": 0.1,
+ },
+ )
+ strecher = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_strecher().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Profile Width": kwargs["Leg Diameter"] * 0.5},
+ )
+ leg = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_create_legs_and_strechers().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Anchors": createanchors,
+ "Keep Legs": True,
+ "Leg Instance": leg,
+ "Table Height": kwargs["Top Height"],
+ "Strecher Instance": strecher,
+ "Strecher Index Increment": kwargs["Strecher Increament"],
+ "Strecher Relative Position": kwargs["Strecher Relative Pos"],
+ "Leg Bottom Relative Scale": kwargs[
+ "Leg Placement Bottom Relative Scale"
+ ],
+ "Align Leg X rot": True,
+ },
+ )
+ elif kwargs["Leg Style"] == "wheeled":
+ leg = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_wheeled_leg(**kwargs).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Joint Height": kwargs["Leg Joint Height"],
+ "Leg Diameter": kwargs["Leg Diameter"],
+ "Top Height": kwargs["Top Height"],
+ "Wheel Width": kwargs["Leg Wheel Width"],
+ "Wheel Rotation": kwargs["Leg Wheel Rot"],
+ "Pole Length": kwargs["Leg Pole Length"],
+ "Leg Number": kwargs["Leg Pole Number"],
+ },
+ )
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ leg = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": leg, "Material": kwargs["LegMaterial"]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": leg},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def geometry_assemble_table(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ generatetabletop = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_generate_table_top().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Thickness": kwargs["Top Thickness"],
+ "N-gon": kwargs["Top Profile N-gon"],
+ "Profile Width": kwargs["Top Profile Width"],
+ "Aspect Ratio": kwargs["Top Profile Aspect Ratio"],
+ "Fillet Ratio": kwargs["Top Profile Fillet Ratio"],
+ "Fillet Radius Vertical": kwargs["Top Vertical Fillet Ratio"],
+ },
+ )
+ tabletop_instance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": generatetabletop,
+ "Translation": (0.0000, 0.0000, kwargs["Top Height"]),
+ },
+ )
+ tabletop_instance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": tabletop_instance, "Material": kwargs["TopMaterial"]},
+ )
+ legs = nw.new_node(geometry_create_legs(**kwargs).name)
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [tabletop_instance, legs]}
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": generatetabletop.outputs["Curve"]}
+ )
+ fill_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": resample_curve})
+ voff = kwargs["Top Height"] + kwargs["Top Thickness"]
+ extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": fill_curve, "Offset Scale": -voff, "Individual": False},
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"], fill_curve]},
+ )
+ transform_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1, "Translation": (0, 0, voff)},
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 1: kwargs["is_placeholder"],
+ 14: join_geometry,
+ 15: transform_geometry_1,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": switch},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+class TableCocktailFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=None):
+ super(TableCocktailFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.dimensions = dimensions
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.params = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
+ # self.clothes_scatter = ClothesCover(factory_fn=blanket.BlanketFactory, width=log_uniform(.8, 1.2),
+ # size=uniform(.8, 1.2)) if uniform() < .3 else NoApply()
+ self.clothes_scatter = NoApply()
+ self.material_params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = (
+ self.get_material_params()
+ )
+ self.params.update(self.material_params)
+ def get_material_params(self):
+ material_assignments = AssetList["TableCocktailFactory"]()
+ params = {
+ "TopMaterial": material_assignments["top"].assign_material(),
+ "LegMaterial": material_assignments["leg"].assign_material(),
+ }
+ wrapped_params = {
+ k: surface.shaderfunc_to_material(v) for k, v in params.items()
+ }
+ scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments["wear_tear_prob"]
+ scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments["wear_tear"]
+ is_scratch = uniform() < scratch_prob
+ is_edge_wear = uniform() < edge_wear_prob
+ if not is_scratch:
+ scratch = None
+ if not is_edge_wear:
+ edge_wear = None
+ return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
+ @staticmethod
+ def sample_parameters(dimensions):
+ # all in meters
+ if dimensions is None:
+ x = uniform(0.5, 0.8)
+ z = uniform(1.0, 1.5)
+ dimensions = (x, x, z)
+ x, y, z = dimensions
+ NGon = choice([4, 32])
+ if NGon >= 32:
+ round_table = True
+ else:
+ round_table = False
+ leg_style = choice(["straight", "single_stand"])
+ if leg_style == "single_stand":
+ leg_number = 1
+ leg_diameter = uniform(0.7 * x, 0.9 * x)
+ leg_curve_ctrl_pts = [
+ (0.0, uniform(0.1, 0.2)),
+ (0.5, uniform(0.1, 0.2)),
+ (0.9, uniform(0.2, 0.3)),
+ (1.0, 1.0),
+ ]
+ elif leg_style == "straight":
+ leg_diameter = uniform(0.05, 0.07)
+ if round_table:
+ leg_number = choice([3, 4])
+ else:
+ leg_number = NGon
+ leg_curve_ctrl_pts = [
+ (0.0, 1.0),
+ (0.4, uniform(0.85, 0.95)),
+ (1.0, uniform(0.4, 0.6)),
+ ]
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ top_thickness = uniform(0.02, 0.05)
+ parameters = {
+ "Top Profile N-gon": 32 if round_table else 4,
+ "Top Profile Width": x if round_table else 1.414 * x,
+ "Top Profile Aspect Ratio": 1.0,
+ "Top Profile Fillet Ratio": 0.499 if round_table else uniform(0.0, 0.05),
+ "Top Thickness": top_thickness,
+ "Top Vertical Fillet Ratio": uniform(0.1, 0.3),
+ # 'Top Material': choice(['marble', 'tiled_wood', 'plastic', 'glass']),
+ "Height": z,
+ "Top Height": z - top_thickness,
+ "Leg Number": leg_number,
+ "Leg Style": leg_style,
+ "Leg NGon": choice([4, 32]),
+ "Leg Placement Top Relative Scale": 0.7,
+ "Leg Placement Bottom Relative Scale": uniform(1.1, 1.3),
+ "Leg Height": 1.0,
+ "Leg Diameter": leg_diameter,
+ "Leg Curve Control Points": leg_curve_ctrl_pts,
+ # 'Leg Material': choice(['metal', 'wood', 'glass']),
+ "Strecher Relative Pos": uniform(0.2, 0.6),
+ "Strecher Increament": choice([0, 1, 2]),
+ }
+ return parameters
+ def _execute_geonodes(self, is_placeholder):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=2,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ kwargs = {**self.params, "is_placeholder": is_placeholder}
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geometry_assemble_table, apply=True, input_kwargs=kwargs
+ )
+ tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
+ return obj
+ def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ return self._execute_geonodes(is_placeholder=True)
+ def create_asset(self, **_):
+ return self._execute_geonodes(is_placeholder=False)
+ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
+ self.clothes_scatter.apply(assets)
+ if self.scratch:
+ self.scratch.apply(assets)
+ if self.edge_wear:
+ self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/dining_table.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/dining_table.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..923ba07f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/dining_table.py
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+import bpy
+from numpy.random import choice, normal, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tables.legs.single_stand import (
+ nodegroup_generate_single_stand,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tables.legs.square import nodegroup_generate_leg_square
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tables.legs.straight import (
+ nodegroup_generate_leg_straight,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tables.strechers import nodegroup_strecher
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tables.table_top import nodegroup_generate_table_top
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tables.table_utils import (
+ nodegroup_create_anchors,
+ nodegroup_create_legs_and_strechers,
+from infinigen.core import surface, tagging
+from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+# from infinigen.assets.materials import metal, metal_shader_list
+# from infinigen.assets.materials.fabrics import fabric
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.surface import NoApply
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+ "geometry_create_legs", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def geometry_create_legs(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ createanchors = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_create_anchors().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Profile N-gon": kwargs["Leg Number"],
+ "Profile Width": kwargs["Leg Placement Top Relative Scale"]
+ * kwargs["Top Profile Width"],
+ "Profile Aspect Ratio": kwargs["Top Profile Aspect Ratio"],
+ },
+ )
+ if kwargs["Leg Style"] == "single_stand":
+ leg = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_generate_single_stand(**kwargs).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Leg Height": kwargs["Leg Height"],
+ "Leg Diameter": kwargs["Leg Diameter"],
+ "Resolution": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ leg = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_create_legs_and_strechers().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Anchors": createanchors,
+ "Keep Legs": True,
+ "Leg Instance": leg,
+ "Table Height": kwargs["Top Height"],
+ "Leg Bottom Relative Scale": kwargs[
+ "Leg Placement Bottom Relative Scale"
+ ],
+ "Align Leg X rot": True,
+ },
+ )
+ elif kwargs["Leg Style"] == "straight":
+ leg = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_generate_leg_straight(**kwargs).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Leg Height": kwargs["Leg Height"],
+ "Leg Diameter": kwargs["Leg Diameter"],
+ "Resolution": 32,
+ "N-gon": kwargs["Leg NGon"],
+ "Fillet Ratio": 0.1,
+ },
+ )
+ strecher = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_strecher().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Profile Width": kwargs["Leg Diameter"] * 0.5},
+ )
+ leg = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_create_legs_and_strechers().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Anchors": createanchors,
+ "Keep Legs": True,
+ "Leg Instance": leg,
+ "Table Height": kwargs["Top Height"],
+ "Strecher Instance": strecher,
+ "Strecher Index Increment": kwargs["Strecher Increament"],
+ "Strecher Relative Position": kwargs["Strecher Relative Pos"],
+ "Leg Bottom Relative Scale": kwargs[
+ "Leg Placement Bottom Relative Scale"
+ ],
+ "Align Leg X rot": True,
+ },
+ )
+ elif kwargs["Leg Style"] == "square":
+ leg = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_generate_leg_square(**kwargs).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Height": kwargs["Leg Height"],
+ "Width": 0.707
+ * kwargs["Leg Placement Top Relative Scale"]
+ * kwargs["Top Profile Width"]
+ * kwargs["Top Profile Aspect Ratio"],
+ "Has Bottom Connector": (kwargs["Strecher Increament"] > 0),
+ "Profile Width": kwargs["Leg Diameter"],
+ },
+ )
+ leg = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_create_legs_and_strechers().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Anchors": createanchors,
+ "Keep Legs": True,
+ "Leg Instance": leg,
+ "Table Height": kwargs["Top Height"],
+ "Leg Bottom Relative Scale": kwargs[
+ "Leg Placement Bottom Relative Scale"
+ ],
+ "Align Leg X rot": True,
+ },
+ )
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ leg = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": leg, "Material": kwargs["LegMaterial"]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": leg},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def geometry_assemble_table(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ generatetabletop = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_generate_table_top().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Thickness": kwargs["Top Thickness"],
+ "N-gon": kwargs["Top Profile N-gon"],
+ "Profile Width": kwargs["Top Profile Width"],
+ "Aspect Ratio": kwargs["Top Profile Aspect Ratio"],
+ "Fillet Ratio": kwargs["Top Profile Fillet Ratio"],
+ "Fillet Radius Vertical": kwargs["Top Vertical Fillet Ratio"],
+ },
+ )
+ tabletop_instance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": generatetabletop,
+ "Translation": (0.0000, 0.0000, kwargs["Top Height"]),
+ },
+ )
+ tabletop_instance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": tabletop_instance, "Material": kwargs["TopMaterial"]},
+ )
+ legs = nw.new_node(geometry_create_legs(**kwargs).name)
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [tabletop_instance, legs]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+class TableDiningFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=None):
+ super(TableDiningFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.dimensions = dimensions
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.params = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
+ # self.clothes_scatter = ClothesCover(factory_fn=blanket.BlanketFactory, width=log_uniform(.8, 1.2),
+ # size=uniform(.8, 1.2)) if uniform() < .3 else NoApply()
+ self.clothes_scatter = NoApply()
+ self.material_params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = (
+ self.get_material_params()
+ )
+ self.params.update(self.material_params)
+ def get_material_params(self):
+ material_assignments = AssetList["TableDiningFactory"]()
+ params = {
+ "TopMaterial": material_assignments["top"].assign_material(),
+ "LegMaterial": material_assignments["leg"].assign_material(),
+ }
+ wrapped_params = {
+ k: surface.shaderfunc_to_material(v) for k, v in params.items()
+ }
+ scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments["wear_tear_prob"]
+ scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments["wear_tear"]
+ is_scratch = uniform() < scratch_prob
+ is_edge_wear = uniform() < edge_wear_prob
+ if not is_scratch:
+ scratch = None
+ if not is_edge_wear:
+ edge_wear = None
+ return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
+ @staticmethod
+ def sample_parameters(dimensions):
+ if dimensions is None:
+ width = uniform(0.91, 1.16)
+ if uniform() < 0.7:
+ # oblong
+ length = uniform(1.4, 2.8)
+ else:
+ # approx square
+ length = width * normal(1, 0.1)
+ dimensions = (length, width, uniform(0.65, 0.85))
+ # all in meters
+ x, y, z = dimensions
+ NGon = 4
+ leg_style = choice(["straight", "single_stand", "square"], p=[0.5, 0.1, 0.4])
+ # leg_style = choice(['straight'])
+ if leg_style == "single_stand":
+ leg_number = 2
+ leg_diameter = uniform(0.22 * x, 0.28 * x)
+ leg_curve_ctrl_pts = [
+ (0.0, uniform(0.1, 0.2)),
+ (0.5, uniform(0.1, 0.2)),
+ (0.9, uniform(0.2, 0.3)),
+ (1.0, 1.0),
+ ]
+ top_scale = uniform(0.6, 0.7)
+ bottom_scale = 1.0
+ elif leg_style == "square":
+ leg_number = 2
+ leg_diameter = uniform(0.07, 0.10)
+ leg_curve_ctrl_pts = None
+ top_scale = 0.8
+ bottom_scale = 1.0
+ elif leg_style == "straight":
+ leg_diameter = uniform(0.05, 0.07)
+ leg_number = 4
+ leg_curve_ctrl_pts = [
+ (0.0, 1.0),
+ (0.4, uniform(0.85, 0.95)),
+ (1.0, uniform(0.4, 0.6)),
+ ]
+ top_scale = 0.8
+ bottom_scale = uniform(1.0, 1.2)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ top_thickness = uniform(0.03, 0.06)
+ parameters = {
+ "Top Profile N-gon": NGon,
+ "Top Profile Width": 1.414 * x,
+ "Top Profile Aspect Ratio": y / x,
+ "Top Profile Fillet Ratio": uniform(0.0, 0.02),
+ "Top Thickness": top_thickness,
+ "Top Vertical Fillet Ratio": uniform(0.1, 0.3),
+ # 'Top Material': choice(['marble', 'tiled_wood', 'metal', 'fabric'], p=[.3, .3, .2, .2]),
+ "Height": z,
+ "Top Height": z - top_thickness,
+ "Leg Number": leg_number,
+ "Leg Style": leg_style,
+ "Leg NGon": 4,
+ "Leg Placement Top Relative Scale": top_scale,
+ "Leg Placement Bottom Relative Scale": bottom_scale,
+ "Leg Height": 1.0,
+ "Leg Diameter": leg_diameter,
+ "Leg Curve Control Points": leg_curve_ctrl_pts,
+ # 'Leg Material': choice(['metal', 'wood', 'glass', 'plastic']),
+ "Strecher Relative Pos": uniform(0.2, 0.6),
+ "Strecher Increament": choice([0, 1, 2]),
+ }
+ return parameters
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=2,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ # surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_assemble_table, apply=False, input_kwargs=self.params)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geometry_assemble_table, apply=True, input_kwargs=self.params
+ )
+ tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
+ assert tagging.tagged_face_mask(obj, {t.Subpart.SupportSurface}).sum() != 0
+ return obj
+ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
+ if self.scratch:
+ self.scratch.apply(assets)
+ if self.edge_wear:
+ self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
+ # def finalize_assets(self, assets):
+ # self.clothes_scatter.apply(assets)
+class SideTableFactory(TableDiningFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=None):
+ if dimensions is None:
+ w = 0.55 * normal(1, 0.05)
+ h = 0.95 * w * normal(1, 0.05)
+ dimensions = (w, w, h)
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse, dimensions=dimensions)
+class CoffeeTableFactory(TableDiningFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=None):
+ if dimensions is None:
+ dimensions = (uniform(1, 1.5), uniform(0.6, 0.9), uniform(0.4, 0.5))
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse, dimensions=dimensions)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/legs/single_stand.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/legs/single_stand.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45ad29833
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/legs/single_stand.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tables.table_utils import (
+ nodegroup_generate_radius_curve,
+ nodegroup_n_gon_cylinder,
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+ "nodegroup_generate_single_stand", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_generate_single_stand(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leg Height", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leg Diameter", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 64),
+ ],
+ )
+ generateradiuscurve = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_generate_radius_curve(kwargs["Leg Curve Control Points"]).name,
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"]},
+ )
+ ngoncylinder = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_n_gon_cylinder().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Radius Curve": generateradiuscurve,
+ "Height": group_input.outputs["Leg Height"],
+ "N-gon": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Profile Width": group_input.outputs["Leg Diameter"],
+ "Aspect Ratio": 1.0000,
+ "Fillet Ratio": 0.0000,
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": ngoncylinder.outputs["Mesh"]},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/legs/square.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/legs/square.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..72d51f6c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/legs/square.py
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tables.table_utils import (
+ nodegroup_merge_curve,
+ nodegroup_n_gon_profile,
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+ "nodegroup_generate_leg_square", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_generate_leg_square(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Width", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Height", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Fillet Radius", 0.0300),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Has Bottom Connector", True),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Profile N-gon", 4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Profile Width", 0.1000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Profile Aspect Ratio", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Profile Fillet Ratio", 0.1000),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Has Bottom Connector"], 1: 4.0000},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["Has Bottom Connector"],
+ 3: 4.7124,
+ 4: 6.2832,
+ },
+ )
+ arc = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurveArc",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": add,
+ "Radius": 0.7071,
+ "Sweep Angle": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ mergecurve = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_merge_curve().name, input_kwargs={"Curve": arc.outputs["Curve"]}
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["Has Bottom Connector"],
+ 3: 1.5708,
+ 4: 3.1416,
+ },
+ )
+ set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveTilt,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": mergecurve, "Tilt": map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_curve_tilt,
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, -0.7854),
+ },
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform,
+ "Translation": (0.0000, 0.0000, -0.5000),
+ "Rotation": (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ "Y": 1.0000,
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["Height"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_1, "Scale": combine_xyz}
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius, input_kwargs={"Curve": transform_2, "Radius": 1.0000}
+ )
+ fillet_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FilletCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Count": 8,
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["Fillet Radius"],
+ "Limit Radius": True,
+ },
+ attrs={"mode": "POLY"},
+ )
+ ngonprofile = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_n_gon_profile().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Profile N-gon": group_input.outputs["Profile N-gon"],
+ "Profile Width": group_input.outputs["Profile Width"],
+ "Profile Aspect Ratio": group_input.outputs["Profile Aspect Ratio"],
+ "Profile Fillet Ratio": group_input.outputs["Profile Fillet Ratio"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": fillet_curve,
+ "Profile Curve": ngonprofile,
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh, "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.5708)},
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_3, "Shade Smooth": False},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_shade_smooth},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/legs/straight.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/legs/straight.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ca47ffed3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/legs/straight.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tables.table_utils import (
+ nodegroup_generate_radius_curve,
+ nodegroup_n_gon_cylinder,
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+ "nodegroup_generate_leg_straight", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_generate_leg_straight(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leg Height", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leg Diameter", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "N-gon", 32),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Fillet Ratio", 0.0100),
+ ],
+ )
+ generateradiuscurve = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_generate_radius_curve(kwargs["Leg Curve Control Points"]).name,
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"]},
+ )
+ ngoncylinder = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_n_gon_cylinder().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Radius Curve": generateradiuscurve,
+ "Height": group_input.outputs["Leg Height"],
+ "N-gon": group_input.outputs["N-gon"],
+ "Profile Width": group_input.outputs["Leg Diameter"],
+ "Aspect Ratio": 1.0000,
+ "Fillet Ratio": group_input.outputs["Fillet Ratio"],
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": ngoncylinder.outputs["Mesh"]},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/legs/wheeled.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/legs/wheeled.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5360fe0aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/legs/wheeled.py
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tables.table_top import nodegroup_capped_cylinder
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tables.table_utils import (
+ nodegroup_align_bottom_to_floor,
+ nodegroup_arc_top,
+ nodegroup_create_anchors,
+ nodegroup_create_legs_and_strechers,
+ nodegroup_n_gon_cylinder,
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+ "nodegroup_chair_wheel", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_chair_wheel(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Arc Sweep Angle", 240.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wheel Width", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wheel Rotation", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Pole Width", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Pole Aspect Ratio", 0.6000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Pole Length", 3.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": group_input.outputs["Wheel Width"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Wheel Width"], 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply})
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"Start": combine_xyz_1, "End": combine_xyz_2}
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0200
+ value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5000
+ cappedcylinder = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_capped_cylinder().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Thickness": value,
+ "Radius": value_1,
+ "Cap Relative Scale": 0.0100,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: value, 1: -1.0000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_1})
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cappedcylinder,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz,
+ "Rotation": (-1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, input_kwargs={"Vector": position}, attrs={"axis": "Y"}
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": curve_line,
+ "Instance": transform,
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector,
+ },
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: value_1, 1: 0.0800})
+ arctop = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_arc_top().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Diameter": add,
+ "Sweep Angle": group_input.outputs["Arc Sweep Angle"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Wheel Width"], 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ quadrilateral = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral",
+ input_kwargs={"Width": multiply_2, "Height": 0.0200},
+ )
+ fillet_curve = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeFilletCurve",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": quadrilateral,
+ "Count": 4,
+ "Radius": 0.0300,
+ "Limit Radius": True,
+ },
+ attrs={"mode": "POLY"},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": arctop,
+ "Profile Curve": fillet_curve,
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: value_1, 1: 0.1000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: value_1, 1: 0.4000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ cylinder = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Side Segments": 8,
+ "Fill Segments": 4,
+ "Radius": multiply_3,
+ "Depth": multiply_4,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: value_1, 1: 0.4400},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: value_1, 1: 0.4500},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_5, "Z": multiply_6}
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_3,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [instance_on_points, curve_to_mesh, transform_2]},
+ )
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_5, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_7})
+ transform_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry, "Translation": combine_xyz_4},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Pole Length"], 1: 0.1500},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Pole Width"], 1: -0.3535, 2: -0.3000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": subtract, "Z": multiply_add}
+ )
+ radians = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Wheel Rotation"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "RADIANS"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": radians})
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_6,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_5,
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_6,
+ },
+ )
+ curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": (1.0000, 0.0000, -1.0000),
+ "End": (1.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ ngoncylinder = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_n_gon_cylinder().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Radius Curve": curve_line_1,
+ "Height": group_input.outputs["Pole Length"],
+ "N-gon": 4,
+ "Profile Width": group_input.outputs["Pole Width"],
+ "Aspect Ratio": group_input.outputs["Pole Aspect Ratio"],
+ "Fillet Ratio": 0.1500,
+ "Resolution": 32,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": ngoncylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, -1.5708, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ subdivision_surface_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={"Mesh": transform_3, "Level": 0}
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_4, subdivision_surface_1]},
+ )
+ value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_2.outputs[0].default_value = 0.1500
+ transform_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1, "Scale": value_2}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_wheeled_leg", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_wheeled_leg(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Joint Height", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leg Diameter", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Top Height", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Arc Sweep Angle", 240.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wheel Width", 0.1300),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wheel Rotation", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Pole Length", 1.8000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Leg Number", 5),
+ ],
+ )
+ value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0010
+ createanchors = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_create_anchors().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Profile N-gon": group_input.outputs["Leg Number"],
+ "Profile Width": value_1,
+ "Profile Aspect Ratio": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ chair_wheel = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_chair_wheel().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Arc Sweep Angle": group_input.outputs["Arc Sweep Angle"],
+ "Wheel Width": group_input.outputs["Wheel Width"],
+ "Wheel Rotation": group_input.outputs["Wheel Rotation"],
+ "Pole Width": 0.5000,
+ "Pole Length": group_input.outputs["Pole Length"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": chair_wheel, "Rotation": (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000)},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 2.0000, 1: value_1}, attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"}
+ )
+ createlegsandstrechers = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_create_legs_and_strechers().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Anchors": createanchors,
+ "Keep Legs": True,
+ "Leg Instance": transform_geometry,
+ "Table Height": 0.0250,
+ "Leg Bottom Relative Scale": divide,
+ "Strecher Index Increment": 1,
+ "Strecher Relative Position": 1.0000,
+ "Leg Bottom Offset": 0.0250,
+ "Align Leg X rot": True,
+ },
+ )
+ alignbottomtofloor = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_align_bottom_to_floor().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": createlegsandstrechers},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Leg Diameter"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Joint Height"],
+ 1: alignbottomtofloor.outputs["Offset"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ cylinder = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder",
+ input_kwargs={"Vertices": 64, "Radius": multiply, "Depth": subtract},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: alignbottomtofloor.outputs["Offset"]},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": add})
+ transform_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 0.0025},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Top Height"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Joint Height"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ cylinder_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder",
+ input_kwargs={"Vertices": 64, "Radius": subtract_1, "Depth": subtract_2},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={1: subtract_2}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ subtract_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Top Height"], 1: multiply_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": subtract_3})
+ transform_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder_1.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_2,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ alignbottomtofloor.outputs["Geometry"],
+ transform_geometry_2,
+ transform_geometry_3,
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ # multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ # input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Top Height"], 1: -1.0000},
+ # attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ # combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_3})
+ # transform_geometry_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Translation': combine_xyz_3})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/lofting.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/lofting.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d5e12f82d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/lofting.py
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+import bpy
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+ "nodegroup_flip_index", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_flip_index(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "V Resolution", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "U Resolution", 0),
+ ],
+ )
+ modulo = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["V Resolution"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MODULO"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: modulo, 1: group_input.outputs["U Resolution"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["V Resolution"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ floor = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide}, attrs={"operation": "FLOOR"}
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: floor})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Index": add}, attrs={"is_active_output": True}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_cylinder_side", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_cylinder_side(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "U Resolution", 32),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "V Resolution", 0),
+ ],
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["V Resolution"], 1: 1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ cylinder = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshCylinder",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vertices": group_input.outputs["U Resolution"],
+ "Side Segments": subtract,
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cylinder.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute,
+ "Top": cylinder.outputs["Top"],
+ "Side": cylinder.outputs["Side"],
+ "Bottom": cylinder.outputs["Bottom"],
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_shifted_circle", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_shifted_circle(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 32),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Z", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Rot Z", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ curve_circle_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": group_input.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
+ radians = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Rot Z"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "RADIANS"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": radians})
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle_3.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz,
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_3},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_shifted_square", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_shifted_square(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 10),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Width", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Z", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Rot Z", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ quadrilateral = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Width": group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ "Height": group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ },
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": quadrilateral,
+ "Count": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": group_input.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
+ radians = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Rot Z"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "RADIANS"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": radians})
+ transform_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": resample_curve,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz,
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": transform_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_lofting", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_lofting(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Profile Curves", None),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "U Resolution", 32),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "V Resolution", 32),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Use Nurb", False),
+ ],
+ )
+ cylinderside = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_cylinder_side().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "U Resolution": group_input.outputs["U Resolution"],
+ "V Resolution": group_input,
+ },
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ evaluate_on_domain = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.EvaluateonDomain,
+ input_kwargs={1: index},
+ attrs={"domain": "CURVE", "data_type": "INT"},
+ )
+ equal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: evaluate_on_domain.outputs[1]},
+ attrs={"data_type": "INT", "operation": "EQUAL"},
+ )
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine)
+ domain_size = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DomainSize,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input},
+ attrs={"component": "CURVE"},
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": curve_line,
+ "Count": domain_size.outputs["Spline Count"],
+ },
+ )
+ instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": group_input,
+ "Selection": equal,
+ "Instance": resample_curve,
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instance_on_points_1}
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ flipindex = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_flip_index().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "V Resolution": domain_size.outputs["Spline Count"],
+ "U Resolution": group_input.outputs["U Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ sample_index_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleIndex,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input, 3: position, "Index": flipindex},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": realize_instances,
+ "Position": sample_index_2.outputs[2],
+ },
+ )
+ set_spline_type_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SplineType,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position},
+ attrs={"spline_type": "CATMULL_ROM"},
+ )
+ set_spline_type = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SplineType,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position},
+ attrs={"spline_type": "NURBS"},
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Use Nurb"],
+ 14: set_spline_type_1,
+ 15: set_spline_type,
+ },
+ )
+ resample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": switch.outputs[6], "Count": group_input},
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ flipindex_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_flip_index().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "V Resolution": group_input.outputs["U Resolution"],
+ "U Resolution": group_input,
+ },
+ )
+ sample_index_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleIndex,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": resample_curve_1,
+ 3: position_1,
+ "Index": flipindex_1,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cylinderside.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Position": sample_index_3.outputs[2],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_1,
+ "Top": cylinderside.outputs["Top"],
+ "Side": cylinderside.outputs["Side"],
+ "Bottom": cylinderside.outputs["Bottom"],
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_warp_around_curve", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_warp_around_curve(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "U Resolution", 32),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "V Resolution", 32),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Radius", 1.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Count": group_input.outputs["V Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["U Resolution"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ floor = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide}, attrs={"operation": "FLOOR"}
+ )
+ sample_index_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleIndex,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": resample_curve, 3: position_1, "Index": floor},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ sample_index_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleIndex,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": resample_curve, 3: normal, "Index": floor},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: sample_index_5.outputs[2], "Scale": separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
+ sample_index_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleIndex,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": resample_curve, 3: curve_tangent, "Index": floor},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ cross_product = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: sample_index_4.outputs[2], 1: sample_index_5.outputs[2]},
+ attrs={"operation": "CROSS_PRODUCT"},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: cross_product.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale_1.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ scale_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: add.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": group_input.outputs["Radius"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: sample_index_3.outputs[2], 1: scale_2.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Position": add_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ integer = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer)
+ integer.integer = 32
+ shiftedsquare = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_shifted_square().name, input_kwargs={"Resolution": integer}
+ )
+ shiftedcircle = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_shifted_circle().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": integer, "Radius": 0.9200, "Z": 2.5600},
+ )
+ transform_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": shiftedcircle, "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.7854)},
+ )
+ shiftedsquare_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_shifted_square().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": integer, "Z": 10.0000},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: integer, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"}
+ )
+ star = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurveStar",
+ input_kwargs={"Points": divide, "Inner Radius": 0.5000, "Outer Radius": 0.6600},
+ )
+ transform_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": star.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Translation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 7.6000),
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.7854),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ shiftedsquare,
+ transform_geometry,
+ shiftedsquare_1,
+ transform_geometry_1,
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ v_resolution = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label="V Resolution")
+ v_resolution.integer = 64
+ lofting = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_lofting().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Profile Curves": join_geometry,
+ "U Resolution": integer,
+ "V Resolution": v_resolution,
+ },
+ )
+ object_info = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={"Object": bpy.data.objects["BezierCurve"]}
+ )
+ warparoundcurve = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_warp_around_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": lofting.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Curve": object_info.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "U Resolution": integer,
+ "V Resolution": v_resolution,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": warparoundcurve},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_nodes, selection=selection, attributes=[])
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/strechers.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/strechers.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..021fc9948
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/strechers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tables.table_utils import nodegroup_n_gon_cylinder
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_strecher", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_strecher(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": (1.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000),
+ "End": (1.0000, 0.0000, -1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "N-gon", 32),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Profile Width", 0.200),
+ ],
+ )
+ ngoncylinder = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_n_gon_cylinder().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Radius Curve": curve_line,
+ "Height": 1.0000,
+ "N-gon": group_input.outputs["N-gon"],
+ "Profile Width": group_input.outputs["Profile Width"],
+ "Aspect Ratio": 1.0000,
+ "Resolution": 64,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": ngoncylinder.outputs["Mesh"]},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/table_top.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/table_top.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8cb002b0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/table_top.py
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+import bpy
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tables.table_utils import (
+ nodegroup_create_cap,
+ nodegroup_n_gon_cylinder,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_nodegroup
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+ "nodegroup_capped_cylinder", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_capped_cylinder(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Radius", 0.2000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Cap Flatness", 4.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Fillet Radius Vertical", 0.4000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Cap Relative Scale", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Cap Relative Z Offset", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 64),
+ ],
+ )
+ create_cap = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_create_cap().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["Cap Flatness"],
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ label="CreateCap",
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input.outputs["Cap Relative Z Offset"]},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": add})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Radius"], 1: 0.5},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Cap Relative Scale"]},
+ )
+ transform_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": create_cap,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_5,
+ "Scale": add_1,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Radius"], 1: 1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ generatetabletop = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_generate_table_top().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Thickness": multiply,
+ "N-gon": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Profile Width": multiply_2,
+ "Aspect Ratio": 1.0000,
+ "Fillet Ratio": 0.0000,
+ "Fillet Radius Vertical": group_input.outputs["Fillet Radius Vertical"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_5, generatetabletop]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_2},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_generate_table_top", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_generate_table_top(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": (1.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000),
+ "End": (1.0000, 0.0000, -1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Thickness", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "N-gon", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Profile Width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Aspect Ratio", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Fillet Ratio", 0.2000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Fillet Radius Vertical", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ ngoncylinder = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_n_gon_cylinder().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Radius Curve": curve_line,
+ "Height": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ "N-gon": group_input.outputs["N-gon"],
+ "Profile Width": group_input.outputs["Profile Width"],
+ "Aspect Ratio": group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"],
+ "Fillet Ratio": group_input.outputs["Fillet Ratio"],
+ "Profile Resolution": 512,
+ "Resolution": 10,
+ },
+ )
+ arc = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurveArc",
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": 4, "Radius": 0.7071, "Sweep Angle": 4.7124},
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": arc.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, -0.7854),
+ },
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Rotation": (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000)},
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_2, "Translation": (0.0000, 0.5000, 0.0000)},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": 1.0000,
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Fillet Radius Vertical"],
+ "Z": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_3, "Scale": combine_xyz}
+ )
+ fillet_curve = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeFilletCurve",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": transform_4,
+ "Count": 8,
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["Fillet Radius Vertical"],
+ "Limit Radius": True,
+ },
+ attrs={"mode": "POLY"},
+ )
+ transform_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": fillet_curve,
+ "Rotation": (1.5708, 1.5708, 0.0000),
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": ngoncylinder.outputs["Profile Curve"],
+ "Profile Curve": transform_6,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ transform_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh, "Translation": combine_xyz_1},
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ equal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={"A": index, "B": 0},
+ attrs={"data_type": "INT", "operation": "EQUAL"},
+ )
+ cap = tag_nodegroup(
+ nw, ngoncylinder.outputs["Caps"], t.Subpart.SupportSurface, selection=equal
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_5, cap]}
+ )
+ flip_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.FlipFaces, input_kwargs={"Mesh": join_geometry})
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": group_input.outputs["Thickness"]}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": flip_faces, "Translation": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_1,
+ "Curve": ngoncylinder.outputs["Profile Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+def geometry_generate_table_top_wrapper(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Profile N-gon", kwargs["Profile N-gon"]),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Profile Width", kwargs["Profile Width"]),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Profile Aspect Ratio", kwargs["Profile Aspect Ratio"]),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Profile Fillet Ratio", kwargs["Profile Fillet Ratio"]),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Thickness", kwargs["Thickness"]),
+ (
+ "NodeSocketFloat",
+ "Vertical Fillet Ratio",
+ kwargs["Vertical Fillet Ratio"],
+ ),
+ ],
+ )
+ generatetabletop = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_generate_table_top().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Thickness": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ "N-gon": group_input.outputs["Profile N-gon"],
+ "Profile Width": group_input.outputs["Profile Width"],
+ "Aspect Ratio": group_input.outputs["Profile Aspect Ratio"],
+ "Fillet Ratio": group_input.outputs["Profile Fillet Ratio"],
+ "Fillet Radius Vertical": group_input.outputs["Vertical Fillet Ratio"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": generatetabletop},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+class TableTopFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(TableTopFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.params = self.sample_parameters()
+ @staticmethod
+ def sample_parameters():
+ # all in meters
+ return {
+ "Profile N-gon": 4,
+ "Profile Width": 1.0,
+ "Profile Aspect Ratio": 1.0,
+ "Profile Fillet Ratio": 0.2000,
+ "Thickness": 0.1000,
+ "Vertical Fillet Ratio": 0.2000,
+ }
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=2,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geometry_generate_table_top_wrapper,
+ apply=False,
+ input_kwargs=self.params,
+ )
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/table_utils.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/table_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea2a30c62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tables/table_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1032 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+ "nodegroup_n_gon_profile", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_n_gon_profile(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Profile N-gon", 4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Profile Width", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Profile Aspect Ratio", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Profile Fillet Ratio", 0.2000),
+ ],
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5000
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["Profile N-gon"],
+ "Radius": value,
+ },
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 3.1416, 1: group_input.outputs["Profile N-gon"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": divide})
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708)},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Profile Aspect Ratio"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Profile Width"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Profile Width"],
+ "Y": multiply,
+ "Z": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_2, "Scale": combine_xyz}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Profile Width"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Profile Fillet Ratio"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ fillet_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeFilletCurve",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": transform_1,
+ "Count": 8,
+ "Radius": multiply_1,
+ "Limit Radius": True,
+ },
+ attrs={"mode": "POLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Output": fillet_curve_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_n_gon_cylinder", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_n_gon_cylinder(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Radius Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "N-gon", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Profile Width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Aspect Ratio", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Fillet Ratio", 0.2000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Profile Resolution", 64),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 128),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": combine_xyz_1})
+ set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveTilt, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line, "Tilt": 3.1416}
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_tilt,
+ "Count": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": resample_curve,
+ 2: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"],
+ },
+ )
+ ngonprofile = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_n_gon_profile().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Profile N-gon": group_input.outputs["N-gon"],
+ "Profile Width": group_input.outputs["Profile Width"],
+ "Profile Aspect Ratio": group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"],
+ "Profile Fillet Ratio": group_input.outputs["Fillet Ratio"],
+ },
+ )
+ resample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": ngonprofile,
+ "Count": group_input.outputs["Profile Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Profile Curve": resample_curve_1,
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position_1})
+ sample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curves": group_input.outputs["Radius Curve"],
+ "Factor": capture_attribute.outputs[2],
+ },
+ attrs={"use_all_curves": True},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": sample_curve.outputs["Position"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"], "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz}, attrs={"operation": "LENGTH"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: length.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: length.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Radius Curve"],
+ 2: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"],
+ 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"],
+ 3: multiply,
+ 4: 0.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": multiply_1,
+ "Y": multiply_2,
+ "Z": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh, "Position": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ domain_size = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DomainSize, input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: domain_size.outputs["Face Count"], 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: index, 3: subtract},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN", "data_type": "INT"},
+ )
+ delete_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh, "Selection": less_than},
+ attrs={"domain": "FACE"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": set_position,
+ "Profile Curve": resample_curve_1,
+ "Caps": delete_geometry,
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_generate_radius_curve", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_generate_radius_curve(nw: NodeWrangler, curve_control_points):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": (1.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000),
+ "End": (1.0000, 0.0000, -1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 128)]
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line, "Count": group_input.outputs["Resolution"]},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], curve_control_points)
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": float_curve, "Y": 1.0000, "Z": 1.0000}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position, 1: combine_xyz_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": resample_curve,
+ "Position": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_create_anchors", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_create_anchors(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Profile N-gon", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Profile Width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Profile Aspect Ratio", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Profile Rotation", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ equal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Profile N-gon"], 3: 1},
+ attrs={"operation": "EQUAL", "data_type": "INT"},
+ )
+ equal_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Profile N-gon"], 3: 2},
+ attrs={"operation": "EQUAL", "data_type": "INT"},
+ )
+ ngonprofile = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_n_gon_profile().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Profile N-gon": group_input.outputs["Profile N-gon"],
+ "Profile Width": group_input.outputs["Profile Width"],
+ "Profile Aspect Ratio": group_input.outputs["Profile Aspect Ratio"],
+ "Profile Fillet Ratio": 0.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToPoints,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": ngonprofile},
+ attrs={"mode": "EVALUATED"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Profile Width"], 1: 0.3535},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply})
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Profile Width"], 1: -0.3535},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_1})
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"Start": combine_xyz, "End": combine_xyz_1}
+ )
+ curve_to_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToPoints,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line},
+ attrs={"mode": "EVALUATED"},
+ )
+ switch_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 1: equal_1,
+ 14: curve_to_points.outputs["Points"],
+ 15: curve_to_points_1.outputs["Points"],
+ },
+ )
+ points = nw.new_node("GeometryNodePoints")
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: equal, 14: switch_1.outputs[6], 15: points}
+ )
+ set_point_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPointRadius, input_kwargs={"Points": switch.outputs[6]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": group_input.outputs["Profile Rotation"]}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_point_radius, "Rotation": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_create_legs_and_strechers", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_create_legs_and_strechers(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Anchors", None),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Keep Legs", False),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Leg Instance", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Table Height", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leg Bottom Relative Scale", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leg Bottom Relative Rotation", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Keep Odd Strechers", True),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Keep Even Strechers", True),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Strecher Instance", None),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Strecher Index Increment", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Strecher Relative Position", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leg Bottom Offset", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Align Leg X rot", False),
+ ],
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": group_input.outputs["Table Height"]}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Anchors"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": group_input.outputs["Leg Bottom Offset"]}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 1: combine_xyz_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position, 1: subtract.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": subtract_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Angle": group_input.outputs["Leg Bottom Relative Rotation"],
+ },
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "Z_AXIS"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Leg Bottom Relative Scale"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Leg Bottom Relative Scale"],
+ "Z": 1.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: vector_rotate, 1: combine_xyz_4},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position, 1: multiply.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": subtract_2},
+ attrs={"axis": "Z"},
+ )
+ align_euler_to_vector_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Rotation": align_euler_to_vector, "Vector": position},
+ attrs={"pivot_axis": "Z"},
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Align Leg X rot"],
+ 8: align_euler_to_vector,
+ 9: align_euler_to_vector_3,
+ },
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: subtract_2}, attrs={"operation": "LENGTH"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": 1.0000, "Y": 1.0000, "Z": length.outputs["Value"]},
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": transform,
+ "Instance": group_input.outputs["Leg Instance"],
+ "Rotation": switch.outputs[3],
+ "Scale": combine_xyz_2,
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instance_on_points}
+ )
+ switch_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Keep Legs"], 15: realize_instances},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Strecher Relative Position"], 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_2, "Scale": multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: position_2}
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Position": add.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ modulo = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={"operation": "MODULO"}
+ )
+ op_and = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: modulo, 1: group_input.outputs["Keep Odd Strechers"]},
+ )
+ op_not = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: modulo}, attrs={"operation": "NOT"}
+ )
+ op_and_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Keep Even Strechers"], 1: op_not},
+ )
+ op_or = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: op_and, 1: op_and_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "OR"},
+ )
+ domain_size = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DomainSize,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform},
+ attrs={"component": "POINTCLOUD"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: domain_size.outputs["Point Count"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Strecher Index Increment"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ equal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={"operation": "EQUAL"}
+ )
+ boolean = nw.new_node(Nodes.Boolean, attrs={"boolean": True})
+ index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ divide_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: domain_size.outputs["Point Count"], 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: index_1, 3: divide_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN", "data_type": "INT"},
+ )
+ switch_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={0: equal, 6: boolean, 7: less_than},
+ attrs={"input_type": "BOOLEAN"},
+ )
+ op_and_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_or, 1: switch_2.outputs[2]}
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["Strecher Index Increment"]},
+ )
+ modulo_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: domain_size.outputs["Point Count"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MODULO"},
+ )
+ field_at_index = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FieldAtIndex,
+ input_kwargs={"Index": modulo_1, 3: position_1},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ subtract_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position_1, 1: field_at_index.outputs[2]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": subtract_3.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"axis": "Z"},
+ )
+ align_euler_to_vector_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Rotation": align_euler_to_vector_1},
+ attrs={"pivot_axis": "Z"},
+ )
+ length_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_3.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "LENGTH"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": 1.0000, "Y": 1.0000, "Z": length_1.outputs["Value"]},
+ )
+ instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": set_position,
+ "Selection": op_and_2,
+ "Instance": group_input.outputs["Strecher Instance"],
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector_2,
+ "Scale": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instance_on_points_1}
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [switch_1.outputs[6], realize_instances_1]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_create_cap", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_create_cap(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 64),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Radius"], 1: 257.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ uv_sphere = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Segments": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Rings": multiply,
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"],
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": uv_sphere.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: uv_sphere.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "domain": "CORNER"},
+ )
+ power = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Radius"], 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "POWER"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: power, 1: 1.0000}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ sqrt = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract}, attrs={"operation": "SQRT"}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: sqrt, 1: -1.0000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_1})
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": store_named_attribute, "Translation": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ delete_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform, "Selection": less_than},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": delete_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_arc_top", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_arc_top(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Diameter", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Sweep Angle", 180.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Diameter"], 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Sweep Angle"], 2: -90.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_add, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ radians = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "RADIANS"}
+ )
+ radians_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Sweep Angle"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "RADIANS"},
+ )
+ arc = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurveArc",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 32,
+ "Radius": divide,
+ "Start Angle": radians,
+ "Sweep Angle": radians_1,
+ },
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": arc.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Rotation": (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_align_bottom_to_floor", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_align_bottom_to_floor(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ bounding_box = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"]}
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": bounding_box.outputs["Min"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ transform_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_geometry_1, "Offset": multiply},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_bent", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_bent(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Amount", -0.1000),
+ ],
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: position}, attrs={"operation": "LENGTH"}
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: length.outputs["Value"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input.outputs["Amount"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate, input_kwargs={"Vector": position, "Angle": multiply_1}
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Position": vector_rotate,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_merge_curve", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_merge_curve(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None)]
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={"Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"]}
+ )
+ merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance, input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh_1}
+ )
+ mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshToCurve, input_kwargs={"Mesh": merge_by_distance}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": mesh_to_curve},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tableware/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/__init__.py
similarity index 92%
rename from infinigen/assets/tableware/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/__init__.py
index d1d3c46f8..66098264b 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/tableware/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/__init__.py
@@ -2,21 +2,22 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-from .spoon import SpoonFactory
-from .knife import KnifeFactory
-from .chopsticks import ChopsticksFactory
-from .fork import ForkFactory, SpatulaFactory
-from .pan import PanFactory
-from .pot import PotFactory
-from .cup import CupFactory
-from .wineglass import WineglassFactory
-from .plate import PlateFactory
-from .bowl import BowlFactory
-from .fruit_container import FruitContainerFactory
from .bottle import BottleFactory
+from .bowl import BowlFactory
from .can import CanFactory
-from .jar import JarFactory
+from .chopsticks import ChopsticksFactory
+from .cup import CupFactory
from .food_bag import FoodBagFactory
from .food_box import FoodBoxFactory
+from .fork import ForkFactory, SpatulaFactory
+from .fruit_container import FruitContainerFactory
+from .jar import JarFactory
+from .knife import KnifeFactory
from .lid import LidFactory
-from .plant_container import PlantContainerFactory, LargePlantContainerFactory
+from .pan import PanFactory
+from .plant_container import LargePlantContainerFactory, PlantContainerFactory
+from .plate import PlateFactory
+from .pot import PotFactory
+from .spoon import SpoonFactory
+from .wineglass import WineglassFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tableware/base.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/base.py
similarity index 59%
rename from infinigen/assets/tableware/base.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/base.py
index 8940bc8f7..5eb014251 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/tableware/base.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/base.py
@@ -6,17 +6,15 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, write_attribute
+from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
+from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, write_attribute
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
class TablewareFactory(AssetFactory):
@@ -26,16 +24,17 @@ class TablewareFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.thickness = .01
- material_assignments = AssetList['TablewareFactory'](fragile=self.is_fragile,
- transparent=self.allow_transparent)
+ self.thickness = 0.01
+ material_assignments = AssetList["TablewareFactory"](
+ fragile=self.is_fragile, transparent=self.allow_transparent
+ )
- self.surface = material_assignments['surface'].assign_material()
- self.inside_surface = material_assignments['inside'].assign_material()
- self.guard_surface = material_assignments['guard'].assign_material()
+ self.surface = material_assignments["surface"].assign_material()
+ self.inside_surface = material_assignments["inside"].assign_material()
+ self.guard_surface = material_assignments["guard"].assign_material()
- scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments['wear_tear_prob']
- self.scratch, self.edge_wear = material_assignments['wear_tear']
+ scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments["wear_tear_prob"]
+ self.scratch, self.edge_wear = material_assignments["wear_tear"]
self.scratch = None if uniform() > scratch_prob else self.scratch
self.edge_wear = None if uniform() > edge_wear_prob else self.edge_wear
@@ -43,9 +42,9 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
self.guard_depth = self.thickness
self.has_guard = False
self.has_inside = False
- self.lower_thresh = uniform(.5, .8)
- self.scale = 1.
- self.metal_color = 'bw+natural'
+ self.lower_thresh = uniform(0.5, 0.8)
+ self.scale = 1.0
+ self.metal_color = "bw+natural"
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
raise NotImplementedError
@@ -55,44 +54,48 @@ def add_guard(self, obj, selection):
selection = False
def geo_guard(nw: NodeWrangler):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)],
+ )
normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
x = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))[0]
sel = surface.eval_argument(nw, selection, x=x, normal=normal)
geometry, top, side = nw.new_node(
- input_args=[geometry, sel, None, self.guard_depth,
- False]
+ input_args=[geometry, sel, None, self.guard_depth, False],
- guard = nw.boolean_math('OR', top, side)
+ guard = nw.boolean_math("OR", top, side)
geometry = nw.new_node(
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry, 'Name': 'guard', 'Value': guard},
- attrs={'domain': 'FACE'}
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry, "Name": "guard", "Value": guard},
+ attrs={"domain": "FACE"},
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_guard, apply=True)
def make_double_sided(selection):
return lambda nw, x, normal: nw.boolean_math(
- 'AND',
+ "AND",
surface.eval_argument(nw, selection, x=x, normal=normal),
- nw.math('ABSOLUTE', nw.separate(normal)[-1]),
- .8
- )
+ "GREATER_THAN", nw.math("ABSOLUTE", nw.separate(normal)[-1]), 0.8
+ ),
def finalize_assets(self, assets):
assign_material(assets, [])
self.surface.apply(assets, metal_color=self.metal_color)
if self.has_inside:
- self.inside_surface.apply(assets, selection='inside', clear=True, metal_color='bw+natural')
+ self.inside_surface.apply(
+ assets, selection="inside", clear=True, metal_color="bw+natural"
+ )
if self.has_guard:
- self.guard_surface.apply(assets, selection='guard', metal_color=self.metal_color)
+ self.guard_surface.apply(
+ assets, selection="guard", metal_color=self.metal_color
+ )
if self.scratch:
if self.edge_wear:
@@ -100,17 +103,22 @@ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
def solidify_with_inside(self, obj, thickness):
max_z = np.max(read_co(obj)[:, -1])
- obj.vertex_groups.new(name='inside_')
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=thickness, offset=1, shell_vertex_group='inside_')
- write_attribute(obj, 'inside_', 'inside', 'FACE')
+ obj.vertex_groups.new(name="inside_")
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=thickness, offset=1, shell_vertex_group="inside_"
+ )
+ write_attribute(obj, "inside_", "inside", "FACE")
def inside(nw: NodeWrangler):
lower = nw.compare(
- 'LESS_THAN', nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))[-1],
- max_z * self.lower_thresh
+ nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))[-1],
+ max_z * self.lower_thresh,
+ )
+ inside = nw.compare(
+ "GREATER_THAN", surface.eval_argument(nw, "inside"), 0.8
- inside = nw.compare('GREATER_THAN', surface.eval_argument(nw, 'inside'), .8)
- return nw.boolean_math('AND', inside, lower)
+ return nw.boolean_math("AND", inside, lower)
- write_attribute(obj, inside, 'lower_inside', 'FACE')
- obj.vertex_groups.remove(obj.vertex_groups['inside_'])
+ write_attribute(obj, inside, "lower_inside", "FACE")
+ obj.vertex_groups.remove(obj.vertex_groups["inside_"])
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/bottle.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/bottle.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3012e535b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/bottle.py
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+import bmesh
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.materials import text
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, subdivide_edge_ring, subsurf
+from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import spin
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_cylinder
+from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import wrap_front_back
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+class BottleFactory(AssetFactory):
+ z_neck_offset = 0.05
+ z_waist_offset = 0.15
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
+ self.z_length = uniform(0.15, 0.25)
+ self.x_length = self.z_length * uniform(0.15, 0.25)
+ self.x_cap = uniform(0.3, 0.35)
+ self.bottle_type = np.random.choice(
+ ["beer", "bordeaux", "champagne", "coke", "vintage"]
+ )
+ self.bottle_width = uniform(0.002, 0.005)
+ self.z_waist = 0
+ match self.bottle_type:
+ case "beer":
+ self.z_neck = uniform(0.5, 0.6)
+ self.z_cap = uniform(0.05, 0.08)
+ neck_size = uniform(0.06, 0.1)
+ neck_ratio = uniform(0.4, 0.5)
+ self.x_anchors = [
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ (neck_ratio + 1) / 2 + (1 - neck_ratio) / 2 * self.x_cap,
+ neck_ratio + (1 - neck_ratio) * self.x_cap,
+ self.x_cap,
+ self.x_cap,
+ 0,
+ ]
+ self.z_anchors = [
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ self.z_neck,
+ self.z_neck + uniform(0.6, 0.7) * neck_size,
+ self.z_neck + neck_size,
+ 1 - self.z_cap,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ ]
+ self.is_vector = [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0]
+ case "bordeaux":
+ self.z_neck = uniform(0.6, 0.7)
+ self.z_cap = uniform(0.1, 0.15)
+ neck_size = uniform(0.1, 0.15)
+ self.x_anchors = (
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ (1 + self.x_cap) / 2,
+ self.x_cap,
+ self.x_cap,
+ 0,
+ )
+ self.z_anchors = [
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ self.z_neck,
+ self.z_neck + uniform(0.6, 0.7) * neck_size,
+ self.z_neck + neck_size,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ ]
+ self.is_vector = [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0]
+ case "champagne":
+ self.z_neck = uniform(0.4, 0.5)
+ self.z_cap = uniform(0.05, 0.08)
+ self.x_anchors = [
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ (1 + self.x_cap) / 2,
+ self.x_cap,
+ self.x_cap,
+ 0,
+ ]
+ self.z_anchors = [
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ self.z_neck,
+ self.z_neck + uniform(0.08, 0.1),
+ self.z_neck + uniform(0.15, 0.18),
+ 1 - self.z_cap,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ ]
+ self.is_vector = [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0]
+ case "coke":
+ self.z_waist = uniform(0.4, 0.5)
+ self.z_neck = self.z_waist + uniform(0.2, 0.25)
+ self.z_cap = uniform(0.05, 0.08)
+ self.x_anchors = [
+ 0,
+ uniform(0.85, 0.95),
+ 1,
+ uniform(0.85, 0.95),
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ self.x_cap,
+ self.x_cap,
+ 0,
+ ]
+ self.z_anchors = [
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ uniform(0.08, 0.12),
+ uniform(0.18, 0.25),
+ self.z_waist,
+ self.z_neck,
+ 1 - self.z_cap,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ ]
+ self.is_vector = [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]
+ case "vintage":
+ self.z_waist = uniform(0.1, 0.15)
+ self.z_neck = uniform(0.7, 0.75)
+ self.z_cap = uniform(0.0, 0.08)
+ x_lower = uniform(0.85, 0.95)
+ self.x_anchors = [
+ 0,
+ x_lower,
+ (x_lower + 1) / 2,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ (self.x_cap + 1) / 2,
+ self.x_cap,
+ self.x_cap,
+ 0,
+ ]
+ self.z_anchors = [
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ self.z_waist - uniform(0.1, 0.15),
+ self.z_waist,
+ self.z_neck,
+ self.z_neck + uniform(0.1, 0.2),
+ 1 - self.z_cap,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ ]
+ self.is_vector = [0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0]
+ material_assignments = AssetList["BottleFactory"]()
+ self.surface = material_assignments["surface"].assign_material()
+ self.wrap_surface = material_assignments["wrap_surface"].assign_material()
+ if self.wrap_surface == text.Text:
+ self.wrap_surface = text.Text(self.factory_seed, False)
+ self.cap_surface = material_assignments["cap_surface"].assign_material()
+ scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments["wear_tear_prob"]
+ self.scratch, self.edge_wear = material_assignments["wear_tear"]
+ self.scratch = None if uniform() > scratch_prob else self.scratch
+ self.edge_wear = None if uniform() > edge_wear_prob else self.edge_wear
+ self.texture_shared = uniform() < 0.2
+ self.cap_subsurf = uniform() < 0.5
+ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ bottle = self.make_bottle()
+ wrap = self.make_wrap(bottle)
+ cap = self.make_cap()
+ obj = join_objects([bottle, wrap, cap])
+ return obj
+ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
+ if self.scratch:
+ self.scratch.apply(assets)
+ if self.edge_wear:
+ self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
+ def make_bottle(self):
+ x_anchors = np.array(self.x_anchors) * self.x_length
+ z_anchors = np.array(self.z_anchors) * self.z_length
+ anchors = x_anchors, 0, z_anchors
+ obj = spin(anchors, np.nonzero(self.is_vector)[0])
+ subsurf(obj, 1, True)
+ subsurf(obj, 1)
+ if self.bottle_width > 0:
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.bottle_width)
+ self.surface.apply(obj, translucent=True)
+ return obj
+ def make_wrap(self, bottle):
+ obj = new_cylinder(vertices=128)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
+ geom = [f for f in bm.faces if len(f.verts) > 4]
+ bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context="FACES_ONLY")
+ bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data)
+ subdivide_edge_ring(obj, 16)
+ z_max = self.z_neck - uniform(0.02, self.z_neck_offset) * (
+ self.z_neck - self.z_waist
+ )
+ z_min = self.z_waist + uniform(0.02, self.z_waist_offset) * (
+ self.z_neck - self.z_waist
+ )
+ radius = np.max(read_co(bottle)[:, 0]) + 2e-3
+ obj.scale = radius, radius, (z_max - z_min) * self.z_length
+ obj.location[-1] = z_min * self.z_length
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
+ wrap_front_back(obj, self.wrap_surface, self.texture_shared)
+ return obj
+ def make_cap(self):
+ obj = new_cylinder(vertices=128)
+ obj.scale = [
+ (self.x_cap + 0.1) * self.x_length,
+ (self.x_cap + 0.1) * self.x_length,
+ (self.z_cap + 0.01) * self.z_length,
+ ]
+ obj.location[-1] = (1 - self.z_cap) * self.z_length
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
+ subsurf(obj, 1, self.cap_subsurf)
+ self.cap_surface.apply(obj)
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tableware/bowl.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/bowl.py
similarity index 63%
rename from infinigen/assets/tableware/bowl.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/bowl.py
index f0e3e1f94..2ff8655f2 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/tableware/bowl.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/bowl.py
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.tableware.base import TablewareFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import subsurf, set_shade_smooth
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tableware.base import TablewareFactory
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import set_shade_smooth, subsurf
from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import spin
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_bbox
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
class BowlFactory(TablewareFactory):
@@ -21,15 +21,15 @@ class BowlFactory(TablewareFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.x_end = .5
- self.z_length = log_uniform(.4, .8)
- self.z_bottom = log_uniform(.02, .05)
- self.x_bottom = uniform(.2, .3) * self.x_end
- self.x_mid = uniform(.8, .95) * self.x_end
+ self.x_end = 0.5
+ self.z_length = log_uniform(0.4, 0.8)
+ self.z_bottom = log_uniform(0.02, 0.05)
+ self.x_bottom = uniform(0.2, 0.3) * self.x_end
+ self.x_mid = uniform(0.8, 0.95) * self.x_end
self.has_guard = False
- self.thickness = uniform(.01, .03)
- self.has_inside = uniform(0, 1) < .5
- self.scale = log_uniform(.15, .4)
+ self.thickness = uniform(0.01, 0.03)
+ self.has_inside = uniform(0, 1) < 0.5
+ self.scale = log_uniform(0.15, 0.4)
self.edge_wear = None
def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
@@ -37,13 +37,22 @@ def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
return new_bbox(-radius, radius, -radius, radius, 0, self.z_length * self.scale)
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- x_anchors = 0, self.x_bottom, self.x_bottom + 1e-3, self.x_bottom, self.x_mid, self.x_end
+ x_anchors = (
+ 0,
+ self.x_bottom,
+ self.x_bottom + 1e-3,
+ self.x_bottom,
+ self.x_mid,
+ self.x_end,
+ )
z_anchors = 0, 0, 0, self.z_bottom, self.z_length / 2, self.z_length
anchors = x_anchors, np.zeros_like(x_anchors), z_anchors
obj = spin(anchors, [2, 3], 16, 64)
subsurf(obj, 1)
self.solidify_with_inside(obj, self.thickness)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BEVEL', width=self.thickness / 2, segments=np.random.randint(2, 5))
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj, "BEVEL", width=self.thickness / 2, segments=np.random.randint(2, 5)
+ )
obj.scale = [self.scale] * 3
subsurf(obj, 1)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tableware/can.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/can.py
similarity index 59%
rename from infinigen/assets/tableware/can.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/can.py
index c41d60528..5b53ba126 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/tableware/can.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/can.py
@@ -1,58 +1,59 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+import bmesh
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
import bpy
-import bmesh
import numpy as np
import shapely
from numpy.random import uniform
from shapely import Point, affinity
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.materials import text
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import write_co
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_circle, new_cylinder
from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import wrap_four_sides
+from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.materials import text
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
class CanFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- self.x_length = log_uniform(.05, .1)
- self.z_length = self.x_length * log_uniform(.5, 2.5)
- self.shape = np.random.choice(['circle', 'rectangle'])
- self.skewness = uniform(1, 2.5) if uniform() < .5 else 1
+ self.x_length = log_uniform(0.05, 0.1)
+ self.z_length = self.x_length * log_uniform(0.5, 2.5)
+ self.shape = np.random.choice(["circle", "rectangle"])
+ self.skewness = uniform(1, 2.5) if uniform() < 0.5 else 1
material_assignments = AssetList["CanFactory"]()
self.surface = material_assignments["surface"].assign_material()
self.wrap_surface = material_assignments["wrap_surface"].assign_material()
if self.wrap_surface == text.Text:
self.wrap_surface = text.Text(self.factory_seed, False)
scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments["wear_tear_prob"]
self.scratch, self.edge_wear = material_assignments["wear_tear"]
self.scratch = None if uniform() > scratch_prob else self.scratch
self.edge_wear = None if uniform() > edge_wear_prob else self.edge_wear
- self.texture_shared = uniform() < .2
+ self.texture_shared = uniform() < 0.2
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
coords = self.make_coords()
obj = new_circle(vertices=len(coords))
write_co(obj, np.array([[x, y, 0] for x, y in coords]))
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.z_length)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.z_length)
surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_cap, apply=True)
wrap = self.make_wrap(coords)
@@ -61,36 +62,60 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
def geo_cap(nw: NodeWrangler):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- selection = nw.compare('GREATER_THAN',
- nw.math('ABSOLUTE', nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal))[-1]), 1 - 1e-3)
- geometry, top = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, [geometry, selection, None, 0]).outputs[:2]
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleElements,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry, 'Selection': top, 'Scale': uniform(.96, .98)
- })
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, [geometry, top, None, -uniform(.005, .01)]).outputs[0]
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ selection = nw.compare(
+ nw.math("ABSOLUTE", nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal))[-1]),
+ 1 - 1e-3,
+ )
+ geometry, top = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, [geometry, selection, None, 0]
+ ).outputs[:2]
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleElements,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": geometry,
+ "Selection": top,
+ "Scale": uniform(0.96, 0.98),
+ },
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, [geometry, top, None, -uniform(0.005, 0.01)]
+ ).outputs[0]
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
def make_coords(self):
match self.shape:
- case 'circle':
+ case "circle":
p = Point(0, 0).buffer(self.x_length, quad_segs=64)
case _:
- side = self.x_length * uniform(.2, .8)
- p = shapely.box(-side, -side, side, side).buffer(self.x_length - side, quad_segs=16)
+ side = self.x_length * uniform(0.2, 0.8)
+ p = shapely.box(-side, -side, side, side).buffer(
+ self.x_length - side, quad_segs=16
+ )
p = affinity.scale(p, yfact=1 / self.skewness)
- coords = p.boundary.segmentize(.01).coords[:][:-1]
+ coords = p.boundary.segmentize(0.01).coords[:][:-1]
return coords
def make_wrap(self, coords):
obj = new_cylinder(vertices=len(coords))
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
geom = [f for f in bm.faces if len(f.verts) > 4]
- bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context='FACES_ONLY')
+ bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context="FACES_ONLY")
- lowest, highest = self.z_length * uniform(0, .1), self.z_length * uniform(.9, 1.)
- write_co(obj, np.concatenate([np.array([[x, y, lowest], [x, y, highest]]) for x, y in coords]))
+ lowest, highest = (
+ self.z_length * uniform(0, 0.1),
+ self.z_length * uniform(0.9, 1.0),
+ )
+ write_co(
+ obj,
+ np.concatenate(
+ [np.array([[x, y, lowest], [x, y, highest]]) for x, y in coords]
+ ),
+ )
obj.scale = 1 + 1e-3, 1 + 1e-3, 1
wrap_four_sides(obj, self.wrap_surface, self.texture_shared)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tableware/chopsticks.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/chopsticks.py
similarity index 73%
rename from infinigen/assets/tableware/chopsticks.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/chopsticks.py
index 0eef1c331..6c3600607 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/tableware/chopsticks.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/chopsticks.py
@@ -6,43 +6,39 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.tableware.base import TablewareFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tableware.base import TablewareFactory
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import subsurf, write_co
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_grid
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
class ChopsticksFactory(TablewareFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.y_length = uniform(.01, .02)
- self.y_shrink = log_uniform(.2, .8)
- self.is_square = uniform(0, 1) < .5
- self.has_guard = uniform(0, 1) < .4
- self.x_guard = uniform(.4, .9)
- self.guard_depth = 0.
+ self.y_length = uniform(0.01, 0.02)
+ self.y_shrink = log_uniform(0.2, 0.8)
+ self.is_square = uniform(0, 1) < 0.5
+ self.has_guard = uniform(0, 1) < 0.4
+ self.x_guard = uniform(0.4, 0.9)
+ self.guard_depth = 0.0
self.pre_level = 2
- self.scale = log_uniform(.2, .4)
+ self.scale = log_uniform(0.2, 0.4)
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
obj = self.make_single()
- if uniform(0, 1) < .6:
+ if uniform(0, 1) < 0.6:
obj = self.make_parallel(obj)
obj = self.make_crossed(obj)
return obj
def make_parallel(self, obj):
- distance = log_uniform(self.y_length, .04)
- if uniform(0, 1) < .5:
+ distance = log_uniform(self.y_length, 0.04)
+ if uniform(0, 1) < 0.5:
other = deep_clone_obj(obj)
obj.location[1] = distance
obj.rotation_euler[-1] = uniform(0, np.pi / 8)
@@ -60,7 +56,7 @@ def make_parallel(self, obj):
def make_crossed(self, obj):
other = deep_clone_obj(obj)
- other.location = uniform(-.1, .2), uniform(-.2, .2), self.y_length
+ other.location = uniform(-0.1, 0.2), uniform(-0.2, 0.2), self.y_length
sign = np.sign(other.location[1])
other.rotation_euler[-1] = -sign * log_uniform(np.pi / 8, np.pi / 4)
return join_objects([obj, other])
@@ -68,14 +64,14 @@ def make_crossed(self, obj):
def make_single(self):
n = int(1 / self.y_length)
obj = new_grid(x_subdivisions=n - 1, y_subdivisions=1)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.y_length * 2)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.y_length * 2)
l = np.linspace(self.y_shrink, 1, n) * self.y_length
x = np.concatenate([np.linspace(0, 1, n)] * 4)
y = np.concatenate([-l, l, -l, l])
z = np.concatenate([l, l, -l, -l])
write_co(obj, np.stack([x, y, z], -1))
subsurf(obj, 2, self.is_square)
- self.add_guard(obj, lambda nw, x: nw.compare('GREATER_THAN', x, self.x_guard))
+ self.add_guard(obj, lambda nw, x: nw.compare("GREATER_THAN", x, self.x_guard))
obj.scale = [self.scale] * 3
return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/cup.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/cup.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7cb3cef12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/cup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.materials import text
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tableware.base import TablewareFactory
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ read_co,
+ remove_vertices,
+ subsurf,
+ write_attribute,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import spin
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
+from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import wrap_sides
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+class CupFactory(TablewareFactory):
+ allow_transparent = True
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.x_end = 0.25
+ self.is_short = uniform(0, 1) < 0.5
+ if self.is_short:
+ self.is_profile_straight = uniform(0, 1) < 0.2
+ self.x_lowest = log_uniform(0.6, 0.9)
+ self.depth = log_uniform(0.25, 0.5)
+ self.has_guard = uniform(0, 1) < 0.8
+ else:
+ self.is_profile_straight = True
+ self.x_lowest = log_uniform(0.9, 1.0)
+ self.depth = log_uniform(0.5, 1.0)
+ self.has_guard = False
+ if self.is_profile_straight:
+ self.handle_location = uniform(0.45, 0.65)
+ else:
+ self.handle_location = uniform(-0.1, 0.3)
+ self.handle_type = "shear" if uniform(0, 1) < 0.5 else "round"
+ self.handle_radius = self.depth * uniform(0.2, 0.4)
+ self.handle_inner_radius = self.handle_radius * log_uniform(0.2, 0.3)
+ self.handle_taper_x = uniform(0, 2)
+ self.handle_taper_y = uniform(0, 2)
+ self.x_lower_ratio = log_uniform(0.8, 1.0)
+ self.thickness = log_uniform(0.01, 0.04)
+ self.has_wrap = uniform() < 0.3
+ self.has_wrap = True
+ self.wrap_margin = uniform(0.1, 0.2)
+ material_assignments = AssetList["CupFactory"]()
+ self.surface = material_assignments["surface"].assign_material()
+ self.wrap_surface = material_assignments["wrap_surface"].assign_material()
+ if self.wrap_surface == text.Text:
+ self.wrap_surface = text.Text(self.factory_seed, False)
+ self.scratch = self.edge_wear = None
+ self.has_inside = uniform(0, 1) < 0.5
+ self.scale = log_uniform(0.15, 0.3)
+ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ if self.is_profile_straight:
+ x_anchors = 0, self.x_lowest * self.x_end, self.x_end
+ z_anchors = 0, 0, self.depth
+ else:
+ x_anchors = (
+ 0,
+ self.x_lowest * self.x_end,
+ (self.x_lowest + self.x_lower_ratio * (1 - self.x_lowest)) * self.x_end,
+ self.x_end,
+ )
+ z_anchors = 0, 0, self.depth * 0.5, self.depth
+ anchors = x_anchors, np.zeros_like(x_anchors), z_anchors
+ obj = spin(anchors, [1], 16)
+ subsurf(obj, 1)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "BEVEL",
+ True,
+ offset_type="PERCENT",
+ width_pct=uniform(10, 50),
+ segments=8,
+ )
+ if self.has_wrap:
+ wrap = self.make_wrap(obj)
+ else:
+ wrap = None
+ self.solidify_with_inside(obj, self.thickness)
+ handle_location = (
+ x_anchors[-2] * (1 - self.handle_location)
+ + x_anchors[-1] * self.handle_location,
+ 0,
+ z_anchors[-2] * (1 - self.handle_location)
+ + z_anchors[-1] * self.handle_location,
+ )
+ angle_low = np.arctan(
+ (x_anchors[-1] - x_anchors[-2]) / (z_anchors[-1] - z_anchors[-2])
+ )
+ angle_height = np.arctan(
+ (x_anchors[2] - x_anchors[1]) / (z_anchors[2] - z_anchors[1])
+ )
+ handle_angle = uniform(angle_low, angle_height + 1e-3)
+ if self.has_guard:
+ obj = self.add_handle(obj, handle_location, handle_angle)
+ if self.has_wrap:
+ butil.select_none()
+ obj = join_objects([obj, wrap])
+ obj.scale = [self.scale] * 3
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ return obj
+ def add_handle(self, obj, handle_location, handle_angle):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_torus_add(
+ location=handle_location,
+ major_radius=self.handle_radius,
+ minor_radius=self.handle_inner_radius,
+ )
+ handle = bpy.context.active_object
+ handle.rotation_euler = np.pi / 2, handle_angle, 0
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ handle,
+ deform_method="TAPER",
+ angle=self.handle_taper_x,
+ deform_axis="X",
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ handle,
+ deform_method="TAPER",
+ angle=self.handle_taper_y,
+ deform_axis="Y",
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(handle, "BOOLEAN", object=obj, operation="DIFFERENCE")
+ butil.select_none()
+ objs = butil.split_object(handle)
+ i = np.argmax([np.max(read_co(o)[:, 0]) for o in objs])
+ handle = objs[i]
+ objs.remove(handle)
+ butil.delete(objs)
+ subsurf(handle, 1)
+ write_attribute(handle, lambda nw: 1, "guard", "FACE")
+ return join_objects([obj, handle])
+ def make_wrap(self, obj):
+ butil.select_none()
+ obj = deep_clone_obj(obj)
+ remove_vertices(
+ obj,
+ lambda x, y, z: (z / self.depth < self.wrap_margin)
+ | (z / self.depth > 1 - self.wrap_margin + uniform(0.0, 0.1))
+ | (np.abs(np.arctan2(y, x)) < np.pi * self.wrap_margin),
+ )
+ obj.scale = 1 + 1e-2, 1 + 1e-2, 1
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ write_attribute(obj, lambda nw: 1, "text", "FACE")
+ return obj
+ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
+ super().finalize_assets(assets)
+ if self.has_wrap:
+ for obj in assets if isinstance(assets, list) else [assets]:
+ wrap_sides(obj, self.wrap_surface, "u", "v", "z", selection="text")
+ if self.scratch:
+ self.scratch.apply(assets)
+ if self.edge_wear:
+ self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tableware/food_bag.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/food_bag.py
similarity index 70%
rename from infinigen/assets/tableware/food_bag.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/food_bag.py
index 68e986d63..17f095fa7 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/tableware/food_bag.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/food_bag.py
@@ -1,51 +1,60 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+import bmesh
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
import bpy
-import bmesh
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
from infinigen.assets.materials import text
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import geo_extension, read_co, subdivide_edge_ring, subsurf, write_co
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ geo_extension,
+ read_co,
+ subdivide_edge_ring,
+ subsurf,
+ write_co,
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_base_cylinder
from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import wrap_front_back
from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
class FoodBagFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- self.length = uniform(.1, .3)
- self.is_packet = uniform() < .6
+ self.length = uniform(0.1, 0.3)
+ self.is_packet = uniform() < 0.6
if self.is_packet:
- self.width = self.length * log_uniform(.6, 1.)
- self.depth = self.width * uniform(.5, .8)
+ self.width = self.length * log_uniform(0.6, 1.0)
+ self.depth = self.width * uniform(0.5, 0.8)
self.curve_profile = uniform(2, 4)
- self.width = self.length * log_uniform(.2, .4)
- self.depth = self.width * uniform(.6, 1.)
+ self.width = self.length * log_uniform(0.2, 0.4)
+ self.depth = self.width * uniform(0.6, 1.0)
self.curve_profile = uniform(4, 8)
- self.extrude_length = uniform(.05, .1)
+ self.extrude_length = uniform(0.05, 0.1)
material_assignments = AssetList["FoodBagFactory"]()
self.surface = material_assignments["surface"].assign_material()
if self.surface == text.Text:
self.surface = self.surface(self.factory_seed)
- self.texture_shared = uniform() < .2
+ self.texture_shared = uniform() < 0.2
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
obj = self.make_base()
subsurf(obj, 2)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_extension, input_kwargs={'musgrave_dimensions': '2D'}, apply=True)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geo_extension, input_kwargs={"musgrave_dimensions": "2D"}, apply=True
+ )
return obj
def make_base(self):
@@ -56,22 +65,27 @@ def make_base(self):
x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
ratio = 1 - (2 * np.abs(z) / self.length) ** self.curve_profile
write_co(obj, np.stack([x, ratio * y, z], -1))
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'WELD', merge_threshold=1e-3)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "WELD", merge_threshold=1e-3)
return obj
def add_seal(self, obj):
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
for i in [-1, 1]:
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="DESELECT")
- indices = np.nonzero(read_co(obj)[:, -1] * i >= self.length / 2 - 1e-3)[0]
+ indices = np.nonzero(read_co(obj)[:, -1] * i >= self.length / 2 - 1e-3)[
+ 0
+ ]
for idx in indices:
- TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': (0, 0, self.extrude_length * self.length * i)})
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={
+ "value": (0, 0, self.extrude_length * self.length * i)
+ }
+ )
def build_uv(self, obj):
if not self.is_packet:
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tableware/food_box.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/food_box.py
similarity index 87%
rename from infinigen/assets/tableware/food_box.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/food_box.py
index e0b645d7a..d0a282d0b 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/tableware/food_box.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/food_box.py
@@ -10,20 +10,20 @@
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_cube
from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import wrap_six_sides
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
class FoodBoxFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- dimensions = np.sort(log_uniform(.05, .3, 3)).tolist()
+ dimensions = np.sort(log_uniform(0.05, 0.3, 3)).tolist()
self.dimensions = np.array([dimensions[1], dimensions[0], dimensions[2]])
self.surface = text.Text(self.factory_seed)
- self.texture_shared = uniform() < .4
+ self.texture_shared = uniform() < 0.4
def create_placeholder(self, **params):
obj = new_cube()
obj.scale = self.dimensions / 2
@@ -33,5 +33,5 @@ def create_placeholder(self, **params):
def create_asset(self, placeholder, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
obj = butil.copy(placeholder)
wrap_six_sides(obj, self.surface, self.texture_shared)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BEVEL', width=.001)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BEVEL", width=0.001)
return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tableware/fork.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/fork.py
similarity index 57%
rename from infinigen/assets/tableware/fork.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/fork.py
index 86c3e949b..43f8ea862 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/tableware/fork.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/fork.py
@@ -1,49 +1,76 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+import bmesh
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
import bpy
-import bmesh
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import subsurf, write_co
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_grid
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
from .base import TablewareFactory
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_grid
class ForkFactory(TablewareFactory):
- x_end = .15
+ x_end = 0.15
is_fragile = True
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.x_length = log_uniform(.4, .8)
- self.x_tip = uniform(.15, .2)
- self.y_length = log_uniform(.05, .08)
- self.z_depth = log_uniform(.02, .04)
- self.z_offset = uniform(.0, .05)
- self.thickness = log_uniform(.008, .015)
- self.has_guard = uniform(0, 1) < .4
- self.guard_type = 'round' if uniform(0, 1) < .6 else 'double'
- self.n_cuts = np.random.randint(1, 3) if uniform(0, 1) < .3 else 3
- self.guard_depth = log_uniform(.2, 1.) * self.thickness
- self.scale = log_uniform(.15, .25)
+ self.x_length = log_uniform(0.4, 0.8)
+ self.x_tip = uniform(0.15, 0.2)
+ self.y_length = log_uniform(0.05, 0.08)
+ self.z_depth = log_uniform(0.02, 0.04)
+ self.z_offset = uniform(0.0, 0.05)
+ self.thickness = log_uniform(0.008, 0.015)
+ self.has_guard = uniform(0, 1) < 0.4
+ self.guard_type = "round" if uniform(0, 1) < 0.6 else "double"
+ self.n_cuts = np.random.randint(1, 3) if uniform(0, 1) < 0.3 else 3
+ self.guard_depth = log_uniform(0.2, 1.0) * self.thickness
+ self.scale = log_uniform(0.15, 0.25)
self.has_cut = True
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
x_anchors = np.array(
- [self.x_tip, uniform(-.04, -.02), -.08, -.12, -self.x_end, -self.x_end - self.x_length,
- -self.x_end - self.x_length * log_uniform(1.2, 1.4)])
- y_anchors = np.array([self.y_length * log_uniform(.8, 1.), self.y_length * log_uniform(1., 1.2),
- self.y_length * log_uniform(.6, 1.), self.y_length * log_uniform(.2, .4),
- log_uniform(.01, .02), log_uniform(.02, .05), log_uniform(.01, .02)])
- z_anchors = np.array([0, -self.z_depth, -self.z_depth, 0, self.z_offset, self.z_offset + uniform(-.02, .04),
- self.z_offset + uniform(-.02, 0)])
+ [
+ self.x_tip,
+ uniform(-0.04, -0.02),
+ -0.08,
+ -0.12,
+ -self.x_end,
+ -self.x_end - self.x_length,
+ -self.x_end - self.x_length * log_uniform(1.2, 1.4),
+ ]
+ )
+ y_anchors = np.array(
+ [
+ self.y_length * log_uniform(0.8, 1.0),
+ self.y_length * log_uniform(1.0, 1.2),
+ self.y_length * log_uniform(0.6, 1.0),
+ self.y_length * log_uniform(0.2, 0.4),
+ log_uniform(0.01, 0.02),
+ log_uniform(0.02, 0.05),
+ log_uniform(0.01, 0.02),
+ ]
+ )
+ z_anchors = np.array(
+ [
+ 0,
+ -self.z_depth,
+ -self.z_depth,
+ 0,
+ self.z_offset,
+ self.z_offset + uniform(-0.02, 0.04),
+ self.z_offset + uniform(-0.02, 0),
+ ]
+ )
n = 2 * (self.n_cuts + 1)
obj = new_grid(x_subdivisions=len(x_anchors) - 1, y_subdivisions=n - 1)
x = np.concatenate([x_anchors] * n)
@@ -52,10 +79,13 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
write_co(obj, np.stack([x, y, z], -1))
if self.has_cut:
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.thickness)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.thickness)
subsurf(obj, 1)
- selection = lambda nw, x: nw.compare('LESS_THAN', x, -self.x_end)
- if self.guard_type == 'double':
+ def selection(nw, x):
+ return nw.compare("LESS_THAN", x, -self.x_end)
+ if self.guard_type == "double":
selection = self.make_double_sided(selection)
self.add_guard(obj, selection)
subsurf(obj, 1)
@@ -64,7 +94,7 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
return obj
def make_cuts(self, obj):
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
front_verts = []
for v in bm.verts:
@@ -85,5 +115,5 @@ class SpatulaFactory(ForkFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(SpatulaFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
self.has_cut = False
- self.z_depth = uniform(0, .05)
- self.y_length = log_uniform(.08, .12)
+ self.z_depth = uniform(0, 0.05)
+ self.y_length = log_uniform(0.08, 0.12)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tableware/fruit_container.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/fruit_container.py
similarity index 60%
rename from infinigen/assets/tableware/fruit_container.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/fruit_container.py
index 29b5638e1..0461976e8 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/tableware/fruit_container.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/fruit_container.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-from collections.abc import Iterable, Sequence
+from collections.abc import Iterable
from functools import cached_property
from statistics import mean
@@ -10,34 +10,49 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.general_fruit import FruitFactoryGeneralFruit
-from infinigen.assets.tableware import BowlFactory, PotFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.general_fruit import FruitFactoryGeneralFruit
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tableware.bowl import BowlFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tableware.pot import PotFactory
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, write_co
from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import make_normalized_factory, subclasses
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
class FruitCover:
def __init__(self, factory_seed=0):
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- fruit_factory_fns = list(subclasses(FruitFactoryGeneralFruit).difference([FruitFactoryGeneralFruit]))
- fruit_factory_fn = make_normalized_factory(np.random.choice(fruit_factory_fns))
- self.col = make_asset_collection(fruit_factory_fn(np.random.randint(1e5)), name='fruit', n=5)
+ fruit_factory_fns = list(
+ subclasses(FruitFactoryGeneralFruit).difference(
+ [FruitFactoryGeneralFruit]
+ )
+ )
+ fruit_factory_fn = make_normalized_factory(
+ np.random.choice(fruit_factory_fns)
+ )
+ self.col = make_asset_collection(
+ fruit_factory_fn(np.random.randint(1e5)), name="fruit", n=5
+ )
self.dimension = mean(mean(o.dimensions) for o in self.col.objects)
- self.shrink_rate = max(self.dimension, 2.)
+ self.shrink_rate = max(self.dimension, 2.0)
def apply(self, obj, selection=None):
for obj in obj if isinstance(obj, Iterable) else [obj]:
- scale = uniform(.06, .08) / self.shrink_rate
+ scale = uniform(0.06, 0.08) / self.shrink_rate
- base_obj=obj, collection=self.col, density=1e3,
- min_spacing=scale * self.dimension * uniform(.5, .7), scale=scale,
- scale_rand=uniform(0.1, 0.3), selection=selection,
- ground_offset=self.dimension * .2 * scale, apply_geo=True, realize=True
- )
+ base_obj=obj,
+ collection=self.col,
+ density=1e3,
+ min_spacing=scale * self.dimension * uniform(0.5, 0.7),
+ scale=scale,
+ scale_rand=uniform(0.1, 0.3),
+ selection=selection,
+ ground_offset=self.dimension * 0.2 * scale,
+ apply_geo=True,
+ realize=True,
+ )
class FruitContainerFactory(AssetFactory):
@@ -57,8 +72,8 @@ def cover(self):
def create_placeholder(self, **params):
box = self.base_factory.create_placeholder(**params)
co = read_co(box)
- co[co[:, -1] > .02, -1] += .05
- co[co[:, -1] < .02, -1] -= .01
+ co[co[:, -1] > 0.02, -1] += 0.05
+ co[co[:, -1] < 0.02, -1] -= 0.01
write_co(box, co)
return box
@@ -68,4 +83,4 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- self.cover.apply(assets, selection='lower_inside')
+ self.cover.apply(assets, selection="lower_inside")
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tableware/jar.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/jar.py
similarity index 61%
rename from infinigen/assets/tableware/jar.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/jar.py
index 79a1e9598..38fadfaf7 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/tableware/jar.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/jar.py
@@ -1,30 +1,32 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+import bmesh
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
import bpy
-import bmesh
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, subsurf, write_attribute
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import subsurf, write_attribute
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_circle, new_cylinder
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
class JarFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- self.z_length = uniform(.15, .2)
- self.x_length = uniform(.03, .06)
- self.thickness = uniform(.002, .004)
+ self.z_length = uniform(0.15, 0.2)
+ self.x_length = uniform(0.03, 0.06)
+ self.thickness = uniform(0.002, 0.004)
self.n_base = np.random.choice([4, 6, 64])
- self.x_cap = uniform(.6, .9) * np.cos(np.pi / self.n_base)
- self.z_cap = uniform(.05, .08)
- self.z_neck = uniform(.15, .2)
+ self.x_cap = uniform(0.6, 0.9) * np.cos(np.pi / self.n_base)
+ self.z_cap = uniform(0.05, 0.08)
+ self.z_neck = uniform(0.15, 0.2)
material_assignments = AssetList["JarFactory"]()
self.surface = material_assignments["surface"].assign_material()
@@ -34,19 +36,19 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
self.scratch = None if uniform() > scratch_prob else self.scratch
self.edge_wear = None if uniform() > edge_wear_prob else self.edge_wear
- self.cap_subsurf = uniform() < .5
+ self.cap_subsurf = uniform() < 0.5
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
obj = new_cylinder(vertices=self.n_base)
obj.scale = self.x_length, self.x_length, self.z_length
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
- geom = [f for f in bm.faces if f.normal[-1] > .5]
- bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context='FACES_KEEP_BOUNDARY')
+ geom = [f for f in bm.faces if f.normal[-1] > 0.5]
+ bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context="FACES_KEEP_BOUNDARY")
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
subsurf(obj, 2, True)
top = new_circle(location=(0, 0, 0))
@@ -55,28 +57,36 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
obj = join_objects([obj, top])
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops(number_cuts=5, profile_shape_factor=uniform(0, .1))
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops(
+ number_cuts=5, profile_shape_factor=uniform(0, 0.1)
+ )
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
- TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': (0, 0, self.z_cap * self.z_length)})
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": (0, 0, self.z_cap * self.z_length)}
+ )
subsurf(obj, 1)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.thickness)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.thickness)
cap = new_cylinder(vertices=64)
- cap.scale = *([self.x_cap * self.x_length + 1e-3] * 2), self.z_cap * self.z_length
- cap.location[-1] = (1 + self.z_neck + self.z_cap * uniform(.5, .8)) * self.z_length
+ cap.scale = (
+ *([self.x_cap * self.x_length + 1e-3] * 2),
+ self.z_cap * self.z_length,
+ )
+ cap.location[-1] = (
+ 1 + self.z_neck + self.z_cap * uniform(0.5, 0.8)
+ ) * self.z_length
butil.apply_transform(cap, True)
subsurf(obj, 1, self.cap_subsurf)
- write_attribute(cap, 1, 'cap', 'FACE')
+ write_attribute(cap, 1, "cap", "FACE")
obj = join_objects([obj, cap])
return obj
def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- self.surface.apply(assets, clear=uniform() < .5)
- self.cap_surface.apply(assets, selection='cap')
+ self.surface.apply(assets, clear=uniform() < 0.5)
+ self.cap_surface.apply(assets, selection="cap")
if self.scratch:
if self.edge_wear:
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/knife.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/knife.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..61cf0d04d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/knife.py
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+import bmesh
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import subsurf, write_co
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_grid
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+from .base import TablewareFactory
+class KnifeFactory(TablewareFactory):
+ x_end = 0.5
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.x_length = log_uniform(0.4, 0.7)
+ self.has_guard = uniform(0, 1) < 0.7
+ if self.has_guard:
+ self.y_length = log_uniform(0.1, 0.5)
+ self.y_guard = self.y_length * log_uniform(0.2, 0.4)
+ else:
+ self.y_length = log_uniform(0.1, 0.2)
+ self.y_guard = self.y_length * log_uniform(0.3, 0.5)
+ self.x_guard = uniform(0, 0.2)
+ self.has_tip = uniform(0, 1) < 0.7
+ self.thickness = log_uniform(0.02, 0.03)
+ y_off_rand = uniform(0, 1)
+ self.y_offset = (
+ 0.2
+ if y_off_rand < 1 / 8
+ else 0.5
+ if y_off_rand < 1 / 4
+ else uniform(0.2, 0.6)
+ )
+ self.guard_type = "round" if uniform(0, 1) < 0.6 else "double"
+ self.guard_depth = log_uniform(0.2, 1.0) * self.thickness
+ self.scale = log_uniform(0.2, 0.3)
+ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ x_anchors = np.array(
+ [
+ self.x_end,
+ uniform(0.5, 0.8) * self.x_end,
+ uniform(0.3, 0.4) * self.x_end,
+ 1e-3,
+ 0,
+ -1e-3,
+ -2e-3,
+ -self.x_end * self.x_length + 1e-3,
+ -self.x_end * self.x_length,
+ ]
+ )
+ y_anchors = np.array(
+ [
+ 1e-3,
+ self.y_length * log_uniform(0.75, 0.95),
+ self.y_length,
+ self.y_length,
+ self.y_length,
+ self.y_guard,
+ self.y_guard,
+ self.y_guard,
+ self.y_guard,
+ ]
+ )
+ if not self.has_guard:
+ indices = [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8]
+ x_anchors = x_anchors[indices]
+ y_anchors = y_anchors[indices]
+ if self.has_tip:
+ indices = [0] + list(range(len(x_anchors)))
+ x_anchors = x_anchors[indices]
+ x_anchors[0] += 1e-3
+ y_anchors = y_anchors[indices]
+ y_anchors[1] += 3e-3
+ obj = new_grid(x_subdivisions=len(x_anchors) - 1, y_subdivisions=1)
+ x = np.concatenate([x_anchors] * 2)
+ y = np.concatenate([y_anchors, np.zeros_like(y_anchors)])
+ y[0 :: len(y_anchors)] += self.y_offset * self.y_length
+ if self.has_tip:
+ y[1 :: len(y_anchors)] += self.y_offset * self.y_length
+ y[2 :: len(y_anchors)] += self.y_offset * (self.y_length - y_anchors[2])
+ else:
+ y[1 :: len(y_anchors)] += self.y_offset * (self.y_length - y_anchors[1])
+ z = np.concatenate([np.zeros_like(x_anchors)] * 2)
+ write_co(obj, np.stack([x, y, z], -1))
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.thickness)
+ self.make_knife_tip(obj)
+ subsurf(obj, 1)
+ def selection(nw, x):
+ return nw.compare(
+ "LESS_THAN", x, -self.x_guard * self.x_length * self.x_end
+ )
+ if self.guard_type == "double":
+ selection = self.make_double_sided(selection)
+ self.add_guard(obj, selection)
+ subsurf(obj, 1)
+ obj.scale = [self.scale] * 3
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ return obj
+ def make_knife_tip(self, obj):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
+ for e in bm.edges:
+ u, v = e.verts
+ x0, y0, z0 = u.co
+ x1, y1, z1 = v.co
+ if x0 >= 0 and x1 >= 0 and abs(x0 - x1) < 2e-4:
+ if (
+ y0 > self.y_offset * self.y_length
+ and y1 > self.y_offset * self.y_length
+ ):
+ bmesh.ops.pointmerge(
+ bm, verts=[u, v], merge_co=(u.co + v.co) / 2
+ )
+ bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data)
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_loose(extend=False)
+ bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type="EDGE")
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tableware/lid.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/lid.py
similarity index 59%
rename from infinigen/assets/tableware/lid.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/lid.py
index 083c2249c..43687a6b6 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/tableware/lid.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/lid.py
@@ -6,41 +6,43 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_center, subsurf, write_co
from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import spin
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_cylinder, new_line
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
class LidFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(LidFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- self.x_length = uniform(.08, .15)
- self.z_height = self.x_length * uniform(0, .5)
- self.thickness = uniform(.003, .005)
- self.is_glass = uniform() < .5
+ self.x_length = uniform(0.08, 0.15)
+ self.z_height = self.x_length * uniform(0, 0.5)
+ self.thickness = uniform(0.003, 0.005)
+ self.is_glass = uniform() < 0.5
self.hardware_type = None
self.rim_height = uniform(1, 2) * self.thickness
- self.handle_type = np.random.choice(['handle', 'knob'])
- if self.handle_type == 'knob':
- self.handle_height = self.x_length * uniform(.1, .15)
+ self.handle_type = np.random.choice(["handle", "knob"])
+ if self.handle_type == "knob":
+ self.handle_height = self.x_length * uniform(0.1, 0.15)
- self.handle_height = self.x_length * uniform(.2, .25)
- self.handle_radius = self.x_length * uniform(.15, .25)
- self.handle_width = self.x_length * uniform(.25, .3)
+ self.handle_height = self.x_length * uniform(0.2, 0.25)
+ self.handle_radius = self.x_length * uniform(0.15, 0.25)
+ self.handle_width = self.x_length * uniform(0.25, 0.3)
self.handle_subsurf_level = np.random.randint(0, 3)
if self.is_glass:
- material_assignments = AssetList['GlassLidFactory']()
+ material_assignments = AssetList["GlassLidFactory"]()
material_assignments = AssetList["LidFactory"]()
self.surface = material_assignments["surface"].assign_material()
self.rim_surface = material_assignments["rim_surface"].assign_material()
- self.handle_surface = material_assignments["handle_surface"].assign_material()
+ self.handle_surface = material_assignments[
+ "handle_surface"
+ ].assign_material()
scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments["wear_tear_prob"]
self.scratch, self.edge_wear = material_assignments["wear_tear"]
@@ -48,17 +50,19 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
self.edge_wear = None if uniform() > edge_wear_prob else self.edge_wear
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- x_anchors = 0, .01, self.x_length / 2, self.x_length
- z_anchors = self.z_height, self.z_height, self.z_height * uniform(.7, .8), 0
+ x_anchors = 0, 0.01, self.x_length / 2, self.x_length
+ z_anchors = self.z_height, self.z_height, self.z_height * uniform(0.7, 0.8), 0
obj = spin((x_anchors, 0, z_anchors))
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.thickness, offset=0)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BEVEL', width=self.thickness / 2, segments=4)
- self.surface.apply(obj, clear=True if self.is_glass else None, metal_color='bw+natural')
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.thickness, offset=0)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BEVEL", width=self.thickness / 2, segments=4)
+ self.surface.apply(
+ obj, clear=True if self.is_glass else None, metal_color="bw+natural"
+ )
parts = [obj]
if self.is_glass:
match self.handle_type:
- case 'handle':
+ case "handle":
case _:
@@ -68,8 +72,9 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
def add_rim(self):
- major_radius=self.x_length, minor_radius=self.thickness / 2,
- major_segments=128
+ major_radius=self.x_length,
+ minor_radius=self.thickness / 2,
+ major_segments=128,
obj = bpy.context.active_object
obj.scale[-1] = self.rim_height / self.thickness
@@ -79,23 +84,34 @@ def add_rim(self):
def add_handle(self, obj):
center = read_center(obj)
- i = np.argmin(np.abs(center[:, :2] - np.array([self.handle_width, 0])[np.newaxis, :]).sum(-1))
+ i = np.argmin(
+ np.abs(center[:, :2] - np.array([self.handle_width, 0])[np.newaxis, :]).sum(
+ -1
+ )
+ )
z_offset = center[i, -1]
obj = new_line(3)
- obj, np.array(
- [[-self.handle_width, 0, 0], [-self.handle_width, 0, self.handle_height],
- [self.handle_width, 0, self.handle_height], [self.handle_width, 0, 0]]
- )
+ obj,
+ np.array(
+ [
+ [-self.handle_width, 0, 0],
+ [-self.handle_width, 0, self.handle_height],
+ [self.handle_width, 0, self.handle_height],
+ [self.handle_width, 0, 0],
+ ]
+ ),
subsurf(obj, self.handle_subsurf_level)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': (0, self.thickness * 2, 0)})
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.thickness, offset=0)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BEVEL', width=self.thickness / 2, segments=4)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": (0, self.thickness * 2, 0)}
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.thickness, offset=0)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BEVEL", width=self.thickness / 2, segments=4)
obj.location = 0, -self.thickness, z_offset
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
@@ -106,12 +122,16 @@ def add_knob(self):
obj.scale = *([self.thickness * uniform(1, 2)] * 2), self.handle_height
obj.location[-1] = self.z_height
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BEVEL', width=self.thickness / 2, segments=4)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BEVEL", width=self.thickness / 2, segments=4)
top = new_cylinder()
- top.scale = self.handle_radius, self.handle_radius, self.thickness * uniform(1, 2)
+ top.scale = (
+ self.handle_radius,
+ self.handle_radius,
+ self.thickness * uniform(1, 2),
+ )
top.location[-1] = self.z_height + self.handle_height
butil.apply_transform(top, True)
- butil.modify_mesh(top, 'BEVEL', width=self.thickness / 2, segments=4)
+ butil.modify_mesh(top, "BEVEL", width=self.thickness / 2, segments=4)
obj = join_objects([obj, top])
return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tableware/pan.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/pan.py
similarity index 56%
rename from infinigen/assets/tableware/pan.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/pan.py
index 5e9c53b1a..545687562 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/tableware/pan.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/pan.py
@@ -2,58 +2,63 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
# of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Lingjie Mei
# - Karhan Kayan: fix cutter bug
-import bpy
import bmesh
+import bpy
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from .base import TablewareFactory
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import subsurf
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import (
- join_objects, new_base_circle, new_base_cylinder, origin2lowest,
+ join_objects,
+ new_base_circle,
+ new_base_cylinder,
+ origin2lowest,
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
-from ..utils.misc import assign_material
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+from .base import TablewareFactory
class PanFactory(TablewareFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.r_expand = 1 if uniform(0, 1) < .2 else log_uniform(1., 1.2)
- self.depth = log_uniform(.3, .8)
+ self.r_expand = 1 if uniform(0, 1) < 0.2 else log_uniform(1.0, 1.2)
+ self.depth = log_uniform(0.3, 0.8)
if self.r_expand == 1:
- self.r_mid = log_uniform(1., 1.3)
+ self.r_mid = log_uniform(1.0, 1.3)
- self.r_mid = 1 + (self.r_expand - 1) * (uniform(.5, .85) if uniform(0, 1) < .5 else .5)
+ self.r_mid = 1 + (self.r_expand - 1) * (
+ uniform(0.5, 0.85) if uniform(0, 1) < 0.5 else 0.5
+ )
self.has_handle = True
- self.has_handle_hole = uniform() < .6
+ self.has_handle_hole = uniform() < 0.6
self.pre_level = 2
- self.x_handle = log_uniform(1.2, 2.)
- self.z_handle = self.x_handle * uniform(0, .2)
- self.z_handle_mid = uniform(.6, .8) * self.z_handle
- self.s_handle = log_uniform(.8, 1.2)
- self.thickness = log_uniform(.04, .06)
- self.has_guard = uniform(0, 1) < .8
- self.x_guard = self.r_expand + uniform(0, .2) * self.x_handle
- self.guard_type = 'round'
- self.guard_depth = log_uniform(1., 2.) * self.thickness
- material_assignments = AssetList['PanFactory']()
- self.surface = material_assignments['surface'].assign_material()
- self.inside_surface = material_assignments['inside'].assign_material()
+ self.x_handle = log_uniform(1.2, 2.0)
+ self.z_handle = self.x_handle * uniform(0, 0.2)
+ self.z_handle_mid = uniform(0.6, 0.8) * self.z_handle
+ self.s_handle = log_uniform(0.8, 1.2)
+ self.thickness = log_uniform(0.04, 0.06)
+ self.has_guard = uniform(0, 1) < 0.8
+ self.x_guard = self.r_expand + uniform(0, 0.2) * self.x_handle
+ self.guard_type = "round"
+ self.guard_depth = log_uniform(1.0, 2.0) * self.thickness
+ material_assignments = AssetList["PanFactory"]()
+ self.surface = material_assignments["surface"].assign_material()
+ self.inside_surface = material_assignments["inside"].assign_material()
if self.surface == self.inside_surface:
- self.has_inside = uniform(0, 1) < .5
+ self.has_inside = uniform(0, 1) < 0.5
self.has_inside = True
self.metal_color = None
- self.scale = log_uniform(.1, .15)
+ self.scale = log_uniform(0.1, 0.15)
self.scratch = self.edge_wear = None
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
@@ -66,7 +71,9 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
def make_base(self):
n = 4 * int(log_uniform(4, 8))
base = new_base_circle(vertices=n)
- middle = new_base_circle(vertices=n, )
+ middle = new_base_circle(
+ vertices=n,
+ )
middle.location[-1] = self.depth / 2
middle.scale = [self.r_mid] * 3
upper = new_base_circle(vertices=n)
@@ -74,22 +81,29 @@ def make_base(self):
upper.scale = [self.r_expand] * 3
butil.apply_transform(upper, loc=True)
obj = join_objects([base, middle, upper])
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
for v in bm.verts:
v.select_set(np.abs(v.co[-1]) < 1e-3)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.fill_grid(use_interp_simple=True, offset=np.random.randint(n // 4))
- bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(quad_method='BEAUTY', ngon_method='BEAUTY')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.fill_grid(
+ use_interp_simple=True, offset=np.random.randint(n // 4)
+ )
+ bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(
+ quad_method="BEAUTY", ngon_method="BEAUTY"
+ )
obj.rotation_euler[-1] = np.pi / n
if self.has_handle:
self.solidify_with_inside(obj, self.thickness)
- selection = lambda nw, x: nw.compare('GREATER_THAN', x, self.x_guard)
+ def selection(nw, x):
+ return nw.compare("GREATER_THAN", x, self.x_guard)
self.add_guard(obj, selection)
subsurf(obj, 1, True)
subsurf(obj, 3)
@@ -98,7 +112,7 @@ def make_base(self):
return obj
def add_handle(self, obj):
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
@@ -113,17 +127,27 @@ def add_handle(self, obj):
- TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': (self.x_handle * .5, 0, self.z_handle_mid)}
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={
+ "value": (self.x_handle * 0.5, 0, self.z_handle_mid)
+ }
- TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': (self.x_handle * .5, 0, (self.z_handle - self.z_handle_mid))}
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={
+ "value": (
+ self.x_handle * 0.5,
+ 0,
+ (self.z_handle - self.z_handle_mid),
+ )
+ }
bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=[self.s_handle] * 3)
- bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': (1e-3, 0, 0)})
+ bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": (1e-3, 0, 0)}
+ )
def add_handle_hole(self, obj):
cutter = new_base_cylinder()
- cutter.scale = *([uniform(.06, .1)] * 2), 1
- cutter.location[0] = self.r_expand + uniform(.8, .9) * self.x_handle
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BOOLEAN', object=cutter, operation='DIFFERENCE')
+ cutter.scale = *([uniform(0.06, 0.1)] * 2), 1
+ cutter.location[0] = self.r_expand + uniform(0.8, 0.9) * self.x_handle
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BOOLEAN", object=cutter, operation="DIFFERENCE")
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tableware/plant_container.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/plant_container.py
similarity index 70%
rename from infinigen/assets/tableware/plant_container.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/plant_container.py
index f2eb58358..eec7662b3 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/tableware/plant_container.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/plant_container.py
@@ -6,22 +6,29 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.cactus import CactusFactory
-from infinigen.assets.monocot import MonocotFactory
-from infinigen.assets.mushroom import MushroomFactory
-from infinigen.assets.small_plants import FernFactory, SnakePlantFactory, SpiderPlantFactory, SucculentFactory
-from infinigen.assets.tableware import PotFactory
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.objects.cactus import CactusFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.monocot import MonocotFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.mushroom import MushroomFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.small_plants import (
+ FernFactory,
+ SnakePlantFactory,
+ SpiderPlantFactory,
+ SucculentFactory,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tableware.pot import PotFactory
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
- read_edge_center, read_edge_direction, remove_vertices,
- select_edges, subsurf,
+ read_edge_center,
+ read_edge_direction,
+ remove_vertices,
+ select_edges,
+ subsurf,
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import center, join_objects, new_bbox, origin2lowest
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_bbox, origin2lowest
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.constants import WALL_HEIGHT, WALL_THICKNESS
class PlantPotFactory(PotFactory):
@@ -29,30 +36,36 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(PlantPotFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
self.has_handle = self.has_bar = self.has_guard = False
- self.depth = log_uniform(.5, 1.)
+ self.depth = log_uniform(0.5, 1.0)
self.r_expand = uniform(1.1, 1.3)
- alpha = uniform(.5, .8)
+ alpha = uniform(0.5, 0.8)
self.r_mid = (self.r_expand - 1) * alpha + 1
material_assignments = AssetList["PlantContainerFactory"]()
self.surface = material_assignments["surface"].assign_material()
- self.scale = log_uniform(.08, .12)
+ self.scale = log_uniform(0.08, 0.12)
class PlantContainerFactory(AssetFactory):
- plant_factories = [CactusFactory, MushroomFactory, FernFactory, SucculentFactory, SpiderPlantFactory,
- SnakePlantFactory]
+ plant_factories = [
+ CactusFactory,
+ MushroomFactory,
+ FernFactory,
+ SucculentFactory,
+ SpiderPlantFactory,
+ SnakePlantFactory,
+ ]
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(PlantContainerFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
self.base_factory = PlantPotFactory(self.factory_seed, coarse)
- self.dirt_ratio = uniform(.7, .8)
+ self.dirt_ratio = uniform(0.7, 0.8)
material_assignments = AssetList["PlantContainerFactory"]()
self.dirt_surface = material_assignments["dirt_surface"].assign_material()
fn = np.random.choice(self.plant_factories)
self.plant_factory = fn(self.factory_seed)
self.side_size = self.base_factory.scale * self.base_factory.r_expand
- self.top_size = uniform(.4, .6)
+ self.top_size = uniform(0.4, 0.6)
def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
return new_bbox(
@@ -60,13 +73,13 @@ def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
- -.02,
- self.base_factory.depth * self.base_factory.scale + self.top_size
+ -0.02,
+ self.base_factory.depth * self.base_factory.scale + self.top_size,
def create_asset(self, i, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
obj = self.base_factory.create_asset(i=i, **params)
- horizontal = np.abs(read_edge_direction(obj)[:, -1]) < .1
+ horizontal = np.abs(read_edge_direction(obj)[:, -1]) < 0.1
edge_center = read_edge_center(obj)
z = edge_center[:, -1]
@@ -76,34 +89,33 @@ def create_asset(self, i, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
selection = np.zeros_like(z).astype(bool)
selection[idx] = True
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
select_edges(obj, selection)
- bpy.ops.mesh.separate(type='SELECTED')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.separate(type="SELECTED")
dirt_ = bpy.context.selected_objects[-1]
- with butil.ViewportMode(dirt_, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(dirt_, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
subsurf(dirt_, 3)
- remove_vertices(dirt_, lambda x, y, z: np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) > radius * 0.92)
- dirt_.location[-1] -= .02
+ remove_vertices(dirt_, lambda x, y, z: np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) > radius * 0.92)
+ dirt_.location[-1] -= 0.02
plant = self.plant_factory.spawn_asset(i=i, loc=(0, 0, 0), rot=(0, 0, 0))
origin2lowest(plant, approximate=True)
scale = np.min(
- np.array([self.side_size, self.side_size, self.top_size]) / np.max(
- np.abs(np.array(plant.bound_box)), 0
- )
+ np.array([self.side_size, self.side_size, self.top_size])
+ / np.max(np.abs(np.array(plant.bound_box)), 0)
plant.scale = [scale] * 3
plant.location[-1] = dirt_z
@@ -118,9 +130,11 @@ class LargePlantContainerFactory(PlantContainerFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(LargePlantContainerFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- self.base_factory.depth = log_uniform(1., 1.5)
- self.base_factory.scale = log_uniform(.15, .25)
- self.side_size = self.base_factory.scale * uniform(1.5, 2.) * self.base_factory.r_expand
+ self.base_factory.depth = log_uniform(1.0, 1.5)
+ self.base_factory.scale = log_uniform(0.15, 0.25)
+ self.side_size = (
+ self.base_factory.scale * uniform(1.5, 2.0) * self.base_factory.r_expand
+ )
self.top_size = uniform(1, 1.5)
# self.top_size = uniform(1.5, WALL_HEIGHT - 2*WALL_THICKNESS)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tableware/plate.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/plate.py
similarity index 70%
rename from infinigen/assets/tableware/plate.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/plate.py
index 3bcc8756c..294613c66 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/tableware/plate.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/plate.py
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.tableware.base import TablewareFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tableware.base import TablewareFactory
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import subsurf
from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import spin
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
class PlateFactory(TablewareFactory):
@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@ class PlateFactory(TablewareFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.x_end = .5
- self.z_length = log_uniform(.05, .2)
- self.x_mid = uniform(.3, 1.) * self.x_end
- self.z_mid = uniform(.3, .8) * self.z_length
+ self.x_end = 0.5
+ self.z_length = log_uniform(0.05, 0.2)
+ self.x_mid = uniform(0.3, 1.0) * self.x_end
+ self.z_mid = uniform(0.3, 0.8) * self.z_length
self.has_guard = False
self.pre_level = 1
- self.thickness = uniform(.01, .03)
- self.has_inside = uniform(0, 1) < .2
- self.scale = log_uniform(.2, .4)
+ self.thickness = uniform(0.01, 0.03)
+ self.has_inside = uniform(0, 1) < 0.2
+ self.scale = log_uniform(0.2, 0.4)
self.scratch = self.edge_wear = None
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
@@ -36,7 +36,9 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
z_anchors = 0, 0, self.z_mid, self.z_length
anchors = x_anchors, np.zeros_like(x_anchors), z_anchors
obj = spin(anchors, [1, 2], 4, 16)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SUBSURF', render_levels=self.pre_level, levels=self.pre_level)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj, "SUBSURF", render_levels=self.pre_level, levels=self.pre_level
+ )
self.solidify_with_inside(obj, self.thickness)
subsurf(obj, 2)
obj.scale = [self.scale] * 3
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tableware/pot.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/pot.py
similarity index 53%
rename from infinigen/assets/tableware/pot.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/pot.py
index be7e89a3c..626513c62 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/tableware/pot.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/pot.py
@@ -6,45 +6,50 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, write_attribute, subsurf
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, subsurf, write_attribute
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_bbox
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from . import PanFactory
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+from .pan import PanFactory
class PotFactory(PanFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.depth = log_uniform(.6, 2.)
+ self.depth = log_uniform(0.6, 2.0)
self.r_expand = 1
self.r_mid = 1
- self.has_bar = uniform(0, 1) < .5
+ self.has_bar = uniform(0, 1) < 0.5
self.has_handle = not self.has_handle
self.has_guard = not self.has_bar
- self.bar_height = self.depth * uniform(.75, .85)
- self.bar_radius = log_uniform(.2, .3)
- self.bar_x = 1 + uniform(-self.bar_radius, self.bar_radius) * .05
- self.bar_inner_radius = log_uniform(.2, .4) * self.bar_radius
- scale = log_uniform(.6, 1.5)
- self.bar_scale = log_uniform(.6, 1.) * scale, 1 * scale, log_uniform(.6, 1.2) * scale
- self.bar_taper = log_uniform(.3, .8)
+ self.bar_height = self.depth * uniform(0.75, 0.85)
+ self.bar_radius = log_uniform(0.2, 0.3)
+ self.bar_x = 1 + uniform(-self.bar_radius, self.bar_radius) * 0.05
+ self.bar_inner_radius = log_uniform(0.2, 0.4) * self.bar_radius
+ scale = log_uniform(0.6, 1.5)
+ self.bar_scale = (
+ log_uniform(0.6, 1.0) * scale,
+ 1 * scale,
+ log_uniform(0.6, 1.2) * scale,
+ )
+ self.bar_taper = log_uniform(0.3, 0.8)
self.bar_y_rotation = uniform(-np.pi / 6, 0)
- self.bar_x_offset = self.bar_radius * uniform(-.1, .1)
+ self.bar_x_offset = self.bar_radius * uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
- self.guard_type = 'round'
- self.guard_depth = log_uniform(.5, 1.) * self.thickness
- self.scale = log_uniform(.1, .15)
+ self.guard_type = "round"
+ self.guard_depth = log_uniform(0.5, 1.0) * self.thickness
+ self.scale = log_uniform(0.1, 0.15)
def post_init(self):
self.has_handle = not self.has_bar
self.has_guard = not self.has_bar
- self.bar_x = 1 + uniform(-self.bar_radius, self.bar_radius) * .05
- self.bar_inner_radius = log_uniform(.2, .4) * self.bar_radius
- self.bar_x_offset = self.bar_radius * uniform(-.1, .1)
+ self.bar_x = 1 + uniform(-self.bar_radius, self.bar_radius) * 0.05
+ self.bar_inner_radius = log_uniform(0.2, 0.4) * self.bar_radius
+ self.bar_x_offset = self.bar_radius * uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
obj = self.make_base()
@@ -56,16 +61,38 @@ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
if self.has_bar:
- radius_ = 1 + self.bar_x_offset + self.bar_radius + self.bar_inner_radius + self.thickness
- obj = new_bbox(-radius_, radius_, -1 - self.thickness, 1 + self.thickness, 0, self.depth)
+ radius_ = (
+ 1
+ + self.bar_x_offset
+ + self.bar_radius
+ + self.bar_inner_radius
+ + self.thickness
+ )
+ obj = new_bbox(
+ -radius_,
+ radius_,
+ -1 - self.thickness,
+ 1 + self.thickness,
+ 0,
+ self.depth,
+ )
elif self.has_handle:
obj = new_bbox(
- -1 - self.thickness, 1 + self.thickness + self.x_handle, -1 - self.thickness, 1 + self.thickness, 0,
- self.depth
+ -1 - self.thickness,
+ 1 + self.thickness + self.x_handle,
+ -1 - self.thickness,
+ 1 + self.thickness,
+ 0,
+ self.depth,
obj = new_bbox(
- -1 - self.thickness, 1 + self.thickness, -1 - self.thickness, 1 + self.thickness, 0, self.depth
+ -1 - self.thickness,
+ 1 + self.thickness,
+ -1 - self.thickness,
+ 1 + self.thickness,
+ 0,
+ self.depth,
obj.scale = (self.scale,) * 3
@@ -76,18 +103,22 @@ def add_bar(self, obj):
for side in [-1, 1]:
location=(side * (1 + self.bar_x_offset), 0, self.bar_height),
- major_radius=self.bar_radius, minor_radius=self.bar_inner_radius
+ major_radius=self.bar_radius,
+ minor_radius=self.bar_inner_radius,
bar = bpy.context.active_object
bar.scale = self.bar_scale
- bar, 'SIMPLE_DEFORM', deform_method='TAPER', angle=self.bar_taper,
- deform_axis='X'
+ bar,
+ deform_method="TAPER",
+ angle=self.bar_taper,
+ deform_axis="X",
bar.rotation_euler = 0, self.bar_y_rotation, 0 if side == 1 else np.pi
- butil.modify_mesh(bar, 'BOOLEAN', object=obj, operation='DIFFERENCE')
+ butil.modify_mesh(bar, "BOOLEAN", object=obj, operation="DIFFERENCE")
objs = butil.split_object(bar)
i = np.argmax([np.max(read_co(o)[:, 0] * side) for o in objs])
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/spoon.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/spoon.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fba137164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/spoon.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import subsurf, write_co
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_grid
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+from .base import TablewareFactory
+class SpoonFactory(TablewareFactory):
+ x_end = 0.15
+ is_fragile = True
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.x_length = log_uniform(0.2, 0.8)
+ self.y_length = log_uniform(0.06, 0.12)
+ self.z_depth = log_uniform(0.08, 0.25)
+ self.z_offset = uniform(0.0, 0.05)
+ self.thickness = log_uniform(0.008, 0.015)
+ self.has_guard = uniform(0, 1) < 0.4
+ self.guard_type = "round" if uniform(0, 1) < 0.6 else "double"
+ self.guard_depth = log_uniform(0.2, 1.0) * self.thickness
+ self.scale = log_uniform(0.15, 0.25)
+ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ x_anchors = np.array(
+ [
+ log_uniform(0.07, 0.25),
+ 0,
+ -0.08,
+ -0.12,
+ -self.x_end,
+ -self.x_end - self.x_length,
+ -self.x_end - self.x_length * log_uniform(1.2, 1.4),
+ ]
+ )
+ y_anchors = np.array(
+ [
+ self.y_length * log_uniform(0.1, 0.8),
+ self.y_length * log_uniform(1.0, 1.2),
+ self.y_length * log_uniform(0.6, 1.0),
+ self.y_length * log_uniform(0.2, 0.4),
+ log_uniform(0.01, 0.02),
+ log_uniform(0.02, 0.05),
+ log_uniform(0.01, 0.02),
+ ]
+ )
+ z_anchors = np.array(
+ [
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ self.z_offset,
+ self.z_offset + uniform(-0.02, 0.04),
+ self.z_offset + uniform(-0.02, 0),
+ ]
+ )
+ obj = new_grid(x_subdivisions=len(x_anchors) - 1, y_subdivisions=2)
+ x = np.concatenate([x_anchors] * 3)
+ y = np.concatenate([y_anchors, np.zeros_like(y_anchors), -y_anchors])
+ z = np.concatenate([z_anchors] * 3)
+ x[len(x_anchors)] += 0.02
+ z[len(x_anchors) + 1] = -self.z_depth
+ write_co(obj, np.stack([x, y, z], -1))
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.thickness)
+ subsurf(obj, 1)
+ def selection(nw, x):
+ return nw.compare("LESS_THAN", x, -self.x_end)
+ if self.guard_type == "double":
+ selection = self.make_double_sided(selection)
+ self.add_guard(obj, selection)
+ subsurf(obj, 2)
+ obj.scale = [self.scale] * 3
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tableware/wineglass.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/wineglass.py
similarity index 62%
rename from infinigen/assets/tableware/wineglass.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/wineglass.py
index 463efae45..09967240f 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/tableware/wineglass.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tableware/wineglass.py
@@ -6,40 +6,46 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.tableware.base import TablewareFactory
from infinigen.assets.materials import glass
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tableware.base import TablewareFactory
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import subsurf
from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import spin
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
class WineglassFactory(TablewareFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.x_end = .25
- self.z_length = log_uniform(.6, 2.)
- self.z_cup = uniform(.3, .6) * self.z_length
- self.z_mid = self.z_cup + uniform(.3, .5) * (self.z_length - self.z_cup)
- self.x_neck = log_uniform(.01, .02)
+ self.x_end = 0.25
+ self.z_length = log_uniform(0.6, 2.0)
+ self.z_cup = uniform(0.3, 0.6) * self.z_length
+ self.z_mid = self.z_cup + uniform(0.3, 0.5) * (self.z_length - self.z_cup)
+ self.x_neck = log_uniform(0.01, 0.02)
self.x_top = self.x_end * log_uniform(1, 1.4)
- self.x_mid = self.x_top * log_uniform(.9, 1.2)
+ self.x_mid = self.x_top * log_uniform(0.9, 1.2)
self.has_guard = False
- self.thickness = uniform(.01, .03)
+ self.thickness = uniform(0.01, 0.03)
self.surface = glass
- self.scale = log_uniform(.1, .3)
+ self.scale = log_uniform(0.1, 0.3)
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- z_bottom = self.z_length * log_uniform(.01, .05)
- x_anchors = self.x_end, self.x_end / 2, self.x_neck, self.x_neck, self.x_mid, self.x_top
+ z_bottom = self.z_length * log_uniform(0.01, 0.05)
+ x_anchors = (
+ self.x_end,
+ self.x_end / 2,
+ self.x_neck,
+ self.x_neck,
+ self.x_mid,
+ self.x_top,
+ )
z_anchors = 0, z_bottom / 2, z_bottom, self.z_cup, self.z_mid, self.z_length
anchors = x_anchors, np.zeros_like(x_anchors), z_anchors
obj = spin(anchors, [0, 1, 2, 3], 4, 16)
subsurf(obj, 2)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.thickness)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.thickness)
subsurf(obj, 1)
obj.scale = [self.scale] * 3
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/trees/.gitignore b/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/.gitignore
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/trees/.gitignore
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/trees/.gitignore
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/trees/README.md b/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/README.md
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/trees/README.md
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/trees/README.md
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6d5dd0246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+from .generate import BushFactory, TreeFactory, random_leaf_collection, random_season
+from .tree_flower import TreeFlowerFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/branch.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/branch.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f16c4d512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/branch.py
@@ -0,0 +1,756 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import randint, uniform
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+ "nodegroup_surface_bump", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_surface_bump(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Displacement", 0.0200),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 50.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Seed", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Seed"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: group_input.outputs["Displacement"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: normal, 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": multiply_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_generate_anchor", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_generate_anchor(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "curve parameter", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "trim_bottom", 0.2000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "trim_top", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "seed", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "density", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "keep probablity", 0.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: group_input.outputs["density"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: group_input.outputs["keep probablity"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ minimum = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "MINIMUM"}
+ )
+ curve_to_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToPoints,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"], "Length": minimum},
+ attrs={"mode": "LENGTH"},
+ )
+ random_value_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Probability": group_input.outputs["keep probablity"],
+ "Seed": group_input.outputs["seed"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "BOOLEAN"},
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["curve parameter"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["trim_bottom"],
+ },
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["curve parameter"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["trim_top"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ op_and = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: less_than}
+ )
+ op_and_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: random_value_3.outputs[3], 1: op_and}
+ )
+ op_not = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and_1}, attrs={"operation": "NOT"}
+ )
+ delete_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_to_points_1.outputs["Points"],
+ "Selection": op_not,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Points": delete_geometry},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_create_instance", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_create_instance(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Points", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Instance", None),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Selection", True),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Pick Instance", False),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Tangent", (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Rot x deg", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Rot x range", 0.2000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Seed", 0),
+ ],
+ )
+ random_value_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={3: 6.2832, "Seed": group_input.outputs["Seed"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": random_value_1.outputs[1]}
+ )
+ align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_1,
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["Tangent"],
+ },
+ attrs={"axis": "Y"},
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": group_input.outputs["Points"],
+ "Selection": group_input.outputs["Selection"],
+ "Instance": group_input.outputs["Instance"],
+ "Pick Instance": group_input.outputs["Pick Instance"],
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector,
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ radians = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Rot x deg"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "RADIANS"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: group_input.outputs["Rot x range"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: radians, 1: subtract},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: group_input.outputs["Rot x range"]}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: radians, 1: add}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ random_value_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={2: multiply, 3: multiply_1, "Seed": group_input.outputs["Seed"]},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": random_value_2.outputs[1]}
+ )
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": instance_on_points, "Rotation": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": rotate_instances},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def generate_branch(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine)
+ # group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
+ # expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
+ # ('NodeSocketCollection', 'leaf collection', None),
+ # ('NodeSocketCollection', 'fruit collection', None),
+ # ('NodeSocketInt', 'resolution', 256),
+ # ('NodeSocketInt', 'seed', 0),
+ # ('NodeSocketFloat', 'main branch noise amount', 0.3000),
+ # ('NodeSocketFloat', 'main branch noise scale', 1.1000),
+ # ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'overall radius', 0.0200),
+ # ('NodeSocketFloat', 'twig density', 10.0000),
+ # ('NodeSocketFloat', 'twig rotation', 45.0000),
+ # ('NodeSocketFloat', 'twig scale', 5.0000),
+ # ('NodeSocketFloat', 'twig noise amount', 0.3000),
+ # ('NodeSocketFloat', 'leaf density', 15.0000),
+ # ('NodeSocketFloat', 'leaf scale', 0.3000),
+ # ('NodeSocketFloat', 'leaf rot', 45.0000),
+ # ('NodeSocketFloat', 'fruit density', 10.0000),
+ # ('NodeSocketFloat', 'fruit scale', 0.0500),
+ # ('NodeSocketFloat', 'fruit rot', 0.0000)])
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line, "Count": kwargs["resolution"]},
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], "Y": kwargs["seed"]},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": combine_xyz,
+ "Scale": kwargs["main branch noise scale"],
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "2D"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000)},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 2: 0.2000},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: subtract.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": kwargs["main branch noise amount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": resample_curve, "Offset": scale_1.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, 2: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: kwargs["seed"], 1: 13.0000})
+ generateanchor = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_generate_anchor().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": capture_attribute,
+ "curve parameter": capture_attribute.outputs[2],
+ "trim_top": 0.9000,
+ "seed": add,
+ "density": kwargs["fruit density"],
+ "keep probablity": 0.3000,
+ },
+ )
+ collection_info_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CollectionInfo,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Collection": kwargs["fruit collection"],
+ "Separate Children": True,
+ "Reset Children": True,
+ },
+ )
+ createinstance = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_create_instance().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": generateanchor,
+ "Instance": collection_info_1,
+ "Pick Instance": True,
+ "Rot x deg": kwargs["fruit rot"],
+ "Scale": kwargs["fruit scale"],
+ "Seed": kwargs["seed"],
+ },
+ )
+ keep_probablity = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="keep probablity")
+ keep_probablity.outputs[0].default_value = 0.3000
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: kwargs["twig density"], 1: keep_probablity},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ curve_to_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToPoints, input_kwargs={"Curve": capture_attribute, "Count": divide}
+ )
+ curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.1000)}
+ )
+ divide_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: kwargs["resolution"], 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ resample_curve_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line_1, "Count": divide_1}
+ )
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": resample_curve_2,
+ 2: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"],
+ },
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: kwargs["seed"], 1: 37.0000})
+ random_value = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={"Probability": keep_probablity, "Seed": add_1},
+ attrs={"data_type": "BOOLEAN"},
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: 0.0500}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ greater_equal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: index, 3: multiply},
+ attrs={"data_type": "INT", "operation": "GREATER_EQUAL"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: 0.9000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ less_equal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: index, 3: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"data_type": "INT", "operation": "LESS_EQUAL"},
+ )
+ op_and = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_equal, 1: less_equal}
+ )
+ op_and_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: random_value.outputs[3], 1: op_and}
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: kwargs["twig rotation"], 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": capture_attribute.outputs[2], 3: 1.0000, 4: 0.1000},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 1: kwargs["twig scale"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ createinstance_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_create_instance().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": curve_to_points.outputs["Points"],
+ "Instance": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Selection": op_and_1,
+ "Tangent": curve_to_points.outputs["Tangent"],
+ "Rot x deg": multiply_2,
+ "Scale": multiply_3,
+ "Seed": kwargs["seed"],
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": createinstance_1}
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": position, "W": kwargs["seed"], "Scale": 1.5000},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000)},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": capture_attribute_1.outputs[2], 2: 0.2000},
+ )
+ scale_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: subtract_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": map_range_3.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ scale_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: scale_2.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": kwargs["twig noise amount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": realize_instances,
+ "Offset": scale_3.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
+ capture_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_1, 1: curve_tangent},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: kwargs["seed"], 1: 17.0000})
+ generateanchor_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_generate_anchor().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": capture_attribute_2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "curve parameter": capture_attribute_1.outputs[2],
+ "trim_top": 1.0000,
+ "seed": add_2,
+ "density": kwargs["leaf density"],
+ "keep probablity": 0.3000,
+ },
+ )
+ collection_info = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CollectionInfo,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Collection": kwargs["leaf collection"],
+ "Separate Children": True,
+ "Reset Children": True,
+ },
+ )
+ createinstance_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_create_instance().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": generateanchor_1,
+ "Instance": collection_info,
+ "Pick Instance": True,
+ "Tangent": capture_attribute_2.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "Rot x deg": kwargs["leaf rot"],
+ "Scale": kwargs["leaf scale"],
+ "Seed": kwargs["seed"],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": capture_attribute.outputs[2], 3: 1.0000, 4: 0.4000},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: kwargs["overall radius"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": capture_attribute, "Radius": multiply_4},
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: kwargs["resolution"], 1: kwargs["overall radius"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_5, 1: 6.2832},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Resolution": multiply_6}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ map_range_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": capture_attribute_1.outputs[2], 3: 0.8000, 4: 0.1000},
+ )
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_4.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_7, 1: kwargs["overall radius"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": capture_attribute_2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Radius": multiply_8,
+ },
+ )
+ divide_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_6, 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Resolution": divide_2}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius_1,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [curve_to_mesh, curve_to_mesh_1]}
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry, "Material": kwargs["material"]},
+ )
+ surfacebump = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_surface_bump().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material, "Displacement": 0.0050},
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [createinstance, createinstance_2, surfacebump]},
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_1,
+ "Rotation": (-1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+class BranchFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, twig_col, fruit_col, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.avg_fruit_dim = np.cbrt(
+ np.mean([np.prod(list(o.dimensions)) for o in fruit_col.objects])
+ )
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.branch_params = self.sample_branch_params()
+ self.branch_params["leaf collection"] = twig_col
+ self.branch_params["fruit collection"] = fruit_col
+ self.branch_params["material"] = twig_col.objects[0].active_material
+ def sample_branch_params(self):
+ return {
+ "resolution": 256,
+ "main branch noise amount": uniform(0.2, 0.4),
+ "main branch noise scale": uniform(0.9, 1.3),
+ "overall radius": uniform(0.015, 0.025),
+ "twig density": uniform(5, 15),
+ "twig rotation": uniform(30, 60),
+ "twig scale": uniform(3, 7),
+ "twig noise amount": uniform(0.2, 0.4),
+ "leaf density": uniform(5, 25),
+ "leaf scale": uniform(0.25, 0.35),
+ "leaf rot": uniform(30, 60),
+ "fruit scale": uniform(0.15, 0.25),
+ "fruit rot": 0.0,
+ "fruit density": np.clip(uniform(1, 5) / self.avg_fruit_dim, 0.01, 50),
+ }
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=2,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ phenome = self.branch_params.copy()
+ phenome["seed"] = randint(10000000)
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, generate_branch, input_kwargs=phenome)
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/generate.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/generate.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f0a0f95f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/generate.py
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick, Yiming Zuo, Alejandro Newell, Lingjie Mei
+import logging
+import bpy
+import gin
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.cloud import CloudFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits import (
+ apple,
+ blackberry,
+ coconutgreen,
+ compositional_fruit,
+ durian,
+ starfruit,
+ strawberry,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.leaves import (
+ leaf,
+ leaf_broadleaf,
+ leaf_ginko,
+ leaf_maple,
+ leaf_pine,
+ leaf_v2,
+from infinigen.assets.objects.trees import branch, tree, treeconfigs
+from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import toggle_hide, toggle_show
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.placement import detail
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
+from infinigen.core.placement.split_in_view import split_inview
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from . import tree_flower
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class GenericTreeFactory(AssetFactory):
+ scale = (
+ 0.35 # trees are defined in weird units currently, need converting to meters
+ )
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ factory_seed,
+ genome: tree.TreeParams,
+ child_col,
+ trunk_surface,
+ realize=False,
+ meshing_camera=None,
+ cam_meshing_max_dist=1e7,
+ coarse_mesh_placeholder=False,
+ adapt_mesh_method="remesh",
+ decimate_placeholder_levels=0,
+ min_dist=None,
+ coarse=False,
+ ):
+ super(GenericTreeFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.genome = genome
+ self.child_col = child_col
+ self.trunk_surface = trunk_surface
+ self.realize = realize
+ self.camera = meshing_camera
+ self.cam_meshing_max_dist = cam_meshing_max_dist
+ self.adapt_mesh_method = adapt_mesh_method
+ self.decimate_placeholder_levels = decimate_placeholder_levels
+ self.coarse_mesh_placeholder = coarse_mesh_placeholder
+ self.min_dist = min_dist
+ def create_placeholder(self, i, loc, rot):
+ logger.debug("generating tree skeleton")
+ skeleton_obj = tree.tree_skeleton(
+ self.genome.skeleton,
+ self.genome.trunk_spacecol,
+ self.genome.roots_spacecol,
+ init_pos=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=self.scale,
+ )
+ if self.coarse_mesh_placeholder:
+ pholder = self._create_coarse_mesh(skeleton_obj)
+ else:
+ pholder = butil.spawn_cube(size=4)
+ butil.parent_to(skeleton_obj, pholder, no_inverse=True)
+ return pholder
+ def _create_coarse_mesh(self, skeleton_obj):
+ logger.debug("generating skinned mesh")
+ coarse_mesh = deep_clone_obj(skeleton_obj)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ coarse_mesh,
+ tree.skin_tree,
+ input_kwargs={"params": self.genome.skinning},
+ apply=True,
+ )
+ if self.decimate_placeholder_levels > 0:
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ coarse_mesh,
+ decimate_type="UNSUBDIV",
+ iterations=self.decimate_placeholder_levels,
+ )
+ return coarse_mesh
+ def finalize_placeholders(self, placeholders):
+ if not self.coarse_mesh_placeholder:
+ return
+ with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
+ logger.debug(f"adding {self.trunk_surface} to {len(placeholders)=}")
+ self.trunk_surface.apply(placeholders)
+ def asset_parameters(self, distance: float, vis_distance: float) -> dict:
+ if self.min_dist is not None and distance < self.min_dist:
+ logger.warn(
+ f"{self} recieved {distance=} which violates {self.min_dist=}. Ignoring"
+ )
+ distance = self.min_dist
+ return dict(face_size=detail.target_face_size(distance), distance=distance)
+ def create_asset(
+ self, placeholder, face_size, distance, **kwargs
+ ) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ skeleton_obj = placeholder.children[0]
+ if not self.coarse_mesh_placeholder:
+ skin_obj = self._create_coarse_mesh(skeleton_obj)
+ self.trunk_surface.apply(skin_obj)
+ butil.parent_to(skeleton_obj, skin_obj, no_inverse=True)
+ else:
+ skin_obj = butil.deep_clone_obj(placeholder)
+ if self.child_col is not None:
+ assert self.genome.child_placement is not None
+ max_needed_child_fs = (
+ detail.target_face_size(self.min_dist, global_multiplier=1)
+ if self.min_dist is not None
+ else None
+ )
+ logger.debug(f"adding tree children using {self.child_col=}")
+ butil.select_none()
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ skeleton_obj,
+ tree.add_tree_children,
+ input_kwargs=dict(
+ child_col=self.child_col,
+ params=self.genome.child_placement,
+ realize=self.realize,
+ merge_dist=max_needed_child_fs,
+ ),
+ )
+ if self.camera is not None and distance < self.cam_meshing_max_dist:
+ assert self.adapt_mesh_method != "remesh"
+ skin_obj_cleanup = skin_obj
+ skin_obj, outofview, vert_dists, _ = split_inview(
+ skin_obj, cam=self.camera, vis_margin=0.15
+ )
+ butil.parent_to(outofview, skin_obj, no_inverse=True, no_transform=True)
+ butil.delete(skin_obj_cleanup)
+ face_size = detail.target_face_size(vert_dists.min())
+ skin_obj.hide_render = False
+ if self.adapt_mesh_method == "remesh":
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ skin_obj, "SUBSURF", levels=self.decimate_placeholder_levels + 1
+ ) # one extra level to smooth things out or remesh is jaggedy
+ with butil.DisableModifiers(skin_obj):
+ detail.adapt_mesh_resolution(
+ skin_obj, face_size, method=self.adapt_mesh_method, apply=True
+ )
+ butil.parent_to(skin_obj, placeholder, no_inverse=True, no_transform=True)
+ if self.realize:
+ logger.debug("realizing tree children")
+ butil.apply_modifiers(skin_obj)
+ butil.apply_modifiers(skeleton_obj)
+ butil.join_objects([skin_obj, skeleton_obj])
+ assert len(skin_obj.children) == 0
+ else:
+ butil.parent_to(skeleton_obj, skin_obj, no_inverse=True)
+ tag_object(skin_obj, "tree")
+ butil.apply_modifiers(skin_obj)
+ return skin_obj
+def random_season(weights=None):
+ options = ["autumn", "summer", "spring", "winter"]
+ if weights is not None:
+ weights = np.array([weights[k] for k in options])
+ else:
+ weights = np.array([0.25, 0.3, 0.4, 0.1])
+ return np.random.choice(options, p=weights / weights.sum())
+def random_species(season="summer", pine_chance=0.0):
+ tree_species_code = np.random.rand(32)
+ if season is None:
+ season = random_season()
+ if tree_species_code[-1] < pine_chance:
+ return treeconfigs.pine_tree(), "leaf_pine"
+ # elif tree_species_code < 0.2:
+ # tree_args = treeconfigs.palm_tree()
+ # elif tree_species_code < 0.3:
+ # tree_args = treeconfigs.baobab_tree()
+ else:
+ return treeconfigs.random_tree(tree_species_code, season), None
+def random_tree_child_factory(seed, leaf_params, leaf_type, season, **kwargs):
+ if season is None:
+ season = random_season()
+ fruit_scale = 0.2
+ if leaf_type is None:
+ return None, None
+ elif leaf_type == "leaf":
+ return leaf.LeafFactory(seed, leaf_params, **kwargs), surface.registry(
+ "greenery"
+ )
+ elif leaf_type == "leaf_pine":
+ return leaf_pine.LeafFactoryPine(seed, season, **kwargs), None
+ elif leaf_type == "leaf_ginko":
+ return leaf_ginko.LeafFactoryGinko(seed, season, **kwargs), None
+ elif leaf_type == "leaf_maple":
+ return leaf_maple.LeafFactoryMaple(seed, season, **kwargs), None
+ elif leaf_type == "leaf_broadleaf":
+ return leaf_broadleaf.LeafFactoryBroadleaf(seed, season, **kwargs), None
+ elif leaf_type == "leaf_v2":
+ return leaf_v2.LeafFactoryV2(seed, **kwargs), None
+ elif leaf_type == "berry":
+ return leaf.BerryFactory(seed, leaf_params, **kwargs), None
+ elif leaf_type == "apple":
+ return apple.FruitFactoryApple(seed, scale=fruit_scale, **kwargs), None
+ elif leaf_type == "blackberry":
+ return blackberry.FruitFactoryBlackberry(
+ seed, scale=fruit_scale, **kwargs
+ ), None
+ elif leaf_type == "coconutgreen":
+ return coconutgreen.FruitFactoryCoconutgreen(
+ seed, scale=fruit_scale, **kwargs
+ ), None
+ elif leaf_type == "durian":
+ return durian.FruitFactoryDurian(seed, scale=fruit_scale, **kwargs), None
+ elif leaf_type == "starfruit":
+ return starfruit.FruitFactoryStarfruit(seed, scale=fruit_scale, **kwargs), None
+ elif leaf_type == "strawberry":
+ return strawberry.FruitFactoryStrawberry(
+ seed, scale=fruit_scale, **kwargs
+ ), None
+ elif leaf_type == "compositional_fruit":
+ return compositional_fruit.FruitFactoryCompositional(
+ seed, scale=fruit_scale, **kwargs
+ ), None
+ elif leaf_type == "flower":
+ return tree_flower.TreeFlowerFactory(
+ seed, rad=uniform(0.15, 0.25), **kwargs
+ ), None
+ elif leaf_type == "cloud":
+ return CloudFactory(seed), None
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized {leaf_type=}")
+def make_leaf_collection(
+ seed, leaf_params, n_leaf, leaf_types, decimate_rate=0.0, season=None
+ logger.debug(f"Starting make_leaf_collection({seed=}, {n_leaf=} ...)")
+ if season is None:
+ season = random_season()
+ weights = []
+ if not isinstance(leaf_types, list):
+ leaf_types = [leaf_types]
+ child_factories = []
+ for leaf_type in leaf_types:
+ if leaf_type is not None:
+ leaf_factory, _ = random_tree_child_factory(
+ seed, leaf_params, leaf_type=leaf_type, season=season
+ )
+ child_factories.append(leaf_factory)
+ weights.append(1.0)
+ weights = np.array(weights)
+ weights /= np.sum(weights) # normalize to 1
+ col = make_asset_collection(child_factories, n_leaf, verbose=True, weights=weights)
+ # if leaf_surface is not None:
+ # leaf_surface.apply(list(col.objects))
+ toggle_show(col)
+ for obj in col.objects:
+ if decimate_rate > 0:
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "DECIMATE", ratio=1.0 - decimate_rate, apply=True)
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, rot=True, scale=True)
+ butil.apply_modifiers(obj)
+ toggle_hide(col)
+ return col
+def random_leaf_collection(season, n=5):
+ (_, _, leaf_params), leaf_type = random_species(season=season)
+ return make_leaf_collection(
+ np.random.randint(1e5),
+ leaf_params,
+ n_leaf=n,
+ leaf_types=leaf_type or "leaf_v2",
+ decimate_rate=0.97,
+ )
+def make_twig_collection(
+ seed,
+ twig_params,
+ leaf_params,
+ trunk_surface,
+ n_leaf,
+ n_twig,
+ leaf_types,
+ season=None,
+ twig_valid_dist=6,
+ logger.debug(f"Starting make_twig_collection({seed=}, {n_leaf=}, {n_twig=}...)")
+ if season is None:
+ season = random_season()
+ if leaf_types is not None:
+ child_col = make_leaf_collection(
+ seed, leaf_params, n_leaf, leaf_types, season=season, decimate_rate=0.97
+ )
+ else:
+ child_col = None
+ twig_factory = GenericTreeFactory(
+ seed, twig_params, child_col, trunk_surface=trunk_surface, realize=True
+ )
+ col = make_asset_collection(
+ twig_factory, n_twig, verbose=False, distance=twig_valid_dist
+ )
+ if child_col is not None:
+ child_col.hide_viewport = False
+ butil.delete(list(child_col.objects))
+ return col
+def make_branch_collection(seed, twig_col, fruit_col, n_branch, coarse=False):
+ logger.debug(f"Starting make_branch_collection({seed=}, ...)")
+ branch_factory = branch.BranchFactory(
+ seed, twig_col=twig_col, fruit_col=fruit_col, coarse=coarse
+ )
+ col = make_asset_collection(branch_factory, n_branch, verbose=False)
+ return col
+class TreeFactory(GenericTreeFactory):
+ n_leaf = 5
+ n_twig = 2
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_leaf_type(season):
+ # return np.random.choice(['leaf', 'leaf_v2', 'flower', 'berry', 'leaf_ginko'], p=[0, 0.70, 0.15, 0, 0.15])
+ # return
+ # return 'leaf_maple'
+ leaf_type = np.random.choice(
+ ["leaf", "leaf_v2", "leaf_broadleaf", "leaf_ginko", "leaf_maple"],
+ p=[0, 0.0, 0.70, 0.15, 0.15],
+ )
+ flower_type = np.random.choice(["flower", "berry", None], p=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
+ if season == "spring":
+ return [flower_type]
+ else:
+ return [leaf_type]
+ # return [leaf_type, flower_type]
+ # return ['leaf_broadleaf', 'leaf_maple', 'leaf_ginko', 'flower']
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_fruit_type():
+ # return np.random.choice(['leaf', 'leaf_v2', 'flower', 'berry', 'leaf_ginko'], p=[0, 0.70, 0.15, 0, 0.15])
+ # return
+ # return 'leaf_maple'
+ fruit_type = np.random.choice(
+ [
+ "apple",
+ "blackberry",
+ "coconutgreen",
+ "durian",
+ "starfruit",
+ "strawberry",
+ "compositional_fruit",
+ ],
+ p=[0.2, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.2],
+ )
+ return fruit_type
+ def __init__(self, seed, season=None, coarse=False, fruit_chance=1.0, **kwargs):
+ with FixedSeed(seed):
+ if season is None:
+ season = np.random.choice(["summer", "winter", "autumn", "spring"])
+ with FixedSeed(seed):
+ (tree_params, twig_params, leaf_params), leaf_type = random_species(season)
+ leaf_type = leaf_type or self.get_leaf_type(season)
+ if not isinstance(leaf_type, list):
+ leaf_type = [leaf_type]
+ trunk_surface = surface.registry("bark")
+ if uniform() < fruit_chance:
+ fruit_type = self.get_fruit_type()
+ else:
+ fruit_type = None
+ super(TreeFactory, self).__init__(
+ seed,
+ tree_params,
+ child_col=None,
+ trunk_surface=trunk_surface,
+ coarse=coarse,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ with FixedSeed(seed):
+ colname = f"assets:{self}.twigs"
+ use_cached = colname in bpy.data.collections
+ if use_cached == coarse:
+ logger.warning(
+ f"In {self}, encountered {use_cached=} yet {coarse=}, unexpected since twigs are typically generated only in coarse"
+ )
+ if colname not in bpy.data.collections:
+ twig_col = make_twig_collection(
+ seed,
+ twig_params,
+ leaf_params,
+ trunk_surface,
+ self.n_leaf,
+ self.n_twig,
+ leaf_type,
+ season=season,
+ )
+ if fruit_type is not None:
+ fruit_col = make_leaf_collection(
+ seed,
+ leaf_params,
+ self.n_leaf,
+ fruit_type,
+ season=season,
+ decimate_rate=0.0,
+ )
+ else:
+ fruit_col = butil.get_collection("Empty", reuse=True)
+ self.child_col = make_branch_collection(
+ seed, twig_col, fruit_col, n_branch=self.n_twig
+ )
+ self.child_col.name = colname
+ assert (
+ self.child_col.name == colname
+ ), f"Blender truncated {colname} to {self.child_col.name}"
+ else:
+ self.child_col = bpy.data.collections[colname]
+class BushFactory(GenericTreeFactory):
+ n_leaf = 3
+ n_twig = 3
+ max_distance = 50
+ def __init__(self, seed, coarse=False, **kwargs):
+ with FixedSeed(seed):
+ shrub_shape = np.random.randint(2)
+ trunk_surface = surface.registry("bark")
+ tree_params, twig_params, leaf_params = treeconfigs.shrub(
+ shrub_shape=shrub_shape
+ )
+ super(BushFactory, self).__init__(
+ seed,
+ tree_params,
+ child_col=None,
+ trunk_surface=trunk_surface,
+ coarse=coarse,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ with FixedSeed(seed):
+ leaf_type = np.random.choice(
+ ["leaf", "leaf_v2", "flower", "berry"], p=[0.1, 0.4, 0.5, 0]
+ )
+ colname = f"assets:{self}.twigs"
+ use_cached = colname in bpy.data.collections
+ if use_cached == coarse:
+ logger.warning(
+ f"In {self}, encountered {use_cached=} yet {coarse=}, unexpected since twigs are typically generated only in coarse"
+ )
+ if colname not in bpy.data.collections:
+ self.child_col = make_twig_collection(
+ seed,
+ twig_params,
+ leaf_params,
+ trunk_surface,
+ self.n_leaf,
+ self.n_twig,
+ leaf_type,
+ )
+ self.child_col.name = colname
+ assert (
+ self.child_col.name == colname
+ ), f"Blender truncated {colname} to {self.child_col.name}"
+ else:
+ self.child_col = bpy.data.collections[colname]
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/trees/tree.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/tree.py
similarity index 73%
rename from infinigen/assets/trees/tree.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/trees/tree.py
index 13f033528..3ec735a29 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/trees/tree.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/tree.py
@@ -4,27 +4,25 @@
# Authors: Alejandro Newell
-import pdb
-from dataclasses import dataclass
import warnings
+from dataclasses import dataclass
import bpy
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
-from .utils import helper, mesh
-from .utils import geometrynodes as gn
-from infinigen.assets.leaves import leaf
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import data2mesh, mesh2obj
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import data2mesh, mesh2obj
+from .utils import geometrynodes as gn
+from .utils import helper, mesh
C = bpy.context
D = bpy.data
-class TreeVertices():
+class TreeVertices:
def __init__(self, vtxs=None, parent=None, level=None):
"""Define vertices and edges to outline tree geometry."""
if vtxs is None:
@@ -106,16 +104,20 @@ def parse_tree_attributes(vtx):
# if there is already a longer path connected to this parent, we create a dummy
# copy of the parent node, and connect the current child to the dummy parent.
- # This makes sure each point will have no more than one child.
+ # This makes sure each point will have no more than one child.
new_p_id = n # p for parent. start from the last of the array
for idx in range(n):
children = np.array([v for v in edge_ref[idx] if v != parents[idx]])
if len(children) >= 2:
child_depths = rev_depth[children]
- deepest_child_idx = children[child_depths.argmax()] # we keep this untouched
+ deepest_child_idx = children[
+ child_depths.argmax()
+ ] # we keep this untouched
- children_idxs_to_deal = np.setdiff1d(children, np.array([deepest_child_idx]))
+ children_idxs_to_deal = np.setdiff1d(
+ children, np.array([deepest_child_idx])
+ )
for child_idx_to_deal in children_idxs_to_deal:
new_p_pos = vtx_pos[idx] # len-3
new_p_parent = parents[idx]
@@ -135,7 +137,9 @@ def parse_tree_attributes(vtx):
# new connection
# note we don't connect the new node with its parent
- edge_ref[new_p_id] = [child_idx_to_deal, ]
+ edge_ref[new_p_id] = [
+ child_idx_to_deal,
+ ]
# remove old connections
@@ -174,21 +178,34 @@ def parse_tree_attributes(vtx):
parent_loc[vertex_idx] = vtx_pos[parent_idx]
self_loc[vertex_idx] = vtx_pos[vertex_idx]
- parent_loc[0] = np.array([0, 0, -1],
- dtype=float) # create a fake parent location for the root, to avoid zero-length
+ parent_loc[0] = np.array(
+ [0, 0, -1], dtype=float
+ ) # create a fake parent location for the root, to avoid zero-length
# vector
return {
- 'parent_idx': parents,
- 'depth': depth,
- 'rev_depth': rev_depth,
- 'stem_id': stem_id,
- 'parent_skeleton_loc': parent_loc,
- 'skeleton_loc': self_loc}
-def rand_path(n_pts, sz=1, std=.3, momentum=.5, init_vec=[0, 0, 1], init_pt=[0, 0, 0], pull_dir=None,
- pull_init=1, pull_factor=0, sz_decay=1, decay_mom=True):
+ "parent_idx": parents,
+ "depth": depth,
+ "rev_depth": rev_depth,
+ "stem_id": stem_id,
+ "parent_skeleton_loc": parent_loc,
+ "skeleton_loc": self_loc,
+ }
+def rand_path(
+ n_pts,
+ sz=1,
+ std=0.3,
+ momentum=0.5,
+ init_vec=[0, 0, 1],
+ init_pt=[0, 0, 0],
+ pull_dir=None,
+ pull_init=1,
+ pull_factor=0,
+ sz_decay=1,
+ decay_mom=True,
init_vec = np.array(init_vec, dtype=float)
if pull_dir is not None:
pull_dir = np.array(pull_dir, dtype=float)
@@ -214,14 +231,23 @@ def rand_path(n_pts, sz=1, std=.3, momentum=.5, init_vec=[0, 0, 1], init_pt=[0,
tmp_momentum = momentum
delta = prev_delta * tmp_momentum + new_delta * (1 - tmp_momentum)
- delta = (delta / np.linalg.norm(delta)) * sz * (sz_decay ** i)
+ delta = (delta / np.linalg.norm(delta)) * sz * (sz_decay**i)
path[i] = path[i - 1] + delta
return path
-def get_spawn_pt(path, rng=[.5, 1], ang_min=np.pi / 6, ang_max=.9 * np.pi / 2, rnd_idx=None, ang_sign=None,
- axis2=None, init_vec=None, z_bias=0):
+def get_spawn_pt(
+ path,
+ rng=[0.5, 1],
+ ang_min=np.pi / 6,
+ ang_max=0.9 * np.pi / 2,
+ rnd_idx=None,
+ ang_sign=None,
+ axis2=None,
+ init_vec=None,
+ z_bias=0,
n = len(path)
if n == 1:
return 0, path[0], init_vec
@@ -245,8 +271,16 @@ def get_spawn_pt(path, rng=[.5, 1], ang_min=np.pi / 6, ang_max=.9 * np.pi / 2, r
return rnd_idx, path[rnd_idx], init_vec
-def recursive_path(tree, parent_idxs, level, path_kargs=None, spawn_kargs=None, n=1, symmetry=False,
- children=None):
+def recursive_path(
+ tree,
+ parent_idxs,
+ level,
+ path_kargs=None,
+ spawn_kargs=None,
+ n=1,
+ symmetry=False,
+ children=None,
if path_kargs is None:
@@ -258,9 +292,11 @@ def recursive_path(tree, parent_idxs, level, path_kargs=None, spawn_kargs=None,
curr_path = path_kargs(curr_idx)
curr_spawn = spawn_kargs(curr_idx)
if symmetry:
- curr_spawn['ang_sign'] = 2 * (branch_idx % 2) - 1
+ curr_spawn["ang_sign"] = 2 * (branch_idx % 2) - 1
- parent_idx, init_pt, init_vec = get_spawn_pt(tree.vtxs[parent_idxs], **curr_spawn)
+ parent_idx, init_pt, init_vec = get_spawn_pt(
+ tree.vtxs[parent_idxs], **curr_spawn
+ )
parent_idx = parent_idxs[parent_idx]
path = rand_path(**curr_path, init_pt=init_pt, init_vec=init_vec)
@@ -274,7 +310,9 @@ def recursive_path(tree, parent_idxs, level, path_kargs=None, spawn_kargs=None,
recursive_path(tree, node_idxs, level + 1, **c)
-def remove_matched_atts(atts, vtxs, dist_thr, curr_min, curr_match, idx_offset=0, prev_deltas=None):
+def remove_matched_atts(
+ atts, vtxs, dist_thr, curr_min, curr_match, idx_offset=0, prev_deltas=None
dists, deltas = helper.compute_dists(atts, vtxs)
if prev_deltas is not None:
deltas = np.append(prev_deltas, deltas, axis=1)
@@ -297,8 +335,18 @@ def remove_matched_atts(atts, vtxs, dist_thr, curr_min, curr_match, idx_offset=0
return atts, deltas, curr_min, curr_match
-def space_colonization(tree, atts, D=.1, d=10.0, s=.1, pull_dir=None, dir_rand=.1, mag_rand=.15, n_steps=200,
- level=0):
+def space_colonization(
+ tree,
+ atts,
+ D=0.1,
+ d=10.0,
+ s=0.1,
+ pull_dir=None,
+ dir_rand=0.1,
+ mag_rand=0.15,
+ n_steps=200,
+ level=0,
# D: length of each growing step
# d: init value for distance between attractors and points. safe to set to a very large value (e.g., 10)
# s: if distance between an attractor and any point is less than s, we remove the attractor. should be
@@ -312,10 +360,14 @@ def space_colonization(tree, atts, D=.1, d=10.0, s=.1, pull_dir=None, dir_rand=.
curr_min = np.zeros(len(atts)) + d
curr_match = -np.ones(len(atts)).astype(int)
- atts, deltas, curr_min, curr_match = remove_matched_atts(atts, tree.vtxs, s, curr_min, curr_match)
+ atts, deltas, curr_min, curr_match = remove_matched_atts(
+ atts, tree.vtxs, s, curr_min, curr_match
+ )
if np.all(curr_match == -1):
- warnings.warn('Space colonization attractor matching failed, all curr_match == -1')
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Space colonization attractor matching failed, all curr_match == -1"
+ )
for i in range(n_steps):
@@ -342,8 +394,9 @@ def space_colonization(tree, atts, D=.1, d=10.0, s=.1, pull_dir=None, dir_rand=.
new_vtxs = np.stack(new_vtxs, 0)
tree.append(new_vtxs, new_parents, level)
- atts, deltas, curr_min, curr_match = remove_matched_atts(atts, new_vtxs, s, curr_min, curr_match,
- idx_offset, deltas)
+ atts, deltas, curr_min, curr_match = remove_matched_atts(
+ atts, new_vtxs, s, curr_min, curr_match, idx_offset, deltas
+ )
if atts.shape[0] == 0:
@@ -358,7 +411,9 @@ class TreeParams:
skinning: dict
-def tree_skeleton(skeleton_params: dict, trunk_spacecol: dict, roots_spacecol: dict, init_pos, scale):
+def tree_skeleton(
+ skeleton_params: dict, trunk_spacecol: dict, roots_spacecol: dict, init_pos, scale
vtx = TreeVertices(np.array(init_pos).reshape(-1, 3))
recursive_path(vtx, vtx.get_idxs(), level=0, **skeleton_params)
@@ -369,17 +424,18 @@ def tree_skeleton(skeleton_params: dict, trunk_spacecol: dict, roots_spacecol: d
space_colonization(vtx, **roots_spacecol, level=-1)
attributes = parse_tree_attributes(vtx)
- obj = mesh.init_mesh('Tree', vtx.vtxs, vtx.get_edges())
- attributes['level'] = np.array(vtx.level)
+ obj = mesh.init_mesh("Tree", vtx.vtxs, vtx.get_edges())
+ attributes["level"] = np.array(vtx.level)
for att_name, att_val in attributes.items():
if att_val.ndim == 2:
- obj.data.attributes.new(name=att_name, type='FLOAT_VECTOR', domain='POINT')
- obj.data.attributes[att_name].data.foreach_set('vector', att_val.reshape(
- -1) * scale) # vector value should be scaled together with the obj
+ obj.data.attributes.new(name=att_name, type="FLOAT_VECTOR", domain="POINT")
+ obj.data.attributes[att_name].data.foreach_set(
+ "vector", att_val.reshape(-1) * scale
+ ) # vector value should be scaled together with the obj
- obj.data.attributes.new(name=att_name, type='INT', domain='POINT')
- obj.data.attributes[att_name].data.foreach_set('value', att_val)
+ obj.data.attributes.new(name=att_name, type="INT", domain="POINT")
+ obj.data.attributes[att_name].data.foreach_set("value", att_val)
obj.scale *= scale
with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
@@ -389,45 +445,64 @@ def tree_skeleton(skeleton_params: dict, trunk_spacecol: dict, roots_spacecol: d
def skin_tree(nw, params, source_obj=None):
- base_geo = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput).outputs['Geometry']
- skin = nw.new_node(gn.set_tree_radius().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': base_geo,
- 'Reverse depth': nw.expose_input('Reverse depth', attribute='rev_depth'), **params})
+ base_geo = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput).outputs["Geometry"]
+ skin = nw.new_node(
+ gn.set_tree_radius().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": base_geo,
+ "Reverse depth": nw.expose_input("Reverse depth", attribute="rev_depth"),
+ **params,
+ },
+ )
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': skin})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": skin})
def add_tree_children(nw, child_col, params, merge_dist=None, realize=False):
- base_geo = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput).outputs['Geometry']
+ base_geo = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput).outputs["Geometry"]
- rev_depth = nw.expose_input('Reverse Depth', attribute='rev_depth')
+ rev_depth = nw.expose_input("Reverse Depth", attribute="rev_depth")
- depth_range = params.pop('depth_range', None)
+ depth_range = params.pop("depth_range", None)
if depth_range is not None:
min, max = depth_range
- lt = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, [rev_depth, max + 0.01], attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- gt = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, [rev_depth, min - 0.01], attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- selection = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, [lt, gt], attrs={'operation': 'AND'})
+ lt = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, [rev_depth, max + 0.01], attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"}
+ )
+ gt = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, [rev_depth, min - 0.01], attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"}
+ )
+ selection = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, [lt, gt], attrs={"operation": "AND"})
selection = None
- children = nw.new_node(gn.coll_distribute(merge_dist=merge_dist).name, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': base_geo,
- 'Collection': child_col,
- 'Selection': selection, **params})
+ children = nw.new_node(
+ gn.coll_distribute(merge_dist=merge_dist).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": base_geo,
+ "Collection": child_col,
+ "Selection": selection,
+ **params,
+ },
+ )
if realize:
children = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [children])
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': children})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": children})
class FineTreeVertices(TreeVertices):
- def __init__(self, vtxs=None, parent=None, level=None, radius_fn=None, resolution=1):
+ def __init__(
+ self, vtxs=None, parent=None, level=None, radius_fn=None, resolution=1
+ ):
super(FineTreeVertices, self).__init__(vtxs, parent, level)
self.resolution = resolution
if radius_fn is None:
- radius_fn = (lambda base_radius, size, resolution: [1] * size)
+ def radius_fn(base_radius, size, resolution):
+ return [1] * size
self.radius_fn = radius_fn
self.detailed_locations = [[0, 0, 0]]
self.radius = [1]
@@ -435,31 +510,43 @@ def __init__(self, vtxs=None, parent=None, level=None, radius_fn=None, resolutio
def append(self, v, p, l=None):
super(FineTreeVertices, self).append(v, p, l)
- f = interp1d(np.arange(len(v) + 1), np.concatenate([self.vtxs[p[0]:p[0] + 1], v]), axis=0,
- kind='quadratic')
- self.detailed_locations.extend(f(np.linspace(0, len(v), len(v) * self.resolution + 1))[1:])
+ f = interp1d(
+ np.arange(len(v) + 1),
+ np.concatenate([self.vtxs[p[0] : p[0] + 1], v]),
+ axis=0,
+ kind="quadratic",
+ )
+ self.detailed_locations.extend(
+ f(np.linspace(0, len(v), len(v) * self.resolution + 1))[1:]
+ )
base_radius = self.radius[p[0] * self.resolution]
self.radius.extend(self.radius_fn(base_radius, len(v), self.resolution))
self.detailed_parents.append(p[0] * self.resolution)
- np.arange(0, len(v) * self.resolution - 1) + len(self.detailed_parents) - 1)
+ np.arange(0, len(v) * self.resolution - 1) + len(self.detailed_parents) - 1
+ )
def edges(self):
- edges = np.stack([np.arange(len(self.detailed_locations)), np.array(self.detailed_parents)], 1)
+ edges = np.stack(
+ [np.arange(len(self.detailed_locations)), np.array(self.detailed_parents)],
+ 1,
+ )
return edges[edges[:, 1] != -1]
def fix_first(self):
self.radius[0] = self.radius[1]
-def build_radius_tree(radius_fn, branch_config, base_radius=.002, resolution=1, fix_first=False):
+def build_radius_tree(
+ radius_fn, branch_config, base_radius=0.002, resolution=1, fix_first=False
vtx = FineTreeVertices(np.zeros((1, 3)), radius_fn=radius_fn, resolution=resolution)
recursive_path(vtx, vtx.get_idxs(), level=0, **branch_config)
if fix_first:
vtx.radius[0] = vtx.radius[1]
- obj = mesh2obj(data2mesh(vtx.detailed_locations, vtx.edges, [], 'tree'))
- vg_a = obj.vertex_groups.new(name='radius')
+ obj = mesh2obj(data2mesh(vtx.detailed_locations, vtx.edges, [], "tree"))
+ vg_a = obj.vertex_groups.new(name="radius")
for i, r in enumerate(vtx.radius):
- vg_a.add([i], base_radius * r, 'REPLACE')
+ vg_a.add([i], base_radius * r, "REPLACE")
return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/tree_flower.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/tree_flower.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..504a18fee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/tree_flower.py
@@ -0,0 +1,964 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors:
+# - Yiming Zuo - modifications
+# - Alexander Raistrick - authored original flower.py
+# Code generated using version v2.0.1 of the node_transpiler
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_nodegroup, tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util import color
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, dict_lerp
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_polar_to_cart_old", singleton=True)
+def nodegroup_polar_to_cart_old(nw):
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Addend", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Vector", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ cosine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "COSINE"},
+ )
+ sine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SINE"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": cosine, "Z": sine})
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: combine_xyz_4,
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Addend"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply_add.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_follow_curve", singleton=True)
+def nodegroup_follow_curve(nw):
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Curve Min", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Curve Max", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 1: position},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]},
+ )
+ attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"],
+ 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["Curve Min"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["Curve Max"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLength, input_kwargs={"Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: curve_length},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ sample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"], "Length": multiply},
+ attrs={"mode": "LENGTH"},
+ )
+ cross_product = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: sample_curve.outputs["Tangent"],
+ 1: sample_curve.outputs["Normal"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "CROSS_PRODUCT"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: cross_product.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: sample_curve.outputs["Normal"],
+ "Scale": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale_1.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Position": sample_curve.outputs["Position"],
+ "Offset": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_norm_index", singleton=True)
+def nodegroup_norm_index(nw):
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketInt", "Count", 0)]
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["Count"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"T": divide})
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_flower_petal", singleton=True)
+def nodegroup_flower_petal(nw):
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Length", 0.2),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Point", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Point height", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Bevel", 6.8),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Base width", 0.2),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Upper width", 0.3),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution H", 8),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution V", 4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wrinkle", 0.1),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Curl", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Resolution H"], 1: 2.0, 2: 1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ grid = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshGrid,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vertices X": group_input.outputs["Resolution V"],
+ "Vertices Y": multiply_add,
+ },
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": grid, 1: position},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: 0.05},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply, "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]}
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": combine_xyz,
+ "Scale": 7.9,
+ "Detail": 0.0,
+ "Distortion": 0.2,
+ },
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "2D"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: -0.5}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add, 1: group_input.outputs["Wrinkle"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]})
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: 2.0}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ power = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Bevel"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "POWER"},
+ )
+ multiply_add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: power, 1: -1.0, 2: 1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: multiply_add_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: multiply_3,
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Upper width"],
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Base width"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply_add_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ power_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: group_input.outputs["Point"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "POWER"},
+ )
+ multiply_add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: power_1, 1: -1.0, 2: 1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_add_3, 1: group_input.outputs["Point height"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_add_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Point height"], 1: -1.0, 2: 1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_5, 1: multiply_add_4})
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: multiply_add_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: multiply_6},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": multiply_1, "Y": multiply_4, "Z": multiply_7},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Position": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Length"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_8})
+ reroute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Curl"]}
+ )
+ group_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_polar_to_cart_old().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Addend": combine_xyz_3, "Value": reroute, "Vector": multiply_8},
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 8,
+ "Start": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Middle": combine_xyz_3,
+ "End": group_1,
+ },
+ )
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_follow_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ "Curve": quadratic_bezier,
+ "Curve Min": 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": tag_nodegroup(nw, group, "petal")}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_phyllo_points", singleton=True)
+def nodegroup_phyllo_points(nw):
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Count", 50),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Min Radius", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Max Radius", 2.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Radius exp", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Min angle", -0.5236),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Max angle", 0.7854),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Min z", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Max z", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Clamp z", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Yaw offset", -1.5708),
+ ],
+ )
+ mesh_line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshLine, input_kwargs={"Count": group_input.outputs["Count"]}
+ )
+ mesh_to_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToPoints, input_kwargs={"Mesh": mesh_line})
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": mesh_to_points, 1: position},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ cosine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index}, attrs={"operation": "COSINE"}
+ )
+ sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index}, attrs={"operation": "SINE"})
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": cosine, "Y": sine})
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["Count"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ power = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: group_input.outputs["Radius exp"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "POWER"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": power,
+ 3: group_input.outputs["Min Radius"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["Max Radius"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": divide,
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Clamp z"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["Min z"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["Max z"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Z": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Position": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": divide,
+ 3: group_input.outputs["Min angle"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["Max angle"],
+ },
+ )
+ random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.1, 3: 0.1})
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["Yaw offset"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": map_range_3.outputs["Result"],
+ "Y": random_value.outputs[1],
+ "Z": add,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Points": set_position, "Rotation": combine_xyz_2},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_plant_seed", singleton=True)
+def nodegroup_plant_seed(nw):
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Dimensions", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketIntUnsigned", "U", 4),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "V", 8),
+ ],
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Dimensions"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"]}
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["U"],
+ "Start": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Middle": multiply_add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "End": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_norm_index().name, input_kwargs={"Count": group_input.outputs["U"]}
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": group})
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0), (0.3159, 0.4469), (1.0, 0.0156)]
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": float_curve, 4: 3.0})
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": quadratic_bezier_1,
+ "Radius": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs["V"],
+ "Radius": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": tag_nodegroup(nw, curve_to_mesh, "seed")},
+ )
+def shader_flower_center(nw):
+ ambient_occlusion = nw.new_node(Nodes.AmbientOcclusion)
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": ambient_occlusion.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(1)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4841
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0127, 0.0075, 0.0026, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.8591
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0848, 0.0066, 0.0007, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 1.0
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (1.0, 0.6228, 0.1069, 1.0)
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+def shader_petal(nw, petal_color_name):
+ translucent_color_change = uniform(0.1, 0.6)
+ specular = normal(0.6, 0.1)
+ roughness = normal(0.4, 0.05)
+ translucent_amt = normal(0.3, 0.05)
+ petal_color = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
+ petal_color.outputs[0].default_value = color.color_category(petal_color_name)
+ translucent_color = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ [translucent_color_change, petal_color, color.color_category(petal_color_name)],
+ )
+ translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TranslucentBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": translucent_color}
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": petal_color,
+ "Specular": specular,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": translucent_amt, 1: principled_bsdf, 2: translucent_bsdf},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader}
+ )
+def geo_flower(nw, petal_material, center_material):
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Center Rad", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Petal Dims", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Seed Size", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Min Petal Angle", 0.1),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Max Petal Angle", 1.36),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wrinkle", 0.01),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Curl", 13.89),
+ ],
+ )
+ uv_sphere = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Segments": 8,
+ "Rings": 8,
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["Center Rad"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={"Geometry": uv_sphere, "Scale": (1.0, 1.0, 0.05)}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Seed Size"], 1: 1.5},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ distribute_points_on_faces = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": transform,
+ "Distance Min": multiply,
+ "Density Max": 50000.0,
+ },
+ attrs={"distribute_method": "POISSON"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Seed Size"], 1: 10.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": multiply_1, "Y": group_input.outputs["Seed Size"]},
+ )
+ group_3 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_plant_seed().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Dimensions": combine_xyz, "U": 6, "V": 6},
+ )
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"W": 13.8, "Scale": 2.41},
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": musgrave_texture, 3: 0.34, 4: 1.21}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": map_range.outputs["Result"], "Y": 1.0, "Z": 1.0},
+ )
+ instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": distribute_points_on_faces.outputs["Points"],
+ "Instance": group_3,
+ "Rotation": (0.0, -1.5708, 0.0541),
+ "Scale": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instance_on_points_1}
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [realize_instances, transform]}
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1, "Material": center_material},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Center Rad"], 1: 6.2832},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Petal Dims"]}
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: 1.2}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ reroute_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Center Rad"]}
+ )
+ reroute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Min Petal Angle"]}
+ )
+ reroute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Max Petal Angle"]}
+ )
+ group_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_phyllo_points().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Count": multiply_3,
+ "Min Radius": reroute_3,
+ "Max Radius": reroute_3,
+ "Radius exp": 0.0,
+ "Min angle": reroute_1,
+ "Max angle": reroute,
+ "Max z": 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ reroute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Wrinkle"]}
+ )
+ reroute_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Curl"]}
+ )
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_flower_petal().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Length": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Point": 0.56,
+ "Point height": -0.1,
+ "Bevel": 1.83,
+ "Base width": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Upper width": subtract,
+ "Resolution H": 8,
+ "Resolution V": 16,
+ "Wrinkle": reroute_2,
+ "Curl": reroute_4,
+ },
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": group_1.outputs["Points"],
+ "Instance": group,
+ "Rotation": group_1.outputs["Rotation"],
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instance_on_points}
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": 3.73, "Detail": 5.41, "Distortion": -1.0},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.025
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: value},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": realize_instances_1,
+ "Offset": multiply_4.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, "Material": petal_material},
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material_1, set_material]}
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry, "Shade Smooth": False},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_shade_smooth}
+ )
+class TreeFlowerFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, rad=uniform(0.15, 0.25), diversity_fac=0.25):
+ super(TreeFlowerFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed=factory_seed)
+ self.rad = rad
+ self.diversity_fac = diversity_fac
+ self.petal_color = np.random.choice(
+ ["pink", "white", "red", "yellowish"], p=[0.4, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2]
+ )
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.petal_material = surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ shader_petal, self.petal_color
+ )
+ self.center_material = surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_flower_center)
+ self.species_params = self.get_flower_params(self.rad)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_flower_params(overall_rad=0.05):
+ pct_inner = uniform(0.05, 0.4)
+ base_width = 2 * np.pi * overall_rad * pct_inner / normal(20, 5)
+ top_width = overall_rad * np.clip(normal(0.7, 0.3), base_width * 1.2, 100)
+ min_angle, max_angle = np.deg2rad(np.sort(uniform(-20, 100, 2)))
+ return {
+ "Center Rad": overall_rad * pct_inner,
+ "Petal Dims": np.array(
+ [overall_rad * (1 - pct_inner), base_width, top_width], dtype=np.float32
+ ),
+ "Seed Size": uniform(0.005, 0.01),
+ "Min Petal Angle": min_angle,
+ "Max Petal Angle": max_angle,
+ "Wrinkle": uniform(0.003, 0.02),
+ "Curl": np.deg2rad(normal(30, 50)),
+ }
+ def create_asset(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ vert = butil.spawn_vert("flower")
+ mod = surface.add_geomod(
+ vert,
+ geo_flower,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "petal_material": self.petal_material,
+ "center_material": self.center_material,
+ },
+ )
+ inst_params = self.get_flower_params(self.rad * normal(1, 0.05))
+ params = dict_lerp(self.species_params, inst_params, 0.25)
+ butil.set_geomod_inputs(mod, params)
+ butil.apply_modifiers(vert, mod)
+ vert.rotation_euler.z = uniform(0, 360)
+ tag_object(vert, "flower")
+ return vert
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/treeconfigs.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/treeconfigs.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..00129a860
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/treeconfigs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1328 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alejandro Newell
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from .tree import TreeParams
+from .utils import helper, mesh
+subsubtwig_config = {
+ "n": 2,
+ "symmetry": True,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {"n_pts": 3, "std": 1, "momentum": 1, "sz": 0.4},
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "rng": [0.2, 0.9],
+ "z_bias": 0.2,
+ "rnd_idx": 2 * idx + 2,
+ "ang_min": np.pi / 4,
+ "ang_max": np.pi / 4 + np.pi / 16,
+ "axis2": [0, 0, 1],
+ },
+subtwig_config = {
+ "n": 3,
+ "symmetry": True,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": 6,
+ "std": 1,
+ "momentum": 1,
+ "sz": 0.6 - 0.1 * idx,
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "rng": [0.2, 0.9],
+ "z_bias": 0.1,
+ "rnd_idx": 2 * idx + 1,
+ "ang_min": np.pi / 4,
+ "ang_max": np.pi / 4 + np.pi / 16,
+ "axis2": [0, 0, 1],
+ },
+ "children": [subsubtwig_config],
+twig_config = {
+ "n": 1,
+ "decay": 0.8,
+ "valid_leaves": [-2, -1],
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {"n_pts": 7, "sz": 0.5, "std": 0.5, "momentum": 0.7},
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"init_vec": [0, 1, 0]},
+ "children": [subtwig_config],
+def random_pine_rot():
+ theta = np.random.uniform(2 * np.pi)
+ return [np.sin(theta), 0.0, np.cos(theta)]
+subsubtwig_config = {
+ "n": 20,
+ "symmetry": False,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {"n_pts": 2, "std": 1, "momentum": 1, "sz": 0.2},
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "rng": [0.2, 0.9],
+ "z_bias": 0.2,
+ "ang_min": np.pi / 4,
+ "ang_max": np.pi / 4 + np.pi / 16,
+ "axis2": random_pine_rot,
+ },
+subtwig_config = {
+ "n": 7,
+ "symmetry": False,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": 10,
+ "std": 0.3,
+ "momentum": 1,
+ "sz": 0.2 - 0.01 * idx,
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "rng": [0.2, 0.9],
+ "z_bias": 0.1,
+ "ang_min": np.pi / 8,
+ "ang_max": np.pi / 8 + np.pi / 16,
+ "axis2": random_pine_rot,
+ },
+ "children": [subsubtwig_config],
+pinetwig_config = {
+ "n": 1,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {"n_pts": 7, "sz": 0.5, "std": 0.2, "momentum": 0.7},
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"init_vec": [0, 1, 0]},
+ "children": [subtwig_config],
+subsubsubtwig_config = {
+ "n": 1,
+ "symmetry": True,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {"n_pts": 2, "std": 1, "momentum": 1, "sz": 0.4},
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "rng": [0.2, 0.9],
+ "z_bias": 0.2,
+ "rnd_idx": idx + 1,
+ "ang_min": np.pi / 8,
+ "ang_max": np.pi / 8 + np.pi / 32,
+ "axis2": [0, 0, 1],
+ },
+subsubtwig_config = {
+ "n": 3,
+ "symmetry": False,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": 3,
+ "std": 1,
+ "momentum": 1,
+ "sz": 0.6 - 0.1 * idx,
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "rng": [0.1, 1.0],
+ "z_bias": 0.1,
+ "ang_min": np.pi / 4,
+ "ang_max": np.pi / 4 + np.pi / 16,
+ "axis2": [0, 0, 1],
+ },
+ "children": [subsubsubtwig_config],
+subtwig_config = {
+ "n": 8,
+ "symmetry": False,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": 7,
+ "std": 1,
+ "momentum": 1,
+ "sz": 0.6 - 0.1 * idx,
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "rng": [0.2, 1.0],
+ "z_bias": 0.1,
+ "ang_min": np.pi / 4,
+ "ang_max": np.pi / 4 + np.pi / 16,
+ "axis2": [0, 0, 1],
+ },
+ "children": [subsubtwig_config],
+bambootwig_config = {
+ "n": 1,
+ "decay": 0.8,
+ "valid_leaves": [-2, -1],
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": 15,
+ "sz": 1.0,
+ "std": 0.05,
+ "momentum": 0.7,
+ "pull_dir": [0, 0, -0.3],
+ "pull_factor": 0.5,
+ "pull_init": 0.0,
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"init_vec": [0, 1, 0]},
+ "children": [subtwig_config],
+subtwig_config = {
+ "n": 37,
+ "symmetry": True,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {"n_pts": 2, "std": 1, "momentum": 1, "sz": 0.4},
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "rng": [0.2, 0.9],
+ "z_bias": 0.2,
+ "rnd_idx": idx + 2,
+ "ang_min": 0.3 * np.pi,
+ "ang_max": 0.3 * np.pi + np.pi / 16,
+ "axis2": [0, 0, 1],
+ },
+palmtwig_config = {
+ "n": 1,
+ "decay": 0.8,
+ "valid_leaves": [-2, -1],
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": 40,
+ "sz": 0.5,
+ "std": 0.05,
+ "momentum": 0.7,
+ "pull_dir": [0, 0, -0.3],
+ "pull_factor": 0.5,
+ "pull_init": 0.0,
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"init_vec": [0, 1, 0]},
+ "children": [subtwig_config],
+subtwig_config = {
+ "n": 3,
+ "symmetry": True,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": 3,
+ "std": 1,
+ "momentum": 1,
+ "sz": 0.6 - 0.1 * idx,
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "rng": [0.2, 0.9],
+ "z_bias": 0.1,
+ "rnd_idx": 2 * idx + 1,
+ "ang_min": np.pi / 4,
+ "ang_max": np.pi / 4 + np.pi / 16,
+ "axis2": [0, 0, 1],
+ },
+ "children": [],
+shrubtwig_config = {
+ "n": 1,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {"n_pts": 6, "sz": 0.5, "std": 0.5, "momentum": 0.7},
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"init_vec": [0, 1, 0]},
+ "children": [subtwig_config],
+def generate_twig_config():
+ n_twig_pts = np.random.randint(10) + 5
+ twig_len = np.random.uniform(3, 4)
+ twig_sz = twig_len / n_twig_pts
+ avail_idxs = np.arange(n_twig_pts)
+ start_idx = 1 + int(n_twig_pts * np.random.uniform(0, 0.3))
+ sample_density = np.random.choice(
+ np.arange(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n_twig_pts)), dtype=int) + 1
+ )
+ avail_sub_idxs = avail_idxs[start_idx::sample_density]
+ init_z = np.random.uniform(0, 0.3)
+ z_rnd_factor = np.random.uniform(0.01, 0.05)
+ skip_subtwig = np.random.rand() < 0.3
+ subsub_sz = np.random.uniform(0.02, 0.1)
+ subtwig_momentum = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
+ subtwig_std = np.random.rand() ** 2
+ sz_decay = np.random.uniform(0.9, 1)
+ pull_factor = np.random.uniform(0, 0.3)
+ if not skip_subtwig:
+ n_sub_pts = np.random.randint(10) + 5
+ sub_sz = np.random.uniform(1, twig_len - 0.5) / n_sub_pts
+ idx_decay = (sub_sz * (np.random.rand() * 0.8 + 0.1)) / n_sub_pts
+ avail_idxs = np.arange(n_sub_pts)
+ start_idx = int(n_sub_pts * np.random.rand() * 0.5) + 1
+ sample_density = np.random.choice([1, 2, 3])
+ avail_idxs = avail_idxs[start_idx::sample_density]
+ ang_offset = np.random.rand() * np.pi / 3
+ ang_range = np.random.rand() * ang_offset
+ subsubtwig_config = {
+ "n": len(avail_idxs),
+ "symmetry": True,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": 3,
+ "std": 1,
+ "momentum": 1,
+ "sz": subsub_sz,
+ "pull_dir": [0, 0, init_z + np.random.randn() * z_rnd_factor],
+ "pull_factor": pull_factor,
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "rnd_idx": avail_idxs[idx],
+ "ang_min": np.pi / 4,
+ "ang_max": np.pi / 4 + np.pi / 16,
+ "axis2": [0, 0, 1],
+ },
+ }
+ subtwig_config = {
+ "n": len(avail_sub_idxs),
+ "symmetry": True,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": n_sub_pts,
+ "std": subtwig_std,
+ "momentum": subtwig_momentum,
+ "sz": sub_sz - idx_decay * idx,
+ "sz_decay": sz_decay,
+ "pull_dir": [0, 0, init_z + np.random.randn() * z_rnd_factor],
+ "pull_factor": pull_factor,
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "rng": [0.2, 0.9],
+ "rnd_idx": avail_sub_idxs[idx],
+ "ang_min": ang_offset,
+ "ang_max": ang_offset + ang_range,
+ "axis2": [0, 0, 1],
+ },
+ "children": [subsubtwig_config],
+ }
+ else:
+ subtwig_config = {
+ "n": len(avail_sub_idxs),
+ "symmetry": True,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": 3,
+ "std": 1,
+ "momentum": 1,
+ "sz": subsub_sz,
+ "pull_dir": [0, 0, init_z + np.random.randn() * z_rnd_factor],
+ "pull_factor": pull_factor,
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "rnd_idx": avail_sub_idxs[idx],
+ "ang_min": np.pi / 4,
+ "ang_max": np.pi / 4 + np.pi / 16,
+ "axis2": [0, 0, 1],
+ },
+ }
+ twig_config = {
+ "n": 1,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": n_twig_pts,
+ "sz": twig_sz,
+ "std": 0.5,
+ "momentum": 0.5,
+ "pull_dir": [0, 0, init_z + np.random.randn() * z_rnd_factor],
+ "pull_factor": pull_factor,
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"init_vec": [0, 1, -init_z]},
+ "children": [subtwig_config],
+ }
+ return twig_config
+def basic_tree(init_pos=np.array([[0, 0, 0]])):
+ def init_att_fn(nodes):
+ pt_offset = init_pos[0] + np.array([0, 0, 11])
+ branch_pts = mesh.get_pts_from_shape(
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add,
+ n=500,
+ scaling=[7, 7, 7],
+ pt_offset=pt_offset,
+ )
+ return branch_pts
+ def root_att_fn(nodes):
+ # Pass this into root_kargs to initialize a root system
+ pt_offset = init_pos[0] + np.array([0, 0, -3.5])
+ branch_pts = mesh.get_pts_from_shape(
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add,
+ n=500,
+ scaling=[5, 5, 4],
+ pt_offset=pt_offset,
+ )
+ return branch_pts
+ branch_config = {
+ "n": 5,
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"rng": [0.5, 0.8]},
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {"n_pts": 5, "sz": 0.4, "std": 1.4, "momentum": 0.4},
+ "children": [],
+ }
+ tree_config = {
+ "n": 4,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: (
+ {"n_pts": 15, "sz": 0.8, "std": 1, "momentum": 0.7}
+ if idx > 0
+ else {"n_pts": 15, "sz": 1, "std": 0.1, "momentum": 0.7}
+ ),
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"init_vec": [0, 0, 1]},
+ "children": [branch_config],
+ }
+ twig_kargs = {
+ "config": shrubtwig_config,
+ "radii_kargs": {"Max radius": 0.1},
+ "leaf_kargs": {
+ "Density": 1,
+ "Min scale": 0.4,
+ "Max scale": 0.6,
+ "Multi inst": 2,
+ },
+ }
+ tree_kargs = {
+ "config": tree_config,
+ "init_pos": init_pos,
+ "radii_kargs": {"Min radius": 0.04, "Exponent": 2},
+ "leaf_kargs": {"Density": 1, "Min scale": 0.35, "Max scale": 0.45},
+ "space_kargs": {
+ "atts": init_att_fn,
+ "D": 0.3,
+ "s": 0.4,
+ "d": 10,
+ "pull_dir": [0, 0, 0.5],
+ "n_steps": 20,
+ },
+ "root_kargs": None, # {'atts': None, 'D': .2, 's': .3, 'd': 2,
+ #'dir_rand': .3, 'mag_rand': .2,
+ #'pull_dir': None, 'n_steps': 30},
+ }
+ return tree_kargs, twig_kargs
+def palm_tree(init_pos=np.array([[0, 0, 0]])):
+ def tmp_att_fn(nodes):
+ # pt_offset = init_pos[0] + np.array([0,0,20])
+ pt_offset = nodes[-1]
+ branch_pts = mesh.get_pts_from_shape(
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add,
+ n=500,
+ scaling=[1, 1, 1],
+ pt_offset=pt_offset,
+ )
+ return branch_pts
+ # select a random horizontal angle
+ pull_angle = np.random.uniform(0.0, 2 * np.pi)
+ tree_config = {
+ "n": 1,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": 20,
+ "sz": 0.8,
+ "std": 0.1,
+ "momentum": 0.95,
+ "pull_dir": [np.cos(pull_angle), np.sin(pull_angle), 0.0],
+ "pull_factor": np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.5),
+ "pull_init": 0.0,
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"init_vec": [0, 0, 1]},
+ "children": [],
+ }
+ leaf_kargs = {"leaf_width": 0.1, "alpha": 0.3, "use_wave": False}
+ twig_kargs = {
+ "config": palmtwig_config,
+ "radii_kargs": {"max_radius": 0.1, "merge_size": 0.2},
+ "leaf_kargs": {
+ "max_density": 20,
+ "scale": 2.0,
+ "rot_x": (-0.5, -0.4),
+ "rot_z": (-0.1, 0.1),
+ },
+ }
+ tree_kargs = {
+ "config": tree_config,
+ "D_": 0.3,
+ "s": 0.4,
+ "d": 10,
+ "init_pos": init_pos,
+ "pull_dir": [0, 0, 0.5],
+ "n_updates": 20,
+ "init_att_fn": tmp_att_fn,
+ "radii_kargs": {
+ "max_radius": 0.7,
+ "merge_size": 0.3,
+ "min_radius": 0.1,
+ "growth_amt": 1.01,
+ },
+ "leaf_kargs": {
+ "max_density": 20,
+ "scale": 0.3,
+ "rot_x": (-1.0, 1.0),
+ "rot_z": (-0.1, 0.1),
+ },
+ }
+ return tree_kargs, twig_kargs, leaf_kargs
+def baobab_tree(init_pos=np.array([[0, 0, 0]])):
+ def tmp_att_fn(nodes):
+ # pt_offset = init_pos[0] + np.array([0,0,20])
+ pt_offset = nodes[-1]
+ branch_pts = mesh.get_pts_from_shape(
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add,
+ n=50,
+ scaling=[7, 7, 1],
+ pt_offset=pt_offset,
+ )
+ return branch_pts
+ # select a random horizontal angle
+ pull_angle = np.random.uniform(0.0, 2 * np.pi)
+ tree_config = {
+ "n": 1,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": 20,
+ "sz": 0.8,
+ "std": 0.1,
+ "momentum": 0.95,
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"init_vec": [0, 0, 1]},
+ "children": [],
+ }
+ leaf_kargs = {"leaf_width": 0.5, "alpha": 0.3, "use_wave": False}
+ twig_kargs = {
+ "config": shrubtwig_config,
+ "radii_kargs": {"max_radius": 0.1, "merge_size": 0.2},
+ "leaf_kargs": {
+ "max_density": 20,
+ "scale": 0.5,
+ "rot_x": (-0.5, -0.4),
+ "rot_z": (-0.1, 0.1),
+ },
+ }
+ tree_kargs = {
+ "config": tree_config,
+ "D_": 0.5,
+ "s": 0.6,
+ "d": 10,
+ "init_pos": init_pos,
+ "pull_dir": [0, 0, 0.5],
+ "n_updates": 20,
+ "init_att_fn": tmp_att_fn,
+ "radii_kargs": {
+ "max_radius": 2.0,
+ "merge_size": 0.3,
+ "min_radius": 0.1,
+ "growth_amt": 1.10,
+ },
+ "leaf_kargs": {
+ "max_density": 30,
+ "scale": 0.7,
+ "rot_x": (0, 1.0),
+ "rot_z": (-1.0, 1.0),
+ },
+ }
+ return tree_kargs, twig_kargs, leaf_kargs
+def bamboo_tree(init_pos=np.array([[0, 0, 0]])):
+ height = np.random.randint(25, 35)
+ def tmp_att_fn(nodes):
+ # pt_offset = init_pos[0] + np.array([0,0,20])
+ pt_offset = nodes[-1]
+ branch_pts = mesh.get_pts_from_shape(
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add, n=50, scaling=[0.5, 0.5, 4]
+ )
+ # rotate the points
+ rot_axis = (nodes[-1] - nodes[-2]) / np.linalg.norm((nodes[-1] - nodes[-2]))
+ rot_axis = (rot_axis + np.array([0, 0, 1])) / 2.0
+ branch_pts = np.array(
+ [helper.rodrigues_rot(pts, rot_axis, np.pi) for pts in branch_pts]
+ )
+ branch_pts += pt_offset
+ return branch_pts
+ # select a random horizontal angle
+ pull_angle = np.random.uniform(0.0, 2 * np.pi)
+ tree_config = {
+ "n": 1,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": height,
+ "sz": 0.8,
+ "std": 0.1,
+ "momentum": 0.95,
+ "pull_dir": [np.cos(pull_angle), np.sin(pull_angle), 0.0],
+ "pull_factor": np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.6),
+ "pull_init": 0.0,
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"init_vec": [0, 0, 1]},
+ "children": [],
+ }
+ leaf_kargs = {"leaf_width": 0.1, "alpha": 0.3, "use_wave": False}
+ twig_kargs = {
+ "config": bambootwig_config,
+ "radii_kargs": {"max_radius": 0.1, "merge_size": 0.2},
+ "leaf_kargs": {
+ "max_density": 20,
+ "scale": 1.5,
+ "rot_x": (-0.5, -0.4),
+ "rot_z": (-0.1, 0.1),
+ },
+ }
+ tree_kargs = {
+ "config": tree_config,
+ "D_": 0.3,
+ "s": 0.4,
+ "d": 10,
+ "init_pos": init_pos,
+ "pull_dir": [0, 0, 0.5],
+ "n_updates": 20,
+ "init_att_fn": tmp_att_fn,
+ "radii_kargs": {
+ "max_radius": 0.3,
+ "merge_size": 0.1,
+ "min_radius": 0.2,
+ "growth_amt": 1.01,
+ },
+ "leaf_kargs": {
+ "max_density": 20,
+ "scale": 0.3,
+ "rot_x": (-1.0, 1.0),
+ "rot_z": (-0.1, 0.1),
+ },
+ }
+ return tree_kargs, twig_kargs, leaf_kargs
+def shrub(init_pos=np.array([[0, 0, 0]]), shrub_shape=0):
+ scale = 0.2
+ def att_fn_ball(nodes):
+ pt_offset = init_pos[0] + np.array([0, 0, 7 * scale])
+ branch_pts = mesh.get_pts_from_shape(
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add,
+ n=2000,
+ scaling=[7 * scale, 7 * scale, 7 * scale],
+ pt_offset=pt_offset,
+ )
+ return branch_pts
+ def att_fn_cone(nodes):
+ pt_offset = init_pos[0] + np.array([0, 0, 9 * scale])
+ branch_pts = mesh.get_pts_from_shape(
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cone_add,
+ n=2000,
+ scaling=[5 * scale, 5 * scale, 10 * scale],
+ pt_offset=pt_offset,
+ )
+ return branch_pts
+ def att_fn_cube(nodes):
+ pt_offset = init_pos[0] + np.array([0, 0, 9 * scale])
+ branch_pts = mesh.get_pts_from_shape(
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add,
+ n=2000,
+ scaling=[4 * scale, 4 * scale, 7 * scale],
+ pt_offset=pt_offset,
+ )
+ return branch_pts
+ if shrub_shape == 0:
+ tmp_att_fn = att_fn_ball
+ elif shrub_shape == 1:
+ tmp_att_fn = att_fn_cone
+ elif shrub_shape == 2:
+ tmp_att_fn = att_fn_cube
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ leaf_kargs = {
+ "leaf_width": np.random.rand() * 0.5 + 0.1,
+ "alpha": np.random.rand() * 0.3,
+ }
+ branch_config = {
+ "n": 5,
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"rng": [0.5, 0.8]},
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {"n_pts": 5, "sz": 0.4, "std": 1.4, "momentum": 0.4},
+ "children": [],
+ }
+ tree_config = {
+ "n": 1,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: (
+ {"n_pts": 3, "sz": 0.8, "std": 1, "momentum": 0.7}
+ if idx > 0
+ else {"n_pts": 3, "sz": 1, "std": 0.1, "momentum": 0.7}
+ ),
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"init_vec": [0, 0, 1]},
+ "children": [branch_config],
+ }
+ twig_kargs = TreeParams(
+ skeleton=shrubtwig_config,
+ trunk_spacecol=None,
+ roots_spacecol=None,
+ child_placement={
+ "Density": 1,
+ "Min scale": 0.4,
+ "Max scale": 0.6,
+ "Multi inst": 2,
+ },
+ skinning={"Max radius": 0.1},
+ )
+ tree_kargs = TreeParams(
+ skeleton=tree_config,
+ trunk_spacecol={"atts": tmp_att_fn, "D": 0.3, "s": 0.4, "d": 10},
+ roots_spacecol=None,
+ child_placement={
+ "depth_range": (0, 2.7),
+ "Density": 0.7,
+ "Min scale": 1.2 * scale,
+ "Max scale": 1.4 * scale,
+ "Multi inst": 3,
+ "Pitch offset": 1.0,
+ "Pitch variance": 2.0,
+ "Yaw variance": 2.0,
+ },
+ skinning={"Min radius": 0.005, "Max radius": 0.025, "Exponent": 2},
+ )
+ return tree_kargs, twig_kargs, leaf_kargs
+ # branch_config = {'n': 5, 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'rng': [.5,.8]},
+ # 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 5, 'sz': .4, 'std': 1.4, 'momentum': .4},
+ # 'children': []}
+ # twig_config = {'n': 4,
+ # 'path_kargs': lambda idx: ({'n_pts': 15, 'sz': .8, 'std': 1, 'momentum': .7}
+ # if idx > 0 else
+ # {'n_pts': 15, 'sz': 1, 'std': .1, 'momentum': .7}),
+ # 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'init_vec': [0,0,1]},
+ # 'children': [branch_config]}
+ # twig_kargs = {'config': shrubtwig_config,
+ # 'radii_kargs': {'Max radius': .1},
+ # 'leaf_kargs': {'Density': 1, 'Min scale': .4, 'Max scale': .6, 'Multi inst': 2}
+ # }
+ # tree_kargs = {'config': twig_config, 'init_pos': init_pos,
+ # 'radii_kargs': {'Min radius': .04, 'Exponent': 2},
+ # 'leaf_kargs': {'Density': 1, 'Min scale': .35, 'Max scale': .45},
+ # 'space_kargs': {'atts': init_att_fn, 'D': .3, 's': .4, 'd': 10,
+ # 'pull_dir': [0,0,.5], 'n_steps': 20},
+ # 'root_kargs': {'atts': None, 'D': .2, 's': .3, 'd': 2,
+ # 'dir_rand': .3, 'mag_rand': .2,
+ # 'pull_dir': None, 'n_steps': 30},
+ # }
+def basic_stem(init_pos=np.array([[0, 0, 0]])):
+ branch_config = {
+ "n": 3,
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"rng": [0.1 * (idx + 1), 0.1 * (idx + 2)]},
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": 20 - 2 * idx,
+ "sz": 0.5,
+ "std": 1.5,
+ "momentum": 0.7,
+ "decay_mom": False,
+ "pull_dir": [0, 0, 1],
+ "pull_factor": 1.5 + idx * 0.2,
+ },
+ "children": [],
+ }
+ tree_config = {
+ "n": 1,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: (
+ {
+ "n_pts": 30,
+ "sz": 0.5,
+ "std": 2,
+ "momentum": 0.8,
+ "decay_mom": False,
+ "pull_dir": [0, 0, 1],
+ "pull_factor": 2 + idx * 0.5,
+ }
+ ),
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "init_vec": [np.random.randn(), np.random.randn(), 1]
+ },
+ "children": [branch_config],
+ }
+ tree_kargs = {
+ "config": tree_config,
+ "init_pos": init_pos,
+ "radii_kargs": {"Min radius": 0.02, "Max radius": 0.1, "Exponent": 2},
+ "leaf_kargs": {"Density": 0, "Min scale": 0.35, "Max scale": 0.45},
+ "space_kargs": {},
+ "root_kargs": {},
+ }
+ return tree_kargs, None, {}
+def space_tree_wrap(cds, n_init=5):
+ def tmp_att_fn(nodes):
+ return cds
+ tree_config = {
+ "n": 1,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {"n_pts": 1, "sz": 0.8, "std": 1, "momentum": 0.7},
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"init_vec": [0, 0, 1]},
+ }
+ twig_kargs = {
+ "config": twig_config,
+ "radii_kargs": {"max_radius": 0.1, "merge_size": 0.2},
+ "leaf_kargs": {"max_density": 5, "scale": 0.5},
+ }
+ tree_kargs = {
+ "config": tree_config,
+ "D_": 0.15,
+ "s": 0.2,
+ "d": 0.5,
+ "dir_rand": 0.3,
+ "mag_rand": 0.2,
+ "pull_dir": [0, 0, 0],
+ "n_updates": 40,
+ "init_att_fn": tmp_att_fn,
+ "radii_kargs": {
+ "max_radius": 0.04,
+ "merge_size": 0.1,
+ "min_radius": 0.01,
+ "growth_amt": 1.02,
+ },
+ "leaf_kargs": {},
+ }
+ rand_pts = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(cds)), n_init, replace=False)
+ tree_kargs["init_pos"] = cds[rand_pts]
+ return tree_kargs, twig_kargs
+def space_tree(obj, init_pos=np.array([[0, 0, 0]])):
+ def init_att_fn(nodes):
+ return mesh.sample_vtxs(
+ obj, n=1000, emit_from="VOLUME", seed=np.random.randint(100)
+ )
+ twig_kargs = {
+ "config": shrubtwig_config,
+ "radii_kargs": {"max_radius": 0.1, "merge_size": 0.2},
+ "leaf_kargs": {"Density": 1, "Min scale": 0.4, "Max scale": 0.6},
+ }
+ tree_kargs = {
+ "config": {"n": 0},
+ "init_pos": init_pos,
+ "leaf_kargs": {"Density": 0},
+ "radii_kargs": {"Min radius": 0.01, "Scaling": 0.05, "Exponent": 2},
+ "space_kargs": {
+ "atts": init_att_fn,
+ "D": 0.1,
+ "s": 0.2,
+ "d": 10,
+ "dir_rand": 0.2,
+ "mag_rand": 0.2,
+ "pull_dir": [0, 0.5, 0],
+ "n_steps": 100,
+ },
+ }
+ return tree_kargs, twig_kargs
+def pine_tree(init_pos=np.array([[0, 0, 0]])):
+ def tmp_att_fn(nodes):
+ tmp_v = nodes[nodes[:, 2] > 3]
+ atts = [tmp_v.copy() + np.random.randn(*tmp_v.shape) * 0.5 for _ in range(5)]
+ return np.concatenate(atts, 0)[::5]
+ def root_att_fn(nodes):
+ # Pass this into root_kargs to initialize a root system
+ pt_offset = init_pos[0] + np.array([0, 0, -3.5])
+ branch_pts = mesh.get_pts_from_shape(
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add,
+ n=500,
+ scaling=[5, 5, 4],
+ pt_offset=pt_offset,
+ )
+ return branch_pts
+ per_layer = 4
+ tree_ht = np.random.randint(20, 30)
+ max_sz = 0.8
+ start_ht = int(tree_ht * np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.3))
+ n = tree_ht - start_ht
+ branch_config = {
+ "n": n * per_layer,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": np.random.randint(
+ np.floor(((n - idx // per_layer) / n) * 6),
+ np.ceil(((n - idx // per_layer) / n) * 8),
+ )
+ + 3,
+ "std": 0.3,
+ "momentum": 0.9,
+ "sz": max_sz - (max_sz / tree_ht) * (idx // per_layer),
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "rng": [0.5, 1],
+ "z_bias": 0.2,
+ "rnd_idx": (idx // per_layer) + start_ht,
+ "ang_min": np.pi / 2,
+ "ang_max": np.pi / 2 + np.pi / 16,
+ "axis2": [np.random.randn(), np.random.randn(), 0.5],
+ },
+ "children": [],
+ }
+ pinetree_config = {
+ "n": 1,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": tree_ht + 1,
+ "sz": 0.8,
+ "std": 0.1,
+ "momentum": 0.7,
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"init_vec": [0, 0, 1]},
+ "children": [branch_config],
+ }
+ leaf_kargs = {"leaf_width": 0.05, "alpha": 0, "use_wave": False}
+ twig_kargs = TreeParams(
+ skeleton=pinetwig_config,
+ trunk_spacecol=None,
+ roots_spacecol=None,
+ skinning={
+ "Min radius": 0.005,
+ "Max radius": 0.03,
+ "Exponent": 1.3,
+ "Scaling": 0.1,
+ "Profile res": 3,
+ },
+ child_placement={
+ "depth_range": (0, 5.0),
+ "Density": 1.0,
+ "Min scale": 0.7,
+ "Max scale": 0.9,
+ },
+ )
+ tree_kargs = TreeParams(
+ skeleton=pinetree_config,
+ skinning={"Min radius": 0.02, "Exponent": 1.5, "Max radius": 0.2},
+ trunk_spacecol={
+ "atts": tmp_att_fn,
+ "D": 0.3,
+ "s": 0.4,
+ "d": 10,
+ "pull_dir": [0, 0, 0.5],
+ "n_steps": 20,
+ },
+ roots_spacecol=None, # {'atts': None, 'D': .2, 's': .3, 'd': 2,
+ # 'dir_rand': .3, 'mag_rand': .2,
+ # 'pull_dir': None, 'n_steps': 30},
+ child_placement={
+ "depth_range": (0, 2.7),
+ "Density": 1.0,
+ "Min scale": 0.7,
+ "Max scale": 0.9,
+ },
+ )
+ return tree_kargs, twig_kargs, leaf_kargs
+def coral():
+ def tmp_att_fn(nodes):
+ branch_pts = mesh.get_pts_from_shape(
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add,
+ n=500,
+ scaling=[7, 7, 7],
+ pt_offset=[0, 0, 11],
+ )
+ return branch_pts
+ branch_config = {
+ "n": 5,
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"rng": [0.5, 0.8]},
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {"n_pts": 5, "sz": 0.4, "std": 1.4, "momentum": 0.4},
+ "children": [],
+ }
+ tree_config = {
+ "n": 4,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: (
+ {"n_pts": 15, "sz": 0.8, "std": 1, "momentum": 0.7}
+ if idx > 0
+ else {"n_pts": 15, "sz": 1, "std": 0.1, "momentum": 0.7}
+ ),
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"init_vec": [0, 0, 1]},
+ "children": [branch_config],
+ }
+ twig_kargs = {
+ "config": twig_config,
+ "radii_kargs": {"max_radius": 0.1, "merge_size": 0.2},
+ "leaf_kargs": {"max_density": 20, "scale": 0.4},
+ }
+ tree_kargs = {
+ "config": tree_config,
+ "D_": 0.3,
+ "s": 0.4,
+ "d": 10,
+ "pull_dir": [0, 0, 0.5],
+ "n_updates": 20,
+ "init_att_fn": tmp_att_fn,
+ "radii_kargs": {
+ "max_radius": 0.7,
+ "merge_size": 0.3,
+ "min_radius": 0.03,
+ "growth_amt": 1.01,
+ },
+ "leaf_kargs": {"max_density": 5, "scale": 0.3},
+ }
+ return tree_kargs, twig_kargs
+def parse_genome(tree_genome):
+ genome_keys = [
+ "size",
+ "trunk_warp",
+ "n_trunks",
+ "branch_start",
+ "branch_angle",
+ "multi_branch",
+ "branch density",
+ "branch_len",
+ "branch_warp",
+ "pull_dir_vt",
+ "pull_dir_hz",
+ "outgrowth",
+ "branch_thickness",
+ "twig_density",
+ "twig_scale",
+ ]
+ return {k: tree_genome[k_idx] for k_idx, k in enumerate(genome_keys)}
+def calc_height(x, min_ht=5, max_ht=30, bias=-0.05, uniform=0.5):
+ def map_fn(val):
+ return np.tan((val - 0.5 + bias) * np.pi * (1.1 - uniform))
+ rng = map_fn(0), map_fn(1)
+ y = map_fn(x)
+ y = (y - rng[0]) / (rng[1] - rng[0])
+ y = y * (max_ht - min_ht) + min_ht
+ return y
+def generate_tree_config(tree_genome=None, season="autumn"):
+ """
+ Main latent params that we might want to control:
+ - overall size/"age"
+ - trunk straightness
+ - additional "trunks"
+ - starting height of branches
+ - outgoing branch angle (parallel to ground vs angled up vs angled proporitionally to height)
+ - branch density
+ - branch length (fn of height)
+ - branch straightness
+ - pull direction (up/down/to the side)
+ - outgrowth (space filling) / "density"
+ - branch thickness (ideally this behaves reasonably based on everything else)
+ """
+ if tree_genome is None:
+ tree_genome = np.random.rand(32)
+ cfg = parse_genome(tree_genome)
+ sz = calc_height(cfg["size"], min_ht=12)
+ n_tree_pts = int(sz)
+ n_trunks = int(10 ** (cfg["n_trunks"] ** 1.6))
+ ex = np.exp((6 - (5 if n_trunks > 1 else 0)) * (cfg["trunk_warp"] - 0.1))
+ trunk_std = ((1 - (ex / (1 + ex))) * 4) ** 2
+ trunk_mtm = max(0.2, min(0.95, (1 / (trunk_std + 1)) + np.random.randn() * 0.2))
+ radial_out = False # False # np.random.rand() < .3
+ avail_idxs = np.arange(n_tree_pts)
+ start_idx = 1 + int(n_tree_pts * np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.7))
+ sample_density = np.random.choice(
+ np.arange(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n_tree_pts)), dtype=int) + 1
+ )
+ avail_idxs = avail_idxs[start_idx::sample_density]
+ multi_branch = int(5 ** (cfg["multi_branch"] ** 1.6))
+ avail_idxs = np.repeat(avail_idxs, multi_branch).flatten()
+ n = len(avail_idxs)
+ start_ht = sz * (start_idx / sz)
+ box_ht = (sz - start_ht) * 0.6
+ def tmp_att_fn(nodes):
+ branch_pts = mesh.get_pts_from_shape(
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add,
+ n=500,
+ scaling=[sz / 2, sz / 2, box_ht],
+ pt_offset=[0, 0, start_ht + sz * 0.4],
+ )
+ return branch_pts
+ max_sz = 1
+ if radial_out:
+ start_ht = int(sz * 0.1)
+ per_layer = np.random.randint(3, 6)
+ branch_config = {
+ "n": n * per_layer,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": np.random.randint(
+ np.floor(((n - idx // per_layer) / n) * 6),
+ np.ceil(((n - idx // per_layer) / n) * 8),
+ )
+ + 3,
+ "std": 0.3,
+ "momentum": 0.9,
+ "sz": max_sz - (max_sz / sz) * (idx // per_layer),
+ "pull_dir": [0, 0, np.random.rand()],
+ "pull_factor": np.random.rand(),
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "rnd_idx": avail_idxs[idx // per_layer],
+ "ang_min": np.pi / 2,
+ "ang_max": np.pi / 2 + np.pi / 16,
+ "axis2": [np.random.randn(), np.random.randn(), 0.5],
+ },
+ }
+ else:
+ branch_config = {
+ "n": n,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": int(n_tree_pts * np.random.uniform(0.4, 0.6)),
+ "sz": 1,
+ "std": 1.4,
+ "momentum": 0.4,
+ "pull_dir": [0, 0, np.random.rand()],
+ "pull_factor": np.random.rand(),
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"rnd_idx": avail_idxs[idx]},
+ }
+ tree_config = {
+ "n": n_trunks,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: (
+ {
+ "n_pts": n_tree_pts,
+ "sz": 1,
+ "std": trunk_std,
+ "momentum": trunk_mtm,
+ "pull_dir": [0, 0, 0],
+ }
+ ),
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"init_vec": [0, 0, 1]},
+ "children": [branch_config],
+ }
+ tmp_D = 0.3 + 0.2 * (sz / 30) # .3 * sz / 8
+ tmp_s = tmp_D * 1.3
+ if n < 5:
+ n_updates = np.random.choice([2, 3, int(1 + sz // 2)])
+ else:
+ n_updates = np.random.choice([2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5])
+ max_radius = 0.2
+ merge_size = 2.5 - cfg["branch_thickness"]
+ if season == "winter":
+ twig_density = 0.0 if cfg["twig_density"] < 0.5 else 0.5 * cfg["twig_density"]
+ twig_inst = 1 + 0 * np.random.randint(3, 5)
+ else:
+ twig_density = 0.5 + 0.5 * cfg["twig_density"]
+ twig_inst = np.random.randint(1, 3)
+ return TreeParams(
+ skeleton=tree_config,
+ skinning={"Max radius": max_radius, "Min radius": 0.02, "Exponent": merge_size},
+ trunk_spacecol={
+ "atts": tmp_att_fn,
+ "D": tmp_D,
+ "s": tmp_s,
+ "d": 10,
+ "pull_dir": [0, 0, np.random.randn() * 0.3],
+ "n_steps": n_updates,
+ },
+ roots_spacecol=None, # {'atts': None, 'D': .05, 's': .1, 'd': 2, 'dir_rand': .05, 'mag_rand': .05, 'pull_dir': None, 'n_steps': 30},
+ child_placement={
+ "depth_range": (0, 5.0),
+ "Density": twig_density,
+ "Multi inst": twig_inst,
+ "Pitch variance": 1.0,
+ "Yaw variance": 10.0,
+ "Min scale": 1.1,
+ "Max scale": 1.3,
+ },
+ )
+def random_tree(tree_genome=None, season="autumn"):
+ leaf_kargs = {
+ "leaf_width": np.random.rand() * 0.5 + 0.1,
+ "alpha": np.random.rand() * 0.3,
+ }
+ if season == "winter":
+ leaf_density = np.random.uniform(0.0, 0.1)
+ leaf_inst = 1
+ elif season == "spring": # flowers should be less dense
+ leaf_density = np.random.uniform(0.3, 0.7)
+ leaf_inst = 2
+ else:
+ leaf_density = np.random.uniform(0.4, 1.0)
+ leaf_inst = 3
+ twig_kargs = TreeParams(
+ skeleton=generate_twig_config(),
+ skinning={"Max radius": 0.01, "Min radius": 0.005},
+ trunk_spacecol=None,
+ roots_spacecol=None,
+ child_placement={
+ "Density": leaf_density,
+ "Multi inst": leaf_inst,
+ "Min scale": 0.3,
+ "Max scale": 0.4,
+ },
+ )
+ tree_kargs = generate_tree_config(tree_genome, season=season)
+ return tree_kargs, twig_kargs, leaf_kargs
+def generate_coral_config(tree_genome=None):
+ """
+ Main latent params that we might want to control:
+ - overall size/"age"
+ - trunk straightness
+ - additional "trunks"
+ - starting height of branches
+ - outgoing branch angle (parallel to ground vs angled up vs angled proporitionally to height)
+ - branch density
+ - branch length (fn of height)
+ - branch straightness
+ - pull direction (up/down/to the side)
+ - outgrowth (space filling) / "density"
+ - branch thickness (ideally this behaves reasonably based on everything else)
+ """
+ if tree_genome is None:
+ tree_genome = np.random.rand(32)
+ cfg = parse_genome(tree_genome)
+ sz = calc_height(cfg["size"])
+ n_tree_pts = int(sz)
+ n_trunks = np.random.randint(5, 20) # int(10 ** (cfg['n_trunks']**1.6))
+ ex = np.exp((6 - (5 if n_trunks > 1 else 0)) * (cfg["trunk_warp"] - 0.1))
+ trunk_std = ((1 - (ex / (1 + ex))) * 4) ** 2
+ trunk_mtm = max(0.2, min(0.95, (1 / (trunk_std + 1)) + np.random.randn() * 0.2))
+ radial_out = False # np.random.rand() < .3
+ avail_idxs = np.arange(n_tree_pts)
+ start_idx = 1 + int(n_tree_pts * np.random.uniform(0, 0.7))
+ sample_density = np.random.choice(
+ np.arange(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n_tree_pts)), dtype=int) + 1
+ )
+ avail_idxs = avail_idxs[start_idx::sample_density]
+ multi_branch = int(5 ** (cfg["multi_branch"] ** 1.6))
+ avail_idxs = np.repeat(avail_idxs, multi_branch).flatten()
+ n = 0 # len(avail_idxs)
+ start_ht = sz * (start_idx / sz) + 1
+ box_ht = (sz - start_ht) * 0.6
+ def tmp_att_fn(nodes):
+ branch_pts = mesh.get_pts_from_shape(
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add,
+ n=500,
+ scaling=[sz / 2, sz / 2, box_ht],
+ pt_offset=[0, 0, start_ht + sz * 0.4],
+ )
+ return branch_pts
+ max_sz = 1
+ branch_config = {
+ "n": n,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: {
+ "n_pts": int(n_tree_pts * np.random.uniform(0.4, 0.6)),
+ "sz": 1,
+ "std": 0.4,
+ "momentum": 0.8,
+ "pull_dir": [0, 0, np.random.rand()],
+ "pull_factor": np.random.rand(),
+ },
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"rnd_idx": avail_idxs[idx]},
+ }
+ tree_config = {
+ "n": n_trunks,
+ "path_kargs": lambda idx: (
+ {
+ "n_pts": n_tree_pts,
+ "sz": 1,
+ "std": trunk_std,
+ "momentum": trunk_mtm,
+ "pull_dir": [0, 0, 1],
+ }
+ ),
+ "spawn_kargs": lambda idx: {"init_vec": [0, 0, 1]},
+ "children": [branch_config],
+ }
+ tmp_D = 0.3 + 0.2 * (sz / 30) # .3 * sz / 8
+ tmp_s = tmp_D * 1.3
+ if n < 5:
+ n_updates = np.random.choice([2, 3, int(1 + sz // 2)])
+ else:
+ n_updates = np.random.choice([2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5])
+ # print(sz, n_updates)
+ n_updates = 3
+ max_radius = 0.3 # 00
+ merge_size = np.random.uniform(0.2, 0.7)
+ growth_amt = 1.01
+ return {
+ "config": tree_config,
+ "D_": tmp_D,
+ "s": tmp_s,
+ "d": 10,
+ "pull_dir": [0, 0, np.random.randn() * 0.3],
+ # np.random.randint(15) + 3,
+ "init_att_fn": tmp_att_fn,
+ "n_updates": n_updates,
+ "radii_kargs": {
+ "max_radius": max_radius,
+ "merge_size": merge_size,
+ "min_radius": 0.2,
+ "growth_amt": growth_amt,
+ },
+ "leaf_kargs": {
+ "max_density": 0 if np.random.rand() < 0.1 else np.random.uniform(5, 20),
+ "scale": np.random.uniform(0.5, 1),
+ },
+ }
+def random_coral(genome=None):
+ leaf_kargs = {}
+ twig_kargs = {}
+ tree_kargs = generate_coral_config(genome)
+ return tree_kargs, twig_kargs, leaf_kargs
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/utils/geometrynodes.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/utils/geometrynodes.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a3e8f714f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/utils/geometrynodes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1047 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alejandro Newell
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
+from . import helper, mesh
+from .materials import new_link
+C = bpy.context
+D = bpy.data
+def add_node_modifier(obj):
+ # Add geometry node modifier
+ helper.set_active_obj(obj)
+ # bpy.ops.node.new_geometry_nodes_modifier() # Blender 3.2
+ bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type="NODES") # Blender 3.1
+ return obj.modifiers[-1]
+def setup_inps(ng, inp, nodes):
+ for k_idx, (k, node, attr) in enumerate(nodes):
+ new_link(ng, inp, k_idx, node, attr)
+ ng.inputs[k_idx].name = k
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("CollectionDistribute", singleton=False)
+def coll_distribute(nw, merge_dist=None):
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Selection", True),
+ ("NodeSocketCollection", "Collection", None),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Multi inst", 1),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Density", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Min scale", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Max scale", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Pitch scaling", 0.2),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Pitch offset", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Pitch variance", 0.4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Yaw variance", 0.4),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Realize Instance", False),
+ ],
+ )
+ mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshToCurve",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Selection": group_input.outputs["Selection"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_points = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurveToPoints",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": mesh_to_curve,
+ "Count": group_input.outputs["Multi inst"],
+ },
+ )
+ mesh_to_points = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshToPoints",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Selection": group_input.outputs["Selection"],
+ },
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ transfer_attribute_index = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleNearest, input_kwargs={"Geometry": mesh_to_points}
+ )
+ transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleIndex,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": mesh_to_points,
+ "Value": position,
+ "Index": transfer_attribute_index,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_to_points.outputs["Points"],
+ "Position": (transfer_attribute, "Value"),
+ },
+ )
+ random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue)
+ math = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: random_value.outputs[1], 1: group_input.outputs["Density"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": curve_to_points.outputs["Rotation"]}
+ )
+ math_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: 1.5708}
+ )
+ math_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: math_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Pitch scaling"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ math_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: math_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Pitch offset"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": math_3, "Z": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
+ math_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Pitch variance"], 1: -1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ random_value_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={2: math_4, 3: group_input.outputs["Pitch variance"]},
+ )
+ math_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Yaw variance"], 1: -1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ random_value_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={2: math_5, 3: group_input.outputs["Yaw variance"]},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": random_value_1.outputs[1], "Z": random_value_2.outputs[1]},
+ )
+ vector_math = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 1: combine_xyz_1}
+ )
+ random_value_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Min scale"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["Max scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ geo = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CollectionInfo,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Collection": group_input.outputs["Collection"],
+ "Separate Children": True,
+ "Reset Children": True,
+ },
+ )
+ if merge_dist is not None:
+ geo = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, [geo, None, merge_dist])
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": set_position,
+ "Selection": math,
+ "Instance": geo,
+ "Pick Instance": True,
+ "Rotation": vector_math.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": random_value_3.outputs[1],
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instance_on_points}
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Realize Instance"],
+ 14: instance_on_points,
+ 15: realize_instances,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": switch.outputs[6]}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("PhylloDist", singleton=False)
+def phyllotaxis_distribute(nw):
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Count", 50),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Max radius", 2.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Radius exp", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Inner pct", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Min angle", -0.5236),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Max angle", 0.7854),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Min scale", 0.3),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Max scale", 0.3),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Min z", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Max z", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Clamp z", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Yaw offset", -np.pi / 2),
+ ],
+ )
+ mesh_line = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshLine", input_kwargs={"Count": group_input.outputs["Count"]}
+ )
+ mesh_to_points = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeMeshToPoints", input_kwargs={"Mesh": mesh_line}
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": mesh_to_points, 1: position},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node("GeometryNodeInputIndex")
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 1.0
+ math = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: value}, attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"}
+ )
+ math_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: math}, attrs={"operation": "FLOOR"}
+ )
+ math_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: math_1, 1: 2.3998}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ math_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: math}, attrs={"operation": "FRACT"}
+ )
+ math_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: math_2, 1: 6.2832}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ math_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: math_6, 1: math_5})
+ math_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: math_7}, attrs={"operation": "COSINE"}
+ )
+ math_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: math_7}, attrs={"operation": "SINE"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": math_8, "Y": math_9})
+ math_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Count"], 1: value},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ math_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: math_1, 1: math_3}, attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"}
+ )
+ math_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: math_4, 1: group_input.outputs["Radius exp"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "POWER"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": math_10, 3: group_input.outputs["Inner pct"]},
+ )
+ math_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Max radius"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": math_4, 3: 1.5708, 4: 1.5708}
+ )
+ math_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SINE"},
+ )
+ math_13 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: math_11, 1: math_12},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ vector_math = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 1: math_13},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_math.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": math_4,
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Clamp z"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["Min z"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["Max z"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Z": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Position": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"],
+ 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["Min angle"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["Max angle"],
+ },
+ )
+ random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.1, 3: 0.1})
+ math_14 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: math_7, 1: group_input.outputs["Yaw offset"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": map_range_3.outputs["Result"],
+ "Y": random_value_1.outputs[1],
+ "Z": math_14,
+ },
+ )
+ random_value = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Min scale"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["Max scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": set_position,
+ "Instance": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_2,
+ "Scale": random_value.outputs[1],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Instances": instance_on_points}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("FollowCurve", singleton=False)
+def follow_curve(nw):
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Offset", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 1: position},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]},
+ )
+ math = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: group_input.outputs["Offset"]},
+ )
+ sample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeSampleCurve",
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"], "Length": math},
+ )
+ vector_math = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: sample_curve.outputs["Tangent"],
+ 1: sample_curve.outputs["Normal"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "CROSS_PRODUCT"},
+ )
+ vector_math_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: vector_math.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ vector_math_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: sample_curve.outputs["Normal"],
+ "Scale": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ vector_math_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: vector_math_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: vector_math_2.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Position": sample_curve.outputs["Position"],
+ "Offset": vector_math_3.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("SetTreeRadius", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def set_tree_radius(nw):
+ # Code generated using version 2.3.1 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Selection", True),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Reverse depth", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scaling", 0.2),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Exponent", 1.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Min radius", 0.02),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Max radius", 5.0),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Profile res", 20),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Merge dist", 0.001),
+ ],
+ )
+ mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshToCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Selection": group_input.outputs["Selection"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_spline_type = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveSplineType,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": mesh_to_curve},
+ attrs={"spline_type": "BEZIER"},
+ )
+ set_handle_type = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetHandleType, input_kwargs={"Curve": set_spline_type}
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": position, "Scale": 1.0}
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], "Scale": 0.02},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_handle_positions = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetHandlePositions,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_handle_type, "Offset": scale.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={1: True, 14: mesh_to_curve, 15: set_handle_positions},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Reverse depth"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Scaling"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 0.1}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ power = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Exponent"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "POWER"},
+ )
+ maximum = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: power, 1: group_input.outputs["Min radius"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MAXIMUM"},
+ )
+ minimum = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: maximum, 1: group_input.outputs["Max radius"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MINIMUM"},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": switch.outputs[6], "Radius": minimum},
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": group_input.outputs["Profile res"]},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh, "Shade Smooth": False},
+ )
+ merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_shade_smooth,
+ "Distance": group_input.outputs["Merge dist"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": merge_by_distance}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_material("BarkMat2", singleton=False)
+def bark_shader_2(nw):
+ attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "offset_barkgeo2"}
+ )
+ reroute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": attribute.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ math = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute, 1: 0.0})
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": math})
+ for i in range(2):
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
+ # colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0025, 0.0019, 0.0017, 1.0)
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.1004, 0.049, 0.0344, 1.0)
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.163
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.1004, 0.049, 0.0344, 1.0)
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.4529
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.1094, 0.0656, 0.054, 1.0)
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[3].position = 0.6268
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[3].color = (0.0712, 0.0477, 0.0477, 1.0)
+ math_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: reroute}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], "Roughness": math_1},
+ attrs={"subsurface_method": "BURLEY"},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_material("BarkMat1", singleton=False)
+def bark_shader_1(nw):
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]}
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping, "Detail": 16.0, "Roughness": 0.62},
+ )
+ attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "offset_barkgeo1"}
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Color1": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Color2": attribute.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"blend_type": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix})
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(1)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0171, 0.005, 0.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.4636
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.1132, 0.0653, 0.0471, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 1.0
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.2243, 0.1341, 0.1001, 1.0)
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.5173, 0.5173, 0.5173, 1.0)
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Roughness": colorramp_2.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ attrs={"subsurface_method": "BURLEY"},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("BarkGeo2", singleton=False)
+def bark_geo_2(nw):
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector)
+ vector.vector = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
+ vector_math_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position, 1: vector},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_2.outputs[0].default_value = 0.38
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 5.0
+ value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 2.0
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vector_math_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": value,
+ "Detail": value_1,
+ },
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": value_2,
+ "Color1": noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ vector_math_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: vector_math_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: mix}
+ )
+ value_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_4.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0
+ value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_3.outputs[0].default_value = 20.0
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vector_math_2.outputs["Vector"],
+ "W": value_4,
+ "Scale": value_3,
+ },
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D", "feature": "F2"},
+ )
+ math_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vector_math_2.outputs["Vector"],
+ "W": value_4,
+ "Scale": value_3,
+ },
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ math_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"],
+ 1: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ math_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: math_3, 1: math_4}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ value_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_5.outputs[0].default_value = 0.6
+ math_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: math_5, 1: value_5}, attrs={"operation": "MINIMUM"}
+ )
+ math_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: math_5, 1: value_5}, attrs={"operation": "MAXIMUM"}
+ )
+ value_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_6.outputs[0].default_value = 0.1
+ math_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: math_6, 1: value_6},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ math_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: math_7, 1: math_8}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ vector_math_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: math_9, 1: normal},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ face_area = nw.new_node("GeometryNodeInputMeshFaceArea")
+ math_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: face_area}, attrs={"operation": "SQRT"}
+ )
+ value_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_7.outputs[0].default_value = 2.0
+ math = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: math_1, 1: value_7},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ vector_math_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: vector_math_3.outputs["Vector"], 1: math},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": vector_math_4.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, 1: math_7},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "offset_barkgeo2": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
+ },
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("BarkGeo1", singleton=False)
+def bark_geo_1(nw):
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.2
+ vector_math = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position, 1: value},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 10.0
+ value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_2.outputs[0].default_value = 15.0
+ wave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": vector_math.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": value_1,
+ "Distortion": value_2,
+ },
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ vector_math_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: wave_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: normal},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ face_area = nw.new_node("GeometryNodeInputMeshFaceArea")
+ math_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: face_area}, attrs={"operation": "SQRT"}
+ )
+ value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_3.outputs[0].default_value = 1.0
+ math = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: math_1, 1: value_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ vector_math_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: vector_math_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: math},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": vector_math_2.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, 1: wave_texture.outputs["Color"]},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "offset_barkgeo1": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
+ },
+ )
+def create_berry(sphere):
+ # Create a sphere
+ phyllotaxis_distribute('berry', sphere,
+ min_radius_pct=0, max_radius=1,
+ sin_max=2.5, sin_clamp_max=.8,
+ z_max=.8, z_clamp=.7)
+def sample_points_and_normals(obj, max_density=3, surface_dist=1, max_points=10000):
+ # Need to instantiate point distribute
+ m = add_node_modifier(obj)
+ ng = m.node_group
+ inp = ng.nodes.get("Group Input")
+ out = ng.nodes.get("Group Output")
+ dist = ng.nodes.new(type="GeometryNodeDistributePointsOnFaces")
+ pos = ng.nodes.new("GeometryNodeInputPosition")
+ scale_factor = ng.nodes.new("ShaderNodeValue")
+ mult_normal = ng.nodes.new("ShaderNodeVectorMath")
+ add_pos = ng.nodes.new("ShaderNodeVectorMath")
+ set_pos = ng.nodes.new("GeometryNodeSetPosition")
+ to_vtx = ng.nodes.new("GeometryNodePointsToVertices")
+ new_link(ng, inp, "Geometry", dist, "Mesh")
+ new_link(ng, dist, "Normal", mult_normal, 0)
+ new_link(ng, scale_factor, 0, mult_normal, 1)
+ new_link(ng, pos, 0, add_pos, 0)
+ new_link(ng, mult_normal, 0, add_pos, 1)
+ new_link(ng, dist, "Points", set_pos, "Geometry")
+ new_link(ng, add_pos, 0, set_pos, "Position")
+ new_link(ng, set_pos, "Geometry", to_vtx, "Points")
+ new_link(ng, to_vtx, "Mesh", out, "Geometry")
+ mult_normal.operation = "MULTIPLY"
+ scale_factor.outputs[0].default_value = surface_dist
+ dist.distribute_method = "POISSON"
+ dist.inputs.get("Density Max").default_value = max_density
+ # Get point coordinates
+ dgraph = C.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
+ obj_eval = obj.evaluated_get(dgraph)
+ vtx = mesh.vtx2cds(obj_eval.data.vertices, obj_eval.matrix_world)
+ # Get normals
+ scale_factor.outputs[0].default_value = 1
+ for l in ng.links:
+ if l.from_node == pos:
+ ng.links.remove(l)
+ dgraph = C.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
+ obj_eval = obj.evaluated_get(dgraph)
+ normals = mesh.vtx2cds(obj_eval.data.vertices, np.eye(4))
+ obj.modifiers.remove(obj.modifiers[-1])
+ D.node_groups.remove(ng)
+ idxs = mesh.subsample_vertices(vtx, max_num=max_points)
+ return vtx[idxs], normals[idxs]
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/utils/helper.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/utils/helper.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af4dd5915
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/utils/helper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alejandro Newell
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from infinigen.core.util.logging import Suppress
+C = bpy.context
+D = bpy.data
+def set_active_obj(obj):
+ if not C.active_object == obj:
+ try:
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
+ except Exception: # TODO narrow
+ pass
+ bpy.ops.object.select_all(action="DESELECT")
+ obj.select_set(True)
+ C.view_layer.objects.active = obj
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
+def config_rendering(
+ resolution=(480, 640),
+ renderer="cycles",
+ render_samples=64,
+ render_exr=False,
+ thread_limit=8,
+ """Adjust rendering settings.
+ Args:
+ resolution: Integer tuple for image resolution
+ renderer: Either 'cycles' or 'eevee'
+ render_samples: Integer that determines sample quality, rendering time
+ use_gpu: Whether to use the GPU for rendering
+ render_exr: Set true to output segmentation and depth ground truth
+ """
+ if renderer == "eevee":
+ C.scene.render.engine = "BLENDER_EEVEE"
+ C.scene.eevee.taa_render_samples = render_samples
+ elif renderer == "cycles":
+ C.scene.render.engine = "CYCLES"
+ # C.scene.cycles.device = 'GPU'
+ C.scene.cycles.samples = render_samples
+ C.scene.cycles.use_denoising = True
+ # C.scene.cycles.denoiser = 'OPTIX'
+ C.scene.render.resolution_x = resolution[1]
+ C.scene.render.resolution_y = resolution[0]
+ # C.scene.render.threads_mode = 'FIXED'
+ # C.scene.render.threads = thread_limit
+ if render_exr:
+ C.scene.render.image_settings.file_format = "OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER"
+ C.scene.render.image_settings.color_mode = "RGBA"
+ C.scene.render.image_settings.color_depth = "32"
+ C.window.view_layer.use_pass_object_index = True
+ C.window.view_layer.use_pass_material_index = True
+ C.window.view_layer.use_pass_z = True
+ else:
+ C.scene.render.image_settings.color_mode = "RGB"
+def create_collection(name, objs):
+ c_names = []
+ for c_idx, c in enumerate(D.collections):
+ if c_idx > 0:
+ c_names += [c.name]
+ name_ = name
+ count = 1
+ while name_ in c_names:
+ name_ = f"{name}_{count}"
+ count += 1
+ bpy.ops.object.select_all(action="DESELECT")
+ for o in objs:
+ o.select_set(True)
+ with Suppress():
+ bpy.ops.object.move_to_collection(
+ collection_index=0, is_new=True, new_collection_name=name_
+ )
+ return name_
+def traverse_tree(t):
+ # https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/172559/python-how-to-move-collection-into-another-collection
+ yield t
+ for child in t.children:
+ yield from traverse_tree(child)
+def parent_lookup(coll):
+ parent_lookup = {}
+ for coll in traverse_tree(coll):
+ for c in coll.children.keys():
+ parent_lookup.setdefault(c, coll)
+ return parent_lookup
+def collect_collections(name, colls):
+ # Get all collections of the scene and their parents in a dict
+ coll_scene = C.scene.collection
+ coll_parents = parent_lookup(coll_scene)
+ # Create target collection
+ D.collections.new(name)
+ coll_target = D.collections[name]
+ coll_scene.children.link(coll_target)
+ for coll in colls:
+ coll_parent = coll_parents.get(coll.name)
+ coll_parent.children.unlink(coll)
+ coll_target.children.link(coll)
+def remove_collection(name):
+ collection = D.collections.get(name)
+ for obj in collection.objects:
+ D.objects.remove(obj, do_unlink=True)
+ D.collections.remove(collection)
+def hide_collection(collection):
+ if isinstance(collection, str):
+ name = collection
+ collection = D.collections[name]
+ else:
+ name = collection.name
+ vlayer = C.scene.view_layers[0]
+ vlayer.layer_collection.children[name].hide_viewport = True
+ collection.hide_render = True
+def clear_collections():
+ c_names = []
+ for c_idx, c in enumerate(D.collections):
+ if c_idx > 0:
+ c_names += [c.name]
+ for c_name in c_names:
+ remove_collection(c_name)
+def run_cleanup():
+ for d in [D.meshes, D.materials, D.images, D.particles]:
+ for d_ in d:
+ if d_.users == 0:
+ d.remove(d_)
+ for d in [D.textures, D.node_groups]:
+ for d_ in d:
+ d.remove(d_)
+def reset_scene(add_camera=False, clear_materials=False, obj_to_keep_list=[]):
+ """Clear and reset scene."""
+ set_active_obj(D.objects[0])
+ for obj in D.objects:
+ obj.hide_viewport = False
+ # Delete everything
+ clear_collections()
+ # bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects:
+ if obj.name not in obj_to_keep_list:
+ obj.select_set(True)
+ bpy.ops.object.delete(confirm=False)
+ run_cleanup()
+ if add_camera:
+ # Initialize camera
+ v = min(1, max(0, (np.random.randn() * 0.3 + 0.5)))
+ v = 0
+ camera_height = 0.5 + 3 * v # np.random.uniform(1,5) # + np.random.randn() * .2
+ camera_pitch = np.pi * 0.45 # + np.random.randn() * np.pi * .1
+ camera_pitch = min(max(camera_pitch, np.pi * 0.4), np.pi * 0.5)
+ camera_pitch = np.pi * 0.65 # (1-v) * np.pi * .6 + np.pi * .2
+ camera_pitch = np.pi * 0.5
+ camera_height = 3
+ bpy.ops.object.camera_add(
+ location=(0, -6, camera_height), rotation=(camera_pitch, 0, 0)
+ )
+ cam = D.objects[0]
+ C.scene.camera = cam
+ cam.data.lens = 20
+ if clear_materials: # Regardless of number of users
+ for m_idx in range(len(D.materials)):
+ D.materials.remove(D.materials[-1])
+# ==============================================================================
+# Transformation utils
+# ==============================================================================
+def compute_dists(a, b):
+ deltas = a[:, None] - b[None]
+ d = np.linalg.norm(deltas, axis=-1)
+ return d, deltas
+def get_cos_sin(angle, convert_to_rad=False):
+ if convert_to_rad:
+ angle = angle * np.pi / 180
+ return np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle)
+def rodrigues_rot(vec, axis, angle, convert_to_rad=False):
+ axis = axis / np.linalg.norm(axis)
+ cs, sn = get_cos_sin(angle, convert_to_rad)
+ return vec * cs + sn * np.cross(axis, vec) + axis * np.dot(axis, vec) * (1 - cs)
+def get_T_mat(distance, angle, convert_to_rad=True):
+ T = np.identity(3)
+ T[0, 2] = distance
+ rot = np.identity(3)
+ cs, sn = get_cos_sin(angle, convert_to_rad)
+ rot[0, :2] = cs, -sn
+ rot[1, :2] = sn, cs
+ return np.matmul(rot, T)
+def valid_pos(d0=2, d1=10):
+ camera_pos = C.scene.camera.location
+ view_angle = C.scene.camera.rotation_euler[2]
+ tmp_ang = (C.scene.camera.data.angle / 2) * 0.9
+ tmp_ang = np.random.rand() * 2 * tmp_ang - tmp_ang
+ tmp_ang += view_angle
+ tmp_dist = np.random.rand() * (d1 - d0) + d0
+ root_pos = np.array([camera_pos[0], camera_pos[1]])
+ v_dir = np.array([-np.sin(tmp_ang), np.cos(tmp_ang)])
+ return root_pos + tmp_dist * v_dir
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/utils/materials.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/utils/materials.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..682a52e35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/utils/materials.py
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alejandro Newell, Lingjie Mei
+import colorsys
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+from . import helper
+C = bpy.context
+D = bpy.data
+def get_materials(prefix=""):
+ return [m for m in D.materials if f"{prefix}Material" in m.name]
+def new_material(prefix=""):
+ n_idx = len(get_materials(prefix))
+ m = D.materials.new(f"{prefix}Material{n_idx:04d}")
+ m.use_nodes = True
+ return m
+def init_color_material(
+ color,
+ prefix="",
+ hsv_variance=[0, 0, 0],
+ roughness=0.8,
+ specular=0.05,
+ is_hsv=True,
+ is_emission=False,
+ emit_strength=1,
+ m = new_material(prefix)
+ nt = m.node_tree
+ color = np.array(color) + np.random.randn(3) * np.array(hsv_variance)
+ color = list(color.clip(0, 1))
+ color = hsv2rgba(*color)
+ if is_emission:
+ out_node = nt.nodes.get("Material Output")
+ nt.nodes.new("ShaderNodeEmission")
+ em = nt.nodes.get("Emission")
+ em.inputs.get("Strength").default_value = emit_strength
+ em.inputs.get("Color").default_value = color
+ new_link(nt, em, "Emission", out_node, "Surface")
+ else:
+ bsdf_node = nt.nodes.get("Principled BSDF")
+ bsdf_node.inputs.get("Base Color").default_value = color
+ bsdf_node.inputs.get("Roughness").default_value = roughness
+ bsdf_node.inputs.get("Specular").default_value = specular
+ return m
+def assign_material(obj, m=None, prefix="", m_idx=0, slot_idx=0):
+ helper.set_active_obj(obj)
+ while len(obj.material_slots) < (slot_idx + 1):
+ bpy.ops.object.material_slot_add()
+ obj.active_material_index = slot_idx
+ if m is not None:
+ obj.active_material = m
+ else:
+ obj.active_material = get_materials(prefix)[m_idx]
+def uv_smart_project(obj):
+ helper.set_active_obj(obj)
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.uv.smart_project()
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
+def new_link(nt, node1, field1, node2, field2):
+ node_out = (
+ node1.outputs[field1] if isinstance(field1, int) else node1.outputs.get(field1)
+ )
+ node_inp = (
+ node2.inputs[field2] if isinstance(field2, int) else node2.inputs.get(field2)
+ )
+ nt.links.new(node_out, node_inp)
+def create_leaf_material(src_hue, glow=False):
+ m = new_material("Leaf")
+ nt = m.node_tree
+ if glow:
+ out_node = nt.nodes.get("Material Output")
+ nt.nodes.new("ShaderNodeEmission")
+ em = nt.nodes.get("Emission")
+ em.inputs.get("Strength").default_value = 1
+ em.inputs.get("Color").default_value = (
+ *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(src_hue + np.random.randn() * 0.1, 1, 1),
+ 1,
+ )
+ new_link(nt, em, "Emission", out_node, "Surface")
+ else:
+ info_node = nt.nodes.new("ShaderNodeObjectInfo")
+ add_node = nt.nodes.new("ShaderNodeVectorMath")
+ mult_node = nt.nodes.new("ShaderNodeVectorMath")
+ add2_node = nt.nodes.new("ShaderNodeVectorMath")
+ noise_node = nt.nodes.new("ShaderNodeTexWhiteNoise")
+ sep_node = nt.nodes.new("ShaderNodeSeparateXYZ")
+ hsv_node = nt.nodes.new("ShaderNodeCombineHSV")
+ sep_loc_node = nt.nodes.new("ShaderNodeSeparateXYZ")
+ loc_mult_node = nt.nodes.new("ShaderNodeMath")
+ loc_add_node = nt.nodes.new("ShaderNodeMath")
+ bsdf_node = nt.nodes.get("Principled BSDF")
+ mult_node.operation = "MULTIPLY"
+ loc_mult_node.operation = "MULTIPLY"
+ add_node.inputs[1].default_value += np.random.randn(3)
+ # mult_node.inputs[1].default_value = [.07,.2,.2]
+ # add2_node.inputs[1].default_value = [.22,.9,.1]
+ # loc_mult_node.inputs[1].default_value = 0
+ mult_node.inputs[1].default_value = [0.05, 0.4, 0.4]
+ add2_node.inputs[1].default_value = [
+ src_hue + np.random.randn() * 0.05,
+ 0.6,
+ 0.1,
+ ]
+ loc_mult_node.inputs[1].default_value = 0 # -.01
+ # add2_node.inputs[1].default_value += np.random.randn(3) * .1
+ # Get HSV color (output of sep_node)
+ new_link(nt, info_node, "Random", add_node, 0)
+ new_link(nt, add_node, 0, noise_node, "Vector")
+ new_link(nt, noise_node, "Color", mult_node, 0)
+ new_link(nt, mult_node, 0, add2_node, 0)
+ new_link(nt, add2_node, 0, sep_node, 0)
+ # Modify H based on Z
+ nt.links.new(info_node.outputs.get("Location"), sep_loc_node.inputs[0])
+ nt.links.new(sep_loc_node.outputs.get("Z"), loc_mult_node.inputs[0])
+ nt.links.new(loc_mult_node.outputs[0], loc_add_node.inputs[0])
+ nt.links.new(sep_node.outputs[0], loc_add_node.inputs[1])
+ # Combine and assign color
+ nt.links.new(loc_add_node.outputs[0], hsv_node.inputs.get("H"))
+ nt.links.new(sep_node.outputs[1], hsv_node.inputs.get("S"))
+ nt.links.new(sep_node.outputs[2], hsv_node.inputs.get("V"))
+ nt.links.new(hsv_node.outputs[0], bsdf_node.inputs.get("Base Color"))
+def get_tex_nodes(m):
+ """Returns Image Texture node, creates one if it doesn't exist."""
+ nt = m.node_tree
+ m.cycles.displacement_method = "DISPLACEMENT"
+ # Check whether the Image Texture node has been added
+ diff_img_node = nt.nodes.get("Image Texture")
+ rough_img_node = nt.nodes.get("Image Texture.001")
+ disp_img_node = nt.nodes.get("Image Texture.002")
+ if diff_img_node is None:
+ # Create new node for linking images
+ nt.nodes.new("ShaderNodeTexImage")
+ nt.nodes.new("ShaderNodeTexImage")
+ nt.nodes.new("ShaderNodeTexImage")
+ nt.nodes.new("ShaderNodeMapRange")
+ diff_img_node = nt.nodes.get("Image Texture")
+ rough_img_node = nt.nodes.get("Image Texture.001")
+ rough_scaling_node = nt.nodes.get("Map Range")
+ disp_img_node = nt.nodes.get("Image Texture.002")
+ # Link to main node
+ bsdf_node = nt.nodes.get("Principled BSDF")
+ nt.links.new(
+ diff_img_node.outputs.get("Color"), bsdf_node.inputs.get("Base Color")
+ )
+ nt.links.new(
+ rough_img_node.outputs.get("Color"), rough_scaling_node.inputs.get("Value")
+ )
+ nt.links.new(
+ rough_scaling_node.outputs.get("Result"), bsdf_node.inputs.get("Roughness")
+ )
+ # Set up nodes for mixing in color
+ disp_node = nt.nodes.new("ShaderNodeDisplacement")
+ disp_node.space = "WORLD"
+ disp_node.inputs.get("Scale").default_value = 0.05
+ out_node = nt.nodes.get("Material Output")
+ nt.links.new(disp_img_node.outputs.get("Color"), disp_node.inputs.get("Height"))
+ nt.links.new(
+ disp_node.outputs.get("Displacement"), out_node.inputs.get("Displacement")
+ )
+ return diff_img_node, rough_img_node, disp_img_node
+def setup_material(m, txt_paths, metal_prob=0.2, transm_prob=0.2, emit_prob=0):
+ """Initialize material given list of paths to diff, rough, disp images."""
+ # Load any images that haven't been loaded already
+ img_ref = [tpath.split("/")[-1] for tpath in txt_paths]
+ for img_idx, img in enumerate(img_ref):
+ if img not in D.images:
+ try:
+ D.images.load(txt_paths[img_idx])
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ pass
+ # Initialize and update diff, rough, and disp shader nodes
+ txt_nodes = get_tex_nodes(m)
+ for n_idx, n in enumerate(txt_nodes):
+ try:
+ im = D.images.get(img_ref[n_idx])
+ if n_idx > 0:
+ im.colorspace_settings.name = "Non-Color"
+ n.image = im
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ nt = m.node_tree
+ bsdf = nt.nodes.get("Principled BSDF")
+ rough_scale = nt.nodes.get("Map Range")
+ bsdf.inputs.get("Metallic").default_value = 0
+ bsdf.inputs.get("Transmission").default_value = 0
+ bsdf.inputs.get("IOR").default_value = 1.45
+ rough_scale.inputs.get("To Max").default_value = 1
+ if np.random.rand() < metal_prob:
+ bsdf.inputs.get("Metallic").default_value = 1
+ rough_scale.inputs.get("To Max").default_value = 0.5
+ elif np.random.rand() < transm_prob:
+ bsdf.inputs.get("Transmission").default_value = 1
+ bsdf.inputs.get("IOR").default_value = 1.05 + np.random.rand() * 0.3
+ rough_scale.inputs.get("To Max").default_value = 0.2
+ if np.random.rand() < emit_prob:
+ out_node = nt.nodes.get("Material Output")
+ nt.nodes.new("ShaderNodeEmission")
+ nt.nodes.new("ShaderNodeTexNoise")
+ nt.nodes.new("ShaderNodeValToRGB") # ColorRamp
+ nt.nodes.new("ShaderNodeMixShader")
+ em = nt.nodes.get("Emission")
+ em.inputs.get("Strength").default_value = 5
+ em.inputs.get("Color").default_value = (
+ *colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(np.random.rand(), 1, 1),
+ 1,
+ )
+ noise = nt.nodes.get("Noise Texture")
+ noise.inputs.get("Scale").default_value = np.random.uniform(1, 10)
+ noise.inputs.get("Distortion").default_value = np.random.uniform(3, 10)
+ ramp = nt.nodes.get("ColorRamp")
+ ramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4
+ ramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.45
+ new_link(nt, noise, "Color", ramp, "Fac")
+ mix = nt.nodes.get("Mix Shader")
+ new_link(nt, ramp, "Color", mix, "Fac")
+ new_link(nt, bsdf, "BSDF", mix, "Shader")
+ new_link(nt, em, "Emission", mix, "Shader")
+ new_link(nt, mix, "Shader", out_node, "Surface")
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/utils/mesh.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/utils/mesh.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d4115961f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/trees/utils/mesh.py
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alejandro Newell
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from mathutils import Vector
+from . import helper
+C = bpy.context
+D = bpy.data
+def init_mesh(name, verts=[], edges=[], faces=[], coll=None):
+ mesh = D.meshes.new(name)
+ obj = D.objects.new(mesh.name, mesh)
+ if coll is None:
+ coll = bpy.context.scene.collection
+ else:
+ coll = D.collections[coll]
+ coll.objects.link(obj)
+ helper.set_active_obj(obj)
+ mesh.from_pydata(verts, edges, faces)
+ return obj
+def duplicate_obj(obj, name):
+ new_obj = obj.copy()
+ new_obj.name = name
+ new_obj.data = new_obj.data.copy()
+ col = obj.users_collection[0]
+ col.objects.link(new_obj)
+ helper.set_active_obj(new_obj)
+ return new_obj
+def finalize_obj(obj):
+ helper.set_active_obj(obj)
+ bpy.ops.object.convert(target="MESH")
+def init_vertex(pos):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(
+ size=1, enter_editmode=True, align="WORLD", location=pos, scale=(1, 1, 1)
+ )
+ bpy.ops.mesh.merge(type="COLLAPSE")
+ bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle()
+ return C.active_object
+def get_all_vtx_pos(obj):
+ n_cds = len(obj.data.vertices)
+ all_cds = np.zeros(n_cds * 3)
+ obj.data.vertices.foreach_get("co", all_cds)
+ return all_cds.reshape(-1, 3)
+def vtx2cds(vtxs, world_mat):
+ n_cds = len(vtxs)
+ all_cds = np.zeros(n_cds * 3)
+ vtxs.foreach_get("co", all_cds)
+ all_cds = all_cds.reshape(-1, 3)
+ all_cds = add_ones(all_cds.reshape(-1, 3))
+ m_world = np.array(world_mat)
+ all_cds = np.matmul(m_world, all_cds.T).T[:, :3]
+ return all_cds
+def sample_vtxs(obj, emit_from="VOLUME", n=1000, seed=1):
+ # Make object current active object
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
+ C.view_layer.objects.active = obj
+ # Add particle system modifier
+ bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type="PARTICLE_SYSTEM")
+ p = D.particles[-1]
+ # Adjust modifier settings
+ p.count = n
+ p.frame_end = 1
+ p.emit_from = emit_from
+ p.distribution = "RAND"
+ p.use_modifier_stack = True
+ p.physics_type = "NO"
+ obj.particle_systems[-1].seed = seed
+ # Get particle locations (relative to object)
+ obj_eval = obj.evaluated_get(C.evaluated_depsgraph_get())
+ all_cds = np.zeros(n * 3)
+ obj_eval.particle_systems[-1].particles.foreach_get("location", all_cds)
+ obj.modifiers.remove(obj.modifiers[-1])
+ D.particles.remove(D.particles[-1])
+ return all_cds.reshape(-1, 3)
+def get_pts_from_shape(
+ shape_fn, n=10, emit_from="VOLUME", loc=(0, 0, 0), scaling=1, pt_offset=0
+ if isinstance(pt_offset, list):
+ pt_offset = np.array([pt_offset])
+ if isinstance(scaling, list):
+ scaling = Vector(scaling)
+ shape_fn(location=loc)
+ obj = C.active_object
+ obj.scale *= scaling
+ pts = sample_vtxs(obj, n=n, emit_from=emit_from, seed=np.random.randint(100))
+ pts += pt_offset
+ D.objects.remove(obj)
+ return pts
+def select_vtx_by_pos(obj, pos):
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="VERT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="DESELECT")
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
+ n_cds = len(obj.data.vertices)
+ all_cds = np.zeros(n_cds * 3)
+ obj.data.vertices.foreach_get("co", all_cds)
+ idx = np.abs(all_cds.reshape(n_cds, 3) - pos).sum(1).argmin()
+ obj.data.vertices[idx].select = True
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
+ return idx
+def select_vtx_by_idx(obj, idx, deselect=False):
+ if not isinstance(idx, list):
+ idx = [idx]
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="VERT")
+ if deselect:
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="DESELECT")
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
+ for i in idx:
+ obj.data.vertices[i].select = True
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
+ return idx
+def extrude_path(obj, path):
+ helper.set_active_obj(obj)
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
+ src_idx = select_vtx_by_pos(obj, path[0])
+ deltas = path[1:] - path[:-1]
+ start_idx = len(obj.data.vertices)
+ for i in range(len(deltas)):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_region_move(TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": deltas[i]})
+ return src_idx, start_idx
+def get_vtx_obj():
+ if "vtx" not in D.objects:
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(
+ size=2,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle()
+ bpy.ops.mesh.merge(type="COLLAPSE")
+ bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle()
+ obj = C.active_object
+ obj.name = "vtx"
+ return D.objects["vtx"]
+def subsample_vertices(v, max_num=500):
+ if len(v) > max_num:
+ rand_order = np.random.permutation(len(v))
+ return np.sort(rand_order[:max_num])
+ else:
+ return np.arange(len(v))
+def add_ones(x):
+ return np.concatenate([x, np.ones_like(x[:, :1])], 1)
+def get_world_coords(obj, subset=None):
+ dgraph = C.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
+ obj_eval = obj.evaluated_get(dgraph)
+ vts = obj_eval.data.vertices
+ all_cds = np.zeros(len(vts) * 3)
+ vts.foreach_get("co", all_cds)
+ all_cds = add_ones(all_cds.reshape(-1, 3))
+ if subset is not None:
+ all_cds = all_cds[subset]
+ m_world = np.array(obj_eval.matrix_world)
+ all_cds = np.matmul(m_world, all_cds.T).T[:, :3]
+ return all_cds
+def arr_world_to_camera_view(scene, obj, coord):
+ # Modified to support array operations from bpy_extras.object_utils.world_to_camera_view
+ cam_matrix = np.array(obj.matrix_world.normalized().inverted())
+ co_local = np.matmul(cam_matrix, add_ones(coord).T).T[:, :3]
+ z = -co_local[:, 2]
+ camera = obj.data
+ frame = [np.array(v) for v in camera.view_frame(scene=scene)[:3]]
+ if camera.type != "ORTHO":
+ frame = [(-v / v[2])[None, :] * z[:, None] for v in frame]
+ for i in range(len(frame)):
+ frame[i][z == 0][:, :2] = 0.5
+ min_x, max_x = frame[2][:, 0], frame[1][:, 0]
+ min_y, max_y = frame[1][:, 1], frame[0][:, 1]
+ x = (co_local[:, 0] - min_x) / (max_x - min_x)
+ y = (co_local[:, 1] - min_y) / (max_y - min_y)
+ return np.stack([x, y, z], 1)
+def get_coords_clip(obj, f0, f1, subset=None):
+ all_cds = []
+ for i in range(f0, f1):
+ C.scene.frame_set(i)
+ cds = get_world_coords(obj, subset)
+ all_cds += [cds]
+ return np.stack(all_cds, 0)
+def get_visible_vertices(cam, vertices, co2D=None, limit=0.02):
+ if co2D is None:
+ co2D = arr_world_to_camera_view(C.scene, cam, vertices)
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add()
+ bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(0.01, 0.01, 0.01))
+ cube = C.active_object
+ in_frame = (co2D[:, 0] >= 0) & (co2D[:, 0] <= 1)
+ in_frame &= (co2D[:, 1] >= 0) & (co2D[:, 1] <= 1)
+ in_frame &= co2D[:, 2] > 0
+ is_visible = in_frame.copy()
+ valid_idxs = np.arange(len(in_frame))[in_frame]
+ for i in valid_idxs:
+ v = Vector(vertices[i])
+ cube.location = v
+ depsgraph = C.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
+ # Try a ray cast, in order to test the vertex visibility from the camera
+ location = C.scene.ray_cast(
+ depsgraph, cam.location, (v - cam.location).normalized()
+ )
+ # If the ray hits something and if this hit is close to the vertex, we assume this is the vertex
+ if not (location[0] and (v - location[1]).length < limit):
+ is_visible[i] = False
+ bpy.ops.object.select_all(action="DESELECT")
+ cube.select_set(True)
+ bpy.ops.object.delete(confirm=False)
+ return co2D, is_visible, in_frame
+def sanity_check_viz(all_pts, is_visible, in_frame, frame_idx=0):
+ C.scene.frame_set(frame_idx)
+ for i in range(all_pts.shape[1]):
+ pt = all_pts[frame_idx, i]
+ vis = is_visible[frame_idx, i]
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add()
+ bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(0.02, 0.02, 0.02))
+ cube = C.active_object
+ cube.location = pt
+ bpy.ops.object.material_slot_add()
+ cube.material_slots[0].material = D.materials[2] if vis else D.materials[1]
+ if not in_frame[frame_idx, i]:
+ cube.material_slots[0].material = D.materials[0]
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tropic_plants/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tropic_plants/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/tropic_plants/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/tropic_plants/__init__.py
index 08d3ad05a..7d6fb2939 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/tropic_plants/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tropic_plants/__init__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+from .coconut_tree import CoconutTreeFactory
from .leaf_banana_tree import LeafBananaTreeFactory, PlantBananaTreeFactory
from .leaf_palm_plant import LeafPalmPlantFactory
from .leaf_palm_tree import LeafPalmTreeFactory
-from .coconut_tree import CoconutTreeFactory
from .palm_tree import PalmTreeFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/tropic_plants/coconut_tree.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tropic_plants/coconut_tree.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22dfa36bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tropic_plants/coconut_tree.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1893 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, randint, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.fruits.coconutgreen import FruitFactoryCoconutgreen
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tropic_plants.leaf_palm_tree import LeafPalmTreeFactory
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+ "nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_top", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_top(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ normal_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 0.0), ("NodeSocketFloat", "X", 0.0)],
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["X"], "Y": group_input.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: normal_2, 1: combine_xyz_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index_1, 1: 63.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply.outputs["Vector"], "Value": greater_than},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_bottom", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_bottom(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 0.0), ("NodeSocketFloat", "X", 0.0)],
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["X"], "Y": group_input.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: normal, 1: combine_xyz},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 64.0}, attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply.outputs["Vector"], "Value": less_than},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_trunk_radius_001", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_trunk_radius_001(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: 0.01, 3: 0.05})
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0},
+ attrs={"clamp": False},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 1: 10000.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ floor = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "FLOOR"}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: floor},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": subtract})
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0, 0.0156), (0.2545, 0.2), (0.5182, 0.0344), (0.7682, 0.2375), (1.0, 0.0)],
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: 1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_2}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: random_value.outputs[1], 1: add})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": add_1})
+ "nodegroup_coutour_cross_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_coutour_cross_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Resolution": 128, "Radius": 0.05}
+ )
+ pedal_cross_coutour_x = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="pedal_cross_coutour_x")
+ pedal_cross_coutour_x.outputs[0].default_value = 0.3
+ pedal_cross_contour_bottom = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_bottom().name,
+ input_kwargs={"X": pedal_cross_coutour_x},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Selection": pedal_cross_contour_bottom.outputs["Value"],
+ "Offset": pedal_cross_contour_bottom.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ pedal_cross_coutour_y = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="pedal_cross_coutour_y")
+ pedal_cross_coutour_y.outputs[0].default_value = 0.3
+ pedal_cross_contour_top = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_top().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Y": pedal_cross_coutour_y, "X": pedal_cross_coutour_x},
+ )
+ set_position_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_1,
+ "Selection": pedal_cross_contour_top.outputs["Value"],
+ "Offset": pedal_cross_contour_top.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"W": 7.0, "Detail": 15.0},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], "Scale": 0.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_2, "Offset": scale.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_5}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pedal_z_contour", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pedal_z_contour(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.4094),
+ (0.1773, 0.475),
+ (0.3795, 0.5062),
+ (0.5864, 0.5187),
+ (0.7202, 0.5084),
+ (0.8636, 0.4781),
+ (1.0, 0.375),
+ ],
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5)]
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": multiply})
+ "nodegroup_pedal_stem_curvature", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pedal_stem_curvature(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ position_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0, 0.0688), (0.2545, 0.2281), (0.5023, 0.2563), (0.9773, 0.2656)],
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.2)]
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position_3,
+ "Center": (0.0, 0.0, 0.2),
+ "Angle": multiply,
+ },
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "X_AXIS"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_rotate}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_node_group_002", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_node_group_002(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketColor", "Color", (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "attribute", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "voronoi scale", 50.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "voronoi randomness", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "seed", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise scale", 10.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise amount", 1.4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "hue min", 0.6),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "hue max", 1.085),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["seed"],
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["noise scale"],
+ "Detail": 1.0,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["noise amount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": group_input.outputs["attribute"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["voronoi scale"],
+ "Randomness": group_input.outputs["voronoi randomness"],
+ },
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "1D"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": add_1,
+ 3: group_input.outputs["hue min"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["hue max"],
+ },
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color": group_input.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Color": hue_saturation_value}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_coconutvein", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_coconutvein(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ index_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": index_2, 1: 400.0, 2: 0.0},
+ attrs={"clamp": False},
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Factor": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0, 0.0), (0.2455, 0.0), (0.5091, 0.0), (0.7636, 0.1625), (1.0, 0.4688)],
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": 1.0},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: noise_texture.outputs["Color"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_tree_trunk_geometry_001", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_tree_trunk_geometry_001(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None)]
+ )
+ trunkradius_001 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_trunk_radius_001().name)
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"], "Radius": trunkradius_001},
+ )
+ trunk_resolution = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Integer, label="TrunkResolution", attrs={"integer": 32}
+ )
+ trunk_resolution.integer = 32
+ trunk_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="TrunkRadius")
+ trunk_radius.outputs[0].default_value = 0.02
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": trunk_resolution, "Radius": trunk_radius},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": curve_to_mesh, "Integer": trunk_resolution},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_truncated_leaf_selection", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_truncated_leaf_selection(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ index_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5)]
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1600.0, 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: uniform(0.92, 0.98)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index_3, 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: np.clip(normal(0.8, 0.1), 0.7, 0.9)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index_3, 1: multiply_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ op_or = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: less_than},
+ attrs={"operation": "OR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Boolean": op_or})
+ "nodegroup_random_rotate", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_random_rotate(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.2, 3: 0.2})
+ random_value_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.5, 3: 0.5, "Seed": 1}
+ )
+ random_value_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.2, 3: 0.2, "Seed": 3}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": random_value_1.outputs[1],
+ "Y": random_value_2.outputs[1],
+ "Z": random_value_3.outputs[1],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz_1}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_leaf_truncated_rotate", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leaf_truncated_rotate(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5)]
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0}
+ )
+ modulo = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index_1, 1: add}, attrs={"operation": "MODULO"}
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: modulo, 1: add}, attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: 6.28}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz})
+ "nodegroup_truncated_leaf_stem", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_truncated_leaf_stem(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": (0.0, 0.0, 0.15)})
+ integer = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, attrs={"integer": 64})
+ integer.integer = 64
+ resample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line, "Count": integer}
+ )
+ pedal_stem_curvature_scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Value, label="pedal_stem_curvature_scale"
+ )
+ pedal_stem_curvature_scale.outputs[0].default_value = 0.2
+ pedal_stem_curvature = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pedal_stem_curvature().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": pedal_stem_curvature_scale},
+ )
+ set_position_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": resample_curve_1, "Offset": pedal_stem_curvature},
+ )
+ pedal_z_coutour_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="pedal_z_coutour_scale")
+ pedal_z_coutour_scale.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(0.2, 0.4)
+ pedal_z_contour = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pedal_z_contour().name, input_kwargs={"Value": pedal_z_coutour_scale}
+ )
+ set_curve_radius_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position_4, "Radius": pedal_z_contour},
+ )
+ coutour_cross_geometry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_coutour_cross_geometry().name)
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius_1,
+ "Profile Curve": coutour_cross_geometry,
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_to_mesh_1,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_top_core),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material_2}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_trunk_radius", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_trunk_radius(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: 0.01, 3: 0.05})
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.2},
+ attrs={"clamp": False},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 1: 10000.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ floor = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "FLOOR"}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: floor},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": subtract})
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0969), (0.5864, 0.1406), (1.0, 0.2906)]
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: uniform(0.1, 0.25)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_2}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: random_value.outputs[1], 1: add})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": add_1})
+ "nodegroup_tree_cracks", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_tree_cracks(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: spline_parameter.outputs["Length"],
+ },
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: capture_attribute.outputs[2], 1: uniform(0.1, 0.25)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Z": multiply,
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz, "Scale": 400.0, "Randomness": 10.0},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D", "distance": "CHEBYCHEV"},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]}
+ )
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.6091
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6818
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: colorramp.outputs["Color"], 1: normal},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: (-0.01, -0.01, -0.01)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Vector": multiply_2.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_leaf_instance_selection_bottom_remove",
+ singleton=False,
+ type="GeometryNodeTree",
+def nodegroup_leaf_instance_selection_bottom_remove(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Ring", 10.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Segment", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Ring"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Segment"], 1: 4.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: subtract},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": greater_than})
+ "nodegroup_leaf_random_rotate", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leaf_random_rotate(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.2, 3: 0.2})
+ random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.2, 3: 0.2})
+ random_value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.2, 3: 0.2})
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": random_value_1.outputs[1],
+ "Y": random_value_3.outputs[1],
+ "Z": random_value_2.outputs[1],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz})
+ "nodegroup_leaf_rotate_downward", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leaf_rotate_downward(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5)]
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0}
+ )
+ modulo = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: add}, attrs={"operation": "MODULO"}
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: modulo, 1: add}, attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: 6.28}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz})
+def shader_coconut_green_shader(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ texture_coordinate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": 1.0,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.7,
+ },
+ )
+ separate_rgb = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateColor, input_kwargs={"Color": noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_rgb.outputs["Green"],
+ 1: 0.4,
+ 2: 0.7,
+ 3: 0.48,
+ 4: 0.52,
+ },
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": separate_rgb.outputs["Blue"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.6},
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "spline parameter"}
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": attribute_1.outputs["Fac"]}
+ )
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0908, 0.2664, 0.013, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.01
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0908, 0.2664, 0.013, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 1.0
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.2462, 0.4125, 0.0044, 1.0)
+ hue_saturation_value_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Hue": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ "Value": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "cross section parameter"}
+ )
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_node_group_002().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Color": hue_saturation_value_1,
+ "attribute": attribute_2.outputs["Fac"],
+ "seed": 10.0,
+ },
+ )
+ group_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_node_group_002().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Color": group,
+ "attribute": attribute_1.outputs["Fac"],
+ "voronoi scale": 10.0,
+ "voronoi randomness": 0.6446,
+ "seed": -10.0,
+ "noise amount": 0.48,
+ "hue min": 1.32,
+ "hue max": 0.9,
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": group_1, "Specular": 0.4773, "Roughness": 0.4455},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_coconut_vein_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_coconut_vein_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 400,
+ "Start": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Middle": (0.0, 0.2, 0.5),
+ "End": (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ coconutvein = nw.new_node(nodegroup_coconutvein().name)
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": quadratic_bezier, "Offset": coconutvein},
+ )
+ treetrunkgeometry_001 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_tree_trunk_geometry_001().name, input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position}
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": treetrunkgeometry_001.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": (0.0, 0.0, -0.1),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_1}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_coconut_random_rotate", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_coconut_random_rotate(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ random_value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.2, 3: 0.2})
+ random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.2, 3: 0.2})
+ random_value_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.2, 3: 0.2})
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": random_value_2.outputs[1],
+ "Y": random_value_3.outputs[1],
+ "Z": random_value_4.outputs[1],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz})
+ "nodegroup_truncated_stem_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_truncated_stem_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Points", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value1", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value2", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ truncated_leaf_stem = nw.new_node(nodegroup_truncated_leaf_stem().name)
+ normal_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, input_kwargs={"Vector": normal_1}, attrs={"axis": "Z"}
+ )
+ instance_on_points_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": group_input.outputs["Points"],
+ "Instance": truncated_leaf_stem,
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector_1,
+ },
+ )
+ leaf_truncated_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leaf_truncated_rotate().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs[2]},
+ )
+ rotate_instances_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": instance_on_points_2,
+ "Rotation": leaf_truncated_rotate,
+ },
+ )
+ rotate_instances_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": rotate_instances_2,
+ "Rotation": (-0.9599, 0.0, 1.5708),
+ },
+ )
+ random_rotate = nw.new_node(nodegroup_random_rotate().name)
+ rotate_instances_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": rotate_instances_3, "Rotation": random_rotate},
+ )
+ random_value_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: 0.6})
+ scale_instances_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": rotate_instances_4,
+ "Scale": random_value_5.outputs[1],
+ },
+ )
+ index_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ modulo = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index_2, 1: randint(8, 12)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MODULO"},
+ )
+ scale_instances_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": scale_instances_4,
+ "Selection": modulo,
+ "Scale": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ truncated_leaf_selection = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_truncated_leaf_selection().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Value1"]},
+ )
+ scale_instances_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": scale_instances_3,
+ "Selection": truncated_leaf_selection,
+ "Scale": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Instances": scale_instances_5}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_tree_trunk_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_tree_trunk_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler, radius):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None)]
+ )
+ trunkradius = nw.new_node(nodegroup_trunk_radius().name)
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"], "Radius": trunkradius},
+ )
+ treecracks = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_tree_cracks().name, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_curve_radius}
+ )
+ trunk_resolution = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Integer, label="TrunkResolution", attrs={"integer": 32}
+ )
+ trunk_resolution.integer = 32
+ trunk_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="TrunkRadius")
+ trunk_radius.outputs[0].default_value = radius
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": trunk_resolution, "Radius": trunk_radius},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": treecracks.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": curve_to_mesh, "Level": 5}
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": subdivide_mesh,
+ "Offset": treecracks.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_1,
+ "Integer": trunk_resolution,
+ "Mesh": curve_to_mesh,
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_leaf_on_top", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leaf_on_top(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Points", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Ring", 10.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Segment", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Instance", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, input_kwargs={"Vector": normal}, attrs={"axis": "Z"}
+ )
+ instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": group_input.outputs["Points"],
+ "Instance": group_input.outputs["Instance"],
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector,
+ },
+ )
+ leafrotatedownward = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leaf_rotate_downward().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ )
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": instance_on_points_1,
+ "Rotation": leafrotatedownward,
+ },
+ )
+ leafrandomrotate = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_random_rotate().name)
+ rotate_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": rotate_instances, "Rotation": leafrandomrotate},
+ )
+ random_value_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: 0.9, 3: 1.2})
+ scale_instances_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": rotate_instances_1,
+ "Scale": random_value_4.outputs[1],
+ },
+ )
+ leafinstanceselectionbottomremove = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leaf_instance_selection_bottom_remove().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Ring": group_input.outputs["Ring"],
+ "Segment": group_input.outputs["Segment"],
+ },
+ )
+ scale_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": scale_instances_2,
+ "Selection": leafinstanceselectionbottomremove,
+ "Scale": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ random_value = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={5: 1}, attrs={"data_type": "INT"}
+ )
+ scale_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": scale_instances,
+ "Selection": random_value.outputs[2],
+ "Scale": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Instances": scale_instances_1}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_coconut_instance_on_points", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_coconut_instance_on_points(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Ring", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Segment", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Segment"], 1: 0.0}
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index_1, 1: add}, attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Ring"], 1: 0.0}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: 4.0}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: subtract},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: 2.0}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: subtract_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ op_and = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: less_than}
+ )
+ op_not = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and}, attrs={"operation": "NOT"}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Boolean": op_not})
+ "nodegroup_coconut_group", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_coconut_group(nw: NodeWrangler, coconut):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ uv_sphere_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshUVSphere, input_kwargs={"Segments": 8, "Rings": 6, "Radius": 0.15}
+ )
+ object_info_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={"Object": coconut})
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": object_info_2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Translation": (0.0, 0.0, -1.2),
+ },
+ )
+ normal_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, input_kwargs={"Vector": normal_1}, attrs={"axis": "Z"}
+ )
+ instance_on_points_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": uv_sphere_1,
+ "Instance": transform_2,
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector_1,
+ "Scale": (-1.0, -1.0, -1.0),
+ },
+ )
+ coconut_random_rotate = nw.new_node(nodegroup_coconut_random_rotate().name)
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": instance_on_points_3,
+ "Rotation": coconut_random_rotate,
+ },
+ )
+ random_value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: 0.15, 3: 0.4})
+ scale_instances_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": rotate_instances,
+ "Scale": random_value_2.outputs[1],
+ },
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 20.0}, attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"}
+ )
+ scale_instances_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": scale_instances_6,
+ "Selection": less_than,
+ "Scale": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ random_value_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={5: 2, "Seed": 2}, attrs={"data_type": "INT"}
+ )
+ scale_instances_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": scale_instances_2,
+ "Selection": random_value_1.outputs[2],
+ "Scale": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ coconut_vein_geometry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_coconut_vein_geometry().name)
+ normal_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ align_euler_to_vector_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, input_kwargs={"Vector": normal_2}, attrs={"axis": "Z"}
+ )
+ instance_on_points_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": uv_sphere_1,
+ "Instance": coconut_vein_geometry,
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector_2,
+ },
+ )
+ index_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ less_than_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index_2, 1: 30.0}, attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"}
+ )
+ scale_instances_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": instance_on_points_2,
+ "Selection": less_than_1,
+ "Scale": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ random_value_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={5: 1, "Seed": 4}, attrs={"data_type": "INT"}
+ )
+ scale_instances_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": scale_instances_3,
+ "Selection": random_value_5.outputs[2],
+ "Scale": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": scale_instances_5,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_coconut_green_shader),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [scale_instances_4, set_material_2]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_2}
+ )
+def shader_top_core(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": (1.0, 1.0, 0.1),
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping, "Scale": uniform(100, 400)},
+ )
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]}
+ )
+ wave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping_1,
+ "Scale": 2.0,
+ "Distortion": 5.0,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ },
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.4,
+ "Color1": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ "Color2": wave_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ d_hsv = (uniform(0.02, 0.05), uniform(0.3, 0.6), uniform(0.01, 0.05))
+ b_hsv = d_hsv[:1] + (uniform(0.6, 0.9), uniform(0.3, 0.6))
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix})
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2409
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = hsv2rgba(d_hsv)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6045
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = hsv2rgba(b_hsv)
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Roughness": colorramp.outputs["Alpha"],
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+def shader_trunk(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]}
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping, "Scale": 20.0},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ wave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Scale": uniform(1.0, 3.0),
+ "Distortion": 5.0,
+ "Detail Scale": 3.0,
+ },
+ attrs={"bands_direction": "Z"},
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Color1": voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"],
+ "Color2": wave_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ d_hsv = (
+ uniform(0.02, 0.05),
+ uniform(0.01, 0.05) if randint(0, 2) == 1 else uniform(0.5, 0.8),
+ uniform(0.03, 0.09),
+ )
+ b_hsv = d_hsv[:-1] + (uniform(0.1, 0.3),)
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix_1})
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4682
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = hsv2rgba(d_hsv)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.5591
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = hsv2rgba(b_hsv)
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": (10.0, 10.0, 0.2),
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping_1, "Scale": 100.0, "Randomness": 10.0},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D", "distance": "CHEBYCHEV"},
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]}
+ )
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2818
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.3045
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.5284, 0.5034, 0.4327, 1.0)
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": uniform(0.1, 0.3),
+ "Color1": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": mix,
+ "Roughness": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+def geometry_coconut_tree_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ leaf = kwargs["leaf"][0]
+ coconut = kwargs["coconut"][0]
+ radius = kwargs["trunk_radius"]
+ trunk_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="trunk_height")
+ trunk_height.outputs[0].default_value = 5.0
+ top_x, top_y = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0), np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0)
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": top_x, "Y": top_y, "Z": trunk_height}
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Middle": (
+ top_x / uniform(1.0, 2.0),
+ top_y / uniform(1.0, 2.0),
+ uniform(1.5, 3.0),
+ ),
+ "End": combine_xyz_2,
+ },
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": quadratic_bezier, "Length": 0.02}, #'Count': 20000
+ attrs={"mode": "LENGTH"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": resample_curve}
+ )
+ endpoint_selection = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurveEndpointSelection", input_kwargs={"Start Size": 0}
+ )
+ top_segment = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label="TopSegment", attrs={"integer": 12})
+ top_segment.integer = randint(8, 14)
+ top_ring = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label="TopRing", attrs={"integer": 8})
+ top_ring.integer = randint(8, 11)
+ uv_sphere = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Segments": top_segment,
+ "Rings": top_ring,
+ "Radius": uniform(0.15, 0.2),
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": uv_sphere, "Scale": (1.0, 1.0, uniform(0.8, 2.0))},
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_top_core),
+ },
+ )
+ coconut_group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_coconut_group(coconut=coconut).name)
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": coconut_group, "Scale": (-1.0, -1.0, -1.0)},
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, input_kwargs={"Vector": normal}, attrs={"axis": "Z"}
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.2
+ instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": transform,
+ "Instance": transform_1,
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector,
+ "Scale": value,
+ },
+ )
+ random_value = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={5: randint(1, 3)}, attrs={"data_type": "INT"}
+ )
+ scale_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": instance_on_points_1,
+ "Selection": random_value.outputs[2],
+ "Scale": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ coconut_instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_coconut_instance_on_points().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Ring": top_ring, "Segment": top_segment},
+ )
+ scale_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": scale_instances,
+ "Selection": coconut_instance_on_points,
+ "Scale": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ object_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={"Object": leaf})
+ leafontop = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leaf_on_top().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": transform,
+ "Value": top_segment,
+ "Ring": top_segment,
+ "Segment": top_ring,
+ "Instance": object_info.outputs["Geometry"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material_1, scale_instances_1, leafontop]},
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": set_position,
+ "Selection": endpoint_selection,
+ "Instance": join_geometry_1,
+ },
+ )
+ treetrunkgeometry = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_tree_trunk_geometry(radius=radius).name,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position},
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": treetrunkgeometry.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_trunk),
+ },
+ )
+ truncatedstemgeometry = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_truncated_stem_geometry().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": treetrunkgeometry.outputs["Mesh"],
+ 1: trunk_height,
+ 2: treetrunkgeometry.outputs["Integer"],
+ },
+ )
+ geos = [instance_on_points, set_material]
+ if uniform(0.0, 1.0) < 0.3:
+ geos.append(truncatedstemgeometry)
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geos})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry}
+ )
+class CoconutTreeFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(CoconutTreeFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ def create_asset(self, params={}, **kwargs):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ # Make the Leaf and Delete It Later
+ lf_seed = randint(0, 1000, size=(1,))[0]
+ leaf_model = LeafPalmTreeFactory(factory_seed=lf_seed)
+ p = {"leaf_x_curvature": uniform(0.3, 0.8)}
+ leaf = leaf_model.create_asset(p)
+ params["leaf"] = [leaf]
+ co_seed = randint(0, 1000, size=(1,))[0]
+ coconut_model = FruitFactoryCoconutgreen(factory_seed=co_seed)
+ coconut = coconut_model.create_asset()
+ params["coconut"] = [coconut]
+ params["trunk_radius"] = uniform(0.2, 0.3)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geometry_coconut_tree_nodes,
+ selection=None,
+ attributes=[],
+ input_kwargs=params,
+ )
+ butil.delete([leaf, coconut])
+ with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
+ bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove()
+ bpy.ops.object.shade_flat()
+ return obj
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ model = CoconutTreeFactory(0)
+ model.create_asset()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/tropic_plants/leaf_banana_tree.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tropic_plants/leaf_banana_tree.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30f0f397c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tropic_plants/leaf_banana_tree.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1014 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tropic_plants.tropic_plant_utils import (
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_gen,
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x,
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_shader,
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_move_to_origin,
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein,
+ shader_stem_material,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+ "nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_wave", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_wave(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ leaf_h_wave_control_points,
+ leaf_w_wave_control_points,
+ leaf_edge_wave_control_points,
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wave Scale Y", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wave Scale X", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Modulated", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Width Scale", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wave Scale E", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ map_range_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: -0.6, 2: 0.6},
+ )
+ float_curve_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_6.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve_3.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (0.1, leaf_edge_wave_control_points[0] + 0.5),
+ (0.2, leaf_edge_wave_control_points[1] + 0.5),
+ (0.3, leaf_edge_wave_control_points[2] + 0.5),
+ (0.4, leaf_edge_wave_control_points[3] + 0.5),
+ (0.5, leaf_edge_wave_control_points[4] + 0.5),
+ (0.6, leaf_edge_wave_control_points[5] + 0.5),
+ (0.7, leaf_edge_wave_control_points[6] + 0.5),
+ (0.8, leaf_edge_wave_control_points[7] + 0.5),
+ (0.9, leaf_edge_wave_control_points[8] + 0.5),
+ (1.0, 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": float_curve_3, 3: -1.0}
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"},
+ )
+ map_range_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": absolute, 2: group_input.outputs["Width Scale"]},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": map_range_4.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.015
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = uniform(0.3, 0.5)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_7.outputs["Result"], 1: colorramp.outputs["Color"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input.outputs["Wave Scale E"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_1})
+ set_position_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz_3,
+ },
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position_1})
+ attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"],
+ 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"],
+ },
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (0.2, leaf_h_wave_control_points[0] + 0.5),
+ (0.4, leaf_h_wave_control_points[1] + 0.5),
+ (0.6, leaf_h_wave_control_points[2] + 0.5),
+ (0.8, leaf_h_wave_control_points[3] + 0.5),
+ (1.0, leaf_h_wave_control_points[4] + 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": float_curve, 3: -1.0}
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Wave Scale Y"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_2})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_2, "Offset": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ attribute_statistic_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ 1: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Min"],
+ 2: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Max"],
+ },
+ )
+ float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_2.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, leaf_w_wave_control_points[0] + 0.5 + normal(0.0, 0.02)),
+ (0.1, leaf_w_wave_control_points[1] + 0.5 + normal(0.0, 0.02)),
+ (0.25, leaf_w_wave_control_points[2] + 0.5 + normal(0.0, 0.02)),
+ (0.4, leaf_w_wave_control_points[3] + 0.5 + normal(0.0, 0.02)),
+ (0.5, 0.5),
+ (0.6, leaf_w_wave_control_points[3] + 0.5 + normal(0.0, 0.02)),
+ (0.75, leaf_w_wave_control_points[2] + 0.5 + normal(0.0, 0.02)),
+ (0.9, leaf_w_wave_control_points[1] + 0.5 + normal(0.0, 0.02)),
+ (1.0, leaf_w_wave_control_points[0] + 0.5 + normal(0.0, 0.02)),
+ ],
+ handles=[
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": float_curve_1, 3: -1.0}
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_3.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Wave Scale X"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_3})
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, "Offset": combine_xyz_1},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_1}
+ )
+def shader_leaf_material(nw: NodeWrangler, stem_color_hsv):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "vein"})
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": 6.8,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.7,
+ },
+ )
+ separate_rgb = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateRGB, input_kwargs={"Image": noise_texture.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_rgb.outputs["G"],
+ 1: 0.4,
+ 2: 0.7,
+ 3: 0.48,
+ 4: 0.52,
+ },
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_rgb.outputs["B"],
+ 1: 0.4,
+ 2: 0.7,
+ 3: 0.8,
+ 4: 1.2,
+ },
+ )
+ attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "subvein offset"}
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": attribute_1.outputs["Color"], 2: -0.94}
+ )
+ main_leaf_hsv = (uniform(0.26, 0.37), uniform(0.8, 1.0), uniform(0.15, 0.55))
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={"Value": 2.0, "Color": hsv2rgba(main_leaf_hsv)},
+ )
+ main_leaf_hsv_2 = (main_leaf_hsv[0] + normal(0.0, 0.02),) + main_leaf_hsv[1:]
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color1": hue_saturation_value,
+ "Color2": hsv2rgba(main_leaf_hsv_2),
+ },
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Hue": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Value": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color": mix,
+ },
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": attribute.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": hsv2rgba(stem_color_hsv),
+ "Color2": hue_saturation_value_1,
+ },
+ )
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_shader().name, input_kwargs={"Color": mix_1}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": group})
+ "nodegroup_round_tropical_leaf", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_round_tropical_leaf(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ jigsaw_depth,
+ leaf_h_wave_control_points,
+ leaf_w_wave_control_points,
+ leaf_edge_wave_control_points,
+ leaf_contour_control_points,
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "To Max", -0.4),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wave Scale Y", 0.3),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wave Scale X", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wave Scale E", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leaf Width Scale", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": group_input.outputs["Mesh"], "Level": 10},
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": subdivide_mesh}
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivide_mesh_1, 1: position},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ nodegroup_leaf_gen = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_gen(leaf_contour_control_points).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Displancement scale": 0.0,
+ "Vein Asymmetry": 0.3023,
+ "Vein Density": 0.0,
+ "Jigsaw Scale": uniform(5.0, 20.0),
+ "Jigsaw Depth": jigsaw_depth,
+ "Vein Angle": 0.3,
+ "Wave Displacement": 0.0,
+ "Midrib Length": 0.333,
+ "Stem Length": 0.6,
+ "Midrib Width": uniform(0.8, 1.4),
+ "Leaf Width Scale": group_input.outputs["Leaf Width Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_sub_vein = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein().name,
+ input_kwargs={"X": 0.0, "Y": nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Vein Coord"]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: nodegroup_sub_vein.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0005},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ 2: nodegroup_sub_vein.outputs["Color Value"],
+ },
+ )
+ capture_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Vein Value"],
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_apply_wave = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_wave(
+ leaf_h_wave_control_points,
+ leaf_w_wave_control_points,
+ leaf_edge_wave_control_points,
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute_2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Wave Scale Y": group_input.outputs["Wave Scale Y"],
+ "Wave Scale X": group_input.outputs["Wave Scale X"],
+ "X Modulated": nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Wave Scale E": group_input.outputs["Wave Scale E"],
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_move_to_origin = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_move_to_origin().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": nodegroup_apply_wave},
+ )
+ nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": nodegroup_move_to_origin,
+ "To Max": group_input.outputs["To Max"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Attribute": nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "Coordinate": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "subvein": capture_attribute_1.outputs[2],
+ "vein": capture_attribute_2.outputs[2],
+ "Geometry": nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x,
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_leaf_on_stem", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leaf_on_stem(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Points", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Instance", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "Scale", (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ endpoint_selection = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurveEndpointSelection", input_kwargs={"End Size": 0}
+ )
+ curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
+ align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": curve_tangent},
+ attrs={"axis": "Z"},
+ )
+ instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": group_input.outputs["Points"],
+ "Selection": endpoint_selection,
+ "Instance": group_input.outputs["Instance"],
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector,
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": instance_on_points_1,
+ "Rotation": (-1.5708, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": rotate_instances}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances_1}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_stem_curvature", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_stem_curvature(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "To Min1", 0.2),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "To Min2", -0.2),
+ ],
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"], "Count": 100},
+ )
+ position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["To Min1"],
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position_2,
+ "Center": (0.0, 0.0, 2.0),
+ "Angle": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "Y_AXIS"},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": resample_curve, "Position": vector_rotate},
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ spline_parameter_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": spline_parameter_2.outputs["Factor"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs[2],
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ vector_rotate_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": position_1, "Angle": map_range_2.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "X_AXIS"},
+ )
+ set_position_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_1, "Position": vector_rotate_1},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_2}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_stem_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_stem_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None)]
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: 0.4, 4: 0.8},
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Radius": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": 0.02})
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Mesh": curve_to_mesh})
+def geometry_leaf_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ leaf_x_curvature = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="leaf_x_curvature")
+ leaf_x_curvature.outputs[0].default_value = -kwargs["leaf_x_curvature"]
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ wave_x_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="wave_x_scale")
+ wave_x_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["leaf_h_wave_scale"]
+ wave_y_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="wave_y_scale")
+ wave_y_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["leaf_w_wave_scale"]
+ wave_e_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="wave_e_scale")
+ wave_e_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["leaf_edge_wave_scale"]
+ leaf_width_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="leaf_width_scale")
+ leaf_width_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["leaf_width"]
+ leaf_h_wave_control_points = kwargs["leaf_h_wave_control_points"]
+ leaf_w_wave_control_points = kwargs["leaf_w_wave_control_points"]
+ leaf_edge_wave_control_points = kwargs["leaf_edge_wave_control_points"]
+ leaf_contour_control_points = kwargs["leaf_contour_control_points"]
+ leaf_jigsaw_depth = kwargs["leaf_jigsaw_depth"]
+ round_tropical_leaf = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_round_tropical_leaf(
+ leaf_jigsaw_depth,
+ leaf_h_wave_control_points,
+ leaf_w_wave_control_points,
+ leaf_edge_wave_control_points,
+ leaf_contour_control_points,
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "To Max": leaf_x_curvature,
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Wave Scale Y": wave_x_scale,
+ "Wave Scale X": wave_y_scale,
+ "Leaf Width Scale": leaf_width_scale,
+ "Wave Scale E": wave_e_scale,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": round_tropical_leaf.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Attribute": round_tropical_leaf.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "Coordinate": round_tropical_leaf.outputs["Coordinate"],
+ "subvein offset": round_tropical_leaf.outputs["subvein"],
+ "vein": round_tropical_leaf.outputs["vein"],
+ },
+ )
+def geometry_plant_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"Start": (0.0, 0.0, 2.0), "End": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)}
+ )
+ stem_y_curvature = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="stem_y_curvature")
+ stem_y_curvature.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(-0.5, 0.5)
+ stem_x_curvature = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="stem_x_curvature")
+ stem_x_curvature.outputs[0].default_value = -kwargs["leaf_x_curvature"]
+ stem_curvature = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_stem_curvature().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line_1, 1: stem_y_curvature, 2: stem_x_curvature},
+ )
+ stem_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_stem_geometry().name, input_kwargs={"Curve": stem_curvature}
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": stem_geometry,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ lambda x: shader_stem_material(
+ x, stem_color_hsv=kwargs["stem_color_hsv"]
+ )
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ leaf_x_curvature = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="leaf_x_curvature")
+ leaf_x_curvature.outputs[0].default_value = -kwargs["leaf_x_curvature"]
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ wave_x_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="wave_x_scale")
+ wave_x_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["leaf_h_wave_scale"]
+ wave_y_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="wave_y_scale")
+ wave_y_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["leaf_w_wave_scale"]
+ wave_e_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="wave_edge_scale")
+ wave_e_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["leaf_edge_wave_scale"]
+ leaf_width_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="leaf_width_scale")
+ leaf_width_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["leaf_width"]
+ leaf_h_wave_control_points = kwargs["leaf_h_wave_control_points"]
+ leaf_w_wave_control_points = kwargs["leaf_w_wave_control_points"]
+ leaf_edge_wave_control_points = kwargs["leaf_edge_wave_control_points"]
+ leaf_contour_control_points = kwargs["leaf_contour_control_points"]
+ leaf_jigsaw_depth = kwargs["leaf_jigsaw_depth"]
+ round_tropical_leaf = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_round_tropical_leaf(
+ leaf_jigsaw_depth,
+ leaf_h_wave_control_points,
+ leaf_w_wave_control_points,
+ leaf_edge_wave_control_points,
+ leaf_contour_control_points,
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "To Max": leaf_x_curvature,
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Wave Scale Y": wave_x_scale,
+ "Wave Scale X": wave_y_scale,
+ "Leaf Width Scale": leaf_width_scale,
+ "Wave Scale E": wave_e_scale,
+ },
+ )
+ leaf_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="leaf_scale")
+ leaf_scale.outputs[0].default_value = normal(1.0, 0.3)
+ leaf_on_stem = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leaf_on_stem().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": stem_curvature,
+ "Instance": round_tropical_leaf.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Scale": leaf_scale,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material, leaf_on_stem]}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry,
+ "Translation": kwargs["plant_translation"],
+ "Rotation": (0.0, 0.0, kwargs["plant_z_rotate"]),
+ "Scale": kwargs["plant_scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform,
+ "Attribute": round_tropical_leaf.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "Coordinate": round_tropical_leaf.outputs["Coordinate"],
+ "subvein offset": round_tropical_leaf.outputs["subvein"],
+ "vein": round_tropical_leaf.outputs["vein"],
+ },
+ )
+class LeafBananaTreeFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(LeafBananaTreeFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ def get_leaf_contour(self, mode):
+ if mode == "oval":
+ return [0.13, 0.275, 0.35, 0.365, 0.32, 0.21]
+ elif mode == "pear":
+ return [0.30, 0.46, 0.46, 0.43, 0.37, 0.23]
+ else:
+ return NotImplementedError
+ def get_h_wave_contour(self, mode):
+ if mode == "flat":
+ return [normal(0.0, 0.03) for _ in range(6)]
+ elif mode == "s":
+ return [
+ -0.1 + normal(0.0, 0.02),
+ 0.0 + normal(0.0, 0.02),
+ 0.08 + normal(0.0, 0.02),
+ 0.0 + normal(0.0, 0.02),
+ -0.05 + normal(0.0, 0.01),
+ ]
+ elif mode == "w":
+ return [
+ -0.08 + normal(0.0, 0.02),
+ 0.07 + normal(0.0, 0.02),
+ -0.08 + normal(0.0, 0.02),
+ 0.08 + normal(0.0, 0.02),
+ -0.05 + normal(0, 0.02),
+ ]
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def get_w_wave_contour(self, mode):
+ if mode == "fold":
+ return [
+ -0.28 + normal(0.0, 0.02),
+ -0.2 + normal(0.0, 0.02),
+ -0.13 + normal(0.0, 0.01),
+ -0.06 + normal(0.0, 0.01),
+ ], uniform(0.1, 0.3)
+ elif mode == "wing":
+ return [
+ 0.0 + normal(0.0, 0.02),
+ 0.06 + normal(0.0, 0.02),
+ 0.07 + normal(0.0, 0.01),
+ 0.04 + normal(0.0, 0.01),
+ ], uniform(0.0, 0.3)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def get_e_wave_contour(self, mode):
+ if mode == "wavy":
+ return [
+ -0.06 + normal(0.0, 0.01),
+ 0.06 + normal(0.0, 0.01),
+ -0.06 + normal(0.0, 0.01),
+ 0.06 + normal(0.0, 0.01),
+ -0.06 + normal(0.0, 0.01),
+ 0.06 + normal(0.0, 0.01),
+ -0.06 + normal(0.0, 0.01),
+ 0.06 + normal(0.0, 0.01),
+ -0.06 + normal(0.0, 0.01),
+ ], 10
+ elif mode == "flat":
+ return [0.0 for _ in range(9)], 0.0
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def update_params(self, **params):
+ if params.get("leaf_h_wave_control_points", None) is None:
+ mode = np.random.choice(["flat", "w", "s"], p=[0.4, 0.3, 0.3])
+ params["leaf_h_wave_control_points"] = self.get_h_wave_contour(mode)
+ if params.get("leaf_w_wave_control_points", None) is None:
+ mode = np.random.choice(["fold", "wing"], p=[0.2, 0.8])
+ params["leaf_w_wave_control_points"], params["leaf_w_wave_scale"] = (
+ self.get_w_wave_contour(mode)
+ )
+ if params.get("leaf_edge_wave_control_points", None) is None:
+ mode = np.random.choice(["wavy", "flat"], p=[1.0, 0.0]) # 0.6, 0.4
+ params["leaf_edge_wave_control_points"], params["leaf_edge_wave_scale"] = (
+ self.get_e_wave_contour(mode)
+ )
+ if params.get("leaf_contour_control_points", None) is None:
+ mode = np.random.choice(["oval", "pear"], p=[0.5, 0.5])
+ params["leaf_contour_control_points"] = self.get_leaf_contour(mode)
+ if params.get("leaf_jigsaw_depth", None) is None:
+ mode = np.random.choice([0, 1], p=[0.4, 0.6])
+ params["leaf_jigsaw_depth"] = mode * uniform(0.8, 1.7)
+ if params.get("leaf_width", None) is None:
+ params["leaf_width"] = uniform(0.5, 0.85)
+ if params.get("leaf_h_wave_scale", None) is None:
+ params["leaf_h_wave_scale"] = uniform(0.02, 0.2)
+ if params.get("leaf_w_wave_scale", None) is None:
+ params["leaf_w_wave_scale"] = uniform(0.05, 0.25)
+ if params.get("leaf_x_curvature", None) is None:
+ params["leaf_x_curvature"] = uniform(0.0, 0.1)
+ if params.get("stem_color_hsv", None) is None:
+ params["stem_color_hsv"] = (
+ uniform(0.25, 0.32),
+ uniform(0.8, 1.0),
+ uniform(0.8, 1.0),
+ )
+ return params
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=2,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ params = self.update_params(**params)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geometry_leaf_nodes,
+ apply=True,
+ attributes=["Attribute", "Coordinate", "subvein offset", "vein"],
+ input_kwargs=params,
+ )
+ surface.add_material(
+ obj,
+ lambda x: shader_leaf_material(x, stem_color_hsv=params["stem_color_hsv"]),
+ selection=None,
+ )
+ tag_object(obj, "leaf_banana_tree")
+ return obj
+class PlantBananaTreeFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(PlantBananaTreeFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.leaf_tropical_factory = LeafBananaTreeFactory(factory_seed)
+ def update_params(self, **params):
+ params = self.leaf_tropical_factory.update_params(**params)
+ # Add new params update
+ if params.get("plant_translation", None) is None:
+ params["plant_translation"] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+ if params.get("plant_z_rotate", None) is None:
+ params["plant_z_rotate"] = uniform(-0.4, 0.4)
+ if params.get("plant_scale", None) is None:
+ s = uniform(0.8, 1.5)
+ params["plant_scale"] = (s, s, s)
+ return params
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=2,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ params = self.update_params(**params)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geometry_plant_nodes,
+ apply=True,
+ attributes=["Attribute", "Coordinate", "subvein offset", "vein"],
+ input_kwargs=params,
+ )
+ surface.add_material(
+ obj,
+ lambda x: shader_leaf_material(x, stem_color_hsv=params["stem_color_hsv"]),
+ selection=None,
+ )
+ tag_object(obj, "leaf_banana_tree")
+ return obj
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ fac = LeafBananaTreeFactory(0)
+ fac.create_asset()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/tropic_plants/leaf_palm_plant.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tropic_plants/leaf_palm_plant.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78cb49f17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tropic_plants/leaf_palm_plant.py
@@ -0,0 +1,860 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, randint, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tropic_plants.tropic_plant_utils import (
+ hsv2rgba,
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_gen,
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x,
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_shader,
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_move_to_origin,
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein,
+ shader_stem_material,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import Nodes, NodeWrangler, node_utils
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+ "nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_wave", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_wave(nw: NodeWrangler, leaf_h_wave_control_points):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wave Scale Y", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wave Scale X", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Modulated", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Width Scale", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position_1})
+ attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"],
+ 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"],
+ },
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (0.2, leaf_h_wave_control_points[0] + 0.5),
+ (0.4, leaf_h_wave_control_points[1] + 0.5),
+ (0.6, leaf_h_wave_control_points[2] + 0.5),
+ (0.8, leaf_h_wave_control_points[3] + 0.5),
+ (1.0, leaf_h_wave_control_points[4] + 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": float_curve, 3: -1.0}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Wave Scale Y"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ attribute_statistic_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ 1: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Min"],
+ 2: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Max"],
+ },
+ )
+ float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_2.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.1625),
+ (0.0955, 0.2844),
+ (0.2318, 0.3594),
+ (0.3727, 0.451),
+ (0.5045, 0.5094),
+ (0.6045, 0.4447),
+ (0.7886, 0.325),
+ (1.0, 0.1594),
+ ],
+ handles=["AUTO", "AUTO", "AUTO", "AUTO", "VECTOR", "AUTO", "AUTO", "AUTO"],
+ )
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": float_curve_1, 3: -1.0}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_3.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Wave Scale X"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_1})
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, "Offset": combine_xyz_1},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_1}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_palm_leaf_assemble", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_palm_leaf_assemble(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Points", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Instance", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Resolution", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 1: 2.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: divide}, attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"}
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 0.0}, attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"}
+ )
+ op_and = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: greater_than}
+ )
+ curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
+ align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, input_kwargs={"Vector": curve_tangent}
+ )
+ random_value = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: 0.9, 3: 1.1, "Seed": 2}
+ )
+ instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": group_input.outputs["Points"],
+ "Selection": op_and,
+ "Instance": group_input.outputs["Instance"],
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector,
+ "Scale": random_value.outputs[1],
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instance_on_points_1}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances_1}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_round_tropical_leaf", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leaf_palm_instance(nw: NodeWrangler, leaf_h_wave_control_points):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "To Max", -0.4),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wave Scale Y", 0.3),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wave Scale X", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leaf Width Scale", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": group_input.outputs["Mesh"], "Level": 10},
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": subdivide_mesh}
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivide_mesh_1, 1: position},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ nodegroup_leaf_gen = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_gen().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Displancement scale": 0.0,
+ "Vein Asymmetry": 0.3023,
+ "Vein Density": 0.0,
+ "Jigsaw Scale": 10.0,
+ "Jigsaw Depth": 0.0,
+ "Vein Angle": 0.3,
+ "Wave Displacement": 0.0,
+ "Midrib Length": 0.3336,
+ "Midrib Width": 1.3,
+ "Stem Length": 0.6,
+ "Leaf Width Scale": group_input.outputs["Leaf Width Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_sub_vein = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein().name,
+ input_kwargs={"X": nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["X Modulated"]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: nodegroup_sub_vein.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0005},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ 2: nodegroup_sub_vein.outputs["Color Value"],
+ },
+ )
+ capture_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Vein Value"],
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_apply_wave = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_wave(leaf_h_wave_control_points).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute_2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Wave Scale Y": group_input.outputs["Wave Scale Y"],
+ "Wave Scale X": group_input.outputs["Wave Scale X"],
+ "X Modulated": nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Width Scale": group_input.outputs["Leaf Width Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_move_to_origin = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_move_to_origin().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": nodegroup_apply_wave},
+ )
+ nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": nodegroup_move_to_origin,
+ "To Max": group_input.outputs["To Max"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Attribute": nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "Coordinate": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "subvein": capture_attribute_1.outputs[2],
+ "vein": capture_attribute_2.outputs[2],
+ "Geometry": nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x,
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_palmleafsector", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_palmleafsector(nw: NodeWrangler, leaf_h_wave_control_points):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "To Max", -0.4),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wave Scale Y", 0.3),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wave Scale X", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leaf Width Scale", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution1", 26),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Resolution2", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ round_tropical_leaf = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leaf_palm_instance(leaf_h_wave_control_points).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "To Max": group_input.outputs["To Max"],
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Wave Scale Y": group_input.outputs["Wave Scale Y"],
+ "Wave Scale X": group_input.outputs["Wave Scale X"],
+ "Leaf Width Scale": group_input.outputs["Leaf Width Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution1"], "Radius": 0.01},
+ )
+ palm_leaf_assemble = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_palm_leaf_assemble().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Instance": round_tropical_leaf.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Resolution": group_input.outputs[6],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": palm_leaf_assemble}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Attribute": round_tropical_leaf.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "Coordinate": round_tropical_leaf.outputs["Coordinate"],
+ "subvein": round_tropical_leaf.outputs["subvein"],
+ "vein": round_tropical_leaf.outputs["vein"],
+ "Geometry": join_geometry,
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_leaf_on_stem", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leaf_on_stem(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Points", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Instance", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "Scale", (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ endpoint_selection = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurveEndpointSelection", input_kwargs={"End Size": 0}
+ )
+ curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
+ align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": curve_tangent},
+ attrs={"axis": "Z"},
+ )
+ instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": group_input.outputs["Points"],
+ "Selection": endpoint_selection,
+ "Instance": group_input.outputs["Instance"],
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector,
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": instance_on_points_1,
+ "Rotation": (1.5708, 0.0, 3.1416),
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": rotate_instances}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances_1}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_stem_curvature", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_stem_curvature(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y Stem Rotate", 0.2),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Stem Rotate", -0.2),
+ ],
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"], "Count": 100},
+ )
+ position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["Y Stem Rotate"],
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position_2,
+ "Center": (0.0, 0.0, 2.0),
+ "Angle": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "Y_AXIS"},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": resample_curve, "Position": vector_rotate},
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ spline_parameter_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": spline_parameter_2.outputs["Factor"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["X Stem Rotate"],
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ vector_rotate_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": position_1, "Angle": map_range_2.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "X_AXIS"},
+ )
+ set_position_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_1, "Position": vector_rotate_1},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_2}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_stem_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_stem_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None)]
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: 0.4, 4: 0.8},
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Radius": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": uniform(0.03, 0.06)}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Mesh": curve_to_mesh})
+def shader_leaf_material(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "vein"})
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": 6.8,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.7,
+ },
+ )
+ separate_rgb = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateRGB, input_kwargs={"Image": noise_texture.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_rgb.outputs["G"],
+ 1: 0.4,
+ 2: 0.7,
+ 3: 0.48,
+ 4: 0.52,
+ },
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_rgb.outputs["B"],
+ 1: 0.4,
+ 2: 0.7,
+ 3: 0.8,
+ 4: 1.2,
+ },
+ )
+ attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "subvein offset"}
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": attribute_1.outputs["Color"], 2: -0.94}
+ )
+ main_leaf_hsv = (uniform(0.3, 0.36), uniform(0.6, 0.7), uniform(0.2, 0.3))
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={"Value": 2.0, "Color": hsv2rgba(main_leaf_hsv)},
+ )
+ main_leaf_hsv_2 = (main_leaf_hsv[0] + normal(0.0, 0.005),) + main_leaf_hsv[1:]
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color1": hue_saturation_value,
+ "Color2": hsv2rgba(main_leaf_hsv_2),
+ },
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Hue": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Value": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color": mix,
+ },
+ )
+ stem_color_hsv = main_leaf_hsv[:-1] + (main_leaf_hsv[-1] - uniform(0.05, 0.15),)
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": attribute.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": hsv2rgba(stem_color_hsv),
+ "Color2": hue_saturation_value_1,
+ },
+ )
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_shader().name, input_kwargs={"Color": mix_1}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": group})
+def geometry_plant_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": (0.0, 0.0, kwargs["plant_stem_length"]),
+ "End": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ stem_y_curvature = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="stem_y_curvature")
+ stem_y_curvature.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["stem_y_curvature"]
+ stem_x_curvature = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="stem_x_curvature")
+ stem_x_curvature.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["stem_x_curvature"]
+ stem_curvature = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_stem_curvature().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": curve_line_1,
+ "Y Stem Rotate": stem_y_curvature,
+ "X Stem Rotate": stem_x_curvature,
+ },
+ )
+ stem_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_stem_geometry().name, input_kwargs={"Curve": stem_curvature}
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": stem_geometry,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_stem_material),
+ },
+ )
+ leaf_x_curvature = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="leaf_x_curvature")
+ leaf_x_curvature.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["leaf_x_curvature"]
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ wave_x_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="wave_x_scale")
+ wave_x_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["leaf_h_wave_scale"]
+ wave_y_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="wave_y_scale")
+ wave_y_scale.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0
+ leaf_width_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="leaf_width_scale")
+ leaf_width_scale.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(0.15, 0.2)
+ integer = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, attrs={"integer": 24})
+ integer.integer = randint(20, 30)
+ palmleafsector = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_palmleafsector(
+ leaf_h_wave_control_points=kwargs["leaf_h_wave_control_points"]
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "To Max": leaf_x_curvature,
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Wave Scale Y": wave_x_scale,
+ "Wave Scale X": wave_y_scale,
+ "Leaf Width Scale": leaf_width_scale,
+ 5: integer,
+ 6: integer,
+ },
+ )
+ leaf_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="leaf_scale")
+ leaf_scale.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(0.85, 1.25)
+ leaf_on_stem = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leaf_on_stem().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": stem_curvature,
+ "Instance": palmleafsector.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Scale": leaf_scale,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material, leaf_on_stem]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": leaf_x_curvature})
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_1, "Rotation": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_1,
+ "Translation": kwargs["plant_translation"],
+ "Rotation": (0.0, 0.0, kwargs["plant_z_rotate"]),
+ "Scale": kwargs["plant_scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform,
+ "Attribute": palmleafsector.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "Coordinate": palmleafsector.outputs["Coordinate"],
+ "subvein offset": palmleafsector.outputs["subvein"],
+ "vein": palmleafsector.outputs["vein"],
+ },
+ )
+class LeafPalmPlantFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(LeafPalmPlantFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ def get_h_wave_contour(self, mode):
+ if mode == "flat":
+ return [normal(0.0, 0.03) for _ in range(6)]
+ elif mode == "s":
+ return [
+ -0.5 + normal(0.0, 0.01),
+ 0.0 + normal(0.0, 0.01),
+ 0.05 + normal(0.0, 0.01),
+ 0.0 + normal(0.0, 0.01),
+ -0.05 + normal(0.0, 0.01),
+ ]
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def update_params(self, params):
+ if params.get("leaf_h_wave_control_points", None) is None:
+ mode = np.random.choice(["flat", "s"], p=[0.7, 0.3])
+ params["leaf_h_wave_control_points"] = self.get_h_wave_contour(mode)
+ if params.get("leaf_h_wave_scale", None) is None:
+ params["leaf_h_wave_scale"] = uniform(0.01, 0.15)
+ if params.get("leaf_x_curvature", None) is None:
+ params["leaf_x_curvature"] = uniform(0.0, 0.5)
+ if params.get("stem_x_curvature", None) is None:
+ params["stem_x_curvature"] = uniform(-0.1, 0.4)
+ if params.get("stem_y_curvature", None) is None:
+ params["stem_y_curvature"] = uniform(-0.15, 0.15)
+ if params.get("plant_translation", None) is None:
+ params["plant_translation"] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+ if params.get("plant_z_rotate", None) is None:
+ params["plant_z_rotate"] = uniform(-0.4, 0.4)
+ if params.get("plant_stem_length", None) is None:
+ params["plant_stem_length"] = uniform(1.5, 2.2)
+ if params.get("plant_scale", None) is None:
+ s = uniform(0.8, 1.3)
+ params["plant_scale"] = (s, s, s)
+ return params
+ def create_asset(self, params={}, **kwargs):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=2,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ params = self.update_params(params)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geometry_plant_nodes,
+ apply=False,
+ attributes=["Attribute", "Coordinate", "subvein offset", "vein"],
+ input_kwargs=params,
+ )
+ surface.add_material(obj, shader_leaf_material, selection=None)
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/tropic_plants/leaf_palm_tree.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tropic_plants/leaf_palm_tree.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..294323d81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tropic_plants/leaf_palm_tree.py
@@ -0,0 +1,987 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+import bpy
+from numpy.random import normal, randint, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tropic_plants.tropic_plant_utils import (
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_gen,
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x,
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_shader,
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_move_to_origin,
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein,
+ shader_stem_material,
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import Nodes, NodeWrangler, node_utils
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+ "nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_wave", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_wave(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wave Scale Y", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wave Scale X", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Modulated", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Width Scale", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position_1})
+ attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"],
+ 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"],
+ },
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.4875),
+ (0.1091, 0.5),
+ (0.3275, 0.4921),
+ (0.7409, 0.5031),
+ (1.0, 0.5063),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": float_curve, 3: -1.0}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Wave Scale Y"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ attribute_statistic_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ 1: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Min"],
+ 2: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Max"],
+ },
+ )
+ float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_2.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.1625),
+ (0.0955, 0.2844),
+ (0.2318, 0.3594),
+ (0.3727, 0.451),
+ (0.5045, 0.5094),
+ (0.6045, 0.4447),
+ (0.7886, 0.325),
+ (1.0, 0.1594),
+ ],
+ handles=["AUTO", "AUTO", "AUTO", "AUTO", "VECTOR", "AUTO", "AUTO", "AUTO"],
+ )
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": float_curve_1, 3: -1.0}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_3.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Wave Scale X"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_1})
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, "Offset": combine_xyz_1},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_1}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_leaf_on_stem_selection", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leaf_on_stem_selection(nw: NodeWrangler, gt, lt, th):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Samples", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Random Value", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Random Value"], 1: gt},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Random Value"], 1: lt},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ op_and = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: less_than}
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Samples"], 1: th * uniform(0.95, 1.05)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ less_than_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index, 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ op_and_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and, 1: less_than_1})
+ op_not = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and_1}, attrs={"operation": "NOT"}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Boolean": op_not})
+ "nodegroup_leaf_on_stem_scale_up_down", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leaf_on_stem_scale_up_down(nw: NodeWrangler, gap):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ index_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Samples", 0.0)]
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": index_2, 2: group_input.outputs["Samples"]},
+ attrs={"clamp": False},
+ )
+ float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_1.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0, 1.0 - gap), (0.3, 1.0 - gap / 2.0), (0.6, 1.0 - gap / 5.0), (1.0, 1.0)],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: float_curve_1}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": multiply})
+ "nodegroup_leaf_on_stem_rotation_up_down", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leaf_on_stem_rotation_up_down(nw: NodeWrangler, scale, gap):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketInt", "Samples", 0)]
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": index_1,
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Samples"],
+ 3: 1.0,
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ attrs={"clamp": False},
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0, 1.0 - gap), (0.7, 1.0 - gap / 2.0), (1.0, 1.0)],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: scale},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz})
+ "nodegroup_leaf_on_stem_rotation_in_out", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leaf_on_stem_rotation_in_out(nw: NodeWrangler, in_out_scale=1.0):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketInt", "Samples", 0)]
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": index_1,
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Samples"],
+ 3: 1.0,
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ attrs={"clamp": False},
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0), (0.5136, 0.2188), (1.0, 0.8813)]
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: -0.5})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: add, 1: in_out_scale},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz})
+ "nodegroup_round_tropical_leaf", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_palm_leaf_instance(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "To Max", -0.4),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wave Scale Y", 0.3),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wave Scale X", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leaf Width Scale", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": group_input.outputs["Mesh"], "Level": 8},
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": subdivide_mesh}
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": subdivide_mesh_1, 1: position},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ nodegroup_leaf_gen = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_gen().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Displancement scale": 0.0,
+ "Vein Asymmetry": uniform(0.2, 0.4),
+ "Vein Density": 0.0,
+ "Jigsaw Scale": 10.0,
+ "Jigsaw Depth": 0.0,
+ "Vein Angle": 0.3,
+ "Wave Displacement": 0.0,
+ "Midrib Length": 0.3336,
+ "Midrib Width": uniform(0.9, 1.5),
+ "Stem Length": uniform(0.55, 0.65),
+ "Leaf Width Scale": group_input.outputs["Leaf Width Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_sub_vein = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein().name,
+ input_kwargs={"X": nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["X Modulated"]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: nodegroup_sub_vein.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0005},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position,
+ 2: nodegroup_sub_vein.outputs["Color Value"],
+ },
+ )
+ capture_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Vein Value"],
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_apply_wave = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_wave().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute_2.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Wave Scale Y": group_input.outputs["Wave Scale Y"],
+ "Wave Scale X": group_input.outputs["Wave Scale X"],
+ "X Modulated": nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Width Scale": group_input.outputs["Leaf Width Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_move_to_origin = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_move_to_origin().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": nodegroup_apply_wave},
+ )
+ nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": nodegroup_move_to_origin,
+ "To Max": group_input.outputs["To Max"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Attribute": nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "Coordinate": capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "subvein": capture_attribute_1.outputs[2],
+ "vein": capture_attribute_2.outputs[2],
+ "Geometry": nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x,
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_leaf_on_stem", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leaf_on_stem(nw: NodeWrangler, versions):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Points", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Instance", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "Scale", (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Samples", 0),
+ ],
+ )
+ rotation_scale, rotation_gap = uniform(0.6, 1.2), uniform(0.2, 0.6)
+ scale_gap = uniform(0.2, 0.5)
+ in_out_scale = normal(0.0, 0.7)
+ leaves = []
+ for L in [-1, 1]:
+ curve_tangent_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
+ align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": curve_tangent_1},
+ attrs={"pivot_axis": "Y"},
+ )
+ instance_on_points_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": group_input.outputs["Points"],
+ "Instance": group_input.outputs["Instance"],
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector_1,
+ },
+ )
+ scale_instances_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": instance_on_points_2, "Scale": (1.0, L, 1.0)},
+ )
+ index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ random_value_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={"ID": index_1, "Seed": L + 1}
+ )
+ leaf_on_stem_selection_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leaf_on_stem_selection(0, 0, 0).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Samples": group_input.outputs["Samples"],
+ "Random Value": random_value_4.outputs[1],
+ },
+ )
+ value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 1.0
+ scale_instances_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": scale_instances_4,
+ "Selection": leaf_on_stem_selection_1,
+ "Scale": value_1,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": scale_instances_3}
+ )
+ leaf_on_stem_rotation_up_down = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leaf_on_stem_rotation_up_down(
+ rotation_scale * L, rotation_gap
+ ).name,
+ input_kwargs={"Samples": group_input.outputs["Samples"]},
+ )
+ rotate_instances_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": join_geometry_2,
+ "Rotation": leaf_on_stem_rotation_up_down,
+ },
+ )
+ leaf_on_stem_rotation_in_out_001 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leaf_on_stem_rotation_in_out(in_out_scale=in_out_scale).name,
+ input_kwargs={"Samples": group_input.outputs["Samples"]},
+ )
+ rotate_instances_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": rotate_instances_6,
+ "Rotation": leaf_on_stem_rotation_in_out_001,
+ },
+ )
+ leaf_on_stem_scale_up_down_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leaf_on_stem_scale_up_down(scale_gap).name,
+ input_kwargs={"Samples": group_input.outputs["Samples"]},
+ )
+ scale_instances_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": rotate_instances_7,
+ "Scale": leaf_on_stem_scale_up_down_1,
+ },
+ )
+ leaves.append(scale_instances_9)
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": leaves})
+ random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.3, 3: 0.3})
+ random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.3, 3: 0.3})
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": random_value_1.outputs[1], "Y": random_value_3.outputs[1]},
+ )
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": join_geometry, "Rotation": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ random_value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: 0.7})
+ scale_instances_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": rotate_instances,
+ "Scale": random_value_2.outputs[1],
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": scale_instances_6}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_stem_curvature", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_stem_curvature(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y Stem Rotate", 0.2),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Stem Count", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Stem Rotate", -0.2),
+ ],
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Count": group_input.outputs["Stem Count"],
+ },
+ )
+ position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["Y Stem Rotate"],
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position_2,
+ "Center": (0.0, 0.0, 2.0),
+ "Angle": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "Y_AXIS"},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": resample_curve, "Position": vector_rotate},
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ spline_parameter_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": spline_parameter_2.outputs["Factor"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["X Stem Rotate"],
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ vector_rotate_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": position_1, "Angle": map_range_2.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "X_AXIS"},
+ )
+ set_position_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_1, "Position": vector_rotate_1},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_2}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_stem_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_stem_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None)]
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ 3: uniform(0.1, 0.3),
+ 4: 0.8,
+ },
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Radius": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": uniform(0.03, 0.06)}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Mesh": curve_to_mesh})
+def shader_leaf_material(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "vein"})
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": 6.8,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Roughness": 0.7,
+ },
+ )
+ separate_rgb = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateRGB, input_kwargs={"Image": noise_texture.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_rgb.outputs["G"],
+ 1: 0.4,
+ 2: 0.7,
+ 3: 0.48,
+ 4: 0.52,
+ },
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_rgb.outputs["B"],
+ 1: 0.4,
+ 2: 0.7,
+ 3: 0.8,
+ 4: 1.2,
+ },
+ )
+ attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "subvein offset"}
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": attribute_1.outputs["Color"], 2: -0.94}
+ )
+ main_leaf_hsv = (uniform(0.3, 0.36), uniform(0.8, 1.0), uniform(0.25, 0.45))
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={"Value": 2.0, "Color": hsv2rgba(main_leaf_hsv)},
+ )
+ main_leaf_hsv_2 = (main_leaf_hsv[0] + normal(0.0, 0.005),) + main_leaf_hsv[1:]
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color1": hue_saturation_value,
+ "Color2": hsv2rgba(main_leaf_hsv_2),
+ },
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Hue": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Value": map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color": mix,
+ },
+ )
+ stem_color_hsv = main_leaf_hsv[:-1] + (main_leaf_hsv[-1] - uniform(0.05, 0.15),)
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": attribute.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color1": hsv2rgba(stem_color_hsv),
+ "Color2": hue_saturation_value_1,
+ },
+ )
+ group = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_shader().name, input_kwargs={"Color": mix_1}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": group})
+def geometry_palm_tree_leaf_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"Start": (0.0, 0.0, 2.0), "End": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)}
+ )
+ leaf_x_curvature = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="leaf_x_curvature")
+ leaf_x_curvature.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["leaf_x_curvature"]
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: leaf_x_curvature, 1: kwargs["leaf_instance_curvature_ratio"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ integer_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, attrs={"integer": 50})
+ integer_1.integer = kwargs["num_leaf_samples"]
+ stem_x_curvature = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="stem_x_curvature")
+ stem_x_curvature.outputs[0].default_value = normal(0.0, 0.15)
+ stem_curvature = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_stem_curvature().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": curve_line_1,
+ "Y Stem Rotate": leaf_x_curvature,
+ "Stem Count": integer_1,
+ "X Stem Rotate": stem_x_curvature,
+ },
+ )
+ stem_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_stem_geometry().name, input_kwargs={"Curve": stem_curvature}
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": stem_geometry,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_stem_material),
+ },
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ wave_x_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="wave_x_scale")
+ wave_x_scale.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0
+ wave_y_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="wave_y_scale")
+ wave_y_scale.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0
+ leaf_width_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="leaf_width_scale")
+ leaf_width_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["leaf_instance_width"]
+ palm_leaf_instance = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_palm_leaf_instance().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "To Max": multiply,
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Wave Scale Y": wave_x_scale,
+ "Wave Scale X": wave_y_scale,
+ "Leaf Width Scale": leaf_width_scale,
+ },
+ )
+ leaf_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="leaf_scale")
+ leaf_scale.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(0.5, 0.7)
+ leaf_on_stem = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leaf_on_stem(kwargs["versions"]).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": stem_curvature,
+ "Instance": palm_leaf_instance.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Scale": leaf_scale,
+ "Samples": integer_1,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material, leaf_on_stem]}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_1,
+ "Translation": kwargs["plant_translation"],
+ "Rotation": (0.0, 0.0, kwargs["plant_z_rotate"]),
+ "Scale": kwargs["plant_scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform,
+ "Attribute": palm_leaf_instance.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "Coordinate": palm_leaf_instance.outputs["Coordinate"],
+ "subvein offset": palm_leaf_instance.outputs["subvein"],
+ "vein": palm_leaf_instance.outputs["vein"],
+ },
+ )
+class LeafPalmTreeFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(LeafPalmTreeFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ def update_params(self, params):
+ if params.get("leaf_x_curvature", None) is None:
+ params["leaf_x_curvature"] = uniform(0.0, 0.8)
+ if params.get("leaf_instance_curvature_ratio", None) is None:
+ params["leaf_instance_curvature_ratio"] = uniform(0.3, 0.6)
+ if params.get("leaf_instance_width", None) is None:
+ params["leaf_instance_width"] = uniform(0.07, 0.15)
+ if params.get("num_leaf_samples", None) is None:
+ params["num_leaf_samples"] = int(
+ randint(6, 10) / params["leaf_instance_width"]
+ )
+ if params.get("plant_translation", None) is None:
+ params["plant_translation"] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+ if params.get("plant_z_rotate", None) is None:
+ params["plant_z_rotate"] = uniform(-0.4, 0.4)
+ if params.get("versions", None) is None:
+ params["versions"] = 3
+ if params.get("plant_scale", None) is None:
+ s = uniform(0.8, 1.5)
+ params["plant_scale"] = (s, s, s)
+ return params
+ def create_asset(self, params={}, **kwargs):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=2,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ params = self.update_params(params)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geometry_palm_tree_leaf_nodes,
+ apply=True,
+ attributes=["Attribute", "Coordinate", "subvein offset", "vein"],
+ input_kwargs=params,
+ )
+ surface.add_material(obj, shader_leaf_material, selection=None)
+ tag_object(obj, "leaf_palm_tree")
+ return obj
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ fac = LeafPalmTreeFactory(0)
+ fac.create_asset()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/tropic_plants/palm_tree.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tropic_plants/palm_tree.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a2d717426
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tropic_plants/palm_tree.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1436 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+import bpy
+import gin
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import normal, randint, uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tropic_plants.leaf_palm_plant import LeafPalmPlantFactory
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+ "nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_top", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_top(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ normal_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 0.0), ("NodeSocketFloat", "X", 0.0)],
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["X"], "Y": group_input.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: normal_2, 1: combine_xyz_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index_1, 1: 63.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply.outputs["Vector"], "Value": greater_than},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_bottom", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_bottom(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 0.0), ("NodeSocketFloat", "X", 0.0)],
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["X"], "Y": group_input.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: normal, 1: combine_xyz},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 64.0}, attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply.outputs["Vector"], "Value": less_than},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_trunk_radius_001", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_trunk_radius_001(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: 0.01, 3: 0.05})
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0},
+ attrs={"clamp": False},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 1: 10000.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ floor = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "FLOOR"}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: floor},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": subtract})
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0, 0.0156), (0.2545, 0.2), (0.5182, 0.0344), (0.7682, 0.2375), (1.0, 0.0)],
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: 1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_2}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: random_value.outputs[1], 1: add})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": add_1})
+ "nodegroup_coutour_cross_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_coutour_cross_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Resolution": 128, "Radius": 0.05}
+ )
+ pedal_cross_coutour_x = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="pedal_cross_coutour_x")
+ pedal_cross_coutour_x.outputs[0].default_value = 0.3
+ pedal_cross_contour_bottom = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_bottom().name,
+ input_kwargs={"X": pedal_cross_coutour_x},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Selection": pedal_cross_contour_bottom.outputs["Value"],
+ "Offset": pedal_cross_contour_bottom.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ pedal_cross_coutour_y = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="pedal_cross_coutour_y")
+ pedal_cross_coutour_y.outputs[0].default_value = 0.3
+ pedal_cross_contour_top = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_top().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Y": pedal_cross_coutour_y, "X": pedal_cross_coutour_x},
+ )
+ set_position_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_1,
+ "Selection": pedal_cross_contour_top.outputs["Value"],
+ "Offset": pedal_cross_contour_top.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"W": 7.0, "Detail": 15.0},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], "Scale": 0.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_2, "Offset": scale.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_5}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_pedal_z_contour", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pedal_z_contour(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.4094),
+ (0.1773, 0.475),
+ (0.3795, 0.5062),
+ (0.5864, 0.5187),
+ (0.7202, 0.5084),
+ (0.8636, 0.4781),
+ (1.0, 0.375),
+ ],
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5)]
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": multiply})
+ "nodegroup_pedal_stem_curvature", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_pedal_stem_curvature(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ position_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0, 0.0688), (0.2545, 0.2281), (0.5023, 0.2563), (0.9773, 0.2656)],
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.2)]
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": position_3,
+ "Center": (0.0, 0.0, 0.2),
+ "Angle": multiply,
+ },
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "X_AXIS"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": vector_rotate}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_node_group_002", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_node_group_002(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketColor", "Color", (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "attribute", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "voronoi scale", 50.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "voronoi randomness", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "seed", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise scale", 10.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "noise amount", 1.4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "hue min", 0.6),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "hue max", 1.085),
+ ],
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["seed"],
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["noise scale"],
+ "Detail": 1.0,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["noise amount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": group_input.outputs["attribute"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["voronoi scale"],
+ "Randomness": group_input.outputs["voronoi randomness"],
+ },
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "1D"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": add_1,
+ 3: group_input.outputs["hue min"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["hue max"],
+ },
+ )
+ hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeHueSaturation",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Color": group_input.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Color": hue_saturation_value}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_tree_trunk_geometry_001", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_tree_trunk_geometry_001(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None)]
+ )
+ trunkradius_001 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_trunk_radius_001().name)
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"], "Radius": trunkradius_001},
+ )
+ trunk_resolution = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Integer, label="TrunkResolution", attrs={"integer": 32}
+ )
+ trunk_resolution.integer = 32
+ trunk_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="TrunkRadius")
+ trunk_radius.outputs[0].default_value = 0.02
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": trunk_resolution, "Radius": trunk_radius},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": curve_to_mesh, "Integer": trunk_resolution},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_truncated_leaf_selection", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_truncated_leaf_selection(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ index_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5)]
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1600.0, 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: uniform(0.98, 0.99)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index_3, 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: np.clip(normal(0.65, 0.2), 0.7, 0.5)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index_3, 1: multiply_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ op_or = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: less_than},
+ attrs={"operation": "OR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Boolean": op_or})
+ "nodegroup_random_rotate", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_random_rotate(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.2, 3: 0.2})
+ random_value_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.5, 3: 0.5, "Seed": 1}
+ )
+ random_value_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.2, 3: 0.2, "Seed": 3}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": random_value_1.outputs[1],
+ "Y": random_value_2.outputs[1],
+ "Z": random_value_3.outputs[1],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz_1}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_leaf_truncated_rotate", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leaf_truncated_rotate(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5)]
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0}
+ )
+ modulo = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index_1, 1: add}, attrs={"operation": "MODULO"}
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: modulo, 1: add}, attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: 6.28}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz})
+ "nodegroup_truncated_leaf_stem", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_truncated_leaf_stem(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": (0.0, 0.0, 0.15)})
+ integer = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, attrs={"integer": 64})
+ integer.integer = 64
+ resample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line, "Count": integer}
+ )
+ pedal_stem_curvature_scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Value, label="pedal_stem_curvature_scale"
+ )
+ pedal_stem_curvature_scale.outputs[0].default_value = 0.2
+ pedal_stem_curvature = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pedal_stem_curvature().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": pedal_stem_curvature_scale},
+ )
+ set_position_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": resample_curve_1, "Offset": pedal_stem_curvature},
+ )
+ pedal_z_coutour_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="pedal_z_coutour_scale")
+ pedal_z_coutour_scale.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(0.2, 0.4)
+ pedal_z_contour = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_pedal_z_contour().name, input_kwargs={"Value": pedal_z_coutour_scale}
+ )
+ set_curve_radius_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position_4, "Radius": pedal_z_contour},
+ )
+ coutour_cross_geometry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_coutour_cross_geometry().name)
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius_1,
+ "Profile Curve": coutour_cross_geometry,
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ set_material_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve_to_mesh_1,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_top_core),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material_2}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_trunk_radius", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_trunk_radius(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: 0.01, 3: 0.05})
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.2},
+ attrs={"clamp": False},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 1: 10000.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ floor = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "FLOOR"}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: floor},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": subtract})
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0969), (0.5864, 0.1406), (1.0, 0.2906)]
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: uniform(0.1, 0.25)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_2}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: random_value.outputs[1], 1: add})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": add_1})
+ "nodegroup_tree_cracks", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_tree_cracks(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: spline_parameter.outputs["Length"],
+ },
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: capture_attribute.outputs[2], 1: uniform(0.1, 0.25)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Z": multiply,
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz, "Scale": 400.0, "Randomness": 10.0},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D", "distance": "CHEBYCHEV"},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]}
+ )
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.6091
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6818
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: colorramp.outputs["Color"], 1: normal},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: (-0.01, -0.01, -0.01)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Vector": multiply_2.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_leaf_instance_selection_bottom_remove",
+ singleton=False,
+ type="GeometryNodeTree",
+def nodegroup_leaf_instance_selection_bottom_remove(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Ring", 10.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Segment", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Ring"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Segment"], 1: 4.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: subtract},
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": greater_than})
+ "nodegroup_leaf_random_rotate", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leaf_random_rotate(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.4, 3: 0.4})
+ random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.4, 3: 0.4})
+ random_value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: -0.6, 3: 0.6})
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": random_value_1.outputs[1],
+ "Y": random_value_3.outputs[1],
+ "Z": random_value_2.outputs[1],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz})
+ "nodegroup_leaf_rotate_downward", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leaf_rotate_downward(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5)]
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0}
+ )
+ modulo = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: add}, attrs={"operation": "MODULO"}
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: modulo, 1: add}, attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: 6.28}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply.outputs["Value"], 1: -1.57}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": add2})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz})
+ "nodegroup_truncated_stem_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_truncated_stem_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Points", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value1", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value2", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ truncated_leaf_stem = nw.new_node(nodegroup_truncated_leaf_stem().name)
+ normal_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, input_kwargs={"Vector": normal_1}, attrs={"axis": "Z"}
+ )
+ instance_on_points_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": group_input.outputs["Points"],
+ "Instance": truncated_leaf_stem,
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector_1,
+ },
+ )
+ leaf_truncated_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leaf_truncated_rotate().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs[2]},
+ )
+ rotate_instances_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": instance_on_points_2,
+ "Rotation": leaf_truncated_rotate,
+ },
+ )
+ rotate_instances_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": rotate_instances_2,
+ "Rotation": (-0.9599, 0.0, 1.5708),
+ },
+ )
+ random_rotate = nw.new_node(nodegroup_random_rotate().name)
+ rotate_instances_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": rotate_instances_3, "Rotation": random_rotate},
+ )
+ random_value_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: 0.6})
+ scale_instances_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": rotate_instances_4,
+ "Scale": random_value_5.outputs[1],
+ },
+ )
+ index_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ modulo = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index_2, 1: randint(6, 10)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MODULO"},
+ )
+ scale_instances_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": scale_instances_4,
+ "Selection": modulo,
+ "Scale": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ truncated_leaf_selection = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_truncated_leaf_selection().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Value1"]},
+ )
+ scale_instances_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": scale_instances_3,
+ "Selection": truncated_leaf_selection,
+ "Scale": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Instances": scale_instances_5}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_tree_trunk_geometry", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_tree_trunk_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler, radius):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None)]
+ )
+ trunkradius = nw.new_node(nodegroup_trunk_radius().name)
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"], "Radius": trunkradius},
+ )
+ treecracks = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_tree_cracks().name, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_curve_radius}
+ )
+ trunk_resolution = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Integer, label="TrunkResolution", attrs={"integer": 32}
+ )
+ trunk_resolution.integer = 32
+ trunk_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="TrunkRadius")
+ trunk_radius.outputs[0].default_value = radius
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": trunk_resolution, "Radius": trunk_radius},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": treecracks.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={"Mesh": curve_to_mesh, "Level": 2}
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": subdivide_mesh,
+ "Offset": treecracks.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_1,
+ "Integer": trunk_resolution,
+ "Mesh": curve_to_mesh,
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_leaf_on_top", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_leaf_on_top(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Points", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Ring", 10.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Segment", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Instance", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, input_kwargs={"Vector": normal}, attrs={"axis": "Z"}
+ )
+ instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": group_input.outputs["Points"],
+ "Instance": group_input.outputs["Instance"],
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector,
+ },
+ )
+ leafrotatedownward = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leaf_rotate_downward().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ )
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": instance_on_points_1,
+ "Rotation": leafrotatedownward,
+ },
+ )
+ leafrandomrotate = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_random_rotate().name)
+ rotate_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": rotate_instances, "Rotation": leafrandomrotate},
+ )
+ random_value_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: 0.5, 3: 1.0})
+ scale_instances_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": rotate_instances_1,
+ "Scale": random_value_4.outputs[1],
+ },
+ )
+ leafinstanceselectionbottomremove = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leaf_instance_selection_bottom_remove().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Ring": group_input.outputs["Ring"],
+ "Segment": group_input.outputs["Segment"],
+ },
+ )
+ scale_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": scale_instances_2,
+ "Selection": leafinstanceselectionbottomremove,
+ "Scale": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ random_value = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={5: 1}, attrs={"data_type": "INT"}
+ )
+ scale_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": scale_instances,
+ "Selection": random_value.outputs[2],
+ "Scale": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Instances": scale_instances_1}
+ )
+def shader_top_core(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": (1.0, 1.0, 0.1),
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping, "Scale": uniform(100, 400)},
+ )
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]}
+ )
+ wave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping_1,
+ "Scale": 2.0,
+ "Distortion": 5.0,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ },
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": 0.4,
+ "Color1": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ "Color2": wave_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ d_hsv = (uniform(0.02, 0.05), uniform(0.3, 0.6), uniform(0.01, 0.05))
+ b_hsv = d_hsv[:1] + (uniform(0.6, 0.9), uniform(0.3, 0.6))
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix})
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2409
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = hsv2rgba(d_hsv)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6045
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = hsv2rgba(b_hsv)
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Roughness": colorramp.outputs["Alpha"],
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+def shader_trunk(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
+ mapping = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping, input_kwargs={"Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]}
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping, "Scale": 20.0},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ wave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WaveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": mapping,
+ "Scale": uniform(1.0, 3.0),
+ "Distortion": 5.0,
+ "Detail Scale": 3.0,
+ },
+ attrs={"bands_direction": "Z"},
+ )
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Color1": voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"],
+ "Color2": wave_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ d_hsv = (
+ uniform(0.02, 0.05),
+ uniform(0.01, 0.05) if randint(0, 2) == 1 else uniform(0.5, 0.8),
+ uniform(0.03, 0.09),
+ )
+ b_hsv = d_hsv[:-1] + (uniform(0.1, 0.3),)
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix_1})
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4682
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = hsv2rgba(d_hsv)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.5591
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = hsv2rgba(b_hsv)
+ mapping_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mapping,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"],
+ "Scale": (10.0, 10.0, 0.2),
+ },
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": mapping_1, "Scale": 100.0, "Randomness": 10.0},
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "4D", "distance": "CHEBYCHEV"},
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]}
+ )
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2818
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.3045
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.5284, 0.5034, 0.4327, 1.0)
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": uniform(0.1, 0.3),
+ "Color1": colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ "Color2": colorramp_1.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": mix,
+ "Roughness": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
+ "Specular": 0,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
+def geometry_palm_tree_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, truncatedstem_chance=0.4, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ leaf = kwargs["leaf"][0]
+ radius = kwargs["trunk_radius"]
+ trunk_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label="trunk_height")
+ trunk_height.outputs[0].default_value = 5.0
+ top_x, top_y = np.random.normal(0.0, 0.5), np.random.normal(0.0, 0.5)
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": top_x, "Y": top_y, "Z": trunk_height}
+ )
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Start": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ "Middle": (
+ top_x / uniform(1.0, 2.0),
+ top_y / uniform(1.0, 2.0),
+ uniform(1.5, 3.0),
+ ),
+ "End": combine_xyz_2,
+ },
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": quadratic_bezier, "Length": 0.02},
+ attrs={"mode": "LENGTH"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": resample_curve}
+ )
+ endpoint_selection = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurveEndpointSelection", input_kwargs={"Start Size": 0}
+ )
+ top_segment = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label="TopSegment", attrs={"integer": 12})
+ top_segment.integer = randint(8, 14)
+ top_ring = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label="TopRing", attrs={"integer": 8})
+ top_ring.integer = randint(10, 15)
+ uv_sphere = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Segments": top_segment,
+ "Rings": top_ring,
+ "Radius": uniform(0.15, 0.2),
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": uv_sphere, "Scale": (1.0, 1.0, uniform(0.8, 2.0))},
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_trunk),
+ },
+ )
+ value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
+ value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.2
+ object_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={"Object": leaf})
+ leafontop = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_leaf_on_top().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": transform,
+ "Value": top_segment,
+ "Ring": top_segment,
+ "Segment": top_ring,
+ "Instance": object_info.outputs["Geometry"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material_1, leafontop]}
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": set_position,
+ "Selection": endpoint_selection,
+ "Instance": join_geometry_1,
+ },
+ )
+ treetrunkgeometry = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_tree_trunk_geometry(radius=radius).name,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position},
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": treetrunkgeometry.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_trunk),
+ },
+ )
+ truncatedstemgeometry = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_truncated_stem_geometry().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": treetrunkgeometry.outputs["Mesh"],
+ 1: trunk_height,
+ 2: treetrunkgeometry.outputs["Integer"],
+ },
+ )
+ geos = [instance_on_points, set_material]
+ if uniform(0.0, 1.0) < truncatedstem_chance:
+ geos.append(truncatedstemgeometry)
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geos})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry}
+ )
+class PalmTreeFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(PalmTreeFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ def create_asset(self, params={}, **kwargs):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ # Make the Leaf and Delete It Later
+ lf_seed = randint(0, 1000, size=(1,))[0]
+ leaf_model = LeafPalmPlantFactory(factory_seed=lf_seed)
+ p = {
+ "leaf_x_curvature": uniform(0.1, 0.3),
+ "plant_z_rotate": uniform(0.0, 0.02),
+ "stem_x_curvature": 0.0,
+ "stem_y_curvature": uniform(-0.1, 0.1),
+ "plant_stem_length": uniform(0.5, 1.2),
+ }
+ leaf = leaf_model.create_asset(p)
+ params["leaf"] = [leaf]
+ params["trunk_radius"] = uniform(0.2, 0.3)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ geometry_palm_tree_nodes,
+ selection=None,
+ attributes=[],
+ input_kwargs=params,
+ )
+ butil.delete([leaf])
+ with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
+ bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove()
+ bpy.ops.object.shade_flat()
+ obj.scale = (2, 2, 2)
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/tropic_plants/tropic_plant_utils.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/tropic_plants/tropic_plant_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..50713010e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/tropic_plants/tropic_plant_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1246 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Beining Han
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+ "nodegroup_node_group", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_node_group(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Coord", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Shape", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Density", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Random Scale Seed", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ vein = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Coord"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Density"],
+ "Randomness": 0.2,
+ },
+ label="Vein",
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "1D"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Density"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Random Scale Seed"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ vein_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"W": group_input.outputs["Coord"], "Scale": multiply},
+ label="Vein",
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "1D"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: vein_1.outputs["Distance"], 1: 0.35})
+ round = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={"operation": "ROUND"})
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: vein.outputs["Distance"], 1: round}
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": add_1, 2: 0.02, 3: 0.95, 4: 0.0}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Shape"],
+ 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": multiply_1, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.005, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Result": map_range_2.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord_001", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord_001(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Modulated", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Asymmetry", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Angle", 2.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leaf Shape", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ sign = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SIGN"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"], 1: sign},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -1.0}
+ )
+ vein_shape = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
+ label="Vein Shape",
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ vein_shape.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0, 0.0), (0.0182, 0.05), (0.3364, 0.2386), (0.7227, 0.75), (1.0, 1.0)],
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": vein_shape, 4: 1.9}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: subtract})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vein Coord": add})
+ "nodegroup_nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Midrib Value", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Coord", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leaf Shape", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Jigsaw Scale", 18.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Jigsaw Depth", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Midrib Value"], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0},
+ )
+ jigsaw = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Vein Coord"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Jigsaw Scale"],
+ },
+ label="Jigsaw",
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "1D"},
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": jigsaw.outputs["Distance"]}
+ )
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4795
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.5545
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Jigsaw Depth"], 1: 0.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: colorramp.outputs["Color"],
+ 1: multiply,
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Leaf Shape"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": multiply_add, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.002, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0},
+ )
+ maximum = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MAXIMUM"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": maximum})
+ "nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord_003", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord_003(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Modulated", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Asymmetry", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Angle", 2.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leaf Shape", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ sign = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SIGN"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"], 1: sign},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -1.0}
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: group_input.outputs["Leaf Shape"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ vein_shape = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": divide}, label="Vein Shape"
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ vein_shape.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.0182, 0.05),
+ (0.2909, 0.2199),
+ (0.4182, 0.3063),
+ (0.7045, 0.3),
+ (1.0, 0.8562),
+ ],
+ handles=["AUTO", "AUTO", "AUTO", "VECTOR", "AUTO", "AUTO"],
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": vein_shape, 4: 1.9}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: subtract})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vein Coord": add})
+ "nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Modulated", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Asymmetry", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Angle", 2.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leaf Shape", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ sign = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SIGN"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"], 1: sign},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -1.0}
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: group_input.outputs["Leaf Shape"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ vein_shape = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": divide}, label="Vein Shape"
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ vein_shape.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.0182, 0.05),
+ (0.3364, 0.2386),
+ (0.6045, 0.4812),
+ (0.7, 0.725),
+ (0.8273, 0.8437),
+ (1.0, 1.0),
+ ],
+ handles=["AUTO", "AUTO", "AUTO", "VECTOR", "AUTO", "AUTO", "AUTO"],
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": vein_shape, 4: 1.9}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: subtract})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vein Coord": add})
+ "nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord_002", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord_002(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Modulated", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Asymmetry", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Angle", 2.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leaf Shape", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ sign = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SIGN"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"], 1: sign},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -1.0}
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: group_input.outputs["Leaf Shape"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ vein_shape = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": divide}, label="Vein Shape"
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ vein_shape.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0, 0.0), (0.0182, 0.05), (0.3364, 0.2386), (0.8091, 0.7312), (1.0, 0.9937)],
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": vein_shape, 4: 1.9}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: subtract})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vein Coord": add})
+ "nodegroup_nodegroup_shape", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_shape(nw: NodeWrangler, leaf_contour_control_points=None):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X Modulated", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "scale", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ )
+ clamp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Clamp,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Y"], "Min": -0.6, "Max": 0.6},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": clamp})
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 1: combine_xyz_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "LENGTH"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -0.6, 2: 0.6},
+ )
+ leaf_shape = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ label="Leaf shape",
+ )
+ if leaf_contour_control_points is not None:
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ leaf_shape.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.1, leaf_contour_control_points[0]),
+ (0.25, leaf_contour_control_points[1]),
+ (0.4, leaf_contour_control_points[2]),
+ (0.55, leaf_contour_control_points[3]),
+ (0.7, leaf_contour_control_points[4]),
+ (0.85, leaf_contour_control_points[5]),
+ (1.0, 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ else:
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ leaf_shape.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.15, 0.25),
+ (0.3818, 0.35),
+ (0.6273, 0.3625),
+ (0.7802, 0.2957),
+ (0.8955, 0.2),
+ (1.0, 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: leaf_shape, 1: group_input.outputs["scale"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: length.outputs["Value"], 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Leaf Shape": subtract_1, "Value": multiply}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_gen", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_gen(nw: NodeWrangler, leaf_contour_control_points=None):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Displancement scale", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Asymmetry", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Density", 6.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Jigsaw Scale", 18.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Jigsaw Depth", 0.07),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Angle", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Sub-vein Displacement", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Sub-vein Scale", 50.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Wave Displacement", 0.1),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Midrib Length", 0.4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Midrib Width", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Stem Length", 0.8),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leaf Width Scale", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ nodegroup_midrib = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_midrib().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Midrib Length": group_input.outputs["Midrib Length"],
+ "Midrib Width": group_input.outputs["Midrib Width"],
+ "Stem Length": group_input.outputs["Stem Length"],
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_shape = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_shape(leaf_contour_control_points).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X Modulated": nodegroup_midrib.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "scale": group_input.outputs["Leaf Width Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_vein_coord_002 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord_002().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X Modulated": nodegroup_midrib.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Vein Asymmetry": group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"],
+ "Vein Angle": group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"],
+ "Leaf Shape": nodegroup_shape.outputs["Value"],
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_vein_coord = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X Modulated": nodegroup_midrib.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Vein Asymmetry": group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"],
+ "Vein Angle": group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"],
+ "Leaf Shape": nodegroup_shape.outputs["Value"],
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_vein_coord_003 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord_003().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X Modulated": nodegroup_midrib.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Vein Asymmetry": group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"],
+ "Vein Angle": group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"],
+ "Leaf Shape": nodegroup_shape.outputs["Value"],
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Midrib Value": nodegroup_midrib.outputs["Midrib Value"],
+ "Leaf Shape": nodegroup_shape.outputs["Leaf Shape"],
+ "Vein Density": group_input.outputs["Vein Density"],
+ "Vein Coord - main": nodegroup_vein_coord_002,
+ "Vein Coord - 1": nodegroup_vein_coord,
+ "Vein Coord - 2": nodegroup_vein_coord_003,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Displancement scale"],
+ 1: nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib,
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Mesh"], "Offset": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Midrib Value": nodegroup_midrib.outputs["Midrib Value"],
+ "Vein Coord": nodegroup_vein_coord_002,
+ "Leaf Shape": nodegroup_shape.outputs["Leaf Shape"],
+ "Jigsaw Scale": group_input.outputs["Jigsaw Scale"],
+ "Jigsaw Depth": group_input.outputs["Jigsaw Depth"],
+ },
+ )
+ less_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={0: nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw, 1: 0.5},
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN"},
+ )
+ delete_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, "Selection": less_than},
+ )
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": delete_geometry, 2: nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib},
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position_1})
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: -0.6, 2: 0.6},
+ )
+ float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_1.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0), (0.5182, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0)]
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": nodegroup_shape.outputs["Leaf Shape"], 2: -1.0},
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0045, 0.0063), (0.0409, 0.0375), (0.4182, 0.05), (1.0, 0.0)],
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve_1, 1: float_curve},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: 0.7},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_2})
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_vein_coord_001 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord_001().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X Modulated": nodegroup_midrib.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Vein Asymmetry": group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"],
+ "Vein Angle": group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": set_position_1,
+ "Attribute": capture_attribute.outputs[2],
+ "X Modulated": nodegroup_midrib.outputs["X Modulated"],
+ "Vein Coord": nodegroup_vein_coord_001,
+ "Vein Value": nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib,
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_nodegroup_midrib", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_midrib(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "X", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", -0.6),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Midrib Length", 0.4),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Midrib Width", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Stem Length", 0.8),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -0.6, 2: 0.6},
+ )
+ stem_shape = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ label="Stem shape",
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ stem_shape.mapping.curves[0],
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.5),
+ (0.25, 0.4828),
+ (0.5, 0.4938),
+ (0.75, 0.503),
+ (0.8773, 0.5125),
+ (1.0, 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": stem_shape, 3: -1.0}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture)
+ map_range_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 3: -1.0}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_5.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.01},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["Y"],
+ 1: -70.0,
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Midrib Length"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["Midrib Width"],
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: map_range_2.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract}, attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"}
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: absolute}, attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"}
+ )
+ absolute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"},
+ )
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": absolute_1,
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Stem Length"],
+ 3: 1.0,
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ smooth_min = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: map_range_3.outputs["Result"], 2: 0.06},
+ attrs={"operation": "SMOOTH_MIN"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: smooth_min},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ map_range_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": divide, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.03, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X Modulated": subtract,
+ "Midrib Value": map_range_4.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Midrib Value", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Leaf Shape", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Density", 6.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Coord - main", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Coord - 1", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Vein Coord - 2", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["Leaf Shape"],
+ 1: -0.3,
+ 2: 0.05,
+ 3: 0.015,
+ 4: 0.0,
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_node_group().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Coord": group_input.outputs["Vein Coord - 2"],
+ "Shape": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Density": group_input.outputs["Vein Density"],
+ "Random Scale Seed": 3.57,
+ },
+ )
+ nodegroup_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_node_group().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Coord": group_input.outputs["Vein Coord - 1"],
+ "Shape": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ "Density": group_input.outputs["Vein Density"],
+ "Random Scale Seed": 1.08,
+ },
+ )
+ vein = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "W": group_input.outputs["Vein Coord - main"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Vein Density"],
+ "Randomness": 0.2,
+ },
+ label="Vein",
+ attrs={"voronoi_dimensions": "1D"},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": position, "Scale": 20.0}
+ )
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 3: -1.0}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_3.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.02},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: vein.outputs["Distance"], 1: multiply}
+ )
+ map_range_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": add, 2: 0.03, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_4.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ map_range_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": multiply_1, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.01, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: nodegroup_1, 1: map_range_5.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: nodegroup, 1: multiply_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Midrib Value"], 1: multiply_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vein Value": multiply_4}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_nodegroup_move_to_origin", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_move_to_origin(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 0.0, 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": subtract})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "To Max", -0.4),
+ ],
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position_1})
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["To Max"],
+ },
+ attrs={"clamp": False},
+ )
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": position_1, "Angle": map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "X_AXIS"},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Position": vector_rotate,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_1}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "X", 0.5), ("NodeSocketFloat", "Y", 0.0)],
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": absolute, "Y": group_input.outputs["Y"]}
+ )
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz, "Scale": 30.0}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.1, 4: 2.0},
+ attrs={"clamp": False},
+ )
+ voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz, "Scale": 150.0},
+ attrs={"feature": "DISTANCE_TO_EDGE"},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.1},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: -1.0}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 4: -1.0}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": multiply, "Color Value": map_range_3.outputs["Result"]},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_shader", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_shader(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[("NodeSocketColor", "Color", (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0))],
+ )
+ diffuse_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DiffuseBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": group_input.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ glossy_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeBsdfGlossy",
+ input_kwargs={"Color": group_input.outputs["Color"], "Roughness": 0.3},
+ )
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader, input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.2, 1: diffuse_bsdf, 2: glossy_bsdf}
+ )
+ translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TranslucentBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": group_input.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
+ mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader, input_kwargs={"Fac": 0.3, 1: mix_shader, 2: translucent_bsdf}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Shader": mix_shader_1})
+def shader_stem_material(nw: NodeWrangler, stem_color_hsv=None):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ if stem_color_hsv is None:
+ stem_color_hsv = (uniform(0.25, 0.32), uniform(0.6, 0.9), uniform(0.2, 0.6))
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": hsv2rgba(stem_color_hsv)}
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf}
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/underwater/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/underwater/__init__.py
similarity index 51%
rename from infinigen/assets/underwater/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/underwater/__init__.py
index ba27ddac7..a2208f8a4 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/underwater/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/underwater/__init__.py
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
from .seaweed import SeaweedFactory
-from .urchin import UrchinFactory
\ No newline at end of file
+from .urchin import UrchinFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/underwater/seaweed.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/underwater/seaweed.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..24de8f78f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/underwater/seaweed.py
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this
+# source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.animation.driver_repeated import (
+ repeated_driver,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, subsurface2face_size, write_co
+from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import make_circular_interp
+from infinigen.assets.utils.mesh import polygon_angles
+from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import data2mesh, mesh2obj
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_utils import build_color_ramp
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+from infinigen.infinigen_gpl.extras.diff_growth import build_diff_growth
+class SeaweedFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.base_hue = (
+ uniform(0.0, 0.1) if uniform(0, 1) < 0.5 else uniform(0.3, 0.4)
+ )
+ self.material = surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ self.shader_seaweed, self.base_hue
+ )
+ self.freq = 1 / log_uniform(200, 500)
+ def create_asset(self, face_size=0.01, **params):
+ growth_vec = 0, 0, uniform(3.0, 6.0)
+ inhibit_shell = uniform(0.6, 0.8)
+ max_polygons = int(log_uniform(2e3, 1e4))
+ fac_noise = uniform(1.5, 2.5)
+ repulsion_radius = log_uniform(1.0, 1.5)
+ obj = self.differential_growth_make(
+ fac_noise=fac_noise,
+ inhibit_shell=inhibit_shell,
+ repulsion_radius=repulsion_radius,
+ growth_vec=growth_vec,
+ dt=0.25,
+ max_polygons=max_polygons,
+ )
+ obj.scale = [2 / max(obj.dimensions)] * 3
+ obj.scale[-1] *= uniform(1.5, 2)
+ obj.location[-1] -= 0.02
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
+ f_scale = make_circular_interp(2, 5, 5, log_uniform)
+ x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
+ scale = f_scale(np.arctan2(y, x) + np.pi)
+ co = np.stack([scale * x, scale * y, z], -1)
+ write_co(obj, co)
+ subsurface2face_size(obj, face_size / 2)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "TRIANGULATE")
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SMOOTH", factor=uniform(-0.8, 0.8))
+ texture_type = np.random.choice(["STUCCI", "MARBLE"])
+ texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name="seaweed", type=texture_type)
+ texture.noise_scale = log_uniform(0.05, 0.2)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj, "DISPLACE", True, strength=uniform(0.0, 0.03), texture=texture
+ )
+ assign_material(obj, self.material)
+ self.animate_bend(obj)
+ tag_object(obj, "seaweed")
+ return obj
+ def animate_bend(self, obj):
+ obj, mod = butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ False,
+ deform_method="BEND",
+ deform_axis="Y",
+ return_mod=True,
+ )
+ driver = mod.driver_add("angle").driver
+ start_angle = uniform(-np.pi / 4, 0)
+ driver.expression = repeated_driver(
+ start_angle, start_angle + uniform(np.pi * 0.2, np.pi * 0.8), self.freq
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def differential_growth_make(**kwargs):
+ n_base = np.random.randint(5, 7)
+ angles = polygon_angles(n_base)
+ vertices = np.block(
+ [[np.cos(angles), 0], [np.sin(angles), 0], [np.zeros(n_base + 1)]]
+ ).T
+ faces = np.stack(
+ [np.arange(n_base), np.roll(np.arange(n_base), 1), np.full(n_base, n_base)]
+ ).T
+ obj = mesh2obj(data2mesh(vertices, [], faces, "diff_growth"))
+ boundary = obj.vertex_groups.new(name="Boundary")
+ boundary.add(list(range(n_base)), 1.0, "REPLACE")
+ build_diff_growth(obj, boundary.index, **kwargs)
+ return obj
+ @staticmethod
+ def geo_seaweed_waves(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ translation_scale = uniform(0.0, 0.25)
+ expand_scale = uniform(0.2, 0.3)
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ x, y, z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))
+ angle = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)
+ displacement = nw.scale(
+ nw.add(
+ nw.scale(
+ nw.combine(np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle), 0),
+ nw.scalar_multiply(nw.musgrave(10), translation_scale),
+ ),
+ nw.scale(nw.combine(x, y, 0), expand_scale),
+ ),
+ z,
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry, "Offset": displacement},
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
+ @staticmethod
+ def shader_seaweed(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue=0.3):
+ h_perturb = uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
+ s_perturb = uniform(-0.1, -0.0)
+ v_perturb = log_uniform(1.0, 2)
+ def map_perturb(h, s, v):
+ return hsv2rgba(h + h_perturb, s + s_perturb, v / v_perturb)
+ subsurface_ratio = 0.01
+ roughness = 0.8
+ mix_ratio = uniform(0.2, 0.4)
+ specular = 0.2
+ color_1 = map_perturb(base_hue, uniform(0.6, 0.8), 0.25)
+ color_2 = map_perturb(base_hue - uniform(0.05, 0.1), uniform(0.6, 0.8), 0.15)
+ cr = build_color_ramp(
+ nw,
+ nw.musgrave(uniform(5, 10)),
+ [0, 0.3, 0.7, 1.0],
+ [color_1, color_1, color_2, color_2],
+ )
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": cr,
+ "Subsurface": subsurface_ratio,
+ "Subsurface Radius": (0.01, 0.01, 0.01),
+ "Subsurface Color": map_perturb(base_hue, 0.6, 0.2),
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ "Specular": specular,
+ },
+ )
+ translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TransparentBSDF, input_kwargs={"Color": cr}
+ )
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader, [mix_ratio, principled_bsdf, translucent_bsdf]
+ )
+ return mix_shader
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/underwater/urchin.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/underwater/urchin.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f03691e20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/underwater/urchin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bpy
+from numpy.random import uniform
+import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.animation.driver_repeated import (
+ repeated_driver,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import geo_extension
+from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_icosphere, separate_loose
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.detail import adapt_mesh_resolution
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+class UrchinFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.base_hue = uniform(-0.25, 0.15) % 1
+ self.materials = [
+ surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader, self.base_hue)
+ for shader in [self.shader_spikes, self.shader_girdle, self.shader_base]
+ ]
+ self.freq = 1 / log_uniform(100, 200)
+ def create_asset(self, placeholder, face_size=0.01, **params):
+ obj = new_icosphere(subdivisions=4)
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_extension, apply=True)
+ obj.scale[-1] = uniform(0.8, 1.0)
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj, "BEVEL", offset_type="PERCENT", width_pct=25, angle_limit=0
+ )
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ self.geo_extrude,
+ apply=True,
+ attributes=["spike", "girdle"],
+ domains=["FACE"] * 2,
+ )
+ levels = 1
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj, "SUBSURF", apply=True, levels=levels, render_levels=levels
+ )
+ obj.scale = [2 / max(obj.dimensions)] * 3
+ obj.scale[-1] *= log_uniform(0.6, 1.2)
+ butil.apply_transform(obj)
+ adapt_mesh_resolution(obj, face_size, method="subdiv_by_area")
+ obj = separate_loose(obj)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ texture=bpy.data.textures.new(name="urchin", type="STUCCI"),
+ strength=0.005,
+ mid_level=0,
+ )
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj,
+ self.geo_material_index,
+ apply=True,
+ input_attributes=[None, "spike", "girdle"],
+ )
+ assign_material(obj, self.materials)
+ self.animate_stretch(obj)
+ tag_object(obj, "urchin")
+ return obj
+ def animate_stretch(self, obj):
+ obj, mod = butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ False,
+ return_mod=True,
+ deform_method="STRETCH",
+ deform_axis="Z",
+ )
+ driver = mod.driver_add("factor").driver
+ driver.expression = repeated_driver(-0.1, 0.1, self.freq)
+ @staticmethod
+ def geo_extrude(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ face_prob = 0.98
+ girdle_height = 0.1
+ extrude_height = log_uniform(1.0, 5.0)
+ perturb = 0.1
+ girdle_size = uniform(0.6, 1)
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ face_vertices = nw.new_node(Nodes.FaceNeighbors)
+ selection = nw.boolean_math(
+ "AND",
+ nw.compare("GREATER_EQUAL", face_vertices, 5),
+ nw.bernoulli(face_prob),
+ )
+ geometry, top, _ = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, [geometry, selection, None, girdle_height]
+ ).outputs
+ geometry, top, girdle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, [geometry, top, None, 1e-3]
+ ).outputs
+ geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleElements, [geometry, top, girdle_size])
+ geometry, top, _ = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, [geometry, top, None, -girdle_height]
+ ).outputs
+ direction = nw.scale(
+ nw.add(
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal),
+ nw.uniform([-perturb] * 3, [perturb] * 3),
+ ),
+ nw.uniform(0.5 * extrude_height, extrude_height),
+ )
+ geometry, top, side = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, [geometry, top, direction]
+ ).outputs
+ geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleElements, [geometry, top, 0.2])
+ spike = nw.boolean_math("OR", top, side)
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry, "Spike": spike, "Girdle": girdle},
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def shader_spikes(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue):
+ transmission = uniform(0.95, 0.99)
+ subsurface = uniform(0.1, 0.2)
+ roughness = uniform(0.5, 0.8)
+ color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(0.5, 1.0), log_uniform(0.05, 1.0))
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": color,
+ "Roughness": roughness,
+ "Subsurface": subsurface,
+ "Subsurface Color": color,
+ "Transmission": transmission,
+ },
+ )
+ return principled_bsdf
+ @staticmethod
+ def shader_girdle(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue):
+ roughness = uniform(0.5, 0.8)
+ color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(0.4, 0.5), log_uniform(0.02, 0.1))
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": color, "Roughness": roughness},
+ )
+ return principled_bsdf
+ @staticmethod
+ def shader_base(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue):
+ roughness = uniform(0.5, 0.8)
+ color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(0.8, 1.0), log_uniform(0.01, 0.02))
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": color, "Roughness": roughness},
+ )
+ return principled_bsdf
+ @staticmethod
+ def geo_material_index(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ geometry, spike, girdle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Spike", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Girdle", None),
+ ],
+ ).outputs[:-1]
+ geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterialIndex, [geometry, None, 2])
+ geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterialIndex, [geometry, spike, 0])
+ geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterialIndex, [geometry, girdle, 1])
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/wall_decorations/__init__.py
similarity index 85%
rename from infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/wall_decorations/__init__.py
index e437b4f72..e266a6e3c 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/wall_decorations/__init__.py
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
from .balloon import BalloonFactory
-from .wall_art import WallArtFactory, MirrorFactory
-from .wall_shelf import WallShelfFactory
from .range_hood import RangeHoodFactory
+from .wall_art import MirrorFactory, WallArtFactory
+from .wall_shelf import WallShelfFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/balloon.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/wall_decorations/balloon.py
similarity index 68%
rename from infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/balloon.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/wall_decorations/balloon.py
index bb8cc032f..ce8363e19 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/balloon.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/wall_decorations/balloon.py
@@ -3,49 +3,51 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
import bpy
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
from infinigen.assets.scatters import clothes
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import subdivide_edge_ring, subsurf
from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import remesh_fill
from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import generate_text
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_bbox
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
class BalloonFactory(AssetFactory):
- alpha = .8
+ alpha = 0.8
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(BalloonFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- self.thickness = uniform(.06, .1)
- material_assignments = AssetList['BalloonFactory']()
- self.surface = material_assignments['surface'].assign_material()
- self.rel_scale = uniform(.2, .3) * 4
- self.displace = uniform(.02, .04)
+ self.thickness = uniform(0.06, 0.1)
+ material_assignments = AssetList["BalloonFactory"]()
+ self.surface = material_assignments["surface"].assign_material()
+ self.rel_scale = uniform(0.2, 0.3) * 4
+ self.displace = uniform(0.02, 0.04)
def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
obj = bpy.context.active_object
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- for _ in 'Text':
- bpy.ops.font.delete(type='PREVIOUS_OR_SELECTION')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ for _ in "Text":
+ bpy.ops.font.delete(type="PREVIOUS_OR_SELECTION")
text = generate_text().upper()
with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
- bpy.ops.object.convert(target='MESH')
+ bpy.ops.object.convert(target="MESH")
obj = bpy.context.active_object
parent = new_bbox(
- -self.thickness / 2, self.thickness / 2, 0, self.rel_scale * len(text) * self.alpha,
- 0, self.rel_scale * self.alpha
+ -self.thickness / 2,
+ self.thickness / 2,
+ 0,
+ self.rel_scale * len(text) * self.alpha,
+ 0,
+ self.rel_scale * self.alpha,
obj.parent = parent
return parent
@@ -53,8 +55,8 @@ def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
def create_asset(self, i, placeholder, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
obj = placeholder.children[0]
obj.parent = None
- remesh_fill(obj, .02)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.thickness, offset=.5)
+ remesh_fill(obj, 0.02)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.thickness, offset=0.5)
subdivide_edge_ring(obj, 8, (0, 0, 1))
@@ -63,15 +65,15 @@ def create_asset(self, i, placeholder, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
uniform_pressure_force=uniform(10, 20),
- vertex_group_mass='pin'
+ vertex_group_mass="pin",
subsurf(obj, 1)
obj.scale = [self.rel_scale] * 3
obj.rotation_euler = np.pi / 2, 0, np.pi / 2
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DISPLACE', strength=self.displace)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SMOOTH', iterations=5)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "DISPLACE", strength=self.displace)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SMOOTH", iterations=5)
return obj
def finalize_assets(self, assets):
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/wall_decorations/range_hood.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/wall_decorations/range_hood.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a4111e84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/wall_decorations/range_hood.py
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import uniform
+import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
+from infinigen.assets.objects.table_decorations.utils import nodegroup_lofting_poly
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tables.table_utils import nodegroup_n_gon_profile
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+class RangeHoodFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=None):
+ super(RangeHoodFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ self.dimensions = dimensions
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.params = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
+ self.surface, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = self.get_material_params()
+ def get_material_params(self):
+ material_assignments = AssetList["RangeHoodFactory"]()
+ surface = material_assignments["surface"].assign_material()
+ scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments["wear_tear_prob"]
+ scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments["wear_tear"]
+ is_scratch = np.random.uniform() < scratch_prob
+ is_edge_wear = np.random.uniform() < edge_wear_prob
+ if not is_scratch:
+ scratch = None
+ if not is_edge_wear:
+ edge_wear = None
+ return surface, scratch, edge_wear
+ @staticmethod
+ def sample_parameters(dimensions):
+ # all in meters
+ if dimensions is None:
+ x = 0.55
+ y = 0.75
+ z = 1.0
+ dimensions = (x, y, z)
+ x, y, z = dimensions
+ height_1 = uniform(0.05, 0.07)
+ height_2 = uniform(0.1, 0.3)
+ scale_2 = uniform(0.25, 0.4)
+ parameters = {
+ "Height_total": z,
+ "Width": y,
+ "Depth": x,
+ "Height_1": height_1,
+ "Scale_2": scale_2,
+ "Height_2": height_2,
+ }
+ return parameters
+ def create_asset(self, **params):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
+ size=2,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ obj, geometry_generate_hood, apply=True, input_kwargs=self.params
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", apply=True, thickness=0.002)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SUBSURF", apply=True, levels=1, render_levels=1)
+ return obj
+ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
+ self.surface.apply(assets)
+ if self.scratch:
+ self.scratch.apply(assets)
+ if self.edge_wear:
+ self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
+def geometry_generate_hood(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
+ generatetabletop = nw.new_node(
+ geometry_range_hood().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 64,
+ "Height_total": kwargs["Height_total"],
+ "Width": kwargs["Width"],
+ "Depth": kwargs["Depth"],
+ "Height_1": kwargs["Height_1"],
+ "Scale_2": kwargs["Scale_2"],
+ "Height_2": kwargs["Height_2"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": generatetabletop},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "geometry_range_hood", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def geometry_range_hood(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 128),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Height_total", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Width", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Depth", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Profile Fillet Ratio", 0.0100),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Height_1", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Scale_2", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Height_2", 0.3000),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: 1.4140},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"], 1: group_input.outputs["Width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ ngonprofile = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_n_gon_profile().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Profile Width": multiply,
+ "Profile Aspect Ratio": divide,
+ "Profile Fillet Ratio": group_input.outputs["Profile Fillet Ratio"],
+ },
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": ngonprofile, "Count": group_input.outputs["Resolution"]},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_1})
+ transform_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": resample_curve, "Translation": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": group_input.outputs["Height_1"]}
+ )
+ transform_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_geometry, "Translation": combine_xyz_1},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": group_input.outputs["Height_2"]}
+ )
+ transform_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_geometry,
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_2,
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale_2"],
+ },
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Height_total"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Height_2"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": subtract})
+ transform_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_geometry_2, "Translation": combine_xyz_3},
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": [
+ transform_geometry_3,
+ transform_geometry_2,
+ transform_geometry_1,
+ transform_geometry,
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ lofting_poly = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_lofting_poly().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Profile Curves": join_geometry,
+ "U Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "V Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ delete_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": lofting_poly.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Selection": lofting_poly.outputs["Top"],
+ },
+ )
+ grid = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshGrid,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Size X": group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ "Size Y": group_input.outputs["Depth"],
+ "Vertices X": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ "Vertices Y": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_2})
+ transform_geometry_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": grid.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Translation": combine_xyz_4,
+ "Rotation": (-0.0698, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Scale": (0.9800, 0.9800, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ transform_geometry_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform_geometry_4,
+ "Rotation": (0.1047, 0.0000, 0.0000),
+ "Scale": (0.9500, 0.9700, 1.0000),
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [delete_geometry, transform_geometry_5]},
+ )
+ transform_geometry_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_1,
+ "Rotation": (0.0, 0.0000, -np.pi / 2),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_geometry_6},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/wall_decorations/skirting_board.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/wall_decorations/skirting_board.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..563197421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/wall_decorations/skirting_board.py
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Yiming Zuo, Lingjie Mei, Alexander Raistrick
+import logging
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+import shapely
+from numpy.random import randint, uniform
+from shapely.geometry import Polygon
+from shapely.ops import unary_union
+import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
+from infinigen.assets.materials.plastics import plastic_rough
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ read_co,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import bezier_curve
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_plane
+from infinigen.assets.utils.shapes import obj2polygon
+from infinigen.core import surface, tagging
+from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.constants import (
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.types import get_room_level
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ "nodegroup_make_skirting_board_001", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_make_skirting_board(nw: NodeWrangler, control_points):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketCollection", "Parent", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Thickness", 0.0300),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Height", 0.1500),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Resolution", 0.0050),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Is Ceiling", False),
+ ],
+ )
+ collection_info = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CollectionInfo, input_kwargs={"Collection": group_input.outputs["Parent"]}
+ )
+ mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": collection_info}
+ )
+ quadrilateral = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Width": group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
+ "Height": group_input.outputs["Height"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Thickness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply, "Y": multiply_1}
+ )
+ transform_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": quadrilateral, "Translation": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ resample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": transform_geometry,
+ "Count": 220,
+ "Length": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ attrs={"mode": "LENGTH"},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"]}
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply_2, 2: 0.0000},
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], control_points)
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: group_input.outputs["Thickness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_3, "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]}
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": resample_curve_1,
+ "Selection": greater_than,
+ "Position": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Is Ceiling"],
+ 8: (-1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000),
+ 9: (-1.0000, -1.0000, -1.0000),
+ },
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ transform_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position, "Scale": switch.outputs[3]},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": mesh,
+ "Profile Curve": transform_geometry_1,
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh_1, "Shade Smooth": False},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_shade_smooth},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def apply_skirtingboard(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, contour, is_ceiling=False, seed=None, thickness=0.02
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ # TODO: randomize style / size / materials
+ if seed is None:
+ seed = randint(0, 10000)
+ with FixedSeed(seed):
+ thickness = uniform(0.02, 0.05)
+ height = uniform(0.08, 0.15)
+ color = color_category("white")
+ roughness = uniform(0.5, 1.0)
+ n_peaks = randint(1, 4)
+ start_y = uniform(0.0, 0.5)
+ mid_x = uniform(0.2, 0.8)
+ peak_xs = np.sort(uniform(0.0, mid_x, size=n_peaks))
+ peak_ys = np.sort(uniform(start_y, 1.0, size=n_peaks))
+ control_points = [(0.0000, start_y)]
+ control_points += [(x, y) for x, y in zip(peak_xs, peak_ys)]
+ control_points += [(mid_x, 1.0000), (1.0000, 1.0000)]
+ makeskirtingboard = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_make_skirting_board(control_points=control_points).name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Parent": contour,
+ "Resolution": 0.0010,
+ "Thickness": thickness,
+ "Height": height,
+ "Is Ceiling": is_ceiling,
+ },
+ )
+ makeskirtingboard = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": makeskirtingboard,
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ plastic_rough.shader_rough_plastic,
+ base_color=color,
+ roughness=roughness,
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": makeskirtingboard},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def make_skirtingboard_contour(objs: list[bpy.types.Object], tag: t.Subpart):
+ # make the outline curve
+ assert len(objs) > 0
+ objs = [
+ tagging.extract_tagged_faces(o, {tag, t.Subpart.Visible}, nonempty=True)
+ for o in list(objs)
+ ]
+ all_polys = []
+ all_zs = []
+ for floor_pieces in objs:
+ all_polys.append(obj2polygon(floor_pieces))
+ all_zs.append(read_co(floor_pieces)[:, -1] + floor_pieces.location[-1])
+ floor_z = np.mean(np.concatenate(all_zs))
+ boundary = (
+ unary_union(all_polys)
+ .buffer(0.05, join_style="mitre")
+ .buffer(-0.05, join_style="mitre")
+ )
+ if isinstance(boundary, Polygon):
+ boundaries = [boundary]
+ else:
+ boundaries = boundary.geoms
+ contours = []
+ for b in boundaries:
+ lr = b.exterior
+ o = linear_ring2curve(lr)
+ contours.append(o)
+ o.location[-1] += floor_z
+ butil.apply_transform(o, True)
+ for lr in b.interiors:
+ o = linear_ring2curve(lr, True)
+ contours.append(o)
+ o.location[-1] += floor_z
+ butil.apply_transform(o, True)
+ butil.delete(objs)
+ return contours
+def make_skirting_board(objs, tag, joined=True):
+ if joined:
+ seqs = list(
+ [o for o in objs if get_room_level(o.name.split(".")[0]) == i] for i in [0]
+ )
+ else:
+ seqs = [[o] for o in objs]
+ for s in seqs:
+ logger.debug(f"make_skirting_board for {len(objs)=} {tag=}")
+ try:
+ contours = make_skirtingboard_contour(s, tag)
+ except shapely.errors.GEOSException as e:
+ logger.warning(
+ f"make_skirting_board({objs=}, {tag=}) failed with {e}, skipping"
+ )
+ return
+ obj = new_plane()
+ obj.name = "skirtingboard_" + tag.value
+ col = butil.put_in_collection(contours, "contour")
+ kwargs = {
+ "contour": col,
+ "seed": np.random.randint(1e7),
+ "is_ceiling": tag == t.Subpart.Ceiling,
+ }
+ surface.add_geomod(obj, apply_skirtingboard, apply=True, input_kwargs=kwargs)
+ portal_cutters = butil.get_collection("placeholders:portal_cutters").objects
+ for p in portal_cutters:
+ if (
+ p.name.startswith("entrance")
+ and int(p.location[-1] / WALL_HEIGHT - 1 / 2) == 0
+ ):
+ p.location[-1] -= WALL_HEIGHT / 2
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ object=p,
+ operation="DIFFERENCE",
+ use_self=True,
+ use_hole_tolerant=True,
+ )
+ p.location[-1] += WALL_HEIGHT / 2
+ butil.delete_collection(col)
+ col = butil.get_collection("skirting")
+ butil.put_in_collection(obj, col)
+def linear_ring2curve(ring, reversed=False):
+ coords = ring.coords
+ if shapely.is_ccw(ring) == reversed:
+ coords = coords[::-1]
+ coords = np.array(coords)
+ lengths = np.linalg.norm(coords[:-1] - coords[1:], axis=-1)
+ invalid = np.sort(
+ np.nonzero(
+ (np.abs(lengths - WALL_THICKNESS) < 0.02)
+ | (np.abs(lengths - DOOR_WIDTH) < 0.02)
+ )[0]
+ )
+ ranges = -1, *invalid, len(coords)
+ curves = []
+ for l, r in zip(ranges[:-1], ranges[1:]):
+ x, y = np.array(coords[l + 1 : r + 1]).T
+ if len(x) > 1:
+ curves.append(bezier_curve((x, y, 0), list(np.arange(len(x))), 1, False))
+ return join_objects(curves)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/wall_art.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/wall_decorations/wall_art.py
similarity index 58%
rename from infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/wall_art.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/wall_decorations/wall_art.py
index 8e2cc7497..c8210955c 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/wall_art.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/wall_decorations/wall_art.py
@@ -6,52 +6,50 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
from infinigen.assets.materials.art import Art
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_plane, new_bbox
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_bbox, new_plane
from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import wrap_sides
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
class WallArtFactory(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(WallArtFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- self.width = log_uniform(.4, 2)
- self.height = log_uniform(.4, 2)
- self.thickness = uniform(.02, .05)
- self.depth = uniform(.01, .02)
+ self.width = log_uniform(0.4, 2)
+ self.height = log_uniform(0.4, 2)
+ self.thickness = uniform(0.02, 0.05)
+ self.depth = uniform(0.01, 0.02)
self.frame_bevel_segments = np.random.choice([0, 1, 4])
self.frame_bevel_width = uniform(self.depth / 4, self.depth / 2)
- self.material_assignments = AssetList['WallArtFactory']()
+ self.material_assignments = AssetList["WallArtFactory"]()
def assign_materials(self):
- # self.surface = Art(self.factory_seed)
+ # self.surface = Art(self.factory_seed)
assignments = self.material_assignments
- self.surface = assignments['surface'].assign_material()
+ self.surface = assignments["surface"].assign_material()
if self.surface == Art:
self.surface = self.surface(self.factory_seed)
- self.frame_surface = assignments['frame'].assign_material()
- is_scratch = uniform() < assignments['wear_tear_prob'][0]
- is_edge_wear = uniform() < assignments['wear_tear_prob'][1]
- self.scratch = assignments['wear_tear'][0] if is_scratch else None
- self.edge_wear = assignments['wear_tear'][1] if is_edge_wear else None
+ self.frame_surface = assignments["frame"].assign_material()
+ is_scratch = uniform() < assignments["wear_tear_prob"][0]
+ is_edge_wear = uniform() < assignments["wear_tear_prob"][1]
+ self.scratch = assignments["wear_tear"][0] if is_scratch else None
+ self.edge_wear = assignments["wear_tear"][1] if is_edge_wear else None
def create_placeholder(self, **params):
return new_bbox(
- -0.01,
- 0.15,
- -self.width / 2 - self.thickness,
+ -0.01,
+ 0.15,
+ -self.width / 2 - self.thickness,
self.width / 2 + self.thickness,
- -self.height / 2 - self.thickness,
- self.height / 2 + self.thickness,
+ -self.height / 2 - self.thickness,
+ self.height / 2 + self.thickness,
def create_asset(self, placeholder, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
@@ -61,30 +59,36 @@ def create_asset(self, placeholder, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
frame = deep_clone_obj(obj)
- wrap_sides(obj, self.surface, 'x', 'y', 'z')
+ wrap_sides(obj, self.surface, "x", "y", "z")
- with butil.ViewportMode(frame, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type='ONLY_FACE')
- butil.modify_mesh(frame, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.thickness, offset=1)
- with butil.ViewportMode(frame, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(frame, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type="ONLY_FACE")
+ butil.modify_mesh(frame, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.thickness, offset=1)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(frame, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
- butil.modify_mesh(frame, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.depth, offset=1)
+ butil.modify_mesh(frame, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=self.depth, offset=1)
if self.frame_bevel_segments > 0:
- butil.modify_mesh(frame, 'BEVEL', width=self.frame_bevel_width, segments=self.frame_bevel_segments)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ frame,
+ "BEVEL",
+ width=self.frame_bevel_width,
+ segments=self.frame_bevel_segments,
+ )
obj = join_objects([obj, frame])
return obj
def finalize_assets(self, assets):
if self.scratch:
if self.edge_wear:
class MirrorFactory(WallArtFactory):
def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
super(MirrorFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.material_assignments = AssetList['MirrorFactory']()
+ self.material_assignments = AssetList["MirrorFactory"]()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/wall_decorations/wall_shelf.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/wall_decorations/wall_shelf.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b5e4d7de6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/wall_decorations/wall_shelf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+import shapely
+import shapely.affinity
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.materials import metal, plastic
+from infinigen.assets.materials.woods import wood
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ read_edge_center,
+ read_edge_direction,
+ select_edges,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_bbox, new_bbox_2d
+from infinigen.assets.utils.shapes import polygon2obj
+from infinigen.core import tagging as t
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.surface import write_attr_data
+from infinigen.core.tags import Subpart
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
+class WallShelfFactory(AssetFactory):
+ support_sides_ = (
+ "weighted_choice",
+ (0.5, "none"),
+ (1, "bottom"),
+ (1, "top"),
+ (1.5, "both"),
+ )
+ support_margins = "weighted_choice", (2, 0), (1, ("uniform", 0.0, 0.2))
+ support_ratios = "weighted_choice", (2, 1), (1, ("uniform", 0.5, 0.9))
+ support_alphas = (
+ "weighted_choice",
+ (1, 1),
+ (
+ 1,
+ (
+ "weighted_choice",
+ (1, ("log_uniform", 0.4, 0.7)),
+ (2, ("log_uniform", 1.5, 3)),
+ (1, 10),
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ support_joins = "mitre", "round", "bevel"
+ plate_bevels = "weighted_choice", (1, "none"), (1, "front"), (1, "side")
+ plate_surfaces = "weighted_choice", (2, wood), (1, metal)
+ support_surfaces = "weighted_choice", (2, metal), (1, wood), (2, plastic)
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
+ super(WallShelfFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
+ self.support_side = rg(self.support_sides_)
+ self.support_margin = rg(self.support_margins)
+ if self.support_margin == 0:
+ n_support = np.random.choice([2, 3, 4], p=[0.7, 0.2, 0.1])
+ else:
+ n_support = np.random.choice([2, 3], p=[0.8, 0.2])
+ self.support_locs = np.linspace(
+ -0.5 + self.support_margin, 0.5 - self.support_margin, n_support
+ )
+ self.length = log_uniform(0.3, 0.8)
+ self.width = log_uniform(0.1, 0.2)
+ match self.support_side:
+ case "none":
+ self.thickness = log_uniform(0.03, 0.08)
+ case _:
+ self.thickness = log_uniform(0.01, 0.05)
+ self.support_width = log_uniform(0.01, 0.015)
+ self.support_thickness = self.support_width * log_uniform(0.4, 1.0)
+ self.support_length = self.width * uniform(0.7, 1.1)
+ self.plate_bevel = rg(self.plate_bevels)
+ self.support_join = np.random.choice(self.support_joins)
+ self.plate_surface = rg(self.plate_surfaces)
+ self.support_surface = rg(self.support_surfaces)
+ def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ box = new_bbox(
+ 0,
+ self.width,
+ -self.length / 2,
+ self.length / 2,
+ -self.support_length,
+ self.support_length,
+ )
+ plane = new_bbox_2d(
+ 0, self.width, -self.length / 2, self.length / 2, self.thickness / 2
+ )
+ write_attr_data(
+ plane,
+ f"{t.PREFIX}{Subpart.SupportSurface.value}",
+ np.ones(1).astype(bool),
+ "INT",
+ "FACE",
+ )
+ return join_objects([box, plane])
+ def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
+ obj = self.make_plate()
+ self.plate_surface.apply(obj)
+ if self.support_side != "none":
+ support = self.make_support()
+ supports = [support] + [
+ deep_clone_obj(support) for _ in range(len(self.support_locs) - 1)
+ ]
+ for s, l in zip(supports, self.support_locs):
+ s.location[1] = self.length * l
+ self.support_surface.apply(supports)
+ obj = join_objects([obj] + supports)
+ return obj
+ def make_plate(self):
+ obj = new_bbox(
+ 0,
+ self.width,
+ -self.length / 2,
+ self.length / 2,
+ -self.thickness / 2,
+ self.thickness / 2,
+ )
+ c = read_edge_center(obj)
+ d = read_edge_direction(obj)
+ front = (np.abs(d[:, 1]) > 0.5) & (c[:, 0] > 0.1)
+ side = np.abs(d[:, 0]) > 0.5
+ match self.plate_bevel:
+ case "front":
+ selection = front
+ case "side":
+ selection = front + side
+ case _:
+ selection = np.zeros_like(front)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ select_edges(obj, selection)
+ bpy.ops.mesh.bevel(
+ offset=uniform(0.3, 0.5) * self.thickness,
+ segments=np.random.randint(4, 9),
+ )
+ return obj
+ def make_support_contour(self):
+ l = shapely.LineString(np.array([(1, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1)]) * self.support_length)
+ theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi / 2, 31)
+ alpha = rg(self.support_alphas)
+ r = 1 / ((np.cos(theta) + 1e-6) ** alpha + (np.sin(theta) + 1e-6) ** alpha) ** (
+ 1 / alpha
+ )
+ xy = r[:, np.newaxis] * np.stack([np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)], -1)
+ d = shapely.LineString(xy * self.support_length * rg(self.support_ratios))
+ return shapely.union(l, d)
+ def make_support(self):
+ lines = []
+ if self.support_side in ["top", "both"]:
+ lines.append(self.make_support_contour())
+ if self.support_side in ["bottom", "both"]:
+ lines.append(
+ shapely.affinity.scale(self.make_support_contour(), 1, -1, 1, (0, 0, 0))
+ )
+ contour = shapely.union_all(lines).buffer(
+ self.support_thickness / 2, join_style=self.support_join
+ )
+ obj = polygon2obj(contour)
+ obj.rotation_euler[0] = np.pi / 2
+ obj.location = self.support_thickness / 2, -self.support_width / 2, 0
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_region_move(
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": (0, self.support_width, 0)}
+ )
+ return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/windows/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/windows/__init__.py
similarity index 85%
rename from infinigen/assets/windows/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/objects/windows/__init__.py
index 4aed7852b..34b6cf7a4 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/windows/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/windows/__init__.py
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
# Authors: Hongyu Wen
-from .window import WindowFactory
\ No newline at end of file
+from .window import WindowFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/objects/windows/window.py b/infinigen/assets/objects/windows/window.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5647c2967
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/objects/windows/window.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1621 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors:
+# - Hongyu Wen: primary author
+# - Alexander Raistrick: update window glass
+import random
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import randint as RI
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from infinigen.assets.materials import metal_shader_list, wood_shader_list
+from infinigen.assets.utils.autobevel import BevelSharp
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
+from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, clip_gaussian
+def shader_window_glass(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ """Non-refractive glass shader, since windows consist of a one-sided mesh currently and would not properly
+ refract-then un-refract the light
+ """
+ roughness = clip_gaussian(0, 0.015, 0, 0.03, 0.03)
+ transmission = uniform(0.05, 0.12)
+ # non-refractive glass
+ transparent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransparentBSDF)
+ shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.GlossyBSDF, input_kwargs={"Roughness": roughness})
+ shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={"Fac": transmission, 1: transparent_bsdf, 2: shader},
+ )
+ # complete pass-through for non-camera rays, for render efficiency
+ light_path = nw.new_node(Nodes.LightPath)
+ shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": light_path.outputs["Is Camera Ray"],
+ 1: transparent_bsdf,
+ 2: shader,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": shader},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+class WindowFactory(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, curtain=None, shutter=None):
+ super(WindowFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.params = self.sample_parameters()
+ self.beveler = BevelSharp()
+ self.curtain = curtain
+ self.shutter = shutter
+ @staticmethod
+ def sample_parameters():
+ frame_width = U(0.05, 0.1)
+ sub_frame_width = U(0.01, frame_width)
+ sub_frame_h_amount = RI(1, 2)
+ sub_frame_v_amount = RI(1, 2)
+ glass_thickness = U(0.01, 0.03)
+ shutter_panel_radius = U(0.001, 0.003)
+ shutter_width = U(0.03, 0.05)
+ shutter_thickness = U(0.003, 0.007)
+ shutter_rotation = U(0, 1)
+ shutter_inverval = shutter_width + U(0.001, 0.003)
+ curtain_frame_depth = U(0.05, 0.1)
+ curtain_depth = U(0.03, curtain_frame_depth)
+ curtain_frame_radius = U(0.01, 0.02)
+ shader_frame_material_choice = random.choice(wood_shader_list)
+ shader_curtain_frame_material_choice = random.choice(metal_shader_list)
+ shader_curtain_material_choice = shader_curtain_material
+ params = {
+ "FrameWidth": frame_width,
+ "SubFrameWidth": sub_frame_width,
+ "SubPanelHAmount": sub_frame_h_amount,
+ "SubPanelVAmount": sub_frame_v_amount,
+ "GlassThickness": glass_thickness,
+ "CurtainFrameDepth": curtain_frame_depth,
+ "CurtainDepth": curtain_depth,
+ "CurtainFrameRadius": curtain_frame_radius,
+ "ShutterPanelRadius": shutter_panel_radius,
+ "ShutterWidth": shutter_width,
+ "ShutterThickness": shutter_thickness,
+ "ShutterRotation": shutter_rotation,
+ "ShutterInterval": shutter_inverval,
+ "FrameMaterial": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ shader_frame_material_choice, vertical=True
+ ),
+ "CurtainFrameMaterial": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ shader_curtain_frame_material_choice
+ ),
+ "CurtainMaterial": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ shader_curtain_material_choice
+ ),
+ "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_window_glass),
+ }
+ return params
+ def sample_asset_params(
+ self, dimensions=None, open=None, curtain=None, shutter=None
+ ):
+ if dimensions is None:
+ width = U(1, 4)
+ height = U(1, 4)
+ frame_thickness = U(0.05, 0.15)
+ else:
+ width, height, frame_thickness = dimensions
+ panel_h_amount = RI(1, 2)
+ v_ = width / height * panel_h_amount
+ panel_v_amount = int(uniform(v_ * 1.6, v_ * 2.5))
+ if open is None:
+ open = U(0, 1) < 0.5
+ if shutter is None:
+ shutter = U(0, 1) < 0.5
+ if curtain is None:
+ curtain = U(0, 1) < 0.5
+ if curtain:
+ open = False
+ sub_frame_thickness = U(0.01, frame_thickness)
+ open = False # keep windows closed on generation, let articulation module handle this later on
+ open_type = RI(0, 3)
+ open_offset = 0
+ oe_offset = 0
+ if open_type == 0:
+ if frame_thickness < sub_frame_thickness * 2:
+ open_type = RI(1, 2)
+ else:
+ oe_offset = U(
+ sub_frame_thickness / 2,
+ (frame_thickness - 2 * sub_frame_thickness) / 2,
+ )
+ if open:
+ open_offset = U(0, width / panel_h_amount)
+ else:
+ open_offset = 0
+ open_h_angle = U(0, 0.3) if open_type == 1 and open else 0
+ open_v_angle = -U(0, 0.3) if open_type == 2 and open else 0
+ curtain_interval_number = int(width / U(0.08, 0.2))
+ curtain_mid_l = -U(0, width / 2)
+ curtain_mid_r = U(0, width / 2)
+ return {
+ **self.params,
+ "Width": width,
+ "Height": height,
+ "FrameThickness": frame_thickness,
+ "PanelHAmount": panel_h_amount,
+ "PanelVAmount": panel_v_amount,
+ "SubFrameThickness": sub_frame_thickness,
+ "OpenHAngle": open_h_angle,
+ "OpenVAngle": open_v_angle,
+ "OpenOffset": open_offset,
+ "OEOffset": oe_offset,
+ "Curtain": curtain,
+ "CurtainIntervalNumber": curtain_interval_number,
+ "CurtainMidL": curtain_mid_l,
+ "CurtainMidR": curtain_mid_r,
+ "Shutter": shutter,
+ }
+ def create_asset(self, dimensions=None, open=None, realized=True, **params):
+ obj = butil.spawn_cube()
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "NODES",
+ node_group=nodegroup_window_geometry(),
+ ng_inputs=self.sample_asset_params(
+ dimensions, open, self.curtain, self.shutter
+ ),
+ apply=realized,
+ )
+ obj.rotation_euler[0] = np.pi / 2
+ butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
+ obj_ = deep_clone_obj(obj)
+ self.beveler(obj)
+ if max(obj.dimensions) > 8:
+ butil.delete(obj)
+ obj = obj_
+ else:
+ butil.delete(obj_)
+ bpy.ops.object.light_add(
+ type="AREA", radius=1, align="WORLD", location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1)
+ )
+ portal = bpy.context.active_object
+ w, _, h = obj.dimensions
+ portal.scale = (w, h, 1)
+ portal.data.cycles.is_portal = True
+ portal.rotation_euler = (-np.pi / 2, 0, 0)
+ butil.parent_to(portal, obj, no_inverse=True)
+ portal.hide_viewport = True
+ return obj
+ "nodegroup_window_geometry", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_window_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Width", 2.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Height", 2.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "FrameWidth", 0.1000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "FrameThickness", 0.1000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "PanelHAmount", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "PanelVAmount", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "SubFrameWidth", 0.0500),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "SubFrameThickness", 0.0500),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "SubPanelHAmount", 3),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "SubPanelVAmount", 2),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "GlassThickness", 0.0100),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "OpenHAngle", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "OpenVAngle", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "OpenOffset", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "OEOffset", 0.0500),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Curtain", False),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "CurtainFrameDepth", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "CurtainDepth", 0.0300),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "CurtainIntervalNumber", 20.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "CurtainFrameRadius", 0.0100),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "CurtainMidL", -0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "CurtainMidR", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Shutter", True),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "ShutterPanelRadius", 0.0050),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "ShutterWidth", 0.0500),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "ShutterThickness", 0.0050),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "ShutterRotation", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "ShutterInterval", 0.0500),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "FrameMaterial", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "CurtainFrameMaterial", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "CurtainMaterial", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "Material", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ windowpanel = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_window_panel().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Width": group_input_1.outputs["Width"],
+ "Height": group_input_1.outputs["Height"],
+ "FrameWidth": group_input_1.outputs["FrameWidth"],
+ "FrameThickness": group_input_1.outputs["FrameThickness"],
+ "PanelWidth": group_input_1.outputs["FrameWidth"],
+ "PanelThickness": group_input_1.outputs["FrameThickness"],
+ "PanelHAmount": group_input_1.outputs["PanelHAmount"],
+ "PanelVAmount": group_input_1.outputs["PanelVAmount"],
+ "FrameMaterial": group_input_1.outputs["FrameMaterial"],
+ "Material": group_input_1.outputs["Material"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input_1.outputs["FrameWidth"],
+ 1: group_input_1.outputs["PanelVAmount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["Width"], 1: multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: group_input_1.outputs["PanelVAmount"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: group_input_1.outputs["SubFrameWidth"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input_1.outputs["FrameWidth"],
+ 1: group_input_1.outputs["PanelHAmount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["Height"], 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ divide_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_2, 1: group_input_1.outputs["PanelHAmount"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ subtract_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: divide_1, 1: group_input_1.outputs["SubFrameWidth"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ windowpanel_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_window_panel().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Width": subtract_1,
+ "Height": subtract_3,
+ "FrameWidth": group_input_1.outputs["SubFrameWidth"],
+ "FrameThickness": group_input_1.outputs["SubFrameThickness"],
+ "PanelWidth": group_input_1.outputs["SubFrameWidth"],
+ "PanelThickness": group_input_1.outputs["SubFrameThickness"],
+ "PanelHAmount": group_input_1.outputs["SubPanelHAmount"],
+ "PanelVAmount": group_input_1.outputs["SubPanelVAmount"],
+ "WithGlass": True,
+ "GlassThickness": group_input_1.outputs["GlassThickness"],
+ "FrameMaterial": group_input_1.outputs["FrameMaterial"],
+ "Material": group_input_1.outputs["Material"],
+ },
+ )
+ windowshutter = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_window_shutter().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Width": subtract_1,
+ "Height": subtract_3,
+ "FrameWidth": group_input_1.outputs["FrameWidth"],
+ "FrameThickness": group_input_1.outputs["FrameThickness"],
+ "PanelWidth": group_input_1.outputs["ShutterPanelRadius"],
+ "PanelThickness": group_input_1.outputs["ShutterPanelRadius"],
+ "ShutterWidth": group_input_1.outputs["ShutterWidth"],
+ "ShutterThickness": group_input_1.outputs["ShutterThickness"],
+ "ShutterInterval": group_input_1.outputs["ShutterInterval"],
+ "ShutterRotation": group_input_1.outputs["ShutterRotation"],
+ "FrameMaterial": group_input_1.outputs["FrameMaterial"],
+ },
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 1: group_input_1.outputs["Shutter"],
+ 14: windowpanel_1,
+ 15: windowshutter,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["Width"], 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ divide_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input_1.outputs["Width"],
+ 1: group_input_1.outputs["PanelVAmount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide_2}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: multiply_3})
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["Height"], 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ divide_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input_1.outputs["Height"],
+ 1: group_input_1.outputs["PanelHAmount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide_3}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: multiply_5})
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add, "Y": add_1})
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": switch.outputs[6], "Translation": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform}
+ )
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input_1.outputs["PanelHAmount"],
+ 1: group_input_1.outputs["PanelVAmount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DuplicateElements,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry_to_instance, "Amount": multiply_6},
+ attrs={"domain": "INSTANCE"},
+ )
+ reroute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input_1.outputs["PanelHAmount"]}
+ )
+ divide_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: reroute},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ floor = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide_4}, attrs={"operation": "FLOOR"}
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: group_input_1.outputs["FrameWidth"]}
+ )
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: floor, 1: add_2}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ modulo = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: reroute},
+ attrs={"operation": "MODULO"},
+ )
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide_1, 1: group_input_1.outputs["FrameWidth"]}
+ )
+ multiply_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: modulo, 1: add_3}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ power = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: -1.0000, 1: floor}, attrs={"operation": "POWER"}
+ )
+ multiply_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: power, 1: group_input_1.outputs["OEOffset"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": multiply_7, "Y": multiply_8, "Z": multiply_9},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ power_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: -1.0000, 1: floor}, attrs={"operation": "POWER"}
+ )
+ multiply_10 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["OpenVAngle"], 1: power_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_10})
+ modulo_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: floor, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={"operation": "MODULO"}
+ )
+ multiply_11 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: modulo_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: multiply_11})
+ modulo_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MODULO"},
+ )
+ multiply_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: divide_1, 1: modulo_2},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: multiply_12})
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": add_4, "Y": add_5})
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": set_position,
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_3,
+ "Pivot Point": combine_xyz_2,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_13 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["OpenHAngle"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_13})
+ multiply_14 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_14})
+ rotate_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instances": rotate_instances,
+ "Rotation": combine_xyz_5,
+ "Pivot Point": combine_xyz_6,
+ },
+ )
+ power_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: -1.0000, 1: floor}, attrs={"operation": "POWER"}
+ )
+ multiply_15 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: power_2, 1: group_input_1.outputs["OpenOffset"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_15})
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": rotate_instances_1, "Offset": combine_xyz_4},
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [windowpanel, set_position_1]}
+ )
+ multiply_16 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["Width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_17 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_16, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_18 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["CurtainFrameDepth"], 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ curtain = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_curtain().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Width": group_input_1.outputs["Width"],
+ "Depth": group_input_1.outputs["CurtainDepth"],
+ "Height": group_input_1.outputs["Height"],
+ "IntervalNumber": group_input_1.outputs["CurtainIntervalNumber"],
+ "Radius": group_input_1.outputs["CurtainFrameRadius"],
+ "L1": multiply_17,
+ "R1": group_input_1.outputs["CurtainMidL"],
+ "L2": group_input_1.outputs["CurtainMidR"],
+ "R2": multiply_16,
+ "FrameDepth": multiply_18,
+ "CurtainFrameMaterial": group_input_1.outputs["CurtainFrameMaterial"],
+ "CurtainMaterial": group_input_1.outputs["CurtainMaterial"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_19 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["FrameThickness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["CurtainFrameDepth"], 1: multiply_19},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": add_6})
+ transform_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curtain, "Translation": combine_xyz_7},
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_geometry, join_geometry]},
+ )
+ switch_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 1: group_input_1.outputs["Curtain"],
+ 14: join_geometry,
+ 15: join_geometry_1,
+ },
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": switch_1.outputs[6]}
+ )
+ bounding_box = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": realize_instances,
+ "Bounding Box": bounding_box.outputs["Bounding Box"],
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_line_seq", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_line_seq(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Width", -1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Height", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Amount", 0.5000),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply, "Y": multiply_1}
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_2, "Y": multiply_1}
+ )
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"Start": combine_xyz, "End": combine_xyz_1}
+ )
+ geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_line}
+ )
+ duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DuplicateElements,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": geometry_to_instance,
+ "Amount": group_input.outputs["Amount"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "INSTANCE"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: 1.0000},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Amount"], 1: 1.0000}
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: add_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: divide}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_3})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz_2,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_curtain", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_curtain(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Width", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Depth", 0.1000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Height", 0.1000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "IntervalNumber", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius", 1.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "L1", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "R1", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "L2", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "R2", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "FrameDepth", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "CurtainFrameMaterial", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "CurtainMaterial", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ reroute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Radius"]}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute_1, 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ ico_sphere = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshIcoSphere, input_kwargs={"Radius": multiply, "Subdivisions": 4}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: -1.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_2})
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": multiply_1})
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"Start": combine_xyz, "End": combine_xyz_1}
+ )
+ sample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleCurve, input_kwargs={"Curves": curve_line, "Factor": 1.0000}
+ )
+ set_position_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": ico_sphere.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Offset": sample_curve_1.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_9 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": multiply_1, "Z": group_input.outputs["FrameDepth"]},
+ )
+ curve_line_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"Start": combine_xyz_1, "End": combine_xyz_9}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": multiply_2, "Z": group_input.outputs["FrameDepth"]},
+ )
+ curve_line_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"Start": combine_xyz, "End": combine_xyz_8}
+ )
+ join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [curve_line, curve_line_4, curve_line_3]},
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius"]}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": join_geometry_3,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ ico_sphere_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshIcoSphere, input_kwargs={"Radius": multiply, "Subdivisions": 4}
+ )
+ sample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleCurve, input_kwargs={"Curves": curve_line})
+ set_position_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": ico_sphere_1.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Offset": sample_curve.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_position_2, curve_to_mesh_1, set_position_3]},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: -0.4700},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_3})
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry_2, "Offset": combine_xyz_3},
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": set_position_1,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["CurtainFrameMaterial"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["L1"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["R1"]}
+ )
+ curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"Start": combine_xyz_4, "End": combine_xyz_5}
+ )
+ resample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line_1, "Count": 200}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["L2"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["R2"]}
+ )
+ curve_line_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"Start": combine_xyz_6, "End": combine_xyz_7}
+ )
+ resample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve_line_2, "Count": 200}
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [resample_curve, resample_curve_1]},
+ )
+ spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_1,
+ 2: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"],
+ },
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["IntervalNumber"], 1: 6.2800},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: group_input.outputs["Width"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ multiply_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter.outputs["Length"], 1: divide},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_5, 1: 1.6800})
+ sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={"operation": "SINE"})
+ multiply_6 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: sine, 1: group_input.outputs["Depth"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Z": multiply_6})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz_2,
+ },
+ )
+ reroute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["Height"]}
+ )
+ quadrilateral = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral",
+ input_kwargs={"Width": reroute, "Height": 0.0020},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ divide_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: reroute},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute, input_kwargs={"Geometry": quadrilateral, 2: divide_1}
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_position,
+ "Profile Curve": capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz_12 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": capture_attribute_1.outputs[2],
+ "Y": capture_attribute.outputs[2],
+ },
+ )
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh, "Name": "UVMap", 3: combine_xyz_12},
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT2"},
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["CurtainMaterial"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_7 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: reroute_1, 1: 1.3000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Radius": multiply_7})
+ curve_to_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": curve_line,
+ "Profile Curve": curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"],
+ },
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: group_input.outputs["Radius"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": add_1})
+ set_position_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh_2, "Offset": combine_xyz_10},
+ )
+ difference = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshBoolean,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh 1": set_material, "Mesh 2": set_position_4},
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material_1, difference.outputs["Mesh"]]},
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry, "Shade Smooth": False},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_shade_smooth},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_window_shutter", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_window_shutter(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Width", 2.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Height", 2.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "FrameWidth", 0.1000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "FrameThickness", 0.1000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "PanelWidth", 0.1000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "PanelThickness", 0.1000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "ShutterWidth", 0.1000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "ShutterThickness", 0.1000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "ShutterInterval", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "ShutterRotation", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "FrameMaterial", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ quadrilateral = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Width": group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ "Height": group_input.outputs["Height"],
+ },
+ )
+ sqrt = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 2.0000}, attrs={"operation": "SQRT"}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["FrameWidth"], 1: sqrt},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ quadrilateral_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Width": multiply,
+ "Height": group_input.outputs["FrameThickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": quadrilateral, "Profile Curve": quadrilateral_1},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["FrameWidth"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": subtract,
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["ShutterWidth"],
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["ShutterThickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz})
+ geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance",
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube.outputs["Mesh"]},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Height"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["FrameWidth"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: group_input.outputs["ShutterInterval"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ floor = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide}, attrs={"operation": "FLOOR"}
+ )
+ shutter_number = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: floor, 1: 1.0000},
+ label="ShutterNumber",
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DuplicateElements,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry_to_instance, "Amount": shutter_number},
+ attrs={"domain": "INSTANCE"},
+ )
+ shutter_true_interval = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: floor},
+ label="ShutterTrueInterval",
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"],
+ 1: shutter_true_interval,
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: -0.5000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: shutter_true_interval}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: add})
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": add_1})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ )
+ reroute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["ShutterRotation"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": reroute})
+ rotate_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": set_position, "Rotation": combine_xyz_5},
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: shutter_true_interval, 1: 2.0000},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: multiply_3},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["PanelWidth"],
+ "Y": subtract_2,
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["PanelThickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz_2})
+ multiply_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["ShutterWidth"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply_4})
+ curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={"End": combine_xyz_3})
+ geometry_to_instance_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance", input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_line}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": reroute})
+ rotate_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": geometry_to_instance_1, "Rotation": combine_xyz_4},
+ )
+ realize_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": rotate_instances_1}
+ )
+ sample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleCurve, input_kwargs={"Curves": realize_instances, "Factor": 1.0000}
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube_1.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Offset": sample_curve.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [curve_to_mesh, rotate_instances, set_position_1]},
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_2,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["FrameMaterial"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_material, "Shade Smooth": False},
+ )
+ realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_shade_smooth}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": realize_instances_1},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_window_panel", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_window_panel(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Width", 2.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Height", 2.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "FrameWidth", 0.1000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "FrameThickness", 0.1000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "PanelWidth", 0.1000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "PanelThickness", 0.1000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "PanelHAmount", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "PanelVAmount", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "WithGlass", False),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "GlassThickness", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "FrameMaterial", None),
+ ("NodeSocketMaterial", "Material", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ quadrilateral = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Width": group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ "Height": group_input.outputs["Height"],
+ },
+ )
+ sqrt = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 2.0000}, attrs={"operation": "SQRT"}
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["FrameWidth"], 1: sqrt},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ quadrilateral_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral",
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Width": multiply,
+ "Height": group_input.outputs["FrameThickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": quadrilateral, "Profile Curve": quadrilateral_1},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["PanelHAmount"], 1: -1.0000}
+ )
+ lineseq = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_line_seq().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Width": group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ "Height": group_input.outputs["Height"],
+ "Amount": add,
+ },
+ )
+ reroute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": group_input.outputs["PanelWidth"]}
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["PanelThickness"], 1: 0.0010},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ quadrilateral_2 = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral",
+ input_kwargs={"Width": reroute, "Height": subtract},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": lineseq, "Profile Curve": quadrilateral_2},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["PanelVAmount"], 1: -1.0000}
+ )
+ lineseq_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_line_seq().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Width": group_input.outputs["Height"],
+ "Height": group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ "Amount": add_1,
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": lineseq_1, "Rotation": (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.5708)},
+ )
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 0.0010},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ quadrilateral_3 = nw.new_node(
+ "GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral",
+ input_kwargs={"Width": reroute, "Height": subtract_1},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": transform, "Profile Curve": quadrilateral_3},
+ )
+ join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [curve_to_mesh_1, curve_to_mesh_2]},
+ )
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [curve_to_mesh, join_geometry_3]}
+ )
+ set_material_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": join_geometry_2,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["FrameMaterial"],
+ },
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["Width"],
+ "Y": group_input.outputs["Height"],
+ "Z": group_input.outputs["GlassThickness"],
+ },
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": combine_xyz})
+ store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Name": "uv_map",
+ 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CORNER", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ set_material = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": store_named_attribute,
+ "Material": group_input.outputs["Material"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [set_material, set_material_1]}
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 1: group_input.outputs["WithGlass"],
+ 14: set_material_1,
+ 15: join_geometry,
+ },
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": switch.outputs[6], "Shade Smooth": False},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_shade_smooth},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def shader_curtain_material(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": color_category("textile"),
+ "Transmission": np.random.uniform(0, 1),
+ "Transmission Roughness": 1.0,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def shader_curtain_frame_material(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": (0.1840, 0.0000, 0.8000, 1.0000)},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def shader_frame_material(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={"Base Color": (0.8000, 0.5033, 0.0057, 1.0000)},
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+def shader_glass_material(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
+ principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Base Color": (0.0094, 0.0055, 0.8000, 1.0000),
+ "Roughness": 0.0000,
+ },
+ )
+ material_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": principled_bsdf},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/organizer/basket.py b/infinigen/assets/organizer/basket.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e711c113..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/organizer/basket.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core import tagging
-import bpy
-from infinigen.assets.shelves.utils import nodegroup_tagged_cube
-from infinigen.assets.materials.plastics.plastic_rough import shader_rough_plastic
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_holes', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_holes(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value1', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value2', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value3', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value4', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value5', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value6', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value3"], 1: 0.0000})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value1"], 1: add}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value6"], 1: 0.0000})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: add}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value4"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Value2"]})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: add_3}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- divide_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: add_3}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- grid = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshGrid,
- input_kwargs={'Size X': subtract, 'Size Y': subtract_1, 'Vertices X': divide, 'Vertices Y': divide_1})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': grid.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: grid.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000)})
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value5"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: 0.1})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_5, 'Y': add_2, 'Z': add_2})
- cube_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_3})
- store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_2.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cube_2.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints, input_kwargs={'Points': transform_1, 'Instance': store_named_attribute_1})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: add}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- divide_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_2, 1: add_3}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- grid_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshGrid,
- input_kwargs={'Size X': subtract_2, 'Size Y': subtract, 'Vertices X': divide_2, 'Vertices Y': divide})
- store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': grid_1.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: grid_1.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_2, 'Rotation': (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: 0.1})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_2, 'Y': add_6, 'Z': add_2})
- cube_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_4})
- store_named_attribute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_3.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cube_3.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints, input_kwargs={'Points': transform_2, 'Instance': store_named_attribute_3})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Instances1': instance_on_points, 'Instances2': instance_on_points_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_handle_hole', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_handle_hole(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'X', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Z', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value2', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Level', 0)])
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["X"], 'Y': 1.0000, 'Z': group_input.outputs["Z"]})
- cube_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_3})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_2.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cube_2.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- subdivide_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': store_named_attribute})
- subdivision_surface_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': subdivide_mesh_2, 'Level': group_input.outputs["Level"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input.outputs["Value2"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': subtract})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivision_surface_2, 'Translation': combine_xyz_4})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- depth = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='depth')
- depth.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['depth']
- width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='width')
- width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['width']
- height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='height')
- height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['height']
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': depth, 'Y': width, 'Z': height})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map',
- 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': store_named_attribute, 'Level': 2})
- sub_level = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label='sub_level')
- sub_level.integer = kwargs['frame_sub_level']
- subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': subdivide_mesh, 'Level': sub_level})
- differences = []
- if kwargs['has_handle']:
- hole_depth = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='hole_depth')
- hole_depth.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['handle_depth']
- hole_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='hole_height')
- hole_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['handle_height']
- hole_dist = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='hole_dist')
- hole_dist.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['handle_dist_to_top']
- handle_level = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label='handle_level')
- handle_level.integer = kwargs['handle_sub_level']
- handle_hole = nw.new_node(nodegroup_handle_hole().name,
- input_kwargs={'X': hole_depth, 'Z': hole_height, 'Value': height, 'Value2': hole_dist,
- 'Level': handle_level})
- differences.append(handle_hole)
- thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='thickness')
- thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['thickness']
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: depth, 1: thickness}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: width, 1: thickness}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': subtract, 'Y': subtract_1, 'Z': height})
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_1})
- store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_1.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map',
- 3: cube_1.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- subdivide_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': store_named_attribute_1, 'Level': 2})
- subdivision_surface_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': subdivide_mesh_1, 'Level': sub_level})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: thickness, 2: 0.2500}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivision_surface_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- if kwargs['has_holes']:
- gap_size = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='gap_size')
- gap_size.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['hole_gap_size']
- hole_edge_gap = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='hole_edge_gap')
- hole_edge_gap.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['hole_edge_gap']
- hole_size = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='hole_size')
- hole_size.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['hole_size']
- holes = nw.new_node(nodegroup_holes().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value1': height, 'Value2': gap_size, 'Value3': hole_edge_gap,
- 'Value4': hole_size, 'Value5': depth, 'Value6': width})
- differences.extend([holes.outputs["Instances1"], holes.outputs["Instances2"]])
- difference = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshBoolean,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh 1': subdivision_surface, 'Mesh 2': [transform] + differences})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': difference.outputs["Mesh"]})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: height}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_1})
- transform_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances, 'Translation': combine_xyz_3})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_rough_plastic)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-class BasketBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
- super(BasketBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.params = params
- def sample_params(self):
- return self.params.copy()
- def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
- params = self.sample_params()
- if params.get('depth', None) is None:
- params['depth'] = uniform(0.15, 0.4)
- if params.get('width', None) is None:
- params['width'] = uniform(0.2, 0.6)
- if params.get('height', None) is None:
- params['height'] = uniform(0.06, 0.24)
- if params.get('frame_sub_level', None) is None:
- params['frame_sub_level'] = np.random.choice([0, 3], p=[0.5, 0.5])
- if params.get('thickness', None) is None:
- params['thickness'] = uniform(0.001, 0.005)
- if params.get('has_handle', None) is None:
- params['has_handle'] = np.random.choice([True, False], p=[0.8, 0.2])
- if params.get('handle_sub_level', None) is None:
- params['handle_sub_level'] = np.random.choice([0, 1, 2], p=[0.2, 0.4, 0.4])
- if params.get('handle_depth', None) is None:
- params['handle_depth'] = params['depth'] * uniform(0.2, 0.4)
- if params.get('handle_height', None) is None:
- params['handle_height'] = params['height'] * uniform(0.1, 0.25)
- if params.get('handle_dist_to_top', None) is None:
- params['handle_dist_to_top'] = (params['handle_height'] * 0.5 +
- params['height'] * uniform(0.08, 0.15))
- if params.get('has_holes', None) is None:
- if params['height'] < 0.12:
- params['has_holes'] = False
- else:
- params['has_holes'] = np.random.choice([True, False], p=[0.5, 0.5])
- if params.get('hole_size', None) is None:
- params['hole_size'] = uniform(0.005, 0.01)
- if params.get('hole_gap_size', None) is None:
- params['hole_gap_size'] = params['hole_size'] * uniform(0.8, 1.1)
- if params.get('hole_edge_gap', None) is None:
- params['hole_edge_gap'] = uniform(0.04, 0.06)
- return params
- def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- obj_params = self.get_asset_params(i)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_nodes, attributes=[], apply=True, input_kwargs=obj_params)
- tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
- return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/organizer/hook.py b/infinigen/assets/organizer/hook.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2403dd132..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/organizer/hook.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,387 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core import tagging
-import bpy
-from infinigen.assets.materials import shader_rough_plastic, shader_brushed_metal
-from infinigen.assets.materials.plastics.plastic_rough import shader_rough_plastic
-def hook_geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- hook_num = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label='hook_num')
- hook_num.integer = kwargs["num_hook"]
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: hook_num, 1: -1.0000})
- hook_gap = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='hook_gap')
- hook_gap.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["hook_gap"]
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: hook_gap, 1: add}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_2})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_1})
- mesh_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshLine,
- input_kwargs={'Count': add, 'Start Location': combine_xyz_2, 'Offset': combine_xyz_1},
- attrs={'mode': 'END_POINTS'})
- bezier_segment = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveBezierSegment,
- input_kwargs={'Start': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
- 'Start Handle': (0.0000, 0.0000, kwargs["init_handle"]),
- 'End Handle': kwargs["curve_handle"],
- 'End': kwargs["curve_end_point"]})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine)
- join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [bezier_segment, curve_line]})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Factor': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0000, 0.8), (0.5, 0.8), (1.0000, 0.8)])
- raduis = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='raduis')
- raduis.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['hook_radius']
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: raduis}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius, input_kwargs={'Curve': join_geometry_3, 'Radius': multiply_3})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': kwargs['hook_resolution'],
- 'Point 1': (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
- 'Point 3': (-1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)},
- attrs={'mode': 'POINTS'})
- hook_reshape = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, label='hook_reshape')
- hook_reshape.vector = (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)
- transform_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Scale': hook_reshape})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': transform_geometry_2,
- 'Fill Caps': True})
- hook_size = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='hook_size')
- hook_size.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['hook_size']
- transform_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Scale': hook_size})
- realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry})
- merge_by_distance_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances_1})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': mesh_line, 'Instance': merge_by_distance_1})
- scale_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances, input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial, input_kwargs={'Geometry': scale_instances,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_brushed_metal)})
- board_side_gap = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='board_side_gap')
- board_side_gap.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['board_side_gap']
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: board_side_gap})
- board_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='board_thickness')
- board_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['board_thickness']
- board_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='board_height')
- board_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['board_height']
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_1, 'Y': board_thickness, 'Z': board_height})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: board_thickness, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: board_height}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: hook_size, 1: multiply_5}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_4, 'Z': subtract})
- transform_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': combine_xyz_3})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry_1,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_rough_plastic)})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material, set_material_1]})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_2})
- triangulate = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeTriangulate', input_kwargs={'Mesh': realize_instances})
- transform_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': triangulate, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry_3},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def spatula_geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- handle_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='handle_length')
- handle_length.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['handle_length']
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': handle_length})
- mesh_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshLine, input_kwargs={'Count': 64, 'Offset': combine_xyz}, attrs={'mode': 'END_POINTS'})
- mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve, input_kwargs={'Mesh': mesh_line})
- handle_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='handle_radius')
- handle_radius.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['handle_radius']
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], kwargs['handle_control_points'])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: handle_radius, 1: float_curve}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius, input_kwargs={'Curve': mesh_to_curve, 'Radius': multiply})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle)
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- transform_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh,
- 'Scale': (kwargs['handle_ratio'], 1.0, 1.0)})
- hole_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='hole_radius')
- hole_radius.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['hole_radius']
- cylinder = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder', input_kwargs={'Radius': hole_radius, 'Depth': 0.1000})
- hole_place_ratio = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='hole_placement')
- hole_place_ratio.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['hole_placement']
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: handle_length, 1: hole_place_ratio}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_1})
- transform_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': combine_xyz_1,
- 'Rotation': (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000), 'Scale': (kwargs['hole_ratio'], 1.0000, 1.0000)})
- difference = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshBoolean, input_kwargs={'Mesh 1': transform_geometry, 'Mesh 2': transform_geometry_1})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': (kwargs['plate_thickness'], kwargs['plate_width'], kwargs['plate_length']),
- 'Vertices X': 4, 'Vertices Y': 4, 'Vertices Z': 4})
- transform_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.0000, -kwargs['plate_length'] / 2.)})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [difference.outputs["Mesh"], transform_geometry_3]})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry})
- triangulate = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeTriangulate', input_kwargs={'Mesh': realize_instances})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_2})
- transform_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': triangulate, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry_2,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_rough_plastic)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-class HookBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
- super(HookBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.params = params
- def sample_params(self):
- return self.params.copy()
- def get_hang_points(self, params):
- # compute the lowest point in the bezier curve
- x = params['init_handle']
- y = params['curve_handle'][2] - params['init_handle']
- z = params['curve_end_point'][2] - params['curve_handle'][2]
- t1 = (x - y + np.sqrt(y ** 2 - x * z)) / (x + z - 2 * y)
- t2 = (x - y - np.sqrt(y ** 2 - x * z)) / (x + z - 2 * y)
- t = 0
- if t1 >= 0 and t1 <= 1:
- t = max(t1, t)
- if t2 >= 0 and t2 <= 1:
- t = max(t2, t)
- if t == 0:
- t = 0.5
- # get x, z coordinate
- alpha1 = 3 * ((1 - t) ** 2) * t
- alpha2 = 3 * (1 - t) * (t ** 2)
- alpha3 = t ** 3
- z = alpha1 * params['init_handle'] + alpha2 * params['curve_handle'][-1] + alpha3 * params['curve_end_point'][-1]
- x = alpha2 * params['curve_handle'][-2] + alpha3 * params['curve_end_point'][-2]
- ys = []
- total_length = params['board_side_gap'] + (params['num_hook'] - 1) * params['hook_gap']
- for i in range(params['num_hook']):
- y = - total_length / 2. + params['board_side_gap'] / 2. + i * params['hook_gap']
- ys.append(y)
- hang_points = []
- for y in ys:
- hang_points.append((x * params['hook_size'], y, z * params['hook_size']))
- return hang_points
- def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
- params = self.sample_params()
- if params.get('num_hook', None) is None:
- params['num_hook'] = randint(3, 6)
- if params.get('hook_size', None) is None:
- params['hook_size'] = uniform(0.05, 0.1)
- if params.get('hook_radius', None) is None:
- params['hook_radius'] = uniform(0.002, 0.004) / params['hook_size']
- else:
- params['hook_radius'] = params['hook_radius'] / params['hook_size']
- if params.get('hook_resolution', None) is None:
- params['hook_resolution'] = np.random.choice([4, 32], p=[0.5, 0.5])
- if params.get("hook_gap", None) is None:
- params["hook_gap"] = uniform(0.04, 0.08)
- if params.get('board_height', None) is None:
- params['board_height'] = params['hook_size'] + uniform(-0.02, 0.01)
- if params.get('board_thickness', None) is None:
- params['board_thickness'] = uniform(0.005, 0.015)
- if params.get('board_side_gap', None) is None:
- params['board_side_gap'] = uniform(0.03, 0.05)
- params['init_handle'] = uniform(-0.15, -0.25)
- params["curve_handle"] = (0, uniform(0.15, 0.35), uniform(-0.15, -0.35))
- params["curve_end_point"] = (0, uniform(0.35, 0.55), uniform(-0.05, 0.15))
- return params
- def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- obj_params = self.get_asset_params(i)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, hook_geometry_nodes, attributes=[], apply=True, input_kwargs=obj_params)
- tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
- hang_points = self.get_hang_points(obj_params)
- return obj, hang_points
-class SpatulaBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
- super(SpatulaBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.params = params
- def sample_params(self):
- return self.params.copy()
- def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
- params = self.sample_params()
- if params.get('hole_radius', None) is None:
- params['hole_radius'] = uniform(0.003, 0.008)
- if params.get('hole_placement', None) is None:
- params['hole_placement'] = uniform(0.75, 0.9)
- if params.get('hole_ratio', None) is None:
- params['hole_ratio'] = uniform(0.8, 2.0)
- if params.get('handle_length', None) is None:
- params['handle_length'] = uniform(0.15, 0.25)
- if params.get("handle_ratio", None) is None:
- params["handle_ratio"] = uniform(0.1, 0.4)
- if params.get("handle_control_points", None) is None:
- params["handle_control_points"] = [(0, 0.5), (0.5, uniform(0.45, 0.65)), (1.0, uniform(0.4, 0.6))]
- if params.get("handle_radius", None) is None:
- params["handle_radius"] = (params['hole_radius'] / params["handle_control_points"][0][1]) / uniform(0.6, 0.8)
- if params.get('plate_thickness', None) is None:
- params['plate_thickness'] = uniform(0.005, 0.01)
- if params.get('plate_width', None) is None:
- params['plate_width'] = uniform(0.04, 0.06)
- if params.get('plate_length', None) is None:
- params['plate_length'] = uniform(0.05, 0.08)
- return params
- def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- obj_params = self.get_asset_params(i)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, spatula_geometry_nodes, attributes=[], apply=True, input_kwargs=obj_params)
- tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
- return obj
-class SpatulaOnHookBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
- super(SpatulaOnHookBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.params = params
- self.hook_fac = HookBaseFactory(factory_seed, params=params)
- self.spatula_fac = SpatulaBaseFactory(factory_seed, params=params)
- def get_asset_params(self, i):
- if self.params.get('hook_radius', None) is None:
- r = uniform(0.002, 0.0035)
- self.hook_fac.params['hook_radius'] = r
- self.spatula_fac.params['hole_radius'] = r / uniform(0.3, 0.6)
- def create_asset(self, i, **params):
- self.get_asset_params(i)
- hook, hang_points = self.hook_fac.create_asset(i)
- spatula = self.spatula_fac.create_asset(i)
- spatula.location = hang_points[0]
- butil.apply_transform(spatula, loc=True)
- return hook
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/organizer/plate_rack.py b/infinigen/assets/organizer/plate_rack.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3894741fa..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/organizer/plate_rack.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core import tagging
-import bpy
-from infinigen.assets.shelves.utils import nodegroup_tagged_cube
-from infinigen.assets.materials import shader_wood
-from infinigen.assets.materials.plastics.plastic_rough import shader_rough_plastic
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_plate_rack_connect', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_plate_rack_connect(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value1', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5000)])
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value1"], 1: 2.0000, 2: -0.0020},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- cylinder = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder',
- input_kwargs={'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"], 'Depth': multiply_add})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map',
- 3: cylinder.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'domain': 'CORNER'})
- multiply_add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 2: -uniform(0.02, 0.045)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_add_1})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute, 'Translation': combine_xyz,
- 'Rotation': (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Scale': (-1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_2, transform]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_2},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_rack_cyn', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_rack_cyn(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0000})
- cylinder = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder',
- input_kwargs={'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"], 'Depth': add})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map',
- 3: cylinder.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'domain': 'CORNER'})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 2: 0.0010}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_add})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute, 'Translation': combine_xyz_4})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_2},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_rack_base', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_rack_base(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Instance', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value1', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value2', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value3', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Count', 10)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value1"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value2"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': add_1, 'Z': add_1})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map',
- 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'domain': 'CORNER'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value3"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': add_2})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute, 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 2: -0.0150}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_add, 'Y': add_2})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_add, 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply, 'Y': add_2})
- mesh_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshLine,
- input_kwargs={'Count': group_input.outputs["Count"], 'Start Location': combine_xyz_2,
- 'Offset': combine_xyz_3},
- attrs={'mode': 'END_POINTS'})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': mesh_line, 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Instance"]})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': instance_on_points})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Base': transform, 'Racks': realize_instances},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def rack_geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- rack_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='rack_radius')
- rack_radius.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['rack_radius']
- rack_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='rack_height')
- rack_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['rack_height']
- rack_cyn = nw.new_node(nodegroup_rack_cyn().name, input_kwargs={'Radius': rack_radius, 'Value': rack_height})
- base_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='base_length')
- base_length.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['base_length']
- base_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='base_width')
- base_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['base_width']
- base_gap = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='base_gap')
- base_gap.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['base_gap']
- integer = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer)
- integer.integer = kwargs['num_rack']
- rack_base = nw.new_node(nodegroup_rack_base().name,
- input_kwargs={'Instance': rack_cyn, 'Value1': base_length, 'Value2': base_width,
- 'Value3': base_gap, 'Count': integer})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [rack_base.outputs["Base"], rack_base.outputs["Racks"]]})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Scale': (1.0000, -1.0000, 1.0000)})
- plate_rack_connect = nw.new_node(nodegroup_plate_rack_connect().name,
- input_kwargs={'Radius': rack_radius, 'Value1': base_gap, 'Value': base_length})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_1, join_geometry, plate_rack_connect]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: base_width}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform})
- triangulate = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeTriangulate', input_kwargs={'Mesh': realize_instances})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial, input_kwargs={'Geometry': triangulate,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_wood)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def plate_geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='radius')
- radius.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['radius']
- thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='thickness')
- thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['thickness']
- cylinder = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder',
- input_kwargs={'Vertices': 64, 'Radius': radius, 'Depth': thickness})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': radius})
- transform_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': combine_xyz,
- 'Rotation': (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000)})
- triangulate = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeTriangulate', input_kwargs={'Mesh': transform_geometry})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial, input_kwargs={'Geometry': triangulate,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_rough_plastic)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-class PlateRackBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
- super(PlateRackBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.params = params
- def sample_params(self):
- return self.params.copy()
- def get_place_points(self, params):
- # compute the lowest point in the bezier curve
- xs = []
- for i in range(params['num_rack']-1):
- l = params['base_length']
- d = (l - 0.03) / (params['num_rack']-1)
- x = - l / 2. + 0.015 + (i + 0.5) * d
- xs.append(x)
- y = 0
- z = params['base_width']
- place_points = []
- for x in xs:
- place_points.append((x, y, z))
- return place_points
- def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
- params = self.sample_params()
- if params.get('num_rack', None) is None:
- params['num_rack'] = randint(3, 7)
- if params.get('rack_radius', None) is None:
- params['rack_radius'] = uniform(0.0025,0.006)
- if params.get('rack_height', None) is None:
- params['rack_height'] = uniform(0.08, 0.15)
- if params.get('base_length', None) is None:
- params['base_length'] = (params['num_rack'] - 1) * uniform(0.03, 0.06) + 0.03
- if params.get('base_gap', None) is None:
- params['base_gap'] = uniform(0.05, 0.08)
- if params.get('base_width', None) is None:
- params['base_width'] = uniform(0.015, 0.03)
- return params
- def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- obj_params = self.get_asset_params(i)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, rack_geometry_nodes, attributes=[], apply=True, input_kwargs=obj_params)
- tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
- place_points = self.get_place_points(obj_params)
- return obj, place_points
-class PlateBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
- super(PlateBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.params = params
- def sample_params(self):
- return self.params.copy()
- def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
- params = self.sample_params()
- if params.get('radius', None) is None:
- params['radius'] = uniform(0.15, 0.25)
- if params.get('thickness', None) is None:
- params['thickness'] = uniform(0.01, 0.025)
- return params
- def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- obj_params = self.get_asset_params(i)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, plate_geometry_nodes, attributes=[], apply=True, input_kwargs=obj_params)
- tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
- return obj
-class PlateOnRackBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
- super(PlateOnRackBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.params = params
- self.rack_fac = PlateRackBaseFactory(factory_seed, params=params)
- self.plate_fac = PlateBaseFactory(factory_seed, params=params)
- def get_asset_params(self, i):
- if self.params.get('base_gap', None) is None:
- d = uniform(0.05, 0.08)
- self.rack_fac.params['base_gap'] = d
- self.plate_fac.params['radius'] = d + uniform(0.025, 0.06)
- def create_asset(self, i, **params):
- self.get_asset_params(i)
- rack, place_points = self.rack_fac.create_asset(i)
- plate = self.plate_fac.create_asset(i)
- plate.location = place_points[0]
- butil.apply_transform(plate, loc=True)
- return plate
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/rocks/boulder.py b/infinigen/assets/rocks/boulder.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d05d585a4..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/rocks/boulder.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import logging
-from functools import reduce
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-import trimesh.convex
-from numpy.random import uniform
-import gin
-from infinigen.assets.scatters import ivy
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import trimesh2obj
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import geo_extension, write_attribute
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.placement.detail import remesh_with_attrs
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
-from infinigen.core.placement.split_in_view import split_inview
-from infinigen.core.placement import detail
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class BoulderFactory(AssetFactory):
- config_mappings = {'boulder': [True, False], 'slab': [False, True]}
- def __init__(
- self, factory_seed,
- meshing_camera=None,
- adapt_mesh_method='remesh',
- cam_meshing_max_dist=1e7,
- coarse=False, do_voronoi=True
- ):
- super(BoulderFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.camera = meshing_camera
- self.cam_meshing_max_dist = cam_meshing_max_dist
- self.adapt_mesh_method = adapt_mesh_method
- self.octree_depth = 3
- self.do_voronoi = do_voronoi
- self.weights = [.8, .2]
- self.configs = ['boulder', 'slab']
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.rock_surface = surface.registry('rock_collection')
- method = np.random.choice(self.configs, p=self.weights)
- self.has_horizontal_cut, self.is_slab = self.config_mappings[method]
- @gin.configurable
- def create_placeholder(self, boulder_scale = 1, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
- butil.select_none()
- vertices = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (32, 3))
- obj = trimesh2obj(trimesh.convex.convex_hull(vertices))
- surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_extrusion, apply=True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SUBSURF', render_levels=2, levels=2, subdivision_type='SIMPLE')
- obj.location[-1] += obj.dimensions[-1] * .2
- butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
- if self.is_slab:
- obj.scale = *log_uniform(.5, 2., 2), log_uniform(.1, .15)
- else:
- obj.scale = *log_uniform(.4, 1.2, 2), log_uniform(.4, .8)
- obj.scale *= boulder_scale
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- obj.rotation_euler[0] = uniform(-np.pi / 24, np.pi / 24)
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- obj.rotation_euler[-1] = uniform(0, np.pi * 2)
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
- bpy.ops.geometry.attribute_convert(mode='VERTEX_GROUP')
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BEVEL', limit_method='VGROUP', vertex_group='top', invert_vertex_group=True,
- offset_type='PERCENT', width_pct=10)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'REMESH', apply=True, mode='SHARP', octree_depth=self.octree_depth)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_extension, apply=True)
- if self.do_voronoi:
- voronoi_texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name='boulder', type='VORONOI')
- voronoi_texture.noise_scale = log_uniform(.2, .5)
- voronoi_texture.distance_metric = 'DISTANCE'
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DISPLACE', texture=voronoi_texture, strength=.01, mid_level=0)
- voronoi_texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name='boulder', type='VORONOI')
- voronoi_texture.noise_scale = log_uniform(.05, .1)
- voronoi_texture.distance_metric = 'DISTANCE'
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DISPLACE', texture=voronoi_texture, strength=.01, mid_level=0)
- return obj
- def finalize_placeholders(self, placeholders):
- with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- self.rock_surface.apply(placeholders, is_rock=True)
- @staticmethod
- def geo_extrusion(nw: NodeWrangler, extrude_scale=1):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- face_area = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputMeshFaceArea)
- tops = []
- extrude_configs = [(uniform(.2, .3), .8, .4), (.6, .2, .6)]
- top_facing = nw.compare_direction('LESS_THAN', nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal), (0, 0, 1), np.pi * 2 / 3)
- for prob, extrude, scale in extrude_configs:
- extrude = extrude * extrude_scale
- face_area_stats = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic, [geometry, None, face_area],
- attrs={'domain': 'FACE'}).outputs
- selection = reduce(lambda *xs: nw.boolean_math('AND', *xs), [top_facing, nw.bernoulli(prob),
- nw.compare('GREATER_THAN', face_area, face_area_stats['Mean'])])
- geometry, top, side = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, [geometry, selection, None,
- nw.uniform(extrude * .5, extrude)]).outputs
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleElements, [geometry, top, nw.uniform(scale * .5, scale)])
- tops.append(top)
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry, 'Name': 'top', 'Value': reduce(lambda *xs: nw.boolean_math('OR', *xs), tops)})
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
- def create_asset(self, i, placeholder, face_size=0.01, distance=0, **params):
- if self.camera is not None and distance < self.cam_meshing_max_dist:
- assert self.adapt_mesh_method != 'remesh'
- skin_obj, outofview, vert_dists, _ = split_inview(placeholder, cam=self.camera, vis_margin=0.15)
- butil.parent_to(outofview, skin_obj, no_inverse=True, no_transform=True)
- face_size = detail.target_face_size(vert_dists.min())
- else:
- skin_obj = deep_clone_obj(placeholder, keep_modifiers=True, keep_materials=True)
- butil.parent_to(skin_obj, placeholder, no_inverse=True, no_transform=True)
- with butil.DisableModifiers(skin_obj):
- detail.adapt_mesh_resolution(skin_obj, face_size, method=self.adapt_mesh_method, apply=True)
- butil.apply_modifiers(skin_obj)
- tag_object(skin_obj, 'boulder')
- return skin_obj
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/__init__.py
index 5d6ed9ce3..d330f638e 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/__init__.py
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
+from .lichen import LichenFactory
from .moss import MossFactory
-from .lichen import LichenFactory
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/chopped_trees.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/chopped_trees.py
index d5340dc5f..54261a51f 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/chopped_trees.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/chopped_trees.py
@@ -4,34 +4,30 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import pdb
import logging
import bpy
import mathutils
import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal
-from tqdm import tqdm, trange
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import rotate_match_directions, randomspacing
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.geometry.metaballs import plusx_cylinder_unwrap
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.assets.objects.trees.generate import GenericTreeFactory, random_species
from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.materials import wood
-from infinigen.core.placement.detail import remesh_with_attrs, target_face_size, scatter_res_distance
-from infinigen.assets.trees.generate import GenericTreeFactory, random_species
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.placement.detail import (
+ remesh_with_attrs,
+ scatter_res_distance,
+ target_face_size,
+from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import randomspacing, rotate_match_directions
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def approx_settle_transform(obj, samples=200):
- assert obj.type == 'MESH'
+ assert obj.type == "MESH"
if len(obj.data.vertices) < 3 or len(obj.data.polygons) == 0:
@@ -41,39 +37,41 @@ def approx_settle_transform(obj, samples=200):
# sample random planes and find the normal of the biggest one
verts = np.empty((len(obj.data.vertices), 3))
- obj.data.vertices.foreach_get('co', verts.reshape(-1))
- verts = np.stack([verts[np.random.choice(np.arange(len(verts)), samples)] for _ in range(3)], axis=0)
+ obj.data.vertices.foreach_get("co", verts.reshape(-1))
+ verts = np.stack(
+ [verts[np.random.choice(np.arange(len(verts)), samples)] for _ in range(3)],
+ axis=0,
+ )
ups = np.cross(verts[0] - verts[1], verts[0] - verts[2], axis=-1)
best = np.linalg.norm(ups, axis=-1).argmax()
# rotate according to that axis
- rot_mat = rotate_match_directions(ups[best].reshape(1, 3), np.array([0, 0, 1]).reshape(1, 3))[0]
+ rot_mat = rotate_match_directions(
+ ups[best].reshape(1, 3), np.array([0, 0, 1]).reshape(1, 3)
+ )[0]
obj.rotation_euler = mathutils.Matrix(rot_mat).to_euler()
with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
- bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type='ORIGIN_GEOMETRY', center='MEDIAN')
+ bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type="ORIGIN_GEOMETRY", center="MEDIAN")
bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=False, rotation=True, scale=True)
return obj
-def chop_object(
- obj, n, cutter_size,
- max_tilt=15, thickness=0.03
- assert obj.type == 'MESH'
+def chop_object(obj, n, cutter_size, max_tilt=15, thickness=0.03):
+ assert obj.type == "MESH"
bbox = np.array([obj.matrix_world @ mathutils.Vector(v) for v in obj.bound_box])
def cutter(t):
z = butil.lerp(bbox[:, -1].min(), bbox[:, -1].max(), t)
- loc = (*bbox[:,:-1].mean(axis=0), z)
+ loc = (*bbox[:, :-1].mean(axis=0), z)
bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(size=cutter_size, location=loc)
cut = bpy.context.active_object
- cut.name = f'cutter({t:.2f})'
+ cut.name = f"cutter({t:.2f})"
- butil.modify_mesh(cut, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=thickness)
+ butil.modify_mesh(cut, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=thickness)
butil.recalc_normals(cut, inside=False)
if uniform() < 0.95:
@@ -81,92 +79,114 @@ def cutter(t):
# vertical chopper to break things up
cut.location += mathutils.Vector(normal(0, 0.5, 3))
- cut.rotation_euler = np.deg2rad((uniform([-max_tilt, 50, 0], [max_tilt, 80, 360])))
+ cut.rotation_euler = np.deg2rad(
+ (uniform([-max_tilt, 50, 0], [max_tilt, 80, 360]))
+ )
return cut
- cutters = [cutter(t) for t in randomspacing(0.05, 0.85, n, margin=uniform(0.1, 0.4))]
- chopped = butil.boolean([obj] + cutters, mode='DIFFERENCE', verbose=True)
+ cutters = [
+ cutter(t) for t in randomspacing(0.05, 0.85, n, margin=uniform(0.1, 0.4))
+ ]
+ chopped = butil.boolean([obj] + cutters, mode="DIFFERENCE", verbose=True)
- chopped_list = butil.split_object(chopped, mode='LOOSE')
+ chopped_list = butil.split_object(chopped, mode="LOOSE")
for obj in chopped_list:
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
bpy.context.object.active_material_index = len(obj.material_slots) - 1
- bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove() # remove the default white mat
+ bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove() # remove the default white mat
return chopped_list
-def chopped_tree_collection(species_seed, n, boolean_res_mult=5):
+def chopped_tree_collection(species_seed, n, boolean_res_mult=5):
objs = []
- (genome, _, _), _ = random_species(season='winter')
- factory = GenericTreeFactory(species_seed, genome, realize=True,
- child_col=None, trunk_surface=surface.NoApply,
- decimate_placeholder_levels=0,
- coarse_mesh_placeholder=True)
- trees = [factory.spawn_placeholder(i,(0,0,0),(0,0,0)) for i in range(n)]
- bark = surface.registry('bark')
+ (genome, _, _), _ = random_species(season="winter")
+ factory = GenericTreeFactory(
+ species_seed,
+ genome,
+ realize=True,
+ child_col=None,
+ trunk_surface=surface.NoApply,
+ decimate_placeholder_levels=0,
+ coarse_mesh_placeholder=True,
+ )
+ trees = [factory.spawn_placeholder(i, (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)) for i in range(n)]
+ bark = surface.registry("bark")
face_size = target_face_size(scatter_res_distance())
- attr_name = 'original_surface'
+ attr_name = "original_surface"
for t in trees:
- remesh_with_attrs(t, face_size=boolean_res_mult*face_size) # lower res for efficiency
- surface.write_attribute(trees, lambda nw: 1, attr_name, data_type='FLOAT', apply=True)
+ remesh_with_attrs(
+ t, face_size=boolean_res_mult * face_size
+ ) # lower res for efficiency
+ surface.write_attribute(
+ trees, lambda nw: 1, attr_name, data_type="FLOAT", apply=True
+ )
for i, tree in enumerate(trees):
n_chops = np.random.randint(3, 6)
cutter_size = max(tree.dimensions[:-1])
chopped = chop_object(tree, n=n_chops, cutter_size=cutter_size)
for j, o in enumerate(chopped):
if (
- len(o.data.vertices) < 10 or
- max(o.dimensions) < 0.1 or
- max(o.dimensions) > cutter_size * 0.8
+ len(o.data.vertices) < 10
+ or max(o.dimensions) < 0.1
+ or max(o.dimensions) > cutter_size * 0.8
- logger.debug(f'filtering {i, j} with {len(o.data.vertices)=}, {o.dimensions=}')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"filtering {i, j} with {len(o.data.vertices)=}, {o.dimensions=}"
+ )
chopped[j] = None
- o.name = f'chopped_tree({species_seed}, {i}, {j})'
+ o.name = f"chopped_tree({species_seed}, {i}, {j})"
chopped[j] = remesh_with_attrs(o, face_size=face_size)
chopped = [o for o in chopped if o is not None]
def selection(nw):
- orig = nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute, [attr_name], attrs=dict(data_type='FLOAT'))
- return nw.compare('GREATER_THAN', orig, 0.9999) # some interp will happen for some reason, clamp it
+ orig = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NamedAttribute, [attr_name], attrs=dict(data_type="FLOAT")
+ )
+ return nw.compare(
+ "GREATER_THAN", orig, 0.9999
+ ) # some interp will happen for some reason, clamp it
bark.apply(chopped, selection=selection)
for o in chopped:
- o.location = (0,0,0)
+ o.location = (0, 0, 0)
o.parent = None
objs += chopped
- return butil.group_in_collection(objs, 'assets:chopped_tree', reuse=False)
-def apply(obj, species_seed=None, selection=None, n_trees=1, **kwargs):
+ return butil.group_in_collection(objs, "assets:chopped_tree", reuse=False)
+def apply(obj, species_seed=None, selection=None, n_trees=1, **kwargs):
assert obj is not None
if species_seed is None:
species_seed = np.random.randint(1e6)
col = chopped_tree_collection(species_seed, n=n_trees)
col.hide_viewport = True
scatter_obj = scatter_instances(
- base_obj=obj, collection=col,
- scale=1, scale_rand=0.5, scale_rand_axi=0.15,
- ground_offset=0.1, density=0.7,
- selection=selection)
+ base_obj=obj,
+ collection=col,
+ scale=1,
+ scale_rand=0.5,
+ scale_rand_axi=0.15,
+ ground_offset=0.1,
+ density=0.7,
+ selection=selection,
+ )
return scatter_obj, col
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/clothes.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/clothes.py
index 123197206..cf4966756 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/clothes.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/clothes.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.cloth_sim import bake_cloth
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.cloth_sim import bake_cloth
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, subsurf
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import make_asset_collection
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
@@ -17,16 +17,20 @@
def cloth_sim(clothes, obj=None, end_frame=50, **kwargs):
- with butil.ViewportMode(clothes, mode='OBJECT'), butil.SelectObjects(clothes), butil.Suppress():
+ with (
+ butil.ViewportMode(clothes, mode="OBJECT"),
+ butil.SelectObjects(clothes),
+ butil.Suppress(),
+ ):
if obj is None:
obj = []
for o in obj if isinstance(obj, Iterable) else [obj]:
- butil.modify_mesh(o, 'COLLISION', apply=False)
- o.collision.damping_factor = .9
- o.collision.cloth_friction = 10.
- o.collision.friction_factor = 1.
- o.collision.stickiness = .9
+ butil.modify_mesh(o, "COLLISION", apply=False)
+ o.collision.damping_factor = 0.9
+ o.collision.cloth_friction = 10.0
+ o.collision.friction_factor = 1.0
+ o.collision.stickiness = 0.9
frame = bpy.context.scene.frame_current
with butil.Suppress():
@@ -42,37 +46,46 @@ def cloth_sim(clothes, obj=None, end_frame=50, **kwargs):
class ClothesCover:
- def __init__(self, bbox=(.3, .7, .3, .7), factory_fn=None, width=None, size=None):
+ def __init__(
+ self, bbox=(0.3, 0.7, 0.3, 0.7), factory_fn=None, width=None, size=None
+ ):
from infinigen.assets.clothes import blanket, pants, shirt
probs = np.array([2, 1, 1])
if factory_fn is None:
factory_fn = np.random.choice(
[blanket.BlanketFactory, shirt.ShirtFactory, pants.PantsFactory],
- p=probs / probs.sum()
+ p=probs / probs.sum(),
self.factory = factory_fn(np.random.randint(1e5))
if width is not None:
self.factory.width = width
if size is not None:
self.factory.size = size
- self.col = make_asset_collection(self.factory, name='clothes', centered=True, n=3, verbose=False)
+ self.col = make_asset_collection(
+ self.factory, name="clothes", centered=True, n=3, verbose=False
+ )
self.bbox = bbox
- self.z_offset = .2
+ self.z_offset = 0.2
def apply(self, obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
for obj in obj if isinstance(obj, list) else [obj]:
x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
- clothes = deep_clone_obj(np.random.choice(self.col.objects), keep_materials=True)
+ clothes = deep_clone_obj(
+ np.random.choice(self.col.objects), keep_materials=True
+ )
clothes.parent = obj
- clothes.location = uniform(self.bbox[0], self.bbox[1]) * (np.max(x) - np.min(x)) + np.min(
- x
- ), uniform(self.bbox[2], self.bbox[3]) * (np.max(y) - np.min(y)) + np.min(y), np.max(
- z
- ) + self.z_offset - np.min(read_co(clothes)[:, -1])
+ clothes.location = (
+ uniform(self.bbox[0], self.bbox[1]) * (np.max(x) - np.min(x))
+ + np.min(x),
+ uniform(self.bbox[2], self.bbox[3]) * (np.max(y) - np.min(y))
+ + np.min(y),
+ np.max(z) + self.z_offset - np.min(read_co(clothes)[:, -1]),
+ )
clothes.rotation_euler[-1] = uniform(0, np.pi * 2)
- cloth_sim(clothes, obj, mass=.05, tension_stiffness=2, distance_min=5e-3)
+ cloth_sim(clothes, obj, mass=0.05, tension_stiffness=2, distance_min=5e-3)
subsurf(clothes, 2)
def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- ClothesCover().apply(obj, selection, **kwargs)
\ No newline at end of file
+ ClothesCover().apply(obj, selection, **kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/coral_reef.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/coral_reef.py
index 6a6f9a47f..99406c3cf 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/coral_reef.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/coral_reef.py
@@ -7,47 +7,61 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform as U
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
-from infinigen.assets.corals.generate import CoralFactory, TableCoralFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.corals.generate import CoralFactory, TableCoralFactory
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import make_asset_collection
from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
-def apply(obj, scale=1, density=5., n=12, selection=None, horizontal=False, **kwargs):
+def apply(obj, scale=1, density=5.0, n=12, selection=None, horizontal=False, **kwargs):
if horizontal:
return apply_horizontal(obj, scale, density, n, selection)
return apply_all(obj, scale, density, n, selection)
-def apply_all(obj, scale=1, density=5., n=12, selection=None):
+def apply_all(obj, scale=1, density=5.0, n=12, selection=None):
n_species = np.random.randint(5, 10)
factories = [CoralFactory(np.random.randint(1e7)) for i in range(n_species)]
- corals = make_asset_collection(factories, name='coral', weights=U(0.8, 1, len(factories)), n=n)
+ corals = make_asset_collection(
+ factories, name="coral", weights=U(0.8, 1, len(factories)), n=n
+ )
scatter_obj = scatter_instances(
- base_obj=obj, collection=corals,
- density=density, min_spacing=scale*0.7,
- scale=scale, scale_rand=0.5, scale_rand_axi=U(0, 0.2),
- selection=selection)
+ base_obj=obj,
+ collection=corals,
+ density=density,
+ min_spacing=scale * 0.7,
+ scale=scale,
+ scale_rand=0.5,
+ scale_rand_axi=U(0, 0.2),
+ selection=selection,
+ )
return scatter_obj, corals
-def apply_horizontal(obj, scale=1, density=5., n=4, selection=None):
+def apply_horizontal(obj, scale=1, density=5.0, n=4, selection=None):
n_species = np.random.randint(2, 3)
factories = [TableCoralFactory(np.random.randint(1e5)) for _ in range(n_species)]
- corals = make_asset_collection(factories, name='coral',
- weights=np.random.uniform(0.8, 1, len(factories)), n=n,
- verbose=True)
+ corals = make_asset_collection(
+ factories,
+ name="coral",
+ weights=np.random.uniform(0.8, 1, len(factories)),
+ n=n,
+ verbose=True,
+ )
r = np.deg2rad(10)
scatter_obj = scatter_instances(
- base_obj=obj, collection=corals,
- density=density, min_spacing=scale * 0.5,
- scale=1.5, scale_rand=U(0.2, 0.8), scale_rand_axi=U(0, 0.3),
- normal=(0, 0, 1),
- rotation_offset=lambda nw: nw.uniform(3*(-r,), 3*(r,)),
- selection=selection
+ base_obj=obj,
+ collection=corals,
+ density=density,
+ min_spacing=scale * 0.5,
+ scale=1.5,
+ scale_rand=U(0.2, 0.8),
+ scale_rand_axi=U(0, 0.3),
+ normal=(0, 0, 1),
+ rotation_offset=lambda nw: nw.uniform(3 * (-r,), 3 * (r,)),
+ selection=selection,
return scatter_obj, corals
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/decorative_plants.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/decorative_plants.py
index 05d63db8c..3c3861d04 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/decorative_plants.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/decorative_plants.py
@@ -7,32 +7,29 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform as U
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
+from infinigen.assets.objects.small_plants import succulent
+from infinigen.assets.scatters.utils.wind import wind
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import make_asset_collection
from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
-from infinigen.core.placement import detail
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.assets.small_plants import succulent
-from infinigen.assets.scatters.utils.wind import wind
def apply(obj, n=4, selection=None, **kwargs):
- fac_class = np.random.choice([
- succulent.SucculentFactory
- ])
+ fac_class = np.random.choice([succulent.SucculentFactory])
monocots = make_asset_collection(
- fac_class(np.random.randint(1e5)),
- n=n, verbose=True, **kwargs)
+ fac_class(np.random.randint(1e5)), n=n, verbose=True, **kwargs
+ )
scatter_obj = scatter_instances(
- base_obj=obj, collection=monocots,
- vol_density=U(0.05, 2), min_spacing=0.1,
+ base_obj=obj,
+ collection=monocots,
+ vol_density=U(0.05, 2),
+ min_spacing=0.1,
- scale=U(0.3, 1), scale_rand=U(0.5, 0.95),
+ scale=U(0.3, 1),
+ scale_rand=U(0.5, 0.95),
- selection=selection)
+ selection=selection,
+ )
return scatter_obj, monocots
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/fern.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/fern.py
index 74e89c53d..aafa8fd96 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/fern.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/fern.py
@@ -5,24 +5,27 @@
import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
-from infinigen.assets.small_plants.fern import FernFactory
-from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
+from infinigen.assets.objects.small_plants.fern import FernFactory
from infinigen.assets.scatters.utils.wind import wind
-def apply(obj, selection=None, density=('uniform', 1, 6), **kwargs):
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import make_asset_collection
+from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
+from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
- fern_col = make_asset_collection(FernFactory(np.random.randint(1e5)), n=2, verbose=True)
+def apply(obj, selection=None, density=("uniform", 1, 6), **kwargs):
+ fern_col = make_asset_collection(
+ FernFactory(np.random.randint(1e5)), n=2, verbose=True
+ )
scatter_obj = scatter_instances(
- base_obj=obj, collection=fern_col,
- scale=0.7, scale_rand=0.7, scale_rand_axi=0.3,
+ base_obj=obj,
+ collection=fern_col,
+ scale=0.7,
+ scale_rand=0.7,
+ scale_rand_axi=0.3,
- normal_fac=0.3,
+ normal_fac=0.3,
- selection=selection
+ selection=selection,
- return scatter_obj, fern_col
\ No newline at end of file
+ return scatter_obj, fern_col
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/flowerplant.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/flowerplant.py
index e2ecc3e74..b2fa057f7 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/flowerplant.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/flowerplant.py
@@ -5,33 +5,32 @@
import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal
-from mathutils import Vector
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.assets.objects.grassland.flowerplant import FlowerPlantFactory
+from infinigen.assets.scatters.utils.wind import wind
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import make_asset_collection
from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
-from infinigen.assets.grassland.flowerplant import FlowerPlantFactory
-from infinigen.assets.materials import simple_greenery
-from infinigen.assets.scatters.utils.wind import wind
def apply(obj, selection=None, density=1.0):
+ flowerplant_col = make_asset_collection(
+ FlowerPlantFactory(np.random.randint(1e5)), n=12, verbose=True
+ )
- flowerplant_col = make_asset_collection(FlowerPlantFactory(np.random.randint(1e5)), n=12, verbose=True)
avg_vol = np.mean([np.prod(list(o.dimensions)) for o in flowerplant_col.objects])
density = np.clip(density / avg_vol, 0, 200)
scatter_obj = scatter_instances(
- base_obj=obj, collection=flowerplant_col,
- scale=1.5, scale_rand=0.7, scale_rand_axi=0.2,
+ base_obj=obj,
+ collection=flowerplant_col,
+ scale=1.5,
+ scale_rand=0.7,
+ scale_rand_axi=0.2,
- ground_offset=0, normal_fac=0.3,
+ ground_offset=0,
+ normal_fac=0.3,
- selection=selection, taper_scale=True
+ selection=selection,
+ taper_scale=True,
- return scatter_obj, flowerplant_col
\ No newline at end of file
+ return scatter_obj, flowerplant_col
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/grass.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/grass.py
index 07bf68fb3..587aefb5b 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/grass.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/grass.py
@@ -4,35 +4,27 @@
# Authors: Alex Raistrick
-from math import prod
-import bpy
import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U
from mathutils import Vector
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
-from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
+from infinigen.assets.objects.grassland.grass_tuft import GrassTuftFactory
+from infinigen.assets.scatters.utils.wind import wind
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.materials import simple_greenery, grass_blade_texture
-from infinigen.assets.grassland.grass_tuft import GrassTuftFactory
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import make_asset_collection
+from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
-from infinigen.assets.scatters.utils.wind import wind
def scale_grass(nw: NodeWrangler):
- random_scaling = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={0: Vector((1.,1.,1.)), 1: Vector((1.2,1.2,2.))}, attrs={"data_type":'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- return nw.multiply(random_scaling, Vector((2.5,2.5,2.5)))
+ random_scaling = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={0: Vector((1.0, 1.0, 1.0)), 1: Vector((1.2, 1.2, 2.0))},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ return nw.multiply(random_scaling, Vector((2.5, 2.5, 2.5)))
-def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
+def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
n_fac = 1
facs = [GrassTuftFactory(np.random.randint(1e7)) for _ in range(n_fac)]
grass_col = make_asset_collection(facs, n=10)
@@ -40,12 +32,15 @@ def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
scatter_obj = scatter_instances(
- scale=U(1, 3), scale_rand=U(0.7, 1), scale_rand_axi=0.1,
+ scale=U(1, 3),
+ scale_rand=U(0.7, 1),
+ scale_rand_axi=0.1,
vol_density=U(0.5, 5),
- ground_offset=0, normal_fac=U(0, 0.5),
+ ground_offset=0,
+ normal_fac=U(0, 0.5),
- taper_scale=True
+ taper_scale=True,
return scatter_obj, grass_col
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/ground_leaves.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/ground_leaves.py
index 35f00b5bd..cb3d8a90c 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/ground_leaves.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/ground_leaves.py
@@ -5,20 +5,20 @@
from numpy.random import uniform as U
-from mathutils import Vector
+from infinigen.assets.objects.trees.generate import random_leaf_collection
from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.assets.trees.generate import random_leaf_collection
def apply(obj, selection=None, density=70, season=None, **kwargs):
- leaf_col=random_leaf_collection(season=season)
+ leaf_col = random_leaf_collection(season=season)
return scatter_instances(
- scale=0.3, scale_rand=U(0, 0.9),
- density=density,
+ scale=0.3,
+ scale_rand=U(0, 0.9),
+ density=density,
- taper_density=True)
+ taper_density=True,
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/ground_mushroom.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/ground_mushroom.py
index fc7c6265c..959c11da3 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/ground_mushroom.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/ground_mushroom.py
@@ -7,27 +7,35 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform as U
-from infinigen.assets.mushroom import MushroomFactory
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
+from infinigen.assets.objects.mushroom import MushroomFactory
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import make_asset_collection
from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
class Mushrooms:
def __init__(self, n=10):
self.n_species = np.random.randint(2, 3)
- self.factories = [MushroomFactory(np.random.randint(1e5)) for i in range(self.n_species)]
+ self.factories = [
+ MushroomFactory(np.random.randint(1e5)) for i in range(self.n_species)
+ ]
self.col = make_asset_collection(
- self.factories, name='mushroom', n=n, verbose=True,
- weights=np.random.uniform(0.5, 1, len(self.factories)))
- def apply(self, obj, scale=0.3, density=1., selection=None):
+ self.factories,
+ name="mushroom",
+ n=n,
+ verbose=True,
+ weights=np.random.uniform(0.5, 1, len(self.factories)),
+ )
+ def apply(self, obj, scale=0.3, density=1.0, selection=None):
scatter_obj = scatter_instances(
- base_obj=obj, collection=self.col,
- density=density, min_spacing=scale,
- scale=scale, scale_rand=U(0.5, 0.9),
- selection=selection, taper_scale=True)
+ base_obj=obj,
+ collection=self.col,
+ density=density,
+ min_spacing=scale,
+ scale=scale,
+ scale_rand=U(0.5, 0.9),
+ selection=selection,
+ taper_scale=True,
+ )
return scatter_obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/ground_twigs.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/ground_twigs.py
index 825ea305a..97e2e0cd0 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/ground_twigs.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/ground_twigs.py
@@ -4,41 +4,44 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-from random import random
-import bpy
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform as U
-from mathutils import Vector
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.assets.objects.trees.generate import make_twig_collection, random_species
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
-from infinigen.assets.trees.generate import make_twig_collection, random_species
+from ..utils.misc import toggle_hide, toggle_show
from .chopped_trees import approx_settle_transform
-from ..utils.misc import toggle_show, toggle_hide
def apply(obj, selection=None, n_leaf=0, n_twig=10, **kwargs):
+ (_, twig_params, leaf_params), _ = random_species(season="winter")
+ twigs = make_twig_collection(
+ np.random.randint(1e5),
+ twig_params,
+ leaf_params,
+ n_leaf=n_leaf,
+ n_twig=n_twig,
+ leaf_types=None,
+ trunk_surface=surface.registry("bark"),
+ )
- (_, twig_params, leaf_params), _ = random_species(season='winter')
- twigs = make_twig_collection(np.random.randint(1e5), twig_params, leaf_params,
- n_leaf=n_leaf, n_twig=n_twig, leaf_types=None, trunk_surface=surface.registry('bark'))
for o in twigs.objects:
approx_settle_transform(o, samples=40)
scatter_obj = scatter_instances(
- base_obj=obj, collection=twigs,
- scale=U(0.15, 0.3), scale_rand=U(0, 0.3), scale_rand_axi=U(0, 0.2),
- density=10, ground_offset=0.05,
- selection=selection, taper_density=True)
+ base_obj=obj,
+ collection=twigs,
+ scale=U(0.15, 0.3),
+ scale_rand=U(0, 0.3),
+ scale_rand_axi=U(0, 0.2),
+ density=10,
+ ground_offset=0.05,
+ selection=selection,
+ taper_density=True,
+ )
return scatter_obj, twigs
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/ivy.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/ivy.py
index 9a7def7d0..8230173c1 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/ivy.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/ivy.py
@@ -5,116 +5,185 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-from collections.abc import Iterable
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.leaves.leaf_maple import LeafFactoryMaple
-from infinigen.assets.trees.generate import random_season
+from infinigen.assets.materials.simple_brownish import shader_simple_brown
+from infinigen.assets.objects.leaves.leaf_maple import LeafFactoryMaple
+from infinigen.assets.objects.trees.generate import random_season
from infinigen.assets.utils.mesh import fix_tree
from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_base_selection, geo_radius
from infinigen.assets.utils.shortest_path import geo_shortest_path
+from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import make_asset_collection
from infinigen.core.surface import shaderfunc_to_material
-from infinigen.assets.materials.simple_brownish import shader_simple_brown
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
def geo_leaf(nw: NodeWrangler, leaves):
- leaf_up_prob = uniform(.0, .2)
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute, ['custom_normal'], attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute, ['tangent'], attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- cotangent = nw.vector_math('CROSS_PRODUCT', tangent, normal)
- switch = nw.compare('LESS_THAN', nw.separate(cotangent)[-1], 0)
- cotangent = nw.scale(nw.switch(nw.bernoulli(leaf_up_prob), -1, 1),
- nw.scale(nw.switch(switch, 1, -1), cotangent))
+ leaf_up_prob = uniform(0.0, 0.2)
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NamedAttribute, ["custom_normal"], attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"}
+ )
+ tangent = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NamedAttribute, ["tangent"], attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"}
+ )
+ cotangent = nw.vector_math("CROSS_PRODUCT", tangent, normal)
+ switch = nw.compare("LESS_THAN", nw.separate(cotangent)[-1], 0)
+ cotangent = nw.scale(
+ nw.switch(nw.bernoulli(leaf_up_prob), -1, 1),
+ nw.scale(nw.switch(switch, 1, -1), cotangent),
+ )
perturb = np.pi / 6
- points, _, rotation = nw.new_node(Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': geometry, 'Density': uniform(500, 1000)}).outputs[
- :3]
- rotation = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, [rotation, 1., normal], attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
+ points, _, rotation = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": geometry, "Density": uniform(500, 1000)},
+ ).outputs[:3]
+ rotation = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, [rotation, 1.0, normal], attrs={"axis": "Z"}
+ )
# Leaves have primary axes Y
- rotation = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, [rotation, 1., cotangent],
- attrs={'axis': 'Y', 'pivot_axis': 'Z'})
+ rotation = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ [rotation, 1.0, cotangent],
+ attrs={"axis": "Y", "pivot_axis": "Z"},
+ )
rotation = nw.add(rotation, nw.uniform([-perturb] * 3, [perturb] * 3))
leaves = nw.new_node(Nodes.CollectionInfo, [leaves, True, True])
- instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints, input_kwargs={
- 'Points': points,
- 'Instance': leaves,
- 'Pick Instance': True,
- 'Rotation': rotation,
- 'Scale': nw.uniform(.6, 1.)
- })
+ instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Points": points,
+ "Instance": leaves,
+ "Pick Instance": True,
+ "Rotation": rotation,
+ "Scale": nw.uniform(0.6, 1.0),
+ },
+ )
instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [instances])
geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, [[geometry, instances]])
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
class LeafFactoryIvy(LeafFactoryMaple):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, season='spring', coarse=False):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, season="spring", coarse=False):
super().__init__(factory_seed, season, coarse)
def create_asset(self, face_size, **params):
obj = super().create_asset(face_size=face_size, **params)
- obj.scale = [.2] * 3
+ obj.scale = [0.2] * 3
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'WELD', merge_threshold=face_size / 2, mode='CONNECTED')
- tag_object(obj, 'leaf_ivy')
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "WELD", merge_threshold=face_size / 2, mode="CONNECTED")
+ tag_object(obj, "leaf_ivy")
return obj
class Ivy:
def __init__(self):
self.factory = LeafFactoryIvy(np.random.randint(0, 1e5), random_season())
self.col = make_asset_collection(self.factory, 5)
def apply(self, obj, selection=None):
- scatter_obj = butil.spawn_vert('scatter:' + 'ivy')
- surface.add_geomod(scatter_obj, geo_base_selection, apply=True, input_args=[obj, selection, .05])
- end_index = lambda nw: nw.compare('EQUAL', nw.new_node(Nodes.Index),
- np.random.randint(len(scatter_obj.data.vertices)))
- weight = lambda nw: nw.scalar_multiply(nw.uniform(.8, 1), nw.scalar_sub(2, nw.math('ABSOLUTE', nw.dot(
- nw.vector_math('NORMALIZE', nw.sub(*nw.new_node(Nodes.InputEdgeVertices).outputs[2:])),
- (0, 0, 1)))))
- surface.add_geomod(scatter_obj, geo_shortest_path, apply=True,
- input_args=[end_index, weight, uniform(.1, .15), uniform(.1, .15)])
+ scatter_obj = butil.spawn_vert("scatter:" + "ivy")
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ scatter_obj,
+ geo_base_selection,
+ apply=True,
+ input_args=[obj, selection, 0.05],
+ )
+ def end_index(nw):
+ return nw.compare(
+ "EQUAL",
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.Index),
+ np.random.randint(len(scatter_obj.data.vertices)),
+ )
+ def weight(nw):
+ return nw.scalar_multiply(
+ nw.uniform(0.8, 1),
+ nw.scalar_sub(
+ 2,
+ nw.math(
+ nw.dot(
+ nw.vector_math(
+ nw.sub(
+ *nw.new_node(Nodes.InputEdgeVertices).outputs[2:]
+ ),
+ ),
+ (0, 0, 1),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ scatter_obj,
+ geo_shortest_path,
+ apply=True,
+ input_args=[end_index, weight, uniform(0.1, 0.15), uniform(0.1, 0.15)],
+ )
- surface.add_geomod(scatter_obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[.005, 12])
+ surface.add_geomod(scatter_obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[0.005, 12])
assign_material(scatter_obj, shaderfunc_to_material(shader_simple_brown))
surface.add_geomod(scatter_obj, geo_leaf, apply=True, input_args=[self.col])
return scatter_obj
def apply(obj, selection=None):
factory = LeafFactoryIvy(np.random.randint(0, 1e5), random_season())
col = make_asset_collection(factory, 5)
- scatter_obj = butil.spawn_vert('scatter:' + 'ivy')
- surface.add_geomod(scatter_obj, geo_base_selection, apply=True, input_args=[obj, selection, .05])
- end_index = lambda nw: nw.compare('EQUAL', nw.new_node(Nodes.Index),
- np.random.randint(len(scatter_obj.data.vertices)))
- weight = lambda nw: nw.scalar_multiply(nw.uniform(.8, 1), nw.scalar_sub(2, nw.math('ABSOLUTE', nw.dot(
- nw.vector_math('NORMALIZE', nw.sub(*nw.new_node(Nodes.InputEdgeVertices).outputs[2:])),
- (0, 0, 1)))))
- surface.add_geomod(scatter_obj, geo_shortest_path, apply=True,
- input_args=[end_index, weight, uniform(.1, .15), uniform(.1, .15)])
+ scatter_obj = butil.spawn_vert("scatter:" + "ivy")
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ scatter_obj, geo_base_selection, apply=True, input_args=[obj, selection, 0.05]
+ )
+ def end_index(nw):
+ return nw.compare(
+ "EQUAL",
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.Index),
+ np.random.randint(len(scatter_obj.data.vertices)),
+ )
+ def weight(nw):
+ return nw.scalar_multiply(
+ nw.uniform(0.8, 1),
+ nw.scalar_sub(
+ 2,
+ nw.math(
+ nw.dot(
+ nw.vector_math(
+ nw.sub(*nw.new_node(Nodes.InputEdgeVertices).outputs[2:]),
+ ),
+ (0, 0, 1),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ scatter_obj,
+ geo_shortest_path,
+ apply=True,
+ input_args=[end_index, weight, uniform(0.1, 0.15), uniform(0.1, 0.15)],
+ )
- surface.add_geomod(scatter_obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[.005, 12])
+ surface.add_geomod(scatter_obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[0.005, 12])
assign_material(scatter_obj, shaderfunc_to_material(shader_simple_brown))
surface.add_geomod(scatter_obj, geo_leaf, apply=True, input_args=[col])
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/jellyfish.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/jellyfish.py
index 91381fa76..0e4d14210 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/jellyfish.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/jellyfish.py
@@ -7,29 +7,38 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform as U
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.jellyfish import JellyfishFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.jellyfish import JellyfishFactory
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import make_asset_collection
from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
-def apply(obj, scale=1, density=1., n=6, selection=None):
+def apply(obj, scale=1, density=1.0, n=6, selection=None):
n_species = np.random.randint(2, 3)
factories = list(JellyfishFactory(np.random.randint(1e5)) for i in range(n_species))
- jellyfish = make_asset_collection(factories, name='jellyfish',
- weights=np.random.uniform(0.5, 1, len(factories)), n=n,
- verbose=True)
+ jellyfish = make_asset_collection(
+ factories,
+ name="jellyfish",
+ weights=np.random.uniform(0.5, 1, len(factories)),
+ n=n,
+ verbose=True,
+ )
def ground_offset(nw: NodeWrangler):
return nw.uniform(4 * scale, 8 * scale)
r = np.pi / 3
scatter_obj = scatter_instances(
- base_obj=obj, collection=jellyfish,
- density=density, min_spacing=scale * 4,
- scale=scale, scale_rand=U(0.2, 0.9),
- ground_offset=ground_offset, selection=selection,
+ base_obj=obj,
+ collection=jellyfish,
+ density=density,
+ min_spacing=scale * 4,
+ scale=scale,
+ scale_rand=U(0.2, 0.9),
+ ground_offset=ground_offset,
+ selection=selection,
- rotation_offset=lambda nw: nw.uniform((-r, 0, 0), (r, 0, 0)), reset_children=False,
+ rotation_offset=lambda nw: nw.uniform((-r, 0, 0), (r, 0, 0)),
+ reset_children=False,
return scatter_obj, jellyfish
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/lichen.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/lichen.py
index aff9f28ef..72d98c6a4 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/lichen.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/lichen.py
@@ -4,51 +4,42 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-from functools import reduce
-import bpy
-import colorsys
import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal as N
+from numpy.random import normal as N
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
+from infinigen.assets.objects.particles import LichenFactory
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import make_asset_collection
from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.infinigen_gpl.extras.diff_growth import build_diff_growth
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import data2mesh
-from infinigen.assets.utils.mesh import polygon_angles
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-from infinigen.assets.debris import LichenFactory
class Lichen:
def __init__(self):
self.fac = LichenFactory(np.random.randint(1e5))
- self.col = make_asset_collection(self.fac, name='lichen', n=5)
+ self.col = make_asset_collection(self.fac, name="lichen", n=5)
def apply(self, obj, selection=None):
scatter_obj = scatter_instances(
- base_obj=obj, collection=self.col,
- density=5e3, min_spacing=.08,
- scale=1, scale_rand=N(0.5, 0.07),
- selection=selection
+ base_obj=obj,
+ collection=self.col,
+ density=5e3,
+ min_spacing=0.08,
+ scale=1,
+ scale_rand=N(0.5, 0.07),
+ selection=selection,
return scatter_obj
def apply(obj, selection=None):
fac = LichenFactory(np.random.randint(1e5))
- col = make_asset_collection(fac, name='lichen', n=5)
+ col = make_asset_collection(fac, name="lichen", n=5)
scatter_obj = scatter_instances(
- base_obj=obj, collection=col,
- density=5e3, min_spacing=.08,
- scale=1, scale_rand=N(0.5, 0.07),
- selection=selection
+ base_obj=obj,
+ collection=col,
+ density=5e3,
+ min_spacing=0.08,
+ scale=1,
+ scale_rand=N(0.5, 0.07),
+ selection=selection,
return scatter_obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/mollusk.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/mollusk.py
index d806cbf37..d56ad3134 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/mollusk.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/mollusk.py
@@ -6,30 +6,41 @@
import numpy as np
-from infinigen.assets.mollusk import MolluskFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import CountInstance, toggle_hide
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.assets.objects.mollusk import MolluskFactory
+from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import CountInstance
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import make_asset_collection
from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
-from infinigen.core import surface
-def apply(obj, scale=0.4, density=1., n=10, selection=None):
- with CountInstance('mollusk'):
+def apply(obj, scale=0.4, density=1.0, n=10, selection=None):
+ with CountInstance("mollusk"):
n_species = np.random.randint(4, 6)
- factories = list(MolluskFactory(np.random.randint(1e5)) for _ in range(n_species))
- mollusk = make_asset_collection(factories, name='mollusk',
- weights=np.random.uniform(0.5, 1, len(factories)), n=n,
- verbose=True)
+ factories = list(
+ MolluskFactory(np.random.randint(1e5)) for _ in range(n_species)
+ )
+ mollusk = make_asset_collection(
+ factories,
+ name="mollusk",
+ weights=np.random.uniform(0.5, 1, len(factories)),
+ n=n,
+ verbose=True,
+ )
def scaling(nw):
- return nw.uniform([.4 * scale] * 3, [.8 * scale] * 3, data_type='FLOAT_VECTOR')
- scatter_obj = scatter_instances('mollusk',
- base_obj=obj, collection=mollusk,
- density=density, scaling=scaling,
- min_spacing=scale, normal=(0,0,1),
- selection=selection, taper_density=True)
+ return nw.uniform(
+ [0.4 * scale] * 3, [0.8 * scale] * 3, data_type="FLOAT_VECTOR"
+ )
+ scatter_obj = scatter_instances(
+ "mollusk",
+ base_obj=obj,
+ collection=mollusk,
+ density=density,
+ scaling=scaling,
+ min_spacing=scale,
+ normal=(0, 0, 1),
+ selection=selection,
+ taper_density=True,
+ )
return scatter_obj, mollusk
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/monocot.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/monocots.py
similarity index 57%
rename from infinigen/assets/scatters/monocot.py
rename to infinigen/assets/scatters/monocots.py
index 78ee7ebbd..9496a26bd 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/monocot.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/monocots.py
@@ -7,24 +7,27 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform as U
-from infinigen.assets.monocot.generate import MonocotFactory
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
+from infinigen.assets.objects.monocot.generate import MonocotFactory
from infinigen.assets.scatters.utils.wind import wind
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import make_asset_collection
+from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
def apply(obj, n=4, grass=None, selection=None, **kwargs):
monocots = make_asset_collection(
- MonocotFactory(np.random.randint(1e5), grass=grass),
- n=n, verbose=True, **kwargs)
+ MonocotFactory(np.random.randint(1e5), grass=grass), n=n, verbose=True, **kwargs
+ )
scatter_obj = scatter_instances(
- base_obj=obj, collection=monocots,
- vol_density=U(0.2, 4), min_spacing=0.1,
+ base_obj=obj,
+ collection=monocots,
+ vol_density=U(0.2, 4),
+ min_spacing=0.1,
ground_offset=(0, 0, -0.05),
- scale=U(0.05, 0.4), scale_rand=U(0.5, 0.95),
+ scale=U(0.05, 0.4),
+ scale_rand=U(0.5, 0.95),
- selection=selection)
+ selection=selection,
+ )
return scatter_obj, monocots
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/moss.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/moss.py
index 2e39692cf..75b6e086a 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/moss.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/moss.py
@@ -6,35 +6,47 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform as U
-from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
+from infinigen.assets.objects.particles import MossFactory
from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import make_asset_collection
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import make_asset_collection
from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
-from infinigen.assets.debris import MossFactory
class MossCover:
def __init__(self):
- self.col = make_asset_collection(MossFactory(np.random.randint(1e5)), name='moss', n=3)
- base_hue = U(.24, .28)
+ self.col = make_asset_collection(
+ MossFactory(np.random.randint(1e5)), name="moss", n=3
+ )
+ base_hue = U(0.24, 0.28)
for o in self.col.objects:
- assign_material(o, surface.shaderfunc_to_material(MossFactory.shader_moss,
- (base_hue + U(-.02, .02)) % 1))
+ assign_material(
+ o,
+ surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
+ MossFactory.shader_moss, (base_hue + U(-0.02, 0.02)) % 1
+ ),
+ )
def apply(self, obj, selection=None):
def instance_index(nw: NodeWrangler, n):
- return nw.math('MODULO',
- nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatToInt, [nw.scalar_multiply(nw.musgrave(10), 2 * n)]), n)
+ return nw.math(
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatToInt, [nw.scalar_multiply(nw.musgrave(10), 2 * n)]
+ ),
+ n,
+ )
scatter_obj = scatter_instances(
- base_obj=obj, collection=self.col,
- density=2e4, min_spacing=.005,
- scale=1, scale_rand=U(0.3, 0.7),
+ base_obj=obj,
+ collection=self.col,
+ density=2e4,
+ min_spacing=0.005,
+ scale=1,
+ scale_rand=U(0.3, 0.7),
- instance_index=instance_index)
+ instance_index=instance_index,
+ )
return scatter_obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/mushroom.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/mushroom.py
index 8b03640c2..29edf0cfa 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/mushroom.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/mushroom.py
@@ -6,25 +6,26 @@
from collections.abc import Iterable
-import bpy
import bmesh
+import bpy
import numpy as np
from mathutils import Matrix
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.mushroom import MushroomFactory
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.assets.objects.mushroom import MushroomFactory
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-def geo_skeleton(nw: NodeWrangler, base_obj, selection, threshold=.05):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, [base_obj], attrs={'transform_space': 'RELATIVE'}).outputs[
- 'Geometry']
+def geo_skeleton(nw: NodeWrangler, base_obj, selection, threshold=0.05):
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ObjectInfo, [base_obj], attrs={"transform_space": "RELATIVE"}
+ ).outputs["Geometry"]
selection = surface.eval_argument(nw, selection)
geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateGeometry, [geometry, selection])
geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, [geometry, None, threshold])
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
def apply(objs, selection=None, **kwargs):
@@ -37,32 +38,50 @@ def apply(objs, selection=None, **kwargs):
objs = [objs]
if len(objs) == 0:
- selections = selection if isinstance(selection, Iterable) else [selection] * len(objs)
+ selections = (
+ selection if isinstance(selection, Iterable) else [selection] * len(objs)
+ )
- for obj, selection in zip(objs,selections):
- temp_obj = butil.spawn_vert('temp')
- surface.add_geomod(temp_obj, geo_skeleton, apply=True, input_args=[obj, selection])
- with butil.ViewportMode(temp_obj, 'EDIT'):
+ for obj, selection in zip(objs, selections):
+ temp_obj = butil.spawn_vert("temp")
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ temp_obj, geo_skeleton, apply=True, input_args=[obj, selection]
+ )
+ with butil.ViewportMode(temp_obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(temp_obj.data)
selected = np.random.choice(bm.verts, np.random.randint(2, 5))
rotations, start_locs, directions = [], [], []
for v in selected:
- normal_ratio = uniform(.4, .6)
+ normal_ratio = uniform(0.4, 0.6)
v: bmesh.types.BMVert
for e in v.link_edges:
obj = e.other_vert(v)
if len(e.link_faces) == 2:
direction = np.array(obj.co - v.co)
direction = direction / np.linalg.norm(direction)
- normal = np.mean(np.array([f.normal for f in e.link_faces]),
- 0) * normal_ratio + np.array(
- [0, 0, 1 - normal_ratio]) + direction * uniform(.2, .5)
+ normal = (
+ np.mean(np.array([f.normal for f in e.link_faces]), 0)
+ * normal_ratio
+ + np.array([0, 0, 1 - normal_ratio])
+ + direction * uniform(0.2, 0.5)
+ )
normal = normal / np.linalg.norm(normal)
perp_direction = direction - np.dot(direction, normal) * normal
perp_direction = perp_direction / np.linalg.norm(perp_direction)
- rotation = np.array(Matrix(np.stack([perp_direction, np.cross(normal, perp_direction),
- normal])).transposed().to_euler())
+ rotation = np.array(
+ Matrix(
+ np.stack(
+ [
+ perp_direction,
+ np.cross(normal, perp_direction),
+ normal,
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ .transposed()
+ .to_euler()
+ )
@@ -72,10 +91,11 @@ def apply(objs, selection=None, **kwargs):
mushrooms, keypoints = mushroom_keypoints[factory_index]
indices = np.random.randint(0, len(mushrooms), len(rotations))
augmented = [keypoints[i] for i in indices]
- locations, rotations, scales = factories[factory_index].find_closest(augmented, rotations, start_locs,
- directions)
+ locations, rotations, scales = factories[factory_index].find_closest(
+ augmented, rotations, start_locs, directions
+ )
- scatter_obj = butil.spawn_vert('asset:mushroom')
+ scatter_obj = butil.spawn_vert("asset:mushroom")
for i, l, r, s in zip(indices, locations, rotations, scales):
with butil.SelectObjects(mushrooms[i]):
@@ -86,7 +106,9 @@ def apply(objs, selection=None, **kwargs):
objs.parent = scatter_obj
- col = butil.group_in_collection(base_mushrooms, name=f'assets:base_mushroom', reuse=False)
+ col = butil.group_in_collection(
+ base_mushrooms, name="assets:base_mushroom", reuse=False
+ )
col.hide_viewport = True
col.hide_render = True
return scattered_objects, col
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/pebbles.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/pebbles.py
index 0cc8f4670..3aefd2518 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/pebbles.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/pebbles.py
@@ -4,30 +4,31 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import bpy
-from mathutils import Vector
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform as U
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
+from infinigen.assets.objects.rocks.blender_rock import BlenderRockFactory
+from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import make_asset_collection
from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.rocks.blender_rock import BlenderRockFactory
def apply(obj, n=5, detail=3, selection=None, **kwargs):
fac = BlenderRockFactory(np.random.randint(1e5), detail=detail)
rocks = make_asset_collection(fac, n=n)
- surface.registry('rock_collection').apply(list(rocks.objects))
+ surface.registry("rock_collection").apply(list(rocks.objects))
scatter_obj = scatter_instances(
- base_obj=obj, collection=rocks,
- vol_density=U(0.05, 0.4), ground_offset=0.03,
- scale=U(0.05, 1), scale_rand=U(0.75, 0.95), scale_rand_axi=U(0.4, 0.6),
- selection=selection, taper_density=True)
+ base_obj=obj,
+ collection=rocks,
+ vol_density=U(0.05, 0.4),
+ ground_offset=0.03,
+ scale=U(0.05, 1),
+ scale_rand=U(0.75, 0.95),
+ scale_rand_axi=U(0.4, 0.6),
+ selection=selection,
+ taper_density=True,
+ )
return scatter_obj, rocks
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/pine_needle.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/pine_needle.py
index 1fed0c2c5..80efd578b 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/pine_needle.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/pine_needle.py
@@ -4,32 +4,33 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import colorsys
-import bpy
-import mathutils
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from infinigen.assets.objects.particles import PineNeedleFactory
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import make_asset_collection
from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
-from infinigen.assets.debris import PineNeedleFactory
def apply(obj, scale=1, density=2e3, n=3, selection=None):
n_species = np.random.randint(2, 3)
factories = [PineNeedleFactory(np.random.randint(1e5)) for i in range(n_species)]
- pine_needle = make_asset_collection(factories,
- weights=U(0.5, 1, len(factories)), n=n,
- verbose=True)
+ pine_needle = make_asset_collection(
+ factories, weights=U(0.5, 1, len(factories)), n=n, verbose=True
+ )
d = np.deg2rad(U(5, 15))
scatter_obj = scatter_instances(
- base_obj=obj, collection=pine_needle,
- vol_density=U(0.01, 0.03), rotation_offset=lambda nw: nw.uniform((-d,)*3, (d,)*3),
+ base_obj=obj,
+ collection=pine_needle,
+ vol_density=U(0.01, 0.03),
+ rotation_offset=lambda nw: nw.uniform((-d,) * 3, (d,) * 3),
ground_offset=lambda nw: nw.uniform(0, 0.015),
- scale=U(2, 3), scale_rand=U(0.4, 0.8), scale_rand_axi=U(0.3, 0.7),
- selection=selection, taper_density=True
+ scale=U(2, 3),
+ scale_rand=U(0.4, 0.8),
+ scale_rand_axi=U(0.3, 0.7),
+ selection=selection,
+ taper_density=True,
return scatter_obj, pine_needle
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/pinecone.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/pinecone.py
index 9b0d1b19b..9de858d5c 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/pinecone.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/pinecone.py
@@ -7,30 +7,35 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform as U
-from infinigen.assets.monocot.pinecone import PineconeFactory
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
+from infinigen.assets.objects.monocot.pinecone import PineconeFactory
+from infinigen.assets.scatters.chopped_trees import approx_settle_transform
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import make_asset_collection
from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
-from infinigen.assets.scatters.chopped_trees import approx_settle_transform
def apply(obj, n=5, selection=None):
n_species = np.random.randint(2, 3)
factories = [PineconeFactory(np.random.randint(1e5)) for i in range(n_species)]
pinecones = make_asset_collection(
- factories, n=n, verbose=True,
- weights=np.random.uniform(0.5, 1, len(factories)))
+ factories, n=n, verbose=True, weights=np.random.uniform(0.5, 1, len(factories))
+ )
for o in pinecones.objects:
approx_settle_transform(o, samples=30)
d = np.deg2rad(90)
ar = np.deg2rad(20)
scatter_obj = scatter_instances(
- base_obj=obj, collection=pinecones,
- vol_density=U(0.05, 0.25), min_spacing=0.05,
- rotation_offset=lambda nw: nw.uniform((d-ar, -ar, -ar), (d+ar, ar, ar)),
- scale=U(0.05, 0.8), scale_rand=U(0.2, 0.8), scale_rand_axi=U(0, 0.1),
- selection=selection, taper_density=True)
+ base_obj=obj,
+ collection=pinecones,
+ vol_density=U(0.05, 0.25),
+ min_spacing=0.05,
+ rotation_offset=lambda nw: nw.uniform((d - ar, -ar, -ar), (d + ar, ar, ar)),
+ scale=U(0.05, 0.8),
+ scale_rand=U(0.2, 0.8),
+ scale_rand_axi=U(0, 0.1),
+ selection=selection,
+ taper_density=True,
+ )
return scatter_obj, pinecones
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/seashells.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/seashells.py
index 4f9a51943..d9945ccc0 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/seashells.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/seashells.py
@@ -5,32 +5,41 @@
import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, uniform
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
-from infinigen.assets.mollusk import MolluskFactory
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
+from infinigen.assets.objects.mollusk import MolluskFactory
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import make_asset_collection
from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
-from infinigen.assets.scatters.chopped_trees import approx_settle_transform
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
-def apply(obj, density=('uniform', 0.2, 1.), n=10, selection=None):
+def apply(obj, density=("uniform", 0.2, 1.0), n=10, selection=None):
n_species = np.random.randint(4, 6)
factories = list(MolluskFactory(np.random.randint(1e5)) for _ in range(n_species))
mollusk = make_asset_collection(
- factories, name='mollusk', verbose=True,
- weights=np.random.uniform(0.5, 1, len(factories)), n=n, face_size=.02)
+ factories,
+ name="mollusk",
+ verbose=True,
+ weights=np.random.uniform(0.5, 1, len(factories)),
+ n=n,
+ face_size=0.02,
+ )
- #for o in mollusk.objects:
+ # for o in mollusk.objects:
# approx_settle_transform(o, samples=30)
- scale = uniform(.3, .5)
+ scale = uniform(0.3, 0.5)
scatter_obj = scatter_instances(
- base_obj=obj, collection=mollusk,
+ base_obj=obj,
+ collection=mollusk,
- scale=scale, scale_rand=U(0.5, 0.9), scale_rand_axi=U(0.1, 0.5),
- selection=selection, taper_density=True,
- ground_offset=lambda nw: nw.uniform(0, scale)
+ scale=scale,
+ scale_rand=U(0.5, 0.9),
+ scale_rand_axi=U(0.1, 0.5),
+ selection=selection,
+ taper_density=True,
+ ground_offset=lambda nw: nw.uniform(0, scale),
return scatter_obj, mollusk
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/seaweed.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/seaweed.py
index 265649a62..ec8c2fade 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/seaweed.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/seaweed.py
@@ -7,24 +7,33 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform as U
-from infinigen.assets.underwater.seaweed import SeaweedFactory
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.assets.objects.underwater.seaweed import SeaweedFactory
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import make_asset_collection
from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
-def apply(obj, scale=1, density=1., n=5, selection=None, **kwargs):
+def apply(obj, scale=1, density=1.0, n=5, selection=None, **kwargs):
n_species = np.random.randint(2, 5)
factories = [SeaweedFactory(np.random.randint(1e5)) for i in range(n_species)]
- seaweeds = make_asset_collection(factories, name='seaweed',
- weights=np.random.uniform(0.5, 1, len(factories)), n=n,
- verbose=True, **kwargs)
+ seaweeds = make_asset_collection(
+ factories,
+ name="seaweed",
+ weights=np.random.uniform(0.5, 1, len(factories)),
+ n=n,
+ verbose=True,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
scatter_obj = scatter_instances(
- base_obj=obj, collection=seaweeds,
- vol_density=U(2, 10), min_spacing=0.02,
- scale=U(0.2, 1), scale_rand=U(0.1, 0.9), scale_rand_axi=U(0, 0.2),
+ base_obj=obj,
+ collection=seaweeds,
+ vol_density=U(2, 10),
+ min_spacing=0.02,
+ scale=U(0.2, 1),
+ scale_rand=U(0.1, 0.9),
+ scale_rand_axi=U(0, 0.2),
- selection=selection)
+ selection=selection,
+ )
return scatter_obj, seaweeds
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/slime_mold.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/slime_mold.py
index cafbf825a..c4342192a 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/slime_mold.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/slime_mold.py
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import colorsys
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
@@ -12,48 +11,78 @@
from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_base_selection, geo_radius
from infinigen.assets.utils.shortest_path import geo_shortest_path
+from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_utils import build_color_ramp
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
from infinigen.core.surface import shaderfunc_to_material
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_utils import build_color_ramp
+from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
def shader_mold(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue):
- bright_color = hsv2rgba((base_hue + uniform(-.04, .04)) % 1, uniform(.8, 1.), .8)
- dark_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(.4, .6), .2)
+ bright_color = hsv2rgba(
+ (base_hue + uniform(-0.04, 0.04)) % 1, uniform(0.8, 1.0), 0.8
+ )
+ dark_color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(0.4, 0.6), 0.2)
- color = build_color_ramp(nw, nw.musgrave(10), [.0, .3, .7, 1.],
- [dark_color, dark_color, bright_color, bright_color])
- roughness = .8
- bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={'Base Color': color, 'Roughness': roughness})
+ color = build_color_ramp(
+ nw,
+ nw.musgrave(10),
+ [0.0, 0.3, 0.7, 1.0],
+ [dark_color, dark_color, bright_color, bright_color],
+ )
+ roughness = 0.8
+ bsdf = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={"Base Color": color, "Roughness": roughness}
+ )
return bsdf
class SlimeMold:
def __init__(self):
def apply(self, obj, selection=None):
- scatter_obj = butil.spawn_vert('scatter:' + 'slime_mold')
- surface.add_geomod(scatter_obj, geo_base_selection, apply=True, input_args=[obj, selection])
+ scatter_obj = butil.spawn_vert("scatter:" + "slime_mold")
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ scatter_obj, geo_base_selection, apply=True, input_args=[obj, selection]
+ )
if len(scatter_obj.data.vertices) < 5:
- end_index = lambda nw: nw.build_index_case(np.random.randint(0, len(scatter_obj.data.vertices), 40))
- weight = lambda nw: nw.build_float_curve(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputEdgeAngle).outputs['Signed Angle'],
- [(0, .25), (.2, .4)])
+ def end_index(nw):
+ return nw.build_index_case(
+ np.random.randint(0, len(scatter_obj.data.vertices), 40)
+ )
+ def weight(nw):
+ return nw.build_float_curve(
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.InputEdgeAngle).outputs["Signed Angle"],
+ [(0, 0.25), (0.2, 0.4)],
+ )
- surface.add_geomod(scatter_obj, geo_shortest_path, apply=True, input_args=[end_index, weight, .1, .02])
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ scatter_obj,
+ geo_shortest_path,
+ apply=True,
+ input_args=[end_index, weight, 0.1, 0.02],
+ )
- surface.add_geomod(scatter_obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[
- lambda nw: nw.build_float_curve(nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute, ['spline_parameter']),
- [(0, .008), (1, .015)]), 6])
- base_hue = uniform(.02, .16)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ scatter_obj,
+ geo_radius,
+ apply=True,
+ input_args=[
+ lambda nw: nw.build_float_curve(
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute, ["spline_parameter"]),
+ [(0, 0.008), (1, 0.015)],
+ ),
+ 6,
+ ],
+ )
+ base_hue = uniform(0.02, 0.16)
assign_material(scatter_obj, shaderfunc_to_material(shader_mold, base_hue))
return scatter_obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/snow_layer.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/snow_layer.py
index 7f70018f2..64ad02d21 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/snow_layer.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/snow_layer.py
@@ -5,21 +5,15 @@
import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
class Snowlayer:
def __init__(self):
def apply(self, obj, **kwargs):
bpy.context.scene.snow.height = 0.1
with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/urchin.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/urchin.py
index 54fd536a9..5e1a30a47 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/urchin.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/urchin.py
@@ -7,28 +7,36 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform as U
-from infinigen.assets.underwater.urchin import UrchinFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.underwater.urchin import UrchinFactory
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import make_asset_collection
from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import scatter_instances
def apply(obj, n=5, selection=None):
n_species = np.random.randint(2, 3)
factories = list(UrchinFactory(np.random.randint(1e5)) for i in range(n_species))
- urchin = make_asset_collection(factories, name='urchin',
- weights=np.random.uniform(0.5, 1, len(factories)), n=n,
- verbose=True)
+ urchin = make_asset_collection(
+ factories,
+ name="urchin",
+ weights=np.random.uniform(0.5, 1, len(factories)),
+ n=n,
+ verbose=True,
+ )
scale = U(0.1, 0.8)
def ground_offset(nw: NodeWrangler):
- return nw.uniform(.4 * scale, .8 * scale)
+ return nw.uniform(0.4 * scale, 0.8 * scale)
scatter_obj = scatter_instances(
- base_obj=obj, collection=urchin,
- vol_density=U(0.5, 2), ground_offset=ground_offset,
- scale=scale, scale_rand=U(0.2, 0.4),
- selection=selection)
+ base_obj=obj,
+ collection=urchin,
+ vol_density=U(0.5, 2),
+ ground_offset=ground_offset,
+ scale=scale,
+ scale_rand=U(0.2, 0.4),
+ selection=selection,
+ )
return scatter_obj, urchin
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/utils/cluster.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/utils/cluster.py
index 759fb2959..4ed8783ba 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/utils/cluster.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/utils/cluster.py
@@ -7,71 +7,138 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import bucketed_instance, camera_cull_points
-from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.placement.instance_scatter import (
+ bucketed_instance,
+ camera_cull_points,
def select_points(nw: NodeWrangler, geometry, density, selection, radius, min_distance):
keypoint_density = density / 5
- keypoints = nw.new_node(Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': geometry, 'Selection': selection, 'Density': keypoint_density
- }).outputs['Points']
- distance = nw.new_node(Nodes.Proximity, [keypoints], attrs={'target_element': 'POINTS'}).outputs['Distance']
- selection = nw.boolean_math('AND', nw.compare('LESS_THAN', distance, radius), selection)
- points, normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': geometry, 'Selection': selection, 'Density': density
- }).outputs[:2]
+ keypoints = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": geometry,
+ "Selection": selection,
+ "Density": keypoint_density,
+ },
+ ).outputs["Points"]
+ distance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Proximity, [keypoints], attrs={"target_element": "POINTS"}
+ ).outputs["Distance"]
+ selection = nw.boolean_math(
+ "AND", nw.compare("LESS_THAN", distance, radius), selection
+ )
+ points, normal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": geometry, "Selection": selection, "Density": density},
+ ).outputs[:2]
if min_distance > 0:
- points = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, input_kwargs={'Geometry': points, 'Distance': min_distance})
+ points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": points, "Distance": min_distance},
+ )
return points, distance, normal
-def instance_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler, normal, delta_normal=.1, z_rotation='musgrave'):
- perturbed_normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate, input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': normal,
- 'Rotation': nw.uniform([-delta_normal] * 3, [delta_normal] * 3)
- }, attrs={'rotation_type': 'EULER_XYZ'})
- if z_rotation == 'musgrave':
+def instance_rotation(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, normal, delta_normal=0.1, z_rotation="musgrave"
+ perturbed_normal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": normal,
+ "Rotation": nw.uniform([-delta_normal] * 3, [delta_normal] * 3),
+ },
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "EULER_XYZ"},
+ )
+ if z_rotation == "musgrave":
z_rotation = nw.scalar_multiply(nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture), 2 * np.pi)
- elif z_rotation == 'random':
+ elif z_rotation == "random":
z_rotation = nw.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)
z_rotation = uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)
- rotation = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateEuler, input_kwargs={
- 'Rotation': nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, input_kwargs={'Vector': perturbed_normal},
- attrs={'axis': 'Z'}),
- 'Axis': perturbed_normal,
- 'Angle': z_rotation
- }, attrs={'type': 'AXIS_ANGLE'})
+ rotation = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateEuler,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rotation": nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": perturbed_normal},
+ attrs={"axis": "Z"},
+ ),
+ "Axis": perturbed_normal,
+ "Angle": z_rotation,
+ },
+ attrs={"type": "AXIS_ANGLE"},
+ )
return rotation
-def cluster_scatter(nw: NodeWrangler, base_obj, collection, density, instance_index=None, radius=.02,
- min_distance=0., buckets=((10000, 0.0)), scaling=(1, 1, 1), normal=None,
- selection=True, ground_offset=0, realize_instances=False, material=None, perturb_normal=.1,
- z_rotation='musgrave', transform_space='ORIGINAL', reset_children=True):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, [base_obj], attrs={'transform_space': transform_space}).outputs[
- 'Geometry']
+def cluster_scatter(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ base_obj,
+ collection,
+ density,
+ instance_index=None,
+ radius=0.02,
+ min_distance=0.0,
+ buckets=((10000, 0.0)),
+ scaling=(1, 1, 1),
+ normal=None,
+ selection=True,
+ ground_offset=0,
+ realize_instances=False,
+ material=None,
+ perturb_normal=0.1,
+ z_rotation="musgrave",
+ transform_space="ORIGINAL",
+ reset_children=True,
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ObjectInfo, [base_obj], attrs={"transform_space": transform_space}
+ ).outputs["Geometry"]
selection = surface.eval_argument(nw, selection, geometry=geometry)
- points, distance, default_normal = select_points(nw, geometry, density, selection, radius, min_distance)
+ points, distance, default_normal = select_points(
+ nw, geometry, density, selection, radius, min_distance
+ )
if normal is None:
normal = default_normal
visible, vis_distance = camera_cull_points(nw)
scale = surface.eval_argument(nw, scaling, distance=distance)
rotation = instance_rotation(nw, normal, perturb_normal, z_rotation)
- instanced = bucketed_instance(nw, points, collection, vis_distance, buckets, visible, scale, rotation,
- instance_index, reset_children)
+ instanced = bucketed_instance(
+ nw,
+ points,
+ collection,
+ vis_distance,
+ buckets,
+ visible,
+ scale,
+ rotation,
+ instance_index,
+ reset_children,
+ )
if ground_offset != 0:
- instanced = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslateInstances, [instanced], input_kwargs={
- "Translation": nw.combine(0, 0, surface.eval_argument(nw, ground_offset)),
- "Local Space": True
- })
+ instanced = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TranslateInstances,
+ [instanced],
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Translation": nw.combine(
+ 0, 0, surface.eval_argument(nw, ground_offset)
+ ),
+ "Local Space": True,
+ },
+ )
if realize_instances:
instanced = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [instanced])
if material is not None:
- instanced = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instanced, "Material": material})
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': instanced})
+ instanced = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetMaterial,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": instanced, "Material": material},
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instanced})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/utils/selection.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/utils/selection.py
index 67622b2c8..0da06a84a 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/utils/selection.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/utils/selection.py
@@ -9,21 +9,36 @@
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, int_hash
-def scatter_lower(nw: NodeWrangler, height_range=(.5, 2), fill_range=(.0, .8), noise_scale=.4):
+def scatter_lower(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, height_range=(0.5, 2), fill_range=(0.0, 0.8), noise_scale=0.4
height = uniform(*height_range)
middle = height * uniform(*fill_range)
- lower = nw.bernoulli(nw.build_float_curve(nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))[-1],
- [(0, 1), (middle, 1), (height, 0)]))
- compare = nw.compare('GREATER_THAN', lower,
- nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Scale': noise_scale}), )
+ lower = nw.bernoulli(
+ nw.build_float_curve(
+ nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))[-1],
+ [(0, 1), (middle, 1), (height, 0)],
+ )
+ )
+ compare = nw.compare(
+ lower,
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": noise_scale}),
+ )
return compare
-def scatter_upward(nw: NodeWrangler, normal_thresh=np.pi * .75, noise_scale=.4, noise_thresh=.3):
- compare = nw.compare('GREATER_THAN', nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Scale': noise_scale}),
- noise_thresh)
- upward = nw.compare_direction('LESS_THAN', nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal), (0, 0, 1), normal_thresh)
- return nw.boolean_math('AND', compare, upward)
+def scatter_upward(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, normal_thresh=np.pi * 0.75, noise_scale=0.4, noise_thresh=0.3
+ compare = nw.compare(
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": noise_scale}),
+ noise_thresh,
+ )
+ upward = nw.compare_direction(
+ "LESS_THAN", nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal), (0, 0, 1), normal_thresh
+ )
+ return nw.boolean_math("AND", compare, upward)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/scatters/utils/wind.py b/infinigen/assets/scatters/utils/wind.py
index 2dc550abb..94fcfcada 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/scatters/utils/wind.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/scatters/utils/wind.py
@@ -1,63 +1,82 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-from math import prod
-from functools import partial
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint
from mathutils import Vector
+from numpy.random import normal as N
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
-def wind_rotation(nw, speed=1.0, direction=None, scale=1.0, strength=30):
+def wind_rotation(nw, speed=1.0, direction=None, scale=1.0, strength=30):
if direction is None:
direction = Vector([N(0, 1), N(0, 1), 0])
- normalize_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: direction},
- attrs={'operation': 'NORMALIZE'})
- vector_rotate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': normalize_1.outputs["Vector"], 'Angle': 1.5708})
+ normalize_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: direction}, attrs={"operation": "NORMALIZE"}
+ )
+ vector_rotate_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": normalize_1.outputs["Vector"], "Angle": 1.5708},
+ )
position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- scene_time = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeInputSceneTime')
- t = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ scene_time = nw.new_node("GeometryNodeInputSceneTime")
+ t = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: scene_time.outputs["Seconds"], 1: speed},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- t = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: normalize_1.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': t},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- t = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position_2, 1: t.outputs["Vector"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': t.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': scale})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: strength, 1: -0.2},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 3: multiply_1, 4: strength})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: strength, 1: -0.2},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: strength, 1: 0.2},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- random_value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: multiply_2, 3: multiply_3, 'Seed': 1})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 1: random_value_2.outputs[1]})
- deg2rad = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: 0.0175},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- rotation = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateEuler,
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': Vector((0,0,0)), 'Axis': vector_rotate_1, 'Angle': deg2rad},
- attrs={'type': 'AXIS_ANGLE'})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ t = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: normalize_1.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": t},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ t = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: position_2, 1: t.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": t.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": scale}
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: strength, 1: -0.2}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": noise_texture.outputs["Fac"],
+ 3: multiply_1,
+ 4: strength,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: strength, 1: -0.2}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: strength, 1: 0.2}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ random_value_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: multiply_2, 3: multiply_3, "Seed": 1}
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 1: random_value_2.outputs[1]},
+ )
+ deg2rad = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: 0.0175}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ rotation = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateEuler,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rotation": Vector((0, 0, 0)),
+ "Axis": vector_rotate_1,
+ "Angle": deg2rad,
+ },
+ attrs={"type": "AXIS_ANGLE"},
+ )
return rotation
def wind(*args, **kwargs):
return lambda nw: wind_rotation(nw, *args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/seating/bedframe.py b/infinigen/assets/seating/bedframe.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d7029a2b3..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/seating/bedframe.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.seating.chairs.chair import ChairFactory
-from infinigen.assets.seating.mattress import make_coiled
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
- subdivide_edge_ring, remove_faces, read_normal, read_co, write_co,
- remove_vertices, select_faces, write_attribute,
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_grid, join_objects
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
-class BedFrameFactory(ChairFactory):
- scale = 1.
- leg_decor_types = 'weighted_choice', (2, 'coiled'), (2, 'pad'), (1, 'plain'), (2, 'legs')
- back_types = 'weighted_choice', (3, 'coiled'), (3, 'pad'), (2, 'whole'), (1, 'horizontal-bar'), (1, 'vertical-bar')
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- self.width = log_uniform(1.4, 2.4)
- self.size = uniform(2, 2.4)
- self.thickness = uniform(.05, .12)
- self.has_all_legs = uniform() < .2
- self.leg_thickness = uniform(.08, .12)
- self.leg_height = uniform(.2, .6)
- self.leg_decor_type = rg(self.leg_decor_types)
- self.leg_decor_wrapped = uniform() < .5
- self.back_height = uniform(.5, 1.3)
- self.seat_back = 1
- self.seat_subdivisions_x = np.random.randint(1, 4)
- self.seat_subdivisions_y = int(log_uniform(4, 10))
- self.has_arm = False
- self.leg_type = 'vertical'
- self.leg_x_offset = 0
- self.leg_y_offset = 0, 0
- self.back_x_offset = 0
- self.back_y_offset = 0
- materials = AssetList['BedFrameFactory']()
- self.surface = materials['surface'].assign_material()
- self.limb_surface = materials['limb_surface'].assign_material()
- scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = materials['wear_tear_prob']
- self.scratch, self.edge_wear = materials['wear_tear']
- self.scratch = None if uniform() > scratch_prob else self.scratch
- self.edge_wear = None if uniform() > edge_wear_prob else self.edge_wear
- self.clothes_scatter = surface.NoApply
- self.dot_distance = log_uniform(.16, .2)
- self.dot_size = uniform(.005, .02)
- self.dot_depth = uniform(.04, .08)
- self.panel_distance = uniform(.3, .5)
- self.panel_margin = uniform(.01, .02)
- self.post_init()
- def make_seat(self):
- obj = new_grid(x_subdivisions=self.seat_subdivisions_x, y_subdivisions=self.seat_subdivisions_y)
- obj.scale = (self.width - self.leg_thickness) / 2, (self.size - self.leg_thickness) / 2, 1
- butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type='ONLY_FACE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': (0, 0, self.thickness)})
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.leg_thickness - 1e-3, offset=0, solidify_mode='NON_MANIFOLD')
- obj.location = 0, -self.size / 2, -self.thickness / 2
- butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BEVEL', width=self.bevel_width, segments=8)
- return obj
- def make_legs(self):
- legs = super().make_legs()
- if self.has_all_legs:
- leg_starts = np.array(
- [[-1, -.5, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, -.5, 0]]
- ) * np.array(
- [[self.width / 2, self.size, 0]]
- )
- leg_ends = leg_starts.copy()
- leg_ends[0, 0] -= self.leg_x_offset
- leg_ends[3, 0] += self.leg_x_offset
- leg_ends[2, 1] += self.leg_y_offset[0]
- leg_ends[1, 1] -= self.leg_y_offset[1]
- leg_ends[:, -1] = -self.leg_height
- legs += self.make_limb(leg_ends, leg_starts)
- return legs
- def make_leg_decors(self, legs):
- if self.leg_decor_type == 'none':
- return super().make_leg_decors(legs)
- obj = join_objects([deep_clone_obj(_) for _ in legs])
- x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
- z = np.maximum(z, -self.leg_height * uniform(.7, .9))
- write_co(obj, np.stack([x, y, z], -1))
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.convex_hull()
- bpy.ops.mesh.normals_make_consistent(inside=False)
- remove_faces(obj, np.abs(read_normal(obj)[:, -1]) > .5)
- if self.leg_decor_wrapped:
- x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
- x[x < 0] -= self.leg_thickness / 2 + 1e-3
- x[x > 0] += self.leg_thickness / 2 + 1e-3
- y[y < -self.size / 2] -= self.leg_thickness / 2 + 1e-3
- y[y > -self.size / 2] += self.leg_thickness / 2 + 1e-3
- write_co(obj, np.stack([x, y, z], -1))
- match self.leg_decor_type:
- case 'coiled':
- self.divide(obj, self.dot_distance)
- make_coiled(obj, self.dot_distance, self.dot_depth, self.dot_size)
- case 'pad':
- self.divide(obj, self.panel_distance)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.inset(thickness=self.panel_margin, depth=self.panel_margin, use_individual=True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BEVEL', segments=4)
- write_attribute(obj, 1, 'panel', 'FACE')
- return [obj]
- def divide(self, obj, distance):
- for i, size in enumerate(obj.dimensions):
- axis = np.zeros(3)
- axis[i] = 1
- distance = distance if i != 2 else distance * uniform(.5, 1.)
- subdivide_edge_ring(obj, int(np.ceil(size / distance)), axis)
- def make_back_decors(self, backs, finalize=True):
- decors = super().make_back_decors(backs)
- match self.back_type:
- case 'coiled':
- obj = self.make_back(backs)
- self.divide(obj, self.dot_distance)
- make_coiled(obj, self.dot_distance, self.dot_depth, self.dot_size)
- obj.scale = (1 - 1e-3,) * 3
- write_attribute(obj, 1, 'panel', 'FACE')
- with butil.ViewportMode(decors[0], 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.bisect(plane_co=(0, 0, self.back_height), plane_no=(0, 0, 1), clear_inner=True)
- return [obj] + decors
- case 'pad':
- obj = self.make_back(backs)
- self.divide(obj, self.panel_distance)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- select_faces(obj, np.abs(read_normal(obj)[:, 1]) > .5)
- bpy.ops.mesh.inset(thickness=self.panel_margin, depth=self.panel_margin, use_individual=True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BEVEL', segments=4)
- write_attribute(obj, 1, 'panel', 'FACE')
- obj.scale = (1 - 1e-3,) * 3
- with butil.ViewportMode(decors[0], 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.bisect(plane_co=(0, 0, self.back_height), plane_no=(0, 0, 1), clear_inner=True)
- return [obj] + decors
- case _:
- return decors
- def make_back(self, backs):
- obj = join_objects([deep_clone_obj(b) for b in backs])
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.convex_hull()
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=np.minimum(self.thickness, self.leg_thickness), offset=0)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.normals_make_consistent(inside=False)
- return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/bar_chair.py b/infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/bar_chair.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 733cb79ac..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/bar_chair.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-from numpy.random import uniform, choice
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-from infinigen.assets.seating.chairs.seats.round_seats import generate_round_seats
-from infinigen.assets.tables.cocktail_table import geometry_create_legs
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
-def geometry_assemble_chair(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- generateseat = nw.new_node(generate_round_seats(thickness=kwargs['Top Thickness'],
- radius=kwargs['Top Profile Width'],
- seat_material=kwargs['SeatMaterial']).name)
- seat_instance = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': generateseat,
- 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.0000, kwargs['Top Height'])})
- legs = nw.new_node(geometry_create_legs(**kwargs).name)
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [seat_instance, legs]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-class BarChairFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=None):
- super(BarChairFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.dimensions = dimensions
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.params, leg_style = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
- self.material_params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = self.get_material_params(leg_style)
- self.params.update(self.material_params)
- def get_material_params(self, leg_style):
- material_assignments = AssetList['BarChairFactory'](leg_style=leg_style)
- params = {
- "SeatMaterial": material_assignments['seat'].assign_material(),
- "LegMaterial": material_assignments['leg'].assign_material(),
- }
- wrapped_params = {
- k: surface.shaderfunc_to_material(v) for k, v in params.items()
- }
- scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments['wear_tear_prob']
- scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments['wear_tear']
- is_scratch = uniform() < scratch_prob
- is_edge_wear = uniform() < edge_wear_prob
- if not is_scratch:
- scratch = None
- if not is_edge_wear:
- edge_wear = None
- return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
- @staticmethod
- def sample_parameters(dimensions):
- # all in meters
- if dimensions is None:
- x = uniform(0.35, 0.45)
- z = uniform(0.7, 1)
- dimensions = (x, x, z)
- x, y, z = dimensions
- top_thickness = uniform(0.06, 0.10)
- leg_style = choice(['straight', 'single_stand', 'wheeled'])
- parameters = {
- 'Top Profile Width': x,
- 'Top Thickness': top_thickness,
- 'Height': z,
- 'Top Height': z - top_thickness,
- 'Leg Style': leg_style,
- 'Leg NGon': choice([4, 32]),
- 'Leg Placement Top Relative Scale': 0.7,
- 'Leg Placement Bottom Relative Scale': uniform(1.1, 1.3),
- 'Leg Height': 1.0,
- }
- if leg_style == "single_stand":
- leg_number = 1
- leg_diameter = uniform(0.7*x, 0.9*x)
- leg_curve_ctrl_pts = [(0.0, uniform(0.1, 0.2)),
- (0.5, uniform(0.1, 0.2)), (0.9, uniform(0.2, 0.3)), (1.0, 1.0)]
- parameters.update({
- 'Leg Number': leg_number,
- 'Leg Diameter': leg_diameter,
- 'Leg Curve Control Points': leg_curve_ctrl_pts,
- # 'Leg Material': choice(['metal', 'wood'])
- })
- elif leg_style == "straight":
- leg_diameter = uniform(0.04, 0.06)
- leg_number = choice([3, 4])
- leg_curve_ctrl_pts = [(0.0, 1.0), (0.4, uniform(0.85, 0.95)), (1.0, uniform(0.4, 0.6))]
- parameters.update({
- 'Leg Number': leg_number,
- 'Leg Diameter': leg_diameter,
- 'Leg Curve Control Points': leg_curve_ctrl_pts,
- # 'Leg Material': choice(['metal', 'wood']),
- 'Strecher Relative Pos': uniform(0.6, 0.9),
- 'Strecher Increament': choice([0, 1, 2])
- })
- elif leg_style == "wheeled":
- leg_diameter = uniform(0.03, 0.05)
- leg_number = 1
- pole_number = choice([4, 5])
- joint_height = uniform(0.5, 0.8) * (z - top_thickness)
- wheel_arc_sweep_angle = uniform(120, 240)
- wheel_width = uniform(0.11, 0.15)
- wheel_rot = uniform(0, 360)
- pole_length = uniform(1.6, 2.0)
- parameters.update({
- 'Leg Number': leg_number,
- 'Leg Pole Number': pole_number,
- 'Leg Diameter': leg_diameter,
- 'Leg Joint Height': joint_height,
- 'Leg Wheel Arc Sweep Angle': wheel_arc_sweep_angle,
- 'Leg Wheel Width': wheel_width,
- 'Leg Wheel Rot': wheel_rot,
- 'Leg Pole Length': pole_length,
- # 'Leg Material': choice(['metal'])
- })
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- return parameters, leg_style
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=2, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_assemble_chair, apply=True, input_kwargs=self.params)
- tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
- return obj
- def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- if self.scratch:
- self.scratch.apply(assets)
- if self.edge_wear:
- self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/chair.py b/infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/chair.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ed37dafdf..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/chair.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
- read_co, read_edge_center, read_edge_direction, remove_edges,
- remove_vertices, select_edges, solidify, subsurf, write_attribute, write_co,
-from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import align_bezier, bezier_curve
-from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroup import geo_radius
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_bbox
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.surface import NoApply
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, normalize
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
-from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
-class ChairFactory(AssetFactory):
- back_types = 'weighted_choice', (1, 'whole'), (1, 'partial'), (1, 'horizontal-bar'), (1, 'vertical-bar')
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- self.width = uniform(.4, .5)
- self.size = uniform(.38, .45)
- self.thickness = uniform(.04, .08)
- self.bevel_width = self.thickness * (.1 if uniform() < .4 else .5)
- self.seat_back = uniform(.7, 1.) if uniform() < .75 else 1.
- self.seat_mid = uniform(.7, .8)
- self.seat_mid_x = uniform(self.seat_back + self.seat_mid * (1 - self.seat_back), 1)
- self.seat_mid_z = uniform(0, .5)
- self.seat_front = uniform(1., 1.2)
- self.is_seat_round = uniform() < .6
- self.is_seat_subsurf = uniform() < .5
- self.leg_thickness = uniform(.04, .06)
- self.limb_profile = uniform(1.5, 2.5)
- self.leg_height = uniform(.45, .5)
- self.back_height = uniform(.4, .5)
- self.is_leg_round = uniform() < .5
- self.leg_type = np.random.choice(['vertical', 'straight', 'up-curved', 'down-curved'])
- self.leg_x_offset = 0
- self.leg_y_offset = 0, 0
- self.back_x_offset = 0
- self.back_y_offset = 0
- self.has_leg_x_bar = uniform() < .6
- self.has_leg_y_bar = uniform() < .6
- self.leg_offset_bar = uniform(.2, .4), uniform(.6, .8)
- self.has_arm = uniform() < 0.7
- self.arm_thickness = uniform(.04, .06)
- self.arm_height = self.arm_thickness * uniform(.6, 1)
- self.arm_y = uniform(.8, 1) * self.size
- self.arm_z = uniform(.3, .6) * self.back_height
- self.arm_mid = np.array([uniform(-.03, .03), uniform(-.03, .09), uniform(-.09, .03)])
- self.arm_profile = log_uniform(.1, 3, 2)
- self.back_thickness = uniform(.04, .05)
- self.back_type = rg(self.back_types)
- self.back_profile = [(0, 1)]
- self.back_vertical_cuts = np.random.randint(1, 4)
- self.back_partial_scale = uniform(1, 1.4)
- materials = AssetList['ChairFactory']()
- self.limb_surface = materials['limb'].assign_material()
- self.surface = materials['surface'].assign_material()
- if uniform() < .3:
- self.panel_surface = self.surface
- else:
- self.panel_surface = materials['panel'].assign_material()
- scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = materials['wear_tear_prob']
- self.scratch, self.edge_wear = materials['wear_tear']
- is_scratch = uniform() < scratch_prob
- is_edge_wear = uniform() < edge_wear_prob
- if not is_scratch:
- self.scratch = None
- if not is_edge_wear:
- self.edge_wear = None
- #from infinigen.assets.clothes import blanket
- #from infinigen.assets.scatters.clothes import ClothesCover
- #self.clothes_scatter = ClothesCover(factory_fn=blanket.BlanketFactory, width=log_uniform(.8, 1.2),
- # size=uniform(.8, 1.2)) if uniform() < .3 else NoApply()
- self.clothes_scatter = NoApply()
- self.post_init()
- def post_init(self):
- with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- if self.leg_type == 'vertical':
- self.leg_x_offset = 0
- self.leg_y_offset = 0, 0
- self.back_x_offset = 0
- self.back_y_offset = 0
- else:
- self.leg_x_offset = self.width * uniform(.05, .2)
- self.leg_y_offset = self.size * uniform(.05, .2, 2)
- self.back_x_offset = self.width * uniform(-.1, .15)
- self.back_y_offset = self.size * uniform(.1, .25)
- match self.back_type:
- case 'partial':
- self.back_profile = (uniform(.4, .8), 1),
- case 'horizontal-bar':
- n_cuts = np.random.randint(2, 4)
- locs = uniform(1, 2, n_cuts).cumsum()
- locs = locs / locs[-1]
- ratio = uniform(.5, .75)
- locs = np.array([(p + ratio * (l - p), l) for p, l in zip([0, *locs[:-1]], locs)])
- lowest = uniform(0, .4)
- self.back_profile = locs * (1 - lowest) + lowest
- case 'vertical-bar':
- self.back_profile = (uniform(.8, .9), 1),
- case _:
- self.back_profile = [(0, 1)]
- def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
- obj = new_bbox(
- -self.width / 2 - max(self.leg_x_offset, self.back_x_offset),
- self.width / 2 + max(self.leg_x_offset, self.back_x_offset),
- -self.size - self.leg_y_offset[1] - self.leg_thickness * .5,
- max(self.leg_y_offset[0], self.back_y_offset),
- -self.leg_height,
- self.back_height * 1.2
- )
- obj.rotation_euler.z += np.pi / 2
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- return obj
- def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- obj = self.make_seat()
- legs = self.make_legs()
- backs = self.make_backs()
- parts = [obj] + legs + backs
- parts.extend(self.make_leg_decors(legs))
- if self.has_arm:
- parts.extend(self.make_arms(obj, backs))
- parts.extend(self.make_back_decors(backs))
- for obj in legs:
- self.solidify(obj, 2)
- for obj in backs:
- self.solidify(obj, 2, self.back_thickness)
- obj = join_objects(parts)
- obj.rotation_euler.z += np.pi / 2
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- # TODO: wasteful to create unique materials for each individual asset
- self.surface.apply(obj)
- self.panel_surface.apply(obj, selection='panel')
- self.limb_surface.apply(obj, selection='limb')
- return obj
- def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- if self.scratch:
- self.scratch.apply(assets)
- if self.edge_wear:
- self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
- def make_seat(self):
- x_anchors = np.array(
- [0, -self.seat_back, -self.seat_mid_x, -1, 0, 1, self.seat_mid_x, self.seat_back,
- 0]
- ) * self.width / 2
- y_anchors = np.array([0, 0, -self.seat_mid, -1, -self.seat_front, -1, -self.seat_mid, 0, 0]) * self.size
- z_anchors = np.array([0, 0, self.seat_mid_z, 0, 0, 0, self.seat_mid_z, 0, 0]) * self.thickness
- vector_locations = [1, 7] if self.is_seat_round else [1, 3, 5, 7]
- obj = bezier_curve((x_anchors, y_anchors, z_anchors), vector_locations, 8)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.fill_grid(use_interp_simple=True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.thickness, offset=0)
- subsurf(obj, 1, not self.is_seat_subsurf)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BEVEL', width=self.bevel_width, segments=8)
- return obj
- def make_legs(self):
- leg_starts = np.array(
- [[-self.seat_back, 0, 0], [-1, -1, 0], [1, -1, 0], [self.seat_back, 0, 0]]
- ) * np.array(
- [[self.width / 2, self.size, 0]]
- )
- leg_ends = leg_starts.copy()
- leg_ends[[0, 1], 0] -= self.leg_x_offset
- leg_ends[[2, 3], 0] += self.leg_x_offset
- leg_ends[[0, 3], 1] += self.leg_y_offset[0]
- leg_ends[[1, 2], 1] -= self.leg_y_offset[1]
- leg_ends[:, -1] = -self.leg_height
- return self.make_limb(leg_ends, leg_starts)
- def make_limb(self, leg_ends, leg_starts):
- limbs = []
- for leg_start, leg_end in zip(leg_starts, leg_ends):
- match self.leg_type:
- case 'up-curved':
- axes = [(0, 0, 1), None]
- scale = [self.limb_profile, 1]
- case 'down-curved':
- axes = [None, (0, 0, 1)]
- scale = [1, self.limb_profile]
- case _:
- axes = None
- scale = None
- limb = align_bezier(np.stack([leg_start, leg_end], -1), axes, scale, resolution=64)
- limb.location = np.array(
- [1 if leg_start[0] < 0 else -1, 1 if leg_start[1] < -self.size / 2 else -1,
- 0]
- ) * self.leg_thickness / 2
- butil.apply_transform(limb, True)
- limbs.append(limb)
- return limbs
- def make_backs(self):
- back_starts = np.array([[-self.seat_back, 0, 0], [self.seat_back, 0, 0]]) * self.width / 2
- back_ends = back_starts.copy()
- back_ends[:, 0] += np.array([self.back_x_offset, -self.back_x_offset])
- back_ends[:, 1] = self.back_y_offset
- back_ends[:, 2] = self.back_height
- return self.make_limb(back_starts, back_ends)
- def make_leg_decors(self, legs):
- decors = []
- if self.has_leg_x_bar:
- z_height = -self.leg_height * uniform(*self.leg_offset_bar)
- locs = []
- for leg in legs:
- co = read_co(leg)
- locs.append(co[np.argmin(np.abs(co[:, -1] - z_height))])
- decors.append(self.solidify(bezier_curve(np.stack([locs[0], locs[3]], -1)), 0))
- decors.append(self.solidify(bezier_curve(np.stack([locs[1], locs[2]], -1)), 0))
- if self.has_leg_y_bar:
- z_height = -self.leg_height * uniform(*self.leg_offset_bar)
- locs = []
- for leg in legs:
- co = read_co(leg)
- locs.append(co[np.argmin(np.abs(co[:, -1] - z_height))])
- decors.append(self.solidify(bezier_curve(np.stack([locs[0], locs[1]], -1)), 1))
- decors.append(self.solidify(bezier_curve(np.stack([locs[2], locs[3]], -1)), 1))
- for d in decors:
- write_attribute(d, 1, 'limb', 'FACE')
- return decors
- def make_back_decors(self, backs, finalize=True):
- obj = join_objects([deep_clone_obj(b) for b in backs])
- x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
- x += np.where(x > 0, self.back_thickness / 2, -self.back_thickness / 2)
- write_co(obj, np.stack([x, y, z], -1))
- smoothness = uniform(0, 1)
- profile_shape_factor = uniform(0, .4)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- center = read_edge_center(obj)
- for z_min, z_max in self.back_profile:
- select_edges(
- obj, (z_min * self.back_height <= center[:, -1]) & (
- center[:, -1] <= z_max * self.back_height)
- )
- bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops(
- number_cuts=32, interpolation='LINEAR', smoothness=smoothness,
- profile_shape_factor=profile_shape_factor
- )
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_loose()
- bpy.ops.mesh.delete()
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=np.minimum(self.thickness, self.back_thickness), offset=0)
- if finalize:
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BEVEL', width=self.bevel_width, segments=8)
- parts = [obj]
- if self.back_type == 'vertical-bar':
- other = join_objects([deep_clone_obj(b) for b in backs])
- with butil.ViewportMode(other, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.bridge_edge_loops(
- number_cuts=self.back_vertical_cuts, interpolation='LINEAR',
- smoothness=smoothness, profile_shape_factor=profile_shape_factor
- )
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='INVERT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.delete()
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type='ONLY_FACE')
- remove_edges(other, np.abs(read_edge_direction(other)[:, -1]) < .5)
- remove_vertices(other, lambda x, y, z: z < -self.thickness / 2)
- remove_vertices(
- other, lambda x, y, z: z > (
- self.back_profile[0][0] + self.back_profile[0][1]) * self.back_height / 2
- )
- parts.append(self.solidify(other, 2, self.back_thickness))
- elif self.back_type == 'partial':
- co = read_co(obj)
- co[:, 1] *= self.back_partial_scale
- write_co(obj, co)
- for p in parts:
- write_attribute(p, 1, 'panel', 'FACE')
- return parts
- def make_arms(self, base, backs):
- co = read_co(base)
- end = co[np.argmin(co[:, 0] - (np.abs(co[:, 1] + self.arm_y) < .02))]
- end[0] += self.arm_thickness / 4
- end_ = end.copy()
- end_[0] = -end[0]
- arms = []
- co = read_co(backs[0])
- start = co[np.argmin(co[:, 0] - (np.abs(co[:, -1] - self.arm_z) < .02))]
- start[0] -= self.arm_thickness / 4
- start_ = start.copy()
- start_[0] = -start[0]
- for start, end in zip([start, start_], [end, end_]):
- mid = np.array(
- [end[0] + self.arm_mid[0] * (-1 if end[0] > 0 else 1), end[1] + self.arm_mid[1],
- start[2] + self.arm_mid[2]]
- )
- arm = align_bezier(
- np.stack([start, mid, end], -1),
- np.array([[end[0] - start[0], end[1] - start[1], 0], [0, 1 / np.sqrt(2), 1 / np.sqrt(2)], [0, 0, 1]]),
- [1, *self.arm_profile, 1]
- )
- if self.is_leg_round:
- surface.add_geomod(
- arm, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[self.arm_thickness / 2, 32],
- input_kwargs={'to_align_tilt': False}
- )
- else:
- with butil.ViewportMode(arm, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(
- TRANSFORM_OT_translate={
- 'value': (self.arm_thickness if end[0] < 0 else -self.arm_thickness, 0, 0)
- }
- )
- butil.modify_mesh(arm, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.arm_height, offset=0)
- write_attribute(arm, 1, 'limb', 'FACE')
- arms.append(arm)
- return arms
- def solidify(self, obj, axis, thickness=None):
- if thickness is None:
- thickness = self.leg_thickness
- if self.is_leg_round:
- solidify(obj, axis, thickness)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BEVEL', width=self.bevel_width, segments=8)
- else:
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_radius, apply=True, input_args=[thickness / 2, 32])
- write_attribute(obj, 1, 'limb', 'FACE')
- return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/office_chair.py b/infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/office_chair.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a4f3ba5a..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/office_chair.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, choice
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface, tagging
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.seating.chairs.seats.curvy_seats import generate_curvy_seats
-from infinigen.assets.tables.cocktail_table import geometry_create_legs
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
-def geometry_assemble_chair(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- generateseat = nw.new_node(generate_curvy_seats().name,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Width': kwargs['Top Profile Width'],
- 'Front Relative Width': kwargs['Top Front Relative Width'],
- 'Front Bent': kwargs['Top Front Bent'],
- 'Seat Bent': kwargs['Top Seat Bent'],
- 'Mid Bent': kwargs['Top Mid Bent'],
- 'Mid Relative Width': kwargs['Top Mid Relative Width'],
- 'Back Bent': kwargs['Top Back Bent'],
- 'Back Relative Width': kwargs['Top Back Relative Width'],
- 'Mid Pos': kwargs['Top Mid Pos'],
- 'Seat Height': kwargs['Top Thickness'],
- })
- seat_instance = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': generateseat,
- 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.0000, kwargs['Top Height'])})
- seat_instance = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': seat_instance, 'Material': kwargs['TopMaterial']})
- legs = nw.new_node(geometry_create_legs(**kwargs).name)
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [seat_instance, legs]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-class OfficeChairFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=None):
- super(OfficeChairFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.dimensions = dimensions
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.params, leg_style = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
- self.material_params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = self.get_material_params(leg_style)
- self.params.update(self.material_params)
- def get_material_params(self, leg_style):
- material_assignments = AssetList['OfficeChairFactory'](leg_style)
- params = {
- "TopMaterial": material_assignments['top'].assign_material(),
- "LegMaterial": material_assignments['leg'].assign_material(),
- }
- wrapped_params = {
- k: surface.shaderfunc_to_material(v) for k, v in params.items()
- }
- scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments['wear_tear_prob']
- scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments['wear_tear']
- is_scratch = uniform() < scratch_prob
- is_edge_wear = uniform() < edge_wear_prob
- if not is_scratch:
- scratch = None
- if not is_edge_wear:
- edge_wear = None
- return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
- @staticmethod
- def sample_parameters(dimensions):
- # all in meters
- if dimensions is None:
- x = uniform(0.5, 0.6)
- z = uniform(1.0, 1.4)
- dimensions = (
- x, x, z
- )
- x, y, z = dimensions
- top_thickness = uniform(0.5, 0.7)
- # straight has the bug that seat and legs are disjoint, so disable for now.
- # leg_style = choice(['straight', 'single_stand', 'wheeled'])
- leg_style = choice(['single_stand', 'wheeled'])
- parameters = {
- 'Top Profile Width': x,
- 'Top Thickness': top_thickness,
- 'Top Front Relative Width': uniform(0.5, 0.8),
- 'Top Front Bent': uniform(-1.5, -0.4),
- 'Top Seat Bent': uniform(-1.5, -0.4),
- 'Top Mid Bent': uniform(-2.4, -0.5),
- 'Top Mid Relative Width': uniform(0.5, 0.9),
- 'Top Back Bent': uniform(-1, -0.1),
- 'Top Back Relative Width': uniform(0.6, 0.9),
- 'Top Mid Pos': uniform(0.4, 0.6),
- # 'Top Material': choice(['leather', 'wood', 'plastic', 'glass']),
- 'Height': z,
- 'Top Height': z - top_thickness,
- 'Leg Style': leg_style,
- 'Leg NGon': choice([4, 32]),
- 'Leg Placement Top Relative Scale': 0.7,
- 'Leg Placement Bottom Relative Scale': uniform(1.1, 1.3),
- 'Leg Height': 1.0,
- }
- if leg_style == "single_stand":
- leg_number = 1
- leg_diameter = uniform(0.7*x, 0.9*x)
- leg_curve_ctrl_pts = [(0.0, uniform(0.1, 0.2)),
- (0.5, uniform(0.1, 0.2)), (0.9, uniform(0.2, 0.3)), (1.0, 1.0)]
- parameters.update({
- 'Leg Number': leg_number,
- 'Leg Diameter': leg_diameter,
- 'Leg Curve Control Points': leg_curve_ctrl_pts,
- # 'Leg Material': choice(['metal', 'wood'])
- })
- elif leg_style == "straight":
- leg_diameter = uniform(0.04, 0.06)
- leg_number = 4
- leg_curve_ctrl_pts = [(0.0, 1.0), (0.4, uniform(0.85, 0.95)), (1.0, uniform(0.4, 0.6))]
- parameters.update({
- 'Leg Number': leg_number,
- 'Leg Diameter': leg_diameter,
- 'Leg Curve Control Points': leg_curve_ctrl_pts,
- # 'Leg Material': choice(['metal', 'wood']),
- 'Strecher Relative Pos': uniform(0.2, 0.6),
- 'Strecher Increament': choice([0, 1, 2])
- })
- elif leg_style == "wheeled":
- leg_diameter = uniform(0.03, 0.05)
- leg_number = 1
- pole_number = choice([4, 5])
- joint_height = uniform(0.5, 0.8) * (z - top_thickness)
- wheel_arc_sweep_angle = uniform(120, 240)
- wheel_width = uniform(0.11, 0.15)
- wheel_rot = uniform(0, 360)
- pole_length = uniform(1.6, 2.0)
- parameters.update({
- 'Leg Number': leg_number,
- 'Leg Pole Number': pole_number,
- 'Leg Diameter': leg_diameter,
- 'Leg Joint Height': joint_height,
- 'Leg Wheel Arc Sweep Angle': wheel_arc_sweep_angle,
- 'Leg Wheel Width': wheel_width,
- 'Leg Wheel Rot': wheel_rot,
- 'Leg Pole Length': pole_length,
- # 'Leg Material': choice(['metal'])
- })
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- return parameters, leg_style
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=2, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_assemble_chair, apply=True, input_kwargs=self.params)
- tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
- obj.rotation_euler.z += np.pi / 2
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- return obj
- def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- if self.scratch:
- self.scratch.apply(assets)
- if self.edge_wear:
- self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/seats/curvy_seats.py b/infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/seats/curvy_seats.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 128d5d1ff..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/seats/curvy_seats.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.tables.table_utils import nodegroup_bent
-from infinigen.assets.table_decorations.utils import nodegroup_lofting, nodegroup_warp_around_curve
-# TODO: set material automatically
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('generate_curvy_seats', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def generate_curvy_seats(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'U Resolution', 256),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'V Resolution', 128),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Thickness', 0.0300),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Front Relative Width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Front Bent', -0.3800),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Seat Bent', -0.5600),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Mid Relative Width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Mid Bent', -0.7000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Back Relative Width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Back Bent', -0.2000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Top Relative Width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Top Bent', -0.2000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Seat Height', 0.6000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Mid Pos', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'SeatMaterial', None)])
- curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["U Resolution"], 'Radius': 0.5000})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Width"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 'Z': 1.0000})
- transform_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"], 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.5000), 'Scale': combine_xyz})
- bent = nw.new_node(nodegroup_bent().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry_1, 'Amount': group_input.outputs["Seat Bent"]})
- curve_circle_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["U Resolution"], 'Radius': 0.5000})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: group_input.outputs["Mid Relative Width"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply, 'Y': group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 'Z': 1.0000})
- transform_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle_2.outputs["Curve"], 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000), 'Scale': combine_xyz_2})
- bent_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_bent().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry_2, 'Amount': group_input.outputs["Mid Bent"]})
- curve_circle_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["U Resolution"], 'Radius': 0.5000})
- transform_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle_3.outputs["Curve"], 'Scale': (0.0000, 0.0050, 1.0000)})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["U Resolution"], 'Radius': 0.5000})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: group_input.outputs["Front Relative Width"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_1, 'Y': 0.0050, 'Z': 1.0000})
- transform_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0600), 'Scale': combine_xyz_1})
- bent_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_bent().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry, 'Amount': group_input.outputs["Front Bent"]})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [bent_1, bent, bent_2, transform_geometry_3]})
- curve_circle_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["U Resolution"], 'Radius': 0.5000})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: group_input.outputs["Back Relative Width"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_2, 'Y': group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 'Z': 1.0000})
- transform_geometry_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle_4.outputs["Curve"], 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.5000), 'Scale': combine_xyz_3})
- bent_3 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_bent().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry_4, 'Amount': group_input.outputs["Back Bent"]})
- curve_circle_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["U Resolution"], 'Radius': 0.5000})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: group_input.outputs["Top Relative Width"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_3, 'Y': 0.0050, 'Z': 1.0000})
- transform_geometry_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle_5.outputs["Curve"], 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 2.0200), 'Scale': combine_xyz_4})
- bent_4 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_bent().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry_5, 'Amount': group_input.outputs["Top Bent"]})
- curve_circle_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["U Resolution"], 'Radius': 0.5000})
- transform_geometry_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle_6.outputs["Curve"], 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 2.1000), 'Scale': (0.0000, 0.0050, 1.0000)})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_geometry_6, bent_4, bent_3]})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [join_geometry_2, join_geometry]})
- lofting_001 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_lofting().name,
- input_kwargs={'Profile Curves': join_geometry_1, 'U Resolution': group_input.outputs["U Resolution"], 'V Resolution': group_input.outputs["V Resolution"]})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_4, 'Z': 0.0300})
- combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': group_input.outputs["Mid Pos"], 'Z': -0.0500})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_5, 'Z': group_input.outputs["Seat Height"]})
- bezier_segment = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveBezierSegment,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 128, 'Start': combine_xyz_6, 'Start Handle': combine_xyz_7, 'End Handle': (0.0000, 0.1000, 0.1000), 'End': combine_xyz_5})
- warparoundcurvealt = nw.new_node(nodegroup_warp_around_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': lofting_001.outputs["Geometry"], 'Curve': bezier_segment})
- # material_func =np.random.choice([plastic.shader_rough_plastic, metal.get_shader(), wood_new.shader_wood, leather.shader_leather])
- warparoundcurvealt = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': warparoundcurvealt, 'Material': group_input.outputs["SeatMaterial"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': warparoundcurvealt}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/seats/round_seats.py b/infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/seats/round_seats.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 99959d77f..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/seats/round_seats.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.tables.table_top import nodegroup_capped_cylinder
-from infinigen.assets.materials.leather_and_fabrics.leather import shader_leather
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('generate_round_seats', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def generate_round_seats(nw: NodeWrangler, thickness=None, radius=None, cap_radius=None, bevel_factor=None, seat_material=None):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- if thickness is None:
- thickness = uniform(0.05, 0.12)
- if radius is None:
- radius = uniform(0.35, 0.45)
- if cap_radius is None:
- cap_radius = uniform(2.0, 3.2)
- if bevel_factor is None:
- bevel_factor = uniform(0.01, 0.04)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: thickness, 1: 1.0}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: bevel_factor, 1: thickness}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- cappedcylinder = nw.new_node(nodegroup_capped_cylinder().name,
- input_kwargs={'Thickness': multiply, 'Radius': radius, 'Cap Flatness': cap_radius, 'Fillet Radius Vertical': divide, 'Cap Relative Scale': 0.0140, 'Cap Relative Z Offset': -0.0020, 'Resolution': 128})
- seat = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cappedcylinder, 'Material': seat_material})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': seat}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/seating/sofa.py b/infinigen/assets/seating/sofa.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f33fb326..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/seating/sofa.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,743 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick, Stamatis Alexandropolous, Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import random
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint, choice
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform, clip_gaussian
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_array_fill_line', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_array_fill_line(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Line Start', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Line End', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Instance Dimensions', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Count', 10),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Instance', None)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Instance Dimensions"], 1: (0.0000, -0.5000, 0.0000)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Line End"], 1: multiply.outputs["Vector"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Line Start"], 1: multiply.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- mesh_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshLine,
- input_kwargs={'Count': group_input.outputs["Count"], 'Start Location': add.outputs["Vector"], 'Offset': subtract.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'mode': 'END_POINTS'})
- instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': mesh_line, 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Instance"]})
- realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': instance_on_points_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances_1}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_corner_cube', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_corner_cube(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Location', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'CenteringLoc', (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Dimensions', (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'SupportingEdgeFac', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Vertices X', 4),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Vertices Y', 4),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Vertices Z', 4)])
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': group_input.outputs["Dimensions"], 'Vertices X': group_input.outputs["Vertices X"], 'Vertices Y': group_input.outputs["Vertices Y"], 'Vertices Z': group_input.outputs["Vertices Z"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["CenteringLoc"], 9: (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000), 10: (-0.5000, -0.5000, -0.5000)},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Vector"], 1: group_input.outputs["Dimensions"], 2: group_input.outputs["Location"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- transform_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': multiply_add.outputs["Vector"]})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry, 'Name': 'UVMap', 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_sofa_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_sofa_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Dimensions', (0.0000, 0.9000, 2.5000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Arm Dimensions', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Back Dimensions', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Seat Dimensions', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Foot Dimensions', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Baseboard Height', 0.1300),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Backrest Width', 0.1100),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Seat Margin', 0.9700),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Backrest Angle', -0.2000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'arm_width', 0.7000),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Arm Type', 0),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'Arm_height', 0.7318),
- ('NodeSocketFloatAngle', 'arms_angle', 0.8727),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Footrest', False),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Count', 4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scaling footrest', 1.5000),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Reflection', 0),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'leg_type', False),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'leg_dimensions', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'leg_z', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'leg_faces', 20),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Subdivide', True)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Dimensions"], 1: (0.0000, 0.5000, 0.0000)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Arm Dimensions"]})
- arm_cube = nw.new_node(nodegroup_corner_cube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Location': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'CenteringLoc': (0.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000), 'Dimensions': reroute, 'Vertices Z': 10},
- label='ArmCube')
- reroute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': arm_cube})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': reroute})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: -0.1000, 2: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"], 3: -0.1000, 4: 0.2000})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Factor': group_input.outputs["arm_width"], 'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0092, 0.7688), (0.1011, 0.5937), (0.1494, 0.4062), (0.3954, 0.0781), (1.0000, 0.2187)])
- separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply.outputs["Vector"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: subtract}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz_14 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz_14.outputs["X"], 1: -1.0000, 2: 0.6000, 3: 2.1000, 4: -1.1000})
- float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Factor': group_input.outputs["Arm_height"], 'Value': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0], [(0.1341, 0.2094), (0.7386, 1.0000), (0.9682, 0.0781), (1.0000, 0.0000)])
- separate_xyz_15 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': (-2.9000, 3.3000, 0.0000)})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_14.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_15.outputs["Z"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: float_curve_1, 1: subtract_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_1, 'Z': multiply_2})
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz, 'Axis': (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 'Angle': group_input.outputs["arms_angle"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': reroute_1, 'Offset': vector_rotate})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Dimensions"], 1: (0.0000, 0.5000, 0.0000)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- separate_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Arm Dimensions"]})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_3.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_3.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz_3.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz_3.outputs["Y"], 'Z': subtract_2})
- reroute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': combine_xyz_1})
- arm_cube_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_corner_cube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Location': multiply_3.outputs["Vector"], 'CenteringLoc': (0.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000), 'Dimensions': reroute_2},
- label='ArmCube')
- separate_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': reroute_2})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_4.outputs["X"], 1: 1.0001}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- reroute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': multiply_4})
- arm_cylinder = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder',
- input_kwargs={'Side Segments': 4, 'Radius': separate_xyz_4.outputs["Y"], 'Depth': reroute_3},
- attrs={'fill_type': 'TRIANGLE_FAN'})
- arm_cylinder = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': arm_cylinder.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'UVMap', 3: arm_cylinder.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_3, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- separate_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply_3.outputs["Vector"]})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': divide, 'Y': separate_xyz_5.outputs["Y"], 'Z': separate_xyz_4.outputs["Z"]})
- arm_cylinder = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': arm_cylinder, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000)})
- roundtop = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [arm_cube_1, arm_cylinder]})
- square_or_round = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Switch': nw.compare('EQUAL', group_input.outputs['Arm Type'], ARM_TYPE_SQUARE),
- 'False': roundtop,
- 'True': arm_cube_1,
- }
- )
- angular_or_squareround = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Switch': nw.compare('EQUAL', group_input.outputs['Arm Type'], ARM_TYPE_ANGULAR),
- 'False': square_or_round,
- 'True': set_position
- }
- )
- transform_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': angular_or_squareround, 'Scale': (1.0000, -1.0000, 1.0000)})
- flip_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.FlipFaces, input_kwargs={'Mesh': transform_geometry_1})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [flip_faces, angular_or_squareround]})
- separate_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Back Dimensions"]})
- separate_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Arm Dimensions"]})
- separate_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Dimensions"]})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_7.outputs["Y"], 1: -2.0000, 2: separate_xyz_8.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz_6.outputs["X"], 'Y': multiply_add, 'Z': separate_xyz_6.outputs["Z"]})
- back_board = nw.new_node(nodegroup_corner_cube().name,
- input_kwargs={'CenteringLoc': (0.0000, 0.5000, -1.0000), 'Dimensions': combine_xyz_3, 'Vertices X': 2, 'Vertices Y': 2, 'Vertices Z': 2},
- label='BackBoard')
- join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [join_geometry_2, back_board]})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_3, 1: (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Arm Dimensions"], 1: (0.0000, -2.0000, 0.0000), 2: group_input.outputs["Dimensions"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- multiply_add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Back Dimensions"], 1: (-1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 2: multiply_add_1.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- separate_xyz_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply_add_2.outputs["Vector"]})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz_9.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz_9.outputs["Y"], 'Z': group_input.outputs["Baseboard Height"]})
- base_board = nw.new_node(nodegroup_corner_cube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Location': multiply_5.outputs["Vector"], 'CenteringLoc': (0.0000, 0.5000, -1.0000), 'Dimensions': combine_xyz_4, 'Vertices X': 2, 'Vertices Y': 2, 'Vertices Z': 2},
- label='BaseBoard')
- reroute_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Count"]})
- equal = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={2: reroute_13, 3: 4}, attrs={'operation': 'EQUAL', 'data_type': 'INT'})
- reroute_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': separate_xyz_9.outputs["Y"]})
- separate_xyz_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Seat Dimensions"]})
- divide_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_5, 1: separate_xyz_10.outputs["Y"]}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- ceil = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide_1}, attrs={'operation': 'CEIL'})
- combine_xyz_14 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': 1.0000, 'Y': ceil, 'Z': 1.0000})
- divide_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_4, 1: combine_xyz_14}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- reroute_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': divide_2.outputs["Vector"]})
- base_board_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_corner_cube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Location': multiply_5.outputs["Vector"], 'CenteringLoc': (0.0000, 0.5000, -1.0000), 'Dimensions': reroute_12, 'Vertices X': 2, 'Vertices Y': 2, 'Vertices Z': 2},
- label='BaseBoard')
- equal_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: 4.0000, 2: reroute_13, 3: 4},
- attrs={'operation': 'EQUAL', 'data_type': 'INT'})
- switch_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: equal_1, 8: divide_2.outputs["Vector"], 9: combine_xyz_4},
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'})
- separate_xyz_16 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': switch_8.outputs[3]})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_16.outputs["Y"], 1: 0.7000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- grid_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshGrid, input_kwargs={'Size Y': multiply_6, 'Vertices X': 1, 'Vertices Y': 2})
- combine_xyz_18 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': 0.1000, 'Y': separate_xyz_16.outputs["Y"], 'Z': separate_xyz_16.outputs["Z"]})
- subtract_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: switch_8.outputs[3], 1: combine_xyz_18},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Back Dimensions"], 1: (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: subtract_3.outputs["Vector"], 1: multiply_7.outputs["Vector"]})
- transform_geometry_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': grid_1.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': add.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': (1.0000, 1.0000, 0.9000)})
- cone = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCone',
- input_kwargs={'Vertices': group_input.outputs["leg_faces"], 'Side Segments': 4, 'Radius Top': 0.0100, 'Radius Bottom': 0.0250, 'Depth': 0.0700})
- reroute_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["leg_dimensions"]})
- combine_xyz_17 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': reroute_9, 'Y': reroute_9, 'Z': group_input.outputs["leg_z"]})
- transform_geometry_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cone.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0100), 'Rotation': (0.0000, 3.1416, 0.0000), 'Scale': combine_xyz_17})
- foot_cube = nw.new_node(nodegroup_corner_cube().name,
- input_kwargs={'CenteringLoc': (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.9000), 'Dimensions': group_input.outputs["Foot Dimensions"]},
- label='FootCube')
- transform_geometry_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': foot_cube, 'Scale': (0.5000, 0.8000, 0.8000)})
- switch_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["leg_type"], 14: transform_geometry_9, 15: transform_geometry_12})
- transform_geometry_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': switch_6.outputs[6]})
- instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': transform_geometry_10, 'Instance': transform_geometry_8, 'Scale': (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.2000)})
- realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': instance_on_points_1})
- join_geometry_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [base_board_1, realize_instances_1]})
- subtract_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_14, 1: (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_4.outputs["Vector"], 1: (0.0000, 0.5000, 0.0000)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: divide_2.outputs["Vector"], 1: multiply_8.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_16 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': 1.0000, 'Y': group_input.outputs["Reflection"], 'Z': 1.0000})
- multiply_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_9.outputs["Vector"], 1: combine_xyz_16},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Scaling footrest"], 'Y': 1.0000, 'Z': 1.0000})
- transform_geometry_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_10, 'Translation': multiply_10.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': combine_xyz_12})
- switch_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Footrest"], 15: transform_geometry_5})
- combine_xyz_19 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Scaling footrest"], 'Y': 1.3000, 'Z': 1.0000})
- transform_geometry_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances_1, 'Scale': combine_xyz_19})
- base_board_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_corner_cube().name,
- input_kwargs={'Location': multiply_5.outputs["Vector"], 'CenteringLoc': (0.0000, 0.5000, -1.0000), 'Dimensions': combine_xyz_4, 'Vertices X': 3, 'Vertices Y': 3, 'Vertices Z': 3},
- label='BaseBoard')
- combine_xyz_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Scaling footrest"], 'Y': 1.0000, 'Z': 1.0000})
- transform_geometry_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': base_board_2, 'Scale': combine_xyz_13})
- join_geometry_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_geometry_11, transform_geometry_6]})
- switch_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Footrest"], 15: join_geometry_11})
- switch_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: equal, 14: switch_2.outputs[6], 15: switch_4.outputs[6]})
- join_geometry_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [join_geometry_3, base_board, switch_5.outputs[6]]})
- grid = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshGrid, input_kwargs={'Vertices X': 2, 'Vertices Y': 2})
- multiply_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Dimensions"], 1: (0.5000, 0.0000, 0.0000)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Dimensions"], 1: (1.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Foot Dimensions"], 1: (2.5000, 2.5000, 0.0000)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_12.outputs["Vector"], 1: multiply_13.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- transform_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': grid.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': multiply_11.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': subtract_5.outputs["Vector"]})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': transform_geometry_2, 'Instance': transform_geometry_8})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': instance_on_points})
- join_geometry_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [join_geometry_4, realize_instances]})
- reroute_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Count"]})
- equal_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={1: 4.0000, 2: reroute_10, 3: 4},
- attrs={'operation': 'EQUAL', 'data_type': 'INT'})
- reroute_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': combine_xyz_4})
- multiply_14 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute_4, 1: (0.0000, -0.5000, 1.0000)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_15 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute_4, 1: (0.0000, 0.5000, 1.0000)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- equal_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={1: 4.0000, 2: reroute_10, 3: 4},
- attrs={'operation': 'EQUAL', 'data_type': 'INT'})
- reroute_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Reflection"]})
- switch_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={0: equal_3, 4: reroute_11, 5: 1}, attrs={'input_type': 'INT'})
- combine_xyz_15 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': 1.0000, 'Y': switch_7.outputs[1], 'Z': 1.1000})
- multiply_16 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_15.outputs["Vector"], 1: combine_xyz_15},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- divide_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_5, 1: ceil}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz_10.outputs["X"], 'Y': divide_3, 'Z': separate_xyz_10.outputs["Z"]})
- reroute_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': combine_xyz_5})
- multiply_17 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: reroute_6, 1: combine_xyz_15}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_18 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz_5, 1: (1.0000, 1.0300, 1.0000)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- seat_cushion = nw.new_node(nodegroup_corner_cube().name,
- input_kwargs={'CenteringLoc': (0.0000, 0.5000, 0.0000), 'Dimensions': multiply_18.outputs["Vector"], 'Vertices X': 2, 'Vertices Y': 2, 'Vertices Z': 2},
- label='SeatCushion')
- upwards_part = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={'A': nw.new_node(Nodes.Index), 'B': 2}, attrs={'data_type': 'INT', 'operation': 'EQUAL'})
- seat_cushion = tagging.tag_nodegroup(nw, seat_cushion, t.Subpart.SupportSurface, selection=upwards_part)
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- equal_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={2: index, 3: 1}, attrs={'operation': 'EQUAL', 'data_type': 'INT'})
- store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': seat_cushion, 'Selection': equal_4, 'Name': 'TAG_support', 6: True},
- attrs={'data_type': 'BOOLEAN', 'domain': 'FACE'})
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 1.0000
- store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_1, 'Selection': value, 'Name': 'TAG_cushion', 6: True},
- attrs={'data_type': 'BOOLEAN', 'domain': 'FACE'})
- combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Seat Margin"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Seat Margin"], 'Z': 1.0000})
- transform_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_2, 'Scale': combine_xyz_6})
- combine_xyz_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Scaling footrest"], 'Y': 1.0000, 'Z': 1.1000})
- transform_geometry_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry_3, 'Scale': combine_xyz_11})
- nodegroup_array_fill_line_002 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_array_fill_line().name,
- input_kwargs={'Line Start': multiply_14.outputs["Vector"], 'Line End': multiply_16.outputs["Vector"], 'Instance Dimensions': multiply_17.outputs["Vector"], 'Count': reroute_10, 'Instance': transform_geometry_7})
- separate_xyz_17 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply_16.outputs["Vector"]})
- combine_xyz_21 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': separate_xyz_17.outputs["Z"]})
- reroute_14 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': ceil})
- combine_xyz_20 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': 1.0000, 'Y': reroute_14, 'Z': 1.0000})
- transform_geometry_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry_7, 'Scale': combine_xyz_20})
- nodegroup_array_fill_line_002_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_array_fill_line().name,
- input_kwargs={'Line End': combine_xyz_21, 'Count': 1, 'Instance': transform_geometry_13})
- switch_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: equal_2, 14: nodegroup_array_fill_line_002, 15: nodegroup_array_fill_line_002_1})
- switch_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Footrest"], 15: switch_9.outputs[6]})
- nodegroup_array_fill_line_002_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_array_fill_line().name,
- input_kwargs={'Line Start': multiply_14.outputs["Vector"], 'Line End': multiply_15.outputs["Vector"], 'Instance Dimensions': reroute_6, 'Count': reroute_14, 'Instance': transform_geometry_3})
- join_geometry_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [switch_3.outputs[6], nodegroup_array_fill_line_002_2]})
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': join_geometry_9, 'Level': 2})
- separate_xyz_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Seat Dimensions"]})
- combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Backrest Width"], 'Z': separate_xyz_11.outputs["Z"]})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: multiply_14.outputs["Vector"], 1: combine_xyz_7})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: multiply_15.outputs["Vector"], 1: combine_xyz_7})
- separate_xyz_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Dimensions"]})
- subtract_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_12.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_11.outputs["Z"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- subtract_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_6, 1: group_input.outputs["Baseboard Height"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': subtract_7, 'Y': divide_3, 'Z': group_input.outputs["Backrest Width"]})
- seat_cushion_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_corner_cube().name,
- input_kwargs={'CenteringLoc': (0.1000, 0.5000, 1.0000), 'Dimensions': combine_xyz_8, 'Vertices X': 2, 'Vertices Y': 2, 'Vertices Z': 2},
- label='SeatCushion')
- extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': seat_cushion_1, 'Offset Scale': 0.0300})
- scale_elements = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleElements,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"], 'Selection': extrude_mesh.outputs["Top"], 'Scale': 0.6000})
- subdivision_surface_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={'Mesh': scale_elements})
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- store_named_attribute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivision_surface_1, 'Name': 'UVMap', 3: random_value.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- multiply_19 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Backrest Width"], 1: -1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- separate_xyz_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Back Dimensions"]})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_13.outputs["X"], 1: 0.1000})
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_19, 1: add_3})
- combine_xyz_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_4})
- add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Backrest Angle"], 1: -1.5708})
- combine_xyz_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': add_5})
- transform_geometry_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_3, 'Translation': combine_xyz_9, 'Rotation': combine_xyz_10, 'Scale': combine_xyz_6})
- nodegroup_array_fill_line_003 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_array_fill_line().name,
- input_kwargs={'Line Start': add_1.outputs["Vector"], 'Line End': add_2.outputs["Vector"], 'Instance Dimensions': reroute_6, 'Count': ceil, 'Instance': transform_geometry_4})
- join_geometry_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [subdivide_mesh, nodegroup_array_fill_line_003]})
- join_geometry_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [join_geometry_5, realize_instances, join_geometry_6]})
- subdivide_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': join_geometry_5, 'Level': 2})
- join_geometry_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [subdivide_mesh_1, realize_instances, join_geometry_6]})
- subdivision_surface_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={'Mesh': join_geometry_8, 'Level': 1})
- switch_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: True, 14: join_geometry_7, 15: subdivision_surface_2})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={
- 1: group_input.outputs['Subdivide'],
- 14: join_geometry_7,
- 15: subdivision_surface_2
- })
- bounding_box = nw.new_node(nodegroup_corner_cube().name,
- input_kwargs={'CenteringLoc': (0.0000, 0.5000, -1.0000), 'Dimensions': group_input.outputs["Dimensions"], 'Vertices X': 2, 'Vertices Y': 2, 'Vertices Z': 2},
- label='BoundingBox')
- reroute_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': bounding_box})
- reroute_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': reroute_7})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': switch_1.outputs[6], 'BoundingBox': reroute_8},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def sofa_parameter_distribution(dimensions=None):
- if dimensions is None:
- dimensions = (
- uniform(0.95, 1.1),
- clip_gaussian(1.75, 0.75, 0.9, 3),
- uniform(0.69, 0.97)
- )
- return {
- 'Dimensions': dimensions,
- 'Arm Dimensions': (
- uniform(1, 1),
- uniform(0.06, 0.15),
- uniform(0.5, 0.75),
- ),
- 'Back Dimensions': (
- uniform(0.15, 0.25),
- 0.0000,
- uniform(0.5, 0.75)
- ),
- 'Seat Dimensions': (
- dimensions[0],
- uniform(0.7, 1),
- uniform(0.15, 0.3)
- ),
- 'Foot Dimensions': (
- uniform(0.07, 0.25),
- 0.06,
- 0.06
- ),
- 'Baseboard Height': uniform(0.05, 0.09),
- 'Backrest Width': uniform(0.1, 0.2),
- 'Seat Margin': uniform(0.9700, 1),
- 'Backrest Angle': uniform(-0.15, -0.5),
- 'Arm Type': np.random.choice(
- p=[0.4, 0.2, 0.4]
- ),
- 'arm_width': uniform(0.6, 0.9),
- 'Arm_height': uniform(0.7,1.0),
- 'arms_angle': uniform(0.0, 1.08),
- 'Footrest': True if uniform() > 0.5 and dimensions[1] > 2 else False,
- 'Count': 1 if uniform()>0.2 else 4,
- 'Scaling footrest': uniform(1.3, 1.6),
- 'Reflection':1 if uniform()>0.5 else -1,
- 'leg_type': True if uniform()>0.5 else False,
- 'leg_dimensions': uniform(0.4,0.9),
- 'leg_z':uniform(1.1, 2.5),
- 'leg_faces':uniform(4,25)
- }
-class SofaFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed):
- from infinigen.assets.clothes import blanket
- super().__init__(factory_seed)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.params = sofa_parameter_distribution()
- #from infinigen.assets.scatters.clothes import ClothesCover
- #self.clothes_scatter = ClothesCover(factory_fn=blanket.BlanketFactory, width=log_uniform(1, 1.5),
- # size=uniform(.8, 1.2)) if uniform() < .3 else NoApply()
- materials = AssetList['SofaFactory']()
- self.sofa_fabric = materials['sofa_fabric'].assign_material()
- def create_placeholder(self, **_):
- obj = butil.spawn_vert()
- butil.modify_mesh(
- obj,
- 'NODES',
- node_group=nodegroup_sofa_geometry(),
- ng_inputs={**self.params, },
- apply=True
- )
- tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
- surface.add_material(obj, self.sofa_fabric)
- return obj
- def create_asset(self, i, placeholder, face_size, **_):
- hipoly = butil.copy(placeholder, keep_materials=True)
- butil.modify_mesh(hipoly, 'SUBSURF', levels=1, apply=True)
- with butil.SelectObjects(hipoly):
- bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth()
- return hipoly
-class ArmChairFactory(SofaFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed):
- super().__init__(factory_seed)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- dimensions = (
- uniform(0.8, 1),
- uniform(0.9, 1.1),
- uniform(0.69, 0.97)
- )
- self.params = sofa_parameter_distribution(dimensions=dimensions)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/shelves/cabinet.py b/infinigen/assets/shelves/cabinet.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 517816530..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/shelves/cabinet.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1003 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-import bpy
-from infinigen.assets.shelves.utils import nodegroup_tagged_cube, blender_rotate
-from infinigen.assets.shelves.large_shelf import LargeShelfBaseFactory, LargeShelfFactory, LargeShelfIkeaFactory
-from infinigen.assets.materials.shelf_shaders import get_shelf_material
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_node_group', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_node_group(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': (0.0120, 0.00060, 0.0400)})
- cylinder = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder',
- input_kwargs={'Vertices': 64, 'Radius': 0.0100, 'Depth': 0.00050})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Translation': (0.0050, 0.0000, 0.0000),
- 'Rotation': (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000)
- })
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': (0.0200, 0.0006, 0.0120)})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_1, 'Translation': (0.0080, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [cube, transform, transform_1]})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'attach_height', 0.1000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'door_width', 0.5000)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["door_width"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 0.0181}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': subtract, 'Z': group_input.outputs["attach_height"]})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_2},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_knob_handle', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_knob_handle(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius', 0.0100),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness_1', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness_2', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'length', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'knob_mid_height', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'edge_width', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'door_width', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness_2"], 1: group_input.outputs["thickness_1"]
- })
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: group_input.outputs["length"]})
- cylinder = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder',
- input_kwargs={'Vertices': 64, 'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"], 'Depth': add_1
- })
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={
- 0: group_input.outputs["door_width"],
- 1: group_input.outputs["edge_width"]
- }, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: -0.005})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={
- 'X': add_2,
- 'Y': multiply_1,
- 'Z': group_input.outputs["knob_mid_height"]
- })
- transform_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Translation': combine_xyz_6,
- 'Rotation': (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000)
- })
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_6},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_mid_board', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_mid_board(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'height', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: -0.0001})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"], 1: 0.0000})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_k = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: 0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_k = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_k, 1: 0.004})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: -0.0001})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': add_1, 'Z': add_2})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_3, 'Vertices X': 5, 'Vertices Y': 5, 'Vertices Z': 5})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': add_k, 'Z': multiply_1})
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_4})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_4, 'Material': kwargs['material'][0]})
- combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': add_1, 'Z': add_2})
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_7, 'Vertices X': 5, 'Vertices Y': 5, 'Vertices Z': 5
- })
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 1.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': add_k, 'Z': multiply_2})
- transform_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz_8})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_7, 'Material': kwargs['material'][1]})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material, set_material_1]})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances, 'mid_height': multiply},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_mid_board_001', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_mid_board_001(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'height', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: -0.0001})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"], 1: 0.0000})
- multiply_k = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: 0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_k = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_k, 1: 0.004})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: -0.0001})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': add_1, 'Z': add_2})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_3, 'Vertices X': 5, 'Vertices Y': 5, 'Vertices Z': 5})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': add_k, 'Z': multiply_1})
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_4})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_4, 'Material': kwargs['material'][0]})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances, 'mid_height': multiply},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_double_rampled_edge', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_double_rampled_edge(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'height', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness_2', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness_1', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'ramp_angle', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': add})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'End': combine_xyz_10})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': 3, 'Radius': 0.0100})
- endpoint_selection = nw.new_node(Nodes.EndpointSelection, input_kwargs={'End Size': 0})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["ramp_angle"], 1: 0.0000})
- tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2}, attrs={'operation': 'TANGENT'})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness_2"], 1: 0.0000})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: tangent, 1: add_3}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 2.0000, 1: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: multiply_1}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: -1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness_1"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_3, 'Y': add_4})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Selection': endpoint_selection,
- 'Position': combine_xyz_7
- })
- endpoint_selection_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.EndpointSelection, input_kwargs={'Start Size': 0})
- add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: add_3})
- combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_3, 'Y': add_5})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': set_position,
- 'Selection': endpoint_selection_1,
- 'Position': combine_xyz_8
- })
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 1.0100}, attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 0.9900},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- op_and = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: greater_than})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: -1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_5, 'Y': add_4})
- set_position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': set_position_1,
- 'Selection': op_and,
- 'Position': combine_xyz_9
- })
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={
- 'Curve': curve_line,
- 'Profile Curve': set_position_2,
- 'Fill Caps': True
- })
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_1, 'Y': add_4, 'Z': add})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_6})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': subtract, 'Y': add_3, 'Z': add})
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_1})
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: multiply_7})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': add_6})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz_3})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform, transform_1]})
- multiply_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_8})
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Translation': combine_xyz_11})
- combine_xyz_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': add})
- curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'End': combine_xyz_12})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_2, 'Scale': (-1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)})
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={
- 'Curve': curve_line_1,
- 'Profile Curve': transform_2,
- 'Fill Caps': True
- })
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [curve_to_mesh, transform_4, curve_to_mesh_1]})
- merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Distance': 0.0001})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': merge_by_distance})
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': realize_instances, 'Level': 4})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_ramped_edge', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_ramped_edge(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'height', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness_2', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness_1', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'ramp_angle', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': add})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'End': combine_xyz_10})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': 3, 'Radius': 0.0100})
- endpoint_selection = nw.new_node(Nodes.EndpointSelection, input_kwargs={'End Size': 0})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: 0.0000})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["ramp_angle"], 1: 0.0000})
- tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2}, attrs={'operation': 'TANGENT'})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness_2"], 1: 0.0000})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: tangent, 1: add_3}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: multiply_1}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: subtract},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness_1"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': subtract_1, 'Y': add_4})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Selection': endpoint_selection,
- 'Position': combine_xyz_7
- })
- endpoint_selection_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.EndpointSelection, input_kwargs={'Start Size': 0})
- add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: add_3})
- combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': subtract_1, 'Y': add_5})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': set_position,
- 'Selection': endpoint_selection_1,
- 'Position': combine_xyz_8
- })
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 1.0100}, attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 0.9900},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- op_and = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: greater_than})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: -1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_2, 'Y': add_4})
- set_position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': set_position_1,
- 'Selection': op_and,
- 'Position': combine_xyz_9
- })
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={
- 'Curve': curve_line,
- 'Profile Curve': set_position_2,
- 'Fill Caps': True
- })
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_1, 'Y': add_4, 'Z': add})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_3})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': subtract, 'Y': add_3, 'Z': add})
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_1})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: multiply_5})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_4, 'Y': add_6})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz_3})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform, transform_1]})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_6})
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Translation': combine_xyz_11})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [curve_to_mesh, transform_4]})
- merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Distance': 0.0001})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': merge_by_distance})
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': realize_instances, 'Level': 4})
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_7})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh, 'Translation': combine_xyz_4})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_2},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_panel_edge_frame', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_panel_edge_frame(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'vertical_edge', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'door_width', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'door_height', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'horizontal_edge', None)])
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["door_width"], 2: 0.0010},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_add, 1: -1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- transform_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': group_input.outputs["horizontal_edge"],
- 'Translation': (0.0000, -0.0001, 0.0000),
- 'Scale': (0.9999, 1.0000, 1.0000)
- })
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_add, 1: 1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: -0.0001})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["door_height"], 1: 0.0001})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Z': add_1})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': transform_7,
- 'Translation': combine_xyz_2,
- 'Rotation': (0.0000, -1.5708, 0.0000)
- })
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 0.0001})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_2})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': transform_7,
- 'Translation': combine_xyz_1,
- 'Rotation': (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000)
- })
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_add})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': group_input.outputs["vertical_edge"],
- 'Translation': combine_xyz
- })
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Scale': (-1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_3, transform_2, transform_1, transform]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Value': multiply, 'Geometry': join_geometry_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def geometry_door_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- door_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='door_height')
- door_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['door_height']
- door_edge_thickness_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='door_edge_thickness_2')
- door_edge_thickness_2.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['edge_thickness_2']
- door_edge_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='door_edge_width')
- door_edge_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['edge_width']
- door_edge_thickness_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='door_edge_thickness_1')
- door_edge_thickness_1.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['edge_thickness_1']
- door_edge_ramp_angle = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='door_edge_ramp_angle')
- door_edge_ramp_angle.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['edge_ramp_angle']
- ramped_edge = nw.new_node(nodegroup_ramped_edge().name, input_kwargs={
- 'height': door_height,
- 'thickness_2': door_edge_thickness_2,
- 'width': door_edge_width,
- 'thickness_1': door_edge_thickness_1,
- 'ramp_angle': door_edge_ramp_angle
- })
- door_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='door_width')
- door_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['door_width']
- ramped_edge_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_ramped_edge().name, input_kwargs={
- 'height': door_width,
- 'thickness_2': door_edge_thickness_2,
- 'width': door_edge_width,
- 'thickness_1': door_edge_thickness_1,
- 'ramp_angle': door_edge_ramp_angle
- })
- panel_edge_frame = nw.new_node(nodegroup_panel_edge_frame().name, input_kwargs={
- 'vertical_edge': ramped_edge,
- 'door_width': door_width,
- 'door_height': door_height,
- 'horizontal_edge': ramped_edge_1
- })
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: panel_edge_frame.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0001})
- mid_board_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='mid_board_thickness')
- mid_board_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['board_thickness']
- if kwargs['has_mid_ramp']:
- mid_board = nw.new_node(nodegroup_mid_board(material=kwargs['board_material']).name, input_kwargs={
- 'height': door_height,
- 'thickness': mid_board_thickness,
- 'width': door_width
- })
- else:
- mid_board = nw.new_node(nodegroup_mid_board_001(material=kwargs['board_material']).name, input_kwargs={
- 'height': door_height,
- 'thickness': mid_board_thickness,
- 'width': door_width
- })
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': -0.0001, 'Z': mid_board.outputs["mid_height"]})
- frame = [panel_edge_frame.outputs["Geometry"]]
- if kwargs['has_mid_ramp']:
- double_rampled_edge = nw.new_node(nodegroup_double_rampled_edge().name, input_kwargs={
- 'height': door_width,
- 'thickness_2': door_edge_thickness_2,
- 'width': door_edge_width,
- 'thickness_1': door_edge_thickness_1,
- 'ramp_angle': door_edge_ramp_angle
- })
- transform_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': double_rampled_edge,
- 'Translation': combine_xyz_5,
- 'Rotation': (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000)
- })
- frame.append(transform_5)
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': frame})
- set_material_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Material': kwargs['frame_material']
- })
- knob_raduis = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='knob_raduis')
- knob_raduis.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['knob_R']
- know_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='know_length')
- know_length.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['knob_length']
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: door_height}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- knob_handle = nw.new_node(nodegroup_knob_handle().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Radius': knob_raduis,
- 'thickness_1': door_edge_thickness_1,
- 'thickness_2': door_edge_thickness_2,
- 'length': know_length,
- 'knob_mid_height': multiply,
- 'edge_width': door_edge_width,
- 'door_width': door_width
- })
- set_material_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': knob_handle, 'Material': kwargs['frame_material']})
- attach_gadgets = []
- for h in kwargs['attach_height']:
- attach_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='attach_height')
- attach_height.outputs[0].default_value = h
- attach = nw.new_node(nodegroup_node_group().name,
- input_kwargs={'attach_height': attach_height, 'door_width': door_width})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': attach, 'Material': get_shelf_material('metal')})
- attach_gadgets.append(set_material_1)
- geos = [set_material_2, set_material_3, mid_board.outputs["Geometry"]] + attach_gadgets
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geos})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: door_width, 1: -0.5000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Translation': combine_xyz})
- realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform})
- triangulate = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeTriangulate', input_kwargs={'Mesh': realize_instances_1})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': triangulate,
- 'Scale': (-1.0 if kwargs['door_left_hinge'] else 1.0, 1.0000, 1.0000)
- })
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_2},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def geometry_cabinet_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- right_door_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={'Object': kwargs['door'][0]})
- left_door_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={'Object': kwargs['door'][1]})
- shelf_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={'Object': kwargs['shelf']})
- doors = []
- transform_r = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': right_door_info.outputs['Geometry'],
- 'Translation': kwargs['door_hinge_pos'][0],
- 'Rotation': (0, 0, kwargs['door_open_angle'])
- })
- doors.append(transform_r)
- if len(kwargs['door_hinge_pos']) > 1:
- transform_l = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': left_door_info.outputs['Geometry'],
- 'Translation': kwargs['door_hinge_pos'][1],
- 'Rotation': (0, 0, kwargs['door_open_angle'])
- })
- doors.append(transform_l)
- attaches = []
- for pos in kwargs['attach_pos']:
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': (0.0006, 0.0200, 0.04500)})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': -0.0100})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz})
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': (0.0005, 0.0340, 0.0200)})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform, cube_1]})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': join_geometry,
- 'Translation': (0.0000, -0.0170, 0.0000)
- })
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708)})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_2, 'Translation': pos})
- attaches.append(transform_3)
- join_geometry_a = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': attaches})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_a, 'Material': get_shelf_material('metal')})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': [shelf_info.outputs['Geometry']] + doors + [set_material]
- })
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-class CabinetDoorBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
- super(CabinetDoorBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.params = {}
- def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
- params = self.params.copy()
- if params.get('door_height', None) is None:
- params['door_height'] = uniform(0.7, 2.2)
- if params.get('door_width', None) is None:
- params['door_width'] = uniform(0.3, 0.4)
- if params.get('edge_thickness_1', None) is None:
- params['edge_thickness_1'] = uniform(0.01, 0.02)
- if params.get('edge_width', None) is None:
- params['edge_width'] = uniform(0.03, 0.05)
- if params.get('edge_thickness_2', None) is None:
- params['edge_thickness_2'] = uniform(0.005, 0.01)
- if params.get('edge_ramp_angle', None) is None:
- params['edge_ramp_angle'] = uniform(0.6, 0.8)
- params['board_thickness'] = params['edge_thickness_1'] - 0.005
- if params.get('knob_R', None) is None:
- params['knob_R'] = uniform(0.003, 0.006)
- if params.get('knob_length', None) is None:
- params['knob_length'] = uniform(0.018, 0.035)
- if params.get('attach_height', None) is None:
- gap = uniform(0.05, 0.15)
- params['attach_height'] = [gap, params['door_height'] - gap]
- if params.get('has_mid_ramp', None) is None:
- params['has_mid_ramp'] = np.random.choice([True, False], p=[0.6, 0.4])
- if params.get('door_left_hinge', None) is None:
- params['door_left_hinge'] = False
- if params.get('frame_material', None) is None:
- params['frame_material'] = np.random.choice(['white', 'black_wood', 'wood'], p=[0.5, 0.2, 0.3])
- if params.get('board_material', None) is None:
- if params['has_mid_ramp']:
- lower_mat = np.random.choice([params['frame_material'], 'glass'], p=[0.7, 0.3])
- upper_mat = np.random.choice([lower_mat, 'glass'], p=[0.6, 0.4])
- params['board_material'] = [lower_mat, upper_mat]
- else:
- params['board_material'] = [params['frame_material']]
- params = self.get_material_func(params)
- return params
- def get_material_func(self, params, randomness=True):
- params['frame_material'] = get_shelf_material(params['frame_material'])
- materials = []
- if not isinstance(params['board_material'], list):
- params['board_material'] = [params['board_material']]
- for mat in params['board_material']:
- materials.append(get_shelf_material(mat))
- params['board_material'] = materials
- return params
- def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0),
- scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- obj_params = self.get_asset_params(i)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_door_nodes, apply=True, attributes=[], input_kwargs=obj_params)
- if params.get('ret_params', False):
- return obj, obj_params
- return obj
-class CabinetDoorIkeaFactory(CabinetDoorBaseFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
- super(CabinetDoorIkeaFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.params = {
- 'edge_thickness_1': 0.012,
- 'edge_thickness_2': 0.008,
- 'board_thickness': 0.006,
- 'edge_width': 0.02,
- 'edge_ramp_angle': 0.5,
- 'knob_R': 0.004,
- 'knob_length': 0.03,
- 'has_mid_ramp': False,
- 'attach_height': 0.08
- }
- def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
- params = self.params.copy()
- if params.get('door_height', None) is None:
- params['door_height'] = uniform(0.7, 2.2)
- if params.get('door_width', None) is None:
- params['door_width'] = uniform(0.3, 0.4)
- if params.get('door_left_hinge', None) is None:
- params['door_left_hinge'] = False
- params['attach_height'] = [params['door_height'] - params['attach_height'], params['attach_height']]
- params = self.get_material_func(params)
- return params
-class CabinetBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
- super(CabinetBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.shelf_params = {}
- self.door_params = {}
- self.mat_params = {}
- self.shelf_fac = LargeShelfBaseFactory(factory_seed)
- self.door_fac = CabinetDoorBaseFactory(factory_seed)
- def sample_params(self):
- # Update fac params
- pass
- def get_material_params(self):
- with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- params = self.mat_params.copy()
- if params.get('frame_material', None) is None:
- params['frame_material'] = np.random.choice(['white', 'black_wood', 'wood'], p=[0.5, 0.2, 0.3])
- return params
- def get_shelf_params(self, i=0):
- params = self.shelf_params.copy()
- if params.get('shelf_cell_width', None) is None:
- params['shelf_cell_width'] = [
- np.random.choice([0.76, 0.36], p=[0.5, 0.5]) * np.clip(normal(1., 0.1), 0.75, 1.25)]
- if params.get('shelf_cell_height', None) is None:
- num_v_cells = randint(3, 7)
- shelf_cell_height = []
- for i in range(num_v_cells):
- shelf_cell_height.append(0.3 * np.clip(normal(1., 0.06), 0.75, 1.25))
- params['shelf_cell_height'] = shelf_cell_height
- if params.get('frame_material', None) is None:
- params['frame_material'] = self.mat_params['frame_material']
- return params
- def get_door_params(self, i=0):
- params = self.door_params.copy()
- # get door params
- shelf_width = self.shelf_params['shelf_width'] + self.shelf_params['side_board_thickness'] * 2
- if params.get('door_width', None) is None:
- if shelf_width < 0.55:
- params['door_width'] = shelf_width
- params['num_door'] = 1
- else:
- params['door_width'] = shelf_width / 2. - 0.0005
- params['num_door'] = 2
- if params.get('door_height', None) is None:
- params['door_height'] = (self.shelf_params['division_board_z_translation'][-1] -
- self.shelf_params['division_board_z_translation'][0] + self.shelf_params[
- 'division_board_thickness'])
- if len(self.shelf_params['division_board_z_translation']) > 5 and np.random.choice([True, False],
- p=[0.5, 0.5]):
- params['door_height'] = (self.shelf_params['division_board_z_translation'][3] -
- self.shelf_params['division_board_z_translation'][0] +
- self.shelf_params['division_board_thickness'])
- if params.get('frame_material', None) is None:
- params['frame_material'] = self.mat_params['frame_material']
- return params
- def get_cabinet_params(self, i=0):
- params = dict()
- shelf_width = self.shelf_params['shelf_width'] + self.shelf_params['side_board_thickness'] * 2
- if self.door_params['num_door'] == 1:
- params['door_hinge_pos'] = [(self.shelf_params['shelf_depth'] / 2. + 0.0025, -shelf_width / 2.,
- self.shelf_params['bottom_board_height'])]
- params['door_open_angle'] = 0
- params['attach_pos'] = [(
- self.shelf_params['shelf_depth'] / 2., -self.shelf_params['shelf_width'] / 2.,
- self.shelf_params['bottom_board_height'] + z) for z in self.door_params['attach_height']]
- elif self.door_params['num_door'] == 2:
- params['door_hinge_pos'] = [(self.shelf_params['shelf_depth'] / 2. + 0.008, -shelf_width / 2.,
- self.shelf_params['bottom_board_height']), (
- self.shelf_params['shelf_depth'] / 2. + 0.008, shelf_width / 2.,
- self.shelf_params['bottom_board_height'])]
- params['door_open_angle'] = 0
- params['attach_pos'] = [(
- self.shelf_params['shelf_depth'] / 2., -self.shelf_params['shelf_width'] / 2.,
- self.shelf_params['bottom_board_height'] + z) for z in self.door_params['attach_height']] + [(
- self.shelf_params['shelf_depth'] / 2., self.shelf_params['shelf_width'] / 2.,
- self.shelf_params['bottom_board_height'] + z) for z in self.door_params['attach_height']]
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- return params
- def get_cabinet_components(self, i):
- # update material params
- self.sample_params()
- self.mat_params = self.get_material_params()
- # create shelf
- shelf_params = self.get_shelf_params(i=i)
- self.shelf_fac.params = shelf_params
- shelf, shelf_params = self.shelf_fac.create_asset(i=i, ret_params=True)
- shelf.name = 'cabinet_frame'
- self.shelf_params = shelf_params
- # create doors
- door_params = self.get_door_params(i=i)
- self.door_fac.params = door_params
- self.door_fac.params['door_left_hinge'] = False
- right_door, door_obj_params = self.door_fac.create_asset(i=i, ret_params=True)
- right_door.name = 'cabinet_right_door'
- self.door_fac.params = door_obj_params
- self.door_fac.params['door_left_hinge'] = True
- left_door, _ = self.door_fac.create_asset(i=i, ret_params=True)
- left_door.name = 'cabinet_left_door'
- self.door_params = door_obj_params
- return shelf, right_door, left_door
- def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0),
- scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- shelf, right_door, left_door = self.get_cabinet_components(i=i)
- # create cabinet
- cabinet_params = self.get_cabinet_params(i=i)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_cabinet_nodes, attributes=[], input_kwargs={
- 'door': [right_door, left_door],
- 'shelf': shelf,
- 'door_hinge_pos': cabinet_params['door_hinge_pos'],
- 'door_open_angle': cabinet_params['door_open_angle'],
- 'attach_pos': cabinet_params['attach_pos']
- })
- butil.delete([shelf, left_door, right_door])
- return obj
-class CabinetFactory(CabinetBaseFactory):
- def sample_params(self):
- params = dict()
- params['Dimensions'] = (uniform(0.25, 0.35), uniform(0.3, 0.7), uniform(0.9, 1.8))
- params['bottom_board_height'] = 0.083
- params['shelf_depth'] = params['Dimensions'][0] - 0.01
- num_h = int((params['Dimensions'][2] - 0.083) / 0.3)
- params['shelf_cell_height'] = [(params['Dimensions'][2] - 0.083) / num_h for _ in range(num_h)]
- params['shelf_cell_width'] = [params['Dimensions'][1]]
- self.shelf_params = self.shelf_fac.sample_params()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/shelves/cell_shelf.py b/infinigen/assets/shelves/cell_shelf.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 781e36496..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/shelves/cell_shelf.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,900 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-import numpy as np
-import bpy
-from infinigen.assets.materials import metal
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil, math as mu
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-from infinigen.assets.shelves.utils import nodegroup_tagged_cube
-from infinigen.assets.materials.shelf_shaders import (
- shader_shelves_white, shader_shelves_white_sampler,
- shader_shelves_black_wood, shader_shelves_black_wood_sampler,
- shader_shelves_wood, shader_shelves_wood_sampler,
- shader_shelves_white_metallic, shader_shelves_white_metallic_sampler,
- shader_shelves_black_metallic, shader_shelves_black_metallic_sampler)
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_bbox
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_screw_head', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_screw_head(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- cylinder = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder', input_kwargs={'Radius': 0.0050, 'Depth': 0.0010})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Z', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'leg', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'X', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'external', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["external"], 1: 0.0000})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X"], 1: add},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Z"], 1: group_input.outputs["leg"]})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: multiply_2})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply, 'Y': multiply_1, 'Z': add_2})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': combine_xyz})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply, 'Y': subtract_1, 'Z': add_2})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_3, 'Y': subtract_1, 'Z': add_2})
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_3, 'Y': multiply_1, 'Z': add_2})
- transform_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': combine_xyz_3})
- join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_2, transform_3, transform_4, transform_5]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_3},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_base_frame', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_base_frame(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'leg_height', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'leg_size', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'bottom_x', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["leg_size"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["leg_height"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': add, 'Z': add_1})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz, 'Vertices X': 5, 'Vertices Y': 5, 'Vertices Z': 5})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["bottom_x"], 1: 0.0000})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply_1}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': subtract, 'Y': multiply_1, 'Z': multiply_2})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_3, 'Y': multiply_1, 'Z': multiply_2})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: 0.0000})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: multiply_1}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': subtract, 'Y': subtract_1, 'Z': multiply_2})
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_3})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_3, 'Y': subtract_1, 'Z': multiply_2})
- transform_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_4})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: multiply_4}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': subtract_2, 'Y': add, 'Z': add})
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_5, 'Vertices X': 5, 'Vertices Y': 5, 'Vertices Z': 5})
- subtract_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: multiply_1}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_1, 'Z': subtract_3})
- transform_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz_6})
- add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: 0.0000})
- subtract_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_5, 1: multiply_1}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': subtract_4, 'Z': subtract_3})
- transform_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz_7})
- subtract_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: multiply_4}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': subtract_5, 'Z': add})
- cube_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_8, 'Vertices X': 5, 'Vertices Y': 5, 'Vertices Z': 5})
- subtract_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: add}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_6}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_5}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_6, 1: add})
- subtract_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: multiply_1}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_5, 'Y': add_6, 'Z': subtract_7})
- transform_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_2, 'Translation': combine_xyz_9})
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_5, 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_7, 'Y': add_6, 'Z': subtract_7})
- transform_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_2, 'Translation': combine_xyz_10})
- join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': [transform_2, transform_3, transform_4, transform_5, transform_6,
- transform_7, transform_8, transform_9]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_3},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_back_board', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_back_board(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'X', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Z', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'leg', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'external', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["X"], 'Y': 0.01, 'Z': add})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_4, 'Vertices X': 5, 'Vertices Y': 5, 'Vertices Z': 5})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input.outputs["leg"]})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: group_input.outputs["external"]})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': add_2})
- transform_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_5})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_6},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_attach_gadget', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_attach_gadget(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'z', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'base_leg', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'x', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'size', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["size"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': 0.0010, 'Z': add})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_4})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["x"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input.outputs["thickness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: multiply_1}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["base_leg"], 1: group_input.outputs["z"]})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1 , 1: group_input.outputs["thickness"]})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: -0.02})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: multiply_1}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_2, 'Z': subtract_2})
- transform_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_5})
- combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': subtract_1, 'Z': subtract_2})
- transform_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_6})
- join_geometry_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_6, transform_7]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_5},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_h_division_placement', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_h_division_placement(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'cell_size', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'leg_height', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'division_board_thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'external_board_thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'index', 0.5000)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["index"], 1: 0.0000})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: group_input.outputs["cell_size"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: -1.0000})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["external_board_thickness"], 1: 0.0000})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: add_2}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_2})
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["division_board_thickness"],
- 1: group_input.outputs["leg_height"]})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: multiply_3})
- add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: add_5})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply, 'Z': add_6})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_h_division_board', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_h_division_board(nw: NodeWrangler, tag_support=False):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'cell_size', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'horizontal_cell_num', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'division_board_thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth', 0.0000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["horizontal_cell_num"], 1: 0.0000})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: group_input.outputs["cell_size"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: -1.0000})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: group_input.outputs["division_board_thickness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply_1})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["division_board_thickness"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': add_2, 'Y': group_input.outputs["depth"], 'Z': add_3})
- if tag_support:
- cube = nw.new_node(nodegroup_tagged_cube().name, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz})
- else:
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz, 'Vertices X': 5, 'Vertices Y': 5, 'Vertices Z': 5})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Mesh': cube}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_v_division_board_placement', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_v_division_board_placement(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'base_leg', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'external_thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'side_z', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'index', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'h_cell_num', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'division_thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'cell_size', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["h_cell_num"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: -1.0000})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={1: add_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["index"], 1: 0.0000})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: add_2}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: group_input.outputs["division_thickness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: add_2}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["cell_size"], 1: subtract_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_3})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["base_leg"], 1: group_input.outputs["external_thickness"]})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["side_z"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_5, 1: multiply_5})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_4, 'Y': multiply_4, 'Z': add_6})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_v_division_board', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_v_division_board(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'division_board_thickness', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'cell_size', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'vertical_cell_num', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["vertical_cell_num"], 1: 0.0000})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["cell_size"], 1: add},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: group_input.outputs["division_board_thickness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply_1})
- add_200 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: -0.001})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["division_board_thickness"],
- 'Y': add_200, 'Z': add_1})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz, 'Vertices X': 5, 'Vertices Y': 5, 'Vertices Z': 5})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Mesh': cube, 'Value': add_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_top_bottom_board', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_top_bottom_board(nw: NodeWrangler, tag_support=False):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'base_leg_height', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'horizontal_cell_num', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'vertical_cell_num', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'cell_size', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'division_board_thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'external_board_thickness', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["external_board_thickness"], 1: 0.0000})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["division_board_thickness"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["horizontal_cell_num"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: -1.0000})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: add_3}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply_1})
- add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["cell_size"], 1: 0.0000})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_5, 1: add_2}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: multiply_2})
- add_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_6, 1: 0.0020})
- add_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_8, 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_7, 'Y': add_9, 'Z': add})
- if tag_support:
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_tagged_cube().name, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_3})
- else:
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_3, 'Vertices X': 5, 'Vertices Y': 5, 'Vertices Z': 5})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_8}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: group_input.outputs["base_leg_height"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_3, 'Z': add_10})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz})
- add_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_10, 1: add})
- add_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["vertical_cell_num"], 1: 0.0000})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_12, 1: add_5}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_11, 1: multiply_5})
- add_14 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_12, 1: -1.0000})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: add_14}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_15 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_13, 1: multiply_6})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_3, 'Z': add_15})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_2, transform]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'x': add_7},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_side_board', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_side_board(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'base_leg_height', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'horizontal_cell_num', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'vertical_cell_num', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'cell_size', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'division_thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'external_thickness', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["external_thickness"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["vertical_cell_num"], 1: 0.0000})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: 1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["division_thickness"], 1: 0.0000})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: add_3}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["cell_size"], 1: 0.0000})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: add_4}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: multiply_1})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': add_1, 'Z': add_5})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz, 'Vertices X': 5, 'Vertices Y': 5, 'Vertices Z': 5})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: group_input.outputs["horizontal_cell_num"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["horizontal_cell_num"], 1: 1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: subtract_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: multiply_3})
- add_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: add_6})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={1: add_7}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_5}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_6, 1: group_input.outputs["base_leg_height"]})
- add_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["external_thickness"], 1: add_8})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_4, 'Y': multiply_5, 'Z': add_9})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_7, 'Y': multiply_5, 'Z': add_9})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform, transform_1]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- base_leg_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='base_leg_height')
- base_leg_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['base_leg_height']
- horizontal_cell_num = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label='horizontal_cell_num')
- horizontal_cell_num.integer = kwargs['horizontal_cell_num']
- vertical_cell_num = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label='vertical_cell_num')
- vertical_cell_num.integer = kwargs['vertical_cell_num']
- cell_size = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='cell_size')
- cell_size.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['cell_size']
- depth = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='depth')
- depth.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['depth']
- division_board_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='division_board_thickness')
- division_board_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['division_board_thickness']
- external_board_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='external_board_thickness')
- external_board_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['external_board_thickness']
- sideboard = nw.new_node(nodegroup_side_board().name,
- input_kwargs={'base_leg_height': base_leg_height,
- 'horizontal_cell_num': horizontal_cell_num,
- 'vertical_cell_num': vertical_cell_num, 'cell_size': cell_size,
- 'depth': depth, 'division_thickness': division_board_thickness,
- 'external_thickness': external_board_thickness})
- topbottomboard = nw.new_node(nodegroup_top_bottom_board(tag_support=kwargs.get('tag_support', False)).name,
- input_kwargs={'base_leg_height': base_leg_height,
- 'horizontal_cell_num': horizontal_cell_num,
- 'vertical_cell_num': vertical_cell_num, 'cell_size': cell_size,
- 'depth': depth, 'division_board_thickness': division_board_thickness,
- 'external_board_thickness': external_board_thickness})
- vdivisionboard = nw.new_node(nodegroup_v_division_board().name,
- input_kwargs={'division_board_thickness': division_board_thickness, 'depth': depth,
- 'cell_size': cell_size, 'vertical_cell_num': vertical_cell_num})
- all_components = [sideboard, topbottomboard.outputs["Geometry"]]
- v_division_boards = []
- for i in range(1, kwargs['horizontal_cell_num']):
- v_division_index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label='VDivisionIndex')
- v_division_index.integer = i
- vdivisionboardplacement = nw.new_node(nodegroup_v_division_board_placement().name,
- input_kwargs={'depth': depth, 'base_leg': base_leg_height,
- 'external_thickness': external_board_thickness,
- 'side_z': vdivisionboard.outputs["Value"],
- 'index': v_division_index, 'h_cell_num': horizontal_cell_num,
- 'division_thickness': division_board_thickness,
- 'cell_size': cell_size})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': vdivisionboard.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Translation': vdivisionboardplacement})
- v_division_boards.append(transform_1)
- if len(v_division_boards) > 0:
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': v_division_boards})
- all_components.append(join_geometry_1)
- hdivisionboard = nw.new_node(nodegroup_h_division_board(tag_support=kwargs.get('tag_support', False)).name,
- input_kwargs={'cell_size': cell_size, 'horizontal_cell_num': horizontal_cell_num,
- 'division_board_thickness': division_board_thickness, 'depth': depth})
- h_division_boards = []
- for j in range(1, kwargs['vertical_cell_num']):
- h_division_index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label='HDivisionIndex')
- h_division_index.integer = j
- hdivisionplacement = nw.new_node(nodegroup_h_division_placement().name,
- input_kwargs={'depth': depth, 'cell_size': cell_size,
- 'leg_height': base_leg_height,
- 'division_board_thickness': external_board_thickness,
- 'external_board_thickness': division_board_thickness,
- 'index': h_division_index})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': hdivisionboard, 'Translation': hdivisionplacement})
- h_division_boards.append(transform)
- if len(h_division_boards) > 0:
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': h_division_boards})
- all_components.append(join_geometry)
- if kwargs['has_backboard']:
- backboard = nw.new_node(nodegroup_back_board().name,
- input_kwargs={'X': topbottomboard.outputs["x"], 'Z': vdivisionboard.outputs["Value"],
- 'leg': base_leg_height, 'external': external_board_thickness})
- all_components.append(backboard)
- else:
- attach_square_size = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='attach_square_size')
- attach_square_size.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['attachment_size']
- attachgadget = nw.new_node(nodegroup_attach_gadget().name,
- input_kwargs={'z': vdivisionboard.outputs["Value"], 'base_leg': base_leg_height,
- 'x': topbottomboard.outputs["x"],
- 'thickness': external_board_thickness,
- 'size': attach_square_size})
- all_components.append(attachgadget)
- join_geometry_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': all_components})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_4})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(kwargs['wood_material'])})
- base_leg_size = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='base_leg_size')
- base_leg_size.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['base_leg_size']
- merge_components = [set_material_1]
- if kwargs['has_base_frame']:
- baseframe = nw.new_node(nodegroup_base_frame().name,
- input_kwargs={'leg_height': base_leg_height, 'leg_size': base_leg_size, 'depth': depth,
- 'bottom_x': topbottomboard.outputs["x"]})
- realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': baseframe})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances_1,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(kwargs['base_material'])})
- merge_components.append(set_material)
- screwhead = nw.new_node(nodegroup_screw_head().name,
- input_kwargs={'Z': vdivisionboard.outputs["Value"], 'leg': base_leg_height,
- 'X': topbottomboard.outputs["x"], 'external': external_board_thickness,
- 'depth': depth})
- realize_instances_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': screwhead})
- set_material_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances_2,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(metal.get_shader())})
- merge_components.append(set_material_2)
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': merge_components})
- triangulate = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeTriangulate', input_kwargs={'Mesh': join_geometry_2})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': triangulate, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-class CellShelfBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(CellShelfBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.params = self.sample_params()
- self.params = self.get_asset_params(self.params)
- def get_asset_params(self, params):
- if params is None:
- params = {}
- if params.get('depth', None) is None:
- params['depth'] = np.clip(normal(0.39, 0.05), 0.29, 0.49)
- if params.get('cell_size', None) is None:
- params['cell_size'] = np.clip(normal(0.335, 0.03), 0.26, 0.40)
- if params.get('vertical_cell_num', None) is None:
- params['vertical_cell_num'] = randint(1, 7)
- if params.get('horizontal_cell_num', None) is None:
- params['horizontal_cell_num'] = randint(1, 7)
- if params.get('division_board_thickness', None) is None:
- params['division_board_thickness'] = np.clip(normal(0.015, 0.005), 0.008, 0.022)
- if params.get('external_board_thickness', None) is None:
- params['external_board_thickness'] = np.clip(normal(0.04, 0.005), 0.028, 0.052)
- if params.get('has_backboard', None) is None:
- params['has_backboard'] = False
- if params.get('has_base_frame', None) is None:
- params['has_base_frame'] = np.random.choice([True, False], p=[0.4, 0.6])
- if params['has_base_frame']:
- if params.get('base_leg_height', None) is None:
- params['base_leg_height'] = np.clip(normal(0.174, 0.03), 0.1, 0.25)
- if params.get('base_leg_size', None) is None:
- params['base_leg_size'] = np.clip(normal(0.035, 0.007), 0.02, 0.05)
- if params.get('base_material', None) is None:
- params['base_material'] = np.random.choice(['black', 'white'], p=[0.4, 0.6])
- else:
- params['base_leg_height'] = 0.0
- params['base_leg_size'] = 0.0
- params['base_material'] = 'white'
- if params.get('attachment_size', None) is None:
- params['attachment_size'] = np.clip(normal(0.05, 0.02), 0.02, 0.1)
- if params.get('wood_material', None) is None:
- params['wood_material'] = np.random.choice(['black_wood', 'white', 'wood'], p=[0.3, 0.2, 0.5])
- params['tag_support'] = True
- params = self.get_material_func(params, randomness=True)
- return params
- def get_material_func(self, params, randomness=True):
- if params['wood_material'] == 'white':
- if randomness:
- params['wood_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_white(x, **shader_shelves_white_sampler())
- else:
- params['wood_material'] = shader_shelves_white
- elif params['wood_material'] == 'black_wood':
- if randomness:
- params['wood_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(x, **shader_shelves_black_wood_sampler())
- else:
- params['wood_material'] = shader_shelves_black_wood
- elif params['wood_material'] == 'wood':
- if randomness:
- params['wood_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_wood(x, **shader_shelves_wood_sampler())
- else:
- params['wood_material'] = shader_shelves_wood
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- if params['base_material'] == 'white':
- if randomness:
- params['base_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_white_metallic(x, **shader_shelves_white_metallic_sampler())
- else:
- params['base_material'] = shader_shelves_white_metallic
- elif params['base_material'] == 'black':
- if randomness:
- params['base_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_metallic(x, **shader_shelves_black_metallic_sampler())
- else:
- params['base_material'] = shader_shelves_black_metallic
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- return params
- def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- obj_params = self.params
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_nodes, attributes=[], input_kwargs=obj_params, apply=True)
- tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
- return obj
-class CellShelfFactory(CellShelfBaseFactory):
- def sample_params(self):
- params = dict()
- params['Dimensions'] = (uniform(0.3, 0.45),
- uniform(2 * 0.35, 6 * 0.35),
- uniform(1 * 0.35, 6 * 0.35))
- h_cell_num = int(params['Dimensions'][1] / 0.35)
- params['cell_size'] = params['Dimensions'][1] / h_cell_num
- params['horizontal_cell_num'] = h_cell_num
- params['vertical_cell_num'] = max(int(params['Dimensions'][2] / params['cell_size']), 1)
- params['depth'] = params['Dimensions'][0]
- params['has_base_frame'] = False
- params['Dimensions'] = list(params['Dimensions'])
- params['Dimensions'][2] = params['vertical_cell_num'] * params['cell_size']
- return params
- def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
- x,y,z = self.params['Dimensions'][0], self.params['Dimensions'][1], self.params['Dimensions'][2]
- return new_bbox(0, x, -y/2 * 1.1, y/2 * 1.1, 0, z + (self.params['vertical_cell_num'] - 1) * self.params['division_board_thickness'] + 2 * self.params['external_board_thickness'] )
-class TVStandFactory(CellShelfFactory):
- def sample_params(self): # TODO HACK copied code just following the pattern to get this working
- params = dict()
- params['Dimensions'] = (
- uniform(0.3, 0.45),
- uniform(2 * 0.35, 6 * 0.35),
- uniform(0.3, 0.5)
- )
- h_cell_num = int(params['Dimensions'][1] / 0.35)
- params['cell_size'] = params['Dimensions'][1] / h_cell_num
- params['horizontal_cell_num'] = h_cell_num
- params['vertical_cell_num'] = max(int(params['Dimensions'][2] / params['cell_size']), 1)
- params['depth'] = params['Dimensions'][0]
- params['has_base_frame'] = False
- params['Dimensions'] = list(params['Dimensions'])
- params['Dimensions'][2] = params['vertical_cell_num'] * params['cell_size']
- return params
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/shelves/doors.py b/infinigen/assets/shelves/doors.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 78dc111c6..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/shelves/doors.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,739 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-import bpy
-from infinigen.assets.materials.shelf_shaders import (
- shader_shelves_white, shader_shelves_white_sampler,
- shader_shelves_black_wood, shader_shelves_black_wood_sampler,
- shader_shelves_wood, shader_shelves_wood_sampler,
- shader_glass)
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_node_group', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_node_group(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': (0.0120, 0.00060, 0.0400)})
- cylinder = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder', input_kwargs={'Vertices': 64, 'Radius': 0.0100, 'Depth': 0.00050})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': (0.0050, 0.0000, 0.0000),
- 'Rotation': (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': (0.0200, 0.0006, 0.0120)})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_1, 'Translation': (0.0080, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [cube, transform, transform_1]})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'attach_height', 0.1000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'door_width', 0.5000)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["door_width"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 0.0181}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': subtract, 'Z': group_input.outputs["attach_height"]})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_2},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_knob_handle', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_knob_handle(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius', 0.0100),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness_1', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness_2', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'length', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'knob_mid_height', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'edge_width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'door_width', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness_2"], 1: group_input.outputs["thickness_1"]})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: group_input.outputs["length"]})
- cylinder = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder',
- input_kwargs={'Vertices': 64, 'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"], 'Depth': add_1})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["door_width"], 1: group_input.outputs["edge_width"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: -0.005})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': add_2, 'Y': multiply_1, 'Z': group_input.outputs["knob_mid_height"]})
- transform_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': combine_xyz_6,
- 'Rotation': (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_6},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_mid_board', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_mid_board(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'height', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: -0.0001})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"], 1: 0.0000})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_k = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: 0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_k = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_k, 1: 0.004})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: -0.0001})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': add_1, 'Z': add_2})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_3, 'Vertices X': 5, 'Vertices Y': 5, 'Vertices Z': 5})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': add_k, 'Z': multiply_1})
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_4})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_4,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(kwargs['material'][0])})
- combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': add_1, 'Z': add_2})
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_7, 'Vertices X': 5, 'Vertices Y': 5, 'Vertices Z': 5})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 1.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': add_k, 'Z': multiply_2})
- transform_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz_8})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_7,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(kwargs['material'][1])})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material, set_material_1]})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances, 'mid_height': multiply},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_mid_board_001', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_mid_board_001(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'height', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: -0.0001})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"], 1: 0.0000})
- multiply_k = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: 0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_k = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_k, 1: 0.004})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: -0.0001})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': add_1, 'Z': add_2})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_3, 'Vertices X': 5, 'Vertices Y': 5, 'Vertices Z': 5})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': add_k, 'Z': multiply_1})
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_4})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_4,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(kwargs['material'][0])})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances, 'mid_height': multiply},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_double_rampled_edge', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_double_rampled_edge(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'height', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness_2', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness_1', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'ramp_angle', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': add})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'End': combine_xyz_10})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': 3, 'Radius': 0.0100})
- endpoint_selection = nw.new_node(Nodes.EndpointSelection, input_kwargs={'End Size': 0})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["ramp_angle"], 1: 0.0000})
- tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2}, attrs={'operation': 'TANGENT'})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness_2"], 1: 0.0000})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: tangent, 1: add_3}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 2.0000, 1: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: multiply_1}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness_1"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_3, 'Y': add_4})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Selection': endpoint_selection,
- 'Position': combine_xyz_7})
- endpoint_selection_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.EndpointSelection, input_kwargs={'Start Size': 0})
- add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: add_3})
- combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_3, 'Y': add_5})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Selection': endpoint_selection_1,
- 'Position': combine_xyz_8})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 1.0100}, attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 0.9900}, attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- op_and = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: greater_than})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_5, 'Y': add_4})
- set_position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1, 'Selection': op_and,
- 'Position': combine_xyz_9})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Profile Curve': set_position_2, 'Fill Caps': True})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_1, 'Y': add_4, 'Z': add})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_6})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': subtract, 'Y': add_3, 'Z': add})
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_1})
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: multiply_7})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': add_6})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz_3})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform, transform_1]})
- multiply_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_8})
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Translation': combine_xyz_11})
- combine_xyz_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': add})
- curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'End': combine_xyz_12})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_2, 'Scale': (-1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)})
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line_1, 'Profile Curve': transform_2, 'Fill Caps': True})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [curve_to_mesh, transform_4, curve_to_mesh_1]})
- merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Distance': 0.0001})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': merge_by_distance})
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': realize_instances, 'Level': 4})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_ramped_edge', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_ramped_edge(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'height', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness_2', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness_1', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'ramp_angle', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': add})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'End': combine_xyz_10})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': 3, 'Radius': 0.0100})
- endpoint_selection = nw.new_node(Nodes.EndpointSelection, input_kwargs={'End Size': 0})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: 0.0000})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["ramp_angle"], 1: 0.0000})
- tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2}, attrs={'operation': 'TANGENT'})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness_2"], 1: 0.0000})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: tangent, 1: add_3}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: multiply_1}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: subtract}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness_1"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': subtract_1, 'Y': add_4})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Selection': endpoint_selection,
- 'Position': combine_xyz_7})
- endpoint_selection_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.EndpointSelection, input_kwargs={'Start Size': 0})
- add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: add_3})
- combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': subtract_1, 'Y': add_5})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Selection': endpoint_selection_1,
- 'Position': combine_xyz_8})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 1.0100}, attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 0.9900}, attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- op_and = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: greater_than})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_2, 'Y': add_4})
- set_position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1, 'Selection': op_and,
- 'Position': combine_xyz_9})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Profile Curve': set_position_2, 'Fill Caps': True})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_1, 'Y': add_4, 'Z': add})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_3})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': subtract, 'Y': add_3, 'Z': add})
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_1})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4, 1: multiply_5})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_4, 'Y': add_6})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz_3})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform, transform_1]})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_6})
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Translation': combine_xyz_11})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [curve_to_mesh, transform_4]})
- merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Distance': 0.0001})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': merge_by_distance})
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': realize_instances, 'Level': 4})
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_7})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh, 'Translation': combine_xyz_4})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_2},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_panel_edge_frame', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_panel_edge_frame(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'vertical_edge', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'door_width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'door_height', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'horizontal_edge', None)])
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["door_width"], 2: 0.0010},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_add, 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- transform_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["horizontal_edge"],
- 'Translation': (0.0000, -0.0001, 0.0000),
- 'Scale': (0.9999, 1.0000, 1.0000)})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_add, 1: 1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: -0.0001})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["door_height"], 1: 0.0001})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Z': add_1})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_7, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2,
- 'Rotation': (0.0000, -1.5708, 0.0000)})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 0.0001})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_2})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_7, 'Translation': combine_xyz_1,
- 'Rotation': (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000)})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_add})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["vertical_edge"], 'Translation': combine_xyz})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Scale': (-1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)})
- # transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FlipFaces, input_kwargs={'Mesh': transform_1})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_3, transform_2, transform_1, transform]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply, 'Geometry': join_geometry_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def geometry_door_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- door_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='door_height')
- door_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['door_height']
- door_edge_thickness_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='door_edge_thickness_2')
- door_edge_thickness_2.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['edge_thickness_2']
- door_edge_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='door_edge_width')
- door_edge_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['edge_width']
- door_edge_thickness_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='door_edge_thickness_1')
- door_edge_thickness_1.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['edge_thickness_1']
- door_edge_ramp_angle = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='door_edge_ramp_angle')
- door_edge_ramp_angle.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['edge_ramp_angle']
- ramped_edge = nw.new_node(nodegroup_ramped_edge().name,
- input_kwargs={'height': door_height, 'thickness_2': door_edge_thickness_2,
- 'width': door_edge_width, 'thickness_1': door_edge_thickness_1,
- 'ramp_angle': door_edge_ramp_angle})
- door_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='door_width')
- door_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['door_width']
- ramped_edge_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_ramped_edge().name,
- input_kwargs={'height': door_width, 'thickness_2': door_edge_thickness_2,
- 'width': door_edge_width, 'thickness_1': door_edge_thickness_1,
- 'ramp_angle': door_edge_ramp_angle})
- panel_edge_frame = nw.new_node(nodegroup_panel_edge_frame().name,
- input_kwargs={'vertical_edge': ramped_edge, 'door_width': door_width,
- 'door_height': door_height, 'horizontal_edge': ramped_edge_1})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: panel_edge_frame.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0001})
- mid_board_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='mid_board_thickness')
- mid_board_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['board_thickness']
- if kwargs['has_mid_ramp']:
- mid_board = nw.new_node(nodegroup_mid_board(material=kwargs['panel_material']).name,
- input_kwargs={'height': door_height, 'thickness': mid_board_thickness,
- 'width': door_width})
- else:
- mid_board = nw.new_node(nodegroup_mid_board_001(material=kwargs['panel_material']).name,
- input_kwargs={'height': door_height, 'thickness': mid_board_thickness,
- 'width': door_width})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': -0.0001, 'Z': mid_board.outputs["mid_height"]})
- frame = [panel_edge_frame.outputs["Geometry"]]
- if kwargs['has_mid_ramp']:
- double_rampled_edge = nw.new_node(nodegroup_double_rampled_edge().name,
- input_kwargs={'height': door_width, 'thickness_2': door_edge_thickness_2,
- 'width': door_edge_width, 'thickness_1': door_edge_thickness_1,
- 'ramp_angle': door_edge_ramp_angle})
- transform_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': double_rampled_edge, 'Translation': combine_xyz_5,
- 'Rotation': (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000)})
- frame.append(transform_5)
- knob_raduis = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='knob_raduis')
- knob_raduis.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['knob_R']
- know_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='know_length')
- know_length.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['knob_length']
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: door_height}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- knob_handle = nw.new_node(nodegroup_knob_handle().name,
- input_kwargs={'Radius': knob_raduis, 'thickness_1': door_edge_thickness_1,
- 'thickness_2': door_edge_thickness_2, 'length': know_length,
- 'knob_mid_height': multiply,
- 'edge_width': door_edge_width, 'door_width': door_width})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': frame + [knob_handle]})
- set_material_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(kwargs['frame_material'])})
- geos = [set_material_3, mid_board.outputs["Geometry"]]
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geos})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: door_width, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Translation': combine_xyz})
- realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform})
- triangulate = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeTriangulate', input_kwargs={'Mesh': realize_instances_1})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': triangulate,
- 'Scale': (-1.0 if kwargs['door_left_hinge'] else 1.0, 1.0000, 1.0000)})
- if kwargs['door_left_hinge']:
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FlipFaces, input_kwargs={'Mesh': transform_1})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_2},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-class CabinetDoorBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
- super(CabinetDoorBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.params = {}
- def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
- params = self.params.copy()
- if params.get('door_height', None) is None:
- params['door_height'] = uniform(0.7, 2.2)
- if params.get('door_width', None) is None:
- params['door_width'] = uniform(0.3, 0.4)
- if params.get('edge_thickness_1', None) is None:
- params['edge_thickness_1'] = uniform(0.01, 0.018)
- if params.get('edge_width', None) is None:
- params['edge_width'] = uniform(0.03, 0.05)
- if params.get('edge_thickness_2', None) is None:
- params['edge_thickness_2'] = uniform(0.005, 0.008)
- if params.get('edge_ramp_angle', None) is None:
- params['edge_ramp_angle'] = uniform(0.6, 0.8)
- params['board_thickness'] = params['edge_thickness_1'] - 0.005
- if params.get('knob_R', None) is None:
- params['knob_R'] = uniform(0.003, 0.006)
- if params.get('knob_length', None) is None:
- params['knob_length'] = uniform(0.018, 0.035)
- if params.get('attach_height', None) is None:
- gap = uniform(0.05, 0.15)
- params['attach_height'] = [gap, params['door_height'] - gap]
- if params.get('has_mid_ramp', None) is None:
- params['has_mid_ramp'] = np.random.choice([True, False], p=[0.6, 0.4])
- if params.get('door_left_hinge', None) is None:
- params['door_left_hinge'] = False
- if params.get('frame_material', None) is None:
- params['frame_material'] = np.random.choice(['white', 'black_wood', 'wood'], p=[0.5, 0.2, 0.3])
- if params.get('panel_material', None) is None:
- if params['has_mid_ramp']:
- lower_mat = np.random.choice([params['frame_material'], 'glass'], p=[0.7, 0.3])
- upper_mat = np.random.choice([lower_mat, 'glass'], p=[0.6, 0.4])
- params['panel_material'] = [lower_mat, upper_mat]
- else:
- params['panel_material'] = [params['frame_material']]
- params = self.get_material_func(params)
- return params
- def get_material_func(self, params, randomness=True):
- white_wood_params = shader_shelves_white_sampler()
- black_wood_params = shader_shelves_black_wood_sampler()
- normal_wood_params = shader_shelves_wood_sampler()
- if params['frame_material'] == 'white':
- if randomness:
- params['frame_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_white(x, **white_wood_params)
- else:
- params['frame_material'] = shader_shelves_white
- elif params['frame_material'] == 'black_wood':
- if randomness:
- params['frame_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(x, **black_wood_params, z_axis_texture=True)
- else:
- params['frame_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(x, z_axis_texture=True)
- elif params['frame_material'] == 'wood':
- if randomness:
- params['frame_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_wood(x, **normal_wood_params, z_axis_texture=True)
- else:
- params['frame_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_wood(x, z_axis_texture=True)
- materials = []
- if not isinstance(params['panel_material'], list):
- params['panel_material'] = [params['board_material']]
- for mat in params['panel_material']:
- if mat == 'white':
- if randomness:
- mat = lambda x: shader_shelves_white(x, **white_wood_params)
- else:
- mat = shader_shelves_white
- elif mat == 'black_wood':
- if randomness:
- mat = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(x, **black_wood_params, z_axis_texture=True)
- else:
- mat = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(x, z_axis_texture=True)
- elif mat == 'wood':
- if randomness:
- mat = lambda x: shader_shelves_wood(x, **normal_wood_params, z_axis_texture=True)
- else:
- mat = lambda x: shader_shelves_wood(x, z_axis_texture=True)
- elif mat == 'glass':
- if randomness:
- mat = lambda x: shader_glass(x)
- else:
- mat = shader_glass
- materials.append(mat)
- params['panel_material'] = materials
- return params
- def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- obj_params = self.get_asset_params(i)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_door_nodes, apply=True, attributes=[], input_kwargs=obj_params)
- tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
- if params.get('ret_params', False):
- return obj, obj_params
- return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/shelves/drawers.py b/infinigen/assets/shelves/drawers.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7393f9819..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/shelves/drawers.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,416 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.assets.materials import metal
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-import bpy
-from infinigen.assets.materials.shelf_shaders import (
- shader_shelves_white, shader_shelves_white_sampler,
- shader_shelves_black_wood, shader_shelves_black_wood_sampler,
- shader_shelves_wood, shader_shelves_wood_sampler,
- shader_glass)
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_board_rail', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_board_rail(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- cylinder_1 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder',
- input_kwargs={'Vertices': 64, 'Radius': 0.0040, 'Depth': 0.0050})
- store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder_1.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map',
- 3: cylinder_1.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'domain': 'CORNER'})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: 0.0000})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 0.0200})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': add_1})
- transform_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_2, 'Translation': combine_xyz_3,
- 'Rotation': (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000)})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 0.0300}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': 0.0020, 'Y': subtract, 'Z': group_input.outputs["width"]})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map',
- 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'domain': 'CORNER'})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute})
- cylinder = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder',
- input_kwargs={'Vertices': 64, 'Radius': 0.0030, 'Depth': subtract})
- store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map',
- 3: cylinder.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'domain': 'CORNER'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_1})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz_1,
- 'Rotation': (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1, 'Scale': (1.0000, 1.0000, -1.0000)})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_2, transform_1]})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_5, transform, join_geometry_2]})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: 0.0030})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: 0.0200})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_2, 'Y': multiply_3, 'Z': add_3})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_3, 'Scale': (-1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)})
- join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_4, transform_3]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_3},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_kallax_drawer_frame', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_kallax_drawer_frame(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'height', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': add_1, 'Z': add_2})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz, 'Vertices X': 4, 'Vertices Y': 4, 'Vertices Z': 4})
- store_named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map',
- 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'domain': 'CORNER'})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: 0.0000})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: -0.0001})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 2: 0.0100}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply, 'Y': add_4, 'Z': multiply_add})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Scale': (-1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)})
- add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: -0.0001})
- add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: add_5})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_6, 'Y': add_1, 'Z': add})
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_2, 'Vertices X': 4, 'Vertices Y': 4, 'Vertices Z': 4})
- store_named_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_1.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map',
- 3: cube_1.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'domain': 'CORNER'})
- multiply_add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: -0.5000, 2: -0.0001},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_add_1, 'Z': 0.0100})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute_2, 'Translation': combine_xyz_3})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_3, 'Y': add, 'Z': add_2})
- cube_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_4, 'Vertices X': 4, 'Vertices Y': 4, 'Vertices Z': 4})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_2.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map',
- 3: cube_2.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'domain': 'CORNER'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: -1.0000, 2: multiply_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- multiply_add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 2: 0.0100}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_add_2, 'Z': multiply_add_3})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute, 'Translation': combine_xyz_5})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_1, transform, transform_2, transform_3]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_door_knob', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_door_knob(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius', 0.0040),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'length', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'z', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["length"], 1: 0.0000})
- cylinder = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder',
- input_kwargs={'Vertices': 64, 'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"], 'Depth': add})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map',
- 3: cylinder.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'domain': 'CORNER'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 0.0001})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["z"], 1: 0.0000})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': add_1, 'Z': multiply_1})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2,
- 'Rotation': (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_drawer_door_board', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_drawer_door_board(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'height', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': add_1, 'Z': add_2})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz, 'Vertices X': 5, 'Vertices Y': 5, 'Vertices Z': 5})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map',
- 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'domain': 'CORNER'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply, 'Z': multiply_1})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute, 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- door_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='door_thickness')
- door_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['drawer_board_thickness']
- drawer_board_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='drawer_board_width')
- drawer_board_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['drawer_board_width']
- drawer_board_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='drawer_board_height')
- drawer_board_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['drawer_board_height']
- drawer_door_board = nw.new_node(nodegroup_drawer_door_board().name,
- input_kwargs={'thickness': door_thickness, 'width': drawer_board_width,
- 'height': drawer_board_height})
- knob_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='knob_radius')
- knob_radius.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['knob_radius']
- knob_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='knob_length')
- knob_length.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['knob_length']
- door_knob = nw.new_node(nodegroup_door_knob().name,
- input_kwargs={'Radius': knob_radius, 'length': knob_length, 'z': drawer_board_height})
- drawer_depth = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='drawer_depth')
- drawer_depth.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['drawer_depth'] - kwargs['drawer_board_thickness']
- drawer_side_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='drawer_side_height')
- drawer_side_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['drawer_side_height']
- drawer_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='drawer_width')
- drawer_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['drawer_width']
- kallax_drawer_frame = nw.new_node(nodegroup_kallax_drawer_frame().name,
- input_kwargs={'depth': drawer_depth, 'height': drawer_side_height,
- 'thickness': door_thickness, 'width': drawer_width})
- side_tilt_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='side_tilt_width')
- side_tilt_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['side_tilt_width']
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': [door_knob, drawer_door_board, kallax_drawer_frame]})
- set_material_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(kwargs['frame_material'])})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_2})
- triangulate = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeTriangulate', input_kwargs={'Mesh': realize_instances})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': triangulate, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708)})
- group_output_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-class CabinetDrawerBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
- super(CabinetDrawerBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.params = {}
- def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
- params = self.params.copy()
- if params.get('drawer_board_thickness', None) is None:
- params['drawer_board_thickness'] = uniform(0.005, 0.01)
- if params.get('drawer_board_width', None) is None:
- params['drawer_board_width'] = uniform(0.3, 0.7)
- if params.get('drawer_board_height', None) is None:
- params['drawer_board_height'] = uniform(0.25, 0.4)
- if params.get('drawer_depth', None) is None:
- params['drawer_depth'] = uniform(0.3, 0.4)
- if params.get('drawer_side_height', None) is None:
- params['drawer_side_height'] = uniform(0.05, 0.2)
- if params.get('drawer_width', None) is None:
- params['drawer_width'] = params['drawer_board_width'] - uniform(0.015, 0.025)
- if params.get('side_tilt_width', None) is None:
- params['side_tilt_width'] = uniform(0.02, 0.03)
- if params.get('knob_radius', None) is None:
- params['knob_radius'] = uniform(0.003, 0.006)
- if params.get('knob_length', None) is None:
- params['knob_length'] = uniform(0.018, 0.035)
- if params.get('frame_material', None) is None:
- params['frame_material'] = np.random.choice(['white', 'black_wood', 'wood'], p=[0.5, 0.2, 0.3])
- if params.get('knob_material', None) is None:
- params['knob_material'] = np.random.choice([params['frame_material'], 'metal'], p=[0.5, 0.5])
- params = self.get_material_func(params)
- return params
- def get_material_func(self, params, randomness=True):
- white_wood_params = shader_shelves_white_sampler()
- black_wood_params = shader_shelves_black_wood_sampler()
- normal_wood_params = shader_shelves_wood_sampler()
- if params['frame_material'] == 'white':
- if randomness:
- params['frame_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_white(x, **white_wood_params)
- else:
- params['frame_material'] = shader_shelves_white
- elif params['frame_material'] == 'black_wood':
- if randomness:
- params['frame_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(x, **black_wood_params, z_axis_texture=True)
- else:
- params['frame_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(x, z_axis_texture=True)
- elif params['frame_material'] == 'wood':
- if randomness:
- params['frame_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_wood(x, **normal_wood_params, z_axis_texture=True)
- else:
- params['frame_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_wood(x, z_axis_texture=True)
- if params['knob_material'] == 'metal':
- params['knob_material'] = metal.get_shader()
- else:
- params['knob_material'] = params['frame_material']
- return params
- def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- obj_params = self.get_asset_params(i)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_nodes, apply=True, attributes=[], input_kwargs=obj_params)
- if params.get('ret_params', False):
- return obj, obj_params
- return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/shelves/kitchen_cabinet.py b/infinigen/assets/shelves/kitchen_cabinet.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c9e9d1335..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/shelves/kitchen_cabinet.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.assets.materials.shelf_shaders import get_shelf_material
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-import bpy
-from infinigen.assets.shelves.utils import nodegroup_tagged_cube, blender_rotate
-from infinigen.assets.shelves.large_shelf import LargeShelfBaseFactory, LargeShelfFactory
-from infinigen.assets.shelves.doors import CabinetDoorBaseFactory
-from infinigen.assets.shelves.drawers import CabinetDrawerBaseFactory
-from infinigen.assets.materials.shelf_shaders import (
- shader_shelves_white, shader_shelves_white_sampler,
- shader_shelves_black_wood, shader_shelves_black_wood_sampler,
- shader_shelves_wood, shader_shelves_wood_sampler
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_bbox
-def geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- cabinets = []
- for i, component in enumerate(kwargs['components']):
- frame_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={'Object': component[0]})
- attachments = []
- if component[1] == 'door':
- right_door_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={'Object': component[2][0]})
- left_door_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={'Object':component[2][1]})
- transform_r = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': right_door_info.outputs['Geometry'],
- 'Translation': component[2][2]['door_hinge_pos'][0],
- 'Rotation': (0, 0, component[2][2]['door_open_angle'])})
- attachments.append(transform_r)
- if len(component[2][2]['door_hinge_pos']) > 1:
- transform_l = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': left_door_info.outputs['Geometry'],
- 'Translation': component[2][2]['door_hinge_pos'][1],
- 'Rotation': (0, 0, component[2][2]['door_open_angle'])})
- attachments.append(transform_l)
- elif component[1] == 'drawer':
- for j, drawer in enumerate(component[2]):
- drawer_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={'Object': drawer[0]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': drawer_info.outputs['Geometry'],
- 'Translation': drawer[1]['drawer_hinge_pos']})
- attachments.append(transform)
- else:
- continue
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': attachments})
- #[frame_info.outputs['Geometry']]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry,
- 'Translation': (0, kwargs['y_translations'][i], 0)})
- cabinets.append(transform)
- try:
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cabinets})
- except TypeError:
- import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-class KitchenCabinetBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
- super(KitchenCabinetBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.frame_params = {}
- self.material_params = {}
- self.cabinet_widths = []
- self.frame_fac = LargeShelfBaseFactory(factory_seed)
- self.door_fac = CabinetDoorBaseFactory(factory_seed)
- self.drawer_fac = CabinetDrawerBaseFactory(factory_seed)
- self.drawer_only = False
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.params = self.sample_params()
- def sample_params(self):
- pass
- def get_material_params(self):
- with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- params = self.material_params.copy()
- if params.get('frame_material', None) is None:
- with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- params['frame_material'] = np.random.choice(['white', 'black_wood', 'wood'], p=[0.4, 0.3, 0.3])
- params['board_material'] = params['frame_material']
- return self.get_material_func(params, randomness=True)
- def get_material_func(self, params, randomness=True):
- with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- white_wood_params = shader_shelves_white_sampler()
- black_wood_params = shader_shelves_black_wood_sampler()
- normal_wood_params = shader_shelves_wood_sampler()
- if params['frame_material'] == 'white':
- if randomness:
- params['frame_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_white(x, **white_wood_params)
- else:
- params['frame_material'] = shader_shelves_white
- elif params['frame_material'] == 'black_wood':
- if randomness:
- params['frame_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(x, **black_wood_params, z_axis_texture=True)
- else:
- params['frame_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(x, z_axis_texture=True)
- elif params['frame_material'] == 'wood':
- if randomness:
- params['frame_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_wood(x, **normal_wood_params, z_axis_texture=True)
- else:
- params['frame_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_wood(x, z_axis_texture=True)
- if params['board_material'] == 'white':
- if randomness:
- params['board_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_white(x, **white_wood_params)
- else:
- params['board_material'] = shader_shelves_white
- elif params['board_material'] == 'black_wood':
- if randomness:
- params['board_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(x, **black_wood_params)
- else:
- params['board_material'] = shader_shelves_black_wood
- elif params['board_material'] == 'wood':
- if randomness:
- params['board_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_wood(x, **normal_wood_params)
- else:
- params['board_material'] = shader_shelves_wood
- params['panel_meterial'] = params['frame_material']
- params['knob_material'] = params['frame_material']
- return params
- def get_frame_params(self, width, i=0):
- params = self.frame_params.copy()
- params['shelf_cell_width'] = [width]
- params.update(self.material_params.copy())
- return params
- def get_attach_params(self, attach_type, i=0):
- param_sets = []
- if attach_type == 'none':
- pass
- elif attach_type == 'door':
- params = dict()
- shelf_width = self.frame_params['shelf_width'] + self.frame_params['side_board_thickness'] * 2
- if shelf_width <= 0.6:
- params['door_width'] = shelf_width
- params['has_mid_ramp'] = False
- params['edge_thickness_1'] = 0.01
- params['door_hinge_pos'] = [(self.frame_params['shelf_depth'] / 2. + 0.0025, -shelf_width / 2.,
- self.frame_params['bottom_board_height'])]
- params['door_open_angle'] = 0
- else:
- params['door_width'] = shelf_width / 2. - 0.0005
- params['has_mid_ramp'] = False
- params['edge_thickness_1'] = 0.01
- params['door_hinge_pos'] = [(self.frame_params['shelf_depth'] / 2. + 0.008, -shelf_width / 2.,
- self.frame_params['bottom_board_height']),
- (self.frame_params['shelf_depth'] / 2. + 0.008, shelf_width / 2.,
- self.frame_params['bottom_board_height'])]
- params['door_open_angle'] = 0
- params['door_height'] = (self.frame_params['division_board_z_translation'][-1] -
- self.frame_params['division_board_z_translation'][0] +
- self.frame_params['division_board_thickness'])
- params.update(self.material_params.copy())
- param_sets.append(params)
- elif attach_type == 'drawer':
- for i, h in enumerate(self.frame_params['shelf_cell_height']):
- params = dict()
- drawer_h = (self.frame_params['division_board_z_translation'][i+1]
- - self.frame_params['division_board_z_translation'][i]
- - self.frame_params['division_board_thickness'])
- drawer_depth = self.frame_params['shelf_depth']
- params['drawer_board_width'] = self.frame_params['shelf_width']
- params['drawer_board_height'] = drawer_h
- params['drawer_depth'] = drawer_depth
- params['drawer_hinge_pos'] = (self.frame_params['shelf_depth'] / 2., 0,
- (self.frame_params['division_board_thickness'] / 2. +
- self.frame_params['division_board_z_translation'][i]))
- params.update(self.material_params.copy())
- param_sets.append(params)
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- return param_sets
- def get_cabinet_params(self, i=0):
- x_translations = []
- accum_w, thickness = 0, self.frame_params.get('side_board_thickness', 0.005) # instructed by Beining
- for w in self.cabinet_widths:
- accum_w += thickness + w / 2.
- x_translations.append(accum_w)
- accum_w += thickness + w / 2. + 0.0005
- return x_translations
- def create_cabinet_components(self, i, drawer_only=False):
- # update material params
- self.material_params = self.get_material_params()
- components = []
- for k, w in enumerate(self.cabinet_widths):
- # create frame
- frame_params = self.get_frame_params(w, i=i)
- self.frame_fac.params = frame_params
- frame, frame_params = self.frame_fac.create_asset(i=i, ret_params=True)
- frame.name = f'cabinet_frame_{k}'
- self.frame_params = frame_params
- # create attach
- if drawer_only:
- attach_type = np.random.choice(['drawer', 'door'], p=[0.5, 0.5])
- else:
- attach_type = np.random.choice(['drawer', 'door', 'none'], p=[0.4, 0.4, 0.2])
- attach_params = self.get_attach_params(attach_type, i=i)
- if attach_type == 'door':
- self.door_fac.params = attach_params[0]
- self.door_fac.params['door_left_hinge'] = False
- right_door, door_obj_params = self.door_fac.create_asset(i=i, ret_params=True)
- right_door.name = f'cabinet_right_door_{k}'
- self.door_fac.params = door_obj_params
- self.door_fac.params['door_left_hinge'] = True
- left_door, _ = self.door_fac.create_asset(i=i, ret_params=True)
- left_door.name = f'cabinet_left_door_{k}'
- components.append([frame, 'door', [right_door, left_door, attach_params[0]]])
- elif attach_type == 'drawer':
- drawers = []
- for j, p in enumerate(attach_params):
- self.drawer_fac.params = p
- drawer = self.drawer_fac.create_asset(i=i)
- drawer.name = f'drawer_{k}_layer{j}'
- drawers.append([drawer, p])
- components.append([frame, 'drawer', drawers])
- elif attach_type == 'none':
- components.append([frame, 'none'])
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- return components
- def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
- components = self.create_cabinet_components(i=i, drawer_only=self.drawer_only)
- cabinet_params = self.get_cabinet_params(i=i)
- join_objs = []
- contain_attach = False
- for com in components:
- if com[1] == 'none':
- continue
- else:
- contain_attach = True
- if contain_attach:
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_nodes, attributes=[], input_kwargs={
- 'components': components,
- 'y_translations': cabinet_params
- }, apply=True)
- join_objs += [obj]
- for i, c in enumerate(components):
- if c[1] == 'door':
- butil.delete(c[2][:-1])
- elif c[1] == 'drawer':
- butil.delete([x[0] for x in c[2]])
- c[0].location = (0, cabinet_params[i], 0)
- butil.apply_transform(c[0], loc=True)
- join_objs.append(c[0])
- #butil.delete(c[:1])
- obj = butil.join_objects(join_objs)
- tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
- return obj
-class KitchenCabinetFactory(KitchenCabinetBaseFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False, dimensions=None, drawer_only=False):
- self.dimensions = dimensions
- super().__init__(factory_seed, params, coarse)
- self.drawer_only = drawer_only
- def sample_params(self):
- params = dict()
- if self.dimensions is None:
- dimensions = (
- uniform(0.25, 0.35),
- uniform(1.0, 4.0),
- uniform(0.5, 1.3))
- self.dimensions = dimensions
- else:
- dimensions = self.dimensions
- params['Dimensions'] = dimensions
- params['bottom_board_height'] = 0.06
- params['shelf_depth'] = params['Dimensions'][0] - 0.01
- num_h = int((params['Dimensions'][2] - 0.06) / 0.3)
- params['shelf_cell_height'] = [(params['Dimensions'][2] - 0.06) / num_h for _ in range(num_h)]
- self.frame_params = params
- n_cells= max(int(params['Dimensions'][1] / 0.45),1)
- intervals = np.random.uniform(0.55, 1.0, size=(n_cells,))
- intervals = intervals / intervals.sum() * params['Dimensions'][1]
- self.cabinet_widths = intervals.tolist()
- def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
- x,y,z = self.dimensions
- return new_bbox(-x/2 * 1.2, x/2 * 1.2, 0, y * 1.1, 0, (z + 0.06))
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/shelves/kitchen_space.py b/infinigen/assets/shelves/kitchen_space.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f4136ca5..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/shelves/kitchen_space.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo, Stamatis Alexandropoulos
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from mathutils import Vector
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint, choice
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_bbox
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.shelves.kitchen_cabinet import KitchenCabinetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.table_decorations.sink import SinkFactory
-from infinigen.assets.wall_decorations.range_hood import RangeHoodFactory
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.tables.table_top import nodegroup_generate_table_top
-from infinigen.assets.materials.table_materials import shader_marble
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.constants import WALL_HEIGHT, WALL_THICKNESS
-def nodegroup_tag_cube(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- equal = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={2: index, 3: 5}, attrs={'data_type': 'INT', 'operation': 'EQUAL'})
- cube = tagging.tag_nodegroup(nw, group_input.outputs['Geometry'], t.Subpart.SupportSurface, selection=equal)
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def geometry_nodes_add_cabinet_top(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0500
- bounding_box = nw.new_node(Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': bounding_box.outputs["Max"]})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': bounding_box.outputs["Min"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 1.4140}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: subtract}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- generatetabletop = nw.new_node(nodegroup_generate_table_top().name,
- input_kwargs={'Thickness': value, 'N-gon': 4, 'Profile Width': multiply, 'Aspect Ratio': divide, 'Fillet Ratio': 0.0100, 'Fillet Radius Vertical': 0.0100})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': generatetabletop, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_marble)})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]})
- divide_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': bounding_box.outputs["Max"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': divide_1, 'Z': separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"]})
- transform_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material, 'Translation': combine_xyz})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [group_input.outputs["Geometry"], transform_geometry]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def geometry_node_to_tagged_bbox(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- bounding_box = nw.new_node(Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
- transform_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': bounding_box, 'Scale': (0.9700, 0.9700, 1.000)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def geometry_node_to_bbox(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- bounding_box = nw.new_node(Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
- transform_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': bounding_box, 'Scale': (0.9700, 0.9700, 1.000)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-class KitchenSpaceFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(
- self,
- factory_seed,
- coarse=False,
- dimensions=None,
- island=False
- ):
- super(KitchenSpaceFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- if dimensions is None:
- dimensions = Vector((
- uniform(0.7, 1),
- uniform(1.7, 5),
- ))
- self.island = island
- if self.island:
- dimensions.x *= uniform(1.5, 2)
- self.dimensions = dimensions
- self.params = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
- def sample_parameters(self, dimensions):
- self.cabinet_bottom_height = uniform(0.8, 1.0)
- self.cabinet_top_height = uniform(0.8, 1.0)
- def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
- x, y, z = self.dimensions
- box = new_bbox(-x/2 * 1.08, x/2 * 1.08, 0, y, 0, self.cabinet_bottom_height + 0.095)
- surface.add_geomod(box, nodegroup_tag_cube, apply=True)
- if not self.island:
- box_top = new_bbox(-x/2, x*0.16, 0, y, z - self.cabinet_top_height - 0.1, z)
- box = butil.join_objects([box, box_top])
- return box
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- x, y, z = self.dimensions
- parts = []
- cabinet_bottom_height = self.cabinet_bottom_height
- cabinet_top_height = self.cabinet_top_height
- cabinet_bottom_factory = KitchenCabinetFactory(self.factory_seed, dimensions=(x, y-0.15, cabinet_bottom_height), drawer_only=True)
- cabinet_bottom = cabinet_bottom_factory(i=0)
- parts.append(cabinet_bottom)
- surface.add_geomod(cabinet_bottom, geometry_nodes_add_cabinet_top, apply=True)
- if not self.island:
- # top
- top_mid_width = uniform(1.0, 1.3)
- cabinet_top_width = (y - top_mid_width) / 2.0 - 0.05
- cabinet_top_factory = KitchenCabinetFactory(self.factory_seed, dimensions=(x / 2.0, cabinet_top_width, cabinet_top_height), drawer_only=False)
- cabinet_top_left = cabinet_top_factory(i=0)
- cabinet_top_right = cabinet_top_factory(i=1)
- cabinet_top_left.location = (-x/4.0, 0.0, z-cabinet_top_height)
- cabinet_top_right.location = (-x/4.0, y - cabinet_top_width, z-cabinet_top_height)
- # hood / cab
- # mid_style = choice(['range_hood', 'cabinet'])
- # mid_style = 'range_hood'
- mid_style = choice(['cabinet'])
- if mid_style == 'range_hood':
- range_hood_factory = RangeHoodFactory(self.factory_seed, dimensions=(x*0.66, top_mid_width + 0.15, cabinet_top_height))
- top_mid = range_hood_factory(i=0)
- top_mid.location = (-x*0.5, y/2.0, z-cabinet_top_height+0.05)
- elif mid_style == 'cabinet':
- cabinet_top_mid_factory = KitchenCabinetFactory(self.factory_seed, dimensions=(x*0.66, top_mid_width, cabinet_top_height * 0.8), drawer_only=False)
- top_mid = cabinet_top_mid_factory(i=0)
- top_mid.location = (-x/6.0, y/2.0 - top_mid_width / 2.0, z-(cabinet_top_height * 0.8))
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- # parts += [sink, cabinet_top_left, cabinet_top_right, top_mid]
- parts += [cabinet_top_left, cabinet_top_right, top_mid]
- kitchen_space = butil.join_objects(parts)#[cabinet_bottom, sink, cabinet_top_left, cabinet_top_right, top_mid])
- if not self.island:
- kitchen_space.dimensions = self.dimensions
- butil.apply_transform(kitchen_space)
- tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(kitchen_space)
- return kitchen_space
-class KitchenIslandFactory(KitchenSpaceFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed):
- super(KitchenIslandFactory, self).__init__(
- factory_seed=factory_seed,
- island=True,
- )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/shelves/large_shelf.py b/infinigen/assets/shelves/large_shelf.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ba1950ae..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/shelves/large_shelf.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,616 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-import bpy
-from infinigen.assets.shelves.utils import nodegroup_tagged_cube
-from infinigen.assets.materials.shelf_shaders import (
- shader_shelves_white, shader_shelves_white_sampler,
- shader_shelves_black_wood, shader_shelves_black_wood_sampler,
- shader_shelves_wood, shader_shelves_wood_sampler,
- shader_shelves_white_metallic, shader_shelves_white_metallic_sampler,
- shader_shelves_black_metallic, shader_shelves_black_metallic_sampler)
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_screw_head', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_screw_head(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Depth', 0.0050),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'division_thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'screw_width_gap', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'screw_depth_gap', 0.0000)])
- cylinder = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder',
- input_kwargs={'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"],
- 'Depth': group_input.outputs["Depth"]},
- attrs={'fill_type': 'TRIANGLE_FAN'})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input.outputs["screw_width_gap"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["screw_width_gap"], 1: 0.0000})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: add}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["division_thickness"], 1: -0.5000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': subtract, 'Y': multiply_2, 'Z': multiply_3})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Translation': combine_xyz})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': subtract, 'Y': subtract_1, 'Z': multiply_3})
- transform_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Translation': combine_xyz_4})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_1, transform_6]})
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_2, 'Scale': (-1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)})
- join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_4, join_geometry_2]})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_3})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_attachment', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_attachment(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'attach_thickness', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'attach_length', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'attach_z_translation', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'attach_gap', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'attach_width', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["attach_width"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["attach_length"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': add_1, 'Z': group_input.outputs["attach_thickness"]})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz, 'Vertices X': 5, 'Vertices Y': 5, 'Vertices Z': 5})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input.outputs["attach_gap"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: add}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: -0.5000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: multiply_2})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': subtract_1, 'Y': add_2,
- 'Z': group_input.outputs["attach_z_translation"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Scale': (-1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_1, transform]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_division_board', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_division_board(nw: NodeWrangler, material, tag_support=False):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'z_translation', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'x_translation', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'screw_depth', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'screw_radius', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'screw_width_gap', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'screw_depth_gap', 0.0000)])
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["width"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["depth"],
- 'Z': group_input.outputs["thickness"]})
- if tag_support:
- cube = nw.new_node(nodegroup_tagged_cube().name, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz})
- else:
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz, 'Vertices X': 10, 'Vertices Y': 10, 'Vertices Z': 10})
- screw_head = nw.new_node(nodegroup_screw_head().name,
- input_kwargs={'Depth': group_input.outputs["screw_depth"],
- 'Radius': group_input.outputs["screw_radius"],
- 'division_thickness': group_input.outputs["thickness"],
- 'width': group_input.outputs["width"], 'depth': group_input.outputs["depth"],
- 'screw_width_gap': group_input.outputs["screw_width_gap"],
- 'screw_depth_gap': group_input.outputs["screw_depth_gap"]})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [cube, screw_head]})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["x_translation"],
- 'Z': group_input.outputs["z_translation"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_bottom_board', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_bottom_board(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'y_gap', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'x_translation', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'height', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.0000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["width"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["thickness"],
- 'Z': add})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz, 'Vertices X': 10, 'Vertices Y': 10, 'Vertices Z': 10})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input.outputs["y_gap"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["x_translation"], 'Y': subtract,
- 'Z': multiply_1})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_back_board', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_back_board(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'height', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["width"], 'Y': add, 'Z': add_1})
- cube_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_4, 'Vertices X': 10, 'Vertices Y': 10, 'Vertices Z': 10})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: 0.0000})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: -0.5000, 2: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_add, 'Z': multiply_1})
- transform_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_2, 'Translation': combine_xyz_5})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_5},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_side_board', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_side_board(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'board_thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'height', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'x_translation', 0.0000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["board_thickness"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': add_1, 'Z': add_2})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz, 'Vertices X': 10, 'Vertices Y': 10, 'Vertices Z': 10})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: 0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["x_translation"], 'Z': multiply})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- side_board_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='side_board_thickness')
- side_board_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['side_board_thickness']
- shelf_depth = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='shelf_depth')
- shelf_depth.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['shelf_depth']
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: shelf_depth, 1: 0.0040})
- shelf_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='shelf_height')
- shelf_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['shelf_height']
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: shelf_height, 1: 0.0020})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: shelf_height, 1: -0.0010})
- side_boards = []
- for x in kwargs['side_board_x_translation']:
- side_board_x_translation = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='side_board_x_translation')
- side_board_x_translation.outputs[0].default_value = x
- side_board = nw.new_node(nodegroup_side_board().name,
- input_kwargs={'board_thickness': side_board_thickness,
- 'depth': add, 'height': add_1,
- 'x_translation': side_board_x_translation})
- side_boards.append(side_board)
- shelf_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='shelf_width')
- shelf_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['shelf_width']
- backboard_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='backboard_thickness')
- backboard_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['backboard_thickness']
- add_side = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: shelf_width, 1: kwargs['side_board_thickness'] * 2})
- back_board = nw.new_node(nodegroup_back_board().name,
- input_kwargs={'width': add_side, 'thickness': backboard_thickness,
- 'height': add_2, 'depth': shelf_depth})
- bottom_board_y_gap = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='bottom_board_y_gap')
- bottom_board_y_gap.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['bottom_board_y_gap']
- bottom_board_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='bottom_board_height')
- bottom_board_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['bottom_board_height']
- bottom_boards = []
- for i in range(len(kwargs['shelf_cell_width'])):
- bottom_gap_x_translation = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='bottom_gap_x_translation')
- bottom_gap_x_translation.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['bottom_gap_x_translation'][i]
- shelf_cell_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='shelf_cell_width')
- shelf_cell_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['shelf_cell_width'][i]
- bottomboard = nw.new_node(nodegroup_bottom_board().name,
- input_kwargs={'thickness': side_board_thickness, 'depth': shelf_depth,
- 'y_gap': bottom_board_y_gap, 'x_translation': bottom_gap_x_translation,
- 'height': bottom_board_height, 'width': shelf_cell_width})
- bottom_boards.append(bottomboard)
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [back_board] + side_boards + bottom_boards})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(kwargs['frame_material'])})
- division_board_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='division_board_thickness')
- division_board_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['division_board_thickness']
- division_boards = []
- for i in range(len(kwargs['shelf_cell_width'])):
- for j in range(len(kwargs['division_board_z_translation'])):
- division_board_z_translation = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='division_board_z_translation')
- division_board_z_translation.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['division_board_z_translation'][j]
- division_board_x_translation = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='division_board_x_translation')
- division_board_x_translation.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['division_board_x_translation'][i]
- shelf_cell_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='shelf_cell_width')
- shelf_cell_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['shelf_cell_width'][i]
- screw_depth_head = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='screw_depth_head')
- screw_depth_head.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['screw_depth_head']
- screw_head_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='screw_head_radius')
- screw_head_radius.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['screw_head_radius']
- screw_width_gap = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='screw_width_gap')
- screw_width_gap.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['screw_width_gap']
- screw_depth_gap = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='screw_depth_gap')
- screw_depth_gap.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['screw_depth_gap']
- division_board = nw.new_node(nodegroup_division_board(material=kwargs['board_material'],
- tag_support=kwargs.get('tag_support', False)).name,
- input_kwargs={'thickness': division_board_thickness,
- 'width': shelf_cell_width,
- 'depth': shelf_depth,
- 'z_translation': division_board_z_translation,
- 'x_translation': division_board_x_translation,
- 'screw_depth': screw_depth_head,
- 'screw_radius': screw_head_radius,
- 'screw_width_gap': screw_width_gap,
- 'screw_depth_gap': screw_depth_gap})
- division_boards.append(division_board)
- attach_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='attach_thickness')
- attach_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['attach_thickness']
- attach_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='attach_length')
- attach_length.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['attach_length']
- attach_z_translation = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='attach_z_translation')
- attach_z_translation.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['attach_z_translation']
- attach_gap = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='attach_gap')
- attach_gap.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['attach_gap']
- attach_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='attach_width')
- attach_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['attach_width']
- join_geometry_k = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': division_boards})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_k,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(kwargs['board_material'])})
- join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material, set_material_1]})
- realize_instances_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_3})
- triangulate = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeTriangulate', input_kwargs={'Mesh': realize_instances_3})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': triangulate, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-class LargeShelfBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
- super(LargeShelfBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.params = {}
- def sample_params(self):
- return self.params.copy()
- def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
- params = self.sample_params()
- if params.get('shelf_depth', None) is None:
- params['shelf_depth'] = np.clip(normal(0.26, 0.03), 0.18, 0.36)
- if params.get('side_board_thickness', None) is None:
- params['side_board_thickness'] = np.clip(normal(0.02, 0.002), 0.015, 0.025)
- if params.get('back_board_thickness', None) is None:
- params['backboard_thickness'] = 0.01
- if params.get('bottom_board_y_gap', None) is None:
- params['bottom_board_y_gap'] = uniform(0.01, 0.05)
- if params.get('bottom_board_height', None) is None:
- params['bottom_board_height'] = (np.clip(normal(0.083, 0.01), 0.05, 0.11) *
- np.random.choice([1., 0.], p=[0.8, 0.2]))
- if params.get('division_board_thickness', None) is None:
- params['division_board_thickness'] = np.clip(normal(0.02, 0.002), 0.015, 0.025)
- if params.get('screw_depth_head', None) is None:
- params['screw_depth_head'] = uniform(0.001, 0.004)
- if params.get('screw_head_radius', None) is None:
- params['screw_head_radius'] = uniform(0.001, 0.004)
- if params.get('screw_width_gap', None) is None:
- params['screw_width_gap'] = uniform(0.0, 0.02)
- if params.get('screw_depth_gap', None) is None:
- params['screw_depth_gap'] = uniform(0.025, 0.06)
- if params.get('attach_length', None) is None:
- params['attach_length'] = uniform(0.05, 0.1)
- if params.get('attach_width', None) is None:
- params['attach_width'] = uniform(0.01, 0.025)
- if params.get('attach_thickness', None) is None:
- params['attach_thickness'] = uniform(0.002, 0.005)
- if params.get('attach_gap', None) is None:
- params['attach_gap'] = uniform(0.0, 0.05)
- if params.get('shelf_cell_width', None) is None:
- num_h_cells = randint(1, 4)
- shelf_cell_width = []
- for i in range(num_h_cells):
- shelf_cell_width.append(np.random.choice([0.76, 0.36], p=[0.5, 0.5]) *
- np.clip(normal(1., 0.1), 0.75, 1.25))
- params['shelf_cell_width'] = shelf_cell_width
- if params.get('shelf_cell_height', None) is None:
- num_v_cells = randint(3, 8)
- shelf_cell_height = []
- for i in range(num_v_cells):
- shelf_cell_height.append(0.3 * np.clip(normal(1., 0.1), 0.75, 1.25))
- params['shelf_cell_height'] = shelf_cell_height
- params = self.update_translation_params(params)
- if params.get('frame_material', None) is None:
- params['frame_material'] = np.random.choice(['white', 'black_wood', 'wood'], p=[0.4, 0.3, 0.3])
- if params.get('board_material', None) is None:
- params['board_material'] = params['frame_material']
- params = self.get_material_func(params)
- params['tag_support'] = True
- return params
- def get_material_func(self, params, randomness=True):
- white_wood_params = shader_shelves_white_sampler()
- black_wood_params = shader_shelves_black_wood_sampler()
- normal_wood_params = shader_shelves_wood_sampler()
- if params['frame_material'] == 'white':
- if randomness:
- params['frame_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_white(x, **white_wood_params)
- else:
- params['frame_material'] = shader_shelves_white
- elif params['frame_material'] == 'black_wood':
- if randomness:
- params['frame_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(x, **black_wood_params, z_axis_texture=True)
- else:
- params['frame_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(x, z_axis_texture=True)
- elif params['frame_material'] == 'wood':
- if randomness:
- params['frame_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_wood(x, **normal_wood_params, z_axis_texture=True)
- else:
- params['frame_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_wood(x, z_axis_texture=True)
- if params['board_material'] == 'white':
- if randomness:
- params['board_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_white(x, **white_wood_params)
- else:
- params['board_material'] = shader_shelves_white
- elif params['board_material'] == 'black_wood':
- if randomness:
- params['board_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(x, **black_wood_params)
- else:
- params['board_material'] = shader_shelves_black_wood
- elif params['board_material'] == 'wood':
- if randomness:
- params['board_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_wood(x, **normal_wood_params)
- else:
- params['board_material'] = shader_shelves_wood
- return params
- def update_translation_params(self, params):
- cell_widths = params['shelf_cell_width']
- cell_heights = params['shelf_cell_height']
- side_thickness = params['side_board_thickness']
- div_thickness = params['division_board_thickness']
- # get shelf_width and shelf_height
- width = (len(cell_widths) - 1) * side_thickness * 2 + (len(cell_widths) - 1) * 0.001
- height = (len(cell_heights) + 1) * div_thickness + params['bottom_board_height']
- for w in cell_widths:
- width += w
- for h in cell_heights:
- height += h
- params['shelf_width'] = width
- params['shelf_height'] = height
- params['attach_z_translation'] = height - div_thickness
- # get side_board_x_translation
- dist = - (width + side_thickness) / 2.
- side_board_x_translation = [dist]
- for w in cell_widths:
- dist += side_thickness + w
- side_board_x_translation.append(dist)
- dist += side_thickness + 0.001
- side_board_x_translation.append(dist)
- side_board_x_translation = side_board_x_translation[:-1]
- # get division_board_z_translation
- dist = params['bottom_board_height'] + div_thickness / 2.
- division_board_z_translation = [dist]
- for h in cell_heights:
- dist += h + div_thickness
- division_board_z_translation.append(dist)
- # get division_board_x_translation
- division_board_x_translation = []
- for i in range(len(cell_widths)):
- division_board_x_translation.append((side_board_x_translation[2 * i] + side_board_x_translation[2 * i+1]) / 2.)
- params['side_board_x_translation'] = side_board_x_translation
- params['division_board_x_translation'] = division_board_x_translation
- params['division_board_z_translation'] = division_board_z_translation
- params['bottom_gap_x_translation'] = division_board_x_translation
- return params
- def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- obj_params = self.get_asset_params(i)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_nodes, attributes=[], apply=True, input_kwargs=obj_params)
- if params.get('ret_params', False):
- return obj, obj_params
- tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
- return obj
-class LargeShelfFactory(LargeShelfBaseFactory):
- def sample_params(self):
- params = dict()
- params['Dimensions'] = (
- uniform(0.25, 0.35),
- uniform(0.3, 2.0),
- uniform(0.9, 2.0)
- )
- params['bottom_board_height'] = 0.083
- params['shelf_depth'] = params['Dimensions'][0] - 0.01
- num_h = int((params['Dimensions'][2] - 0.083) / 0.3)
- params['shelf_cell_height'] = [(params['Dimensions'][2] - 0.083) / num_h for _ in range(num_h)]
- num_v = max(int(params['Dimensions'][1] / 0.5), 1)
- params['shelf_cell_width'] = [params['Dimensions'][1] / num_v for _ in range(num_v)]
- return params
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/shelves/simple_bookcase.py b/infinigen/assets/shelves/simple_bookcase.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ea9796a9..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/shelves/simple_bookcase.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,518 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.assets.materials.shelf_shaders import get_shelf_material
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-import bpy
-from infinigen.assets.shelves.utils import nodegroup_tagged_cube
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_attach_gadget', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_attach_gadget(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'division_thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'height', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'attach_thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'attach_width', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'attach_back_len', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'attach_top_len', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["attach_width"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["attach_top_len"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["attach_thickness"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': add_1, 'Z': add_2})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz, 'Vertices X': 5, 'Vertices Y': 5, 'Vertices Z': 5})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: 0.0000})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: add_1}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={
- 0: group_input.outputs["height"],
- 1: group_input.outputs["division_thickness"]
- }, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply, 'Z': subtract_1})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["attach_back_len"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': add_2, 'Z': add_4})
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={
- 'Size': combine_xyz_1,
- 'Vertices X': 5,
- 'Vertices Y': 5,
- 'Vertices Z': 5
- })
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_4}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: multiply_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_1, 'Z': subtract_2})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz_3})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'attach1': transform, 'attach2': transform_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_screw_head', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_screw_head(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Depth', 0.0050),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius', 1.0000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'bottom_gap', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'division_thickness', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'height', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'screw_gap', 0.5000)])
- cylinder = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder', input_kwargs={
- 'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"],
- 'Depth': group_input.outputs["Depth"]
- }, attrs={'fill_type': 'TRIANGLE_FAN'})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Rotation': (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000)
- })
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["screw_gap"], 1: 0.0000})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: add}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["division_thickness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: multiply_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply, 'Y': subtract, 'Z': subtract_1})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["bottom_gap"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply, 'Y': subtract, 'Z': add_1})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Translation': combine_xyz})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: -1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': multiply, 'Y': multiply_3, 'Z': subtract_1})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: add_1})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply, 'Z': multiply_4})
- transform_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Translation': combine_xyz_3})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply, 'Y': multiply_3, 'Z': add_1})
- transform_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Translation': combine_xyz_4})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': [transform_2, transform_1, transform_3, transform_5, transform_6]
- })
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_2, 'Scale': (-1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)})
- join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_4, join_geometry_2]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_3},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_back_board', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_back_board(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'height', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["width"], 'Y': add, 'Z': add_1})
- cube_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={
- 'Size': combine_xyz_4,
- 'Vertices X': 10,
- 'Vertices Y': 10,
- 'Vertices Z': 10
- })
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: 0.0000})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: -0.5000, 2: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_add, 'Z': multiply_1})
- transform_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube_2, 'Translation': combine_xyz_5})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_5},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_division_board', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_division_board(nw: NodeWrangler, tag_support=False):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'board_thickness', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'side_thickness', 0.5000)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["side_thickness"], 1: 2.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={
- 'X': subtract,
- 'Y': add,
- 'Z': group_input.outputs["board_thickness"]
- })
- if tag_support:
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_tagged_cube().name, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_3})
- else:
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={
- 'Size': combine_xyz_3,
- 'Vertices X': 10,
- 'Vertices Y': 10,
- 'Vertices Z': 10
- })
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Mesh': cube_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_division_boards', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_division_boards(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'height', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'gap', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["gap"], 1: multiply})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': add})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: add})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_1})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': subtract})
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={
- 'board1': transform_2,
- 'board2': transform_3,
- 'board3': transform_4
- }, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_side_board', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_side_board(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'board_thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'height', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["board_thickness"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["depth"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': add_1, 'Z': add_2})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz, 'Vertices X': 10, 'Vertices Y': 10, 'Vertices Z': 10})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"], 1: 0.0000})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: add}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: 0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply, 'Z': multiply_1})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_2, 'Z': multiply_1})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform, transform_1]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- side_board_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='side_board_thickness')
- side_board_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['side_board_thickness']
- shelf_depth = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='shelf_depth')
- shelf_depth.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['depth']
- shelf_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='shelf_height')
- shelf_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['height']
- shelf_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='shelf_width')
- shelf_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['width']
- side_board = nw.new_node(nodegroup_side_board().name, input_kwargs={
- 'board_thickness': side_board_thickness,
- 'depth': shelf_depth,
- 'height': shelf_height,
- 'width': shelf_width
- })
- division_board_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='division_board_thickness')
- division_board_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['division_board_thickness']
- bottom_gap = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='bottom_gap')
- bottom_gap.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['bottom_gap']
- division_board = nw.new_node(nodegroup_division_board(tag_support=kwargs['tag_support']).name,
- input_kwargs={
- 'board_thickness': division_board_thickness,
- 'depth': shelf_depth,
- 'width': shelf_width,
- 'side_thickness': side_board_thickness
- })
- division_boards = nw.new_node(nodegroup_division_boards().name, input_kwargs={
- 'thickness': division_board_thickness,
- 'height': shelf_height,
- 'gap': bottom_gap,
- 'Geometry': division_board
- })
- backboard_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='backboard_thickness')
- backboard_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['backboard_thickness']
- back_board = nw.new_node(nodegroup_back_board().name, input_kwargs={
- 'width': shelf_width,
- 'thickness': backboard_thickness,
- 'height': shelf_height,
- 'depth': shelf_depth
- })
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': [side_board, division_boards.outputs["board1"], division_boards.outputs["board2"],
- back_board, division_boards.outputs["board3"]]
- })
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': realize_instances,
- 'Material': kwargs['frame_material']
- })
- screw_depth_head = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='screw_depth_head')
- screw_depth_head.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['screw_head_depth']
- screw_head_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='screw_head_radius')
- screw_head_radius.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['screw_head_radius']
- screw_head_gap = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='screw_head_gap')
- screw_head_gap.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['screw_head_dist']
- screw_head = nw.new_node(nodegroup_screw_head().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Depth': screw_depth_head,
- 'Radius': screw_head_radius,
- 'bottom_gap': bottom_gap,
- 'division_thickness': division_board_thickness,
- 'width': shelf_width,
- 'height': shelf_height,
- 'depth': shelf_depth,
- 'screw_gap': screw_head_gap
- })
- realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': screw_head})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': realize_instances_1,
- 'Material': kwargs['metal_material']
- })
- attach_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='attach_thickness')
- attach_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['attach_thickness']
- attach_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='attach_width')
- attach_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['attach_width']
- attach_back_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='attach_back_length')
- attach_back_length.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['attach_back_length']
- attach_top_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='attach_top_length')
- attach_top_length.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['attach_top_length']
- attach_gadget = nw.new_node(nodegroup_attach_gadget().name, input_kwargs={
- 'division_thickness': division_board_thickness,
- 'height': shelf_height,
- 'attach_thickness': attach_thickness,
- 'attach_width': attach_width,
- 'attach_back_len': attach_back_length,
- 'attach_top_len': attach_top_length,
- 'depth': shelf_depth
- })
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': [attach_gadget.outputs["attach1"], attach_gadget.outputs["attach2"]]
- })
- realize_instances_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_2})
- set_material_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': realize_instances_2,
- 'Material': kwargs['metal_material']
- })
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material, set_material_1, set_material_2]})
- realize_instances_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1})
- triangulate = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeTriangulate', input_kwargs={'Mesh': realize_instances_3})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': triangulate, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-class SimpleBookcaseBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
- super(SimpleBookcaseBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.params = params
- def sample_params(self):
- return self.params.copy()
- def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
- params = self.sample_params()
- if params.get('depth', None) is None:
- params['depth'] = np.clip(normal(0.3, 0.05), 0.15, 0.45)
- if params.get('width', None) is None:
- params['width'] = np.clip(normal(0.5, 0.1), 0.25, 0.75)
- if params.get('height', None) is None:
- params['height'] = np.clip(normal(0.8, 0.1), 0.5, 1.0)
- params['side_board_thickness'] = uniform(0.005, 0.03)
- params['division_board_thickness'] = np.clip(normal(0.015, 0.005), 0.005, 0.025)
- params['bottom_gap'] = np.clip(normal(0.14, 0.05), 0.0, 0.2)
- params['backboard_thickness'] = uniform(0.01, 0.02)
- params['screw_head_depth'] = uniform(0.002, 0.008)
- params['screw_head_radius'] = uniform(0.003, 0.008)
- params['screw_head_dist'] = uniform(0.03, 0.1)
- params['attach_thickness'] = uniform(0.002, 0.005)
- params['attach_width'] = uniform(0.01, 0.04)
- params['attach_top_length'] = uniform(0.03, 0.1)
- params['attach_back_length'] = uniform(0.02, 0.05)
- params['frame_material'] = get_shelf_material('white')
- params['metal_material'] = get_shelf_material('metal')
- params['tag_support'] = True
- return params
- def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0),
- scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- obj_params = self.get_asset_params(i)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_nodes, apply=True, attributes=[], input_kwargs=obj_params)
- tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
- return obj
-class SimpleBookcaseFactory(SimpleBookcaseBaseFactory):
- def sample_params(self):
- params = dict()
- params['Dimensions'] = (uniform(0.25, 0.4), uniform(0.5, 0.7), uniform(0.7, 0.9))
- params['depth'] = params['Dimensions'][0] - 0.015
- params['width'] = params['Dimensions'][1]
- params['height'] = params['Dimensions'][2]
- return params
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/shelves/simple_desk.py b/infinigen/assets/shelves/simple_desk.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 440ae9fe5..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/shelves/simple_desk.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-import bpy
-from infinigen.assets.shelves.utils import nodegroup_tagged_cube
-from infinigen.assets.materials.shelf_shaders import (
- shader_shelves_white, shader_shelves_white_sampler,
- shader_shelves_black_wood, shader_shelves_black_wood_sampler,
- shader_shelves_white_metallic, shader_shelves_white_metallic_sampler,
- shader_shelves_black_metallic, shader_shelves_black_metallic_sampler)
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_table_legs', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_table_legs(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'height', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'radius', 0.0200),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'dist', 0.5000)])
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: group_input.outputs["thickness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- cylinder = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder',
- input_kwargs={'Radius': group_input.outputs["radius"], 'Depth': subtract, 'Vertices': 128})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["width"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["dist"], 1: 0.0000})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: add}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["depth"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: add}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': subtract_1, 'Y': subtract_2, 'Z': multiply_2})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_3, 'Y': subtract_2, 'Z': multiply_2})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': combine_xyz_3})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_2, 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': subtract_1, 'Y': multiply_4, 'Z': multiply_2})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': combine_xyz_4})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_3, 'Y': multiply_4, 'Z': multiply_2})
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': combine_xyz_5})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform, transform_2, transform_3, transform_4]})
- realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_table_top', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_table_top(nw: NodeWrangler, tag_support=True):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'depth', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'height', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'thickness', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["thickness"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["width"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["depth"],
- 'Z': add})
- if tag_support:
- cube = nw.new_node(nodegroup_tagged_cube().name, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz})
- else:
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz, 'Vertices X': 10, 'Vertices Y': 10, 'Vertices Z': 10})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["height"], 1: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': subtract})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- table_depth = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='table_depth')
- table_depth.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['depth']
- table_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='table_width')
- table_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['width']
- table_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='table_height')
- table_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['height']
- top_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='top_thickness')
- top_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['thickness']
- table_top = nw.new_node(nodegroup_table_top(tag_support=True).name,
- input_kwargs={'depth': table_depth, 'width': table_width, 'height': table_height,
- 'thickness': top_thickness})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': table_top,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(kwargs['top_material'])})
- leg_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='leg_radius')
- leg_radius.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['leg_radius']
- leg_center_to_edge = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='leg_center_to_edge')
- leg_center_to_edge.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['leg_dist']
- table_legs = nw.new_node(nodegroup_table_legs().name,
- input_kwargs={'thickness': top_thickness, 'height': table_height, 'radius': leg_radius,
- 'width': table_width, 'depth': table_depth, 'dist': leg_center_to_edge})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': table_legs,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(kwargs['leg_material'])})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material, set_material_1]})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry})
- triangulate = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeTriangulate', input_kwargs={'Mesh': realize_instances})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': triangulate, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.5708)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-class SimpleDeskBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
- super(SimpleDeskBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.params = params
- def sample_params(self):
- return self.params.copy()
- def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
- params = self.sample_params()
- if params.get('depth', None) is None:
- params['depth'] = np.clip(normal(0.6, 0.05), 0.45, 0.7)
- if params.get('width', None) is None:
- params['width'] = np.clip(normal(1.0, 0.1), 0.7, 1.3)
- if params.get('height', None) is None:
- params['height'] = np.clip(normal(0.73, 0.05), 0.6, 0.83)
- if params.get('top_material', None) is None:
- params['top_material'] = np.random.choice(['white', 'black_wood'])
- if params.get('leg_material', None) is None:
- params['leg_material'] = np.random.choice(['white', 'black'])
- if params.get('leg_radius', None) is None:
- params['leg_radius'] = uniform(0.01, 0.025)
- if params.get('leg_dist', None) is None:
- params['leg_dist'] = uniform(0.035, 0.07)
- if params.get('thickness', None) is None:
- params['thickness'] = uniform(0.01, 0.03)
- params = self.get_material_func(params)
- return params
- def get_material_func(self, params, randomness=True):
- if params['top_material'] == 'white':
- if randomness:
- params['top_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_white(x, **shader_shelves_white_sampler())
- else:
- params['top_material'] = shader_shelves_white
- elif params['top_material'] == 'black_wood':
- if randomness:
- params['top_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_wood(x, **shader_shelves_black_wood_sampler())
- else:
- params['top_material'] = shader_shelves_black_wood
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- if params['leg_material'] == 'white':
- if randomness:
- params['leg_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_white_metallic(x, **shader_shelves_white_metallic_sampler())
- else:
- params['leg_material'] = shader_shelves_white_metallic
- elif params['leg_material'] == 'black':
- if randomness:
- params['leg_material'] = lambda x: shader_shelves_black_metallic(x, **shader_shelves_black_metallic_sampler())
- else:
- params['leg_material'] = shader_shelves_black_metallic
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- return params
- def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- obj_params = self.get_asset_params(i)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_nodes, attributes=[], apply=True, input_kwargs=obj_params)
- tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
- return obj
-class SimpleDeskFactory(SimpleDeskBaseFactory):
- def sample_params(self):
- params = dict()
- params['Dimensions'] = (uniform(0.5, 0.75),
- uniform(0.8, 2),
- uniform(0.6, 0.8))
- params['depth'] = params['Dimensions'][0]
- params['width'] = params['Dimensions'][1]
- params['height'] = params['Dimensions'][2]
- return params
-class SidetableDeskFactory(SimpleDeskBaseFactory):
- def sample_params(self):
- params = dict()
- w = 0.55 * normal(1, 0.1)
- params['Dimensions'] = (w, w, w * normal(1, 0.05))
- params['depth'] = params['Dimensions'][0]
- params['width'] = params['Dimensions'][1]
- params['height'] = params['Dimensions'][2]
- return params
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/shelves/single_cabinet.py b/infinigen/assets/shelves/single_cabinet.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 14dc77257..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/shelves/single_cabinet.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-import bpy
-from infinigen.assets.shelves.utils import nodegroup_tagged_cube, blender_rotate
-from infinigen.assets.shelves.large_shelf import LargeShelfBaseFactory
-from infinigen.assets.shelves.doors import CabinetDoorBaseFactory
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_bbox
-def geometry_cabinet_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- right_door_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={'Object': kwargs['door'][0]})
- left_door_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={'Object': kwargs['door'][1]})
- shelf_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={'Object': kwargs['shelf']})
- doors = []
- transform_r = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': right_door_info.outputs['Geometry'],
- 'Translation': kwargs['door_hinge_pos'][0],
- 'Rotation': (0, 0, kwargs['door_open_angle'])})
- doors.append(transform_r)
- if len(kwargs['door_hinge_pos']) > 1:
- transform_l = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': left_door_info.outputs['Geometry'],
- 'Translation': kwargs['door_hinge_pos'][1],
- 'Rotation': (0, 0, kwargs['door_open_angle'])})
- doors.append(transform_l)
- attaches = []
- for pos in kwargs['attach_pos']:
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': (0.0006, 0.0200, 0.04500)})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': -0.0100})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz})
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': (0.0005, 0.0340, 0.0200)})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform, cube_1]})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Translation': (0.0000, -0.0170, 0.0000)})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708)})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_2, 'Translation': pos})
- attaches.append(transform_3)
- join_geometry_a = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': attaches})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': doors + [join_geometry_a]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-class SingleCabinetBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
- super(SingleCabinetBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.shelf_params = {}
- self.door_params = {}
- self.mat_params = {}
- self.shelf_fac = LargeShelfBaseFactory(factory_seed)
- self.door_fac = CabinetDoorBaseFactory(factory_seed)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.params = self.sample_params()
- def sample_params(self):
- # Update fac params
- pass
- def get_material_params(self):
- with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- params = self.mat_params.copy()
- if params.get('frame_material', None) is None:
- params['frame_material'] = np.random.choice(['white', 'black_wood', 'wood'], p=[0.5, 0.2, 0.3])
- return params
- def get_shelf_params(self, i=0):
- params = self.shelf_params.copy()
- if params.get('shelf_cell_width', None) is None:
- params['shelf_cell_width'] = [np.random.choice([0.76, 0.36], p=[0.5, 0.5]) *
- np.clip(normal(1., 0.1), 0.75, 1.25)]
- if params.get('shelf_cell_height', None) is None:
- num_v_cells = randint(3, 7)
- shelf_cell_height = []
- for i in range(num_v_cells):
- shelf_cell_height.append(0.3 * np.clip(normal(1., 0.06), 0.75, 1.25))
- params['shelf_cell_height'] = shelf_cell_height
- if params.get('frame_material', None) is None:
- params['frame_material'] = self.mat_params['frame_material']
- return params
- def get_door_params(self, i=0):
- params = self.door_params.copy()
- # get door params
- shelf_width = self.shelf_params['shelf_width'] + self.shelf_params['side_board_thickness'] * 2
- if params.get('door_width', None) is None:
- if shelf_width < 0.55:
- params['door_width'] = shelf_width
- params['num_door'] = 1
- else:
- params['door_width'] = shelf_width / 2. - 0.0005
- params['num_door'] = 2
- if params.get('door_height', None) is None:
- params['door_height'] = (self.shelf_params['division_board_z_translation'][-1] -
- self.shelf_params['division_board_z_translation'][0] +
- self.shelf_params['division_board_thickness'])
- if len(self.shelf_params['division_board_z_translation']) > 5 and \
- np.random.choice([True, False], p=[0.5, 0.5]):
- params['door_height'] = (self.shelf_params['division_board_z_translation'][3] -
- self.shelf_params['division_board_z_translation'][0] +
- self.shelf_params['division_board_thickness'])
- if params.get('frame_material', None) is None:
- params['frame_material'] = self.mat_params['frame_material']
- return params
- def get_cabinet_params(self, i=0):
- params = dict()
- shelf_width = self.shelf_params['shelf_width'] + self.shelf_params['side_board_thickness'] * 2
- if self.door_params['num_door'] == 1:
- params['door_hinge_pos'] = [(self.shelf_params['shelf_depth'] / 2. + 0.0025, -shelf_width / 2.,
- self.shelf_params['bottom_board_height'])]
- params['door_open_angle'] = 0
- params['attach_pos'] = [
- (self.shelf_params['shelf_depth'] / 2., -self.shelf_params['shelf_width'] / 2.,
- self.shelf_params['bottom_board_height'] + z) for z in self.door_params['attach_height']
- ]
- elif self.door_params['num_door'] == 2:
- params['door_hinge_pos'] = [(self.shelf_params['shelf_depth'] / 2. + 0.008, -shelf_width / 2.,
- self.shelf_params['bottom_board_height']),
- (self.shelf_params['shelf_depth'] / 2. + 0.008, shelf_width / 2.,
- self.shelf_params['bottom_board_height'])]
- params['door_open_angle'] = 0
- params['attach_pos'] = [
- (self.shelf_params['shelf_depth'] / 2., -self.shelf_params['shelf_width'] / 2.,
- self.shelf_params['bottom_board_height'] + z) for z in self.door_params['attach_height']
- ] + [
- (self.shelf_params['shelf_depth'] / 2., self.shelf_params['shelf_width'] / 2.,
- self.shelf_params['bottom_board_height'] + z) for z in self.door_params['attach_height']
- ]
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- return params
- def get_cabinet_components(self, i):
- # update material params
- self.mat_params = self.get_material_params()
- # create shelf
- shelf_params = self.get_shelf_params(i=i)
- self.shelf_fac.params = shelf_params
- shelf, shelf_params = self.shelf_fac.create_asset(i=i, ret_params=True)
- shelf.name = 'cabinet_frame'
- self.shelf_params = shelf_params
- # create doors
- door_params = self.get_door_params(i=i)
- self.door_fac.params = door_params
- self.door_fac.params['door_left_hinge'] = False
- right_door, door_obj_params = self.door_fac.create_asset(i=i, ret_params=True)
- right_door.name = 'cabinet_right_door'
- self.door_fac.params = door_obj_params
- self.door_fac.params['door_left_hinge'] = True
- left_door, _ = self.door_fac.create_asset(i=i, ret_params=True)
- left_door.name = 'cabinet_left_door'
- self.door_params = door_obj_params
- return shelf, right_door, left_door
- def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- shelf, right_door, left_door = self.get_cabinet_components(i=i)
- # create cabinet
- cabinet_params = self.get_cabinet_params(i=i)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_cabinet_nodes, attributes=[], apply=True, input_kwargs={
- 'door': [right_door, left_door],
- 'shelf': shelf,
- 'door_hinge_pos': cabinet_params['door_hinge_pos'],
- 'door_open_angle': cabinet_params['door_open_angle'],
- 'attach_pos': cabinet_params['attach_pos']
- })
- butil.delete([left_door, right_door])
- obj = butil.join_objects([shelf, obj])
- tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
- return obj
-class SingleCabinetFactory(SingleCabinetBaseFactory):
- def sample_params(self):
- params = dict()
- params['Dimensions'] = (
- uniform(0.25, 0.35),
- uniform(0.3, 0.7),
- uniform(0.9, 1.8)
- )
- params['bottom_board_height'] = 0.083
- params['shelf_depth'] = params['Dimensions'][0] - 0.01
- num_h = int((params['Dimensions'][2] - 0.083) / 0.3)
- params['shelf_cell_height'] = [(params['Dimensions'][2] - 0.083) / num_h for _ in range(num_h)]
- params['shelf_cell_width'] = [params['Dimensions'][1]]
- self.shelf_params = params
- self.dims = params['Dimensions']
- def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
- x,y,z = self.dims
- return new_bbox(-x/2 * 1.2, x/2 * 1.2, -y/2 * 1.2, y/2 * 1.2, 0, (z + 0.083) * 1.02)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/shelves/triangle_shelf.py b/infinigen/assets/shelves/triangle_shelf.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3eb60ef98..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/shelves/triangle_shelf.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,870 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.assets.materials.shelf_shaders import get_shelf_material
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-import bpy
-from infinigen.assets.shelves.utils import nodegroup_tagged_cube
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_table_profile', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_table_profile(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'Profile N-gon', 4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Profile Width', 1.0000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Profile Aspect Ratio', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Profile Fillet Ratio', 0.2000)])
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.7071
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={
- 'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Profile N-gon"],
- 'Radius': value
- })
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 3.1416, 1: group_input.outputs["Profile N-gon"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': divide})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Rotation': combine_xyz_1})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708)})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={
- 0: group_input.outputs["Profile Aspect Ratio"],
- 1: group_input.outputs["Profile Width"]
- }, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={
- 'X': group_input.outputs["Profile Width"],
- 'Y': multiply,
- 'Z': 1.0000
- })
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_2, 'Scale': combine_xyz})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={
- 0: group_input.outputs["Profile Width"],
- 1: group_input.outputs["Profile Fillet Ratio"]
- }, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- fillet_curve_1 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeFilletCurve', input_kwargs={
- 'Curve': transform_1,
- 'Count': 4,
- 'Radius': multiply_1,
- 'Limit Radius': True
- }, attrs={'mode': 'POLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Output': fillet_curve_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_curve_to_board', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_curve_to_board(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Profile Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Shape Curve', None), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Height', 0.5000)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: -1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'End': combine_xyz_1})
- set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveTilt, input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Tilt': 3.1416})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_tilt, 'Count': 128, 'Length': 0.0500})
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': resample_curve,
- 2: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]
- })
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={
- 'Curve': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Profile Curve': group_input.outputs["Shape Curve"],
- 'Fill Caps': True
- })
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1})
- sample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleCurve, input_kwargs={
- 'Curve': group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"],
- 'Factor': capture_attribute.outputs[2]
- }, attrs={'mode': 'FACTOR'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': sample_curve.outputs["Position"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- length = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz}, attrs={'operation': 'LENGTH'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: length.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: length.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"],
- 2: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]
- })
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={
- 'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
- 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"],
- 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"],
- 3: multiply,
- 4: 0.0000
- })
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={
- 'X': multiply_1,
- 'Y': multiply_2,
- 'Z': map_range.outputs["Result"]
- })
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Position': combine_xyz_2})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_position},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leg_straight', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leg_straight(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Profile Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Height', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketInt', 'N-gon', 0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Profile Width', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Aspect Ratio', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Fillet Ratio', 0.2000), ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 128)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: -1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'End': combine_xyz_1})
- set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveTilt, input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Tilt': 3.1416})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={
- 'Curve': set_curve_tilt,
- 'Count': group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
- 'Length': 0.0500
- })
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': resample_curve,
- 2: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]
- })
- tableprofile = nw.new_node(nodegroup_table_profile().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Profile N-gon': group_input.outputs["N-gon"],
- 'Profile Width': group_input.outputs["Profile Width"],
- 'Profile Aspect Ratio': group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"],
- 'Profile Fillet Ratio': group_input.outputs["Fillet Ratio"]
- })
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={
- 'Curve': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Profile Curve': tableprofile,
- 'Fill Caps': True
- })
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1})
- sample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleCurve, input_kwargs={
- 'Curve': group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"],
- 'Factor': capture_attribute.outputs[2]
- }, attrs={'mode': 'FACTOR'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': sample_curve.outputs["Position"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- length = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz}, attrs={'operation': 'LENGTH'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: length.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: length.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"],
- 2: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]
- })
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={
- 'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
- 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"],
- 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"],
- 3: multiply,
- 4: 0.0000
- })
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={
- 'X': multiply_1,
- 'Y': multiply_2,
- 'Z': map_range.outputs["Result"]
- })
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Position': combine_xyz_2})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_position, 'Profile Curve': tableprofile},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_curve_board', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_curve_board(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine,
- input_kwargs={'Start': (1.0000, 0.0000, -1.0000), 'End': (1.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000)})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Fillet Radius Vertical', 0.0000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'width', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'extrude_length', 0.0000)])
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["width"]})
- curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'End': combine_xyz_3})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': group_input.outputs["width"]})
- curve_line_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'End': combine_xyz_4})
- combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={
- 'X': group_input.outputs["width"],
- 'Y': group_input.outputs["extrude_length"]
- })
- curve_line_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'Start': combine_xyz_3, 'End': combine_xyz_6})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={
- 'X': group_input.outputs["extrude_length"],
- 'Y': group_input.outputs["width"]
- })
- curve_line_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'Start': combine_xyz_4, 'End': combine_xyz_5})
- curve_line_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'Start': combine_xyz_6, 'End': combine_xyz_5})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': [curve_line_1, curve_line_2, curve_line_3, curve_line_4, curve_line_5]
- })
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={'Curve': join_geometry_1})
- merge_by_distance_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh_1})
- mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve, input_kwargs={'Mesh': merge_by_distance_1})
- curve_to_board = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_to_board().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Profile Curve': curve_line,
- 'Shape Curve': mesh_to_curve,
- 'Height': group_input.outputs["Thickness"]
- })
- arc = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurveArc',
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 4, 'Radius': 0.7071, 'Sweep Angle': 4.7124})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': arc.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, -0.7854)
- })
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000)})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_2, 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.5000, 0.0000)})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': 1.0000, 'Y': group_input, 'Z': 1.0000})
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_3, 'Scale': combine_xyz})
- fillet_curve = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeFilletCurve', input_kwargs={
- 'Curve': transform_4,
- 'Count': 8,
- 'Radius': group_input,
- 'Limit Radius': True
- }, attrs={'mode': 'POLY'})
- transform_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': fillet_curve,
- 'Rotation': (1.5708, 1.5708, 0.0000),
- 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Thickness"]
- })
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={'Profile Curve': transform_6})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 1: -0.5000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- transform_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [curve_to_board.outputs["Mesh"], transform_5]})
- merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': group_input.outputs["Thickness"]})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': merge_by_distance, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_side_leg', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_side_leg(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine,
- input_kwargs={'Start': (1.0000, 0.0000, -1.0000), 'End': (1.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000)})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'N-gon', 0), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Profile Width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Aspect Ratio', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Fillet Ratio', 0.2000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Fillet Radius Vertical', 0.0000)])
- legstraight = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leg_straight().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Profile Curve': curve_line,
- 'Height': group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
- 'N-gon': group_input.outputs["N-gon"],
- 'Profile Width': group_input.outputs["Profile Width"],
- 'Aspect Ratio': group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"],
- 'Fillet Ratio': group_input.outputs["Fillet Ratio"]
- })
- arc = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurveArc',
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 4, 'Radius': 0.7071, 'Sweep Angle': 4.7124})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': arc.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, -0.7854)
- })
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000)})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_2, 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.5000, 0.0000)})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': 1.0000, 'Y': group_input, 'Z': 1.0000})
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_3, 'Scale': combine_xyz})
- fillet_curve = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeFilletCurve', input_kwargs={
- 'Curve': transform_4,
- 'Count': 8,
- 'Radius': group_input,
- 'Limit Radius': True
- }, attrs={'mode': 'POLY'})
- transform_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': fillet_curve,
- 'Rotation': (1.5708, 1.5708, 0.0000),
- 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Thickness"]
- })
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={
- 'Curve': legstraight.outputs["Profile Curve"],
- 'Profile Curve': transform_6
- })
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 1: -0.5000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- transform_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_5, legstraight.outputs["Mesh"]]})
- merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': group_input.outputs["Thickness"]})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': merge_by_distance, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_side_boards', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_side_boards(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 0.0000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Z', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'x1', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'x2', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'x3', 0.0010), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'x4', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'x5', 0.5000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["x5"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={
- 'X': add,
- 'Y': group_input.outputs["Y"],
- 'Z': group_input.outputs["Z"]
- })
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube,
- input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz, 'Vertices X': 5, 'Vertices Y': 5, 'Vertices Z': 5})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input.outputs["x3"]})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["x1"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["x2"], 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_1, 'Z': subtract})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["x4"], 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_1, 'Z': subtract_1})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform, transform_1]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_shelf_boards', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_shelf_boards(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Thickness', 0.0100),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Bottom_z', 0.0000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Mid_z', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Top_z', 0.0000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Board_width', 0.3000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leg_gap', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'extrude_length', 0.5000)])
- curve_board = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curve_board().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Thickness': group_input.outputs["Thickness"],
- 'Fillet Radius Vertical': 0.0100,
- 'width': group_input.outputs["Board_width"],
- 'extrude_length': group_input.outputs["extrude_length"]
- })
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Leg_gap"], 1: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Z': group_input.outputs["Bottom_z"]})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': curve_board,
- 'Translation': combine_xyz_1,
- 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708)
- })
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Z': group_input.outputs["Mid_z"]})
- transform_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': curve_board,
- 'Translation': combine_xyz_4,
- 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708)
- })
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Z': group_input.outputs["Top_z"]})
- transform_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': curve_board,
- 'Translation': combine_xyz_5,
- 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708)
- })
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_1, transform_5, transform_6]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_screw_head', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_screw_head(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- cylinder = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder', input_kwargs={'Radius': 0.004, 'Depth': 0.0030})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Rotation': (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000)
- })
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'leg_width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'board_thickness', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'board_height', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'leg_gap', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'board_width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'leg_depth', 0.0000)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["leg_width"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["leg_depth"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 0.0000, 1: multiply_1}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["board_thickness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["board_height"], 1: multiply_2})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply, 'Y': subtract, 'Z': add})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Translation': combine_xyz})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["board_width"], 1: 0.0000})
- divide1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["leg_depth"], 1: 0.5},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: divide1})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply, 'Y': add_2, 'Z': add})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["leg_gap"], 1: 2.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: multiply_3})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': subtract_1, 'Y': subtract, 'Z': add})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_1, transform_2, transform_3]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_shelf_legs', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_shelf_legs(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'leg_gap', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'leg_curve_ratio', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'leg_width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'leg_length', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'board_width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'leg_depth', 0.0000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["leg_width"], 1: 0.0000})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["leg_length"], 1: 0.0000})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={
- 0: group_input.outputs["leg_depth"],
- 1: group_input.outputs["leg_length"]
- }, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["leg_curve_ratio"], 1: 0.0000})
- side_leg = nw.new_node(nodegroup_side_leg().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Thickness': add,
- 'N-gon': 4,
- 'Profile Width': add_1,
- 'Aspect Ratio': divide,
- 'Fillet Ratio': add_2,
- 'Fillet Radius Vertical': add_2
- })
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': side_leg,
- 'Translation': combine_xyz,
- 'Rotation': (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000)
- })
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["board_width"], 1: 0.0000})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: add}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["leg_gap"], 1: 2.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: multiply_1})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_4})
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Translation': combine_xyz_3})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': add_3})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_4, transform_2, transform_3]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_2},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- leg_gap = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='leg_gap')
- leg_gap.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['leg_board_gap']
- curvature_ratio = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='curvature_ratio')
- curvature_ratio.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['leg_curvature_ratio']
- leg_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='leg_width')
- leg_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['leg_width']
- leg_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='leg_length')
- leg_length.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['leg_length']
- leg_depth = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='leg_depth')
- leg_depth.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['leg_depth']
- board_width = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='board_width')
- board_width.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['board_width']
- shelf_legs = nw.new_node(nodegroup_shelf_legs().name, input_kwargs={
- 'leg_gap': leg_gap,
- 'leg_curve_ratio': curvature_ratio,
- 'leg_width': leg_width,
- 'leg_length': leg_length,
- 'board_width': board_width,
- 'leg_depth': leg_depth
- })
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': shelf_legs, 'Material': kwargs['leg_material']})
- board_thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='board_thickness')
- board_thickness.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['board_thickness']
- board_extrude_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='board_extrude_length')
- board_extrude_length.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['board_extrude_length']
- bottom_layer_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='bottom_layer_height')
- bottom_layer_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['bottom_layer_height']
- mid_layer_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='mid_layer_height')
- mid_layer_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['mid_layer_height']
- top_layer_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='top_layer_height')
- top_layer_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['top_layer_height']
- screwhead1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_screw_head().name, input_kwargs={
- 'leg_width': leg_width,
- 'board_thickness': board_thickness,
- 'board_height': bottom_layer_height,
- 'leg_gap': leg_gap,
- 'board_width': board_width,
- 'leg_depth': leg_depth
- })
- screwhead2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_screw_head().name, input_kwargs={
- 'leg_width': leg_width,
- 'board_thickness': board_thickness,
- 'board_height': mid_layer_height,
- 'leg_gap': leg_gap,
- 'board_width': board_width,
- 'leg_depth': leg_depth
- })
- screwhead3 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_screw_head().name, input_kwargs={
- 'leg_width': leg_width,
- 'board_thickness': board_thickness,
- 'board_height': top_layer_height,
- 'leg_gap': leg_gap,
- 'board_width': board_width,
- 'leg_depth': leg_depth
- })
- join_geometry2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [screwhead1, screwhead2, screwhead3]})
- set_material_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': join_geometry2,
- 'Material': get_shelf_material('metal')
- })
- shelf_boards = nw.new_node(nodegroup_shelf_boards().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Thickness': board_thickness,
- 'Bottom_z': bottom_layer_height,
- 'Mid_z': mid_layer_height,
- 'Top_z': top_layer_height,
- 'Board_width': board_width,
- 'Leg_gap': leg_gap,
- 'extrude_length': board_extrude_length
- })
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': shelf_boards, 'Material': kwargs['board_material']})
- side_board_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='side_board_height')
- side_board_height.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['side_board_height']
- side_boards = nw.new_node(nodegroup_side_boards().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Y': leg_depth,
- 'Z': side_board_height,
- 'x1': side_board_height,
- 'x2': bottom_layer_height,
- 'x3': leg_gap,
- 'x4': top_layer_height,
- 'x5': board_width
- })
- set_material_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': side_boards, 'Material': kwargs['leg_material']})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': [set_material, set_material_2, set_material_1, set_material_3]
- })
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry})
- transform4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances, 'Scale': (-1, 1, 1)})
- triangulate = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeTriangulate', input_kwargs={'Mesh': transform4})
- transform5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': triangulate, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform5},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-class TriangleShelfBaseFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, params={}, coarse=False):
- super(TriangleShelfBaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.params = {}
- def sample_params(self):
- return self.params.copy()
- def get_asset_params(self, i=0):
- params = self.sample_params()
- if params.get('leg_board_gap', None) is None:
- params['leg_board_gap'] = uniform(0.002, 0.005)
- if params.get('leg_width', None) is None:
- params['leg_width'] = uniform(0.01, 0.03)
- if params.get('leg_depth', None) is None:
- params['leg_depth'] = uniform(0.01, 0.02)
- if params.get('leg_length', None) is None:
- params['leg_length'] = np.clip(normal(0.6, 0.05), 0.45, 0.75)
- if params.get('leg_curvature_ratio', None) is None:
- params['leg_curvature_ratio'] = uniform(0.0, 0.02)
- if params.get('board_thickness', None) is None:
- params['board_thickness'] = uniform(0.01, 0.025)
- if params.get('board_width', None) is None:
- params['board_width'] = np.clip(normal(0.3, 0.03), 0.2, 0.4)
- if params.get('board_extrude_length', None) is None:
- params['board_extrude_length'] = uniform(0.03, 0.07)
- if params.get('side_board_height', None) is None:
- params['side_board_height'] = uniform(0.02, 0.04)
- if params.get('bottom_layer_height', None) is None:
- params['bottom_layer_height'] = uniform(0.05, 0.1)
- if params.get('shelf_layer_height', None) is None:
- params['top_layer_height'] = params['leg_length'] - uniform(0.02, 0.07)
- if params.get('board_material', None) is None:
- params['board_material'] = np.random.choice(['black_wood', 'wood', 'white'], p=[0.2, 0.6, 0.2])
- if params.get('leg_material', None) is None:
- params['leg_material'] = np.random.choice(['black_wood', 'wood', 'white'], p=[0.2, 0.6, 0.2])
- params['mid_layer_height'] = (params['top_layer_height'] + params['bottom_layer_height']) / 2.
- params = self.get_material_func(params)
- return params
- def get_material_func(self, params, randomness=True):
- params['board_material'] = get_shelf_material(params['board_material'])
- params['leg_material'] = get_shelf_material(params['leg_material'], z_axis_texture=True)
- return params
- def create_asset(self, i=0, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0),
- scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- obj_params = self.get_asset_params(i)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_nodes, attributes=[], input_kwargs=obj_params, apply=True)
- tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
- return obj
-class TriangleShelfFactory(TriangleShelfBaseFactory):
- def sample_params(self):
- params = dict()
- params['Dimensions'] = (uniform(0.25, 0.35), uniform(0.25, 0.35), uniform(0.5, 0.7))
- params['leg_length'] = params['Dimensions'][2]
- params['board_width'] = params['Dimensions'][0]
- return params
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/shelves/utils.py b/infinigen/assets/shelves/utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index be55e31e6..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/shelves/utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler, geometry_node_group_empty_new
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-from infinigen.assets.utils.extract_nodegroup_parts import extract_nodegroup_geo
-def get_nodegroup_assets(func, params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- with butil.TemporaryObject(obj) as base_obj:
- node_group_func = func(**params)
- geo_outputs = [o for o in node_group_func.outputs if o.bl_socket_idname == 'NodeSocketGeometry']
- results = {o.name: extract_nodegroup_geo(base_obj, node_group_func, o.name,
- ng_params={}) for o in geo_outputs}
- return results
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_tagged_cube', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_tagged_cube(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketVectorTranslation', 'Size', (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000))])
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': group_input.outputs["Size"]})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- equal = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={2: index, 3: 2}, attrs={'data_type': 'INT', 'operation': 'EQUAL'})
- cube = tagging.tag_nodegroup(nw, cube, t.Subpart.SupportSurface, selection=equal)
- #subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': cube, 'Level': 2})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Mesh': cube}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def blender_rotate(vec):
- if isinstance(vec, tuple):
- vec = list(vec)
- if isinstance(vec, list):
- vec = np.array(vec, dtype=np.float32)
- if len(vec.shape) == 1:
- vec = np.expand_dims(vec, axis=-1)
- if vec.shape[0] == 3:
- new_vec = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, -1, 0]], dtype=np.float32) @ vec
- return new_vec.squeeze()
- if vec.shape[0] == 4:
- new_vec = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]], dtype=np.float32) @ vec
- return new_vec.squeeze()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/small_plants/fern.py b/infinigen/assets/small_plants/fern.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b824a2560..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/small_plants/fern.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,762 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGxNuS_-bpo by Bad Normals
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import gin
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.assets.small_plants import leaf_general as Leaf
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.materials import simple_greenery
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-def random_pinnae_level2_curvature():
- z_max_curvature = uniform(0.3, 0.45, (1,))[0]
- y_curvature_noise = np.clip(np.abs(normal(0., 0.2, (1,))), a_min=0.0, a_max=0.3)[0]
- y_curvature_k = uniform(-0.04, 0.2, (1,))[0]
- z_curvature, y_curvature = [0.25], [0.5]
- for k in range(1, 6):
- z_curvature.append(0.25 + z_max_curvature * k / 5.)
- y_curvature.append(0.5 + y_curvature_k + y_curvature_noise * k / 5.)
- x_curvature = [0.0 for _ in range(6)]
- return x_curvature, y_curvature, z_curvature
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pinnae_level1_yaxis_rotation', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pinnae_level1_yaxis_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'From Max', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 1.0)])
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Value"], 2: group_input.outputs["From Max"]})
- curvature = np.clip(normal(0, 0.3, 1), a_min=-0.4, a_max=0.4)
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.5), (0.1, curvature / 5. + 0.5), (0.25, curvature / 2.5 + 0.5),
- (0.45, curvature / 1.5 + 0.5), (0.6, curvature / 1.2 + 0.5), (1.0, curvature + 0.5)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: -0.5}, attrs={'operation': 'ADD'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 1.0}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Value': multiply})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pinnae_level1_zaxis_rotation', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pinnae_level1_zaxis_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'From Max', 1.0), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 1.0)])
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Value"], 2: group_input.outputs["From Max"]})
- curvature = normal(0, 0.2, 1)
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.5), (0.1, curvature / 5. + 0.5),
- (0.25, curvature / 2.5 + 0.5), (0.45, curvature / 1.5 + 0.5),
- (0.6, curvature / 1.2 + 0.5), (1.0, curvature + 0.5)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: -0.5}, attrs={'operation': 'ADD'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 1.0}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Value': multiply})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pinnae_level1_gravity_rotation', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pinnae_level1_gravity_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler, gravity_rotation=1.):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'From Max', 1.0), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 1.0)])
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Value"], 2: group_input.outputs["From Max"]})
- curvature = uniform(0.25, 0.42, size=(1,))[0] * gravity_rotation
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.5), (0.1, curvature / 5. + 0.5),
- (0.25, curvature / 2.5 + 0.5), (0.45, curvature / 1.67 + 0.5),
- (0.6, curvature / 1.25 + 0.5), (1.0, curvature + 0.5)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: -0.5}, attrs={'operation': 'ADD'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Value': multiply})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pinnae_level1_xaxis_rotation', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pinnae_level1_xaxis_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'From Max', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value1', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value2', 1.0000)])
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Value1"], 2: group_input.outputs["From Max"]},
- attrs={'clamp': False})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0000, 0.0000), (0.2000, 0.2563), (0.4843, 0.4089), (0.7882, 0.3441), (1.0000, 0.0000)])
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs['Value2'], 3: -1.5000, 4: 0.0000})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Value': multiply}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pinnae_level1_stein', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pinnae_level1_stein(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value1', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value2', 0.5)])
- mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve, input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Mesh"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs['Value2'], 1: 0.01},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius, input_kwargs={'Curve': mesh_to_curve, 'Radius': multiply})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value1"], 1: 15.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': multiply_1, 'Resolution': 10})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius,
- 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pinnae_level1_scale', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pinnae_level1_scale(nw: NodeWrangler, pinnae_contour):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value1', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value2', 1.0)])
- pinnae_contour_float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Value1"]},
- label='PinnaeContourFloatCurve')
- node_utils.assign_curve(pinnae_contour_float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, pinnae_contour[0]), (0.2, pinnae_contour[1]), (0.4, pinnae_contour[2]),
- (0.55, pinnae_contour[3]), (0.7, pinnae_contour[4]), (0.8, pinnae_contour[5]),
- (0.9, pinnae_contour[6]), (1.0, pinnae_contour[7])])
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs['Value2'], 3: 1.0, 4: 3.0})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: pinnae_contour_float_curve, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Value': multiply})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pinnae_level1_instance_rotation', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pinnae_level1_instance_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value1', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value2', 1.0)])
- map_range_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs['Value2'], 3: 2, 4: 3.1})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value1"], 1: map_range_8.outputs["Result"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pinnae_level1_rotation', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pinnae_level1_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler, gravity_rotation=1):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value1', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value2', 0.5)])
- bounding_box = nw.new_node(Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: bounding_box.outputs["Max"], 1: (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs['Value2'], 1: 0.0})
- pinnae_index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index, label='PinnaeIndex')
- pinnaelevel1xaxisrotation = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pinnae_level1_xaxis_rotation().name,
- input_kwargs={'From Max': add, 1: pinnae_index,
- 2: group_input.outputs["Value1"]})
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'Center': (0, 0, 0),
- 'Angle': pinnaelevel1xaxisrotation},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'X_AXIS'})
- pinnaelevel1gravityrotation = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pinnae_level1_gravity_rotation(gravity_rotation=gravity_rotation).name,
- input_kwargs={'From Max': add, 'Value': pinnae_index})
- vector_rotate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate, 'Center': (0, 0, 0),
- 'Angle': pinnaelevel1gravityrotation},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'X_AXIS'})
- pinnaelevel1zaxisrotation = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pinnae_level1_zaxis_rotation().name,
- input_kwargs={'From Max': add, 'Value': pinnae_index})
- vector_rotate_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate_1, 'Center': multiply.outputs["Vector"],
- 'Angle': pinnaelevel1zaxisrotation},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'Z_AXIS'})
- pinnaelevel1yaxisrotation = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pinnae_level1_yaxis_rotation().name,
- input_kwargs={'From Max': add, 'Value': pinnae_index})
- vector_rotate_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate_2, 'Center': multiply.outputs["Vector"],
- 'Angle': pinnaelevel1yaxisrotation},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'Y_AXIS'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate_3, 'Value': pinnaelevel1xaxisrotation})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pinnae_level1_instance_position', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pinnae_level1_instance_position(nw: NodeWrangler, pinnae_contour):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value1', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'From Max', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value2', 1.0)])
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Value1"], 2: group_input.outputs["From Max"],
- 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- float_curve_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_3.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_2.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, pinnae_contour[0]), (0.2, pinnae_contour[1]), (0.4, pinnae_contour[2]),
- (0.55, pinnae_contour[3]), (0.7, pinnae_contour[4]), (0.8, pinnae_contour[5]),
- (0.9, pinnae_contour[6]), (1.0, pinnae_contour[7])])
- accumulate_field_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AccumulateField, input_kwargs={1: float_curve_2})
- # pinnae scale w.r.t fern age
- map_range_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs['Value2'], 3: 0.3, 4: 4.5})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: accumulate_field_1.outputs[4], 1: map_range_5.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz_1, 'Result': map_range_3.outputs["Result"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pinnae_level2_rotation', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pinnae_level2_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler, z_axis_rotate, y_axis_rotate, x_axis_rotate):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value1', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value2', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value3', 0.5)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs['Value2'], 1: 0.0})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs['Value3'], 1: 0.0})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': add, 'From Max': add_1})
- float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_2.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, z_axis_rotate[0]), (0.1, z_axis_rotate[1]), (0.25, z_axis_rotate[2]),
- (0.45, z_axis_rotate[3]), (0.6, z_axis_rotate[4]), (1.0, z_axis_rotate[5])])
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: float_curve_1, 1: -0.25})
- # pinna z-axis curvature w.r.t the fern age
- map_range_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs['Value1'], 3: 1.2, 4: 0.0})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: map_range_7.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- vector_rotate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1, 'Center': (0, 0, 0),
- 'Angle': multiply_1}, attrs={'rotation_type': 'Z_AXIS'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': add, 2: add_1})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, y_axis_rotate[0]), (0.1, y_axis_rotate[1]), (0.25, y_axis_rotate[2]),
- (0.45, y_axis_rotate[3]), (0.6, y_axis_rotate[4]), (1.0, y_axis_rotate[5])])
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: -0.5})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: 1.0}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate_1, 'Angle': multiply_2},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'Y_AXIS'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': add, 2: add_1})
- float_curve_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_2.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, x_axis_rotate[0]), (0.1, x_axis_rotate[1]), (0.25, x_axis_rotate[2]),
- (0.45, x_axis_rotate[3]), (0.6, x_axis_rotate[4]), (1.0, x_axis_rotate[5])])
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: float_curve_2, 1: 1.0}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- vector_rotate_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate, input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate, 'Angle': multiply_3},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'X_AXIS'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate_2})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pinnae_level2_set_point', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pinnae_level2_set_point(nw: NodeWrangler, pinna_contour):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value1', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'From Max', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value2', 1.0)])
- map_range_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Value1"], 2: group_input.outputs["From Max"],
- 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_4.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, pinna_contour[0]), (0.38, pinna_contour[1]),
- (0.55, pinna_contour[2]), (0.75, pinna_contour[3]),
- (0.9, pinna_contour[4]), (1.0, pinna_contour[5])])
- accumulate_field_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AccumulateField, input_kwargs={1: float_curve})
- # pinna scale w.r.t fern age
- map_range_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs['Value2'], 3: 0.5, 4: 2.0})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: accumulate_field_2.outputs[4], 1: map_range_6.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz_2, 'Value': float_curve,
- 'Result': map_range_4.outputs["Result"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pinnae_level2_instance_on_points', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pinnae_level2_instance_on_points(nw: NodeWrangler, leaf, pinna_contour):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Points', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value1', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value2', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value3', 1.0)])
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- object_info_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={'Object': leaf})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': object_info_2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Scale': (1.2, -1.0, 1.0)})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': object_info_2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Scale': (1.2, 1.0, 1.0)})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform, transform_2]})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs['Value2'], 1: -0.3})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': 1.57, 'Z': add})
- float_curve_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Value1"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_6.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, pinna_contour[0]), (0.38, pinna_contour[1]),
- (0.55, pinna_contour[2]), (0.75, pinna_contour[3]),
- (0.9, pinna_contour[4]), (1.0, pinna_contour[5])])
- # pinna leaf size w.r.t the fern age
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs['Value3'], 3: 6, 4: 8})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: float_curve_6, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- instance_on_points_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': group_input.outputs["Points"], 'Selection': index,
- 'Instance': join_geometry, 'Rotation': combine_xyz_3,
- 'Scale': multiply.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points_2})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pinnae_level2_stein', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pinnae_level2_stein(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value1', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value2', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Mesh', None)])
- mesh_to_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve, input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Mesh"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value1"], 1: 0.1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_curve_radius_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius, input_kwargs={'Curve': mesh_to_curve_1, 'Radius': multiply})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs['Value2'], 1: 0.5},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': multiply_1, 'Resolution': 10})
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius_1,
- 'Profile Curve': curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pinnae', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def geometry_pinnae_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, leaf, leaf_num_param=18, age_param=0.4, pinna_num_param=40,
- version_num_param=4, gravity_rotation=1):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- # Define Input Node
- leaf_index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index, label='LeafIndex')
- pinna_index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index, label='PinnaIndex')
- pinna_num = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label='PinnaNum', attrs={'integer': 10})
- pinna_num.integer = pinna_num_param
- age = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='Age')
- age.outputs[0].default_value = age_param
- mesh_lines_left, selections_left = [], []
- mesh_lines_right, selections_right = [], []
- # Generate Random Pinnae Contour, Two Modes: Linear+Noise, StepwiseLinear+Noise
- mode_random_bit = randint(0, 2, size=(1,))[0]
- if mode_random_bit:
- pinnae_contour = [0, 0.2, 0.6, 1.4, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0]
- for i in range(8):
- pinnae_contour[i] = (pinnae_contour[i] + normal(0, 0.04 * i, (1,))[0]) / 6.
- else:
- pinnae_contour = [0, 0.2, 0.6, 1.4, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 4.2]
- for i in range(8):
- pinnae_contour[i] = (pinnae_contour[i] + normal(0, 0.04 * i, (1,))[0]) / 6.
- # Common Components
- pinnaelevel1instanceposition = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pinnae_level1_instance_position(pinnae_contour).name,
- input_kwargs={0: pinna_index, 'From Max': pinna_num, 2: age})
- left_noise, right_noise = nw.new_node(Nodes.WhiteNoiseTexture), nw.new_node(Nodes.WhiteNoiseTexture)
- pinnaelevel1scale = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pinnae_level1_scale(pinnae_contour).name,
- input_kwargs={0: pinnaelevel1instanceposition.outputs["Result"], 1: age})
- # Left & Right Instance Point Selections for each Version
- random_bit = randint(2, size=(1,))[0]
- for i in range(version_num_param):
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- greater_equal = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: left_noise.outputs["Value"], 1: i / version_num_param},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_EQUAL'})
- less_equal = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: left_noise.outputs["Value"], 1: (i+1) / version_num_param},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_EQUAL'})
- op_and = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_equal, 1: less_equal})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 2.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- modulo = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 2.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MODULO'})
- if random_bit:
- modulo = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 1, 1: modulo}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- op_and_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: modulo})
- op_and_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and, 1: op_and_1})
- selections_left.append(op_and_2)
- random_bit = randint(2, size=(1,))[0]
- for i in range(version_num_param):
- greater_equal = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: right_noise.outputs["Value"], 1: i / version_num_param},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_EQUAL'})
- less_equal = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: right_noise.outputs["Value"], 1: (i+1) / version_num_param},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_EQUAL'})
- op_and = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_equal, 1: less_equal})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 2.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- modulo = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 2.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MODULO'})
- if random_bit:
- modulo = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 1, 1: modulo}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- op_and_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: modulo})
- op_and_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and, 1: op_and_1})
- selections_right.append(op_and_2)
- # Each Pinna Version
- rotation, pinnaelevel1rotation = True, None
- for i in range(version_num_param):
- # Define the Pinna Contour of each Version
- pinna_contour = []
- k = uniform(0.5, 0.58, size=(1,))[0]
- for j in range(6):
- pinna_contour.append(k * np.clip(j * (1. + normal(0, 0.1, (1,))[0]) / 5. + 0.08, 0, 0.7))
- # Define the Num Leaf of each Version
- integer_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, attrs={'integer': 10})
- integer_2.integer = leaf_num_param + randint(-1, 2, (1,))[0]
- mesh_line_pinna = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshLine, input_kwargs={'Count': pinna_num, 'Offset': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)})
- set_position_pinna = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': mesh_line_pinna,
- 'Position': pinnaelevel1instanceposition.outputs["Vector"]})
- if rotation:
- pinnaelevel1rotation = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pinnae_level1_rotation(gravity_rotation=gravity_rotation).name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_pinna, 1: age, 2: pinna_num})
- rotation = False
- pinnaelevel1instancerotation = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pinnae_level1_instance_rotation().name,
- input_kwargs={0: pinnaelevel1rotation.outputs["Value"], 1: age})
- set_rotation_pinna = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_pinna,
- 'Position': pinnaelevel1rotation.outputs["Vector"]})
- mesh_line_leaf = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshLine, input_kwargs={'Count': integer_2, 'Offset': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)})
- pinnaelevel2setpoint = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pinnae_level2_set_point(pinna_contour=pinna_contour).name,
- input_kwargs={0: leaf_index, 'From Max': integer_2, 2: age})
- set_position_leaf = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': mesh_line_leaf,
- 'Position': pinnaelevel2setpoint.outputs["Vector"]})
- x_curvature, y_curvature, z_curvature = random_pinnae_level2_curvature()
- pinnaelevel2rotation = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pinnae_level2_rotation(z_axis_rotate=z_curvature,
- y_axis_rotate=y_curvature,
- x_axis_rotate=x_curvature).name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_leaf, 1: age,
- 2: leaf_index, 3: integer_2})
- set_rotation_leaf = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_leaf, 'Position': pinnaelevel2rotation})
- pinna_on_pinnae = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': set_rotation_pinna,
- 'Selection': selections_left[i],
- 'Instance': set_rotation_leaf,
- 'Rotation': pinnaelevel1instancerotation,
- 'Scale': pinnaelevel1scale})
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': pinna_on_pinnae,
- 'Rotation': (-0.1571, 0.0, 0.0)})
- scale_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': rotate_instances, 'Scale': (-1.0, 1.0, 1.0)})
- pinnaelevel2stein = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pinnae_level2_stein().name,
- input_kwargs={0: pinnaelevel2setpoint.outputs["Result"],
- 'Mesh': scale_instances})
- pinnaelevel2instanceonpoints = nw.new_node(
- nodegroup_pinnae_level2_instance_on_points(leaf=leaf, pinna_contour=pinna_contour).name,
- input_kwargs={'Points': scale_instances, 1: pinnaelevel2setpoint.outputs["Result"], 2: 0.0, 3: age})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [pinnaelevel2stein, pinnaelevel2instanceonpoints]})
- mesh_lines_left.append(join_geometry)
- if i == version_num_param - 1:
- pinnaelevel1stein = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pinnae_level1_stein().name,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_rotation_pinna, 1: age,
- 2: pinnaelevel1instanceposition.outputs["Result"]})
- mesh_lines_left.append(pinnaelevel1stein)
- for i in range(version_num_param):
- # Define the Pinna Contour of each Version
- pinna_contour = []
- k = uniform(0.5, 0.58, size=(1,))[0]
- for j in range(6):
- pinna_contour.append(k * np.clip(j * (1. + normal(0, 0.1, (1,))[0]) / 5. + 0.08, 0, 0.7))
- # Define the Num Leaf of each Version
- integer_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, attrs={'integer': 10})
- integer_2.integer = leaf_num_param + randint(-1, 2, (1,))[0]
- mesh_line_pinna = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshLine, input_kwargs={'Count': pinna_num, 'Offset': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)})
- set_position_pinna = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': mesh_line_pinna,
- 'Position': pinnaelevel1instanceposition.outputs["Vector"]})
- pinnaelevel1instancerotation = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pinnae_level1_instance_rotation().name,
- input_kwargs={0: pinnaelevel1rotation.outputs["Value"], 1: age})
- set_rotation_pinna = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_pinna,
- 'Position': pinnaelevel1rotation.outputs["Vector"]})
- mesh_line_leaf = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshLine,
- input_kwargs={'Count': integer_2, 'Offset': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)})
- pinnaelevel2setpoint = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pinnae_level2_set_point(pinna_contour=pinna_contour).name,
- input_kwargs={0: leaf_index, 'From Max': integer_2, 2: age})
- set_position_leaf = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': mesh_line_leaf,
- 'Position': pinnaelevel2setpoint.outputs["Vector"]})
- x_curvature, y_curvature, z_curvature = random_pinnae_level2_curvature()
- pinnaelevel2rotation = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pinnae_level2_rotation(z_axis_rotate=z_curvature,
- y_axis_rotate=y_curvature,
- x_axis_rotate=x_curvature).name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_leaf, 1: age, 2: leaf_index,
- 3: integer_2})
- set_rotation_leaf = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_leaf, 'Position': pinnaelevel2rotation})
- pinna_on_pinnae = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': set_rotation_pinna, 'Selection': selections_right[i],
- 'Instance': set_rotation_leaf, 'Scale': pinnaelevel1scale,
- 'Rotation': pinnaelevel1instancerotation})
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances, input_kwargs={'Instances': pinna_on_pinnae,
- 'Rotation': (-0.1571, 0.0, 0.0)})
- scale_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': rotate_instances, 'Scale': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)})
- pinnaelevel2stein = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pinnae_level2_stein().name,
- input_kwargs={0: pinnaelevel2setpoint.outputs["Result"],
- 'Mesh': scale_instances})
- pinnaelevel2instanceonpoints = nw.new_node(
- nodegroup_pinnae_level2_instance_on_points(leaf=leaf, pinna_contour=pinna_contour).name,
- input_kwargs={'Points': scale_instances, 1: pinnaelevel2setpoint.outputs["Result"], 2: 0.0, 3: age})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [pinnaelevel2stein, pinnaelevel2instanceonpoints]})
- mesh_lines_right.append(join_geometry)
- join_geometry_whole = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': mesh_lines_left + mesh_lines_right})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_whole})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'Scale': 0.4, 'Roughness': 0.2})
- set_positions = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances,
- 'Offset': noise_texture.outputs["Color"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_positions})
-def check_vicinity(rotation, pinnae_rs):
- for r in pinnae_rs:
- if abs(rotation[1] - r[1]) < 0.1 and abs(rotation[2] - r[2]) < 0.15:
- return True
- return False
-def geo_fern(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- pinnaes = []
- # Two modes: Random Like and Flatten Like
- fern_mode = kwargs["fern_mode"]
- pinnae_num = kwargs["pinnae_num"]
- scale = kwargs["scale"]
- version_num = kwargs["version_num"]
- leaf = kwargs["leaf"]
- if fern_mode == "young_and_grownup":
- rotates = [] # Horizontal grownup pinnae
- # Generate non-overlapping pinnae orientations
- for i in range(pinnae_num):
- flip_bit = randint(0, 3, (1,))[0]
- if flip_bit:
- rotate_z = uniform(2.74, 3.54, (1,))[0]
- else:
- rotate_z = uniform(-0.4, 0.4, (1,))[0]
- rotate_x = uniform(0.8, 1.1, (1,))[0]
- rotate_z2 = uniform(0, 6.28, (1,))[0]
- if flip_bit:
- gravity_dir = 1
- else:
- gravity_dir = -1
- rotate = (rotate_z, rotate_x, rotate_z2, gravity_dir)
- if check_vicinity(rotate, rotates):
- continue
- else:
- rotates.append(rotate)
- # Generate pinnae
- for r in rotates:
- random_age = uniform(0.7, 0.95, (1,))[0]
- random_leaf_num = randint(15, 25, (1,))[0]
- random_pinna_num = randint(60, 80, (1,))[0]
- shape = nw.new_node(geometry_pinnae_nodes(leaf, leaf_num_param=random_leaf_num, age_param=random_age,
- pinna_num_param=random_pinna_num,
- version_num_param=version_num,
- gravity_rotation=r[3]).name)
- z_transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': shape, 'Rotation': (0., 0., r[0])})
- x_transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': z_transform, 'Rotation': (-r[1], 0., 0.)})
- z2_transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': x_transform, 'Rotation': (0., 0., r[2])})
- pinnaes.append(z2_transform)
- # Verticle young pinnae
- young_num = randint(0, 5, size=(1,))[0]
- for i in range(young_num):
- random_age = uniform(0.2, 0.5, (1,))[0]
- random_leaf_num = randint(14, 20, (1,))[0]
- random_pinna_num = randint(60, 100, (1,))[0]
- rotate_z = uniform(0, 6.28, (1,))
- rotate_x = uniform(0, 0.4, (1,))
- rotate_z2 = uniform(0, 6.28, (1,))
- shape = nw.new_node(geometry_pinnae_nodes(leaf, leaf_num_param=random_leaf_num, age_param=random_age,
- pinna_num_param=random_pinna_num,
- version_num_param=version_num, gravity_rotation=0).name)
- z_transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': shape, 'Rotation': (0., 0., rotate_z[0])})
- x_transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': z_transform, 'Rotation': (-rotate_x[0], 0., 0.)})
- z2_transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': x_transform, 'Rotation': (0., 0., rotate_z2[0])})
- pinnaes.append(z2_transform)
- elif fern_mode == 'all_grownup':
- # Random grownup pinnae
- rotates = []
- for i in range(pinnae_num):
- rotate_z = normal(3.14, 0.2, (1,))[0]
- rotate_x = uniform(0.5, 1.1, (1,))[0]
- rotate_z2 = uniform(0, 6.28, (1,))[0]
- rotate = (rotate_z, rotate_x, rotate_z2, 1)
- if check_vicinity(rotate, rotates):
- continue
- else:
- rotates.append(rotate)
- for r in rotates:
- random_age = uniform(0.7, 0.9, (1,))[0]
- random_leaf_num = randint(16, 25, (1,))[0]
- random_pinna_num = randint(60, 80, (1,))[0]
- shape = nw.new_node(geometry_pinnae_nodes(leaf, leaf_num_param=random_leaf_num, age_param=random_age,
- pinna_num_param=random_pinna_num,
- version_num_param=version_num,
- gravity_rotation=r[3]).name)
- z_transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': shape, 'Rotation': (0., 0., r[0])})
- x_transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': z_transform, 'Rotation': (-r[1], 0., 0.)})
- z2_transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': x_transform, 'Rotation': (0., 0., r[2])})
- pinnaes.append(z2_transform)
- elif fern_mode == 'single_pinnae':
- shape = nw.new_node(geometry_pinnae_nodes(leaf,
- leaf_num_param=20,
- age_param=kwargs["age"],
- pinna_num_param=60,
- version_num_param=version_num).name)
- pinnaes.append(shape)
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': pinnaes})
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Scale': (scale, scale, scale)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
-class FernFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(FernFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- if "fern_mode" not in params:
- type_bit = randint(0, 2, (1, ))[0]
- if type_bit:
- params["fern_mode"] = "young_and_grownup"
- else:
- params["fern_mode"] = "all_grownup"
- if "scale" not in params:
- params["scale"] = 0.02
- if "version_num" not in params:
- params["version_num"] = 5
- if "pinnae_num" not in params:
- params["pinnae_num"] = randint(12, 30, size=(1,))[0]
- # Make the Leaf and Delete It Later
- lf_seed = randint(0, 1000, size=(1,))[0]
- leaf_model = Leaf.LeafFactory(genome={"leaf_width": 0.4, "width_rand": 0.04}, factory_seed=lf_seed)
- leaf = leaf_model.create_asset(material=False)
- params["leaf"] = leaf
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_fern, apply=True, attributes=[], input_kwargs=params)
- butil.delete([leaf])
- with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
- bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove()
- bpy.ops.object.shade_flat()
- simple_greenery.apply(obj)
- return obj
- def debug_asset(self, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- params["fern_mode"] = "single_pinnae"
- params["scale"] = 1.0
- params["version_num"] = 5
- params["pinnae_num"] = 1
- params["age"] = uniform(0.5, 0.9)
- leaf_model = Leaf.LeafFactory(genome={"leaf_width": 0.4, "width_rand": 0.04}, factory_seed=0)
- leaf = leaf_model.create_asset(material=False)
- params["leaf"] = leaf
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_fern, apply=True, attributes=[], input_kwargs=params)
- bpy.ops.object.convert(target='MESH')
- butil.delete([leaf])
- tag_object(obj, 'fern')
- return obj
-# if __name__ == '__main__':
-# fern = FernFactory(0)
-# obj = fern.debug_asset()
-# simple_greenery.apply([obj])
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/small_plants/num_leaf_grass.py b/infinigen/assets/small_plants/num_leaf_grass.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 567faabfe..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/small_plants/num_leaf_grass.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.small_plants.leaf_general import LeafFactory
-from infinigen.assets.small_plants.leaf_heart import LeafHeartFactory
-from infinigen.assets.materials import simple_greenery
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leafon_stem', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_on_stem(nw: NodeWrangler, z_rotation=(0, 0, 0,), leaf_scale=1.0, leaf=None):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Points', None)])
- endpoint_selection = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurveEndpointSelection',
- input_kwargs={'Start Size': 0})
- object_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo,
- input_kwargs={'Object': leaf})
- curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
- align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': curve_tangent},
- attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = leaf_scale
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': group_input.outputs["Points"],
- 'Selection': endpoint_selection,
- 'Instance': object_info.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector, 'Scale': value})
- vector_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector)
- vector_1.vector = z_rotation
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points, 'Rotation': vector_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': rotate_instances})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_stem_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_stem_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None)])
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.4})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Radius': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 12, 'Radius': 0.03})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Fill Caps': True})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': tag_nodegroup(nw, curve_to_mesh, 'stem')})
-def geo_face_colors(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- rotation_scale = kwargs["stem_rotation"]
- leaf_num = kwargs["leaf_num"]
- leaf = kwargs["leaf"]
- mid_z = uniform(0.35, 0.65, size=(1,))[0]
- mid_x = normal(0., rotation_scale, size=(1,))[0]
- mid_y = normal(0., rotation_scale, size=(1,))[0]
- vector_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector)
- vector_2.vector = (mid_x, mid_y, mid_z)
- top_x = normal(0., rotation_scale, size=(1,))[0]
- top_y = normal(0., rotation_scale, size=(1,))[0]
- vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector)
- vector.vector = (top_x, top_y, 1.0)
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 25, 'Start': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'Middle': vector_2,
- 'End': vector})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 1.0, 'Roughness': 0.2})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: (-0.5, -0.5, -0.5)})
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: add.outputs["Vector"], 1: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': quadratic_bezier, 'Offset': multiply.outputs["Vector"]})
- stemgeometry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_geometry().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position})
- leaf_scale = uniform(0.15, 0.35, size=(1,))[0] * kwargs["leaf_scale"]
- leaves = []
- rotation = 0
- for _ in range(leaf_num):
- leaves.append(nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_on_stem(z_rotation=(0, 0, rotation), leaf_scale=leaf_scale, leaf=leaf).name,
- input_kwargs={'Points': set_position}))
- rotation += 6.28 / leaf_num
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': leaves + [stemgeometry]})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry})
- colored = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(simple_greenery.shader_simple_greenery)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': colored})
-class NumLeafGrassFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(NumLeafGrassFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.leaf_num = [2, 3, 4]
- self.leaf_model = [LeafFactory, LeafHeartFactory]
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- lf_seed = randint(0, 1000, size=(1,))[0]
- leaf_num = np.random.choice(self.leaf_num, size=(1,), p=[0.2, 0.4, 0.4])[0]
- z_offset = normal(0, 0.05, size=(1,))[0]
- if leaf_num == 2:
- leaf_model = LeafFactory(genome={"leaf_width": 0.95, "width_rand": 0.1,
- "z_scaling": z_offset}, factory_seed=lf_seed)
- leaf = leaf_model.create_asset()
- params["leaf_scale"] = 2.0
- elif leaf_num == 3:
- leaf_model = LeafHeartFactory(genome={"leaf_width": 1.1, "width_rand": 0.05,
- "z_scaling": z_offset}, factory_seed=lf_seed)
- leaf = leaf_model.create_asset()
- params["leaf_scale"] = 1.0
- else:
- leaf_model = LeafHeartFactory(genome={"leaf_width": 0.85, "width_rand": 0.05,
- "z_scaling": z_offset}, factory_seed=lf_seed)
- leaf = leaf_model.create_asset()
- params["leaf_scale"] = 1.0
- params["leaf"] = leaf
- params["leaf_num"] = leaf_num
- params["stem_rotation"] = 0.15
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_face_colors, apply=True, attributes=[], input_kwargs=params)
- butil.delete([leaf])
- with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
- bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove()
- bpy.ops.object.shade_flat()
- tag_object(obj, 'num_leaf_grass')
- return obj
-# if __name__ == '__main__':
-# grass = NumLeafGrassFactory(0)
-# obj = grass.create_asset()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/small_plants/snake_plant.py b/infinigen/assets/small_plants/snake_plant.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b620e5a8c..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/small_plants/snake_plant.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-# Acknowledgements: This file draws inspiration from https://blenderartists.org/t/extrude-face-along-curve-with-geometry-nodes/1432653/3
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.materials import snake_plant
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pedal_thickness', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pedal_thickness(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 1.0)])
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value':group_input.outputs["Value"], 3: 0.2, 4: 0.04})
- thickness = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- thickness.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(0.1, 0.35)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_3.outputs["Result"], 1: thickness},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_z_pedal_rotation', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_z_pedal_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 1.0)])
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Value"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.0), (0.25, 0.25 + uniform(-0.1, 0.1)),
- (0.50, 0.5 + uniform(-0.15, 0.15)),
- (0.75, 0.5 + uniform(0.25, 0.25)),
- (1.0, 1.0)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: uniform(0.8, 2.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- vector_rotate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1, 'Angle': multiply},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'Z_AXIS'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_x_pedal_rotation', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_x_pedal_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 0.5, 1: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1, 'Angle': multiply},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'X_AXIS'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_setup', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_setup(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 25, 'Start': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'Middle': (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
- 'End': (uniform(-0.2, 0.2), uniform(0.2, 0.2), 2.0)})
- x_pedal_rotation = nw.new_node(nodegroup_x_pedal_rotation().name)
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': quadratic_bezier, 'Offset': x_pedal_rotation})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position,
- 2: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Spline': capture_attribute_1.outputs[2],
- 'Geometry': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_edge_extrusion', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_edge_extrusion(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- init_width = uniform(0.15, 0.3)
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs['Geometry'], 1: normal},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Value"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, init_width), (0.25, init_width + uniform(0.0, 0.1)),
- (0.50, init_width + uniform(0.02, 0.18)), (0.75, init_width + uniform(0.02, 0.1)),
- (1.0, 0.0)])
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': float_curve})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position_1})
- extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh, 'Offset': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
- 'Offset Scale': float_curve},
- attrs={'mode': 'EDGES'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_face_extrusion', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_face_extrusion(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 1.0)])
- z_pedal_rotation = nw.new_node(nodegroup_z_pedal_rotation().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Value"]})
- set_position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': z_pedal_rotation})
- pedal_thickness = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_thickness().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Value"]})
- extrude_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_position_2, 'Offset Scale': pedal_thickness,
- 'Individual': False})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': extrude_mesh_2})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_single_pedal', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_single_pedal_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- setup = nw.new_node(nodegroup_setup().name)
- edge_extrusion = nw.new_node(nodegroup_edge_extrusion().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': setup.outputs["Spline"],
- 'Geometry': setup.outputs["Geometry"]})
- face_extrusion = nw.new_node(nodegroup_face_extrusion().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': edge_extrusion, 'Value': setup.outputs["Spline"]})
- subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': face_extrusion, 'Level': 2})
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivision_surface})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_shade_smooth})
-def check_vicinity(param, pedal_params):
- for p in pedal_params:
- r1 = max(param[0] * np.sin(param[1]), 0.2)
- r2 = max(p[0] * np.sin(p[1]), 0.2)
- dist = np.linalg.norm([param[2] - p[2], param[3] - p[3]])
- if r1 + r2 > dist:
- return True
- return False
-def geometry_snake_plant_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- num_pedals = kwargs['num_pedals']
- pedals = []
- pedal_params = []
- c = 0
- while c < 50 and len(pedal_params) < num_pedals:
- c += 1
- scale = uniform(0.7, 1.0)
- x_rotation = normal(0, 0.15)
- x, y = uniform(-0.7, 0.7), uniform(-0.7, 0.7)
- param = (scale, x_rotation, x, y)
- if check_vicinity(param, pedal_params):
- continue
- else:
- pedal_params.append(param)
- for param in pedal_params:
- scale = param[0]
- z_rotation = uniform(0, 6.28)
- x_rotation = param[1]
- z2_rotation = uniform(0, 6.28)
- x, y = param[2], param[3]
- pedal = nw.new_node(nodegroup_single_pedal_nodes().name)
- s_transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': pedal, 'Scale': (scale, scale, scale),
- 'Rotation': (0., 0., z_rotation)})
- x_transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': s_transform, 'Rotation': (x_rotation, 0., 0.)})
- z_transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': x_transform, 'Rotation': (0., 0., z2_rotation),
- 'Translation': (x, y, 0)})
- pedals.append(z_transform)
- pedals = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': pedals})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': pedals,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(snake_plant.shader_snake_plant)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material})
-class SnakePlantFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(SnakePlantFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- pedal_num = randint(4, 8)
- params["num_pedals"] = pedal_num
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_snake_plant_nodes, apply=True, input_kwargs=params)
- # convert to appropriate units - TODO replace this
- butil.apply_modifiers(obj)
- obj.scale = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
- butil.apply_transform(obj, scale=True)
- butil.purge_empty_materials(obj)
- tag_object(obj, 'snake_plant')
- return obj
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- grass = SnakePlantFactory(0)
- obj = grass.create_asset()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/small_plants/spider_plant.py b/infinigen/assets/small_plants/spider_plant.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fc59c306..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/small_plants/spider_plant.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-# Acknowledgements: This file draws inspiration from https://blenderartists.org/t/extrude-face-along-curve-with-geometry-nodes/1432653/3
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.materials import spider_plant
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_set_leaf_countour', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_set_leaf_countour(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 1.0)])
- float_curve_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Value"]})
- k = uniform(0, 0.05)
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_2.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.1), (0.2, 0.1 + k / 1.5), (0.4, 0.1 + k / 1.5),
- (0.6, 0.1), (0.8, 0.1 - k), (1.0, 0.0)],
- handles=['AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR'])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve_2, 1: uniform(0.8, 1.3)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': multiply})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz_2, 'Value': multiply})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leaf_z_rotation', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_z_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- position_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"], 4: np.abs(normal(0, 0.6))})
- vector_rotate_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_8, 'Center': (0.0, 0.0, 0.5),
- 'Angle': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'Z_AXIS'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate_6})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leaf_x_rotation', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_x_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- position_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 4: np.abs(normal(0, 1.2))})
- vector_rotate_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_5, 'Center': (0.0, 0.0, 0.5),
- 'Angle': map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'X_AXIS'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate_4})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leaf_rotate_on_base', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_rotate_on_base(nw: NodeWrangler, x_R=0.):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- random_value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.3, 3: 0.3})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: x_R, 1: random_value_2.outputs[1]})
- random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.6, 3: 0.6})
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture)
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': noise_texture_1.outputs["Fac"], 3: -0.5, 4: 0.5})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': random_value_3.outputs[1],
- 'Z': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leaf_scale_align', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_scale_align(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': normal},
- attrs={'axis': 'Y'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture)
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 3: 0.6, 4: 1.1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector, 'Result': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leaf_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 100, 'Start': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'Middle': (0.0, 0.0, 0.5),
- 'End': (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)})
- leaf_x_rotation = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_x_rotation().name)
- set_position_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': quadratic_bezier, 'Offset': leaf_x_rotation})
- leaf_z_rotation = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_z_rotation().name)
- set_position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_7, 'Offset': leaf_z_rotation})
- spline_parameter_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- capture_attribute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_2,
- 2: spline_parameter_3.outputs["Factor"]})
- normal_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- capture_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute_3.outputs["Geometry"], 1: normal_1},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- set_leaf_countour = nw.new_node(nodegroup_set_leaf_countour().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': capture_attribute_3.outputs[2]})
- set_position_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute_2.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Offset': set_leaf_countour.outputs["Vector"]})
- curve_to_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position_8, 'Fill Caps': True})
- extrude_mesh_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh_2,
- 'Offset': capture_attribute_2.outputs["Attribute"],
- 'Offset Scale': set_leaf_countour.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'mode': 'EDGES'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': extrude_mesh_3})
-def geometry_spider_plant_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- num_leaf_versions = kwargs["num_leaf_versions"]
- num_plant_bases = kwargs["num_plant_bases"]
- base_radius = kwargs["base_radius"]
- leaf_x_R = kwargs["leaf_x_R"]
- leaf_x_S = kwargs["leaf_x_S"]
- leaves, bases = [], []
- for _ in range(num_leaf_versions):
- leaf = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_geometry().name)
- leaves.append(leaf)
- geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance',
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': leaves})
- for i in range(num_plant_bases):
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Radius': base_radius[i]})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Count': randint(20, 40)})
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.3 * base_radius[i], 3: 0.3 * base_radius[i]})
- random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.3 * base_radius[i], 3: 0.3 * base_radius[i]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': random_value.outputs[1], 'Y': random_value_1.outputs[1]})
- set_position_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve, 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': geometry_to_instance})
- leaf_scale_align = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_scale_align().name)
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': set_position_3, 'Instance': subdivision_surface,
- 'Pick Instance': True,
- 'Rotation': leaf_scale_align.outputs["Rotation"],
- 'Scale': leaf_scale_align.outputs["Result"]})
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = leaf_x_S[i]
- scale_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points, 'Scale': value})
- leaf_rotate_on_base = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_rotate_on_base(x_R=leaf_x_R[i]).name)
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': scale_instances, 'Rotation': leaf_rotate_on_base})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': rotate_instances})
- bases.append(realize_instances)
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': bases})
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_shade_smooth,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(spider_plant.shader_spider_plant)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material})
-class SpiderPlantFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(SpiderPlantFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- def get_params(self):
- params = {}
- params["num_leaf_versions"] = randint(4, 8)
- num_bases = randint(5, 12)
- params["num_plant_bases"] = num_bases
- base_radius, leaf_x_R, leaf_x_S = [], [], []
- init_base_radius = uniform(0.10, 0.20)
- diff_base_radius = init_base_radius - 0.04
- init_x_R, diff_x_R = uniform(1.2, 1.5), uniform(0.7, 1.1)
- init_x_S, diff_x_S = uniform(1.4, 2.0), uniform(0.2, 0.6)
- for i in range(params["num_plant_bases"]):
- base_radius.append(init_base_radius - (i * diff_base_radius) / num_bases)
- leaf_x_R.append(init_x_R - (i * diff_x_R) / num_bases)
- leaf_x_S.append(init_x_S - (i * diff_x_S) / num_bases)
- params["base_radius"] = base_radius
- params["leaf_x_R"] = leaf_x_R
- params["leaf_x_S"] = leaf_x_S
- return params
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- params = self.get_params()
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_spider_plant_nodes, apply=True, input_kwargs=params)
- surface.add_material(obj, spider_plant.shader_spider_plant, selection=None)
- # convert to appropriate units - TODO replace this
- butil.apply_modifiers(obj)
- obj.scale = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
- butil.apply_transform(obj, scale=True)
- tag_object(obj, 'spider_plant')
- return obj
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- fac = SpiderPlantFactory(0)
- fac.create_asset()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/small_plants/succulent.py b/infinigen/assets/small_plants/succulent.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6677108f1..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/small_plants/succulent.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.materials import succulent
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_top', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_top(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- normal_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'X', 0.0)])
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["X"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Y"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: normal_2, 1: combine_xyz_3},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index_1, 1: 63.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Value': greater_than})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_bottom', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_bottom(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'X', 0.0)])
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["X"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Y"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: normal, 1: combine_xyz},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 64.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Value': less_than})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 128, 'Radius': 0.05})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y_bottom', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'X', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y_top', 0.0)])
- pedal_cross_contour_bottom = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_bottom().name,
- input_kwargs={'Y': group_input.outputs["Y_bottom"],
- 'X': group_input.outputs["X"]})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Selection': pedal_cross_contour_bottom.outputs["Value"],
- 'Offset': pedal_cross_contour_bottom.outputs["Vector"]})
- pedal_cross_contour_top = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_top().name,
- input_kwargs={'Y': group_input.outputs["Y_top"],
- 'X': group_input.outputs["X"]})
- set_position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1,
- 'Selection': pedal_cross_contour_top.outputs["Value"],
- 'Offset': pedal_cross_contour_top.outputs["Vector"]})
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': 7.0, 'Detail': 15.0},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], 'Scale': uniform(0.00, 0.02)},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_2, 'Offset': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_5})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pedal_z_contour', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pedal_z_contour(nw: NodeWrangler, curve_param=[]):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, curve_param[0]), (0.2, curve_param[1] * (1. + normal(0, 0.04))),
- (0.4, curve_param[2] * (1. + normal(0, 0.1))), (0.6, curve_param[3] * (1. + normal(0, 0.03))),
- (0.8, curve_param[4] * (1. + normal(0, 0.06))), (0.9, curve_param[5] * (1. + normal(0, 0.04))),
- (1.0, 0.0)])
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pedal_stem_curvature', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pedal_stem_curvature(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- position_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]})
- k = uniform(0.0, 0.3)
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.0), (0.2, 0.2 - k / 2.5), (0.4, 0.4 - k / 1.1), (0.6, 0.6 - k),
- (0.8, 0.8 - k / 1.5), (1.0, 1.0 - k / 3.)])
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.2)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_3, 'Center': (0.0, 0.0, 0.2), 'Angle': multiply},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'X_AXIS'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pedal_rotation_on_base_circle', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pedal_rotation_on_base_circle(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.1, 3: 0.1})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value1', -1.3),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value2', -1.57)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: random_value_1.outputs[1], 1: group_input.outputs["Value1"]})
- random_value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.3, 3: 0.3})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: random_value_2.outputs[1], 1: group_input.outputs["Value2"]})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Z': add_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz_2})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_base_perturbation', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_base_perturbation(nw: NodeWrangler, R=1.0):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- random_value_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.8 * R, 3: 0.8 * R})
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.8 * R, 3: 0.8 * R})
- random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.2 * R, 3: 0.2 * R})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: random_value_1.outputs[1], 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': random_value_4.outputs[1], 'Y': random_value.outputs[1], 'Z': add})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pedal_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pedal_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler, curve_param=[]):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine,
- input_kwargs={'End': (0.0, 0.0, 0.2)})
- integer = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer,
- attrs={'integer': 64})
- integer.integer = 64
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Count': integer})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y_bottom', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'X', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y_top', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'pedal_stem', 0.2),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'pedal_z', 0.5)])
- pedal_stem_curvature = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_stem_curvature().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["pedal_stem"]})
- set_position_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve, 'Offset': pedal_stem_curvature})
- pedal_z_contour = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_z_contour(curve_param=curve_param).name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["pedal_z"]})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position_4, 'Radius': pedal_z_contour})
- pedal_cross_contour = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour().name,
- input_kwargs={'Y_bottom': group_input.outputs["Y_bottom"],
- 'X': group_input.outputs["X"],
- 'Y_top': group_input.outputs["Y_top"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': pedal_cross_contour,
- 'Fill Caps': True})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pedal_on_base', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pedal_on_base(nw: NodeWrangler, R=1.0):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius', 0.1),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'x_R', -1.3),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'z_R', -1.57),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 10),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Instance', None),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'Scale', (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'base_z', 0.5)])
- curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
- 'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"]})
- base_perturbation = nw.new_node(nodegroup_base_perturbation(R=R).name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["base_z"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"], 'Offset': base_perturbation})
- normal_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': normal_1},
- attrs={'pivot_axis': 'Z'})
- random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: 0.7, 3: 1.2})
- instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': set_position,
- 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Instance"],
- 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector_1,
- 'Scale': random_value_3.outputs[1]})
- realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': instance_on_points_1})
- pedal_rotation_on_base_circle = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_rotation_on_base_circle().name,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["x_R"],
- 1: group_input.outputs["z_R"]})
- rotate_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': realize_instances_1,
- 'Rotation': pedal_rotation_on_base_circle})
- scale_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': rotate_instances_1, 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': scale_instances})
-def geometry_succulent_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- pedal_bases = []
- pedal_cross_coutour_y_bottom = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='pedal_cross_coutour_y_bottom')
- pedal_cross_coutour_y_bottom.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["cross_y_bottom"]
- pedal_cross_coutour_x = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='pedal_cross_coutour_x')
- pedal_cross_coutour_x.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["cross_x"]
- pedal_cross_coutour_y_top = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='pedal_cross_coutour_y_top')
- pedal_cross_coutour_y_top.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["cross_y_top"]
- pedal_stem_curvature_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='pedal_stem_curvature_scale')
- pedal_stem_curvature_scale.outputs[0].default_value = np.abs(normal(0, 1.0))
- pedal_z_coutour_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='pedal_z_coutour_scale')
- pedal_z_coutour_scale.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(0.4, 0.9)
- material = kwargs["material"]
- for i in range(kwargs["num_bases"]):
- pedal_geometry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_geometry(curve_param=kwargs["pedal_curve_param"]).name,
- input_kwargs={'Y_bottom': pedal_cross_coutour_y_bottom,
- 'X': pedal_cross_coutour_x,
- 'Y_top': pedal_cross_coutour_y_top,
- 'pedal_stem': pedal_stem_curvature_scale,
- 'pedal_z': pedal_z_coutour_scale})
- base_circle_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='base_circle_radius')
- base_circle_radius.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["base_radius"][i]
- pedal_x_rotation = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='pedal_x_rotation')
- pedal_x_rotation.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["pedal_x_R"][i]
- base_z_rotation = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='base_z_rotation')
- base_z_rotation.outputs[0].default_value = -1.57 + normal(0, 0.3)
- base_pedal_num = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer,
- label='base_pedal_num',
- attrs={'integer': 10})
- base_pedal_num.integer = kwargs["base_pedal_num"][i]
- pedal_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='pedal_scale')
- pedal_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["base_pedal_scale"][i]
- base_z = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='base_z')
- base_z.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs["base_z"][i]
- pedal_on_base = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_on_base(R=kwargs["base_radius"][i]).name,
- input_kwargs={'Radius': base_circle_radius, 'x_R': pedal_x_rotation,
- 'z_R': base_z_rotation,
- 'Resolution': base_pedal_num, 'Instance': pedal_geometry,
- 'Scale': pedal_scale, 'base_z': base_z})
- pedal_bases.append(pedal_on_base)
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': pedal_bases})
- set_shade_smooth_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_shade_smooth_1,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(material)})
- realized = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [set_material])
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realized})
-class SucculentFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(SucculentFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.mode = np.random.choice(["thin_pedal", "thick_pedal"], p=[0.65, 0.35])
- def get_params(self, mode):
- if mode == 'thin_pedal':
- params = {}
- params["cross_y_bottom"] = uniform(0.08, 0.25)
- params["cross_y_top"] = uniform(-0.04, 0.02)
- params["cross_x"] = uniform(0.3, 0.6)
- # get geometry params on each base
- num_bases = randint(5, 8)
- params["num_bases"] = num_bases
- base_radius, pedal_x_R, base_pedal_num, base_pedal_scale, base_z = [], [], [], [], []
- init_base_radius, diff_base_radius = uniform(0.09, 0.11), 0.1
- init_x_R, diff_x_R = uniform(-1.2, -1.35), uniform(-0.7, -1.1)
- init_pedal_num = randint(num_bases, 15)
- diff_pedal_scale = uniform(0.5, 0.9)
- for i in range(num_bases):
- base_radius.append(init_base_radius - (i * diff_base_radius) / num_bases)
- pedal_x_R.append(init_x_R - (i * diff_x_R) / num_bases)
- base_pedal_num.append(init_pedal_num - i + randint(0, 2))
- base_pedal_scale.append(1. - (i * diff_pedal_scale) / num_bases)
- base_z.append(0. + i * uniform(0.005, 0.008))
- params["base_radius"] = base_radius
- params["pedal_x_R"] = pedal_x_R
- params["base_pedal_num"] = base_pedal_num
- params["base_pedal_scale"] = base_pedal_scale
- params["base_z"] = base_z
- contour_bit = randint(0, 3)
- material_bit = randint(0, 3)
- if contour_bit == 0:
- params["pedal_curve_param"] = [0.08, 0.4, 0.46, 0.36, 0.17, 0.05]
- elif contour_bit == 1:
- params["pedal_curve_param"] = [0.22, 0.37, 0.50, 0.49, 0.30, 0.08]
- elif contour_bit == 2:
- params["pedal_curve_param"] = [0.21, 0.26, 0.31, 0.36, 0.29, 0.16]
- else:
- raise NotImplemented
- if material_bit == 0:
- params["material"] = succulent.shader_green_transition_succulent
- elif material_bit == 1:
- params["material"] = succulent.shader_pink_transition_succulent
- elif material_bit == 2:
- params["material"] = succulent.shader_green_succulent
- else:
- raise NotImplemented
- return params
- elif mode == 'thick_pedal':
- params = {}
- params["cross_y_bottom"] = uniform(0.22, 0.30)
- params["cross_y_top"] = uniform(0.08, 0.15)
- params["cross_x"] = uniform(0.14, 0.16)
- # get geometry params on each base
- num_bases = randint(3, 6)
- params["num_bases"] = num_bases
- base_radius, pedal_x_R, base_pedal_num, base_pedal_scale, base_z = [], [], [], [], []
- init_base_radius, diff_base_radius = uniform(0.12, 0.14), 0.11
- init_x_R, diff_x_R = uniform(-1.3, -1.4), uniform(-0.1, -1.2)
- init_pedal_num = randint(num_bases, 12)
- diff_pedal_scale = uniform(0.6, 0.9)
- for i in range(num_bases):
- base_radius.append(init_base_radius - (i * diff_base_radius) / num_bases)
- pedal_x_R.append(init_x_R - (i * diff_x_R) / num_bases)
- base_pedal_num.append(init_pedal_num - i + randint(0, 2))
- base_pedal_scale.append(1. - (i * diff_pedal_scale) / num_bases)
- base_z.append(0. + i * uniform(0.005, 0.006))
- params["base_radius"] = base_radius
- params["pedal_x_R"] = pedal_x_R
- params["base_pedal_num"] = base_pedal_num
- params["base_pedal_scale"] = base_pedal_scale
- params["base_z"] = base_z
- contour_bit = randint(0, 2)
- material_bit = randint(0, 2)
- if contour_bit == 0:
- params["pedal_curve_param"] = [0.10, 0.36, 0.44, 0.45, 0.30, 0.24]
- elif contour_bit == 1:
- params["pedal_curve_param"] = [0.16, 0.35, 0.48, 0.42, 0.30, 0.18]
- else:
- raise NotImplemented
- if material_bit == 0:
- params["material"] = succulent.shader_yellow_succulent
- elif material_bit == 1:
- params["material"] = succulent.shader_whitish_green_succulent
- else:
- raise NotImplemented
- return params
- else:
- raise NotImplemented
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- params = self.get_params(self.mode)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_succulent_nodes, apply=True, attributes=[], input_kwargs=params)
- obj.scale = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
- obj.location.z += 0.01
- butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True, scale=True)
- tag_object(obj, 'succulent')
- return obj
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- fac = SucculentFactory(0)
- fac.create_asset()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/table_decorations/sink.py b/infinigen/assets/table_decorations/sink.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 343554bb2..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/table_decorations/sink.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,785 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors:
-# - Hongyu Wen: sink geometry
-# - Meenal Parakh: material assignment
-# - Stamatis Alexandropoulos: taps
-# - Alexander Raistrick: placeholder, optimize detail, redo cutter
-import random
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint as RI
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.utils import bbox_from_mesh
-from infinigen.assets.utils.extract_nodegroup_parts import extract_nodegroup_geo
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
-class SinkFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=[1., 1., 1.], upper_height=None):
- super(SinkFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.dimensions = dimensions
- self.factory_seed = factory_seed
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.params = self.sample_parameters(dimensions, upper_height=upper_height)
- self.material_params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = self.get_material_params()
- self.params.update(self.material_params)
- self.tap_factory = TapFactory(factory_seed)
- def get_material_params(self):
- material_assignments = AssetList['SinkFactory']()
- params = {
- "Sink": material_assignments['sink'].assign_material(),
- "Tap": material_assignments['tap'].assign_material(),
- }
- wrapped_params = {
- k: surface.shaderfunc_to_material(v) for k, v in params.items()
- }
- scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments['wear_tear_prob']
- scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments['wear_tear']
- is_scratch = U() < scratch_prob
- is_edge_wear = U() < edge_wear_prob
- if not is_scratch:
- scratch = None
- if not is_edge_wear:
- edge_wear = None
- return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
- @staticmethod
- def sample_parameters(dimensions, upper_height, use_default=False, open=False):
- width = U(0.4, 1.0)
- depth = U(0.4, 0.5)
- curvature = U(1.0, 1.0)
- if upper_height is None:
- upper_height = U(0.2, 0.4)
- lower_height = U(0.00, 0.01)
- hole_radius = U(0.02, 0.05)
- margin = U(0.02, 0.05)
- watertap_margin = U(0.1, 0.12)
- params = {
- 'Width': width,
- 'Depth': depth,
- 'Curvature': curvature,
- 'Upper Height': upper_height,
- 'Lower Height': lower_height,
- 'HoleRadius': hole_radius,
- 'Margin': margin,
- 'WaterTapMargin': watertap_margin,
- 'ProtrudeAboveCounter': U(0.01, 0.025),
- }
- return params
- def _extract_geo_results(self):
- params = self.params.copy()
- params.pop('ProtrudeAboveCounter')
- with butil.TemporaryObject(butil.spawn_vert()) as temp:
- obj = extract_nodegroup_geo(
- temp, nodegroup_sink_geometry(), 'Geometry', ng_params=params
- )
- cutter = extract_nodegroup_geo(
- temp, nodegroup_sink_geometry(), 'Cutter', ng_params=params
- )
- return obj, cutter
- def create_placeholder(self, i, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
- obj, cutter = self._extract_geo_results()
- butil.delete(cutter)
- min_corner, max_corner = butil.bounds(obj)
- min_corner[-1] = max_corner[-1] - self.params['ProtrudeAboveCounter']
- top_slice_placeholder = bbox_from_mesh.box_from_corners(min_corner, max_corner)
- butil.delete(obj)
- return top_slice_placeholder
- def create_asset(self,i, placeholder, state=None, **params):
- obj, cutter = self._extract_geo_results()
- tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
- cutter.parent = obj
- cutter.name = repr(self) + f'.spawn_placeholder({i}).cutter'
- cutter.hide_render = True
- tap_loc = (-self.params['Depth'] / 2, 0, self.params['Upper Height'])
- tap = self.tap_factory.spawn_asset(i, loc=tap_loc, rot=(0,0,0))
- tap.parent = obj
- return obj
- def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- if self.scratch:
- self.scratch.apply(assets)
- if self.edge_wear:
- self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
-class TapFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed):
- super().__init__(factory_seed)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = self.get_material_params()
- @staticmethod
- def tap_parameters():
- params = {
- 'base_width' : U(0.570,0.630),
- 'tap_head': U(0.7,1.1),
- 'roation_z': U(5.5,7.0),
- 'tap_height': U(0.5,1),
- 'base_radius': U(0.0,0.3),
- 'Switch': True if U()>0.5 else False,
- 'Y': U(-0.5, -0.06),
- 'hand_type': True if U()>0.2 else False,
- 'hands_length_x': U(0.750,1.25),
- 'hands_length_Y': U(0.950, 1.550),
- 'one_side': True if U()>0.5 else False,
- 'different_type': True if U()>0.8 else False
- }
- return params
- def get_material_params(self):
- material_assignments = AssetList['TapFactory']()
- tap_material = material_assignments['tap'].assign_material()
- wrapped_params = {
- 'Tap': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(tap_material)
- }
- scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments['wear_tear_prob']
- scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments['wear_tear']
- is_scratch = U() < scratch_prob
- is_edge_wear = U() < edge_wear_prob
- if not is_scratch:
- scratch = None
- if not is_edge_wear:
- edge_wear = None
- return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
- def create_asset(self, **_):
- obj = butil.spawn_cube()
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'NODES', node_group=nodegroup_water_tap(), ng_inputs=self.params, apply=True)
- obj.scale = (0.4,)*3
- obj.rotation_euler.z += np.pi
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- return obj
- def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- if self.scratch:
- self.scratch.apply(assets)
- if self.edge_wear:
- self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_handle', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_handle(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- bezier_segment = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveBezierSegment, input_kwargs={
- 'Start': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
- 'Start Handle': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.7000),
- 'End Handle': (0.2000, 0.0000, 0.7000),
- 'End': (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.9000)
- })
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0000, 0.9750), (1.0000, 0.1625)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: 1.3000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': bezier_segment, 'Radius': multiply})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': 0.2000})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={
- 'Curve': set_curve_radius,
- 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Fill Caps': True
- })
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: 0.2000, 3: 1.0000, 4: 2.5000})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={
- 'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
- 'Y': multiply_1,
- 'Z': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]
- })
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Position': combine_xyz})
- subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_position, 'Level': 2})
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivision_surface})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_shade_smooth},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_water_tap', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_water_tap(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'base_width', U(0.2,0.3)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'tap_head', U(0.7,1.1)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'roation_z',U(5.5,7.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'tap_height', U(0.5,1)),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'base_radius', U(0.0,0.1)),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Switch',True if U()>0.5 else False),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', U(-0.5, -0.06)),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'hand_type', True if U()>0.2 else False),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'hands_length_x', U(0.750,1.25)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'hands_length_Y', U(0.950, 1.550)),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'one_side', True if U()>0.5 else False),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'different_type', True if U()>0.8 else False),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'length_one_side', True if U()>0.8 else False)])
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketMaterial', 'Tap', None)])
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': 0.0500})
- fill_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"]})
- extrude_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': fill_curve_1, 'Offset Scale': 0.1500})
- quadrilateral = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral',
- input_kwargs={'Width': 0.2000, 'Height': 0.7000})
- fillet_curve = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeFilletCurve',
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadrilateral, 'Count': 19, 'Radius': 0.1000},
- attrs={'mode': 'POLY'})
- fill_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': fillet_curve})
- extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': fill_curve, 'Offset Scale': 0.0500})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'End': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.6000)})
- curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': 0.0300})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"]})
- curve_circle_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': 0.2000})
- transform_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle_2.outputs["Curve"], 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.2000, 0.0000)})
- transform_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry, 'Rotation': (-1.5708, 1.5708, 0.0000), 'Scale': (1.0000, 0.7000, 1.0000)})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': 0.2000, 'Y': group_input.outputs["Y"]})
- bezier_segment = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveBezierSegment,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 177, 'Start': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 'Start Handle': (0.0000, 1.2000, 0.0000), 'End Handle': combine_xyz_3, 'End': (-0.0500, 0.1000, 0.0000)})
- trim_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.TrimCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': bezier_segment, 3: 0.6625, 5: 3.0000})
- transform_geometry_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': trim_curve, 'Rotation': (1.5708, 0.0000, 2.5220), 'Scale': (5.2000, 0.5000, 7.8000)})
- curve_circle_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': 0.0300})
- curve_to_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': transform_geometry_6, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle_3.outputs["Curve"]})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Switch"], 14: transform_geometry_1, 15: curve_to_mesh_2})
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': switch.outputs[6], 'Profile Curve': curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"]})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: -0.0100}, attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- switch_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Switch"], 2: greater_than, 3: 1.0000},
- attrs={'input_type': 'FLOAT'})
- separate_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh_1, 'Selection': switch_1.outputs["Output"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': 1.0000, 'Y': 1.0000, 'Z': group_input.outputs["tap_head"]})
- switch_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Switch"], 8: combine_xyz, 9: (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)},
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'})
- transform_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': separate_geometry.outputs["Selection"], 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.6000), 'Scale': switch_2.outputs[3]})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [curve_to_mesh, transform_geometry_2]})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': group_input.outputs["roation_z"]})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': 1.0000, 'Y': 1.0000, 'Z': group_input.outputs["tap_height"]})
- transform_geometry_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Rotation': combine_xyz_1, 'Scale': combine_xyz_2})
- handle = nw.new_node(nodegroup_handle().name)
- transform_geometry_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': handle, 'Translation': (0.0000, -0.2000, 0.0000), 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 3.6652), 'Scale': (0.3000, 0.3000, 0.3000)})
- transform_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': handle, 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.2000, 0.0000), 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 2.6180), 'Scale': (0.3000, 0.3000, 0.3000)})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_geometry_4, transform_geometry_3]})
- cylinder = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder',
- input_kwargs={'Vertices': 41, 'Side Segments': 39, 'Radius': 0.0300, 'Depth': 0.1000})
- transform_geometry_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.0500, 0.1000), 'Rotation': (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- switch_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["one_side"], 14: transform_geometry_7})
- transform_geometry_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': (0.0000, -0.0500, 0.1000), 'Rotation': (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [switch_5.outputs[6], transform_geometry_8]})
- cylinder_1 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder',
- input_kwargs={'Vertices': 41, 'Side Segments': 39, 'Radius': 0.0050, 'Depth': 0.1000})
- transform_geometry_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder_1.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.0800, 0.1500), 'Scale': (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.1000)})
- switch_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["one_side"], 14: transform_geometry_9})
- transform_geometry_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder_1.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': (0.0000, -0.0800, 0.1500), 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0855), 'Scale': (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.1000)})
- transform_geometry_17 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry_10, 'Translation': (0.0000, -0.0100, -0.0050), 'Scale': (4.1000, 1.0000, 1.0000)})
- switch_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["length_one_side"], 14: transform_geometry_10, 15: transform_geometry_17})
- switch_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["one_side"], 14: transform_geometry_10, 15: switch_8.outputs[6]})
- join_geometry_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [switch_4.outputs[6], switch_7.outputs[6]]})
- join_geometry_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [join_geometry_3, join_geometry_4]})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["hands_length_x"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["hands_length_Y"], 'Z': 1.0000})
- transform_geometry_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_5, 'Scale': combine_xyz_4})
- switch_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["hand_type"], 14: join_geometry_2, 15: transform_geometry_11})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': 0.0500})
- fill_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"]})
- extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': fill_curve, 'Offset Scale': 0.1500})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_geometry_5, switch_3.outputs[6], extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"]]})
- bezier_segment_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveBezierSegment,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 54, 'Start': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 'Start Handle': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.7000), 'End Handle': (0.2000, 0.0000, 0.7000), 'End': (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.9000)})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0000, 0.9750), (0.6295, 0.4125), (1.0000, 0.1625)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: 1.3000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius, input_kwargs={'Curve': bezier_segment_1, 'Radius': multiply})
- curve_circle_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': 0.1000})
- curve_to_mesh_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle_4.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 1: 0.2000, 3: 1.0000, 4: 2.5000})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 'Y': multiply_1, 'Z': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh_3, 'Position': combine_xyz_5, 'Offset': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- subdivision_surface = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_position, 'Level': 1})
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivision_surface})
- transform_geometry_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_shade_smooth, 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.1000), 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.6807), 'Scale': (0.4000, 0.4000, 0.3000)})
- curve_circle_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': 307, 'Radius': 0.0550})
- fill_curve_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_circle_5.outputs["Curve"]})
- extrude_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': fill_curve_2, 'Offset Scale': 0.1500})
- cylinder_2 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder', input_kwargs={'Vertices': 100, 'Radius': 0.0100, 'Depth': 0.7000})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder_2.outputs["Mesh"]})
- transform_geometry_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1, 'Translation': (0.3000, 0.0000, 0.2500), 'Rotation': (0.0000, -2.0420, 0.0000), 'Scale': (1.7000, 3.1000, 1.0000)})
- cylinder_3 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder', input_kwargs={'Vertices': 318, 'Radius': 0.0200, 'Depth': 0.0300})
- transform_geometry_14 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder_3.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': (0.5950, 0.0000, 0.3800)})
- join_geometry_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_geometry_13, transform_geometry_14]})
- transform_geometry_15 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_7, 'Scale': (0.9000, 1.0000, 1.0000)})
- join_geometry_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_geometry_12, extrude_mesh_2.outputs["Mesh"], transform_geometry_15]})
- transform_geometry_16 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_8, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 3.1416)})
- switch_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["different_type"], 14: join_geometry_1, 15: transform_geometry_16})
- quadrilateral = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral',
- input_kwargs={'Width': group_input.outputs["base_width"], 'Height': 0.7000})
- fillet_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FilletCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadrilateral, 'Count': 19, 'Radius': group_input.outputs["base_radius"]},
- attrs={'mode': 'POLY'})
- fill_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': fillet_curve})
- extrude_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': fill_curve_1, 'Offset Scale': 0.0500})
- join_geometry_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [switch_6.outputs[6], extrude_mesh_1.outputs["Mesh"]]})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': join_geometry_6,
- 'Material': group_input.outputs["Tap"]
- })
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_sink_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_sink_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Width', 2.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Depth', 2.0000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Curvature', 0.9500),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Upper Height', 1.0000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Lower Height', -0.0500),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'HoleRadius', 0.1000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Margin', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'WaterTapMargin', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'Tap', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'Sink', None),])
- reroute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Depth"]})
- reroute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Width"]})
- quadrilateral = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral',
- input_kwargs={'Width': reroute_3, 'Height': reroute_2})
- minimum = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_3, 1: reroute_2}, attrs={'operation': 'MINIMUM'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: minimum, 1: 0.1000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- # inside of sink curve
- sink_interior_border = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeFilletCurve',
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadrilateral, 'Count': 50, 'Radius': multiply},
- attrs={'mode': 'POLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={
- 'X': group_input.outputs["Curvature"],
- 'Y': group_input.outputs["Curvature"]
- })
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': sink_interior_border, 'Scale': combine_xyz_1})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': group_input.outputs["HoleRadius"]})
- join_geometry_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_1, curve_circle.outputs["Curve"]]})
- fill_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': join_geometry_4})
- #fill_curve_1 = tagging.tag_nodegroup(nw, fill_curve_1, t.Subpart.SupportSurface)
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Lower Height"]})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': reroute})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': fill_curve_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- extrude_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, input_kwargs={
- 'Mesh': transform_2,
- 'Offset Scale': -0.0100,
- 'Individual': False
- })
- transform_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Scale': (0.7000, 0.7000, 1.0000)
- })
- join_geometry_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], transform_5]})
- fill_curve_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': join_geometry_6})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute, 1: -0.0100})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': add})
- transform_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': fill_curve_4, 'Translation': combine_xyz_4})
- extrude_mesh_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, input_kwargs={
- 'Mesh': transform_6,
- 'Offset Scale': group_input.outputs["Lower Height"],
- 'Individual': False
- })
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Lower Height"], 1: -0.0100})
- combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': add_1})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'End': combine_xyz_6})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={
- 'Curve': curve_line,
- 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"]
- })
- transform_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- join_geometry_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': [extrude_mesh_2.outputs["Mesh"], transform_2, extrude_mesh_4.outputs["Mesh"], transform_7]
- })
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': sink_interior_border, 'Scale': (0.9900, 0.9900, 1.0000)})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform, sink_interior_border]})
- fill_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': join_geometry})
- extrude_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, input_kwargs={
- 'Mesh': fill_curve,
- 'Offset Scale': group_input.outputs["Lower Height"]
- })
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 1: group_input.outputs["Curvature"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: group_input.outputs["Curvature"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': multiply_1, 'Y': multiply_2, 'Z': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': extrude_mesh_1.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Selection': less_than,
- 'Position': combine_xyz
- })
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: group_input.outputs["Margin"]})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"], 1: group_input.outputs["Margin"]})
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: group_input.outputs["WaterTapMargin"]})
- quadrilateral_1 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral',
- input_kwargs={'Width': add_4, 'Height': add_2})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["WaterTapMargin"], 1: -0.5000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_3})
- transform_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': quadrilateral_1, 'Translation': combine_xyz_7})
- fillet_curve_1 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeFilletCurve',
- input_kwargs={'Curve': transform_8, 'Count': 10, 'Radius': multiply},
- attrs={'mode': 'POLY'})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [sink_interior_border, fillet_curve_1]})
- fill_curve_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': join_geometry_2})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Lower Height"], 1: -1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Upper Height"], 1: multiply_4})
- extrude_mesh_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': fill_curve_2, 'Offset Scale': add_5})
- reroute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Lower Height"]})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': reroute_1})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': extrude_mesh_3.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Translation': combine_xyz_3
- })
- join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_3})
- #watertap = nw.new_node(nodegroup_water_tap().name, input_kwargs={'Tap': group_input.outputs['Tap']})
- add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={
- 0: group_input.outputs["Depth"],
- 1: group_input.outputs["WaterTapMargin"]
- })
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_6, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': multiply_5, 'Z': group_input.outputs["Upper Height"]})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': [join_geometry_5, set_position, join_geometry_3]#, transform_geometry]
- })
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': join_geometry_1,
- 'Material': group_input.outputs["Sink"]
- })
- add_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["WaterTapMargin"], 1: group_input.outputs["Margin"]})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_7, 1: 2.5600}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': divide})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material, 'Offset': combine_xyz_8})
- # region CREATE CUTTER (manually added by araistrick post-fact)
- sink_interior_border_simplified = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeFilletCurve',
- input_kwargs={
- 'Curve': quadrilateral, 'Count': 3, 'Radius': multiply
- },
- attrs={'mode': 'POLY'}
- )
- scaled_sink_interior_border = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': sink_interior_border_simplified,
- 'Scale': (1.01, 1.01, 1) #scale it up just a little to avoid zclip
- })
- fill_interior = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.FillCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': scaled_sink_interior_border},
- attrs={'mode': 'NGONS'}
- )
- extrude_amt = nw.scalar_add(
- group_input.outputs["Lower Height"],
- group_input.outputs["Upper Height"],
- 0.05
- )
- extrude = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, input_kwargs={
- 'Mesh': fill_interior,
- 'Offset Scale': extrude_amt
- })
- # same translation as set_position_1, to keep it in sync
- setpos_move_cutter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': extrude, 'Offset': combine_xyz_8})
- # endregion
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': set_position_1,
- 'Cutter': setpos_move_cutter
- })
-def geometry_node_to_bbox(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- bounding_box = nw.new_node(Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
- transform_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': bounding_box, 'Scale': (0.100, 0.100, 0.1000)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/table_decorations/utils.py b/infinigen/assets/table_decorations/utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 87ce885a7..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/table_decorations/utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_star_profile', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_star_profile(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 64),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Points', 64),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Inner Radius', 0.9000)])
- star = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurveStar',
- input_kwargs={'Points': group_input.outputs["Points"], 'Inner Radius': group_input.outputs["Inner Radius"], 'Outer Radius': 1.0000})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': star.outputs["Curve"], 'Count': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Curve': resample_curve}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_flip_index', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_flip_index(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'V Resolution', 0),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'U Resolution', 0)])
- modulo = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["V Resolution"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MODULO'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: modulo, 1: group_input.outputs["U Resolution"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["V Resolution"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- floor = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide}, attrs={'operation': 'FLOOR'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: floor})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Index': add}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_cylinder_side', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_cylinder_side(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'U Resolution', 32),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'V Resolution', 0)])
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["V Resolution"], 1: 1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- cylinder = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder',
- input_kwargs={'Vertices': group_input.outputs["U Resolution"], 'Side Segments': subtract})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cylinder.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'domain': 'CORNER'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute, 'Top': cylinder.outputs["Top"], 'Side': cylinder.outputs["Side"], 'Bottom': cylinder.outputs["Bottom"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_shifted_circle', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_shifted_circle(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 32),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Z', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Rot Z', 0.0000)])
- curve_circle_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': group_input.outputs["Z"]})
- radians = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Rot Z"]}, attrs={'operation': 'RADIANS'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': radians})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle_3.outputs["Curve"], 'Translation': combine_xyz, 'Rotation': combine_xyz_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_3}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_lofting', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_lofting(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Profile Curves', None),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'U Resolution', 32),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'V Resolution', 32),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Use Nurb', False)])
- cylinderside = nw.new_node(nodegroup_cylinder_side().name,
- input_kwargs={'U Resolution': group_input.outputs["U Resolution"], 'V Resolution': group_input.outputs["V Resolution"]})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- evaluate_on_domain = nw.new_node(Nodes.EvaluateonDomain, input_kwargs={1: index}, attrs={'data_type': 'INT', 'domain': 'CURVE'})
- equal = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={2: evaluate_on_domain.outputs[1]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'INT', 'operation': 'EQUAL'})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine)
- domain_size = nw.new_node(Nodes.DomainSize, input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Profile Curves"]}, attrs={'component': 'CURVE'})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Count': domain_size.outputs["Spline Count"]})
- instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': group_input.outputs["Profile Curves"], 'Selection': equal, 'Instance': resample_curve})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': instance_on_points_1})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- flipindex = nw.new_node(nodegroup_flip_index().name,
- input_kwargs={'V Resolution': domain_size.outputs["Spline Count"], 'U Resolution': group_input.outputs["U Resolution"]})
- sample_index_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleIndex,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Profile Curves"], 3: position, 'Index': flipindex},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances, 'Position': sample_index_2.outputs[2]})
- set_spline_type_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineType, input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position}, attrs={'spline_type': 'CATMULL_ROM'})
- set_spline_type = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineType, input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position}, attrs={'spline_type': 'NURBS'})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Use Nurb"], 14: set_spline_type_1, 15: set_spline_type})
- resample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': switch.outputs[6], 'Count': group_input.outputs["V Resolution"]})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- flipindex_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_flip_index().name,
- input_kwargs={'V Resolution': group_input.outputs["U Resolution"], 'U Resolution': group_input.outputs["V Resolution"]})
- sample_index_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleIndex,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve_1, 3: position_1, 'Index': flipindex_1},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinderside.outputs["Geometry"], 'Position': sample_index_3.outputs[2]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1, 'Top': cylinderside.outputs["Top"], 'Side': cylinderside.outputs["Side"], 'Bottom': cylinderside.outputs["Bottom"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_lofting_poly', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_lofting_poly(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Profile Curves', None),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'U Resolution', 32),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'V Resolution', 32),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Use Nurb', False)])
- reroute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["V Resolution"]})
- cylinderside_001 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_cylinder_side().name,
- input_kwargs={'U Resolution': group_input.outputs["U Resolution"], 'V Resolution': reroute_2})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- evaluate_on_domain = nw.new_node(Nodes.EvaluateonDomain, input_kwargs={1: index}, attrs={'domain': 'CURVE', 'data_type': 'INT'})
- equal = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={2: evaluate_on_domain.outputs[1]},
- attrs={'operation': 'EQUAL', 'data_type': 'INT'})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine)
- domain_size = nw.new_node(Nodes.DomainSize,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Profile Curves"]},
- attrs={'component': 'CURVE'})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Count': domain_size.outputs["Spline Count"]})
- instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': group_input.outputs["Profile Curves"], 'Selection': equal, 'Instance': resample_curve})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': instance_on_points_1})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- flipindex_001 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_flip_index().name,
- input_kwargs={'V Resolution': domain_size.outputs["Spline Count"], 'U Resolution': group_input.outputs["U Resolution"]})
- sample_index_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleIndex,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Profile Curves"], 3: position, 'Index': flipindex_001},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances, 'Position': sample_index_2.outputs[2]})
- set_spline_type_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineType, input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position})
- set_spline_type = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineType, input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position}, attrs={'spline_type': 'NURBS'})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Use Nurb"], 14: set_spline_type_1, 15: set_spline_type})
- resample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': switch.outputs[6], 'Count': reroute_2})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- flipindex_001_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_flip_index().name,
- input_kwargs={'V Resolution': group_input.outputs["U Resolution"], 'U Resolution': reroute_2})
- sample_index_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleIndex,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve_1, 3: position_1, 'Index': flipindex_001_1},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinderside_001.outputs["Geometry"], 'Position': sample_index_3.outputs[2]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1, 'Top': cylinderside_001.outputs["Top"], 'Side': cylinderside_001.outputs["Side"], 'Bottom': cylinderside_001.outputs["Bottom"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_warp_around_curve', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_warp_around_curve(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Curve Resolution', 1024)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Curve Resolution"], 1: 1.0000})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"], 'Count': add})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position_2})
- bounding_box = nw.new_node(Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': bounding_box.outputs["Min"]})
- separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': bounding_box.outputs["Max"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz_3.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"], 2: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Z"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Curve Resolution"], 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- round = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'ROUND'})
- sample_index_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleIndex,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve, 3: position_1, 'Index': round},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- sample_index_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleIndex,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve, 3: normal, 'Index': round},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: sample_index_5.outputs[2], 'Scale': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
- sample_index_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleIndex,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve, 3: curve_tangent, 'Index': round},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- cross_product = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: sample_index_4.outputs[2], 1: sample_index_5.outputs[2]},
- attrs={'operation': 'CROSS_PRODUCT'})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: cross_product.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: sample_index_3.outputs[2], 1: add_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Position': add_2.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/table_decorations/vase.py b/infinigen/assets/table_decorations/vase.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 437153ed5..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/table_decorations/vase.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint, choice, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.table_decorations.utils import nodegroup_lofting, nodegroup_star_profile
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
-class VaseFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=None):
- super(VaseFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- if dimensions is None:
- z = uniform(0.17, 0.5)
- x = z * uniform(0.3, 0.6)
- dimensions = (x, x, z)
- self.dimensions = dimensions
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.params = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
- self.material_params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = self.get_material_params()
- self.params.update(self.material_params)
- def get_material_params(self):
- material_assignments = AssetList['VaseFactory']()
- params = {
- 'Material': material_assignments['surface'].assign_material(),
- }
- wrapped_params = {
- k: surface.shaderfunc_to_material(v) for k, v in params.items()
- }
- scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments['wear_tear_prob']
- scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments['wear_tear']
- is_scratch = uniform() < scratch_prob
- is_edge_wear = uniform() < edge_wear_prob
- if not is_scratch:
- scratch = None
- if not is_edge_wear:
- edge_wear = None
- return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
- @staticmethod
- def sample_parameters(dimensions):
- # all in meters
- if dimensions is None:
- z = uniform(0.25, 0.40)
- x = uniform(0.2, 0.4) * z
- dimensions = (x, x, z)
- x, y, z = dimensions
- U_resolution = 64
- V_resolution = 64
- neck_scale = uniform(0.2, 0.8)
- parameters = {
- 'Profile Inner Radius': choice([1.0, uniform(0.8, 1.0)]),
- 'Profile Star Points': randint(16, U_resolution // 2 + 1),
- 'U_resolution': U_resolution,
- 'V_resolution': V_resolution,
- 'Height': z,
- 'Diameter': x,
- 'Top Scale': neck_scale * uniform(0.8, 1.2),
- 'Neck Mid Position': uniform(0.7, 0.95),
- 'Neck Position': 0.5 * neck_scale + 0.5 + uniform(-0.05, 0.05),
- 'Neck Scale': neck_scale,
- 'Shoulder Position': uniform(0.3, 0.7),
- 'Shoulder Thickness': uniform(0.1, 0.25),
- 'Foot Scale': uniform(0.4, 0.6),
- 'Foot Height': uniform(0.01, 0.1),
- 'Material': choice(['glass', 'ceramic'])
- }
- return parameters
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(size=2, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0),
- scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_vases, apply=True, input_kwargs=self.params)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', apply=True, thickness=.002)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SUBSURF', apply=True, levels=2, render_levels=2)
- return obj
- def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- if self.scratch:
- self.scratch.apply(assets)
- if self.edge_wear:
- self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_vase_profile', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_vase_profile(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Profile Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Height', 0.0000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Diameter', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Top Scale', 0.0000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Neck Mid Position', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Neck Position', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Neck Scale', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Shoulder Position', 0.0000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Shoulder Thickness', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Foot Scale', 0.0000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Foot Height', 0.0000)])
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': group_input.outputs["Height"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={
- 0: group_input.outputs["Top Scale"],
- 1: group_input.outputs["Diameter"]
- }, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- neck_top = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"],
- 'Translation': combine_xyz_1,
- 'Scale': multiply
- })
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={
- 0: group_input.outputs["Height"],
- 1: group_input.outputs["Neck Position"]
- }, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_1})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={
- 0: group_input.outputs["Diameter"],
- 1: group_input.outputs["Neck Scale"]
- }, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- neck = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"],
- 'Translation': combine_xyz,
- 'Scale': multiply_2
- })
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: group_input.outputs["Neck Position"]},
- attrs={'use_clamp': True, 'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={
- 0: subtract,
- 1: group_input.outputs["Neck Mid Position"],
- 2: group_input.outputs["Neck Position"]
- }, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_add, 1: group_input.outputs["Height"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_3})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Neck Scale"], 1: group_input.outputs["Top Scale"]})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Diameter"], 1: divide},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- neck_middle = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"],
- 'Translation': combine_xyz_2,
- 'Scale': multiply_4
- })
- neck_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [neck, neck_middle, neck_top]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={
- 'Value': group_input.outputs["Shoulder Position"],
- 3: group_input.outputs["Foot Height"],
- 4: group_input.outputs["Neck Position"]
- })
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={
- 0: group_input.outputs["Neck Position"],
- 1: group_input.outputs["Foot Height"]
- }, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Shoulder Thickness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_5})
- minimum = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Neck Position"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MINIMUM'})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: minimum, 1: group_input.outputs["Height"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_6})
- body_top = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"],
- 'Translation': combine_xyz_3,
- 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Diameter"]
- })
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_5},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- maximum = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Foot Height"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MAXIMUM'})
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: maximum, 1: group_input.outputs["Height"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_7})
- body_bottom = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"],
- 'Translation': combine_xyz_5,
- 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Diameter"]
- })
- body_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [body_bottom, body_top]})
- multiply_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={
- 0: group_input.outputs["Foot Height"],
- 1: group_input.outputs["Height"]
- }, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_8})
- multiply_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={
- 0: group_input.outputs["Diameter"],
- 1: group_input.outputs["Foot Scale"]
- }, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- foot_top = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': group_input,
- 'Translation': combine_xyz_4,
- 'Scale': multiply_9
- })
- foot_bottom = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input, 'Scale': multiply_9})
- foot_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [foot_bottom, foot_top]})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [foot_geometry, body_geometry, neck_geometry]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_2},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def geometry_vases(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- starprofile = nw.new_node(nodegroup_star_profile().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Resolution': kwargs['U_resolution'],
- 'Points': kwargs['Profile Star Points'],
- 'Inner Radius': kwargs['Profile Inner Radius']
- })
- vaseprofile = nw.new_node(nodegroup_vase_profile().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Profile Curve': starprofile.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Height': kwargs['Height'],
- 'Diameter': kwargs['Diameter'],
- 'Top Scale': kwargs['Top Scale'],
- 'Neck Mid Position': kwargs['Neck Mid Position'],
- 'Neck Position': kwargs['Neck Position'],
- 'Neck Scale': kwargs['Neck Scale'],
- 'Shoulder Position': kwargs['Shoulder Position'],
- 'Shoulder Thickness': kwargs['Shoulder Thickness'],
- 'Foot Scale': kwargs['Foot Scale'],
- 'Foot Height': kwargs['Foot Height']
- })
- lofting = nw.new_node(nodegroup_lofting().name,
- input_kwargs={'Profile Curves': vaseprofile, 'U Resolution': 64, 'V Resolution': 64})
- delete_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.DeleteGeometry, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': lofting.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Selection': lofting.outputs["Top"]
- })
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': delete_geometry, 'Material': kwargs['Material']})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tables/cocktail_table.py b/infinigen/assets/tables/cocktail_table.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ec7e30f7d..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/tables/cocktail_table.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors:
-# - Yiming Zuo: primary author
-# - Alexander Raistrick: implement placeholder
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint, choice
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.surface import NoApply
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.tables.table_utils import nodegroup_create_anchors, nodegroup_create_legs_and_strechers
-from infinigen.assets.tables.table_top import nodegroup_generate_table_top
-from infinigen.assets.tables.legs.single_stand import nodegroup_generate_single_stand
-from infinigen.assets.tables.legs.straight import nodegroup_generate_leg_straight
-from infinigen.assets.tables.legs.wheeled import nodegroup_wheeled_leg
-from infinigen.assets.tables.strechers import nodegroup_strecher
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('geometry_create_legs', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def geometry_create_legs(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- createanchors = nw.new_node(nodegroup_create_anchors().name,
- input_kwargs={'Profile N-gon': kwargs['Leg Number'], 'Profile Width': kwargs['Leg Placement Top Relative Scale']*kwargs['Top Profile Width'], 'Profile Aspect Ratio': 1.0000})
- if kwargs['Leg Style'] == "single_stand":
- leg = nw.new_node(nodegroup_generate_single_stand(**kwargs).name,
- input_kwargs={'Leg Height': kwargs['Leg Height'],
- 'Leg Diameter': kwargs['Leg Diameter'],
- 'Resolution': 64})
- leg = nw.new_node(nodegroup_create_legs_and_strechers().name,
- input_kwargs={'Anchors': createanchors,
- 'Keep Legs': True,
- 'Leg Instance': leg,
- 'Table Height': kwargs['Top Height'],
- 'Leg Bottom Relative Scale': kwargs['Leg Placement Bottom Relative Scale'],
- 'Align Leg X rot': True
- })
- elif kwargs['Leg Style'] == "straight":
- leg = nw.new_node(nodegroup_generate_leg_straight(**kwargs).name,
- input_kwargs={'Leg Height': kwargs['Leg Height'],
- 'Leg Diameter': kwargs['Leg Diameter'],
- 'Resolution': 32,
- 'N-gon': kwargs['Leg NGon'],
- 'Fillet Ratio': 0.1})
- strecher = nw.new_node(nodegroup_strecher().name,
- input_kwargs={'Profile Width': kwargs['Leg Diameter'] * 0.5})
- leg = nw.new_node(nodegroup_create_legs_and_strechers().name,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Anchors': createanchors,
- 'Keep Legs': True,
- 'Leg Instance': leg,
- 'Table Height': kwargs['Top Height'],
- 'Strecher Instance': strecher,
- 'Strecher Index Increment': kwargs['Strecher Increament'],
- 'Strecher Relative Position': kwargs['Strecher Relative Pos'],
- 'Leg Bottom Relative Scale': kwargs['Leg Placement Bottom Relative Scale'],
- 'Align Leg X rot': True
- })
- elif kwargs['Leg Style'] == "wheeled":
- leg = nw.new_node(nodegroup_wheeled_leg(**kwargs).name,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Joint Height': kwargs['Leg Joint Height'],
- 'Leg Diameter': kwargs['Leg Diameter'],
- 'Top Height': kwargs['Top Height'],
- 'Wheel Width': kwargs['Leg Wheel Width'],
- 'Wheel Rotation': kwargs['Leg Wheel Rot'],
- 'Pole Length': kwargs['Leg Pole Length'],
- 'Leg Number': kwargs['Leg Pole Number'],
- })
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- leg = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': leg, 'Material': kwargs['LegMaterial']})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': leg}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def geometry_assemble_table(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- generatetabletop = nw.new_node(nodegroup_generate_table_top().name,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Thickness': kwargs['Top Thickness'],
- 'N-gon': kwargs['Top Profile N-gon'],
- 'Profile Width': kwargs['Top Profile Width'],
- 'Aspect Ratio': kwargs['Top Profile Aspect Ratio'],
- 'Fillet Ratio': kwargs['Top Profile Fillet Ratio'],
- 'Fillet Radius Vertical': kwargs['Top Vertical Fillet Ratio'],
- })
- tabletop_instance = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': generatetabletop,
- 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.0000, kwargs['Top Height'])})
- tabletop_instance = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': tabletop_instance, 'Material': kwargs['TopMaterial']})
- legs = nw.new_node(geometry_create_legs(**kwargs).name)
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [tabletop_instance, legs]})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': generatetabletop.outputs["Curve"]})
- fill_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FillCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': resample_curve})
- voff = kwargs['Top Height'] + kwargs['Top Thickness']
- extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, input_kwargs={'Mesh': fill_curve, 'Offset Scale': -voff, 'Individual': False})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"], fill_curve]})
- transform_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Translation': (0, 0, voff)
- }
- )
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: kwargs['is_placeholder'], 14: join_geometry, 15: transform_geometry_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': switch}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-class TableCocktailFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=None):
- super(TableCocktailFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.dimensions = dimensions
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.params = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
- from infinigen.assets.clothes import blanket
- from infinigen.assets.scatters.clothes import ClothesCover
- # self.clothes_scatter = ClothesCover(factory_fn=blanket.BlanketFactory, width=log_uniform(.8, 1.2),
- # size=uniform(.8, 1.2)) if uniform() < .3 else NoApply()
- self.clothes_scatter = NoApply()
- self.material_params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = self.get_material_params()
- self.params.update(self.material_params)
- def get_material_params(self):
- material_assignments = AssetList['TableCocktailFactory']()
- params = {
- "TopMaterial": material_assignments['top'].assign_material(),
- "LegMaterial": material_assignments['leg'].assign_material(),
- }
- wrapped_params = {
- k: surface.shaderfunc_to_material(v) for k, v in params.items()
- }
- scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments['wear_tear_prob']
- scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments['wear_tear']
- is_scratch = uniform() < scratch_prob
- is_edge_wear = uniform() < edge_wear_prob
- if not is_scratch:
- scratch = None
- if not is_edge_wear:
- edge_wear = None
- return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
- @staticmethod
- def sample_parameters(dimensions):
- # all in meters
- if dimensions is None:
- x = uniform(0.5, 0.8)
- z = uniform(1.0, 1.5)
- dimensions = (
- x, x, z
- )
- x, y, z = dimensions
- NGon = choice([4, 32])
- if NGon >= 32:
- round_table = True
- else:
- round_table = False
- leg_style = choice(['straight', 'single_stand'])
- if leg_style == "single_stand":
- leg_number = 1
- leg_diameter = uniform(0.7*x, 0.9*x)
- leg_curve_ctrl_pts = [(0.0, uniform(0.1, 0.2)),
- (0.5, uniform(0.1, 0.2)), (0.9, uniform(0.2, 0.3)), (1.0, 1.0)]
- elif leg_style == "straight":
- leg_diameter = uniform(0.05, 0.07)
- if round_table:
- leg_number = choice([3, 4])
- else:
- leg_number = NGon
- leg_curve_ctrl_pts = [(0.0, 1.0), (0.4, uniform(0.85, 0.95)), (1.0, uniform(0.4, 0.6))]
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- top_thickness = uniform(0.02, 0.05)
- parameters = {
- 'Top Profile N-gon': 32 if round_table else 4,
- 'Top Profile Width': x if round_table else 1.414 * x,
- 'Top Profile Aspect Ratio': 1.0,
- 'Top Profile Fillet Ratio': 0.499 if round_table else uniform(0.0, 0.05),
- 'Top Thickness': top_thickness,
- 'Top Vertical Fillet Ratio': uniform(0.1, 0.3),
- # 'Top Material': choice(['marble', 'tiled_wood', 'plastic', 'glass']),
- 'Height': z,
- 'Top Height': z - top_thickness,
- 'Leg Number': leg_number,
- 'Leg Style': leg_style,
- 'Leg NGon': choice([4, 32]),
- 'Leg Placement Top Relative Scale': 0.7,
- 'Leg Placement Bottom Relative Scale': uniform(1.1, 1.3),
- 'Leg Height': 1.0,
- 'Leg Diameter': leg_diameter,
- 'Leg Curve Control Points': leg_curve_ctrl_pts,
- # 'Leg Material': choice(['metal', 'wood', 'glass']),
- 'Strecher Relative Pos': uniform(0.2, 0.6),
- 'Strecher Increament': choice([0, 1, 2])
- }
- return parameters
- def _execute_geonodes(self, is_placeholder):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=2, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- kwargs = {**self.params, 'is_placeholder': is_placeholder}
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_assemble_table, apply=True, input_kwargs=kwargs)
- tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
- return obj
- def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
- return self._execute_geonodes(is_placeholder=True)
- def create_asset(self, **_):
- return self._execute_geonodes(is_placeholder=False)
- def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- self.clothes_scatter.apply(assets)
- if self.scratch:
- self.scratch.apply(assets)
- if self.edge_wear:
- self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tables/dining_table.py b/infinigen/assets/tables/dining_table.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c956b499..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/tables/dining_table.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-from collections.abc import Iterable
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint, choice
-# from infinigen.assets.materials import metal, metal_shader_list
-# from infinigen.assets.materials.leather_and_fabrics import fabric
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.surface import NoApply
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.tables.table_utils import nodegroup_create_anchors, nodegroup_create_legs_and_strechers
-from infinigen.assets.tables.table_top import nodegroup_generate_table_top
-from infinigen.assets.tables.legs.single_stand import nodegroup_generate_single_stand
-from infinigen.assets.tables.legs.straight import nodegroup_generate_leg_straight
-from infinigen.assets.tables.legs.square import nodegroup_generate_leg_square
-from infinigen.assets.tables.strechers import nodegroup_strecher
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('geometry_create_legs', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def geometry_create_legs(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- createanchors = nw.new_node(nodegroup_create_anchors().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Profile N-gon': kwargs['Leg Number'],
- 'Profile Width': kwargs['Leg Placement Top Relative Scale'] * kwargs['Top Profile Width'],
- 'Profile Aspect Ratio': kwargs['Top Profile Aspect Ratio']
- })
- if kwargs['Leg Style'] == "single_stand":
- leg = nw.new_node(nodegroup_generate_single_stand(**kwargs).name, input_kwargs={
- 'Leg Height': kwargs['Leg Height'],
- 'Leg Diameter': kwargs['Leg Diameter'],
- 'Resolution': 64
- })
- leg = nw.new_node(nodegroup_create_legs_and_strechers().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Anchors': createanchors,
- 'Keep Legs': True,
- 'Leg Instance': leg,
- 'Table Height': kwargs['Top Height'],
- 'Leg Bottom Relative Scale': kwargs['Leg Placement Bottom Relative Scale'],
- 'Align Leg X rot': True
- })
- elif kwargs['Leg Style'] == "straight":
- leg = nw.new_node(nodegroup_generate_leg_straight(**kwargs).name, input_kwargs={
- 'Leg Height': kwargs['Leg Height'],
- 'Leg Diameter': kwargs['Leg Diameter'],
- 'Resolution': 32,
- 'N-gon': kwargs['Leg NGon'],
- 'Fillet Ratio': 0.1
- })
- strecher = nw.new_node(nodegroup_strecher().name,
- input_kwargs={'Profile Width': kwargs['Leg Diameter'] * 0.5})
- leg = nw.new_node(nodegroup_create_legs_and_strechers().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Anchors': createanchors,
- 'Keep Legs': True,
- 'Leg Instance': leg,
- 'Table Height': kwargs['Top Height'],
- 'Strecher Instance': strecher,
- 'Strecher Index Increment': kwargs['Strecher Increament'],
- 'Strecher Relative Position': kwargs['Strecher Relative Pos'],
- 'Leg Bottom Relative Scale': kwargs['Leg Placement Bottom Relative Scale'],
- 'Align Leg X rot': True
- })
- elif kwargs['Leg Style'] == "square":
- leg = nw.new_node(nodegroup_generate_leg_square(**kwargs).name, input_kwargs={
- 'Height': kwargs['Leg Height'],
- 'Width': 0.707 * kwargs['Leg Placement Top Relative Scale'] * kwargs['Top Profile Width'] * kwargs[
- 'Top Profile Aspect Ratio'],
- 'Has Bottom Connector': (kwargs['Strecher Increament'] > 0),
- 'Profile Width': kwargs['Leg Diameter']
- })
- leg = nw.new_node(nodegroup_create_legs_and_strechers().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Anchors': createanchors,
- 'Keep Legs': True,
- 'Leg Instance': leg,
- 'Table Height': kwargs['Top Height'],
- 'Leg Bottom Relative Scale': kwargs['Leg Placement Bottom Relative Scale'],
- 'Align Leg X rot': True
- })
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- leg = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': leg, 'Material': kwargs['LegMaterial']})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': leg},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def geometry_assemble_table(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- generatetabletop = nw.new_node(nodegroup_generate_table_top().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Thickness': kwargs['Top Thickness'],
- 'N-gon': kwargs['Top Profile N-gon'],
- 'Profile Width': kwargs['Top Profile Width'],
- 'Aspect Ratio': kwargs['Top Profile Aspect Ratio'],
- 'Fillet Ratio': kwargs['Top Profile Fillet Ratio'],
- 'Fillet Radius Vertical': kwargs['Top Vertical Fillet Ratio']
- })
- tabletop_instance = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': generatetabletop,
- 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.0000, kwargs['Top Height'])
- })
- tabletop_instance = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': tabletop_instance, 'Material': kwargs['TopMaterial']})
- legs = nw.new_node(geometry_create_legs(**kwargs).name)
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [tabletop_instance, legs]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-class TableDiningFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=None):
- super(TableDiningFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.dimensions = dimensions
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.params = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
- from infinigen.assets.clothes import blanket
- from infinigen.assets.scatters.clothes import ClothesCover
- # self.clothes_scatter = ClothesCover(factory_fn=blanket.BlanketFactory, width=log_uniform(.8, 1.2),
- # size=uniform(.8, 1.2)) if uniform() < .3 else NoApply()
- self.clothes_scatter = NoApply()
- self.material_params, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = self.get_material_params()
- self.params.update(self.material_params)
- def get_material_params(self):
- material_assignments = AssetList['TableDiningFactory']()
- params = {
- "TopMaterial": material_assignments['top'].assign_material(),
- "LegMaterial": material_assignments['leg'].assign_material(),
- }
- wrapped_params = {
- k: surface.shaderfunc_to_material(v) for k, v in params.items()
- }
- scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments['wear_tear_prob']
- scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments['wear_tear']
- is_scratch = uniform() < scratch_prob
- is_edge_wear = uniform() < edge_wear_prob
- if not is_scratch:
- scratch = None
- if not is_edge_wear:
- edge_wear = None
- return wrapped_params, scratch, edge_wear
- @staticmethod
- def sample_parameters(dimensions):
- if dimensions is None:
- width = uniform(0.91, 1.16)
- if uniform() < 0.7:
- # oblong
- length = uniform(1.4, 2.8)
- else:
- # approx square
- length = width * normal(1, 0.1)
- dimensions = (
- length,
- width,
- uniform(0.65, 0.85)
- )
- # all in meters
- x, y, z = dimensions
- NGon = 4
- leg_style = choice(['straight', 'single_stand', 'square'], p=[0.5, 0.1, 0.4])
- # leg_style = choice(['straight'])
- if leg_style == "single_stand":
- leg_number = 2
- leg_diameter = uniform(0.22 * x, 0.28 * x)
- leg_curve_ctrl_pts = [(0.0, uniform(0.1, 0.2)), (0.5, uniform(0.1, 0.2)), (0.9, uniform(0.2, 0.3)),
- (1.0, 1.0)]
- top_scale = uniform(0.6, 0.7)
- bottom_scale = 1.0
- elif leg_style == "square":
- leg_number = 2
- leg_diameter = uniform(0.07, 0.10)
- leg_curve_ctrl_pts = None
- top_scale = 0.8
- bottom_scale = 1.0
- elif leg_style == "straight":
- leg_diameter = uniform(0.05, 0.07)
- leg_number = 4
- leg_curve_ctrl_pts = [(0.0, 1.0), (0.4, uniform(0.85, 0.95)), (1.0, uniform(0.4, 0.6))]
- top_scale = 0.8
- bottom_scale = uniform(1.0, 1.2)
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- top_thickness = uniform(0.03, 0.06)
- parameters = {
- 'Top Profile N-gon': NGon,
- 'Top Profile Width': 1.414 * x,
- 'Top Profile Aspect Ratio': y / x,
- 'Top Profile Fillet Ratio': uniform(0.0, 0.02),
- 'Top Thickness': top_thickness,
- 'Top Vertical Fillet Ratio': uniform(0.1, 0.3),
- # 'Top Material': choice(['marble', 'tiled_wood', 'metal', 'fabric'], p=[.3, .3, .2, .2]),
- 'Height': z,
- 'Top Height': z - top_thickness,
- 'Leg Number': leg_number,
- 'Leg Style': leg_style,
- 'Leg NGon': 4,
- 'Leg Placement Top Relative Scale': top_scale,
- 'Leg Placement Bottom Relative Scale': bottom_scale,
- 'Leg Height': 1.0,
- 'Leg Diameter': leg_diameter,
- 'Leg Curve Control Points': leg_curve_ctrl_pts,
- # 'Leg Material': choice(['metal', 'wood', 'glass', 'plastic']),
- 'Strecher Relative Pos': uniform(0.2, 0.6),
- 'Strecher Increament': choice([0, 1, 2])
- }
- return parameters
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(size=2, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0),
- scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- # surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_assemble_table, apply=False, input_kwargs=self.params)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_assemble_table, apply=True, input_kwargs=self.params)
- tagging.tag_system.relabel_obj(obj)
- assert tagging.tagged_face_mask(obj, {t.Subpart.SupportSurface}).sum() != 0
- return obj
- def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- if self.scratch:
- self.scratch.apply(assets)
- if self.edge_wear:
- self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
- #def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- # self.clothes_scatter.apply(assets)
-class SideTableFactory(TableDiningFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=None):
- if dimensions is None:
- w = 0.55 * normal(1, 0.05)
- h = 0.95 * w * normal(1, 0.05)
- dimensions = (w, w, h)
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse, dimensions=dimensions)
-class CoffeeTableFactory(TableDiningFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=None):
- if dimensions is None:
- dimensions = (
- uniform(1, 1.5),
- uniform(0.6, 0.9),
- uniform(0.4, 0.5)
- )
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse, dimensions=dimensions)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tables/legs/single_stand.py b/infinigen/assets/tables/legs/single_stand.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1425e9190..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/tables/legs/single_stand.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.tables.table_utils import nodegroup_n_gon_cylinder, nodegroup_generate_radius_curve
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_generate_single_stand', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_generate_single_stand(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leg Height', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leg Diameter', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 64)])
- generateradiuscurve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_generate_radius_curve(kwargs['Leg Curve Control Points']).name, input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- ngoncylinder = nw.new_node(nodegroup_n_gon_cylinder().name,
- input_kwargs={'Radius Curve': generateradiuscurve, 'Height': group_input.outputs["Leg Height"], 'N-gon': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Profile Width': group_input.outputs["Leg Diameter"], 'Aspect Ratio': 1.0000, 'Fillet Ratio': 0.0000, 'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': ngoncylinder.outputs["Mesh"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tables/legs/square.py b/infinigen/assets/tables/legs/square.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d99d728e..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/tables/legs/square.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.tables.table_utils import nodegroup_n_gon_profile, nodegroup_merge_curve
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_generate_leg_square', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_generate_leg_square(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Width', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Height', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Fillet Radius', 0.0300),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Has Bottom Connector', True),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Profile N-gon', 4),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Profile Width', 0.1000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Profile Aspect Ratio', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Profile Fillet Ratio', 0.1000)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Has Bottom Connector"], 1: 4.0000})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Has Bottom Connector"], 3: 4.7124, 4: 6.2832})
- arc = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurveArc',
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': add, 'Radius': 0.7071, 'Sweep Angle': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- mergecurve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_merge_curve().name, input_kwargs={'Curve': arc.outputs["Curve"]})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Has Bottom Connector"], 3: 1.5708, 4: 3.1416})
- set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveTilt, input_kwargs={'Curve': mergecurve, 'Tilt': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_curve_tilt, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, -0.7854)})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.0000, -0.5000), 'Rotation': (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Width"], 'Y': 1.0000, 'Z': group_input.outputs["Height"]})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1, 'Scale': combine_xyz})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius, input_kwargs={'Curve': transform_2, 'Radius': 1.0000})
- fillet_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FilletCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Count': 8, 'Radius': group_input.outputs["Fillet Radius"], 'Limit Radius': True},
- attrs={'mode': 'POLY'})
- ngonprofile = nw.new_node(nodegroup_n_gon_profile().name,
- input_kwargs={'Profile N-gon': group_input.outputs["Profile N-gon"], 'Profile Width': group_input.outputs["Profile Width"], 'Profile Aspect Ratio': group_input.outputs["Profile Aspect Ratio"], 'Profile Fillet Ratio': group_input.outputs["Profile Fillet Ratio"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': fillet_curve, 'Profile Curve': ngonprofile, 'Fill Caps': True})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.5708)})
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_3, 'Shade Smooth': False})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_shade_smooth}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tables/legs/straight.py b/infinigen/assets/tables/legs/straight.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f619d1e5..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/tables/legs/straight.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.tables.table_utils import nodegroup_n_gon_cylinder, nodegroup_generate_radius_curve
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_generate_leg_straight', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_generate_leg_straight(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leg Height', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leg Diameter', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 0),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'N-gon', 32),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Fillet Ratio', 0.0100)])
- generateradiuscurve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_generate_radius_curve(kwargs['Leg Curve Control Points']).name, input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- ngoncylinder = nw.new_node(nodegroup_n_gon_cylinder().name,
- input_kwargs={'Radius Curve': generateradiuscurve, 'Height': group_input.outputs["Leg Height"], 'N-gon': group_input.outputs["N-gon"], 'Profile Width': group_input.outputs["Leg Diameter"], 'Aspect Ratio': 1.0000, 'Fillet Ratio': group_input.outputs["Fillet Ratio"], 'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': ngoncylinder.outputs["Mesh"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tables/legs/wheeled.py b/infinigen/assets/tables/legs/wheeled.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 874914234..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/tables/legs/wheeled.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.tables.table_top import nodegroup_capped_cylinder
-from infinigen.assets.tables.table_utils import nodegroup_arc_top, nodegroup_n_gon_cylinder, nodegroup_align_bottom_to_floor, nodegroup_create_anchors, nodegroup_create_legs_and_strechers
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_chair_wheel', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_chair_wheel(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Arc Sweep Angle', 240.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wheel Width', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wheel Rotation', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Pole Width', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Pole Aspect Ratio', 0.6000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Pole Length', 3.0000)])
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': group_input.outputs["Wheel Width"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Wheel Width"], 1: -1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'Start': combine_xyz_1, 'End': combine_xyz_2})
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0200
- value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5000
- cappedcylinder = nw.new_node(nodegroup_capped_cylinder().name,
- input_kwargs={'Thickness': value, 'Radius': value_1, 'Cap Relative Scale': 0.0100})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: value, 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_1})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cappedcylinder, 'Translation': combine_xyz, 'Rotation': (-1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, input_kwargs={'Vector': position}, attrs={'axis': 'Y'})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': curve_line, 'Instance': transform, 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: value_1, 1: 0.0800})
- arctop = nw.new_node(nodegroup_arc_top().name,
- input_kwargs={'Diameter': add, 'Sweep Angle': group_input.outputs["Arc Sweep Angle"]})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Wheel Width"], 1: 2.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- quadrilateral = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral', input_kwargs={'Width': multiply_2, 'Height': 0.0200})
- fillet_curve = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeFilletCurve',
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadrilateral, 'Count': 4, 'Radius': 0.0300, 'Limit Radius': True},
- attrs={'mode': 'POLY'})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={'Curve': arctop, 'Profile Curve': fillet_curve, 'Fill Caps': True})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: value_1, 1: 0.1000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: value_1, 1: 0.4000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- cylinder = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder',
- input_kwargs={'Side Segments': 8, 'Fill Segments': 4, 'Radius': multiply_3, 'Depth': multiply_4})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: value_1, 1: 0.4400}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: value_1, 1: 0.4500}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_5, 'Z': multiply_6})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': combine_xyz_3})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [instance_on_points, curve_to_mesh, transform_2]})
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_5, 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_7})
- transform_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Translation': combine_xyz_4})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Pole Length"], 1: 0.1500},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Pole Width"], 1: -0.3535, 2: -0.3000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': subtract, 'Z': multiply_add})
- radians = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Wheel Rotation"]}, attrs={'operation': 'RADIANS'})
- combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': radians})
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_6, 'Translation': combine_xyz_5, 'Rotation': combine_xyz_6})
- curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'Start': (1.0000, 0.0000, -1.0000), 'End': (1.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000)})
- ngoncylinder = nw.new_node(nodegroup_n_gon_cylinder().name,
- input_kwargs={'Radius Curve': curve_line_1, 'Height': group_input.outputs["Pole Length"], 'N-gon': 4, 'Profile Width': group_input.outputs["Pole Width"], 'Aspect Ratio': group_input.outputs["Pole Aspect Ratio"], 'Fillet Ratio': 0.1500, 'Resolution': 32})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': ngoncylinder.outputs["Mesh"], 'Rotation': (0.0000, -1.5708, 0.0000)})
- subdivision_surface_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, input_kwargs={'Mesh': transform_3, 'Level': 0})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_4, subdivision_surface_1]})
- value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_2.outputs[0].default_value = 0.1500
- transform_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Scale': value_2})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_wheeled_leg', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_wheeled_leg(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Joint Height', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leg Diameter', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Top Height', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Arc Sweep Angle', 240.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wheel Width', 0.1300),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wheel Rotation', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Pole Length', 1.8000),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Leg Number', 5)])
- value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0010
- createanchors = nw.new_node(nodegroup_create_anchors().name,
- input_kwargs={'Profile N-gon': group_input.outputs["Leg Number"], 'Profile Width': value_1, 'Profile Aspect Ratio': 1.0000})
- chair_wheel = nw.new_node(nodegroup_chair_wheel().name,
- input_kwargs={'Arc Sweep Angle': group_input.outputs["Arc Sweep Angle"], 'Wheel Width': group_input.outputs["Wheel Width"], 'Wheel Rotation': group_input.outputs["Wheel Rotation"], 'Pole Width': 0.5000, 'Pole Length': group_input.outputs["Pole Length"]})
- transform_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': chair_wheel, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000)})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 2.0000, 1: value_1}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- createlegsandstrechers = nw.new_node(nodegroup_create_legs_and_strechers().name,
- input_kwargs={'Anchors': createanchors, 'Keep Legs': True, 'Leg Instance': transform_geometry, 'Table Height': 0.0250, 'Leg Bottom Relative Scale': divide, 'Strecher Index Increment': 1, 'Strecher Relative Position': 1.0000, 'Leg Bottom Offset': 0.0250, 'Align Leg X rot': True})
- alignbottomtofloor = nw.new_node(nodegroup_align_bottom_to_floor().name, input_kwargs={'Geometry': createlegsandstrechers})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Leg Diameter"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Joint Height"], 1: alignbottomtofloor.outputs["Offset"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- cylinder = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder', input_kwargs={'Vertices': 64, 'Radius': multiply, 'Depth': subtract})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: alignbottomtofloor.outputs["Offset"]})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': add})
- transform_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 0.0025}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Top Height"], 1: group_input.outputs["Joint Height"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- cylinder_1 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder', input_kwargs={'Vertices': 64, 'Radius': subtract_1, 'Depth': subtract_2})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={1: subtract_2}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Top Height"], 1: multiply_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': subtract_3})
- transform_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder_1.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [alignbottomtofloor.outputs["Geometry"], transform_geometry_2, transform_geometry_3]})
- # multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- # input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Top Height"], 1: -1.0000},
- # attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- # combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_3})
- # transform_geometry_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Translation': combine_xyz_3})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tables/lofting.py b/infinigen/assets/tables/lofting.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7156e4944..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/tables/lofting.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_flip_index', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_flip_index(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'V Resolution', 0),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'U Resolution', 0)])
- modulo = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["V Resolution"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MODULO'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: modulo, 1: group_input.outputs["U Resolution"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["V Resolution"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- floor = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide}, attrs={'operation': 'FLOOR'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: floor})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Index': add}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_cylinder_side', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_cylinder_side(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'U Resolution', 32),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'V Resolution', 0)])
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["V Resolution"], 1: 1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- cylinder = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshCylinder',
- input_kwargs={'Vertices': group_input.outputs["U Resolution"], 'Side Segments': subtract})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinder.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: cylinder.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute, 'Top': cylinder.outputs["Top"], 'Side': cylinder.outputs["Side"], 'Bottom': cylinder.outputs["Bottom"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_shifted_circle', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_shifted_circle(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 32),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Z', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Rot Z', 0.0000)])
- curve_circle_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': group_input.outputs["Z"]})
- radians = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Rot Z"]}, attrs={'operation': 'RADIANS'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': radians})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle_3.outputs["Curve"], 'Translation': combine_xyz, 'Rotation': combine_xyz_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_3}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_shifted_square', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_shifted_square(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 10),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Width', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Z', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Rot Z', 0.5000)])
- quadrilateral = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral',
- input_kwargs={'Width': group_input.outputs["Width"], 'Height': group_input.outputs["Width"]})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': quadrilateral, 'Count': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': group_input.outputs["Z"]})
- radians = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Rot Z"]}, attrs={'operation': 'RADIANS'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': radians})
- transform_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve, 'Translation': combine_xyz, 'Rotation': combine_xyz_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Curve': transform_geometry}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_lofting', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_lofting(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Profile Curves', None),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'U Resolution', 32),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'V Resolution', 32),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Use Nurb', False)])
- cylinderside = nw.new_node(nodegroup_cylinder_side().name,
- input_kwargs={'U Resolution': group_input.outputs["U Resolution"], 'V Resolution': group_input})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- evaluate_on_domain = nw.new_node(Nodes.EvaluateonDomain, input_kwargs={1: index}, attrs={'domain': 'CURVE', 'data_type': 'INT'})
- equal = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={2: evaluate_on_domain.outputs[1]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'INT', 'operation': 'EQUAL'})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine)
- domain_size = nw.new_node(Nodes.DomainSize, input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input}, attrs={'component': 'CURVE'})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Count': domain_size.outputs["Spline Count"]})
- instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': group_input, 'Selection': equal, 'Instance': resample_curve})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': instance_on_points_1})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- flipindex = nw.new_node(nodegroup_flip_index().name,
- input_kwargs={'V Resolution': domain_size.outputs["Spline Count"], 'U Resolution': group_input.outputs["U Resolution"]})
- sample_index_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleIndex,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input, 3: position, 'Index': flipindex},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances, 'Position': sample_index_2.outputs[2]})
- set_spline_type_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineType, input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position}, attrs={'spline_type': 'CATMULL_ROM'})
- set_spline_type = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineType, input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position}, attrs={'spline_type': 'NURBS'})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Use Nurb"], 14: set_spline_type_1, 15: set_spline_type})
- resample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': switch.outputs[6], 'Count': group_input})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- flipindex_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_flip_index().name,
- input_kwargs={'V Resolution': group_input.outputs["U Resolution"], 'U Resolution': group_input})
- sample_index_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleIndex,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve_1, 3: position_1, 'Index': flipindex_1},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cylinderside.outputs["Geometry"], 'Position': sample_index_3.outputs[2]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1, 'Top': cylinderside.outputs["Top"], 'Side': cylinderside.outputs["Side"], 'Bottom': cylinderside.outputs["Bottom"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_warp_around_curve', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_warp_around_curve(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'U Resolution', 32),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'V Resolution', 32),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Radius', 1.0000)])
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"], 'Count': group_input.outputs["V Resolution"]})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["U Resolution"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- floor = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide}, attrs={'operation': 'FLOOR'})
- sample_index_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleIndex,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve, 3: position_1, 'Index': floor},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- sample_index_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleIndex,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve, 3: normal, 'Index': floor},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: sample_index_5.outputs[2], 'Scale': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
- sample_index_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleIndex,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve, 3: curve_tangent, 'Index': floor},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- cross_product = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: sample_index_4.outputs[2], 1: sample_index_5.outputs[2]},
- attrs={'operation': 'CROSS_PRODUCT'})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: cross_product.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- scale_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: add.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Radius"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: sample_index_3.outputs[2], 1: scale_2.outputs["Vector"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Position': add_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def geometry_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- integer = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer)
- integer.integer = 32
- shiftedsquare = nw.new_node(nodegroup_shifted_square().name, input_kwargs={'Resolution': integer})
- shiftedcircle = nw.new_node(nodegroup_shifted_circle().name, input_kwargs={'Resolution': integer, 'Radius': 0.9200, 'Z': 2.5600})
- transform_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': shiftedcircle, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.7854)})
- shiftedsquare_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_shifted_square().name, input_kwargs={'Resolution': integer, 'Z': 10.0000})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: integer, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- star = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurveStar',
- input_kwargs={'Points': divide, 'Inner Radius': 0.5000, 'Outer Radius': 0.6600})
- transform_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': star.outputs["Curve"], 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 7.6000), 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.7854)})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [shiftedsquare, transform_geometry, shiftedsquare_1, transform_geometry_1]})
- v_resolution = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label='V Resolution')
- v_resolution.integer = 64
- lofting = nw.new_node(nodegroup_lofting().name,
- input_kwargs={'Profile Curves': join_geometry, 'U Resolution': integer, 'V Resolution': v_resolution})
- object_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={'Object': bpy.data.objects['BezierCurve']})
- warparoundcurve = nw.new_node(nodegroup_warp_around_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': lofting.outputs["Geometry"], 'Curve': object_info.outputs["Geometry"], 'U Resolution': integer, 'V Resolution': v_resolution})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': warparoundcurve}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_nodes, selection=selection, attributes=[])
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tables/strechers.py b/infinigen/assets/tables/strechers.py
deleted file mode 100644
index aa20b8987..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/tables/strechers.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.tables.table_utils import nodegroup_n_gon_cylinder
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_strecher', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_strecher(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'Start': (1.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000), 'End': (1.0000, 0.0000, -1.0000)})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'N-gon', 32),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Profile Width', 0.200)])
- ngoncylinder = nw.new_node(nodegroup_n_gon_cylinder().name,
- input_kwargs={'Radius Curve': curve_line, 'Height': 1.0000, 'N-gon': group_input.outputs["N-gon"], 'Profile Width': group_input.outputs["Profile Width"], 'Aspect Ratio': 1.0000, 'Resolution': 64})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': ngoncylinder.outputs["Mesh"]},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tables/table_top.py b/infinigen/assets/tables/table_top.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6aa594807..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/tables/table_top.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.tables.table_utils import nodegroup_n_gon_cylinder, nodegroup_create_cap
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_nodegroup
-from infinigen.core import tags as t
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_capped_cylinder', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_capped_cylinder(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Radius', 0.2000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Cap Flatness', 4.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Fillet Radius Vertical', 0.4000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Cap Relative Scale', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Cap Relative Z Offset', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 64)])
- create_cap = nw.new_node(nodegroup_create_cap().name,
- input_kwargs={'Radius': group_input.outputs["Cap Flatness"], 'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]},
- label='CreateCap')
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 1: 2.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input.outputs["Cap Relative Z Offset"]})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': add})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Radius"], 1: 0.5}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Cap Relative Scale"]})
- transform_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': create_cap, 'Translation': combine_xyz_5, 'Scale': add_1})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Radius"], 1: 1.0}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- generatetabletop = nw.new_node(nodegroup_generate_table_top().name,
- input_kwargs={'Thickness': multiply, 'N-gon': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Profile Width': multiply_2, 'Aspect Ratio': 1.0000, 'Fillet Ratio': 0.0000, 'Fillet Radius Vertical': group_input.outputs["Fillet Radius Vertical"]})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_5, generatetabletop]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_2}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_generate_table_top', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_generate_table_top(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'Start': (1.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000), 'End': (1.0000, 0.0000, -1.0000)})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Thickness', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'N-gon', 0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Profile Width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Aspect Ratio', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Fillet Ratio', 0.2000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Fillet Radius Vertical', 0.0000)])
- ngoncylinder = nw.new_node(nodegroup_n_gon_cylinder().name,
- input_kwargs={'Radius Curve': curve_line, 'Height': group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 'N-gon': group_input.outputs["N-gon"], 'Profile Width': group_input.outputs["Profile Width"], 'Aspect Ratio': group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"], 'Fillet Ratio': group_input.outputs["Fillet Ratio"], 'Profile Resolution': 512, 'Resolution': 10})
- arc = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurveArc', input_kwargs={'Resolution': 4, 'Radius': 0.7071, 'Sweep Angle': 4.7124})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': arc.outputs["Curve"], 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, -0.7854)})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 1.5708, 0.0000)})
- transform_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_2, 'Translation': (0.0000, 0.5000, 0.0000)})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': 1.0000, 'Y': group_input.outputs["Fillet Radius Vertical"], 'Z': 1.0000})
- transform_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_3, 'Scale': combine_xyz})
- fillet_curve = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeFilletCurve',
- input_kwargs={'Curve': transform_4, 'Count': 8, 'Radius': group_input.outputs["Fillet Radius Vertical"], 'Limit Radius': True},
- attrs={'mode': 'POLY'})
- transform_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': fillet_curve, 'Rotation': (1.5708, 1.5708, 0.0000), 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Thickness"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': ngoncylinder.outputs["Profile Curve"], 'Profile Curve': transform_6})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 1: -0.5000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- transform_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- equal = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={'A': index, 'B': 0}, attrs={'data_type': 'INT', 'operation': 'EQUAL'})
- cap = tag_nodegroup(nw, ngoncylinder.outputs["Caps"], t.Subpart.SupportSurface, selection=equal)
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_5, cap]})
- flip_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.FlipFaces, input_kwargs={'Mesh': join_geometry})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': group_input.outputs["Thickness"]})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': flip_faces, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': transform_1,
- 'Curve': ngoncylinder.outputs["Profile Curve"],
- })
-def geometry_generate_table_top_wrapper(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'Profile N-gon', kwargs['Profile N-gon']),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Profile Width', kwargs['Profile Width']),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Profile Aspect Ratio', kwargs['Profile Aspect Ratio']),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Profile Fillet Ratio', kwargs['Profile Fillet Ratio']),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Thickness', kwargs['Thickness']),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vertical Fillet Ratio', kwargs['Vertical Fillet Ratio'])]
- )
- generatetabletop = nw.new_node(nodegroup_generate_table_top().name,
- input_kwargs={'Thickness': group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 'N-gon': group_input.outputs["Profile N-gon"], 'Profile Width': group_input.outputs["Profile Width"], 'Aspect Ratio': group_input.outputs["Profile Aspect Ratio"], 'Fillet Ratio': group_input.outputs["Profile Fillet Ratio"], 'Fillet Radius Vertical': group_input.outputs["Vertical Fillet Ratio"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': generatetabletop}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-class TableTopFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(TableTopFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.params = self.sample_parameters()
- @staticmethod
- def sample_parameters():
- # all in meters
- return {
- 'Profile N-gon': 4,
- 'Profile Width': 1.0,
- 'Profile Aspect Ratio': 1.0,
- 'Profile Fillet Ratio': 0.2000,
- 'Thickness': 0.1000,
- 'Vertical Fillet Ratio': 0.2000
- }
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=2, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_generate_table_top_wrapper, apply=False, input_kwargs=self.params)
- return obj
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tables/table_utils.py b/infinigen/assets/tables/table_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 94703f79e..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/tables/table_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,514 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_n_gon_profile', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_n_gon_profile(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'Profile N-gon', 4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Profile Width', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Profile Aspect Ratio', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Profile Fillet Ratio', 0.2000)])
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5000
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Profile N-gon"], 'Radius': value})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 3.1416, 1: group_input.outputs["Profile N-gon"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': divide})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Rotation': combine_xyz_1})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.5708)})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Profile Aspect Ratio"], 1: group_input.outputs["Profile Width"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Profile Width"], 'Y': multiply, 'Z': 1.0000})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_2, 'Scale': combine_xyz})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Profile Width"], 1: group_input.outputs["Profile Fillet Ratio"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- fillet_curve_1 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeFilletCurve',
- input_kwargs={'Curve': transform_1, 'Count': 8, 'Radius': multiply_1, 'Limit Radius': True},
- attrs={'mode': 'POLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Output': fillet_curve_1}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_n_gon_cylinder', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_n_gon_cylinder(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Radius Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Height', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'N-gon', 0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Profile Width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Aspect Ratio', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Fillet Ratio', 0.2000),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Profile Resolution', 64),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 128)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'End': combine_xyz_1})
- set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveTilt, input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Tilt': 3.1416})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_tilt, 'Count': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve, 2: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]})
- ngonprofile = nw.new_node(nodegroup_n_gon_profile().name,
- input_kwargs={'Profile N-gon': group_input.outputs["N-gon"], 'Profile Width': group_input.outputs["Profile Width"], 'Profile Aspect Ratio': group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"], 'Profile Fillet Ratio': group_input.outputs["Fillet Ratio"]})
- resample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': ngonprofile, 'Count': group_input.outputs["Profile Resolution"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Profile Curve': resample_curve_1, 'Fill Caps': True})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1})
- sample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curves': group_input.outputs["Radius Curve"], 'Factor': capture_attribute.outputs[2]},
- attrs={'use_all_curves': True})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': sample_curve.outputs["Position"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- length = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz}, attrs={'operation': 'LENGTH'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"], 1: length.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"], 1: length.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Radius Curve"], 2: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"], 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"], 3: multiply, 4: 0.0000})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_1, 'Y': multiply_2, 'Z': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Position': combine_xyz_2})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- domain_size = nw.new_node(Nodes.DomainSize, input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: domain_size.outputs["Face Count"], 1: 2.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={2: index, 3: subtract},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN', 'data_type': 'INT'})
- delete_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Selection': less_than},
- attrs={'domain': 'FACE'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_position, 'Profile Curve': resample_curve_1, 'Caps': delete_geometry},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_generate_radius_curve', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_generate_radius_curve(nw: NodeWrangler, curve_control_points):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'Start': (1.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000), 'End': (1.0000, 0.0000, -1.0000)})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 128)])
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Count': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], curve_control_points)
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': float_curve, 'Y': 1.0000, 'Z': 1.0000})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: position, 1: combine_xyz_1}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve, 'Position': multiply.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_create_anchors', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_create_anchors(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'Profile N-gon', 0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Profile Width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Profile Aspect Ratio', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Profile Rotation', 0.0000)])
- equal = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Profile N-gon"], 3: 1},
- attrs={'operation': 'EQUAL', 'data_type': 'INT'})
- equal_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Profile N-gon"], 3: 2},
- attrs={'operation': 'EQUAL', 'data_type': 'INT'})
- ngonprofile = nw.new_node(nodegroup_n_gon_profile().name,
- input_kwargs={'Profile N-gon': group_input.outputs["Profile N-gon"], 'Profile Width': group_input.outputs["Profile Width"], 'Profile Aspect Ratio': group_input.outputs["Profile Aspect Ratio"], 'Profile Fillet Ratio': 0.0000})
- curve_to_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToPoints, input_kwargs={'Curve': ngonprofile}, attrs={'mode': 'EVALUATED'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Profile Width"], 1: 0.3535},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Profile Width"], 1: -0.3535},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_1})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'Start': combine_xyz, 'End': combine_xyz_1})
- curve_to_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToPoints, input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line}, attrs={'mode': 'EVALUATED'})
- switch_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: equal_1, 14: curve_to_points.outputs["Points"], 15: curve_to_points_1.outputs["Points"]})
- points = nw.new_node('GeometryNodePoints')
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: equal, 14: switch_1.outputs[6], 15: points})
- set_point_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPointRadius, input_kwargs={'Points': switch.outputs[6]})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': group_input.outputs["Profile Rotation"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_point_radius, 'Rotation': combine_xyz_2})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_create_legs_and_strechers', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_create_legs_and_strechers(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Anchors', None),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Keep Legs', False),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Leg Instance', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Table Height', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leg Bottom Relative Scale', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leg Bottom Relative Rotation', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Keep Odd Strechers', True),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Keep Even Strechers', True),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Strecher Instance', None),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Strecher Index Increment', 0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Strecher Relative Position', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leg Bottom Offset', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Align Leg X rot', False)])
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': group_input.outputs["Table Height"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Anchors"], 'Translation': combine_xyz})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': group_input.outputs["Leg Bottom Offset"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 1: combine_xyz_3}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position, 1: subtract.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': subtract_1.outputs["Vector"], 'Angle': group_input.outputs["Leg Bottom Relative Rotation"]},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'Z_AXIS'})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["Leg Bottom Relative Scale"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Leg Bottom Relative Scale"], 'Z': 1.0000})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: vector_rotate, 1: combine_xyz_4}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position, 1: multiply.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, input_kwargs={'Vector': subtract_2}, attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- align_euler_to_vector_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector, 'Vector': position},
- attrs={'pivot_axis': 'Z'})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Align Leg X rot"], 8: align_euler_to_vector, 9: align_euler_to_vector_3},
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'})
- length = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: subtract_2}, attrs={'operation': 'LENGTH'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': 1.0000, 'Y': 1.0000, 'Z': length.outputs["Value"]})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': transform, 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Leg Instance"], 'Rotation': switch.outputs[3], 'Scale': combine_xyz_2})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': instance_on_points})
- switch_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Keep Legs"], 15: realize_instances})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Strecher Relative Position"], 1: -1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: subtract_2, 'Scale': multiply_1}, attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: position_2})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Position': add.outputs["Vector"]})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- modulo = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MODULO'})
- op_and = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: modulo, 1: group_input.outputs["Keep Odd Strechers"]})
- op_not = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: modulo}, attrs={'operation': 'NOT'})
- op_and_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Keep Even Strechers"], 1: op_not})
- op_or = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and, 1: op_and_1}, attrs={'operation': 'OR'})
- domain_size = nw.new_node(Nodes.DomainSize, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform}, attrs={'component': 'POINTCLOUD'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: domain_size.outputs["Point Count"], 1: group_input.outputs["Strecher Index Increment"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- equal = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'EQUAL'})
- boolean = nw.new_node(Nodes.Boolean, attrs={'boolean': True})
- index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- divide_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: domain_size.outputs["Point Count"], 1: 2.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={2: index_1, 3: divide_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN', 'data_type': 'INT'})
- switch_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={0: equal, 6: boolean, 7: less_than}, attrs={'input_type': 'BOOLEAN'})
- op_and_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_or, 1: switch_2.outputs[2]})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["Strecher Index Increment"]})
- modulo_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: domain_size.outputs["Point Count"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MODULO'})
- field_at_index = nw.new_node(Nodes.FieldAtIndex, input_kwargs={'Index': modulo_1, 3: position_1}, attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- subtract_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position_1, 1: field_at_index.outputs[2]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, input_kwargs={'Vector': subtract_3.outputs["Vector"]}, attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- align_euler_to_vector_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, input_kwargs={'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector_1}, attrs={'pivot_axis': 'Z'})
- length_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: subtract_3.outputs["Vector"]}, attrs={'operation': 'LENGTH'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': 1.0000, 'Y': 1.0000, 'Z': length_1.outputs["Value"]})
- instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': set_position, 'Selection': op_and_2, 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Strecher Instance"], 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector_2, 'Scale': combine_xyz_1})
- realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': instance_on_points_1})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [switch_1.outputs[6], realize_instances_1]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_create_cap', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_create_cap(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 64)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Radius"], 1: 257.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- uv_sphere = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
- input_kwargs={'Segments': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Rings': multiply, 'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"]})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': uv_sphere.outputs["Mesh"], 'Name': 'uv_map', 3: uv_sphere.outputs["UV Map"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR', 'domain': 'CORNER'})
- power = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Radius"], 1: 2.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: power, 1: 1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- sqrt = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract}, attrs={'operation': 'SQRT'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: sqrt, 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_1})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': store_named_attribute, 'Translation': combine_xyz})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]}, attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- delete_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.DeleteGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Selection': less_than})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Mesh': delete_geometry}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_arc_top', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_arc_top(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Diameter', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Sweep Angle', 180.0000)])
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Diameter"], 1: 2.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Sweep Angle"], 2: -90.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_add, 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- radians = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'RADIANS'})
- radians_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Sweep Angle"]}, attrs={'operation': 'RADIANS'})
- arc = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurveArc',
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 32, 'Radius': divide, 'Start Angle': radians, 'Sweep Angle': radians_1})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': arc.outputs["Curve"], 'Rotation': (1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_align_bottom_to_floor', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_align_bottom_to_floor(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- bounding_box = nw.new_node(Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"]})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': bounding_box.outputs["Min"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- transform_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Translation': combine_xyz})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry_1, 'Offset': multiply},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_bent', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_bent(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Amount', -0.1000)])
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- length = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: position}, attrs={'operation': 'LENGTH'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: length.outputs["Value"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input.outputs["Amount"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate, input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'Angle': multiply_1})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Position': vector_rotate})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_merge_curve', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_merge_curve(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None)])
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"]})
- merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh_1})
- mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve, input_kwargs={'Mesh': merge_by_distance})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Curve': mesh_to_curve}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tableware/bottle.py b/infinigen/assets/tableware/bottle.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7868fa4d4..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/tableware/bottle.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
-import bmesh
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, subdivide_edge_ring, subsurf
-from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import spin
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_cylinder
-from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import wrap_front_back
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.materials import text
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
-class BottleFactory(AssetFactory):
- z_neck_offset = .05
- z_waist_offset = .15
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- self.z_length = uniform(.15, .25)
- self.x_length = self.z_length * uniform(.15, .25)
- self.x_cap = uniform(.3, .35)
- self.bottle_type = np.random.choice(['beer', 'bordeaux', 'champagne', 'coke', 'vintage'])
- self.bottle_width = uniform(.002, .005)
- self.z_waist = 0
- match self.bottle_type:
- case 'beer':
- self.z_neck = uniform(.5, .6)
- self.z_cap = uniform(.05, .08)
- neck_size = uniform(.06, .1)
- neck_ratio = uniform(.4, .5)
- self.x_anchors = [0, 1, 1, (neck_ratio + 1) / 2 + (1 - neck_ratio) / 2 * self.x_cap,
- neck_ratio + (1 - neck_ratio) * self.x_cap, self.x_cap, self.x_cap, 0]
- self.z_anchors = [0, 0, self.z_neck, self.z_neck + uniform(.6, .7) * neck_size,
- self.z_neck + neck_size, 1 - self.z_cap, 1, 1]
- self.is_vector = [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0]
- case 'bordeaux':
- self.z_neck = uniform(.6, .7)
- self.z_cap = uniform(.1, .15)
- neck_size = uniform(.1, .15)
- self.x_anchors = 0, 1, 1, (1 + self.x_cap) / 2, self.x_cap, self.x_cap, 0
- self.z_anchors = [0, 0, self.z_neck, self.z_neck + uniform(.6, .7) * neck_size,
- self.z_neck + neck_size, 1, 1]
- self.is_vector = [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0]
- case 'champagne':
- self.z_neck = uniform(.4, .5)
- self.z_cap = uniform(.05, .08)
- self.x_anchors = [0, 1, 1, 1, (1 + self.x_cap) / 2, self.x_cap, self.x_cap, 0]
- self.z_anchors = [0, 0, self.z_neck, self.z_neck + uniform(.08, .1),
- self.z_neck + uniform(.15, .18), 1 - self.z_cap, 1, 1]
- self.is_vector = [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0]
- case 'coke':
- self.z_waist = uniform(.4, .5)
- self.z_neck = self.z_waist + uniform(.2, .25)
- self.z_cap = uniform(.05, .08)
- self.x_anchors = [0, uniform(.85, .95), 1, uniform(.85, .95), 1, 1, self.x_cap, self.x_cap,
- 0]
- self.z_anchors = [0, 0, uniform(.08, .12), uniform(.18, .25), self.z_waist, self.z_neck,
- 1 - self.z_cap, 1, 1]
- self.is_vector = [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]
- case 'vintage':
- self.z_waist = uniform(.1, .15)
- self.z_neck = uniform(.7, .75)
- self.z_cap = uniform(.0, .08)
- x_lower = uniform(.85, .95)
- self.x_anchors = [0, x_lower, (x_lower + 1) / 2, 1, 1, (self.x_cap + 1) / 2, self.x_cap,
- self.x_cap, 0]
- self.z_anchors = [0, 0, self.z_waist - uniform(.1, .15), self.z_waist, self.z_neck,
- self.z_neck + uniform(.1, .2), 1 - self.z_cap, 1, 1]
- self.is_vector = [0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0]
- material_assignments = AssetList['BottleFactory']()
- self.surface = material_assignments['surface'].assign_material()
- self.wrap_surface = material_assignments['wrap_surface'].assign_material()
- if self.wrap_surface == text.Text:
- self.wrap_surface = text.Text(self.factory_seed, False)
- self.cap_surface = material_assignments['cap_surface'].assign_material()
- scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments['wear_tear_prob']
- self.scratch, self.edge_wear = material_assignments['wear_tear']
- self.scratch = None if uniform() > scratch_prob else self.scratch
- self.edge_wear = None if uniform() > edge_wear_prob else self.edge_wear
- self.texture_shared = uniform() < .2
- self.cap_subsurf = uniform() < .5
- def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- bottle = self.make_bottle()
- wrap = self.make_wrap(bottle)
- cap = self.make_cap()
- obj = join_objects([bottle, wrap, cap])
- return obj
- def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- if self.scratch:
- self.scratch.apply(assets)
- if self.edge_wear:
- self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
- def make_bottle(self):
- x_anchors = np.array(self.x_anchors) * self.x_length
- z_anchors = np.array(self.z_anchors) * self.z_length
- anchors = x_anchors, 0, z_anchors
- obj = spin(anchors, np.nonzero(self.is_vector)[0])
- subsurf(obj, 1, True)
- subsurf(obj, 1)
- if self.bottle_width > 0:
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.bottle_width)
- self.surface.apply(obj, translucent=True)
- return obj
- def make_wrap(self, bottle):
- obj = new_cylinder(vertices=128)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
- geom = [f for f in bm.faces if len(f.verts) > 4]
- bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context='FACES_ONLY')
- bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data)
- subdivide_edge_ring(obj, 16)
- z_max = self.z_neck - uniform(.02, self.z_neck_offset) * (self.z_neck - self.z_waist)
- z_min = self.z_waist + uniform(.02, self.z_waist_offset) * (self.z_neck - self.z_waist)
- radius = np.max(read_co(bottle)[:, 0]) + 2e-3
- obj.scale = radius, radius, (z_max - z_min) * self.z_length
- obj.location[-1] = z_min * self.z_length
- butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- wrap_front_back(obj, self.wrap_surface, self.texture_shared)
- return obj
- def make_cap(self):
- obj = new_cylinder(vertices=128)
- obj.scale = [(self.x_cap + .1) * self.x_length, (self.x_cap + .1) * self.x_length,
- (self.z_cap + .01) * self.z_length]
- obj.location[-1] = (1 - self.z_cap) * self.z_length
- butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
- subsurf(obj, 1, self.cap_subsurf)
- self.cap_surface.apply(obj)
- return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tableware/cup.py b/infinigen/assets/tableware/cup.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a6cc1ea9..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/tableware/cup.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.tableware.base import TablewareFactory
-from infinigen.assets.materials import text
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, remove_vertices, subsurf, write_attribute
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects
-from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import spin
-from infinigen.assets.utils.uv import wrap_sides
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
-class CupFactory(TablewareFactory):
- allow_transparent = True
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.x_end = .25
- self.is_short = uniform(0, 1) < .5
- if self.is_short:
- self.is_profile_straight = uniform(0, 1) < .2
- self.x_lowest = log_uniform(.6, .9)
- self.depth = log_uniform(.25, .5)
- self.has_guard = uniform(0, 1) < .8
- else:
- self.is_profile_straight = True
- self.x_lowest = log_uniform(.9, 1.)
- self.depth = log_uniform(.5, 1.)
- self.has_guard = False
- if self.is_profile_straight:
- self.handle_location = uniform(.45, .65)
- else:
- self.handle_location = uniform(-.1, .3)
- self.handle_type = 'shear' if uniform(0, 1) < .5 else 'round'
- self.handle_radius = self.depth * uniform(.2, .4)
- self.handle_inner_radius = self.handle_radius * log_uniform(.2, .3)
- self.handle_taper_x = uniform(0, 2)
- self.handle_taper_y = uniform(0, 2)
- self.x_lower_ratio = log_uniform(.8, 1.)
- self.thickness = log_uniform(.01, .04)
- self.has_wrap = uniform() < .3
- self.has_wrap = True
- self.wrap_margin = uniform(.1, .2)
- material_assignments = AssetList['CupFactory']()
- self.surface = material_assignments['surface'].assign_material()
- self.wrap_surface = material_assignments['wrap_surface'].assign_material()
- if self.wrap_surface == text.Text:
- self.wrap_surface = text.Text(self.factory_seed, False)
- self.scratch = self.edge_wear = None
- self.has_inside = uniform(0, 1) < .5
- self.scale = log_uniform(.15, .3)
- def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- if self.is_profile_straight:
- x_anchors = 0, self.x_lowest * self.x_end, self.x_end
- z_anchors = 0, 0, self.depth
- else:
- x_anchors = 0, self.x_lowest * self.x_end, (self.x_lowest + self.x_lower_ratio * (
- 1 - self.x_lowest)) * self.x_end, self.x_end
- z_anchors = 0, 0, self.depth * .5, self.depth
- anchors = x_anchors, np.zeros_like(x_anchors), z_anchors
- obj = spin(anchors, [1], 16)
- subsurf(obj, 1)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BEVEL', True, offset_type='PERCENT', width_pct=uniform(10, 50), segments=8)
- if self.has_wrap:
- wrap = self.make_wrap(obj)
- else:
- wrap = None
- self.solidify_with_inside(obj, self.thickness)
- handle_location = x_anchors[-2] * (1 - self.handle_location) + x_anchors[-1] * self.handle_location, \
- 0, \
- z_anchors[-2] * (1 - self.handle_location) + z_anchors[-1] * self.handle_location
- angle_low = np.arctan((x_anchors[-1] - x_anchors[-2]) / (z_anchors[-1] - z_anchors[-2]))
- angle_height = np.arctan((x_anchors[2] - x_anchors[1]) / (z_anchors[2] - z_anchors[1]))
- handle_angle = uniform(angle_low, angle_height + 1e-3)
- if self.has_guard:
- obj = self.add_handle(obj, handle_location, handle_angle)
- if self.has_wrap:
- butil.select_none()
- obj = join_objects([obj, wrap])
- obj.scale = [self.scale] * 3
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- return obj
- def add_handle(self, obj, handle_location, handle_angle):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_torus_add(location=handle_location, major_radius=self.handle_radius,
- minor_radius=self.handle_inner_radius)
- handle = bpy.context.active_object
- handle.rotation_euler = np.pi / 2, handle_angle, 0
- butil.modify_mesh(handle, 'SIMPLE_DEFORM', deform_method='TAPER', angle=self.handle_taper_x,
- deform_axis='X')
- butil.modify_mesh(handle, 'SIMPLE_DEFORM', deform_method='TAPER', angle=self.handle_taper_y,
- deform_axis='Y')
- butil.modify_mesh(handle, 'BOOLEAN', object=obj, operation='DIFFERENCE')
- butil.select_none()
- objs = butil.split_object(handle)
- i = np.argmax([np.max(read_co(o)[:, 0]) for o in objs])
- handle = objs[i]
- objs.remove(handle)
- butil.delete(objs)
- subsurf(handle, 1)
- write_attribute(handle, lambda nw: 1, "guard", "FACE")
- return join_objects([obj, handle])
- def make_wrap(self, obj):
- butil.select_none()
- obj = deep_clone_obj(obj)
- remove_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: (z / self.depth < self.wrap_margin) | (
- z / self.depth > 1 - self.wrap_margin + uniform(.0, .1)) | (
- np.abs(np.arctan2(y, x)) < np.pi * self.wrap_margin))
- obj.scale = 1 + 1e-2, 1 + 1e-2, 1
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- write_attribute(obj, lambda nw: 1, "text", "FACE")
- return obj
- def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- super().finalize_assets(assets)
- if self.has_wrap:
- for obj in assets if isinstance(assets, list) else [assets]:
- wrap_sides(obj, self.wrap_surface, 'u', 'v', 'z', selection='text')
- if self.scratch:
- self.scratch.apply(assets)
- if self.edge_wear:
- self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tableware/knife.py b/infinigen/assets/tableware/knife.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 39a753c35..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/tableware/knife.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
-import bmesh
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, subsurf, write_co
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from .base import TablewareFactory
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_grid
-class KnifeFactory(TablewareFactory):
- x_end = .5
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.x_length = log_uniform(.4, .7)
- self.has_guard = uniform(0, 1) < .7
- if self.has_guard:
- self.y_length = log_uniform(.1, .5)
- self.y_guard = self.y_length * log_uniform(.2, .4)
- else:
- self.y_length = log_uniform(.1, .2)
- self.y_guard = self.y_length * log_uniform(.3, .5)
- self.x_guard = uniform(0, .2)
- self.has_tip = uniform(0, 1) < .7
- self.thickness = log_uniform(.02, .03)
- y_off_rand = uniform(0, 1)
- self.y_offset = .2 if y_off_rand < 1 / 8 else .5 if y_off_rand < 1 / 4 else uniform(.2, .6)
- self.guard_type = 'round' if uniform(0, 1) < .6 else 'double'
- self.guard_depth = log_uniform(.2, 1.) * self.thickness
- self.scale = log_uniform(.2, .3)
- def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- x_anchors = np.array(
- [self.x_end, uniform(.5, .8) * self.x_end, uniform(.3, .4) * self.x_end, 1e-3, 0, -1e-3, -2e-3,
- -self.x_end * self.x_length + 1e-3, -self.x_end * self.x_length])
- y_anchors = np.array(
- [1e-3, self.y_length * log_uniform(.75, .95), self.y_length, self.y_length, self.y_length,
- self.y_guard, self.y_guard, self.y_guard, self.y_guard])
- if not self.has_guard:
- indices = [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8]
- x_anchors = x_anchors[indices]
- y_anchors = y_anchors[indices]
- if self.has_tip:
- indices = [0] + list(range(len(x_anchors)))
- x_anchors = x_anchors[indices]
- x_anchors[0] += 1e-3
- y_anchors = y_anchors[indices]
- y_anchors[1] += 3e-3
- obj = new_grid(x_subdivisions=len(x_anchors) - 1, y_subdivisions=1)
- x = np.concatenate([x_anchors] * 2)
- y = np.concatenate([y_anchors, np.zeros_like(y_anchors)])
- y[0::len(y_anchors)] += self.y_offset * self.y_length
- if self.has_tip:
- y[1::len(y_anchors)] += self.y_offset * self.y_length
- y[2::len(y_anchors)] += self.y_offset * (self.y_length - y_anchors[2])
- else:
- y[1::len(y_anchors)] += self.y_offset * (self.y_length - y_anchors[1])
- z = np.concatenate([np.zeros_like(x_anchors)] * 2)
- write_co(obj, np.stack([x, y, z], -1))
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.thickness)
- self.make_knife_tip(obj)
- subsurf(obj, 1)
- selection = lambda nw, x: nw.compare('LESS_THAN', x, -self.x_guard * self.x_length * self.x_end)
- if self.guard_type == 'double':
- selection = self.make_double_sided(selection)
- self.add_guard(obj, selection)
- subsurf(obj, 1)
- obj.scale = [self.scale] * 3
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- return obj
- def make_knife_tip(self, obj):
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
- for e in bm.edges:
- u, v = e.verts
- x0, y0, z0 = u.co
- x1, y1, z1 = v.co
- if x0 >= 0 and x1 >= 0 and abs(x0 - x1) < 2e-4:
- if y0 > self.y_offset * self.y_length and y1 > self.y_offset * self.y_length:
- bmesh.ops.pointmerge(bm, verts=[u, v], merge_co=(u.co + v.co) / 2)
- bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data)
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_loose(extend=False)
- bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type='EDGE')
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tableware/spoon.py b/infinigen/assets/tableware/spoon.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5570a1733..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/tableware/spoon.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import subsurf, write_co
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from .base import TablewareFactory
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_grid
-class SpoonFactory(TablewareFactory):
- x_end = .15
- is_fragile = True
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.x_length = log_uniform(.2, .8)
- self.y_length = log_uniform(.06, .12)
- self.z_depth = log_uniform(.08, .25)
- self.z_offset = uniform(.0, .05)
- self.thickness = log_uniform(.008, .015)
- self.has_guard = uniform(0, 1) < .4
- self.guard_type = 'round' if uniform(0, 1) < .6 else 'double'
- self.guard_depth = log_uniform(.2, 1.) * self.thickness
- self.scale = log_uniform(.15, .25)
- def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- x_anchors = np.array([log_uniform(.07, .25), 0, -.08, -.12, -self.x_end, -self.x_end - self.x_length,
- -self.x_end - self.x_length * log_uniform(1.2, 1.4)])
- y_anchors = np.array([self.y_length * log_uniform(.1, .8), self.y_length * log_uniform(1., 1.2),
- self.y_length * log_uniform(.6, 1.), self.y_length * log_uniform(.2, .4),
- log_uniform(.01, .02), log_uniform(.02, .05), log_uniform(.01, .02)])
- z_anchors = np.array(
- [0, 0, 0, 0, self.z_offset, self.z_offset + uniform(-.02, .04), self.z_offset + uniform(-.02, 0)])
- obj = new_grid(x_subdivisions=len(x_anchors) - 1, y_subdivisions=2)
- x = np.concatenate([x_anchors] * 3)
- y = np.concatenate([y_anchors, np.zeros_like(y_anchors), -y_anchors])
- z = np.concatenate([z_anchors] * 3)
- x[len(x_anchors)] += .02
- z[len(x_anchors) + 1] = -self.z_depth
- write_co(obj, np.stack([x, y, z], -1))
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=self.thickness)
- subsurf(obj, 1)
- selection = lambda nw, x: nw.compare('LESS_THAN', x, -self.x_end)
- if self.guard_type == 'double':
- selection = self.make_double_sided(selection)
- self.add_guard(obj, selection)
- subsurf(obj, 2)
- obj.scale = [self.scale] * 3
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/trees/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/trees/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a45582997..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/trees/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-from .generate import BushFactory, TreeFactory, random_season, random_leaf_collection
-from .tree_flower import TreeFlowerFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/trees/branch.py b/infinigen/assets/trees/branch.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b68eb8b9c..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/trees/branch.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,397 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_surface_bump', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_surface_bump(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Displacement', 0.0200),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 50.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Seed', 0.0000)])
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': group_input.outputs["Seed"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: group_input.outputs["Displacement"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: normal, 1: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': multiply_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_generate_anchor', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_generate_anchor(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'curve parameter', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'trim_bottom', 0.2000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'trim_top', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'seed', 0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'density', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'keep probablity', 0.0000)])
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: group_input.outputs["density"]}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: group_input.outputs["keep probablity"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- minimum = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={'operation': 'MINIMUM'})
- curve_to_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"], 'Length': minimum},
- attrs={'mode': 'LENGTH'})
- random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={'Probability': group_input.outputs["keep probablity"], 'Seed': group_input.outputs["seed"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'BOOLEAN'})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["curve parameter"], 1: group_input.outputs["trim_bottom"]})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["curve parameter"], 1: group_input.outputs["trim_top"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- op_and = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: less_than})
- op_and_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: random_value_3.outputs[3], 1: op_and})
- op_not = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: op_and_1}, attrs={'operation': 'NOT'})
- delete_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_points_1.outputs["Points"], 'Selection': op_not})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Points': delete_geometry}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_create_instance', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_create_instance(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Points', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Instance', None),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Selection', True),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Pick Instance', False),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Tangent', (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Rot x deg', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Rot x range', 0.2000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Seed', 0)])
- random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={3: 6.2832, 'Seed': group_input.outputs["Seed"]})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': random_value_1.outputs[1]})
- align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': combine_xyz_1, 'Vector': group_input.outputs["Tangent"]},
- attrs={'axis': 'Y'})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': group_input.outputs["Points"], 'Selection': group_input.outputs["Selection"], 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Instance"], 'Pick Instance': group_input.outputs["Pick Instance"], 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector, 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]})
- radians = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Rot x deg"]}, attrs={'operation': 'RADIANS'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: group_input.outputs["Rot x range"]}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: radians, 1: subtract}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: group_input.outputs["Rot x range"]})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: radians, 1: add}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- random_value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: multiply, 3: multiply_1, 'Seed': group_input.outputs["Seed"]})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': random_value_2.outputs[1]})
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances, input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points, 'Rotation': combine_xyz_2})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Instances': rotate_instances}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def generate_branch(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine)
- # group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- # expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- # ('NodeSocketCollection', 'leaf collection', None),
- # ('NodeSocketCollection', 'fruit collection', None),
- # ('NodeSocketInt', 'resolution', 256),
- # ('NodeSocketInt', 'seed', 0),
- # ('NodeSocketFloat', 'main branch noise amount', 0.3000),
- # ('NodeSocketFloat', 'main branch noise scale', 1.1000),
- # ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'overall radius', 0.0200),
- # ('NodeSocketFloat', 'twig density', 10.0000),
- # ('NodeSocketFloat', 'twig rotation', 45.0000),
- # ('NodeSocketFloat', 'twig scale', 5.0000),
- # ('NodeSocketFloat', 'twig noise amount', 0.3000),
- # ('NodeSocketFloat', 'leaf density', 15.0000),
- # ('NodeSocketFloat', 'leaf scale', 0.3000),
- # ('NodeSocketFloat', 'leaf rot', 45.0000),
- # ('NodeSocketFloat', 'fruit density', 10.0000),
- # ('NodeSocketFloat', 'fruit scale', 0.0500),
- # ('NodeSocketFloat', 'fruit rot', 0.0000)])
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Count': kwargs["resolution"]})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 'Y': kwargs["seed"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz, 'Scale': kwargs["main branch noise scale"]},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '2D'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000)},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 2: 0.2000})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': kwargs["main branch noise amount"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve, 'Offset': scale_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 2: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: kwargs["seed"], 1: 13.0000})
- generateanchor = nw.new_node(nodegroup_generate_anchor().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': capture_attribute, 'curve parameter': capture_attribute.outputs[2], 'trim_top': 0.9000, 'seed': add, 'density': kwargs["fruit density"], 'keep probablity': 0.3000})
- collection_info_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CollectionInfo,
- input_kwargs={'Collection': kwargs["fruit collection"], 'Separate Children': True, 'Reset Children': True})
- createinstance = nw.new_node(nodegroup_create_instance().name,
- input_kwargs={'Points': generateanchor, 'Instance': collection_info_1, 'Pick Instance': True, 'Rot x deg': kwargs["fruit rot"], 'Scale': kwargs["fruit scale"], 'Seed': kwargs["seed"]})
- keep_probablity = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='keep probablity')
- keep_probablity.outputs[0].default_value = 0.3000
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: kwargs["twig density"], 1: keep_probablity},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- curve_to_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToPoints, input_kwargs={'Curve': capture_attribute, 'Count': divide})
- curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'End': (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.1000)})
- divide_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: kwargs["resolution"], 1: 2.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- resample_curve_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line_1, 'Count': divide_1})
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve_2, 2: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: kwargs["seed"], 1: 37.0000})
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={'Probability': keep_probablity, 'Seed': add_1},
- attrs={'data_type': 'BOOLEAN'})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: 0.0500}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- greater_equal = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={2: index, 3: multiply},
- attrs={'data_type': 'INT', 'operation': 'GREATER_EQUAL'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: 0.9000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- less_equal = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={2: index, 3: multiply_1},
- attrs={'data_type': 'INT', 'operation': 'LESS_EQUAL'})
- op_and = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: greater_equal, 1: less_equal})
- op_and_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, input_kwargs={0: random_value.outputs[3], 1: op_and})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: kwargs["twig rotation"], 1: -1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': capture_attribute.outputs[2], 3: 1.0000, 4: 0.1000})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 1: kwargs["twig scale"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- createinstance_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_create_instance().name,
- input_kwargs={'Points': curve_to_points.outputs["Points"], 'Instance': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"], 'Selection': op_and_1, 'Tangent': curve_to_points.outputs["Tangent"], 'Rot x deg': multiply_2, 'Scale': multiply_3, 'Seed': kwargs["seed"]})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': createinstance_1})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'W': kwargs["seed"], 'Scale': 1.5000},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000)},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': capture_attribute_1.outputs[2], 2: 0.2000})
- scale_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_1.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': map_range_3.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- scale_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: scale_2.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': kwargs["twig noise amount"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances, 'Offset': scale_3.outputs["Vector"]})
- curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
- capture_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1, 1: curve_tangent},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: kwargs["seed"], 1: 17.0000})
- generateanchor_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_generate_anchor().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': capture_attribute_2.outputs["Geometry"], 'curve parameter': capture_attribute_1.outputs[2], 'trim_top': 1.0000, 'seed': add_2, 'density': kwargs["leaf density"], 'keep probablity': 0.3000})
- collection_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.CollectionInfo,
- input_kwargs={'Collection': kwargs["leaf collection"], 'Separate Children': True, 'Reset Children': True})
- createinstance_2 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_create_instance().name,
- input_kwargs={'Points': generateanchor_1, 'Instance': collection_info, 'Pick Instance': True, 'Tangent': capture_attribute_2.outputs["Attribute"], 'Rot x deg': kwargs["leaf rot"], 'Scale': kwargs["leaf scale"], 'Seed': kwargs["seed"]})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': capture_attribute.outputs[2], 3: 1.0000, 4: 0.4000})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: kwargs["overall radius"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius, input_kwargs={'Curve': capture_attribute, 'Radius': multiply_4})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: kwargs["resolution"], 1: kwargs["overall radius"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_5, 1: 6.2832}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': multiply_6})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- map_range_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': capture_attribute_1.outputs[2], 3: 0.8000, 4: 0.1000})
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_4.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_7, 1: kwargs["overall radius"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_curve_radius_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': capture_attribute_2.outputs["Geometry"], 'Radius': multiply_8})
- divide_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_6, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': divide_2})
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius_1, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [curve_to_mesh, curve_to_mesh_1]})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Material': kwargs['material']})
- surfacebump = nw.new_node(nodegroup_surface_bump().name, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material, 'Displacement': 0.0050})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [createinstance, createinstance_2, surfacebump]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Rotation': (-1.5708, 0.0000, 0.0000)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-class BranchFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, twig_col, fruit_col, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.avg_fruit_dim = np.cbrt(np.mean([np.prod(list(o.dimensions)) for o in fruit_col.objects]))
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.branch_params = self.sample_branch_params()
- self.branch_params['leaf collection'] = twig_col
- self.branch_params['fruit collection'] = fruit_col
- self.branch_params['material'] = twig_col.objects[0].active_material
- def sample_branch_params(self):
- return {
- 'resolution': 256,
- 'main branch noise amount': uniform(0.2, 0.4),
- 'main branch noise scale': uniform(0.9, 1.3),
- 'overall radius': uniform(0.015, 0.025),
- 'twig density': uniform(5, 15),
- 'twig rotation': uniform(30, 60),
- 'twig scale': uniform(3, 7),
- 'twig noise amount': uniform(0.2, 0.4),
- 'leaf density': uniform(5, 25),
- 'leaf scale': uniform(0.25, 0.35),
- 'leaf rot': uniform(30, 60),
- 'fruit scale': uniform(0.15, 0.25),
- 'fruit rot': 0.0,
- 'fruit density': np.clip(uniform(1, 5) / self.avg_fruit_dim, 0.01, 50)
- }
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=2, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- phenome = self.branch_params.copy()
- phenome['seed'] = randint(10000000)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, generate_branch, input_kwargs=phenome)
- return obj
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/trees/generate.py b/infinigen/assets/trees/generate.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7102914f0..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/trees/generate.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alexander Raistrick, Yiming Zuo, Alejandro Newell, Lingjie Mei
-import pdb
-import logging
-import gin
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal
-import bpy
-from infinigen.assets.trees import tree, treeconfigs, branch
-from infinigen.assets.leaves import leaf, leaf_v2, leaf_pine, leaf_ginko, leaf_broadleaf, leaf_maple
-from infinigen.assets.fruits import apple, blackberry, coconutgreen, durian, starfruit, strawberry, compositional_fruit
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from . import tree_flower
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
-from infinigen.core.util import camera as camera_util
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
-from infinigen.core.placement import detail
-from infinigen.core.placement.split_in_view import split_inview
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.assets.weather.cloud.generate import CloudFactory
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import write_attribute
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-from ..utils.misc import toggle_show, toggle_hide
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class GenericTreeFactory(AssetFactory):
- scale = 0.35 # trees are defined in weird units currently, need converting to meters
- def __init__(
- self,
- factory_seed,
- genome: tree.TreeParams,
- child_col,
- trunk_surface,
- realize=False,
- meshing_camera=None,
- cam_meshing_max_dist=1e7,
- coarse_mesh_placeholder=False,
- adapt_mesh_method='remesh',
- decimate_placeholder_levels=0,
- min_dist=None,
- coarse=False
- ):
- super(GenericTreeFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.genome = genome
- self.child_col = child_col
- self.trunk_surface = trunk_surface
- self.realize = realize
- self.camera = meshing_camera
- self.cam_meshing_max_dist = cam_meshing_max_dist
- self.adapt_mesh_method = adapt_mesh_method
- self.decimate_placeholder_levels = decimate_placeholder_levels
- self.coarse_mesh_placeholder = coarse_mesh_placeholder
- self.min_dist = min_dist
- def create_placeholder(self, i, loc, rot):
- logger.debug(f'generating tree skeleton')
- skeleton_obj = tree.tree_skeleton(
- self.genome.skeleton, self.genome.trunk_spacecol, self.genome.roots_spacecol, init_pos=(0, 0, 0), scale=self.scale)
- if self.coarse_mesh_placeholder:
- pholder = self._create_coarse_mesh(skeleton_obj)
- else:
- pholder = butil.spawn_cube(size=4)
- butil.parent_to(skeleton_obj, pholder, no_inverse=True)
- return pholder
- def _create_coarse_mesh(self, skeleton_obj):
- logger.debug('generating skinned mesh')
- coarse_mesh = deep_clone_obj(skeleton_obj)
- surface.add_geomod(coarse_mesh, tree.skin_tree, input_kwargs={'params': self.genome.skinning}, apply=True)
- if self.decimate_placeholder_levels > 0:
- butil.modify_mesh(coarse_mesh, 'DECIMATE', decimate_type='UNSUBDIV', iterations=self.decimate_placeholder_levels)
- return coarse_mesh
- def finalize_placeholders(self, placeholders):
- if not self.coarse_mesh_placeholder:
- return
- with FixedSeed(self.factory_seed):
- logger.debug(f'adding {self.trunk_surface} to {len(placeholders)=}')
- self.trunk_surface.apply(placeholders)
- def asset_parameters(self, distance: float, vis_distance: float) -> dict:
- if self.min_dist is not None and distance < self.min_dist:
- logger.warn(f'{self} recieved {distance=} which violates {self.min_dist=}. Ignoring')
- distance = self.min_dist
- return dict(face_size=detail.target_face_size(distance), distance=distance)
- def create_asset(self, placeholder, face_size, distance, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
- skeleton_obj = placeholder.children[0]
- if not self.coarse_mesh_placeholder:
- skin_obj = self._create_coarse_mesh(skeleton_obj)
- self.trunk_surface.apply(skin_obj)
- butil.parent_to(skeleton_obj, skin_obj, no_inverse=True)
- else:
- skin_obj = butil.deep_clone_obj(placeholder)
- if self.child_col is not None:
- assert self.genome.child_placement is not None
- max_needed_child_fs = (
- detail.target_face_size(self.min_dist, global_multiplier=1)
- if self.min_dist is not None
- else None
- )
- logger.debug(f'adding tree children using {self.child_col=}')
- butil.select_none()
- surface.add_geomod(skeleton_obj, tree.add_tree_children, input_kwargs=dict(
- child_col=self.child_col, params=self.genome.child_placement,
- realize=self.realize, merge_dist=max_needed_child_fs
- ))
- if self.camera is not None and distance < self.cam_meshing_max_dist:
- assert self.adapt_mesh_method != 'remesh'
- skin_obj_cleanup = skin_obj
- skin_obj, outofview, vert_dists, _ = split_inview(skin_obj, cam=self.camera, vis_margin=0.15)
- butil.parent_to(outofview, skin_obj, no_inverse=True, no_transform=True)
- butil.delete(skin_obj_cleanup)
- face_size = detail.target_face_size(vert_dists.min())
- skin_obj.hide_render = False
- if self.adapt_mesh_method == 'remesh':
- butil.modify_mesh(skin_obj, 'SUBSURF', levels=self.decimate_placeholder_levels + 1) # one extra level to smooth things out or remesh is jaggedy
- with butil.DisableModifiers(skin_obj):
- detail.adapt_mesh_resolution(skin_obj, face_size, method=self.adapt_mesh_method, apply=True)
- butil.parent_to(skin_obj, placeholder, no_inverse=True, no_transform=True)
- if self.realize:
- logger.debug(f'realizing tree children')
- butil.apply_modifiers(skin_obj)
- butil.apply_modifiers(skeleton_obj)
- butil.join_objects([skin_obj, skeleton_obj])
- assert len(skin_obj.children) == 0
- else:
- butil.parent_to(skeleton_obj, skin_obj, no_inverse=True)
- tag_object(skin_obj, 'tree')
- butil.apply_modifiers(skin_obj)
- return skin_obj
-def random_season(weights=None):
- options = ['autumn', 'summer', 'spring', 'winter']
- if weights is not None:
- weights = np.array([weights[k] for k in options])
- else:
- weights = np.array([0.25, 0.3, 0.4, 0.1])
- return np.random.choice(options, p=weights/weights.sum())
-def random_species(season='summer', pine_chance=0.):
- tree_species_code = np.random.rand(32)
- if season is None:
- season = random_season()
- if tree_species_code[-1] < pine_chance:
- return treeconfigs.pine_tree(), 'leaf_pine'
- # elif tree_species_code < 0.2:
- # tree_args = treeconfigs.palm_tree()
- # elif tree_species_code < 0.3:
- # tree_args = treeconfigs.baobab_tree()
- else:
- return treeconfigs.random_tree(tree_species_code, season), None
-def random_tree_child_factory(seed, leaf_params, leaf_type, season, **kwargs):
- if season is None:
- season = random_season()
- fruit_scale = 0.2
- if leaf_type is None:
- return None, None
- elif leaf_type == 'leaf':
- return leaf.LeafFactory(seed, leaf_params, **kwargs), surface.registry('greenery')
- elif leaf_type == 'leaf_pine':
- return leaf_pine.LeafFactoryPine(seed, season, **kwargs), None
- elif leaf_type == 'leaf_ginko':
- return leaf_ginko.LeafFactoryGinko(seed, season, **kwargs), None
- elif leaf_type == 'leaf_maple':
- return leaf_maple.LeafFactoryMaple(seed, season, **kwargs), None
- elif leaf_type == 'leaf_broadleaf':
- return leaf_broadleaf.LeafFactoryBroadleaf(seed, season, **kwargs), None
- elif leaf_type == 'leaf_v2':
- return leaf_v2.LeafFactoryV2(seed, **kwargs), None
- elif leaf_type == 'berry':
- return leaf.BerryFactory(seed, leaf_params, **kwargs), None
- elif leaf_type == 'apple':
- return apple.FruitFactoryApple(seed, scale=fruit_scale, **kwargs), None
- elif leaf_type == 'blackberry':
- return blackberry.FruitFactoryBlackberry(seed, scale=fruit_scale, **kwargs), None
- elif leaf_type == 'coconutgreen':
- return coconutgreen.FruitFactoryCoconutgreen(seed, scale=fruit_scale, **kwargs), None
- elif leaf_type == 'durian':
- return durian.FruitFactoryDurian(seed, scale=fruit_scale, **kwargs), None
- elif leaf_type == 'starfruit':
- return starfruit.FruitFactoryStarfruit(seed, scale=fruit_scale, **kwargs), None
- elif leaf_type == 'strawberry':
- return strawberry.FruitFactoryStrawberry(seed, scale=fruit_scale, **kwargs), None
- elif leaf_type == 'compositional_fruit':
- return compositional_fruit.FruitFactoryCompositional(seed, scale=fruit_scale, **kwargs), None
- elif leaf_type == 'flower':
- return tree_flower.TreeFlowerFactory(seed, rad=uniform(0.15, 0.25), **kwargs), None
- elif leaf_type == 'cloud':
- return CloudFactory(seed), None
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized {leaf_type=}')
-def make_leaf_collection(seed,
- leaf_params, n_leaf, leaf_types, decimate_rate=0.0,
- season=None):
- logger.debug(f'Starting make_leaf_collection({seed=}, {n_leaf=} ...)')
- if season is None:
- season = random_season()
- weights = []
- if not isinstance(leaf_types, list):
- leaf_types = [leaf_types]
- child_factories = []
- for leaf_type in leaf_types:
- if leaf_type is not None:
- leaf_factory, _ = random_tree_child_factory(seed, leaf_params, leaf_type=leaf_type, season=season)
- child_factories.append(leaf_factory)
- weights.append(1.0)
- weights = np.array(weights)
- weights /= np.sum(weights) # normalize to 1
- col = make_asset_collection(child_factories, n_leaf, verbose=True, weights=weights)
- # if leaf_surface is not None:
- # leaf_surface.apply(list(col.objects))
- toggle_show(col)
- for obj in col.objects:
- if decimate_rate > 0:
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DECIMATE', ratio=1.0-decimate_rate, apply=True)
- butil.apply_transform(obj, rot=True, scale=True)
- butil.apply_modifiers(obj)
- toggle_hide(col)
- return col
-def random_leaf_collection(season, n=5):
- (_, _, leaf_params), leaf_type = random_species(season=season)
- return make_leaf_collection(np.random.randint(1e5), leaf_params, n_leaf=n, leaf_types=leaf_type or 'leaf_v2', decimate_rate=0.97)
-def make_twig_collection(
- seed,
- twig_params, leaf_params,
- trunk_surface,
- n_leaf, n_twig,
- leaf_types,
- season=None,
- twig_valid_dist=6
- logger.debug(f'Starting make_twig_collection({seed=}, {n_leaf=}, {n_twig=}...)')
- if season is None:
- season = random_season()
- if leaf_types is not None:
- child_col = make_leaf_collection(seed, leaf_params, n_leaf, leaf_types, season=season, decimate_rate=0.97)
- else:
- child_col = None
- twig_factory = GenericTreeFactory(seed, twig_params, child_col, trunk_surface=trunk_surface, realize=True)
- col = make_asset_collection(twig_factory, n_twig, verbose=False, distance=twig_valid_dist)
- if child_col is not None:
- child_col.hide_viewport = False
- butil.delete(list(child_col.objects))
- return col
-def make_branch_collection(seed, twig_col, fruit_col, n_branch, coarse=False):
- logger.debug(f'Starting make_branch_collection({seed=}, ...)')
- branch_factory = branch.BranchFactory(seed, twig_col=twig_col, fruit_col=fruit_col, coarse=coarse)
- col = make_asset_collection(branch_factory, n_branch, verbose=False)
- return col
-class TreeFactory(GenericTreeFactory):
- n_leaf = 5
- n_twig = 2
- @staticmethod
- def get_leaf_type(season):
- # return np.random.choice(['leaf', 'leaf_v2', 'flower', 'berry', 'leaf_ginko'], p=[0, 0.70, 0.15, 0, 0.15])
- # return
- # return 'leaf_maple'
- leaf_type = np.random.choice(['leaf', 'leaf_v2', 'leaf_broadleaf', 'leaf_ginko', 'leaf_maple'], p=[0, 0.0, 0.70, 0.15, 0.15])
- flower_type = np.random.choice(['flower', 'berry', None], p=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
- if season == "spring":
- return [flower_type]
- else:
- return [leaf_type]
- # return [leaf_type, flower_type]
- # return ['leaf_broadleaf', 'leaf_maple', 'leaf_ginko', 'flower']
- @staticmethod
- def get_fruit_type():
- # return np.random.choice(['leaf', 'leaf_v2', 'flower', 'berry', 'leaf_ginko'], p=[0, 0.70, 0.15, 0, 0.15])
- # return
- # return 'leaf_maple'
- fruit_type = np.random.choice(['apple', 'blackberry', 'coconutgreen',
- 'durian', 'starfruit', 'strawberry', 'compositional_fruit'],
- p=[0.2, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.2])
- return fruit_type
- def __init__(self, seed, season=None, coarse=False, fruit_chance=1.0, **kwargs):
- with FixedSeed(seed):
- if season is None:
- season = np.random.choice(['summer', 'winter', 'autumn', 'spring'])
- with FixedSeed(seed):
- (tree_params, twig_params, leaf_params), leaf_type = random_species(season)
- leaf_type = leaf_type or self.get_leaf_type(season)
- if not isinstance(leaf_type, list):
- leaf_type = [leaf_type]
- trunk_surface = surface.registry('bark')
- if uniform() < fruit_chance:
- fruit_type = self.get_fruit_type()
- else:
- fruit_type = None
- super(TreeFactory, self).__init__(seed, tree_params, child_col=None, trunk_surface=trunk_surface, coarse=coarse, **kwargs)
- with FixedSeed(seed):
- colname = f'assets:{self}.twigs'
- use_cached = colname in bpy.data.collections
- if use_cached == coarse:
- logger.warning(f'In {self}, encountered {use_cached=} yet {coarse=}, unexpected since twigs are typically generated only in coarse')
- if colname not in bpy.data.collections:
- twig_col = make_twig_collection(seed, twig_params, leaf_params, trunk_surface, self.n_leaf, self.n_twig, leaf_type, season=season)
- if fruit_type is not None:
- fruit_col = make_leaf_collection(seed, leaf_params, self.n_leaf, fruit_type, season=season, decimate_rate=0.0)
- else:
- fruit_col = butil.get_collection('Empty', reuse=True)
- self.child_col = make_branch_collection(seed, twig_col, fruit_col, n_branch=self.n_twig)
- self.child_col.name = colname
- assert self.child_col.name == colname, f'Blender truncated {colname} to {self.child_col.name}'
- else:
- self.child_col = bpy.data.collections[colname]
-class BushFactory(GenericTreeFactory):
- n_leaf = 3
- n_twig = 3
- max_distance = 50
- def __init__(self, seed, coarse=False, **kwargs):
- with FixedSeed(seed):
- shrub_shape = np.random.randint(2)
- trunk_surface = surface.registry('bark')
- tree_params, twig_params, leaf_params = treeconfigs.shrub(shrub_shape=shrub_shape)
- super(BushFactory, self).__init__(seed, tree_params, child_col=None, trunk_surface=trunk_surface, coarse=coarse, **kwargs)
- with FixedSeed(seed):
- leaf_type = np.random.choice(['leaf', 'leaf_v2', 'flower', 'berry'], p=[0.1, 0.4, 0.5, 0])
- colname = f'assets:{self}.twigs'
- use_cached = colname in bpy.data.collections
- if use_cached == coarse:
- logger.warning(f'In {self}, encountered {use_cached=} yet {coarse=}, unexpected since twigs are typically generated only in coarse')
- if colname not in bpy.data.collections:
- self.child_col = make_twig_collection(seed, twig_params, leaf_params, trunk_surface, self.n_leaf, self.n_twig, leaf_type)
- self.child_col.name = colname
- assert self.child_col.name == colname, f'Blender truncated {colname} to {self.child_col.name}'
- else:
- self.child_col = bpy.data.collections[colname]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/trees/tree_flower.py b/infinigen/assets/trees/tree_flower.py
deleted file mode 100644
index aee0973ee..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/trees/tree_flower.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,602 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors:
-# - Yiming Zuo - modifications
-# - Alexander Raistrick - authored original flower.py
-# Code generated using version v2.0.1 of the node_transpiler
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil, color
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, dict_lerp
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_polar_to_cart_old', singleton=True)
-def nodegroup_polar_to_cart_old(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Addend', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Vector', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))])
- cosine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'COSINE'})
- sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SINE'})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': cosine, 'Z': sine})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vector"], 1: combine_xyz_4, 2: group_input.outputs["Addend"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply_add.outputs["Vector"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_follow_curve', singleton=True)
-def nodegroup_follow_curve(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Curve Min', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Curve Max', 1.0)])
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 1: position},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]})
- attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 2: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"], 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"], 3: group_input.outputs["Curve Min"], 4: group_input.outputs["Curve Max"]})
- curve_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLength,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: curve_length},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- sample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"], 'Length': multiply},
- attrs={'mode': 'LENGTH'})
- cross_product = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: sample_curve.outputs["Tangent"], 1: sample_curve.outputs["Normal"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'CROSS_PRODUCT'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: cross_product.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- scale_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: sample_curve.outputs["Normal"], 'Scale': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale_1.outputs["Vector"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Position': sample_curve.outputs["Position"], 'Offset': add.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_norm_index', singleton=True)
-def nodegroup_norm_index(nw):
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'Count', 0)])
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["Count"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'T': divide})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_flower_petal', singleton=True)
-def nodegroup_flower_petal(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Length', 0.2),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Point', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Point height', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Bevel', 6.8),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Base width', 0.2),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Upper width', 0.3),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution H', 8),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution V', 4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wrinkle', 0.1),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Curl', 0.0)])
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Resolution H"], 1: 2.0, 2: 1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- grid = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshGrid,
- input_kwargs={'Vertices X': group_input.outputs["Resolution V"], 'Vertices Y': multiply_add})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': grid, 1: position},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: 0.05},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': multiply, 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz, 'Scale': 7.9, 'Detail': 0.0, 'Distortion': 0.2},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '2D'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: -0.5})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add, 1: group_input.outputs["Wrinkle"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"]})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: 2.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- power = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Bevel"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- multiply_add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: power, 1: -1.0, 2: 1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: multiply_add_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: group_input.outputs["Upper width"], 2: group_input.outputs["Base width"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply_add_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- power_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: group_input.outputs["Point"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- multiply_add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: power_1, 1: -1.0, 2: 1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_add_3, 1: group_input.outputs["Point height"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Point height"], 1: -1.0, 2: 1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_5, 1: multiply_add_4})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_2, 1: multiply_add_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: multiply_6},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': multiply_1, 'Y': multiply_4, 'Z': multiply_7})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Position': combine_xyz_1})
- multiply_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Length"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_8})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Curl"]})
- group_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_polar_to_cart_old().name,
- input_kwargs={'Addend': combine_xyz_3, 'Value': reroute, 'Vector': multiply_8})
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 8, 'Start': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'Middle': combine_xyz_3, 'End': group_1})
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_follow_curve().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Curve': quadratic_bezier, 'Curve Min': 0.0})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': tag_nodegroup(nw, group, 'petal')})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_phyllo_points', singleton=True)
-def nodegroup_phyllo_points(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'Count', 50),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Min Radius', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Max Radius', 2.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Radius exp', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Min angle', -0.5236),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Max angle', 0.7854),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Min z', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Max z', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Clamp z', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Yaw offset', -1.5708)])
- mesh_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshLine,
- input_kwargs={'Count': group_input.outputs["Count"]})
- mesh_to_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': mesh_line})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': mesh_to_points, 1: position},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- cosine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index},
- attrs={'operation': 'COSINE'})
- sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index},
- attrs={'operation': 'SINE'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': cosine, 'Y': sine})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["Count"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- power = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: group_input.outputs["Radius exp"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': power, 3: group_input.outputs["Min Radius"], 4: group_input.outputs["Max Radius"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply.outputs["Vector"]})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': divide, 2: group_input.outputs["Clamp z"], 3: group_input.outputs["Min z"], 4: group_input.outputs["Max z"]})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Z': map_range_2.outputs["Result"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Position': combine_xyz_1})
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': divide, 3: group_input.outputs["Min angle"], 4: group_input.outputs["Max angle"]})
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.1, 3: 0.1})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index, 1: group_input.outputs["Yaw offset"]})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': map_range_3.outputs["Result"], 'Y': random_value.outputs[1], 'Z': add})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Points': set_position, 'Rotation': combine_xyz_2})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_plant_seed', singleton=True)
-def nodegroup_plant_seed(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'Dimensions', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketIntUnsigned', 'U', 4),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'V', 8)])
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Dimensions"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- quadratic_bezier_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["U"], 'Start': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'Middle': multiply_add.outputs["Vector"], 'End': combine_xyz})
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_norm_index().name,
- input_kwargs={'Count': group_input.outputs["U"]})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0), (0.3159, 0.4469), (1.0, 0.0156)])
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': float_curve, 4: 3.0})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadratic_bezier_1, 'Radius': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["V"], 'Radius': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': tag_nodegroup(nw, curve_to_mesh, 'seed')})
-def shader_flower_center(nw):
- ambient_occlusion = nw.new_node(Nodes.AmbientOcclusion)
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': ambient_occlusion.outputs["Color"]})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(1)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4841
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0127, 0.0075, 0.0026, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.8591
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0848, 0.0066, 0.0007, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 1.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (1.0, 0.6228, 0.1069, 1.0)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"]})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-def shader_petal(nw, petal_color_name):
- translucent_color_change = uniform(0.1, 0.6)
- specular = normal(0.6, 0.1)
- roughness = normal(0.4, 0.05)
- translucent_amt = normal(0.3, 0.05)
- petal_color = nw.new_node(Nodes.RGB)
- petal_color.outputs[0].default_value = color.color_category(petal_color_name)
- translucent_color = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB, [translucent_color_change, petal_color, color.color_category(petal_color_name)])
- translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslucentBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': translucent_color})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': petal_color, 'Specular': specular, 'Roughness': roughness })
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': translucent_amt, 1: principled_bsdf, 2: translucent_bsdf})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader})
-def geo_flower(nw, petal_material, center_material):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Center Rad', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'Petal Dims', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Seed Size', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Min Petal Angle', 0.1),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Max Petal Angle', 1.36),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wrinkle', 0.01),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Curl', 13.89)])
- uv_sphere = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
- input_kwargs={'Segments': 8, 'Rings': 8, 'Radius': group_input.outputs["Center Rad"]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': uv_sphere, 'Scale': (1.0, 1.0, 0.05)})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Seed Size"], 1: 1.5},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- distribute_points_on_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': transform, 'Distance Min': multiply, 'Density Max': 50000.0},
- attrs={'distribute_method': 'POISSON'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Seed Size"], 1: 10.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': multiply_1, 'Y': group_input.outputs["Seed Size"]})
- group_3 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_plant_seed().name,
- input_kwargs={'Dimensions': combine_xyz, 'U': 6, 'V': 6})
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': 13.8, 'Scale': 2.41},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': '4D'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': musgrave_texture, 3: 0.34, 4: 1.21})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': map_range.outputs["Result"], 'Y': 1.0, 'Z': 1.0})
- instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': distribute_points_on_faces.outputs["Points"], 'Instance': group_3, 'Rotation': (0.0, -1.5708, 0.0541), 'Scale': combine_xyz_1})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': instance_on_points_1})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [realize_instances, transform]})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Material': center_material})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Center Rad"], 1: 6.2832},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': group_input.outputs["Petal Dims"]})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: 1.2},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- reroute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Center Rad"]})
- reroute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Min Petal Angle"]})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Max Petal Angle"]})
- group_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_phyllo_points().name,
- input_kwargs={'Count': multiply_3, 'Min Radius': reroute_3, 'Max Radius': reroute_3, 'Radius exp': 0.0, 'Min angle': reroute_1, 'Max angle': reroute, 'Max z': 0.0})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT', 'use_clamp': True})
- reroute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Wrinkle"]})
- reroute_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Curl"]})
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_flower_petal().name,
- input_kwargs={'Length': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Point': 0.56, 'Point height': -0.1, 'Bevel': 1.83, 'Base width': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Upper width': subtract,
- 'Resolution H': 8, 'Resolution V': 16, 'Wrinkle': reroute_2, 'Curl': reroute_4})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': group_1.outputs["Points"], 'Instance': group, 'Rotation': group_1.outputs["Rotation"]})
- realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': instance_on_points})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 3.73, 'Detail': 5.41, 'Distortion': -1.0})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.025
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances_1, 'Offset': multiply_4.outputs["Vector"]})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Material': petal_material})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material_1, set_material]})
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Shade Smooth': False})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_shade_smooth})
-class TreeFlowerFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, rad=uniform(0.15, 0.25), diversity_fac=0.25):
- super(TreeFlowerFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed=factory_seed)
- self.rad = rad
- self.diversity_fac = diversity_fac
- self.petal_color = np.random.choice(['pink', 'white', 'red', 'yellowish'], p=[0.4, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2])
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.petal_material = surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_petal, self.petal_color)
- self.center_material = surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_flower_center)
- self.species_params = self.get_flower_params(self.rad)
- @staticmethod
- def get_flower_params(overall_rad=0.05):
- pct_inner = uniform(0.05, 0.4)
- base_width = 2 * np.pi * overall_rad * pct_inner / normal(20, 5)
- top_width = overall_rad * np.clip(normal(0.7, 0.3), base_width * 1.2, 100)
- min_angle, max_angle = np.deg2rad(np.sort(uniform(-20, 100, 2)))
- return {
- 'Center Rad': overall_rad * pct_inner,
- 'Petal Dims': np.array([overall_rad * (1 - pct_inner), base_width, top_width], dtype=np.float32),
- 'Seed Size': uniform(0.005, 0.01),
- 'Min Petal Angle': min_angle,
- 'Max Petal Angle': max_angle,
- 'Wrinkle': uniform(0.003, 0.02),
- 'Curl': np.deg2rad(normal(30, 50))
- }
- def create_asset(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
- vert = butil.spawn_vert('flower')
- mod = surface.add_geomod(vert, geo_flower,
- input_kwargs={'petal_material': self.petal_material, 'center_material': self.center_material})
- inst_params = self.get_flower_params(self.rad * normal(1, 0.05))
- params = dict_lerp(self.species_params, inst_params, 0.25)
- surface.set_geomod_inputs(mod, params)
- butil.apply_modifiers(vert, mod)
- vert.rotation_euler.z = uniform(0, 360)
- tag_object(vert, 'flower')
- return vert
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/trees/treeconfigs.py b/infinigen/assets/trees/treeconfigs.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c464ae53e..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/trees/treeconfigs.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,776 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alejandro Newell
-from logging import root
-import numpy as np
-import bpy
-from .utils import mesh, helper
-from .tree import TreeParams
-subsubtwig_config = {'n': 2, 'symmetry': True,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 3, 'std': 1, 'momentum': 1, 'sz': .4},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'rng': [.2, .9], 'z_bias': .2, 'rnd_idx': 2*idx+2,
- 'ang_min': np.pi/4, 'ang_max': np.pi/4 + np.pi/16, 'axis2': [0, 0, 1]}}
-subtwig_config = {'n': 3, 'symmetry': True,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 6, 'std': 1, 'momentum': 1, 'sz': .6 - .1 * idx},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'rng': [.2, .9], 'z_bias': .1, 'rnd_idx': 2*idx+1,
- 'ang_min': np.pi/4, 'ang_max': np.pi/4 + np.pi/16, 'axis2': [0, 0, 1]},
- 'children': [subsubtwig_config]}
-twig_config = {'n': 1, 'decay': .8, 'valid_leaves': [-2, -1],
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 7, 'sz': .5, 'std': .5, 'momentum': .7},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'init_vec': [0, 1, 0]},
- 'children': [subtwig_config]}
-def random_pine_rot():
- theta = np.random.uniform(2*np.pi)
- return [np.sin(theta), 0.0, np.cos(theta)]
-subsubtwig_config = {'n': 20, 'symmetry': False,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 2, 'std': 1, 'momentum': 1, 'sz': .2},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'rng': [.2, .9], 'z_bias': .2,
- 'ang_min': np.pi/4, 'ang_max': np.pi/4 + np.pi/16, 'axis2': random_pine_rot}}
-subtwig_config = {'n': 7, 'symmetry': False,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 10, 'std': .3, 'momentum': 1, 'sz': .2 - .01 * idx},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'rng': [.2, .9], 'z_bias': .1,
- 'ang_min': np.pi/8, 'ang_max': np.pi/8 + np.pi/16, 'axis2': random_pine_rot},
- 'children': [subsubtwig_config]}
-pinetwig_config = {'n': 1,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 7, 'sz': .5, 'std': .2, 'momentum': .7},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'init_vec': [0, 1, 0]},
- 'children': [subtwig_config]}
-subsubsubtwig_config = {'n': 1, 'symmetry': True,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 2, 'std': 1, 'momentum': 1, 'sz': .4},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'rng': [.2, .9], 'z_bias': .2, 'rnd_idx': idx+1,
- 'ang_min': np.pi/8, 'ang_max': np.pi/8 + np.pi/32, 'axis2': [0, 0, 1]}}
-subsubtwig_config = {'n': 3, 'symmetry': False,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 3, 'std': 1, 'momentum': 1, 'sz': .6 - .1 * idx},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'rng': [0.1, 1.0], 'z_bias': .1,
- 'ang_min': np.pi/4, 'ang_max': np.pi/4 + np.pi/16, 'axis2': [0, 0, 1]},
- 'children': [subsubsubtwig_config]}
-subtwig_config = {'n': 8, 'symmetry': False,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 7, 'std': 1, 'momentum': 1, 'sz': .6 - .1 * idx},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'rng': [0.2, 1.0], 'z_bias': .1,
- 'ang_min': np.pi/4, 'ang_max': np.pi/4 + np.pi/16, 'axis2': [0, 0, 1]},
- 'children': [subsubtwig_config]}
-bambootwig_config = {'n': 1, 'decay': .8, 'valid_leaves': [-2, -1],
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 15, 'sz': 1.0, 'std': .05, 'momentum': .7, 'pull_dir': [0, 0, -0.3], 'pull_factor': 0.5, 'pull_init': 0.0},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'init_vec': [0, 1, 0]},
- 'children': [subtwig_config]}
-subtwig_config = {'n': 37, 'symmetry': True,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 2, 'std': 1, 'momentum': 1, 'sz': .4},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'rng': [.2, .9], 'z_bias': .2, 'rnd_idx': idx+2,
- 'ang_min': 0.3*np.pi, 'ang_max': 0.3*np.pi + np.pi/16, 'axis2': [0, 0, 1]}}
-palmtwig_config = {'n': 1, 'decay': .8, 'valid_leaves': [-2, -1],
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 40, 'sz': .5, 'std': .05, 'momentum': .7, 'pull_dir': [0, 0, -0.3], 'pull_factor': 0.5, 'pull_init': 0.0},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'init_vec': [0, 1, 0]},
- 'children': [subtwig_config]}
-subtwig_config = {'n': 3, 'symmetry': True,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 3, 'std': 1, 'momentum': 1, 'sz': .6 - .1 * idx},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'rng': [.2, .9], 'z_bias': .1, 'rnd_idx': 2*idx+1,
- 'ang_min': np.pi/4, 'ang_max': np.pi/4 + np.pi/16, 'axis2': [0, 0, 1]},
- 'children': []}
-shrubtwig_config = {'n': 1,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 6, 'sz': .5, 'std': .5, 'momentum': .7},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'init_vec': [0, 1, 0]},
- 'children': [subtwig_config]}
-def generate_twig_config():
- n_twig_pts = np.random.randint(10) + 5
- twig_len = np.random.uniform(3, 4)
- twig_sz = twig_len / n_twig_pts
- avail_idxs = np.arange(n_twig_pts)
- start_idx = 1 + int(n_twig_pts * np.random.uniform(0, .3))
- sample_density = np.random.choice(
- np.arange(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n_twig_pts)), dtype=int) + 1)
- avail_sub_idxs = avail_idxs[start_idx::sample_density]
- init_z = np.random.uniform(0, .3)
- z_rnd_factor = np.random.uniform(0.01, .05)
- skip_subtwig = np.random.rand() < .3
- subsub_sz = np.random.uniform(.02, .1)
- subtwig_momentum = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
- subtwig_std = np.random.rand() ** 2
- sz_decay = np.random.uniform(.9, 1)
- pull_factor = np.random.uniform(0, .3)
- if not skip_subtwig:
- n_sub_pts = np.random.randint(10) + 5
- sub_sz = np.random.uniform(1, twig_len-.5) / n_sub_pts
- idx_decay = (sub_sz * (np.random.rand() * .8 + .1)) / n_sub_pts
- avail_idxs = np.arange(n_sub_pts)
- start_idx = int(n_sub_pts * np.random.rand() * .5) + 1
- sample_density = np.random.choice([1, 2, 3])
- avail_idxs = avail_idxs[start_idx::sample_density]
- ang_offset = np.random.rand() * np.pi / 3
- ang_range = np.random.rand() * ang_offset
- subsubtwig_config = {'n': len(avail_idxs), 'symmetry': True,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 3, 'std': 1, 'momentum': 1, 'sz': subsub_sz,
- 'pull_dir': [0, 0, init_z + np.random.randn() * z_rnd_factor],
- 'pull_factor': pull_factor},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'rnd_idx': avail_idxs[idx],
- 'ang_min': np.pi/4, 'ang_max': np.pi/4 + np.pi/16, 'axis2': [0, 0, 1]}}
- subtwig_config = {'n': len(avail_sub_idxs), 'symmetry': True,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': n_sub_pts,
- 'std': subtwig_std, 'momentum': subtwig_momentum,
- 'sz': sub_sz - idx_decay * idx, 'sz_decay': sz_decay,
- 'pull_dir': [0, 0, init_z + np.random.randn() * z_rnd_factor],
- 'pull_factor': pull_factor},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'rng': [.2, .9], 'rnd_idx': avail_sub_idxs[idx],
- 'ang_min': ang_offset, 'ang_max': ang_offset + ang_range, 'axis2': [0, 0, 1]},
- 'children': [subsubtwig_config]
- }
- else:
- subtwig_config = {'n': len(avail_sub_idxs), 'symmetry': True,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 3, 'std': 1, 'momentum': 1, 'sz': subsub_sz,
- 'pull_dir': [0, 0, init_z + np.random.randn() * z_rnd_factor],
- 'pull_factor': pull_factor},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'rnd_idx': avail_sub_idxs[idx],
- 'ang_min': np.pi/4, 'ang_max': np.pi/4 + np.pi/16, 'axis2': [0, 0, 1]}}
- twig_config = {'n': 1,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': n_twig_pts, 'sz': twig_sz, 'std': .5, 'momentum': .5,
- 'pull_dir': [0, 0, init_z + np.random.randn() * z_rnd_factor],
- 'pull_factor': pull_factor},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'init_vec': [0, 1, -init_z]},
- 'children': [subtwig_config]}
- return twig_config
-def basic_tree(init_pos=np.array([[0, 0, 0]])):
- def init_att_fn(nodes):
- pt_offset = init_pos[0] + np.array([0, 0, 11])
- branch_pts = mesh.get_pts_from_shape(bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add, n=500,
- scaling=[7, 7, 7], pt_offset=pt_offset)
- return branch_pts
- def root_att_fn(nodes):
- # Pass this into root_kargs to initialize a root system
- pt_offset = init_pos[0] + np.array([0, 0, -3.5])
- branch_pts = mesh.get_pts_from_shape(bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add, n=500,
- scaling=[5, 5, 4], pt_offset=pt_offset)
- return branch_pts
- branch_config = {'n': 5, 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'rng': [.5, .8]},
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 5, 'sz': .4, 'std': 1.4, 'momentum': .4},
- 'children': []}
- tree_config = {'n': 4,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: ({'n_pts': 15, 'sz': .8, 'std': 1, 'momentum': .7}
- if idx > 0 else
- {'n_pts': 15, 'sz': 1, 'std': .1, 'momentum': .7}),
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'init_vec': [0, 0, 1]},
- 'children': [branch_config]}
- twig_kargs = {'config': shrubtwig_config,
- 'radii_kargs': {'Max radius': .1},
- 'leaf_kargs': {'Density': 1, 'Min scale': .4, 'Max scale': .6, 'Multi inst': 2}
- }
- tree_kargs = {'config': tree_config, 'init_pos': init_pos,
- 'radii_kargs': {'Min radius': .04, 'Exponent': 2},
- 'leaf_kargs': {'Density': 1, 'Min scale': .35, 'Max scale': .45},
- 'space_kargs': {'atts': init_att_fn, 'D': .3, 's': .4, 'd': 10,
- 'pull_dir': [0, 0, .5], 'n_steps': 20},
- 'root_kargs': None #{'atts': None, 'D': .2, 's': .3, 'd': 2,
- #'dir_rand': .3, 'mag_rand': .2,
- #'pull_dir': None, 'n_steps': 30},
- }
- return tree_kargs, twig_kargs
-def palm_tree(init_pos=np.array([[0, 0, 0]])):
- def tmp_att_fn(nodes):
- # pt_offset = init_pos[0] + np.array([0,0,20])
- pt_offset = nodes[-1]
- branch_pts = mesh.get_pts_from_shape(bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add, n=500,
- scaling=[1, 1, 1], pt_offset=pt_offset)
- return branch_pts
- # select a random horizontal angle
- pull_angle = np.random.uniform(0.0, 2*np.pi)
- tree_config = {'n': 1,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 20, 'sz': .8, 'std': 0.1, 'momentum': 0.95, 'pull_dir': [np.cos(pull_angle), np.sin(pull_angle), 0.0], 'pull_factor': np.random.uniform(0., 1.5), 'pull_init': 0.0},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'init_vec': [0, 0, 1]},
- 'children': []}
- leaf_kargs = {'leaf_width': .1, 'alpha': 0.3, 'use_wave': False}
- twig_kargs = {'config': palmtwig_config,
- 'radii_kargs': {'max_radius': .1, 'merge_size': .2},
- 'leaf_kargs': {'max_density': 20, 'scale': 2.0, 'rot_x': (-0.5, -0.4), 'rot_z': (-0.1, 0.1)}
- }
- tree_kargs = {'config': tree_config, 'D_': .3, 's': .4, 'd': 10, 'init_pos': init_pos,
- 'pull_dir': [0, 0, .5], 'n_updates': 20, 'init_att_fn': tmp_att_fn,
- 'radii_kargs': {'max_radius': 0.7, 'merge_size': .3, 'min_radius': 0.1, 'growth_amt': 1.01},
- 'leaf_kargs': {'max_density': 20, 'scale': .3, 'rot_x': (-1.0, 1.0), 'rot_z': (-0.1, 0.1)}
- }
- return tree_kargs, twig_kargs, leaf_kargs
-def baobab_tree(init_pos=np.array([[0, 0, 0]])):
- def tmp_att_fn(nodes):
- # pt_offset = init_pos[0] + np.array([0,0,20])
- pt_offset = nodes[-1]
- branch_pts = mesh.get_pts_from_shape(bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add, n=50,
- scaling=[7, 7, 1], pt_offset=pt_offset)
- return branch_pts
- # select a random horizontal angle
- pull_angle = np.random.uniform(0.0, 2*np.pi)
- tree_config = {'n': 1,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 20, 'sz': .8, 'std': 0.1, 'momentum': 0.95},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'init_vec': [0, 0, 1]},
- 'children': []}
- leaf_kargs = {'leaf_width': .5, 'alpha': 0.3, 'use_wave': False}
- twig_kargs = {'config': shrubtwig_config,
- 'radii_kargs': {'max_radius': .1, 'merge_size': .2},
- 'leaf_kargs': {'max_density': 20, 'scale': 0.5, 'rot_x': (-0.5, -0.4), 'rot_z': (-0.1, 0.1)}
- }
- tree_kargs = {'config': tree_config, 'D_': .5, 's': .6, 'd': 10, 'init_pos': init_pos,
- 'pull_dir': [0, 0, .5], 'n_updates': 20, 'init_att_fn': tmp_att_fn,
- 'radii_kargs': {'max_radius': 2.0, 'merge_size': .3, 'min_radius': 0.1, 'growth_amt': 1.10},
- 'leaf_kargs': {'max_density': 30, 'scale': 0.7, 'rot_x': (0, 1.0), 'rot_z': (-1.0, 1.0)}
- }
- return tree_kargs, twig_kargs, leaf_kargs
-def bamboo_tree(init_pos=np.array([[0, 0, 0]])):
- height = np.random.randint(25, 35)
- def tmp_att_fn(nodes):
- # pt_offset = init_pos[0] + np.array([0,0,20])
- pt_offset = nodes[-1]
- branch_pts = mesh.get_pts_from_shape(bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add, n=50,
- scaling=[0.5, 0.5, 4])
- # rotate the points
- rot_axis = (nodes[-1] - nodes[-2]) / \
- np.linalg.norm((nodes[-1] - nodes[-2]))
- rot_axis = (rot_axis + np.array([0, 0, 1])) / 2.
- branch_pts = np.array([helper.rodrigues_rot(
- pts, rot_axis, np.pi) for pts in branch_pts])
- branch_pts += pt_offset
- return branch_pts
- # select a random horizontal angle
- pull_angle = np.random.uniform(0.0, 2*np.pi)
- tree_config = {
- 'n': 1,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {
- 'n_pts': height, 'sz': .8, 'std': 0.1, 'momentum': 0.95,
- 'pull_dir': [np.cos(pull_angle), np.sin(pull_angle), 0.0],
- 'pull_factor': np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.6), 'pull_init': 0.0},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'init_vec': [0, 0, 1]},
- 'children': []
- }
- leaf_kargs = {'leaf_width': .1, 'alpha': 0.3, 'use_wave': False}
- twig_kargs = {'config': bambootwig_config,
- 'radii_kargs': {'max_radius': .1, 'merge_size': .2},
- 'leaf_kargs': {'max_density': 20, 'scale': 1.5, 'rot_x': (-0.5, -0.4), 'rot_z': (-0.1, 0.1)}
- }
- tree_kargs = {'config': tree_config,
- 'D_': .3, 's': .4, 'd': 10, 'init_pos': init_pos,
- 'pull_dir': [0, 0, .5], 'n_updates': 20, 'init_att_fn': tmp_att_fn,
- 'radii_kargs': {'max_radius': 0.3, 'merge_size': .1, 'min_radius': 0.2, 'growth_amt': 1.01},
- 'leaf_kargs': {'max_density': 20, 'scale': .3, 'rot_x': (-1.0, 1.0), 'rot_z': (-0.1, 0.1)}
- }
- return tree_kargs, twig_kargs, leaf_kargs
-def shrub(init_pos=np.array([[0, 0, 0]]), shrub_shape=0):
- scale = 0.2
- def att_fn_ball(nodes):
- pt_offset = init_pos[0] + np.array([0, 0, 7*scale])
- branch_pts = mesh.get_pts_from_shape(bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add, n=2000,
- scaling=[7*scale, 7*scale, 7*scale], pt_offset=pt_offset)
- return branch_pts
- def att_fn_cone(nodes):
- pt_offset = init_pos[0] + np.array([0, 0, 9*scale])
- branch_pts = mesh.get_pts_from_shape(bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cone_add, n=2000,
- scaling=[5*scale, 5*scale, 10*scale], pt_offset=pt_offset)
- return branch_pts
- def att_fn_cube(nodes):
- pt_offset = init_pos[0] + np.array([0, 0, 9*scale])
- branch_pts = mesh.get_pts_from_shape(bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add, n=2000,
- scaling=[4*scale, 4*scale, 7*scale], pt_offset=pt_offset)
- return branch_pts
- if shrub_shape == 0:
- tmp_att_fn = att_fn_ball
- elif shrub_shape == 1:
- tmp_att_fn = att_fn_cone
- elif shrub_shape == 2:
- tmp_att_fn = att_fn_cube
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- leaf_kargs = {'leaf_width': np.random.rand() * .5 + .1,
- 'alpha': np.random.rand() * .3}
- branch_config = {'n': 5, 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'rng': [.5, .8]},
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 5, 'sz': .4, 'std': 1.4, 'momentum': .4},
- 'children': []}
- tree_config = {'n': 1,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: ({'n_pts': 3, 'sz': .8, 'std': 1, 'momentum': .7}
- if idx > 0 else
- {'n_pts': 3, 'sz': 1, 'std': .1, 'momentum': .7}),
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'init_vec': [0, 0, 1]},
- 'children': [branch_config]}
- twig_kargs = TreeParams(
- skeleton=shrubtwig_config,
- trunk_spacecol=None,
- roots_spacecol=None,
- child_placement={'Density': 1, 'Min scale': .4, 'Max scale': .6, 'Multi inst': 2},
- skinning={'Max radius': .1}
- )
- tree_kargs = TreeParams(
- skeleton=tree_config,
- trunk_spacecol={'atts': tmp_att_fn, 'D': .3, 's': .4, 'd': 10},
- roots_spacecol=None,
- child_placement={'depth_range': (0, 2.7), 'Density': 0.7, 'Min scale': 1.2*scale, 'Max scale': 1.4*scale, 'Multi inst': 3, 'Pitch offset': 1., 'Pitch variance': 2., 'Yaw variance': 2.},
- skinning={'Min radius': 0.005, 'Max radius': 0.025, 'Exponent': 2}
- )
- return tree_kargs, twig_kargs, leaf_kargs
- # branch_config = {'n': 5, 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'rng': [.5,.8]},
- # 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 5, 'sz': .4, 'std': 1.4, 'momentum': .4},
- # 'children': []}
- # twig_config = {'n': 4,
- # 'path_kargs': lambda idx: ({'n_pts': 15, 'sz': .8, 'std': 1, 'momentum': .7}
- # if idx > 0 else
- # {'n_pts': 15, 'sz': 1, 'std': .1, 'momentum': .7}),
- # 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'init_vec': [0,0,1]},
- # 'children': [branch_config]}
- # twig_kargs = {'config': shrubtwig_config,
- # 'radii_kargs': {'Max radius': .1},
- # 'leaf_kargs': {'Density': 1, 'Min scale': .4, 'Max scale': .6, 'Multi inst': 2}
- # }
- # tree_kargs = {'config': twig_config, 'init_pos': init_pos,
- # 'radii_kargs': {'Min radius': .04, 'Exponent': 2},
- # 'leaf_kargs': {'Density': 1, 'Min scale': .35, 'Max scale': .45},
- # 'space_kargs': {'atts': init_att_fn, 'D': .3, 's': .4, 'd': 10,
- # 'pull_dir': [0,0,.5], 'n_steps': 20},
- # 'root_kargs': {'atts': None, 'D': .2, 's': .3, 'd': 2,
- # 'dir_rand': .3, 'mag_rand': .2,
- # 'pull_dir': None, 'n_steps': 30},
- # }
-def basic_stem(init_pos=np.array([[0, 0, 0]])):
- branch_config = {'n': 3, 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'rng': [.1 * (idx + 1), .1 * (idx + 2)]},
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 20 - 2 * idx, 'sz': .5, 'std': 1.5,
- 'momentum': .7, 'decay_mom': False,
- 'pull_dir': [0, 0, 1], 'pull_factor': 1.5 + idx * .2},
- 'children': []}
- tree_config = {'n': 1,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: ({'n_pts': 30, 'sz': .5, 'std': 2,
- 'momentum': .8, 'decay_mom': False,
- 'pull_dir': [0, 0, 1], 'pull_factor': 2 + idx * .5}),
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'init_vec': [np.random.randn(), np.random.randn(), 1]},
- 'children': [branch_config]}
- tree_kargs = {'config': tree_config, 'init_pos': init_pos,
- 'radii_kargs': {'Min radius': .02, 'Max radius': .1, 'Exponent': 2},
- 'leaf_kargs': {'Density': 0, 'Min scale': .35, 'Max scale': .45},
- 'space_kargs': {}, 'root_kargs': {},
- }
- return tree_kargs, None, {}
-def space_tree_wrap(cds, n_init=5):
- def tmp_att_fn(nodes):
- return cds
- tree_config = {'n': 1,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 1, 'sz': .8, 'std': 1, 'momentum': .7},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'init_vec': [0, 0, 1]}}
- twig_kargs = {'config': twig_config,
- 'radii_kargs': {'max_radius': .1, 'merge_size': .2},
- 'leaf_kargs': {'max_density': 5, 'scale': .5}}
- tree_kargs = {'config': tree_config, 'D_': .15, 's': .2, 'd': 0.5, 'dir_rand': .3, 'mag_rand': .2,
- 'pull_dir': [0, 0, 0], 'n_updates': 40, 'init_att_fn': tmp_att_fn,
- 'radii_kargs': {'max_radius': .04, 'merge_size': 0.1, 'min_radius': .01, 'growth_amt': 1.02},
- 'leaf_kargs': {}}
- rand_pts = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(cds)), n_init, replace=False)
- tree_kargs['init_pos'] = cds[rand_pts]
- return tree_kargs, twig_kargs
-def space_tree(obj, init_pos=np.array([[0, 0, 0]])):
- def init_att_fn(nodes):
- return mesh.sample_vtxs(obj, n=1000, emit_from="VOLUME", seed=np.random.randint(100))
- twig_kargs = {'config': shrubtwig_config,
- 'radii_kargs': {'max_radius': .1, 'merge_size': .2},
- 'leaf_kargs': {'Density': 1, 'Min scale': .4, 'Max scale': .6}}
- tree_kargs = {'config': {'n': 0}, 'init_pos': init_pos,
- 'leaf_kargs': {'Density': 0},
- 'radii_kargs': {'Min radius': .01, 'Scaling': .05, 'Exponent': 2},
- 'space_kargs': {'atts': init_att_fn, 'D': .1, 's': .2, 'd': 10,
- 'dir_rand': .2, 'mag_rand': .2,
- 'pull_dir': [0, .5, 0], 'n_steps': 100},
- }
- return tree_kargs, twig_kargs
-def pine_tree(init_pos=np.array([[0, 0, 0]])):
- def tmp_att_fn(nodes):
- tmp_v = nodes[nodes[:, 2] > 3]
- atts = [tmp_v.copy() + np.random.randn(*tmp_v.shape)
- * .5 for _ in range(5)]
- return np.concatenate(atts, 0)[::5]
- def root_att_fn(nodes):
- # Pass this into root_kargs to initialize a root system
- pt_offset = init_pos[0] + np.array([0, 0, -3.5])
- branch_pts = mesh.get_pts_from_shape(bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add, n=500,
- scaling=[5, 5, 4], pt_offset=pt_offset)
- return branch_pts
- per_layer = 4
- tree_ht = np.random.randint(20, 30)
- max_sz = .8
- start_ht = int(tree_ht * np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.3))
- n = tree_ht - start_ht
- branch_config = {'n': n * per_layer,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': np.random.randint(np.floor(((n - idx // per_layer) / n) * 6),
- np.ceil(((n - idx // per_layer) / n) * 8)) + 3,
- 'std': .3, 'momentum': .9, 'sz': max_sz - (max_sz / tree_ht) * (idx // per_layer)},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'rng': [.5, 1], 'z_bias': .2, 'rnd_idx': (idx // per_layer)+start_ht,
- 'ang_min': np.pi/2, 'ang_max': np.pi/2 + np.pi/16,
- 'axis2': [np.random.randn(), np.random.randn(), .5]},
- 'children': []
- }
- pinetree_config = {'n': 1,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': tree_ht + 1, 'sz': .8, 'std': 0.1, 'momentum': .7},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'init_vec': [0, 0, 1]},
- 'children': [branch_config]}
- leaf_kargs = {'leaf_width': .05, 'alpha': 0, 'use_wave': False}
- twig_kargs = TreeParams(
- skeleton=pinetwig_config,
- trunk_spacecol=None, roots_spacecol=None,
- skinning={'Min radius': .005, 'Max radius': 0.03, 'Exponent': 1.3, 'Scaling': 0.1, 'Profile res': 3},
- child_placement={'depth_range': (0, 5.0), 'Density': 1.0, 'Min scale': .7, 'Max scale': .9},
- )
- tree_kargs = TreeParams(
- skeleton=pinetree_config,
- skinning={'Min radius': 0.02, 'Exponent': 1.5, 'Max radius': 0.2},
- trunk_spacecol={'atts': tmp_att_fn, 'D': .3, 's': .4, 'd': 10,
- 'pull_dir': [0, 0, .5], 'n_steps': 20},
- roots_spacecol=None,#{'atts': None, 'D': .2, 's': .3, 'd': 2,
- # 'dir_rand': .3, 'mag_rand': .2,
- # 'pull_dir': None, 'n_steps': 30},
- child_placement={'depth_range': (0, 2.7), 'Density': 1.0, 'Min scale': .7, 'Max scale': .9}
- )
- return tree_kargs, twig_kargs, leaf_kargs
-def coral():
- def tmp_att_fn(nodes):
- branch_pts = mesh.get_pts_from_shape(bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add, n=500,
- scaling=[7, 7, 7], pt_offset=[0, 0, 11])
- return branch_pts
- branch_config = {'n': 5, 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'rng': [.5, .8]},
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': 5, 'sz': .4, 'std': 1.4, 'momentum': .4},
- 'children': []}
- tree_config = {'n': 4,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: ({'n_pts': 15, 'sz': .8, 'std': 1, 'momentum': .7}
- if idx > 0 else
- {'n_pts': 15, 'sz': 1, 'std': .1, 'momentum': .7}),
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'init_vec': [0, 0, 1]},
- 'children': [branch_config]}
- twig_kargs = {'config': twig_config,
- 'radii_kargs': {'max_radius': .1, 'merge_size': .2},
- 'leaf_kargs': {'max_density': 20, 'scale': .4}}
- tree_kargs = {'config': tree_config, 'D_': .3, 's': .4, 'd': 10,
- 'pull_dir': [0, 0, .5], 'n_updates': 20, 'init_att_fn': tmp_att_fn,
- 'radii_kargs': {'max_radius': .7, 'merge_size': .3, 'min_radius': .03, 'growth_amt': 1.01},
- 'leaf_kargs': {'max_density': 5, 'scale': .3}}
- return tree_kargs, twig_kargs
-def parse_genome(tree_genome):
- genome_keys = ['size', 'trunk_warp', 'n_trunks',
- 'branch_start', 'branch_angle', 'multi_branch',
- 'branch density', 'branch_len',
- 'branch_warp', 'pull_dir_vt',
- 'pull_dir_hz', 'outgrowth', 'branch_thickness',
- 'twig_density', 'twig_scale']
- return {k: tree_genome[k_idx] for k_idx, k in enumerate(genome_keys)}
-def calc_height(x, min_ht=5, max_ht=30, bias=-.05, uniform=.5):
- def map_fn(val): return np.tan((val-.5+bias)*np.pi*(1.1-uniform))
- rng = map_fn(0), map_fn(1)
- y = map_fn(x)
- y = (y - rng[0]) / (rng[1] - rng[0])
- y = y * (max_ht - min_ht) + min_ht
- return y
-def generate_tree_config(tree_genome=None, season='autumn'):
- """
- Main latent params that we might want to control:
- - overall size/"age"
- - trunk straightness
- - additional "trunks"
- - starting height of branches
- - outgoing branch angle (parallel to ground vs angled up vs angled proporitionally to height)
- - branch density
- - branch length (fn of height)
- - branch straightness
- - pull direction (up/down/to the side)
- - outgrowth (space filling) / "density"
- - branch thickness (ideally this behaves reasonably based on everything else)
- """
- if tree_genome is None:
- tree_genome = np.random.rand(32)
- cfg = parse_genome(tree_genome)
- sz = calc_height(cfg['size'], min_ht=12)
- n_tree_pts = int(sz)
- n_trunks = int(10 ** (cfg['n_trunks']**1.6))
- ex = np.exp((6 - (5 if n_trunks > 1 else 0)) * (cfg['trunk_warp']-.1))
- trunk_std = ((1 - (ex / (1 + ex)))*4) ** 2
- trunk_mtm = max(.2, min(.95, (1 / (trunk_std + 1)) +
- np.random.randn() * .2))
- radial_out = False # False # np.random.rand() < .3
- avail_idxs = np.arange(n_tree_pts)
- start_idx = 1 + int(n_tree_pts * np.random.uniform(.1, .7))
- sample_density = np.random.choice(
- np.arange(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n_tree_pts)), dtype=int) + 1)
- avail_idxs = avail_idxs[start_idx::sample_density]
- multi_branch = int(5 ** (cfg['multi_branch']**1.6))
- avail_idxs = np.repeat(avail_idxs, multi_branch).flatten()
- n = len(avail_idxs)
- start_ht = sz * (start_idx / sz)
- box_ht = (sz - start_ht) * .6
- def tmp_att_fn(nodes):
- branch_pts = mesh.get_pts_from_shape(bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add, n=500,
- scaling=[sz/2, sz/2, box_ht], pt_offset=[0, 0, start_ht + sz * .4])
- return branch_pts
- max_sz = 1
- if radial_out:
- start_ht = int(sz * .1)
- per_layer = np.random.randint(3, 6)
- branch_config = {'n': n * per_layer,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': np.random.randint(np.floor(((n - idx // per_layer) / n) * 6),
- np.ceil(((n - idx // per_layer) / n) * 8)) + 3,
- 'std': .3, 'momentum': .9, 'sz': max_sz - (max_sz / sz) * (idx // per_layer),
- 'pull_dir': [0, 0, np.random.rand()],
- 'pull_factor': np.random.rand()},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'rnd_idx': avail_idxs[idx // per_layer],
- 'ang_min': np.pi/2, 'ang_max': np.pi/2 + np.pi/16,
- 'axis2': [np.random.randn(), np.random.randn(), .5]}}
- else:
- branch_config = {'n': n,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': int(n_tree_pts*np.random.uniform(.4, .6)),
- 'sz': 1, 'std': 1.4, 'momentum': .4,
- 'pull_dir': [0, 0, np.random.rand()],
- 'pull_factor': np.random.rand()},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'rnd_idx': avail_idxs[idx]}}
- tree_config = {'n': n_trunks,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: ({'n_pts': n_tree_pts, 'sz': 1,
- 'std': trunk_std, 'momentum': trunk_mtm,
- 'pull_dir': [0, 0, 0]}),
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'init_vec': [0, 0, 1]},
- 'children': [branch_config]
- }
- tmp_D = .3 + .2 * (sz / 30) # .3 * sz / 8
- tmp_s = tmp_D * 1.3
- if n < 5:
- n_updates = np.random.choice([2, 3, int(1 + sz // 2)])
- else:
- n_updates = np.random.choice([2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5])
- max_radius = 0.2
- merge_size = 2.5 - cfg['branch_thickness']
- if season == "winter":
- twig_density = 0.0 if cfg['twig_density'] < 0.5 else 0.5 * cfg['twig_density']
- twig_inst = 1 + 0 * np.random.randint(3, 5)
- else:
- twig_density = 0.5 + 0.5 * cfg['twig_density']
- twig_inst = np.random.randint(1, 3)
- return TreeParams(
- skeleton=tree_config,
- skinning={'Max radius': max_radius, 'Min radius': .02, 'Exponent': merge_size},
- trunk_spacecol={'atts': tmp_att_fn, 'D': tmp_D, 's': tmp_s, 'd': 10,
- 'pull_dir': [0, 0, np.random.randn() * .3], 'n_steps': n_updates},
- roots_spacecol=None, #{'atts': None, 'D': .05, 's': .1, 'd': 2, 'dir_rand': .05, 'mag_rand': .05, 'pull_dir': None, 'n_steps': 30},
- child_placement={'depth_range': (0, 5.0), 'Density': twig_density, 'Multi inst': twig_inst,
- 'Pitch variance': 1.0, 'Yaw variance': 10.0, 'Min scale': 1.1, 'Max scale': 1.3}
- )
-def random_tree(tree_genome=None, season='autumn'):
- leaf_kargs = {'leaf_width': np.random.rand() * .5 + .1,
- 'alpha': np.random.rand() * .3}
- if season == "winter":
- leaf_density = np.random.uniform(.0, 0.1)
- leaf_inst = 1
- elif season == "spring": # flowers should be less dense
- leaf_density = np.random.uniform(.3, 0.7)
- leaf_inst = 2
- else:
- leaf_density = np.random.uniform(.4, 1.0)
- leaf_inst = 3
- twig_kargs = TreeParams(
- skeleton=generate_twig_config(),
- skinning={'Max radius': 0.01, 'Min radius': 0.005},
- trunk_spacecol=None,
- roots_spacecol=None,
- child_placement={'Density': leaf_density, 'Multi inst': leaf_inst,
- 'Min scale': .3, 'Max scale': .4}
- )
- tree_kargs = generate_tree_config(tree_genome, season=season)
- return tree_kargs, twig_kargs, leaf_kargs
-def generate_coral_config(tree_genome=None):
- """
- Main latent params that we might want to control:
- - overall size/"age"
- - trunk straightness
- - additional "trunks"
- - starting height of branches
- - outgoing branch angle (parallel to ground vs angled up vs angled proporitionally to height)
- - branch density
- - branch length (fn of height)
- - branch straightness
- - pull direction (up/down/to the side)
- - outgrowth (space filling) / "density"
- - branch thickness (ideally this behaves reasonably based on everything else)
- """
- if tree_genome is None:
- tree_genome = np.random.rand(32)
- cfg = parse_genome(tree_genome)
- sz = calc_height(cfg['size'])
- n_tree_pts = int(sz)
- n_trunks = np.random.randint(5, 20) # int(10 ** (cfg['n_trunks']**1.6))
- ex = np.exp((6 - (5 if n_trunks > 1 else 0)) * (cfg['trunk_warp']-.1))
- trunk_std = ((1 - (ex / (1 + ex)))*4) ** 2
- trunk_mtm = max(.2, min(.95, (1 / (trunk_std + 1)) +
- np.random.randn() * .2))
- radial_out = False # np.random.rand() < .3
- avail_idxs = np.arange(n_tree_pts)
- start_idx = 1 + int(n_tree_pts * np.random.uniform(0, .7))
- sample_density = np.random.choice(
- np.arange(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n_tree_pts)), dtype=int) + 1)
- avail_idxs = avail_idxs[start_idx::sample_density]
- multi_branch = int(5 ** (cfg['multi_branch']**1.6))
- avail_idxs = np.repeat(avail_idxs, multi_branch).flatten()
- n = 0 # len(avail_idxs)
- start_ht = sz * (start_idx / sz) + 1
- box_ht = (sz - start_ht) * .6
- def tmp_att_fn(nodes):
- branch_pts = mesh.get_pts_from_shape(bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add, n=500,
- scaling=[sz/2, sz/2, box_ht], pt_offset=[0, 0, start_ht + sz * .4])
- return branch_pts
- max_sz = 1
- branch_config = {'n': n,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: {'n_pts': int(n_tree_pts*np.random.uniform(.4, .6)),
- 'sz': 1, 'std': .4, 'momentum': .8,
- 'pull_dir': [0, 0, np.random.rand()],
- 'pull_factor': np.random.rand()},
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'rnd_idx': avail_idxs[idx]}}
- tree_config = {'n': n_trunks,
- 'path_kargs': lambda idx: ({'n_pts': n_tree_pts, 'sz': 1,
- 'std': trunk_std, 'momentum': trunk_mtm,
- 'pull_dir': [0, 0, 1]}),
- 'spawn_kargs': lambda idx: {'init_vec': [0, 0, 1]},
- 'children': [branch_config]
- }
- tmp_D = .3 + .2 * (sz / 30) # .3 * sz / 8
- tmp_s = tmp_D * 1.3
- if n < 5:
- n_updates = np.random.choice([2, 3, int(1 + sz // 2)])
- else:
- n_updates = np.random.choice([2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5])
- # print(sz, n_updates)
- n_updates = 3
- max_radius = .3 # 00
- merge_size = np.random.uniform(.2, .7)
- growth_amt = 1.01
- return {'config': tree_config, 'D_': tmp_D, 's': tmp_s, 'd': 10,
- 'pull_dir': [0, 0, np.random.randn() * .3],
- # np.random.randint(15) + 3,
- 'init_att_fn': tmp_att_fn, 'n_updates': n_updates,
- 'radii_kargs': {'max_radius': max_radius, 'merge_size': merge_size, 'min_radius': .2, 'growth_amt': growth_amt},
- 'leaf_kargs': {'max_density': 0 if np.random.rand() < .1 else np.random.uniform(5, 20),
- 'scale': np.random.uniform(.5, 1)},
- }
-def random_coral(genome=None):
- leaf_kargs = {}
- twig_kargs = {}
- tree_kargs = generate_coral_config(genome)
- return tree_kargs, twig_kargs, leaf_kargs
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/trees/utils/geometrynodes.py b/infinigen/assets/trees/utils/geometrynodes.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 34f67732e..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/trees/utils/geometrynodes.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,706 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alejandro Newell
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from . import helper, mesh
-from .materials import new_link
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-C = bpy.context
-D = bpy.data
-def add_node_modifier(obj):
- # Add geometry node modifier
- helper.set_active_obj(obj)
- # bpy.ops.node.new_geometry_nodes_modifier() # Blender 3.2
- bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='NODES') # Blender 3.1
- return obj.modifiers[-1]
-def setup_inps(ng, inp, nodes):
- for k_idx, (k, node, attr) in enumerate(nodes):
- new_link(ng, inp, k_idx, node, attr)
- ng.inputs[k_idx].name = k
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('CollectionDistribute', singleton=False)
-def coll_distribute(nw, merge_dist=None):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Selection', True),
- ('NodeSocketCollection', 'Collection', None),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Multi inst', 1),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Density', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Min scale', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Max scale', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Pitch scaling', 0.2),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Pitch offset', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Pitch variance', 0.4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Yaw variance', 0.4),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Realize Instance', False)])
- mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshToCurve',
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Selection': group_input.outputs["Selection"]})
- curve_to_points = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurveToPoints',
- input_kwargs={'Curve': mesh_to_curve, 'Count': group_input.outputs["Multi inst"]})
- mesh_to_points = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshToPoints',
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Selection': group_input.outputs["Selection"]})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- transfer_attribute_index = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleNearest,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': mesh_to_points})
- transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleIndex,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': mesh_to_points, 'Value': position, 'Index': transfer_attribute_index},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_points.outputs["Points"], 'Position': (transfer_attribute, "Value")})
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue)
- math = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: random_value.outputs[1], 1: group_input.outputs["Density"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': curve_to_points.outputs["Rotation"]})
- math_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: 1.5708})
- math_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: math_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Pitch scaling"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- math_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: math_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Pitch offset"]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': math_3, 'Z': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]})
- math_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Pitch variance"], 1: -1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: math_4, 3: group_input.outputs["Pitch variance"]})
- math_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Yaw variance"], 1: -1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- random_value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: math_5, 3: group_input.outputs["Yaw variance"]})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': random_value_1.outputs[1], 'Z': random_value_2.outputs[1]})
- vector_math = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 1: combine_xyz_1})
- random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Min scale"], 3: group_input.outputs["Max scale"]})
- geo = nw.new_node(Nodes.CollectionInfo,
- input_kwargs={'Collection': group_input.outputs["Collection"], 'Separate Children': True, 'Reset Children': True})
- if merge_dist is not None:
- geo = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, [geo, None, merge_dist])
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': set_position, 'Selection': math, 'Instance': geo, 'Pick Instance': True, 'Rotation': vector_math.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': random_value_3.outputs[1]})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': instance_on_points})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Realize Instance"], 14: instance_on_points, 15: realize_instances})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': switch.outputs[6]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('PhylloDist', singleton=False)
-def phyllotaxis_distribute(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Count', 50),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Max radius', 2.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Radius exp', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Inner pct', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Min angle', -0.5236),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Max angle', 0.7854),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Min scale', 0.3),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Max scale', 0.3),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Min z', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Max z', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Clamp z', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Yaw offset', -np.pi / 2)])
- mesh_line = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshLine',
- input_kwargs={'Count': group_input.outputs["Count"]})
- mesh_to_points = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshToPoints',
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': mesh_line})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': mesh_to_points, 1: position},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- index = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeInputIndex')
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 1.0
- math = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index, 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- math_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: math},
- attrs={'operation': 'FLOOR'})
- math_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: math_1, 1: 2.3998},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- math_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: math},
- attrs={'operation': 'FRACT'})
- math_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: math_2, 1: 6.2832},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- math_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: math_6, 1: math_5})
- math_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: math_7},
- attrs={'operation': 'COSINE'})
- math_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: math_7},
- attrs={'operation': 'SINE'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': math_8, 'Y': math_9})
- math_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Count"], 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- math_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: math_1, 1: math_3},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- math_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: math_4, 1: group_input.outputs["Radius exp"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': math_10, 3: group_input.outputs["Inner pct"]})
- math_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["Max radius"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': math_4, 3: 1.5708, 4: 1.5708})
- math_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SINE'})
- math_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: math_11, 1: math_12},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- vector_math = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 1: math_13},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_math.outputs["Vector"]})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': math_4, 2: group_input.outputs["Clamp z"], 3: group_input.outputs["Min z"], 4: group_input.outputs["Max z"]})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 'Z': map_range_2.outputs["Result"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Position': combine_xyz_1})
- attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 2: map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"], 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"], 3: group_input.outputs["Min angle"], 4: group_input.outputs["Max angle"]})
- random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.1, 3: 0.1})
- math_14 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: math_7, 1: group_input.outputs["Yaw offset"]})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': map_range_3.outputs["Result"], 'Y': random_value_1.outputs[1], 'Z': math_14})
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Min scale"], 3: group_input.outputs["Max scale"]})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': set_position, 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Rotation': combine_xyz_2, 'Scale': random_value.outputs[1]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('FollowCurve', singleton=False)
-def follow_curve(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Offset', 0.5)])
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 1: position},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]})
- math = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: group_input.outputs["Offset"]})
- sample_curve = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeSampleCurve',
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"], 'Length': math})
- vector_math = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: sample_curve.outputs["Tangent"], 1: sample_curve.outputs["Normal"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'CROSS_PRODUCT'})
- vector_math_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: vector_math.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- vector_math_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: sample_curve.outputs["Normal"], 'Scale': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- vector_math_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: vector_math_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: vector_math_2.outputs["Vector"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'Position': sample_curve.outputs["Position"], 'Offset': vector_math_3.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('SetTreeRadius', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def set_tree_radius(nw):
- # Code generated using version 2.3.1 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Selection', True),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Reverse depth', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scaling', 0.2),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Exponent', 1.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Min radius', 0.02),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Max radius', 5.0),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Profile res', 20),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Merge dist', 0.001)])
- mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Selection': group_input.outputs["Selection"]})
- set_spline_type = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveSplineType,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': mesh_to_curve},
- attrs={'spline_type': 'BEZIER'})
- set_handle_type = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetHandleType,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_spline_type})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'Scale': 1.0})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 'Scale': 0.02},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_handle_positions = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetHandlePositions,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_handle_type, 'Offset': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: True, 14: mesh_to_curve, 15: set_handle_positions})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Reverse depth"], 1: group_input.outputs["Scaling"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: 0.1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- power = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Exponent"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- maximum = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: power, 1: group_input.outputs["Min radius"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MAXIMUM'})
- minimum = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: maximum, 1: group_input.outputs["Max radius"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MINIMUM'})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': switch.outputs[6], 'Radius': minimum})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Profile res"]})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh, 'Shade Smooth': False})
- merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_shade_smooth, 'Distance': group_input.outputs["Merge dist"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': merge_by_distance})
-@node_utils.to_material('BarkMat2', singleton=False)
-def bark_shader_2(nw):
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'offset_barkgeo2'})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute,
- input_kwargs={'Input': attribute.outputs["Color"]})
- math = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: reroute, 1: 0.0})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': math})
- for i in range(2):
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
- # colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0025, 0.0019, 0.0017, 1.0)
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.1004, 0.049, 0.0344, 1.0)
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.163
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.1004, 0.049, 0.0344, 1.0)
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.4529
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.1094, 0.0656, 0.054, 1.0)
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[3].position = 0.6268
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[3].color = (0.0712, 0.0477, 0.0477, 1.0)
- math_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: reroute},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 'Roughness': math_1},
- attrs={'subsurface_method': 'BURLEY'})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-@node_utils.to_material('BarkMat1', singleton=False)
-def bark_shader_1(nw):
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Detail': 16.0, 'Roughness': 0.62})
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'offset_barkgeo1'})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Color1': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 'Color2': attribute.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'blend_type': 'MULTIPLY'})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': mix})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(1)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0171, 0.005, 0.0, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.4636
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.1132, 0.0653, 0.0471, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 1.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.2243, 0.1341, 0.1001, 1.0)
- colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"]})
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.5173, 0.5173, 0.5173, 1.0)
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 1.0
- colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"], 'Roughness': colorramp_2.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'subsurface_method': 'BURLEY'})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('BarkGeo2', singleton=False)
-def bark_geo_2(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector)
- vector.vector = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
- vector_math_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position, 1: vector},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_2.outputs[0].default_value = 0.38
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 5.0
- value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 2.0
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_math_1.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': value, 'Detail': value_1})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': value_2, 'Color1': noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 'Color2': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)})
- vector_math_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: vector_math_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: mix})
- value_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_4.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0
- value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_3.outputs[0].default_value = 20.0
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_math_2.outputs["Vector"], 'W': value_4, 'Scale': value_3},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D', 'feature': 'F2'})
- math_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 1: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_math_2.outputs["Vector"], 'W': value_4, 'Scale': value_3},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D'})
- math_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"], 1: voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- math_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: math_3, 1: math_4},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- value_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_5.outputs[0].default_value = 0.6
- math_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: math_5, 1: value_5},
- attrs={'operation': 'MINIMUM'})
- math_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: math_5, 1: value_5},
- attrs={'operation': 'MAXIMUM'})
- value_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_6.outputs[0].default_value = 0.1
- math_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: math_6, 1: value_6},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- math_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: math_7, 1: math_8},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- vector_math_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: math_9, 1: normal},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- face_area = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeInputMeshFaceArea')
- math_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: face_area},
- attrs={'operation': 'SQRT'})
- value_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_7.outputs[0].default_value = 2.0
- math = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: math_1, 1: value_7},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- vector_math_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: vector_math_3.outputs["Vector"], 1: math},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': vector_math_4.outputs["Vector"]})
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 1: math_7},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'offset_barkgeo2': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('BarkGeo1', singleton=False)
-def bark_geo_1(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.2
- vector_math = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: position, 1: value},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 10.0
- value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_2.outputs[0].default_value = 15.0
- wave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_math.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': value_1, 'Distortion': value_2})
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- vector_math_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: wave_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: normal},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- face_area = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeInputMeshFaceArea')
- math_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: face_area},
- attrs={'operation': 'SQRT'})
- value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_3.outputs[0].default_value = 1.0
- math = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: math_1, 1: value_3},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- vector_math_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: vector_math_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: math},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': vector_math_2.outputs["Vector"]})
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 1: wave_texture.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"], 'offset_barkgeo1': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]})
-def create_berry(sphere):
- # Create a sphere
- phyllotaxis_distribute('berry', sphere,
- min_radius_pct=0, max_radius=1,
- sin_max=2.5, sin_clamp_max=.8,
- z_max=.8, z_clamp=.7)
-def sample_points_and_normals(obj, max_density=3,
- surface_dist=1, max_points=10000):
- # Need to instantiate point distribute
- m = add_node_modifier(obj)
- ng = m.node_group
- inp = ng.nodes.get('Group Input')
- out = ng.nodes.get('Group Output')
- dist = ng.nodes.new(type='GeometryNodeDistributePointsOnFaces')
- pos = ng.nodes.new('GeometryNodeInputPosition')
- scale_factor = ng.nodes.new('ShaderNodeValue')
- mult_normal = ng.nodes.new('ShaderNodeVectorMath')
- add_pos = ng.nodes.new('ShaderNodeVectorMath')
- set_pos = ng.nodes.new('GeometryNodeSetPosition')
- to_vtx = ng.nodes.new('GeometryNodePointsToVertices')
- new_link(ng, inp, 'Geometry', dist, 'Mesh')
- new_link(ng, dist, 'Normal', mult_normal, 0)
- new_link(ng, scale_factor, 0, mult_normal, 1)
- new_link(ng, pos, 0, add_pos, 0)
- new_link(ng, mult_normal, 0, add_pos, 1)
- new_link(ng, dist, 'Points', set_pos, 'Geometry')
- new_link(ng, add_pos, 0, set_pos, 'Position')
- new_link(ng, set_pos, 'Geometry', to_vtx, 'Points')
- new_link(ng, to_vtx, 'Mesh', out, 'Geometry')
- mult_normal.operation = 'MULTIPLY'
- scale_factor.outputs[0].default_value = surface_dist
- dist.distribute_method = 'POISSON'
- dist.inputs.get('Density Max').default_value = max_density
- # Get point coordinates
- dgraph = C.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
- obj_eval = obj.evaluated_get(dgraph)
- vtx = mesh.vtx2cds(obj_eval.data.vertices, obj_eval.matrix_world)
- # Get normals
- scale_factor.outputs[0].default_value = 1
- for l in ng.links:
- if l.from_node == pos:
- ng.links.remove(l)
- dgraph = C.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
- obj_eval = obj.evaluated_get(dgraph)
- normals = mesh.vtx2cds(obj_eval.data.vertices, np.eye(4))
- obj.modifiers.remove(obj.modifiers[-1])
- D.node_groups.remove(ng)
- idxs = mesh.subsample_vertices(vtx, max_num=max_points)
- return vtx[idxs], normals[idxs]
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/trees/utils/helper.py b/infinigen/assets/trees/utils/helper.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 55a724a4c..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/trees/utils/helper.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alejandro Newell
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util.logging import Suppress
-C = bpy.context
-D = bpy.data
-def set_active_obj(obj):
- if not C.active_object == obj:
- try:
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
- except:
- pass
- bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
- obj.select_set(True)
- C.view_layer.objects.active = obj
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
-def config_rendering(resolution=(480, 640), renderer='cycles', render_samples=64,
- render_exr=False, thread_limit=8):
- """Adjust rendering settings.
- Args:
- resolution: Integer tuple for image resolution
- renderer: Either 'cycles' or 'eevee'
- render_samples: Integer that determines sample quality, rendering time
- use_gpu: Whether to use the GPU for rendering
- render_exr: Set true to output segmentation and depth ground truth
- """
- if renderer == 'eevee':
- C.scene.render.engine = 'BLENDER_EEVEE'
- C.scene.eevee.taa_render_samples = render_samples
- elif renderer == 'cycles':
- C.scene.render.engine = 'CYCLES'
- # C.scene.cycles.device = 'GPU'
- C.scene.cycles.samples = render_samples
- C.scene.cycles.use_denoising = True
- # C.scene.cycles.denoiser = 'OPTIX'
- C.scene.render.resolution_x = resolution[1]
- C.scene.render.resolution_y = resolution[0]
- # C.scene.render.threads_mode = 'FIXED'
- # C.scene.render.threads = thread_limit
- if render_exr:
- C.scene.render.image_settings.file_format = 'OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER'
- C.scene.render.image_settings.color_mode = 'RGBA'
- C.scene.render.image_settings.color_depth = '32'
- C.window.view_layer.use_pass_object_index = True
- C.window.view_layer.use_pass_material_index = True
- C.window.view_layer.use_pass_z = True
- else:
- C.scene.render.image_settings.color_mode = 'RGB'
-def create_collection(name, objs):
- c_names = []
- for c_idx, c in enumerate(D.collections):
- if c_idx > 0:
- c_names += [c.name]
- name_ = name
- count = 1
- while name_ in c_names:
- name_ = f'{name}_{count}'
- count += 1
- bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
- for o in objs:
- o.select_set(True)
- with Suppress():
- bpy.ops.object.move_to_collection(collection_index=0, is_new=True, new_collection_name=name_)
- return name_
-def traverse_tree(t):
- # https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/172559/python-how-to-move-collection-into-another-collection
- yield t
- for child in t.children:
- yield from traverse_tree(child)
-def parent_lookup(coll):
- parent_lookup = {}
- for coll in traverse_tree(coll):
- for c in coll.children.keys():
- parent_lookup.setdefault(c, coll)
- return parent_lookup
-def collect_collections(name, colls):
- # Get all collections of the scene and their parents in a dict
- coll_scene = C.scene.collection
- coll_parents = parent_lookup(coll_scene)
- # Create target collection
- D.collections.new(name)
- coll_target = D.collections[name]
- coll_scene.children.link(coll_target)
- for coll in colls:
- coll_parent = coll_parents.get(coll.name)
- coll_parent.children.unlink(coll)
- coll_target.children.link(coll)
-def remove_collection(name):
- collection = D.collections.get(name)
- for obj in collection.objects:
- D.objects.remove(obj, do_unlink=True)
- D.collections.remove(collection)
-def hide_collection(collection):
- if isinstance(collection, str):
- name = collection
- collection = D.collections[name]
- else:
- name = collection.name
- vlayer = C.scene.view_layers[0]
- vlayer.layer_collection.children[name].hide_viewport = True
- collection.hide_render = True
-def clear_collections():
- c_names = []
- for c_idx, c in enumerate(D.collections):
- if c_idx > 0:
- c_names += [c.name]
- for c_name in c_names:
- remove_collection(c_name)
-def run_cleanup():
- for d in [D.meshes, D.materials, D.images, D.particles]:
- for d_ in d:
- if d_.users == 0:
- d.remove(d_)
- for d in [D.textures, D.node_groups]:
- for d_ in d:
- d.remove(d_)
-def reset_scene(add_camera=False, clear_materials=False, obj_to_keep_list=[]):
- """Clear and reset scene."""
- set_active_obj(D.objects[0])
- for obj in D.objects:
- obj.hide_viewport = False
- # Delete everything
- clear_collections()
- # bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='SELECT')
- for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects:
- if obj.name not in obj_to_keep_list:
- obj.select_set(True)
- bpy.ops.object.delete(confirm=False)
- run_cleanup()
- if add_camera:
- # Initialize camera
- v = min(1,max(0,(np.random.randn() * .3 + .5)))
- v = 0
- camera_height = .5 + 3 * v # np.random.uniform(1,5) # + np.random.randn() * .2
- camera_pitch = np.pi * .45 # + np.random.randn() * np.pi * .1
- camera_pitch = min(max(camera_pitch, np.pi * .4), np.pi * .5)
- camera_pitch = np.pi * .65 # (1-v) * np.pi * .6 + np.pi * .2
- camera_pitch = np.pi * 0.5
- camera_height = 3
- bpy.ops.object.camera_add(location=(0, -6, camera_height), rotation=(camera_pitch, 0, 0))
- cam = D.objects[0]
- C.scene.camera = cam
- cam.data.lens = 20
- if clear_materials: # Regardless of number of users
- for m_idx in range(len(D.materials)):
- D.materials.remove(D.materials[-1])
-# ==============================================================================
-# Transformation utils
-# ==============================================================================
-def compute_dists(a, b):
- deltas = a[:,None] - b[None]
- d = np.linalg.norm(deltas, axis=-1)
- return d, deltas
-def get_cos_sin(angle, convert_to_rad=False):
- if convert_to_rad:
- angle = angle * np.pi / 180
- return np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle)
-def rodrigues_rot(vec, axis, angle, convert_to_rad=False):
- axis = axis / np.linalg.norm(axis)
- cs, sn = get_cos_sin(angle, convert_to_rad)
- return vec * cs + sn * np.cross(axis, vec) + axis * np.dot(axis, vec) * (1 - cs)
-def get_T_mat(distance, angle, convert_to_rad=True):
- T = np.identity(3)
- T[0,2] = distance
- rot = np.identity(3)
- cs, sn = get_cos_sin(angle, convert_to_rad)
- rot[0,:2] = cs, -sn
- rot[1,:2] = sn, cs
- return np.matmul(rot, T)
-def valid_pos(d0=2, d1=10):
- camera_pos = C.scene.camera.location
- view_angle = C.scene.camera.rotation_euler[2]
- tmp_ang = (C.scene.camera.data.angle / 2) * .9
- tmp_ang = np.random.rand() * 2 * tmp_ang - tmp_ang
- tmp_ang += view_angle
- tmp_dist = np.random.rand() * (d1 - d0) + d0
- root_pos = np.array([camera_pos[0], camera_pos[1]])
- v_dir = np.array([-np.sin(tmp_ang), np.cos(tmp_ang)])
- return root_pos + tmp_dist * v_dir
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/trees/utils/materials.py b/infinigen/assets/trees/utils/materials.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ada36d39..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/trees/utils/materials.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alejandro Newell, Lingjie Mei
-import numpy as np
-import os
-import sys
-import colorsys
-import bpy
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from . import helper
-C = bpy.context
-D = bpy.data
-def get_materials(prefix=''):
- return [m for m in D.materials if f'{prefix}Material' in m.name]
-def new_material(prefix=''):
- n_idx = len(get_materials(prefix))
- m = D.materials.new(f'{prefix}Material{n_idx:04d}')
- m.use_nodes = True
- return m
-def init_color_material(color, prefix='', hsv_variance=[0,0,0],
- roughness=.8, specular=.05, is_hsv=True,
- is_emission=False, emit_strength=1):
- m = new_material(prefix)
- nt = m.node_tree
- color = np.array(color) + np.random.randn(3) * np.array(hsv_variance)
- color = list(color.clip(0,1))
- color = (hsv2rgba(*color))
- if is_emission:
- out_node = nt.nodes.get('Material Output')
- nt.nodes.new('ShaderNodeEmission')
- em = nt.nodes.get('Emission')
- em.inputs.get('Strength').default_value = emit_strength
- em.inputs.get('Color').default_value = color
- new_link(nt, em, 'Emission', out_node, 'Surface')
- else:
- bsdf_node = nt.nodes.get('Principled BSDF')
- bsdf_node.inputs.get('Base Color').default_value = color
- bsdf_node.inputs.get('Roughness').default_value = roughness
- bsdf_node.inputs.get('Specular').default_value = specular
- return m
-def assign_material(obj, m=None, prefix='', m_idx=0, slot_idx=0):
- helper.set_active_obj(obj)
- while len(obj.material_slots) < (slot_idx+1):
- bpy.ops.object.material_slot_add()
- obj.active_material_index = slot_idx
- if m is not None:
- obj.active_material = m
- else:
- obj.active_material = get_materials(prefix)[m_idx]
-def uv_smart_project(obj):
- helper.set_active_obj(obj)
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.uv.smart_project()
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
-def new_link(nt, node1, field1, node2, field2):
- node_out = node1.outputs[field1] if isinstance(field1, int) else node1.outputs.get(field1)
- node_inp = node2.inputs[field2] if isinstance(field2, int) else node2.inputs.get(field2)
- nt.links.new(node_out, node_inp)
-def create_leaf_material(src_hue, glow=False):
- m = new_material('Leaf')
- nt = m.node_tree
- if glow:
- out_node = nt.nodes.get('Material Output')
- nt.nodes.new('ShaderNodeEmission')
- em = nt.nodes.get('Emission')
- em.inputs.get('Strength').default_value = 1
- em.inputs.get('Color').default_value = (*colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(src_hue + np.random.randn() * .1, 1, 1), 1)
- new_link(nt, em, 'Emission', out_node, 'Surface')
- else:
- info_node = nt.nodes.new('ShaderNodeObjectInfo')
- add_node = nt.nodes.new('ShaderNodeVectorMath')
- mult_node = nt.nodes.new('ShaderNodeVectorMath')
- add2_node = nt.nodes.new('ShaderNodeVectorMath')
- noise_node = nt.nodes.new('ShaderNodeTexWhiteNoise')
- sep_node = nt.nodes.new('ShaderNodeSeparateXYZ')
- hsv_node = nt.nodes.new('ShaderNodeCombineHSV')
- sep_loc_node = nt.nodes.new('ShaderNodeSeparateXYZ')
- loc_mult_node = nt.nodes.new('ShaderNodeMath')
- loc_add_node = nt.nodes.new('ShaderNodeMath')
- bsdf_node = nt.nodes.get('Principled BSDF')
- mult_node.operation = 'MULTIPLY'
- loc_mult_node.operation = 'MULTIPLY'
- add_node.inputs[1].default_value += np.random.randn(3)
- # mult_node.inputs[1].default_value = [.07,.2,.2]
- # add2_node.inputs[1].default_value = [.22,.9,.1]
- # loc_mult_node.inputs[1].default_value = 0
- mult_node.inputs[1].default_value = [.05,.4,.4]
- add2_node.inputs[1].default_value = [src_hue + np.random.randn() * .05,.6,.1]
- loc_mult_node.inputs[1].default_value = 0 #-.01
- # add2_node.inputs[1].default_value += np.random.randn(3) * .1
- # Get HSV color (output of sep_node)
- new_link(nt, info_node, 'Random', add_node, 0)
- new_link(nt, add_node, 0, noise_node, 'Vector')
- new_link(nt, noise_node, 'Color', mult_node, 0)
- new_link(nt, mult_node, 0, add2_node, 0)
- new_link(nt, add2_node, 0, sep_node, 0)
- # Modify H based on Z
- nt.links.new(info_node.outputs.get('Location'), sep_loc_node.inputs[0])
- nt.links.new(sep_loc_node.outputs.get('Z'), loc_mult_node.inputs[0])
- nt.links.new(loc_mult_node.outputs[0], loc_add_node.inputs[0])
- nt.links.new(sep_node.outputs[0], loc_add_node.inputs[1])
- # Combine and assign color
- nt.links.new(loc_add_node.outputs[0], hsv_node.inputs.get('H'))
- nt.links.new(sep_node.outputs[1], hsv_node.inputs.get('S'))
- nt.links.new(sep_node.outputs[2], hsv_node.inputs.get('V'))
- nt.links.new(hsv_node.outputs[0], bsdf_node.inputs.get('Base Color'))
-def get_tex_nodes(m):
- """Returns Image Texture node, creates one if it doesn't exist."""
- nt = m.node_tree
- m.cycles.displacement_method = 'DISPLACEMENT'
- # Check whether the Image Texture node has been added
- diff_img_node = nt.nodes.get('Image Texture')
- rough_img_node = nt.nodes.get('Image Texture.001')
- disp_img_node = nt.nodes.get('Image Texture.002')
- if diff_img_node is None:
- # Create new node for linking images
- nt.nodes.new('ShaderNodeTexImage')
- nt.nodes.new('ShaderNodeTexImage')
- nt.nodes.new('ShaderNodeTexImage')
- nt.nodes.new('ShaderNodeMapRange')
- diff_img_node = nt.nodes.get('Image Texture')
- rough_img_node = nt.nodes.get('Image Texture.001')
- rough_scaling_node = nt.nodes.get('Map Range')
- disp_img_node = nt.nodes.get('Image Texture.002')
- # Link to main node
- bsdf_node = nt.nodes.get('Principled BSDF')
- nt.links.new(diff_img_node.outputs.get('Color'),
- bsdf_node.inputs.get('Base Color'))
- nt.links.new(rough_img_node.outputs.get('Color'),
- rough_scaling_node.inputs.get('Value'))
- nt.links.new(rough_scaling_node.outputs.get('Result'),
- bsdf_node.inputs.get('Roughness'))
- # Set up nodes for mixing in color
- disp_node = nt.nodes.new('ShaderNodeDisplacement')
- disp_node.space = 'WORLD'
- disp_node.inputs.get('Scale').default_value = 0.05
- out_node = nt.nodes.get('Material Output')
- nt.links.new(disp_img_node.outputs.get('Color'),
- disp_node.inputs.get('Height'))
- nt.links.new(disp_node.outputs.get('Displacement'),
- out_node.inputs.get('Displacement'))
- return diff_img_node, rough_img_node, disp_img_node
-def setup_material(m, txt_paths, metal_prob=.2, transm_prob=.2, emit_prob=0):
- """Initialize material given list of paths to diff, rough, disp images."""
- # Load any images that haven't been loaded already
- img_ref = [tpath.split('/')[-1] for tpath in txt_paths]
- for img_idx, img in enumerate(img_ref):
- if not img in D.images:
- try:
- D.images.load(txt_paths[img_idx])
- except:
- pass
- # Initialize and update diff, rough, and disp shader nodes
- txt_nodes = get_tex_nodes(m)
- for n_idx, n in enumerate(txt_nodes):
- try:
- im = D.images.get(img_ref[n_idx])
- if n_idx > 0:
- im.colorspace_settings.name = 'Non-Color'
- n.image = im
- except:
- pass
- nt = m.node_tree
- bsdf = nt.nodes.get('Principled BSDF')
- rough_scale = nt.nodes.get('Map Range')
- bsdf.inputs.get('Metallic').default_value = 0
- bsdf.inputs.get('Transmission').default_value = 0
- bsdf.inputs.get('IOR').default_value = 1.45
- rough_scale.inputs.get('To Max').default_value = 1
- if np.random.rand() < metal_prob:
- bsdf.inputs.get('Metallic').default_value = 1
- rough_scale.inputs.get('To Max').default_value = .5
- elif np.random.rand() < transm_prob:
- bsdf.inputs.get('Transmission').default_value = 1
- bsdf.inputs.get('IOR').default_value = 1.05 + np.random.rand() * .3
- rough_scale.inputs.get('To Max').default_value = .2
- if np.random.rand() < emit_prob:
- out_node = nt.nodes.get('Material Output')
- nt.nodes.new('ShaderNodeEmission')
- nt.nodes.new('ShaderNodeTexNoise')
- nt.nodes.new('ShaderNodeValToRGB') # ColorRamp
- nt.nodes.new('ShaderNodeMixShader')
- em = nt.nodes.get('Emission')
- em.inputs.get('Strength').default_value = 5
- em.inputs.get('Color').default_value = (*colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(np.random.rand(), 1, 1), 1)
- noise = nt.nodes.get('Noise Texture')
- noise.inputs.get('Scale').default_value = np.random.uniform(1,10)
- noise.inputs.get('Distortion').default_value = np.random.uniform(3,10)
- ramp = nt.nodes.get('ColorRamp')
- ramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = .4
- ramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = .45
- new_link(nt, noise, 'Color', ramp, 'Fac')
- mix = nt.nodes.get('Mix Shader')
- new_link(nt, ramp, 'Color', mix, 'Fac')
- new_link(nt, bsdf, 'BSDF', mix, 'Shader')
- new_link(nt, em, 'Emission', mix, 'Shader')
- new_link(nt, mix, 'Shader', out_node, 'Surface')
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/trees/utils/mesh.py b/infinigen/assets/trees/utils/mesh.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2217af26f..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/trees/utils/mesh.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Alejandro Newell
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from . import helper
-from mathutils import Vector, Matrix
-C = bpy.context
-D = bpy.data
-def init_mesh(name, verts=[], edges=[], faces=[], coll=None):
- mesh = D.meshes.new(name)
- obj = D.objects.new(mesh.name, mesh)
- if coll is None:
- coll = bpy.context.scene.collection
- else:
- coll = D.collections[coll]
- coll.objects.link(obj)
- helper.set_active_obj(obj)
- mesh.from_pydata(verts, edges, faces)
- return obj
-def duplicate_obj(obj, name):
- new_obj = obj.copy()
- new_obj.name = name
- new_obj.data = new_obj.data.copy()
- col = obj.users_collection[0]
- col.objects.link(new_obj)
- helper.set_active_obj(new_obj)
- return new_obj
-def finalize_obj(obj):
- helper.set_active_obj(obj)
- bpy.ops.object.convert(target='MESH')
-def init_vertex(pos):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(size=1, enter_editmode=True, align='WORLD',
- location=pos, scale=(1, 1, 1))
- bpy.ops.mesh.merge(type='COLLAPSE')
- bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle()
- return C.active_object
-def get_all_vtx_pos(obj):
- n_cds = len(obj.data.vertices)
- all_cds = np.zeros(n_cds * 3)
- obj.data.vertices.foreach_get('co', all_cds)
- return all_cds.reshape(-1, 3)
-def vtx2cds(vtxs, world_mat):
- n_cds = len(vtxs)
- all_cds = np.zeros(n_cds * 3)
- vtxs.foreach_get('co', all_cds)
- all_cds = all_cds.reshape(-1,3)
- all_cds = add_ones(all_cds.reshape(-1, 3))
- m_world = np.array(world_mat)
- all_cds = np.matmul(m_world, all_cds.T).T[:,:3]
- return all_cds
-def sample_vtxs(obj, emit_from='VOLUME', n=1000, seed=1):
- # Make object current active object
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
- C.view_layer.objects.active = obj
- # Add particle system modifier
- bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='PARTICLE_SYSTEM')
- p = D.particles[-1]
- # Adjust modifier settings
- p.count = n
- p.frame_end = 1
- p.emit_from = emit_from
- p.distribution = 'RAND'
- p.use_modifier_stack = True
- p.physics_type = 'NO'
- obj.particle_systems[-1].seed = seed
- # Get particle locations (relative to object)
- obj_eval = obj.evaluated_get(C.evaluated_depsgraph_get())
- all_cds = np.zeros(n * 3)
- obj_eval.particle_systems[-1].particles.foreach_get('location', all_cds)
- obj.modifiers.remove(obj.modifiers[-1])
- D.particles.remove(D.particles[-1])
- return all_cds.reshape(-1,3)
-def get_pts_from_shape(shape_fn, n=10, emit_from="VOLUME", loc=(0,0,0),
- scaling=1, pt_offset=0):
- if isinstance(pt_offset, list):
- pt_offset = np.array([pt_offset])
- if isinstance(scaling, list):
- scaling = Vector(scaling)
- shape_fn(location=loc)
- obj = C.active_object
- obj.scale *= scaling
- pts = sample_vtxs(obj, n=n, emit_from=emit_from, seed=np.random.randint(100))
- pts += pt_offset
- D.objects.remove(obj)
- return pts
-def select_vtx_by_pos(obj, pos):
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="VERT")
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action = 'DESELECT')
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'OBJECT')
- n_cds = len(obj.data.vertices)
- all_cds = np.zeros(n_cds * 3)
- obj.data.vertices.foreach_get('co', all_cds)
- idx = np.abs(all_cds.reshape(n_cds, 3) - pos).sum(1).argmin()
- obj.data.vertices[idx].select = True
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT')
- return idx
-def select_vtx_by_idx(obj, idx, deselect=False):
- if not isinstance(idx, list):
- idx = [idx]
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="VERT")
- if deselect:
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action = 'DESELECT')
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'OBJECT')
- for i in idx:
- obj.data.vertices[i].select = True
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT')
- return idx
-def extrude_path(obj, path):
- helper.set_active_obj(obj)
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
- src_idx = select_vtx_by_pos(obj, path[0])
- deltas = path[1:] - path[:-1]
- start_idx = len(obj.data.vertices)
- for i in range(len(deltas)):
- bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_region_move(TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value":deltas[i]})
- return src_idx, start_idx
-def get_vtx_obj():
- if not 'vtx' in D.objects:
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'OBJECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(size=2, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD',
- location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle()
- bpy.ops.mesh.merge(type='COLLAPSE')
- bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle()
- obj = C.active_object
- obj.name = 'vtx'
- return D.objects['vtx']
-def subsample_vertices(v, max_num=500):
- if len(v) > max_num:
- rand_order = np.random.permutation(len(v))
- return np.sort(rand_order[:max_num])
- else:
- return np.arange(len(v))
-def add_ones(x):
- return np.concatenate([x, np.ones_like(x[:,:1])], 1)
-def get_world_coords(obj, subset=None):
- dgraph = C.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
- obj_eval = obj.evaluated_get(dgraph)
- vts = obj_eval.data.vertices
- all_cds = np.zeros(len(vts) * 3)
- vts.foreach_get('co', all_cds)
- all_cds = add_ones(all_cds.reshape(-1, 3))
- if subset is not None:
- all_cds = all_cds[subset]
- m_world = np.array(obj_eval.matrix_world)
- all_cds = np.matmul(m_world, all_cds.T).T[:,:3]
- return all_cds
-def arr_world_to_camera_view(scene, obj, coord):
- # Modified to support array operations from bpy_extras.object_utils.world_to_camera_view
- cam_matrix = np.array(obj.matrix_world.normalized().inverted())
- co_local = np.matmul(cam_matrix, add_ones(coord).T).T[:,:3]
- z = -co_local[:,2]
- camera = obj.data
- frame = [np.array(v) for v in camera.view_frame(scene=scene)[:3]]
- if camera.type != 'ORTHO':
- frame = [(-v / v[2])[None,:] * z[:,None] for v in frame]
- for i in range(len(frame)):
- frame[i][z == 0][:,:2] = .5
- min_x, max_x = frame[2][:,0], frame[1][:,0]
- min_y, max_y = frame[1][:,1], frame[0][:,1]
- x = (co_local[:,0] - min_x) / (max_x - min_x)
- y = (co_local[:,1] - min_y) / (max_y - min_y)
- return np.stack([x, y, z], 1)
-def get_coords_clip(obj, f0, f1, subset=None):
- all_cds = []
- for i in range(f0,f1):
- C.scene.frame_set(i)
- cds = get_world_coords(obj, subset)
- all_cds += [cds]
- return np.stack(all_cds, 0)
-def get_visible_vertices(cam, vertices, co2D=None, limit=0.02):
- if co2D is None:
- co2D = arr_world_to_camera_view(C.scene, cam, vertices)
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add()
- bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(0.01, 0.01, 0.01))
- cube = C.active_object
- in_frame = (co2D[:,0] >= 0) & (co2D[:,0] <= 1)
- in_frame &= (co2D[:,1] >= 0) & (co2D[:,1] <= 1)
- in_frame &= (co2D[:,2] > 0)
- is_visible = in_frame.copy()
- valid_idxs = np.arange(len(in_frame))[in_frame]
- for i in valid_idxs:
- v = Vector(vertices[i])
- cube.location = v
- depsgraph = C.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
- # Try a ray cast, in order to test the vertex visibility from the camera
- location= C.scene.ray_cast(depsgraph, cam.location, (v - cam.location).normalized() )
- # If the ray hits something and if this hit is close to the vertex, we assume this is the vertex
- if not (location[0] and (v - location[1]).length < limit):
- is_visible[i] = False
- bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
- cube.select_set(True)
- bpy.ops.object.delete(confirm=False)
- return co2D, is_visible, in_frame
-def sanity_check_viz(all_pts, is_visible, in_frame, frame_idx=0):
- C.scene.frame_set(frame_idx)
- for i in range(all_pts.shape[1]):
- pt = all_pts[frame_idx,i]
- vis = is_visible[frame_idx,i]
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add()
- bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(0.02, 0.02, 0.02))
- cube = C.active_object
- cube.location = pt
- bpy.ops.object.material_slot_add()
- cube.material_slots[0].material = D.materials[2] if vis else D.materials[1]
- if not in_frame[frame_idx,i]:
- cube.material_slots[0].material = D.materials[0]
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tropic_plants/coconut_tree.py b/infinigen/assets/tropic_plants/coconut_tree.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c2f6c5b9e..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/tropic_plants/coconut_tree.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1294 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.tropic_plants.leaf_palm_tree import LeafPalmTreeFactory
-from infinigen.assets.fruits.coconutgreen import FruitFactoryCoconutgreen
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_top', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_top(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- normal_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'X', 0.0)])
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["X"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Y"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: normal_2, 1: combine_xyz_3},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index_1, 1: 63.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Value': greater_than})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_bottom', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_bottom(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'X', 0.0)])
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["X"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Y"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: normal, 1: combine_xyz},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 64.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Value': less_than})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_trunk_radius_001', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_trunk_radius_001(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: 0.01, 3: 0.05})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0},
- attrs={'clamp': False})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 1: 10000.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- floor = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'FLOOR'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: floor},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': subtract})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.0156), (0.2545, 0.2), (0.5182, 0.0344), (0.7682, 0.2375), (1.0, 0.0)])
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: 1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_2})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: random_value.outputs[1], 1: add})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': add_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_coutour_cross_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_coutour_cross_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 128, 'Radius': 0.05})
- pedal_cross_coutour_x = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='pedal_cross_coutour_x')
- pedal_cross_coutour_x.outputs[0].default_value = 0.3
- pedal_cross_contour_bottom = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_bottom().name,
- input_kwargs={'X': pedal_cross_coutour_x})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Selection': pedal_cross_contour_bottom.outputs["Value"],
- 'Offset': pedal_cross_contour_bottom.outputs["Vector"]})
- pedal_cross_coutour_y = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='pedal_cross_coutour_y')
- pedal_cross_coutour_y.outputs[0].default_value = 0.3
- pedal_cross_contour_top = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_top().name,
- input_kwargs={'Y': pedal_cross_coutour_y, 'X': pedal_cross_coutour_x})
- set_position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1,
- 'Selection': pedal_cross_contour_top.outputs["Value"],
- 'Offset': pedal_cross_contour_top.outputs["Vector"]})
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': 7.0, 'Detail': 15.0},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], 'Scale': 0.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_2, 'Offset': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_5})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pedal_z_contour', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pedal_z_contour(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.4094), (0.1773, 0.475), (0.3795, 0.5062), (0.5864, 0.5187), (0.7202, 0.5084),
- (0.8636, 0.4781), (1.0, 0.375)])
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pedal_stem_curvature', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pedal_stem_curvature(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- position_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.0688), (0.2545, 0.2281), (0.5023, 0.2563), (0.9773, 0.2656)])
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.2)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_3, 'Center': (0.0, 0.0, 0.2), 'Angle': multiply},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'X_AXIS'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_node_group_002', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_node_group_002(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketColor', 'Color', (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'attribute', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'voronoi scale', 50.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'voronoi randomness', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'seed', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise scale', 10.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise amount', 1.4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'hue min', 0.6),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'hue max', 1.085)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 1: group_input.outputs["seed"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"],
- 'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise scale"], 'Detail': 1.0})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: group_input.outputs["noise amount"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': group_input.outputs["attribute"],
- 'Scale': group_input.outputs["voronoi scale"],
- 'Randomness': group_input.outputs["voronoi randomness"]},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '1D'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': add_1, 3: group_input.outputs["hue min"],
- 4: group_input.outputs["hue max"]})
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"],
- 'Color': group_input.outputs["Color"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Color': hue_saturation_value})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_coconutvein', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_coconutvein(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- index_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': index_2, 1: 400.0, 2: 0.0},
- attrs={'clamp': False})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Factor': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.0), (0.2455, 0.0), (0.5091, 0.0), (0.7636, 0.1625), (1.0, 0.4688)])
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Scale': 1.0},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: noise_texture.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply.outputs["Vector"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_tree_trunk_geometry_001', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_tree_trunk_geometry_001(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None)])
- trunkradius_001 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_trunk_radius_001().name)
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"], 'Radius': trunkradius_001})
- trunk_resolution = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer,
- label='TrunkResolution',
- attrs={'integer': 32})
- trunk_resolution.integer = 32
- trunk_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='TrunkRadius')
- trunk_radius.outputs[0].default_value = 0.02
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': trunk_resolution, 'Radius': trunk_radius})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Fill Caps': True})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh, 'Integer': trunk_resolution})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_truncated_leaf_selection', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_truncated_leaf_selection(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- index_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1600.0, 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: uniform(0.92, 0.98)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index_3, 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: np.clip(normal(0.8, 0.1), 0.7, 0.9)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index_3, 1: multiply_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- op_or = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: less_than},
- attrs={'operation': 'OR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Boolean': op_or})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_random_rotate', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_random_rotate(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.2, 3: 0.2})
- random_value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.5, 3: 0.5, 'Seed': 1})
- random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.2, 3: 0.2, 'Seed': 3})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': random_value_1.outputs[1], 'Y': random_value_2.outputs[1],
- 'Z': random_value_3.outputs[1]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leaf_truncated_rotate', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_truncated_rotate(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0})
- modulo = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index_1, 1: add},
- attrs={'operation': 'MODULO'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: modulo, 1: add},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: 6.28},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_truncated_leaf_stem', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_truncated_leaf_stem(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine,
- input_kwargs={'End': (0.0, 0.0, 0.15)})
- integer = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer,
- attrs={'integer': 64})
- integer.integer = 64
- resample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Count': integer})
- pedal_stem_curvature_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='pedal_stem_curvature_scale')
- pedal_stem_curvature_scale.outputs[0].default_value = 0.2
- pedal_stem_curvature = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_stem_curvature().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': pedal_stem_curvature_scale})
- set_position_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve_1, 'Offset': pedal_stem_curvature})
- pedal_z_coutour_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='pedal_z_coutour_scale')
- pedal_z_coutour_scale.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(0.2, 0.4)
- pedal_z_contour = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_z_contour().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': pedal_z_coutour_scale})
- set_curve_radius_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position_4, 'Radius': pedal_z_contour})
- coutour_cross_geometry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_coutour_cross_geometry().name)
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius_1, 'Profile Curve': coutour_cross_geometry,
- 'Fill Caps': True})
- set_material_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh_1,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_top_core)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_2})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_trunk_radius', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_trunk_radius(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: 0.01, 3: 0.05})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.2},
- attrs={'clamp': False})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 1: 10000.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- floor = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'FLOOR'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: floor},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': subtract})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0969), (0.5864, 0.1406), (1.0, 0.2906)])
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: uniform(0.1, 0.25)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_2})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: random_value.outputs[1], 1: add})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': add_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_tree_cracks', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_tree_cracks(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
- 2: spline_parameter.outputs["Length"]})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: capture_attribute.outputs[2], 1: uniform(0.1, 0.25)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
- 'Z': multiply})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz, 'Scale': 400.0, 'Randomness': 10.0},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D', 'distance': 'CHEBYCHEV'})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.6091
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6818
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: colorramp.outputs["Color"], 1: normal},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: (-0.01, -0.01, -0.01)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Vector': multiply_2.outputs["Vector"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leaf_instance_selection_bottom_remove', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_instance_selection_bottom_remove(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Ring', 10.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Segment', 0.5)])
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Ring"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Segment"], 1: 4.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: subtract},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': greater_than})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leaf_random_rotate', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_random_rotate(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.2, 3: 0.2})
- random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.2, 3: 0.2})
- random_value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.2, 3: 0.2})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': random_value_1.outputs[1], 'Y': random_value_3.outputs[1],
- 'Z': random_value_2.outputs[1]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leaf_rotate_downward', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_rotate_downward(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0})
- modulo = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index, 1: add},
- attrs={'operation': 'MODULO'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: modulo, 1: add},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: 6.28},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz})
-def shader_coconut_green_shader(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- texture_coordinate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate_1.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': 1.0,
- 'Detail': 10.0, 'Roughness': 0.7})
- separate_rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateColor,
- input_kwargs={'Color': noise_texture_1.outputs["Color"]})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["Green"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.48, 4: 0.52},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["Blue"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.6},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'spline parameter'})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute_1.outputs["Fac"]})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0908, 0.2664, 0.013, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.01
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0908, 0.2664, 0.013, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 1.0
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.2462, 0.4125, 0.0044, 1.0)
- hue_saturation_value_1 = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Hue': map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
- 'Value': map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
- 'Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"]})
- attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'cross section parameter'})
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_node_group_002().name,
- input_kwargs={'Color': hue_saturation_value_1, 'attribute': attribute_2.outputs["Fac"],
- 'seed': 10.0})
- group_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_node_group_002().name,
- input_kwargs={'Color': group, 'attribute': attribute_1.outputs["Fac"], 'voronoi scale': 10.0,
- 'voronoi randomness': 0.6446, 'seed': -10.0, 'noise amount': 0.48,
- 'hue min': 1.32, 'hue max': 0.9})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': group_1, 'Specular': 0.4773, 'Roughness': 0.4455})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_coconut_vein_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_coconut_vein_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 400, 'Start': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'Middle': (0.0, 0.2, 0.5),
- 'End': (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)})
- coconutvein = nw.new_node(nodegroup_coconutvein().name)
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': quadratic_bezier, 'Offset': coconutvein})
- treetrunkgeometry_001 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_tree_trunk_geometry_001().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': treetrunkgeometry_001.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Translation': (0.0, 0.0, -0.1)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_coconut_random_rotate', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_coconut_random_rotate(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- random_value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.2, 3: 0.2})
- random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.2, 3: 0.2})
- random_value_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.2, 3: 0.2})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': random_value_2.outputs[1], 'Y': random_value_3.outputs[1],
- 'Z': random_value_4.outputs[1]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_truncated_stem_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_truncated_stem_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Points', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value1', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value2', 0.5)])
- truncated_leaf_stem = nw.new_node(nodegroup_truncated_leaf_stem().name)
- normal_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': normal_1},
- attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- instance_on_points_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': group_input.outputs["Points"],
- 'Instance': truncated_leaf_stem,
- 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector_1})
- leaf_truncated_rotate = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_truncated_rotate().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs[2]})
- rotate_instances_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points_2,
- 'Rotation': leaf_truncated_rotate})
- rotate_instances_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': rotate_instances_2, 'Rotation': (-0.9599, 0.0, 1.5708)})
- random_rotate = nw.new_node(nodegroup_random_rotate().name)
- rotate_instances_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': rotate_instances_3, 'Rotation': random_rotate})
- random_value_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: 0.6})
- scale_instances_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': rotate_instances_4, 'Scale': random_value_5.outputs[1]})
- index_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- modulo = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index_2, 1: randint(8, 12)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MODULO'})
- scale_instances_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': scale_instances_4, 'Selection': modulo,
- 'Scale': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)})
- truncated_leaf_selection = nw.new_node(nodegroup_truncated_leaf_selection().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Value1"]})
- scale_instances_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': scale_instances_3, 'Selection': truncated_leaf_selection,
- 'Scale': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': scale_instances_5})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_tree_trunk_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_tree_trunk_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler, radius):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None)])
- trunkradius = nw.new_node(nodegroup_trunk_radius().name)
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"], 'Radius': trunkradius})
- treecracks = nw.new_node(nodegroup_tree_cracks().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_curve_radius})
- trunk_resolution = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer,
- label='TrunkResolution',
- attrs={'integer': 32})
- trunk_resolution.integer = 32
- trunk_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='TrunkRadius')
- trunk_radius.outputs[0].default_value = radius
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': trunk_resolution, 'Radius': trunk_radius})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': treecracks.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh, 'Level': 5})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh, 'Offset': treecracks.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1, 'Integer': trunk_resolution,
- 'Mesh': curve_to_mesh})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leaf_on_top', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_on_top(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Points', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Ring', 10.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Segment', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Instance', None)])
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': normal},
- attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': group_input.outputs["Points"],
- 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Instance"],
- 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector})
- leafrotatedownward = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_rotate_downward().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Value"]})
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points_1, 'Rotation': leafrotatedownward})
- leafrandomrotate = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_random_rotate().name)
- rotate_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': rotate_instances, 'Rotation': leafrandomrotate})
- random_value_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: 0.9, 3: 1.2})
- scale_instances_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': rotate_instances_1, 'Scale': random_value_4.outputs[1]})
- leafinstanceselectionbottomremove = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_instance_selection_bottom_remove().name,
- input_kwargs={'Ring': group_input.outputs["Ring"],
- 'Segment': group_input.outputs["Segment"]})
- scale_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': scale_instances_2,
- 'Selection': leafinstanceselectionbottomremove,
- 'Scale': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)})
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={5: 1},
- attrs={'data_type': 'INT'})
- scale_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': scale_instances, 'Selection': random_value.outputs[2],
- 'Scale': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': scale_instances_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_coconut_instance_on_points', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_coconut_instance_on_points(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Ring', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Segment', 0.5)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Segment"], 1: 0.0})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index_1, 1: add},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Ring"], 1: 0.0})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: 4.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: subtract},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add_1, 1: 2.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: subtract_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- op_and = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: less_than})
- op_not = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath,
- input_kwargs={0: op_and},
- attrs={'operation': 'NOT'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Boolean': op_not})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_coconut_group', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_coconut_group(nw: NodeWrangler, coconut):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- uv_sphere_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
- input_kwargs={'Segments': 8, 'Rings': 6, 'Radius': 0.15})
- object_info_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={'Object': coconut})
- transform_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': object_info_2.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Translation': (0.0, 0.0, -1.2)})
- normal_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': normal_1},
- attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- instance_on_points_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': uv_sphere_1, 'Instance': transform_2,
- 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector_1, 'Scale': (-1.0, -1.0, -1.0)})
- coconut_random_rotate = nw.new_node(nodegroup_coconut_random_rotate().name)
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points_3, 'Rotation': coconut_random_rotate})
- random_value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: 0.15, 3: 0.4})
- scale_instances_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': rotate_instances, 'Scale': random_value_2.outputs[1]})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 20.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- scale_instances_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': scale_instances_6, 'Selection': less_than,
- 'Scale': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)})
- random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={5: 2, 'Seed': 2},
- attrs={'data_type': 'INT'})
- scale_instances_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': scale_instances_2,
- 'Selection': random_value_1.outputs[2], 'Scale': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)})
- coconut_vein_geometry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_coconut_vein_geometry().name)
- normal_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- align_euler_to_vector_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': normal_2},
- attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- instance_on_points_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': uv_sphere_1, 'Instance': coconut_vein_geometry,
- 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector_2})
- index_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- less_than_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index_2, 1: 30.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- scale_instances_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points_2, 'Selection': less_than_1,
- 'Scale': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)})
- random_value_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={5: 1, 'Seed': 4},
- attrs={'data_type': 'INT'})
- scale_instances_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': scale_instances_3,
- 'Selection': random_value_5.outputs[2], 'Scale': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)})
- set_material_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': scale_instances_5,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_coconut_green_shader)})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [scale_instances_4, set_material_2]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_2})
-def shader_top_core(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': (1.0, 1.0, 0.1)})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': uniform(100, 400)})
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]})
- wave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_1, 'Scale': 2.0, 'Distortion': 5.0, 'Detail': 10.0})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.4, 'Color1': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
- 'Color2': wave_texture.outputs["Color"]})
- d_hsv = (uniform(0.02, 0.05), uniform(0.3, 0.6), uniform(0.01, 0.05))
- b_hsv = d_hsv[:1] + (uniform(0.6, 0.9), uniform(0.3, 0.6))
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': mix})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2409
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = hsv2rgba(d_hsv)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6045
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = hsv2rgba(b_hsv)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"],
- 'Roughness': colorramp.outputs["Alpha"]})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-def shader_trunk(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 20.0},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D'})
- wave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': uniform(1.0, 3.0), 'Distortion': 5.0, 'Detail Scale': 3.0},
- attrs={'bands_direction': 'Z'})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Color1': voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"],
- 'Color2': wave_texture.outputs["Color"]})
- d_hsv = (uniform(0.02, 0.05), uniform(0.01, 0.05) if randint(0, 2) == 1 else uniform(0.5, 0.8), uniform(0.03, 0.09))
- b_hsv = d_hsv[:-1] + (uniform(0.1, 0.3),)
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': mix_1})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4682
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = hsv2rgba(d_hsv)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.5591
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = hsv2rgba(b_hsv)
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': (10.0, 10.0, 0.2)})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_1, 'Scale': 100.0, 'Randomness': 10.0},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D', 'distance': 'CHEBYCHEV'})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]})
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2818
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.3045
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.5284, 0.5034, 0.4327, 1.0)
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': uniform(0.1, 0.3), 'Color1': colorramp.outputs["Color"],
- 'Color2': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix, 'Roughness': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-def geometry_coconut_tree_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- leaf = kwargs["leaf"][0]
- coconut = kwargs["coconut"][0]
- radius = kwargs["trunk_radius"]
- trunk_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='trunk_height')
- trunk_height.outputs[0].default_value = 5.0
- top_x, top_y = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.), np.random.normal(0.0, 1.)
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': top_x, 'Y': top_y, 'Z': trunk_height})
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Start': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
- 'Middle': (top_x / uniform(1.0, 2.0), top_y / uniform(1.0, 2.0), uniform(1.5, 3.0)),
- 'End': combine_xyz_2})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadratic_bezier, 'Length': 0.02}, #'Count': 20000
- attrs={'mode': 'LENGTH'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve})
- endpoint_selection = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurveEndpointSelection',
- input_kwargs={'Start Size': 0})
- top_segment = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer,
- label='TopSegment',
- attrs={'integer': 12})
- top_segment.integer = randint(8, 14)
- top_ring = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer,
- label='TopRing',
- attrs={'integer': 8})
- top_ring.integer = randint(8, 11)
- uv_sphere = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
- input_kwargs={'Segments': top_segment, 'Rings': top_ring, 'Radius': uniform(0.15, 0.2)})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': uv_sphere, 'Scale': (1.0, 1.0, uniform(0.8, 2.0))})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_top_core)})
- coconut_group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_coconut_group(coconut=coconut).name)
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': coconut_group, 'Scale': (-1.0, -1.0, -1.0)})
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': normal},
- attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.2
- instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': transform, 'Instance': transform_1,
- 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector, 'Scale': value})
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={5: randint(1, 3)},
- attrs={'data_type': 'INT'})
- scale_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points_1, 'Selection': random_value.outputs[2],
- 'Scale': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)})
- coconut_instance_on_points = nw.new_node(nodegroup_coconut_instance_on_points().name,
- input_kwargs={'Ring': top_ring, 'Segment': top_segment})
- scale_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': scale_instances, 'Selection': coconut_instance_on_points,
- 'Scale': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)})
- object_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={'Object': leaf})
- leafontop = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_on_top().name,
- input_kwargs={'Points': transform, 'Value': top_segment, 'Ring': top_segment,
- 'Segment': top_ring, 'Instance': object_info.outputs["Geometry"]})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material_1, scale_instances_1, leafontop]})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': set_position, 'Selection': endpoint_selection,
- 'Instance': join_geometry_1})
- treetrunkgeometry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_tree_trunk_geometry(radius=radius).name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': treetrunkgeometry.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_trunk)})
- truncatedstemgeometry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_truncated_stem_geometry().name,
- input_kwargs={'Points': treetrunkgeometry.outputs["Mesh"], 1: trunk_height,
- 2: treetrunkgeometry.outputs["Integer"]})
- geos = [instance_on_points, set_material]
- if uniform(0.0, 1.0) < 0.3:
- geos.append(truncatedstemgeometry)
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geos})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry})
-class CoconutTreeFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(CoconutTreeFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- def create_asset(self, params={}, **kwargs):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- # Make the Leaf and Delete It Later
- lf_seed = randint(0, 1000, size=(1,))[0]
- leaf_model = LeafPalmTreeFactory(factory_seed=lf_seed)
- p = {
- 'leaf_x_curvature': uniform(0.3, 0.8)
- }
- leaf = leaf_model.create_asset(p)
- params["leaf"] = [leaf]
- co_seed = randint(0, 1000, size=(1,))[0]
- coconut_model = FruitFactoryCoconutgreen(factory_seed=co_seed)
- coconut = coconut_model.create_asset()
- params["coconut"] = [coconut]
- params["trunk_radius"] = uniform(0.2, 0.3)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_coconut_tree_nodes, selection=None, attributes=[], input_kwargs=params)
- butil.delete([leaf, coconut])
- with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
- bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove()
- bpy.ops.object.shade_flat()
- return obj
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- model = CoconutTreeFactory(0)
- model.create_asset()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tropic_plants/leaf_banana_tree.py b/infinigen/assets/tropic_plants/leaf_banana_tree.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ad93aae5..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/tropic_plants/leaf_banana_tree.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,684 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.assets.tropic_plants.tropic_plant_utils import (
- nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_gen,
- nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x,
- nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_shader,
- nodegroup_nodegroup_move_to_origin,
- nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein,
- shader_stem_material
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_wave', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_wave(nw: NodeWrangler, leaf_h_wave_control_points,
- leaf_w_wave_control_points, leaf_edge_wave_control_points):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wave Scale Y', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wave Scale X', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Modulated', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Width Scale', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wave Scale E', 1.0)])
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- map_range_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: -0.6, 2: 0.6})
- float_curve_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_6.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_3.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.5),
- (0.1, leaf_edge_wave_control_points[0] + .5),
- (0.2, leaf_edge_wave_control_points[1] + .5),
- (0.3, leaf_edge_wave_control_points[2] + .5),
- (0.4, leaf_edge_wave_control_points[3] + .5),
- (0.5, leaf_edge_wave_control_points[4] + .5),
- (0.6, leaf_edge_wave_control_points[5] + .5),
- (0.7, leaf_edge_wave_control_points[6] + .5),
- (0.8, leaf_edge_wave_control_points[7] + .5),
- (0.9, leaf_edge_wave_control_points[8] + .5),
- (1.0, 0.5)])
- map_range_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': float_curve_3, 3: -1.0})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- map_range_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': absolute, 2: group_input.outputs["Width Scale"]})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': map_range_4.outputs["Result"]})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.015
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = uniform(0.3, 0.5)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_7.outputs["Result"], 1: colorramp.outputs["Color"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: group_input.outputs["Wave Scale E"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_1})
- set_position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': combine_xyz_3})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1})
- attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
- 2: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"],
- 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"]})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, .5),
- (0.2, leaf_h_wave_control_points[0] + .5),
- (0.4, leaf_h_wave_control_points[1] + .5),
- (0.6, leaf_h_wave_control_points[2] + .5),
- (0.8, leaf_h_wave_control_points[3] + .5),
- (1.0, leaf_h_wave_control_points[4] + .5)])
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': float_curve, 3: -1.0})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["Wave Scale Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_2})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_2, 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- attribute_statistic_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
- 2: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["X Modulated"],
- 1: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Min"],
- 2: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Max"]})
- float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_2.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, leaf_w_wave_control_points[0] + .5 + normal(0., 0.02)),
- (0.1, leaf_w_wave_control_points[1] + .5 + normal(0., 0.02)),
- (0.25, leaf_w_wave_control_points[2] + .5 + normal(0., 0.02)),
- (0.4, leaf_w_wave_control_points[3] + .5 + normal(0., 0.02)),
- (0.5, 0.5),
- (0.6, leaf_w_wave_control_points[3] + .5 + normal(0., 0.02)),
- (0.75, leaf_w_wave_control_points[2] + .5 + normal(0., 0.02)),
- (0.9, leaf_w_wave_control_points[1] + .5 + normal(0., 0.02)),
- (1.0, leaf_w_wave_control_points[0] + .5 + normal(0., 0.02))],
- handles=['AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO'])
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': float_curve_1, 3: -1.0})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_3.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["Wave Scale X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_3})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Offset': combine_xyz_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1})
-def shader_leaf_material(nw: NodeWrangler, stem_color_hsv):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'vein'})
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': 6.8,
- 'Detail': 10.0, 'Roughness': 0.7})
- separate_rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Image': noise_texture.outputs["Color"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["G"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.48, 4: 0.52})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["B"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.8, 4: 1.2})
- attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'subvein offset'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': attribute_1.outputs["Color"], 2: -0.94})
- main_leaf_hsv = (uniform(0.26, 0.37), uniform(0.8, 1.0), uniform(0.15, 0.55))
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Value': 2.0, 'Color': hsv2rgba(main_leaf_hsv)})
- main_leaf_hsv_2 = (main_leaf_hsv[0] + normal(0.0, 0.02),) + main_leaf_hsv[1:]
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 'Color1': hue_saturation_value,
- 'Color2': hsv2rgba(main_leaf_hsv_2)})
- hue_saturation_value_1 = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Hue': map_range.outputs["Result"],
- 'Value': map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 'Color': mix})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': hsv2rgba(stem_color_hsv),
- 'Color2': hue_saturation_value_1})
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_shader().name,
- input_kwargs={'Color': mix_1})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': group})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_round_tropical_leaf', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_round_tropical_leaf(nw: NodeWrangler, jigsaw_depth, leaf_h_wave_control_points,
- leaf_w_wave_control_points, leaf_edge_wave_control_points,
- leaf_contour_control_points):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'To Max', -0.4),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wave Scale Y', 0.3),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wave Scale X', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wave Scale E', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leaf Width Scale', 0.0)])
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Mesh"], 'Level': 10})
- subdivide_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': subdivide_mesh})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh_1, 1: position},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- nodegroup_leaf_gen = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_gen(leaf_contour_control_points).name,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Displancement scale': 0.0, 'Vein Asymmetry': 0.3023,
- 'Vein Density': 0.0, 'Jigsaw Scale': uniform(5.0, 20.0),
- 'Jigsaw Depth': jigsaw_depth,
- 'Vein Angle': 0.3, 'Wave Displacement': 0.0, 'Midrib Length': 0.333,
- 'Stem Length': 0.6, 'Midrib Width': uniform(0.8, 1.4),
- 'Leaf Width Scale': group_input.outputs["Leaf Width Scale"]})
- nodegroup_sub_vein = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein().name,
- input_kwargs={'X': 0.0, 'Y': nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Vein Coord"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: nodegroup_sub_vein.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0005},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Mesh"], 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position,
- 2: nodegroup_sub_vein.outputs["Color Value"]})
- capture_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"],
- 2: nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Vein Value"]})
- nodegroup_apply_wave = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_wave(leaf_h_wave_control_points,
- leaf_w_wave_control_points,
- leaf_edge_wave_control_points).name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute_2.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Wave Scale Y': group_input.outputs["Wave Scale Y"],
- 'Wave Scale X': group_input.outputs["Wave Scale X"],
- 'X Modulated': nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["X Modulated"],
- 'Wave Scale E': group_input.outputs["Wave Scale E"]})
- nodegroup_move_to_origin = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_move_to_origin().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': nodegroup_apply_wave})
- nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': nodegroup_move_to_origin,
- 'To Max': group_input.outputs["To Max"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Attribute': nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Attribute"],
- 'Coordinate': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
- 'subvein': capture_attribute_1.outputs[2],
- 'vein': capture_attribute_2.outputs[2],
- 'Geometry': nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leaf_on_stem', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_on_stem(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Points', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Instance', None),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'Scale', (1.0, 1.0, 1.0))])
- endpoint_selection = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurveEndpointSelection',
- input_kwargs={'End Size': 0})
- curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
- align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': curve_tangent},
- attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': group_input.outputs["Points"],
- 'Selection': endpoint_selection,
- 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Instance"],
- 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector,
- 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]})
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points_1, 'Rotation': (-1.5708, 0.0, 0.0)})
- realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': rotate_instances})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_stem_curvature', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_stem_curvature(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'To Min1', 0.2),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'To Min2', -0.2)])
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"], 'Count': 100})
- position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"],
- 3: group_input.outputs["To Min1"], 4: 0.0})
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_2, 'Center': (0.0, 0.0, 2.0),
- 'Angle': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'Y_AXIS'})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve, 'Position': vector_rotate})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- spline_parameter_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter_2.outputs["Factor"], 3: group_input.outputs[2],
- 4: 0.0})
- vector_rotate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1, 'Angle': map_range_2.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'X_AXIS'})
- set_position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1, 'Position': vector_rotate_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_2})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_stem_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_stem_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None)])
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: 0.4, 4: 0.8},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Radius': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Radius': 0.02})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Fill Caps': True})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh})
-def geometry_leaf_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- leaf_x_curvature = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='leaf_x_curvature')
- leaf_x_curvature.outputs[0].default_value = -kwargs['leaf_x_curvature']
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- wave_x_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='wave_x_scale')
- wave_x_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['leaf_h_wave_scale']
- wave_y_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='wave_y_scale')
- wave_y_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['leaf_w_wave_scale']
- wave_e_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='wave_e_scale')
- wave_e_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['leaf_edge_wave_scale']
- leaf_width_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='leaf_width_scale')
- leaf_width_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['leaf_width']
- leaf_h_wave_control_points = kwargs['leaf_h_wave_control_points']
- leaf_w_wave_control_points = kwargs['leaf_w_wave_control_points']
- leaf_edge_wave_control_points = kwargs['leaf_edge_wave_control_points']
- leaf_contour_control_points = kwargs['leaf_contour_control_points']
- leaf_jigsaw_depth = kwargs['leaf_jigsaw_depth']
- round_tropical_leaf = nw.new_node(nodegroup_round_tropical_leaf(leaf_jigsaw_depth,
- leaf_h_wave_control_points,
- leaf_w_wave_control_points,
- leaf_edge_wave_control_points,
- leaf_contour_control_points).name,
- input_kwargs={'To Max': leaf_x_curvature, 'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Wave Scale Y': wave_x_scale, 'Wave Scale X': wave_y_scale,
- 'Leaf Width Scale': leaf_width_scale, 'Wave Scale E': wave_e_scale})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': round_tropical_leaf.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Attribute': round_tropical_leaf.outputs["Attribute"],
- 'Coordinate': round_tropical_leaf.outputs["Coordinate"],
- 'subvein offset': round_tropical_leaf.outputs["subvein"],
- 'vein': round_tropical_leaf.outputs["vein"]})
-def geometry_plant_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine,
- input_kwargs={'Start': (0.0, 0.0, 2.0), 'End': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)})
- stem_y_curvature = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='stem_y_curvature')
- stem_y_curvature.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(-0.5, 0.5)
- stem_x_curvature = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='stem_x_curvature')
- stem_x_curvature.outputs[0].default_value = -kwargs['leaf_x_curvature']
- stem_curvature = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_curvature().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line_1, 1: stem_y_curvature, 2: stem_x_curvature})
- stem_geometry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_geometry().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': stem_curvature})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': stem_geometry,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
- lambda x: shader_stem_material(x, stem_color_hsv=
- kwargs['stem_color_hsv']))})
- leaf_x_curvature = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='leaf_x_curvature')
- leaf_x_curvature.outputs[0].default_value = -kwargs['leaf_x_curvature']
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- wave_x_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='wave_x_scale')
- wave_x_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['leaf_h_wave_scale']
- wave_y_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='wave_y_scale')
- wave_y_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['leaf_w_wave_scale']
- wave_e_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='wave_edge_scale')
- wave_e_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['leaf_edge_wave_scale']
- leaf_width_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='leaf_width_scale')
- leaf_width_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['leaf_width']
- leaf_h_wave_control_points = kwargs['leaf_h_wave_control_points']
- leaf_w_wave_control_points = kwargs['leaf_w_wave_control_points']
- leaf_edge_wave_control_points = kwargs['leaf_edge_wave_control_points']
- leaf_contour_control_points = kwargs['leaf_contour_control_points']
- leaf_jigsaw_depth = kwargs['leaf_jigsaw_depth']
- round_tropical_leaf = nw.new_node(nodegroup_round_tropical_leaf(leaf_jigsaw_depth,
- leaf_h_wave_control_points,
- leaf_w_wave_control_points,
- leaf_edge_wave_control_points,
- leaf_contour_control_points).name,
- input_kwargs={'To Max': leaf_x_curvature, 'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Wave Scale Y': wave_x_scale, 'Wave Scale X': wave_y_scale,
- 'Leaf Width Scale': leaf_width_scale, 'Wave Scale E': wave_e_scale})
- leaf_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='leaf_scale')
- leaf_scale.outputs[0].default_value = normal(1.0, 0.3)
- leaf_on_stem = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_on_stem().name,
- input_kwargs={'Points': stem_curvature,
- 'Instance': round_tropical_leaf.outputs["Geometry"], 'Scale': leaf_scale})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material, leaf_on_stem]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry,
- 'Translation': kwargs['plant_translation'],
- 'Rotation': (0.0, 0.0, kwargs['plant_z_rotate']),
- 'Scale': kwargs['plant_scale']})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform,
- 'Attribute': round_tropical_leaf.outputs["Attribute"],
- 'Coordinate': round_tropical_leaf.outputs["Coordinate"],
- 'subvein offset': round_tropical_leaf.outputs["subvein"],
- 'vein': round_tropical_leaf.outputs["vein"]})
-class LeafBananaTreeFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(LeafBananaTreeFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- def get_leaf_contour(self, mode):
- if mode == 'oval':
- return [0.13, 0.275, 0.35, 0.365, 0.32, 0.21]
- elif mode == 'pear':
- return [0.30, 0.46, 0.46, 0.43, 0.37, 0.23]
- else:
- return NotImplementedError
- def get_h_wave_contour(self, mode):
- if mode == 'flat':
- return [normal(0., 0.03) for _ in range(6)]
- elif mode == 's':
- return [-0.1 + normal(0., 0.02), 0. + normal(0., 0.02),
- 0.08 + normal(0., 0.02), 0. + normal(0., 0.02),
- -0.05 + normal(0., 0.01)]
- elif mode == 'w':
- return [-0.08 + normal(0., 0.02), 0.07 + normal(0., 0.02),
- -0.08 + normal(0., 0.02), 0.08 + normal(0., 0.02),
- -0.05 + normal(0, 0.02)]
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- def get_w_wave_contour(self, mode):
- if mode == 'fold':
- return [-0.28 + normal(0., 0.02), -0.2 + normal(0., 0.02),
- -0.13 + normal(0., 0.01), -0.06 + normal(0., 0.01)], uniform(0.1, 0.3)
- elif mode == 'wing':
- return [0.0 + normal(0., 0.02), 0.06 + normal(0., 0.02),
- 0.07 + normal(0., 0.01), 0.04 + normal(0., 0.01)], uniform(0.0, 0.3)
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- def get_e_wave_contour(self, mode):
- if mode == 'wavy':
- return [-0.06 + normal(0., 0.01), 0.06 + normal(0., 0.01), -0.06 + normal(0., 0.01),
- 0.06 + normal(0., 0.01), -0.06 + normal(0., 0.01), 0.06 + normal(0., 0.01),
- -0.06 + normal(0., 0.01), 0.06 + normal(0., 0.01), -0.06 + normal(0., 0.01)], 10
- elif mode == 'flat':
- return [0.0 for _ in range(9)], 0.0
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- def update_params(self, **params):
- if params.get('leaf_h_wave_control_points', None) is None:
- mode = np.random.choice(['flat', 'w', 's'], p=[0.4, 0.3, 0.3])
- params['leaf_h_wave_control_points'] = self.get_h_wave_contour(mode)
- if params.get('leaf_w_wave_control_points', None) is None:
- mode = np.random.choice(['fold', 'wing'], p=[0.2, 0.8])
- params['leaf_w_wave_control_points'], params['leaf_w_wave_scale'] = self.get_w_wave_contour(mode)
- if params.get('leaf_edge_wave_control_points', None) is None:
- mode = np.random.choice(['wavy', 'flat'], p=[1.0, 0.0]) # 0.6, 0.4
- params['leaf_edge_wave_control_points'], params['leaf_edge_wave_scale'] = self.get_e_wave_contour(mode)
- if params.get('leaf_contour_control_points', None) is None:
- mode = np.random.choice(['oval', 'pear'], p=[0.5, 0.5])
- params['leaf_contour_control_points'] = self.get_leaf_contour(mode)
- if params.get('leaf_jigsaw_depth', None) is None:
- mode = np.random.choice([0, 1], p=[0.4, 0.6])
- params['leaf_jigsaw_depth'] = mode * uniform(0.8, 1.7)
- if params.get('leaf_width', None) is None:
- params['leaf_width'] = uniform(0.5, 0.85)
- if params.get('leaf_h_wave_scale', None) is None:
- params['leaf_h_wave_scale'] = uniform(0.02, 0.2)
- if params.get('leaf_w_wave_scale', None) is None:
- params['leaf_w_wave_scale'] = uniform(0.05, 0.25)
- if params.get('leaf_x_curvature', None) is None:
- params['leaf_x_curvature'] = uniform(0.0, 0.1)
- if params.get('stem_color_hsv', None) is None:
- params['stem_color_hsv'] = (uniform(0.25, 0.32), uniform(0.8, 1.0), uniform(0.8, 1.0))
- return params
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=2, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- params = self.update_params(**params)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_leaf_nodes, apply=True,
- attributes=['Attribute', 'Coordinate',
- 'subvein offset', 'vein'], input_kwargs=params)
- surface.add_material(obj, lambda x: shader_leaf_material(x, stem_color_hsv=params['stem_color_hsv']),
- selection=None)
- tag_object(obj, 'leaf_banana_tree')
- return obj
-class PlantBananaTreeFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(PlantBananaTreeFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.leaf_tropical_factory = LeafBananaTreeFactory(factory_seed)
- def update_params(self, **params):
- params = self.leaf_tropical_factory.update_params(**params)
- # Add new params update
- if params.get('plant_translation', None) is None:
- params['plant_translation'] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- if params.get('plant_z_rotate', None) is None:
- params['plant_z_rotate'] = uniform(-0.4, 0.4)
- if params.get('plant_scale', None) is None:
- s = uniform(0.8, 1.5)
- params['plant_scale'] = (s, s, s)
- return params
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=2, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- params = self.update_params(**params)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_plant_nodes, apply=True,
- attributes=['Attribute', 'Coordinate',
- 'subvein offset', 'vein'], input_kwargs=params)
- surface.add_material(obj, lambda x: shader_leaf_material(x, stem_color_hsv=params['stem_color_hsv']),
- selection=None)
- tag_object(obj, 'leaf_banana_tree')
- return obj
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- fac = LeafBananaTreeFactory(0)
- fac.create_asset()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tropic_plants/leaf_palm_plant.py b/infinigen/assets/tropic_plants/leaf_palm_plant.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f7c476ccd..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/tropic_plants/leaf_palm_plant.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,565 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.assets.tropic_plants.tropic_plant_utils import (
- nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_gen,
- nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x,
- nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_shader,
- nodegroup_nodegroup_move_to_origin,
- nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein,
- hsv2rgba,
- shader_stem_material,
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.nodes import Nodes, NodeWrangler, node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core import surface
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_wave', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_wave(nw: NodeWrangler, leaf_h_wave_control_points):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wave Scale Y', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wave Scale X', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Modulated', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Width Scale', 0.0)])
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1})
- attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
- 2: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"],
- 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"]})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, .5),
- (0.2, leaf_h_wave_control_points[0] + .5),
- (0.4, leaf_h_wave_control_points[1] + .5),
- (0.6, leaf_h_wave_control_points[2] + .5),
- (0.8, leaf_h_wave_control_points[3] + .5),
- (1.0, leaf_h_wave_control_points[4] + .5)])
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': float_curve, 3: -1.0})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["Wave Scale Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- attribute_statistic_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
- 2: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["X Modulated"],
- 1: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Min"],
- 2: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Max"]})
- float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_2.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.1625), (0.0955, 0.2844), (0.2318, 0.3594), (0.3727, 0.451), (0.5045, 0.5094),
- (0.6045, 0.4447), (0.7886, 0.325), (1.0, 0.1594)],
- handles=['AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO'])
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': float_curve_1, 3: -1.0})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_3.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["Wave Scale X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_1})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Offset': combine_xyz_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_palm_leaf_assemble', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_palm_leaf_assemble(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Points', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Instance', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Resolution', 0.0)])
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 1: 2.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index, 1: divide},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 0.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- op_and = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath,
- input_kwargs={0: less_than, 1: greater_than})
- curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
- align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': curve_tangent})
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: 0.9, 3: 1.1, 'Seed': 2})
- instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': group_input.outputs["Points"], 'Selection': op_and,
- 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Instance"],
- 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector,
- 'Scale': random_value.outputs[1]})
- realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': instance_on_points_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_round_tropical_leaf', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_palm_instance(nw: NodeWrangler, leaf_h_wave_control_points):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'To Max', -0.4),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wave Scale Y', 0.3),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wave Scale X', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leaf Width Scale', 0.0)])
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Mesh"], 'Level': 10})
- subdivide_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': subdivide_mesh})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh_1, 1: position},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- nodegroup_leaf_gen = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_gen().name,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Displancement scale': 0.0, 'Vein Asymmetry': 0.3023,
- 'Vein Density': 0.0, 'Jigsaw Scale': 10.0, 'Jigsaw Depth': 0.0,
- 'Vein Angle': 0.3, 'Wave Displacement': 0.0, 'Midrib Length': 0.3336,
- 'Midrib Width': 1.3, 'Stem Length': 0.6,
- 'Leaf Width Scale': group_input.outputs["Leaf Width Scale"]})
- nodegroup_sub_vein = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein().name,
- input_kwargs={'X': nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["X Modulated"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: nodegroup_sub_vein.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0005},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Mesh"], 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position,
- 2: nodegroup_sub_vein.outputs["Color Value"]})
- capture_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"],
- 2: nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Vein Value"]})
- nodegroup_apply_wave = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_wave(leaf_h_wave_control_points).name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute_2.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Wave Scale Y': group_input.outputs["Wave Scale Y"],
- 'Wave Scale X': group_input.outputs["Wave Scale X"],
- 'X Modulated': nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["X Modulated"],
- 'Width Scale': group_input.outputs["Leaf Width Scale"]})
- nodegroup_move_to_origin = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_move_to_origin().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': nodegroup_apply_wave})
- nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': nodegroup_move_to_origin,
- 'To Max': group_input.outputs["To Max"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Attribute': nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Attribute"],
- 'Coordinate': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
- 'subvein': capture_attribute_1.outputs[2],
- 'vein': capture_attribute_2.outputs[2],
- 'Geometry': nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_palmleafsector', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_palmleafsector(nw: NodeWrangler, leaf_h_wave_control_points):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'To Max', -0.4),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wave Scale Y', 0.3),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wave Scale X', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leaf Width Scale', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution1', 26),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Resolution2', 0.0)])
- round_tropical_leaf = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_palm_instance(leaf_h_wave_control_points).name,
- input_kwargs={'To Max': group_input.outputs["To Max"],
- 'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Wave Scale Y': group_input.outputs["Wave Scale Y"],
- 'Wave Scale X': group_input.outputs["Wave Scale X"],
- 'Leaf Width Scale': group_input.outputs["Leaf Width Scale"]})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution1"], 'Radius': 0.01})
- palm_leaf_assemble = nw.new_node(nodegroup_palm_leaf_assemble().name,
- input_kwargs={'Points': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Instance': round_tropical_leaf.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Resolution': group_input.outputs[6]})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': palm_leaf_assemble})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Attribute': round_tropical_leaf.outputs["Attribute"],
- 'Coordinate': round_tropical_leaf.outputs["Coordinate"],
- 'subvein': round_tropical_leaf.outputs["subvein"],
- 'vein': round_tropical_leaf.outputs["vein"], 'Geometry': join_geometry})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leaf_on_stem', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_on_stem(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Points', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Instance', None),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'Scale', (1.0, 1.0, 1.0))])
- endpoint_selection = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurveEndpointSelection',
- input_kwargs={'End Size': 0})
- curve_tangent = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
- align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': curve_tangent},
- attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': group_input.outputs["Points"],
- 'Selection': endpoint_selection,
- 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Instance"],
- 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector,
- 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale"]})
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points_1, 'Rotation': (1.5708, 0.0, 3.1416)})
- realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': rotate_instances})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_stem_curvature', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_stem_curvature(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y Stem Rotate', 0.2),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Stem Rotate', -0.2)])
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"], 'Count': 100})
- position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"],
- 3: group_input.outputs["Y Stem Rotate"], 4: 0.0})
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_2, 'Center': (0.0, 0.0, 2.0),
- 'Angle': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'Y_AXIS'})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve, 'Position': vector_rotate})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- spline_parameter_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter_2.outputs["Factor"],
- 3: group_input.outputs["X Stem Rotate"], 4: 0.0})
- vector_rotate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1, 'Angle': map_range_2.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'X_AXIS'})
- set_position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1, 'Position': vector_rotate_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_2})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_stem_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_stem_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None)])
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: 0.4, 4: 0.8},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Radius': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Radius': uniform(0.03, 0.06)})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Fill Caps': True})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh})
-def shader_leaf_material(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'vein'})
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': 6.8,
- 'Detail': 10.0, 'Roughness': 0.7})
- separate_rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Image': noise_texture.outputs["Color"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["G"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.48, 4: 0.52})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["B"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.8, 4: 1.2})
- attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'subvein offset'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': attribute_1.outputs["Color"], 2: -0.94})
- main_leaf_hsv = (uniform(0.3, 0.36), uniform(0.6, 0.7), uniform(0.2, 0.3))
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Value': 2.0, 'Color': hsv2rgba(main_leaf_hsv)})
- main_leaf_hsv_2 = (main_leaf_hsv[0] + normal(0.0, 0.005),) + main_leaf_hsv[1:]
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 'Color1': hue_saturation_value,
- 'Color2': hsv2rgba(main_leaf_hsv_2)})
- hue_saturation_value_1 = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Hue': map_range.outputs["Result"],
- 'Value': map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 'Color': mix})
- stem_color_hsv = main_leaf_hsv[:-1] + (main_leaf_hsv[-1] - uniform(0.05, 0.15),)
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': hsv2rgba(stem_color_hsv),
- 'Color2': hue_saturation_value_1})
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_shader().name,
- input_kwargs={'Color': mix_1})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': group})
-def geometry_plant_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine,
- input_kwargs={'Start': (0.0, 0.0, kwargs['plant_stem_length']), 'End': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)})
- stem_y_curvature = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='stem_y_curvature')
- stem_y_curvature.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['stem_y_curvature']
- stem_x_curvature = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='stem_x_curvature')
- stem_x_curvature.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['stem_x_curvature']
- stem_curvature = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_curvature().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line_1, 'Y Stem Rotate': stem_y_curvature,
- 'X Stem Rotate': stem_x_curvature})
- stem_geometry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_geometry().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': stem_curvature})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': stem_geometry,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_stem_material)})
- leaf_x_curvature = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='leaf_x_curvature')
- leaf_x_curvature.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['leaf_x_curvature']
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- wave_x_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='wave_x_scale')
- wave_x_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['leaf_h_wave_scale']
- wave_y_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='wave_y_scale')
- wave_y_scale.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0
- leaf_width_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='leaf_width_scale')
- leaf_width_scale.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(0.15, 0.2)
- integer = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer,
- attrs={'integer': 24})
- integer.integer = randint(20, 30)
- palmleafsector = nw.new_node(nodegroup_palmleafsector(leaf_h_wave_control_points=
- kwargs['leaf_h_wave_control_points']).name,
- input_kwargs={'To Max': leaf_x_curvature, 'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Wave Scale Y': wave_x_scale, 'Wave Scale X': wave_y_scale,
- 'Leaf Width Scale': leaf_width_scale, 5: integer, 6: integer})
- leaf_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='leaf_scale')
- leaf_scale.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(0.85, 1.25)
- leaf_on_stem = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_on_stem().name,
- input_kwargs={'Points': stem_curvature, 'Instance': palmleafsector.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Scale': leaf_scale})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material, leaf_on_stem]})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': leaf_x_curvature})
- transform_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Rotation': combine_xyz})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_1,
- 'Translation': kwargs['plant_translation'],
- 'Rotation': (0.0, 0.0, kwargs['plant_z_rotate']),
- 'Scale': kwargs['plant_scale']})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Attribute': palmleafsector.outputs["Attribute"],
- 'Coordinate': palmleafsector.outputs["Coordinate"],
- 'subvein offset': palmleafsector.outputs["subvein"],
- 'vein': palmleafsector.outputs["vein"]})
-class LeafPalmPlantFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(LeafPalmPlantFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- def get_h_wave_contour(self, mode):
- if mode == 'flat':
- return [normal(0., 0.03) for _ in range(6)]
- elif mode == 's':
- return [-0.5 + normal(0., 0.01), 0. + normal(0., 0.01),
- 0.05 + normal(0., 0.01), 0. + normal(0., 0.01),
- -0.05 + normal(0., 0.01)]
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- def update_params(self, params):
- if params.get('leaf_h_wave_control_points', None) is None:
- mode = np.random.choice(['flat', 's'], p=[0.7, 0.3])
- params['leaf_h_wave_control_points'] = self.get_h_wave_contour(mode)
- if params.get('leaf_h_wave_scale', None) is None:
- params['leaf_h_wave_scale'] = uniform(0.01, 0.15)
- if params.get('leaf_x_curvature', None) is None:
- params['leaf_x_curvature'] = uniform(0.0, 0.5)
- if params.get('stem_x_curvature', None) is None:
- params['stem_x_curvature'] = uniform(-0.1, 0.4)
- if params.get('stem_y_curvature', None) is None:
- params['stem_y_curvature'] = uniform(-0.15, 0.15)
- if params.get('plant_translation', None) is None:
- params['plant_translation'] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- if params.get('plant_z_rotate', None) is None:
- params['plant_z_rotate'] = uniform(-0.4, 0.4)
- if params.get('plant_stem_length', None) is None:
- params['plant_stem_length'] = uniform(1.5, 2.2)
- if params.get('plant_scale', None) is None:
- s = uniform(0.8, 1.3)
- params['plant_scale'] = (s, s, s)
- return params
- def create_asset(self, params={}, **kwargs):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=2, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- params = self.update_params(params)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_plant_nodes, apply=False,
- attributes=['Attribute', 'Coordinate',
- 'subvein offset', 'vein'], input_kwargs=params)
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_leaf_material, selection=None)
- return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tropic_plants/leaf_palm_tree.py b/infinigen/assets/tropic_plants/leaf_palm_tree.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a9842ce66..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/tropic_plants/leaf_palm_tree.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,650 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes import Nodes, NodeWrangler, node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.tropic_plants.tropic_plant_utils import (
- nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_shader,
- nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein,
- nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_gen,
- nodegroup_nodegroup_move_to_origin,
- nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x,
- shader_stem_material
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_wave', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_wave(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wave Scale Y', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wave Scale X', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Modulated', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Width Scale', 0.0)])
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1})
- attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
- 2: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"],
- 2: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"]})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.4875), (0.1091, 0.5), (0.3275, 0.4921), (0.7409, 0.5031), (1.0, 0.5063)])
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': float_curve, 3: -1.0})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["Wave Scale Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- attribute_statistic_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
- 2: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["X Modulated"],
- 1: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Min"],
- 2: attribute_statistic_1.outputs["Max"]})
- float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_2.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.1625), (0.0955, 0.2844), (0.2318, 0.3594), (0.3727, 0.451), (0.5045, 0.5094),
- (0.6045, 0.4447), (0.7886, 0.325), (1.0, 0.1594)],
- handles=['AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO'])
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': float_curve_1, 3: -1.0})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_3.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["Wave Scale X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_1})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Offset': combine_xyz_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leaf_on_stem_selection', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_on_stem_selection(nw: NodeWrangler, gt, lt, th):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Samples', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Random Value', 0.0)])
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Random Value"], 1: gt},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Random Value"], 1: lt},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- op_and = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: less_than})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Samples"], 1: th * uniform(0.95, 1.05)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- less_than_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index, 1: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- op_and_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath,
- input_kwargs={0: op_and, 1: less_than_1})
- op_not = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath,
- input_kwargs={0: op_and_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'NOT'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Boolean': op_not})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leaf_on_stem_scale_up_down', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_on_stem_scale_up_down(nw: NodeWrangler, gap):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- index_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Samples', 0.0)])
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': index_2, 2: group_input.outputs["Samples"]},
- attrs={'clamp': False})
- float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 1.0 - gap), (0.3, 1.0 - gap / 2.), (0.6, 1.0 - gap / 5.), (1.0, 1.0)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leaf_on_stem_rotation_up_down', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_on_stem_rotation_up_down(nw: NodeWrangler, scale, gap):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'Samples', 0)])
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': index_1, 2: group_input.outputs["Samples"], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0},
- attrs={'clamp': False})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 1.0 - gap), (0.7, 1.0 - gap / 2.), (1.0, 1.0)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: scale},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leaf_on_stem_rotation_in_out', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_on_stem_rotation_in_out(nw: NodeWrangler, in_out_scale=1.0):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'Samples', 0)])
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': index_1, 2: group_input.outputs["Samples"], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0},
- attrs={'clamp': False})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0), (0.5136, 0.2188), (1.0, 0.8813)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: -0.5})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add, 1: in_out_scale},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': multiply})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_round_tropical_leaf', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_palm_leaf_instance(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'To Max', -0.4),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wave Scale Y', 0.3),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wave Scale X', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leaf Width Scale', 0.0)])
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Mesh"], 'Level': 8})
- subdivide_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': subdivide_mesh})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh_1, 1: position},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- nodegroup_leaf_gen = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_gen().name,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Displancement scale': 0.0, 'Vein Asymmetry': uniform(0.2, 0.4),
- 'Vein Density': 0.0, 'Jigsaw Scale': 10.0, 'Jigsaw Depth': 0.0,
- 'Vein Angle': 0.3, 'Wave Displacement': 0.0, 'Midrib Length': 0.3336,
- 'Midrib Width': uniform(0.9, 1.5), 'Stem Length': uniform(0.55, 0.65),
- 'Leaf Width Scale': group_input.outputs["Leaf Width Scale"]})
- nodegroup_sub_vein = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein().name,
- input_kwargs={'X': nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["X Modulated"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: nodegroup_sub_vein.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0005},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Mesh"], 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position,
- 2: nodegroup_sub_vein.outputs["Color Value"]})
- capture_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"],
- 2: nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Vein Value"]})
- nodegroup_apply_wave = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_wave().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute_2.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Wave Scale Y': group_input.outputs["Wave Scale Y"],
- 'Wave Scale X': group_input.outputs["Wave Scale X"],
- 'X Modulated': nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["X Modulated"],
- 'Width Scale': group_input.outputs["Leaf Width Scale"]})
- nodegroup_move_to_origin = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_move_to_origin().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': nodegroup_apply_wave})
- nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': nodegroup_move_to_origin,
- 'To Max': group_input.outputs["To Max"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Attribute': nodegroup_leaf_gen.outputs["Attribute"],
- 'Coordinate': capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
- 'subvein': capture_attribute_1.outputs[2],
- 'vein': capture_attribute_2.outputs[2],
- 'Geometry': nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leaf_on_stem', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_on_stem(nw: NodeWrangler, versions):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Points', None),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Instance', None),
- ('NodeSocketVectorXYZ', 'Scale', (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'Samples', 0)])
- rotation_scale, rotation_gap = uniform(0.6, 1.2), uniform(0.2, 0.6)
- scale_gap = uniform(0.2, 0.5)
- in_out_scale = normal(0., 0.7)
- leaves = []
- for L in [-1, 1]:
- curve_tangent_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)
- align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': curve_tangent_1},
- attrs={'pivot_axis': 'Y'})
- instance_on_points_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': group_input.outputs["Points"],
- 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Instance"],
- 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector_1})
- scale_instances_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points_2, 'Scale': (1.0, L, 1.0)})
- index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- random_value_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={'ID': index_1, 'Seed': L + 1})
- leaf_on_stem_selection_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_on_stem_selection(0, 0, 0).name,
- input_kwargs={'Samples': group_input.outputs["Samples"],
- 'Random Value': random_value_4.outputs[1]})
- value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 1.0
- scale_instances_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': scale_instances_4, 'Selection': leaf_on_stem_selection_1,
- 'Scale': value_1})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': scale_instances_3})
- leaf_on_stem_rotation_up_down = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_on_stem_rotation_up_down(rotation_scale * L, rotation_gap).name,
- input_kwargs={'Samples': group_input.outputs["Samples"]})
- rotate_instances_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': join_geometry_2,
- 'Rotation': leaf_on_stem_rotation_up_down})
- leaf_on_stem_rotation_in_out_001 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_on_stem_rotation_in_out(in_out_scale=in_out_scale).name,
- input_kwargs={'Samples': group_input.outputs["Samples"]})
- rotate_instances_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': rotate_instances_6,
- 'Rotation': leaf_on_stem_rotation_in_out_001})
- leaf_on_stem_scale_up_down_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_on_stem_scale_up_down(scale_gap).name,
- input_kwargs={'Samples': group_input.outputs["Samples"]})
- scale_instances_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': rotate_instances_7,
- 'Scale': leaf_on_stem_scale_up_down_1})
- leaves.append(scale_instances_9)
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': leaves})
- random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.3, 3: 0.3})
- random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.3, 3: 0.3})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': random_value_1.outputs[1], 'Y': random_value_3.outputs[1]})
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': join_geometry, 'Rotation': combine_xyz})
- random_value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: 0.7})
- scale_instances_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': rotate_instances, 'Scale': random_value_2.outputs[1]})
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': scale_instances_6})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_stem_curvature', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_stem_curvature(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y Stem Rotate', 0.2),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Stem Count', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Stem Rotate', -0.2)])
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Count': group_input.outputs["Stem Count"]})
- position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"],
- 3: group_input.outputs["Y Stem Rotate"], 4: 0.0})
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_2, 'Center': (0.0, 0.0, 2.0),
- 'Angle': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'Y_AXIS'})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve, 'Position': vector_rotate})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- spline_parameter_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter_2.outputs["Factor"],
- 3: group_input.outputs["X Stem Rotate"], 4: 0.0})
- vector_rotate_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1, 'Angle': map_range_2.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'X_AXIS'})
- set_position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1, 'Position': vector_rotate_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_2})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_stem_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_stem_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None)])
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: uniform(0.1, 0.3), 4: 0.8},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Radius': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Radius': uniform(0.03, 0.06)})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Fill Caps': True})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh})
-def shader_leaf_material(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'vein'})
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': 6.8,
- 'Detail': 10.0, 'Roughness': 0.7})
- separate_rgb = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Image': noise_texture.outputs["Color"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["G"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.48, 4: 0.52})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_rgb.outputs["B"], 1: 0.4, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.8, 4: 1.2})
- attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute,
- attrs={'attribute_name': 'subvein offset'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': attribute_1.outputs["Color"], 2: -0.94})
- main_leaf_hsv = (uniform(0.3, 0.36), uniform(0.8, 1.0), uniform(0.25, 0.45))
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Value': 2.0, 'Color': hsv2rgba(main_leaf_hsv)})
- main_leaf_hsv_2 = (main_leaf_hsv[0] + normal(0.0, 0.005),) + main_leaf_hsv[1:]
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 'Color1': hue_saturation_value,
- 'Color2': hsv2rgba(main_leaf_hsv_2)})
- hue_saturation_value_1 = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Hue': map_range.outputs["Result"],
- 'Value': map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 'Color': mix})
- stem_color_hsv = main_leaf_hsv[:-1] + (main_leaf_hsv[-1] - uniform(0.05, 0.15),)
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': attribute.outputs["Color"], 'Color1': hsv2rgba(stem_color_hsv),
- 'Color2': hue_saturation_value_1})
- group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_shader().name,
- input_kwargs={'Color': mix_1})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': group})
-def geometry_palm_tree_leaf_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine,
- input_kwargs={'Start': (0.0, 0.0, 2.0), 'End': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)})
- leaf_x_curvature = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='leaf_x_curvature')
- leaf_x_curvature.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['leaf_x_curvature']
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: leaf_x_curvature, 1: kwargs['leaf_instance_curvature_ratio']},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- integer_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer,
- attrs={'integer': 50})
- integer_1.integer = kwargs['num_leaf_samples']
- stem_x_curvature = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='stem_x_curvature')
- stem_x_curvature.outputs[0].default_value = normal(0., 0.15)
- stem_curvature = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_curvature().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line_1, 'Y Stem Rotate': leaf_x_curvature,
- 'Stem Count': integer_1, 'X Stem Rotate': stem_x_curvature})
- stem_geometry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_stem_geometry().name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': stem_curvature})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': stem_geometry,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_stem_material)})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- wave_x_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='wave_x_scale')
- wave_x_scale.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0
- wave_y_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='wave_y_scale')
- wave_y_scale.outputs[0].default_value = 0.0
- leaf_width_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='leaf_width_scale')
- leaf_width_scale.outputs[0].default_value = kwargs['leaf_instance_width']
- palm_leaf_instance = nw.new_node(nodegroup_palm_leaf_instance().name,
- input_kwargs={'To Max': multiply, 'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Wave Scale Y': wave_x_scale, 'Wave Scale X': wave_y_scale,
- 'Leaf Width Scale': leaf_width_scale})
- leaf_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value, label='leaf_scale')
- leaf_scale.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(0.5, 0.7)
- leaf_on_stem = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_on_stem(kwargs['versions']).name,
- input_kwargs={'Points': stem_curvature,
- 'Instance': palm_leaf_instance.outputs["Geometry"], 'Scale': leaf_scale,
- 'Samples': integer_1})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material, leaf_on_stem]})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1,
- 'Translation': kwargs['plant_translation'],
- 'Rotation': (0.0, 0.0, kwargs['plant_z_rotate']),
- 'Scale': kwargs['plant_scale']})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform,
- 'Attribute': palm_leaf_instance.outputs["Attribute"],
- 'Coordinate': palm_leaf_instance.outputs["Coordinate"],
- 'subvein offset': palm_leaf_instance.outputs["subvein"],
- 'vein': palm_leaf_instance.outputs["vein"]})
-class LeafPalmTreeFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(LeafPalmTreeFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- def update_params(self, params):
- if params.get('leaf_x_curvature', None) is None:
- params['leaf_x_curvature'] = uniform(0.0, 0.8)
- if params.get('leaf_instance_curvature_ratio', None) is None:
- params['leaf_instance_curvature_ratio'] = uniform(0.3, 0.6)
- if params.get('leaf_instance_width', None) is None:
- params['leaf_instance_width'] = uniform(0.07, 0.15)
- if params.get('num_leaf_samples', None) is None:
- params['num_leaf_samples'] = int(randint(6, 10) / params['leaf_instance_width'])
- if params.get('plant_translation', None) is None:
- params['plant_translation'] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- if params.get('plant_z_rotate', None) is None:
- params['plant_z_rotate'] = uniform(-0.4, 0.4)
- if params.get('versions', None) is None:
- params['versions'] = 3
- if params.get('plant_scale', None) is None:
- s = uniform(0.8, 1.5)
- params['plant_scale'] = (s, s, s)
- return params
- def create_asset(self, params={}, **kwargs):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=2, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- params = self.update_params(params)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_palm_tree_leaf_nodes, apply=True,
- attributes=['Attribute', 'Coordinate',
- 'subvein offset', 'vein'], input_kwargs=params)
- surface.add_material(obj, shader_leaf_material, selection=None)
- tag_object(obj, 'leaf_palm_tree')
- return obj
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- fac = LeafPalmTreeFactory(0)
- fac.create_asset()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tropic_plants/palm_tree.py b/infinigen/assets/tropic_plants/palm_tree.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2edd00509..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/tropic_plants/palm_tree.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,993 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import gin
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.tropic_plants.leaf_palm_plant import LeafPalmPlantFactory
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_top', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_top(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- normal_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'X', 0.0)])
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["X"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Y"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: normal_2, 1: combine_xyz_3},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index_1, 1: 63.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Value': greater_than})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_bottom', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_bottom(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'X', 0.0)])
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["X"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Y"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: normal, 1: combine_xyz},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index, 1: 64.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply.outputs["Vector"], 'Value': less_than})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_trunk_radius_001', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_trunk_radius_001(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: 0.01, 3: 0.05})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0},
- attrs={'clamp': False})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 1: 10000.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- floor = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'FLOOR'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: floor},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': subtract})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.0156), (0.2545, 0.2), (0.5182, 0.0344), (0.7682, 0.2375), (1.0, 0.0)])
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: 1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_2})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: random_value.outputs[1], 1: add})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': add_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_coutour_cross_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_coutour_cross_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 128, 'Radius': 0.05})
- pedal_cross_coutour_x = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='pedal_cross_coutour_x')
- pedal_cross_coutour_x.outputs[0].default_value = 0.3
- pedal_cross_contour_bottom = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_bottom().name,
- input_kwargs={'X': pedal_cross_coutour_x})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Selection': pedal_cross_contour_bottom.outputs["Value"],
- 'Offset': pedal_cross_contour_bottom.outputs["Vector"]})
- pedal_cross_coutour_y = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='pedal_cross_coutour_y')
- pedal_cross_coutour_y.outputs[0].default_value = 0.3
- pedal_cross_contour_top = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_cross_contour_top().name,
- input_kwargs={'Y': pedal_cross_coutour_y, 'X': pedal_cross_coutour_x})
- set_position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1,
- 'Selection': pedal_cross_contour_top.outputs["Value"],
- 'Offset': pedal_cross_contour_top.outputs["Vector"]})
- noise_texture_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': 7.0, 'Detail': 15.0},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '4D'})
- scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture_2.outputs["Fac"], 'Scale': 0.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- set_position_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_2, 'Offset': scale.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_5})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pedal_z_contour', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pedal_z_contour(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.4094), (0.1773, 0.475), (0.3795, 0.5062), (0.5864, 0.5187), (0.7202, 0.5084),
- (0.8636, 0.4781), (1.0, 0.375)])
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_pedal_stem_curvature', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_pedal_stem_curvature(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- position_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.0688), (0.2545, 0.2281), (0.5023, 0.2563), (0.9773, 0.2656)])
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.2)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_3, 'Center': (0.0, 0.0, 0.2), 'Angle': multiply},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'X_AXIS'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': vector_rotate})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_node_group_002', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_node_group_002(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketColor', 'Color', (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'attribute', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'voronoi scale', 50.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloatFactor', 'voronoi randomness', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'seed', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise scale', 10.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'noise amount', 1.4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'hue min', 0.6),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'hue max', 1.085)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 1: group_input.outputs["seed"]})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"],
- 'Scale': group_input.outputs["noise scale"], 'Detail': 1.0})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 1: group_input.outputs["noise amount"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': group_input.outputs["attribute"],
- 'Scale': group_input.outputs["voronoi scale"],
- 'Randomness': group_input.outputs["voronoi randomness"]},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '1D'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': add_1, 3: group_input.outputs["hue min"],
- 4: group_input.outputs["hue max"]})
- hue_saturation_value = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeHueSaturation',
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"],
- 'Color': group_input.outputs["Color"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Color': hue_saturation_value})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_tree_trunk_geometry_001', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_tree_trunk_geometry_001(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None)])
- trunkradius_001 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_trunk_radius_001().name)
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"], 'Radius': trunkradius_001})
- trunk_resolution = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer,
- label='TrunkResolution',
- attrs={'integer': 32})
- trunk_resolution.integer = 32
- trunk_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='TrunkRadius')
- trunk_radius.outputs[0].default_value = 0.02
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': trunk_resolution, 'Radius': trunk_radius})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius, 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Fill Caps': True})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh, 'Integer': trunk_resolution})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_truncated_leaf_selection', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_truncated_leaf_selection(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- index_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1600.0, 1: group_input.outputs["Value"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: uniform(0.98, 0.99)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index_3, 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: np.clip(normal(0.65, 0.2), 0.7, 0.5)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index_3, 1: multiply_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- op_or = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: less_than},
- attrs={'operation': 'OR'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Boolean': op_or})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_random_rotate', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_random_rotate(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.2, 3: 0.2})
- random_value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.5, 3: 0.5, 'Seed': 1})
- random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.2, 3: 0.2, 'Seed': 3})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': random_value_1.outputs[1], 'Y': random_value_2.outputs[1],
- 'Z': random_value_3.outputs[1]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leaf_truncated_rotate', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_truncated_rotate(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0})
- modulo = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index_1, 1: add},
- attrs={'operation': 'MODULO'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: modulo, 1: add},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: 6.28},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_truncated_leaf_stem', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_truncated_leaf_stem(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine,
- input_kwargs={'End': (0.0, 0.0, 0.15)})
- integer = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer,
- attrs={'integer': 64})
- integer.integer = 64
- resample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line, 'Count': integer})
- pedal_stem_curvature_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='pedal_stem_curvature_scale')
- pedal_stem_curvature_scale.outputs[0].default_value = 0.2
- pedal_stem_curvature = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_stem_curvature().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': pedal_stem_curvature_scale})
- set_position_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve_1, 'Offset': pedal_stem_curvature})
- pedal_z_coutour_scale = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='pedal_z_coutour_scale')
- pedal_z_coutour_scale.outputs[0].default_value = uniform(0.2, 0.4)
- pedal_z_contour = nw.new_node(nodegroup_pedal_z_contour().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': pedal_z_coutour_scale})
- set_curve_radius_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position_4, 'Radius': pedal_z_contour})
- coutour_cross_geometry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_coutour_cross_geometry().name)
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_curve_radius_1, 'Profile Curve': coutour_cross_geometry,
- 'Fill Caps': True})
- set_material_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh_1,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_top_core)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material_2})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_trunk_radius', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_trunk_radius(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: 0.01, 3: 0.05})
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.2},
- attrs={'clamp': False})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 1: 10000.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- floor = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'FLOOR'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: floor},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': subtract})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0969), (0.5864, 0.1406), (1.0, 0.2906)])
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: uniform(0.1, 0.25)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_2})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: random_value.outputs[1], 1: add})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': add_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_tree_cracks', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_tree_cracks(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
- 2: spline_parameter.outputs["Length"]})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: capture_attribute.outputs[2], 1: uniform(0.1, 0.25)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
- 'Z': multiply})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz, 'Scale': 400.0, 'Randomness': 10.0},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D', 'distance': 'CHEBYCHEV'})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.6091
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6818
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: colorramp.outputs["Color"], 1: normal},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: (-0.01, -0.01, -0.01)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Vector': multiply_2.outputs["Vector"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leaf_instance_selection_bottom_remove', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_instance_selection_bottom_remove(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- index_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Ring', 10.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Segment', 0.5)])
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index_1, 1: group_input.outputs["Ring"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Segment"], 1: 4.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: subtract},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': greater_than})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leaf_random_rotate', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_random_rotate(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- random_value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.4, 3: 0.4})
- random_value_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.4, 3: 0.4})
- random_value_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: -0.6, 3: 0.6})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': random_value_1.outputs[1], 'Y': random_value_3.outputs[1],
- 'Z': random_value_2.outputs[1]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leaf_rotate_downward', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_rotate_downward(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5)])
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 1: 0.0})
- modulo = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index, 1: add},
- attrs={'operation': 'MODULO'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: modulo, 1: add},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: 6.28},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply.outputs["Value"], 1: -1.57})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': add2})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_truncated_stem_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_truncated_stem_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Points', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value1', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value2', 0.5)])
- truncated_leaf_stem = nw.new_node(nodegroup_truncated_leaf_stem().name)
- normal_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': normal_1},
- attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- instance_on_points_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': group_input.outputs["Points"],
- 'Instance': truncated_leaf_stem,
- 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector_1})
- leaf_truncated_rotate = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_truncated_rotate().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs[2]})
- rotate_instances_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points_2,
- 'Rotation': leaf_truncated_rotate})
- rotate_instances_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': rotate_instances_2, 'Rotation': (-0.9599, 0.0, 1.5708)})
- random_rotate = nw.new_node(nodegroup_random_rotate().name)
- rotate_instances_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': rotate_instances_3, 'Rotation': random_rotate})
- random_value_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: 0.6})
- scale_instances_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': rotate_instances_4, 'Scale': random_value_5.outputs[1]})
- index_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
- modulo = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: index_2, 1: randint(6, 10)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MODULO'})
- scale_instances_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': scale_instances_4, 'Selection': modulo,
- 'Scale': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)})
- truncated_leaf_selection = nw.new_node(nodegroup_truncated_leaf_selection().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Value1"]})
- scale_instances_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': scale_instances_3, 'Selection': truncated_leaf_selection,
- 'Scale': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': scale_instances_5})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_tree_trunk_geometry', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_tree_trunk_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler, radius):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Curve', None)])
- trunkradius = nw.new_node(nodegroup_trunk_radius().name)
- set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': group_input.outputs["Curve"], 'Radius': trunkradius})
- treecracks = nw.new_node(nodegroup_tree_cracks().name,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_curve_radius})
- trunk_resolution = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer,
- label='TrunkResolution',
- attrs={'integer': 32})
- trunk_resolution.integer = 32
- trunk_radius = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='TrunkRadius')
- trunk_radius.outputs[0].default_value = radius
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': trunk_resolution, 'Radius': trunk_radius})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': treecracks.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], 'Fill Caps': True})
- subdivide_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivideMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': curve_to_mesh, 'Level': 2})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': subdivide_mesh, 'Offset': treecracks.outputs["Vector"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1, 'Integer': trunk_resolution,
- 'Mesh': curve_to_mesh})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_leaf_on_top', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_leaf_on_top(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Points', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Ring', 10.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Segment', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Instance', None)])
- normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': normal},
- attrs={'axis': 'Z'})
- instance_on_points_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': group_input.outputs["Points"],
- 'Instance': group_input.outputs["Instance"],
- 'Rotation': align_euler_to_vector})
- leafrotatedownward = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_rotate_downward().name,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Value"]})
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': instance_on_points_1, 'Rotation': leafrotatedownward})
- leafrandomrotate = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_random_rotate().name)
- rotate_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': rotate_instances, 'Rotation': leafrandomrotate})
- random_value_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={2: 0.5, 3: 1.0})
- scale_instances_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': rotate_instances_1, 'Scale': random_value_4.outputs[1]})
- leafinstanceselectionbottomremove = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_instance_selection_bottom_remove().name,
- input_kwargs={'Ring': group_input.outputs["Ring"],
- 'Segment': group_input.outputs["Segment"]})
- scale_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': scale_instances_2,
- 'Selection': leafinstanceselectionbottomremove,
- 'Scale': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)})
- random_value = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={5: 1},
- attrs={'data_type': 'INT'})
- scale_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': scale_instances, 'Selection': random_value.outputs[2],
- 'Scale': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': scale_instances_1})
-def shader_top_core(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': (1.0, 1.0, 0.1)})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': uniform(100, 400)})
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]})
- wave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_1, 'Scale': 2.0, 'Distortion': 5.0, 'Detail': 10.0})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.4, 'Color1': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"],
- 'Color2': wave_texture.outputs["Color"]})
- d_hsv = (uniform(0.02, 0.05), uniform(0.3, 0.6), uniform(0.01, 0.05))
- b_hsv = d_hsv[:1] + (uniform(0.6, 0.9), uniform(0.3, 0.6))
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': mix})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2409
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = hsv2rgba(d_hsv)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6045
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = hsv2rgba(b_hsv)
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': colorramp.outputs["Color"],
- 'Roughness': colorramp.outputs["Alpha"]})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-def shader_trunk(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- texture_coordinate = nw.new_node(Nodes.TextureCoord)
- mapping = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"]})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': 20.0},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D'})
- wave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WaveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping, 'Scale': uniform(1.0, 3.0), 'Distortion': 5.0, 'Detail Scale': 3.0},
- attrs={'bands_direction': 'Z'})
- mix_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Color1': voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"],
- 'Color2': wave_texture.outputs["Color"]})
- d_hsv = (uniform(0.02, 0.05), uniform(0.01, 0.05) if randint(0, 2) == 1 else uniform(0.5, 0.8), uniform(0.03, 0.09))
- b_hsv = d_hsv[:-1] + (uniform(0.1, 0.3),)
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': mix_1})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4682
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = hsv2rgba(d_hsv)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.5591
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = hsv2rgba(b_hsv)
- mapping_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mapping,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': texture_coordinate.outputs["Object"], 'Scale': (10.0, 10.0, 0.2)})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': mapping_1, 'Scale': 100.0, 'Randomness': 10.0},
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '4D', 'distance': 'CHEBYCHEV'})
- colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"]})
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2818
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.3045
- colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.5284, 0.5034, 0.4327, 1.0)
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixRGB,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': uniform(0.1, 0.3), 'Color1': colorramp.outputs["Color"],
- 'Color2': colorramp_1.outputs["Color"]})
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': mix, 'Roughness': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 'Specular': 0})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
-def geometry_palm_tree_nodes(nw: NodeWrangler, truncatedstem_chance=0.4, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- leaf = kwargs["leaf"][0]
- radius = kwargs["trunk_radius"]
- trunk_height = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value,
- label='trunk_height')
- trunk_height.outputs[0].default_value = 5.0
- top_x, top_y = np.random.normal(0.0, 0.5), np.random.normal(0.0, 0.5)
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': top_x, 'Y': top_y, 'Z': trunk_height})
- quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
- input_kwargs={'Start': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
- 'Middle': (top_x / uniform(1.0, 2.0), top_y / uniform(1.0, 2.0), uniform(1.5, 3.0)),
- 'End': combine_xyz_2})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadratic_bezier, 'Length': 0.02},
- attrs={'mode': 'LENGTH'})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve})
- endpoint_selection = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurveEndpointSelection',
- input_kwargs={'Start Size': 0})
- top_segment = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer,
- label='TopSegment',
- attrs={'integer': 12})
- top_segment.integer = randint(8, 14)
- top_ring = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer,
- label='TopRing',
- attrs={'integer': 8})
- top_ring.integer = randint(10, 15)
- uv_sphere = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshUVSphere,
- input_kwargs={'Segments': top_segment, 'Rings': top_ring, 'Radius': uniform(0.15, 0.2)})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': uv_sphere, 'Scale': (1.0, 1.0, uniform(0.8, 2.0))})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform,
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_trunk)})
- value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- value.outputs[0].default_value = 0.2
- object_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={'Object': leaf})
- leafontop = nw.new_node(nodegroup_leaf_on_top().name,
- input_kwargs={'Points': transform, 'Value': top_segment, 'Ring': top_segment,
- 'Segment': top_ring, 'Instance': object_info.outputs["Geometry"]})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material_1, leafontop]})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
- input_kwargs={'Points': set_position, 'Selection': endpoint_selection,
- 'Instance': join_geometry_1})
- treetrunkgeometry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_tree_trunk_geometry(radius=radius).name,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': treetrunkgeometry.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_trunk)})
- truncatedstemgeometry = nw.new_node(nodegroup_truncated_stem_geometry().name,
- input_kwargs={'Points': treetrunkgeometry.outputs["Mesh"], 1: trunk_height,
- 2: treetrunkgeometry.outputs["Integer"]})
- geos = [instance_on_points, set_material]
- if uniform(0.0, 1.0) < truncatedstem_chance:
- geos.append(truncatedstemgeometry)
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geos})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry})
-class PalmTreeFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(PalmTreeFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- def create_asset(self, params={}, **kwargs):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- # Make the Leaf and Delete It Later
- lf_seed = randint(0, 1000, size=(1,))[0]
- leaf_model = LeafPalmPlantFactory(factory_seed=lf_seed)
- p = {
- 'leaf_x_curvature': uniform(0.1, 0.3),
- 'plant_z_rotate': uniform(0.0, 0.02),
- 'stem_x_curvature': 0.0,
- 'stem_y_curvature': uniform(-0.1, 0.1),
- 'plant_stem_length': uniform(0.5, 1.2)
- }
- leaf = leaf_model.create_asset(p)
- params["leaf"] = [leaf]
- params["trunk_radius"] = uniform(0.2, 0.3)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_palm_tree_nodes, selection=None, attributes=[], input_kwargs=params)
- butil.delete([leaf])
- with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
- bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove()
- bpy.ops.object.shade_flat()
- obj.scale = (2, 2, 2)
- return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/tropic_plants/tropic_plant_utils.py b/infinigen/assets/tropic_plants/tropic_plant_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5149909f1..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/tropic_plants/tropic_plant_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,827 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Beining Han
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_node_group', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_node_group(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Coord', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Shape', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Density', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Random Scale Seed', 0.5)])
- vein = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': group_input.outputs["Coord"], 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Density"],
- 'Randomness': 0.2},
- label='Vein',
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '1D'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Density"],
- 1: group_input.outputs["Random Scale Seed"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- vein_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': group_input.outputs["Coord"], 'Scale': multiply},
- label='Vein',
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '1D'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: vein_1.outputs["Distance"], 1: 0.35})
- round = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add},
- attrs={'operation': 'ROUND'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: vein.outputs["Distance"], 1: round})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': add_1, 2: 0.02, 3: 0.95, 4: 0.0})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Shape"], 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply_1, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.005, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Result': map_range_2.outputs["Result"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord_001', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord_001(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Modulated', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Asymmetry', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Angle', 2.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leaf Shape', 0.0)])
- sign = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SIGN'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"], 1: sign},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -1.0})
- vein_shape = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
- label='Vein Shape')
- node_utils.assign_curve(vein_shape.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.0), (0.0182, 0.05), (0.3364, 0.2386), (0.7227, 0.75), (1.0, 1.0)])
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': vein_shape, 4: 1.9})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: subtract})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vein Coord': add})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Midrib Value', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Coord', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leaf Shape', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Jigsaw Scale', 18.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Jigsaw Depth', 0.5)])
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Midrib Value"], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- jigsaw = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': group_input.outputs["Vein Coord"],
- 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Jigsaw Scale"]},
- label='Jigsaw',
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '1D'})
- colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': jigsaw.outputs["Distance"]})
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4795
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.5545
- colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Jigsaw Depth"], 1: 0.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: colorramp.outputs["Color"], 1: multiply,
- 2: group_input.outputs["Leaf Shape"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY_ADD'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply_add, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.002, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- maximum = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MAXIMUM'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': maximum})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord_003', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord_003(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Modulated', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Asymmetry', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Angle', 2.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leaf Shape', 0.0)])
- sign = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SIGN'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"], 1: sign},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -1.0})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE', 'use_clamp': True})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: group_input.outputs["Leaf Shape"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE', 'use_clamp': True})
- vein_shape = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': divide},
- label='Vein Shape')
- node_utils.assign_curve(vein_shape.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.0), (0.0182, 0.05), (0.2909, 0.2199), (0.4182, 0.3063), (0.7045, 0.3),
- (1.0, 0.8562)], handles=['AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'AUTO'])
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': vein_shape, 4: 1.9})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: subtract})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vein Coord': add})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Modulated', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Asymmetry', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Angle', 2.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leaf Shape', 0.0)])
- sign = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SIGN'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"], 1: sign},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -1.0})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE', 'use_clamp': True})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: group_input.outputs["Leaf Shape"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE', 'use_clamp': True})
- vein_shape = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': divide},
- label='Vein Shape')
- node_utils.assign_curve(vein_shape.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.0), (0.0182, 0.05), (0.3364, 0.2386), (0.6045, 0.4812), (0.7, 0.725),
- (0.8273, 0.8437), (1.0, 1.0)],
- handles=['AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'VECTOR', 'AUTO', 'AUTO', 'AUTO'])
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': vein_shape, 4: 1.9})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: subtract})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vein Coord': add})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord_002', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord_002(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Modulated', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Asymmetry', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Angle', 2.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leaf Shape', 0.0)])
- sign = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SIGN'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"], 1: sign},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -1.0})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X Modulated"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE', 'use_clamp': True})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: absolute, 1: group_input.outputs["Leaf Shape"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE', 'use_clamp': True})
- vein_shape = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': divide},
- label='Vein Shape')
- node_utils.assign_curve(vein_shape.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.0), (0.0182, 0.05), (0.3364, 0.2386), (0.8091, 0.7312), (1.0, 0.9937)])
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': vein_shape, 4: 1.9})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: group_input.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: subtract})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vein Coord': add})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_nodegroup_shape', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_shape(nw: NodeWrangler, leaf_contour_control_points=None):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'X Modulated', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'scale', 0.0)])
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["X Modulated"], 'Y': group_input.outputs["Y"]})
- clamp = nw.new_node(Nodes.Clamp,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Y"], 'Min': -0.6, 'Max': 0.6})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': clamp})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: combine_xyz, 1: combine_xyz_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- length = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'LENGTH'})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -0.6, 2: 0.6})
- leaf_shape = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- label='Leaf shape')
- if leaf_contour_control_points is not None:
- node_utils.assign_curve(leaf_shape.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.0), (0.1, leaf_contour_control_points[0]),
- (0.25, leaf_contour_control_points[1]),
- (0.4, leaf_contour_control_points[2]),
- (0.55, leaf_contour_control_points[3]),
- (0.7, leaf_contour_control_points[4]),
- (0.85, leaf_contour_control_points[5]), (1.0, 0.0)])
- else:
- node_utils.assign_curve(leaf_shape.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.0), (0.15, 0.25), (0.3818, 0.35), (0.6273, 0.3625), (0.7802, 0.2957),
- (0.8955, 0.2), (1.0, 0.0)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: leaf_shape, 1: group_input.outputs["scale"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: length.outputs["Value"], 1: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Leaf Shape': subtract_1, 'Value': multiply})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_gen', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_gen(nw: NodeWrangler, leaf_contour_control_points=None):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Mesh', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Displancement scale', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Asymmetry', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Density', 6.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Jigsaw Scale', 18.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Jigsaw Depth', 0.07),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Angle', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Sub-vein Displacement', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Sub-vein Scale', 50.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Wave Displacement', 0.1),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Midrib Length', 0.4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Midrib Width', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Stem Length', 0.8),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leaf Width Scale', 0.0)])
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- nodegroup_midrib = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_midrib().name,
- input_kwargs={'X': separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
- 'Midrib Length': group_input.outputs["Midrib Length"],
- 'Midrib Width': group_input.outputs["Midrib Width"],
- 'Stem Length': group_input.outputs["Stem Length"]})
- nodegroup_shape = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_shape(leaf_contour_control_points).name,
- input_kwargs={'X Modulated': nodegroup_midrib.outputs["X Modulated"],
- 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
- 'scale': group_input.outputs["Leaf Width Scale"]})
- nodegroup_vein_coord_002 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord_002().name,
- input_kwargs={'X Modulated': nodegroup_midrib.outputs["X Modulated"],
- 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
- 'Vein Asymmetry': group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"],
- 'Vein Angle': group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"],
- 'Leaf Shape': nodegroup_shape.outputs["Value"]})
- nodegroup_vein_coord = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord().name,
- input_kwargs={'X Modulated': nodegroup_midrib.outputs["X Modulated"],
- 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
- 'Vein Asymmetry': group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"],
- 'Vein Angle': group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"],
- 'Leaf Shape': nodegroup_shape.outputs["Value"]})
- nodegroup_vein_coord_003 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord_003().name,
- input_kwargs={'X Modulated': nodegroup_midrib.outputs["X Modulated"],
- 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
- 'Vein Asymmetry': group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"],
- 'Vein Angle': group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"],
- 'Leaf Shape': nodegroup_shape.outputs["Value"]})
- nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib().name,
- input_kwargs={'Midrib Value': nodegroup_midrib.outputs["Midrib Value"],
- 'Leaf Shape': nodegroup_shape.outputs["Leaf Shape"],
- 'Vein Density': group_input.outputs["Vein Density"],
- 'Vein Coord - main': nodegroup_vein_coord_002,
- 'Vein Coord - 1': nodegroup_vein_coord,
- 'Vein Coord - 2': nodegroup_vein_coord_003})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Displancement scale"], 1: nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Mesh"], 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw().name,
- input_kwargs={'Midrib Value': nodegroup_midrib.outputs["Midrib Value"],
- 'Vein Coord': nodegroup_vein_coord_002,
- 'Leaf Shape': nodegroup_shape.outputs["Leaf Shape"],
- 'Jigsaw Scale': group_input.outputs["Jigsaw Scale"],
- 'Jigsaw Depth': group_input.outputs["Jigsaw Depth"]})
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare,
- input_kwargs={0: nodegroup_shape_with_jigsaw, 1: 0.5},
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN'})
- delete_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Selection': less_than})
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': delete_geometry, 2: nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib})
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"], 1: -0.6, 2: 0.6})
- float_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve_1.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 0.0), (0.5182, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0)])
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': nodegroup_shape.outputs["Leaf Shape"], 2: -1.0})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0045, 0.0063), (0.0409, 0.0375), (0.4182, 0.05), (1.0, 0.0)])
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve_1, 1: float_curve},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: 0.7},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_2})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Offset': combine_xyz_1})
- nodegroup_vein_coord_001 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_nodegroup_vein_coord_001().name,
- input_kwargs={'X Modulated': nodegroup_midrib.outputs["X Modulated"],
- 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
- 'Vein Asymmetry': group_input.outputs["Vein Asymmetry"],
- 'Vein Angle': group_input.outputs["Vein Angle"]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': set_position_1, 'Attribute': capture_attribute.outputs[2],
- 'X Modulated': nodegroup_midrib.outputs["X Modulated"],
- 'Vein Coord': nodegroup_vein_coord_001,
- 'Vein Value': nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_nodegroup_midrib', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_midrib(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'X', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', -0.6),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Midrib Length', 0.4),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Midrib Width', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Stem Length', 0.8)])
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -0.6, 2: 0.6})
- stem_shape = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- label='Stem shape')
- node_utils.assign_curve(stem_shape.mapping.curves[0],
- [(0.0, 0.5), (0.25, 0.4828), (0.5, 0.4938), (0.75, 0.503), (0.8773, 0.5125), (1.0, 0.5)])
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': stem_shape, 3: -1.0})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: group_input.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture)
- map_range_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 3: -1.0})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_5.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.01},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Y"], 1: -70.0,
- 2: group_input.outputs["Midrib Length"],
- 3: group_input.outputs["Midrib Width"], 4: 0.0})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply, 1: map_range_2.outputs["Result"]})
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add, 1: absolute},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- absolute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Y"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': absolute_1, 2: group_input.outputs["Stem Length"], 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- smooth_min = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: map_range_3.outputs["Result"], 2: 0.06},
- attrs={'operation': 'SMOOTH_MIN'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: smooth_min},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE', 'use_clamp': True})
- map_range_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': divide, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.03, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'X Modulated': subtract, 'Midrib Value': map_range_4.outputs["Result"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_apply_vein_midrib(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Midrib Value', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Leaf Shape', 1.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Density', 6.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Coord - main', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Coord - 1', 0.0),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Vein Coord - 2', 0.0)])
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': group_input.outputs["Leaf Shape"], 1: -0.3, 2: 0.05, 3: 0.015,
- 4: 0.0})
- nodegroup = nw.new_node(nodegroup_node_group().name,
- input_kwargs={'Coord': group_input.outputs["Vein Coord - 2"],
- 'Shape': map_range.outputs["Result"],
- 'Density': group_input.outputs["Vein Density"], 'Random Scale Seed': 3.57})
- nodegroup_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_node_group().name,
- input_kwargs={'Coord': group_input.outputs["Vein Coord - 1"],
- 'Shape': map_range.outputs["Result"],
- 'Density': group_input.outputs["Vein Density"], 'Random Scale Seed': 1.08})
- vein = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'W': group_input.outputs["Vein Coord - main"],
- 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Vein Density"], 'Randomness': 0.2},
- label='Vein',
- attrs={'voronoi_dimensions': '1D'})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position, 'Scale': 20.0})
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': noise_texture.outputs["Fac"], 3: -1.0})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_3.outputs["Result"], 1: 0.02},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: vein.outputs["Distance"], 1: multiply})
- map_range_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': add, 2: 0.03, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_4.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply_1, 1: 0.001, 2: 0.01, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: nodegroup_1, 1: map_range_5.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: nodegroup, 1: multiply_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Midrib Value"], 1: multiply_3},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Vein Value': multiply_4})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_nodegroup_move_to_origin', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_move_to_origin(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
- 2: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 0.0, 1: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Y': subtract})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Offset': combine_xyz})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_rotate_x(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'To Max', -0.4)])
- position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 4: group_input.outputs["To Max"]},
- attrs={'clamp': False})
- vector_rotate = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': position_1, 'Angle': map_range.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'X_AXIS'})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"], 'Position': vector_rotate})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position_1})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_sub_vein(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'X', 0.5),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y', 0.0)])
- absolute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["X"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'ABSOLUTE'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': absolute, 'Y': group_input.outputs["Y"]})
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz, 'Scale': 30.0})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.1, 4: 2.0},
- attrs={'clamp': False})
- voronoi_texture_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': combine_xyz, 'Scale': 150.0},
- attrs={'feature': 'DISTANCE_TO_EDGE'})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture_1.outputs["Distance"], 2: 0.1})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: add, 1: -1.0},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 4: -1.0})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Value': multiply, 'Color Value': map_range_3.outputs["Result"]})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_shader', singleton=False, type='ShaderNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_nodegroup_leaf_shader(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketColor', 'Color', (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0))])
- diffuse_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.DiffuseBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': group_input.outputs["Color"]})
- glossy_bsdf = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeBsdfGlossy',
- input_kwargs={'Color': group_input.outputs["Color"], 'Roughness': 0.3})
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.2, 1: diffuse_bsdf, 2: glossy_bsdf})
- translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslucentBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Color': group_input.outputs["Color"]})
- mix_shader_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader,
- input_kwargs={'Fac': 0.3, 1: mix_shader, 2: translucent_bsdf})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Shader': mix_shader_1})
-def shader_stem_material(nw: NodeWrangler, stem_color_hsv=None):
- # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
- if stem_color_hsv is None:
- stem_color_hsv = (uniform(0.25, 0.32), uniform(0.6, 0.9), uniform(0.2, 0.6))
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': hsv2rgba(stem_color_hsv)})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/underwater/seaweed.py b/infinigen/assets/underwater/seaweed.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d0e684ad..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/underwater/seaweed.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this
-# source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import colorsys
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.animation.driver_repeated import repeated_driver
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, subsurface2face_size, write_co
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
-from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import make_circular_interp
-import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.infinigen_gpl.extras.diff_growth import build_diff_growth
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import mesh2obj, data2mesh
-from infinigen.assets.utils.mesh import polygon_angles
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler, Nodes
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_utils import build_color_ramp
-class SeaweedFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.base_hue = uniform(.0, .1) if uniform(0, 1) < .5 else uniform(.3, .4)
- self.material = surface.shaderfunc_to_material(self.shader_seaweed, self.base_hue)
- self.freq = 1 / log_uniform(200, 500)
- def create_asset(self, face_size=0.01, **params):
- growth_vec = 0, 0, uniform(3., 6.)
- inhibit_shell = uniform(.6, .8)
- max_polygons = int(log_uniform(2e3, 1e4))
- fac_noise = uniform(1.5, 2.5)
- repulsion_radius = log_uniform(1., 1.5)
- obj = self.differential_growth_make(fac_noise=fac_noise, inhibit_shell=inhibit_shell,
- repulsion_radius=repulsion_radius, growth_vec=growth_vec, dt=.25,
- max_polygons=max_polygons)
- obj.scale = [2 / max(obj.dimensions)] * 3
- obj.scale[-1] *= uniform(1.5, 2)
- obj.location[-1] -= .02
- butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
- f_scale = make_circular_interp(2, 5, 5, log_uniform)
- x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
- scale = f_scale(np.arctan2(y, x) + np.pi)
- co = np.stack([scale * x, scale * y, z], -1)
- write_co(obj, co)
- subsurface2face_size(obj, face_size / 2)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'TRIANGULATE')
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SMOOTH', factor=uniform(-.8, .8))
- texture_type = np.random.choice(['STUCCI', 'MARBLE'])
- texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name='seaweed', type=texture_type)
- texture.noise_scale = log_uniform(.05, .2)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DISPLACE', True, strength=uniform(.0, .03), texture=texture)
- assign_material(obj, self.material)
- self.animate_bend(obj)
- tag_object(obj, 'seaweed')
- return obj
- def animate_bend(self, obj):
- obj, mod = butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SIMPLE_DEFORM', False, deform_method='BEND', deform_axis='Y',
- return_mod=True)
- driver = mod.driver_add('angle').driver
- start_angle = uniform(-np.pi / 4, 0)
- driver.expression = repeated_driver(start_angle, start_angle + uniform(np.pi * .2, np.pi * .8),
- self.freq)
- @staticmethod
- def differential_growth_make(**kwargs):
- n_base = np.random.randint(5, 7)
- angles = polygon_angles(n_base)
- vertices = np.block([[np.cos(angles), 0], [np.sin(angles), 0], [np.zeros(n_base + 1)]]).T
- faces = np.stack([np.arange(n_base), np.roll(np.arange(n_base), 1), np.full(n_base, n_base)]).T
- obj = mesh2obj(data2mesh(vertices, [], faces, 'diff_growth'))
- boundary = obj.vertex_groups.new(name='Boundary')
- boundary.add(list(range(n_base)), 1.0, 'REPLACE')
- build_diff_growth(obj, boundary.index, **kwargs)
- return obj
- @staticmethod
- def geo_seaweed_waves(nw: NodeWrangler):
- translation_scale = uniform(0., .25)
- expand_scale = uniform(.2, .3)
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- x, y, z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))
- angle = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)
- displacement = nw.scale(nw.add(nw.scale(nw.combine(np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle), 0),
- nw.scalar_multiply(nw.musgrave(10), translation_scale)),
- nw.scale(nw.combine(x, y, 0), expand_scale)), z)
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry, 'Offset': displacement})
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
- @staticmethod
- def shader_seaweed(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue=.3):
- h_perturb = uniform(-.1, .1)
- s_perturb = uniform(-.1, -.0)
- v_perturb = log_uniform(1., 2)
- def map_perturb(h, s, v):
- return hsv2rgba(h + h_perturb, s + s_perturb, v / v_perturb)
- subsurface_ratio = .01
- roughness = .8
- mix_ratio = uniform(.2, .4)
- specular = .2
- color_1 = map_perturb(base_hue, uniform(.6, .8), .25)
- color_2 = map_perturb(base_hue - uniform(.05, .1), uniform(.6, .8), .15)
- cr = build_color_ramp(nw, nw.musgrave(uniform(5, 10)), [0, .3, .7, 1.],
- [color_1, color_1, color_2, color_2])
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- 'Base Color': cr,
- 'Subsurface': subsurface_ratio,
- 'Subsurface Radius': (.01, .01, .01),
- 'Subsurface Color': map_perturb(base_hue, .6, .2),
- 'Roughness': roughness,
- 'Specular': specular
- })
- translucent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransparentBSDF, input_kwargs={'Color': cr})
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader, [mix_ratio, principled_bsdf, translucent_bsdf])
- return mix_shader
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/underwater/urchin.py b/infinigen/assets/underwater/urchin.py
deleted file mode 100644
index abd58b8ea..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/underwater/urchin.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import colorsys
-import bpy
-from numpy.random import uniform
-import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.animation.driver_repeated import repeated_driver
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_icosphere, separate_loose
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import geo_extension
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material
-from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.placement.detail import adapt_mesh_resolution
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-class UrchinFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super().__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.base_hue = uniform(-.25, .15) % 1
- self.materials = [surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader, self.base_hue) for shader in
- [self.shader_spikes, self.shader_girdle, self.shader_base]]
- self.freq = 1 / log_uniform(100, 200)
- def create_asset(self, placeholder, face_size=0.01, **params):
- obj = new_icosphere(subdivisions=4)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_extension, apply=True)
- obj.scale[-1] = uniform(.8, 1.)
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BEVEL', offset_type='PERCENT', width_pct=25, angle_limit=0)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_extrude, apply=True, attributes=['spike', 'girdle'],
- domains=['FACE'] * 2)
- levels = 1
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SUBSURF', apply=True, levels=levels, render_levels=levels)
- obj.scale = [2 / max(obj.dimensions)] * 3
- obj.scale[-1] *= log_uniform(.6, 1.2)
- butil.apply_transform(obj)
- adapt_mesh_resolution(obj, face_size, method='subdiv_by_area')
- obj = separate_loose(obj)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'DISPLACE', texture=bpy.data.textures.new(name='urchin', type='STUCCI'),
- strength=.005, mid_level=0)
- surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_material_index, apply=True, input_attributes=[None, 'spike', 'girdle'])
- assign_material(obj, self.materials)
- self.animate_stretch(obj)
- tag_object(obj, 'urchin')
- return obj
- def animate_stretch(self, obj):
- obj, mod = butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SIMPLE_DEFORM', False, return_mod=True, deform_method='STRETCH',
- deform_axis='Z')
- driver = mod.driver_add('factor').driver
- driver.expression = repeated_driver(-.1, .1, self.freq)
- @staticmethod
- def geo_extrude(nw: NodeWrangler):
- face_prob = .98
- girdle_height = .1
- extrude_height = log_uniform(1., 5.)
- perturb = .1
- girdle_size = uniform(.6, 1)
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- face_vertices = nw.new_node(Nodes.FaceNeighbors)
- selection = nw.boolean_math('AND', nw.compare('GREATER_EQUAL', face_vertices, 5),
- nw.bernoulli(face_prob))
- geometry, top, _ = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, [geometry, selection, None, girdle_height]).outputs
- geometry, top, girdle = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, [geometry, top, None, 1e-3]).outputs
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleElements, [geometry, top, girdle_size])
- geometry, top, _ = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, [geometry, top, None, -girdle_height]).outputs
- direction = nw.scale(nw.add(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal), nw.uniform([-perturb] * 3, [perturb] * 3)),
- nw.uniform(.5 * extrude_height, extrude_height))
- geometry, top, side = nw.new_node(Nodes.ExtrudeMesh, [geometry, top, direction]).outputs
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.ScaleElements, [geometry, top, .2])
- spike = nw.boolean_math('OR', top, side)
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry, 'Spike': spike, 'Girdle': girdle})
- @staticmethod
- def shader_spikes(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue):
- transmission = uniform(.95, .99)
- subsurface = uniform(.1, .2)
- roughness = uniform(.5, .8)
- color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(.5, 1.), log_uniform(.05, 1.))
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- 'Base Color': color,
- 'Roughness': roughness,
- 'Subsurface': subsurface,
- 'Subsurface Color': color,
- 'Transmission': transmission
- })
- return principled_bsdf
- @staticmethod
- def shader_girdle(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue):
- roughness = uniform(.5, .8)
- color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(.4, .5), log_uniform(.02, .1))
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': color, 'Roughness': roughness})
- return principled_bsdf
- @staticmethod
- def shader_base(nw: NodeWrangler, base_hue):
- roughness = uniform(.5, .8)
- color = hsv2rgba(base_hue, uniform(.8, 1.), log_uniform(.01, .02))
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': color, 'Roughness': roughness})
- return principled_bsdf
- @staticmethod
- def geo_material_index(nw: NodeWrangler):
- geometry, spike, girdle = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Spike', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Girdle', None)]).outputs[:-1]
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterialIndex, [geometry, None, 2])
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterialIndex, [geometry, spike, 0])
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterialIndex, [geometry, girdle, 1])
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/utils/autobevel.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/autobevel.py
index 0565a9242..9e62b8e90 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/utils/autobevel.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/autobevel.py
@@ -5,22 +5,19 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
import bpy
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
-class BevelSharp:
+class BevelSharp:
def __init__(
self.amount = uniform(0.001, 0.006)
self.mult = mult
self.angle_min_deg = angle_min_deg
@@ -28,26 +25,23 @@ def __init__(
if segments is None:
segments = 4 if uniform() < 0 else 1
self.segments = segments
def __call__(self, obj):
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(use_extend=False, use_expand=False, type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(use_extend=False, use_expand=False, type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="DESELECT")
angle = np.deg2rad(self.angle_min_deg)
- bpy.ops.mesh.edges_select_sharp(
- sharpness=angle
- )
+ bpy.ops.mesh.edges_select_sharp(sharpness=angle)
offset=self.amount * self.mult,
- affect='EDGES',
- offset_type='WIDTH'
- )
\ No newline at end of file
+ affect="EDGES",
+ offset_type="WIDTH",
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/utils/bbox_from_mesh.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/bbox_from_mesh.py
index eec1c42b9..8e762acd9 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/utils/bbox_from_mesh.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/bbox_from_mesh.py
@@ -7,39 +7,60 @@
import bpy
import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_cube_from_corners', singleton=True)
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_cube_from_corners", singleton=True)
def nodegroup_cube_from_corners(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketVector', 'min_corner', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketVector', 'max_corner', (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))])
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["max_corner"], 1: group_input.outputs["min_corner"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': subtract.outputs["Vector"]})
- mix = nw.new_node(Nodes.Mix,
- input_kwargs={4: group_input.outputs["min_corner"], 5: group_input.outputs["max_corner"]},
- attrs={'data_type': 'VECTOR'})
- transform_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': mix.outputs[1]})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry})
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "min_corner", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "max_corner", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ],
+ )
-def union_all_bbox(obj: bpy.types.Object):
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["max_corner"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["min_corner"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": subtract.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ mix = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Mix,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 4: group_input.outputs["min_corner"],
+ 5: group_input.outputs["max_corner"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ transform_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": cube.outputs["Mesh"], "Translation": mix.outputs[1]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": transform_geometry}
+ )
+def union_all_bbox(obj: bpy.types.Object):
mins, maxs = None, None
for oc in butil.iter_object_tree(obj):
- if not oc.type == 'MESH':
+ if not oc.type == "MESH":
points = butil.apply_matrix_world(oc, np.array(oc.bound_box))
pmins, pmaxs = points.min(axis=0), points.max(axis=0)
@@ -48,33 +69,35 @@ def union_all_bbox(obj: bpy.types.Object):
return mins, maxs
def box_from_corners(min_corner, max_corner):
bbox = butil.modify_mesh(
- butil.spawn_vert(),
- 'NODES',
- apply=True,
- node_group=nodegroup_cube_from_corners(),
- ng_inputs=dict(min_corner=min_corner, max_corner=max_corner)
+ butil.spawn_vert(),
+ "NODES",
+ apply=True,
+ node_group=nodegroup_cube_from_corners(),
+ ng_inputs=dict(min_corner=min_corner, max_corner=max_corner),
return bbox
-def bbox_mesh_from_hipoly(gen: AssetFactory, inst_seed: int, use_pholder=False):
+def bbox_mesh_from_hipoly(gen: AssetFactory, inst_seed: int, use_pholder=False):
objs = []
- objs.append(gen.spawn_placeholder(inst_seed, loc=(0,0,0), rot=(0,0,0)))
+ objs.append(gen.spawn_placeholder(inst_seed, loc=(0, 0, 0), rot=(0, 0, 0)))
if not use_pholder:
objs.append(gen.spawn_asset(inst_seed, placeholder=objs[-1]))
min_corner, max_corner = union_all_bbox(objs[-1])
if (
- min_corner is None or
- max_corner is None or
- np.abs(min_corner - max_corner).sum() < 1e-5
+ min_corner is None
+ or max_corner is None
+ or np.abs(min_corner - max_corner).sum() < 1e-5
- raise ValueError(f'{gen} spawned {objs[-1].name=} with total bbox {min_corner, max_corner}, invalid')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"{gen} spawned {objs[-1].name=} with total bbox {min_corner, max_corner}, invalid"
+ )
bbox = box_from_corners(min_corner, max_corner)
@@ -83,5 +106,7 @@ def bbox_mesh_from_hipoly(gen: AssetFactory, inst_seed: int, use_pholder=False):
- bbox.name = f'{gen.__class__.__name__}({gen.factory_seed}).bbox_placeholder({inst_seed})'
- return bbox
\ No newline at end of file
+ bbox.name = (
+ f"{gen.__class__.__name__}({gen.factory_seed}).bbox_placeholder({inst_seed})"
+ )
+ return bbox
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/utils/decorate.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/decorate.py
index b538cd71d..14fca777c 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/utils/decorate.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/decorate.py
@@ -8,87 +8,94 @@
import logging
from collections.abc import Iterable
-import bpy
import bmesh
+import bpy
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
from trimesh.points import remove_close
+from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.surface import write_attr_data
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.math import normalize
def multi_res(obj):
- multi_res = obj.modifiers.new(name='multires', type='MULTIRES')
- bpy.ops.object.multires_subdivide(modifier=multi_res.name, mode='CATMULL_CLARK')
+ multi_res = obj.modifiers.new(name="multires", type="MULTIRES")
+ bpy.ops.object.multires_subdivide(modifier=multi_res.name, mode="CATMULL_CLARK")
-def geo_extension(nw: NodeWrangler, noise_strength=.2, noise_scale=2., musgrave_dimensions='3D'):
+def geo_extension(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, noise_strength=0.2, noise_scale=2.0, musgrave_dimensions="3D"
noise_strength = uniform(noise_strength / 2, noise_strength)
- noise_scale = uniform(noise_scale * .7, noise_scale * 1.4)
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
+ noise_scale = uniform(noise_scale * 0.7, noise_scale * 1.4)
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
pos = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- direction = nw.scale(pos, nw.scalar_divide(1, nw.vector_math('LENGTH', pos)))
+ direction = nw.scale(pos, nw.scalar_divide(1, nw.vector_math("LENGTH", pos)))
direction = nw.add(direction, uniform(-1, 1, 3))
musgrave = nw.scalar_multiply(
- Nodes.MusgraveTexture, [direction], input_kwargs={'Scale': noise_scale},
- attrs={'musgrave_dimensions': musgrave_dimensions}
- ), .25
- ), noise_strength
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ [direction],
+ input_kwargs={"Scale": noise_scale},
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": musgrave_dimensions},
+ ),
+ 0.25,
+ ),
+ noise_strength,
geometry = nw.new_node(
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry, 'Offset': nw.scale(musgrave, pos)}
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry, "Offset": nw.scale(musgrave, pos)},
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
def subsurface2face_size(obj, face_size):
arr = np.zeros(len(obj.data.polygons))
- obj.data.polygons.foreach_get('area', arr)
+ obj.data.polygons.foreach_get("area", arr)
area = np.mean(arr)
if area < 1e-6:
- logging.warning(f'subsurface2face_size found {area=}, quitting to avoid NaN')
+ logging.warning(f"subsurface2face_size found {area=}, quitting to avoid NaN")
levels = int(np.ceil(np.log2(area / face_size)))
except ValueError:
return # catch nans
if levels > 0:
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SUBSURF', levels=levels, render_levels=levels)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SUBSURF", levels=levels, render_levels=levels)
-def read_selected(obj, domain='VERT'):
+def read_selected(obj, domain="VERT"):
match domain:
- case 'VERT':
+ case "VERT":
arr = np.zeros(len(obj.data.vertices), int)
- obj.data.vertices.foreach_get('select', arr)
- case 'EDGE':
+ obj.data.vertices.foreach_get("select", arr)
+ case "EDGE":
arr = np.zeros(len(obj.data.edges), int)
- obj.data.edges.foreach_get('select', arr)
+ obj.data.edges.foreach_get("select", arr)
case _:
arr = np.zeros(len(obj.data.faces), int)
- obj.data.faces.foreach_get('select', arr)
+ obj.data.faces.foreach_get("select", arr)
return arr.ravel()
def read_co(obj):
arr = np.zeros(len(obj.data.vertices) * 3)
- obj.data.vertices.foreach_get('co', arr)
+ obj.data.vertices.foreach_get("co", arr)
return arr.reshape(-1, 3)
def read_edges(obj):
arr = np.zeros(len(obj.data.edges) * 2, dtype=int)
- obj.data.edges.foreach_get('vertices', arr)
+ obj.data.edges.foreach_get("vertices", arr)
return arr.reshape(-1, 2)
@@ -108,42 +115,42 @@ def read_edge_length(obj):
def read_center(obj):
arr = np.zeros(len(obj.data.polygons) * 3)
- obj.data.polygons.foreach_get('center', arr)
+ obj.data.polygons.foreach_get("center", arr)
return arr.reshape(-1, 3)
def read_normal(obj):
arr = np.zeros(len(obj.data.polygons) * 3)
- obj.data.polygons.foreach_get('normal', arr)
+ obj.data.polygons.foreach_get("normal", arr)
return arr.reshape(-1, 3)
def read_area(obj):
arr = np.zeros(len(obj.data.polygons))
- obj.data.polygons.foreach_get('area', arr)
+ obj.data.polygons.foreach_get("area", arr)
return arr.reshape(-1)
def read_loop_vertices(obj):
arr = np.zeros(len(obj.data.loops), dtype=int)
- obj.data.loops.foreach_get('vertex_index', arr)
+ obj.data.loops.foreach_get("vertex_index", arr)
return arr.reshape(-1)
def read_loop_edges(obj):
arr = np.zeros(len(obj.data.loops), dtype=int)
- obj.data.loops.foreach_get('edge_index', arr)
+ obj.data.loops.foreach_get("edge_index", arr)
return arr.reshape(-1)
def read_uv(obj):
arr = np.zeros(len(obj.data.loops) * 2)
- obj.data.uv_layers.active.data.foreach_get('uv', arr)
+ obj.data.uv_layers.active.data.foreach_get("uv", arr)
return arr.reshape(-1, 2)
def write_uv(obj, arr):
- obj.data.uv_layers.active.data.foreach_set('uv', arr.reshape(-1))
+ obj.data.uv_layers.active.data.foreach_set("uv", arr.reshape(-1))
def read_base_co(obj):
@@ -151,44 +158,46 @@ def read_base_co(obj):
obj = obj.evaluated_get(dg)
mesh = obj.to_mesh()
arr = np.zeros(len(mesh.vertices) * 3)
- mesh.vertices.foreach_get('co', arr)
+ mesh.vertices.foreach_get("co", arr)
return arr.reshape(-1, 3)
def write_co(obj, arr):
- obj.data.vertices.foreach_set('co', arr.reshape(-1))
+ obj.data.vertices.foreach_set("co", arr.reshape(-1))
except RuntimeError as e:
raise RuntimeError(
- f'Failed to set vertices.co on {obj.name=}. Object has {len(obj.data.vertices)} verts, '
- f'{arr.shape=}'
+ f"Failed to set vertices.co on {obj.name=}. Object has {len(obj.data.vertices)} verts, "
+ f"{arr.shape=}"
) from e
def read_material_index(obj):
arr = np.zeros(len(obj.data.polygons), dtype=int)
- obj.data.polygons.foreach_get('material_index', arr)
+ obj.data.polygons.foreach_get("material_index", arr)
return arr
def read_loop_starts(obj):
arr = np.zeros(len(obj.data.polygons), dtype=int)
- obj.data.polygons.foreach_get('loop_start', arr)
+ obj.data.polygons.foreach_get("loop_start", arr)
return arr
def read_loop_totals(obj):
arr = np.zeros(len(obj.data.polygons), dtype=int)
- obj.data.polygons.foreach_get('loop_total', arr)
+ obj.data.polygons.foreach_get("loop_total", arr)
return arr
def write_material_index(obj, arr):
- obj.data.polygons.foreach_set('material_index', arr.reshape(-1))
+ obj.data.polygons.foreach_set("material_index", arr.reshape(-1))
def set_shade_smooth(obj):
- write_attr_data(obj, 'use_smooth', np.ones(len(obj.data.polygons), dtype=int), 'INT', 'FACE')
+ write_attr_data(
+ obj, "use_smooth", np.ones(len(obj.data.polygons), dtype=int), "INT", "FACE"
+ )
def displace_vertices(obj, fn):
@@ -208,7 +217,7 @@ def remove_vertices(obj, to_delete):
x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
to_delete = to_delete(x, y, z)
to_delete = np.nonzero(to_delete)[0]
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
geom = [bm.verts[_] for _ in to_delete]
@@ -222,11 +231,11 @@ def remove_edges(obj, to_delete):
x, y, z = read_edge_center(obj).T
to_delete = to_delete(x, y, z)
to_delete = np.nonzero(to_delete)[0]
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
geom = [bm.edges[_] for _ in to_delete]
- bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context='EDGES_FACES')
+ bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context="EDGES_FACES")
return obj
@@ -236,16 +245,16 @@ def remove_faces(obj, to_delete, remove_loose=True):
x, y, z = read_center(obj).T
to_delete = to_delete(x, y, z)
to_delete = np.nonzero(to_delete)[0]
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
geom = [bm.faces[_] for _ in to_delete]
- bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context='FACES_ONLY')
+ bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=geom, context="FACES_ONLY")
if remove_loose:
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
- bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type='EDGE')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type="EDGE")
return obj
@@ -254,9 +263,9 @@ def select_vertices(obj, to_select):
x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
to_select = to_select(x, y, z)
to_select = np.nonzero(to_select)[0]
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='VERT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="VERT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="DESELECT")
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
for i in to_select:
@@ -271,9 +280,9 @@ def select_edges(obj, to_select):
x, y, z = read_edge_center(obj).T
to_select = to_select(x, y, z)
to_select = np.nonzero(to_select)[0]
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="DESELECT")
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
for i in to_select:
@@ -288,9 +297,9 @@ def select_faces(obj, to_select):
x, y, z = read_center(obj).T
to_select = to_select(x, y, z)
to_select = np.nonzero(to_select)[0]
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='FACE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="FACE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="DESELECT")
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
for i in to_select:
@@ -300,28 +309,30 @@ def select_faces(obj, to_select):
return obj
-def write_attribute(obj, fn, name, domain="POINT", data_type='FLOAT'):
+def write_attribute(obj, fn, name, domain="POINT", data_type="FLOAT"):
def geo_attribute(nw: NodeWrangler):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
attr = surface.eval_argument(nw, fn, position=nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))
geometry = nw.new_node(
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry, 'Name': name, 'Value': attr},
- attrs={'domain': domain, 'data_type': data_type}
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry, "Name": name, "Value": attr},
+ attrs={"domain": domain, "data_type": data_type},
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
surface.add_geomod(obj, geo_attribute, apply=True)
def distance2boundary(obj):
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
- distance = np.full(len(obj.data.vertices), -100.)
+ distance = np.full(len(obj.data.vertices), -100.0)
queue = set(v.index for v in bm.verts if v.select)
d = 0
while True:
@@ -337,15 +348,15 @@ def distance2boundary(obj):
d += 1
distance[distance < 0] = 0
distance /= max(d, 1)
- write_attr_data(obj, 'distance', distance)
+ write_attr_data(obj, "distance", distance)
return distance
def mirror(obj, axis=0):
obj.scale[axis] = -1
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
return obj
@@ -353,17 +364,23 @@ def mirror(obj, axis=0):
def subsurf(obj, levels, simple=False):
if levels > 0:
- obj, 'SUBSURF', levels=levels, render_levels=levels,
- subdivision_type='SIMPLE' if simple else "CATMULL_CLARK"
+ obj,
+ levels=levels,
+ render_levels=levels,
+ subdivision_type="SIMPLE" if simple else "CATMULL_CLARK",
def subdivide_edge_ring(obj, cuts=64, axis=(0, 0, 1), **kwargs):
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
- selected = np.abs((read_edge_direction(obj) * np.array(axis)[np.newaxis, :]).sum(1)) > 1 - 1e-3
+ selected = (
+ np.abs((read_edge_direction(obj) * np.array(axis)[np.newaxis, :]).sum(1))
+ > 1 - 1e-3
+ )
edges = [bm.edges[i] for i in np.nonzero(selected)[0]]
bmesh.ops.subdivide_edgering(bm, edges=edges, cuts=int(cuts), **kwargs)
@@ -377,18 +394,18 @@ def solidify(obj, axis, thickness):
v = np.zeros(3)
v[axes[1]] = thickness
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': u})
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_region_move(TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': v})
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_edges_move(TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": u})
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_region_move(TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": v})
obj.location = -(u + v) / 2
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
return obj
def decimate(points, n):
- dist = .1
+ dist = 0.1
ratio = 1.2
while True:
culled = remove_close(points, dist)[0]
@@ -402,7 +419,7 @@ def decimate(points, n):
def remove_duplicate_edges(obj):
remove_faces(obj, np.ones_like(len(obj.data.polygons)), remove_loose=False)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
counts = []
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/utils/draw.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/draw.py
index 1f6f221cc..5e95fc9a8 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/utils/draw.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/draw.py
@@ -7,13 +7,18 @@
from collections.abc import Sized
-import bpy
import bmesh
+import bpy
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, remove_vertices, write_attribute, write_co
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ read_co,
+ remove_vertices,
+ write_attribute,
+ write_co,
from infinigen.assets.utils.mesh import polygon_angles
from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import make_circular, make_circular_angle
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import data2mesh, mesh2obj, separate_loose
@@ -23,7 +28,7 @@
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-def shape_by_angles(obj, angles, scales=None, displacements=None, method='quadratic'):
+def shape_by_angles(obj, angles, scales=None, displacements=None, method="quadratic"):
x, y, z = read_co(obj).T
vert_angles = np.arctan2(y, x)
if scales is not None:
@@ -39,7 +44,7 @@ def shape_by_angles(obj, angles, scales=None, displacements=None, method='quadra
return obj
-def shape_by_xs(obj, xs, displacements, method='quadratic'):
+def shape_by_xs(obj, xs, displacements, method="quadratic"):
co = read_co(obj)
f = interp1d(xs, displacements, method, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)
vert_displacements = f(co[:, 0])
@@ -49,14 +54,21 @@ def shape_by_xs(obj, xs, displacements, method='quadratic'):
def surface_from_func(fn, div_x=16, div_y=16, size_x=2, size_y=2):
- x, y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-size_x / 2, size_x / 2, div_x + 1),
- np.linspace(-size_y / 2, size_y / 2, div_y + 1))
+ x, y = np.meshgrid(
+ np.linspace(-size_x / 2, size_x / 2, div_x + 1),
+ np.linspace(-size_y / 2, size_y / 2, div_y + 1),
+ )
z = fn(x, y)
vertices = np.stack([x.flatten(), y.flatten(), z.flatten()]).T
faces = np.array([[0, div_y + 1, div_y + 2, 1]]) + np.expand_dims(
- (np.expand_dims(np.arange(div_y), 0) + np.expand_dims(np.arange(div_x) * (div_y + 1), 1)).flatten(), -1)
- mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new('z_function_surface')
+ (
+ np.expand_dims(np.arange(div_y), 0)
+ + np.expand_dims(np.arange(div_x) * (div_y + 1), 1)
+ ).flatten(),
+ -1,
+ )
+ mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new("z_function_surface")
mesh.from_pydata(vertices, [], faces)
return mesh
@@ -64,23 +76,28 @@ def surface_from_func(fn, div_x=16, div_y=16, size_x=2, size_y=2):
def bezier_curve(anchors, vector_locations=(), resolution=64, to_mesh=True):
n = [len(r) for r in anchors if isinstance(r, Sized)][0]
- anchors = np.array([np.array(r, dtype=float) if isinstance(r, Sized) else np.full(n, r) for r in anchors])
+ anchors = np.array(
+ [
+ np.array(r, dtype=float) if isinstance(r, Sized) else np.full(n, r)
+ for r in anchors
+ ]
+ )
bpy.ops.curve.primitive_bezier_curve_add(location=(0, 0, 0))
obj = bpy.context.active_object
if n > 2:
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bpy.ops.curve.subdivide(number_cuts=n - 2)
points = obj.data.splines[0].bezier_points
for i in range(n):
points[i].co = anchors[:, i]
for i in range(n):
if i in vector_locations:
- points[i].handle_left_type = 'VECTOR'
- points[i].handle_right_type = 'VECTOR'
+ points[i].handle_left_type = "VECTOR"
+ points[i].handle_right_type = "VECTOR"
- points[i].handle_left_type = 'AUTO'
- points[i].handle_right_type = 'AUTO'
+ points[i].handle_left_type = "AUTO"
+ points[i].handle_right_type = "AUTO"
obj.data.splines[0].resolution_u = resolution
if to_mesh:
return curve2mesh(obj)
@@ -89,13 +106,15 @@ def bezier_curve(anchors, vector_locations=(), resolution=64, to_mesh=True):
def curve2mesh(obj):
with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
- bpy.ops.object.convert(target='MESH')
+ bpy.ops.object.convert(target="MESH")
obj = bpy.context.active_object
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'WELD', merge_threshold=1e-4)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "WELD", merge_threshold=1e-4)
return obj
-def align_bezier(anchors, axes=None, scale=None, vector_locations=(), resolution=64, to_mesh=True):
+def align_bezier(
+ anchors, axes=None, scale=None, vector_locations=(), resolution=64, to_mesh=True
obj = bezier_curve(anchors, vector_locations, resolution, False)
points = obj.data.splines[0].bezier_points
if scale is None:
@@ -108,46 +127,72 @@ def align_bezier(anchors, axes=None, scale=None, vector_locations=(), resolution
if a is None:
a = np.array(a)
- p.handle_left_type = 'FREE'
- p.handle_right_type = 'FREE'
+ p.handle_left_type = "FREE"
+ p.handle_right_type = "FREE"
proj_left = np.array(p.handle_left - p.co) @ a * a
- p.handle_left = np.array(p.co) + proj_left / np.linalg.norm(proj_left) * np.linalg.norm(
- p.handle_left - p.co) * scale[2 * i]
+ p.handle_left = (
+ np.array(p.co)
+ + proj_left
+ / np.linalg.norm(proj_left)
+ * np.linalg.norm(p.handle_left - p.co)
+ * scale[2 * i]
+ )
proj_right = np.array(p.handle_right - p.co) @ a * a
- p.handle_right = np.array(p.co) + proj_right / np.linalg.norm(proj_right) * np.linalg.norm(
- p.handle_right - p.co) * scale[2 * i + 1]
+ p.handle_right = (
+ np.array(p.co)
+ + proj_right
+ / np.linalg.norm(proj_right)
+ * np.linalg.norm(p.handle_right - p.co)
+ * scale[2 * i + 1]
+ )
if to_mesh:
return curve2mesh(obj)
return obj
-def remesh_fill(obj, resolution=.005):
+def remesh_fill(obj, resolution=0.005):
n = len(obj.data.vertices)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=.1)
- write_attribute(obj, lambda nw, position: nw.compare('GREATER_EQUAL', nw.new_node(Nodes.Index), n), 'top')
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=0.1)
+ write_attribute(
+ obj,
+ lambda nw, position: nw.compare("GREATER_EQUAL", nw.new_node(Nodes.Index), n),
+ "top",
+ )
sharp_remesh_with_attrs(obj, resolution)
- is_top = read_attr_data(obj, 'top') > 1e-3
+ is_top = read_attr_data(obj, "top") > 1e-3
remove_vertices(obj, lambda x, y, z: is_top)
- obj.data.attributes.remove(obj.data.attributes['top'])
+ obj.data.attributes.remove(obj.data.attributes["top"])
return obj
-def spin(anchors, vector_locations=(), subdivision=64, resolution=None, axis=(0, 0, 1), loop=False,
- dupli=False):
+def spin(
+ anchors,
+ vector_locations=(),
+ subdivision=64,
+ resolution=None,
+ axis=(0, 0, 1),
+ loop=False,
+ dupli=False,
obj = bezier_curve(anchors, vector_locations, subdivision)
co = read_co(obj)
- max_radius = np.amax(np.linalg.norm(co - (co @ np.array(axis))[:, np.newaxis] * np.array(axis), axis=-1))
- if resolution is None: resolution = min(int(2 * np.pi * max_radius / .005), 128)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'WELD', merge_threshold=1e-4)
+ max_radius = np.amax(
+ np.linalg.norm(
+ co - (co @ np.array(axis))[:, np.newaxis] * np.array(axis), axis=-1
+ )
+ )
+ if resolution is None:
+ resolution = min(int(2 * np.pi * max_radius / 0.005), 128)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "WELD", merge_threshold=1e-4)
if loop:
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'), butil.Suppress():
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"), butil.Suppress():
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'), butil.Suppress():
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"), butil.Suppress():
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
bpy.ops.mesh.spin(steps=resolution, angle=np.pi * 2, axis=axis, dupli=dupli)
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
return obj
@@ -158,33 +203,40 @@ def leaf(x_anchors, y_anchors, vector_locations=(), subdivision=64, face_size=No
anchors = [x_anchors, i * np.array(y_anchors), 0]
curves.append(bezier_curve(anchors, vector_locations, subdivision))
obj = butil.join_objects(curves)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'WELD', merge_threshold=.001)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'), butil.Suppress():
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "WELD", merge_threshold=0.001)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"), butil.Suppress():
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
if face_size is not None:
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'WELD', merge_threshold=face_size / 2)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'), butil.Suppress():
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "WELD", merge_threshold=face_size / 2)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"), butil.Suppress():
- bpy.context.object.vertex_groups.new(name='boundary')
+ bpy.context.object.vertex_groups.new(name="boundary")
obj = separate_loose(obj)
return obj
def cut_plane(obj, cut_center, cut_normal, clear_outer=True):
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
- bisect_plane = bmesh.ops.bisect_plane(bm, geom=bm.verts[:] + bm.edges[:] + bm.faces[:],
- plane_co=cut_center, plane_no=cut_normal, clear_outer=clear_outer,
- clear_inner=not clear_outer)
- edges = [e for e in bisect_plane['geom_cut'] if isinstance(e, bmesh.types.BMEdge)]
- face = bmesh.ops.edgeloop_fill(bm, edges=edges)['faces'][0]
+ bisect_plane = bmesh.ops.bisect_plane(
+ bm,
+ geom=bm.verts[:] + bm.edges[:] + bm.faces[:],
+ plane_co=cut_center,
+ plane_no=cut_normal,
+ clear_outer=clear_outer,
+ clear_inner=not clear_outer,
+ )
+ edges = [
+ e for e in bisect_plane["geom_cut"] if isinstance(e, bmesh.types.BMEdge)
+ ]
+ face = bmesh.ops.edgeloop_fill(bm, edges=edges)["faces"][0]
locations = np.array([v.co for v in face.verts])
- bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=[face], context='FACES_ONLY')
+ bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=[face], context="FACES_ONLY")
cut = mesh2obj(data2mesh(locations, [], [list(range(len(locations)))]))
@@ -195,4 +247,4 @@ def cut_plane(obj, cut_center, cut_normal, clear_outer=True):
def make_circular_interp(low, high, n, fn=uniform):
xs = make_circular_angle(polygon_angles(n))
ys = make_circular(fn(low, high, n))
- return interp1d(xs, ys, 'quadratic')
+ return interp1d(xs, ys, "quadratic")
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/utils/extract_nodegroup_parts.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/extract_nodegroup_parts.py
index 6a9a138e1..8f07fcb5e 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/utils/extract_nodegroup_parts.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/extract_nodegroup_parts.py
@@ -6,19 +6,22 @@
import bpy
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import (
+ Nodes,
+ NodeWrangler,
+ geometry_node_group_empty_new,
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler, Nodes, geometry_node_group_empty_new
def extract_nodegroup_geo(target_obj, nodegroup, k, ng_params=None):
assert k in nodegroup.outputs
- assert target_obj.type == 'MESH'
+ assert target_obj.type == "MESH"
- vert = butil.spawn_vert('extract_nodegroup_geo.temp')
+ vert = butil.spawn_vert("extract_nodegroup_geo.temp")
- butil.modify_mesh(vert, type='NODES', apply=False)
- if vert.modifiers[0].node_group == None:
+ butil.modify_mesh(vert, type="NODES", apply=False)
+ if vert.modifiers[0].node_group is None:
group = geometry_node_group_empty_new()
vert.modifiers[0].node_group = group
ng = vert.modifiers[0].node_group
@@ -26,18 +29,18 @@ def extract_nodegroup_geo(target_obj, nodegroup, k, ng_params=None):
obj_inp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, [target_obj])
group_input_kwargs = {**ng_params}
- if 'Geometry' in nodegroup.inputs:
- group_input_kwargs['Geometry'] = obj_inp.outputs['Geometry']
+ if "Geometry" in nodegroup.inputs:
+ group_input_kwargs["Geometry"] = obj_inp.outputs["Geometry"]
group = nw.new_node(nodegroup.name, input_kwargs=group_input_kwargs)
geo = group.outputs[k]
- if k.endswith('Curve'):
+ if k.endswith("Curve"):
# curves dont export from geonodes well, convert it to a mesh
geo = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, [geo])
- output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geo})
+ output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geo})
- return vert
\ No newline at end of file
+ return vert
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/geometry/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/utils/geometry/__init__.py
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/cpp_utils/.gitignore b/infinigen/assets/utils/geometry/cpp_utils/.gitignore
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/cpp_utils/.gitignore
rename to infinigen/assets/utils/geometry/cpp_utils/.gitignore
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/cpp_utils/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/geometry/cpp_utils/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/cpp_utils/__init__.py
rename to infinigen/assets/utils/geometry/cpp_utils/__init__.py
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/cpp_utils/bnurbs.pyx b/infinigen/assets/utils/geometry/cpp_utils/bnurbs.pyx
similarity index 99%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/cpp_utils/bnurbs.pyx
rename to infinigen/assets/utils/geometry/cpp_utils/bnurbs.pyx
index 0905b00db..3c380b9e1 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/cpp_utils/bnurbs.pyx
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/geometry/cpp_utils/bnurbs.pyx
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-import numpy as np
import cython
+import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
-import bpy
+import bpy
# IMPORTANT: The structs below are copied from DNA_curve_types.h of Blender 3.1.2 source
# May not work for versions of Blender
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/curve.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/geometry/curve.py
similarity index 77%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/curve.py
rename to infinigen/assets/utils/geometry/curve.py
index 893086a74..2b8f92bc1 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/curve.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/geometry/curve.py
@@ -8,13 +8,10 @@
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-class Curve:
+class Curve:
def __init__(
- self, points,
- profile=None, taper=None,
- closed=False, sharp=None,
- scale=None
+ self, points, profile=None, taper=None, closed=False, sharp=None, scale=None
self.points = points
self.profile = profile
@@ -23,16 +20,21 @@ def __init__(
self.sharp = sharp
self.scale = scale
- def to_curve_obj(self, name='curve',
- resu=4, curvetype='NURBS', extrude=0, fill_caps = True,
- to_mesh=False, cleanup=True
+ def to_curve_obj(
+ self,
+ name="curve",
+ resu=4,
+ curvetype="NURBS",
+ extrude=0,
+ fill_caps=True,
+ to_mesh=False,
+ cleanup=True,
- curveData = bpy.data.curves.new(f'{name}_curve', type='CURVE')
- curveData.dimensions = '3D'
+ curveData = bpy.data.curves.new(f"{name}_curve", type="CURVE")
+ curveData.dimensions = "3D"
curveData.resolution_u = resu
curveData.use_fill_caps = fill_caps
- curveData.twist_mode = 'MINIMUM'
+ curveData.twist_mode = "MINIMUM"
curveData.bevel_depth = extrude
polyline = curveData.splines.new(curvetype)
@@ -44,7 +46,9 @@ def get_pos(p):
x, y = p
z = 0
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized point dim {len(p)} in Curve.to_curve_obj')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Unrecognized point dim {len(p)} in Curve.to_curve_obj"
+ )
return x, y, z, 1
for i, p in enumerate(self.points):
@@ -59,7 +63,7 @@ def get_pos(p):
polyline.points[-1].co = get_pos(p)
if self.profile is not None:
- curveData.bevel_mode = 'OBJECT'
+ curveData.bevel_mode = "OBJECT"
curveData.bevel_object = self.profile
if self.taper is not None:
@@ -69,7 +73,7 @@ def get_pos(p):
if self.closed:
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, mode='EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, mode="EDIT"):
@@ -77,7 +81,6 @@ def get_pos(p):
obj.scale = self.scale
if to_mesh:
bevel = curveData.bevel_object
taper = curveData.taper_object
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/lofting.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/geometry/lofting.py
similarity index 65%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/lofting.py
rename to infinigen/assets/utils/geometry/lofting.py
index 0cdc9f28e..4b5e41561 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/lofting.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/geometry/lofting.py
@@ -5,24 +5,25 @@
from dataclasses import dataclass
-import pdb
-import bpy
-import bmesh
import numpy as np
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import rotate_match_directions, lerp_sample, inverse_interpolate
+from infinigen.core.util.math import (
+ inverse_interpolate,
+ lerp_sample,
+ rotate_match_directions,
from .nurbs import nurbs
def factorize_nurbs_handles(handles):
- '''
+ """
Factorize (n,m,3) handles into a skeleton, radii and relative normalized profiles.
IE, profiles output will all face x axis, and have mean radius ~= 1
- '''
+ """
skeleton_polyline = handles.mean(axis=1)
tangents = skeleton_to_tangents(skeleton_polyline)
@@ -32,53 +33,58 @@ def factorize_nurbs_handles(handles):
rot_mats = rotate_match_directions(tangents, forward)
profiles = handles - skeleton_polyline[:, None]
- profiles = np.einsum('bij,bvj->bvi', rot_mats, profiles)
+ profiles = np.einsum("bij,bvj->bvi", rot_mats, profiles)
ts = np.linspace(0, 1, handles.shape[0])
return skeleton_polyline, ts, profiles
class Skin:
- '''
+ """
Defines all the data for a loft mesh besides its skeleton, ie how far
and what shape should the mesh extend beyond the structure of the skeleton
N = number of defined profiles along the skeleton
M = number of points per profile
- '''
+ """
+ ts: np.array # shape (N) float
+ profiles: np.array # shape (N x M) float as polar distances; or NxMx3 as points with x as forward axis
+ profile_as_points: bool = False # whether to interpret profiles as points
- ts: np.array # shape (N) float
- profiles: np.array # shape (N x M) float as polar distances; or NxMx3 as points with x as forward axis
- profile_as_points: bool = False # whether to interpret profiles as points
+ angles: np.array = None # shape (M) float
+ surface_params: np.array = None # shape (N x M x K) float, K is num params per vert
- angles: np.array = None # shape (M) float
- surface_params: np.array = None # shape (N x M x K) float, K is num params per vert
def dist_pcts_to_ts(skeleton, ds):
lengths = np.linalg.norm(skeleton[1:] - skeleton[:-1], axis=-1)
dists = np.concatenate([np.array([0]), np.cumsum(lengths)])
- ts = inverse_interpolate(dists, ds * dists[-1])
+ ts = inverse_interpolate(dists, ds * dists[-1])
return ts / (len(skeleton) - 1)
def skeleton_to_tangents(skeleton):
axes = np.empty_like(skeleton, dtype=np.float32)
axes[-1] = skeleton[-1] - skeleton[-2]
axes[:-1] = skeleton[1:] - skeleton[:-1]
- axes[1:-1] = (axes[1:-1] + axes[:-2]) / 2 # use average of neighboring edge directions where available
+ axes[1:-1] = (
+ axes[1:-1] + axes[:-2]
+ ) / 2 # use average of neighboring edge directions where available
norm = np.linalg.norm(axes, axis=-1)
axes[norm > 0] /= norm[norm > 0, None]
return axes
def default_profile_angles(m):
- return np.linspace(-np.pi/2, 1.5 * np.pi, m, endpoint=False)
+ return np.linspace(-np.pi / 2, 1.5 * np.pi, m, endpoint=False)
-def compute_profile_verts(skeleton, ts, profiles, angles=None, profile_as_points=False):
+def compute_profile_verts(skeleton, ts, profiles, angles=None, profile_as_points=False):
n, m = profiles.shape[0:2]
k = len(skeleton)
@@ -88,36 +94,43 @@ def compute_profile_verts(skeleton, ts, profiles, angles=None, profile_as_points
# decide the axes of rotation for each integer distance along the skeleton
axes = skeleton_to_tangents(skeleton)
# user gives t in [0, 1] representing percent of distance along skeleton
- #ts = dist_pcts_to_ts(skeleton, ts)
+ # ts = dist_pcts_to_ts(skeleton, ts)
axes = lerp_sample(axes, ts * (k - 1))
pos = lerp_sample(skeleton, ts * (k - 1))
# compute profile shapes
if profile_as_points:
- assert(profiles.shape[2]==3)
- profile_verts = profiles;
+ assert profiles.shape[2] == 3
+ profile_verts = profiles
- unit_circle = np.stack([np.zeros_like(angles), np.cos(angles), np.sin(angles)], axis=-1)
+ unit_circle = np.stack(
+ [np.zeros_like(angles), np.cos(angles), np.sin(angles)], axis=-1
+ )
profile_verts = profiles[..., None] * unit_circle[None]
# pose profiles to get vert locations
forward = np.zeros_like(axes)
forward[:, 0] = 1
rot_mats = rotate_match_directions(forward, axes)
- profile_verts = np.einsum('bij,bvj->bvi', rot_mats, profile_verts) + pos[:, None]
+ profile_verts = np.einsum("bij,bvj->bvi", rot_mats, profile_verts) + pos[:, None]
return profile_verts
-def loft(skeleton, skin, method='blender', face_size=0.01, debug=False, **kwargs):
- ctrlpts = compute_profile_verts(skeleton, skin.ts, skin.profiles, skin.angles, profile_as_points=skin.profile_as_points)
+def loft(skeleton, skin, method="blender", face_size=0.01, debug=False, **kwargs):
+ ctrlpts = compute_profile_verts(
+ skeleton,
+ skin.ts,
+ skin.profiles,
+ skin.angles,
+ profile_as_points=skin.profile_as_points,
+ )
obj = nurbs(ctrlpts, method, face_size, debug, **kwargs)
if debug:
- skeleton_debug = butil.spawn_point_cloud('skeleton_debug', skeleton)
+ skeleton_debug = butil.spawn_point_cloud("skeleton_debug", skeleton)
skeleton_debug.parent = obj
return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/metaballs.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/geometry/metaballs.py
similarity index 70%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/metaballs.py
rename to infinigen/assets/utils/geometry/metaballs.py
index 4ad38f671..22aaeec2f 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/metaballs.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/geometry/metaballs.py
@@ -4,69 +4,62 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
+import bmesh
import bpy
import mathutils
-import bmesh
import numpy as np
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
class MBallStructure:
def __init__(self, name, resolution=0.1):
self.name = name
self.resolution = resolution
self.root = butil.spawn_empty(name)
assert self.name not in bpy.data.metaballs.keys()
self.empty_elt((0, 0, 0), rot=mathutils.Quaternion(), scale=(1, 1, 1))
def empty_elt(self, pos, rot, scale):
- mball = bpy.data.metaballs.new(self.name + '_mball')
+ mball = bpy.data.metaballs.new(self.name + "_mball")
mball.resolution = self.resolution
mball.render_resolution = self.resolution
- mball_obj = bpy.data.objects.new(self.name + '_element', mball)
- bpy.context.view_layer.active_layer_collection.collection.objects.link(mball_obj)
+ mball_obj = bpy.data.objects.new(self.name + "_element", mball)
+ bpy.context.view_layer.active_layer_collection.collection.objects.link(
+ mball_obj
+ )
mball_obj.parent = self.root
mball_obj.location = pos
mball_obj.rotation_euler = rot.to_euler()
- mball_obj.scale = scale
+ mball_obj.scale = scale
return mball_obj
def apply_flags(self, ele, flags):
- ele.use_negative = flags.get('neg', False)
- ele.stiffness = flags.get('stiffness', 2)
- def ellipse(
- self, pos, rot,
- length, rad, mode='scale',
- scale=(1, 1, 1), flags={}
- ):
+ ele.use_negative = flags.get("neg", False)
+ ele.stiffness = flags.get("stiffness", 2)
+ def ellipse(self, pos, rot, length, rad, mode="scale", scale=(1, 1, 1), flags={}):
mball_obj = self.empty_elt(pos, rot, scale)
ele = mball_obj.data.elements.new()
- ele.type = 'ELLIPSOID'
+ ele.type = "ELLIPSOID"
- if mode == 'sizes':
- ele.size_x = length
+ if mode == "sizes":
+ ele.size_x = length
ele.size_y = rad
ele.size_z = rad
- ele.radius = 1 # this seems to just scale everything up/down, no need
- elif mode == 'scale':
+ ele.radius = 1 # this seems to just scale everything up/down, no need
+ elif mode == "scale":
mball_obj.scale.x *= length
mball_obj.scale.y *= rad
mball_obj.scale.z *= rad
- ele.radius = 1 # this seems to just scale everything up/down, no need
+ ele.radius = 1 # this seems to just scale everything up/down, no need
ele.size_x = 1
ele.size_y = 1
ele.size_z = 1
@@ -76,32 +69,32 @@ def ellipse(
return mball_obj
def capsule(self, pos, rot, length, rad, scale=(1, 1, 1), flags={}):
mball_obj = self.empty_elt(pos, rot, scale)
ele = mball_obj.data.elements.new()
- ele.type='CAPSULE'
+ ele.type = "CAPSULE"
ele.size_x = length / 2
- ele.radius = rad #/ 1.15 # blender always seems to overshoot what I ask for by 15%
+ ele.radius = (
+ rad # / 1.15 # blender always seems to overshoot what I ask for by 15%
+ )
self.apply_flags(ele, flags)
return mball_obj
def ball(self, pos, rad, **kwargs):
return self.capsule(pos, length=0, rad=rad, **kwargs)
- def to_object(self):
+ def to_object(self):
bm = bmesh.new()
mball_obj = self.root.children[0]
- if len(self.root.children) > 1:
+ if len(self.root.children) > 1:
first = self.root.children[1]
mball_obj.location = first.location
mball_obj.rotation_euler = first.rotation_euler
# do resolution via scale, not using their settings
for c in self.root.children:
c.data.resolution = 1
@@ -114,7 +107,7 @@ def to_object(self):
mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(self.name)
- obj = bpy.data.objects.new(self.name + '_mesh', object_data=mesh)
+ obj = bpy.data.objects.new(self.name + "_mesh", object_data=mesh)
if len(self.root.children) > 1:
@@ -122,22 +115,24 @@ def to_object(self):
obj.rotation_euler = first.rotation_euler
obj.scale = np.full(3, self.resolution)
with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
- bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=False, rotation=False, scale=True)
+ bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(
+ location=False, rotation=False, scale=True
+ )
return obj
def clean(self):
for o in self.root.children:
-def plusx_cylinder_unwrap(part):
- '''
+def plusx_cylinder_unwrap(part):
+ """
Rotate the part from +X to face -Z, cylinder project it, then rotate it back
WARNING: The cylinder projection operation is VERY particular about the 'context' being right
- '''
+ """
if len(part.data.vertices) == 0:
@@ -148,17 +143,17 @@ def plusx_cylinder_unwrap(part):
orig = part.rotation_euler.copy()
# translate to pointing upwards
- part.rotation_euler = (0, np.pi/2, 0)
+ part.rotation_euler = (0, np.pi / 2, 0)
bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=False, rotation=True, scale=False)
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.uv.cylinder_project(direction='ALIGN_TO_OBJECT', correct_aspect=True)
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.uv.cylinder_project(direction="ALIGN_TO_OBJECT", correct_aspect=True)
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
# undo the rotation we just applied into th emesh
- part.rotation_euler = (0, -np.pi/2, 0)
+ part.rotation_euler = (0, -np.pi / 2, 0)
bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=False, rotation=True, scale=False)
# back to normal
- part.rotation_euler = orig
\ No newline at end of file
+ part.rotation_euler = orig
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/nurbs.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/geometry/nurbs.py
similarity index 71%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/nurbs.py
rename to infinigen/assets/utils/geometry/nurbs.py
index 306cbc7e4..e9fba993f 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/nurbs.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/geometry/nurbs.py
@@ -4,28 +4,28 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import math
import logging
+import math
-import bpy
import bmesh
-from geomdl import NURBS, knotvector
+import bpy
import numpy as np
+from geomdl import NURBS
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import randomspacing
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import bnurbs
except ImportError:
- logger.warning(f'Failed to import compiled `bnurbs` package, either installation failed or we are running a minimal install')
+ logger.warning(
+ "Failed to import compiled `bnurbs` package, either installation failed or we are running a minimal install"
+ )
bnurbs = None
-def compute_cylinder_topology(n: int, m: int, uvs=False, cyclic=True, h_neighbors=None):
+def compute_cylinder_topology(n: int, m: int, uvs=False, cyclic=True, h_neighbors=None):
# n: num vertices in vertical direction
# m: num vertices in each loop
@@ -48,8 +48,7 @@ def compute_cylinder_topology(n: int, m: int, uvs=False, cyclic=True, h_neighbor
edges = np.concatenate([ring_edges, bridge_edges])
# compute faces
- face_neighbors = np.concatenate(
- [h_neighbors, h_neighbors[:, ::-1] + m], axis=-1)
+ face_neighbors = np.concatenate([h_neighbors, h_neighbors[:, ::-1] + m], axis=-1)
faces = ring_start_offsets[:, None, None] + face_neighbors[None]
if not cyclic:
faces = faces[:, :-1, :]
@@ -58,17 +57,19 @@ def compute_cylinder_topology(n: int, m: int, uvs=False, cyclic=True, h_neighbor
if not uvs:
return edges, faces
- us, vs = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 1, m, endpoint=True), np.linspace(0, 1, n, endpoint=True))
+ us, vs = np.meshgrid(
+ np.linspace(0, 1, m, endpoint=True), np.linspace(0, 1, n, endpoint=True)
+ )
uvs = np.stack([us, vs], axis=-1).reshape(-1, 2)
return edges, faces, uvs
-def apply_crease_values(obj, creases: np.array):
+def apply_crease_values(obj, creases: np.array):
n, m, c = creases.shape
# set crease values
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, mode='EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, mode="EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
creaseLayer = bm.edges.layers.crease.verify()
@@ -82,8 +83,9 @@ def apply_crease_values(obj, creases: np.array):
-def subdiv_mesh_nurbs(verts, level, creases=None, name='loft_mesh', cyclic_v=True) -> bpy.types.Object:
+def subdiv_mesh_nurbs(
+ verts, level, creases=None, name="loft_mesh", cyclic_v=True
+) -> bpy.types.Object:
if not cyclic_v:
raise NotImplementedError()
@@ -96,29 +98,38 @@ def subdiv_mesh_nurbs(verts, level, creases=None, name='loft_mesh', cyclic_v=Tru
apply_crease_values(obj, creases)
if level:
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, type='SUBSURF', levels=level,
- render_levels=level, apply=False)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj, type="SUBSURF", levels=level, render_levels=level, apply=False
+ )
return obj
-def blender_nurbs(ctrlpts, ws=None, name='loft_nurbs', resolution=(32, 32), cyclic_v=True, kv_u=None, kv_v=None):
- n, m, _ = ctrlpts.shape
+def blender_nurbs(
+ ctrlpts,
+ ws=None,
+ name="loft_nurbs",
+ resolution=(32, 32),
+ cyclic_v=True,
+ kv_u=None,
+ kv_v=None,
+ n, m, _ = ctrlpts.shape
if ws is None:
ws = np.ones((n, m, 1))
assert ws.shape == (n, m, 1)
- curve = bpy.data.curves.new(name, 'SURFACE')
- curve.dimensions = '3D'
+ curve = bpy.data.curves.new(name, "SURFACE")
+ curve.dimensions = "3D"
obj = bpy.data.objects.new(name, curve)
# create each profile as its own spline
verts_4d = np.concatenate([ctrlpts, ws], axis=-1)
for i, profile in enumerate(verts_4d):
- spline = curve.splines.new(type='NURBS')
+ spline = curve.splines.new(type="NURBS")
spline.points.add(m - len(spline.points))
for p, co in zip(spline.points, profile):
p.co = co
@@ -127,7 +138,7 @@ def blender_nurbs(ctrlpts, ws=None, name='loft_nurbs', resolution=(32, 32), cycl
for s in curve.splines:
for p in s.points:
p.select = True
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, mode='EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, mode="EDIT"):
spline = obj.data.splines[0]
@@ -135,7 +146,7 @@ def blender_nurbs(ctrlpts, ws=None, name='loft_nurbs', resolution=(32, 32), cycl
spline.use_endpoint_u = True
spline.use_cyclic_v = cyclic_v
spline.resolution_u, spline.resolution_v = resolution
if kv_u is not None:
bnurbs.set_knotsu(spline, kv_u)
if kv_v is not None:
@@ -144,27 +155,27 @@ def blender_nurbs(ctrlpts, ws=None, name='loft_nurbs', resolution=(32, 32), cycl
return obj
-def generate_knotvector(degree, n, mode='uniform', clamped=True):
- if mode == 'uniform':
+def generate_knotvector(degree, n, mode="uniform", clamped=True):
+ if mode == "uniform":
if clamped:
middle = np.linspace(0, n, n - degree + 1)[1:-1]
middle = np.arange(0, n + degree + 1)
- elif mode == 'piecewise_bezier': # todo: this isn't correct
+ elif mode == "piecewise_bezier": # todo: this isn't correct
middle = np.repeat(np.arange(0, n), degree)
- elif mode == 'random_uniform':
+ elif mode == "random_uniform":
if clamped:
middle = np.sort(np.random.uniform(0, n, n - degree - 1))
middle = np.sort(np.random.uniform(0, n, n + degree + 1))
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized {mode=} for generate_knotvector')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized {mode=} for generate_knotvector")
if clamped:
- assert len(middle) == n - degree - \
- 1, f'{len(middle)} != {n - degree - 1}'
+ assert len(middle) == n - degree - 1, f"{len(middle)} != {n - degree - 1}"
knot = np.concatenate(
- [np.full(degree + 1, 0), middle, np.full(degree + 1, n)]) # pin the ends
+ [np.full(degree + 1, 0), middle, np.full(degree + 1, n)]
+ ) # pin the ends
knot = middle
@@ -174,7 +185,6 @@ def generate_knotvector(degree, n, mode='uniform', clamped=True):
def blender_mesh_from_pydata(points, edges, faces, uvs=None, name="pydata_mesh"):
mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(name=name)
mesh.from_pydata(points, edges, faces)
@@ -206,7 +216,9 @@ def blender_nurbs_to_geomdl(s: bpy.types.Spline) -> NURBS.Surface:
surf.ctrlpts_size_v = s.point_count_v + (s.order_v - 1 if s.use_cyclic_v else 0)
if bnurbs is None:
- logger.warning(f'Failed to import compiled `bnurbs` package, either installation failed or we are running a minimal install')
+ logger.warning(
+ "Failed to import compiled `bnurbs` package, either installation failed or we are running a minimal install"
+ )
surf.knotvector_u = bnurbs.get_knotsu(s)
surf.knotvector_v = bnurbs.get_knotsv(s)
@@ -218,22 +230,24 @@ def blender_nurbs_to_geomdl(s: bpy.types.Spline) -> NURBS.Surface:
# IMPORTANT: blender stores u as the faster changing index
ctrlpts = ctrlpts.reshape((s.point_count_v, s.point_count_u, 4))
if s.use_cyclic_u:
- ctrlpts = np.concatenate([ctrlpts, ctrlpts[:, 0:s.order_u - 1, :]], axis=1)
+ ctrlpts = np.concatenate([ctrlpts, ctrlpts[:, 0 : s.order_u - 1, :]], axis=1)
if s.use_cyclic_v:
- ctrlpts = np.concatenate([ctrlpts, ctrlpts[0:s.order_v - 1, :, :]], axis=0)
+ ctrlpts = np.concatenate([ctrlpts, ctrlpts[0 : s.order_v - 1, :, :]], axis=0)
+ ctrlpts = ctrlpts.transpose(1, 0, 2).reshape((-1, 4))
- ctrlpts = ctrlpts.transpose(1,0,2).reshape((-1,4))
surf.ctrlpts = ctrlpts[:, :-1]
surf.weights = ctrlpts[:, -1]
return surf
def geomdl_to_mesh(surf: NURBS.Surface, eval_delta, name="geomdl_mesh"):
surf.delta = eval_delta
points = np.array(surf.evalpts)
edges, faces = compute_cylinder_topology(
- surf.sample_size_u, surf.sample_size_v, cyclic=False)
+ surf.sample_size_u, surf.sample_size_v, cyclic=False
+ )
mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(name=name)
mesh.from_pydata(points, edges, faces)
@@ -241,6 +255,7 @@ def geomdl_to_mesh(surf: NURBS.Surface, eval_delta, name="geomdl_mesh"):
return obj
def map_param_to_valid_domain(knots: np.array, order: int, u: np.array, cyclic: bool):
u_start, u_end = knots[[order - 1, -order]]
if not cyclic and ((u_start > u).any() or (u > u_end).any()):
@@ -248,17 +263,20 @@ def map_param_to_valid_domain(knots: np.array, order: int, u: np.array, cyclic:
_, r = np.divmod(u - u_start, u_end - u_start)
return r + u_start
# for cyclic u or v, wrap them around to valid domain.
# raise exception if not cyclic and out of domain
def map_uv_to_valid_domain(s: bpy.types.Spline, uv: np.array):
knotsu = bnurbs.get_knotsu(s)
knotsv = bnurbs.get_knotsv(s)
- u = map_param_to_valid_domain(knotsu, s.order_u, uv[:,0], s.use_cyclic_u)
- v = map_param_to_valid_domain(knotsv, s.order_v, uv[:,1], s.use_cyclic_v)
- return np.stack([u,v], axis=-1)
+ u = map_param_to_valid_domain(knotsu, s.order_u, uv[:, 0], s.use_cyclic_u)
+ v = map_param_to_valid_domain(knotsv, s.order_v, uv[:, 1], s.use_cyclic_v)
+ return np.stack([u, v], axis=-1)
-def geomdl_nurbs(ctrlpts, eval_delta, ws=None, kv_u=None, kv_v=None, name='loft_nurbs', cyclic_v=True):
+def geomdl_nurbs(
+ ctrlpts, eval_delta, ws=None, kv_u=None, kv_v=None, name="loft_nurbs", cyclic_v=True
n, m, _ = ctrlpts.shape
degree_u, degree_v = (3, 3)
@@ -281,55 +299,57 @@ def geomdl_nurbs(ctrlpts, eval_delta, ws=None, kv_u=None, kv_v=None, name='loft_
if ws is not None:
surf.weights = ws
- surf.knotvector_u = generate_knotvector(
- surf.degree_u, n) if kv_u is None else list(kv_u)
+ surf.knotvector_u = (
+ generate_knotvector(surf.degree_u, n) if kv_u is None else list(kv_u)
+ )
# uniform spacing is generally recommended, especially for cyclic v
if kv_v is None:
- kv_v = np.array(generate_knotvector(surf.degree_v, m,
- mode='uniform', clamped=not cyclic_v))
+ kv_v = np.array(
+ generate_knotvector(surf.degree_v, m, mode="uniform", clamped=not cyclic_v)
+ )
if cyclic_v: # wrap around p knot intervals
- kv_v = np.append(kv_v, kv_v[1:degree_v+1] + kv_v[-1] - kv_v[0])
+ kv_v = np.append(kv_v, kv_v[1 : degree_v + 1] + kv_v[-1] - kv_v[0])
surf.knotvector_v = list(kv_v)
surf.delta = eval_delta
points = np.array(surf.evalpts)
if cyclic_v: # drop the last point (which is a duplicate) for each loop
- points = points.reshape(
- surf.sample_size_u, surf.sample_size_v, -1)[:, :-1, :].reshape(-1, 3)
+ points = points.reshape(surf.sample_size_u, surf.sample_size_v, -1)[
+ :, :-1, :
+ ].reshape(-1, 3)
- edges, faces, uvs = compute_cylinder_topology(surf.sample_size_u, surf.sample_size_v - cyclic_v,
- cyclic=cyclic_v, uvs=True)
+ edges, faces, uvs = compute_cylinder_topology(
+ surf.sample_size_u, surf.sample_size_v - cyclic_v, cyclic=cyclic_v, uvs=True
+ )
return blender_mesh_from_pydata(points, edges, faces, uvs=uvs, name=name)
def nurbs(ctrlpts, method, face_size=0.01, debug=False, **kwargs):
n, m, _ = ctrlpts.shape
- ulength = np.linalg.norm(np.diff(ctrlpts, axis=0),
- axis=-1).sum(axis=0).max()
- vlength = np.linalg.norm(np.diff(ctrlpts, axis=1),
- axis=-1).sum(axis=1).max()
+ ulength = np.linalg.norm(np.diff(ctrlpts, axis=0), axis=-1).sum(axis=0).max()
+ vlength = np.linalg.norm(np.diff(ctrlpts, axis=1), axis=-1).sum(axis=1).max()
- if method == 'geomdl':
+ if method == "geomdl":
steps = face_size / max(ulength, vlength)
obj = geomdl_nurbs(ctrlpts, steps, **kwargs)
- elif method == 'blender':
- resolution = np.clip(
- np.array([ulength, vlength])/face_size, 6, 40).astype(int)
+ elif method == "blender":
+ resolution = np.clip(np.array([ulength, vlength]) / face_size, 6, 40).astype(
+ int
+ )
resolution = (6, 6)
obj = blender_nurbs(ctrlpts, resolution=resolution)
- elif method == 'subdiv':
- upres_fac = max(ulength/n, vlength/m) / face_size
+ elif method == "subdiv":
+ upres_fac = max(ulength / n, vlength / m) / face_size
level = math.ceil(np.log2(upres_fac))
obj = subdiv_mesh_nurbs(ctrlpts, level=np.clip(level, 2, 7), **kwargs)
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized nurbs({method=})')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized nurbs({method=})")
if debug:
- handles = butil.spawn_point_cloud('handles', ctrlpts.reshape(-1, 3))
+ handles = butil.spawn_point_cloud("handles", ctrlpts.reshape(-1, 3))
handles.parent = obj
return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/skin_ops.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/geometry/skin_ops.py
similarity index 51%
rename from infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/skin_ops.py
rename to infinigen/assets/utils/geometry/skin_ops.py
index 39697ebaa..6aba65159 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/creatures/util/geometry/skin_ops.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/geometry/skin_ops.py
@@ -6,63 +6,70 @@
from copy import copy
-import bpy
import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.geometry.lofting import Skin
+from infinigen.assets.utils.geometry import lofting
+from infinigen.assets.utils.geometry.lofting import Skin
from infinigen.core.util.math import lerp, randomspacing
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.geometry import lofting
def extend_cap(skin: Skin, r=1, margin=0):
res = copy(skin)
- res.ts = np.concatenate([np.array([margin]), skin.ts, np.array([1-margin])], axis=0)
- res.profiles = np.concatenate([skin.profiles[[0]] * r, skin.profiles, skin.profiles[[-1]] * r])
+ res.ts = np.concatenate(
+ [np.array([margin]), skin.ts, np.array([1 - margin])], axis=0
+ )
+ res.profiles = np.concatenate(
+ [skin.profiles[[0]] * r, skin.profiles, skin.profiles[[-1]] * r]
+ )
if res.surface_params is not None:
- res.surface_params = np.concatenate([
- skin.surface_params[[0]], skin.surface_params, skin.surface_params[[-1]]])
+ res.surface_params = np.concatenate(
+ [skin.surface_params[[0]], skin.surface_params, skin.surface_params[[-1]]]
+ )
return res
def square_cap(s: Skin):
s = extend_cap(s, r=1, margin=0.01)
s = extend_cap(s, r=0)
return s
-def bevel_cap(s: Skin, n: int, d: float, profile='SPHERE'):
- ts = np.linspace(1, 0, n) # pct of distance from end
+def bevel_cap(s: Skin, n: int, d: float, profile="SPHERE"):
+ ts = np.linspace(1, 0, n) # pct of distance from end
- if profile == 'SPHERE':
+ if profile == "SPHERE":
rads = np.sqrt(1 - ts * ts)
- elif profile == 'CHAMFER':
+ elif profile == "CHAMFER":
rads = ts
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized {profile=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized {profile=}")
for t, r in zip(ts, rads):
- s = extend_cap(s, r=r, margin=d*t)
+ s = extend_cap(s, r=r, margin=d * t)
return s
def symmetrize(s: Skin, fac):
- #if s.angles is not None:
+ # if s.angles is not None:
# raise NotImplementedError(f'symmetrize(s: Skin) only supports s.angles = None')
res = copy(s)
- res.profiles = lerp(s.profiles, (s.profiles + s.profiles[:, ::-1])/2, fac)
+ res.profiles = lerp(s.profiles, (s.profiles + s.profiles[:, ::-1]) / 2, fac)
if s.surface_params is not None:
- res.surface_params = lerp(s.surface_params, (s.surface_params + s.surface_params[:, ::-1]) / 2, fac)
+ res.surface_params = lerp(
+ s.surface_params, (s.surface_params + s.surface_params[:, ::-1]) / 2, fac
+ )
return res
-def outerprod_skin(ts, rads, profile, profile_as_points=False, add_cap=True):
+def outerprod_skin(ts, rads, profile, profile_as_points=False, add_cap=True):
if profile_as_points:
- profiles = rads.reshape(-1,1,1) * profile.reshape(1,-1,3)
+ profiles = rads.reshape(-1, 1, 1) * profile.reshape(1, -1, 3)
profiles = rads.reshape(-1, 1) * profile.reshape(1, -1)
@@ -73,34 +80,34 @@ def outerprod_skin(ts, rads, profile, profile_as_points=False, add_cap=True):
s = extend_cap(s, r=0)
return s
-def random_skin(rad, n, m, n_params=1):
+def random_skin(rad, n, m, n_params=1):
ts = randomspacing(0.03, 0.97, n, margin=0.1)
- angles = None # cutil.randomspacing(-np.pi, 1.5 * np.pi, m, margin=0.4)
+ angles = None # cutil.randomspacing(-np.pi, 1.5 * np.pi, m, margin=0.4)
sine_fac = np.sin(ts * np.pi)[:, None]
- sine_fac = sine_fac ** 0.2
+ sine_fac = sine_fac**0.2
radius_func = lerp(rad * 0.1, rad, sine_fac)
sigmas = np.array([0.07, 0.4, 0.25])
- o_n, o_m, o_ind = np.clip(normal(sigmas, sigmas/4, 3), 0, 1)
+ o_n, o_m, o_ind = np.clip(normal(sigmas, sigmas / 4, 3), 0, 1)
profiles = radius_func * (
- normal(1, o_n, (n, 1)) *
- normal(1, o_m, (1, m)) *
- normal(1, o_ind, (n, m))
+ normal(1, o_n, (n, 1)) * normal(1, o_m, (1, m)) * normal(1, o_ind, (n, m))
profiles = np.clip(profiles, 0, 2 * rad)
sym = 1
if n_params == 2:
- ring_creases = np.power(uniform(0, 1, (n, 1)), 3)
- row_creases = np.power(uniform(0, 1, (1, m)), 3)
+ ring_creases = np.power(uniform(0, 1, (n, 1)), 3)
+ row_creases = np.power(uniform(0, 1, (1, m)), 3)
- params = np.stack([ring_creases * np.ones((1, m)), row_creases * np.ones((n, 1))], axis=-1)
+ params = np.stack(
+ [ring_creases * np.ones((1, m)), row_creases * np.ones((n, 1))], axis=-1
+ )
params = uniform(0.1, 10, (n, m, 1))
s = Skin(ts=ts, profiles=profiles, surface_params=params, angles=angles)
s = extend_cap(s, r=0.5)
s = extend_cap(s, r=0)
@@ -109,15 +116,17 @@ def random_skin(rad, n, m, n_params=1):
return s
-def profile_from_thickened_curve(curve_skeleton: np.array, # Nx3, with x axis as forward
- widths: np.array, # N floats
+def profile_from_thickened_curve(
+ curve_skeleton: np.array, # Nx3, with x axis as forward
+ widths: np.array, # N floats
tgs = lofting.skeleton_to_tangents(curve_skeleton)
- left_dir = np.stack([np.zeros_like(tgs[:,0]), -tgs[:,2], tgs[:,1]], axis=-1)
- left_offset = widths[:,None] * left_dir / np.linalg.norm(left_dir)
+ left_dir = np.stack([np.zeros_like(tgs[:, 0]), -tgs[:, 2], tgs[:, 1]], axis=-1)
+ left_offset = widths[:, None] * left_dir / np.linalg.norm(left_dir)
left_points = curve_skeleton + left_offset
right_points = curve_skeleton - left_offset
- profile = np.concatenate([left_points, right_points[::-1]])
- return profile
\ No newline at end of file
+ profile = np.concatenate([left_points, right_points[::-1]])
+ return profile
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/utils/laplacian.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/laplacian.py
index ef748eb1f..27f3c115c 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/utils/laplacian.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/laplacian.py
@@ -4,13 +4,11 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
import bmesh
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from skimage.measure import find_contours, marching_cubes
from scipy.ndimage import convolve
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from skimage.measure import marching_cubes
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import data2mesh
@@ -21,22 +19,31 @@ def mesh_grid(n, sizes):
def init_mesh_3d(n, sizes):
- fn = lambda x, y, z: uniform(.5, 1) * (x - uniform(-.2, .2)) ** 2 + uniform(.5, 1) * (
- y - uniform(-.2, .2)) ** 2 + uniform(.1, .2) * z ** 2 < .2 * .2
- extend = lambda f: uniform(0, 1, f.shape) < convolve(f, np.ones((3, 3, 3)))
+ def fn(x, y, z):
+ return (
+ uniform(0.5, 1) * (x - uniform(-0.2, 0.2)) ** 2
+ + uniform(0.5, 1) * (y - uniform(-0.2, 0.2)) ** 2
+ + uniform(0.1, 0.2) * z**2
+ < 0.2 * 0.2
+ )
+ def extend(f):
+ return uniform(0, 1, f.shape) < convolve(f, np.ones((3, 3, 3)))
x, y, z = mesh_grid(n, sizes)
f = fn(x, y, z)
- a = np.where(f, uniform(.1, .5, x.shape), 0) + uniform(0, .02, x.shape)
+ a = np.where(f, uniform(0.1, 0.5, x.shape), 0) + uniform(0, 0.02, x.shape)
b = np.where(extend(f), 1, uniform(-1, 1, x.shape)).astype(float)
return a, b
def init_mesh_2d(n, sizes):
- fn = lambda x, y: x <= 2 / n
+ def fn(x, y):
+ return x <= 2 / n
x, y = mesh_grid(n, sizes)
f = fn(x, y)
- a = np.where(f, .99, 0) + uniform(0, .01, x.shape)
+ a = np.where(f, 0.99, 0) + uniform(0, 0.01, x.shape)
b = uniform(-1, 1, x.shape)
return a, b
@@ -46,16 +53,26 @@ def build_laplacian(st, a, b, t, k, dt, tau, eps, alpha, gamma, teq):
lap_a = convolve(a, st)
lap_b = convolve(b, st)
m = alpha / np.pi * np.arctan(gamma * (teq - b))
- delta_a = (eps * eps * lap_a + a * (1. - a) * (a - .5 + m)) / tau
+ delta_a = (eps * eps * lap_a + a * (1.0 - a) * (a - 0.5 + m)) / tau
delta_b = lap_b + k * delta_a
a += delta_a * dt
b += delta_b * dt
return a, b
-def build_laplacian_3d(n=32, t=800, k=2., dt=.0005, tau=.0003, eps=.01, alpha=.9, gamma=10., teq=1.):
- stencil = np.array([[[1, 3, 1], [3, 14, 3], [1, 3, 1]], [[3, 14, 3], [14, -128, 14], [3, 14, 3]],
- [[1, 3, 1], [3, 14, 3], [1, 3, 1]]]) / 128
+def build_laplacian_3d(
+ n=32, t=800, k=2.0, dt=0.0005, tau=0.0003, eps=0.01, alpha=0.9, gamma=10.0, teq=1.0
+ stencil = (
+ np.array(
+ [
+ [[1, 3, 1], [3, 14, 3], [1, 3, 1]],
+ [[3, 14, 3], [14, -128, 14], [3, 14, 3]],
+ [[1, 3, 1], [3, 14, 3], [1, 3, 1]],
+ ]
+ )
+ / 128
+ )
height = 1.5
sizes = [-1, 1], [-1, 1], [0, height]
@@ -64,18 +81,32 @@ def build_laplacian_3d(n=32, t=800, k=2., dt=.0005, tau=.0003, eps=.01, alpha=.9
a, b = build_laplacian(stencil * n * n, a, b, t, k, dt, tau, eps, alpha, gamma, teq)
a = np.pad(a, 1)
- vertices, faces, _, _ = marching_cubes(a, .5)
+ vertices, faces, _, _ = marching_cubes(a, 0.5)
vertices -= 1
vertices /= n
vertices[:, :-1] -= 1
x, y, z = vertices.T
vertices[:, :-1] *= np.expand_dims(
- np.maximum(np.abs(x), np.abs(y)) / (np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) + 1e-6) * (1 - z / height) + z / height,
- -1)
+ np.maximum(np.abs(x), np.abs(y))
+ / (np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) + 1e-6)
+ * (1 - z / height)
+ + z / height,
+ -1,
+ )
return data2mesh(vertices, [], faces)
-def build_laplacian_2d(n=128, t=10000, k=1.5, dt=.0002, tau=.0003, eps=.01, alpha=.9, gamma=10., teq=1.):
+def build_laplacian_2d(
+ n=128,
+ t=10000,
+ k=1.5,
+ dt=0.0002,
+ tau=0.0003,
+ eps=0.01,
+ alpha=0.9,
+ gamma=10.0,
+ teq=1.0,
stencil = np.array([[1, 4, 1], [4, -20, 4], [1, 4, 1]]) / 20
sizes = [0, 1], [0, 1]
@@ -86,7 +117,7 @@ def build_laplacian_2d(n=128, t=10000, k=1.5, dt=.0002, tau=.0003, eps=.01, alph
a = np.pad(a, 1)
a = np.stack([a, a], axis=-1)
- vertices, faces, _, _ = marching_cubes(a, .5)
+ vertices, faces, _, _ = marching_cubes(a, 0.5)
vertices -= 1
vertices /= n
mesh = data2mesh(vertices, [], faces)
@@ -97,6 +128,6 @@ def build_laplacian_2d(n=128, t=10000, k=1.5, dt=.0002, tau=.0003, eps=.01, alph
bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=vertices_to_remove)
for v in bm.verts:
x, y, z = v.co
- v.co *= np.maximum(np.abs(x), np.abs(y)) / (np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) + 1e-6)
+ v.co *= np.maximum(np.abs(x), np.abs(y)) / (np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) + 1e-6)
return data2mesh(vertices, [], faces)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/utils/mesh.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/mesh.py
index fd7f1f319..4a9559dd9 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/utils/mesh.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/mesh.py
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
import bmesh
+import bpy
import numpy as np
import shapely
import trimesh
@@ -14,62 +14,101 @@
from numpy.random import normal, uniform
from shapely import LineString
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, read_edges, read_edge_length, remove_faces, read_area
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_cube, obj2trimesh, separate_loose
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, read_edges
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import obj2trimesh, separate_loose
from infinigen.assets.utils.shapes import dissolve_limited
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.math import normalize
-def build_prism_mesh(n=6, r_min=1., r_max=1.5, height=.3, tilt=.3):
+def build_prism_mesh(n=6, r_min=1.0, r_max=1.5, height=0.3, tilt=0.3):
angles = polygon_angles(n)
a_upper = uniform(-np.pi / 12, np.pi / 12, n)
a_lower = uniform(-np.pi / 12, np.pi / 12, n)
- z_upper = 1 + uniform(-height, height, n) + uniform(0, tilt) * np.cos(angles + uniform(-np.pi, np.pi))
- z_lower = 1 + uniform(-height, height, n) + uniform(0, tilt) * np.sin(angles + uniform(-np.pi, np.pi))
+ z_upper = (
+ 1
+ + uniform(-height, height, n)
+ + uniform(0, tilt) * np.cos(angles + uniform(-np.pi, np.pi))
+ )
+ z_lower = (
+ 1
+ + uniform(-height, height, n)
+ + uniform(0, tilt) * np.sin(angles + uniform(-np.pi, np.pi))
+ )
r_upper = uniform(r_min, r_max, n)
r_lower = uniform(r_min, r_max, n)
vertices = np.block(
- [[r_upper * np.cos(angles + a_upper), r_lower * np.cos(angles + a_lower), 0, 0],
- [r_upper * np.sin(angles + a_upper), r_lower * np.sin(angles + a_lower), 0, 0],
- [z_upper, -z_lower, 1, -1]]
+ [
+ [
+ r_upper * np.cos(angles + a_upper),
+ r_lower * np.cos(angles + a_lower),
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ ],
+ [
+ r_upper * np.sin(angles + a_upper),
+ r_lower * np.sin(angles + a_lower),
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ ],
+ [z_upper, -z_lower, 1, -1],
+ ]
r = np.arange(n)
s = np.roll(r, -1)
faces = np.block(
- [[r, r, r + n, s + n], [s, r + n, s + n, r + n], [np.full(n, 2 * n), s, s, np.full(n, 2 * n + 1)]]
+ [
+ [r, r, r + n, s + n],
+ [s, r + n, s + n, r + n],
+ [np.full(n, 2 * n), s, s, np.full(n, 2 * n + 1)],
+ ]
- mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new('prism')
+ mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new("prism")
mesh.from_pydata(vertices, [], faces)
return mesh
-def build_convex_mesh(n=6, height=.2, tilt=.2):
+def build_convex_mesh(n=6, height=0.2, tilt=0.2):
angles = polygon_angles(n)
a_upper = uniform(-np.pi / 18, 0, n)
a_lower = uniform(0, np.pi / 18, n)
- z_upper = 1 + normal(0, height, n) + uniform(0, tilt) * np.cos(angles + uniform(-np.pi, np.pi))
- z_lower = 1 + normal(0, height, n) + uniform(0, tilt) * np.cos(angles + uniform(-np.pi, np.pi))
+ z_upper = (
+ 1
+ + normal(0, height, n)
+ + uniform(0, tilt) * np.cos(angles + uniform(-np.pi, np.pi))
+ )
+ z_lower = (
+ 1
+ + normal(0, height, n)
+ + uniform(0, tilt) * np.cos(angles + uniform(-np.pi, np.pi))
+ )
r = 1.8
vertices = np.block(
- [[r * np.cos(angles + a_upper), r * np.cos(angles + a_lower), 0, 0],
+ [
+ [r * np.cos(angles + a_upper), r * np.cos(angles + a_lower), 0, 0],
[r * np.sin(angles + a_upper), r * np.sin(angles + a_lower), 0, 0],
- [z_upper, -z_lower, z_upper.max() + uniform(.1, .2),
- -z_lower.max() - uniform(.1, .2)]]
+ [
+ z_upper,
+ -z_lower,
+ z_upper.max() + uniform(0.1, 0.2),
+ -z_lower.max() - uniform(0.1, 0.2),
+ ],
+ ]
r = np.arange(n)
s = np.roll(r, -1)
faces = np.block(
- [[r, r, r + n, s + n], [s, r + n, s + n, r + n], [np.full(n, 2 * n), s, s, np.full(n, 2 * n + 1)]]
+ [
+ [r, r, r + n, s + n],
+ [s, r + n, s + n, r + n],
+ [np.full(n, 2 * n), s, s, np.full(n, 2 * n + 1)],
+ ]
- mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new('prism')
+ mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new("prism")
mesh.from_pydata(vertices, [], faces)
return mesh
@@ -82,20 +121,25 @@ def polygon_angles(n, min_angle=np.pi / 6, max_angle=np.pi * 2 / 3):
if (difference >= min_angle).all() and (difference <= max_angle).all():
- angles = np.sort((np.arange(n) * (2 * np.pi / n) + uniform(0, np.pi * 2)) % (np.pi * 2))
+ angles = np.sort(
+ (np.arange(n) * (2 * np.pi / n) + uniform(0, np.pi * 2)) % (np.pi * 2)
+ )
return angles
def face_area(obj):
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
return sum(f.calc_area() for f in bm.faces)
def centroid(obj):
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
- s = sum((f.calc_area() * f.calc_center_median() for f in bm.faces), Vector((0, 0, 0)))
+ s = sum(
+ (f.calc_area() * f.calc_center_median() for f in bm.faces),
+ Vector((0, 0, 0)),
+ )
area = sum(f.calc_area() for f in bm.faces)
return np.array(s / area)
@@ -113,7 +157,7 @@ def treeify(obj):
return obj
obj = separate_loose(obj)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
@@ -130,13 +174,15 @@ def treeify(obj):
included[o.index] = 1
- bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=list(set(bm.edges).difference(to_keep)), context='EDGES')
+ bmesh.ops.delete(
+ bm, geom=list(set(bm.edges).difference(to_keep)), context="EDGES"
+ )
return obj
def convert2ls(obj):
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
verts = [next(v for v in bm.verts if len(v.link_edges) == 1)]
for i in range(len(bm.verts) - 1):
@@ -156,7 +202,7 @@ def convert2mls(obj):
def fix_tree(obj):
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'), butil.Suppress():
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"), butil.Suppress():
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
vertices_remove = []
@@ -171,7 +217,7 @@ def fix_tree(obj):
def longest_path(obj):
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'), butil.Suppress():
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"), butil.Suppress():
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
@@ -201,10 +247,16 @@ def longest_path_(u, v):
def bevel(obj, width, **kwargs):
- preset = np.random.choice(['LINE', 'SUPPORTS', 'CORNICE', 'CROWN', 'STEPS'])
+ preset = np.random.choice(["LINE", "SUPPORTS", "CORNICE", "CROWN", "STEPS"])
obj, mod = butil.modify_mesh(
- obj, 'BEVEL', width=width, segments=np.random.randint(20, 30),
- profile_type='CUSTOM', apply=False, return_mod=True, **kwargs
+ obj,
+ "BEVEL",
+ width=width,
+ segments=np.random.randint(20, 30),
+ profile_type="CUSTOM",
+ apply=False,
+ return_mod=True,
+ **kwargs,
reset_preset(mod.custom_profile, preset)
butil.apply_modifiers(obj, mod)
@@ -214,36 +266,65 @@ def reset_preset(profile, name, n=None):
if n is None:
n = np.random.randint(8, 15)
match name:
- case 'LINE':
- configs = [(1.0, 0.0, 0, 'AUTO', 'AUTO'), (0.0, 1.0, 0, 'AUTO', 'AUTO')]
- case 'CORNICE':
- configs = [(1.0, 0.0, 0, 'VECTOR', 'VECTOR'), (1.0, 0.125, 0, 'VECTOR', 'VECTOR'),
- (0.92, 0.16, 0, 'AUTO', 'AUTO'), (0.875, 0.25, 0, 'VECTOR', 'VECTOR'),
- (0.8, 0.25, 0, 'VECTOR', 'VECTOR'), (0.733, 0.433, 0, 'AUTO', 'AUTO'),
- (0.582, 0.522, 0, 'AUTO', 'AUTO'), (0.4, 0.6, 0, 'AUTO', 'AUTO'),
- (0.289, 0.727, 0, 'AUTO', 'AUTO'), (0.25, 0.925, 0, 'VECTOR', 'VECTOR'),
- (0.175, 0.925, 0, 'VECTOR', 'VECTOR'), (0.175, 1.0, 0, 'VECTOR', 'VECTOR'),
- (0.0, 1.0, 0, 'VECTOR', 'VECTOR')]
- case 'CROWN':
- configs = [(1.0, 0.0, 0, 'VECTOR', 'VECTOR'), (1.0, 0.25, 0, 'VECTOR', 'VECTOR'),
- (0.75, 0.25, 0, 'VECTOR', 'VECTOR'), (0.75, 0.325, 0, 'VECTOR', 'VECTOR'),
- (0.925, 0.4, 0, 'AUTO', 'AUTO'), (0.975, 0.5, 0, 'AUTO', 'AUTO'),
- (0.94, 0.65, 0, 'AUTO', 'AUTO'), (0.85, 0.75, 0, 'AUTO', 'AUTO'),
- (0.75, 0.875, 0, 'AUTO', 'AUTO'), (0.7, 1.0, 0, 'VECTOR', 'VECTOR'),
- (0.0, 1.0, 0, 'VECTOR', 'VECTOR')]
- case 'SUPPORTS':
- configs = [(1.0, 0.0, 0, 'VECTOR', 'VECTOR'), (1.0, 0.5, 0, 'VECTOR', 'VECTOR')] + list(
- (1 - .5 * (
- 1 - np.cos(i / (n - 3) * np.pi / 2)), .5 + .5 * np.sin(i / (n - 3) * np.pi / 2), 0, 'AUTO',
- 'AUTO') for i in range(1, n - 2)
- ) + [(0.5, 1.0, 0, 'VECTOR', 'VECTOR'),
- (0.0, 1.0, 0, 'VECTOR', 'VECTOR')]
+ case "LINE":
+ configs = [(1.0, 0.0, 0, "AUTO", "AUTO"), (0.0, 1.0, 0, "AUTO", "AUTO")]
+ case "CORNICE":
+ configs = [
+ (1.0, 0.0, 0, "VECTOR", "VECTOR"),
+ (1.0, 0.125, 0, "VECTOR", "VECTOR"),
+ (0.92, 0.16, 0, "AUTO", "AUTO"),
+ (0.875, 0.25, 0, "VECTOR", "VECTOR"),
+ (0.8, 0.25, 0, "VECTOR", "VECTOR"),
+ (0.733, 0.433, 0, "AUTO", "AUTO"),
+ (0.582, 0.522, 0, "AUTO", "AUTO"),
+ (0.4, 0.6, 0, "AUTO", "AUTO"),
+ (0.289, 0.727, 0, "AUTO", "AUTO"),
+ (0.25, 0.925, 0, "VECTOR", "VECTOR"),
+ (0.175, 0.925, 0, "VECTOR", "VECTOR"),
+ (0.175, 1.0, 0, "VECTOR", "VECTOR"),
+ (0.0, 1.0, 0, "VECTOR", "VECTOR"),
+ ]
+ case "CROWN":
+ configs = [
+ (1.0, 0.0, 0, "VECTOR", "VECTOR"),
+ (1.0, 0.25, 0, "VECTOR", "VECTOR"),
+ (0.75, 0.25, 0, "VECTOR", "VECTOR"),
+ (0.75, 0.325, 0, "VECTOR", "VECTOR"),
+ (0.925, 0.4, 0, "AUTO", "AUTO"),
+ (0.975, 0.5, 0, "AUTO", "AUTO"),
+ (0.94, 0.65, 0, "AUTO", "AUTO"),
+ (0.85, 0.75, 0, "AUTO", "AUTO"),
+ (0.75, 0.875, 0, "AUTO", "AUTO"),
+ (0.7, 1.0, 0, "VECTOR", "VECTOR"),
+ (0.0, 1.0, 0, "VECTOR", "VECTOR"),
+ ]
+ case "SUPPORTS":
+ configs = (
+ [(1.0, 0.0, 0, "VECTOR", "VECTOR"), (1.0, 0.5, 0, "VECTOR", "VECTOR")]
+ + list(
+ (
+ 1 - 0.5 * (1 - np.cos(i / (n - 3) * np.pi / 2)),
+ 0.5 + 0.5 * np.sin(i / (n - 3) * np.pi / 2),
+ 0,
+ "AUTO",
+ "AUTO",
+ )
+ for i in range(1, n - 2)
+ )
+ + [(0.5, 1.0, 0, "VECTOR", "VECTOR"), (0.0, 1.0, 0, "VECTOR", "VECTOR")]
+ )
case _:
n_steps_x = n if n % 2 == 0 else n - 1
n_steps_y = n - 2 if n % 2 == 0 else n - 1
configs = list(
- (1 - (i + 1) // 2 * 2 / n_steps_x, i // 2 * 2 / n_steps_y, 0, 'VECTOR', 'VECTOR') for i in
- range(n)
+ (
+ 1 - (i + 1) // 2 * 2 / n_steps_x,
+ i // 2 * 2 / n_steps_y,
+ 0,
+ )
+ for i in range(n)
k = len(configs) - len(profile.points)
for i in range(k):
@@ -258,13 +339,15 @@ def reset_preset(profile, name, n=None):
def canonicalize_ls(line):
- line = shapely.simplify(line, .02)
+ line = shapely.simplify(line, 0.02)
while True:
coords = np.array(line.coords)
diff = coords[1:] - coords[:-1]
diff = diff / (np.linalg.norm(diff, axis=-1, keepdims=True) + 1e-6)
product = (diff[:-1] * diff[1:]).sum(-1)
- valid_indices = (np.nonzero((1 - 1e-6 > product) & (product > -.8))[0] + 1).tolist()
+ valid_indices = (
+ np.nonzero((1 - 1e-6 > product) & (product > -0.8))[0] + 1
+ ).tolist()
ls = LineString(coords[[0] + valid_indices + [-1]])
if ls.length < line.length:
line = ls
@@ -279,10 +362,10 @@ def canonicalize_mls(mls):
def separate_selected(obj, face=False):
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
if face:
- bpy.ops.mesh.separate(type='SELECTED')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.separate(type="SELECTED")
o = next(o for o in bpy.context.selected_objects if o != obj)
return o
@@ -308,16 +391,15 @@ def snap_mesh(obj, eps=1e-3):
indices = np.concatenate([[0], np.nonzero(es[1:] != es[:-1])[0] + 1])
vs = vs[indices]
es = es[indices]
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
dis = co[w[es]] - co[u[es]]
norms = np.linalg.norm(dis, axis=-1)
- percents = ((co[vs] - co[u[es]]) * dis).sum(-1) / (norms ** 2)
+ percents = ((co[vs] - co[u[es]]) * dis).sum(-1) / (norms**2)
edges = [bm.edges[e] for e in es]
for e, p in zip(edges, percents):
bmesh.ops.subdivide_edges(bm, edges=[e], cuts=1, edge_percents={e: p})
bmesh.ops.remove_doubles(bm, verts=bm.verts, dist=eps * 1.5)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/utils/misc.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/misc.py
index 006a54043..5ac931792 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/utils/misc.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/misc.py
@@ -4,22 +4,19 @@
import string
from functools import update_wrapper, wraps
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
import bpy
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import normal, uniform
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import origin2lowest
+from infinigen.core.nodes import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform # imported by other files
-from infinigen.core.nodes import NodeWrangler, Nodes
+# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-class CountInstance:
+class CountInstance:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
@@ -46,7 +43,9 @@ def sample_direction(min_z):
def subclasses(cls):
- return set(cls.__subclasses__()).union([s for c in cls.__subclasses__() for s in subclasses(c)])
+ return set(cls.__subclasses__()).union(
+ [s for c in cls.__subclasses__() for s in subclasses(c)]
+ )
def make_normalized_factory(cls):
@@ -66,8 +65,8 @@ def create_asset(self, **params):
return CLS
-def build_color_ramp(nw: NodeWrangler, x, positions, colors, mode='HSV'):
- cr = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={'Fac': x})
+def build_color_ramp(nw: NodeWrangler, x, positions, colors, mode="HSV"):
+ cr = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": x})
cr.color_ramp.color_mode = mode
elements = cr.color_ramp.elements
size = len(positions)
@@ -132,11 +131,21 @@ def assign_material(obj, material):
character_set = list(string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits)
character_set_weights = np.concatenate(
- [1.5 * np.ones(len(string.ascii_lowercase)), 0.5 * np.ones(len(string.ascii_uppercase)),
- 0.5 * np.ones(len(string.digits))])
+ [
+ 1.5 * np.ones(len(string.ascii_lowercase)),
+ 0.5 * np.ones(len(string.ascii_uppercase)),
+ 0.5 * np.ones(len(string.digits)),
+ ]
character_set_weights /= character_set_weights.sum()
def generate_text():
- return "".join(np.random.choice(character_set, size=int(clip_gaussian(3, 7, 2, 15)), replace=True,
- p=character_set_weights))
+ return "".join(
+ np.random.choice(
+ character_set,
+ size=int(clip_gaussian(3, 7, 2, 15)),
+ replace=True,
+ p=character_set_weights,
+ )
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroup.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroup.py
index 5f559825d..cb3fe13c8 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroup.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroup.py
@@ -10,14 +10,12 @@
import bpy
import numpy as np
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import toggle_hide
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
-def build_curve(nw: NodeWrangler, positions, circular=False, handle='VECTOR'):
+def build_curve(nw: NodeWrangler, positions, circular=False, handle="VECTOR"):
length = 1
transferred_positions = []
id_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputID)
@@ -25,80 +23,127 @@ def build_curve(nw: NodeWrangler, positions, circular=False, handle='VECTOR'):
if isinstance(p, Iterable) and not isinstance(p, bpy.types.Nodes):
length = len(p)
- nw.build_float_curve(id_mesh, np.stack([np.arange(length), np.array(p)], -1), handle))
+ nw.build_float_curve(
+ id_mesh, np.stack([np.arange(length), np.array(p)], -1), handle
+ )
+ )
if circular:
- base_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': length})
+ base_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Resolution": length})
- base_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve, input_kwargs={
- 'Mesh': nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshLine, input_kwargs={'Count': length}, attrs={'mode': 'END_POINTS'})
- })
- curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': base_curve,
- 'Position': nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, transferred_positions)
- })
+ base_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshToCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshLine,
+ input_kwargs={"Count": length},
+ attrs={"mode": "END_POINTS"},
+ )
+ },
+ )
+ curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": base_curve,
+ "Position": nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, transferred_positions),
+ },
+ )
return curve
-def geo_radius(nw: NodeWrangler, radius, resolution=6, merge_distance=.004, rotation=0, to_align_tilt=True,
- align_tilt_axis=(0, 0, 1)):
- skeleton = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
+def geo_radius(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ radius,
+ resolution=6,
+ merge_distance=0.004,
+ rotation=0,
+ to_align_tilt=True,
+ align_tilt_axis=(0, 0, 1),
+ skeleton = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
radius = surface.eval_argument(nw, radius)
curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve, [skeleton])
if to_align_tilt:
curve = align_tilt(nw, curve, align_tilt_axis)
- skeleton = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveRadius, input_kwargs={'Curve': curve, 'Radius': radius})
- geometry = nw.curve2mesh(skeleton, nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, [
- nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Resolution': resolution})],
- input_kwargs={'Rotation': [0, 0, rotation]}))
+ skeleton = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve, "Radius": radius}
+ )
+ geometry = nw.curve2mesh(
+ skeleton,
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ [nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={"Resolution": resolution})],
+ input_kwargs={"Rotation": [0, 0, rotation]},
+ ),
+ )
if merge_distance > 0:
geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, [geometry, None, merge_distance])
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
def geo_selection(nw: NodeWrangler, selection):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
selection = surface.eval_argument(nw, selection)
geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateGeometry, [geometry, selection])
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
-def geo_selection_attribute(nw: NodeWrangler, selection, name, domain='POINT'):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
+def geo_selection_attribute(nw: NodeWrangler, selection, name, domain="POINT"):
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
selection = surface.eval_argument(nw, selection)
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute, [geometry, None, name, None, selection],
- attrs={'domain': domain})
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ [geometry, None, name, None, selection],
+ attrs={"domain": domain},
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
def geo_base_selection(nw: NodeWrangler, base_obj, selection, merge_threshold=0):
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, [base_obj], attrs={'transform_space': 'RELATIVE'}).outputs[
- 'Geometry']
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ObjectInfo, [base_obj], attrs={"transform_space": "RELATIVE"}
+ ).outputs["Geometry"]
selection = surface.eval_argument(nw, selection)
geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateGeometry, [geometry, selection])
if merge_threshold > 0:
geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, [geometry, None, merge_threshold])
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
-def align_tilt(nw: NodeWrangler, curve, axis=(1, 0, 0), noise_strength=0, noise_scale=.5):
- axis = nw.vector_math('NORMALIZE', axis)
+def align_tilt(
+ nw: NodeWrangler, curve, axis=(1, 0, 0), noise_strength=0, noise_scale=0.5
+ axis = nw.vector_math("NORMALIZE", axis)
if noise_strength != 0:
z = nw.separate(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition))[-1]
- rot_z = nw.scalar_multiply(noise_strength,
- nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={'W': z, 'Scale': noise_scale},
- attrs={'noise_dimensions': '1D'}))
- axis = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate, input_kwargs={'Vector': axis, 'Angle': rot_z},
- attrs={'rotation_type': 'Z_AXIS'})
+ rot_z = nw.scalar_multiply(
+ noise_strength,
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"W": z, "Scale": noise_scale},
+ attrs={"noise_dimensions": "1D"},
+ ),
+ )
+ axis = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": axis, "Angle": rot_z},
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "Z_AXIS"},
+ )
normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
- tangent = nw.vector_math('NORMALIZE', nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent))
- axis = nw.vector_math('NORMALIZE', nw.sub(axis, nw.dot(axis, tangent)))
+ tangent = nw.vector_math("NORMALIZE", nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent))
+ axis = nw.vector_math("NORMALIZE", nw.sub(axis, nw.dot(axis, tangent)))
cos = nw.dot(axis, normal)
- sin = nw.dot(nw.vector_math('CROSS_PRODUCT', normal, axis), tangent)
- tilt = nw.math('ARCTAN2', sin, cos)
+ sin = nw.dot(nw.vector_math("CROSS_PRODUCT", normal, axis), tangent)
+ tilt = nw.math("ARCTAN2", sin, cos)
curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetCurveTilt, [curve, None, tilt])
return curve
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroups/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroups/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8bd0ae453
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroups/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from . import attach, curve, geometry
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroups/attach.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroups/attach.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..62e5d2152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroups/attach.py
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from .curve import (
+ nodegroup_profile_part,
+ nodegroup_smooth_taper,
+ nodegroup_warped_circle_curve,
+from .math import nodegroup_deg2_rad
+ "nodegroup_part_surface", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_part_surface(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skeleton Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skin Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "Length Fac", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorEuler", "Ray Rot", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Rad", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ sample_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Factor": group_input.outputs["Length Fac"],
+ },
+ attrs={"mode": "FACTOR"},
+ )
+ vector_rotate = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": sample_curve.outputs["Tangent"],
+ "Rotation": group_input.outputs["Ray Rot"],
+ },
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "EULER_XYZ"},
+ )
+ raycast = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Raycast,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target Geometry": group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"],
+ "Source Position": sample_curve.outputs["Position"],
+ "Ray Direction": vector_rotate,
+ "Ray Length": 5.0,
+ },
+ )
+ lerp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["Rad"],
+ 9: sample_curve.outputs["Position"],
+ 10: raycast.outputs["Hit Position"],
+ },
+ label="lerp",
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "clamp": False},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Position": lerp.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Hit Normal": raycast.outputs["Hit Normal"],
+ "Tangent": sample_curve.outputs["Tangent"],
+ "Skeleton Pos": sample_curve.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_part_surface_simple", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_part_surface_simple(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skeleton Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skin Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Length, Yaw, Rad", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Length, Yaw, Rad"]},
+ )
+ clamp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Clamp, input_kwargs={"Value": separate_xyz.outputs["X"]}
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": 1.5708, "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], "Z": 1.5708},
+ )
+ part_surface = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_part_surface().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skeleton Curve": group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Skin Mesh": group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"],
+ "Length Fac": clamp_1,
+ "Ray Rot": combine_xyz,
+ "Rad": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Position": part_surface.outputs["Position"],
+ "Hit Normal": part_surface.outputs["Hit Normal"],
+ "Tangent": part_surface.outputs["Tangent"],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_raycast_rotation", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_raycast_rotation(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVectorEuler", "Rotation", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Hit Normal", (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Curve Tangent", (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Do Normal Rot", False),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Do Tangent Rot", False),
+ ],
+ )
+ align_euler_to_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Hit Normal"]},
+ )
+ rotate_euler = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateEuler,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rotation": group_input.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "Rotate By": align_euler_to_vector,
+ },
+ )
+ if_normal_rot = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Do Normal Rot"],
+ 8: group_input.outputs["Rotation"],
+ 9: rotate_euler,
+ },
+ label="if_normal_rot",
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ align_euler_to_vector_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rotation": group_input.outputs["Rotation"],
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["Curve Tangent"],
+ },
+ )
+ rotate_euler_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateEuler,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rotation": align_euler_to_vector_1,
+ "Rotate By": group_input.outputs["Rotation"],
+ },
+ attrs={"space": "LOCAL"},
+ )
+ if_tangent_rot = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Do Tangent Rot"],
+ 8: if_normal_rot.outputs[3],
+ 9: rotate_euler_1,
+ },
+ label="if_tangent_rot",
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Output": if_tangent_rot.outputs[3]}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_surface_muscle", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_surface_muscle(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skin Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skeleton Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Coord 0", (0.4, 0.0, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Coord 1", (0.5, 0.0, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Coord 2", (0.6, 0.0, 1.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "StartRad, EndRad, Fullness", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Debug Points", False),
+ ],
+ )
+ cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={"Size": (0.03, 0.03, 0.03)})
+ part_surface_simple = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_part_surface_simple().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skeleton Curve": group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Skin Mesh": group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"],
+ "Length, Yaw, Rad": group_input.outputs["Coord 0"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube,
+ "Translation": part_surface_simple.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ part_surface_simple_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_part_surface_simple().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skeleton Curve": group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Skin Mesh": group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"],
+ "Length, Yaw, Rad": group_input.outputs["Coord 1"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube,
+ "Translation": part_surface_simple_1.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ part_surface_simple_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_part_surface_simple().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skeleton Curve": group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Skin Mesh": group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"],
+ "Length, Yaw, Rad": group_input.outputs["Coord 2"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": cube,
+ "Translation": part_surface_simple_2.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [transform_2, transform_1, transform_3]},
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={1: group_input.outputs["Debug Points"], 15: join_geometry},
+ )
+ u_resolution = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label="U Resolution")
+ u_resolution.integer = 16
+ quadratic_bezier = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.QuadraticBezier,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": u_resolution,
+ "Start": part_surface_simple.outputs["Position"],
+ "Middle": part_surface_simple_1.outputs["Position"],
+ "End": part_surface_simple_2.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["ProfileHeight, StartTilt, EndTilt"]
+ },
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ 3: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"],
+ 4: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ deg2rad = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_deg2_rad().name, input_kwargs={"Deg": map_range_1.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveTilt, input_kwargs={"Curve": quadratic_bezier, "Tilt": deg2rad}
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], "Y": 1.0, "Z": 1.0},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position, 1: combine_xyz},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ v_resolution = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, label="V resolution")
+ v_resolution.integer = 24
+ warped_circle_curve = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_warped_circle_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Position": multiply.outputs["Vector"], "Vertices": v_resolution},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["StartRad, EndRad, Fullness"]},
+ )
+ smoothtaper = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_smooth_taper().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "start_rad": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "end_rad": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "fullness": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ profilepart = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_profile_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skeleton Curve": set_curve_tilt,
+ "Profile Curve": warped_circle_curve,
+ "Radius Func": smoothtaper,
+ },
+ )
+ join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": [switch.outputs[6], profilepart]}
+ )
+ switch_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={1: True, 15: join_geometry_1})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": switch_1.outputs[6]}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_attach_part", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_attach_part(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.2 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skin Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skeleton Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatFactor", "Length Fac", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorEuler", "Ray Rot", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Rad", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Part Rot", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Do Normal Rot", False),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Do Tangent Rot", False),
+ ],
+ )
+ part_surface = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_part_surface().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skeleton Curve": group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Skin Mesh": group_input.outputs["Skin Mesh"],
+ "Length Fac": group_input.outputs["Length Fac"],
+ "Ray Rot": group_input.outputs["Ray Rot"],
+ "Rad": group_input.outputs["Rad"],
+ },
+ )
+ deg2rad = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_deg2_rad().name, input_kwargs={"Deg": group_input.outputs["Part Rot"]}
+ )
+ raycast_rotation = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_raycast_rotation().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rotation": deg2rad,
+ "Hit Normal": part_surface.outputs["Hit Normal"],
+ "Curve Tangent": part_surface.outputs["Tangent"],
+ "Do Normal Rot": group_input.outputs["Do Normal Rot"],
+ "Do Tangent Rot": group_input.outputs["Do Tangent Rot"],
+ },
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Translation": part_surface.outputs["Position"],
+ "Rotation": raycast_rotation,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": transform,
+ "Position": part_surface.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroups/curve.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroups/curve.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..84edba93f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroups/curve.py
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from .math import (
+ nodegroup_aspect_to_dim,
+ nodegroup_polar_to_cart,
+ nodegroup_switch4,
+ nodegroup_vector_sum,
+ "nodegroup_simple_tube", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_simple_tube(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Origin", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Angles Deg", (30.0, -1.5, 11.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Seg Lengths", (0.02, 0.02, 0.02)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Start Radius", 0.06),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "End Radius", 0.03),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Fullness", 8.17),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Do Bezier", True),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Aspect Ratio", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ polarbezier = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_polar_bezier().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 25,
+ "Origin": group_input.outputs["Origin"],
+ "angles_deg": group_input.outputs["Angles Deg"],
+ "Seg Lengths": group_input.outputs["Seg Lengths"],
+ "Do Bezier": group_input.outputs["Do Bezier"],
+ },
+ )
+ aspect_to_dim = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_aspect_to_dim().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Aspect Ratio": group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"]},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: aspect_to_dim, 1: position},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ warped_circle_curve = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_warped_circle_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Position": multiply.outputs["Vector"], "Vertices": 40},
+ )
+ smoothtaper = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_smooth_taper().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "start_rad": group_input.outputs["Start Radius"],
+ "end_rad": group_input.outputs["End Radius"],
+ "fullness": group_input.outputs["Fullness"],
+ },
+ )
+ profilepart = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_profile_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skeleton Curve": polarbezier.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Profile Curve": warped_circle_curve,
+ "Radius Func": smoothtaper,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": profilepart,
+ "Skeleton Curve": polarbezier.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Endpoint": polarbezier.outputs["Endpoint"],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_simple_tube_v2", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_simple_tube_v2(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "length_rad1_rad2", (1.0, 0.5, 0.3)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "angles_deg", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "proportions", (0.3333, 0.3333, 0.3333)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "aspect", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "do_bezier", True),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "fullness", 4.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Origin", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ vector_sum = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_vector_sum().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["proportions"]},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["proportions"], 1: vector_sum},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["length_rad1_rad2"]},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: divide.outputs["Vector"], "Scale": separate_xyz.outputs["X"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ polarbezier = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_polar_bezier().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": 25,
+ "Origin": group_input.outputs["Origin"],
+ "angles_deg": group_input.outputs["angles_deg"],
+ "Seg Lengths": scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Do Bezier": group_input.outputs["do_bezier"],
+ },
+ )
+ aspect_to_dim = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_aspect_to_dim().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Aspect Ratio": group_input.outputs["aspect"]},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: aspect_to_dim, 1: position},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ warped_circle_curve = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_warped_circle_curve().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Position": multiply.outputs["Vector"], "Vertices": 40},
+ )
+ smoothtaper = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_smooth_taper().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "start_rad": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "end_rad": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ "fullness": group_input.outputs["fullness"],
+ },
+ )
+ profilepart = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_profile_part().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Skeleton Curve": polarbezier.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Profile Curve": warped_circle_curve,
+ "Radius Func": smoothtaper,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": profilepart,
+ "Skeleton Curve": polarbezier.outputs["Curve"],
+ "Endpoint": polarbezier.outputs["Endpoint"],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_smooth_taper", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_smooth_taper(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"], 1: 3.1416},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ sine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "SINE"}
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "start_rad", 0.29),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "end_rad", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "fullness", 2.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: group_input.outputs["fullness"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ power = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: sine, 1: divide}, attrs={"operation": "POWER"}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ 3: group_input.outputs["start_rad"],
+ 4: group_input.outputs["end_rad"],
+ },
+ attrs={"clamp": False},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: power, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Value": multiply_1})
+ "nodegroup_warped_circle_curve", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_warped_circle_curve(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Position", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Vertices", 32),
+ ],
+ )
+ mesh_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshCircle, input_kwargs={"Vertices": group_input.outputs["Vertices"]}
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": mesh_circle,
+ "Position": group_input.outputs["Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve, input_kwargs={"Mesh": set_position})
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Curve": mesh_to_curve})
+ "nodegroup_polar_bezier", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_polar_bezier(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketIntUnsigned", "Resolution", 32),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Origin", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "angles_deg", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Seg Lengths", (0.3, 0.3, 0.3)),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Do Bezier", True),
+ ],
+ )
+ mesh_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshLine, input_kwargs={"Count": 4})
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ deg2_rad = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["angles_deg"], "Scale": 0.0175},
+ label="Deg2Rad",
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": deg2_rad.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ reroute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={"Input": separate_xyz.outputs["X"]}
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Seg Lengths"]}
+ )
+ polartocart = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_polar_to_cart().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Angle": reroute,
+ "Length": separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"],
+ "Origin": group_input.outputs["Origin"],
+ },
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute, 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]}
+ )
+ polartocart_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_polar_to_cart().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Angle": add,
+ "Length": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"],
+ "Origin": polartocart,
+ },
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: add})
+ polartocart_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_polar_to_cart().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Angle": add_1,
+ "Length": separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"],
+ "Origin": polartocart_1,
+ },
+ )
+ switch4 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_switch4().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Arg": index,
+ "Arg == 0": group_input.outputs["Origin"],
+ "Arg == 1": polartocart,
+ "Arg == 2": polartocart_1,
+ "Arg == 3": polartocart_2,
+ },
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": mesh_line, "Position": switch4}
+ )
+ mesh_to_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshToCurve, input_kwargs={"Mesh": set_position})
+ subdivide_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideCurve,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": mesh_to_curve,
+ "Cuts": group_input.outputs["Resolution"],
+ },
+ )
+ integer = nw.new_node(Nodes.Integer, attrs={"integer": 2})
+ integer.integer = 2
+ bezier_segment = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BezierSegment,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Resolution": integer,
+ "Start": group_input.outputs["Origin"],
+ "Start Handle": polartocart,
+ "End Handle": polartocart_1,
+ "End": polartocart_2,
+ },
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 1: integer},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ subdivide_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SubdivideCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": bezier_segment, "Cuts": divide}
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Do Bezier"],
+ 14: subdivide_curve_1,
+ 15: subdivide_curve,
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": switch.outputs[6], "Endpoint": polartocart_2},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_profile_part", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_profile_part(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Skeleton Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Profile Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Radius Func", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": group_input.outputs["Skeleton Curve"],
+ "Radius": group_input.outputs["Radius Func"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Curve": set_curve_radius,
+ "Profile Curve": group_input.outputs["Profile Curve"],
+ "Fill Caps": True,
+ },
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_to_mesh, "Shade Smooth": False},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_shade_smooth}
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroups/geometry.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroups/geometry.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a14d1c522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroups/geometry.py
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+ "nodegroup_symmetric_instance", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_symmetric_instance(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.1 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Offset", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Reflector", (1.0, -1.0, 1.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Offset"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Reflector"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ mesh_line = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshLine,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Count": 2,
+ "Start Location": group_input.outputs["Offset"],
+ "Offset": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ attrs={"mode": "END_POINTS"},
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ input_kwargs={"Points": mesh_line, "Instance": group_input.outputs["Geometry"]},
+ )
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ equal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: index},
+ attrs={"data_type": "INT", "operation": "EQUAL"},
+ )
+ scale_instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ScaleInstances,
+ input_kwargs={"Instances": instance_on_points, "Selection": equal},
+ )
+ flip_faces = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FlipFaces, input_kwargs={"Mesh": scale_instances, "Selection": equal}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Instances": flip_faces}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_symmetric_clone", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_symmetric_clone(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVectorXYZ", "Scale", (1.0, -1.0, 1.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Scale"],
+ },
+ )
+ flip_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.FlipFaces, input_kwargs={"Mesh": transform})
+ join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [group_input.outputs["Geometry"], flip_faces]},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Both": join_geometry_2,
+ "Orig": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Inverted": flip_faces,
+ },
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_solidify", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_solidify(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Mesh", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloatDistance", "Distance", 0.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Distance"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ extrude_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Offset Scale": multiply,
+ "Individual": False,
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Distance"], 1: -0.5},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ extrude_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Mesh"],
+ "Offset Scale": multiply_1,
+ "Individual": False,
+ },
+ )
+ flip_faces = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FlipFaces, input_kwargs={"Mesh": extrude_mesh_1.outputs["Mesh"]}
+ )
+ join_geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.JoinGeometry,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": [extrude_mesh.outputs["Mesh"], flip_faces]},
+ )
+ merge_by_distance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance, input_kwargs={"Geometry": join_geometry, "Distance": 0.0}
+ )
+ set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": merge_by_distance, "Shade Smooth": False},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_shade_smooth}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_taper", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_taper(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Start", (1.0, 0.63, 0.72)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "End", (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ attribute_statistic = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 2: separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ 7: attribute_statistic.outputs["Min"],
+ 8: attribute_statistic.outputs["Max"],
+ 9: group_input.outputs["Start"],
+ 10: group_input.outputs["End"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "clamp": False},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position, 1: map_range.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Position": multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroups/hair.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroups/hair.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b9d0cb1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroups/hair.py
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.math import nodegroup_vector_bezier
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+ "nodegroup_comb_direction", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_comb_direction(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Surface", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Root Positiion", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ surface_normal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleNearestSurface,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ "Value": normal,
+ "Sample Position": group_input.outputs["Root Positiion"],
+ },
+ label="Surface Normal",
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ named_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Name": "skeleton_loc"},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ named_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Name": "parent_skeleton_loc"},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: named_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
+ 1: named_attribute_1.outputs["Attribute"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ normalize = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "NORMALIZE"},
+ )
+ skeleton_tangent = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleNearestSurface,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ "Value": normalize.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Sample Position": group_input.outputs["Root Positiion"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ cross_product = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: surface_normal, 1: skeleton_tangent},
+ attrs={"operation": "CROSS_PRODUCT"},
+ )
+ cross_product_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: surface_normal, 1: cross_product.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "CROSS_PRODUCT"},
+ )
+ normalize_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: cross_product_1.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "NORMALIZE"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Combing Direction": normalize_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Surface Normal": (surface_normal, "Value"),
+ "Skeleton Tangent": skeleton_tangent,
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_hair_position", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_hair_position(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curves", None)]
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ spline_length = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineLength)
+ snap = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: index, 1: spline_length.outputs["Point Count"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SNAP"},
+ )
+ hair_root_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SampleIndex,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Curves"],
+ "Value": position,
+ "Index": snap,
+ },
+ label="Hair Root Position",
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ relative_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: position_1, 1: hair_root_position},
+ label="Relative Position",
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Root Position": hair_root_position,
+ "Relative Position": relative_position.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ "nodegroup_comb_hairs", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_comb_hairs(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curves", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Root Position", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Comb Dir", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Surface Normal", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Length", 0.03),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Puiff", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Comb", 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Surface Normal"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Comb"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Comb Dir"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Puiff"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: scale_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ vectorbezier = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_vector_bezier().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "t": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ "b": scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ "c": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: add.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "LENGTH"},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Length"], 1: length.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ scale_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: vectorbezier, "Scale": divide},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Root Position"],
+ 1: scale_2.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Curves"],
+ "Position": add_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_strand_noise", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_strand_noise(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Random Mag", 0.001),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Perlin Mag", 1.0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Perlin Scale", 5.0),
+ ],
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Perlin Scale"],
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Roughness": 1.0,
+ },
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: noise_texture.outputs["Color"], 1: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: subtract.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Perlin Mag"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ random_value = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={0: (-1.0, -1.0, -1.0)},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: random_value.outputs["Value"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Random Mag"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: scale_1.outputs["Vector"]},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: add.outputs["Vector"]})
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": add_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_duplicate_to_clumps", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_duplicate_to_clumps(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Surface Normal", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Amount", 3),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Tuft Spread", 0.01),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Tuft Clumping", 0.5),
+ ],
+ )
+ duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DuplicateElements,
+ attrs={"domain": "SPLINE"},
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Amount": group_input.outputs["Amount"],
+ },
+ )
+ random_value = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={0: (-1.0, -1.0, -1.0)},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: random_value.outputs["Value"],
+ "Scale": group_input.outputs["Tuft Spread"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ project = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Surface Normal"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "PROJECT"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: scale.outputs["Vector"], 1: project.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"],
+ 1: subtract.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CURVE", "data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ subtract_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: group_input.outputs["Tuft Clumping"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ 3: 1.0,
+ 4: subtract_1,
+ },
+ )
+ scale_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: capture_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "Scale": map_range.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Offset": scale_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_1}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_hair_length_rescale", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_hair_length_rescale(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curves", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Min", 0.69999999999999996),
+ ],
+ )
+ random_value_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Min"]}
+ )
+ capture_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Curves"],
+ 2: random_value_1.outputs[1],
+ },
+ attrs={"domain": "CURVE"},
+ )
+ hairposition = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_hair_position().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Curves": group_input.outputs["Curves"]},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: hairposition.outputs["Relative Position"],
+ 1: capture_attribute.outputs[2],
+ 2: hairposition.outputs["Root Position"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ set_position_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Position": multiply_add.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_1}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_snap_roots_to_surface", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_snap_roots_to_surface(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Target", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curves", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ hair_pos = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_hair_position().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Curves": group_input.outputs["Curves"]},
+ )
+ geometry_proximity = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Proximity,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Target": group_input.outputs["Target"],
+ "Source Position": hair_pos.outputs["Root Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: geometry_proximity.outputs["Position"],
+ 1: hair_pos.outputs["Relative Position"],
+ },
+ )
+ set_position_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Curves"],
+ "Position": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position_2}
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroups/math.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroups/math.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be0b92f7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroups/math.py
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+ "nodegroup_floor_ceil", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_floor_ceil(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.0000)]
+ )
+ float_to_integer = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatToInt,
+ input_kwargs={"Float": group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"rounding_mode": "FLOOR"},
+ )
+ float_to_integer_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatToInt,
+ input_kwargs={"Float": group_input.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"rounding_mode": "CEILING"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 1: float_to_integer},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Floor": float_to_integer,
+ "Ceil": float_to_integer_1,
+ "Remainder": subtract,
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_clamp_or_wrap", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_clamp_or_wrap(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Value", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Max", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Use Wrap", False),
+ ],
+ )
+ clamp = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Clamp,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["Value"],
+ "Max": group_input.outputs["Max"],
+ },
+ )
+ wrap = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Value"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Max"],
+ 2: 0.0000,
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "WRAP"},
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Use Wrap"], 4: clamp, 5: wrap},
+ attrs={"input_type": "INT"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Output": switch.outputs[1]},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_polar_to_cart", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_polar_to_cart(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Angle", 0.5),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Length", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Origin", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ cosine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Angle"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "COSINE"},
+ )
+ sine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Angle"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SINE"},
+ )
+ construct_unit_vector = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": cosine, "Z": sine},
+ label="Construct Unit Vector",
+ )
+ offset_polar = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Length"],
+ 1: construct_unit_vector,
+ 2: group_input.outputs["Origin"],
+ },
+ label="Offset Polar",
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": offset_polar.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_switch4", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_switch4(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Arg", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Arg == 0", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Arg == 1", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Arg == 2", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Arg == 3", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ greater_equal = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Arg"], 3: 2},
+ attrs={"data_type": "INT", "operation": "GREATER_EQUAL"},
+ )
+ greater_equal_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Arg"], 3: 1},
+ attrs={"data_type": "INT", "operation": "GREATER_EQUAL"},
+ )
+ switch_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: greater_equal_1,
+ 8: group_input.outputs["Arg == 0"],
+ 9: group_input.outputs["Arg == 1"],
+ },
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ greater_equal_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={2: group_input.outputs["Arg"], 3: 3},
+ attrs={"data_type": "INT", "operation": "GREATER_EQUAL"},
+ )
+ switch_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: greater_equal_2,
+ 8: group_input.outputs["Arg == 2"],
+ 9: group_input.outputs["Arg == 3"],
+ },
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={0: greater_equal, 8: switch_1.outputs[3], 9: switch_2.outputs[3]},
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Output": switch.outputs[3]}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_deg2_rad", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_deg2_rad(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketVector", "Deg", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))]
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Deg"], 1: (0.0175, 0.0175, 0.0175)},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Rad": multiply.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_aspect_to_dim", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_aspect_to_dim(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "Aspect Ratio", 1.0)]
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"], 1: 1.0}
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"X": group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"], "Y": 1.0},
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: group_input.outputs["Aspect Ratio"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": 1.0, "Y": divide})
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 8: combine_xyz_1, 9: combine_xyz_2},
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"XY Scale": switch.outputs[3]}
+ )
+ "nodegroup_vector_sum", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_vector_sum(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketVector", "Vector", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))]
+ )
+ separate_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_1.outputs["X"], 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Y"]},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: separate_xyz_1.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Sum": add_1})
+ "nodegroup_vector_bezier", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_vector_bezier(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "t", 0.0),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "a", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "b", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "c", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ ],
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["t"],
+ 9: group_input.outputs["a"],
+ 10: group_input.outputs["b"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_input.outputs["t"],
+ 9: map_range.outputs["Vector"],
+ 10: group_input.outputs["c"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": map_range_1.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroups/sculpt_v1.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroups/sculpt_v1.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21d9c4ad0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroups/sculpt_v1.py
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.geometry import (
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.nodegroups.math import (
+ nodegroup_clamp_or_wrap,
+ nodegroup_floor_ceil,
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+ "nodegroup_u_v_param_to_vert_idxs", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_u_v_param_to_vert_idxs(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Value", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Size", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "Cyclic", False),
+ ],
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Value"], 1: group_input.outputs["Size"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ floorceil = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_floor_ceil().name, input_kwargs={"Value": multiply}
+ )
+ clamporwrap = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_clamp_or_wrap().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": floorceil.outputs["Floor"],
+ "Max": group_input.outputs["Size"],
+ "Use Wrap": group_input.outputs["Cyclic"],
+ },
+ )
+ clamporwrap_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_clamp_or_wrap().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": floorceil.outputs["Ceil"],
+ "Max": group_input.outputs["Size"],
+ "Use Wrap": group_input.outputs["Cyclic"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Floor": clamporwrap,
+ "Ceil": clamporwrap_1,
+ "Remainder": floorceil.outputs["Remainder"],
+ },
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_bilinear_interp_index_transfer", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_bilinear_interp_index_transfer(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Source", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "U", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "V", 0.5000),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "Attribute", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "SizeU", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "SizeV", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "CyclicU", False),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "CyclicV", False),
+ ],
+ )
+ uvparamtovertidxs = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_u_v_param_to_vert_idxs().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["V"],
+ "Size": group_input.outputs["SizeV"],
+ "Cyclic": group_input.outputs["CyclicV"],
+ },
+ )
+ uvparamtovertidxs_1 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_u_v_param_to_vert_idxs().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": group_input.outputs["U"],
+ "Size": group_input.outputs["SizeU"],
+ "Cyclic": group_input.outputs["CyclicU"],
+ },
+ )
+ floor_floor = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: uvparamtovertidxs_1.outputs["Floor"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["SizeV"],
+ 2: uvparamtovertidxs.outputs["Floor"],
+ },
+ label="FloorFloor",
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ transfer_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TransferAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Source": group_input,
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "Index": floor_floor,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "mapping": "INDEX"},
+ )
+ ceil_floor = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: uvparamtovertidxs_1.outputs["Ceil"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["SizeV"],
+ 2: uvparamtovertidxs.outputs["Floor"],
+ },
+ label="CeilFloor",
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ transfer_attribute_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TransferAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Source": group_input,
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "Index": ceil_floor,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "mapping": "INDEX"},
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": uvparamtovertidxs_1.outputs["Remainder"],
+ 9: transfer_attribute_1.outputs["Attribute"],
+ 10: transfer_attribute_2.outputs["Attribute"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ floor_ceil = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: uvparamtovertidxs_1.outputs["Floor"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["SizeV"],
+ 2: uvparamtovertidxs.outputs["Ceil"],
+ },
+ label="FloorCeil",
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ transfer_attribute_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TransferAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Source": group_input,
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "Index": floor_ceil,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "mapping": "INDEX"},
+ )
+ ceil_ceil = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: uvparamtovertidxs_1.outputs["Ceil"],
+ 1: group_input.outputs["SizeV"],
+ 2: uvparamtovertidxs.outputs["Ceil"],
+ },
+ label="CeilCeil",
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ transfer_attribute_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TransferAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Source": group_input,
+ 1: group_input.outputs["Attribute"],
+ "Index": ceil_ceil,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "mapping": "INDEX"},
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": uvparamtovertidxs_1.outputs["Remainder"],
+ 9: transfer_attribute_3.outputs["Attribute"],
+ 10: transfer_attribute_4.outputs["Attribute"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": uvparamtovertidxs.outputs["Remainder"],
+ 9: map_range.outputs["Vector"],
+ 10: map_range_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": map_range_2.outputs["Vector"]},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_curve_parameter_curve(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Surface", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "UVCurve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "CtrlptsU", 0),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "CtrlptsW", 0),
+ ],
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": position})
+ position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ bilinearinterpindextransfer = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_bilinear_interp_index_transfer().name,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Source": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ "U": separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ "V": separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ "Attribute": position_1,
+ "SizeU": group_input.outputs["CtrlptsU"],
+ "SizeV": group_input.outputs["CtrlptsW"],
+ "CyclicV": True,
+ },
+ )
+ transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TransferAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Source": group_input.outputs["Surface"],
+ 1: normal,
+ "Source Position": bilinearinterpindextransfer,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "mapping": "NEAREST_FACE_INTERPOLATED"},
+ )
+ multiply_add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: transfer_attribute.outputs["Attribute"],
+ 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"],
+ 2: bilinearinterpindextransfer,
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY_ADD"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["UVCurve"],
+ "Position": multiply_add.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ normal_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ dot_product = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: transfer_attribute.outputs["Attribute"], 1: normal_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "DOT_PRODUCT"},
+ )
+ arcsine = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: dot_product.outputs["Value"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ARCSINE"},
+ )
+ set_curve_tilt = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveTilt, input_kwargs={"Curve": set_position, "Tilt": arcsine}
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_curve_tilt},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_curve_sculpt", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_curve_sculpt(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Target", None),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Base Radius", 0.0500),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Base Factor", 0.0500),
+ ("NodeSocketBool", "SymmY", True),
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "StrokeRadFacModifier", None),
+ ],
+ )
+ normal = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)
+ symmetric_clone = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_symmetric_clone().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": group_input.outputs["Curve"]},
+ )
+ switch = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 1: group_input.outputs["SymmY"],
+ 14: group_input.outputs["Curve"],
+ 15: symmetric_clone.outputs["Both"],
+ },
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={"Curve": switch.outputs[6]}
+ )
+ geometry_proximity = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Proximity,
+ input_kwargs={"Target": curve_to_mesh},
+ attrs={"target_element": "POINTS"},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": group_input.outputs["StrokeRadFacModifier"]},
+ )
+ position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
+ index = nw.new_node(Nodes.Index)
+ transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TransferAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Source": curve_to_mesh_1, 1: position, "Index": index},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR", "mapping": "INDEX"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": transfer_attribute.outputs["Attribute"]},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Base Radius"],
+ 1: separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": geometry_proximity.outputs["Distance"], 2: add},
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": map_range.outputs["Result"]}
+ )
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0000, 1.0000), (0.2000, 0.9400), (0.8000, 0.0600), (1.0000, 0.0000)],
+ handles=["VECTOR", "AUTO", "AUTO", "VECTOR"],
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: group_input.outputs["Base Factor"],
+ 1: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: add_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: normal, "Scale": multiply},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ set_position = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": group_input.outputs["Target"],
+ "Offset": scale.outputs["Vector"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": set_position},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
+ "nodegroup_simple_tube_skin", singleton=False, type="GeometryNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_simple_tube_skin(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.6.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Curve", None),
+ ("NodeSocketVector", "RadStartEnd", (0.0500, 0.0500, 1.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketInt", "Resolution", 32),
+ ],
+ )
+ spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ sqrt = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply}, attrs={"operation": "SQRT"}
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["RadStartEnd"]}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Value": spline_parameter.outputs["Factor"],
+ 3: separate_xyz.outputs["X"],
+ 4: separate_xyz.outputs["Y"],
+ },
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: sqrt, 1: map_range.outputs["Result"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ set_curve_radius = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetCurveRadius,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": group_input.outputs["Curve"], "Radius": multiply_1},
+ )
+ curve_circle = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveCircle,
+ input_kwargs={"Resolution": group_input.outputs["Resolution"]},
+ )
+ combine_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"X": 1.0000, "Y": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
+ transform = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Transform,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": curve_circle.outputs["Curve"], "Scale": combine_xyz},
+ )
+ curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CurveToMesh,
+ input_kwargs={"Curve": set_curve_radius, "Profile Curve": transform},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": curve_to_mesh},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroups/shader.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroups/shader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ecbda5c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/nodegroups/shader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
+# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+# Authors: Mingzhe Wang and Alexander Raistrick
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+ "nodegroup_norm_local_pos", singleton=True, type="ShaderNodeTree"
+def nodegroup_norm_local_pos(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ attribute_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "local_pos"})
+ attribute_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "skeleton_rad"})
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: attribute_6.outputs["Fac"], 1: -1.0},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={"Y": multiply, "Z": multiply}
+ )
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketFloat", "X Max", 1.0)]
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": group_input.outputs["X Max"],
+ "Y": attribute_6.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Z": attribute_6.outputs["Fac"],
+ },
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": attribute_5.outputs["Vector"],
+ 7: combine_xyz_2,
+ 8: combine_xyz_1,
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": map_range_1.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_abs_y", singleton=True, type="ShaderNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_abs_y(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketVector", "Vector", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))]
+ )
+ separate_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group_input.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ absolute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_4.outputs["Y"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "ABSOLUTE"},
+ )
+ combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CombineXYZ,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "X": separate_xyz_4.outputs["X"],
+ "Y": absolute,
+ "Z": separate_xyz_4.outputs["Z"],
+ },
+ )
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Vector": combine_xyz_1}
+ )
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("nodegroup_color_mask", singleton=False, type="ShaderNodeTree")
+def nodegroup_color_mask(nw: NodeWrangler):
+ # Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
+ attribute_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "tag_body"})
+ attribute_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "tag_leg"})
+ attribute_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "tag_head"})
+ attribute_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, attrs={"attribute_name": "local_pos"})
+ group_2 = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_abs_y().name, input_kwargs={"Vector": attribute_5.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": group_2,
+ "W": U(1e4),
+ "Scale": N(7, 1),
+ "Detail": N(7, 1),
+ "Dimension": U(1.5, 3),
+ },
+ attrs={"musgrave_dimensions": "4D"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: musgrave_texture, 1: 0.69999999999999996}
+ )
+ colorramp_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": add})
+ colorramp_4.color_ramp.interpolation = "EASE"
+ colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
+ colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.4864
+ colorramp_4.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ group = nw.new_node(nodegroup_norm_local_pos().name)
+ separate_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": group})
+ colorramp_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": separate_xyz_4.outputs["Z"]}
+ )
+ colorramp_5.color_ramp.interpolation = "EASE"
+ colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0
+ colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.5318
+ colorramp_5.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: colorramp_4.outputs["Color"], 1: colorramp_5.outputs["Color"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ mix_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": attribute_4.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Color1": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
+ "Color2": multiply,
+ },
+ )
+ noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.NoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Scale": N(14, 2)})
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": noise_texture.outputs["Color"],
+ 9: (-0.10000000000000001, -0.10000000000000001, -0.10000000000000001),
+ 10: (0.10000000000000001, 0.10000000000000001, 0.10000000000000001),
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: group, 1: map_range_1.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ separate_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": add_1.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ colorramp_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": separate_xyz_2.outputs["X"]}
+ )
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.interpolation = "EASE"
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.3091
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.9773
+ colorramp_1.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": separate_xyz_2.outputs["Y"]}
+ )
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.interpolation = "EASE"
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.0955
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.5318
+ colorramp_2.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: colorramp_1.outputs["Color"], 1: colorramp_2.outputs["Color"]},
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: multiply_1},
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ mix_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": attribute_3.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Color1": mix_3,
+ "Color2": subtract,
+ },
+ )
+ separate_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": add_1.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz_3.outputs["Z"]})
+ colorramp_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": add_2})
+ colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2
+ colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6136
+ colorramp_3.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ mix_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixRGB,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Fac": attribute_2.outputs["Fac"],
+ "Color1": mix_2,
+ "Color2": colorramp_3.outputs["Color"],
+ },
+ )
+ colorramp = nw.new_node(Nodes.ColorRamp, input_kwargs={"Fac": mix_1})
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements.new(0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.2727
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.6091
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = (
+ 0.78220000000000001,
+ 0.78220000000000001,
+ 0.78220000000000001,
+ 1.0,
+ )
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].position = 0.9727
+ colorramp.color_ramp.elements[2].color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ group_output = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Color": colorramp.outputs["Color"]}
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/utils/object.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/object.py
index f8ebe7e9a..081d489fd 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/utils/object.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/object.py
@@ -12,12 +12,11 @@
import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.blender import select_none
def center(obj):
- return (Vector(obj.bound_box[0]) + Vector(obj.bound_box[-2])) * obj.scale / 2.
+ return (Vector(obj.bound_box[0]) + Vector(obj.bound_box[-2])) * obj.scale / 2.0
def origin2lowest(obj, vertical=False, centered=False, approximate=False):
@@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ def origin2lowest(obj, vertical=False, centered=False, approximate=False):
i = np.argmin(co[:, -1])
if approximate:
indices = np.argsort(co[:, -1])
- obj.location = -np.mean(co[indices[:len(co) // 10]], 0)
+ obj.location = -np.mean(co[indices[: len(co) // 10]], 0)
obj.location[-1] = -co[i, -1]
elif centered:
obj.location = -center(obj)
@@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ def origin2leftmost(obj):
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
-def data2mesh(vertices=(), edges=(), faces=(), name=''):
+def data2mesh(vertices=(), edges=(), faces=(), name=""):
mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(name)
mesh.from_pydata(vertices, edges, faces)
@@ -68,23 +67,23 @@ def mesh2obj(mesh):
def trimesh2obj(trimesh):
- obj = butil.object_from_trimesh(trimesh, '')
+ obj = butil.object_from_trimesh(trimesh, "")
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
return obj
def obj2trimesh(obj):
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'TRIANGULATE', min_vertices=3)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "TRIANGULATE", min_vertices=3)
vertices = read_co(obj)
arr = np.zeros(len(obj.data.polygons) * 3)
- obj.data.polygons.foreach_get('vertices', arr)
+ obj.data.polygons.foreach_get("vertices", arr)
faces = arr.reshape(-1, 3)
return trimesh.Trimesh(vertices, faces)
def new_cube(**kwargs):
- kwargs['location'] = kwargs.get('location', (0, 0, 0))
+ kwargs["location"] = kwargs.get("location", (0, 0, 0))
return bpy.context.active_object
@@ -106,13 +105,13 @@ def new_bbox_2d(x, x_, y, y_, z=0):
def new_icosphere(**kwargs):
- kwargs['location'] = kwargs.get('location', (0, 0, 0))
+ kwargs["location"] = kwargs.get("location", (0, 0, 0))
return bpy.context.active_object
def new_circle(**kwargs):
- kwargs['location'] = kwargs.get('location', (1, 0, 0))
+ kwargs["location"] = kwargs.get("location", (1, 0, 0))
obj = bpy.context.active_object
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
@@ -120,22 +119,22 @@ def new_circle(**kwargs):
def new_base_circle(**kwargs):
- kwargs['location'] = kwargs.get('location', (0, 0, 0))
+ kwargs["location"] = kwargs.get("location", (0, 0, 0))
obj = bpy.context.active_object
return obj
def new_empty(**kwargs):
- kwargs['location'] = kwargs.get('location', (0, 0, 0))
+ kwargs["location"] = kwargs.get("location", (0, 0, 0))
obj = bpy.context.active_object
- obj.scale = kwargs.get('scale', (1, 1, 1))
+ obj.scale = kwargs.get("scale", (1, 1, 1))
return obj
def new_plane(**kwargs):
- kwargs['location'] = kwargs.get('location', (0, 0, 0))
+ kwargs["location"] = kwargs.get("location", (0, 0, 0))
obj = bpy.context.active_object
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
@@ -143,8 +142,8 @@ def new_plane(**kwargs):
def new_cylinder(**kwargs):
- kwargs['location'] = kwargs.get('location', (0, 0, .5))
- kwargs['depth'] = kwargs.get('depth', 1)
+ kwargs["location"] = kwargs.get("location", (0, 0, 0.5))
+ kwargs["depth"] = kwargs.get("depth", 1)
obj = bpy.context.active_object
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
@@ -159,16 +158,22 @@ def new_base_cylinder(**kwargs):
def new_grid(**kwargs):
- kwargs['location'] = kwargs.get('location', (0, 0, 0))
+ kwargs["location"] = kwargs.get("location", (0, 0, 0))
obj = bpy.context.active_object
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
return obj
-def new_line(subdivisions=1, scale=1.):
+def new_line(subdivisions=1, scale=1.0):
vertices = np.stack(
- [np.linspace(0, scale, subdivisions + 1), np.zeros(subdivisions + 1), np.zeros(subdivisions + 1)], -1)
+ [
+ np.linspace(0, scale, subdivisions + 1),
+ np.zeros(subdivisions + 1),
+ np.zeros(subdivisions + 1),
+ ],
+ -1,
+ )
edges = np.stack([np.arange(subdivisions), np.arange(1, subdivisions + 1)], -1)
obj = mesh2obj(data2mesh(vertices, edges))
return obj
@@ -203,12 +208,12 @@ def separate_loose(obj):
def print3d_clean_up(obj):
- bpy.ops.preferences.addon_enable(module='object_print3d_utils')
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'), butil.Suppress():
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(quad_method='BEAUTY', ngon_method='BEAUTY')
+ bpy.ops.preferences.addon_enable(module="object_print3d_utils")
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"), butil.Suppress():
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(quad_method="BEAUTY", ngon_method="BEAUTY")
- bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(quad_method='BEAUTY', ngon_method='BEAUTY')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(quad_method="BEAUTY", ngon_method="BEAUTY")
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/utils/physics.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/physics.py
index 0af5b2c4a..d0f043f05 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/utils/physics.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/physics.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
def free_fall(actives, passives, place_fn, t=100):
- height = 0.
+ height = 0.0
for o in sorted(actives, key=lambda o: -o.dimensions[-1]):
height = place_fn(o, height)
with EnablePhysics(actives, passives):
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ def free_fall(actives, passives, place_fn, t=100):
class EnablePhysics:
def __init__(self, actives, passives):
self.actives = actives
self.passives = passives
@@ -35,12 +34,12 @@ def __enter__(self):
self.frame_end = bpy.context.scene.frame_start
for a in self.actives:
with butil.SelectObjects(a):
- bpy.ops.rigidbody.objects_add(type='ACTIVE')
+ bpy.ops.rigidbody.objects_add(type="ACTIVE")
for p in self.passives:
with butil.SelectObjects(p):
- bpy.ops.rigidbody.objects_add(type='PASSIVE')
- bpy.context.object.rigid_body.collision_shape = 'MESH'
+ bpy.ops.rigidbody.objects_add(type="PASSIVE")
+ bpy.context.object.rigid_body.collision_shape = "MESH"
def __exit__(self, *_):
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/utils/reaction_diffusion.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/reaction_diffusion.py
index 46d7eb516..5b65fc06c 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/utils/reaction_diffusion.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/reaction_diffusion.py
@@ -5,15 +5,24 @@
import math
-import bpy
import bmesh
import numpy as np
-import tqdm
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
-def reaction_diffusion(obj, weight_fn, steps=1000, dt=1., scale=.5, diff_a=.18, diff_b=.09, feed_rate=.055,
- kill_rate=.062, perturb=.05):
+def reaction_diffusion(
+ obj,
+ weight_fn,
+ steps=1000,
+ dt=1.0,
+ scale=0.5,
+ diff_a=0.18,
+ diff_b=0.09,
+ feed_rate=0.055,
+ kill_rate=0.062,
+ perturb=0.05,
diff_a = diff_a * scale
diff_b = diff_b * scale
bm = bmesh.new()
@@ -31,7 +40,7 @@ def reaction_diffusion(obj, weight_fn, steps=1000, dt=1., scale=.5, diff_a=.18,
b_msg = b[edge_to] - b[edge_from]
lap_a = np.bincount(edge_from, a_msg, size) - np.bincount(edge_to, a_msg, size)
lap_b = np.bincount(edge_from, b_msg, size) - np.bincount(edge_to, b_msg, size)
- ab2 = a * b ** 2
+ ab2 = a * b**2
new_a = a + (diff_a * lap_a - ab2 + feed_rate * (1 - a)) * dt
new_b = b + (diff_b * lap_b + ab2 - (kill_rate + feed_rate) * b) * dt
a = new_a
@@ -47,15 +56,15 @@ def reaction_diffusion(obj, weight_fn, steps=1000, dt=1., scale=.5, diff_a=.18,
lap_a *= 1 + normal(0, perturb, n)
lap_a *= 1 + normal(0, perturb, n)
- vg_a = obj.vertex_groups.new(name='A')
- vg_b = obj.vertex_groups.new(name='B')
- vg_la = obj.vertex_groups.new(name='LA')
- vg_lb = obj.vertex_groups.new(name='LB')
+ vg_a = obj.vertex_groups.new(name="A")
+ vg_b = obj.vertex_groups.new(name="B")
+ vg_la = obj.vertex_groups.new(name="LA")
+ vg_lb = obj.vertex_groups.new(name="LB")
for i in range(n):
- vg_la.add([i], lap_a[i], 'REPLACE')
- vg_lb.add([i], lap_b[i], 'REPLACE')
- vg_a.add([i], a[i], 'REPLACE')
- vg_b.add([i], b[i], 'REPLACE')
+ vg_la.add([i], lap_a[i], "REPLACE")
+ vg_lb.add([i], lap_b[i], "REPLACE")
+ vg_a.add([i], a[i], "REPLACE")
+ vg_b.add([i], b[i], "REPLACE")
@@ -64,11 +73,13 @@ def feed2kill(feed):
return math.sqrt(feed) / 2 - feed
-def make_periodic_weight_fn(n_instances, stride=.1):
+def make_periodic_weight_fn(n_instances, stride=0.1):
def periodic_weight_fn(coords):
multiplier = uniform(20, 100, (1, n_instances))
center = coords[np.random.randint(0, len(coords) - 1, n_instances)]
- phi = (np.expand_dims(coords, 1) * np.expand_dims(center, 0)).sum(-1) * multiplier
+ phi = (np.expand_dims(coords, 1) * np.expand_dims(center, 0)).sum(
+ -1
+ ) * multiplier
measure = np.cos(phi).sum(-1) / math.sqrt(n_instances)
return (np.abs(measure) < stride).astype(float)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/utils/shapes.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/shapes.py
index 82676b1eb..f39f7d433 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/utils/shapes.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/shapes.py
@@ -6,12 +6,11 @@
import numpy as np
import shapely
from shapely import Polygon, remove_repeated_points, simplify
-from shapely.ops import linemerge, orient, polygonize, unary_union, shared_paths
+from shapely.ops import linemerge, orient, polygonize, shared_paths, unary_union
from trimesh.creation import triangulate_polygon
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import write_co, read_co, select_faces, read_normal
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_circle, data2mesh, mesh2obj, join_objects
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, read_normal, select_faces, write_co
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import data2mesh, join_objects, mesh2obj, new_circle
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
@@ -24,7 +23,7 @@ def is_valid_polygon(p):
def simplify_polygon(p):
with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
- p = remove_repeated_points(simplify(p, 1e-6).normalize(), .01)
+ p = remove_repeated_points(simplify(p, 1e-6).normalize(), 0.01)
return p
@@ -35,23 +34,28 @@ def cut_polygon_by_line(polygon, *args):
return list(polygons)
-def safe_polygon2obj(p, reversed=False, z=0):
- ps = [p] if p.geom_type == 'Polygon' else p.geoms
- objs_ = []
- for p in ps:
- p = orient(p).segmentize(.005)
- try:
- obj = triangulate_polygon2obj(p)
- objs_.append(obj)
- except:
- try:
- obj = polygon2obj(p)
- objs_.append(obj)
- except:
- pass
- if len(objs_) == 0:
+def safe_polygon_to_obj_single(p: Polygon):
+ p = orient(p).segmentize(0.005)
+ try:
+ return triangulate_polygon2obj(p)
+ except Exception: # TODO narrow this
+ pass
+ try:
+ return polygon2obj(p)
+ except Exception: # TODO narrow this
+ pass
+def safe_polygon2obj(poly, reversed=False, z=0):
+ ps = [poly] if poly.geom_type == "Polygon" else poly.geoms
+ objs = [safe_polygon_to_obj_single(p) for p in ps]
+ objs = [o for o in objs if o is not None]
+ if len(objs) == 0:
return None
- obj = join_objects(objs_)
+ obj = join_objects(objs)
obj.location[-1] = z
butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
point_normal_up(obj, reversed)
@@ -70,9 +74,9 @@ def polygon2obj(p, reversed=False, z=0):
write_co(o, np.concatenate([coords, np.zeros((len(coords), 1))], -1))
obj = join_objects(objs)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'WELD', merge_threshold=1e-6)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "WELD", merge_threshold=1e-6)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
obj.location[-1] = z
@@ -82,7 +86,7 @@ def polygon2obj(p, reversed=False, z=0):
def point_normal_up(obj, reversed=False):
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
no_z = read_normal(obj)[:, -1]
select_faces(obj, (no_z > 0) if reversed else (no_z < 0))
@@ -95,34 +99,39 @@ def triangulate_polygon2obj(p):
co = read_co(obj)
co[:, -1] = 0
write_co(obj, co)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'WELD', merge_threshold=1e-6)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "WELD", merge_threshold=1e-6)
return obj
def dissolve_limited(obj):
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'), butil.Suppress():
- for angle_limit in reversed(.05 * .1 ** np.arange(5)):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='FACE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"), butil.Suppress():
+ for angle_limit in reversed(0.05 * 0.1 ** np.arange(5)):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="FACE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
def obj2polygon(obj):
co = read_co(obj)[:, :2]
p = shapely.union_all(
- [shapely.make_valid(orient(shapely.Polygon(co[p.vertices]))) for p in obj.data.polygons]
+ [
+ shapely.make_valid(orient(shapely.Polygon(co[p.vertices])))
+ for p in obj.data.polygons
+ ]
return shapely.make_valid(shapely.simplify(p, 1e-6))
def buffer(p, distance):
with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
- return remove_repeated_points(simplify(p.buffer(distance, join_style='mitre', cap_style='flat'), 1e-6))
+ return remove_repeated_points(
+ simplify(p.buffer(distance, join_style="mitre", cap_style="flat"), 1e-6)
+ )
def segment_filter(mls, margin):
- for ls in mls.geoms if mls.geom_type == 'MultiLineString' else [mls]:
+ for ls in mls.geoms if mls.geom_type == "MultiLineString" else [mls]:
coords = np.array(ls.coords)
if len(coords) < 2:
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/utils/shortest_path.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/shortest_path.py
index ec4abaf0e..c6009e89c 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/utils/shortest_path.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/shortest_path.py
@@ -5,43 +5,104 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
+from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core import surface
-def geo_shortest_path(nw: NodeWrangler, end_index, weight, trim_threshold=.1, offset=0., merge_threshold=.005,
- subdiv=0):
+def geo_shortest_path(
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ end_index,
+ weight,
+ trim_threshold=0.1,
+ offset=0.0,
+ merge_threshold=0.005,
+ subdiv=0,
weight = surface.eval_argument(nw, weight)
end_index = surface.eval_argument(nw, end_index)
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry, 'Name': 'custom_normal', 'Value': nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal)},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.EdgePathToCurve,
- [geometry, None, nw.new_node(Nodes.ShortestEdgePath, [end_index, weight]).outputs[0]])
- curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineType, [curve], attrs={'spline_type': 'NURBS'})
- curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.TrimCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': curve, 'Start': trim_threshold})
- curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve, [curve], input_kwargs={'Length': .001}, attrs={'mode': 'LENGTH'})
- curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve, 'Name': 'spline_parameter', 'Value': nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)})
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, [nw.curve2mesh(curve), None, merge_threshold])
- distance = nw.vector_math('DISTANCE', *nw.new_node(Nodes.InputEdgeVertices).outputs[2:])
- curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.EdgePathToCurve, [geometry, None, nw.new_node(Nodes.ShortestEdgePath, [
- nw.compare('EQUAL', nw.new_node(Nodes.Index), 0), distance]).outputs[0]])
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": geometry,
+ "Name": "custom_normal",
+ "Value": nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal),
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
+ curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.EdgePathToCurve,
+ [
+ geometry,
+ None,
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.ShortestEdgePath, [end_index, weight]).outputs[0],
+ ],
+ )
+ curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineType, [curve], attrs={"spline_type": "NURBS"})
+ curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TrimCurve, input_kwargs={"Curve": curve, "Start": trim_threshold}
+ )
+ curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve,
+ [curve],
+ input_kwargs={"Length": 0.001},
+ attrs={"mode": "LENGTH"},
+ )
+ curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve,
+ "Name": "spline_parameter",
+ "Value": nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter),
+ },
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance, [nw.curve2mesh(curve), None, merge_threshold]
+ )
+ distance = nw.vector_math(
+ "DISTANCE", *nw.new_node(Nodes.InputEdgeVertices).outputs[2:]
+ )
+ curve = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.EdgePathToCurve,
+ [
+ geometry,
+ None,
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ShortestEdgePath,
+ [nw.compare("EQUAL", nw.new_node(Nodes.Index), 0), distance],
+ ).outputs[0],
+ ],
+ )
if subdiv > 0:
curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SubdivisionSurface, [curve, subdiv])
curve = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry':curve, 'Name': 'tangent', 'Value': nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent)},
- attrs={'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": curve,
+ "Name": "tangent",
+ "Value": nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveTangent),
+ },
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, [nw.curve2mesh(curve)])
- geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, [geometry, None, None,
- nw.scale(nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal), nw.scalar_multiply(nw.musgrave(), offset))])
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry})
+ geometry = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ [
+ geometry,
+ None,
+ None,
+ nw.scale(
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.InputNormal),
+ nw.scalar_multiply(nw.musgrave(), offset),
+ ),
+ ],
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry})
return geometry
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/utils/uv.py b/infinigen/assets/utils/uv.py
index 72e8090a6..ff9d518ee 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/utils/uv.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/utils/uv.py
@@ -1,23 +1,30 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+import logging
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
from collections.abc import Iterable
import bpy
-import bmesh
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from infinigen.assets.materials import common
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
- read_co, read_edges, read_loop_edges, read_loop_starts,
- read_loop_totals, read_loop_vertices, read_normal, read_uv, select_faces, write_uv,
+ read_co,
+ read_edges,
+ read_loop_edges,
+ read_loop_starts,
+ read_loop_totals,
+ read_loop_vertices,
+ read_normal,
+ read_uv,
+ select_faces,
+ write_uv,
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -40,9 +47,9 @@ def unwrap_faces(obj, selection=None):
smart = True
uv = read_uv(obj)[selection.astype(bool)[face_corner2faces(obj)]]
- smart = (np.isnan(uv) | (np.abs(uv) < .1)).sum() / uv.size > .5
+ smart = (np.isnan(uv) | (np.abs(uv) < 0.1)).sum() / uv.size > 0.5
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
select_faces(obj, selection)
if smart:
@@ -55,27 +62,27 @@ def str2vec(axis):
if not isinstance(axis, str):
return axis
match axis[-1].lower():
- case 'x':
+ case "x":
vec = 1, 0, 0
- case 'y':
+ case "y":
vec = 0, 1, 0
- case 'z':
+ case "z":
vec = 0, 0, 1
- case 'u':
+ case "u":
vec = -1, 0, 0
- case 'v':
+ case "v":
vec = 0, -1, 0
- case 'w':
+ case "w":
vec = 0, 0, -1
case _:
raise NotImplementedError
vec = np.array(vec)
- if axis[0] == '-':
+ if axis[0] == "-":
vec = -vec
return vec
-def compute_uv_direction(obj, x='x', y='y', selection=None):
+def compute_uv_direction(obj, x="x", y="y", selection=None):
ensure_uv(obj, selection)
x, y = str2vec(x), str2vec(y)
co = read_co(obj)
@@ -105,21 +112,38 @@ def compute_uv_direction(obj, x='x', y='y', selection=None):
if x_max - x_min > y_max - y_min:
scale = 1 / (x_max - x_min + 1e-4)
mid = (y_max + y_min) / 2
- pred = np.stack([(pred[:, 0] - x_min) * scale, (pred[:, 1] - mid) * scale + .5], -1)
- bbox = 0, 1, .5 - .5 * (y_max - y_min) * scale, .5 + .5 * (y_max - y_min) * scale
+ pred = np.stack(
+ [(pred[:, 0] - x_min) * scale, (pred[:, 1] - mid) * scale + 0.5], -1
+ )
+ bbox = (
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0.5 - 0.5 * (y_max - y_min) * scale,
+ 0.5 + 0.5 * (y_max - y_min) * scale,
+ )
scale = 1 / (y_max - y_min + 1e-4)
mid = (x_max + x_min) / 2
- pred = np.stack([(pred[:, 0] - mid) * scale + .5, (pred[:, 1] - y_min) * scale], -1)
- bbox = .5 - .5 * (x_max - x_min) * scale, .5 + .5 * (x_max - x_min) * scale, 0, 1
+ pred = np.stack(
+ [(pred[:, 0] - mid) * scale + 0.5, (pred[:, 1] - y_min) * scale], -1
+ )
+ bbox = (
+ 0.5 - 0.5 * (x_max - x_min) * scale,
+ 0.5 + 0.5 * (x_max - x_min) * scale,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ )
new_uv = np.where(selection[:, np.newaxis], pred, uv)
write_uv(obj, new_uv)
return bbox
def max_bbox(bboxes):
- return min(b[0] for b in bboxes), max(b[1] for b in bboxes), min(b[2] for b in bboxes), max(
- b[3] for b in bboxes
+ return (
+ min(b[0] for b in bboxes),
+ max(b[1] for b in bboxes),
+ min(b[2] for b in bboxes),
+ max(b[3] for b in bboxes),
@@ -134,37 +158,59 @@ def wrap_sides(obj, surface, axes, xs, ys, groupings=None, selection=None, **kwa
selected = faces == i
unwrap_faces(obj, selected)
- bboxes.append(compute_uv_direction(obj, str2vec(xs[i]), str2vec(ys[i]), selected[fc2f]))
+ bboxes.append(
+ compute_uv_direction(obj, str2vec(xs[i]), str2vec(ys[i]), selected[fc2f])
+ )
if groupings is None:
groupings = [[i] for i in range(len(axes))]
for indices in groupings:
selected = sum(selections[i] for i in indices)
- surface.apply(obj, selected, bbox=max_bbox([bboxes[i] for i in indices]), **kwargs)
+ surface.apply(
+ obj, selected, bbox=max_bbox([bboxes[i] for i in indices]), **kwargs
+ )
except TypeError:
- logger.debug(f'apply() for {surface=} with kwarg bbox failed, trying again without')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"apply() for {surface=} with kwarg bbox failed, trying again without"
+ )
surface.apply(obj, selected, **kwargs)
def wrap_front_back(obj, surface, shared=True, **kwargs):
- wrap_sides(obj, surface, 'vy', 'xu', 'zz', [[0, 1]] if shared else None, **kwargs)
+ wrap_sides(obj, surface, "vy", "xu", "zz", [[0, 1]] if shared else None, **kwargs)
def wrap_top_bottom(obj, surface, shared=True, **kwargs):
- wrap_sides(obj, surface, 'zw', 'xu', 'yy', [[0, 1]] if shared else None, **kwargs)
+ wrap_sides(obj, surface, "zw", "xu", "yy", [[0, 1]] if shared else None, **kwargs)
def wrap_front_back_side(obj, surface, shared=True, **kwargs):
- wrap_sides(obj, surface, 'vuy', 'xyu', 'zzz', [[0, 2], [1]] if shared else None, **kwargs)
+ wrap_sides(
+ obj, surface, "vuy", "xyu", "zzz", [[0, 2], [1]] if shared else None, **kwargs
+ )
def wrap_four_sides(obj, surface, shared=True, **kwargs):
- wrap_sides(obj, surface, 'vxyu', 'xyuv', 'zzzz', [[0, 2], [1, 3]] if shared else None, **kwargs)
+ wrap_sides(
+ obj,
+ surface,
+ "vxyu",
+ "xyuv",
+ "zzzz",
+ [[0, 2], [1, 3]] if shared else None,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
def wrap_six_sides(obj, surface, shared=True, **kwargs):
- obj, surface, 'vxyuzw', 'xyuvxx', 'zzzzyv', [[0, 2], [1, 3], [4, 5]] if shared else None,
- **kwargs
+ obj,
+ surface,
+ "vxyuzw",
+ "xyuvxx",
+ "zzzzyv",
+ [[0, 2], [1, 3], [4, 5]] if shared else None,
+ **kwargs,
@@ -191,7 +237,9 @@ def unwrap_normal(obj, selection=None, axis=None, axis_=None):
axis = axis[np.newaxis, :] - np.inner(axis, normal)[:, np.newaxis] * normal
axis /= np.maximum(np.linalg.norm(axis, axis=-1, keepdims=True), 1e-4)
axis_ = np.cross(normal, axis)
- uv = np.stack([(co[loop_vertices] * axis).sum(1), (co[loop_vertices] * axis_).sum(1)], -1)
+ uv = np.stack(
+ [(co[loop_vertices] * axis).sum(1), (co[loop_vertices] * axis_).sum(1)], -1
+ )
uv = np.where(selection[:, np.newaxis], uv, read_uv(obj))
write_uv(obj, uv)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/range_hood.py b/infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/range_hood.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cbbfd7b8..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/range_hood.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo
-import bpy
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.table_decorations.utils import nodegroup_lofting_poly
-from infinigen.assets.tables.table_utils import nodegroup_n_gon_profile
-from infinigen.assets.material_assignments import AssetList
-class RangeHoodFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, dimensions=None):
- super(RangeHoodFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.dimensions = dimensions
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.params = self.sample_parameters(dimensions)
- self.surface, self.scratch, self.edge_wear = self.get_material_params()
- def get_material_params(self):
- material_assignments = AssetList['RangeHoodFactory']()
- surface = material_assignments['surface'].assign_material()
- scratch_prob, edge_wear_prob = material_assignments['wear_tear_prob']
- scratch, edge_wear = material_assignments['wear_tear']
- is_scratch = np.random.uniform() < scratch_prob
- is_edge_wear = np.random.uniform() < edge_wear_prob
- if not is_scratch:
- scratch = None
- if not is_edge_wear:
- edge_wear = None
- return surface, scratch, edge_wear
- @staticmethod
- def sample_parameters(dimensions):
- # all in meters
- if dimensions is None:
- x = 0.55
- y = 0.75
- z = 1.0
- dimensions = (x, y, z)
- x, y, z = dimensions
- height_1 = uniform(0.05, 0.07)
- height_2 = uniform(0.1, 0.3)
- scale_2 = uniform(0.25, 0.4)
- parameters = {
- 'Height_total': z,
- 'Width': y,
- 'Depth': x,
- 'Height_1': height_1,
- 'Scale_2': scale_2,
- 'Height_2': height_2
- }
- return parameters
- def create_asset(self, **params):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- size=2, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- surface.add_geomod(obj, geometry_generate_hood, apply=True, input_kwargs=self.params)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', apply=True, thickness=.002)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SUBSURF', apply=True, levels=1, render_levels=1)
- return obj
- def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- self.surface.apply(assets)
- if self.scratch:
- self.scratch.apply(assets)
- if self.edge_wear:
- self.edge_wear.apply(assets)
-def geometry_generate_hood(nw: NodeWrangler, **kwargs):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- generatetabletop = nw.new_node(geometry_range_hood().name,
- input_kwargs={'Resolution': 64,
- 'Height_total': kwargs['Height_total'],
- 'Width': kwargs['Width'],
- 'Depth': kwargs['Depth'],
- 'Height_1': kwargs['Height_1'],
- 'Scale_2': kwargs['Scale_2'],
- 'Height_2': kwargs['Height_2'],
- })
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': generatetabletop}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('geometry_range_hood', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def geometry_range_hood(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketInt', 'Resolution', 128),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Height_total', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Width', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Depth', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Profile Fillet Ratio', 0.0100),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Height_1', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Scale_2', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Height_2', 0.3000)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: 1.4140}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"], 1: group_input.outputs["Width"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- ngonprofile = nw.new_node(nodegroup_n_gon_profile().name,
- input_kwargs={'Profile Width': multiply, 'Profile Aspect Ratio': divide, 'Profile Fillet Ratio': group_input.outputs["Profile Fillet Ratio"]})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': ngonprofile, 'Count': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_1})
- transform_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve, 'Translation': combine_xyz})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': group_input.outputs["Height_1"]})
- transform_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry, 'Translation': combine_xyz_1})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': group_input.outputs["Height_2"]})
- transform_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry, 'Translation': combine_xyz_2, 'Scale': group_input.outputs["Scale_2"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height_total"], 1: group_input.outputs["Height_2"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': subtract})
- transform_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry_2, 'Translation': combine_xyz_3})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_geometry_3, transform_geometry_2, transform_geometry_1, transform_geometry]})
- lofting_poly = nw.new_node(nodegroup_lofting_poly().name,
- input_kwargs={'Profile Curves': join_geometry, 'U Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'V Resolution': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- delete_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.DeleteGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': lofting_poly.outputs["Geometry"], 'Selection': lofting_poly.outputs["Top"]})
- grid = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshGrid,
- input_kwargs={'Size X': group_input.outputs["Width"], 'Size Y': group_input.outputs["Depth"], 'Vertices X': group_input.outputs["Resolution"], 'Vertices Y': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Depth"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_2})
- transform_geometry_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': grid.outputs["Mesh"], 'Translation': combine_xyz_4, 'Rotation': (-0.0698, 0.0000, 0.0000), 'Scale': (0.9800, 0.9800, 1.0000)})
- transform_geometry_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry_4, 'Rotation': (0.1047, 0.0000, 0.0000), 'Scale': (0.9500, 0.9700, 1.0000)})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [delete_geometry, transform_geometry_5]})
- transform_geometry_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_1, 'Rotation': (0.0, 0.0000, -np.pi/2)})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform_geometry_6}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/skirting_board.py b/infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/skirting_board.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ce85f9f30..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/skirting_board.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Yiming Zuo, Lingjie Mei, Alexander Raistrick
-import logging
-import bmesh
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint, choice, randint
-from tqdm import tqdm
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.geometry.curve import Curve
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
- read_co, read_edge_length, remove_edges, read_edge_direction, read_edges,
- remove_duplicate_edges,
-from infinigen.assets.utils.draw import bezier_curve
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_plane, join_objects
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room import constants
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.constants import WALL_HEIGHT, DOOR_WIDTH, WALL_THICKNESS
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.types import get_room_level
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.surface import write_attr_data
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.materials.plastics import plastic_rough
-import shapely
-from shapely.geometry import Polygon, MultiPolygon
-from shapely import affinity
-from shapely.ops import unary_union
-from infinigen.assets.utils.shapes import polygon2obj, obj2polygon
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-from shapely.plotting import plot_polygon
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_make_skirting_board_001', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_make_skirting_board(nw: NodeWrangler, control_points):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketCollection', 'Parent', None),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Thickness', 0.0300),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Height', 0.1500),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Resolution', 0.0050),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Is Ceiling', False)]
- )
- collection_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.CollectionInfo, input_kwargs={'Collection': group_input.outputs["Parent"]})
- mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': collection_info})
- quadrilateral = nw.new_node(
- 'GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral',
- input_kwargs={'Width': group_input.outputs["Thickness"], 'Height': group_input.outputs["Height"]}
- )
- multiply = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Thickness"]}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'}
- )
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'}
- )
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply, 'Y': multiply_1})
- transform_geometry = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': quadrilateral, 'Translation': combine_xyz}
- )
- resample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.ResampleCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': transform_geometry, 'Count': 220, 'Length': group_input.outputs["Resolution"]},
- attrs={'mode': 'LENGTH'}
- )
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"]})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: -1.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'}
- )
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"], 1: multiply_2, 2: 0.0000})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Value': map_range.outputs["Result"]})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], control_points)
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: float_curve, 1: group_input.outputs["Thickness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'}
- )
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_3, 'Y': separate_xyz.outputs["Y"]})
- set_position = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': resample_curve_1, 'Selection': greater_than, 'Position': combine_xyz_1}
- )
- switch = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={
- 0: group_input.outputs["Is Ceiling"], 8: (-1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000), 9: (-1.0000, -1.0000, -1.0000)
- },
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'}
- )
- transform_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.Transform, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_position, 'Scale': switch.outputs[3]}
- )
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={'Curve': mesh, 'Profile Curve': transform_geometry_1, 'Fill Caps': True}
- )
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.SetShadeSmooth, input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh_1, 'Shade Smooth': False}
- )
- group_output = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_shade_smooth}, attrs={'is_active_output': True}
- )
-def apply_skirtingboard(nw: NodeWrangler, contour, is_ceiling=False, seed=None, thickness=.02):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- # TODO: randomize style / size / materials
- if seed is None:
- seed = randint(0, 10000)
- with FixedSeed(seed):
- thickness = uniform(.02, .05)
- height = uniform(0.08, 0.15)
- color = color_category('white')
- roughness = uniform(0.5, 1.0)
- n_peaks = randint(1, 4)
- start_y = uniform(0.0, 0.5)
- mid_x = uniform(0.2, 0.8)
- peak_xs = np.sort(uniform(0.0, mid_x, size=n_peaks))
- peak_ys = np.sort(uniform(start_y, 1.0, size=n_peaks))
- control_points = [(0.0000, start_y)]
- control_points += [(x, y) for x, y in zip(peak_xs, peak_ys)]
- control_points += [(mid_x, 1.0000),
- (1.0000, 1.0000)]
- makeskirtingboard = nw.new_node(
- nodegroup_make_skirting_board(control_points=control_points).name,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Parent': contour,
- 'Resolution': 0.0010,
- 'Thickness': thickness,
- 'Height': height,
- 'Is Ceiling': is_ceiling
- }
- )
- makeskirtingboard = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.SetMaterial,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': makeskirtingboard, 'Material': surface.shaderfunc_to_material(
- plastic_rough.shader_rough_plastic, base_color=color, roughness=roughness
- )
- }
- )
- group_output = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': makeskirtingboard}, attrs={'is_active_output': True}
- )
-def make_skirtingboard_contour(objs: list[bpy.types.Object], tag: t.Subpart):
- # make the outline curve
- assert len(objs) > 0
- objs = [
- tagging.extract_tagged_faces(o, {tag, t.Subpart.Visible}, nonempty=True)
- for o in list(objs)
- ]
- all_polys = []
- all_zs = []
- for floor_pieces in objs:
- all_polys.append(obj2polygon(floor_pieces))
- all_zs.append(read_co(floor_pieces)[:, -1] + floor_pieces.location[-1])
- floor_z = np.mean(np.concatenate(all_zs))
- boundary = unary_union(all_polys).buffer(.05, join_style='mitre').buffer(-.05, join_style='mitre')
- if isinstance(boundary, Polygon):
- boundaries = [boundary]
- else:
- boundaries = boundary.geoms
- contours = []
- for b in boundaries:
- lr = b.exterior
- o = linear_ring2curve(lr)
- contours.append(o)
- o.location[-1] += floor_z
- butil.apply_transform(o, True)
- for lr in b.interiors:
- o = linear_ring2curve(lr, True)
- contours.append(o)
- o.location[-1] += floor_z
- butil.apply_transform(o, True)
- butil.delete(objs)
- return contours
-def make_skirting_board(objs, tag, joined=True):
- if joined:
- seqs = list([o for o in objs if get_room_level(o.name.split('.')[0]) == i] for i in [0])
- else:
- seqs = [[o] for o in objs]
- for s in seqs:
- logger.debug(f'make_skirting_board for {len(objs)=} {tag=}')
- try:
- contours = make_skirtingboard_contour(s, tag)
- except shapely.errors.GEOSException as e:
- logger.warning(f'make_skirting_board({objs=}, {tag=}) failed with {e}, skipping')
- return
- obj = new_plane()
- obj.name = "skirtingboard_" + tag.value
- col = butil.put_in_collection(contours, 'contour')
- kwargs = {
- 'contour': col,
- 'seed': np.random.randint(1e7),
- 'is_ceiling': tag == t.Subpart.Ceiling
- }
- surface.add_geomod(obj, apply_skirtingboard, apply=True, input_kwargs=kwargs)
- portal_cutters = butil.get_collection('placeholders:portal_cutters').objects
- for p in portal_cutters:
- if p.name.startswith('entrance') and int(p.location[-1] / WALL_HEIGHT - 1 / 2) == 0:
- p.location[-1] -= WALL_HEIGHT / 2
- butil.modify_mesh(
- obj, 'BOOLEAN', object=p, operation='DIFFERENCE', use_self=True,
- use_hole_tolerant=True
- )
- p.location[-1] += WALL_HEIGHT / 2
- butil.delete_collection(col)
- col = butil.get_collection("skirting")
- butil.put_in_collection(obj, col)
-def linear_ring2curve(ring, reversed=False):
- coords = ring.coords
- if shapely.is_ccw(ring) == reversed:
- coords = coords[::-1]
- coords = np.array(coords)
- lengths = np.linalg.norm(coords[:-1] - coords[1:], axis=-1)
- invalid = np.sort(np.nonzero((np.abs(lengths - WALL_THICKNESS) < .02) | (np.abs(lengths - DOOR_WIDTH) < .02))[0])
- ranges = -1, *invalid, len(coords)
- curves = []
- for l, r in zip(ranges[:-1], ranges[1:]):
- x, y = np.array(coords[l + 1:r + 1]).T
- if len(x) > 1:
- curves.append(bezier_curve((x, y, 0), list(np.arange(len(x))), 1, False))
- return join_objects(curves)
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/wall_shelf.py b/infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/wall_shelf.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b05b0e3b..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/wall_shelf.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-import shapely
-from numpy.random import uniform
-import shapely.affinity
-from infinigen.assets.materials import metal, plastic
-from infinigen.assets.materials.woods import wood
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_edge_direction, select_edges, read_edge_center
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_bbox, new_bbox_2d, join_objects
-from infinigen.assets.utils.shapes import polygon2obj
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.surface import write_attr_data
-from infinigen.core import tagging as t
-from infinigen.core.tags import Subpart
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
-from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg, log_uniform
-class WallShelfFactory(AssetFactory):
- support_sides_ = 'weighted_choice', (.5, 'none'), (1, 'bottom'), (1, 'top'), (1.5, 'both')
- support_margins = 'weighted_choice', (2, 0), (1, ('uniform', .0, .2))
- support_ratios = 'weighted_choice', (2, 1), (1, ('uniform', .5, .9))
- support_alphas = 'weighted_choice', (1, 1), (
- 1, ('weighted_choice', (1, ('log_uniform', .4, .7)), (2, ('log_uniform', 1.5, 3)), (1, 10)))
- support_joins = 'mitre', 'round', 'bevel'
- plate_bevels = 'weighted_choice', (1, 'none'), (1, 'front'), (1, 'side')
- plate_surfaces = 'weighted_choice', (2, wood), (1, metal)
- support_surfaces = 'weighted_choice', (2, metal), (1, wood), (2, plastic)
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False):
- super(WallShelfFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse)
- self.support_side = rg(self.support_sides_)
- self.support_margin = rg(self.support_margins)
- if self.support_margin == 0:
- n_support = np.random.choice([2, 3, 4], p=[.7, .2, .1])
- else:
- n_support = np.random.choice([2, 3], p=[.8, .2])
- self.support_locs = np.linspace(-.5 + self.support_margin, .5 - self.support_margin, n_support)
- self.length = log_uniform(.3, .8)
- self.width = log_uniform(.1, .2)
- match self.support_side:
- case 'none':
- self.thickness = log_uniform(.03, .08)
- case _:
- self.thickness = log_uniform(.01, .05)
- self.support_width = log_uniform(.01, .015)
- self.support_thickness = self.support_width * log_uniform(.4, 1.)
- self.support_length = self.width * uniform(.7, 1.1)
- self.plate_bevel = rg(self.plate_bevels)
- self.support_join = np.random.choice(self.support_joins)
- self.plate_surface = rg(self.plate_surfaces)
- self.support_surface = rg(self.support_surfaces)
- def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
- box = new_bbox(0, self.width, -self.length / 2, self.length / 2, -self.support_length, self.support_length)
- plane = new_bbox_2d(0, self.width, -self.length / 2, self.length / 2, self.thickness / 2)
- write_attr_data(plane, f'{t.PREFIX}{Subpart.SupportSurface.value}', np.ones(1).astype(bool), 'INT', 'FACE')
- return join_objects([box, plane])
- def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- obj = self.make_plate()
- self.plate_surface.apply(obj)
- if self.support_side != 'none':
- support = self.make_support()
- supports = [support] + [deep_clone_obj(support) for _ in range(len(self.support_locs) - 1)]
- for s, l in zip(supports, self.support_locs):
- s.location[1] = self.length * l
- self.support_surface.apply(supports)
- obj = join_objects([obj] + supports)
- return obj
- def make_plate(self):
- obj = new_bbox(0, self.width, -self.length / 2, self.length / 2, -self.thickness / 2, self.thickness / 2)
- c = read_edge_center(obj)
- d = read_edge_direction(obj)
- front = (np.abs(d[:, 1]) > .5) & (c[:, 0] > .1)
- side = np.abs(d[:, 0]) > .5
- match self.plate_bevel:
- case 'front':
- selection = front
- case 'side':
- selection = front + side
- case _:
- selection = np.zeros_like(front)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- select_edges(obj, selection)
- bpy.ops.mesh.bevel(offset=uniform(.3, .5) * self.thickness, segments=np.random.randint(4, 9))
- return obj
- def make_support_contour(self):
- l = shapely.LineString(np.array([(1, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1)]) * self.support_length)
- theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi / 2, 31)
- alpha = rg(self.support_alphas)
- r = 1 / ((np.cos(theta) + 1e-6) ** alpha + (np.sin(theta) + 1e-6) ** alpha) ** (1 / alpha)
- xy = r[:, np.newaxis] * np.stack([np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)], -1)
- d = shapely.LineString(xy * self.support_length * rg(self.support_ratios))
- return shapely.union(l, d)
- def make_support(self):
- lines = []
- if self.support_side in ['top', 'both']:
- lines.append(self.make_support_contour())
- if self.support_side in ['bottom', 'both']:
- lines.append(shapely.affinity.scale(self.make_support_contour(), 1, -1, 1, (0, 0, 0)))
- contour = shapely.union_all(lines).buffer(self.support_thickness / 2, join_style=self.support_join)
- obj = polygon2obj(contour)
- obj.rotation_euler[0] = np.pi / 2
- obj.location = self.support_thickness / 2, -self.support_width / 2, 0
- butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_region_move(
- TRANSFORM_OT_translate={
- 'value': (0, self.support_width, 0)
- }
- )
- return obj
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/weather/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/weather/__init__.py
index 0d5bf77f5..97d26424c 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/weather/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/weather/__init__.py
@@ -1,15 +1,10 @@
-from . import particles, cloud
-from .cloud import (
- CloudFactory,
- CumulonimbusFactory,
- CumulusFactory,
- AltocumulusFactory,
- StratocumulusFactory
+from .kole_clouds import add_kole_clouds
from .particles import (
- DustMoteFactory,
- RaindropFactory,
- SnowflakeFactory
+ FallingParticles,
+ falling_leaf_param_distribution,
+ floating_dust_param_distribution,
+ marine_snow_param_distribution,
+ rain_param_distribution,
+ snow_param_distribution,
-from .kole_clouds import add_kole_clouds
\ No newline at end of file
+from .wind_effectors import TurbulenceEffector, WindEffector
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/weather/cloud/__init__.py b/infinigen/assets/weather/cloud/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3aedf7413..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/weather/cloud/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-from .generate import CloudFactory, CumulonimbusFactory, CumulusFactory, AltocumulusFactory, \
- StratocumulusFactory
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/weather/cloud/generate.py b/infinigen/assets/weather/cloud/generate.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f132f01b7..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/weather/cloud/generate.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Hei Law
-import gin
-import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_cube
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.weather.cloud.cloud import Cumulus, Cumulonimbus, Stratocumulus, Altocumulus
-from infinigen.assets.weather.cloud.cloud import create_3d_grid
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-class CloudFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(
- self,
- factory_seed,
- coarse=False,
- terrain_mesh=None,
- max_distance=300,
- steps=128,
- cloudy=("bool", 0.01),
- ):
- super(CloudFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- self.max_distance = max_distance
- self.ref_cloud = bpy.data.meshes.new('ref_cloud')
- self.ref_cloud.from_pydata(create_3d_grid(steps=steps), [], [])
- self.ref_cloud.update()
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.cloudy = rg(cloudy)
- self.cloud_types = [Cumulonimbus, ] if self.cloudy else [Cumulus, Stratocumulus, Altocumulus, ]
- self.resolutions = {
- Cumulonimbus: [16, 128],
- Cumulus: [16, 128],
- Stratocumulus: [32, 256],
- Altocumulus: [16, 64], }
- scale_resolution = 4
- self.resolutions = {k: (scale_resolution * u, scale_resolution * v) for k, (u, v) in
- self.resolutions.items()}
- self.min_distance = 256 if self.cloudy else 64
- self.dome_radius = 1024 if self.cloudy else 256
- self.dome_threshold = 32 if self.cloudy else 0
- self.density_range = [1e-5, 1e-4] if self.cloudy else [1e-4, 2e-4]
- self.max_scale = max([t.MAX_EXPECTED_SCALE for t in self.cloud_types])
- self.density = max([t.PLACEHOLDER_DENSITY for t in self.cloud_types])
- def spawn_locations(self):
- obj = new_cube()
- surface.add_geomod(obj, self.geo_dome, apply=True,
- input_args=[self.dome_radius, self.dome_threshold, self.density_range,
- self.min_distance])
- locations = np.array([obj.matrix_world @ v.co for v in obj.data.vertices])
- butil.delete(obj)
- return locations
- def create_placeholder(self, **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
- return butil.spawn_empty('placeholder', disp_type='CUBE', s=self.max_scale)
- def create_asset(self, distance, **kwargs):
- cloud_type = np.random.choice(self.cloud_types)
- resolution_min, resolution_max = self.resolutions[cloud_type]
- resolution = max(1 - distance / self.max_distance, 0)
- resolution = resolution * (resolution_max - resolution_min) + resolution_min
- resolution = int(resolution)
- new_cloud = cloud_type("Cloud", self.ref_cloud)
- new_cloud = new_cloud.make_cloud(marching_cubes=False, resolution=resolution, )
- butil.apply_transform(new_cloud)
- tag_object(new_cloud, 'cloud')
- return new_cloud
- @staticmethod
- def geo_dome(nw, dome_radius, dome_threshold, density_range, min_distance, ):
- ico_sphere = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeMeshIcoSphere',
- input_kwargs={'Radius': dome_radius, 'Subdivisions': 8, }, )
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': ico_sphere, 'Scale': (1.2, 1.4, 1.0), }, )
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position, }, )
- less_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: dome_threshold, },
- attrs={'operation': 'LESS_THAN', }, )
- delete_geometry = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeDeleteGeometry',
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform, 'Selection': less_than, }, )
- distribute_points_on_faces = nw.new_node(Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces, input_kwargs={
- 'Mesh': delete_geometry,
- 'Distance Min': min_distance,
- 'Density Max': np.random.uniform(*density_range),
- 'Seed': np.random.randint(1e5), }, attrs={'distribute_method': 'POISSON', }, )
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Z': nw.uniform(32, np.random.randint(64, 1e5)), }, )
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': distribute_points_on_faces.outputs["Points"],
- 'Offset': combine_xyz, }, )
- verts = nw.new_node(Nodes.PointsToVertices, input_kwargs={'Points': set_position, }, )
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': verts, }, )
-class CumulonimbusFactory(CloudFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, max_distance=300, steps=128, ):
- self.cloud_types = [Cumulonimbus]
- super(CumulonimbusFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse, max_distance, steps)
- self.cloud_types = [Cumulonimbus]
-class CumulusFactory(CloudFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, max_distance=300, steps=128, ):
- self.cloud_types = [Cumulus]
- super(CumulusFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse, max_distance, steps)
- self.cloud_types = [Cumulus]
-class StratocumulusFactory(CloudFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, max_distance=300, steps=128, ):
- self.cloud_types = [Stratocumulus]
- super(StratocumulusFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse, max_distance, steps)
- self.cloud_types = [Stratocumulus]
-class AltocumulusFactory(CloudFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, max_distance=300, steps=128, ):
- self.cloud_types = [Altocumulus]
- super(AltocumulusFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse, max_distance, steps)
- self.cloud_types = [Altocumulus]
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/weather/kole_clouds.py b/infinigen/assets/weather/kole_clouds.py
index 6650fed52..283258956 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/weather/kole_clouds.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/weather/kole_clouds.py
@@ -5,155 +5,243 @@
import gin
import numpy as np
from mathutils import Vector
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
from infinigen.terrain.utils import drive_param
def kole_clouds_shader(
nw: NodeWrangler,
- coverage_frame_start=("clip_gaussian", -0.1, 0.1, -0.3, 0.3), coverage_frame_end=("clip_gaussian", -0.1, 0.1, -0.3, 0.3),
- density=("uniform", .01, .04),
+ coverage_frame_start=("clip_gaussian", -0.1, 0.1, -0.3, 0.3),
+ coverage_frame_end=("clip_gaussian", -0.1, 0.1, -0.3, 0.3),
+ density=("uniform", 0.01, 0.04),
translation_animation=("bool", 0.5),
anisotropy=("clip_gaussian", 0.1, 0.1, 0, 0.5),
density = rg(density)
anisotropy = rg(anisotropy)
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
transparent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransparentBSDF)
# PARAMETER: Coverage
value = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
coverage_frame_start = rg(coverage_frame_start)
coverage_frame_end = rg(coverage_frame_end)
- value.outputs[0], (coverage_frame_end - coverage_frame_start) / (bpy.context.scene.frame_end - bpy.context.scene.frame_start + 1),
- offset=coverage_frame_start - (coverage_frame_end - coverage_frame_start) * bpy.context.scene.frame_start / (bpy.context.scene.frame_end - bpy.context.scene.frame_start + 1)
- )
- geometry = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeNewGeometry')
- vector_transform = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeVectorTransform',
- input_kwargs={'Vector': geometry.outputs["Position"]})
+ value.outputs[0],
+ (coverage_frame_end - coverage_frame_start)
+ / (bpy.context.scene.frame_end - bpy.context.scene.frame_start + 1),
+ offset=coverage_frame_start
+ - (coverage_frame_end - coverage_frame_start)
+ * bpy.context.scene.frame_start
+ / (bpy.context.scene.frame_end - bpy.context.scene.frame_start + 1),
+ )
+ geometry = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeNewGeometry")
+ vector_transform = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeVectorTransform",
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": geometry.outputs["Position"]},
+ )
vector_transform = nw.add(vector_transform, Vector([translation, 0, 0]))
if rg(translation_animation):
- drive_param(vector_transform.inputs[1], 0.001, offset=-(bpy.context.scene.frame_start + bpy.context.scene.frame_end) / 2 * 0.001 + translation, index=0)
+ drive_param(
+ vector_transform.inputs[1],
+ 0.001,
+ offset=-(bpy.context.scene.frame_start + bpy.context.scene.frame_end)
+ / 2
+ * 0.001
+ + translation,
+ index=0,
+ )
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: vector_transform, 1: (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': multiply.outputs["Vector"]})
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.1, 2: 0.3, 4: -0.2})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply.outputs["Vector"], 1: (1.0, 1.0, 10 ** np.random.uniform(-1, 0))},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
- input_kwargs={0: multiply_1.outputs["Vector"], 1: (0.0, 0.0, np.random.uniform(0, 2))})
- musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': add.outputs["Vector"], 'Scale': 3.0, 'Detail': 10.0, 'Dimension': 0.6, 'Lacunarity': 2.6})
- map_range_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': musgrave_texture, 1: -1.0},
- attrs={'clamp': False})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: value, 1: add_1})
- map_range_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': add_2, 1: 0.4, 2: 0.5},
- attrs={'clamp': False})
- length = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ separate_xyz = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={"Vector": multiply.outputs["Vector"]}
+ )
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": separate_xyz.outputs["Z"], 1: 0.1, 2: 0.3, 4: -0.2},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: multiply.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: (1.0, 1.0, 10 ** np.random.uniform(-1, 0)),
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: multiply_1.outputs["Vector"],
+ 1: (0.0, 0.0, np.random.uniform(0, 2)),
+ },
+ )
+ musgrave_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": add.outputs["Vector"],
+ "Scale": 3.0,
+ "Detail": 10.0,
+ "Dimension": 0.6,
+ "Lacunarity": 2.6,
+ },
+ )
+ map_range_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": musgrave_texture, 1: -1.0},
+ attrs={"clamp": False},
+ )
+ add_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={0: map_range.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
+ )
+ add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: value, 1: add_1})
+ map_range_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": add_2, 1: 0.4, 2: 0.5},
+ attrs={"clamp": False},
+ )
+ length = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
input_kwargs={0: multiply.outputs["Vector"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'LENGTH'})
+ attrs={"operation": "LENGTH"},
+ )
# This value should change with the solidify thickness
value_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
value_1.outputs[0].default_value = 0.5
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: value_1})
- map_range_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': length.outputs["Value"], 1: 1.0, 2: add_3})
- geometry_1 = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeNewGeometry')
- voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': geometry_1.outputs["Position"], 'Scale': 0.01})
- map_range_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 3: 0.5, 4: 2.0})
- power = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_3.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_4.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve,
- input_kwargs={'Value': power})
- node_utils.assign_curve(float_curve.mapping.curves[0], [(0.0, 1.0), (0.0273, 0.0063), (0.2455, 0.6), (0.6682, 0.3188), (0.9955, 1.0)])
- map_range_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- input_kwargs={'Value': float_curve, 4: 5.0})
- greater_than = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_2.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_5.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"], 1: map_range_5.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT', 'use_clamp': True})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 0.3},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 1.0, 1: value_1})
+ map_range_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": length.outputs["Value"], 1: 1.0, 2: add_3},
+ )
+ geometry_1 = nw.new_node("ShaderNodeNewGeometry")
+ voronoi_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": geometry_1.outputs["Position"], "Scale": 0.01},
+ )
+ map_range_4 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": voronoi_texture.outputs["Distance"], 3: 0.5, 4: 2.0},
+ )
+ power = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_3.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: map_range_4.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "POWER"},
+ )
+ float_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": power})
+ node_utils.assign_curve(
+ float_curve.mapping.curves[0],
+ [(0.0, 1.0), (0.0273, 0.0063), (0.2455, 0.6), (0.6682, 0.3188), (0.9955, 1.0)],
+ )
+ map_range_5 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={"Value": float_curve, 4: 5.0}
+ )
+ greater_than = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_2.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: map_range_5.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
+ subtract = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_kwargs={
+ 0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"],
+ 1: map_range_5.outputs["Result"],
+ },
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ multiply_2 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 0.3}, attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"}
+ )
+ multiply_3 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: 0.01},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: multiply_3})
- power_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: greater_than, 1: multiply_3})
+ power_1 = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: map_range_1.outputs["Result"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
+ attrs={"operation": "POWER"},
+ )
- density_mul = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
+ density_mul = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
input_kwargs={0: power_1, 1: density},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY', 'use_clamp': True})
- volume_scatter = nw.new_node('ShaderNodeVolumeScatter',
- input_kwargs={'Color': add_4, 'Density': density_mul, 'Anisotropy': anisotropy})
- nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': transparent_bsdf, 'Volume': volume_scatter})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY", "use_clamp": True},
+ )
+ volume_scatter = nw.new_node(
+ "ShaderNodeVolumeScatter",
+ input_kwargs={"Color": add_4, "Density": density_mul, "Anisotropy": anisotropy},
+ )
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": transparent_bsdf, "Volume": volume_scatter},
+ )
def add_kole_clouds(height=0):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_ico_sphere_add(subdivisions=6, radius=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1))
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_ico_sphere_add(
+ subdivisions=6,
+ radius=1,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=(0, 0, 0),
+ scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ )
sphere = bpy.context.active_object
sphere.name = "KoleClouds"
surface.add_material(sphere, kole_clouds_shader, selection=None)
# Don't change the solidify modifier
- bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='SOLIDIFY')
+ bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type="SOLIDIFY")
sphere.modifiers["Solidify"].thickness = 0.5
sphere.modifiers["Solidify"].offset = 1
sphere.modifiers["Solidify"].use_even_offset = True
@@ -161,5 +249,6 @@ def add_kole_clouds(height=0):
sphere.location = (0, 0, height)
sphere.rotation_euler[1] = np.pi
if __name__ == "__main__":
- add_kole_clouds()
\ No newline at end of file
+ add_kole_clouds()
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/weather/particles.py b/infinigen/assets/weather/particles.py
index a57393c3c..35c44f1f0 100644
--- a/infinigen/assets/weather/particles.py
+++ b/infinigen/assets/weather/particles.py
@@ -1,159 +1,134 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Hei Law, Alexander Raistrick
+import logging
+import typing
import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import normal as N
-import mathutils
-import gin
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_nodegroup
-from infinigen.assets.materials import dirt
-from infinigen.infinigen_gpl.surfaces import snow
-def shader_raindrop(nw):
- glass_bsdf = nw.new_node(
- 'ShaderNodeBsdfGlass',
- input_kwargs={
- 'IOR': 1.33,
- },
- )
- material_output = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Surface': glass_bsdf,
- },
+from numpy.random import normal, uniform
+from infinigen.core.generator import Generator
+from infinigen.core.placement import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection, particles
+from infinigen.core.util import butil
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def rain_param_distribution():
+ drops_per_sec_m2 = uniform(0.05, 1)
+ velocity = uniform(9, 20)
+ lifetime = 100
+ return dict(
+ mass=0.001,
+ warmup_frames=100,
+ density=drops_per_sec_m2 * lifetime,
+ lifetime=lifetime,
+ particle_size=uniform(0.01, 0.015),
+ size_random=uniform(0.005, 0.01),
+ normal_factor=-velocity,
+ effect_gravity=0.0,
+ use_die_on_collision=True,
-def geo_raindrop(nw):
- group_input = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[(
- 'NodeSocketGeometry',
- 'Geometry',
- None,
- )],
+def falling_leaf_param_distribution():
+ rate = uniform(0.001, 0.006)
+ dur = max(bpy.context.scene.frame_end - bpy.context.scene.frame_start, 500)
+ return dict(
+ warmup_frames=1024,
+ density=rate * dur,
+ particle_size=normal(0.5, 0.15),
+ size_random=uniform(0.1, 0.2),
+ lifetime=dur,
+ use_rotations=True,
+ rotation_factor_random=1.0,
+ use_die_on_collision=False,
+ drag_factor=0.2,
+ damping=0.3,
+ mass=0.01,
+ normal_factor=0.0,
+ angular_velocity_mode="RAND",
+ angular_velocity_factor=uniform(0, 3),
+ use_dynamic_rotation=True,
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- vector_curves = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.VectorCurve,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Vector': position,
- },
- )
- node_utils.assign_curve(
- vector_curves.mapping.curves[0],
- [(-1.0, -1.0), (1.0, 1.0)],
- )
- node_utils.assign_curve(
- vector_curves.mapping.curves[1],
- [(-1.0, -1.0), (1.0, 1.0)],
- )
- node_utils.assign_curve(
- vector_curves.mapping.curves[2],
- [(-1.0, -0.15 * N(1, 0.15)), (-0.6091, -0.0938), (1.0, 1.0)],
+def floating_dust_param_distribution():
+ return dict(
+ mass=0.0001,
+ count=int(7000 * uniform(0.5, 2)),
+ lifetime=1000,
+ warmup_frames=100,
+ particle_size=0.001,
+ size_random=uniform(0.7, 1.0),
+ emit_from="VOLUME",
+ damping=1.0,
+ drag_factor=1.0,
+ effect_gravity=uniform(0.3, 0.7), # partially buoyant
- set_position = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Position': vector_curves,
- },
+def marine_snow_param_distribution():
+ return dict(
+ mass=0.0001,
+ count=int(10000 * uniform(0.5, 2)),
+ lifetime=1000,
+ warmup_frames=100,
+ particle_size=0.005,
+ size_random=uniform(0.7, 1.0),
+ emit_from="VOLUME",
+ brownian_factor=log_uniform(0.0002, 0.0005),
+ damping=log_uniform(0.95, 0.98),
+ drag_factor=uniform(0.85, 0.95),
+ factor_random=uniform(0.1, 0.2),
+ use_rotations=True,
+ phase_factor_random=uniform(0.2, 0.5),
+ use_dynamic_rotation=True,
+ effect_gravity=uniform(0, 0.5),
- group_output = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': set_position,
- },
+def snow_param_distribution():
+ density = uniform(2, 26)
+ return dict(
+ mass=0.001,
+ density=density,
+ lifetime=2000,
+ warmup_frames=1000,
+ particle_size=0.003,
+ emit_from="FACE",
+ damping=1.0,
+ drag_factor=1.0,
+ use_rotations=True,
+ use_die_on_collision=True,
-class RaindropFactory(AssetFactory):
- def create_asset(self, **kwargs):
+class FallingParticles(Generator):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ particle_gen: AssetFactory,
+ distribution: typing.Callable,
+ ):
+ self.particle_gen = particle_gen
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_ico_sphere_add(
- radius=1,
- enter_editmode=False,
- subdivisions=5,
- align='WORLD',
- location=(0, 0, 0),
- scale=(1, 1, 1),
- )
+ super().__init__(distribution)
- sphere = bpy.context.object
- surface.add_geomod(sphere, geo_raindrop, apply=True)
- tag_object(sphere, 'raindrop')
- return sphere
- def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- surface.add_material(assets, shader_raindrop)
-class DustMoteFactory(AssetFactory):
- def create_asset(self, **kwargs):
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_ico_sphere_add(
- radius=1,
- subdivisions=2,
- enter_editmode=False,
- align='WORLD',
- location=(0, 0, 0),
- scale=(1, 1, 1),
- )
- tag_object(bpy.context.object, 'dustmote')
- return bpy.context.object
- def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- dirt.apply(assets)
-class SnowflakeFactory(AssetFactory):
- def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_circle_add(
- vertices=6,
- fill_type='TRIFAN',
+ def generate(
+ self,
+ emitter: bpy.types.Object,
+ collision: bpy.types.Collection = None,
+ ):
+ col = make_asset_collection(self.particle_gen, 5)
+ emitter, system = particles.particle_system(
+ emitter, col, self.params, collision
- tag_object(bpy.context.object, 'snowflake')
- return bpy.context.object
- def finalize_assets(self, assets):
- snow.apply(assets, subsurface=0)
-def wind_effector(strength):
- bpy.ops.object.effector_add(type='WIND')
- wind = bpy.context.active_object
- yaw = np.random.uniform(0, 360)
- wind.rotation_euler = np.deg2rad((90, 0, yaw))
- wind.field.strength = random_general(strength)
- wind.field.flow = 0
- return wind
-def turbulence_effector(strength, noise, size=1, flow=0):
- bpy.ops.object.effector_add(type='TURBULENCE')
- wind = bpy.context.active_object
- wind.field.strength = random_general(strength)
- wind.field.noise = random_general(noise)
- wind.field.flow = random_general(flow)
- wind.field.size = random_general(size)
+ logger.info(f"{self} baking particles")
+ particles.bake(emitter, system)
+ butil.put_in_collection(emitter, butil.get_collection("particles"))
+ return emitter
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/weather/wind_effectors.py b/infinigen/assets/weather/wind_effectors.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b5da035d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/assets/weather/wind_effectors.py
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+import bpy
+import gin
+import numpy as np
+from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import FixedSeed, random_general
+class WindEffector(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, strength):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.strength = random_general(strength)
+ def create_asset(self, **kwargs):
+ bpy.ops.object.effector_add(type="WIND")
+ wind = bpy.context.active_object
+ yaw = np.random.uniform(0, 360)
+ wind.rotation_euler = np.deg2rad((90, 0, yaw))
+ wind.field.strength = self.strength
+ wind.field.flow = 0
+ return wind
+class TurbulenceEffector(AssetFactory):
+ def __init__(self, factory_seed, strength, noise, size=1, flow=0):
+ super().__init__(factory_seed)
+ with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
+ self.strength = random_general(strength)
+ self.noise = random_general(noise)
+ self.size = random_general(size)
+ self.flow = random_general(flow)
+ def create_asset(self, **kwargs):
+ bpy.ops.object.effector_add(type="TURBULENCE")
+ wind = bpy.context.active_object
+ wind.field.strength = self.strength
+ wind.field.noise = self.noise
+ wind.field.flow = self.flow
+ wind.field.size = self.size
+ return wind
diff --git a/infinigen/assets/windows/window.py b/infinigen/assets/windows/window.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d01d38be6..000000000
--- a/infinigen/assets/windows/window.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1035 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
-# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors:
-# - Hongyu Wen: primary author
-# - Alexander Raistrick: update window glass
-import bpy
-import random
-import mathutils
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, randint as RI, uniform
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, clip_gaussian
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.assets.materials import metal_shader_list, wood_shader_list
-from infinigen.assets.utils.autobevel import BevelSharp
-def shader_window_glass(nw: NodeWrangler):
- """ Non-refractive glass shader, since windows consist of a one-sided mesh currently and would not properly
- refract-then un-refract the light
- """
- roughness = clip_gaussian(0, 0.015, 0, 0.03, 0.03)
- transmission = uniform(0.05, 0.12)
- # non-refractive glass
- transparent_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.TransparentBSDF)
- shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.GlossyBSDF, input_kwargs={'Roughness': roughness})
- shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader, input_kwargs={'Fac': transmission, 1: transparent_bsdf, 2: shader})
- # complete pass-through for non-camera rays, for render efficiency
- light_path = nw.new_node(Nodes.LightPath)
- shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader, input_kwargs={'Fac': light_path.outputs["Is Camera Ray"], 1: transparent_bsdf, 2: shader})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': shader}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-class WindowFactory(AssetFactory):
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, coarse=False, curtain=None, shutter=None):
- super(WindowFactory, self).__init__(factory_seed, coarse=coarse)
- with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
- self.params = self.sample_parameters()
- self.beveler = BevelSharp()
- self.curtain = curtain
- self.shutter = shutter
- @staticmethod
- def sample_parameters():
- frame_width = U(0.05, 0.1)
- sub_frame_width = U(0.01, frame_width)
- sub_frame_h_amount = RI(1, 2)
- sub_frame_v_amount = RI(1, 2)
- glass_thickness = U(0.01, 0.03)
- shutter_panel_radius = U(0.001, 0.003)
- shutter_width = U(0.03, 0.05)
- shutter_thickness = U(0.003, 0.007)
- shutter_rotation = U(0, 1)
- shutter_inverval = shutter_width + U(0.001, 0.003)
- curtain_frame_depth = U(0.05, 0.1)
- curtain_depth = U(0.03, curtain_frame_depth)
- curtain_frame_radius = U(0.01, 0.02)
- shader_frame_material_choice = random.choice(wood_shader_list)
- shader_curtain_frame_material_choice = random.choice(metal_shader_list)
- shader_curtain_material_choice = shader_curtain_material
- params = {
- "FrameWidth": frame_width,
- "SubFrameWidth": sub_frame_width,
- "SubPanelHAmount": sub_frame_h_amount,
- "SubPanelVAmount": sub_frame_v_amount,
- "GlassThickness": glass_thickness,
- "CurtainFrameDepth": curtain_frame_depth,
- "CurtainDepth": curtain_depth,
- "CurtainFrameRadius": curtain_frame_radius,
- "ShutterPanelRadius": shutter_panel_radius,
- "ShutterWidth": shutter_width,
- "ShutterThickness": shutter_thickness,
- "ShutterRotation": shutter_rotation,
- "ShutterInterval": shutter_inverval,
- "FrameMaterial": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_frame_material_choice, vertical=True),
- "CurtainFrameMaterial": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_curtain_frame_material_choice),
- "CurtainMaterial": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_curtain_material_choice),
- "Material": surface.shaderfunc_to_material(shader_window_glass)
- }
- return params
- def sample_asset_params(self, dimensions=None, open=None, curtain=None, shutter=None):
- if dimensions is None:
- width = U(1, 4)
- height = U(1, 4)
- frame_thickness = U(0.05, 0.15)
- else:
- width, height, frame_thickness = dimensions
- panel_h_amount = RI(1, 2)
- v_ = width / height * panel_h_amount
- panel_v_amount = int(uniform(v_ * 1.6, v_ * 2.5))
- if open is None:
- open = U(0, 1) < 0.5
- if shutter is None:
- shutter = U(0, 1) < 0.5
- if curtain is None:
- curtain = U(0, 1) < 0.5
- if curtain:
- open = False
- sub_frame_thickness = U(0.01, frame_thickness)
- open = False # keep windows closed on generation, let articulation module handle this later on
- open_type = RI(0, 3)
- open_offset = 0
- oe_offset = 0
- if open_type == 0:
- if frame_thickness < sub_frame_thickness * 2:
- open_type = RI(1, 2)
- else:
- oe_offset = U(sub_frame_thickness / 2, (frame_thickness - 2 * sub_frame_thickness) / 2)
- if open:
- open_offset = U(0, width / panel_h_amount)
- else:
- open_offset = 0
- open_h_angle = U(0, 0.3) if open_type == 1 and open else 0
- open_v_angle = -U(0, 0.3) if open_type == 2 and open else 0
- curtain_interval_number = int(width / U(0.08, 0.2))
- curtain_mid_l = -U(0, width / 2)
- curtain_mid_r = U(0, width / 2)
- return {
- **self.params,
- "Width": width,
- "Height": height,
- "FrameThickness": frame_thickness,
- "PanelHAmount": panel_h_amount,
- "PanelVAmount": panel_v_amount,
- "SubFrameThickness": sub_frame_thickness,
- "OpenHAngle": open_h_angle,
- "OpenVAngle": open_v_angle,
- "OpenOffset": open_offset,
- "OEOffset": oe_offset,
- "Curtain": curtain,
- "CurtainIntervalNumber": curtain_interval_number,
- "CurtainMidL": curtain_mid_l,
- "CurtainMidR": curtain_mid_r,
- "Shutter": shutter,
- }
- def create_asset(self, dimensions=None, open=None, realized=True, **params):
- obj = butil.spawn_cube()
- butil.modify_mesh(
- obj,
- 'NODES',
- node_group=nodegroup_window_geometry(),
- ng_inputs=self.sample_asset_params(dimensions, open, self.curtain,self.shutter),
- apply=realized
- )
- obj.rotation_euler[0] = np.pi / 2
- butil.apply_transform(obj, True)
- obj_ =deep_clone_obj(obj)
- self.beveler(obj)
- if max(obj.dimensions) > 8:
- butil.delete(obj)
- obj = obj_
- else:
- butil.delete(obj_)
- bpy.ops.object.light_add(
- type='AREA',
- radius=1,
- align='WORLD',
- location=(0,0,0),
- scale=(1,1,1)
- )
- portal = bpy.context.active_object
- w, _, h = obj.dimensions
- portal.scale = (w, h, 1)
- portal.data.cycles.is_portal = True
- portal.rotation_euler = (-np.pi/2, 0, 0)
- butil.parent_to(portal, obj, no_inverse=True)
- portal.hide_viewport = True
- return obj
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_window_geometry', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_window_geometry(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Width', 2.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Height', 2.0000), ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'FrameWidth', 0.1000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'FrameThickness', 0.1000), ('NodeSocketInt', 'PanelHAmount', 0),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'PanelVAmount', 0), ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'SubFrameWidth', 0.0500),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'SubFrameThickness', 0.0500), ('NodeSocketInt', 'SubPanelHAmount', 3),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'SubPanelVAmount', 2), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'GlassThickness', 0.0100),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'OpenHAngle', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'OpenVAngle', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'OpenOffset', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'OEOffset', 0.0500),
- ('NodeSocketBool', 'Curtain', False), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'CurtainFrameDepth', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'CurtainDepth', 0.0300), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'CurtainIntervalNumber', 20.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'CurtainFrameRadius', 0.0100), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'CurtainMidL', -0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'CurtainMidR', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketBool', 'Shutter', True),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'ShutterPanelRadius', 0.0050),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'ShutterWidth', 0.0500),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'ShutterThickness', 0.0050), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'ShutterRotation', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'ShutterInterval', 0.0500), ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'FrameMaterial', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'CurtainFrameMaterial', None), ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'CurtainMaterial', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'Material', None)])
- windowpanel = nw.new_node(nodegroup_window_panel().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Width': group_input_1.outputs["Width"],
- 'Height': group_input_1.outputs["Height"],
- 'FrameWidth': group_input_1.outputs["FrameWidth"],
- 'FrameThickness': group_input_1.outputs["FrameThickness"],
- 'PanelWidth': group_input_1.outputs["FrameWidth"],
- 'PanelThickness': group_input_1.outputs["FrameThickness"],
- 'PanelHAmount': group_input_1.outputs["PanelHAmount"],
- 'PanelVAmount': group_input_1.outputs["PanelVAmount"],
- 'FrameMaterial': group_input_1.outputs["FrameMaterial"],
- 'Material': group_input_1.outputs["Material"]
- })
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={
- 0: group_input_1.outputs["FrameWidth"],
- 1: group_input_1.outputs["PanelVAmount"]
- }, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["Width"], 1: multiply},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: group_input_1.outputs["PanelVAmount"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: group_input_1.outputs["SubFrameWidth"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={
- 0: group_input_1.outputs["FrameWidth"],
- 1: group_input_1.outputs["PanelHAmount"]
- }, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["Height"], 1: multiply_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- divide_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_2, 1: group_input_1.outputs["PanelHAmount"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- subtract_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide_1, 1: group_input_1.outputs["SubFrameWidth"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- windowpanel_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_window_panel().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Width': subtract_1,
- 'Height': subtract_3,
- 'FrameWidth': group_input_1.outputs["SubFrameWidth"],
- 'FrameThickness': group_input_1.outputs["SubFrameThickness"],
- 'PanelWidth': group_input_1.outputs["SubFrameWidth"],
- 'PanelThickness': group_input_1.outputs["SubFrameThickness"],
- 'PanelHAmount': group_input_1.outputs["SubPanelHAmount"],
- 'PanelVAmount': group_input_1.outputs["SubPanelVAmount"],
- 'WithGlass': True,
- 'GlassThickness': group_input_1.outputs["GlassThickness"],
- 'FrameMaterial': group_input_1.outputs["FrameMaterial"],
- 'Material': group_input_1.outputs["Material"]
- })
- windowshutter = nw.new_node(nodegroup_window_shutter().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Width': subtract_1,
- 'Height': subtract_3,
- 'FrameWidth': group_input_1.outputs["FrameWidth"],
- 'FrameThickness': group_input_1.outputs["FrameThickness"],
- 'PanelWidth': group_input_1.outputs["ShutterPanelRadius"],
- 'PanelThickness': group_input_1.outputs["ShutterPanelRadius"],
- 'ShutterWidth': group_input_1.outputs["ShutterWidth"],
- 'ShutterThickness': group_input_1.outputs["ShutterThickness"],
- 'ShutterInterval': group_input_1.outputs["ShutterInterval"],
- 'ShutterRotation': group_input_1.outputs["ShutterRotation"],
- 'FrameMaterial': group_input_1.outputs["FrameMaterial"]
- })
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch,
- input_kwargs={1: group_input_1.outputs["Shutter"], 14: windowpanel_1, 15: windowshutter
- })
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["Width"], 1: -0.5000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- divide_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={
- 0: group_input_1.outputs["Width"],
- 1: group_input_1.outputs["PanelVAmount"]
- }, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide_2}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: multiply_3})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["Height"], 1: -0.5000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- divide_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={
- 0: group_input_1.outputs["Height"],
- 1: group_input_1.outputs["PanelHAmount"]
- }, attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide_3}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: multiply_5})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add, 'Y': add_1})
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': switch.outputs[6], 'Translation': combine_xyz})
- geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance', input_kwargs={'Geometry': transform})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={
- 0: group_input_1.outputs["PanelHAmount"],
- 1: group_input_1.outputs["PanelVAmount"]
- }, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(Nodes.DuplicateElements,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry_to_instance, 'Amount': multiply_6},
- attrs={'domain': 'INSTANCE'})
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input_1.outputs["PanelHAmount"]})
- divide_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: reroute},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- floor = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide_4}, attrs={'operation': 'FLOOR'})
- add_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: group_input_1.outputs["FrameWidth"]})
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: floor, 1: add_2}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- modulo = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: reroute},
- attrs={'operation': 'MODULO'})
- add_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide_1, 1: group_input_1.outputs["FrameWidth"]})
- multiply_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: modulo, 1: add_3}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- power = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: -1.0000, 1: floor}, attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- multiply_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: power, 1: group_input_1.outputs["OEOffset"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': multiply_7, 'Y': multiply_8, 'Z': multiply_9})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Offset': combine_xyz_1
- })
- power_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: -1.0000, 1: floor}, attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- multiply_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["OpenVAngle"], 1: power_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_10})
- modulo_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: floor, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MODULO'})
- multiply_11 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide, 1: modulo_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: multiply_11})
- modulo_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_8, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MODULO'})
- multiply_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide_1, 1: modulo_2},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: multiply_12})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': add_4, 'Y': add_5})
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances, input_kwargs={
- 'Instances': set_position,
- 'Rotation': combine_xyz_3,
- 'Pivot Point': combine_xyz_2
- })
- multiply_13 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["OpenHAngle"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_13})
- multiply_14 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add_3, 1: -0.5000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_14})
- rotate_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances, input_kwargs={
- 'Instances': rotate_instances,
- 'Rotation': combine_xyz_5,
- 'Pivot Point': combine_xyz_6
- })
- power_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: -1.0000, 1: floor}, attrs={'operation': 'POWER'})
- multiply_15 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: power_2, 1: group_input_1.outputs["OpenOffset"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_15})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': rotate_instances_1, 'Offset': combine_xyz_4})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [windowpanel, set_position_1]})
- multiply_16 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["Width"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_17 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_16, 1: -1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_18 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["CurtainFrameDepth"], 1: -1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- curtain = nw.new_node(nodegroup_curtain().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Width': group_input_1.outputs["Width"],
- 'Depth': group_input_1.outputs["CurtainDepth"],
- 'Height': group_input_1.outputs["Height"],
- 'IntervalNumber': group_input_1.outputs["CurtainIntervalNumber"],
- 'Radius': group_input_1.outputs["CurtainFrameRadius"],
- 'L1': multiply_17,
- 'R1': group_input_1.outputs["CurtainMidL"],
- 'L2': group_input_1.outputs["CurtainMidR"],
- 'R2': multiply_16,
- 'FrameDepth': multiply_18,
- 'CurtainFrameMaterial': group_input_1.outputs["CurtainFrameMaterial"],
- 'CurtainMaterial': group_input_1.outputs["CurtainMaterial"]
- })
- multiply_19 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["FrameThickness"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input_1.outputs["CurtainFrameDepth"], 1: multiply_19})
- combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': add_6})
- transform_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curtain, 'Translation': combine_xyz_7})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [transform_geometry, join_geometry]})
- switch_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={
- 1: group_input_1.outputs["Curtain"],
- 14: join_geometry,
- 15: join_geometry_1
- })
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': switch_1.outputs[6]})
- bounding_box = nw.new_node(Nodes.BoundingBox, input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': realize_instances,
- 'Bounding Box': bounding_box.outputs["Bounding Box"]
- }, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_line_seq', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_line_seq(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Width', -1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Height', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Amount', 0.5000)])
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: -0.5000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply, 'Y': multiply_1})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: -0.5000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_2, 'Y': multiply_1})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'Start': combine_xyz, 'End': combine_xyz_1})
- geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance', input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_line})
- duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(Nodes.DuplicateElements, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': geometry_to_instance,
- 'Amount': group_input.outputs["Amount"]
- }, attrs={'domain': 'INSTANCE'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"], 1: 1.0000})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Amount"], 1: 1.0000})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: add_1},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add, 1: divide}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_3})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Offset': combine_xyz_2
- })
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Curve': set_position},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_curtain', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_curtain(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloat', 'Width', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Depth', 0.1000), ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Height', 0.1000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'IntervalNumber', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Radius', 1.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'L1', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'R1', 0.0000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'L2', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'R2', 0.5000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'FrameDepth', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'CurtainFrameMaterial', None), ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'CurtainMaterial', None)])
- reroute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Radius"]})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_1, 1: 2.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- ico_sphere = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshIcoSphere, input_kwargs={'Radius': multiply, 'Subdivisions': 4})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: -1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_2})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': multiply_1})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'Start': combine_xyz, 'End': combine_xyz_1})
- sample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleCurve, input_kwargs={'Curves': curve_line, 'Factor': 1.0000})
- set_position_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': ico_sphere.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Offset': sample_curve_1.outputs["Position"]
- })
- combine_xyz_9 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': multiply_1, 'Z': group_input.outputs["FrameDepth"]})
- curve_line_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'Start': combine_xyz_1, 'End': combine_xyz_9})
- combine_xyz_8 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ,
- input_kwargs={'X': multiply_2, 'Z': group_input.outputs["FrameDepth"]})
- curve_line_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'Start': combine_xyz, 'End': combine_xyz_8})
- join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [curve_line, curve_line_4, curve_line_3]})
- curve_circle = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': group_input.outputs["Radius"]})
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={
- 'Curve': join_geometry_3,
- 'Profile Curve': curve_circle.outputs["Curve"],
- 'Fill Caps': True
- })
- ico_sphere_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshIcoSphere, input_kwargs={'Radius': multiply, 'Subdivisions': 4})
- sample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleCurve, input_kwargs={'Curves': curve_line})
- set_position_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': ico_sphere_1.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Offset': sample_curve.outputs["Position"]
- })
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_position_2, curve_to_mesh_1, set_position_3]})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Height"], 1: -0.4700},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_3})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry_2, 'Offset': combine_xyz_3})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': set_position_1,
- 'Material': group_input.outputs["CurtainFrameMaterial"]
- })
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["L1"]})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["R1"]})
- curve_line_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'Start': combine_xyz_4, 'End': combine_xyz_5})
- resample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line_1, 'Count': 200})
- combine_xyz_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["L2"]})
- combine_xyz_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': group_input.outputs["R2"]})
- curve_line_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'Start': combine_xyz_6, 'End': combine_xyz_7})
- resample_curve_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.ResampleCurve, input_kwargs={'Curve': curve_line_2, 'Count': 200})
- join_geometry_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [resample_curve, resample_curve_1]})
- spline_parameter_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- capture_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': join_geometry_1,
- 2: spline_parameter_1.outputs["Factor"]
- })
- spline_parameter = nw.new_node(Nodes.SplineParameter)
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["IntervalNumber"], 1: 6.2800},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_4, 1: group_input.outputs["Width"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: spline_parameter.outputs["Length"], 1: divide},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_5, 1: 1.6800})
- sine = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: add}, attrs={'operation': 'SINE'})
- multiply_6 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: sine, 1: group_input.outputs["Depth"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Z': multiply_6})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': capture_attribute.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Offset': combine_xyz_2
- })
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["Height"]})
- quadrilateral = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral',
- input_kwargs={'Width': reroute, 'Height': 0.0020})
- position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- separate_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, input_kwargs={'Vector': position})
- divide_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: separate_xyz.outputs["X"], 1: reroute},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- capture_attribute_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': quadrilateral, 2: divide_1})
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={
- 'Curve': set_position,
- 'Profile Curve': capture_attribute_1.outputs["Geometry"]
- })
- combine_xyz_12 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={
- 'X': capture_attribute_1.outputs[2],
- 'Y': capture_attribute.outputs[2]
- })
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': curve_to_mesh,
- 'Name': 'UVMap',
- 3: combine_xyz_12
- }, attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT2'})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': store_named_attribute,
- 'Material': group_input.outputs["CurtainMaterial"]
- })
- multiply_7 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: reroute_1, 1: 1.3000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- curve_circle_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveCircle, input_kwargs={'Radius': multiply_7})
- curve_to_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, input_kwargs={
- 'Curve': curve_line,
- 'Profile Curve': curve_circle_1.outputs["Curve"]
- })
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_3, 1: group_input.outputs["Radius"]})
- combine_xyz_10 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': add_1})
- set_position_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_to_mesh_2, 'Offset': combine_xyz_10})
- difference = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshBoolean, input_kwargs={'Mesh 1': set_material, 'Mesh 2': set_position_4})
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material_1, difference.outputs["Mesh"]]})
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': join_geometry, 'Shade Smooth': False})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_shade_smooth},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_window_shutter', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_window_shutter(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Width', 2.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Height', 2.0000), ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'FrameWidth', 0.1000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'FrameThickness', 0.1000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'PanelWidth', 0.1000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'PanelThickness', 0.1000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'ShutterWidth', 0.1000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'ShutterThickness', 0.1000), ('NodeSocketFloat', 'ShutterInterval', 0.5000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'ShutterRotation', 0.0000), ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'FrameMaterial', None)])
- quadrilateral = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral', input_kwargs={
- 'Width': group_input.outputs["Width"],
- 'Height': group_input.outputs["Height"]
- })
- sqrt = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 2.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'SQRT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["FrameWidth"], 1: sqrt},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- quadrilateral_1 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral', input_kwargs={
- 'Width': multiply,
- 'Height': group_input.outputs["FrameThickness"]
- })
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadrilateral, 'Profile Curve': quadrilateral_1})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math,
- input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["Width"], 1: group_input.outputs["FrameWidth"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={
- 'X': subtract,
- 'Y': group_input.outputs["ShutterWidth"],
- 'Z': group_input.outputs["ShutterThickness"]
- })
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz})
- geometry_to_instance = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance',
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': cube.outputs["Mesh"]})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={
- 0: group_input.outputs["Height"],
- 1: group_input.outputs["FrameWidth"]
- }, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- divide = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: group_input.outputs["ShutterInterval"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- floor = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: divide}, attrs={'operation': 'FLOOR'})
- shutter_number = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: floor, 1: 1.0000}, label='ShutterNumber',
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- duplicate_elements = nw.new_node(Nodes.DuplicateElements,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry_to_instance, 'Amount': shutter_number},
- attrs={'domain': 'INSTANCE'})
- shutter_true_interval = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: floor},
- label='ShutterTrueInterval', attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={
- 0: duplicate_elements.outputs["Duplicate Index"],
- 1: shutter_true_interval
- }, attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- multiply_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: -0.5000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_2, 1: shutter_true_interval})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: multiply_1, 1: add})
- combine_xyz_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': add_1})
- set_position = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': duplicate_elements.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Offset': combine_xyz_1
- })
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["ShutterRotation"]})
- combine_xyz_5 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': reroute})
- rotate_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances,
- input_kwargs={'Instances': set_position, 'Rotation': combine_xyz_5})
- multiply_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: shutter_true_interval, 1: 2.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- subtract_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract_1, 1: multiply_3},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- combine_xyz_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={
- 'X': group_input.outputs["PanelWidth"],
- 'Y': subtract_2,
- 'Z': group_input.outputs["PanelThickness"]
- })
- cube_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz_2})
- multiply_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["ShutterWidth"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- combine_xyz_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'Y': multiply_4})
- curve_line = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveLine, input_kwargs={'End': combine_xyz_3})
- geometry_to_instance_1 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeGeometryToInstance',
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': curve_line})
- combine_xyz_4 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={'X': reroute})
- rotate_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateInstances, input_kwargs={
- 'Instances': geometry_to_instance_1,
- 'Rotation': combine_xyz_4
- })
- realize_instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': rotate_instances_1})
- sample_curve = nw.new_node(Nodes.SampleCurve, input_kwargs={'Curves': realize_instances, 'Factor': 1.0000})
- set_position_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': cube_1.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Offset': sample_curve.outputs["Position"]
- })
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [curve_to_mesh, rotate_instances, set_position_1]})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': join_geometry_2,
- 'Material': group_input.outputs["FrameMaterial"]
- })
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_material, 'Shade Smooth': False})
- realize_instances_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_shade_smooth})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': realize_instances_1},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_window_panel', singleton=False, type='GeometryNodeTree')
-def nodegroup_window_panel(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Width', 2.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'Height', 2.0000), ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'FrameWidth', 0.1000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'FrameThickness', 0.1000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'PanelWidth', 0.1000),
- ('NodeSocketFloatDistance', 'PanelThickness', 0.1000), ('NodeSocketInt', 'PanelHAmount', 0),
- ('NodeSocketInt', 'PanelVAmount', 0), ('NodeSocketBool', 'WithGlass', False),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'GlassThickness', 0.0000), ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'FrameMaterial', None),
- ('NodeSocketMaterial', 'Material', None)])
- quadrilateral = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral', input_kwargs={
- 'Width': group_input.outputs["Width"],
- 'Height': group_input.outputs["Height"]
- })
- sqrt = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: 2.0000}, attrs={'operation': 'SQRT'})
- multiply = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["FrameWidth"], 1: sqrt},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- quadrilateral_1 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral', input_kwargs={
- 'Width': multiply,
- 'Height': group_input.outputs["FrameThickness"]
- })
- curve_to_mesh = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': quadrilateral, 'Profile Curve': quadrilateral_1})
- add = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["PanelHAmount"], 1: -1.0000})
- lineseq = nw.new_node(nodegroup_line_seq().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Width': group_input.outputs["Width"],
- 'Height': group_input.outputs["Height"],
- 'Amount': add
- })
- reroute = nw.new_node(Nodes.Reroute, input_kwargs={'Input': group_input.outputs["PanelWidth"]})
- subtract = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["PanelThickness"], 1: 0.0010},
- attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- quadrilateral_2 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral',
- input_kwargs={'Width': reroute, 'Height': subtract})
- curve_to_mesh_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': lineseq, 'Profile Curve': quadrilateral_2})
- add_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["PanelVAmount"], 1: -1.0000})
- lineseq_1 = nw.new_node(nodegroup_line_seq().name, input_kwargs={
- 'Width': group_input.outputs["Height"],
- 'Height': group_input.outputs["Width"],
- 'Amount': add_1
- })
- transform = nw.new_node(Nodes.Transform,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': lineseq_1, 'Rotation': (0.0000, 0.0000, 1.5708)})
- subtract_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_kwargs={0: subtract, 1: 0.0010}, attrs={'operation': 'SUBTRACT'})
- quadrilateral_3 = nw.new_node('GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral',
- input_kwargs={'Width': reroute, 'Height': subtract_1})
- curve_to_mesh_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh,
- input_kwargs={'Curve': transform, 'Profile Curve': quadrilateral_3})
- join_geometry_3 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [curve_to_mesh_1, curve_to_mesh_2]})
- join_geometry_2 = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': [curve_to_mesh, join_geometry_3]})
- set_material_1 = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': join_geometry_2,
- 'Material': group_input.outputs["FrameMaterial"]
- })
- combine_xyz = nw.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, input_kwargs={
- 'X': group_input.outputs["Width"],
- 'Y': group_input.outputs["Height"],
- 'Z': group_input.outputs["GlassThickness"]
- })
- cube = nw.new_node(Nodes.MeshCube, input_kwargs={'Size': combine_xyz})
- store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': cube.outputs["Mesh"],
- 'Name': 'uv_map',
- 3: cube.outputs["UV Map"]
- }, attrs={'domain': 'CORNER', 'data_type': 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
- set_material = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetMaterial, input_kwargs={
- 'Geometry': store_named_attribute,
- 'Material': group_input.outputs["Material"]
- })
- join_geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': [set_material, set_material_1]})
- switch = nw.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={
- 1: group_input.outputs["WithGlass"],
- 14: set_material_1,
- 15: join_geometry
- })
- set_shade_smooth = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': switch.outputs[6], 'Shade Smooth': False})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': set_shade_smooth},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def shader_curtain_material(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- 'Base Color': color_category('textile'),
- 'Transmission': np.random.uniform(0, 1),
- 'Transmission Roughness': 1.0
- })
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def shader_curtain_frame_material(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': (0.1840, 0.0000, 0.8000, 1.0000)})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def shader_frame_material(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF,
- input_kwargs={'Base Color': (0.8000, 0.5033, 0.0057, 1.0000)})
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
-def shader_glass_material(nw: NodeWrangler):
- # Code generated using version 2.6.5 of the node_transpiler
- principled_bsdf = nw.new_node(Nodes.PrincipledBSDF, input_kwargs={
- 'Base Color': (0.0094, 0.0055, 0.8000, 1.0000),
- 'Roughness': 0.0000
- })
- material_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': principled_bsdf},
- attrs={'is_active_output': True})
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/checks.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/checks.py
index 863dfb50c..2c86ef273 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/checks.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/checks.py
@@ -4,23 +4,23 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import typing
import itertools
import logging
+import typing
from tqdm import tqdm
-from infinigen.core.constraints import (
- constraint_language as cl,
- reasoning as r
+from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
+from infinigen.core.constraints import reasoning as r
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver import (
+ propose_discrete,
+ propose_relations,
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver import propose_discrete, propose_relations
-from infinigen_examples import indoor_constraint_examples as ex
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def iter_domains(node: cl.Node) -> typing.Iterator[r.Domain]:
+def iter_domains(node: cl.Node) -> typing.Iterator[r.Domain]:
match node:
case cl.ObjectSetExpression():
yield node, r.constraint_domain(node)
@@ -28,74 +28,81 @@ def iter_domains(node: cl.Node) -> typing.Iterator[r.Domain]:
for k, c in node.children():
yield from iter_domains(c)
case _:
- raise ValueError(f'iter_domains found unmatched {type(node)=} {node=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"iter_domains found unmatched {type(node)=} {node=}")
def bound_coverage(b: r.Bound, stages: dict[str, r.Domain]) -> list[str]:
return [
- k
- for k, f in stages.items()
- if propose_discrete.active_for_stage(b.domain, f)
+ k for k, f in stages.items() if propose_discrete.active_for_stage(b.domain, f)
def check_coverage_errors(b: r.Bound, coverage: list, stages: dict[str, r.Domain]):
if len(coverage) == 0:
- raise ValueError(f'Greedy stages did not cover all object classes! User specified bound {b} had {coverage=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Greedy stages did not cover all object classes! User specified bound {b} had {coverage=}"
+ )
if len(coverage) != 1:
raise ValueError(
- f'Object class {b} was covered in more than one greedy stage! Got {coverage=}. Greedy stages must be non-overlapping'
+ f"Object class {b} was covered in more than one greedy stage! Got {coverage=}. Greedy stages must be non-overlapping"
gen_options = propose_discrete.lookup_generator(b.domain.tags)
if len(gen_options) < 1:
- raise ValueError(f'Object class {b=} had {gen_options=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Object class {b=} had {gen_options=}")
for k in coverage:
- logger.debug(f'Checking coverage {k=} {b.domain=} {stages[k]=}')
+ logger.debug(f"Checking coverage {k=} {b.domain=} {stages[k]=}")
if not b.domain.intersects(stages[k]):
prop = b.domain.intersection(stages[k])
if prop.is_recursive():
- raise ValueError(f'Found recursive prop domain {prop.tags=} {len(prop.relations)=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Found recursive prop domain {prop.tags=} {len(prop.relations)=}"
+ )
assert not prop.is_recursive(), prop.tags
if not len(prop.relations):
- first, remaining, implied = propose_relations.minimize_redundant_relations(prop.relations)
+ first, remaining, implied = propose_relations.minimize_redundant_relations(
+ prop.relations
+ )
if implied:
if isinstance(first[0], cl.AnyRelation):
- raise ValueError(f'{b=} in {stages[k]=} had underspecified {first=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"{b=} in {stages[k]=} had underspecified {first=}")
-def check_problem_greedy_coverage(prob: cl.Problem, stages: dict[str, r.Domain]):
+def check_problem_greedy_coverage(prob: cl.Problem, stages: dict[str, r.Domain]):
bounds = r.constraint_bounds(prob)
for b in tqdm(bounds, desc="Checking greedy stages coverage"):
coverage = bound_coverage(b, stages)
check_coverage_errors(b, coverage, stages)
def check_unfinalized_constraints(prob: cl.Problem):
return []
-def check_contradictory_domains(prob: cl.Problem):
+def check_contradictory_domains(prob: cl.Problem):
for node, dom in iter_domains(prob):
contradictory = not dom.satisfies(dom)
if contradictory:
- raise ValueError(f'Constraint node had self-contradicting domain. \n{node=} \n{dom=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Constraint node had self-contradicting domain. \n{node=} \n{dom=}"
+ )
def validate_stages(stages: dict[str, r.Domain]):
for k, d in stages.items():
if d.is_recursive():
- raise ValueError(f'{k=} had recursive domain')
+ raise ValueError(f"{k=} had recursive domain")
for (k1, d1), (k2, d2) in itertools.product(stages.items(), stages.items()):
inter = d1.intersects(d2)
if inter != (k1 == k2):
@@ -104,20 +111,19 @@ def validate_stages(stages: dict[str, r.Domain]):
" please define greedy stages which are mutually exclusive."
def check_all(
- prob: cl.Problem,
- greedy_stages: dict[str, r.Domain],
- all_vars: list[str]
+ prob: cl.Problem, greedy_stages: dict[str, r.Domain], all_vars: list[str]
for k, v in greedy_stages.items():
if not isinstance(v, r.Domain):
- raise TypeError(f'Greedy stage {k=} had non-domain value {v=}')
+ raise TypeError(f"Greedy stage {k=} had non-domain value {v=}")
extras = v.all_vartags() - set(all_vars)
if len(extras):
- raise ValueError(f'{k=} had extra vars {extras=}. Greedy domains may only contain vars from {all_vars}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"{k=} had extra vars {extras=}. Greedy domains may only contain vars from {all_vars}"
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/__init__.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/__init__.py
index 5b386e1cc..f45705bc0 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/__init__.py
@@ -4,64 +4,48 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick, Karhan Kayan
-from infinigen.core.tags import Semantics, Negated
-from .types import Node
+from infinigen.core.tags import Negated, Semantics
from .expression import (
- Expression,
- constant,
- ScalarOperatorExpression,
+ BoolExpression,
+ Expression,
- BoolExpression,
+ ScalarOperatorExpression,
+ constant,
-from .set_reasoning import (
- scene,
- tagged,
- excludes,
- count,
- in_range,
- related_to,
+from .gather import ForAll, MeanOver, SumOver, all, item, mean, sum
from .geometry import (
+ accessibility_cost,
+ angle_alignment_cost,
+ center_stable_surface_dist,
+ coplanarity_cost,
- min_distance_internal,
- angle_alignment_cost,
- rotational_asymmetry,
- center_stable_surface_dist,
- accessibility_cost,
+ min_distance_internal,
- volume,
- coplanarity_cost
+ rotational_asymmetry,
+ volume,
-from .result import Problem
from .relations import (
- Relation,
- NegatedRelation,
- RoomNeighbour,
- Touching,
+ NegatedRelation,
+ Relation,
+ RoomNeighbour,
+ StableAgainst,
- StableAgainst
+ Touching,
-from .gather import (
- sum,
- mean,
- all,
- item,
- ForAll,
- SumOver,
- MeanOver
\ No newline at end of file
+from .result import Problem
+from .set_reasoning import count, excludes, in_range, related_to, scene, tagged
+from .types import Node
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/expression.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/expression.py
index 9dc8d2c1d..a585782e5 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/expression.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/expression.py
@@ -4,105 +4,121 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import typing
-import operator
-from dataclasses import dataclass
import functools
-import math
+import operator
+import typing
from .types import Node, nodedataclass
- operator.add,
- operator.mul,
- operator.and_,
- max,
- min
+OPERATOR_ASSOCIATIVE = [operator.add, operator.mul, operator.and_, max, min]
class Expression(Node):
def register_postfix_func(cls, expr_cls):
def postfix_instantiator(self, *args, **kwargs):
return expr_cls(self, *args, **kwargs)
setattr(cls, expr_cls.__name__, postfix_instantiator)
return expr_cls
class ArithmethicExpression(Expression):
class ScalarExpression(ArithmethicExpression):
def minimize(self, *, weight: float):
return self * constant(weight)
def maximize(self, *, weight: float):
return self * constant(-weight)
def multiply(self, other):
return ScalarOperatorExpression(operator.mul, [self, other])
__mul__ = multiply
def abs(self):
return ScalarOperatorExpression(operator.abs, [self])
__abs__ = abs
def add(self, other):
return ScalarOperatorExpression(operator.add, [self, other])
__add__ = add
def sub(self, other):
return ScalarOperatorExpression(operator.sub, [self, other])
__sub__ = sub
def div(self, other):
return ScalarOperatorExpression(operator.truediv, [self, other])
__truediv__ = div
+ def safediv(self, other):
+ def safediv_impl(a, b):
+ if b == 0:
+ return 0 if a == 0 else 1
+ return a / b
+ return ScalarOperatorExpression(safediv_impl, [self, other])
def pow(self, other):
return ScalarOperatorExpression(operator.pow, [self, other])
__pow__ = pow
def equals(self, other):
return BoolOperatorExpression(operator.eq, [self, other])
- __eq__ = equals
+ __eq__ = equals
def __ge__(self, other):
return BoolOperatorExpression(operator.ge, [self, other])
def __gt__(self, other):
return BoolOperatorExpression(operator.gt, [self, other])
def __le__(self, other):
return BoolOperatorExpression(operator.le, [self, other])
def __lt__(self, other):
return BoolOperatorExpression(operator.lt, [self, other])
def __ne__(self, other):
return BoolOperatorExpression(operator.ne, [self, other])
def __neg__(self):
return self * constant(-1)
def clamp_min(self, other):
return max_expr(self, other)
def clamp_max(self, other):
return min_expr(self, other)
def max_expr(*args):
return ScalarOperatorExpression(max, args)
def min_expr(*args):
return ScalarOperatorExpression(min, args)
class BoolExpression(ArithmethicExpression):
def __mul__(self, other):
return BoolOperatorExpression(operator.and_, [self, other])
class constant(ScalarExpression):
@@ -114,6 +130,7 @@ def __post_init__(self):
def __call__(self):
return self.value
def _preprocess_operands(operands):
def cast_to_node(x):
match x:
@@ -122,11 +139,12 @@ def cast_to_node(x):
case x if isinstance(x, (bool | float | int)):
return constant(x)
case _:
- raise ValueError(f'Unsupported operand type {type(x)=} {x=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unsupported operand type {type(x)=} {x=}")
return [cast_to_node(x) for x in operands]
-def _collapse_associative(self, operands):
+def _collapse_associative(self, operands):
if self.func not in OPERATOR_ASSOCIATIVE:
return operands
@@ -138,9 +156,9 @@ def _collapse_associative(self, operands):
return new_operands
class BoolOperatorExpression(BoolExpression):
func: typing.Callable
operands: list[Expression]
@@ -150,7 +168,7 @@ def __post_init__(self):
def children(self):
for i, v in enumerate(self.operands):
- yield f'operands[{i}]', v
+ yield f"operands[{i}]", v
def __call__(self) -> typing.Any:
return self.func(*[x() for x in self.operands])
@@ -158,7 +176,6 @@ def __call__(self) -> typing.Any:
class ScalarOperatorExpression(ScalarExpression):
func: typing.Callable
operands: list[Expression]
@@ -169,14 +186,15 @@ def __post_init__(self):
def children(self):
for i, v in enumerate(self.operands):
- yield f'operands[{i}]', v
+ yield f"operands[{i}]", v
def __call__(self) -> typing.Any:
return self.func(*[x() for x in self.operands])
class hinge(ScalarExpression):
val: ScalarExpression
low: float
- high: float
\ No newline at end of file
+ high: float
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/gather.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/gather.py
index 071516d19..f70bad3e6 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/gather.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/gather.py
@@ -5,63 +5,60 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
import typing
-from dataclasses import dataclass, field
-from infinigen.core import tags as t
-from .relations import Relation
from .expression import BoolExpression, ScalarExpression, nodedataclass
from .geometry import ObjectSetExpression
class item(ObjectSetExpression):
name: str
member_of: ObjectSetExpression
def __repr__(self):
- return f'item({self.name})'
+ return f"item({self.name})"
def children(self):
# member_of is metadata, should not be treated as a child
return []
class ForAll(BoolExpression):
objs: ObjectSetExpression
var: str
pred: BoolExpression
def all(
- objs: ObjectSetExpression,
- pred: typing.Callable[[item], BoolExpression]
+ objs: ObjectSetExpression, pred: typing.Callable[[item], BoolExpression]
) -> BoolExpression:
- var = 'var_all_' + str(id(pred))
+ var = "var_all_" + str(id(pred))
return ForAll(objs, var, pred(item(var, objs)))
class SumOver(ScalarExpression):
objs: ObjectSetExpression
var: str
pred: ScalarExpression
-def sum(
- objs: ObjectSetExpression,
- pred: typing.Callable[[item], ScalarExpression]
- var = 'var_sum_' + str(id(pred))
+def sum(objs: ObjectSetExpression, pred: typing.Callable[[item], ScalarExpression]):
+ var = "var_sum_" + str(id(pred))
return SumOver(objs, var, pred(item(var, objs)))
class MeanOver(ScalarExpression):
objs: ObjectSetExpression
var: str
pred: ScalarExpression
-def mean(
- objs: ObjectSetExpression,
- pred: typing.Callable[[item], ScalarExpression]
- var = 'var_mean_' + str(id(pred))
- return MeanOver(objs, var, pred(item(var, objs)))
\ No newline at end of file
+def mean(objs: ObjectSetExpression, pred: typing.Callable[[item], ScalarExpression]):
+ var = "var_mean_" + str(id(pred))
+ return MeanOver(objs, var, pred(item(var, objs)))
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/geometry.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/geometry.py
index 2e4fd8851..b34dd3c5e 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/geometry.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/geometry.py
@@ -3,20 +3,19 @@
# Authors: Karhan Kayan
-import typing
-from dataclasses import dataclass, field
+from dataclasses import field
import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core import tags as t
-from .relations import Relation
-from .expression import Expression, BoolExpression, ScalarExpression, nodedataclass
+from .expression import ScalarExpression, nodedataclass
from .set_reasoning import ObjectSetExpression
class center_stable_surface_dist(ScalarExpression):
objs: ObjectSetExpression
class accessibility_cost(ScalarExpression):
objs: ObjectSetExpression
@@ -29,6 +28,7 @@ def __post_init__(self):
self.normal = np.array(self.normal)
assert isinstance(self.normal, np.ndarray)
class distance(ScalarExpression):
@@ -41,15 +41,18 @@ def __post_init__(self):
assert isinstance(self.others, ObjectSetExpression)
assert isinstance(self.others_tags, set)
class min_distance_internal(ScalarExpression):
objs: ObjectSetExpression
class focus_score(ScalarExpression):
objs: ObjectSetExpression
others: ObjectSetExpression
class angle_alignment_cost(ScalarExpression):
objs: ObjectSetExpression
@@ -61,32 +64,38 @@ def __post_init__(self):
self.others_tags = set()
assert isinstance(self.others_tags, set), type(self.others_tags)
class freespace_2d(ScalarExpression):
objs: ObjectSetExpression
others: ObjectSetExpression
class min_dist_2d(ScalarExpression):
objs: ObjectSetExpression
others: ObjectSetExpression
class rotational_asymmetry(ScalarExpression):
objs: ObjectSetExpression
class reflectional_asymmetry(ScalarExpression):
objs: ObjectSetExpression
others: ObjectSetExpression
use_long_plane: bool = True
class volume(ScalarExpression):
objs: ObjectSetExpression
dims: int | tuple = 3
class coplanarity_cost(ScalarExpression):
objs: ObjectSetExpression
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/relations.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/relations.py
index 74483d0b0..399e43a24 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/relations.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/relations.py
@@ -6,28 +6,27 @@
from __future__ import annotations
+import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, fields
from enum import Enum
-from typing import Optional , Union
-from copy import deepcopy
-import logging
from infinigen.core import tags as t
from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Relation(ABC):
def implies(self, other) -> bool:
self must imply all parts of other, both positive and negative.
def satisfies(self, other: Relation) -> bool:
@@ -42,46 +41,46 @@ def intersects(self, other, strict=False) -> bool:
def intersection(self, other: Relation) -> Relation:
def difference(self, other: Relation) -> Relation:
def __neg__(self) -> Relation:
return NegatedRelation(self)
class AnyRelation(Relation):
def implies(self, other) -> bool:
return other.__class__ is AnyRelation
def satisfies(self, other: cl.Relation) -> bool:
return other.__class__ is AnyRelation
def intersects(self, _other: Relation, strict=False) -> bool:
return True
def intersection(self, other: Relation) -> Relation:
return deepcopy(other)
def difference(self, other: Relation):
return -other
class NegatedRelation(Relation):
rel: Relation
def __repr__(self):
- return f'-{self.rel}'
+ return f"-{self.rel}"
def __str__(self):
- return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.rel})'
+ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.rel})"
def __neg__(self) -> Relation:
return self.rel
def implies(self, other: Relation) -> bool:
match other:
case AnyRelation():
@@ -89,11 +88,10 @@ def implies(self, other: Relation) -> bool:
case NegatedRelation(rel):
return self.rel.implies(rel)
case _:
- return (
- not self.rel.implies(other)
- and not self.intersects(other, strict=True)
+ return not self.rel.implies(other) and not self.intersects(
+ other, strict=True
def satisfies(self, other: cl.Relation) -> bool:
match other:
case AnyRelation():
@@ -101,13 +99,11 @@ def satisfies(self, other: cl.Relation) -> bool:
case NegatedRelation(rel):
return self.rel.satisfies(rel)
case _:
- return (
- not self.rel.satisfies(other)
- and not self.intersects(other, strict=True)
+ return not self.rel.satisfies(other) and not self.intersects(
+ other, strict=True
- def intersects(self, other: Relation, strict=False) -> bool:
+ def intersects(self, other: Relation, strict=False) -> bool:
match other:
case NegatedRelation(rel):
if isinstance(self.rel, AnyRelation) or isinstance(rel, AnyRelation):
@@ -116,62 +112,57 @@ def intersects(self, other: Relation, strict=False) -> bool:
return True
case _:
# implementationn depends on other's type, let them handle it
- return other.intersects(self, strict=strict)
+ return other.intersects(self, strict=strict)
def intersection(self, other: Relation) -> Relation:
return self.rel.difference(other)
def difference(self, other: Relation) -> Relation:
return self.rel.intersection(other)
class ConnectorType(Enum):
Door = "door"
Open = "open"
Wall = "wall"
class RoomNeighbour(Relation):
connector_types: frozenset[ConnectorType] = field(default_factory=frozenset)
def __post_init__(self):
if self.connector_types is not None:
- object.__setattr__(self, 'connector_types', frozenset(self.connector_types))
+ object.__setattr__(self, "connector_types", frozenset(self.connector_types))
def implies(self, other: Relation) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, AnyRelation):
return True
- return (
- isinstance(other, RoomNeighbour)
- and self.connector_types.issuperset(other.connector_types)
+ return isinstance(other, RoomNeighbour) and self.connector_types.issuperset(
+ other.connector_types
def satisfies(self, other: Relation) -> bool:
return self.implies(other)
- def intersects(self, other: Relation, strict=False) -> bool:
+ def intersects(self, other: Relation, strict=False) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, AnyRelation):
return True
- return (
- isinstance(other, RoomNeighbour)
- and not self.connector_types.isdisjoint(other.connector_types)
+ return isinstance(other, RoomNeighbour) and not self.connector_types.isdisjoint(
+ other.connector_types
- def intersection(self, other: Relation) -> Relation:
+ def intersection(self, other: Relation) -> Relation:
if isinstance(other, AnyRelation):
return deepcopy(self)
return self.__class__(
- def difference(self, other: Relation) -> Relation:
+ def difference(self, other: Relation) -> Relation:
if isinstance(other, AnyRelation):
return -AnyRelation()
@@ -181,9 +172,14 @@ def difference(self, other: Relation) -> Relation:
def no_frozenset_repr(self: GeometryRelation):
- is_neg = lambda x: isinstance(x, t.Negated)
- setrepr = lambda s: f'{{{", ".join(repr(x) for x in sorted(list(s), key=is_neg))}}}'
- return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({setrepr(self.child_tags)}, {setrepr(self.parent_tags)})'
+ def is_neg(x):
+ return isinstance(x, t.Negated)
+ def setrepr(s):
+ return f"{{{', '.join(repr(x) for x in sorted(list(s), key=is_neg))}}}"
+ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({setrepr(self.child_tags)}, {setrepr(self.parent_tags)})"
class GeometryRelation(Relation):
@@ -191,38 +187,36 @@ class GeometryRelation(Relation):
parent_tags: frozenset[t.Subpart] = field(default_factory=frozenset)
__repr__ = no_frozenset_repr
def __post_init__(self):
# allow the user to init with sets that subsequently get frozen
# use object.__setattr__ to bypass dataclass's frozen since it is guaranteed safe here
- object.__setattr__(self, 'child_tags', frozenset(self.child_tags))
- object.__setattr__(self, 'parent_tags', frozenset(self.parent_tags))
+ object.__setattr__(self, "child_tags", frozenset(self.child_tags))
+ object.__setattr__(self, "parent_tags", frozenset(self.parent_tags))
- def _extra_fields(self) -> list[str]:
- """Return any fields added by subclasses. Useful for implementing implies/intersects
+ def _extra_fields(self) -> list[str]:
+ """Return any fields added by subclasses. Useful for implementing implies/intersects
which must check these fields regardless of inheritance. TODO, Hacky.
return [
- f.name
- for f in fields(self)
- if f.name not in ['child_tags', 'parent_tags']
+ f.name for f in fields(self) if f.name not in ["child_tags", "parent_tags"]
- def _compatibility_checks(self, other: GeometryRelation, strict_on_fields=False) -> bool:
+ def _compatibility_checks(
+ self, other: GeometryRelation, strict_on_fields=False
+ ) -> bool:
if not issubclass(other.__class__, self.__class__):
return False
if strict_on_fields:
for k in self._extra_fields():
if not getattr(self, k) == getattr(other, k):
- #logger.warning(f'{self._compatibility_checks} ignoring mismatch {k=} for {other=}')
+ # logger.warning(f'{self._compatibility_checks} ignoring mismatch {k=} for {other=}')
return False
return True
def implies(self, other: Relation) -> bool:
match other:
case AnyRelation():
return True
@@ -230,28 +224,27 @@ def implies(self, other: Relation) -> bool:
return False
case GeometryRelation(ochild, oparent):
if not self._compatibility_checks(other):
- logger.debug(f'{self.implies} failed compatibility for %s', other)
+ # logger.debug(f"{self.implies} failed compatibility for %s", other)
return False
if not t.implies(self.child_tags, ochild):
- logger.debug(f'{self.implies} failed child tags for %s', other)
+ # logger.debug(f"{self.implies} failed child tags for %s", other)
return False
if not t.implies(self.parent_tags, oparent):
- logger.debug(f'{self.implies} failed parent tags for %s', other)
+ # logger.debug(f"{self.implies} failed parent tags for %s", other)
return False
return True
case NegatedRelation(GeometryRelation(ochild, oparent)):
if not self._compatibility_checks(other.rel):
- logger.debug(f'{self.implies} failed compatibility for %s', other)
+ logger.debug(f"{self.implies} failed compatibility for %s", other)
return False
- if (
- t.implies(self.child_tags, {-t for t in ochild})
- and t.implies(self.parent_tags, {-t for t in oparent})
+ if t.implies(self.child_tags, {-t for t in ochild}) and t.implies(
+ self.parent_tags, {-t for t in oparent}
return True
return False
case _:
- raise ValueError(f'{self.implies} encountered unhandled {other=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"{self.implies} encountered unhandled {other=}")
def satisfies(self, other: Relation) -> bool:
match other:
case AnyRelation():
@@ -260,37 +253,35 @@ def satisfies(self, other: Relation) -> bool:
return False
case GeometryRelation(ochild, oparent):
if not self._compatibility_checks(other):
- logger.debug(f'{self.satisfies} failed compatibility for %s', other)
+ logger.debug(f"{self.satisfies} failed compatibility for %s", other)
return False
if not t.satisfies(self.child_tags, ochild):
- logger.debug(f'{self.satisfies} failed child tags for %s', other)
+ logger.debug(f"{self.satisfies} failed child tags for %s", other)
return False
if not t.satisfies(self.parent_tags, oparent):
- logger.debug(f'{self.satisfies} failed parent tags for %s', other)
+ logger.debug(f"{self.satisfies} failed parent tags for %s", other)
return False
return True
case NegatedRelation(GeometryRelation(ochild, oparent)):
if not self._compatibility_checks(other.rel):
- logger.debug(f'{self.implies} failed compatibility for %s', other)
+ logger.debug(f"{self.implies} failed compatibility for %s", other)
return False
- if (
- t.satisfies(self.child_tags, {-t for t in ochild})
- and t.satisfies(self.parent_tags, {-t for t in oparent})
+ if t.satisfies(self.child_tags, {-t for t in ochild}) and t.satisfies(
+ self.parent_tags, {-t for t in oparent}
return True
return False
case _:
- raise ValueError(f'{self.satisfies} encountered unhandled {other=}')
- def intersects(self, other: Relation, strict=False) -> bool:
+ raise ValueError(f"{self.satisfies} encountered unhandled {other=}")
+ def intersects(self, other: Relation, strict=False) -> bool:
def tags_compatible(a, b):
if strict:
return t.implies(a, b) or t.implies(b, a)
return not t.contradiction(a.union(b))
- logger.debug(f'{self.intersects} other=%s', other)
+ logger.debug(f"{self.intersects} other=%s", other)
match other:
case AnyRelation():
@@ -299,13 +290,28 @@ def tags_compatible(a, b):
return False
case GeometryRelation(ochild, oparent):
if not self._compatibility_checks(other):
- logger.debug(f'{self.intersects} failed compatibility for other=%s', other)
+ logger.debug(
+ "%s failed compatiblity_checks for self=%s, other=%s",
+ self.intersects.__name__,
+ self.child_tags,
+ other,
+ )
return False
if not tags_compatible(self.child_tags, ochild):
- logger.debug(f'{self.intersects} failed child tags for other=%s', other)
+ logger.debug(
+ "%s failed child tags for self=%s, other=%s",
+ self.intersects.__name__,
+ self.child_tags,
+ other,
+ )
return False
if not tags_compatible(self.parent_tags, oparent):
- logger.debug('{self.intersects} failed parent tags for other=%s', other)
+ logger.debug(
+ "%s failed parent tags for self=%s, other=%s",
+ self.intersects.__name__,
+ self.child_tags,
+ other,
+ )
return False
return True
case NegatedRelation(GeometryRelation()):
@@ -313,13 +319,14 @@ def tags_compatible(a, b):
# true unless other.rel->self
return not other.rel.implies(self)
case _:
- logger.warning(f'{self.intersects} encountered unhandled %s, returning False', other)
+ logger.warning(
+ f"{self.intersects} encountered unhandled %s, returning False",
+ other,
+ )
return False
- def intersection(self: Relation, other: Relation) -> Relation:
- """ TODO: There are potentially many intersections of relations with negations.
- """
+ def intersection(self: Relation, other: Relation) -> Relation:
+ """TODO: There are potentially many intersections of relations with negations."""
match other:
case AnyRelation():
@@ -328,19 +335,22 @@ def intersection(self: Relation, other: Relation) -> Relation:
return self.difference(rel)
case GeometryRelation(ochild, oparent):
if not self._compatibility_checks(other):
- logger.warning(f'{self.intersection} failed compatibility for {other=}')
+ logger.warning(
+ f"{self.intersection} failed compatibility for {other=}"
+ )
return -AnyRelation()
return self.__class__(
- **{k: getattr(self, k) for k in self._extra_fields()}
+ **{k: getattr(self, k) for k in self._extra_fields()},
case _:
- logger.warning(f'Encountered unhandled {other=} for {self.intersection}')
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Encountered unhandled {other=} for {self.intersection}"
+ )
return -AnyRelation()
- def difference(self: Relation, other: Relation) -> Relation:
+ def difference(self: Relation, other: Relation) -> Relation:
match other:
case AnyRelation():
return -AnyRelation()
@@ -349,21 +359,23 @@ def difference(self: Relation, other: Relation) -> Relation:
case GeometryRelation(ochild, oparent):
if not self.intersects(other):
return deepcopy(self)
- if (
- t.implies(self.child_tags, ochild)
- and t.implies(self.parent_tags, oparent)
+ if t.implies(self.child_tags, ochild) and t.implies(
+ self.parent_tags, oparent
return -AnyRelation()
return self.__class__(
child_tags=t.difference(self.child_tags, ochild),
parent_tags=t.difference(self.parent_tags, oparent),
- **{k: getattr(self, k) for k in self._extra_fields()}
+ **{k: getattr(self, k) for k in self._extra_fields()},
case _:
- logger.warning(f'Encountered unhandled {other=} for {self.intersection}')
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Encountered unhandled {other=} for {self.intersection}"
+ )
return -AnyRelation()
class Touching(GeometryRelation):
__repr__ = no_frozenset_repr
@@ -377,38 +389,31 @@ class SupportedBy(Touching):
class StableAgainst(GeometryRelation):
margin: float = 0
- # check_ if False, only check x/z stability, z is allowed to overhand.
+ # check_ if False, only check x/z stability, z is allowed to overhand.
# typical use is chair-against-table relation
- check_z: bool = True
+ check_z: bool = True
- # rev_normal: if True, align the normals so they face the SAME direction, rather than two planes facing eachother.
+ # rev_normal: if True, align the normals so they face the SAME direction, rather than two planes facing eachother.
# typical use is for sink embedded in countertop
- rev_normal: bool = False
+ rev_normal: bool = False
__repr__ = no_frozenset_repr
class CutFrom(Relation):
def implies(self, other: Relation) -> bool:
- return (
- isinstance(other, AnyRelation)
- or isinstance(other, CutFrom)
- )
+ return isinstance(other, AnyRelation) or isinstance(other, CutFrom)
def satisfies(self, other: Relation) -> bool:
return self.implies(other)
def intersects(self, other: Relation, strict=False) -> bool:
- return (
- isinstance(other, AnyRelation)
- or isinstance(other, CutFrom)
- )
+ return isinstance(other, AnyRelation) or isinstance(other, CutFrom)
def intersection(self, other: Relation) -> Relation:
return deepcopy(self)
def difference(self, other: Relation) -> Relation:
return -AnyRelation()
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/result.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/result.py
index f58c59c4d..136c39424 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/result.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/result.py
@@ -4,22 +4,17 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import typing
-from dataclasses import dataclass, field
-import numpy as np
-from .types import Node
from .expression import BoolExpression, ScalarExpression, nodedataclass
+from .types import Node
class Problem(Node):
constraints: dict[str, BoolExpression]
- score_terms: dict[str, ScalarExpression]
+ score_terms: dict[str, ScalarExpression]
def __post_init__(self):
if isinstance(self.constraints, list):
self.constraints = {i: c for i, c in enumerate(self.constraints)}
if isinstance(self.score_terms, list):
@@ -27,6 +22,6 @@ def __post_init__(self):
def children(self):
for i, v in enumerate(self.constraints.values()):
- yield f'constraints[{i}]', v
+ yield f"constraints[{i}]", v
for i, v in enumerate(self.score_terms.values()):
- yield f'score_terms[{i}]', v
\ No newline at end of file
+ yield f"score_terms[{i}]", v
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/set_reasoning.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/set_reasoning.py
index b87df0e36..4febb1ee0 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/set_reasoning.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/set_reasoning.py
@@ -4,24 +4,26 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import typing
-from dataclasses import dataclass, field
+from dataclasses import field
from infinigen.core import tags as t
from infinigen.core.constraints import usage_lookup
-from .relations import Relation, AnyRelation
-from .expression import Expression, BoolExpression, ScalarExpression, nodedataclass
+from .expression import BoolExpression, Expression, ScalarExpression, nodedataclass
+from .relations import AnyRelation, Relation
class ObjectSetExpression(Expression):
def __getitem__(self, key):
return tagged(self, key)
class scene(ObjectSetExpression):
class tagged(ObjectSetExpression):
@@ -31,16 +33,16 @@ class tagged(ObjectSetExpression):
def __post_init__(self):
self.tags = t.to_tag_set(self.tags, fac_context=usage_lookup._factory_lookup)
def excludes(objs, tags):
# syntactic helper - assume people wont construct obvious contradictions
if isinstance(objs, tagged):
tags = tags.difference(objs.tags)
- return tagged(objs, {t.Negated(x) for x in tags})
+ return tagged(objs, {t.Negated(x) for x in tags})
class related_to(ObjectSetExpression):
@@ -50,11 +52,16 @@ class related_to(ObjectSetExpression):
def __post_init__(self):
if not isinstance(self.child, ObjectSetExpression):
- raise TypeError(f'related_to got {self.child=}, must be an ObjectSetExpression')
+ raise TypeError(
+ f"related_to got {self.child=}, must be an ObjectSetExpression"
+ )
if not isinstance(self.parent, ObjectSetExpression):
- raise TypeError(f'related_to got {self.parent=}, must be an ObjectSetExpression')
+ raise TypeError(
+ f"related_to got {self.parent=}, must be an ObjectSetExpression"
+ )
if not isinstance(self.relation, Relation):
- raise TypeError(f'related_to got {self.relation=}, must be a Relation')
+ raise TypeError(f"related_to got {self.relation=}, must be a Relation")
@@ -63,7 +70,7 @@ class count(ScalarExpression):
def __post_init__(self):
if not isinstance(self.objs, ObjectSetExpression):
- raise TypeError(f'count got {self.objs=}, must be an ObjectSetExpression')
+ raise TypeError(f"count got {self.objs=}, must be an ObjectSetExpression")
@@ -75,9 +82,8 @@ class in_range(BoolExpression):
def __post_init__(self):
if not isinstance(self.val, ScalarExpression):
- raise TypeError(f'in_range got {self.val=}, must be a ScalarExpression')
+ raise TypeError(f"in_range got {self.val=}, must be a ScalarExpression")
if not isinstance(self.low, (int, float)):
- raise TypeError(f'in_range got {self.low=}, must be a number')
+ raise TypeError(f"in_range got {self.low=}, must be a number")
if not isinstance(self.high, (int, float)):
- raise TypeError(f'in_range got {self.high=}, must be a number')
+ raise TypeError(f"in_range got {self.high=}, must be a number")
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/types.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/types.py
index d6e07686d..494e2d244 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/types.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/types.py
@@ -4,30 +4,30 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-from enum import Enum
-from typing import Any
from dataclasses import dataclass
-import functools
nodedataclass_kwargs = dict(eq=False, order=False)
def _nodeclass_bool_throw(self):
raise RuntimeError(
- f'Attempted to convert {self.__class__} to bool, '
+ f"Attempted to convert {self.__class__} to bool, "
f"truth value of {self} is ambiguous. Constraint language must use * instead of `and`, etc since python bool ops are not overridable"
def nodedataclass(frozen=False):
def decorator(cls):
ddec = dataclass(eq=False, order=False, frozen=frozen)
cls = ddec(cls)
cls.__bool__ = _nodeclass_bool_throw
return cls
return decorator
class Node:
def children(self):
for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
if isinstance(v, Node):
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/util.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/util.py
index 8d5d0bffc..7720d4fbf 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/util.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/util.py
@@ -1,51 +1,54 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors: Karhan Kayan
-from typing import Union
-import random
-import math
import functools
import logging
+import math
+import random
+# Authors: Karhan Kayan
+from typing import Union
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from trimesh import Trimesh, Scene
-import trimesh
-from shapely import LineString, Point, Polygon, MultiPolygon
-import numpy as np
-from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import bpy
import fcl
-from mathutils import Matrix, Vector
import gin
+import numpy as np
+import trimesh
+from mathutils import Matrix, Vector
+from shapely import LineString, MultiPolygon, Point, Polygon
+from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
+from trimesh import Scene
+from infinigen.core import tagging
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def bvh_caching_config(enabled=True):
return enabled
def group(scene, x):
if isinstance(x, (list, set)):
x = tuple(x)
return subset(scene, x)
def meshes_from_names(scene, names):
if isinstance(names, str):
names = [names]
return [scene.geometry[g] for _, g in (scene.graph[n] for n in names)]
def blender_objs_from_names(names):
if isinstance(names, str):
names = [names]
return [bpy.data.objects[n] for n in names]
def name_from_mesh(scene, mesh):
mesh_name = None
for name, mesh in scene.geometry.items():
@@ -54,44 +57,48 @@ def name_from_mesh(scene, mesh):
return mesh_name
def project_to_xy_path2d(mesh: trimesh.Trimesh) -> trimesh.path.Path2D:
- poly = trimesh.path.polygons.projected(mesh, (0,0,1), (0,0,0))
+ poly = trimesh.path.polygons.projected(mesh, (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0))
d = trimesh.path.exchange.misc.polygon_to_path(poly)
- return trimesh.path.Path2D(entities = d['entities'], vertices = d['vertices'])
+ return trimesh.path.Path2D(entities=d["entities"], vertices=d["vertices"])
def project_to_xy_poly(mesh: trimesh.Trimesh):
- poly = trimesh.path.polygons.projected(mesh, (0,0,1), (0,0,0))
+ poly = trimesh.path.polygons.projected(mesh, (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0))
return poly
def closest_edge_to_point_poly(polygon, point):
- closest_distance = float('inf')
+ closest_distance = float("inf")
closest_edge = None
for i, coord in enumerate(polygon.exterior.coords[:-1]):
start, end = coord, polygon.exterior.coords[i + 1]
line = LineString([start, end])
distance = line.distance(point)
if distance < closest_distance:
closest_distance = distance
closest_edge = line
return closest_edge
def closest_edge_to_point_edge_list(edge_list: list[LineString], point):
- closest_distance = float('inf')
+ closest_distance = float("inf")
closest_edge = None
for line in edge_list:
distance = line.distance(point)
if distance < closest_distance:
closest_distance = distance
closest_edge = line
return closest_edge
def compute_outward_normal(line, polygon):
dx = line.xy[0][1] - line.xy[0][0] # x1 - x0
dy = line.xy[1][1] - line.xy[1][0] # y1 - y0
@@ -103,20 +110,20 @@ def compute_outward_normal(line, polygon):
# Normalize the vectors (optional but recommended for consistency)
normal_vector_1 = normal_vector_1 / np.linalg.norm(normal_vector_1)
normal_vector_2 = normal_vector_2 / np.linalg.norm(normal_vector_2)
# Midpoint of the line segment
mid_point = line.interpolate(0.5, normalized=True)
# Move a tiny bit in the direction of the normals to check which points outside
test_point_1 = mid_point.coords[0] + 0.01 * normal_vector_1
- test_point_2 = mid_point.coords[0] + 0.01 * normal_vector_2
+ mid_point.coords[0] + 0.01 * normal_vector_2
# Return the normal for which the test point lies outside the polygon
if polygon.contains(Point(test_point_1)):
return normal_vector_2
return normal_vector_1
def get_transformed_axis(scene, obj_name):
obj = bpy.data.objects[obj_name]
@@ -135,8 +142,6 @@ def set_axis(scene, objs: Union[str, list[str]], canonical_axis):
obj.axis = get_transformed_axis(scene, obj_name)
def get_plane_from_3dmatrix(matrix):
"""Extract the plane_normal and plane_origin from a transformation matrix."""
# The normal of the plane can be extracted from the 3x3 rotation part of the matrix
@@ -150,6 +155,7 @@ def project_points_onto_plane(points, plane_origin, plane_normal):
d = np.dot(points - plane_origin, plane_normal)[:, None]
return points - d * plane_normal
def to_2d_coordinates(points, plane_normal):
"""Convert 3D points to 2D using the plane defined by its normal."""
# Compute two perpendicular vectors on the plane
@@ -159,7 +165,7 @@ def to_2d_coordinates(points, plane_normal):
u /= np.linalg.norm(u)
v = np.cross(plane_normal, u)
v /= np.linalg.norm(v)
# Convert 3D points to 2D using dot products
return np.column_stack([points.dot(u), points.dot(v)])
@@ -171,12 +177,18 @@ def ensure_correct_order(points):
# Calculate signed area
n = len(points)
- area = sum((points[i][0] * points[(i+1)%n][1]) - (points[(i+1)%n][0] * points[i][1]) for i in range(n)) / 2.0
+ area = (
+ sum(
+ (points[i][0] * points[(i + 1) % n][1])
+ - (points[(i + 1) % n][0] * points[i][1])
+ for i in range(n)
+ )
+ / 2.0
+ )
# Return the points in reverse order if area is negative
return points[::-1] if area < 0 else points
def sample_random_point(polygon):
Sample a random point from inside the given Shapely polygon.
@@ -186,7 +198,8 @@ def sample_random_point(polygon):
p = Point(random.uniform(minx, maxx), random.uniform(miny, maxy))
if polygon.contains(p):
return p
def delete_obj(scene, a, delete_blender=True):
if isinstance(a, str):
a = [a]
@@ -195,20 +208,22 @@ def delete_obj(scene, a, delete_blender=True):
for obj_name in a:
# bpy.data.objects.remove(bpy.data.objects[obj_name], do_unlink=True)
- if scene:
+ if scene:
- scene.delete_geometry(obj_name + '_mesh')
+ scene.delete_geometry(obj_name + "_mesh")
def global_vertex_coordinates(obj, local_vertex) -> Vector:
return obj.matrix_world @ local_vertex.co
def global_polygon_normal(obj, polygon):
loc, rot, scale = obj.matrix_world.decompose()
rot = rot.to_matrix()
normal = rot @ polygon.normal
return normal / np.linalg.norm(normal)
def is_planar(obj, tolerance=1e-6):
if len(obj.data.polygons) != 1:
return False
@@ -221,14 +236,17 @@ def is_planar(obj, tolerance=1e-6):
# Check if all vertices lie on the plane defined by the reference vertex and the global normal
for vertex in obj.data.vertices:
- distance = (global_vertex_coordinates(obj, vertex) - ref_vertex).dot(global_normal)
+ distance = (global_vertex_coordinates(obj, vertex) - ref_vertex).dot(
+ global_normal
+ )
if not math.isclose(distance, 0, abs_tol=tolerance):
return False
return True
def planes_parallel(plane_obj_a, plane_obj_b, tolerance=1e-6):
- if plane_obj_a.type != 'MESH' or plane_obj_b.type != 'MESH':
+ if plane_obj_a.type != "MESH" or plane_obj_b.type != "MESH":
raise ValueError("Both objects should be of type 'MESH'")
# # Check if the objects are planar
@@ -240,16 +258,17 @@ def planes_parallel(plane_obj_a, plane_obj_b, tolerance=1e-6):
dot_product = global_normal_a.dot(global_normal_b)
- return math.isclose(dot_product, 1, abs_tol=tolerance) or math.isclose(dot_product, -1, abs_tol=tolerance)
+ return math.isclose(dot_product, 1, abs_tol=tolerance) or math.isclose(
+ dot_product, -1, abs_tol=tolerance
+ )
def distance_to_plane(point, plane_point, plane_normal):
"""Compute the distance from a point to a plane defined by a point and a normal."""
return abs((point - plane_point).dot(plane_normal))
def subset(scene: Scene, incl):
if isinstance(incl, str):
incl = [incl]
@@ -258,7 +277,7 @@ def subset(scene: Scene, incl):
T, g = scene.graph[n]
if g is None:
- otags = scene.geometry[g].metadata['tags']
+ otags = scene.geometry[g].metadata["tags"]
if any(t in incl for t in otags):
@@ -267,17 +286,13 @@ def subset(scene: Scene, incl):
return objs
-def add_object_cached(col,
- name,
- col_obj,
- fcl_obj):
+def add_object_cached(col, name, col_obj, fcl_obj):
geom = fcl_obj
o = col_obj
# # Add collision object to set
if name in col._objs:
- col._objs[name] = {'obj': o,
- 'geom': geom}
+ col._objs[name] = {"obj": o, "geom": geom}
# # store the name of the geometry
col._names[id(geom)] = name
@@ -285,12 +300,11 @@ def add_object_cached(col,
return o
-def col_from_subset(scene, names, tags=None, bvh_cache=None):
+def col_from_subset(scene, names, tags=None, bvh_cache=None):
if isinstance(names, str):
names = [names]
if bvh_cache is not None and bvh_caching_config():
tag_key = frozenset(tags) if tags is not None else None
key = (frozenset(names), tag_key)
@@ -307,7 +321,7 @@ def col_from_subset(scene, names, tags=None, bvh_cache=None):
obj = blender_objs_from_names(name)[0]
mask = tagging.tagged_face_mask(obj, tags)
if not mask.any():
- logger.warning(f'{name=} had {mask.sum()=} for {tags=}')
+ logger.warning(f"{name=} had {mask.sum()=} for {tags=}")
geom = geom.submesh(np.where(mask), append=True)
T = trimesh.transformations.identity_matrix()
@@ -319,7 +333,7 @@ def col_from_subset(scene, names, tags=None, bvh_cache=None):
add_object_cached(col, name, geom.col_obj, geom.fcl_obj)
if len(col._objs) == 0:
- logger.debug(f'{names=} got no objs, returning None')
+ logger.debug(f"{names=} got no objs, returning None")
col = None
if bvh_cache is not None and bvh_caching_config():
@@ -327,19 +341,20 @@ def col_from_subset(scene, names, tags=None, bvh_cache=None):
return col
-def plot_geometry(ax, geom, color = 'blue'):
+def plot_geometry(ax, geom, color="blue"):
if isinstance(geom, Polygon):
x, y = geom.exterior.xy
- ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.5, fc=color, ec='black')
+ ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.5, fc=color, ec="black")
elif isinstance(geom, MultiPolygon):
for sub_geom in geom:
x, y = sub_geom.exterior.xy
- ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.5, fc=color, ec='black')
+ ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.5, fc=color, ec="black")
elif isinstance(geom, LineString):
x, y = geom.xy
ax.plot(x, y, color=color)
elif isinstance(geom, Point):
- ax.plot(geom.x, geom.y, 'o', color=color)
+ ax.plot(geom.x, geom.y, "o", color=color)
def sync_trimesh(scene: trimesh.Scene, obj_name: str):
@@ -353,16 +368,17 @@ def sync_trimesh(scene: trimesh.Scene, obj_name: str):
t = fcl.Transform(T[:3, :3], T[:3, 3])
def translate(scene: trimesh.Scene, a: str, translation):
blender_obj = bpy.data.objects[a]
blender_obj.location += Vector(translation)
- if scene:
+ if scene:
sync_trimesh(scene, a)
def rotate(scene: trimesh.Scene, a: str, axis, angle):
blender_obj = bpy.data.objects[a]
rotation_matrix = trimesh.transformations.rotation_matrix(angle, axis)
transform_matrix = Matrix(rotation_matrix).to_4x4()
loc, rot, scale = blender_obj.matrix_world.decompose()
@@ -371,7 +387,7 @@ def rotate(scene: trimesh.Scene, a: str, axis, angle):
rot = rot.to_quaternion()
blender_obj.matrix_world = Matrix.LocRotScale(loc, rot, scale)
- if scene:
+ if scene:
sync_trimesh(scene, a)
@@ -379,18 +395,17 @@ def set_location(scene: trimesh.Scene, obj_name: str, location):
blender_mesh = bpy.data.objects[obj_name]
blender_mesh.location = location
sync_trimesh(scene, obj_name)
def set_rotation(scene: trimesh.Scene, obj_name: str, rotation):
blender_mesh = blender_objs_from_names(obj_name)[0]
blender_mesh.rotation_euler = rotation
sync_trimesh(scene, obj_name)
# for debugging. does not actually find centroid
def blender_centroid(a):
- return np.mean([a.matrix_world @ v.co for v in a.data.vertices], axis = 0)
+ return np.mean([a.matrix_world @ v.co for v in a.data.vertices], axis=0)
def order_objects_by_principal_axis(objects: list[bpy.types.Object]):
@@ -401,4 +416,3 @@ def order_objects_by_principal_axis(objects: list[bpy.types.Object]):
locations_projected = pca.transform(location_matrix)
sorted_indices = np.argsort(locations_projected.ravel())
return [objects[i] for i in sorted_indices]
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/__init__.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/__init__.py
index 6300f519b..a653187a3 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/__init__.py
@@ -1,10 +1,2 @@
-from .evaluate import (
- evaluate_problem,
- evaluate_node,
- EvalResult
-from .eval_memo import (
- evict_memo_for_move,
- evict_memo_for_obj,
- memo_key,
\ No newline at end of file
+from .eval_memo import evict_memo_for_move, evict_memo_for_obj, memo_key
+from .evaluate import EvalResult, evaluate_node, evaluate_problem
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/domain_contains.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/domain_contains.py
index f4a8b167a..1162dbcff 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/domain_contains.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/domain_contains.py
@@ -4,57 +4,46 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import bpy
import logging
-from tqdm import tqdm
-from infinigen.core.constraints import (
- constraint_language as cl,
- reasoning as r,
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver import state_def
from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
+from infinigen.core.constraints import reasoning as r
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver import state_def
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def domain_contains(
- dom: r.Domain,
- state: state_def.State,
- obj: state_def.ObjectState
+def domain_contains(dom: r.Domain, state: state_def.State, obj: state_def.ObjectState):
assert isinstance(dom, r.Domain), dom
assert isinstance(obj, state_def.ObjectState), obj
if not t.satisfies(obj.tags, dom.tags):
- #logger.debug(f"domain_contains failed, {obj} does not satisfy {obj.tags}")
+ # logger.debug(f"domain_contains failed, {obj} does not satisfy {obj.tags}")
return False
for rel, dom in dom.relations:
if isinstance(rel, cl.NegatedRelation):
if any(
- relstate.relation.intersects(rel.rel) and
- domain_contains(dom, state, state.objs[relstate.target_name])
+ relstate.relation.intersects(rel.rel)
+ and domain_contains(dom, state, state.objs[relstate.target_name])
for relstate in obj.relations
- #logger.debug(f"domain_contains failed, {obj} satisfies negative {rel} {dom}")
+ # logger.debug(f"domain_contains failed, {obj} satisfies negative {rel} {dom}")
return False
if not any(
- relstate.relation.intersects(rel) and
- domain_contains(dom, state, state.objs[relstate.target_name])
+ relstate.relation.intersects(rel)
+ and domain_contains(dom, state, state.objs[relstate.target_name])
for relstate in obj.relations
- #logger.debug(f"domain_contains failed, {obj} does not satisfy {rel} {dom}")
+ # logger.debug(f"domain_contains failed, {obj} does not satisfy {rel} {dom}")
return False
return True
def objkeys_in_dom(dom: r.Domain, curr: state_def.State):
return [
- k for k, o in curr.objs.items()
- if domain_contains(dom, curr, o) and o.active
+ k for k, o in curr.objs.items() if domain_contains(dom, curr, o) and o.active
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/eval_memo.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/eval_memo.py
index 91d0ea0b5..06c7dba3e 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/eval_memo.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/eval_memo.py
@@ -6,16 +6,14 @@
import logging
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.state_def import State, ObjectState
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver import moves
-from infinigen.core.constraints import (
- constraint_language as cl
from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver import moves
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.state_def import ObjectState, State
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def memo_key(n: cl.Node):
match n:
case cl.item(var):
@@ -25,16 +23,9 @@ def memo_key(n: cl.Node):
case _:
return id(n)
-def evict_memo_for_obj(
- node: cl.Problem,
- memo: dict,
- obj: ObjectState
- recvals = [
- evict_memo_for_obj(child, memo, obj)
- for _, child in node.children()
- ]
+def evict_memo_for_obj(node: cl.Problem, memo: dict, obj: ObjectState):
+ recvals = [evict_memo_for_obj(child, memo, obj) for _, child in node.children()]
res = any(recvals)
match node:
@@ -52,29 +43,28 @@ def evict_memo_for_obj(
return res
-def reset_bvh_cache(state, filter_name=None):
- '''
+def reset_bvh_cache(state, filter_name=None):
+ """
filter_name: if specified, only get rid of things containing this
- '''
+ """
static_tags = {t.Semantics.Room, t.Semantics.Cutter}
def keep_key(k):
names, tags = k
if filter_name is not None:
obj = state.objs[filter_name].obj
- return not (obj.name in names)
+ return obj.name not in names
for n in names:
if n not in state.objs:
return False
ostate = state.objs[n]
if not ostate.tags.intersection(static_tags):
return False
return True
prev_keys = list(state.bvh_cache.keys())
@@ -84,22 +74,22 @@ def keep_key(k):
del state.bvh_cache[k]
- logger.debug(f'reset_bvh_cache evicted {len(prev_keys) - len(state.bvh_cache)} out of {len(prev_keys)} orig')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"reset_bvh_cache evicted {len(prev_keys) - len(state.bvh_cache)} out of {len(prev_keys)} orig"
+ )
def evict_memo_for_move(
- problem: cl.Problem,
- state: State,
- memo: dict,
- move: moves.Move
+ problem: cl.Problem, state: State, memo: dict, move: moves.Move
match move:
case (
- moves.TranslateMove(names) |
- moves.RotateMove(names) |
- moves.Addition(names=names) |
- moves.ReinitPoseMove(names=names) |
- moves.RelationPlaneChange(names=names) |
- moves.Resample(names=names)
+ moves.TranslateMove(names)
+ | moves.RotateMove(names)
+ | moves.Addition(names=names)
+ | moves.ReinitPoseMove(names=names)
+ | moves.RelationPlaneChange(names=names)
+ | moves.Resample(names=names)
for name in names:
assert name is not None, move
@@ -112,4 +102,4 @@ def evict_memo_for_move(
del memo[k]
case _:
- raise NotImplementedError(f'Unsure what to evict for {move=}')
\ No newline at end of file
+ raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsure what to evict for {move=}")
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/evaluate.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/evaluate.py
index 6c57343ba..f2bc985c3 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/evaluate.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/evaluate.py
@@ -4,44 +4,38 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-from typing import Type, Callable
-from dataclasses import dataclass
import copy
import logging
import operator
+from dataclasses import dataclass
import pandas as pd
+from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
+from infinigen.core.constraints import reasoning as r
+from infinigen.core.constraints.evaluator import eval_memo, node_impl
from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.state_def import State
-from infinigen.core.constraints.evaluator import node_impl, eval_memo
-from infinigen.core.constraints import (
- constraint_language as cl,
- reasoning as r
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- cl.ForAll,
- cl.SumOver,
- cl.MeanOver,
- cl.item,
- cl.Problem,
- cl.scene
+SPECIAL_CASE_NODES = [cl.ForAll, cl.SumOver, cl.MeanOver, cl.item, cl.Problem, cl.scene]
gather_funcs = {
cl.ForAll: all,
cl.SumOver: sum,
- cl.MeanOver: lambda vs: (sum(vs) / len(vs)) if len(vs) else 0
+ cl.MeanOver: lambda vs: (sum(vs) / len(vs)) if len(vs) else 0,
-def _compute_node_val(node: cl.Node, state: State, memo: dict):
+def _compute_node_val(node: cl.Node, state: State, memo: dict):
match node:
case cl.scene():
- return set(k for k, v in state.objs.items() if v.active)
- case cl.ForAll(objs, var, pred) | cl.SumOver(objs, var, pred) | cl.MeanOver(objs, var, pred):
+ return set(k for k, v in state.objs.items() if v.active)
+ case (
+ cl.ForAll(objs, var, pred)
+ | cl.SumOver(objs, var, pred)
+ | cl.MeanOver(objs, var, pred)
+ ):
assert isinstance(var, str)
loop_over_objs = evaluate_node(objs, state, memo)
@@ -51,61 +45,56 @@ def _compute_node_val(node: cl.Node, state: State, memo: dict):
memo_sub = copy.copy(memo)
memo_sub[var] = {o}
results.append(evaluate_node(pred, state, memo=memo_sub))
- logger.debug(f'{node.__class__.__name__} had {len(results)=}')
+ logger.debug(f"{node.__class__.__name__} had {len(results)=}")
return gather_funcs[node.__class__](results)
case cl.item():
raise ValueError(
- f'_compute_node_val encountered undefined variable {node}. {memo.keys()}'
+ f"_compute_node_val encountered undefined variable {node}. {memo.keys()}"
case cl.Node() if node.__class__ in node_impl.node_impls:
impl_func = node_impl.node_impls.get(node.__class__)
child_vals = {
- name: evaluate_node(c, state, memo)
- for name, c in node.children()
+ name: evaluate_node(c, state, memo) for name, c in node.children()
kwargs = {}
- if hasattr(node, 'others_tags'):
- kwargs['others_tags'] = getattr(node, 'others_tags')
+ if hasattr(node, "others_tags"):
+ kwargs["others_tags"] = getattr(node, "others_tags")
return impl_func(node, state, child_vals, **kwargs)
case cl.Problem():
- raise TypeError(f'evaluate_node is invalid for {node}, please use evaluate_problem')
+ raise TypeError(
+ f"evaluate_node is invalid for {node}, please use evaluate_problem"
+ )
case _:
raise NotImplementedError(
- f'Couldnt compute value for {type(node)}, please add it to '
- f'{node_impl.node_impls.keys()=} or add a specialcase'
+ f"Couldnt compute value for {type(node)}, please add it to "
+ f"{node_impl.node_impls.keys()=} or add a specialcase"
-def relevant(
- node: cl.Node,
- filter: r.Domain | None
-) -> bool:
+def relevant(node: cl.Node, filter: r.Domain | None) -> bool:
if filter is None:
raise ValueError()
return True
if not isinstance(node, cl.Node):
- raise ValueError(f'{node=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"{node=}")
match node:
case cl.ObjectSetExpression():
d = r.constraint_domain(node, finalize_variables=True)
- assert r.domain_finalized(d), f'{relevant.__name__} encountered unfinalized {d=}'
+ assert r.domain_finalized(
+ d
+ ), f"{relevant.__name__} encountered unfinalized {d=}"
res = d.intersects(filter, require_satisfies_right=True)
- logger.debug(f'{relevant.__name__} got {res=} for {d=}\n {filter=}')
+ logger.debug(f"{relevant.__name__} got {res=} for {d=}\n {filter=}")
return res
case _:
return any(relevant(c, filter) for _, c in node.children())
-def _viol_count_binop(
- node: cl.BoolOperatorExpression,
- lhs,
- rhs
-) -> int:
+def _viol_count_binop(node: cl.BoolOperatorExpression, lhs, rhs) -> int:
if not isinstance(lhs, int) or not isinstance(rhs, int):
satisfied = node.func(lhs, rhs)
return 1 if not satisfied else 0
@@ -120,24 +109,16 @@ def _viol_count_binop(
case operator.lt:
return max(0, lhs - rhs + 1)
case _:
- raise ValueError(f'Unhandled {node.func=}')
-def viol_count(
- node: cl.Node,
- state: State,
- memo: dict,
- filter: r.Domain=None
+ raise ValueError(f"Unhandled {node.func=}")
- match node:
+def viol_count(node: cl.Node, state: State, memo: dict, filter: r.Domain = None):
+ match node:
case cl.BoolOperatorExpression(operator.and_, cons) | cl.Problem(cons):
res = sum(viol_count(o, state, memo, filter) for o in cons)
case cl.in_range(val, low, high):
val_res = evaluate_node(val, state, memo)
if val_res < low:
res = low - val_res
elif val_res > high:
@@ -161,10 +142,10 @@ def viol_count(
viol += viol_count(pred, state, memo_sub, filter)
res = viol
case (
- cl.BoolOperatorExpression(operator.ge, [lhs, rhs]) |
- cl.BoolOperatorExpression(operator.le, [rhs, lhs]) |
- cl.BoolOperatorExpression(operator.gt, [rhs, lhs]) |
- cl.BoolOperatorExpression(operator.lt, [rhs, lhs])
+ cl.BoolOperatorExpression(operator.ge, [lhs, rhs])
+ | cl.BoolOperatorExpression(operator.le, [rhs, lhs])
+ | cl.BoolOperatorExpression(operator.gt, [rhs, lhs])
+ | cl.BoolOperatorExpression(operator.lt, [rhs, lhs])
if relevant(lhs, filter) or relevant(rhs, filter):
l_res = evaluate_node(lhs, state, memo)
@@ -172,23 +153,26 @@ def viol_count(
res = _viol_count_binop(node, l_res, r_res)
res = 0
case cl.constant(val) if isinstance(val, bool):
res = 0 if val else 1
case _:
- raise NotImplementedError(f'{node.__class__.__name__}(...) is not supported for hard constraints. Please use an alternative. Full node was {node}')
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ f"{node.__class__.__name__}(...) is not supported for hard constraints. Please use an alternative. Full node was {node}"
+ )
return res
class ConstraintsViolated:
constraints: list[cl.Node]
def __bool__(self):
return False
-def evaluate_node(node: cl.Node, state: State, memo=None):
+def evaluate_node(node: cl.Node, state: State, memo=None):
k = eval_memo.memo_key(node)
if memo is None:
@@ -196,15 +180,15 @@ def evaluate_node(node: cl.Node, state: State, memo=None):
elif k in memo:
return memo[k]
val = _compute_node_val(node, state, memo)
memo[k] = val
- logger.debug(f'Evaluated {node.__class__} to {val}')
+ # logger.debug("Evaluated %s to %s", node.__class__, val)
return val
class EvalResult:
loss_vals: dict[str, float]
violations: dict[str, bool]
@@ -216,24 +200,19 @@ def viol_count(self):
def to_df(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
keys = set(self.loss_vals.keys()).union(self.violations.keys())
- return pd.DataFrame.from_dict({
- k: dict(
- loss=self.loss_vals.get(k),
- viol_count=self.violations.get(k)
- )
- for k in keys
- })
+ return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
+ {
+ k: dict(loss=self.loss_vals.get(k), viol_count=self.violations.get(k))
+ for k in keys
+ }
+ )
def evaluate_problem(
- problem: cl.Problem,
- state: State,
- filter: r.Domain = None,
- memo=None
+ problem: cl.Problem, state: State, filter: r.Domain = None, memo=None
- f'Evaluating problem {len(problem.constraints)=} {len(problem.score_terms)=}'
+ f"Evaluating problem {len(problem.constraints)=} {len(problem.score_terms)=}"
if memo is None:
@@ -241,15 +220,14 @@ def evaluate_problem(
scores = {}
for name, score_node in problem.score_terms.items():
- logger.debug(f'Evaluating score for {name=}')
+ logger.debug(f"Evaluating score for {name=}")
scores[name] = evaluate_node(score_node, state, memo)
+ logger.debug(f"Evaluator got score {scores[name]} for {name=}")
violated = {}
for name, node in problem.constraints.items():
+ logger.debug(f"Evaluating constraint {name=}")
violated[name] = viol_count(node, state, memo, filter=filter)
- logger.debug(f'Evaluator found {violated[name]} violations for {name=}')
+ logger.debug(f"Evaluator found {violated[name]} violations for {name=}")
- return EvalResult(
- loss_vals=scores,
- violations=violated
- )
\ No newline at end of file
+ return EvalResult(loss_vals=scores, violations=violated)
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/indoor_util.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/indoor_util.py
index aa61cdd3f..b043671ba 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/indoor_util.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/indoor_util.py
@@ -3,15 +3,14 @@
# Authors: Karhan Kayan
-import bpy
+import math
+import random
+from typing import Union
+import bpy
+import numpy as np
import trimesh
-from trimesh import Scene
from shapely import LineString, Point
-import numpy as np
-from typing import Union
-import random
-import math
-import functools
def meshes_from_names(scene, names):
@@ -19,11 +18,13 @@ def meshes_from_names(scene, names):
names = [names]
return [scene.geometry[g] for _, g in (scene.graph[n] for n in names)]
def blender_objs_from_names(names):
if isinstance(names, str):
names = [names]
return [bpy.data.objects[n] for n in names]
def name_from_mesh(scene, mesh):
mesh_name = None
for name, mesh in scene.geometry.items():
@@ -32,31 +33,34 @@ def name_from_mesh(scene, mesh):
return mesh_name
def project_to_xy_path2d(mesh: trimesh.Trimesh) -> trimesh.path.Path2D:
- poly = trimesh.path.polygons.projected(mesh, (0,0,1), (0,0,0))
+ poly = trimesh.path.polygons.projected(mesh, (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0))
d = trimesh.path.exchange.misc.polygon_to_path(poly)
- return trimesh.path.Path2D(entities = d['entities'], vertices = d['vertices'])
+ return trimesh.path.Path2D(entities=d["entities"], vertices=d["vertices"])
def project_to_xy_poly(mesh: trimesh.Trimesh):
- poly = trimesh.path.polygons.projected(mesh, (0,0,1), (0,0,0))
+ poly = trimesh.path.polygons.projected(mesh, (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0))
return poly
def closest_edge_to_point(polygon, point):
- closest_distance = float('inf')
+ closest_distance = float("inf")
closest_edge = None
for i, coord in enumerate(polygon.exterior.coords[:-1]):
start, end = coord, polygon.exterior.coords[i + 1]
line = LineString([start, end])
distance = line.distance(point)
if distance < closest_distance:
closest_distance = distance
closest_edge = line
return closest_edge
def compute_outward_normal(line, polygon):
dx = line.xy[0][1] - line.xy[0][0] # x1 - x0
dy = line.xy[1][1] - line.xy[1][0] # y1 - y0
@@ -68,20 +72,20 @@ def compute_outward_normal(line, polygon):
# Normalize the vectors (optional but recommended for consistency)
normal_vector_1 = normal_vector_1 / np.linalg.norm(normal_vector_1)
normal_vector_2 = normal_vector_2 / np.linalg.norm(normal_vector_2)
# Midpoint of the line segment
mid_point = line.interpolate(0.5, normalized=True)
# Move a tiny bit in the direction of the normals to check which points outside
test_point_1 = mid_point.coords[0] + 0.01 * normal_vector_1
- test_point_2 = mid_point.coords[0] + 0.01 * normal_vector_2
+ mid_point.coords[0] + 0.01 * normal_vector_2
# Return the normal for which the test point lies outside the polygon
if polygon.contains(Point(test_point_1)):
return normal_vector_2
return normal_vector_1
def get_transformed_axis(scene, obj_name):
obj = bpy.data.objects[obj_name]
@@ -100,8 +104,6 @@ def set_axis(scene, objs: Union[str, list[str]], canonical_axis):
obj.axis = get_transformed_axis(scene, obj_name)
def get_plane_from_3dmatrix(matrix):
"""Extract the plane_normal and plane_origin from a transformation matrix."""
# The normal of the plane can be extracted from the 3x3 rotation part of the matrix
@@ -115,6 +117,7 @@ def project_points_onto_plane(points, plane_origin, plane_normal):
d = np.dot(points - plane_origin, plane_normal)[:, None]
return points - d * plane_normal
def to_2d_coordinates(points, plane_normal):
"""Convert 3D points to 2D using the plane defined by its normal."""
# Compute two perpendicular vectors on the plane
@@ -124,7 +127,7 @@ def to_2d_coordinates(points, plane_normal):
u /= np.linalg.norm(u)
v = np.cross(plane_normal, u)
v /= np.linalg.norm(v)
# Convert 3D points to 2D using dot products
return np.column_stack([points.dot(u), points.dot(v)])
@@ -136,12 +139,18 @@ def ensure_correct_order(points):
# Calculate signed area
n = len(points)
- area = sum((points[i][0] * points[(i+1)%n][1]) - (points[(i+1)%n][0] * points[i][1]) for i in range(n)) / 2.0
+ area = (
+ sum(
+ (points[i][0] * points[(i + 1) % n][1])
+ - (points[(i + 1) % n][0] * points[i][1])
+ for i in range(n)
+ )
+ / 2.0
+ )
# Return the points in reverse order if area is negative
return points[::-1] if area < 0 else points
def sample_random_point(polygon):
Sample a random point from inside the given Shapely polygon.
@@ -151,27 +160,29 @@ def sample_random_point(polygon):
p = Point(random.uniform(minx, maxx), random.uniform(miny, maxy))
if polygon.contains(p):
return p
-def delete_obj(a, scene = None):
+def delete_obj(a, scene=None):
if isinstance(a, str):
a = [a]
for obj_name in a:
bpy.data.objects.remove(bpy.data.objects[obj_name], do_unlink=True)
- if scene:
+ if scene:
- scene.delete_geometry(obj_name + '_mesh')
+ scene.delete_geometry(obj_name + "_mesh")
def global_vertex_coordinates(obj, local_vertex):
return obj.matrix_world @ local_vertex.co
def global_polygon_normal(obj, polygon):
loc, rot, scale = obj.matrix_world.decompose()
rot = rot.to_matrix()
normal = rot @ polygon.normal
return normal / np.linalg.norm(normal)
def is_planar(obj, tolerance=1e-6):
if len(obj.data.polygons) != 1:
return False
@@ -184,14 +195,17 @@ def is_planar(obj, tolerance=1e-6):
# Check if all vertices lie on the plane defined by the reference vertex and the global normal
for vertex in obj.data.vertices:
- distance = (global_vertex_coordinates(obj, vertex) - ref_vertex).dot(global_normal)
+ distance = (global_vertex_coordinates(obj, vertex) - ref_vertex).dot(
+ global_normal
+ )
if not math.isclose(distance, 0, abs_tol=tolerance):
return False
return True
def planes_parallel(plane_obj_a, plane_obj_b, tolerance=1e-6):
- if plane_obj_a.type != 'MESH' or plane_obj_b.type != 'MESH':
+ if plane_obj_a.type != "MESH" or plane_obj_b.type != "MESH":
raise ValueError("Both objects should be of type 'MESH'")
# # Check if the objects are planar
@@ -203,17 +217,22 @@ def planes_parallel(plane_obj_a, plane_obj_b, tolerance=1e-6):
dot_product = global_normal_a.dot(global_normal_b)
- return math.isclose(dot_product, 1, abs_tol=tolerance) or math.isclose(dot_product, -1, abs_tol=tolerance)
+ return math.isclose(dot_product, 1, abs_tol=tolerance) or math.isclose(
+ dot_product, -1, abs_tol=tolerance
+ )
def distance_to_plane(point, plane_point, plane_normal):
"""Compute the distance from a point to a plane defined by a point and a normal."""
return abs((point - plane_point).dot(plane_normal))
-def is_within_margin_from_plane(obj, obj_b, margin, tol = 1e-6):
+def is_within_margin_from_plane(obj, obj_b, margin, tol=1e-6):
"""Check if all vertices of an object are within a given margin from a plane."""
polygon_b = obj_b.data.polygons[0]
- plane_point_b = global_vertex_coordinates(obj_b, obj_b.data.vertices[polygon_b.vertices[0]])
+ plane_point_b = global_vertex_coordinates(
+ obj_b, obj_b.data.vertices[polygon_b.vertices[0]]
+ )
plane_normal_b = global_polygon_normal(obj_b, polygon_b)
for vertex in obj.data.vertices:
global_vertex = global_vertex_coordinates(obj, vertex)
@@ -222,10 +241,11 @@ def is_within_margin_from_plane(obj, obj_b, margin, tol = 1e-6):
return False
return True
# def update_blender_representation(scene, trimesh_obj):
-# transform_matrix =
+# transform_matrix =
# def update_trimesh_representation(scnene, blender_obj):
-# pass
\ No newline at end of file
+# pass
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/node_impl/__init__.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/node_impl/__init__.py
index 138875f46..e1a6f184b 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/node_impl/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/node_impl/__init__.py
@@ -1 +1 @@
-from .impl_bindings import node_impls
\ No newline at end of file
+from .impl_bindings import node_impls
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/node_impl/impl_bindings.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/node_impl/impl_bindings.py
index 3ee9e0f04..1cdf4f3de 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/node_impl/impl_bindings.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/node_impl/impl_bindings.py
@@ -2,139 +2,126 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Karhan Kayan: geometry impl bindings
# - Alexander Raistrick: impl interface, set_reasoning / operator impls
# - Lingjie Mei: bugfix
-import math
-import logging
import functools
+import logging
+import math
-import gin
import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.constraints import (
- constraint_language as cl,
- reasoning as r
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver import state_def
from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
+from infinigen.core.constraints import reasoning as r
from infinigen.core.constraints.evaluator import domain_contains
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver import state_def
-from . import trimesh_geometry, symmetry
-import inspect
+from . import symmetry, trimesh_geometry
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
node_impls = {}
def statenames_to_blnames(state, names):
return [state.objs[n].obj.name for n in names]
def register_node_impl(node_cls):
def decorator(func):
node_impls[node_cls] = func
return func
return decorator
-def generic_impl_interface(
- cons: cl.Node,
- state: state_def.State,
- child_vals: dict
+def generic_impl_interface(cons: cl.Node, state: state_def.State, child_vals: dict):
-def constant_impl(
- cons: cl.Node,
- state: state_def.State,
- child_vals: dict
+def constant_impl(cons: cl.Node, state: state_def.State, child_vals: dict):
return cons.value
def operator_impl(
- cons: cl.ScalarOperatorExpression | cl.BoolOperatorExpression,
- state: state_def.State,
- child_vals: dict
+ cons: cl.ScalarOperatorExpression | cl.BoolOperatorExpression,
+ state: state_def.State,
+ child_vals: dict,
- operands = [
- child_vals[f'operands[{i}]']
- for i in range(len(cons.operands))
- ]
+ operands = [child_vals[f"operands[{i}]"] for i in range(len(cons.operands))]
- if (
- isinstance(cons.func, np.ufunc)
- or len(operands) == 1
- ):
+ if isinstance(cons.func, np.ufunc) or len(operands) == 1:
return cons.func(*operands)
return functools.reduce(cons.func, operands)
except ZeroDivisionError as e:
- raise ZeroDivisionError(f'{e} in {cons=}, {operands=}')
+ raise ZeroDivisionError(f"{e} in {cons=}, {operands=}")
def center_stable_surface_impl(
- cons: cl.center_stable_surface_dist,
- state: state_def.State,
- child_vals: dict
+ cons: cl.center_stable_surface_dist, state: state_def.State, child_vals: dict
- objs = child_vals['objs']
+ objs = child_vals["objs"]
return trimesh_geometry.center_stable_surface(state.trimesh_scene, objs, state)
def accessibility_impl(
- cons: cl.accessibility_cost,
- state: state_def.State,
+ cons: cl.accessibility_cost,
+ state: state_def.State,
child_vals: dict,
- use_collision_impl: bool = True
+ use_collision_impl: bool = True,
- objs = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals['objs'])
- others = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals['others'])
+ objs = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals["objs"])
+ others = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals["others"])
if len(objs) == 0:
return 0
if use_collision_impl:
+ logger.debug("accessibility_cost_cuboid_penetration(%s, %s)", objs, others)
res = trimesh_geometry.accessibility_cost_cuboid_penetration(
- state.trimesh_scene,
- objs,
- others,
- cons.normal,
- cons.dist,
- bvh_cache=state.bvh_cache
+ state.trimesh_scene,
+ objs,
+ others,
+ cons.normal,
+ cons.dist,
+ bvh_cache=state.bvh_cache,
+ logger.debug("accessibility_cost(%s, %s)", objs, others)
res = trimesh_geometry.accessibility_cost(
state.trimesh_scene, objs, others, cons.normal
return res
def min_distance_impl(
- cons: cl.Node,
- state: state_def.State,
- child_vals: dict,
- others_tags: set = None
+ cons: cl.Node, state: state_def.State, child_vals: dict, others_tags: set = None
- objs = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals['objs'])
- others = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals['others'])
+ objs = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals["objs"])
+ others = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals["others"])
if len(objs) == 0 or len(others) == 0:
- logger.debug('min_distance had no targets')
+ logger.debug("min_distance had no targets")
return 0
+ logger.debug("min_distance_impl(%s, %s)", objs, others)
res = trimesh_geometry.min_dist(
- state.trimesh_scene,
- a=objs,
- b=others,
+ state.trimesh_scene,
+ a=objs,
+ b=others,
- bvh_cache=state.bvh_cache
+ bvh_cache=state.bvh_cache,
if res.dist < 0:
@@ -142,159 +129,123 @@ def min_distance_impl(
return res.dist
def min_distance_internal_impl(
- cons: cl.min_distance_internal,
- state: state_def.State,
- child_vals: dict
+ cons: cl.min_distance_internal, state: state_def.State, child_vals: dict
- objs = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals['objs'])
+ objs = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals["objs"])
if len(objs) <= 1:
return 0
- return trimesh_geometry.min_dist(
- state.trimesh_scene, a=objs
- ).dist
+ return trimesh_geometry.min_dist(state.trimesh_scene, a=objs).dist
-def min_dist_2d_impl(
- cons: cl.min_dist_2d,
- state: state_def.State,
- child_vals: dict
- a = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals['objs'])
- b = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals['others'])
+def min_dist_2d_impl(cons: cl.min_dist_2d, state: state_def.State, child_vals: dict):
+ a = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals["objs"])
+ b = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals["others"])
if len(a) == 0 or len(b) == 0:
return 0
- return trimesh_geometry.min_dist_2d(
- state.trimesh_scene, a, b
- )
+ return trimesh_geometry.min_dist_2d(state.trimesh_scene, a, b)
def focus_score_impl(
- cons: cl.focus_score,
- state: state_def.State,
+ cons: cl.focus_score,
+ state: state_def.State,
child_vals: dict,
+ a = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals["objs"])
+ b = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals["others"])
- a = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals['objs'])
- b = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals['others'])
if len(a) == 0 or len(b) == 0:
return 0
- return trimesh_geometry.focus_score(
- state,
- a=a,
- b=b
- )
+ return trimesh_geometry.focus_score(state, a=a, b=b)
def angle_alignment_impl(
- cons: cl.angle_alignment_cost,
- state: state_def.State,
- child_vals: dict,
- others_tags: set = None
+ cons: cl.angle_alignment_cost,
+ state: state_def.State,
+ child_vals: dict,
+ others_tags: set = None,
- a = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals['objs'])
- b = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals['others'])
+ a = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals["objs"])
+ b = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals["others"])
if len(a) == 0 or len(b) == 0:
return 0
- return trimesh_geometry.angle_alignment_cost(
- state, a, b, others_tags
- )
+ return trimesh_geometry.angle_alignment_cost(state, a, b, others_tags)
-def freespace_2d_impl(
- cons: cl.freespace_2d,
- state: state_def.State,
- child_vals: dict
+def freespace_2d_impl(cons: cl.freespace_2d, state: state_def.State, child_vals: dict):
return trimesh_geometry.freespace_2d()
def rotational_asymmetry_impl(
- cons: cl.rotational_asymmetry,
- state: state_def.State,
- child_vals: dict
+ cons: cl.rotational_asymmetry, state: state_def.State, child_vals: dict
- objs = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals['objs'])
+ objs = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals["objs"])
if len(objs) <= 1:
return 0
return symmetry.compute_total_rotation_asymmetry(objs)
def reflectional_asymmetry_impl(
- cons: cl.reflectional_asymmetry,
- state: state_def.State,
- child_vals: dict,
+ cons: cl.reflectional_asymmetry,
+ state: state_def.State,
+ child_vals: dict,
use_long_plane: bool = True,
- objs = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals['objs'])
- others = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals['others'])
+ objs = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals["objs"])
+ others = statenames_to_blnames(state, child_vals["others"])
if len(objs) <= 1:
return 0
return trimesh_geometry.reflectional_asymmetry_score(
state.trimesh_scene, objs, others, use_long_plane
def coplanarity_cost_impl(
- cons: cl.coplanarity_cost,
- state: state_def.State,
- child_vals: dict
+ cons: cl.coplanarity_cost, state: state_def.State, child_vals: dict
- objs = child_vals['objs']
+ objs = child_vals["objs"]
if len(objs) <= 1:
return 0
return trimesh_geometry.coplanarity_cost(state.trimesh_scene, objs)
-def tagged_impl(
- cons: cl.tagged,
- state: state_def.State,
- child_vals: dict
- res = {
- o for o in child_vals['objs']
- if t.satisfies(state.objs[o].tags, cons.tags)
- }
+def tagged_impl(cons: cl.tagged, state: state_def.State, child_vals: dict):
+ res = {o for o in child_vals["objs"] if t.satisfies(state.objs[o].tags, cons.tags)}
- #logger.debug('tagged(%s) produced %s from %i candidates', cons.tags, res, len(child_vals['objs']))
+ # logger.debug('tagged(%s) produced %s from %i candidates', cons.tags, res, len(child_vals['objs']))
return res
-def count_impl(
- cons: cl.count,
- state: state_def.State,
- child_vals: dict
- return len(child_vals['objs'])
+def count_impl(cons: cl.count, state: state_def.State, child_vals: dict):
+ return len(child_vals["objs"])
-def in_range_impl(
- cons: cl.in_range,
- state: state_def.State,
- child_vals: dict
- x = child_vals['val']
- return (
- x <= cons.high and
- x >= cons.low
- )
+def in_range_impl(cons: cl.in_range, state: state_def.State, child_vals: dict):
+ x = child_vals["val"]
+ return x <= cons.high and x >= cons.low
def related_children_impl(
- cons: cl.related_to,
- state: state_def.State,
- child_vals: dict
+ cons: cl.related_to, state: state_def.State, child_vals: dict
r = cons.relation
- children: set[str] = child_vals['child']
- parents: set[str] = child_vals['parent']
+ children: set[str] = child_vals["child"]
+ parents: set[str] = child_vals["parent"]
res = set()
for o in children:
@@ -304,54 +255,40 @@ def related_children_impl(
- #logger.debug('related_to %s produced %s from %i candidates', cons.relation, res, len(children))
+ # logger.debug('related_to %s produced %s from %i candidates', cons.relation, res, len(children))
return res
-def excludes_impl(
- cons: cl.excludes,
- state: state_def.State,
- child_vals: dict
- return {
- o for o in child_vals['objs']
- if state.objs[o].tags.isdisjoint(cons.tags)
- }
+def excludes_impl(cons: cl.excludes, state: state_def.State, child_vals: dict):
+ return {o for o in child_vals["objs"] if state.objs[o].tags.isdisjoint(cons.tags)}
-def volume_impl(
- cons: cl.volume,
- state: state_def.State,
- child_vals: dict
- objs = child_vals['objs']
+def volume_impl(cons: cl.volume, state: state_def.State, child_vals: dict):
+ objs = child_vals["objs"]
res = 0
for o in objs:
s = state.objs[o]
dims = sorted(list(s.obj.dimensions), reverse=True)
if isinstance(cons.dims, int):
- dims = dims[:cons.dims]
+ dims = dims[: cons.dims]
elif isinstance(cons.dims, tuple):
dims = np.array(dims)[np.array(cons.dims)]
- raise TypeError(f'Unexpected {type(cons.dims)=}')
+ raise TypeError(f"Unexpected {type(cons.dims)=}")
res += math.prod(dims)
return res
-def hinge_impl(
- cons: cl.hinge,
- state: state_def.State,
- child_vals: dict
- x = child_vals['val']
+def hinge_impl(cons: cl.hinge, state: state_def.State, child_vals: dict):
+ x = child_vals["val"]
if x < cons.low:
return cons.low - x
@@ -359,16 +296,14 @@ def hinge_impl(
return x - cons.high
return 0
def filter_by_domain_impl(
- cons: r.FilterByDomain,
- state: state_def.State,
- child_vals: dict
+ cons: r.FilterByDomain, state: state_def.State, child_vals: dict
) -> set[str]:
return {
- for o in child_vals['objs']
+ for o in child_vals["objs"]
if domain_contains.domain_contains(cons.filter, state, state.objs[o])
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/node_impl/symmetry.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/node_impl/symmetry.py
index ec12f6017..4b8bf9c46 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/node_impl/symmetry.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/node_impl/symmetry.py
@@ -5,22 +5,24 @@
# Acknowledgement: Rotational symmetry code draws inspiration from https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ja00046a033 by Zabrodsky et al.
+from typing import Union
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
-from typing import Union, Any
-from infinigen.core.constraints.evaluator.indoor_util import blender_objs_from_names
-from mathutils import Vector, Quaternion, Matrix
+from mathutils import Matrix, Quaternion, Vector
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from infinigen.core.constraints.evaluator.indoor_util import blender_objs_from_names
def rotate_vector(vector, angle):
"""Rotate a 2D vector by a given angle."""
- rotation_matrix = np.array([
- [np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle)],
- [np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle)]
- ])
+ rotation_matrix = np.array(
+ [[np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle)], [np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle)]]
+ )
return np.dot(vector, rotation_matrix.T)
def compute_centroid(objects):
"""Compute the centroid of the provided objects."""
total_coords = np.zeros(2)
@@ -28,63 +30,60 @@ def compute_centroid(objects):
total_coords += np.array([obj.location.x, obj.location.y])
return total_coords / len(objects)
def compute_location_asymmetry(objects, centroid):
"""Compute location asymmetry based on the described method."""
num_objects = len(objects)
P = np.zeros((num_objects, 2))
for i, obj in enumerate(objects):
P[i] = np.array([obj.location.x, obj.location.y]) - centroid
# print(P)
# 2. Rotate all P_i so that P_1 is aligned with the x axis
angle_p1 = np.arctan2(P[0][1], P[0][0])
for i in range(num_objects):
P[i] = rotate_vector(P[i], -angle_p1)
# 3. Normalize P_i by dividing by max norm
max_norm = max(np.linalg.norm(P, axis=1))
P /= max_norm
- # print(P)
+ # print(P)
# 4. Compute Q as the average of the rotated P_i vectors
Q = np.zeros(2)
for i in range(num_objects):
rotated_p = rotate_vector(P[i], -i * 2 * np.pi / num_objects)
-# print("rot", P[i], rotated_p)
+ # print("rot", P[i], rotated_p)
Q += rotated_p
Q /= num_objects
# 5. and 6. Compute Q_i and find the MSD between Q_i and P_i
total_msd = 0
for i in range(num_objects):
- Q_i = rotate_vector(Q, i * 2 * np.pi / num_objects)
-# print("rot2", Q_i, P[i])
- msd = np.linalg.norm(Q_i - P[i])**2
+ Q_i = rotate_vector(Q, i * 2 * np.pi / num_objects)
+ # print("rot2", Q_i, P[i])
+ msd = np.linalg.norm(Q_i - P[i]) ** 2
total_msd += msd
return total_msd / num_objects
def compute_orientation_asymmetry(objects, centroid):
"""Compute orientation asymmetry of objects."""
num_objects = len(objects)
# 1. Get the orientation vectors
V = np.zeros((num_objects, 2))
for i, obj in enumerate(objects):
# Extract orientation from object's rotation attribute
V[i] = np.array([np.cos(obj.rotation_euler.z), np.sin(obj.rotation_euler.z)])
# Rotate all V_i so that V_1 is aligned with the x axis
angle_v1 = np.arctan2(V[0][1], V[0][0])
for i in range(num_objects):
V[i] = rotate_vector(V[i], -angle_v1)
# Normalize V_i by dividing by max norm
max_norm = max(np.linalg.norm(V, axis=1))
V /= max_norm
@@ -93,21 +92,21 @@ def compute_orientation_asymmetry(objects, centroid):
Q = np.zeros(2)
for i in range(num_objects):
rotated_v = rotate_vector(V[i], -i * 2 * np.pi / num_objects)
-# print("rot", P[i], rotated_p)
+ # print("rot", P[i], rotated_p)
Q += rotated_v
Q /= num_objects
# 5. and 6. Compute Q_i and find the MSD between Q_i and V_i
total_msd = 0
for i in range(num_objects):
- Q_i = rotate_vector(Q, i * 2 * np.pi / num_objects)
-# print("rot2", Q_i, P[i])
- msd = np.linalg.norm(Q_i - V[i])**2
+ Q_i = rotate_vector(Q, i * 2 * np.pi / num_objects)
+ # print("rot2", Q_i, P[i])
+ msd = np.linalg.norm(Q_i - V[i]) ** 2
total_msd += msd
return total_msd / num_objects
def sort_objects_clockwise(objects, centroid):
angles = []
for obj in objects:
@@ -134,11 +133,10 @@ def compute_total_rotation_asymmetry(a: Union[str, list[str]]) -> float:
objects = sort_objects_clockwise(objects, centroid)
location_asymmetry = compute_location_asymmetry(objects, centroid)
orientation_asymmetry = compute_orientation_asymmetry(objects, centroid)
# print("location asym", location_asymmetry, "orient asym", orientation_asymmetry)
- return (location_asymmetry + orientation_asymmetry) / 2
+ return (location_asymmetry + orientation_asymmetry) / 2
def reflect_point(point, plane_point, plane_normal):
@@ -148,18 +146,19 @@ def reflect_point(point, plane_point, plane_normal):
reflected_point = point - 2 * distance_to_plane * plane_normal
return reflected_point
-# prob doesnt work
+# prob doesnt work
def reflect_quaternion(q, n):
# Decompose the quaternion into scalar and vector parts
w = q.w
v = Vector((q.x, q.y, q.z))
# Reflect the vector part
v_reflected = v - 2 * v.dot(n) * n
# Construct the reflected quaternion
q_reflected = Quaternion((w, v_reflected.x, v_reflected.y, v_reflected.z))
return q_reflected
@@ -169,24 +168,30 @@ def reflect_axis_angle(axis_angle, n):
# Reflect the vector part
v_reflected = axis - 2 * axis.dot(n) * n
angle_reflected = -angle
- # Construct the reflected axis angle
- axis_angle_reflected = Vector((angle_reflected, v_reflected.x, v_reflected.y, v_reflected.z))
+ # Construct the reflected axis angle
+ axis_angle_reflected = Vector(
+ (angle_reflected, v_reflected.x, v_reflected.y, v_reflected.z)
+ )
return axis_angle_reflected
def reflect(obj, plane_point, plane_normal):
- obj.rotation_mode = 'AXIS_ANGLE'
+ obj.rotation_mode = "AXIS_ANGLE"
reflected_position = reflect_point(obj.location, plane_point, plane_normal)
reflected_axis_angle = reflect_axis_angle(obj.rotation_axis_angle, plane_normal)
- reflected_quaternion = Matrix.Rotation(reflected_axis_angle[0], 4, reflected_axis_angle[1:]).to_quaternion()
+ reflected_quaternion = Matrix.Rotation(
+ reflected_axis_angle[0], 4, reflected_axis_angle[1:]
+ ).to_quaternion()
return reflected_position, reflected_quaternion
def distance(pos1, pos2):
# Calculate Euclidean distance between two positions
return (pos1 - pos2).length
def angle_difference(orient1, orient2):
# Calculate the angular difference between two orientations represented as quaternions.
@@ -198,6 +203,7 @@ def angle_difference(orient1, orient2):
angle = 2 * np.arccos(dot_product)
return angle
def weight(obj):
# Assign a weight based on obj size or other criteria
bbox = obj.bound_box
@@ -205,59 +211,88 @@ def weight(obj):
volume = (max(dims) - min(dims)) ** 3
return volume
def normalization_factor(objs):
- avg_distance = np.mean([distance(obj1.location, obj2.location) for obj1 in objs for obj2 in objs if obj1 != obj2])
+ avg_distance = np.mean(
+ [
+ distance(obj1.location, obj2.location)
+ for obj1 in objs
+ for obj2 in objs
+ if obj1 != obj2
+ ]
+ )
return avg_distance
def bipartite_matching(objs, reflected_objs_data):
# Use the Hungarian algorithm to find the optimal pairing between objs and reflected_objs
- for obj in objs:
- obj.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION'
- cost_matrix = np.array([[distance(obj.location, ref[0]) + angle_difference(obj.rotation_quaternion, ref[1]) for ref in reflected_objs_data] for obj in objs])
+ for obj in objs:
+ obj.rotation_mode = "QUATERNION"
+ cost_matrix = np.array(
+ [
+ [
+ distance(obj.location, ref[0])
+ + angle_difference(obj.rotation_quaternion, ref[1])
+ for ref in reflected_objs_data
+ ]
+ for obj in objs
+ ]
+ )
row_ind, col_ind = linear_sum_assignment(cost_matrix)
return [(objs[i], reflected_objs_data[j]) for i, j in zip(row_ind, col_ind)]
-def calculate_reflectional_asymmetry(objs, plane_point, plane_normal, visualize = False):
+def calculate_reflectional_asymmetry(objs, plane_point, plane_normal, visualize=False):
if visualize:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# plot plane point and plane normal
- ax.scatter(plane_point.x, plane_point.y, c='g', label='plane point')
- ax.quiver(plane_point.x, plane_point.y, plane_normal.x, plane_normal.y, color='g', label='plane normal')
+ ax.scatter(plane_point.x, plane_point.y, c="g", label="plane point")
+ ax.quiver(
+ plane_point.x,
+ plane_point.y,
+ plane_normal.x,
+ plane_normal.y,
+ color="g",
+ label="plane normal",
+ )
reflected_objs_data = [reflect(obj, plane_point, plane_normal) for obj in objs]
# Use bipartite matching to find optimal pairings
pairings = bipartite_matching(objs, reflected_objs_data)
total_deviation = 0
for original, reflected_data in pairings:
positional_deviation = distance(original.location, reflected_data[0])
- original.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION'
- angular_deviation = angle_difference(original.rotation_quaternion, reflected_data[1])
- weighted_deviation = weight(original) * (positional_deviation + angular_deviation)
+ original.rotation_mode = "QUATERNION"
+ angular_deviation = angle_difference(
+ original.rotation_quaternion, reflected_data[1]
+ )
+ weighted_deviation = weight(original) * (
+ positional_deviation + angular_deviation
+ )
total_deviation += weighted_deviation
if visualize:
# plot the point and the reflected point with different colors
- ax.scatter(original.location.x, original.location.y, c='b', label='original point')
- ax.scatter(reflected_data[0].x, reflected_data[0].y, c='r', label='reflected point')
+ ax.scatter(
+ original.location.x, original.location.y, c="b", label="original point"
+ )
+ ax.scatter(
+ reflected_data[0].x, reflected_data[0].y, c="r", label="reflected point"
+ )
# Normalize based on scene scale or other criteria
normalized_deviation = total_deviation / normalization_factor(objs)
symmetry_score = 1 / (1 + normalized_deviation)
asymmetry_score = 1 - symmetry_score
- for obj in objs:
- obj.rotation_mode = 'XYZ'
+ for obj in objs:
+ obj.rotation_mode = "XYZ"
if visualize:
- return asymmetry_score
+ return asymmetry_score
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/node_impl/trimesh_geometry.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/node_impl/trimesh_geometry.py
index abdf935c0..bc3e6d793 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/node_impl/trimesh_geometry.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/evaluator/node_impl/trimesh_geometry.py
@@ -1,46 +1,41 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Karhan Kayan: primary author
# - Alexander Raistrick: initial version of collision/distance
# Acknowledgement: Some metrics draw inspiration from https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/1964921.1964981 by Yu et al.
from __future__ import annotations
-from typing import Union, Any
import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass
-from copy import copy
-import numpy as np
-import gin
+from typing import Union
import bpy
-import trimesh
-from trimesh import Trimesh, Scene
-import networkx as nx
-from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString
-from shapely.ops import unary_union, nearest_points
-from shapely import Polygon
-from shapely import MultiPolygon
+import gin
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-# import fcl
-# from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from mathutils import Vector, Quaternion
+import networkx as nx
+import numpy as np
+import trimesh
+from mathutils import Vector
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment
+from shapely import MultiPolygon, Polygon
+from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point
+from shapely.ops import nearest_points, unary_union
+from trimesh import Scene
-import infinigen.core.constraints.constraint_language.util as iu
+import infinigen.core.constraints.constraint_language.util as iu
+import infinigen.core.constraints.evaluator.node_impl.symmetry as symmetry
+from infinigen.core import tagging
+from infinigen.core import tags as t
from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver import state_def
from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.geometry.parse_scene import add_to_scene
+from infinigen.core.util.logging import lazydebug
-from infinigen.core import tags as t, tagging
-import infinigen.core.constraints.evaluator.node_impl.symmetry as symmetry
+# from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+# import fcl
# from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object,tag_system
@@ -49,6 +44,7 @@
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_cardinal_planes_bbox(vertices: np.ndarray):
Get the mid dividing planes. Assumes vertices form a box
@@ -57,7 +53,7 @@ def get_cardinal_planes_bbox(vertices: np.ndarray):
# Calculate the covariance matrix and principal components
centered_vertices = vertices - centroid
- cov_matrix = np.cov(centered_vertices[:,:2].T) # Covariance on XY plane
+ cov_matrix = np.cov(centered_vertices[:, :2].T) # Covariance on XY plane
eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eigh(cov_matrix)
# Sort eigenvectors based on eigenvalues
@@ -74,22 +70,29 @@ def get_cardinal_planes_bbox(vertices: np.ndarray):
longer_plane_normal /= np.linalg.norm(longer_plane_normal)
shorter_plane_normal /= np.linalg.norm(shorter_plane_normal)
- return [[Vector(centroid), Vector(longer_plane_normal)], [Vector(centroid), Vector(shorter_plane_normal)]]
+ return [
+ [Vector(centroid), Vector(longer_plane_normal)],
+ [Vector(centroid), Vector(shorter_plane_normal)],
+ ]
-def get_axis(state: state_def.State, obj: bpy.types.Object, tag = t.Subpart.Front):
+def get_axis(state: state_def.State, obj: bpy.types.Object, tag=t.Subpart.Front):
a_front_planes = state.planes.get_tagged_planes(obj, tag)
if len(a_front_planes) > 1:
- logging.warning(f'{obj.name=} had too many front planes ({len(a_front_planes)})')
+ logging.warning(
+ f"{obj.name=} had too many front planes ({len(a_front_planes)})"
+ )
a_front_plane = a_front_planes[0]
a_front_plane_ind = a_front_plane[1]
a_poly = obj.data.polygons[a_front_plane_ind]
- front_plane_pt = iu.global_vertex_coordinates(obj, obj.data.vertices[a_poly.vertices[0]])
+ front_plane_pt = iu.global_vertex_coordinates(
+ obj, obj.data.vertices[a_poly.vertices[0]]
+ )
front_plane_normal = iu.global_polygon_normal(obj, a_poly)
return front_plane_pt, front_plane_normal
-def preprocess_collision_query_cases(a, b, a_tags, b_tags):
+def preprocess_collision_query_cases(a, b, a_tags, b_tags):
if isinstance(a, list):
a = set(a)
if isinstance(b, list):
@@ -101,10 +104,7 @@ def preprocess_collision_query_cases(a, b, a_tags, b_tags):
b = b.pop()
# eliminate symmetrical cases
- if (
- a is None or
- (isinstance(b, set) and not isinstance(a, set))
- ):
+ if a is None or (isinstance(b, set) and not isinstance(a, set)):
a, b = b, a
a_tags, b_tags = b_tags, a_tags
@@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ def preprocess_collision_query_cases(a, b, a_tags, b_tags):
if isinstance(a, set) and len(a) == 0:
- raise ValueError(f'query recieved empty input {a=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"query recieved empty input {a=}")
if isinstance(a, set) and len(a) == 0:
- raise ValueError(f'query recieved empty input {b=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"query recieved empty input {b=}")
# single-to-single is treated as many-to-single
if isinstance(a, str):
@@ -130,58 +130,62 @@ def preprocess_collision_query_cases(a, b, a_tags, b_tags):
return a, b, a_tags, b_tags
class ContactResult:
hit: bool
names: list[str]
contacts: list
def any_touching(
- scene: Scene,
- a: Union[str, list[str]],
+ scene: Scene,
+ a: Union[str, list[str]],
b: Union[str, list[str]] = None,
- bvh_cache=None
+ bvh_cache=None,
- '''
+ """
Computes one-to-one, many-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-many collisions
In all cases, returns True if any one object from a and b touch
- '''
+ """
a, b, a_tags, b_tags = preprocess_collision_query_cases(a, b, a_tags, b_tags)
col = iu.col_from_subset(scene, a, a_tags, bvh_cache)
if b is None and len(a) == 1:
# query makes no sense, asking for intra-set collision on one element
hit, names, contacts = None, (a, b), []
elif b is None:
- hit, names, contacts = col.in_collision_internal(return_data=True, return_names=True)
+ hit, names, contacts = col.in_collision_internal(
+ return_data=True, return_names=True
+ )
elif isinstance(b, str):
T, g = scene.graph[b]
- hit, names, contacts = col.in_collision_single(scene.geometry[g], transform=T, return_data=True, return_names=True)
+ hit, names, contacts = col.in_collision_single(
+ scene.geometry[g], transform=T, return_data=True, return_names=True
+ )
elif isinstance(b, list):
col2 = iu.col_from_subset(scene, b, b_tags, bvh_cache)
- hit, names, contacts = col.in_collision_other(col2, return_names=True, return_data=True)
+ hit, names, contacts = col.in_collision_other(
+ col2, return_names=True, return_data=True
+ )
- raise ValueError(f'Unhandled case {a=} {b=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unhandled case {a=} {b=}")
names = list(names)
if len(names) == 1:
assert isinstance(b, str)
- logging.debug(f'added name {b} to make {names}')
+ logging.debug(f"added name {b} to make {names}")
if len(names) == 0:
names = [a, b]
- return ContactResult(
- hit=hit,
- names=names,
- contacts=contacts
- )
+ return ContactResult(hit=hit, names=names, contacts=contacts)
class DistanceResult:
@@ -189,31 +193,30 @@ class DistanceResult:
names: list[str]
data: trimesh.collision.DistanceData
def min_dist(
- scene: Scene,
- a: Union[str, list[str]],
+ scene: Scene,
+ a: Union[str, list[str]],
b: Union[str, list[str]] = None,
- a_tags: set = None,
+ a_tags: set = None,
b_tags: set = None,
- bvh_cache: dict = None
+ bvh_cache: dict = None,
- '''
+ """
Computes one-to-one, many-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-many distance
In all cases, returns the minimum distance between any object in a and b
- '''
+ """
# we get fcl error otherwise
if len(a) == 1 and len(b) == 1 and a[0] == b[0]:
return DistanceResult(dist=0, names=[a[0], b[0]], data=None)
a, b, a_tags, b_tags = preprocess_collision_query_cases(a, b, a_tags, b_tags)
col = iu.col_from_subset(scene, a, a_tags, bvh_cache)
if b is None and len(a) == 1:
dist, data = 1e9, None
elif b is None:
+ lazydebug(logger, lambda: f"min_dist_internal({a=}, {b=})")
dist, data = col.min_distance_internal(return_data=True)
elif isinstance(b, str):
T, g = scene.graph[b]
@@ -222,49 +225,49 @@ def min_dist(
obj = iu.blender_objs_from_names(b)[0]
mask = tagging.tagged_face_mask(obj, b_tags)
if not mask.any():
- logger.warning(f'{b=} had {mask.sum()=} for {b_tags=}')
+ lazydebug(logger, lambda: f"{b=} had {mask.sum()=} for {b_tags=}")
geom = geom.submesh(np.where(mask), append=True)
assert len(geom.faces) == mask.sum()
+ lazydebug(logger, lambda: f"min_dist_single({a=}, {b=})")
dist, data = col.min_distance_single(geom, transform=T, return_data=True)
- if '__external' in data.names:
- data.names.remove('__external')
+ if "__external" in data.names:
+ data.names.remove("__external")
- data._points[b] = data._points['__external']
- data._points.pop('__external')
+ data._points[b] = data._points["__external"]
+ data._points.pop("__external")
logging.debug(f"WARNING: swapped __external for {b} to make {data.names}")
elif isinstance(b, (list, set)):
+ logger.debug(f"min_dist_other({a=}, {b=})")
col2 = iu.col_from_subset(scene, b, b_tags, bvh_cache)
dist, data = col.min_distance_other(col2, return_data=True)
- raise ValueError(f'Unhandled case {a=} {b=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unhandled case {a=} {b=}")
if data is not None:
- assert '__external' not in data.names
+ assert "__external" not in data.names
return DistanceResult(
- dist=dist,
- names=list(data.names) if data is not None else None,
- data=data
+ dist=dist, names=list(data.names) if data is not None else None, data=data
-def contains(
- scene: Scene,
- a: str,
- b: str,
- tol = 1e-6
-) -> bool:
+def contains(scene: Scene, a: str, b: str, tol=1e-6) -> bool:
Check if a contains b
mesh_a = scene.geometry[a]
mesh_b = scene.geometry[b]
difference = mesh_a.difference(mesh_b)
return abs(difference.volume - mesh_a.volume) < tol
-def contains_all(scene: trimesh.Scene, a: Union[str, list[str]], b: Union[str, list[str]]) -> bool:
+def contains_all(
+ scene: trimesh.Scene, a: Union[str, list[str]], b: Union[str, list[str]]
+) -> bool:
Check if all objects in list 'a' contain all objects in list 'b' within the given scene.
@@ -276,20 +279,22 @@ def contains_all(scene: trimesh.Scene, a: Union[str, list[str]], b: Union[str, l
- True if all objects in list 'a' contain all objects in list 'b', False otherwise.
if isinstance(a, str):
a = [a]
if isinstance(b, str):
b = [b]
for obj_a in a:
if not all(contains(scene, obj_a, obj_b) for obj_b in b):
return False
return True
-def contains_any(scene: trimesh.Scene, a: Union[str, list[str]], b: Union[str, list[str]]) -> bool:
+def contains_any(
+ scene: trimesh.Scene, a: Union[str, list[str]], b: Union[str, list[str]]
+) -> bool:
Check if any object in list 'a' contains any object in list 'b' within the given scene.
@@ -301,20 +306,25 @@ def contains_any(scene: trimesh.Scene, a: Union[str, list[str]], b: Union[str, l
- True if any object in list 'a' contains any object in list 'b', False otherwise.
if isinstance(a, str):
a = [a]
if isinstance(b, str):
b = [b]
for obj_a in a:
if any(contains(scene, obj_a, obj_b) for obj_b in b):
return True
return False
-def has_line_of_sight(scene: trimesh.Scene, a: Union[str, list[str]], b: Union[str, list[str]], num_samples: int = 100) -> bool:
+def has_line_of_sight(
+ scene: trimesh.Scene,
+ a: Union[str, list[str]],
+ b: Union[str, list[str]],
+ num_samples: int = 100,
+) -> bool:
Check if any object in list 'a' in the scene has a line of sight to any object in list 'b'.
@@ -327,7 +337,7 @@ def has_line_of_sight(scene: trimesh.Scene, a: Union[str, list[str]], b: Union[s
- True if any object in list 'a' has a line of sight to any object in list 'b', False otherwise.
# Ensure 'a' and 'b' are lists
if isinstance(a, str):
a = [a]
@@ -336,38 +346,47 @@ def has_line_of_sight(scene: trimesh.Scene, a: Union[str, list[str]], b: Union[s
a = iu.meshes_from_names(scene, a)
b = iu.meshes_from_names(scene, b)
# Check line of sight for each object in 'a' against any object in 'b'
for obj_a in a:
# Sample points from the surface of object 'a'
points_a = obj_a.sample(num_samples)
- combined_mesh = trimesh.util.concatenate([mesh for name, mesh in scene.geometry.items() if mesh != obj_a])
+ combined_mesh = trimesh.util.concatenate(
+ [mesh for name, mesh in scene.geometry.items() if mesh != obj_a]
+ )
for obj_b in b:
# Sample points from the surface of object 'b'
points_b = obj_b.sample(num_samples)
# Create rays from points on 'a' to points on 'b'
ray_origins = np.tile(points_a, (num_samples, 1))
ray_directions = np.repeat(points_b, num_samples, axis=0) - ray_origins
ray_directions /= np.linalg.norm(ray_directions, axis=1)[:, None]
# Check for intersections with the combined mesh
- locations, index_ray, index_tri = combined_mesh.ray_pyembree.intersects_location(ray_origins, ray_directions, multiple_hits=False)
+ locations, index_ray, index_tri = (
+ combined_mesh.ray_pyembree.intersects_location(
+ ray_origins, ray_directions, multiple_hits=False
+ )
+ )
# Check if point is reached
for i in range(index_ray.shape[0]):
index = index_ray[i]
hit_location = locations[i]
# Check if any intersection is close to the point
if np.linalg.norm(points_b[index // num_samples] - hit_location) < 1e-6:
return True
return False
-def freespace_2d(scene: trimesh.Scene, a: Union[str, list[str]], b: Union[str, list[str]]) -> float:
+def freespace_2d(
+ scene: trimesh.Scene, a: Union[str, list[str]], b: Union[str, list[str]]
+) -> float:
if isinstance(a, str):
a = [a]
if isinstance(b, str):
@@ -379,19 +398,26 @@ def freespace_2d(scene: trimesh.Scene, a: Union[str, list[str]], b: Union[str, l
total_projected_area = sum(iu.project_to_xy_path2d(mesh).area for mesh in b_meshes)
available_area = sum(iu.project_to_xy_path2d(mesh).area for mesh in a_meshes)
percent_available = ((available_area - total_projected_area) / available_area) * 100
return percent_available
-def rasterize_space_with_obstacles(scene, a: Union[str, list[str]], b: Union[str, list[str]], start_location, end_location, cell_size=1.0, visualize=False):
+def rasterize_space_with_obstacles(
+ scene,
+ a: Union[str, list[str]],
+ b: Union[str, list[str]],
+ start_location,
+ end_location,
+ cell_size=1.0,
+ visualize=False,
- Rasterize the union of multiple space polygons while considering obstacle polygons,
+ Rasterize the union of multiple space polygons while considering obstacle polygons,
then find and visualize the shortest path from start to end.
- space_polygons: list of shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon objects representing the main spaces
- obstacle_polygons: list of shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon objects representing obstacles
@@ -399,20 +425,20 @@ def rasterize_space_with_obstacles(scene, a: Union[str, list[str]], b: Union[str
- end_location: tuple (x, y) representing the end location
- cell_size: size of each cell in the grid
- visualize: boolean, if True, visualize the union of spaces, obstacles, and the shortest path
- graph: A networkx.Graph object representing the rasterized union of spaces minus the obstacles
- path: list of nodes representing the shortest path from start to end
def is_close_to_any_node(neighbor, graph, threshold=1e-6):
for node in graph.nodes():
distance = np.linalg.norm(np.array(neighbor) - np.array(node))
if distance < threshold:
return node
return None
- if isinstance(a, str):
+ if isinstance(a, str):
a = [a]
if isinstance(b, str):
b = [b]
@@ -425,16 +451,16 @@ def is_close_to_any_node(neighbor, graph, threshold=1e-6):
# Get the union of all space polygons
union_space = unary_union(space_polygons)
# Get bounding box of the union space
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = union_space.bounds
# Create a grid over the bounding box
x_coords = np.arange(minx, maxx, cell_size)
y_coords = np.arange(miny, maxy, cell_size)
graph = nx.Graph()
# For visualization
if visualize:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
@@ -442,35 +468,39 @@ def is_close_to_any_node(neighbor, graph, threshold=1e-6):
if isinstance(space, Polygon):
x, y = space.exterior.xy
ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.5) # Fill the space
- ax.plot(x, y, color='black') # Plot the space boundary
+ ax.plot(x, y, color="black") # Plot the space boundary
elif isinstance(space, MultiPolygon):
for sub_space in space.geoms:
x, y = sub_space.exterior.xy
ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.5)
- ax.plot(x, y, color='black')
+ ax.plot(x, y, color="black")
for obstacle in obstacle_polygons:
if isinstance(obstacle, Polygon):
x, y = obstacle.exterior.xy
- ax.fill(x, y, color='grey') # Fill the obstacles
- ax.plot(x, y, color='black') # Plot the obstacle boundary
+ ax.fill(x, y, color="grey") # Fill the obstacles
+ ax.plot(x, y, color="black") # Plot the obstacle boundary
elif isinstance(obstacle, MultiPolygon):
for sub_obstacle in obstacle.geoms:
x, y = sub_obstacle.exterior.xy
- ax.fill(x, y, color='grey')
- ax.plot(x, y, color='black')
+ ax.fill(x, y, color="grey")
+ ax.plot(x, y, color="black")
# For each cell in the grid, check if its center is inside the union space and outside all obstacle polygons
for x in x_coords:
for y in y_coords:
cell_center = Point(x + cell_size / 2, y + cell_size / 2)
- if cell_center.within(union_space) and all(not cell_center.within(obstacle) for obstacle in obstacle_polygons):
+ if cell_center.within(union_space) and all(
+ not cell_center.within(obstacle) for obstacle in obstacle_polygons
+ ):
graph.add_node((x + cell_size / 2, y + cell_size / 2))
# For visualization
if visualize:
- ax.plot(cell_center.x, cell_center.y, 'bo', markersize=3) # Plot the point inside the union space and outside obstacles
+ ax.plot(
+ cell_center.x, cell_center.y, "bo", markersize=3
+ ) # Plot the point inside the union space and outside obstacles
# Connect each node to its neighboring nodes
for node in graph.nodes():
x, y = node
@@ -478,35 +508,52 @@ def is_close_to_any_node(neighbor, graph, threshold=1e-6):
(x + cell_size, y),
(x - cell_size, y),
(x, y + cell_size),
- (x, y - cell_size)
+ (x, y - cell_size),
for neighbor in neighbors:
closest_node = is_close_to_any_node(neighbor, graph)
if closest_node is not None:
graph.add_edge(node, closest_node)
# Find the closest nodes to the start and end locations
- start_node = min(graph.nodes(), key=lambda node: np.linalg.norm(np.array(node) - np.array(start_location)))
- end_node = min(graph.nodes(), key=lambda node: np.linalg.norm(np.array(node) - np.array(end_location)))
+ start_node = min(
+ graph.nodes(),
+ key=lambda node: np.linalg.norm(np.array(node) - np.array(start_location)),
+ )
+ end_node = min(
+ graph.nodes(),
+ key=lambda node: np.linalg.norm(np.array(node) - np.array(end_location)),
+ )
# Calculate the shortest path using Dijkstra's algorithm
- path = nx.shortest_path(graph, source=start_node, target=end_node, weight='weight')
+ path = nx.shortest_path(graph, source=start_node, target=end_node, weight="weight")
# Visualize the path
if visualize:
path_x = [x for x, y in path]
path_y = [y for x, y in path]
- ax.plot(path_x, path_y, c='red', linewidth=2, label='Shortest Path')
- ax.scatter([start_node[0], end_node[0]], [start_node[1], end_node[1]], c='green', s=100, label='Start & End')
+ ax.plot(path_x, path_y, c="red", linewidth=2, label="Shortest Path")
+ ax.scatter(
+ [start_node[0], end_node[0]],
+ [start_node[1], end_node[1]],
+ c="green",
+ s=100,
+ label="Start & End",
+ )
- plt.title('Shortest Path from Start to End')
+ plt.title("Shortest Path from Start to End")
return graph, path
-def angle_alignment_cost_tagged(state: state_def.State, a: Union[str, list[str]], b: Union[str, list[str]], b_tags=None, visualize=False):
+def angle_alignment_cost_tagged(
+ state: state_def.State,
+ a: Union[str, list[str]],
+ b: Union[str, list[str]],
+ b_tags=None,
+ visualize=False,
Return the dot product between the axes of a and the normal of the closest edge of b
@@ -531,7 +578,13 @@ def angle_alignment_cost_tagged(state: state_def.State, a: Union[str, list[str]]
return res
-def angle_alignment_cost_base(state: state_def.State, a: Union[str, list[str]], b: Union[str, list[str]], visualize=False):
+def angle_alignment_cost_base(
+ state: state_def.State,
+ a: Union[str, list[str]],
+ b: Union[str, list[str]],
+ visualize=False,
Return the dot product between the axes of a and the normal of the closest edge of b
@@ -570,7 +623,7 @@ def angle_alignment_cost_base(state: state_def.State, a: Union[str, list[str]],
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for edge, _ in b_edges:
x, y = edge.xy
- ax.plot(x, y, color='red', linewidth=1, label='B Edges')
+ ax.plot(x, y, color="red", linewidth=1, label="B Edges")
score = 0
@@ -615,50 +668,87 @@ def angle_alignment_cost_base(state: state_def.State, a: Union[str, list[str]],
if a_poly is not None:
if isinstance(a_poly, Polygon):
x, y = a_poly.exterior.xy
- ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.5, fc='blue', ec='black', label='Polygon a')
+ ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.5, fc="blue", ec="black", label="Polygon a")
elif isinstance(a_poly, MultiPolygon):
for sub_poly in a_poly.geoms:
x, y = sub_poly.exterior.xy
- ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.5, fc='blue', ec='black', label='Polygon a')
+ ax.fill(
+ x, y, alpha=0.5, fc="blue", ec="black", label="Polygon a"
+ )
x, y = a_mesh.vertices[:, 0], a_mesh.vertices[:, 1]
- ax.scatter(x, y, color='blue', label='Vertices a')
- ax.arrow(a_centroid.x, a_centroid.y, axis[0], axis[1], head_width=0.15, head_length=0.25, fc='green', ec='green', label='Axis of a')
+ ax.scatter(x, y, color="blue", label="Vertices a")
+ ax.arrow(
+ a_centroid.x,
+ a_centroid.y,
+ axis[0],
+ axis[1],
+ head_width=0.15,
+ head_length=0.25,
+ fc="green",
+ ec="green",
+ label="Axis of a",
+ )
x, y = closest_line.xy
- ax.plot(x, y, color="green", linewidth=2.5, label='Closest Edge')
- ax.plot(a_centroid.x, a_centroid.y, 'o', color='black', label='Centroid of a')
+ ax.plot(x, y, color="green", linewidth=2.5, label="Closest Edge")
+ ax.plot(
+ a_centroid.x, a_centroid.y, "o", color="black", label="Centroid of a"
+ )
mid_point = closest_line.interpolate(0.5, normalized=True)
- ax.arrow(mid_point.x, mid_point.y, normal_vector_1[0], normal_vector_1[1], head_width=0.15, head_length=0.25, fc='yellow', ec='yellow', label='Normal Vector 1')
- ax.arrow(mid_point.x, mid_point.y, normal_vector_2[0], normal_vector_2[1], head_width=0.15, head_length=0.25, fc='orange', ec='orange', label='Normal Vector 2')
+ ax.arrow(
+ mid_point.x,
+ mid_point.y,
+ normal_vector_1[0],
+ normal_vector_1[1],
+ head_width=0.15,
+ head_length=0.25,
+ fc="yellow",
+ ec="yellow",
+ label="Normal Vector 1",
+ )
+ ax.arrow(
+ mid_point.x,
+ mid_point.y,
+ normal_vector_2[0],
+ normal_vector_2[1],
+ head_width=0.15,
+ head_length=0.25,
+ fc="orange",
+ ec="orange",
+ label="Normal Vector 2",
+ )
if visualize:
- ax.set_title('Polygons, Closest Edge and Normal')
- ax.set_aspect('equal')
+ ax.set_title("Polygons, Closest Edge and Normal")
+ ax.set_aspect("equal")
return score
def angle_alignment_cost(
- state: state_def.State,
- a: Union[str, list[str]],
- b: Union[str, list[str]],
- b_tags=None,
- visualize=False
+ state: state_def.State,
+ a: Union[str, list[str]],
+ b: Union[str, list[str]],
+ b_tags=None,
+ visualize=False,
if b_tags is not None:
return angle_alignment_cost_tagged(state, a, b, b_tags, visualize)
return angle_alignment_cost_base(state, a, b, visualize)
-def focus_score(state: state_def.State, a: Union[str, list[str]], b: str, visualize = False):
+def focus_score(
+ state: state_def.State, a: Union[str, list[str]], b: str, visualize=False
The how much objects in a focus on b
scene = state.trimesh_scene
if isinstance(a, str):
a = [a]
a_meshes = iu.meshes_from_names(scene, a)
a_blender_objs = iu.blender_objs_from_names(a)
@@ -672,11 +762,11 @@ def focus_score(state: state_def.State, a: Union[str, list[str]], b: str, visual
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
if isinstance(b_poly, Polygon):
x, y = b_poly.exterior.xy
- ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.5, fc='red', ec='black', label='Polygon b')
+ ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.5, fc="red", ec="black", label="Polygon b")
elif isinstance(b_poly, MultiPolygon):
for sub_poly in b_poly.geoms:
x, y = sub_poly.exterior.xy
- ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.5, fc='red', ec='black', label='Polygon b')
+ ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.5, fc="red", ec="black", label="Polygon b")
score = 0
for a_poly, a_mesh, a_obj in zip(a_polys, a_meshes, a_blender_objs):
@@ -687,7 +777,7 @@ def focus_score(state: state_def.State, a: Union[str, list[str]], b: str, visual
# turn centroids to np array
a_centroid = np.array([a_centroid.x, a_centroid.y])
b_centroid = np.array([b_centroid.x, b_centroid.y])
focus_vec = b_centroid - a_centroid
focus_vec /= np.linalg.norm(focus_vec)
@@ -695,38 +785,62 @@ def focus_score(state: state_def.State, a: Union[str, list[str]], b: str, visual
# Plotting the polygons
if isinstance(a_poly, Polygon):
x, y = a_poly.exterior.xy
- ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.5, fc='blue', ec='black', label='Polygon a')
+ ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.5, fc="blue", ec="black", label="Polygon a")
elif isinstance(a_poly, MultiPolygon):
for sub_poly in a_poly.geoms:
x, y = sub_poly.exterior.xy
- ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.5, fc='blue', ec='black', label='Polygon a')
+ ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.5, fc="blue", ec="black", label="Polygon a")
# plot axis
- ax.arrow(a_centroid[0], a_centroid[1], axis[0], axis[1], head_width=0.15, head_length=0.25, fc='green', ec='green', label='Axis of a')
+ ax.arrow(
+ a_centroid[0],
+ a_centroid[1],
+ axis[0],
+ axis[1],
+ head_width=0.15,
+ head_length=0.25,
+ fc="green",
+ ec="green",
+ label="Axis of a",
+ )
# Highlight centroid of a
- ax.plot(a_centroid[0], a_centroid[1], 'o', color='black', label='Centroid of a')
+ ax.plot(
+ a_centroid[0], a_centroid[1], "o", color="black", label="Centroid of a"
+ )
# Plot the outward normal vector
- ax.arrow(a_centroid[0], a_centroid[1], focus_vec[0], focus_vec[1], head_width=0.15, head_length=0.25, fc='yellow', ec='yellow', label='Focus vector')
- score += -np.dot(axis, focus_vec)/2 + 0.5
+ ax.arrow(
+ a_centroid[0],
+ a_centroid[1],
+ focus_vec[0],
+ focus_vec[1],
+ head_width=0.15,
+ head_length=0.25,
+ fc="yellow",
+ ec="yellow",
+ label="Focus vector",
+ )
+ score += -np.dot(axis, focus_vec) / 2 + 0.5
if visualize:
# Set axis properties
- ax.set_title('Polygons, Focus Vector')
- ax.set_aspect('equal')
+ ax.set_title("Polygons, Focus Vector")
+ ax.set_aspect("equal")
# ax.legend(loc="upper left")
- return score #/ len(a)
+ return score # / len(a)
def edge(scene, surface_name: str):
surface = iu.meshes_from_names(scene, surface_name)[0]
outline_3d = surface.outline()
return outline_3d
def min_dist_2d(scene, a: Union[str, list[str]], b, visualize=False):
projects onto b and finds the min distance between a and b
@@ -743,7 +857,10 @@ def min_dist_2d(scene, a: Union[str, list[str]], b, visualize=False):
a_meshes = iu.meshes_from_names(scene, a)
- a_projections = [trimesh.path.polygons.projected(mesh, plane_normal, plane_origin) for mesh in a_meshes]
+ a_projections = [
+ trimesh.path.polygons.projected(mesh, plane_normal, plane_origin)
+ for mesh in a_meshes
+ ]
# Measure the distance
for a_proj in a_projections:
source_geom = a_proj
@@ -752,17 +869,18 @@ def min_dist_2d(scene, a: Union[str, list[str]], b, visualize=False):
if dist < min_dist:
if visualize:
pt_a, pt_b = nearest_points(source_geom, target_geom)
- ax.plot([pt_a.x, pt_b.x], [pt_a.y, pt_b.y], color='red')
- #plot source and target geoms
- iu.plot_geometry(ax, source_geom, 'blue')
- iu.plot_geometry(ax, target_geom, 'green')
+ ax.plot([pt_a.x, pt_b.x], [pt_a.y, pt_b.y], color="red")
+ # plot source and target geoms
+ iu.plot_geometry(ax, source_geom, "blue")
+ iu.plot_geometry(ax, target_geom, "green")
min_dist = dist
if visualize:
return min_dist
-def min_dist_boundary(scene: Scene, a: Union[str, list[str]], boundary):
+def min_dist_boundary(scene: Scene, a: Union[str, list[str]], boundary):
if isinstance(a, str):
a = [a]
if isinstance(boundary, trimesh.path.path.Path3D):
@@ -770,95 +888,93 @@ def min_dist_boundary(scene: Scene, a: Union[str, list[str]], boundary):
elif isinstance(boundary, trimesh.path.path.Path2D):
- raise TypeError(f'Unhandled type {boundary=}')
+ raise TypeError(f"Unhandled type {boundary=}")
class ConstraintViolated(Exception):
FATAL = True
def constraint_violated(message):
raise ConstraintViolated(message)
- print(f'{ConstraintViolated.__name__}: {message}')
+ print(f"{ConstraintViolated.__name__}: {message}")
def constrain_contact(
- res: ContactResult,
- should_touch=True,
- max_depth=1e-2,
- #normal_dir=None,
- #normal_dot_min=None,
- #normal_dot_max=None
+ res: ContactResult,
+ should_touch=True,
+ max_depth=1e-2,
+ # normal_dir=None,
+ # normal_dot_min=None,
+ # normal_dot_max=None
if res.hit is None:
- return False # arises from an internal-contact query on a set of one element
+ return False # arises from an internal-contact query on a set of one element
if should_touch is not None and should_touch != res.hit:
if should_touch:
- return False #constraint_violated(f'At least one of {res.names} must touch eachother')
+ return False # constraint_violated(f'At least one of {res.names} must touch eachother')
- return False #constraint_violated(f'{res.names} must not touch')
+ return False # constraint_violated(f'{res.names} must not touch')
if res.hit and max_depth is not None:
observed_depth = max(c.depth for c in res.contacts)
if observed_depth > max_depth:
- return False #constraint_violated(f'Contact between {res.names} penetrates by depth {observed_depth} > {max_depth}')
+ return False # constraint_violated(f'Contact between {res.names} penetrates by depth {observed_depth} > {max_depth}')
return True
-def constrain_dist(res: dict, min=None, max=None):
- if res.data is None: # results from internal distance check on 1 object
+def constrain_dist(res: dict, min=None, max=None):
+ if res.data is None: # results from internal distance check on 1 object
print("res data error")
- if not (
- min is None or
- min < res.dist
- ):
+ if not (min is None or min < res.dist):
return False
- if not (
- max is None or
- max > res.dist
- ):
+ if not (max is None or max > res.dist):
return False
return True
def constrain_dist_soft(res: dict, min=None, max=None):
- if res.data is None: # results from internal distance check on 1 object
- print("res data error")
- return
- if res.dist < min:
- return min - res.dist
- if res.dist > max:
- return res.dist - max
- return 0
+ if res.data is None: # results from internal distance check on 1 object
+ print("res data error")
+ return
-def touching_soft(scene, a, b):
+ if res.dist < min:
+ return min - res.dist
- res = any_touching(scene, a, b)
+ if res.dist > max:
+ return res.dist - max
+ return 0
+def touching_soft(scene, a, b):
+ res = any_touching(scene, a, b)
if res.hit is None:
print("res hit error")
- return np.inf # arises from an internal-contact query on a set of one element
+ return np.inf # arises from an internal-contact query on a set of one element
if res.hit:
observed_depth = max(c.depth for c in res.contacts)
return observed_depth
- else:
+ else:
res = min_dist(scene, a, b)
if res.data is None:
return np.inf
return res.dist
def dist_soft_score(res: dict, min, max):
- if res.data is None: # results from internal distance check on 1 object
+ if res.data is None: # results from internal distance check on 1 object
return 0
if res.dist > max:
@@ -867,19 +983,20 @@ def dist_soft_score(res: dict, min, max):
return min - res.dist
return 0
-_accessibility_vis_seen_objs = set() # used to make vis=True below less spammy
+_accessibility_vis_seen_objs = set() # used to make vis=True below less spammy
def accessibility_cost_cuboid_penetration(
- scene: trimesh.Scene,
+ scene: trimesh.Scene,
a: Union[str, list[str]],
b: Union[str, list[str]],
normal_dir: np.ndarray,
dist: float,
bvh_cache: dict = None,
- vis=False
+ vis=False,
Extrude the bbox of a by dist in the direction of normal_dir, and check for collisions with b
Return the maximum distance that any part of b penetrates this extrusion
@@ -897,16 +1014,17 @@ def accessibility_cost_cuboid_penetration(
# find which of +X, -X +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z is the normal_dir. Only these values are supported
if (
- not np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(normal_dir), 1) or
- np.isclose(normal_dir, 0).sum() != 2
+ not np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(normal_dir), 1)
+ or np.isclose(normal_dir, 0).sum() != 2
- raise ValueError(f'Invalid normal_dir {normal_dir=}, expected +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Invalid normal_dir {normal_dir=}, expected +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z"
+ )
normal_axis = np.argmax(np.abs(normal_dir))
normal_sign = np.sign(normal_dir[normal_axis])
visobjs = []
for name in a:
T, g = scene.graph[name]
geom = scene.geometry[g]
@@ -921,15 +1039,19 @@ def accessibility_cost_cuboid_penetration(
origin_to_bbox_center = bbox.mean(axis=0)
extent_from_real_origin = bbox[0 if normal_sign < 0 else -1][normal_axis]
- offset_vec = normal_dir * (dist/2 + extent_from_real_origin - origin_to_bbox_center[normal_axis])
+ offset_vec = normal_dir * (
+ dist / 2 + extent_from_real_origin - origin_to_bbox_center[normal_axis]
+ )
total_offset_vec = origin_to_bbox_center + offset_vec
- freespace_box_transform = np.array(bpy_obj.matrix_world) @ trimesh.transformations.translation_matrix(total_offset_vec)
+ freespace_box_transform = np.array(
+ bpy_obj.matrix_world
+ ) @ trimesh.transformations.translation_matrix(total_offset_vec)
a_free_col.add_object(name, freespace_box, freespace_box_transform)
b_col = iu.col_from_subset(scene, b, bvh_cache=bvh_cache)
@@ -937,7 +1059,9 @@ def accessibility_cost_cuboid_penetration(
if vis:
bobjs = iu.meshes_from_names(scene, b)
- print(f"{np.round(origin_to_bbox_center, 3)=} {extent_from_real_origin} {bpy_obj.dimensions}")
+ print(
+ f"{np.round(origin_to_bbox_center, 3)=} {extent_from_real_origin} {bpy_obj.dimensions}"
+ )
if not all(name in _accessibility_vis_seen_objs for name in a + b):
trimesh.Scene(visobjs + bobjs).show()
_accessibility_vis_seen_objs.update(a + b)
@@ -947,13 +1071,14 @@ def accessibility_cost_cuboid_penetration(
return 0
-def accessibility_cost(scene, a, b, normal, visualize=False, fast = True):
+def accessibility_cost(scene, a, b, normal, visualize=False, fast=True):
Computes how much objs b block front access to a. b obj blockages are not summed.
the closest b obj to a is taken as the representative blockage
if isinstance(a, str):
a = [a]
if isinstance(b, str):
@@ -969,20 +1094,22 @@ def accessibility_cost(scene, a, b, normal, visualize=False, fast = True):
b_trimeshes = iu.meshes_from_names(scene, b)
a_objs = iu.blender_objs_from_names(a)
- b_objs = iu.blender_objs_from_names(b)
+ iu.blender_objs_from_names(b)
score = 0
for a_name, a_obj, a_trimesh in zip(a, a_objs, a_trimeshes):
a_centroid = a_trimesh.centroid
front_plane_pt = a_centroid
front_plane_normal = np.array(a_obj.matrix_world.to_3x3() @ Vector(normal))
- a_centroid_proj = a_centroid - np.dot(a_centroid - front_plane_pt, front_plane_normal) * front_plane_normal
+ a_centroid_proj = (
+ a_centroid
+ - np.dot(a_centroid - front_plane_pt, front_plane_normal)
+ * front_plane_normal
+ )
- if fast:
+ if fast:
# get the closest centroid in b and the mesh that it belongs to
b_centroids = [b_trimesh.centroid for b_trimesh in b_trimeshes]
distances = [np.linalg.norm(pt - a_centroid_proj) for pt in b_centroids]
@@ -994,7 +1121,7 @@ def accessibility_cost(scene, a, b, normal, visualize=False, fast = True):
res = min_dist(scene, a_name, b)
b_chosen = res.names[1] if res.names[0] == a_name else res.names[0]
b_closest_pt = res.data.point(b_chosen)
centroid_to_b = b_closest_pt - a_centroid_proj
dist = np.linalg.norm(centroid_to_b)
@@ -1003,17 +1130,27 @@ def accessibility_cost(scene, a, b, normal, visualize=False, fast = True):
if np.dot(centroid_to_b, front_plane_normal) < 0:
# cos theta/dist
- score += (np.dot(centroid_to_b, front_plane_normal) / dist**2) * diag_length
+ score += (np.dot(centroid_to_b, front_plane_normal) / dist**2) * diag_length
if visualize:
- ax.plot([a_centroid_proj[0], b_closest_pt[0]], [a_centroid_proj[1], b_closest_pt[1]], color='red')
- #plot source and target geoms
- iu.plot_geometry(ax, a_trimesh, 'blue')
- iu.plot_geometry(ax, iu.meshes_from_names(scene, b_chosen)[0], 'green')
+ ax.plot(
+ [a_centroid_proj[0], b_closest_pt[0]],
+ [a_centroid_proj[1], b_closest_pt[1]],
+ color="red",
+ )
+ # plot source and target geoms
+ iu.plot_geometry(ax, a_trimesh, "blue")
+ iu.plot_geometry(ax, iu.meshes_from_names(scene, b_chosen)[0], "green")
# plot front plane
# plot_geometry(ax, planes.extract_tagged_plane(a_obj, a_tag, a_front_plane), 'black')
# plot centroid
- ax.plot(a_centroid_proj[0], a_centroid_proj[1], 'o', color='black', label='Centroid of a')
+ ax.plot(
+ a_centroid_proj[0],
+ a_centroid_proj[1],
+ "o",
+ color="black",
+ label="Centroid of a",
+ )
if visualize:
return score
@@ -1027,33 +1164,38 @@ def center_stable_surface(scene, a, state):
a = [a]
score = 0
- a_trimeshes = iu.meshes_from_names(
- scene,
- [state.objs[ai].obj.name for ai in a]
- )
+ a_trimeshes = iu.meshes_from_names(scene, [state.objs[ai].obj.name for ai in a])
- for name, mesh in zip(a, a_trimeshes):
+ for name, mesh in zip(a, a_trimeshes):
obj_state = state.objs[name]
obj = obj_state.obj
for i, relation_state in enumerate(obj_state.relations):
relation = relation_state.relation
parent_obj = state.objs[relation_state.target_name].obj
- obj_tags = relation.child_tags
+ obj_tags = relation.child_tags
parent_tags = relation.parent_tags
parent_all_planes = state.planes.get_tagged_planes(parent_obj, parent_tags)
obj_all_planes = state.planes.get_tagged_planes(obj, obj_tags)
parent_plane = parent_all_planes[relation_state.parent_plane_idx]
- obj_plane = obj_all_planes[relation_state.child_plane_idx]
+ obj_all_planes[relation_state.child_plane_idx]
if relation_state.parent_plane_idx >= len(parent_all_planes):
- logging.warning(f'{parent_obj.name=} had too few planes ({len(parent_all_planes)}) for {relation_state}')
+ logging.warning(
+ f"{parent_obj.name=} had too few planes ({len(parent_all_planes)}) for {relation_state}"
+ )
return False
if relation_state.child_plane_idx >= len(obj_all_planes):
- logging.warning(f'{obj.name=} had too few planes ({len(obj_all_planes)}) for {relation_state}')
+ logging.warning(
+ f"{obj.name=} had too few planes ({len(obj_all_planes)}) for {relation_state}"
+ )
return False
- splitted_parent = state.planes.extract_tagged_plane(parent_obj, parent_tags, parent_plane)
- parent_trimesh = add_to_scene(state.trimesh_scene, splitted_parent, preprocess=True)
+ splitted_parent = state.planes.extract_tagged_plane(
+ parent_obj, parent_tags, parent_plane
+ )
+ parent_trimesh = add_to_scene(
+ state.trimesh_scene, splitted_parent, preprocess=True
+ )
# splitted_obj = planes.extract_tagged_plane(obj, obj_tags, obj_plane)
# add_to_scene(state.trimesh_scene, splitted_obj, preprocess=True)
obj_centroid = mesh.centroid
@@ -1065,7 +1207,9 @@ def center_stable_surface(scene, a, state):
return score
-def reflectional_asymmetry_score(scene, a: Union[str, list[str]], b: str, use_long_plane=True):
+def reflectional_asymmetry_score(
+ scene, a: Union[str, list[str]], b: str, use_long_plane=True
Computes the reflectional asymmetry score between a and b
@@ -1074,11 +1218,11 @@ def reflectional_asymmetry_score(scene, a: Union[str, list[str]], b: str, use_lo
if b is None or len(b) == 0:
return 0
- a_trimeshes = iu.meshes_from_names(scene, a)
+ iu.meshes_from_names(scene, a)
b_trimesh = iu.meshes_from_names(scene, b)[0]
a_objs = iu.blender_objs_from_names(a)
- b_obj = iu.blender_objs_from_names(b)[0]
+ iu.blender_objs_from_names(b)[0]
bbox = b_trimesh.bounding_box_oriented
vertices = bbox.vertices
@@ -1089,8 +1233,6 @@ def reflectional_asymmetry_score(scene, a: Union[str, list[str]], b: str, use_lo
plane_pt, plane_normal = mid_planes[1]
return symmetry.calculate_reflectional_asymmetry(a_objs, plane_pt, plane_normal)
@@ -1101,8 +1243,8 @@ def coplanarity_cost_pair(scene, a: str, b: str):
a_trimesh = iu.meshes_from_names(scene, a)[0]
b_trimesh = iu.meshes_from_names(scene, b)[0]
- a_obj = iu.blender_objs_from_names(a)[0]
- b_obj = iu.blender_objs_from_names(b)[0]
+ iu.blender_objs_from_names(a)[0]
+ iu.blender_objs_from_names(b)[0]
a_trimesh_bbox = a_trimesh.bounding_box_oriented
b_trimesh_bbox = b_trimesh.bounding_box_oriented
@@ -1120,12 +1262,16 @@ def is_normal_new(normal, normals_list):
for i in range(len(a_trimesh_bbox.faces)):
normal = a_trimesh_bbox.face_normals[i]
if is_normal_new(normal, [n for _, n in object1_planes]):
- object1_planes.append((a_trimesh_bbox.vertices[a_trimesh_bbox.faces[i]][0], normal))
+ object1_planes.append(
+ (a_trimesh_bbox.vertices[a_trimesh_bbox.faces[i]][0], normal)
+ )
for i in range(len(b_trimesh_bbox.faces)):
normal = b_trimesh_bbox.face_normals[i]
if is_normal_new(normal, [n for _, n in object2_planes]):
- object2_planes.append((b_trimesh_bbox.vertices[b_trimesh_bbox.faces[i]][0], normal))
+ object2_planes.append(
+ (b_trimesh_bbox.vertices[b_trimesh_bbox.faces[i]][0], normal)
+ )
# Calculate angle cost matrix for bipartite matching
angle_cost_matrix = np.zeros((len(object1_planes), len(object2_planes)))
@@ -1140,13 +1286,18 @@ def is_normal_new(normal, normals_list):
# Calculate total costs (angle + distance) for the optimal matching
total_costs = []
for r, c in zip(row_ind, col_ind):
- distance_cost = iu.distance_to_plane(object1_planes[r][0], object2_planes[c][0], object2_planes[c][1])
- total_cost = angle_cost_matrix[r, c] + distance_cost # Sum angle and distance costs
+ distance_cost = iu.distance_to_plane(
+ object1_planes[r][0], object2_planes[c][0], object2_planes[c][1]
+ )
+ total_cost = (
+ angle_cost_matrix[r, c] + distance_cost
+ ) # Sum angle and distance costs
total_costs = sorted(total_costs)
return sum(total_costs[:-2])
def coplanarity_cost(scene, a: Union[str, list[str]]):
Computes the coplanarity cost between a and b
@@ -1154,19 +1305,23 @@ def coplanarity_cost(scene, a: Union[str, list[str]]):
if isinstance(a, str):
a = [a]
- a_trimeshes = iu.meshes_from_names(scene, a)
+ iu.meshes_from_names(scene, a)
a_objs = iu.blender_objs_from_names(a)
# Order objects by principal axis
ordered_objects = iu.order_objects_by_principal_axis(a_objs)
all_total_costs = [] # To store the sum of angle and distance costs for each optimal matching
# Iterate over pairs of consecutive objects
for i in range(len(ordered_objects) - 1):
- all_total_costs.append(coplanarity_cost_pair(scene, ordered_objects[i].name, ordered_objects[i + 1].name))
+ all_total_costs.append(
+ coplanarity_cost_pair(
+ scene, ordered_objects[i].name, ordered_objects[i + 1].name
+ )
+ )
# Calculate the final cost as the sum of the remaining costs
final_cost = sum(all_total_costs) / len(a_objs)
- return final_cost
\ No newline at end of file
+ return final_cost
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/__init__.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/__init__.py
index 7a3d280f8..7be9b05bc 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/__init__.py
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
from . import room
+from .solve import Solver
from .state_def import State
-from .solve import Solver
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/annealing.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/annealing.py
index 2db976694..f93b254e1 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/annealing.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/annealing.py
@@ -4,39 +4,34 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick, Karhan Kayan
-from collections import defaultdict
import logging
import os
import time
-import copy
import typing
from pprint import pprint
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import bpy
+import gin
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
-import tqdm
import pandas as pd
-import gin
-from infinigen.core.constraints import (
- constraint_language as cl,
- reasoning as r,
- evaluator
-from .moves import Move
-from .state_def import State
+from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
+from infinigen.core.constraints import evaluator
+from infinigen.core.constraints import reasoning as r
+from infinigen.core.constraints.constraint_language import util as impl_util
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.constraints.constraint_language import util as impl_util
+from .moves import Move
+from .state_def import State
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-BPY_GARBAGE_COLLECT_FREQUENCY = 20 # every X optim steps
+BPY_GARBAGE_COLLECT_FREQUENCY = 20 # every X optim steps
class SimulatedAnnealingSolver:
def __init__(
@@ -47,21 +42,20 @@ def __init__(
- print_breakdown_freq=0
+ print_breakdown_freq=0,
) -> None:
self.initial_temp = initial_temp
self.final_temp = final_temp
self.max_invalid_candidates = max_invalid_candidates
self.finetune_pct = finetune_pct
- self.print_report_freq = print_report_freq
+ self.print_report_freq = print_report_freq
self.print_breakdown_freq = print_breakdown_freq
self.checkpoint_best = checkpoint_best
if checkpoint_best:
- raise NotImplementedError(f'{checkpoint_best=}')
+ raise NotImplementedError(f"{checkpoint_best=}")
self.output_folder = output_folder
self.visualize = visualize
@@ -71,85 +65,87 @@ def __init__(
self.eval_memo = {}
def save_stats(self, path):
if len(self.stats) == 0:
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(self.stats)
- logger.info(f'Saving stats {path}')
+ logger.info(f"Saving stats {path}")
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
- ax1.set_xlabel('Iteration')
- ax1.set_ylabel('Score', color='C0')
- ax1.plot(df['curr_iteration'], df['loss'], color='C0')
- #ax2 = ax1.twinx()
- #ax2.set_ylabel('Move Time', color='C1')
- #ax2.plot(df['curr_iteration'], df['move_dur'], color='C1')
- figpath = path.parent/(path.stem+'.png')
- logger.info(f'Saving plot {figpath}')
+ ax1.set_xlabel("Iteration")
+ ax1.set_ylabel("Score", color="C0")
+ ax1.plot(df["curr_iteration"], df["loss"], color="C0")
+ # ax2 = ax1.twinx()
+ # ax2.set_ylabel('Move Time', color='C1')
+ # ax2.plot(df['curr_iteration'], df['move_dur'], color='C1')
+ figpath = path.parent / (path.stem + ".png")
+ logger.info(f"Saving plot {figpath}")
logger.info(f"Total elapsed {path.stem} {self.stats[-1]['elapsed']:.2f}")
def reset(self, max_iters):
self.curr_iteration = 0
self.stats = []
self.curr_result = None
self.best_loss = None
- self.eval_memo = {}
+ self.eval_memo = {}
self.optim_start_time = time.perf_counter()
self.max_iterations = max_iters
if max_iters == 0:
self.cooling_rate = 0
- steps = (max_iters * (1 - self.finetune_pct))
+ steps = max_iters * (1 - self.finetune_pct)
ratio = self.final_temp / self.initial_temp
- self.cooling_rate = np.power(ratio, 1/steps)
+ self.cooling_rate = np.power(ratio, 1 / steps)
- logger.debug(f'Reset solver with {max_iters=} cooling_rate={self.cooling_rate:.4f}')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"Reset solver with {max_iters=} cooling_rate={self.cooling_rate:.4f}"
+ )
def checkpoint(self, state):
- filename = os.path.join(self.output_folder, f"checkpoint_state.pkl")
+ filename = os.path.join(self.output_folder, "checkpoint_state.pkl")
if self.visualize:
- #save score plot
+ # save score plot
- plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_folder, f"scores.png"))
+ plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_folder, "scores.png"))
# render image
i = 1
while os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.output_folder, f"{i:04}.png")):
i += 1
- bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join(self.output_folder, f"{i:04}.png")
+ bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join(
+ self.output_folder, f"{i:04}.png"
+ )
def validate_lazy_eval(
- self,
- state: State,
- consgraph: cl.Problem,
- prop_result: evaluator.EvalResult,
- filter_domain: r.Domain
+ self,
+ state: State,
+ consgraph: cl.Problem,
+ prop_result: evaluator.EvalResult,
+ filter_domain: r.Domain,
test_memo = {}
impl_util.DISABLE_BVH_CACHE = True
- real_result = evaluator.evaluate_problem(consgraph, state, filter_domain, memo=test_memo)
+ real_result = evaluator.evaluate_problem(
+ consgraph, state, filter_domain, memo=test_memo
+ )
impl_util.DISABLE_BVH_CACHE = False
if real_result.loss() == prop_result.loss():
for n in consgraph.traverse(inorder=False):
key = evaluator.memo_key(n)
if key not in self.eval_memo:
@@ -157,11 +153,11 @@ def validate_lazy_eval(
lazy = self.eval_memo[key]
if test_memo[key] == lazy:
- print('\n\n INVALID')
+ print("\n\n INVALID")
pprint(n, depth=3)
- print(f'memo for node is out of sync, got {lazy=} yet {test_memo[key]=}')
- raise ValueError(f'{real_result.loss()=:.4f} {prop_result.loss()=:.4f}')
+ print(f"memo for node is out of sync, got {lazy=} yet {test_memo[key]=}")
+ raise ValueError(f"{real_result.loss()=:.4f} {prop_result.loss()=:.4f}")
def evaluate_move(
@@ -171,9 +167,8 @@ def evaluate_move(
move: Move,
filter_domain: r.Domain,
- validate_lazy_eval=False
+ validate_lazy_eval=False,
if do_lazy_eval:
evaluator.evict_memo_for_move(consgraph, state, self.eval_memo, move)
prop_result = evaluator.evaluate_problem(
@@ -186,86 +181,86 @@ def evaluate_move(
if validate_lazy_eval:
self.validate_lazy_eval(state, consgraph, prop_result, filter_domain)
return prop_result
def retry_attempt_proposals(
- self,
- propose_func: typing.Callable,
- consgraph: cl.Node,
- state: State,
- temp: float,
+ self,
+ propose_func: typing.Callable,
+ consgraph: cl.Node,
+ state: State,
+ temp: float,
filter_domain: r.Domain,
) -> typing.Tuple[Move, evaluator.EvalResult, int]:
move_gen = propose_func(consgraph, state, filter_domain, temp)
move = None
retry = None
for retry, move in enumerate(move_gen):
if retry == self.max_invalid_candidates:
- logger.debug(f'{move_gen=} reached {self.max_invalid_candidates=} without succeeding an apply()')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"{move_gen=} reached {self.max_invalid_candidates=} without succeeding an apply()"
+ )
succeeded = move.apply(state)
if succeeded:
evaluator.evict_memo_for_move(consgraph, state, self.eval_memo, move)
result = self.evaluate_move(consgraph, state, move, filter_domain)
return move, result, retry
- logger.debug(f'{retry=} reverting {move=}')
+ logger.debug(f"{retry=} reverting {move=}")
evaluator.evict_memo_for_move(consgraph, state, self.eval_memo, move)
- logger.debug(f'{move_gen=} produced {retry} attempts and none were valid')
+ logger.debug(f"{move_gen=} produced {retry} attempts and none were valid")
return move, None, retry
def curr_temp(self) -> float:
- temp = self.initial_temp * self.cooling_rate ** self.curr_iteration
+ temp = self.initial_temp * self.cooling_rate**self.curr_iteration
temp = np.clip(temp, self.final_temp, self.initial_temp)
return temp
def metrop_hastings_with_viol(self, prop_result: evaluator.EvalResult, temp: float):
prop_viol = prop_result.viol_count()
curr_viol = self.curr_result.viol_count()
diff = prop_result.loss() - self.curr_result.loss()
- log_prob = -diff/temp
+ log_prob = -diff / temp
viol_diff = prop_viol - curr_viol
- result = {'diff': diff, 'log_prob': log_prob, 'viol_diff': viol_diff}
+ result = {"diff": diff, "log_prob": log_prob, "viol_diff": viol_diff}
if viol_diff < 0:
- result['accept'] = True
+ result["accept"] = True
return result
elif viol_diff > 0:
- result['accept'] = False
+ result["accept"] = False
return result
# standard metropolis-hastings
rv = np.log(np.random.uniform())
- result['accept'] = rv < log_prob
+ result["accept"] = rv < log_prob
return result
def step(self, consgraph, state, move_gen_func, filter_domain):
if self.curr_result is None:
- self.curr_result = evaluator.evaluate_problem(consgraph, state, filter_domain)
+ self.curr_result = evaluator.evaluate_problem(
+ consgraph, state, filter_domain
+ )
move_start_time = time.perf_counter()
is_log_step = (
- self.print_report_freq != 0
+ self.print_report_freq != 0
and self.curr_iteration % self.print_report_freq == 0
is_report_step = (
- self.print_breakdown_freq != 0
+ self.print_breakdown_freq != 0
and self.curr_iteration % self.print_breakdown_freq == 0
@@ -276,66 +271,67 @@ def step(self, consgraph, state, move_gen_func, filter_domain):
if prop_result is None:
# set null values for logging purposes
- accept_result = {'accept': None, 'diff': 0, 'log_prob': 0, 'viol_diff': None}
+ accept_result = {
+ "accept": None,
+ "diff": 0,
+ "log_prob": 0,
+ "viol_diff": None,
+ }
accept_result = self.metrop_hastings_with_viol(prop_result, temp)
- if accept_result['accept']:
+ if accept_result["accept"]:
self.curr_result = prop_result
evaluator.evict_memo_for_move(consgraph, state, self.eval_memo, move)
dt = time.perf_counter() - move_start_time
elapsed = time.perf_counter() - self.optim_start_time
- if (
- (self.print_report_freq != 0 and accept_result['accept'])
- or is_log_step
- ):
+ if (self.print_report_freq != 0 and accept_result["accept"]) or is_log_step:
n = len(state.objs)
move_log = move_gen_func.__name__ if move is None else move
- log_prob = accept_result['log_prob']
- prob = 1 if log_prob > 7 else np.exp(accept_result['log_prob']) # avoid overflow warnings. clamp to exp = exp(7) ~= 1000
+ log_prob = accept_result["log_prob"]
+ prob = (
+ 1 if log_prob > 7 else np.exp(accept_result["log_prob"])
+ ) # avoid overflow warnings. clamp to exp = exp(7) ~= 1000
loss = self.curr_result.loss()
viol = self.curr_result.viol_count()
- diff = accept_result['diff']
- accept = accept_result['accept']
- viol_diff = accept_result['viol_diff'] or 0
+ diff = accept_result["diff"]
+ accept = accept_result["accept"]
+ viol_diff = accept_result["viol_diff"] or 0
- f"it={self.curr_iteration} {dt=:.3f} {n=} "
+ f"it={self.curr_iteration}/{self.max_iterations} {dt=:.3f} {n=} "
f"{loss=:.3e} {viol=:.1f} "
f"{temp=:.2e} {diff=:.2f} {viol_diff=:.1f} {prob=:.2f} {accept=} "
if is_log_step:
- self.stats.append(dict(
- curr_iteration=self.curr_iteration,
- loss=self.curr_result.loss(),
- viol=self.curr_result.viol_count(),
- best_loss=self.best_loss,
- temp=temp,
- accept=accept,
- move_gen=move_gen_func.__name__,
- move_type=(
- move.__class__.__name__
- if move is not None else None
- ),
- move_target=(
- move.name
- if move is not None and hasattr(move, 'name')
- else None
- ),
- move_dur=dt,
- elapsed=elapsed,
- retry=retry
- ))
+ self.stats.append(
+ dict(
+ curr_iteration=self.curr_iteration,
+ loss=self.curr_result.loss(),
+ viol=self.curr_result.viol_count(),
+ best_loss=self.best_loss,
+ temp=temp,
+ accept=accept,
+ move_gen=move_gen_func.__name__,
+ move_type=(move.__class__.__name__ if move is not None else None),
+ move_target=(
+ move.name
+ if move is not None and hasattr(move, "name")
+ else None
+ ),
+ move_dur=dt,
+ elapsed=elapsed,
+ retry=retry,
+ )
+ )
if is_report_step and prop_result is not None:
df = prop_result.to_df()
@@ -343,29 +339,37 @@ def step(self, consgraph, state, move_gen_func, filter_domain):
if self.last_eval_result is not None:
last_df = self.last_eval_result.to_df()
diff_cols = [
- c for c in df.columns
+ c
+ for c in df.columns
if (
not last_df[c].equals(df[c])
- or (df[c]["viol_count"] is not None and last_df[c]["viol_count"] > 0)
+ or (
+ df[c]["viol_count"] is not None
+ and last_df[c]["viol_count"] > 0
+ )
- print(self.last_eval_result.viol_count(), self.curr_result.viol_count(), prop_result.viol_count())
- last_df.index = ['prev_' + x for x in last_df.index]
+ print(
+ self.last_eval_result.viol_count(),
+ self.curr_result.viol_count(),
+ prop_result.viol_count(),
+ )
+ last_df.index = ["prev_" + x for x in last_df.index]
df = pd.concat([last_df[diff_cols], df[diff_cols]])
if self.curr_iteration % BPY_GARBAGE_COLLECT_FREQUENCY == 0:
if self.curr_iteration != 0 and self.curr_iteration % 50 == 0:
- print(f'CLUTTER REPORT {self.curr_iteration=}')
- print(' State Size', len(state.objs))
- print(' Trimesh', len(state.trimesh_scene.graph.nodes))
- print(' Objects', len(bpy.data.objects))
- print(' Meshes', len(bpy.data.meshes))
- print(' Materials', len(bpy.data.materials))
- print(' Textures', len(bpy.data.materials))
+ print(f"CLUTTER REPORT {self.curr_iteration=}")
+ print(" State Size", len(state.objs))
+ print(" Trimesh", len(state.trimesh_scene.graph.nodes))
+ print(" Objects", len(bpy.data.objects))
+ print(" Meshes", len(bpy.data.meshes))
+ print(" Materials", len(bpy.data.materials))
+ print(" Textures", len(bpy.data.materials))
self.curr_iteration += 1
if prop_result is not None:
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/geometry/dof.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/geometry/dof.py
index 5f60e1e43..193428662 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/geometry/dof.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/geometry/dof.py
@@ -5,33 +5,29 @@
import logging
-import gin
import bpy
+import gin
import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.geometry import stability
-from mathutils import Vector
import trimesh
-from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon, MultiPolygon
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-from infinigen.core import tags as t, tagging
-from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver import (
- state_def
+from mathutils import Vector
+from shapely.geometry import Point
-import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
import infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.geometry.validity as validity
-from infinigen.core.constraints.constraint_language.util import meshes_from_names ,delete_obj
+import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
+from infinigen.core import tagging
+from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
from infinigen.core.constraints.constraint_language import util as iu
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.constants import WALL_HEIGHT, WALL_THICKNESS
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver import state_def
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.geometry import stability
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.constants import (
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def stable_against_matrix(point, normal):
Given a point and normal defining a plane, return a 3x3 matrix that
@@ -45,6 +41,7 @@ def stable_against_matrix(point, normal):
restriction_matrix = np.identity(3) - np.outer(normalized_normal, normalized_normal)
return restriction_matrix
def combined_stability_matrix(parent_planes):
Given a list of relations (each a tuple of point and normal),
@@ -70,6 +67,7 @@ def rotation_constraint(normal):
return normalized_normal
def combine_rotation_constraints(parent_planes, eps=0.01):
Given a list of normals, compute the combined axis of rotation.
@@ -106,30 +104,28 @@ def rotate_object_around_axis(obj, axis, std, angle=None):
# If no angle is provided, generate a random angle between 0 and 2*pi
if angle is None:
- angle = np.random.normal(0,std)
+ angle = np.random.normal(0, std)
+ obj.rotation_mode = "AXIS_ANGLE"
+ obj.rotation_axis_angle = Vector([angle] + list(normalized_axis))
- obj.rotation_mode = 'AXIS_ANGLE'
- obj.rotation_axis_angle = Vector([angle]+ list(normalized_axis))
def check_init_valid(
- state: state_def.State,
- name: str,
- obj_planes: list,
- assigned_planes: list,
- margins
+ state: state_def.State, name: str, obj_planes: list, assigned_planes: list, margins
if len(obj_planes) == 0:
raise ValueError(f"{check_init_valid.__name__} for {name=} got {obj_planes=}")
if len(obj_planes) > 3:
- raise ValueError(f'{check_init_valid.__name__} for {name=} got {len(obj_planes)=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"{check_init_valid.__name__} for {name=} got {len(obj_planes)=}"
+ )
def get_rot(ind):
a = obj_planes[ind][0]
b = assigned_planes[ind][0]
except IndexError:
- raise ValueError(f'Invalid {ind=} {obj_planes=} {assigned_planes=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Invalid {ind=} {obj_planes=} {assigned_planes=}")
a_plane = obj_planes[ind]
b_plane = assigned_planes[ind]
@@ -144,44 +140,43 @@ def get_rot(ind):
plane_normal_b = iu.global_polygon_normal(b_obj, b_poly)
plane_normal_b = -plane_normal_b
rotation_axis = np.cross(plane_normal_a, plane_normal_b)
- if not np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(rotation_axis),0, atol = 1e-03):
+ if not np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(rotation_axis), 0, atol=1e-03):
rotation_axis = rotation_axis / np.linalg.norm(rotation_axis)
- rotation_axis = np.array([0,0,1])
+ rotation_axis = np.array([0, 0, 1])
dot = plane_normal_a.dot(plane_normal_b)
rotation_angle = np.arccos(np.clip(dot, -1, 1))
if np.isnan(rotation_angle):
- raise ValueError(f'Invalid {rotation_angle=}')
- return a,b,rotation_axis, rotation_angle, plane_normal_b
+ raise ValueError(f"Invalid {rotation_angle=}")
+ return a, b, rotation_axis, rotation_angle, plane_normal_b
def is_rotation_allowed(rotation_axis, reference_normal):
# Check if rotation axis is the same as the reference normal (with some tolerance)
- res = (
- np.allclose(rotation_axis, reference_normal, atol=1e-02)
- or np.allclose(rotation_axis, -reference_normal, atol=1e-02)
+ res = np.allclose(rotation_axis, reference_normal, atol=1e-02) or np.allclose(
+ rotation_axis, -reference_normal, atol=1e-02
if not res:
dot = rotation_axis.dot(reference_normal)
- logger.debug(f'{is_rotation_allowed.__name__} got {res=} with {rotation_axis=} {reference_normal=} {dot=}')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"{is_rotation_allowed.__name__} got {res=} with {rotation_axis=} {reference_normal=} {dot=}"
+ )
return res
a, b, rotation_axis, rotation_angle, plane_normal_b = get_rot(0)
iu.rotate(state.trimesh_scene, a, rotation_axis, rotation_angle)
first_plane_normal = plane_normal_b # Save the normal of the first plane
dof_remaining = True # Degree of freedom remaining after the first alignment
# Check and apply rotations for subsequent planes
for i in range(1, len(obj_planes)):
a, b, rotation_axis, rotation_angle, plane_normal_b = get_rot(i)
if np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(rotation_angle), 0, atol=1e-01):
logger.debug(f"no rotation needed for {i=} of {len(obj_planes)}")
rot_allowed = is_rotation_allowed(rotation_axis, first_plane_normal)
if dof_remaining and rot_allowed:
# Rotate around the normal of the first plane
@@ -189,9 +184,11 @@ def is_rotation_allowed(rotation_axis, reference_normal):
dof_remaining = False # No more degrees of freedom remaining
logger.debug(f"rotated {a=} to satisfy assignment {i=}")
- logger.debug(f"dofs failed for {i=} of {len(obj_planes)=}, {rot_allowed=} {dof_remaining=}")
+ logger.debug(
+ f"dofs failed for {i=} of {len(obj_planes)=}, {rot_allowed=} {dof_remaining=}"
+ )
return False, None, None
# Construct the system of linear equations for translation
A = []
c = []
@@ -207,11 +204,15 @@ def is_rotation_allowed(rotation_axis, reference_normal):
b_poly = b_obj.data.polygons[b_poly_index]
# Get global coordinates and normals
- plane_point_a = iu.global_vertex_coordinates(a_obj, a_obj.data.vertices[a_poly.vertices[0]])
- plane_point_b = iu.global_vertex_coordinates(b_obj, b_obj.data.vertices[b_poly.vertices[0]])
+ plane_point_a = iu.global_vertex_coordinates(
+ a_obj, a_obj.data.vertices[a_poly.vertices[0]]
+ )
+ plane_point_b = iu.global_vertex_coordinates(
+ b_obj, b_obj.data.vertices[b_poly.vertices[0]]
+ )
plane_normal_b = iu.global_polygon_normal(b_obj, b_poly)
plane_point_b += plane_normal_b * margin
# Append to the matrix A and vector b for Ax = c
c.append(plane_normal_b.dot(plane_point_b - plane_point_a))
@@ -224,7 +225,7 @@ def is_rotation_allowed(rotation_axis, reference_normal):
a_obj_name, a_poly_index = obj_planes[0]
a_obj = bpy.data.objects[a_obj_name]
# Check if the solution is valid
# You can define a threshold to determine if the residuals are acceptable
# Manually compute residuals if m <= n
@@ -234,28 +235,29 @@ def is_rotation_allowed(rotation_axis, reference_normal):
if residuals_sum < 1e-03:
return True, A.shape[1] - rank, t # Solution is valid
- logger.debug(f'{check_init_valid.__name__} failed with {residuals_sum=}')
+ logger.debug(f"{check_init_valid.__name__} failed with {residuals_sum=}")
return False, None, None # Solution is not valid
if np.all(residuals < 1e-03):
return True, A.shape[1] - rank, t # Solution is valid
- logger.debug(f'{check_init_valid.__name__} failed with {residuals=}')
+ logger.debug(f"{check_init_valid.__name__} failed with {residuals=}")
return False, None, None # No valid solution
def project(points, plane_normal):
- to_2D = trimesh.geometry.plane_transform(origin=(0,0,0), normal=plane_normal)
+ to_2D = trimesh.geometry.plane_transform(origin=(0, 0, 0), normal=plane_normal)
vertices_2D = trimesh.transformations.transform_points(points, to_2D)[:, :2]
return vertices_2D
def apply_relations_surfacesample(
- state: state_def.State,
- name: str,
+ state: state_def.State,
+ name: str,
obj_state = state.objs[name]
obj_name = obj_state.obj.name
parent_objs = []
parent_planes = []
obj_planes = []
@@ -265,15 +267,20 @@ def apply_relations_surfacesample(
if len(obj_state.relations) == 0:
raise ValueError(f"Object {name} has no relations")
elif len(obj_state.relations) > 3:
- raise ValueError(f"Object {name} has more than 2 relations, not supported. {obj_state.relations=}")
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Object {name} has more than 2 relations, not supported. {obj_state.relations=}"
+ )
for i, relation_state in enumerate(obj_state.relations):
if isinstance(relation_state.relation, cl.AnyRelation):
- raise ValueError(f"Got {relation_state.relation} for {name=} {relation_state.target_name=}")
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Got {relation_state.relation} for {name=} {relation_state.target_name=}"
+ )
parent_obj = state.objs[relation_state.target_name].obj
- obj_plane, parent_plane = state.planes.get_rel_state_planes(state, name, relation_state)
+ obj_plane, parent_plane = state.planes.get_rel_state_planes(
+ state, name, relation_state
+ )
if obj_plane is None:
@@ -281,28 +288,27 @@ def apply_relations_surfacesample(
- parent_planes.append(parent_plane)
+ parent_planes.append(parent_plane)
- match relation_state.relation:
- case cl.StableAgainst(child_tags, parent_tags, margin):
+ match relation_state.relation:
+ case cl.StableAgainst(_child_tags, parent_tags, margin):
- case cl.SupportedBy(child_tags, parent_tags):
+ case cl.SupportedBy(_parent_tags, parent_tags):
- case _:
+ case _:
raise NotImplementedError
- valid, dof, T = check_init_valid(state, name, obj_planes, parent_planes, margins)
- if not valid:
+ valid, dof, T = check_init_valid(state, name, obj_planes, parent_planes, margins)
+ if not valid:
rels = [(rels.relation, rels.target_name) for rels in obj_state.relations]
- logger.warning(f'Init was invalid for {name=} {rels=}')
+ logger.warning(f"Init was invalid for {name=} {rels=}")
return None
if dof == 0:
iu.translate(state.trimesh_scene, obj_name, T)
- elif dof == 1:
+ elif dof == 1:
assert len(parent_planes) == 2, (name, len(parent_planes))
parent_obj1 = parent_objs[0]
@@ -313,58 +319,122 @@ def apply_relations_surfacesample(
parent_tags2 = parent_tag_list[1]
margin1 = margins[0]
margin2 = margins[1]
- obj_plane1 = obj_planes[0]
- obj_plane2 = obj_planes[1]
- parent1_trimesh = state.planes.get_tagged_submesh(state.trimesh_scene, parent_obj1.name, parent_tags1, parent_plane1)
- parent2_trimesh = state.planes.get_tagged_submesh(state.trimesh_scene, parent_obj2.name, parent_tags2, parent_plane2)
+ obj_plane1 = obj_planes[0]
+ obj_plane2 = obj_planes[1]
+ parent1_trimesh = state.planes.get_tagged_submesh(
+ state.trimesh_scene, parent_obj1.name, parent_tags1, parent_plane1
+ )
+ parent2_trimesh = state.planes.get_tagged_submesh(
+ state.trimesh_scene, parent_obj2.name, parent_tags2, parent_plane2
+ )
parent1_poly_index = parent_plane1[1]
parent1_poly = parent_obj1.data.polygons[parent1_poly_index]
plane_normal_1 = iu.global_polygon_normal(parent_obj1, parent1_poly)
pts = parent2_trimesh.vertices
- projected = project(pts,plane_normal_1)
- p1_to_p1 = trimesh.path.polygons.projected(parent1_trimesh, plane_normal_1, (0,0,0))
+ projected = project(pts, plane_normal_1)
+ p1_to_p1 = trimesh.path.polygons.projected(
+ parent1_trimesh, plane_normal_1, (0, 0, 0)
+ )
if p1_to_p1 is None:
- raise ValueError(f'Failed to project {parent1_trimesh=} {plane_normal_1=} for {name=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Failed to project {parent1_trimesh=} {plane_normal_1=} for {name=}"
+ )
- if all([p1_to_p1.buffer(1e-1).contains(Point(pt[0], pt[1])) for pt in projected]):
+ if all(
+ [p1_to_p1.buffer(1e-1).contains(Point(pt[0], pt[1])) for pt in projected]
+ ):
face_mask = tagging.tagged_face_mask(parent_obj2, parent_tags2)
- stability.move_obj_random_pt(state, obj_name, parent_obj2.name, face_mask, parent_plane2)
- stability.snap_against(state.trimesh_scene, obj_name, parent_obj2.name, obj_plane2, parent_plane2, margin=margin2)
- stability.snap_against(state.trimesh_scene, obj_name, parent_obj1.name, obj_plane1, parent_plane1, margin=margin1)
+ stability.move_obj_random_pt(
+ state, obj_name, parent_obj2.name, face_mask, parent_plane2
+ )
+ stability.snap_against(
+ state.trimesh_scene,
+ obj_name,
+ parent_obj2.name,
+ obj_plane2,
+ parent_plane2,
+ margin=margin2,
+ )
+ stability.snap_against(
+ state.trimesh_scene,
+ obj_name,
+ parent_obj1.name,
+ obj_plane1,
+ parent_plane1,
+ margin=margin1,
+ )
face_mask = tagging.tagged_face_mask(parent_obj1, parent_tags1)
- stability.move_obj_random_pt(state, obj_name, parent_obj1.name, face_mask, parent_plane1)
- stability.snap_against(state.trimesh_scene, obj_name, parent_obj1.name, obj_plane1, parent_plane1, margin=margin1)
- stability.snap_against(state.trimesh_scene, obj_name, parent_obj2.name, obj_plane2, parent_plane2, margin=margin2)
- elif dof == 2:
+ stability.move_obj_random_pt(
+ state, obj_name, parent_obj1.name, face_mask, parent_plane1
+ )
+ stability.snap_against(
+ state.trimesh_scene,
+ obj_name,
+ parent_obj1.name,
+ obj_plane1,
+ parent_plane1,
+ margin=margin1,
+ )
+ stability.snap_against(
+ state.trimesh_scene,
+ obj_name,
+ parent_obj2.name,
+ obj_plane2,
+ parent_plane2,
+ margin=margin2,
+ )
+ elif dof == 2:
assert len(parent_planes) == 1, (name, len(parent_planes))
for i, relation_state in enumerate(obj_state.relations):
parent_obj = state.objs[relation_state.target_name].obj
- obj_plane, parent_plane = state.planes.get_rel_state_planes(state, name, relation_state)
+ obj_plane, parent_plane = state.planes.get_rel_state_planes(
+ state, name, relation_state
+ )
if obj_plane is None:
if parent_plane is None:
- iu.set_rotation(state.trimesh_scene, obj_name, (0, 0, 2*np.pi*np.random.randint(0, 4)/4))
- face_mask = tagging.tagged_face_mask(parent_obj, relation_state.relation.parent_tags)
- stability.move_obj_random_pt(state, obj_name, parent_obj.name, face_mask, parent_plane)
- match relation_state.relation:
- case cl.StableAgainst(child_tags, parent_tags, margin):
- stability.snap_against(state.trimesh_scene, obj_name, parent_obj.name, obj_plane, parent_plane, margin=margin)
- case cl.SupportedBy(child_tags, parent_tags):
- stability.snap_against(state.trimesh_scene, obj_name, parent_obj.name, obj_plane, parent_plane, margin=0)
- case _:
+ iu.set_rotation(
+ state.trimesh_scene,
+ obj_name,
+ (0, 0, 2 * np.pi * np.random.randint(0, 4) / 4),
+ )
+ face_mask = tagging.tagged_face_mask(
+ parent_obj, relation_state.relation.parent_tags
+ )
+ stability.move_obj_random_pt(
+ state, obj_name, parent_obj.name, face_mask, parent_plane
+ )
+ match relation_state.relation:
+ case cl.StableAgainst(_, parent_tags, margin):
+ stability.snap_against(
+ state.trimesh_scene,
+ obj_name,
+ parent_obj.name,
+ obj_plane,
+ parent_plane,
+ margin=margin,
+ )
+ case cl.SupportedBy(_, parent_tags):
+ stability.snap_against(
+ state.trimesh_scene,
+ obj_name,
+ parent_obj.name,
+ obj_plane,
+ parent_plane,
+ margin=0,
+ )
+ case _:
raise NotImplementedError
return parent_planes
def validate_relations_feasible(state: state_def.State, name: str) -> bool:
assignments = state.objs[name].relations
targets = [rel.target_name for rel in assignments]
@@ -372,15 +442,12 @@ def validate_relations_feasible(state: state_def.State, name: str) -> bool:
if len(rooms) > 1:
raise ValueError(f"Object {name} has multiple room targets {rooms}")
def try_apply_relation_constraints(
- state: state_def.State,
- name: str,
- n_try_resolve=10,
- visualize=False
+ state: state_def.State, name: str, n_try_resolve=10, visualize=False
- '''
+ """
name is in objs.name
name has been recently reassigned or added or swapped
it needs snapping, and dof updates
@@ -389,38 +456,39 @@ def try_apply_relation_constraints(
dof_mat and dof axis for name are updated
objstate for name has update location rotaton etc
- '''
+ """
validate_relations_feasible(state, name)
for retry in range(n_try_resolve):
obj_state = state.objs[name]
- if iu.blender_objs_from_names(obj_state.obj.name)[0].dimensions[2] > WALL_HEIGHT - WALL_THICKNESS:
- logger.warning(f"Object {obj_state.obj.name} is too tall for the room: {obj_state.obj.dimensions[2]}, {WALL_HEIGHT=}, {WALL_THICKNESS=}")
+ if (
+ iu.blender_objs_from_names(obj_state.obj.name)[0].dimensions[2]
+ ):
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Object {obj_state.obj.name} is too tall for the room: {obj_state.obj.dimensions[2]}, {WALL_HEIGHT=}, {WALL_THICKNESS=}"
+ )
parent_planes = apply_relations_surfacesample(state, name)
# assignments not valid
if parent_planes is None:
- logger.debug(f'Found {parent_planes=} for {name=} {retry=}')
+ logger.debug(f"Found {parent_planes=} for {name=} {retry=}")
if visualize:
vis = butil.copy(obj_state.obj)
- vis.name = obj_state.obj.name[:30] + '_noneplanes_' + str(retry)
+ vis.name = obj_state.obj.name[:30] + "_noneplanes_" + str(retry)
return False
if validity.check_post_move_validity(state, name):
obj_state.dof_matrix_translation = combined_stability_matrix(parent_planes)
obj_state.dof_rotation_axis = combine_rotation_constraints(parent_planes)
return True
if visualize:
vis = butil.copy(obj_state.obj)
- vis.name = obj_state.obj.name[:30] + '_failure_' + str(retry)
+ vis.name = obj_state.obj.name[:30] + "_failure_" + str(retry)
# butil.save_blend("test.blend")
- logger.debug(f'Exhausted {n_try_resolve=} tries for {name=}')
+ logger.debug(f"Exhausted {n_try_resolve=} tries for {name=}")
return False
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/geometry/parse_scene.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/geometry/parse_scene.py
index 11cfd8cf1..bf1292dc1 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/geometry/parse_scene.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/geometry/parse_scene.py
@@ -3,22 +3,17 @@
# Authors: Karhan Kayan
import bpy
-import trimesh
-from shapely import LineString, Point
+import fcl
import numpy as np
-from typing import Union
-from trimesh import Trimesh, Scene
-from mathutils import Vector, Matrix
+import trimesh
+from mathutils import Matrix
+from infinigen.core import tagging
+from infinigen.core.constraints.constraint_language.util import sync_trimesh
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-from infinigen.core.constraints.constraint_language.util import (
- translate,
- rotate,
- sync_trimesh
-import fcl
def to_trimesh(obj: bpy.types.Object):
@@ -30,21 +25,21 @@ def to_trimesh(obj: bpy.types.Object):
def preprocess_obj(obj):
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, mode='EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, mode="EDIT"):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(quad_method='BEAUTY', ngon_method='BEAUTY')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(quad_method="BEAUTY", ngon_method="BEAUTY")
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=False, rot=False, scale=True)
def preprocess_scene(objects):
for o in objects:
def parse_scene(objects):
# convert all bpy.objects into a trimesh.Scene
@@ -56,18 +51,19 @@ def parse_scene(objects):
return scene
def add_to_scene(scene, obj, preprocess=True):
if preprocess:
obj_matrix_world = Matrix(obj.matrix_world)
obj.matrix_world = Matrix.Identity(4)
tmesh = to_trimesh(obj)
- tmesh.metadata['tags'] = tagging.union_object_tags(obj)
+ tmesh.metadata["tags"] = tagging.union_object_tags(obj)
# transform=np.array(obj.matrix_world),
- geom_name=obj.name + '_mesh',
- node_name=obj.name
+ geom_name=obj.name + "_mesh",
+ node_name=obj.name,
col = trimesh.collision.CollisionManager()
T = trimesh.transformations.identity_matrix()
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/geometry/planes.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/geometry/planes.py
index 5e5cd1f9c..28dd589f2 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/geometry/planes.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/geometry/planes.py
@@ -4,23 +4,29 @@
# Authors: Karhan Kayan
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import bpy
-import numpy as np
import gin
+import numpy as np
import trimesh
import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-from infinigen.core.constraints.constraint_language.util import meshes_from_names, blender_objs_from_names
+from infinigen.core import tagging
+from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.core.constraints.constraint_language.util import (
+ blender_objs_from_names,
+ meshes_from_names,
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def global_vertex_coordinates(obj, local_vertex):
return obj.matrix_world @ local_vertex.co
def global_polygon_normal(obj, polygon):
loc, rot, scale = obj.matrix_world.decompose()
rot = rot.to_matrix()
@@ -28,7 +34,10 @@ def global_polygon_normal(obj, polygon):
return normal / np.linalg.norm(normal)
except ZeroDivisionError:
- raise ZeroDivisionError(f"Zero division error in global_polygon_normal for {obj.name=}, {polygon.index=}, {normal=}")
+ raise ZeroDivisionError(
+ f"Zero division error in global_polygon_normal for {obj.name=}, {polygon.index=}, {normal=}"
+ )
class Planes:
def __init__(self):
@@ -39,7 +48,9 @@ def __init__(self):
def calculate_mesh_hash(self, obj):
# Simple hash based on counts of vertices, edges, and polygons
mesh = obj.data
- hash_str = f"{obj.name}_{len(mesh.vertices)}_{len(mesh.edges)}_{len(mesh.polygons)}"
+ hash_str = (
+ f"{obj.name}_{len(mesh.vertices)}_{len(mesh.edges)}_{len(mesh.polygons)}"
+ )
return hash(hash_str)
def hash_face_mask(self, face_mask):
@@ -52,16 +63,22 @@ def get_all_planes_cached(self, obj, face_mask, tolerance=1e-4):
cache_key = (obj.name, current_face_mask_hash)
# Check if mesh has been modified or planes have not been computed before for this object and face_mask
- if cache_key not in self._cached_planes or self._mesh_hashes.get(obj.name) != current_mesh_hash:
- self._mesh_hashes[obj.name] = current_mesh_hash # Update the hash for this object
+ if (
+ cache_key not in self._cached_planes
+ or self._mesh_hashes.get(obj.name) != current_mesh_hash
+ ):
+ self._mesh_hashes[obj.name] = (
+ current_mesh_hash # Update the hash for this object
+ )
# Recompute planes for this object and face_mask and update cache
# logger.info(f'Cache MISS planes for {obj.name=}')
- self._cached_planes[cache_key] = self.compute_all_planes_fast(obj, face_mask, tolerance)
+ self._cached_planes[cache_key] = self.compute_all_planes_fast(
+ obj, face_mask, tolerance
+ )
# logger.info(f'Cache HIT planes for {obj.name=}')
return self._cached_planes[cache_key]
def normalize(v):
norm = np.linalg.norm(v)
@@ -71,20 +88,29 @@ def normalize(v):
def hash_plane(normal, point, tolerance=1e-4):
normal_normalized = normal / np.linalg.norm(normal)
distance = np.dot(normal_normalized, point)
- return (tuple(np.round(normal_normalized / tolerance).astype(int)), round(distance / tolerance))
+ return (
+ tuple(np.round(normal_normalized / tolerance).astype(int)),
+ round(distance / tolerance),
+ )
def compute_all_planes_fast(self, obj, face_mask, tolerance=1e-4):
# Cache computations
- vertex_cache = {v.index: global_vertex_coordinates(obj, v) for v in obj.data.vertices}
- normal_cache = {p.index: global_polygon_normal(obj, p) for p in obj.data.polygons if face_mask[p.index]}
+ vertex_cache = {
+ v.index: global_vertex_coordinates(obj, v) for v in obj.data.vertices
+ }
+ normal_cache = {
+ p.index: global_polygon_normal(obj, p)
+ for p in obj.data.polygons
+ if face_mask[p.index]
+ }
unique_planes = {}
for polygon in obj.data.polygons:
if not face_mask[polygon.index]:
# Get the normal and a vertex to represent the plane
normal = normal_cache[polygon.index]
@@ -92,41 +118,50 @@ def compute_all_planes_fast(self, obj, face_mask, tolerance=1e-4):
vertex = vertex_cache[polygon.vertices[0]]
# Hash the plane using both normal and the point
plane_hash = self.hash_plane(normal, vertex, tolerance)
if plane_hash not in unique_planes:
unique_planes[plane_hash] = (obj.name, polygon.index)
return list(unique_planes.values())
- def get_all_planes_deprecated(self, obj, face_mask, tolerance=1e-4) -> tuple[str, int]:
+ def get_all_planes_deprecated(
+ self, obj, face_mask, tolerance=1e-4
+ ) -> tuple[str, int]:
"get all unique planes formed by faces in face_mask"
# ASSUMES: object is triangulated, no quads/polygons
unique_planes = []
for polygon in obj.data.polygons:
if not face_mask[polygon.index]:
- vertex = global_vertex_coordinates(obj, obj.data.vertices[polygon.vertices[0]])
+ vertex = global_vertex_coordinates(
+ obj, obj.data.vertices[polygon.vertices[0]]
+ )
normal = global_polygon_normal(obj, polygon)
belongs_to_existing_plane = False
for name, polygon2_index in unique_planes:
polygon2 = obj.data.polygons[polygon2_index]
- plane_vertex = global_vertex_coordinates(obj, obj.data.vertices[polygon2.vertices[0]])
+ plane_vertex = global_vertex_coordinates(
+ obj, obj.data.vertices[polygon2.vertices[0]]
+ )
plane_normal = global_polygon_normal(obj, polygon2)
- if (
- np.allclose(np.cross(normal, plane_normal), 0, rtol=tolerance) and
- np.allclose(np.dot(vertex - plane_vertex, plane_normal), 0, rtol=tolerance)
+ if np.allclose(
+ np.cross(normal, plane_normal), 0, rtol=tolerance
+ ) and np.allclose(
+ np.dot(vertex - plane_vertex, plane_normal), 0, rtol=tolerance
belongs_to_existing_plane = True
- if not belongs_to_existing_plane and polygon.normal and polygon.normal.length > 0:
+ if (
+ not belongs_to_existing_plane
+ and polygon.normal
+ and polygon.normal.length > 0
+ ):
unique_planes.append((obj.name, polygon.index))
return unique_planes
def get_tagged_planes(self, obj: bpy.types.Object, tags: set, fast=True):
@@ -139,10 +174,10 @@ def get_tagged_planes(self, obj: bpy.types.Object, tags: set, fast=True):
if not mask.any():
obj_tags = tagging.union_object_tags(obj)
- f'Attempted to get_tagged_planes {obj.name=} {tags=} but mask was empty, {obj_tags=}'
+ f"Attempted to get_tagged_planes {obj.name=} {tags=} but mask was empty, {obj_tags=}"
return []
if fast:
planes = self.get_all_planes_cached(obj, mask)
@@ -150,33 +185,36 @@ def get_tagged_planes(self, obj: bpy.types.Object, tags: set, fast=True):
return planes
def get_rel_state_planes(self, state, name: str, relation_state: tuple):
obj = state.objs[name].obj
relation = relation_state.relation
parent_obj = state.objs[relation_state.target_name].obj
- obj_tags = relation.child_tags
+ obj_tags = relation.child_tags
parent_tags = relation.parent_tags
parent_all_planes = self.get_tagged_planes(parent_obj, parent_tags)
obj_all_planes = self.get_tagged_planes(obj, obj_tags)
- #for i, p in enumerate(parent_all_planes):
+ # for i, p in enumerate(parent_all_planes):
# splitted_parent = planes.extract_tagged_plane(parent_obj, parent_tags, p)
# splitted_parent.name = f'parent_plane_{i}'
- #for i, p in enumerate(obj_all_planes):
+ # for i, p in enumerate(obj_all_planes):
# splitted_parent = planes.extract_tagged_plane(parent_obj, obj_tags, p)
# splitted_parent.name = f'obj_plane_{i}'
- #return
+ # return
if relation_state.parent_plane_idx >= len(parent_all_planes):
- logging.warning(f'{parent_obj.name=} had too few planes ({len(parent_all_planes)}) for {relation_state}')
+ logging.warning(
+ f"{parent_obj.name=} had too few planes ({len(parent_all_planes)}) for {relation_state}"
+ )
parent_plane = None
parent_plane = parent_all_planes[relation_state.parent_plane_idx]
if relation_state.child_plane_idx >= len(obj_all_planes):
- logging.warning(f'{obj.name=} had too few planes ({len(obj_all_planes)}) for {relation_state}')
+ logging.warning(
+ f"{obj.name=} had too few planes ({len(obj_all_planes)}) for {relation_state}"
+ )
obj_plane = None
obj_plane = obj_all_planes[relation_state.child_plane_idx]
@@ -193,7 +231,7 @@ def extract_tagged_plane(self, obj: bpy.types.Object, tags: set, plane: int):
get a single plane formed by faces tagged with tags
- if obj.type != 'MESH':
+ if obj.type != "MESH":
raise TypeError("Object is not a mesh!")
face_mask = tagging.tagged_face_mask(obj, tags)
@@ -202,31 +240,33 @@ def extract_tagged_plane(self, obj: bpy.types.Object, tags: set, plane: int):
if not mask.any():
obj_tags = tagging.union_object_tags(obj)
- f'Attempted to extract_tagged_plane {obj.name=} {tags=} but mask was empty, {obj_tags=}'
+ f"Attempted to extract_tagged_plane {obj.name=} {tags=} but mask was empty, {obj_tags=}"
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(use_extend=False, use_expand=False, type='FACE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT')
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(use_extend=False, use_expand=False, type="FACE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="DESELECT")
# Set initial selection for polygons to False
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
for poly in obj.data.polygons:
poly.select = mask[poly.index]
# Switch to Edit mode, duplicate the selection, and separate it
old_set = set(bpy.data.objects[:])
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
- bpy.ops.mesh.separate(type='SELECTED')
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.separate(type="SELECTED")
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
new_set = set(bpy.data.objects[:]) - old_set
return new_set.pop()
- def get_tagged_submesh(self, scene: trimesh.Scene, name:str, tags: set, plane: int):
+ def get_tagged_submesh(
+ self, scene: trimesh.Scene, name: str, tags: set, plane: int
+ ):
obj = blender_objs_from_names(name)[0]
face_mask = tagging.tagged_face_mask(obj, tags)
mask = self.tagged_plane_mask(obj, face_mask, plane)
@@ -234,37 +274,56 @@ def get_tagged_submesh(self, scene: trimesh.Scene, name:str, tags: set, plane: i
geom = tmesh.submesh(np.where(mask), append=True)
return geom
- def tagged_plane_mask(self, obj: bpy.types.Object, face_mask: np.ndarray, plane: tuple[str, int], hash_tolerance=1e-4, plane_tolerance = 1e-2, fast = True) -> np.ndarray:
- if not fast:
- return self._compute_tagged_plane_mask(obj, face_mask, plane, plane_tolerance)
+ def tagged_plane_mask(
+ self,
+ obj: bpy.types.Object,
+ face_mask: np.ndarray,
+ plane: tuple[str, int],
+ hash_tolerance=1e-4,
+ plane_tolerance=1e-2,
+ fast=True,
+ ) -> np.ndarray:
+ if not fast:
+ return self._compute_tagged_plane_mask(
+ obj, face_mask, plane, plane_tolerance
+ )
obj_id = obj.name
current_hash = self.calculate_mesh_hash(obj) # Calculate current mesh hash
face_mask_hash = self.hash_face_mask(face_mask) # Calculate hash for face_mask
ref_poly = self.planerep_to_poly(plane)
- ref_vertex = global_vertex_coordinates(obj, obj.data.vertices[ref_poly.vertices[0]])
+ ref_vertex = global_vertex_coordinates(
+ obj, obj.data.vertices[ref_poly.vertices[0]]
+ )
ref_normal = global_polygon_normal(obj, ref_poly)
- plane_hash = self.hash_plane(ref_normal, ref_vertex, hash_tolerance) # Calculate hash for plane
+ plane_hash = self.hash_plane(
+ ref_normal, ref_vertex, hash_tolerance
+ ) # Calculate hash for plane
# Composite key now includes face_mask_hash
cache_key = (obj_id, plane_hash, face_mask_hash)
# Check if the mesh has been modified since last calculation or if the face mask has changed
- mesh_or_face_mask_changed = cache_key not in self._cached_plane_masks or self._mesh_hashes.get(obj_id) != current_hash
+ mesh_or_face_mask_changed = (
+ cache_key not in self._cached_plane_masks
+ or self._mesh_hashes.get(obj_id) != current_hash
+ )
if not mesh_or_face_mask_changed:
# logger.info(f'Cache HIT plane mask for {obj.name=}')
- return self._cached_plane_masks[cache_key]['mask']
+ return self._cached_plane_masks[cache_key]["mask"]
# If mesh or face mask changed, update the hash and recompute
self._mesh_hashes[obj_id] = current_hash
# Compute and cache the plane mask
# logger.info(f'Cache MISS plane mask for {obj.name=}')
- plane_mask = self._compute_tagged_plane_mask(obj, face_mask, plane, plane_tolerance)
+ plane_mask = self._compute_tagged_plane_mask(
+ obj, face_mask, plane, plane_tolerance
+ )
# Update the cache with the new result
self._cached_plane_masks[cache_key] = {
- 'mask': plane_mask,
+ "mask": plane_mask,
return plane_mask
@@ -275,15 +334,18 @@ def _compute_tagged_plane_mask(self, obj, face_mask, plane, tolerance):
plane_mask = np.zeros(len(obj.data.polygons), dtype=bool)
ref_poly = self.planerep_to_poly(plane)
- ref_vertex = global_vertex_coordinates(obj, obj.data.vertices[ref_poly.vertices[0]])
+ ref_vertex = global_vertex_coordinates(
+ obj, obj.data.vertices[ref_poly.vertices[0]]
+ )
ref_normal = global_polygon_normal(obj, ref_poly)
for candidate_polygon in obj.data.polygons:
if not face_mask[candidate_polygon.index]:
- candidate_vertex = global_vertex_coordinates(obj, obj.data.vertices[candidate_polygon.vertices[0]])
+ candidate_vertex = global_vertex_coordinates(
+ obj, obj.data.vertices[candidate_polygon.vertices[0]]
+ )
candidate_normal = global_polygon_normal(obj, candidate_polygon)
diff_vec = ref_vertex - candidate_vertex
if not np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(diff_vec), 0):
@@ -292,12 +354,10 @@ def _compute_tagged_plane_mask(self, obj, face_mask, plane, tolerance):
ndot = np.dot(ref_normal, candidate_normal)
pdot = np.dot(diff_vec, candidate_normal)
- in_plane = (
- np.allclose(ndot, 1, atol=tolerance) and
- np.allclose(pdot, 0, atol=tolerance)
+ in_plane = np.allclose(ndot, 1, atol=tolerance) and np.allclose(
+ pdot, 0, atol=tolerance
plane_mask[candidate_polygon.index] = in_plane
- return plane_mask
\ No newline at end of file
+ return plane_mask
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/geometry/stability.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/geometry/stability.py
index c6a5c3b4a..cff9a574f 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/geometry/stability.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/geometry/stability.py
@@ -4,101 +4,105 @@
# Authors: Karhan Kayan
from __future__ import annotations
-import logging
-from dataclasses import dataclass
-from copy import copy
-import numpy as np
-from shapely.affinity import rotate
+import logging
+import bmesh
import bpy
+import gin
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
import trimesh
-from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString
-from shapely.ops import unary_union, nearest_points
-from shapely import Polygon
-from shapely import MultiPolygon
-import bmesh
+from mathutils import Vector
+from shapely import MultiPolygon, Polygon
+from shapely.affinity import rotate
+from shapely.geometry import Point
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import gin
-# import fcl
+from infinigen.core import tagging
+from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
+from infinigen.core.constraints.constraint_language import util as iu
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver import state_def
# from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.geometry import planes as planes
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from mathutils import Vector, Quaternion
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver import state_def
-from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl, reasoning as r
+# import fcl
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-from infinigen.core.constraints.constraint_language import util as iu
-import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def project_and_align_z_with_x(polygons, z_direction):
Rotate polygons so that the Z-direction is aligned with the X-axis in 2D.
polygons (list[Polygon]): List of Shapely Polygons representing the projected 2D polygons.
z_direction (np.array): The 2D direction vector where the Z-axis is projected.
list[Polygon]: Rotated polygons with the Z-direction aligned with the X-axis.
# Calculate the angle between the Z-direction projection and the X-axis
angle_rad = np.arctan2(z_direction[1], z_direction[0])
angle_deg = np.degrees(angle_rad)
# Rotate polygons to align Z-direction with X-axis
- rotated_polygons = [rotate(polygon, angle_deg, origin=(0, 0), use_radians=False) for polygon in polygons]
+ rotated_polygons = [
+ rotate(polygon, angle_deg, origin=(0, 0), use_radians=False)
+ for polygon in polygons
+ ]
return rotated_polygons
def is_vertically_contained(poly_a, poly_b):
Check if polygon A is vertically contained within polygon B, ignoring X-axis spillover.
poly_a (Polygon): Polygon A.
poly_b (Polygon): Polygon B.
bool: True if A is vertically contained within B.
y_coords_a = [point[1] for point in poly_a.exterior.coords]
y_coords_b = [point[1] for point in poly_b.exterior.coords]
# Check vertical containment along the Y-axis
min_a, max_a = min(y_coords_a), max(y_coords_a)
min_b, max_b = min(y_coords_b), max(y_coords_b)
return min_b <= min_a and max_a <= max_b
def project_vector(vector, origin, normal):
transform = trimesh.geometry.plane_transform(origin, normal)
- transformed = trimesh.transformations.transform_points([np.array([0,0,0]), vector], transform)[:, :2]
+ transformed = trimesh.transformations.transform_points(
+ [np.array([0, 0, 0]), vector], transform
+ )[:, :2]
transformed_vector = transformed[1] - transformed[0]
return transformed_vector
def stable_against(
- state: state_def.State,
- obj_name: str,
- relation_state: state_def.RelationState,
+ state: state_def.State,
+ obj_name: str,
+ relation_state: state_def.RelationState,
- allow_overhangs=False
+ allow_overhangs=False,
- check paralell, close to, and not overhanging.
+ check paralell, close to, and not overhanging.
relation = relation_state.relation
assert isinstance(relation, cl.StableAgainst)
- logger.debug(f'stable against {obj_name=} {relation_state=}')
+ logger.debug(f"stable against {obj_name=} {relation_state=}")
a_blender_obj = state.objs[obj_name].obj
b_blender_obj = state.objs[relation_state.target_name].obj
sa = state.objs[obj_name]
@@ -113,16 +117,17 @@ def stable_against(
normal_b = iu.global_polygon_normal(b_blender_obj, poly_b)
dot = np.array(normal_a).dot(normal_b)
if not (np.isclose(np.abs(dot), 1, atol=1e-2) or np.isclose(dot, -1, atol=1e-2)):
- logger.debug(f'stable against failed, not parallel {dot=}')
+ logger.debug(f"stable against failed, not parallel {dot=}")
return False
- origin_b = iu.global_vertex_coordinates(b_blender_obj, b_blender_obj.data.vertices[poly_b.vertices[0]])
+ origin_b = iu.global_vertex_coordinates(
+ b_blender_obj, b_blender_obj.data.vertices[poly_b.vertices[0]]
+ )
scene = state.trimesh_scene
a_trimesh = iu.meshes_from_names(scene, sa.obj.name)[0]
b_trimesh = iu.meshes_from_names(scene, sb.obj.name)[0]
mask = tagging.tagged_face_mask(sb.obj, relation.parent_tags)
mask = state.planes.tagged_plane_mask(sb.obj, mask, pb)
assert mask.any()
@@ -131,11 +136,12 @@ def stable_against(
# Project mesh A onto the plane of mesh B
projected_a = trimesh.path.polygons.projected(a_trimesh, normal_b, origin_b)
projected_b = trimesh.path.polygons.projected(b_trimesh_mask, normal_b, origin_b)
- logger.debug(f'stable_against projecting along {normal_b} for parent_tags {relation.parent_tags}')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"stable_against projecting along {normal_b} for parent_tags {relation.parent_tags}"
+ )
if projected_a is None or projected_b is None:
- raise ValueError(f'Invalid {projected_a=} {projected_b=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Invalid {projected_a=} {projected_b=}")
if allow_overhangs:
res = projected_a.overlaps(projected_b)
@@ -143,33 +149,37 @@ def stable_against(
res = projected_a.within(projected_b.buffer(1e-2))
z_proj = project_vector(np.array([0, 0, 1]), origin_b, normal_b)
- projected_a_rotated, projected_b_rotated = project_and_align_z_with_x([projected_a, projected_b], z_proj)
+ projected_a_rotated, projected_b_rotated = project_and_align_z_with_x(
+ [projected_a, projected_b], z_proj
+ )
res = is_vertically_contained(projected_a_rotated, projected_b_rotated)
if visualize:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
- iu.plot_geometry(ax, projected_a, 'blue')
- iu.plot_geometry(ax, projected_b, 'green')
- plt.title(f'{obj_name} stable against {relation_state.target_name}? {res=}')
+ iu.plot_geometry(ax, projected_a, "blue")
+ iu.plot_geometry(ax, projected_b, "green")
+ plt.title(f"{obj_name} stable against {relation_state.target_name}? {res=}")
- logger.debug(f'stable_against {res=}')
+ logger.debug(f"stable_against {res=}")
if not res:
return False
for vertex in poly_a.vertices:
- vertex_global = iu.global_vertex_coordinates(a_blender_obj, a_blender_obj.data.vertices[vertex])
+ vertex_global = iu.global_vertex_coordinates(
+ a_blender_obj, a_blender_obj.data.vertices[vertex]
+ )
distance = iu.distance_to_plane(vertex_global, origin_b, normal_b)
if not np.isclose(distance, relation_state.relation.margin, atol=1e-2):
- logger.debug(f'stable against failed, not close to {distance=}')
+ logger.debug(f"stable against failed, not close to {distance=}")
return False
return True
-def snap_against(scene, a, b, a_plane, b_plane, margin = 0):
+def snap_against(scene, a, b, a_plane, b_plane, margin=0):
- snap a against b with some margin.
+ snap a against b with some margin.
logging.debug("snap_against", a, b, a_plane, b_plane, margin)
@@ -180,39 +190,41 @@ def snap_against(scene, a, b, a_plane, b_plane, margin = 0):
a_poly = a_obj.data.polygons[a_poly_index]
b_poly_index = b_plane[1]
b_poly = b_obj.data.polygons[b_poly_index]
- plane_point_a = iu.global_vertex_coordinates(a_obj, a_obj.data.vertices[a_poly.vertices[0]])
+ plane_point_a = iu.global_vertex_coordinates(
+ a_obj, a_obj.data.vertices[a_poly.vertices[0]]
+ )
plane_normal_a = iu.global_polygon_normal(a_obj, a_poly)
- plane_point_b = iu.global_vertex_coordinates(b_obj, b_obj.data.vertices[b_poly.vertices[0]])
+ plane_point_b = iu.global_vertex_coordinates(
+ b_obj, b_obj.data.vertices[b_poly.vertices[0]]
+ )
plane_normal_b = iu.global_polygon_normal(b_obj, b_poly)
plane_normal_b = -plane_normal_b
norm_mag_a = np.linalg.norm(plane_normal_a)
norm_mag_b = np.linalg.norm(plane_normal_b)
assert np.isclose(norm_mag_a, 1), norm_mag_a
assert np.isclose(norm_mag_b, 1), norm_mag_b
rotation_axis = np.cross(plane_normal_a, plane_normal_b)
- if not np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(rotation_axis),0, atol = 1e-05):
+ if not np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(rotation_axis), 0, atol=1e-05):
rotation_axis = rotation_axis / np.linalg.norm(rotation_axis)
- rotation_axis = np.array([0,0,1])
+ rotation_axis = np.array([0, 0, 1])
dot = plane_normal_a.dot(plane_normal_b)
rotation_angle = np.arccos(np.clip(dot, -1, 1))
if np.isnan(rotation_angle):
- raise ValueError(f'Invalid {rotation_angle=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Invalid {rotation_angle=}")
iu.rotate(scene, a, rotation_axis, rotation_angle)
a_obj = bpy.data.objects[a]
a_poly = a_obj.data.polygons[a_poly_index]
# Recalculate vertex_a and normal_a after rotation
- plane_point_a = iu.global_vertex_coordinates(a_obj, a_obj.data.vertices[a_poly.vertices[0]])
+ plane_point_a = iu.global_vertex_coordinates(
+ a_obj, a_obj.data.vertices[a_poly.vertices[0]]
+ )
plane_normal_a = iu.global_polygon_normal(a_obj, a_poly)
distance = (plane_point_a - plane_point_b).dot(plane_normal_b)
# Move object a by the average distance minus the margin in the direction of the plane normal of b
@@ -220,26 +232,29 @@ def snap_against(scene, a, b, a_plane, b_plane, margin = 0):
iu.translate(scene, a, translation)
-def random_sample_point(state: state_def.State, obj: bpy.types.Object, face_mask: np.ndarray, plane: tuple[str, int]) -> Vector:
+def random_sample_point(
+ state: state_def.State,
+ obj: bpy.types.Object,
+ face_mask: np.ndarray,
+ plane: tuple[str, int],
+) -> Vector:
Given a plane, return a random point on the plane.
- if obj.type != 'MESH':
- raise ValueError(f'Unexpected {obj.type=}')
+ if obj.type != "MESH":
+ raise ValueError(f"Unexpected {obj.type=}")
plane_mask = state.planes.tagged_plane_mask(obj, face_mask, plane)
if not np.any(plane_mask):
- f'No faces in object {obj.name} are coplanar with plane {plane}.'
+ f"No faces in object {obj.name} are coplanar with plane {plane}."
# Create a bmesh from the object mesh
bm = bmesh.new()
- bm.faces.ensure_lookup_table()
+ bm.faces.ensure_lookup_table()
faces = [bm.faces[i] for i in np.where(plane_mask)[0]]
@@ -258,15 +273,20 @@ def random_sample_point(state: state_def.State, obj: bpy.types.Object, face_mask
# Use barycentric coordinates to sample a random point in the triangle
# Random weights for each vertex
weights = np.random.rand(3)
- weights /= np.sum(weights)
- random_point_local = weights[0] * verts[0] + weights[1] * verts[1] + weights[2] * verts[2]
+ weights /= np.sum(weights)
+ random_point_local = (
+ weights[0] * verts[0] + weights[1] * verts[1] + weights[2] * verts[2]
+ )
random_point_global = obj.matrix_world @ Vector(random_point_local)
return random_point_global
-def move_obj_random_pt(state: state_def.State, a, b, face_mask: np.ndarray, plane: tuple[str, int]):
+def move_obj_random_pt(
+ state: state_def.State, a, b, face_mask: np.ndarray, plane: tuple[str, int]
move a to a random point on b
@@ -302,10 +322,9 @@ def move_obj_random_pt(state: state_def.State, a, b, face_mask: np.ndarray, plan
# set_location(scene, a, Vector((xy_loc.x, xy_loc.y, 0)))
-def supported_by(scene, a, b, visualize = False):
- #check for collision first
+def supported_by(scene, a, b, visualize=False):
+ # check for collision first
if isinstance(a, str):
a = [a]
@@ -317,20 +336,20 @@ def supported_by(scene, a, b, visualize = False):
if visualize:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
- ax.set_aspect('equal', 'box')
+ ax.set_aspect("equal", "box")
b_poly = iu.project_to_xy_poly(b_trimesh)
if isinstance(b_poly, Polygon):
x, y = b_poly.exterior.xy
- ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.5, fc='red', ec='black', label='Polygon b')
+ ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.5, fc="red", ec="black", label="Polygon b")
elif isinstance(b_poly, MultiPolygon):
for sub_poly in b_poly.geoms:
x, y = sub_poly.exterior.xy
- ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.5, fc='red', ec='black', label='Polygon b')
+ ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.5, fc="red", ec="black", label="Polygon b")
for a_mesh, a_trimesh in zip(a_meshes, a_trimeshes):
cloned_a = butil.deep_clone_obj(
a_mesh, keep_modifiers=True, keep_materials=False
- )
+ )
cloned_a, "BOOLEAN", apply=True, operation="INTERSECT", object=b_mesh
@@ -342,17 +361,19 @@ def supported_by(scene, a, b, visualize = False):
if visualize:
if isinstance(intersection_poly, Polygon):
x, y = intersection_poly.exterior.xy
- ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.5, fc='blue', ec='black', label='Polygon a')
+ ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.5, fc="blue", ec="black", label="Polygon a")
elif isinstance(intersection_poly, MultiPolygon):
for sub_poly in intersection_poly.geoms:
x, y = sub_poly.exterior.xy
- ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.5, fc='blue', ec='black', label='Polygon a')
- ax.plot(com_projected[0], com_projected[1], 'o', color='black', label='COM of a')
+ ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.5, fc="blue", ec="black", label="Polygon a")
+ ax.plot(
+ com_projected[0], com_projected[1], "o", color="black", label="COM of a"
+ )
if not intersection_convex.contains(Point(com_projected)):
- if visualize:
+ if visualize:
- return False
- if visualize:
+ return False
+ if visualize:
- return True
\ No newline at end of file
+ return True
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/geometry/validity.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/geometry/validity.py
index c0761647f..556c58fe5 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/geometry/validity.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/geometry/validity.py
@@ -5,30 +5,33 @@
import logging
-import bpy
-from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon, MultiPolygon
+import gin
+from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon, Point, Polygon
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
import infinigen.core.constraints.constraint_language as cl
-from infinigen.core.constraints.constraint_language.util import meshes_from_names, blender_objs_from_names, subset, project_to_xy_poly
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.state_def import State, ObjectState, RelationState
-from infinigen.core.constraints.evaluator.node_impl.trimesh_geometry import constrain_contact, any_touching
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.geometry.stability import stable_against, supported_by
from infinigen.core import tags as t
-import gin
+from infinigen.core.constraints.constraint_language.util import (
+ blender_objs_from_names,
+ meshes_from_names,
+ project_to_xy_poly,
+from infinigen.core.constraints.evaluator.node_impl.trimesh_geometry import (
+ any_touching,
+ constrain_contact,
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.geometry.stability import stable_against
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.state_def import State
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def check_pre_move_validity(scene, a, parent_dict, dx, dy):
- """
- """
+ """ """
parent = parent_dict[a]
a_mesh = meshes_from_names(scene, a)[0]
parent_mesh = meshes_from_names(scene, parent)[0]
- blender_mesh = blender_objs_from_names(a)[0]
+ blender_objs_from_names(a)[0]
# move a mesh by dx, dy and check if the projection of a_mesh is contained in parent_mesh
# a_mesh.apply_transform(trimesh.transformations.compose_matrix(translate=[dx,dy,0]))
@@ -36,7 +39,7 @@ def check_pre_move_validity(scene, a, parent_dict, dx, dy):
parent_poly = project_to_xy_poly(parent_mesh)
centroid = a_poly.centroid
new_centroid = Point([centroid.x + dx, centroid.y + dy])
- # plot
+ # plot
# fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# if isinstance(parent_poly, Polygon):
# x, y = parent_poly.exterior.xy
@@ -61,62 +64,67 @@ def check_pre_move_validity(scene, a, parent_dict, dx, dy):
return True
-def all_relations_valid(state, name):
+def all_relations_valid(state, name):
rels = state.objs[name].relations
for i, relation_state in enumerate(rels):
match relation_state.relation:
- case cl.StableAgainst(child_tags, parent_tags, margin):
+ case cl.StableAgainst(_child_tags, _parent_tags, _margin):
res = stable_against(state, name, relation_state)
if not res:
- logger.debug(f'{name} failed relation {i=}/{len(rels)} {relation_state.relation} on {relation_state.target_name}')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"{name} failed relation {i=}/{len(rels)} {relation_state.relation} on {relation_state.target_name}"
+ )
return False
- case unmatched:
+ case _:
raise TypeError(f"Unhandled {relation_state.relation}")
return True
def check_post_move_validity(
- state: State,
- name: str,
- disable_collision_checking=False,
- visualize=False
+ state: State, name: str, disable_collision_checking=False, visualize=False
scene = state.trimesh_scene
objstate = state.objs[name]
collision_objs = [
- os.obj.name for k, os in state.objs.items()
+ os.obj.name
+ for k, os in state.objs.items()
if k != name and t.Semantics.NoCollision not in os.tags
- if len(collision_objs) == 0:
+ if len(collision_objs) == 0:
return True
- if not all_relations_valid(state, name):
+ if not all_relations_valid(state, name):
if visualize:
vis_obj = butil.copy(objstate.obj)
- vis_obj.name = f'validity_relations_fail_{name}'
+ vis_obj.name = f"validity_relations_fail_{name}"
return False
if disable_collision_checking:
return True
if t.Semantics.NoCollision in objstate.tags:
return True
- touch = any_touching(scene, objstate.obj.name, collision_objs, bvh_cache=state.bvh_cache)
+ touch = any_touching(
+ scene, objstate.obj.name, collision_objs, bvh_cache=state.bvh_cache
+ )
if not constrain_contact(touch, should_touch=None, max_depth=0.0001):
if visualize:
vis_obj = butil.copy(objstate.obj)
- vis_obj.name = f'validity_contact_fail_{name}'
- contact_names = [[x for x in t.names if not x.startswith('_')] for t in touch.contacts]
- logger.debug(f'validity failed - {name} touched {contact_names[0]} {len(contact_names)=}')
+ vis_obj.name = f"validity_contact_fail_{name}"
+ contact_names = [
+ [x for x in t.names if not x.startswith("_")] for t in touch.contacts
+ ]
+ logger.debug(
+ f"validity failed - {name} touched {contact_names[0]} {len(contact_names)=}"
+ )
return False
# supposed to go through the consgraph here
- return True
\ No newline at end of file
+ return True
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/greedy/__init__.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/greedy/__init__.py
index f83271319..900585cfd 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/greedy/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/greedy/__init__.py
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-from .all_substitutions import substitutions, iterate_assignments
+from .active_for_stage import set_active, update_active_flags
+from .all_substitutions import iterate_assignments, substitutions
from .constraint_partition import filter_constraints
-from .active_for_stage import update_active_flags, set_active
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/greedy/active_for_stage.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/greedy/active_for_stage.py
index 3db38b1e9..351584ef6 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/greedy/active_for_stage.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/greedy/active_for_stage.py
@@ -7,24 +7,17 @@
import logging
from infinigen.core import tags as t
-from infinigen.core.constraints import (
- constraint_language as cl,
- reasoning as r,
+from infinigen.core.constraints import reasoning as r
from infinigen.core.constraints.evaluator import domain_contains
from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver import state_def
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def find_ancestors_of_type(
- state: state_def.State,
- objkey: str,
- filter_type: r.Domain,
- seen: set = None
+ state: state_def.State, objkey: str, filter_type: r.Domain, seen: set = None
) -> set[str]:
Find objkeys of all ancestors of `objkey` which match `filter_type`
@@ -47,25 +40,20 @@ def find_ancestors_of_type(
if domain_contains.domain_contains(filter_type, state, obj):
return {objkey}
result = set()
for rel in obj.relations:
if rel.target_name in seen:
- result.update(find_ancestors_of_type(
- state, rel.target_name, filter_type, seen
- ))
+ result.update(find_ancestors_of_type(state, rel.target_name, filter_type, seen))
return result
def _is_active_room_object(
- state: state_def.State,
- objkey: str,
- var_assignments: dict[t.Variable, str]
+ state: state_def.State, objkey: str, var_assignments: dict[t.Variable, str]
) -> bool:
Determine if an object should be active for the given assignment
@@ -78,15 +66,23 @@ def _is_active_room_object(
if assignment is None:
match var.name:
- case 'room':
- room_ancestors = find_ancestors_of_type(state, objkey, r.Domain({t.Semantics.Room}))
+ case "room":
+ room_ancestors = find_ancestors_of_type(
+ state, objkey, r.Domain({t.Semantics.Room})
+ )
if assignment not in room_ancestors:
- logger.debug(f'{objkey} is inactive due to room {room_ancestors=} {assignment=}')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"{objkey} is inactive due to room {room_ancestors=} {assignment=}"
+ )
return False
- case 'obj':
- obj_ancestors = find_ancestors_of_type(state, objkey, r.Domain({t.Semantics.Object}))
+ case "obj":
+ obj_ancestors = find_ancestors_of_type(
+ state, objkey, r.Domain({t.Semantics.Object})
+ )
if len(obj_ancestors) and objkey not in obj_ancestors:
- logger.debug(f'{objkey} is inactive due to obj {assignment=} {obj_ancestors=}')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"{objkey} is inactive due to obj {assignment=} {obj_ancestors=}"
+ )
return False
case _:
raise NotImplementedError(
@@ -96,18 +92,17 @@ def _is_active_room_object(
return True
def set_active(state, objkey, active):
state.objs[objkey].active = active
for child in butil.iter_object_tree(state.objs[objkey].obj):
child.hide_viewport = not active
-def update_active_flags(
- state: state_def.State,
- var_assignments: dict[t.Variable, str]
+def update_active_flags(state: state_def.State, var_assignments: dict[t.Variable, str]):
count = 0
for objkey, objstate in state.objs.items():
active = _is_active_room_object(state, objkey, var_assignments)
set_active(state, objkey, active)
count += active
- return count
\ No newline at end of file
+ return count
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/greedy/all_substitutions.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/greedy/all_substitutions.py
index c5237f390..4f7cdec3a 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/greedy/all_substitutions.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/greedy/all_substitutions.py
@@ -4,29 +4,25 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import typing
-import itertools
import copy
+import itertools
import logging
-import functools
+import typing
-from infinigen.core.constraints import (
- constraint_language as cl,
- reasoning as r
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver import state_def
from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.core.constraints import reasoning as r
from infinigen.core.constraints.evaluator.domain_contains import objkeys_in_dom
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver import state_def
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _resolve_toplevel_var(
dom: r.Domain,
state: state_def.State,
limits: dict[t.Variable, int] = None,
) -> typing.Iterator[str]:
- """
+ """
Find and yield all valid substitutions of a toplevel VariableTag in a given dom
ASSUMES: there is at most one variable in the domain, and it is at the top level
@@ -34,7 +30,7 @@ def _resolve_toplevel_var(
if limits is None:
limits = {}
vars = [ti for ti in dom.tags if isinstance(ti, t.Variable)]
if len(vars) == 0:
yield dom
@@ -47,7 +43,9 @@ def _resolve_toplevel_var(
result = copy.deepcopy(dom)
objkeys = objkeys_in_dom(result, state)
- logger.debug(f'Found {len(objkeys)} valid assignments for {repr(vartag)} via {result} on ')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"Found {len(objkeys)} valid assignments for {repr(vartag)} via {result} on "
+ )
# if the user says limit "room" to 3 and we are doing "room", apply the limit
name_limit = limits.get(vartag, None)
@@ -55,42 +53,39 @@ def _resolve_toplevel_var(
objkeys = objkeys[:name_limit]
for objkey in objkeys:
- logger.debug(f'Assigning {objkey} for {vartag}')
+ logger.debug(f"Assigning {objkey} for {vartag}")
yield result.with_tags(state.objs[objkey].tags)
def substitutions(
- dom: r.Domain,
+ dom: r.Domain,
state: state_def.State,
limits: dict[t.Variable, int] | None = None,
nonempty: bool = False,
) -> typing.Iterator[r.Domain]:
"""Find all t.Variable in d's tags or relations, and return one Domain for each possible assignment
limits cuts off enumeration of each varname with some integer count
- child_assignment_prod = itertools.product(*(
- substitutions(dchild, state, limits, nonempty)
- for _, dchild in dom.relations
- ))
+ child_assignment_prod = itertools.product(
+ *(substitutions(dchild, state, limits, nonempty) for _, dchild in dom.relations)
+ )
i = None
for i, dsubs in enumerate(child_assignment_prod):
assert len(dsubs) == len(dom.relations)
rels = [(rel, dsubs[j]) for j, (rel, _) in enumerate(dom.relations)]
- candidate = r.Domain(
- tags=dom.tags, relations=rels
- )
+ candidate = r.Domain(tags=dom.tags, relations=rels)
yield from _resolve_toplevel_var(candidate, state, limits=limits)
if i is None and nonempty:
- raise ValueError(f'Found no substitutions found for {dom=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Found no substitutions found for {dom=}")
def iterate_assignments(
dom: r.Domain,
state: state_def.State,
@@ -98,9 +93,8 @@ def iterate_assignments(
limits: dict[t.Variable, int] | None = None,
nonempty: bool = False,
) -> typing.Iterator[dict[t.Variable, str]]:
- """Find all combinations of assignments for the listed vars.
+ """Find all combinations of assignments for the listed vars.
Variables will be considered IN ORDER, IE first variable can affect options for second variable,
but not the other way around.
@@ -134,9 +128,7 @@ def iterate_assignments(
assert isinstance(vars, list), vars
var = vars[0]
- doms_for_var = [
- d for d in dom.traverse() if var in d.tags
- ]
+ doms_for_var = [d for d in dom.traverse() if var in d.tags]
if len(doms_for_var) == 0:
yield {}
@@ -144,21 +136,23 @@ def iterate_assignments(
combined, *rest = doms_for_var
for d in rest:
combined = combined.intersection(d)
- combined = copy.deepcopy(combined) # prevents modification of original domain if it had the var
+ combined = copy.deepcopy(
+ combined
+ ) # prevents modification of original domain if it had the var
if not combined.intersects(combined):
- raise ValueError(f'{iterate_assignments.__name__} with {var=} arrived at contradictory {combined=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"{iterate_assignments.__name__} with {var=} arrived at contradictory {combined=}"
+ )
candidates = sorted(objkeys_in_dom(combined, state))
candidates = [
- c for c in candidates
- if t.Semantics.NoChildren not in state.objs[c].tags
+ c for c in candidates if t.Semantics.NoChildren not in state.objs[c].tags
i = None
for i, objkey in enumerate(candidates):
limit = limits.get(var, None)
if limit is not None and i >= limits[var]:
@@ -167,17 +161,14 @@ def iterate_assignments(
copy.deepcopy(dom), var, combined.with_tags(t.SpecificObject(objkey))
rest_iter = iterate_assignments(
- dom_objkey, state, vars[1:], limits,
+ dom_objkey,
+ state,
+ vars[1:],
+ limits,
for rest_assignments in rest_iter:
- yield {
- var: objkey,
- **rest_assignments
- }
+ yield {var: objkey, **rest_assignments}
if i is None and nonempty:
- raise ValueError(f'Found no assignments found for {dom=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Found no assignments found for {dom=}")
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/greedy/constraint_partition.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/greedy/constraint_partition.py
index 1511f9765..675d8e2db 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/greedy/constraint_partition.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/greedy/constraint_partition.py
@@ -4,49 +4,39 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import typing
-import operator
import copy
-from functools import partial
-from dataclasses import dataclass
import logging
+import operator
+import typing
+from functools import partial
-from infinigen.core.constraints import (
- constraint_language as cl,
- example_solver as ex,
- reasoning as r,
from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
+from infinigen.core.constraints import reasoning as r
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- operator.add,
- operator.and_,
- operator.mul,
- operator.or_
+OPS_COMMUTATIVE = {operator.add, operator.and_, operator.mul, operator.or_}
- operator.add: 0,
+ operator.add: 0,
operator.mul: 1,
operator.pow: 0,
- operator.truediv: 0
+ operator.truediv: 0,
def _get_op_unit_value(node: cl.BoolExpression | cl.ScalarExpression):
match node:
- case cl.BoolOperatorExpression(func, operands):
+ case cl.BoolOperatorExpression(func, _):
return True
- case cl.ScalarOperatorExpression(func, operands) if func in OPS_UNIT_VALUE:
+ case cl.ScalarOperatorExpression(func, _) if func in OPS_UNIT_VALUE:
return OPS_UNIT_VALUE[func]
case _:
- raise ValueError(f'Found no unit value for {node.__class__} {node.func}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Found no unit value for {node.__class__} {node.func}")
-def _partition_dict(
- terms: dict[str, cl.Node],
- recurse: typing.Callable
+def _partition_dict(terms: dict[str, cl.Node], recurse: typing.Callable):
new_terms = {}
for k, v in terms.items():
part, relevant = recurse(v)
@@ -55,11 +45,9 @@ def _partition_dict(
new_terms[k] = part
return new_terms
def _update_item_nodes(
- node: cl.Node,
- from_varname: str,
- to_varname: str,
- to_objs: cl.ObjectSetExpression
+ node: cl.Node, from_varname: str, to_varname: str, to_objs: cl.ObjectSetExpression
for child in node.traverse():
if not isinstance(child, cl.item):
@@ -71,13 +59,13 @@ def _update_item_nodes(
return node
def _filter_gather_constraint(
node: cl.ForAll | cl.SumOver | cl.MeanOver,
recurse: typing.Callable,
filter_dom: r.Domain,
- var_assignments: dict[t.Variable, r.Domain]
+ var_assignments: dict[t.Variable, r.Domain],
) -> tuple[cl.Node, bool]:
objs, var, pred = node.objs, node.var, node.pred
var = t.Variable(var)
@@ -85,7 +73,7 @@ def _filter_gather_constraint(
obj_dom = r.constraint_domain(objs)
obj_dom = r.substitute_all(obj_dom, var_assignments)
var_assignments = copy.deepcopy(var_assignments) or {}
for varname, dom in var_assignments.items():
assert isinstance(varname, t.Variable)
@@ -109,20 +97,20 @@ def _filter_gather_constraint(
res.pred = pred_part
relevant = pred_rel
- return res, relevant
+ return res, relevant
def _filter_object_set(
node: cl.ObjectSetExpression,
recurse: typing.Callable,
filter_dom: r.Domain,
var_assignments: dict[t.Variable, r.Domain],
) -> tuple[cl.Node, bool]:
new_consnode = copy.deepcopy(node)
dom = r.constraint_domain(node)
dom_subst = r.substitute_all(dom, var_assignments)
if not r.domain_finalized(dom_subst, check_anyrel=False, check_variable=True):
raise ValueError(
"Domain not finalized, unable to check against filter. "
@@ -132,22 +120,26 @@ def _filter_object_set(
relevant = dom_subst.intersects(filter_dom, require_satisfies_right=True)
if (
- relevant
- and not dom_subst.satisfies(filter_dom) # no need to filter something that is already strict enough
+ relevant
+ and not dom_subst.satisfies(
+ filter_dom
+ ) # no need to filter something that is already strict enough
- finalized = r.domain_finalized(filter_dom, check_anyrel=False, check_variable=True)
+ finalized = r.domain_finalized(
+ filter_dom, check_anyrel=False, check_variable=True
+ )
assert finalized, filter_dom
new_consnode = r.FilterByDomain(new_consnode, filter_dom)
return new_consnode, relevant
def _filter_operator(
node: cl.BoolOperatorExpression | cl.ScalarOperatorExpression,
recurse: typing.Callable,
filter_dom: r.Domain,
- var_assignments: dict[t.Variable, r.Domain]
+ var_assignments: dict[t.Variable, r.Domain],
) -> tuple[cl.Node, bool]:
operands, func = node.operands, node.func
op_results = [recurse(o) for o in operands]
@@ -159,8 +151,7 @@ def _filter_operator(
case ([op], f) if f in OPS_COMMUTATIVE:
return op, True
case (new_operands, f) if (
- len(new_operands) == len(operands)
+ len(new_operands) == len(operands) or f in OPS_COMMUTATIVE
return node.__class__(f, new_operands), True
case _:
@@ -168,40 +159,42 @@ def _filter_operator(
any_relevant = any(o[1] for o in op_results)
return res, any_relevant
def _filter_node_cases(
node: cl.Node,
recurse: typing.Callable,
filter_dom: r.Domain,
- var_assignments: dict[t.Variable, r.Domain]
+ var_assignments: dict[t.Variable, r.Domain],
) -> tuple[cl.Node, bool]:
match node:
case cl.Problem(cons, score_terms):
prob = cl.Problem(
- _partition_dict(cons, recurse),
- _partition_dict(score_terms, recurse)
+ _partition_dict(cons, recurse), _partition_dict(score_terms, recurse)
relevant = len(prob.constraints) > 0 or len(prob.score_terms) > 0
return prob, relevant
case cl.ForAll() | cl.SumOver() | cl.MeanOver():
- return _filter_gather_constraint(node, recurse, filter_dom, var_assignments)
+ return _filter_gather_constraint(node, recurse, filter_dom, var_assignments)
case cl.BoolOperatorExpression() | cl.ScalarOperatorExpression():
return _filter_operator(node, recurse, filter_dom, var_assignments)
case cl.ObjectSetExpression():
return _filter_object_set(node, recurse, filter_dom, var_assignments)
case _:
result_relevant = False
result_consnode = copy.deepcopy(node)
for name, child in node.children():
res, relevant = recurse(child)
if not hasattr(node, name):
- raise ValueError(f"Node {node.__class__} has child with {name=} but no attribute {name} to set")
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Node {node.__class__} has child with {name=} but no attribute {name} to set"
+ )
setattr(result_consnode, name, res)
result_relevant = result_relevant or relevant
return result_consnode, result_relevant
def _check_partition_correctness(
node: cl.ObjectSetExpression,
filter_dom: r.Domain,
@@ -209,7 +202,7 @@ def _check_partition_correctness(
res_dom = r.constraint_domain(node)
res_dom = r.substitute_all(res_dom, var_assignments)
if not r.domain_finalized(res_dom, check_anyrel=False, check_variable=True):
raise ValueError(
f"While doing {_check_partition_correctness.__name__} for {node=} {filter_dom=}, "
@@ -219,16 +212,16 @@ def _check_partition_correctness(
if not res_dom.satisfies(filter_dom):
raise ValueError(f"{res_dom=} does not satisfy {filter_dom=}")
def filter_constraints(
node: cl.Node,
filter_dom: r.Domain,
var_assignments: dict[str, r.Domain] = None,
- check_correctness=True
+ check_correctness=True,
) -> tuple[cl.Node, bool]:
- """ Return a constraint graph representing the component of `node` that is relevant for
+ """Return a constraint graph representing the component of `node` that is relevant for
to a particular greedy filter domain.
node : cl.Node
@@ -236,14 +229,14 @@ def filter_constraints(
filter_dom : Domain
The domain which determines whether a constraint is relevant
var_assignments : Domain
- Domains to substitute for any t.Variable(name: str) in the constraint program, typically used for recursive calls.
+ Domains to substitute for any t.Variable(name: str) in the constraint program, typically used for recursive calls.
partitioned: cl.Node
The partitioned constraint program
relevant: bool
- Was any part of the constraint program relevant?
+ Was any part of the constraint program relevant?
@@ -252,18 +245,20 @@ def filter_constraints(
if var_assignments is None:
var_assignments = {}
- recurse = partial(filter_constraints, filter_dom=filter_dom, var_assignments=var_assignments)
- logger.debug(f"{filter_constraints.__name__} for {node.__class__.__name__}, {var_assignments.keys()=}")
+ recurse = partial(
+ filter_constraints, filter_dom=filter_dom, var_assignments=var_assignments
+ )
+ logger.debug(
+ f"{filter_constraints.__name__} for {node.__class__.__name__}, {var_assignments.keys()=}"
+ )
new_node, relevant = _filter_node_cases(node, recurse, filter_dom, var_assignments)
- if (
- relevant
- and check_correctness
- and isinstance(new_node, cl.ObjectSetExpression)
- ):
+ if relevant and check_correctness and isinstance(new_node, cl.ObjectSetExpression):
_check_partition_correctness(new_node, filter_dom, var_assignments)
- logger.debug(f"Partitioned {node.__class__.__name__} to {new_node.__class__.__name__}")
+ logger.debug(
+ f"Partitioned {node.__class__.__name__} to {new_node.__class__.__name__}"
+ )
- return new_node, relevant
\ No newline at end of file
+ return new_node, relevant
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/__init__.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/__init__.py
index 1e0feb4ed..87c6ca28b 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/__init__.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-from .moves import Move
from .addition import Addition, Resample
from .deletion import Deletion
-from .swap import Swap
+from .moves import Move
+from .pose import ReinitPoseMove, RotateMove, TranslateMove
from .reassignment import RelationPlaneChange, RelationTargetChange
-from .pose import TranslateMove, RotateMove, ReinitPoseMove
\ No newline at end of file
+from .swap import Swap
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/addition.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/addition.py
index 26326a017..b4fb2de27 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/addition.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/addition.py
@@ -4,45 +4,30 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-from dataclasses import dataclass, field
-import numpy as np
-import typing
import logging
-import gin
-from pprint import pprint
+import typing
+from dataclasses import dataclass
import bpy
-from mathutils import Vector, Matrix
-import trimesh
+import numpy as np
from infinigen.assets.utils import bbox_from_mesh
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.state_def import State, ObjectState
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-from infinigen.core.constraints import (
- constraint_language as cl,
- usage_lookup
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.constraints.constraint_language.util import (
- delete_obj,
- meshes_from_names
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.geometry import(
- validity
+from infinigen.core import tagging
+from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.core.constraints import usage_lookup
+from infinigen.core.constraints.constraint_language.util import delete_obj
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.geometry import (
+ dof,
+ parse_scene,
+ validity,
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.state_def import ObjectState, State
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.geometry import dof, parse_scene
from . import moves
from .reassignment import pose_backup, restore_pose_backup
-from time import time
# from line_profiler import LineProfiler
@@ -50,8 +35,8 @@
-def sample_rand_placeholder(gen_class: type[AssetFactory]):
+def sample_rand_placeholder(gen_class: type[AssetFactory]):
singleton_gen = usage_lookup.has_usage(gen_class, t.Semantics.SingleGenerator)
if singleton_gen and gen_class in GLOBAL_GENERATOR_SINGLETON_CACHE:
@@ -65,47 +50,43 @@ def sample_rand_placeholder(gen_class: type[AssetFactory]):
inst_seed = np.random.randint(1e7)
if usage_lookup.has_usage(gen_class, t.Semantics.RealPlaceholder):
- new_obj = gen.spawn_placeholder(inst_seed, loc=(0,0,0), rot=(0,0,0))
+ new_obj = gen.spawn_placeholder(inst_seed, loc=(0, 0, 0), rot=(0, 0, 0))
elif usage_lookup.has_usage(gen_class, t.Semantics.AssetAsPlaceholder):
- new_obj = gen.spawn_asset(inst_seed, loc=(0,0,0), rot=(0,0,0))
+ new_obj = gen.spawn_asset(inst_seed, loc=(0, 0, 0), rot=(0, 0, 0))
elif usage_lookup.has_usage(gen_class, t.Semantics.PlaceholderBBox):
new_obj = bbox_from_mesh.bbox_mesh_from_hipoly(gen, inst_seed, use_pholder=True)
new_obj = bbox_from_mesh.bbox_mesh_from_hipoly(gen, inst_seed)
- if new_obj.type != 'MESH':
- raise ValueError(f'Addition created {new_obj.name=} with type {new_obj.type}')
+ if new_obj.type != "MESH":
+ raise ValueError(f"Addition created {new_obj.name=} with type {new_obj.type}")
if len(new_obj.data.polygons) == 0:
- raise ValueError(f'Addition created {new_obj.name=} with 0 faces')
+ raise ValueError(f"Addition created {new_obj.name=} with 0 faces")
- list(butil.iter_object_tree(new_obj)),
- butil.get_collection(f'placeholders')
+ list(butil.iter_object_tree(new_obj)), butil.get_collection("placeholders")
return new_obj, gen
class Addition(moves.Move):
- """ Move which generates an object and adds it to the scene with certain relations
- """
+ """Move which generates an object and adds it to the scene with certain relations"""
gen_class: typing.Any
relation_assignments: list
temp_force_tags: set
_new_obj: bpy.types.Object = None
def __repr__(self):
- return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.gen_class.__name__}, {len(self.relation_assignments)} relations)'
+ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.gen_class.__name__}, {len(self.relation_assignments)} relations)"
def apply(self, state: State):
- target_name, = self.names
+ (target_name,) = self.names
assert target_name not in state.objs
self._new_obj, gen = sample_rand_placeholder(self.gen_class)
@@ -119,26 +100,25 @@ def apply(self, state: State):
- relations=self.relation_assignments
+ relations=self.relation_assignments,
state.objs[target_name] = objstate
success = dof.try_apply_relation_constraints(state, target_name)
- logger.debug(f'{self} {success=}')
+ logger.debug(f"{self} {success=}")
return success
def revert(self, state: State):
to_delete = list(butil.iter_object_tree(self._new_obj))
delete_obj(state.trimesh_scene, [a.name for a in to_delete])
- new_name, = self.names
+ (new_name,) = self.names
del state.objs[new_name]
class Resample(moves.Move):
- """ Move which replaces an existing object with a new one from the same generator
- """
+ """Move which replaces an existing object with a new one from the same generator"""
align_corner: int = None
@@ -147,7 +127,6 @@ class Resample(moves.Move):
_backup_poseinfo = None
def apply(self, state: State):
assert len(self.names) == 1
target_name = self.names[0]
@@ -158,23 +137,22 @@ def apply(self, state: State):
scene = state.trimesh_scene
- scene.delete_geometry(os.obj.name + '_mesh')
+ scene.delete_geometry(os.obj.name + "_mesh")
os.obj, os.generator = sample_rand_placeholder(os.generator.__class__)
if self.align_corner is not None:
- c_old = self._backup_obj.bound_box[self.align_corner]
- c_new = os.obj.bound_box[self.align_corner]
- raise NotImplementedError(f'{self.align_corner=}')
- parse_scene.add_to_scene(state.trimesh_scene, os.obj, preprocess=True)
+ self._backup_obj.bound_box[self.align_corner]
+ os.obj.bound_box[self.align_corner]
+ raise NotImplementedError(f"{self.align_corner=}")
+ parse_scene.add_to_scene(state.trimesh_scene, os.obj, preprocess=True)
dof.apply_relations_surfacesample(state, target_name)
return validity.check_post_move_validity(state, target_name)
- def revert(self, state: State):
- target_name, = self.names
+ def revert(self, state: State):
+ (target_name,) = self.names
os = state.objs[target_name]
delete_obj(state.trimesh_scene, os.obj.name)
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/deletion.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/deletion.py
index 58097bc5c..dd23aa93c 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/deletion.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/deletion.py
@@ -4,49 +4,42 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-from dataclasses import dataclass
-import numpy as np
-import typing
import logging
-import bpy
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.geometry import parse_scene
-from mathutils import Vector, Matrix
-import trimesh
+from dataclasses import dataclass
from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver import state_def
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.geometry import parse_scene
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.moves.moves import Move
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.moves import Move
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Deletion(Move):
# remove obj from scene
_backup_state: state_def.ObjectState = None
def __repr__(self):
- return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.names})'
+ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.names})"
def apply(self, state):
- target_name, = self.names
+ (target_name,) = self.names
self._backup_state = state.objs[target_name]
for obj in butil.iter_object_tree(state.objs[target_name].obj):
- state.trimesh_scene.delete_geometry(obj.name + '_mesh')
+ state.trimesh_scene.delete_geometry(obj.name + "_mesh")
del state.objs[target_name]
return True
def accept(self, state):
def revert(self, state):
- target_name, = self.names
+ (target_name,) = self.names
state.objs[target_name] = self._backup_state
- parse_scene.add_to_scene(state.trimesh_scene, self._backup_state.obj, preprocess=True)
\ No newline at end of file
+ parse_scene.add_to_scene(
+ state.trimesh_scene, self._backup_state.obj, preprocess=True
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/moves.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/moves.py
index ada8cb2c0..d7473a745 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/moves.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/moves.py
@@ -4,24 +4,17 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-from dataclasses import dataclass
-import numpy as np
-import typing
import logging
-import bpy
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.geometry import parse_scene
-from mathutils import Vector, Matrix
-import trimesh
+import typing
+from dataclasses import dataclass
from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver import state_def
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Move:
names: typing.List[str]
def __post_init__(self):
@@ -32,6 +25,6 @@ def apply(self, state: state_def.State):
def revert(self, state: state_def.State):
raise NotImplementedError
def accept(self, state: state_def.State):
- pass
\ No newline at end of file
+ pass
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/pose.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/pose.py
index 454353538..69d313bd4 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/pose.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/pose.py
@@ -4,29 +4,25 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick, Karhan Kayan
-from dataclasses import dataclass
-import numpy as np
-import typing
import logging
+from dataclasses import dataclass
-import bpy
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.geometry import dof
-import mathutils
+import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.geometry import validity, dof
from infinigen.core.constraints.constraint_language import util as iu
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.geometry import dof, validity
-from . import moves
from ..state_def import State
+from . import moves
from .reassignment import pose_backup, restore_pose_backup
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TranslateMove(moves.Move):
# translate obj by vector
translation: np.array
_backup_pose: dict = None
@@ -36,9 +32,8 @@ def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.names}, {norm:.2e})"
def apply(self, state: State):
+ (target_name,) = self.names
- target_name, = self.names
os = state.objs[target_name]
self._backup_pose = pose_backup(os, dof=False)
@@ -48,14 +43,14 @@ def apply(self, state: State):
return False
return True
def revert(self, state: State):
- target_name, = self.names
+ (target_name,) = self.names
restore_pose_backup(state, target_name, self._backup_pose)
class RotateMove(moves.Move):
axis: np.array
angle: float
@@ -65,8 +60,7 @@ def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.names}, {self.angle:.2e})"
def apply(self, state: State):
- target_name, = self.names
+ (target_name,) = self.names
os = state.objs[target_name]
self._backup_pose = pose_backup(os, dof=False)
@@ -75,32 +69,33 @@ def apply(self, state: State):
if not validity.check_post_move_validity(state, target_name):
return False
return True
def revert(self, state: State):
- target_name, = self.names
+ (target_name,) = self.names
restore_pose_backup(state, target_name, self._backup_pose)
class ReinitPoseMove(moves.Move):
_backup_pose: dict = None
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.names})"
def apply(self, state: State):
- target_name, = self.names
+ (target_name,) = self.names
ostate = state.objs[target_name]
self._backup_pose = pose_backup(ostate)
return dof.try_apply_relation_constraints(state, target_name)
def revert(self, state: State):
- target_name, = self.names
+ (target_name,) = self.names
restore_pose_backup(state, target_name, self._backup_pose)
class ScaleMove(Move):
name: str
@@ -119,4 +114,4 @@ def revert(self, state: State):
blender_obj.scale /= Vector(self.scale)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/reassignment.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/reassignment.py
index 421391db9..ac63df077 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/reassignment.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/reassignment.py
@@ -2,56 +2,48 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
# of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Alexander Raistrick: primary author
# - Karhan Kayan: sync with trimesh fix
-from dataclasses import dataclass
-import numpy as np
-import typing
-import logging
import copy
+from dataclasses import dataclass
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.constraints.constraint_language.util import (
- translate,
- rotate,
- sync_trimesh
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.geometry import validity
+from infinigen.core.constraints.constraint_language.util import sync_trimesh
from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.geometry import dof
+from ..state_def import ObjectState, State
from . import moves
-from ..state_def import State, ObjectState
-def pose_backup(os: ObjectState, dof=True):
+def pose_backup(os: ObjectState, dof=True):
bak = dict(
if dof:
- bak['dof_trans'] = copy.copy(os.dof_matrix_translation)
- bak['dof_rot'] = copy.copy(os.dof_rotation_axis)
+ bak["dof_trans"] = copy.copy(os.dof_matrix_translation)
+ bak["dof_rot"] = copy.copy(os.dof_rotation_axis)
return bak
def restore_pose_backup(state, name, bak):
os = state.objs[name]
- os.obj.location = bak['loc']
- os.obj.rotation_euler = bak['rot']
+ os.obj.location = bak["loc"]
+ os.obj.rotation_euler = bak["rot"]
- if 'dof_trans' in bak:
- os.dof_matrix_translation = bak['dof_trans']
- if 'dof_rot' in bak:
- os.dof_rotation_axis = bak['dof_rot']
+ if "dof_trans" in bak:
+ os.dof_matrix_translation = bak["dof_trans"]
+ if "dof_rot" in bak:
+ os.dof_rotation_axis = bak["dof_rot"]
sync_trimesh(state.trimesh_scene, state.objs[name].obj.name)
class RelationPlaneChange(moves.Move):
relation_idx: int
plane_idx: int
@@ -59,12 +51,11 @@ class RelationPlaneChange(moves.Move):
_backup_poseinfo = None
def apply(self, state: State):
- target_name, = self.names
+ (target_name,) = self.names
os = state.objs[target_name]
rels = os.relations[self.relation_idx]
self._backup_idx = rels.parent_plane_idx
self._backup_poseinfo = pose_backup(os)
@@ -74,16 +65,15 @@ def apply(self, state: State):
return success
def revert(self, state: State):
+ (target_name,) = self.names
- target_name, = self.names
os = state.objs[target_name]
os.relations[self.relation_idx].parent_plane_idx = self._backup_idx
restore_pose_backup(state, target_name, self._backup_poseinfo)
class RelationTargetChange(moves.Move):
# reassign obj to new parent
name: str
relation_idx: int
@@ -95,7 +85,7 @@ class RelationTargetChange(moves.Move):
def apply(self, state: State):
os = state.objs[self.name]
rels = os.relations[self.relation_idx]
self._backup_target = rels.target_name
self._backup_poseinfo = pose_backup(os)
rels.target_name = self.new_target
@@ -107,4 +97,4 @@ def revert(self, state: State):
rels = os.relations[self.relation_idx]
rels.target_name = self._backup_target
- restore_pose_backup(state, self.name, self._backup_poseinfo)
\ No newline at end of file
+ restore_pose_backup(state, self.name, self._backup_poseinfo)
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/swap.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/swap.py
index 73b4ba846..57dfca8f0 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/swap.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/moves/swap.py
@@ -4,19 +4,10 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-from dataclasses import dataclass
-import numpy as np
-import typing
import logging
-import bpy
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.geometry import parse_scene
-from mathutils import Vector, Matrix
-import trimesh
+from dataclasses import dataclass
from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver import state_def
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.moves import Move
from .reassignment import pose_backup, restore_pose_backup
@@ -35,7 +26,6 @@ def __post_init__(self):
raise NotImplementedError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} untested")
def apply(self, state: state_def.State):
target1, target2 = self.names
o1 = state[target1].obj
@@ -45,11 +35,16 @@ def apply(self, state: state_def.State):
self._obj2_backup = pose_backup(o2, dof=False)
o1.loc, o2.loc = o2.loc, o1.loc
- o1.rotation_axis_angle, o2.rotation_axis_angle = o2.rotation_axis_angle, o1.rotation_axis_angle
- o1.relation_assignments, o2.relation_assignments = o2.relation_assignments, o1.relation_assignments
+ o1.rotation_axis_angle, o2.rotation_axis_angle = (
+ o2.rotation_axis_angle,
+ o1.rotation_axis_angle,
+ )
+ o1.relation_assignments, o2.relation_assignments = (
+ o2.relation_assignments,
+ o1.relation_assignments,
+ )
def revert(self, state: state_def.State):
target1, target2 = self.names
restore_pose_backup(state, target1, self._obj1_backup)
restore_pose_backup(state, target2, self._obj2_backup)
@@ -57,6 +52,7 @@ def revert(self, state: state_def.State):
o1 = state[target1].obj
o2 = state[target2].obj
- o1.relation_assignments, o2.relation_assignments = o2.relation_assignments, o1.relation_assignments
\ No newline at end of file
+ o1.relation_assignments, o2.relation_assignments = (
+ o2.relation_assignments,
+ o1.relation_assignments,
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/populate.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/populate.py
index affbc6d9d..9c0de0c44 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/populate.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/populate.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Alexander Raistrick: populate_state_placeholders, apply_cutter
# - Stamatis Alexandropoulos: Initial version of window cutting
@@ -10,70 +10,67 @@
import bpy
from tqdm import tqdm
+from infinigen.core import tagging
+from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.core.constraints import usage_lookup
+from infinigen.core.constraints.constraint_language.util import delete_obj
from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.geometry import parse_scene
from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.state_def import State
-from infinigen.core.constraints.constraint_language.util import delete_obj
from infinigen.core.placement.placement import parse_asset_name
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-from infinigen.core.constraints import usage_lookup
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def apply_cutter(state, objkey, cutter):
+def apply_cutter(state, objkey, cutter):
os = state.objs[objkey]
cut_objs = []
for i, relation_state in enumerate(os.relations):
# TODO in theory we maybe should check if they actually intersect
parent_obj = state.objs[relation_state.target_name].obj
- parent_obj,
- object=butil.copy(cutter),
- operation='DIFFERENCE',
- solver='FAST'
+ parent_obj,
+ object=butil.copy(cutter),
+ operation="DIFFERENCE",
+ solver="FAST",
- target_obj_name = state.objs[relation_state.target_name].obj.name
+ target_obj_name = state.objs[relation_state.target_name].obj.name
cut_objs.append((relation_state.target_name, target_obj_name))
- cutter_col = butil.get_collection('placeholders:asset_cutters')
+ cutter_col = butil.get_collection("placeholders:asset_cutters")
butil.put_in_collection(cutter, cutter_col)
return cut_objs
def populate_state_placeholders(state: State, filter=None, final=True):
- logger.info(f'Populating placeholders {final=} {filter=}')
- unique_assets = butil.get_collection('unique_assets')
+ logger.info(f"Populating placeholders {final=} {filter=}")
+ unique_assets = butil.get_collection("unique_assets")
+ unique_assets.hide_viewport = True
if final:
for os in state.objs.values():
if t.Semantics.Room in os.tags:
- os.obj = bpy.data.objects[os.obj.name + '.meshed']
+ os.obj = bpy.data.objects[os.obj.name + ".meshed"]
targets = []
for objkey, os in state.objs.items():
if os.generator is None:
- if (
- filter is not None
- and not usage_lookup.has_usage(os.generator.__class__, filter)
+ if filter is not None and not usage_lookup.has_usage(
+ os.generator.__class__, filter
- if 'spawn_asset' in os.obj.name:
+ if "spawn_asset" in os.obj.name:
butil.put_in_collection(os.obj, unique_assets)
- logger.debug(f'Found already populated asset {os.obj.name=}, continuing')
+ logger.debug(f"Found already populated asset {os.obj.name=}, continuing")
@@ -81,11 +78,10 @@ def populate_state_placeholders(state: State, filter=None, final=True):
update_state_mesh_objs = []
for i, objkey in enumerate(targets):
os = state.objs[objkey]
placeholder = os.obj
- logger.info(f'Populating {i}/{len(targets)} {placeholder.name=}')
+ logger.info(f"Populating {i}/{len(targets)} {placeholder.name=}")
old_objname = placeholder.name
update_state_mesh_objs.append((objkey, old_objname))
@@ -93,26 +89,36 @@ def populate_state_placeholders(state: State, filter=None, final=True):
*_, inst_seed = parse_asset_name(placeholder.name)
os.obj = os.generator.spawn_asset(
- loc=placeholder.location, # we could use placeholder=pholder here, but I worry pholder may have been modified
- rot=placeholder.rotation_euler
+ loc=placeholder.location, # we could use placeholder=pholder here, but I worry pholder may have been modified
+ rot=placeholder.rotation_euler,
butil.put_in_collection(os.obj, unique_assets)
- cutter = next((o for o in butil.iter_object_tree(os.obj) if o.name.endswith('.cutter')), None)
- logger.debug(f'{populate_state_placeholders.__name__} found {cutter=} for {os.obj.name=}')
+ cutter = next(
+ (o for o in butil.iter_object_tree(os.obj) if o.name.endswith(".cutter")),
+ None,
+ )
+ logger.debug(
+ f"{populate_state_placeholders.__name__} found {cutter=} for {os.obj.name=}"
+ )
if cutter is not None:
cut_objs = apply_cutter(state, objkey, cutter)
- logger.debug(f'{populate_state_placeholders.__name__} cut {cutter.name=} from {cut_objs=}')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"{populate_state_placeholders.__name__} cut {cutter.name=} from {cut_objs=}"
+ )
update_state_mesh_objs += cut_objs
+ unique_assets.hide_viewport = False
if final:
# objects modified in any way (via pholder update or boolean cut) must be synched with trimesh state
- for objkey, old_objname in tqdm(set(update_state_mesh_objs), desc='Updating trimesh with populated objects'):
- os = state.objs[objkey]
+ for objkey, old_objname in tqdm(
+ set(update_state_mesh_objs), desc="Updating trimesh with populated objects"
+ ):
+ os = state.objs[objkey]
# delete old trimesh
delete_obj(state.trimesh_scene, old_objname, delete_blender=False)
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/propose_continous.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/propose_continous.py
index 1e3aa9b56..2b9c2a43b 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/propose_continous.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/propose_continous.py
@@ -4,67 +4,57 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import typing
import logging
+import typing
import numpy as np
-import gin
-from .geometry import dof
-from mathutils import Vector
-from infinigen.core.constraints import (
- constraint_language as cl,
- reasoning as r,
- usage_lookup
+from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
+from infinigen.core.constraints import reasoning as r
from infinigen.core.constraints.evaluator.domain_contains import domain_contains
-from . import (
- moves,
- state_def
-from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from . import moves, state_def
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
TRANS_MIN = 0.01
ROT_MULT = np.pi
-ROT_MIN = 0 #2 * np.pi / 200
+ROT_MIN = 0 # 2 * np.pi / 200
ANGLE_STEP_SIZE = (2 * np.pi) / 8
def get_pose_candidates(
- consgraph: cl.Node,
- state: state_def.State,
+ consgraph: cl.Node,
+ state: state_def.State,
filter_domain: r.Domain,
require_rot_free: bool = False,
return [
- k for k, o in state.objs.items()
+ k
+ for k, o in state.objs.items()
if o.active
- and domain_contains(filter_domain, state, o)
+ and domain_contains(filter_domain, state, o)
and not (require_rot_free and o.dof_rotation_axis is None)
def propose_translate(
consgraph: cl.Node,
- state: state_def.State,
+ state: state_def.State,
filter_domain: r.Domain,
- temperature: float
+ temperature: float,
) -> typing.Iterator[moves.TranslateMove]:
candidates = get_pose_candidates(consgraph, state, filter_domain)
- candidates = [c for c in candidates if state.objs[c].dof_matrix_translation is not None]
+ candidates = [
+ c for c in candidates if state.objs[c].dof_matrix_translation is not None
+ ]
if not len(candidates):
- while True:
+ while True:
obj_state_name = np.random.choice(candidates)
obj_state = state.objs[obj_state_name]
@@ -77,24 +67,26 @@ def propose_translate(
def propose_rotate(
consgraph: cl.Node,
- state: state_def.State,
+ state: state_def.State,
filter_domain: r.Domain,
- temperature: float
+ temperature: float,
) -> typing.Iterator[moves.RotateMove]:
candidates = get_pose_candidates(consgraph, state, filter_domain)
candidates = [
- c for c in candidates if (
+ c
+ for c in candidates
+ if (
t.Semantics.NoRotation not in state.objs[c].tags
- and state.objs[c].dof_rotation_axis is not None
- and state.objs[c].dof_rotation_axis.dot(np.array((0,0,1))) > 0.95
+ and state.objs[c].dof_rotation_axis is not None
+ and state.objs[c].dof_rotation_axis.dot(np.array((0, 0, 1))) > 0.95
if not len(candidates):
while True:
obj_state_name = np.random.choice(candidates)
obj_state = state.objs[obj_state_name]
@@ -107,42 +99,34 @@ def propose_rotate(
random_angle = ang * ANGLE_STEP_SIZE
axis = obj_state.dof_rotation_axis
- yield moves.RotateMove(
- names=[obj_state_name],
- axis=axis,
- angle=random_angle
- )
+ yield moves.RotateMove(names=[obj_state_name], axis=axis, angle=random_angle)
def propose_reinit_pose(
consgraph: cl.Node,
- state: state_def.State,
+ state: state_def.State,
filter_domain: r.Domain,
- temperature: float
+ temperature: float,
) -> typing.Iterator[moves.ReinitPoseMove]:
candidates = get_pose_candidates(consgraph, state, filter_domain)
- candidates = [c for c in candidates if state.objs[c].dof_matrix_translation is not None]
+ candidates = [
+ c for c in candidates if state.objs[c].dof_matrix_translation is not None
+ ]
if len(candidates) == 0:
while True:
obj_state_name = np.random.choice(candidates)
- obj_state = state.objs[obj_state_name]
+ state.objs[obj_state_name]
yield moves.ReinitPoseMove(
-def propose_scale(
- consgraph,
- state,
- temperature
+def propose_scale(consgraph, state, temperature):
raise NotImplementedError
obj_state = np.random.choice(state.objs)
random_scale = np.random.normal(0, temperature, size=3)
- return moves.ScaleMove(
- name=obj_state.name,
- scale=random_scale
- )
\ No newline at end of file
+ return moves.ScaleMove(name=obj_state.name, scale=random_scale)
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/propose_discrete.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/propose_discrete.py
index 8b3b6d8f2..5ad52e311 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/propose_discrete.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/propose_discrete.py
@@ -2,60 +2,49 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
# of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Alexander Raistrick: primary author
# - Karhan Kayan: fix bug to ensure deterministic behavior
-import logging
-import pdb
import copy
+import logging
from itertools import product
-import typing
import gin
import numpy as np
-from pprint import pprint, pformat
-from infinigen.core.constraints import (
- constraint_language as cl,
- reasoning as r,
- usage_lookup
-from infinigen.core.constraints.evaluator.domain_contains import (
- domain_contains, objkeys_in_dom
-from .geometry import planes
-from . import (
- moves,
- state_def,
- propose_relations
+from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
+from infinigen.core.constraints import reasoning as r
+from infinigen.core.constraints import usage_lookup
+from infinigen.core.constraints.evaluator.domain_contains import objkeys_in_dom
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from . import moves, propose_relations, state_def
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class DummyCubeGenerator(AssetFactory):
+class DummyCubeGenerator(AssetFactory):
def __init__(self, seed):
def create_asset(self, *_, **__):
return butil.spawn_cube()
-def lookup_generator(preds: set[t.Semantics]):
+def lookup_generator(preds: set[t.Semantics]):
if t.contradiction(preds):
- raise ValueError(f'Got lookup_generator for unsatisfiable {preds=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Got lookup_generator for unsatisfiable {preds=}")
preds_pos, preds_neg = t.decompose_tags(preds)
fac_class_tags = [x.generator for x in preds if isinstance(x, t.FromGenerator)]
if len(fac_class_tags) > 1:
- raise ValueError(f'{preds=} had {len(fac_class_tags)=}, only 1 is allowed')
+ raise ValueError(f"{preds=} had {len(fac_class_tags)=}, only 1 is allowed")
elif len(fac_class_tags) == 1:
- fac_class_tag, = fac_class_tags
+ (fac_class_tag,) = fac_class_tags
usage = usage_lookup.usages_of_factory(fac_class_tag)
remainder = preds_pos - usage - {fac_class_tag}
if len(remainder):
@@ -79,108 +68,115 @@ def lookup_generator(preds: set[t.Semantics]):
return options
def propose_addition_bound_gen(
cons: cl.Node,
- curr: state_def.State,
+ curr: state_def.State,
bounds: list[r.Bound],
goal_bound_idx: r.Bound,
gen_class: AssetFactory,
- filter_domain: r.Domain
+ filter_domain: r.Domain,
- '''
+ """
Try to propose any addition move involving the specified bound and generator
- '''
+ """
goal_bound = bounds[goal_bound_idx]
- logger.debug(f'attempt propose_addition for {gen_class.__name__} rels={len(goal_bound.domain.relations)}')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"attempt propose_addition for {gen_class.__name__} rels={len(goal_bound.domain.relations)}"
+ )
assert r.domain_finalized(goal_bound.domain), goal_bound
if not active_for_stage(goal_bound.domain, filter_domain):
- raise ValueError(f'Attempted to propose {goal_bound} but it should not be active for {filter_domain=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Attempted to propose {goal_bound} but it should not be active for {filter_domain=}"
+ )
if len(goal_bound.domain.relations) == 0:
- raise ValueError(f'Attempted to propose unconstrained {gen_class.__name__} with no relations')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Attempted to propose unconstrained {gen_class.__name__} with no relations"
+ )
found_tags = usage_lookup.usages_of_factory(gen_class)
goal_pos, *_ = t.decompose_tags(goal_bound.domain.tags)
if not t.implies(found_tags, goal_pos) and found_tags.issuperset(goal_pos):
- raise ValueError(f'Got {gen_class=} for {goal_pos=}, but it had {found_tags=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Got {gen_class=} for {goal_pos=}, but it had {found_tags=}")
prop_dom = goal_bound.domain.intersection(filter_domain)
- #logger.debug(f'GOAL {goal_bound.domain} \nFILTER {filter_domain}\nPROP {prop_dom}\n\n')
+ # logger.debug(f'GOAL {goal_bound.domain} \nFILTER {filter_domain}\nPROP {prop_dom}\n\n')
- 'GOAL %s\n FILTER %s\n PROP %s\n',
- goal_bound.domain.repr(abbrv=True),
- filter_domain.repr(abbrv=True),
+ "GOAL %s\n FILTER %s\n PROP %s\n",
+ goal_bound.domain.repr(abbrv=True),
+ filter_domain.repr(abbrv=True),
assert active_for_stage(prop_dom, filter_domain)
search_rels = [
- rd for rd in prop_dom.relations
- if not isinstance(rd[0], cl.NegatedRelation)
+ rd for rd in prop_dom.relations if not isinstance(rd[0], cl.NegatedRelation)
i = None
- for i, assignments in enumerate(propose_relations.find_assignments(curr, search_rels)):
- logger.debug(f'Found assignments %d %s %s', i, len(assignments), assignments)
+ for i, assignments in enumerate(
+ propose_relations.find_assignments(curr, search_rels)
+ ):
+ logger.debug("Found assignments %d %s %s", i, len(assignments), assignments)
yield moves.Addition(
- names=[f'{np.random.randint(1e6):04d}_{gen_class.__name__}'], # decided later
+ names=[
+ f"{np.random.randint(1e6):04d}_{gen_class.__name__}"
+ ], # decided later
if i is None:
- #raise ValueError(f'Found no assignments for {prop_dom}')
- logger.debug(f'Found no assignments for {prop_dom.repr(abbrv=True)}')
+ # raise ValueError(f'Found no assignments for {prop_dom}')
+ logger.debug(f"Found no assignments for {prop_dom.repr(abbrv=True)}")
- logger.debug(f'Exhausted all assignments for {gen_class=}')
+ logger.debug(f"Exhausted all assignments for {gen_class=}")
-def active_for_stage(
- prop_dom: r.Domain,
- filter_dom: r.Domain
+def active_for_stage(prop_dom: r.Domain, filter_dom: r.Domain):
return prop_dom.intersects(filter_dom, require_satisfies_right=True)
def preproc_bounds(
- bounds: list[r.Bound],
- state: state_def.State,
- filter: r.Domain,
+ bounds: list[r.Bound],
+ state: state_def.State,
+ filter: r.Domain,
- print_bounds=False
+ print_bounds=False,
if print_bounds:
- print(f"{preproc_bounds.__name__} for {filter.get_objs_named()} (total {len(bounds)}):")
+ print(
+ f"{preproc_bounds.__name__} for {filter.get_objs_named()} (total {len(bounds)}):"
+ )
for b in bounds:
res = active_for_stage(b.domain, filter)
if res:
- print("BOUND", res, b.domain.intersection(filter).repr(abbrv=True), "\n")
+ print(
+ "BOUND", res, b.domain.intersection(filter).repr(abbrv=True), "\n"
+ )
for b in bounds:
if not r.domain_finalized(b.domain, check_anyrel=False, check_variable=True):
- raise ValueError(f'{preproc_bounds.__name__} found non-finalized {b.domain=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"{preproc_bounds.__name__} found non-finalized {b.domain=}"
+ )
+ bounds = [b for b in bounds if active_for_stage(b.domain, filter)]
- bounds = [
- b for b in bounds if active_for_stage(b.domain, filter)
- ]
if shuffle:
- bound_counts = [
- len(objkeys_in_dom(b.domain, state))
- for b in bounds
- ]
+ bound_counts = [len(objkeys_in_dom(b.domain, state)) for b in bounds]
order = np.arange(len(bounds))
@@ -194,27 +190,26 @@ def key(i):
res = 0
return -res if reverse else res
order = sorted(order, key=key)
return [bounds[i] for i in order if key(i) != 1]
def propose_addition(
- cons: cl.Node,
- curr: state_def.State,
+ cons: cl.Node,
+ curr: state_def.State,
filter_domain: r.Domain,
temperature: float,
bounds = r.constraint_bounds(cons)
bounds = preproc_bounds(bounds, curr, filter_domain)
if len(bounds) == 0:
- logger.debug(f'Found no bounds for {filter_domain=}')
+ logger.debug(f"Found no bounds for {filter_domain=}")
- for i, bound in enumerate(bounds):
+ for i, bound in enumerate(bounds):
if bound.low is None:
# bounds with low=None are supposed to cap other bounds, not introduce new objects
@@ -223,12 +218,15 @@ def propose_addition(
if len(fac_options) == 0:
if bound.low is None or bound.low == 0:
- raise ValueError(f'Found no generators for {bound}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Found no generators for {bound}")
for gen_class in fac_options:
- yield from propose_addition_bound_gen(cons, curr, bounds, i, gen_class, filter_domain)
+ yield from propose_addition_bound_gen(
+ cons, curr, bounds, i, gen_class, filter_domain
+ )
+ logger.debug(f"propose_addition found no candidate moves for {bound}")
- logger.debug(f'propose_addition found no candidate moves for {bound}')
def propose_deletion(
cons: cl.Node,
@@ -236,12 +234,11 @@ def propose_deletion(
filter_domain: r.Domain,
temperature: float,
bounds = r.constraint_bounds(cons)
bounds = preproc_bounds(bounds, curr, filter_domain, reverse=True, shuffle=True)
if len(bounds) == 0:
- logger.debug(f'Found no bounds for {filter_domain=}')
+ logger.debug(f"Found no bounds for {filter_domain=}")
@@ -252,6 +249,7 @@ def propose_deletion(
for cand in candidates:
yield moves.Deletion([cand])
def propose_relation_plane_change(
cons: cl.Node,
curr: state_def.State,
@@ -261,18 +259,19 @@ def propose_relation_plane_change(
cand_objs = objkeys_in_dom(filter_domain, curr)
if len(cand_objs) == 0:
- logger.debug(f'Found no cand_objs for {filter_domain=}')
+ logger.debug(f"Found no cand_objs for {filter_domain=}")
for cand in cand_objs:
for i, rels in enumerate(curr.objs[cand].relations):
if not isinstance(rels.relation, cl.GeometryRelation):
target_obj = curr.objs[rels.target_name].obj
- n_planes = len(curr.planes.get_tagged_planes(target_obj, rels.relation.parent_tags))
+ n_planes = len(
+ curr.planes.get_tagged_planes(target_obj, rels.relation.parent_tags)
+ )
if n_planes <= 1:
@@ -282,61 +281,55 @@ def propose_relation_plane_change(
if plane_idx == rels.parent_plane_idx:
yield moves.RelationPlaneChange(
- names=[cand],
- relation_idx=i,
- plane_idx=plane_idx
+ names=[cand], relation_idx=i, plane_idx=plane_idx
def propose_resample(
cons: cl.Node,
curr: state_def.State,
filter_domain: r.Domain,
temperature: float,
cand_objs = objkeys_in_dom(filter_domain, curr)
if len(cand_objs) == 0:
- logger.debug(f'Found no cand_objs for {filter_domain=}')
+ logger.debug(f"Found no cand_objs for {filter_domain=}")
- for cand in cand_objs:
+ for cand in cand_objs:
os = curr.objs[cand]
if usage_lookup.has_usage(os.generator.__class__, t.Semantics.SingleGenerator):
yield moves.Resample(names=[cand], align_corner=None)
- #corner_options = [None] + list(range(6))
- #np.random.shuffle(corner_options)
- #for c in corner_options:
+ # corner_options = [None] + list(range(6))
+ # np.random.shuffle(corner_options)
+ # for c in corner_options:
# yield moves.Resample(name=cand, align_corner=c)
-def is_swap_domains_unaffected(
- state: state_def.State,
- name1: str,
- name2: str
+def is_swap_domains_unaffected(state: state_def.State, name1: str, name2: str):
raise NotImplementedError()
def propose_swap(
cons: cl.Node,
curr: state_def.State,
filter_domain: r.Domain,
temperature: float,
raise NotImplementedError()
cand_objs = objkeys_in_dom(filter_domain, curr)
if len(cand_objs) == 0:
- logger.debug(f'Found no cand_objs for {filter_domain=}')
+ logger.debug(f"Found no cand_objs for {filter_domain=}")
a_objs = copy.copy(cand_objs)
b_objs = copy.copy(cand_objs)
@@ -347,4 +340,4 @@ def propose_swap(
if not is_swap_domains_unaffected(curr, a, b):
- yield moves.Swap(names=[a, b])
\ No newline at end of file
+ yield moves.Swap(names=[a, b])
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/propose_relations.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/propose_relations.py
index 841d873b8..877dcea8e 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/propose_relations.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/propose_relations.py
@@ -6,62 +6,50 @@
import logging
import typing
+from pprint import pprint
import numpy as np
-from pprint import pprint
-from infinigen.core.constraints import (
- constraint_language as cl,
- reasoning as r,
-from infinigen.core.constraints.evaluator.domain_contains import (
- objkeys_in_dom
-from .geometry import planes
-from . import (
- moves,
- state_def
-from infinigen.core import tags as t, tagging
+from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
+from infinigen.core.constraints import reasoning as r
+from infinigen.core.constraints.evaluator.domain_contains import objkeys_in_dom
+from . import state_def
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def minimize_redundant_relations(
- relations: list[tuple[cl.Relation, r.Domain]]
+def minimize_redundant_relations(relations: list[tuple[cl.Relation, r.Domain]]):
Given a list of relations that must be true, use the first as a constraint to tighten the remaining relations
assert len(relations) > 0
# TODO Hacky: moves AnyRelations to the back so _hopefully_ they get implied before we get to them
relations = sorted(
- relations,
- key=lambda r: isinstance(r[0], cl.AnyRelation),
- reverse=True
+ relations, key=lambda r: isinstance(r[0], cl.AnyRelation), reverse=True
(rel, dom), *rest = relations
# Force all remaining relations to be compatible with (rel, dom), thereby reducing their search space
remaining_relations = []
- for (r_later, d_later) in rest:
- logger.debug(f'Inspecting {r_later=} {d_later=}')
+ for r_later, d_later in rest:
+ logger.debug(f"Inspecting {r_later=} {d_later=}")
if d_later.intersects(dom):
logger.debug(f"Intersecting {d_later} with {dom}")
d_later = d_later.intersection(dom)
if r.reldom_implies((rel, dom), (r_later, d_later)):
# (rlater, dlater) is guaranteed true so long as we satisfied (rel, dom), we dont need to separately assign it
- logger.debug(f'Discarding since rlater,dlater it is implied')
+ logger.debug("Discarding since rlater,dlater it is implied")
- logger.debug(f'Keeping {r_later, d_later} since it is not implied by {rel, dom} ')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"Keeping {r_later, d_later} since it is not implied by {rel, dom} "
+ )
remaining_relations.append((r_later, d_later))
implied = any(
@@ -70,72 +58,72 @@ def minimize_redundant_relations(
return (rel, dom), remaining_relations, implied
def find_assignments(
curr: state_def.State,
relations: list[tuple[cl.Relation, r.Domain]],
assignments: list[state_def.RelationState] = None,
) -> typing.Iterator[list[state_def.RelationState]]:
- """Iterate over possible assignments that satisfy the given relations. Some assignments may not be feasible geometrically -
+ """Iterate over possible assignments that satisfy the given relations. Some assignments may not be feasible geometrically -
a naive implementation of this function would just enumerate all possible objects matching the assignments, and let the solver
- discover that many combinations are impossible. *This* implementation attemps to never generate guaranteed-invalid combinations in the first place.
+ discover that many combinations are impossible. *This* implementation attemps to never generate guaranteed-invalid combinations in the first place.
Complexity is pretty astronomical:
- N^M where N is number of candidates per relation, and M is number of relations
- reduced somewhat when relations intersect or imply eachother
- luckily, M is typically 1, 2 or 3, as objects arent often related to lots of other objects
- discover new relations constraints, which can arise from the particular choice of objects
- prune early when object choice causes bounds to be violated
This function essentially does a complex form of SAT-solving. It *really* shouldnt be written in python
if assignments is None:
assignments = []
- #pprint(relations)
+ # pprint(relations)
if len(relations) == 0:
yield assignments
- logger.debug(f'Attempting to assign {relations[0]}')
+ logger.debug(f"Attempting to assign {relations[0]}")
(rel, dom), remaining_relations, implied = minimize_redundant_relations(relations)
assert len(remaining_relations) < len(relations)
if implied:
- logger.debug(f'Found remaining_relations implies {(rel, dom)=}, skipping it')
+ logger.debug(f"Found remaining_relations implies {(rel, dom)=}, skipping it")
yield from find_assignments(
- curr,
- relations=remaining_relations,
- assignments=assignments
+ curr, relations=remaining_relations, assignments=assignments
if isinstance(rel, cl.AnyRelation):
pprint([(rel, dom)] + remaining_relations)
- raise ValueError(f'Got {rel} as first relation. Invalid! Maybe the program is underspecified?')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Got {rel} as first relation. Invalid! Maybe the program is underspecified?"
+ )
candidates = objkeys_in_dom(dom, curr)
for parent_candidate_name in candidates:
- logging.debug(f'{parent_candidate_name=}')
+ logging.debug(f"{parent_candidate_name=}")
parent_state = curr.objs[parent_candidate_name]
- n_parent_planes = len(curr.planes.get_tagged_planes(parent_state.obj, rel.parent_tags))
+ n_parent_planes = len(
+ curr.planes.get_tagged_planes(parent_state.obj, rel.parent_tags)
+ )
parent_order = np.arange(n_parent_planes)
- np.random.shuffle(parent_order)
+ np.random.shuffle(parent_order)
for parent_plane in parent_order:
- #logger.debug(f'Considering {parent_candidate_name=} {parent_plane=} {n_parent_planes=}')
+ # logger.debug(f'Considering {parent_candidate_name=} {parent_plane=} {n_parent_planes=}')
assignment = state_def.RelationState(
@@ -145,7 +133,7 @@ def find_assignments(
yield from find_assignments(
- curr,
+ curr,
assignments=assignments + [assignment],
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/__init__.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/__init__.py
index 58157b2f5..7b456e393 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/__init__.py
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-from .blueprint import RoomSolver, MultistoryRoomSolver
+from .blueprint import MultistoryRoomSolver, RoomSolver
from .graph import GraphMaker
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/blueprint.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/blueprint.py
index e2e3dddc8..0716a5512 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/blueprint.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/blueprint.py
@@ -6,38 +6,36 @@
from copy import deepcopy
-import bpy
+import gin
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
from shapely import Polygon
from tqdm import tqdm, trange
-import gin
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import toggle_hide
-from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.constraints.constraint_language import Semantics
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room import constants
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.state_def import State
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-from .constants import WALL_HEIGHT
+from .constants import WALL_HEIGHT
+from .contour import ContourFactory
from .graph import GraphMaker
from .scorer import BlueprintScorer, JointBlueprintScorer
-from .contour import ContourFactory
-from .solidifier import BlueprintSolidifier
from .segment import SegmentMaker
+from .solidifier import BlueprintSolidifier
from .solver import BlueprintSolver, BlueprintStaircaseSolver
-from .utils import polygon2obj, unit_cast
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room import constants
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.state_def import State, ObjectState
-from infinigen.core.constraints.constraint_language import Semantics
+from .utils import unit_cast
class RoomSolver:
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, n_divide_trials=2500, iters_mult=150, ):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ factory_seed,
+ n_divide_trials=2500,
+ iters_mult=150,
+ ):
self.factory_seed = factory_seed
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
self.graph_maker = GraphMaker(factory_seed)
@@ -59,7 +57,7 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, n_divide_trials=2500, iters_mult=150, ):
def simulated_anneal(self, assignment, info):
score = self.scorer.find_score(assignment, info)
- with tqdm(total=self.iterations, desc='Sampling solutions') as pbar:
+ with tqdm(total=self.iterations, desc="Sampling solutions") as pbar:
while pbar.n < self.iterations:
assignment_, info_ = deepcopy(assignment), deepcopy(info)
resp = self.solver.perturb_solution(assignment_, info_)
@@ -70,12 +68,11 @@ def simulated_anneal(self, assignment, info):
scale = self.score_scale * pbar.n / self.iterations
if np.log(uniform()) < (score - score_) * scale:
assignment, info, score = assignment_, info_, score_
- pbar.set_description(f'loss={score:.4f}')
+ pbar.set_description(f"loss={score:.4f}")
return assignment, info
def solve(self):
assignment, info = [], {}
for i in range(self.n_divide_trials):
info = self.segment_maker.build_segments()
@@ -84,13 +81,15 @@ def solve(self):
if assignment is None:
- raise ValueError(f'{self.__class__.__name__} got {assignment=} after {self.n_divide_trials=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"{self.__class__.__name__} got {assignment=} after {self.n_divide_trials=}"
+ )
assignment, info = self.simulated_anneal(assignment, info)
state, rooms_meshed = self.solidifier.solidify(assignment, info)
- unique_roomtypes = set(Semantics(s.split('_')[0]) for s in self.graph.rooms)
+ unique_roomtypes = set(Semantics(s.split("_")[0]) for s in self.graph.rooms)
dimensions = self.width, self.height, constants.WALL_HEIGHT
return state, unique_roomtypes, dimensions
@@ -98,9 +97,14 @@ def solve(self):
class MultistoryRoomSolver:
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, n_divide_trials=2500, iters_mult=150,
- n_stories=('categorical', 0., .0, .5 ,.5), fixed_contour=('bool', .5)):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ factory_seed,
+ n_divide_trials=2500,
+ iters_mult=150,
+ n_stories=("categorical", 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5),
+ fixed_contour=("bool", 0.5),
+ ):
self.factory_seed = factory_seed
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
self.n_stories = rg(n_stories)
@@ -112,21 +116,28 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, n_divide_trials=2500, iters_mult=150,
self.contour_factories, self.contours = [], []
- self.segment_makers = [SegmentMaker(self.factory_seed, self.contours[i], len(self.graphs[i])) for i
- in range(self.n_stories)]
- self.solvers = [BlueprintSolver(self.contours[i], self.graphs[i]) for i in range(self.n_stories)]
+ self.segment_makers = [
+ SegmentMaker(self.factory_seed, self.contours[i], len(self.graphs[i]))
+ for i in range(self.n_stories)
+ ]
+ self.solvers = [
+ BlueprintSolver(self.contours[i], self.graphs[i])
+ for i in range(self.n_stories)
+ ]
self.staircase_solver = BlueprintStaircaseSolver(self.contours)
self.scorer = JointBlueprintScorer(self.graphs)
- self.solidifiers = [BlueprintSolidifier(self.graphs[i], i) for i in range(self.n_stories)]
+ self.solidifiers = [
+ BlueprintSolidifier(self.graphs[i], i) for i in range(self.n_stories)
+ ]
self.n_divide_trials = n_divide_trials
self.iterations = iters_mult * sum(len(g) for g in self.graphs)
self.score_scale = 5
- self.staircase_solver_prob = .1
+ self.staircase_solver_prob = 0.1
def build_graphs(self, factory_seed):
for i in range(self.n_stories):
- kwargs = {'entrance_type': 'none'} if i > 0 else {}
+ kwargs = {"entrance_type": "none"} if i > 0 else {}
graph_maker = GraphMaker(factory_seed, i, self.n_stories > 1, **kwargs)
if self.fixed_contour and i > 0:
@@ -135,12 +146,16 @@ def build_graphs(self, factory_seed):
for j in range(self.n_contour_trials):
graph = graph_maker.make_graph(np.random.randint(1e6))
- args = [self.widths[-1], self.heights[-1]] if len(self.graphs) > 0 else [None, None]
+ args = (
+ [self.widths[-1], self.heights[-1]]
+ if len(self.graphs) > 0
+ else [None, None]
+ )
width, height = graph_maker.suggest_dimensions(graph, *args)
if width is not None and height is not None:
- raise Exception('Invalid graph')
+ raise Exception("Invalid graph")
@@ -156,9 +171,15 @@ def build_contours(self):
contour = contour_factory.make_contour(np.random.randint(1e6))
if len(self.contours) > 0:
x_offset = unit_cast((self.widths[i] - self.widths[0]) / 2)
- y_offset = unit_cast((self.heights[i] - self.heights[0]) / 2)
+ y_offset = unit_cast(
+ (self.heights[i] - self.heights[0]) / 2
+ )
contour = Polygon(
- [(x - x_offset, y - y_offset) for x, y in contour.boundary.coords[:]])
+ [
+ (x - x_offset, y - y_offset)
+ for x, y in contour.boundary.coords[:]
+ ]
+ )
if not self.contours[-1].contains(contour):
@@ -173,7 +194,9 @@ def solve(self):
while len(assignments) == 0:
staircase = self.contour_factories[-1].add_staircase(self.contours[-1])
for j in range(self.n_stories):
- for _ in trange(self.n_divide_trials, desc=f'Dividing segments for {j}'):
+ for _ in trange(
+ self.n_divide_trials, desc=f"Dividing segments for {j}"
+ ):
info = self.segment_makers[j].build_segments(staircase)
assignment = self.solvers[j].find_assignment(info)
if assignment is not None:
@@ -193,20 +216,22 @@ def solve(self):
unique_roomtypes = set()
for graph in self.graphs:
for s in graph.rooms:
- unique_roomtypes.add(Semantics(s.split('_')[0]))
+ unique_roomtypes.add(Semantics(s.split("_")[0]))
dimensions = self.widths[0], self.heights[0], WALL_HEIGHT * self.n_stories
return State(obj_states), unique_roomtypes, dimensions
def simulated_anneal(self, assignments, infos):
score = self.scorer.find_score(assignments, infos)
- with tqdm(total=self.iterations, desc='Sampling solutions') as pbar:
+ with tqdm(total=self.iterations, desc="Sampling solutions") as pbar:
while pbar.n < self.iterations:
assignments_, infos_ = deepcopy(assignments), deepcopy(infos)
if uniform() < self.staircase_solver_prob:
resp = self.staircase_solver.perturb_solution(assignments, infos)
probs = np.array([len(g) for g in self.graphs])
- j = np.random.choice(np.arange(self.n_stories), p=probs / probs.sum())
+ j = np.random.choice(
+ np.arange(self.n_stories), p=probs / probs.sum()
+ )
resp = self.solvers[j].perturb_solution(assignments_[j], infos_[j])
if not resp.is_success:
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/configs.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/configs.py
index 8c481faac..c41d41d40 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/configs.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/configs.py
@@ -4,18 +4,32 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
from collections import defaultdict
-from infinigen.assets.materials import brick, hardwood_floor, plaster, rug, tile
-from infinigen.assets.materials.woods import tiled_wood
+from infinigen.assets.materials import brick, plaster, rug, tile
from infinigen.assets.materials.stone_and_concrete import concrete
+from infinigen.assets.materials.woods import tiled_wood
from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.types import RoomType
from infinigen.core.util.color import hsv2rgba
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
-from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
-EXTERIOR_CONNECTED_ROOM_TYPES = [RoomType.Bedroom, RoomType.Garage, RoomType.Balcony, RoomType.DiningRoom,
- RoomType.Kitchen, RoomType.LivingRoom]
-SQUARE_ROOM_TYPES = [RoomType.Kitchen, RoomType.Bedroom, RoomType.LivingRoom, RoomType.Closet,
- RoomType.Bathroom, RoomType.Garage, RoomType.Balcony, RoomType.DiningRoom, RoomType.Utility]
+ RoomType.Bedroom,
+ RoomType.Garage,
+ RoomType.Balcony,
+ RoomType.DiningRoom,
+ RoomType.Kitchen,
+ RoomType.LivingRoom,
+ RoomType.Kitchen,
+ RoomType.Bedroom,
+ RoomType.LivingRoom,
+ RoomType.Closet,
+ RoomType.Bathroom,
+ RoomType.Garage,
+ RoomType.Balcony,
+ RoomType.DiningRoom,
+ RoomType.Utility,
RoomType.Kitchen: 20,
RoomType.Bedroom: 25,
@@ -30,27 +44,38 @@
RoomType.Staircase: 20,
ROOM_NUMBERS = {RoomType.Bathroom: (1, 10), RoomType.LivingRoom: (1, 10)}
-COMBINED_ROOM_TYPES = [[RoomType.Hallway, RoomType.LivingRoom, RoomType.DiningRoom], [RoomType.Garage]]
+ [RoomType.Hallway, RoomType.LivingRoom, RoomType.DiningRoom],
+ [RoomType.Garage],
- RoomType.Hallway: .3,
- RoomType.LivingRoom: .5,
- RoomType.DiningRoom: .5,
+ RoomType.Hallway: 0.3,
+ RoomType.LivingRoom: 0.5,
+ RoomType.DiningRoom: 0.5,
RoomType.Balcony: 1,
-FUNCTIONAL_ROOM_TYPES = [RoomType.Kitchen, RoomType.Bedroom, RoomType.LivingRoom, RoomType.Bathroom,
- RoomType.DiningRoom]
-WINDOW_ROOM_TYPES = defaultdict(lambda: 1, {
- RoomType.Utility: .3,
- RoomType.Closet: 0.,
- RoomType.Bathroom: .5,
- RoomType.Garage: .5,
+ RoomType.Kitchen,
+ RoomType.Bedroom,
+ RoomType.LivingRoom,
+ RoomType.Bathroom,
+ RoomType.DiningRoom,
+WINDOW_ROOM_TYPES = defaultdict(
+ lambda: 1,
+ {
+ RoomType.Utility: 0.3,
+ RoomType.Closet: 0.0,
+ RoomType.Bathroom: 0.5,
+ RoomType.Garage: 0.5,
+ },
def make_room_colors():
- bedroom_color = hsv2rgba(0., .8, log_uniform(.02, .1))
- hallway_color = hsv2rgba(.4, .8, log_uniform(.02, .1))
- utility_color = hsv2rgba(.8, .8, log_uniform(.02, .1))
+ bedroom_color = hsv2rgba(0.0, 0.8, log_uniform(0.02, 0.1))
+ hallway_color = hsv2rgba(0.4, 0.8, log_uniform(0.02, 0.1))
+ utility_color = hsv2rgba(0.8, 0.8, log_uniform(0.02, 0.1))
return {
RoomType.Kitchen: hallway_color,
RoomType.Bedroom: bedroom_color,
@@ -67,66 +92,108 @@ def make_room_colors():
ROOM_COLORS = make_room_colors()
-ROOM_CHILDREN = defaultdict(dict, {
- RoomType.LivingRoom: {
- RoomType.LivingRoom: ('bool', .1),
- RoomType.Bedroom: ('categorical', .0, .45, .4, .1, .05),
- RoomType.Closet: ('bool', .1),
- RoomType.Bathroom: ('bool', .2),
- RoomType.Garage: ('bool', .2),
- RoomType.Balcony: ('bool', .2),
- RoomType.DiningRoom: ('bool', 1.0),
- RoomType.Utility: ('bool', .2),
- RoomType.Hallway: ('categorical', .5, .4, .1)
+ROOM_CHILDREN = defaultdict(
+ dict,
+ {
+ RoomType.LivingRoom: {
+ RoomType.LivingRoom: ("bool", 0.1),
+ RoomType.Bedroom: ("categorical", 0.0, 0.45, 0.4, 0.1, 0.05),
+ RoomType.Closet: ("bool", 0.1),
+ RoomType.Bathroom: ("bool", 0.2),
+ RoomType.Garage: ("bool", 0.2),
+ RoomType.Balcony: ("bool", 0.2),
+ RoomType.DiningRoom: ("bool", 1.0),
+ RoomType.Utility: ("bool", 0.2),
+ RoomType.Hallway: ("categorical", 0.5, 0.4, 0.1),
+ },
+ RoomType.Kitchen: {
+ RoomType.Garage: ("bool", 0.5),
+ RoomType.Utility: ("bool", 0.1),
+ },
+ RoomType.Bedroom: {
+ RoomType.Bathroom: ("bool", 0.3),
+ RoomType.Closet: ("bool", 0.5),
+ },
+ RoomType.Bathroom: {RoomType.Closet: ("bool", 0.2)},
+ RoomType.DiningRoom: {
+ RoomType.Kitchen: ("bool", 1.0),
+ RoomType.Hallway: ("bool", 0.2),
+ },
- RoomType.Kitchen: {RoomType.Garage: ('bool', .5), RoomType.Utility: ('bool', .1)
- },
- RoomType.Bedroom: {RoomType.Bathroom: ('bool', .3), RoomType.Closet: ('bool', .5)},
- RoomType.Bathroom: {RoomType.Closet: ('bool', .2)},
- RoomType.DiningRoom: {RoomType.Kitchen: ('bool', 1.), RoomType.Hallway: ('bool', .2)
- }
-STUDIO_ROOM_CHILDREN = defaultdict(dict, {
- RoomType.LivingRoom: {
- RoomType.Bedroom: ('categorical', .0, 1.),
- RoomType.DiningRoom: ('bool', 1.),
+STUDIO_ROOM_CHILDREN = defaultdict(
+ dict,
+ {
+ RoomType.LivingRoom: {
+ RoomType.Bedroom: ("categorical", 0.0, 1.0),
+ RoomType.DiningRoom: ("bool", 1.0),
+ },
+ RoomType.Bedroom: {RoomType.Bathroom: ("bool", 1.0)},
+ RoomType.DiningRoom: {RoomType.Kitchen: ("bool", 1.0)},
- RoomType.Bedroom: {RoomType.Bathroom: ('bool', 1.)},
- RoomType.DiningRoom: {RoomType.Kitchen: ('bool', 1.)
- }
-UPSTAIRS_ROOM_CHILDREN = defaultdict(dict, {
- RoomType.LivingRoom: {
- RoomType.Bedroom: ('categorical', .0, .4, .5, .2),
- RoomType.Closet: ('bool', .2),
- RoomType.Bathroom: ('bool', .4),
- RoomType.Balcony: ('bool', .4),
- RoomType.Utility: ('bool', .2),
- RoomType.Hallway: ('categorical', .0, .5, .5)
+ dict,
+ {
+ RoomType.LivingRoom: {
+ RoomType.Bedroom: ("categorical", 0.0, 0.4, 0.5, 0.2),
+ RoomType.Closet: ("bool", 0.2),
+ RoomType.Bathroom: ("bool", 0.4),
+ RoomType.Balcony: ("bool", 0.4),
+ RoomType.Utility: ("bool", 0.2),
+ RoomType.Hallway: ("categorical", 0.0, 0.5, 0.5),
+ },
+ RoomType.Bedroom: {
+ RoomType.Bathroom: ("bool", 0.3),
+ RoomType.Closet: ("bool", 0.5),
+ },
+ RoomType.Bathroom: {RoomType.Closet: ("bool", 0.2)},
+ RoomType.Balcony: {
+ RoomType.Utility: ("bool", 0.4),
+ RoomType.Hallway: ("bool", 0.1),
+ },
- RoomType.Bedroom: {RoomType.Bathroom: ('bool', .3), RoomType.Closet: ('bool', .5)},
- RoomType.Bathroom: {RoomType.Closet: ('bool', .2)},
- RoomType.Balcony: {RoomType.Utility: ('bool', .4), RoomType.Hallway: ('bool', .1)},
- RoomType.LivingRoom: {RoomType.Garage: .2, RoomType.Balcony: .2, RoomType.Kitchen: .1},
- RoomType.Bedroom: {RoomType.Balcony: .1},
+ RoomType.LivingRoom: {
+ RoomType.Garage: 0.2,
+ RoomType.Balcony: 0.2,
+ RoomType.Kitchen: 0.1,
+ },
+ RoomType.Bedroom: {RoomType.Balcony: 0.1},
-ROOM_WALLS = defaultdict(lambda: plaster, {
- RoomType.Kitchen: ('weighted_choice', (2, tile), (5, plaster)),
- RoomType.Garage: ('weighted_choice', (5, concrete), (1, brick), (3, plaster)),
- RoomType.Utility: ('weighted_choice', (1, concrete), (1, brick), (1, brick), (5, plaster)),
- RoomType.Balcony: ('weighted_choice', (1, brick), (5, plaster)),
- RoomType.Bathroom: tile
+ROOM_WALLS = defaultdict(
+ lambda: plaster,
+ {
+ RoomType.Kitchen: ("weighted_choice", (2, tile), (5, plaster)),
+ RoomType.Garage: ("weighted_choice", (5, concrete), (1, brick), (3, plaster)),
+ RoomType.Utility: (
+ "weighted_choice",
+ (1, concrete),
+ (1, brick),
+ (1, brick),
+ (5, plaster),
+ ),
+ RoomType.Balcony: ("weighted_choice", (1, brick), (5, plaster)),
+ RoomType.Bathroom: tile,
+ },
-ROOM_FLOORS = defaultdict(lambda: ('weighted_choice', (3, tiled_wood), (1, tile), (1, rug)), {
- RoomType.Garage: concrete,
- RoomType.Utility: ('weighted_choice', (1, concrete), (1, plaster), (1, tile)),
- RoomType.Bathroom: tile,
- RoomType.Balcony: tile
+ROOM_FLOORS = defaultdict(
+ lambda: ("weighted_choice", (3, tiled_wood), (1, tile), (1, rug)),
+ {
+ RoomType.Garage: concrete,
+ RoomType.Utility: ("weighted_choice", (1, concrete), (1, plaster), (1, tile)),
+ RoomType.Bathroom: tile,
+ RoomType.Balcony: tile,
+ },
-PILLAR_ROOM_TYPES = [RoomType.Hallway, RoomType.LivingRoom, RoomType.Staircase, RoomType.DiningRoom]
+ RoomType.Hallway,
+ RoomType.LivingRoom,
+ RoomType.Staircase,
+ RoomType.DiningRoom,
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/constants.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/constants.py
index c8fec8bc3..4f9c2c549 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/constants.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/constants.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
# of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Lingjie Mei: primary author
# - Karhan Kayan: bug fixes
@@ -17,15 +17,19 @@ def make_np(xs):
-def global_params(unit=.5, segment_margin=1.2, wall_thickness=('uniform', .2, .3),
- wall_height=('uniform', 2.7, 3.8)):
+def global_params(
+ unit=0.5,
+ segment_margin=1.2,
+ wall_thickness=("uniform", 0.2, 0.3),
+ wall_height=("uniform", 2.7, 3.8),
wall_thickness = rg(wall_thickness)
wall_height = rg(wall_height)
return {
- 'unit': unit,
- 'segment_margin': segment_margin,
- 'wall_thickness': wall_thickness,
- 'wall_height': wall_height
+ "unit": unit,
+ "segment_margin": segment_margin,
+ "wall_thickness": wall_thickness,
+ "wall_height": wall_height,
@@ -33,12 +37,16 @@ def global_params(unit=.5, segment_margin=1.2, wall_thickness=('uniform', .2, .3
-def door_params(door_width=('uniform', .85, 1), door_size=('uniform', 2., 2.4)):
+def door_params(door_width=("uniform", 0.85, 1), door_size=("uniform", 2.0, 2.4)):
door_width = rg(door_width)
assert door_width > 0
door_margin = (door_width + WALL_THICKNESS) / 2
door_size = rg(door_size)
- return {'door_width': door_width, 'door_margin': door_margin, 'door_size': door_size, }
+ return {
+ "door_width": door_width,
+ "door_margin": door_margin,
+ "door_size": door_size,
+ }
DOOR_WIDTH, DOOR_MARGIN, DOOR_SIZE = make_np(door_params().values())
@@ -46,9 +54,9 @@ def door_params(door_width=('uniform', .85, 1), door_size=('uniform', 2., 2.4)):
def window_params(
- max_window_length=('uniform', 6, 8),
- window_height=('uniform', .4, 1.2),
- window_margin=('uniform', .2, .6)
+ max_window_length=("uniform", 6, 8),
+ window_height=("uniform", 0.4, 1.2),
+ window_margin=("uniform", 0.2, 0.6),
max_window_length = rg(max_window_length)
window_height = rg(window_height)
@@ -56,19 +64,21 @@ def window_params(
window_size = WALL_HEIGHT - WALL_THICKNESS - window_height - window_margin
assert window_size > 0
return {
- 'max_window_length': max_window_length,
- 'window_height': window_height,
- 'window_margin': window_margin,
- 'window_size': window_size,
+ "max_window_length": max_window_length,
+ "window_height": window_height,
+ "window_margin": window_margin,
+ "window_size": window_size,
+ window_params().values()
-def staircase_params(staircase_snap=('uniform', .8, 1.2)):
- return {'staircase_snap': rg(staircase_snap)}
+def staircase_params(staircase_snap=("uniform", 0.8, 1.2)):
+ return {"staircase_snap": rg(staircase_snap)}
STAIRCASE_SNAP = make_np(staircase_params().values())
@@ -94,7 +104,8 @@ def init_window_params():
for x, y in zip(xs, ys):
def initialize_constants():
- init_window_params()
\ No newline at end of file
+ init_window_params()
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/contour.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/contour.py
index 9b116c1d2..62018ca07 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/contour.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/contour.py
@@ -4,25 +4,26 @@
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
import random
-import bpy
import gin
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
from shapely import Polygon, box
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.utils import unit_cast
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.types import RoomType
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.configs import TYPICAL_AREA_ROOM_TYPES
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co, write_co
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_plane
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.configs import (
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.types import RoomType
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.utils import unit_cast
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, int_hash
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
LARGE = 100
-@gin.configurable(denylist=['width', 'height'])
+@gin.configurable(denylist=["width", "height"])
class ContourFactory:
def __init__(self, width=17, height=9):
self.width = width
@@ -35,7 +36,11 @@ def make_contour(self, i):
obj.location = self.width / 2, self.height / 2, 0
obj.scale = self.width / 2, self.height / 2, 1
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
- corners = list((x, y) for x in [0, unit_cast(self.width)] for y in [0, unit_cast(self.height)])
+ corners = list(
+ (x, y)
+ for x in [0, unit_cast(self.width)]
+ for y in [0, unit_cast(self.height)]
+ )
corners = dict(enumerate(corners))
@@ -49,22 +54,22 @@ def nearest(t):
while len(corners) > 0:
_, (x, y) = corners.popitem()
r = uniform(0, 1)
- if r < .2:
+ if r < 0.2:
axes = []
- if nearest((self.width - x, y))[1] < .1:
+ if nearest((self.width - x, y))[1] < 0.1:
- elif nearest((x, self.height - y))[1] < .1:
+ elif nearest((x, self.height - y))[1] < 0.1:
if len(axes) > 0:
axis = np.random.choice(axes)
self.add_long_corner(obj, x, y, axis)
t = (self.width - x, y) if axis == 0 else (x, self.height - y)
- elif r < .35:
+ elif r < 0.35:
self.add_round_corner(obj, x, y)
- elif r < .5:
+ elif r < 0.5:
self.add_straight_corner(obj, x, y)
- elif r < .65:
+ elif r < 0.65:
self.add_sharp_corner(obj, x, y)
vertices = obj.data.polygons[0].vertices
@@ -73,43 +78,60 @@ def nearest(t):
return p
def add_round_corner(self, obj, x, y):
- vg = obj.vertex_groups.new(name='corner')
+ vg = obj.vertex_groups.new(name="corner")
for i, v in enumerate(obj.data.vertices):
- vg.add([i], v.co[0] == x and v.co[1] == y, 'REPLACE')
- width = unit_cast(uniform(.2, .3) * min(self.width, self.height))
+ vg.add([i], v.co[0] == x and v.co[1] == y, "REPLACE")
+ width = unit_cast(uniform(0.2, 0.3) * min(self.width, self.height))
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BEVEL', affect='VERTICES', limit_method='VGROUP', vertex_group='corner',
- segments=np.random.randint(2, 5), width=width)
- except:
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "BEVEL",
+ affect="VERTICES",
+ limit_method="VGROUP",
+ vertex_group="corner",
+ segments=np.random.randint(2, 5),
+ width=width,
+ )
+ except Exception:
- obj.vertex_groups.remove(obj.vertex_groups['corner'])
+ obj.vertex_groups.remove(obj.vertex_groups["corner"])
def add_straight_corner(self, obj, x, y):
- vg = obj.vertex_groups.new(name='corner')
+ vg = obj.vertex_groups.new(name="corner")
for i, v in enumerate(obj.data.vertices):
- vg.add([i], v.co[0] == x and v.co[1] == y, 'REPLACE')
- width = unit_cast(uniform(.1, .3) * min(self.width, self.height))
+ vg.add([i], v.co[0] == x and v.co[1] == y, "REPLACE")
+ width = unit_cast(uniform(0.1, 0.3) * min(self.width, self.height))
if width > 0:
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BEVEL', affect='VERTICES', limit_method='VGROUP', vertex_group='corner',
- segments=1, width=width)
- obj.vertex_groups.remove(obj.vertex_groups['corner'])
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ "BEVEL",
+ affect="VERTICES",
+ limit_method="VGROUP",
+ vertex_group="corner",
+ segments=1,
+ width=width,
+ )
+ obj.vertex_groups.remove(obj.vertex_groups["corner"])
def add_sharp_corner(self, obj, x, y):
cutter = new_plane(size=LARGE)
- butil.modify_mesh(cutter, 'SOLIDIFY', offset=0, thickness=1)
- x_ratio, y_ratio = uniform(.1, .3, 2)
- cutter.location = x + (LARGE / 2 - unit_cast(x_ratio * self.width)) * (-1) ** (x <= 0), y + (
- LARGE / 2 - unit_cast(y_ratio * self.height)) * (-1) ** (y <= 0), 0
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'BOOLEAN', object=cutter, operation='DIFFERENCE')
+ butil.modify_mesh(cutter, "SOLIDIFY", offset=0, thickness=1)
+ x_ratio, y_ratio = uniform(0.1, 0.3, 2)
+ cutter.location = (
+ x + (LARGE / 2 - unit_cast(x_ratio * self.width)) * (-1) ** (x <= 0),
+ y + (LARGE / 2 - unit_cast(y_ratio * self.height)) * (-1) ** (y <= 0),
+ 0,
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "BOOLEAN", object=cutter, operation="DIFFERENCE")
def add_long_corner(self, obj, x, y, axis):
x_, y_, z_ = read_co(obj).T
i = np.nonzero((x_ == x) & (y_ == y))[0]
if axis == 0:
- y_[i] -= self.height * uniform(.1, .3) * (-1) ** (y_[i] <= 0)
+ y_[i] -= self.height * uniform(0.1, 0.3) * (-1) ** (y_[i] <= 0)
- x_[i] -= self.width * uniform(.1, .3) * (-1) ** (x_[i] <= 0)
+ x_[i] -= self.width * uniform(0.1, 0.3) * (-1) ** (x_[i] <= 0)
write_co(obj, np.stack([x_, y_, z_], -1))
def add_staircase(self, contour):
@@ -118,15 +140,17 @@ def add_staircase(self, contour):
y_, y__ = np.min(y), np.max(y)
for _ in range(self.n_trials):
area = TYPICAL_AREA_ROOM_TYPES[RoomType.Staircase] * uniform(1.4, 1.6)
- skewness = log_uniform(.6, .8)
- if uniform() < .5:
+ skewness = log_uniform(0.6, 0.8)
+ if uniform() < 0.5:
skewness = 1 / skewness
- width, height = unit_cast(np.sqrt(area * skewness).item()), unit_cast(
- np.sqrt(area / skewness).item())
+ width, height = (
+ unit_cast(np.sqrt(area * skewness).item()),
+ unit_cast(np.sqrt(area / skewness).item()),
+ )
x = unit_cast(uniform(x_, x__ - width))
y = unit_cast(uniform(y_, y__ - height))
b = box(x, y, x + width, y + height)
if contour.contains(b):
return b
- raise ValueError('Invalid staircase')
+ raise ValueError("Invalid staircase")
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/decorate.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/decorate.py
index 2d26e0db9..3c172de09 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/decorate.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/decorate.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
# of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Lingjie Mei: primary author
# - Karhan Kayan: fix constants
@@ -13,74 +13,90 @@
import gin
import numpy as np
import shapely
+import shapely.affinity
import trimesh.convex
from numpy.random import uniform
from shapely import Point
from shapely.ops import nearest_points
from tqdm import trange
from trimesh.transformations import translation_matrix
-import shapely.affinity
-from infinigen.assets.elements import PillarFactory, random_staircase_factory
+import infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.constants as constants
from infinigen.assets.materials import plaster, tile
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_area, read_co, read_edge_direction, read_edge_length, \
- read_edges, remove_edges, remove_faces, remove_vertices
+from infinigen.assets.objects.elements import PillarFactory, random_staircase_factory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.elements.doors import random_door_factory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.windows import WindowFactory
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ read_area,
+ read_co,
+ read_edge_direction,
+ read_edge_length,
+ read_edges,
+ remove_edges,
+ remove_faces,
+ remove_vertices,
from infinigen.assets.utils.object import obj2trimesh
-from infinigen.assets.windows import WindowFactory
-from infinigen.assets.elements.doors import random_door_factory
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.configs import PILLAR_ROOM_TYPES, ROOM_FLOORS, ROOM_WALLS
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.constants import DOOR_WIDTH, WALL_HEIGHT, WALL_THICKNESS
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.types import RoomType, get_room_level
+from infinigen.core import tagging
+from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver import state_def
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.configs import (
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.constants import (
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.types import (
+ RoomType,
+ get_room_level,
+ get_room_type,
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
-import infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.constants as constants
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.types import get_room_type
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
-from infinigen.core import tags as t, tagging
-from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def split_rooms(rooms_meshed: list[bpy.types.Object]):
extract_tags = {
- 'wall': {t.Subpart.Wall, t.Subpart.Visible},
- 'floor': {t.Subpart.SupportSurface, t.Subpart.Visible},
- 'ceiling': {t.Subpart.Ceiling, t.Subpart.Visible},
+ "wall": {t.Subpart.Wall, t.Subpart.Visible},
+ "floor": {t.Subpart.SupportSurface, t.Subpart.Visible},
+ "ceiling": {t.Subpart.Ceiling, t.Subpart.Visible},
meshes = {
- n: [
- tagging.extract_tagged_faces(r, tags)
- for r in rooms_meshed
- ]
+ n: [tagging.extract_tagged_faces(r, tags) for r in rooms_meshed]
for n, tags in extract_tags.items()
for k, ms in meshes.items():
m2delete = []
for m in ms:
- if m.name.startswith('vert'):
+ if m.name.startswith("vert"):
for m in m2delete:
- meshes['exterior'] = [tagging.extract_mask(r, 1 - tagging.tagged_face_mask(r, t.Subpart.Visible)) for r in rooms_meshed]
+ meshes["exterior"] = [
+ tagging.extract_mask(r, 1 - tagging.tagged_face_mask(r, t.Subpart.Visible))
+ for r in rooms_meshed
+ ]
for n, objs in meshes.items():
for o in objs:
- o.name = o.name.split('.')[0] + f'.{n}'
- butil.origin_set(objs, 'ORIGIN_GEOMETRY', center='MEDIAN')
+ o.name = o.name.split(".")[0] + f".{n}"
+ butil.origin_set(objs, "ORIGIN_GEOMETRY", center="MEDIAN")
meshes = {
- n: butil.put_in_collection(objs, 'unique_assets:room_' + n)
+ n: butil.put_in_collection(objs, "unique_assets:room_" + n)
for n, objs in meshes.items()
@@ -88,14 +104,15 @@ def split_rooms(rooms_meshed: list[bpy.types.Object]):
def room_walls(wall_objs: list[bpy.types.Object]):
wall_fns = list(rg(ROOM_WALLS[get_room_type(r.name)]) for r in wall_objs)
- logger.debug(f'{room_walls.__name__} adding materials to {len(wall_objs)=}, using {len(wall_fns)=}')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"{room_walls.__name__} adding materials to {len(wall_objs)=}, using {len(wall_fns)=}"
+ )
for wall_fn in set(wall_fns):
rooms_ = [o for o, w in zip(wall_objs, wall_fns) if w == wall_fn]
- shape = np.random.choice(['square', 'rectangle', 'hexagon'])
+ shape = np.random.choice(["square", "rectangle", "hexagon"])
kwargs = dict(vertical=True, alternating=False, shape=shape)
if wall_fn in [tile, plaster]:
indices = np.random.randint(0, 3, len(rooms_))
@@ -107,13 +124,15 @@ def room_walls(wall_objs: list[bpy.types.Object]):
def room_ceilings(ceilings: list[bpy.types.Object]):
- logger.debug(f'{room_ceilings.__name__} adding materials to {len(ceilings)=}')
+ logger.debug(f"{room_ceilings.__name__} adding materials to {len(ceilings)=}")
plaster.apply(ceilings, t.Subpart.Ceiling)
def room_floors(floors: list[bpy.types.Object]):
floor_fns = list(rg(ROOM_FLOORS[get_room_type(r.name)]) for r in floors)
- logger.debug(f'{room_floors.__name__} adding materials to {len(floors)=}, using {len(floor_fns)=}')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"{room_floors.__name__} adding materials to {len(floors)=}, using {len(floor_fns)=}"
+ )
for floor_fn in set(floor_fns):
rooms_ = [o for o, f in zip(floors, floor_fns) if f == floor_fn]
@@ -128,27 +147,27 @@ def room_floors(floors: list[bpy.types.Object]):
def populate_doors(
- placeholders: list[bpy.types.Object],
- n_doors=3,
- door_chance=1,
- casing_chance=0.0,
- all_open=False
+ placeholders: list[bpy.types.Object],
+ n_doors=3,
+ door_chance=1,
+ casing_chance=0.0,
+ all_open=False,
factories = [random_door_factory()(np.random.randint(1e7)) for _ in range(3)]
- logger.debug(f'{populate_doors.__name__} populating {len(placeholders)=} with {n_doors=} and {len(factories)=}')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"{populate_doors.__name__} populating {len(placeholders)=} with {n_doors=} and {len(factories)=}"
+ )
indices = np.random.randint(0, len(factories), len(placeholders))
- col = butil.get_collection('unique_assets:doors')
- casing_col = butil.get_collection('unique_assets:door_casings')
+ col = butil.get_collection("unique_assets:doors")
+ casing_col = butil.get_collection("unique_assets:door_casings")
- for i in trange(n_doors, desc='Placing doors'):
+ for i in trange(n_doors, desc="Placing doors"):
factory = factories[i]
casing_factory = factory.casing_factory
doors, casings = [], []
for j in np.nonzero(indices == i)[0]:
if uniform() > door_chance:
if all_open:
@@ -165,7 +184,11 @@ def populate_doors(
door = factory(int(j))
door.parent = placeholders[j]
- door.location = constants.DOOR_WIDTH / 2, constants.WALL_THICKNESS / 2, -constants.DOOR_SIZE / 2
+ door.location = (
+ constants.DOOR_WIDTH / 2,
+ constants.WALL_THICKNESS / 2,
+ -constants.DOOR_SIZE / 2,
+ )
door.rotation_euler[-1] = -rot_z
@@ -179,25 +202,26 @@ def populate_doors(
butil.put_in_collection(doors, col)
butil.put_in_collection(casings, casing_col)
def populate_windows(placeholders: list[bpy.types.Object], n_windows=1):
factories = [WindowFactory(np.random.randint(1e5)) for _ in range(n_windows)]
- logger.debug(f'{populate_windows.__name__} populating {len(placeholders)=} with {n_windows=} and {len(factories)=}')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"{populate_windows.__name__} populating {len(placeholders)=} with {n_windows=} and {len(factories)=}"
+ )
indices = np.random.randint(0, len(factories), len(placeholders))
- col = butil.get_collection('unique_assets:windows')
+ col = butil.get_collection("unique_assets:windows")
for i in range(n_windows):
factory = factories[i]
windows = []
for j in np.nonzero(indices == i)[0]:
cutter_dims = placeholders[j].dimensions
- dims = cutter_dims[0], cutter_dims[2], cutter_dims[1] * uniform(.1, .2)
+ dims = cutter_dims[0], cutter_dims[2], cutter_dims[1] * uniform(0.1, 0.2)
window = factory(int(j), dimensions=dims)
window.parent = placeholders[j]
window.location[1] = -WALL_THICKNESS / 2
@@ -207,41 +231,63 @@ def populate_windows(placeholders: list[bpy.types.Object], n_windows=1):
def room_stairs(state, rooms_meshed):
- col = butil.get_collection('unique_assets:staircases')
- states = list(s for k, s in state.objs.items() if get_room_type(k) == RoomType.Staircase)
+ col = butil.get_collection("unique_assets:staircases")
+ states = list(
+ s for k, s in state.objs.items() if get_room_type(k) == RoomType.Staircase
+ )
contours, doors = [], []
for s in states:
- doors_ = [bpy.data.objects[k] for k, o in state.objs.items() if any(
- r.relation == cl.CutFrom() and r.target_name == s.obj.name for r in o.relations) and k.startswith(
- 'door')]
- contour = shapely.simplify(s.contour.buffer(-WALL_THICKNESS / 2, join_style='mitre'), .1)
+ doors_ = [
+ bpy.data.objects[k]
+ for k, o in state.objs.items()
+ if any(
+ r.relation == cl.CutFrom() and r.target_name == s.obj.name
+ for r in o.relations
+ )
+ and k.startswith("door")
+ ]
+ contour = shapely.simplify(
+ s.contour.buffer(-WALL_THICKNESS / 2, join_style="mitre"), 0.1
+ )
for door in doors_:
- box = shapely.box(-DOOR_WIDTH / 2, -DOOR_WIDTH * 2, DOOR_WIDTH / 2, DOOR_WIDTH * 2)
- box = shapely.affinity.translate(shapely.affinity.rotate(box, door.rotation_euler[-1]),
- *door.location)
+ box = shapely.box(
+ )
+ box = shapely.affinity.translate(
+ shapely.affinity.rotate(box, door.rotation_euler[-1]), *door.location
+ )
contour = contour.difference(box)
geoms = []
for c, c_ in zip(contours[:-1], contours[1:]):
geom = c.intersection(c_)
- if not geom.geom_type == 'Polygon':
- geom = sorted(list(g for g in geom.geoms if g.geom_type == 'Polygon'), key=lambda _: _.area)[-1]
+ if not geom.geom_type == "Polygon":
+ geom = sorted(
+ list(g for g in geom.geoms if g.geom_type == "Polygon"),
+ key=lambda _: _.area,
+ )[-1]
placeholders, offsets, fns = [], [], []
- for _ in trange(100, desc='Generating staircases'):
+ for _ in trange(100, desc="Generating staircases"):
fns = [random_staircase_factory()(np.random.randint(1e7)) for _ in geoms]
placeholders, mlss, lower, upper = [], [], [], []
for j, fn in enumerate(fns):
ph = fn.create_placeholder(i=np.random.randint(1e7))
- polygon = shapely.intersection_all(list(
- shapely.affinity.translate(geoms[j], -x, -y) for x in [ph.bound_box[0][0], ph.bound_box[-1][0]]
- for y in [ph.bound_box[0][1], ph.bound_box[-1][1]]))
- mlss.append(polygon.boundary if polygon.geom_type == 'Polygon' else shapely.MultiLineString(
- [p.boundary for p in polygon.geoms]))
+ polygon = shapely.intersection_all(
+ list(
+ shapely.affinity.translate(geoms[j], -x, -y)
+ for x in [ph.bound_box[0][0], ph.bound_box[-1][0]]
+ for y in [ph.bound_box[0][1], ph.bound_box[-1][1]]
+ )
+ )
+ mlss.append(
+ polygon.boundary
+ if polygon.geom_type == "Polygon"
+ else shapely.MultiLineString([p.boundary for p in polygon.geoms])
+ )
x, y, z = read_co(ph).T
lower.append((x[z < WALL_HEIGHT], y[z < WALL_HEIGHT]))
upper.append((x[z >= WALL_HEIGHT], y[z >= WALL_HEIGHT]))
@@ -255,26 +301,50 @@ def room_stairs(state, rooms_meshed):
y = uniform(p[1], p[3])
p = Point(x, y)
projected = nearest_points(mls, p)[0]
- if max(np.abs(p.x - projected.x), np.abs(p.y - projected.y)) < constants.STAIRCASE_SNAP:
+ if (
+ max(np.abs(p.x - projected.x), np.abs(p.y - projected.y))
+ < constants.STAIRCASE_SNAP
+ ):
p = projected
- coords = mls.coords if mls.geom_type == 'LineString' else np.concatenate(
- [ls.coords for ls in mls.geoms])
- projected = nearest_points(shapely.MultiPoint(coords), Point(x, y))[0]
- if max(np.abs(p.x - projected.x), np.abs(p.y - projected.y)) < constants.STAIRCASE_SNAP:
+ coords = (
+ mls.coords
+ if mls.geom_type == "LineString"
+ else np.concatenate([ls.coords for ls in mls.geoms])
+ )
+ projected = nearest_points(shapely.MultiPoint(coords), Point(x, y))[
+ 0
+ ]
+ if (
+ max(np.abs(p.x - projected.x), np.abs(p.y - projected.y))
+ < constants.STAIRCASE_SNAP
+ ):
p = projected
x, y = p.x, p.y
placeholders[j].location = x, y, j * WALL_HEIGHT + WALL_THICKNESS / 2
- contains_lower = shapely.contains_xy(contours[j], lower[j][0] + x, lower[j][1] + y).all()
- contains_upper = shapely.contains_xy(contours[j + 1], upper[j][0] + x, upper[j][1] + y).all()
+ contains_lower = shapely.contains_xy(
+ contours[j], lower[j][0] + x, lower[j][1] + y
+ ).all()
+ contains_upper = shapely.contains_xy(
+ contours[j + 1], upper[j][0] + x, upper[j][1] + y
+ ).all()
lower_valid = fns[j].valid_contour((x, y), contours[j], doors[j])
- upper_valid = fns[j].valid_contour((x, y), contours[j + 1], doors[j + 1], False)
- if not (contains_lower and contains_upper and lower_valid and upper_valid):
+ upper_valid = fns[j].valid_contour(
+ (x, y), contours[j + 1], doors[j + 1], False
+ )
+ if not (
+ contains_lower and contains_upper and lower_valid and upper_valid
+ ):
offsets.append((x, y))
if len(offsets) == len(geoms):
- ts = list(trimesh.convex.convex_hull(
- obj2trimesh(ph).apply_transform(translation_matrix([*o, WALL_HEIGHT * j]))) for j, (ph, o)
- in enumerate(zip(placeholders, offsets)))
+ ts = list(
+ trimesh.convex.convex_hull(
+ obj2trimesh(ph).apply_transform(
+ translation_matrix([*o, WALL_HEIGHT * j])
+ )
+ )
+ for j, (ph, o) in enumerate(zip(placeholders, offsets))
+ )
if all(t.intersection(t_).is_empty for t, t_ in zip(ts[:-1], ts[1:])):
if len(offsets) == len(geoms):
@@ -291,8 +361,14 @@ def room_stairs(state, rooms_meshed):
if get_room_type(mesh.name) == RoomType.Staircase:
level = get_room_level(mesh.name)
if level == j + 1:
- butil.modify_mesh(mesh, 'BOOLEAN', object=cutter, operation='DIFFERENCE', use_self=True,
- use_hole_tolerant=True)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ mesh,
+ object=cutter,
+ operation="DIFFERENCE",
+ use_self=True,
+ use_hole_tolerant=True,
+ )
m = deep_clone_obj(mesh)
m.location = -offsets[j][0], -offsets[j][1], 0
@@ -305,30 +381,31 @@ def room_stairs(state, rooms_meshed):
def room_pillars(state: state_def.State, walls: list[bpy.types.Object]):
- col = butil.get_collection('pillars')
+ col = butil.get_collection("pillars")
pillar_rooms = [
- s for k, s in state.objs.items()
- if get_room_type(k) in PILLAR_ROOM_TYPES
+ s for k, s in state.objs.items() if get_room_type(k) in PILLAR_ROOM_TYPES
for s in pillar_rooms:
factory = PillarFactory(np.random.randint(1e7))
- mesh = next(m for m in walls if m.name.startswith(s.obj.name.split('.')[0]))
+ mesh = next(m for m in walls if m.name.startswith(s.obj.name.split(".")[0]))
interior = tagging.extract_tagged_faces(mesh, {t.Subpart.Interior})
remove_faces(interior, read_area(interior) < WALL_THICKNESS / 2 * WALL_HEIGHT)
selection = (read_edge_length(interior) > WALL_HEIGHT / 2) & (
- np.abs(read_edge_direction(interior))[:, -1] > .9)
- selection_ = np.bincount(read_edges(interior)[selection].reshape(-1),
- minlength=len(interior.data.vertices))
+ np.abs(read_edge_direction(interior))[:, -1] > 0.9
+ )
+ selection_ = np.bincount(
+ read_edges(interior)[selection].reshape(-1),
+ minlength=len(interior.data.vertices),
+ )
remove_vertices(interior, selection_ == 0)
remove_vertices(interior, lambda x, y, z: z > WALL_THICKNESS)
remove_edges(interior, read_edge_length(interior) < WALL_THICKNESS)
interiors = butil.split_object(interior)
for i in interiors:
- with butil.ViewportMode(i, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(i, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(i.data)
geom = [v for v in bm.verts if len(v.link_edges) < 2]
@@ -338,21 +415,25 @@ def room_pillars(state: state_def.State, walls: list[bpy.types.Object]):
if len(interiors_) == 0:
with butil.Suppress():
interior = butil.join_objects(interiors_)
- staircases = list(butil.get_collection('staircases').objects)
+ staircases = list(butil.get_collection("staircases").objects)
if len(staircases) == 0:
- staircases = np.concatenate([
- read_co(o) + np.array([o.location]) for o in staircases
- ])
+ staircases = np.concatenate(
+ [read_co(o) + np.array([o.location]) for o in staircases]
+ )
cos = read_co(interior)
cos[:, -1] = mesh.location[-1] + WALL_THICKNESS / 2
- cos = cos[np.min(np.linalg.norm(cos[:, np.newaxis] - staircases[np.newaxis], axis=-1),
+ cos = cos[
+ np.min(
+ np.linalg.norm(cos[:, np.newaxis] - staircases[np.newaxis], axis=-1), -1
+ )
+ ]
for co in cos:
obj = factory(np.random.randint(1e7))
obj.location = co
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/graph.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/graph.py
index 7f21ac06f..9f6bd4640 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/graph.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/graph.py
@@ -6,38 +6,59 @@
from collections.abc import Sequence
import gin
-import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
+import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.utils import unit_cast
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform, random_general as rg
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.types import RoomGraph, RoomType, get_room_type
from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.configs import (
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.types import (
+ RoomGraph,
+ RoomType,
+ get_room_type,
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.utils import unit_cast
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
-@gin.configurable(denylist=['factory_seed', 'level'])
+@gin.configurable(denylist=["factory_seed", "level"])
class GraphMaker:
- def __init__(self, factory_seed, level=0, requires_staircase=False, room_children='home', typical_area_room_types=TYPICAL_AREA_ROOM_TYPES,
- loop_room_types=LOOP_ROOM_TYPES, room_numbers=ROOM_NUMBERS, max_cycle_basis=1,
- requires_bathroom_privacy=True,
- entrance_type=('weighted_choice', (.5, 'porch'), (.5, 'hallway')), hallway_alpha=1,
- no_hallway_children_prob=.4):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ factory_seed,
+ level=0,
+ requires_staircase=False,
+ room_children="home",
+ typical_area_room_types=TYPICAL_AREA_ROOM_TYPES,
+ loop_room_types=LOOP_ROOM_TYPES,
+ room_numbers=ROOM_NUMBERS,
+ max_cycle_basis=1,
+ requires_bathroom_privacy=True,
+ entrance_type=("weighted_choice", (0.5, "porch"), (0.5, "hallway")),
+ hallway_alpha=1,
+ no_hallway_children_prob=0.4,
+ ):
self.factory_seed = factory_seed
with FixedSeed(factory_seed):
self.requires_staircase = requires_staircase
match room_children:
- case 'home':
- self.room_children = ROOM_CHILDREN if level == 0 else UPSTAIRS_ROOM_CHILDREN
+ case "home":
+ self.room_children = (
+ )
case _:
self.room_children = STUDIO_ROOM_CHILDREN
- self.hallway_room_types = [r for r, m in self.room_children.items() if RoomType.Hallway in m]
+ self.hallway_room_types = [
+ r for r, m in self.room_children.items() if RoomType.Hallway in m
+ ]
self.typical_area_room_types = typical_area_room_types
self.loop_room_types = loop_room_types
self.room_numbers = room_numbers
@@ -48,7 +69,7 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, level=0, requires_staircase=False, room_childre
self.entrance_type = rg(entrance_type)
self.hallway_prob = lambda x: 1 / (x + hallway_alpha)
self.no_hallway_children_prob = no_hallway_children_prob
- self.skewness_min = .7
+ self.skewness_min = 0.7
def make_graph(self, i):
with FixedSeed(i):
@@ -60,7 +81,7 @@ def make_graph(self, i):
def add_room(t, p):
i = len(rooms)
- name = f'{t}_{room_type_counts[t]}'
+ name = f"{t}_{room_type_counts[t]}"
room_type_counts[t] += 1
if p is not None:
@@ -81,33 +102,60 @@ def add_room(t, p):
for j, s in enumerate(rooms):
if (rt := get_room_type(r)) in self.loop_room_types:
if (rt_ := get_room_type(s)) in self.loop_room_types[rt]:
- if uniform() < self.loop_room_types[rt][rt_] and j not in children[i]:
+ if (
+ uniform() < self.loop_room_types[rt][rt_]
+ and j not in children[i]
+ ):
for i, r in enumerate(rooms):
if get_room_type(r) in self.hallway_room_types:
- hallways = [j for j in children[i] if get_room_type(rooms[j]) == RoomType.Hallway]
- other_rooms = [j for j in children[i] if get_room_type(rooms[j]) != RoomType.Hallway]
+ hallways = [
+ j
+ for j in children[i]
+ if get_room_type(rooms[j]) == RoomType.Hallway
+ ]
+ other_rooms = [
+ j
+ for j in children[i]
+ if get_room_type(rooms[j]) != RoomType.Hallway
+ ]
children[i] = hallways.copy()
for k, o in enumerate(other_rooms):
- if uniform() < self.no_hallway_children_prob or len(hallways) == 0:
+ if (
+ uniform() < self.no_hallway_children_prob
+ or len(hallways) == 0
+ ):
- children[hallways[np.random.randint(len(hallways))]].append(o)
- hallways = [i for i, r in enumerate(rooms) if get_room_type(r) == RoomType.Hallway]
+ children[
+ hallways[np.random.randint(len(hallways))]
+ ].append(o)
+ hallways = [
+ i
+ for i, r in enumerate(rooms)
+ if get_room_type(r) == RoomType.Hallway
+ ]
if len(hallways) == 0:
entrance = 0
if self.requires_staircase:
- prob = np.array([self.hallway_prob(len(children[h])) for h in hallways])
- add_room(RoomType.Staircase, np.random.choice(hallways, p=prob / prob.sum()))
- prob = np.array([self.hallway_prob(len(children[h])) for h in hallways])
+ prob = np.array(
+ [self.hallway_prob(len(children[h])) for h in hallways]
+ )
+ add_room(
+ RoomType.Staircase,
+ np.random.choice(hallways, p=prob / prob.sum()),
+ )
+ prob = np.array(
+ [self.hallway_prob(len(children[h])) for h in hallways]
+ )
entrance = np.random.choice(hallways, p=prob / prob.sum())
- if self.entrance_type == 'porch':
+ if self.entrance_type == "porch":
add_room(RoomType.Balcony, entrance)
entrance = queue.pop()
- elif self.entrance_type == 'none':
+ elif self.entrance_type == "none":
entrance = None
children_ = [children[i] for i in range(len(rooms))]
@@ -132,7 +180,9 @@ def satisfies_constraint(self, graph):
def has_bathroom_privacy(self, rooms, children):
for i, r in rooms:
if get_room_type(r) == RoomType.LivingRoom:
- has_public_bathroom = any(get_room_type(rooms[j]) == RoomType.Bathroom for j in children[i])
+ has_public_bathroom = any(
+ get_room_type(rooms[j]) == RoomType.Bathroom for j in children[i]
+ )
if not has_public_bathroom:
for j in children[i]:
if get_room_type(rooms[j] == RoomType.Bedroom):
@@ -141,25 +191,36 @@ def has_bathroom_privacy(self, rooms, children):
return True
def suggest_dimensions(self, graph, width=None, height=None):
- area = sum([self.typical_area_room_types[get_room_type(r)] for r in graph.rooms]) * self.slackness
+ area = (
+ sum([self.typical_area_room_types[get_room_type(r)] for r in graph.rooms])
+ * self.slackness
+ )
if width is None and height is None:
skewness = uniform(self.skewness_min, 1 / self.skewness_min)
width = unit_cast(np.sqrt(area * skewness).item())
height = unit_cast(np.sqrt(area / skewness).item())
- elif uniform(0, 1) < .5:
+ elif uniform(0, 1) < 0.5:
height_ = unit_cast(area / width)
- height = None if height_ > height and self.skewness_min < height_ / width < 1 / self.skewness_min\
+ height = (
+ None
+ if height_ > height
+ and self.skewness_min < height_ / width < 1 / self.skewness_min
else height_
+ )
width_ = unit_cast(area / height)
- width = None if width_ > width and self.skewness_min < width_ / height < 1 / self.skewness_min \
+ width = (
+ None
+ if width_ > width
+ and self.skewness_min < width_ / height < 1 / self.skewness_min
else width_
+ )
return width, height
def draw(self, graph):
g = nx.Graph()
- shortnames = [r[:3].upper() + r.split('_')[-1] for r in graph.rooms]
+ shortnames = [r[:3].upper() + r.split("_")[-1] for r in graph.rooms]
for k in range(len(shortnames)):
for l in graph.neighbours[k]:
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/scorer.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/scorer.py
index c37eb1351..8a826718b 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/scorer.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/scorer.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
# of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Lingjie Mei: primary author
# - Karhan Kayan: fix constants
@@ -13,32 +13,40 @@
from shapely import LineString, Polygon
import infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.constants as constants
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.configs import (
from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.types import RoomType, get_room_type
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.configs import EXTERIOR_CONNECTED_ROOM_TYPES, FUNCTIONAL_ROOM_TYPES, SQUARE_ROOM_TYPES, \
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.utils import abs_distance, buffer, unit_cast
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.utils import (
+ abs_distance,
+ buffer,
+ unit_cast,
class BlueprintScorer:
def __init__(
- self,
- graph,
- shortest_path_weight=2.,
- typical_area_weight=10.,
- typical_area_room_types=TYPICAL_AREA_ROOM_TYPES,
- aspect_ratio_weight=10.,
- aspect_ratio_room_types=SQUARE_ROOM_TYPES,
- convexity_weight=50.,
- conciseness_weight=2.,
- exterior_connected_room_types=EXTERIOR_CONNECTED_ROOM_TYPES,
- exterior_length_weight=.2,
- exterior_corner_weight=.02,
- collinearity_weight=.02,
- functional_room_weight=.2,
- functional_room_types=FUNCTIONAL_ROOM_TYPES,
- narrow_passage_weight=5.,
- narrow_passage_thresh=1.5
+ self,
+ graph,
+ shortest_path_weight=2.0,
+ typical_area_weight=10.0,
+ typical_area_room_types=TYPICAL_AREA_ROOM_TYPES,
+ aspect_ratio_weight=10.0,
+ aspect_ratio_room_types=SQUARE_ROOM_TYPES,
+ convexity_weight=50.0,
+ conciseness_weight=2.0,
+ exterior_connected_room_types=EXTERIOR_CONNECTED_ROOM_TYPES,
+ exterior_length_weight=0.2,
+ exterior_corner_weight=0.02,
+ collinearity_weight=0.02,
+ functional_room_weight=0.2,
+ functional_room_types=FUNCTIONAL_ROOM_TYPES,
+ narrow_passage_weight=5.0,
+ narrow_passage_thresh=1.5,
self.graph = graph
self.shortest_path_weight = shortest_path_weight
@@ -70,50 +78,54 @@ def find_score(self, assignment, info):
return sum(self.compute_scores(assignment, info).values())
def compute_scores(self, assignment, info):
- info['neighbours'] = {a: set(assignment[_] for _ in self.graph.neighbours[i]) for i, a in
- enumerate(assignment)}
+ info["neighbours"] = {
+ a: set(assignment[_] for _ in self.graph.neighbours[i])
+ for i, a in enumerate(assignment)
+ }
scores = {}
if self.shortest_path_weight > 0:
score = self.shortest_path_weight * self.shortest_path(assignment, info)
- scores['shortest_path'] = score
+ scores["shortest_path"] = score
if self.typical_area_weight > 0:
score = self.typical_area_weight * self.typical_area(assignment, info)
- scores['typical_area'] = score
+ scores["typical_area"] = score
if self.aspect_ratio_weight > 0:
score = self.aspect_ratio_weight * self.aspect_ratio(assignment, info)
- scores['aspect_ratio'] = score
+ scores["aspect_ratio"] = score
if self.convexity_weight > 0:
score = self.convexity_weight * self.convexity(assignment, info)
- scores['convexity'] = score
+ scores["convexity"] = score
if self.conciseness_weight > 0:
score = self.conciseness_weight * self.conciseness(assignment, info)
- scores['conciseness'] = score
+ scores["conciseness"] = score
if self.exterior_length_weight > 0:
score = self.exterior_length_weight * self.exterior_length(assignment, info)
- scores['exterior_length'] = score
+ scores["exterior_length"] = score
if self.exterior_corner_weight > 0:
score = self.exterior_corner_weight * self.exterior_corner(assignment, info)
- scores['exterior_corner'] = score
+ scores["exterior_corner"] = score
if self.collinearity_weight > 0:
score = self.collinearity_weight * self.collinearity(assignment, info)
- scores['collinearity'] = score
+ scores["collinearity"] = score
if self.functional_room_weight > 0:
score = self.functional_room_weight * self.functional_room(assignment, info)
- scores['functional_room'] = score
+ scores["functional_room"] = score
if self.narrow_passage_weight > 0:
score = self.narrow_passage_weight * self.narrow_passage(assignment, info)
- scores['narrow_passage'] = score
+ scores["narrow_passage"] = score
return scores
def shortest_path(self, assignment, info):
shortest_paths = defaultdict(dict)
- centroids = {k: s.centroid.coords[:][0] for k, s in info['segments'].items()}
- for k, ses in info['shared_edges'].items():
+ centroids = {k: s.centroid.coords[:][0] for k, s in info["segments"].items()}
+ for k, ses in info["shared_edges"].items():
for l, se in ses.items():
min_distance = np.full(100, 4)
for ls in se.geoms:
for c in ls.coords[:]:
- dist = abs_distance(centroids[k], c) + abs_distance(c, centroids[l])
+ dist = abs_distance(centroids[k], c) + abs_distance(
+ c, centroids[l]
+ )
if np.sum(dist) <= np.sum(min_distance):
min_distance = dist
shortest_paths[k][l] = min_distance
@@ -128,7 +140,7 @@ def shortest_path(self, assignment, info):
updated = True
while updated:
updated = False
- for k, ns in info['neighbours'].items():
+ for k, ns in info["neighbours"].items():
for n in ns:
d = displacement[k] + shortest_paths[k][n]
if np.sum(d) < np.sum(displacement[n]):
@@ -136,7 +148,10 @@ def shortest_path(self, assignment, info):
updated = True
displacements = np.stack([d for k, d in displacement.items() if k != root])
x, xx, y, yy = displacements.T
- score = (1. / ((np.maximum(x, xx) + np.maximum(y, yy)) / displacements.sum(1)) - 1) ** 2
+ score = (
+ 1.0 / ((np.maximum(x, xx) + np.maximum(y, yy)) / displacements.sum(1))
+ - 1
+ ) ** 2
scores[root] = score.sum()
return sum(s for s in scores.values())
@@ -144,11 +159,18 @@ def typical_area(self, assignment, info):
total_typical_areas, total_face_areas = [], []
for i, r in enumerate(self.graph.rooms):
if get_room_type(r) in self.typical_area_room_types:
- total_typical_areas.append(self.typical_area_room_types[get_room_type(r)])
- total_face_areas.append(info['segments'][assignment[i]].area)
+ total_typical_areas.append(
+ self.typical_area_room_types[get_room_type(r)]
+ )
+ total_face_areas.append(info["segments"][assignment[i]].area)
total_typical_areas = np.array(total_typical_areas)
total_face_areas = np.array(total_face_areas)
- scores = total_face_areas / np.sum(total_face_areas) / total_typical_areas * np.sum(total_typical_areas)
+ scores = (
+ total_face_areas
+ / np.sum(total_face_areas)
+ / total_typical_areas
+ * np.sum(total_typical_areas)
+ )
scores = np.where(scores > 1, scores, 1 / scores) - 1
return scores.sum()
@@ -156,7 +178,7 @@ def aspect_ratio(self, assignment, info):
aspect_ratios = []
for i, r in enumerate(self.graph.rooms):
if get_room_type(r) in self.aspect_ratio_room_types:
- x, y, xx, yy = info['segments'][assignment[i]].bounds
+ x, y, xx, yy = info["segments"][assignment[i]].bounds
aspect_ratios.append((xx - x) / (yy - y))
aspect_ratios = np.array(aspect_ratios)
aspect_ratios = np.where(aspect_ratios > 1, aspect_ratios, 1 / aspect_ratios)
@@ -165,29 +187,31 @@ def aspect_ratio(self, assignment, info):
def convexity(self, assignment, info):
sharpness = []
- for s in info['segments'].values():
+ for s in info["segments"].values():
sharpness.append(s.convex_hull.area / s.area)
sharpness = np.array(sharpness)
scores = (sharpness - 1) ** 2
return scores.sum()
def conciseness(self, assignment, info):
- conciseness = np.array([len(s.boundary.coords) - 1 for s in info['segments'].values()])
+ conciseness = np.array(
+ [len(s.boundary.coords) - 1 for s in info["segments"].values()]
+ )
scores = (conciseness / self.conciseness_thresh - 1) ** 2
return scores.sum()
def exterior_length(self, assignment, info):
- exterior_edges = info['exterior_edges']
+ exterior_edges = info["exterior_edges"]
total_length = 0
for i, r in enumerate(self.graph.rooms):
if get_room_type(r) in self.exterior_connected_room_types:
if assignment[i] in exterior_edges:
total_length += exterior_edges[assignment[i]].length
score = total_length / sum(ee.length for ee in exterior_edges.values())
- return (score - 1) ** 2 * len(info['segments'])
+ return (score - 1) ** 2 * len(info["segments"])
def exterior_corner(self, assignment, info):
- exterior_edges = info['exterior_edges']
+ exterior_edges = info["exterior_edges"]
total_corners, corners = 0, 0
for i, r in enumerate(self.graph.rooms):
if assignment[i] in exterior_edges:
@@ -198,11 +222,11 @@ def exterior_corner(self, assignment, info):
if get_room_type(r) in self.exterior_connected_room_types:
total_corners += n
score = total_corners / corners
- return (score - 1) ** 2 * len(info['segments'])
+ return (score - 1) ** 2 * len(info["segments"])
def collinearity(self, assignment, info):
x_skeletons, y_skeletons = set(), set()
- for s in info['segments'].values():
+ for s in info["segments"].values():
x, y = s.boundary.xy
for i in range(len(x) - 1):
if np.abs(x[i] - x[i + 1]) < 1e-2:
@@ -210,34 +234,48 @@ def collinearity(self, assignment, info):
elif np.abs(y[i] - y[i + 1]) < 1e-2:
score = len(x_skeletons) + len(y_skeletons)
- return score * len(info['segments'])
+ return score * len(info["segments"])
def functional_room(self, assignment, info):
total_area = 0
- segments = info['segments']
+ segments = info["segments"]
for i, r in enumerate(self.graph.rooms):
if get_room_type(r) in self.functional_room_types:
total_area += segments[assignment[i]].area
score = total_area / sum(s.area for s in segments.values())
- return (1 - score) ** 2 * len(info['segments'])
+ return (1 - score) ** 2 * len(info["segments"])
def narrow_passage(self, assignment, info):
scores = []
- for p in info['segments'].values():
+ for p in info["segments"].values():
for d in np.arange(1, int(self.narrow_passage_thresh / constants.UNIT)):
with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
length = d * constants.UNIT / 2
b = buffer(p, -length)
c = buffer(b, length)
- scores.append(p.area - c.area + (
- self.narrow_passage_thresh ** 2 * 20 if not isinstance(b, Polygon) else 0))
+ scores.append(
+ p.area
+ - c.area
+ + (
+ self.narrow_passage_thresh**2 * 20
+ if not isinstance(b, Polygon)
+ else 0
+ )
+ )
scores = np.array(scores).sum()
return scores
class JointBlueprintScorer:
- def __init__(self, graphs, *args, staircase_occupancy_weight=1., staircase_iou_weight=.5, **kwargs):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ graphs,
+ *args,
+ staircase_occupancy_weight=1.0,
+ staircase_iou_weight=0.5,
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
self.scorers = []
self.graphs = graphs
for g in self.graphs:
@@ -249,14 +287,18 @@ def compute_scores(self, assignments, infos):
scores = {}
for i, (assignment, info) in enumerate(zip(assignments, infos)):
floor_scores = self.scorers[i].compute_scores(assignment, info)
- scores.update({f'{k}_{i:01d}': v for k, v in floor_scores.items()})
+ scores.update({f"{k}_{i:01d}": v for k, v in floor_scores.items()})
if len(self.graphs) > 1:
if self.staircase_occupancy_weight > 0:
- score = self.staircase_occupancy_weight * self.staircase_occupancy(assignments, infos)
- scores['staircase_occupancy'] = score
+ score = self.staircase_occupancy_weight * self.staircase_occupancy(
+ assignments, infos
+ )
+ scores["staircase_occupancy"] = score
if self.staircase_iou_weight > 0:
- score = self.staircase_iou_weight * self.staircase_iou(assignments, infos)
- scores['staircase_iou'] = score
+ score = self.staircase_iou_weight * self.staircase_iou(
+ assignments, infos
+ )
+ scores["staircase_iou"] = score
return scores
def find_score(self, assignments, infos):
@@ -266,16 +308,18 @@ def staircase_occupancy(self, assignments, infos):
scores = []
for graph, assignment, info in zip(self.graphs, assignments, infos):
for _ in graph[RoomType.Staircase]:
- scores.append(info['staircase_occupancies'][assignment[_]])
+ scores.append(info["staircase_occupancies"][assignment[_]])
scores = np.array(scores)
- return ((scores - 1) ** 2).sum() * sum(len(info['segments']) for info in infos)
+ return ((scores - 1) ** 2).sum() * sum(len(info["segments"]) for info in infos)
def staircase_iou(self, assignments, infos):
scores = []
for graph, assignment, info in zip(self.graphs, assignments, infos):
for _ in graph[RoomType.Staircase]:
- segment = info['segments'][assignment[_]]
- staircase = info['staircase']
- scores.append(segment.intersection(staircase).area / segment.union(staircase).area)
+ segment = info["segments"][assignment[_]]
+ staircase = info["staircase"]
+ scores.append(
+ segment.intersection(staircase).area / segment.union(staircase).area
+ )
scores = np.array(scores)
- return ((scores - 1) ** 2).sum() * sum(len(info['segments']) for info in infos)
+ return ((scores - 1) ** 2).sum() * sum(len(info["segments"]) for info in infos)
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/segment.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/segment.py
index dc02f7962..3705a4084 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/segment.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/segment.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
# of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Lingjie Mei: primary author
# - Karhan Kayan: fix constants
@@ -14,12 +14,19 @@
from numpy.random import uniform
from shapely import LineString, union
-from infinigen.assets.utils.shapes import shared
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.utils import compute_neighbours, cut_polygon_by_line, canonicalize, is_valid_polygon, \
- unit_cast, update_exterior_edges, update_shared_edges, update_staircase_occupancies
import infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.constants as constants
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+from infinigen.assets.utils.shapes import shared
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.utils import (
+ canonicalize,
+ compute_neighbours,
+ cut_polygon_by_line,
+ is_valid_polygon,
+ unit_cast,
+ update_exterior_edges,
+ update_staircase_occupancies,
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
class SegmentMaker:
@@ -29,34 +36,39 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed, contour, n, merge_alpha=-1):
self.n = n
self.n_boxes = int(self.n * uniform(1.4, 1.6))
- self.box_ratio = .3
+ self.box_ratio = 0.3
self.min_segment_area = log_uniform(1.5, 2)
- self.min_segment_size = log_uniform(.5, 1.)
+ self.min_segment_size = log_uniform(0.5, 1.0)
- self.divide_box_fn = lambda x: x.area ** .5
+ self.divide_box_fn = lambda x: x.area**0.5
self.n_box_trials = 200
- self.merge_fn = lambda x: x ** merge_alpha
+ self.merge_fn = lambda x: x**merge_alpha
def build_segments(self, staircase=None):
while True:
segments, shared_edges = self.filter_segments()
- except:
+ except Exception:
exterior_edges = update_exterior_edges(segments, shared_edges)
- neighbours_all = {k: set(compute_neighbours(se, constants.SEGMENT_MARGIN)) for k, se in shared_edges.items()}
- exterior_neighbours = set(compute_neighbours(exterior_edges, constants.SEGMENT_MARGIN))
+ neighbours_all = {
+ k: set(compute_neighbours(se, constants.SEGMENT_MARGIN))
+ for k, se in shared_edges.items()
+ }
+ exterior_neighbours = set(
+ compute_neighbours(exterior_edges, constants.SEGMENT_MARGIN)
+ )
staircase_occupancies = update_staircase_occupancies(segments, staircase)
return {
- 'segments': segments,
- 'shared_edges': shared_edges,
- 'exterior_edges': exterior_edges,
- 'neighbours_all': neighbours_all,
- 'exterior_neighbours': exterior_neighbours,
- 'staircase_occupancies': staircase_occupancies,
- 'staircase': staircase,
+ "segments": segments,
+ "shared_edges": shared_edges,
+ "exterior_edges": exterior_edges,
+ "neighbours_all": neighbours_all,
+ "exterior_neighbours": exterior_neighbours,
+ "staircase_occupancies": staircase_occupancies,
+ "staircase": staircase,
def divide_segments(self):
@@ -68,7 +80,7 @@ def divide_segments(self):
k = np.random.choice(list(keys), p=prob / prob.sum())
x, y, xx, yy = segments[k].bounds
w, h = xx - x, yy - y
- r = uniform(.25, .75)
+ r = uniform(0.25, 0.75)
line = None
if w >= h:
w_ = unit_cast(r * w)
@@ -85,7 +97,10 @@ def divide_segments(self):
s, t = cut_polygon_by_line(segments[k], line)
s_ = canonicalize(s)
t_ = canonicalize(t)
- if np.abs(s.area - s_.area) < 1e-3 and np.abs(t.area - t_.area) < 1e-3:
+ if (
+ np.abs(s.area - s_.area) < 1e-3
+ and np.abs(t.area - t_.area) < 1e-3
+ ):
segments[k], segments[i + 1] = s_, t_
return {k: v for k, v in segments.items()}
@@ -93,7 +108,8 @@ def divide_segments(self):
def merge_segment(self, segments, shared_edges, attached, i, j):
assert i != j
s = canonicalize(union(segments[i], segments[j]))
- if not is_valid_polygon(s): return
+ if not is_valid_polygon(s):
+ return
segments[j] = s
@@ -130,8 +146,15 @@ def filter_segments(self):
while len(segments) > self.n:
prob = np.array([1 / (len(attached[c]) + 1) for c in shared_edges.keys()])
k = np.random.choice(list(shared_edges.keys()), p=prob / prob.sum())
- candidates = list(k for k, se in shared_edges[k].items() if se.length>=1e-6)
- prob = np.array([len(attached[c].difference(attached[k]))**2 + .5 for c in candidates])
+ candidates = list(
+ k for k, se in shared_edges[k].items() if se.length >= 1e-6
+ )
+ prob = np.array(
+ [
+ len(attached[c].difference(attached[k])) ** 2 + 0.5
+ for c in candidates
+ ]
+ )
n = np.random.choice(candidates, p=prob / prob.sum())
self.merge_segment(segments, shared_edges, attached, k, n)
return segments, shared_edges
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/solidifier.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/solidifier.py
index d6eb63637..8144b527e 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/solidifier.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/solidifier.py
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
# of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Lingjie Mei: primary author
# - Karhan Kayan: fix constants
import logging
from collections import defaultdict, deque
-from collections.abc import Iterable, Mapping, Sequence
+from collections.abc import Iterable, Mapping
import bmesh
import bpy
@@ -17,42 +17,77 @@
from numpy.random import uniform
from shapely import LineString, line_interpolate_point, remove_repeated_points, simplify
from shapely.ops import linemerge
-from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.types import RoomGraph, RoomType, get_room_type
+from infinigen.assets.utils.autobevel import BevelSharp
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
+ read_area,
+ read_center,
+ read_co,
+ read_edge_direction,
+ read_edge_length,
+ remove_faces,
+ write_attribute,
+ write_co,
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import join_objects, new_cube, new_line
+from infinigen.core import tagging
+from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.geometry import parse_scene
from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.configs import (
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.constants import DOOR_MARGIN, DOOR_SIZE, DOOR_WIDTH, \
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.utils import SIMPLIFY_THRESH, WELD_THRESH, buffer, \
- canonicalize, polygon2obj
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import (
- read_area, read_center, read_co, remove_edges, remove_faces,
- select_faces, write_attribute, write_co, read_edges, read_edge_direction, read_edge_length,
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.constants import (
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.types import (
+ RoomGraph,
+ RoomType,
+ get_room_type,
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.utils import (
+ buffer,
+ canonicalize,
+ polygon2obj,
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.state_def import (
+ ObjectState,
+ RelationState,
+ State,
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import data2mesh, join_objects, mesh2obj, new_cube, new_line
from infinigen.core.surface import write_attr_data
from infinigen.core.tagging import PREFIX
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.geometry import parse_scene
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.state_def import ObjectState, RelationState, State
-from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
-from infinigen.assets.utils.autobevel import BevelSharp
from infinigen.core.util.logging import BadSeedError
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_eps = 0.01
-@gin.configurable(denylist=['graph', 'level'])
+@gin.configurable(denylist=["graph", "level"])
class BlueprintSolidifier:
- def __init__(self, graph: RoomGraph, level, has_ceiling=True, combined_room_types=COMBINED_ROOM_TYPES,
- panoramic_room_types=PANORAMIC_ROOM_TYPES, enable_open=True):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ graph: RoomGraph,
+ level,
+ has_ceiling=True,
+ combined_room_types=COMBINED_ROOM_TYPES,
+ panoramic_room_types=PANORAMIC_ROOM_TYPES,
+ enable_open=True,
+ ):
self.graph = graph
self.level = level
self.has_ceiling = has_ceiling
@@ -62,11 +97,20 @@ def __init__(self, graph: RoomGraph, level, has_ceiling=True, combined_room_type
self.enable_open = enable_open
def get_entrance(self, names):
- return None if self.graph.entrance is None else {k for k, n in names.items() if
- n == self.graph.rooms[self.graph.entrance]}.pop()
+ return (
+ None
+ if self.graph.entrance is None
+ else {
+ k
+ for k, n in names.items()
+ if n == self.graph.rooms[self.graph.entrance]
+ }.pop()
+ )
def get_staircase(self, names):
- return {k for k, n in names.items() if get_room_type(n) == RoomType.Staircase}.pop()
+ return {
+ k for k, n in names.items() if get_room_type(n) == RoomType.Staircase
+ }.pop()
def unroll(x):
@@ -82,29 +126,34 @@ def unroll(x):
yield (k,), cs
def solidify(self, assignment, info):
- segments = info['segments']
- neighbours = info['neighbours']
- shared_edges = info['shared_edges']
- exterior_edges = info['exterior_edges']
+ segments = info["segments"]
+ neighbours = info["neighbours"]
+ shared_edges = info["shared_edges"]
+ exterior_edges = info["exterior_edges"]
names = {k: self.graph.rooms[assignment.index(k)] for k in segments}
- rooms = {k: self.make_room(p, exterior_edges.get(k, None)) for k, p in segments.items()}
+ rooms = {
+ k: self.make_room(p, exterior_edges.get(k, None))
+ for k, p in segments.items()
+ }
for k, o in rooms.items():
- o.name = f'{names[k]}-{self.level}'
- # if segments[k].area > 2.5 * TYPICAL_AREA_ROOM_TYPES[get_room_type(names[k])] + 5:
- # raise BadSeedError()
- #
+ o.name = f"{names[k]}-{self.level}"
+ # if segments[k].area > 2.5 * TYPICAL_AREA_ROOM_TYPES[get_room_type(names[k])] + 5:
+ # raise BadSeedError()
+ #
- open_cutters, door_cutters = self.make_interior_cutters(neighbours, shared_edges, segments, names)
+ open_cutters, door_cutters = self.make_interior_cutters(
+ neighbours, shared_edges, segments, names
+ )
exterior_cutters = self.make_exterior_cutters(exterior_edges, names)
for k, r in rooms.items():
r.location[-1] += WALL_HEIGHT * self.level
for cutters in [open_cutters, door_cutters, exterior_cutters]:
for k, c in self.unroll(cutters):
c.location[-1] += WALL_HEIGHT * self.level
- butil.put_in_collection(rooms.values(), 'placeholders:room_shells')
+ butil.put_in_collection(rooms.values(), "placeholders:room_shells")
state = self.convert_solver_state(
rooms, segments, shared_edges, open_cutters, door_cutters, exterior_cutters
@@ -112,66 +161,84 @@ def solidify(self, assignment, info):
def clone_as_meshed(o):
new = butil.copy(o)
- new.name = o.name + '.meshed'
+ new.name = o.name + ".meshed"
return new
rooms = {k: clone_as_meshed(r) for k, r in rooms.items()}
# Cut windows & doors from final room meshes
- cutter_col = butil.get_collection('placeholders:portal_cutters')
+ cutter_col = butil.get_collection("placeholders:portal_cutters")
for cutters in [open_cutters, door_cutters, exterior_cutters]:
for k, c in self.unroll(cutters):
for k_ in k:
butil.put_in_collection(c, cutter_col)
before = len(rooms[k_].data.polygons)
- rooms[k_], 'BOOLEAN', object=c, operation='DIFFERENCE', use_self=True,
- use_hole_tolerant=True
+ rooms[k_],
+ object=c,
+ operation="DIFFERENCE",
+ use_self=True,
+ use_hole_tolerant=True,
after = len(rooms[k_].data.polygons)
- logger.debug(f'Cutting {c.name} from {rooms[k_].name}, {before=} {after=}')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"Cutting {c.name} from {rooms[k_].name}, {before=} {after=}"
+ )
for r in rooms.values():
- butil.modify_mesh(r, 'TRIANGULATE', min_vertices=3)
+ butil.modify_mesh(r, "TRIANGULATE", min_vertices=3)
remove_faces(r, read_area(r) < 5e-4)
- with butil.ViewportMode(r, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(r, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
x, y, z = read_co(r).T
- z = np.where(np.abs(z - WALL_THICKNESS / 2) < .01, WALL_THICKNESS / 2, z)
- z = np.where(np.abs(z - WALL_HEIGHT + WALL_THICKNESS / 2) < .01, WALL_HEIGHT - WALL_THICKNESS / 2,
- z)
+ z = np.where(np.abs(z - WALL_THICKNESS / 2) < 0.01, WALL_THICKNESS / 2, z)
+ z = np.where(
+ np.abs(z - WALL_HEIGHT + WALL_THICKNESS / 2) < 0.01,
+ z,
+ )
write_co(r, np.stack([x, y, z], -1))
- butil.modify_mesh(r, 'WELD', merge_threshold=WALL_THICKNESS / 10)
+ butil.modify_mesh(r, "WELD", merge_threshold=WALL_THICKNESS / 10)
direction = read_edge_direction(r)
z_edges = np.abs(direction[:, -1])
- orthogonal = (z_edges < .1) | (z_edges > .9)
- with butil.ViewportMode(r, 'EDIT'):
+ orthogonal = (z_edges < 0.1) | (z_edges > 0.9)
+ with butil.ViewportMode(r, "EDIT"):
edge_faces = np.zeros(len(orthogonal))
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(r.data)
for f in bm.faces:
for e in f.edges:
edge_faces[e.index] += 1
- orthogonal = (z_edges < .1) | (z_edges > .9) | (edge_faces != 1) | (read_edge_length(r) < .5)
+ orthogonal = (
+ (z_edges < 0.1)
+ | (z_edges > 0.9)
+ | (edge_faces != 1)
+ | (read_edge_length(r) < 0.5)
+ )
if not orthogonal.all():
- raise BadSeedError('No orthogonal edges')
+ raise BadSeedError("No orthogonal edges")
- butil.group_in_collection(rooms.values(), 'placeholders:room_meshes')
+ butil.group_in_collection(rooms.values(), "placeholders:room_meshes")
return state, rooms
- def convert_solver_state(self, rooms, segments, shared_edges, open_cutters, door_cutters, exterior_cutters):
+ def convert_solver_state(
+ self,
+ rooms,
+ segments,
+ shared_edges,
+ open_cutters,
+ door_cutters,
+ exterior_cutters,
+ ):
obj_states = {}
for k, o in rooms.items():
- tags = {t.Semantics.Room, t.Semantics(o.name.split('_')[0])}
+ tags = {t.Semantics.Room, t.Semantics(o.name.split("_")[0])}
- obj_states[o.name] = ObjectState(
- obj=o,
- tags=tags,
- contour=segments[k]
- )
+ obj_states[o.name] = ObjectState(obj=o, tags=tags, contour=segments[k])
for k, r in rooms.items():
relations = obj_states[r.name].relations
for other in shared_edges[k]:
@@ -181,14 +248,15 @@ def convert_solver_state(self, rooms, segments, shared_edges, open_cutters, door
ct = cl.ConnectorType.Door
ct = cl.ConnectorType.Wall
- relations.append(RelationState(
- cl.RoomNeighbour({ct}), rooms[other].name)
+ relations.append(
+ RelationState(cl.RoomNeighbour({ct}), rooms[other].name)
- cut_state = lambda x: RelationState(cl.CutFrom(), rooms[x].name)
+ def cut_state(x):
+ return RelationState(cl.CutFrom(), rooms[x].name)
for cutters in [door_cutters, open_cutters, exterior_cutters]:
for k, c in self.unroll(cutters):
tags = set({t.Semantics.Cutter, t.SpecificObject(c.name)})
# TODO Lingjie - do not store whole-object window/door semantics in per-vertex attributes
@@ -202,46 +270,73 @@ def convert_solver_state(self, rooms, segments, shared_edges, open_cutters, door
obj_states[c.name] = ObjectState(
- obj=c,
- tags=tags,
- relations=list(cut_state(k_) for k_ in k)
+ obj=c, tags=tags, relations=list(cut_state(k_) for k_ in k)
return State(objs=obj_states)
def make_room(self, obj, exterior_edges=None):
obj = polygon2obj(canonicalize(obj), True)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, "WELD", merge_threshold=.2)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=WALL_HEIGHT, offset=-1)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "WELD", merge_threshold=0.2)
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=WALL_HEIGHT, offset=-1)
self.tag(obj, False)
if exterior_edges is not None:
center = read_center(obj)
exterior_centers = []
- for ls in exterior_edges.geoms if exterior_edges.geom_type == 'MultiLineString' else [
- exterior_edges]:
+ for ls in (
+ exterior_edges.geoms
+ if exterior_edges.geom_type == "MultiLineString"
+ else [exterior_edges]
+ ):
for u, v in zip(ls.coords[:-1], ls.coords[1:]):
exterior_centers.append(((u[0] + v[0]) / 2, (u[1] + v[1]) / 2))
- exterior = (np.abs(center[:, np.newaxis, :2] - np.array(exterior_centers)[np.newaxis]).sum(
- -1) < WALL_THICKNESS * 4).any(-1).astype(int)
+ exterior = (
+ (
+ np.abs(
+ center[:, np.newaxis, :2]
+ - np.array(exterior_centers)[np.newaxis]
+ ).sum(-1)
+ )
+ .any(-1)
+ .astype(int)
+ )
exterior = np.zeros(len(obj.data.polygons), dtype=int)
- write_attr_data(obj, f'{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.Exterior.value}', exterior, 'INT', 'FACE')
- write_attr_data(obj, f'{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.Interior.value}', 1 - exterior, 'INT', 'FACE')
+ write_attr_data(
+ obj, f"{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.Exterior.value}", exterior, "INT", "FACE"
+ )
+ write_attr_data(
+ obj, f"{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.Interior.value}", 1 - exterior, "INT", "FACE"
+ )
assert len(obj.data.vertices) > 0
- obj.vertex_groups.new(name='visible_')
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=WALL_THICKNESS / 2, offset=-1, use_even_offset=True,
- shell_vertex_group='visible_', use_quality_normals=True)
- write_attribute(obj, 'visible_', f'{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.Visible.value}', 'FACE', 'INT')
- obj.vertex_groups.remove(obj.vertex_groups['visible_'])
+ obj.vertex_groups.new(name="visible_")
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ thickness=WALL_THICKNESS / 2,
+ offset=-1,
+ use_even_offset=True,
+ shell_vertex_group="visible_",
+ use_quality_normals=True,
+ )
+ write_attribute(
+ obj, "visible_", f"{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.Visible.value}", "FACE", "INT"
+ )
+ obj.vertex_groups.remove(obj.vertex_groups["visible_"])
tagging.tag_object(obj, t.Semantics.Room)
return obj
def make_interior_cutters(self, neighbours, shared_edges, segments, names):
name_groups = {}
for k, n in names.items():
- name_groups[k] = set(i for i, rt in enumerate(self.combined_room_types) if get_room_type(n) in rt)
+ name_groups[k] = set(
+ i
+ for i, rt in enumerate(self.combined_room_types)
+ if get_room_type(n) in rt
+ )
dist2entrance = self.compute_dist2entrance(neighbours, names)
centroids = {k: np.array(s.centroid.coords[0]) for k, s in segments.items()}
open_cutters, door_cutters = defaultdict(dict), defaultdict(dict)
@@ -249,12 +344,18 @@ def make_interior_cutters(self, neighbours, shared_edges, segments, names):
for l, se in ses.items():
if l not in neighbours[k] or k >= l:
- if len(name_groups[k].intersection(name_groups[l])) > 0 and self.enable_open:
+ if (
+ len(name_groups[k].intersection(name_groups[l])) > 0
+ and self.enable_open
+ ):
open_cutters[k][l] = open_cutters[l][k] = self.make_open_cutter(se)
direction = (centroids[k] - centroids[l]) * (
- 1 if dist2entrance[k] > dist2entrance[l] else -1)
- door_cutters[k][l] = door_cutters[l][k] = self.make_door_cutter(se, direction)
+ 1 if dist2entrance[k] > dist2entrance[l] else -1
+ )
+ door_cutters[k][l] = door_cutters[l][k] = self.make_door_cutter(
+ se, direction
+ )
return open_cutters, door_cutters
def compute_dist2entrance(self, neighbours, names):
@@ -276,11 +377,10 @@ def make_exterior_cutters(self, exterior_edges, names):
entrance = self.get_entrance(names)
for k, mls in exterior_edges.items():
room_type = get_room_type(names[k])
pano_chance = self.panoramic_room_types.get(room_type, 0)
is_panoramic = uniform() < pano_chance
lss = []
for ls in mls.geoms:
coords = ls.coords[:]
@@ -293,9 +393,13 @@ def make_exterior_cutters(self, exterior_edges, names):
for ls in lss:
coords = LineString(ls).segmentize(MAX_WINDOW_LENGTH).coords[:]
for seg in zip(coords[:-1], coords[1:]):
- length = np.linalg.norm([seg[1][1] - seg[0][1], seg[1][0] - seg[0][0]])
- if length >= DOOR_WIDTH + WALL_THICKNESS and uniform() < WINDOW_ROOM_TYPES[
- get_room_type(names[k])]:
+ length = np.linalg.norm(
+ [seg[1][1] - seg[0][1], seg[1][0] - seg[0][0]]
+ )
+ if (
+ and uniform() < WINDOW_ROOM_TYPES[get_room_type(names[k])]
+ ):
cutter = self.make_window_cutter(seg, is_panoramic)
return cutters
@@ -307,19 +411,21 @@ def make_staircase_cutters(self, staircase, names):
if get_room_type(name) == RoomType.Staircase:
with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
cutter = polygon2obj(buffer(staircase, -WALL_THICKNESS / 2))
- butil.modify_mesh(cutter, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=WALL_THICKNESS * 1.2, offset=0)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ cutter, "SOLIDIFY", thickness=WALL_THICKNESS * 1.2, offset=0
+ )
- cutter.name = 'staircase_cutter'
+ cutter.name = "staircase_cutter"
return cutters
def make_door_cutter(self, es, direction):
lengths = [ls.length for ls in es.geoms]
(x, y), (x_, y_) = es.geoms[np.argmax(lengths)].coords
cutter = new_cube()
- vertical = np.abs(x - x_) < .1
- cutter.scale = DOOR_WIDTH / 2 * (1 - _eps), DOOR_WIDTH, DOOR_SIZE / 2
+ vertical = np.abs(x - x_) < 0.1
+ cutter.scale = DOOR_WIDTH / 2 * (1 - _eps), DOOR_WIDTH, DOOR_SIZE / 2
butil.apply_transform(cutter, True)
if vertical:
@@ -343,8 +449,11 @@ def make_entrance_cutter(self, ls):
lam = uniform(d, 1 - d)
cutter.scale = DOOR_WIDTH / 2, DOOR_WIDTH / 2, DOOR_SIZE / 2
butil.apply_transform(cutter, True)
- cutter.location = lam * x + (1 - lam) * x_, lam * y + (
- 1 - lam) * y_, DOOR_SIZE / 2 + WALL_THICKNESS / 2 + _eps
+ cutter.location = (
+ lam * x + (1 - lam) * x_,
+ lam * y + (1 - lam) * y_,
+ DOOR_SIZE / 2 + WALL_THICKNESS / 2 + _eps,
+ )
cutter.rotation_euler = 0, 0, np.arctan2(y_ - y, x_ - x)
tagging.tag_object(cutter, t.Semantics.Entrance)
@@ -376,7 +485,9 @@ def make_window_cutter(self, ls, is_panoramic):
return cutter
def make_open_cutter(self, es):
- es = remove_repeated_points(simplify(es, SIMPLIFY_THRESH).normalize(), WELD_THRESH)
+ es = remove_repeated_points(
+ simplify(es, SIMPLIFY_THRESH).normalize(), WELD_THRESH
+ )
es = linemerge(es) if not isinstance(es, LineString) else es
es = [es] if isinstance(es, LineString) else es.geoms
lines = []
@@ -387,32 +498,43 @@ def make_open_cutter(self, es):
start += 1
while np.linalg.norm(coords[end] - coords[end - 1]) < SEGMENT_MARGIN:
end -= 1
- coords = coords[start:end + 1] if end < -1 else coords[start:]
+ coords = coords[start : end + 1] if end < -1 else coords[start:]
if len(coords) < 2:
- coords[0] = line_interpolate_point(LineString(coords[0: 2]), WALL_THICKNESS / 2 + _eps).coords[0]
- coords[-1] = line_interpolate_point(LineString(coords[-1:-3:-1]), WALL_THICKNESS / 2 + _eps).coords[
- 0]
+ coords[0] = line_interpolate_point(
+ LineString(coords[0:2]), WALL_THICKNESS / 2 + _eps
+ ).coords[0]
+ coords[-1] = line_interpolate_point(
+ LineString(coords[-1:-3:-1]), WALL_THICKNESS / 2 + _eps
+ ).coords[0]
line = new_line(len(coords) - 1)
write_co(line, np.concatenate([coords, np.zeros((len(coords), 1))], -1))
cutter = join_objects(lines)
- butil.modify_mesh(cutter, 'WELD', merge_threshold=WELD_THRESH)
+ butil.modify_mesh(cutter, "WELD", merge_threshold=WELD_THRESH)
- with butil.ViewportMode(cutter, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(cutter, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="EDGE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
- TRANSFORM_OT_translate={'value': (0, 0, WALL_HEIGHT - WALL_THICKNESS - 2 * _eps)
- })
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='FACE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ TRANSFORM_OT_translate={
+ "value": (0, 0, WALL_HEIGHT - WALL_THICKNESS - 2 * _eps)
+ }
+ )
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type="FACE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
cutter.location[-1] += WALL_THICKNESS / 2 + _eps
butil.apply_transform(cutter, True)
- butil.modify_mesh(cutter, 'SOLIDIFY', thickness=WALL_THICKNESS * 3, offset=0, use_even_offset=True)
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ cutter,
+ thickness=WALL_THICKNESS * 3,
+ offset=0,
+ use_even_offset=True,
+ )
tagging.tag_object(cutter, t.Semantics.Open)
cutter.name = t.Semantics.Open.value
@@ -421,16 +543,30 @@ def make_open_cutter(self, es):
def tag(obj, visible=True):
center = read_center(obj) + obj.location
- ceiling = center[:, -1] > WALL_HEIGHT - WALL_THICKNESS / 2 - .1
- floor = center[:, -1] < WALL_THICKNESS / 2 + .1
+ ceiling = center[:, -1] > WALL_HEIGHT - WALL_THICKNESS / 2 - 0.1
+ floor = center[:, -1] < WALL_THICKNESS / 2 + 0.1
wall = ~(ceiling | floor)
- write_attr_data(obj, f'{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.Ceiling.value}', ceiling, 'INT', 'FACE')
- write_attr_data(obj, f'{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.SupportSurface.value}', floor, 'INT', 'FACE')
- write_attr_data(obj, f'{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.Wall.value}', wall, 'INT', 'FACE')
- write_attr_data(obj, 'segment_id', np.arange(len(center)), 'INT', 'FACE')
- write_attr_data(obj, f'{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.Visible.value}',
- np.ones_like(ceiling) if visible else np.zeros_like(ceiling), 'INT', 'FACE')
- write_attr_data(obj, f'{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.Invisible.value}',
- np.zeros_like(ceiling) if visible else np.ones_like(ceiling), 'INT', 'FACE')
+ write_attr_data(
+ obj, f"{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.Ceiling.value}", ceiling, "INT", "FACE"
+ )
+ write_attr_data(
+ obj, f"{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.SupportSurface.value}", floor, "INT", "FACE"
+ )
+ write_attr_data(obj, f"{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.Wall.value}", wall, "INT", "FACE")
+ write_attr_data(obj, "segment_id", np.arange(len(center)), "INT", "FACE")
+ write_attr_data(
+ obj,
+ f"{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.Visible.value}",
+ np.ones_like(ceiling) if visible else np.zeros_like(ceiling),
+ "INT",
+ "FACE",
+ )
+ write_attr_data(
+ obj,
+ f"{PREFIX}{t.Subpart.Invisible.value}",
+ np.zeros_like(ceiling) if visible else np.ones_like(ceiling),
+ "INT",
+ "FACE",
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/solver.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/solver.py
index c431f933a..b25594431 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/solver.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/solver.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
# of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Lingjie Mei: primary author
# - Karhan Kayan: fix constants
@@ -16,12 +16,23 @@
from shapely import LineString, Polygon, union
from shapely.ops import shared_paths
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.types import RoomType, get_room_type
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.configs import EXTERIOR_CONNECTED_ROOM_TYPES
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.constants import SEGMENT_MARGIN
import infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.constants as constants
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.utils import compute_neighbours, cut_polygon_by_line, is_valid_polygon, linear_extend_x, \
- linear_extend_y, canonicalize, update_exterior_edges, update_shared_edges, update_staircase_occupancies
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.configs import (
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.constants import SEGMENT_MARGIN
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.types import RoomType, get_room_type
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.utils import (
+ canonicalize,
+ compute_neighbours,
+ cut_polygon_by_line,
+ is_valid_polygon,
+ linear_extend_x,
+ linear_extend_y,
+ update_exterior_edges,
+ update_shared_edges,
+ update_staircase_occupancies,
@@ -31,13 +42,19 @@ class RoomSolverMsg:
def is_success(self):
- return self.status == 'success'
+ return self.status == "success"
-@gin.configurable(denylist=['contour', 'graph'])
+@gin.configurable(denylist=["contour", "graph"])
class BlueprintSolver:
- def __init__(self, contour, graph, exterior_connected_room_types=EXTERIOR_CONNECTED_ROOM_TYPES,
- max_stride=1, staircase_occupancy_thresh=.75):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ contour,
+ graph,
+ exterior_connected_room_types=EXTERIOR_CONNECTED_ROOM_TYPES,
+ max_stride=1,
+ staircase_occupancy_thresh=0.75,
+ ):
self.contour = contour
x, y = self.contour.boundary.xy
self.x_min, self.x_max = np.min(x), np.max(x)
@@ -46,7 +63,10 @@ def __init__(self, contour, graph, exterior_connected_room_types=EXTERIOR_CONNEC
self.staircase_occupancy_thresh = staircase_occupancy_thresh
self.exterior_connected_room_types = exterior_connected_room_types
self.exterior_connected_rooms = set(
- i for i, r in enumerate(self.graph.rooms) if get_room_type(r) in self.exterior_connected_room_types)
+ i
+ for i, r in enumerate(self.graph.rooms)
+ if get_room_type(r) in self.exterior_connected_room_types
+ )
if self.graph.entrance is not None:
self.staircase_rooms = set(self.graph[RoomType.Staircase])
@@ -54,12 +74,17 @@ def __init__(self, contour, graph, exterior_connected_room_types=EXTERIOR_CONNEC
def find_assignment(self, info):
assignment = [0] * len(self.graph.rooms)
- neighbours_all = info['neighbours_all']
- exterior_neighbours = info['exterior_neighbours']
- staircase_occupancies = info['staircase_occupancies']
- if info['staircase'] is not None:
+ neighbours_all = info["neighbours_all"]
+ exterior_neighbours = info["exterior_neighbours"]
+ staircase_occupancies = info["staircase_occupancies"]
+ if info["staircase"] is not None:
staircase_candidates = list(
- (k for k, v in staircase_occupancies.items() if v > self.staircase_occupancy_thresh))
+ (
+ k
+ for k, v in staircase_occupancies.items()
+ if v > self.staircase_occupancy_thresh
+ )
+ )
if len(staircase_candidates) == 0:
return None
@@ -76,7 +101,9 @@ def assign_(i):
candidates = unassigned.copy()
n_unassigned = len(list(j for j in self.graph.neighbours[i] if j > i))
- assigned_neighbours = set(assignment[j] for j in self.graph.neighbours[i] if j < i)
+ assigned_neighbours = set(
+ assignment[j] for j in self.graph.neighbours[i] if j < i
+ )
for n in candidates:
if assigned_neighbours.issubset(neighbours_all[n]):
if len(neighbours_all[n].intersection(unassigned)) >= n_unassigned:
@@ -90,23 +117,26 @@ def assign_(i):
return assign_(0)
def satisfies_constraints(self, assignment, info):
- neighbours_all = info['neighbours_all']
- exterior_neighbours = info['exterior_neighbours']
- staircase_occupancies = info['staircase_occupancies']
+ neighbours_all = info["neighbours_all"]
+ exterior_neighbours = info["exterior_neighbours"]
+ staircase_occupancies = info["staircase_occupancies"]
for k, ns in enumerate(self.graph.neighbours):
for n in ns:
if assignment[k] not in neighbours_all[assignment[n]]:
- return RoomSolverMsg('neighbours unsatisfied', [k, n])
+ return RoomSolverMsg("neighbours unsatisfied", [k, n])
if k in self.exterior_connected_rooms:
if assignment[k] not in exterior_neighbours:
- return RoomSolverMsg('exterior neighbours unsatisfied', [k])
+ return RoomSolverMsg("exterior neighbours unsatisfied", [k])
if get_room_type(self.graph.rooms[k]) == RoomType.Staircase:
- if staircase_occupancies[assignment[k]] < self.staircase_occupancy_thresh:
- return RoomSolverMsg('staircase occupancy unsatisfied', [k])
- return RoomSolverMsg('success')
+ if (
+ staircase_occupancies[assignment[k]]
+ < self.staircase_occupancy_thresh
+ ):
+ return RoomSolverMsg("staircase occupancy unsatisfied", [k])
+ return RoomSolverMsg("success")
def perturb_solution(self, assignment, info):
- k = np.random.choice(list(info['segments'].keys()))
+ k = np.random.choice(list(info["segments"].keys()))
while True:
info_ = deepcopy(info)
assignment_ = deepcopy(assignment)
@@ -118,59 +148,75 @@ def perturb_solution(self, assignment, info):
resp = self.extrude_room_in(assignment, info, k)
resp = self.swap_room(assignment, info, k)
- except:
+ except Exception:
info, assignment = info_, assignment_
if not resp.is_success:
return resp
for c in resp.index_changed:
- if not is_valid_polygon(info['segments'][c]):
- return RoomSolverMsg('invalid segment', [c])
+ if not is_valid_polygon(info["segments"][c]):
+ return RoomSolverMsg("invalid segment", [c])
for c in resp.index_changed:
- update_shared_edges(info['segments'], info['shared_edges'], c)
- update_exterior_edges(info['segments'], info['shared_edges'], info['exterior_edges'], c)
- update_staircase_occupancies(info['segments'], info['staircase'], info['staircase_occupancies'],
- c)
- except:
- return RoomSolverMsg('Exception')
- info['neighbours_all'] = {k: set(compute_neighbours(se, SEGMENT_MARGIN)) for k, se in
- info['shared_edges'].items()}
- info['exterior_neighbours'] = set(compute_neighbours(info['exterior_edges'], SEGMENT_MARGIN))
- for k, s in info['segments'].items():
+ update_shared_edges(info["segments"], info["shared_edges"], c)
+ update_exterior_edges(
+ info["segments"], info["shared_edges"], info["exterior_edges"], c
+ )
+ update_staircase_occupancies(
+ info["segments"],
+ info["staircase"],
+ info["staircase_occupancies"],
+ c,
+ )
+ except Exception:
+ return RoomSolverMsg("Exception")
+ info["neighbours_all"] = {
+ k: set(compute_neighbours(se, SEGMENT_MARGIN))
+ for k, se in info["shared_edges"].items()
+ }
+ info["exterior_neighbours"] = set(
+ compute_neighbours(info["exterior_edges"], SEGMENT_MARGIN)
+ )
+ for k, s in info["segments"].items():
x, y = np.array(s.boundary.coords).T
- if np.any((x < -1.) | (y < -1.) | (x > 40.) | (y > 40.)):
- return RoomSolverMsg('OOB')
+ if np.any((x < -1.0) | (y < -1.0) | (x > 40.0) | (y > 40.0)):
+ return RoomSolverMsg("OOB")
satisfies = self.satisfies_constraints(assignment, info)
if not satisfies.is_success:
return satisfies
return resp
def extrude_room(self, i, info, out=True):
- segments = info['segments']
+ segments = info["segments"]
coords = canonicalize(segments[i]).boundary.coords[:]
indices = []
for k in range(len(coords) - 1):
- (x, y), (x_, y_) = coords[k:k + 2]
+ (x, y), (x_, y_) = coords[k : k + 2]
if np.abs(x - x_) < 1e-2 and self.x_min < x < self.x_max:
elif np.abs(y - y_) < 1e-2 and self.y_min < y < self.y_max:
k = np.random.choice(indices)
- (x, y), (x_, y_) = coords[k:k + 2]
+ (x, y), (x_, y_) = coords[k : k + 2]
is_vertical = np.abs(x - x_) < 1e-2
- line = LineString(coords[k:k + 2])
+ line = LineString(coords[k : k + 2])
mod = len(coords) - 1
stride = constants.UNIT * (np.random.randint(self.max_stride) + 1)
if is_vertical:
new_x = x + stride if (y_ < y) ^ out else x - stride
new_first = new_x, linear_extend_x(coords[(k - 1) % mod], coords[k], new_x)
- new_second = new_x, linear_extend_x(coords[(k + 2) % mod], coords[k + 1], new_x)
+ new_second = (
+ new_x,
+ linear_extend_x(coords[(k + 2) % mod], coords[k + 1], new_x),
+ )
new_y = y + stride if (x_ > x) ^ out else y - stride
new_first = linear_extend_y(coords[(k - 1) % mod], coords[k], new_y), new_y
- new_second = linear_extend_y(coords[(k + 2) % mod], coords[k + 1], new_y), new_y
+ new_second = (
+ linear_extend_y(coords[(k + 2) % mod], coords[k + 1], new_y),
+ new_y,
+ )
coords[k % mod] = new_first
coords[(k + 1) % mod] = new_second
coords[-1] = coords[0]
@@ -178,34 +224,38 @@ def extrude_room(self, i, info, out=True):
return s, line, is_vertical
def extrude_room_out(self, assignment, info, i):
- segments, shared_edges = map(info.get, ['segments', 'info'])
+ segments, shared_edges = map(info.get, ["segments", "info"])
s, _, _ = self.extrude_room(i, info, True)
if not is_valid_polygon(s):
- return RoomSolverMsg('extrude_room_out_invalid', [i])
+ return RoomSolverMsg("extrude_room_out_invalid", [i])
cutter = s.difference(segments[i])
if not is_valid_polygon(cutter):
- return RoomSolverMsg('extrude_room_out_invalid', [i])
+ return RoomSolverMsg("extrude_room_out_invalid", [i])
cutter = canonicalize(cutter)
- shared = list(k for k in info['shared_edges'][i].keys() if segments[k].intersection(cutter).area > .1)
+ shared = list(
+ k
+ for k in info["shared_edges"][i].keys()
+ if segments[k].intersection(cutter).area > 0.1
+ )
index_changed = [i, *shared]
total_pre_area = sum([segments[i].area for i in index_changed])
for l in shared:
segments[l] = canonicalize(segments[l].difference(cutter))
segments[i] = s
total_post_area = sum([segments[i].area for i in index_changed])
- if np.abs(total_pre_area - total_post_area) < .1:
- return RoomSolverMsg('success', index_changed)
+ if np.abs(total_pre_area - total_post_area) < 0.1:
+ return RoomSolverMsg("success", index_changed)
- return RoomSolverMsg('extrude_room_out_oob', index_changed)
+ return RoomSolverMsg("extrude_room_out_oob", index_changed)
def extrude_room_in(self, assignment, info, i):
- segments, shared_edges = map(info.get, ['segments', 'shared_edges'])
+ segments, shared_edges = map(info.get, ["segments", "shared_edges"])
s, line, is_vertical = self.extrude_room(i, info, False)
if not is_valid_polygon(s):
- return RoomSolverMsg('extrude_room_in_invalid', [i])
+ return RoomSolverMsg("extrude_room_in_invalid", [i])
cutter = segments[i].difference(s)
if not is_valid_polygon(cutter):
- return RoomSolverMsg('extrude_room_in_invalid', [i])
+ return RoomSolverMsg("extrude_room_in_invalid", [i])
cutter = canonicalize(cutter)
shared = {}
for k in shared_edges[i].keys():
@@ -238,17 +288,17 @@ def extrude_room_in(self, assignment, info, i):
segments[a] = canonicalize(union(segments[a], p))
segments[i] = s
total_post_area = sum([segments[i].area for i in index_changed])
- if np.abs(total_pre_area - total_post_area) < .1:
- return RoomSolverMsg('success', index_changed)
+ if np.abs(total_pre_area - total_post_area) < 0.1:
+ return RoomSolverMsg("success", index_changed)
- return RoomSolverMsg('extrude_room_in_oob', index_changed)
+ return RoomSolverMsg("extrude_room_in_oob", index_changed)
def swap_room(self, assignment, info, i):
- j = np.random.choice(list(info['neighbours_all'][i]))
+ j = np.random.choice(list(info["neighbours_all"][i]))
j_ = assignment.index(j)
i_ = assignment.index(i)
assignment[i_], assignment[j_] = j, i
- return RoomSolverMsg('success', [i, j])
+ return RoomSolverMsg("success", [i, j])
class BlueprintStaircaseSolver:
@@ -262,24 +312,31 @@ def perturb_solution(self, assignments, infos):
if not resp.is_success:
return resp
for info in infos:
- for k in info['segments']:
- update_staircase_occupancies(info['segments'], info['staircase'], info['staircase_occupancies'],
- k)
+ for k in info["segments"]:
+ update_staircase_occupancies(
+ info["segments"],
+ info["staircase"],
+ info["staircase_occupancies"],
+ k,
+ )
return resp
def move_staircase(self, infos):
- staircase = infos[0]['staircase']
+ staircase = infos[0]["staircase"]
if staircase is None:
- return RoomSolverMsg('success')
+ return RoomSolverMsg("success")
directions = [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]
for i in range(self.n_trials):
stride = constants.UNIT * (np.random.randint(self.max_stride) + 1)
x, y = directions[np.random.randint(4)]
- coords = list((x_ + x * stride, y_ + y * stride) for x_, y_ in staircase.boundary.coords[:])
+ coords = list(
+ (x_ + x * stride, y_ + y * stride)
+ for x_, y_ in staircase.boundary.coords[:]
+ )
p = Polygon(LineString(coords))
if self.contours[-1].contains(p):
for info in infos:
- info['staircase'] = p
- return RoomSolverMsg('success')
+ info["staircase"] = p
+ return RoomSolverMsg("success")
- return RoomSolverMsg('invalid staircase')
+ return RoomSolverMsg("invalid staircase")
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/types.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/types.py
index ec9eba04c..7373d4313 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/types.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/types.py
@@ -9,24 +9,24 @@
class RoomType:
Kitchen = "kitchen"
- Bedroom = 'bedroom'
- LivingRoom = 'living-room'
- Closet = 'closet'
- Hallway = 'hallway'
- Bathroom = 'bathroom'
- Garage = 'garage'
- Balcony = 'balcony'
- DiningRoom = 'dining-room'
- Utility = 'utility'
- Staircase = 'staircase'
+ Bedroom = "bedroom"
+ LivingRoom = "living-room"
+ Closet = "closet"
+ Hallway = "hallway"
+ Bathroom = "bathroom"
+ Garage = "garage"
+ Balcony = "balcony"
+ DiningRoom = "dining-room"
+ Utility = "utility"
+ Staircase = "staircase"
def get_room_type(name):
- return name.split('_')[0]
+ return name.split("_")[0]
def get_room_level(name):
- return int(name.split('-')[-1])
+ return int(name.split("-")[-1])
class RoomGraph:
@@ -67,13 +67,48 @@ def __len__(self):
return len(self.rooms)
def __str__(self):
- return {'neighbours': self.neighbours, 'rooms': self.rooms, 'entrance': self.entrance}
+ return {
+ "neighbours": self.neighbours,
+ "rooms": self.rooms,
+ "entrance": self.entrance,
+ }
def make_demo_tree():
- children = [[1, 2], [], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7], [8, 9], [10, 11], [], [], [12], [], [13], [], [14], []]
- rooms = ['hallway_0', 'closet_0', 'kitchen_0', 'dining-room_0', 'utility_0', 'hallway_1', 'living-room_0',
- 'utility_1', 'bathroom_0', 'bedroom_0', 'balcony_0', 'bedroom_1', 'closet_1', 'bathroom_1', 'closet_2']
+ children = [
+ [1, 2],
+ [],
+ [3, 4],
+ [5, 6],
+ [7],
+ [8, 9],
+ [10, 11],
+ [],
+ [],
+ [12],
+ [],
+ [13],
+ [],
+ [14],
+ [],
+ ]
+ rooms = [
+ "hallway_0",
+ "closet_0",
+ "kitchen_0",
+ "dining-room_0",
+ "utility_0",
+ "hallway_1",
+ "living-room_0",
+ "utility_1",
+ "bathroom_0",
+ "bedroom_0",
+ "balcony_0",
+ "bedroom_1",
+ "closet_1",
+ "bathroom_1",
+ "closet_2",
+ ]
return RoomGraph(children, rooms, 0)
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/utils.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/utils.py
index 9353c9fb5..10c900067 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/utils.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/room/utils.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
# of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Lingjie Mei: primary author
# - Karhan Kayan: fix constants
@@ -11,7 +11,13 @@
import bpy
import numpy as np
import shapely
-from shapely import LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, remove_repeated_points, simplify
+from shapely import (
+ LineString,
+ MultiLineString,
+ Polygon,
+ remove_repeated_points,
+ simplify,
from shapely.ops import linemerge, orient, polygonize, shared_paths, unary_union
import infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.constants as constants
@@ -21,8 +27,8 @@
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
def is_valid_polygon(p):
@@ -39,16 +45,22 @@ def canonicalize(p):
p_ = shapely.force_2d(simplify_polygon(p))
l = len(p.boundary.coords)
if p.area == 0:
- raise NotImplementedError('Polygon empty.')
+ raise NotImplementedError("Polygon empty.")
p = orient(p_)
coords = np.array(p.boundary.coords[:])
rounded = np.round(coords / constants.UNIT) * constants.UNIT
- coords = np.where(np.all(np.abs(coords - rounded) < 1e-3, -1)[:, np.newaxis], rounded, coords)
+ coords = np.where(
+ np.all(np.abs(coords - rounded) < 1e-3, -1)[:, np.newaxis],
+ rounded,
+ coords,
+ )
diff = coords[1:] - coords[:-1]
diff = diff / (np.linalg.norm(diff, axis=-1, keepdims=True) + 1e-6)
product = (diff[[-1] + list(range(len(diff) - 1))] * diff).sum(-1)
valid_indices = list(range(len(coords) - 1))
- invalid_indices = np.nonzero((product < -.8) | (product > 1 - 1e-6))[0].tolist()
+ invalid_indices = np.nonzero((product < -0.8) | (product > 1 - 1e-6))[
+ 0
+ ].tolist()
if len(invalid_indices) > 0:
i = invalid_indices[len(invalid_indices) // 2]
@@ -56,10 +68,10 @@ def canonicalize(p):
if len(p.exterior.coords) == l:
if not is_valid_polygon(p):
- raise NotImplementedError('Invalid polygon')
+ raise NotImplementedError("Invalid polygon")
return p
except AttributeError:
- raise NotImplementedError('Invalid multi polygon')
+ raise NotImplementedError("Invalid multi polygon")
def unit_cast(x, unit=None):
@@ -76,21 +88,25 @@ def abs_distance(x, y):
def update_exterior_edges(segments, shared_edges, exterior_edges=None, i=None):
- if exterior_edges is None: exterior_edges = {}
+ if exterior_edges is None:
+ exterior_edges = {}
for k, s in segments.items():
if i is None or k == i:
l = s.boundary
for ls in shared_edges[k].values():
l = l.difference(ls)
if l.length > 0:
- exterior_edges[k] = MultiLineString([l]) if isinstance(l, LineString) else l
+ exterior_edges[k] = (
+ MultiLineString([l]) if isinstance(l, LineString) else l
+ )
elif k in exterior_edges:
return exterior_edges
def update_shared_edges(segments, shared_edges=None, i=None):
- if shared_edges is None: shared_edges = defaultdict(dict)
+ if shared_edges is None:
+ shared_edges = defaultdict(dict)
for k, s in segments.items():
for l, t in segments.items():
if k != l and (i is None or k == i or l == i):
@@ -105,9 +121,13 @@ def update_shared_edges(segments, shared_edges=None, i=None):
return shared_edges
-def update_staircase_occupancies(segments, staircase, staircase_occupancies=None, i=None):
- if staircase is None: return None
- if staircase_occupancies is None: staircase_occupancies = defaultdict(dict)
+def update_staircase_occupancies(
+ segments, staircase, staircase_occupancies=None, i=None
+ if staircase is None:
+ return None
+ if staircase_occupancies is None:
+ staircase_occupancies = defaultdict(dict)
for k, s in segments.items():
if i is None or k == i:
staircase_occupancies[k] = s.intersection(staircase).area / staircase.area
@@ -115,15 +135,21 @@ def update_staircase_occupancies(segments, staircase, staircase_occupancies=None
def compute_neighbours(ses, margin):
- return list(l for l, se in ses.items() if any(ls.length >= margin for ls in se.geoms))
+ return list(
+ l for l, se in ses.items() if any(ls.length >= margin for ls in se.geoms)
+ )
def linear_extend_x(base, target, new_x):
- return target[1] + (new_x - target[0]) * (base[1] - target[1]) / (base[0] - target[0])
+ return target[1] + (new_x - target[0]) * (base[1] - target[1]) / (
+ base[0] - target[0]
+ )
def linear_extend_y(base, target, new_y):
- return target[0] + (new_y - target[1]) * (base[0] - target[0]) / (base[1] - target[1])
+ return target[0] + (new_y - target[1]) * (base[0] - target[0]) / (
+ base[1] - target[1]
+ )
def cut_polygon_by_line(polygon, *args):
@@ -136,7 +162,7 @@ def cut_polygon_by_line(polygon, *args):
def polygon2obj(p, reversed=False):
x, y = orient(p).exterior.xy
obj = new_circle(vertices=len(x) - 1)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
if reversed:
@@ -146,4 +172,6 @@ def polygon2obj(p, reversed=False):
def buffer(p, distance):
with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
- return remove_repeated_points(simplify(p.buffer(distance, join_style='mitre'), SIMPLIFY_THRESH))
+ return remove_repeated_points(
+ simplify(p.buffer(distance, join_style="mitre"), SIMPLIFY_THRESH)
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/solve.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/solve.py
index 4a4c6e8ef..7f29131a7 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/solve.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/solve.py
@@ -4,58 +4,44 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
+import copy
import logging
from pathlib import Path
-import copy
import bpy
-import numpy as np
-from tqdm import trange, tqdm
import gin
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.constraints import (
- constraint_language as cl,
- reasoning as r,
- usage_lookup,
- evaluator,
- checks
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.geometry import parse_scene, planes
-from .room import RoomSolver, MultistoryRoomSolver
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.state_def import State
-from infinigen.core.constraints.constraint_language.util import delete_obj
+import numpy as np
+from tqdm import trange
+from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
+from infinigen.core.constraints import reasoning as r
+from infinigen.core.constraints.evaluator import domain_contains
from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver import (
+ greedy,
- greedy,
-from infinigen.core.constraints.evaluator import domain_contains
-from infinigen.core.placement.placement import parse_asset_name
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.state_def import State
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
from .annealing import SimulatedAnnealingSolver
+from .room import MultistoryRoomSolver, RoomSolver
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def map_range(x, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, exp=1):
+def map_range(x, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, exp=1):
if x < xmin:
return ymin
if x > xmax:
return ymax
t = (x - xmin) / (xmax - xmin)
- return ymin + (ymax - ymin) * t ** exp
+ return ymin + (ymax - ymin) * t**exp
class LinearDecaySchedule:
def __init__(self, start, end, pct_duration):
self.start = start
self.end = end
@@ -64,17 +50,17 @@ def __init__(self, start, end, pct_duration):
def __call__(self, t):
return map_range(t, 0, self.pct_duration, self.start, self.end)
class Solver:
def __init__(
output_folder: Path,
multistory: bool = False,
- restrict_moves: list = None
+ restrict_moves: list = None,
+ addition_weight_scalar: float = 1.0,
- """ Initialize the solver
+ """Initialize the solver
@@ -87,7 +73,7 @@ def __init__(
constraints_greedy_unsatisfied : str | None
What do we do if relevant constraints are unsatisfied at the end of a greedy stage?
Options are 'warn` or `abort` or None
self.output_folder = output_folder
@@ -100,96 +86,97 @@ def __init__(
self.all_roomtypes = None
self.dimensions = None
- self.moves = self._configure_move_weights(restrict_moves)
- def _configure_move_weights(self, restrict_moves):
+ self.moves = self._configure_move_weights(
+ restrict_moves, addition_weight_scalar=addition_weight_scalar
+ )
+ def _configure_move_weights(self, restrict_moves, addition_weight_scalar=1.0):
schedules = {
- 'addition': (
+ "addition": (
- LinearDecaySchedule(6, 0.1, 0.9),
+ LinearDecaySchedule(
+ 6 * addition_weight_scalar, 0.1 * addition_weight_scalar, 0.9
+ ),
- 'deletion': (
+ "deletion": (
LinearDecaySchedule(2, 0.0, 0.5),
- 'plane_change': (
+ "plane_change": (
LinearDecaySchedule(2, 0.1, 1),
- 'resample_asset': (
+ "resample_asset": (
LinearDecaySchedule(1, 0.1, 0.7),
- 'reinit_pose': (
+ "reinit_pose": (
LinearDecaySchedule(1, 0.5, 1),
- 'translate': (
- propose_continous.propose_translate,
- 1
- ),
- 'rotate': (
- propose_continous.propose_rotate,
- 0.5
- ),
+ "translate": (propose_continous.propose_translate, 1),
+ "rotate": (propose_continous.propose_rotate, 0.5),
if restrict_moves is not None:
schedules = {k: v for k, v in schedules.items() if k in restrict_moves}
- logger.info(f'Restricting {self.__class__.__name__} moves to {list(schedules.keys())}')
+ logger.info(
+ f"Restricting {self.__class__.__name__} moves to {list(schedules.keys())}"
+ )
return schedules
def choose_move_type(
- self,
- it: int,
+ self,
+ it: int,
max_it: int,
t = it / max_it
names, confs = zip(*self.moves.items())
funcs, scheds = zip(*confs)
weights = np.array([s if isinstance(s, (float, int)) else s(t) for s in scheds])
- return np.random.choice(funcs, p=weights/weights.sum())
+ return np.random.choice(funcs, p=weights / weights.sum())
def solve_rooms(self, scene_seed, consgraph: cl.Problem, filter: r.Domain):
- self.state, self.all_roomtypes, self.dimensions = self.room_solver_fn(scene_seed).solve()
+ self.state, self.all_roomtypes, self.dimensions = self.room_solver_fn(
+ scene_seed
+ ).solve()
return self.state
def solve_objects(
- self,
- consgraph: cl.Problem,
- filter_domain: r.Domain,
+ self,
+ consgraph: cl.Problem,
+ filter_domain: r.Domain,
var_assignments: dict[str, str],
- n_steps: int,
+ n_steps: int,
desc: str,
abort_unsatisfied: bool = False,
- print_bounds: bool = False,
+ print_bounds: bool = False,
filter_domain = copy.deepcopy(filter_domain)
desc_full = (desc, *var_assignments.values())
- dom_assignments = {k: r.Domain(self.state.objs[objkey].tags) for k, objkey in var_assignments.items()}
+ dom_assignments = {
+ k: r.Domain(self.state.objs[objkey].tags)
+ for k, objkey in var_assignments.items()
+ }
filter_domain = r.substitute_all(filter_domain, dom_assignments)
if not r.domain_finalized(filter_domain):
- raise ValueError(f'Cannot solve {desc_full=} with non-finalized domain {filter_domain}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Cannot solve {desc_full=} with non-finalized domain {filter_domain}"
+ )
orig_bounds = r.constraint_bounds(consgraph)
- bounds = propose_discrete.preproc_bounds(
- orig_bounds,
- self.state,
- filter_domain,
- print_bounds=print_bounds
+ bounds = propose_discrete.preproc_bounds(
+ orig_bounds, self.state, filter_domain, print_bounds=print_bounds
if len(bounds) == 0:
- logger.info(f'No objects to be added for {desc_full=}, skipping')
+ logger.info(f"No objects to be added for {desc_full=}, skipping")
return self.state
active_count = greedy.update_active_flags(self.state, var_assignments)
@@ -199,13 +186,13 @@ def solve_objects(
f"Greedily solve {desc_full} - stage has {len(bounds)}/{len(orig_bounds)} bounds, "
f"{active_count=}/{len(self.state.objs)} objs"
ra = trange(n_steps) if self.optim.print_report_freq == 0 else range(n_steps)
for j in ra:
move_gen = self.choose_move_type(j, n_steps)
self.optim.step(consgraph, self.state, move_gen, filter_domain)
- self.optim.save_stats(self.output_folder/f'optim_{desc}.csv')
+ self.optim.save_stats(self.output_folder / f"optim_{desc}.csv")
f"Finished solving {desc_full}, added {len(self.state.objs) - n_start} "
@@ -215,17 +202,16 @@ def solve_objects(
violations = {
- k: v for k, v in self.optim.curr_result.violations.items()
- if v > 0
+ k: v for k, v in self.optim.curr_result.violations.items() if v > 0
if len(violations):
- msg = f'Solver has failed to satisfy constraints for stage {desc_full}. {violations=}.'
+ msg = f"Solver has failed to satisfy constraints for stage {desc_full}. {violations=}."
if abort_unsatisfied:
- butil.save_blend(self.output_folder/f'abort_{desc}.blend')
+ butil.save_blend(self.output_folder / f"abort_{desc}.blend")
raise ValueError(msg)
- msg += ' Continuing anyway, override `solve_objects.abort_unsatisfied=True` via gin to crash instead.'
+ msg += " Continuing anyway, override `solve_objects.abort_unsatisfied=True` via gin to crash instead."
# re-enable everything so the blender scene populates / displays correctly etc
@@ -233,10 +219,7 @@ def solve_objects(
greedy.set_active(self.state, k, True)
return self.state
def get_bpy_objects(self, domain: r.Domain) -> list[bpy.types.Object]:
objkeys = domain_contains.objkeys_in_dom(domain, self.state)
- return [
- self.state.objs[k].obj for k in objkeys
- ]
+ return [self.state.objs[k].obj for k in objkeys]
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/state_def.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/state_def.py
index bc325d6d8..042ef7c25 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/state_def.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/example_solver/state_def.py
@@ -2,40 +2,37 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
# of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Alexander Raistrick: state, print, to_json
# - Karhan Kayan: add dof / trimesh
from __future__ import annotations
-from dataclasses import dataclass, field
-import typing
-import pickle
-import copy
+import enum
import importlib
+import json
import logging
+import pickle
+import typing
from collections import OrderedDict
-import json
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from pathlib import Path
-import enum
-from collections.abc import Collection
-import numpy as np
import bpy
+import numpy as np
import shapely
import trimesh
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.geometry.planes import Planes
+from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.geometry.planes import Planes
from infinigen.core.placement.factory import AssetFactory
-from infinigen.core.constraints import (
- constraint_language as cl,
- reasoning as r
from .geometry import parse_scene
-import trimesh
-from infinigen.core import tags as t
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class RelationState:
relation: cl.Relation
@@ -43,9 +40,9 @@ class RelationState:
child_plane_idx: int = None
parent_plane_idx: int = None
class ObjectState:
obj: bpy.types.Object
generator: typing.Optional[AssetFactory] = None
tags: set = field(default_factory=set)
@@ -53,7 +50,7 @@ class ObjectState:
dof_matrix_translation: np.array = None
dof_rotation_axis: np.array = None
- contour : shapely.Geometry = None
+ contour: shapely.Geometry = None
_pose_affects_score = None
fcl_obj = None
@@ -62,11 +59,13 @@ class ObjectState:
# store whether this object is active for the current greedy stage
# inactive objects arent returned by scene() and arent accessible through blender (for perf)
# updated by greedy.update_active_flags()
- active: bool = True
+ active: bool = True
def __post_init__(self):
assert not t.contradiction(self.tags)
- assert not any(isinstance(r.relation, cl.NegatedRelation) for r in self.relations), self.relations
+ assert not any(
+ isinstance(r.relation, cl.NegatedRelation) for r in self.relations
+ ), self.relations
def __repr__(self):
obj = self.obj
@@ -76,36 +75,32 @@ def __repr__(self):
name = obj.name if obj is not None else None
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(obj.name={name}, {tags=}, {relations=})"
class State:
objs: OrderedDict[str, ObjectState]
trimesh_scene: trimesh.Scene = None
- bvh_cache : dict = field(default_factory=dict)
+ bvh_cache: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
planes: Planes = None
- def print(self):
+ def print(self):
print(f"State ({len(self.objs)} objs)")
- order = sorted(
- self.objs.keys(),
- key=lambda s: s.split('_')[-1]
- )
+ order = sorted(self.objs.keys(), key=lambda s: s.split("_")[-1])
for k in order:
v = self.objs[k]
- relations = ', '.join(
- f'{r.relation.__class__.__name__}({r.target_name})'
- for r in v.relations
+ relations = ", ".join(
+ f"{r.relation.__class__.__name__}({r.target_name})" for r in v.relations
- semantics = {tg for tg in t.decompose_tags(v.tags)[0] if not isinstance(tg, t.SpecificObject)}
+ semantics = {
+ tg
+ for tg in t.decompose_tags(v.tags)[0]
+ if not isinstance(tg, t.SpecificObject)
+ }
print(f" {v.obj.name} {semantics} [{relations}]")
def to_json(self, path: Path):
- int, float, str, bool, list, dict
- )
+ JSON_SUPPORTED_TYPES = (int, float, str, bool, list, dict)
def preprocess_field(x):
match x:
@@ -120,7 +115,7 @@ def preprocess_field(x):
case enum.Enum():
return x.name
case type():
- return x.__module__ + '.' + x.__name__
+ return x.__module__ + "." + x.__name__
case set() | frozenset():
return list(x)
case val if isinstance(val, JSON_SUPPORTED_TYPES):
@@ -131,23 +126,23 @@ def preprocess_field(x):
return x.__dict__
case cl.Relation():
res = x.__dict__
- res['relation_type'] = x.__class__.__name__
+ res["relation_type"] = x.__class__.__name__
return res
case _:
return ""
data = {
- 'objs': self.objs,
+ "objs": self.objs,
- with path.open('w') as f:
+ with path.open("w") as f:
- f,
+ f,
- sort_keys=True,
+ sort_keys=True,
- check_circular=True
+ check_circular=True,
def __post_init__(self):
@@ -161,23 +156,23 @@ def save(self, filename: str):
for os in self.objs.values():
os.obj = os.obj.name
if os.generator is not None:
- path = os.generator.__module__ + '.' + os.generator.__name__
+ path = os.generator.__module__ + "." + os.generator.__name__
os.generator = path
- with open(filename, 'wb') as file:
+ with open(filename, "wb") as file:
pickle.dump(self, file)
for os in self.objs.values():
os.obj = bpy.data.objects[os.obj]
if os.generator is not None:
- *mod, name = os.generator.split('.')
- mod = importlib.import_module('.'.join(mod))
+ *mod, name = os.generator.split(".")
+ mod = importlib.import_module(".".join(mod))
os.generator = getattr(mod, name)
def load(cls, filename: str):
- with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
+ with open(filename, "rb") as file:
state = pickle.load(file)
# all objs were serialized as strings, unpack them
@@ -192,16 +187,10 @@ def load(cls, filename: str):
def state_from_dummy_scene(col: bpy.types.Collection) -> State:
objs = {}
for obj in col.all_objects:
- obj.rotation_mode = 'AXIS_ANGLE'
+ obj.rotation_mode = "AXIS_ANGLE"
tags = {t.Semantics(c.name) for c in col.children if obj.name in c.objects}
- objs[obj.name] = ObjectState(
- obj=obj,
- generator=None,
- tags=tags
- )
+ objs[obj.name] = ObjectState(obj=obj, generator=None, tags=tags)
return State(objs=objs)
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/__init__.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/__init__.py
index 47a90d7c9..33af63f57 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/__init__.py
@@ -1,22 +1,13 @@
from .constraint_bounding import Bound, constraint_bounds
from .constraint_constancy import is_constant
+from .constraint_domain import Domain, FilterByDomain, constraint_domain
from .domain import (
- reldom_implies,
+ domain_finalized,
+ reldom_implies,
- domain_finalized,
-from .domain_substitute import (
- domain_tag_substitute,
- substitute_all,
-from .constraint_domain import (
- Domain,
- constraint_domain,
- FilterByDomain
-from .expr_equal import expr_equal
\ No newline at end of file
+from .domain_substitute import domain_tag_substitute, substitute_all
+from .expr_equal import expr_equal
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/constraint_bounding.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/constraint_bounding.py
index a283ae853..4d8dfbdb2 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/constraint_bounding.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/constraint_bounding.py
@@ -2,33 +2,29 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
# of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Alexander Raistrick: primary author
# - David Yan: bounding for inequalities / expressions
+import dataclasses
+import logging
import operator
import typing
-import copy
-import dataclasses
from functools import partial
-import logging
-import numpy as np
+from infinigen.core import tags as t
from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
-from .domain import Domain
-from .constraint_domain import constraint_domain
-from .domain_substitute import domain_tag_substitute
from .constraint_constancy import is_constant
-from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from .constraint_domain import constraint_domain
+from .domain import Domain
+from .domain_substitute import domain_tag_substitute
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Bound:
domain: Domain = None
low: int = None
high: int = None
@@ -43,15 +39,16 @@ class Bound:
def from_comparison(cls, opfunc, lhs, rhs):
lhs = lhs() if is_constant(lhs) else None
rhs = rhs() if is_constant(rhs) else None
if lhs is None == rhs is None:
- raise ValueError(f'Attempted to create bound with neither side constant {lhs=} {rhs=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Attempted to create bound with neither side constant {lhs=} {rhs=}"
+ )
right_const = rhs is not None
val = rhs if right_const else lhs
match (opfunc, right_const):
case operator.eq, _:
return cls(low=val, high=val)
@@ -68,23 +65,17 @@ def from_comparison(cls, opfunc, lhs, rhs):
case (operator.gt, True):
return cls(low=val + 1)
case _:
- raise ValueError(f'Unhandled case {opfunc=}, {right_const=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unhandled case {opfunc=}, {right_const=}")
def map(self, func, lhs=None, rhs=None):
if lhs is None == rhs is None:
- raise ValueError(f'Expected exactly one of {lhs=} {rhs=} to be provided')
+ raise ValueError(f"Expected exactly one of {lhs=} {rhs=} to be provided")
if lhs is not None:
- return Bound(
- low=func(lhs, self.low),
- high=func(lhs, self.high)
- )
+ return Bound(low=func(lhs, self.low), high=func(lhs, self.high))
- return Bound(
- low=func(self.low, rhs),
- high=func(self.high, rhs)
- )
+ return Bound(low=func(self.low, rhs), high=func(self.high, rhs))
int_inverse_op = {
operator.add: operator.sub,
@@ -92,16 +83,15 @@ def map(self, func, lhs=None, rhs=None):
int_inverse_op.update({v: k for k, v in int_inverse_op.items()})
def _expression_map_bound_binop(
- node: cl.ScalarOperatorExpression,
- bound: Bound
+ node: cl.ScalarOperatorExpression, bound: Bound
) -> list[Bound]:
lhs, rhs = node.operands
inv_func = int_inverse_op.get(node.func)
if inv_func is None:
return []
consts = is_constant(lhs), is_constant(rhs)
match consts:
case (False, False):
@@ -110,24 +100,31 @@ def _expression_map_bound_binop(
return expression_map_bound(rhs, bound.map(inv_func, lhs=lhs()))
case (False, True):
return expression_map_bound(lhs, bound.map(inv_func, rhs=rhs()))
- case (True, True): # both const, nothing to bound
+ case (True, True): # both const, nothing to bound
return []
case _:
raise ValueError("Impossible")
def evaluate_known_vars(node: cl.Node, known_vars) -> cl.constant:
if is_constant(node):
return None
match node:
- case cl.ScalarOperatorExpression(f, (lhs, rhs)) if f in int_inverse_op.keys() or f in int_inverse_op:
+ case cl.ScalarOperatorExpression(
+ f, (lhs, rhs)
+ ) if f in int_inverse_op.keys() or f in int_inverse_op:
if is_constant(lhs):
rhs_eval = evaluate_known_vars(rhs, known_vars)
- if is_constant(rhs_eval): return f(lhs, rhs_eval)
- else: return None
+ if is_constant(rhs_eval):
+ return f(lhs, rhs_eval)
+ else:
+ return None
lhs_eval = evaluate_known_vars(lhs, known_vars)
- if is_constant(lhs_eval): return f(lhs_eval, rhs)
- else: return None
+ if is_constant(lhs_eval):
+ return f(lhs_eval, rhs)
+ else:
+ return None
case cl.count(objs):
return evaluate_known_vars(objs, known_vars)
case cl.ObjectSetExpression() as objs:
@@ -138,15 +135,15 @@ def evaluate_known_vars(node: cl.Node, known_vars) -> cl.constant:
if len(vals) == 0:
return None
- else:
+ else:
return cl.constant(min(vals))
case _:
raise NotImplementedError(node)
-def expression_map_bound(node: cl.Node, bound: Bound) -> list[Bound]:
+def expression_map_bound(node: cl.Node, bound: Bound) -> list[Bound]:
match node:
- case cl.ScalarOperatorExpression(f, (lhs, rhs)) if f in int_inverse_op.keys():
+ case cl.ScalarOperatorExpression(f, (_, _)) if f in int_inverse_op.keys():
return _expression_map_bound_binop(node, bound)
case cl.count(objs):
return expression_map_bound(objs, bound)
@@ -161,17 +158,15 @@ def expression_map_bound(node: cl.Node, bound: Bound) -> list[Bound]:
# distance & other hard constraints do not produce quantity-bounds
return []
-def update_var(var, scene_state):
+def update_var(var, scene_state):
if not is_constant(var) and not isinstance(var, int) and scene_state is not None:
var_eval = evaluate_known_vars(var, scene_state)
var = var_eval if is_constant(var_eval) else var
return var
-def constraint_bounds(
- node: cl.Node,
- state=None
-) -> list[Bound]:
+def constraint_bounds(node: cl.Node, state=None) -> list[Bound]:
recurse = partial(constraint_bounds, state=state)
match node:
@@ -184,14 +179,16 @@ def constraint_bounds(
high = update_var(high, state)
if is_constant(low) and is_constant(high):
low = low()
- high = high()
+ high = high()
bound = Bound(low=low, high=high)
return expression_map_bound(val, bound)
case cl.BoolOperatorExpression(f, (lhs, rhs)) if f in Bound._init_ops:
lhs, rhs = update_var(lhs, state), update_var(rhs, state)
if not is_constant(lhs) and not is_constant(rhs):
- logger.debug(f'Encountered {cl.BoolOperatorExpression.__name__} {f} with non-constant lhs and rhs. Producing no bound.')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"Encountered {cl.BoolOperatorExpression.__name__} {f} with non-constant lhs and rhs. Producing no bound."
+ )
return []
bound = Bound.from_comparison(node.func, lhs, rhs)
@@ -202,9 +199,10 @@ def constraint_bounds(
bounds = recurse(pred)
for b in bounds:
# TODO INCORRECT. Doesnt force EVERY object in o_domain to satify the bound
- b.domain = domain_tag_substitute(b.domain, t.Variable(varname), o_domain)
+ b.domain = domain_tag_substitute(
+ b.domain, t.Variable(varname), o_domain
+ )
return bounds
case unmatched:
assert isinstance(unmatched, cl.Expression), unmatched
return []
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/constraint_constancy.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/constraint_constancy.py
index 54523b7ca..c6edda805 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/constraint_constancy.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/constraint_constancy.py
@@ -4,13 +4,10 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import operator
-import typing
-import numpy as np
from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
def is_constant(node: cl.Node):
match node:
case cl.constant():
@@ -18,4 +15,4 @@ def is_constant(node: cl.Node):
case cl.BoolOperatorExpression(_, vs) | cl.ScalarOperatorExpression(_, vs):
return all(is_constant(x) for x in vs)
case _:
- return False
\ No newline at end of file
+ return False
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/constraint_domain.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/constraint_domain.py
index e627a3c56..17e856869 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/constraint_domain.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/constraint_domain.py
@@ -5,27 +5,20 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
-import itertools
+from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import partial
-from dataclasses import dataclass, field
-import copy
-import typing
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
from .domain import Domain
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def constraint_domain(
- node: cl.ObjectSetExpression,
- finalize_variables=False
-) -> Domain:
+def constraint_domain(node: cl.ObjectSetExpression, finalize_variables=False) -> Domain:
"""Given an expression, find a compact representation of what types of objects it is applying to.
User can compared the resulting Domain against their State and see what objects fit.
@@ -40,7 +33,9 @@ def constraint_domain(
d = recurse(objs)
if t.contradiction(d.tags):
- raise ValueError(f'Contradictory tags {tags=} for {d=} while parsing constraint {node=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Contradictory tags {tags=} for {d=} while parsing constraint {node=}"
+ )
return d
case cl.related_to(children, parents, relation):
c_d = recurse(children)
@@ -51,25 +46,27 @@ def constraint_domain(
return Domain()
case cl.item(x):
if finalize_variables:
- return recurse(node.member_of) # TODO - worried about infinite recursion somehow
+ return recurse(
+ node.member_of
+ ) # TODO - worried about infinite recursion somehow
return Domain(tags={t.Variable(x)})
case FilterByDomain(objs, filter):
return filter.intersection(recurse(objs))
case _:
raise NotImplementedError(node)
class FilterByDomain(cl.ObjectSetExpression):
+ """Constraint node which says to return all objects matching a domain.
- """ Constraint node which says to return all objects matching a domain.
Used as a compacted representation of the filtering performed many cl.tagged and cl.related_to calls.
One r.Domain is sufficient to represent the effect of and combination of intersection-style filtering.
Introduced (currently) only by greedy.filter_constraints, since that function needs to work
- with domains in order to narrow the scope of some constraints.
+ with domains in order to narrow the scope of some constraints.
objs: cl.ObjectSetExpression
- filter: Domain
\ No newline at end of file
+ filter: Domain
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/domain.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/domain.py
index f36815c23..e57740b9b 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/domain.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/domain.py
@@ -5,41 +5,33 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
from __future__ import annotations
-import logging
-import itertools
-from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import copy
-import typing
-import numpy as np
+import itertools
+import logging
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field
-from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
+from infinigen.core.util.logging import lazydebug
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def reldom_implies(
- a: tuple[cl.Relation, Domain],
- b: tuple[cl.Relation, Domain]
- """ If relation a is satisfied, is relation guaranteed to be satisfied?
- """
+def reldom_implies(a: tuple[cl.Relation, Domain], b: tuple[cl.Relation, Domain]):
+ """If relation a is satisfied, is relation guaranteed to be satisfied?"""
assert isinstance(a[1], Domain)
assert isinstance(b[1], Domain)
- return (
- a[0].implies(b[0]) and
- a[1].implies(b[1])
- )
+ return a[0].implies(b[0]) and a[1].implies(b[1])
def reldom_compatible(
a: tuple[cl.Relation, Domain],
b: tuple[cl.Relation, Domain],
- """ If relation a is satisfied, can relation b be satisfied?
- """
+ """If relation a is satisfied, can relation b be satisfied?"""
assert isinstance(a[1], Domain)
assert isinstance(b[1], Domain)
@@ -49,62 +41,58 @@ def reldom_compatible(
match (a_neg, b_neg):
case True, False:
if b[0].implies(a[0].rel) and b[1].intersects(a[1]):
- logger.debug('reldom_compatible found contradicting negated %s %s', a[0], b[0])
+ lazydebug(
+ logger,
+ lambda: f"reldom_compatible found contradicting negated {a[0]} {b[0]}",
+ )
return False
case False, True:
if a[0].implies(b[0].rel) and a[1].intersects(b[1]):
- logger.debug('reldom_compatible found contradicting negated %s %s', a[0], b[0])
+ lazydebug(
+ logger,
+ lambda: f"reldom_compatible found contradicting negated {a[0]} {b[0]}",
+ )
return False
return True
def reldom_satisfies(
a: tuple[cl.Relation, Domain],
b: tuple[cl.Relation, Domain],
- return (
- a[0].intersects(b[0], strict=True)
- and a[1].satisfies(b[1])
- )
+ return a[0].intersects(b[0], strict=True) and a[1].satisfies(b[1])
def reldom_intersects(
- a: tuple[cl.Relation, Domain],
- b: tuple[cl.Relation, Domain],
- **kwargs
+ a: tuple[cl.Relation, Domain], b: tuple[cl.Relation, Domain], **kwargs
- return (
- a[0].intersects(b[0]) and
- a[1].intersects(b[1], **kwargs)
- )
+ return a[0].intersects(b[0]) and a[1].intersects(b[1], **kwargs)
def reldom_intersection(
a: tuple[cl.Relation, Domain],
b: tuple[cl.Relation, Domain],
- return (
- a[0].intersection(b[0]),
- a[1].intersection(b[1])
- )
+ return (a[0].intersection(b[0]), a[1].intersection(b[1]))
def domain_finalized(dom: Domain, check_anyrel=False, check_variable=True):
if check_variable and any(isinstance(x, t.Variable) for x in dom.tags):
return False
for rel, cdom in dom.relations:
if check_anyrel and isinstance(rel, cl.AnyRelation):
return False
if not domain_finalized(cdom):
return False
return True
class Domain:
- '''
+ """
Describes a class of object in the scene
Objects are in the domain if:
@@ -114,43 +102,49 @@ class Domain:
WARNING: Recurive datastructure, here be dragons
Note: Default-constructed Domain contains Everything
- '''
+ """
tags: set[t.Semantics] = field(default_factory=set)
relations: list[tuple[cl.Relation, Domain]] = field(default_factory=list)
def repr(self, abbrv=False, onelevel=False, oneline=False):
+ def is_neg(x):
+ return isinstance(x, t.Negated)
- is_neg = lambda x: isinstance(x, t.Negated)
def setrepr(s):
inner = ", ".join(
- repr(x) for x in sorted(list(s), key=is_neg)
+ repr(x)
+ for x in sorted(list(s), key=is_neg)
if not (abbrv and isinstance(x, t.Negated))
- return '{' + inner + '}'
+ return "{" + inner + "}"
next_abbrv = abbrv or onelevel
def repr_reldom(r, d):
if abbrv:
- rel = f'-{r.rel.__class__.__name__}' if isinstance(r, cl.NegatedRelation) else f'{r.__class__.__name__}'
- return f'({rel}(...), Domain({setrepr(d.tags)}, [...]))'
+ rel = (
+ f"-{r.rel.__class__.__name__}"
+ if isinstance(r, cl.NegatedRelation)
+ else f"{r.__class__.__name__}"
+ )
+ return f"({rel}(...), Domain({setrepr(d.tags)}, [...]))"
- return f'({repr(r)}, {d.repr(abbrv=next_abbrv)})'
+ return f"({repr(r)}, {d.repr(abbrv=next_abbrv)})"
relations = [
repr_reldom(r, d)
for r, d in sorted(
- self.relations,
- key=lambda x: isinstance(x[0], cl.NegatedRelation)
+ self.relations, key=lambda x: isinstance(x[0], cl.NegatedRelation)
if not oneline and sum(len(x) for x in relations) > 20:
- relations = [r.replace('\n', '\n\t') for r in relations]
- relations = '\n\t' + ',\n\t'.join(relations) + '\n'
+ relations = [r.replace("\n", "\n\t") for r in relations]
+ relations = "\n\t" + ",\n\t".join(relations) + "\n"
- relations = ', '.join(relations)
- return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({setrepr(self.tags)}, [{relations}])'
+ relations = ", ".join(relations)
+ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({setrepr(self.tags)}, [{relations}])"
__repr__ = repr
@@ -159,22 +153,14 @@ def __post_init__(self):
assert isinstance(self.relations, list)
def implies(self, other: Domain):
- return (
- t.implies(self.tags, other.tags)
- and all(
- any(reldom_implies(rel, orel) for rel in self.relations)
- for orel in other.relations
- )
+ return t.implies(self.tags, other.tags) and all(
+ any(reldom_implies(rel, orel) for rel in self.relations)
+ for orel in other.relations
def add_relation(
- self,
- new_rel: cl.Relation,
- new_dom: Domain,
- optimize_check_implies=True
+ self, new_rel: cl.Relation, new_dom: Domain, optimize_check_implies=True
new_rel, new_dom: the relation and domain to be added
optimize_check_implies: bool
@@ -186,107 +172,114 @@ def add_relation(
assert new_dom is not self
- logger.debug('add_relation %s %s to existing %i', new_rel, new_dom, len(self.relations))
+ lazydebug(
+ logger,
+ lambda: f"add_relation {new_rel} {new_dom} to existing {len(self.relations)}",
+ )
if not optimize_check_implies:
self.relations.append((new_rel, new_dom))
covered = False
for i, (er, ed) in enumerate(self.relations):
if isinstance(new_rel, cl.NegatedRelation):
- continue
+ continue
elif isinstance(er, cl.NegatedRelation):
elif reldom_implies((er, ed), (new_rel, new_dom)):
covered = True
- elif (
- reldom_satisfies((er, ed), (new_rel, new_dom))
- or reldom_satisfies((new_rel, new_dom), (er, ed))
+ elif reldom_satisfies((er, ed), (new_rel, new_dom)) or reldom_satisfies(
+ (new_rel, new_dom), (er, ed)
- logger.debug('Tightening existing relation %s with %s', (er, ed), (new_rel, new_dom))
+ lazydebug(
+ logger,
+ lambda: f"Tightening existing relation {(er, ed)} with {(new_rel, new_dom)}",
+ )
self.relations[i] = reldom_intersection((new_rel, new_dom), (er, ed))
covered = True
elif new_dom.intersects(ed, require_satisfies_right=True):
- logger.debug('Tightening domain %s with %s', ed, new_dom)
+ lazydebug(logger, lambda: f"Tightening domain {ed} with {new_dom}")
self.relations[i] = (er, ed.intersection(new_dom))
- logger.debug('%s is not relevant for %s', (er, ed), (new_rel, new_dom))
+ lazydebug(
+ logger,
+ lambda: f"{(er, ed)} is not relevant for {(new_rel, new_dom)}",
+ )
if not covered:
- logger.debug('optimize_check_implies found nothing, adding relation %s %s', new_rel, new_dom)
+ lazydebug(
+ logger,
+ lambda: f"optimize_check_implies found nothing, adding relation {new_rel} {new_dom}",
+ )
self.relations.append((new_rel, new_dom))
if self.is_recursive():
- raise ValueError(f'Encountered recursive domain after add_relation {new_rel=} {new_dom=} onto {self.tags=} {len(self.relations)=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Encountered recursive domain after add_relation {new_rel=} {new_dom=} onto {self.tags=} {len(self.relations)=}"
+ )
def with_relation(self, rel: cl.Relation, dom: Domain):
new = copy.deepcopy(self)
new.add_relation(rel, dom)
return new
def with_tags(self, tags: set[t.Semantics]):
if not isinstance(tags, set):
tags = {tags}
new = copy.deepcopy(self)
return new
- def satisfies(
- self,
- other: Domain
- ):
+ def satisfies(self, other: Domain):
- Assumes that 'self' is fully specified: any predicates that arent listed are false.
+ Assumes that 'self' is fully specified: any predicates that arent listed are false.
Different from 'implies' in that if `other` contains negative predicates, `self` need not imply these,
it just needs to not contradict them.
- Different from 'intersects' in that
+ Different from 'intersects' in that
- logger.debug("%s for %s %s", Domain.satisfies.__name__, self, other)
+ lazydebug(logger, lambda: f"{Domain.satisfies.__name__} for {self} {other}")
if not t.satisfies(self.tags, other.tags):
- logger.debug('failed tag implication %s -> %s', self.tags, other.tags)
+ lazydebug(
+ logger, lambda: f"failed tag implication {self.tags} -> {other.tags}"
+ )
return False
def bothsat(reldom1, reldom2):
- return (
- reldom1[0].satisfies(reldom2[0])
- and reldom1[1].satisfies(reldom2[1])
- )
+ return reldom1[0].satisfies(reldom2[0]) and reldom1[1].satisfies(reldom2[1])
for orel in other.relations:
match orel:
case (cl.NegatedRelation(n), d):
- contradictor = next((
- srel for srel in self.relations if bothsat(srel, (n, d))
- ), None)
+ contradictor = next(
+ (srel for srel in self.relations if bothsat(srel, (n, d))), None
+ )
if contradictor is not None:
- logger.debug(
- 'satisfies found %s in self, which contradicts %s because it satisfies %s', contradictor, orel, (n, d)
+ lazydebug(
+ logger,
+ lambda: f"satisfies found {contradictor} in self, which contradicts {orel} because it satisfies {(n, d)}",
return False
case _:
if not any(bothsat(srel, orel) for srel in self.relations):
- logger.debug('found unsatisfied %s for %s', orel, self.relations)
+ lazydebug(
+ logger,
+ lambda: f"found unsatisfied {orel} for {self.relations}",
+ )
return False
return True
def intersects(
- self,
- other: Domain,
- require_satisfies_left=False,
- require_satisfies_right=False
+ self, other: Domain, require_satisfies_left=False, require_satisfies_right=False
"""Return True if self and other could have a non-empty intersection.
@@ -294,7 +287,7 @@ def intersects(
self: Domain - the domain to check
other: Domain - the domain to check against
- require_satisfies_left: bool -
+ require_satisfies_left: bool -
If True, assume that `self` is exhaustively specified (ie, any predicates not listed are false),
and therefore `other` must imply `self` for the intersection to be non-empty.
require_satisfies_right: bool -
@@ -302,70 +295,82 @@ def intersects(
and therefore `self` must imply `other` for the intersection to be non-empty.
- logger.debug('Domain.intersects for \n\t%s \n\t%s', self, other)
+ lazydebug(logger, lambda: f"Domain.intersects for \n\t{self} \n\t{other}")
if t.contradiction(self.tags.union(other.tags)):
- logger.debug('tag contradiction %s, %s', self.tags, other.tags)
+ lazydebug(logger, lambda: f"tag contradiction {self.tags}, {other.tags}")
return False
# no relations can contradict eachother
for ard, brd in itertools.product(self.relations, other.relations):
- if ard is brd:
+ if ard is brd:
if not reldom_compatible(ard, brd):
- logger.debug('found incompatible %s %s', ard, brd)
+ lazydebug(logger, lambda: f"found incompatible {ard} {brd}")
return False
# any relations actually known to be present must intersect
- a_pos = [rd for rd in self.relations if not isinstance(rd[0], cl.NegatedRelation)]
- b_pos = [rd for rd in other.relations if not isinstance(rd[0], cl.NegatedRelation)]
+ a_pos = [
+ rd for rd in self.relations if not isinstance(rd[0], cl.NegatedRelation)
+ ]
+ b_pos = [
+ rd for rd in other.relations if not isinstance(rd[0], cl.NegatedRelation)
+ ]
if require_satisfies_left:
if not t.satisfies(other.tags, self.tags):
return False
for ard in a_pos:
if not any(reldom_intersects(ard, brd) for brd in b_pos):
- logger.debug('require_satisfies_left found no intersecting %s %s', ard, b_pos)
+ lazydebug(
+ logger,
+ lambda: f"require_satisfies_left found no intersecting {ard} {b_pos}",
+ )
return False
if require_satisfies_right:
if not t.satisfies(self.tags, other.tags):
return False
for brd in b_pos:
if not any(reldom_intersects(ard, brd) for ard in a_pos):
- logger.debug('require_satisfies_right found no intersecting %s %s', brd, a_pos)
+ lazydebug(
+ logger,
+ lambda: f"require_satisfies_right found no intersecting {brd} {a_pos}",
+ )
return False
- logger.debug('Domain.intersects for %s %s returning True', self, other)
+ lazydebug(
+ logger, lambda: f"Domain.intersects for {self} {other} returning True"
+ )
return True
- def intersection(self, other: Domain):
- '''
+ def intersection(self, other: Domain):
+ """
Return a domain representing the intersection of self and other.
Result is at least as strict as self and other.
contains(self, x) and contains(other, x) -> contains(intersection, x)
- - does order relations are checked for intersection matter?
- - almost certainly yes, intersection is not transitive.
+ - does order relations are checked for intersection matter?
+ - almost certainly yes, intersection is not transitive.
- so what order is best? fewest remaining relations? does it matter?
- '''
+ """
newtags = self.tags.union(other.tags)
if t.contradiction(newtags):
- raise ValueError(f'Contradictory {newtags=} for {self.intersection} {other=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Contradictory {newtags=} for {self.intersection} {other=}"
+ )
newdom = Domain(newtags)
for orel, odom in *self.relations, *other.relations:
newdom.add_relation(orel, copy.deepcopy(odom))
return newdom
def is_recursive(self, seen=None):
- """ Check if this domain somehow references itself via its own relations.
- Domains should ideally never reach this state; this function is used to check that they dont.
+ """Check if this domain somehow references itself via its own relations.
+ Domains should ideally never reach this state; this function is used to check that they dont.
if seen is None:
@@ -376,10 +381,7 @@ def is_recursive(self, seen=None):
- return any(
- d.is_recursive(seen=seen)
- for _, d in self.relations
- )
+ return any(d.is_recursive(seen=seen) for _, d in self.relations)
def positive_part(self):
return Domain(
@@ -388,29 +390,21 @@ def positive_part(self):
(r, d.positive_part())
for r, d in self.relations
if not isinstance(r, cl.NegatedRelation)
- ]
+ ],
def traverse(self):
yield self
for rel, dom in self.relations:
yield from dom.traverse()
def all_vartags(self) -> set[t.Variable]:
- return {
- x
- for d in self.traverse()
- for x in d.tags
- if isinstance(x, t.Variable)
- }
+ return {x for d in self.traverse() for x in d.tags if isinstance(x, t.Variable)}
def get_objs_named(self):
- objnames = {
- x.name for x in self.tags
- if isinstance(x, t.SpecificObject)
- }
+ objnames = {x.name for x in self.tags if isinstance(x, t.SpecificObject)}
for rel, dom in self.relations:
if isinstance(rel, cl.NegatedRelation):
objnames = objnames.union(dom.get_objs_named())
- return objnames
\ No newline at end of file
+ return objnames
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/domain_substitute.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/domain_substitute.py
index 752fea0b6..a76eea52e 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/domain_substitute.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/domain_substitute.py
@@ -5,35 +5,27 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
from __future__ import annotations
-import logging
-import itertools
-from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import copy
-import typing
-import numpy as np
+import logging
-from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
from infinigen.core import tags as t
from .constraint_domain import Domain
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def domain_tag_substitute(
- domain: Domain,
- vartag: t.Variable,
- subst_domain: Domain,
- return_match=False
+ domain: Domain, vartag: t.Variable, subst_domain: Domain, return_match=False
) -> Domain:
- """Return concrete substitution of `domain`, where `subst_domain` must be satisfied
+ """Return concrete substitution of `domain`, where `subst_domain` must be satisfied
whenever `subst_tag` was present in the original.
assert isinstance(vartag, t.Variable), vartag
- domain = copy.deepcopy(domain) # prevent modification of original
+ domain = copy.deepcopy(domain) # prevent modification of original
o_match = vartag in domain.tags
rd_sub, rd_matches = [], []
@@ -45,7 +37,7 @@ def domain_tag_substitute(
if not (o_match or rd_match):
return (domain, False) if return_match else domain
domain.relations = []
for r, d in rd_sub:
domain.add_relation(r, d)
@@ -57,10 +49,11 @@ def domain_tag_substitute(
return (domain, True) if return_match else domain
def substitute_all(
dom: Domain,
assignments: dict[t.Variable, Domain],
) -> Domain:
for var, d in assignments.items():
dom = domain_tag_substitute(dom, var, d)
- return dom
\ No newline at end of file
+ return dom
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/expr_equal.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/expr_equal.py
index 9fd4a2a35..b973ee7f7 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/expr_equal.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/reasoning/expr_equal.py
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
from ..constraint_language.types import Node
class FalseEqualityResult:
n1: Node
@@ -18,47 +19,55 @@ def __repr__(self) -> str:
# default dataclass repr is too long
c1 = self.n1.__class__.__name__
c2 = self.n2.__class__.__name__
- return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({c1}, {c2}, {repr(self.reason)})'
+ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({c1}, {c2}, {repr(self.reason)})"
def __bool__(self):
return False
-def expr_equal(n1: Node, n2: Node, name: str = None) -> bool | FalseEqualityResult:
- """ An equality comparison operator for constraint Node expressions
+def expr_equal(n1: Node, n2: Node, name: str = None) -> bool | FalseEqualityResult:
+ """An equality comparison operator for constraint Node expressions
- Using the default Node == Node is unsafe since Nodes override ==
- in order to return another expression
+ Using the default Node == Node is unsafe since Nodes override ==
+ in order to return another expression
if not dataclasses.is_dataclass(n1) or not dataclasses.is_dataclass(n2):
raise ValueError(
- f'expr_equal {name=} called with non-dataclass {n1.__class__=} {n2.__class__=}.'
- ' Expected all Node types to be dataclasses'
+ f"expr_equal {name=} called with non-dataclass {n1.__class__=} {n2.__class__=}."
+ " Expected all Node types to be dataclasses"
if name is None:
name = n1.__class__.__name__
if type(n1) is not type(n2):
- return FalseEqualityResult(n1, n2, f"Unequal types for {name}: {type(n1).__name__} != {type(n2).__name__}")
+ return FalseEqualityResult(
+ n1,
+ n2,
+ f"Unequal types for {name}: {type(n1).__name__} != {type(n2).__name__}",
+ )
n1_child_keys = [k for k, _ in n1.children()]
n2_child_keys = [k for k, _ in n1.children()]
n1_children = [v for _, v in n1.children()]
n2_children = [v for _, v in n1.children()]
if n1_child_keys != n2_child_keys:
- return FalseEqualityResult(n1, n2, f'Unequal child keys for {name}: {n1_children}!={n2_children}')
+ return FalseEqualityResult(
+ n1, n2, f"Unequal child keys for {name}: {n1_children}!={n2_children}"
+ )
for f in dataclasses.fields(n1):
v1 = getattr(n1, f.name)
v2 = getattr(n2, f.name)
if isinstance(v1, Node):
- res = expr_equal(v1, v2, name=f'{name}.{f.name}')
+ res = expr_equal(v1, v2, name=f"{name}.{f.name}")
if not res:
return res
elif v1 != v2:
- return FalseEqualityResult(n1, n2, f'Unequal attr {repr(f.name)}, {v1} != {v2}')
- return True
\ No newline at end of file
+ return FalseEqualityResult(
+ n1, n2, f"Unequal attr {repr(f.name)}, {v1} != {v2}"
+ )
+ return True
diff --git a/infinigen/core/constraints/usage_lookup.py b/infinigen/core/constraints/usage_lookup.py
index f2c0a83b1..2f9eaad2e 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/constraints/usage_lookup.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/constraints/usage_lookup.py
@@ -5,13 +5,14 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
from collections import defaultdict
from infinigen.core import tags as t
_factory_lookup: dict[type, set[t.Tag]] = None
_tag_lookup: dict[t.Tag, set[type]] = None
-def initialize_from_dict(d):
+def initialize_from_dict(d):
global _factory_lookup, _tag_lookup
_factory_lookup = defaultdict(set)
_tag_lookup = defaultdict(set)
@@ -22,9 +23,11 @@ def initialize_from_dict(d):
def usages_of_factory(fac) -> set[t.Tag]:
return _factory_lookup[fac].union({t.FromGenerator(fac)})
def factories_for_usage(tags: set[t.Tag]):
if not isinstance(tags, set):
tags = [tags]
@@ -32,17 +35,20 @@ def factories_for_usage(tags: set[t.Tag]):
tags = list(tags)
res = _tag_lookup[tags[0]]
- for t in tags[1:]:
- res.intersection_update(_tag_lookup[t])
+ for tag in tags[1:]:
+ res.intersection_update(_tag_lookup[tag])
return res
def all_usage_tags():
return _tag_lookup.keys()
def all_factories():
return _factory_lookup.keys()
def has_usage(fac, tag):
assert fac in _factory_lookup.keys(), fac
assert tag in _tag_lookup.keys(), tag
- return tag in _factory_lookup[fac]
\ No newline at end of file
+ return tag in _factory_lookup[fac]
diff --git a/infinigen/core/execute_tasks.py b/infinigen/core/execute_tasks.py
index d4f8b4b7d..e6a6214b8 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/execute_tasks.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/execute_tasks.py
@@ -1,236 +1,69 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-import argparse
-import ast
+import logging
import os
-import random
-import sys
-import cProfile
+import pickle
import shutil
-from pathlib import Path
-import logging
-from functools import partial
-import pprint
import time
+import typing
from collections import defaultdict
-import pickle
+from pathlib import Path
-# ruff: noqa: F402
-os.environ["OPENCV_IO_ENABLE_OPENEXR"] = "1" # This must be done BEFORE import cv2.
+# ruff: noqa: E402
+os.environ["OPENCV_IO_ENABLE_OPENEXR"] = "1" # This must be done BEFORE import cv2.
# See https://github.com/opencv/opencv/issues/21326#issuecomment-1008517425
import bpy
-import mathutils
-from mathutils import Vector
import gin
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from tqdm import tqdm
from frozendict import frozendict
-from infinigen.terrain import Terrain
-from infinigen.core.placement import (
- particles, placement, density,
- camera as cam_util,
- split_in_view,
- factory,
- animation_policy,
- instance_scatter,
- detail,
-from infinigen.assets.scatters import (
- pebbles, grass, snow_layer, ground_leaves, ground_twigs, \
- chopped_trees, pinecone, fern, flowerplant, monocot, ground_mushroom, \
- slime_mold, moss, ivy, lichen, mushroom, decorative_plants, seashells, \
- pine_needle, seaweed, coral_reef, jellyfish, urchin
-from infinigen.assets.materials import (
- mountain, sand, water, atmosphere_light_haze, sandstone, cracked_ground, \
- soil, dirt, cobble_stone, chunkyrock, stone, lava, ice, mud, snow
-from infinigen.assets import (
- fluid,
- cactus,
- trees,
- rocks,
- creatures,
- lighting,
- weather,
+import infinigen.assets.scatters
+from infinigen.core import init, surface
+from infinigen.core.placement import camera as cam_util
from infinigen.core.rendering.render import render_image
from infinigen.core.rendering.resample import resample_scene
-from infinigen.assets.monocot import kelp
-from infinigen.core import surface, init
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import Task, Attributes, TerrainNames
-from infinigen.core.placement.split_in_view import split_inview
-import infinigen.assets.scatters
-from infinigen.assets.scatters.utils.selection import scatter_lower, scatter_upward
-from infinigen.core.util import (
- blender as butil,
- logging as logging_util,
- pipeline,
- exporting
-from infinigen.tools.export import export_scene, triangulate_meshes
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, int_hash
-from infinigen.core.util.logging import Timer, save_polycounts, create_text_file
-from infinigen.core.util.pipeline import RandomStageExecutor
-from infinigen.core.util.random import sample_registry
from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_system
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util import exporting
+from infinigen.core.util.logging import Timer, create_text_file, save_polycounts
+from infinigen.core.util.math import int_hash
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import Task
+from infinigen.terrain import Terrain
+from infinigen.tools.export import export_scene, triangulate_meshes
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def populate_scene(
- output_folder,
- scene_seed,
- **params
- p = RandomStageExecutor(scene_seed, output_folder, params)
- camera = [cam_util.get_camera(i, j) for i, j in cam_util.get_cameras_ids()]
- season = p.run_stage('choose_season', trees.random_season, use_chance=False, default=[])
- fire_cache_system = fluid.FireCachingSystem() if params.get('cached_fire') else None
- populated = {}
- populated['trees'] = p.run_stage('populate_trees', use_chance=False, default=[],
- fn=lambda: placement.populate_all(trees.TreeFactory, camera, season=season, vis_cull=4))#,
- #meshing_camera=camera, adapt_mesh_method='subdivide', cam_meshing_max_dist=8))
- populated['boulders'] = p.run_stage('populate_boulders', use_chance=False, default=[],
- fn=lambda: placement.populate_all(rocks.BoulderFactory, camera, vis_cull=3))#,
- #meshing_camera=camera, adapt_mesh_method='subdivide', cam_meshing_max_dist=8))
- populated['bushes'] = p.run_stage('populate_bushes', use_chance=False,
- fn=lambda: placement.populate_all(trees.BushFactory, camera, vis_cull=1, adapt_mesh_method='subdivide'))
- p.run_stage('populate_kelp', use_chance=False,
- fn=lambda: placement.populate_all(kelp.KelpMonocotFactory, camera, vis_cull=5))
- populated['cactus'] = p.run_stage('populate_cactus', use_chance=False,
- fn=lambda: placement.populate_all(cactus.CactusFactory, camera, vis_cull=6))
- p.run_stage('populate_clouds', use_chance=False,
- fn=lambda: placement.populate_all(weather.CloudFactory, camera, dist_cull=None, vis_cull=None))
- p.run_stage('populate_glowing_rocks', use_chance=False,
- fn=lambda: placement.populate_all(rocks.GlowingRocksFactory, camera, dist_cull=None, vis_cull=None))
- populated['cached_fire_trees'] = p.run_stage('populate_cached_fire_trees', use_chance=False, default=[],
- fn=lambda: placement.populate_all(fluid.CachedTreeFactory, camera, season=season, vis_cull=4, dist_cull=70, cache_system=fire_cache_system))
- populated['cached_fire_boulders'] = p.run_stage('populate_cached_fire_boulders', use_chance=False, default=[],
- fn=lambda: placement.populate_all(fluid.CachedBoulderFactory, camera, vis_cull=3, dist_cull=70, cache_system=fire_cache_system))
- populated['cached_fire_bushes'] = p.run_stage('populate_cached_fire_bushes', use_chance=False,
- fn=lambda: placement.populate_all(fluid.CachedBushFactory, camera, vis_cull=1, adapt_mesh_method='subdivide', cache_system=fire_cache_system))
- populated['cached_fire_cactus'] = p.run_stage('populate_cached_fire_cactus', use_chance=False,
- fn=lambda: placement.populate_all(fluid.CachedCactusFactory, camera, vis_cull=6, cache_system=fire_cache_system))
- grime_selection_funcs = {
- 'trees': scatter_lower,
- 'boulders': scatter_upward,
- }
- grime_types = {
- 'slime_mold': slime_mold.SlimeMold,
- 'lichen': lichen.Lichen,
- 'ivy': ivy.Ivy,
- 'mushroom': ground_mushroom.Mushrooms,
- 'moss': moss.MossCover
- }
- def apply_grime(grime_type, surface_cls):
- surface_fac = surface_cls()
- for target_type, results, in populated.items():
- selection_func = grime_selection_funcs.get(target_type, None)
- for fac_seed, fac_pholders, fac_assets in results:
- if len(fac_pholders) == 0:
- continue
- for inst_seed, obj in fac_assets:
- with FixedSeed(int_hash((grime_type, fac_seed, inst_seed))):
- p_k = f'{grime_type}_on_{target_type}_per_instance_chance'
- if uniform() > params.get(p_k, 0.4):
- continue
- logger.debug(f'Applying {surface_fac} on {obj}')
- surface_fac.apply(obj, selection=selection_func)
- for grime_type, surface_cls in grime_types.items():
- p.run_stage(grime_type, lambda: apply_grime(grime_type, surface_cls))
- def apply_snow_layer(surface_cls):
- surface_fac = surface_cls()
- for target_type, results, in populated.items():
- selection_func = grime_selection_funcs.get(target_type, None)
- for fac_seed, fac_pholders, fac_assets in results:
- if len(fac_pholders) == 0:
- continue
- for inst_seed, obj in fac_assets:
- tmp = obj.users_collection[0].hide_viewport
- obj.users_collection[0].hide_viewport = False
- surface_fac.apply(obj, selection=selection_func)
- obj.users_collection[0].hide_viewport = tmp
- p.run_stage("snow_layer", lambda: apply_snow_layer(snow_layer.Snowlayer))
- creature_facs = {
- 'beetles': creatures.BeetleFactory,
- 'bird': creatures.BirdFactory,
- 'carnivore': creatures.CarnivoreFactory,
- 'crab': creatures.CrabFactory,
- 'crustacean': creatures.CrustaceanFactory,
- 'dragonfly': creatures.DragonflyFactory,
- 'fish': creatures.FishFactory,
- 'flyingbird': creatures.FlyingBirdFactory,
- 'herbivore': creatures.HerbivoreFactory,
- 'snake': creatures.SnakeFactory,
- }
- for k, fac in creature_facs.items():
- p.run_stage(f'populate_{k}', use_chance=False,
- fn=lambda: placement.populate_all(fac, camera=None))
- fire_warmup = params.get('fire_warmup', 50)
- simulation_duration = bpy.context.scene.frame_end - bpy.context.scene.frame_start + fire_warmup
- def set_fire(assets):
- objs = [o for *_, a in assets for _, o in a]
- with butil.EnableParentCollections(objs):
- fluid.set_fire_to_assets(
- assets,
- bpy.context.scene.frame_start-fire_warmup,
- simulation_duration,
- output_folder
- )
- p.run_stage('trees_fire_on_the_fly', set_fire, populated['trees'], prereq='populate_trees')
- p.run_stage('bushes_fire_on_the_fly', set_fire, populated['bushes'], prereq='populate_bushes')
- p.run_stage('boulders_fire_on_the_fly', set_fire, populated['boulders'], prereq='populate_boulders')
- p.run_stage('cactus_fire_on_the_fly', set_fire, populated['cactus'], prereq='populate_cactus')
- p.save_results(output_folder/'pipeline_fine.csv')
def get_scene_tag(name):
- o = next(o for o in bpy.data.objects if o.name.startswith(f'{name}='))
- return o.name.split('=')[-1].strip('\'\"')
+ o = next(o for o in bpy.data.objects if o.name.startswith(f"{name}="))
+ return o.name.split("=")[-1].strip("'\"")
except StopIteration:
return None
-def render(scene_seed, output_folder, camera_id, render_image_func=render_image, resample_idx=None, hide_water = False):
+def render(
+ scene_seed,
+ output_folder,
+ camera_id,
+ render_image_func=render_image,
+ resample_idx=None,
+ hide_water=False,
if hide_water and "water_fine" in bpy.data.objects:
logger.info("Hiding water fine")
bpy.data.objects["water_fine"].hide_render = True
- bpy.data.objects['water_fine'].hide_viewport = True
+ bpy.data.objects["water_fine"].hide_viewport = True
if resample_idx is not None and resample_idx != 0:
resample_scene(int_hash((scene_seed, resample_idx)))
- with Timer('Render Frames'):
+ with Timer("Render Frames"):
render_image_func(frames_folder=Path(output_folder), camera_id=camera_id)
def save_meshes(scene_seed, output_folder, frame_range, resample_idx=False):
if resample_idx is not None and resample_idx > 0:
resample_scene(int_hash((scene_seed, resample_idx)))
@@ -244,8 +77,7 @@ def save_meshes(scene_seed, output_folder, frame_range, resample_idx=False):
previous_frame_mesh_id_mapping = frozendict()
current_frame_mesh_id_mapping = defaultdict(dict)
- for frame_idx in range(int(frame_range[0]), int(frame_range[1]+2)):
+ for frame_idx in range(int(frame_range[0]), int(frame_range[1] + 2)):
frame_info_folder = Path(output_folder) / f"frame_{frame_idx:04d}"
@@ -253,53 +85,78 @@ def save_meshes(scene_seed, output_folder, frame_range, resample_idx=False):
logger.info(f"Working on frame {frame_idx}")
- frame_info_folder / "mesh",
- previous_frame_mesh_id_mapping,
- current_frame_mesh_id_mapping
+ frame_info_folder / "mesh",
+ previous_frame_mesh_id_mapping,
+ current_frame_mesh_id_mapping,
- output_folder=frame_info_folder / "cameras",
- frame=frame_idx
+ output_folder=frame_info_folder / "cameras",
+ frame=frame_idx,
previous_frame_mesh_id_mapping = frozendict(current_frame_mesh_id_mapping)
def validate_version(scene_version):
- if scene_version is None or scene_version.split('.')[:-1] != infinigen.__version__.split('.')[:-1]:
+ if (
+ scene_version is None
+ or scene_version.split(".")[:-1] != infinigen.__version__.split(".")[:-1]
+ ):
raise ValueError(
- f'infinigen_examples/generate_nature.py {infinigen.__version__=} attempted to load a scene created by version {scene_version=}')
+ f"infinigen_examples/generate_nature.py {infinigen.__version__=} attempted to load a scene created by version {scene_version=}"
+ )
if scene_version != infinigen.__version__:
- logger.warning(f'{infinigen.__version__=} has minor version mismatch with {scene_version=}')
+ logger.warning(
+ f"{infinigen.__version__=} has minor version mismatch with {scene_version=}"
+ )
def group_collections(config):
- for config in config: # Group collections before fine runs
- butil.group_in_collection([o for o in bpy.data.objects if o.name.startswith(f'{config["name"]}:')], config["name"])
- butil.group_toplevel_collections(config['name'], hide_viewport=config['hide_viewport'], hide_render=config['hide_render'])
+ for config in config: # Group collections before fine runs
+ butil.group_in_collection(
+ [o for o in bpy.data.objects if o.name.startswith(f'{config["name"]}:')],
+ config["name"],
+ )
+ butil.group_toplevel_collections(
+ config["name"],
+ hide_viewport=config["hide_viewport"],
+ hide_render=config["hide_render"],
+ )
def execute_tasks(
- compose_scene_func,
- input_folder, output_folder,
- task, scene_seed,
- frame_range, camera_id,
- resample_idx=None,
- output_blend_name="scene.blend",
- generate_resolution=(1280,720),
- fps=24,
+ compose_scene_func: typing.Callable,
+ populate_scene_func: typing.Callable,
+ input_folder: Path,
+ output_folder: Path,
+ task: str,
+ scene_seed: int,
+ frame_range: tuple[int],
+ camera_id: tuple[int],
+ resample_idx: int = None,
+ output_blend_name: str = "scene.blend",
+ generate_resolution=(1280, 720),
+ fps: int = 24,
- optimize_terrain_diskusage=False
+ optimize_terrain_diskusage=False,
if input_folder != output_folder:
if reset_assets:
- if os.path.islink(output_folder/"assets"):
- os.unlink(output_folder/"assets")
- elif (output_folder/"assets").exists():
- shutil.rmtree(output_folder/"assets")
- if (not os.path.islink(output_folder/"assets")) and (not (output_folder/"assets").exists()) and input_folder is not None and (input_folder/"assets").exists():
- os.symlink(input_folder/"assets", output_folder/"assets")
+ if os.path.islink(output_folder / "assets"):
+ os.unlink(output_folder / "assets")
+ elif (output_folder / "assets").exists():
+ shutil.rmtree(output_folder / "assets")
+ if (
+ (not os.path.islink(output_folder / "assets"))
+ and (not (output_folder / "assets").exists())
+ and input_folder is not None
+ and (input_folder / "assets").exists()
+ ):
+ os.symlink(input_folder / "assets", output_folder / "assets")
# in this way, even coarse task can have input_folder to have pregenerated on-the-fly assets (e.g., in last run) to speed up developing
if dryrun:
@@ -307,15 +164,19 @@ def execute_tasks(
if Task.Coarse not in task and task != Task.FineTerrain:
- with Timer('Reading input blendfile'):
- bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath=str(input_folder / 'scene.blend'))
+ with Timer("Reading input blendfile"):
+ bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath=str(input_folder / "scene.blend"))
tag_system.load_tag(path=str(input_folder / "MaskTag.json"))
if frame_range[1] < frame_range[0]:
- raise ValueError(f'{frame_range=} is invalid, frame range must be nonempty. Blender end frame is INCLUSIVE')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"{frame_range=} is invalid, frame range must be nonempty. Blender end frame is INCLUSIVE"
+ )
- logger.info(f'Processing frames {frame_range[0]} through {frame_range[1]} inclusive')
+ logger.info(
+ f"Processing frames {frame_range[0]} through {frame_range[1]} inclusive"
+ )
bpy.context.scene.frame_start = int(frame_range[0])
bpy.context.scene.frame_end = int(frame_range[1])
@@ -326,104 +187,115 @@ def execute_tasks(
if Task.Coarse in task:
- butil.spawn_empty(f'{infinigen.__version__=}')
+ butil.spawn_empty(f"{infinigen.__version__=}")
info = compose_scene_func(output_folder, scene_seed)
- outpath = output_folder/"assets"
+ outpath = output_folder / "assets"
- with open(outpath/"info.pickle", 'wb') as f:
+ with open(outpath / "info.pickle", "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(info, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
- camera = cam_util.set_active_camera(*camera_id)
+ cam_util.set_active_camera(*camera_id)
- if Task.Populate in task:
- populate_scene(output_folder, scene_seed)
+ if Task.Populate in task and populate_scene_func is not None:
+ populate_scene_func(output_folder, scene_seed)
- need_terrain_processing = 'OpaqueTerrain' in bpy.data.objects
+ need_terrain_processing = "OpaqueTerrain" in bpy.data.objects
if Task.FineTerrain in task and need_terrain_processing:
- with open(output_folder/"assets"/"info.pickle", 'rb') as f:
+ with open(output_folder / "assets" / "info.pickle", "rb") as f:
info = pickle.load(f)
- terrain = Terrain(scene_seed, surface.registry, task=task, on_the_fly_asset_folder=output_folder/"assets", height_offset=info["height_offset"], whole_bbox=info["whole_bbox"])
+ terrain = Terrain(
+ scene_seed,
+ surface.registry,
+ task=task,
+ on_the_fly_asset_folder=output_folder / "assets",
+ height_offset=info["height_offset"],
+ whole_bbox=info["whole_bbox"],
+ )
cameras = [cam_util.get_camera(i, j) for i, j in cam_util.get_cameras_ids()]
- terrain.fine_terrain(output_folder, cameras=cameras, optimize_terrain_diskusage=optimize_terrain_diskusage)
+ terrain.fine_terrain(
+ output_folder,
+ cameras=cameras,
+ optimize_terrain_diskusage=optimize_terrain_diskusage,
+ )
if input_folder is not None and input_folder != output_folder:
for mesh in os.listdir(input_folder):
- if (mesh.endswith(".glb") or mesh.endswith(".b_displacement.npy")) and not os.path.islink(output_folder / mesh):
+ if (
+ mesh.endswith(".glb") or mesh.endswith(".b_displacement.npy")
+ ) and not os.path.islink(output_folder / mesh):
os.symlink(input_folder / mesh, output_folder / mesh)
if Task.Coarse in task or Task.Populate in task or Task.FineTerrain in task:
+ with Timer("Writing output blendfile"):
+ logging.info(
+ f"Writing output blendfile to {output_folder / output_blend_name}"
+ )
+ if optimize_terrain_diskusage and task == [Task.FineTerrain]:
+ os.symlink(
+ input_folder / output_blend_name, output_folder / output_blend_name
+ )
+ else:
+ bpy.ops.wm.save_mainfile(
+ filepath=str(output_folder / output_blend_name)
+ )
- with Timer(f'Writing output blendfile'):
- logging.info(f'Writing output blendfile to {output_folder / output_blend_name}')
- if optimize_terrain_diskusage and task == [Task.FineTerrain]:
- os.symlink(input_folder / output_blend_name, output_folder / output_blend_name)
- else:
- bpy.ops.wm.save_mainfile(filepath=str(output_folder / output_blend_name))
tag_system.save_tag(path=str(output_folder / "MaskTag.json"))
- with (output_folder/ "version.txt").open('w') as f:
+ with (output_folder / "version.txt").open("w") as f:
- with (output_folder/'polycounts.txt').open('w') as f:
+ with (output_folder / "polycounts.txt").open("w") as f:
- for col in bpy.data.collections['unique_assets'].children:
+ for col in bpy.data.collections["unique_assets"].children:
col.hide_viewport = False
if need_terrain_processing and (
- Task.Render in task
- or Task.GroundTruth in task
- or Task.MeshSave in task
+ Task.Render in task or Task.GroundTruth in task or Task.MeshSave in task
terrain = Terrain(
- scene_seed,
- surface.registry,
+ scene_seed,
+ surface.registry,
- on_the_fly_asset_folder=output_folder/"assets"
+ on_the_fly_asset_folder=output_folder / "assets",
if optimize_terrain_diskusage:
if Task.Render in task or Task.GroundTruth in task:
- scene_seed,
- output_folder=output_folder,
- camera_id=camera_id,
- resample_idx=resample_idx
+ scene_seed,
+ output_folder=output_folder,
+ camera_id=camera_id,
+ resample_idx=resample_idx,
if Task.Export in task:
export_scene(input_folder / output_blend_name, output_folder)
if Task.MeshSave in task:
- scene_seed,
- output_folder=output_folder,
- frame_range=frame_range,
+ scene_seed,
+ output_folder=output_folder,
+ frame_range=frame_range,
-def main(
- input_folder,
- output_folder,
- scene_seed,
- task,
- task_uniqname,
- **kwargs
- version_req = ['3.6.0']
- assert bpy.app.version_string in version_req, f'You are using blender={bpy.app.version_string} which is ' \
- f'not supported. Please use {version_req}'
- logger.info(f'infinigen version {infinigen.__version__}')
+def main(input_folder, output_folder, scene_seed, task, task_uniqname, **kwargs):
+ version_req = ["3.6.0"]
+ assert bpy.app.version_string in version_req, (
+ f"You are using blender={bpy.app.version_string} which is "
+ f"not supported. Please use {version_req}"
+ )
+ logger.info(f"infinigen version {infinigen.__version__}")
if input_folder is not None:
@@ -434,12 +306,18 @@ def main(
if task_uniqname is not None:
- with Timer('MAIN TOTAL'):
+ with Timer("MAIN TOTAL"):
- input_folder=input_folder, output_folder=output_folder,
- task=task, scene_seed=scene_seed, **kwargs
+ input_folder=input_folder,
+ output_folder=output_folder,
+ task=task,
+ scene_seed=scene_seed,
+ **kwargs,
if task_uniqname is not None:
- create_text_file(filename=f"operative_gin_{task_uniqname}.txt", text=gin.operative_config_str())
+ create_text_file(
+ filename=f"operative_gin_{task_uniqname}.txt",
+ text=gin.operative_config_str(),
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/core/generator.py b/infinigen/core/generator.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc2e3d32c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen/core/generator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import typing
+class Generator:
+ def __init__(self, distribution: typing.Callable):
+ self.distribution = distribution
+ self.params = distribution()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.distribution.__name__})"
+ def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> None:
+ if name == "generate":
+ raise AttributeError(
+ f"Callers should not access {name} directly, use the __call__ method instead"
+ )
+ return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
+ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ generate = object.__getattribute__(
+ self, "generate"
+ ) # bypass the __getattr_ restriction, only for this call
+ return generate(*args, **kwargs)
+ def generate(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ f"Subclasses of {self.__class__.__name__} must implement the generate method"
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/core/init.py b/infinigen/core/init.py
index c8aff5c3c..a3e4d77a8 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/init.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/init.py
@@ -2,92 +2,84 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory
# of this source tree.
-import bpy
-import argparse
import ast
+import logging
import os
import random
import sys
-import cProfile
-import shutil
from pathlib import Path
-import logging
-from functools import partial
-import pprint
-from collections import defaultdict
-# ruff: noqa: F402
-os.environ["OPENCV_IO_ENABLE_OPENEXR"] = "1" # This must be done BEFORE import cv2.
+import bpy
+# ruff: noqa: E402
+os.environ["OPENCV_IO_ENABLE_OPENEXR"] = "1" # This must be done BEFORE import cv2.
# See https://github.com/opencv/opencv/issues/21326#issuecomment-1008517425
import gin
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import randint
+import infinigen
+from infinigen.core.util.logging import LogLevel, Suppress
from infinigen.core.util.math import int_hash
from infinigen.core.util.organization import Task
-from infinigen.core.util.logging import Suppress, LogLevel
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# key must be a valid cycles device_type
# ordering indicate preference - earlier device types will be used over later if both are available
# - e.g most OPTIX gpus will also show up as a CUDA gpu, but we will prefer to use OPTIX due to this list's ordering
- 'OPTIX',
- 'CUDA',
- 'METAL', # untested
- 'HIP', # untested
- 'ONEAPI', # untested
- 'CPU',
+ "OPTIX",
+ "CUDA",
+ "METAL", # untested
+ "HIP", # untested
+ "ONEAPI", # untested
+ "CPU",
def parse_args_blender(parser):
- if '--' in sys.argv:
- # Running using a blender commandline python.
+ if "--" in sys.argv:
+ # Running using a blender commandline python.
# args before '--' are intended for blender not infinigen
- argvs = sys.argv[sys.argv.index('--')+1:]
+ argvs = sys.argv[sys.argv.index("--") + 1 :]
return parser.parse_args(argvs)
return parser.parse_args()
-def parse_seed(seed, task=None):
+def parse_seed(seed, task=None):
if seed is None:
if task is not None and Task.Coarse not in task:
raise ValueError(
- 'Running tasks on an already generated scene, you need to specify --seed or results will'
- ' not be view-consistent')
- return randint(1e7), 'chosen at random'
+ "Running tasks on an already generated scene, you need to specify --seed or results will"
+ " not be view-consistent"
+ )
+ return randint(1e7), "chosen at random"
# WARNING: Do not add support for decimal numbers here, it will cause ambiguity, as some hex numbers are valid decimals
- return int(seed, 16), 'parsed as hexadecimal'
+ return int(seed, 16), "parsed as hexadecimal"
except ValueError:
- return int_hash(seed), 'hashed string to integer'
+ return int_hash(seed), "hashed string to integer"
def apply_scene_seed(seed, task=None):
scene_seed, reason = parse_seed(seed, task)
- logger.info(f'Converted {seed=} to {scene_seed=}, {reason}')
- gin.constant('OVERALL_SEED', scene_seed)
+ logger.info(f"Converted {seed=} to {scene_seed=}, {reason}")
+ gin.constant("OVERALL_SEED", scene_seed)
return scene_seed
-def sanitize_override(override: list):
- if (
- ('=' in override) and
- not any((c in override) for c in "\"'[]")
- ):
- k, v = override.split('=')
+def sanitize_override(override: list):
+ if ("=" in override) and not any((c in override) for c in "\"'[]"):
+ k, v = override.split("=")
except (ValueError, SyntaxError):
@@ -96,34 +88,33 @@ def sanitize_override(override: list):
return override
-def repo_root():
- return Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent
def contained_stems(filenames: list[str], folder: Path):
assert folder.exists()
names = [p.stem for p in folder.iterdir()]
return {s.stem in names or s.name in names for s in map(Path, filenames)}
def resolve_folder_maybe_relative(folder, root):
folder = Path(folder)
if folder.exists():
return folder
- folder_rel = root/folder
+ folder_rel = root / folder
if folder_rel.exists():
return folder_rel
- raise FileNotFoundError(f'Could not find {folder} or {folder_rel}')
+ raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find {folder} or {folder_rel}")
def apply_gin_configs(
- configs_folder: Path,
+ config_folders: Path | list[Path],
configs: list[str] = None,
- overrides: list[str] = None,
- skip_unknown: bool = False,
+ overrides: list[str] = None,
+ skip_unknown: bool = False,
mandatory_folders: list[Path] = None,
- mutually_exclusive_folders: list[Path] = None
+ mutually_exclusive_folders: list[Path] = None,
Apply gin configuration files and bindings.
@@ -141,7 +132,7 @@ def apply_gin_configs(
For each folder in the list, at least one config file must be loaded from that folder.
mutually_exclusive_folders : list[Path]
For each folder in the list, at most one config file must be loaded from that folder.
if configs is None:
@@ -152,39 +143,42 @@ def apply_gin_configs(
mandatory_folders = []
if mutually_exclusive_folders is None:
mutually_exclusive_folders = []
- configs_folder = Path(configs_folder)
- root = repo_root()
+ if not isinstance(config_folders, list):
+ config_folders = [config_folders]
- configs_folder_rel = root/configs_folder
- if configs_folder_rel.exists():
- configs_folder = configs_folder_rel
- gin.add_config_file_search_path(configs_folder)
- elif configs_folder.exists():
- gin.add_config_file_search_path(configs_folder)
- else:
- raise FileNotFoundError(f'Couldnt find {configs_folder} or {configs_folder_rel}')
- search_paths = [configs_folder, root, Path('.')]
+ root = infinigen.repo_root()
def find_config(p):
p = Path(p)
- for folder in search_paths:
- for file in folder.glob('**/*.gin'):
+ for folder_rel in config_folders:
+ folder = root / folder_rel
+ if not folder.exists():
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"{apply_gin_configs.__name__} got bad {folder_rel=}, {folder=} did not exist"
+ )
+ for file in folder.glob("**/*.gin"):
if file.stem == p.stem:
+ logger.debug(f"Resolved {p} to file {file}")
return file
- raise FileNotFoundError(f'Could not find {p} or {p.stem} in any of {search_paths}')
- configs = [find_config(g) for g in ['base.gin'] + configs]
+ logger.debug(f"Could not find {p} in {folder}")
+ raise FileNotFoundError(
+ f"Could not find {p} or {p.stem} in any of {config_folders}"
+ )
+ configs = [find_config(g) for g in ["base.gin"] + configs]
overrides = [sanitize_override(o) for o in overrides]
for mandatory_folder in mandatory_folders:
mandatory_folder = resolve_folder_maybe_relative(mandatory_folder, root)
if not contained_stems(configs, mandatory_folder):
raise FileNotFoundError(
- f'At least one config file must be loaded from {mandatory_folder} to avoid unexpected behavior'
+ f"At least one config file must be loaded from {mandatory_folder} to avoid unexpected behavior"
for mutex_folder in mutually_exclusive_folders:
mutex_folder = resolve_folder_maybe_relative(mutex_folder, root)
stems = {s.stem for s in mutex_folder.iterdir()}
@@ -192,17 +186,18 @@ def find_config(p):
both = stems.intersection(config_stems)
if len(both) > 1:
raise ValueError(
- f'At most one config file must be loaded from {mutex_folder} to avoid unexpected behavior, instead got {both=}'
+ f"At most one config file must be loaded from {mutex_folder} to avoid unexpected behavior, instead got {both=}"
with LogLevel(logger=logging.getLogger(), level=logging.WARNING):
- configs,
+ configs,
- finalize_config=finalize_config
+ finalize_config=finalize_config,
def import_addons(names):
for name in names:
@@ -211,30 +206,32 @@ def import_addons(names):
except Exception:
logger.warning(f'Could not load addon "{name}"')
def configure_render_cycles(
# supplied by gin.config
- denoise
+ denoise,
- bpy.context.scene.render.engine = 'CYCLES'
+ bpy.context.scene.render.engine = "CYCLES"
# For now, denoiser is always turned on, but the _used_
bpy.context.scene.cycles.use_denoising = denoise
if denoise:
- bpy.context.scene.cycles.denoiser = 'OPTIX'
+ bpy.context.scene.cycles.denoiser = "OPTIX"
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f"Cannot use OPTIX denoiser {e}")
- bpy.context.scene.cycles.samples = num_samples # i.e. infinity
+ bpy.context.scene.cycles.samples = num_samples # i.e. infinity
bpy.context.scene.cycles.adaptive_min_samples = min_samples
- bpy.context.scene.cycles.adaptive_threshold = adaptive_threshold # i.e. noise threshold
+ bpy.context.scene.cycles.adaptive_threshold = (
+ adaptive_threshold # i.e. noise threshold
+ )
bpy.context.scene.cycles.time_limit = time_limit
bpy.context.scene.cycles.film_exposure = exposure
bpy.context.scene.cycles.volume_step_rate = 0.1
@@ -242,19 +239,17 @@ def configure_render_cycles(
bpy.context.scene.cycles.volume_max_steps = 32
bpy.context.scene.cycles.volume_bounces = 4
-def configure_cycles_devices(
- use_gpu=True
+def configure_cycles_devices(use_gpu=True):
if use_gpu is False:
- logger.info(f'Render will use CPU-only due to {use_gpu=}')
- bpy.context.scene.cycles.device = 'CPU'
+ logger.info(f"Render will use CPU-only due to {use_gpu=}")
+ bpy.context.scene.cycles.device = "CPU"
- assert bpy.context.scene.render.engine == 'CYCLES'
- bpy.context.scene.cycles.device = 'GPU'
- prefs = bpy.context.preferences.addons['cycles'].preferences
+ assert bpy.context.scene.render.engine == "CYCLES"
+ bpy.context.scene.cycles.device = "GPU"
+ prefs = bpy.context.preferences.addons["cycles"].preferences
# Necessary to "remind" cycles that the devices exist? Not sure. Without this no devices are found.
for dt in prefs.get_device_types(bpy.context):
@@ -265,19 +260,20 @@ def configure_cycles_devices(
types = list(d.type for d in prefs.devices)
types = sorted(types, key=CYCLES_GPUTYPES_PREFERENCE.index)
- logger.info(f'Available devices have {types=}')
+ logger.info(f"Available devices have {types=}")
use_device_type = types[0]
- if use_device_type == 'CPU':
- logger.warning(f'Render will use CPU-only, only found {types=}')
- bpy.context.scene.cycles.device = 'CPU'
+ if use_device_type == "CPU":
+ logger.warning(f"Render will use CPU-only, only found {types=}")
+ bpy.context.scene.cycles.device = "CPU"
- bpy.context.preferences.addons['cycles'].preferences.compute_device_type = use_device_type
+ bpy.context.preferences.addons[
+ "cycles"
+ ].preferences.compute_device_type = use_device_type
use_devices = [d for d in prefs.devices if d.type == use_device_type]
- logger.info(f'Cycles will use {use_device_type=}, {len(use_devices)=}')
+ logger.info(f"Cycles will use {use_device_type=}, {len(use_devices)=}")
for d in prefs.devices:
d.use = False
@@ -286,26 +282,25 @@ def configure_cycles_devices(
return use_devices
def configure_blender(
- render_engine='CYCLES',
+ render_engine="CYCLES",
- bpy.context.preferences.system.scrollback = 0
+ bpy.context.preferences.system.scrollback = 0
bpy.context.preferences.edit.undo_steps = 0
- if render_engine == 'CYCLES':
+ if render_engine == "CYCLES":
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized {render_engine=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized {render_engine=}")
bpy.context.scene.render.use_motion_blur = motion_blur
- if motion_blur:
- bpy.context.scene.cycles.motion_blur_position = 'START'
+ if motion_blur:
+ bpy.context.scene.cycles.motion_blur_position = "START"
bpy.context.scene.render.motion_blur_shutter = motion_blur_shutter
- import_addons(['ant_landscape', 'real_snow'])
\ No newline at end of file
+ import_addons(["ant_landscape", "real_snow"])
diff --git a/infinigen/core/nodes/__init__.py b/infinigen/core/nodes/__init__.py
index e6573d44c..42ce303fe 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/nodes/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/nodes/__init__.py
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-from .node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
from .node_info import Nodes
+from .node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
diff --git a/infinigen/core/nodes/compatibility.py b/infinigen/core/nodes/compatibility.py
index ff52e73e9..95107ebd2 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/nodes/compatibility.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/nodes/compatibility.py
@@ -11,60 +11,97 @@
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def map_dict_keys(d, m):
for m_from, m_to in m.items():
if m_from not in d:
if m_to in d:
- raise ValueError(f'{m_from} would map to {m_to} but {d} already contains that key')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"{m_from} would map to {m_to} but {d} already contains that key"
+ )
d[m_to] = d.pop(m_from)
return d
def make_virtual_mixrgb(nw, orig_type, input_args, attrs, input_kwargs):
- attrs['data_type'] = 'RGBA'
+ attrs["data_type"] = "RGBA"
- key_mapping = OrderedDict({'Fac': 'Factor', 'Color1': 'A', 'Color2': 'B'})
+ key_mapping = OrderedDict({"Fac": "Factor", "Color1": "A", "Color2": "B"})
map_dict_keys(input_kwargs, key_mapping)
# any previous uses of input_args are no longer valid, since the node has lots of hidden type-based sockets now
# we will convert any input_args present into input_kwargs instead
for k, a in zip(key_mapping.values(), input_args):
if k in input_kwargs:
- raise ValueError(f'In {make_virtual_mixrgb}, encountered {orig_type} with conflicting {len(input_args)=} and {input_kwargs.keys()}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"In {make_virtual_mixrgb}, encountered {orig_type} with conflicting {len(input_args)=} and {input_kwargs.keys()}"
+ )
input_kwargs[k] = a
input_args = []
- return nw.new_node(node_type=Nodes.Mix, input_args=input_args,
- attrs=attrs, input_kwargs=input_kwargs, compat_mode=False)
+ return nw.new_node(
+ node_type=Nodes.Mix,
+ input_args=input_args,
+ attrs=attrs,
+ input_kwargs=input_kwargs,
+ compat_mode=False,
+ )
def make_virtual_transfer_attribute(nw, orig_type, input_args, attrs, input_kwargs):
if attrs is None:
- raise ValueError(f'{attrs=} in make_virtual_transfer_attribute, cannot infer correct node type mapping')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"{attrs=} in make_virtual_transfer_attribute, cannot infer correct node type mapping"
+ )
- if attrs['mapping'] == 'NEAREST_FACE_INTERPOLATED':
+ if attrs["mapping"] == "NEAREST_FACE_INTERPOLATED":
mapped_type = Nodes.SampleNearestSurface
- map_dict_keys(input_kwargs, {'Source': 'Mesh', 'Attribute': 'Value', 'Source Position': 'Sample Position'})
- elif attrs['mapping'] == 'NEAREST':
- raise ValueError("Compatibility mapping for mode='NEAREST' is not supported, please modify the code to resolve this outdated instance of TransferAttribute")
- elif attrs['mapping'] == 'INDEX':
+ map_dict_keys(
+ input_kwargs,
+ {
+ "Source": "Mesh",
+ "Attribute": "Value",
+ "Source Position": "Sample Position",
+ },
+ )
+ elif attrs["mapping"] == "NEAREST":
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Compatibility mapping for mode='NEAREST' is not supported, please modify the code to resolve this outdated instance of TransferAttribute"
+ )
+ elif attrs["mapping"] == "INDEX":
mapped_type = Nodes.SampleIndex
- map_dict_keys(input_kwargs, {'Source': 'Geometry', 'Attribute': 'Value'})
+ map_dict_keys(input_kwargs, {"Source": "Geometry", "Attribute": "Value"})
assert False
- logger.warning(f'Converting request for Nodes.TransferAttribute to {mapped_type}'
- f'to ensure compatibility with bl3.3 code, but this is unsafe. Please update to avoid {Nodes.TransferAttribute}')
- return nw.new_node(node_type=mapped_type, input_args=input_args,
- attrs=attrs, input_kwargs=input_kwargs, compat_mode=False)
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Converting request for Nodes.TransferAttribute to {mapped_type}"
+ f"to ensure compatibility with bl3.3 code, but this is unsafe. Please update to avoid {Nodes.TransferAttribute}"
+ )
+ return nw.new_node(
+ node_type=mapped_type,
+ input_args=input_args,
+ attrs=attrs,
+ input_kwargs=input_kwargs,
+ compat_mode=False,
+ )
def compat_args_sample_curve(nw, orig_type, input_args, attrs, input_kwargs):
- map_dict_keys(input_kwargs, {'Curve': 'Curves'})
- return nw.new_node(node_type=orig_type, input_args=input_args,
- attrs=attrs, input_kwargs=input_kwargs, compat_mode=False)
+ map_dict_keys(input_kwargs, {"Curve": "Curves"})
+ return nw.new_node(
+ node_type=orig_type,
+ input_args=input_args,
+ attrs=attrs,
+ input_kwargs=input_kwargs,
+ compat_mode=False,
+ )
Nodes.MixRGB: make_virtual_mixrgb,
Nodes.TransferAttribute: make_virtual_transfer_attribute,
- Nodes.SampleCurve: compat_args_sample_curve
\ No newline at end of file
+ Nodes.SampleCurve: compat_args_sample_curve,
diff --git a/infinigen/core/nodes/node_info.py b/infinigen/core/nodes/node_info.py
index 4d66073ad..907f42edb 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/nodes/node_info.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/nodes/node_info.py
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
# of this source tree.
import bpy
import numpy as np
class Nodes:
An enum for all node types.
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ class Nodes:
# Attribute
Attribute = "ShaderNodeAttribute"
CaptureAttribute = "GeometryNodeCaptureAttribute"
- AttributeStatistic = 'GeometryNodeAttributeStatistic'
+ AttributeStatistic = "GeometryNodeAttributeStatistic"
TransferAttribute = "GeometryNodeAttributeTransfer" # removed in b3.4, still supported via compatibility.py
- DomainSize = 'GeometryNodeAttributeDomainSize'
+ DomainSize = "GeometryNodeAttributeDomainSize"
StoreNamedAttribute = "GeometryNodeStoreNamedAttribute"
- NamedAttribute = 'GeometryNodeInputNamedAttribute'
+ NamedAttribute = "GeometryNodeInputNamedAttribute"
SampleIndex = "GeometryNodeSampleIndex"
SampleNearest = "GeometryNodeSampleNearest"
SampleNearestSurface = "GeometryNodeSampleNearestSurface"
@@ -34,60 +34,60 @@ class Nodes:
MixRGB = "ShaderNodeMixRGB"
RGBCurve = "ShaderNodeRGBCurve"
BrightContrast = "CompositorNodeBrightContrast"
- Exposure = 'CompositorNodeExposure'
- CombineHSV = 'ShaderNodeCombineHSV'
- SeparateRGB = 'ShaderNodeSeparateRGB'
- SeparateColor = 'ShaderNodeSeparateColor'
- CompSeparateColor = 'CompositorNodeSeparateColor'
- CombineRGB = 'ShaderNodeCombineRGB'
- CombineColor = 'ShaderNodeCombineColor'
- CompCombineColor = 'CompositorNodeCombineColor'
+ Exposure = "CompositorNodeExposure"
+ CombineHSV = "ShaderNodeCombineHSV"
+ SeparateRGB = "ShaderNodeSeparateRGB"
+ SeparateColor = "ShaderNodeSeparateColor"
+ CompSeparateColor = "CompositorNodeSeparateColor"
+ CombineRGB = "ShaderNodeCombineRGB"
+ CombineColor = "ShaderNodeCombineColor"
+ CompCombineColor = "CompositorNodeCombineColor"
# bl3.5 additions
- SeparateComponents = 'GeometryNodeSeparateComponents'
- SetID = 'GeometryNodeSetID'
- InterpolateCurves = 'GeometryNodeInterpolateCurves'
- SampleUVSurface = 'GeometryNodeSampleUVSurface'
- MeshIsland = 'GeometryNodeInputMeshIsland'
- IsViewport = 'GeometryNodeIsViewport'
- ImageInfo = 'GeometryNodeImageInfo'
- CurveofPoint = 'GeometryNodeCurveOfPoint'
- CurvesInfo = 'ShaderNodeHairInfo'
- Radius = 'GeometryNodeInputRadius'
- EvaluateonDomain = 'GeometryNodeFieldOnDomain'
- BlurAttribute = 'GeometryNodeBlurAttribute'
- EndpointSelection = 'GeometryNodeCurveEndpointSelection'
- PointsofCurve = 'GeometryNodePointsOfCurve'
- SetSplineResolution = 'GeometryNodeSetSplineResolution'
- OffsetPointinCurve = 'GeometryNodeOffsetPointInCurve'
- SplineResolution = 'GeometryNodeInputSplineResolution'
+ SeparateComponents = "GeometryNodeSeparateComponents"
+ SetID = "GeometryNodeSetID"
+ InterpolateCurves = "GeometryNodeInterpolateCurves"
+ SampleUVSurface = "GeometryNodeSampleUVSurface"
+ MeshIsland = "GeometryNodeInputMeshIsland"
+ IsViewport = "GeometryNodeIsViewport"
+ ImageInfo = "GeometryNodeImageInfo"
+ CurveofPoint = "GeometryNodeCurveOfPoint"
+ CurvesInfo = "ShaderNodeHairInfo"
+ Radius = "GeometryNodeInputRadius"
+ EvaluateonDomain = "GeometryNodeFieldOnDomain"
+ BlurAttribute = "GeometryNodeBlurAttribute"
+ EndpointSelection = "GeometryNodeCurveEndpointSelection"
+ PointsofCurve = "GeometryNodePointsOfCurve"
+ SetSplineResolution = "GeometryNodeSetSplineResolution"
+ OffsetPointinCurve = "GeometryNodeOffsetPointInCurve"
+ SplineResolution = "GeometryNodeInputSplineResolution"
# Curve
CurveToMesh = "GeometryNodeCurveToMesh"
CurveToPoints = "GeometryNodeCurveToPoints"
MeshToCurve = "GeometryNodeMeshToCurve"
- SampleCurve = 'GeometryNodeSampleCurve'
- SetCurveRadius = 'GeometryNodeSetCurveRadius'
- SetCurveTilt = 'GeometryNodeSetCurveTilt'
- CurveLength = 'GeometryNodeCurveLength'
- CurveSplineType = 'GeometryNodeCurveSplineType'
- SetHandlePositions = 'GeometryNodeSetCurveHandlePositions'
- SetHandleType = 'GeometryNodeCurveSetHandles'
- CurveTangent = 'GeometryNodeInputTangent'
- SplineParameter = 'GeometryNodeSplineParameter'
- SplineType = 'GeometryNodeCurveSplineType'
- SubdivideCurve = 'GeometryNodeSubdivideCurve'
- ResampleCurve = 'GeometryNodeResampleCurve'
- TrimCurve = 'GeometryNodeTrimCurve'
- ReverseCurve = 'GeometryNodeReverseCurve'
- SplineLength = 'GeometryNodeSplineLength'
- FillCurve = 'GeometryNodeFillCurve'
- FilletCurve = 'GeometryNodeFilletCurve'
+ SampleCurve = "GeometryNodeSampleCurve"
+ SetCurveRadius = "GeometryNodeSetCurveRadius"
+ SetCurveTilt = "GeometryNodeSetCurveTilt"
+ CurveLength = "GeometryNodeCurveLength"
+ CurveSplineType = "GeometryNodeCurveSplineType"
+ SetHandlePositions = "GeometryNodeSetCurveHandlePositions"
+ SetHandleType = "GeometryNodeCurveSetHandles"
+ CurveTangent = "GeometryNodeInputTangent"
+ SplineParameter = "GeometryNodeSplineParameter"
+ SplineType = "GeometryNodeCurveSplineType"
+ SubdivideCurve = "GeometryNodeSubdivideCurve"
+ ResampleCurve = "GeometryNodeResampleCurve"
+ TrimCurve = "GeometryNodeTrimCurve"
+ ReverseCurve = "GeometryNodeReverseCurve"
+ SplineLength = "GeometryNodeSplineLength"
+ FillCurve = "GeometryNodeFillCurve"
+ FilletCurve = "GeometryNodeFilletCurve"
# Curve Primitves
- QuadraticBezier = 'GeometryNodeCurveQuadraticBezier'
- CurveCircle = 'GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveCircle'
- CurveLine = 'GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveLine'
+ QuadraticBezier = "GeometryNodeCurveQuadraticBezier"
+ CurveCircle = "GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveCircle"
+ CurveLine = "GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveLine"
CurveBezierSegment = "GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveBezierSegment"
BezierSegment = "GeometryNodeCurvePrimitiveBezierSegment"
@@ -98,11 +98,11 @@ class Nodes:
SeparateGeometry = "GeometryNodeSeparateGeometry"
BoundingBox = "GeometryNodeBoundBox"
Transform = "GeometryNodeTransform"
- DeleteGeometry = 'GeometryNodeDeleteGeometry'
+ DeleteGeometry = "GeometryNodeDeleteGeometry"
Proximity = "GeometryNodeProximity"
ConvexHull = "GeometryNodeConvexHull"
- Raycast = 'GeometryNodeRaycast'
- DuplicateElements = 'GeometryNodeDuplicateElements'
+ Raycast = "GeometryNodeRaycast"
+ DuplicateElements = "GeometryNodeDuplicateElements"
# Input
GroupInput = "NodeGroupInput"
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class Nodes:
RandomValue = "FunctionNodeRandomValue"
CollectionInfo = "GeometryNodeCollectionInfo"
ObjectInfo = "GeometryNodeObjectInfo"
- ObjectInfo_Shader = 'ShaderNodeObjectInfo'
+ ObjectInfo_Shader = "ShaderNodeObjectInfo"
Vector = "FunctionNodeInputVector"
InputID = "GeometryNodeInputID"
InputPosition = "GeometryNodeInputPosition"
@@ -120,16 +120,16 @@ class Nodes:
InputEdgeVertices = "GeometryNodeInputMeshEdgeVertices"
InputEdgeAngle = "GeometryNodeInputMeshEdgeAngle"
InputColor = "FunctionNodeInputColor"
- InputMeshFaceArea = 'GeometryNodeInputMeshFaceArea'
+ InputMeshFaceArea = "GeometryNodeInputMeshFaceArea"
TextureCoord = "ShaderNodeTexCoord"
- Index = 'GeometryNodeInputIndex'
- AmbientOcclusion = 'ShaderNodeAmbientOcclusion'
- Integer = 'FunctionNodeInputInt'
- LightPath = 'ShaderNodeLightPath'
- ShortestEdgePath = 'GeometryNodeInputShortestEdgePaths'
- EdgeNeighbors = 'GeometryNodeInputMeshEdgeNeighbors'
- ShaderNodeNormalMap = 'ShaderNodeNormalMap'
- HueSaturationValue = 'ShaderNodeHueSaturation'
+ Index = "GeometryNodeInputIndex"
+ AmbientOcclusion = "ShaderNodeAmbientOcclusion"
+ Integer = "FunctionNodeInputInt"
+ LightPath = "ShaderNodeLightPath"
+ ShortestEdgePath = "GeometryNodeInputShortestEdgePaths"
+ EdgeNeighbors = "GeometryNodeInputMeshEdgeNeighbors"
+ ShaderNodeNormalMap = "ShaderNodeNormalMap"
+ HueSaturationValue = "ShaderNodeHueSaturation"
BlackBody = "ShaderNodeBlackbody"
# Instances
@@ -147,27 +147,27 @@ class Nodes:
# Mesh
SubdivideMesh = "GeometryNodeSubdivideMesh"
SubdivisionSurface = "GeometryNodeSubdivisionSurface"
- MeshToPoints = 'GeometryNodeMeshToPoints'
+ MeshToPoints = "GeometryNodeMeshToPoints"
MeshBoolean = "GeometryNodeMeshBoolean"
- SetShadeSmooth = 'GeometryNodeSetShadeSmooth'
- DualMesh = 'GeometryNodeDualMesh'
- ScaleElements = 'GeometryNodeScaleElements'
- IcoSphere = 'GeometryNodeMeshIcoSphere'
- ExtrudeMesh = 'GeometryNodeExtrudeMesh'
- FlipFaces = 'GeometryNodeFlipFaces'
- FaceNeighbors = 'GeometryNodeInputMeshFaceNeighbors'
- EdgePathToCurve = 'GeometryNodeEdgePathsToCurves'
- DeleteGeom = 'GeometryNodeDeleteGeometry'
- SplitEdges = 'GeometryNodeSplitEdges'
+ SetShadeSmooth = "GeometryNodeSetShadeSmooth"
+ DualMesh = "GeometryNodeDualMesh"
+ ScaleElements = "GeometryNodeScaleElements"
+ IcoSphere = "GeometryNodeMeshIcoSphere"
+ ExtrudeMesh = "GeometryNodeExtrudeMesh"
+ FlipFaces = "GeometryNodeFlipFaces"
+ FaceNeighbors = "GeometryNodeInputMeshFaceNeighbors"
+ EdgePathToCurve = "GeometryNodeEdgePathsToCurves"
+ DeleteGeom = "GeometryNodeDeleteGeometry"
+ SplitEdges = "GeometryNodeSplitEdges"
VertexNeighbors = "GeometryNodeInputMeshVertexNeighbors"
# Mesh Primitives
MeshCircle = "GeometryNodeMeshCircle"
- MeshGrid = 'GeometryNodeMeshGrid'
- MeshLine = 'GeometryNodeMeshLine'
- MeshUVSphere = 'GeometryNodeMeshUVSphere'
- MeshIcoSphere = 'GeometryNodeMeshIcoSphere'
- MeshCube = 'GeometryNodeMeshCube'
+ MeshGrid = "GeometryNodeMeshGrid"
+ MeshLine = "GeometryNodeMeshLine"
+ MeshUVSphere = "GeometryNodeMeshUVSphere"
+ MeshIcoSphere = "GeometryNodeMeshIcoSphere"
+ MeshCube = "GeometryNodeMeshCube"
# Output Menu
GroupOutput = "NodeGroupOutput"
@@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ class Nodes:
# Point
DistributePointsOnFaces = "GeometryNodeDistributePointsOnFaces"
PointsToVertices = "GeometryNodePointsToVertices"
- PointsToVolume = 'GeometryNodePointsToVolume'
- SetPointRadius = 'GeometryNodeSetPointRadius'
+ PointsToVolume = "GeometryNodePointsToVolume"
+ SetPointRadius = "GeometryNodeSetPointRadius"
# Vector
SeparateXYZ = "ShaderNodeSeparateXYZ"
@@ -193,12 +193,12 @@ class Nodes:
Displacement = "ShaderNodeDisplacement"
# Volume
- VolumeToMesh = 'GeometryNodeVolumeToMesh'
+ VolumeToMesh = "GeometryNodeVolumeToMesh"
# Math
VectorMath = "ShaderNodeVectorMath"
Math = "ShaderNodeMath"
- MapRange = 'ShaderNodeMapRange'
+ MapRange = "ShaderNodeMapRange"
BooleanMath = "FunctionNodeBooleanMath"
Compare = "FunctionNodeCompare"
FloatToInt = "FunctionNodeFloatToInt"
@@ -212,12 +212,12 @@ class Nodes:
MusgraveTexture = "ShaderNodeTexMusgrave"
VoronoiTexture = "ShaderNodeTexVoronoi"
WaveTexture = "ShaderNodeTexWave"
- WhiteNoiseTexture = 'ShaderNodeTexWhiteNoise'
+ WhiteNoiseTexture = "ShaderNodeTexWhiteNoise"
ImageTexture = "GeometryNodeImageTexture"
- GradientTexture = 'ShaderNodeTexGradient'
+ GradientTexture = "ShaderNodeTexGradient"
ShaderImageTexture = "ShaderNodeTexImage"
MagicTexture = "ShaderNodeTexMagic"
- BrickTexture = 'ShaderNodeTexBrick'
+ BrickTexture = "ShaderNodeTexBrick"
CheckerTexture = "ShaderNodeTexChecker"
EnvironmentTexture = "ShaderNodeTexEnvironment"
@@ -228,10 +228,10 @@ class Nodes:
TranslucentBSDF = "ShaderNodeBsdfTranslucent"
TransparentBSDF = "ShaderNodeBsdfTransparent"
PrincipledVolume = "ShaderNodeVolumePrincipled"
- PrincipledHairBSDF = 'ShaderNodeBsdfHairPrincipled'
- Emission = 'ShaderNodeEmission'
- Fresnel = 'ShaderNodeFresnel'
- NewGeometry = 'ShaderNodeNewGeometry'
+ PrincipledHairBSDF = "ShaderNodeBsdfHairPrincipled"
+ Emission = "ShaderNodeEmission"
+ Fresnel = "ShaderNodeFresnel"
+ NewGeometry = "ShaderNodeNewGeometry"
RefractionBSDF = "ShaderNodeBsdfRefraction"
GlassBSDF = "ShaderNodeBsdfGlass"
GlossyBSDF = "ShaderNodeBsdfGlossy"
@@ -251,148 +251,141 @@ class Nodes:
# Compositor - Filter
RenderLayers = "CompositorNodeRLayers"
LensDistortion = "CompositorNodeLensdist"
- Glare = 'CompositorNodeGlare'
+ Glare = "CompositorNodeGlare"
# World Nodes
SkyTexture = "ShaderNodeTexSky"
Background = "ShaderNodeBackground"
# bl3.5 additions
- SeparateComponents = 'GeometryNodeSeparateComponents'
- SetID = 'GeometryNodeSetID'
- InterpolateCurves = 'GeometryNodeInterpolateCurves'
- SampleUVSurface = 'GeometryNodeSampleUVSurface'
- MeshIsland = 'GeometryNodeInputMeshIsland'
- IsViewport = 'GeometryNodeIsViewport'
- ImageInfo = 'GeometryNodeImageInfo'
- CurveofPoint = 'GeometryNodeCurveOfPoint'
- CurvesInfo = 'ShaderNodeHairInfo'
- Radius = 'GeometryNodeInputRadius'
- EvaluateonDomain = 'GeometryNodeFieldOnDomain'
- BlurAttribute = 'GeometryNodeBlurAttribute'
- EndpointSelection = 'GeometryNodeCurveEndpointSelection'
- PointsofCurve = 'GeometryNodePointsOfCurve'
- SetSplineResolution = 'GeometryNodeSetSplineResolution'
- OffsetPointinCurve = 'GeometryNodeOffsetPointInCurve'
- SplineResolution = 'GeometryNodeInputSplineResolution'
+ SeparateComponents = "GeometryNodeSeparateComponents"
+ SetID = "GeometryNodeSetID"
+ InterpolateCurves = "GeometryNodeInterpolateCurves"
+ SampleUVSurface = "GeometryNodeSampleUVSurface"
+ MeshIsland = "GeometryNodeInputMeshIsland"
+ IsViewport = "GeometryNodeIsViewport"
+ ImageInfo = "GeometryNodeImageInfo"
+ CurveofPoint = "GeometryNodeCurveOfPoint"
+ CurvesInfo = "ShaderNodeHairInfo"
+ Radius = "GeometryNodeInputRadius"
+ EvaluateonDomain = "GeometryNodeFieldOnDomain"
+ BlurAttribute = "GeometryNodeBlurAttribute"
+ EndpointSelection = "GeometryNodeCurveEndpointSelection"
+ PointsofCurve = "GeometryNodePointsOfCurve"
+ SetSplineResolution = "GeometryNodeSetSplineResolution"
+ OffsetPointinCurve = "GeometryNodeOffsetPointInCurve"
+ SplineResolution = "GeometryNodeInputSplineResolution"
Blender doesnt have an automatic way of discovering what properties
exist on a node that might need to be set but are NOT in .inputs. This dict
documents what types of properties we might need to set on each type of node
Used in transpiler's create_attrs_dict
- Nodes.Math: ['operation', 'use_clamp'],
- Nodes.VectorMath: ['operation'],
- Nodes.BooleanMath: ['operation'],
- Nodes.Compare: ['mode', 'data_type', 'operation'],
- Nodes.NoiseTexture: ['noise_dimensions'],
- Nodes.MusgraveTexture: ['musgrave_dimensions', 'musgrave_type'],
- Nodes.VoronoiTexture: ['voronoi_dimensions', 'feature', 'distance'],
- Nodes.GradientTexture: ['gradient_type'],
- Nodes.RGB: ['color'],
- Nodes.Attribute: ['attribute_name', 'attribute_type'],
- Nodes.AttributeStatistic: ['domain', 'data_type'],
- Nodes.CaptureAttribute: ['domain', 'data_type'],
- Nodes.TextureCoord: ['from_instancer'],
- Nodes.PrincipledBSDF: ['distribution', 'subsurface_method'],
- Nodes.Mapping: ['vector_type'],
- Nodes.MapRange: ['data_type', 'interpolation_type', 'clamp'],
+ Nodes.Math: ["operation", "use_clamp"],
+ Nodes.VectorMath: ["operation"],
+ Nodes.BooleanMath: ["operation"],
+ Nodes.Compare: ["mode", "data_type", "operation"],
+ Nodes.NoiseTexture: ["noise_dimensions"],
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture: ["musgrave_dimensions", "musgrave_type"],
+ Nodes.VoronoiTexture: ["voronoi_dimensions", "feature", "distance"],
+ Nodes.GradientTexture: ["gradient_type"],
+ Nodes.RGB: ["color"],
+ Nodes.Attribute: ["attribute_name", "attribute_type"],
+ Nodes.AttributeStatistic: ["domain", "data_type"],
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute: ["domain", "data_type"],
+ Nodes.TextureCoord: ["from_instancer"],
+ Nodes.PrincipledBSDF: ["distribution", "subsurface_method"],
+ Nodes.Mapping: ["vector_type"],
+ Nodes.MapRange: ["data_type", "interpolation_type", "clamp"],
Nodes.ColorRamp: [], # Color ramp properties are set in special_case_colorramp, since they are nested
- Nodes.MixRGB: ['blend_type'],
- Nodes.Mix: ['data_type', 'blend_type', 'clamp_result', 'clamp_factor'],
- Nodes.AccumulateField: ['data_type'],
- Nodes.CombineRGB: ['mode'],
- Nodes.CombineColor: ['mode'],
- Nodes.SeparateColor: ['mode'],
- Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces: ['distribute_method'],
- Nodes.CollectionInfo: ['transform_space'],
- Nodes.RandomValue: ['data_type'],
- Nodes.Switch: ['input_type'],
- Nodes.TransferAttribute: ['data_type', 'mapping'],
- Nodes.SeparateGeometry: ['domain'],
- Nodes.MergeByDistance: ['mode'],
- Nodes.Integer: ['integer'],
- Nodes.MeshBoolean: ['operation'],
- Nodes.MeshCircle: ['fill_type'],
- Nodes.CurveSplineType: ['spline_type'],
- Nodes.SetHandlePositions: ['mode'],
- Nodes.SetHandleType: ['handle_type', 'mode'],
- Nodes.NamedAttribute: ['data_type'],
- Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute: ['data_type', 'domain'],
- Nodes.CurveToPoints: ['mode'],
- Nodes.FillCurve: ['mode'],
- Nodes.ResampleCurve: ['mode'],
- Nodes.TrimCurve: ['mode'],
- Nodes.MeshLine: ['mode'],
- Nodes.MeshToPoints: ['mode'],
- Nodes.DeleteGeom: ['mode'],
- Nodes.Proximity: ['target_element'],
- Nodes.CurveCircle: ['mode'],
- Nodes.SampleCurve: ['mode'],
- Nodes.BezierSegment: ['mode'],
- Nodes.CurveLine: ['mode'],
- Nodes.ExtrudeMesh: ['mode'],
- Nodes.Raycast: ['data_type', 'mapping'],
- Nodes.AlignEulerToVector: ['axis', 'pivot_axis'],
- Nodes.VectorRotate: ['invert', 'rotation_type'],
- Nodes.RotateEuler: ['space', 'type'],
- Nodes.DuplicateElements: ['domain'],
- Nodes.SeparateRGB: ['mode'],
- Nodes.SeparateColor: ['mode'],
- Nodes.DomainSize: ['component']
+ Nodes.MixRGB: ["blend_type"],
+ Nodes.Mix: ["data_type", "blend_type", "clamp_result", "clamp_factor"],
+ Nodes.AccumulateField: ["data_type"],
+ Nodes.CombineRGB: ["mode"],
+ Nodes.CombineColor: ["mode"],
+ Nodes.SeparateColor: ["mode"],
+ Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces: ["distribute_method"],
+ Nodes.CollectionInfo: ["transform_space"],
+ Nodes.RandomValue: ["data_type"],
+ Nodes.Switch: ["input_type"],
+ Nodes.TransferAttribute: ["data_type", "mapping"],
+ Nodes.SeparateGeometry: ["domain"],
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance: ["mode"],
+ Nodes.Integer: ["integer"],
+ Nodes.MeshBoolean: ["operation"],
+ Nodes.MeshCircle: ["fill_type"],
+ Nodes.CurveSplineType: ["spline_type"],
+ Nodes.SetHandlePositions: ["mode"],
+ Nodes.SetHandleType: ["handle_type", "mode"],
+ Nodes.NamedAttribute: ["data_type"],
+ Nodes.StoreNamedAttribute: ["data_type", "domain"],
+ Nodes.CurveToPoints: ["mode"],
+ Nodes.FillCurve: ["mode"],
+ Nodes.ResampleCurve: ["mode"],
+ Nodes.TrimCurve: ["mode"],
+ Nodes.MeshLine: ["mode"],
+ Nodes.MeshToPoints: ["mode"],
+ Nodes.DeleteGeom: ["mode"],
+ Nodes.Proximity: ["target_element"],
+ Nodes.CurveCircle: ["mode"],
+ Nodes.SampleCurve: ["mode"],
+ Nodes.BezierSegment: ["mode"],
+ Nodes.CurveLine: ["mode"],
+ Nodes.ExtrudeMesh: ["mode"],
+ Nodes.Raycast: ["data_type", "mapping"],
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector: ["axis", "pivot_axis"],
+ Nodes.VectorRotate: ["invert", "rotation_type"],
+ Nodes.RotateEuler: ["space", "type"],
+ Nodes.DuplicateElements: ["domain"],
+ Nodes.SeparateRGB: ["mode"],
+ Nodes.SeparateColor: ["mode"],
+ Nodes.DomainSize: ["component"],
# Certain nodes should only be created once. This list defines which ones.
-SINGLETON_NODES = [Nodes.GroupInput, Nodes.GroupOutput, Nodes.MaterialOutput, Nodes.WorldOutput, Nodes.Viewer,
- Nodes.Composite, Nodes.RenderLayers, Nodes.LightOutput]
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ Nodes.WorldOutput,
+ Nodes.Viewer,
+ Nodes.Composite,
+ Nodes.RenderLayers,
+ Nodes.LightOutput,
# Map the type of a socket (ie, .outputs[0].type), to the corresponding value to put into a
# data_type attr, ie CaptureAttributes data_type. Frustratingly these are not directly related.
- 'INT': 'INT',
+ "INT": "INT",
- 'NodeSocketFloat': 'FLOAT',
- 'NodeSocketInt': 'INT',
- 'NodeSocketVector': 'FLOAT_VECTOR',
- 'NodeSocketColor': 'RGBA',
- 'NodeSocketBool': 'BOOLEAN'
+ "NodeSocketFloat": "FLOAT",
+ "NodeSocketInt": "INT",
+ "NodeSocketVector": "FLOAT_VECTOR",
+ "NodeSocketColor": "RGBA",
+ "NodeSocketBool": "BOOLEAN",
-NODECLASSES = [k for k in dir(bpy.types) if 'NodeSocket' in k]
+NODECLASSES = [k for k in dir(bpy.types) if "NodeSocket" in k]
- int: 'INT',
- float: 'FLOAT',
- np.float32: 'FLOAT',
- np.float64: 'FLOAT',
- np.array: 'FLOAT_VECTOR',
- bool: 'BOOLEAN'
+ int: "INT",
+ float: "FLOAT",
+ np.float32: "FLOAT",
+ np.float64: "FLOAT",
+ np.array: "FLOAT_VECTOR",
+ bool: "BOOLEAN",
DATATYPE_TO_PYTYPE = {v: k for k, v in PYTYPE_TO_DATATYPE.items()}
@@ -408,18 +401,18 @@ class Nodes:
- 'FLOAT': 1,
- 'INT': 1,
- 'FLOAT2': 2,
- 'BOOLEAN': 1,
- 'INT32_2D': 2
+ "FLOAT": 1,
+ "INT": 1,
+ "FLOAT2": 2,
+ "BOOLEAN": 1,
+ "INT32_2D": 2,
- 'FLOAT': 'value',
- 'INT': 'value',
- 'FLOAT_VECTOR': 'vector',
- 'FLOAT_COLOR': 'color',
- 'BOOLEAN': 'value',
+ "FLOAT": "value",
+ "INT": "value",
+ "FLOAT_VECTOR": "vector",
+ "FLOAT_COLOR": "color",
+ "BOOLEAN": "value",
diff --git a/infinigen/core/nodes/node_transpiler/transpiler.py b/infinigen/core/nodes/node_transpiler/transpiler.py
index 2a6d33f65..d0152299a 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/nodes/node_transpiler/transpiler.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/nodes/node_transpiler/transpiler.py
@@ -1,50 +1,98 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Alexander Raistrick: primary author
# - Alejandro Newell, Lingjie Mei: bugfixes
-import pdb
+import importlib
+import keyword
import logging
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
-import keyword
-import importlib
import bpy
-import bpy_types
import mathutils
import numpy as np
-from ..node_info import Nodes, OUTPUT_NODE_IDS, SINGLETON_NODES
+from ..node_info import OUTPUT_NODE_IDS, SINGLETON_NODES, Nodes
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-VERSION = '2.6.5'
-indent_string = ' ' * 4
+VERSION = "2.6.5"
+indent_string = " " * 4
LINE_LEN = 100
-COMMON_ATTR_NAMES = ['data_type', 'mode', 'operation']
+COMMON_ATTR_NAMES = ["data_type", "mode", "operation"]
VALUE_NODES = [Nodes.Value, Nodes.Vector, Nodes.RGB, Nodes.InputColor, Nodes.Integer]
- 'show_preview', '__module__', 'is_registered_node_type', 'bl_rna', 'poll', 'name',
- 'internal_links', 'dimensions', 'parent', 'bl_width_max', 'label', 'input_template',
- 'show_texture', 'rna_type', 'width_hidden', 'show_options', 'location', 'outputs',
- 'use_custom_color', '__doc__', 'width', 'bl_width_default', 'inputs', 'bl_idname',
- 'socket_value_update', 'bl_width_min', 'color', 'bl_height_max', '__slots__', 'select',
- 'mute', 'bl_height_default', 'bl_static_type', 'bl_height_min', 'height', 'bl_label',
- 'bl_icon', 'hide', 'output_template', 'poll_instance', 'draw_buttons_ext', 'type',
- 'bl_description', 'draw_buttons', 'update'
- 'color_ramp', 'mapping', 'vector', 'color', 'integer', 'texture_mapping', 'color_mapping',
- 'image_user', 'interface', 'node_tree', 'tag_need_exec'
+ [
+ "show_preview",
+ "__module__",
+ "is_registered_node_type",
+ "bl_rna",
+ "poll",
+ "name",
+ "internal_links",
+ "dimensions",
+ "parent",
+ "bl_width_max",
+ "label",
+ "input_template",
+ "show_texture",
+ "rna_type",
+ "width_hidden",
+ "show_options",
+ "location",
+ "outputs",
+ "use_custom_color",
+ "__doc__",
+ "width",
+ "bl_width_default",
+ "inputs",
+ "bl_idname",
+ "socket_value_update",
+ "bl_width_min",
+ "color",
+ "bl_height_max",
+ "__slots__",
+ "select",
+ "mute",
+ "bl_height_default",
+ "bl_static_type",
+ "bl_height_min",
+ "height",
+ "bl_label",
+ "bl_icon",
+ "hide",
+ "output_template",
+ "poll_instance",
+ "draw_buttons_ext",
+ "type",
+ "bl_description",
+ "draw_buttons",
+ "update",
+ ]
+ [
+ "color_ramp",
+ "mapping",
+ "vector",
+ "color",
+ "integer",
+ "texture_mapping",
+ "color_mapping",
+ "image_user",
+ "interface",
+ "node_tree",
+ "tag_need_exec",
+ ]
def node_attrs_available(node):
attrs = set(node.__dir__())
@@ -53,11 +101,12 @@ def node_attrs_available(node):
logging.info(node.name, attrs)
return attrs
def indent(s):
- return indent_string + s.strip().replace('\n', f'\n{indent_string}')
+ return indent_string + s.strip().replace("\n", f"\n{indent_string}")
-def prefix(dependencies_used) -> str:
+def prefix(dependencies_used) -> str:
fixed_prefix = (
"import bpy\n"
"import mathutils\n"
@@ -68,81 +117,104 @@ def prefix(dependencies_used) -> str:
"from infinigen.core import surface\n"
- deps_table = [(ng_name, name_used[0]) for ng_name, name_used in dependencies_used.items() if name_used[1]]
+ deps_table = [
+ (ng_name, name_used[0])
+ for ng_name, name_used in dependencies_used.items()
+ if name_used[1]
+ ]
module_names = set(d[1] for d in deps_table)
deps_by_module = {n: [d[0] for d in deps_table if d[1] == n] for n in module_names}
- deps_prefix_lines = [f"from {name} import {', '.join(ngnames)}" for name, ngnames in deps_by_module.items()]
+ deps_prefix_lines = [
+ f"from {name} import {', '.join(ngnames)}"
+ for name, ngnames in deps_by_module.items()
+ ]
+ return fixed_prefix + "\n" + "\n".join(deps_prefix_lines)
- return fixed_prefix + '\n' + '\n'.join(deps_prefix_lines)
def postfix(funcnames, targets):
header = "def apply(obj, selection=None, **kwargs):\n"
- body = ''
+ body = ""
for funcname, target in zip(funcnames, targets):
idname = get_node_tree(target).bl_idname
- if idname == 'GeometryNodeTree':
- body += f'surface.add_geomod(obj, {funcname}, selection=selection, attributes=[])\n'
- elif idname == 'ShaderNodeTree':
- body += f'surface.add_material(obj, {funcname}, selection=selection)\n'
+ if idname == "GeometryNodeTree":
+ body += f"surface.add_geomod(obj, {funcname}, selection=selection, attributes=[])\n"
+ elif idname == "ShaderNodeTree":
+ body += f"surface.add_material(obj, {funcname}, selection=selection)\n"
- raise ValueError(f'Postfix couldnt handle {idname=}, please contact the developer')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Postfix couldnt handle {idname=}, please contact the developer"
+ )
return header + indent(body)
-def represent_default_value(val, simple=True):
- '''
+def represent_default_value(val, simple=True):
+ """
Attempt to create a python expression to represent val, which was the .default_value of some .input node
Unless simple=True, we may encounter things such as Materials which require transpiling.
- '''
+ """
- code = ''
+ code = ""
new_transpiler_targets = {}
- if isinstance(val, (str, int, bool, bpy.types.Object, bpy.types.Collection, set, bpy.types.Image)):
+ if isinstance(
+ val,
+ (str, int, bool, bpy.types.Object, bpy.types.Collection, set, bpy.types.Image),
+ ):
code = repr(val)
elif isinstance(val, (float)):
- code = f'{val:.4f}'
- elif isinstance(val, (tuple, bpy.types.bpy_prop_array, mathutils.Vector, mathutils.Euler)):
+ code = f"{val:.4f}"
+ elif isinstance(
+ val, (tuple, bpy.types.bpy_prop_array, mathutils.Vector, mathutils.Euler)
+ ):
code = represent_tuple(tuple(val))
elif isinstance(val, bpy.types.Collection):
- logger.warning(f'Encountered collection {repr(val.name)} as a default_value - please edit the code to remove this dependency on a collection already existing')
- code = f'bpy.data.collections[{repr(val.name)}]'
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Encountered collection {repr(val.name)} as a default_value - please edit the code to remove this dependency on a collection already existing"
+ )
+ code = f"bpy.data.collections[{repr(val.name)}]"
elif isinstance(val, bpy.types.Material):
if val.use_nodes:
funcname = get_func_name(val)
new_transpiler_targets[funcname] = val
- code = f'surface.shaderfunc_to_material({funcname})'
+ code = f"surface.shaderfunc_to_material({funcname})"
- logger.warning(f'Encountered material {val} but it has use_nodes=False')
+ logger.warning(f"Encountered material {val} but it has use_nodes=False")
code = repr(val)
elif val is None:
- logger.warning('Transpiler introduced a None into result script, this may not have been intended by the user')
- code = 'None'
+ logger.warning(
+ "Transpiler introduced a None into result script, this may not have been intended by the user"
+ )
+ code = "None"
- raise ValueError(f'represent_default_value was unable to handle {val=} with type {type(val)}, please contact the developer')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"represent_default_value was unable to handle {val=} with type {type(val)}, please contact the developer"
+ )
assert isinstance(code, str)
if simple:
if len(new_transpiler_targets) != 0:
- raise ValueError(f'Encountered {val=} while trying to represent_default_value with simple=True, please contact the developer')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Encountered {val=} while trying to represent_default_value with simple=True, please contact the developer"
+ )
return code
return code, new_transpiler_targets
-def has_default_value_changed(node_tree, node, value):
- '''
- Utility to check whether a given `value` of a `node` has been changed at all
- from its default, and hence to check whether we need to bother to add code to
+def has_default_value_changed(node_tree, node, value):
+ """
+ Utility to check whether a given `value` of a `node` has been changed at all
+ from its default, and hence to check whether we need to bother to add code to
set its value.
`value` is either an input socket of the node with a default_value, or just a
python variable name string to check
- '''
+ """
def compare(a, b):
a = np.array(a)
@@ -150,154 +222,170 @@ def compare(a, b):
return np.all(a == b)
temp_default_node = node_tree.nodes.new(node.bl_idname)
- if node.bl_idname.endswith('NodeGroup'):
+ if node.bl_idname.endswith("NodeGroup"):
temp_default_node.node_tree = node.node_tree
if isinstance(value, bpy.types.NodeSocket):
assert get_connected_link(node_tree, input_socket=value) is None
- assert hasattr(value, 'default_value')
+ assert hasattr(value, "default_value")
observed_val = value.default_value
- default_socket = [i for i in temp_default_node.inputs if i.identifier == value.identifier][0]
+ default_socket = [
+ i for i in temp_default_node.inputs if i.identifier == value.identifier
+ ][0]
default_val = default_socket.default_value
has_changed = not compare(observed_val, default_val)
elif isinstance(value, str):
assert hasattr(node, value)
- has_changed = not compare(getattr(node, value), getattr(temp_default_node, value))
+ has_changed = not compare(
+ getattr(node, value), getattr(temp_default_node, value)
+ )
- raise ValueError(f'Unexpected input {value=} in has_default_value_changed')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unexpected input {value=} in has_default_value_changed")
return has_changed
-def special_case_colorramp(node, varname):
+def special_case_colorramp(node, varname):
assert node.bl_idname == Nodes.ColorRamp
code = ""
cramp = node.color_ramp
- if cramp.interpolation != 'LINEAR': # dont bother if left at default
- code += f'{varname}.color_ramp.interpolation = \"{cramp.interpolation}\"\n'
+ if cramp.interpolation != "LINEAR": # dont bother if left at default
+ code += f'{varname}.color_ramp.interpolation = "{cramp.interpolation}"\n'
# add code to add new elements if need be
if len(cramp.elements) > 2:
- n_elements_needed =len(cramp.elements) - 2 # starts with 2 by default
+ n_elements_needed = len(cramp.elements) - 2 # starts with 2 by default
for _ in range(n_elements_needed):
- code += f'{varname}.color_ramp.elements.new(0)\n'
+ code += f"{varname}.color_ramp.elements.new(0)\n"
for i, ele in enumerate(cramp.elements):
- code += f'{varname}.color_ramp.elements[{i}].position = {ele.position:.4f}\n'
- code += f'{varname}.color_ramp.elements[{i}].color = {represent_list(ele.color)}\n'
+ code += f"{varname}.color_ramp.elements[{i}].position = {ele.position:.4f}\n"
+ code += (
+ f"{varname}.color_ramp.elements[{i}].color = {represent_list(ele.color)}\n"
+ )
return code
-def special_case_curve(node, varname):
+def special_case_curve(node, varname):
assert node.bl_idname in [Nodes.FloatCurve, Nodes.RGBCurve, Nodes.VectorCurve]
code = ""
for i, c in enumerate(node.mapping.curves):
points = [tuple(p.location) for p in c.points]
- args = [f'{varname}.mapping.curves[{i}]', represent_list(points)]
- if not all(p.handle_type == 'AUTO' for p in c.points):
- args.append(f'handles={repr([p.handle_type for p in c.points])}')
+ args = [f"{varname}.mapping.curves[{i}]", represent_list(points)]
+ if not all(p.handle_type == "AUTO" for p in c.points):
+ args.append(f"handles={repr([p.handle_type for p in c.points])}")
code += f"node_utils.assign_curve({', '.join(args)})\n"
return code
-def represent_label_value_expression(expression):
- '''
+def represent_label_value_expression(expression):
+ """
When the user puts "var ~ N(0, 1)" or something of the like as the label of their node,
this function parses everything after the ~ into a python expression
Must be of form {operation}({argument})
- Valid operations:
+ Valid operations:
- U, uniform
- N, normal
- color, color_category
Valid arguments: str, float, list of float
- '''
+ """
def parse_arg(arg):
+ arg = arg.strip(" ,")
- arg = arg.strip(' ,')
- if arg.strip("\'\"").isalpha():
- return arg.strip("\'\"")
+ if arg.strip("'\"").isalpha():
+ return arg.strip("'\"")
return float(arg)
- except:
+ except ValueError:
- if arg.startswith('['):
- vals = arg.strip('[]').split(',')
+ if arg.startswith("["):
+ vals = arg.strip("[]").split(",")
return [parse_arg(v) for v in vals]
- raise ValueError(f'represent_label_value_expression had invalid argument {arg}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"represent_label_value_expression had invalid argument {arg}"
+ )
- matched_chars = {
- '\'': '\'',
- '\"': '\"',
- '[': ']'
- }
- def parse_args(arg_str):
+ matched_chars = {"'": "'", '"': '"', "[": "]"}
+ def parse_args(arg_str):
args = []
remaining = arg_str
while len(remaining) != 0:
+ remaining = remaining.strip(", ")
- remaining = remaining.strip(', ')
- search_for = matched_chars.get(remaining[0], ',')
- next_idx = remaining[1:].index(search_for) + 1 if search_for in remaining else len(remaining)
- arg = remaining[:next_idx+1]
- remaining = remaining[next_idx+1:]
+ search_for = matched_chars.get(remaining[0], ",")
+ next_idx = (
+ remaining[1:].index(search_for) + 1
+ if search_for in remaining
+ else len(remaining)
+ )
+ arg = remaining[: next_idx + 1]
+ remaining = remaining[next_idx + 1 :]
except ValueError:
- raise ValueError(f'Could not parse node label expression {repr(arg_str)}, item {repr(arg)} was not a valid argument')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Could not parse node label expression {repr(arg_str)}, item {repr(arg)} was not a valid argument"
+ )
return args
- op, args = expression.split('(')
+ op, args = expression.split("(")
op = op.strip()
- args = parse_args(args.strip(')'))
+ args = parse_args(args.strip(")"))
- if op in ['N', 'normal', 'U', 'uniform', 'R', 'randint']:
+ if op in ["N", "normal", "U", "uniform", "R", "randint"]:
if not len(args) == 2:
- raise ValueError(f'In {expression=}, expected 2 arguments, got {len(args)} instead')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"In {expression=}, expected 2 arguments, got {len(args)} instead"
+ )
funcname = {
- 'N': 'normal', 'normal': 'normal',
- 'U': 'uniform', 'uniform': 'uniform',
- 'R': 'randint', 'randint': 'randint'
+ "N": "normal",
+ "normal": "normal",
+ "U": "uniform",
+ "uniform": "uniform",
+ "R": "randint",
+ "randint": "randint",
- args = ', '.join(repr(a) for a in args)
- return f'{funcname}({args})'
+ args = ", ".join(repr(a) for a in args)
+ return f"{funcname}({args})"
- elif op in ['color', 'color_category']:
+ elif op in ["color", "color_category"]:
if not len(args) == 1:
- raise ValueError(f'In {expression=}, expected 1 argument, got {len(args)} instead')
- return f'color_category({repr(args[0])})'
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"In {expression=}, expected 1 argument, got {len(args)} instead"
+ )
+ return f"color_category({repr(args[0])})"
- raise ValueError(f'Failed to represent_label_value_expression({expression=}), unrecognized {op=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Failed to represent_label_value_expression({expression=}), unrecognized {op=}"
+ )
-def special_case_value(node, varname):
- code = ''
+def special_case_value(node, varname):
+ code = ""
# Determine value expression
- if node.label and '~' in node.label:
- labelname, expression = node.label.split('~')
+ if node.label and "~" in node.label:
+ labelname, expression = node.label.split("~")
value_expr = represent_label_value_expression(expression)
if node.bl_idname in [Nodes.Value, Nodes.RGB]:
@@ -309,71 +397,83 @@ def special_case_value(node, varname):
elif node.bl_idname == Nodes.Integer:
val = node.integer
- raise ValueError(f'special_case_value called on unrecognized {node.bl_idname=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"special_case_value called on unrecognized {node.bl_idname=}"
+ )
value_expr = represent_default_value(val, simple=True)
# set value
if node.bl_idname in [Nodes.Value, Nodes.RGB]:
- code += f'{varname}.outputs[0].default_value = {value_expr}\n'
+ code += f"{varname}.outputs[0].default_value = {value_expr}\n"
elif node.bl_idname == Nodes.Vector:
- code += f'{varname}.vector = {value_expr}\n'
+ code += f"{varname}.vector = {value_expr}\n"
elif node.bl_idname == Nodes.InputColor:
- code += f'{varname}.color = {value_expr}\n'
+ code += f"{varname}.color = {value_expr}\n"
elif node.bl_idname == Nodes.Integer:
- code += f'{varname}.integer = {value_expr}\n'
+ code += f"{varname}.integer = {value_expr}\n"
- raise ValueError(f'special_case_value called on unrecognized {node.bl_idname=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"special_case_value called on unrecognized {node.bl_idname=}")
return code
def get_connected_link(node_tree, input_socket):
links = [l for l in node_tree.links if l.to_socket == input_socket]
return None if len(links) == 0 else links
-def create_attrs_dict(node_tree, node):
- '''
+def create_attrs_dict(node_tree, node):
+ """
Create a dict to be passed into the attrs=... kwarg of NodeWrangler.new_node
IE, the dict should represent all the properties of `node` that need to be set
but are NOT part of node.inputs - things like setting what operation a math node
does, or how a mix node should mix its inputs.
- '''
+ """
attr_names = node_attrs_available(node)
- if hasattr(node, a) and not a in attr_names:
- raise ValueError(f'{node.bl_idname=} has attr {repr(a)} but it is not listed in node_info.NODE_ATTRS_AVAILABLE, please add it to avoid incorrect behavior')
+ if hasattr(node, a) and a not in attr_names:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"{node.bl_idname=} has attr {repr(a)} but it is not listed in node_info.NODE_ATTRS_AVAILABLE, please add it to avoid incorrect behavior"
+ )
# Check that the dict is correct / doesnt contain typos
for a in attr_names:
if not hasattr(node, a):
nodetype_expr = get_nodetype_expression(node)
- raise ValueError(f"attrs_available[{nodetype_expr} is incorrect, real node {node} did not have an attribute '{a}' - please contact the developer")
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"attrs_available[{nodetype_expr} is incorrect, real node {node} did not have an attribute '{a}' - please contact the developer"
+ )
# Filter out the attrs which havent been changed from their default values -
# clearly we dont need to set these ones manually, so we can save code verbosity
- attr_names = [a for a in attr_names if has_default_value_changed(node_tree, node, a)]
+ attr_names = [
+ a for a in attr_names if has_default_value_changed(node_tree, node, a)
+ ]
- return {repr(k): represent_default_value(getattr(node, k), simple=True) for k in attr_names}
+ return {
+ repr(k): represent_default_value(getattr(node, k), simple=True)
+ for k in attr_names
+ }
-def create_inputs_dict(node_tree, node, memo):
- '''
+def create_inputs_dict(node_tree, node, memo):
+ """
Produce some `code` that instantiates all node INPUTS to `node`,
as well as a python dict `inputs_dict` containing all the variable
- names that should be used to refer to each of the inputs we instantiated
- '''
+ names that should be used to refer to each of the inputs we instantiated
+ """
inputs_dict = {}
code = ""
def update_inputs(i, k, v):
- is_input_name_unique = ([socket.name for socket in node.inputs].count(k) == 1)
+ is_input_name_unique = [socket.name for socket in node.inputs].count(k) == 1
k = repr(k) if is_input_name_unique else i
- if not k in inputs_dict:
+ if k not in inputs_dict:
inputs_dict[k] = v
if not isinstance(inputs_dict[k], list):
@@ -385,25 +485,31 @@ def update_inputs(i, k, v):
links = get_connected_link(node_tree, input_socket)
if links is None:
- if hasattr(input_socket, 'default_value'):
+ if hasattr(input_socket, "default_value"):
if not has_default_value_changed(node_tree, node, input_socket):
- input_expression, targets = represent_default_value(input_socket.default_value, simple=False)
+ input_expression, targets = represent_default_value(
+ input_socket.default_value, simple=False
+ )
update_inputs(i, input_name, input_expression)
for link in links:
if not link.from_socket.enabled:
- logger.warning(f'Transpiler encountered link from disabled socket {link.from_socket}, ignoring it')
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Transpiler encountered link from disabled socket {link.from_socket}, ignoring it"
+ )
if not link.to_socket.enabled:
- logger.warning(f'Transpiler encountered link to disabled socket {link.to_socket}, ignoring it')
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Transpiler encountered link to disabled socket {link.to_socket}, ignoring it"
+ )
input_varname, input_code, targets = create_node(
- node_tree, link.from_node, memo)
+ node_tree, link.from_node, memo
+ )
code += input_code
@@ -411,124 +517,138 @@ def update_inputs(i, k, v):
input_expression = input_varname
socket_name = link.from_socket.name
- input_expression = f"{input_varname}.outputs[\"{socket_name}\"]"
+ input_expression = f'{input_varname}.outputs["{socket_name}"]'
# Catch shared socket output names
- if link.from_node.outputs[socket_name].identifier != link.from_socket.identifier:
- from_idx = [i for i, o in enumerate(link.from_node.outputs) if o.identifier == link.from_socket.identifier][0]
+ if (
+ link.from_node.outputs[socket_name].identifier
+ != link.from_socket.identifier
+ ):
+ from_idx = [
+ i
+ for i, o in enumerate(link.from_node.outputs)
+ if o.identifier == link.from_socket.identifier
+ ][0]
input_expression = f"{input_varname}.outputs[{from_idx}]"
update_inputs(i, input_name, input_expression)
return inputs_dict, code, new_transpile_targets
def repr_iter_val(v):
if isinstance(v, list):
return represent_list(v)
elif isinstance(v, str):
- return v # String are assumed to be code variables to get passed through
+ return v # String are assumed to be code variables to get passed through
return represent_default_value(v, simple=True)
-def represent_list(inputs, spacing=' '):
+def represent_list(inputs, spacing=" "):
inputs = [repr_iter_val(x) for x in inputs]
- return '[' + f",{spacing}".join(inputs) + ']'
+ return "[" + f",{spacing}".join(inputs) + "]"
-def represent_tuple(inputs, spacing=' '):
+def represent_tuple(inputs, spacing=" "):
inputs = [repr_iter_val(x) for x in inputs]
for x in inputs:
assert isinstance(x, str), x
- return '(' + f",{spacing}".join(inputs) + ')'
+ return "(" + f",{spacing}".join(inputs) + ")"
-def represent_dict(inputs_dict, spacing=' '):
- vals = f',{spacing}'.join(f"{k}: {repr_iter_val(v)}"
- for k, v in inputs_dict.items())
- return '{' + vals + '}'
-def get_varname(node, taken):
+def represent_dict(inputs_dict, spacing=" "):
+ vals = f",{spacing}".join(
+ f"{k}: {repr_iter_val(v)}" for k, v in inputs_dict.items()
+ )
+ return "{" + vals + "}"
- '''
+def get_varname(node, taken):
+ """
Choose a sensible python variable name to represent `node`,
notably one which isnt in the list of already used variable names `taken`
- '''
+ """
if node.label:
- name = node.label.split('~')[0].strip() # remove any allowed postprocessor flags
+ name = node.label.split("~")[
+ 0
+ ].strip() # remove any allowed postprocessor flags
name = snake_case(name)
- elif hasattr(node, 'operation'):
+ elif hasattr(node, "operation"):
# name the math nodes after their operations, for readability
name = snake_case(node.operation.lower())
elif node.bl_idname == "GeometryNodeGroup":
name = snake_case(node.node_tree.name.lower())
# for all other nodes, use the node.name, which should be unique to this node
- name, *rest = node.name.split('.')
- name = name.lower().replace(' ', '_')
+ name, *rest = node.name.split(".")
+ name = name.lower().replace(" ", "_")
if len(rest) > 0:
assert len(rest) == 1
- name += '_' + str(int(rest[0]))
+ name += "_" + str(int(rest[0]))
- name = re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z_]+', '_', name)
- name = re.sub('_+', '_', name)
- name = name.strip('_')
+ name = re.sub("[^0-9a-zA-Z_]+", "_", name)
+ name = re.sub("_+", "_", name)
+ name = name.strip("_")
if keyword.iskeyword(name):
- name = 'op_' + name
+ name = "op_" + name
if name in taken:
i = 1
- while f'{name}_{i}' in taken:
+ while f"{name}_{i}" in taken:
i += 1
- name = f'{name}_{i}'
+ name = f"{name}_{i}"
return name
-def get_nodetype_expression(node):
- '''
+def get_nodetype_expression(node):
+ """
Produce a python expression to be passed into the node_type input of
IE, return either the node.bl_idname, or an alias for that name if one exists
- '''
+ """
id = node.bl_idname
- lookup = {getattr(Nodes, k): k for k in dir(Nodes) if not k.startswith('__')}
+ lookup = {getattr(Nodes, k): k for k in dir(Nodes) if not k.startswith("__")}
if id in lookup:
- return f'Nodes.{lookup[id]}'
- elif id.endswith('NodeGroup'):
+ return f"Nodes.{lookup[id]}"
+ elif id.endswith("NodeGroup"):
return repr(node.node_tree.name)
- node_name = node.name.split('.')[0].replace(' ', '')
+ node_name = node.name.split(".")[0].replace(" ", "")
- f'Please add an alias for \"{id}\" in nodes.node_info.Nodes.'
- f'\n\t Suggestion: {node_name} = {repr(id)}'
+ f'Please add an alias for "{id}" in nodes.node_info.Nodes.'
+ f"\n\t Suggestion: {node_name} = {repr(id)}"
return repr(id)
-def create_node(node_tree, node, memo):
+def create_node(node_tree, node, memo):
if node.name in memo:
return memo[node.name], "", {}
idname = node.bl_idname
if idname in SINGLETON_NODES:
for n in memo:
if node_tree.nodes[n].bl_idname == idname:
return memo[n], "", {}
code = ""
new_transpile_targets = {}
new_node_args = []
- if node.bl_idname.endswith('NodeGroup'):
+ if node.bl_idname.endswith("NodeGroup"):
# node group will be transpiled to a function, then the funcname will be mapped to the nodegroup name by a decorator
funcname = get_func_name(node)
new_transpile_targets[funcname] = node
- nodetype_expr = f'{funcname}().name'
+ nodetype_expr = f"{funcname}().name"
nodetype_expr = get_nodetype_expression(node)
@@ -538,35 +658,41 @@ def create_node(node_tree, node, memo):
code += inputs_code
if len(inputs_dict) > 0:
- new_node_args.append(f'input_kwargs={represent_dict(inputs_dict)}')
+ new_node_args.append(f"input_kwargs={represent_dict(inputs_dict)}")
if node.label:
- new_node_args.append(f'label={repr(node.label)}')
+ new_node_args.append(f"label={repr(node.label)}")
# Special case: input node
if node.bl_idname == Nodes.GroupInput:
all_inps = []
for inp in node_tree.inputs:
- repr_val, targets = represent_default_value(inp.default_value, simple=False) if hasattr(inp, 'default_value') else (None, {})
+ repr_val, targets = (
+ represent_default_value(inp.default_value, simple=False)
+ if hasattr(inp, "default_value")
+ else (None, {})
+ )
- all_inps.append(f'({repr(inp.bl_socket_idname)}, {repr(inp.name)}, {repr_val})')
+ all_inps.append(
+ f"({repr(inp.bl_socket_idname)}, {repr(inp.name)}, {repr_val})"
+ )
- args = represent_list(all_inps, spacing='\n'+2*indent_string)
+ args = represent_list(all_inps, spacing="\n" + 2 * indent_string)
# Add code to set the correct 'attrs', ie set the math operations
attrs_dict = create_attrs_dict(node_tree, node)
if len(attrs_dict) > 0:
- new_node_args.append(f'attrs={represent_dict(attrs_dict)}')
+ new_node_args.append(f"attrs={represent_dict(attrs_dict)}")
# Compose the final nw.new_node() function call
varname = get_varname(node, taken=list(memo.values()))
if sum(len(x) for x in new_node_args) > LINE_LEN:
- arg_sep = ',\n' + indent_string
+ arg_sep = ",\n" + indent_string
- arg_sep = ', '
+ arg_sep = ", "
new_node_args_str = arg_sep.join(new_node_args)
- code += f'{varname} = nw.new_node({new_node_args_str})\n'
+ code += f"{varname} = nw.new_node({new_node_args_str})\n"
# Handle various special case nodes that dont behave like the others
if node.bl_idname == Nodes.ColorRamp:
@@ -576,31 +702,33 @@ def create_node(node_tree, node, memo):
elif node.bl_idname in VALUE_NODES:
code += special_case_value(node, varname)
- code += '\n'
+ code += "\n"
memo[node.name] = varname
return varname, code, new_transpile_targets
-def get_node_tree(target):
- '''
+def get_node_tree(target):
+ """
Blender stores the node tree as a either 'node_group' or 'node_tree' depending on what the target is
- '''
+ """
- if hasattr(target, 'bl_idname') and target.bl_idname.endswith('NodeGroup'):
+ if hasattr(target, "bl_idname") and target.bl_idname.endswith("NodeGroup"):
return target.node_tree
elif isinstance(target, bpy.types.NodesModifier):
return target.node_group
elif isinstance(target, (bpy.types.Material, bpy.types.World, bpy.types.Scene)):
return target.node_tree
- raise ValueError(f'Couldnt infer node tree from {target=}, {type(target)=}, please contact the developer')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Couldnt infer node tree from {target=}, {type(target)=}, please contact the developer"
+ )
-def write_function_body(target):
- '''
+def write_function_body(target):
+ """
Construct a python function body which will produce the node_tree of the `target`
- '''
+ """
output_node_id = OUTPUT_NODE_IDS[type(target)]
node_tree = get_node_tree(target)
@@ -609,48 +737,53 @@ def write_function_body(target):
output_node = next(n for n in node_tree.nodes if n.bl_idname == output_node_id)
except StopIteration:
logging.info([n.bl_idname for n in node_tree.nodes])
- raise ValueError(f'Couldnt find expected {output_node_id=} for node tree type {node_tree.bl_idname=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Couldnt find expected {output_node_id=} for node tree type {node_tree.bl_idname=}"
+ )
memo = {}
- final_varname, code, new_transpile_targets = create_node(node_tree, output_node, memo)
+ final_varname, code, new_transpile_targets = create_node(
+ node_tree, output_node, memo
+ )
return code, new_transpile_targets
def snake_case(name):
- name = name.replace(' ', '_').replace('.', '_')
- name = re.sub(r'(? 1).any():
raise ValueError(
- f'expose_input with {names} features duplicate entries. in bl3.5 this is invalid.')
+ f"expose_input with {names} features duplicate entries. in bl3.5 this is invalid."
+ )
for inp in expose_input:
nodeclass, name, val = inp
self.expose_input(name, val=val, dtype=nodeclass)
return node
- def expose_input(self, name, val=None, attribute=None, dtype=None, use_namednode=False):
- '''
+ def expose_input(
+ self, name, val=None, attribute=None, dtype=None, use_namednode=False
+ ):
+ """
Expose an input to the nodegroups interface, making it able to be specified externally
If this nodegroup is
- '''
+ """
if attribute is not None:
if self.modifier is None and val is None:
raise ValueError(
- 'Attempted to use expose_input(attribute=...) on NodeWrangler constructed from '
- 'node_tree.\n'
- 'Please construct by passing in the modifier instead, or specify expose_input(val=..., '
- 'attribute=...) to provide a fallback')
+ "Attempted to use expose_input(attribute=...) on NodeWrangler constructed from "
+ "node_tree.\n"
+ "Please construct by passing in the modifier instead, or specify expose_input(val=..., "
+ "attribute=...) to provide a fallback"
+ )
if use_namednode:
assert dtype is not None
- return self.new_node(Nodes.NamedAttribute, [name], attrs={'data_type': dtype})
+ return self.new_node(
+ Nodes.NamedAttribute, [name], attrs={"data_type": dtype}
+ )
group_input = self.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput) # will reuse singleton
@@ -263,40 +306,41 @@ def prepare_cast(to_type, val):
return val
if val is not None:
- if not hasattr(inp, 'default_value') or inp.default_value is None:
+ if not hasattr(inp, "default_value") or inp.default_value is None:
raise ValueError(
- f'expose_input() recieved {val=} but inp {inp} does not expect a default_value')
+ f"expose_input() recieved {val=} but inp {inp} does not expect a default_value"
+ )
inp.default_value = prepare_cast(type(inp.default_value), val)
if self.modifier is not None:
id = inp.identifier
if val is not None:
curr_mod_inp_val = self.modifier[id]
- if hasattr(curr_mod_inp_val, 'real'):
+ if hasattr(curr_mod_inp_val, "real"):
self.modifier[id] = prepare_cast(type(curr_mod_inp_val.real), val)
if attribute is not None:
- self.modifier[f'{id}_attribute_name'] = attribute
- self.modifier[f'{id}_use_attribute'] = 1
+ self.modifier[f"{id}_attribute_name"] = attribute
+ self.modifier[f"{id}_use_attribute"] = 1
assert len([o for o in group_input.outputs if o.name == name]) == 1
return group_input.outputs[name]
def _infer_nodeclass_from_args(dtype, val=None):
- '''
+ """
We will allow the user to request a 'dtype' that is a python type, blender datatype, or blender
All of these must be mapped to some node_info.NODECLASS in order to create a node.
Optionally, we can try to infer a nodeclass from the type of a provided `val`
- '''
+ """
if dtype is None:
if val is not None:
datatype = node_info.PYTYPE_TO_DATATYPE[type(val)]
# assert attribute is not None
- datatype = 'FLOAT_VECTOR'
+ datatype = "FLOAT_VECTOR"
return node_info.DATATYPE_TO_NODECLASS[datatype]
if dtype in node_info.NODECLASSES:
@@ -307,29 +351,34 @@ def _infer_nodeclass_from_args(dtype, val=None):
elif dtype in node_info.PYTYPE_TO_DATATYPE:
datatype = node_info.PYTYPE_TO_DATATYPE[dtype]
- raise ValueError(f'Could not parse {dtype=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Could not parse {dtype=}")
return node_info.DATATYPE_TO_NODECLASS[datatype]
def _update_socket(self, input_socket, input_item):
output_socket = infer_output_socket(input_item)
- if output_socket is None and hasattr(input_socket, 'default_value'):
+ if output_socket is None and hasattr(input_socket, "default_value"):
# we couldnt parse the inp to be any kind of node, it must be a default_value for us to assign
input_socket.default_value = input_item
except TypeError as e:
- print(f'TypeError while assigning {input_item=} as default_value for {input_socket.name}')
+ print(
+ f"TypeError while assigning {input_item=} as default_value for {input_socket.name}"
+ )
raise e
self.links.new(output_socket, input_socket)
def connect_input(self, input_socket, input_item):
- if isinstance(input_item, list) and any(infer_output_socket(i) is not None for i in input_item):
+ if isinstance(input_item, list) and any(
+ infer_output_socket(i) is not None for i in input_item
+ ):
if not input_socket.is_multi_input:
raise ValueError(
- f'list of sockets {input_item} is not valid to connect to {input_socket} as it is not a '
- f'valid multi-input socket')
+ f"list of sockets {input_item} is not valid to connect to {input_socket} as it is not a "
+ f"valid multi-input socket"
+ )
for inp in input_item:
self._update_socket(input_socket, inp)
@@ -343,14 +392,17 @@ def _make_node(self, node_type):
except StopIteration:
node = self.nodes.new(node_type)
elif node_type in bpy.data.node_groups:
- assert node_type not in [getattr(Nodes, k) for k in dir(Nodes) if not k.startswith(
- '__')], f'Someone has made a node_group named {node_type}, which is also the name of a ' \
- f'regular node'
+ assert node_type not in [
+ getattr(Nodes, k) for k in dir(Nodes) if not k.startswith("__")
+ ], (
+ f"Someone has made a node_group named {node_type}, which is also the name of a "
+ f"regular node"
+ )
nodegroup_type = {
- 'ShaderNodeTree': 'ShaderNodeGroup',
- 'GeometryNodeTree': 'GeometryNodeGroup',
- 'CompositorNodeTree': 'CompositorNodeGroup'
+ "ShaderNodeTree": "ShaderNodeGroup",
+ "GeometryNodeTree": "GeometryNodeGroup",
+ "CompositorNodeTree": "CompositorNodeGroup",
node = self.nodes.new(nodegroup_type)
@@ -361,7 +413,7 @@ def _make_node(self, node_type):
return node
def get_position_translation_seed(self, i):
- if not i in self.position_translation_seed:
+ if i not in self.position_translation_seed:
self.position_translation_seed[i] = random_vector3()
return self.position_translation_seed[i]
@@ -370,32 +422,52 @@ def find(self, name):
def find_recursive(self, name):
return [(self, n) for n in self.find(name)] + sum(
- (NodeWrangler(n.node_tree).find_recursive(name) for n in self.nodes if n.type == 'GROUP'), [])
+ (
+ NodeWrangler(n.node_tree).find_recursive(name)
+ for n in self.nodes
+ if n.type == "GROUP"
+ ),
+ [],
+ )
def find_from(self, to_socket):
return [l for l in self.links if l.to_socket == to_socket]
def find_from_recursive(self, name):
return [(self, n) for n in self.find(name)] + sum(
- (NodeWrangler(n.node_tree).find_from_recursive(name) for n in self.nodes if n.type == 'GROUP'), [])
+ (
+ NodeWrangler(n.node_tree).find_from_recursive(name)
+ for n in self.nodes
+ if n.type == "GROUP"
+ ),
+ [],
+ )
def find_to(self, from_socket):
return [l for l in self.links if l.from_socket == from_socket]
def find_to_recursive(self, name):
return [(self, n) for n in self.find(name)] + sum(
- (NodeWrangler(n.node_tree).find_to_recursive(name) for n in self.nodes if n.type == 'GROUP'), [])
+ (
+ NodeWrangler(n.node_tree).find_to_recursive(name)
+ for n in self.nodes
+ if n.type == "GROUP"
+ ),
+ [],
+ )
def is_socket(node):
- return isinstance(node, bpy.types.NodeSocket) or isinstance(node, bpy.types.Node)
+ return isinstance(node, bpy.types.NodeSocket) or isinstance(
+ node, bpy.types.Node
+ )
def is_vector_socket(node):
if isinstance(node, bpy.types.Node):
node = [o for o in node.outputs if o.enabled][0]
if isinstance(node, bpy.types.NodeSocket):
- return 'VECTOR' in node.type
+ return "VECTOR" in node.type
return isinstance(node, Iterable)
def add2(self, *nodes):
@@ -474,38 +546,63 @@ def scale(self, *nodes):
x, y = y, x
elif isinstance(y, Iterable):
x, y = y, x
- return self.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={'Vector': x, 'Scale': y},
- attrs={"operation": "SCALE"})
+ return self.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={"Vector": x, "Scale": y},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
def dot(self, *nodes):
- return self.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, attrs={'operation': 'DOT_PRODUCT'}, input_args=nodes)
+ return self.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, attrs={"operation": "DOT_PRODUCT"}, input_args=nodes
+ )
def math(self, node_type, *nodes):
- return self.new_node(Nodes.Math, attrs={'operation': node_type}, input_args=nodes)
+ return self.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math, attrs={"operation": node_type}, input_args=nodes
+ )
def vector_math(self, node_type, *nodes):
- return self.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, attrs={'operation': node_type}, input_args=nodes)
+ return self.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, attrs={"operation": node_type}, input_args=nodes
+ )
def boolean_math(self, node_type, *nodes):
- return self.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, attrs={'operation': node_type}, input_args=nodes)
+ return self.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath, attrs={"operation": node_type}, input_args=nodes
+ )
def compare(self, node_type, *nodes):
- return self.new_node(Nodes.Compare, attrs={'operation': node_type}, input_args=nodes)
+ return self.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare, attrs={"operation": node_type}, input_args=nodes
+ )
def compare_direction(self, node_type, x, y, angle):
- return self.new_node(Nodes.Compare, input_kwargs={'A': x, 'B': y, 'Angle': angle},
- attrs={'data_type': 'VECTOR', 'mode': 'DIRECTION', 'operation': node_type})
+ return self.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ input_kwargs={"A": x, "B": y, "Angle": angle},
+ attrs={"data_type": "VECTOR", "mode": "DIRECTION", "operation": node_type},
+ )
def bernoulli(self, prob, seed=None):
- if seed is None: seed = np.random.randint(1e5)
- return self.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={'Probability': prob, 'Seed': seed},
- attrs={'data_type': 'BOOLEAN'})
- def uniform(self, low=0., high=1., seed=None, data_type='FLOAT'):
- if seed is None: seed = np.random.randint(1e5)
- if isinstance(low, Iterable): data_type = 'FLOAT_VECTOR'
- return self.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue, input_kwargs={'Min': low, 'Max': high, 'Seed': seed},
- attrs={'data_type': data_type})
+ if seed is None:
+ seed = np.random.randint(1e5)
+ return self.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={"Probability": prob, "Seed": seed},
+ attrs={"data_type": "BOOLEAN"},
+ )
+ def uniform(self, low=0.0, high=1.0, seed=None, data_type="FLOAT"):
+ if seed is None:
+ seed = np.random.randint(1e5)
+ if isinstance(low, Iterable):
+ data_type = "FLOAT_VECTOR"
+ return self.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={"Min": low, "Max": high, "Seed": seed},
+ attrs={"data_type": data_type},
+ )
def combine(self, x, y, z):
return self.new_node(Nodes.CombineXYZ, [x, y, z])
@@ -513,37 +610,67 @@ def combine(self, x, y, z):
def separate(self, x):
return self.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, [x]).outputs
- def switch(self, pred, true, false, input_type='FLOAT'):
- return self.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={'Switch': pred, 'True': true, 'False': false},
- attrs={'input_type': input_type})
+ def switch(self, pred, true, false, input_type="FLOAT"):
+ return self.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={"Switch": pred, "True": true, "False": false},
+ attrs={"input_type": input_type},
+ )
def vector_switch(self, pred, true, false):
- return self.new_node(Nodes.Switch, input_kwargs={'Switch': pred, 'True': true, 'False': false},
- attrs={'input_type': 'VECTOR'})
+ return self.new_node(
+ Nodes.Switch,
+ input_kwargs={"Switch": pred, "True": true, "False": false},
+ attrs={"input_type": "VECTOR"},
+ )
def geometry2point(self, geometry):
- return self.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry, 'Distance': 100.})
+ return self.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry, "Distance": 100.0},
+ )
def position2point(self, position):
- return self.new_node(Nodes.MeshLine, input_kwargs={'Count': 1, 'Start Location': position})
+ return self.new_node(
+ Nodes.MeshLine, input_kwargs={"Count": 1, "Start Location": position}
+ )
def capture(self, geometry, attribute, attrs=None):
- if attrs is None: attrs = {}
- capture = self.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute, input_kwargs={'Geometry': geometry, 'Value': attribute},
- attrs=attrs)
- return capture.outputs['Geometry'], capture.outputs['Attribute']
+ if attrs is None:
+ attrs = {}
+ capture = self.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": geometry, "Value": attribute},
+ attrs=attrs,
+ )
+ return capture.outputs["Geometry"], capture.outputs["Attribute"]
def musgrave(self, scale=10, vector=None):
- return self.new_node(Nodes.MapRange,
- [self.new_node(Nodes.MusgraveTexture, [vector], input_kwargs={'Scale': scale}), -1,
- 1, 0, 1])
+ return self.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ [
+ self.new_node(
+ Nodes.MusgraveTexture, [vector], input_kwargs={"Scale": scale}
+ ),
+ -1,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ ],
+ )
def curve2mesh(self, curve, profile_curve=None):
- return self.new_node(Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
- [self.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, [curve, profile_curve, True]), None, False])
- def build_float_curve(self, x, anchors, handle='VECTOR'):
- float_curve = self.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={'Value': x})
+ return self.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetShadeSmooth,
+ [
+ self.new_node(Nodes.CurveToMesh, [curve, profile_curve, True]),
+ None,
+ False,
+ ],
+ )
+ def build_float_curve(self, x, anchors, handle="VECTOR"):
+ float_curve = self.new_node(Nodes.FloatCurve, input_kwargs={"Value": x})
c = float_curve.mapping.curves[0]
for i, p in enumerate(anchors):
if i < 2:
@@ -554,11 +681,13 @@ def build_float_curve(self, x, anchors, handle='VECTOR'):
float_curve.mapping.use_clip = False
return float_curve
- def build_case(self, value, inputs, outputs, input_type='FLOAT'):
+ def build_case(self, value, inputs, outputs, input_type="FLOAT"):
node = outputs[-1]
for i, o in zip(inputs[:-1], outputs[:-1]):
- node = self.switch(self.compare('EQUAL', value, i), o, node, input_type)
+ node = self.switch(self.compare("EQUAL", value, i), o, node, input_type)
return node
def build_index_case(self, inputs):
- return self.build_case(self.new_node(Nodes.Index), inputs + [-1], [True] * len(inputs) + [False])
+ return self.build_case(
+ self.new_node(Nodes.Index), inputs + [-1], [True] * len(inputs) + [False]
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/core/nodes/nodegroups/transfer_attributes.py b/infinigen/core/nodes/nodegroups/transfer_attributes.py
index 3c8284e65..923825052 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/nodes/nodegroups/transfer_attributes.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/nodes/nodegroups/transfer_attributes.py
@@ -4,19 +4,16 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import bpy
-import mathutils
import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils, node_info
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-def uvs_to_attribute(obj, name='uv_map'):
- assert obj.type == 'MESH'
+def uvs_to_attribute(obj, name="uv_map"):
+ assert obj.type == "MESH"
n = len(obj.data.vertices)
data = np.empty((n, 3), dtype=np.float32)
@@ -24,35 +21,39 @@ def uvs_to_attribute(obj, name='uv_map'):
u, v = obj.data.uv_layers.active.data[loop.index].uv
data[loop.vertex_index] = u, v, 0
- attr = obj.data.attributes.new(name, type='FLOAT_VECTOR', domain='POINT')
- attr.data.foreach_set('vector', data.reshape(-1))
+ attr = obj.data.attributes.new(name, type="FLOAT_VECTOR", domain="POINT")
+ attr.data.foreach_set("vector", data.reshape(-1))
return attr
-def attribute_to_uvs(obj, attr_name):
- assert obj.type == 'MESH'
+def attribute_to_uvs(obj, attr_name):
+ assert obj.type == "MESH"
obj.data.uv_layers.active = obj.data.uv_layers.new()
n = len(obj.data.vertices)
data = np.empty(n * 3, dtype=np.float32)
- obj.data.attributes[attr_name].data.foreach_get('vector', data)
+ obj.data.attributes[attr_name].data.foreach_get("vector", data)
data = data.reshape((n, 3))
for loop in obj.data.loops:
u, v, _ = data[loop.vertex_index]
obj.data.uv_layers.active.data[loop.index].uv = (u, v)
# list of supported data type:
# https://docs.blender.org/api/current/bpy.types.GeometryNodeCaptureAttribute.html
def transfer_all(source, target, attributes=None, uvs=False):
- assert source.type == 'MESH'
- assert target.type == 'MESH'
+ assert source.type == "MESH"
+ assert target.type == "MESH"
if attributes is None:
- attributes = [a.name for a in source.data.attributes if not butil.blender_internal_attr(a)]
+ attributes = [
+ a.name for a in source.data.attributes if not butil.blender_internal_attr(a)
+ ]
if len(source.data.uv_layers) == 0:
uvs = False
@@ -64,15 +65,25 @@ def transfer_all(source, target, attributes=None, uvs=False):
dtypes = [source.data.attributes[n].data_type for n in attributes]
domains = [source.data.attributes[n].domain for n in attributes]
- surface.add_geomod(source, transfer_att_node,
- input_kwargs={'source': source,
- 'target': target,
- 'attribute_to_transfer_list': list(zip(attributes, dtypes))},
- attributes=attributes, apply=True, domains=domains)
- surface.add_geomod(target, copy_geom_info,
- input_kwargs={'source': source, 'target': target},
- apply=True)
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ source,
+ transfer_att_node,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "source": source,
+ "target": target,
+ "attribute_to_transfer_list": list(zip(attributes, dtypes)),
+ },
+ attributes=attributes,
+ apply=True,
+ domains=domains,
+ )
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ target,
+ copy_geom_info,
+ input_kwargs={"source": source, "target": target},
+ apply=True,
+ )
if uvs:
attribute_to_uvs(target, uv_att_name)
@@ -80,33 +91,43 @@ def transfer_all(source, target, attributes=None, uvs=False):
def copy_geom_info(nw, source, target):
# simply copy the geom back to the target from source
- object_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={'Object': source})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': object_info.outputs["Geometry"], })
+ object_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={"Object": source})
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": object_info.outputs["Geometry"],
+ },
+ )
def transfer_att_node(nw, source, target, attribute_to_transfer_list=[]):
# create a geom node in the non-remeshed version of the mesh (i.e., source)
- object_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={'Object': target})
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None), ])
+ object_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, input_kwargs={"Object": target})
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None),
+ ],
+ )
for att_name, att_type in attribute_to_transfer_list:
nw.expose_input(att_name, attribute=att_name)
position = nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)
- group_output_sockets = {'Geometry': object_info.outputs["Geometry"]}
+ group_output_sockets = {"Geometry": object_info.outputs["Geometry"]}
for att_name, att_type in attribute_to_transfer_list:
transfer_attribute = nw.new_node(
- attrs={'data_type': att_type},
+ attrs={"data_type": att_type},
- 'Mesh': group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
- 'Value': group_input.outputs[att_name],
- 'Sample Position': position
- })
+ "Mesh": group_input.outputs["Geometry"],
+ "Value": group_input.outputs[att_name],
+ "Sample Position": position,
+ },
+ )
- group_output_sockets[att_name] = (transfer_attribute, 'Value')
+ group_output_sockets[att_name] = (transfer_attribute, "Value")
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs=group_output_sockets)
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs=group_output_sockets)
diff --git a/infinigen/core/nodes/shader_utils.py b/infinigen/core/nodes/shader_utils.py
index bf4f52f21..d3b9eb1e0 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/nodes/shader_utils.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/nodes/shader_utils.py
@@ -5,19 +5,20 @@
import bpy
def find_displacement_node(mat):
links = mat.node_tree.links
shader_nodes = mat.node_tree.nodes
- outputNode = shader_nodes['Material Output']
+ outputNode = shader_nodes["Material Output"]
displacement_node = None
for link in links:
- if (link.to_node == outputNode and link.to_socket.name == 'Displacement'):
+ if link.to_node == outputNode and link.to_socket.name == "Displacement":
displacement_node = link.from_node
return displacement_node
-def convert_shader_displacement(mat : bpy.types.Material):
+def convert_shader_displacement(mat: bpy.types.Material):
mat_copy = mat.copy()
mat_copy.name = mat.name + "_copy"
@@ -34,20 +35,20 @@ def convert_shader_displacement(mat : bpy.types.Material):
new_scale = (height - mid_level) * scale
- geo_node_group = bpy.data.node_groups.new('GeometryNodes', 'GeometryNodeTree')
- group_input = geo_node_group.nodes.new('NodeGroupInput')
- group_output = geo_node_group.nodes.new('NodeGroupOutput')
- geo_node_group.outputs.new('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry')
- geo_node_group.inputs.new('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry')
- set_pos = geo_node_group.nodes.new('GeometryNodeSetPosition')
- normal = geo_node_group.nodes.new('GeometryNodeInputNormal')
- scale = geo_node_group.nodes.new('ShaderNodeVectorMath')
- scale.operation = 'SCALE'
+ geo_node_group = bpy.data.node_groups.new("GeometryNodes", "GeometryNodeTree")
+ group_input = geo_node_group.nodes.new("NodeGroupInput")
+ group_output = geo_node_group.nodes.new("NodeGroupOutput")
+ geo_node_group.outputs.new("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry")
+ geo_node_group.inputs.new("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry")
+ set_pos = geo_node_group.nodes.new("GeometryNodeSetPosition")
+ normal = geo_node_group.nodes.new("GeometryNodeInputNormal")
+ scale = geo_node_group.nodes.new("ShaderNodeVectorMath")
+ scale.operation = "SCALE"
scale.inputs["Scale"].default_value = new_scale
- geo_node_group.links.new(group_input.outputs[0], set_pos.inputs['Geometry'])
- geo_node_group.links.new(normal.outputs['Normal'], scale.inputs['Vector'])
- geo_node_group.links.new(scale.outputs['Vector'], set_pos.inputs['Offset'])
- geo_node_group.links.new(set_pos.outputs['Geometry'], group_output.inputs[0])
+ geo_node_group.links.new(group_input.outputs[0], set_pos.inputs["Geometry"])
+ geo_node_group.links.new(normal.outputs["Normal"], scale.inputs["Vector"])
+ geo_node_group.links.new(scale.outputs["Vector"], set_pos.inputs["Offset"])
+ geo_node_group.links.new(set_pos.outputs["Geometry"], group_output.inputs[0])
return mat_copy, geo_node_group
diff --git a/infinigen/core/placement/__init__.py b/infinigen/core/placement/__init__.py
index 0b2e9209a..0387f0098 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/placement/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/placement/__init__.py
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
-from . import camera
\ No newline at end of file
+from . import camera
+from .factory import AssetFactory, make_asset_collection
diff --git a/infinigen/core/placement/animation_policy.py b/infinigen/core/placement/animation_policy.py
index 7e12cc522..d325c28e5 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/placement/animation_policy.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/placement/animation_policy.py
@@ -6,37 +6,38 @@
# - Zeyu Ma: Animation with path finding
-from copy import deepcopy, copy
import logging
-import math
+from copy import copy, deepcopy
import bpy
-import mathutils
-from mathutils.bvhtree import BVHTree
import gin
+import mathutils
import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N
-from mathutils import Matrix, Vector, Euler
-from tqdm import trange, tqdm
+from mathutils import Euler, Vector
+from mathutils.bvhtree import BVHTree
+from numpy.random import normal as N
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from tqdm import tqdm
import infinigen.assets.utils.mesh
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.geometry.curve import Curve
-from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian, lerp
-from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.assets.utils.geometry.curve import Curve
from infinigen.core.placement.path_finding import path_finding
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import lerp
+from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PolicyError(ValueError):
-def get_altitude(loc, scene_bvh, dir=Vector((0.,0.,-1.))):
+def get_altitude(loc, scene_bvh, dir=Vector((0.0, 0.0, -1.0))):
*_, straight_down_dist = scene_bvh.ray_cast(loc, dir)
return straight_down_dist
def walk_same_altitude(
@@ -49,17 +50,15 @@ def walk_same_altitude(
- '''
+ """
fall_ratio: what is the slope at which the camera is willing to go down / glide
- '''
+ """
# retry until we find something that doesnt walk off the map
for retry in range(retries):
pos = start_loc + Vector(sampler())
- pos.z += z_move_up # move it up a ways, so that it can raycast back down onto something
+ pos.z += z_move_up # move it up a ways, so that it can raycast back down onto something
curr_alt = get_altitude(start_loc, bvh)
new_alt = get_altitude(pos, bvh)
@@ -72,7 +71,9 @@ def walk_same_altitude(
if curr_alt is None or new_alt is None:
if curr_alt is None:
raise PolicyError()
- logger.debug(f'walk_same_altitude failed {retry=} with {curr_alt=}, {new_alt=}')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"walk_same_altitude failed {retry=} with {curr_alt=}, {new_alt=}"
+ )
fall_dist = new_alt - curr_alt
@@ -90,18 +91,19 @@ def walk_same_altitude(
return pos
class AnimPolicyBrownian:
def __init__(self, speed=3, pos_var=15.0):
self.speed = speed
self.pos_var = pos_var
def __call__(self, obj, frame_curr, bvh, retry_pct):
speed = random_general(self.speed)
- sampler = lambda: N(0, [self.pos_var, self.pos_var, 0.5])
+ def sampler():
+ return N(0, [self.pos_var, self.pos_var, 0.5])
pos = walk_same_altitude(obj.location, sampler, bvh)
time = np.linalg.norm(pos - obj.location) / speed
@@ -109,32 +111,35 @@ def __call__(self, obj, frame_curr, bvh, retry_pct):
return Vector(pos), Vector(rot), time, "BEZIER"
class AnimPolicyPan:
- def __init__(self, speed=3, dist=("uniform", 5, 20), rot_var=[10, 0, 20]):
+ def __init__(self, speed=3, dist=("uniform", 5, 20), rot_var=[10, 0, 20]):
self.speed = speed
self.dist = dist
self.rot_var = rot_var
def __call__(self, obj, frame_curr, bvh, retry_pct):
speed = random_general(self.speed)
def sampler():
- theta = U(0, 2*np.pi)
+ theta = U(0, 2 * np.pi)
zoff = np.sin(np.deg2rad(N(-30, 30)))
- off = random_general(self.dist) * np.array([np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta), zoff])
+ off = random_general(self.dist) * np.array(
+ [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta), zoff]
+ )
off = off * lerp(1, 0.2, 1 - retry_pct)
return off
pos = walk_same_altitude(obj.location, sampler, bvh=bvh)
time = np.linalg.norm(pos - obj.location) / speed
rot = np.array(obj.rotation_euler) + np.deg2rad(N(0, self.rot_var, 3))
return Vector(pos), Vector(rot), time, "LINEAR"
class AnimPolicyRandomForwardWalk:
def __init__(
@@ -152,8 +157,8 @@ def __init__(
self.forward_vec = forward_vec
def __call__(self, obj, frame_curr, bvh, retry_pct):
orig_rot = np.array(obj.rotation_euler)
def sampler():
obj.rotation_euler = tuple(orig_rot)
obj.rotation_euler[2] += np.deg2rad(random_general(self.yaw_dist))
@@ -168,22 +173,21 @@ def sampler():
time = np.linalg.norm(pos - obj.location) / self.speed
rot = np.array(obj.rotation_euler) + np.deg2rad(N(0, self.rot_vars, 3))
- return Vector(pos), Vector(rot), time, 'BEZIER'
+ return Vector(pos), Vector(rot), time, "BEZIER"
class AnimPolicyRandomWalkLookaround:
def __init__(
- self,
- speed=('uniform', 1, 2.5),
- step_speed_mult=('uniform', 0.5, 2),
- yaw_sampler=('uniform',-20, 20),
- step_range=('clip_gaussian', 3, 5, 0.5, 10),
+ self,
+ speed=("uniform", 1, 2.5),
+ step_speed_mult=("uniform", 0.5, 2),
+ yaw_sampler=("uniform", -20, 20),
+ step_range=("clip_gaussian", 3, 5, 0.5, 10),
rot_vars=(5, 0, 5),
- motion_dir_zoff=('clip_gaussian', 0, 90, 0, 180),
- force_single_keyframe=False
+ motion_dir_zoff=("clip_gaussian", 0, 90, 0, 180),
+ force_single_keyframe=False,
self.speed = random_general(speed)
self.step_speed_mult = step_speed_mult
@@ -197,18 +201,20 @@ def __init__(
self.force_single_keyframe = force_single_keyframe
def __call__(self, obj, frame_curr, bvh, retry_pct):
if self.motion_dir_euler is None:
self.motion_dir_euler = copy(obj.rotation_euler)
self.motion_dir_euler[2] += np.deg2rad(random_general(self.motion_dir_zoff))
orig_motion_dir_euler = copy(self.motion_dir_euler)
def sampler():
self.motion_dir_euler = copy(orig_motion_dir_euler)
self.motion_dir_euler[2] += np.deg2rad(random_general(self.yaw_sampler))
step = random_general(self.step_range)
- off = Euler(self.motion_dir_euler, 'XYZ').to_matrix() @ Vector((0, 0, -step))
+ off = Euler(self.motion_dir_euler, "XYZ").to_matrix() @ Vector(
+ (0, 0, -step)
+ )
off.z = 0
return off
@@ -221,19 +227,21 @@ def sampler():
if self.force_single_keyframe:
time = bpy.context.scene.frame_end - frame_curr
- return Vector(pos), Vector(rot), time, 'BEZIER'
+ return Vector(pos), Vector(rot), time, "BEZIER"
class AnimPolicyFollowObject:
def __init__(
- self, target_obj, pois, bvh,
+ self,
+ target_obj,
+ pois,
+ bvh,
- follow_rad_mult=('uniform', 1, 6),
- alt_mult=('uniform', 0.25, 1)
+ follow_rad_mult=("uniform", 1, 6),
+ alt_mult=("uniform", 0.25, 1),
self.pois = pois
self.target_obj = target_obj
self.follow_zrot = follow_zrot
@@ -249,44 +257,49 @@ def __init__(
def reset(self):
- '''
+ """
Called at __init__ and whenever the animation aborts and retries
- '''
+ """
self.follow_obj = np.random.choice(self.pois)
- if self.follow_obj.type == 'MESH':
+ if self.follow_obj.type == "MESH":
self.follow_size = max(self.follow_obj.dimensions)
self.follow_size = 2
- logger.warning(f'{self.follow_obj.name} had {self.follow_obj.type=}, using {self.follow_size=} instead of .dimensions')
+ logger.warning(
+ f"{self.follow_obj.name} had {self.follow_obj.type=}, using {self.follow_size=} instead of .dimensions"
+ )
follow_loc = self.follow_obj.matrix_world.translation
off = follow_loc - self.target_obj.location
s = self.follow_size * random_general(self.follow_rad_mult)
self.target_obj.location = follow_loc + off.normalized() * s
- self.target_obj.location.z = follow_loc.z + self.follow_size * random_general(self.alt_mult)
+ self.target_obj.location.z = follow_loc.z + self.follow_size * random_general(
+ self.alt_mult
+ )
alt = get_altitude(self.target_obj.location, self.bvh)
if alt is None:
- logger.warning(f'In AnimPolicyFollowObject.reset(), got {alt=}')
+ logger.warning(f"In AnimPolicyFollowObject.reset(), got {alt=}")
if alt is not None and alt < 2:
self.target_obj.location *= self.target_obj.location.z / 2
for c in self.target_obj.constraints:
- butil.constrain_object(self.target_obj, 'TRACK_TO', target=self.follow_obj)
+ butil.constrain_object(self.target_obj, "TRACK_TO", target=self.follow_obj)
def __call__(self, obj, frame_curr, bvh, retry_pct):
ts = []
for fc in self.follow_obj.animation_data.action.fcurves:
for kp in fc.keyframe_points:
frame_next = min(t for t in ts if t > frame_curr)
- except (ValueError, AttributeError): # no next frame, or no animation_data.action
+ except (
+ ValueError,
+ AttributeError,
+ ): # no next frame, or no animation_data.action
frame_next = frame_curr + bpy.context.scene.render.fps
time = (frame_next - frame_curr) / bpy.context.scene.render.fps
@@ -304,19 +317,21 @@ def __call__(self, obj, frame_curr, bvh, retry_pct):
new_dist = np.clip(prev_dist + self.rad_vel, 0.7, 5)
new_off = prev_off.normalized() * self.follow_size * new_dist
- new_off = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(np.deg2rad(zrot), 4, 'Z') @ new_off
- pos = self.follow_obj.matrix_world.translation + new_off
+ new_off = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(np.deg2rad(zrot), 4, "Z") @ new_off
+ pos = self.follow_obj.matrix_world.translation + new_off
+ return Vector(pos), None, time, "BEZIER"
- return Vector(pos), None, time, 'BEZIER'
def validate_keyframe_range(
- start_frame, end_frame,
- bvhtree, validate_pose_func=None,
- stride=5, # runs faster but imperfect precision
- check_straight_line=True # rules out proposals faster, but has imperfect precision
+ start_frame,
+ end_frame,
+ bvhtree,
+ validate_pose_func=None,
+ stride=5, # runs faster but imperfect precision
+ check_straight_line=True, # rules out proposals faster, but has imperfect precision
last_pos = deepcopy(obj.location)
def freespace_ray_check(a, b):
@@ -326,39 +341,39 @@ def freespace_ray_check(a, b):
if check_straight_line:
if not freespace_ray_check(last_pos, obj.location):
- logger.debug('straight line check failed')
+ logger.debug("straight line check failed")
return False
for frame_idx in range(start_frame, end_frame + 1, stride):
if not freespace_ray_check(last_pos, obj.location):
- logger.debug(f'{frame_idx=} freespace_ray_check failed')
+ logger.debug(f"{frame_idx=} freespace_ray_check failed")
return False
if validate_pose_func is not None and not validate_pose_func(obj):
# technically we should validate against all cameras, but this would be expensive
- logger.debug(f'{frame_idx} validate_pose_func failed')
+ logger.debug(f"{frame_idx} validate_pose_func failed")
return False
last_pos = deepcopy(obj.location)
return True
def try_animate_trajectory(
- obj: bpy.types.Object,
- bvh: BVHTree,
+ obj: bpy.types.Object,
+ bvh: BVHTree,
- keyframe, duration_frames,
+ keyframe,
+ duration_frames,
frame_curr = bpy.context.scene.frame_start
pbar = tqdm(total=duration_frames) if verbose else None
while frame_curr < bpy.context.scene.frame_start + duration_frames:
orig_loc = copy(obj.location)
orig_rot = copy(obj.rotation_euler)
for retry in range(max_step_tries):
@@ -368,20 +383,24 @@ def try_animate_trajectory(
loc, rot, duration, interp = policy_func(
- retry_pct=retry/max_step_tries,
- bvh=bvh
+ retry_pct=retry / max_step_tries,
+ bvh=bvh,
except PolicyError as e:
- logger.debug(f'PolicyError on {retry=} {e=}')
+ logger.debug(f"PolicyError on {retry=} {e=}")
step_frames = int(duration * bpy.context.scene.render.fps) + 1
step_end_frame = frame_curr + step_frames
- keyframe(obj, loc, rot, step_end_frame, interp='BEZIER')
+ keyframe(obj, loc, rot, step_end_frame, interp="BEZIER")
- if not validate_keyframe_range(obj, frame_curr, step_end_frame, bvh, validate_pose_func):
- logger.debug(f'validate_keyframe_range failed on moving {obj.location} to {loc}')
+ if not validate_keyframe_range(
+ obj, frame_curr, step_end_frame, bvh, validate_pose_func
+ ):
+ logger.debug(
+ f"validate_keyframe_range failed on moving {obj.location} to {loc}"
+ )
# clear out the candidate keyframes we just inserted, they were no good
for fc in obj.animation_data.action.fcurves:
if fc.data_path == "":
@@ -390,11 +409,13 @@ def try_animate_trajectory(
if verbose:
- pbar.update(min(step_frames, duration_frames - frame_curr)) # dont overshoot the pbar, it makes the formatting not nice
+ pbar.update(
+ min(step_frames, duration_frames - frame_curr)
+ ) # dont overshoot the pbar, it makes the formatting not nice
- break # we found a good pose
+ break # we found a good pose
- else: # for-else block triggers when for loop terminates w/o a break statement
+ else: # for-else block triggers when for loop terminates w/o a break statement
return False
frame_curr = step_end_frame
@@ -405,19 +426,20 @@ def try_animate_trajectory(
def try_animate_with_pathfinding(
- obj, bvh, policy_func,
- keyframe, duration_frames,
+ obj,
+ bvh,
+ policy_func,
+ keyframe,
+ duration_frames,
frame_curr = bpy.context.scene.frame_start
pbar = tqdm(total=duration_frames) if verbose else None
while frame_curr < bpy.context.scene.frame_start + duration_frames:
orig_loc = copy(obj.location)
orig_rot = copy(obj.rotation_euler)
for retry in range(max_step_tries):
@@ -427,17 +449,17 @@ def try_animate_with_pathfinding(
loc, rot, duration, interp = policy_func(
- retry_pct=retry/max_step_tries,
- bvh=bvh
+ retry_pct=retry / max_step_tries,
+ bvh=bvh,
except PolicyError as e:
- logger.debug(f'PolicyError on {retry=} {e=}')
+ logger.debug(f"PolicyError on {retry=} {e=}")
last_pose = (deepcopy(obj.location), deepcopy(obj.rotation_euler))
- keyframe(obj, loc, rot, frame_curr+1, interp='BEZIER')
- bpy.context.scene.frame_set(frame_curr+1)
+ keyframe(obj, loc, rot, frame_curr + 1, interp="BEZIER")
+ bpy.context.scene.frame_set(frame_curr + 1)
valid_target = True
if validate_pose_func is not None and not validate_pose_func(obj):
@@ -450,31 +472,34 @@ def try_animate_with_pathfinding(
for fc in obj.animation_data.action.fcurves:
if fc.data_path == "":
- obj.keyframe_delete(data_path=fc.data_path, frame=frame_curr+1)
+ obj.keyframe_delete(data_path=fc.data_path, frame=frame_curr + 1)
if not valid_target:
- logger.debug(f'validate_pose_func at target pose failed, aborting path finding')
+ logger.debug(
+ "validate_pose_func at target pose failed, aborting path finding"
+ )
bounded = True
current_pose = (loc, rot)
for i in range(3):
- if current_pose[0][i] < bounding_box[0][i] or current_pose[0][i] >= bounding_box[1][i]:
+ if (
+ current_pose[0][i] < bounding_box[0][i]
+ or current_pose[0][i] >= bounding_box[1][i]
+ ):
bounded = False
if not bounded:
- logger.debug(f'target pose out of bound, aborting path finding')
+ logger.debug("target pose out of bound, aborting path finding")
poses = path_finding(bvh, bounding_box, last_pose, current_pose)
if poses is None:
- logger.debug(f'path not found, aborting')
+ logger.debug("path not found, aborting")
base_length = (last_pose[0] - current_pose[0]).length
- scaling = poses[-1][0] / base_length
+ scaling = poses[-1][0] / base_length
step_frames = int(duration * bpy.context.scene.render.fps * scaling) + 1
step_end_frame = frame_curr + step_frames
@@ -482,24 +507,40 @@ def try_animate_with_pathfinding(
turning_too_fast = False
for i in range(len(poses) - 1):
rotation_euler0 = poses[i][2]
- rotation_euler1 = poses[i+1][2]
- if abs(rotation_euler0.z - rotation_euler1.z) > turning_limit_degree / 180 * np.pi * step_frames * (poses[i+1][0] - poses[i][0]) / poses[-1][0]:
+ rotation_euler1 = poses[i + 1][2]
+ if (
+ abs(rotation_euler0.z - rotation_euler1.z)
+ > turning_limit_degree
+ / 180
+ * np.pi
+ * step_frames
+ * (poses[i + 1][0] - poses[i][0])
+ / poses[-1][0]
+ ):
turning_too_fast = True
if turning_too_fast:
- logger.debug(f'path turns too fast, aborting')
+ logger.debug("path turns too fast, aborting")
for l, location, rotation_euler in poses:
t = l / poses[-1][0]
- keyframe(obj, location, rotation_euler, round(frame_curr + (step_end_frame - frame_curr) * t), interp='LINEAR')
+ keyframe(
+ obj,
+ location,
+ rotation_euler,
+ round(frame_curr + (step_end_frame - frame_curr) * t),
+ interp="LINEAR",
+ )
if verbose:
- pbar.update(min(step_frames, duration_frames - frame_curr)) # dont overshoot the pbar, it makes the formatting not nice
+ pbar.update(
+ min(step_frames, duration_frames - frame_curr)
+ ) # dont overshoot the pbar, it makes the formatting not nice
- break # we found a good pose
+ break # we found a good pose
- else: # for-else block triggers when for loop terminates w/o a break statement
+ else: # for-else block triggers when for loop terminates w/o a break statement
return False
frame_curr = step_end_frame
@@ -507,17 +548,19 @@ def try_animate_with_pathfinding(
return True
-def keyframe(obj, loc, rot, t, interp='BEZIER'):
+def keyframe(obj, loc, rot, t, interp="BEZIER"):
if obj.animation_data is not None and obj.animation_data.action is not None:
for fc in obj.animation_data.action.fcurves:
for kp in fc.keyframe_points:
if kp.co > t:
- raise ValueError(f'Unexpected out-of-order keyframing {kp.co=}, {t=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Unexpected out-of-order keyframing {kp.co=}, {t=}"
+ )
if loc is not None:
obj.location = loc
- obj.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", frame=t),
+ (obj.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", frame=t),)
if rot is not None:
obj.rotation_euler = rot
@@ -527,10 +570,13 @@ def keyframe(obj, loc, rot, t, interp='BEZIER'):
for k in fc.keyframe_points:
if k.co[0] == t:
k.interpolation = interp
def animate_trajectory(
- obj, bvh, policy_func,
+ obj,
+ bvh,
+ policy_func,
@@ -541,7 +587,7 @@ def animate_trajectory(
- duration_frames = (bpy.context.scene.frame_end - bpy.context.scene.frame_start)
+ duration_frames = bpy.context.scene.frame_end - bpy.context.scene.frame_start
duration_sec = duration_frames / bpy.context.scene.render.fps
if duration_sec < 1e-3:
@@ -550,48 +596,87 @@ def animate_trajectory(
obj_orig_rot = copy(obj.rotation_euler)
for attempt in range(max_full_retries):
obj.location = obj_orig_loc
obj.rotation_euler = obj_orig_rot
if attempt > 0 and retry_rotation:
obj.rotation_euler.z = U(0, 2 * np.pi)
- if hasattr(policy_func, 'reset'):
+ if hasattr(policy_func, "reset"):
- keyframe(obj, obj.location, obj.rotation_euler, 0, interp='LINEAR')
- try_animate_trajectory_func = try_animate_trajectory if not path_finding_enabled else try_animate_with_pathfinding
- args = [obj, bvh, policy_func, keyframe, duration_frames, validate_pose_func, max_step_tries, verbose]
- if path_finding_enabled: args.append(bounding_box)
+ keyframe(obj, obj.location, obj.rotation_euler, 0, interp="LINEAR")
+ try_animate_trajectory_func = (
+ try_animate_trajectory
+ if not path_finding_enabled
+ else try_animate_with_pathfinding
+ )
+ args = [
+ obj,
+ bvh,
+ policy_func,
+ keyframe,
+ duration_frames,
+ validate_pose_func,
+ max_step_tries,
+ verbose,
+ ]
+ if path_finding_enabled:
+ args.append(bounding_box)
if try_animate_trajectory_func(*args):
if reverse_time:
kf_locs = []
kf_rots = []
kf_ts = []
- for j in range(len(obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[0].keyframe_points)):
- kf_ts.append(obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[0].keyframe_points[j].co.x)
- kf_locs.append((
- obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[0].keyframe_points[j].co.y,
- obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[1].keyframe_points[j].co.y,
- obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[2].keyframe_points[j].co.y,
- ))
- kf_rots.append((
- obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[3].keyframe_points[j].co.y,
- obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[4].keyframe_points[j].co.y,
- obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[5].keyframe_points[j].co.y,
- ))
+ for j in range(
+ len(obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[0].keyframe_points)
+ ):
+ kf_ts.append(
+ obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[0].keyframe_points[j].co.x
+ )
+ kf_locs.append(
+ (
+ obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[0]
+ .keyframe_points[j]
+ .co.y,
+ obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[1]
+ .keyframe_points[j]
+ .co.y,
+ obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[2]
+ .keyframe_points[j]
+ .co.y,
+ )
+ )
+ kf_rots.append(
+ (
+ obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[3]
+ .keyframe_points[j]
+ .co.y,
+ obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[4]
+ .keyframe_points[j]
+ .co.y,
+ obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[5]
+ .keyframe_points[j]
+ .co.y,
+ )
+ )
for i, t in enumerate(kf_ts):
- keyframe(obj, kf_locs[i], kf_rots[i], bpy.context.scene.frame_end + bpy.context.scene.frame_start - t, interp='LINEAR')
+ keyframe(
+ obj,
+ kf_locs[i],
+ kf_rots[i],
+ bpy.context.scene.frame_end + bpy.context.scene.frame_start - t,
+ interp="LINEAR",
+ )
# bpy.context.scene.frame_set(bpy.context.scene.frame_end)
# obj.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", frame=bpy.context.scene.frame_end)
# obj.keyframe_insert(data_path="rotation_euler", frame=bpy.context.scene.frame_end)
# assert(0)
- logger.info(f'Failed {attempt=} out of {max_full_retries=} for {obj.name=}')
+ logger.info(f"Failed {attempt=} out of {max_full_retries=} for {obj.name=}")
- err = f'Animation for {obj.name=} failed with {max_full_retries=} and {max_step_tries=}, quitting'
+ err = f"Animation for {obj.name=} failed with {max_full_retries=} and {max_step_tries=}, quitting"
if fatal:
raise ValueError(err)
@@ -599,12 +684,13 @@ def animate_trajectory(
-def policy_create_bezier_path(start_pose_obj, bvh, policy_func, to_mesh=False, eval_offset=(0,0,0), **kwargs):
+def policy_create_bezier_path(
+ start_pose_obj, bvh, policy_func, to_mesh=False, eval_offset=(0, 0, 0), **kwargs
eval_offset = Vector(eval_offset)
# animate a dummy using the policy
- temp = butil.spawn_empty('policy_create_bezier_path.temp')
+ temp = butil.spawn_empty("policy_create_bezier_path.temp")
temp.location = start_pose_obj.location + eval_offset
temp.rotation_euler = start_pose_obj.rotation_euler
animate_trajectory(temp, bvh, policy_func, **kwargs)
@@ -612,14 +698,18 @@ def policy_create_bezier_path(start_pose_obj, bvh, policy_func, to_mesh=False, e
# read off the keyframe locations
positions = []
if temp.animation_data is not None:
- fc = next(fc for fc in temp.animation_data.action.fcurves if fc.data_path == 'location')
+ fc = next(
+ fc
+ for fc in temp.animation_data.action.fcurves
+ if fc.data_path == "location"
+ )
for p in fc.keyframe_points:
f = int(p.co[0])
positions.append(deepcopy(temp.location - eval_offset))
- logger.debug(f'Created policy path with {len(positions)} keypoints')
+ logger.debug(f"Created policy path with {len(positions)} keypoints")
- res = Curve(points=positions).to_curve_obj(name='policy_path', to_mesh=to_mesh)
+ res = Curve(points=positions).to_curve_obj(name="policy_path", to_mesh=to_mesh)
return res
diff --git a/infinigen/core/placement/camera.py b/infinigen/core/placement/camera.py
index d641adbbf..36324f794 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/placement/camera.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/placement/camera.py
@@ -1,60 +1,50 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Zeyu Ma, Lahav Lipson: Stationary camera selection
# - Alexander Raistrick: Refactor into proposal/validate, camera animation
# - Lingjie Mei: get_camera_trajectory
-from random import sample
-import sys
-import warnings
+import logging
import typing
-from copy import deepcopy, copy
+from copy import deepcopy
+from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain
-import logging
from pathlib import Path
-from dataclasses import dataclass
-from numpy.random import uniform as U
import bpy
-import bpy_extras
import gin
import imageio
import numpy as np
-from mathutils import Matrix, Vector, Euler
+from mathutils import Vector
from mathutils.bvhtree import BVHTree
-from infinigen.core.rendering.post_render import colorize_depth
-from tqdm import tqdm, trange
-from infinigen.core.placement import placement
+from numpy.random import uniform as U
+from tqdm import tqdm
from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler, Nodes
-from . import animation_policy
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.rendering.post_render import colorize_depth
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_system
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util import camera
from infinigen.core.util.blender import SelectObjects, delete
from infinigen.core.util.logging import Timer
-from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian, lerp
-from infinigen.core.util import camera
-from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_system
from infinigen.core.util.organization import SelectionCriterions
+from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general
from infinigen.tools.suffixes import get_suffix
+from . import animation_policy
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_sensor_coords(cam, H, W, sparse=False):
camd = cam.data
f_in_m = camd.lens / 1000
scene = bpy.context.scene
@@ -64,54 +54,63 @@ def get_sensor_coords(cam, H, W, sparse=False):
scale = scene.render.resolution_percentage / 100
sensor_width_in_m = camd.sensor_width / 1000
sensor_height_in_m = camd.sensor_height / 1000
- assert abs(sensor_width_in_m/sensor_height_in_m - W/H) < 1e-4, (sensor_width_in_m, sensor_height_in_m, W, H)
+ assert abs(sensor_width_in_m / sensor_height_in_m - W / H) < 1e-4, (
+ sensor_width_in_m,
+ sensor_height_in_m,
+ W,
+ H,
+ )
pixel_aspect_ratio = scene.render.pixel_aspect_x / scene.render.pixel_aspect_y
- if (camd.sensor_fit == 'VERTICAL'):
- # the sensor height is fixed (sensor fit is horizontal),
+ if camd.sensor_fit == "VERTICAL":
+ # the sensor height is fixed (sensor fit is horizontal),
# the sensor width is effectively changed with the pixel aspect ratio
- s_u = resolution_x_in_px * scale / sensor_width_in_m / pixel_aspect_ratio # pixels per milimeter
+ s_u = (
+ resolution_x_in_px * scale / sensor_width_in_m / pixel_aspect_ratio
+ ) # pixels per milimeter
s_v = resolution_y_in_px * scale / sensor_height_in_m
- else: # 'HORIZONTAL' and 'AUTO'
- # the sensor width is fixed (sensor fit is horizontal),
+ else: # 'HORIZONTAL' and 'AUTO'
+ # the sensor width is fixed (sensor fit is horizontal),
# the sensor height is effectively changed with the pixel aspect ratio
pixel_aspect_ratio = scene.render.pixel_aspect_x / scene.render.pixel_aspect_y
s_u = resolution_x_in_px * scale / sensor_width_in_m
s_v = resolution_y_in_px * scale * pixel_aspect_ratio / sensor_height_in_m
- u_0 = resolution_x_in_px * scale / 2 # cx (in pixels) Usually is just W/2
- v_0 = resolution_y_in_px * scale / 2 # cx (in pixels) Usually is just H/2
+ u_0 = resolution_x_in_px * scale / 2 # cx (in pixels) Usually is just W/2
+ v_0 = resolution_y_in_px * scale / 2 # cx (in pixels) Usually is just H/2
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(W).astype(float), np.arange(H).astype(float))
- coords_x = (xx - u_0) / s_u # relative, in mm
- coords_y = (yy - v_0 + 1) / s_v # relative, in mm
+ coords_x = (xx - u_0) / s_u # relative, in mm
+ coords_y = (yy - v_0 + 1) / s_v # relative, in mm
coords_z = np.full(coords_x.shape, -f_in_m)
relative_cam_coords = np.stack((coords_x, coords_y, coords_z), axis=-1)
- cam_coords_vectors = np.empty((H,W), dtype=Vector)
- pixel_locs = np.stack((np.meshgrid(np.arange(W), np.arange(H))), axis=-1).reshape((W*H, 2))#np.array(list(product(range(H), range(W))))
+ cam_coords_vectors = np.empty((H, W), dtype=Vector)
+ pixel_locs = np.stack((np.meshgrid(np.arange(W), np.arange(H))), axis=-1).reshape(
+ (W * H, 2)
+ ) # np.array(list(product(range(H), range(W))))
if sparse:
- ii = np.random.choice(H*W, size=1000)
+ ii = np.random.choice(H * W, size=1000)
pixel_locs = pixel_locs[ii]
- for x,y in tqdm(pixel_locs, desc="Building Camera Vectors", disable=True):
- pixelVector = Vector(relative_cam_coords[y,x])
- cam_coords_vectors[y,x] = cam.matrix_world @ pixelVector
+ for x, y in tqdm(pixel_locs, desc="Building Camera Vectors", disable=True):
+ pixelVector = Vector(relative_cam_coords[y, x])
+ cam_coords_vectors[y, x] = cam.matrix_world @ pixelVector
return cam_coords_vectors, pixel_locs
def adjust_camera_sensor(cam):
scene = bpy.context.scene
W = scene.render.resolution_x
H = scene.render.resolution_y
- sensor_width = 18 * (W/H)
+ sensor_width = 18 * (W / H)
assert sensor_width.is_integer(), (18, W, H)
cam.data.sensor_height = 18
cam.data.sensor_width = int(sensor_width)
def spawn_camera():
cam = bpy.context.active_object
@@ -119,34 +118,35 @@ def spawn_camera():
return cam
def camera_name(rig_id, cam_id):
- return f'{CAMERA_RIGS_DIRNAME}/{rig_id}/{cam_id}'
+ return f"{CAMERA_RIGS_DIRNAME}/{rig_id}/{cam_id}"
def spawn_camera_rigs(
def spawn_rig(i):
- rig_parent = butil.spawn_empty(f'{CAMERA_RIGS_DIRNAME}/{i}')
+ rig_parent = butil.spawn_empty(f"{CAMERA_RIGS_DIRNAME}/{i}")
for j, config in enumerate(camera_rig_config):
cam = spawn_camera()
cam.name = camera_name(i, j)
cam.parent = rig_parent
- cam.location = config['loc']
- cam.rotation_euler = config['rot_euler']
+ cam.location = config["loc"]
+ cam.rotation_euler = config["rot_euler"]
return rig_parent
camera_rigs = [spawn_rig(i) for i in range(n_camera_rigs)]
butil.group_in_collection(camera_rigs, CAMERA_RIGS_DIRNAME)
return camera_rigs
-def get_cameras_ids() -> list[tuple]:
+def get_cameras_ids() -> list[tuple]:
res = []
col = bpy.data.collections[CAMERA_RIGS_DIRNAME]
rigs = [o for o in col.objects if o.name.count("/") == 1]
@@ -154,40 +154,52 @@ def get_cameras_ids() -> list[tuple]:
for j, subcam in enumerate(root.children):
assert subcam.name == camera_name(i, j)
res.append((i, j))
return res
def get_camera(rig_id, subcam_id, checkonly=False):
col = bpy.data.collections[CAMERA_RIGS_DIRNAME]
name = camera_name(rig_id, subcam_id)
if name in col.objects.keys():
return col.objects[name]
- if checkonly:
+ if checkonly:
return None
- raise ValueError(f'Could not get_camera({rig_id=}, {subcam_id=}). {list(col.objects.keys())=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Could not get_camera({rig_id=}, {subcam_id=}). {list(col.objects.keys())=}"
+ )
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_camera_info', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
+ "nodegroup_camera_info", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree"
def nodegroup_active_cam_info(nw: NodeWrangler):
info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, [bpy.context.scene.camera])
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={
- k: info.outputs[k] for k in info.outputs.keys()
- })
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={k: info.outputs[k] for k in info.outputs.keys()},
+ )
def set_active_camera(rig_id, subcam_id):
camera = get_camera(rig_id, subcam_id)
bpy.context.scene.camera = camera
- ng = nodegroup_active_cam_info() # does not create a new node group, retrieves singleton
- ng.nodes['Object Info'].inputs['Object'].default_value = camera
+ ng = (
+ nodegroup_active_cam_info()
+ ) # does not create a new node group, retrieves singleton
+ ng.nodes["Object Info"].inputs["Object"].default_value = camera
return bpy.context.scene.camera
def positive_gaussian(mean, std):
while True:
val = np.random.normal(mean, std)
if val > 0:
return val
def set_camera(
@@ -198,7 +210,9 @@ def set_camera(
camera.location = location
camera.rotation_euler = rotation
if focus_dist is not None:
- camera.data.dof.focus_distance = focus_dist # this should come before view_layer.update()
+ camera.data.dof.focus_distance = (
+ focus_dist # this should come before view_layer.update()
+ )
camera.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", frame=frame)
@@ -206,24 +220,25 @@ def set_camera(
if focus_dist is not None:
camera.data.dof.keyframe_insert(data_path="focus_distance", frame=frame)
-def terrain_camera_query(cam, scene_bvh, terrain_tags_queries, vertexwise_min_dist, min_dist=0):
+def terrain_camera_query(
+ cam, scene_bvh, terrain_tags_queries, vertexwise_min_dist, min_dist=0
dists = []
sensor_coords, pix_it = get_sensor_coords(cam, sparse=True)
terrain_tags_queries_counts = {q: 0 for q in terrain_tags_queries}
- for x,y in pix_it:
- direction = (sensor_coords[y,x] - cam.matrix_world.translation).normalized()
+ for x, y in pix_it:
+ direction = (sensor_coords[y, x] - cam.matrix_world.translation).normalized()
_, _, index, dist = scene_bvh.ray_cast(cam.matrix_world.translation, direction)
if dist is None:
- if (
- dist < min_dist or
- (vertexwise_min_dist is not None and dist < vertexwise_min_dist[index])
+ if dist < min_dist or (
+ vertexwise_min_dist is not None and dist < vertexwise_min_dist[index]
- logger.debug(f'Found {dist=} < {min_dist=}')
- dists = None # means dist < min
+ logger.debug(f"Found {dist=} < {min_dist=}")
+ dists = None # means dist < min
for q in terrain_tags_queries:
terrain_tags_queries_counts[q] += terrain_tags_queries[q][index]
@@ -232,7 +247,8 @@ def terrain_camera_query(cam, scene_bvh, terrain_tags_queries, vertexwise_min_di
return dists, terrain_tags_queries_counts, n_pix
class CameraProposal:
loc: np.array
rot: np.array
@@ -243,21 +259,23 @@ def apply(self, cam):
cam.rotation_euler = self.rot
cam.data.lens = self.focal_length
def camera_pose_proposal(
- scene_bvh,
- location_sample: typing.Callable | tuple,
- altitude=('uniform', 1.5, 2.5),
- roll=0,
- yaw=('uniform', -180, 180),
- pitch=90,
+ scene_bvh,
+ location_sample: typing.Callable | tuple,
+ altitude=("uniform", 1.5, 2.5),
+ roll=0,
+ yaw=("uniform", -180, 180),
+ pitch=90,
if isinstance(location_sample, tuple):
location_sample = Vector(location_sample)
- location_sample = lambda: location_sample
+ def location_sample():
+ return location_sample
if override_loc is not None:
loc = Vector(random_general(override_loc))
@@ -266,9 +284,9 @@ def camera_pose_proposal(
loc = location_sample()
curr_alt = animation_policy.get_altitude(loc, scene_bvh)
- if curr_alt is None:
- logger.debug(f'camera_pose_proposal got {curr_alt=} for {loc=}')
- butil.spawn_empty(f'fail')
+ if curr_alt is None:
+ logger.debug(f"camera_pose_proposal got {curr_alt=} for {loc=}")
+ # butil.spawn_empty("fail")
return None
desired_alt = random_general(altitude)
loc[2] = loc[2] + desired_alt - curr_alt
@@ -277,12 +295,13 @@ def camera_pose_proposal(
focal_length = random_general(focal_length)
return CameraProposal(loc, rot, focal_length)
def keep_cam_pose_proposal(
- scene_bvh,
- placeholders_kd,
+ scene_bvh,
+ placeholders_kd,
@@ -290,64 +309,76 @@ def keep_cam_pose_proposal(
terrain_coverage_range=(0.5, 1),
+ if terrain is not None: # TODO refactor
+ terrain_sdf = terrain.compute_camera_space_sdf(
+ np.array(cam.location).reshape((1, 3))
+ )
- if terrain is not None: # TODO refactor
- terrain_sdf = terrain.compute_camera_space_sdf(np.array(cam.location).reshape((1, 3)))
- if not cam.type == 'CAMERA':
+ if not cam.type == "CAMERA":
cam = cam.children[0]
- if not cam.type == 'CAMERA':
- raise ValueError(f'{cam.name=} had {cam.type=}')
+ if not cam.type == "CAMERA":
+ raise ValueError(f"{cam.name=} had {cam.type=}")
# Reject cameras too close to any placeholder vertex
v, i, dist_to_placeholder = placeholders_kd.find(cam.matrix_world.translation)
if dist_to_placeholder is not None and dist_to_placeholder < min_placeholder_dist:
- logger.debug(f'keep_cam_pose_proposal rejects {dist_to_placeholder=}, {v, i}')
+ logger.debug(f"keep_cam_pose_proposal rejects {dist_to_placeholder=}, {v, i}")
return None
dists, camera_selection_answers_counts, n_pix = terrain_camera_query(
- cam, scene_bvh, camera_selection_answers, vertexwise_min_dist, min_dist=min_terrain_distance)
+ cam,
+ scene_bvh,
+ camera_selection_answers,
+ vertexwise_min_dist,
+ min_dist=min_terrain_distance,
+ )
if dists is None:
- logger.debug('keep_cam_pose_proposal rejects terrain dists')
+ logger.debug("keep_cam_pose_proposal rejects terrain dists")
return None
- coverage = len(dists)/n_pix
+ coverage = len(dists) / n_pix
if coverage < terrain_coverage_range[0] or coverage > terrain_coverage_range[1]:
- logger.debug(f'keep_cam_pose_proposal rejects {coverage=} for {terrain_coverage_range=}')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"keep_cam_pose_proposal rejects {coverage=} for {terrain_coverage_range=}"
+ )
return None
if terrain is not None and terrain_sdf <= 0:
- logger.debug(f'keep_cam_pose_proposal rejects {terrain_sdf=}')
+ logger.debug(f"keep_cam_pose_proposal rejects {terrain_sdf=}")
return None
if rparams := camera_selection_ratio:
for q in rparams:
if type(q) is tuple and q[0] == SelectionCriterions.CloseUp:
- closeup = len([d for d in dists if d < q[1]])/n_pix
+ closeup = len([d for d in dists if d < q[1]]) / n_pix
if closeup < rparams[q][0] or closeup > rparams[q][1]:
- logger.debug(f'keep_cam_pose_proposal rejects {closeup=} for {q=}')
+ logger.debug(f"keep_cam_pose_proposal rejects {closeup=} for {q=}")
return None
minv, maxv = rparams[q][0], rparams[q][1]
if q in camera_selection_answers_counts:
ratio = camera_selection_answers_counts[q] / n_pix
if ratio < minv or ratio > maxv:
- logger.debug(f'keep_cam_pose_proposal rejects {ratio=} for {q=}')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"keep_cam_pose_proposal rejects {ratio=} for {q=}"
+ )
return None
return np.std(dists) + 1.5 * np.min(dists)
class AnimPolicyGoToProposals:
- def __init__(self, speed=("uniform", 1.5, 2.5), min_dist=4, max_dist=10, retries=30):
- self.speed=speed
- self.min_dist=min_dist
- self.max_dist=max_dist
- self.retries=retries
+ def __init__(
+ self, speed=("uniform", 1.5, 2.5), min_dist=4, max_dist=10, retries=30
+ ):
+ self.speed = speed
+ self.min_dist = min_dist
+ self.max_dist = max_dist
+ self.retries = retries
def __call__(self, camera_rig, frame_curr, retry_pct, bvh):
margin = Vector((self.max_dist, self.max_dist, self.max_dist))
@@ -362,61 +393,67 @@ def __call__(self, camera_rig, frame_curr, retry_pct, bvh):
- raise animation_policy.PolicyError(f'{__name__} found no keyframe after {self.retries=}')
+ raise animation_policy.PolicyError(
+ f"{__name__} found no keyframe after {self.retries=}"
+ )
time = dist / random_general(self.speed)
- return Vector(res.loc), Vector(res.rot), time, 'BEZIER'
+ return Vector(res.loc), Vector(res.rot), time, "BEZIER"
def compute_base_views(
- cam, n_views,
- terrain,
- scene_bvh,
- location_sample: typing.Callable,
+ cam,
+ n_views,
+ terrain,
+ scene_bvh,
+ location_sample: typing.Callable,
- camera_selection_answers={},
+ camera_selection_answers={},
- visualize=False
+ visualize=False,
potential_views = []
n_min_candidates = int(min_candidates_ratio * n_views)
- with tqdm(total=n_min_candidates, desc='Searching for camera viewpoints') as pbar:
+ with tqdm(total=n_min_candidates, desc="Searching for camera viewpoints") as pbar:
for it in range(1, max_tries):
props = camera_pose_proposal(
- scene_bvh=scene_bvh,
- location_sample=location_sample
+ scene_bvh=scene_bvh, location_sample=location_sample
- if props is None:
- logger.debug(f'{camera_pose_proposal.__name__} returned {props=} for {it=}')
+ if props is None:
+ logger.debug(
+ f"{camera_pose_proposal.__name__} returned {props=} for {it=}"
+ )
criterion = keep_cam_pose_proposal(
- cam, terrain, scene_bvh, placeholders_kd,
+ cam,
+ terrain,
+ scene_bvh,
+ placeholders_kd,
if visualize:
- criterion_str = f'{criterion:.2f}' if criterion is not None else 'None'
- marker = butil.spawn_empty(f'attempt_{it}_{criterion_str}')
+ criterion_str = f"{criterion:.2f}" if criterion is not None else "None"
+ marker = butil.spawn_empty(f"attempt_{it}_{criterion_str}")
marker.location = cam.location
marker.rotation_euler = cam.rotation_euler
if criterion is None:
- logger.debug(f'{it=} {criterion=}')
+ logger.debug(f"{it=} {criterion=}")
# Compute focus distance
- destination = cam.matrix_world @ Vector((0.,0.,-1.))
+ destination = cam.matrix_world @ Vector((0.0, 0.0, -1.0))
forward_dir = (destination - cam.location).normalized()
*_, straight_ahead_dist = scene_bvh.ray_cast(cam.location, forward_dir)
@@ -428,11 +465,11 @@ def compute_base_views(
if len(potential_views) < n_views:
if visualize:
- butil.save_blend('compute_base_views-failed.blend')
- raise ValueError(f'Could not find {n_views} camera views')
+ butil.save_blend("compute_base_views-failed.blend")
+ raise ValueError(f"Could not find {n_views} camera views")
views = sorted(potential_views, reverse=True)
return views[:n_views]
@@ -440,12 +477,14 @@ def build_bvh_and_attrs(objs, tags_queries):
dup_objs = []
for obj in objs:
with SelectObjects(obj):
- bpy.ops.object.duplicate(linked=0,mode='TRANSLATION')
+ bpy.ops.object.duplicate(linked=0, mode="TRANSLATION")
for obj in dup_objs:
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(quad_method='BEAUTY', ngon_method='BEAUTY')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(
+ quad_method="BEAUTY", ngon_method="BEAUTY"
+ )
with SelectObjects(dup_objs[0]):
for obj in dup_objs[1:]:
@@ -453,8 +492,9 @@ def build_bvh_and_attrs(objs, tags_queries):
obj = bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active
bvh = BVHTree.FromObject(obj, bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get())
from infinigen.terrain.utils import Mesh
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(quad_method='BEAUTY', ngon_method='BEAUTY')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(quad_method="BEAUTY", ngon_method="BEAUTY")
mesh = Mesh(obj=obj)
@@ -464,26 +504,31 @@ def build_bvh_and_attrs(objs, tags_queries):
q = (q0,)
q = q0
- if q[0] in [SelectionCriterions.CloseUp]: continue
+ if q[0] in [SelectionCriterions.CloseUp]:
+ continue
if q[0] == SelectionCriterions.Altitude:
min_altitude, max_altitude = q[1:3]
altitude = mesh.vertices[:, 2]
- camera_selection_answers[q0] = mesh.facewise_mean((altitude > min_altitude) & (altitude < max_altitude))
+ camera_selection_answers[q0] = mesh.facewise_mean(
+ (altitude > min_altitude) & (altitude < max_altitude)
+ )
camera_selection_answers[q0] = np.zeros(len(mesh.faces), dtype=bool)
for key in tag_system.tag_dict:
- if set(q).issubset(set(key.split('.'))):
- camera_selection_answers[q0] |= (mesh.face_attributes["MaskTag"] == tag_system.tag_dict[key]).reshape(-1)
+ if set(q).issubset(set(key.split("."))):
+ camera_selection_answers[q0] |= (
+ mesh.face_attributes["MaskTag"] == tag_system.tag_dict[key]
+ ).reshape(-1)
return bvh, camera_selection_answers
def camera_selection_preprocessing(
- terrain,
+ terrain,
tags_ratio: dict = None,
ranges_ratio: dict = None,
anim_criterion_keys: dict = None,
if tags_ratio is None:
tags_ratio = {}
if ranges_ratio is None:
@@ -493,30 +538,36 @@ def camera_selection_preprocessing(
# preprocessing code adapted from mazeyu's original gin-oriented solution
tags_ratio = {
- k: (*v, anim_criterion_keys.get(k, False))
- for k, v in tags_ratio.items()
+ k: (*v, anim_criterion_keys.get(k, False)) for k, v in tags_ratio.items()
ranges_ratio = {
- v[:-2]: (v[-2], v[-1], anim_criterion_keys.get(k, False))
+ v[:-2]: (v[-2], v[-1], anim_criterion_keys.get(k, False))
for k, v in ranges_ratio.items()
all_selection_ratios = {**tags_ratio, **ranges_ratio}
- with Timer('Building placeholders KDTree'):
- placeholders = list(chain.from_iterable(
- c.all_objects for c in bpy.data.collections if c.name.startswith('placeholders:')
- ))
- placeholders = [p for p in placeholders if p.type == 'MESH']
- logger.info(f'Building placeholder kd for {len(placeholders)} objects')
- placeholders_kd = butil.joined_kd(placeholders, include_origins=True)
+ with Timer("Building placeholders KDTree"):
+ placeholders = list(
+ chain.from_iterable(
+ c.all_objects
+ for c in bpy.data.collections
+ if c.name.startswith("placeholders:")
+ )
+ )
+ placeholders = [p for p in placeholders if p.type == "MESH"]
+ logger.info(f"Building placeholder kd for {len(placeholders)} objects")
+ placeholders_kd = butil.joined_kd(placeholders, include_origins=True)
if terrain is None:
- scene_bvh, camera_selection_answers = build_bvh_and_attrs(scene_objs, all_selection_ratios.keys())
+ scene_bvh, camera_selection_answers = build_bvh_and_attrs(
+ scene_objs, all_selection_ratios.keys()
+ )
vertexwise_min_dist = None
- scene_bvh, camera_selection_answers, vertexwise_min_dist = terrain.build_terrain_bvh_and_attrs(all_selection_ratios.keys())
+ scene_bvh, camera_selection_answers, vertexwise_min_dist = (
+ terrain.build_terrain_bvh_and_attrs(all_selection_ratios.keys())
+ )
return dict(
@@ -527,31 +578,33 @@ def camera_selection_preprocessing(
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('geo_distrib', singleton=True, type='GeometryNodeTree')
+@node_utils.to_nodegroup("geo_distrib", singleton=True, type="GeometryNodeTree")
def geo_distrib_random_points(nw: NodeWrangler):
- input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[('NodeSocketGeometry', 'Geometry', None)])
- distribute = nw.new_node(Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces, input_kwargs={
- 'Mesh': input.outputs['Geometry'],
- 'Density': 500
- })
+ input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput, expose_input=[("NodeSocketGeometry", "Geometry", None)]
+ )
+ distribute = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
+ input_kwargs={"Mesh": input.outputs["Geometry"], "Density": 500},
+ )
verts = nw.new_node(Nodes.PointsToVertices, [distribute])
- output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": verts})
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": verts})
def sample_random_locs(surface: bpy.types.Object, eps=0.01):
# HACK implementation - uses blender geonodes' uniform surface sample, im fairly sure theres a numpy impl somewhere in the repo
surface = butil.copy(surface)
butil.apply_transform(surface, loc=True, rot=True, scale=True)
- surface,
- "NODES",
- node_group=geo_distrib_random_points(),
- apply=True
+ surface, "NODES", node_group=geo_distrib_random_points(), apply=True
locs = np.array([v.co for v in surface.data.vertices])
locs[:, -1] += eps
return locs
def configure_cameras(
@@ -563,25 +616,27 @@ def configure_cameras(
dummy_camera = spawn_camera()
if init_bounding_box is not None:
- location_sample = lambda: np.random.uniform(*init_bounding_box)
+ def location_sample():
+ return np.random.uniform(*init_bounding_box)
elif init_surfaces is not None:
random_locs = sample_random_locs(init_surfaces)
def location_sample():
loc = Vector(random_locs[np.random.randint(len(random_locs)), :])
loc.z += 1e-3
return loc
- raise ValueError('Either init_bounding_box or init_surfaces must be provided')
+ raise ValueError("Either init_bounding_box or init_surfaces must be provided")
base_views = compute_base_views(
- dummy_camera,
- n_views=len(cam_rigs),
- location_sample=location_sample,
- **scene_preprocessed
+ dummy_camera,
+ n_views=len(cam_rigs),
+ location_sample=location_sample,
+ **scene_preprocessed,
for view, cam_rig in zip(base_views, cam_rigs):
score, props, focus_dist = view
cam_rig.location = props.loc
cam_rig.rotation_euler = props.rot
@@ -591,63 +646,63 @@ def location_sample():
if focus_dist is not None:
for cam in cam_rig.children:
- if not cam.type =='CAMERA': continue
+ if not cam.type == "CAMERA":
+ continue
cam.data.dof.focus_distance = focus_dist
def animate_cameras(
- scene_preprocessed,
+ scene_preprocessed,
- policy_registry = None,
+ policy_registry=None,
animation_ratio = {}
animation_answers = {}
- for k in scene_preprocessed['camera_selection_ratio']:
- if scene_preprocessed['camera_selection_ratio'][k][2]:
- animation_ratio[k] = scene_preprocessed['camera_selection_ratio'][k]
- animation_answers[k] = scene_preprocessed['camera_selection_answers'][k]
+ for k in scene_preprocessed["camera_selection_ratio"]:
+ if scene_preprocessed["camera_selection_ratio"][k][2]:
+ animation_ratio[k] = scene_preprocessed["camera_selection_ratio"][k]
+ animation_answers[k] = scene_preprocessed["camera_selection_answers"][k]
anim_valid_pose_func = partial(
- placeholders_kd=scene_preprocessed['placeholders_kd'],
- scene_bvh=scene_preprocessed['scene_bvh'],
- terrain=scene_preprocessed['terrain'],
- vertexwise_min_dist=scene_preprocessed['vertexwise_min_dist'],
+ placeholders_kd=scene_preprocessed["placeholders_kd"],
+ scene_bvh=scene_preprocessed["scene_bvh"],
+ terrain=scene_preprocessed["terrain"],
+ vertexwise_min_dist=scene_preprocessed["vertexwise_min_dist"],
for cam_rig in cam_rigs:
if policy_registry is None:
if U() < follow_poi_chance and pois is not None and len(pois):
policy = animation_policy.AnimPolicyFollowObject(
- target_obj=cam_rig,
- pois=pois,
- bvh=scene_preprocessed['scene_bvh']
+ target_obj=cam_rig, pois=pois, bvh=scene_preprocessed["scene_bvh"]
policy = animation_policy.AnimPolicyRandomWalkLookaround()
policy = policy_registry()
- logger.info(f'Animating {cam_rig=} using {policy=}')
+ logger.info(f"Animating {cam_rig=} using {policy=}")
- scene_preprocessed['scene_bvh'],
+ scene_preprocessed["scene_bvh"],
- validate_pose_func=anim_valid_pose_func,
- verbose=True,
+ validate_pose_func=anim_valid_pose_func,
+ verbose=True,
def save_camera_parameters(camera_ids, output_folder, frame, use_dof=False):
output_folder = Path(output_folder)
@@ -660,16 +715,23 @@ def save_camera_parameters(camera_ids, output_folder, frame, use_dof=False):
camera_obj.data.dof.use_dof = use_dof
# Saving camera parameters
K = camera.get_calibration_matrix_K_from_blender(camera_obj.data)
- suffix = get_suffix(dict(cam_rig=camera_pair_id, resample=0, frame=frame, subcam=camera_id))
+ suffix = get_suffix(
+ dict(cam_rig=camera_pair_id, resample=0, frame=frame, subcam=camera_id)
+ )
output_file = output_folder / f"camview{suffix}.npz"
- height_width = np.array((
- bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y,
- bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x
- ))
- T = np.asarray(camera_obj.matrix_world, dtype=np.float64) @ np.diag((1.,-1.,-1.,1.)) # Y down Z forward (aka opencv)
+ height_width = np.array(
+ (
+ bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y,
+ bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x,
+ )
+ )
+ T = np.asarray(camera_obj.matrix_world, dtype=np.float64) @ np.diag(
+ (1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0)
+ ) # Y down Z forward (aka opencv)
np.savez(output_file, K=np.asarray(K, dtype=np.float64), T=T, HW=height_width)
if __name__ == "__main__":
This interactive section generates a depth map by raycasting through each pixel.
@@ -690,19 +752,21 @@ def save_camera_parameters(camera_ids, output_folder, frame, use_dof=False):
to_obj_coords = target_obj.matrix_world.inverted()
sensor_coords, pix_it = get_sensor_coords(cam, sparse=False)
- H,W = sensor_coords.shape
- depth_output = np.zeros((H,W), dtype=np.float64)
+ H, W = sensor_coords.shape
+ depth_output = np.zeros((H, W), dtype=np.float64)
- for x,y in tqdm(pix_it):
- destination = sensor_coords[y,x]
+ for x, y in tqdm(pix_it):
+ destination = sensor_coords[y, x]
direction = (destination - cam.location).normalized()
location, normal, index, dist = bvhtree.ray_cast(cam.location, direction)
if dist is not None:
dist_diff = (destination - cam.location).length
- assert dist > (location - destination).length, (dist, (location - destination).length)
+ assert dist > (location - destination).length, (
+ dist,
+ (location - destination).length,
+ )
assert dist > dist_diff
- depth_output[H-y-1,x] = dist - dist_diff
+ depth_output[H - y - 1, x] = dist - dist_diff
color_depth = colorize_depth(depth_output)
- imageio.imwrite(f"color_depth.png", color_depth)
+ imageio.imwrite("color_depth.png", color_depth)
diff --git a/infinigen/core/placement/density.py b/infinigen/core/placement/density.py
index fb830526a..a389a6030 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/placement/density.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/placement/density.py
@@ -6,40 +6,42 @@
# - Zeyu Ma: Selection based on tag
-import pdb
import logging
-import bpy
import mathutils
import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler, Nodes
from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils as nu
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
from infinigen.core.surface import eval_argument
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
tag_dict = None
def set_tag_dict(tag_dict_):
global tag_dict
tag_dict = tag_dict_
def tag_mask(nw, tag):
keys = list(tag_dict.keys())
- tag_parts = tag.split(',')
- logger.debug(f'Parsing {tag=} into {len(tag_parts)=}, matching against {len(tag_dict)=}')
+ tag_parts = tag.split(",")
+ logger.debug(
+ f"Parsing {tag=} into {len(tag_parts)=}, matching against {len(tag_dict)=}"
+ )
for part in tag_parts:
if part.startswith("-"):
- keys = [k for k in keys if part[1:] not in k.split('.')]
+ keys = [k for k in keys if part[1:] not in k.split(".")]
- keys = [k for k in keys if part in k.split('.')]
+ keys = [k for k in keys if part in k.split(".")]
conditions = []
for k in keys:
comp = nw.new_node(
- Nodes.Compare,
- attrs={'operation': "EQUAL", "data_type": "FLOAT"},
- input_args=[eval_argument(nw, "MaskTag"), tag_dict[k]]
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ attrs={"operation": "EQUAL", "data_type": "FLOAT"},
+ input_args=[eval_argument(nw, "MaskTag"), tag_dict[k]],
if len(conditions):
@@ -49,43 +51,67 @@ def tag_mask(nw, tag):
mask.outputs["Value"].default_value = 1
return mask
-def placement_mask(scale=0.05, select_thresh=0.55, normal_thresh=0.5, normal_thresh_high=2.,
- normal_dir=(0, 0, 1), tag=None, return_scalar=False, altitude_range=None):
+def placement_mask(
+ scale=0.05,
+ select_thresh=0.55,
+ normal_thresh=0.5,
+ normal_thresh_high=2.0,
+ normal_dir=(0, 0, 1),
+ tag=None,
+ return_scalar=False,
+ altitude_range=None,
def selection(nw):
mask = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
mask.outputs["Value"].default_value = 1
if select_thresh is not None:
mininum_val = nw.new_node(Nodes.Value)
- mininum_val.outputs[0].default_value = np.random.normal(select_thresh, 0.025)
+ mininum_val.outputs[0].default_value = np.random.normal(
+ select_thresh, 0.025
+ )
noise_node = nu.noise(nw, scale)
- noise_mask = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, input_args=[noise_node, mininum_val],
- attrs={'operation': 'GREATER_THAN'})
+ noise_mask = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ input_args=[noise_node, mininum_val],
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN"},
+ )
mask = nw.scalar_multiply(mask, noise_mask)
if normal_thresh is not None:
facing_mask = nu.facing_mask(nw, normal_dir, thresh=normal_thresh)
mask = nw.scalar_multiply(mask, facing_mask)
if normal_thresh_high is not None:
- facing_mask = nu.facing_mask(nw, - mathutils.Vector(normal_dir), thresh=-normal_thresh_high)
+ facing_mask = nu.facing_mask(
+ nw, -mathutils.Vector(normal_dir), thresh=-normal_thresh_high
+ )
mask = nw.scalar_multiply(mask, facing_mask)
if tag is not None:
- mask = nw.scalar_multiply(
- mask,
- tag_mask(nw, tag)
- )
+ mask = nw.scalar_multiply(mask, tag_mask(nw, tag))
if altitude_range is not None:
z = (nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateXYZ, [nw.new_node(Nodes.InputPosition)]), 2)
start, end = altitude_range
mask = nw.scalar_multiply(
- nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare, attrs={'operation': "GREATER_THAN", "data_type": "FLOAT"}, input_args=[z, start]),
- nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare, attrs={'operation': "LESS_THAN", "data_type": "FLOAT"}, input_args=[z, end]),
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ attrs={"operation": "GREATER_THAN", "data_type": "FLOAT"},
+ input_args=[z, start],
+ ),
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare,
+ attrs={"operation": "LESS_THAN", "data_type": "FLOAT"},
+ input_args=[z, end],
+ ),
if (select_thresh is not None) and return_scalar:
- map_range = nw.new_node(Nodes.MapRange, input_kwargs={'Value': noise_node, 1: mininum_val, 2: 0.75},
- attrs={'interpolation_type': 'SMOOTHSTEP'})
+ map_range = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MapRange,
+ input_kwargs={"Value": noise_node, 1: mininum_val, 2: 0.75},
+ attrs={"interpolation_type": "SMOOTHSTEP"},
+ )
return mask, map_range
return mask
diff --git a/infinigen/core/placement/detail.py b/infinigen/core/placement/detail.py
index e4a4c37c4..8c5635847 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/placement/detail.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/placement/detail.py
@@ -4,32 +4,31 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import pdb
-import warnings
import logging
import bpy
+import gin
import mathutils
import numpy as np
-import gin
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.nodes.nodegroups import transfer_attributes
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-IS_COARSE = False # Global VARIABLE, set by infinigen_examples/generate_nature.py and used only for whether to emit warnings
+IS_COARSE = False # Global VARIABLE, set by infinigen_examples/generate_nature.py and used only for whether to emit warnings
def scatter_res_distance(dist=4):
return dist
-def target_face_size(obj, camera=None, global_multiplier=1, global_clip_min=0.003, global_clip_max=1):
+def target_face_size(
+ obj, camera=None, global_multiplier=1, global_clip_min=0.003, global_clip_max=1
if camera is None:
camera = bpy.context.scene.camera
if camera is None:
@@ -37,25 +36,31 @@ def target_face_size(obj, camera=None, global_multiplier=1, global_clip_min=0.00
if isinstance(obj, bpy.types.Object):
- logger.warn(f'target_face_size({obj.name=}) is using the cameras location which is unsafe for {IS_COARSE=}')
+ logger.warn(
+ f"target_face_size({obj.name=}) is using the cameras location which is unsafe for {IS_COARSE=}"
+ )
bbox = np.array([obj.matrix_world @ mathutils.Vector(v) for v in obj.bound_box])
dists = np.linalg.norm(bbox - np.array(camera.location), axis=-1)
eval_point = bbox[dists.argmin()]
dist = np.linalg.norm(eval_point - camera.location)
- elif hasattr(obj, '__len__') and len(obj) == 3:
+ elif hasattr(obj, "__len__") and len(obj) == 3:
- logger.warn(f'target_face_size({obj.name=}) is using the cameras location which is unsafe for {IS_COARSE=}')
+ logger.warn(
+ f"target_face_size({obj.name=}) is using the cameras location which is unsafe for {IS_COARSE=}"
+ )
eval_point = mathutils.Vector(obj)
dist = np.linalg.norm(eval_point - camera.location)
elif isinstance(obj, (float, int)):
dist = obj
- raise ValueError(f'target_face_size() could not handle {obj=}, {type(obj)=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"target_face_size() could not handle {obj=}, {type(obj)=}")
if camera is None:
camera = bpy.context.scene.camera
if camera is None:
- return global_clip_min # raise ValueError(f'Please add a camera; attempted to #
+ return (
+ global_clip_min # raise ValueError(f'Please add a camera; attempted to #
+ )
# detail.target_face_size() but {bpy.context.scene.camera=}')
camd = camera.data
@@ -64,7 +69,8 @@ def target_face_size(obj, camera=None, global_multiplier=1, global_clip_min=0.00
f_m = mm_to_meter * camd.lens
sensor_dims = mm_to_meter * np.array([camd.sensor_width, camd.sensor_height])
pixel_shape = (scene.render.resolution_percentage / 100) * np.array(
- [scene.render.resolution_x, scene.render.resolution_y])
+ [scene.render.resolution_x, scene.render.resolution_y]
+ )
pixel_dims = (sensor_dims / pixel_shape) * (dist / f_m)
@@ -73,16 +79,23 @@ def target_face_size(obj, camera=None, global_multiplier=1, global_clip_min=0.00
return np.clip(global_multiplier * res, global_clip_min, global_clip_max)
-def remesh_with_attrs(obj, face_size, apply=True, min_remesh_size=None, attributes=None):
- logger.debug(f'remesh_with_attrs on {obj.name=} with {face_size=:.4f} {attributes=}')
+def remesh_with_attrs(
+ obj, face_size, apply=True, min_remesh_size=None, attributes=None
+ logger.debug(
+ f"remesh_with_attrs on {obj.name=} with {face_size=:.4f} {attributes=}"
+ )
temp_copy = deep_clone_obj(obj)
- remesh_size = face_size if min_remesh_size is None else max(face_size, min_remesh_size)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, type='REMESH', apply=True, voxel_size=remesh_size)
+ remesh_size = (
+ face_size if min_remesh_size is None else max(face_size, min_remesh_size)
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(obj, type="REMESH", apply=True, voxel_size=remesh_size)
- transfer_attributes.transfer_all(source=temp_copy, target=obj, attributes=attributes, uvs=True)
+ transfer_attributes.transfer_all(
+ source=temp_copy, target=obj, attributes=attributes, uvs=True
+ )
bpy.data.objects.remove(temp_copy, do_unlink=True)
if remesh_size > face_size:
@@ -91,15 +104,26 @@ def remesh_with_attrs(obj, face_size, apply=True, min_remesh_size=None, attribut
return obj
-def sharp_remesh_with_attrs(obj, face_size, apply=True, min_remesh_size=None, attributes=None):
+def sharp_remesh_with_attrs(
+ obj, face_size, apply=True, min_remesh_size=None, attributes=None
temp_copy = deep_clone_obj(obj)
- remesh_size = face_size if min_remesh_size is None else max(face_size, min_remesh_size)
- butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'REMESH', apply=apply, mode='SHARP',
- octree_depth=int(np.ceil(np.log2((max(obj.dimensions) + .01) / remesh_size))),
- use_remove_disconnected=False)
- transfer_attributes.transfer_all(source=temp_copy, target=obj, attributes=attributes, uvs=True)
+ remesh_size = (
+ face_size if min_remesh_size is None else max(face_size, min_remesh_size)
+ )
+ butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ apply=apply,
+ mode="SHARP",
+ octree_depth=int(np.ceil(np.log2((max(obj.dimensions) + 0.01) / remesh_size))),
+ use_remove_disconnected=False,
+ )
+ transfer_attributes.transfer_all(
+ source=temp_copy, target=obj, attributes=attributes, uvs=True
+ )
bpy.data.objects.remove(temp_copy, do_unlink=True)
return obj
@@ -107,23 +131,37 @@ def sharp_remesh_with_attrs(obj, face_size, apply=True, min_remesh_size=None, at
def subdivide_to_face_size(obj, from_facesize, to_facesize, apply=True, max_levels=6):
if to_facesize > from_facesize:
- logger.warn(f'subdivide_to_facesize recieved {from_facesize=} < {to_facesize=}. Subdivision cannot increase facesize')
+ logger.warn(
+ f"subdivide_to_facesize recieved {from_facesize=} < {to_facesize=}. Subdivision cannot increase facesize"
+ )
return None
- levels = int(np.ceil(np.log2(from_facesize/to_facesize)))
+ levels = int(np.ceil(np.log2(from_facesize / to_facesize)))
if max_levels is not None and levels > max_levels:
- logger.warn(f'subdivide_to_facesize({obj.name=}, {from_facesize=:.6f}, {to_facesize=:.6f}) attempted {levels=}, clamping to {max_levels=}')
+ logger.warn(
+ f"subdivide_to_facesize({obj.name=}, {from_facesize=:.6f}, {to_facesize=:.6f}) attempted {levels=}, clamping to {max_levels=}"
+ )
levels = max_levels
- logger.debug(f'subdivide_to_face_size applying {levels=} of subsurf to {obj.name=}')
- _, mod = butil.modify_mesh(obj, 'SUBSURF', apply=apply,
- levels=levels, render_levels=levels, return_mod=True)
- return mod # None if apply=True
+ logger.debug(f"subdivide_to_face_size applying {levels=} of subsurf to {obj.name=}")
+ _, mod = butil.modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ apply=apply,
+ levels=levels,
+ render_levels=levels,
+ return_mod=True,
+ )
+ return mod # None if apply=True
def merged_by_distance_col(col, face_size, inplace=False):
if not inplace:
with butil.SelectObjects(list(col.objects)):
- col = butil.group_in_collection(list(bpy.context.selected_objects),
- name=col.name + f'.detail({face_size:.5f})', reuse=False)
+ col = butil.group_in_collection(
+ list(bpy.context.selected_objects),
+ name=col.name + f".detail({face_size:.5f})",
+ reuse=False,
+ )
for obj in col.objects:
butil.merge_by_distance(obj, face_size)
@@ -143,35 +181,44 @@ def min_max_edgelen(mesh):
def adapt_mesh_resolution(obj, face_size, method, approx=0.2, **kwargs):
- assert obj.type == 'MESH'
+ assert obj.type == "MESH"
assert 0 <= approx and approx <= 0.5
- logger.debug(f'adapt_mesh_resolution on {obj.name} with {method=} to {face_size=:.6f}')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"adapt_mesh_resolution on {obj.name} with {method=} to {face_size=:.6f}"
+ )
if len(obj.data.polygons) == 0:
- logger.debug(f'Ignoring adapt_mesh_resolution on {obj.name=} due to no polygons')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"Ignoring adapt_mesh_resolution on {obj.name=} due to no polygons"
+ )
lmin, lmax = min_max_edgelen(obj.data)
- if method == 'subdivide':
+ if method == "subdivide":
if lmax > face_size:
- subdivide_to_face_size(obj, from_facesize=lmax, to_facesize=face_size, **kwargs)
- elif method == 'subdiv_by_area':
+ subdivide_to_face_size(
+ obj, from_facesize=lmax, to_facesize=face_size, **kwargs
+ )
+ elif method == "subdiv_by_area":
areas = np.zeros(len(obj.data.polygons))
- obj.data.polygons.foreach_get('area', areas)
- approx_facesize = np.sqrt(np.percentile(areas, q=1-approx))
+ obj.data.polygons.foreach_get("area", areas)
+ approx_facesize = np.sqrt(np.percentile(areas, q=1 - approx))
if approx_facesize > face_size:
- subdivide_to_face_size(obj, from_facesize=approx_facesize, to_facesize=face_size, **kwargs)
+ subdivide_to_face_size(
+ obj, from_facesize=approx_facesize, to_facesize=face_size, **kwargs
+ )
- logger.debug(f'No subdivision necessary on {obj.name=} {approx_facesize} < {face_size}')
- elif method == 'merge_down':
+ logger.debug(
+ f"No subdivision necessary on {obj.name=} {approx_facesize} < {face_size}"
+ )
+ elif method == "merge_down":
if lmin < face_size:
butil.merge_by_distance(obj, face_size)
- elif method == 'remesh':
+ elif method == "remesh":
remesh_with_attrs(obj, face_size, **kwargs)
- elif method == 'sharp_remesh':
+ elif method == "sharp_remesh":
sharp_remesh_with_attrs(obj, face_size, **kwargs)
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized adapt_mesh_resolution(..., {method=})')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized adapt_mesh_resolution(..., {method=})")
diff --git a/infinigen/core/placement/factory.py b/infinigen/core/placement/factory.py
index 393ece294..3432d4319 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/placement/factory.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/placement/factory.py
@@ -7,24 +7,23 @@
# - Lahav Lipson: quickly_resample
+import logging
import typing
import bpy
-import mathutils
import numpy as np
-import logging
from tqdm import trange
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, int_hash
-from . import detail
from ...assets.utils.object import center
+from . import detail
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AssetFactory:
def __init__(self, factory_seed=None, coarse=False):
self.factory_seed = factory_seed
if self.factory_seed is None:
@@ -32,10 +31,10 @@ def __init__(self, factory_seed=None, coarse=False):
self.coarse = coarse
- logger.debug(f'{self}.__init__()')
+ logger.debug(f"{self}.__init__()")
def __repr__(self):
- return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.factory_seed})'
+ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.factory_seed})"
def quickly_resample(obj):
@@ -54,9 +53,9 @@ def finalize_placeholders(self, placeholders: typing.List[bpy.types.Object]):
def asset_parameters(self, distance: float, vis_distance: float) -> dict:
# Optionally, override to determine the **params input of create_asset w.r.t. camera distance
return {
- 'face_size': detail.target_face_size(distance),
- 'distance': distance,
- 'vis_distance': vis_distance
+ "face_size": detail.target_face_size(distance),
+ "distance": distance,
+ "vis_distance": vis_distance,
def create_asset(self, **params) -> bpy.types.Object:
@@ -71,41 +70,55 @@ def finalize_assets(self, assets):
def spawn_placeholder(self, i, loc, rot):
# Not intended to be overridden - override create_placeholder instead
- logger.debug(f'{self}.spawn_placeholder({i}...)')
+ logger.debug(f"{self}.spawn_placeholder({i}...)")
with FixedSeed(int_hash((self.factory_seed, i))):
obj = self.create_placeholder(i=i, loc=loc, rot=rot)
- has_sensitive_constraint = any(c.type in ['FOLLOW_PATH'] for c in obj.constraints)
+ has_sensitive_constraint = any(
+ c.type in ["FOLLOW_PATH"] for c in obj.constraints
+ )
if not has_sensitive_constraint:
obj.location = loc
obj.rotation_euler = rot
- logger.debug(f'Not assigning placeholder {obj.name=} location due to presence of'
- 'location-sensitive constraint, typically a follow curve')
- obj.name = f'{repr(self)}.spawn_placeholder({i})'
+ logger.debug(
+ f"Not assigning placeholder {obj.name=} location due to presence of"
+ "location-sensitive constraint, typically a follow curve"
+ )
+ obj.name = f"{repr(self)}.spawn_placeholder({i})"
if obj.parent is not None:
- f'{obj.name=} has no-none parent {obj.parent.name=}, this may cause it not to get populated')
+ f"{obj.name=} has no-none parent {obj.parent.name=}, this may cause it not to get populated"
+ )
return obj
- def spawn_asset(self, i, placeholder=None, distance=None, vis_distance=0, loc=(0, 0, 0), rot=(0, 0, 0),
- **kwargs):
+ def spawn_asset(
+ self,
+ i,
+ placeholder=None,
+ distance=None,
+ vis_distance=0,
+ loc=(0, 0, 0),
+ rot=(0, 0, 0),
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
if not isinstance(i, int):
- raise TypeError(f'{i=} {type(i)=}, expected int')
+ raise TypeError(f"{i=} {type(i)=}, expected int")
# Not intended to be overridden - override create_asset instead
- logger.debug(f'{self}.spawn_asset({i}...)')
+ logger.debug(f"{self}.spawn_asset({i}...)")
if distance is None:
distance = detail.scatter_res_distance()
if self.coarse:
- raise ValueError('Attempted to spawn_asset() on an AssetFactory(coarse=True)')
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Attempted to spawn_asset() on an AssetFactory(coarse=True)"
+ )
user_provided_placeholder = placeholder is not None
@@ -114,16 +127,23 @@ def spawn_asset(self, i, placeholder=None, distance=None, vis_distance=0, loc=(0
placeholder = self.spawn_placeholder(i=i, loc=loc, rot=rot)
- gc_targets = [bpy.data.meshes, bpy.data.textures, bpy.data.node_groups, bpy.data.materials]
- with FixedSeed(int_hash((self.factory_seed, i))), butil.GarbageCollect(gc_targets, verbose=False):
+ gc_targets = [
+ bpy.data.meshes,
+ bpy.data.textures,
+ bpy.data.node_groups,
+ bpy.data.materials,
+ ]
+ with (
+ FixedSeed(int_hash((self.factory_seed, i))),
+ butil.GarbageCollect(gc_targets, verbose=False),
+ ):
params = self.asset_parameters(distance, vis_distance)
obj = self.create_asset(i=i, placeholder=placeholder, **params)
- obj.name = f'{repr(self)}.spawn_asset({i})'
+ obj.name = f"{repr(self)}.spawn_asset({i})"
if user_provided_placeholder:
if obj is not placeholder:
@@ -144,8 +164,17 @@ def spawn_asset(self, i, placeholder=None, distance=None, vis_distance=0, loc=(0
def post_init(self):
-def make_asset_collection(spawn_fns, n, name=None, weights=None, as_list=False, verbose=True, centered=False,
- **kwargs):
+def make_asset_collection(
+ spawn_fns,
+ n,
+ name=None,
+ weights=None,
+ as_list=False,
+ verbose=True,
+ centered=False,
+ **kwargs,
if not isinstance(spawn_fns, list):
spawn_fns = [spawn_fns]
if weights is None:
@@ -153,10 +182,10 @@ def make_asset_collection(spawn_fns, n, name=None, weights=None, as_list=False,
weights /= sum(weights)
if name is None:
- name = ','.join([repr(f) for f in spawn_fns])
+ name = ",".join([repr(f) for f in spawn_fns])
if verbose:
- logger.info(f'Generating collection of {n} assets from {name}')
+ logger.info(f"Generating collection of {n} assets from {name}")
objs = [[] for _ in range(len(spawn_fns))]
r = trange(n) if verbose else range(n)
@@ -169,7 +198,7 @@ def make_asset_collection(spawn_fns, n, name=None, weights=None, as_list=False,
for os, f in zip(objs, spawn_fns):
- if hasattr(f, 'finalize_assets'):
+ if hasattr(f, "finalize_assets"):
objs = sum(objs, start=[])
@@ -177,8 +206,7 @@ def make_asset_collection(spawn_fns, n, name=None, weights=None, as_list=False,
if as_list:
return objs
- col = butil.group_in_collection(objs, name=f'assets:{name}', reuse=False)
+ col = butil.group_in_collection(objs, name=f"assets:{name}", reuse=False)
col.hide_viewport = True
col.hide_render = True
return col
diff --git a/infinigen/core/placement/instance_scatter.py b/infinigen/core/placement/instance_scatter.py
index ace0c62d9..5c81dbd01 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/placement/instance_scatter.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/placement/instance_scatter.py
@@ -4,28 +4,32 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick, Lahav Lipson
-from math import prod
import logging
+from math import prod
import bpy
-from mathutils import Vector
import numpy as np
+from mathutils import Vector
from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import CountInstance
from infinigen.core import surface
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.placement.camera import nodegroup_active_cam_info
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _less(a, b, nw):
- return nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare, [a, b], attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT", "operation": "LESS_THAN"})
+ return nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare, [a, b], attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT", "operation": "LESS_THAN"}
+ )
def _greater(a, b, nw):
- return nw.new_node(Nodes.Compare, [a, b], attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT", "operation": "GREATER_THAN"})
+ return nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Compare, [a, b], attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT", "operation": "GREATER_THAN"}
+ )
def _band(a, b, nw):
@@ -54,23 +58,61 @@ def camera_cull_points(nw, fov=25, camera=None, near_dist_margin=5):
camera = bpy.context.scene.camera
camera_info = nw.new_node(nodegroup_active_cam_info().name)
- distance = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, [instance_position, camera_info], attrs={"operation": "DISTANCE"})
- pt_to_cam = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, [instance_position, camera_info], attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"})
- pt_to_cam_normalized = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, [pt_to_cam], attrs={"operation": "NORMALIZE"})
- cam_dir = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorRotate, attrs={"rotation_type": 'EULER_XYZ'},
- input_kwargs={"Vector": _vecnode((0., 0., -1.), nw),
- "Rotation": (camera_info, "Rotation")})
- dot_prod = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, [pt_to_cam_normalized, cam_dir], {"operation": "DOT_PRODUCT"})
+ distance = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ [instance_position, camera_info],
+ attrs={"operation": "DISTANCE"},
+ )
+ pt_to_cam = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ [instance_position, camera_info],
+ attrs={"operation": "SUBTRACT"},
+ )
+ pt_to_cam_normalized = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, [pt_to_cam], attrs={"operation": "NORMALIZE"}
+ )
+ cam_dir = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorRotate,
+ attrs={"rotation_type": "EULER_XYZ"},
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Vector": _vecnode((0.0, 0.0, -1.0), nw),
+ "Rotation": (camera_info, "Rotation"),
+ },
+ )
+ dot_prod = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath, [pt_to_cam_normalized, cam_dir], {"operation": "DOT_PRODUCT"}
+ )
angle_rad = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, [dot_prod], {"operation": "ARCCOSINE"})
angle_deg = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, [angle_rad], {"operation": "DEGREES"})
- visible = nw.new_node(Nodes.BooleanMath, [_less(angle_deg, fov, nw), _less(distance, near_dist_margin, nw)],
- attrs={'operation': 'OR'})
+ visible = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BooleanMath,
+ [_less(angle_deg, fov, nw), _less(distance, near_dist_margin, nw)],
+ attrs={"operation": "OR"},
+ )
return visible, distance
-def bucketed_instance(nw, points, collection, distance, buckets, selection, scaling, rotation, instance_index=None):
- instance_index = {'Instance Index': surface.eval_argument(nw, instance_index, n=len(
- collection.objects))} if instance_index is not None else {}
+def bucketed_instance(
+ nw,
+ points,
+ collection,
+ distance,
+ buckets,
+ selection,
+ scaling,
+ rotation,
+ instance_index=None,
+ instance_index = (
+ {
+ "Instance Index": surface.eval_argument(
+ nw, instance_index, n=len(collection.objects)
+ )
+ }
+ if instance_index is not None
+ else {}
+ )
collection_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.CollectionInfo, [collection, True, True])
instance_groups = []
@@ -81,27 +123,58 @@ def bucketed_instance(nw, points, collection, distance, buckets, selection, scal
upper_val = nw.expose_input(f"Cutoff_{idx + 1}", val=cutoff)
distance_thresh = _in_bucket(distance, prev_upper_val, upper_val, nw)
- lower_res_collection = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance, [collection_info], input_kwargs={
- "Distance": nw.expose_input(f"Merge_By_Dist_{idx + 1}", merge_dist)})
- separate_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateGeometry, [points, distance_thresh],
- attrs={"domain": "POINT"})
- instance_on_points = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints, [separate_points],
- input_kwargs={"Instance": collection_info, "Pick Instance": True,
- **instance_index, "Scale": scaling, "Selection": selection,
- "Rotation": rotation})
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance,
+ [collection_info],
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Distance": nw.expose_input(f"Merge_By_Dist_{idx + 1}", merge_dist)
+ },
+ )
+ separate_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateGeometry, [points, distance_thresh], attrs={"domain": "POINT"}
+ )
+ instance_on_points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ [separate_points],
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instance": collection_info,
+ "Pick Instance": True,
+ **instance_index,
+ "Scale": scaling,
+ "Selection": selection,
+ "Rotation": rotation,
+ },
+ )
- return nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={'Geometry': instance_groups})
+ return nw.new_node(Nodes.JoinGeometry, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instance_groups})
def geo_instance_scatter(
- nw: NodeWrangler, base_obj, collection, density,
- fov=None, dist_max=None, no_culling_dist=5, min_spacing=0,
- scaling=Vector((1, 1, 1)), normal=None, normal_fac=1, rotation_offset=None,
- selection=True, taper_scale=False, taper_density=False,
- ground_offset=0, instance_index=None,
- transform_space='RELATIVE', reset_children=True, realize=False
+ nw: NodeWrangler,
+ base_obj,
+ collection,
+ density,
+ fov=None,
+ dist_max=None,
+ no_culling_dist=5,
+ min_spacing=0,
+ scaling=Vector((1, 1, 1)),
+ normal=None,
+ normal_fac=1,
+ rotation_offset=None,
+ selection=True,
+ taper_scale=False,
+ taper_density=False,
+ ground_offset=0,
+ instance_index=None,
+ transform_space="RELATIVE",
+ reset_children=True,
+ realize=False,
- base_geo = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, [base_obj], attrs={'transform_space':transform_space}).outputs['Geometry']
+ base_geo = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.ObjectInfo, [base_obj], attrs={"transform_space": transform_space}
+ ).outputs["Geometry"]
overall_density = nw.expose_input("Overall Density", val=density)
selection_val = surface.eval_argument(nw, selection)
@@ -113,111 +186,188 @@ def geo_instance_scatter(
if density_scalar is not None:
if taper_density:
- overall_density = nw.new_node(Nodes.Math, [density_scalar, overall_density], attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
+ overall_density = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Math,
+ [density_scalar, overall_density],
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
if taper_scale:
- scaling = nw.new_node(Nodes.VectorMath, input_kwargs={0: scaling, 'Scale': density_scalar}, attrs={'operation': 'SCALE'})
- points = nw.new_node(Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
- [base_geo], input_kwargs={"Density": overall_density, "Selection": selection_val})
+ scaling = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.VectorMath,
+ input_kwargs={0: scaling, "Scale": density_scalar},
+ attrs={"operation": "SCALE"},
+ )
+ points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
+ [base_geo],
+ input_kwargs={"Density": overall_density, "Selection": selection_val},
+ )
distribute_points = points
if min_spacing > 0:
- points = nw.new_node(Nodes.MergeByDistance,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': points, 'Distance': surface.eval_argument(nw, min_spacing)})
+ points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MergeByDistance,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": points,
+ "Distance": surface.eval_argument(nw, min_spacing),
+ },
+ )
point_fields = {}
- normal = (distribute_points, "Normal") if normal is None else surface.eval_argument(nw, normal)
- rotation_val = nw.new_node(Nodes.AlignEulerToVector, attrs={"axis": "Z"},
- input_kwargs={"Factor": surface.eval_argument(nw, normal_fac), "Vector": normal})
- rotation_val = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateEuler, [rotation_val], {"type": "AXIS_ANGLE", "space": "LOCAL"},
- input_kwargs={"Axis": Vector((0., 0., 1.)), "Angle": nw.uniform(0, 1e4)})
+ normal = (
+ (distribute_points, "Normal")
+ if normal is None
+ else surface.eval_argument(nw, normal)
+ )
+ rotation_val = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.AlignEulerToVector,
+ attrs={"axis": "Z"},
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Factor": surface.eval_argument(nw, normal_fac),
+ "Vector": normal,
+ },
+ )
+ rotation_val = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateEuler,
+ [rotation_val],
+ {"type": "AXIS_ANGLE", "space": "LOCAL"},
+ input_kwargs={"Axis": Vector((0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), "Angle": nw.uniform(0, 1e4)},
+ )
if rotation_offset is not None:
- rotation_val = nw.new_node(Nodes.RotateEuler, attrs=dict(space='OBJECT'), input_kwargs={
- 'Rotation':surface.eval_argument(nw, rotation_offset), 'Rotate By':rotation_val})
- point_fields['rotation'] = (rotation_val, 'FLOAT_VECTOR')
+ rotation_val = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RotateEuler,
+ attrs=dict(space="OBJECT"),
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Rotation": surface.eval_argument(nw, rotation_offset),
+ "Rotate By": rotation_val,
+ },
+ )
+ point_fields["rotation"] = (rotation_val, "FLOAT_VECTOR")
if instance_index is not None:
inst = surface.eval_argument(nw, instance_index, n=len(collection.objects))
- point_fields['instance_index'] = (inst, 'INT')
+ point_fields["instance_index"] = (inst, "INT")
if scaling is not None:
- point_fields['scaling'] = (surface.eval_argument(nw, scaling), 'FLOAT_VECTOR')
+ point_fields["scaling"] = (surface.eval_argument(nw, scaling), "FLOAT_VECTOR")
if ground_offset != 0:
- point_fields['ground_offset'] = (surface.eval_argument(nw, ground_offset), 'FLOAT')
+ point_fields["ground_offset"] = (
+ surface.eval_argument(nw, ground_offset),
+ "FLOAT",
+ )
if dist_max is not None or fov is not None:
for k, (soc, dtype) in point_fields.items():
- points = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute, input_kwargs={'Geometry': points, 'Value': soc}, attrs={'data_type': dtype})
+ points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": points, "Value": soc},
+ attrs={"data_type": dtype},
+ )
point_fields[k] = points
# camera-based culling
- visible, distance = camera_cull_points(nw, fov=nw.expose_input("FOV", val=fov), near_dist_margin=no_culling_dist)
- points = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateGeometry,
- [points, visible], attrs={"domain": "POINT"})
+ visible, distance = camera_cull_points(
+ nw, fov=nw.expose_input("FOV", val=fov), near_dist_margin=no_culling_dist
+ )
+ points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateGeometry, [points, visible], attrs={"domain": "POINT"}
+ )
if dist_max is not None:
in_range = _less(distance, dist_max)
- points = nw.new_node(Nodes.SeparateGeometry,
- [points, in_range], attrs={"domain": "POINT"})
+ points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SeparateGeometry, [points, in_range], attrs={"domain": "POINT"}
+ )
for k, v in point_fields.items():
point_fields[k] = v[0]
- collection_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.CollectionInfo, [collection, True, reset_children])
- instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.InstanceOnPoints, [points], input_kwargs={
- "Instance": collection_info, "Pick Instance": True,
- 'Instance Index': point_fields.get('instance_index'),
- "Rotation": point_fields.get('rotation'),
- "Scale": point_fields.get('scaling')})
+ collection_info = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CollectionInfo, [collection, True, reset_children]
+ )
+ instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.InstanceOnPoints,
+ [points],
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Instance": collection_info,
+ "Pick Instance": True,
+ "Instance Index": point_fields.get("instance_index"),
+ "Rotation": point_fields.get("rotation"),
+ "Scale": point_fields.get("scaling"),
+ },
+ )
if ground_offset != 0:
- instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.TranslateInstances, [instances],
- input_kwargs={ "Translation": nw.combine(0, 0, point_fields['ground_offset']), "Local Space": True})
+ instances = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.TranslateInstances,
+ [instances],
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Translation": nw.combine(0, 0, point_fields["ground_offset"]),
+ "Local Space": True,
+ },
+ )
if realize:
instances = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [instances])
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': instances})
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": instances})
def scatter_instances(
- collection,
- density=None, vol_density=None, max_density=5000,
- scale=None, scale_rand=0, scale_rand_axi=0, apply_geo=False,
- **kwargs
+ collection,
+ density=None,
+ vol_density=None,
+ max_density=5000,
+ scale=None,
+ scale_rand=0,
+ scale_rand_axi=0,
+ apply_geo=False,
+ **kwargs,
if np.sum([density is None, vol_density is None]) != 1:
- raise ValueError(f'Scatter instances got {density=} and {vol_density=} expected only one of the three')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Scatter instances got {density=} and {vol_density=} expected only one of the three"
+ )
- name = 'scatter:' + collection.name.split(':')[-1]
+ name = "scatter:" + collection.name.split(":")[-1]
- avg_scale = scale * (1 - scale_rand/2) * (1 - scale_rand_axi/2)
+ avg_scale = scale * (1 - scale_rand / 2) * (1 - scale_rand_axi / 2)
if vol_density is not None:
- assert scale is not None, 'Cannot compute expected collection vol when using legacy scaling= func'
- assert density is None # ensured by check above
+ assert (
+ scale is not None
+ ), "Cannot compute expected collection vol when using legacy scaling= func"
+ assert density is None # ensured by check above
avg_vol = np.mean([prod(list(o.dimensions)) for o in collection.objects])
- density = vol_density / (avg_vol * avg_scale ** 2) # TODO cube power?
+ density = vol_density / (avg_vol * avg_scale**2) # TODO cube power?
if density > max_density:
- logger.warning(f'scatter_instances with {collection.name=} {vol_density=} {avg_scale=:.4f} {avg_vol=:.4f} attempted {density=:.4f}, clamping to {max_density=}')
+ logger.warning(
+ f"scatter_instances with {collection.name=} {vol_density=} {avg_scale=:.4f} {avg_vol=:.4f} attempted {density=:.4f}, clamping to {max_density=}"
+ )
density = max_density
if scale is not None:
- assert 'scaling' not in kwargs
+ assert "scaling" not in kwargs
def scaling(nw: NodeWrangler):
- axis_scaling = nw.new_node(Nodes.RandomValue,
- input_kwargs={0: 3*(1-scale_rand_axi,), 1:3*(1,)},
- attrs={"data_type": 'FLOAT_VECTOR'})
+ axis_scaling = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.RandomValue,
+ input_kwargs={0: 3 * (1 - scale_rand_axi,), 1: 3 * (1,)},
+ attrs={"data_type": "FLOAT_VECTOR"},
+ )
overall = nw.uniform(1 - scale_rand, 1)
- return nw.multiply(axis_scaling, overall, 3*(scale,))
- kwargs['scaling'] = scaling
+ return nw.multiply(axis_scaling, overall, 3 * (scale,))
+ kwargs["scaling"] = scaling
scatter_obj = butil.spawn_vert(name)
kwargs.update(dict(collection=collection, density=density))
with CountInstance(name):
- surface.add_geomod(scatter_obj, geo_instance_scatter, apply=apply_geo, input_kwargs=kwargs)
- butil.put_in_collection(scatter_obj, butil.get_collection('scatters'))
- return scatter_obj
\ No newline at end of file
+ surface.add_geomod(
+ scatter_obj, geo_instance_scatter, apply=apply_geo, input_kwargs=kwargs
+ )
+ butil.put_in_collection(scatter_obj, butil.get_collection("scatters"))
+ return scatter_obj
diff --git a/infinigen/core/placement/particles.py b/infinigen/core/placement/particles.py
index 31c4d7f5a..8ddd1baa1 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/placement/particles.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/placement/particles.py
@@ -6,55 +6,52 @@
# - Alexander Raistrick: refactor, boids
-from typing import Union
-import math
import logging
+import math
from copy import copy
+from typing import Union
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U, normal as N, uniform
import bpy
-from infinigen.core.util.logging import Suppress
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.random import log_uniform
+from infinigen.core.util.logging import Suppress
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def bake(emitter, system):
- logger.info(f'Baking particles for {emitter.name=}')
+def bake(emitter, system):
+ logger.info(f"Baking particles for {emitter.name=}")
with butil.SelectObjects(emitter):
override = {
- 'scene': bpy.context.scene,
- 'active_object': emitter,
- 'point_cache': system.point_cache,
+ "scene": bpy.context.scene,
+ "active_object": emitter,
+ "point_cache": system.point_cache,
with Suppress():
bpy.context.scene.frame_end += 1
bpy.ops.ptcache.bake(override, bake=True)
bpy.context.scene.frame_end -= 1
def configure_boids(system_config, settings):
boids = system_config.boids
- boids.states[0].rule_fuzzy = settings.pop('rule_fuzzy', 0.5)
+ boids.states[0].rule_fuzzy = settings.pop("rule_fuzzy", 0.5)
- if rules := settings.pop('rules', None):
+ if rules := settings.pop("rules", None):
context = bpy.context.copy()
- context['particle_settings'] = system_config
+ context["particle_settings"] = system_config
for _ in boids.states[0].rules.keys():
for r in rules:
- bpy.ops.boid.rule_add(context, type=r.pop('type'))
+ bpy.ops.boid.rule_add(context, type=r.pop("type"))
for k, v in r.items():
setattr(boids.states[0].rules[-1], k, v)
assert len(boids.states[0].rules) == len(rules)
- if goal := settings.pop('goal_obj', None):
+ if goal := settings.pop("goal_obj", None):
- goal_rule = next(r for r in boids.states[0].rules if r.type == 'GOAL')
+ goal_rule = next(r for r in boids.states[0].rules if r.type == "GOAL")
goal_rule.object = goal
except StopIteration:
@@ -62,17 +59,17 @@ def configure_boids(system_config, settings):
for k, v in settings.items():
setattr(boids, k, v)
-def as_particle_collection(subject, prefix='particleassets'):
- '''
- Particle assets cannot have hide_render=True or they will be invisible,
+def as_particle_collection(subject, prefix="particleassets"):
+ """
+ Particle assets cannot have hide_render=True or they will be invisible,
yet this is the default behavior for most asset collections
- '''
+ """
if subject.name.startswith(prefix):
return subject
- subject.name = prefix + ':' + subject.name.split(':')[-1]
+ subject.name = prefix + ":" + subject.name.split(":")[-1]
for o in subject.objects:
o.location.z -= 100
subject.hide_viewport = True
@@ -82,22 +79,22 @@ def as_particle_collection(subject, prefix='particleassets'):
def particle_system(
- emitter: bpy.types.Object,
- subject: Union[bpy.types.Object, bpy.types.Collection],
- settings: dict, collision_collection=None,
+ emitter: bpy.types.Object,
+ subject: Union[bpy.types.Object, bpy.types.Collection],
+ settings: dict,
+ collision_collection=None,
- '''
+ """
Generalized particle system.
kwargs are passed through to particle_system.settings
- '''
+ """
if isinstance(subject, bpy.types.Collection):
subject = as_particle_collection(subject)
emitter.name = f"particles:emitter({subject.name.split(':')[-1]})"
- mod = emitter.modifiers.new(name='PARTICLE', type='PARTICLE_SYSTEM')
+ mod = emitter.modifiers.new(name="PARTICLE", type="PARTICLE_SYSTEM")
system = emitter.particle_systems[mod.name]
emitter.show_instancer_for_viewport = False
@@ -106,39 +103,40 @@ def particle_system(
settings = copy(settings)
if isinstance(subject, bpy.types.Object):
- system.settings.render_type = 'OBJECT'
+ system.settings.render_type = "OBJECT"
system.settings.instance_object = subject
objects = [subject]
elif isinstance(subject, bpy.types.Collection):
- system.settings.render_type = 'COLLECTION'
+ system.settings.render_type = "COLLECTION"
system.settings.instance_collection = subject
- system.settings.use_collection_pick_random=True
+ system.settings.use_collection_pick_random = True
objects = list(subject.objects)
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized {type(subject)=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized {type(subject)=}")
butil.origin_set(objects, "ORIGIN_GEOMETRY", center="MEDIAN")
dur = bpy.context.scene.frame_end - bpy.context.scene.frame_start
- system.settings.frame_start = bpy.context.scene.frame_start - settings.pop('warmup_frames', 0)
+ system.settings.frame_start = bpy.context.scene.frame_start - settings.pop(
+ "warmup_frames", 0
+ )
system.settings.frame_end = (
- bpy.context.scene.frame_start +
- settings.pop('emit_duration', dur) +
- settings.pop('warmup_frames', 0)
+ bpy.context.scene.frame_start
+ + settings.pop("emit_duration", dur)
+ + settings.pop("warmup_frames", 0)
- if (g := settings.pop('effect_gravity', None)) is not None:
+ if (g := settings.pop("effect_gravity", None)) is not None:
system.settings.effector_weights.gravity = g
- if (d := settings.pop('density', None)) is not None:
- assert 'count' not in settings
+ if (d := settings.pop("density", None)) is not None:
+ assert "count" not in settings
measure = math.prod([v for v in emitter.dimensions if v != 0])
system.settings.count = math.ceil(d * measure)
- if (b := settings.pop('boids_settings', None)) is not None:
- system.settings.physics_type='BOIDS'
+ if (b := settings.pop("boids_settings", None)) is not None:
+ system.settings.physics_type = "BOIDS"
configure_boids(system.settings, b)
if collision_collection is not None:
@@ -148,95 +146,3 @@ def particle_system(
setattr(system.settings, k, v)
return emitter, system
-def falling_leaf_settings():
- rate = U(0.001, 0.006)
- dur = max(bpy.context.scene.frame_end - bpy.context.scene.frame_start, 500)
- return dict(
- warmup_frames=1024,
- density=rate * dur,
- particle_size=N(0.5, 0.15),
- size_random=U(0.1, 0.2),
- lifetime=dur,
- use_rotations=True,
- rotation_factor_random=1.0,
- use_die_on_collision=False,
- drag_factor=0.2,
- damping=0.3,
- mass=0.01,
- normal_factor=0.0,
- angular_velocity_mode='RAND',
- angular_velocity_factor=U(0, 3),
- use_dynamic_rotation=True
- )
-def floating_dust_settings():
- return dict(
- mass=0.0001,
- count=int(7000*U(0.5, 2)),
- lifetime=1000,
- warmup_frames=100,
- particle_size=0.001,
- size_random=uniform(.7, 1.),
- emit_from='VOLUME',
- damping=1.0,
- drag_factor=1.0,
- effect_gravity=U(0.3, 0.7), # partially buoyant
- )
-def marine_snow_setting():
- return dict(
- mass=0.0001,
- count=int(10000*U(0.5, 2)),
- lifetime=1000,
- warmup_frames=100,
- particle_size=0.005,
- size_random=uniform(.7, 1.),
- emit_from='VOLUME',
- brownian_factor=log_uniform(.0002, .0005),
- damping=log_uniform(.95, .98),
- drag_factor=uniform(.85, .95),
- factor_random=uniform(.1, .2),
- use_rotations=True,
- phase_factor_random=uniform(.2,.5),
- use_dynamic_rotation=True,
- effect_gravity=U(0, 0.5)
- )
-def rain_settings():
- drops_per_sec_m2 = U(0.05, 1)
- velocity = U(9, 20)
- lifetime = 100
- return dict(
- mass=0.001,
- warmup_frames=100,
- density=drops_per_sec_m2*lifetime,
- lifetime=lifetime,
- particle_size=U(0.01, 0.015),
- size_random=U(0.005, 0.01),
- normal_factor=-velocity,
- effect_gravity=0.0,
- use_die_on_collision=True,
- )
-def snow_settings():
- density = U(2, 26)
- return dict(
- mass=0.001,
- density=density,
- lifetime=2000,
- warmup_frames=1000,
- particle_size=0.003,
- emit_from='FACE',
- damping=1.0,
- drag_factor=1.0,
- use_rotations=True,
- use_die_on_collision=True,
- )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/core/placement/path_finding.py b/infinigen/core/placement/path_finding.py
index 0e491d3ca..afea41344 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/placement/path_finding.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/placement/path_finding.py
@@ -3,15 +3,13 @@
# Authors: Zeyu Ma
-from tqdm import tqdm
-import numpy as np
-import mathutils
import itertools
+import mathutils
import networkx as nx
+import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import os
def camera_rotation_matrix(pointing_direction, up_vector):
forward = pointing_direction / np.linalg.norm(pointing_direction)
@@ -21,22 +19,28 @@ def camera_rotation_matrix(pointing_direction, up_vector):
up /= np.linalg.norm(up)
return np.column_stack((right, up, forward))
-def path_finding(bvhtree, bounding_box, start_pose, end_pose, resolution=100000, margin=0.1):
+def path_finding(
+ bvhtree, bounding_box, start_pose, end_pose, resolution=100000, margin=0.1
volume = np.product(bounding_box[1] - bounding_box[0])
- N = np.floor((bounding_box[1] - bounding_box[0]) * (resolution / volume) ** (1/3)).astype(np.int32)
+ N = np.floor(
+ (bounding_box[1] - bounding_box[0]) * (resolution / volume) ** (1 / 3)
+ ).astype(np.int32)
NN = np.product(N)
# print(f"{N=}")
start_location, start_rotation = start_pose
end_location, end_rotation = end_pose
- margin_d = np.ceil((resolution / volume) ** (1/3) * margin)
+ margin_d = np.ceil((resolution / volume) ** (1 / 3) * margin)
row = []
col = []
data = []
def freespace_ray_check(a, b, margin=0):
v = b - a
location, *_ = bvhtree.ray_cast(a, v, v.length)
- if location is not None: return False
+ if location is not None:
+ return False
if margin != 0:
if v[0] != 0:
perp = mathutils.Vector([v[1], -v[0], 0])
@@ -48,7 +52,8 @@ def freespace_ray_check(a, b, margin=0):
angle = np.pi * 2 / check_N
for i in range(check_N):
location, *_ = bvhtree.ray_cast(a + offset, v, v.length)
- if location is not None: return False
+ if location is not None:
+ return False
tar_direction = offset.cross(v)
tar_direction *= margin / tar_direction.length
offset = offset * np.cos(angle) + tar_direction * np.sin(angle)
@@ -57,16 +62,40 @@ def freespace_ray_check(a, b, margin=0):
def index(i, j, k):
return i * N[1] * N[2] + j * N[2] + k
- x, y, z = np.meshgrid(np.arange(N[0]), np.arange(N[1]), np.arange(N[2]), indexing="ij")
- x = bounding_box[0][0] + (bounding_box[1][0]-bounding_box[0][0]) * (x+0.5) / N[0]
- y = bounding_box[0][1] + (bounding_box[1][1]-bounding_box[0][1]) * (y+0.5) / N[1]
- z = bounding_box[0][2] + (bounding_box[1][2]-bounding_box[0][2]) * (z+0.5) / N[2]
+ x, y, z = np.meshgrid(
+ np.arange(N[0]), np.arange(N[1]), np.arange(N[2]), indexing="ij"
+ )
+ x = (
+ bounding_box[0][0]
+ + (bounding_box[1][0] - bounding_box[0][0]) * (x + 0.5) / N[0]
+ )
+ y = (
+ bounding_box[0][1]
+ + (bounding_box[1][1] - bounding_box[0][1]) * (y + 0.5) / N[1]
+ )
+ z = (
+ bounding_box[0][2]
+ + (bounding_box[1][2] - bounding_box[0][2]) * (z + 0.5) / N[2]
+ )
x, y, z = x.reshape(-1), y.reshape(-1), z.reshape(-1)
- start_index = index(*np.floor((np.array(start_location) - bounding_box[0]) / (bounding_box[1] - bounding_box[0]) * N).astype(np.int32))
- end_index = index(*np.floor((np.array(end_location) - bounding_box[0]) / (bounding_box[1] - bounding_box[0]) * N).astype(np.int32))
- if end_index == start_index: return None
+ start_index = index(
+ *np.floor(
+ (np.array(start_location) - bounding_box[0])
+ / (bounding_box[1] - bounding_box[0])
+ * N
+ ).astype(np.int32)
+ )
+ end_index = index(
+ *np.floor(
+ (np.array(end_location) - bounding_box[0])
+ / (bounding_box[1] - bounding_box[0])
+ * N
+ ).astype(np.int32)
+ )
+ if end_index == start_index:
+ return None
x[start_index] = start_pose[0].x
y[start_index] = start_pose[0].y
z[start_index] = start_pose[0].z
@@ -78,9 +107,26 @@ def index(i, j, k):
for i, j, k in list(itertools.product(range(N[0]), range(N[1]), range(N[2]))):
index_ijk = index(i, j, k)
pos_from = mathutils.Vector([x[index_ijk], y[index_ijk], z[index_ijk]])
- for di, dj, dk in [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, -1, 0], [0, 1, -1], [1, 0, -1]]:
- ni, nj, nk = i+di, j+dj, k+dk
- if ni >= 0 and nj >= 0 and nk >= 0 and ni < N[0] and nj < N[1] and nk < N[2]:
+ for di, dj, dk in [
+ [1, 0, 0],
+ [0, 1, 0],
+ [0, 0, 1],
+ [1, 1, 0],
+ [0, 1, 1],
+ [1, 0, 1],
+ [1, -1, 0],
+ [0, 1, -1],
+ [1, 0, -1],
+ ]:
+ ni, nj, nk = i + di, j + dj, k + dk
+ if (
+ ni >= 0
+ and nj >= 0
+ and nk >= 0
+ and ni < N[0]
+ and nj < N[1]
+ and nk < N[2]
+ ):
index_nijk = index(ni, nj, nk)
pos_to = mathutils.Vector([x[index_nijk], y[index_nijk], z[index_nijk]])
connected = freespace_ray_check(pos_from, pos_to)
@@ -111,8 +157,8 @@ def index(i, j, k):
for n in lengths_dict:
lengths[n] = lengths_dict[n]
- mask1 = (lengths[row] >= margin_d)
- mask2 = (lengths[col] >= margin_d)
+ mask1 = lengths[row] >= margin_d
+ mask2 = lengths[col] >= margin_d
row = row[mask1 & mask2]
col = col[mask1 & mask2]
data = data[mask1 & mask2]
@@ -120,24 +166,29 @@ def index(i, j, k):
A = csr_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(NN, NN))
G = nx.from_scipy_sparse_array(A)
path = nx.shortest_path(G, start_index, end_index, weight="weight")
- except:
+ except Exception:
return None
stack = [start_index]
for p in path[1:]:
back = 0
- while freespace_ray_check(mathutils.Vector([x[stack[-1-back]], y[stack[-1-back]], z[stack[-1-back]]]), mathutils.Vector([x[p], y[p], z[p]]), margin=margin):
+ while freespace_ray_check(
+ mathutils.Vector(
+ [x[stack[-1 - back]], y[stack[-1 - back]], z[stack[-1 - back]]]
+ ),
+ mathutils.Vector([x[p], y[p], z[p]]),
+ margin=margin,
+ ):
back += 1
if back == len(stack):
if back != 1:
- stack = stack[:1-back]
+ stack = stack[: 1 - back]
locations = []
lengths = []
for i, p in enumerate(stack):
@@ -147,7 +198,8 @@ def index(i, j, k):
locations.append(mathutils.Vector([x[p], y[p], z[p]]))
- if len(locations) >= 2: lengths.append((locations[-1] - locations[-2]).length)
+ if len(locations) >= 2:
+ lengths.append((locations[-1] - locations[-2]).length)
keyframed_poses = []
for i in range(len(stack)):
@@ -157,17 +209,21 @@ def index(i, j, k):
if i == len(stack) - 1:
rotation_euler = end_pose[1]
- rotation_matrix = mathutils.Matrix(camera_rotation_matrix(np.array(locations[i] - locations[i-1]), np.array([0, 0, 1]))) @ mathutils.Matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1]])
+ rotation_matrix = mathutils.Matrix(
+ camera_rotation_matrix(
+ np.array(locations[i] - locations[i - 1]), np.array([0, 0, 1])
+ )
+ ) @ mathutils.Matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1]])
rotation_euler = rotation_matrix.to_euler()
if rotation_euler.y != 0:
rotation_euler.y = 0
rotation_euler.x += np.pi
rotation_euler.z += np.pi
angle_differece = [
- abs(rotation_euler.z - 2 * np.pi - keyframed_poses[i-1][2].z),
- abs(rotation_euler.z - keyframed_poses[i-1][2].z),
- abs(rotation_euler.z + 2 * np.pi - keyframed_poses[i-1][2].z),
+ abs(rotation_euler.z - 2 * np.pi - keyframed_poses[i - 1][2].z),
+ abs(rotation_euler.z - keyframed_poses[i - 1][2].z),
+ abs(rotation_euler.z + 2 * np.pi - keyframed_poses[i - 1][2].z),
rotation_euler.z += (np.argmin(angle_differece) - 1) * 2 * np.pi
keyframed_poses.append((np.sum(lengths[:i]), locations[i], rotation_euler))
- return keyframed_poses
\ No newline at end of file
+ return keyframed_poses
diff --git a/infinigen/core/placement/placement.py b/infinigen/core/placement/placement.py
index c76e44a5d..83232e9dd 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/placement/placement.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/placement/placement.py
@@ -3,28 +3,26 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import re
import logging
-from collections import defaultdict
+import re
import bpy
+import gin
import mathutils
import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform as U
from tqdm import tqdm
-import gin
-from .factory import AssetFactory
-from mathutils.bvhtree import BVHTree
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil, camera as camera_util
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler, Nodes, geometry_node_group_empty_new
from infinigen.core import surface
-from .factory import AssetFactory
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import (
+ Nodes,
+ NodeWrangler,
+ geometry_node_group_empty_new,
from infinigen.core.placement import detail
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util import camera as camera_util
+from .factory import AssetFactory
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -35,28 +33,41 @@ def objects_to_grid(objects, spacing):
o.location += spacing * mathutils.Vector((i % rowsize, i // rowsize, 0))
-def placeholder_locs(terrain, overall_density, selection, distance_min=0, altitude=0.0, max_locs=None):
- temp_vert = butil.spawn_vert('compute_placeholder_locations')
- geo = temp_vert.modifiers.new(name="GEOMETRY", type='NODES')
+def placeholder_locs(
+ terrain, overall_density, selection, distance_min=0, altitude=0.0, max_locs=None
+ temp_vert = butil.spawn_vert("compute_placeholder_locations")
+ geo = temp_vert.modifiers.new(name="GEOMETRY", type="NODES")
if geo.node_group is None:
group = geometry_node_group_empty_new()
geo.node_group = group
nw = NodeWrangler(geo)
- base_geo = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, [terrain]).outputs['Geometry']
- points = nw.new_node(Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces, attrs={'distribute_method': 'POISSON'},
- input_kwargs={'Mesh': base_geo, 'Selection': surface.eval_argument(nw, selection),
- 'Seed': np.random.randint(1e5), 'Density Max': overall_density,
- 'Distance Min': distance_min})
- verts = nw.new_node(Nodes.PointsToVertices, input_kwargs={'Points': points})
- verts = nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': verts, 'Offset': (0, 0, altitude)})
- nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Geometry': verts})
+ base_geo = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo, [terrain]).outputs["Geometry"]
+ points = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.DistributePointsOnFaces,
+ attrs={"distribute_method": "POISSON"},
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Mesh": base_geo,
+ "Selection": surface.eval_argument(nw, selection),
+ "Seed": np.random.randint(1e5),
+ "Density Max": overall_density,
+ "Distance Min": distance_min,
+ },
+ )
+ verts = nw.new_node(Nodes.PointsToVertices, input_kwargs={"Points": points})
+ verts = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={"Geometry": verts, "Offset": (0, 0, altitude)}
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={"Geometry": verts})
# dump the point locations out as vertices
butil.apply_modifiers(temp_vert, geo)
- locations = np.array([temp_vert.matrix_world @ v.co for v in temp_vert.data.vertices])
+ locations = np.array(
+ [temp_vert.matrix_world @ v.co for v in temp_vert.data.vertices]
+ )
@@ -64,11 +75,11 @@ def placeholder_locs(terrain, overall_density, selection, distance_min=0, altitu
return locations
def points_near_camera(cam, scene_bvh, n, alt, dist_range):
points = []
while len(points) < n:
rad = np.random.uniform(*dist_range)
angle = np.deg2rad(np.random.uniform(0, 360))
off = rad * mathutils.Vector((np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle), 0))
@@ -82,21 +93,30 @@ def points_near_camera(cam, scene_bvh, n, alt, dist_range):
return np.array(points)
def scatter_placeholders_mesh(
- base_mesh, factory: AssetFactory,
- overall_density, selection=None,
- distance_min=0, num_placeholders=None,
- **kwargs
+ base_mesh,
+ factory: AssetFactory,
+ overall_density,
+ selection=None,
+ distance_min=0,
+ num_placeholders=None,
+ **kwargs,
- locations = placeholder_locs(base_mesh, overall_density, selection, distance_min=distance_min, **kwargs)
+ locations = placeholder_locs(
+ base_mesh, overall_density, selection, distance_min=distance_min, **kwargs
+ )
if num_placeholders is not None:
if len(locations) < num_placeholders:
area = butil.surface_area(base_mesh)
- logger.warning(f'Only returning {len(locations)} despite {num_placeholders=} requested. {base_mesh.name} had {area=} {overall_density=}')
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Only returning {len(locations)} despite {num_placeholders=} requested. {base_mesh.name} had {area=} {overall_density=}"
+ )
locations = locations[:num_placeholders]
return scatter_placeholders(locations, factory)
def scatter_placeholders(locations, factory: AssetFactory):
logger.info(f"Placing {len(locations)} placeholders for {factory}")
objs = []
@@ -104,38 +124,46 @@ def scatter_placeholders(locations, factory: AssetFactory):
rot_z = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)
obj = factory.spawn_placeholder(i, loc, mathutils.Euler((0, 0, rot_z)))
- col = butil.group_in_collection(objs, 'placeholders:' + repr(factory))
+ col = butil.group_in_collection(objs, "placeholders:" + repr(factory))
return col
def get_placeholder_points(obj):
- if obj.type == 'MESH':
+ if obj.type == "MESH":
verts = np.zeros((len(obj.data.vertices), 3))
- obj.data.vertices.foreach_get('co', verts.reshape(-1))
+ obj.data.vertices.foreach_get("co", verts.reshape(-1))
return butil.apply_matrix_world(obj, verts)
- elif obj.type == 'EMPTY' and obj.empty_display_type == 'CUBE':
+ elif obj.type == "EMPTY" and obj.empty_display_type == "CUBE":
extent = obj.empty_display_size * np.array([-1, 1])
verts = np.stack(np.meshgrid(extent, extent, extent), axis=-1)
return butil.apply_matrix_world(obj, verts)
return np.array([obj.matrix_world.translation]).reshape(1, 3)
def parse_asset_name(name):
- match = re.fullmatch('(.*)\((\d+)\)\..*_(.*)\((\d+)\)', name)
+ match = re.fullmatch("(.*)\((\d+)\)\..*_(.*)\((\d+)\)", name)
if not match:
return None, None, None, None
return list(match.groups())
def populate_collection(
- factory: AssetFactory, placeholder_col,
- asset_col_target=None, cameras=None,
- dist_cull=None, vis_cull=None, verbose=True, cache_system = None,
- **asset_kwargs
+ factory: AssetFactory,
+ placeholder_col,
+ asset_col_target=None,
+ cameras=None,
+ dist_cull=None,
+ vis_cull=None,
+ verbose=True,
+ cache_system=None,
+ **asset_kwargs,
- logger.info(f'Populating placeholders for {factory}')
+ logger.info(f"Populating placeholders for {factory}")
if asset_col_target is None:
- asset_col_target = butil.get_collection(f'unique_assets:{repr(factory)}')
+ asset_col_target = butil.get_collection(f"unique_assets:{repr(factory)}")
all_objs = []
updated_pholders = []
@@ -145,7 +173,6 @@ def populate_collection(
placeholders = tqdm(placeholders)
for i, p in enumerate(placeholders):
classname, fac_seed, _, inst_seed = parse_asset_name(p.name)
if classname is None:
@@ -156,13 +183,19 @@ def populate_collection(
vis_dist_list = []
for i, camera in enumerate(cameras):
points = get_placeholder_points(p)
- dists, vis_dists = camera_util.min_dists_from_cam_trajectory(points, camera)
+ dists, vis_dists = camera_util.min_dists_from_cam_trajectory(
+ points, camera
+ )
dist, vis_dist = dists.min(), vis_dists.min()
if dist_cull is not None and dist > dist_cull:
- logger.debug(f'{p.name=} temporarily culled in camera {i} due to {dist=:.2f} > {dist_cull=}')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"{p.name=} temporarily culled in camera {i} due to {dist=:.2f} > {dist_cull=}"
+ )
if vis_cull is not None and vis_dist > vis_cull:
- logger.debug(f'{p.name=} temporarily culled in camera {i} due to {vis_dist=:.2f} > {vis_cull=}')
+ logger.debug(
+ f"{p.name=} temporarily culled in camera {i} due to {vis_dist=:.2f} > {vis_cull=}"
+ )
populate = True
@@ -170,34 +203,41 @@ def populate_collection(
if not populate:
p.hide_render = True
- p['dist'] = min(dist_list)
- p['vis_dist'] = min(vis_dist_list)
+ p["dist"] = min(dist_list)
+ p["vis_dist"] = min(vis_dist_list)
dist = detail.scatter_res_distance()
vis_dist = 0
if cache_system:
- if sum(cache_system.n_placed.values()) < cache_system.max_fire_assets and cache_system.n_placed[factory.__class__.__name__] < cache_system.max_per_kind:
+ if (
+ sum(cache_system.n_placed.values()) < cache_system.max_fire_assets
+ and cache_system.n_placed[factory.__class__.__name__]
+ < cache_system.max_per_kind
+ ):
i_list = cache_system.find_i_list(factory)
ind = np.random.choice(len(i_list))
i_chosen, full_sim_folder, sim_folder = i_list[ind]
- obj = factory.spawn_asset(int(i_chosen), placeholder=p, distance=dist, vis_distance=vis_dist)
- dom = cache_system.link_fire(full_sim_folder, sim_folder, obj, factory)
+ obj = factory.spawn_asset(
+ int(i_chosen), placeholder=p, distance=dist, vis_distance=vis_dist
+ )
+ cache_system.link_fire(full_sim_folder, sim_folder, obj, factory)
- obj = factory.spawn_asset(i, placeholder=p,
- distance=dist, vis_distance=vis_dist, **asset_kwargs)
+ obj = factory.spawn_asset(
+ i, placeholder=p, distance=dist, vis_distance=vis_dist, **asset_kwargs
+ )
if p is not obj:
p.hide_render = True
for o in butil.iter_object_tree(obj):
butil.put_in_collection(o, asset_col_target)
- obj['dist'] = dist
- obj['vis_dist'] = vis_dist
+ obj["dist"] = dist
+ obj["vis_dist"] = vis_dist
updated_pholders.append((inst_seed, p))
all_objs.append((inst_seed, obj))
@@ -208,55 +248,66 @@ def populate_collection(
return all_objs, updated_pholders
-def populate_all(factory_class, camera, dist_cull=200, vis_cull=0, cache_system = None, **kwargs):
- '''
+def populate_all(
+ factory_class, camera, dist_cull=200, vis_cull=0, cache_system=None, **kwargs
+ """
Find all collections that may have been produced by factory_class, and update them
dist_cull: the max dist away from the camera to still populate assets
vis_cull: the max dist outside of the view frustrum to still populate assets
- '''
+ """
results = []
for col in bpy.data.collections:
- if not (match := re.fullmatch('placeholders:((.*)\((\d*)\))', col.name)):
+ if not (match := re.fullmatch("placeholders:((.*)\((\d*)\))", col.name)):
full_repr, classname, fac_seed = match.groups()
if classname != factory_class.__name__:
- asset_target_col = butil.get_collection(f'unique_assets:{full_repr}')
+ asset_target_col = butil.get_collection(f"unique_assets:{full_repr}")
asset_target_col.hide_viewport = False
if len(asset_target_col.objects) > 0:
- logger.info(f'Skipping populating {col.name=} since {asset_target_col.name=} is already populated')
+ logger.info(
+ f"Skipping populating {col.name=} since {asset_target_col.name=} is already populated"
+ )
new_assets, pholders = populate_collection(
- factory_class(int(fac_seed), **kwargs), col, asset_target_col,
- camera, dist_cull=dist_cull, vis_cull=vis_cull, cache_system=cache_system)
+ factory_class(int(fac_seed), **kwargs),
+ col,
+ asset_target_col,
+ camera,
+ dist_cull=dist_cull,
+ vis_cull=vis_cull,
+ cache_system=cache_system,
+ )
results.append((fac_seed, pholders, new_assets))
return results
-def make_placeholders_float(placeholder_col, scene_bvh, water):
+def make_placeholders_float(placeholder_col, scene_bvh, water):
deps = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
water_bvh = mathutils.bvhtree.BVHTree.FromObject(water, deps)
up = mathutils.Vector((0, 0, 1))
margin = mathutils.Vector((0, 0, 1e-3))
- for p in tqdm(placeholder_col.objects, desc=f'Computing fluid-floating locations for {placeholder_col.name=}'):
+ for p in tqdm(
+ placeholder_col.objects,
+ desc=f"Computing fluid-floating locations for {placeholder_col.name=}",
+ ):
w_up, *_ = water_bvh.ray_cast(p.location + margin, up)
if w_up is not None:
t_up, *_ = scene_bvh.ray_cast(p.location + margin, up)
z = min(w_up.z, t_up.z) if t_up is not None else w_up.z
- z = max(p.location.z, z - 0.7) # the origin will be the creature's foot, allow some space for the rest of it
+ z = max(
+ p.location.z, z - 0.7
+ ) # the origin will be the creature's foot, allow some space for the rest of it
p.location.z = np.random.uniform(p.location.z, z)
diff --git a/infinigen/core/placement/split_in_view.py b/infinigen/core/placement/split_in_view.py
index e0cab09f7..ea4a1c09a 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/placement/split_in_view.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/placement/split_in_view.py
@@ -7,18 +7,17 @@
import logging
import bpy
-from mathutils.bvhtree import BVHTree
import numpy as np
+from mathutils.bvhtree import BVHTree
from tqdm import trange
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil, camera as cam_util, math
-from infinigen.core.util.logging import Suppress
from infinigen.core.placement.camera import get_sensor_coords
-from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util import camera as cam_util
+from infinigen.core.util.logging import Suppress
-def raycast_visiblity_mask(obj, cam, start=None, end=None, verbose=True):
+def raycast_visiblity_mask(obj, cam, start=None, end=None, verbose=True):
bvh = BVHTree.FromObject(obj, bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get())
if start is None:
@@ -28,14 +27,18 @@ def raycast_visiblity_mask(obj, cam, start=None, end=None, verbose=True):
mask = np.zeros(len(obj.data.vertices), dtype=bool)
rangeiter = trange if verbose else range
- for i in rangeiter(start, end+1):
+ for i in rangeiter(start, end + 1):
invworld = obj.matrix_world.inverted()
sensor_coords, pix_it = get_sensor_coords(cam)
- for x,y in pix_it:
- direction = (sensor_coords[y,x] - cam.matrix_world.translation).normalized()
+ for x, y in pix_it:
+ direction = (
+ sensor_coords[y, x] - cam.matrix_world.translation
+ ).normalized()
origin = cam.matrix_world.translation
- _, _, index, dist = bvh.ray_cast(invworld @ origin, invworld.to_3x3() @ direction)
+ _, _, index, dist = bvh.ray_cast(
+ invworld @ origin, invworld.to_3x3() @ direction
+ )
if dist is None:
for vi in obj.data.polygons[index].vertices:
@@ -43,76 +46,91 @@ def raycast_visiblity_mask(obj, cam, start=None, end=None, verbose=True):
return mask
def select_vertmask(obj, mask):
for i, v in enumerate(obj.data.vertices):
v.select = mask[i]
for f in obj.data.polygons:
f.select = any(mask[vi] for vi in f.vertices)
def duplicate_mask(obj, mask, dilate=0, invert=False):
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, mode='EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, mode="EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="DESELECT")
select_vertmask(obj, mask)
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, mode='EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, mode="EDIT"):
for _ in range(dilate):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(use_extend=False, use_expand=False, type='FACE')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(use_extend=False, use_expand=False, type="FACE")
if invert:
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='INVERT')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="INVERT")
with Suppress():
- bpy.ops.mesh.duplicate_move()
+ bpy.ops.mesh.duplicate_move()
- bpy.ops.mesh.separate(type='SELECTED')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.separate(type="SELECTED")
return bpy.context.selected_objects[-1]
except RuntimeError:
- return butil.spawn_point_cloud('duplicate_mask', [], [])
+ return butil.spawn_point_cloud("duplicate_mask", [], [])
def split_inview(
- obj: bpy.types.Object, cam, vis_margin,
- raycast=False, dilate=0, dist_max=1e7,
- outofview=True, verbose=False,
- print_areas=False, hide_render=None, suffix=None,
- **kwargs
+ obj: bpy.types.Object,
+ cam,
+ vis_margin,
+ raycast=False,
+ dilate=0,
+ dist_max=1e7,
+ outofview=True,
+ verbose=False,
+ print_areas=False,
+ hide_render=None,
+ suffix=None,
+ **kwargs,
- assert obj.type == 'MESH'
- assert cam.type == 'CAMERA'
+ assert obj.type == "MESH"
+ assert cam.type == "CAMERA"
verts = np.zeros((len(obj.data.vertices), 3))
- obj.data.vertices.foreach_get('co', verts.reshape(-1))
+ obj.data.vertices.foreach_get("co", verts.reshape(-1))
verts = butil.apply_matrix_world(obj, verts)
- dists, vis_dists = cam_util.min_dists_from_cam_trajectory(verts, cam, verbose=verbose, **kwargs)
+ dists, vis_dists = cam_util.min_dists_from_cam_trajectory(
+ verts, cam, verbose=verbose, **kwargs
+ )
vis_mask = vis_dists < vis_margin
dist_mask = dists < dist_max
mask = vis_mask * dist_mask
- logging.debug(f'split_inview {vis_mask.mean()=:.2f} {dist_mask.mean()=:.2f} {mask.mean()=:.2f}')
+ logging.debug(
+ f"split_inview {vis_mask.mean()=:.2f} {dist_mask.mean()=:.2f} {mask.mean()=:.2f}"
+ )
if raycast:
mask *= raycast_visiblity_mask(obj, cam)
inview = duplicate_mask(obj, mask, dilate=dilate)
if outofview:
- outview = duplicate_mask(obj, mask, dilate=dilate, invert=True)
+ outview = duplicate_mask(obj, mask, dilate=dilate, invert=True)
- outview = butil.spawn_point_cloud('duplicate_mask', [], [])
+ outview = butil.spawn_point_cloud("duplicate_mask", [], [])
if print_areas:
sa_in = butil.surface_area(inview)
sa_out = butil.surface_area(outview)
- print(f'split {obj.name=} into inview area {sa_in:.2f} and outofview area {sa_out:.2f}')
+ print(
+ f"split {obj.name=} into inview area {sa_in:.2f} and outofview area {sa_out:.2f}"
+ )
- inview.name = obj.name + '.inview'
- outview.name = obj.name + '.outofview'
+ inview.name = obj.name + ".inview"
+ outview.name = obj.name + ".outofview"
if suffix is not None:
- inview.name += '_' + suffix
- outview.name += '_' + suffix
+ inview.name += "_" + suffix
+ outview.name += "_" + suffix
if hide_render is not None:
inview.hide_render = hide_render
diff --git a/infinigen/core/rendering/auto_exposure.py b/infinigen/core/rendering/auto_exposure.py
index e4b560431..45317d0d3 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/rendering/auto_exposure.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/rendering/auto_exposure.py
@@ -1,42 +1,66 @@
# Derived from https://www.blendswap.com/blend/30728
# Original node-graph created by PedroPLopes https://www.blendswap.com/profile/1609866 and licensed CC-0
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.nodes import node_utils
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-@node_utils.to_nodegroup('nodegroup_auto_exposure', singleton=False, type='CompositorNodeTree')
+ "nodegroup_auto_exposure", singleton=False, type="CompositorNodeTree"
def nodegroup_auto_exposure(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.6.4 of the node_transpiler
- group_input = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput,
- expose_input=[('NodeSocketColor', 'Image', (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'EV Compensation', 0.0000),
- ('NodeSocketFloat', 'Metering Area', 1.0000)])
- divide = nw.new_node('CompositorNodeMath',
+ group_input = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
+ expose_input=[
+ ("NodeSocketColor", "Image", (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "EV Compensation", 0.0000),
+ ("NodeSocketFloat", "Metering Area", 1.0000),
+ ],
+ )
+ divide = nw.new_node(
+ "CompositorNodeMath",
input_kwargs={0: 1.0000, 1: group_input.outputs["Metering Area"]},
- attrs={'operation': 'DIVIDE'})
- scale = nw.new_node('CompositorNodeScale', input_kwargs={'Image': group_input.outputs["Image"], 'X': divide, 'Y': divide})
- multiply = nw.new_node('CompositorNodeMath',
+ attrs={"operation": "DIVIDE"},
+ )
+ scale = nw.new_node(
+ "CompositorNodeScale",
+ input_kwargs={"Image": group_input.outputs["Image"], "X": divide, "Y": divide},
+ )
+ multiply = nw.new_node(
+ "CompositorNodeMath",
input_kwargs={0: group_input.outputs["EV Compensation"], 1: -1.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- exposure = nw.new_node(Nodes.Exposure, input_kwargs={'Image': scale, 'Exposure': multiply})
- levels = nw.new_node('CompositorNodeLevels', input_kwargs={'Image': exposure}, attrs={'channel': 'LUMINANCE'})
- multiply_1 = nw.new_node('CompositorNodeMath',
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ exposure = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Exposure, input_kwargs={"Image": scale, "Exposure": multiply}
+ )
+ levels = nw.new_node(
+ "CompositorNodeLevels",
+ input_kwargs={"Image": exposure},
+ attrs={"channel": "LUMINANCE"},
+ )
+ multiply_1 = nw.new_node(
+ "CompositorNodeMath",
input_kwargs={0: levels.outputs["Mean"], 1: 2.0000},
- attrs={'operation': 'MULTIPLY'})
- rgb_curves = nw.new_node('CompositorNodeCurveRGB',
- input_kwargs={'Image': group_input.outputs["Image"], 'White Level': multiply_1})
- group_output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput, input_kwargs={'Image': rgb_curves}, attrs={'is_active_output': True})
+ attrs={"operation": "MULTIPLY"},
+ )
+ rgb_curves = nw.new_node(
+ "CompositorNodeCurveRGB",
+ input_kwargs={"Image": group_input.outputs["Image"], "White Level": multiply_1},
+ )
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Image": rgb_curves},
+ attrs={"is_active_output": True},
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/core/rendering/post_render.py b/infinigen/core/rendering/post_render.py
index dfeb46c51..1ad7bd5e8 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/rendering/post_render.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/rendering/post_render.py
@@ -5,47 +5,70 @@
import argparse
-import os
import logging
+import os
# ruff: noqa: E402
-os.environ["OPENCV_IO_ENABLE_OPENEXR"]="1" # This must be done BEFORE import cv2.
+os.environ["OPENCV_IO_ENABLE_OPENEXR"] = "1" # This must be done BEFORE import cv2.
-import cv2
import colorsys
+from pathlib import Path
+import cv2
import numpy as np
-from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
-from pathlib import Path
from imageio import imwrite
-import flow_vis
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def load_exr(path):
assert Path(path).exists() and Path(path).suffix == ".exr", path
- return cv2.imread(str(path), cv2.IMREAD_ANYCOLOR | cv2.IMREAD_ANYDEPTH)
+ return cv2.imread(str(path), cv2.IMREAD_ANYCOLOR | cv2.IMREAD_ANYDEPTH)
load_flow = load_exr
-load_depth = lambda p: load_exr(p)[..., 0]
-load_normals = lambda p: load_exr(p)[...,[2,0,1]] * np.array([-1.,1.,1.])
-load_seg_mask = lambda p: load_exr(p)[...,2].astype(np.int64)
-load_uniq_inst = lambda p: load_exr(p).view(np.int32)
+def load_depth(p):
+ return load_exr(p)[..., 0]
+def load_normals(p):
+ return load_exr(p)[..., [2, 0, 1]] * np.array([-1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
+def load_seg_mask(p):
+ return load_exr(p)[..., 2].astype(np.int64)
+def load_uniq_inst(p):
+ return load_exr(p).view(np.int32)
def colorize_flow(optical_flow):
- flow_uv = optical_flow[...,:2]
+ try:
+ import flow_vis
+ except ImportError:
+ logger.warning(
+ "Flow visualization requires the 'flow_vis' package. Please install via `pip install .[vis]."
+ )
+ return None
+ flow_uv = optical_flow[..., :2]
flow_color = flow_vis.flow_to_color(flow_uv, convert_to_bgr=False)
return flow_color
def colorize_normals(surface_normals):
- assert surface_normals.max() < 1+1e-4
- assert surface_normals.min() > -1-1e-4
+ assert surface_normals.max() < 1 + 1e-4
+ assert surface_normals.min() > -1 - 1e-4
norm = np.linalg.norm(surface_normals, axis=2)
- color = np.round((surface_normals + 1) * (255/2)).astype(np.uint8)
+ color = np.round((surface_normals + 1) * (255 / 2)).astype(np.uint8)
color[norm < 1e-4] = 0
return color
def colorize_depth(depth, scale_vmin=1.0):
valid = (depth > 1e-3) & (depth < 1e4)
vmin = depth[valid].min() * scale_vmin
@@ -54,57 +77,70 @@ def colorize_depth(depth, scale_vmin=1.0):
norm = plt.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
depth = cmap(norm(depth))
depth[~valid] = 1
- return np.ascontiguousarray(depth[...,:3] * 255, dtype=np.uint8)
+ return np.ascontiguousarray(depth[..., :3] * 255, dtype=np.uint8)
def colorize_int_array(data, color_seed=0):
H, W, *_ = data.shape
data = data.reshape((H * W, -1))
uniq, indices = np.unique(data, return_inverse=True, axis=0)
- random_states = [np.random.RandomState(e[:2].astype(np.uint32) + color_seed) for e in uniq]
- unique_colors = (np.asarray([colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(s.uniform(0, 1), s.uniform(0.1, 1), 1) for s in random_states]) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
+ random_states = [
+ np.random.RandomState(e[:2].astype(np.uint32) + color_seed) for e in uniq
+ ]
+ unique_colors = (
+ np.asarray(
+ [
+ colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(s.uniform(0, 1), s.uniform(0.1, 1), 1)
+ for s in random_states
+ ]
+ )
+ * 255
+ ).astype(np.uint8)
return unique_colors[indices].reshape((H, W, 3))
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('--flow_path', type=Path, default=None)
- parser.add_argument('--depth_path', type=Path, default=None)
- parser.add_argument('--seg_path', type=Path, default=None)
- parser.add_argument('--uniq_inst_path', type=Path, default=None)
- parser.add_argument('--normals_path', type=Path, default=None)
+ parser.add_argument("--flow_path", type=Path, default=None)
+ parser.add_argument("--depth_path", type=Path, default=None)
+ parser.add_argument("--seg_path", type=Path, default=None)
+ parser.add_argument("--uniq_inst_path", type=Path, default=None)
+ parser.add_argument("--normals_path", type=Path, default=None)
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.flow_path is not None:
flow_color = colorize_flow(load_flow(args.flow_path))
- output_path = args.flow_path.with_suffix('.png')
- imwrite(output_path, flow_color)
- print(f"Wrote {output_path}")
+ if flow_color is not None:
+ output_path = args.flow_path.with_suffix(".png")
+ imwrite(output_path, flow_color)
+ print(f"Wrote {output_path}")
except ModuleNotFoundError:
- print("Flow visualization requires the 'flow_vis' package. Install it with 'pip install flow_vis'")
+ print(
+ "Flow visualization requires the 'flow_vis' package. Install it with 'pip install flow_vis'"
+ )
if args.normals_path is not None:
normal_color = colorize_normals(load_normals(args.normals_path))
- output_path = args.normals_path.with_suffix('.png')
+ output_path = args.normals_path.with_suffix(".png")
imwrite(output_path, normal_color)
print(f"Wrote {output_path}")
if args.depth_path is not None:
depth_color = colorize_depth(load_depth(args.depth_path))
- output_path = args.depth_path.with_suffix('.png')
+ output_path = args.depth_path.with_suffix(".png")
imwrite(output_path, depth_color)
print(f"Wrote {output_path}")
if args.uniq_inst_path is not None:
mask_color = colorize_int_array(load_uniq_inst(args.uniq_inst_path))
- output_path = args.uniq_inst_path.with_suffix('.png')
+ output_path = args.uniq_inst_path.with_suffix(".png")
imwrite(output_path, mask_color)
print(f"Wrote {output_path}")
if args.seg_path is not None:
mask_color = colorize_int_array(load_seg_mask(args.seg_path))
- output_path = args.seg_path.with_suffix('.png')
+ output_path = args.seg_path.with_suffix(".png")
imwrite(output_path, mask_color)
print(f"Wrote {output_path}")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/core/rendering/render.py b/infinigen/core/rendering/render.py
index e248b66ac..9e5fdec6f 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/rendering/render.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/rendering/render.py
@@ -11,24 +11,28 @@
import logging
import os
import time
-import warnings
from pathlib import Path
import bpy
import gin
import numpy as np
-from imageio import imread, imwrite
+from imageio import imwrite
-from infinigen.core import init
+from infinigen.core import init, surface
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core.placement import camera as cam_util
-from infinigen.core.rendering.post_render import (colorize_depth, colorize_flow,
- colorize_normals, colorize_int_array,
- load_depth, load_flow, load_normals,
- load_seg_mask, load_uniq_inst)
-from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.rendering.post_render import (
+ colorize_depth,
+ colorize_flow,
+ colorize_int_array,
+ colorize_normals,
+ load_depth,
+ load_flow,
+ load_normals,
+ load_seg_mask,
+ load_uniq_inst,
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util import exporting as exputil
from infinigen.core.util.logging import Timer
from infinigen.tools.datarelease_toolkit import reorganize_old_framesfolder
from infinigen.tools.suffixes import get_suffix
@@ -39,6 +43,7 @@
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def remove_translucency():
# The asserts were added since these edge cases haven't appeared yet -Lahav
for material in bpy.data.materials:
@@ -50,7 +55,10 @@ def remove_translucency():
assert shader_2_soc.is_linked and len(shader_2_soc.links) == 1
shader_1_type = shader_1_soc.links[0].from_node.bl_idname
shader_2_type = shader_2_soc.links[0].from_node.bl_idname
- assert not (shader_1_type in TRANSPARENT_SHADERS and shader_2_type in TRANSPARENT_SHADERS)
+ assert not (
+ shader_1_type in TRANSPARENT_SHADERS
+ and shader_2_type in TRANSPARENT_SHADERS
+ )
if shader_1_type in TRANSPARENT_SHADERS:
assert not fac_soc.is_linked
fac_soc.default_value = 1.0
@@ -58,6 +66,7 @@ def remove_translucency():
assert not fac_soc.is_linked
fac_soc.default_value = 0.0
def set_pass_indices():
tree_output = {}
index = 1
@@ -67,14 +76,12 @@ def set_pass_indices():
if obj.pass_index == 0:
obj.pass_index = index
index += 1
- object_dict = {
- "type": obj.type, "object_index": obj.pass_index, "children": []
- }
+ object_dict = {"type": obj.type, "object_index": obj.pass_index, "children": []}
if obj.type == "MESH":
- object_dict['num_verts'] = len(obj.data.vertices)
- object_dict['num_faces'] = len(obj.data.polygons)
- object_dict['materials'] = obj.material_slots.keys()
- object_dict['unapplied_modifiers'] = obj.modifiers.keys()
+ object_dict["num_verts"] = len(obj.data.vertices)
+ object_dict["num_faces"] = len(obj.data.polygons)
+ object_dict["materials"] = obj.material_slots.keys()
+ object_dict["unapplied_modifiers"] = obj.modifiers.keys()
tree_output[obj.name] = object_dict
for child_obj in obj.children:
if child_obj.pass_index == 0:
@@ -84,47 +91,60 @@ def set_pass_indices():
index += 1
return tree_output
# Can be pasted directly into the blender console
def make_clay():
- clay_material = bpy.data.materials.new(name="clay")
- clay_material.diffuse_color = (0.2, 0.05, 0.01, 1)
- for obj in bpy.data.objects:
- if "atmosphere" not in obj.name.lower() and not obj.hide_render:
- if len(obj.material_slots) == 0:
- obj.active_material = clay_material
- else:
- for mat_slot in obj.material_slots:
- mat_slot.material = clay_material
+ clay_material = bpy.data.materials.new(name="clay")
+ clay_material.diffuse_color = (0.2, 0.05, 0.01, 1)
+ for obj in bpy.data.objects:
+ if "atmosphere" not in obj.name.lower() and not obj.hide_render:
+ if len(obj.material_slots) == 0:
+ obj.active_material = clay_material
+ else:
+ for mat_slot in obj.material_slots:
+ mat_slot.material = clay_material
-def compositor_postprocessing(nw, source, show=True, autoexpose=False, autoexpose_level=-2, color_correct=True, distort=0, glare=False):
+def compositor_postprocessing(
+ nw,
+ source,
+ show=True,
+ autoexpose=False,
+ autoexpose_level=-2,
+ color_correct=True,
+ distort=0,
+ glare=False,
if autoexpose:
- source = nw.new_node(nodegroup_auto_exposure().name, input_kwargs={'Image': source, 'EV Comp': autoexpose_level})
+ source = nw.new_node(
+ nodegroup_auto_exposure().name,
+ input_kwargs={"Image": source, "EV Comp": autoexpose_level},
+ )
if distort > 0:
- source = nw.new_node(Nodes.LensDistortion,
- input_kwargs={'Image': source, 'Dispersion': distort})
+ source = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.LensDistortion, input_kwargs={"Image": source, "Dispersion": distort}
+ )
if color_correct:
- source = nw.new_node(Nodes.BrightContrast,
- input_kwargs={'Image': source, 'Bright': 1.0, 'Contrast': 4.0})
+ source = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.BrightContrast,
+ input_kwargs={"Image": source, "Bright": 1.0, "Contrast": 4.0},
+ )
if glare:
source = nw.new_node(
- input_kwargs={'Image': source},
+ input_kwargs={"Image": source},
attrs={"glare_type": "GHOSTS", "threshold": 0.5, "mix": -0.99},
if show:
- nw.new_node(Nodes.Composite, input_kwargs={'Image': source})
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.Composite, input_kwargs={"Image": source})
+ return source.outputs[0] if hasattr(source, "outputs") else source
- return (
- source.outputs[0]
- if hasattr(source, 'outputs')
- else source
- )
def configure_compositor_output(
@@ -135,12 +155,14 @@ def configure_compositor_output(
- file_output_node = nw.new_node(Nodes.OutputFile, attrs={
- "base_path": str(frames_folder),
- "format.file_format": 'OPEN_EXR' if saving_ground_truth else 'PNG',
- "format.color_mode": 'RGB'
- })
+ file_output_node = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.OutputFile,
+ attrs={
+ "base_path": str(frames_folder),
+ "format.file_format": "OPEN_EXR" if saving_ground_truth else "PNG",
+ "format.color_mode": "RGB",
+ },
+ )
file_slot_list = []
viewlayer = bpy.context.scene.view_layers["ViewLayer"]
render_layers = nw.new_node(Nodes.RenderLayers)
@@ -153,45 +175,54 @@ def configure_compositor_output(
render_socket = render_layers.outputs[socket_name]
if viewlayer_pass == "vector":
separate_color = nw.new_node(Nodes.CompSeparateColor, [render_socket])
- comnbine_color = nw.new_node(Nodes.CompCombineColor, [0, (separate_color, 3), (separate_color, 2), 0])
+ comnbine_color = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CompCombineColor, [0, (separate_color, 3), (separate_color, 2), 0]
+ )
nw.links.new(comnbine_color.outputs[0], slot_input)
nw.links.new(render_socket, slot_input)
- slot_input = file_output_node.file_slots['Image']
+ slot_input = file_output_node.file_slots["Image"]
image = image_denoised if image_denoised is not None else image_noisy
- nw.links.new(image, file_output_node.inputs['Image'])
+ nw.links.new(image, file_output_node.inputs["Image"])
if saving_ground_truth:
- slot_input.path = 'UniqueInstances'
+ slot_input.path = "UniqueInstances"
- image_exr_output_node = nw.new_node(Nodes.OutputFile, attrs={
- "base_path": str(frames_folder),
- "format.file_format": 'OPEN_EXR',
- "format.color_mode": 'RGB'
- })
- rgb_exr_slot_input = file_output_node.file_slots['Image']
- nw.links.new(image, image_exr_output_node.inputs['Image'])
+ image_exr_output_node = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.OutputFile,
+ attrs={
+ "base_path": str(frames_folder),
+ "format.file_format": "OPEN_EXR",
+ "format.color_mode": "RGB",
+ },
+ )
+ rgb_exr_slot_input = file_output_node.file_slots["Image"]
+ nw.links.new(image, image_exr_output_node.inputs["Image"])
return file_slot_list
def shader_random(nw: NodeWrangler):
# Code generated using version 2.4.3 of the node_transpiler
object_info = nw.new_node(Nodes.ObjectInfo_Shader)
- white_noise_texture = nw.new_node(Nodes.WhiteNoiseTexture,
- input_kwargs={'Vector': object_info.outputs["Random"]})
+ white_noise_texture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.WhiteNoiseTexture, input_kwargs={"Vector": object_info.outputs["Random"]}
+ )
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MaterialOutput,
+ input_kwargs={"Surface": white_noise_texture.outputs["Color"]},
+ )
- nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Surface': white_noise_texture.outputs["Color"]})
def global_flat_shading():
- for obj in bpy.context.scene.view_layers['ViewLayer'].objects:
- if 'fire_system_type' in obj and obj['fire_system_type'] == 'volume':
+ for obj in bpy.context.scene.view_layers["ViewLayer"].objects:
+ if "fire_system_type" in obj and obj["fire_system_type"] == "volume":
if obj.name.lower() in {"atmosphere", "atmosphere_fine"}:
@@ -199,25 +230,25 @@ def global_flat_shading():
nw = obj.active_material.node_tree
for node in nw.nodes:
if node.bl_idname == Nodes.MaterialOutput:
- vol_socket = node.inputs['Volume']
+ vol_socket = node.inputs["Volume"]
if len(vol_socket.links) > 0:
- for obj in bpy.context.scene.view_layers['ViewLayer'].objects:
- if obj.type != 'MESH':
+ for obj in bpy.context.scene.view_layers["ViewLayer"].objects:
+ if obj.type != "MESH":
obj.hide_viewport = False
- if 'fire_system_type' in obj and obj['fire_system_type'] == 'gt_mesh':
+ if "fire_system_type" in obj and obj["fire_system_type"] == "gt_mesh":
obj.hide_viewport = False
obj.hide_render = False
- if not hasattr(obj, 'material_slots'):
- print(obj.name, 'NONE')
+ if not hasattr(obj, "material_slots"):
+ print(obj.name, "NONE")
with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
for i in range(len(obj.material_slots)):
- for obj in bpy.context.scene.view_layers['ViewLayer'].objects:
+ for obj in bpy.context.scene.view_layers["ViewLayer"].objects:
surface.add_material(obj, shader_random)
for mat in bpy.data.materials:
nw = NodeWrangler(mat.node_tree)
@@ -227,57 +258,85 @@ def global_flat_shading():
for link in nw.links:
-def postprocess_blendergt_outputs(frames_folder, output_stem):
+def postprocess_blendergt_outputs(frames_folder, output_stem):
# Save flow visualization
flow_dst_path = frames_folder / f"Vector{output_stem}.exr"
flow_array = load_flow(flow_dst_path)
np.save(flow_dst_path.with_name(f"Flow{output_stem}.npy"), flow_array)
- imwrite(flow_dst_path.with_name(f"Flow{output_stem}.png"), colorize_flow(flow_array))
- flow_dst_path.unlink()
+ flow_color = colorize_flow(flow_array)
+ if flow_color is not None:
+ imwrite(
+ flow_dst_path.with_name(f"Flow{output_stem}.png"),
+ flow_color,
+ )
+ flow_dst_path.unlink()
# Save surface normal visualization
normal_dst_path = frames_folder / f"Normal{output_stem}.exr"
normal_array = load_normals(normal_dst_path)
np.save(flow_dst_path.with_name(f"SurfaceNormal{output_stem}.npy"), normal_array)
- imwrite(flow_dst_path.with_name(f"SurfaceNormal{output_stem}.png"), colorize_normals(normal_array))
+ imwrite(
+ flow_dst_path.with_name(f"SurfaceNormal{output_stem}.png"),
+ colorize_normals(normal_array),
+ )
# Save depth visualization
depth_dst_path = frames_folder / f"Depth{output_stem}.exr"
depth_array = load_depth(depth_dst_path)
np.save(flow_dst_path.with_name(f"Depth{output_stem}.npy"), depth_array)
- imwrite(depth_dst_path.with_name(f"Depth{output_stem}.png"), colorize_depth(depth_array))
+ imwrite(
+ depth_dst_path.with_name(f"Depth{output_stem}.png"), colorize_depth(depth_array)
+ )
# Save segmentation visualization
seg_dst_path = frames_folder / f"IndexOB{output_stem}.exr"
seg_mask_array = load_seg_mask(seg_dst_path)
- np.save(flow_dst_path.with_name(f"ObjectSegmentation{output_stem}.npy"), seg_mask_array)
- imwrite(seg_dst_path.with_name(f"ObjectSegmentation{output_stem}.png"), colorize_int_array(seg_mask_array))
+ np.save(
+ flow_dst_path.with_name(f"ObjectSegmentation{output_stem}.npy"), seg_mask_array
+ )
+ imwrite(
+ seg_dst_path.with_name(f"ObjectSegmentation{output_stem}.png"),
+ colorize_int_array(seg_mask_array),
+ )
# Save unique instances visualization
uniq_inst_path = frames_folder / f"UniqueInstances{output_stem}.exr"
uniq_inst_array = load_uniq_inst(uniq_inst_path)
- np.save(flow_dst_path.with_name(f"InstanceSegmentation{output_stem}.npy"), uniq_inst_array)
- imwrite(uniq_inst_path.with_name(f"InstanceSegmentation{output_stem}.png"), colorize_int_array(uniq_inst_array))
+ np.save(
+ flow_dst_path.with_name(f"InstanceSegmentation{output_stem}.npy"),
+ uniq_inst_array,
+ )
+ imwrite(
+ uniq_inst_path.with_name(f"InstanceSegmentation{output_stem}.png"),
+ colorize_int_array(uniq_inst_array),
+ )
def configure_compositor(
- frames_folder: Path,
- passes_to_save: list,
+ frames_folder: Path,
+ passes_to_save: list,
flat_shading: bool,
compositor_node_tree = bpy.context.scene.node_tree
nw = NodeWrangler(compositor_node_tree)
render_layers = nw.new_node(Nodes.RenderLayers)
- final_image_denoised = compositor_postprocessing(nw, source=render_layers.outputs["Image"])
+ final_image_denoised = compositor_postprocessing(
+ nw, source=render_layers.outputs["Image"]
+ )
final_image_noisy = (
- compositor_postprocessing(nw, source=render_layers.outputs["Noisy Image"], show=False)
- if bpy.context.scene.cycles.use_denoising else None
+ compositor_postprocessing(
+ nw, source=render_layers.outputs["Noisy Image"], show=False
+ )
+ if bpy.context.scene.cycles.use_denoising
+ else None
return configure_compositor_output(
@@ -286,9 +345,10 @@ def configure_compositor(
- saving_ground_truth=flat_shading
+ saving_ground_truth=flat_shading,
def render_image(
@@ -300,7 +360,6 @@ def render_image(
tic = time.time()
camera_rig_id, subcam_id = camera_id
@@ -319,13 +378,19 @@ def render_image(
object_data = set_pass_indices()
json_object = json.dumps(object_data, indent=4)
first_frame = bpy.context.scene.frame_start
- suffix = get_suffix(dict(cam_rig=camera_rig_id, resample=0, frame=first_frame, subcam=subcam_id))
+ suffix = get_suffix(
+ dict(
+ cam_rig=camera_rig_id,
+ resample=0,
+ frame=first_frame,
+ subcam=subcam_id,
+ )
+ )
(frames_folder / f"Objects{suffix}.json").write_text(json_object)
with Timer("Flat Shading"):
if not bpy.context.scene.use_nodes:
bpy.context.scene.use_nodes = True
file_slot_nodes = configure_compositor(frames_folder, passes_to_save, flat_shading)
@@ -333,12 +398,12 @@ def render_image(
indices = dict(cam_rig=camera_rig_id, resample=0, subcam=subcam_id)
## Update output names
- fileslot_suffix = get_suffix({'frame': "####", **indices})
+ fileslot_suffix = get_suffix({"frame": "####", **indices})
for file_slot in file_slot_nodes:
file_slot.path = f"{file_slot.path}{fileslot_suffix}"
camera = cam_util.get_camera(camera_rig_id, subcam_id)
- if use_dof == 'IF_TARGET_SET':
+ if use_dof == "IF_TARGET_SET":
use_dof = camera.data.dof.focus_object is not None
if use_dof is not None:
camera.data.dof.use_dof = use_dof
@@ -354,7 +419,9 @@ def render_image(
with Timer("Post Processing"):
- for frame in range(bpy.context.scene.frame_start, bpy.context.scene.frame_end + 1):
+ for frame in range(
+ bpy.context.scene.frame_start, bpy.context.scene.frame_end + 1
+ ):
if flat_shading:
suffix = get_suffix(dict(frame=frame, **indices))
@@ -363,10 +430,10 @@ def render_image(
- frame=frame
+ frame=frame,
- for file in tmp_dir.glob('*.png'):
+ for file in tmp_dir.glob("*.png"):
diff --git a/infinigen/core/rendering/resample.py b/infinigen/core/rendering/resample.py
index c3f098516..3e6cfa700 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/rendering/resample.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/rendering/resample.py
@@ -6,21 +6,18 @@
import bpy
+from infinigen.assets.lighting import sky_lighting
+from infinigen.assets.objects import rocks, trees
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_utils import resample_node_group
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.assets.lighting import sky_lighting
-from infinigen.assets.trees.generate import TreeFactory, BushFactory
-from infinigen.assets.rocks.glowing_rocks import GlowingRocksFactory
-from infinigen.core.util.logging import Timer
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, int_hash
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.logging import Timer
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
def resample_all(factory_class):
- for placeholder_col in butil.get_collection('placeholders').children:
- classname, _ = placeholder_col.name.split('(')
+ for placeholder_col in butil.get_collection("placeholders").children:
+ classname, _ = placeholder_col.name.split("(")
if classname != factory_class.__name__:
@@ -28,23 +25,31 @@ def resample_all(factory_class):
for pholder in placeholders:
def resample_scene(scene_seed):
- with FixedSeed(scene_seed), Timer('Resample noise nodes in materials'):
+ with FixedSeed(scene_seed), Timer("Resample noise nodes in materials"):
for material in bpy.data.materials:
nw = NodeWrangler(material.node_tree)
resample_node_group(nw, scene_seed)
- with FixedSeed(scene_seed), Timer('Resample noise nodes in scatters'):
+ with FixedSeed(scene_seed), Timer("Resample noise nodes in scatters"):
for obj in bpy.data.objects:
for modifier in obj.modifiers:
- if not any(obj.name.startswith(s) for s in ["BlenderRockFactory", "CloudFactory"]):
- if modifier.type == 'NODES':
+ if not any(
+ obj.name.startswith(s)
+ for s in ["BlenderRockFactory", "CloudFactory"]
+ ):
+ if modifier.type == "NODES":
nw = NodeWrangler(modifier.node_group)
resample_node_group(nw, scene_seed)
- with FixedSeed(scene_seed), Timer('Resample all placeholders'): # CloudFactory too expensive
- resample_all(GlowingRocksFactory)
- resample_all(TreeFactory)
- resample_all(BushFactory)
- #resample_all(CreatureFactory)
+ with (
+ FixedSeed(scene_seed),
+ Timer("Resample all placeholders"),
+ ): # CloudFactory too expensive
+ resample_all(rocks.GlowingRocksFactory)
+ resample_all(trees.TreeFactory)
+ resample_all(trees.BushFactory)
+ # resample_all(CreatureFactory)
with FixedSeed(scene_seed):
- sky_lighting.add_lighting()
\ No newline at end of file
+ sky_lighting.add_lighting()
diff --git a/infinigen/core/surface.py b/infinigen/core/surface.py
index 5b1302f55..275ceb3d7 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/surface.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/surface.py
@@ -7,30 +7,34 @@
# - Lahav Lipson: Surface mixing
# - Lingjie Mei: attributes and geo nodes
+import importlib
import string
from collections import defaultdict
-import importlib
from inspect import signature
import bpy
-from mathutils import Vector
import gin
import numpy as np
+from mathutils import Vector
from tqdm import trange
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import set_geomod_inputs # got moved, left here for import compatibility
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import NodeWrangler, Nodes, isnode, infer_output_socket, \
- geometry_node_group_empty_new
+from infinigen.core import tags as t
from infinigen.core.nodes import node_info
-from infinigen.core import tagging, tags as t
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import (
+ Nodes,
+ NodeWrangler,
+ geometry_node_group_empty_new,
+ infer_output_socket,
+ isnode,
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
def remove_materials(obj):
with butil.SelectObjects(obj):
obj.active_material_index = 0
for i in range(len(obj.material_slots)):
- bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove({'object': obj})
+ bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove({"object": obj})
def write_attribute(objs, node_func, name=None, data_type=None, apply=False):
@@ -44,30 +48,42 @@ def attr_writer(nw, **kwargs):
if data_type is None:
data_type = node_info.NODETYPE_TO_DATATYPE[infer_output_socket(value).type]
- capture = nw.new_node(Nodes.CaptureAttribute, attrs={'data_type': data_type},
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput), 'Value': value
- })
- output = nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupOutput,
- input_kwargs={'Geometry': (capture, 'Geometry'), name: (capture, 'Attribute')
- })
- mod = add_geomod(objs, attr_writer, name=f'write_attribute({name})', apply=apply, attributes=[name])
+ capture = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.CaptureAttribute,
+ attrs={"data_type": data_type},
+ input_kwargs={"Geometry": nw.new_node(Nodes.GroupInput), "Value": value},
+ )
+ nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": (capture, "Geometry"),
+ name: (capture, "Attribute"),
+ },
+ )
+ add_geomod(
+ objs,
+ attr_writer,
+ name=f"write_attribute({name})",
+ apply=apply,
+ attributes=[name],
+ )
return name
-def read_attr_data(obj, attr, domain='POINT', result_dtype=None) -> np.array:
+def read_attr_data(obj, attr, domain="POINT", result_dtype=None) -> np.array:
if isinstance(attr, str):
attr = obj.data.attributes[attr]
domain = attr.domain
- if domain == 'POINT':
+ if domain == "POINT":
n = len(obj.data.vertices)
- elif domain == 'EDGE':
+ elif domain == "EDGE":
n = len(obj.data.edges)
- elif domain == 'FACE':
+ elif domain == "FACE":
n = len(obj.data.polygons)
- raise NotImplementedError
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown domain {domain}")
dim = node_info.DATATYPE_DIMS[attr.data_type]
field = node_info.DATATYPE_FIELDS[attr.data_type]
@@ -86,11 +102,13 @@ def read_attr_data(obj, attr, domain='POINT', result_dtype=None) -> np.array:
def set_active(obj, name):
attributes = obj.data.attributes
- attributes.active_index = next((i for i, a in enumerate(attributes) if a.name == name))
+ attributes.active_index = next(
+ (i for i, a in enumerate(attributes) if a.name == name)
+ )
attributes.active = attributes[attributes.active_index]
-def write_attr_data(obj, attr, data: np.array, type='FLOAT', domain='POINT'):
+def write_attr_data(obj, attr, data: np.array, type="FLOAT", domain="POINT"):
if isinstance(attr, str):
if attr in obj.data.attributes:
attr = obj.data.attributes[attr]
@@ -102,8 +120,8 @@ def write_attr_data(obj, attr, data: np.array, type='FLOAT', domain='POINT'):
def new_attr_data(obj, attr, type, domain, data: np.array):
- assert (isinstance(attr, str))
- assert (attr not in obj.data.attributes)
+ assert isinstance(attr, str)
+ assert attr not in obj.data.attributes
obj.data.attributes.new(name=attr, type=type, domain=domain)
attr = obj.data.attributes[attr]
@@ -115,7 +133,7 @@ def smooth_attribute(obj, name, iters=20, weight=0.05, verbose=False):
data = read_attr_data(obj, name)
edges = np.empty(len(obj.data.edges) * 2, dtype=int)
- obj.data.edges.foreach_get('vertices', edges)
+ obj.data.edges.foreach_get("vertices", edges)
edges = edges.reshape(-1, 2)
r = range(iters) if not verbose else trange(iters)
@@ -142,17 +160,18 @@ def attribute_to_vertex_group(obj, attr, name=None, min_thresh=0, binary=False):
if attr_data.shape[-1] != 1:
raise ValueError(
- f'Could not convert non-scalar attribute {attr} to vertex group, expected 1 data dimension but '
- f'got {attr_data.shape=}')
+ f"Could not convert non-scalar attribute {attr} to vertex group, expected 1 data dimension but "
+ f"got {attr_data.shape=}"
+ )
group = obj.vertex_groups.new(name=name)
if binary:
- group.add(np.where(attr_data > min_thresh)[0], 1.0, 'ADD')
+ group.add(np.where(attr_data > min_thresh)[0], 1.0, "ADD")
for i, v in enumerate(attr_data):
if v > min_thresh:
- group.add([i], v, 'ADD')
+ group.add([i], v, "ADD")
return group
@@ -179,41 +198,51 @@ def eval_argument(nw, argument, default_value=1.0, **kwargs):
elif nw.is_socket(argument):
return argument
- raise ValueError(f'surface.eval_argument couldnt parse {argument}')
+ raise ValueError(f"surface.eval_argument couldnt parse {argument}")
def shaderfunc_to_material(shader_func, *args, name=None, **kwargs):
- '''
+ """
Convert a shader_func(nw) directly to a bpy.data.material
Used in add_material and transpiler's Nodes.SetMaterial handler
- '''
+ """
if name is None:
name = shader_func.__name__
material = bpy.data.materials.new(name=name)
material.use_nodes = True
- material.node_tree.nodes.remove(material.node_tree.nodes['Principled BSDF']) # remove the default BSDF
+ material.node_tree.nodes.remove(
+ material.node_tree.nodes["Principled BSDF"]
+ ) # remove the default BSDF
nw = NodeWrangler(material.node_tree)
new_node_tree = shader_func(nw, *args, **kwargs)
if new_node_tree is not None:
if isinstance(new_node_tree, tuple) and isnode(new_node_tree[1]):
new_node_tree, volume = new_node_tree
- nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Volume': volume})
- nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': new_node_tree})
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Volume": volume})
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": new_node_tree})
return material
def seed_generator(size=8, chars=string.ascii_uppercase):
- return ''.join(np.random.choice(list(chars)) for _ in range(size))
-def add_material(objs, shader_func, selection=None, input_args=None, input_kwargs=None, name=None, reuse=False):
+ return "".join(np.random.choice(list(chars)) for _ in range(size))
+def add_material(
+ objs,
+ shader_func,
+ selection=None,
+ input_args=None,
+ input_kwargs=None,
+ name=None,
+ reuse=False,
if input_args is None:
input_args = []
if input_kwargs is None:
@@ -228,7 +257,6 @@ def add_material(objs, shader_func, selection=None, input_args=None, input_kwarg
name += f"_{seed_generator(8)}"
material = shaderfunc_to_material(shader_func, *input_args, **input_kwargs)
elif isinstance(selection, (str, t.Semantics)):
if isinstance(selection, t.Semantics):
selection = selection.value
name = "MixedSurface"
@@ -237,49 +265,62 @@ def add_material(objs, shader_func, selection=None, input_args=None, input_kwarg
material = bpy.data.materials.new(name=name)
material.use_nodes = True
- material.node_tree.nodes['Principled BSDF'].inputs['Base Color'].default_value = (
- 1, 0, 1, 1) # Set Magenta
+ material.node_tree.nodes["Principled BSDF"].inputs[
+ "Base Color"
+ ].default_value = (1, 0, 1, 1) # Set Magenta
objs[0].active_material = material
nw = NodeWrangler(material.node_tree)
- new_attribute_node = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, [], {"attribute_name": selection})
+ new_attribute_node = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, [], {"attribute_name": selection}
+ )
if "Attribute Sum" in material.node_tree.nodes:
old_attribute_sum_node = material.node_tree.nodes["Attribute Sum"]
if old_attribute_sum_node.type == "ATTRIBUTE":
socket_index_old = 2
socket_index_old = 0
- new_attribute_sum_node = nw.scalar_add((old_attribute_sum_node, socket_index_old),
- (new_attribute_node, 2))
+ new_attribute_sum_node = nw.scalar_add(
+ (old_attribute_sum_node, socket_index_old), (new_attribute_node, 2)
+ )
old_attribute_sum_node.name = "Attribute Sum Old"
new_attribute_sum_node.name = "Attribute Sum"
new_attribute_node.name = "Attribute Sum"
new_attribute_sum_node = new_attribute_node
# grab a reference to whatever is currently linked to output
- links_to_output = [link for link in nw.links if (link.to_node.bl_idname == Nodes.MaterialOutput)]
+ links_to_output = [
+ link
+ for link in nw.links
+ if (link.to_node.bl_idname == Nodes.MaterialOutput)
+ ]
assert len(links_to_output) == 1, links_to_output
penultimate_node = links_to_output.pop().from_node
if new_attribute_sum_node.type == "ATTRIBUTE":
socket_index_new = 2
socket_index_new = 0
- selection_weight = nw.divide2((new_attribute_node, 2), (new_attribute_sum_node, socket_index_new))
+ selection_weight = nw.divide2(
+ (new_attribute_node, 2), (new_attribute_sum_node, socket_index_new)
+ )
# spawn in the node tree to mix with it
new_node_tree = shader_func(nw, **input_kwargs)
if new_node_tree is None:
raise ValueError(
- f'{shader_func} returned None while attempting add_material(selection=...). Shaderfunc must '
- f'return its output to be mixable')
+ f"{shader_func} returned None while attempting add_material(selection=...). Shaderfunc must "
+ f"return its output to be mixable"
+ )
if isinstance(new_node_tree, tuple) and isnode(new_node_tree[1]):
new_node_tree, volume = new_node_tree
- nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Volume': volume})
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Volume": volume})
# mix the two together
- mix_shader = nw.new_node(Nodes.MixShader, [selection_weight, penultimate_node, new_node_tree])
- nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={'Surface': mix_shader})
+ mix_shader = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.MixShader, [selection_weight, penultimate_node, new_node_tree]
+ )
+ nw.new_node(Nodes.MaterialOutput, input_kwargs={"Surface": mix_shader})
raise ValueError(f"{type(selection)=} not handled.")
@@ -288,8 +329,20 @@ def add_material(objs, shader_func, selection=None, input_args=None, input_kwarg
return material
-def add_geomod(objs, geo_func, name=None, apply=False, reuse=False, input_args=None, input_kwargs=None,
- attributes=None, show_viewport=True, selection=None, domains=None, input_attributes=None, ):
+def add_geomod(
+ objs,
+ geo_func,
+ name=None,
+ apply=False,
+ reuse=False,
+ input_args=None,
+ input_kwargs=None,
+ attributes=None,
+ show_viewport=True,
+ selection=None,
+ domains=None,
+ input_attributes=None,
if input_args is None:
input_args = []
if input_kwargs is None:
@@ -297,7 +350,7 @@ def add_geomod(objs, geo_func, name=None, apply=False, reuse=False, input_args=N
if attributes is None:
attributes = []
if domains is None:
- domains = ['POINT'] * len(attributes)
+ domains = ["POINT"] * len(attributes)
if input_attributes is None:
input_attributes = [None] * 128
@@ -309,16 +362,18 @@ def add_geomod(objs, geo_func, name=None, apply=False, reuse=False, input_args=N
return None
if selection is not None:
- input_kwargs['selection'] = selection
+ input_kwargs["selection"] = selection
ng = None
for obj in objs:
- mod = obj.modifiers.new(name=name, type='NODES')
+ mod = obj.modifiers.new(name=name, type="NODES")
mod.show_viewport = False
if mod is None:
- raise ValueError(f'Attempted to surface.add_geomod({obj=}), yet created modifier was None. '
- f'Check that {obj.type=} supports geo modifiers')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Attempted to surface.add_geomod({obj=}), yet created modifier was None. "
+ f"Check that {obj.type=} supports geo modifiers"
+ )
mod.show_viewport = show_viewport
if ng is None: # Create a unique node_group for the first one only
@@ -326,7 +381,7 @@ def add_geomod(objs, geo_func, name=None, apply=False, reuse=False, input_args=N
mod.node_group = bpy.data.node_groups[name]
# print("input_kwargs", input_kwargs, geo_func.__name__)
- if mod.node_group == None:
+ if mod.node_group is None:
group = geometry_node_group_empty_new()
mod.node_group = group
nw = NodeWrangler(mod)
@@ -337,27 +392,32 @@ def add_geomod(objs, geo_func, name=None, apply=False, reuse=False, input_args=N
mod.node_group = ng
outputs = mod.node_group.outputs
- identifiers = [outputs[i].identifier for i in range(len(outputs)) if outputs[i].type != 'GEOMETRY']
+ identifiers = [
+ outputs[i].identifier
+ for i in range(len(outputs))
+ if outputs[i].type != "GEOMETRY"
+ ]
if len(identifiers) != len(attributes):
raise Exception(
f"has {len(identifiers)} identifiers, but {len(attributes)} attributes. Specifically, "
- f"{identifiers=} and {attributes=}")
+ f"{identifiers=} and {attributes=}"
+ )
for id, att_name in zip(identifiers, attributes):
# attributes are a 1-indexed list, and Geometry is the first element, so we start from 2
# while f'Output_{i}_attribute_name' not in
- mod[id + '_attribute_name'] = att_name
- os = [outputs[i] for i in range(len(outputs)) if outputs[i].type != 'GEOMETRY']
+ mod[id + "_attribute_name"] = att_name
+ os = [outputs[i] for i in range(len(outputs)) if outputs[i].type != "GEOMETRY"]
for o, domain in zip(os, domains):
o.attribute_domain = domain
inputs = mod.node_group.inputs
if not any(att_name is None for att_name in input_attributes):
- raise Exception('None should be provided for Geometry inputs.')
+ raise Exception("None should be provided for Geometry inputs.")
for i, att_name in zip(inputs, input_attributes):
id = i.identifier
if att_name is not None:
- mod[f'{id}_use_attribute'] = True
- mod[f'{id}_attribute_name'] = att_name
+ mod[f"{id}_use_attribute"] = True
+ mod[f"{id}_attribute_name"] = att_name
if apply:
for obj in objs:
@@ -374,31 +434,33 @@ def apply(objs, *args, **kwargs):
class Registry:
def __init__(self):
self._registry = None
def get_surface(name):
- if name == '':
+ if name == "":
return NoApply
- prefixes = ['infinigen.infinigen_gpl.surfaces', 'infinigen.assets.materials',
- 'infinigen.assets.scatters']
+ prefixes = [
+ "infinigen.infinigen_gpl.surfaces",
+ "infinigen.assets.materials",
+ "infinigen.assets.scatters",
+ ]
for prefix in prefixes:
- return importlib.import_module('.' + name, prefix)
- except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
+ return importlib.import_module("." + name, prefix)
+ except ModuleNotFoundError:
- raise ValueError(f'Could not find {name=} in any of {prefixes}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Could not find {name=} in any of {prefixes}")
def sample_registry(registry):
mods, probs = zip(*registry)
return np.random.choice(mods, p=np.array(probs) / sum(probs))
- @gin.configurable('registry')
+ @gin.configurable("registry")
def initialize_from_gin(self, smooth_categories=0, **gin_category_info):
if smooth_categories != 0:
raise NotImplementedError
@@ -406,18 +468,22 @@ def initialize_from_gin(self, smooth_categories=0, **gin_category_info):
with gin.unlock_config():
self._registry = defaultdict(list)
for k, v in gin_category_info.items():
- self._registry[k] = [(self.get_surface(name), weight) for name, weight in v]
+ self._registry[k] = [
+ (self.get_surface(name), weight) for name, weight in v
+ ]
def __call__(self, category_key):
if self._registry is None:
raise ValueError(
- 'Surface registry has not been initialized! Have you loaded gin and called .initialize()?'
- 'Note, this step cannot happen at module initialization time, as gin is not yet loaded')
+ "Surface registry has not been initialized! Have you loaded gin and called .initialize()?"
+ "Note, this step cannot happen at module initialization time, as gin is not yet loaded"
+ )
if category_key not in self._registry:
raise KeyError(
- f'registry recieved request with {category_key=}, but no gin_config for this key was '
- f'provided. {self._registry.keys()=}')
+ f"registry recieved request with {category_key=}, but no gin_config for this key was "
+ f"provided. {self._registry.keys()=}"
+ )
return self.sample_registry(self._registry[category_key])
diff --git a/infinigen/core/tagging.py b/infinigen/core/tagging.py
index 1ec08b5cd..f60ba2c4b 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/tagging.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/tagging.py
@@ -5,27 +5,27 @@
# Authors: Yihan Wang, Karhan Kayan: face based tagging, canonical surface tagging, mask extraction
-import os
-import bpy
import json
import logging
+from typing import Union
+import bpy
import numpy as np
import infinigen.core.util.blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
from infinigen.core import surface
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
+from infinigen.core.util.logging import lazydebug
from . import tags as t
-from typing import Union, Any
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class AutoTag():
+class AutoTag:
tag_dict = {}
def __init__(self):
@@ -37,48 +37,53 @@ def clear(self):
# This function now only supports APPLIED OBJECTS
- def save_tag(self, path='./MaskTag.json'):
- with open(path, 'w') as f:
+ def save_tag(self, path="./MaskTag.json"):
+ with open(path, "w") as f:
json.dump(self.tag_dict, f)
- def load_tag(self, path='./MaskTag.json'):
- with open(path, 'r') as f:
+ def load_tag(self, path="./MaskTag.json"):
+ with open(path, "r") as f:
self.tag_dict = json.load(f)
def _extract_incoming_tagmasks(self, obj):
new_attr_names = [
- name for name in obj.data.attributes.keys()
- if name.startswith(PREFIX)
+ name for name in obj.data.attributes.keys() if name.startswith(PREFIX)
n_poly = len(obj.data.polygons)
for name in new_attr_names:
attr = obj.data.attributes[name]
- if attr.domain != 'FACE':
- raise ValueError(f'Incoming attribute {obj.name=} {attr.name=} had invalid {attr.domain=}, expected FACE')
+ if attr.domain != "FACE":
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Incoming attribute {obj.name=} {attr.name=} had invalid {attr.domain=}, expected FACE"
+ )
if len(attr.data) != n_poly:
- raise ValueError(f'Incoming attribute {obj.name=} {attr.name=} had invalid {len(attr.data)=}, expected {n_poly=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Incoming attribute {obj.name=} {attr.name=} had invalid {len(attr.data)=}, expected {n_poly=}"
+ )
new_attrs = {
- name[len(PREFIX):]: surface.read_attr_data(obj, name, 'FACE')
+ name[len(PREFIX) :]: surface.read_attr_data(obj, name, "FACE")
for name in new_attr_names
for name, vals in new_attrs.items():
if vals.dtype == bool:
- elif vals.dtype.kind == 'f':
+ elif vals.dtype.kind == "f":
new_attrs[name] = vals > 0.5
- elif vals.dtype.kind == 'i':
+ elif vals.dtype.kind == "i":
new_attrs[name] = vals > 0
- raise ValueError(f'Incoming attribute {obj.name=} had invalid np dtype {vals.dtype} {vals.dtype.kind=}, expected float or ideally boolean ')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Incoming attribute {obj.name=} had invalid np dtype {vals.dtype} {vals.dtype.kind=}, expected float or ideally boolean "
+ )
for name, arr in new_attrs.items():
if arr.dtype != bool:
- raise ValueError(f'Retrieved incoming tag mask {name=} had {arr.dtype=}, expected bool')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Retrieved incoming tag mask {name=} had {arr.dtype=}, expected bool"
+ )
for name in new_attr_names:
@@ -86,124 +91,130 @@ def _extract_incoming_tagmasks(self, obj):
return new_attrs
def _specialize_tag_name(self, vi, name, tag_name_lookup):
- if '.' in name:
+ if "." in name:
raise ValueError(f'{name=} should not contain separator character "."')
if vi == 0:
return name
existing = tag_name_lookup[vi - 1]
- parts = set(existing.split('.'))
+ parts = set(existing.split("."))
if name in parts:
return existing
- return '.'.join(sorted(list(parts)))
+ return ".".join(sorted(list(parts)))
def _relabel_obj_single(self, obj, tag_name_lookup):
n_poly = len(obj.data.polygons)
new_attrs = self._extract_incoming_tagmasks(obj)
if COMBINED_ATTR_NAME in obj.data.attributes.keys():
domain = obj.data.attributes[COMBINED_ATTR_NAME].domain
- if domain != 'FACE':
- raise ValueError(f'{obj.name=} had {COMBINED_ATTR_NAME} on {domain=}, expected FACE')
- tagint = surface.read_attr_data(obj, COMBINED_ATTR_NAME, domain='FACE')
+ if domain != "FACE":
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"{obj.name=} had {COMBINED_ATTR_NAME} on {domain=}, expected FACE"
+ )
+ tagint = surface.read_attr_data(obj, COMBINED_ATTR_NAME, domain="FACE")
tagint = np.full(n_poly, 0, np.int64)
assert tagint.dtype == np.int64, tagint.dtype
for name, new_mask in new_attrs.items():
affected_tagints = np.unique(tagint[new_mask])
for vi in affected_tagints:
affected_mask = new_mask * (tagint == vi)
if not affected_mask.any():
new_tag_name = self._specialize_tag_name(vi, name, tag_name_lookup)
- tag_value = self.tag_dict.get(new_tag_name)
+ tag_value = self.tag_dict.get(new_tag_name)
if tag_value is None:
tag_value = len(self.tag_dict) + 1
self.tag_dict[new_tag_name] = tag_value
- assert len(self.tag_dict) == len(tag_name_lookup), \
- f'{len(self.tag_dict)=} yet {len(tag_name_lookup)=}, out of sync at {vi=} {new_tag_name=}'
+ assert (
+ len(self.tag_dict) == len(tag_name_lookup)
+ ), f"{len(self.tag_dict)=} yet {len(tag_name_lookup)=}, out of sync at {vi=} {new_tag_name=}"
assert new_tag_name in tag_name_lookup
- logger.debug(f"{self._relabel_obj_single.__name__} updating {vi=} to {new_tag_name=} with {affected_mask.mean()=:.2f} for {obj.name=}")
+ lazydebug(
+ logger,
+ lambda: f"{self._relabel_obj_single.__name__} updating {vi=} to {new_tag_name=} with {affected_mask.mean()=:.2f} for {obj.name=}",
+ )
tagint[affected_mask] = tag_value
if COMBINED_ATTR_NAME not in obj.data.attributes.keys():
- mask_tag_attr = obj.data.attributes.new(COMBINED_ATTR_NAME, 'INT', 'FACE')
+ mask_tag_attr = obj.data.attributes.new(COMBINED_ATTR_NAME, "INT", "FACE")
mask_tag_attr = obj.data.attributes[COMBINED_ATTR_NAME]
- mask_tag_attr.data.foreach_set('value', tagint)
+ mask_tag_attr.data.foreach_set("value", tagint)
def relabel_obj(self, root_obj):
tag_name_lookup = [None] * len(self.tag_dict)
for name, tag_id in self.tag_dict.items():
key = tag_id - 1
if key >= len(tag_name_lookup):
- raise IndexError(f'{name} had {tag_id=} {key=} yet {len(self.tag_dict)=}')
+ raise IndexError(
+ f"{name} had {tag_id=} {key=} yet {len(self.tag_dict)=}"
+ )
if tag_name_lookup[key] is not None:
- raise ValueError(f'{name=} {tag_id=} {key=} attempted to overwrite {tag_name_lookup[key]=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"{name=} {tag_id=} {key=} attempted to overwrite {tag_name_lookup[key]=}"
+ )
tag_name_lookup[key] = name
for obj in butil.iter_object_tree(root_obj):
- if obj.type != 'MESH':
+ if obj.type != "MESH":
self._relabel_obj_single(obj, tag_name_lookup)
return root_obj
tag_system = AutoTag()
-def print_segments_summary(obj: bpy.types.Object):
- tagint = surface.read_attr_data(obj, COMBINED_ATTR_NAME, domain='FACE')
+def print_segments_summary(obj: bpy.types.Object):
+ tagint = surface.read_attr_data(obj, COMBINED_ATTR_NAME, domain="FACE")
results = []
for vi in np.unique(tagint):
- mask = (tagint == vi)
+ mask = tagint == vi
results.append((vi, mask.mean()))
results.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
- print(f'Tag Segments Summary for {obj.name=}')
+ print(f"Tag Segments Summary for {obj.name=}")
for vi, mean in results:
name = _name_for_tagval(vi)
- print(f' {mean*100:.1f}% {vi=} {name}')
+ print(f" {mean*100:.1f}% {vi=} {name}")
-def tag_object(obj, name=None, mask=None):
+def tag_object(obj, name=None, mask=None):
if name is not None:
name = t.to_string(name)
for o in butil.iter_object_tree(obj):
- if o.type != 'MESH':
+ if o.type != "MESH":
if name is not None:
n_poly = len(o.data.polygons)
if n_poly == 0:
- logger.debug(f'{tag_object.__name__} had {n_poly=} for {o.name=} {name=} child of {obj.name=}')
+ lazydebug(
+ logger,
+ lambda: f"{tag_object.__name__} had {n_poly=} for {o.name=} {name=} child of {obj.name=}",
+ )
mask_o = np.full(n_poly, 1, dtype=bool) if mask is None else mask
@@ -211,36 +222,36 @@ def tag_object(obj, name=None, mask=None):
assert isinstance(mask_o, np.ndarray)
assert len(mask_o) == n_poly
- logger.debug(f'{tag_object.__name__} applying {name=} {mask_o.mean()=:.2f} to {o.name=}')
+ lazydebug(
+ logger,
+ lambda: f"{tag_object.__name__} applying {name=} {mask_o.mean()=:.2f} to {o.name=}",
+ )
- obj=o,
- attr=(PREFIX + name),
- data=mask_o,
- type='BOOLEAN',
- domain='FACE'
+ obj=o, attr=(PREFIX + name), data=mask_o, type="BOOLEAN", domain="FACE"
-def vert_mask_to_tri_mask(obj, vert_mask, require_all=True):
+def vert_mask_to_tri_mask(obj, vert_mask, require_all=True):
arr = np.zeros(len(obj.data.polygons) * 3)
- obj.data.polygons.foreach_get('vertices', arr)
+ obj.data.polygons.foreach_get("vertices", arr)
face_vert_idxs = arr.reshape(-1, 3).astype(int)
if require_all:
return (
- vert_mask[face_vert_idxs[:, 0]] *
- vert_mask[face_vert_idxs[:, 1]] *
- vert_mask[face_vert_idxs[:, 2]]
+ vert_mask[face_vert_idxs[:, 0]]
+ * vert_mask[face_vert_idxs[:, 1]]
+ * vert_mask[face_vert_idxs[:, 2]]
return (
- vert_mask[face_vert_idxs[:, 0]] |
- vert_mask[face_vert_idxs[:, 1]] |
- vert_mask[face_vert_idxs[:, 2]]
+ vert_mask[face_vert_idxs[:, 0]]
+ | vert_mask[face_vert_idxs[:, 1]]
+ | vert_mask[face_vert_idxs[:, 2]]
CANONICAL_TAGS = [t.Subpart.Back, t.Subpart.Front, t.Subpart.Top, t.Subpart.Bottom]
t.Subpart.Back: (np.min, 0),
@@ -249,19 +260,18 @@ def vert_mask_to_tri_mask(obj, vert_mask, require_all=True):
t.Subpart.Top: (np.max, 2),
-def tag_canonical_surfaces(obj, rtol=0.01):
+def tag_canonical_surfaces(obj, rtol=0.01):
n_vert = len(obj.data.vertices)
- n_poly = len(obj.data.polygons)
+ len(obj.data.polygons)
verts = np.empty(n_vert * 3, dtype=float)
- obj.data.vertices.foreach_get('co', verts)
+ obj.data.vertices.foreach_get("co", verts)
verts = verts.reshape(n_vert, 3)
for tag in CANONICAL_TAGS:
gather_func, axis_idx = CANONICAL_TAG_MEANINGS[tag]
target_axis_val = gather_func(verts[:, axis_idx])
@@ -271,50 +281,51 @@ def tag_canonical_surfaces(obj, rtol=0.01):
face_mask = vert_mask_to_tri_mask(obj, vert_mask, require_all=True)
if not face_mask.any():
- logger.warning(f'{tag_canonical_surfaces.__name__} found got {face_mask.mean()=:.2f} for {tag=} on {obj.name=}')
+ logger.warning(
+ f"{tag_canonical_surfaces.__name__} found got {face_mask.mean()=:.2f} for {tag=} on {obj.name=}"
+ )
- logger.debug(f'{tag_canonical_surfaces.__name__} applying {tag=} {face_mask.mean()=:.2f} to {obj.name=}')
- surface.write_attr_data(obj, PREFIX + tag.value, face_mask, type='BOOLEAN', domain='FACE')
+ lazydebug(
+ logger,
+ lambda: f"{tag_canonical_surfaces.__name__} applying {tag=} {face_mask.mean()=:.2f} to {obj.name=}",
+ )
+ surface.write_attr_data(
+ obj, PREFIX + tag.value, face_mask, type="BOOLEAN", domain="FACE"
+ )
def tag_nodegroup(nw: NodeWrangler, input_node, name: t.Tag, selection=None):
name = PREFIX + t.to_string(name)
sel = surface.eval_argument(nw, selection)
store_named_attribute = nw.new_node(
- 'Geometry': input_node,
- 'Name': name,
- 'Selection': sel,
- 'Value': True
+ "Geometry": input_node,
+ "Name": name,
+ "Selection": sel,
+ "Value": True,
- attrs={
- 'domain': 'FACE',
- 'data_type': 'BOOLEAN'
- }
+ attrs={"domain": "FACE", "data_type": "BOOLEAN"},
return store_named_attribute
-def _name_for_tagval(i: int) -> str | None:
+def _name_for_tagval(i: int) -> str | None:
if i == 0:
# index 0 represents an untagged face
return None
- name = next(
- (k for k, v in tag_system.tag_dict.items() if v == i),
- None
- )
+ name = next((k for k, v in tag_system.tag_dict.items() if v == i), None)
if name is None:
- raise ValueError(f'Found {name=} for {i=} in {tag_system.tag_dict=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Found {name=} for {i=} in {tag_system.tag_dict=}")
return name
-def union_object_tags(obj):
+def union_object_tags(obj):
if COMBINED_ATTR_NAME not in obj.data.attributes:
return set()
@@ -323,7 +334,7 @@ def union_object_tags(obj):
for v in np.unique(masktag):
if v == 0:
- res = res.union(_name_for_tagval(v).split('.'))
+ res = res.union(_name_for_tagval(v).split("."))
def try_convert(x):
@@ -333,29 +344,32 @@ def try_convert(x):
return {try_convert(x) for x in res}
-def tagged_face_mask(obj: bpy.types.Object, tags: Union[t.Subpart]) -> np.ndarray:
+def tagged_face_mask(obj: bpy.types.Object, tags: Union[t.Subpart]) -> np.ndarray:
# ASSUMES: object is triangulated, no quads/polygons
tags = t.to_tag_set(tags)
- pos_tags = [t.to_string(tagval) for tagval in tags if not isinstance(tagval, t.Negated)]
- neg_tags = [t.to_string(tagval.tag) for tagval in tags if isinstance(tagval, t.Negated)]
+ pos_tags = [
+ t.to_string(tagval) for tagval in tags if not isinstance(tagval, t.Negated)
+ ]
+ neg_tags = [
+ t.to_string(tagval.tag) for tagval in tags if isinstance(tagval, t.Negated)
+ ]
del tags
n_poly = len(obj.data.polygons)
if COMBINED_ATTR_NAME not in obj.data.attributes:
return np.ones(n_poly, dtype=bool)
- masktag = surface.read_attr_data(obj, COMBINED_ATTR_NAME, domain='FACE')
+ masktag = surface.read_attr_data(obj, COMBINED_ATTR_NAME, domain="FACE")
face_mask = np.zeros(n_poly, dtype=bool)
for v in np.unique(masktag):
if v == 0:
name_parts = []
- name_parts = _name_for_tagval(v).split('.')
+ name_parts = _name_for_tagval(v).split(".")
- v_mask = (masktag == v)
+ v_mask = masktag == v
if len(pos_tags) > 0 and not all(tag in name_parts for tag in pos_tags):
@@ -364,33 +378,39 @@ def tagged_face_mask(obj: bpy.types.Object, tags: Union[t.Subpart]) -> np.ndarra
face_mask |= v_mask
- logger.debug(f'{obj.name=} had {face_mask.mean()=:.2f} for {pos_tags=} {neg_tags=}')
+ lazydebug(
+ logger,
+ lambda: f"{obj.name=} had {face_mask.mean()=:.2f} for {pos_tags=} {neg_tags=}",
+ )
return face_mask
-def extract_tagged_faces(obj: bpy.types.Object, tags: set, nonempty=False) -> bpy.types.Object:
+def extract_tagged_faces(
+ obj: bpy.types.Object, tags: set, nonempty=False
+) -> bpy.types.Object:
"extract the surface that satisfies all tags"
# Ensure we're dealing with a mesh object
- if obj.type != 'MESH':
+ if obj.type != "MESH":
raise TypeError("Object is not a mesh!")
face_mask = tagged_face_mask(obj, tags)
if nonempty and not face_mask.any():
- raise ValueError(f'extract_tagged_faces({obj.name=}, {tags=}, {nonempty=}) got empty mask for {len(obj.data.polygons)}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"extract_tagged_faces({obj.name=}, {tags=}, {nonempty=}) got empty mask for {len(obj.data.polygons)}"
+ )
return extract_mask(obj, face_mask, nonempty=nonempty)
def extract_mask(
- obj: bpy.types.Object,
- face_mask: np.array,
- nonempty=False
+ obj: bpy.types.Object, face_mask: np.array, nonempty=False
) -> bpy.types.Object:
if not face_mask.any():
if nonempty:
- raise ValueError(f'extract_mask({obj.name=}) got empty mask')
+ raise ValueError(f"extract_mask({obj.name=}) got empty mask")
return butil.spawn_vert()
orig_hide_viewport = obj.hide_viewport
@@ -398,19 +418,20 @@ def extract_mask(
# Switch to Edit mode, duplicate the selection, and separate it
with butil.SelectObjects(obj, active=0):
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(use_extend=False, use_expand=False, type='FACE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(use_extend=False, use_expand=False, type="FACE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="DESELECT")
for poly in obj.data.polygons:
poly.select = face_mask[poly.index]
if nonempty and len([p for p in obj.data.polygons if p.select]) == 0:
- raise ValueError(f'extract_mask({obj.name=}, {nonempty=}) failed to select polygons')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"extract_mask({obj.name=}, {nonempty=}) failed to select polygons"
+ )
- with butil.ViewportMode(obj, 'EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
- bpy.ops.mesh.separate(type='SELECTED')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.separate(type="SELECTED")
res = next((o for o in bpy.context.selected_objects if o != obj), None)
@@ -418,11 +439,15 @@ def extract_mask(
if nonempty:
if res is None:
- raise ValueError(f'extract_mask({obj.name=}) got {res=} for {face_mask.mean()=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"extract_mask({obj.name=}) got {res=} for {face_mask.mean()=}"
+ )
if len(res.data.polygons) == 0:
- raise ValueError(f'extract_mask({obj.name=}) got {res=} with {len(res.data.polygons)=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"extract_mask({obj.name=}) got {res=} with {len(res.data.polygons)=}"
+ )
elif res is None:
- logger.warning(f'extract_mask({obj.name=}) failed to extract any faces')
+ logger.warning(f"extract_mask({obj.name=}) failed to extract any faces")
return butil.spawn_vert()
- return res
\ No newline at end of file
+ return res
diff --git a/infinigen/core/tags.py b/infinigen/core/tags.py
index f31d38f6d..30baef77f 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/tags.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/tags.py
@@ -7,27 +7,29 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABCMeta
-from enum import Enum, EnumMeta
from dataclasses import dataclass
+from enum import Enum, EnumMeta
class ABCEnumMeta(EnumMeta, ABCMeta):
-class Tag:
+class Tag:
def __neg__(self) -> Negated:
return Negated(self)
class StringTag(Tag):
def __init__(self, desc: str):
self.desc = desc
class EnumTag(Tag, Enum, metaclass=ABCEnumMeta):
-class Semantics(EnumTag):
+class Semantics(EnumTag):
# Mesh types
Room = "room"
Object = "object"
@@ -35,16 +37,16 @@ class Semantics(EnumTag):
# Room types
Kitchen = "kitchen"
- Bedroom = 'bedroom'
- LivingRoom = 'living-room'
- Closet = 'closet'
- Hallway = 'hallway'
- Bathroom = 'bathroom'
- Garage = 'garage'
- Balcony = 'balcony'
- DiningRoom = 'dining-room'
- Utility = 'utility'
- Staircase = 'staircase'
+ Bedroom = "bedroom"
+ LivingRoom = "living-room"
+ Closet = "closet"
+ Hallway = "hallway"
+ Bathroom = "bathroom"
+ Garage = "garage"
+ Balcony = "balcony"
+ DiningRoom = "dining-room"
+ Utility = "utility"
+ Staircase = "staircase"
# Object types
Furniture = "furniture"
@@ -94,28 +96,29 @@ class Semantics(EnumTag):
# Special Case Objects
Chair = "chair"
- Window = 'window'
- Open = 'open'
- Entrance = 'entrance'
- Door = 'door'
- StaircaseWall = 'staircase-wall'
+ Window = "window"
+ Open = "open"
+ Entrance = "entrance"
+ Door = "door"
+ StaircaseWall = "staircase-wall"
# Solver feature flags
# TODO these should not be in Semantics
RealPlaceholder = "real-placeholder"
AssetAsPlaceholder = "asset-as-placeholder"
AssetPlaceholderForChildren = "asset-placeholder-for-children"
- PlaceholderBBox = 'placeholder-bbox'
- SingleGenerator = 'single-generator'
- NoRotation = 'no-rotation'
- NoCollision = 'no-collision'
- NoChildren = 'no-children'
+ PlaceholderBBox = "placeholder-bbox"
+ SingleGenerator = "single-generator"
+ NoRotation = "no-rotation"
+ NoCollision = "no-collision"
+ NoChildren = "no-children"
def __str__(self):
- return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.value})'
+ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.value})"
def __repr__(self):
- return f'{self.__class__.__name__}.{self.name}'
+ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}.{self.name}"
class Subpart(EnumTag):
SupportSurface = "support"
@@ -131,29 +134,31 @@ class Subpart(EnumTag):
Ceiling = "ceiling"
Wall = "wall"
- StaircaseWall = "staircase-wall" # TODO Lingjie Remove
+ StaircaseWall = "staircase-wall" # TODO Lingjie Remove
def __str__(self):
- return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.value})'
+ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.value})"
def __repr__(self):
- return f'{self.__class__.__name__}.{self.name}'
+ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}.{self.name}"
class FromGenerator(Tag):
generator: type
def __repr__(self):
- return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.generator.__name__})'
+ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.generator.__name__})"
class Negated(Tag):
tag: Tag
def __str__(self):
return "-" + str(self.tag)
- def __repr__(self):
+ def __repr__(self):
return f"-{repr(self.tag)}"
def __neg__(self):
@@ -162,6 +167,7 @@ def __neg__(self):
def __post_init__(self):
assert not isinstance(self.tag, Negated), "dont construct double negative tags"
class Variable(Tag):
name: str
@@ -170,17 +176,18 @@ def __post_init__(self):
assert isinstance(self.name, str)
def __repr__(self):
- return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.name})'
+ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.name})"
def __str__(self):
return self.name
class SpecificObject(Tag):
name: str
def decompose_tags(tags: set[Tag]):
positive, negative = set(), set()
for t in tags:
@@ -192,44 +199,36 @@ def decompose_tags(tags: set[Tag]):
return positive, negative
def contradiction(tags: set[Tag]):
pos, neg = decompose_tags(tags)
if pos.intersection(neg):
return True
if len([t for t in pos if isinstance(t, FromGenerator)]) > 1:
return True
if len([t for t in tags if isinstance(t, SpecificObject | Variable)]) > 1:
return True
return False
-def implies(t1: set[Tag], t2: set[Tag]):
+def implies(t1: set[Tag], t2: set[Tag]):
p1, n1 = decompose_tags(t1)
p2, n2 = decompose_tags(t2)
- return (
- not contradiction(t1)
- and p1.issuperset(p2)
- and n1.issuperset(n2)
- )
+ return not contradiction(t1) and p1.issuperset(p2) and n1.issuperset(n2)
-def satisfies(t1: set[Tag], t2: set[Tag]):
+def satisfies(t1: set[Tag], t2: set[Tag]):
p1, n1 = decompose_tags(t1)
p2, n2 = decompose_tags(t2)
- return (
- p1.issuperset(p2)
- and not n1.intersection(p2)
- and not n2.intersection(p1)
- )
+ return p1.issuperset(p2) and not n1.intersection(p2) and not n2.intersection(p1)
-def difference(t1: set[Tag], t2: set[Tag]):
+def difference(t1: set[Tag], t2: set[Tag]):
"""Return a set of predicates representing the difference
If the difference is empty, will return a contradictory set of predicates.
@@ -238,13 +237,13 @@ def difference(t1: set[Tag], t2: set[Tag]):
p1, n1 = decompose_tags(t1)
p2, n2 = decompose_tags(t2)
- pos = p1.union(n2 - n1)
+ pos = p1.union(n2 - n1)
neg = n1.union(p2 - p1)
return pos.union(Negated(n) for n in neg)
-def to_tag(s: str | Tag | type, fac_context=None) -> Tag:
+def to_tag(s: str | Tag | type, fac_context=None) -> Tag:
if isinstance(s, Tag):
return s
@@ -254,18 +253,18 @@ def to_tag(s: str | Tag | type, fac_context=None) -> Tag:
if s not in fac_context:
raise ValueError(f"Got {s=} of type=type but it was not in fac_context")
return FromGenerator(s)
assert isinstance(s, str), s
if s.startswith("-"):
return Negated(to_tag(s[1:]))
if fac_context is not None:
fac = next((f for f in fac_context.keys() if f.__name__ == s), None)
if fac:
return FromGenerator(fac)
- s = s.strip("\"\'")
+ s = s.strip("\"'")
return Semantics[s]
@@ -277,10 +276,12 @@ def to_tag(s: str | Tag | type, fac_context=None) -> Tag:
except KeyError:
- raise ValueError(f"to_tag got {s=} but could not resolve it. Please see tags.Semantics and tags.Subpart for available tag strings")
-def to_string(tag: Tag | str):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"to_tag got {s=} but could not resolve it. Please see tags.Semantics and tags.Subpart for available tag strings"
+ )
+def to_string(tag: Tag | str):
if isinstance(tag, str):
return tag
@@ -292,10 +293,11 @@ def to_string(tag: Tag | str):
case FromGenerator():
return tag.__name__
case Negated():
- raise ValueError(f'Negated tag {tag=} is not allowed here')
+ raise ValueError(f"Negated tag {tag=} is not allowed here")
case _:
- raise ValueError(f'to_string unhandled {tag=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"to_string unhandled {tag=}")
def to_tag_set(x, fac_context=None):
match x:
case None:
@@ -303,4 +305,4 @@ def to_tag_set(x, fac_context=None):
case set() | list() | tuple() | frozenset():
return {to_tag(xi, fac_context=fac_context) for xi in x}
case x:
- return {to_tag(x, fac_context=fac_context)}
\ No newline at end of file
+ return {to_tag(x, fac_context=fac_context)}
diff --git a/infinigen/core/util/__init__.py b/infinigen/core/util/__init__.py
index e69de29bb..07f375e92 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/util/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/util/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from . import blender as butil
+from .math import FixedSeed
+from .random import random_general
diff --git a/infinigen/core/util/bevelling.py b/infinigen/core/util/bevelling.py
index c2a50372e..9e56d244e 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/util/bevelling.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/util/bevelling.py
@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@
# Authors: Zeyu Ma
+import bmesh
import bpy
import mathutils
-import bmesh
import numpy as np
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes
from .blender import ViewportMode
@@ -18,9 +19,10 @@ def special_bounds(obj):
for v in obj.data.vertices:
points = np.array(points)
- mask = np.sum(points ** 2, axis=-1) ** 0.5 < 0.5 * inf
+ mask = np.sum(points**2, axis=-1) ** 0.5 < 0.5 * inf
return points[mask].min(axis=0), points[mask].max(axis=0)
def on_bound_edges(points, points_min, points_max):
flags = [0, 0, 0]
eps = 1e-4
@@ -31,6 +33,7 @@ def on_bound_edges(points, points_min, points_max):
flags[i] = 1
return flags
def get_bevel_edges(obj):
inf = 1e5
points_min, points_max = special_bounds(obj)
@@ -44,7 +47,7 @@ def get_bevel_edges(obj):
for i in range(2):
pos = np.array([edge.verts[i].co.x, edge.verts[i].co.y, edge.verts[i].co.z])
flags.append(on_bound_edges(pos, points_min, points_max))
- mags.append(np.sum(pos ** 2) ** 0.5)
+ mags.append(np.sum(pos**2) ** 0.5)
for j in range(3):
on_bounds_flag[j] = flags[0][j] != 0 and flags[0][j] == flags[1][j]
if np.sum(on_bounds_flag) >= 2:
@@ -53,27 +56,48 @@ def get_bevel_edges(obj):
return edges
def add_bevel(obj, edges, offset=0.03, segments=8):
- with ViewportMode(obj, mode='EDIT'):
+ with ViewportMode(obj, mode="EDIT"):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action = 'DESELECT')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="DESELECT")
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
for edge in bm.edges:
if edge.index in edges:
- bpy.ops.mesh.bevel(offset=offset, offset_pct=0, segments=segments, release_confirm=True)
+ bpy.ops.mesh.bevel(
+ offset=offset, offset_pct=0, segments=segments, release_confirm=True
+ )
return obj
def complete_bevel(nw, geometry, preprocess):
inf = 1e5
geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [geometry])
if not preprocess:
return geometry
- return nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': (geometry, 0), 'Offset': nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, attrs={"vector": mathutils.Vector((inf, 0, 0))})})
+ return nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": (geometry, 0),
+ "Offset": nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Vector, attrs={"vector": mathutils.Vector((inf, 0, 0))}
+ ),
+ },
+ )
def complete_no_bevel(nw, geometry, preprocess):
inf = 1e5
geometry = nw.new_node(Nodes.RealizeInstances, [geometry])
if not preprocess:
return geometry
- return nw.new_node(Nodes.SetPosition, input_kwargs={'Geometry': (geometry, 0), 'Offset': nw.new_node(Nodes.Vector, attrs={"vector": mathutils.Vector((2 * inf, 0, 0))})})
+ return nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ input_kwargs={
+ "Geometry": (geometry, 0),
+ "Offset": nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Vector, attrs={"vector": mathutils.Vector((2 * inf, 0, 0))}
+ ),
+ },
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/core/util/blender.py b/infinigen/core/util/blender.py
index 6c89d854c..e1e05f0e9 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/util/blender.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/util/blender.py
@@ -4,35 +4,27 @@
# Authors: Alex Raistrick, Zeyu Ma, Lahav Lipson, Hei Law, Lingjie Mei, Karhan Kayan
-from collections import defaultdict
-import pdb
-from math import prod
-from contextlib import nullcontext
import logging
+from contextlib import nullcontext
+from itertools import chain
+from math import prod
from pathlib import Path
-import gin
+import bmesh
import bpy
import mathutils
-import os
-import re
-import json
-from uuid import uuid4
-import bmesh
import numpy as np
import trimesh
-from itertools import chain, product
from tqdm import tqdm
-import cv2
-from .math import lerp # for other people to import from this file
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import DATATYPE_DIMS, DATATYPE_FIELDS
from . import math as mutil
from .logging import Suppress
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import DATATYPE_FIELDS, DATATYPE_DIMS
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def deep_clone_obj(obj, keep_modifiers=False, keep_materials=False):
new_obj = obj.copy()
new_obj.data = obj.data.copy()
@@ -45,17 +37,25 @@ def deep_clone_obj(obj, keep_modifiers=False, keep_materials=False):
return new_obj
copy = deep_clone_obj
def get_all_bpy_data_targets():
D = bpy.data
return [
- D.objects, D.collections, D.movieclips, D.particles,
- D.meshes, D.curves, D.armatures, D.node_groups,
+ D.objects,
+ D.collections,
+ D.movieclips,
+ D.particles,
+ D.meshes,
+ D.curves,
+ D.armatures,
+ D.node_groups,
-class ViewportMode:
+class ViewportMode:
def __init__(self, obj, mode):
self.obj = obj
self.mode = mode
@@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ def __exit__(self, *args):
class CursorLocation:
def __init__(self, loc):
self.loc = loc
self.saved = None
@@ -87,28 +86,25 @@ def __exit__(self, *_):
class SelectObjects:
def __init__(self, objects, active=0):
- self.objects = list(objects) if hasattr(objects, '__iter__') else [objects]
+ self.objects = list(objects) if hasattr(objects, "__iter__") else [objects]
self.active = active
self.saved_objs = None
self.saved_active = None
def _check_selectable(self):
- unlinked = [
- o for o in self.objects
- if o.name not in bpy.context.scene.objects
- ]
+ unlinked = [o for o in self.objects if o.name not in bpy.context.scene.objects]
if len(unlinked) > 0:
- raise ValueError(f'{SelectObjects.__name__} had objects {unlinked=} which are not in bpy.context.scene.objects and cannot be selected')
- hidden = [
- o for o in self.objects
- if o.hide_viewport
- ]
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"{SelectObjects.__name__} had objects {unlinked=} which are not in bpy.context.scene.objects and cannot be selected"
+ )
+ hidden = [o for o in self.objects if o.hide_viewport]
if len(hidden) > 0:
- raise ValueError(f'{SelectObjects.__name__} had objects {hidden=} which are hidden and cannot be selected')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"{SelectObjects.__name__} had objects {hidden=} which are hidden and cannot be selected"
+ )
def _get_intended_active(self):
if isinstance(self.active, int):
@@ -120,8 +116,8 @@ def _get_intended_active(self):
return self.active
def _validate(self, error=False):
if error:
def msg(str):
raise ValueError(str)
@@ -134,7 +130,6 @@ def msg(str):
"The most common cause is that the objects are in a collection with col.hide_viewport=True"
intended = self._get_intended_active()
if intended is not None and bpy.context.active_object != intended:
@@ -155,7 +150,6 @@ def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, *_):
# our saved selection / active objects may have been deleted, update them to only include valid ones
def enforce_not_deleted(o):
@@ -169,11 +163,12 @@ def enforce_not_deleted(o):
if self.saved_active is not None:
- bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = enforce_not_deleted(self.saved_active)
+ bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = enforce_not_deleted(
+ self.saved_active
+ )
class DisableModifiers:
def __init__(self, objs, keep=[]):
self.objs = objs if isinstance(objs, list) else [objs]
self.keep = keep
@@ -191,16 +186,20 @@ def __exit__(self, *_):
for m in self.modifiers_disabled:
m.show_viewport = True
-class EnableParentCollections:
- def __init__(self, objs, target_key='hide_viewport', target_value=False):
+class EnableParentCollections:
+ def __init__(self, objs, target_key="hide_viewport", target_value=False):
self.objs = objs
self.target_key = target_key
self.target_value = target_value
def __enter__(self):
- self.enable_cols = set(chain.from_iterable([o.users_collection for o in self.objs]))
- self.enable_cols_startstate = [getattr(c, self.target_key) for c in self.enable_cols]
+ self.enable_cols = set(
+ chain.from_iterable([o.users_collection for o in self.objs])
+ )
+ self.enable_cols_startstate = [
+ getattr(c, self.target_key) for c in self.enable_cols
+ ]
for c in self.enable_cols:
setattr(c, self.target_key, self.target_value)
@@ -209,8 +208,8 @@ def __exit__(self, *_, **__):
for c, s in zip(self.enable_cols, self.enable_cols_startstate):
setattr(c, self.target_key, s)
-class TemporaryObject:
+class TemporaryObject:
def __init__(self, obj):
self.obj = obj
@@ -232,15 +231,14 @@ def garbage_collect(targets, keep_in_use=True, keep_names=None, verbose=False):
if o.name in orig:
- if '(no gc)' in o.name:
+ if "(no gc)" in o.name:
if verbose:
- print(f'Garbage collecting {o} from {t}')
+ print(f"Garbage collecting {o} from {t}")
class GarbageCollect:
def __init__(self, targets=None, keep_in_use=True, keep_orig=True, verbose=False):
self.targets = targets or get_all_bpy_data_targets()
self.keep_in_use = keep_in_use
@@ -251,7 +249,12 @@ def __enter__(self):
self.names = [set(o.name for o in t) for t in self.targets]
def __exit__(self, *_):
- garbage_collect(self.targets, keep_in_use=self.keep_in_use, keep_names=self.names, verbose=self.verbose)
+ garbage_collect(
+ self.targets,
+ keep_in_use=self.keep_in_use,
+ keep_names=self.names,
+ verbose=self.verbose,
+ )
def select_none():
@@ -268,16 +271,17 @@ def select(objs: bpy.types.Object | list[bpy.types.Object]):
objs = [objs]
for o in objs:
if o.name not in bpy.context.scene.objects:
- raise ValueError(f'Object {o.name=} not in scene and cant be selected')
+ raise ValueError(f"Object {o.name=} not in scene and cant be selected")
def delete(objs: bpy.types.Object | list[bpy.types.Object]):
if not isinstance(objs, list):
objs = [objs]
for obj in objs:
- is_mesh = obj.type == 'MESH'
+ is_mesh = obj.type == "MESH"
if is_mesh:
mesh = obj.data
with Suppress():
@@ -341,9 +345,9 @@ def put_in_collection(objs, collection, exclusive=True):
def group_in_collection(objs, name: str, reuse=True, **kwargs):
- '''
+ """
objs: List of (None | Blender Object | List[Blender Object])
- '''
+ """
collection = get_collection(name, reuse=reuse)
@@ -353,17 +357,23 @@ def group_in_collection(objs, name: str, reuse=True, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(obj, list):
obj = [obj]
for child in obj:
- traverse_children(child, lambda obj: put_in_collection(obj, collection, **kwargs))
+ traverse_children(
+ child, lambda obj: put_in_collection(obj, collection, **kwargs)
+ )
return collection
-def group_toplevel_collections(keyword, hide_viewport=False, hide_render=False, reuse=True):
+def group_toplevel_collections(
+ keyword, hide_viewport=False, hide_render=False, reuse=True
scenecol = bpy.context.scene.collection
- matches = [c for c in scenecol.children if c.name.startswith(keyword) and keyword != c.name]
+ matches = [
+ c for c in scenecol.children if c.name.startswith(keyword) and keyword != c.name
+ ]
parent = get_collection(keyword, reuse=reuse)
- if not parent.name in scenecol.children:
+ if parent.name not in scenecol.children:
for c in matches:
@@ -374,7 +384,7 @@ def group_toplevel_collections(keyword, hide_viewport=False, hide_render=False,
parent.hide_render = hide_render
-def spawn_empty(name, disp_type='PLAIN_AXES', s=0.1):
+def spawn_empty(name, disp_type="PLAIN_AXES", s=0.1):
empty = bpy.data.objects.new(name, None)
empty.empty_display_size = s
@@ -393,7 +403,7 @@ def spawn_point_cloud(name, pts, edges=None):
return obj
-def spawn_vert(name='vert'):
+def spawn_vert(name="vert"):
return spawn_point_cloud(name, np.zeros((1, 3)))
@@ -402,24 +412,21 @@ def spawn_line(name, pts):
edges = np.stack([idxs[:-1], idxs[1:]], axis=-1)
return spawn_point_cloud(name, pts, edges=edges)
def spawn_plane(**kwargs):
- name = kwargs.pop('name', None)
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(
- enter_editmode=False,
- align='WORLD',
- **kwargs
- )
+ name = kwargs.pop("name", None)
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(enter_editmode=False, align="WORLD", **kwargs)
obj = bpy.context.active_object
if name is not None:
obj.name = name
return obj
-def spawn_cube(size=1, location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1), name=None):
+def spawn_cube(size=1, location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1), name=None):
- size = size,
+ size=size,
- align='WORLD',
+ align="WORLD",
@@ -428,13 +435,15 @@ def spawn_cube(size=1, location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1), name=None):
obj.name = name
return obj
-def spawn_cylinder(radius=1.0, depth=2.0, location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1), name=None):
+def spawn_cylinder(
+ radius=1.0, depth=2.0, location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1), name=None
- align='WORLD',
+ align="WORLD",
@@ -443,33 +452,34 @@ def spawn_cylinder(radius=1.0, depth=2.0, location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1), n
obj.name = name
return obj
def spawn_sphere(radius=1, location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1), name=None):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(
+ radius=radius,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=location,
+ scale=scale,
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ if name is not None:
+ obj.name = name
+ return obj
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(
- radius = radius,
- enter_editmode=False,
- align='WORLD',
- location=location,
- scale=scale,
- )
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- if name is not None:
- obj.name = name
- return obj
def spawn_icosphere(radius=1, location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1), name=None):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_ico_sphere_add(
+ radius=radius,
+ enter_editmode=False,
+ align="WORLD",
+ location=location,
+ scale=scale,
+ )
+ obj = bpy.context.active_object
+ if name is not None:
+ obj.name = name
+ return obj
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_ico_sphere_add(
- radius = radius,
- enter_editmode=False,
- align='WORLD',
- location=location,
- scale=scale,
- )
- obj = bpy.context.active_object
- if name is not None:
- obj.name = name
- return obj
def clear_scene(keep=[], targets=None, materials=True):
D = bpy.data
@@ -492,8 +502,8 @@ def clear_scene(keep=[], targets=None, materials=True):
def spawn_capsule(rad, height, us=32, vs=16):
- mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new('Capsule')
- obj = bpy.data.objects.new('Capsule', mesh)
+ mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new("Capsule")
+ obj = bpy.data.objects.new("Capsule", mesh)
bm = bmesh.new()
@@ -531,24 +541,27 @@ def to_mesh(object, context=bpy.context):
def get_camera_res():
- d = np.array([bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x, bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y],
- dtype=np.float32)
+ d = np.array(
+ [bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x, bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y],
+ dtype=np.float32,
+ )
d *= bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_percentage / 100.0
return d
def set_geomod_inputs(mod, inputs: dict):
- assert mod.type == 'NODES'
+ assert mod.type == "NODES"
for k, v in inputs.items():
if k not in mod.node_group.inputs:
- raise KeyError(f'Couldnt find {k=} in {mod.node_group.inputs.keys()=}')
+ raise KeyError(f"Couldnt find {k=} in {mod.node_group.inputs.keys()=}")
soc = mod.node_group.inputs[k]
- if not hasattr(soc, 'default_value'):
+ if not hasattr(soc, "default_value"):
if v is not None:
- raise ValueError(f'Got non-None value {v=} for {soc.identifier=} which has no default value')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Got non-None value {v=} for {soc.identifier=} which has no default value"
+ )
elif v is None:
@@ -559,14 +572,24 @@ def set_geomod_inputs(mod, inputs: dict):
mod[soc.identifier] = v
except TypeError as e:
- print(f'Error incurred while assigning {v} with {type(v)=} to {soc.identifier=} of {mod.name=}')
+ print(
+ f"Error incurred while assigning {v} with {type(v)=} to {soc.identifier=} of {mod.name=}"
+ )
raise e
-def modify_mesh(obj, type, apply=True, name=None, return_mod=False, ng_inputs=None, show_viewport=None,
- **kwargs) -> bpy.types.Object:
+def modify_mesh(
+ obj,
+ type,
+ apply=True,
+ name=None,
+ return_mod=False,
+ ng_inputs=None,
+ show_viewport=None,
+ **kwargs,
+) -> bpy.types.Object:
if name is None:
- name = f'modify_mesh({type}, **{kwargs})'
+ name = f"modify_mesh({type}, **{kwargs})"
if show_viewport is None:
show_viewport = not apply
@@ -574,13 +597,15 @@ def modify_mesh(obj, type, apply=True, name=None, return_mod=False, ng_inputs=No
mod.show_viewport = show_viewport
if mod is None:
- raise ValueError(f'modifer.new() returned None, ensure {obj.type=} is valid for modifier {type=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"modifer.new() returned None, ensure {obj.type=} is valid for modifier {type=}"
+ )
for k, v in kwargs.items():
setattr(mod, k, v)
if ng_inputs is not None:
- assert type == 'NODES'
- assert 'node_group' in kwargs
+ assert type == "NODES"
+ assert "node_group" in kwargs
set_geomod_inputs(mod, ng_inputs)
if apply:
@@ -591,12 +616,14 @@ def modify_mesh(obj, type, apply=True, name=None, return_mod=False, ng_inputs=No
return obj
def constrain_object(obj, type, **kwargs):
c = obj.constraints.new(type=type)
for k, v in kwargs.items():
setattr(c, k, v)
return c
def apply_transform(obj, loc=False, rot=True, scale=True):
with SelectObjects(obj):
bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=loc, rotation=rot, scale=scale)
@@ -605,20 +632,21 @@ def apply_transform(obj, loc=False, rot=True, scale=True):
def import_mesh(path, **kwargs):
path = Path(path)
- ext = path.parts[-1].split('.')[-1]
+ ext = path.parts[-1].split(".")[-1]
ext = ext.lower().strip()
funcs = {
- 'obj': bpy.ops.import_scene.obj,
- 'fbx': bpy.ops.import_scene.fbx,
- 'stl': bpy.ops.import_mesh.stl,
- 'ply': bpy.ops.import_mesh.ply,
- 'usdc': bpy.ops.wm.usd_import,
+ "obj": bpy.ops.import_scene.obj,
+ "fbx": bpy.ops.import_scene.fbx,
+ "stl": bpy.ops.import_mesh.stl,
+ "ply": bpy.ops.import_mesh.ply,
+ "usdc": bpy.ops.wm.usd_import,
if ext not in funcs:
raise ValueError(
- f'butil.import_mesh does not yet support extension {ext}, please contact the developer')
+ f"butil.import_mesh does not yet support extension {ext}, please contact the developer"
+ )
with Suppress():
@@ -627,23 +655,25 @@ def import_mesh(path, **kwargs):
if len(bpy.context.selected_objects) > 1:
f"Warning: {ext.upper()} Import produced {len(bpy.context.selected_objects)} objects, "
- f"but only the first is returned by import_obj")
+ f"but only the first is returned by import_obj"
+ )
return bpy.context.selected_objects[0]
-def boolean(objs, mode='UNION', verbose=False):
+def boolean(objs, mode="UNION", verbose=False):
keep, *rest = list(objs)
if verbose:
- rest = tqdm(rest, desc=f'butil.boolean({keep.name}..., {mode=})')
+ rest = tqdm(rest, desc=f"butil.boolean({keep.name}..., {mode=})")
with SelectObjects(keep):
for target in rest:
if len(target.modifiers) != 0:
raise ValueError(
- f'Attempted to boolean() with {target=} which still has {len(target.modifiers)=}')
+ f"Attempted to boolean() with {target=} which still has {len(target.modifiers)=}"
+ )
- mod = keep.modifiers.new(type='BOOLEAN', name='butil.boolean()')
+ mod = keep.modifiers.new(type="BOOLEAN", name="butil.boolean()")
mod.operation = mode
mod.object = target
@@ -651,7 +681,7 @@ def boolean(objs, mode='UNION', verbose=False):
return keep
-def split_object(obj, mode='LOOSE'):
+def split_object(obj, mode="LOOSE"):
@@ -685,10 +715,12 @@ def join_objects(objs, check_attributes=False):
return bpy.context.active_object
def clear_mesh(obj):
- with ViewportMode(obj, mode='EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type='VERT')
+ with ViewportMode(obj, mode="EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type="VERT")
def apply_modifiers(obj, mod=None, quiet=True):
if mod is None:
@@ -705,22 +737,24 @@ def apply_modifiers(obj, mod=None, quiet=True):
except RuntimeError as e:
- if mod_type == 'NODES':
- logging.warning(f'apply_modifers on {obj.name=} {m.name=} raised {e}, ignoring and returning empty mesh for pre-3.5 compatibility reasons')
+ if mod_type == "NODES":
+ logging.warning(
+ f"apply_modifers on {obj.name=} {m.name=} raised {e}, ignoring and returning empty mesh for pre-3.5 compatibility reasons"
+ )
raise e
- # geometry nodes occasionally introduces empty material slots in 3.6, we consider this an error and remove them
+ # geometry nodes occasionally introduces empty material slots in 3.6, we consider this an error and remove them
- # geometry nodes occasionally introduces empty material slots in 3.6, we consider this an error and remove them
+ # geometry nodes occasionally introduces empty material slots in 3.6, we consider this an error and remove them
def recalc_normals(obj, inside=False):
- with ViewportMode(obj, mode='EDIT'):
+ with ViewportMode(obj, mode="EDIT"):
@@ -740,7 +774,7 @@ def save_blend(path, autopack=False, verbose=False):
def joined_kd(objs, include_origins=False):
if not isinstance(objs, list):
objs = objs
- objs = [o for o in objs if o.type == 'MESH']
+ objs = [o for o in objs if o.type == "MESH"]
size = sum(len(o.data.vertices) for o in objs)
if include_origins:
@@ -761,8 +795,9 @@ def joined_kd(objs, include_origins=False):
return kd
def make_instances_real():
- bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
+ bpy.ops.object.select_all(action="DESELECT")
for obj in bpy.data.objects:
if len(obj.particle_systems) == 0:
@@ -770,7 +805,7 @@ def make_instances_real():
- bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
+ bpy.ops.object.select_all(action="DESELECT")
# faces are required to be triangles now
@@ -781,7 +816,9 @@ def objectdata_from_VF(vertices, faces):
new_mesh.loops.add(len(faces) * 3)
new_mesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_total", np.ones(len(faces), np.int32) * 3)
- new_mesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_start", np.arange(len(faces), dtype=np.int32) * 3)
+ new_mesh.polygons.foreach_set(
+ "loop_start", np.arange(len(faces), dtype=np.int32) * 3
+ )
new_mesh.polygons.foreach_set("vertices", faces.reshape(-1).astype(np.int32))
return new_mesh
@@ -801,18 +838,24 @@ def object_from_trimesh(mesh, name, material=None):
new_object = object_from_VF(mesh.vertices, mesh.faces, name)
for attr_name in mesh.vertex_attributes:
attr_name_ls = attr_name.lstrip("_") # this is because of trimesh bug
- if mesh.vertex_attributes[attr_name].ndim == 1 or mesh.vertex_attributes[attr_name].shape[1] == 1:
+ if (
+ mesh.vertex_attributes[attr_name].ndim == 1
+ or mesh.vertex_attributes[attr_name].shape[1] == 1
+ ):
type_key = "FLOAT"
elif mesh.vertex_attributes[attr_name].shape[1] == 3:
type_key = "FLOAT_VECTOR"
elif mesh.vertex_attributes[attr_name].shape[1] == 4:
type_key = "FLOAT_COLOR"
- raise Exception(f"attribute of shape {mesh.vertex_attributes[attr_name].shape} not supported")
- new_object.data.attributes.new(name=attr_name_ls, type=type_key, domain='POINT')
- new_object.data.attributes[attr_name_ls].data.foreach_set(DATATYPE_FIELDS[type_key],
- mesh.vertex_attributes[attr_name].reshape(
- -1).astype(np.float32))
+ raise Exception(
+ f"attribute of shape {mesh.vertex_attributes[attr_name].shape} not supported"
+ )
+ new_object.data.attributes.new(name=attr_name_ls, type=type_key, domain="POINT")
+ new_object.data.attributes[attr_name_ls].data.foreach_set(
+ DATATYPE_FIELDS[type_key],
+ mesh.vertex_attributes[attr_name].reshape(-1).astype(np.float32),
+ )
if material is not None:
return new_object
@@ -822,7 +865,9 @@ def object_to_vertex_attributes(obj):
vertex_attributes = {}
for attr in obj.data.attributes.keys():
type_key = obj.data.attributes[attr].data_type
- tmp = np.zeros(len(obj.data.vertices) * DATATYPE_DIMS[type_key], dtype=np.float32)
+ tmp = np.zeros(
+ len(obj.data.vertices) * DATATYPE_DIMS[type_key], dtype=np.float32
+ )
obj.data.attributes[attr].data.foreach_get(DATATYPE_FIELDS[type_key], tmp)
vertex_attributes[attr] = tmp.reshape((len(obj.data.vertices), -1))
return vertex_attributes
@@ -841,39 +886,46 @@ def object_to_trimesh(obj):
return mesh
def blender_internal_attr(a):
- if hasattr(a, 'name'):
+ if hasattr(a, "name"):
a = a.name
- if a.startswith('.'):
+ if a.startswith("."):
return True
- if a in ['material_index', 'uv_map', 'UVMap', 'sharp_face']:
+ if a in ["material_index", "uv_map", "UVMap", "sharp_face"]:
return True
return False
def merge_by_distance(obj, face_size):
- with SelectObjects(obj), ViewportMode(obj, mode='EDIT'), Suppress():
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ with SelectObjects(obj), ViewportMode(obj, mode="EDIT"), Suppress():
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
def origin_set(objs, mode, **kwargs):
with SelectObjects(objs):
bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type=mode, **kwargs)
def apply_geo(obj):
with SelectObjects(obj):
for m in obj.modifiers:
m.show_viewport = False
for m in obj.modifiers:
- if m.type == 'NODES':
+ if m.type == "NODES":
def avg_approx_vol(objects):
return np.mean([prod(list(o.dimensions)) for o in objects])
-def parent_to(a, b, type='OBJECT', keep_transform=False, no_inverse=False, no_transform=False):
+def parent_to(
+ a, b, type="OBJECT", keep_transform=False, no_inverse=False, no_transform=False
if a.name == b.name:
- raise ValueError(f'parent_to expects two distinct objects, got {a=} {b=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"parent_to expects two distinct objects, got {a=} {b=}")
with SelectObjects([a, b], active=1):
@@ -883,15 +935,19 @@ def parent_to(a, b, type='OBJECT', keep_transform=False, no_inverse=False, no_tr
bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type=type, keep_transform=keep_transform)
if no_transform:
- a.location = (0,0,0)
- a.rotation_euler = (0,0,0)
+ a.location = (0, 0, 0)
+ a.rotation_euler = (0, 0, 0)
if a.parent is not b:
- raise ValueError(f'parent_to({a=}, {b=}) failed, after execution we saw {a.parent=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"parent_to({a=}, {b=}) failed, after execution we saw {a.parent=}"
+ )
def apply_matrix_world(obj, verts: np.array):
return mutil.dehomogenize(mutil.homogenize(verts) @ np.array(obj.matrix_world).T)
def surface_area(obj: bpy.types.Object):
bm = bmesh.new()
@@ -899,8 +955,8 @@ def surface_area(obj: bpy.types.Object):
return area
-def approve_all_drivers():
+def approve_all_drivers():
# 'Touch' every driver in the file so that blender trusts them
n = 0
@@ -912,22 +968,19 @@ def approve_all_drivers():
d.driver.expression = d.driver.expression
n += 1
- logging.warning(f'Re-initialized {n} as trusted. Do not run infinigen on untrusted blend files. ')
+ logging.warning(
+ f"Re-initialized {n} as trusted. Do not run infinigen on untrusted blend files. "
+ )
def count_objects():
count = 0
for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects:
if obj.type != "MESH":
- count +=1
+ count += 1
return count
-def count_objects():
- count = 0
- for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects:
- if obj.type != "MESH": continue
- count +=1
- return count
def count_instance():
depsgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
@@ -938,6 +991,7 @@ def bounds(obj):
points = np.array(obj.bound_box)
return points.min(axis=0), points.max(axis=0)
def create_noise_plane(size=50, cuts=10, std=3, levels=3):
bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_grid_add(size=size, x_subdivisions=cuts, y_subdivisions=cuts)
obj = bpy.context.active_object
@@ -945,7 +999,8 @@ def create_noise_plane(size=50, cuts=10, std=3, levels=3):
for v in obj.data.vertices:
v.co[2] = v.co[2] + np.random.normal(0, std)
- return modify_mesh(obj, 'SUBSURF', levels=levels)
+ return modify_mesh(obj, "SUBSURF", levels=levels)
def purge_empty_materials(obj):
with SelectObjects(obj):
diff --git a/infinigen/core/util/camera.py b/infinigen/core/util/camera.py
index fc955eb51..687d846e9 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/util/camera.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/util/camera.py
@@ -4,20 +4,19 @@
# Authors: Lahav Lipson, Lingjie Mei
-import numpy as np
-from mathutils import Matrix, Vector
-from mathutils.bvhtree import BVHTree
import bpy
import bpy_extras
+import numpy as np
+from mathutils import Matrix, Vector
from tqdm import trange
-from infinigen.core.util.math import homogenize, dehomogenize
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import dehomogenize, homogenize
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# 3x4 P matrix from Blender camera
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Build intrinsic camera parameters from Blender camera data
@@ -32,37 +31,38 @@ def get_calibration_matrix_K_from_blender(camd):
sensor_width_in_mm = camd.sensor_width
sensor_height_in_mm = camd.sensor_height
- if sensor_width_in_mm/sensor_height_in_mm != W/H:
- vals = f'{(sensor_width_in_mm, sensor_height_in_mm, W, H)=}'
- raise ValueError(f'Camera sensor has not been properly configured, you probably need to call camera.adjust_camera_sensor on it. {vals}')
+ if sensor_width_in_mm / sensor_height_in_mm != W / H:
+ vals = f"{(sensor_width_in_mm, sensor_height_in_mm, W, H)=}"
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Camera sensor has not been properly configured, you probably need to call camera.adjust_camera_sensor on it. {vals}"
+ )
pixel_aspect_ratio = scene.render.pixel_aspect_x / scene.render.pixel_aspect_y
- if (camd.sensor_fit == 'VERTICAL'):
+ if camd.sensor_fit == "VERTICAL":
# the sensor height is fixed (sensor fit is horizontal),
# the sensor width is effectively changed with the pixel aspect ratio
- s_u = resolution_x_in_px * scale / sensor_width_in_mm / pixel_aspect_ratio # pixels per milimeter
+ s_u = (
+ resolution_x_in_px * scale / sensor_width_in_mm / pixel_aspect_ratio
+ ) # pixels per milimeter
s_v = resolution_y_in_px * scale / sensor_height_in_mm
- else: # 'HORIZONTAL' and 'AUTO'
+ else: # 'HORIZONTAL' and 'AUTO'
# the sensor width is fixed (sensor fit is horizontal),
# the sensor height is effectively changed with the pixel aspect ratio
pixel_aspect_ratio = scene.render.pixel_aspect_x / scene.render.pixel_aspect_y
s_u = resolution_x_in_px * scale / sensor_width_in_mm
s_v = resolution_y_in_px * scale * pixel_aspect_ratio / sensor_height_in_mm
# Parameters of intrinsic calibration matrix K
alpha_u = f_in_mm * s_u
alpha_v = f_in_mm * s_v
u_0 = resolution_x_in_px * scale / 2
v_0 = resolution_y_in_px * scale / 2
- skew = 0 # only use rectangular pixels
+ skew = 0 # only use rectangular pixels
- K = Matrix(
- ((alpha_u, skew, u_0),
- ( 0 , alpha_v, v_0),
- ( 0 , 0, 1 )))
+ K = Matrix(((alpha_u, skew, u_0), (0, alpha_v, v_0), (0, 0, 1)))
return K
# Returns camera rotation and translation matrices from Blender.
# There are 3 coordinate systems involved:
@@ -79,10 +79,7 @@ def get_calibration_matrix_K_from_blender(camd):
# - right-handed: positive z look-at direction
def get_3x4_RT_matrix_from_blender(cam):
# bcam stands for blender camera
- R_bcam2cv = Matrix(
- ((1, 0, 0),
- (0, -1, 0),
- (0, 0, -1)))
+ R_bcam2cv = Matrix(((1, 0, 0), (0, -1, 0), (0, 0, -1)))
# Transpose since the rotation is object rotation,
# and we want coordinate rotation
@@ -96,27 +93,30 @@ def get_3x4_RT_matrix_from_blender(cam):
# Convert camera location to translation vector used in coordinate changes
# T_world2bcam = -1*R_world2bcam*cam.location
# Use location from matrix_world to account for constraints:
- T_world2bcam = -1*R_world2bcam @ location
+ T_world2bcam = -1 * R_world2bcam @ location
# Build the coordinate transform matrix from world to computer vision camera
# NOTE: Use * instead of @ here for older versions of Blender
# TODO: detect Blender version
- R_world2cv = R_bcam2cv@R_world2bcam
- T_world2cv = R_bcam2cv@T_world2bcam
+ R_world2cv = R_bcam2cv @ R_world2bcam
+ T_world2cv = R_bcam2cv @ T_world2bcam
# put into 3x4 matrix
- RT = Matrix((
- R_world2cv[0][:] + (T_world2cv[0],),
- R_world2cv[1][:] + (T_world2cv[1],),
- R_world2cv[2][:] + (T_world2cv[2],)
- ))
+ RT = Matrix(
+ (
+ R_world2cv[0][:] + (T_world2cv[0],),
+ R_world2cv[1][:] + (T_world2cv[1],),
+ R_world2cv[2][:] + (T_world2cv[2],),
+ )
+ )
return RT
def get_3x4_P_matrix_from_blender(cam):
K = get_calibration_matrix_K_from_blender(cam.data)
RT = get_3x4_RT_matrix_from_blender(cam)
- return K@RT, K, RT
+ return K @ RT, K, RT
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# Alternate 3D coordinates to 2D pixel coordinate projection code
@@ -127,11 +127,12 @@ def project_by_object_utils(cam, point):
co_2d = bpy_extras.object_utils.world_to_camera_view(scene, cam, point)
render_scale = scene.render.resolution_percentage / 100
render_size = (
- int(scene.render.resolution_x * render_scale),
- int(scene.render.resolution_y * render_scale),
- )
+ int(scene.render.resolution_x * render_scale),
+ int(scene.render.resolution_y * render_scale),
+ )
return Vector((co_2d.x * render_size[0], render_size[1] - co_2d.y * render_size[1]))
def compute_vis_dists(points, cam):
projmat, K, RT = map(np.array, get_3x4_P_matrix_from_blender(cam))
proj = points @ projmat.T
@@ -141,16 +142,19 @@ def compute_vis_dists(points, cam):
clamped_d = np.maximum(d, 0)
RT_4x4_inv = np.array(Matrix(RT).to_4x4().inverted())
- clipped_pos = homogenize((homogenize(clamped_uv) * clamped_d[:, None]) @ np.linalg.inv(K).T) @ RT_4x4_inv.T
+ clipped_pos = (
+ homogenize((homogenize(clamped_uv) * clamped_d[:, None]) @ np.linalg.inv(K).T)
+ @ RT_4x4_inv.T
+ )
vis_dist = np.linalg.norm(points[:, :-1] - clipped_pos[:, :-1], axis=-1)
return d, vis_dist
-def min_dists_from_cam_trajectory(points, cam, start=None, end=None, verbose=False):
+def min_dists_from_cam_trajectory(points, cam, start=None, end=None, verbose=False):
assert len(points.shape) == 2 and points.shape[-1] == 3
- assert cam.type == 'CAMERA'
+ assert cam.type == "CAMERA"
if start is None:
start = bpy.context.scene.frame_start
@@ -162,7 +166,7 @@ def min_dists_from_cam_trajectory(points, cam, start=None, end=None, verbose=Fal
min_vis_dists = np.full(len(points), 1e7)
rangeiter = trange if verbose else range
- for i in rangeiter(start, end+1):
+ for i in rangeiter(start, end + 1):
dists, vis_dists = compute_vis_dists(points, cam)
min_dists = np.minimum(dists, min_dists)
@@ -175,5 +179,11 @@ def points_inview(bbox, camera):
proj = np.array(get_3x4_P_matrix_from_blender(camera)[0])
x, y, z = proj @ np.concatenate([bbox, np.ones((len(bbox), 1))], -1).T
render = bpy.context.scene.render
- inview = (z > 0) & (x >= 0) & (y >= 0) & (x / z < render.resolution_x) & (y / z < render.resolution_y)
+ inview = (
+ (z > 0)
+ & (x >= 0)
+ & (y >= 0)
+ & (x / z < render.resolution_x)
+ & (y / z < render.resolution_y)
+ )
return inview
diff --git a/infinigen/core/util/color.py b/infinigen/core/util/color.py
index f91e3c205..446a4e78f 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/util/color.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/util/color.py
@@ -5,14 +5,12 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick, Yiming Zuo, Lingjie Mei, Lahav Lipson
+import colorsys
from dataclasses import dataclass
-import bpy
+import gin
import mathutils
import numpy as np
-import colorsys
-import gin
from infinigen.core.util.math import int_hash
@@ -20,7 +18,7 @@
class ChannelScheme:
args: list
- dist: str = 'uniform'
+ dist: str = "uniform"
clip: tuple = (0, 1)
wrap: bool = False
@@ -33,32 +31,61 @@ def sample(self):
return v
-U = lambda min, max, **kwargs: ChannelScheme([min, max], dist='uniform', **kwargs)
-N = lambda m, std, **kwargs: ChannelScheme([m, std], dist='normal', **kwargs)
+def U(min, max, **kwargs):
+ return ChannelScheme([min, max], dist="uniform", **kwargs)
+def N(m, std, **kwargs):
+ return ChannelScheme([m, std], dist="normal", **kwargs)
- 'petal': (N(0.95, 1.2, wrap=True), U(0.2, 0.85), U(0.2, 0.75)),
- 'gem': (U(0, 1), U(0.85, 0.85), U(0.5, 1)),
- 'greenery': (U(0.25, 0.33), N(0.65, 0.03), U(0.1, 0.45)),
- 'yellowish': (N(0.15, 0.005, wrap=True), N(0.95, 0.02), N(0.9, 0.02)),
- 'red': (N(0.0, 0.05, wrap=True), N(0.9, 0.03), N(0.6, 0.05)),
- 'pink': (N(0.88, 0.06, wrap=True), N(0.6, 0.05), N(0.8, 0.05)),
- 'white': (N(0.0, 0.06, wrap=True), U(0.0, 0.2, clip=[0, 1]), N(0.95, 0.02)),
- 'fog': (U(0, 1), U(0, 0.2), U(0.8, 1)),
- 'water': (U(0.2, 0.6), N(0.5, 0.1), U(0.7, 1)),
- 'darker_water': (U(0.2, 0.6), N(0.5, 0.1), U(0.2, 0.3)),
- 'under_water': (U(0.5, 0.7), U(0.7, 0.95), U(0.7, 1)),
- 'eye_schlera': (U(0.05, 0.15), U(0.2, 0.8), U(0.05, 0.5)),
- 'eye_pupil': (U(0, 1), U(0.1, 0.9), U(0.1, 0.9)),
- 'beak': (U(0, 0.13), U(0, 0.9), U(0.1, 0.6)),
- 'fur': (U(0, 0.11), U(0.5, 0.95), U(0.02, 0.9)),
- 'pine_needle': (N(0.05, 0.02, wrap=True), U(0.5, 0.93), U(0.045, 0.4),),
- 'wet_sand': (U(0.05, 0.1), U(0.65, 0.7), U(0.05, 0.15),),
- 'dry_sand': (U(0.05, 0.1), U(0.65, 0.7), U(0.15, 0.25),),
- 'leather': (U(0.04, 0.07), U(0.80, 1.0), U(0.1, 0.6),),
- 'concrete': (U(0.0, 1.0), U(0.02, 0.12), U(0.3, 0.9),),
- 'textile': (U(0, 1), U(0.15, 0.7), U(0.1, 0.3),),
- 'fabric': (U(0, 1), U(0.3, 0.8), U(0.6, 0.9))
+ "petal": (N(0.95, 1.2, wrap=True), U(0.2, 0.85), U(0.2, 0.75)),
+ "gem": (U(0, 1), U(0.85, 0.85), U(0.5, 1)),
+ "greenery": (U(0.25, 0.33), N(0.65, 0.03), U(0.1, 0.45)),
+ "yellowish": (N(0.15, 0.005, wrap=True), N(0.95, 0.02), N(0.9, 0.02)),
+ "red": (N(0.0, 0.05, wrap=True), N(0.9, 0.03), N(0.6, 0.05)),
+ "pink": (N(0.88, 0.06, wrap=True), N(0.6, 0.05), N(0.8, 0.05)),
+ "white": (N(0.0, 0.06, wrap=True), U(0.0, 0.2, clip=[0, 1]), N(0.95, 0.02)),
+ "fog": (U(0, 1), U(0, 0.2), U(0.8, 1)),
+ "water": (U(0.2, 0.6), N(0.5, 0.1), U(0.7, 1)),
+ "darker_water": (U(0.2, 0.6), N(0.5, 0.1), U(0.2, 0.3)),
+ "under_water": (U(0.5, 0.7), U(0.7, 0.95), U(0.7, 1)),
+ "eye_schlera": (U(0.05, 0.15), U(0.2, 0.8), U(0.05, 0.5)),
+ "eye_pupil": (U(0, 1), U(0.1, 0.9), U(0.1, 0.9)),
+ "beak": (U(0, 0.13), U(0, 0.9), U(0.1, 0.6)),
+ "fur": (U(0, 0.11), U(0.5, 0.95), U(0.02, 0.9)),
+ "pine_needle": (
+ N(0.05, 0.02, wrap=True),
+ U(0.5, 0.93),
+ U(0.045, 0.4),
+ ),
+ "wet_sand": (
+ U(0.05, 0.1),
+ U(0.65, 0.7),
+ U(0.05, 0.15),
+ ),
+ "dry_sand": (
+ U(0.05, 0.1),
+ U(0.65, 0.7),
+ U(0.15, 0.25),
+ ),
+ "leather": (
+ U(0.04, 0.07),
+ U(0.80, 1.0),
+ U(0.1, 0.6),
+ ),
+ "concrete": (
+ U(0.0, 1.0),
+ U(0.02, 0.12),
+ U(0.3, 0.9),
+ ),
+ "textile": (
+ U(0, 1),
+ U(0.15, 0.7),
+ U(0.1, 0.3),
+ ),
+ "fabric": (U(0, 1), U(0.3, 0.8), U(0.6, 0.9)),
# 'dirt': ('uniform', [], []),
# 'rock': ('uniform', [], []),
# 'creature_fur': ('normal', [0.89, 0.6, 0.2], []),
@@ -68,8 +95,10 @@ def sample(self):
def color_category(name):
- if not name in HSV_RANGES:
- raise ValueError(f'color_category did not recognize {name=}, options are {HSV_RANGES.keys()=}')
+ if name not in HSV_RANGES:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"color_category did not recognize {name=}, options are {HSV_RANGES.keys()=}"
+ )
schemes = HSV_RANGES[name]
assert len(schemes) == 3
hsv = [s.sample() for s in schemes]
@@ -96,16 +125,19 @@ def rgb2hsv(rgb, *args):
def srgb_to_linearrgb(c):
- if c < 0: return 0
- elif c < 0.04045: return c / 12.92
- else: return ((c + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4
+ if c < 0:
+ return 0
+ elif c < 0.04045:
+ return c / 12.92
+ else:
+ return ((c + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4
def hex2rgba(h, alpha=1):
- r = (h & 0xff0000) >> 16
- g = (h & 0x00ff00) >> 8
- b = (h & 0x0000ff)
- return tuple([srgb_to_linearrgb(c / 0xff) for c in (r, g, b)] + [alpha])
+ r = (h & 0xFF0000) >> 16
+ g = (h & 0x00FF00) >> 8
+ b = h & 0x0000FF
+ return tuple([srgb_to_linearrgb(c / 0xFF) for c in (r, g, b)] + [alpha])
diff --git a/infinigen/core/util/exporting.py b/infinigen/core/util/exporting.py
index eb50c61a1..8f661966b 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/util/exporting.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/util/exporting.py
@@ -4,19 +4,21 @@
# Authors: Lahav Lipson
+import json
+import re
+from itertools import chain, product
from pathlib import Path
-import gin
+from uuid import uuid4
import bpy
+import gin
import mathutils
-import re
-import json
-from uuid import uuid4
import numpy as np
-from itertools import chain, product
+from bpy.types import DepsgraphObjectInstance
from tqdm import tqdm
from infinigen.core.util.math import int_hash
-from bpy.types import DepsgraphObjectInstance
def get_mesh_data(obj):
polys = obj.data.polygons
@@ -25,61 +27,89 @@ def get_mesh_data(obj):
polys.foreach_get("loop_total", loop_totals)
indices = np.full((loop_totals.sum(),), -1, dtype=np.int32)
polys.foreach_get("vertices", indices)
- vert_lookup = np.full((len(verts)*3,), np.nan, dtype=np.float32)
+ vert_lookup = np.full((len(verts) * 3,), np.nan, dtype=np.float32)
verts.foreach_get("co", vert_lookup)
vert_lookup = vert_lookup.reshape((-1, 3))
- masktag = np.full(len(verts, ), 0, dtype=np.int32)
- if False and 'MaskTag' in obj.data.attributes:
- obj.data.attributes['MaskTag'].data.foreach_get("value", masktag)
+ masktag = np.full(
+ len(
+ verts,
+ ),
+ 0,
+ dtype=np.int32,
+ )
+ if False and "MaskTag" in obj.data.attributes:
+ obj.data.attributes["MaskTag"].data.foreach_get("value", masktag)
assert (loop_totals.size == 0) or (loop_totals.min() >= 0)
assert (indices.size == 0) or (indices.min() >= 0)
assert not np.any(np.isnan(vert_lookup))
return vert_lookup, indices, loop_totals, masktag
def get_curve_data(obj):
curves = obj.data.curves
points = obj.data.points
points_length = np.full(len(curves), -1, dtype=np.int32)
- curves.foreach_get('points_length', points_length)
+ curves.foreach_get("points_length", points_length)
points_length = np.unique(points_length)
- assert (points_length.size == 0) or (points_length.size == 1 and points_length[0] == 5), np.unique(points_length)
- vertices = np.full((len(points)*3), np.nan, dtype=np.float32)
- points.foreach_get('position', vertices)
+ assert (points_length.size == 0) or (
+ points_length.size == 1 and points_length[0] == 5
+ ), np.unique(points_length)
+ vertices = np.full((len(points) * 3), np.nan, dtype=np.float32)
+ points.foreach_get("position", vertices)
vertices = vertices.reshape(-1, 3)
radii = np.full(len(points), np.nan, dtype=np.float32)
- points.foreach_get('radius', radii)
+ points.foreach_get("radius", radii)
assert not np.any(np.isnan(vertices))
assert not np.any(np.isnan(radii))
return vertices, radii
-valid_int32 = lambda x: (-2**31 <= x < 2**31)
+def valid_int32(x):
+ return -(2**31) <= x < 2**31
# See https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender/issues/60881 for logic
def get_id(i: DepsgraphObjectInstance):
- parent_hash = (int_hash(i.parent.name)-2**31) if (i.parent is not None) else 0
+ parent_hash = (int_hash(i.parent.name) - 2**31) if (i.parent is not None) else 0
t = list(i.persistent_id)
- if list(t) == [0]*8:
+ if list(t) == [0] * 8:
return (0, 0, parent_hash)
a, b, *c = t
- assert c == [2**31-1]*6, t
+ assert c == [2**31 - 1] * 6, t
assert valid_int32(a) and valid_int32(b), t
return (a, b, parent_hash)
def get_all_instances():
vertex_info = {}
pbar = tqdm(bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get().object_instances)
for deps_instance in pbar:
obj = deps_instance.object
pbar.set_description(f"Finding Instances: {obj.name[:20].ljust(20)}")
- if (obj.type == "MESH") and (deps_instance.is_instance) and ("PARTICLE_SYSTEM" not in {m.type for m in obj.modifiers}):
+ if (
+ (obj.type == "MESH")
+ and (deps_instance.is_instance)
+ and ("PARTICLE_SYSTEM" not in {m.type for m in obj.modifiers})
+ ):
mat = np.asarray(deps_instance.matrix_world, dtype=np.float32).copy()
if obj.data not in vertex_info:
vert_lookup, indices, loop_totals, masktag = get_mesh_data(obj)
- vertex_info[obj.data] = dict(vertex_lookup=vert_lookup, is_instance=True, masktag=masktag,
- indices=indices, loop_totals=loop_totals, matrices=[], instance_ids=[], name=obj.name)
+ vertex_info[obj.data] = dict(
+ vertex_lookup=vert_lookup,
+ is_instance=True,
+ masktag=masktag,
+ indices=indices,
+ loop_totals=loop_totals,
+ matrices=[],
+ instance_ids=[],
+ name=obj.name,
+ )
- return chain.from_iterable(((v['vertex_lookup'].shape[0], v['name']), v) for v in vertex_info.values())
+ return chain.from_iterable(
+ ((v["vertex_lookup"].shape[0], v["name"]), v) for v in vertex_info.values()
+ )
def get_all_non_instances():
pbar = tqdm(bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get().object_instances)
@@ -88,15 +118,34 @@ def get_all_non_instances():
pbar.set_description(f"Finding Non-Instances: {obj.name[:20].ljust(20)}")
mat = np.asarray(deps_instance.matrix_world, dtype=np.float32).copy()[None]
if obj.type == "MESH":
- if (not deps_instance.is_instance) and ("PARTICLE_SYSTEM" not in {m.type for m in obj.modifiers}):
+ if (not deps_instance.is_instance) and (
+ "PARTICLE_SYSTEM" not in {m.type for m in obj.modifiers}
+ ):
yield (len(obj.data.vertices), obj.name)
vert_lookup, indices, loop_totals, masktag = get_mesh_data(obj)
- yield dict(vertex_lookup=vert_lookup, indices=indices, loop_totals=loop_totals, name=obj.name, matrices=mat, instance_ids=[get_id(deps_instance)], masktag=masktag, is_instance=False)
- elif obj.type == 'CURVES':
+ yield dict(
+ vertex_lookup=vert_lookup,
+ indices=indices,
+ loop_totals=loop_totals,
+ name=obj.name,
+ matrices=mat,
+ instance_ids=[get_id(deps_instance)],
+ masktag=masktag,
+ is_instance=False,
+ )
+ elif obj.type == "CURVES":
assert not deps_instance.is_instance
- yield (len(obj.data.points)//5, obj.name) # //5 bc hair is inexpensive
+ yield (len(obj.data.points) // 5, obj.name) # //5 bc hair is inexpensive
hair_vertices, hair_radii = get_curve_data(obj)
- yield dict(vertex_lookup=hair_vertices, radii=hair_radii, name=obj.name, matrices=mat, instance_ids=[get_id(deps_instance)], is_instance=False)
+ yield dict(
+ vertex_lookup=hair_vertices,
+ radii=hair_radii,
+ name=obj.name,
+ matrices=mat,
+ instance_ids=[get_id(deps_instance)],
+ is_instance=False,
+ )
def parse_group_from_name(name: str):
for reg in ["(.*)\.spawn_asset\(.*", "scatter:(.*)", "([A-Za-z_]+)"]:
@@ -104,6 +153,7 @@ def parse_group_from_name(name: str):
if match:
return match.group(1)
def parse_semantic_from_name(name: str):
group_name = parse_group_from_name(name) or name
for reg in ["([A-Za-z_]+)[\.\(].*", "([A-Za-z_]+)"]:
@@ -111,26 +161,29 @@ def parse_semantic_from_name(name: str):
if match:
return match.group(1).replace("Factory", "").replace("_fine", "").title()
def calc_aa_bbox(pts):
xx, yy, zz = zip(pts.min(axis=0), pts.max(axis=0))
- return np.stack(list(product(xx, yy, zz))) # 8 x 3
+ return np.stack(list(product(xx, yy, zz))) # 8 x 3
def calc_instance_bbox(matrices, verts):
assert verts.shape[1] == 3
single_bbox = calc_aa_bbox(verts)
- h_bbox = np.concatenate((single_bbox.T, np.ones((1, 8))), axis=0) # 4 x 8
- all_h_bbox = np.einsum("bij, jk -> bki", matrices, h_bbox) # B x 8 x 4
+ h_bbox = np.concatenate((single_bbox.T, np.ones((1, 8))), axis=0) # 4 x 8
+ all_h_bbox = np.einsum("bij, jk -> bki", matrices, h_bbox) # B x 8 x 4
assert all_h_bbox.shape[1:] == (8, 4)
- all_bbox = (all_h_bbox[...,:3] / all_h_bbox[..., 3:]) # B x 8 x 3
+ all_bbox = all_h_bbox[..., :3] / all_h_bbox[..., 3:] # B x 8 x 3
combined_bbox = calc_aa_bbox(all_bbox.reshape((-1, 3)))
return combined_bbox, single_bbox
def get_mesh_id_if_cached(name, num_verts, current_ids, previous_frame_mapping):
assert isinstance(current_ids, frozenset)
if releveant_entries := previous_frame_mapping.get(name):
for (nv, prev_ids), mesh_id in releveant_entries.items():
assert isinstance(prev_ids, frozenset)
- if (num_verts == nv):
+ if num_verts == nv:
for idd in current_ids:
if idd in prev_ids:
return mesh_id
@@ -138,10 +191,12 @@ def get_mesh_id_if_cached(name, num_verts, current_ids, previous_frame_mapping):
-def save_obj_and_instances(output_folder, previous_frame_mesh_id_mapping, current_frame_mesh_id_mapping):
+def save_obj_and_instances(
+ output_folder, previous_frame_mesh_id_mapping, current_frame_mesh_id_mapping
output_folder = Path(output_folder)
output_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
- for atm_name in ['atmosphere', 'atmosphere_fine', 'KoleClouds']:
+ for atm_name in ["atmosphere", "atmosphere_fine", "KoleClouds"]:
if atm_name in bpy.data.objects:
if "scatters" in bpy.data.collections:
@@ -155,19 +210,23 @@ def save_obj_and_instances(output_folder, previous_frame_mesh_id_mapping, curren
singleton_mesh_data = get_all_non_instances()
npz_number = 1
filename = output_folder / f"saved_mesh_{npz_number:04d}.npz"
- MAX_NUM_VERTS = int(5e6) # lower if OOM
+ MAX_NUM_VERTS = int(5e6) # lower if OOM
running_total_verts = 0
current_obj_num_verts = None
npz_data = {}
object_names_mapping = {}
for item in chain(instance_mesh_data, singleton_mesh_data):
if isinstance(item, tuple):
- current_obj_num_verts, object_name = item # Sometimes current_obj_num_verts will be 0. This is fine.
+ current_obj_num_verts, object_name = (
+ item # Sometimes current_obj_num_verts will be 0. This is fine.
+ )
if object_name not in object_names_mapping:
object_names_mapping[object_name] = len(object_names_mapping) + 1
# Flush the .npz to avoid OOM
- if (len(npz_data) > 0) and ((running_total_verts + current_obj_num_verts) >= MAX_NUM_VERTS):
+ if (len(npz_data) > 0) and (
+ (running_total_verts + current_obj_num_verts) >= MAX_NUM_VERTS
+ ):
np.savez(filename, **npz_data)
print(f"Saving to {filename}")
@@ -176,16 +235,25 @@ def save_obj_and_instances(output_folder, previous_frame_mesh_id_mapping, curren
filename = output_folder / f"saved_mesh_{npz_number:04d}.npz"
if current_obj_num_verts > MAX_NUM_VERTS:
- print(f"WARNING: Object {object_name} is very large, with {current_obj_num_verts} vertices.")
+ print(
+ f"WARNING: Object {object_name} is very large, with {current_obj_num_verts} vertices."
+ )
is_instance = item["is_instance"]
if is_instance:
instance_ids_set = frozenset(item["instance_ids"])
- mesh_id = get_mesh_id_if_cached(object_name, current_obj_num_verts, instance_ids_set, previous_frame_mesh_id_mapping)
+ mesh_id = get_mesh_id_if_cached(
+ object_name,
+ current_obj_num_verts,
+ instance_ids_set,
+ previous_frame_mesh_id_mapping,
+ )
if mesh_id is None:
mesh_id = uuid4().hex[:12]
- current_frame_mesh_id_mapping[object_name][(current_obj_num_verts, instance_ids_set)] = mesh_id
+ current_frame_mesh_id_mapping[object_name][
+ (current_obj_num_verts, instance_ids_set)
+ ] = mesh_id
mesh_id = str(hex(int_hash(object_name)))[:12]
@@ -200,24 +268,44 @@ def save_obj_and_instances(output_folder, previous_frame_mesh_id_mapping, curren
matrices = np.asarray(item["matrices"], dtype=np.float32)
npz_data[f"{mesh_id}_transformations"] = matrices
instance_ids_array = np.asarray(item["instance_ids"], dtype=np.int32)
- assert np.unique(instance_ids_array, axis=0).shape == instance_ids_array.shape
+ assert (
+ np.unique(instance_ids_array, axis=0).shape == instance_ids_array.shape
+ )
assert instance_ids_array.shape[1] == 3
npz_data[f"{mesh_id}_instance_ids"] = instance_ids_array
obj = bpy.data.objects[object_name]
- json_val = {"filename": filename.name, "mesh_id": mesh_id, "object_name": object_name, "num_verts": current_obj_num_verts, "children": [],
- "object_type": obj.type, "num_instances": matrices.shape[0], "object_idx": object_names_mapping[object_name]}
+ json_val = {
+ "filename": filename.name,
+ "mesh_id": mesh_id,
+ "object_name": object_name,
+ "num_verts": current_obj_num_verts,
+ "children": [],
+ "object_type": obj.type,
+ "num_instances": matrices.shape[0],
+ "object_idx": object_names_mapping[object_name],
+ }
if obj.type == "MESH":
- json_val['num_verts'] = len(obj.data.vertices)
- json_val['num_faces'] = len(obj.data.polygons)
- json_val['materials'] = obj.material_slots.keys()
- json_val['unapplied_modifiers'] = obj.modifiers.keys()
+ json_val["num_verts"] = len(obj.data.vertices)
+ json_val["num_faces"] = len(obj.data.polygons)
+ json_val["materials"] = obj.material_slots.keys()
+ json_val["unapplied_modifiers"] = obj.modifiers.keys()
if not is_instance:
- non_aa_bbox = np.asarray([(obj.matrix_world @ mathutils.Vector(v)) for v in obj.bound_box], dtype=np.float32)
+ non_aa_bbox = np.asarray(
+ [(obj.matrix_world @ mathutils.Vector(v)) for v in obj.bound_box],
+ dtype=np.float32,
+ )
json_val["instance_bbox"] = calc_aa_bbox(non_aa_bbox).tolist()
# Todo add chain up parents
- combined_bbox, instance_bbox = calc_instance_bbox(matrices, item["vertex_lookup"])
- json_val.update({"bbox": combined_bbox.tolist(), "instance_bbox": instance_bbox.tolist()})
+ combined_bbox, instance_bbox = calc_instance_bbox(
+ matrices, item["vertex_lookup"]
+ )
+ json_val.update(
+ {
+ "bbox": combined_bbox.tolist(),
+ "instance_bbox": instance_bbox.tolist(),
+ }
+ )
for child_obj in obj.children:
if child_obj.name not in object_names_mapping:
object_names_mapping[child_obj.name] = len(object_names_mapping) + 1
@@ -225,7 +313,6 @@ def save_obj_and_instances(output_folder, previous_frame_mesh_id_mapping, curren
running_total_verts += current_obj_num_verts
if len(npz_data) > 0:
np.savez(filename, **npz_data)
print(f"Saving to {filename}")
@@ -235,9 +322,16 @@ def save_obj_and_instances(output_folder, previous_frame_mesh_id_mapping, curren
object_name = obj.name
if object_name not in object_names_mapping:
object_names_mapping[object_name] = len(object_names_mapping) + 1
- non_aa_bbox = np.asarray([(obj.matrix_world @ mathutils.Vector(v)) for v in obj.bound_box])
- json_val = {"object_name": object_name, "object_type": obj.type, "children": [],
- "bbox": calc_aa_bbox(non_aa_bbox).tolist(), "object_idx": object_names_mapping[object_name]}
+ non_aa_bbox = np.asarray(
+ [(obj.matrix_world @ mathutils.Vector(v)) for v in obj.bound_box]
+ )
+ json_val = {
+ "object_name": object_name,
+ "object_type": obj.type,
+ "children": [],
+ "bbox": calc_aa_bbox(non_aa_bbox).tolist(),
+ "object_idx": object_names_mapping[object_name],
+ }
for child_obj in obj.children:
if child_obj.name not in object_names_mapping:
object_names_mapping[child_obj.name] = len(object_names_mapping) + 1
diff --git a/infinigen/core/util/logging.py b/infinigen/core/util/logging.py
index cb2389f90..c871d6ffb 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/util/logging.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/util/logging.py
@@ -8,25 +8,31 @@
# - Lingjie Mei: disable
-import os, sys
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+import typing
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
-import logging
-import uuid
import bpy
import gin
-timer_results = logging.getLogger('times')
+timer_results = logging.getLogger("times")
+def lazydebug(logger: logging.Logger, msg: typing.Callable, *args, **kwargs):
+ if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
+ logger.debug(msg(), *args, **kwargs)
class Timer:
def __init__(self, desc, disable_timer=False, logger=None):
self.disable_timer = disable_timer
if self.disable_timer:
- self.name = f'[{desc}]'
+ self.name = f"[{desc}]"
if logger is None:
logger = logging.getLogger("infinigen.times")
self.logger = logger
@@ -35,22 +41,22 @@ def __enter__(self):
if self.disable_timer:
self.start = datetime.now()
- self.logger.info(f'{self.name}')
+ self.logger.info(f"{self.name}")
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, traceback):
if self.disable_timer:
self.end = datetime.now()
- self.duration = self.end - self.start # timedelta
+ self.duration = self.end - self.start # timedelta
if exc_type is None:
- self.logger.info(f'{self.name} finished in {str(self.duration)}')
+ self.logger.info(f"{self.name} finished in {str(self.duration)}")
- self.logger.info(f'{self.name} failed with {exc_type}')
+ self.logger.info(f"{self.name} failed with {exc_type}")
-class Suppress():
+class Suppress:
def __enter__(self, logfile=os.devnull):
- open(logfile, 'w').close()
+ open(logfile, "w").close()
self.old = os.dup(1)
@@ -64,8 +70,8 @@ def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
-class LogLevel():
+class LogLevel:
def __init__(self, logger, level):
self.logger = logger
self.level = level
@@ -78,13 +84,19 @@ def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, *_):
def save_polycounts(file):
for col in bpy.data.collections:
- polycount = sum(len(obj.data.polygons) for obj in col.all_objects if (obj.type == "MESH" and obj.data is not None))
+ polycount = sum(
+ len(obj.data.polygons)
+ for obj in col.all_objects
+ if (obj.type == "MESH" and obj.data is not None)
+ )
file.write(f"{col.name}: {polycount:,}\n")
- for stat in bpy.context.scene.statistics(bpy.context.view_layer).split(' | ')[2:]:
+ for stat in bpy.context.scene.statistics(bpy.context.view_layer).split(" | ")[2:]:
def create_text_file(log_dir, filename, text=None):
log_dir = Path(log_dir)
@@ -95,4 +107,4 @@ def create_text_file(log_dir, filename, text=None):
class BadSeedError(ValueError):
- pass
\ No newline at end of file
+ pass
diff --git a/infinigen/core/util/math.py b/infinigen/core/util/math.py
index af21ad72b..8e62d6161 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/util/math.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/util/math.py
@@ -8,17 +8,15 @@
import math
import random
import warnings
-import sys
-import numpy as np
-import gin
import cv2
+import gin
+import numpy as np
class FixedSeed:
def __init__(self, seed):
self.seed = int(seed)
self.py_state = None
self.np_state = None
@@ -37,7 +35,6 @@ def __exit__(self, *_):
class AddedSeed:
def __init__(self, added_seed):
self.added_seed = added_seed
self.py_state = None
@@ -56,40 +53,40 @@ def __exit__(self, *_):
class BBox:
def __init__(self, mins, maxs):
self.mins = np.array(mins)
self.maxs = np.array(maxs)
def __repr__(self):
- return f'{self.__class__}({self.mins}, {self.maxs})'
+ return f"{self.__class__}({self.mins}, {self.maxs})"
def __contains__(self, p):
p = np.array(p)
return np.all((self.mins <= p) * (self.maxs >= p))
def uniform(self):
- return np.random.uniform(0, 1, len(self.mins)) * (self.maxs - self.mins) + self.mins
+ return (
+ np.random.uniform(0, 1, len(self.mins)) * (self.maxs - self.mins)
+ + self.mins
+ )
def union(self, other):
if isinstance(other, BBox):
return BBox(
mins=np.minimum(self.mins, other.mins),
- maxs=np.maximum(self.maxs, other.maxs)
+ maxs=np.maximum(self.maxs, other.maxs),
elif isinstance(other, np.ndarray) and other.shape[-1] == len(self.mins):
return BBox(
- mins=np.minimum(self.mins, other),
- maxs=np.maximum(self.maxs, other)
+ mins=np.minimum(self.mins, other), maxs=np.maximum(self.maxs, other)
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized arg {other} in BBox.union')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized arg {other} in BBox.union")
def intersect(self, other):
return BBox(
mins=np.maximum(self.mins, other.mins),
- maxs=np.minimum(self.maxs, other.maxs)
+ maxs=np.minimum(self.maxs, other.maxs),
def empty(self):
@@ -101,7 +98,9 @@ def subset(self, idx):
def linspace(self, n):
if isinstance(n, int):
n = [n] * len(self.mins)
- lins = [np.linspace(self.mins[i], self.maxs[i], n[i]) for i in range(len(self.mins))]
+ lins = [
+ np.linspace(self.mins[i], self.maxs[i], n[i]) for i in range(len(self.mins))
+ ]
return np.meshgrid(*lins)
def to_local_coords(self, p):
@@ -130,36 +129,29 @@ def center(self):
def eroded(self, margin):
if not isinstance(margin, np.ndarray):
margin = np.array([margin] * len(self))
- return BBox(
- mins=self.mins + margin,
- maxs=self.maxs - margin
- )
+ return BBox(mins=self.mins + margin, maxs=self.maxs - margin)
def inflated(self, margin):
if not isinstance(margin, np.ndarray):
margin = np.array([margin] * len(self))
- return BBox(
- mins=self.mins - margin,
- maxs=self.maxs + margin
- )
+ return BBox(mins=self.mins - margin, maxs=self.maxs + margin)
def from_center_dims(cls, center, dims):
- return cls(
- mins=center - dims / 2,
- maxs=center + dims / 2
- )
+ return cls(mins=center - dims / 2, maxs=center + dims / 2)
def from_bpy_box(cls, bpy_obj):
if not (
- hasattr(bpy_obj, 'empty_display_type') and
- bpy_obj.empty_display_type == 'CUBE'
+ hasattr(bpy_obj, "empty_display_type")
+ and bpy_obj.empty_display_type == "CUBE"
- raise ValueError(f'BBox.from_bpy_box expected a CUBE type blender empty')
+ raise ValueError("BBox.from_bpy_box expected a CUBE type blender empty")
center = bpy_obj.location
- dims = bpy_obj.scale * bpy_obj.empty_display_size / 2 # default has a RADIUS of 1
+ dims = (
+ bpy_obj.scale * bpy_obj.empty_display_size / 2
+ ) # default has a RADIUS of 1
return cls.from_center_dims(center, dims)
@@ -176,13 +168,13 @@ def md5_hash(x):
m = hashlib.md5()
for s in x:
assert isinstance(s, (int, str))
- m.update(str(s).encode('utf-8'))
+ m.update(str(s).encode("utf-8"))
return m
elif isinstance(x, (int, str)):
- x = str(x).encode('utf-8')
+ x = str(x).encode("utf-8")
return hashlib.md5(x)
- raise ValueError(f'util.md5_hash doesnt currently support type({type(x)}')
+ raise ValueError(f"util.md5_hash doesnt currently support type({type(x)}")
def int_hash(x, max=(2**32 - 1)):
@@ -190,6 +182,7 @@ def int_hash(x, max=(2**32 - 1)):
h = abs(md5) % max
return h
def round_to_nearest(x, step):
return step * np.round(x / step)
@@ -213,9 +206,9 @@ def lerp_sample(vec, ts: np.array):
def inverse_interpolate(vals, ds):
- '''
+ """
Find ts such that lerp_sample(vals, ts) = ds
- '''
+ """
assert (ds >= vals.min()).all()
assert (ds <= vals.max()).all()
@@ -235,11 +228,14 @@ def inverse_interpolate(vals, ds):
def cross_matrix(v):
o = np.zeros(v.shape[0])
- cross_mat = np.stack([
- np.stack([o, -v[:, 2], v[:, 1]], axis=-1),
- np.stack([v[:, 2], o, -v[:, 0]], axis=-1),
- np.stack([-v[:, 1], v[:, 0], o], axis=-1),
- ], axis=-1).transpose(0, 2, 1)
+ cross_mat = np.stack(
+ [
+ np.stack([o, -v[:, 2], v[:, 1]], axis=-1),
+ np.stack([v[:, 2], o, -v[:, 0]], axis=-1),
+ np.stack([-v[:, 1], v[:, 0], o], axis=-1),
+ ],
+ axis=-1,
+ ).transpose(0, 2, 1)
return cross_mat
@@ -264,7 +260,7 @@ def rotate_match_directions(a, b):
rots = np.empty((len(a), 3, 3))
rots[~m] = np.eye(3)[None]
- if np.all(~m): # needed to prevent exceptions if continued
+ if np.all(~m): # needed to prevent exceptions if continued
return rots
dots = (a[m] * b[m]).sum(axis=-1)
@@ -278,16 +274,19 @@ def lerp(a, b, x):
"linear interpolation"
return (1 - x) * a + x * b
def dict_lerp(a, b, t):
assert list(a.keys()) == list(b.keys())
return {k: lerp(va, b[k], t) for k, va in a.items()}
def dict_convex_comb(dicts, weights):
assert all(d.keys == dicts[0].keys() for d in dicts[1:])
weights = np.array(weights)
vals = {k: np.array([d[k] for d in dicts]) for k in dicts[0]}
return {k: (v * weights).sum() for k, v in vals.items()}
def randomspacing(min, max, n, margin):
assert 0 <= margin and margin <= 0.5
@@ -312,6 +311,7 @@ def homogenize(points):
def dehomogenize(points):
return points[..., :-1] / points[..., [-1]]
def clip_gaussian(mean, std, min, max, max_tries=20):
assert min <= max
i = 0
@@ -321,11 +321,14 @@ def clip_gaussian(mean, std, min, max, max_tries=20):
return val
if i == max_tries:
- warnings.warn(f'clip_gaussian({mean=}, {std=}, {min=}, {max=}) reached {max_tries=}')
+ warnings.warn(
+ f"clip_gaussian({mean=}, {std=}, {min=}, {max=}) reached {max_tries=}"
+ )
return np.clip(val, min, max)
i += 1
def normalize(v, disallow_zero_norm=False, in_place=True):
n = np.linalg.norm(v, axis=-1)
if disallow_zero_norm and np.any(n == 0):
@@ -343,6 +346,7 @@ def wrap_around_cyclic_coord(u, u_start, u_end):
_, r = np.divmod(u - u_start, u_end - u_start)
return r + u_start
def new_domain_from_affine(old_domain, a=1.0, b=0.0):
old domain: domain of u(t)
@@ -366,5 +370,6 @@ def affine_from_new_domain(old_domain, new_domain):
b = s[0] - a * t[0]
return (a, b)
def resize(arr, shape):
- return cv2.resize(arr, shape) #, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)
+ return cv2.resize(arr, shape) # , interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)
diff --git a/infinigen/core/util/organization.py b/infinigen/core/util/organization.py
index a2e264688..c9887eed3 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/util/organization.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/util/organization.py
@@ -24,7 +24,18 @@ class Materials:
Atmosphere = "atmosphere"
Clouds = "clouds"
Beach = "beach"
- all = [GroundCollection, MountainCollection, Eroded, LiquidCollection, Lava, Snow, Atmosphere, Clouds, Beach]
+ all = [
+ GroundCollection,
+ MountainCollection,
+ Eroded,
+ LiquidCollection,
+ Lava,
+ Snow,
+ Atmosphere,
+ Clouds,
+ Beach,
+ ]
class LandTile:
Canyon = "Canyon"
@@ -37,11 +48,13 @@ class LandTile:
Coast = "Coast"
MultiMountains = "MultiMountains"
class Assets:
Caves = "Caves"
UpsidedownMountains = "UpsidedownMountains"
Ocean = "Ocean"
class AssetFile:
Heightmap = "heightmap"
Mask = "mask"
@@ -49,21 +62,25 @@ class AssetFile:
Params = "params"
Finish = "finish"
class Process:
Snowfall = "snowfall"
Erosion = "erosion"
- IceErosion = 'ice_erosion'
+ IceErosion = "ice_erosion"
Eruption = "eruption"
class TerrainNames:
OpaqueTerrain = "OpaqueTerrain"
CollectiveTransparentTerrain = "CollectiveTransparentTerrain"
class Transparency:
IndividualTransparent = "IndividualTransparent"
CollectiveTransparent = "CollectiveTransparent"
Opaque = "Opaque"
class ElementNames:
Atmosphere = "atmosphere"
Liquid = "liquid"
@@ -79,6 +96,7 @@ class ElementNames:
Volcanos = "volcanos"
FloatingIce = "floating_ice"
class Tags:
Cave = "cave"
LiquidCovered = "liquid_covered"
@@ -87,14 +105,17 @@ class Tags:
Landscape = "landscape"
OutOfView = "out_of_view"
class Attributes:
BoundarySDF = "BoundarySDF"
ElementTag = "ElementTag"
class SelectionCriterions:
CloseUp = "closeup"
Altitude = "altitude"
class ElementTag:
Liquid = 0
Clouds = 1
@@ -107,10 +128,18 @@ class ElementTag:
UpsidedownMountains = 8
total_cnt = 9
map = [
- ElementNames.Liquid, ElementNames.Clouds, Tags.Terrain, ElementNames.WarpedRocks, ElementNames.VoronoiRocks,
- ElementNames.VoronoiGrains, ElementNames.Volcanos, ElementNames.FloatingIce, ElementNames.UpsidedownMountains,
+ ElementNames.Liquid,
+ ElementNames.Clouds,
+ Tags.Terrain,
+ ElementNames.WarpedRocks,
+ ElementNames.VoronoiRocks,
+ ElementNames.VoronoiGrains,
+ ElementNames.Volcanos,
+ ElementNames.FloatingIce,
+ ElementNames.UpsidedownMountains,
class SurfaceTypes:
BlenderDisplacement = "BlenderDisplacement"
Displacement = "Displacement"
diff --git a/infinigen/core/util/pipeline.py b/infinigen/core/util/pipeline.py
index 3e19a5445..0304b1af4 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/util/pipeline.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/util/pipeline.py
@@ -4,24 +4,23 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-from pathlib import Path
import logging
-import psutil
import os
+from contextlib import nullcontext
+from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
+import psutil
-from contextlib import nullcontext
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, int_hash
-from infinigen.core.util.logging import Timer
from infinigen.core.util.blender import GarbageCollect, count_instance, count_objects
+from infinigen.core.util.logging import Timer
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, int_hash
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class RandomStageExecutor:
+class RandomStageExecutor:
def __init__(self, scene_seed, output_folder: Path, params):
self.scene_seed = scene_seed
self.output_folder = output_folder
@@ -32,49 +31,69 @@ def __init__(self, scene_seed, output_folder: Path, params):
def _should_run_stage(self, name, use_chance, prereq):
if prereq is not None:
- e = next(e for e in self.results if e['name'] == prereq)
+ e = next(e for e in self.results if e["name"] == prereq)
except StopIteration:
- raise ValueError(f'{self} could not find matching name for {prereq=}')
- if not e['ran']:
- logger.info(f'Skipping run_stage({name}...) due to unmet {prereq=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"{self} could not find matching name for {prereq=}")
+ if not e["ran"]:
+ logger.info(f"Skipping run_stage({name}...) due to unmet {prereq=}")
with FixedSeed(int_hash((self.scene_seed, name, 0))):
- if not self.params.get(f'{name}_enabled', True):
- logger.debug(f'Not running {name} due to manually set not enabled')
- return False
- if use_chance and np.random.uniform() > self.params[f'{name}_chance']:
- logger.debug(f'Not running {name} due to random chance')
+ if not self.params.get(f"{name}_enabled", True):
+ logger.debug(f"Not running {name} due to manually set not enabled")
+ return False
+ if use_chance and np.random.uniform() > self.params[f"{name}_chance"]:
+ logger.debug(f"Not running {name} due to random chance")
return False
return True
def save_results(self, path):
def run_stage(
- self, name, fn, *args,
- use_chance=True, gc=True, default=None,
- prereq=None, **kwargs):
+ self,
+ name,
+ fn,
+ *args,
+ use_chance=True,
+ gc=True,
+ default=None,
+ prereq=None,
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
mem_usage = psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss
will_run = self._should_run_stage(name, use_chance, prereq)
if not will_run:
- self.results.append({'name': name, 'ran': will_run, 'mem_at_finish': mem_usage, 'obj_count': count_objects(),\
- 'instance_count': count_instance()})
+ self.results.append(
+ {
+ "name": name,
+ "ran": will_run,
+ "mem_at_finish": mem_usage,
+ "obj_count": count_objects(),
+ "instance_count": count_instance(),
+ }
+ )
return default
gc_context = GarbageCollect() if gc else nullcontext()
- seed = self.params.get(f'{name}_seed')
+ seed = self.params.get(f"{name}_seed")
if seed is None:
seed = int_hash((self.scene_seed, name))
- logger.debug(f'run_stage({name=}) using {seed=}')
+ logger.debug(f"run_stage({name=}) using {seed=}")
with FixedSeed(seed):
with Timer(name), gc_context:
ret = fn(*args, **kwargs)
mem_usage = psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss
- self.results.append({'name': name, 'ran': will_run, 'mem_at_finish': mem_usage, 'obj_count': count_objects(),\
- 'instance_count': count_instance()})
+ self.results.append(
+ {
+ "name": name,
+ "ran": will_run,
+ "mem_at_finish": mem_usage,
+ "obj_count": count_objects(),
+ "instance_count": count_instance(),
+ }
+ )
return ret
diff --git a/infinigen/core/util/random.py b/infinigen/core/util/random.py
index 156466e96..6e5aa9607 100644
--- a/infinigen/core/util/random.py
+++ b/infinigen/core/util/random.py
@@ -4,28 +4,27 @@
# Authors: Zeyu Ma, Alexander Raistrick
-from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
-import gin
-import numpy as np
-import random
-import json
import colorsys
+import json
import mathutils
+import numpy as np
from matplotlib import colors
-from numpy.random import normal, uniform
+from numpy.random import uniform
-from infinigen.core.util.math import md5_hash, clip_gaussian
-from infinigen.core.init import repo_root
+import infinigen
+from infinigen.core.util.color import color_category
+from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian
def log_uniform(low, high, size=None):
return np.exp(uniform(np.log(low), np.log(high), size))
def sample_json_palette(pallette_name, n_sample=1):
rel = f"infinigen_examples/configs_nature/palette/{pallette_name}.json"
- with (repo_root()/rel).open('r') as f:
+ with (infinigen.repo_root() / rel).open("r") as f:
color_template = json.load(f)
colors = color_template["color"]
@@ -41,11 +40,16 @@ def sample_json_palette(pallette_name, n_sample=1):
i = np.random.choice(range(len(colors)), 1, p=probs / np.sum(probs))[0]
color_samples = []
for j in range(n_sample):
- color = np.array(means[i]) + np.matmul(np.array(stds[i]).reshape((3, 3)), np.clip(np.random.randn(3), a_min=-1, a_max=1))
+ color = np.array(means[i]) + np.matmul(
+ np.array(stds[i]).reshape((3, 3)),
+ np.clip(np.random.randn(3), a_min=-1, a_max=1),
+ )
color[2] = max(min(color[2], 0.9), 0.1)
color = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(*color)
color = np.clip(color, a_min=0, a_max=1)
- color = np.where(color >= 0.04045,((color+0.055)/1.055) ** 2.4, color / 12.92)
+ color = np.where(
+ color >= 0.04045, ((color + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4, color / 12.92
+ )
color = np.concatenate((color, np.ones(1)))
if n_sample == 1:
@@ -60,7 +64,7 @@ def random_general(var):
func, *args = var
if func == "weighted_choice":
weights, recargs = zip(*args)
- p = np.array(weights)/sum(weights)
+ p = np.array(weights) / sum(weights)
i = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(recargs)), p=p)
return random_general(recargs[i])
elif func == "spherical_sample":
@@ -69,7 +73,9 @@ def random_general(var):
# angle distribution from uniform sphere
P = np.random.randn(3)
x = np.arctan2(np.abs(P[2]), (P[0] ** 2 + P[1] ** 2) ** 0.5)
- if (min_elevation is None or x > np.radians(min_elevation)) and (max_elevation is None or x < np.radians(max_elevation)):
+ if (min_elevation is None or x > np.radians(min_elevation)) and (
+ max_elevation is None or x < np.radians(max_elevation)
+ ):
return np.degrees(x)
elif func == "uniform":
@@ -88,9 +94,9 @@ def random_general(var):
return np.random.uniform() < args[0]
elif func == "choice":
return np.random.choice(args[0], 1, p=args[1] if len(args) > 1 else None)[0]
- elif func == 'categorical':
+ elif func == "categorical":
prob = np.array(args)
- return np.random.choice(np.arange(len(args)), p=prob/prob.sum())
+ return np.random.choice(np.arange(len(args)), p=prob / prob.sum())
elif func == "palette":
return sample_json_palette(*args)
elif func == "color_category":
@@ -100,7 +106,9 @@ def random_general(var):
def random_vector3():
- return mathutils.Vector((np.random.randint(999), np.random.randint(999), np.random.randint(999)))
+ return mathutils.Vector(
+ (np.random.randint(999), np.random.randint(999), np.random.randint(999))
+ )
def _rgb_to_hsv(rgb):
@@ -126,9 +134,16 @@ def _hsv_to_rgb(hsv, a):
def random_color_neighbour(
- rgb, hue_diff=0.0, sat_diff=0.0, val_diff=0.0,
- only_less_hue=False, only_less_sat=False, only_less_val=False,
- only_more_hue=False, only_more_sat=False, only_more_val=False,
+ rgb,
+ hue_diff=0.0,
+ sat_diff=0.0,
+ val_diff=0.0,
+ only_less_hue=False,
+ only_less_sat=False,
+ only_less_val=False,
+ only_more_hue=False,
+ only_more_sat=False,
+ only_more_val=False,
returns a random color in the neighbourhood of the given one
@@ -162,20 +177,14 @@ def sample(x, diff, low=0, high=1, only_less=False, only_more=False):
if diff is None:
out = np.random.uniform(low, high)
- lb = max(0, x) if only_more else max(0, x-diff)
- ub = min(1, x) if only_less else min(1, x+diff)
+ lb = max(0, x) if only_more else max(0, x - diff)
+ ub = min(1, x) if only_less else min(1, x + diff)
out = np.random.uniform(lb, ub)
return out
- hsv[0] = sample(
- hsv[0], hue_diff, only_less=only_less_hue,
- only_more=only_more_hue)
- hsv[1] = sample(
- hsv[1], sat_diff, only_less=only_less_sat,
- only_more=only_more_sat)
- hsv[2] = sample(
- hsv[2], val_diff, only_less=only_less_val,
- only_more=only_more_val)
+ hsv[0] = sample(hsv[0], hue_diff, only_less=only_less_hue, only_more=only_more_hue)
+ hsv[1] = sample(hsv[1], sat_diff, only_less=only_less_sat, only_more=only_more_sat)
+ hsv[2] = sample(hsv[2], val_diff, only_less=only_less_val, only_more=only_more_val)
rgb = _hsv_to_rgb(hsv, a)
@@ -200,11 +209,17 @@ def clip_hsv(rgb, max_h=None, max_s=None, max_v=None):
return rgb
def random_color(brightness_lim=1):
- return (np.random.randint(256) / 256. * brightness_lim, np.random.randint(256) / 256. * brightness_lim, np.random.randint(256) / 256. * brightness_lim, 1)
+ return (
+ np.random.randint(256) / 256.0 * brightness_lim,
+ np.random.randint(256) / 256.0 * brightness_lim,
+ np.random.randint(256) / 256.0 * brightness_lim,
+ 1,
+ )
def sample_registry(reg):
classes, weights = zip(*reg)
weights = np.array(weights)
- return np.random.choice(classes, p=weights/weights.sum())
+ return np.random.choice(classes, p=weights / weights.sum())
diff --git a/infinigen/datagen/configs/compute_platform/local_256GB.gin b/infinigen/datagen/configs/compute_platform/local_256GB.gin
index babc757f8..b6efef024 100644
--- a/infinigen/datagen/configs/compute_platform/local_256GB.gin
+++ b/infinigen/datagen/configs/compute_platform/local_256GB.gin
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@ LocalScheduleHandler.jobs_per_gpu = 1
jobs_to_launch_next.max_queued_total = 1
jobs_to_launch_next.max_stuck_at_task = 4
-# get_cmd.blender_thread_limit = 8 # no longer supported with pip bpy
# All will run locally, LocalScheduleHandler doesnt actually enforce cpu/ram constraints currently
queue_coarse.submit_cmd = @local_submit_cmd
queue_fine_terrain.submit_cmd = @local_submit_cmd
diff --git a/infinigen/datagen/configs/compute_platform/slurm_cpuheavy.gin b/infinigen/datagen/configs/compute_platform/slurm_cpuheavy.gin
index a13d74e58..6fde63e40 100644
--- a/infinigen/datagen/configs/compute_platform/slurm_cpuheavy.gin
+++ b/infinigen/datagen/configs/compute_platform/slurm_cpuheavy.gin
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-include 'infinigen/datagen/compute_platform/slurm.gin'
+include 'infinigen/datagen/configs/compute_platform/slurm.gin'
iterate_scene_tasks.view_block_size = 2
diff --git a/infinigen/datagen/configs/data_schema/monocular_flow.gin b/infinigen/datagen/configs/data_schema/monocular_flow.gin
index 0bee65ae8..f92f9e9d4 100644
--- a/infinigen/datagen/configs/data_schema/monocular_flow.gin
+++ b/infinigen/datagen/configs/data_schema/monocular_flow.gin
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-include 'infinigen/datagen/data_schema/monocular.gin'
+include 'infinigen/datagen/configs/data_schema/monocular.gin'
iterate_scene_tasks.frame_range=(1, 2)
diff --git a/infinigen/datagen/configs/data_schema/stereo_video.gin b/infinigen/datagen/configs/data_schema/stereo_video.gin
index 0f3082e03..48caec7f5 100644
--- a/infinigen/datagen/configs/data_schema/stereo_video.gin
+++ b/infinigen/datagen/configs/data_schema/stereo_video.gin
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-include 'infinigen/datagen/data_schema/monocular_video.gin'
+include 'infinigen/datagen/configs/data_schema/monocular_video.gin'
iterate_scene_tasks.cam_id_ranges = [1, 2]
diff --git a/infinigen/datagen/customgt/show.py b/infinigen/datagen/customgt/show.py
index 11534077f..3e1964dff 100644
--- a/infinigen/datagen/customgt/show.py
+++ b/infinigen/datagen/customgt/show.py
@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
-from matplotlib.text import Text
from imageio import imread
+from matplotlib.text import Text
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('input_path', type=Path)
- parser.add_argument('pos', type=int, nargs='*')
+ parser.add_argument("input_path", type=Path)
+ parser.add_argument("pos", type=int, nargs="*")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.input_path.suffix == ".npy":
@@ -27,19 +27,19 @@
if len(args.pos) > 0:
assert len(args.pos) == 4
- x1,y1,x2,y2 = args.pos
- image = image[y1:y2+1, x1:x2+1]
+ x1, y1, x2, y2 = args.pos
+ image = image[y1 : y2 + 1, x1 : x2 + 1]
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
- textvar: Text = ax.text(0, -15, "", style='italic')
+ textvar: Text = ax.text(0, -15, "", style="italic")
def hover(event):
if event.xdata is not None:
x, y = round(event.xdata), round(event.ydata)
- val = image[y,x]
+ val = image[y, x]
if len(args.pos) > 0:
x += x1
y += y1
@@ -51,6 +51,6 @@ def hover(event):
# add callback for mouse moves
- fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', hover)
+ fig.canvas.mpl_connect("motion_notify_event", hover)
- plt.show()
\ No newline at end of file
+ plt.show()
diff --git a/infinigen/datagen/job_funcs.py b/infinigen/datagen/job_funcs.py
index a10906fcd..32846529e 100644
--- a/infinigen/datagen/job_funcs.py
+++ b/infinigen/datagen/job_funcs.py
@@ -1,78 +1,87 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Alex Raistrick: refactor, local rendering, video rendering
# - Lahav Lipson: stereo version, local rendering
# - David Yan: export integration
# - Hei Law: initial version
+import logging
import re
-import gin
-from copy import copy
-from uuid import uuid4
+import sys
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
-from shutil import copytree
-import logging
-import sys
+from shutil import copytree
+from uuid import uuid4
-from infinigen.datagen.util.show_gpu_table import nodes_with_gpus
+import gin
+import infinigen
from infinigen.datagen.util import upload_util
-from infinigen.datagen.util.upload_util import upload_job_folder
-from infinigen.datagen.states import get_suffix
+from infinigen.datagen.util.show_gpu_table import nodes_with_gpus
+from infinigen.datagen.util.upload_util import upload_job_folder
+from infinigen.tools.suffixes import get_suffix
from . import states
-from infinigen.core.init import repo_root
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_cmd(
- seed,
- task,
- configs,
- taskname,
- output_folder,
- driver_script='infinigen_examples.generate_nature', # replace with a regular path to a .py, or another installed module
- input_folder=None,
+ seed,
+ task,
+ configs,
+ taskname,
+ output_folder,
+ driver_script="infinigen_examples.generate_nature", # replace with a regular path to a .py, or another installed module
+ input_folder=None,
if isinstance(task, list):
task = " ".join(task)
- cmd = ''
+ cmd = ""
if process_niceness is not None:
- cmd += f'nice -n {process_niceness} '
- cmd += f'{sys.executable} '
+ cmd += f"nice -n {process_niceness} "
+ cmd += f"{sys.executable} "
- if driver_script.endswith('.py'):
- cmd += driver_script + ' '
+ if driver_script.endswith(".py"):
+ cmd += driver_script + " "
- cmd += '-m ' + driver_script + ' '
+ cmd += "-m " + driver_script + " "
# No longer supported using pip bpy
- #if blender_thread_limit is not None:
+ # if blender_thread_limit is not None:
# cmd += f'--threads {blender_thread_limit} '
- cmd += '-- '
+ cmd += "-- "
if input_folder is not None:
- cmd += '--input_folder ' + str(input_folder) + ' '
+ cmd += "--input_folder " + str(input_folder) + " "
if output_folder is not None:
- cmd += '--output_folder ' + str(output_folder) + ' '
- cmd += f'--seed {seed} --task {task} --task_uniqname {taskname} '
+ cmd += "--output_folder " + str(output_folder) + " "
+ cmd += f"--seed {seed} --task {task} --task_uniqname {taskname} "
if len(configs) != 0:
- cmd += f'-g {" ".join(configs)} '
- cmd += '-p'
+ cmd += f'-g {" ".join(configs)} '
+ cmd += "-p"
return cmd.split()
-def queue_upload(folder, submit_cmd, name, taskname, dir_prefix_len=0, method='rclone', seed=None, **kwargs):
+def queue_upload(
+ folder,
+ submit_cmd,
+ name,
+ taskname,
+ dir_prefix_len=0,
+ method="rclone",
+ seed=None,
+ **kwargs,
func = partial(upload_job_folder, dir_prefix_len=dir_prefix_len, method=method)
res = submit_cmd((func, folder, taskname), folder, name, **kwargs)
return res, None
@@ -88,27 +97,35 @@ def queue_export(
- input_indices=None, output_indices=None,
- **kwargs
+ input_indices=None,
+ output_indices=None,
+ **kwargs,
input_suffix = get_suffix(input_indices)
- input_folder=f'{folder}/coarse{input_suffix}'
- cmd = get_cmd(seed, 'export', configs, taskname, output_folder=f'{folder}/frames', input_folder=input_folder)+ f'''
+ input_folder = f"{folder}/coarse{input_suffix}"
+ cmd = (
+ get_cmd(
+ seed,
+ "export",
+ configs,
+ taskname,
+ output_folder=f"{folder}/frames",
+ input_folder=input_folder,
+ )
+ + f"""
LOG_DIR='{folder / "logs"}'
- '''.split("\n") + overrides
+ """.split("\n")
+ + overrides
+ )
- with (folder / "run_pipeline.sh").open('a') as f:
+ with (folder / "run_pipeline.sh").open("a") as f:
f.write(f"{' '.join(' '.join(cmd).split())}\n\n")
- res = submit_cmd(cmd,
- folder=folder,
- name=name,
- gpus=0,
- **kwargs
- )
+ res = submit_cmd(cmd, folder=folder, name=name, gpus=0, **kwargs)
return res, folder
def queue_coarse(
@@ -119,38 +136,45 @@ def queue_coarse(
- input_indices=None, output_indices=None,
- **kwargs
+ input_indices=None,
+ output_indices=None,
+ **kwargs,
Generating the coarse scene
- input_suffix = get_suffix(input_indices)
+ get_suffix(input_indices)
output_suffix = get_suffix(output_indices)
- output_folder = Path(f'{folder}/coarse{output_suffix}')
+ output_folder = Path(f"{folder}/coarse{output_suffix}")
- cmd = get_cmd(seed, 'coarse', configs, taskname, output_folder=output_folder) + f'''
+ cmd = (
+ get_cmd(seed, "coarse", configs, taskname, output_folder=output_folder)
+ + f"""
LOG_DIR='{folder / "logs"}'
- '''.split("\n") + overrides
+ """.split("\n")
+ + overrides
+ )
commit = upload_util.get_commit_hash()
- with (folder / "run_pipeline.sh").open('w') as f:
+ with (folder / "run_pipeline.sh").open("w") as f:
f.write(f"# git checkout {commit}\n\n")
f.write(f"{' '.join(' '.join(cmd).split())}\n\n")
(folder / "run_pipeline.sh").chmod(0o774)
- res = submit_cmd(cmd,
+ res = submit_cmd(
+ cmd,
- **kwargs
+ **kwargs,
return res, output_folder
def queue_populate(
@@ -161,7 +185,8 @@ def queue_populate(
- input_indices=None, output_indices=None,
+ input_indices=None,
+ output_indices=None,
@@ -169,28 +194,33 @@ def queue_populate(
input_suffix = get_suffix(input_indices)
- output_suffix = get_suffix(output_indices)
+ get_suffix(output_indices)
- input_folder = folder/f'{input_prefix}{input_suffix}'
+ input_folder = folder / f"{input_prefix}{input_suffix}"
output_folder = input_folder
- cmd = get_cmd(seed, 'populate', configs, taskname,
- input_folder=input_folder,
- output_folder=output_folder) + f'''
+ cmd = (
+ get_cmd(
+ seed,
+ "populate",
+ configs,
+ taskname,
+ input_folder=input_folder,
+ output_folder=output_folder,
+ )
+ + f"""
LOG_DIR='{folder / "logs"}'
- '''.split("\n") + overrides
+ """.split("\n")
+ + overrides
+ )
- with (folder / "run_pipeline.sh").open('a') as f:
+ with (folder / "run_pipeline.sh").open("a") as f:
f.write(f"{' '.join(' '.join(cmd).split())}\n\n")
- res = submit_cmd(cmd,
- folder=folder,
- name=name,
- gpus=0,
- **kwargs
- )
+ res = submit_cmd(cmd, folder=folder, name=name, gpus=0, **kwargs)
return res, output_folder
def queue_fine_terrain(
@@ -202,8 +232,9 @@ def queue_fine_terrain(
- input_indices=None, output_indices=None,
- **kwargs
+ input_indices=None,
+ output_indices=None,
+ **kwargs,
Generating the fine scene
@@ -212,28 +243,39 @@ def queue_fine_terrain(
input_suffix = get_suffix(input_indices)
output_suffix = get_suffix(output_indices)
- output_folder = Path(f'{folder}/fine{output_suffix}')
+ output_folder = Path(f"{folder}/fine{output_suffix}")
enable_gpu_in_terrain = "Terrain.device='cuda'" if gpus > 0 else ""
- cmd = get_cmd(seed, 'fine_terrain', configs, taskname,
- input_folder=f'{folder}/coarse{input_suffix}',
- output_folder=output_folder) + f'''
+ cmd = (
+ get_cmd(
+ seed,
+ "fine_terrain",
+ configs,
+ taskname,
+ input_folder=f"{folder}/coarse{input_suffix}",
+ output_folder=output_folder,
+ )
+ + f"""
LOG_DIR='{folder / "logs"}'
- '''.split("\n") + overrides
+ """.split("\n")
+ + overrides
+ )
- with (folder / "run_pipeline.sh").open('a') as f:
+ with (folder / "run_pipeline.sh").open("a") as f:
f.write(f"{' '.join(' '.join(cmd).split())}\n\n")
- res = submit_cmd(cmd,
+ res = submit_cmd(
+ cmd,
- **kwargs
+ **kwargs,
return res, output_folder
def queue_combined(
@@ -246,40 +288,53 @@ def queue_combined(
- input_indices=None, output_indices=None,
- **kwargs
+ input_indices=None,
+ output_indices=None,
+ **kwargs,
input_suffix = get_suffix(input_indices)
output_suffix = get_suffix(output_indices)
- tasks = 'populate fine_terrain'
+ tasks = "populate fine_terrain"
if include_coarse:
- tasks = 'coarse ' + tasks
+ tasks = "coarse " + tasks
- output_folder = Path(f'{folder}/fine{output_suffix}')
+ output_folder = Path(f"{folder}/fine{output_suffix}")
enable_gpu_in_terrain = "Terrain.device='cuda'" if gpus > 0 else ""
- cmd = get_cmd(seed, tasks, configs, taskname,
- input_folder=f'{folder}/coarse{input_suffix}' if not include_coarse else None,
- output_folder=output_folder) + f'''
+ cmd = (
+ get_cmd(
+ seed,
+ tasks,
+ configs,
+ taskname,
+ input_folder=f"{folder}/coarse{input_suffix}"
+ if not include_coarse
+ else None,
+ output_folder=output_folder,
+ )
+ + f"""
LOG_DIR='{folder / "logs"}'
- '''.split("\n") + overrides
+ """.split("\n")
+ + overrides
+ )
- with (folder / "run_pipeline.sh").open('a') as f:
+ with (folder / "run_pipeline.sh").open("a") as f:
f.write(f"{' '.join(' '.join(cmd).split())}\n\n")
- res = submit_cmd(cmd,
+ res = submit_cmd(
+ cmd,
- **kwargs
+ **kwargs,
return res, output_folder
def queue_render(
@@ -291,40 +346,52 @@ def queue_render(
- input_indices=None, output_indices=None,
- **submit_kwargs
+ input_indices=None,
+ output_indices=None,
+ **submit_kwargs,
input_suffix = get_suffix(input_indices)
output_suffix = get_suffix(output_indices)
- output_folder = Path(f'{folder}/frames{output_suffix}')
+ output_folder = Path(f"{folder}/frames{output_suffix}")
input_folder_priority_options = [
- "coarse"
+ "coarse",
for option in input_folder_priority_options:
- input_folder = f'{folder}/{option}'
- if (Path(input_folder)/'scene.blend').exists():
+ input_folder = f"{folder}/{option}"
+ if (Path(input_folder) / "scene.blend").exists():
- raise ValueError(f'No scene.blend found in {input_folder} for any of {input_folder_priority_options}')
- cmd = get_cmd(seed, "render", configs, taskname,
- input_folder=input_folder,
- output_folder=f'{output_folder}') + f'''
+ logger.warning(
+ f"No scene.blend found in {input_folder} for any of {input_folder_priority_options}"
+ )
+ cmd = (
+ get_cmd(
+ seed,
+ "render",
+ configs,
+ taskname,
+ input_folder=input_folder,
+ output_folder=f"{output_folder}",
+ )
+ + f"""
LOG_DIR='{folder / "logs"}'
- '''.split("\n") + overrides
+ """.split("\n")
+ + overrides
+ )
- with (folder / "run_pipeline.sh").open('a') as f:
+ with (folder / "run_pipeline.sh").open("a") as f:
f.write(f"{' '.join(' '.join(cmd).split())}\n\n")
- res = submit_cmd(cmd,
+ res = submit_cmd(
+ cmd,
@@ -332,6 +399,7 @@ def queue_render(
return res, output_folder
def queue_mesh_save(
@@ -342,31 +410,41 @@ def queue_mesh_save(
- input_indices=None, output_indices=None,
+ input_indices=None,
+ output_indices=None,
- **submit_kwargs
+ **submit_kwargs,
- if (output_indices['subcam'] > 0) and reuse_subcams:
+ if (output_indices["subcam"] > 0) and reuse_subcams:
return states.JOB_OBJ_SUCCEEDED, None
input_suffix = get_suffix(input_indices)
output_suffix = get_suffix(output_indices)
- output_folder = Path(f'{folder}/savemesh{output_suffix}')
+ output_folder = Path(f"{folder}/savemesh{output_suffix}")
output_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- cmd = get_cmd(seed, "mesh_save", configs, taskname,
- input_folder=f'{folder}/coarse{input_suffix}',
- output_folder=f'{folder}/savemesh{output_suffix}') + f'''
+ cmd = (
+ get_cmd(
+ seed,
+ "mesh_save",
+ configs,
+ taskname,
+ input_folder=f"{folder}/coarse{input_suffix}",
+ output_folder=f"{folder}/savemesh{output_suffix}",
+ )
+ + f"""
LOG_DIR='{folder / "logs"}'
- '''.split("\n") + overrides
+ """.split("\n")
+ + overrides
+ )
- with (folder / "run_pipeline.sh").open('a') as f:
+ with (folder / "run_pipeline.sh").open("a") as f:
f.write(f"{' '.join(' '.join(cmd).split())}\n\n")
- res = submit_cmd(cmd,
+ res = submit_cmd(
+ cmd,
@@ -374,9 +452,13 @@ def queue_mesh_save(
return res, output_folder
-process_mesh_path = Path(__file__).parent/'customgt'/'build'/'customgt'
+process_mesh_path = Path(__file__).parent / "customgt" / "build" / "customgt"
if not process_mesh_path.exists():
- logger.warning(f'{process_mesh_path=} does not exist, if opengl_gt is enabled it will fail')
+ logger.warning(
+ f"{process_mesh_path=} does not exist, if opengl_gt is enabled it will fail"
+ )
def queue_opengl(
@@ -388,58 +470,60 @@ def queue_opengl(
- input_indices=None, output_indices=None,
+ input_indices=None,
+ output_indices=None,
- **submit_kwargs
+ **submit_kwargs,
- if (output_indices['subcam'] > 0) and reuse_subcams:
+ if (output_indices["subcam"] > 0) and reuse_subcams:
return states.JOB_OBJ_SUCCEEDED, None
output_suffix = get_suffix(output_indices)
- input_folder = Path(folder)/f'savemesh{output_suffix}' # OUTPUT SUFFIX IS CORRECT HERE. I know its weird. But input suffix really means 'prev tier of the pipeline
- if (gt_testing):
+ input_folder = (
+ Path(folder) / f"savemesh{output_suffix}"
+ ) # OUTPUT SUFFIX IS CORRECT HERE. I know its weird. But input suffix really means 'prev tier of the pipeline
+ if gt_testing:
copy_folder = Path(folder) / f"frames{output_suffix}"
- output_folder = Path(folder) / f"opengl_frames{output_suffix}"
+ output_folder = Path(folder) / f"opengl_frames{output_suffix}"
copytree(copy_folder, output_folder, dirs_exist_ok=True)
- else:
+ else:
output_folder = Path(folder) / f"frames{output_suffix}"
assert input_folder.exists(), input_folder
- assert isinstance(overrides, list) and ("\n" not in ' '.join(overrides))
+ assert isinstance(overrides, list) and ("\n" not in " ".join(overrides))
tmp_script = Path(folder) / "tmp" / f"opengl_{uuid4().hex}.sh"
- start_frame, end_frame = output_indices['frame'], output_indices['last_cam_frame']
- with tmp_script.open('w') as f:
+ start_frame, end_frame = output_indices["frame"], output_indices["last_cam_frame"]
+ with tmp_script.open("w") as f:
lines = ["set -e"]
lines += [
f"{process_mesh_path} -in {input_folder} "
f"--frame {frame_idx} -out {output_folder}"
for frame_idx in range(start_frame, end_frame + 1)
- lines.append(f"{sys.executable} {repo_root()/'infinigen/tools/compress_masks.py'} {output_folder}")
- f"{sys.executable} -c \"from infinigen.tools.datarelease_toolkit import reorganize_old_framesfolder; "
- f"reorganize_old_framesfolder({repr(str(output_folder))})\""
+ f"{sys.executable} {infinigen.repo_root()/'infinigen/tools/compress_masks.py'} {output_folder}"
+ )
+ lines.append(
+ f'{sys.executable} -c "from infinigen.tools.datarelease_toolkit import reorganize_old_framesfolder; '
+ f'reorganize_old_framesfolder({repr(str(output_folder))})"'
lines.append(f"touch {folder}/logs/FINISH_{taskname}")
for line in lines:
line = re.sub("( \([A-Za-z0-9]+\))", "", line)
- f.write(line + '\n')
+ f.write(line + "\n")
cmd = f"bash {tmp_script}".split()
- with (folder / "run_pipeline.sh").open('a') as f:
+ with (folder / "run_pipeline.sh").open("a") as f:
f.write(f"{' '.join(' '.join(cmd).split())}\n\n")
res = submit_cmd(
diff --git a/infinigen/datagen/manage_jobs.py b/infinigen/datagen/manage_jobs.py
index 15f68123a..0890fd925 100644
--- a/infinigen/datagen/manage_jobs.py
+++ b/infinigen/datagen/manage_jobs.py
@@ -1,146 +1,141 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Alex Raistrick: refactor, local rendering, video rendering
# - Lahav Lipson: stereo version, local rendering
# - Hei Law: initial version
import argparse
+import importlib
+import itertools
import logging
+import math
import os
-import re
import random
-import gin
+import re
import subprocess
-import time
import sys
import time
-import math
-import itertools
-import importlib
-from uuid import uuid4
-from enum import Enum
-from copy import copy
from ast import literal_eval
from collections import defaultdict
+from copy import copy
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import which
-import pandas as pd
+import gin
import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
import submitit
-import submitit.core.utils
+import submitit.core.utils
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, select_autoescape
-ORIG_SYS_PATH = list(sys.path) # Make a new instance of sys.path
+# ruff: noqa: E402
+ORIG_SYS_PATH = list(sys.path) # Make a new instance of sys.path
import infinigen.core.init
-BPY_SYS_PATH = list(sys.path) # Make instance of `bpy`'s modified sys.path
+BPY_SYS_PATH = list(sys.path) # Make instance of `bpy`'s modified sys.path
+# ruff: noqa: F401
+from infinigen.datagen.job_funcs import get_cmd
from infinigen.datagen.monitor_tasks import iterate_scene_tasks, on_scene_termination
-from infinigen.datagen.util import upload_util
from infinigen.datagen.states import (
- JobState,
- SceneState,
- cancel_job
+ JobState,
+ SceneState,
+ cancel_job,
+from infinigen.datagen.util import upload_util
from infinigen.datagen.util.submitit_emulator import (
- ScheduledLocalExecutor,
- ImmediateLocalExecutor,
- LocalScheduleHandler
-from infinigen.datagen import job_funcs
-from infinigen.datagen.job_funcs import (
- # referenced by name via gin configs
- queue_coarse,
- queue_combined,
- queue_fine_terrain,
- queue_mesh_save,
- queue_opengl,
- queue_populate,
- queue_render,
- queue_upload
+ ImmediateLocalExecutor,
+ LocalScheduleHandler,
+ ScheduledLocalExecutor,
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-wandb = None # will be imported and initialized ONLY if installed and enabled
+wandb = None # will be imported and initialized ONLY if installed and enabled
# used only if enabled in gin configs
-def node_from_slurm_jobid(scene_id):
- if not which('sacct'):
+def node_from_slurm_jobid(scene_id):
+ if not which("sacct"):
return None
- node_of_scene, *rest = subprocess.check_output(f"{which('sacct')} -j {scene_id} --format Node --noheader".split()).decode().split()
+ node_of_scene, *rest = (
+ subprocess.check_output(
+ f"{which('sacct')} -j {scene_id} --format Node --noheader".split()
+ )
+ .decode()
+ .split()
+ )
return node_of_scene
except Exception as e:
- logger.warning(f'sacct threw {e}')
+ logger.warning(f"sacct threw {e}")
return None
def seed_generator():
seed_int = np.random.randint(np.iinfo(np.int32).max)
- return hex(seed_int).removeprefix('0x')
+ return hex(seed_int).removeprefix("0x")
def get_slurm_banned_nodes(config_path=None):
- if config_path == f'ENVVAR_{EXCLUDE_FILE_ENVVAR}':
+ if config_path == f"ENVVAR_{EXCLUDE_FILE_ENVVAR}":
config_path = os.environ.get(EXCLUDE_FILE_ENVVAR)
if config_path is None:
return []
- with Path(config_path).open('r') as f:
+ with Path(config_path).open("r") as f:
return list(f.read().split())
def slurm_submit_cmd(
- cmd,
- folder,
- name,
- mem_gb=None,
- cpus=None,
- gpus=0,
- hours=1,
- slurm_account=None,
+ cmd,
+ folder,
+ name,
+ mem_gb=None,
+ cpus=None,
+ gpus=0,
+ hours=1,
+ slurm_account=None,
- slurm_exclude: list = None,
+ slurm_exclude: list = None,
- **_
+ **_,
executor = submitit.AutoExecutor(folder=(folder / "logs"))
- timeout_min=60*hours,
+ timeout_min=60 * hours,
exclude = get_slurm_banned_nodes()
if slurm_exclude is not None:
exclude += slurm_exclude
if len(exclude):
- executor.update_parameters(slurm_exclude=','.join(exclude))
+ executor.update_parameters(slurm_exclude=",".join(exclude))
if gpus > 0:
if slurm_account is not None:
- if slurm_account == f'ENVVAR_{PARTITION_ENVVAR}':
+ if slurm_account == f"ENVVAR_{PARTITION_ENVVAR}":
slurm_account = os.environ.get(PARTITION_ENVVAR)
if slurm_account is None:
- logger.warning(f'{PARTITION_ENVVAR=} was not set, using no slurm account')
+ logger.warning(
+ f"{PARTITION_ENVVAR=} was not set, using no slurm account"
+ )
if isinstance(slurm_account, list):
slurm_account = np.random.choice(slurm_account)
@@ -150,10 +145,10 @@ def slurm_submit_cmd(
slurm_additional_params = {}
if slurm_niceness is not None:
- slurm_additional_params['nice'] = slurm_niceness
+ slurm_additional_params["nice"] = slurm_niceness
if slurm_partition is not None:
- slurm_additional_params['partition'] = slurm_partition
+ slurm_additional_params["partition"] = slurm_partition
@@ -169,9 +164,9 @@ def slurm_submit_cmd(
print(f"[{current_time_str}] Job submission failed with error:\n{e}")
def local_submit_cmd(cmd, folder, name, use_scheduler=False, **kwargs):
ExecutorClass = ScheduledLocalExecutor if use_scheduler else ImmediateLocalExecutor
executor = ExecutorClass(folder=(folder / "logs"))
executor.update_parameters(name=name, **kwargs)
@@ -182,13 +177,13 @@ def local_submit_cmd(cmd, folder, name, use_scheduler=False, **kwargs):
func = submitit.helpers.CommandFunction(cmd)
return executor.submit(func)
-def init_db_from_existing(output_folder: Path):
+def init_db_from_existing(output_folder: Path):
# TODO in future: directly use existing_db (with some cleanup / checking).
- db_path = output_folder/'scenes_db.csv'
+ db_path = output_folder / "scenes_db.csv"
if not db_path.exists():
- raise ValueError(f'Recieved --use_existing but {db_path=} did not exist')
+ raise ValueError(f"Recieved --use_existing but {db_path=} did not exist")
existing_db = pd.read_csv(db_path, converters={"configs": literal_eval})
def init_scene(seed_folder):
@@ -196,124 +191,128 @@ def init_scene(seed_folder):
return None
if seed_folder.is_symlink() and not seed_folder.readlink().is_dir():
return None
- if not (seed_folder/'logs').exists():
- logger.warning(f'Skipping {seed_folder=} due to missing "logs" subdirectory')
+ if not (seed_folder / "logs").exists():
+ logger.warning(
+ f'Skipping {seed_folder=} due to missing "logs" subdirectory'
+ )
return None
scene_dict = {
- 'seed': seed_folder.name,
- 'all_done': SceneState.NotDone,
+ "seed": seed_folder.name,
+ "all_done": SceneState.NotDone,
- if 'configs' in existing_db.columns:
- mask = (existing_db["seed"].astype(str) == seed_folder.name)
+ if "configs" in existing_db.columns:
+ mask = existing_db["seed"].astype(str) == seed_folder.name
if not mask.any():
raise ValueError(f"Couldnt find configs for {seed_folder.name}")
configs = existing_db.loc[mask, "configs"].iloc[0]
- scene_dict['configs'] = list(configs)
+ scene_dict["configs"] = list(configs)
- finish_key = 'FINISH_'
- for finish_file_name in (seed_folder/'logs').glob(finish_key + '*'):
- taskname = os.path.basename(finish_file_name)[len(finish_key):]
- logger.info(f'Marking {seed_folder.name=} {taskname=} as completed')
- scene_dict[f'{taskname}_submitted'] = True
- scene_dict[f'{taskname}_job_obj'] = JOB_OBJ_SUCCEEDED
+ finish_key = "FINISH_"
+ for finish_file_name in (seed_folder / "logs").glob(finish_key + "*"):
+ taskname = os.path.basename(finish_file_name)[len(finish_key) :]
+ logger.info(f"Marking {seed_folder.name=} {taskname=} as completed")
+ scene_dict[f"{taskname}_submitted"] = True
+ scene_dict[f"{taskname}_job_obj"] = JOB_OBJ_SUCCEEDED
return scene_dict
return [init_scene(seed_folder) for seed_folder in output_folder.iterdir()]
-def _sample_config_distribution(i: int, config_distribution: list[tuple[str, float]], config_sample_mode: str):
+def _sample_config_distribution(
+ i: int, config_distribution: list[tuple[str, float]], config_sample_mode: str
match config_sample_mode:
- case 'random':
- configs_options, weights = zip(*config_distribution) # list of rows to list per column
+ case "random":
+ configs_options, weights = zip(
+ *config_distribution
+ ) # list of rows to list per column
ps = np.array(weights) / sum(weights)
return np.random.choice(configs_options, p=ps)
- case 'roundrobin':
- configs_options, weights = zip(*config_distribution) # list of rows to list per column
+ case "roundrobin":
+ configs_options, weights = zip(
+ *config_distribution
+ ) # list of rows to list per column
if not all(isinstance(w, int) for w in weights):
- raise ValueError(f'{config_sample_mode=} expects integer scene counts as weights but got {weights=} with non-integer values')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"{config_sample_mode=} expects integer scene counts as weights but got {weights=} with non-integer values"
+ )
idx = np.argmin(i % sum(weights) + 1 > np.cumsum(weights))
return configs_options[idx]
case _:
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized {config_sample_mode=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized {config_sample_mode=}")
def sample_scene_spec(
- args: argparse.Namespace,
- i: int,
- seed_range=None,
- config_distribution=None,
- config_sample_mode='random'
+ args: argparse.Namespace,
+ i: int,
+ seed_range=None,
+ config_distribution=None,
+ config_sample_mode="random",
if seed_range is None:
seed = seed_generator()
start, end = seed_range
if i > end - start:
return None
- seed = hex(start + i).removeprefix('0x')
+ seed = hex(start + i).removeprefix("0x")
if config_distribution is None:
config_distribution = []
- conf_keys = {k.split('.')[0] for k, _ in config_distribution}
- arg_confs = {k.split('.')[0] for k in args.configs}
+ conf_keys = {k.split(".")[0] for k, _ in config_distribution}
+ arg_confs = {k.split(".")[0] for k in args.configs}
inter = conf_keys.intersection(arg_confs)
if len(inter) == 0:
- configs = _sample_config_distribution(i, config_distribution, config_sample_mode)
+ configs = _sample_config_distribution(
+ i, config_distribution, config_sample_mode
+ )
elif len(inter) == 1:
configs = list(inter)
- raise ValueError(f'Got user specified configs {inter}, only 1 is expected')
+ raise ValueError(f"Got user specified configs {inter}, only 1 is expected")
if isinstance(configs, str) and " " in configs:
configs = configs.split(" ")
if not isinstance(configs, list):
configs = [configs]
- return {
- "all_done": SceneState.NotDone,
- "seed": seed,
- 'configs': configs
- }
+ return {"all_done": SceneState.NotDone, "seed": seed, "configs": configs}
def init_db(args):
if args.use_existing:
scenes = init_db_from_existing(args.output_folder)
elif args.specific_seed is not None:
scenes = [
- {
- "seed": s,
- "configs": args.configs,
- "all_done": SceneState.NotDone
- }
+ {"seed": s, "configs": args.configs, "all_done": SceneState.NotDone}
for s in args.specific_seed
- scenes = [sample_scene_spec(args, i) for i in range(args.num_scenes)]
+ scenes = [sample_scene_spec(args, i) for i in range(args.num_scenes)]
scenes = [s for s in scenes if s is not None]
if len(scenes) < args.num_scenes:
- logger.warning(f'Initialized only {len(scenes)=} despite {args.num_scenes=}. Likely due to --use_existing, --specific_seed or seed_range.')
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Initialized only {len(scenes)=} despite {args.num_scenes=}. Likely due to --use_existing, --specific_seed or seed_range."
+ )
return scenes
def update_symlink(scene_folder, scenes):
for new_name, scene in scenes:
if scene == JOB_OBJ_SUCCEEDED:
elif isinstance(scene, str):
- raise ValueError(f'Failed due to {scene=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Failed due to {scene=}")
to = scene_folder / "logs" / f"{new_name}.out"
std_out = scene_folder / "logs" / f"{scene.job_id}_0_log.out"
@@ -322,15 +321,21 @@ def update_symlink(scene_folder, scenes):
os.unlink(scene_folder / "logs" / f"{new_name}.err")
os.symlink(std_out.resolve(), to)
- os.symlink(std_out.with_suffix('.err').resolve(), scene_folder / "logs" / f"{new_name}.err")
+ os.symlink(
+ std_out.with_suffix(".err").resolve(),
+ scene_folder / "logs" / f"{new_name}.err",
+ )
def get_disk_usage(folder):
- out = subprocess.check_output(f"df -h {folder.resolve()}".replace(" (Princeton)", "").split()).decode()
+ out = subprocess.check_output(
+ f"df -h {folder.resolve()}".replace(" (Princeton)", "").split()
+ ).decode()
return int(re.compile("[\s\S]* ([0-9]+)% [\s\S]*").fullmatch(out).group(1)) / 100
-def make_html_page(output_path, scenes, frame, camera_pair_id, **kwargs):
- template_path = infinigen.core.init.repo_root()/"infinigen/datagen/util"
+def make_html_page(output_path, scenes, frame, camera_pair_id, **kwargs):
+ template_path = infinigen.repo_root() / "infinigen/datagen/util"
assert template_path.exists(), template_path
env = Environment(
@@ -338,56 +343,49 @@ def make_html_page(output_path, scenes, frame, camera_pair_id, **kwargs):
template = env.get_template("template.html")
- seeds = [scene['seed'] for scene in scenes]
- html = template.render(
+ seeds = [scene["seed"] for scene in scenes]
+ html = template.render(
- with output_path.open('a') as f:
+ with output_path.open("a") as f:
-def run_task(
- queue_func,
- scene_folder,
- scene_dict,
- taskname,
- dryrun=False
+def run_task(queue_func, scene_folder, scene_dict, taskname, dryrun=False):
assert scene_folder.parent.exists(), scene_folder
scene_folder = scene_folder.resolve()
stage_scene_name = f"{scene_folder.parent.stem}_{scene_folder.stem}_{taskname}"
- assert not scene_dict.get(f'{taskname}_submitted', False)
+ assert not scene_dict.get(f"{taskname}_submitted", False)
if dryrun:
- scene_dict[f'{taskname}_job_obj'] = JOB_OBJ_SUCCEEDED
- scene_dict[f'{taskname}_submitted'] = 1
+ scene_dict[f"{taskname}_job_obj"] = JOB_OBJ_SUCCEEDED
+ scene_dict[f"{taskname}_submitted"] = 1
job_obj, output_folder = queue_func(
- seed=scene_dict['seed'],
+ seed=scene_dict["seed"],
- taskname=taskname
+ taskname=taskname,
- scene_dict[f'{taskname}_job_obj'] = job_obj
- scene_dict[f'{taskname}_output_folder'] = output_folder
- scene_dict[f'{taskname}_submitted'] = 1 # marked as submitted
+ scene_dict[f"{taskname}_job_obj"] = job_obj
+ scene_dict[f"{taskname}_output_folder"] = output_folder
+ scene_dict[f"{taskname}_submitted"] = 1 # marked as submitted
update_symlink(scene_folder, [(taskname, job_obj)])
def infer_crash_reason(stdout_file, stderr_file: Path):
if not stderr_file.exists():
- return f'{stderr_file} not found'
+ return f"{stderr_file} not found"
error_log = stderr_file.read_text()
except UnicodeDecodeError:
@@ -395,7 +393,7 @@ def infer_crash_reason(stdout_file, stderr_file: Path):
if "System is out of GPU memory" in error_log:
return "Out of GPU memory"
- elif "this scene is timed-out" in error_log or 'DUE TO TIME LIMIT' in error_log:
+ elif "this scene is timed-out" in error_log or "DUE TO TIME LIMIT" in error_log:
return "Timed out"
elif "" in error_log:
return "SIGKILL: 9 (out-of-memory, probably)"
@@ -403,62 +401,57 @@ def infer_crash_reason(stdout_file, stderr_file: Path):
return "SIGCONT (timeout?)"
if not stdout_file.exists():
- return f'{stdout_file} not found'
+ return f"{stdout_file} not found"
if not stderr_file.exists():
- return f'{stderr_file} not found'
+ return f"{stderr_file} not found"
output_text = f"{stdout_file.read_text()}\n{stderr_file.read_text()}\n"
matches = re.findall("([^\.\n]*[Ee]rror):(.*)\n", output_text)
ignore_errors = {
# happens for every failed submitit job, not informative to report in summary
- "FailedProcessError",
+ "FailedProcessError",
# happens for every failed slurm job on IONIC
"srun: error",
- ignore_messages = [
- "Not freed memory blocks"
- ]
+ ignore_messages = ["Not freed memory blocks"]
matches = [
- f'{m[0]}: {m[1]}' for m in matches if not (
- m[0] in ignore_errors
- or any(x in m[1] for x in ignore_messages)
- )
+ f"{m[0]}: {m[1]}"
+ for m in matches
+ if not (m[0] in ignore_errors or any(x in m[1] for x in ignore_messages))
if len(matches):
- return ','.join(matches)
+ return ",".join(matches)
- return f"Could not summarize cause, check {stderr_file}"
+ return f"Could not summarize cause, check {stderr_file}"
-def record_crashed_seed(scene, taskname, f, fatal=True):
- seed = scene['seed']
+def record_crashed_seed(scene, taskname, f, fatal=True):
+ seed = scene["seed"]
stdout_file = args.output_folder / seed / "logs" / f"{taskname}.out"
stderr_file = args.output_folder / seed / "logs" / f"{taskname}.err"
- scene_id, *_ = stderr_file.resolve().stem.split('_')
+ scene_id, *_ = stderr_file.resolve().stem.split("_")
node = node_from_slurm_jobid(scene_id)
time_str = datetime.now().strftime("%m/%d %I:%M%p")
reason = infer_crash_reason(stdout_file, stderr_file)
text = f"{time_str} {str(stderr_file)} {reason=} {node=} {fatal=}\n"
- print('Crashed: ' + text)
+ print("Crashed: " + text)
- scene[f'{taskname}_crash_recorded'] = True
+ scene[f"{taskname}_crash_recorded"] = True
return reason
-def write_html_summary(all_scenes, output_folder, max_size=5000):
+def write_html_summary(all_scenes, output_folder, max_size=5000):
names = [
"index" if (idx == 0) else f"index_{idx}"
for idx in range(0, len(all_scenes), max_size)
@@ -466,98 +459,104 @@ def write_html_summary(all_scenes, output_folder, max_size=5000):
for name, idx in zip(names, range(0, len(all_scenes), max_size)):
html_path = output_folder / f"{name}.html"
if not html_path.exists():
- make_html_page(html_path, all_scenes[idx:idx+max_size], frame=100,
- camera_pair_id=0, samples=[f"resmpl{i}" for i in range(5)], pages=names,
- )
-def monitor_existing_jobs(all_scenes, aggressive_cancel_on_crash=False):
+ make_html_page(
+ html_path,
+ all_scenes[idx : idx + max_size],
+ frame=100,
+ camera_pair_id=0,
+ samples=[f"resmpl{i}" for i in range(5)],
+ pages=names,
+ )
+def monitor_existing_jobs(all_scenes, aggressive_cancel_on_crash=False):
state_counts = defaultdict(int)
for scene in all_scenes:
- seed = scene['seed']
- scene['num_running'], scene['num_done'] = 0, 0
+ seed = scene["seed"]
+ scene["num_running"], scene["num_done"] = 0, 0
any_fatal = False
- for state, taskname, _, fatal in iterate_scene_tasks(scene, args, monitor_all=True):
+ for state, taskname, _, fatal in iterate_scene_tasks(
+ scene, args, monitor_all=True
+ ):
if state == JobState.NotQueued:
- taskname_stem = taskname.split('_')[0]
+ taskname_stem = taskname.split("_")[0]
state_counts[(state, taskname_stem)] += 1
- scene['num_done'] += state in CONCLUDED_JOBSTATES
- scene['num_running'] += state not in CONCLUDED_JOBSTATES
+ scene["num_done"] += state in CONCLUDED_JOBSTATES
+ scene["num_running"] += state not in CONCLUDED_JOBSTATES
if state == JobState.Failed:
- if not scene.get(f'{taskname}_crash_recorded', False):
- logging.info(f'{seed} - recording crash for {taskname}')
- with (args.output_folder / "crash_summaries.txt").open('a') as f:
+ if not scene.get(f"{taskname}_crash_recorded", False):
+ logging.info(f"{seed} - recording crash for {taskname}")
+ with (args.output_folder / "crash_summaries.txt").open("a") as f:
record_crashed_seed(scene, taskname, f, fatal=fatal)
if fatal:
any_fatal = True
if any_fatal:
- logging.info(f'{seed} - recording fatally crashed')
- scene['any_fatal_crash'] = True
+ logging.info(f"{seed} - recording fatally crashed")
+ scene["any_fatal_crash"] = True
if aggressive_cancel_on_crash and any_fatal:
- suffix = 'job_obj'
+ suffix = "job_obj"
to_cancel = [k for k in scene.keys() if k.endswith(suffix)]
for k in to_cancel:
- cancel_key = k.replace(suffix, 'force_cancelled')
+ cancel_key = k.replace(suffix, "force_cancelled")
if scene.get(cancel_key, False):
- logging.info(f'{seed} - cancelling {k} due to fatal crash')
+ logging.info(f"{seed} - cancelling {k} due to fatal crash")
scene[cancel_key] = True
if (
- any_fatal and
- scene['num_running'] == 0 and
- scene['all_done'] == SceneState.NotDone
+ any_fatal
+ and scene["num_running"] == 0
+ and scene["all_done"] == SceneState.NotDone
- logging.info(f'{seed} - processing scene termination due to fatal crash')
+ logging.info(f"{seed} - processing scene termination due to fatal crash")
on_scene_termination(args, scene, crashed=True)
return state_counts
-def stats_summary(state_counts):
+def stats_summary(state_counts):
uniq_states = set(s for (s, _) in state_counts.keys())
- def get_count(state):
+ def get_count(state):
return sum(v for (s, _), v in state_counts.items() if s == state)
totals = {s: get_count(s) for s in uniq_states}
- stats = {f'{s}/{t}': v for (s, t), v in state_counts.items()}
+ stats = {f"{s}/{t}": v for (s, t), v in state_counts.items()}
return stats, totals
def jobs_to_launch_next(
scenes: list[dict],
state_counts: dict[tuple[str, str], int],
- greedy=True,
- # following kwargs are designed to help minimize over-eager starting new scenes,
+ greedy=True,
+ # following kwargs are designed to help minimize over-eager starting new scenes,
# or limit paralellism to help greedily finish scenes / lower overall latency.
# warning: may reduce throughput, especially if not using warmup_sec, or cluster capacity varies
max_queued_task: int = None,
max_queued_total: int = None,
- max_stuck_at_task: int = None
+ max_stuck_at_task: int = None,
def is_candidate_for_launch(scene):
- return (
- scene['all_done'] == SceneState.NotDone and
- not scene.get('any_fatal_crash', False)
+ return scene["all_done"] == SceneState.NotDone and not scene.get(
+ "any_fatal_crash", False
scenes = [s for s in scenes if is_candidate_for_launch(s)]
def inflight(s):
- return s['num_running'] + s['num_done']
+ return s["num_running"] + s["num_done"]
if greedy:
scenes = sorted(copy(scenes), key=inflight, reverse=True)
@@ -565,27 +564,21 @@ def inflight(s):
started_uniq, curr_per_started = np.unique(started_counts, return_counts=True)
started_uniq = list(started_uniq)
- logging.debug(f'Pipeline state: {list(zip(started_uniq, curr_per_started))}')
+ logging.debug(f"Pipeline state: {list(zip(started_uniq, curr_per_started))}")
+ total_queued = sum(v for (s, _), v in state_counts.items() if s == JobState.Queued)
- total_queued = sum(
- v for (s, _), v in state_counts.items()
- if s == JobState.Queued
- )
for scene in scenes:
+ seed = scene["seed"]
- seed = scene['seed']
started_if_launch = inflight(scene) + 1
stuck_at_next = (
- curr_per_started[started_uniq.index(started_if_launch)]
- if started_if_launch in started_uniq else 0
+ curr_per_started[started_uniq.index(started_if_launch)]
+ if started_if_launch in started_uniq
+ else 0
- if (
- max_stuck_at_task is not None and
- stuck_at_next >= max_stuck_at_task
- ):
+ if max_stuck_at_task is not None and stuck_at_next >= max_stuck_at_task:
f"{seed} - Not launching due to {stuck_at_next=} >"
f" {max_stuck_at_task} for {started_if_launch=}"
@@ -598,13 +591,17 @@ def inflight(s):
if state != JobState.NotQueued:
- queued_key = (JobState.Queued, taskname.split('_')[0])
+ queued_key = (JobState.Queued, taskname.split("_")[0])
queued = state_counts.get(queued_key, 0)
if max_queued_task is not None and queued >= max_queued_task:
- logging.info(f"{seed} - Not launching due to {queued=} > {max_queued_task} for {taskname}")
+ logging.info(
+ f"{seed} - Not launching due to {queued=} > {max_queued_task} for {taskname}"
+ )
if max_queued_total is not None and total_queued >= max_queued_total:
- logging.info(f"{seed} - Not launching due to {total_queued=} > {max_queued_total} for {taskname}")
+ logging.info(
+ f"{seed} - Not launching due to {total_queued=} > {max_queued_total} for {taskname}"
+ )
yield scene, taskname, queue_func
@@ -612,32 +609,36 @@ def inflight(s):
state_counts[queued_key] += 1
total_queued += 1
-def compute_control_state(args, totals, elapsed, num_concurrent):
- if num_concurrent == f'ENVVAR_{NUM_CONCURRENT_ENVVAR}':
+def compute_control_state(args, totals, elapsed, num_concurrent):
+ if num_concurrent == f"ENVVAR_{NUM_CONCURRENT_ENVVAR}":
num_concurrent = int(os.environ[NUM_CONCURRENT_ENVVAR])
control_state = {}
- control_state['n_in_flight'] = totals.get(JobState.Running, 0) + totals.get(JobState.Queued, 0)
- control_state['disk_usage'] = get_disk_usage(args.output_folder)
+ control_state["n_in_flight"] = totals.get(JobState.Running, 0) + totals.get(
+ JobState.Queued, 0
+ )
+ control_state["disk_usage"] = get_disk_usage(args.output_folder)
warmup_pct = min(elapsed / args.warmup_sec, 1) if args.warmup_sec > 0 else 1
- control_state['curr_concurrent_max'] = math.ceil(warmup_pct * num_concurrent)
+ control_state["curr_concurrent_max"] = math.ceil(warmup_pct * num_concurrent)
- if control_state['n_in_flight'] > control_state['curr_concurrent_max']:
+ if control_state["n_in_flight"] > control_state["curr_concurrent_max"]:
raise ValueError(
f"manage_datagen_jobs observed {control_state['n_in_flight']=},"
f" which exceeds allowed {control_state['curr_concurrent_max']=}"
- control_state['try_to_launch'] = max(control_state['curr_concurrent_max'] - control_state['n_in_flight'], 0)
+ control_state["try_to_launch"] = max(
+ control_state["curr_concurrent_max"] - control_state["n_in_flight"], 0
+ )
return control_state
def record_states(stats, totals, control_state):
pretty_stats = copy(stats)
- pretty_stats.update({f'control_state/{k}': v for k, v in control_state.items()})
- pretty_stats.update({f'{k}/total': v for k, v in totals.items()})
+ pretty_stats.update({f"control_state/{k}": v for k, v in control_state.items()})
+ pretty_stats.update({f"{k}/total": v for k, v in totals.items()})
if wandb is not None:
@@ -646,11 +647,11 @@ def record_states(stats, totals, control_state):
print(f"{k.ljust(30)} : {v}")
print("-" * 60)
def manage_datagen_jobs(all_scenes, elapsed, num_concurrent, disk_sleep_threshold=0.95):
if LocalScheduleHandler._inst is not None:
- sys.path = ORIG_SYS_PATH #hacky workaround because bpy module breaks with multiprocessing
+ sys.path = ORIG_SYS_PATH # hacky workaround because bpy module breaks with multiprocessing
sys.path = BPY_SYS_PATH
@@ -659,31 +660,37 @@ def manage_datagen_jobs(all_scenes, elapsed, num_concurrent, disk_sleep_threshol
control_state = compute_control_state(args, totals, elapsed, num_concurrent)
new_jobs = jobs_to_launch_next(all_scenes, state_counts)
- new_jobs = list(itertools.islice(new_jobs, control_state['try_to_launch']))
- control_state['will_launch'] = len(new_jobs) # may be less due to jobs_to_launch optional kwargs, or running out of num_jobs
+ new_jobs = list(itertools.islice(new_jobs, control_state["try_to_launch"]))
+ control_state["will_launch"] = len(
+ new_jobs
+ ) # may be less due to jobs_to_launch optional kwargs, or running out of num_jobs
- pd.DataFrame.from_records(all_scenes).to_csv(args.output_folder/'scenes_db.csv')
+ pd.DataFrame.from_records(all_scenes).to_csv(args.output_folder / "scenes_db.csv")
record_states(stats, totals, control_state)
# Dont launch new scenes if disk is getting full
- if control_state['disk_usage'] > disk_sleep_threshold:
+ if control_state["disk_usage"] > disk_sleep_threshold:
message = f"{args.output_folder} is full ({100*control_state['disk_usage']}%). Sleeping."
if wandb is not None:
- wandb.alert(title=f'{args.output_folder} full', text=message, wait_duration=3*60*60)
+ wandb.alert(
+ title=f"{args.output_folder} full",
+ text=message,
+ wait_duration=3 * 60 * 60,
+ )
- for scene, taskname, queue_func in new_jobs:
+ for scene, taskname, queue_func in new_jobs:
logger.info(f"{scene['seed']} - running {taskname}")
- run_task(queue_func, args.output_folder / str(scene['seed']), scene, taskname)
+ run_task(queue_func, args.output_folder / str(scene["seed"]), scene, taskname)
-def main(args, shuffle=True, wandb_project='render', upload_commandfile_method=None):
- command_path = args.output_folder/'datagen_command.sh'
- with command_path.open('w') as f:
- f.write(' '.join(sys.argv))
+def main(args, shuffle=True, wandb_project="render", upload_commandfile_method=None):
+ command_path = args.output_folder / "datagen_command.sh"
+ with command_path.open("w") as f:
+ f.write(" ".join(sys.argv))
if upload_commandfile_method is not None:
upload = upload_util.get_upload_func(upload_commandfile_method)
upload(command_path, upload_util.get_upload_destfolder(args.output_folder))
@@ -694,185 +701,189 @@ def main(args, shuffle=True, wandb_project='render', upload_commandfile_method=N
if args.cleanup != all:
write_html_summary(all_scenes, args.output_folder)
- if args.wandb_mode != 'disabled':
+ if args.wandb_mode != "disabled":
global wandb
- wandb = importlib.import_module('wandb')
+ wandb = importlib.import_module("wandb")
if wandb is not None:
- name=scene_name,
- config=vars(args),
- project=wandb_project,
- mode=args.wandb_mode
+ name=scene_name,
+ config=vars(args),
+ project=wandb_project,
+ mode=args.wandb_mode,
filename=str(args.output_folder / "jobs.log"),
- format='[%(asctime)s]: %(message)s',
+ format="[%(asctime)s]: %(message)s",
- print(f'Using {get_slurm_banned_nodes()=}')
+ print(f"Using {get_slurm_banned_nodes()=}")
if shuffle:
- all_scenes = sorted(all_scenes, key=lambda j: j['seed'])
+ all_scenes = sorted(all_scenes, key=lambda j: j["seed"])
start_time = datetime.now()
- while any(j['all_done'] == SceneState.NotDone for j in all_scenes):
+ while any(j["all_done"] == SceneState.NotDone for j in all_scenes):
now = datetime.now()
- print(f'{args.output_folder} {start_time.strftime("%m/%d %I:%M%p")} -> {now.strftime("%m/%d %I:%M%p")}')
- manage_datagen_jobs(all_scenes, elapsed=(now-start_time).total_seconds())
+ print(
+ f'{args.output_folder} {start_time.strftime("%m/%d %I:%M%p")} -> {now.strftime("%m/%d %I:%M%p")}'
+ )
+ manage_datagen_jobs(all_scenes, elapsed=(now - start_time).total_seconds())
+ any_crashed = any(j.get("any_fatal_crash", False) for j in all_scenes)
+ sys.exit(1 if any_crashed else 0)
+mandatory_exclusive_configs = [
+ "infinigen/datagen/configs/compute_platform",
+ "infinigen/datagen/configs/data_schema",
if __name__ == "__main__":
- os.umask(0o007)
+ slurm_available = which("sbatch") is not None
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- slurm_available = (which("sbatch") is not None)
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # to guarantee that the render scenes finish, try render_image.time_limit=2000
- parser.add_argument(
- '-o',
- '--output_folder',
- type=Path,
- required=True
- )
+ parser.add_argument("-o", "--output_folder", type=Path, default=None) #
- '--num_scenes',
- type=int,
+ "--num_scenes",
+ type=int,
- help="Number of scenes to attempt before terminating"
+ help="Number of scenes to attempt before terminating",
- '--meta_seed',
- type=int,
+ "--meta_seed",
+ type=int,
help="What seed should be used to determine the random seeds of each scene? "
- "Leave as None unless deliberately replicating past runs"
+ "Leave as None unless deliberately replicating past runs",
- '--specific_seed',
- default=None,
- nargs='+',
+ "--specific_seed",
+ default=None,
+ nargs="+",
help="The default, None, will choose a random seed per scene. Otherwise, all "
- "scenes will have the specified seed. Interpreted as an integer if possible."
+ "scenes will have the specified seed. Interpreted as an integer if possible.",
- '--use_existing',
- action='store_true',
+ "--use_existing",
+ action="store_true",
help="If set, then assume output_folder is an existing folder from a "
"terminated run, and make a best-possible-effort to resume from where "
- "it left off"
+ "it left off",
- '--warmup_sec',
- type=float,
+ "--warmup_sec",
+ type=float,
help="Perform a staggered start over the specified period, so that jobs dont "
- "sync up or all write to disk at similar times."
+ "sync up or all write to disk at similar times.",
- '--cleanup',
- type=str,
- choices=['all', 'big_files', 'none', 'except_logs', 'except_crashed'],
- default='none',
- help="What files should be cleaned up by the manager as it runs?"
+ "--cleanup",
+ type=str,
+ choices=["all", "big_files", "none", "except_logs", "except_crashed"],
+ default="none",
+ help="What files should be cleaned up by the manager as it runs?",
- '--configs',
- nargs='*',
+ "--configs",
+ nargs="*",
help="List of gin config names to pass through to all underlying "
- "scene generation jobs."
+ "scene generation jobs.",
- '-p',
- '--overrides',
- nargs='+',
- type=str,
- default=[],
+ "-p",
+ "--overrides",
+ nargs="+",
+ type=str,
+ default=[],
help="List of gin overrides to pass through to all underlying "
- "scene generation jobs"
+ "scene generation jobs",
- '--wandb_mode',
- type=str,
- default='disabled',
- choices=['online', 'offline', 'disabled'],
- help="Mode kwarg for wandb.init(). Set up wandb before use."
+ "--wandb_mode",
+ type=str,
+ default="disabled",
+ choices=["online", "offline", "disabled"],
+ help="Mode kwarg for wandb.init(). Set up wandb before use.",
- '--pipeline_configs',
- type=str,
- nargs='+',
+ "--pipeline_configs",
+ type=str,
+ nargs="+",
help="List of gin config names from tools/pipeline_configs "
- "to configure this execution"
+ "to configure this execution",
- '--pipeline_overrides',
- nargs='+',
- type=str,
- default=[],
+ "--pipeline_overrides",
+ nargs="+",
+ type=str,
+ default=[],
help="List of gin overrides to configure this execution",
+ parser.add_argument("--overwrite", action="store_true")
- '--overwrite', action='store_true'
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '-d',
- '--debug',
- action="store_const",
- dest="loglevel",
- const=logging.DEBUG,
- default=logging.INFO
+ "-d",
+ "--debug",
+ action="store_const",
+ dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.DEBUG,
+ default=logging.INFO,
- '-v',
- '--verbose',
- action="store_const",
- dest="loglevel",
- const=logging.INFO
+ "-v", "--verbose", action="store_const", dest="loglevel", const=logging.INFO
args = parser.parse_args()
- using_upload = any('upload' in x for x in args.pipeline_configs)
+ using_upload = any("upload" in x for x in args.pipeline_configs)
- if not using_upload and args.cleanup in ['except_logs', 'except_crashed', 'all']:
+ if not using_upload and args.cleanup in ["except_logs", "except_crashed", "all"]:
raise ValueError(
- f'Pipeline is configured with {args.cleanup=}'
- ' yet {args.upload=}! No output would be preserved!'
+ f"Pipeline is configured with {args.cleanup=}"
+ " yet {args.upload=}! No output would be preserved!"
- if using_upload and args.cleanup == 'none':
+ if using_upload and args.cleanup == "none":
- f'Upload performs some cleanup, so combining upload.gin with '
- '--cleanup none will not result in ALL files being preserved'
+ "Upload performs some cleanup, so combining upload.gin with "
+ "--cleanup none will not result in ALL files being preserved"
assert args.specific_seed is None or args.num_scenes == 1
+ if args.output_folder is None:
+ date_str = datetime.now().strftime("%y-%m-%d_%H-%M")
+ hostname = os.uname().nodename
+ output_base = Path("outputs")
+ assert output_base.exists(), output_base
+ args.output_folder = Path(f"outputs/{date_str}_{hostname}")
overwrite_ok = args.use_existing or args.overwrite
if args.output_folder.exists() and not overwrite_ok:
raise FileExistsError(
- f'--output_folder {args.output_folder} already exists! Please delete it,'
- ' specify a different --output_folder, or use --overwrite'
+ f"--output_folder {args.output_folder} already exists! Please delete it,"
+ " specify a different --output_folder, or use --overwrite"
args.output_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=overwrite_ok)
if args.meta_seed is not None:
- mandatory_exclusive = [
- 'infinigen/datagen/configs/compute_platform',
- 'infinigen/datagen/configs/data_schema'
- ]
- configs_folder=Path('infinigen/datagen/configs'),
+ config_folders=[Path("infinigen/datagen/configs")],
- mandatory_folders=mandatory_exclusive,
- mutually_exclusive_folders=mandatory_exclusive,
+ mandatory_folders=mandatory_exclusive_configs,
+ mutually_exclusive_folders=mandatory_exclusive_configs,
diff --git a/infinigen/datagen/monitor_tasks.py b/infinigen/datagen/monitor_tasks.py
index 8b9560922..c74148d00 100644
--- a/infinigen/datagen/monitor_tasks.py
+++ b/infinigen/datagen/monitor_tasks.py
@@ -1,209 +1,211 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Alex Raistrick: refactor, local rendering, video rendering
# - Lahav Lipson: stereo version, local rendering
# - Hei Law: initial version
import itertools
-from functools import partial
import logging
-from shutil import rmtree
import subprocess
+from functools import partial
+from shutil import rmtree
import gin
-from infinigen.datagen.util.cleanup import cleanup
-from infinigen.datagen.util import upload_util
from infinigen.datagen.states import (
- JobState,
- SceneState,
- get_scene_state,
- get_suffix,
+ JobState,
+ SceneState,
+ get_scene_state,
+from infinigen.datagen.util import upload_util
+from infinigen.datagen.util.cleanup import cleanup
+from infinigen.tools.suffixes import get_suffix
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def iterate_sequential_tasks(
- task_list,
- get_task_state,
- overrides,
- configs,
- input_indices=None,
- output_indices=None
+ task_list,
+ get_task_state,
+ overrides,
+ configs,
+ input_indices=None,
+ output_indices=None,
if len(task_list) == 0:
return JobState.Succeeded
prev_state = JobState.Succeeded
- assert task_list[0].get('condition', 'prev_succeeded') == 'prev_succeeded'
+ assert task_list[0].get("condition", "prev_succeeded") == "prev_succeeded"
for i, task_spec in enumerate(task_list):
# check that we should actually run this step, according to its condition
- cond = task_spec.get('condition', 'prev_succeeded')
- if cond == 'prev_succeeded' and prev_state != JobState.Succeeded:
+ cond = task_spec.get("condition", "prev_succeeded")
+ if cond == "prev_succeeded" and prev_state != JobState.Succeeded:
- elif cond == 'prev_failed' and prev_state != JobState.Failed:
- continue # we wont run this scene, but skipping doesnt count as crashing
- elif cond == 'prev_redundant':
- pass # any outcome is fine
+ elif cond == "prev_failed" and prev_state != JobState.Failed:
+ continue # we wont run this scene, but skipping doesnt count as crashing
+ elif cond == "prev_redundant":
+ pass # any outcome is fine
# determine whether the current step failing would be catastrophic
fatal = (
- i + 1 >= len(task_list) or
- task_list[i + 1].get('condition', 'prev_succeeded') != 'prev_failed'
+ i + 1 >= len(task_list)
+ or task_list[i + 1].get("condition", "prev_succeeded") != "prev_failed"
+ )
+ queue_func = partial(
+ task_spec["func"],
+ overrides=overrides,
+ configs=configs,
+ input_indices=input_indices,
+ output_indices=output_indices,
- queue_func = partial(task_spec['func'], overrides=overrides, configs=configs,
- input_indices=input_indices, output_indices=output_indices)
- taskname = task_spec['name'] + get_suffix(output_indices)
+ taskname = task_spec["name"] + get_suffix(output_indices)
state = get_task_state(taskname=taskname)
yield state, taskname, queue_func, fatal
prev_state = state
-def apply_cleanup_options(args, seed, crashed, scene_folder):
- if args.cleanup == 'all' or (args.cleanup == 'except_crashed' and not crashed):
+def apply_cleanup_options(args, seed, crashed, scene_folder):
+ if args.cleanup == "all" or (args.cleanup == "except_crashed" and not crashed):
logger.info(f"{seed} - Removing entirety of {scene_folder}")
- elif args.cleanup == 'big_files':
+ elif args.cleanup == "big_files":
logger.info(f"{seed} - Cleaning up any large files")
cleanup(scene_folder, verbose=False)
- elif args.cleanup == 'except_logs':
+ elif args.cleanup == "except_logs":
logger.info(f"{seed} - Cleaning up everything except logs")
for f in scene_folder.iterdir():
- if f.name == 'logs':
+ if f.name == "logs":
if f.is_dir():
- elif args.cleanup == 'none' or (args.cleanup == 'except_crashed' and crashed):
+ elif args.cleanup == "none" or (args.cleanup == "except_crashed" and crashed):
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized {args.cleanup=} {crashed=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized {args.cleanup=} {crashed=}")
def on_scene_termination(
- args,
- scene: dict,
- crashed: bool,
+ args,
+ scene: dict,
+ crashed: bool,
- remove_write_permission=False # safeguard finished data against accidental meddling
+ remove_write_permission=False, # safeguard finished data against accidental meddling
- seed = scene['seed']
+ seed = scene["seed"]
if crashed:
- with (args.output_folder / "crashed_seeds.txt").open('a') as f:
+ with (args.output_folder / "crashed_seeds.txt").open("a") as f:
- scene['all_done'] = SceneState.Crashed
+ scene["all_done"] = SceneState.Crashed
- with (args.output_folder / "finished_seeds.txt").open('a') as f:
+ with (args.output_folder / "finished_seeds.txt").open("a") as f:
- scene['all_done'] = SceneState.Done
+ scene["all_done"] = SceneState.Done
- scene_folder = args.output_folder/seed
+ scene_folder = args.output_folder / seed
apply_cleanup_options(args, seed, crashed, scene_folder)
if scene_folder.exists() and (
- remove_write_permission is True or
- (remove_write_permission == 'except_crashed' and not crashed)
+ remove_write_permission is True
+ or (remove_write_permission == "except_crashed" and not crashed)
subprocess.check_output(f"chmod -R a-w {scene_folder}".split())
if enforce_upload_manifest:
- scene_folder = args.output_folder/scene['seed']
+ scene_folder = args.output_folder / scene["seed"]
upload_util.check_files_covered(scene_folder, upload_util.UPLOAD_MANIFEST)
-def check_intermediate_cleanup(args, scene, idxs, stagetype_name, tasklist):
- raise NotImplementedError # todo fix
+def check_intermediate_cleanup(args, scene, idxs, stagetype_name, tasklist):
+ raise NotImplementedError # todo fix
- idxs_str = '_'.join(idxs.values())
- key = f'{stagetype_name}_{idxs_str}_cleaned'
- if (
- args.cleanup != 'none' and
- not scene.get(key, False)
- ):
+ idxs_str = "_".join(idxs.values())
+ key = f"{stagetype_name}_{idxs_str}_cleaned"
+ if args.cleanup != "none" and not scene.get(key, False):
for stage_rec in tasklist:
- taskname = stage_rec['name']
- path = scene[f'{taskname}_output_folder']
- print(f'Doing end-of-{stagetype_name} cleanup for {path} for {taskname}')
+ taskname = stage_rec["name"]
+ path = scene[f"{taskname}_output_folder"]
+ print(f"Doing end-of-{stagetype_name} cleanup for {path} for {taskname}")
if path is not None and path.exists():
scene[key] = True
def iterate_scene_tasks(
- scene_dict,
+ scene_dict,
- # if True, enumerate scenes that we might have launched earlier,
+ # if True, enumerate scenes that we might have launched earlier,
# even if we wouldnt launch them now (due to crashes etc)
- monitor_all,
+ monitor_all,
# provided by gin
- global_tasks,
- view_dependent_tasks,
- camera_dependent_tasks,
- frame_range,
- cam_id_ranges,
- num_resamples=1,
+ global_tasks,
+ view_dependent_tasks,
+ camera_dependent_tasks,
+ frame_range,
+ cam_id_ranges,
+ num_resamples=1,
- finalize_tasks = [],
- view_block_size=1, # how many frames should share each `view_dependent_task`
- cam_block_size=None, # how many frames should share each `camera_dependent_task`
- #cleanup_viewdep=False, # TODO fix. Should cleanup the results of `view_dependent_tasks` once each view iter is done?
- viewdep_paralell=True, # can we work on multiple view depenendent tasks (usually `fine`) in paralell?
- camdep_paralell=True # can we work on multiple camera dependent tasks (usually render/gt) in paralell?
+ finalize_tasks=[],
+ view_block_size=1, # how many frames should share each `view_dependent_task`
+ cam_block_size=None, # how many frames should share each `camera_dependent_task`
+ # cleanup_viewdep=False, # TODO fix. Should cleanup the results of `view_dependent_tasks` once each view iter is done?
+ viewdep_paralell=True, # can we work on multiple view depenendent tasks (usually `fine`) in paralell?
+ camdep_paralell=True, # can we work on multiple camera dependent tasks (usually render/gt) in paralell?
- '''
- This function is a generator which yields all scenes we might want to consider
+ """
+ This function is a generator which yields all scenes we might want to consider
monitoring or running for a particular scene
It `yield`s the available scenes, regardless of whether they are already running etc
- '''
+ """
for task in global_tasks + view_dependent_tasks + camera_dependent_tasks:
- if '_' in task['name']:
- raise ValueError(f'{task=} with {task["name"]=} is invalid, must not contain underscores')
+ if "_" in task["name"]:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f'{task=} with {task["name"]=} is invalid, must not contain underscores'
+ )
if cam_block_size is None:
cam_block_size = view_block_size
if cam_id_ranges[0] <= 0 or cam_id_ranges[1] <= 0:
raise ValueError(
- f'{cam_id_ranges=} is invalid, both num. rigs and '
- 'num subcams must be >= 1 or no work is done'
+ f"{cam_id_ranges=} is invalid, both num. rigs and "
+ "num subcams must be >= 1 or no work is done"
assert view_block_size >= 1
assert cam_block_size >= 1
if cam_block_size > view_block_size:
cam_block_size = view_block_size
- seed = scene_dict['seed']
+ seed = scene_dict["seed"]
- scene_folder = args.output_folder/seed
- get_task_state = partial(get_scene_state, scene=scene_dict, scene_folder=scene_folder)
+ scene_folder = args.output_folder / seed
+ get_task_state = partial(
+ get_scene_state, scene=scene_dict, scene_folder=scene_folder
+ )
global_overrides = [
- f'execute_tasks.frame_range={repr(list(frame_range))}',
- 'execute_tasks.camera_id=[0, 0]'
+ f"execute_tasks.frame_range={repr(list(frame_range))}",
+ "execute_tasks.camera_id=[0, 0]",
- global_configs = scene_dict.get('configs', []) + args.configs
+ global_configs = scene_dict.get("configs", []) + args.configs
global_iter = iterate_sequential_tasks(
- global_tasks,
+ global_tasks,
- overrides=args.overrides+global_overrides,
- configs=global_configs
+ overrides=args.overrides + global_overrides,
+ configs=global_configs,
for state, *rest in global_iter:
@@ -211,7 +213,7 @@ def iterate_scene_tasks(
if not state == JobState.Succeeded:
- # blender frame_range is inclusive, but python's range is end-exclusive
+ # blender frame_range is inclusive, but python's range is end-exclusive
view_range = render_frame_range if render_frame_range is not None else frame_range
view_frames = range(view_range[0], view_range[1] + 1, view_block_size)
resamples = range(num_resamples)
@@ -220,18 +222,22 @@ def iterate_scene_tasks(
running_views = 0
for cam_rig, view_frame in itertools.product(cam_rigs, view_frames):
- view_frame_range = [view_frame, min(frame_range[1], view_frame + view_block_size - 1)]
+ view_frame_range = [
+ view_frame,
+ min(frame_range[1], view_frame + view_block_size - 1),
+ ]
view_overrides = [
- f'execute_tasks.frame_range=[{view_frame_range[0]},{view_frame_range[1]}]',
- f'execute_tasks.camera_id=[{cam_rig},{0}]'
+ f"execute_tasks.frame_range=[{view_frame_range[0]},{view_frame_range[1]}]",
+ f"execute_tasks.camera_id=[{cam_rig},{0}]",
view_idxs = dict(cam_rig=cam_rig, frame=view_frame)
view_tasks_iter = iterate_sequential_tasks(
- view_dependent_tasks, get_task_state,
- overrides=args.overrides+view_overrides,
- configs=global_configs, output_indices=view_idxs
+ view_dependent_tasks,
+ get_task_state,
+ overrides=args.overrides + view_overrides,
+ configs=global_configs,
+ output_indices=view_idxs,
for state, *rest in view_tasks_iter:
yield state, *rest
@@ -240,47 +246,44 @@ def iterate_scene_tasks(
running_views += 1
- return
+ return
elif state == JobState.Failed and not monitor_all:
running_blocks = 0
for subcam, resample_idx in itertools.product(subcams, resamples):
for cam_frame in range(
- view_frame_range[0],
- view_frame_range[1] + 1,
- cam_block_size
+ view_frame_range[0], view_frame_range[1] + 1, cam_block_size
cam_frame_range = [
- cam_frame,
- min(view_frame_range[1], cam_frame + cam_block_size - 1)
- ] # blender frame_end is INCLUSIVE
+ cam_frame,
+ min(view_frame_range[1], cam_frame + cam_block_size - 1),
+ ] # blender frame_end is INCLUSIVE
cam_overrides = [
- f'execute_tasks.frame_range=[{cam_frame_range[0]},{cam_frame_range[1]}]',
- f'execute_tasks.camera_id=[{cam_rig},{subcam}]',
- f'execute_tasks.resample_idx={resample_idx}'
+ f"execute_tasks.frame_range=[{cam_frame_range[0]},{cam_frame_range[1]}]",
+ f"execute_tasks.camera_id=[{cam_rig},{subcam}]",
+ f"execute_tasks.resample_idx={resample_idx}",
camdep_indices = dict(
- cam_rig=cam_rig,
- frame=cam_frame,
- subcam=subcam,
+ cam_rig=cam_rig,
+ frame=cam_frame,
+ subcam=subcam,
# extra semi-redundant info needed for openglgt mostly
extra_indices = dict(
- view_first_frame=view_frame_range[0],
- last_view_frame=view_frame_range[1],
- last_cam_frame=cam_frame_range[1]
- )
+ view_first_frame=view_frame_range[0],
+ last_view_frame=view_frame_range[1],
+ last_cam_frame=cam_frame_range[1],
+ )
camera_dep_iter = iterate_sequential_tasks(
- camera_dependent_tasks,
+ camera_dependent_tasks,
- overrides=args.overrides+cam_overrides,
+ overrides=args.overrides + cam_overrides,
input_indices=view_idxs if len(view_dependent_tasks) else None,
- output_indices={**camdep_indices, **extra_indices}
+ output_indices={**camdep_indices, **extra_indices},
for state, *rest in camera_dep_iter:
@@ -302,15 +305,15 @@ def iterate_scene_tasks(
finalize_iter = iterate_sequential_tasks(
- finalize_tasks,
+ finalize_tasks,
- overrides=args.overrides+global_overrides,
- configs=global_configs
+ overrides=args.overrides + global_overrides,
+ configs=global_configs,
for state, *rest in finalize_iter:
yield state, *rest
if not state == JobState.Succeeded:
- if scene_dict['all_done'] == SceneState.NotDone:
+ if scene_dict["all_done"] == SceneState.NotDone:
on_scene_termination(args, scene_dict, crashed=False)
diff --git a/infinigen/datagen/states.py b/infinigen/datagen/states.py
index 6ce4f585f..e7cdf8ea3 100644
--- a/infinigen/datagen/states.py
+++ b/infinigen/datagen/states.py
@@ -1,21 +1,20 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Alex Raistrick: refactor, local rendering, video rendering
# - Lahav Lipson: stereo version, local rendering
# - Hei Law: initial version
import subprocess
import time
-from copy import copy
from pathlib import Path
import gin
import submitit
from infinigen.datagen.util.submitit_emulator import LocalJob
-from infinigen.tools.suffixes import SUFFIX_ORDERING, get_suffix, parse_suffix
class JobState:
NotQueued = "notqueued"
@@ -25,13 +24,15 @@ class JobState:
Failed = "crashed"
Cancelled = "cancelled"
class SceneState:
NotDone = "notdone"
Done = "done"
Crashed = "crashed"
CONCLUDED_JOBSTATES = {JobState.Succeeded, JobState.Failed, JobState.Cancelled}
# Will throw exception if the scene was not found. Sometimes this happens if the scene was queued very very recently
@@ -42,28 +43,30 @@ def seff(job_obj, retry_on_error=True):
assert scene_id.isdigit()
while True:
- seff_out = subprocess.check_output(f"/usr/bin/seff -d {scene_id}".split()).decode()
+ seff_out = subprocess.check_output(
+ f"/usr/bin/seff -d {scene_id}".split()
+ ).decode()
lines = seff_out.splitlines()
- return dict(zip(lines[0].split(' ')[2:], lines[1].split(' ')[2:]))["State"]
+ return dict(zip(lines[0].split(" ")[2:], lines[1].split(" ")[2:]))["State"]
except Exception as e:
if not retry_on_error:
raise e
-def get_scene_state(scene: dict, taskname: str, scene_folder: Path):
- if not scene.get(f'{taskname}_submitted', False):
+def get_scene_state(scene: dict, taskname: str, scene_folder: Path):
+ if not scene.get(f"{taskname}_submitted", False):
return JobState.NotQueued
- elif scene.get(f'{taskname}_crash_recorded', False):
+ elif scene.get(f"{taskname}_crash_recorded", False):
return JobState.Failed
- elif scene.get(f'{taskname}_force_cancelled', False):
+ elif scene.get(f"{taskname}_force_cancelled", False):
return JobState.Cancelled
- #if scene['all_done']:
+ # if scene['all_done']:
# return JobState.Succeeded # TODO Hacky / incorrect for nonfatal
- job_obj = scene[f'{taskname}_job_obj']
+ job_obj = scene[f"{taskname}_job_obj"]
# for when both local and slurm scenes are being mixed
if isinstance(job_obj, str):
assert job_obj == JOB_OBJ_SUCCEEDED
@@ -73,20 +76,20 @@ def get_scene_state(scene: dict, taskname: str, scene_folder: Path):
elif isinstance(job_obj, submitit.Job):
res = seff(job_obj)
- raise TypeError(f'Unrecognized {job_obj=}')
+ raise TypeError(f"Unrecognized {job_obj=}")
# map from submitit's scene state strings to our JobState enum
if res in {"PENDING", "REQUEUED"}:
return JobState.Queued
- elif res == 'RUNNING':
+ elif res == "RUNNING":
return JobState.Running
- elif not (scene_folder/"logs"/f"FINISH_{taskname}").exists():
+ elif not (scene_folder / "logs" / f"FINISH_{taskname}").exists():
return JobState.Failed
return JobState.Succeeded
def cancel_job(job_obj):
if isinstance(job_obj, str):
assert job_obj == JOB_OBJ_SUCCEEDED
return JobState.Succeeded
@@ -94,6 +97,6 @@ def cancel_job(job_obj):
elif isinstance(job_obj, submitit.Job):
# TODO: does submitit have a cancel?
- subprocess.check_call(['/usr/bin/scancel', str(job_obj.job_id)])
+ subprocess.check_call(["/usr/bin/scancel", str(job_obj.job_id)])
- raise TypeError(f'Unrecognized {job_obj=}')
\ No newline at end of file
+ raise TypeError(f"Unrecognized {job_obj=}")
diff --git a/infinigen/datagen/util/cancel_jobs.py b/infinigen/datagen/util/cancel_jobs.py
index 940f8adf4..1999d774e 100644
--- a/infinigen/datagen/util/cancel_jobs.py
+++ b/infinigen/datagen/util/cancel_jobs.py
@@ -4,25 +4,30 @@
# Authors: Lahav Lipson
-import subprocess
import argparse
-import re
import os
+import re
+import subprocess
from tqdm import tqdm
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('-w', "--with_substring", required=True)
- parser.add_argument('-wo', "--without_substring", default=None)
+ parser.add_argument("-w", "--with_substring", required=True)
+ parser.add_argument("-wo", "--without_substring", default=None)
parser.add_argument("--not_running", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
job_cmd = f'/usr/bin/squeue --user={os.environ["USER"]} -o %.24i%.40j%.14R -h'
squeue_output = subprocess.check_output(job_cmd.split()).decode()
matches = re.findall("([0-9]+) *([^ ]+) *([^ ]+) *\n", squeue_output)
for job_id, job_name, job_status in tqdm(matches):
- should_cancel = ((args.with_substring in job_name) and
- ((args.without_substring is None) or args.without_substring not in job_name) and
- ((not args.not_running) or 'node' not in job_status))
+ should_cancel = (
+ (args.with_substring in job_name)
+ and (
+ (args.without_substring is None)
+ or args.without_substring not in job_name
+ )
+ and ((not args.not_running) or "node" not in job_status)
+ )
if should_cancel:
subprocess.check_output(["/usr/bin/scancel", job_id])
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/datagen/util/cleanup.py b/infinigen/datagen/util/cleanup.py
index eef97c5ba..2d4a82aa1 100644
--- a/infinigen/datagen/util/cleanup.py
+++ b/infinigen/datagen/util/cleanup.py
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ def check_delete(filepath):
for file_path in sorted(folder.rglob(file_name_to_del)):
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("folder", type=Path)
diff --git a/infinigen/datagen/util/google_drive_client.py b/infinigen/datagen/util/google_drive_client.py
index 7e3fbd921..e45197150 100644
--- a/infinigen/datagen/util/google_drive_client.py
+++ b/infinigen/datagen/util/google_drive_client.py
@@ -4,20 +4,30 @@
# Authors: Lahav Lipson
-from pathlib import Path
-import subprocess
import os
import shutil
+import subprocess
+from pathlib import Path
def listdir(remote_path):
- stdout = subprocess.check_output(f"{shutil.which('rclone')} lsf infinigen_renders:{remote_path}/".split(), text=True)
+ stdout = subprocess.check_output(
+ f"{shutil.which('rclone')} lsf infinigen_renders:{remote_path}/".split(),
+ text=True,
+ )
return sorted((Path(remote_path) / l) for l in stdout.splitlines())
def download(remote_path, local_folder):
assert os.path.exists(local_folder) and os.path.isdir(local_folder)
dest_path = os.path.join(local_folder, os.path.basename(remote_path))
print(f"Downloading to {dest_path}")
- with Path('/dev/null').open('w') as devnull:
- subprocess.run(f'{shutil.which("rclone")} copy infinigen_renders:{remote_path} {local_folder}/',
- shell=True, check=True, stderr=devnull, stdout=devnull)
- return dest_path
\ No newline at end of file
+ with Path("/dev/null").open("w") as devnull:
+ subprocess.run(
+ f'{shutil.which("rclone")} copy infinigen_renders:{remote_path} {local_folder}/',
+ shell=True,
+ check=True,
+ stderr=devnull,
+ stdout=devnull,
+ )
+ return dest_path
diff --git a/infinigen/datagen/util/show_gpu_table.py b/infinigen/datagen/util/show_gpu_table.py
index dca63f04c..0cf43d8f9 100644
--- a/infinigen/datagen/util/show_gpu_table.py
+++ b/infinigen/datagen/util/show_gpu_table.py
@@ -5,18 +5,19 @@
import re
-import time
import subprocess
-from datetime import datetime
+import time
from collections import defaultdict
+from datetime import datetime
from itertools import chain
from shutil import which
gres_regex = re.compile(".*gpu:([^:]+):([0-9]+).*").fullmatch
cpu_regex = re.compile(".+/([0-9]+)[^/]+").fullmatch
def sinfo():
- sinfo_command = f'/usr/bin/sinfo --Node --format=%12N%22P%C%30G%10m --noheader'
+ sinfo_command = "/usr/bin/sinfo --Node --format=%12N%22P%C%30G%10m --noheader"
while True:
return subprocess.check_output(sinfo_command.split()).decode()
@@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ def sinfo():
print(f"[{current_time_str}] sinfo failed with error:\n{e}")
def get_gpu_nodes():
sinfo_output = sinfo()
gpu_table = {}
@@ -45,22 +47,26 @@ def get_gpu_nodes():
return gpu_table, dict(node_type_lookup), shared_node_mem
# e.g. nodes_with_gpus('gtx_1080', 'k80')
def nodes_with_gpus(*gpu_names):
- if not which('sinfo'):
+ if not which("sinfo"):
return []
if len(gpu_names) == 0:
return []
_, node_type_lookup, _ = get_gpu_nodes()
- return sorted(chain.from_iterable(node_type_lookup.get(n, set()) for n in gpu_names))
+ return sorted(
+ chain.from_iterable(node_type_lookup.get(n, set()) for n in gpu_names)
+ )
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
gpu_table, node_type_lookup, shared_node_mem = get_gpu_nodes()
for group, lookup in gpu_table.items():
print(f"{group.ljust(10)} {dict(lookup)} Total: {sum(lookup.values())}")
- for k,v in sorted(node_type_lookup.items()):
+ for k, v in sorted(node_type_lookup.items()):
print(f"{k.ljust(10)} {','.join(v)}")
diff --git a/infinigen/datagen/util/smb_client.py b/infinigen/datagen/util/smb_client.py
index 8d9932b6d..acd051430 100644
--- a/infinigen/datagen/util/smb_client.py
+++ b/infinigen/datagen/util/smb_client.py
@@ -1,48 +1,47 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Lahav Lipson: everything except noted below
# - Alex Raistrick: dest_folder options, warnings, SMB_AUTH envvar change
-from pathlib import Path
-import subprocess
import argparse
-from itertools import product
-import types
-import os
-import re
import logging
-from multiprocessing import Pool
+import os
+import subprocess
import time
-import sys
+import types
+from itertools import product
+from multiprocessing import Pool
+from pathlib import Path
-import gin
import submitit
from tqdm import tqdm
logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)
if SMB_AUTH_VARNAME not in os.environ:
- f'{SMB_AUTH_VARNAME} envvar is not set, smb_client upload '
- 'will not work. Ignore this message if not using upload'
+ f"{SMB_AUTH_VARNAME} envvar is not set, smb_client upload "
+ "will not work. Ignore this message if not using upload"
def check_exists(folder_path: Path):
folder_path = str(folder_path).strip("/")
return run_command(f"ls {folder_path}", False).returncode == 0
def mkdir(folder_path: Path):
assert isinstance(folder_path, Path)
for path in list(reversed(folder_path.parents))[1:] + [folder_path]:
run_command(f"mkdir {path}")
def upload(local_path: Path, dest_folder: Path):
assert isinstance(local_path, Path) and isinstance(dest_folder, Path)
assert local_path.exists()
@@ -50,18 +49,22 @@ def upload(local_path: Path, dest_folder: Path):
data = run_command(f"put {local_path} {dest_folder / local_path.name}")
assert data.returncode == 0
def pathlib_to_smb(p: Path):
- p = str(p).replace('/', '\\')
- if not p.endswith('\\'):
- p += '\\'
+ p = str(p).replace("/", "\\")
+ if not p.endswith("\\"):
+ p += "\\"
return p
def remove(remote_path: Path):
- run_command(f"recurse ON; cd {pathlib_to_smb(remote_path.parent)}; deltree {remote_path.name}")
+ run_command(
+ f"recurse ON; cd {pathlib_to_smb(remote_path.parent)}; deltree {remote_path.name}"
+ )
-def download(remote_path: Path, dest_folder=None, verbose=False):
- assert ' ' not in str(remote_path), remote_path
+def download(remote_path: Path, dest_folder=None, verbose=False):
+ assert " " not in str(remote_path), remote_path
assert isinstance(remote_path, Path)
if not check_exists(remote_path):
@@ -75,21 +78,21 @@ def download(remote_path: Path, dest_folder=None, verbose=False):
if dest_folder is not None:
dest_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
- statements.append(f'lcd {str(dest_folder)}')
+ statements.append(f"lcd {str(dest_folder)}")
print(f"Downloading {remote_path} to {dest_folder}")
- print(f'Downloading {remote_path} to working directory')
+ print(f"Downloading {remote_path} to working directory")
statements.append(f"mget {remote_path.name}")
- command = str.join('; ', statements)
+ command = str.join("; ", statements)
if verbose:
data = run_command(command, verbose=verbose)
if dest_folder:
- dest_path = dest_folder/remote_path.name
+ dest_path = dest_folder / remote_path.name
dest_path = remote_path.name
@@ -97,38 +100,39 @@ def download(remote_path: Path, dest_folder=None, verbose=False):
return dest_path
-def yield_dirfiles(data, extras, parent):
+def yield_dirfiles(data, extras, parent):
for line in data.splitlines():
- if 'blocks of size' in line:
+ if "blocks of size" in line:
parts = line.split()
if not len(parts):
- if parts[0].startswith('.'):
+ if parts[0].startswith("."):
- parts[0] = parent/parts[0]
+ parts[0] = parent / parts[0]
if extras:
yield parts
yield parts[0]
-def globdir(remote_path: Path, extras=False):
+def globdir(remote_path: Path, extras=False):
remote_path = Path(remote_path)
- assert '*' in remote_path.parts[-1], remote_path
+ assert "*" in remote_path.parts[-1], remote_path
search_path = str(remote_path).strip("/")
- search_path = search_path.replace('/', '\\')
+ search_path = search_path.replace("/", "\\")
- data = run_command_stdout(f'ls {search_path}')
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ data = run_command_stdout(f"ls {search_path}")
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return []
yield from yield_dirfiles(data, extras, parent=remote_path.parent)
def listdir(remote_path: Path, extras=False):
Args: str or Path
@@ -136,39 +140,49 @@ def listdir(remote_path: Path, extras=False):
search_path = str(remote_path).strip("/")
- search_path = search_path.replace('/', '\\')
+ search_path = search_path.replace("/", "\\")
- if '*' in search_path:
- raise ValueError(f'Found \"*\" in {search_path=}, use smb_client.globdir instead')
+ if "*" in search_path:
+ raise ValueError(f'Found "*" in {search_path=}, use smb_client.globdir instead')
if len(search_path) > 0 and not check_exists(search_path):
raise FileNotFoundError(search_path)
- search_path += '\\*'
+ search_path += "\\*"
- data = run_command_stdout(f'ls {search_path}')
+ data = run_command_stdout(f"ls {search_path}")
yield from yield_dirfiles(data, extras, parent=remote_path)
def run_command_stdout(command: str):
smb_str = os.environ[SMB_AUTH_VARNAME]
- return subprocess.check_output(f'smbclient {smb_str} -c "{command}"', text=True, shell=True)
+ return subprocess.check_output(
+ f'smbclient {smb_str} -c "{command}"', text=True, shell=True
+ )
def run_command(command: str, check=True, verbose=False):
smb_str = os.environ[SMB_AUTH_VARNAME]
- with Path('/dev/null').open('w') as devnull:
+ with Path("/dev/null").open("w") as devnull:
outstream = None if verbose else devnull
- return subprocess.run(f'smbclient {smb_str} -c "{command}"',
- shell=True, stderr=outstream, stdout=outstream, check=check)
+ return subprocess.run(
+ f'smbclient {smb_str} -c "{command}"',
+ shell=True,
+ stderr=outstream,
+ stdout=outstream,
+ check=check,
+ )
def list_files_recursive(base_path: Path):
Args: str or Path
Returns [path, ...]
- all_paths=[]
+ all_paths = []
children = listdir(base_path)
for child, is_dir in children:
if is_dir:
@@ -177,6 +191,7 @@ def list_files_recursive(base_path: Path):
return all_paths
def mapfunc(f, its, args):
if args.n_workers == 1:
return [f(i) for i in its]
@@ -184,28 +199,26 @@ def mapfunc(f, its, args):
with Pool(args.n_workers) as p:
return list(tqdm(p.imap(f, its), total=len(its)))
- executor = submitit.AutoExecutor(
- folder=args.local_path/"logs"
- )
+ executor = submitit.AutoExecutor(folder=args.local_path / "logs")
- timeout_min=48*60,
+ timeout_min=48 * 60,
- slurm_partition=os.environ['INFINIGEN_SLURMPARTITION'],
- slurm_array_parallelism=args.n_workers
+ slurm_partition=os.environ["INFINIGEN_SLURMPARTITION"],
+ slurm_array_parallelism=args.n_workers,
executor.map_array(f, its)
-def process_one(p: list[Path]):
+def process_one(p: list[Path]):
res = commands[args.command](*p)
- p_summary = ' '.join(str(pi) for pi in p)
+ p_summary = " ".join(str(pi) for pi in p)
def result(r):
if args.verbose:
- print(f'{args.command} {p_summary}: {r}')
+ print(f"{args.command} {p_summary}: {r}")
@@ -215,65 +228,60 @@ def result(r):
-def resolve_globs(p: Path, args):
+def resolve_globs(p: Path, args):
def resolved(parts):
if any(x in str(p) for x in args.exclude):
- first_glob = next((i for i, pp in enumerate(parts) if '*' in pp), None)
+ first_glob = next((i for i, pp in enumerate(parts) if "*" in pp), None)
if first_glob is None:
yield p
- curr_level = p.parts[:first_glob+1]
- remainder = p.parts[first_glob+1:]
+ curr_level = p.parts[: first_glob + 1]
+ remainder = p.parts[first_glob + 1 :]
for child in globdir(Path(*curr_level)):
- yield from resolve_globs(child/Path(*remainder), args)
+ yield from resolve_globs(child / Path(*remainder), args)
- if args.command == 'glob':
+ if args.command == "glob":
before, after = p.parts[:-1], p.parts[-1:]
for f in resolved(before):
- yield f/Path(*after)
+ yield f / Path(*after)
yield from resolved(p.parts)
commands = {
- 'ls': listdir,
- 'glob': globdir,
- 'rm': remove,
- 'download': download,
- 'upload': upload,
- 'mkdir': mkdir,
- 'exists': check_exists,
+ "ls": listdir,
+ "glob": globdir,
+ "rm": remove,
+ "download": download,
+ "upload": upload,
+ "mkdir": mkdir,
+ "exists": check_exists,
-def main(args):
- n_globs = len([x for x in args.paths if '*' in str(x)])
+def main(args):
+ n_globs = len([x for x in args.paths if "*" in str(x)])
if n_globs > 1:
- raise ValueError(f'{args.paths=} had {n_globs=}, only equipped to handle 1')
+ raise ValueError(f"{args.paths=} had {n_globs=}, only equipped to handle 1")
+ paths = [resolve_globs(p, args) for p in args.paths]
- paths = [
- resolve_globs(p, args)
- for p in args.paths
- ]
targets = list(product(*paths))
mapfunc(process_one, targets, args)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
+if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('command', type=str, choices=list(commands.keys()))
- parser.add_argument('paths', type=Path, nargs='+')
- parser.add_argument('--exclude', type=str, nargs='+', default=[])
- parser.add_argument('--n_workers', type=int, default=1)
- parser.add_argument('--slurm', action='store_true')
- parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument("command", type=str, choices=list(commands.keys()))
+ parser.add_argument("paths", type=Path, nargs="+")
+ parser.add_argument("--exclude", type=str, nargs="+", default=[])
+ parser.add_argument("--n_workers", type=int, default=1)
+ parser.add_argument("--slurm", action="store_true")
+ parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
- main(args)
\ No newline at end of file
+ main(args)
diff --git a/infinigen/datagen/util/submitit_emulator.py b/infinigen/datagen/util/submitit_emulator.py
index 1dcaeaf2f..309f5c425 100644
--- a/infinigen/datagen/util/submitit_emulator.py
+++ b/infinigen/datagen/util/submitit_emulator.py
@@ -1,47 +1,40 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Lahav Lipson - LocalJob
# - Alex Raistrick - Local queue handler
# - David Yan - Bugfix
-import re
-import time
-import sys
-from pathlib import Path
-from dataclasses import dataclass
-import os
-from functools import partial
-import itertools
import copy
-import random
+import itertools
import logging
+import os
+import re
import subprocess
+import sys
+from dataclasses import dataclass
from multiprocessing import Process
-import threading
-import submitit
-import gin
+from pathlib import Path
+from shutil import which
+import gin
import numpy as np
-from shutil import which
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-NVIDIA_SMI_PATH = '/bin/nvidia-smi'
+NVIDIA_SMI_PATH = "/bin/nvidia-smi"
class LocalJob:
job_id: int
process: Process
finalized: bool = False
def status(self):
if self.finalized:
return "COMPLETED"
@@ -66,43 +59,51 @@ def kill(self):
def get_fake_job_id():
# Lahav assures me these will never conflict
return np.random.randint(int(1e10), int(1e11))
-def job_wrapper(func, inner_args, inner_kwargs, stdout_file: Path, stderr_file: Path, cuda_devices=None):
- with stdout_file.open('w') as stdout, stderr_file.open('w') as stderr:
+def job_wrapper(
+ func,
+ inner_args,
+ inner_kwargs,
+ stdout_file: Path,
+ stderr_file: Path,
+ cuda_devices=None,
+ with stdout_file.open("w") as stdout, stderr_file.open("w") as stderr:
sys.stdout = stdout
sys.stderr = stderr
if cuda_devices is not None:
- os.environ[CUDA_VARNAME] = ','.join([str(i) for i in cuda_devices])
+ os.environ[CUDA_VARNAME] = ",".join([str(i) for i in cuda_devices])
- os.environ[CUDA_VARNAME] = ''
+ os.environ[CUDA_VARNAME] = ""
return func(*inner_args, **inner_kwargs)
def launch_local(func, args, kwargs, job_id, log_folder, name, cuda_devices=None):
stderr_file = log_folder / f"{job_id}_0_log.err"
stdout_file = log_folder / f"{job_id}_0_log.out"
- with stdout_file.open('w') as f:
+ with stdout_file.open("w") as f:
f.write(f"{func} {args}\n")
kwargs = dict(
- stdout_file=stdout_file,
- stderr_file=stderr_file,
- cuda_devices=cuda_devices
+ stdout_file=stdout_file,
+ stderr_file=stderr_file,
+ cuda_devices=cuda_devices,
proc = Process(target=job_wrapper, kwargs=kwargs, name=name)
return proc
-class ImmediateLocalExecutor:
+class ImmediateLocalExecutor:
def __init__(self, folder: str):
self.log_folder = Path(folder).resolve()
@@ -110,17 +111,18 @@ def __init__(self, folder: str):
def update_parameters(self, **parameters):
def submit(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
job_id = get_fake_job_id()
- name = self.parameters.get('name', None)
- proc = launch_local(func, args, kwargs, job_id,
- log_folder=self.log_folder, name=name)
+ name = self.parameters.get("name", None)
+ proc = launch_local(
+ func, args, kwargs, job_id, log_folder=self.log_folder, name=name
+ )
return LocalJob(job_id=job_id, process=proc)
class LocalScheduleHandler:
_inst = None
@@ -135,101 +137,104 @@ def __init__(self, jobs_per_gpu=1, use_gpu=True):
self.use_gpu = use_gpu
def enqueue(self, func, args, kwargs, params, log_folder):
job = LocalJob(job_id=get_fake_job_id(), process=None)
job_rec = dict(
- func=func, args=args, kwargs=kwargs,
- params=params,
- job=job, log_folder=log_folder,
- gpu_assignment=None
+ func=func,
+ args=args,
+ kwargs=kwargs,
+ params=params,
+ job=job,
+ log_folder=log_folder,
+ gpu_assignment=None,
return job
def total_resources(self):
resources = {}
if self.use_gpu:
if which(NVIDIA_SMI_PATH) is None:
- raise ValueError(f'LocalScheduleHandler.use_gpu=True yet could not find {NVIDIA_SMI_PATH}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"LocalScheduleHandler.use_gpu=True yet could not find {NVIDIA_SMI_PATH}, "
+ "please use --pipeline_overrides LocalScheduleHandler.use_gpu=False if your machine does not have a supported GPU"
+ )
- result = subprocess.check_output(f'{NVIDIA_SMI_PATH} -L'.split()).decode()
+ result = subprocess.check_output(f"{NVIDIA_SMI_PATH} -L".split()).decode()
gpus_uuids = set(i for i in range(len(result.splitlines())))
if CUDA_VARNAME in os.environ:
- visible = [int(s.strip()) for s in os.environ[CUDA_VARNAME].split(',')]
+ visible = [int(s.strip()) for s in os.environ[CUDA_VARNAME].split(",")]
gpus_uuids = gpus_uuids.intersection(visible)
- logger.debug(f"Restricting to {gpus_uuids=} due to toplevel {CUDA_VARNAME} setting")
+ logger.debug(
+ f"Restricting to {gpus_uuids=} due to toplevel {CUDA_VARNAME} setting"
+ )
+ resources["gpus"] = set(
+ itertools.product(gpus_uuids, range(self.jobs_per_gpu))
+ )
- resources['gpus'] = set(itertools.product(
- gpus_uuids,
- range(self.jobs_per_gpu)
- ))
return resources
def resources_available(self, total):
resources = copy.copy(total)
for job_rec in self.queue:
- if job_rec['job'].status() != 'RUNNING':
+ if job_rec["job"].status() != "RUNNING":
- if (g := job_rec['gpu_assignment']) is not None:
- resources['gpus'] -= g
+ if (g := job_rec["gpu_assignment"]) is not None:
+ resources["gpus"] -= g
return resources
- def poll(self):
+ def poll(self):
total = self.total_resources()
available = self.resources_available(total)
- logger.debug(f'Checked resources, {total=} {available=}')
+ logger.debug(f"Checked resources, {total=} {available=}")
for job_rec in self.queue:
- if job_rec['job'].status() != 'PENDING':
+ if job_rec["job"].status() != "PENDING":
self.attempt_dispatch_job(job_rec, available, total)
- def dispatch(self, job_rec, resources):
+ def dispatch(self, job_rec, resources):
gpu_assignment = resources.get("gpus", None)
if gpu_assignment is None:
gpu_idxs = None
gpu_idxs = [g[0] for g in gpu_assignment]
- job_rec['job'].process = launch_local(
- func=job_rec["func"], args=job_rec["args"], kwargs=job_rec["kwargs"],
- job_id=job_rec["job"].job_id, log_folder=job_rec["log_folder"],
- name=job_rec["params"].get("name", None),
- cuda_devices=gpu_idxs
+ job_rec["job"].process = launch_local(
+ func=job_rec["func"],
+ args=job_rec["args"],
+ kwargs=job_rec["kwargs"],
+ job_id=job_rec["job"].job_id,
+ log_folder=job_rec["log_folder"],
+ name=job_rec["params"].get("name", None),
+ cuda_devices=gpu_idxs,
- job_rec['gpu_assignment'] = gpu_assignment
- def attempt_dispatch_job(self, job_rec, available, total, select_gpus='first'):
- n_gpus = job_rec['params'].get('gpus', 0) or 0
+ job_rec["gpu_assignment"] = gpu_assignment
+ def attempt_dispatch_job(self, job_rec, available, total, select_gpus="first"):
+ n_gpus = job_rec["params"].get("gpus", 0) or 0
if n_gpus == 0 or not self.use_gpu:
return self.dispatch(job_rec, resources={})
- if n_gpus <= len(available['gpus']):
- if select_gpus == 'first':
- gpus = set(itertools.islice(list(available['gpus']), n_gpus))
- elif select_gpus == 'random':
- gpus = set(np.random.choice(list(available['gpus']), n_gpus))
+ if n_gpus <= len(available["gpus"]):
+ if select_gpus == "first":
+ gpus = set(itertools.islice(list(available["gpus"]), n_gpus))
+ elif select_gpus == "random":
+ gpus = set(np.random.choice(list(available["gpus"]), n_gpus))
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized {select_gpus=}')
- available['gpus'] -= gpus
- return self.dispatch(job_rec, resources={'gpus': gpus})
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized {select_gpus=}")
+ available["gpus"] -= gpus
+ return self.dispatch(job_rec, resources={"gpus": gpus})
-class ScheduledLocalExecutor:
+class ScheduledLocalExecutor:
def __init__(self, folder: str):
self.log_folder = Path(folder)
@@ -240,14 +245,18 @@ def update_parameters(self, **parameters):
def submit(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
return LocalScheduleHandler.instance().enqueue(
- func, args, kwargs, params=self.parameters, log_folder=self.log_folder)
+ func, args, kwargs, params=self.parameters, log_folder=self.log_folder
+ )
key: pid
value: command
def get_all_processes():
psef_regex = re.compile(" *([0-9]+) +(.*)").fullmatch
psef_out = subprocess.check_output("ps -e -o pid,cmd --no-headers".split()).decode()
groups = (psef_regex(l).groups() for l in psef_out.splitlines())
- return {int(pid):cmd for pid, cmd in groups}
\ No newline at end of file
+ return {int(pid): cmd for pid, cmd in groups}
diff --git a/infinigen/datagen/util/upload_util.py b/infinigen/datagen/util/upload_util.py
index 7679fec1a..b6040faa9 100644
--- a/infinigen/datagen/util/upload_util.py
+++ b/infinigen/datagen/util/upload_util.py
@@ -1,64 +1,57 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
# - Alexander Raistrick: create_upload_payload, metadata
# - Lahav Lipson: initial version
import argparse
+import json
import os
-from pathlib import Path
import platform
+import shutil
+import subprocess
import tarfile
-import json
-import itertools
import time
from datetime import datetime
-import gin
-from tqdm import tqdm
-import subprocess
-import shutil
+from pathlib import Path
from infinigen.core.util.logging import Suppress
-from . import smb_client, cleanup
+from . import smb_client
- ('frames*/*', 'KEEP'),
- ('logs/*', 'KEEP'),
- ('fine/scene.blend', 'KEEP'),
- ('run_pipeline.sh', 'KEEP'),
- ('coarse/*.txt', 'KEEP'),
- ('coarse/*.csv', 'KEEP'),
- ('coarse/*.json', 'KEEP'),
- ('fine*/*.txt', 'KEEP'),
- ('fine*/*.csv', 'KEEP'),
- ('fine*/*.json', 'KEEP'),
- ('savemesh*', 'DELETE'),
- ('coarse/assets', 'DELETE'),
- ('coarse/scene.blend*', 'DELETE'),
- ('fine*/assets', 'DELETE'),
- ('tmp', 'DELETE'),
- ('*/*.b_displacement.npy', 'DELETE'),
+ ("frames*/*", "KEEP"),
+ ("logs/*", "KEEP"),
+ ("fine/scene.blend", "KEEP"),
+ ("run_pipeline.sh", "KEEP"),
+ ("coarse/*.txt", "KEEP"),
+ ("coarse/*.csv", "KEEP"),
+ ("coarse/*.json", "KEEP"),
+ ("fine*/*.txt", "KEEP"),
+ ("fine*/*.csv", "KEEP"),
+ ("fine*/*.json", "KEEP"),
+ ("savemesh*", "DELETE"),
+ ("coarse/assets", "DELETE"),
+ ("coarse/scene.blend*", "DELETE"),
+ ("fine*/assets", "DELETE"),
+ ("tmp", "DELETE"),
+ ("*/*.b_displacement.npy", "DELETE"),
# These two only show up during/after upload, we just specify them to prevent an error
- ('*_thumbnail.png', 'KEEP'),
- ('*_metadata.json', 'KEEP'),
+ ("*_thumbnail.png", "KEEP"),
+ ("*_metadata.json", "KEEP"),
-def check_files_covered(scene_folder, manifest):
+def check_files_covered(scene_folder, manifest):
covered = set()
for glob, _ in UPLOAD_MANIFEST:
covered |= set(scene_folder.glob(glob))
- extant = set(scene_folder.glob('*'))
+ extant = set(scene_folder.glob("*"))
not_covered = extant - covered
@@ -66,39 +59,40 @@ def check_files_covered(scene_folder, manifest):
if len(not_covered) == 0:
raise ValueError(
- f'{scene_folder=} had {not_covered=}. Please modify {__file__}.UPLOAD_MANIFEST'
- ' to explicitly say whether you want these files to be deleted or included in the final tarball'
+ f"{scene_folder=} had {not_covered=}. Please modify {__file__}.UPLOAD_MANIFEST"
+ " to explicitly say whether you want these files to be deleted or included in the final tarball"
def apply_manifest_cleanup(scene_folder, manifest):
check_files_covered(scene_folder, manifest)
keep = set()
delete = set()
for glob, action in manifest:
affected = set()
for p in scene_folder.glob(glob):
if p.is_dir():
affected |= set(p.rglob("*"))
- print(f'{glob=} {action=} matched {len(affected)=}')
+ print(f"{glob=} {action=} matched {len(affected)=}")
- if action == 'KEEP':
+ if action == "KEEP":
keep |= affected
- elif action == 'KEEP_MANDATORY':
+ elif action == "KEEP_MANDATORY":
if len(affected) == 0:
- raise ValueError(f'In {apply_manifest_cleanup.__name__} {glob=} had {action=} but failed to match any files')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"In {apply_manifest_cleanup.__name__} {glob=} had {action=} but failed to match any files"
+ )
keep |= affected
- elif action == 'DELETE':
+ elif action == "DELETE":
delete |= set(affected) - keep
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized {action=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized {action=}")
assert delete.isdisjoint(keep)
@@ -110,24 +104,27 @@ def apply_manifest_cleanup(scene_folder, manifest):
for f in delete:
if not f.exists() or not f.is_dir():
- if len([f1 for f1 in f.rglob('*') if not f.is_dir()]) == 0:
+ if len([f1 for f1 in f.rglob("*") if not f.is_dir()]) == 0:
-def rclone_upload_file(src_file, dst_folder):
+def rclone_upload_file(src_file, dst_folder):
prefix = os.environ.get(RCLONE_PREFIX_ENVVAR)
if prefix is None:
- raise ValueError(f'Please specify envvar {RCLONE_PREFIX_ENVVAR}')
- if ':' not in prefix:
- raise ValueError(f'Rclone prefix must contain ":" to separate remote from path prefix')
+ raise ValueError(f"Please specify envvar {RCLONE_PREFIX_ENVVAR}")
+ if ":" not in prefix:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Rclone prefix must contain ":" to separate remote from path prefix'
+ )
assert os.path.exists(src_file), src_file
cmd = f"{shutil.which('rclone')} copy -P {src_file} {prefix}{dst_folder}"
print(f"Uploaded {src_file}")
def get_commit_hash():
- git = shutil.which('git')
+ git = shutil.which("git")
if git is None:
return None
@@ -137,93 +134,94 @@ def get_commit_hash():
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return None
def write_metadata(parent_folder, seed, all_images):
version = (parent_folder / "coarse" / "version.txt").read_text().splitlines()[0]
except FileNotFoundError:
version = None
metadata = {
- 'original_directory': str(parent_folder.resolve()),
- 'user': os.environ['USER'],
- 'node': platform.node().split('.')[0],
- 'timestamp': time.time(),
- 'datetime': datetime.now().strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S"),
- 'version': version,
- 'commit': get_commit_hash(),
- 'n_frames': len(all_images)
+ "original_directory": str(parent_folder.resolve()),
+ "user": os.environ["USER"],
+ "node": platform.node().split(".")[0],
+ "timestamp": time.time(),
+ "datetime": datetime.now().strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S"),
+ "version": version,
+ "commit": get_commit_hash(),
+ "n_frames": len(all_images),
- metadata_path = parent_folder/f'{seed}_metadata.json'
- with metadata_path.open('w') as f:
+ metadata_path = parent_folder / f"{seed}_metadata.json"
+ with metadata_path.open("w") as f:
json.dump(metadata, f, indent=4)
return metadata_path
def write_thumbnail(parent_folder, seed, all_images):
if len(all_images) > 0:
- thumb_path = parent_folder/f'{seed}_thumbnail.png'
+ thumb_path = parent_folder / f"{seed}_thumbnail.png"
shutil.copyfile(all_images[0], thumb_path)
- thumb_path = None
+ thumb_path = None
return thumb_path
def create_tarball(parent_folder):
- tar_path = parent_folder.with_suffix('.tar.gz')
+ tar_path = parent_folder.with_suffix(".tar.gz")
print(f"Tarring {parent_folder} to {tar_path}")
with tarfile.open(tar_path, "w:gz") as tar:
tar.add(parent_folder, os.path.sep)
assert tar_path.exists()
return tar_path
-def get_upload_func(method='smbclient'):
- if method == 'rclone':
+def get_upload_func(method="smbclient"):
+ if method == "rclone":
return rclone_upload_file
- elif method == 'smbclient':
+ elif method == "smbclient":
return smb_client.upload
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized {method=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized {method=}")
def get_upload_destfolder(job_folder):
- return Path('infinigen')/'renders'/job_folder.name
+ return Path("infinigen") / "renders" / job_folder.name
# DO NOT make gin.configurable
# this function gets submitted via pickle in some settings, and gin args are not preserved
def upload_job_folder(
- parent_folder,
- task_uniqname,
- dir_prefix_len=0,
- method='smbclient'
+ parent_folder, task_uniqname, dir_prefix_len=0, method="smbclient"
parent_folder = Path(parent_folder)
seed = parent_folder.name
- print(f'Performing cleanup on {parent_folder}')
+ print(f"Performing cleanup on {parent_folder}")
apply_manifest_cleanup(parent_folder, UPLOAD_MANIFEST)
upload_func = get_upload_func(method)
upload_dest_folder = get_upload_destfolder(parent_folder.parent)
if dir_prefix_len > 0:
- upload_dest_folder = upload_dest_folder/parent_folder.name[:dir_prefix_len]
+ upload_dest_folder = upload_dest_folder / parent_folder.name[:dir_prefix_len]
all_images = sorted(list(parent_folder.rglob("**/Image*.png")))
upload_paths = [
write_thumbnail(parent_folder, seed, all_images),
write_metadata(parent_folder, seed, all_images),
- create_tarball(parent_folder)
+ create_tarball(parent_folder),
- orig_fine_path = parent_folder/'fine'/'scene.blend'
+ orig_fine_path = parent_folder / "fine" / "scene.blend"
if orig_fine_path.exists():
- dest_fine_path = parent_folder.parent / f'{seed}_fine.blend'
+ dest_fine_path = parent_folder.parent / f"{seed}_fine.blend"
shutil.move(orig_fine_path, dest_fine_path)
for f in upload_paths:
if f is None:
@@ -232,10 +230,11 @@ def upload_job_folder(
(parent_folder / "logs" / f"FINISH_{task_uniqname}").touch()
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('parent_folder', type=Path)
- parser.add_argument('task_uniqname', type=str)
+ parser.add_argument("parent_folder", type=Path)
+ parser.add_argument("task_uniqname", type=str)
args = parser.parse_args()
- upload_job_folder(args.parent_folder, args.task_uniqname)
\ No newline at end of file
+ upload_job_folder(args.parent_folder, args.task_uniqname)
diff --git a/infinigen/launch_blender.py b/infinigen/launch_blender.py
index 11db8205d..56fd83305 100644
--- a/infinigen/launch_blender.py
+++ b/infinigen/launch_blender.py
@@ -4,71 +4,65 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import subprocess
import argparse
+import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
root = Path(__file__).parent.parent
- root/"blender/blender",
- root/"Blender.app/Contents/MacOS/Blender"
+ root / "blender/blender",
+ root / "Blender.app/Contents/MacOS/Blender",
-IMPORT_INFINIGEN_SCRIPT = root/'infinigen/tools/blendscript_import_infinigen.py'
-APPEND_SYSPATH_SCRIPT = root/'infinigen/tools/blendscript_path_append.py'
+IMPORT_INFINIGEN_SCRIPT = root / "infinigen/tools/blendscript_import_infinigen.py"
+APPEND_SYSPATH_SCRIPT = root / "infinigen/tools/blendscript_path_append.py"
- '-noaudio',
- '--background',
+ "-noaudio",
+ "--background",
def get_standalone_blender_path():
return next(x for x in BLENDER_BINARY_RELATIVE if x.exists())
except StopIteration:
raise ValueError(
"Could not find blender binary - please check you have completed "
- "'Infinigen as a Blender-Python script' section of docs/Installation.md"
+ "'Infinigen as a Blender-Python script' section of docs/Installation.md"
f" and that one of {BLENDER_BINARY_RELATIVE} exists"
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('-m', '--module', type=str, default=None)
- parser.add_argument('-s', '--script', type=str, default=None)
+ parser.add_argument("-m", "--module", type=str, default=None)
+ parser.add_argument("-s", "--script", type=str, default=None)
args, unknown_args = parser.parse_known_args()
cmd_args = [str(get_standalone_blender_path())]
if args.module is not None:
cmd_args += HEADLESS_ARGS
- cmd_args += [
- '--python',
- ]
+ cmd_args += ["--python", str(APPEND_SYSPATH_SCRIPT)]
- relpath = '/'.join(args.module.split('.')) + '.py'
- path = root/relpath
+ relpath = "/".join(args.module.split(".")) + ".py"
+ path = root / relpath
if not path.exists():
- raise FileNotFoundError(f'Could not find python script {path}')
- cmd_args += ['--python', str(path)]
+ raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find python script {path}")
+ cmd_args += ["--python", str(path)]
elif args.script is not None:
- cmd_args += HEADLESS_ARGS + ['--python', args.script]
+ cmd_args += HEADLESS_ARGS + ["--python", args.script]
- cmd_args += [
- '--python',
- ]
+ cmd_args += ["--python", str(IMPORT_INFINIGEN_SCRIPT)]
if len(unknown_args):
cmd_args += unknown_args
- print(' '.join(cmd_args))
+ print(" ".join(cmd_args))
- subprocess.run(cmd_args, cwd=root)
\ No newline at end of file
+ subprocess.run(cmd_args, cwd=root)
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/__init__.py b/infinigen/terrain/__init__.py
index bba71c859..5afd8b41c 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/__init__.py
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
# Authors: Zeyu Ma
-from .core import Terrain, hidden_in_viewport
\ No newline at end of file
+from .core import Terrain, hidden_in_viewport
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/assets/caves/__init__.py b/infinigen/terrain/assets/caves/__init__.py
index 7578e4700..13f8f332b 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/assets/caves/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/assets/caves/__init__.py
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
# Authors: Zeyu Ma
-from .core import caves_asset, assets_to_data
\ No newline at end of file
+from .core import assets_to_data, caves_asset
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/assets/caves/core.py b/infinigen/terrain/assets/caves/core.py
index f42ebb1f8..fdb400827 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/assets/caves/core.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/assets/caves/core.py
@@ -4,18 +4,15 @@
# Authors: Lahav Lipson, Zeyu Ma
-from pathlib import Path
import bpy
import gin
import numpy as np
from numpy import ascontiguousarray as AC
import infinigen.terrain.mesh_to_sdf as mesh_to_sdf
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import Mesh
from infinigen.core.util.blender import SelectObjects, ViewportMode
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.core.util.organization import AssetFile
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import Mesh
from .geometry_utils import increment_step, pitch_up, yaw_clockwise
from .pcfg import generate_string
@@ -23,105 +20,103 @@
def get_all_verts():
if bpy.ops.mesh.select_all.poll():
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT')
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="DESELECT")
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
return bpy.context.active_object.data.vertices
def select_vert(idx: int):
assert idx >= 0
obj = bpy.context.active_object
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT')
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="DESELECT")
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
# assert False, [len(bpy.context.active_object.data.vertices), len(get_all_verts())]
- assert idx < len(
- obj.data.vertices), f"There are only {len(obj.data.vertices)} {len(get_all_verts())} verts, cannot select {idx}"
+ assert (
+ idx < len(obj.data.vertices)
+ ), f"There are only {len(obj.data.vertices)} {len(get_all_verts())} verts, cannot select {idx}"
obj.data.vertices[idx].select = True
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
def move_forward(current_dir):
assert type(current_dir) == np.ndarray and current_dir.size == 3
- bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_region_move(
- TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": current_dir})
+ bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_region_move(TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": current_dir})
-def trace_string(symbols, num_verts=1, current_idx=-1, current_dir=(0.5, 0., 0.)):
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
+def trace_string(symbols, num_verts=1, current_idx=-1, current_dir=(0.5, 0.0, 0.0)):
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
current_dir = np.array(current_dir).flatten()
angle_magnitude = 15
while len(symbols) > 0:
symbol = symbols.pop(0)
- if symbol == 'f':
+ if symbol == "f":
num_verts += 1
current_idx = num_verts - 1
- elif symbol == 'r':
+ elif symbol == "r":
current_dir = yaw_clockwise(current_dir, angle_magnitude)
- elif symbol == 'l':
+ elif symbol == "l":
current_dir = yaw_clockwise(current_dir, -angle_magnitude)
- elif symbol == 'u':
+ elif symbol == "u":
current_dir = pitch_up(current_dir, angle_magnitude)
- elif symbol == 'd':
+ elif symbol == "d":
current_dir = pitch_up(current_dir, -angle_magnitude)
- elif symbol == 'o':
+ elif symbol == "o":
angle_magnitude += 15
- elif symbol == 'a':
+ elif symbol == "a":
angle_magnitude -= 15
- elif symbol == 'b':
+ elif symbol == "b":
current_dir = increment_step(current_dir, 1)
- elif symbol == 's':
+ elif symbol == "s":
current_dir = increment_step(current_dir, -1)
- elif symbol == 'n': # do nothing
+ elif symbol == "n": # do nothing
- elif symbol == '[':
- num_verts = trace_string(
- symbols, num_verts, current_idx, current_dir)
+ elif symbol == "[":
+ num_verts = trace_string(symbols, num_verts, current_idx, current_dir)
- elif symbol == ']':
+ elif symbol == "]":
return num_verts
raise Exception(f"Symbol not defined: {symbol}")
- if symbol in list('rlud'):
+ if symbol in list("rlud"):
angle_magnitude = 15
class Cave:
def scale_verts(self, random_scaling_factor=0.0): # 0.8 is a good number
assert random_scaling_factor >= 0.0
vertices = get_all_verts()
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
obj = bpy.context.active_object
- radii = 2*np.ones((len(vertices), 2))
- urn = np.random.rand(*radii.shape)*2 - 1
+ radii = 2 * np.ones((len(vertices), 2))
+ urn = np.random.rand(*radii.shape) * 2 - 1
radii *= np.exp(urn * random_scaling_factor)
assert radii.min() > 0.05
- obj.data.skin_vertices[0].data.foreach_set('radius', radii.flatten())
+ obj.data.skin_vertices[0].data.foreach_set("radius", radii.flatten())
def add_subdivision(self, name: str, levels: int):
assert name not in self.modifier_stack
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
- bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='SUBSURF')
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
+ bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type="SUBSURF")
bpy.context.object.modifiers["Subdivision"].name = name
bpy.context.object.modifiers[name].levels = levels
def remesh(self, name: str, voxel_size: float):
assert name not in self.modifier_stack
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
- bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='REMESH')
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
+ bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type="REMESH")
bpy.context.object.modifiers["Remesh"].name = name
bpy.context.object.modifiers[name].voxel_size = voxel_size
def add_skin(self):
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='SKIN')
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type="SKIN")
def apply_modifiers(self):
@@ -131,19 +126,18 @@ def apply_modifiers(self):
def add_to_collection(self, name):
if bpy.data.collections.get(name) is None:
- bpy.context.scene.collection.children.link(
- bpy.data.collections[name])
+ bpy.context.scene.collection.children.link(bpy.data.collections[name])
obj = bpy.context.active_object
def add_lights(self, num_lights, power=100):
for single_vert in self.path_verts[:num_lights]:
# print("LIGHT AT", single_vert)
- type='POINT', align='WORLD', location=single_vert, scale=(1, 1, 1))
+ type="POINT", align="WORLD", location=single_vert, scale=(1, 1, 1)
+ )
bpy.context.object.data.energy = power
@@ -158,13 +152,10 @@ def __init__(self, name="Cave") -> None:
bpy.context.active_object.name = name
generated_string = generate_string(max_len=5000)
# print(f"Using String", ''.join(generated_string))
- trace_string(['f']*2 + generated_string)
+ trace_string(["f"] * 2 + generated_string)
-def add_cave(
- rescale,
- cave_z
+def add_cave(rescale, cave_z):
cave = Cave("Cave")
@@ -173,13 +164,14 @@ def add_cave(
with SelectObjects(bpy.data.objects["Cave"]):
bpy.data.objects["Cave"].scale = (rescale, rescale, rescale)
- bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type='ORIGIN_GEOMETRY', center='MEDIAN')
+ bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type="ORIGIN_GEOMETRY", center="MEDIAN")
bpy.data.objects["Cave"].location = (0, 0, cave_z)
cave.path_verts = np.array([v.co for v in get_all_verts()])
# cave.add_lights(n_cave_light)
return cave
def caves_asset(
@@ -190,14 +182,14 @@ def caves_asset(
name = "Cave"
obj = bpy.data.objects[name]
with ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(quad_method='BEAUTY', ngon_method='BEAUTY')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(quad_method="BEAUTY", ngon_method="BEAUTY")
bounding_box = np.array([v[:] for v in obj.bound_box])
min_gen, max_gen = [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]
for j in range(3):
- min_gen[j], max_gen[j] = bounding_box[:, j].min(), bounding_box[:,j].max()
+ min_gen[j], max_gen[j] = bounding_box[:, j].min(), bounding_box[:, j].max()
bounding_box = np.array([min_gen, max_gen])
- dim = (bounding_box[1] - bounding_box[0])
+ dim = bounding_box[1] - bounding_box[0]
bounding_box[0] -= dim / 4
bounding_box[1] += dim / 4
cave_mesh = Mesh(obj=obj).to_trimesh()
@@ -211,15 +203,18 @@ def caves_asset(
query_points[:, j, :, 1] = y[j]
query_points[:, :, j, 2] = z[j]
query_points = query_points.reshape(-1, 3)
- voxels = mesh_to_sdf.mesh_to_sdf(cave_mesh, query_points, surface_point_method='sample').reshape((N, N, N))
- np.save(folder/"occupancy.npy", voxels)
- np.save(folder/"boundingbox.npy", bounding_box)
+ voxels = mesh_to_sdf.mesh_to_sdf(
+ cave_mesh, query_points, surface_point_method="sample"
+ ).reshape((N, N, N))
+ np.save(folder / "occupancy.npy", voxels)
+ np.save(folder / "boundingbox.npy", bounding_box)
(folder / AssetFile.Finish).touch()
def assets_to_data(folder):
data = {}
- occupancies = np.load(folder/"occupancy.npy")
+ occupancies = np.load(folder / "occupancy.npy")
N = occupancies.shape[0]
data["occupancy"] = AC(occupancies.reshape(-1))
- data["bounding_box"] = AC(np.load(folder/"boundingbox.npy").reshape(-1))
- return N, data
\ No newline at end of file
+ data["bounding_box"] = AC(np.load(folder / "boundingbox.npy").reshape(-1))
+ return N, data
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/assets/caves/geometry_utils.py b/infinigen/terrain/assets/caves/geometry_utils.py
index c9dc7a4d6..c81b6e415 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/assets/caves/geometry_utils.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/assets/caves/geometry_utils.py
@@ -32,5 +32,5 @@ def pitch_up(current_dir, angle_magnitude):
def increment_step(current_dir, amount):
mag = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(current_dir, 2)))
unit_dir = current_dir / mag
- output = current_dir + unit_dir*amount
+ output = current_dir + unit_dir * amount
return output if np.sum(np.power(output, 2)) > 0 else current_dir
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/assets/caves/pcfg.py b/infinigen/terrain/assets/caves/pcfg.py
index e1d04800e..1518b3f16 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/assets/caves/pcfg.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/assets/caves/pcfg.py
@@ -4,19 +4,17 @@
# Authors: Lahav Lipson
-import os
-from random import random
-import numpy as np
-from pathlib import Path
-from collections import defaultdict
import re
-import time
+from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import chain
+from pathlib import Path
-CONFIG_FILE = Path(__file__).parent/'cfg.txt'
+import numpy as np
+CONFIG_FILE = Path(__file__).parent / "cfg.txt"
assert CONFIG_FILE.exists(), CONFIG_FILE.resolve()
def create_pcfg():
@@ -27,38 +25,39 @@ def create_pcfg():
regex = rule.fullmatch(line)
if regex is not None and len(regex.groups()) == 3:
LHS, prob, RHS = regex.groups()
- PCFG[LHS]['a'].append(RHS)
- PCFG[LHS]['p'].append(float(prob))
+ PCFG[LHS]["a"].append(RHS)
+ PCFG[LHS]["p"].append(float(prob))
for k, v in PCFG.items():
- assert abs(np.sum(v['p'])-1) < 1e-4, (k, v['p'])
+ assert abs(np.sum(v["p"]) - 1) < 1e-4, (k, v["p"])
return dict(PCFG)
def generate_string(max_len=10000):
PCFG = create_pcfg()
# print(f"PCFG Keys: {' '.join(list(PCFG.keys()))}")
- def expand(s): return list(np.random.choice(
- **PCFG[s]).split()) if (s in PCFG) else s
+ def expand(s):
+ return list(np.random.choice(**PCFG[s]).split()) if (s in PCFG) else s
- def terminate_expand(s): return ['n'] if (s in PCFG) else s
+ def terminate_expand(s):
+ return ["n"] if (s in PCFG) else s
for steps in range(1000):
symbols = list(chain(*map(expand, symbols)))
- assert all([(type(e) == str) for e in symbols])
+ assert all([isinstance(e, str) for e in symbols])
if not any((s in PCFG for s in symbols)) and len(symbols) < max_len:
if len(symbols) >= max_len:
# print(f"Done making symbols. There are {len(symbols)}")
symbols = list(chain(*map(terminate_expand, symbols)))
- assert 'P' not in symbols, terminate_expand('P')
+ assert "P" not in symbols, terminate_expand("P")
return symbols
raise Exception("Too many steps")
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/assets/landtiles/ant_landscape.py b/infinigen/terrain/assets/landtiles/ant_landscape.py
index e20f44316..4662950b8 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/assets/landtiles/ant_landscape.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/assets/landtiles/ant_landscape.py
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@
import bpy
import cv2
-import numpy as np
import gin
+import numpy as np
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import AssetFile, LandTile
from infinigen.terrain.land_process.erosion import run_erosion
from infinigen.terrain.land_process.snowfall import run_snowfall
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import smooth, random_nat
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import AssetFile, LandTile
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import random_nat, smooth
def create(
@@ -23,25 +23,393 @@ def create(
def presets(**kwargs):
- bpy.ops.mesh.landscape_add(ant_terrain_name="Landscape", land_material="", water_material="", texture_block="", at_cursor=True, smooth_mesh=True, tri_face=False, sphere_mesh=False, subdivision_x=subdivision_x, subdivision_y=subdivision_y, mesh_size=2, mesh_size_x=2, mesh_size_y=2, random_seed=random_nat(), water_plane=False, water_level=0.01, remove_double=False, show_main_settings=True, show_noise_settings=True, show_displace_settings=True, refresh=True, auto_refresh=True, **kwargs)
+ bpy.ops.mesh.landscape_add(
+ ant_terrain_name="Landscape",
+ land_material="",
+ water_material="",
+ texture_block="",
+ at_cursor=True,
+ smooth_mesh=True,
+ tri_face=False,
+ sphere_mesh=False,
+ subdivision_x=subdivision_x,
+ subdivision_y=subdivision_y,
+ mesh_size=2,
+ mesh_size_x=2,
+ mesh_size_y=2,
+ random_seed=random_nat(),
+ water_plane=False,
+ water_level=0.01,
+ remove_double=False,
+ show_main_settings=True,
+ show_noise_settings=True,
+ show_displace_settings=True,
+ refresh=True,
+ auto_refresh=True,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
if preset_name == LandTile.Canyon:
strata = np.random.randint(6, 12)
- presets(noise_offset_x=0, noise_offset_y=-0.25, noise_offset_z=0, noise_size_x=1, noise_size_y=1.25, noise_size_z=1, noise_size=1.5, noise_type='marble_noise', basis_type='BLENDER', vl_basis_type='BLENDER', distortion=2, hard_noise='1', noise_depth=12, amplitude=0.5, frequency=2, dimension=1, lacunarity=2, offset=1, gain=1, marble_bias='0', marble_sharp='0', marble_shape='4', height=0.6, height_invert=False, height_offset=0, fx_mixfactor=0, fx_mix_mode='8', fx_type='20', fx_bias='0', fx_turb=0, fx_depth=3, fx_amplitude=0.5, fx_frequency=1.65, fx_size=1.5, fx_loc_x=3, fx_loc_y=2, fx_height=0.25, fx_invert=False, fx_offset=0.05, edge_falloff='2', falloff_x=4, falloff_y=4, edge_level=0.15, maximum=0.5, minimum=-0.2, vert_group="", strata=strata, strata_type='2')
+ presets(
+ noise_offset_x=0,
+ noise_offset_y=-0.25,
+ noise_offset_z=0,
+ noise_size_x=1,
+ noise_size_y=1.25,
+ noise_size_z=1,
+ noise_size=1.5,
+ noise_type="marble_noise",
+ basis_type="BLENDER",
+ vl_basis_type="BLENDER",
+ distortion=2,
+ hard_noise="1",
+ noise_depth=12,
+ amplitude=0.5,
+ frequency=2,
+ dimension=1,
+ lacunarity=2,
+ offset=1,
+ gain=1,
+ marble_bias="0",
+ marble_sharp="0",
+ marble_shape="4",
+ height=0.6,
+ height_invert=False,
+ height_offset=0,
+ fx_mixfactor=0,
+ fx_mix_mode="8",
+ fx_type="20",
+ fx_bias="0",
+ fx_turb=0,
+ fx_depth=3,
+ fx_amplitude=0.5,
+ fx_frequency=1.65,
+ fx_size=1.5,
+ fx_loc_x=3,
+ fx_loc_y=2,
+ fx_height=0.25,
+ fx_invert=False,
+ fx_offset=0.05,
+ edge_falloff="2",
+ falloff_x=4,
+ falloff_y=4,
+ edge_level=0.15,
+ maximum=0.5,
+ minimum=-0.2,
+ vert_group="",
+ strata=strata,
+ strata_type="2",
+ )
elif preset_name == LandTile.Canyons:
strata = np.random.randint(2, 8)
- presets(noise_offset_x=0, noise_offset_y=0, noise_offset_z=0, noise_size_x=1, noise_size_y=1, noise_size_z=1, noise_size=0.5, noise_type='hetero_terrain', basis_type='PERLIN_NEW', vl_basis_type='CELLNOISE', distortion=1, hard_noise='0', noise_depth=8, amplitude=0.5, frequency=2, dimension=1.09, lacunarity=1.86, offset=0.77, gain=2, marble_bias='1', marble_sharp='0', marble_shape='7', height=0.5, height_invert=False, height_offset=-0, fx_mixfactor=0, fx_mix_mode='0', fx_type='0', fx_bias='0', fx_turb=0, fx_depth=0, fx_amplitude=0.5, fx_frequency=2, fx_size=1, fx_loc_x=0, fx_loc_y=0, fx_height=0.5, fx_invert=False, fx_offset=0, edge_falloff='3', falloff_x=8, falloff_y=8, edge_level=0, maximum=0.5, minimum=-0.5, vert_group="", strata=strata, strata_type='2')
+ presets(
+ noise_offset_x=0,
+ noise_offset_y=0,
+ noise_offset_z=0,
+ noise_size_x=1,
+ noise_size_y=1,
+ noise_size_z=1,
+ noise_size=0.5,
+ noise_type="hetero_terrain",
+ basis_type="PERLIN_NEW",
+ vl_basis_type="CELLNOISE",
+ distortion=1,
+ hard_noise="0",
+ noise_depth=8,
+ amplitude=0.5,
+ frequency=2,
+ dimension=1.09,
+ lacunarity=1.86,
+ offset=0.77,
+ gain=2,
+ marble_bias="1",
+ marble_sharp="0",
+ marble_shape="7",
+ height=0.5,
+ height_invert=False,
+ height_offset=-0,
+ fx_mixfactor=0,
+ fx_mix_mode="0",
+ fx_type="0",
+ fx_bias="0",
+ fx_turb=0,
+ fx_depth=0,
+ fx_amplitude=0.5,
+ fx_frequency=2,
+ fx_size=1,
+ fx_loc_x=0,
+ fx_loc_y=0,
+ fx_height=0.5,
+ fx_invert=False,
+ fx_offset=0,
+ edge_falloff="3",
+ falloff_x=8,
+ falloff_y=8,
+ edge_level=0,
+ maximum=0.5,
+ minimum=-0.5,
+ vert_group="",
+ strata=strata,
+ strata_type="2",
+ )
elif preset_name == LandTile.Cliff:
- presets(noise_offset_x=0, noise_offset_y=-0.88, noise_offset_z=3.72529e-09, noise_size_x=2, noise_size_y=2, noise_size_z=1, noise_size=1, noise_type='marble_noise', basis_type='VORONOI_F2F1', vl_basis_type='BLENDER', distortion=0.5, hard_noise='0', noise_depth=7, amplitude=0.5, frequency=2, dimension=1, lacunarity=2, offset=1, gain=1, marble_bias='0', marble_sharp='0', marble_shape='6', height=1.8, height_invert=False, height_offset=-0.15, fx_mixfactor=0, fx_mix_mode='0', fx_type='0', fx_bias='0', fx_turb=0, fx_depth=0, fx_amplitude=0.5, fx_frequency=2, fx_size=1, fx_loc_x=0, fx_loc_y=0, fx_height=0.5, fx_invert=False, fx_offset=0, edge_falloff='0', falloff_x=25, falloff_y=25, edge_level=0, maximum=1.25, minimum=0, vert_group="", strata=11, strata_type='0')
+ presets(
+ noise_offset_x=0,
+ noise_offset_y=-0.88,
+ noise_offset_z=3.72529e-09,
+ noise_size_x=2,
+ noise_size_y=2,
+ noise_size_z=1,
+ noise_size=1,
+ noise_type="marble_noise",
+ basis_type="VORONOI_F2F1",
+ vl_basis_type="BLENDER",
+ distortion=0.5,
+ hard_noise="0",
+ noise_depth=7,
+ amplitude=0.5,
+ frequency=2,
+ dimension=1,
+ lacunarity=2,
+ offset=1,
+ gain=1,
+ marble_bias="0",
+ marble_sharp="0",
+ marble_shape="6",
+ height=1.8,
+ height_invert=False,
+ height_offset=-0.15,
+ fx_mixfactor=0,
+ fx_mix_mode="0",
+ fx_type="0",
+ fx_bias="0",
+ fx_turb=0,
+ fx_depth=0,
+ fx_amplitude=0.5,
+ fx_frequency=2,
+ fx_size=1,
+ fx_loc_x=0,
+ fx_loc_y=0,
+ fx_height=0.5,
+ fx_invert=False,
+ fx_offset=0,
+ edge_falloff="0",
+ falloff_x=25,
+ falloff_y=25,
+ edge_level=0,
+ maximum=1.25,
+ minimum=0,
+ vert_group="",
+ strata=11,
+ strata_type="0",
+ )
elif preset_name == LandTile.Mesa:
noise_size = np.random.uniform(0.5, 1)
- presets(noise_offset_x=0, noise_offset_y=0, noise_offset_z=0, noise_size_x=1, noise_size_y=1, noise_size_z=1, noise_size=noise_size, noise_type='shattered_hterrain', basis_type='VORONOI_F1', vl_basis_type='VORONOI_F2F1', distortion=1.15, hard_noise='1', noise_depth=8, amplitude=0.4, frequency=2, dimension=1, lacunarity=2, offset=1, gain=4, marble_bias='0', marble_sharp='0', marble_shape='0', height=0.5, height_invert=False, height_offset=0.2, fx_mixfactor=0, fx_mix_mode='0', fx_type='0', fx_bias='0', fx_turb=0, fx_depth=0, fx_amplitude=0.5, fx_frequency=1.5, fx_size=1, fx_loc_x=0, fx_loc_y=0, fx_height=0.5, fx_invert=False, fx_offset=0, edge_falloff='3', falloff_x=3, falloff_y=3, edge_level=0, maximum=0.25, minimum=0, vert_group="", strata=2.25, strata_type='2')
+ presets(
+ noise_offset_x=0,
+ noise_offset_y=0,
+ noise_offset_z=0,
+ noise_size_x=1,
+ noise_size_y=1,
+ noise_size_z=1,
+ noise_size=noise_size,
+ noise_type="shattered_hterrain",
+ basis_type="VORONOI_F1",
+ vl_basis_type="VORONOI_F2F1",
+ distortion=1.15,
+ hard_noise="1",
+ noise_depth=8,
+ amplitude=0.4,
+ frequency=2,
+ dimension=1,
+ lacunarity=2,
+ offset=1,
+ gain=4,
+ marble_bias="0",
+ marble_sharp="0",
+ marble_shape="0",
+ height=0.5,
+ height_invert=False,
+ height_offset=0.2,
+ fx_mixfactor=0,
+ fx_mix_mode="0",
+ fx_type="0",
+ fx_bias="0",
+ fx_turb=0,
+ fx_depth=0,
+ fx_amplitude=0.5,
+ fx_frequency=1.5,
+ fx_size=1,
+ fx_loc_x=0,
+ fx_loc_y=0,
+ fx_height=0.5,
+ fx_invert=False,
+ fx_offset=0,
+ edge_falloff="3",
+ falloff_x=3,
+ falloff_y=3,
+ edge_level=0,
+ maximum=0.25,
+ minimum=0,
+ vert_group="",
+ strata=2.25,
+ strata_type="2",
+ )
elif preset_name == LandTile.River:
- presets(noise_offset_x=0, noise_offset_y=0, noise_offset_z=0, noise_size_x=1, noise_size_y=1, noise_size_z=1, noise_size=1, noise_type='marble_noise', basis_type='BLENDER', vl_basis_type='BLENDER', distortion=1, hard_noise='0', noise_depth=8, amplitude=0.5, frequency=2, dimension=1, lacunarity=2, offset=1, gain=1, marble_bias='2', marble_sharp='0', marble_shape='7', height=0.2, height_invert=False, height_offset=0, fx_mixfactor=0, fx_mix_mode='0', fx_type='0', fx_bias='0', fx_turb=0, fx_depth=0, fx_amplitude=0.5, fx_frequency=1.5, fx_size=1, fx_loc_x=0, fx_loc_y=0, fx_height=0.5, fx_invert=False, fx_offset=0, edge_falloff='0', falloff_x=40, falloff_y=40, edge_level=0, maximum=0.5, minimum=0, vert_group="", strata=1.25, strata_type='1')
+ presets(
+ noise_offset_x=0,
+ noise_offset_y=0,
+ noise_offset_z=0,
+ noise_size_x=1,
+ noise_size_y=1,
+ noise_size_z=1,
+ noise_size=1,
+ noise_type="marble_noise",
+ basis_type="BLENDER",
+ vl_basis_type="BLENDER",
+ distortion=1,
+ hard_noise="0",
+ noise_depth=8,
+ amplitude=0.5,
+ frequency=2,
+ dimension=1,
+ lacunarity=2,
+ offset=1,
+ gain=1,
+ marble_bias="2",
+ marble_sharp="0",
+ marble_shape="7",
+ height=0.2,
+ height_invert=False,
+ height_offset=0,
+ fx_mixfactor=0,
+ fx_mix_mode="0",
+ fx_type="0",
+ fx_bias="0",
+ fx_turb=0,
+ fx_depth=0,
+ fx_amplitude=0.5,
+ fx_frequency=1.5,
+ fx_size=1,
+ fx_loc_x=0,
+ fx_loc_y=0,
+ fx_height=0.5,
+ fx_invert=False,
+ fx_offset=0,
+ edge_falloff="0",
+ falloff_x=40,
+ falloff_y=40,
+ edge_level=0,
+ maximum=0.5,
+ minimum=0,
+ vert_group="",
+ strata=1.25,
+ strata_type="1",
+ )
elif preset_name == LandTile.Volcano:
- presets(noise_offset_x=0, noise_offset_y=0, noise_offset_z=0, noise_size_x=1, noise_size_y=1, noise_size_z=1, noise_size=1, noise_type='marble_noise', basis_type='BLENDER', vl_basis_type='PERLIN_ORIGINAL', distortion=1.5, hard_noise='0', noise_depth=8, amplitude=0.5, frequency=1.8, dimension=1, lacunarity=2, offset=1, gain=2, marble_bias='2', marble_sharp='3', marble_shape='1', height=0.6, height_invert=False, height_offset=0, fx_mixfactor=0, fx_mix_mode='1', fx_type='14', fx_bias='0', fx_turb=0.5, fx_depth=2, fx_amplitude=0.38, fx_frequency=1.5, fx_size=1.15, fx_loc_x=-1, fx_loc_y=1, fx_height=0.5, fx_invert=False, fx_offset=0.06, edge_falloff='3', falloff_x=2, falloff_y=2, edge_level=0, maximum=1, minimum=-1, vert_group="", strata=5, strata_type='0')
+ presets(
+ noise_offset_x=0,
+ noise_offset_y=0,
+ noise_offset_z=0,
+ noise_size_x=1,
+ noise_size_y=1,
+ noise_size_z=1,
+ noise_size=1,
+ noise_type="marble_noise",
+ basis_type="BLENDER",
+ vl_basis_type="PERLIN_ORIGINAL",
+ distortion=1.5,
+ hard_noise="0",
+ noise_depth=8,
+ amplitude=0.5,
+ frequency=1.8,
+ dimension=1,
+ lacunarity=2,
+ offset=1,
+ gain=2,
+ marble_bias="2",
+ marble_sharp="3",
+ marble_shape="1",
+ height=0.6,
+ height_invert=False,
+ height_offset=0,
+ fx_mixfactor=0,
+ fx_mix_mode="1",
+ fx_type="14",
+ fx_bias="0",
+ fx_turb=0.5,
+ fx_depth=2,
+ fx_amplitude=0.38,
+ fx_frequency=1.5,
+ fx_size=1.15,
+ fx_loc_x=-1,
+ fx_loc_y=1,
+ fx_height=0.5,
+ fx_invert=False,
+ fx_offset=0.06,
+ edge_falloff="3",
+ falloff_x=2,
+ falloff_y=2,
+ edge_level=0,
+ maximum=1,
+ minimum=-1,
+ vert_group="",
+ strata=5,
+ strata_type="0",
+ )
elif preset_name == LandTile.Mountain:
- presets(noise_offset_x=0, noise_offset_y=0, noise_offset_z=0, noise_size_x=1, noise_size_y=1, noise_size_z=1, noise_size=1, noise_type='hetero_terrain', basis_type='BLENDER', vl_basis_type='BLENDER', distortion=1, hard_noise='0', noise_depth=8, amplitude=0.5, frequency=2, dimension=1, lacunarity=2, offset=1, gain=1, marble_bias='0', marble_sharp='0', marble_shape='0', height=0.5, height_invert=False, height_offset=0, fx_mixfactor=0, fx_mix_mode='0', fx_type='0', fx_bias='0', fx_turb=0, fx_depth=0, fx_amplitude=0.5, fx_frequency=2, fx_size=1, fx_loc_x=0, fx_loc_y=0, fx_height=1, fx_invert=False, fx_offset=0, edge_falloff='3', falloff_x=4, falloff_y=4, edge_level=0, maximum=1, minimum=-1, vert_group="", strata=5, strata_type='0')
+ presets(
+ noise_offset_x=0,
+ noise_offset_y=0,
+ noise_offset_z=0,
+ noise_size_x=1,
+ noise_size_y=1,
+ noise_size_z=1,
+ noise_size=1,
+ noise_type="hetero_terrain",
+ basis_type="BLENDER",
+ vl_basis_type="BLENDER",
+ distortion=1,
+ hard_noise="0",
+ noise_depth=8,
+ amplitude=0.5,
+ frequency=2,
+ dimension=1,
+ lacunarity=2,
+ offset=1,
+ gain=1,
+ marble_bias="0",
+ marble_sharp="0",
+ marble_shape="0",
+ height=0.5,
+ height_invert=False,
+ height_offset=0,
+ fx_mixfactor=0,
+ fx_mix_mode="0",
+ fx_type="0",
+ fx_bias="0",
+ fx_turb=0,
+ fx_depth=0,
+ fx_amplitude=0.5,
+ fx_frequency=2,
+ fx_size=1,
+ fx_loc_x=0,
+ fx_loc_y=0,
+ fx_height=1,
+ fx_invert=False,
+ fx_offset=0,
+ edge_falloff="3",
+ falloff_x=4,
+ falloff_y=4,
+ edge_level=0,
+ maximum=1,
+ minimum=-1,
+ vert_group="",
+ strata=5,
+ strata_type="0",
+ )
def ant_landscape_asset(
@@ -57,16 +425,22 @@ def ant_landscape_asset(
create(preset_name, N, N)
obj = bpy.context.active_object
N = int(len(obj.data.vertices) ** 0.5)
- mverts_co = np.zeros((len(obj.data.vertices)*3), dtype=float)
+ mverts_co = np.zeros((len(obj.data.vertices) * 3), dtype=float)
obj.data.vertices.foreach_get("co", mverts_co)
mverts_co = mverts_co.reshape((N, N, 3))
- heightmap = cv2.resize(np.float32(mverts_co[..., -1]), (resolution, resolution)) * tile_size / 2
+ heightmap = (
+ cv2.resize(np.float32(mverts_co[..., -1]), (resolution, resolution))
+ * tile_size
+ / 2
+ )
if preset_name == LandTile.Mesa:
heightmap *= 2
heightmap = smooth(heightmap, 3)
- cv2.imwrite(str(folder/f'{AssetFile.Heightmap}.exr'), heightmap)
+ cv2.imwrite(str(folder / f"{AssetFile.Heightmap}.exr"), heightmap)
bpy.data.objects.remove(obj, do_unlink=True)
- with open(folder/f'{AssetFile.TileSize}.txt', "w") as f:
+ with open(folder / f"{AssetFile.TileSize}.txt", "w") as f:
- if erosion: run_erosion(folder)
- if snowfall: run_snowfall(folder)
+ if erosion:
+ run_erosion(folder)
+ if snowfall:
+ run_snowfall(folder)
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/assets/landtiles/core.py b/infinigen/terrain/assets/landtiles/core.py
index 6f1c265c6..4a2f91768 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/assets/landtiles/core.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/assets/landtiles/core.py
@@ -6,14 +6,19 @@
import json
-import cv2
import gin
import numpy as np
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import boundary_smooth, read, smooth
from infinigen.core.util.organization import AssetFile, LandTile, Process
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import boundary_smooth, read, smooth
from .ant_landscape import ant_landscape_asset
-from .custom import coast_asset, multi_mountains_asset, coast_params, multi_mountains_params
+from .custom import (
+ coast_asset,
+ coast_params,
+ multi_mountains_asset,
+ multi_mountains_params,
@@ -79,51 +84,67 @@ def tile_directions(
def assets_to_data(
- folder, land_process,
+ folder,
+ land_process,
preset_name = str(folder).split("/")[-2]
data = {}
- if land_process is None: path = folder/f"{AssetFile.Heightmap}.exr"
- elif land_process == Process.Snowfall: path = folder/f"{Process.Snowfall}.{AssetFile.Heightmap}.exr"
- elif land_process == Process.Erosion: path = folder/f"{Process.Erosion}.{AssetFile.Heightmap}.exr"
+ if land_process is None:
+ path = folder / f"{AssetFile.Heightmap}.exr"
+ elif land_process == Process.Snowfall:
+ path = folder / f"{Process.Snowfall}.{AssetFile.Heightmap}.exr"
+ elif land_process == Process.Erosion:
+ path = folder / f"{Process.Erosion}.{AssetFile.Heightmap}.exr"
heightmap = read(path)
- assert(heightmap.shape[0] == N)
- if do_smooth: heightmap = smooth(heightmap, 3)
+ assert heightmap.shape[0] == N
+ if do_smooth:
+ heightmap = smooth(heightmap, 3)
if land_process is None:
mask = np.zeros(N * N)
- if land_process == Process.Snowfall: path = folder/f"{Process.Snowfall}.{AssetFile.Mask}.exr"
- elif land_process == Process.Erosion: path = folder/f"{Process.Erosion}.{AssetFile.Mask}.exr"
+ if land_process == Process.Snowfall:
+ path = folder / f"{Process.Snowfall}.{AssetFile.Mask}.exr"
+ elif land_process == Process.Erosion:
+ path = folder / f"{Process.Erosion}.{AssetFile.Mask}.exr"
mask = read(path)
mask = mask.reshape(-1)
data["mask"] = mask
# compute direction of directional tiles (must be done before smoothing it)
direction = tile_directions()[preset_name]
if direction == "dependent":
data["direction"] = np.arctan2(
np.mean(heightmap[:, -1] - heightmap[:, 0]),
- np.mean(heightmap[-1] - heightmap[0])
+ np.mean(heightmap[-1] - heightmap[0]),
elif direction == "initial":
data["direction"] = np.array([0.0])
- if direction != "dependent": heightmap = boundary_smooth(heightmap)
+ if direction != "dependent":
+ heightmap = boundary_smooth(heightmap)
data["heightmap"] = heightmap.reshape(-1)
- L = float(np.loadtxt(folder/f"{AssetFile.TileSize}.txt"))
- if preset_name == LandTile.MultiMountains and (folder/f"{AssetFile.Params}.txt").exists():
- with open(folder/f"{AssetFile.Params}.txt", "r") as file:
+ L = float(np.loadtxt(folder / f"{AssetFile.TileSize}.txt"))
+ if (
+ preset_name == LandTile.MultiMountains
+ and (folder / f"{AssetFile.Params}.txt").exists()
+ ):
+ with open(folder / f"{AssetFile.Params}.txt", "r") as file:
params = json.load(file)
- assert params == multi_mountains_params(raw=1), "asset should not be reused if you changed settings"
- if preset_name == LandTile.Coast and (folder/f"{AssetFile.Params}.txt").exists():
- with open(folder/f"{AssetFile.Params}.txt", "r") as file:
+ assert params == multi_mountains_params(
+ raw=1
+ ), "asset should not be reused if you changed settings"
+ if preset_name == LandTile.Coast and (folder / f"{AssetFile.Params}.txt").exists():
+ with open(folder / f"{AssetFile.Params}.txt", "r") as file:
params = json.load(file)
- assert params == {"multi_mountains_params": multi_mountains_params(raw=1), "coast_params": coast_params(raw=1)}, "asset should not be reused if you changed settings"
+ assert params == {
+ "multi_mountains_params": multi_mountains_params(raw=1),
+ "coast_params": coast_params(raw=1),
+ }, "asset should not be reused if you changed settings"
return L, N, data
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/assets/landtiles/custom.py b/infinigen/terrain/assets/landtiles/custom.py
index baab0f92c..8037f3915 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/assets/landtiles/custom.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/assets/landtiles/custom.py
@@ -11,18 +11,18 @@
import gin
import numpy as np
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import AssetFile
+from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
from infinigen.terrain.elements.core import Element
from infinigen.terrain.elements.mountains import Mountains
from infinigen.terrain.land_process.erosion import run_erosion
from infinigen.terrain.land_process.snowfall import run_snowfall
from infinigen.terrain.utils import grid_distance, perlin_noise, random_int
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import AssetFile
-from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
coast_params_ = {}
multi_mountains_params_ = {}
def coast_params(
coast_freq=("uniform", 0.00005, 0.00015),
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ def coast_params(
- coast_freq: base frequency of coast line
- beach_size: size of beach
- beach_slope: slope of beach
- steep_slope_size: size of the steep part between beach and sea floor
- sea_depth: sea depth
+ coast_freq: base frequency of coast line
+ beach_size: size of beach
+ beach_slope: slope of beach
+ steep_slope_size: size of the steep part between beach and sea floor
+ sea_depth: sea depth
if raw:
d = {
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ def coast_params(
"sea_depth": rg(sea_depth),
return coast_params_
def multi_mountains_params(
@@ -73,12 +73,12 @@ def multi_mountains_params(
- min_freq: min base frequency of all mountains
- max_freq: max base frequency of all mountains
- height: mountain height
- coverage: mountain coverage
- slope_freq: base frequency of the slope the mountains sit on
- slope_height: height of such slope
+ min_freq: min base frequency of all mountains
+ max_freq: max base frequency of all mountains
+ height: mountain height
+ coverage: mountain coverage
+ slope_freq: base frequency of the slope the mountains sit on
+ slope_height: height of such slope
if raw:
d = {
@@ -111,14 +111,19 @@ def coast_heightmapping(heightmap):
steep_slope_size = params["steep_slope_size"]
sea_depth = params["sea_depth"]
seafloor_loc = beach_size / 2 + steep_slope_size
- mapped[(heightmap > -beach_size/2) & (heightmap < beach_size/2)] *= beach_slope
- mapped[heightmap > beach_size/2] = beach_size/2 * beach_slope
- steep_slope = (sea_depth - beach_size/2 * beach_slope) / (seafloor_loc - beach_size/2)
- steep_mask = (heightmap < -beach_size/2) & (heightmap > -seafloor_loc)
- mapped[steep_mask] = (-beach_size/2 * beach_slope - (-beach_size/2 - heightmap) * steep_slope)[steep_mask]
+ mapped[(heightmap > -beach_size / 2) & (heightmap < beach_size / 2)] *= beach_slope
+ mapped[heightmap > beach_size / 2] = beach_size / 2 * beach_slope
+ steep_slope = (sea_depth - beach_size / 2 * beach_slope) / (
+ seafloor_loc - beach_size / 2
+ )
+ steep_mask = (heightmap < -beach_size / 2) & (heightmap > -seafloor_loc)
+ mapped[steep_mask] = (
+ -beach_size / 2 * beach_slope - (-beach_size / 2 - heightmap) * steep_slope
+ )[steep_mask]
mapped[heightmap < -seafloor_loc] = -sea_depth
return mapped
def multi_mountains_asset(
@@ -145,14 +150,17 @@ def multi_mountains_asset(
heightmap = mountains.get_heightmap(X, Y)
- cv2.imwrite(str(folder / f'{AssetFile.Heightmap}.exr'), heightmap)
- with open(folder/f'{AssetFile.TileSize}.txt', "w") as f:
+ cv2.imwrite(str(folder / f"{AssetFile.Heightmap}.exr"), heightmap)
+ with open(folder / f"{AssetFile.TileSize}.txt", "w") as f:
- with open(folder/f'{AssetFile.Params}.txt', "w") as f:
+ with open(folder / f"{AssetFile.Params}.txt", "w") as f:
json.dump(multi_mountains_params(raw=1), f)
- if erosion: run_erosion(folder)
- if snowfall: run_snowfall(folder)
+ if erosion:
+ run_erosion(folder)
+ if snowfall:
+ run_snowfall(folder)
def coast_asset(
@@ -181,22 +189,45 @@ def coast_asset(
params2 = coast_params()
- positions = np.stack((X.reshape(-1), Y.reshape(-1), np.zeros(resolution * resolution)), -1)
- coast_mask = perlin_noise(
- device=device,
- positions=positions,
- seed=random_int(),
- freq=params2["coast_freq"],
- octaves=9,
- ).reshape((resolution, resolution)) > 0
- coast_distance = (grid_distance(~coast_mask, downsample=512) - grid_distance(coast_mask, downsample=512)) * tile_size
- mask = np.clip((coast_distance - 0.2 * params2["beach_size"]) / (0.4 * params2["beach_size"]), a_min=0, a_max=1)
+ positions = np.stack(
+ (X.reshape(-1), Y.reshape(-1), np.zeros(resolution * resolution)), -1
+ )
+ coast_mask = (
+ perlin_noise(
+ device=device,
+ positions=positions,
+ seed=random_int(),
+ freq=params2["coast_freq"],
+ octaves=9,
+ ).reshape((resolution, resolution))
+ > 0
+ )
+ coast_distance = (
+ grid_distance(~coast_mask, downsample=512)
+ - grid_distance(coast_mask, downsample=512)
+ ) * tile_size
+ mask = np.clip(
+ (coast_distance - 0.2 * params2["beach_size"]) / (0.4 * params2["beach_size"]),
+ a_min=0,
+ a_max=1,
+ )
coast_heightmap = coast_heightmapping(coast_distance)
heightmap = (coast_heightmap + heightmap * mask).astype(np.float32)
- cv2.imwrite(str(folder / f'{AssetFile.Heightmap}.exr'), heightmap)
- with open(folder/f'{AssetFile.TileSize}.txt', "w") as f:
+ cv2.imwrite(str(folder / f"{AssetFile.Heightmap}.exr"), heightmap)
+ with open(folder / f"{AssetFile.TileSize}.txt", "w") as f:
- with open(folder/f'{AssetFile.Params}.txt', "w") as f:
- json.dump({"multi_mountains_params": multi_mountains_params(raw=1), "coast_params": coast_params(raw=1)}, f)
- if erosion: run_erosion(folder, mask_height_range=(0, 0.1 * params2["beach_size"] * params2["beach_slope"]))
- if snowfall: run_snowfall(folder)
+ with open(folder / f"{AssetFile.Params}.txt", "w") as f:
+ json.dump(
+ {
+ "multi_mountains_params": multi_mountains_params(raw=1),
+ "coast_params": coast_params(raw=1),
+ },
+ f,
+ )
+ if erosion:
+ run_erosion(
+ folder,
+ mask_height_range=(0, 0.1 * params2["beach_size"] * params2["beach_slope"]),
+ )
+ if snowfall:
+ run_snowfall(folder)
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/assets/ocean.py b/infinigen/terrain/assets/ocean.py
index f669e9ff3..b5adabfa8 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/assets/ocean.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/assets/ocean.py
@@ -4,22 +4,23 @@
# Authors: Zeyu Ma
+import os
+import shutil
from pathlib import Path
import bpy
import gin
-import os
-import shutil
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import random_int
from infinigen.core.util.blender import ViewportMode
from infinigen.core.util.logging import Timer
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import random_int
spatial_size = 40
resolution = 64
buffered_frames = 10
def ocean_asset(
@@ -30,16 +31,19 @@ def ocean_asset(
choppiness=("uniform", 0.5, 1),
wave_alignment=("uniform", 0, 0.1),
- spectrum="PHILLIPS", #("choice", ["PHILLIPS", "PIERSON_MOSKOWITZ", "JONSWAP", "TEXEL_MARSEN_ARSLOE"], [0.5, 0.5/3, 0.5/3, 0.5/3]),
+ spectrum="PHILLIPS", # ("choice", ["PHILLIPS", "PIERSON_MOSKOWITZ", "JONSWAP", "TEXEL_MARSEN_ARSLOE"], [0.5, 0.5/3, 0.5/3, 0.5/3]),
tmp_start, tmp_end = bpy.context.scene.frame_start, bpy.context.scene.frame_end
- bpy.context.scene.frame_start, bpy.context.scene.frame_end = frame_start, frame_end + buffered_frames
+ bpy.context.scene.frame_start, bpy.context.scene.frame_end = (
+ frame_start,
+ frame_end + buffered_frames,
+ )
spectrum = rg(spectrum)
- params={
+ params = {
"random_seed": max(0, random_int()),
- "geometry_mode": 'DISPLACE',
+ "geometry_mode": "DISPLACE",
"spatial_size": spatial_size,
"wave_scale": wave_scale if spectrum == "PHILLIPS" else 0.5,
"resolution": resolution,
@@ -60,8 +64,10 @@ def ocean_asset(
obj = bpy.context.active_object
obj.name = "ocean"
with ViewportMode(obj, "EDIT"):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(quad_method='BEAUTY', ngon_method='BEAUTY')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(
+ quad_method="BEAUTY", ngon_method="BEAUTY"
+ )
mod = obj.modifiers.new(name="ocean", type="OCEAN")
@@ -73,16 +79,20 @@ def ocean_asset(
shutil.rmtree(folder / "cache")
(folder / "cache").mkdir(parents=True)
mod.filepath = str(folder / "cache")
- for t, f in [(time_scale * frame_start, frame_start), (time_scale * (frame_end + buffered_frames), frame_end + buffered_frames)]:
+ for t, f in [
+ (time_scale * frame_start, frame_start),
+ (time_scale * (frame_end + buffered_frames), frame_end + buffered_frames),
+ ]:
mod.time = t
mod.keyframe_insert("time", frame=f)
- obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[0].keyframe_points[0].interpolation = 'LINEAR'
- obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[0].keyframe_points[1].interpolation = 'LINEAR'
+ obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[0].keyframe_points[0].interpolation = "LINEAR"
+ obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[0].keyframe_points[1].interpolation = "LINEAR"
with Timer("bake ocean", disable_timer=not verbose):
while True:
- if (folder / f"cache/foam_{frame_end + buffered_frames:04d}.exr").exists(): break
+ if (folder / f"cache/foam_{frame_end + buffered_frames:04d}.exr").exists():
+ break
bpy.data.objects.remove(obj, do_unlink=True)
bpy.context.scene.frame_start, bpy.context.scene.frame_end = tmp_start, tmp_end
@@ -93,4 +103,4 @@ def ocean_asset(
os.symlink(folder / f"cache/disp_{i + buffered_frames:04d}.exr", dst)
dst = link_folder / f"cache/foam_{i:04d}.exr"
if not dst.exists():
- os.symlink(folder / f"cache/foam_{i + buffered_frames:04d}.exr", dst)
\ No newline at end of file
+ os.symlink(folder / f"cache/foam_{i + buffered_frames:04d}.exr", dst)
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/assets/upsidedown_mountains.py b/infinigen/terrain/assets/upsidedown_mountains.py
index 09e359c50..c30c7bb49 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/assets/upsidedown_mountains.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/assets/upsidedown_mountains.py
@@ -9,16 +9,25 @@
import cv2
import gin
import numpy as np
-from landlab import RasterModelGrid
-from landlab.components import FlowDirectorSteepest, TransportLengthHillslopeDiffuser
from numpy import ascontiguousarray as AC
from skimage.measure import label
-from infinigen.terrain.elements.core import Element
-from infinigen.terrain.elements.mountains import Mountains
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import read
from tqdm import tqdm
+ import landlab
+ from landlab import RasterModelGrid
+ from landlab.components import (
+ FlowDirectorSteepest,
+ TransportLengthHillslopeDiffuser,
+ )
+except ImportError:
+ landlab = None
from infinigen.core.util.organization import AssetFile
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
+from infinigen.terrain.elements.core import Element
+from infinigen.terrain.elements.mountains import Mountains
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import read
@@ -34,13 +43,20 @@ def upsidedown_mountains_asset(
- min_freq: min base frequency of all upsidedown mountains
- max_freq: max base frequency of all upsidedown mountains
- height: upsidedown mountain height
- coverage: upsidedown mountain coverage
- tile_size: size of the upsidedown mountain tile
+ min_freq: min base frequency of all upsidedown mountains
+ max_freq: max base frequency of all upsidedown mountains
+ height: upsidedown mountain height
+ coverage: upsidedown mountain coverage
+ tile_size: size of the upsidedown mountain tile
+ if landlab is None:
+ raise ImportError(
+ "landlab must be installed to use terrain mountain simulation "
+ "Please install optional terrain dependencies via `pip install .[terrain]`"
+ )
Path(folder).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
N = resolution
x = np.linspace(-tile_size / 2, tile_size / 2, N)
@@ -68,19 +84,21 @@ def upsidedown_mountains_asset(
heightmap = mountains1.get_heightmap(X, Y)
x, y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1, 1, N), np.linspace(-1, 1, N), indexing="ij")
- radius = (x ** 2 + y ** 2) ** 0.5
+ radius = (x**2 + y**2) ** 0.5
heightmap *= 1 - np.clip((radius - 0.8) * 5, a_min=0, a_max=1)
mg = RasterModelGrid((N, N))
mg.set_closed_boundaries_at_grid_edges(False, False, False, False)
_ = mg.add_field("topographic__elevation", heightmap.astype(float), at="node")
fdir = FlowDirectorSteepest(mg)
tl_diff = TransportLengthHillslopeDiffuser(mg, erodibility=0.001, slope_crit=0.6)
- if verbose: range_t = tqdm(range(150))
- else: range_t = range(150)
+ if verbose:
+ range_t = tqdm(range(150))
+ else:
+ range_t = range(150)
for t in range_t:
- tl_diff.run_one_step(1.)
- res = mg.at_node['topographic__elevation']
+ tl_diff.run_one_step(1.0)
+ res = mg.at_node["topographic__elevation"]
heightmap = res.reshape((N, N)) - 2
peak = np.zeros((N, N))
mask = (heightmap > 0).astype(np.uint8)
@@ -102,18 +120,20 @@ def upsidedown_mountains_asset(
_ = mg.add_field("topographic__elevation", upside.astype(float), at="node")
fdir = FlowDirectorSteepest(mg)
tl_diff = TransportLengthHillslopeDiffuser(mg, erodibility=0.001, slope_crit=0.6)
- if verbose: range_t = tqdm(range(150))
- else: range_t = range(150)
+ if verbose:
+ range_t = tqdm(range(150))
+ else:
+ range_t = range(150)
for t in range_t:
- tl_diff.run_one_step(1.)
- res = mg.at_node['topographic__elevation']
+ tl_diff.run_one_step(1.0)
+ res = mg.at_node["topographic__elevation"]
upside = res.reshape((N, N))
- cv2.imwrite(str(folder/'upside.exr'), upside.astype(np.float32))
- cv2.imwrite(str(folder/'peak.exr'), peak.astype(np.float32))
- cv2.imwrite(str(folder/'downside.exr'), downside.astype(np.float32))
- with open(folder/f'{AssetFile.TileSize}.txt', "w") as f:
+ cv2.imwrite(str(folder / "upside.exr"), upside.astype(np.float32))
+ cv2.imwrite(str(folder / "peak.exr"), peak.astype(np.float32))
+ cv2.imwrite(str(folder / "downside.exr"), downside.astype(np.float32))
+ with open(folder / f"{AssetFile.TileSize}.txt", "w") as f:
@@ -122,13 +142,12 @@ def upsidedown_mountains_asset(
(folder / AssetFile.Finish).touch()
def assets_to_data(folder):
data = {}
- upside = read(str(folder/'upside.exr'))
+ upside = read(str(folder / "upside.exr"))
N = upside.shape[0]
data["upside"] = AC(upside.reshape(-1))
- data["downside"] = AC(read(str(folder/'downside.exr')).reshape(-1))
- data["peak"] = AC(read(str(folder/'peak.exr')).reshape(-1))
+ data["downside"] = AC(read(str(folder / "downside.exr")).reshape(-1))
+ data["peak"] = AC(read(str(folder / "peak.exr")).reshape(-1))
L = float(np.loadtxt(f"{folder}/{AssetFile.TileSize}.txt"))
return L, N, data
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/core.py b/infinigen/terrain/core.py
index 91eb71e14..b9fc77bc6 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/core.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/core.py
@@ -4,27 +4,50 @@
# Authors: Zeyu Ma
+import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
-import logging
import bpy
import gin
import numpy as np
from mathutils.bvhtree import BVHTree
+from numpy import ascontiguousarray as AC
-from infinigen.OcMesher.ocmesher import OcMesher as UntexturedOcMesher
-from infinigen.terrain.mesher import OpaqueSphericalMesher, TransparentSphericalMesher, UniformMesher
-from infinigen.terrain.scene import scene, transfer_scene_info
-from infinigen.terrain.surface_kernel.core import SurfaceKernel
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import Mesh, move_modifier, Vars, AttributeType, FieldsType, get_caminfo, write_attributes
-from infinigen.terrain.assets.ocean import ocean_asset
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_system
from infinigen.core.util.blender import SelectObjects, delete
from infinigen.core.util.logging import Timer
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, int_hash
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import SurfaceTypes, Attributes, Task, TerrainNames, ElementNames, Transparency, Materials, Assets, ElementTag, Tags, SelectionCriterions
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_object, tag_system
-from numpy import ascontiguousarray as AC
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import (
+ Assets,
+ Attributes,
+ ElementNames,
+ ElementTag,
+ Materials,
+ SelectionCriterions,
+ SurfaceTypes,
+ Tags,
+ TerrainNames,
+ Transparency,
+from infinigen.OcMesher.ocmesher import OcMesher as UntexturedOcMesher
+from infinigen.terrain.assets.ocean import ocean_asset
+from infinigen.terrain.mesher import (
+ OpaqueSphericalMesher,
+ TransparentSphericalMesher,
+ UniformMesher,
+from infinigen.terrain.scene import scene, transfer_scene_info
+from infinigen.terrain.surface_kernel.core import SurfaceKernel
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import (
+ AttributeType,
+ FieldsType,
+ Mesh,
+ Vars,
+ get_caminfo,
+ move_modifier,
+ write_attributes,
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -32,6 +55,7 @@
hidden_in_viewport = [ElementNames.Atmosphere]
def get_surface_type(surface, degrade_sdf_to_displacement=True):
if not degrade_sdf_to_displacement:
@@ -45,7 +69,7 @@ def get_surface_type(surface, degrade_sdf_to_displacement=True):
class OcMesher(UntexturedOcMesher):
def __init__(self, cameras, bounds, **kwargs):
UntexturedOcMesher.__init__(self, get_caminfo(cameras)[0], bounds, **kwargs)
def __call__(self, kernels):
sdf_kernels = [(lambda x, k0=k: k0(x)[Vars.SDF]) for k in kernels]
meshes, in_view_tags = UntexturedOcMesher.__call__(self, sdf_kernels)
@@ -57,12 +81,15 @@ def __call__(self, kernels):
mesh = Mesh.cat(meshes)
return mesh
class CollectiveOcMesher(UntexturedOcMesher):
def __init__(self, cameras, bounds, **kwargs):
UntexturedOcMesher.__init__(self, get_caminfo(cameras)[0], bounds, **kwargs)
def __call__(self, kernels):
- sdf_kernels = [lambda x: np.stack([k(x)[Vars.SDF] for k in kernels], -1).min(axis=-1)]
+ sdf_kernels = [
+ lambda x: np.stack([k(x)[Vars.SDF] for k in kernels], -1).min(axis=-1)
+ ]
mesh, in_view_tag = UntexturedOcMesher.__call__(self, sdf_kernels)
mesh = mesh[0]
with Timer("compute attributes"):
@@ -70,10 +97,12 @@ def __call__(self, kernels):
mesh.vertex_attributes[Tags.OutOfView] = (~in_view_tag[0]).astype(np.int32)
mesh = Mesh(mesh=mesh)
return mesh
class Terrain:
instance = None
def __init__(
@@ -104,29 +133,41 @@ def __init__(
self.__dict__ = Terrain.instance.__dict__.copy()
- with Timer('Create terrain'):
+ with Timer("Create terrain"):
if asset_folder is None:
- if not ASSET_ENV_VAR in os.environ:
- raise ValueError(f'Terrain recieved {asset_folder=} yet {ASSET_ENV_VAR} was not set')
+ if ASSET_ENV_VAR not in os.environ:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Terrain recieved {asset_folder=} yet {ASSET_ENV_VAR} was not set"
+ )
asset_folder = os.environ[ASSET_ENV_VAR]
if asset_folder != "":
- if not os.path.exists(asset_folder):
- raise ValueError(f'Could not find non-empty user-specified {asset_folder=}')
- asset_path = Path(asset_folder)/asset_version
+ if not os.path.exists(asset_folder):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Could not find non-empty user-specified {asset_folder=}"
+ )
+ asset_path = Path(asset_folder) / asset_version
if not asset_path.exists():
- raise ValueError(f'{asset_folder=} did not contain {asset_version=}, please download it')
- logger.info(f'Terrain using pre-generated {asset_path=} and on the fly {on_the_fly_asset_folder=}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"{asset_folder=} did not contain {asset_version=}, please download it"
+ )
+ logger.info(
+ f"Terrain using pre-generated {asset_path=} and on the fly {on_the_fly_asset_folder=}"
+ )
- logger.info(f'Terrain using only on the fly {on_the_fly_asset_folder=}')
+ logger.info(f"Terrain using only on the fly {on_the_fly_asset_folder=}")
asset_path = Path("")
self.on_the_fly_asset_folder = Path(on_the_fly_asset_folder)
self.reused_asset_folder = asset_path
- self.elements, scene_infos = scene(seed, Path(on_the_fly_asset_folder), asset_path, device)
+ self.elements, scene_infos = scene(
+ seed, Path(on_the_fly_asset_folder), asset_path, device
+ )
self.elements_list = list(self.elements.values())
- logger.info(f"Terrain elements: {[x.__class__.name for x in self.elements_list]}")
+ logger.info(
+ f"Terrain elements: {[x.__class__.name for x in self.elements_list]}"
+ )
transfer_scene_info(self, scene_infos)
Terrain.instance = self
@@ -136,16 +177,17 @@ def __init__(
def __del__(self):
def cleanup(self):
if hasattr(self, "elements"):
for e in self.elements:
- def export(self,
+ def export(
+ self,
- spherical=True, # false for OcMesher
+ spherical=True, # false for OcMesher
@@ -153,21 +195,33 @@ def export(self,
meshes_dict = {}
attributes_dict = {}
if not main_terrain_only or TerrainNames.OpaqueTerrain == self.main_terrain:
- opaque_elements = [element for element in self.elements_list if element.transparency == Transparency.Opaque]
+ opaque_elements = [
+ element
+ for element in self.elements_list
+ if element.transparency == Transparency.Opaque
+ ]
if opaque_elements != []:
attributes_dict[TerrainNames.OpaqueTerrain] = set()
if dynamic:
- if spherical: mesher = OpaqueSphericalMesher(cameras, self.bounds)
- else: mesher = OcMesher(cameras, self.bounds)
+ if spherical:
+ mesher = OpaqueSphericalMesher(cameras, self.bounds)
+ else:
+ mesher = OcMesher(cameras, self.bounds)
mesher = UniformMesher(self.populated_bounds)
with Timer(f"meshing {TerrainNames.OpaqueTerrain}"):
mesh = mesher([element for element in opaque_elements])
meshes_dict[TerrainNames.OpaqueTerrain] = mesh
for element in opaque_elements:
- attributes_dict[TerrainNames.OpaqueTerrain].update(element.attributes)
- individual_transparent_elements = [element for element in self.elements_list if element.transparency == Transparency.IndividualTransparent]
+ attributes_dict[TerrainNames.OpaqueTerrain].update(
+ element.attributes
+ )
+ individual_transparent_elements = [
+ element
+ for element in self.elements_list
+ if element.transparency == Transparency.IndividualTransparent
+ ]
for element in individual_transparent_elements:
if not main_terrain_only or element.__class__.name == self.main_terrain:
if dynamic:
@@ -175,28 +229,53 @@ def export(self,
if element.__class__.name == ElementNames.Atmosphere:
special_args["pixels_per_cube"] = 100
special_args["inv_scale"] = 1
- if spherical: mesher = TransparentSphericalMesher(cameras, self.bounds, **special_args)
- else: mesher = OcMesher(cameras, self.bounds, simplify_occluded=False, **special_args)
- else: mesher = UniformMesher(self.populated_bounds, enclosed=True)
+ if spherical:
+ mesher = TransparentSphericalMesher(
+ cameras, self.bounds, **special_args
+ )
+ else:
+ mesher = OcMesher(
+ cameras,
+ self.bounds,
+ simplify_occluded=False,
+ **special_args,
+ )
+ else:
+ mesher = UniformMesher(self.populated_bounds, enclosed=True)
with Timer(f"meshing {element.__class__.name}"):
mesh = mesher([element])
meshes_dict[element.__class__.name] = mesh
attributes_dict[element.__class__.name] = element.attributes
- if not main_terrain_only or TerrainNames.CollectiveTransparentTerrain == self.main_terrain:
- collective_transparent_elements = [element for element in self.elements_list if element.transparency == Transparency.CollectiveTransparent]
+ if (
+ not main_terrain_only
+ or TerrainNames.CollectiveTransparentTerrain == self.main_terrain
+ ):
+ collective_transparent_elements = [
+ element
+ for element in self.elements_list
+ if element.transparency == Transparency.CollectiveTransparent
+ ]
if collective_transparent_elements != []:
attributes_dict[TerrainNames.CollectiveTransparentTerrain] = set()
if dynamic:
- if spherical: mesher = TransparentSphericalMesher(cameras, self.bounds)
- else: mesher = CollectiveOcMesher(cameras, self.bounds, simplify_occluded=False)
+ if spherical:
+ mesher = TransparentSphericalMesher(cameras, self.bounds)
+ else:
+ mesher = CollectiveOcMesher(
+ cameras, self.bounds, simplify_occluded=False
+ )
mesher = UniformMesher(self.populated_bounds)
with Timer(f"meshing {TerrainNames.CollectiveTransparentTerrain}"):
- mesh = mesher([element for element in collective_transparent_elements])
+ mesh = mesher(
+ [element for element in collective_transparent_elements]
+ )
meshes_dict[TerrainNames.CollectiveTransparentTerrain] = mesh
for element in collective_transparent_elements:
- attributes_dict[TerrainNames.CollectiveTransparentTerrain].update(element.attributes)
+ attributes_dict[TerrainNames.CollectiveTransparentTerrain].update(
+ element.attributes
+ )
if main_terrain_only or dynamic:
for mesh_name in meshes_dict:
@@ -207,26 +286,42 @@ def export(self,
for attribute in sorted(attributes_dict[mesh_name]):
surface = self.surfaces[attribute]
if get_surface_type(surface) == SurfaceTypes.Displacement:
- assert surface.mod_name in bpy.data.objects[mesh_name_unapplied].modifiers, "please make sure you include one of the scene config in your configs and the same in all tasks"
- surface_kernel = SurfaceKernel(surface.name, attribute, bpy.data.objects[mesh_name_unapplied].modifiers[surface.mod_name], self.device)
+ assert (
+ surface.mod_name
+ in bpy.data.objects[mesh_name_unapplied].modifiers
+ ), "please make sure you include one of the scene config in your configs and the same in all tasks"
+ surface_kernel = SurfaceKernel(
+ surface.name,
+ attribute,
+ bpy.data.objects[mesh_name_unapplied].modifiers[
+ surface.mod_name
+ ],
+ self.device,
+ )
meshes_dict[mesh_name].blender_displacements = []
for attribute in sorted(attributes_dict[mesh_name]):
surface = self.surfaces[attribute]
if get_surface_type(surface) == SurfaceTypes.BlenderDisplacement:
- meshes_dict[mesh_name].blender_displacements.append(surface.mod_name)
+ meshes_dict[mesh_name].blender_displacements.append(
+ surface.mod_name
+ )
if dynamic:
if remove_redundant_attrs:
for mesh_name in meshes_dict:
if len(attributes_dict[mesh_name]) == 1:
- meshes_dict[mesh_name].vertex_attributes.pop(list(attributes_dict[mesh_name])[0])
+ meshes_dict[mesh_name].vertex_attributes.pop(
+ list(attributes_dict[mesh_name])[0]
+ )
- self.bounding_box = np.array(self.populated_bounds)[::2], np.array(self.populated_bounds)[1::2]
+ self.bounding_box = (
+ np.array(self.populated_bounds)[::2],
+ np.array(self.populated_bounds)[1::2],
+ )
return meshes_dict, attributes_dict
def sample_surface_templates(self):
with FixedSeed(int_hash(["terrain surface", self.seed])):
@@ -241,11 +336,25 @@ def sample_surface_templates(self):
def apply_surface_templates(self, attributes_dict):
for mesh_name in attributes_dict:
for attribute in sorted(attributes_dict[mesh_name]):
- with FixedSeed(int_hash(["terrain surface instantiate", self.seed, self.surfaces[attribute].__name__])):
- if (len(attributes_dict[mesh_name]) == 1):
- self.surfaces[attribute].apply(bpy.data.objects[mesh_name], selection=None, ocean_folder=self.on_the_fly_asset_folder/Assets.Ocean)
+ with FixedSeed(
+ int_hash(
+ [
+ "terrain surface instantiate",
+ self.seed,
+ self.surfaces[attribute].__name__,
+ ]
+ )
+ ):
+ if len(attributes_dict[mesh_name]) == 1:
+ self.surfaces[attribute].apply(
+ bpy.data.objects[mesh_name],
+ selection=None,
+ ocean_folder=self.on_the_fly_asset_folder / Assets.Ocean,
+ )
- self.surfaces[attribute].apply(bpy.data.objects[mesh_name], selection=attribute)
+ self.surfaces[attribute].apply(
+ bpy.data.objects[mesh_name], selection=attribute
+ )
def surfaces_into_sdf(self):
for element in self.elements_list:
@@ -262,8 +371,17 @@ def surfaces_into_sdf(self):
for attribute in element.attributes:
surface = self.surfaces[attribute]
if get_surface_type(surface) == SurfaceTypes.SDFPerturb:
- assert surface.mod_name in corresponding_mesh.modifiers, f"{surface.mod_name} not in {corresponding_mesh.modifiers.keys()} please make sure you include one of the scene config in your configs and the same in all tasks"
- element.displacement.append(SurfaceKernel(surface.name, attribute, corresponding_mesh.modifiers[surface.mod_name], self.device))
+ assert (
+ surface.mod_name in corresponding_mesh.modifiers
+ ), f"{surface.mod_name} not in {corresponding_mesh.modifiers.keys()} please make sure you include one of the scene config in your configs and the same in all tasks"
+ element.displacement.append(
+ SurfaceKernel(
+ surface.name,
+ attribute,
+ corresponding_mesh.modifiers[surface.mod_name],
+ self.device,
+ )
+ )
def coarse_terrain(self):
@@ -282,18 +400,25 @@ def coarse_terrain(self):
# do second time to avoid surface application difference resulting in cloating rocks
coarse_meshes, _ = self.export(main_terrain_only=True)
main_mesh = coarse_meshes[self.main_terrain]
# WaterCovered annotation
if ElementNames.Liquid in self.elements:
- main_mesh.vertex_attributes[Tags.LiquidCovered] = (self.elements[ElementNames.Liquid](main_mesh.vertices, sdf_only=1)[Vars.SDF] < 0).astype(np.float32)
+ main_mesh.vertex_attributes[Tags.LiquidCovered] = (
+ self.elements[ElementNames.Liquid](main_mesh.vertices, sdf_only=1)[
+ Vars.SDF
+ ]
+ < 0
+ ).astype(np.float32)
main_unapplied = bpy.data.objects[self.main_terrain]
main_unapplied.name = self.main_terrain + "_unapplied"
main_unapplied.hide_render = True
main_unapplied.hide_viewport = True
- terrain_objs[self.main_terrain] = main_obj = main_mesh.export_blender(self.main_terrain)
+ terrain_objs[self.main_terrain] = main_obj = main_mesh.export_blender(
+ self.main_terrain
+ )
mat = main_unapplied.data.materials[0]
self.terrain_objs = terrain_objs
for name in self.terrain_objs:
if name not in hidden_in_viewport:
@@ -305,28 +430,47 @@ def fine_terrain(self, output_folder, cameras, optimize_terrain_diskusage=True):
if (self.on_the_fly_asset_folder / Assets.Ocean).exists():
with FixedSeed(int_hash(["Ocean", self.seed])):
- ocean_asset(output_folder / Assets.Ocean, bpy.context.scene.frame_start, bpy.context.scene.frame_end, link_folder=self.on_the_fly_asset_folder / Assets.Ocean)
+ ocean_asset(
+ output_folder / Assets.Ocean,
+ bpy.context.scene.frame_start,
+ bpy.context.scene.frame_end,
+ link_folder=self.on_the_fly_asset_folder / Assets.Ocean,
+ )
fine_meshes, _ = self.export(dynamic=True, cameras=cameras)
for mesh_name in fine_meshes:
obj = fine_meshes[mesh_name].export_blender(mesh_name + "_fine")
- if mesh_name not in hidden_in_viewport: self.tag_terrain(obj)
+ if mesh_name not in hidden_in_viewport:
+ self.tag_terrain(obj)
if not optimize_terrain_diskusage:
object_to_copy_from = bpy.data.objects[mesh_name]
- self.copy_materials_and_displacements(mesh_name, obj, object_to_copy_from, fine_meshes[mesh_name].blender_displacements)
+ self.copy_materials_and_displacements(
+ mesh_name,
+ obj,
+ object_to_copy_from,
+ fine_meshes[mesh_name].blender_displacements,
+ )
Mesh(obj=obj).save(output_folder / f"{mesh_name}.glb")
- np.save(output_folder / f"{mesh_name}.b_displacement", fine_meshes[mesh_name].blender_displacements)
+ np.save(
+ output_folder / f"{mesh_name}.b_displacement",
+ fine_meshes[mesh_name].blender_displacements,
+ )
- def copy_materials_and_displacements(self, mesh_name, object_to_copy_to, object_to_copy_from, displacements):
+ def copy_materials_and_displacements(
+ self, mesh_name, object_to_copy_to, object_to_copy_from, displacements
+ ):
mat = object_to_copy_from.data.materials[0]
mesh_name_unapplied = mesh_name
if mesh_name + "_unapplied" in bpy.data.objects.keys():
mesh_name_unapplied = mesh_name + "_unapplied"
for mod_name in displacements:
- move_modifier(object_to_copy_to, bpy.data.objects[mesh_name_unapplied].modifiers[mod_name])
+ move_modifier(
+ object_to_copy_to,
+ bpy.data.objects[mesh_name_unapplied].modifiers[mod_name],
+ )
object_to_copy_from.hide_render = True
object_to_copy_from.hide_viewport = True
if mesh_name in hidden_in_viewport:
@@ -334,17 +478,23 @@ def copy_materials_and_displacements(self, mesh_name, object_to_copy_to, object_
def load_glb(self, output_folder):
for mesh_name in os.listdir(output_folder):
- if not mesh_name.endswith(".glb"): continue
+ if not mesh_name.endswith(".glb"):
+ continue
mesh_name = mesh_name[:-4]
- object_to_copy_to = Mesh(path=output_folder/f"{mesh_name}.glb").export_blender(mesh_name + "_fine")
+ object_to_copy_to = Mesh(
+ path=output_folder / f"{mesh_name}.glb"
+ ).export_blender(mesh_name + "_fine")
object_to_copy_from = bpy.data.objects[mesh_name]
displacements = np.load(output_folder / f"{mesh_name}.b_displacement.npy")
- self.copy_materials_and_displacements(mesh_name, object_to_copy_to, object_to_copy_from, displacements)
+ self.copy_materials_and_displacements(
+ mesh_name, object_to_copy_to, object_to_copy_from, displacements
+ )
def compute_camera_space_sdf(self, XYZ):
sdf = np.ones(len(XYZ), dtype=np.float32) * 1e9
for element in self.elements_list:
- if element.__class__.name == ElementNames.Atmosphere: continue
+ if element.__class__.name == ElementNames.Atmosphere:
+ continue
element_sdf = element(XYZ, sdf_only=1)["sdf"]
if self.under_water and element.__class__.name == ElementNames.Liquid:
element_sdf *= -1
@@ -362,26 +512,40 @@ def get_bounding_box(self):
return min_gen, max_gen
- def build_terrain_bvh_and_attrs(self, terrain_tags_queries, avoid_border=False, looking_at_center_region_of_size=None):
+ def build_terrain_bvh_and_attrs(
+ self,
+ terrain_tags_queries,
+ avoid_border=False,
+ looking_at_center_region_of_size=None,
+ ):
exclude_list = [ElementNames.Atmosphere, ElementNames.Clouds]
- terrain_objs = [t for t in self.terrain_objs if not t in exclude_list]
+ terrain_objs = [t for t in self.terrain_objs if t not in exclude_list]
for mesh in terrain_objs:
with SelectObjects(bpy.data.objects[mesh]):
- bpy.ops.object.duplicate(linked=0,mode='TRANSLATION')
+ bpy.ops.object.duplicate(linked=0, mode="TRANSLATION")
for i, mesh in enumerate(terrain_objs):
with SelectObjects(bpy.data.objects[f"{mesh}.001"]):
for m in bpy.data.objects[f"{mesh}.001"].modifiers:
- far_ocean = self.under_water and self.surfaces[Materials.LiquidCollection].info["is_ocean"]
+ far_ocean = (
+ self.under_water
+ and self.surfaces[Materials.LiquidCollection].info["is_ocean"]
+ )
if far_ocean:
obj = bpy.data.objects[f"{ElementNames.Liquid}.001"]
- obj.data.attributes.new(name="vertexwise_min_dist", type=AttributeType.Float, domain='POINT')
- obj.data.attributes["vertexwise_min_dist"].data.foreach_set(FieldsType.Value, np.zeros(len(obj.data.vertices), dtype=np.float32) + 20)
+ obj.data.attributes.new(
+ name="vertexwise_min_dist", type=AttributeType.Float, domain="POINT"
+ )
+ obj.data.attributes["vertexwise_min_dist"].data.foreach_set(
+ FieldsType.Value,
+ np.zeros(len(obj.data.vertices), dtype=np.float32) + 20,
+ )
with SelectObjects(bpy.data.objects[f"{terrain_objs[0]}.001"]):
for i, mesh in enumerate(terrain_objs):
- if i != 0: bpy.data.objects[f"{mesh}.001"].select_set(True)
+ if i != 0:
+ bpy.data.objects[f"{mesh}.001"].select_set(True)
terrain_obj = bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active
@@ -392,38 +556,71 @@ def build_terrain_bvh_and_attrs(self, terrain_tags_queries, avoid_border=False,
q = (q0,)
q = q0
- if q[0] in [SelectionCriterions.CloseUp]: continue
+ if q[0] in [SelectionCriterions.CloseUp]:
+ continue
if q[0] == SelectionCriterions.Altitude:
min_altitude, max_altitude = q[1:3]
altitude = terrain_mesh.vertices[:, 2]
- camera_selection_answers[q0] = terrain_mesh.facewise_mean((altitude > min_altitude) & (altitude < max_altitude))
+ camera_selection_answers[q0] = terrain_mesh.facewise_mean(
+ (altitude > min_altitude) & (altitude < max_altitude)
+ )
- camera_selection_answers[q0] = np.zeros(len(terrain_mesh.faces), dtype=bool)
+ camera_selection_answers[q0] = np.zeros(
+ len(terrain_mesh.faces), dtype=bool
+ )
for key in self.tag_dict:
- if set(q).issubset(set(key.split('.'))):
- camera_selection_answers[q0] |= (terrain_mesh.face_attributes["MaskTag"] == self.tag_dict[key]).reshape(-1)
- camera_selection_answers[q0] = camera_selection_answers[q0].astype(np.float64)
+ if set(q).issubset(set(key.split("."))):
+ camera_selection_answers[q0] |= (
+ terrain_mesh.face_attributes["MaskTag"]
+ == self.tag_dict[key]
+ ).reshape(-1)
+ camera_selection_answers[q0] = camera_selection_answers[q0].astype(
+ np.float64
+ )
if np.abs(np.asarray(terrain_obj.matrix_world) - np.eye(4)).max() > 1e-4:
- raise ValueError(f"Not all transformations on {terrain_obj.name} have been applied. This function won't work correctly.")
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Not all transformations on {terrain_obj.name} have been applied. This function won't work correctly."
+ )
if "vertexwise_min_dist" not in terrain_mesh.vertex_attributes:
- terrain_mesh.vertex_attributes["vertexwise_min_dist"] = np.zeros((len(terrain_mesh.vertices), 1), dtype=np.float32)
+ terrain_mesh.vertex_attributes["vertexwise_min_dist"] = np.zeros(
+ (len(terrain_mesh.vertices), 1), dtype=np.float32
+ )
if avoid_border:
min_gen, max_gen = self.bounding_box
dist_to_bbox = np.zeros((len(terrain_mesh.vertices), 1)) + 1e9
- for i in range(3): dist_to_bbox[:, 0] = np.minimum(dist_to_bbox[:, 0], terrain_mesh.vertices[:, i] - min_gen[i], max_gen[i] - terrain_mesh.vertices[:, i])
+ for i in range(3):
+ dist_to_bbox[:, 0] = np.minimum(
+ dist_to_bbox[:, 0],
+ terrain_mesh.vertices[:, i] - min_gen[i],
+ max_gen[i] - terrain_mesh.vertices[:, i],
+ )
dist_to_bbox = np.maximum(dist_to_bbox, 0)
- terrain_mesh.vertex_attributes["vertexwise_min_dist"] = np.maximum(terrain_mesh.vertex_attributes["vertexwise_min_dist"], 30 / (dist_to_bbox + 1e-9))
+ terrain_mesh.vertex_attributes["vertexwise_min_dist"] = np.maximum(
+ terrain_mesh.vertex_attributes["vertexwise_min_dist"],
+ 30 / (dist_to_bbox + 1e-9),
+ )
if looking_at_center_region_of_size is not None:
center_region_dist = np.zeros((len(terrain_mesh.vertices), 1))
for i in range(2):
- center_region_dist[terrain_mesh.vertices[:, i] > looking_at_center_region_of_size / 2, 0] = 1e9
- center_region_dist[terrain_mesh.vertices[:, i] < -looking_at_center_region_of_size / 2, 0] = 1e9
- terrain_mesh.vertex_attributes["vertexwise_min_dist"] = np.maximum(terrain_mesh.vertex_attributes["vertexwise_min_dist"], center_region_dist)
- vertexwise_min_dist = terrain_mesh.facewise_mean(terrain_mesh.vertex_attributes["vertexwise_min_dist"].reshape(-1))
+ center_region_dist[
+ terrain_mesh.vertices[:, i] > looking_at_center_region_of_size / 2,
+ 0,
+ ] = 1e9
+ center_region_dist[
+ terrain_mesh.vertices[:, i] < -looking_at_center_region_of_size / 2,
+ 0,
+ ] = 1e9
+ terrain_mesh.vertex_attributes["vertexwise_min_dist"] = np.maximum(
+ terrain_mesh.vertex_attributes["vertexwise_min_dist"],
+ center_region_dist,
+ )
+ vertexwise_min_dist = terrain_mesh.facewise_mean(
+ terrain_mesh.vertex_attributes["vertexwise_min_dist"].reshape(-1)
+ )
depsgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
scene_bvh = BVHTree.FromObject(terrain_obj, depsgraph)
@@ -431,23 +628,28 @@ def build_terrain_bvh_and_attrs(self, terrain_tags_queries, avoid_border=False,
return scene_bvh, camera_selection_answers, vertexwise_min_dist
def tag_terrain(self, obj):
- if len(obj.data.vertices) == 0: return
+ if len(obj.data.vertices) == 0:
+ return
mesh = Mesh(obj=obj)
first_time = 1
- #initialize with element tag
+ # initialize with element tag
element_tag = np.zeros(len(obj.data.vertices), dtype=np.int32)
- obj.data.attributes[Attributes.ElementTag].data.foreach_get("value", element_tag)
+ obj.data.attributes[Attributes.ElementTag].data.foreach_get(
+ "value", element_tag
+ )
element_tag_f = mesh.facewise_intmax(element_tag)
for i in range(ElementTag.total_cnt):
mask_i = element_tag_f == i
if mask_i.any():
- obj.data.attributes.new(name=f"TAG_{ElementTag.map[i]}", type="FLOAT", domain='FACE')
- obj.data.attributes[f"TAG_{ElementTag.map[i]}"].data.foreach_set("value", AC(mask_i.astype(np.float32)))
+ obj.data.attributes.new(
+ name=f"TAG_{ElementTag.map[i]}", type="FLOAT", domain="FACE"
+ )
+ obj.data.attributes[f"TAG_{ElementTag.map[i]}"].data.foreach_set(
+ "value", AC(mask_i.astype(np.float32))
+ )
if first_time:
# "landscape" is a collective name for terrain and water
tag_object(obj, Tags.Landscape)
@@ -466,7 +668,7 @@ def tag_terrain(self, obj):
(Materials.Beach, 0.5, 0),
(Tags.OutOfView, 0.5, 1),
for tag_name, threshold, to_remove in tag_thresholds:
if tag_name in obj.data.attributes.keys():
tag = np.zeros(len(obj.data.vertices), dtype=np.float32)
@@ -476,8 +678,12 @@ def tag_terrain(self, obj):
if to_remove:
if tag_f.any():
- obj.data.attributes.new(name=f"TAG_{tag_name}", type="FLOAT", domain='FACE')
- obj.data.attributes[f"TAG_{tag_name}"].data.foreach_set("value", AC(tag_f.astype(np.float32)))
+ obj.data.attributes.new(
+ name=f"TAG_{tag_name}", type="FLOAT", domain="FACE"
+ )
+ obj.data.attributes[f"TAG_{tag_name}"].data.foreach_set(
+ "value", AC(tag_f.astype(np.float32))
+ )
self.tag_dict = tag_system.tag_dict
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/elements/atmosphere.py b/infinigen/terrain/elements/atmosphere.py
index 054ac651b..2529cfc70 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/elements/atmosphere.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/elements/atmosphere.py
@@ -7,13 +7,16 @@
import gin
import numpy as np
from numpy import ascontiguousarray as AC
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import Materials, Transparency, ElementNames
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import ElementNames, Materials, Transparency
from .core import Element
class Atmosphere(Element):
name = ElementNames.Atmosphere
def __init__(
@@ -26,10 +29,12 @@ def __init__(
self.device = device
self.int_params = AC(np.array([], dtype=np.int32))
- self.float_params = AC(np.array([height, spherical_radius, hacky_offset], dtype=np.float32))
+ self.float_params = AC(
+ np.array([height, spherical_radius, hacky_offset], dtype=np.float32)
+ )
if waterbody is not None:
self.int_params2 = waterbody.int_params
self.float_params2 = waterbody.float_params
self.meta_params = [waterbody is not None]
- Element.__init__(self, "atmosphere", material, transparency)
\ No newline at end of file
+ Element.__init__(self, "atmosphere", material, transparency)
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/elements/caves.py b/infinigen/terrain/elements/caves.py
index 22d98a920..f2a578f90 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/elements/caves.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/elements/caves.py
@@ -9,11 +9,13 @@
import gin
import numpy as np
from numpy import ascontiguousarray as AC
-from infinigen.terrain.assets.caves import assets_to_data, caves_asset
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import random_int, random_int_large
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, int_hash
-from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
from infinigen.core.util.organization import AssetFile
+from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
+from infinigen.terrain.assets.caves import assets_to_data, caves_asset
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import random_int, random_int_large
from .core import Element
@@ -42,15 +44,37 @@ def __init__(
self.assets_seed = random_int_large()
noise_freq = rg(noise_freq)
n_instances, N, float_data = self.load_assets()
- self.int_params = AC(np.array([
- nonpython_seed, n_lattice, is_horizontal, n_instances, N,
- ]).astype(np.int32))
- self.float_params = AC(np.concatenate((np.array([
- randomness, frequency, deepest_level, rg(scale_increase),
- noise_octaves, noise_freq, rg(noise_scale), height_offset, smoothness,
- ]), float_data)).astype(np.float32))
+ self.int_params = AC(
+ np.array(
+ [
+ nonpython_seed,
+ n_lattice,
+ is_horizontal,
+ n_instances,
+ N,
+ ]
+ ).astype(np.int32)
+ )
+ self.float_params = AC(
+ np.concatenate(
+ (
+ np.array(
+ [
+ randomness,
+ frequency,
+ deepest_level,
+ rg(scale_increase),
+ noise_octaves,
+ noise_freq,
+ rg(noise_scale),
+ height_offset,
+ smoothness,
+ ]
+ ),
+ float_data,
+ )
+ ).astype(np.float32)
+ )
def load_assets(
@@ -61,18 +85,29 @@ def load_assets(
asset_paths = []
if on_the_fly_instances > 0:
for i in range(on_the_fly_instances):
- if not (self.on_the_fly_asset_folder / str(i) / AssetFile.Finish).exists():
+ if not (
+ self.on_the_fly_asset_folder / str(i) / AssetFile.Finish
+ ).exists():
with FixedSeed(int_hash(("Caves", self.assets_seed, i))):
caves_asset(self.on_the_fly_asset_folder / f"{i}")
for i in range(on_the_fly_instances):
asset_paths.append(self.on_the_fly_asset_folder / f"{i}")
if reused_instances > 0:
- assert(self.reused_asset_folder is not None and self.reused_asset_folder.exists())
- all_instances = len([x for x in os.listdir(str(self.reused_asset_folder)) if x[0] != '.'])
- sample = np.random.choice(all_instances, reused_instances, replace=reused_instances > all_instances)
+ assert (
+ self.reused_asset_folder is not None
+ and self.reused_asset_folder.exists()
+ )
+ all_instances = len(
+ [x for x in os.listdir(str(self.reused_asset_folder)) if x[0] != "."]
+ )
+ sample = np.random.choice(
+ all_instances,
+ reused_instances,
+ replace=reused_instances > all_instances,
+ )
for i in range(reused_instances):
asset_paths.append(self.reused_asset_folder / f"{sample[i]}")
datas = {}
for asset_path in asset_paths:
N, data = assets_to_data(asset_path)
@@ -83,5 +118,7 @@ def load_assets(
datas[key] = [data[key]]
for key in datas:
datas[key] = np.concatenate(datas[key])
- float_params = np.concatenate((datas["bounding_box"], datas["occupancy"])).astype(np.float32)
- return on_the_fly_instances + reused_instances, N, float_params
\ No newline at end of file
+ float_params = np.concatenate(
+ (datas["bounding_box"], datas["occupancy"])
+ ).astype(np.float32)
+ return on_the_fly_instances + reused_instances, N, float_params
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/elements/core.py b/infinigen/terrain/elements/core.py
index 46f1870cb..cc2f61094 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/elements/core.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/elements/core.py
@@ -9,12 +9,15 @@
import gin
import numpy as np
from numpy import ascontiguousarray as AC
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import ASFLOAT, ASINT, Vars, load_cdll, register_func
from infinigen.core.util.organization import Materials
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import ASFLOAT, ASINT, Vars, load_cdll, register_func
class Element:
called_time = {}
def __init__(self, lib_name, material, transparency):
if lib_name in Element.called_time:
lib_name_X = f"{lib_name}_{Element.called_time[lib_name]}"
@@ -33,12 +36,27 @@ def __init__(self, lib_name, material, transparency):
register_func(self, dll, "call", call_param_type)
- register_func(self, dll, "init", [
- c_int32, c_int32,
- c_size_t, POINTER(c_int32), c_size_t, POINTER(c_float),
- c_size_t, POINTER(c_int32), c_size_t, POINTER(c_float),
- c_size_t, POINTER(c_int32), c_size_t, POINTER(c_float),
- ])
+ register_func(
+ self,
+ dll,
+ "init",
+ [
+ c_int32,
+ c_int32,
+ c_size_t,
+ POINTER(c_int32),
+ c_size_t,
+ POINTER(c_float),
+ c_size_t,
+ POINTER(c_int32),
+ c_size_t,
+ POINTER(c_float),
+ c_size_t,
+ POINTER(c_int32),
+ c_size_t,
+ POINTER(c_float),
+ ],
+ )
register_func(self, dll, "cleanup")
self.material = material
@@ -52,24 +70,39 @@ def __init__(self, lib_name, material, transparency):
meta_param2 = 0
meta_param = meta_param2 = 0
- if not hasattr(self, "int_params2"): self.int_params2 = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.int32)
- if not hasattr(self, "float_params2"): self.float_params2 = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.float32)
- if not hasattr(self, "int_params3"): self.int_params3 = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.int32)
- if not hasattr(self, "float_params3"): self.float_params3 = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.float32)
+ if not hasattr(self, "int_params2"):
+ self.int_params2 = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.int32)
+ if not hasattr(self, "float_params2"):
+ self.float_params2 = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.float32)
+ if not hasattr(self, "int_params3"):
+ self.int_params3 = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.int32)
+ if not hasattr(self, "float_params3"):
+ self.float_params3 = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.float32)
- meta_param, meta_param2,
- len(self.int_params), ASINT(self.int_params), len(self.float_params), ASFLOAT(self.float_params),
- len(self.int_params2), ASINT(self.int_params2), len(self.float_params2), ASFLOAT(self.float_params2),
- len(self.int_params3), ASINT(self.int_params3), len(self.float_params3), ASFLOAT(self.float_params3),
+ meta_param,
+ meta_param2,
+ len(self.int_params),
+ ASINT(self.int_params),
+ len(self.float_params),
+ ASFLOAT(self.float_params),
+ len(self.int_params2),
+ ASINT(self.int_params2),
+ len(self.float_params2),
+ ASFLOAT(self.float_params2),
+ len(self.int_params3),
+ ASINT(self.int_params3),
+ len(self.float_params3),
+ ASFLOAT(self.float_params3),
self.displacement = []
self.height_offset = 0
self.whole_bbox = None
def __call__(self, positions, sdf_only=False):
if self.whole_bbox is not None:
- mask = (positions >= self.whole_bbox[0].reshape((1, 3))).all(axis=-1) & (positions <= self.whole_bbox[1].reshape((1, 3))).all(axis=-1)
+ mask = (positions >= self.whole_bbox[0].reshape((1, 3))).all(axis=-1) & (
+ positions <= self.whole_bbox[1].reshape((1, 3))
+ ).all(axis=-1)
positions[:, 2] += self.height_offset
N = len(positions)
sdf = AC(np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32))
@@ -81,11 +114,16 @@ def __call__(self, positions, sdf_only=False):
auxs.append(AC(np.zeros(N * len(self.aux_names), dtype=np.float32)))
- self.call(N, ASFLOAT(AC(positions.astype(np.float32))), ASFLOAT(sdf), *[POINTER(c_float)() if x is None else ASFLOAT(x) for x in auxs])
+ self.call(
+ N,
+ ASFLOAT(AC(positions.astype(np.float32))),
+ ASFLOAT(sdf),
+ *[POINTER(c_float)() if x is None else ASFLOAT(x) for x in auxs],
+ )
if self.whole_bbox is not None:
sdf[mask] = 1e6
ret = {}
ret[Vars.SDF] = sdf
@@ -108,4 +146,4 @@ def __call__(self, positions, sdf_only=False):
def get_heightmap(self, X, Y):
N = X.shape[0]
positions = np.stack((X.reshape(-1), Y.reshape(-1), np.zeros(N * N)), -1)
- return -self.__call__(positions)[Vars.SDF].reshape((N, N))
\ No newline at end of file
+ return -self.__call__(positions)[Vars.SDF].reshape((N, N))
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/elements/ground.py b/infinigen/terrain/elements/ground.py
index 4dfacc810..38fd8c802 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/elements/ground.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/elements/ground.py
@@ -7,9 +7,16 @@
import gin
import numpy as np
from numpy import ascontiguousarray as AC
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import random_int
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import Materials, Transparency, Tags, ElementNames, ElementTag
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import (
+ ElementNames,
+ ElementTag,
+ Materials,
+ Tags,
+ Transparency,
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import random_int
from .core import Element
@@ -17,6 +24,7 @@
class Ground(Element):
name = ElementNames.Ground
def __init__(
@@ -50,13 +58,24 @@ def __init__(
self.float_params2 = caves.float_params
self.int_params = AC(np.array([seed, is_3d, with_sand_dunes], dtype=np.int32))
- self.float_params = AC(np.array([
- spherical_radius,
- freq, octaves, scale, height,
- sand_dunes_warping_freq, sand_dunes_warping_octaves, sand_dunes_warping_scale,
- sand_dunes_freq, sand_dunes_scale
- ], dtype=np.float32))
+ self.float_params = AC(
+ np.array(
+ [
+ spherical_radius,
+ freq,
+ octaves,
+ scale,
+ height,
+ sand_dunes_warping_freq,
+ sand_dunes_warping_octaves,
+ sand_dunes_warping_scale,
+ sand_dunes_freq,
+ sand_dunes_scale,
+ ],
+ dtype=np.float32,
+ )
+ )
self.meta_params = [caves is not None]
Element.__init__(self, "ground", material, transparency)
- self.tag = ElementTag.Terrain
\ No newline at end of file
+ self.tag = ElementTag.Terrain
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/elements/landtiles.py b/infinigen/terrain/elements/landtiles.py
index 7c128b01f..387a59176 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/elements/landtiles.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/elements/landtiles.py
@@ -10,27 +10,39 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy import ascontiguousarray as AC
-from infinigen.terrain.assets.landtiles import assets_to_data, landtile_asset
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import random_int, random_int_large
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, int_hash
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import Tags, Materials, LandTile, Process, Transparency, ElementNames, ElementTag, AssetFile
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import (
+ AssetFile,
+ ElementNames,
+ ElementTag,
+ LandTile,
+ Materials,
+ Process,
+ Tags,
+ Transparency,
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
+from infinigen.terrain.assets.landtiles import assets_to_data, landtile_asset
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import random_int, random_int_large
from .core import Element
def none_to_0(x):
- if x is None: return 0
+ if x is None:
+ return 0
return x
class LandTiles(Element):
name = ElementNames.LandTiles
def __init__(
- on_the_fly_asset_folder, # for tiledlandscape the folder is the containing folder not specific type folder
+ on_the_fly_asset_folder, # for tiledlandscape the folder is the containing folder not specific type folder
@@ -41,7 +53,8 @@ def __init__(
land_process=("choice", [Process.Erosion, None], [0.65, 0.35]),
- height_modification_start=None, height_modification_end=None,
+ height_modification_start=None,
+ height_modification_end=None,
@@ -61,8 +74,12 @@ def __init__(
nonpython_seed = random_int()
self.assets_seed = random_int_large()
self.tiles = tiles
- self.attribute_modification_start_height = attribute_modification_start_height = rg(attribute_modification_start_height)
- self.attribute_modification_end_height = attribute_modification_end_height = rg(attribute_modification_end_height)
+ self.attribute_modification_start_height = (
+ attribute_modification_start_height
+ ) = rg(attribute_modification_start_height)
+ self.attribute_modification_end_height = attribute_modification_end_height = rg(
+ attribute_modification_end_height
+ )
self.smooth = smooth
self.aux_names = []
land_process = rg(land_process)
@@ -98,19 +115,55 @@ def __init__(
frequency = 1 / (tile_size * 0.67) * tile_density
- self.int_params = AC(np.concatenate((np.array([
- nonpython_seed, n_lattice, len(tiles), height_modification_start is not None,
- attribute_modification_start_height is not None, n_instances, N, use_cblerp,
- ]), )).astype(np.int32))
- self.float_params = AC(np.concatenate((np.array([
- randomness, frequency, attribute_probability, attribute_distance_range, island_probability, tile_size,
- none_to_0(height_modification_start), none_to_0(height_modification_end),
- none_to_0(attribute_modification_start_height), none_to_0(attribute_modification_end_height),
- attribute_modification_distort_freq, attribute_modification_distort_mag, empty_below, y_tilt, y_tilt_clip, sharpen,
- mask_random_freq, direction_deg,
- *tile_heights,
- ]), float_data)).astype(np.float32))
+ self.int_params = AC(
+ np.concatenate(
+ (
+ np.array(
+ [
+ nonpython_seed,
+ n_lattice,
+ len(tiles),
+ height_modification_start is not None,
+ attribute_modification_start_height is not None,
+ n_instances,
+ N,
+ use_cblerp,
+ ]
+ ),
+ )
+ ).astype(np.int32)
+ )
+ self.float_params = AC(
+ np.concatenate(
+ (
+ np.array(
+ [
+ randomness,
+ frequency,
+ attribute_probability,
+ attribute_distance_range,
+ island_probability,
+ tile_size,
+ none_to_0(height_modification_start),
+ none_to_0(height_modification_end),
+ none_to_0(attribute_modification_start_height),
+ none_to_0(attribute_modification_end_height),
+ attribute_modification_distort_freq,
+ attribute_modification_distort_mag,
+ empty_below,
+ y_tilt,
+ y_tilt_clip,
+ sharpen,
+ mask_random_freq,
+ direction_deg,
+ *tile_heights,
+ ]
+ ),
+ float_data,
+ )
+ ).astype(np.float32)
+ )
self.meta_params = [caves is not None]
Element.__init__(self, "landtiles", material, transparency)
self.tag = ElementTag.Terrain
@@ -125,23 +178,43 @@ def load_assets(
if on_the_fly_instances > 0:
for t, tile in enumerate(self.tiles):
for i in range(on_the_fly_instances):
- if not (self.on_the_fly_asset_folder / tile / str(i) / AssetFile.Finish).exists():
+ if not (
+ self.on_the_fly_asset_folder / tile / str(i) / AssetFile.Finish
+ ).exists():
with FixedSeed(int_hash(("LandTiles", self.assets_seed, t, i))):
- landtile_asset(self.on_the_fly_asset_folder / tile / f"{i}", tile, device=self.device)
+ landtile_asset(
+ self.on_the_fly_asset_folder / tile / f"{i}",
+ tile,
+ device=self.device,
+ )
for tile in self.tiles:
for i in range(on_the_fly_instances):
asset_paths.append(self.on_the_fly_asset_folder / tile / f"{i}")
if reused_instances > 0:
assert self.reused_asset_folder is not None
- assert (self.reused_asset_folder / tile).exists(), f"{self.reused_asset_folder / tile} does not exists"
- all_instances = len([x for x in os.listdir(str(self.reused_asset_folder / tile)) if x[0] != '.'])
- sample = np.random.choice(all_instances, reused_instances, replace=reused_instances > all_instances)
+ assert (
+ self.reused_asset_folder / tile
+ ).exists(), f"{self.reused_asset_folder / tile} does not exists"
+ all_instances = len(
+ [
+ x
+ for x in os.listdir(str(self.reused_asset_folder / tile))
+ if x[0] != "."
+ ]
+ )
+ sample = np.random.choice(
+ all_instances,
+ reused_instances,
+ replace=reused_instances > all_instances,
+ )
for i in range(reused_instances):
asset_paths.append(self.reused_asset_folder / tile / f"{sample[i]}")
datas = {"direction": [np.zeros(0)]}
for asset_path in asset_paths:
- tile_size, N, data = assets_to_data(asset_path, self.land_process, do_smooth=self.smooth)
+ tile_size, N, data = assets_to_data(
+ asset_path, self.land_process, do_smooth=self.smooth
+ )
for key in data:
if key in datas:
@@ -149,12 +222,15 @@ def load_assets(
datas[key] = [data[key]]
for key in datas:
datas[key] = np.concatenate(datas[key])
- float_params = np.concatenate((datas["heightmap"], datas["mask"], datas["direction"])).astype(np.float32)
+ float_params = np.concatenate(
+ (datas["heightmap"], datas["mask"], datas["direction"])
+ ).astype(np.float32)
return on_the_fly_instances + reused_instances, tile_size, N, float_params
class Volcanos(LandTiles):
name = ElementNames.Volcanos
def __init__(
@@ -175,15 +251,18 @@ def __init__(
- height_modification_start=-0.5, height_modification_end=-1.5,
+ height_modification_start=-0.5,
+ height_modification_end=-1.5,
self.tag = ElementTag.Volcanos
class FloatingIce(LandTiles):
name = ElementNames.FloatingIce
def __init__(
@@ -203,10 +282,11 @@ def __init__(
- height_modification_start=None, height_modification_end=None,
+ height_modification_start=None,
+ height_modification_end=None,
- self.tag = ElementTag.FloatingIce
\ No newline at end of file
+ self.tag = ElementTag.FloatingIce
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/elements/mountains.py b/infinigen/terrain/elements/mountains.py
index 52992acdf..9fd4ec12c 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/elements/mountains.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/elements/mountains.py
@@ -7,23 +7,32 @@
import gin
import numpy as np
from numpy import ascontiguousarray as AC
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import random_int
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import Materials, Transparency, ElementNames, ElementTag
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import (
+ ElementNames,
+ ElementTag,
+ Materials,
+ Transparency,
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import random_int
from .core import Element
# this element is used as auxiliary element
class Mountains(Element):
name = ElementNames.Mountains
def __init__(
- min_freq, max_freq,
+ min_freq,
+ max_freq,
height, # i.e. scale (not base height)
- slope_height, # i.e. slope_scale
+ slope_height, # i.e. slope_scale
@@ -43,19 +52,31 @@ def __init__(
mask_freq = min_freq * mask_freq_ratio
mask_octaves = rg(mask_octaves)
coverage = rg(coverage)
- mask_ramp_min, mask_ramp_max = -1.1 - coverage*2, -0.9 - coverage*2
+ mask_ramp_min, mask_ramp_max = -1.1 - coverage * 2, -0.9 - coverage * 2
slope_freq = rg(slope_freq)
slope_octaves = rg(slope_octaves)
slope_height = rg(slope_height)
self.int_params = AC(np.array([random_int(), n_groups, is_3d], dtype=np.int32))
- self.float_params = AC(np.array([
- spherical_radius,
- min_freq, max_freq, octaves, height * 2,
- mask_freq, mask_octaves,
- mask_ramp_min, mask_ramp_max,
- slope_freq, slope_octaves, slope_height,
- ], dtype=np.float32))
+ self.float_params = AC(
+ np.array(
+ [
+ spherical_radius,
+ min_freq,
+ max_freq,
+ octaves,
+ height * 2,
+ mask_freq,
+ mask_octaves,
+ mask_ramp_min,
+ mask_ramp_max,
+ slope_freq,
+ slope_octaves,
+ slope_height,
+ ],
+ dtype=np.float32,
+ )
+ )
Element.__init__(self, "mountains", material, transparency)
- self.tag = ElementTag.Terrain
\ No newline at end of file
+ self.tag = ElementTag.Terrain
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/elements/upsidedown_mountains.py b/infinigen/terrain/elements/upsidedown_mountains.py
index 7e73fadce..4d6db5563 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/elements/upsidedown_mountains.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/elements/upsidedown_mountains.py
@@ -9,16 +9,29 @@
import gin
import numpy as np
from numpy import ascontiguousarray as AC
-from infinigen.terrain.assets.upsidedown_mountains import assets_to_data, upsidedown_mountains_asset
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import random_int, random_int_large
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, int_hash
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import Materials, Transparency, ElementNames, ElementTag, Tags, AssetFile
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import (
+ AssetFile,
+ ElementNames,
+ ElementTag,
+ Materials,
+ Tags,
+ Transparency,
+from infinigen.terrain.assets.upsidedown_mountains import (
+ assets_to_data,
+ upsidedown_mountains_asset,
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import random_int, random_int_large
from .core import Element
class UpsidedownMountains(Element):
name = ElementNames.UpsidedownMountains
def __init__(
@@ -40,9 +53,30 @@ def __init__(
self.assets_seed = random_int_large()
self.aux_names = [Tags.UpsidedownMountainsLowerPart]
n_instances, L, N, float_data = self.load_assets()
- self.int_params = AC(np.concatenate((np.array([nonpython_seed, n_instances, N]),)).astype(np.int32))
- self.float_params = AC(np.concatenate((np.array([L, floating_height, randomness, frequency, perturb_octaves, perturb_freq, perturb_scale]), float_data)).astype(np.float32))
+ self.int_params = AC(
+ np.concatenate((np.array([nonpython_seed, n_instances, N]),)).astype(
+ np.int32
+ )
+ )
+ self.float_params = AC(
+ np.concatenate(
+ (
+ np.array(
+ [
+ L,
+ floating_height,
+ randomness,
+ frequency,
+ perturb_octaves,
+ perturb_freq,
+ perturb_scale,
+ ]
+ ),
+ float_data,
+ )
+ ).astype(np.float32)
+ )
Element.__init__(self, "upsidedown_mountains", material, transparency)
self.tag = ElementTag.UpsidedownMountains
@@ -55,18 +89,33 @@ def load_assets(
asset_paths = []
if on_the_fly_instances > 0:
for i in range(on_the_fly_instances):
- if not (self.on_the_fly_asset_folder / str(i) / AssetFile.Finish).exists():
- with FixedSeed(int_hash(("UpsidedownMountains", self.assets_seed, i))):
- upsidedown_mountains_asset(self.on_the_fly_asset_folder / f"{i}", device=self.device)
+ if not (
+ self.on_the_fly_asset_folder / str(i) / AssetFile.Finish
+ ).exists():
+ with FixedSeed(
+ int_hash(("UpsidedownMountains", self.assets_seed, i))
+ ):
+ upsidedown_mountains_asset(
+ self.on_the_fly_asset_folder / f"{i}", device=self.device
+ )
for i in range(on_the_fly_instances):
asset_paths.append(self.on_the_fly_asset_folder / f"{i}")
if reused_instances > 0:
- assert(self.reused_asset_folder is not None and self.reused_asset_folder.exists())
- all_instances = len([x for x in os.listdir(str(self.reused_asset_folder)) if x[0] != '.'])
- sample = np.random.choice(all_instances, reused_instances, replace=reused_instances > all_instances)
+ assert (
+ self.reused_asset_folder is not None
+ and self.reused_asset_folder.exists()
+ )
+ all_instances = len(
+ [x for x in os.listdir(str(self.reused_asset_folder)) if x[0] != "."]
+ )
+ sample = np.random.choice(
+ all_instances,
+ reused_instances,
+ replace=reused_instances > all_instances,
+ )
for i in range(reused_instances):
asset_paths.append(self.reused_asset_folder / f"{sample[i]}")
datas = {}
for asset_path in asset_paths:
L, N, data = assets_to_data(asset_path)
@@ -77,5 +126,7 @@ def load_assets(
datas[key] = [data[key]]
for key in datas:
datas[key] = np.concatenate(datas[key])
- float_params = np.concatenate((datas["upside"], datas["downside"], datas["peak"])).astype(np.float32)
- return on_the_fly_instances + reused_instances, L, N, float_params
\ No newline at end of file
+ float_params = np.concatenate(
+ (datas["upside"], datas["downside"], datas["peak"])
+ ).astype(np.float32)
+ return on_the_fly_instances + reused_instances, L, N, float_params
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/elements/voronoi_rocks.py b/infinigen/terrain/elements/voronoi_rocks.py
index 217832a0e..cacc77fc6 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/elements/voronoi_rocks.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/elements/voronoi_rocks.py
@@ -7,19 +7,30 @@
import gin
import numpy as np
from numpy import ascontiguousarray as AC
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import (
+ ElementNames,
+ ElementTag,
+ Materials,
+ Tags,
+ Transparency,
from infinigen.terrain.utils import random_int
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import Materials, ElementNames, Transparency, ElementTag, Tags
from .core import Element
from .landtiles import LandTiles
def none_to_0(x):
- if x is None: return 0
+ if x is None:
+ return 0
return x
class VoronoiRocks(Element):
name = ElementNames.VoronoiRocks
def __init__(
@@ -29,18 +40,42 @@ def __init__(
- min_freq=1, max_freq=10,
- gap_min_freq=0.003, gap_max_freq=0.03, gap_scale=0.1, gap_octaves=2, gap_base=10,
- warp_min_freq=0.1, warp_max_freq=0.5, warp_octaves=3, warp_prob=0.5,
- warp_modu_sigmoidscale=3, warp_modu_scale=0.4, warp_modu_octaves=2, warp_modu_freq=0.01,
- mask_octaves=11, mask_freq=0.05, mask_shift=-0.2,
+ min_freq=1,
+ max_freq=10,
+ gap_min_freq=0.003,
+ gap_max_freq=0.03,
+ gap_scale=0.1,
+ gap_octaves=2,
+ gap_base=10,
+ warp_min_freq=0.1,
+ warp_max_freq=0.5,
+ warp_octaves=3,
+ warp_prob=0.5,
+ warp_modu_sigmoidscale=3,
+ warp_modu_scale=0.4,
+ warp_modu_octaves=2,
+ warp_modu_freq=0.01,
+ mask_octaves=11,
+ mask_freq=0.05,
+ mask_shift=-0.2,
self.device = device
seed = random_int()
- height_modification = hasattr(attachment, "attribute_modification_start_height") and attachment.attribute_modification_start_height is not None
- attribute_modification_start_height = attachment.attribute_modification_start_height if height_modification else None
- attribute_modification_end_height = attachment.attribute_modification_end_height if height_modification else None
+ height_modification = (
+ hasattr(attachment, "attribute_modification_start_height")
+ and attachment.attribute_modification_start_height is not None
+ )
+ attribute_modification_start_height = (
+ attachment.attribute_modification_start_height
+ if height_modification
+ else None
+ )
+ attribute_modification_end_height = (
+ attachment.attribute_modification_end_height
+ if height_modification
+ else None
+ )
if height_modification and variable_material:
self.aux_names = [Materials.Beach]
@@ -50,35 +85,69 @@ def __init__(
- self.int_params = AC(np.array([seed, n_lattice, height_modification], dtype=np.int32))
- self.float_params = AC(np.array([
- min_freq, max_freq,
- gap_min_freq, gap_max_freq, gap_scale, gap_octaves, gap_base,
- warp_min_freq, warp_max_freq, warp_octaves, warp_prob,
- warp_modu_sigmoidscale, warp_modu_scale, warp_modu_octaves, warp_modu_freq,
- mask_octaves, mask_freq, mask_shift,
- none_to_0(attribute_modification_start_height), none_to_0(attribute_modification_end_height)
- ], dtype=np.float32))
+ self.int_params = AC(
+ np.array([seed, n_lattice, height_modification], dtype=np.int32)
+ )
+ self.float_params = AC(
+ np.array(
+ [
+ min_freq,
+ max_freq,
+ gap_min_freq,
+ gap_max_freq,
+ gap_scale,
+ gap_octaves,
+ gap_base,
+ warp_min_freq,
+ warp_max_freq,
+ warp_octaves,
+ warp_prob,
+ warp_modu_sigmoidscale,
+ warp_modu_scale,
+ warp_modu_octaves,
+ warp_modu_freq,
+ mask_octaves,
+ mask_freq,
+ mask_shift,
+ none_to_0(attribute_modification_start_height),
+ none_to_0(attribute_modification_end_height),
+ ],
+ dtype=np.float32,
+ )
+ )
self.int_params2 = attachment.int_params
self.float_params2 = attachment.float_params
if caves is not None:
self.int_params3 = caves.int_params
self.float_params3 = caves.float_params
self.meta_params = [not isinstance(attachment, LandTiles), caves is not None]
Element.__init__(self, "voronoi_rocks", material, transparency)
self.tag = ElementTag.VoronoiRocks
class VoronoiGrains(VoronoiRocks):
name = ElementNames.VoronoiGrains
def __init__(
- min_freq=30, max_freq=300,
+ min_freq=30,
+ max_freq=300,
- VoronoiRocks.__init__(self, device, attachment, caves, min_freq=min_freq, max_freq=max_freq, mask_shift=9, warp_prob=0, variable_material=1)
+ VoronoiRocks.__init__(
+ self,
+ device,
+ attachment,
+ caves,
+ min_freq=min_freq,
+ max_freq=max_freq,
+ mask_shift=9,
+ warp_prob=0,
+ variable_material=1,
+ )
self.tag = ElementTag.VoronoiGrains
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/elements/warped_rocks.py b/infinigen/terrain/elements/warped_rocks.py
index 75392915c..838bec534 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/elements/warped_rocks.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/elements/warped_rocks.py
@@ -7,14 +7,23 @@
import gin
import numpy as np
from numpy import ascontiguousarray as AC
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import (
+ ElementNames,
+ ElementTag,
+ Materials,
+ Tags,
+ Transparency,
from infinigen.terrain.utils import random_int
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import Materials, ElementNames, Transparency, ElementTag, Tags
from .core import Element
class WarpedRocks(Element):
name = ElementNames.WarpedRocks
def __init__(
@@ -23,9 +32,18 @@ def __init__(
- content_min_freq=0.06, content_max_freq=0.1, content_octaves=15, content_scale=40,
- warp_min_freq=0.1, warp_max_freq=0.15, warp_octaves=3, warp_scale=5,
- slope_freq=0.02, slope_octaves=5, slope_scale=20, slope_shift=0
+ content_min_freq=0.06,
+ content_max_freq=0.1,
+ content_octaves=15,
+ content_scale=40,
+ warp_min_freq=0.1,
+ warp_max_freq=0.15,
+ warp_octaves=3,
+ warp_scale=5,
+ slope_freq=0.02,
+ slope_octaves=5,
+ slope_scale=20,
+ slope_shift=0,
self.device = device
seed = random_int()
@@ -36,15 +54,29 @@ def __init__(
self.int_params2 = caves.int_params
self.float_params2 = caves.float_params
self.int_params = AC(np.array([seed, slope_is_3d], dtype=np.int32))
- self.float_params = AC(np.array([
- supressing_param,
- content_min_freq, content_max_freq, content_octaves, content_scale,
- warp_min_freq, warp_max_freq, warp_octaves, warp_scale,
- slope_freq, slope_octaves, slope_scale, slope_shift,
- ], dtype=np.float32))
+ self.float_params = AC(
+ np.array(
+ [
+ supressing_param,
+ content_min_freq,
+ content_max_freq,
+ content_octaves,
+ content_scale,
+ warp_min_freq,
+ warp_max_freq,
+ warp_octaves,
+ warp_scale,
+ slope_freq,
+ slope_octaves,
+ slope_scale,
+ slope_shift,
+ ],
+ dtype=np.float32,
+ )
+ )
self.meta_params = [caves is not None]
Element.__init__(self, "warped_rocks", material, transparency)
- self.tag = ElementTag.WarpedRocks
\ No newline at end of file
+ self.tag = ElementTag.WarpedRocks
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/elements/waterbody.py b/infinigen/terrain/elements/waterbody.py
index cff581fe5..8a5de350b 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/elements/waterbody.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/elements/waterbody.py
@@ -7,7 +7,14 @@
import gin
import numpy as np
from numpy import ascontiguousarray as AC
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import Materials, Transparency, ElementNames, ElementTag, Attributes
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import (
+ Attributes,
+ ElementNames,
+ ElementTag,
+ Materials,
+ Transparency,
from .core import Element
@@ -15,6 +22,7 @@
class Waterbody(Element):
name = ElementNames.Liquid
def __init__(
@@ -41,4 +49,4 @@ def __init__(
self.aux_names = [None]
Element.__init__(self, "waterbody", material, transparency)
- self.tag = ElementTag.Liquid
\ No newline at end of file
+ self.tag = ElementTag.Liquid
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/land_process/erosion.py b/infinigen/terrain/land_process/erosion.py
index 712c39d97..7cf696932 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/land_process/erosion.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/land_process/erosion.py
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy import ascontiguousarray as AC
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import ASFLOAT, load_cdll, read, smooth
+import infinigen
from infinigen.core.util.organization import AssetFile, Process
-from infinigen.core.init import repo_root
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import ASFLOAT, load_cdll, read, smooth
@@ -31,20 +31,33 @@ def run_erosion(
dll = load_cdll("terrain/lib/cpu/soil_machine/SoilMachine.so")
func = dll.run
func.argtypes = [
- POINTER(c_float), POINTER(c_float), POINTER(c_float),
- c_int32, c_int32, c_int32, c_int32, c_int32, c_float, c_float, c_char_p
+ POINTER(c_float),
+ POINTER(c_float),
+ POINTER(c_float),
+ c_int32,
+ c_int32,
+ c_int32,
+ c_int32,
+ c_int32,
+ c_float,
+ c_float,
+ c_char_p,
func.restype = None
- heightmap = read(str(folder/f'{AssetFile.Heightmap}.exr')).astype(np.float32)
+ heightmap = read(str(folder / f"{AssetFile.Heightmap}.exr")).astype(np.float32)
tile_size = float(np.loadtxt(f"{folder}/{AssetFile.TileSize}.txt"))
- soil_config_path = repo_root()/"infinigen/terrain/source/cpu/soil_machine/soil/sand.soil"
+ soil_config_path = (
+ infinigen.repo_root()
+ / "infinigen/terrain/source/cpu/soil_machine/soil/sand.soil"
+ )
for i, N, n_iter in zip(list(range(len(Ns))), Ns, n_iters):
M = heightmap.shape[0]
heightmap = cv2.resize(heightmap, (N, N))
- if N > M: heightmap = smooth(heightmap, 3)
+ if N > M:
+ heightmap = smooth(heightmap, 3)
original_heightmap = heightmap.copy()
ground_level = heightmap.min() - ground_depth
height_scale = 1
@@ -52,18 +65,37 @@ def run_erosion(
result_heightmap = np.zeros_like(heightmap)
watertrack = np.zeros_like(heightmap)
- ASFLOAT(heightmap), ASFLOAT(result_heightmap), ASFLOAT(watertrack),
- N, N, 0, n_iter, 0, spatial * tile_size, c_eq_factor[i], str(soil_config_path).encode('utf-8'),
+ ASFLOAT(heightmap),
+ ASFLOAT(result_heightmap),
+ ASFLOAT(watertrack),
+ N,
+ N,
+ 0,
+ n_iter,
+ 0,
+ spatial * tile_size,
+ c_eq_factor[i],
+ str(soil_config_path).encode("utf-8"),
heightmap = result_heightmap / height_scale + ground_level
watertrack = watertrack.reshape((N, N))
- watertrack = np.clip((watertrack - mask_range[0]) / (mask_range[1] - mask_range[0]), a_min=0, a_max=1)
- watertrack = watertrack ** 0.2
+ watertrack = np.clip(
+ (watertrack - mask_range[0]) / (mask_range[1] - mask_range[0]),
+ a_min=0,
+ a_max=1,
+ )
+ watertrack = watertrack**0.2
if mask_height_range is not None:
- mask = np.clip((heightmap - mask_height_range[0]) / (mask_height_range[1] - mask_height_range[0]), a_min=0, a_max=1)
+ mask = np.clip(
+ (heightmap - mask_height_range[0])
+ / (mask_height_range[1] - mask_height_range[0]),
+ a_min=0,
+ a_max=1,
+ )
mask = np.ones_like(heightmap)
- if i == 0 and len(Ns) > 1: heightmap -= watertrack * sinking_rate
+ if i == 0 and len(Ns) > 1:
+ heightmap -= watertrack * sinking_rate
heightmap = heightmap * mask + original_heightmap * (1 - mask)
if mask_height_range is not None:
kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.float32) / 25
@@ -72,7 +104,7 @@ def run_erosion(
heightmap = cv2.filter2D(heightmap, -1, kernel)
heightmap = heightmap * (1 - mask) + original_heightmap * mask
- cv2.imwrite(str(folder/f'{Process.Erosion}.{AssetFile.Heightmap}.exr'), heightmap)
- cv2.imwrite(str(folder/f'{Process.Erosion}.{AssetFile.Mask}.exr'), watertrack)
+ cv2.imwrite(str(folder / f"{Process.Erosion}.{AssetFile.Heightmap}.exr"), heightmap)
+ cv2.imwrite(str(folder / f"{Process.Erosion}.{AssetFile.Mask}.exr"), watertrack)
del dll
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/land_process/snowfall.py b/infinigen/terrain/land_process/snowfall.py
index fe95a46c6..c91c9a91c 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/land_process/snowfall.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/land_process/snowfall.py
@@ -7,19 +7,29 @@
import cv2
import gin
import numpy as np
-from landlab import RasterModelGrid
-from landlab.components import FlowDirectorSteepest, TransportLengthHillslopeDiffuser
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import get_normal, read, smooth
from tqdm import tqdm
+ import landlab
+ from landlab import RasterModelGrid
+ from landlab.components import (
+ FlowDirectorSteepest,
+ TransportLengthHillslopeDiffuser,
+ )
+except ImportError:
+ landlab = None
from infinigen.core.util.organization import AssetFile, Process
from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general as rg
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import get_normal, read, smooth
snowfall_params_ = {}
def snowfall_params(
- ((np.cos(np.pi/6), 0, np.sin(np.pi/6)), (0.80, 0.801)),
+ ((np.cos(np.pi / 6), 0, np.sin(np.pi / 6)), (0.80, 0.801)),
((0, 0, 1), (0.90, 0.901)),
detailed_normal_params=[((0, 0, 1), (0.80, 0.801))],
@@ -34,6 +44,7 @@ def snowfall_params(
return snowfall_params_
def run_snowfall(
@@ -41,6 +52,12 @@ def run_snowfall(
diffussion_params=[(256, 10, 9), (1024, 10, 5)],
+ if landlab is None:
+ raise ImportError(
+ "landlab must be installed to use terrain snowfall "
+ "Please install optional terrain dependencies via `pip install .[terrain]`"
+ )
heightmap_path = f"{folder}/{Process.Erosion}.{AssetFile.Heightmap}.exr"
tile_size = float(np.loadtxt(f"{folder}/{AssetFile.TileSize}.txt"))
rocks = read(heightmap_path)
@@ -54,13 +71,17 @@ def run_snowfall(
mg.set_closed_boundaries_at_grid_edges(False, False, False, False)
_ = mg.add_field("topographic__elevation", snow, at="node")
fdir = FlowDirectorSteepest(mg)
- tl_diff = TransportLengthHillslopeDiffuser(mg, erodibility=0.001, slope_crit=0.6)
- if verbose: range_t = tqdm(range(n_iters))
- else: range_t = range(n_iters)
+ tl_diff = TransportLengthHillslopeDiffuser(
+ mg, erodibility=0.001, slope_crit=0.6
+ )
+ if verbose:
+ range_t = tqdm(range(n_iters))
+ else:
+ range_t = range(n_iters)
for t in range_t:
- tl_diff.run_one_step(1.)
- snow = mg.at_node['topographic__elevation']
+ tl_diff.run_one_step(1.0)
+ snow = mg.at_node["topographic__elevation"]
snow = snow.reshape((N, N))
snow = cv2.resize(snow, (M, M))
snow = smooth(snow, smoothing_kernel)
@@ -72,9 +93,35 @@ def run_snowfall(
reference_snow = rocks * blending + snows * (1 - blending)
normal_map = get_normal(reference_snow, tile_size / snows.shape[0])
mask_sharpening = 1 / (th1 - th0)
- mask += np.clip(((normal_map * np.array(normal_preference).reshape((1, 1, 3))).sum(axis=-1) - th0) * mask_sharpening, a_min=0, a_max=1)
- mask -= np.clip(((-normal_map * np.array(normal_preference).reshape((1, 1, 3))).sum(axis=-1) - th0) * mask_sharpening, a_min=0, a_max=1)
+ mask += np.clip(
+ (
+ (normal_map * np.array(normal_preference).reshape((1, 1, 3))).sum(
+ axis=-1
+ )
+ - th0
+ )
+ * mask_sharpening,
+ a_min=0,
+ a_max=1,
+ )
+ mask -= np.clip(
+ (
+ (-normal_map * np.array(normal_preference).reshape((1, 1, 3))).sum(
+ axis=-1
+ )
+ - th0
+ )
+ * mask_sharpening,
+ a_min=0,
+ a_max=1,
+ )
mask = np.clip(mask, a_min=0, a_max=1)
heightmap = snows * mask + rocks * (1 - mask)
- cv2.imwrite(str(folder/f'{Process.Snowfall}.{AssetFile.Heightmap}.exr'), heightmap.astype(np.float32))
- cv2.imwrite(str(folder/f'{Process.Snowfall}.{AssetFile.Mask}.exr'), mask.astype(np.float32))
\ No newline at end of file
+ cv2.imwrite(
+ str(folder / f"{Process.Snowfall}.{AssetFile.Heightmap}.exr"),
+ heightmap.astype(np.float32),
+ )
+ cv2.imwrite(
+ str(folder / f"{Process.Snowfall}.{AssetFile.Mask}.exr"),
+ mask.astype(np.float32),
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/marching_cubes/_marching_cubes_lewiner_cy.pyx b/infinigen/terrain/marching_cubes/_marching_cubes_lewiner_cy.pyx
index 067a1fd51..bbaf9b7ec 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/marching_cubes/_marching_cubes_lewiner_cy.pyx
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/marching_cubes/_marching_cubes_lewiner_cy.pyx
@@ -26,11 +26,14 @@ by Almar Klein in 2012. Adapted for scikit-image in 2016.
# Cython specific imports
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as cnp
# Enable low level memory management
-from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free
+from libc.stdlib cimport free, malloc
# Define tiny winy number
cdef cnp.float64_t FLT_EPSILON = np.spacing(1.0) #0.0000001
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/mesh_to_sdf/__init__.py b/infinigen/terrain/mesh_to_sdf/__init__.py
index 098618b1a..64e2606e3 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/mesh_to_sdf/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/mesh_to_sdf/__init__.py
@@ -3,12 +3,27 @@
# Original files authored by Marian Kleineberg: https://github.com/marian42/mesh_to_sdf/tree/master
import numpy as np
+import trimesh
from . import surface_point_cloud
from .surface_point_cloud import BadMeshException
-from .utils import scale_to_unit_cube, scale_to_unit_sphere, get_raster_points, check_voxels
-import trimesh
+from .utils import (
+ check_voxels,
+ get_raster_points,
+ scale_to_unit_cube,
+ scale_to_unit_sphere,
-def get_surface_point_cloud(mesh, surface_point_method='scan', bounding_radius=None, scan_count=100, scan_resolution=400, sample_point_count=10000000, calculate_normals=True):
+def get_surface_point_cloud(
+ mesh,
+ surface_point_method="scan",
+ bounding_radius=None,
+ scan_count=100,
+ scan_resolution=400,
+ sample_point_count=10000000,
+ calculate_normals=True,
if isinstance(mesh, trimesh.Scene):
mesh = mesh.dump().sum()
if not isinstance(mesh, trimesh.Trimesh):
@@ -16,50 +31,140 @@ def get_surface_point_cloud(mesh, surface_point_method='scan', bounding_radius=N
if bounding_radius is None:
bounding_radius = np.max(np.linalg.norm(mesh.vertices, axis=1)) * 1.1
- if surface_point_method == 'scan':
- return surface_point_cloud.create_from_scans(mesh, bounding_radius=bounding_radius, scan_count=scan_count, scan_resolution=scan_resolution, calculate_normals=calculate_normals)
- elif surface_point_method == 'sample':
- return surface_point_cloud.sample_from_mesh(mesh, sample_point_count=sample_point_count, calculate_normals=calculate_normals)
+ if surface_point_method == "scan":
+ return surface_point_cloud.create_from_scans(
+ mesh,
+ bounding_radius=bounding_radius,
+ scan_count=scan_count,
+ scan_resolution=scan_resolution,
+ calculate_normals=calculate_normals,
+ )
+ elif surface_point_method == "sample":
+ return surface_point_cloud.sample_from_mesh(
+ mesh,
+ sample_point_count=sample_point_count,
+ calculate_normals=calculate_normals,
+ )
- raise ValueError('Unknown surface point sampling method: {:s}'.format(surface_point_method))
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Unknown surface point sampling method: {:s}".format(surface_point_method)
+ )
-def mesh_to_sdf(mesh, query_points, surface_point_method='scan', sign_method='normal', bounding_radius=None, scan_count=100, scan_resolution=400, sample_point_count=10000000, normal_sample_count=11):
+def mesh_to_sdf(
+ mesh,
+ query_points,
+ surface_point_method="scan",
+ sign_method="normal",
+ bounding_radius=None,
+ scan_count=100,
+ scan_resolution=400,
+ sample_point_count=10000000,
+ normal_sample_count=11,
if not isinstance(query_points, np.ndarray):
- raise TypeError('query_points must be a numpy array.')
+ raise TypeError("query_points must be a numpy array.")
if len(query_points.shape) != 2 or query_points.shape[1] != 3:
- raise ValueError('query_points must be of shape N ✕ 3.')
- if surface_point_method == 'sample' and sign_method == 'depth':
- print("Incompatible methods for sampling points and determining sign, using sign_method='normal' instead.")
- sign_method = 'normal'
+ raise ValueError("query_points must be of shape N ✕ 3.")
+ if surface_point_method == "sample" and sign_method == "depth":
+ print(
+ "Incompatible methods for sampling points and determining sign, using sign_method='normal' instead."
+ )
+ sign_method = "normal"
- point_cloud = get_surface_point_cloud(mesh, surface_point_method, bounding_radius, scan_count, scan_resolution, sample_point_count, calculate_normals=sign_method=='normal')
+ point_cloud = get_surface_point_cloud(
+ mesh,
+ surface_point_method,
+ bounding_radius,
+ scan_count,
+ scan_resolution,
+ sample_point_count,
+ calculate_normals=sign_method == "normal",
+ )
- if sign_method == 'normal':
+ if sign_method == "normal":
return point_cloud.get_sdf_in_batches(query_points, use_depth_buffer=False)
- elif sign_method == 'depth':
- return point_cloud.get_sdf_in_batches(query_points, use_depth_buffer=True, sample_count=sample_point_count)
+ elif sign_method == "depth":
+ return point_cloud.get_sdf_in_batches(
+ query_points, use_depth_buffer=True, sample_count=sample_point_count
+ )
- raise ValueError('Unknown sign determination method: {:s}'.format(sign_method))
+ raise ValueError("Unknown sign determination method: {:s}".format(sign_method))
-def mesh_to_voxels(mesh, voxel_resolution=64, surface_point_method='scan', sign_method='normal', scan_count=100, scan_resolution=400, sample_point_count=10000000, normal_sample_count=11, pad=False, check_result=False, return_gradients=False):
+def mesh_to_voxels(
+ mesh,
+ voxel_resolution=64,
+ surface_point_method="scan",
+ sign_method="normal",
+ scan_count=100,
+ scan_resolution=400,
+ sample_point_count=10000000,
+ normal_sample_count=11,
+ pad=False,
+ check_result=False,
+ return_gradients=False,
mesh = scale_to_unit_cube(mesh)
- surface_point_cloud = get_surface_point_cloud(mesh, surface_point_method, 3**0.5, scan_count, scan_resolution, sample_point_count, sign_method=='normal')
+ surface_point_cloud = get_surface_point_cloud(
+ mesh,
+ surface_point_method,
+ 3**0.5,
+ scan_count,
+ scan_resolution,
+ sample_point_count,
+ sign_method == "normal",
+ )
+ return surface_point_cloud.get_voxels(
+ voxel_resolution,
+ sign_method == "depth",
+ normal_sample_count,
+ pad,
+ check_result,
+ return_gradients,
+ )
- return surface_point_cloud.get_voxels(voxel_resolution, sign_method=='depth', normal_sample_count, pad, check_result, return_gradients)
# Sample some uniform points and some normally distributed around the surface as proposed in the DeepSDF paper
-def sample_sdf_near_surface(mesh, number_of_points = 500000, surface_point_method='scan', sign_method='normal', scan_count=100, scan_resolution=400, sample_point_count=10000000, normal_sample_count=11, min_size=0, return_gradients=False):
+def sample_sdf_near_surface(
+ mesh,
+ number_of_points=500000,
+ surface_point_method="scan",
+ sign_method="normal",
+ scan_count=100,
+ scan_resolution=400,
+ sample_point_count=10000000,
+ normal_sample_count=11,
+ min_size=0,
+ return_gradients=False,
mesh = scale_to_unit_sphere(mesh)
- if surface_point_method == 'sample' and sign_method == 'depth':
- print("Incompatible methods for sampling points and determining sign, using sign_method='normal' instead.")
- sign_method = 'normal'
- surface_point_cloud = get_surface_point_cloud(mesh, surface_point_method, 1, scan_count, scan_resolution, sample_point_count, calculate_normals=sign_method=='normal' or return_gradients)
+ if surface_point_method == "sample" and sign_method == "depth":
+ print(
+ "Incompatible methods for sampling points and determining sign, using sign_method='normal' instead."
+ )
+ sign_method = "normal"
+ surface_point_cloud = get_surface_point_cloud(
+ mesh,
+ surface_point_method,
+ 1,
+ scan_count,
+ scan_resolution,
+ sample_point_count,
+ calculate_normals=sign_method == "normal" or return_gradients,
+ )
- return surface_point_cloud.sample_sdf_near_surface(number_of_points, surface_point_method=='scan', sign_method, normal_sample_count, min_size, return_gradients)
\ No newline at end of file
+ return surface_point_cloud.sample_sdf_near_surface(
+ number_of_points,
+ surface_point_method == "scan",
+ sign_method,
+ normal_sample_count,
+ min_size,
+ return_gradients,
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/mesh_to_sdf/pyrender_wrapper.py b/infinigen/terrain/mesh_to_sdf/pyrender_wrapper.py
index 80884cf8f..387128277 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/mesh_to_sdf/pyrender_wrapper.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/mesh_to_sdf/pyrender_wrapper.py
@@ -9,10 +9,15 @@
import os
import sys
-if 'pyrender' in sys.modules:
- raise ImportError('The mesh_to_sdf package must be imported before pyrender is imported.')
-if 'OpenGL' in sys.modules:
- raise ImportError('The mesh_to_sdf package must be imported before OpenGL is imported.')
+if "pyrender" in sys.modules:
+ raise ImportError(
+ "The mesh_to_sdf package must be imported before pyrender is imported."
+ )
+if "OpenGL" in sys.modules:
+ raise ImportError(
+ "The mesh_to_sdf package must be imported before OpenGL is imported."
+ )
# ruff: noqa: E402
# Disable antialiasing:
@@ -21,35 +26,50 @@
suppress_multisampling = False
old_gl_enable = OpenGL.GL.glEnable
def new_gl_enable(value):
if suppress_multisampling and value == OpenGL.GL.GL_MULTISAMPLE:
OpenGL.GL.glEnable = new_gl_enable
old_glRenderbufferStorageMultisample = OpenGL.GL.glRenderbufferStorageMultisample
-def new_glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(target, samples, internalformat, width, height):
+def new_glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(
+ target, samples, internalformat, width, height
if suppress_multisampling:
OpenGL.GL.glRenderbufferStorage(target, internalformat, width, height)
- old_glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(target, samples, internalformat, width, height)
+ old_glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(
+ target, samples, internalformat, width, height
+ )
OpenGL.GL.glRenderbufferStorageMultisample = new_glRenderbufferStorageMultisample
import pyrender
# Render a normal buffer instead of a color buffer
-class CustomShaderCache():
+class CustomShaderCache:
def __init__(self):
self.program = None
- def get_program(self, vertex_shader, fragment_shader, geometry_shader=None, defines=None):
+ def get_program(
+ self, vertex_shader, fragment_shader, geometry_shader=None, defines=None
+ ):
if self.program is None:
- shaders_directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'shaders')
- self.program = pyrender.shader_program.ShaderProgram(os.path.join(shaders_directory, 'mesh.vert'), os.path.join(shaders_directory, 'mesh.frag'), defines=defines)
+ shaders_directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "shaders")
+ self.program = pyrender.shader_program.ShaderProgram(
+ os.path.join(shaders_directory, "mesh.vert"),
+ os.path.join(shaders_directory, "mesh.frag"),
+ defines=defines,
+ )
return self.program
@@ -57,7 +77,7 @@ def render_normal_and_depth_buffers(mesh, camera, camera_transform, resolution):
global suppress_multisampling
suppress_multisampling = True
scene = pyrender.Scene()
- scene.add(pyrender.Mesh.from_trimesh(mesh, smooth = False))
+ scene.add(pyrender.Mesh.from_trimesh(mesh, smooth=False))
scene.add(camera, pose=camera_transform)
renderer = pyrender.OffscreenRenderer(resolution, resolution)
@@ -65,4 +85,4 @@ def render_normal_and_depth_buffers(mesh, camera, camera_transform, resolution):
color, depth = renderer.render(scene, flags=pyrender.RenderFlags.SKIP_CULL_FACES)
suppress_multisampling = False
- return color, depth
\ No newline at end of file
+ return color, depth
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/mesh_to_sdf/scan.py b/infinigen/terrain/mesh_to_sdf/scan.py
index ad4993ed3..c450f44da 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/mesh_to_sdf/scan.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/mesh_to_sdf/scan.py
@@ -3,29 +3,43 @@
# Original files authored by Marian Kleineberg: https://github.com/marian42/mesh_to_sdf/tree/master
import numpy as np
-from .pyrender_wrapper import render_normal_and_depth_buffers
-import pyrender
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
from skimage import io
-if hasattr(Rotation, "as_matrix"): # scipy>=1.4.0
- def get_rotation_matrix(angle, axis='y'):
+ import pyrender_wrapper
+ import pyrender # isort: skip
+except ImportError:
+ pyrender_wrapper = None
+ pyrender = None
+if hasattr(Rotation, "as_matrix"): # scipy>=1.4.0
+ def get_rotation_matrix(angle, axis="y"):
matrix = np.identity(4)
matrix[:3, :3] = Rotation.from_euler(axis, angle).as_matrix()
return matrix
-else: # scipy<1.4.0
- def get_rotation_matrix(angle, axis='y'):
+else: # scipy<1.4.0
+ def get_rotation_matrix(angle, axis="y"):
matrix = np.identity(4)
matrix[:3, :3] = Rotation.from_euler(axis, angle).as_dcm()
return matrix
def get_camera_transform_looking_at_origin(rotation_y, rotation_x, camera_distance=2):
camera_transform = np.identity(4)
camera_transform[2, 3] = camera_distance
- camera_transform = np.matmul(get_rotation_matrix(rotation_x, axis='x'), camera_transform)
- camera_transform = np.matmul(get_rotation_matrix(rotation_y, axis='y'), camera_transform)
+ camera_transform = np.matmul(
+ get_rotation_matrix(rotation_x, axis="x"), camera_transform
+ )
+ camera_transform = np.matmul(
+ get_rotation_matrix(rotation_y, axis="y"), camera_transform
+ )
return camera_transform
# Camera transform from position and look direction
def get_camera_transform(position, look_direction):
camera_forward = -look_direction / np.linalg.norm(look_direction)
@@ -48,37 +62,65 @@ def get_camera_transform(position, look_direction):
return np.matmul(translation, rotation)
A virtual laser scan of an object from one point in space.
This renders a normal and depth buffer and reprojects it into a point cloud.
The resulting point cloud contains a point for every pixel in the buffer that hit the model.
-class Scan():
- def __init__(self, mesh, camera_transform, resolution=400, calculate_normals=True, fov=1, z_near=0.1, z_far=10):
+class Scan:
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ mesh,
+ camera_transform,
+ resolution=400,
+ calculate_normals=True,
+ fov=1,
+ z_near=0.1,
+ z_far=10,
+ ):
+ if pyrender is None or pyrender_wrapper is None:
+ raise ImportError(
+ "pyrender must be installed to use the Scan class "
+ "Please install optional terrain dependencies via `pip install .[terrain]`"
+ )
self.camera_transform = camera_transform
- self.camera_position = np.matmul(self.camera_transform, np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]))[:3]
+ self.camera_position = np.matmul(self.camera_transform, np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]))[
+ :3
+ ]
self.resolution = resolution
- camera = pyrender.PerspectiveCamera(yfov=fov, aspectRatio=1.0, znear = z_near, zfar = z_far)
+ camera = pyrender.PerspectiveCamera(
+ yfov=fov, aspectRatio=1.0, znear=z_near, zfar=z_far
+ )
self.projection_matrix = camera.get_projection_matrix()
- color, depth = render_normal_and_depth_buffers(mesh, camera, self.camera_transform, resolution)
+ color, depth = pyrender_wrapper.render_normal_and_depth_buffers(
+ mesh, camera, self.camera_transform, resolution
+ )
self.normal_buffer = color if calculate_normals else None
self.depth_buffer = depth.copy()
indices = np.argwhere(depth != 0)
- depth[depth == 0] = float('inf')
+ depth[depth == 0] = float("inf")
# This reverts the processing that pyrender does and calculates the original depth buffer in clipping space
- self.depth = (z_far + z_near - (2.0 * z_near * z_far) / depth) / (z_far - z_near)
+ self.depth = (z_far + z_near - (2.0 * z_near * z_far) / depth) / (
+ z_far - z_near
+ )
points = np.ones((indices.shape[0], 4))
- points[:, [1, 0]] = indices.astype(float) / (resolution -1) * 2 - 1
+ points[:, [1, 0]] = indices.astype(float) / (resolution - 1) * 2 - 1
points[:, 1] *= -1
points[:, 2] = self.depth[indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1]]
- clipping_to_world = np.matmul(self.camera_transform, np.linalg.inv(self.projection_matrix))
+ clipping_to_world = np.matmul(
+ self.camera_transform, np.linalg.inv(self.projection_matrix)
+ )
points = np.matmul(points, clipping_to_world.transpose())
points /= points[:, 3][:, np.newaxis]
@@ -87,7 +129,7 @@ def __init__(self, mesh, camera_transform, resolution=400, calculate_normals=Tru
if calculate_normals:
normals = color[indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1]] / 255 * 2 - 1
camera_to_points = self.camera_position - self.points
- normal_orientation = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', camera_to_points, normals)
+ normal_orientation = np.einsum("ij,ij->i", camera_to_points, normals)
normals[normal_orientation < 0] *= -1
self.normals = normals
@@ -95,17 +137,23 @@ def __init__(self, mesh, camera_transform, resolution=400, calculate_normals=Tru
def convert_world_space_to_viewport(self, points):
half_viewport_size = 0.5 * self.resolution
- clipping_to_viewport = np.array([
- [half_viewport_size, 0.0, 0.0, half_viewport_size],
- [0.0, -half_viewport_size, 0.0, half_viewport_size],
- [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
- [0, 0, 0.0, 1.0]
- ])
- world_to_clipping = np.matmul(self.projection_matrix, np.linalg.inv(self.camera_transform))
+ clipping_to_viewport = np.array(
+ [
+ [half_viewport_size, 0.0, 0.0, half_viewport_size],
+ [0.0, -half_viewport_size, 0.0, half_viewport_size],
+ [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
+ [0, 0, 0.0, 1.0],
+ ]
+ )
+ world_to_clipping = np.matmul(
+ self.projection_matrix, np.linalg.inv(self.camera_transform)
+ )
world_to_viewport = np.matmul(clipping_to_viewport, world_to_clipping)
- world_space_points = np.concatenate([points, np.ones((points.shape[0], 1))], axis=1)
+ world_space_points = np.concatenate(
+ [points, np.ones((points.shape[0], 1))], axis=1
+ )
viewport_points = np.matmul(world_space_points, world_to_viewport.transpose())
viewport_points /= viewport_points[:, 3][:, np.newaxis]
return viewport_points
@@ -115,10 +163,19 @@ def is_visible(self, points):
pixels = viewport_points[:, :2].astype(int)
# This only has an effect if the camera is inside the model
- in_viewport = (pixels[:, 0] >= 0) & (pixels[:, 1] >= 0) & (pixels[:, 0] < self.resolution) & (pixels[:, 1] < self.resolution) & (viewport_points[:, 2] > -1)
+ in_viewport = (
+ (pixels[:, 0] >= 0)
+ & (pixels[:, 1] >= 0)
+ & (pixels[:, 0] < self.resolution)
+ & (pixels[:, 1] < self.resolution)
+ & (viewport_points[:, 2] > -1)
+ )
result = np.zeros(points.shape[0], dtype=bool)
- result[in_viewport] = viewport_points[in_viewport, 2] < self.depth[pixels[in_viewport, 1], pixels[in_viewport, 0]]
+ result[in_viewport] = (
+ viewport_points[in_viewport, 2]
+ < self.depth[pixels[in_viewport, 1], pixels[in_viewport, 0]]
+ )
return result
@@ -129,11 +186,11 @@ def show(self):
def save(self, filename_depth, filename_normals=None):
if filename_normals is None and self.normal_buffer is not None:
- items = filename_depth.split('.')
- filename_normals = '.'.join(items[:-1]) + "_normals." + items[-1]
+ items = filename_depth.split(".")
+ filename_normals = ".".join(items[:-1]) + "_normals." + items[-1]
depth = self.depth_buffer / np.max(self.depth_buffer) * 255
io.imsave(filename_depth, depth.astype(np.uint8))
if self.normal_buffer is not None:
- io.imsave(filename_normals, self.normal_buffer.astype(np.uint8))
\ No newline at end of file
+ io.imsave(filename_normals, self.normal_buffer.astype(np.uint8))
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/mesh_to_sdf/surface_point_cloud.py b/infinigen/terrain/mesh_to_sdf/surface_point_cloud.py
index 932144bc6..7a11c1ff1 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/mesh_to_sdf/surface_point_cloud.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/mesh_to_sdf/surface_point_cloud.py
@@ -9,22 +9,28 @@
# Authors: Zeyu Ma
-from .scan import Scan, get_camera_transform_looking_at_origin
-import trimesh
import logging
+import math
import numpy as np
+import trimesh
from sklearn.neighbors import KDTree
-import math
-import pyrender
-from .utils import sample_uniform_points_in_unit_sphere
-from .utils import get_raster_points, check_voxels
+from .scan import Scan, get_camera_transform_looking_at_origin
+from .utils import check_voxels, get_raster_points, sample_uniform_points_in_unit_sphere
+ import pyrender # isort: skip
+except ImportError:
+ pyrender = None
class BadMeshException(Exception):
class SurfacePointCloud:
def __init__(self, mesh, points, normals=None, scans=None):
self.mesh = mesh
@@ -39,10 +45,18 @@ def get_random_surface_points(self, count, use_scans=True):
indices = np.random.choice(self.points.shape[0], count)
return self.points[indices, :]
- samples, index = trimesh.sample.sample_surface(mesh=self.mesh, count=count, face_weight=None, seed=0)
+ samples, index = trimesh.sample.sample_surface(
+ mesh=self.mesh, count=count, face_weight=None, seed=0
+ )
return samples
- def get_sdf(self, query_points, use_depth_buffer=False, sample_count=11, return_gradients=False):
+ def get_sdf(
+ self,
+ query_points,
+ use_depth_buffer=False,
+ sample_count=11,
+ return_gradients=False,
+ ):
if use_depth_buffer:
distances, indices = self.kd_tree.query(query_points)
distances = distances.astype(np.float32).reshape(-1)
@@ -59,7 +73,10 @@ def get_sdf(self, query_points, use_depth_buffer=False, sample_count=11, return_
closest_points = self.points[indices]
direction_from_surface = query_points[:, np.newaxis, :] - closest_points
- inside = np.einsum('ijk,ijk->ij', direction_from_surface, self.normals[indices]) < 0
+ inside = (
+ np.einsum("ijk,ijk->ij", direction_from_surface, self.normals[indices])
+ < 0
+ )
inside = np.sum(inside, axis=1) > sample_count * 0.5
distances = distances[:, 0]
distances[inside] *= -1
@@ -69,20 +86,41 @@ def get_sdf(self, query_points, use_depth_buffer=False, sample_count=11, return_
gradients[inside] *= -1
if return_gradients:
- near_surface = np.abs(distances) < math.sqrt(0.0025**2 * 3) * 3 # 3D 2-norm stdev * 3
- gradients = np.where(near_surface[:, np.newaxis], self.normals[indices[:, 0]], gradients)
+ near_surface = (
+ np.abs(distances) < math.sqrt(0.0025**2 * 3) * 3
+ ) # 3D 2-norm stdev * 3
+ gradients = np.where(
+ near_surface[:, np.newaxis], self.normals[indices[:, 0]], gradients
+ )
gradients /= np.linalg.norm(gradients, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
return distances, gradients
return distances
- def get_sdf_in_batches(self, query_points, use_depth_buffer=False, sample_count=11, batch_size=1000000, return_gradients=False):
+ def get_sdf_in_batches(
+ self,
+ query_points,
+ use_depth_buffer=False,
+ sample_count=11,
+ batch_size=1000000,
+ return_gradients=False,
+ ):
if query_points.shape[0] <= batch_size:
- return self.get_sdf(query_points, use_depth_buffer=use_depth_buffer, sample_count=sample_count, return_gradients=return_gradients)
+ return self.get_sdf(
+ query_points,
+ use_depth_buffer=use_depth_buffer,
+ sample_count=sample_count,
+ return_gradients=return_gradients,
+ )
n_batches = int(math.ceil(query_points.shape[0] / batch_size))
batches = [
- self.get_sdf(points, use_depth_buffer=use_depth_buffer, sample_count=sample_count, return_gradients=return_gradients)
+ self.get_sdf(
+ points,
+ use_depth_buffer=use_depth_buffer,
+ sample_count=sample_count,
+ return_gradients=return_gradients,
+ )
for points in np.array_split(query_points, n_batches)
if return_gradients:
@@ -90,54 +128,101 @@ def get_sdf_in_batches(self, query_points, use_depth_buffer=False, sample_count=
gradients = np.concatenate([batch[1] for batch in batches])
return distances, gradients
- return np.concatenate(batches) # distances
- def get_voxels(self, voxel_resolution, use_depth_buffer=False, sample_count=11, pad=False, check_result=False, return_gradients=False):
- result = self.get_sdf_in_batches(get_raster_points(voxel_resolution), use_depth_buffer, sample_count, return_gradients=return_gradients)
+ return np.concatenate(batches) # distances
+ def get_voxels(
+ self,
+ voxel_resolution,
+ use_depth_buffer=False,
+ sample_count=11,
+ pad=False,
+ check_result=False,
+ return_gradients=False,
+ ):
+ result = self.get_sdf_in_batches(
+ get_raster_points(voxel_resolution),
+ use_depth_buffer,
+ sample_count,
+ return_gradients=return_gradients,
+ )
if not return_gradients:
sdf = result
sdf, gradients = result
- voxel_gradients = np.reshape(gradients, (voxel_resolution, voxel_resolution, voxel_resolution, 3))
+ voxel_gradients = np.reshape(
+ gradients, (voxel_resolution, voxel_resolution, voxel_resolution, 3)
+ )
voxels = sdf.reshape((voxel_resolution, voxel_resolution, voxel_resolution))
if check_result and not check_voxels(voxels):
raise BadMeshException()
if pad:
- voxels = np.pad(voxels, 1, mode='constant', constant_values=1)
+ voxels = np.pad(voxels, 1, mode="constant", constant_values=1)
if return_gradients:
if pad:
- voxel_gradients = np.pad(voxel_gradients, ((1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (0, 0)), mode='edge')
+ voxel_gradients = np.pad(
+ voxel_gradients, ((1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (0, 0)), mode="edge"
+ )
return voxels, voxel_gradients
return voxels
- def sample_sdf_near_surface(self, number_of_points=500000, use_scans=True, sign_method='normal', normal_sample_count=11, min_size=0, return_gradients=False):
+ def sample_sdf_near_surface(
+ self,
+ number_of_points=500000,
+ use_scans=True,
+ sign_method="normal",
+ normal_sample_count=11,
+ min_size=0,
+ return_gradients=False,
+ ):
query_points = []
surface_sample_count = int(number_of_points * 47 / 50) // 2
- surface_points = self.get_random_surface_points(surface_sample_count, use_scans=use_scans)
- query_points.append(surface_points + np.random.normal(scale=0.0025, size=(surface_sample_count, 3)))
- query_points.append(surface_points + np.random.normal(scale=0.00025, size=(surface_sample_count, 3)))
+ surface_points = self.get_random_surface_points(
+ surface_sample_count, use_scans=use_scans
+ )
+ query_points.append(
+ surface_points
+ + np.random.normal(scale=0.0025, size=(surface_sample_count, 3))
+ )
+ query_points.append(
+ surface_points
+ + np.random.normal(scale=0.00025, size=(surface_sample_count, 3))
+ )
unit_sphere_sample_count = number_of_points - surface_points.shape[0] * 2
- unit_sphere_points = sample_uniform_points_in_unit_sphere(unit_sphere_sample_count)
+ unit_sphere_points = sample_uniform_points_in_unit_sphere(
+ unit_sphere_sample_count
+ )
query_points = np.concatenate(query_points).astype(np.float32)
- if sign_method == 'normal':
- sdf = self.get_sdf_in_batches(query_points, use_depth_buffer=False, sample_count=normal_sample_count, return_gradients=return_gradients)
- elif sign_method == 'depth':
- sdf = self.get_sdf_in_batches(query_points, use_depth_buffer=True, return_gradients=return_gradients)
+ if sign_method == "normal":
+ sdf = self.get_sdf_in_batches(
+ query_points,
+ use_depth_buffer=False,
+ sample_count=normal_sample_count,
+ return_gradients=return_gradients,
+ )
+ elif sign_method == "depth":
+ sdf = self.get_sdf_in_batches(
+ query_points, use_depth_buffer=True, return_gradients=return_gradients
+ )
- raise ValueError('Unknown sign determination method: {:s}'.format(sign_method))
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Unknown sign determination method: {:s}".format(sign_method)
+ )
if return_gradients:
sdf, gradients = sdf
if min_size > 0:
- model_size = np.count_nonzero(sdf[-unit_sphere_sample_count:] < 0) / unit_sphere_sample_count
+ model_size = (
+ np.count_nonzero(sdf[-unit_sphere_sample_count:] < 0)
+ / unit_sphere_sample_count
+ )
if model_size < min_size:
raise BadMeshException()
@@ -147,10 +232,13 @@ def sample_sdf_near_surface(self, number_of_points=500000, use_scans=True, sign_
return query_points, sdf
def show(self):
+ if pyrender is None:
+ raise ImportError("pyrender is required to show the surface point cloud.")
scene = pyrender.Scene()
scene.add(pyrender.Mesh.from_points(self.points, normals=self.normals))
pyrender.Viewer(scene, use_raymond_lighting=True, point_size=2)
def is_outside(self, points):
result = None
for scan in self.scans:
@@ -160,6 +248,7 @@ def is_outside(self, points):
result = np.logical_or(result, scan.is_visible(points))
return result
def get_equidistant_camera_angles(count):
increment = math.pi * (3 - math.sqrt(5))
for i in range(count):
@@ -167,33 +256,45 @@ def get_equidistant_camera_angles(count):
phi = ((i + 1) * increment) % (2 * math.pi)
yield phi, theta
-def create_from_scans(mesh, bounding_radius=1, scan_count=100, scan_resolution=400, calculate_normals=True):
+def create_from_scans(
+ mesh, bounding_radius=1, scan_count=100, scan_resolution=400, calculate_normals=True
scans = []
for phi, theta in get_equidistant_camera_angles(scan_count):
- camera_transform = get_camera_transform_looking_at_origin(phi, theta, camera_distance=2 * bounding_radius)
- scans.append(Scan(mesh,
- camera_transform=camera_transform,
- resolution=scan_resolution,
- calculate_normals=calculate_normals,
- fov=1.0472,
- z_near=bounding_radius * 1,
- z_far=bounding_radius * 3
- ))
- return SurfacePointCloud(mesh,
+ camera_transform = get_camera_transform_looking_at_origin(
+ phi, theta, camera_distance=2 * bounding_radius
+ )
+ scans.append(
+ Scan(
+ mesh,
+ camera_transform=camera_transform,
+ resolution=scan_resolution,
+ calculate_normals=calculate_normals,
+ fov=1.0472,
+ z_near=bounding_radius * 1,
+ z_far=bounding_radius * 3,
+ )
+ )
+ return SurfacePointCloud(
+ mesh,
points=np.concatenate([scan.points for scan in scans], axis=0),
- normals=np.concatenate([scan.normals for scan in scans], axis=0) if calculate_normals else None,
- scans=scans
+ normals=np.concatenate([scan.normals for scan in scans], axis=0)
+ if calculate_normals
+ else None,
+ scans=scans,
def sample_from_mesh(mesh, sample_point_count=10000000, calculate_normals=True):
- points, face_indices = trimesh.sample.sample_surface(mesh=mesh, count=sample_point_count, face_weight=None, seed=0)
+ points, face_indices = trimesh.sample.sample_surface(
+ mesh=mesh, count=sample_point_count, face_weight=None, seed=0
+ )
if calculate_normals:
normals = mesh.face_normals[face_indices]
- return SurfacePointCloud(mesh,
- points=points,
- normals=normals if calculate_normals else None,
- scans=None
- )
\ No newline at end of file
+ return SurfacePointCloud(
+ mesh, points=points, normals=normals if calculate_normals else None, scans=None
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/mesh_to_sdf/utils.py b/infinigen/terrain/mesh_to_sdf/utils.py
index 0f75d81d8..8f905e6d6 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/mesh_to_sdf/utils.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/mesh_to_sdf/utils.py
@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
# Original files authored by Marian Kleineberg: https://github.com/marian42/mesh_to_sdf/tree/master
-import trimesh
import numpy as np
+import trimesh
def scale_to_unit_sphere(mesh):
if isinstance(mesh, trimesh.Scene):
@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ def scale_to_unit_sphere(mesh):
return trimesh.Trimesh(vertices=vertices, faces=mesh.faces)
def scale_to_unit_cube(mesh):
if isinstance(mesh, trimesh.Scene):
mesh = mesh.dump().sum()
@@ -24,16 +26,18 @@ def scale_to_unit_cube(mesh):
return trimesh.Trimesh(vertices=vertices, faces=mesh.faces)
voxel_points = dict()
def get_raster_points(voxel_resolution):
if voxel_resolution in voxel_points:
return voxel_points[voxel_resolution]
points = np.meshgrid(
np.linspace(-1, 1, voxel_resolution),
np.linspace(-1, 1, voxel_resolution),
- np.linspace(-1, 1, voxel_resolution)
+ np.linspace(-1, 1, voxel_resolution),
points = np.stack(points)
points = np.swapaxes(points, 1, 2)
@@ -42,6 +46,7 @@ def get_raster_points(voxel_resolution):
voxel_points[voxel_resolution] = points
return points
def check_voxels(voxels):
block = voxels[:-1, :-1, :-1]
d1 = (block - voxels[1:, :-1, :-1]).reshape(-1)
@@ -51,16 +56,21 @@ def check_voxels(voxels):
max_distance = max(np.max(d1), np.max(d2), np.max(d3))
return max_distance < 2.0 / voxels.shape[0] * 3**0.5 * 1.1
def sample_uniform_points_in_unit_sphere(amount):
unit_sphere_points = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(amount * 2 + 20, 3))
- unit_sphere_points = unit_sphere_points[np.linalg.norm(unit_sphere_points, axis=1) < 1]
+ unit_sphere_points = unit_sphere_points[
+ np.linalg.norm(unit_sphere_points, axis=1) < 1
+ ]
points_available = unit_sphere_points.shape[0]
if points_available < amount:
# This is a fallback for the rare case that too few points are inside the unit sphere
result = np.zeros((amount, 3))
result[:points_available, :] = unit_sphere_points
- result[points_available:, :] = sample_uniform_points_in_unit_sphere(amount - points_available)
+ result[points_available:, :] = sample_uniform_points_in_unit_sphere(
+ amount - points_available
+ )
return result
- return unit_sphere_points[:amount, :]
\ No newline at end of file
+ return unit_sphere_points[:amount, :]
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/mesher/__init__.py b/infinigen/terrain/mesher/__init__.py
index 5d653672f..177aa037d 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/mesher/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/mesher/__init__.py
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
# Authors: Zeyu Ma
+from .spherical_mesher import OpaqueSphericalMesher, TransparentSphericalMesher
from .uniform_mesher import UniformMesher
-from .spherical_mesher import OpaqueSphericalMesher, TransparentSphericalMesher
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/mesher/_marching_cubes_lewiner.py b/infinigen/terrain/mesher/_marching_cubes_lewiner.py
index 4ad515e17..9bfa68938 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/mesher/_marching_cubes_lewiner.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/mesher/_marching_cubes_lewiner.py
@@ -7,13 +7,22 @@
import numpy as np
+from infinigen.terrain import marching_cubes as _marching_cubes_lewiner_cy
from . import _marching_cubes_lewiner_luts as mcluts
-from infinigen.terrain import marching_cubes as _marching_cubes_lewiner_cy
-def marching_cubes(volume, level=None, *, spacing=(1., 1., 1.),
- gradient_direction='descent', step_size=1,
- allow_degenerate=True, method='lewiner', mask=None):
+def marching_cubes(
+ volume,
+ level=None,
+ *,
+ spacing=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
+ gradient_direction="descent",
+ step_size=1,
+ allow_degenerate=True,
+ method="lewiner",
+ mask=None,
"""Marching cubes algorithm to find surfaces in 3d volumetric data.
In contrast with Lorensen et al. approach [2]_, Lewiner et
@@ -129,19 +138,32 @@ def marching_cubes(volume, level=None, *, spacing=(1., 1., 1.),
use_classic = False
- if method == 'lorensen':
+ if method == "lorensen":
use_classic = True
- elif method != 'lewiner':
+ elif method != "lewiner":
raise ValueError("method should be either 'lewiner' or 'lorensen'")
- return _marching_cubes_lewiner(volume, level, spacing,
- gradient_direction, step_size,
- allow_degenerate, use_classic=use_classic,
- mask=mask)
-def _marching_cubes_lewiner(volume, level, spacing, gradient_direction,
- step_size, allow_degenerate, use_classic, mask):
+ return _marching_cubes_lewiner(
+ volume,
+ level,
+ spacing,
+ gradient_direction,
+ step_size,
+ allow_degenerate,
+ use_classic=use_classic,
+ mask=mask,
+ )
+def _marching_cubes_lewiner(
+ volume,
+ level,
+ spacing,
+ gradient_direction,
+ step_size,
+ allow_degenerate,
+ use_classic,
+ mask,
"""Lewiner et al. algorithm for marching cubes. See
marching_cubes_lewiner for documentation.
@@ -149,11 +171,10 @@ def _marching_cubes_lewiner(volume, level, spacing, gradient_direction,
# Check volume and ensure its in the format that the alg needs
if not isinstance(volume, np.ndarray) or (volume.ndim != 3):
- raise ValueError('Input volume should be a 3D numpy array.')
+ raise ValueError("Input volume should be a 3D numpy array.")
if volume.shape[0] < 2 or volume.shape[1] < 2 or volume.shape[2] < 2:
raise ValueError("Input array must be at least 2x2x2.")
- volume = np.ascontiguousarray(volume,
- np.float32) # no copy if not necessary
+ volume = np.ascontiguousarray(volume, np.float32) # no copy if not necessary
# Check/convert other inputs:
# level
@@ -169,7 +190,7 @@ def _marching_cubes_lewiner(volume, level, spacing, gradient_direction,
# step_size
step_size = int(step_size)
if step_size < 1:
- raise ValueError('step_size must be at least one.')
+ raise ValueError("step_size must be at least one.")
# use_classic
use_classic = bool(use_classic)
@@ -179,15 +200,16 @@ def _marching_cubes_lewiner(volume, level, spacing, gradient_direction,
# Check if a mask array is passed
if mask is not None:
if not mask.shape == volume.shape:
- raise ValueError('volume and mask must have the same shape.')
+ raise ValueError("volume and mask must have the same shape.")
# Apply algorithm
func = _marching_cubes_lewiner_cy.marching_cubes
- vertices_integral, vertices_fractal, faces, normals, values = func(volume, level, L,
- step_size, use_classic, mask)
+ vertices_integral, vertices_fractal, faces, normals, values = func(
+ volume, level, L, step_size, use_classic, mask
+ )
if not len(vertices_integral):
- raise RuntimeError('No surface found at the given iso value.')
+ raise RuntimeError("No surface found at the given iso value.")
# Output in z-y-x order, as is common in skimage
vertices_integral = np.fliplr(vertices_integral)
@@ -196,17 +218,17 @@ def _marching_cubes_lewiner(volume, level, spacing, gradient_direction,
# Finishing touches to output
faces.shape = -1, 3
- if gradient_direction == 'descent':
+ if gradient_direction == "descent":
# MC implementation is right-handed, but gradient_direction is
# left-handed
faces = np.fliplr(faces)
- elif not gradient_direction == 'ascent':
+ elif not gradient_direction == "ascent":
raise ValueError(
f"Incorrect input {gradient_direction} in `gradient_direction`, "
"see docstring."
- assert(np.array_equal(spacing, (1, 1, 1)))
- assert(allow_degenerate)
+ assert np.array_equal(spacing, (1, 1, 1))
+ assert allow_degenerate
# hacky fixing
vertices_fractal[np.abs(vertices_fractal) < 1e-30] = 0
vertices_fractal[np.abs(vertices_fractal - 1) < 1e-30] = 1
@@ -215,8 +237,8 @@ def _marching_cubes_lewiner(volume, level, spacing, gradient_direction,
def _to_array(args):
shape, text = args
- byts = base64.decodebytes(text.encode('utf-8'))
- ar = np.frombuffer(byts, dtype='int8')
+ byts = base64.decodebytes(text.encode("utf-8"))
+ ar = np.frombuffer(byts, dtype="int8")
ar.shape = shape
return ar
@@ -227,38 +249,115 @@ def _to_array(args):
# 0
# 3 1 -> 0x
# 2 xx
-EDGETORELATIVEPOSX = np.array([ [0,1],[1,1],[1,0],[0,0], [0,1],[1,1],[1,0],[0,0], [0,0],[1,1],[1,1],[0,0] ], 'int8')
-EDGETORELATIVEPOSY = np.array([ [0,0],[0,1],[1,1],[1,0], [0,0],[0,1],[1,1],[1,0], [0,0],[0,0],[1,1],[1,1] ], 'int8')
-EDGETORELATIVEPOSZ = np.array([ [0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0], [1,1],[1,1],[1,1],[1,1], [0,1],[0,1],[0,1],[0,1] ], 'int8')
+ [
+ [0, 1],
+ [1, 1],
+ [1, 0],
+ [0, 0],
+ [0, 1],
+ [1, 1],
+ [1, 0],
+ [0, 0],
+ [0, 0],
+ [1, 1],
+ [1, 1],
+ [0, 0],
+ ],
+ "int8",
+ [
+ [0, 0],
+ [0, 1],
+ [1, 1],
+ [1, 0],
+ [0, 0],
+ [0, 1],
+ [1, 1],
+ [1, 0],
+ [0, 0],
+ [0, 0],
+ [1, 1],
+ [1, 1],
+ ],
+ "int8",
+ [
+ [0, 0],
+ [0, 0],
+ [0, 0],
+ [0, 0],
+ [1, 1],
+ [1, 1],
+ [1, 1],
+ [1, 1],
+ [0, 1],
+ [0, 1],
+ [0, 1],
+ [0, 1],
+ ],
+ "int8",
def _get_mc_luts():
- """ Kind of lazy obtaining of the luts.
- """
- if not hasattr(mcluts, 'THE_LUTS'):
+ """Kind of lazy obtaining of the luts."""
+ if not hasattr(mcluts, "THE_LUTS"):
mcluts.THE_LUTS = _marching_cubes_lewiner_cy.LutProvider(
- _to_array(mcluts.CASESCLASSIC), _to_array(mcluts.CASES),
- _to_array(mcluts.TILING1), _to_array(mcluts.TILING2), _to_array(mcluts.TILING3_1), _to_array(mcluts.TILING3_2),
- _to_array(mcluts.TILING4_1), _to_array(mcluts.TILING4_2), _to_array(mcluts.TILING5), _to_array(mcluts.TILING6_1_1),
- _to_array(mcluts.TILING6_1_2), _to_array(mcluts.TILING6_2), _to_array(mcluts.TILING7_1),
- _to_array(mcluts.TILING7_2), _to_array(mcluts.TILING7_3), _to_array(mcluts.TILING7_4_1),
- _to_array(mcluts.TILING7_4_2), _to_array(mcluts.TILING8), _to_array(mcluts.TILING9),
- _to_array(mcluts.TILING10_1_1), _to_array(mcluts.TILING10_1_1_), _to_array(mcluts.TILING10_1_2),
- _to_array(mcluts.TILING10_2), _to_array(mcluts.TILING10_2_), _to_array(mcluts.TILING11),
- _to_array(mcluts.TILING12_1_1), _to_array(mcluts.TILING12_1_1_), _to_array(mcluts.TILING12_1_2),
- _to_array(mcluts.TILING12_2), _to_array(mcluts.TILING12_2_), _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_1),
- _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_1_), _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_2), _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_2_),
- _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_3), _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_3_), _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_4),
- _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_5_1), _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_5_2), _to_array(mcluts.TILING14),
- _to_array(mcluts.TEST3), _to_array(mcluts.TEST4), _to_array(mcluts.TEST6),
- _to_array(mcluts.TEST7), _to_array(mcluts.TEST10), _to_array(mcluts.TEST12),
- _to_array(mcluts.TEST13), _to_array(mcluts.SUBCONFIG13),
- )
+ _to_array(mcluts.CASESCLASSIC),
+ _to_array(mcluts.CASES),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING1),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING2),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING3_1),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING3_2),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING4_1),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING4_2),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING5),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING6_1_1),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING6_1_2),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING6_2),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING7_1),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING7_2),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING7_3),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING7_4_1),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING7_4_2),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING8),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING9),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING10_1_1),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING10_1_1_),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING10_1_2),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING10_2),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING10_2_),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING11),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING12_1_1),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING12_1_1_),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING12_1_2),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING12_2),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING12_2_),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_1),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_1_),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_2),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_2_),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_3),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_3_),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_4),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_5_1),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_5_2),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TILING14),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TEST3),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TEST4),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TEST6),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TEST7),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TEST10),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TEST12),
+ _to_array(mcluts.TEST13),
+ _to_array(mcluts.SUBCONFIG13),
+ )
return mcluts.THE_LUTS
@@ -300,4 +399,4 @@ def mesh_surface_area(verts, faces):
del actual_verts
# Area of triangle in 3D = 1/2 * Euclidean norm of cross product
- return ((np.cross(a, b) ** 2).sum(axis=1) ** 0.5).sum() / 2.
+ return ((np.cross(a, b) ** 2).sum(axis=1) ** 0.5).sum() / 2.0
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/mesher/_marching_cubes_lewiner_luts.py b/infinigen/terrain/mesher/_marching_cubes_lewiner_luts.py
index e691a3195..ea8222015 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/mesher/_marching_cubes_lewiner_luts.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/mesher/_marching_cubes_lewiner_luts.py
@@ -8,8 +8,10 @@
# distributed with scikit-image, but are available in the
# repository under tools/precompute/mc_meta.
-#static const char casesClassic[256][16]
-CASESCLASSIC = (256, 16), """
+# static const char casesClassic[256][16]
+ (256, 16),
+ """
@@ -82,10 +84,13 @@
-#static const char cases[256][2]
-CASES = (256, 2), """
+# static const char cases[256][2]
+CASES = (
+ (256, 2),
+ """
@@ -95,51 +100,72 @@
-#static const char tiling1[16][3]
-TILING1 = (16, 3), """
+# static const char tiling1[16][3]
+TILING1 = (
+ (16, 3),
+ """
-#static const char tiling2[24][6]
-TILING2 = (24, 6), """
+# static const char tiling2[24][6]
+TILING2 = (
+ (24, 6),
+ """
-#static const char tiling3_1[24][6]
-TILING3_1 = (24, 6), """
+# static const char tiling3_1[24][6]
+TILING3_1 = (
+ (24, 6),
+ """
-#static const char tiling3_2[24][12]
-TILING3_2 = (24, 12), """
+# static const char tiling3_2[24][12]
+TILING3_2 = (
+ (24, 12),
+ """
-#static const char tiling4_1[8][6]
-TILING4_1 = (8, 6), """
+# static const char tiling4_1[8][6]
+TILING4_1 = (
+ (8, 6),
+ """
-#static const char tiling4_2[8][18]
-TILING4_2 = (8, 18), """
+# static const char tiling4_2[8][18]
+TILING4_2 = (
+ (8, 18),
+ """
-#static const char tiling5[48][9]
-TILING5 = (48, 9), """
+# static const char tiling5[48][9]
+TILING5 = (
+ (48, 9),
+ """
@@ -148,10 +174,13 @@
-#static const char tiling6_1_1[48][9]
-TILING6_1_1 = (48, 9), """
+# static const char tiling6_1_1[48][9]
+TILING6_1_1 = (
+ (48, 9),
+ """
@@ -160,10 +189,13 @@
-#static const char tiling6_1_2[48][27]
-TILING6_1_2 = (48, 27), """
+# static const char tiling6_1_2[48][27]
+TILING6_1_2 = (
+ (48, 27),
+ """
@@ -187,10 +219,13 @@
-#static const char tiling6_2[48][15]
-TILING6_2 = (48, 15), """
+# static const char tiling6_2[48][15]
+TILING6_2 = (
+ (48, 15),
+ """
@@ -204,17 +239,23 @@
-#static const char tiling7_1[16][9]
-TILING7_1 = (16, 9), """
+# static const char tiling7_1[16][9]
+TILING7_1 = (
+ (16, 9),
+ """
-#static const char tiling7_2[16][3][15]
-TILING7_2 = (16, 3, 15), """
+# static const char tiling7_2[16][3][15]
+TILING7_2 = (
+ (16, 3, 15),
+ """
@@ -228,10 +269,13 @@
-#static const char tiling7_3[16][3][27]
-TILING7_3 = (16, 3, 27), """
+# static const char tiling7_3[16][3][27]
+TILING7_3 = (
+ (16, 3, 27),
+ """
@@ -255,19 +299,25 @@
-#static const char tiling7_4_1[16][15]
-TILING7_4_1 = (16, 15), """
+# static const char tiling7_4_1[16][15]
+TILING7_4_1 = (
+ (16, 15),
+ """
-#static const char tiling7_4_2[16][27]
-TILING7_4_2 = (16, 27), """
+# static const char tiling7_4_2[16][27]
+TILING7_4_2 = (
+ (16, 27),
+ """
@@ -276,81 +326,114 @@
-#static const char tiling8[6][6]
-TILING8 = (6, 6), """
+# static const char tiling8[6][6]
+TILING8 = (
+ (6, 6),
+ """
-#static const char tiling9[8][12]
-TILING9 = (8, 12), """
+# static const char tiling9[8][12]
+TILING9 = (
+ (8, 12),
+ """
-#static const char tiling10_1_1[6][12]
-TILING10_1_1 = (6, 12), """
+# static const char tiling10_1_1[6][12]
+TILING10_1_1 = (
+ (6, 12),
+ """
-#static const char tiling10_1_1_[6][12]
-TILING10_1_1_ = (6, 12), """
+# static const char tiling10_1_1_[6][12]
+TILING10_1_1_ = (
+ (6, 12),
+ """
-#static const char tiling10_1_2[6][24]
-TILING10_1_2 = (6, 24), """
+# static const char tiling10_1_2[6][24]
+TILING10_1_2 = (
+ (6, 24),
+ """
-#static const char tiling10_2[6][24]
-TILING10_2 = (6, 24), """
+# static const char tiling10_2[6][24]
+TILING10_2 = (
+ (6, 24),
+ """
-#static const char tiling10_2_[6][24]
-TILING10_2_ = (6, 24), """
+# static const char tiling10_2_[6][24]
+TILING10_2_ = (
+ (6, 24),
+ """
-#static const char tiling11[12][12]
-TILING11 = (12, 12), """
+# static const char tiling11[12][12]
+TILING11 = (
+ (12, 12),
+ """
-#static const char tiling12_1_1[24][12]
-TILING12_1_1 = (24, 12), """
+# static const char tiling12_1_1[24][12]
+TILING12_1_1 = (
+ (24, 12),
+ """
-#static const char tiling12_1_1_[24][12]
-TILING12_1_1_ = (24, 12), """
+# static const char tiling12_1_1_[24][12]
+TILING12_1_1_ = (
+ (24, 12),
+ """
-#static const char tiling12_1_2[24][24]
-TILING12_1_2 = (24, 24), """
+# static const char tiling12_1_2[24][24]
+TILING12_1_2 = (
+ (24, 24),
+ """
@@ -362,10 +445,13 @@
-#static const char tiling12_2[24][24]
-TILING12_2 = (24, 24), """
+# static const char tiling12_2[24][24]
+TILING12_2 = (
+ (24, 24),
+ """
@@ -377,10 +463,13 @@
-#static const char tiling12_2_[24][24]
-TILING12_2_ = (24, 24), """
+# static const char tiling12_2_[24][24]
+TILING12_2_ = (
+ (24, 24),
+ """
@@ -392,36 +481,51 @@
-#static const char tiling13_1[2][12]
-TILING13_1 = (2, 12), """
+# static const char tiling13_1[2][12]
+TILING13_1 = (
+ (2, 12),
+ """
-#static const char tiling13_1_[2][12]
-TILING13_1_ = (2, 12), """
+# static const char tiling13_1_[2][12]
+TILING13_1_ = (
+ (2, 12),
+ """
-#static const char tiling13_2[2][6][18]
-TILING13_2 = (2, 6, 18), """
+# static const char tiling13_2[2][6][18]
+TILING13_2 = (
+ (2, 6, 18),
+ """
-#static const char tiling13_2_[2][6][18]
-TILING13_2_ = (2, 6, 18), """
+# static const char tiling13_2_[2][6][18]
+TILING13_2_ = (
+ (2, 6, 18),
+ """
-#static const char tiling13_3[2][12][30]
-TILING13_3 = (2, 12, 30), """
+# static const char tiling13_3[2][12][30]
+TILING13_3 = (
+ (2, 12, 30),
+ """
@@ -435,10 +539,13 @@
-#static const char tiling13_3_[2][12][30]
-TILING13_3_ = (2, 12, 30), """
+# static const char tiling13_3_[2][12][30]
+TILING13_3_ = (
+ (2, 12, 30),
+ """
@@ -452,82 +559,119 @@
-#static const char tiling13_4[2][4][36]
-TILING13_4 = (2, 4, 36), """
+# static const char tiling13_4[2][4][36]
+TILING13_4 = (
+ (2, 4, 36),
+ """
-#static const char tiling13_5_1[2][4][18]
-TILING13_5_1 = (2, 4, 18), """
+# static const char tiling13_5_1[2][4][18]
+TILING13_5_1 = (
+ (2, 4, 18),
+ """
-#static const char tiling13_5_2[2][4][30]
-TILING13_5_2 = (2, 4, 30), """
+# static const char tiling13_5_2[2][4][30]
+TILING13_5_2 = (
+ (2, 4, 30),
+ """
-#static const char tiling14[12][12]
-TILING14 = (12, 12), """
+# static const char tiling14[12][12]
+TILING14 = (
+ (12, 12),
+ """
-#static const char test3[24]
-TEST3 = (24,), """
+# static const char test3[24]
+TEST3 = (
+ (24,),
+ """
-#static const char test4[8]
-TEST4 = (8,), """
+# static const char test4[8]
+TEST4 = (
+ (8,),
+ """
-#static const char test6[48][3]
-TEST6 = (48, 3), """
+# static const char test6[48][3]
+TEST6 = (
+ (48, 3),
+ """
-#static const char test7[16][5]
-TEST7 = (16, 5), """
+# static const char test7[16][5]
+TEST7 = (
+ (16, 5),
+ """
-#static const char test10[6][3]
-TEST10 = (6, 3), """
+# static const char test10[6][3]
+TEST10 = (
+ (6, 3),
+ """
-#static const char test12[24][4]
-TEST12 = (24, 4), """
+# static const char test12[24][4]
+TEST12 = (
+ (24, 4),
+ """
-#static const char test13[2][7]
-TEST13 = (2, 7), """
+# static const char test13[2][7]
+TEST13 = (
+ (2, 7),
+ """
-#static const char subconfig13[64]
-SUBCONFIG13 = (64,), """
+# static const char subconfig13[64]
+ (64,),
+ """
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/mesher/cube_spherical_mesher.py b/infinigen/terrain/mesher/cube_spherical_mesher.py
index d3cdad686..14077fb02 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/mesher/cube_spherical_mesher.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/mesher/cube_spherical_mesher.py
@@ -4,23 +4,32 @@
# Authors: Zeyu Ma
-from ctypes import POINTER, c_double, c_int32
import logging
+from ctypes import POINTER, c_double, c_int32
import gin
import numpy as np
from numpy import ascontiguousarray as AC
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import ASDOUBLE, ASINT, Mesh, write_attributes, register_func, load_cdll
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import Timer as tTimer
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import Tags
from tqdm import tqdm
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import Tags
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import (
+ Mesh,
+ load_cdll,
+ register_func,
+ write_attributes,
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import Timer as tTimer
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from ._marching_cubes_lewiner import marching_cubes
-except ImportError as e:
- logger.warning(f'Could not import marching_cubes, terrain is likely not installed')
+except ImportError:
+ logger.warning("Could not import marching_cubes, terrain is likely not installed")
class Timer(tTimer):
@@ -30,14 +39,17 @@ def __init__(self, desc, verbose=False):
class CubeSphericalMesher:
def __init__(
- self, cam_pose,
- r_min, r_max,
+ self,
+ cam_pose,
+ r_min,
+ r_max,
- H_fov, W_fov,
- N0, N1,
+ H_fov,
+ W_fov,
+ N0,
+ N1,
@@ -62,173 +74,353 @@ def __init__(
self.verbose = verbose
dll = load_cdll(f"terrain/lib/{device}/meshing/cube_spherical_mesher.so")
- register_func(self, dll, "init_and_get_emptytest_queries", [
- POINTER(c_double), c_double, c_double, c_int32, c_int32, POINTER(c_double), c_int32, c_double, c_double,
- c_int32, c_int32, c_int32
- ])
+ register_func(
+ self,
+ dll,
+ "init_and_get_emptytest_queries",
+ [
+ POINTER(c_double),
+ c_double,
+ c_double,
+ c_int32,
+ c_int32,
+ POINTER(c_double),
+ c_int32,
+ c_double,
+ c_double,
+ c_int32,
+ c_int32,
+ c_int32,
+ ],
+ )
register_func(self, dll, "initial_update", [POINTER(c_double)], c_int32)
- register_func(self, dll, "get_coarse_queries", [POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int32)])
- register_func(self, dll, "update", [
- c_int32, POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int32), POINTER(c_double), c_int32, POINTER(c_int32), c_int32
- ])
+ register_func(
+ self, dll, "get_coarse_queries", [POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int32)]
+ )
+ register_func(
+ self,
+ dll,
+ "update",
+ [
+ c_int32,
+ POINTER(c_double),
+ POINTER(c_int32),
+ POINTER(c_double),
+ c_int32,
+ POINTER(c_int32),
+ c_int32,
+ ],
+ )
register_func(self, dll, "get_cnt", restype=c_int32)
register_func(self, dll, "get_mesh_cnt", [POINTER(c_int32)])
register_func(self, dll, "bisection_get_positions", [POINTER(c_double)])
register_func(self, dll, "bisection_update", [POINTER(c_double)])
register_func(self, dll, "finefront_init", restype=c_int32)
register_func(self, dll, "finefront_get_queries", [POINTER(c_double)])
- register_func(self, dll, "finefront_update", [
- c_int32, POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_double), c_int32, POINTER(c_int32), c_int32
- ])
+ register_func(
+ self,
+ dll,
+ "finefront_update",
+ [
+ c_int32,
+ POINTER(c_double),
+ POINTER(c_double),
+ c_int32,
+ POINTER(c_int32),
+ c_int32,
+ ],
+ )
register_func(self, dll, "finefront_get_cnt", restype=c_int32)
register_func(self, dll, "finefront_cleanup")
- register_func(self, dll, "complete_depth_test_get_queries", [c_int32, c_int32, POINTER(c_double)])
- register_func(self, dll, "complete_depth_test_update", [c_int32, c_int32, POINTER(c_double)])
- register_func(self, dll, "get_stitching_queries", [POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int32)])
- register_func(self, dll, "stitch_update", [POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int32), POINTER(c_double), c_int32, POINTER(c_int32), c_int32])
- register_func(self, dll, "get_final_mesh", [POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int32), POINTER(c_int32)])
+ register_func(
+ self,
+ dll,
+ "complete_depth_test_get_queries",
+ [c_int32, c_int32, POINTER(c_double)],
+ )
+ register_func(
+ self,
+ dll,
+ "complete_depth_test_update",
+ [c_int32, c_int32, POINTER(c_double)],
+ )
+ register_func(
+ self, dll, "get_stitching_queries", [POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int32)]
+ )
+ register_func(
+ self,
+ dll,
+ "stitch_update",
+ [
+ POINTER(c_double),
+ POINTER(c_int32),
+ POINTER(c_double),
+ c_int32,
+ POINTER(c_int32),
+ c_int32,
+ ],
+ )
+ register_func(
+ self,
+ dll,
+ "get_final_mesh",
+ [POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int32), POINTER(c_int32)],
+ )
def __call__(self, kernels):
H = self.L - 2 * self.N0
W = self.L - 2 * self.N1
R = self.R
with Timer("init_and_get_emptytest_queries"):
- test_L = (self.L - 1) // self.test_downscale + 1
- test_R = (self.R - 1) // self.test_downscale + 1
- positions = AC(np.zeros((6 * (test_L + 1) ** 2 * (test_R + 1), 3), dtype=np.float64))
+ test_L = (self.L - 1) // self.test_downscale + 1
+ test_R = (self.R - 1) // self.test_downscale + 1
+ positions = AC(
+ np.zeros((6 * (test_L + 1) ** 2 * (test_R + 1), 3), dtype=np.float64)
+ )
- self.r_min, self.r_max, self.L, self.R,
+ self.r_min,
+ self.r_max,
+ self.L,
+ self.R,
- self.test_downscale, self.H_fov, self.W_fov, self.upscale,
- self.N0, self.N1,
+ self.test_downscale,
+ self.H_fov,
+ self.W_fov,
+ self.upscale,
+ self.N0,
+ self.N1,
+ )
+ with Timer(
+ f"compute emptytest sdf of #{len(positions)} (6x{test_L + 1}^2x{test_R + 1})"
+ ):
+ sdf = AC(
+ self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions).min(axis=-1).astype(np.float64)
- with Timer(f"compute emptytest sdf of #{len(positions)} (6x{test_L + 1}^2x{test_R + 1})"):
- sdf = AC(self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions).min(axis=-1).astype(np.float64))
with Timer("initial_update"):
cnt = self.initial_update(ASDOUBLE(sdf))
iter = 0
while cnt > 0:
- if self.verbose: print(f"{iter=}")
+ if self.verbose:
+ print(f"{iter=}")
iter += 1
with Timer(f"get_coarse_queries of {cnt} blocks"):
- positions = AC(np.zeros(((self.test_downscale + 1) ** 3 * cnt, 3), dtype=np.float64))
+ positions = AC(
+ np.zeros(
+ ((self.test_downscale + 1) ** 3 * cnt, 3), dtype=np.float64
+ )
+ )
position_bounds = AC(np.zeros((cnt * 3,), dtype=np.int32))
self.get_coarse_queries(ASDOUBLE(positions), ASINT(position_bounds))
with Timer("compute coarse sdf"):
- sdf = AC(self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions).min(axis=-1).astype(np.float64))
+ sdf = AC(
+ self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions)
+ .min(axis=-1)
+ .astype(np.float64)
+ )
del positions
with Timer("run marching cube"):
S = self.test_downscale + 1
- block_size = (self.test_downscale+1) ** 3
- if self.verbose: range_cnt = tqdm(range(cnt))
- else: range_cnt = range(cnt)
+ block_size = (self.test_downscale + 1) ** 3
+ if self.verbose:
+ range_cnt = tqdm(range(cnt))
+ else:
+ range_cnt = range(cnt)
for i in range_cnt:
- S1, S2, S3 = position_bounds[i * 3: (i+1) * 3]
- part_sdf = sdf[i * block_size: (i+1) * block_size].reshape(S, S, S)[:S1 + 1, :S2 + 1, :S3 + 1]
- verts_i_int, verts_i_frac, faces_i, _, _ = marching_cubes(part_sdf, 0)
+ S1, S2, S3 = position_bounds[i * 3 : (i + 1) * 3]
+ part_sdf = sdf[i * block_size : (i + 1) * block_size].reshape(
+ S, S, S
+ )[: S1 + 1, : S2 + 1, : S3 + 1]
+ verts_i_int, verts_i_frac, faces_i, _, _ = marching_cubes(
+ part_sdf, 0
+ )
verts_i = verts_i_int + verts_i_frac
- i, ASDOUBLE(sdf), ASINT(position_bounds),
- ASDOUBLE(AC(verts_i.astype(np.float64))), len(verts_i),
- ASINT(AC(faces_i.astype(np.int32))), len(faces_i),
+ i,
+ ASDOUBLE(sdf),
+ ASINT(position_bounds),
+ ASDOUBLE(AC(verts_i.astype(np.float64))),
+ len(verts_i),
+ ASINT(AC(faces_i.astype(np.int32))),
+ len(faces_i),
with Timer("collect new cnt"):
cnt = self.get_cnt()
if self.upscale != -1 and self.upscale != 1:
U = self.upscale
S = U + 1
cnt = self.finefront_init()
iter = 0
while True:
- if self.verbose: print(f"{iter=}")
+ if self.verbose:
+ print(f"{iter=}")
iter += 1
if cnt == 0 and self.complete_depth_test:
with Timer("complete_depth_test"):
- self.complete_depth_test = False # one time use
- if self.verbose: batch_range = tqdm(range(0, W * self.upscale, self.complete_depth_test_relax))
- else: batch_range = range(0, W * self.upscale, self.complete_depth_test_relax)
+ self.complete_depth_test = False # one time use
+ if self.verbose:
+ batch_range = tqdm(
+ range(
+ 0, W * self.upscale, self.complete_depth_test_relax
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ batch_range = range(
+ 0, W * self.upscale, self.complete_depth_test_relax
+ )
for b in batch_range:
- positions = AC(np.zeros((((H * self.upscale - 1) // self.complete_depth_test_relax + 1) * ((R * self.upscale - 1) // self.complete_depth_test_relax + 1), 3), dtype=np.float64))
- self.complete_depth_test_get_queries(self.complete_depth_test_relax, b, ASDOUBLE(positions))
- sdf = AC(self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions).min(axis=-1).astype(np.float64))
- self.complete_depth_test_update(self.complete_depth_test_relax, b, ASDOUBLE(sdf))
+ positions = AC(
+ np.zeros(
+ (
+ (
+ (H * self.upscale - 1)
+ // self.complete_depth_test_relax
+ + 1
+ )
+ * (
+ (R * self.upscale - 1)
+ // self.complete_depth_test_relax
+ + 1
+ ),
+ 3,
+ ),
+ dtype=np.float64,
+ )
+ )
+ self.complete_depth_test_get_queries(
+ self.complete_depth_test_relax, b, ASDOUBLE(positions)
+ )
+ sdf = AC(
+ self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions)
+ .min(axis=-1)
+ .astype(np.float64)
+ )
+ self.complete_depth_test_update(
+ self.complete_depth_test_relax, b, ASDOUBLE(sdf)
+ )
cnt = self.finefront_get_cnt()
- if cnt == 0: break
+ if cnt == 0:
+ break
with Timer(f"get_finefront_queries of {cnt} blocks"):
- positions = AC(np.zeros(((self.upscale + 1) ** 3 * cnt, 3), dtype=np.float64))
+ positions = AC(
+ np.zeros(((self.upscale + 1) ** 3 * cnt, 3), dtype=np.float64)
+ )
with Timer("compute finefront sdf"):
- sdf = AC(self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions).min(axis=-1).astype(np.float64))
+ sdf = AC(
+ self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions)
+ .min(axis=-1)
+ .astype(np.float64)
+ )
del positions
with Timer("run marching cube"):
- block_size = S ** 3
- if self.verbose: range_cnt = tqdm(range(cnt))
- else: range_cnt = range(cnt)
+ block_size = S**3
+ if self.verbose:
+ range_cnt = tqdm(range(cnt))
+ else:
+ range_cnt = range(cnt)
for i in range_cnt:
- part_sdf = sdf[i * block_size: (i+1) * block_size].reshape(S, S, S)
+ part_sdf = sdf[i * block_size : (i + 1) * block_size].reshape(
+ S, S, S
+ )
if (part_sdf > 0).any() and (part_sdf <= 0).any():
- verts_i_int, verts_i_frac, faces_i, _, _ = marching_cubes(part_sdf, 0)
+ verts_i_int, verts_i_frac, faces_i, _, _ = marching_cubes(
+ part_sdf, 0
+ )
verts_i = verts_i_int + verts_i_frac
- i, ASDOUBLE(sdf),
- ASDOUBLE(AC(verts_i.astype(np.float64))), len(verts_i),
- ASINT(AC(faces_i.astype(np.int32))), len(faces_i),
+ i,
+ ASDOUBLE(sdf),
+ ASDOUBLE(AC(verts_i.astype(np.float64))),
+ len(verts_i),
+ ASINT(AC(faces_i.astype(np.int32))),
+ len(faces_i),
with Timer("collect new cnt"):
cnt = self.finefront_get_cnt()
- with Timer(f"get_stitching_queries of {((2 * (W + H) * R * (U * U + 2 * U + 1) + 4 * R * (U + 2)) * 8, 3)=}"):
- positions = AC(np.zeros(((2 * (W + H) * R * (U * U + 2 * U + 1) + 4 * R * (U + 2)) * 8, 3), dtype=np.float64))
+ with Timer(
+ f"get_stitching_queries of {((2 * (W + H) * R * (U * U + 2 * U + 1) + 4 * R * (U + 2)) * 8, 3)=}"
+ ):
+ positions = AC(
+ np.zeros(
+ (
+ (2 * (W + H) * R * (U * U + 2 * U + 1) + 4 * R * (U + 2))
+ * 8,
+ 3,
+ ),
+ dtype=np.float64,
+ )
+ )
self.get_stitching_queries(ASDOUBLE(positions), POINTER(c_int32)())
with Timer("compute stitching sdf"):
- sdf = AC(self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions).min(axis=-1).astype(np.float64))
+ sdf = AC(
+ self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions)
+ .min(axis=-1)
+ .astype(np.float64)
+ )
del positions
sdf = sdf.reshape((-1, 2, 2, 2))
with Timer("marching stiches"):
sdf_repeated1 = sdf[:, 1:, :, :]
- sdf_repeated2 = np.concatenate((sdf[1:, :1, :, :], np.zeros((1, 1, 2, 2))))
- sdf = AC(np.concatenate((sdf, sdf_repeated1, sdf_repeated2), 1).reshape((-1, 2, 2)))
+ sdf_repeated2 = np.concatenate(
+ (sdf[1:, :1, :, :], np.zeros((1, 1, 2, 2)))
+ )
+ sdf = AC(
+ np.concatenate((sdf, sdf_repeated1, sdf_repeated2), 1).reshape(
+ (-1, 2, 2)
+ )
+ )
if (sdf > 0).any() and (sdf <= 0).any():
verts_int, verts_frac, faces, _, _ = marching_cubes(sdf, 0)
- ASDOUBLE(AC(verts_frac.astype(np.float64))), len(verts_int),
- ASINT(AC(faces.astype(np.int32))), len(faces),
+ ASDOUBLE(AC(verts_frac.astype(np.float64))),
+ len(verts_int),
+ ASINT(AC(faces.astype(np.int32))),
+ len(faces),
with Timer("merge identifiers and get coarse vert counts"):
NM = AC(np.zeros(2, dtype=np.int32))
- if self.verbose: print(f"mesh has {NM[0]} vertices and {NM[1]} faces")
+ if self.verbose:
+ print(f"mesh has {NM[0]} vertices and {NM[1]} faces")
with Timer("bisection"):
positions = AC(np.zeros((NM[0] * 3,), dtype=np.float64))
- if self.verbose: range_it = tqdm(range(self.bisection_iters))
- else: range_it = range(self.bisection_iters)
+ if self.verbose:
+ range_it = tqdm(range(self.bisection_iters))
+ else:
+ range_it = range(self.bisection_iters)
for it in range_it:
- sdf = np.ascontiguousarray(self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions.reshape((-1, 3))).min(axis=-1).astype(np.float64))
+ sdf = np.ascontiguousarray(
+ self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions.reshape((-1, 3)))
+ .min(axis=-1)
+ .astype(np.float64)
+ )
with Timer("get final results"):
vertices = AC(np.zeros((NM[0], 3), dtype=np.float64))
outview_annotation = AC(np.zeros(NM[0], dtype=np.int32))
faces = AC(np.zeros((NM[1], 3), dtype=np.int32))
- self.get_final_mesh(ASDOUBLE(vertices), ASINT(faces), ASINT(outview_annotation))
+ self.get_final_mesh(
+ ASDOUBLE(vertices), ASINT(faces), ASINT(outview_annotation)
+ )
mesh = Mesh(vertices=vertices, faces=faces)
with Timer("compute attributes"):
write_attributes(kernels, mesh)
mesh.vertex_attributes[Tags.OutOfView] = outview_annotation
- return mesh
\ No newline at end of file
+ return mesh
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/mesher/frontview_spherical_mesher.py b/infinigen/terrain/mesher/frontview_spherical_mesher.py
index af52fb2e1..1fd45def2 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/mesher/frontview_spherical_mesher.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/mesher/frontview_spherical_mesher.py
@@ -4,22 +4,31 @@
# Authors: Zeyu Ma
-from ctypes import POINTER, c_double, c_int32
import logging
+from ctypes import POINTER, c_double, c_int32
import gin
import numpy as np
from numpy import ascontiguousarray as AC
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import Mesh, ASDOUBLE, ASINT, write_attributes, register_func, load_cdll
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import Timer as tTimer
from tqdm import tqdm
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import (
+ Mesh,
+ load_cdll,
+ register_func,
+ write_attributes,
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import Timer as tTimer
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from ._marching_cubes_lewiner import marching_cubes
-except ImportError as e:
- logger.warning(f'Could not import marching_cubes, terrain is likely not installed')
+except ImportError:
+ logger.warning("Could not import marching_cubes, terrain is likely not installed")
class Timer(tTimer):
@@ -29,12 +38,16 @@ def __init__(self, desc, verbose=False):
class FrontviewSphericalMesher:
- def __init__(self,
+ def __init__(
+ self,
- H_fov, W_fov,
- r_min, r_max,
- H, W, R,
+ H_fov,
+ W_fov,
+ r_min,
+ r_max,
+ H,
+ W,
+ R,
@@ -59,185 +72,337 @@ def __init__(self,
self.verbose = verbose
dll = load_cdll(f"terrain/lib/{device}/meshing/frontview_spherical_mesher.so")
- register_func(self, dll, "init_and_get_emptytest_queries", [
- POINTER(c_double), c_double, c_double, c_double, c_double, c_int32, c_int32, c_int32,
- POINTER(c_double), c_int32, c_int32,
- ])
+ register_func(
+ self,
+ dll,
+ "init_and_get_emptytest_queries",
+ [
+ POINTER(c_double),
+ c_double,
+ c_double,
+ c_double,
+ c_double,
+ c_int32,
+ c_int32,
+ c_int32,
+ POINTER(c_double),
+ c_int32,
+ c_int32,
+ ],
+ )
register_func(self, dll, "initial_update", [POINTER(c_double)], c_int32)
- register_func(self, dll, "get_coarse_queries", [POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int32)])
- register_func(self, dll, "update", [
- c_int32, POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int32), POINTER(c_int32), POINTER(c_double), c_int32, POINTER(c_int32), c_int32,
- ])
+ register_func(
+ self, dll, "get_coarse_queries", [POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int32)]
+ )
+ register_func(
+ self,
+ dll,
+ "update",
+ [
+ c_int32,
+ POINTER(c_double),
+ POINTER(c_int32),
+ POINTER(c_int32),
+ POINTER(c_double),
+ c_int32,
+ POINTER(c_int32),
+ c_int32,
+ ],
+ )
register_func(self, dll, "get_cnt", restype=c_int32)
register_func(self, dll, "get_coarse_mesh_cnt", [POINTER(c_int32)])
- register_func(self, dll, "bisection_get_positions", [c_int32, POINTER(c_double)])
+ register_func(
+ self, dll, "bisection_get_positions", [c_int32, POINTER(c_double)]
+ )
register_func(self, dll, "bisection_update", [c_int32, POINTER(c_double)])
register_func(self, dll, "init_fine", [c_int32, c_int32], c_int32)
register_func(self, dll, "get_fine_queries", [POINTER(c_double)])
- register_func(self, dll, "update_fine_small", [
- c_int32, c_int32, POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int32), POINTER(c_double), c_int32, POINTER(c_int32), c_int32,
- ])
+ register_func(
+ self,
+ dll,
+ "update_fine_small",
+ [
+ c_int32,
+ c_int32,
+ POINTER(c_double),
+ POINTER(c_int32),
+ POINTER(c_double),
+ c_int32,
+ POINTER(c_int32),
+ c_int32,
+ ],
+ )
register_func(self, dll, "update_fine", restype=c_int32)
- register_func(self, dll, "complete_depth_test_get_query_cnt", [c_int32, c_int32], c_int32)
- register_func(self, dll, "complete_depth_test_get_queries", [c_int32, c_int32, POINTER(c_double)])
- register_func(self, dll, "complete_depth_test_update", [c_int32, c_int32, POINTER(c_double)])
+ register_func(
+ self, dll, "complete_depth_test_get_query_cnt", [c_int32, c_int32], c_int32
+ )
+ register_func(
+ self,
+ dll,
+ "complete_depth_test_get_queries",
+ [c_int32, c_int32, POINTER(c_double)],
+ )
+ register_func(
+ self,
+ dll,
+ "complete_depth_test_update",
+ [c_int32, c_int32, POINTER(c_double)],
+ )
register_func(self, dll, "complete_depth_test_get_cnt", restype=c_int32)
- register_func(self, dll, "get_final_mesh_statistics", [POINTER(c_int32), POINTER(c_int32), POINTER(c_int32)])
- register_func(self, dll, "get_final_mesh", [POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int32)])
+ register_func(
+ self,
+ dll,
+ "get_final_mesh_statistics",
+ [POINTER(c_int32), POINTER(c_int32), POINTER(c_int32)],
+ )
+ register_func(
+ self, dll, "get_final_mesh", [POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int32)]
+ )
def __call__(self, kernels):
n_elements = len(kernels)
with Timer("init_and_get_emptytest_queries"):
- test_H = (self.H - 1) // self.test_downscale + 1
- test_W = (self.W - 1) // self.test_downscale + 1
- test_R = (self.R - 1) // self.test_downscale + 1
- positions = AC(np.zeros(((test_H + 1) * (test_W + 1) * (test_R + 1), 3), dtype=np.float64))
+ test_H = (self.H - 1) // self.test_downscale + 1
+ test_W = (self.W - 1) // self.test_downscale + 1
+ test_R = (self.R - 1) // self.test_downscale + 1
+ positions = AC(
+ np.zeros(
+ ((test_H + 1) * (test_W + 1) * (test_R + 1), 3), dtype=np.float64
+ )
+ )
- self.H_fov, self.W_fov, self.r_min, self.r_max, self.H, self.W, self.R,
+ self.H_fov,
+ self.W_fov,
+ self.r_min,
+ self.r_max,
+ self.H,
+ self.W,
+ self.R,
- with Timer(f"compute emptytest sdf of #{(test_H + 1) * (test_W + 1) * (test_R + 1)}"):
- sdf = AC(self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions).min(axis=-1).astype(np.float64))
+ with Timer(
+ f"compute emptytest sdf of #{(test_H + 1) * (test_W + 1) * (test_R + 1)}"
+ ):
+ sdf = AC(
+ self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions).min(axis=-1).astype(np.float64)
+ )
with Timer("initial_update"):
cnt = self.initial_update(ASDOUBLE(sdf))
S = self.test_downscale + 1
- block_size = S ** 3
+ block_size = S**3
it = 0
while True:
- if self.verbose: print(f"{it=}")
+ if self.verbose:
+ print(f"{it=}")
it += 1
- if cnt == 0: break
+ if cnt == 0:
+ break
with Timer(f"get_coarse_queries of {cnt} blocks"):
- positions = AC(np.zeros((S ** 3 * cnt, 3), dtype=np.float64))
+ positions = AC(np.zeros((S**3 * cnt, 3), dtype=np.float64))
position_bounds = AC(np.zeros((cnt * 3,), dtype=np.int32))
self.get_coarse_queries(ASDOUBLE(positions), ASINT(position_bounds))
with Timer("compute coarse sdf"):
- sdf = AC(self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions).min(axis=-1).astype(np.float64))
+ sdf = AC(
+ self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions)
+ .min(axis=-1)
+ .astype(np.float64)
+ )
with Timer("run marching cube"):
- if self.verbose: range_cnt = tqdm(range(cnt))
- else: range_cnt = range(cnt)
+ if self.verbose:
+ range_cnt = tqdm(range(cnt))
+ else:
+ range_cnt = range(cnt)
for i in range_cnt:
- S1, S2, S3 = position_bounds[i * 3: (i+1) * 3]
- part_sdf = sdf[i * block_size: (i+1) * block_size].reshape(S, S, S)[:S1 + 1, :S2 + 1, :S3 + 1]
+ S1, S2, S3 = position_bounds[i * 3 : (i + 1) * 3]
+ part_sdf = sdf[i * block_size : (i + 1) * block_size].reshape(
+ S, S, S
+ )[: S1 + 1, : S2 + 1, : S3 + 1]
verts_int, verts_frac, faces, _, _ = marching_cubes(part_sdf, 0)
- i, ASDOUBLE(sdf), ASINT(position_bounds),
+ i,
+ ASDOUBLE(sdf),
+ ASINT(position_bounds),
- ASDOUBLE(AC(verts_frac.astype(np.float64))), len(verts_int),
- ASINT(AC(faces.astype(np.int32))), len(faces),
+ ASDOUBLE(AC(verts_frac.astype(np.float64))),
+ len(verts_int),
+ ASINT(AC(faces.astype(np.int32))),
+ len(faces),
with Timer("collect new cnt"):
cnt = self.get_cnt()
with Timer("merge identifiers and get coarse vert counts"):
NM = AC(np.zeros(2, dtype=np.int32))
N = NM[0]
M = NM[1]
- if self.verbose: print(f"Entire in view coarse mesh (without visibility face removal) has {N} vertices and {M} faces")
+ if self.verbose:
+ print(
+ f"Entire in view coarse mesh (without visibility face removal) has {N} vertices and {M} faces"
+ )
with Timer("bisection on in view coarse mesh"):
positions = AC(np.zeros((N * 3,), dtype=np.float64))
- if self.verbose: range_it = tqdm(range(self.bisection_iters_coarse))
- else: range_it = range(self.bisection_iters_coarse)
+ if self.verbose:
+ range_it = tqdm(range(self.bisection_iters_coarse))
+ else:
+ range_it = range(self.bisection_iters_coarse)
for it in range_it:
self.bisection_get_positions(-1, ASDOUBLE(positions))
- sdf = np.ascontiguousarray(self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions.reshape((-1, 3))).min(axis=-1).astype(np.float64))
+ sdf = np.ascontiguousarray(
+ self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions.reshape((-1, 3)))
+ .min(axis=-1)
+ .astype(np.float64)
+ )
self.bisection_update(-1, ASDOUBLE(sdf))
with Timer("visibility test for coarse mesh and init_fine_solids"):
cnt = self.init_fine(self.relax1, n_elements)
S = self.upscale + 1
- block_size = S ** 3
+ block_size = S**3
it = 0
while True:
- if self.verbose: print(f"{it=}")
+ if self.verbose:
+ print(f"{it=}")
it += 1
if cnt == 0 and self.complete_depth_test:
with Timer("complete_depth_test"):
- self.complete_depth_test = False # one time use
- if self.verbose: batch_range = tqdm(range(0, self.W * self.upscale, self.complete_depth_test_relax))
- else: batch_range = range(0, self.W * self.upscale, self.complete_depth_test_relax)
+ self.complete_depth_test = False # one time use
+ if self.verbose:
+ batch_range = tqdm(
+ range(
+ 0, self.W * self.upscale, self.complete_depth_test_relax
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ batch_range = range(
+ 0, self.W * self.upscale, self.complete_depth_test_relax
+ )
for b in batch_range:
- cnt = self.complete_depth_test_get_query_cnt(self.complete_depth_test_relax, b)
+ cnt = self.complete_depth_test_get_query_cnt(
+ self.complete_depth_test_relax, b
+ )
positions = AC(np.zeros((cnt, 3), dtype=np.float64))
- self.complete_depth_test_get_queries(self.complete_depth_test_relax, b, ASDOUBLE(positions))
- sdf = AC(self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions).min(axis=-1).astype(np.float64))
- self.complete_depth_test_update(self.complete_depth_test_relax, b, ASDOUBLE(sdf))
+ self.complete_depth_test_get_queries(
+ self.complete_depth_test_relax, b, ASDOUBLE(positions)
+ )
+ sdf = AC(
+ self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions)
+ .min(axis=-1)
+ .astype(np.float64)
+ )
+ self.complete_depth_test_update(
+ self.complete_depth_test_relax, b, ASDOUBLE(sdf)
+ )
cnt = self.complete_depth_test_get_cnt()
- if cnt == 0: break
+ if cnt == 0:
+ break
with Timer(f"get_fine_positions of #{cnt}"):
- positions = AC(np.zeros((cnt, (self.upscale + 1) ** 3, 3), dtype=np.float64))
+ positions = AC(
+ np.zeros((cnt, (self.upscale + 1) ** 3, 3), dtype=np.float64)
+ )
with Timer("compute fine sdf"):
- sdf = np.ascontiguousarray(self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions.reshape((-1, 3))).astype(np.float64))
+ sdf = np.ascontiguousarray(
+ self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions.reshape((-1, 3))).astype(
+ np.float64
+ )
+ )
del positions
with Timer("run marching cube"):
- if self.verbose: range_cnt = tqdm(range(cnt))
- else: range_cnt = range(cnt)
+ if self.verbose:
+ range_cnt = tqdm(range(cnt))
+ else:
+ range_cnt = range(cnt)
for i in range_cnt:
for e in range(n_elements):
- part_sdf = sdf[i * block_size: (i+1) * block_size].reshape(S, S, S, n_elements)[..., e]
+ part_sdf = sdf[i * block_size : (i + 1) * block_size].reshape(
+ S, S, S, n_elements
+ )[..., e]
if (part_sdf >= 0).all() or (part_sdf <= 0).all():
verts_int, verts_frac, faces, _, _ = marching_cubes(part_sdf, 0)
- i, e, ASDOUBLE(sdf),
+ i,
+ e,
+ ASDOUBLE(sdf),
- ASDOUBLE(AC(verts_frac.astype(np.float64))), len(verts_int),
- ASINT(AC(faces.astype(np.int32))), len(faces),
+ ASDOUBLE(AC(verts_frac.astype(np.float64))),
+ len(verts_int),
+ ASINT(AC(faces.astype(np.int32))),
+ len(faces),
with Timer("update"):
cnt = self.update_fine()
with Timer("merge identifiers and get fine vert counts"):
Ns = AC(np.zeros(n_elements, dtype=np.int32))
Ms = AC(np.zeros(n_elements, dtype=np.int32))
NM[:] = 0
self.get_final_mesh_statistics(ASINT(NM), ASINT(Ns), ASINT(Ms))
- if self.verbose: print(f"Invisible cleaned coarse mesh has {NM[0]} vertices and {NM[1]} faces")
+ if self.verbose:
+ print(
+ f"Invisible cleaned coarse mesh has {NM[0]} vertices and {NM[1]} faces"
+ )
for e in range(n_elements):
- if self.verbose: print(f"In view fine mesh (element {e}) has {Ns[e]} vertices and {Ms[e]} faces")
+ if self.verbose:
+ print(
+ f"In view fine mesh (element {e}) has {Ns[e]} vertices and {Ms[e]} faces"
+ )
with Timer("fine bisection"):
for e in range(n_elements):
positions = AC(np.zeros((Ns[e] * 3,), dtype=np.float64))
- if self.verbose: range_it = tqdm(range(self.bisection_iters_fine))
- else: range_it = range(self.bisection_iters_fine)
+ if self.verbose:
+ range_it = tqdm(range(self.bisection_iters_fine))
+ else:
+ range_it = range(self.bisection_iters_fine)
for it in range_it:
self.bisection_get_positions(e, ASDOUBLE(positions))
- sdf = np.ascontiguousarray(self.kernel_caller([kernels[e]], positions.reshape((-1, 3))).astype(np.float64))
+ sdf = np.ascontiguousarray(
+ self.kernel_caller(
+ [kernels[e]], positions.reshape((-1, 3))
+ ).astype(np.float64)
+ )
self.bisection_update(e, ASDOUBLE(sdf))
with Timer("get final results"):
vertices = AC(np.zeros((NM[0] + np.sum(Ns)) * 3, dtype=np.float64))
faces = AC(np.zeros((NM[1] + np.sum(Ms)) * 3, dtype=np.int32))
self.get_final_mesh(ASDOUBLE(vertices), ASINT(faces))
- mesh = Mesh(vertices=vertices[:NM[0] * 3].reshape((-1, 3)), faces=faces[:NM[1] * 3].reshape((-1, 3)))
+ mesh = Mesh(
+ vertices=vertices[: NM[0] * 3].reshape((-1, 3)),
+ faces=faces[: NM[1] * 3].reshape((-1, 3)),
+ )
meshes = []
cnt_N = NM[0]
cnt_M = NM[1]
for e in range(n_elements):
- meshes.append(Mesh(vertices=vertices[cnt_N * 3: (cnt_N+Ns[e]) * 3].reshape((-1, 3)), faces=faces[cnt_M * 3: (cnt_M+Ms[e]) * 3].reshape((-1, 3))))
+ meshes.append(
+ Mesh(
+ vertices=vertices[cnt_N * 3 : (cnt_N + Ns[e]) * 3].reshape(
+ (-1, 3)
+ ),
+ faces=faces[cnt_M * 3 : (cnt_M + Ms[e]) * 3].reshape((-1, 3)),
+ )
+ )
cnt_N += Ns[e]
cnt_M += Ms[e]
with Timer("compute attributes"):
write_attributes(kernels, mesh, meshes)
with Timer("concat meshes"):
catted_mesh = Mesh.cat([mesh, *meshes])
return catted_mesh
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/mesher/spherical_mesher.py b/infinigen/terrain/mesher/spherical_mesher.py
index ec36f199c..4809f451b 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/mesher/spherical_mesher.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/mesher/spherical_mesher.py
@@ -4,16 +4,18 @@
# Authors: Zeyu Ma
-import numpy as np
import gin
+import numpy as np
from infinigen.core.util.logging import Timer
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import Mesh, get_caminfo, write_attributes, Vars
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import Mesh, Vars, get_caminfo
from .cube_spherical_mesher import CubeSphericalMesher
from .frontview_spherical_mesher import FrontviewSphericalMesher
magnifier = 1e6
def kernel_caller(kernels, XYZ, bounds=None):
sdfs = []
@@ -23,16 +25,20 @@ def kernel_caller(kernels, XYZ, bounds=None):
if bounds is not None:
out_bound = np.zeros(len(XYZ), dtype=bool)
for i in range(3):
- out_bound |= XYZ[:, i] <= bounds[i*2]
- out_bound |= XYZ[:, i] >= bounds[i*2+1]
- sdf[out_bound] = 1e6 # because of skimage mc only provides coords, which is has precision limit
+ out_bound |= XYZ[:, i] <= bounds[i * 2]
+ out_bound |= XYZ[:, i] >= bounds[i * 2 + 1]
+ sdf[out_bound] = (
+ 1e6 # because of skimage mc only provides coords, which is has precision limit
+ )
ret = np.stack(sdfs, -1)
return ret
class SphericalMesher:
- def __init__(self,
+ def __init__(
+ self,
@@ -40,7 +46,9 @@ def __init__(self,
full_info, self.cam_pose, self.fov, self.H, self.W, _ = get_caminfo(cameras)
cams = full_info[0]
- assert self.fov[0] < np.pi / 2 and self.fov[1] < np.pi / 2, "the algorithm does not support larger-than-90-degree fov yet"
+ assert (
+ self.fov[0] < np.pi / 2 and self.fov[1] < np.pi / 2
+ ), "the algorithm does not support larger-than-90-degree fov yet"
self.r_min = r_min
self.complete_depth_test = complete_depth_test
self.bounds = bounds
@@ -49,13 +57,20 @@ def __init__(self,
for i in range(2):
for j in range(2):
for k in range(2):
- r_max = np.linalg.norm(np.array([self.bounds[i], self.bounds[2+j], self.bounds[4+k]]) - cam[:3, 3])
+ r_max = np.linalg.norm(
+ np.array(
+ [self.bounds[i], self.bounds[2 + j], self.bounds[4 + k]]
+ )
+ - cam[:3, 3]
+ )
self.r_max = max(self.r_max, r_max)
self.r_max *= 1.1
class OpaqueSphericalMesher(SphericalMesher):
- def __init__(self,
+ def __init__(
+ self,
@@ -67,46 +82,81 @@ def __init__(self,
SphericalMesher.__init__(self, cameras, bounds)
inview_upscale_coarse = upscale1
- inview_upscale_fine = upscale1 * upscale2
+ inview_upscale_fine = upscale1 * upscale2
outview_upscale = 1
assert bool(base_90d_resolution is None) ^ bool(pixels_per_cube is None)
- if base_90d_resolution is None: base_90d_resolution = int(1 / (pixels_per_cube * inview_upscale_fine * self.fov[0] / np.pi * 2 / self.H))
+ if base_90d_resolution is None:
+ base_90d_resolution = int(
+ 1
+ / (
+ pixels_per_cube
+ * inview_upscale_fine
+ * self.fov[0]
+ / np.pi
+ * 2
+ / self.H
+ )
+ )
base_90d_resolution = base_90d_resolution // test_downscale * test_downscale
- print(f"In view visible mesh angle resolution 90d/{base_90d_resolution * inview_upscale_fine}, about {base_90d_resolution * inview_upscale_fine * self.fov[0] / np.pi * 2 / self.H: .2f} marching cube per pixel")
- print(f"In view invisible mesh angle resolution 90d/{base_90d_resolution * inview_upscale_coarse}, about {base_90d_resolution * inview_upscale_coarse * self.fov[0] / np.pi * 2 / self.H: .2f} marching cube per pixel")
- print(f"Out view mesh angle resolution 90d/{base_90d_resolution * outview_upscale}, about {base_90d_resolution * outview_upscale * self.fov[0] / np.pi * 2 / self.H: .2f} marching cube per pixel")
+ print(
+ f"In view visible mesh angle resolution 90d/{base_90d_resolution * inview_upscale_fine}, about {base_90d_resolution * inview_upscale_fine * self.fov[0] / np.pi * 2 / self.H: .2f} marching cube per pixel"
+ )
+ print(
+ f"In view invisible mesh angle resolution 90d/{base_90d_resolution * inview_upscale_coarse}, about {base_90d_resolution * inview_upscale_coarse * self.fov[0] / np.pi * 2 / self.H: .2f} marching cube per pixel"
+ )
+ print(
+ f"Out view mesh angle resolution 90d/{base_90d_resolution * outview_upscale}, about {base_90d_resolution * outview_upscale * self.fov[0] / np.pi * 2 / self.H: .2f} marching cube per pixel"
+ )
fov = self.fov
base_angle_resolution = np.pi / 2 / base_90d_resolution
- base_R = int((np.log(self.r_max) - np.log(self.r_min)) / (np.pi/2 / base_90d_resolution) / r_lengthen)
+ base_R = int(
+ (np.log(self.r_max) - np.log(self.r_min))
+ / (np.pi / 2 / base_90d_resolution)
+ / r_lengthen
+ )
N0 = int(np.floor((1 - fov[0] * 2 / np.pi) / 2 * base_90d_resolution))
N1 = int(np.floor((1 - fov[1] * 2 / np.pi) / 2 * base_90d_resolution))
- rounded_fov = (2 * (np.pi / 4 - N0 * base_angle_resolution), 2 * (np.pi / 4 - N1 * base_angle_resolution))
+ rounded_fov = (
+ 2 * (np.pi / 4 - N0 * base_angle_resolution),
+ 2 * (np.pi / 4 - N1 * base_angle_resolution),
+ )
H = (base_90d_resolution - N0 * 2) * upscale1
W = (base_90d_resolution - N1 * 2) * upscale1
R = base_R * upscale1
print(f"In view invisible mesh marching cube resolution {H}x{W}x{R}")
self.frontview_mesher = FrontviewSphericalMesher(
- rounded_fov[0], rounded_fov[1],
- self.r_min, self.r_max,
- H, W, R,
+ rounded_fov[0],
+ rounded_fov[1],
+ self.r_min,
+ self.r_max,
+ H,
+ W,
+ R,
- self.frontview_mesher.kernel_caller = lambda k, xyz: kernel_caller(k, xyz, self.bounds)
+ self.frontview_mesher.kernel_caller = lambda k, xyz: kernel_caller(
+ k, xyz, self.bounds
+ )
self.background_mesher = CubeSphericalMesher(
- self.r_min, self.r_max,
+ self.r_min,
+ self.r_max,
base_90d_resolution * outview_upscale,
base_R * outview_upscale,
- H_fov=rounded_fov[0], W_fov=rounded_fov[1],
- N0=N0, N1=N1,
+ H_fov=rounded_fov[0],
+ W_fov=rounded_fov[1],
+ N0=N0,
+ N1=N1,
+ )
+ self.background_mesher.kernel_caller = lambda k, xyz: kernel_caller(
+ k, xyz, self.bounds
- self.background_mesher.kernel_caller = lambda k, xyz: kernel_caller(k, xyz, self.bounds)
def __call__(self, kernels):
with Timer("OpaqueSphericalMesher: frontview_mesher"):
@@ -117,10 +167,10 @@ def __call__(self, kernels):
return mesh
class TransparentSphericalMesher(SphericalMesher):
- def __init__(self,
+ def __init__(
+ self,
@@ -134,32 +184,48 @@ def __init__(self,
self.cameras = cameras
self.camera_annotation_frames = camera_annotation_frames
assert bool(base_90d_resolution is None) ^ bool(pixels_per_cube is None)
- if base_90d_resolution is None: base_90d_resolution = int(1 / (pixels_per_cube * inv_scale * self.fov[0] / np.pi * 2 / self.H))
+ if base_90d_resolution is None:
+ base_90d_resolution = int(
+ 1 / (pixels_per_cube * inv_scale * self.fov[0] / np.pi * 2 / self.H)
+ )
base_90d_resolution = base_90d_resolution // test_downscale * test_downscale
- base_R = int((np.log(self.r_max) - np.log(self.r_min)) / (np.pi/2 / base_90d_resolution) / r_lengthen)
- print(f"In view mesh angle resolution 90d/{base_90d_resolution * inv_scale}, about {base_90d_resolution * inv_scale * self.fov[0] / np.pi * 2 / self.H: .2f} marching cube per pixel")
- print(f"Out view mesh angle resolution 90d/{base_90d_resolution}, about {base_90d_resolution * self.fov[0] / np.pi * 2 / self.H: .2f} marching cube per pixel")
+ base_R = int(
+ (np.log(self.r_max) - np.log(self.r_min))
+ / (np.pi / 2 / base_90d_resolution)
+ / r_lengthen
+ )
+ print(
+ f"In view mesh angle resolution 90d/{base_90d_resolution * inv_scale}, about {base_90d_resolution * inv_scale * self.fov[0] / np.pi * 2 / self.H: .2f} marching cube per pixel"
+ )
+ print(
+ f"Out view mesh angle resolution 90d/{base_90d_resolution}, about {base_90d_resolution * self.fov[0] / np.pi * 2 / self.H: .2f} marching cube per pixel"
+ )
fov = self.fov
base_angle_resolution = np.pi / 2 / base_90d_resolution
N0 = int(np.floor((1 - fov[0] * 2 / np.pi) / 2 * base_90d_resolution))
N1 = int(np.floor((1 - fov[1] * 2 / np.pi) / 2 * base_90d_resolution))
- rounded_fov = (2 * (np.pi / 4 - N0 * base_angle_resolution), 2 * (np.pi / 4 - N1 * base_angle_resolution))
+ rounded_fov = (
+ 2 * (np.pi / 4 - N0 * base_angle_resolution),
+ 2 * (np.pi / 4 - N1 * base_angle_resolution),
+ )
self.mesher = CubeSphericalMesher(
- self.r_min, self.r_max,
+ self.r_min,
+ self.r_max,
- H_fov=rounded_fov[0], W_fov=rounded_fov[1],
- N0=N0, N1=N1,
+ H_fov=rounded_fov[0],
+ W_fov=rounded_fov[1],
+ N0=N0,
+ N1=N1,
self.mesher.kernel_caller = lambda k, xyz: kernel_caller(k, xyz, self.bounds)
def __call__(self, kernels):
with Timer("TransparentSphericalMesher"):
mesh = self.mesher(kernels)
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/mesher/uniform_mesher.py b/infinigen/terrain/mesher/uniform_mesher.py
index 4c91b5989..3966f3201 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/mesher/uniform_mesher.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/mesher/uniform_mesher.py
@@ -9,18 +9,27 @@
import gin
import numpy as np
from numpy import ascontiguousarray as AC
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import ASDOUBLE, ASINT, Mesh
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import (
+ Mesh,
+ Vars,
+ load_cdll,
+ register_func,
+ write_attributes,
from infinigen.terrain.utils import Timer as tTimer
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import Vars, load_cdll, register_func, write_attributes
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from ._marching_cubes_lewiner import marching_cubes
-except ImportError as e:
- logger.warning(f'Could not import marching_cubes, terrain is likely not installed')
+except ImportError:
+ logger.warning("Could not import marching_cubes, terrain is likely not installed")
marching_cubes = None
class Timer(tTimer):
def __init__(self, desc, verbose=False):
@@ -29,9 +38,10 @@ def __init__(self, desc, verbose=False):
class UniformMesher:
- def __init__(self,
+ def __init__(
+ self,
- subdivisions=(64, -1, -1), # -1 means automatic
+ subdivisions=(64, -1, -1), # -1 means automatic
@@ -42,11 +52,11 @@ def __init__(self,
self.upscale = upscale
self.bounds = bounds
- assert(np.sum(subdivisions == -1) in [0, 2])
+ assert np.sum(subdivisions == -1) in [0, 2]
for i, s in enumerate(subdivisions):
if s != -1:
coarse_voxel_size = (bounds[i * 2 + 1] - bounds[i * 2]) / s
if subdivisions[0] != -1:
self.x_N = subdivisions[0]
@@ -68,22 +78,47 @@ def __init__(self,
self.bisection_iters = bisection_iters
dll = load_cdll(f"terrain/lib/{device}/meshing/uniform_mesher.so")
- register_func(self, dll, "init_and_get_coarse_queries", [
- c_double, c_double, c_int32, c_double, c_double, c_int32,
- c_double, c_double, c_int32, c_int32, POINTER(c_double),
- ])
+ register_func(
+ self,
+ dll,
+ "init_and_get_coarse_queries",
+ [
+ c_double,
+ c_double,
+ c_int32,
+ c_double,
+ c_double,
+ c_int32,
+ c_double,
+ c_double,
+ c_int32,
+ c_int32,
+ POINTER(c_double),
+ ],
+ )
register_func(self, dll, "initial_update", [POINTER(c_double)], c_int32)
register_func(self, dll, "get_fine_queries", [POINTER(c_double)])
- register_func(self, dll, "update", [
- c_int32, POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int32), POINTER(c_double), c_int32, POINTER(c_int32), c_int32,
- ])
+ register_func(
+ self,
+ dll,
+ "update",
+ [
+ c_int32,
+ POINTER(c_double),
+ POINTER(c_int32),
+ POINTER(c_double),
+ c_int32,
+ POINTER(c_int32),
+ c_int32,
+ ],
+ )
register_func(self, dll, "get_cnt", restype=c_int32)
register_func(self, dll, "get_coarse_mesh_cnt", [POINTER(c_int32)])
register_func(self, dll, "bisection_get_positions", [POINTER(c_double)])
register_func(self, dll, "bisection_update", [POINTER(c_double)])
- register_func(self, dll, "get_final_mesh", [POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int32)])
+ register_func(
+ self, dll, "get_final_mesh", [POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int32)]
+ )
def kernel_caller(self, kernels, XYZ):
sdfs = []
@@ -91,74 +126,109 @@ def kernel_caller(self, kernels, XYZ):
ret = kernel(XYZ, sdf_only=1)
sdf = ret[Vars.SDF]
if self.enclosed:
- out_bound = (XYZ[:, 0] < self.x_min + self.closing_margin) | (XYZ[:, 0] > self.x_max - self.closing_margin) \
- | (XYZ[:, 1] < self.y_min + self.closing_margin) | (XYZ[:, 1] > self.y_max - self.closing_margin) \
- | (XYZ[:, 2] < self.z_min + self.closing_margin) | (XYZ[:, 2] > self.z_max - self.closing_margin)
+ out_bound = (
+ (XYZ[:, 0] < self.x_min + self.closing_margin)
+ | (XYZ[:, 0] > self.x_max - self.closing_margin)
+ | (XYZ[:, 1] < self.y_min + self.closing_margin)
+ | (XYZ[:, 1] > self.y_max - self.closing_margin)
+ | (XYZ[:, 2] < self.z_min + self.closing_margin)
+ | (XYZ[:, 2] > self.z_max - self.closing_margin)
+ )
sdf[out_bound] = 1e6
return np.stack(sdfs, -1)
def __call__(self, kernels):
if marching_cubes is None:
raise ValueError(
- f'Attempted to run {self.__class__.__name__} but marching_cubes was not imported. '
- 'Either the user opted out of installing terrain (e.g. via INFINIGEN_MINIMAL_INSTALL), or there was an error during installation'
+ f"Attempted to run {self.__class__.__name__} but marching_cubes was not imported. "
+ "Either the user opted out of installing terrain (e.g. via INFINIGEN_MINIMAL_INSTALL), or there was an error during installation"
with Timer("get_coarse_queries"):
- positions = AC(np.zeros(((self.x_N + 1) * (self.y_N + 1) * (self.z_N + 1), 3), dtype=np.float64))
+ positions = AC(
+ np.zeros(
+ ((self.x_N + 1) * (self.y_N + 1) * (self.z_N + 1), 3),
+ dtype=np.float64,
+ )
+ )
- self.x_min, self.x_max, self.x_N,
- self.y_min, self.y_max, self.y_N,
- self.z_min, self.z_max, self.z_N,
+ self.x_min,
+ self.x_max,
+ self.x_N,
+ self.y_min,
+ self.y_max,
+ self.y_N,
+ self.z_min,
+ self.z_max,
+ self.z_N,
with Timer("compute sdf"):
- sdf = AC(self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions).min(axis=-1).astype(np.float64))
+ sdf = AC(
+ self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions).min(axis=-1).astype(np.float64)
+ )
with Timer("initial_update"):
cnt = self.initial_update(ASDOUBLE(sdf))
S = self.upscale + 1
- block_size = (self.upscale+1) ** 3
+ block_size = (self.upscale + 1) ** 3
while True:
- if cnt == 0: break
+ if cnt == 0:
+ break
with Timer(f"get_fine_queries of {cnt} blocks"):
- positions = AC(np.zeros(((self.upscale + 1) ** 3 * cnt, 3), dtype=np.float64))
+ positions = AC(
+ np.zeros(((self.upscale + 1) ** 3 * cnt, 3), dtype=np.float64)
+ )
with Timer("compute fine sdf and run marching cube"):
- sdf = np.ascontiguousarray(self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions.reshape((-1, 3))).min(axis=-1).astype(np.float64))
+ sdf = np.ascontiguousarray(
+ self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions.reshape((-1, 3)))
+ .min(axis=-1)
+ .astype(np.float64)
+ )
for i in range(cnt):
- verts_int, verts_frac, faces, _, _ = marching_cubes(sdf[i * block_size: (i+1) * block_size].reshape(S, S, S), 0)
+ verts_int, verts_frac, faces, _, _ = marching_cubes(
+ sdf[i * block_size : (i + 1) * block_size].reshape(S, S, S), 0
+ )
- i, ASDOUBLE(sdf),
+ i,
+ ASDOUBLE(sdf),
- ASDOUBLE(AC(verts_frac.astype(np.float64))), len(verts_frac),
- ASINT(AC(faces.astype(np.int32))), len(faces),
+ ASDOUBLE(AC(verts_frac.astype(np.float64))),
+ len(verts_frac),
+ ASINT(AC(faces.astype(np.int32))),
+ len(faces),
with Timer("update"):
cnt = self.get_cnt()
with Timer("merge identifiers and get coarse vert counts"):
NM = AC(np.zeros(2, dtype=np.int32))
N = NM[0]
M = NM[1]
- if N == 0: return Mesh()
- if self.verbose: print(f"Coarse mesh has {N} vertices and {M} faces")
+ if N == 0:
+ return Mesh()
+ if self.verbose:
+ print(f"Coarse mesh has {N} vertices and {M} faces")
with Timer("bisection on in view coarse mesh"):
positions = AC(np.zeros((N * 3,), dtype=np.float64))
range_it = range(self.bisection_iters)
for it in range_it:
- sdf = np.ascontiguousarray(self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions.reshape((-1, 3))).min(axis=-1).astype(np.float64))
+ sdf = np.ascontiguousarray(
+ self.kernel_caller(kernels, positions.reshape((-1, 3)))
+ .min(axis=-1)
+ .astype(np.float64)
+ )
with Timer("get final results"):
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/scene.py b/infinigen/terrain/scene.py
index 4a0385ff7..86e291be8 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/scene.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/scene.py
@@ -5,18 +5,19 @@
import gin
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, int_hash
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import Assets, ElementNames
+from infinigen.terrain.elements.atmosphere import Atmosphere
from infinigen.terrain.elements.caves import Caves
from infinigen.terrain.elements.ground import Ground
-from infinigen.terrain.elements.landtiles import LandTiles, Volcanos, FloatingIce
+from infinigen.terrain.elements.landtiles import FloatingIce, LandTiles, Volcanos
from infinigen.terrain.elements.upsidedown_mountains import UpsidedownMountains
-from infinigen.terrain.elements.voronoi_rocks import VoronoiRocks, VoronoiGrains
+from infinigen.terrain.elements.voronoi_rocks import VoronoiGrains, VoronoiRocks
from infinigen.terrain.elements.warped_rocks import WarpedRocks
from infinigen.terrain.elements.waterbody import Waterbody
-from infinigen.terrain.elements.atmosphere import Atmosphere
from infinigen.terrain.utils import chance
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import ElementNames, Assets
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, int_hash
def scene(
@@ -40,23 +41,28 @@ def scene(
with FixedSeed(int_hash([seed, "caves"])):
if chance(caves_chance):
- caves = Caves(on_the_fly_asset_folder / Assets.Caves, reused_asset_folder / Assets.Caves)
+ caves = Caves(
+ on_the_fly_asset_folder / Assets.Caves,
+ reused_asset_folder / Assets.Caves,
+ )
caves = None
last_ground_element = None
with FixedSeed(int_hash([seed, "ground"])):
if chance(ground_chance):
elements[ElementNames.Ground] = Ground(device, caves)
last_ground_element = elements[ElementNames.Ground]
with FixedSeed(int_hash([seed, "landtiles"])):
if chance(landtiles_chance):
- elements[ElementNames.LandTiles] = LandTiles(device, caves, on_the_fly_asset_folder, reused_asset_folder)
+ elements[ElementNames.LandTiles] = LandTiles(
+ device, caves, on_the_fly_asset_folder, reused_asset_folder
+ )
last_ground_element = elements[ElementNames.LandTiles]
- assert(last_ground_element is not None)
+ assert last_ground_element is not None
with FixedSeed(int_hash([seed, "warped_rocks"])):
if chance(warped_rocks_chance):
@@ -64,24 +70,30 @@ def scene(
with FixedSeed(int_hash([seed, "voronoi_rocks"])):
if chance(voronoi_rocks_chance):
- elements[ElementNames.VoronoiRocks] = VoronoiRocks(device, last_ground_element, caves)
+ elements[ElementNames.VoronoiRocks] = VoronoiRocks(
+ device, last_ground_element, caves
+ )
with FixedSeed(int_hash([seed, "voronoi_grains"])):
if chance(voronoi_grains_chance):
- elements[ElementNames.VoronoiGrains] = VoronoiGrains(device, last_ground_element, caves)
+ elements[ElementNames.VoronoiGrains] = VoronoiGrains(
+ device, last_ground_element, caves
+ )
with FixedSeed(int_hash([seed, "upsidedown_mountains"])):
if chance(upsidedown_mountains_chance):
elements[ElementNames.UpsidedownMountains] = UpsidedownMountains(
- device, on_the_fly_asset_folder / Assets.UpsidedownMountains, reused_asset_folder / Assets.UpsidedownMountains
+ device,
+ on_the_fly_asset_folder / Assets.UpsidedownMountains,
+ reused_asset_folder / Assets.UpsidedownMountains,
with FixedSeed(int_hash([seed, "volcanos"])):
if chance(volcanos_chance):
elements[ElementNames.Volcanos] = Volcanos(
device, None, on_the_fly_asset_folder, reused_asset_folder
with FixedSeed(int_hash([seed, "ground_ice"])):
if chance(ground_ice_chance):
elements[ElementNames.FloatingIce] = FloatingIce(
@@ -90,7 +102,7 @@ def scene(
scene_infos["water_plane"] = -1e5
waterbody = None
with FixedSeed(int_hash([seed, "waterbody"])):
if chance(waterbody_chance):
waterbody = Waterbody(device, elements.get(ElementNames.LandTiles, None))
@@ -101,6 +113,7 @@ def scene(
return elements, scene_infos
def transfer_scene_info(terrain, scene_info):
for key in scene_info:
- setattr(terrain, key, scene_info[key])
\ No newline at end of file
+ setattr(terrain, key, scene_info[key])
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/surface_kernel/core.py b/infinigen/terrain/surface_kernel/core.py
index 0c5fa028f..8f63faad6 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/surface_kernel/core.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/surface_kernel/core.py
@@ -9,7 +9,17 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy import ascontiguousarray as AC
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import KernelDataType, Vars, load_cdll, register_func, ASFLOAT, ASINT, KERNELDATATYPE_DIMS, KERNELDATATYPE_NPTYPE, Mesh
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import (
+ KernelDataType,
+ Mesh,
+ Vars,
+ load_cdll,
+ register_func,
from .kernelizer import Kernelizer
@@ -30,7 +40,8 @@ def __init__(self, name, attribute, modifier, device):
imp_values_of_type = {}
for var in sorted(inputs.keys()):
- if var in [Vars.Position, Vars.Normal]: continue
+ if var in [Vars.Position, Vars.Normal]:
+ continue
dtype, value = inputs[var]
if dtype in imp_values_of_type:
@@ -58,7 +69,9 @@ def __call__(self, params):
ret = {}
values = []
for dtype in sorted(self.imp_values_of_type.keys()):
- M = len(self.imp_values_of_type[dtype]) // int(np.product(KERNELDATATYPE_DIMS[dtype]))
+ M = len(self.imp_values_of_type[dtype]) // int(
+ np.product(KERNELDATATYPE_DIMS[dtype])
+ )
if dtype != KernelDataType.int:
@@ -72,16 +85,30 @@ def __call__(self, params):
N = len(positions)
for var in self.outputs:
dtype = self.outputs[var]
- ret[var] = AC(np.zeros((N, *KERNELDATATYPE_DIMS[dtype]), dtype=KERNELDATATYPE_NPTYPE[dtype]))
+ ret[var] = AC(
+ np.zeros(
+ )
+ )
if dtype != KernelDataType.int:
if isinstance(params, dict):
- normals = AC(np.concatenate((np.zeros((N, 2), dtype=np.float32), np.ones((N, 1), dtype=np.float32)), -1))
+ normals = AC(
+ np.concatenate(
+ (
+ np.zeros((N, 2), dtype=np.float32),
+ np.ones((N, 1), dtype=np.float32),
+ ),
+ -1,
+ )
+ )
pvalues = [N]
- if self.use_position: pvalues.append(ASFLOAT(positions))
- if self.use_normal: pvalues.append(ASFLOAT(normals))
+ if self.use_position:
+ pvalues.append(ASFLOAT(positions))
+ if self.use_normal:
+ pvalues.append(ASFLOAT(normals))
values = pvalues + values
@@ -95,16 +122,19 @@ def __call__(self, params):
elif isinstance(params, Mesh):
normals = AC(params.vertex_normals.astype(np.float32))
pvalues = [N]
- if self.use_position: pvalues.append(ASFLOAT(positions))
- if self.use_normal: pvalues.append(ASFLOAT(normals))
+ if self.use_position:
+ pvalues.append(ASFLOAT(positions))
+ if self.use_normal:
+ pvalues.append(ASFLOAT(normals))
values = pvalues + values
for var in self.outputs:
dtype = self.outputs[var]
shape = [1] * len(KERNELDATATYPE_DIMS[dtype])
- ret[var] *= params.vertex_attributes[self.attribute].reshape((N, *shape))
+ ret[var] *= params.vertex_attributes[self.attribute].reshape(
+ (N, *shape)
+ )
if var == Vars.Offset:
params.vertices += ret[var]
params.vertex_attributes[var] = ret[var]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/surface_kernel/kernelizer.py b/infinigen/terrain/surface_kernel/kernelizer.py
index 66d3eb100..06d40f945 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/surface_kernel/kernelizer.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/surface_kernel/kernelizer.py
@@ -4,33 +4,53 @@
# Authors: Zeyu Ma
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import SocketType, Vars, KernelDataType, usable_name, Nodes, NODE_ATTRS_AVAILABLE, SOCKETTYPE_KERNEL, \
- sanitize, special_sanitize, special_sanitize_float_curve, concat_string, value_string, var_list, NODE_FUNCTIONS, \
- collecting_vars, get_imp_var_name, special_sanitize_constant
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import (
+ KernelDataType,
+ Nodes,
+ SocketType,
+ Vars,
+ collecting_vars,
+ concat_string,
+ get_imp_var_name,
+ sanitize,
+ special_sanitize,
+ special_sanitize_constant,
+ special_sanitize_float_curve,
+ usable_name,
+ value_string,
+ var_list,
functional_nodes = [
- Nodes.SetPosition, Nodes.InputPosition, Nodes.InputNormal,
- Nodes.GroupOutput, Nodes.GroupInput,
+ Nodes.SetPosition,
+ Nodes.InputPosition,
+ Nodes.InputNormal,
+ Nodes.GroupOutput,
+ Nodes.GroupInput,
def my_getattr(x, a):
if "." not in a:
return getattr(x, a)
return getattr(my_getattr(x, ".".join(a.split(".")[:-1])), a.split(".")[-1])
-class Kernelizer:
+class Kernelizer:
def get_inputs(self, node_tree):
inputs = OrderedDict()
for node_input in node_tree.inputs:
if node_input.type != SocketType.Geometry:
- assert(node_input.type != SocketType.Image)
+ assert node_input.type != SocketType.Image
inputs[node_input.identifier] = SOCKETTYPE_KERNEL[node_input.type]
return inputs
@@ -60,7 +80,7 @@ def regularize(self, node_tree):
elif node.bl_idname == Nodes.InputNormal:
use_normal = 1
# only accept a single set position node, please add multiple ones together
- assert(n_set_position <= 1)
+ assert n_set_position <= 1
for link in node_tree.links:
from_node = link.from_node
@@ -125,10 +145,11 @@ def regularize(self, node_tree):
elif i != head_link:
from_node, from_socket, to_node, to_socket = link
- (links[head_link][0], links[head_link][1], to_node, to_socket))
+ (links[head_link][0], links[head_link][1], to_node, to_socket)
+ )
links = new_links
- nodes = nodes[:capture_node] + nodes[capture_node + 1:]
+ nodes = nodes[:capture_node] + nodes[capture_node + 1 :]
outlets_count = {}
for node in nodes:
outlets_count[node.name] = 0
@@ -151,7 +172,8 @@ def regularize(self, node_tree):
new_links = []
for link in links:
from_node, from_socket, to_node, to_socket = link
- if to_node is not None and to_node.name == node: continue
+ if to_node is not None and to_node.name == node:
+ continue
links = new_links
@@ -170,7 +192,15 @@ def regularize(self, node_tree):
return nodes, links, use_position, use_normal
- def code(self, nodes, links, kernel_inputs, kernel_impl_inputs, kernel_outputs, node_tree_name):
+ def code(
+ self,
+ nodes,
+ links,
+ kernel_inputs,
+ kernel_impl_inputs,
+ kernel_outputs,
+ node_tree_name,
+ ):
nodes = {node.name: node for node in nodes}
dependency_count = {}
for node in nodes:
@@ -180,27 +210,36 @@ def code(self, nodes, links, kernel_inputs, kernel_impl_inputs, kernel_outputs,
if from_node is not None and to_node is not None:
dependency_count[to_node.name] += 1
code = ""
while len(dependency_count) > 0:
for node in dependency_count:
if dependency_count[node] == 0:
head_node = nodes[node]
- params = [str(sanitize(my_getattr(head_node, p), head_node, p))
- for p in NODE_ATTRS_AVAILABLE[head_node.bl_idname]]
+ params = [
+ str(sanitize(my_getattr(head_node, p), head_node, p))
+ for p in NODE_ATTRS_AVAILABLE[head_node.bl_idname]
+ ]
inputs = []
outputs = []
for socket in head_node.inputs:
var_input = False
for link in links:
from_node, from_socket, to_node, to_socket = link
- if to_node is not None and to_socket.identifier == socket.identifier and to_node.name == head_node.name:
+ if (
+ to_node is not None
+ and to_socket.identifier == socket.identifier
+ and to_node.name == head_node.name
+ ):
var_input = True
if from_node is None:
input_raw = from_socket
- input_raw = usable_name(
- from_node.name) + "__" + from_socket.identifier
+ input_raw = (
+ usable_name(from_node.name)
+ + "__"
+ + from_socket.identifier
+ )
if from_node is None:
if from_socket in kernel_inputs:
from_type = kernel_inputs[from_socket]
@@ -218,21 +257,35 @@ def code(self, nodes, links, kernel_inputs, kernel_impl_inputs, kernel_outputs,
used = False
for link in links:
from_node, from_socket, to_node, to_socket = link
- if from_node is not None and from_node.name == head_node.name and from_socket.identifier == socket.identifier:
+ if (
+ from_node is not None
+ and from_node.name == head_node.name
+ and from_socket.identifier == socket.identifier
+ ):
used = True
if used:
- varname = usable_name(head_node.name) + \
- "__" + socket.identifier
+ varname = usable_name(head_node.name) + "__" + socket.identifier
code += f"{SOCKETTYPE_KERNEL[socket.type]} {varname};\n"
outputs.append("&" + varname)
if head_node.bl_idname == Nodes.ColorRamp:
if head_node.name.endswith("_VAR"):
- code += special_sanitize(usable_name(head_node.name), my_getattr(head_node, NODE_ATTRS_AVAILABLE[head_node.bl_idname][0]), node_tree_name)
+ code += special_sanitize(
+ usable_name(head_node.name),
+ my_getattr(
+ head_node, NODE_ATTRS_AVAILABLE[head_node.bl_idname][0]
+ ),
+ node_tree_name,
+ )
- code += special_sanitize_constant(usable_name(head_node.name), my_getattr(head_node, NODE_ATTRS_AVAILABLE[head_node.bl_idname][0]))
+ code += special_sanitize_constant(
+ usable_name(head_node.name),
+ my_getattr(
+ head_node, NODE_ATTRS_AVAILABLE[head_node.bl_idname][0]
+ ),
+ )
elif head_node.bl_idname == Nodes.FloatCurve:
code += special_sanitize_float_curve(
@@ -243,9 +296,9 @@ def code(self, nodes, links, kernel_inputs, kernel_impl_inputs, kernel_outputs,
# code += f'''
# {varname} = {value_string(socket.default_value)};
# '''
- code += f'''
+ code += f"""
{varname} = {get_imp_var_name(node_tree_name, head_node.name)};
- '''
+ """
if head_node.bl_idname == Nodes.Group:
func = usable_name(head_node.node_tree.name)
@@ -253,15 +306,19 @@ def code(self, nodes, links, kernel_inputs, kernel_impl_inputs, kernel_outputs,
func = NODE_FUNCTIONS[head_node.bl_idname]
- code += f'''{func}(
+ code += f"""{func}(
- '''
+ """
for link in links:
from_node, from_socket, to_node, to_socket = link
- if from_node is not None and to_node is not None and from_node.name == head_node.name:
+ if (
+ from_node is not None
+ and to_node is not None
+ and from_node.name == head_node.name
+ ):
dependency_count[to_node.name] -= 1
del dependency_count[head_node.name]
for link in links:
@@ -269,18 +326,19 @@ def code(self, nodes, links, kernel_inputs, kernel_impl_inputs, kernel_outputs,
if from_node is None:
from_socket_name = from_socket
- from_socket_name = usable_name(
- from_node.name) + "__" + from_socket.identifier
+ from_socket_name = (
+ usable_name(from_node.name) + "__" + from_socket.identifier
+ )
if to_node is None:
to_type = kernel_outputs[to_socket][0]
if SOCKETTYPE_KERNEL[from_socket.type] != to_type:
- code += f'''
+ code += f"""
if ({to_socket} != NULL) *{to_socket} = {from_socket_name};
- '''
+ """
- code += f'''
+ code += f"""
if ({to_socket} != NULL) *{to_socket} = {to_type}({from_socket_name});
- '''
+ """
return code
def execute_node_tree(self, node_tree, collective_style=False):
@@ -295,29 +353,56 @@ def execute_node_tree(self, node_tree, collective_style=False):
for node in nodes:
if node.bl_idname == Nodes.Value:
- imp_inputs[get_imp_var_name(node_tree.name, node.name)] = KernelDataType.float, np.array([node.outputs[0].default_value], dtype=np.float32)
+ imp_inputs[get_imp_var_name(node_tree.name, node.name)] = (
+ KernelDataType.float,
+ np.array([node.outputs[0].default_value], dtype=np.float32),
+ )
elif node.bl_idname == Nodes.InputColor:
- imp_inputs[get_imp_var_name(node_tree.name, node.name)] = KernelDataType.float4, np.array([node.color[i] for i in range(4)], dtype=np.float32)
+ imp_inputs[get_imp_var_name(node_tree.name, node.name)] = (
+ KernelDataType.float4,
+ np.array([node.color[i] for i in range(4)], dtype=np.float32),
+ )
elif node.bl_idname == Nodes.Vector:
- imp_inputs[get_imp_var_name(node_tree.name, node.name)] = KernelDataType.float3, np.array([node.vector[i] for i in range(3)], dtype=np.float32)
+ imp_inputs[get_imp_var_name(node_tree.name, node.name)] = (
+ KernelDataType.float3,
+ np.array([node.vector[i] for i in range(3)], dtype=np.float32),
+ )
elif node.bl_idname == Nodes.ColorRamp and node.name.endswith("_VAR"):
for i in range(len(node.color_ramp.elements)):
- imp_inputs[get_imp_var_name(node_tree.name, node.name) + f"_pos{i}"] = (KernelDataType.float, np.array([node.color_ramp.elements[i].position], dtype=np.float32))
- imp_inputs[get_imp_var_name(node_tree.name, node.name) + f"_color{i}"] = (KernelDataType.float4, np.array([node.color_ramp.elements[i].color[j] for j in range(4)], dtype=np.float32))
+ imp_inputs[
+ get_imp_var_name(node_tree.name, node.name) + f"_pos{i}"
+ ] = (
+ KernelDataType.float,
+ np.array(
+ [node.color_ramp.elements[i].position], dtype=np.float32
+ ),
+ )
+ imp_inputs[
+ get_imp_var_name(node_tree.name, node.name) + f"_color{i}"
+ ] = (
+ KernelDataType.float4,
+ np.array(
+ [node.color_ramp.elements[i].color[j] for j in range(4)],
+ dtype=np.float32,
+ ),
+ )
for node in nodes:
- if node.bl_idname == Nodes.Group and node.node_tree.name not in self.node_tree_dict:
+ if (
+ node.bl_idname == Nodes.Group
+ and node.node_tree.name not in self.node_tree_dict
+ ):
subcode, sub_imp_inputs, _ = self.execute_node_tree(node.node_tree)
code += subcode
outputs = self.get_output(node_tree)
- code += f'''
+ code += f"""
DEVICE_FUNC void {usable_name(node_tree.name)}(
{var_list(inputs, imp_inputs, outputs, collective_style=collective_style)}
) {{
- '''
+ """
if collective_style:
code += collecting_vars(imp_inputs)
code += self.code(nodes, links, inputs, imp_inputs, outputs, node_tree.name)
@@ -328,10 +413,12 @@ def execute_node_tree(self, node_tree, collective_style=False):
def __call__(self, modifier):
node_tree = modifier.node_group
self.node_tree_dict = {}
- code, imp_inputs, outputs = self.execute_node_tree(node_tree, collective_style=True)
+ code, imp_inputs, outputs = self.execute_node_tree(
+ node_tree, collective_style=True
+ )
for nodeoutput in node_tree.outputs:
id = nodeoutput.identifier
- if id != 'Output_1': # not Geometry
- code = re.sub(rf"\b{id}\b", modifier[f'{id}_attribute_name'], code)
- outputs[modifier[f'{id}_attribute_name']] = outputs.pop(id)
- return code, imp_inputs, outputs
\ No newline at end of file
+ if id != "Output_1": # not Geometry
+ code = re.sub(rf"\b{id}\b", modifier[f"{id}_attribute_name"], code)
+ outputs[modifier[f"{id}_attribute_name"]] = outputs.pop(id)
+ return code, imp_inputs, outputs
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/utils/__init__.py b/infinigen/terrain/utils/__init__.py
index 1f1862aef..e1009436c 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/utils/__init__.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/utils/__init__.py
@@ -4,20 +4,48 @@
# Authors: Zeyu Ma
-from .mesh import Mesh, write_attributes, Vars, move_modifier
-from .ctype_util import ASINT, ASDOUBLE, ASFLOAT, register_func, load_cdll
-from .logging import Timer
from .camera import get_caminfo
+from .ctype_util import ASDOUBLE, ASFLOAT, ASINT, load_cdll, register_func
from .image_processing import (
- boundary_smooth, smooth, read, sharpen, grid_distance, get_normal
+ boundary_smooth,
+ get_normal,
+ grid_distance,
+ read,
+ sharpen,
+ smooth,
-from .random import perlin_noise, chance, drive_param, random_int, random_int_large, random_nat
from .kernelizer_util import (
- AttributeType, FieldsType, Nodes, SocketType, KernelDataType,
- usable_name, SOCKETTYPE_KERNEL, sanitize, special_sanitize,
- special_sanitize_float_curve, NODE_FUNCTIONS, concat_string, var_list,
- value_string, collecting_vars, get_imp_var_name, special_sanitize_constant,
+ AttributeType,
+ FieldsType,
+ KernelDataType,
+ Nodes,
+ SocketType,
+ collecting_vars,
+ concat_string,
+ get_imp_var_name,
+ sanitize,
+ special_sanitize,
+ special_sanitize_constant,
+ special_sanitize_float_curve,
+ usable_name,
+ value_string,
+ var_list,
+from .logging import Timer
+from .mesh import Mesh, Vars, move_modifier, write_attributes
+from .random import (
+ chance,
+ drive_param,
+ perlin_noise,
+ random_int,
+ random_int_large,
+ random_nat,
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/utils/camera.py b/infinigen/terrain/utils/camera.py
index 59b7bd58c..1c2932555 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/utils/camera.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/utils/camera.py
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
import bpy
import gin
import numpy as np
-from infinigen.core.placement.camera import get_camera
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
@@ -16,6 +15,7 @@ def getK(fov, H, W):
fy = fx
return np.array([[fx, 0, W / 2], [0, fy, H / 2], [0, 0, 1]])
def pose_average(poses):
translation = poses[:, :3, 3].mean(axis=0)
quats = []
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ def pose_average(poses):
res[:3, 3] = translation
return res
def get_expanded_fov(cam_pose0, cam_poses, fov):
rot0 = cam_pose0[:3, :3]
bounds = np.array([1e9, -1e9, 1e9, -1e9])
@@ -43,7 +44,10 @@ def get_expanded_fov(cam_pose0, cam_poses, fov):
bounds[1] = max(bounds[1], p[0] / p[2])
bounds[2] = min(bounds[2], p[1] / p[2])
bounds[3] = max(bounds[3], p[1] / p[2])
- return (np.arctan(max(-bounds[2], bounds[3])) * 2, np.arctan(max(-bounds[0], bounds[1])) * 2)
+ return (
+ np.arctan(max(-bounds[2], bounds[3])) * 2,
+ np.arctan(max(-bounds[0], bounds[1])) * 2,
+ )
@@ -53,7 +57,9 @@ def get_caminfo(cameras, relax=1.05):
Ks = []
Hs = []
Ws = []
- coords_trans_matrix = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
+ coords_trans_matrix = np.array(
+ [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]
+ )
fs, fe = bpy.context.scene.frame_start, bpy.context.scene.frame_end
fc = bpy.context.scene.frame_current
for f in range(fs, fe + 1):
@@ -62,9 +68,12 @@ def get_caminfo(cameras, relax=1.05):
cam_pose = np.array(c.matrix_world)
cam_pose = np.dot(np.array(cam_pose), coords_trans_matrix)
- fov_rad = c.data.angle
+ fov_rad = c.data.angle
fov_rad *= relax
- H, W = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y, bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x
+ H, W = (
+ bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y,
+ bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x,
+ )
fov0 = np.arctan(H / 2 / (W / 2 / np.tan(fov_rad / 2))) * 2
fov = np.array([fov0, fov_rad])
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/utils/ctype_util.py b/infinigen/terrain/utils/ctype_util.py
index 1abb8db15..b5598d834 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/utils/ctype_util.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/utils/ctype_util.py
@@ -4,26 +4,32 @@
# Authors: Zeyu Ma
-import sys
-from ctypes import CDLL, POINTER, c_double, c_float, c_int32, RTLD_LOCAL
+from ctypes import CDLL, POINTER, RTLD_LOCAL, c_double, c_float, c_int32
from pathlib import Path
# note: size of x should not exceed maximum
def ASINT(x):
return x.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_int32))
def ASDOUBLE(x):
return x.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
def ASFLOAT(x):
return x.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float))
def register_func(me, dll, name, argtypes=[], restype=None, caller_name=None):
- if caller_name is None: caller_name = name
+ if caller_name is None:
+ caller_name = name
setattr(me, caller_name, getattr(dll, name))
func = getattr(me, caller_name)
func.argtypes = argtypes
func.restype = restype
def load_cdll(path):
root = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent
- return CDLL(root/path, mode=RTLD_LOCAL)
+ return CDLL(root / path, mode=RTLD_LOCAL)
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/utils/image_processing.py b/infinigen/terrain/utils/image_processing.py
index 6789b5dfe..da3b0a96c 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/utils/image_processing.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/utils/image_processing.py
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
import cv2
import numpy as np
def boundary_smooth(ar, p=0.1):
N = ar.shape[0]
P = int(N * p)
@@ -33,8 +34,14 @@ def smooth(arr, k):
def read(input_heightmap_path):
input_heightmap_path = str(input_heightmap_path)
- assert os.path.exists(input_heightmap_path), f"{input_heightmap_path} does not exists"
- heightmap = cv2.imread(input_heightmap_path, cv2.IMREAD_ANYCOLOR | cv2.IMREAD_ANYDEPTH).copy().astype(float)
+ assert os.path.exists(
+ input_heightmap_path
+ ), f"{input_heightmap_path} does not exists"
+ heightmap = (
+ cv2.imread(input_heightmap_path, cv2.IMREAD_ANYCOLOR | cv2.IMREAD_ANYDEPTH)
+ .copy()
+ .astype(float)
+ )
return heightmap
@@ -53,7 +60,9 @@ def grid_distance(source, downsample):
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
if boundary[i, j]:
- dist = np.minimum(dist, (((I - i) / N) ** 2 + ((J - j) / N) ** 2) ** 0.5)
+ dist = np.minimum(
+ dist, (((I - i) / N) ** 2 + ((J - j) / N) ** 2) ** 0.5
+ )
dist[source] = 0
dist = cv2.resize(dist, (M, M))
return dist
@@ -72,4 +81,4 @@ def get_normal(z, grid_size):
dzdy[:, 0] = dzdx[:, 1]
n = np.stack((-dzdy, -dzdx, grid_size * np.ones_like(z)), -1)
n /= np.linalg.norm(n, axis=-1).reshape((n.shape[0], n.shape[1], 1))
- return n
\ No newline at end of file
+ return n
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/utils/kernelizer_util.py b/infinigen/terrain/utils/kernelizer_util.py
index 27b5f998d..a04ffe747 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/utils/kernelizer_util.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/utils/kernelizer_util.py
@@ -5,9 +5,12 @@
import numpy as np
+from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import (
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import Nodes as oNodes
-from infinigen.core.nodes.node_info import NODE_ATTRS_AVAILABLE as o_NODE_ATTRS_AVAILABLE
-from infinigen.core.surface import Registry
class Vars:
Position = "position"
@@ -15,23 +18,44 @@ class Vars:
Offset = "offset"
SDF = "sdf"
class Nodes(oNodes):
Group = "GeometryNodeGroup"
- Nodes.ColorRamp: ["color_ramp.elements", "color_ramp.color_mode", "color_ramp.interpolation", "color_ramp.hue_interpolation"],
- Nodes.MixRGB: ['use_clamp', 'blend_type'],
- Nodes.Mix: ['data_type', 'blend_type', 'clamp_result', 'clamp_factor', 'factor_mode'],
- Nodes.FloatCurve: ["mapping"],
- Nodes.Value: [],
- Nodes.Vector: [],
- Nodes.InputColor: [],
- Nodes.WaveTexture: ["wave_type", "bands_direction", "rings_direction", "wave_profile"],
- Nodes.SeparateXYZ: [],
- Nodes.Group: [],
+ {
+ Nodes.ColorRamp: [
+ "color_ramp.elements",
+ "color_ramp.color_mode",
+ "color_ramp.interpolation",
+ "color_ramp.hue_interpolation",
+ ],
+ Nodes.MixRGB: ["use_clamp", "blend_type"],
+ Nodes.Mix: [
+ "data_type",
+ "blend_type",
+ "clamp_result",
+ "clamp_factor",
+ "factor_mode",
+ ],
+ Nodes.FloatCurve: ["mapping"],
+ Nodes.Value: [],
+ Nodes.Vector: [],
+ Nodes.InputColor: [],
+ Nodes.WaveTexture: [
+ "wave_type",
+ "bands_direction",
+ "rings_direction",
+ "wave_profile",
+ ],
+ Nodes.SeparateXYZ: [],
+ Nodes.Group: [],
+ }
class SocketType:
Boolean = "BOOLEAN"
@@ -42,6 +66,7 @@ class SocketType:
Image = "IMAGE"
class AttributeType:
Float = "FLOAT"
Int = "INT"
@@ -49,12 +74,14 @@ class AttributeType:
FloatColor = "FLOAT_COLOR"
Boolean = "BOOLEAN"
class FieldsType:
Value = "value"
Vector = "vector"
Color = "color"
Boolean = "boolean"
AttributeType.Float: 1,
AttributeType.Int: 1,
@@ -91,6 +118,7 @@ class FieldsType:
# Pointwise = "Pointwise"
# Constant = "Constant"
class KernelDataType:
float = "float"
float2 = "float2_nonbuiltin"
@@ -98,6 +126,7 @@ class KernelDataType:
float4 = "float4_nonbuiltin"
int = "int"
KernelDataType.float: [],
KernelDataType.float2: [2],
@@ -144,20 +173,35 @@ class KernelDataType:
def special_sanitize_constant(node_name, x):
positions = ",".join([str(x[i].position) for i in range(len(x))])
colors = ",".join(
- [f"float4_nonbuiltin({x[i].color[0]}, {x[i].color[1]}, {x[i].color[2]}, {x[i].color[3]})" for i in range(len(x))])
- return f'''
+ [
+ f"float4_nonbuiltin({x[i].color[0]}, {x[i].color[1]}, {x[i].color[2]}, {x[i].color[3]})"
+ for i in range(len(x))
+ ]
+ )
+ return f"""
float {node_name}_positions[{len(x)}]{{{positions}}};
float4_nonbuiltin {node_name}_colors[{len(x)}]{{{colors}}};
- '''
+ """
def special_sanitize(node_name, x, node_tree_name):
- positions = ",".join([get_imp_var_name(node_tree_name, node_name) + f"_pos{i}" for i in range(len(x))])
+ positions = ",".join(
+ [
+ get_imp_var_name(node_tree_name, node_name) + f"_pos{i}"
+ for i in range(len(x))
+ ]
+ )
colors = ",".join(
- [get_imp_var_name(node_tree_name, node_name) + f"_color{i}" for i in range(len(x))])
- return f'''
+ [
+ get_imp_var_name(node_tree_name, node_name) + f"_color{i}"
+ for i in range(len(x))
+ ]
+ )
+ return f"""
float {node_name}_positions[{len(x)}]{{{positions}}};
float4_nonbuiltin {node_name}_colors[{len(x)}]{{{colors}}};
- '''
+ """
def get_imp_var_name(node_tree_name, node_name):
return usable_name(node_name) + "_FROM_" + usable_name(node_tree_name)
@@ -169,13 +213,21 @@ def special_sanitize_float_curve(node_name, mapping, N=256):
for p in positions:
values.append(mapping.evaluate(mapping.curves[0], p))
values = ",".join([str(v) for v in values])
- return f'''
+ return f"""
float {node_name}_values[{N}]{{{values}}};
int {node_name}_table_size = {N};
- '''
+ """
def usable_name(x):
- return x.replace(".", "_DOT_").replace(" ", "_SPACE_").replace("~", "_WAVE_").replace("(", "_LBR_").replace(")", "_RBR_").replace(",", "_COMMA_")
+ return (
+ x.replace(".", "_DOT_")
+ .replace(" ", "_SPACE_")
+ .replace("~", "_WAVE_")
+ .replace("(", "_LBR_")
+ .replace(")", "_RBR_")
+ .replace(",", "_COMMA_")
+ )
def sanitize(x, node, param):
@@ -188,11 +240,20 @@ def sanitize(x, node, param):
return int(x)
elif node_type == Nodes.VectorMath and param == NODE_ATTRS_AVAILABLE[node_type][0]:
return "NODE_VECTOR_MATH_" + x
- elif node_type == Nodes.VoronoiTexture and param == NODE_ATTRS_AVAILABLE[node_type][0]:
+ elif (
+ node_type == Nodes.VoronoiTexture
+ and param == NODE_ATTRS_AVAILABLE[node_type][0]
+ ):
return x[:-1]
- elif node_type == Nodes.VoronoiTexture and param == NODE_ATTRS_AVAILABLE[node_type][1]:
+ elif (
+ node_type == Nodes.VoronoiTexture
+ and param == NODE_ATTRS_AVAILABLE[node_type][1]
+ ):
return "SHD_VORONOI_" + x
- elif node_type == Nodes.VoronoiTexture and param == NODE_ATTRS_AVAILABLE[node_type][2]:
+ elif (
+ node_type == Nodes.VoronoiTexture
+ and param == NODE_ATTRS_AVAILABLE[node_type][2]
+ ):
return "SHD_VORONOI_" + x
elif node_type == Nodes.MapRange and param == NODE_ATTRS_AVAILABLE[node_type][0]:
return x
@@ -200,9 +261,15 @@ def sanitize(x, node, param):
return "NODE_MAP_RANGE_" + x
elif node_type == Nodes.MapRange and param == NODE_ATTRS_AVAILABLE[node_type][2]:
return int(x)
- elif node_type == Nodes.MusgraveTexture and param == NODE_ATTRS_AVAILABLE[node_type][0]:
+ elif (
+ node_type == Nodes.MusgraveTexture
+ and param == NODE_ATTRS_AVAILABLE[node_type][0]
+ ):
return x[:-1]
- elif node_type == Nodes.MusgraveTexture and param == NODE_ATTRS_AVAILABLE[node_type][1]:
+ elif (
+ node_type == Nodes.MusgraveTexture
+ and param == NODE_ATTRS_AVAILABLE[node_type][1]
+ ):
return "SHD_MUSGRAVE_" + x
elif node_type == Nodes.MixRGB and param == NODE_ATTRS_AVAILABLE[node_type][0]:
return int(x)
@@ -239,12 +306,14 @@ def sanitize(x, node, param):
return x
def concat_string(strs):
ret = ""
for s in strs:
ret += s + ", "
return ret
def var_list(in_vars, imp_vars, out_vars, collective_style):
code = []
for var in in_vars:
@@ -253,7 +322,8 @@ def var_list(in_vars, imp_vars, out_vars, collective_style):
if collective_style:
imp_vars_of_type = {}
for var in sorted(imp_vars.keys()):
- if var in [Vars.Position, Vars.Normal]: continue
+ if var in [Vars.Position, Vars.Normal]:
+ continue
dtype = imp_vars[var][0]
if dtype in imp_vars_of_type:
@@ -274,11 +344,13 @@ def var_list(in_vars, imp_vars, out_vars, collective_style):
code.append(f"POINTER_OR_REFERENCE_ARG {dtype} *{var}")
return ",".join(code)
def collecting_vars(imp_vars):
code = ""
imp_vars_count = {}
for var in sorted(imp_vars.keys()):
- if var in [Vars.Position, Vars.Normal]: continue
+ if var in [Vars.Position, Vars.Normal]:
+ continue
dtype = imp_vars[var][0]
if dtype in imp_vars_count:
imp_vars_count[dtype] += 1
@@ -287,6 +359,7 @@ def collecting_vars(imp_vars):
code += f"{dtype} {var} = {dtype}_vars[{imp_vars_count[dtype]}];\n"
return code
def value_string(value):
if isinstance(value, float):
return str(value)
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/utils/logging.py b/infinigen/terrain/utils/logging.py
index f8f44f674..670c1224c 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/utils/logging.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/utils/logging.py
@@ -4,9 +4,11 @@
# Authors: Zeyu Ma
-import psutil
import os
import gin
+import psutil
from infinigen.core.util.logging import Timer as oTimer
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/utils/mesh.py b/infinigen/terrain/utils/mesh.py
index 77715d08a..4dfd372b7 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/utils/mesh.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/utils/mesh.py
@@ -11,12 +11,13 @@
import numpy as np
import trimesh
from numpy import ascontiguousarray as AC
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
from infinigen.core.util.logging import Timer
from infinigen.core.util.organization import Attributes
from .camera import getK
-from .ctype_util import ASDOUBLE, ASINT, load_cdll, register_func
+from .ctype_util import ASDOUBLE, ASINT, load_cdll
from .kernelizer_util import ATTRTYPE_DIMS, ATTRTYPE_FIELDS, NPTYPEDIM_ATTR, Vars
@@ -30,25 +31,35 @@ def object_to_vertex_attributes(obj, specified=None, skip_internal=True):
for attr in obj.data.attributes.keys():
if skip_internal and butil.blender_internal_attr(attr):
- if ((specified is None) or (specified is not None and attr in specified)) and obj.data.attributes[attr].domain == "POINT":
+ if (
+ (specified is None) or (specified is not None and attr in specified)
+ ) and obj.data.attributes[attr].domain == "POINT":
type_key = obj.data.attributes[attr].data_type
- tmp = np.zeros(len(obj.data.vertices) * ATTRTYPE_DIMS[type_key], dtype=np.float32)
+ tmp = np.zeros(
+ len(obj.data.vertices) * ATTRTYPE_DIMS[type_key], dtype=np.float32
+ )
obj.data.attributes[attr].data.foreach_get(ATTRTYPE_FIELDS[type_key], tmp)
vertex_attributes[attr] = tmp.reshape((len(obj.data.vertices), -1))
return vertex_attributes
def object_to_face_attributes(obj, specified=None, skip_internal=True):
face_attributes = {}
for attr in obj.data.attributes.keys():
if skip_internal and butil.blender_internal_attr(attr):
- if ((specified is None) or (specified is not None and attr in specified)) and obj.data.attributes[attr].domain == "FACE":
+ if (
+ (specified is None) or (specified is not None and attr in specified)
+ ) and obj.data.attributes[attr].domain == "FACE":
type_key = obj.data.attributes[attr].data_type
- tmp = np.zeros(len(obj.data.polygons) * ATTRTYPE_DIMS[type_key], dtype=np.float32)
+ tmp = np.zeros(
+ len(obj.data.polygons) * ATTRTYPE_DIMS[type_key], dtype=np.float32
+ )
obj.data.attributes[attr].data.foreach_get(ATTRTYPE_FIELDS[type_key], tmp)
face_attributes[attr] = tmp.reshape((len(obj.data.polygons), -1))
return face_attributes
def objectdata_from_VF(vertices, faces):
new_mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new("")
@@ -58,18 +69,22 @@ def objectdata_from_VF(vertices, faces):
loop_total = np.ones(len(faces), np.int32) * 3
new_mesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_total", loop_total)
if len(loop_total) >= 1:
- loop_start = np.concatenate((np.zeros(1, dtype=np.int32), np.cumsum(loop_total[:-1])))
+ loop_start = np.concatenate(
+ (np.zeros(1, dtype=np.int32), np.cumsum(loop_total[:-1]))
+ )
new_mesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_start", loop_start)
new_mesh.polygons.foreach_set("vertices", faces.reshape(-1))
return new_mesh
def object_from_VF(name, vertices, faces):
new_mesh = objectdata_from_VF(vertices, faces)
new_object = bpy.data.objects.new(name, new_mesh)
new_object.rotation_euler = (0, 0, 0)
return new_object
def convert_face_array(face_array):
l = face_array.shape[0]
min_indices = np.argmin(face_array, axis=1)
@@ -78,13 +93,22 @@ def convert_face_array(face_array):
w = face_array[list(np.arange(l)), (min_indices + 2) % 3]
return np.stack([u, v, w], -1)
class Mesh:
- def __init__(self, normal_mode=NormalMode.Mean,
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ normal_mode=NormalMode.Mean,
- heightmap=None, L=None, downsample=1,
- vertices=None, faces=None, vertex_attributes=None,
+ heightmap=None,
+ L=None,
+ downsample=1,
+ vertices=None,
+ faces=None,
+ vertex_attributes=None,
- obj=None, mesh_only=False, **kwargs
+ obj=None,
+ mesh_only=False,
+ **kwargs,
self.normal_mode = normal_mode
self.face_attributes = {}
@@ -100,29 +124,34 @@ def __init__(self, normal_mode=NormalMode.Mean,
for i in range(N):
verts[i, :, 0] = (-1 + 2 * i / (N - 1)) * L / 2
for j in range(N):
- verts[:, j, 1] = (-1 + 2 * j / (N - 1)) * L / 2
+ verts[:, j, 1] = (-1 + 2 * j / (N - 1)) * L / 2
verts[:, :, 2] = heightmap
verts = verts.reshape((-1, 3))
faces = np.zeros((2, N - 1, N - 1, 3), np.int32)
for i in range(N - 1):
- faces[0, i, :, :] += [i * N, (i+1) * N, i * N]
- faces[1, i, :, :] += [i * N, (i+1) * N, (i+1) * N]
- for j in range(N - 1):
- faces[0, :, j, :] += [j, j, j+1]
- faces[1, :, j, :] += [j+1, j, j+1]
+ faces[0, i, :, :] += [i * N, (i + 1) * N, i * N]
+ faces[1, i, :, :] += [i * N, (i + 1) * N, (i + 1) * N]
+ for j in range(N - 1):
+ faces[0, :, j, :] += [j, j, j + 1]
+ faces[1, :, j, :] += [j + 1, j, j + 1]
faces = faces.reshape((-1, 3))
_trimesh = trimesh.Trimesh(verts, faces)
elif vertices is not None:
- _trimesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices=vertices, faces=faces.astype(np.int32), vertex_attributes=vertex_attributes, process=False)
+ _trimesh = trimesh.Trimesh(
+ vertices=vertices,
+ faces=faces.astype(np.int32),
+ vertex_attributes=vertex_attributes,
+ process=False,
+ )
elif mesh is not None:
_trimesh = mesh
elif obj is not None:
verts_bpy = obj.data.vertices
faces_bpy = obj.data.polygons
- verts = np.zeros((len(verts_bpy)*3), dtype=float)
+ verts = np.zeros((len(verts_bpy) * 3), dtype=float)
verts_bpy.foreach_get("co", verts)
verts = verts.reshape((-1, 3))
- faces = np.zeros((len(faces_bpy)*3), dtype=np.int32)
+ faces = np.zeros((len(faces_bpy) * 3), dtype=np.int32)
faces_bpy.foreach_get("vertices", faces)
faces = faces.reshape((-1, 3))
_trimesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices=verts, faces=faces, process=False)
@@ -133,30 +162,31 @@ def __init__(self, normal_mode=NormalMode.Mean,
for key in kwargs:
setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])
- _trimesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices=np.zeros((0, 3)), faces=np.zeros((0, 3), np.int32))
- self._trimesh = _trimesh
+ _trimesh = trimesh.Trimesh(
+ vertices=np.zeros((0, 3)), faces=np.zeros((0, 3), np.int32)
+ )
+ self._trimesh = _trimesh
def to_trimesh(self):
return self._trimesh
def vertex_attributes(self):
return self._trimesh.vertex_attributes
def vertex_attributes(self, value):
self._trimesh.vertex_attributes = value
def vertices(self):
return self._trimesh.vertices
def vertices(self, value):
self._trimesh.vertices = value
def faces(self):
return self._trimesh.faces
@@ -167,7 +197,9 @@ def faces(self, value):
def save(self, path):
for attr in self._trimesh.vertex_attributes:
- self._trimesh.vertex_attributes[attr] = self._trimesh.vertex_attributes[attr].astype(np.float32)
+ self._trimesh.vertex_attributes[attr] = self._trimesh.vertex_attributes[
+ attr
+ ].astype(np.float32)
def make_unique(self):
@@ -176,7 +208,9 @@ def make_unique(self):
self.vertices = self.vertices[sorted_indices]
self.faces = np.argsort(sorted_indices)[self.faces]
for attr_name in self.vertex_attributes:
- self.vertex_attributes[attr_name] = self.vertex_attributes[attr_name][sorted_indices]
+ self.vertex_attributes[attr_name] = self.vertex_attributes[attr_name][
+ sorted_indices
+ ]
self.faces = convert_face_array(self.faces)
transposed_array = self.faces.T
sorted_indices = np.lexsort(transposed_array)
@@ -186,46 +220,89 @@ def export_blender(self, name, collection="Collection", material=None):
new_object = object_from_VF(name, self.vertices, self.faces)
for attr_name in self.vertex_attributes:
- attr_name_ls = attr_name.lstrip("_") # this is because of trimesh bug
- dim = self.vertex_attributes[attr_name].shape[1] if self.vertex_attributes[attr_name].ndim != 1 else 1
- type_key = NPTYPEDIM_ATTR[(str(self.vertex_attributes[attr_name].dtype), dim)]
- new_object.data.attributes.new(name=attr_name_ls, type=type_key, domain='POINT')
- new_object.data.attributes[attr_name_ls].data.foreach_set(ATTRTYPE_FIELDS[type_key], AC(self.vertex_attributes[attr_name].reshape(-1)))
+ attr_name_ls = attr_name.lstrip("_") # this is because of trimesh bug
+ dim = (
+ self.vertex_attributes[attr_name].shape[1]
+ if self.vertex_attributes[attr_name].ndim != 1
+ else 1
+ )
+ type_key = NPTYPEDIM_ATTR[
+ (str(self.vertex_attributes[attr_name].dtype), dim)
+ ]
+ new_object.data.attributes.new(
+ name=attr_name_ls, type=type_key, domain="POINT"
+ )
+ new_object.data.attributes[attr_name_ls].data.foreach_set(
+ ATTRTYPE_FIELDS[type_key],
+ AC(self.vertex_attributes[attr_name].reshape(-1)),
+ )
if material is not None:
- butil.put_in_collection(bpy.data.objects[name], butil.get_collection('terrain'))
+ butil.put_in_collection(bpy.data.objects[name], butil.get_collection("terrain"))
with butil.SelectObjects(new_object):
return new_object
def vertex_normals(self):
if self.normal_mode == NormalMode.Mean:
- mean_normals = trimesh.geometry.weighted_vertex_normals(len(self.vertices), self.faces, self.face_normals, np.ones((len(self.faces), 3)), use_loop=False)
+ mean_normals = trimesh.geometry.weighted_vertex_normals(
+ len(self.vertices),
+ self.faces,
+ self.face_normals,
+ np.ones((len(self.faces), 3)),
+ use_loop=False,
+ )
return mean_normals
elif self.normal_mode == NormalMode.AngleWeighted:
- w_normals = trimesh.geometry.weighted_vertex_normals(len(self.vertices), self.faces, self.face_normals, self._trimesh.face_angles, use_loop=False)
+ w_normals = trimesh.geometry.weighted_vertex_normals(
+ len(self.vertices),
+ self.faces,
+ self.face_normals,
+ self._trimesh.face_angles,
+ use_loop=False,
+ )
return w_normals
def facewise_mean(self, attr):
dll = load_cdll("terrain/lib/cpu/meshing/utils.so")
facewise_mean = dll.facewise_mean
- facewise_mean.argtypes = [POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int32), c_int32, POINTER(c_double)]
+ facewise_mean.argtypes = [
+ POINTER(c_double),
+ POINTER(c_int32),
+ c_int32,
+ POINTER(c_double),
+ ]
facewise_mean.restype = None
result = AC(np.zeros(len(self.faces), dtype=np.float64))
- facewise_mean(ASDOUBLE(AC(attr.astype(np.float64))), ASINT(AC(self.faces.astype(np.int32))), len(self.faces), ASDOUBLE(result))
+ facewise_mean(
+ ASDOUBLE(AC(attr.astype(np.float64))),
+ ASINT(AC(self.faces.astype(np.int32))),
+ len(self.faces),
+ ASDOUBLE(result),
+ )
return result
def facewise_intmax(self, attr):
dll = load_cdll("terrain/lib/cpu/meshing/utils.so")
facewise_intmax = dll.facewise_intmax
- facewise_intmax.argtypes = [POINTER(c_int32), POINTER(c_int32), c_int32, POINTER(c_int32)]
+ facewise_intmax.argtypes = [
+ POINTER(c_int32),
+ POINTER(c_int32),
+ c_int32,
+ POINTER(c_int32),
+ ]
facewise_intmax.restype = None
result = AC(np.zeros(len(self.faces), dtype=np.int32))
- facewise_intmax(ASINT(AC(attr.astype(np.int32))), ASINT(AC(self.faces.astype(np.int32))), len(self.faces), ASINT(result))
+ facewise_intmax(
+ ASINT(AC(attr.astype(np.int32))),
+ ASINT(AC(self.faces.astype(np.int32))),
+ len(self.faces),
+ ASINT(result),
+ )
return result
def get_adjacency(self):
@@ -240,12 +317,22 @@ def get_adjacency(self):
def face_normals(self):
- dll = load_cdll(f"terrain/lib/cpu/meshing/utils.so")
+ dll = load_cdll("terrain/lib/cpu/meshing/utils.so")
compute_face_normals = dll.compute_face_normals
- compute_face_normals.argtypes = [POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int32), c_int32, POINTER(c_double)]
+ compute_face_normals.argtypes = [
+ POINTER(c_double),
+ POINTER(c_int32),
+ c_int32,
+ POINTER(c_double),
+ ]
compute_face_normals.restype = None
normals = AC(np.zeros((len(self.faces), 3), dtype=np.float64))
- compute_face_normals(ASDOUBLE(AC(self.vertices)), ASINT(AC(self.faces.astype(np.int32))), len(self.faces), ASDOUBLE(normals))
+ compute_face_normals(
+ ASDOUBLE(AC(self.vertices)),
+ ASINT(AC(self.faces.astype(np.int32))),
+ len(self.faces),
+ ASDOUBLE(normals),
+ )
return normals
def cat(meshes):
@@ -259,24 +346,39 @@ def cat(meshes):
for attr in mesh.vertex_attributes:
if mesh.vertex_attributes[attr].ndim == 1:
- mesh.vertex_attributes[attr] = mesh.vertex_attributes[attr].reshape((-1, 1))
+ mesh.vertex_attributes[attr] = mesh.vertex_attributes[attr].reshape(
+ (-1, 1)
+ )
mesh_va = mesh.vertex_attributes[attr]
if attr not in vertex_attributes:
- va = np.zeros((lenv, mesh.vertex_attributes[attr].shape[1]), dtype=mesh.vertex_attributes[attr].dtype)
+ va = np.zeros(
+ (lenv, mesh.vertex_attributes[attr].shape[1]),
+ dtype=mesh.vertex_attributes[attr].dtype,
+ )
va = vertex_attributes[attr]
vertex_attributes[attr] = np.concatenate((va, mesh_va))
lenv += len(mesh.vertices)
for attr in vertex_attributes:
if len(vertex_attributes[attr]) != lenv:
- fillup = np.zeros((lenv - len(vertex_attributes[attr]), vertex_attributes[attr].shape[1]), dtype=vertex_attributes[attr].dtype)
- vertex_attributes[attr] = np.concatenate((vertex_attributes[attr], fillup))
+ fillup = np.zeros(
+ (
+ lenv - len(vertex_attributes[attr]),
+ vertex_attributes[attr].shape[1],
+ ),
+ dtype=vertex_attributes[attr].dtype,
+ )
+ vertex_attributes[attr] = np.concatenate(
+ (vertex_attributes[attr], fillup)
+ )
return Mesh(vertices=verts, faces=faces, vertex_attributes=vertex_attributes)
def camera_annotation(self, cameras, fs, fe, relax=0.01):
cam_poses = []
- coords_trans_matrix = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
+ coords_trans_matrix = np.array(
+ [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]
+ )
fc = bpy.context.scene.frame_current
for f in range(fs, fe + 1):
@@ -284,23 +386,42 @@ def camera_annotation(self, cameras, fs, fe, relax=0.01):
cam_pose = np.array(cam.matrix_world)
cam_pose = np.dot(np.array(cam_pose), coords_trans_matrix)
- fov_rad = cam.data.angle
+ fov_rad = cam.data.angle
- H, W = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y, bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x
+ H, W = (
+ bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y,
+ bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x,
+ )
fov0 = np.arctan(H / 2 / (W / 2 / np.tan(fov_rad / 2))) * 2
fov = (fov0, fov_rad)
K = getK(fov, H, W)
self.vertex_attributes["invisible"] = np.zeros(len(self.vertices), bool)
for cam_pose in cam_poses:
- coords = np.matmul(K, np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(cam_pose), np.concatenate((self.vertices.transpose(), np.ones((1, len(self.vertices)))), 0))[:3, :])
+ coords = np.matmul(
+ K,
+ np.matmul(
+ np.linalg.inv(cam_pose),
+ np.concatenate(
+ (self.vertices.transpose(), np.ones((1, len(self.vertices)))), 0
+ ),
+ )[:3, :],
+ )
coords[:2, :] /= coords[2]
- self.vertex_attributes["invisible"] |= ((coords[2] > 0) & (coords[0] > -relax * W) & (coords[0] < (1 + relax) * W) & (coords[1] > -relax * H) & (coords[1] < (1 + relax) * H))
- self.vertex_attributes["invisible"] = (~self.vertex_attributes["invisible"]).astype(np.float32)
+ self.vertex_attributes["invisible"] |= (
+ (coords[2] > 0)
+ & (coords[0] > -relax * W)
+ & (coords[0] < (1 + relax) * W)
+ & (coords[1] > -relax * H)
+ & (coords[1] < (1 + relax) * H)
+ )
+ self.vertex_attributes["invisible"] = (
+ ~self.vertex_attributes["invisible"]
+ ).astype(np.float32)
def move_modifier(target_obj, m):
with Timer(f"copying {m.name}"):
@@ -309,12 +430,13 @@ def move_modifier(target_obj, m):
for i, inp in enumerate(modifier.node_group.inputs):
if i > 0:
id = inp.identifier
- modifier[f'{id}_attribute_name'] = inp.name
- modifier[f'{id}_use_attribute'] = True
+ modifier[f"{id}_attribute_name"] = inp.name
+ modifier[f"{id}_use_attribute"] = True
for i, outp in enumerate(modifier.node_group.outputs):
if i > 0:
id = outp.identifier
- modifier[f'{id}_attribute_name'] = m[f'{id}_attribute_name']
+ modifier[f"{id}_attribute_name"] = m[f"{id}_attribute_name"]
def write_attributes(elements, mesh=None, meshes=[]):
n_elements = len(elements)
@@ -324,16 +446,21 @@ def write_attributes(elements, mesh=None, meshes=[]):
for element in elements:
ret = element(mesh.vertices)
- surface_element = np.stack([ret[Vars.SDF] for ret in returns], -1).argmin(axis=-1)
+ surface_element = np.stack([ret[Vars.SDF] for ret in returns], -1).argmin(
+ axis=-1
+ )
attributes = {}
for i in range(n_elements):
if hasattr(elements[i], "tag"):
- returns[i][Attributes.ElementTag] = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.int32) + elements[i].tag
+ returns[i][Attributes.ElementTag] = (
+ np.zeros(N, dtype=np.int32) + elements[i].tag
+ )
for output in returns[i]:
- if output == Vars.SDF or output == Vars.Offset: continue
+ if output == Vars.SDF or output == Vars.Offset:
+ continue
if returns[i][output].ndim == 1:
- returns[i][output] *= (surface_element == i)
+ returns[i][output] *= surface_element == i
returns[i][output] *= (surface_element == i).reshape((-1, 1))
@@ -343,16 +470,19 @@ def write_attributes(elements, mesh=None, meshes=[]):
attributes[output] += returns[i][output]
mesh.vertex_attributes = attributes
if meshes != []:
- assert(len(meshes) == n_elements)
+ assert len(meshes) == n_elements
for i in range(n_elements):
N = len(meshes[i].vertices)
- if N == 0: continue
+ if N == 0:
+ continue
returns = elements[i](meshes[i].vertices)
attributes = {}
for output in returns:
- if output == Vars.SDF or output == Vars.Offset: continue
+ if output == Vars.SDF or output == Vars.Offset:
+ continue
attributes[output] = returns[output]
if hasattr(elements[i], "tag"):
- attributes[Attributes.ElementTag] = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.int32) + elements[i].tag
+ attributes[Attributes.ElementTag] = (
+ np.zeros(N, dtype=np.int32) + elements[i].tag
+ )
meshes[i].vertex_attributes = attributes
diff --git a/infinigen/terrain/utils/random.py b/infinigen/terrain/utils/random.py
index 608664902..f3940b59c 100644
--- a/infinigen/terrain/utils/random.py
+++ b/infinigen/terrain/utils/random.py
@@ -4,15 +4,16 @@
# Authors: Zeyu Ma
+import random
from ctypes import POINTER, c_float, c_int32, c_size_t
import bpy
-import random
import numpy as np
from numpy import ascontiguousarray as AC
from .ctype_util import ASFLOAT, load_cdll
def random_int():
return np.random.randint(np.iinfo(np.int32).min, np.iinfo(np.int32).max)
@@ -29,23 +30,26 @@ def chance(x):
return np.random.uniform() < x
-def perlin_noise(
- positions,
- device,
- freq,
- octaves,
- seed
+def perlin_noise(positions, device, freq, octaves, seed):
dll = load_cdll(f"terrain/lib/{device}/utils/FastNoiseLite.so")
func = dll.perlin_call
- func.argtypes = [c_size_t, POINTER(c_float), POINTER(c_float), c_int32, c_int32, c_float]
+ func.argtypes = [
+ c_size_t,
+ POINTER(c_float),
+ POINTER(c_float),
+ c_int32,
+ c_int32,
+ c_float,
+ ]
func.restype = None
values = np.zeros(len(positions), dtype=np.float32)
- seed, octaves, freq,
+ seed,
+ octaves,
+ freq,
del dll
return values
@@ -53,6 +57,7 @@ def perlin_noise(
def drive_param(parameter, scale=1, offset=0, index=None, name="default_value"):
driver = parameter.driver_add(name)
- if index is not None: driver = driver[index]
- driver.driver.expression = f'frame*{scale}+{offset}'
+ if index is not None:
+ driver = driver[index]
+ driver.driver.expression = f"frame*{scale}+{offset}"
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/blendscript_import_infinigen.py b/infinigen/tools/blendscript_import_infinigen.py
index 428ee5e14..a7a8d0a43 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/blendscript_import_infinigen.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/blendscript_import_infinigen.py
@@ -5,37 +5,42 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
Copy this file into blender's scripting window and run it whenever you open a new blender instance.
It will configure the sys.path and load gin. This is necessary before any other procgen files can be imported/used within blender.
-Once this is done, you can do things like `from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.genomes.carnivore import CarnivoreFactory` then `CarnivoreFactory(0).spawn_asset(0)` directly in the blender commandline
+Once this is done, you can do things like `from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.genomes.carnivore import CarnivoreFactory` then `CarnivoreFactory(0).spawn_asset(0)` directly in the blender commandline
# ruff: noqa
-import bpy
-from pathlib import Path
-import sys, os
import logging
+import os
+import sys
+from pathlib import Path
+import bpy
pwd = os.getcwd()
import gin
from infinigen.core import init, surface
-from infinigen_examples import generate_nature
+from infinigen_examples import generate_nature
-init.apply_gin_configs(Path(pwd)/'infinigen_examples/configs_nature', ['base.gin'], skip_unknown=True)
+ Path(pwd) / "infinigen_examples/configs_nature", ["base.gin"], skip_unknown=True
- format='[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(name)s] [%(levelname)s] | %(message)s',
- datefmt='%H:%M:%S',
- level=logging.WARNING
+ format="[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(name)s] [%(levelname)s] | %(message)s",
+ datefmt="%H:%M:%S",
+ level=logging.WARNING,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/blendscript_path_append.py b/infinigen/tools/blendscript_path_append.py
index 06cae49a5..c85fa7f37 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/blendscript_path_append.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/blendscript_path_append.py
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import os, sys
+import os
+import sys
pwd = os.getcwd()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/compress_masks.py b/infinigen/tools/compress_masks.py
index 36432d59c..ef2be379c 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/compress_masks.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/compress_masks.py
@@ -12,10 +12,13 @@
def show(x):
return f"({x.shape} {x.dtype} {x.max()})"
def compress(arr):
H, W, *_ = arr.shape
- vals, indices = np.unique(np.squeeze(arr.reshape((H * W, -1))), return_inverse=True, axis=0)
- max_ind = (vals.shape[0] - 1)
+ vals, indices = np.unique(
+ np.squeeze(arr.reshape((H * W, -1))), return_inverse=True, axis=0
+ )
+ max_ind = vals.shape[0] - 1
if max_ind < 2**8:
indices = indices.astype(np.uint8)
elif max_ind < 2**16:
@@ -24,8 +27,10 @@ def compress(arr):
indices = indices.astype(np.uint32)
return dict(vals=vals, indices=indices, shape=np.asarray(arr.shape))
def recover(d):
- return d['vals'][d['indices']].reshape(d['shape'])
+ return d["vals"][d["indices"]].reshape(d["shape"])
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
@@ -40,4 +45,4 @@ def recover(d):
assert show(arr) == show(recover(d))
np.savez(file_path.with_suffix(".npz"), **d)
print(f"{file_path} -> {file_path.with_suffix('.npz')}")
- file_path.unlink()
\ No newline at end of file
+ file_path.unlink()
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/convert_displacement.py b/infinigen/tools/convert_displacement.py
index 2e28c108d..685c99c26 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/convert_displacement.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/convert_displacement.py
@@ -4,11 +4,13 @@
# Authors: David Yan
import bpy
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import geometry_node_group_empty_new
visited_nodes = []
-def find_connected(node, origin_socket_index, tree_origin_socket = False): #WIP, unused
+def find_connected(node, origin_socket_index, tree_origin_socket=False): # WIP, unused
if node in visited_nodes:
@@ -25,8 +27,9 @@ def find_connected(node, origin_socket_index, tree_origin_socket = False): #WIP,
for link in node.inputs[index].links:
from_node = link.from_node
find_connected(from_node, from_node.outputs[:].index(link.from_socket))
-def remove_unconnected(node_tree): #WIP, unused
+def remove_unconnected(node_tree): # WIP, unused
nodes = node_tree.nodes
for node in nodes:
if node not in visited_nodes:
@@ -35,13 +38,14 @@ def remove_unconnected(node_tree): #WIP, unused
if node.type == "GROUP":
-def copy_nodes(shader_node_tree, geo_node_tree): #WIP, unused
+def copy_nodes(shader_node_tree, geo_node_tree): # WIP, unused
shader_nodes = shader_node_tree.nodes
for shader_node in shader_nodes:
if shader_node.type == "GROUP":
geo_node = geo_node_tree.nodes.new("GeometryNodeGroup")
copy_nodes(geo_node.node_tree, shader_node.node_tree)
- else:
+ else:
geo_node = geo_node_tree.nodes.new(shader_node.bl_idname)
geo_node.location = shader_node.location
@@ -51,47 +55,55 @@ def copy_nodes(shader_node_tree, geo_node_tree): #WIP, unused
def bake_vertex_colors(obj):
- bpy.context.scene.render.engine = 'CYCLES'
+ bpy.context.scene.render.engine = "CYCLES"
bpy.context.scene.cycles.device = "GPU"
bpy.context.scene.cycles.samples = 1
- bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
- vertColor = bpy.context.object.data.color_attributes.new(name="Displacement",domain='POINT',type='FLOAT_COLOR')
+ bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
+ vertColor = bpy.context.object.data.color_attributes.new(
+ name="Displacement", domain="POINT", type="FLOAT_COLOR"
+ )
bpy.context.object.data.attributes.active_color = vertColor
- bpy.ops.object.bake(type='EMIT', pass_filter={'COLOR'}, target ='VERTEX_COLORS')
+ bpy.ops.object.bake(type="EMIT", pass_filter={"COLOR"}, target="VERTEX_COLORS")
-def create_modifier(obj, scale_val, apply_geo_modifier ):
+def create_modifier(obj, scale_val, apply_geo_modifier):
modifier = obj.modifiers.new("Displacement", "NODES")
modifier.node_group = geometry_node_group_empty_new()
nodes = modifier.node_group.nodes
- normal = nodes.new(type = 'GeometryNodeInputNormal')
- attribute = nodes.new(type = 'GeometryNodeInputNamedAttribute')
+ normal = nodes.new(type="GeometryNodeInputNormal")
+ attribute = nodes.new(type="GeometryNodeInputNamedAttribute")
attribute.data_type = "FLOAT_COLOR"
attribute.inputs[0].default_value = "Displacement"
- set_pos = nodes.new(type = 'GeometryNodeSetPosition')
- mult = nodes.new(type = 'ShaderNodeVectorMath')
- mult.operation = 'MULTIPLY'
- scale = nodes.new(type = 'ShaderNodeVectorMath')
- scale.operation = 'SCALE'
+ set_pos = nodes.new(type="GeometryNodeSetPosition")
+ mult = nodes.new(type="ShaderNodeVectorMath")
+ mult.operation = "MULTIPLY"
+ scale = nodes.new(type="ShaderNodeVectorMath")
+ scale.operation = "SCALE"
scale.inputs["Scale"].default_value = scale_val
output = nodes["Group Output"]
input = nodes["Group Input"]
modifier.node_group.links.new(input.outputs["Geometry"], set_pos.inputs["Geometry"])
- modifier.node_group.links.new(attribute.outputs[2], mult.inputs[0]) # index 2 must be hardcoded
+ modifier.node_group.links.new(
+ attribute.outputs[2], mult.inputs[0]
+ ) # index 2 must be hardcoded
modifier.node_group.links.new(normal.outputs["Normal"], mult.inputs[1])
modifier.node_group.links.new(mult.outputs["Vector"], scale.inputs["Vector"])
modifier.node_group.links.new(scale.outputs["Vector"], set_pos.inputs["Offset"])
- modifier.node_group.links.new(set_pos.outputs["Geometry"], output.inputs["Geometry"])
+ modifier.node_group.links.new(
+ set_pos.outputs["Geometry"], output.inputs["Geometry"]
+ )
if apply_geo_modifier:
- bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
+ bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
-def convert_shader_displacement(obj, apply_geo_modifier = True):
+def convert_shader_displacement(obj, apply_geo_modifier=True):
displaced_materials = {}
for slot in obj.material_slots:
@@ -104,9 +116,11 @@ def convert_shader_displacement(obj, apply_geo_modifier = True):
bsdf_link = nodes["Material Output"].inputs["Surface"].links[0]
bsdf_socket = bsdf_link.from_socket
- mat.node_tree.links.new(displace_socket, nodes["Material Output"].inputs["Surface"])
+ mat.node_tree.links.new(
+ displace_socket, nodes["Material Output"].inputs["Surface"]
+ )
displaced_materials[mat] = bsdf_socket
if len(displaced_materials) != 0:
create_modifier(obj, scale_val, apply_geo_modifier)
@@ -114,11 +128,6 @@ def convert_shader_displacement(obj, apply_geo_modifier = True):
for mat in displaced_materials:
mat = slot.material
mat.node_tree.links.remove(nodes["Material Output"].inputs["Surface"].links[0])
- mat.node_tree.links.new(displaced_materials[mat], nodes["Material Output"].inputs["Surface"])
+ mat.node_tree.links.new(
+ displaced_materials[mat], nodes["Material Output"].inputs["Surface"]
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/datarelease_toolkit.py b/infinigen/tools/datarelease_toolkit.py
index 3bb5a2b12..fe15df2d5 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/datarelease_toolkit.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/datarelease_toolkit.py
@@ -3,73 +3,62 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-import os
-from pathlib import Path
import argparse
-from tqdm import tqdm
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from functools import partial
-import subprocess
-import shutil
import json
-from itertools import product
-from copy import copy, deepcopy
-import pdb
+import shutil
+import subprocess
import tarfile
+from copy import deepcopy
+from functools import partial
+from multiprocessing import Pool
+from pathlib import Path
+import cv2
import imageio
import numpy as np
-import cv2
+from tqdm import tqdm
from infinigen.datagen.util import smb_client
-from infinigen.datagen.states import parse_suffix, get_suffix
+from infinigen.tools.suffixes import get_suffix, parse_suffix
-from . import dataset_loader
-from . import compress_masks
+from . import compress_masks, dataset_loader
- ('Image', '.png', 'SINGLE_RES', 'INTER_LINEAR'),
- ('camview', '.npz', 'NO_ACTION', 'NO_INTERP'),
- ('Depth', '.npy', 'DOUBLE_RES', 'INTER_NEAREST'),
- ('Depth', '.png', 'DOUBLE_RES', 'INTER_LINEAR'),
- ('SurfaceNormal', '.npy', 'SINGLE_RES', 'INTER_NEAREST'),
- ('SurfaceNormal', '.png', 'SINGLE_RES', 'INTER_LINEAR'),
- ('InstanceSegmentation', '.npz', 'SINGLE_RES', 'NPZ_INTER_NEAREST'),
- ('InstanceSegmentation', '.png', 'SINGLE_RES', 'INTER_NEAREST'),
- ('ObjectSegmentation', '.npz', 'SINGLE_RES', 'NPZ_INTER_NEAREST'),
- ('ObjectSegmentation', '.png', 'SINGLE_RES', 'INTER_NEAREST'),
- ('TagSegmentation', '.npz', 'SINGLE_RES', 'NPZ_INTER_NEAREST'),
- ('TagSegmentation', '.png', 'SINGLE_RES', 'INTER_NEAREST'),
- ('Objects', '.json', 'COMPRESS_JSON', 'NO_INTERP'),
- ('Flow3D_', '.npy', 'SINGLE_RES', 'INTER_NEAREST'),
- ('Flow3D_', '.png', 'SINGLE_RES', 'INTER_LINEAR'),
- ('Flow3DMask', '.png', 'SINGLE_RES', 'MASK_POOL'),
- ('OcclusionBoundaries', '.png', 'ORIG_RES', 'NO_INTERP'),
- ('AO', '.png', 'SINGLE_RES', 'NO_INTERP'),
- ('DiffCol', '.png', 'SINGLE_RES', 'NO_INTERP'),
- ('DiffDir', '.png', 'SINGLE_RES', 'NO_INTERP'),
- ('DiffInd', '.png', 'SINGLE_RES', 'NO_INTERP'),
- ('Emit', '.png', 'SINGLE_RES', 'NO_INTERP'),
- ('Env', '.png', 'SINGLE_RES', 'NO_INTERP'),
- ('GlossCol', '.png', 'SINGLE_RES', 'NO_INTERP'),
- ('GlossDir', '.png', 'SINGLE_RES', 'NO_INTERP'),
- ('GlossInd', '.png', 'SINGLE_RES', 'NO_INTERP'),
- ('TransCol', '.png', 'SINGLE_RES', 'NO_INTERP'),
- ('TransDir', '.png', 'SINGLE_RES', 'NO_INTERP'),
- ('TransInd', '.png', 'SINGLE_RES', 'NO_INTERP'),
- ('VolumeDir', '.png', 'SINGLE_RES', 'NO_INTERP'),
+ ("Image", ".png", "SINGLE_RES", "INTER_LINEAR"),
+ ("camview", ".npz", "NO_ACTION", "NO_INTERP"),
+ ("Depth", ".npy", "DOUBLE_RES", "INTER_NEAREST"),
+ ("Depth", ".png", "DOUBLE_RES", "INTER_LINEAR"),
+ ("SurfaceNormal", ".npy", "SINGLE_RES", "INTER_NEAREST"),
+ ("SurfaceNormal", ".png", "SINGLE_RES", "INTER_LINEAR"),
+ ("InstanceSegmentation", ".npz", "SINGLE_RES", "NPZ_INTER_NEAREST"),
+ ("InstanceSegmentation", ".png", "SINGLE_RES", "INTER_NEAREST"),
+ ("ObjectSegmentation", ".npz", "SINGLE_RES", "NPZ_INTER_NEAREST"),
+ ("ObjectSegmentation", ".png", "SINGLE_RES", "INTER_NEAREST"),
+ ("TagSegmentation", ".npz", "SINGLE_RES", "NPZ_INTER_NEAREST"),
+ ("TagSegmentation", ".png", "SINGLE_RES", "INTER_NEAREST"),
+ ("Objects", ".json", "COMPRESS_JSON", "NO_INTERP"),
+ ("Flow3D_", ".npy", "SINGLE_RES", "INTER_NEAREST"),
+ ("Flow3D_", ".png", "SINGLE_RES", "INTER_LINEAR"),
+ ("Flow3DMask", ".png", "SINGLE_RES", "MASK_POOL"),
+ ("OcclusionBoundaries", ".png", "ORIG_RES", "NO_INTERP"),
+ ("AO", ".png", "SINGLE_RES", "NO_INTERP"),
+ ("DiffCol", ".png", "SINGLE_RES", "NO_INTERP"),
+ ("DiffDir", ".png", "SINGLE_RES", "NO_INTERP"),
+ ("DiffInd", ".png", "SINGLE_RES", "NO_INTERP"),
+ ("Emit", ".png", "SINGLE_RES", "NO_INTERP"),
+ ("Env", ".png", "SINGLE_RES", "NO_INTERP"),
+ ("GlossCol", ".png", "SINGLE_RES", "NO_INTERP"),
+ ("GlossDir", ".png", "SINGLE_RES", "NO_INTERP"),
+ ("GlossInd", ".png", "SINGLE_RES", "NO_INTERP"),
+ ("TransCol", ".png", "SINGLE_RES", "NO_INTERP"),
+ ("TransDir", ".png", "SINGLE_RES", "NO_INTERP"),
+ ("TransInd", ".png", "SINGLE_RES", "NO_INTERP"),
+ ("VolumeDir", ".png", "SINGLE_RES", "NO_INTERP"),
def mapfunc(f, its, n_workers):
if n_workers == 1:
return [f(i) for i in its]
@@ -77,131 +66,130 @@ def mapfunc(f, its, n_workers):
with Pool(n_workers) as p:
return list(tqdm(p.imap(f, its), total=len(its)))
-def download_except_already_present(smb_path, local_path, min_date_str, n_workers=1, verbose=False):
+def download_except_already_present(
+ smb_path, local_path, min_date_str, n_workers=1, verbose=False
remote_paths = list(smb_client.listdir(smb_path))
local_names = set(f.name for f in local_path.iterdir())
to_download = [f for f in remote_paths if f.name not in local_names]
download_func = partial(
- smb_client.download,
- dest_folder=local_path,
- verbose=verbose
+ smb_client.download, dest_folder=local_path, verbose=verbose
mapfunc(download_func, to_download, n_workers=n_workers)
def untar(p):
- command = f'tar -xf {str(p)} -C {str(p.parent)} --one-top-level'
- dest_path = p.parent/(p.name.split('.')[0])
+ command = f"tar -xf {str(p)} -C {str(p.parent)} --one-top-level"
+ dest_path = p.parent / (p.name.split(".")[0])
assert not dest_path.exists()
- print('Untarring', p, ' --> ', dest_path)
+ print("Untarring", p, " --> ", dest_path)
subprocess.run(command, check=True, shell=True)
return dest_path
-def cleanup(p):
- for folder in p.glob('frames_*'):
+def cleanup(p):
+ for folder in p.glob("frames_*"):
for path in folder.iterdir():
- if path.name.endswith('_displacement.npy'):
+ if path.name.endswith("_displacement.npy"):
- if path.name == 'assets':
+ if path.name == "assets":
- if path.suffix == '.glb':
+ if path.suffix == ".glb":
-def fix_scene_structure(p, n_subcams):
+def fix_scene_structure(p, n_subcams):
def parse_pre_1_1_suffix(suffix):
- stem, ext = suffix.split('.')
- parts = stem.split('_')
+ stem, ext = suffix.split(".")
+ parts = stem.split("_")
assert len(parts) == 3
return dict(
- frame=int(parts[0]),
- cam_rig=int(parts[1]),
- subcam=int(parts[2]),
- resample=0
+ frame=int(parts[0]), cam_rig=int(parts[1]), subcam=int(parts[2]), resample=0
def move(a, b):
assert b.parent.exists()
- #print(a, ' --> ', b)
+ # print(a, ' --> ', b)
shutil.move(a, b)
def postprocess_image(img_path, frame_folder, subcam):
- dtype, *parts = img_path.name.split('_')
- rest = '_'.join(parts)
+ dtype, *parts = img_path.name.split("_")
+ rest = "_".join(parts)
- if len(rest.split('_')) == 3:
+ if len(rest.split("_")) == 3:
keys = parse_pre_1_1_suffix(rest)
new_img_name = dtype + get_suffix(keys)
- new_img_path = img_path.parent/(new_img_name + img_path.suffix)
+ new_img_path = img_path.parent / (new_img_name + img_path.suffix)
move(img_path, new_img_path)
img_path = new_img_path
img_keys = parse_suffix(img_path)
- if img_keys['subcam'] != subcam:
+ if img_keys["subcam"] != subcam:
keys = parse_suffix(frame_folder)
- keys['subcam'] = img_keys['subcam']
- new_folder_name = 'frames' + get_suffix(keys)
- new_frames_folder = frame_folder.parent/new_folder_name
- new_img_path = new_frames_folder/img_path.name
+ keys["subcam"] = img_keys["subcam"]
+ new_folder_name = "frames" + get_suffix(keys)
+ new_frames_folder = frame_folder.parent / new_folder_name
+ new_img_path = new_frames_folder / img_path.name
move(img_path, new_img_path)
img_path = new_img_path
for subcam in range(n_subcams):
- cam_frames_folders = sorted(list(p.glob(f'frames*_{subcam}')))
+ cam_frames_folders = sorted(list(p.glob(f"frames*_{subcam}")))
for frame_folder in cam_frames_folders:
for img_path in frame_folder.iterdir():
postprocess_image(img_path, frame_folder, subcam)
-def fix_metadata(p, override_version='1.0.4b'):
- metadata_path = p.parent/(p.name+'_metadata.json')
+def fix_metadata(p, override_version="1.0.4b"):
+ metadata_path = p.parent / (p.name + "_metadata.json")
if not metadata_path.exists():
- print(f'{p} is missing {metadata_path=}')
+ print(f"{p} is missing {metadata_path=}")
return False
- with metadata_path.open('r') as f:
+ with metadata_path.open("r") as f:
metadata = json.load(f)
if override_version is not None:
- metadata['version'] = override_version
+ metadata["version"] = override_version
- with metadata_path.open('w') as f:
+ with metadata_path.open("w") as f:
json.dump(metadata, f)
def optimize_json_inplace(json_path):
- with json_path.open('r') as f:
+ with json_path.open("r") as f:
data = json.load(f, parse_float=lambda x: round(float(x), 6))
- with json_path.open('w') as f:
+ with json_path.open("w") as f:
data = json.dump(data, f, indent=0)
-def resize_inplace(img_path, target_shape, interp_method, npz_prefix='NPZ_'):
+def resize_inplace(img_path, target_shape, interp_method, npz_prefix="NPZ_"):
match img_path.suffix:
- case '.png':
+ case ".png":
img = imageio.imread(img_path)
- case '.npy':
+ case ".npy":
img = np.load(img_path)
- case '.npz':
+ case ".npz":
assert interp_method.startswith(npz_prefix)
img = np.load(img_path)
case suffix:
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized {suffix=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized {suffix=}")
using_npz_compression = interp_method.startswith(npz_prefix)
if using_npz_compression:
- interp_method = interp_method[len(npz_prefix):]
+ interp_method = interp_method[len(npz_prefix) :]
img = compress_masks.recover(img)
curr_shape = np.array(img.shape[:2])
if np.any(target_shape > curr_shape):
raise ValueError(img_path, curr_shape, target_shape)
@@ -209,120 +197,128 @@ def resize_inplace(img_path, target_shape, interp_method, npz_prefix='NPZ_'):
match interp_method:
- img = cv2.resize(img, target_shape[::-1], interpolation=getattr(cv2, interp_method))
- case 'MASK_POOL':
- interp = cv2.resize((img.astype('float') / 255), target_shape[::-1], cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
+ img = cv2.resize(
+ img, target_shape[::-1], interpolation=getattr(cv2, interp_method)
+ )
+ case "MASK_POOL":
+ interp = cv2.resize(
+ (img.astype("float") / 255), target_shape[::-1], cv2.INTER_LINEAR
+ )
img = (255 * (interp > 0.01)).astype(img.dtype)
case _:
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized {interp_method=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized {interp_method=}")
if using_npz_compression:
img = compress_masks.compress(img)
match img_path.suffix:
- case '.png':
+ case ".png":
imageio.imwrite(img_path, img)
- case '.npy':
+ case ".npy":
np.save(img_path, img)
- case '.npz':
+ case ".npz":
np.savez(img_path, **dict(img))
case _:
- raise ValueError(f'{img_path.suffix=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"{img_path.suffix=}")
-def optimize_groundtruth_filesize(scene_folder):
- frames_folders = sorted(list(scene_folder.glob('frames_*')))
+def optimize_groundtruth_filesize(scene_folder):
+ frames_folders = sorted(list(scene_folder.glob("frames_*")))
if len(frames_folders) == 0:
- raise ValueError(f'Couldnt find frames_* in {scene_folder}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Couldnt find frames_* in {scene_folder}")
- first_folder_image_paths = list(frames_folders[0].glob('Image*.png'))
+ first_folder_image_paths = list(frames_folders[0].glob("Image*.png"))
base_img_res = np.array(imageio.imread(first_folder_image_paths[0]).shape[:2])
for frames_folder in frames_folders:
for dtype, ext, action, interp_method in IMAGE_RESIZE_ACTIONS:
- targets = sorted(list(frames_folder.glob(f'{dtype}*{ext}')))
+ targets = sorted(list(frames_folder.glob(f"{dtype}*{ext}")))
if len(targets) != len(first_folder_image_paths):
- raise ValueError(f'Found incorrect {len(targets)=} for {dtype=} {ext=} in {frames_folder=}, expected {len(first_folder_image_paths)}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Found incorrect {len(targets)=} for {dtype=} {ext=} in {frames_folder=}, expected {len(first_folder_image_paths)}"
+ )
for target_path in targets:
- print(target_path.relative_to(scene_folder.parent), action, interp_method)
+ print(
+ target_path.relative_to(scene_folder.parent), action, interp_method
+ )
match action:
- case 'SINGLE_RES':
+ case "SINGLE_RES":
resize_inplace(target_path, base_img_res, interp_method)
- case 'DOUBLE_RES':
+ case "DOUBLE_RES":
resize_inplace(target_path, base_img_res * 2, interp_method)
- case 'ORIG_RES':
+ case "ORIG_RES":
- assert interp_method == 'NO_INTERP'
+ assert interp_method == "NO_INTERP"
- case 'NO_ACTION':
- assert interp_method == 'NO_INTERP'
+ case "NO_ACTION":
+ assert interp_method == "NO_INTERP"
case _:
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized {action=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized {action=}")
-def parse_jobscene_path(args):
+def parse_jobscene_path(args):
root = args.smb_root
if args.jobscene_path is None:
for d in smb_client.listdir(root):
- for f in smb_client.globdir(d/'*.tar.gz'):
+ for f in smb_client.globdir(d / "*.tar.gz"):
yield f.relative_to(root)
- elif len(args.jobscene_path.parts) == 1:
- d = root/args.jobscene_path
- for f in smb_client.globdir(d/'*.tar.gz'):
+ elif len(args.jobscene_path.parts) == 1:
+ d = root / args.jobscene_path
+ for f in smb_client.globdir(d / "*.tar.gz"):
yield f.relative_to(root)
elif len(args.jobscene_path.parts) == 2:
yield args.jobscene_path
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized {args.jobscene_path=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized {args.jobscene_path=}")
-def cleanup_smb(smb_parent_folder):
+def cleanup_smb(smb_parent_folder):
for f1, ftype, *_ in smb_client.listdir(smb_parent_folder, extras=True):
- if ftype != 'D':
- print(f'Ignoring {f1}, not a directory')
+ if ftype != "D":
+ print(f"Ignoring {f1}, not a directory")
files = list(smb_client.listdir(f1))
n_files = len(files)
if n_files <= 1:
- print(f'Removing {f1} {n_files}')
+ print(f"Removing {f1} {n_files}")
- print(f'Keeping {f1} {n_files}')
+ print(f"Keeping {f1} {n_files}")
def fix_missing_camviewdata(local_folder, dummy):
camdata = deepcopy(dummy)
- del camdata['T']
- camdata['baseline'] = 0.075
+ del camdata["T"]
+ camdata["baseline"] = 0.075
- for frames_folder in local_folder.glob('frames*'):
- for image_path in frames_folder.glob('Image*.png'):
+ for frames_folder in local_folder.glob("frames*"):
+ for image_path in frames_folder.glob("Image*.png"):
idxs = parse_suffix(image_path.name)
- outpath = image_path.parent/('camview' + get_suffix(idxs) + '.npz')
+ outpath = image_path.parent / ("camview" + get_suffix(idxs) + ".npz")
if outpath.exists():
- with outpath.open('wb') as f:
+ with outpath.open("wb") as f:
np.savez(f, camdata)
def reorganize_old_framesfolder(frames_old):
frames_old = Path(frames_old)
for p in frames_old.iterdir():
if p.is_symlink():
- frames_dest = frames_old.parent/"frames"
+ frames_dest = frames_old.parent / "frames"
excludes = [
@@ -336,98 +332,104 @@ def reorganize_old_framesfolder(frames_old):
for img_path in frames_old.iterdir():
if img_path.is_dir() or img_path.name in excludes:
- dtype, *_ = img_path.name.split('_')
+ dtype, *_ = img_path.name.split("_")
idxs = parse_suffix(img_path.name)
- new_path = frames_dest/dtype/f"camera_{idxs['subcam']}"/img_path.name
+ new_path = frames_dest / dtype / f"camera_{idxs['subcam']}" / img_path.name
new_path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
shutil.move(img_path, new_path)
if frames_dest != frames_old:
-def fix_frames_folderstructure(p):
+def fix_frames_folderstructure(p):
p = args.local_path / p
- for frames_old in p.glob('frames_*'):
- reorganize_old_framesfolder(frames_old)
+ for frames_old in p.glob("frames_*"):
+ reorganize_old_framesfolder(frames_old)
- for savemesh in p.glob('savemesh_*'):
+ for savemesh in p.glob("savemesh_*"):
for folder in p.iterdir():
if not folder.is_dir():
- for f in folder.glob('*b_displacement.npy'):
+ for f in folder.glob("*b_displacement.npy"):
-def retar_for_distribution(local_folder, distrib_path):
+def retar_for_distribution(local_folder, distrib_path):
seed = local_folder.name
- frames_folder = (local_folder/'frames')
+ frames_folder = local_folder / "frames"
for dtype_folder in frames_folder.iterdir():
for camera_folder in dtype_folder.iterdir():
exts = set(p.suffix for p in camera_folder.iterdir())
for ext in exts:
- tar_path = distrib_path/seed/f"{seed}_{dtype_folder.name}_{ext.strip('.')}_{camera_folder.name}.tar.gz"
+ tar_path = (
+ distrib_path
+ / seed
+ / f"{seed}_{dtype_folder.name}_{ext.strip('.')}_{camera_folder.name}.tar.gz"
+ )
if tar_path.exists():
tar_path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
- print(f'Creating {tar_path}')
- with tarfile.open(tar_path, 'w:gz') as f:
- for img in camera_folder.glob(f'*{ext}'):
+ print(f"Creating {tar_path}")
+ with tarfile.open(tar_path, "w:gz") as f:
+ for img in camera_folder.glob(f"*{ext}"):
f.add(img, arcname=img.relative_to(local_folder.parent))
-def process_one_scene(p, args):
- stem = p.name.split('.')[0]
+def process_one_scene(p, args):
+ stem = p.name.split(".")[0]
scene_files = [
- p.parent/f'{stem}_metadata.json',
- p.parent/f'{stem}_thumbnail.png',
+ p.parent / f"{stem}_metadata.json",
+ p.parent / f"{stem}_thumbnail.png",
local_tar = args.local_path / p
- local_folder = local_tar.parent/(local_tar.name.split('.')[0])
- assert local_tar.name.endswith('.tar.gz'), local_tar
+ local_folder = local_tar.parent / (local_tar.name.split(".")[0])
+ assert local_tar.name.endswith(".tar.gz"), local_tar
if False:
for s in scene_files:
- local_s = args.local_path/s
+ local_s = args.local_path / s
local_s.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
if local_s == local_tar and local_folder.exists():
- print(f'Skipping {s} as {local_folder} exists')
+ print(f"Skipping {s} as {local_folder} exists")
if not local_s.exists():
- print(f'Downloading {s}')
- smb_client.download(args.smb_root/s, dest_folder=local_s.parent)
+ print(f"Downloading {s}")
+ smb_client.download(args.smb_root / s, dest_folder=local_s.parent)
assert local_s.exists()
if not local_folder.exists():
- print(f'Untarring {local_folder}')
+ print(f"Untarring {local_folder}")
assert local_tar.exists()
untar_folder = untar(local_tar)
assert untar_folder == local_folder
- print(f'Skipping untar {local_tar}')
+ print(f"Skipping untar {local_tar}")
assert local_folder.exists()
- if not (local_folder/'PREPROCESSED.txt').exists():
- print(f'Postprocessing {local_folder=}')
+ if not (local_folder / "PREPROCESSED.txt").exists():
+ print(f"Postprocessing {local_folder=}")
fix_scene_structure(local_folder, n_subcams=2)
- with (local_folder/'PREPROCESSED.txt').open('w') as f:
- f.write(f'{TOOLKIT_VERSION=}')
+ with (local_folder / "PREPROCESSED.txt").open("w") as f:
+ f.write(f"{TOOLKIT_VERSION=}")
if not local_folder.exists():
- print(f'Validating {local_folder=}')
- dset = dataset_loader.InfinigenSceneDataset(local_folder, data_types=dataset_loader.ALLOWED_IMAGE_TYPES)
+ print(f"Validating {local_folder=}")
+ dset = dataset_loader.InfinigenSceneDataset(
+ local_folder, data_types=dataset_loader.ALLOWED_IMAGE_TYPES
+ )
if local_tar.exists():
@@ -436,27 +438,27 @@ def process_one_scene(p, args):
if args.distrib_path is not None:
retar_for_distribution(local_folder, args.distrib_path)
def try_process(p, args):
process_one_scene(p, args)
except Exception as e:
- print('FAILED', p, e)
- with (Path()/'failures.txt').open('a') as f:
- f.write(f'{p} | {e}\n')
- folder_name = p.parent/(p.name.split('.')[0])
+ print("FAILED", p, e)
+ with (Path() / "failures.txt").open("a") as f:
+ f.write(f"{p} | {e}\n")
+ folder_name = p.parent / (p.name.split(".")[0])
if folder_name.exists():
-def main(args):
+def main(args):
job_scene_paths = list(parse_jobscene_path(args))
- #cleanup_smb(args.smb_root)
+ # cleanup_smb(args.smb_root)
def sort_key(p):
- folder_name = p.parent/(p.name.split('.')[0])
+ folder_name = p.parent / (p.name.split(".")[0])
if folder_name.exists():
return 0
if p.exists():
@@ -468,21 +470,21 @@ def sort_key(p):
- print(f'Found {len(job_scene_paths)=}')
+ print(f"Found {len(job_scene_paths)=}")
mapfunc(partial(try_process, args=args), job_scene_paths, n_workers=args.n_workers)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
+if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('local_path', type=Path)
- parser.add_argument('smb_root', type=Path)
- parser.add_argument('--jobscene_path', type=Path, default=None)
- parser.add_argument('--distrib_path', type=Path, default=None)
- parser.add_argument('--n_workers', type=int, default=1)
- parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument("local_path", type=Path)
+ parser.add_argument("smb_root", type=Path)
+ parser.add_argument("--jobscene_path", type=Path, default=None)
+ parser.add_argument("--distrib_path", type=Path, default=None)
+ parser.add_argument("--n_workers", type=int, default=1)
+ parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
- #cleanup_smb(args.smb_root)
+ # cleanup_smb(args.smb_root)
- main(args)
\ No newline at end of file
+ main(args)
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/dataset_loader.py b/infinigen/tools/dataset_loader.py
index bbfdc6e71..3524a3910 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/dataset_loader.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/dataset_loader.py
@@ -1,113 +1,118 @@
# Copyright (c) Princeton University.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-# Authors:
+# Authors:
-from pathlib import Path
import json
+import logging
+from pathlib import Path
import imageio
import numpy as np
-import logging
-#import torch.utils.data IMPORTED ONLY IF USING get_infinigen_dataset
+from .suffixes import parse_suffix
+# import torch.utils.data IMPORTED ONLY IF USING get_infinigen_dataset
-from .suffixes import parse_suffix, get_suffix
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Read docs/GroundTruthAnnotations.md for more explanations
- 'Image_png',
- #('Image', '.exr'), # NOT IMPLEMENTED
- 'camview_npz', # intrinisic, extrinsic, etc
+ "Image_png",
+ # ('Image', '.exr'), # NOT IMPLEMENTED
+ "camview_npz", # intrinisic, extrinsic, etc
# names available via EITHER blender_gt.gin and opengl_gt.gin
- 'Depth_npy',
- 'Depth_png',
- 'InstanceSegmentation_npz',
- 'InstanceSegmentation_png',
- 'ObjectSegmentation_npz',
- 'ObjectSegmentation_png',
- 'SurfaceNormal_npy',
- 'SurfaceNormal_png',
- 'Objects_json',
+ "Depth_npy",
+ "Depth_png",
+ "InstanceSegmentation_npz",
+ "InstanceSegmentation_png",
+ "ObjectSegmentation_npz",
+ "ObjectSegmentation_png",
+ "SurfaceNormal_npy",
+ "SurfaceNormal_png",
+ "Objects_json",
# blender_gt.gin only provides 2D flow. opengl_gt.gin produces Flow3D instead
- 'Flow3D_npy',
- 'Flow3D_png',
+ "Flow3D_npy",
+ "Flow3D_png",
# names available ONLY from opengl_gt.gin
- 'OcclusionBoundaries_png',
- 'TagSegmentation_npz',
- 'TagSegmentation_png',
- 'Flow3DMask_png',
+ "OcclusionBoundaries_png",
+ "TagSegmentation_npz",
+ "TagSegmentation_png",
+ "Flow3DMask_png",
# info from blender image rendering passes, usually enabled regardless of GT method
- 'AO_png',
- 'DiffCol_png',
- 'DiffDir_png',
- 'DiffInd_png',
- 'Emit_png',
- 'Env_png',
- 'GlossCol_png',
- 'GlossDir_png',
- 'GlossInd_png',
- 'TransCol_png',
- 'TransDir_png',
- 'TransInd_png',
- 'VolumeDir_png',
+ "AO_png",
+ "DiffCol_png",
+ "DiffDir_png",
+ "DiffInd_png",
+ "Emit_png",
+ "Env_png",
+ "GlossCol_png",
+ "GlossDir_png",
+ "GlossInd_png",
+ "TransCol_png",
+ "TransDir_png",
+ "TransInd_png",
+ "VolumeDir_png",
def get_blocksize(scene_folder):
- first, second, *_ = sorted(scene_folder.glob('frames*_0'))
- return parse_suffix(second)['frame'] - parse_suffix(first)['frame']
+ first, second, *_ = sorted(scene_folder.glob("frames*_0"))
+ return parse_suffix(second)["frame"] - parse_suffix(first)["frame"]
def get_framebounds_inclusive(scene_folder):
- rgb = scene_folder/'frames'/'Image'/'camera_0'
- first, *_, last = sorted(rgb.glob('*.png'))
- return (
- parse_suffix(first)['frame'],
- parse_suffix(last)['frame']
- )
+ rgb = scene_folder / "frames" / "Image" / "camera_0"
+ first, *_, last = sorted(rgb.glob("*.png"))
+ return (parse_suffix(first)["frame"], parse_suffix(last)["frame"])
def get_cameras_available(scene_folder):
- return [int(p.name.split('_')[-1]) for p in (scene_folder/'frames'/'Image').iterdir()]
+ return [
+ int(p.name.split("_")[-1])
+ for p in (scene_folder / "frames" / "Image").iterdir()
+ ]
def get_imagetypes_available(scene_folder):
dtypes = []
- for dtype_folder in (scene_folder/'frames').iterdir():
- frames = dtype_folder/'camera_0'
+ for dtype_folder in (scene_folder / "frames").iterdir():
+ frames = dtype_folder / "camera_0"
uniq = set(p.suffix for p in frames.iterdir())
dtypes += [f'{dtype_folder.name}_{u.strip(".")}' for u in uniq]
return dtypes
def get_frame_path(scene_folder, cam: int, frame_idx, data_type) -> Path:
- data_type_name, data_type_ext = data_type.split('_')
- imgname = f'{data_type_name}_0_0_{frame_idx:04d}_{cam}.{data_type_ext}'
- return Path(scene_folder)/'frames'/data_type_name/f'camera_{cam}'/imgname
+ data_type_name, data_type_ext = data_type.split("_")
+ imgname = f"{data_type_name}_0_0_{frame_idx:04d}_{cam}.{data_type_ext}"
+ return Path(scene_folder) / "frames" / data_type_name / f"camera_{cam}" / imgname
-class InfinigenSceneDataset:
+class InfinigenSceneDataset:
def __init__(
- self,
+ self,
scene_folder: Path,
- data_types: list[str] = None, # see ALLOWED_IMAGE_KEYS above. Use 'None' to retrieve all available PNG datatypes
+ data_types: list[
+ str
+ ] = None, # see ALLOWED_IMAGE_KEYS above. Use 'None' to retrieve all available PNG datatypes
self.scene_folder = Path(scene_folder)
self.gt_for_first_camera_only = gt_for_first_camera_only
if data_types is None:
data_types = get_imagetypes_available(self.scene_folder)
- logging.info(f'{self.__class__.__name__} recieved data_types=None, using whats available in {scene_folder}: {data_types}')
+ logging.info(
+ f"{self.__class__.__name__} recieved data_types=None, using whats available in {scene_folder}: {data_types}"
+ )
for t in data_types:
- raise ValueError(f'Recieved data_types containing {t} which is not in ALLOWED_IMAGE_TYPES')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Recieved data_types containing {t} which is not in ALLOWED_IMAGE_TYPES"
+ )
self.data_types = data_types
if cameras is None:
@@ -119,33 +124,32 @@ def __init__(
def __len__(self):
first, last = self.framebounds_inclusive
return last - first
def load_any_filetype(path):
match path.suffix:
- case '.png':
+ case ".png":
return imageio.imread(path)
- case '.exr':
+ case ".exr":
raise NotImplementedError
- case '.npy':
+ case ".npy":
return np.load(path)
- case '.npz':
+ case ".npz":
return dict(np.load(path))
- case 'json':
- with path.open('r') as f:
+ case "json":
+ with path.open("r") as f:
return json.load(f)
case _:
- raise ValueError(f'Unhandled {path.suffix=} for {path=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unhandled {path.suffix=} for {path=}")
def _imagetypes_to_load(self, cam: int):
for data_type in self.data_types:
dtypename = data_type[0]
if (
- self.gt_for_first_camera_only and
- cam != 0 and
- dtypename != 'Image' and
- dtypename != 'camview'
+ self.gt_for_first_camera_only
+ and cam != 0
+ and dtypename != "Image"
+ and dtypename != "camview"
yield data_type
@@ -157,21 +161,22 @@ def validate(self):
frame = self.framebounds_inclusive[0]
p = self.frame_path(frame + i, cam, dtype)
if not p.exists():
- raise ValueError(f'validate() failed for {self.scene_folder}, could not find {p}')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"validate() failed for {self.scene_folder}, could not find {p}"
+ )
def frame_path(self, i: int, cam: int, dtype: str):
frame_num = self.framebounds_inclusive[0] + i
return get_frame_path(self.scene_folder, cam, frame_num, dtype)
def __getitem__(self, i):
def get_camera_images(cam: int):
imgs = {}
for dtype in self._imagetypes_to_load(cam):
path = self.frame_path(i, cam, dtype)
imgs[dtype] = self.load_any_filetype(path)
return imgs
per_camera_data = [get_camera_images(i) for i in self.cameras]
if len(self.cameras) == 1:
@@ -179,16 +184,14 @@ def get_camera_images(cam: int):
return per_camera_data
-def get_infinigen_dataset(data_folder: Path, mode='concat', validate=False, **kwargs):
+def get_infinigen_dataset(data_folder: Path, mode="concat", validate=False, **kwargs):
import torch.utils.data
data_folder = Path(data_folder)
scene_datasets = [
- InfinigenSceneDataset(f, **kwargs)
- for f in data_folder.iterdir()
- if f.is_dir()
+ InfinigenSceneDataset(f, **kwargs) for f in data_folder.iterdir() if f.is_dir()
if validate:
@@ -196,9 +199,9 @@ def get_infinigen_dataset(data_folder: Path, mode='concat', validate=False, **kw
match mode:
- case 'concat':
+ case "concat":
return torch.utils.data.ConcatDataset(scene_datasets)
- case 'chain':
+ case "chain":
return torch.utils.data.ChainDataset(scene_datasets)
case _:
raise ValueError(mode)
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/download_pregenerated_data.py b/infinigen/tools/download_pregenerated_data.py
index 7c764292c..b0f9b7e3a 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/download_pregenerated_data.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/download_pregenerated_data.py
@@ -4,232 +4,276 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
import argparse
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from pathlib import Path
-import urllib.request
-import re
-import subprocess
import json
-from multiprocessing import Pool
+import subprocess
+import urllib.request
+from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import partial
+from multiprocessing import Pool
+from pathlib import Path
- ("Image_png", "RGB image as a .png."),
- ("Image_exr", "RGB image as an .exr"),
- ("camview_npz", "Camera intrinsic & extrinsic matricies, IE, camera calibration and poses."),
- ("Depth_npy", "Depth"),
- ("Depth_png", "Color-mapped PNG of Depth_npy. FOR VISUALIZATION ONLY"),
- ("SurfaceNormal_npy", "Surface Normals"),
- ("SurfaceNormal_png", "Color-mapped PNG of SurfaceNormal_npy. FOR VISUALIZATION ONLY"),
- ("Flow3D_npy", "Optical Flow and Depth change."),
- ("Flow3D_png", "Color-wheel visualization of the 2D part of Flow3D_npy. FOR VISUALIZATION ONLY"),
+ [
+ ("Image_png", "RGB image as a .png."),
+ ("Image_exr", "RGB image as an .exr"),
+ (
+ "camview_npz",
+ "Camera intrinsic & extrinsic matricies, IE, camera calibration and poses.",
+ ),
+ ("Depth_npy", "Depth"),
+ ("Depth_png", "Color-mapped PNG of Depth_npy. FOR VISUALIZATION ONLY"),
+ ("SurfaceNormal_npy", "Surface Normals"),
+ (
+ "SurfaceNormal_png",
+ "Color-mapped PNG of SurfaceNormal_npy. FOR VISUALIZATION ONLY",
+ ),
+ ("Flow3D_npy", "Optical Flow and Depth change."),
+ (
+ "Flow3D_png",
+ "Color-wheel visualization of the 2D part of Flow3D_npy. FOR VISUALIZATION ONLY",
+ ),
+ ("Flow3DMask_png", "Flow Occlusion mask."),
+ ("OcclusionBoundaries_png", "Occlusion Boundaries."),
+ (
+ "ObjectSegmentation_npz",
+ "Semantic Segmentation mask. Compressed using a lookup table - see docs for more info.",
+ ),
+ (
+ "ObjectSegmentation_png",
+ "Color-mapped PNG of ObjectSegmentation.npz. FOR VISUALIZATION ONLY",
+ ),
+ (
+ "InstanceSegmentation_npz",
+ "Instance Segmentation mask. Compressed using a lookup table - see docs for more info.",
+ ),
+ (
+ "InstanceSegmentation_png",
+ "Color-mapped PNG of InstanceSegmentation.npz. FOR VISUALIZATION ONLY",
+ ),
+ (
+ "TagSegmentation_npz",
+ "Segmentation mask to help distinguish different parts of the same object. Compressed using a lookup table - see docs for more info.",
+ ),
+ (
+ "TagSegmentation_png",
+ "Color-mapped PNG of TagSegmentation_npz. FOR VISUALIZATION ONLY",
+ ),
+ (
+ "Objects_json",
+ "LARGE json object specifying names, poses and bounding boxes of objects in the scene. Required for 2D/3D BBox.",
+ ),
+ ("AO_png", "Ambient Occlusion."),
+ ("DiffCol_png", "Diffuse Color, a.k.a Albedo."),
+ ("DiffDir_png", "Diffuse Direct pass."),
+ ("DiffInd_png", "Diffuse Indirect pass."),
+ ("Emit_png", "Emission pass."),
+ ("Env_png", "Environment pass."),
+ ("GlossCol_png", "Glossy color."),
+ ("GlossDir_png", "Glossy direct pass."),
+ ("GlossInd_png", "Glossy indirect pass."),
+ ("TransCol_png", "Transmission color."),
+ ("TransDir_png", "Transmission direct pass."),
+ ("TransInd_png", "Transmission indirect pass."),
+ ("VolumeDir_png", "Volume direct pass."),
+ ]
+ {
+ "camera_0": "The default camera; select only this if you just want monocular data.",
+ "camera_1": "Select both this camera and the above if you want stereo data.",
+ }
- ("Flow3DMask_png", "Flow Occlusion mask."),
- ("OcclusionBoundaries_png", "Occlusion Boundaries."),
- ("ObjectSegmentation_npz", "Semantic Segmentation mask. Compressed using a lookup table - see docs for more info."),
- ("ObjectSegmentation_png", "Color-mapped PNG of ObjectSegmentation.npz. FOR VISUALIZATION ONLY"),
- ("InstanceSegmentation_npz", "Instance Segmentation mask. Compressed using a lookup table - see docs for more info."),
- ("InstanceSegmentation_png", "Color-mapped PNG of InstanceSegmentation.npz. FOR VISUALIZATION ONLY"),
- ("TagSegmentation_npz", "Segmentation mask to help distinguish different parts of the same object. Compressed using a lookup table - see docs for more info."),
- ("TagSegmentation_png", "Color-mapped PNG of TagSegmentation_npz. FOR VISUALIZATION ONLY"),
- ("Objects_json", "LARGE json object specifying names, poses and bounding boxes of objects in the scene. Required for 2D/3D BBox."),
- ("AO_png", "Ambient Occlusion."),
- ("DiffCol_png", "Diffuse Color, a.k.a Albedo."),
- ("DiffDir_png", "Diffuse Direct pass."),
- ("DiffInd_png", "Diffuse Indirect pass."),
- ("Emit_png", "Emission pass."),
- ("Env_png", "Environment pass."),
- ("GlossCol_png", "Glossy color."),
- ("GlossDir_png", "Glossy direct pass."),
- ("GlossInd_png", "Glossy indirect pass."),
- ("TransCol_png", "Transmission color."),
- ("TransDir_png", "Transmission direct pass."),
- ("TransInd_png", "Transmission indirect pass."),
- ("VolumeDir_png", "Volume direct pass."),
- "camera_0": "The default camera; select only this if you just want monocular data.",
- "camera_1": "Select both this camera and the above if you want stereo data."
def wget_path(args, path):
url = args.repo_url + str(path)
- cmd = f'wget -q -N --show-progress {url} -P {str(args.output_folder)}'
+ cmd = f"wget -q -N --show-progress {url} -P {str(args.output_folder)}"
def untar_path(args, tarfile):
assert tarfile.exists()
- cmd = f'tar -xzf {tarfile} -C {args.output_folder}'
+ cmd = f"tar -xzf {tarfile} -C {args.output_folder}"
def url_to_text(url):
with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as f:
- return f.read().decode('utf-8')
+ return f.read().decode("utf-8")
-def user_select_string_list(values, descriptions_dict=None, extra_msg=None):
+def user_select_string_list(values, descriptions_dict=None, extra_msg=None):
if descriptions_dict is not None:
def sort_by_description_order(vinp):
- return next(i for i, k in enumerate(descriptions_dict.keys()) if k == vinp)
+ return next(
+ i for i, k in enumerate(descriptions_dict.keys()) if k == vinp
+ )
except StopIteration:
return len(values)
values = sorted(values, key=sort_by_description_order)
for i, v in enumerate(values):
- prompt = f'({i}) {v:<25}'
+ prompt = f"({i}) {v:<25}"
if descriptions_dict is not None and v in descriptions_dict:
desc = descriptions_dict[v]
- prompt += f' - {desc}'
+ prompt += f" - {desc}"
if extra_msg is not None:
- print('Please enter your choices from above, as a space-separated list of integers or strings, or type \"ALL\"')
- selections = input('Enter your selection: ')
+ print(
+ 'Please enter your choices from above, as a space-separated list of integers or strings, or type "ALL"'
+ )
+ selections = input("Enter your selection: ")
- print('\n')
+ print("\n")
- if selections == 'ALL':
+ if selections == "ALL":
return values
def postprocess(x):
x = int(x)
except ValueError:
- if (
- (isinstance(x, str) and x not in values) or
- (isinstance(x, int) and x not in range(len(values)))
+ if (isinstance(x, str) and x not in values) or (
+ isinstance(x, int) and x not in range(len(values))
- raise ValueError(f'User provided input \"{x}\" was not recognized, expected integer 0 to {len(values)-1} or a shorthand string')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f'User provided input "{x}" was not recognized, expected integer 0 to {len(values)-1} or a shorthand string'
+ )
if isinstance(x, int):
x = values[x]
return x
- selections = [x.strip().strip(',') for x in selections.split()]
+ selections = [x.strip().strip(",") for x in selections.split()]
selections = [postprocess(x) for x in selections]
- print('Selected: ', selections)
+ print("Selected: ", selections)
return selections
-def check_and_preprocess_args(args, metadata):
- datarelease_format_version = metadata['datarelease_format_version']
+def check_and_preprocess_args(args, metadata):
+ datarelease_format_version = metadata["datarelease_format_version"]
if datarelease_format_version not in SUPPORTED_DATARELEASE_FORMATS:
raise ValueError(
- f'{args.release_name} uses {datarelease_format_version=} which is not '
- ' supported by this download script. Please download a newer version of the code.'
+ f"{args.release_name} uses {datarelease_format_version=} which is not "
+ " supported by this download script. Please download a newer version of the code."
if args.data_types is None:
args.data_types = user_select_string_list(
- metadata['data_types'],
- extra_msg="\nNote: See https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/render/layers/passes.html for a description of Blender-Cycles' render passes"
+ metadata["data_types"],
+ extra_msg="\nNote: See https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/render/layers/passes.html for a description of Blender-Cycles' render passes",
if not any("Image" in x for x in args.data_types):
- print('WARNING: User did not request Image_png or Image_exr, this is unusual. Please restart if this was not intended.')
+ print(
+ "WARNING: User did not request Image_png or Image_exr, this is unusual. Please restart if this was not intended."
+ )
- missing = set(args.data_types) - set(metadata['data_types'])
+ missing = set(args.data_types) - set(metadata["data_types"])
if len(missing):
- raise ValueError(f"In user-provided --seeds, {missing} could not be found in {args.release_name} metadata.json")
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"In user-provided --seeds, {missing} could not be found in {args.release_name} metadata.json"
+ )
if args.seeds is None:
- n = len(metadata['seeds'])
+ n = len(metadata["seeds"])
f"How many videos do you wish to download? "
f"Enter a quantity from 1 to {n}, or type SELECT to pick specific seeds"
selection = input("Enter your selection: ")
- if selection == 'SELECT':
- args.seeds = user_select_string_list(metadata['seeds'])
+ if selection == "SELECT":
+ args.seeds = user_select_string_list(metadata["seeds"])
num_select = int(selection)
- args.seeds = metadata['seeds'][:num_select]
- missing = set(args.seeds) - set(metadata['seeds'])
+ args.seeds = metadata["seeds"][:num_select]
+ missing = set(args.seeds) - set(metadata["seeds"])
if len(missing):
- raise ValueError(f"In user-provided --seeds, {missing} could not be found in {args.release_name} metadata.json")
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"In user-provided --seeds, {missing} could not be found in {args.release_name} metadata.json"
+ )
if args.cameras is None:
- args.cameras = user_select_string_list(metadata['cameras'], CAMERA_DESCRIPTIONS)
+ args.cameras = user_select_string_list(metadata["cameras"], CAMERA_DESCRIPTIONS)
- missing = set(args.cameras) - set(metadata['cameras'])
+ missing = set(args.cameras) - set(metadata["cameras"])
if len(missing):
- raise ValueError(f"In user-provided --cameras, {missing} are not supported acording {args.release_name} metadata.json")
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"In user-provided --cameras, {missing} are not supported acording {args.release_name} metadata.json"
+ )
def process_path(args, path):
wget_path(args, path)
- untar_path(args, tarfile=args.output_folder/path.name)
+ untar_path(args, tarfile=args.output_folder / path.name)
-def main(args):
+def main(args):
if args.release_name is None:
- print(f'Please specify a --release_name. Go to {args.repo_url} in your browser to see what folders are available.')
+ print(
+ f"Please specify a --release_name. Go to {args.repo_url} in your browser to see what folders are available."
+ )
- metadata_url = f'{args.repo_url}/{args.release_name}/metadata.json'
+ metadata_url = f"{args.repo_url}/{args.release_name}/metadata.json"
metadata = json.loads(url_to_text(metadata_url))
print(f"Description for release {repr(args.release_name)}:")
- print(metadata['description'])
+ print(metadata["description"])
input("Press Enter to continue...")
- print('\n')
+ print("\n")
check_and_preprocess_args(args, metadata)
- toplevel = Path(args.release_name)/'renders'
+ toplevel = Path(args.release_name) / "renders"
paths = []
for seed in args.seeds:
for camera in args.cameras:
for imgtype in args.data_types:
- name = f'{seed}_{imgtype}_{camera}.tar.gz'
- paths.append(toplevel/seed/name)
+ name = f"{seed}_{imgtype}_{camera}.tar.gz"
+ paths.append(toplevel / seed / name)
- print(f'User requested {len(args.seeds)} seeds x {len(args.cameras)} cameras x {len(args.data_types)} data types')
- print(f'This script will download and untar {len(paths)} tarballs from {args.repo_url}')
- choice = input('Do you wish to proceed? [y/n]: ')
+ print(
+ f"User requested {len(args.seeds)} seeds x {len(args.cameras)} cameras x {len(args.data_types)} data types"
+ )
+ print(
+ f"This script will download and untar {len(paths)} tarballs from {args.repo_url}"
+ )
+ choice = input("Do you wish to proceed? [y/n]: ")
if not (choice == "" or choice in " yY1"):
with Pool(args.n_workers) as pool:
pool.map(partial(process_path, args), paths)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('output_folder', type=Path)
+ parser.add_argument("output_folder", type=Path)
@@ -252,23 +296,18 @@ def main(args):
- nargs='+',
+ nargs="+",
help="What cameras should we download data for? Omit to download all available in this release",
- nargs='+',
+ nargs="+",
help="What data types (e.g Image, Depth, etc) should we download data for? Omit to download all available in this release",
- parser.add_argument(
- '--n_workers',
- type=int,
- default=1
- )
+ parser.add_argument("--n_workers", type=int, default=1)
args = parser.parse_args()
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/export.py b/infinigen/tools/export.py
index c6ae6080b..f6c0fa5a5 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/export.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/export.py
@@ -3,61 +3,66 @@
# Authors: David Yan
-import bpy
-import os
-import sys
import argparse
-import shutil
-import subprocess
import logging
-import gin
import math
+import shutil
+import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
+import bpy
import gin
FORMAT_CHOICES = ["fbx", "obj", "usdc", "usda", "stl", "ply"]
-BAKE_TYPES = {'DIFFUSE': 'Base Color', 'ROUGHNESS': 'Roughness'} # 'EMIT':'Emission' # "GLOSSY": 'Specular', 'TRANSMISSION':'Transmission' don't export
-SPECIAL_BAKE = {'METAL': 'Metallic', 'NORMAL': 'Normal'}
+ "DIFFUSE": "Base Color",
+ "ROUGHNESS": "Roughness",
+} # 'EMIT':'Emission' # "GLOSSY": 'Specular', 'TRANSMISSION':'Transmission' don't export
+SPECIAL_BAKE = {"METAL": "Metallic", "NORMAL": "Normal"}
def apply_all_modifiers(obj):
for mod in obj.modifiers:
- if (mod is None): continue
+ if mod is None:
+ continue
- bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
+ bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
logging.info(f"Applied modifier {mod} on {obj}")
except RuntimeError:
logging.info(f"Can't apply {mod} on {obj}")
- return
+ return
def realizeInstances(obj):
for mod in obj.modifiers:
- if (mod is None or mod.type != 'NODES'): continue
+ if mod is None or mod.type != "NODES":
+ continue
geo_group = mod.node_group
- outputNode = geo_group.nodes['Group Output']
+ outputNode = geo_group.nodes["Group Output"]
logging.info(f"Realizing instances on {mod}")
link = outputNode.inputs[0].links[0]
from_socket = link.from_socket
- realizeNode = geo_group.nodes.new(type = 'GeometryNodeRealizeInstances')
+ realizeNode = geo_group.nodes.new(type="GeometryNodeRealizeInstances")
geo_group.links.new(realizeNode.inputs[0], from_socket)
geo_group.links.new(outputNode.inputs[0], realizeNode.outputs[0])
def remove_shade_smooth(obj):
for mod in obj.modifiers:
- if (mod is None or mod.type != 'NODES'): continue
+ if mod is None or mod.type != "NODES":
+ continue
geo_group = mod.node_group
- outputNode = geo_group.nodes['Group Output']
- if geo_group.nodes.get('Set Shade Smooth'):
+ outputNode = geo_group.nodes["Group Output"]
+ if geo_group.nodes.get("Set Shade Smooth"):
logging.info("Removing shade smooth on " + obj.name)
- smooth_node = geo_group.nodes['Set Shade Smooth']
+ smooth_node = geo_group.nodes["Set Shade Smooth"]
@@ -66,23 +71,26 @@ def remove_shade_smooth(obj):
geo_group.links.new(outputNode.inputs[0], from_socket)
def check_material_geonode(node_tree):
if node_tree.nodes.get("Set Material"):
logging.info("Found set material!")
return True
for node in node_tree.nodes:
- if node.type == 'GROUP' and check_material_geonode(node.node_tree):
+ if node.type == "GROUP" and check_material_geonode(node.node_tree):
return True
return False
def handle_geo_modifiers(obj, export_usd):
has_geo_nodes = False
for mod in obj.modifiers:
- if (mod is None or mod.type != 'NODES'): continue
+ if mod is None or mod.type != "NODES":
+ continue
has_geo_nodes = True
if has_geo_nodes and not obj.data.materials:
mat = bpy.data.materials.new(name=f"{mod.name} shader")
@@ -92,81 +100,99 @@ def handle_geo_modifiers(obj, export_usd):
if not export_usd:
def split_glass_mats():
split_objs = []
for obj in bpy.data.objects:
- if any(exclude in obj.name for exclude in ['BowlFactory', 'CupFactory', 'OvenFactory', 'BottleFactory']):
+ if any(
+ exclude in obj.name
+ for exclude in ["BowlFactory", "CupFactory", "OvenFactory", "BottleFactory"]
+ ):
for slot in obj.material_slots:
mat = slot.material
if mat is None:
- if ('shader_glass' in mat.name or 'shader_lamp_bulb' in mat.name) and len(obj.material_slots) >= 2:
- logging.info(f'Splitting {obj}')
+ if ("shader_glass" in mat.name or "shader_lamp_bulb" in mat.name) and len(
+ obj.material_slots
+ ) >= 2:
+ logging.info(f"Splitting {obj}")
- bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.separate(type='MATERIAL')
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+ bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.separate(type="MATERIAL")
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
- matches = [obj for split_obj in split_objs for obj in bpy.data.objects if split_obj in obj.name]
+ matches = [
+ obj
+ for split_obj in split_objs
+ for obj in bpy.data.objects
+ if split_obj in obj.name
+ ]
for match in matches:
mat = match.material_slots[0].material
if mat is None:
- if ('shader_glass' in mat.name or 'shader_lamp_bulb' in mat.name):
- match.name = f'{match.name}_SPLIT_GLASS'
-def clean_names(obj = None):
+ if "shader_glass" in mat.name or "shader_lamp_bulb" in mat.name:
+ match.name = f"{match.name}_SPLIT_GLASS"
+def clean_names(obj=None):
if obj is not None:
- obj.name = (obj.name).replace(' ','_')
- obj.name = (obj.name).replace('.','_')
+ obj.name = (obj.name).replace(" ", "_")
+ obj.name = (obj.name).replace(".", "_")
- if obj.type == 'MESH':
+ if obj.type == "MESH":
for uv_map in obj.data.uv_layers:
- uv_map.name = uv_map.name.replace('.', '_')
+ uv_map.name = uv_map.name.replace(".", "_")
for mat in bpy.data.materials:
- if (mat is None): continue
- mat.name = (mat.name).replace(' ','_')
- mat.name = (mat.name).replace('.','_')
+ if mat is None:
+ continue
+ mat.name = (mat.name).replace(" ", "_")
+ mat.name = (mat.name).replace(".", "_")
for slot in obj.material_slots:
mat = slot.material
- if (mat is None):
+ if mat is None:
- mat.name = (mat.name).replace(' ','_')
- mat.name = (mat.name).replace('.','_')
+ mat.name = (mat.name).replace(" ", "_")
+ mat.name = (mat.name).replace(".", "_")
for obj in bpy.data.objects:
- obj.name = (obj.name).replace(' ','_')
- obj.name = (obj.name).replace('.','_')
+ obj.name = (obj.name).replace(" ", "_")
+ obj.name = (obj.name).replace(".", "_")
- if obj.type == 'MESH':
+ if obj.type == "MESH":
for uv_map in obj.data.uv_layers:
- uv_map.name = uv_map.name.replace('.', '_') # if uv has '.' in name the node will export wrong in USD
+ uv_map.name = uv_map.name.replace(
+ ".", "_"
+ ) # if uv has '.' in name the node will export wrong in USD
for mat in bpy.data.materials:
- if (mat is None): continue
- mat.name = (mat.name).replace(' ','_')
- mat.name = (mat.name).replace('.','_')
+ if mat is None:
+ continue
+ mat.name = (mat.name).replace(" ", "_")
+ mat.name = (mat.name).replace(".", "_")
-def remove_obj_parents(obj = None):
- if obj is not None :
+def remove_obj_parents(obj=None):
+ if obj is not None:
old_location = obj.matrix_world.to_translation()
obj.parent = None
obj.matrix_world.translation = old_location
- for obj in bpy.data.objects:
+ for obj in bpy.data.objects:
old_location = obj.matrix_world.to_translation()
obj.parent = None
obj.matrix_world.translation = old_location
def delete_objects():
logging.info("Deleting placeholders collection")
collection_name = "placeholders"
@@ -176,48 +202,50 @@ def delete_objects():
for scene in bpy.data.scenes:
if collection.name in scene.collection.children:
for obj in collection.objects:
bpy.data.objects.remove(obj, do_unlink=True)
def delete_child_collections(parent_collection):
for child_collection in parent_collection.children:
if bpy.data.objects.get("Grid"):
bpy.data.objects.remove(bpy.data.objects["Grid"], do_unlink=True)
if bpy.data.objects.get("atmosphere"):
bpy.data.objects.remove(bpy.data.objects["atmosphere"], do_unlink=True)
if bpy.data.objects.get("KoleClouds"):
bpy.data.objects.remove(bpy.data.objects["KoleClouds"], do_unlink=True)
-def rename_all_meshes(obj = None):
+def rename_all_meshes(obj=None):
if obj is not None:
if obj.data and obj.data.users == 1:
- obj.data.name = obj.name
+ obj.data.name = obj.name
for obj in bpy.data.objects:
if obj.data and obj.data.users == 1:
- obj.data.name = obj.name
+ obj.data.name = obj.name
def update_visibility():
- outliner_area = next(a for a in bpy.context.screen.areas if a.type == 'OUTLINER')
+ outliner_area = next(a for a in bpy.context.screen.areas if a.type == "OUTLINER")
space = outliner_area.spaces[0]
space.show_restrict_column_viewport = True # Global visibility (Monitor icon)
collection_view = {}
obj_view = {}
for collection in bpy.data.collections:
collection_view[collection] = collection.hide_render
- collection.hide_viewport = False #reenables viewports for all
- collection.hide_render = False # enables renders for all collections
+ collection.hide_viewport = False # reenables viewports for all
+ collection.hide_render = False # enables renders for all collections
# disables viewports and renders for all objs
for obj in bpy.data.objects:
obj_view[obj] = obj.hide_render
@@ -225,167 +253,191 @@ def update_visibility():
obj.hide_render = True
return collection_view, obj_view
def uv_unwrap(obj):
- bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
+ bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
- obj.data.uv_layers.new(name='ExportUV')
- bpy.context.object.data.uv_layers['ExportUV'].active = True
+ obj.data.uv_layers.new(name="ExportUV")
+ bpy.context.object.data.uv_layers["ExportUV"].active = True
logging.info("UV Unwrapping")
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
- except RuntimeError:
+ except RuntimeError:
logging.info("UV Unwrap failed, skipping mesh")
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
return False
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
return True
def bakeVertexColors(obj):
logging.info(f"Baking vertex color on {obj}")
- bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
+ bpy.ops.object.select_all(action="DESELECT")
- bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
- vertColor = bpy.context.object.data.color_attributes.new(name='VertColor',domain='CORNER',type='BYTE_COLOR')
+ bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
+ vertColor = bpy.context.object.data.color_attributes.new(
+ name="VertColor", domain="CORNER", type="BYTE_COLOR"
+ )
bpy.context.object.data.attributes.active_color = vertColor
- bpy.ops.object.bake(type='DIFFUSE', pass_filter={'COLOR'}, target ='VERTEX_COLORS')
+ bpy.ops.object.bake(type="DIFFUSE", pass_filter={"COLOR"}, target="VERTEX_COLORS")
def apply_baked_tex(obj, paramDict={}):
- bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
- bpy.context.object.data.uv_layers['ExportUV'].active_render = True
+ bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
+ bpy.context.object.data.uv_layers["ExportUV"].active_render = True
for uv_layer in reversed(obj.data.uv_layers):
if "ExportUV" not in uv_layer.name:
logging.info(f"Removed extraneous UV Layer {uv_layer}")
for slot in obj.material_slots:
mat = slot.material
- if (mat is None):
+ if mat is None:
mat.use_nodes = True
nodes = mat.node_tree.nodes
logging.info("Reapplying baked texs on " + mat.name)
# delete all nodes except baked nodes and bsdf
- excludedNodes = [type + '_node' for type in ALL_BAKE]
- excludedNodes.extend(['Material Output','Principled BSDF'])
- for n in nodes:
+ excludedNodes = [type + "_node" for type in ALL_BAKE]
+ excludedNodes.extend(["Material Output", "Principled BSDF"])
+ for n in nodes:
if n.name not in excludedNodes:
- nodes.remove(n) # deletes an arbitrary principled BSDF in the case of a mix, which is handled below
+ nodes.remove(
+ n
+ ) # deletes an arbitrary principled BSDF in the case of a mix, which is handled below
+ output = nodes["Material Output"]
- output = nodes['Material Output']
# stick baked texture in material
- if nodes.get('Principled BSDF') is None: # no bsdf
+ if nodes.get("Principled BSDF") is None: # no bsdf
logging.info("No BSDF, creating new one")
- principled_bsdf_node = nodes.new('ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled')
- elif len(output.inputs[0].links) != 0 and output.inputs[0].links[0].from_node.bl_idname == 'ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled': # trivial bsdf graph
+ principled_bsdf_node = nodes.new("ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled")
+ elif (
+ len(output.inputs[0].links) != 0
+ and output.inputs[0].links[0].from_node.bl_idname
+ == "ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled"
+ ): # trivial bsdf graph
logging.info("Trivial shader graph, using old BSDF")
- principled_bsdf_node = nodes['Principled BSDF']
+ principled_bsdf_node = nodes["Principled BSDF"]
logging.info("Non-trivial shader graph, creating new BSDF")
- nodes.remove(nodes['Principled BSDF']) # shader graph was a mix of bsdfs
- principled_bsdf_node = nodes.new('ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled')
+ nodes.remove(nodes["Principled BSDF"]) # shader graph was a mix of bsdfs
+ principled_bsdf_node = nodes.new("ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled")
links = mat.node_tree.links
# create the new shader node links
- links.new(output.inputs[0], principled_bsdf_node.outputs[0])
+ links.new(output.inputs[0], principled_bsdf_node.outputs[0])
for type in ALL_BAKE:
- if not nodes.get(type + '_node'): continue
- tex_node = nodes[type + '_node']
- if type == 'NORMAL':
- normal_node = nodes.new('ShaderNodeNormalMap')
- links.new(normal_node.inputs['Color'], tex_node.outputs[0])
- links.new(principled_bsdf_node.inputs[ALL_BAKE[type]], normal_node.outputs[0])
+ if not nodes.get(type + "_node"):
+ continue
+ tex_node = nodes[type + "_node"]
+ if type == "NORMAL":
+ normal_node = nodes.new("ShaderNodeNormalMap")
+ links.new(normal_node.inputs["Color"], tex_node.outputs[0])
+ links.new(
+ principled_bsdf_node.inputs[ALL_BAKE[type]], normal_node.outputs[0]
+ )
links.new(principled_bsdf_node.inputs[ALL_BAKE[type]], tex_node.outputs[0])
# bring back cleared param values
if mat.name in paramDict:
- principled_bsdf_node.inputs['Metallic'].default_value = paramDict[mat.name]['Metallic']
- principled_bsdf_node.inputs['Sheen'].default_value = paramDict[mat.name]['Sheen']
- principled_bsdf_node.inputs['Clearcoat'].default_value = paramDict[mat.name]['Clearcoat']
+ principled_bsdf_node.inputs["Metallic"].default_value = paramDict[mat.name][
+ "Metallic"
+ ]
+ principled_bsdf_node.inputs["Sheen"].default_value = paramDict[mat.name][
+ "Sheen"
+ ]
+ principled_bsdf_node.inputs["Clearcoat"].default_value = paramDict[
+ mat.name
+ ]["Clearcoat"]
def create_glass_shader(node_tree, export_usd):
nodes = node_tree.nodes
- if nodes.get('Glass BSDF'):
- color = nodes['Glass BSDF'].inputs[0].default_value
- roughness = nodes['Glass BSDF'].inputs[1].default_value
- ior = nodes['Glass BSDF'].inputs[2].default_value
- if nodes.get('Principled BSDF'):
- nodes.remove(nodes['Principled BSDF'])
- principled_bsdf_node = nodes.new('ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled')
- if nodes.get('Glass BSDF'):
- principled_bsdf_node.inputs['Base Color'].default_value = color
- principled_bsdf_node.inputs['Roughness'].default_value = roughness
- principled_bsdf_node.inputs['IOR'].default_value = ior
+ if nodes.get("Glass BSDF"):
+ color = nodes["Glass BSDF"].inputs[0].default_value
+ roughness = nodes["Glass BSDF"].inputs[1].default_value
+ ior = nodes["Glass BSDF"].inputs[2].default_value
+ if nodes.get("Principled BSDF"):
+ nodes.remove(nodes["Principled BSDF"])
+ principled_bsdf_node = nodes.new("ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled")
+ if nodes.get("Glass BSDF"):
+ principled_bsdf_node.inputs["Base Color"].default_value = color
+ principled_bsdf_node.inputs["Roughness"].default_value = roughness
+ principled_bsdf_node.inputs["IOR"].default_value = ior
- principled_bsdf_node.inputs['Roughness'].default_value = 0
+ principled_bsdf_node.inputs["Roughness"].default_value = 0
- principled_bsdf_node.inputs['Transmission'].default_value = 1
+ principled_bsdf_node.inputs["Transmission"].default_value = 1
if export_usd:
- principled_bsdf_node.inputs['Alpha'].default_value = 0
- node_tree.links.new(principled_bsdf_node.outputs[0], nodes['Material Output'].inputs[0])
+ principled_bsdf_node.inputs["Alpha"].default_value = 0
+ node_tree.links.new(
+ principled_bsdf_node.outputs[0], nodes["Material Output"].inputs[0]
+ )
def process_glass_materials(obj, export_usd):
for slot in obj.material_slots:
mat = slot.material
- if (mat is None or not mat.use_nodes): continue
+ if mat is None or not mat.use_nodes:
+ continue
nodes = mat.node_tree.nodes
- outputNode = nodes['Material Output']
- if nodes.get('Glass BSDF'):
- if outputNode.inputs[0].links[0].from_node.bl_idname == 'ShaderNodeBsdfGlass':
+ outputNode = nodes["Material Output"]
+ if nodes.get("Glass BSDF"):
+ if (
+ outputNode.inputs[0].links[0].from_node.bl_idname
+ == "ShaderNodeBsdfGlass"
+ ):
logging.info(f"Creating glass material on {obj.name}")
- logging.info(f"Non-trivial glass material on {obj.name}, material export will be inaccurate")
+ logging.info(
+ f"Non-trivial glass material on {obj.name}, material export will be inaccurate"
+ )
create_glass_shader(mat.node_tree, export_usd)
- elif 'glass' in mat.name or 'shader_lamp_bulb' in mat.name:
+ elif "glass" in mat.name or "shader_lamp_bulb" in mat.name:
logging.info(f"Creating glass material on {obj.name}")
create_glass_shader(mat.node_tree, export_usd)
-def bake_pass(
- obj,
- dest: Path,
- img_size,
- bake_type,
- export_usd
- img = bpy.data.images.new(f'{obj.name}_{bake_type}',img_size,img_size)
- clean_name = (obj.name).replace(' ','_').replace('.','_')
- file_path = dest/f'{clean_name}_{bake_type}.png'
- dest = dest/'textures'
+def bake_pass(obj, dest: Path, img_size, bake_type, export_usd):
+ img = bpy.data.images.new(f"{obj.name}_{bake_type}", img_size, img_size)
+ clean_name = (obj.name).replace(" ", "_").replace(".", "_")
+ file_path = dest / f"{clean_name}_{bake_type}.png"
+ dest = dest / "textures"
bake_obj = False
bake_exclude_mats = {}
- # materials are stored as stack so when removing traverse the reversed list
+ # materials are stored as stack so when removing traverse the reversed list
for index, slot in reversed(list(enumerate(obj.material_slots))):
mat = slot.material
- if mat is None:
+ if mat is None:
bpy.context.object.active_material_index = index
mat.use_nodes = True
nodes = mat.node_tree.nodes
output = nodes["Material Output"]
- img_node = nodes.new('ShaderNodeTexImage')
- img_node.name = f'{bake_type}_node'
+ img_node = nodes.new("ShaderNodeTexImage")
+ img_node.name = f"{bake_type}_node"
img_node.image = img
img_node.select = True
nodes.active = img_node
@@ -397,23 +449,29 @@ def bake_pass(
surface_node = output.inputs[0].links[0].from_node
- if (bake_type in ALL_BAKE and surface_node.bl_idname == 'ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled' and
- len(surface_node.inputs[ALL_BAKE[bake_type]].links) == 0): # trivial bsdf graph
- logging.info(f"{mat.name} has no procedural input for {bake_type}, not using baked textures")
+ if (
+ bake_type in ALL_BAKE
+ and surface_node.bl_idname == "ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled"
+ and len(surface_node.inputs[ALL_BAKE[bake_type]].links) == 0
+ ): # trivial bsdf graph
+ logging.info(
+ f"{mat.name} has no procedural input for {bake_type}, not using baked textures"
+ )
bake_exclude_mats[mat] = img_node
- bake_obj = True
- if (bake_type == 'METAL'):
- internal_bake_type = 'EMIT'
+ bake_obj = True
+ if bake_type == "METAL":
+ internal_bake_type = "EMIT"
internal_bake_type = bake_type
- if bake_obj:
- logging.info(f'Baking {bake_type} pass')
- bpy.ops.object.bake(type=internal_bake_type, pass_filter={'COLOR'}, save_mode='EXTERNAL')
+ if bake_obj:
+ logging.info(f"Baking {bake_type} pass")
+ bpy.ops.object.bake(
+ type=internal_bake_type, pass_filter={"COLOR"}, save_mode="EXTERNAL"
+ )
img.filepath_raw = str(file_path)
if not export_usd:
@@ -424,128 +482,153 @@ def bake_pass(
for mat, img_node in bake_exclude_mats.items():
-def bake_metal(obj, dest, img_size, export_usd): # metal baking is not really set up for node graphs w/ 2 mixed BSDFs.
+def bake_metal(
+ obj, dest, img_size, export_usd
+): # metal baking is not really set up for node graphs w/ 2 mixed BSDFs.
metal_map_mats = []
for slot in obj.material_slots:
mat = slot.material
- if (mat is None or not mat.use_nodes): continue
+ if mat is None or not mat.use_nodes:
+ continue
nodes = mat.node_tree.nodes
- if nodes.get('Principled BSDF') and nodes.get('Material Output'):
- principled_bsdf_node = nodes['Principled BSDF']
- outputNode = nodes['Material Output']
- else: continue
+ if nodes.get("Principled BSDF") and nodes.get("Material Output"):
+ principled_bsdf_node = nodes["Principled BSDF"]
+ outputNode = nodes["Material Output"]
+ else:
+ continue
links = mat.node_tree.links
- if len(principled_bsdf_node.inputs['Metallic'].links) != 0:
- link = principled_bsdf_node.inputs['Metallic'].links[0]
+ if len(principled_bsdf_node.inputs["Metallic"].links) != 0:
+ link = principled_bsdf_node.inputs["Metallic"].links[0]
from_socket = link.from_socket
links.new(outputNode.inputs[0], from_socket)
if len(metal_map_mats) != 0:
- bake_pass(obj, dest, img_size, 'METAL', export_usd)
+ bake_pass(obj, dest, img_size, "METAL", export_usd)
for mat in metal_map_mats:
nodes = mat.node_tree.nodes
outputNode = nodes["Material Output"]
- principled_bsdf_node = nodes['Principled BSDF']
+ principled_bsdf_node = nodes["Principled BSDF"]
links.new(outputNode.inputs[0], principled_bsdf_node.outputs[0])
-def bake_normals(obj, dest, img_size, export_usd):
+def bake_normals(obj, dest, img_size, export_usd):
bake_obj = False
for slot in obj.material_slots:
mat = slot.material
- if (mat is None or not mat.use_nodes): continue
+ if mat is None or not mat.use_nodes:
+ continue
nodes = mat.node_tree.nodes
- if nodes.get('Material Output'):
- outputNode = nodes['Material Output']
- else: continue
- if len(outputNode.inputs['Displacement'].links) != 0:
+ if nodes.get("Material Output"):
+ outputNode = nodes["Material Output"]
+ else:
+ continue
+ if len(outputNode.inputs["Displacement"].links) != 0:
bake_obj = True
if bake_obj:
- bake_pass(obj, dest, img_size, 'NORMAL', export_usd)
+ bake_pass(obj, dest, img_size, "NORMAL", export_usd)
def remove_params(mat, node_tree):
nodes = node_tree.nodes
paramDict = {}
- if nodes.get('Material Output'):
- output = nodes['Material Output']
- elif nodes.get('Group Output'):
- output = nodes['Group Output']
+ if nodes.get("Material Output"):
+ output = nodes["Material Output"]
+ elif nodes.get("Group Output"):
+ output = nodes["Group Output"]
raise ValueError("Could not find material output node")
- if nodes.get('Principled BSDF') and output.inputs[0].links[0].from_node.bl_idname == 'ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled':
- principled_bsdf_node = nodes['Principled BSDF']
- metal = principled_bsdf_node.inputs['Metallic'].default_value # store metallic value and set to 0
- sheen = principled_bsdf_node.inputs['Sheen'].default_value
- clearcoat = principled_bsdf_node.inputs['Clearcoat'].default_value
- paramDict[mat.name] = {'Metallic': metal, 'Sheen': sheen, 'Clearcoat': clearcoat}
- principled_bsdf_node.inputs['Metallic'].default_value = 0
- principled_bsdf_node.inputs['Sheen'].default_value = 0
- principled_bsdf_node.inputs['Clearcoat'].default_value = 0
+ if (
+ nodes.get("Principled BSDF")
+ and output.inputs[0].links[0].from_node.bl_idname == "ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled"
+ ):
+ principled_bsdf_node = nodes["Principled BSDF"]
+ metal = principled_bsdf_node.inputs[
+ "Metallic"
+ ].default_value # store metallic value and set to 0
+ sheen = principled_bsdf_node.inputs["Sheen"].default_value
+ clearcoat = principled_bsdf_node.inputs["Clearcoat"].default_value
+ paramDict[mat.name] = {
+ "Metallic": metal,
+ "Sheen": sheen,
+ "Clearcoat": clearcoat,
+ }
+ principled_bsdf_node.inputs["Metallic"].default_value = 0
+ principled_bsdf_node.inputs["Sheen"].default_value = 0
+ principled_bsdf_node.inputs["Clearcoat"].default_value = 0
return paramDict
for node in nodes:
- if node.type == 'GROUP':
+ if node.type == "GROUP":
paramDict = remove_params(mat, node.node_tree)
if len(paramDict) != 0:
return paramDict
return paramDict
def process_interfering_params(obj):
for slot in obj.material_slots:
mat = slot.material
- if (mat is None or not mat.use_nodes): continue
- paramDict = remove_params(mat, mat.node_tree)
+ if mat is None or not mat.use_nodes:
+ continue
+ paramDict = remove_params(mat, mat.node_tree)
return paramDict
def skipBake(obj):
if not obj.data.materials:
logging.info("No material on mesh, skipping...")
- return True
+ return True
if len(obj.data.vertices) == 0:
logging.info("Mesh has no vertices, skipping ...")
return True
return False
def triangulate_meshes():
logging.debug("Triangulating Meshes")
for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects:
- if obj.type == 'MESH':
+ if obj.type == "MESH":
view_state = obj.hide_viewport
obj.hide_viewport = False
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
logging.debug(f"Triangulating {obj}")
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
obj.hide_viewport = view_state
def adjust_wattages():
logging.info("Adjusting light wattage")
for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects:
- if obj.type == 'LIGHT' and obj.data.type == 'POINT':
+ if obj.type == "LIGHT" and obj.data.type == "POINT":
light = obj.data
- if hasattr(light, 'energy') and hasattr(light, 'shadow_soft_size'):
+ if hasattr(light, "energy") and hasattr(light, "shadow_soft_size"):
X = light.energy
r = light.shadow_soft_size
# candelas * 1000 / (4 * math.pi * r**2). additionally units come out of blender at 1/100 scale
- new_wattage = (X * 20 / (4 * math.pi)) * 1000 / (4 * math.pi * r**2) * 100
+ new_wattage = (
+ (X * 20 / (4 * math.pi)) * 1000 / (4 * math.pi * r**2) * 100
+ )
light.energy = new_wattage
def set_center_of_mass():
logging.info("Resetting center of mass of objects")
for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects:
@@ -554,24 +637,27 @@ def set_center_of_mass():
obj.hide_viewport = False
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
- bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type='ORIGIN_GEOMETRY', center='MEDIAN')
- obj.select_set(False)
+ bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type="ORIGIN_GEOMETRY", center="MEDIAN")
+ obj.select_set(False)
obj.hide_viewport = view_state
def bake_object(obj, dest, img_size, export_usd):
if not uv_unwrap(obj):
- bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
- obj.select_set(True)
+ bpy.ops.object.select_all(action="DESELECT")
+ obj.select_set(True)
for slot in obj.material_slots:
mat = slot.material
if mat is not None:
- slot.material = mat.copy() # we duplicate in the case of distinct meshes sharing materials
+ slot.material = (
+ mat.copy()
+ ) # we duplicate in the case of distinct meshes sharing materials
+ process_glass_materials(obj, export_usd)
- process_glass_materials(obj, export_usd)
bake_metal(obj, dest, img_size, export_usd)
bake_normals(obj, dest, img_size, export_usd)
@@ -581,29 +667,29 @@ def bake_object(obj, dest, img_size, export_usd):
bake_pass(obj, dest, img_size, bake_type, export_usd)
apply_baked_tex(obj, paramDict)
-def bake_scene(folderPath: Path, image_res, vertex_colors, export_usd):
+def bake_scene(folderPath: Path, image_res, vertex_colors, export_usd):
for obj in bpy.data.objects:
- if obj.type != 'MESH' or obj not in list(bpy.context.view_layer.objects):
+ if obj.type != "MESH" or obj not in list(bpy.context.view_layer.objects):
logging.info("Not mesh, skipping ...")
- if skipBake(obj):
+ if skipBake(obj):
- if format == "stl":
+ if format == "stl":
- obj.hide_render = False
+ obj.hide_render = False
obj.hide_viewport = False
- if vertex_colors:
+ if vertex_colors:
bake_object(obj, folderPath, image_res, export_usd)
@@ -611,148 +697,182 @@ def bake_scene(folderPath: Path, image_res, vertex_colors, export_usd):
obj.hide_render = True
obj.hide_viewport = True
-def run_blender_export(exportPath: Path, format: str, vertex_colors: bool, individual_export: bool):
+def run_blender_export(
+ exportPath: Path, format: str, vertex_colors: bool, individual_export: bool
assert exportPath.parent.exists()
- exportPath = str(exportPath)
+ exportPath = str(exportPath)
if format == "obj":
if vertex_colors:
- bpy.ops.wm.obj_export(filepath = exportPath, export_colors=True, export_eval_mode='DAG_EVAL_RENDER', export_selected_objects=individual_export)
- else:
- bpy.ops.wm.obj_export(filepath = exportPath, path_mode='COPY', export_materials=True, export_pbr_extensions=True, export_eval_mode='DAG_EVAL_RENDER', export_selected_objects=individual_export)
+ bpy.ops.wm.obj_export(
+ filepath=exportPath,
+ export_colors=True,
+ export_eval_mode="DAG_EVAL_RENDER",
+ export_selected_objects=individual_export,
+ )
+ else:
+ bpy.ops.wm.obj_export(
+ filepath=exportPath,
+ path_mode="COPY",
+ export_materials=True,
+ export_pbr_extensions=True,
+ export_eval_mode="DAG_EVAL_RENDER",
+ export_selected_objects=individual_export,
+ )
if format == "fbx":
if vertex_colors:
- bpy.ops.export_scene.fbx(filepath = exportPath, colors_type='SRGB', use_selection = individual_export)
+ bpy.ops.export_scene.fbx(
+ filepath=exportPath, colors_type="SRGB", use_selection=individual_export
+ )
- bpy.ops.export_scene.fbx(filepath = exportPath, path_mode='COPY', embed_textures = True, use_selection=individual_export)
- if format == "stl":
- bpy.ops.export_mesh.stl(filepath = exportPath, use_selection = individual_export)
- if format == "ply":
- bpy.ops.wm.ply_export(filepath = exportPath, export_selected_objects = individual_export)
+ bpy.ops.export_scene.fbx(
+ filepath=exportPath,
+ path_mode="COPY",
+ embed_textures=True,
+ use_selection=individual_export,
+ )
+ if format == "stl":
+ bpy.ops.export_mesh.stl(filepath=exportPath, use_selection=individual_export)
+ if format == "ply":
+ bpy.ops.wm.ply_export(
+ filepath=exportPath, export_selected_objects=individual_export
+ )
- if format in ["usda", "usdc"]:
+ if format in ["usda", "usdc"]:
- filepath=exportPath,
- export_textures=True,
- #use_instancing=True,
+ filepath=exportPath,
+ export_textures=True,
+ # use_instancing=True,
- selected_objects_only=individual_export,
- root_prim_path='/World'
+ selected_objects_only=individual_export,
+ root_prim_path="/World",
def export_scene(
- input_blend: Path,
- output_folder: Path,
- pipeline_folder=None,
+ input_blend: Path,
+ output_folder: Path,
+ pipeline_folder=None,
- folder = output_folder/f"export_{input_blend.name}"
+ folder = output_folder / f"export_{input_blend.name}"
folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
result = export_curr_scene(folder, **kwargs)
- if pipeline_folder is not None and task_uniqname is not None :
+ if pipeline_folder is not None and task_uniqname is not None:
(pipeline_folder / "logs" / f"FINISH_{task_uniqname}").touch()
return result
-# side effects: will remove parents of inputted obj and clean its name, hides viewport of all objects
-def export_single_obj(obj: bpy.types.Object, output_folder: Path, format='usdc', image_res= 1024, vertex_colors=False):
+# side effects: will remove parents of inputted obj and clean its name, hides viewport of all objects
+def export_single_obj(
+ obj: bpy.types.Object,
+ output_folder: Path,
+ format="usdc",
+ image_res=1024,
+ vertex_colors=False,
export_usd = format in ["usda", "usdc"]
export_folder = output_folder
- export_file = export_folder/output_folder.with_suffix(f'.{format}').name
+ export_file = export_folder / output_folder.with_suffix(f".{format}").name
logging.info(f"Exporting to directory {export_folder=}")
- remove_obj_parents(obj)
+ remove_obj_parents(obj)
collection_views, obj_views = update_visibility()
- bpy.context.scene.render.engine = 'CYCLES'
- bpy.context.scene.cycles.device = 'GPU'
- bpy.context.scene.cycles.samples = 1 # choose render sample
+ bpy.context.scene.render.engine = "CYCLES"
+ bpy.context.scene.cycles.device = "GPU"
+ bpy.context.scene.cycles.samples = 1 # choose render sample
# Set the tile size
bpy.context.scene.cycles.tile_x = image_res
bpy.context.scene.cycles.tile_y = image_res
- if obj.type != 'MESH' or obj not in list(bpy.context.view_layer.objects):
+ if obj.type != "MESH" or obj not in list(bpy.context.view_layer.objects):
raise ValueError("Object not mesh")
if export_usd:
- if not skipBake(obj) and format != "stl":
- if vertex_colors:
+ if not skipBake(obj) and format != "stl":
+ if vertex_colors:
- obj.hide_render = False
+ obj.hide_render = False
obj.hide_viewport = False
- bake_object(obj, export_folder/'textures', image_res, export_usd)
+ bake_object(obj, export_folder / "textures", image_res, export_usd)
obj.hide_render = True
obj.hide_viewport = True
for collection, status in collection_views.items():
collection.hide_render = status
for obj, status in obj_views.items():
obj.hide_render = status
old_loc = obj.location.copy()
obj.location = (0, 0, 0)
- if obj.type != 'MESH' or obj.hide_render or len(obj.data.vertices) == 0 or obj not in list(bpy.context.view_layer.objects):
+ if (
+ obj.type != "MESH"
+ or obj.hide_render
+ or len(obj.data.vertices) == 0
+ or obj not in list(bpy.context.view_layer.objects)
+ ):
raise ValueError("Object is not mesh or hidden from render")
- export_subfolder = export_folder/obj.name
+ export_subfolder = export_folder / obj.name
- export_file = export_subfolder/f'{obj.name}.{format}'
+ export_file = export_subfolder / f"{obj.name}.{format}"
logging.info(f"Exporting file to {export_file=}")
obj.hide_viewport = False
run_blender_export(export_file, format, vertex_colors, individual_export=True)
- obj.select_set(False)
+ obj.select_set(False)
obj.location = old_loc
return export_file
def export_curr_scene(
output_folder: Path,
- format='usdc',
- image_res= 1024,
- vertex_colors=False,
+ format="usdc",
+ image_res=1024,
+ vertex_colors=False,
- pipeline_folder=None,
- task_uniqname=None
+ pipeline_folder=None,
+ task_uniqname=None,
) -> Path:
export_usd = format in ["usda", "usdc"]
export_folder = output_folder
- export_file = export_folder/output_folder.with_suffix(f'.{format}').name
+ export_file = export_folder / output_folder.with_suffix(f".{format}").name
logging.info(f"Exporting to directory {export_folder=}")
- delete_objects()
+ delete_objects()
if omniverse_export:
@@ -760,28 +880,28 @@ def export_curr_scene(
scatter_cols = []
if export_usd:
- if bpy.data.collections.get("scatter"):
+ if bpy.data.collections.get("scatter"):
if bpy.data.collections.get("scatters"):
for col in scatter_cols:
for obj in col.all_objects:
- remove_shade_smooth(obj)
+ remove_shade_smooth(obj)
# remove 0 polygon meshes except for scatters
# if export_usd:
# for obj in bpy.data.objects:
# if obj.type == 'MESH' and len(obj.data.polygons) == 0:
# if scatter_cols is not None:
- # if any(x in scatter_cols for x in obj.users_collection):
+ # if any(x in scatter_cols for x in obj.users_collection):
# continue
- # logging.info(f"{obj.name} has no faces, removing...")
- # bpy.data.objects.remove(obj, do_unlink=True)
+ # logging.info(f"{obj.name} has no faces, removing...")
+ # bpy.data.objects.remove(obj, do_unlink=True)
collection_views, obj_views = update_visibility()
for obj in bpy.data.objects:
- if obj.type != 'MESH' or obj not in list(bpy.context.view_layer.objects):
+ if obj.type != "MESH" or obj not in list(bpy.context.view_layer.objects):
if export_usd:
@@ -789,19 +909,19 @@ def export_curr_scene(
- bpy.context.scene.render.engine = 'CYCLES'
- bpy.context.scene.cycles.device = 'GPU'
- bpy.context.scene.cycles.samples = 1 # choose render sample
+ bpy.context.scene.render.engine = "CYCLES"
+ bpy.context.scene.cycles.device = "GPU"
+ bpy.context.scene.cycles.samples = 1 # choose render sample
# Set the tile size
bpy.context.scene.cycles.tile_x = image_res
bpy.context.scene.cycles.tile_y = image_res
# iterate through all objects and bake them
- folderPath=export_folder/'textures',
- image_res=image_res,
- vertex_colors=vertex_colors,
- export_usd=export_usd
+ folderPath=export_folder / "textures",
+ image_res=image_res,
+ vertex_colors=vertex_colors,
+ export_usd=export_usd,
for collection, status in collection_views.items():
@@ -809,85 +929,95 @@ def export_curr_scene(
for obj, status in obj_views.items():
obj.hide_render = status
for obj in bpy.data.objects:
obj.hide_viewport = obj.hide_render
if omniverse_export:
- # remove 0 polygon meshes
+ # remove 0 polygon meshes
for obj in bpy.data.objects:
- if obj.type == 'MESH' and len(obj.data.polygons) == 0:
- logging.info(f"{obj.name} has no faces, removing...")
+ if obj.type == "MESH" and len(obj.data.polygons) == 0:
+ logging.info(f"{obj.name} has no faces, removing...")
bpy.data.objects.remove(obj, do_unlink=True)
if individual_export:
- bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='SELECT')
- bpy.ops.object.location_clear() # send all objects to (0,0,0)
- bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
+ bpy.ops.object.select_all(action="SELECT")
+ bpy.ops.object.location_clear() # send all objects to (0,0,0)
+ bpy.ops.object.select_all(action="DESELECT")
for obj in bpy.data.objects:
- if obj.type != 'MESH' or obj.hide_render or len(obj.data.vertices) == 0 or obj not in list(bpy.context.view_layer.objects):
+ if (
+ obj.type != "MESH"
+ or obj.hide_render
+ or len(obj.data.vertices) == 0
+ or obj not in list(bpy.context.view_layer.objects)
+ ):
- export_subfolder = export_folder/obj.name
+ export_subfolder = export_folder / obj.name
- export_file = export_subfolder/f'{obj.name}.{format}'
+ export_file = export_subfolder / f"{obj.name}.{format}"
logging.info(f"Exporting file to {export_file=}")
obj.hide_viewport = False
run_blender_export(export_file, format, vertex_colors, individual_export)
- obj.select_set(False)
+ obj.select_set(False)
logging.info(f"Exporting file to {export_file=}")
run_blender_export(export_file, format, vertex_colors, individual_export)
return export_file
def main(args):
- logging.basicConfig(filename= args.output_folder/'export_logs.log', level=logging.DEBUG, filemode = "w+")
+ logging.basicConfig(
+ filename=args.output_folder / "export_logs.log",
+ level=logging.DEBUG,
+ filemode="w+",
+ )
targets = sorted(list(args.input_folder.iterdir()))
for blendfile in targets:
+ if blendfile.stem == "solve_state":
+ shutil.copy(blendfile, args.output_folder / "solve_state.json")
- if blendfile.stem == 'solve_state':
- shutil.copy(blendfile, args.output_folder/'solve_state.json')
- if not blendfile.suffix == '.blend':
- print(f'Skipping non-blend file {blendfile}')
+ if not blendfile.suffix == ".blend":
+ print(f"Skipping non-blend file {blendfile}")
folder = export_scene(
- blendfile,
- args.output_folder,
- format=args.format,
- image_res=args.resolution,
+ blendfile,
+ args.output_folder,
+ format=args.format,
+ image_res=args.resolution,
- omniverse_export=args.omniverse
+ omniverse_export=args.omniverse,
# wanted to use shutil here but kept making corrupted files
- subprocess.call(['zip', '-r', str(folder.with_suffix('.zip')), str(folder)])
+ subprocess.call(["zip", "-r", str(folder.with_suffix(".zip")), str(folder)])
def make_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('--input_folder', type=Path)
- parser.add_argument('--output_folder', type=Path)
+ parser.add_argument("--input_folder", type=Path)
+ parser.add_argument("--output_folder", type=Path)
- parser.add_argument('-f', '--format', type=str, choices=FORMAT_CHOICES)
+ parser.add_argument("-f", "--format", type=str, choices=FORMAT_CHOICES)
+ parser.add_argument("-v", "--vertex_colors", action="store_true")
+ parser.add_argument("-r", "--resolution", default=1024, type=int)
+ parser.add_argument("-i", "--individual", action="store_true")
+ parser.add_argument("-o", "--omniverse", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument('-v', '--vertex_colors', action = 'store_true')
- parser.add_argument('-r', '--resolution', default= 1024, type=int)
- parser.add_argument('-i', '--individual', action = 'store_true')
- parser.add_argument('-o', '--omniverse', action = 'store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.format not in FORMAT_CHOICES:
@@ -896,11 +1026,12 @@ def make_args():
if args.vertex_colors and args.format not in ["ply", "fbx", "obj"]:
raise ValueError("File format does not support vertex colors.")
- if (args.format == "ply" and not args.vertex_colors):
+ if args.format == "ply" and not args.vertex_colors:
raise ValueError(".ply export must use vertex colors.")
return args
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
args = make_args()
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/ground_truth/bounding_boxes_3d.py b/infinigen/tools/ground_truth/bounding_boxes_3d.py
index 8a28bd8aa..eb97b9dac 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/ground_truth/bounding_boxes_3d.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/ground_truth/bounding_boxes_3d.py
@@ -11,11 +11,17 @@
import cv2
import numpy as np
-from einops import pack, rearrange
from imageio.v3 import imread, imwrite
from numpy.linalg import inv
from tqdm import tqdm
+ from einops import pack, rearrange
+except ImportError:
+ raise ImportError(
+ "GT visualization requires `einops`. Please install optional extras via `pip install .[vis]`."
+ )
from ..compress_masks import recover
from ..dataset_loader import get_frame_path
@@ -27,113 +33,152 @@
- B.png # Original image + 3D-bounding-boxes for the provided query
def transform(T, p):
- assert T.shape == (4,4)
- p = T[:3,:3] @ p.T
+ assert T.shape == (4, 4)
+ p = T[:3, :3] @ p.T
return (p + T[:3, [3]]).T
def calc_bbox_pts(min_pt, max_pt):
min_x, min_y, min_z = min_pt
max_x, max_y, max_z = max_pt
- points = np.asarray([ # 8 x 2
- [min_x, min_y, min_z],
- [max_x, min_y, min_z],
- [min_x, max_y, min_z],
- [max_x, max_y, min_z],
- [min_x, min_y, max_z],
- [max_x, min_y, max_z],
- [min_x, max_y, max_z],
- [max_x, max_y, max_z],
- ])
- faces = np.asarray([ # 6 x 4
- [0, 1, 2, 3],
- [4, 5, 6, 7],
- [0, 1, 4, 5],
- [2, 3, 6, 7],
- [0, 2, 4, 6],
- [1, 3, 5, 7],
- ])
- faces = faces[:,[0,1,3,2]]
+ points = np.asarray(
+ [ # 8 x 2
+ [min_x, min_y, min_z],
+ [max_x, min_y, min_z],
+ [min_x, max_y, min_z],
+ [max_x, max_y, min_z],
+ [min_x, min_y, max_z],
+ [max_x, min_y, max_z],
+ [min_x, max_y, max_z],
+ [max_x, max_y, max_z],
+ ]
+ )
+ faces = np.asarray(
+ [ # 6 x 4
+ [0, 1, 2, 3],
+ [4, 5, 6, 7],
+ [0, 1, 4, 5],
+ [2, 3, 6, 7],
+ [0, 2, 4, 6],
+ [1, 3, 5, 7],
+ ]
+ )
+ faces = faces[:, [0, 1, 3, 2]]
return points, faces
# Deterministic, but probably slow. Good enough for visualization.
def arr2color(e):
s = np.random.RandomState(np.array(e, dtype=np.uint32))
- return (np.asarray(colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(s.uniform(0, 1), s.uniform(0.1, 1), 1)) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
+ return (
+ np.asarray(colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(s.uniform(0, 1), s.uniform(0.1, 1), 1)) * 255
+ ).astype(np.uint8)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
+if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('folder', type=Path)
- parser.add_argument('frame', type=int)
- parser.add_argument('--query', type=str, default=None)
- parser.add_argument('--output', type=Path, default=Path("testbed"))
+ parser.add_argument("folder", type=Path)
+ parser.add_argument("frame", type=int)
+ parser.add_argument("--query", type=str, default=None)
+ parser.add_argument("--output", type=Path, default=Path("testbed"))
args = parser.parse_args()
- object_segmentation_mask = recover(np.load(get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, 'ObjectSegmentation_npz')))
- instance_segmentation_mask = recover(np.load(get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, 'InstanceSegmentation_npz')))
+ object_segmentation_mask = recover(
+ np.load(get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, "ObjectSegmentation_npz"))
+ )
+ instance_segmentation_mask = recover(
+ np.load(get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, "InstanceSegmentation_npz"))
+ )
image = imread(get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, "Image_png"))
- object_json = json.loads(get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, 'Objects_json').read_text())
- camview = np.load(get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, 'camview_npz'))
+ object_json = json.loads(
+ get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, "Objects_json").read_text()
+ )
+ camview = np.load(get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, "camview_npz"))
# Identify objects visible in the image
unique_object_idxs = set(np.unique(object_segmentation_mask))
- present_objects = [obj for obj in object_json if (obj['object_index'] in unique_object_idxs)]
+ present_objects = [
+ obj for obj in object_json if (obj["object_index"] in unique_object_idxs)
+ ]
# Complain if the query isn't valid/present
- unique_names = sorted({q['name'] for q in present_objects})
+ unique_names = sorted({q["name"] for q in present_objects})
if args.query is None:
- print('`--query` not specified. Choices are:')
+ print("`--query` not specified. Choices are:")
for qn in unique_names:
print(f"- {qn}")
elif not any((args.query.lower() in name.lower()) for name in unique_names):
- print(f'"{args.query}" doesn\'t match any object names in this image. Choices are:')
+ print(
+ f'"{args.query}" doesn\'t match any object names in this image. Choices are:'
+ )
for qn in unique_names:
print(f"- {qn}")
H, W, _ = image.shape
- camera_pose = camview['T']
- K = camview['K']
+ camera_pose = camview["T"]
+ K = camview["K"]
# Assign unique colors to each object instance
- combined_mask, _ = pack([object_segmentation_mask, instance_segmentation_mask], 'h w *')
- combined_mask = rearrange(combined_mask, 'h w d -> (h w) d')
- visible_instances = np.unique(combined_mask, axis=0) # this line is a bottleneck
+ combined_mask, _ = pack(
+ [object_segmentation_mask, instance_segmentation_mask], "h w *"
+ )
+ combined_mask = rearrange(combined_mask, "h w d -> (h w) d")
+ visible_instances = np.unique(combined_mask, axis=0) # this line is a bottleneck
visible_instances = {tuple(row) for row in visible_instances}
boxes_to_draw = []
- for obj in tqdm(present_objects, desc='Identifying boxes to draw'):
- if args.query.lower() in obj['name'].lower():
- for instance_id, model_mat in zip(obj['instance_ids'], np.asarray(obj['model_matrices'])):
- if ((obj['object_index'],) + tuple(instance_id)) in visible_instances:
- boxes_to_draw.append(dict(model_mat=model_mat, min=obj['min'], max=obj['max'], color=arr2color(instance_id).tolist()))
+ for obj in tqdm(present_objects, desc="Identifying boxes to draw"):
+ if args.query.lower() in obj["name"].lower():
+ for instance_id, model_mat in zip(
+ obj["instance_ids"], np.asarray(obj["model_matrices"])
+ ):
+ if ((obj["object_index"],) + tuple(instance_id)) in visible_instances:
+ boxes_to_draw.append(
+ dict(
+ model_mat=model_mat,
+ min=obj["min"],
+ max=obj["max"],
+ color=arr2color(instance_id).tolist(),
+ )
+ )
canvas = np.copy(image)
- for bbox in tqdm(boxes_to_draw, desc='Drawing boxes'):
- if bbox['min'] is None: # Object has no volume (e.g. a light/camera)
+ for bbox in tqdm(boxes_to_draw, desc="Drawing boxes"):
+ if bbox["min"] is None: # Object has no volume (e.g. a light/camera)
- min_pt = np.asarray(bbox['min'])
- max_pt = np.asarray(bbox['max'])
+ min_pt = np.asarray(bbox["min"])
+ max_pt = np.asarray(bbox["max"])
size = np.linalg.norm(max_pt - min_pt)
bbox_points, faces = calc_bbox_pts(min_pt, max_pt)
- bbox_points_wc = transform(bbox['model_mat'], bbox_points)
+ bbox_points_wc = transform(bbox["model_mat"], bbox_points)
bbox_points_cc = transform(inv(camera_pose), bbox_points_wc)
bbox_points_h = (K @ bbox_points_cc.T).T
- bbox_points_uv = (bbox_points_h[:,:2] / bbox_points_h[:,[2]]).astype(int)
- if bbox_points_h[:,2].min() < 0: # bbox goes behind the camera
+ bbox_points_uv = (bbox_points_h[:, :2] / bbox_points_h[:, [2]]).astype(int)
+ if bbox_points_h[:, 2].min() < 0: # bbox goes behind the camera
points_in_faces_uv = bbox_points_uv[faces.flatten()].reshape((6, 4, 2))
- sign = np.cross(points_in_faces_uv[:, 1] - points_in_faces_uv[:, 0], points_in_faces_uv[:, 2] - points_in_faces_uv[:, 0])
+ sign = np.cross(
+ points_in_faces_uv[:, 1] - points_in_faces_uv[:, 0],
+ points_in_faces_uv[:, 2] - points_in_faces_uv[:, 0],
+ )
sign = sign * np.array([-1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1])
for is_visible, indices in zip(sign < 0, faces):
if is_visible:
for i in range(4):
- canvas = cv2.line(canvas, bbox_points_uv[indices[i]], bbox_points_uv[indices[(i+1)%4]], color=bbox['color'], thickness=1)
+ canvas = cv2.line(
+ canvas,
+ bbox_points_uv[indices[i]],
+ bbox_points_uv[indices[(i + 1) % 4]],
+ color=bbox["color"],
+ thickness=1,
+ )
imwrite(args.output / "A.png", image)
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/ground_truth/depth_to_normals.py b/infinigen/tools/ground_truth/depth_to_normals.py
index bda0407ba..545b89598 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/ground_truth/depth_to_normals.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/ground_truth/depth_to_normals.py
@@ -8,14 +8,20 @@
from pathlib import Path
import cv2
+import imageio
import numpy as np
-from einops import einsum
from imageio.v3 import imread, imwrite
from numpy.linalg import inv
-import imageio
from ..dataset_loader import get_frame_path
+ from einops import einsum
+except ImportError:
+ raise ImportError(
+ "GT visualization requires `einops`. Please install optional extras via `pip install .[vis]`."
+ )
Usage: python -m tools.ground_truth.depth_to_normals
@@ -25,29 +31,31 @@
- C.png # Surface normals from geometry
def unproject(depth, K):
H, W = depth.shape
- x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(W), np.arange(H), indexing='xy')
+ x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(W), np.arange(H), indexing="xy")
img_coords = np.stack((x, y, np.ones_like(x)), axis=-1).astype(np.float64)
- return einsum(depth, img_coords, inv(K), 'H W, H W j, i j -> H W i')
+ return einsum(depth, img_coords, inv(K), "H W, H W j, i j -> H W i")
def normalize(v):
return v / np.linalg.norm(v, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
+if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('folder', type=Path)
- parser.add_argument('frame', type=int)
- parser.add_argument('--output', type=Path, default=Path("testbed"))
+ parser.add_argument("folder", type=Path)
+ parser.add_argument("frame", type=int)
+ parser.add_argument("--output", type=Path, default=Path("testbed"))
args = parser.parse_args()
- depth_path = get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, 'Depth_npy')
- normal_path = get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, 'SurfaceNormal_png')
- image_path = get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, 'Image_png')
- camview_path = get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, 'camview_npz')
+ depth_path = get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, "Depth_npy")
+ normal_path = get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, "SurfaceNormal_png")
+ image_path = get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, "Image_png")
+ camview_path = get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, "camview_npz")
assert depth_path.exists(), depth_path
assert image_path.exists(), image_path
assert camview_path.exists(), camview_path
@@ -55,21 +63,21 @@ def normalize(v):
image = imread(image_path)
depth = np.load(depth_path)
- K = np.load(camview_path)['K']
+ K = np.load(camview_path)["K"]
cam_coords = unproject(depth, K)
- cam_coords = cam_coords * np.array([1., -1., -1])
+ cam_coords = cam_coords * np.array([1.0, -1.0, -1])
mask = ~np.isinf(depth)
depth[~mask] = -1
- vy = normalize(cam_coords[1:,1:] - cam_coords[:-1,1:])
- vx = normalize(cam_coords[1:,1:] - cam_coords[1:,:-1])
+ vy = normalize(cam_coords[1:, 1:] - cam_coords[:-1, 1:])
+ vx = normalize(cam_coords[1:, 1:] - cam_coords[1:, :-1])
cross_prod = np.cross(vy, vx)
normals = normalize(cross_prod)
- normals[~mask[1:,1:]] = 0
+ normals[~mask[1:, 1:]] = 0
- normals_color = np.round((normals + 1) * (255/2)).astype(np.uint8)
+ normals_color = np.round((normals + 1) * (255 / 2)).astype(np.uint8)
target_shape = imageio.imread(normal_path).shape[:2][::-1]
normals_color = cv2.resize(normals_color, target_shape)
@@ -78,4 +86,4 @@ def normalize(v):
imwrite(args.output / "B.png", normals_color)
print(f'Wrote {args.output / "B.png"}')
shutil.copyfile(normal_path, args.output / "C.png")
- print(f'Wrote {args.output / "C.png"}')
\ No newline at end of file
+ print(f'Wrote {args.output / "C.png"}')
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/ground_truth/optical_flow_warp.py b/infinigen/tools/ground_truth/optical_flow_warp.py
index 6be8ac2bd..330ff4e14 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/ground_truth/optical_flow_warp.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/ground_truth/optical_flow_warp.py
@@ -22,15 +22,14 @@
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('folder', type=Path)
- parser.add_argument('frame', type=int)
- parser.add_argument('--output', type=Path, default=Path("testbed"))
+ parser.add_argument("folder", type=Path)
+ parser.add_argument("frame", type=int)
+ parser.add_argument("--output", type=Path, default=Path("testbed"))
args = parser.parse_args()
flow3d_path = get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, "Flow3D_npy")
image1_path = get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, "Image_png")
- image2_path = get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame+1, "Image_png")
+ image2_path = get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame + 1, "Image_png")
assert flow3d_path.exists()
assert image1_path.exists()
assert image2_path.exists()
@@ -39,9 +38,15 @@
image1 = imread(image1_path)
H, W, _ = image1.shape
- flow2d = cv2.resize(np.load(flow3d_path), dsize=(W, H), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)[...,:2]
- new_coords = flow2d + np.stack(np.meshgrid(np.arange(W), np.arange(H), indexing='xy'), axis=-1)
- warped_image = cv2.remap(image2, new_coords.astype(np.float32), None, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
+ flow2d = cv2.resize(
+ np.load(flow3d_path), dsize=(W, H), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR
+ )[..., :2]
+ new_coords = flow2d + np.stack(
+ np.meshgrid(np.arange(W), np.arange(H), indexing="xy"), axis=-1
+ )
+ warped_image = cv2.remap(
+ image2, new_coords.astype(np.float32), None, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR
+ )
imwrite(args.output / "A.png", image1)
@@ -49,4 +54,4 @@
imwrite(args.output / "C.png", image2)
print(f'Wrote {args.output / "C.png"}')
imwrite(args.output / "B.png", warped_image)
- print(f'Wrote {args.output / "B.png"}')
\ No newline at end of file
+ print(f'Wrote {args.output / "B.png"}')
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/ground_truth/rigid_warp.py b/infinigen/tools/ground_truth/rigid_warp.py
index 2fcbdd30b..517297d10 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/ground_truth/rigid_warp.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/ground_truth/rigid_warp.py
@@ -8,12 +8,18 @@
import cv2
import numpy as np
-from einops import einsum
from imageio.v3 import imread, imwrite
from numpy.linalg import inv
from ..dataset_loader import get_frame_path
+ from einops import einsum
+except ImportError:
+ raise ImportError(
+ "GT visualization requires `einops`. Please install optional extras via `pip install .[vis]`."
+ )
Usage: python -m tools.ground_truth.rigid_warp
@@ -23,52 +29,58 @@
- C.png # Image at frame j
def transform(T, p):
- assert T.shape == (4,4)
- return einsum(p, T[:3,:3], 'H W j, i j -> H W i') + T[:3, 3]
+ assert T.shape == (4, 4)
+ return einsum(p, T[:3, :3], "H W j, i j -> H W i") + T[:3, 3]
def from_homog(x):
- return x[...,:-1] / x[...,[-1]]
+ return x[..., :-1] / x[..., [-1]]
def reproject(depth1, pose1, pose2, K1, K2):
H, W = depth1.shape
- x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(W), np.arange(H), indexing='xy')
+ x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(W), np.arange(H), indexing="xy")
img_1_coords = np.stack((x, y, np.ones_like(x)), axis=-1).astype(np.float64)
- cam1_coords = einsum(depth1, img_1_coords, inv(K1), 'H W, H W j, i j -> H W i')
+ cam1_coords = einsum(depth1, img_1_coords, inv(K1), "H W, H W j, i j -> H W i")
rel_pose = inv(pose2) @ pose1
cam2_coords = transform(rel_pose, cam1_coords)
- return from_homog(einsum(cam2_coords, K2, 'H W j, i j -> H W i'))
+ return from_homog(einsum(cam2_coords, K2, "H W j, i j -> H W i"))
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('folder', type=Path)
- parser.add_argument('frame_1', type=int)
- parser.add_argument('frame_2', type=int)
- parser.add_argument('--output', type=Path, default=Path("testbed"))
+ parser.add_argument("folder", type=Path)
+ parser.add_argument("frame_1", type=int)
+ parser.add_argument("frame_2", type=int)
+ parser.add_argument("--output", type=Path, default=Path("testbed"))
args = parser.parse_args()
- depth_path = get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame_1, 'Depth_npy')
- image1_path = get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame_1, 'Image_png')
- image2_path = get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame_2, 'Image_png')
- camview1_path = get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame_1, 'camview_npz')
- camview2_path = get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame_2, 'camview_npz')
+ depth_path = get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame_1, "Depth_npy")
+ image1_path = get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame_1, "Image_png")
+ image2_path = get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame_2, "Image_png")
+ camview1_path = get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame_1, "camview_npz")
+ camview2_path = get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame_2, "camview_npz")
image2 = imread(image2_path)
image1 = imread(image1_path)
depth1 = np.load(depth_path)
- pose1 = np.load(camview1_path)['T']
- pose2 = np.load(camview2_path)['T']
- K1 = np.load(camview1_path)['K']
- K2 = np.load(camview2_path)['K']
+ pose1 = np.load(camview1_path)["T"]
+ pose2 = np.load(camview2_path)["T"]
+ K1 = np.load(camview1_path)["K"]
+ K2 = np.load(camview2_path)["K"]
H, W, _ = image1.shape
- depth1 = cv2.resize(np.load(depth_path), dsize=(W, H), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
+ depth1 = cv2.resize(
+ np.load(depth_path), dsize=(W, H), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR
+ )
img2_coords = reproject(depth1, pose1, pose2, K1, K2)
- warped_image = cv2.remap(image2, img2_coords.astype(np.float32), None, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
+ warped_image = cv2.remap(
+ image2, img2_coords.astype(np.float32), None, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR
+ )
imwrite(args.output / "A.png", image1)
@@ -76,4 +88,4 @@ def reproject(depth1, pose1, pose2, K1, K2):
imwrite(args.output / "C.png", image2)
print(f'Wrote {args.output / "C.png"}')
imwrite(args.output / "B.png", warped_image)
- print(f'Wrote {args.output / "B.png"}')
\ No newline at end of file
+ print(f'Wrote {args.output / "B.png"}')
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/ground_truth/segmentation_lookup.py b/infinigen/tools/ground_truth/segmentation_lookup.py
index d25776711..3db0825b9 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/ground_truth/segmentation_lookup.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/ground_truth/segmentation_lookup.py
@@ -12,13 +12,19 @@
import cv2
import numba as nb
import numpy as np
-from einops import pack, rearrange, repeat
from imageio.v3 import imread, imwrite
from numba.types import bool_
from ..compress_masks import recover
from ..dataset_loader import get_frame_path
+ from einops import pack, rearrange, repeat
+except ImportError:
+ raise ImportError(
+ "GT visualization requires `einops`. Please install optional extras via `pip install .[vis]`."
+ )
Usage: python -m tools.ground_truth.segmentation_lookup [--query ] [--boxes]
@@ -27,6 +33,7 @@
- B.png # Original image + mask/2D-bounding-boxes for the provided query
def should_highlight_pixel(arr2d, set1d):
"""Compute boolean mask for items in arr2d that are also in set1d"""
@@ -35,16 +42,17 @@ def should_highlight_pixel(arr2d, set1d):
for i in range(H):
for j in range(W):
for n in range(set1d.size):
- output[i,j] = output[i,j] or (arr2d[i,j] == set1d[n])
+ output[i, j] = output[i, j] or (arr2d[i, j] == set1d[n])
return output
def compute_boxes(indices, binary_tag_mask):
"""Compute 2d bounding boxes for highlighted pixels"""
H, W = binary_tag_mask.shape
num_u = indices.max() + 1
- x_min = np.full(num_u, W-1, dtype=np.int32)
- y_min = np.full(num_u, H-1, dtype=np.int32)
+ x_min = np.full(num_u, W - 1, dtype=np.int32)
+ y_min = np.full(num_u, H - 1, dtype=np.int32)
x_max = np.full(num_u, -1, dtype=np.int32)
y_max = np.full(num_u, -1, dtype=np.int32)
for y in range(H):
@@ -58,73 +66,103 @@ def compute_boxes(indices, binary_tag_mask):
y_max[idx] = max(y_max[idx], y)
return np.stack((x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max), axis=-1)
# Deterministic, but probably slow. Good enough for visualization.
def arr2color(e):
s = np.random.RandomState(np.array(e, dtype=np.uint32))
- return (np.asarray(colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(s.uniform(0, 1), s.uniform(0.1, 1), 1)) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
+ return (
+ np.asarray(colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(s.uniform(0, 1), s.uniform(0.1, 1), 1)) * 255
+ ).astype(np.uint8)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
+if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('folder', type=Path)
- parser.add_argument('frame', type=int)
- parser.add_argument('--query', type=str, default=None)
- parser.add_argument('--boxes', action='store_true')
- parser.add_argument('--output', type=Path, default=Path("testbed"))
+ parser.add_argument("folder", type=Path)
+ parser.add_argument("frame", type=int)
+ parser.add_argument("--query", type=str, default=None)
+ parser.add_argument("--boxes", action="store_true")
+ parser.add_argument("--output", type=Path, default=Path("testbed"))
args = parser.parse_args()
# Load images & masks
- object_segmentation_mask = recover(np.load(get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, 'ObjectSegmentation_npz')))
- instance_segmentation_mask = recover(np.load(get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, 'InstanceSegmentation_npz')))
+ object_segmentation_mask = recover(
+ np.load(get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, "ObjectSegmentation_npz"))
+ )
+ instance_segmentation_mask = recover(
+ np.load(get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, "InstanceSegmentation_npz"))
+ )
image = imread(get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, "Image_png"))
- object_json = json.loads(get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, 'Objects_json').read_text())
+ object_json = json.loads(
+ get_frame_path(args.folder, 0, args.frame, "Objects_json").read_text()
+ )
H, W = object_segmentation_mask.shape
image = cv2.resize(image, dsize=(W, H), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
# Identify objects visible in the image
unique_object_idxs = set(np.unique(object_segmentation_mask))
- present_objects = [obj for obj in object_json if (obj['object_index'] in unique_object_idxs)]
+ present_objects = [
+ obj for obj in object_json if (obj["object_index"] in unique_object_idxs)
+ ]
# Complain if the query isn't valid/present
- unique_names = sorted({q['name'] for q in present_objects})
+ unique_names = sorted({q["name"] for q in present_objects})
if args.query is None:
- print('`--query` not specified. Choices are:')
+ print("`--query` not specified. Choices are:")
for qn in unique_names:
print(f"- {qn}")
elif not any((args.query.lower() in name.lower()) for name in unique_names):
- print(f'"{args.query}" doesn\'t match any object names in this image. Choices are:')
+ print(
+ f'"{args.query}" doesn\'t match any object names in this image. Choices are:'
+ )
for qn in unique_names:
print(f"- {qn}")
# Mask the pixels with any relevant object
- objects_to_highlight = [obj for obj in present_objects if (args.query.lower() in obj['name'].lower())]
- highlighted_pixels = should_highlight_pixel(object_segmentation_mask, np.array([o['object_index'] for o in objects_to_highlight]))
+ objects_to_highlight = [
+ obj for obj in present_objects if (args.query.lower() in obj["name"].lower())
+ ]
+ highlighted_pixels = should_highlight_pixel(
+ object_segmentation_mask,
+ np.array([o["object_index"] for o in objects_to_highlight]),
+ )
assert highlighted_pixels.dtype == bool
# Assign unique colors to each object instance
- combined_mask, _ = pack([object_segmentation_mask, instance_segmentation_mask], 'h w *')
- combined_mask = rearrange(combined_mask, 'h w d -> (h w) d')
- uniq_instances, indices = np.unique(combined_mask, return_inverse=True, axis=0) # this line is the bottleneck
+ combined_mask, _ = pack(
+ [object_segmentation_mask, instance_segmentation_mask], "h w *"
+ )
+ combined_mask = rearrange(combined_mask, "h w d -> (h w) d")
+ uniq_instances, indices = np.unique(
+ combined_mask, return_inverse=True, axis=0
+ ) # this line is the bottleneck
unique_colors = np.stack([arr2color(row) for row in uniq_instances])
if args.boxes:
bbox = compute_boxes(indices.reshape((H, W)), highlighted_pixels)
- m = bbox[:,3] >= 0 # Ignore objects which weren't queried
+ m = bbox[:, 3] >= 0 # Ignore objects which weren't queried
bbox = bbox[m]
unique_colors = unique_colors[m]
uniq_instances = uniq_instances[m]
canvas = np.copy(image)
- for (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max), color, idx, ui in zip(bbox, unique_colors, np.arange(m.size)[m], uniq_instances):
+ for (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max), color, idx, ui in zip(
+ bbox, unique_colors, np.arange(m.size)[m], uniq_instances
+ ):
points = [(x_min, y_min), (x_min, y_max), (x_max, y_max), (x_max, y_min)]
for i in range(4):
- canvas = cv2.line(canvas, points[i], points[(i+1)%4], color=color.tolist(), thickness=2)
+ canvas = cv2.line(
+ canvas,
+ points[i],
+ points[(i + 1) % 4],
+ color=color.tolist(),
+ thickness=2,
+ )
colors_for_instances = unique_colors[indices].reshape((H, W, 3))
canvas = np.zeros((H, W, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
for obj in objects_to_highlight:
- m = repeat(object_segmentation_mask == obj['object_index'], 'H W -> H W 3')
+ m = repeat(object_segmentation_mask == obj["object_index"], "H W -> H W 3")
canvas[m] = colors_for_instances[m]
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/indoor_profile.py b/infinigen/tools/indoor_profile.py
index b55ad020e..f649c8772 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/indoor_profile.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/indoor_profile.py
@@ -3,61 +3,75 @@
# Authors: David Yan
-from pathlib import Path
+import argparse
import re
-from datetime import timedelta
from collections import defaultdict
-import argparse
-import pandas as pd
-from tabulate import tabulate
+from datetime import timedelta
+from pathlib import Path
+import pandas as pd
The following function s attributed to FObersteiner from Stack Overflow at https://stackoverflow.com/a/64662985
and is licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en#ref-appropriate-credit).
David Yan used this code WITHOUT modification.
-def td_to_str(td):
+def td_to_str(td):
convert a timedelta object td to a string in HH:MM:SS format.
- if (pd.isnull(td)):
+ if pd.isnull(td):
return td
hours, remainder = divmod(td.total_seconds(), 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
- return f'{int(hours):02}:{int(minutes):02}:{int(seconds):02}'
+ return f"{int(hours):02}:{int(minutes):02}:{int(seconds):02}"
-def main(dir : Path):
+def main(dir: Path):
coarse_data = defaultdict(list)
render_data = defaultdict(list)
- with open(dir/"finished_seeds.txt") as f:
- seeds = f.read().splitlines()
+ with open(dir / "finished_seeds.txt") as f:
+ seeds = f.read().splitlines()
for seed in seeds:
- coarse_log = open(dir/seed/'logs'/'coarse.err').read()
- render_log = open(next((dir/seed/"logs").glob('shortrender*.err'))).read()
- except:
+ coarse_log = open(dir / seed / "logs" / "coarse.err").read()
+ render_log = open(
+ next((dir / seed / "logs").glob("shortrender*.err"))
+ ).read()
+ except FileNotFoundError:
- for name, h, m, s in re.findall(r'\[INFO\] \| \[(.*?)\] finished in ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)', coarse_log):
+ for name, h, m, s in re.findall(
+ r"\[INFO\] \| \[(.*?)\] finished in ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)", coarse_log
+ ):
timedelta_obj = timedelta(hours=int(h), minutes=int(m), seconds=int(s))
- if (timedelta_obj.total_seconds() < 1): continue
+ if timedelta_obj.total_seconds() < 1:
+ continue
- for name, h, m, s in re.findall(r'\[INFO\] \| \[(.*?)\] finished in ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)', render_log):
+ for name, h, m, s in re.findall(
+ r"\[INFO\] \| \[(.*?)\] finished in ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)", render_log
+ ):
timedelta_obj = timedelta(hours=int(h), minutes=int(m), seconds=int(s))
- if (timedelta_obj.total_seconds() < 1): continue
+ if timedelta_obj.total_seconds() < 1:
+ continue
- coarse_stats = make_stats(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(coarse_data, orient='index'))
- render_stats = make_stats(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(render_data, orient='index'))
+ coarse_stats = make_stats(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(coarse_data, orient="index"))
+ render_stats = make_stats(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(render_data, orient="index"))
for column in coarse_stats:
- coarse_stats[column] = coarse_stats[column].dt.round('1s').map(lambda x: td_to_str(x))
+ coarse_stats[column] = (
+ coarse_stats[column].dt.round("1s").map(lambda x: td_to_str(x))
+ )
for column in coarse_stats:
- render_stats[column] = render_stats[column].dt.round('1s').map(lambda x: td_to_str(x))
+ render_stats[column] = (
+ render_stats[column].dt.round("1s").map(lambda x: td_to_str(x))
+ )
print(coarse_stats.sort_values("median", ascending=False))
print(render_stats.sort_values("median", ascending=False))
@@ -65,19 +79,21 @@ def main(dir : Path):
def make_stats(data_df):
stats = pd.DataFrame()
- stats['mean'] = data_df.mean(axis=1)
- stats['median'] = data_df.median(axis=1)
- stats['90%'] = data_df.quantile(0.9, axis=1)
- stats['95%'] = data_df.quantile(0.95, axis=1)
- stats['99%'] = data_df.quantile(0.99, axis=1)
+ stats["mean"] = data_df.mean(axis=1)
+ stats["median"] = data_df.median(axis=1)
+ stats["90%"] = data_df.quantile(0.9, axis=1)
+ stats["95%"] = data_df.quantile(0.95, axis=1)
+ stats["99%"] = data_df.quantile(0.99, axis=1)
return stats
def make_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('-d', '--dir', type=Path)
+ parser.add_argument("-d", "--dir", type=Path)
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
args = make_args()
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/isaac_sim.py b/infinigen/tools/isaac_sim.py
index 0f704b2a1..551cb5921 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/isaac_sim.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/isaac_sim.py
@@ -5,39 +5,44 @@
# Acknowledgement: This file draws inspiration from https://docs.omniverse.nvidia.com/isaacsim/latest/index.html
-import numpy as np
-from omni.isaac.kit import SimulationApp
-CONFIG = {"renderer": "RayTracedLighting", "headless": False}
-simulation_app = SimulationApp(launch_config=CONFIG)
+import json
+import numpy as np
import omni
-import json
from omni.isaac.core import World
-from pxr import Usd,UsdGeom, UsdLux, Sdf
-from omni.isaac.core.utils.prims import create_prim
+from omni.isaac.core.prims import XFormPrim
+from omni.isaac.core.utils.extensions import enable_extension
from omni.isaac.core.utils.nucleus import get_assets_root_path
-from omni.isaac.core.prims import XFormPrim
+from omni.isaac.core.utils.prims import create_prim
+from omni.isaac.kit import SimulationApp
from omni.kit.commands import execute as omni_exec
-from omni.isaac.core.utils.extensions import enable_extension
+from pxr import Sdf, Usd, UsdGeom, UsdLux
+# ruff: noqa: E402
-from omni.isaac.core.utils.nucleus import get_assets_root_path
-from omni.isaac.core.utils.types import ArticulationAction
from omni.isaac.core.controllers import BaseController
+from omni.isaac.core.utils.types import ArticulationAction
from omni.isaac.wheeled_robots.robots import WheeledRobot
from omni.physx.scripts import utils
+CONFIG = {"renderer": "RayTracedLighting", "headless": False}
+simulation_app = SimulationApp(launch_config=CONFIG)
class RobotController(BaseController):
def __init__(self):
def forward(self):
- return ArticulationAction(joint_velocities=[2,2])
+ return ArticulationAction(joint_velocities=[2, 2])
class InfinigenIsaacScene(object):
def __init__(self, cfg):
self.cfg = cfg
- self.world = World(stage_units_in_meters=1.0, backend='numpy', physics_dt=1/400.)
+ self.world = World(
+ stage_units_in_meters=1.0, backend="numpy", physics_dt=1 / 400.0
+ )
self.scene = self.world.scene
self._support = None
@@ -49,14 +54,16 @@ def setup_scene(self):
def _add_infinigen_scene(self):
- create_prim(prim_path="/World/Support",
- usd_path=self.cfg.scene_path,
- semantic_label='scene')
+ create_prim(
+ prim_path="/World/Support",
+ usd_path=self.cfg.scene_path,
+ semantic_label="scene",
+ )
self._support = XFormPrim(prim_path="/World/Support", name="Support")
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
- prims = [prim for prim in stage.Traverse() if prim.IsA(UsdGeom.Mesh)]
+ prims = [prim for prim in stage.Traverse() if prim.IsA(UsdGeom.Mesh)]
if self.cfg.json_path is None:
for prim in prims:
@@ -70,50 +77,57 @@ def _add_infinigen_scene(self):
for key, value in relations.items():
obj = value.get("obj")
if obj:
- obj_to_target[obj.replace('(', '_').replace(')', '_').replace('.', '_')] = key
+ obj_to_target[
+ obj.replace("(", "_").replace(")", "_").replace(".", "_")
+ ] = key
for prim in prims:
prim_name = prim.GetName()
target = obj_to_target.get(prim_name)
- if 'SPLIT' in prim_name:
- do_not_cast_shadows = prim.CreateAttribute('primvars:doNotCastShadows', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Bool)
- do_not_cast_shadows.Set(True)
- if 'terrain' in prim_name:
+ if "SPLIT" in prim_name:
+ do_not_cast_shadows = prim.CreateAttribute(
+ "primvars:doNotCastShadows", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Bool
+ )
+ do_not_cast_shadows.Set(True)
+ if "terrain" in prim_name:
if not target:
- if any(x["relation"]["relation_type"] == "StableAgainst" and "Subpart(wall)" in x["relation"].get("parent_tags") or "Subpart(ceiling)" in x["relation"].get("parent_tags") for x in relations[target]["relations"]):
+ if any(
+ x["relation"]["relation_type"] == "StableAgainst"
+ and "Subpart(wall)" in x["relation"].get("parent_tags")
+ or "Subpart(ceiling)" in x["relation"].get("parent_tags")
+ for x in relations[target]["relations"]
+ ):
- utils.setRigidBody(prim, 'convexDecomposition', False)
+ utils.setRigidBody(prim, "convexDecomposition", False)
def _add_lighting(self):
- prim_path='/World/DomeLight',
+ prim_path="/World/DomeLight",
UsdLux.Tokens.inputsIntensity: 5000,
- UsdLux.Tokens.inputsColor: (0.7, 0.88, 1.0)
+ UsdLux.Tokens.inputsColor: (0.7, 0.88, 1.0),
- prim_path='/World/DistantLight',
+ prim_path="/World/DistantLight",
- attributes={
- UsdLux.Tokens.inputsIntensity: 8000
- },
+ attributes={UsdLux.Tokens.inputsIntensity: 8000},
@@ -137,7 +151,7 @@ def _add_robot(self):
wheel_dof_names=["left_wheel_joint", "right_wheel_joint"],
- position=init_pos
+ position=init_pos,
self.robot.set_local_scale(np.array([4, 4, 4]))
@@ -156,11 +170,13 @@ def run(self):
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('--scene-path', type=str)
- parser.add_argument('--json-path', type=str)
+ parser.add_argument("--scene-path", type=str)
+ parser.add_argument("--json-path", type=str)
args = parser.parse_args()
scene = InfinigenIsaacScene(args)
@@ -168,4 +184,3 @@ def run(self):
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/perceptual/create_pairs.py b/infinigen/tools/perceptual/create_pairs.py
index 4f86e65ac..3c5404e4c 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/perceptual/create_pairs.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/perceptual/create_pairs.py
@@ -3,24 +3,17 @@
# Authors: Karhan Kayan
-import sys
-import cv2
import os
-import numpy as np
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import random
import sys
-import pandas as pd
-from PIL import Image
+from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from tqdm import tqdm
-from PIL import Image
-from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
-import random
-def merge_images(image_path1, image_path2, text1='Program A', text2='Program B', strip_width=5):
+def merge_images(
+ image_path1, image_path2, text1="Program A", text2="Program B", strip_width=5
# Open the images
image1 = Image.open(image_path1)
image2 = Image.open(image_path2)
@@ -40,7 +33,7 @@ def merge_images(image_path1, image_path2, text1='Program A', text2='Program B',
# Create a new image with the combined width plus the strip width and the max height
combined_width = image1.width + image2.width + strip_width
- combined_image = Image.new('RGB', (combined_width, max_height), 'black')
+ combined_image = Image.new("RGB", (combined_width, max_height), "black")
# Paste the two images into the new image
# Adjust the position if one image is shorter than the other
@@ -55,10 +48,12 @@ def merge_images(image_path1, image_path2, text1='Program A', text2='Program B',
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(combined_image)
# Load a specific TrueType or OpenType font file
- font = ImageFont.truetype("/System/Library/Fonts/Supplemental/Arial Black.ttf", font_size)
+ font = ImageFont.truetype(
+ "/System/Library/Fonts/Supplemental/Arial Black.ttf", font_size
+ )
except IOError:
# If the specific font file is not found, load the default font
- print('Font not found, using default font.')
+ print("Font not found, using default font.")
font = ImageFont.load_default()
text_color = (255, 0, 0) # White color
@@ -75,9 +70,10 @@ def merge_images(image_path1, image_path2, text1='Program A', text2='Program B',
# Save the combined image
return combined_image
-from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
-def merge_images2(image_path1, image_path2, text1='Program A', text2='Program B', strip_width=5):
+def merge_images2(
+ image_path1, image_path2, text1="Program A", text2="Program B", strip_width=5
# Open the images
image1 = Image.open(image_path1)
image2 = Image.open(image_path2)
@@ -96,7 +92,7 @@ def merge_images2(image_path1, image_path2, text1='Program A', text2='Program B'
max_width = image1.width + image2.width + strip_width
# Create a new image with the max width and the combined height
- combined_image = Image.new('RGB', (max_width, image1.height), 'black')
+ combined_image = Image.new("RGB", (max_width, image1.height), "black")
# Paste the two images into the new image
image1_x = (max_width - image1.width - image2.width - strip_width) // 2
@@ -110,10 +106,12 @@ def merge_images2(image_path1, image_path2, text1='Program A', text2='Program B'
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(combined_image)
# Load a specific TrueType or OpenType font file
- font = ImageFont.truetype("/System/Library/Fonts/Supplemental/Arial.ttf", font_size)
+ font = ImageFont.truetype(
+ "/System/Library/Fonts/Supplemental/Arial.ttf", font_size
+ )
except IOError:
# If the specific font file is not found, load the default font
- print('Font not found, using default font.')
+ print("Font not found, using default font.")
font = ImageFont.load_default()
text_color = (255, 0, 0) # Red color
@@ -124,7 +122,6 @@ def merge_images2(image_path1, image_path2, text1='Program A', text2='Program B'
text2_x = image1.width + strip_width + 10
text2_y = 10
draw.text((text1_x, text1_y), text1, fill=text_color, font=font)
draw.text((text2_x, text2_y), text2, fill=text_color, font=font)
@@ -132,8 +129,7 @@ def merge_images2(image_path1, image_path2, text1='Program A', text2='Program B'
return combined_image
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
# methods = ['eevee', 'fastsynth']
# perspective = 'first_person'
main_directory = sys.argv[1]
@@ -147,7 +143,6 @@ def merge_images2(image_path1, image_path2, text1='Program A', text2='Program B'
k = 50
# Set your main directory, methods, and perspective here
if not os.path.exists(output_directory):
@@ -169,19 +164,21 @@ def merge_images2(image_path1, image_path2, text1='Program A', text2='Program B'
image_path_1 = os.path.join(path_method1, img1)
image_path_2 = os.path.join(path_method2, img2)
# Extracting image identifiers
- img_0_id = img1.split('.')[0]
- img_1_id = img2.split('.')[0]
+ img_0_id = img1.split(".")[0]
+ img_1_id = img2.split(".")[0]
# skip if not image
- if not (image_path_1.endswith('.png') or image_path_1.endswith('.jpg')):
+ if not (image_path_1.endswith(".png") or image_path_1.endswith(".jpg")):
- if not (image_path_2.endswith('.png') or image_path_2.endswith('.jpg')):
+ if not (image_path_2.endswith(".png") or image_path_2.endswith(".jpg")):
# Creating a unique filename for the merged image
- merged_filename = f'{perspective}-{methods[0]}-{img_0_id}-{methods[1]}-{img_1_id}.jpg'
+ merged_filename = (
+ f"{perspective}-{methods[0]}-{img_0_id}-{methods[1]}-{img_1_id}.jpg"
+ )
merged_image_path = os.path.join(output_directory, merged_filename)
# Merge and save images
merged_img = merge_images2(image_path_1, image_path_2)
- merged_img.save(merged_image_path, 'JPEG')
+ merged_img.save(merged_image_path, "JPEG")
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/perceptual/create_submission.py b/infinigen/tools/perceptual/create_submission.py
index b3245051c..8c8f7fda3 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/perceptual/create_submission.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/perceptual/create_submission.py
@@ -3,33 +3,38 @@
# Authors: Karhan Kayan
+import csv
import os
import random
-import csv
import sys
def select_random_files_to_csv(folder_path, k, output_directory):
# Get all files in the folder
- files = [f for f in os.listdir(folder_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder_path, f))]
+ files = [
+ f
+ for f in os.listdir(folder_path)
+ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder_path, f))
+ ]
# Select k random files
selected_files = random.sample(files, min(k, len(files)))
# Create CSV file with the name of the folder
folder_name = os.path.basename(folder_path)
- csv_file_path = os.path.join(output_directory, f'{folder_name}-{k}.csv')
+ csv_file_path = os.path.join(output_directory, f"{folder_name}-{k}.csv")
# Write the selected file names to the CSV
- with open(csv_file_path, 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
+ with open(csv_file_path, "w", newline="") as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
- writer.writerow(['image_url']) # Header
+ writer.writerow(["image_url"]) # Header
for file in selected_files:
- print(f'CSV file created at {csv_file_path}')
+ print(f"CSV file created at {csv_file_path}")
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
k = 50
output_directory = sys.argv[1]
folder_path = sys.argv[2]
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/perceptual/perceptual_extract.py b/infinigen/tools/perceptual/perceptual_extract.py
index 563fe59a1..a9a9405e5 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/perceptual/perceptual_extract.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/perceptual/perceptual_extract.py
@@ -7,26 +7,27 @@
import shutil
import sys
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
input_directory = sys.argv[1]
output_directory = sys.argv[2]
# Supported image formats
- image_formats = ['.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.bmp', '.gif', '.tiff']
+ image_formats = [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".bmp", ".gif", ".tiff"]
if not os.path.exists(output_directory):
for folder_name in os.listdir(input_directory):
folder_path = os.path.join(input_directory, folder_name)
if os.path.isdir(folder_path):
# Find the image file inside the folder
for file_name in os.listdir(folder_path):
if any(file_name.lower().endswith(ext) for ext in image_formats):
old_file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file_name)
- new_file_name = f'{folder_name}.png' # Change the extension if needed
+ new_file_name = (
+ f"{folder_name}.png" # Change the extension if needed
+ )
new_file_path = os.path.join(output_directory, new_file_name)
# Move and rename the image file
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/perceptual/rename.py b/infinigen/tools/perceptual/rename.py
index 8f51cd65a..c5c8776cd 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/perceptual/rename.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/perceptual/rename.py
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
import os
import sys
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
# Set the directory containing your files
directory = sys.argv[1]
@@ -21,5 +20,5 @@
for i, filename in enumerate(files, start=1):
old_path = os.path.join(directory, filename)
_, file_extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
- new_path = os.path.join(directory, f'{i}{file_extension}')
- os.rename(old_path, new_path)
\ No newline at end of file
+ new_path = os.path.join(directory, f"{i}{file_extension}")
+ os.rename(old_path, new_path)
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/results/aggregate_job_stats.py b/infinigen/tools/results/aggregate_job_stats.py
index 3d0bd7cd6..68a33d7a7 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/results/aggregate_job_stats.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/results/aggregate_job_stats.py
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ def end_time(self):
return self.start_time + self.time_elapsed
def __lt__(self, other):
- return (int(self.job_id) < int(other.job_id))
+ return int(self.job_id) < int(other.job_id)
def __str__(self):
if self.memory is not None:
@@ -40,62 +40,107 @@ def __str__(self):
return f"{self.job_id} {self.name.ljust(40)} {self.current_status.ljust(10)}"
-sacct_line_regex = re.compile("([0-9]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([0-9]+) +([A-Z]+) +(node[0-9]+) +([^ ]+).*").fullmatch
+sacct_line_regex = re.compile(
+ "([0-9]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([0-9]+) +([A-Z]+) +(node[0-9]+) +([^ ]+).*"
def parse_sacct_line(line):
if sacct_line_regex(line) is None:
- job_id, job_name, resources, elapsed_raw, current_status, node, start_time = sacct_line_regex(line).groups()
- request = dict(e.split('=') for e in resources.split(','))
- start_time = datetime.strptime(start_time, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
+ job_id, job_name, resources, elapsed_raw, current_status, node, start_time = (
+ sacct_line_regex(line).groups()
+ )
+ request = dict(e.split("=") for e in resources.split(","))
+ start_time = datetime.strptime(start_time, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
elapsed = timedelta(seconds=int(elapsed_raw))
- return Job(job_id=job_id, name=job_name, memory=request['mem'], cpu=request['cpu'], gpu=request.get('gpu', '0'), current_status=current_status, node=node, start_time=start_time, time_elapsed=elapsed)
+ return Job(
+ job_id=job_id,
+ name=job_name,
+ memory=request["mem"],
+ cpu=request["cpu"],
+ gpu=request.get("gpu", "0"),
+ current_status=current_status,
+ node=node,
+ start_time=start_time,
+ time_elapsed=elapsed,
+ )
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('-d', '--days_since', type=int, default=14)
- parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_folder', type=Path, required=True)
+ parser.add_argument("-d", "--days_since", type=int, default=14)
+ parser.add_argument("-o", "--output_folder", type=Path, required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
assert args.output_folder.exists()
- squeue_out = subprocess.check_output('squeue --user=llipson -o "%.24i%.40j%.14R" -h'.split()).decode()
- non_started_jobs = [Job(job_id=i, name=n, current_status=s) for i,n,s in re.findall("([0-9]+) +([^ ]+) +(\([a-zA-Z]+\))", squeue_out) if n.startswith(args.output_folder.stem)]
- sacct_start_date = (datetime.now() - timedelta(days=args.days_since)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')# 2022-05-07
+ squeue_out = subprocess.check_output(
+ 'squeue --user=llipson -o "%.24i%.40j%.14R" -h'.split()
+ ).decode()
+ non_started_jobs = [
+ Job(job_id=i, name=n, current_status=s)
+ for i, n, s in re.findall("([0-9]+) +([^ ]+) +(\([a-zA-Z]+\))", squeue_out)
+ if n.startswith(args.output_folder.stem)
+ ]
+ sacct_start_date = (datetime.now() - timedelta(days=args.days_since)).strftime(
+ "%Y-%m-%d"
+ ) # 2022-05-07
sacct_command = f"sacct --starttime {sacct_start_date} -u {os.environ['USER']} --noheader -o jobid,jobname%40,AllocTRES%80,ElapsedRaw,stat,NodeList,Start"
sacct_output = subprocess.check_output(sacct_command.split()).decode()
relevant_started_jobs = []
for sacct_line in sacct_output.splitlines():
parsed_job = parse_sacct_line(sacct_line)
- if (parsed_job is not None) and (parsed_job.name.startswith(args.output_folder.stem)):
+ if (parsed_job is not None) and (
+ parsed_job.name.startswith(args.output_folder.stem)
+ ):
- all_jobs = (relevant_started_jobs + non_started_jobs)
+ all_jobs = relevant_started_jobs + non_started_jobs
seed_dict = defaultdict(list)
for j in all_jobs:
- seed, = re.compile(f"{args.output_folder.stem}_([^ _]+)_.*").fullmatch(j.name).groups()
+ (seed,) = (
+ re.compile(f"{args.output_folder.stem}_([^ _]+)_.*")
+ .fullmatch(j.name)
+ .groups()
+ )
all_times = {"fine": defaultdict(list), "coarse": defaultdict(list), "full": []}
- for k,v in seed_dict.items():
+ for k, v in seed_dict.items():
coarse_job, fine_job, *render_jobs = sorted(v)
pipeline_start = coarse_job.start_time
pipeline_end = max(j.end_time() for j in render_jobs)
total_pipeline_time = pipeline_end - pipeline_start
assert pipeline_end > fine_job.end_time()
assert pipeline_start < fine_job.start_time
- assert fine_job.time_elapsed.total_seconds() <= total_pipeline_time.total_seconds(), (pipeline_start, pipeline_end, total_pipeline_time)
- coarse_job_percentage = (100 * coarse_job.time_elapsed.total_seconds()) / total_pipeline_time.total_seconds()
- fine_job_percentage = (100 * fine_job.time_elapsed.total_seconds()) / total_pipeline_time.total_seconds()
+ assert (
+ fine_job.time_elapsed.total_seconds() <= total_pipeline_time.total_seconds()
+ ), (
+ pipeline_start,
+ pipeline_end,
+ total_pipeline_time,
+ )
+ coarse_job_percentage = (
+ 100 * coarse_job.time_elapsed.total_seconds()
+ ) / total_pipeline_time.total_seconds()
+ fine_job_percentage = (
+ 100 * fine_job.time_elapsed.total_seconds()
+ ) / total_pipeline_time.total_seconds()
- fine_status_freq = Counter([j.current_status for j in all_jobs if j.name.endswith("_fine")])
+ fine_status_freq = Counter(
+ [j.current_status for j in all_jobs if j.name.endswith("_fine")]
+ )
avg_fine_elapsed = timedelta(seconds=np.mean(all_times["fine"]["elapsed"]))
print(f'{avg_fine_elapsed} {round(np.mean(all_times["fine"]["percentage"])):02d}%')
avg_coarse_elapsed = timedelta(seconds=np.mean(all_times["coarse"]["elapsed"]))
- print(f'{avg_fine_elapsed} {round(np.mean(all_times["coarse"]["percentage"])):02d}%')
+ print(
+ f'{avg_fine_elapsed} {round(np.mean(all_times["coarse"]["percentage"])):02d}%'
+ )
vg_full_elapsed = timedelta(seconds=np.mean(all_times["full"]))
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/results/job_stats.py b/infinigen/tools/results/job_stats.py
index dd52a9437..40ec1385c 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/results/job_stats.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/results/job_stats.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
import os
import re
import subprocess
-from collections import Counter, defaultdict
+from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pathlib import Path
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ def end_time(self):
return self.start_time + self.time_elapsed
def __lt__(self, other):
- return (int(self.job_id) < int(other.job_id))
+ return int(self.job_id) < int(other.job_id)
def __str__(self):
if self.req_memory is not None:
@@ -39,43 +39,96 @@ def __str__(self):
return f"{self.job_id} {self.name.ljust(60+73)} {self.current_status.ljust(10)}"
-sacct_line_regex = re.compile("([0-9]+) +(\S+) +(\S+) +([0-9]+) +([A-Z_]+) +(node[0-9]+) +(\S+).*").fullmatch
+sacct_line_regex = re.compile(
+ "([0-9]+) +(\S+) +(\S+) +([0-9]+) +([A-Z_]+) +(node[0-9]+) +(\S+).*"
HEADER = "Job ID Job name GPU CPU Max Mem Start date, time Elapsed Status Node"
MEM_FACTOR = {"G": 1, "M": 1e3, "K": 1e6}
def parse_sacct_line(line):
if sacct_line_regex(line) is None:
- job_id, job_name, resources, elapsed_raw, current_status, node, start_time = sacct_line_regex(line).groups()
- request = dict(e.split('=') for e in resources.split(','))
- start_time = datetime.strptime(start_time, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
+ job_id, job_name, resources, elapsed_raw, current_status, node, start_time = (
+ sacct_line_regex(line).groups()
+ )
+ request = dict(e.split("=") for e in resources.split(","))
+ start_time = datetime.strptime(start_time, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
elapsed = timedelta(seconds=int(elapsed_raw))
- return Job(job_id=job_id, name=job_name, req_memory=request['mem'], cpu=request['cpu'], gpu=request.get('gpu', '0'), current_status=current_status, node=node, start_time=start_time, time_elapsed=elapsed)
+ return Job(
+ job_id=job_id,
+ name=job_name,
+ req_memory=request["mem"],
+ cpu=request["cpu"],
+ gpu=request.get("gpu", "0"),
+ current_status=current_status,
+ node=node,
+ start_time=start_time,
+ time_elapsed=elapsed,
+ )
def get_node_info():
- sinfo_out = subprocess.check_output('/usr/bin/sinfo --Node --format=%12N%12P%C --noheader'.split()).decode()
+ sinfo_out = subprocess.check_output(
+ "/usr/bin/sinfo --Node --format=%12N%12P%C --noheader".split()
+ ).decode()
nodes_info = defaultdict(dict)
- for node, group, allocated_cpus, total_cpus in re.findall("(\S+) +(\S+) +([0-9]+)/[0-9]+/[0-9]+/([0-9]+)", sinfo_out):
+ for node, group, allocated_cpus, total_cpus in re.findall(
+ "(\S+) +(\S+) +([0-9]+)/[0-9]+/[0-9]+/([0-9]+)", sinfo_out
+ ):
if group != "all":
assert node not in nodes_info
- nodes_info[node]['cpus'] = int(total_cpus)
- nodes_info[node]['allocated_cpus'] = int(allocated_cpus)
- nodes_info[node]['group'] = group
+ nodes_info[node]["cpus"] = int(total_cpus)
+ nodes_info[node]["allocated_cpus"] = int(allocated_cpus)
+ nodes_info[node]["group"] = group
return dict(nodes_info)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- *_, pvl_users = subprocess.check_output("/usr/bin/getent group pvl".split()).decode().rstrip('\n').split(":")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ *_, pvl_users = (
+ subprocess.check_output("/usr/bin/getent group pvl".split())
+ .decode()
+ .rstrip("\n")
+ .split(":")
+ )
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('-d', '--days_since', type=int, default=14, help="At least how long ago were the jobs run? Smaller values are faster.")
- parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_folder', type=Path, required=True, help="Output directory of experiments.")
- parser.add_argument('--user', type=str, default=os.environ['USER'], choices=pvl_users.split(','), help="User who ran the jobs.")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-d",
+ "--days_since",
+ type=int,
+ default=14,
+ help="At least how long ago were the jobs run? Smaller values are faster.",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-o",
+ "--output_folder",
+ type=Path,
+ required=True,
+ help="Output directory of experiments.",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--user",
+ type=str,
+ default=os.environ["USER"],
+ choices=pvl_users.split(","),
+ help="User who ran the jobs.",
+ )
args = parser.parse_args()
assert args.output_folder.exists()
- squeue_out = subprocess.check_output(f'squeue --user={args.user} -o "%.24i%.40j%.14R" -h'.split()).decode()
- non_started_jobs = [Job(job_id=i, name=n, current_status=s) for i,n,s in re.findall("([0-9]+) +(\S+) +(\([a-zA-Z]+\))", squeue_out) if n.startswith(args.output_folder.stem)]
- sacct_start_date = (datetime.now() - timedelta(days=args.days_since)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')# 2022-05-07
+ squeue_out = subprocess.check_output(
+ f'squeue --user={args.user} -o "%.24i%.40j%.14R" -h'.split()
+ ).decode()
+ non_started_jobs = [
+ Job(job_id=i, name=n, current_status=s)
+ for i, n, s in re.findall("([0-9]+) +(\S+) +(\([a-zA-Z]+\))", squeue_out)
+ if n.startswith(args.output_folder.stem)
+ ]
+ sacct_start_date = (datetime.now() - timedelta(days=args.days_since)).strftime(
+ "%Y-%m-%d"
+ ) # 2022-05-07
sacct_command = f"sacct --starttime {sacct_start_date} -u {args.user} --noheader -o jobid,jobname%80,AllocTRES%80,ElapsedRaw,stat%30,NodeList,Start,MaxRSS"
print(f"Running command: {sacct_command}")
sacct_output = subprocess.check_output(sacct_command.split()).decode()
@@ -84,20 +137,28 @@ def get_node_info():
for sacct_line in sacct_output.splitlines():
parsed_job = parse_sacct_line(sacct_line)
- if (parsed_job is not None) and (parsed_job.name.startswith(args.output_folder.stem)):
+ if (parsed_job is not None) and (
+ parsed_job.name.startswith(args.output_folder.stem)
+ ):
if parsed_job.job_id in mem_dict:
max_memory = mem_dict[parsed_job.job_id]
- parsed_job.max_memory_gb = float(max_memory[:-1]) / MEM_FACTOR[max_memory[-1]]
+ parsed_job.max_memory_gb = (
+ float(max_memory[:-1]) / MEM_FACTOR[max_memory[-1]]
+ )
- all_jobs = (relevant_started_jobs + non_started_jobs)
+ all_jobs = relevant_started_jobs + non_started_jobs
seed_dict = defaultdict(list)
for j in all_jobs:
- seed, = re.compile(f"{args.output_folder.stem}_([^ _]+)_.*").fullmatch(j.name).groups()
+ (seed,) = (
+ re.compile(f"{args.output_folder.stem}_([^ _]+)_.*")
+ .fullmatch(j.name)
+ .groups()
+ )
node_info = get_node_info()
- for k,v in sorted(seed_dict.items()):
- print("-"*len(HEADER) + "\n" + HEADER)
+ for k, v in sorted(seed_dict.items()):
+ print("-" * len(HEADER) + "\n" + HEADER)
for j in v:
if j.node is not None:
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/results/make_grid_figure.py b/infinigen/tools/results/make_grid_figure.py
index c753dfceb..8219c76ab 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/results/make_grid_figure.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/results/make_grid_figure.py
@@ -5,8 +5,9 @@
import os
-import numpy as np
import cv2
+import numpy as np
root_folder = "outputs_scratch/fig1_v6"
scene_types = [
@@ -20,13 +21,13 @@
+titles = scene_types
level0_layout = (3, 3)
sublevel_mode = "below"
sublevel_layout = (2, 6)
margin = 0
-H, W = (1080, 1920) # resized resolution
+H, W = (1080, 1920) # resized resolution
with_txt = True
if sublevel_mode == "below":
@@ -40,32 +41,40 @@
block_W = W + (margin + subfigure_W) * sublevel_layout[1] + margin
block_H = H + margin
-canvas = np.zeros((block_H * level0_layout[0] - margin, block_W * level0_layout[1] - margin, 3)) + 255
+canvas = (
+ np.zeros(
+ (block_H * level0_layout[0] - margin, block_W * level0_layout[1] - margin, 3)
+ )
+ + 255
for i, scene_type, title in zip(range(len(scene_types)), scene_types, titles):
y, x = i // level0_layout[1], i % level0_layout[1]
for j in range(sublevel_layout[0] * sublevel_layout[1] + 1):
print(scene_type, j)
- folder = f'{scene_type}_{j}'
+ folder = f"{scene_type}_{j}"
path = f"{root_folder}/{folder}/frames_{folder}_resmpl0"
- if not os.path.exists(path):
- print(f'{path} did not exist')
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ print(f"{path} did not exist")
+ continue
+ image_path = [
+ x for x in os.listdir(path) if x.startswith("Noisy") and x.endswith(".png")
+ ]
+ if image_path == []:
- image_path = [x for x in os.listdir(path) if x.startswith("Noisy") and x.endswith(".png")]
- if image_path == []: continue
image_path = f"{path}/{image_path[0]}"
image = cv2.imread(image_path)
if j == 0:
image = cv2.resize(image, (W, H))
- canvas[y * block_H: y * block_H + H, x * block_W: x * block_W + W] = image
+ canvas[y * block_H : y * block_H + H, x * block_W : x * block_W + W] = image
y_j, x_j = (j - 1) // sublevel_layout[1], (j - 1) % sublevel_layout[1]
subfigure_W0, subfigure_H0 = subfigure_W, subfigure_H
if sublevel_mode == "below":
- assert(sublevel_layout[1] > 1)
+ assert sublevel_layout[1] > 1
if x_j == sublevel_layout[1] - 1:
subfigure_W0 = W - (subfigure_W + margin) * (sublevel_layout[1] - 1)
- assert(sublevel_layout[0] > 1)
+ assert sublevel_layout[0] > 1
if y_j == sublevel_layout[0] - 1:
subfigure_H0 = H - (subfigure_H + margin) * (sublevel_layout[0] - 1)
image = cv2.resize(image, (subfigure_W0, subfigure_H0))
@@ -75,11 +84,22 @@
H_offset = (margin + subfigure_H) * y_j
W_offset = W + margin + (margin + subfigure_W) * x_j
- canvas[y * block_H + H_offset: y * block_H + H_offset + subfigure_H0, x * block_W + W_offset: x * block_W + W_offset + subfigure_W0] = image
+ canvas[
+ y * block_H + H_offset : y * block_H + H_offset + subfigure_H0,
+ x * block_W + W_offset : x * block_W + W_offset + subfigure_W0,
+ ] = image
if with_txt:
if np.sum(canvas[y * block_H + 5, x * block_W + 5]) > 255 * 1.5:
color = (0, 0, 0)
color = (255, 255, 255)
- cv2.putText(canvas, title, (x * block_W, y * block_H + 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=2, color=color, thickness=4)
+ cv2.putText(
+ canvas,
+ title,
+ (x * block_W, y * block_H + 50),
+ fontScale=2,
+ color=color,
+ thickness=4,
+ )
cv2.imwrite(f"{root_folder}/figure.png", canvas)
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/results/parse_times.py b/infinigen/tools/results/parse_times.py
index f1d222bbf..6e089c8ae 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/results/parse_times.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/results/parse_times.py
@@ -10,32 +10,73 @@
import re
import subprocess
from collections import defaultdict
-from datetime import timedelta
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
-REGEX_PATTERN = f'(\[.*\]) *([^ ]+) -> ([^ ]+) \| ([0-9\.]+)h:([0-9\.]+)m:([0-9\.]+)s'
+REGEX_PATTERN = "(\[.*\]) *([^ ]+) -> ([^ ]+) \| ([0-9\.]+)h:([0-9\.]+)m:([0-9\.]+)s"
if __name__ == "__main__":
- *_, pvl_users = subprocess.check_output("/usr/bin/getent group pvl".split()).decode().rstrip('\n').split(":")
+ *_, pvl_users = (
+ subprocess.check_output("/usr/bin/getent group pvl".split())
+ .decode()
+ .rstrip("\n")
+ .split(":")
+ )
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('-s', '--stage', required=True, choices=['coarse', 'fine', 'fine_terrain'], type=str)
- parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_folder', type=Path, required=True, help="Output directory of experiments.")
- parser.add_argument('--user', type=str, default=os.environ['USER'], choices=pvl_users.split(','), help="User who ran the jobs.")
- parser.add_argument('-d', '--days_since', type=int, default=14, help="At least how long ago were the jobs run? Smaller values are faster.")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-s",
+ "--stage",
+ required=True,
+ choices=["coarse", "fine", "fine_terrain"],
+ type=str,
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-o",
+ "--output_folder",
+ type=Path,
+ required=True,
+ help="Output directory of experiments.",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--user",
+ type=str,
+ default=os.environ["USER"],
+ choices=pvl_users.split(","),
+ help="User who ran the jobs.",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-d",
+ "--days_since",
+ type=int,
+ default=14,
+ help="At least how long ago were the jobs run? Smaller values are faster.",
+ )
args = parser.parse_args()
- date_since = (datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=args.days_since)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
- cmd = ['sacct', '--noheader', '--starttime', date_since, '-u', args.user, '-o', 'jobname%50,ElapsedRaw%50,stat%50']
- out = subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('utf-8')
+ date_since = (
+ datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=args.days_since)
+ ).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+ cmd = [
+ "sacct",
+ "--noheader",
+ "--starttime",
+ date_since,
+ "-u",
+ args.user,
+ "-o",
+ "jobname%50,ElapsedRaw%50,stat%50",
+ ]
+ out = subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode("utf-8")
job_times = {}
- for l in out.splitlines():
- job_name, job_sec, status, *_ = l.strip().split()
- regex = re.compile(f"{args.output_folder.stem}_({'[A-Z]'*8}_.+)").fullmatch(job_name)
+ for line in out.splitlines():
+ job_name, job_sec, status, *_ = line.strip().split()
+ regex = re.compile(f"{args.output_folder.stem}_({'[A-Z]'*8}_.+)").fullmatch(
+ job_name
+ )
if regex is not None:
- seed_stage, = regex.groups()
- job_times[seed_stage] = (int(job_sec), (status == "COMPLETED"))
+ (seed_stage,) = regex.groups()
+ job_times[seed_stage] = (int(job_sec), (status == "COMPLETED"))
data_dict = defaultdict(list)
all_time_logs = list(args.output_folder.rglob(f"{args.stage}_times.txt"))
@@ -45,16 +86,20 @@
if not finished:
for name, start, end, h, m, s in re.findall(REGEX_PATTERN, log.read_text()):
- chunk_time = float(h)*3600 + float(m)*60 + float(s)
+ chunk_time = float(h) * 3600 + float(m) * 60 + float(s)
percent = chunk_time * 100 / job_time
data_dict[name].append((chunk_time, percent))
to_print = []
for key, data_list in data_dict.items():
- average_time = round(np.mean([t for t,_ in data_list]))
- average_percent = round(np.mean([p for _,p in data_list]))
- to_print.append((average_percent, f"{key.ljust(40)} {average_time//3600:02d}h:{((average_time%3600)//60):02d}m ({average_percent}%) [#{len(data_list)}]"))
- for _,s in sorted(to_print):
+ average_time = round(np.mean([t for t, _ in data_list]))
+ average_percent = round(np.mean([p for _, p in data_list]))
+ to_print.append(
+ (
+ average_percent,
+ f"{key.ljust(40)} {average_time//3600:02d}h:{((average_time%3600)//60):02d}m ({average_percent}%) [#{len(data_list)}]",
+ )
+ )
+ for _, s in sorted(to_print):
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/results/parse_videos.py b/infinigen/tools/results/parse_videos.py
index b0850060b..19bd17eaf 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/results/parse_videos.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/results/parse_videos.py
@@ -9,18 +9,17 @@
from pathlib import Path
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-parser.add_argument('input_folder', type=Path, nargs='+')
-parser.add_argument('--output_folder', type=Path, default=None)
-parser.add_argument('--image_type', default='Image')
-parser.add_argument('--camera', type=int, default=0)
-parser.add_argument('--overlay', type=int, default=1)
-parser.add_argument('--join', type=int, default=1)
-parser.add_argument('--fps', type=int, default=24)
-parser.add_argument('--resize', type=int, nargs='+', default=[720, 1280])
+parser.add_argument("input_folder", type=Path, nargs="+")
+parser.add_argument("--output_folder", type=Path, default=None)
+parser.add_argument("--image_type", default="Image")
+parser.add_argument("--camera", type=int, default=0)
+parser.add_argument("--overlay", type=int, default=1)
+parser.add_argument("--join", type=int, default=1)
+parser.add_argument("--fps", type=int, default=24)
+parser.add_argument("--resize", type=int, nargs="+", default=[720, 1280])
args = parser.parse_args()
for input_folder in args.input_folder:
if not input_folder.is_dir():
@@ -33,32 +32,34 @@
for seed_folder in input_folder.iterdir():
if not seed_folder.is_dir():
- if len(list(seed_folder.glob('frames*'))) == 0:
- print(f'{seed_folder=} has no frames*')
+ if len(list(seed_folder.glob("frames*"))) == 0:
+ print(f"{seed_folder=} has no frames*")
filters = []
if args.resize is not None:
filters += ["-s", f"{args.resize[0]}x{args.resize[1]}"]
if args.overlay:
- text = f'{seed_folder.name} {args.image_type} camera_{args.camera}'
+ text = f"{seed_folder.name} {args.image_type} camera_{args.camera}"
filters += ["-vf", f"drawtext='text={text}'"]
cmd = (
- f'ffmpeg -y -r {args.fps} -pattern_type glob '.split() +
- f'-i {seed_folder.absolute()}/frames/{args.image_type}/camera_{args.camera}/*.png'.split() +
- filters +
- '-pix_fmt yuv420p '.split() +
- f'{output_folder}/{seed_folder.name}_{args.image_type}_{args.camera}.mp4'.split()
+ f"ffmpeg -y -r {args.fps} -pattern_type glob ".split()
+ + f"-i {seed_folder.absolute()}/frames/{args.image_type}/camera_{args.camera}/*.png".split()
+ + filters
+ + "-pix_fmt yuv420p ".split()
+ + f"{output_folder}/{seed_folder.name}_{args.image_type}_{args.camera}.mp4".split()
if args.join:
- cat_output = output_folder/f'{output_folder.name}_{args.image_type}.mp4'
- videos = [x for x in output_folder.glob(f'*_{args.image_type}.mp4') if x != cat_output ]
+ cat_output = output_folder / f"{output_folder.name}_{args.image_type}.mp4"
+ videos = [
+ x for x in output_folder.glob(f"*_{args.image_type}.mp4") if x != cat_output
+ ]
+ instructions = output_folder / "videos.txt"
+ instructions.write_text("\n".join([f"file '{x.absolute()}'" for x in videos]))
- instructions = (output_folder/'videos.txt')
- instructions.write_text('\n'.join([f"file '{x.absolute()}'" for x in videos]))
cmd = f"ffmpeg -y -f concat -safe 0 -i {instructions} -c copy {cat_output}"
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/results/resource_stats.py b/infinigen/tools/results/resource_stats.py
index bb2e92f47..9c1d88aca 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/results/resource_stats.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/results/resource_stats.py
@@ -16,20 +16,22 @@
plt = sns.mpl.pyplot
def parse_mem(s: str):
- for c, m in [('K', 1e6), ('M', 1e3), ('G', 1)]:
+ for c, m in [("K", 1e6), ("M", 1e3), ("G", 1)]:
if s.endswith(c):
return (float(s.rstrip(c))) / m
raise Exception()
def make_plot(data, bin_width, path: os.PathLike):
data = np.asarray(data)
data = data[data < np.quantile(data, 0.99)]
- suffix = ''
+ suffix = ""
if data.max() > 1e6:
data /= 1e6
- suffix = 'M'
+ suffix = "M"
ax = sns.histplot(data, bins=int(data.max() / bin_width))
@@ -46,15 +48,21 @@ def make_plot(data, bin_width, path: os.PathLike):
-if __name__ == "__main__":
+if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('-p', '--pipeline_dirs', type=Path, nargs='+', required=True)
- parser.add_argument('--assume_resample', action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument("-p", "--pipeline_dirs", type=Path, nargs="+", required=True)
+ parser.add_argument("--assume_resample", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
print("Running sacct...")
- sacct = subprocess.check_output('sacct --allusers --starttime 2022-10-31 --endtime 2022-11-07 -o JobID,JobName%100,MaxRSS,Elapsed,AllocTres%100,State%30'.split()).decode().splitlines()
+ sacct = (
+ subprocess.check_output(
+ "sacct --allusers --starttime 2022-10-31 --endtime 2022-11-07 -o JobID,JobName%100,MaxRSS,Elapsed,AllocTres%100,State%30".split()
+ )
+ .decode()
+ .splitlines()
+ )
# sacct = Path("sacct_saved.txt").read_text().splitlines()
@@ -68,33 +76,43 @@ def make_plot(data, bin_width, path: os.PathLike):
print(f"Total number of scenes: {len(finished_seeds)}")
for line in sacct:
- match = re.fullmatch(f"(\d+) +(\S*{run_name}\S*) +" + "(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}) +\S*cpu=(.*),mem=\S+ +COMPLETED *", line)
+ match = re.fullmatch(
+ f"(\d+) +(\S*{run_name}\S*) +"
+ + "(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}) +\S*cpu=(.*),mem=\S+ +COMPLETED *",
+ line,
+ )
if match:
jobid, name, elapsed, tres = match.groups()
- cpus, *_ = tres.replace('gres/gpu:', '').split(',')
+ cpus, *_ = tres.replace("gres/gpu:", "").split(",")
gpu = re.fullmatch(".*gres/gpu:(.*=\d+),gres/gpu=.*", tres)
- hours, mins, secs = map(float, elapsed.split(':'))
- relevant_jobs[jobid] = {"name": name, "elapsed": (hours + mins/60 + secs/3600), "cpus": int(cpus), "gpus": gpu.group(1).split('=') if gpu else None}
+ hours, mins, secs = map(float, elapsed.split(":"))
+ relevant_jobs[jobid] = {
+ "name": name,
+ "elapsed": (hours + mins / 60 + secs / 3600),
+ "cpus": int(cpus),
+ "gpus": gpu.group(1).split("=") if gpu else None,
+ }
for line in sacct:
- memory_match = re.fullmatch("(\d+).0 +python +([\.\d]+[K|M|G]) .*COMPLETED *", line)
+ memory_match = re.fullmatch(
+ "(\d+).0 +python +([\.\d]+[K|M|G]) .*COMPLETED *", line
+ )
if memory_match:
jobid, mem = memory_match.groups()
if jobid in relevant_jobs:
- relevant_jobs[jobid]['max_memory'] = parse_mem(mem)
+ relevant_jobs[jobid]["max_memory"] = parse_mem(mem)
- for k,v in relevant_jobs.items():
+ for k, v in relevant_jobs.items():
seed = re.fullmatch(".*_([A-Z]+)_.*", v["name"]).group(1)
if seed in finished_seeds:
for seed in finished_seeds:
stats_txt = folder / seed / "logs" / "fine_polycounts.txt"
- text = stats_txt.read_text().replace(',','')
- num_tris, = map(int, re.findall("Tris:(\d+)\n", text))
+ text = stats_txt.read_text().replace(",", "")
+ (num_tris,) = map(int, re.findall("Tris:(\d+)\n", text))
all_max_mems = []
all_elapsed = []
all_cpu_hours = []
@@ -103,21 +121,23 @@ def make_plot(data, bin_width, path: os.PathLike):
for scene_seed, job_id_list in scene_lookup.items():
jobs = [relevant_jobs[j] for j in sorted(job_id_list)]
if args.assume_resample:
- while 'render_2' in jobs[-1]["name"]:
+ while "render_2" in jobs[-1]["name"]:
- while 'render_1' in jobs[-1]["name"]:
+ while "render_1" in jobs[-1]["name"]:
- max_mem = max(j['max_memory'] for j in jobs)
+ max_mem = max(j["max_memory"] for j in jobs)
- total_elapsed = sum(j['elapsed'] for j in jobs)
+ total_elapsed = sum(j["elapsed"] for j in jobs)
- cpu_hours = sum((j['elapsed']*j["cpus"]) for j in jobs)
+ cpu_hours = sum((j["elapsed"] * j["cpus"]) for j in jobs)
- gpu_hours = sum((j['elapsed']*int(j["gpus"][1])) for j in jobs if (j["gpus"] is not None))
+ gpu_hours = sum(
+ (j["elapsed"] * int(j["gpus"][1])) for j in jobs if (j["gpus"] is not None)
+ )
- make_plot(all_max_mems, 3, 'plots/all_max_mems.png')
- make_plot(all_elapsed, 0.5, 'plots/all_elapsed.png')
- make_plot(all_cpu_hours, 1, 'plots/all_cpu_hours.png')
- make_plot(all_gpu_hours, 0.1, 'plots/all_gpu_hours.png')
- make_plot(num_tri_counts, 2, 'plots/all_tricounts.png')
+ make_plot(all_max_mems, 3, "plots/all_max_mems.png")
+ make_plot(all_elapsed, 0.5, "plots/all_elapsed.png")
+ make_plot(all_cpu_hours, 1, "plots/all_cpu_hours.png")
+ make_plot(all_gpu_hours, 0.1, "plots/all_gpu_hours.png")
+ make_plot(num_tri_counts, 2, "plots/all_tricounts.png")
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/results/scatter_figure.py b/infinigen/tools/results/scatter_figure.py
index 895029f89..c1723abca 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/results/scatter_figure.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/results/scatter_figure.py
@@ -4,105 +4,128 @@
# Authors: Hongyu Wen
+import argparse
+import os
import bpy
+import gin
import mathutils
-from pathlib import Path
-import sys, importlib
-import numpy as np
-import os
-import argparse
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform as U
-import gin
-from infinigen.core.surface import registry
+from infinigen.assets.lighting import sky_lighting
+from infinigen.assets.materials import dirt, mud
from infinigen.assets.scatters import (
- grass,
- chopped_trees,
- pine_needle,
- flowerplant,
- fern,
- pinecone,
- urchin,
+ chopped_trees,
+ grass,
+ pine_needle,
+ pinecone,
+ seashells,
- seashells
+ urchin,
-from infinigen.assets.materials import dirt, sand, mud
-from infinigen.core.placement import density
-import math
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.assets.lighting import sky_lighting
from infinigen.core import init
+from infinigen.core.placement import density
+from infinigen.core.surface import registry
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-gin.parse_config_files_and_bindings(['config/base.gin'], [])
+gin.parse_config_files_and_bindings(["config/base.gin"], [])
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-parser.add_argument('-s', '--save', type=str, default='stable')
-parser.add_argument('-m', '--mode', type=str, default='grass')
-parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', type=bool, default=False)
-parser.add_argument('-v', '--view', type=int, default=0.5)
-parser.add_argument('-ix', '--index_x', type=int, default=0)
-parser.add_argument('-iy', '--index_y', type=int, default=0)
+parser.add_argument("-s", "--save", type=str, default="stable")
+parser.add_argument("-m", "--mode", type=str, default="grass")
+parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", type=bool, default=False)
+parser.add_argument("-v", "--view", type=int, default=0.5)
+parser.add_argument("-ix", "--index_x", type=int, default=0)
+parser.add_argument("-iy", "--index_y", type=int, default=0)
args = init.parse_args_blender()
def apply_scatters(obj, mode, index):
all_objects = [obj]
path = f"outputs/scatter_figure/{mode}/{mode}_{index[0]}_{index[1]}.png"
- if os.path.exists(path) and args.save == 'stable':
+ if os.path.exists(path) and args.save == "stable":
- if mode == 'grass':
+ if mode == "grass":
- selection = density.placement_mask(normal_dir=(0, 0, 1), scale=3,
- return_scalar=True, select_thresh=U(0, 0.2))
+ selection = density.placement_mask(
+ normal_dir=(0, 0, 1), scale=3, return_scalar=True, select_thresh=U(0, 0.2)
+ )
go, _ = grass.apply(obj, selection=selection, density=15)
# if U() < 0.3:
- # fo, _ = flowerplant.apply(obj,
- # selection=density.get_placement_distribution(normal_dir=(0, 0, 1), scale=U(1, 3), select_thresh=0.1, return_scalar=True),
+ # fo, _ = flowerplant.apply(obj,
+ # selection=density.get_placement_distribution(normal_dir=(0, 0, 1), scale=U(1, 3), select_thresh=0.1, return_scalar=True),
# density=U(0.3, 2))
# all_objects.append(fo)
# elif mode == 'fern':
# dirt.apply(obj)
# fern.apply(obj, density=3.5, selection=density.get_placement_distribution(normal_dir=(0, 0, 1), scale=0.1, return_scalar=True))
- elif mode == 'seafloor':
+ elif mode == "seafloor":
- uo, _ = urchin.apply(obj, selection=density.placement_mask(scale=U(1, 3), select_thresh=U(0.8, 1.2)), density=U(0.8, 1.2), n=int(U(3, 10)))
- mo, _ = seashells.apply(obj, selection=density.placement_mask(scale=U(1, 3), select_thresh=U(0.8, 1.2)), density=U(1.5, 2.5), n=int(U(5, 15)))
- so, _ = seaweed.apply(obj, selection=density.placement_mask(scale=U(1, 3), select_thresh=U(0.8, 1.2), normal_thresh=0.4), density=U(1, 2), n=int(U(3, 10)))
+ uo, _ = urchin.apply(
+ obj,
+ selection=density.placement_mask(scale=U(1, 3), select_thresh=U(0.8, 1.2)),
+ density=U(0.8, 1.2),
+ n=int(U(3, 10)),
+ )
+ mo, _ = seashells.apply(
+ obj,
+ selection=density.placement_mask(scale=U(1, 3), select_thresh=U(0.8, 1.2)),
+ density=U(1.5, 2.5),
+ n=int(U(5, 15)),
+ )
+ so, _ = seaweed.apply(
+ obj,
+ selection=density.placement_mask(
+ scale=U(1, 3), select_thresh=U(0.8, 1.2), normal_thresh=0.4
+ ),
+ density=U(1, 2),
+ n=int(U(3, 10)),
+ )
- elif mode == 'fallen_trees':
- po, _ = pine_needle.apply(obj,
- selection=density.placement_mask(scale=U(0.2, 1), select_thresh=U(0.4, 0.6), return_scalar=True),
- density=U(1000, 3000))
- pio, _ = pinecone.apply(obj,
- selection=density.placement_mask(scale=U(0.1, 0.4), select_thresh=U(0.4, 0.6)),
- density=U(0.4, 0.6))
- selection = density.placement_mask(scale=U(0.1, 0.4), select_thresh=U(0.4, 0.6), density=U(0.4, 0.6))
+ elif mode == "fallen_trees":
+ po, _ = pine_needle.apply(
+ obj,
+ selection=density.placement_mask(
+ scale=U(0.2, 1), select_thresh=U(0.4, 0.6), return_scalar=True
+ ),
+ density=U(1000, 3000),
+ )
+ pio, _ = pinecone.apply(
+ obj,
+ selection=density.placement_mask(
+ scale=U(0.1, 0.4), select_thresh=U(0.4, 0.6)
+ ),
+ density=U(0.4, 0.6),
+ )
+ selection = density.placement_mask(
+ scale=U(0.1, 0.4), select_thresh=U(0.4, 0.6), density=U(0.4, 0.6)
+ )
co, _ = chopped_trees.apply(obj, selection=selection)
assert False
bpy.context.scene.render.film_transparent = True
- bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.color_mode = 'RGBA'
+ bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.color_mode = "RGBA"
# bpy.context.scene.render.engine = 'CYCLES'
bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = path
- bpy.ops.render.render(scene=bpy.context.scene.name, write_still=True)
+ bpy.ops.render.render(scene=bpy.context.scene.name, write_still=True)
# butil.delete(all_objects)
s = 3
margin = 0
n = 100
@@ -113,25 +136,56 @@ def apply_scatters(obj, mode, index):
-bpy.ops.object.camera_add(location=mathutils.Vector(args.view * np.array([-10,-10,10])), rotation=(np.deg2rad(70), 0, np.deg2rad(-45)))
+ location=mathutils.Vector(args.view * np.array([-10, -10, 10])),
+ rotation=(np.deg2rad(70), 0, np.deg2rad(-45)),
cam = bpy.context.active_object
bpy.context.scene.camera = cam
bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x = 2048
bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y = 1024
seen_list = [
- (0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 4),
- (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4),
- (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4),
- (3, 0), (3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3), (3, 4),
- (4, 0), (4, 1), (4, 2), (4, 3), (4, 4),
- (5, 1), (5, 2), (5, 3), (5, 4), (5, 5),
- (6, 1), (6, 2), (6, 3), (6, 4), (6, 5),
+ (0, 0),
+ (0, 1),
+ (0, 2),
+ (0, 3),
+ (0, 4),
+ (1, 0),
+ (1, 1),
+ (1, 2),
+ (1, 3),
+ (1, 4),
+ (2, 0),
+ (2, 1),
+ (2, 2),
+ (2, 3),
+ (2, 4),
+ (3, 0),
+ (3, 1),
+ (3, 2),
+ (3, 3),
+ (3, 4),
+ (4, 0),
+ (4, 1),
+ (4, 2),
+ (4, 3),
+ (4, 4),
+ (5, 1),
+ (5, 2),
+ (5, 3),
+ (5, 4),
+ (5, 5),
+ (6, 1),
+ (6, 2),
+ (6, 3),
+ (6, 4),
+ (6, 5),
try_list = [(1, 1)]
-if (args.debug):
+if args.debug:
enum_list = try_list
enum_list = seen_list
@@ -144,11 +198,13 @@ def apply_scatters(obj, mode, index):
np.random.seed(x * prime1 + y + prime2)
# x, y = i // rowsize, i % rowsize
pos = (s + margin) * mathutils.Vector((x, y, 0))
-bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_grid_add(size=s, location=pos, x_subdivisions=planeres, y_subdivisions=planeres)
+ size=s, location=pos, x_subdivisions=planeres, y_subdivisions=planeres
plane = bpy.context.active_object
apply_scatters(plane, mode=mode, index=(x, y))
- # butil.delete(plane)
+# butil.delete(plane)
# path = f"outputs/scatter_figure/grass.png"
# bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = path
-# bpy.ops.render.render(scene=bpy.context.scene.name, write_still=True)
\ No newline at end of file
+# bpy.ops.render.render(scene=bpy.context.scene.name, write_still=True)
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/results/strip_alpha_background.py b/infinigen/tools/results/strip_alpha_background.py
index cf34ba76d..4b989d615 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/results/strip_alpha_background.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/results/strip_alpha_background.py
@@ -4,27 +4,31 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick, Lingjie Mei
-import imageio
-from pathlib import Path
import argparse
-import pdb
+import logging
+from pathlib import Path
+import imageio
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-parser.add_argument('folder', type=Path, nargs='+')
-parser.add_argument('thresh', type=float, default=0.05)
+parser.add_argument("folder", type=Path, nargs="+")
+parser.add_argument("thresh", type=float, default=0.05)
def main(thresh, folder):
- assert thresh > 1, f'Images are 0-255 you probably didnt want {thresh=}'
+ assert thresh > 1, f"Images are 0-255 you probably didnt want {thresh=}"
for folder in folder:
- out_folder = folder.parent / (folder.stem + f'_thresh_{thresh}')
+ out_folder = folder.parent / (folder.stem + f"_thresh_{thresh}")
out_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
for imgpath in folder.iterdir():
img = imageio.imread(imgpath)
- except:
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ logger.warning(f"Could not read {imgpath}")
pixs = img.reshape(-1, 4)
@@ -32,7 +36,7 @@ def main(thresh, folder):
pixs[mask] = 0
img = pixs.reshape(img.shape)
- print(f'Stripped {100 * mask.mean()}% from {imgpath}')
+ print(f"Stripped {100 * mask.mean()}% from {imgpath}")
imageio.imwrite(out_folder / imgpath.name, img)
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/results/summarize.py b/infinigen/tools/results/summarize.py
index 5fa4dc225..b74bb7217 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/results/summarize.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/results/summarize.py
@@ -13,38 +13,52 @@
from pathlib import Path
import cv2
-import flow_vis # run pip install flow_vis
import numpy as np
import skimage.measure
-from einops import repeat
from imageio.v3 import imread
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
+ import flow_vis # run pip install flow_vis
+ from einops import repeat
+except ImportError:
+ raise ImportError(
+ "GT visualization requires extra dependencies. Please install optional extras via `pip install .[vis]`."
+ )
def make_defaultdict(inner):
- return (lambda: defaultdict(inner))
+ return lambda: defaultdict(inner)
def parse_mask_tag_jsons(base_folder):
- for file_path in base_folder.rglob('MaskTag.json'):
- if match := re.fullmatch("fine_([0-9])_([0-9])_([0-9]{4})_([0-9])", file_path.parent.name):
+ for file_path in base_folder.rglob("MaskTag.json"):
+ if match := re.fullmatch(
+ "fine_([0-9])_([0-9])_([0-9]{4})_([0-9])", file_path.parent.name
+ ):
_, _, frame_str, _ = match.groups()
yield (int(frame_str), file_path)
- for file_path in base_folder.rglob('MaskTag.json'):
+ for file_path in base_folder.rglob("MaskTag.json"):
if match := re.fullmatch("fine.*", file_path.parent.name):
yield (0, file_path)
def summarize_folder(base_folder):
base_folder = Path(base_folder)
output = defaultdict(make_defaultdict(make_defaultdict(make_defaultdict(dict))))
max_frame = -1
- for file_path in base_folder.rglob('*'):
+ for file_path in base_folder.rglob("*"):
if (not file_path.is_file) or ("saved_mesh" in file_path.parts):
- if match := re.fullmatch("(.*)_([0-9]{4})_([0-9]{2})_([0-9]{2})\.([a-z]+)", file_path.name):
+ if match := re.fullmatch(
+ "(.*)_([0-9]{4})_([0-9]{2})_([0-9]{2})\.([a-z]+)", file_path.name
+ ):
data_type, frame_str, rig, subcam, suffix = match.groups()
- output[data_type][suffix][rig][subcam][frame_str] = str(file_path.relative_to(base_folder))
+ output[data_type][suffix][rig][subcam][frame_str] = str(
+ file_path.relative_to(base_folder)
+ )
max_frame = max(max_frame, int(frame_str))
# Rename keys
@@ -52,8 +66,8 @@ def summarize_folder(base_folder):
output["Camera Intrinsics"] = output.pop("K")
mask_tag_jsons = sorted(parse_mask_tag_jsons(base_folder))
- for frame in range(1, max_frame+1):
- _, closest = max((f,p) for f,p in mask_tag_jsons if (int(f) <= frame))
+ for frame in range(1, max_frame + 1):
+ _, closest = max((f, p) for f, p in mask_tag_jsons if (int(f) <= frame))
output["Mask Tags"][f"{frame:04d}"] = str(closest.relative_to(base_folder))
output["stats"] = {"Max Frame": max_frame}
@@ -61,10 +75,21 @@ def summarize_folder(base_folder):
(base_folder / "summary.json").write_text(json.dumps(output, indent=4))
return base_folder / "summary.json"
def what_is_missing(summary):
max_frame = summary["stats"]["Max Frame"]
- all_rigs = set(chain((summary["SurfaceNormal"]["png"].keys()), (summary["SurfaceNormal"]["png"].keys())))
- all_subcams = set(chain((summary["SurfaceNormal"]["png"]["00"].keys()), (summary["SurfaceNormal"]["png"]["00"].keys())))
+ all_rigs = set(
+ chain(
+ (summary["SurfaceNormal"]["png"].keys()),
+ (summary["SurfaceNormal"]["png"].keys()),
+ )
+ )
+ all_subcams = set(
+ chain(
+ (summary["SurfaceNormal"]["png"]["00"].keys()),
+ (summary["SurfaceNormal"]["png"]["00"].keys()),
+ )
+ )
logs = []
for rig in all_rigs:
for subcam in all_subcams:
@@ -77,34 +102,43 @@ def what_is_missing(summary):
logs.append(f"Image is missing for frame {frame}")
return logs
def process_flow_frame(path, shape):
flow3d = np.load(path)
- flow2d_resized = cv2.resize(flow3d, dsize=shape, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)[...,:2]
+ flow2d_resized = cv2.resize(flow3d, dsize=shape, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)[
+ ..., :2
+ ]
flow2d_resized[(np.abs(flow2d_resized) > 1e3) | np.isnan(flow2d_resized)] = -1
flow_color = flow_vis.flow_to_color(flow2d_resized, convert_to_bgr=False)
return flow_color
def process_depth_frame(path, shape):
depth = np.load(path)
return cv2.resize(depth, dsize=shape, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
def process_mask(path, shape):
mask = imread(path)
H, W = mask.shape
scale = (W // shape[0], H // shape[1])
out = skimage.measure.block_reduce(mask, scale, np.max)
- return repeat(out, 'H W -> H W 3')
+ return repeat(out, "H W -> H W 3")
def frames_to_video(file_path, frames: list, fps=24):
- assert Path(file_path).suffix == '.avi'
+ assert Path(file_path).suffix == ".avi"
H, W, _ = frames[0].shape
- video = cv2.VideoWriter(str(file_path), cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'DIVX'),frameSize=(W, H), fps=fps)
+ video = cv2.VideoWriter(
+ str(file_path), cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"DIVX"), frameSize=(W, H), fps=fps
+ )
for img in frames:
assert os.path.exists(file_path)
print(f"Wrote {file_path}")
def depth_to_jet(depth, scale_vmin=1.0):
valid = (depth > 1e-3) & (depth < 1e4)
vmin = depth[valid].min() * scale_vmin
@@ -113,7 +147,8 @@ def depth_to_jet(depth, scale_vmin=1.0):
norm = plt.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
depth = cmap(norm(depth))
depth[~valid] = 1
- return np.ascontiguousarray(depth[...,:3] * 255, dtype=np.uint8)
+ return np.ascontiguousarray(depth[..., :3] * 255, dtype=np.uint8)
def process_scene_folder(folder, preview):
summary_json = summarize_folder(folder)
@@ -125,35 +160,52 @@ def process_scene_folder(folder, preview):
if not preview:
- depth_paths = folder_data["Depth"]['npy']["00"]["00"]
- flow3d_paths = folder_data["Flow3D"]['npy']["00"]["00"]
- image_paths = folder_data["Image"]['png']["00"]["00"]
- occlusion_boundary_paths = folder_data["OcclusionBoundaries"]['png']["00"]["00"]
- flow_mask_paths = folder_data["Flow3D_Mask"]['png']["00"]["00"]
+ depth_paths = folder_data["Depth"]["npy"]["00"]["00"]
+ flow3d_paths = folder_data["Flow3D"]["npy"]["00"]["00"]
+ image_paths = folder_data["Image"]["png"]["00"]["00"]
+ occlusion_boundary_paths = folder_data["OcclusionBoundaries"]["png"]["00"]["00"]
+ flow_mask_paths = folder_data["Flow3D_Mask"]["png"]["00"]["00"]
all_flow_frames = sorted(image_paths.keys())
shape = (1280, 720)
with mp.Pool() as pool:
- all_flow_frames = pool.starmap(process_flow_frame, tqdm([(folder / path, shape) for _, path in sorted(flow3d_paths.items())]))
- all_depth_frames = pool.starmap(process_depth_frame, tqdm([(folder / path, shape) for _, path in sorted(depth_paths.items())]))
- all_occlusion_frames = pool.starmap(process_mask, tqdm([(folder / path, shape) for _, path in sorted(occlusion_boundary_paths.items())]))
- all_flow_mask_frames = pool.starmap(process_mask, tqdm([(folder / path, shape) for _, path in sorted(flow_mask_paths.items())]))
+ all_flow_frames = pool.starmap(
+ process_flow_frame,
+ tqdm([(folder / path, shape) for _, path in sorted(flow3d_paths.items())]),
+ )
+ all_depth_frames = pool.starmap(
+ process_depth_frame,
+ tqdm([(folder / path, shape) for _, path in sorted(depth_paths.items())]),
+ )
+ all_occlusion_frames = pool.starmap(
+ process_mask,
+ tqdm(
+ [
+ (folder / path, shape)
+ for _, path in sorted(occlusion_boundary_paths.items())
+ ]
+ ),
+ )
+ all_flow_mask_frames = pool.starmap(
+ process_mask,
+ tqdm(
+ [(folder / path, shape) for _, path in sorted(flow_mask_paths.items())]
+ ),
+ )
previews: Path = folder / "previews"
- frames_to_video(previews / 'occlusion_boundaries.avi', all_occlusion_frames)
- frames_to_video(previews / 'flow_mask.avi', all_flow_mask_frames)
+ frames_to_video(previews / "occlusion_boundaries.avi", all_occlusion_frames)
+ frames_to_video(previews / "flow_mask.avi", all_flow_mask_frames)
depth_visualization = depth_to_jet(np.asarray(all_depth_frames))
- frames_to_video(previews / 'video_depth.avi', depth_visualization)
- frames_to_video(previews / 'flow_video.avi', all_flow_frames)
+ frames_to_video(previews / "video_depth.avi", depth_visualization)
+ frames_to_video(previews / "flow_video.avi", all_flow_frames)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
+if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('folder', type=Path)
- parser.add_argument('--preview', action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument("folder", type=Path)
+ parser.add_argument("--preview", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
process_scene_folder(args.folder, preview=args.preview)
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/results/visualize_planar_graph.py b/infinigen/tools/results/visualize_planar_graph.py
index b88480b8b..ef84388af 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/results/visualize_planar_graph.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/results/visualize_planar_graph.py
@@ -12,18 +12,20 @@
sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd())
from PIL import Image
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room import GraphMaker
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen_examples.generate_individual_assets import make_args
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room import GraphMaker
def build_scene(idx, path):
with FixedSeed(idx):
factory = GraphMaker(idx)
graph = factory.make_graph(idx)
- (path / 'images').mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+ (path / "images").mkdir(exist_ok=True)
imgpath = path / f"images/image_{idx:03d}.png"
@@ -31,26 +33,30 @@ def build_scene(idx, path):
def make_grid(args, path, n):
files = []
- for filename in sorted(os.listdir(f'{path}/images')):
- if filename.endswith('.png'):
- files.append(f'{path}/images/{filename}')
+ for filename in sorted(os.listdir(f"{path}/images")):
+ if filename.endswith(".png"):
+ files.append(f"{path}/images/{filename}")
files = files[:n]
if len(files) == 0:
- print('No images found')
+ print("No images found")
with Image.open(files[0]) as i:
x, y = i.size
- sz_x = list(sorted(range(1, n + 1), key=lambda x: abs(math.ceil(n / x) / x - args.best_ratio)))[0]
+ sz_x = list(
+ sorted(
+ range(1, n + 1), key=lambda x: abs(math.ceil(n / x) / x - args.best_ratio)
+ )
+ )[0]
sz_y = math.ceil(n / sz_x)
- img = Image.new('RGBA', (sz_x * x, sz_y * y))
+ img = Image.new("RGBA", (sz_x * x, sz_y * y))
for idx, file in enumerate(files):
with Image.open(file) as i:
img.paste(i, (idx % sz_x * x, idx // sz_x * y))
- img.save(f'{path}/grid.png')
+ img.save(f"{path}/grid.png")
def main(args):
- path = Path(os.getcwd()) / 'outputs'
+ path = Path(os.getcwd()) / "outputs"
fac_path = path / GraphMaker.__name__
if fac_path.exists() and args.skip_existing:
@@ -64,7 +70,7 @@ def main(args):
make_grid(args, fac_path, n_images)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
args = make_args()
args.no_mod = args.no_mod or args.fire
with FixedSeed(1):
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/submit_asset_cache.py b/infinigen/tools/submit_asset_cache.py
index 5e10c0b4c..3bf548b6a 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/submit_asset_cache.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/submit_asset_cache.py
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
# Authors: Karhan Kayan
-import submitit
import argparse
-from pathlib import Path
-import sys
import os
-import time
+import sys
+from pathlib import Path
+import submitit
sys.path.append(str(Path(os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]) / ".."))
@@ -16,22 +16,27 @@
def get_slurm_banned_nodes(config_path=None):
if config_path is None:
return []
- with Path(config_path).open('r') as f:
+ with Path(config_path).open("r") as f:
return list(f.read().split())
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-parser.add_argument('-f', '--asset_folder', type=str)
-parser.add_argument('-a', '--assets', nargs='+', default=[
- 'CachedBushFactory',
- 'CachedTreeFactory',
- 'CachedCactusFactory',
- 'CachedCreatureFactory',
- 'CachedBoulderFactory'
-parser.add_argument('-n', '--number', type=int, default=1)
-parser.add_argument('-s', '--start_frame', type=int, default=-20)
-parser.add_argument('-d', '--simulation_duration', type=int, default=24*20+20)
+parser.add_argument("-f", "--asset_folder", type=str)
+ "-a",
+ "--assets",
+ nargs="+",
+ default=[
+ "CachedBushFactory",
+ "CachedTreeFactory",
+ "CachedCactusFactory",
+ "CachedCreatureFactory",
+ "CachedBoulderFactory",
+ ],
+parser.add_argument("-n", "--number", type=int, default=1)
+parser.add_argument("-s", "--start_frame", type=int, default=-20)
+parser.add_argument("-d", "--simulation_duration", type=int, default=24 * 20 + 20)
# parser.add_argument('-r', '--resolution', type=int)
# parser.add_argument('--dissolve_speed', type=int, default=25)
# parser.add_argument('--dom_scale', type=int, default=1)
@@ -42,16 +47,18 @@ def get_slurm_banned_nodes(config_path=None):
for asset in args.assets:
for i in range(args.number):
- cmd = f"{sys.executable} -m infinigen.assets.fluid.run_asset_cache -f {args.asset_folder}/ -a {asset} -s {args.start_frame} -d {args.simulation_duration}".split(" ")
+ cmd = f"{sys.executable} -m infinigen.assets.fluid.run_asset_cache -f {args.asset_folder}/ -a {asset} -s {args.start_frame} -d {args.simulation_duration}".split(
+ " "
+ )
executor = submitit.AutoExecutor(folder=str(Path(args.asset_folder) / "logs"))
- timeout_min=60*24,
+ timeout_min=60 * 24,
- slurm_exclude= "node408,node409",
+ slurm_exclude="node408,node409",
render_fn = submitit.helpers.CommandFunction(cmd)
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/suffixes.py b/infinigen/tools/suffixes.py
index 3a8ce7bbe..0cdb59750 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/suffixes.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/suffixes.py
@@ -3,45 +3,45 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-from pathlib import Path
from copy import copy
+from pathlib import Path
-SUFFIX_ORDERING = ['cam_rig', 'resample', 'frame', 'subcam']
+SUFFIX_ORDERING = ["cam_rig", "resample", "frame", "subcam"]
-def get_suffix(indices):
- suffix = ''
+def get_suffix(indices):
+ suffix = ""
if indices is None:
return suffix
indices = copy(indices)
val = indices.get(key, 0)
- if key == 'frame' and isinstance(val, int):
- suffix += '_' + f'{val:04d}'
+ if key == "frame" and isinstance(val, int):
+ suffix += "_" + f"{val:04d}"
- suffix += '_' + str(val)
+ suffix += "_" + str(val)
return suffix
-def parse_suffix(s):
+def parse_suffix(s):
if isinstance(s, Path):
s = s.name
- if '.' in s:
- s = s[:s.index('.')]
+ if "." in s:
+ s = s[: s.index(".")]
- s = s.strip('_')
- s_parts = s.split('_')
+ s = s.strip("_")
+ s_parts = s.split("_")
if len(s_parts) > len(SUFFIX_ORDERING) + 1:
- raise ValueError(f'Couldnt parse {s=} with {len(s_parts)=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Couldnt parse {s=} with {len(s_parts)=}")
if len(s_parts) == len(SUFFIX_ORDERING) + 1:
- s_parts = s_parts[1:] # discard leading filename / description etc
+ s_parts = s_parts[1:] # discard leading filename / description etc
if len(s_parts) != len(SUFFIX_ORDERING):
return None
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/terrain/generate_terrain_assets.py b/infinigen/tools/terrain/generate_terrain_assets.py
index 45fa00f8d..4c814ee7d 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/terrain/generate_terrain_assets.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/terrain/generate_terrain_assets.py
@@ -4,20 +4,19 @@
# Authors: Zeyu Ma
-import os
-import sys
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
import bpy
+from infinigen.core import init
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, int_hash
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import AssetFile, Assets, LandTile
from infinigen.terrain.assets.caves import caves_asset
from infinigen.terrain.assets.landtiles import landtile_asset
from infinigen.terrain.assets.upsidedown_mountains import upsidedown_mountains_asset
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
-from infinigen.core.util.math import int_hash, FixedSeed
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import Assets, LandTile, AssetFile
-from infinigen.core import init
def asset_generation(
@@ -29,51 +28,78 @@ def asset_generation(
for i in instance_ids:
for asset in assets:
- if asset in [LandTile.Mesa, LandTile.Canyon, LandTile.Canyons, LandTile.Cliff, LandTile.Mountain, LandTile.River, LandTile.Volcano, LandTile.MultiMountains, LandTile.Coast]:
- if not (output_folder/asset/f"{i}"/AssetFile.Finish).exists():
+ if asset in [
+ LandTile.Mesa,
+ LandTile.Canyon,
+ LandTile.Canyons,
+ LandTile.Cliff,
+ LandTile.Mountain,
+ LandTile.River,
+ LandTile.Volcano,
+ LandTile.MultiMountains,
+ LandTile.Coast,
+ ]:
+ if not (output_folder / asset / f"{i}" / AssetFile.Finish).exists():
print(asset, i)
if not check_only:
with FixedSeed(int_hash([asset, seed, i])):
- landtile_asset(output_folder/asset/f"{i}", asset, device=device)
+ landtile_asset(
+ output_folder / asset / f"{i}", asset, device=device
+ )
if asset == Assets.UpsidedownMountains:
- if not (output_folder/asset/f"{i}"/AssetFile.Finish).exists():
+ if not (output_folder / asset / f"{i}" / AssetFile.Finish).exists():
print(asset, i)
if not check_only:
with FixedSeed(int_hash([asset, seed, i])):
- upsidedown_mountains_asset(output_folder/Assets.UpsidedownMountains/f"{i}", device=device)
+ upsidedown_mountains_asset(
+ output_folder / Assets.UpsidedownMountains / f"{i}",
+ device=device,
+ )
if asset == Assets.Caves:
- if not (output_folder/asset/f"{i}"/AssetFile.Finish).exists():
+ if not (output_folder / asset / f"{i}" / AssetFile.Finish).exists():
print(asset, i)
if not check_only:
with FixedSeed(int_hash([asset, seed, i])):
- caves_asset(output_folder/Assets.Caves/f"{i}")
+ caves_asset(output_folder / Assets.Caves / f"{i}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# by default infinigen does on-the-fly terrain asset generation, but if you want to pre-generate a pool of assets, run this code
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('-a', '--assets', nargs='+', default=[
- LandTile.MultiMountains,
- LandTile.Coast,
- LandTile.Mesa,
- LandTile.Canyon,
- LandTile.Canyons,
- LandTile.Cliff,
- LandTile.Mountain,
- LandTile.River,
- LandTile.Volcano,
- Assets.UpsidedownMountains,
- Assets.Caves,
- ])
- parser.add_argument('-s', '--start', type=int, default=0)
- parser.add_argument('-e', '--end', type=int, default=1)
- parser.add_argument('-f', '--folder')
- parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=0)
- parser.add_argument('--check_only', type=int, default=0)
- parser.add_argument('--device', type=str, default="cpu")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-a",
+ "--assets",
+ nargs="+",
+ default=[
+ LandTile.MultiMountains,
+ LandTile.Coast,
+ LandTile.Mesa,
+ LandTile.Canyon,
+ LandTile.Canyons,
+ LandTile.Cliff,
+ LandTile.Mountain,
+ LandTile.River,
+ LandTile.Volcano,
+ Assets.UpsidedownMountains,
+ Assets.Caves,
+ ],
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("-s", "--start", type=int, default=0)
+ parser.add_argument("-e", "--end", type=int, default=1)
+ parser.add_argument("-f", "--folder")
+ parser.add_argument("--seed", type=int, default=0)
+ parser.add_argument("--check_only", type=int, default=0)
+ parser.add_argument("--device", type=str, default="cpu")
args = init.parse_args_blender(parser)
- bpy.ops.preferences.addon_enable(module='add_mesh_extra_objects')
- bpy.ops.preferences.addon_enable(module='ant_landscape')
+ bpy.ops.preferences.addon_enable(module="add_mesh_extra_objects")
+ bpy.ops.preferences.addon_enable(module="ant_landscape")
- asset_generation(Path(args.folder), args.assets, list(range(args.start, args.end)), args.seed, args.device, check_only=args.check_only)
+ asset_generation(
+ Path(args.folder),
+ args.assets,
+ list(range(args.start, args.end)),
+ args.seed,
+ args.device,
+ check_only=args.check_only,
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/terrain/kernelize_surfaces.py b/infinigen/tools/terrain/kernelize_surfaces.py
index dde488010..ffd6fa14d 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/terrain/kernelize_surfaces.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/terrain/kernelize_surfaces.py
@@ -4,21 +4,45 @@
# Authors: Zeyu Ma
-import os
-import sys
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
import bpy
from infinigen import __version__
-from infinigen.assets.materials import chunkyrock, cobble_stone, cracked_ground, dirt, ice, mountain, mud, sand, sandstone, snow, soil, stone
-from infinigen.terrain.surface_kernel.kernelizer import Kernelizer
+from infinigen.assets.materials import (
+ chunkyrock,
+ cobble_stone,
+ cracked_ground,
+ dirt,
+ ice,
+ mountain,
+ mud,
+ sand,
+ sandstone,
+ snow,
+ soil,
+ stone,
from infinigen.core.util.blender import clear_scene
+from infinigen.terrain.surface_kernel.kernelizer import Kernelizer
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = Kernelizer()
- for surface in [chunkyrock, cobble_stone, cracked_ground, dirt, ice, mountain, mud, sand, sandstone, snow, soil, stone]:
+ for surface in [
+ chunkyrock,
+ cobble_stone,
+ cracked_ground,
+ dirt,
+ ice,
+ mountain,
+ mud,
+ sand,
+ sandstone,
+ snow,
+ soil,
+ stone,
+ ]:
obj = bpy.context.active_object
@@ -26,10 +50,14 @@
code, _, _ = parser(obj.modifiers[surface.mod_name])
folder = Path("terrain/source/common/surfaces")
- dst = folder/f"{surface.name}.h"
+ dst = folder / f"{surface.name}.h"
with open(dst, "w") as f:
- f.write(f'''// Code generated using version {__version__} of infinigen/tools/kernelize_surfaces.py; refer to infinigen/assets/materials/{surface.name}.py which has the copyright and authors''')
+ f.write(
+ f"""// Code generated using version {__version__} of infinigen/tools/kernelize_surfaces.py; refer to infinigen/assets/materials/{surface.name}.py which has the copyright and authors"""
+ )
# optional: clang-format needed to format output code
- subprocess.call(f"clang-format -style=\"{{IndentWidth: 4}}\" -i '{dst}'", shell=True)
\ No newline at end of file
+ subprocess.call(
+ f"clang-format -style=\"{{IndentWidth: 4}}\" -i '{dst}'", shell=True
+ )
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/terrain/landtile_viewer.py b/infinigen/tools/terrain/landtile_viewer.py
index a1e56df30..3e9f44d3d 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/terrain/landtile_viewer.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/terrain/landtile_viewer.py
@@ -4,28 +4,27 @@
# Authors: Zeyu Ma
-import os
-import sys
+# sys.path.append(f"{os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]}/../..")
import argparse
+import os
import bpy
import numpy as np
+from infinigen.core import init
from infinigen.core.nodes.node_wrangler import Nodes, NodeWrangler
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import Mesh, read
from infinigen.core.util.blender import clear_scene
from infinigen.core.util.organization import AssetFile
-from infinigen.core import init
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import Mesh, read
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', type=str)
- parser.add_argument('-o', '--overlay', type=int, default=False)
- parser.add_argument('--mesh', type=str, default="")
- parser.add_argument('--scene', type=str, default="")
+ parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", type=str)
+ parser.add_argument("-o", "--overlay", type=int, default=False)
+ parser.add_argument("--mesh", type=str, default="")
+ parser.add_argument("--scene", type=str, default="")
args = init.parse_args_blender(parser)
folder = os.path.dirname(args.input)
tile_size = float(np.loadtxt(f"{folder}/{AssetFile.TileSize}.txt"))
image = read(args.input)
@@ -35,13 +34,19 @@
mesh.vertex_attributes["attribute"] = image.reshape(-1).astype(np.float32)
obj = mesh.export_blender("preview")
- if args.mesh != "": mesh.save(args.mesh)
+ if args.mesh != "":
+ mesh.save(args.mesh)
if args.overlay:
material = bpy.data.materials.new(name="preview_material")
material.use_nodes = True
nw = NodeWrangler(material.node_tree)
- new_attribute_node = nw.new_node(Nodes.Attribute, [], {"attribute_name": "attribute"})
- material.node_tree.links.new(new_attribute_node.outputs['Color'], material.node_tree.nodes['Principled BSDF'].inputs['Base Color'])
+ new_attribute_node = nw.new_node(
+ Nodes.Attribute, [], {"attribute_name": "attribute"}
+ )
+ material.node_tree.links.new(
+ new_attribute_node.outputs["Color"],
+ material.node_tree.nodes["Principled BSDF"].inputs["Base Color"],
+ )
obj.active_material = material
- if args.scene != "": bpy.ops.wm.save_mainfile(filepath=args.scene)
+ if args.scene != "":
+ bpy.ops.wm.save_mainfile(filepath=args.scene)
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/terrain/palette/palette.py b/infinigen/tools/terrain/palette/palette.py
index a87532f6a..4071ac48a 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/terrain/palette/palette.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/terrain/palette/palette.py
@@ -4,15 +4,16 @@
# Authors: Zeyu Ma, Lingjie Mei
-from google_images_search import GoogleImagesSearch
-from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture
import argparse
-import numpy as np
+import colorsys
import os
+from pathlib import Path
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import colorsys
-from pathlib import Path
+import numpy as np
+from google_images_search import GoogleImagesSearch
+from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture
def make_palette(keyword, num_images, num_colors, overwrite=False):
@@ -22,13 +23,13 @@ def make_palette(keyword, num_images, num_colors, overwrite=False):
# - Multiselect is currently not feasible. Choose ONE option only
# - This param can also be omitted from _search_params if you do not wish to define any value
_search_params = {
- 'q': keyword,
- 'num': num_images,
- 'fileType': 'jpg|png',
+ "q": keyword,
+ "num": num_images,
+ "fileType": "jpg|png",
# this will search and download:
- folder = f'{os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]}/images/{keyword}'
+ folder = f"{os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]}/images/{keyword}"
if os.path.exists(folder) and not overwrite:
print("folder existing, skip")
@@ -38,7 +39,8 @@ def make_palette(keyword, num_images, num_colors, overwrite=False):
colors = np.zeros((0, 3))
for image_name in os.listdir(folder):
- if image_name.endswith("svg"): continue
+ if image_name.endswith("svg"):
+ continue
image = cv2.imread(f"{folder}/{image_name}")
image = cv2.resize(image, (128, 128))
image = image[:, :, :3]
@@ -77,15 +79,21 @@ def make_palette(keyword, num_images, num_colors, overwrite=False):
diagrams = np.clip(diagrams * 256, a_min=0, a_max=255).astype(np.int32)
diagrams = diagrams.reshape((2 * S, num_colors * S, 3))
- Path(f'{os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]}/images').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- Path(f'{os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]}/json').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ Path(f"{os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]}/images").mkdir(
+ parents=True, exist_ok=True
+ )
+ Path(f"{os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]}/json").mkdir(
+ parents=True, exist_ok=True
+ )
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 5))
- plt.savefig(f'{os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]}/images/{keyword}.png')
+ plt.savefig(f"{os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]}/images/{keyword}.png")
colors_rgb = np.clip(colors_rgb * 256, a_min=0, a_max=255).astype(np.int32)
- with open(f"{os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]}/json/{keyword}.json", "w") as f:
+ with open(
+ f"{os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]}/json/{keyword}.json", "w"
+ ) as f:
f.write(' "color": {\n')
for i, color in enumerate(colors_rgb):
@@ -93,25 +101,25 @@ def make_palette(keyword, num_images, num_colors, overwrite=False):
f.write(" },\n")
f.write(' "hsv": [\n')
for color_hsv in colors_hsv:
- f.write(f' [{color_hsv[0]}, {color_hsv[1]}, {color_hsv[2]}],\n')
+ f.write(f" [{color_hsv[0]}, {color_hsv[1]}, {color_hsv[2]}],\n")
f.write(" ],\n")
f.write(' "std": [\n')
for std in cov:
- covs = ','.join([str(x) for x in std.reshape(-1)])
- f.write(f' [{covs}],\n')
+ covs = ",".join([str(x) for x in std.reshape(-1)])
+ f.write(f" [{covs}],\n")
f.write(" ],\n")
f.write(' "prob": [\n')
for i in range(num_colors):
- f.write(f' {weights[i]},\n')
+ f.write(f" {weights[i]},\n")
f.write(" ]\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('-k', '--keyword', type=str)
- parser.add_argument('-i', '--num_images', default=10)
- parser.add_argument('-c', '--num_colors', default=10)
- parser.add_argument('-o', '--overwrite', action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument("-k", "--keyword", type=str)
+ parser.add_argument("-i", "--num_images", default=10)
+ parser.add_argument("-c", "--num_colors", default=10)
+ parser.add_argument("-o", "--overwrite", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
make_palette(args.keyword, args.num_images, args.num_colors, args.overwrite)
diff --git a/infinigen/tools/terrain/params_parser.py b/infinigen/tools/terrain/params_parser.py
index 682986181..fe3fd70c8 100644
--- a/infinigen/tools/terrain/params_parser.py
+++ b/infinigen/tools/terrain/params_parser.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-parser.add_argument('-f', '--file_path', type=str)
+parser.add_argument("-f", "--file_path", type=str)
args = parser.parse_args()
output = ""
@@ -16,12 +16,14 @@
code = ""
def get_code(current_type, variables):
code = ""
for i, v in enumerate(variables):
code += f" {current_type} {v} = {current_type[0]}_params[{i}];\n"
return code
with open(args.file_path, "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
i = 0
@@ -43,7 +45,13 @@ def get_code(current_type, variables):
code += get_code(current_type, current_vars)
- current_vars.extend([x.lstrip().rstrip() for x in lines[i].lstrip().rstrip().rstrip(',').split(",") if x.lstrip().rstrip() != ""])
+ current_vars.extend(
+ [
+ x.lstrip().rstrip()
+ for x in lines[i].lstrip().rstrip().rstrip(",").split(",")
+ if x.lstrip().rstrip() != ""
+ ]
+ )
i += 1
diff --git a/infinigen_examples/asset_parameters.py b/infinigen_examples/asset_parameters.py
index dd3d9d1ae..f276cf151 100644
--- a/infinigen_examples/asset_parameters.py
+++ b/infinigen_examples/asset_parameters.py
@@ -2,44 +2,62 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# Authors: Lingjie Mei
-import numpy as np
-from infinigen.assets.clothes import blanket
-from infinigen.assets.materials import metal, fabrics, ceramic
-from infinigen.assets.materials.woods import wood
-from infinigen.assets.scatters.clothes import ClothesCover
-from infinigen.assets.seating import ChairFactory
-from infinigen.assets.tableware import PotFactory, PanFactory, FruitContainerFactory
-from infinigen.core.surface import NoApply
+from infinigen.assets.objects.seating import ChairFactory
+from infinigen.assets.objects.tableware import (
+ FruitContainerFactory,
+ PanFactory,
+ PotFactory,
parameters = {
- 'ChairFactory': {
- 'factories': [ChairFactory] * 16,
- 'globals': {
- },
- 'individuals': [{}, {'arm_mid': [-.03, -.03, .09], 'leg_height': .5, 'leg_x_offset': 0},
- {'arm_mid': [0, 0, 0], 'leg_height': .6, 'leg_x_offset': .02},
- {'arm_mid': [.03, .09, -.03], 'leg_height': .7, 'leg_x_offset': .05}, {},
- {'leg_offset_bar': (.2, .4), 'seat_front': 1., 'back_vertical_cuts': 1},
- {'leg_offset_bar': (.4, .6), 'seat_front': 1.1, 'back_vertical_cuts': 2},
- {'leg_offset_bar': (.6, .8), 'seat_front': 1.2, 'back_vertical_cuts': 3}, {}] + [{}] * 7,
- 'repeat': 12,
- 'indices': [0] * 9 + list(range(1, 8)),
- 'scene_idx': 4,
+ "ChairFactory": {
+ "factories": [ChairFactory] * 16,
+ "globals": {},
+ "individuals": [
+ {},
+ {"arm_mid": [-0.03, -0.03, 0.09], "leg_height": 0.5, "leg_x_offset": 0},
+ {"arm_mid": [0, 0, 0], "leg_height": 0.6, "leg_x_offset": 0.02},
+ {"arm_mid": [0.03, 0.09, -0.03], "leg_height": 0.7, "leg_x_offset": 0.05},
+ {},
+ {"leg_offset_bar": (0.2, 0.4), "seat_front": 1.0, "back_vertical_cuts": 1},
+ {"leg_offset_bar": (0.4, 0.6), "seat_front": 1.1, "back_vertical_cuts": 2},
+ {"leg_offset_bar": (0.6, 0.8), "seat_front": 1.2, "back_vertical_cuts": 3},
+ {},
+ ]
+ + [{}] * 7,
+ "repeat": 12,
+ "indices": [0] * 9 + list(range(1, 8)),
+ "scene_idx": 4,
- 'PanFactory': {
- 'factories': [PanFactory] * 8 + [PanFactory] * 2 + [PotFactory] * 3 + [FruitContainerFactory] * 3,
- 'globals': {
- },
- 'individuals': [{}, {'scale': .1, 'depth': .3, 'x_handle': 2, }, {'scale': .12, 'depth': .5, 'x_handle': 1.5},
- {'scale': .15, 'depth': .8, 'x_handle': 1.2}, {},
- {'s_handle': .8, 'r_expand': 1, 'x_guard': 1, },
- {'s_handle': 1., 'r_expand': 1.15, 'x_guard': 1.3},
- {'s_handle': 1.2, 'r_expand': 1.3, 'x_guard': 1.6}, {}] + [{}] * 7,
- 'repeat': 12,
- 'indices': [0] * 9 + list(range(1, 8)),
- 'scene_idx': 2,
+ "PanFactory": {
+ "factories": [PanFactory] * 8
+ + [PanFactory] * 2
+ + [PotFactory] * 3
+ + [FruitContainerFactory] * 3,
+ "globals": {},
+ "individuals": [
+ {},
+ {
+ "scale": 0.1,
+ "depth": 0.3,
+ "x_handle": 2,
+ },
+ {"scale": 0.12, "depth": 0.5, "x_handle": 1.5},
+ {"scale": 0.15, "depth": 0.8, "x_handle": 1.2},
+ {},
+ {
+ "s_handle": 0.8,
+ "r_expand": 1,
+ "x_guard": 1,
+ },
+ {"s_handle": 1.0, "r_expand": 1.15, "x_guard": 1.3},
+ {"s_handle": 1.2, "r_expand": 1.3, "x_guard": 1.6},
+ {},
+ ]
+ + [{}] * 7,
+ "repeat": 12,
+ "indices": [0] * 9 + list(range(1, 8)),
+ "scene_idx": 2,
diff --git a/infinigen_examples/configs_indoor/base.gin b/infinigen_examples/configs_indoor/base_indoors.gin
similarity index 95%
rename from infinigen_examples/configs_indoor/base.gin
rename to infinigen_examples/configs_indoor/base_indoors.gin
index b3130c227..4b69c72ec 100644
--- a/infinigen_examples/configs_indoor/base.gin
+++ b/infinigen_examples/configs_indoor/base_indoors.gin
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
include 'infinigen_examples/configs_nature/base.gin'
-include 'infinigen_examples/configs_nature/base_surface_registry.gin'
-include 'infinigen_examples/configs_nature/natural.gin'
include 'infinigen_examples/configs_nature/performance/fast_terrain_assets.gin'
# overriden in fast_solve.gin if present
diff --git a/infinigen_examples/configs_indoor/fast_solve.gin b/infinigen_examples/configs_indoor/fast_solve.gin
index db561577c..1a2a5797f 100644
--- a/infinigen_examples/configs_indoor/fast_solve.gin
+++ b/infinigen_examples/configs_indoor/fast_solve.gin
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ MultistoryRoomSolver.n_divide_trials = 60
RoomSolver.iters_mult = 120
MultistoryRoomSolver.iters_mult = 120
+Solver.addition_weight_scalar = 3.0
compose_indoors.solve_steps_large = 150
compose_indoors.solve_steps_medium = 40
compose_indoors.solve_steps_small = 10
diff --git a/infinigen_examples/configs_indoor/natural.gin b/infinigen_examples/configs_indoor/natural.gin
deleted file mode 100644
index 67ce4ac03..000000000
--- a/infinigen_examples/configs_indoor/natural.gin
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# assets.materials.water.shader.color = ("palette", "water")
-assets.materials.mountain.shader.color = ("palette", "mountain soil")
-assets.materials.sandstone.shader.color = ("palette", "sandstone")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen_examples/configs_nature/base.gin b/infinigen_examples/configs_nature/base.gin
index b10263a26..9f4a58f51 100644
--- a/infinigen_examples/configs_nature/base.gin
+++ b/infinigen_examples/configs_nature/base.gin
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+include 'infinigen_examples/configs_nature/surface_registry.gin'
LOG_DIR = '.'
@@ -13,103 +15,6 @@ save_obj_and_instances.output_folder="saved_mesh.obj"
util.logging.create_text_file.log_dir = %LOG_DIR
-placement.populate_all.dist_cull = 70
-compose_nature.inview_distance = 70
-compose_nature.near_distance = 20
-compose_nature.center_distance = 35
-compose_nature.land_domain_tags = 'landscape,-liquid_covered,-cave,-beach'
-compose_nature.nonliving_domain_tags = 'landscape,-cave'
-compose_nature.underwater_domain_tags = 'landscape,liquid_covered,-cave'
-compose_nature.terrain_enabled = True
-compose_nature.lighting_enabled = True
-compose_nature.coarse_terrain_enabled = True
-compose_nature.terrain_surface_enabled = True
-compose_nature.fancy_clouds_chance = 0.6
-compose_nature.trees_chance = 0.85
-compose_nature.bushes_chance = 0.7
-compose_nature.clouds_chance = 0.0
-compose_nature.boulders_chance = 0.7
-compose_nature.glowing_rocks_chance = 0.0
-compose_nature.rocks_chance = 0.9
-compose_nature.ground_leaves_chance = 0.7
-compose_nature.ground_twigs_chance = 0.7
-compose_nature.chopped_trees_chance = 0.7
-compose_nature.grass_chance = 0.8
-compose_nature.ferns_chance = 0.25
-compose_nature.monocots_chance = 0.15
-compose_nature.flowers_chance = 0.2
-compose_nature.kelp_chance = 0.0
-compose_nature.cactus_chance = 0.0
-compose_nature.coconut_trees_chance = 0.0
-compose_nature.palm_trees_chance = 0.0
-compose_nature.instanced_trees_chance = 0.0 # conditioned on trees_chance as prereq
-compose_nature.fish_school_chance = 0.0
-compose_nature.bug_swarm_chance = 0.0
-compose_nature.rain_particles_chance = 0.0
-compose_nature.snow_particles_chance = 0.0
-compose_nature.leaf_particles_chance = 0.0
-compose_nature.dust_particles_chance = 0.0
-compose_nature.marine_snow_particles_chance = 0.0
-compose_nature.camera_based_lighting_chance = 0.0
-compose_nature.wind_chance = 0.5
-compose_nature.turbulence_chance = 0.3
-wind_effector.strength = ('uniform', 0, 0.02)
-turbulence_effector.strength = ('uniform', 0, 0.02)
-turbulence_effector.noise = ('uniform', 0, 0.015)
-compose_nature.corals_chance = 0.0
-compose_nature.seaweed_chance = 0.0
-compose_nature.seashells_chance = 0.0
-compose_nature.urchin_chance = 0.0
-compose_nature.jellyfish_chance = 0.0
-compose_nature.mushroom_chance = 0 # TEMP
-compose_nature.pinecone_chance = 0.1
-compose_nature.pine_needle_chance = 0.1
-compose_nature.caustics_chance = 0.0
-compose_nature.decorative_plants_chance = 0.1
-compose_nature.cached_fire = False
-populate_scene.cached_fire = False
-compose_nature.cached_fire_trees_chance= 0
-compose_nature.cached_fire_bushes_chance = 0
-compose_nature.cached_fire_boulders_chance = 0.0
-compose_nature.cached_fire_cactus_chance = 0
-populate_scene.slime_mold_chance = 0.0
-populate_scene.ivy_chance = 0.0
-populate_scene.lichen_chance = 0.0
-populate_scene.mushroom_chance = 0.0
-populate_scene.moss_chance = 0.0
-populate_scene.snow_layer_chance = 0
-populate_scene.fire_warmup = 50
-populate_scene.trees_fire_on_the_fly_chance = 0
-populate_scene.bushes_fire_on_the_fly_chance = 0
-populate_scene.creatures_fire_on_the_fly_chance = 0
-populate_scene.boulders_fire_on_the_fly_chance = 0
-populate_scene.cactus_fire_on_the_fly_chance = 0
target_face_size.global_multiplier = 2
scatter_res_distance.dist = 4
@@ -181,50 +86,4 @@ camera.spawn_camera_rigs.n_camera_rigs = 1
camera.spawn_camera_rigs.camera_rig_config = [
{'loc': (0, 0, 0), 'rot_euler': (0, 0, 0)},
{'loc': (0.075, 0, 0), 'rot_euler': (0, 0, 0)}
-compose_nature.camera_selection_tags_ratio = {"liquid": (0, 0.5)} # often overridden by scenetypes
-compose_nature.camera_selection_anim_criterion_keys = {"liquid": True}
-assets.materials.ice.geo_ice.random_seed = %OVERALL_SEED
-assets.materials.lava.lava_geo.random_seed = %OVERALL_SEED
-assets.materials.mud.geo_mud.random_seed = %OVERALL_SEED
-assets.materials.cobble_stone.geo_cobblestone.random_seed = %OVERALL_SEED
-assets.materials.dirt.geo_dirt.random_seed = %OVERALL_SEED
-assets.materials.stone.geo_stone.random_seed = %OVERALL_SEED
-assets.materials.cracked_ground.geo_cracked_ground.random_seed = %OVERALL_SEED
-assets.materials.soil.geometry_soil.random_seed = %OVERALL_SEED
-assets.materials.chunkyrock.geo_rocks.random_seed = %OVERALL_SEED
-assets.materials.mountain.shader.random_seed = %OVERALL_SEED
-assets.materials.sand.shader.random_seed = %OVERALL_SEED
-assets.materials.water.shader.random_seed = %OVERALL_SEED
-compose_nature.ground_creatures_chance = 0.0
-compose_nature.ground_creature_registry = [
- (@CarnivoreFactory, 1),
- (@HerbivoreFactory, 1),
- (@BirdFactory, 1),
- (@SnakeFactory, 1)
-compose_nature.flying_creature_registry = [
- (@FlyingBirdFactory, 1),
- (@DragonflyFactory, 0.1),
-group_collections.config = [
- {'name': 'assets', 'hide_viewport': True, 'hide_render': True}, # collections of assets used by scatters
- {'name': 'scatter', 'hide_viewport': True, 'hide_render': False}, # actual instanced objects for scatters
- {'name': 'placeholders', 'hide_viewport': False, 'hide_render': True}, # low-res markers / proxies for where assets will be spawned
- {'name': 'unique_assets', 'hide_viewport': True, 'hide_render': False}, # actual hi-res assets spawned at each placeholder location
- {'name': 'particleassets', 'hide_viewport': True, 'hide_render': False}, # actual hi-res assets spawned at each placeholder location
- {'name': 'particles', 'hide_viewport': True, 'hide_render': False}, # actual particle emitters / particle systems
- {'name': 'animhelper', 'hide_viewport': False, 'hide_render': True}, # curves and iks
-include 'infinigen_examples/configs_nature/base_surface_registry.gin'
-include 'infinigen_examples/configs_nature/natural.gin'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen_examples/configs_nature/base_nature.gin b/infinigen_examples/configs_nature/base_nature.gin
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f0309ce52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infinigen_examples/configs_nature/base_nature.gin
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+include 'infinigen_examples/configs_nature/base.gin'
+placement.populate_all.dist_cull = 70
+compose_nature.inview_distance = 70
+compose_nature.near_distance = 20
+compose_nature.center_distance = 35
+compose_nature.land_domain_tags = 'landscape,-liquid_covered,-cave,-beach'
+compose_nature.nonliving_domain_tags = 'landscape,-cave'
+compose_nature.underwater_domain_tags = 'landscape,liquid_covered,-cave'
+compose_nature.terrain_enabled = True
+compose_nature.lighting_enabled = True
+compose_nature.coarse_terrain_enabled = True
+compose_nature.terrain_surface_enabled = True
+compose_nature.fancy_clouds_chance = 0.6
+compose_nature.trees_chance = 0.85
+compose_nature.bushes_chance = 0.7
+compose_nature.clouds_chance = 0.0
+compose_nature.boulders_chance = 0.7
+compose_nature.glowing_rocks_chance = 0.0
+compose_nature.rocks_chance = 0.9
+compose_nature.ground_leaves_chance = 0.7
+compose_nature.ground_twigs_chance = 0.7
+compose_nature.chopped_trees_chance = 0.7
+compose_nature.grass_chance = 0.8
+compose_nature.ferns_chance = 0.25
+compose_nature.monocots_chance = 0.15
+compose_nature.flowers_chance = 0.2
+compose_nature.kelp_chance = 0.0
+compose_nature.cactus_chance = 0.0
+compose_nature.coconut_trees_chance = 0.0
+compose_nature.palm_trees_chance = 0.0
+compose_nature.instanced_trees_chance = 0.0 # conditioned on trees_chance as prereq
+compose_nature.fish_school_chance = 0.0
+compose_nature.bug_swarm_chance = 0.0
+compose_nature.rain_particles_chance = 0.0
+compose_nature.snow_particles_chance = 0.0
+compose_nature.leaf_particles_chance = 0.0
+compose_nature.dust_particles_chance = 0.0
+compose_nature.marine_snow_particles_chance = 0.0
+compose_nature.camera_based_lighting_chance = 0.0
+compose_nature.wind_chance = 0.5
+compose_nature.turbulence_chance = 0.3
+WindEffector.strength = ('uniform', 0, 0.02)
+TurbulenceEffector.strength = ('uniform', 0, 0.02)
+TurbulenceEffector.noise = ('uniform', 0, 0.015)
+compose_nature.corals_chance = 0.0
+compose_nature.seaweed_chance = 0.0
+compose_nature.seashells_chance = 0.0
+compose_nature.urchin_chance = 0.0
+compose_nature.jellyfish_chance = 0.0
+compose_nature.mushroom_chance = 0 # TEMP
+compose_nature.pinecone_chance = 0.1
+compose_nature.pine_needle_chance = 0.1
+compose_nature.caustics_chance = 0.0
+compose_nature.decorative_plants_chance = 0.1
+compose_nature.cached_fire = False
+populate_scene.cached_fire = False
+compose_nature.cached_fire_trees_chance= 0
+compose_nature.cached_fire_bushes_chance = 0
+compose_nature.cached_fire_boulders_chance = 0.0
+compose_nature.cached_fire_cactus_chance = 0
+populate_scene.slime_mold_chance = 0.0
+populate_scene.ivy_chance = 0.0
+populate_scene.lichen_chance = 0.0
+populate_scene.mushroom_chance = 0.0
+populate_scene.moss_chance = 0.0
+populate_scene.snow_layer_chance = 0
+populate_scene.fire_warmup = 50
+populate_scene.trees_fire_on_the_fly_chance = 0
+populate_scene.bushes_fire_on_the_fly_chance = 0
+populate_scene.creatures_fire_on_the_fly_chance = 0
+populate_scene.boulders_fire_on_the_fly_chance = 0
+populate_scene.cactus_fire_on_the_fly_chance = 0
+compose_nature.camera_selection_tags_ratio = {"liquid": (0, 0.5)} # often overridden by scenetypes
+compose_nature.camera_selection_anim_criterion_keys = {"liquid": True}
+assets.materials.ice.geo_ice.random_seed = %OVERALL_SEED
+assets.materials.lava.lava_geo.random_seed = %OVERALL_SEED
+assets.materials.mud.geo_mud.random_seed = %OVERALL_SEED
+assets.materials.cobble_stone.geo_cobblestone.random_seed = %OVERALL_SEED
+assets.materials.dirt.geo_dirt.random_seed = %OVERALL_SEED
+assets.materials.stone.geo_stone.random_seed = %OVERALL_SEED
+assets.materials.cracked_ground.geo_cracked_ground.random_seed = %OVERALL_SEED
+assets.materials.soil.geometry_soil.random_seed = %OVERALL_SEED
+assets.materials.chunkyrock.geo_rocks.random_seed = %OVERALL_SEED
+assets.materials.mountain.shader.random_seed = %OVERALL_SEED
+assets.materials.sand.shader.random_seed = %OVERALL_SEED
+assets.materials.water.shader.random_seed = %OVERALL_SEED
+compose_nature.ground_creatures_chance = 0.0
+compose_nature.ground_creature_registry = [
+ (@CarnivoreFactory, 1),
+ (@HerbivoreFactory, 1),
+ (@BirdFactory, 1),
+ (@SnakeFactory, 1)
+compose_nature.flying_creature_registry = [
+ (@FlyingBirdFactory, 1),
+ (@DragonflyFactory, 0.1),
+group_collections.config = [
+ {'name': 'assets', 'hide_viewport': True, 'hide_render': True}, # collections of assets used by scatters
+ {'name': 'scatter', 'hide_viewport': True, 'hide_render': False}, # actual instanced objects for scatters
+ {'name': 'placeholders', 'hide_viewport': False, 'hide_render': True}, # low-res markers / proxies for where assets will be spawned
+ {'name': 'unique_assets', 'hide_viewport': True, 'hide_render': False}, # actual hi-res assets spawned at each placeholder location
+ {'name': 'particleassets', 'hide_viewport': True, 'hide_render': False}, # actual hi-res assets spawned at each placeholder location
+ {'name': 'particles', 'hide_viewport': True, 'hide_render': False}, # actual particle emitters / particle systems
+ {'name': 'animhelper', 'hide_viewport': False, 'hide_render': True}, # curves and iks
diff --git a/infinigen_examples/configs_nature/base_surface_registry.gin b/infinigen_examples/configs_nature/base_surface_registry.gin
deleted file mode 100644
index d224ddcf0..000000000
--- a/infinigen_examples/configs_nature/base_surface_registry.gin
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-surface.registry.ground_collection = [
- ('mud', 2),
- ('sand', 1),
- ('cobble_stone', 1),
- ('cracked_ground', 1),
- ('dirt', 1),
- ('stone', 1),
- ('soil', 1),
- ('chunkyrock', 0),
-surface.registry.beach = [
- ('sand', 10),
- ('cracked_ground', 1),
- ('dirt', 1),
- ('stone', 1),
- ('soil', 1),
-surface.registry.eroded = [
- ('sand', 1),
- ('cracked_ground', 1),
- ('dirt', 1),
- ('stone', 1),
- ('soil', 1),
-surface.registry.mountain_collection = [
- ('mountain', 10),
- ("sandstone", 2),
-surface.registry.rock_collection = [
- # ('aluminumdisp2tut', 0.5),
- ('stone', 1),
- ('mountain', 5),
- # ('ice', 1),
-surface.registry.liquid_collection = [
- ('water', 0.95),
- # ('lava', 0.05),
-surface.registry.lava = [
- ('lava', 1),
-surface.registry.snow = [
- ('snow', 1),
-surface.registry.atmosphere = [
- ('atmosphere_light_haze', 1),
-surface.registry.bark = [
- ('bark_birch', 0.1),
- ('bark_random', 0.9),
- #('wood', 0.01),
-surface.registry.greenery = [
- ('simple_greenery', 1),
-surface.registry.smooth_categories = 0
diff --git a/infinigen_examples/configs_nature/natural.gin b/infinigen_examples/configs_nature/natural.gin
deleted file mode 100644
index 67ce4ac03..000000000
--- a/infinigen_examples/configs_nature/natural.gin
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# assets.materials.water.shader.color = ("palette", "water")
-assets.materials.mountain.shader.color = ("palette", "mountain soil")
-assets.materials.sandstone.shader.color = ("palette", "sandstone")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen_examples/configs_nature/scene_types/desert.gin b/infinigen_examples/configs_nature/scene_types/desert.gin
index 80fca8ff8..6218d7be7 100644
--- a/infinigen_examples/configs_nature/scene_types/desert.gin
+++ b/infinigen_examples/configs_nature/scene_types/desert.gin
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ compose_nature.snow_particles_chance = 0
compose_nature.leaf_particles_chance = 0.05
compose_nature.dust_particles_chance = 0.0
-atmosphere_light_haze.shader_atmosphere.density = ("uniform", 0, 0.0015)
-atmosphere_light_haze.shader_atmosphere.anisotropy = 0
+assets.materials.atmosphere_light_haze.shader_atmosphere.density = ("uniform", 0, 0.0015)
+assets.materials.atmosphere_light_haze.shader_atmosphere.anisotropy = 0
diff --git a/infinigen_examples/configs_nature/scene_types/under_water.gin b/infinigen_examples/configs_nature/scene_types/under_water.gin
index 551914e95..105b45b2a 100644
--- a/infinigen_examples/configs_nature/scene_types/under_water.gin
+++ b/infinigen_examples/configs_nature/scene_types/under_water.gin
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ scene.waterbody_chance = 1
Terrain.under_water = 1
compose_nature.turbulence_chance = 0.7
-turbulence_effector.strength = ("uniform", 0, 7)
-turbulence_effector.size = ("uniform", 1.5, 4.5)
-turbulence_effector.flow = 1
-turbulence_effector.noise = 10
\ No newline at end of file
+TurbulenceEffector.strength = ("uniform", 0, 7)
+TurbulenceEffector.size = ("uniform", 1.5, 4.5)
+TurbulenceEffector.flow = 1
+TurbulenceEffector.noise = 10
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infinigen_examples/configs_indoor/base_surface_registry.gin b/infinigen_examples/configs_nature/surface_registry.gin
similarity index 100%
rename from infinigen_examples/configs_indoor/base_surface_registry.gin
rename to infinigen_examples/configs_nature/surface_registry.gin
diff --git a/infinigen_examples/generate_asset_demo.py b/infinigen_examples/generate_asset_demo.py
index e7374933c..c08e49ca4 100644
--- a/infinigen_examples/generate_asset_demo.py
+++ b/infinigen_examples/generate_asset_demo.py
@@ -4,52 +4,52 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
import argparse
-import os
-import sys
-from pathlib import Path
import logging
from copy import copy
- format='[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(name)s] [%(levelname)s] | %(message)s',
- datefmt='%H:%M:%S',
- level=logging.WARNING
+from pathlib import Path
import bpy
-from mathutils import Vector, Matrix, bvhtree
import gin
import numpy as np
-from tqdm import tqdm, trange
+from mathutils import Matrix, Vector, bvhtree
+from tqdm import trange
+# ruff: noqa: E402
+# NOTE: logging config has to be before imports that use logging
+ format="[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(module)s] [%(levelname)s] | %(message)s",
+ datefmt="%H:%M:%S",
+ level=logging.INFO,
-from infinigen.terrain import Terrain
-from infinigen.assets.small_plants.fern import FernFactory
-from infinigen.assets.creatures.util.animation.run_cycle import follow_path
from infinigen.assets.lighting import sky_lighting
-from infinigen.assets.weather import kole_clouds
+from infinigen.assets.objects.creatures.util.animation.run_cycle import follow_path
from infinigen.assets.scatters import grass, pebbles, pine_needle, pinecone
-from infinigen.assets.materials import (
- mountain, sand, water, atmosphere_light_haze, sandstone, cracked_ground, \
- soil, dirt, cobble_stone, chunkyrock, stone, lava, ice, mud, snow
-from infinigen.core.placement import placement, density, camera as cam_util
+from infinigen.assets.weather import kole_clouds
+from infinigen.core import execute_tasks, init, surface
+from infinigen.core.placement import camera as cam_util
+from infinigen.core.placement import placement
from infinigen.core.placement.split_in_view import split_inview
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.terrain import Terrain
+ format="[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(name)s] [%(levelname)s] | %(message)s",
+ datefmt="%H:%M:%S",
+ level=logging.WARNING,
-from infinigen.core import execute_tasks, init, surface
def find_flat_location(
- mesh,
- bvh: bvhtree.BVHTree,
- rad: float,
- alt: float,
- retries=100, margin_pct=0.2,
- ang_samples=36
+ mesh,
+ bvh: bvhtree.BVHTree,
+ rad: float,
+ alt: float,
+ retries=100,
+ margin_pct=0.2,
+ ang_samples=36,
for i in trange(retries):
ground_loc = copy(np.random.choice(mesh.data.vertices).co)
origin = ground_loc + Vector((0, 0, alt))
@@ -57,24 +57,27 @@ def find_flat_location(
if center_alt is None:
- for j, ang in enumerate(np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, ang_samples)):
- sample_loc = origin + Matrix.Rotation(ang, 4, 'Z') @ Vector((rad, 0, 0))
+ for j, ang in enumerate(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, ang_samples)):
+ sample_loc = origin + Matrix.Rotation(ang, 4, "Z") @ Vector((rad, 0, 0))
*_, dist = bvh.ray_cast(origin, sample_loc - origin)
if dist is not None and dist < rad:
*_, sample_alt = bvh.ray_cast(sample_loc, Vector((0, 0, -1)))
- if sample_alt is None or abs(center_alt - sample_alt) > margin_pct * center_alt:
+ if (
+ sample_alt is None
+ or abs(center_alt - sample_alt) > margin_pct * center_alt
+ ):
- else: # triggered if no `break` statement
+ else: # triggered if no `break` statement
return ground_loc
- raise ValueError(f'Failed to find flat area {retries=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Failed to find flat area {retries=}")
def circular_camera_path(camera_rig, target_obj, rad, alt, duration):
location=target_obj.location + Vector((0, 0, alt)),
@@ -82,57 +85,65 @@ def circular_camera_path(camera_rig, target_obj, rad, alt, duration):
circle.scale = (rad,) * 3
follow_path(camera_rig, circle, duration=duration)
- circle.data.driver_add('eval_time').driver.expression = 'frame'
+ circle.data.driver_add("eval_time").driver.expression = "frame"
+ butil.constrain_object(camera_rig, "TRACK_TO", target=target_obj)
- butil.constrain_object(camera_rig, 'TRACK_TO', target=target_obj)
def compose_scene(
- output_folder: Path,
+ output_folder: Path,
scene_seed: int,
- asset_factory=None, # provided via gin
- grid_rad=1.2,
- grid_dim=3, #NxN grid
- background='grass',
+ asset_factory=None, # provided via gin
+ grid_rad=1.2,
+ grid_dim=3, # NxN grid
+ background="grass",
- asset_scale=(1,1,1),
- asset_offset=(0,0,0),
- **params
+ asset_scale=(1, 1, 1),
+ asset_offset=(0, 0, 0),
+ **params,
if params.get("fancy_clouds", 0):
camera_rigs = cam_util.spawn_camera_rigs()
cam = cam_util.get_camera(0, 0)
# find a flat spot on the terrain to do the demo\
- terrain = Terrain(scene_seed, surface.registry, task='coarse', on_the_fly_asset_folder=output_folder/"assets")
+ terrain = Terrain(
+ scene_seed,
+ surface.registry,
+ task="coarse",
+ on_the_fly_asset_folder=output_folder / "assets",
+ )
terrain_mesh = terrain.coarse_terrain()
- scene_bvh = bvhtree.BVHTree.FromObject(terrain_mesh, bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get())
+ scene_bvh = bvhtree.BVHTree.FromObject(
+ terrain_mesh, bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
+ )
if asset_factory is not None:
center = find_flat_location(
- terrain_mesh,
- scene_bvh,
- rad=camera_circle_radius * 1.5,
- alt=camera_altitude * 1.5
+ terrain_mesh,
+ scene_bvh,
+ rad=camera_circle_radius * 1.5,
+ alt=camera_altitude * 1.5,
center = (0, 0, 0)
# move camera in a circle around that location
- center_obj = butil.spawn_empty('center')
+ center_obj = butil.spawn_empty("center")
center_obj.location = center
- circular_camera_path(camera_rigs[0], center_obj,
- camera_circle_radius, camera_altitude,
- duration=circle_duration_sec*bpy.context.scene.render.fps)
+ circular_camera_path(
+ camera_rigs[0],
+ center_obj,
+ camera_circle_radius,
+ camera_altitude,
+ duration=circle_duration_sec * bpy.context.scene.render.fps,
+ )
cam.data.dof.use_dof = True
cam.data.dof.aperture_fstop = fstop
cam.data.dof.focus_object = center_obj
@@ -147,7 +158,7 @@ def compose_scene(
for i, l in enumerate(locs):
floorloc, *_ = scene_bvh.ray_cast(Vector(l), Vector((0, 0, -1)))
if floorloc is None:
- raise ValueError('Found a hole in the terain')
+ raise ValueError("Found a hole in the terain")
locs[i] = np.array(floorloc + Vector(asset_offset))
if asset_factory is not None:
@@ -160,46 +171,81 @@ def compose_scene(
o.scale = asset_scale
# apply a procedural backdrop on all visible parts of the terrain
- terrain_inview, *_ = split_inview(terrain_mesh, cam=cam, dist_max=params['inview_distance'], vis_margin=2)
+ terrain_inview, *_ = split_inview(
+ terrain_mesh, cam=cam, dist_max=params["inview_distance"], vis_margin=2
+ )
if background is None:
- elif background == 'grass':
+ elif background == "grass":
- elif background == 'pine_forest':
+ elif background == "pine_forest":
- elif background == 'TODO ADD MORE OPTIONS HERE':
+ elif background == "TODO ADD MORE OPTIONS HERE":
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized {background=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized {background=}")
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('--output_folder', type=Path, required=True)
- parser.add_argument('--input_folder', type=Path, default=None)
- parser.add_argument('-s', '--seed', default=None, help="The seed used to generate the scene")
- parser.add_argument('-t', '--task', nargs='+', default=['coarse'],
- choices=['coarse', 'populate', 'fine_terrain', 'ground_truth', 'render', 'mesh_save'])
- parser.add_argument('-g', '--configs', nargs='+', default=['base'],
- help='Set of config files for gin (separated by spaces) '
- 'e.g. --configs file1 file2 (exclude .gin from path)')
- parser.add_argument('-p', '--overrides', nargs='+', default=[],
- help='Parameter settings that override config defaults '
- 'e.g. --overrides module_1.a=2 module_2.b=3')
- parser.add_argument('--task_uniqname', type=str, default=None)
- parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action="store_const", dest="loglevel", const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO)
- parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action="store_const", dest="loglevel", const=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("--output_folder", type=Path, required=True)
+ parser.add_argument("--input_folder", type=Path, default=None)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-s", "--seed", default=None, help="The seed used to generate the scene"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-t",
+ "--task",
+ nargs="+",
+ default=["coarse"],
+ choices=[
+ "coarse",
+ "populate",
+ "fine_terrain",
+ "ground_truth",
+ "render",
+ "mesh_save",
+ ],
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-g",
+ "--configs",
+ nargs="+",
+ default=["base"],
+ help="Set of config files for gin (separated by spaces) "
+ "e.g. --configs file1 file2 (exclude .gin from path)",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-p",
+ "--overrides",
+ nargs="+",
+ default=[],
+ help="Parameter settings that override config defaults "
+ "e.g. --overrides module_1.a=2 module_2.b=3",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("--task_uniqname", type=str, default=None)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-d",
+ "--debug",
+ action="store_const",
+ dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.DEBUG,
+ default=logging.INFO,
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-v", "--verbose", action="store_const", dest="loglevel", const=logging.INFO
+ )
args = init.parse_args_blender(parser)
- extras = '[%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] ' if args.loglevel == logging.DEBUG else ''
+ extras = "[%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] " if args.loglevel == logging.DEBUG else ""
- format=f'[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(name)s] [%(levelname)s] {extras}| %(message)s',
+ format=f"[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(name)s] [%(levelname)s] {extras}| %(message)s",
- datefmt='%H:%M:%S'
+ datefmt="%H:%M:%S",
@@ -207,19 +253,20 @@ def main():
- configs_folder='infinigen_examples/configs_nature',
- mandatory_folders=['infinigen_examples/configs_nature/scene_types'],
- skip_unknown=True
+ config_folders=["infinigen_examples/configs_nature"],
+ mandatory_folders=["infinigen_examples/configs_nature/scene_types"],
+ skip_unknown=True,
- input_folder=args.input_folder,
- output_folder=args.output_folder,
- task=args.task,
- task_uniqname=args.task_uniqname,
- scene_seed=scene_seed
+ input_folder=args.input_folder,
+ output_folder=args.output_folder,
+ task=args.task,
+ task_uniqname=args.task_uniqname,
+ scene_seed=scene_seed,
if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
\ No newline at end of file
+ main()
diff --git a/infinigen_examples/generate_asset_parameters.py b/infinigen_examples/generate_asset_parameters.py
index eb40bd499..bb3c32087 100644
--- a/infinigen_examples/generate_asset_parameters.py
+++ b/infinigen_examples/generate_asset_parameters.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
# - Alex Raistrick
# - Karhan Kayan - add fire option
-import importlib
+import logging
import math
import os
import random
@@ -17,61 +17,72 @@
from collections.abc import Callable
from itertools import product
from pathlib import Path
-import logging
-from infinigen.assets.materials.woods import non_wood_tile, wood_tile
-from infinigen.assets.utils.object import new_cube, origin2lowest, center
-from infinigen.core.init import configure_cycles_devices
-from infinigen.core.surface import write_attr_data
-from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
-from infinigen_examples.asset_parameters import parameters
-from infinigen_examples.generate_individual_assets import make_args, setup_camera
-from infinigen_examples.util.test_utils import load_txt_list
+# ruff: noqa: E402
+# NOTE: logging config has to be before imports that use logging
- format='[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(name)s] [%(levelname)s] | %(message)s',
- datefmt='%H:%M:%S', level=logging.WARNING
+ format="[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(module)s] [%(levelname)s] | %(message)s",
+ datefmt="%H:%M:%S",
+ level=logging.INFO,
import bpy
-import gin
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
-from infinigen.assets.fluid.fluid import set_obj_on_fire
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_system
from infinigen.assets.lighting import (
- sky_lighting, hdri_lighting, three_point_lighting, holdout_lighting,
+ hdri_lighting,
+ holdout_lighting,
+ sky_lighting,
+ three_point_lighting,
-from infinigen.core import surface, init
-from infinigen.core.placement import factory
-from infinigen.core.util.camera import points_inview
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import subclasses
+from infinigen.assets.materials.woods import non_wood_tile, wood_tile
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_base_co, read_co, read_normal
+from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import subclasses
+from infinigen.assets.utils.object import center, new_cube, origin2lowest
+from infinigen.core import init, surface
+from infinigen.core.init import configure_cycles_devices
+from infinigen.core.placement import factory
+from infinigen.core.surface import write_attr_data
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_system
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.blender import deep_clone_obj
+from infinigen.core.util.camera import points_inview
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen_examples.asset_parameters import parameters
+from infinigen_examples.generate_individual_assets import make_args, setup_camera
+from infinigen_examples.util.test_utils import load_txt_list
+ format="[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(name)s] [%(levelname)s] | %(message)s",
+ datefmt="%H:%M:%S",
+ level=logging.WARNING,
def build_scene_asset(args, factory_name, idx):
- params = parameters[factory_name]['globals'].copy()
- i = idx // parameters[factory_name]['repeat']
- params.update(parameters[factory_name]['individuals'].copy()[i])
- factory = parameters[factory_name]['factories'][i]
- idx = parameters[factory_name]['indices'][i]
+ params = parameters[factory_name]["globals"].copy()
+ i = idx // parameters[factory_name]["repeat"]
+ params.update(parameters[factory_name]["individuals"].copy()[i])
+ factory = parameters[factory_name]["factories"][i]
+ idx = parameters[factory_name]["indices"][i]
with FixedSeed(idx):
factory = factory(idx)
for k, v in params.items():
- factory, k,
- v() if isinstance(v, Callable) and hasattr(v, '__name__') and v.__name__ == '' else v
+ factory,
+ k,
+ v()
+ if isinstance(v, Callable)
+ and hasattr(v, "__name__")
+ and v.__name__ == ""
+ else v,
with FixedSeed(idx):
- if hasattr(factory, 'post_init'):
+ if hasattr(factory, "post_init"):
with FixedSeed(idx):
@@ -82,15 +93,15 @@ def build_scene_asset(args, factory_name, idx):
asset = factory.spawn_asset(idx)
except Exception as e:
- print(f'{factory}.spawn_asset({idx=}) FAILED!! {e}')
+ print(f"{factory}.spawn_asset({idx=}) FAILED!! {e}")
raise e
with FixedSeed(idx):
origin2lowest(asset, True)
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = asset
parent = asset
- if asset.type == 'EMPTY':
- meshes = [o for o in asset.children_recursive if o.type == 'MESH']
+ if asset.type == "EMPTY":
+ meshes = [o for o in asset.children_recursive if o.type == "MESH"]
sizes = []
for m in meshes:
co = read_co(m)
@@ -113,35 +124,45 @@ def build_scene_asset(args, factory_name, idx):
plane.location[-1] += np.min(co[:, -1]) + 2.5
butil.apply_transform(plane, True)
plane_ = deep_clone_obj(plane)
- plane_.location[-1] -= .1
+ plane_.location[-1] -= 0.1
plane_.scale = (1.5,) * 3
normal = read_normal(plane)
- write_attr_data(plane, 'ground', normal[:, -1] < -.5, 'INT', 'FACE')
- idx = parameters[factory_name]['scene_idx']
+ write_attr_data(plane, "ground", normal[:, -1] < -0.5, "INT", "FACE")
+ idx = parameters[factory_name]["scene_idx"]
with FixedSeed(idx):
- wood_tile.apply(plane, selection='ground')
- non_wood_tile.apply(plane, selection='!ground', vertical=True)
+ wood_tile.apply(plane, selection="ground")
+ non_wood_tile.apply(plane, selection="!ground", vertical=True)
factory = CeilingLightFactory(0)
- factory.light_factory.params['Wattage'] = factory.light_factory.params['Wattage'] * 20
+ factory.light_factory.params["Wattage"] = (
+ factory.light_factory.params["Wattage"] * 20
+ )
light = factory.spawn_asset(0)
- light.location[-1] = np.min(co[:, -1]) + 5 - .5
+ light.location[-1] = np.min(co[:, -1]) + 5 - 0.5
return asset
def build_scene(path, idx, factory_name, args):
scene = bpy.context.scene
- scene.render.engine = 'CYCLES'
- scene.render.resolution_x, scene.render.resolution_y = map(int, args.resolution.split('x'))
+ scene.render.engine = "CYCLES"
+ scene.render.resolution_x, scene.render.resolution_y = map(
+ int, args.resolution.split("x")
+ )
scene.cycles.samples = args.samples
t = idx / (args.frame_end / args.cycles)
- args.cam_angle = args.cam_angle[0], args.cam_angle[1], (np.abs(t - np.round(t)) * 2) * 180
+ args.cam_angle = (
+ args.cam_angle[0],
+ args.cam_angle[1],
+ (np.abs(t - np.round(t)) * 2) * 180,
+ )
if not args.fire:
bpy.context.scene.render.film_transparent = args.film_transparent
- bpy.context.scene.world.node_tree.nodes['Background'].inputs[0].default_value[-1] = 0
+ bpy.context.scene.world.node_tree.nodes["Background"].inputs[0].default_value[
+ -1
+ ] = 0
- if idx % parameters[factory_name]['repeat'] == 0:
+ if idx % parameters[factory_name]["repeat"] == 0:
camera, center = setup_camera(args)
asset = build_scene_asset(args, factory_name, idx)
@@ -154,17 +175,21 @@ def build_scene(path, idx, factory_name, args):
- nodes = bpy.data.worlds['World'].node_tree.nodes
- sky_texture = [n for n in nodes if n.name.startswith('Sky Texture')][-1]
+ nodes = bpy.data.worlds["World"].node_tree.nodes
+ sky_texture = [n for n in nodes if n.name.startswith("Sky Texture")][-1]
sky_texture.sun_elevation = np.deg2rad(args.elevation)
- sky_texture.sun_rotation = np.pi * .75
+ sky_texture.sun_rotation = np.pi * 0.75
camera, center = setup_camera(args)
- asset = list(o for o in bpy.data.objects if 'Factory' in o.name and o.parent is None)[0]
+ asset = list(
+ o for o in bpy.data.objects if "Factory" in o.name and o.parent is None
+ )[0]
if args.scale_reference:
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add(radius=0.3, depth=1.8, location=(4.9, 4.9, 1.8 / 2))
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add(
+ radius=0.3, depth=1.8, location=(4.9, 4.9, 1.8 / 2)
+ )
if args.cam_center > 0 and asset:
co = read_base_co(asset) + asset.location
@@ -172,34 +197,38 @@ def build_scene(path, idx, factory_name, args):
center.location[-1] += args.cam_zoff
if args.cam_dist <= 0 and asset:
- if 'Factory' in factory_name:
+ if "Factory" in factory_name:
adjust_cam_distance(asset, camera, args.margin)
- adjust_cam_distance(asset, camera, args.margin, .75)
+ adjust_cam_distance(asset, camera, args.margin, 0.75)
- cam_info_ng = bpy.data.node_groups.get('nodegroup_active_cam_info')
+ cam_info_ng = bpy.data.node_groups.get("nodegroup_active_cam_info")
if cam_info_ng is not None:
- cam_info_ng.nodes['Object Info'].inputs['Object'].default_value = camera
+ cam_info_ng.nodes["Object Info"].inputs["Object"].default_value = camera
if args.save_blend:
- (path / 'scenes').mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+ (path / "scenes").mkdir(exist_ok=True)
butil.save_blend(f"{path}/scenes/scene_{idx:03d}.blend", autopack=True)
if args.fire:
- bpy.data.worlds['World'].node_tree.nodes["Background.001"].inputs[1].default_value = 0.04
+ bpy.data.worlds["World"].node_tree.nodes["Background.001"].inputs[
+ 1
+ ].default_value = 0.04
bpy.context.scene.view_settings.exposure = -2
- if args.render == 'image':
- (path / 'images').mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+ if args.render == "image":
+ (path / "images").mkdir(exist_ok=True)
imgpath = path / f"images/image_{idx:03d}.png"
scene.render.filepath = str(imgpath)
- elif args.render == 'video':
+ elif args.render == "video":
bpy.context.scene.frame_end = args.frame_end
t = f"frame / {args.frame_end / args.cycles}"
- parent(asset).driver_add('rotation_euler')[-1].driver.expression = f'(abs({t}-round({t}))*2-.5)*{np.pi}'
- (path / 'frames' / f'scene_{idx:03d}').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ parent(asset).driver_add("rotation_euler")[
+ -1
+ ].driver.expression = f"(abs({t}-round({t}))*2-.5)*{np.pi}"
+ (path / "frames" / f"scene_{idx:03d}").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
imgpath = path / f"frames/scene_{idx:03d}/frame_###.png"
scene.render.filepath = str(imgpath)
@@ -209,14 +238,14 @@ def parent(obj):
return obj if obj.parent is None else obj.parent
-def adjust_cam_distance(asset, camera, margin, percent=.999):
+def adjust_cam_distance(asset, camera, margin, percent=0.999):
co = read_base_co(asset) * asset.scale
co += asset.location
lowest = np.amin(co, 0)
highest = np.amax(co, 0)
interp = np.linspace(lowest, highest, 11)
bbox = np.array(list(product(*zip(*interp))))
- for cam_dist in np.exp(np.linspace(-1., 5.5, 500)):
+ for cam_dist in np.exp(np.linspace(-1.0, 5.5, 500)):
camera.location[1] = -cam_dist
inview = points_inview(bbox, camera)
@@ -230,71 +259,82 @@ def adjust_cam_distance(asset, camera, margin, percent=.999):
def make_grid(args, path, n):
files = []
- for filename in sorted(os.listdir(f'{path}/images')):
- if filename.endswith('.png'):
- files.append(f'{path}/images/{filename}')
+ for filename in sorted(os.listdir(f"{path}/images")):
+ if filename.endswith(".png"):
+ files.append(f"{path}/images/{filename}")
files = files[:n]
if len(files) == 0:
- print('No images found')
+ print("No images found")
with Image.open(files[0]) as i:
x, y = i.size
- for i, name in enumerate([path.stem, f'{path.stem}_']):
+ for i, name in enumerate([path.stem, f"{path.stem}_"]):
if args.zoom:
- img = Image.new('RGBA', (2 * x, y))
- sz = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(n - .9)))
+ img = Image.new("RGBA", (2 * x, y))
+ sz = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(n - 0.9)))
if i > 0:
with Image.open(files[0]) as i:
img.paste(i, (0, 0))
- for idx in range(sz ** 2):
+ for idx in range(sz**2):
with Image.open(files[min(idx + 1, len(files) - 1)]) as i:
- img.paste(i.resize((x // sz, y // sz)), (x + (idx % sz) * (x // sz), idx // sz * (y // sz)))
- img.save(f'{path}/{name}.png')
+ img.paste(
+ i.resize((x // sz, y // sz)),
+ (x + (idx % sz) * (x // sz), idx // sz * (y // sz)),
+ )
+ img.save(f"{path}/{name}.png")
- sz_x = list(sorted(range(1, n + 1), key=lambda x: abs(math.ceil(n / x) / x - args.best_ratio)))[0]
+ sz_x = list(
+ sorted(
+ range(1, n + 1),
+ key=lambda x: abs(math.ceil(n / x) / x - args.best_ratio),
+ )
+ )[0]
sz_y = math.ceil(n / sz_x)
- img = Image.new('RGBA', (sz_x * x, sz_y * y))
+ img = Image.new("RGBA", (sz_x * x, sz_y * y))
if i > 0:
for idx, file in enumerate(files):
with Image.open(file) as i:
img.paste(i, (idx % sz_x * x, idx // sz_x * y))
- img.save(f'{path}/{name}.png')
+ img.save(f"{path}/{name}.png")
def main(args):
- bpy.context.window.workspace = bpy.data.workspaces['Geometry Nodes']
+ bpy.context.window.workspace = bpy.data.workspaces["Geometry Nodes"]
- init.apply_gin_configs('infinigen_examples/configs_indoor', skip_unknown=True)
+ init.apply_gin_configs("infinigen_examples/configs_indoor", skip_unknown=True)
- extras = '[%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] ' if args.loglevel == logging.DEBUG else ''
+ extras = "[%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] " if args.loglevel == logging.DEBUG else ""
- format=f'[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(name)s] [%(levelname)s] {extras}| %(message)s',
- level=args.loglevel, datefmt='%H:%M:%S'
+ format=f"[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(name)s] [%(levelname)s] {extras}| %(message)s",
+ level=args.loglevel,
+ datefmt="%H:%M:%S",
- if '.txt' in args.factories[0]:
- name = args.factories[0].split('.')[-2].split('/')[-1]
+ if ".txt" in args.factories[0]:
+ name = args.factories[0].split(".")[-2].split("/")[-1]
- name = '_'.join(args.factories)
- path = Path(os.getcwd()) / 'outputs' / name
+ name = "_".join(args.factories)
+ path = Path(os.getcwd()) / "outputs" / name
factories = list(args.factories)
- if 'ALL_ASSETS' in factories:
+ if "ALL_ASSETS" in factories:
factories += [f.__name__ for f in subclasses(factory.AssetFactory)]
- factories.remove('ALL_ASSETS')
- if 'ALL_SCATTERS' in factories:
- factories += [f.stem for f in Path('surfaces/scatters').iterdir()]
- factories.remove('ALL_SCATTERS')
- if 'ALL_MATERIALS' in factories:
- factories += [f.stem for f in Path('infinigen/assets/materials').iterdir()]
- factories.remove('ALL_MATERIALS')
- if '.txt' in factories[0]:
- factories = [f.split('.')[-1] for f in load_txt_list(factories[0], skip_sharp=False)]
+ factories.remove("ALL_ASSETS")
+ if "ALL_SCATTERS" in factories:
+ factories += [f.stem for f in Path("surfaces/scatters").iterdir()]
+ factories.remove("ALL_SCATTERS")
+ if "ALL_MATERIALS" in factories:
+ factories += [f.stem for f in Path("infinigen/assets/materials").iterdir()]
+ factories.remove("ALL_MATERIALS")
+ if ".txt" in factories[0]:
+ factories = [
+ f.split(".")[-1] for f in load_txt_list(factories[0], skip_sharp=False)
+ ]
for fac in factories:
fac_path = path / fac
@@ -309,21 +349,25 @@ def main(args):
except Exception as e:
- if args.render == 'image':
+ if args.render == "image":
make_grid(args, fac_path, n_images)
- if args.render == 'video':
- (fac_path / 'videos').mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+ if args.render == "video":
+ (fac_path / "videos").mkdir(exist_ok=True)
for i in range(n_images):
f'ffmpeg -y -r 24 -pattern_type glob -i "{fac_path}/frames/scene_{i:03d}/frame*.png" '
- f'{fac_path}/videos/video_{i:03d}.mp4', shell=True
+ f"{fac_path}/videos/video_{i:03d}.mp4",
+ shell=True,
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
args = make_args()
args.no_mod = args.no_mod or args.fire
args.film_transparent = args.film_transparent and not args.hdri
- args.n_images = len(parameters[args.factories[0]]['factories']) * parameters[args.factories[0]]['repeat']
+ args.n_images = (
+ len(parameters[args.factories[0]]["factories"])
+ * parameters[args.factories[0]]["repeat"]
+ )
with FixedSeed(1):
diff --git a/infinigen_examples/generate_individual_assets.py b/infinigen_examples/generate_individual_assets.py
index 6f8e8f9f0..89a0c50a0 100644
--- a/infinigen_examples/generate_individual_assets.py
+++ b/infinigen_examples/generate_individual_assets.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
import argparse
import importlib
+import logging
import math
import os
import random
@@ -17,52 +18,62 @@
import subprocess
import traceback
from itertools import product
-from pathlib import Path
-import logging
from multiprocessing import Pool
-from infinigen.core.init import configure_cycles_devices
-logging.basicConfig(format='[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(name)s] [%(levelname)s] | %(message)s',
- datefmt='%H:%M:%S', level=logging.WARNING)
+from pathlib import Path
import bpy
import gin
import numpy as np
-from PIL import Image
import submitit
+from PIL import Image
-from infinigen.assets.fluid.fluid import set_obj_on_fire
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_system
-from infinigen.assets.lighting import sky_lighting, hdri_lighting, three_point_lighting, holdout_lighting
+# ruff: noqa: E402
+# NOTE: logging config has to be before imports that use logging
+ format="[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(module)s] [%(levelname)s] | %(message)s",
+ datefmt="%H:%M:%S",
+ level=logging.INFO,
+from infinigen.assets.lighting import (
+ hdri_lighting,
+ holdout_lighting,
+ sky_lighting,
+ three_point_lighting,
-from infinigen.core import surface, init
-from infinigen.core.placement import density, factory
-from infinigen.core.util.camera import points_inview
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material, subclasses
# from infinigen.core.rendering.render import enable_gpu
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_base_co, read_co
+from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material, subclasses
+from infinigen.core import init, surface
+from infinigen.core.init import configure_cycles_devices
+from infinigen.core.placement import density, factory
+from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_system
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.camera import points_inview
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
from infinigen.tools import export
from infinigen_examples.util.test_utils import load_txt_list
+ format="[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(name)s] [%(levelname)s] | %(message)s",
+ datefmt="%H:%M:%S",
+ level=logging.WARNING,
def build_scene_asset(args, factory_name, idx):
factory = None
- for subdir in os.listdir('infinigen/assets'):
+ for subdir in os.listdir("infinigen/assets"):
with gin.unlock_config():
module = importlib.import_module(f'infinigen.assets.{subdir.split(".")[0]}')
if hasattr(module, factory_name):
factory = getattr(module, factory_name)
if factory is None:
- raise ModuleNotFoundError(f'{factory_name} not Found.')
+ raise ModuleNotFoundError(f"{factory_name} not Found.")
with FixedSeed(idx):
factory = factory(idx)
@@ -73,21 +84,31 @@ def build_scene_asset(args, factory_name, idx):
asset = factory.spawn_asset(idx)
except Exception as e:
- print(f'{factory}.spawn_asset({idx=}) FAILED!! {e}')
+ print(f"{factory}.spawn_asset({idx=}) FAILED!! {e}")
raise e
if args.fire:
from infinigen.assets.fluid.fluid import set_obj_on_fire
- set_obj_on_fire(asset, 0, resolution=args.fire_res, simulation_duration=args.fire_duration,
- noise_scale=2, add_turbulence=True, adaptive_domain=False)
+ set_obj_on_fire(
+ asset,
+ 0,
+ resolution=args.fire_res,
+ simulation_duration=args.fire_duration,
+ noise_scale=2,
+ add_turbulence=True,
+ adaptive_domain=False,
+ )
bpy.context.scene.frame_end = args.fire_duration
- bpy.data.worlds['World'].node_tree.nodes["Background.001"].inputs[1].default_value = 0.04
+ bpy.data.worlds["World"].node_tree.nodes["Background.001"].inputs[
+ 1
+ ].default_value = 0.04
bpy.context.scene.view_settings.exposure = -1
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = asset
parent = asset
- if asset.type == 'EMPTY':
- meshes = [o for o in asset.children_recursive if o.type == 'MESH']
+ if asset.type == "EMPTY":
+ meshes = [o for o in asset.children_recursive if o.type == "MESH"]
sizes = []
for m in meshes:
co = read_co(m)
@@ -104,13 +125,20 @@ def build_scene_asset(args, factory_name, idx):
parent.location = -(x_min[0] + x_max[0]) / 2, -(x_min[1] + x_max[1]) / 2, 0
butil.apply_transform(parent, loc=True)
if not args.no_ground:
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_grid_add(size=5, x_subdivisions=400, y_subdivisions=400)
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_grid_add(
+ size=5, x_subdivisions=400, y_subdivisions=400
+ )
plane = bpy.context.active_object
plane.location[-1] = x_min[-1]
plane.is_shadow_catcher = True
- material = bpy.data.materials.new('plane')
+ material = bpy.data.materials.new("plane")
material.use_nodes = True
- material.node_tree.nodes['Principled BSDF'].inputs[0].default_value = .015, .009, .003, 1
+ material.node_tree.nodes["Principled BSDF"].inputs[0].default_value = (
+ 0.015,
+ 0.009,
+ 0.003,
+ 1,
+ )
assign_material(plane, material)
return asset
@@ -119,80 +147,95 @@ def build_scene_asset(args, factory_name, idx):
def build_scene_surface(factory_name, idx):
with gin.unlock_config():
- scatter = importlib.import_module(f'infinigen.assets.scatters.{factory_name}')
+ scatter = importlib.import_module(
+ f"infinigen.assets.scatters.{factory_name}"
+ )
- if not hasattr(scatter, 'apply'):
- raise ValueError(f'{scatter} has no apply()')
+ if not hasattr(scatter, "apply"):
+ raise ValueError(f"{scatter} has no apply()")
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_grid_add(size=10, x_subdivisions=400, y_subdivisions=400)
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_grid_add(
+ size=10, x_subdivisions=400, y_subdivisions=400
+ )
plane = bpy.context.active_object
- material = bpy.data.materials.new('plane')
+ material = bpy.data.materials.new("plane")
material.use_nodes = True
- material.node_tree.nodes['Principled BSDF'].inputs[0].default_value = .015, .009, .003, 1
+ material.node_tree.nodes["Principled BSDF"].inputs[0].default_value = (
+ 0.015,
+ 0.009,
+ 0.003,
+ 1,
+ )
assign_material(plane, material)
if type(scatter) is type:
scatter = scatter(idx)
- scatter.apply(plane, selection=density.placement_mask(.15, .45))
+ scatter.apply(plane, selection=density.placement_mask(0.15, 0.45))
asset = plane
except ModuleNotFoundError:
with gin.unlock_config():
- template = importlib.import_module(f'infinigen.assets.materials.{factory_name}')
- except:
- for subdir in os.listdir('infinigen/assets/materials'):
+ template = importlib.import_module(
+ f"infinigen.assets.materials.{factory_name}"
+ )
+ except ImportError:
+ for subdir in os.listdir("infinigen/assets/materials"):
with gin.unlock_config():
module = importlib.import_module(
- f'infinigen.assets.materials.{subdir.split(".")[0]}')
+ f'infinigen.assets.materials.{subdir.split(".")[0]}'
+ )
if hasattr(module, factory_name):
template = getattr(module, factory_name)
- raise Exception(f'{factory_name} not Found.')
- if hasattr(template, 'make_sphere'):
+ raise Exception(f"{factory_name} not Found.")
+ if hasattr(template, "make_sphere"):
asset = template.make_sphere()
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_ico_sphere_add(radius=.8, subdivisions=9)
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_ico_sphere_add(radius=0.8, subdivisions=9)
asset = bpy.context.active_object
if type(template) is type:
template = template(idx)
except ModuleNotFoundError:
- raise Exception(f'{factory_name} not Found.')
+ raise Exception(f"{factory_name} not Found.")
return asset
def build_and_save_asset(payload: dict):
# unpack payload - args are packed into payload for compatibility with slurm/multiprocessing
- factory_name = payload['fac']
- args = payload['args']
- idx = payload['idx']
+ factory_name = payload["fac"]
+ args = payload["args"]
+ idx = payload["idx"]
if args.seed > 0:
idx = args.seed
path = args.output_folder / factory_name
if (path / f"images/image_{idx:03d}.png").exists() and args.skip_existing:
- print(f'Skipping {path}')
+ print(f"Skipping {path}")
scene = bpy.context.scene
- scene.render.engine = 'CYCLES'
- scene.render.resolution_x, scene.render.resolution_y = map(int, args.resolution.split('x'))
+ scene.render.engine = "CYCLES"
+ scene.render.resolution_x, scene.render.resolution_y = map(
+ int, args.resolution.split("x")
+ )
scene.cycles.samples = args.samples
if not args.fire:
bpy.context.scene.render.film_transparent = args.film_transparent
- bpy.context.scene.world.node_tree.nodes['Background'].inputs[0].default_value[-1] = 0
+ bpy.context.scene.world.node_tree.nodes["Background"].inputs[0].default_value[
+ -1
+ ] = 0
camera, center = setup_camera(args)
- if 'Factory' in factory_name:
+ if "Factory" in factory_name:
asset = build_scene_asset(args, factory_name, idx)
asset = build_scene_surface(factory_name, idx)
@@ -205,13 +248,15 @@ def build_and_save_asset(payload: dict):
- nodes = bpy.data.worlds['World'].node_tree.nodes
- sky_texture = [n for n in nodes if n.name.startswith('Sky Texture')][-1]
+ nodes = bpy.data.worlds["World"].node_tree.nodes
+ sky_texture = [n for n in nodes if n.name.startswith("Sky Texture")][-1]
sky_texture.sun_elevation = np.deg2rad(args.elevation)
- sky_texture.sun_rotation = np.pi * .75
+ sky_texture.sun_rotation = np.pi * 0.75
if args.scale_reference:
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add(radius=0.3, depth=1.8, location=(4.9, 4.9, 1.8 / 2))
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add(
+ radius=0.3, depth=1.8, location=(4.9, 4.9, 1.8 / 2)
+ )
if args.cam_center > 0 and asset:
co = read_base_co(asset) + asset.location
@@ -219,62 +264,65 @@ def build_and_save_asset(payload: dict):
center.location[-1] += args.cam_zoff
if args.cam_dist <= 0 and asset:
- if 'Factory' in factory_name:
+ if "Factory" in factory_name:
adjust_cam_distance(asset, camera, args.margin)
- adjust_cam_distance(asset, camera, args.margin, .75)
+ adjust_cam_distance(asset, camera, args.margin, 0.75)
- cam_info_ng = bpy.data.node_groups.get('nodegroup_active_cam_info')
+ cam_info_ng = bpy.data.node_groups.get("nodegroup_active_cam_info")
if cam_info_ng is not None:
- cam_info_ng.nodes['Object Info'].inputs['Object'].default_value = camera
+ cam_info_ng.nodes["Object Info"].inputs["Object"].default_value = camera
if args.save_blend:
- (path / 'scenes').mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+ (path / "scenes").mkdir(exist_ok=True)
butil.save_blend(f"{path}/scenes/scene_{idx:03d}.blend", autopack=True)
if args.fire:
- bpy.data.worlds['World'].node_tree.nodes["Background.001"].inputs[1].default_value = 0.04
+ bpy.data.worlds["World"].node_tree.nodes["Background.001"].inputs[
+ 1
+ ].default_value = 0.04
bpy.context.scene.view_settings.exposure = -2
- if args.render == 'image':
- (path / 'images').mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+ if args.render == "image":
+ (path / "images").mkdir(exist_ok=True)
imgpath = path / f"images/image_{idx:03d}.png"
scene.render.filepath = str(imgpath)
- elif args.render == 'video':
+ elif args.render == "video":
bpy.context.scene.frame_end = args.frame_end
- parent(asset).driver_add('rotation_euler')[
- -1].driver.expression = f"frame/{args.frame_end / (2 * np.pi * args.cycles)}"
- (path / 'frames' / f'scene_{idx:03d}').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ parent(asset).driver_add("rotation_euler")[
+ -1
+ ].driver.expression = f"frame/{args.frame_end / (2 * np.pi * args.cycles)}"
+ (path / "frames" / f"scene_{idx:03d}").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
imgpath = path / f"frames/scene_{idx:03d}/frame_###.png"
scene.render.filepath = str(imgpath)
- elif args.render == 'none':
+ elif args.render == "none":
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized {args.render=}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized {args.render=}")
if args.export is not None:
- export_path = path/'export'/f'export_{idx:03d}'
+ export_path = path / "export" / f"export_{idx:03d}"
export_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
- export_path,
- format=args.export,
- image_res=args.export_texture_res
+ export_path, format=args.export, image_res=args.export_texture_res
def parent(obj):
return obj if obj.parent is None else obj.parent
-def adjust_cam_distance(asset, camera, margin, percent=.999):
+def adjust_cam_distance(asset, camera, margin, percent=0.999):
co = read_base_co(asset) * asset.scale
co += asset.location
lowest = np.amin(co, 0)
highest = np.amax(co, 0)
interp = np.linspace(lowest, highest, 11)
bbox = np.array(list(product(*zip(*interp))))
- for cam_dist in np.exp(np.linspace(-1., 5.5, 500)):
+ for cam_dist in np.exp(np.linspace(-1.0, 5.5, 500)):
camera.location[1] = -cam_dist
inview = points_inview(bbox, camera)
@@ -288,61 +336,69 @@ def adjust_cam_distance(asset, camera, margin, percent=.999):
def make_grid(args, path, n):
files = []
- for filename in sorted(os.listdir(f'{path}/images')):
- if filename.endswith('.png'):
- files.append(f'{path}/images/{filename}')
+ for filename in sorted(os.listdir(f"{path}/images")):
+ if filename.endswith(".png"):
+ files.append(f"{path}/images/{filename}")
files = files[:n]
if len(files) == 0:
- print('No images found')
+ print("No images found")
with Image.open(files[0]) as i:
x, y = i.size
- for i, name in enumerate([path.stem, f'{path.stem}_']):
+ for i, name in enumerate([path.stem, f"{path.stem}_"]):
if args.zoom:
- img = Image.new('RGBA', (2 * x, y))
- sz = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(n - .9)))
+ img = Image.new("RGBA", (2 * x, y))
+ sz = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(n - 0.9)))
if i > 0:
with Image.open(files[0]) as i:
img.paste(i, (0, 0))
- for idx in range(sz ** 2):
+ for idx in range(sz**2):
with Image.open(files[min(idx + 1, len(files) - 1)]) as i:
- img.paste(i.resize((x // sz, y // sz)), (x + (idx % sz) * (x // sz), idx // sz * (y // sz)))
- img.save(f'{path}/{name}.png')
+ img.paste(
+ i.resize((x // sz, y // sz)),
+ (x + (idx % sz) * (x // sz), idx // sz * (y // sz)),
+ )
+ img.save(f"{path}/{name}.png")
- sz_x = list(sorted(range(1, n + 1), key=lambda x: abs(math.ceil(n / x) / x - args.best_ratio)))[0]
+ sz_x = list(
+ sorted(
+ range(1, n + 1),
+ key=lambda x: abs(math.ceil(n / x) / x - args.best_ratio),
+ )
+ )[0]
sz_y = math.ceil(n / sz_x)
- img = Image.new('RGBA', (sz_x * x, sz_y * y))
+ img = Image.new("RGBA", (sz_x * x, sz_y * y))
if i > 0:
for idx, file in enumerate(files):
with Image.open(file) as i:
img.paste(i, (idx % sz_x * x, idx // sz_x * y))
- img.save(f'{path}/{name}.png')
- print(f'{path}/{name}.png generated')
+ img.save(f"{path}/{name}.png")
+ print(f"{path}/{name}.png generated")
def setup_camera(args):
cam_dist = args.cam_dist if args.cam_dist > 0 else 6
bpy.ops.object.camera_add(location=(0, -cam_dist, 0), rotation=(np.pi / 2, 0, 0))
camera = bpy.context.active_object
- camera.parent = butil.spawn_empty('Camera parent')
+ camera.parent = butil.spawn_empty("Camera parent")
camera.parent.location = (0, 0, args.cam_zoff)
camera.parent.rotation_euler = np.deg2rad(np.array(args.cam_angle))
- bpy.data.scenes['Scene'].camera = camera
+ bpy.data.scenes["Scene"].camera = camera
scene = bpy.context.scene
- camera.data.sensor_height = camera.data.sensor_width * scene.render.resolution_y / scene.render.resolution_x
+ camera.data.sensor_height = (
+ camera.data.sensor_width * scene.render.resolution_y / scene.render.resolution_x
+ )
for area in bpy.context.screen.areas:
- if area.type == 'VIEW_3D':
- area.spaces.active.region_3d.view_perspective = 'CAMERA'
+ if area.type == "VIEW_3D":
+ area.spaces.active.region_3d.view_perspective = "CAMERA"
- cam_info_ng = bpy.data.node_groups.get('nodegroup_active_cam_info')
+ cam_info_ng = bpy.data.node_groups.get("nodegroup_active_cam_info")
if cam_info_ng is not None:
- cam_info_ng.nodes['Object Info'].inputs['Object'].default_value = camera
+ cam_info_ng.nodes["Object Info"].inputs["Object"].default_value = camera
return camera, camera.parent
-def subclasses(cls):
- return set(cls.__subclasses__()).union([s for c in cls.__subclasses__() for s in subclasses(c)])
def mapfunc(f, its, args):
if args.n_workers == 1:
@@ -351,25 +407,24 @@ def mapfunc(f, its, args):
with Pool(args.n_workers) as p:
return list(p.imap(f, its))
- executor = submitit.AutoExecutor(
- folder=args.output_folder/'logs'
- )
+ executor = submitit.AutoExecutor(folder=args.output_folder / "logs")
- slurm_partition=os.environ['INFINIGEN_SLURMPARTITION'],
- slurm_array_parallelism=args.n_workers
+ slurm_partition=os.environ["INFINIGEN_SLURMPARTITION"],
+ slurm_array_parallelism=args.n_workers,
jobs = executor.map_array(f, its)
for j in jobs:
- print(f'Job finished {j.wait()}')
+ print(f"Job finished {j.wait()}")
def main(args):
- bpy.context.window.workspace = bpy.data.workspaces['Geometry Nodes']
+ bpy.context.window.workspace = bpy.data.workspaces["Geometry Nodes"]
- init.apply_gin_configs('infinigen_examples/configs_indoor', skip_unknown=True)
+ init.apply_gin_configs("infinigen_examples/configs_indoor", skip_unknown=True)
@@ -377,133 +432,234 @@ def main(args):
if args.gpu:
- extras = '[%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] ' if args.loglevel == logging.DEBUG else ''
- logging.basicConfig(format=f'[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(name)s] [%(levelname)s] {extras}| %(message)s',
- level=args.loglevel, datefmt='%H:%M:%S')
+ extras = "[%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] " if args.loglevel == logging.DEBUG else ""
+ logging.basicConfig(
+ format=f"[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(name)s] [%(levelname)s] {extras}| %(message)s",
+ level=args.loglevel,
+ datefmt="%H:%M:%S",
+ )
- if '.txt' in args.factories[0]:
- name = args.factories[0].split('.')[-2].split('/')[-1]
+ if ".txt" in args.factories[0]:
+ name = args.factories[0].split(".")[-2].split("/")[-1]
- name = '_'.join(args.factories)
+ name = "_".join(args.factories)
if args.output_folder is None:
- args.output_folder = Path(os.getcwd()) / 'outputs'
+ args.output_folder = Path(os.getcwd()) / "outputs"
path = Path(args.output_folder) / name
factories = list(args.factories)
- if 'ALL_ASSETS' in factories:
+ if "ALL_ASSETS" in factories:
factories += [f.__name__ for f in subclasses(factory.AssetFactory)]
- factories.remove('ALL_ASSETS')
- if 'ALL_SCATTERS' in factories:
- factories += [f.stem for f in Path('surfaces/scatters').iterdir()]
- factories.remove('ALL_SCATTERS')
- if 'ALL_MATERIALS' in factories:
- factories += [f.stem for f in Path('infinigen/assets/materials').iterdir()]
- factories.remove('ALL_MATERIALS')
- has_txt = '.txt' in factories[0]
+ factories.remove("ALL_ASSETS")
+ if "ALL_SCATTERS" in factories:
+ factories += [f.stem for f in Path("surfaces/scatters").iterdir()]
+ factories.remove("ALL_SCATTERS")
+ if "ALL_MATERIALS" in factories:
+ factories += [f.stem for f in Path("infinigen/assets/materials").iterdir()]
+ factories.remove("ALL_MATERIALS")
+ has_txt = ".txt" in factories[0]
if has_txt:
- factories = [f.split('.')[-1] for f in load_txt_list(factories[0], skip_sharp=False)]
+ factories = [
+ f.split(".")[-1] for f in load_txt_list(factories[0], skip_sharp=False)
+ ]
if not args.postprocessing_only:
for fac in factories:
targets = [
- {'args': args, 'fac': fac, 'idx': idx}
- for idx in range(args.n_images)
+ {"args": args, "fac": fac, "idx": idx} for idx in range(args.n_images)
mapfunc(build_and_save_asset, targets, args)
for j, fac in enumerate(factories):
- fac_path = args.output_folder/fac
- assert fac_path.exists(); f'{fac_path} does not exist'
+ fac_path = args.output_folder / fac
+ assert fac_path.exists()
+ f"{fac_path} does not exist"
if has_txt:
for i in range(args.n_images):
- img_path = fac_path / 'images' / f'image_{i:03d}.png'
+ img_path = fac_path / "images" / f"image_{i:03d}.png"
if img_path.exists():
- f'cp -f {img_path} {path}/{fac}_{i:03d}.png', shell=True
+ f"cp -f {img_path} {path}/{fac}_{i:03d}.png", shell=True
- print(f'{img_path} does not exist')
- elif args.render == 'image':
+ print(f"{img_path} does not exist")
+ elif args.render == "image":
make_grid(args, fac_path, args.n_images)
- elif args.render == 'video':
- (fac_path / 'videos').mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+ elif args.render == "video":
+ (fac_path / "videos").mkdir(exist_ok=True)
for i in range(args.n_images):
f'ffmpeg -y -r 24 -pattern_type glob -i "{fac_path}/frames/scene_{i:03d}/frame*.png" '
- f'{fac_path}/videos/video_{i:03d}.mp4', shell=True)
+ f"{fac_path}/videos/video_{i:03d}.mp4",
+ shell=True,
+ )
def snake_case(s):
- return '_'.join(
- re.sub('([A-Z][a-z]+)', r' \1', re.sub('([A-Z]+)', r' \1', s.replace('-', ' '))).split()).lower()
+ return "_".join(
+ re.sub(
+ "([A-Z][a-z]+)", r" \1", re.sub("([A-Z]+)", r" \1", s.replace("-", " "))
+ ).split()
+ ).lower()
def make_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_folder', type=Path, default=None)
- parser.add_argument('-f', '--factories', default=[], nargs='+',
- help="List factories/surface scatters/surface materials you want to render")
- parser.add_argument('-n', '--n_images', default=1, type=int, help="Number of scenes to render")
- parser.add_argument("-m", '--margin', default=.01,
- help="Margin between the asset the boundary of the image when automatically adjusting "
- "the camera")
- parser.add_argument('-R', '--resolution', default='1024x1024', type=str,
- help="Image resolution widthxheight")
- parser.add_argument('-p', '--samples', default=200, type=int, help="Blender cycles samples")
- parser.add_argument('-l', '--lighting', default=0, type=int, help="Lighting seed")
- parser.add_argument('-Z', '--cam_zoff', '--z_offset', type=float, default=.0,
- help="Additional offset on Z axis for camera look-at positions")
- parser.add_argument('-s', '--save_blend', action='store_true', help="Whether to save .blend file")
- parser.add_argument('-e', '--elevation', default=60, type=float, help="Elevation of the sun")
- parser.add_argument('--cam_dist', default=0, type=float,
- help="Distance from the camera to the look-at position"
+ parser.add_argument("-o", "--output_folder", type=Path, default=None)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-f",
+ "--factories",
+ default=[],
+ nargs="+",
+ help="List factories/surface scatters/surface materials you want to render",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-n", "--n_images", default=1, type=int, help="Number of scenes to render"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-m",
+ "--margin",
+ default=0.01,
+ help="Margin between the asset the boundary of the image when automatically adjusting "
+ "the camera",
- '-a', '--cam_angle', default=(-30, 0, 45), type=float, nargs='+',
- help="Camera rotation in XYZ"
+ "-R",
+ "--resolution",
+ default="1024x1024",
+ type=str,
+ help="Image resolution widthxheight",
- parser.add_argument('-O', '--offset', default=(0, 0, 0), type=float, nargs='+', help='asset location')
- parser.add_argument('-c', '--cam_center', default=1, type=int, help="Camera rotation in XYZ")
- '-r', '--render', default='image', type=str, choices=['image', 'video', 'none'],
- help="Whether to render the scene in images or video")
- parser.add_argument('-b', '--best_ratio', default=9 / 16, type=float,
- help="Best aspect ratio for compiling the images into asset grid")
- parser.add_argument('-F', '--fire', action='store_true')
- parser.add_argument('-I', '--fire_res', default=100, type=int)
- parser.add_argument('-U', '--fire_duration', default=30, type=int)
- parser.add_argument('-t', '--film_transparent', default=1, type=int,
- help="Whether the background is transparent")
- parser.add_argument('-E', '--frame_end', type=int, default=120, help="End of frame in videos")
- parser.add_argument('-g', '--gpu', action='store_true', help="Whether to use gpu in rendering")
- parser.add_argument('-C', '--cycles', type=float, default=1, help="render video cycles")
- parser.add_argument('-A', '--scale_reference', action='store_true', help="Add the scale reference")
- parser.add_argument('-S', '--skip_existing', action='store_true', help="Skip existing scenes and renders")
- parser.add_argument('-P', '--postprocessing_only', action='store_true', help="Only run postprocessing")
- parser.add_argument('-D', '--seed', type=int, default=-1, help="Run a specific seed.")
- parser.add_argument('-N', '--no-mod', action='store_true', help="No modification")
- parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action="store_const", dest="loglevel", const=logging.DEBUG,
- default=logging.INFO)
- parser.add_argument('-H', '--hdri', action='store_true', help="add_hdri")
- parser.add_argument('-T', '--three_point', action='store_true', help="add three-point lighting")
- parser.add_argument('-G', '--no_ground', action='store_true', help="no ground")
- parser.add_argument('-W', '--spawn_placeholder', action='store_true', help="spawn placeholder")
- parser.add_argument('-z', '--zoom', action='store_true', help="zoom first figure")
- parser.add_argument('--n_workers', type=int, default=1)
- parser.add_argument('--slurm', action='store_true')
- parser.add_argument('--export', type=str, default=None, choices=export.FORMAT_CHOICES)
- parser.add_argument('--export_texture_res', type=int, default=1024)
+ "-p", "--samples", default=200, type=int, help="Blender cycles samples"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("-l", "--lighting", default=0, type=int, help="Lighting seed")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-Z",
+ "--cam_zoff",
+ "--z_offset",
+ type=float,
+ default=0.0,
+ help="Additional offset on Z axis for camera look-at positions",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-s", "--save_blend", action="store_true", help="Whether to save .blend file"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-e", "--elevation", default=60, type=float, help="Elevation of the sun"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--cam_dist",
+ default=0,
+ type=float,
+ help="Distance from the camera to the look-at position",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-a",
+ "--cam_angle",
+ default=(-30, 0, 45),
+ type=float,
+ nargs="+",
+ help="Camera rotation in XYZ",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-O",
+ "--offset",
+ default=(0, 0, 0),
+ type=float,
+ nargs="+",
+ help="asset location",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-c", "--cam_center", default=1, type=int, help="Camera rotation in XYZ"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-r",
+ "--render",
+ default="image",
+ type=str,
+ choices=["image", "video", "none"],
+ help="Whether to render the scene in images or video",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-b",
+ "--best_ratio",
+ default=9 / 16,
+ type=float,
+ help="Best aspect ratio for compiling the images into asset grid",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("-F", "--fire", action="store_true")
+ parser.add_argument("-I", "--fire_res", default=100, type=int)
+ parser.add_argument("-U", "--fire_duration", default=30, type=int)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-t",
+ "--film_transparent",
+ default=1,
+ type=int,
+ help="Whether the background is transparent",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-E", "--frame_end", type=int, default=120, help="End of frame in videos"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-g", "--gpu", action="store_true", help="Whether to use gpu in rendering"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-C", "--cycles", type=float, default=1, help="render video cycles"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-A", "--scale_reference", action="store_true", help="Add the scale reference"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-S",
+ "--skip_existing",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Skip existing scenes and renders",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-P",
+ "--postprocessing_only",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Only run postprocessing",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-D", "--seed", type=int, default=-1, help="Run a specific seed."
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("-N", "--no-mod", action="store_true", help="No modification")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-d",
+ "--debug",
+ action="store_const",
+ dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.DEBUG,
+ default=logging.INFO,
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("-H", "--hdri", action="store_true", help="add_hdri")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-T", "--three_point", action="store_true", help="add three-point lighting"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("-G", "--no_ground", action="store_true", help="no ground")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-W", "--spawn_placeholder", action="store_true", help="spawn placeholder"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("-z", "--zoom", action="store_true", help="zoom first figure")
+ parser.add_argument("--n_workers", type=int, default=1)
+ parser.add_argument("--slurm", action="store_true")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--export", type=str, default=None, choices=export.FORMAT_CHOICES
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("--export_texture_res", type=int, default=1024)
return init.parse_args_blender(parser)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
args = make_args()
args.no_mod = args.no_mod or args.fire
args.film_transparent = args.film_transparent and not args.hdri
diff --git a/infinigen_examples/generate_indoors.py b/infinigen_examples/generate_indoors.py
index 80fac6cd8..a557f4232 100644
--- a/infinigen_examples/generate_indoors.py
+++ b/infinigen_examples/generate_indoors.py
@@ -3,92 +3,65 @@
# of this source tree.
import argparse
-from pathlib import Path
import logging
-from time import time
+from pathlib import Path
from numpy import deg2rad
-import pprint
-import copy
+# ruff: noqa: E402
+# NOTE: logging config has to be before imports that use logging
- format='[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(module)s] [%(levelname)s] | %(message)s',
- datefmt='%H:%M:%S',
- level=logging.INFO
+ format="[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(module)s] [%(levelname)s] | %(message)s",
+ datefmt="%H:%M:%S",
+ level=logging.INFO,
import bpy
-from mathutils import Vector
import gin
import numpy as np
-import trimesh
-from numpy import deg2rad
-from infinigen.assets import (lighting)
-from infinigen.assets.wall_decorations.skirting_board import make_skirting_board
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co
-from infinigen.terrain import Terrain
+from infinigen.assets import lighting
from infinigen.assets.materials import invisible_to_camera
-from infinigen.core.constraints import (
- constraint_language as cl,
- reasoning as r,
- example_solver,
- checks,
- usage_lookup
-from infinigen.assets import (
- fluid,
- cactus,
- cactus,
- trees,
- monocot,
- rocks,
- underwater,
- creatures,
- lighting,
- weather
-from infinigen.assets.scatters import grass, pebbles
+from infinigen.assets.objects.wall_decorations.skirting_board import make_skirting_board
from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_co
-from infinigen.core.placement import density, camera as cam_util, split_in_view
-from infinigen_examples.indoor_constraint_examples import home_constraints
-from infinigen.core import (
- execute_tasks,
- surface,
- init,
- placement,
- tags as t,
- tagging
+from infinigen.core import execute_tasks, init, placement, surface, tagging
+from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.core.constraints import checks
+from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
+from infinigen.core.constraints import reasoning as r
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver import (
+ Solver,
+ greedy,
+ populate,
+ state_def,
-from infinigen.core.util import (blender as butil, pipeline)
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room import decorate as room_dec, constants
-from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver import state_def, greedy, populate, Solver
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room import constants
+from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room import decorate as room_dec
from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room.constants import WALL_HEIGHT
+from infinigen.core.placement import camera as cam_util
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util import pipeline
from infinigen.core.util.camera import points_inview
-from infinigen_examples.generate_nature import compose_nature # so gin can find it
+from infinigen.terrain import Terrain
+from infinigen_examples.indoor_constraint_examples import home_constraints
from infinigen_examples.util import constraint_util as cu
from infinigen_examples.util.generate_indoors_util import (
+ apply_greedy_restriction,
- place_cam_overhead,
- overhead_view,
+ place_cam_overhead,
- apply_greedy_restriction
+from . import generate_nature # noqa F401 # needed for nature gin configs to load
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def default_greedy_stages():
+def default_greedy_stages():
"""Returns descriptions of what will be covered by each greedy stage of the solver.
- Any domain containing one or more VariableTags is greedy: it produces many separate domains,
+ Any domain containing one or more VariableTags is greedy: it produces many separate domains,
one for each possible assignment of the unresolved variables.
@@ -100,39 +73,47 @@ def default_greedy_stages():
all_room = r.Domain({t.Semantics.Room, -t.Semantics.Object})
all_obj = r.Domain({t.Semantics.Object, -t.Semantics.Room})
- all_obj_in_room = all_obj.with_relation(cl.AnyRelation(), all_room.with_tags(cu.variable_room))
+ all_obj_in_room = all_obj.with_relation(
+ cl.AnyRelation(), all_room.with_tags(cu.variable_room)
+ )
primary = all_obj_in_room.with_relation(-cl.AnyRelation(), all_obj)
greedy_stages = {}
- greedy_stages['rooms'] = all_room
- greedy_stages['on_floor'] = primary.with_relation(on_floor, all_room)
- greedy_stages['on_wall'] = (
+ greedy_stages["rooms"] = all_room
+ greedy_stages["on_floor"] = primary.with_relation(on_floor, all_room)
+ greedy_stages["on_wall"] = (
primary.with_relation(-on_floor, all_room)
.with_relation(-on_ceiling, all_room)
.with_relation(on_wall, all_room)
- greedy_stages['on_ceiling'] = (
+ greedy_stages["on_ceiling"] = (
primary.with_relation(-on_floor, all_room)
.with_relation(on_ceiling, all_room)
.with_relation(-on_wall, all_room)
- secondary = all_obj.with_relation(cl.AnyRelation(), primary.with_tags(cu.variable_obj))
+ secondary = all_obj.with_relation(
+ cl.AnyRelation(), primary.with_tags(cu.variable_obj)
+ )
- greedy_stages['side_obj'] = secondary.with_relation(side, all_obj)
+ greedy_stages["side_obj"] = secondary.with_relation(side, all_obj)
nonside = secondary.with_relation(-side, all_obj)
- greedy_stages['obj_ontop_obj'] = nonside.with_relation(cu.ontop, all_obj).with_relation(-cu.on, all_obj)
- greedy_stages['obj_on_support'] = nonside.with_relation(cu.on, all_obj).with_relation(-cu.ontop, all_obj)
+ greedy_stages["obj_ontop_obj"] = nonside.with_relation(
+ cu.ontop, all_obj
+ ).with_relation(-cu.on, all_obj)
+ greedy_stages["obj_on_support"] = nonside.with_relation(
+ cu.on, all_obj
+ ).with_relation(-cu.ontop, all_obj)
return greedy_stages
all_vars = [cu.variable_room, cu.variable_obj]
def compose_indoors(output_folder: Path, scene_seed: int, **overrides):
p = pipeline.RandomStageExecutor(scene_seed, output_folder, overrides)
@@ -141,17 +122,19 @@ def compose_indoors(output_folder: Path, scene_seed: int, **overrides):
def add_coarse_terrain():
terrain = Terrain(
- scene_seed,
- surface.registry,
- task='coarse',
- on_the_fly_asset_folder=output_folder / "assets"
+ scene_seed,
+ surface.registry,
+ task="coarse",
+ on_the_fly_asset_folder=output_folder / "assets",
terrain_mesh = terrain.coarse_terrain()
# placement.density.set_tag_dict(terrain.tag_dict)
return terrain, terrain_mesh
- terrain, terrain_mesh = p.run_stage('terrain', add_coarse_terrain, use_chance=False, default=(None, None))
- p.run_stage('sky_lighting', lighting.sky_lighting.add_lighting, use_chance=False)
+ terrain, terrain_mesh = p.run_stage(
+ "terrain", add_coarse_terrain, use_chance=False, default=(None, None)
+ )
+ p.run_stage("sky_lighting", lighting.sky_lighting.add_lighting, use_chance=False)
consgraph = home_constraints()
stages = default_greedy_stages()
@@ -159,258 +142,390 @@ def add_coarse_terrain():
stages, consgraph, limits = restrict_solving(stages, consgraph)
- if overrides.get('restrict_single_supported_roomtype', False):
+ if overrides.get("restrict_single_supported_roomtype", False):
restrict_parent_rooms = {
- np.random.choice([
- # Only these roomtypes have constraints written in home_constraints.
- # Others will be empty-ish besides maybe storage and plants
- # TODO: add constraints to home_constraints for garages, offices, balconies, etc
- t.Semantics.Bedroom,
- t.Semantics.LivingRoom,
- t.Semantics.Kitchen,
- t.Semantics.Bathroom,
- t.Semantics.DiningRoom
- ])
+ np.random.choice(
+ [
+ # Only these roomtypes have constraints written in home_constraints.
+ # Others will be empty-ish besides maybe storage and plants
+ # TODO: add constraints to home_constraints for garages, offices, balconies, etc
+ t.Semantics.Bedroom,
+ t.Semantics.LivingRoom,
+ t.Semantics.Kitchen,
+ t.Semantics.Bathroom,
+ t.Semantics.DiningRoom,
+ ]
+ )
- logger.info(f'Restricting to {restrict_parent_rooms}')
+ logger.info(f"Restricting to {restrict_parent_rooms}")
apply_greedy_restriction(stages, restrict_parent_rooms, cu.variable_room)
solver = Solver(output_folder=output_folder)
def solve_rooms():
- return solver.solve_rooms(scene_seed, consgraph, stages['rooms'])
- state: state_def.State = p.run_stage('solve_rooms', solve_rooms, use_chance=False)
+ return solver.solve_rooms(scene_seed, consgraph, stages["rooms"])
+ state: state_def.State = p.run_stage("solve_rooms", solve_rooms, use_chance=False)
def solve_large():
assignments = greedy.iterate_assignments(
- stages['on_floor'], state, all_vars, limits, nonempty=True
+ stages["on_floor"], state, all_vars, limits, nonempty=True
for i, vars in enumerate(assignments):
- consgraph,
- stages['on_floor'],
- var_assignments=vars,
- n_steps=overrides['solve_steps_large'],
- desc=f"on_floor_{i}",
- abort_unsatisfied=overrides.get('abort_unsatisfied_large', False)
+ consgraph,
+ stages["on_floor"],
+ var_assignments=vars,
+ n_steps=overrides["solve_steps_large"],
+ desc=f"on_floor_{i}",
+ abort_unsatisfied=overrides.get("abort_unsatisfied_large", False),
return solver.state
- state = p.run_stage('solve_large', solve_large, use_chance=False, default=state)
+ state = p.run_stage("solve_large", solve_large, use_chance=False, default=state)
solved_rooms = [
for assignment in greedy.iterate_assignments(
- stages['on_floor'], state, [cu.variable_room], limits
+ stages["on_floor"], state, [cu.variable_room], limits
- ]
+ ]
solved_bound_points = np.concatenate([butil.bounds(r) for r in solved_rooms])
- solved_bbox = (np.min(solved_bound_points, axis=0), np.max(solved_bound_points, axis=0))
+ solved_bbox = (
+ np.min(solved_bound_points, axis=0),
+ np.max(solved_bound_points, axis=0),
+ )
- house_bbox = np.concatenate([butil.bounds(obj) for obj in solver.get_bpy_objects(r.Domain({t.Semantics.Room}))])
+ house_bbox = np.concatenate(
+ [
+ butil.bounds(obj)
+ for obj in solver.get_bpy_objects(r.Domain({t.Semantics.Room}))
+ ]
+ )
house_bbox = (np.min(house_bbox, axis=0), np.max(house_bbox, axis=0))
camera_rigs = placement.camera.spawn_camera_rigs()
def pose_cameras():
nonroom_objs = [
o.obj for o in state.objs.values() if t.Semantics.Room not in o.tags
scene_objs = solved_rooms + nonroom_objs
scene_preprocessed = placement.camera.camera_selection_preprocessing(
- terrain=None,
- scene_objs=scene_objs
+ terrain=None, scene_objs=scene_objs
+ )
+ solved_floor_surface = butil.join_objects(
+ [
+ tagging.extract_tagged_faces(o, {t.Subpart.SupportSurface})
+ for o in solved_rooms
+ ]
- solved_floor_surface = butil.join_objects([
- tagging.extract_tagged_faces(o, {t.Subpart.SupportSurface})
- for o in solved_rooms
- ])
- init_surfaces=solved_floor_surface
+ init_surfaces=solved_floor_surface,
return scene_preprocessed
- scene_preprocessed = p.run_stage('pose_cameras', pose_cameras, use_chance=False)
+ scene_preprocessed = p.run_stage("pose_cameras", pose_cameras, use_chance=False)
def animate_cameras():
cam_util.animate_cameras(camera_rigs, solved_bbox, scene_preprocessed, pois=[])
- p.run_stage('animate_cameras', animate_cameras, use_chance=False, prereq='pose_cameras')
- 'populate_intermediate_pholders',
- populate.populate_state_placeholders,
+ "animate_cameras", animate_cameras, use_chance=False, prereq="pose_cameras"
+ )
+ p.run_stage(
+ "populate_intermediate_pholders",
+ populate.populate_state_placeholders,
- filter=t.Semantics.AssetPlaceholderForChildren,
+ filter=t.Semantics.AssetPlaceholderForChildren,
- use_chance=False
+ use_chance=False,
def solve_medium():
- n_steps = overrides['solve_steps_medium']
- for i, vars in enumerate(greedy.iterate_assignments(stages['on_wall'], state, all_vars, limits)):
- solver.solve_objects(consgraph, stages['on_wall'], vars, n_steps, desc=f"on_wall_{i}")
- for i, vars in enumerate(greedy.iterate_assignments(stages['on_ceiling'], state, all_vars, limits)):
- solver.solve_objects(consgraph, stages['on_ceiling'], vars, n_steps, desc=f"on_ceiling_{i}")
- for i, vars in enumerate(greedy.iterate_assignments(stages['side_obj'], state, all_vars, limits)):
- solver.solve_objects(consgraph, stages['side_obj'], vars, n_steps, desc=f"side_obj_{i}")
+ n_steps = overrides["solve_steps_medium"]
+ for i, vars in enumerate(
+ greedy.iterate_assignments(stages["on_wall"], state, all_vars, limits)
+ ):
+ solver.solve_objects(
+ consgraph, stages["on_wall"], vars, n_steps, desc=f"on_wall_{i}"
+ )
+ for i, vars in enumerate(
+ greedy.iterate_assignments(stages["on_ceiling"], state, all_vars, limits)
+ ):
+ solver.solve_objects(
+ consgraph, stages["on_ceiling"], vars, n_steps, desc=f"on_ceiling_{i}"
+ )
+ for i, vars in enumerate(
+ greedy.iterate_assignments(stages["side_obj"], state, all_vars, limits)
+ ):
+ solver.solve_objects(
+ consgraph, stages["side_obj"], vars, n_steps, desc=f"side_obj_{i}"
+ )
return solver.state
- state = p.run_stage('solve_medium', solve_medium, use_chance=False, default=state)
+ state = p.run_stage("solve_medium", solve_medium, use_chance=False, default=state)
def solve_small():
- n_steps = overrides['solve_steps_small']
- for i, vars in enumerate(greedy.iterate_assignments(stages['obj_ontop_obj'], state, all_vars, limits)):
- solver.solve_objects(consgraph, stages['obj_ontop_obj'], vars, n_steps, desc=f"obj_ontop_obj_{i}")
- for i, vars in enumerate(greedy.iterate_assignments(stages['obj_on_support'], state, all_vars, limits)):
- solver.solve_objects(consgraph, stages['obj_on_support'], vars, n_steps, desc=f"obj_on_support_{i}")
- #for i, vars in enumerate(greedy.iterate_assignments(stages['tertiary'], state, all_vars, limits)):
+ n_steps = overrides["solve_steps_small"]
+ for i, vars in enumerate(
+ greedy.iterate_assignments(stages["obj_ontop_obj"], state, all_vars, limits)
+ ):
+ solver.solve_objects(
+ consgraph,
+ stages["obj_ontop_obj"],
+ vars,
+ n_steps,
+ desc=f"obj_ontop_obj_{i}",
+ )
+ for i, vars in enumerate(
+ greedy.iterate_assignments(
+ stages["obj_on_support"], state, all_vars, limits
+ )
+ ):
+ solver.solve_objects(
+ consgraph,
+ stages["obj_on_support"],
+ vars,
+ n_steps,
+ desc=f"obj_on_support_{i}",
+ )
+ # for i, vars in enumerate(greedy.iterate_assignments(stages['tertiary'], state, all_vars, limits)):
# solver.solve_objects(consgraph, stages['tertiary'], vars, n_steps, desc=f"tertiary_{i}")
return solver.state
- state = p.run_stage('solve_small', solve_small, use_chance=False, default=state)
- p.run_stage('populate_assets', populate.populate_state_placeholders, state, use_chance=False)
- door_filter = r.Domain({t.Semantics.Door}, [(cl.AnyRelation(), stages['rooms'])])
- window_filter = r.Domain({t.Semantics.Window}, [(cl.AnyRelation(), stages['rooms'])])
- p.run_stage('room_doors', lambda: room_dec.populate_doors(solver.get_bpy_objects(door_filter)), use_chance=False)
- p.run_stage('room_windows', lambda: room_dec.populate_windows(solver.get_bpy_objects(window_filter)), use_chance=False)
+ state = p.run_stage("solve_small", solve_small, use_chance=False, default=state)
+ p.run_stage(
+ "populate_assets", populate.populate_state_placeholders, state, use_chance=False
+ )
+ door_filter = r.Domain({t.Semantics.Door}, [(cl.AnyRelation(), stages["rooms"])])
+ window_filter = r.Domain(
+ {t.Semantics.Window}, [(cl.AnyRelation(), stages["rooms"])]
+ )
+ p.run_stage(
+ "room_doors",
+ lambda: room_dec.populate_doors(solver.get_bpy_objects(door_filter)),
+ use_chance=False,
+ )
+ p.run_stage(
+ "room_windows",
+ lambda: room_dec.populate_windows(solver.get_bpy_objects(window_filter)),
+ use_chance=False,
+ )
room_meshes = solver.get_bpy_objects(r.Domain({t.Semantics.Room}))
- p.run_stage('room_stairs', lambda: room_dec.room_stairs(state, room_meshes), use_chance=False)
- p.run_stage('skirting_floor', lambda: make_skirting_board(room_meshes, t.Subpart.SupportSurface))
- p.run_stage('skirting_ceiling', lambda: make_skirting_board(room_meshes, t.Subpart.Ceiling))
+ p.run_stage(
+ "room_stairs",
+ lambda: room_dec.room_stairs(state, room_meshes),
+ use_chance=False,
+ )
+ p.run_stage(
+ "skirting_floor",
+ lambda: make_skirting_board(room_meshes, t.Subpart.SupportSurface),
+ )
+ p.run_stage(
+ "skirting_ceiling", lambda: make_skirting_board(room_meshes, t.Subpart.Ceiling)
+ )
- rooms_meshed = butil.get_collection('placeholders:room_meshes')
+ rooms_meshed = butil.get_collection("placeholders:room_meshes")
rooms_split = room_dec.split_rooms(list(rooms_meshed.objects))
- p.run_stage('room_walls', room_dec.room_walls, rooms_split['wall'].objects, use_chance=False)
- p.run_stage('room_pillars', room_dec.room_pillars, state, rooms_split['wall'].objects, use_chance=False)
- p.run_stage('room_floors', room_dec.room_floors, rooms_split['floor'].objects, use_chance=False)
- p.run_stage('room_ceilings', room_dec.room_ceilings, rooms_split['ceiling'].objects, use_chance=False)
+ p.run_stage(
+ "room_walls", room_dec.room_walls, rooms_split["wall"].objects, use_chance=False
+ )
+ p.run_stage(
+ "room_pillars",
+ room_dec.room_pillars,
+ state,
+ rooms_split["wall"].objects,
+ use_chance=False,
+ )
+ p.run_stage(
+ "room_floors",
+ room_dec.room_floors,
+ rooms_split["floor"].objects,
+ use_chance=False,
+ )
+ p.run_stage(
+ "room_ceilings",
+ room_dec.room_ceilings,
+ rooms_split["ceiling"].objects,
+ use_chance=False,
+ )
- #state.print()
- state.to_json(output_folder / 'solve_state.json')
+ # state.print()
+ state.to_json(output_folder / "solve_state.json")
cam = cam_util.get_camera(0, 0)
def turn_off_lights():
for o in bpy.data.objects:
- if o.type == 'LIGHT' and not o.data.cycles.is_portal:
- print(f'Deleting {o.name}')
+ if o.type == "LIGHT" and not o.data.cycles.is_portal:
+ print(f"Deleting {o.name}")
- p.run_stage('lights_off', turn_off_lights)
+ p.run_stage("lights_off", turn_off_lights)
def invisible_room_ceilings():
- rooms_split['exterior'].hide_viewport = True
- rooms_split['exterior'].hide_render = True
- invisible_to_camera.apply(list(rooms_split['ceiling'].objects))
- invisible_to_camera.apply([o for o in bpy.data.objects if 'CeilingLight' in o.name])
- p.run_stage('invisible_room_ceilings', invisible_room_ceilings, use_chance=False)
+ rooms_split["exterior"].hide_viewport = True
+ rooms_split["exterior"].hide_render = True
+ invisible_to_camera.apply(list(rooms_split["ceiling"].objects))
+ invisible_to_camera.apply(
+ [o for o in bpy.data.objects if "CeilingLight" in o.name]
+ )
+ p.run_stage("invisible_room_ceilings", invisible_room_ceilings, use_chance=False)
- 'overhead_cam',
- place_cam_overhead,
- cam=camera_rigs[0],
+ "overhead_cam",
+ place_cam_overhead,
+ cam=camera_rigs[0],
- use_chance=False
+ use_chance=False,
- 'hide_other_rooms',
+ "hide_other_rooms",
- state,
- rooms_split,
+ state,
+ rooms_split,
keep_rooms=[r.name for r in solved_rooms],
- use_chance=False
+ use_chance=False,
height = p.run_stage(
- 'nature_backdrop',
- create_outdoor_backdrop,
- terrain,
+ "nature_backdrop",
+ create_outdoor_backdrop,
+ terrain,
- p=p,
+ p=p,
- prereq='terrain',
+ prereq="terrain",
- if overrides.get('topview', False):
- rooms_split['exterior'].hide_viewport = True
- rooms_split['ceiling'].hide_viewport = True
- rooms_split['exterior'].hide_render = True
- rooms_split['ceiling'].hide_render = True
- for group in ['wall', 'floor']:
+ if overrides.get("topview", False):
+ rooms_split["exterior"].hide_viewport = True
+ rooms_split["ceiling"].hide_viewport = True
+ rooms_split["exterior"].hide_render = True
+ rooms_split["ceiling"].hide_render = True
+ for group in ["wall", "floor"]:
for wall in rooms_split[group].objects:
for mat in wall.data.materials:
for n in mat.node_tree.nodes:
- if n.type == 'BSDF_PRINCIPLED':
- n.inputs['Alpha'].default_value = overrides.get('alpha_walls', 1.)
- bbox = np.concatenate([read_co(r) + np.array(r.location)[np.newaxis, :] for r in rooms_meshed.objects])
+ if n.type == "BSDF_PRINCIPLED":
+ n.inputs["Alpha"].default_value = overrides.get(
+ "alpha_walls", 1.0
+ )
+ bbox = np.concatenate(
+ [
+ read_co(r) + np.array(r.location)[np.newaxis, :]
+ for r in rooms_meshed.objects
+ ]
+ )
camera = camera_rigs[0].children[0]
camera_rigs[0].location = 0, 0, 0
camera_rigs[0].rotation_euler = 0, 0, 0
bpy.contexScene.camera = camera
- rot_x = deg2rad(overrides.get('topview_rot_x', 0))
- rot_z = deg2rad(overrides.get('topview_rot_z', 0))
+ rot_x = deg2rad(overrides.get("topview_rot_x", 0))
+ rot_z = deg2rad(overrides.get("topview_rot_z", 0))
camera.rotation_euler = rot_x, 0, rot_z
mean = np.mean(bbox, 0)
- for cam_dist in np.exp(np.linspace(1., 5., 500)):
- camera.location = mean[0] + cam_dist * np.sin(rot_x) * np.sin(rot_z), mean[1] - cam_dist * np.sin(
- rot_x) * np.cos(rot_z), mean[2] - WALL_HEIGHT / 2 + cam_dist * np.cos(rot_x)
+ for cam_dist in np.exp(np.linspace(1.0, 5.0, 500)):
+ camera.location = (
+ mean[0] + cam_dist * np.sin(rot_x) * np.sin(rot_z),
+ mean[1] - cam_dist * np.sin(rot_x) * np.cos(rot_z),
+ mean[2] - WALL_HEIGHT / 2 + cam_dist * np.cos(rot_x),
+ )
inview = points_inview(bbox, camera)
if inview.all():
for area in bpy.contexScreen.areas:
- if area.type == 'VIEW_3D':
- area.spaces.active.region_3d.view_perspective = 'CAMERA'
+ if area.type == "VIEW_3D":
+ area.spaces.active.region_3d.view_perspective = "CAMERA"
return {
"height_offset": height,
"whole_bbox": house_bbox,
def main(args):
scene_seed = init.apply_scene_seed(args.seed)
- configs=args.configs,
+ configs=["base_indoors.gin"] + args.configs,
- configs_folder='infinigen_examples/configs_indoor'
+ config_folders=[
+ "infinigen_examples/configs_indoor",
+ "infinigen_examples/configs_nature",
+ ],
- execute_tasks.main(compose_scene_func=compose_indoors, input_folder=args.input_folder,
- output_folder=args.output_folder, task=args.task, task_uniqname=args.task_uniqname,
- scene_seed=scene_seed)
+ execute_tasks.main(
+ compose_scene_func=compose_indoors,
+ populate_scene_func=None,
+ input_folder=args.input_folder,
+ output_folder=args.output_folder,
+ task=args.task,
+ task_uniqname=args.task_uniqname,
+ scene_seed=scene_seed,
+ )
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('--output_folder', type=Path)
- parser.add_argument('--input_folder', type=Path, default=None)
- parser.add_argument('-s', '--seed', default=None, help="The seed used to generate the scene")
- parser.add_argument('-t', '--task', nargs='+', default=['coarse'],
- choices=['coarse', 'populate', 'fine_terrain', 'ground_truth', 'render', 'mesh_save', 'export'])
- parser.add_argument('-g', '--configs', nargs='+', default=['base'],
- help='Set of config files for gin (separated by spaces) '
- 'e.g. --gin_config file1 file2 (exclude .gin from path)')
- parser.add_argument('-p', '--overrides', nargs='+', default=[],
- help='Parameter settings that override config defaults '
- 'e.g. --gin_param module_1.a=2 module_2.b=3')
- parser.add_argument('--task_uniqname', type=str, default=None)
- parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', type=str, nargs='*', default=None)
+ parser.add_argument("--output_folder", type=Path)
+ parser.add_argument("--input_folder", type=Path, default=None)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-s", "--seed", default=None, help="The seed used to generate the scene"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-t",
+ "--task",
+ nargs="+",
+ default=["coarse"],
+ choices=[
+ "coarse",
+ "populate",
+ "fine_terrain",
+ "ground_truth",
+ "render",
+ "mesh_save",
+ "export",
+ ],
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-g",
+ "--configs",
+ nargs="+",
+ default=["base"],
+ help="Set of config files for gin (separated by spaces) "
+ "e.g. --gin_config file1 file2 (exclude .gin from path)",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-p",
+ "--overrides",
+ nargs="+",
+ default=[],
+ help="Parameter settings that override config defaults "
+ "e.g. --gin_param module_1.a=2 module_2.b=3",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("--task_uniqname", type=str, default=None)
+ parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", type=str, nargs="*", default=None)
args = init.parse_args_blender(parser)
@@ -418,9 +533,9 @@ def main(args):
if args.debug is not None:
for name in logging.root.manager.loggerDict:
- if not name.startswith('infinigen'):
+ if not name.startswith("infinigen"):
if len(args.debug) == 0 or any(name.endswith(x) for x in args.debug):
- main(args)
\ No newline at end of file
+ main(args)
diff --git a/infinigen_examples/generate_material_balls.py b/infinigen_examples/generate_material_balls.py
index 6a6c4be8c..4e5145958 100644
--- a/infinigen_examples/generate_material_balls.py
+++ b/infinigen_examples/generate_material_balls.py
@@ -8,100 +8,113 @@
# - Alex Raistrick
# - Karhan Kayan - add fire option
-import argparse
import importlib
-import math
+import logging
import os
-import random
-import re
-import subprocess
-import traceback
-from itertools import product
from pathlib import Path
-import logging
from numpy.random import uniform
from tqdm import tqdm
-from infinigen.assets.materials import metal_shader_list
-from infinigen.assets.materials.woods import tiled_wood
-from infinigen_examples.generate_individual_assets import adjust_cam_distance, make_args, parent, setup_camera
-from infinigen_examples.util.test_utils import load_txt_list
-logging.basicConfig(format='[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(name)s] [%(levelname)s] | %(message)s',
- datefmt='%H:%M:%S', level=logging.WARNING)
+# ruff: noqa: E402
+# NOTE: logging config has to be before imports that use logging
+ format="[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(module)s] [%(levelname)s] | %(message)s",
+ datefmt="%H:%M:%S",
+ level=logging.INFO,
import bpy
import gin
import numpy as np
-from PIL import Image
-from infinigen.assets.fluid.fluid import set_obj_on_fire
-from infinigen.core.tagging import tag_system
-from infinigen.assets.lighting import sky_lighting, hdri_lighting, three_point_lighting, holdout_lighting
-from infinigen.core import surface, init
-from infinigen.core.placement import density, factory
-from infinigen.core.util.camera import points_inview
-from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import assign_material, subclasses
+from infinigen.assets.lighting import (
+ hdri_lighting,
+ holdout_lighting,
+ sky_lighting,
+ three_point_lighting,
+from infinigen.assets.materials.woods import tiled_wood
+from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_base_co
+from infinigen.assets.utils.misc import subclasses
+from infinigen.core import init, surface
+from infinigen.core.placement import factory
from infinigen.core.rendering.render import enable_gpu
-from infinigen.assets.utils.decorate import read_base_co, read_co
-from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed
+from infinigen_examples.generate_individual_assets import (
+ adjust_cam_distance,
+ make_args,
+ setup_camera,
+from infinigen_examples.util.test_utils import load_txt_list
+ format="[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(name)s] [%(levelname)s] | %(message)s",
+ datefmt="%H:%M:%S",
+ level=logging.WARNING,
def build_scene_surface(factory_name, idx):
with gin.unlock_config():
- template = importlib.import_module(f'infinigen.assets.materials.{factory_name}')
- except:
- for subdir in os.listdir('infinigen/assets/materials'):
+ template = importlib.import_module(
+ f"infinigen.assets.materials.{factory_name}"
+ )
+ except ImportError:
+ for subdir in os.listdir("infinigen/assets/materials"):
with gin.unlock_config():
- module = importlib.import_module(f'infinigen.assets.materials.{subdir.split(".")[0]}')
+ module = importlib.import_module(
+ f'infinigen.assets.materials.{subdir.split(".")[0]}'
+ )
if hasattr(module, factory_name):
template = getattr(module, factory_name)
- raise Exception(f'{factory_name} not Found.')
+ raise Exception(f"{factory_name} not Found.")
if type(template) is type:
template = template(idx)
- if hasattr(template, 'make_sphere'):
+ if hasattr(template, "make_sphere"):
asset = template.make_sphere()
bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_ico_sphere_add(radius=1, subdivisions=7)
asset = bpy.context.active_object
with FixedSeed(idx):
- if 'metal' in factory_name or 'sofa_fabric' in factory_name:
- template.apply(asset, scale=.1)
- elif 'hardwood' in factory_name:
+ if "metal" in factory_name or "sofa_fabric" in factory_name:
+ template.apply(asset, scale=0.1)
+ elif "hardwood" in factory_name:
template.apply(asset, rotation=(np.pi / 2, 0, 0))
- elif 'brick' in factory_name:
- template.apply(asset, height=uniform(.25, .3))
+ elif "brick" in factory_name:
+ template.apply(asset, height=uniform(0.25, 0.3))
except ModuleNotFoundError:
- raise Exception(f'{factory_name} not Found.')
+ raise Exception(f"{factory_name} not Found.")
return asset
def build_scene(path, factory_names, args):
scene = bpy.context.scene
- scene.render.engine = 'CYCLES'
- scene.render.resolution_x, scene.render.resolution_y = map(int, args.resolution.split('x'))
+ scene.render.engine = "CYCLES"
+ scene.render.resolution_x, scene.render.resolution_y = map(
+ int, args.resolution.split("x")
+ )
scene.cycles.samples = args.samples
if not args.fire:
bpy.context.scene.render.film_transparent = args.film_transparent
- bpy.context.scene.world.node_tree.nodes['Background'].inputs[0].default_value[-1] = 0
+ bpy.context.scene.world.node_tree.nodes["Background"].inputs[0].default_value[
+ -1
+ ] = 0
camera, center = setup_camera(args)
- scale = .3
+ scale = 0.3
assets = []
with tqdm(total=len(factory_names)) as pbar:
for idx, factory_name in enumerate(factory_names):
@@ -119,7 +132,7 @@ def build_scene(path, factory_names, args):
bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_grid_add(size=1, x_subdivisions=400, y_subdivisions=400)
asset = bpy.context.active_object
asset.scale = [scale * len(assets) / size * 4] * 3
- asset.location = (len(assets) // size - 1) * margin / 2, size // 2 * margin * .8, 0
+ asset.location = (len(assets) // size - 1) * margin / 2, size // 2 * margin * 0.8, 0
tiled_wood.apply(asset, hscale=10, vscale=3)
with FixedSeed(args.lighting):
@@ -130,13 +143,15 @@ def build_scene(path, factory_names, args):
- nodes = bpy.data.worlds['World'].node_tree.nodes
- sky_texture = [n for n in nodes if n.name.startswith('Sky Texture')][-1]
+ nodes = bpy.data.worlds["World"].node_tree.nodes
+ sky_texture = [n for n in nodes if n.name.startswith("Sky Texture")][-1]
sky_texture.sun_elevation = np.deg2rad(args.elevation)
- sky_texture.sun_rotation = np.pi * .75
+ sky_texture.sun_rotation = np.pi * 0.75
if args.scale_reference:
- bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add(radius=0.3, depth=1.8, location=(4.9, 4.9, 1.8 / 2))
+ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add(
+ radius=0.3, depth=1.8, location=(4.9, 4.9, 1.8 / 2)
+ )
if args.cam_center > 0 and asset:
co = read_base_co(asset) + asset.location
@@ -144,50 +159,55 @@ def build_scene(path, factory_names, args):
center.location[-1] += args.cam_zoff
if args.cam_dist <= 0 and asset:
- adjust_cam_distance(asset, camera, args.margin, .6)
+ adjust_cam_distance(asset, camera, args.margin, 0.6)
- cam_info_ng = bpy.data.node_groups.get('nodegroup_active_cam_info')
+ cam_info_ng = bpy.data.node_groups.get("nodegroup_active_cam_info")
if cam_info_ng is not None:
- cam_info_ng.nodes['Object Info'].inputs['Object'].default_value = camera
+ cam_info_ng.nodes["Object Info"].inputs["Object"].default_value = camera
if args.save_blend:
- (path / 'scenes').mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+ (path / "scenes").mkdir(exist_ok=True)
butil.save_blend(f"{path}/scenes/scene_{idx:03d}.blend", autopack=True)
def main(args):
- bpy.context.window.workspace = bpy.data.workspaces['Geometry Nodes']
+ bpy.context.window.workspace = bpy.data.workspaces["Geometry Nodes"]
- init.apply_gin_configs('infinigen_examples/configs_indoor', skip_unknown=True)
+ init.apply_gin_configs("infinigen_examples/configs_indoor", skip_unknown=True)
- extras = '[%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] ' if args.loglevel == logging.DEBUG else ''
- logging.basicConfig(format=f'[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(name)s] [%(levelname)s] {extras}| %(message)s',
- level=args.loglevel, datefmt='%H:%M:%S')
+ extras = "[%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] " if args.loglevel == logging.DEBUG else ""
+ logging.basicConfig(
+ format=f"[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(name)s] [%(levelname)s] {extras}| %(message)s",
+ level=args.loglevel,
+ datefmt="%H:%M:%S",
+ )
- if '.txt' in args.factories[0]:
- name = args.factories[0].split('.')[-2].split('/')[-1]
+ if ".txt" in args.factories[0]:
+ name = args.factories[0].split(".")[-2].split("/")[-1]
- name = '_'.join(args.factories)
- path = Path(os.getcwd()) / 'outputs' / name
+ name = "_".join(args.factories)
+ path = Path(os.getcwd()) / "outputs" / name
if args.gpu:
factories = list(args.factories)
- if 'ALL_ASSETS' in factories:
+ if "ALL_ASSETS" in factories:
factories += [f.__name__ for f in subclasses(factory.AssetFactory)]
- factories.remove('ALL_ASSETS')
- if 'ALL_SCATTERS' in factories:
- factories += [f.stem for f in Path('surfaces/scatters').iterdir()]
- factories.remove('ALL_SCATTERS')
- if 'ALL_MATERIALS' in factories:
- factories += [f.stem for f in Path('infinigen/assets/materials').iterdir()]
- factories.remove('ALL_MATERIALS')
- if '.txt' in factories[0]:
- factories = [f.split('.')[-1] for f in load_txt_list(factories[0], skip_sharp=False)]
+ factories.remove("ALL_ASSETS")
+ if "ALL_SCATTERS" in factories:
+ factories += [f.stem for f in Path("surfaces/scatters").iterdir()]
+ factories.remove("ALL_SCATTERS")
+ if "ALL_MATERIALS" in factories:
+ factories += [f.stem for f in Path("infinigen/assets/materials").iterdir()]
+ factories.remove("ALL_MATERIALS")
+ if ".txt" in factories[0]:
+ factories = [
+ f.split(".")[-1] for f in load_txt_list(factories[0], skip_sharp=False)
+ ]
build_scene(path, factories, args)
@@ -195,7 +215,7 @@ def main(args):
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
args = make_args()
args.no_mod = args.no_mod or args.fire
args.film_transparent = args.film_transparent and not args.hdri
diff --git a/infinigen_examples/generate_nature.py b/infinigen_examples/generate_nature.py
index 0a4d7cfee..e1b164060 100644
--- a/infinigen_examples/generate_nature.py
+++ b/infinigen_examples/generate_nature.py
@@ -2,446 +2,1019 @@
# This source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import argparse
-import os
-import sys
-from pathlib import Path
import itertools
import logging
- format='[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(name)s] [%(levelname)s] | %(message)s',
- datefmt='%H:%M:%S',
- level=logging.WARNING
+from pathlib import Path
import bpy
-import mathutils
-from mathutils import Vector
import gin
+import mathutils
import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-from infinigen.core.placement import (
- particles, placement, density,
- camera as cam_util,
- split_in_view, factory,
- animation_policy, instance_scatter, detail,
+from mathutils import Vector
+from numpy.random import randint, uniform
-from infinigen.assets.scatters import (
- pebbles, grass, ground_leaves, ground_twigs, \
- chopped_trees, pinecone, fern, flowerplant, monocot as monocots, ground_mushroom, \
- slime_mold, moss, ivy, lichen, mushroom, decorative_plants, seashells, \
- pine_needle, seaweed, coral_reef, jellyfish, urchin
+# ruff: noqa: E402
+# NOTE: logging config has to be before imports that use logging
+ format="[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(module)s] [%(levelname)s] | %(message)s",
+ datefmt="%H:%M:%S",
+ level=logging.INFO,
+# unused imports required for gin to find modules currently, # TODO remove
+# ruff: noqa: F401
+from infinigen.assets import fluid, lighting, weather
from infinigen.assets.materials import (
- mountain, sand, water, atmosphere_light_haze, sandstone, cracked_ground, \
- soil, dirt, cobble_stone, chunkyrock, stone, lava, ice, mud, snow
+ atmosphere_light_haze,
+ chunkyrock,
+ cobble_stone,
+ cracked_ground,
+ dirt,
+ ice,
+ lava,
+ mountain,
+ mud,
+ sand,
+ sandstone,
+ snow,
+ soil,
+ stone,
+ water,
-from infinigen.assets import (
- fluid,
- cactus,
- cactus,
- trees,
- monocot,
- rocks,
- underwater,
- creatures,
- lighting,
- weather
+from infinigen.assets.objects import (
+ cactus,
+ cloud,
+ creatures,
+ leaves,
+ monocot,
+ particles,
+ rocks,
+ trees,
-from infinigen.terrain import Terrain
-from infinigen.core.util import (
- blender as butil,
- logging as logging_util,
- pipeline,
+from infinigen.assets.scatters import (
+ chopped_trees,
+ coral_reef,
+ decorative_plants,
+ fern,
+ flowerplant,
+ grass,
+ ground_leaves,
+ ground_mushroom,
+ ground_twigs,
+ ivy,
+ jellyfish,
+ lichen,
+ monocots,
+ moss,
+ pebbles,
+ pine_needle,
+ pinecone,
+ seashells,
+ seaweed,
+ slime_mold,
+ snow_layer,
+ urchin,
-from infinigen.core.util.organization import Tags
-from infinigen.core.util.random import sample_registry, random_general
+from infinigen.assets.scatters.utils.selection import scatter_lower, scatter_upward
+from infinigen.core import execute_tasks, init, surface
+from infinigen.core.placement import camera as cam_util
+from infinigen.core.placement import density, placement, split_in_view
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util import logging as logging_util
+from infinigen.core.util import pipeline
from infinigen.core.util.math import FixedSeed, int_hash
-from infinigen.core import execute_tasks, surface, init
+from infinigen.core.util.organization import Tags, Task
+from infinigen.core.util.pipeline import RandomStageExecutor
+from infinigen.core.util.random import random_general, sample_registry
+from infinigen.terrain import Terrain
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def compose_nature(output_folder, scene_seed, **params):
p = pipeline.RandomStageExecutor(scene_seed, output_folder, params)
def add_coarse_terrain():
- terrain = Terrain(scene_seed, surface.registry, task='coarse', on_the_fly_asset_folder=output_folder/"assets")
+ terrain = Terrain(
+ scene_seed,
+ surface.registry,
+ task="coarse",
+ on_the_fly_asset_folder=output_folder / "assets",
+ )
terrain_mesh = terrain.coarse_terrain()
return terrain, terrain_mesh
- terrain, terrain_mesh = p.run_stage('terrain', add_coarse_terrain, use_chance=False, default=(None, None))
+ terrain, terrain_mesh = p.run_stage(
+ "terrain", add_coarse_terrain, use_chance=False, default=(None, None)
+ )
if terrain_mesh is None:
terrain_mesh = butil.create_noise_plane()
- scene_bvh = mathutils.bvhtree.BVHTree.FromObject(terrain_mesh, bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get())
+ scene_bvh = mathutils.bvhtree.BVHTree.FromObject(
+ terrain_mesh, bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
+ )
- land_domain = params.get('land_domain_tags')
- underwater_domain = params.get('underwater_domain_tags')
- nonliving_domain = params.get('nonliving_domain_tags')
+ land_domain = params.get("land_domain_tags")
+ underwater_domain = params.get("underwater_domain_tags")
+ nonliving_domain = params.get("nonliving_domain_tags")
- p.run_stage('fancy_clouds', weather.kole_clouds.add_kole_clouds)
+ p.run_stage("fancy_clouds", weather.kole_clouds.add_kole_clouds)
- season = p.run_stage('season', trees.random_season, use_chance=False)
- logging.info(f'{season=}')
+ season = p.run_stage("season", trees.random_season, use_chance=False)
+ logging.info(f"{season=}")
def choose_forest_params():
# params to be shared between unique and instanced trees
n_tree_species = randint(1, params.get("max_tree_species", 3) + 1)
- tree_params = lambda: {
- 'density': params.get("tree_density", uniform(0.045, 0.15)) / n_tree_species,
- 'distance_min': uniform(1, 2.5),
- 'select_scale': uniform(0.03, 0.3)
- }
+ def tree_params():
+ return {
+ "density": params.get("tree_density", uniform(0.045, 0.15))
+ / n_tree_species,
+ "distance_min": uniform(1, 2.5),
+ "select_scale": uniform(0.03, 0.3),
+ }
return [tree_params() for _ in range(n_tree_species)]
- tree_species_params = p.run_stage('forest_params', choose_forest_params, use_chance=False)
+ tree_species_params = p.run_stage(
+ "forest_params", choose_forest_params, use_chance=False
+ )
def add_trees(terrain_mesh):
for i, params in enumerate(tree_species_params):
fac = trees.TreeFactory(np.random.randint(1e7), coarse=True)
- selection = density.placement_mask(params['select_scale'], tag=land_domain)
- placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(terrain_mesh, fac, selection=selection, altitude=-0.1,
- overall_density=params['density'], distance_min=params['distance_min'])
- p.run_stage('trees', add_trees, terrain_mesh)
+ selection = density.placement_mask(params["select_scale"], tag=land_domain)
+ placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(
+ terrain_mesh,
+ fac,
+ selection=selection,
+ altitude=-0.1,
+ overall_density=params["density"],
+ distance_min=params["distance_min"],
+ )
+ p.run_stage("trees", add_trees, terrain_mesh)
def add_bushes(terrain_mesh):
n_bush_species = randint(1, params.get("max_bush_species", 2) + 1)
for i in range(n_bush_species):
- spec_density = params.get("bush_density", uniform(0.03, 0.12)) / n_bush_species
+ spec_density = (
+ params.get("bush_density", uniform(0.03, 0.12)) / n_bush_species
+ )
fac = trees.BushFactory(int_hash((scene_seed, i)), coarse=True)
- selection = density.placement_mask(uniform(0.015, 0.2), normal_thresh=0.3,
- select_thresh=uniform(0.5, 0.6), tag=land_domain)
- placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(terrain_mesh, fac, altitude=-0.05,
- overall_density=spec_density, distance_min=uniform(0.05, 0.3),
- selection=selection)
- p.run_stage('bushes', add_bushes, terrain_mesh)
+ selection = density.placement_mask(
+ uniform(0.015, 0.2),
+ normal_thresh=0.3,
+ select_thresh=uniform(0.5, 0.6),
+ tag=land_domain,
+ )
+ placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(
+ terrain_mesh,
+ fac,
+ altitude=-0.05,
+ overall_density=spec_density,
+ distance_min=uniform(0.05, 0.3),
+ selection=selection,
+ )
+ p.run_stage("bushes", add_bushes, terrain_mesh)
def add_clouds(terrain_mesh):
- cloud_factory = weather.CloudFactory(int_hash((scene_seed, 0)), coarse=True, terrain_mesh=terrain_mesh)
+ cloud_factory = cloud.CloudFactory(
+ int_hash((scene_seed, 0)), coarse=True, terrain_mesh=terrain_mesh
+ )
placement.scatter_placeholders(cloud_factory.spawn_locations(), cloud_factory)
- p.run_stage('clouds', add_clouds, terrain_mesh)
+ p.run_stage("clouds", add_clouds, terrain_mesh)
def add_boulders(terrain_mesh):
n_boulder_species = randint(1, params.get("max_boulder_species", 5))
for i in range(n_boulder_species):
- selection = density.placement_mask(0.05, tag=nonliving_domain, select_thresh=uniform(0.55, 0.6))
+ selection = density.placement_mask(
+ 0.05, tag=nonliving_domain, select_thresh=uniform(0.55, 0.6)
+ )
fac = rocks.BoulderFactory(int_hash((scene_seed, i)), coarse=True)
- placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(terrain_mesh, fac,
- overall_density=params.get("boulder_density", uniform(.02, .05)) / n_boulder_species,
- selection=selection, altitude=-0.25)
- p.run_stage('boulders', add_boulders, terrain_mesh)
+ placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(
+ terrain_mesh,
+ fac,
+ overall_density=params.get("boulder_density", uniform(0.02, 0.05))
+ / n_boulder_species,
+ selection=selection,
+ altitude=-0.25,
+ )
+ p.run_stage("boulders", add_boulders, terrain_mesh)
fluid.cached_fire_scenecomp_options(p, terrain_mesh, params, tree_species_params)
def add_glowing_rocks(terrain_mesh):
- selection = density.placement_mask(uniform(0.03, 0.3), normal_thresh=-1.1, select_thresh=0, tag=Tags.Cave)
+ selection = density.placement_mask(
+ uniform(0.03, 0.3), normal_thresh=-1.1, select_thresh=0, tag=Tags.Cave
+ )
fac = rocks.GlowingRocksFactory(int_hash((scene_seed, 0)), coarse=True)
- placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(terrain_mesh, fac,
- overall_density=params.get("glow_rock_density", 0.025), selection=selection)
- p.run_stage('glowing_rocks', add_glowing_rocks, terrain_mesh)
+ placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(
+ terrain_mesh,
+ fac,
+ overall_density=params.get("glow_rock_density", 0.025),
+ selection=selection,
+ )
+ p.run_stage("glowing_rocks", add_glowing_rocks, terrain_mesh)
def add_kelp(terrain_mesh):
fac = monocot.KelpMonocotFactory(int_hash((scene_seed, 0)), coarse=True)
selection = density.placement_mask(scale=0.05, tag=underwater_domain)
- placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(terrain_mesh, fac, altitude=-0.05,
- overall_density=params.get('kelp_density', uniform(.2, 1)),
- selection=selection, distance_min=3)
- p.run_stage('kelp', add_kelp, terrain_mesh)
+ placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(
+ terrain_mesh,
+ fac,
+ altitude=-0.05,
+ overall_density=params.get("kelp_density", uniform(0.2, 1)),
+ selection=selection,
+ distance_min=3,
+ )
+ p.run_stage("kelp", add_kelp, terrain_mesh)
def add_cactus(terrain_mesh):
n_cactus_species = randint(2, params.get("max_cactus_species", 4))
for i in range(n_cactus_species):
fac = cactus.CactusFactory(int_hash((scene_seed, i)), coarse=True)
- selection = density.placement_mask(scale=.05, tag=land_domain, select_thresh=0.57)
- placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(terrain_mesh, fac, altitude=-0.05,
- overall_density=params.get('cactus_density', uniform(.02, .1) / n_cactus_species),
- selection=selection, distance_min=1)
- p.run_stage('cactus', add_cactus, terrain_mesh)
+ selection = density.placement_mask(
+ scale=0.05, tag=land_domain, select_thresh=0.57
+ )
+ placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(
+ terrain_mesh,
+ fac,
+ altitude=-0.05,
+ overall_density=params.get(
+ "cactus_density", uniform(0.02, 0.1) / n_cactus_species
+ ),
+ selection=selection,
+ distance_min=1,
+ )
+ p.run_stage("cactus", add_cactus, terrain_mesh)
def camera_preprocess():
camera_rigs = cam_util.spawn_camera_rigs()
scene_preprocessed = cam_util.camera_selection_preprocessing(
- terrain,
+ terrain,
- tags_ratio=params.get('camera_selection_tags_ratio'),
- ranges_ratio=params.get('camera_selection_ranges_ratio'),
- anim_criterion_keys=params.get('camera_selection_anim_criterion_keys', False),
- )
- return camera_rigs, scene_preprocessed
- camera_rigs, scene_preprocessed = p.run_stage('camera_preprocess', camera_preprocess, use_chance=False)
- bbox = terrain.get_bounding_box() if terrain is not None else butil.bounds(terrain_mesh)
+ tags_ratio=params.get("camera_selection_tags_ratio"),
+ ranges_ratio=params.get("camera_selection_ranges_ratio"),
+ anim_criterion_keys=params.get(
+ "camera_selection_anim_criterion_keys", False
+ ),
+ )
+ return camera_rigs, scene_preprocessed
+ camera_rigs, scene_preprocessed = p.run_stage(
+ "camera_preprocess", camera_preprocess, use_chance=False
+ )
+ bbox = (
+ terrain.get_bounding_box()
+ if terrain is not None
+ else butil.bounds(terrain_mesh)
+ )
- 'pose_cameras',
- lambda: cam_util.configure_cameras(camera_rigs, scene_preprocessed, init_bounding_box=bbox),
- use_chance=False
+ "pose_cameras",
+ lambda: cam_util.configure_cameras(
+ camera_rigs, scene_preprocessed, init_bounding_box=bbox
+ ),
+ use_chance=False,
cam = cam_util.get_camera(0, 0)
- p.run_stage('lighting', lighting.sky_lighting.add_lighting, cam, use_chance=False)
+ p.run_stage("lighting", lighting.sky_lighting.add_lighting, cam, use_chance=False)
# determine a small area of the terrain for the creatures to run around on
# must happen before camera is animated, as camera may want to follow them around
- terrain_center, *_ = split_in_view.split_inview(terrain_mesh, cam=cam,
- start=0, end=0, outofview=False, vis_margin=5, dist_max=params["center_distance"],
- hide_render=True, suffix='center')
+ terrain_center, *_ = split_in_view.split_inview(
+ terrain_mesh,
+ cam=cam,
+ start=0,
+ end=0,
+ outofview=False,
+ vis_margin=5,
+ dist_max=params["center_distance"],
+ hide_render=True,
+ suffix="center",
+ )
deps = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
- terrain_center_bvh = mathutils.bvhtree.BVHTree.FromObject(terrain_center, deps)
- pois = [] # objects / points of interest, for the camera to look at
+ mathutils.bvhtree.BVHTree.FromObject(terrain_center, deps)
+ pois = [] # objects / points of interest, for the camera to look at
def add_ground_creatures(target):
- fac_class = sample_registry(params['ground_creature_registry'])
- fac = fac_class(int_hash((scene_seed, 0)), bvh=scene_bvh, animation_mode='idle')
- n = params.get('max_ground_creatures', randint(1, 4))
- selection = density.placement_mask(select_thresh=0, tag='beach', altitude_range=(-0.5, 0.5)) \
- if fac_class is creatures.CrabFactory else 1
- col = placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(target, fac, num_placeholders=n, overall_density=1, selection=selection, altitude=0.2)
+ fac_class = sample_registry(params["ground_creature_registry"])
+ fac = fac_class(int_hash((scene_seed, 0)), bvh=scene_bvh, animation_mode="idle")
+ n = params.get("max_ground_creatures", randint(1, 4))
+ selection = (
+ density.placement_mask(
+ select_thresh=0, tag="beach", altitude_range=(-0.5, 0.5)
+ )
+ if fac_class is creatures.CrabFactory
+ else 1
+ )
+ col = placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(
+ target,
+ fac,
+ num_placeholders=n,
+ overall_density=1,
+ selection=selection,
+ altitude=0.2,
+ )
return list(col.objects)
- pois += p.run_stage('ground_creatures', add_ground_creatures, target=terrain_center, default=[])
+ pois += p.run_stage(
+ "ground_creatures", add_ground_creatures, target=terrain_center, default=[]
+ )
def flying_creatures():
- fac_class = sample_registry(params['flying_creature_registry'])
- fac = fac_class(randint(1e7), bvh=scene_bvh, animation_mode='idle')
- n = params.get('max_flying_creatures', randint(2, 7))
- col = placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(terrain_center, fac, num_placeholders=n, overall_density=1, altitude=0.2)
+ fac_class = sample_registry(params["flying_creature_registry"])
+ fac = fac_class(randint(1e7), bvh=scene_bvh, animation_mode="idle")
+ n = params.get("max_flying_creatures", randint(2, 7))
+ col = placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(
+ terrain_center, fac, num_placeholders=n, overall_density=1, altitude=0.2
+ )
return list(col.objects)
- pois += p.run_stage('flying_creatures', flying_creatures, default=[])
- p.run_stage('animate_cameras', lambda: cam_util.animate_cameras(
- camera_rigs, bbox, scene_preprocessed, pois=pois), use_chance=False)
+ pois += p.run_stage("flying_creatures", flying_creatures, default=[])
- with logging_util.Timer('Compute coarse terrain frustrums'):
+ p.run_stage(
+ "animate_cameras",
+ lambda: cam_util.animate_cameras(
+ camera_rigs, bbox, scene_preprocessed, pois=pois
+ ),
+ use_chance=False,
+ )
+ with logging_util.Timer("Compute coarse terrain frustrums"):
terrain_inview, *_ = split_in_view.split_inview(
- terrain_mesh, verbose=True, outofview=False, print_areas=True,
- cam=cam, vis_margin=2, dist_max=params['inview_distance'], hide_render=True, suffix='inview'
+ terrain_mesh,
+ verbose=True,
+ outofview=False,
+ print_areas=True,
+ cam=cam,
+ vis_margin=2,
+ dist_max=params["inview_distance"],
+ hide_render=True,
+ suffix="inview",
terrain_near, *_ = split_in_view.split_inview(
- terrain_mesh, verbose=True, outofview=False, print_areas=True,
- cam=cam, vis_margin=2, dist_max=params['near_distance'], hide_render=True, suffix='near'
+ terrain_mesh,
+ verbose=True,
+ outofview=False,
+ print_areas=True,
+ cam=cam,
+ vis_margin=2,
+ dist_max=params["near_distance"],
+ hide_render=True,
+ suffix="near",
- collider = butil.modify_mesh(butil.deep_clone_obj(terrain_near), 'COLLISION', apply=False, show_viewport=True)
- collider.name = collider.name + '.collider'
+ collider = butil.modify_mesh(
+ butil.deep_clone_obj(terrain_near),
+ apply=False,
+ show_viewport=True,
+ )
+ collider.name = collider.name + ".collider"
collider.collision.use_culling = False
- collider_col = butil.get_collection('colliders')
+ collider_col = butil.get_collection("colliders")
butil.put_in_collection(collider, collider_col)
- butil.modify_mesh(terrain_near, 'SUBSURF', levels=2, apply=True)
+ butil.modify_mesh(terrain_near, "SUBSURF", levels=2, apply=True)
deps = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
terrain_inview_bvh = mathutils.bvhtree.BVHTree.FromObject(terrain_inview, deps)
- p.run_stage('caustics', lambda: lighting.caustics_lamp.add_caustics(terrain_near))
+ p.run_stage("caustics", lambda: lighting.caustics_lamp.add_caustics(terrain_near))
def add_fish_school():
n = random_general(params.get("max_fish_schools", 3))
for i in range(n):
- selection = density.placement_mask(0.1, select_thresh=0, tag=underwater_domain)
+ selection = density.placement_mask(
+ 0.1, select_thresh=0, tag=underwater_domain
+ )
fac = creatures.FishSchoolFactory(randint(1e7), bvh=terrain_inview_bvh)
- col = placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(terrain_near, fac, selection=selection,
- overall_density=1, num_placeholders=1, altitude=2)
+ col = placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(
+ terrain_near,
+ fac,
+ selection=selection,
+ overall_density=1,
+ num_placeholders=1,
+ altitude=2,
+ )
placement.populate_collection(fac, col)
- p.run_stage('fish_school', add_fish_school, default=[])
+ p.run_stage("fish_school", add_fish_school, default=[])
def add_bug_swarm():
n = randint(1, params.get("max_bug_swarms", 3) + 1)
selection = density.placement_mask(0.1, select_thresh=0, tag=land_domain)
- fac = creatures.AntSwarmFactory(randint(1e7), bvh=terrain_inview_bvh, coarse=True)
- col = placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(terrain_inview, fac,
- selection=selection, overall_density=1, num_placeholders=n, altitude=2)
+ fac = creatures.AntSwarmFactory(
+ randint(1e7), bvh=terrain_inview_bvh, coarse=True
+ )
+ col = placement.scatter_placeholders_mesh(
+ terrain_inview,
+ fac,
+ selection=selection,
+ overall_density=1,
+ num_placeholders=n,
+ altitude=2,
+ )
placement.populate_collection(fac, col)
- p.run_stage('bug_swarm', add_bug_swarm)
+ p.run_stage("bug_swarm", add_bug_swarm)
def add_rocks(target):
- selection = density.placement_mask(scale=0.15, select_thresh=0.5,
- normal_thresh=0.7, return_scalar=True, tag=nonliving_domain)
+ selection = density.placement_mask(
+ scale=0.15,
+ select_thresh=0.5,
+ normal_thresh=0.7,
+ return_scalar=True,
+ tag=nonliving_domain,
+ )
_, rock_col = pebbles.apply(target, selection=selection)
return rock_col
- p.run_stage('rocks', add_rocks, terrain_inview)
+ p.run_stage("rocks", add_rocks, terrain_inview)
def add_ground_leaves(target):
- selection = density.placement_mask(scale=0.1, select_thresh=0.52, normal_thresh=0.7, return_scalar=True, tag=land_domain)
+ selection = density.placement_mask(
+ scale=0.1,
+ select_thresh=0.52,
+ normal_thresh=0.7,
+ return_scalar=True,
+ tag=land_domain,
+ )
ground_leaves.apply(target, selection=selection, season=season)
- p.run_stage('ground_leaves', add_ground_leaves, terrain_near, prereq='trees')
+ p.run_stage("ground_leaves", add_ground_leaves, terrain_near, prereq="trees")
def add_ground_twigs(target):
use_leaves = uniform() < 0.5
- selection = density.placement_mask(scale=0.15, select_thresh=0.55, normal_thresh=0.7, return_scalar=True, tag=nonliving_domain)
+ selection = density.placement_mask(
+ scale=0.15,
+ select_thresh=0.55,
+ normal_thresh=0.7,
+ return_scalar=True,
+ tag=nonliving_domain,
+ )
ground_twigs.apply(target, selection=selection, use_leaves=use_leaves)
- p.run_stage('ground_twigs', add_ground_twigs, terrain_near)
+ p.run_stage("ground_twigs", add_ground_twigs, terrain_near)
def add_chopped_trees(target):
- selection = density.placement_mask(scale=0.15, select_thresh=uniform(0.55, 0.6),
- normal_thresh=0.7, return_scalar=True, tag=nonliving_domain)
+ selection = density.placement_mask(
+ scale=0.15,
+ select_thresh=uniform(0.55, 0.6),
+ normal_thresh=0.7,
+ return_scalar=True,
+ tag=nonliving_domain,
+ )
chopped_trees.apply(target, selection=selection)
- p.run_stage('chopped_trees', add_chopped_trees, terrain_inview)
+ p.run_stage("chopped_trees", add_chopped_trees, terrain_inview)
def add_grass(target):
- select_max = params.get('grass_select_max', 0.5)
+ select_max = params.get("grass_select_max", 0.5)
selection = density.placement_mask(
- normal_dir=(0, 0, 1), scale=0.1, tag=land_domain,
- return_scalar=True, select_thresh=uniform(select_max/2, select_max))
+ normal_dir=(0, 0, 1),
+ scale=0.1,
+ tag=land_domain,
+ return_scalar=True,
+ select_thresh=uniform(select_max / 2, select_max),
+ )
grass.apply(target, selection=selection)
- p.run_stage('grass', add_grass, terrain_inview)
+ p.run_stage("grass", add_grass, terrain_inview)
def add_monocots(target):
selection = density.placement_mask(
- normal_dir=(0, 0, 1), scale=0.2, tag=land_domain)
+ normal_dir=(0, 0, 1), scale=0.2, tag=land_domain
+ )
monocots.apply(terrain_inview, grass=True, selection=selection)
selection = density.placement_mask(
- normal_dir=(0, 0, 1), scale=0.2, select_thresh=0.55,
- tag=params.get("grass_habitats", None))
+ normal_dir=(0, 0, 1),
+ scale=0.2,
+ select_thresh=0.55,
+ tag=params.get("grass_habitats", None),
+ )
monocots.apply(target, grass=False, selection=selection)
- p.run_stage('monocots', add_monocots, terrain_inview)
+ p.run_stage("monocots", add_monocots, terrain_inview)
def add_ferns(target):
- selection = density.placement_mask(normal_dir=(0, 0, 1), scale=0.1,
- select_thresh=0.6, return_scalar=True, tag=land_domain)
+ selection = density.placement_mask(
+ normal_dir=(0, 0, 1),
+ scale=0.1,
+ select_thresh=0.6,
+ return_scalar=True,
+ tag=land_domain,
+ )
fern.apply(target, selection=selection)
- p.run_stage('ferns', add_ferns, terrain_inview)
+ p.run_stage("ferns", add_ferns, terrain_inview)
def add_flowers(target):
- selection = density.placement_mask(normal_dir=(0, 0, 1), scale=0.01,
- select_thresh=0.6, return_scalar=True, tag=land_domain)
+ selection = density.placement_mask(
+ normal_dir=(0, 0, 1),
+ scale=0.01,
+ select_thresh=0.6,
+ return_scalar=True,
+ tag=land_domain,
+ )
flowerplant.apply(target, selection=selection)
- p.run_stage('flowers', add_flowers, terrain_inview)
+ p.run_stage("flowers", add_flowers, terrain_inview)
def add_corals(target):
- vertical_faces = density.placement_mask(scale=0.15, select_thresh=uniform(.44, .48))
- coral_reef.apply(target, selection=vertical_faces, tag=underwater_domain,
- density=params.get('coral_density', 2.5))
- horizontal_faces = density.placement_mask(scale=.15, normal_thresh=-.4, normal_thresh_high=.4)
- coral_reef.apply(target, selection=horizontal_faces, n=5, horizontal=True, tag=underwater_domain,
- density=params.get('horizontal_coral_density', 2.5))
- p.run_stage('corals', add_corals, terrain_inview)
- p.run_stage('mushroom', lambda: ground_mushroom.Mushrooms().apply(terrain_near,
- selection=density.placement_mask(scale=.1, select_thresh=.65, return_scalar=True, tag=land_domain),
- density=params.get('mushroom_density', 2)))
- p.run_stage('seaweed', lambda: seaweed.apply(terrain_inview,
- selection=density.placement_mask(scale=0.05, select_thresh=.5, normal_thresh=0.4, tag=underwater_domain)))
- p.run_stage('urchin', lambda: urchin.apply(terrain_inview,
- selection=density.placement_mask(scale=0.05, select_thresh=.5, tag=underwater_domain)))
- p.run_stage('jellyfish', lambda: jellyfish.apply(terrain_inview,
- selection=density.placement_mask(scale=0.05, select_thresh=.5, tag=underwater_domain)))
- p.run_stage('seashells', lambda: seashells.apply(terrain_near,
- selection=density.placement_mask(scale=0.05, select_thresh=.5, tag='landscape,', return_scalar=True)))
- p.run_stage('pinecone', lambda: pinecone.apply(terrain_near,
- selection=density.placement_mask(scale=.1, select_thresh=.63, tag=land_domain)))
- p.run_stage('pine_needle', lambda: pine_needle.apply(terrain_near,
- selection=density.placement_mask(scale=uniform(0.05, 0.2), select_thresh=uniform(0.4, 0.55), tag=land_domain, return_scalar=True)))
- p.run_stage('decorative_plants', lambda: decorative_plants.apply(terrain_near,
- selection=density.placement_mask(scale=uniform(0.05, 0.2), select_thresh=uniform(0.5, 0.65), tag=land_domain, return_scalar=True)))
- p.run_stage('wind', weather.particles.wind_effector)
- p.run_stage('turbulence', weather.particles.turbulence_effector)
- emitter_off = Vector((0, 0, 5)) # to allow space to fall into frame from off screen
- def add_leaf_particles():
- return particles.particle_system(
- emitter=butil.spawn_plane(location=emitter_off, size=60),
- subject=trees.random_leaf_collection(n=5, season=season),
- settings=particles.falling_leaf_settings())
- def add_rain_particles():
- return particles.particle_system(
- emitter=butil.spawn_plane(location=emitter_off, size=30),
- subject=factory.make_asset_collection(weather.particles.RaindropFactory(scene_seed), 5),
- settings=particles.rain_settings())
- def add_dust_particles():
- return particles.particle_system(
- emitter=butil.spawn_cube(location=Vector(), size=30),
- subject=factory.make_asset_collection(weather.particles.DustMoteFactory(scene_seed), 5),
- settings=particles.floating_dust_settings())
- def add_marine_snow_particles():
- return particles.particle_system(
- emitter=butil.spawn_cube(location=Vector(), size=30),
- subject=factory.make_asset_collection(weather.particles.DustMoteFactory(scene_seed), 5),
- settings=particles.marine_snow_setting())
- def add_snow_particles():
- return particles.particle_system(
- emitter=butil.spawn_plane(location=emitter_off, size=60),
- subject=factory.make_asset_collection(weather.particles.SnowflakeFactory(scene_seed), 5),
- settings=particles.snow_settings())
- particle_systems = [
- p.run_stage('leaf_particles', add_leaf_particles, prereq='trees'),
- p.run_stage('rain_particles', add_rain_particles),
- p.run_stage('dust_particles', add_dust_particles),
- p.run_stage('marine_snow_particles', add_marine_snow_particles),
- p.run_stage('snow_particles', add_snow_particles),
- ]
- for emitter, system in filter(lambda s: s is not None, particle_systems):
- with logging_util.Timer(f"Baking particle system"):
- butil.constrain_object(emitter, "COPY_LOCATION", use_offset=True, target=cam.parent)
- particles.bake(emitter, system)
- butil.put_in_collection(emitter, butil.get_collection('particles'))
- placeholders = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
- c.all_objects for c in bpy.data.collections if c.name.startswith('placeholders:')
- ))
- add_simulated_river = lambda: fluid.make_river(terrain_mesh, placeholders, output_folder=output_folder)
- p.run_stage('simulated_river', add_simulated_river, use_chance=False)
- add_tilted_river = lambda: fluid.make_tilted_river(terrain_mesh, placeholders, output_folder=output_folder)
- p.run_stage('tilted_river', add_tilted_river, use_chance=False)
- p.save_results(output_folder/'pipeline_coarse.csv')
+ vertical_faces = density.placement_mask(
+ scale=0.15, select_thresh=uniform(0.44, 0.48)
+ )
+ coral_reef.apply(
+ target,
+ selection=vertical_faces,
+ tag=underwater_domain,
+ density=params.get("coral_density", 2.5),
+ )
+ horizontal_faces = density.placement_mask(
+ scale=0.15, normal_thresh=-0.4, normal_thresh_high=0.4
+ )
+ coral_reef.apply(
+ target,
+ selection=horizontal_faces,
+ n=5,
+ horizontal=True,
+ tag=underwater_domain,
+ density=params.get("horizontal_coral_density", 2.5),
+ )
+ p.run_stage("corals", add_corals, terrain_inview)
+ p.run_stage(
+ "mushroom",
+ lambda: ground_mushroom.Mushrooms().apply(
+ terrain_near,
+ selection=density.placement_mask(
+ scale=0.1, select_thresh=0.65, return_scalar=True, tag=land_domain
+ ),
+ density=params.get("mushroom_density", 2),
+ ),
+ )
+ p.run_stage(
+ "seaweed",
+ lambda: seaweed.apply(
+ terrain_inview,
+ selection=density.placement_mask(
+ scale=0.05, select_thresh=0.5, normal_thresh=0.4, tag=underwater_domain
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ p.run_stage(
+ "urchin",
+ lambda: urchin.apply(
+ terrain_inview,
+ selection=density.placement_mask(
+ scale=0.05, select_thresh=0.5, tag=underwater_domain
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ p.run_stage(
+ "jellyfish",
+ lambda: jellyfish.apply(
+ terrain_inview,
+ selection=density.placement_mask(
+ scale=0.05, select_thresh=0.5, tag=underwater_domain
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ p.run_stage(
+ "seashells",
+ lambda: seashells.apply(
+ terrain_near,
+ selection=density.placement_mask(
+ scale=0.05, select_thresh=0.5, tag="landscape,", return_scalar=True
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ p.run_stage(
+ "pinecone",
+ lambda: pinecone.apply(
+ terrain_near,
+ selection=density.placement_mask(
+ scale=0.1, select_thresh=0.63, tag=land_domain
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ p.run_stage(
+ "pine_needle",
+ lambda: pine_needle.apply(
+ terrain_near,
+ selection=density.placement_mask(
+ scale=uniform(0.05, 0.2),
+ select_thresh=uniform(0.4, 0.55),
+ tag=land_domain,
+ return_scalar=True,
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ p.run_stage(
+ "decorative_plants",
+ lambda: decorative_plants.apply(
+ terrain_near,
+ selection=density.placement_mask(
+ scale=uniform(0.05, 0.2),
+ select_thresh=uniform(0.5, 0.65),
+ tag=land_domain,
+ return_scalar=True,
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ p.run_stage("wind", lambda: weather.WindEffector(np.randint(1e7))(0))
+ p.run_stage("turbulence", lambda: weather.TurbulenceEffector(np.randint(1e7))(0))
+ overhead_emitter = butil.spawn_plane(location=Vector((0, 0, 5)), size=60)
+ butil.constrain_object(
+ overhead_emitter, "COPY_LOCATION", use_offset=True, target=camera_rigs[0]
+ )
+ cube_emitter = butil.spawn_cube(location=Vector(), size=30)
+ butil.constrain_object(
+ cube_emitter, "COPY_LOCATION", use_offset=True, target=camera_rigs[0]
+ )
+ def leaf_particles():
+ gen = weather.FallingParticles(
+ leaves.LeafFactoryV2(randint(1e7)),
+ distribution=weather.falling_leaf_param_distribution,
+ )
+ return gen(overhead_emitter)
+ p.run_stage("leaf_particles", leaf_particles, prereq="trees")
+ def rain_particles():
+ gen = weather.FallingParticles(
+ particles.RaindropFactory(randint(1e7)),
+ distribution=weather.rain_param_distribution,
+ )
+ return gen(overhead_emitter)
+ p.run_stage("rain_particles", rain_particles)
+ def dust_particles():
+ gen = weather.FallingParticles(
+ particles.DustMoteFactory(randint(1e7)),
+ distribution=weather.floating_dust_param_distribution,
+ )
+ return gen(cube_emitter)
+ p.run_stage("dust_particles", dust_particles)
+ def marine_snow_particles():
+ gen = weather.FallingParticles(
+ particles.MarineSnowFactory(randint(1e7)),
+ distribution=weather.marine_snow_param_distribution,
+ )
+ return gen(cube_emitter)
+ p.run_stage("marine_snow_particles", marine_snow_particles)
+ def snow_particles():
+ gen = weather.FallingParticles(
+ particles.SnowflakeFactory(randint(1e7)),
+ distribution=weather.snow_param_distribution,
+ )
+ return gen(overhead_emitter)
+ p.run_stage("snow_particles", snow_particles)
+ placeholders = list(
+ itertools.chain.from_iterable(
+ c.all_objects
+ for c in bpy.data.collections
+ if c.name.startswith("placeholders:")
+ )
+ )
+ def add_simulated_river():
+ return fluid.make_river(terrain_mesh, placeholders, output_folder=output_folder)
+ p.run_stage("simulated_river", add_simulated_river, use_chance=False)
+ def add_tilted_river():
+ return fluid.make_tilted_river(
+ terrain_mesh, placeholders, output_folder=output_folder
+ )
+ p.run_stage("tilted_river", add_tilted_river, use_chance=False)
+ p.save_results(output_folder / "pipeline_coarse.csv")
return {
"height_offset": 0,
"whole_bbox": None,
-def main(args):
+def populate_scene(output_folder, scene_seed, **params):
+ p = RandomStageExecutor(scene_seed, output_folder, params)
+ camera = [cam_util.get_camera(i, j) for i, j in cam_util.get_cameras_ids()]
+ season = p.run_stage(
+ "choose_season", trees.random_season, use_chance=False, default=[]
+ )
+ fire_cache_system = fluid.FireCachingSystem() if params.get("cached_fire") else None
+ populated = {}
+ populated["trees"] = p.run_stage(
+ "populate_trees",
+ use_chance=False,
+ default=[],
+ fn=lambda: placement.populate_all(
+ trees.TreeFactory, camera, season=season, vis_cull=4
+ ),
+ ) # ,
+ # meshing_camera=camera, adapt_mesh_method='subdivide', cam_meshing_max_dist=8))
+ populated["boulders"] = p.run_stage(
+ "populate_boulders",
+ use_chance=False,
+ default=[],
+ fn=lambda: placement.populate_all(rocks.BoulderFactory, camera, vis_cull=3),
+ ) # ,
+ # meshing_camera=camera, adapt_mesh_method='subdivide', cam_meshing_max_dist=8))
+ populated["bushes"] = p.run_stage(
+ "populate_bushes",
+ use_chance=False,
+ fn=lambda: placement.populate_all(
+ trees.BushFactory, camera, vis_cull=1, adapt_mesh_method="subdivide"
+ ),
+ )
+ p.run_stage(
+ "populate_kelp",
+ use_chance=False,
+ fn=lambda: placement.populate_all(
+ monocot.KelpMonocotFactory, camera, vis_cull=5
+ ),
+ )
+ populated["cactus"] = p.run_stage(
+ "populate_cactus",
+ use_chance=False,
+ fn=lambda: placement.populate_all(cactus.CactusFactory, camera, vis_cull=6),
+ )
+ p.run_stage(
+ "populate_clouds",
+ use_chance=False,
+ fn=lambda: placement.populate_all(
+ cloud.CloudFactory, camera, dist_cull=None, vis_cull=None
+ ),
+ )
+ p.run_stage(
+ "populate_glowing_rocks",
+ use_chance=False,
+ fn=lambda: placement.populate_all(
+ rocks.GlowingRocksFactory, camera, dist_cull=None, vis_cull=None
+ ),
+ )
+ populated["cached_fire_trees"] = p.run_stage(
+ "populate_cached_fire_trees",
+ use_chance=False,
+ default=[],
+ fn=lambda: placement.populate_all(
+ fluid.CachedTreeFactory,
+ camera,
+ season=season,
+ vis_cull=4,
+ dist_cull=70,
+ cache_system=fire_cache_system,
+ ),
+ )
+ populated["cached_fire_boulders"] = p.run_stage(
+ "populate_cached_fire_boulders",
+ use_chance=False,
+ default=[],
+ fn=lambda: placement.populate_all(
+ fluid.CachedBoulderFactory,
+ camera,
+ vis_cull=3,
+ dist_cull=70,
+ cache_system=fire_cache_system,
+ ),
+ )
+ populated["cached_fire_bushes"] = p.run_stage(
+ "populate_cached_fire_bushes",
+ use_chance=False,
+ fn=lambda: placement.populate_all(
+ fluid.CachedBushFactory,
+ camera,
+ vis_cull=1,
+ adapt_mesh_method="subdivide",
+ cache_system=fire_cache_system,
+ ),
+ )
+ populated["cached_fire_cactus"] = p.run_stage(
+ "populate_cached_fire_cactus",
+ use_chance=False,
+ fn=lambda: placement.populate_all(
+ fluid.CachedCactusFactory,
+ camera,
+ vis_cull=6,
+ cache_system=fire_cache_system,
+ ),
+ )
+ grime_selection_funcs = {
+ "trees": scatter_lower,
+ "boulders": scatter_upward,
+ }
+ grime_types = {
+ "slime_mold": slime_mold.SlimeMold,
+ "lichen": lichen.Lichen,
+ "ivy": ivy.Ivy,
+ "mushroom": ground_mushroom.Mushrooms,
+ "moss": moss.MossCover,
+ }
+ def apply_grime(grime_type, surface_cls):
+ surface_fac = surface_cls()
+ for (
+ target_type,
+ results,
+ ) in populated.items():
+ selection_func = grime_selection_funcs.get(target_type, None)
+ for fac_seed, fac_pholders, fac_assets in results:
+ if len(fac_pholders) == 0:
+ continue
+ for inst_seed, obj in fac_assets:
+ with FixedSeed(int_hash((grime_type, fac_seed, inst_seed))):
+ p_k = f"{grime_type}_on_{target_type}_per_instance_chance"
+ if uniform() > params.get(p_k, 0.4):
+ continue
+ logger.debug("Applying {surface_fac} on {obj}")
+ surface_fac.apply(obj, selection=selection_func)
+ for grime_type, surface_cls in grime_types.items():
+ p.run_stage(grime_type, lambda: apply_grime(grime_type, surface_cls))
+ def apply_snow_layer(surface_cls):
+ surface_fac = surface_cls()
+ for (
+ target_type,
+ results,
+ ) in populated.items():
+ selection_func = grime_selection_funcs.get(target_type, None)
+ for fac_seed, fac_pholders, fac_assets in results:
+ if len(fac_pholders) == 0:
+ continue
+ for inst_seed, obj in fac_assets:
+ tmp = obj.users_collection[0].hide_viewport
+ obj.users_collection[0].hide_viewport = False
+ surface_fac.apply(obj, selection=selection_func)
+ obj.users_collection[0].hide_viewport = tmp
+ p.run_stage("snow_layer", lambda: apply_snow_layer(snow_layer.Snowlayer))
+ creature_facs = {
+ "beetles": creatures.BeetleFactory,
+ "bird": creatures.BirdFactory,
+ "carnivore": creatures.CarnivoreFactory,
+ "crab": creatures.CrabFactory,
+ "crustacean": creatures.CrustaceanFactory,
+ "dragonfly": creatures.DragonflyFactory,
+ "fish": creatures.FishFactory,
+ "flyingbird": creatures.FlyingBirdFactory,
+ "herbivore": creatures.HerbivoreFactory,
+ "snake": creatures.SnakeFactory,
+ }
+ for k, fac in creature_facs.items():
+ p.run_stage(
+ f"populate_{k}",
+ use_chance=False,
+ fn=lambda: placement.populate_all(fac, camera=None),
+ )
+ fire_warmup = params.get("fire_warmup", 50)
+ simulation_duration = (
+ bpy.context.scene.frame_end - bpy.context.scene.frame_start + fire_warmup
+ )
+ def set_fire(assets):
+ objs = [o for *_, a in assets for _, o in a]
+ with butil.EnableParentCollections(objs):
+ fluid.set_fire_to_assets(
+ assets,
+ bpy.context.scene.frame_start - fire_warmup,
+ simulation_duration,
+ output_folder,
+ )
+ p.run_stage(
+ "trees_fire_on_the_fly", set_fire, populated["trees"], prereq="populate_trees"
+ )
+ p.run_stage(
+ "bushes_fire_on_the_fly",
+ set_fire,
+ populated["bushes"],
+ prereq="populate_bushes",
+ )
+ p.run_stage(
+ "boulders_fire_on_the_fly",
+ set_fire,
+ populated["boulders"],
+ prereq="populate_boulders",
+ )
+ p.run_stage(
+ "cactus_fire_on_the_fly",
+ set_fire,
+ populated["cactus"],
+ prereq="populate_cactus",
+ )
+ p.save_results(output_folder / "pipeline_fine.csv")
+def main(args):
scene_seed = init.apply_scene_seed(args.seed)
- mandatory_exclusive = [Path('infinigen_examples/configs_nature/scene_types')]
+ mandatory_exclusive = [Path("infinigen_examples/configs_nature/scene_types")]
- configs=args.configs,
+ configs=["base_nature.gin"] + args.configs,
- configs_folder='infinigen_examples/configs_nature',
+ config_folders="infinigen_examples/configs_nature",
- mutually_exclusive_folders=mandatory_exclusive,
+ mutually_exclusive_folders=mandatory_exclusive,
- input_folder=args.input_folder,
- output_folder=args.output_folder,
- task=args.task,
- task_uniqname=args.task_uniqname,
- scene_seed=scene_seed
+ populate_scene_func=populate_scene,
+ input_folder=args.input_folder,
+ output_folder=args.output_folder,
+ task=args.task,
+ task_uniqname=args.task_uniqname,
+ scene_seed=scene_seed,
-if __name__ == "__main__":
+if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('--output_folder', type=Path)
- parser.add_argument('--input_folder', type=Path, default=None)
- parser.add_argument('-s', '--seed', default=None, help="The seed used to generate the scene")
- parser.add_argument('-t', '--task', nargs='+', default=['coarse'],
- choices=['coarse', 'populate', 'fine_terrain', 'ground_truth', 'render', 'mesh_save', 'export'])
- parser.add_argument('-g', '--configs', nargs='+', default=['base'],
- help='Set of config files for gin (separated by spaces) '
- 'e.g. --gin_config file1 file2 (exclude .gin from path)')
- parser.add_argument('-p', '--overrides', nargs='+', default=[],
- help='Parameter settings that override config defaults '
- 'e.g. --gin_param module_1.a=2 module_2.b=3')
- parser.add_argument('--task_uniqname', type=str, default=None)
- parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action="store_const", dest="loglevel", const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("--output_folder", type=Path)
+ parser.add_argument("--input_folder", type=Path, default=None)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-s", "--seed", default=None, help="The seed used to generate the scene"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-t",
+ "--task",
+ nargs="+",
+ default=["coarse"],
+ choices=[
+ "coarse",
+ "populate",
+ "fine_terrain",
+ "ground_truth",
+ "render",
+ "mesh_save",
+ "export",
+ ],
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-g",
+ "--configs",
+ nargs="+",
+ default=["base"],
+ help="Set of config files for gin (separated by spaces) "
+ "e.g. --gin_config file1 file2 (exclude .gin from path)",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-p",
+ "--overrides",
+ nargs="+",
+ default=[],
+ help="Parameter settings that override config defaults "
+ "e.g. --gin_param module_1.a=2 module_2.b=3",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("--task_uniqname", type=str, default=None)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-d",
+ "--debug",
+ action="store_const",
+ dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.DEBUG,
+ default=logging.INFO,
+ )
args = init.parse_args_blender(parser)
diff --git a/infinigen_examples/indoor_asset_semantics.py b/infinigen_examples/indoor_asset_semantics.py
index 9ae3196c2..083bf3264 100644
--- a/infinigen_examples/indoor_asset_semantics.py
+++ b/infinigen_examples/indoor_asset_semantics.py
@@ -3,37 +3,36 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-from infinigen.assets import (
- appliances,
- bathroom,
- decor,
- elements,
- lighting,
- seating,
+from infinigen.assets.objects import (
+ appliances,
+ bathroom,
+ clothes,
+ decor,
+ elements,
+ lamp,
+ seating,
- table_decorations,
- tables,
- tableware,
- wall_decorations,
- windows,
- clothes
+ table_decorations,
+ tables,
+ tableware,
+ wall_decorations,
+ windows,
+from infinigen.core.tags import Semantics
-from infinigen.core.tags import Semantics, Subpart, FromGenerator
def home_asset_usage():
- """ Defines what generators are consider to fulfill what roles in a home setting.
+ """Defines what generators are consider to fulfill what roles in a home setting.
The primary effect of this to determine what types of objects are returned by the square brackets [ ] operator in home_constraints
- You can define these however you like - use
+ You can define these however you like - use
See the `Semantics` class in `infinigen.core.tags` for a list of possible semantics, or add your own.
- # TODO: this whole used_as will be integrated into the constraint language. Currently there are two paralell semantics trees, one to define the tags and one to use them.
+ # TODO: this whole used_as will be integrated into the constraint language. Currently there are two paralell semantics trees, one to define the tags and one to use them.
used_as = {}
@@ -47,10 +46,7 @@ def home_asset_usage():
- used_as[Semantics.Cookware] = {
- tableware.PotFactory,
- tableware.PanFactory
- }
+ used_as[Semantics.Cookware] = {tableware.PotFactory, tableware.PanFactory}
used_as[Semantics.Utensils] = {
@@ -63,14 +59,14 @@ def home_asset_usage():
- tableware.BottleFactory
+ tableware.BottleFactory,
used_as[Semantics.TableDisplayItem] = {
- tableware.PotFactory
+ tableware.PotFactory,
used_as[Semantics.OfficeShelfItem] = {
@@ -85,7 +81,7 @@ def home_asset_usage():
- }
+ },
used_as[Semantics.BathroomItem] = {
@@ -96,7 +92,7 @@ def home_asset_usage():
used_as[Semantics.ClothDrapeItem] = {
# objects that can be strewn about / draped over furniture
- #clothes.BlanketFactory,
+ # clothes.BlanketFactory,
@@ -117,7 +113,7 @@ def home_asset_usage():
used_as[Semantics.Sink] = {
- bathroom.StandingSinkFactory
+ bathroom.StandingSinkFactory,
used_as[Semantics.Storage] = {
@@ -125,12 +121,12 @@ def home_asset_usage():
- shelves.SingleCabinetFactory
+ shelves.SingleCabinetFactory,
used_as[Semantics.SideTable] = {
- tables.SideTableFactory
+ tables.SideTableFactory,
used_as[Semantics.Table] = set.union(
@@ -138,15 +134,15 @@ def home_asset_usage():
- shelves.SimpleDeskFactory,
+ shelves.SimpleDeskFactory,
- }
+ },
used_as[Semantics.Chair] = {
- seating.OfficeChairFactory
+ seating.OfficeChairFactory,
used_as[Semantics.LoungeSeating] = {
@@ -163,7 +159,7 @@ def home_asset_usage():
- appliances.MicrowaveFactory
+ appliances.MicrowaveFactory,
used_as[Semantics.KitchenCounter] = {
@@ -186,10 +182,9 @@ def home_asset_usage():
- }
+ },
# endregion furniture
@@ -197,7 +192,7 @@ def home_asset_usage():
used_as[Semantics.WallDecoration] = {
- wall_decorations.BalloonFactory
+ wall_decorations.BalloonFactory,
used_as[Semantics.Door] = {
@@ -207,25 +202,22 @@ def home_asset_usage():
- used_as[Semantics.Window] = {
- windows.WindowFactory
- }
+ used_as[Semantics.Window] = {windows.WindowFactory}
used_as[Semantics.CeilingLight] = {
- lighting.CeilingLightFactory,
+ lamp.CeilingLightFactory,
used_as[Semantics.Lighting] = set().union(
- lighting.LampFactory,
- lighting.FloorLampFactory,
- lighting.DeskLampFactory,
- }
+ lamp.LampFactory,
+ lamp.FloorLampFactory,
+ lamp.DeskLampFactory,
+ },
used_as[Semantics.Object] = set().union(
@@ -237,13 +229,11 @@ def home_asset_usage():
- }
+ },
# region Extra metadata about assets
@@ -252,42 +242,34 @@ def home_asset_usage():
used_as[Semantics.RealPlaceholder] = {
- elements.NatureShelfTrinketsFactory
+ elements.NatureShelfTrinketsFactory,
used_as[Semantics.AssetAsPlaceholder] = set()
@@ -299,7 +281,7 @@ def home_asset_usage():
- tables.TableCocktailFactory
+ tables.TableCocktailFactory,
used_as[Semantics.PlaceholderBBox] = {
@@ -307,26 +289,28 @@ def home_asset_usage():
- used_as[Semantics.SingleGenerator] = set().union(
- used_as[Semantics.Dishware],
- used_as[Semantics.Utensils],
- {
- lighting.CeilingLightFactory,
- lighting.CeilingClassicLampFactory,
- seating.ChairFactory,
- seating.BarChairFactory,
- seating.OfficeChairFactory
- }
- ).difference({
- tableware.CupFactory
- })
+ used_as[Semantics.SingleGenerator] = (
+ set()
+ .union(
+ used_as[Semantics.Dishware],
+ used_as[Semantics.Utensils],
+ {
+ lamp.CeilingLightFactory,
+ lamp.CeilingClassicLampFactory,
+ seating.ChairFactory,
+ seating.BarChairFactory,
+ seating.OfficeChairFactory,
+ },
+ )
+ .difference({tableware.CupFactory})
+ )
used_as[Semantics.NoRotation] = set().union(
- lighting.CeilingLightFactory, # rotationally symetric
- }
+ lamp.CeilingLightFactory, # rotationally symetric
+ },
used_as[Semantics.NoCollision] = {
@@ -337,9 +321,9 @@ def home_asset_usage():
- lighting.CeilingLightFactory,
+ lamp.CeilingLightFactory,
# endregion
- return used_as
\ No newline at end of file
+ return used_as
diff --git a/infinigen_examples/indoor_constraint_examples.py b/infinigen_examples/indoor_constraint_examples.py
index cda7d78b3..4b6834a06 100644
--- a/infinigen_examples/indoor_constraint_examples.py
+++ b/infinigen_examples/indoor_constraint_examples.py
@@ -6,63 +6,60 @@
from collections import OrderedDict
-import numpy as np
-import random
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-import infinigen
-import gin
-from infinigen.assets import (
- appliances,
- bathroom,
- decor,
- elements,
- lighting,
- seating,
+from numpy.random import uniform
+from infinigen.assets.objects import (
+ appliances,
+ bathroom,
+ decor,
+ elements,
+ lamp,
+ seating,
- table_decorations,
- tables,
- tableware,
- wall_decorations,
- windows,
- clothes
+ table_decorations,
+ tables,
+ tableware,
+ wall_decorations,
-from infinigen.core.constraints import (
- constraint_language as cl,
- example_solver,
- usage_lookup
-from infinigen import assets
-from infinigen.core.util.math import clip_gaussian
-from infinigen.core.tags import Semantics, Subpart, FromGenerator
+from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
+from infinigen.core.constraints import usage_lookup
+from infinigen.core.tags import Semantics, Subpart
from .indoor_asset_semantics import home_asset_usage
from .util import constraint_util as cu
def sample_home_constraint_params():
return dict(
- has_tv = uniform() < 0.5,
- has_aquarium_tank = uniform() < 0.15,
- has_birthday_balloons = uniform() < 0.15,
- has_cocktail_tables = uniform() < 0.15,
- has_kitchen_barstools = uniform() < 0.15,
+ # what pct of the room floorplan should we try to fill with furniture?
+ furniture_fullness_pct=uniform(0.6, 0.9),
+ # how many objects in each shelving per unit of volume
+ obj_interior_obj_pct=uniform(0.5, 1), # uniform(0.6, 0.9),
+ # what pct of top surface of storage furniture should be filled with objects? e.g pct of top surface of shelf
+ obj_on_storage_pct=uniform(0.1, 0.9),
+ # what pct of top surface of NON-STORAGE objects should be filled with objects? e.g pct of countertop/diningtable covered in stuff
+ obj_on_nonstorage_pct=uniform(0.1, 0.6),
+ # meters squared of wall art per approx meters squared of FLOOR area. TODO cant measure wall area currently.
+ painting_area_per_room_area=uniform(20, 60) / 40,
+ # rare objects wont even be added to the constraint graph in most homes
+ has_tv=uniform() < 0.5,
+ has_aquarium_tank=uniform() < 0.15,
+ has_birthday_balloons=uniform() < 0.15,
+ has_cocktail_tables=uniform() < 0.15,
+ has_kitchen_barstools=uniform() < 0.15,
-def home_constraints():
+def home_constraints():
"""Construct a constraint graph which incentivizes realistic home layouts.
Result will contain both hard constraints (`constraints`) and soft constraints (`score_terms`).
Notes for developers:
- This function is typically evaluated ONCE. It is not called repeatedly during the optimization process.
- To debug values you will need to inject print statements into impl_bindings.py or evaluate.py. Better debugging tools will come soon.
- Similarly, most `lambda:` statements below will only be evaluated once to construct the graph - do not assume they will be re-evaluated during optimization.
- - Available constraint options are in `infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/__init__.py`.
+ - Available constraint options are in `infinigen/core/constraints/constraint_language/__init__.py`.
- You can easily add new constraint functions by adding them here, and defining evaluator functions for them in `impl_bindings.py`
- Using newly added constraint types as hard constraints may be rejected by our hard constraint solver
- It is quite easy to specify an impossible constraint program, or one that our solver cannot solve:
@@ -85,7 +82,7 @@ def home_constraints():
constraints = OrderedDict()
score_terms = OrderedDict()
- #region overall fullness
+ # region overall fullness
furniture = obj[Semantics.Furniture].related_to(rooms, cu.on_floor)
wallfurn = furniture.related_to(rooms, cu.against_wall)
@@ -96,396 +93,558 @@ def home_constraints():
for k, v in params.items():
print(f"{home_constraints.__name__} params - {k}: {v}")
- score_terms['fullness'] = rooms.sum(lambda r: (
- obj.count().maximize(weight=4) # TODO re-incorporate more precise fullness scores above
- + obj.volume().maximize(weight=1)
- ))
- #endregion
- #region furniture
- score_terms['furniture_aesthetics'] = wallfurn.sum(lambda t: (
- t.distance(wallfurn).hinge(0.2, 0.6).maximize(weight=0.6) +
- cl.accessibility_cost(t, furniture).minimize(weight=5) +
- cl.accessibility_cost(t, rooms).minimize(weight=10)
- ))
- constraints['storage'] = rooms.all(lambda r: (
- storage.related_to(r).count().in_range(1, 7)
- ))
- score_terms['storage'] = rooms.sum(lambda r: (
- cl.accessibility_cost(storage.related_to(r), furniture.related_to(r), dist=0.5).minimize(weight=5)
- + cl.accessibility_cost(storage.related_to(r), r, dist=0.5).minimize(weight=5)
- ))
- #endregion furntiure
- score_terms['portal_accessibility'] = (
+ score_terms["furniture_fullness"] = rooms.mean(
+ lambda r: (
+ furniture.related_to(r)
+ .volume(dims=(0, 1))
+ .safediv(r.volume(dims=(0, 1)))
+ .sub(params["furniture_fullness_pct"])
+ .abs()
+ .minimize(weight=15)
+ )
+ )
+ score_terms["obj_in_obj_fullness"] = rooms.mean(
+ lambda r: (
+ furniture.related_to(r).mean(
+ lambda f: (
+ obj.related_to(f, cu.on)
+ .volume()
+ .safediv(f.volume())
+ .sub(params["obj_interior_obj_pct"])
+ .abs()
+ .minimize(weight=10)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ def top_fullness_pct(f):
+ return (
+ obj.related_to(f, cu.ontop)
+ .volume(dims=(0, 1))
+ .safediv(f.volume(dims=(0, 1)))
+ )
+ score_terms["obj_ontop_storage_fullness"] = rooms.mean(
+ lambda r: (
+ storage.related_to(r).mean(
+ lambda f: (
+ top_fullness_pct(f)
+ .sub(params["obj_on_storage_pct"])
+ .abs()
+ .minimize(weight=10)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ score_terms["obj_ontop_nonstorage_fullness"] = rooms.mean(
+ lambda r: (
+ furniture[-Semantics.Storage]
+ .related_to(r)
+ .mean(
+ lambda f: (
+ top_fullness_pct(f)
+ .sub(params["obj_on_nonstorage_pct"])
+ .abs()
+ .minimize(weight=10)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ # endregion
+ # region furniture
+ score_terms["furniture_aesthetics"] = wallfurn.mean(
+ lambda t: (
+ t.distance(wallfurn).hinge(0.2, 0.6).maximize(weight=0.6)
+ + cl.accessibility_cost(t, furniture).minimize(weight=5)
+ + cl.accessibility_cost(t, rooms).minimize(weight=10)
+ )
+ )
+ constraints["storage"] = rooms.all(
+ lambda r: (storage.related_to(r).count().in_range(1, 7))
+ )
+ score_terms["storage"] = rooms.mean(
+ lambda r: (
+ cl.accessibility_cost(
+ storage.related_to(r), furniture.related_to(r), dist=0.5
+ ).minimize(weight=5)
+ + cl.accessibility_cost(storage.related_to(r), r, dist=0.5).minimize(
+ weight=5
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ # endregion furntiure
+ score_terms["portal_accessibility"] = (
# make sure the fronts of objects are accessible where applicable
#### disabled since its generally fine to block floor-to-ceiling windows a little
- #window.sum(lambda t: (
+ # window.mean(lambda t: (
# cl.accessibility_cost(t, furniture, np.array([0, -1, 0]))
- #)).minimize(weight=2) +
- doors.sum(lambda t: (
- cl.accessibility_cost(t, furniture, cu.front_dir, dist=4) +
- cl.accessibility_cost(t, furniture, cu.back_dir, dist=4)
- )).minimize(weight=5)
+ # )).minimize(weight=2) +
+ doors.mean(
+ lambda t: (
+ cl.accessibility_cost(t, furniture, cu.front_dir, dist=4)
+ + cl.accessibility_cost(t, furniture, cu.back_dir, dist=4)
+ )
+ ).minimize(weight=5)
walldec = obj[Semantics.WallDecoration].related_to(rooms, cu.flush_wall)
wall_art = walldec[wall_decorations.WallArtFactory]
mirror = walldec[wall_decorations.MirrorFactory]
rugs = obj[elements.RugFactory].related_to(rooms, cu.on_floor)
- constraints['rugs'] = rooms.all(lambda r: (
- rugs.related_to(r).distance(rugs) >= 1
- ))
- score_terms['rugs'] = rooms.all(lambda r: (
- cl.center_stable_surface_dist(rugs.related_to(r)).minimize(weight=1)
- ))
- vertical_diff = lambda o, r: (o.distance(r, cu.floortags) - o.distance(r, cu.ceilingtags)).abs()
- constraints['wall_decorations'] = rooms.all(lambda r: (
- wall_art.related_to(r).count().in_range(0, 6)
- * mirror.related_to(r).count().in_range(0, 1)
- * walldec.related_to(r).all(lambda t: t.distance(r, cu.floortags) > 0.6)
- #walldec.all(lambda t: (
- # (vertical_diff(t, r).abs() < 1.5) *
- # (t.distance(cutters) > 0.1)
- #))
- ))
- score_terms['wall_decorations'] = rooms.sum(lambda r: (
- walldec.related_to(r).sum(lambda w: (
- vertical_diff(w, r).abs().minimize(weight=1)
- + w.distance(walldec).maximize(weight=1)
- + w.distance(window).hinge(0.25, 10).maximize(weight=1)
- + cl.angle_alignment_cost(w, r, cu.floortags).minimize(weight=5)
- + cl.accessibility_cost(w, furniture, dist=1).minimize(weight=5)
- + cl.center_stable_surface_dist(w).minimize(weight=1)
- ))
- ))
- score_terms['floor_covering'] = (
- rugs.sum(lambda rug: (
- rug.distance(rooms, cu.walltags).maximize(weight=3) +
- cl.angle_alignment_cost(rug, rooms, cu.walltags).minimize(weight=3)
- ))
- )
- #endregion
- #region PLANTS
+ constraints["rugs"] = rooms.all(lambda r: (rugs.related_to(r).distance(rugs) >= 1))
+ score_terms["rugs"] = rooms.all(
+ lambda r: (cl.center_stable_surface_dist(rugs.related_to(r)).minimize(weight=1))
+ )
+ def vertical_diff(o, r):
+ return (o.distance(r, cu.floortags) - o.distance(r, cu.ceilingtags)).abs()
+ constraints["wall_decorations"] = rooms.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ wall_art.related_to(r).count().in_range(0, 6)
+ * mirror.related_to(r).count().in_range(0, 1)
+ * walldec.related_to(r).all(lambda t: t.distance(r, cu.floortags) > 0.6)
+ # walldec.all(lambda t: (
+ # (vertical_diff(t, r).abs() < 1.5) *
+ # (t.distance(cutters) > 0.1)
+ # ))
+ )
+ )
+ score_terms["wall_decorations"] = rooms.mean(
+ lambda r: (
+ walldec.related_to(r).mean(
+ lambda w: (
+ vertical_diff(w, r).abs().minimize(weight=1)
+ + w.distance(walldec).maximize(weight=1)
+ + w.distance(window).hinge(0.25, 10).maximize(weight=1)
+ + cl.angle_alignment_cost(w, r, cu.floortags).minimize(weight=5)
+ + cl.accessibility_cost(w, furniture, dist=1).minimize(weight=5)
+ + cl.center_stable_surface_dist(w).minimize(weight=1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ score_terms["floor_covering"] = rugs.mean(
+ lambda rug: (
+ rug.distance(rooms, cu.walltags).maximize(weight=3)
+ + cl.angle_alignment_cost(rug, rooms, cu.walltags).minimize(weight=3)
+ )
+ )
+ # endregion
+ # region PLANTS
small_plants = obj[tableware.PlantContainerFactory].related_to(storage, cu.ontop)
big_plants = (
.related_to(rooms, cu.on_floor)
.related_to(rooms, cu.against_wall)
- constraints['plants'] = rooms.all(lambda r: (
- big_plants.related_to(r).count().in_range(0, 1) *
- small_plants.related_to(storage.related_to(r)).count().in_range(0, 5)
- ))
- score_terms['plants'] = rooms.sum(lambda r: (
- big_plants.related_to(r).sum(lambda p: p.distance(doors)).maximize(weight=5)
- + ( # small plants should be near window for sunlight
- small_plants
- .related_to(storage.related_to(r))
- .sum(lambda p: p.distance(window.related_to(r)))
- ).minimize(weight=1)
- ))
- #endregion
- #region SIDETABLE
+ constraints["plants"] = rooms.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ big_plants.related_to(r).count().in_range(0, 1)
+ * small_plants.related_to(storage.related_to(r)).count().in_range(0, 5)
+ )
+ )
+ score_terms["plants"] = rooms.mean(
+ lambda r: (
+ big_plants.related_to(r)
+ .mean(lambda p: p.distance(doors))
+ .maximize(weight=5)
+ + ( # small plants should be near window for sunlight
+ small_plants.related_to(storage.related_to(r)).mean(
+ lambda p: p.distance(window.related_to(r))
+ )
+ ).minimize(weight=1)
+ )
+ )
+ # endregion
+ # region SIDETABLE
sidetable = furniture[Semantics.SideTable].related_to(furniture, cu.side_by_side)
- score_terms['sidetable'] = rooms.sum(lambda r: (
- sidetable.related_to(r).sum(lambda t: (
- t.distance(r, cu.walltags).minimize(weight=1)
- ))
- ))
- #endregion
+ score_terms["sidetable"] = rooms.mean(
+ lambda r: (
+ sidetable.related_to(r).mean(
+ lambda t: (t.distance(r, cu.walltags).minimize(weight=1))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ # endregion
- #region DESKS
+ # region DESKS
desks = wallfurn[shelves.SimpleDeskFactory]
- deskchair = furniture[seating.OfficeChairFactory].related_to(desks, cu.front_against)
+ deskchair = furniture[seating.OfficeChairFactory].related_to(
+ desks, cu.front_against
+ )
monitors = obj[appliances.MonitorFactory]
- constraints['desk'] = rooms.all(lambda r: (
- desks.related_to(r).all(lambda t: (
- deskchair.related_to(r).related_to(t).count().in_range(0, 1) *
- monitors.related_to(t, cu.ontop).count().equals(1) *
- (obj[Semantics.OfficeShelfItem].related_to(t, cu.on).count() >= 0) *
- (deskchair.related_to(r).related_to(t).count() == 1)
- ))
- ))
- score_terms['desk'] = rooms.sum(lambda r: desks.sum(lambda d: (
- obj.related_to(d).count().maximize(weight=3)
- + d.distance(doors.related_to(r)).maximize(weight=0.1)
- + cl.accessibility_cost(d, furniture.related_to(r)).minimize(weight=3)
- + cl.accessibility_cost(d, r).minimize(weight=3)
- + monitors.related_to(d).sum(lambda m: (
- cl.accessibility_cost(m, r, dist=2).minimize(weight=3) +
- cl.accessibility_cost(m, obj.related_to(r), dist=0.5).minimize(weight=3) +
- m.distance(r, cu.walltags).hinge(0.1, 1e7).minimize(weight=1)
- ))
+ constraints["desk"] = rooms.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ desks.related_to(r).all(
+ lambda t: (
+ deskchair.related_to(r).related_to(t).count().in_range(0, 1)
+ * monitors.related_to(t, cu.ontop).count().equals(1)
+ * (obj[Semantics.OfficeShelfItem].related_to(t, cu.on).count() >= 0)
+ * (deskchair.related_to(r).related_to(t).count() == 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
- + deskchair.distance(rooms, cu.walltags).maximize(weight=1)
- )))
+ score_terms["desk"] = rooms.mean(
+ lambda r: desks.mean(
+ lambda d: (
+ obj.related_to(d).count().maximize(weight=3)
+ + d.distance(doors.related_to(r)).maximize(weight=0.1)
+ + cl.accessibility_cost(d, furniture.related_to(r)).minimize(weight=3)
+ + cl.accessibility_cost(d, r).minimize(weight=3)
+ + monitors.related_to(d).mean(
+ lambda m: (
+ cl.accessibility_cost(m, r, dist=2).minimize(weight=3)
+ + cl.accessibility_cost(
+ m, obj.related_to(r), dist=0.5
+ ).minimize(weight=3)
+ + m.distance(r, cu.walltags).hinge(0.1, 1e7).minimize(weight=1)
+ )
+ )
+ + deskchair.distance(rooms, cu.walltags).maximize(weight=1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
- #endregion
+ # endregion
lights = obj[Semantics.Lighting]
- floor_lamps = lights[lighting.FloorLampFactory].related_to(rooms, cu.on_floor).related_to(rooms, cu.against_wall)
- #constraints['lighting'] = rooms.all(lambda r: (
+ floor_lamps = (
+ lights[lamp.FloorLampFactory]
+ .related_to(rooms, cu.on_floor)
+ .related_to(rooms, cu.against_wall)
+ )
+ # constraints['lighting'] = rooms.all(lambda r: (
# # dont put redundant lights close to eachother (including lamps, ceiling lights, etc)
# lights.related_to(r).all(lambda l: l.distance(lights.related_to(r)) >= 2)
- #))
- #endregion
+ # ))
- ceillights = lights[lighting.CeilingLightFactory]
- constraints['ceiling_lights'] = rooms.all(lambda r: (
- ceillights.related_to(r, cu.hanging).count().in_range(1, 4)
- ))
- score_terms['ceiling_lights'] = rooms.sum(lambda r: (
- (ceillights.count() / r.volume(dims=2)).hinge(0.08, 0.15).minimize(weight=5) +
- ceillights.mean(lambda t: (
- t.distance(r, cu.walltags).pow(0.5) * 1.5 +
- t.distance(ceillights).pow(0.2) * 2
- )).maximize(weight=1)
- ))
- #endregion
+ # endregion
- #region LAMPS
- lamps = lights[lighting.DeskLampFactory].related_to(furniture, cu.ontop)
- constraints['lamps'] = rooms.all(lambda r: (
+ ceillights = lights[lamp.CeilingLightFactory]
- # allow 0-2 lamps per room, placed on any sensible object
- lamps.related_to(storage.related_to(r)).count().in_range(0, 2)
- #* lamps.related_to(sidetable.related_to(r)).count().in_range(0, 2)
- #* lamps.related_to(desks.related_to(r, cu.on), cu.ontop).count().in_range(0, 1)
+ constraints["ceiling_lights"] = rooms.all(
+ lambda r: (ceillights.related_to(r, cu.hanging).count().in_range(1, 4))
+ )
+ score_terms["ceiling_lights"] = rooms.mean(
+ lambda r: (
+ (ceillights.count() / r.volume(dims=2)).hinge(0.08, 0.15).minimize(weight=5)
+ + ceillights.mean(
+ lambda t: (
+ t.distance(r, cu.walltags).pow(0.5) * 1.5
+ + t.distance(ceillights).pow(0.2) * 2
+ )
+ ).maximize(weight=1)
+ )
+ )
+ # endregion
- * ( # pull-string lamps look extremely unnatural when too far off the ground
- lamps.related_to(storage.related_to(r))
- .all(lambda l:
- l.distance(r, cu.floortags).in_range(0.5, 1.5)
+ # region LAMPS
+ lamps = lights[lamp.DeskLampFactory].related_to(furniture, cu.ontop)
+ constraints["lamps"] = rooms.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ # allow 0-2 lamps per room, placed on any sensible object
+ lamps.related_to(storage.related_to(r)).count().in_range(0, 2)
+ # * lamps.related_to(sidetable.related_to(r)).count().in_range(0, 2)
+ # * lamps.related_to(desks.related_to(r, cu.on), cu.ontop).count().in_range(0, 1)
+ * ( # pull-string lamps look extremely unnatural when too far off the ground
+ lamps.related_to(storage.related_to(r)).all(
+ lambda l: l.distance(r, cu.floortags).in_range(0.5, 1.5)
+ )
+ )
- ))
- score_terms['lamps'] = lamps.sum(lambda l: (
- cl.center_stable_surface_dist(l.related_to(sidetable)).minimize(weight=1) +
- l.distance(lamps).maximize(weight=1)
- ))
- #endregion
+ score_terms["lamps"] = lamps.mean(
+ lambda l: (
+ cl.center_stable_surface_dist(l.related_to(sidetable)).minimize(weight=1)
+ + l.distance(lamps).maximize(weight=1)
+ )
+ )
+ # endregion
# region CLOSETS
closets = rooms[Semantics.Closet].excludes(cu.room_types)
- constraints['closets'] = closets.all(lambda r: (
- (storage.related_to(r).count() >= 1) *
- ceillights.related_to(r, cu.hanging).count().in_range(0, 1) *
- (walldec.related_to(r).count() == 0) # special case exclusion - no paintings etc in closets
- ))
- score_terms['closets'] = closets.all(lambda r: (
- storage.related_to(r).count().maximize(weight=2) *
- obj.related_to(storage.related_to(r)).count().maximize(weight=2)
- ))
+ constraints["closets"] = closets.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ (storage.related_to(r).count() >= 1)
+ * ceillights.related_to(r, cu.hanging).count().in_range(0, 1)
+ * (
+ walldec.related_to(r).count() == 0
+ ) # special case exclusion - no paintings etc in closets
+ )
+ )
+ score_terms["closets"] = closets.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ storage.related_to(r).count().maximize(weight=2)
+ * obj.related_to(storage.related_to(r)).count().maximize(weight=2)
+ )
+ )
# NOTE: closets also have special-case behavior below depending on what room they are adjacent to
# endregion
- #region BEDROOMS
+ # region BEDROOMS
bedrooms = rooms[Semantics.Bedroom].excludes(cu.room_types)
beds = wallfurn[Semantics.Bed][seating.BedFactory]
- constraints['bedroom'] = bedrooms.all(lambda r: (
- beds.related_to(r).count().in_range(1, 2) *
- (
- sidetable.related_to(r)
- .related_to(beds.related_to(r), cu.leftright_leftright)
- .count().in_range(0, 2)
- ) *
- rugs.related_to(r).count().in_range(0, 2) *
- desks.related_to(r).count().in_range(0, 1) *
- storage.related_to(r).count().in_range(2, 5) *
- floor_lamps.related_to(r).count().in_range(0, 1) *
- storage.related_to(r).all(lambda s: (
- (obj[Semantics.OfficeShelfItem].related_to(s, cu.on).count() >= 0)
- ))
- ))
+ constraints["bedroom"] = bedrooms.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ beds.related_to(r).count().in_range(1, 2)
+ * (
+ sidetable.related_to(r)
+ .related_to(beds.related_to(r), cu.leftright_leftright)
+ .count()
+ .in_range(0, 2)
+ )
+ * rugs.related_to(r).count().in_range(0, 1)
+ * desks.related_to(r).count().in_range(0, 1)
+ * storage.related_to(r).count().in_range(2, 5)
+ * floor_lamps.related_to(r).count().in_range(0, 1)
+ * storage.related_to(r).all(
+ lambda s: (
+ obj[Semantics.OfficeShelfItem].related_to(s, cu.on).count() >= 0
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
- score_terms['bedroom'] = bedrooms.sum(lambda r: (
- beds.related_to(r).count().maximize(weight=3) +
- beds.related_to(r).sum(lambda t: cl.distance(r, doors)).maximize(weight=0.5) +
- sidetable.related_to(r).sum(lambda t: t.distance(beds.related_to(r))).minimize(weight=3)
- ))
+ score_terms["bedroom"] = bedrooms.mean(
+ lambda r: (
+ beds.related_to(r).count().maximize(weight=3)
+ + beds.related_to(r)
+ .mean(lambda t: cl.distance(r, doors))
+ .maximize(weight=0.5)
+ + sidetable.related_to(r)
+ .mean(lambda t: t.distance(beds.related_to(r)))
+ .minimize(weight=3)
+ )
+ )
- #endregion
+ # endregion
- #region KITCHENS
+ # region KITCHENS
kitchens = rooms[Semantics.Kitchen].excludes(cu.room_types)
countertops = furniture[Semantics.KitchenCounter]
- wallcounter = countertops[shelves.KitchenSpaceFactory].related_to(rooms, cu.against_wall)
+ wallcounter = countertops[shelves.KitchenSpaceFactory].related_to(
+ rooms, cu.against_wall
+ )
island = countertops[shelves.KitchenIslandFactory]
barchairs = furniture[seating.BarChairFactory]
- constraints['kitchen_counters'] = kitchens.all(lambda r: (
- wallcounter.related_to(r).count().in_range(1, 2) *
- island.related_to(r).count().in_range(0, 1)
- ))
- if params['has_kitchen_barstools']:
- constraints['kitchen_barchairs'] = kitchens.all(lambda r: (
- barchairs.related_to(island.related_to(r), cu.front_against).count().in_range(0, 4)
- ))
- score_terms['kitchen_counters'] = kitchens.sum(lambda r: (
+ constraints["kitchen_counters"] = kitchens.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ wallcounter.related_to(r).count().in_range(1, 2)
+ * island.related_to(r).count().in_range(0, 1)
+ )
+ )
- # try to fill 40-60% of kitchen floorplan with countertops (additive with typical furniture incentive)
- (
- countertops.related_to(r).volume(dims=2)
- / r.volume(dims=2).clamp_min(1) # avoid div by 0
- ).hinge(0.4, 0.6).minimize(weight=10) +
+ if params["has_kitchen_barstools"]:
+ constraints["kitchen_barchairs"] = kitchens.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ barchairs.related_to(island.related_to(r), cu.front_against)
+ .count()
+ .in_range(0, 4)
+ )
+ )
- # cluster countertops together
- countertops.related_to(r).sum(
- lambda c: countertops.related_to(r).mean(lambda c2:
- c.distance(c2)
+ score_terms["kitchen_counters"] = kitchens.mean(
+ lambda r: (
+ # try to fill 40-60% of kitchen floorplan with countertops (additive with typical furniture incentive)
+ (
+ countertops.related_to(r).volume(dims=2)
+ / r.volume(dims=2).clamp_min(1) # avoid div by 0
- ).minimize(weight=3)
+ .hinge(0.4, 0.6)
+ .minimize(weight=10)
+ +
+ # cluster countertops together
+ countertops.related_to(r)
+ .mean(lambda c: countertops.related_to(r).mean(lambda c2: c.distance(c2)))
+ .minimize(weight=3)
+ )
+ )
- ))
+ constraints["kitchen_island_placement"] = kitchens.all(
+ lambda r: wallcounter.related_to(r).all(
+ lambda t: (t.distance(island.related_to(r)).in_range(0.7, 3))
+ )
+ * island.related_to(r).all(
+ lambda t: (
+ t.distance(wallcounter.related_to(r)).in_range(0.7, 3)
+ * (t.distance(r, cu.walltags) > 2)
+ )
+ )
+ )
- constraints['kitchen_island_placement'] = kitchens.all(lambda r:
- wallcounter.related_to(r).all(lambda t: (
- t.distance(island.related_to(r)).in_range(0.7, 3)
- )) *
- island.related_to(r).all(lambda t: (
- t.distance(wallcounter.related_to(r)).in_range(0.7, 3) *
- (t.distance(r, cu.walltags) > 2)
- ))
+ score_terms["kitchen_island_placement"] = kitchens.mean(
+ lambda r: (
+ island.mean(
+ lambda t: (
+ cl.angle_alignment_cost(t, wallcounter)
+ + cl.angle_alignment_cost(t, r, cu.walltags)
+ )
+ ).minimize(weight=1)
+ + island.distance(r, cu.walltags).hinge(3, 1e7).minimize(weight=10)
+ + wallcounter.mean(
+ lambda t: cl.focus_score(t, island.related_to(r)).minimize(weight=5)
+ )
+ )
- score_terms['kitchen_island_placement'] = kitchens.sum(lambda r: (
- island.sum(lambda t: (
- cl.angle_alignment_cost(t, wallcounter) +
- cl.angle_alignment_cost(t, r, cu.walltags)
- )).minimize(weight=1) +
- island.distance(r, cu.walltags).hinge(3, 1e7).minimize(weight=10) +
- wallcounter.sum(lambda t:
- cl.focus_score(t, island.related_to(r)).minimize(weight=5)
+ sink_flush_on_counter = cl.StableAgainst(
+ cu.bottom, {Subpart.SupportSurface}, margin=0.001
+ )
+ cl.StableAgainst(cu.back, cu.walltags, margin=0.1)
+ kitchen_sink = obj[Semantics.Sink][table_decorations.SinkFactory].related_to(
+ countertops, sink_flush_on_counter
+ )
+ constraints["kitchen_sink"] = kitchens.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ # those sinks can be on either type of counter
+ kitchen_sink.related_to(wallcounter.related_to(r)).count().in_range(0, 1)
+ * kitchen_sink.related_to(island.related_to(r))
+ .count()
+ .in_range(0, 1) # island sinks dont need to be against wall
+ * countertops.related_to(r).all(
+ lambda c: (
+ kitchen_sink.related_to(c).all(
+ lambda s: s.distance(c, cu.side).in_range(0.05, 0.2)
+ )
+ )
+ )
- ))
+ )
- sink_flush_on_counter = cl.StableAgainst(cu.bottom, {Subpart.SupportSurface}, margin=0.001)
- sink_against_wall = cl.StableAgainst(cu.back, cu.walltags, margin=0.1)
- kitchen_sink = (
- obj[Semantics.Sink][table_decorations.SinkFactory]
- .related_to(countertops, sink_flush_on_counter)
+ score_terms["kitchen_sink"] = kitchens.mean(
+ lambda r: (
+ countertops.mean(
+ lambda c: kitchen_sink.related_to(c).mean(
+ lambda s: (
+ (s.volume(dims=2) / c.volume(dims=2))
+ .hinge(0.2, 0.4)
+ .minimize(weight=10)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ + island.related_to(r).mean(
+ lambda isl: ( # sinks on islands must be near to edge and oriented outwards
+ kitchen_sink.related_to(isl).mean(
+ lambda s: (
+ cl.angle_alignment_cost(s, isl, cu.side).minimize(weight=10)
+ + cl.distance(s, isl, cu.side)
+ .hinge(0.05, 0.07)
+ .minimize(weight=10)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
- constraints['kitchen_sink'] = kitchens.all(lambda r: (
- # those sinks can be on either type of counter
- kitchen_sink.related_to(wallcounter.related_to(r)).count().in_range(0, 1)
- * kitchen_sink.related_to(island.related_to(r)).count().in_range(0, 1) # island sinks dont need to be against wall
+ kitchen_appliances = obj[Semantics.KitchenAppliance]
+ kitchen_appliances_big = kitchen_appliances.related_to(
+ kitchens, cu.on_floor
+ ).related_to(kitchens, cu.against_wall)
+ microwaves = kitchen_appliances[appliances.MicrowaveFactory].related_to(
+ wallcounter, cu.on
+ )
- * countertops.related_to(r).all(lambda c: (
- kitchen_sink.related_to(c).all(
- lambda s: s.distance(c, cu.side).in_range(0.05, 0.2)
+ constraints["kitchen_appliance"] = kitchens.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ kitchen_appliances_big[appliances.DishwasherFactory]
+ .related_to(r)
+ .count()
+ .in_range(0, 1)
+ * kitchen_appliances_big[appliances.BeverageFridgeFactory]
+ .related_to(r)
+ .count()
+ .in_range(0, 1)
+ * (
+ kitchen_appliances_big[appliances.OvenFactory].related_to(r).count()
+ == 1
- ))
- ))
- score_terms['kitchen_sink'] = kitchens.sum(lambda r: (
+ * (wallfurn[shelves.KitchenCabinetFactory].related_to(r).count() >= 0)
+ * (microwaves.related_to(wallcounter.related_to(r)).count().in_range(0, 1))
+ )
+ )
- countertops.sum(lambda c: kitchen_sink.related_to(c).sum(lambda s: (
- (s.volume(dims=2) / c.volume(dims=2)).hinge(0.2, 0.4).minimize(weight=10)
- )))
+ score_terms["kitchen_appliance"] = kitchens.mean(
+ lambda r: (
+ kitchen_appliances.mean(
+ lambda t: (
+ t.distance(wallcounter.related_to(r)).minimize(weight=1)
+ + cl.accessibility_cost(t, r, dist=1).minimize(weight=10)
+ + cl.accessibility_cost(
+ t, furniture.related_to(r), dist=1
+ ).minimize(weight=10)
+ + t.distance(island.related_to(r))
+ .hinge(0.7, 1e7)
+ .minimize(weight=10)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
- + island.related_to(r).sum(lambda isl:( # sinks on islands must be near to edge and oriented outwards
- kitchen_sink.related_to(isl).sum(lambda s: (
- cl.angle_alignment_cost(s, isl, cu.side).minimize(weight=10)
- + cl.distance(s, isl, cu.side).hinge(0.05, 0.07).minimize(weight=10)
- ))
- ))
+ def obj_on_counter(r):
+ return obj.related_to(countertops.related_to(r), cu.on)
- ))
+ constraints["kitchen_objects"] = kitchens.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ (obj_on_counter(r)[Semantics.KitchenCounterItem].count() >= 0)
+ * (
+ obj[Semantics.FoodPantryItem]
+ .related_to(storage.related_to(r), cu.on)
+ .count()
+ >= 0
+ )
+ * island.related_to(r).all(
+ lambda t: (
+ obj[Semantics.TableDisplayItem]
+ .related_to(t, cu.ontop)
+ .count()
+ .in_range(0, 4)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
- kitchen_appliances = obj[Semantics.KitchenAppliance]
- kitchen_appliances_big = kitchen_appliances.related_to(kitchens, cu.on_floor).related_to(kitchens, cu.against_wall)
- microwaves = kitchen_appliances[appliances.MicrowaveFactory].related_to(wallcounter, cu.on)
- constraints['kitchen_appliance'] = kitchens.all(lambda r: (
- kitchen_appliances_big[appliances.DishwasherFactory].related_to(r).count().in_range(0, 1)
- * kitchen_appliances_big[appliances.BeverageFridgeFactory].related_to(r).count().in_range(0, 1)
- * (kitchen_appliances_big[appliances.OvenFactory].related_to(r).count() == 1)
- * (wallfurn[shelves.KitchenCabinetFactory].related_to(r).count() >= 0)
- * (microwaves.related_to(wallcounter.related_to(r)).count().in_range(0, 1))
- ))
- score_terms['kitchen_appliance'] = kitchens.sum(lambda r: (
- kitchen_appliances.sum(lambda t: (
- t.distance(wallcounter.related_to(r)).minimize(weight=1)
- + cl.accessibility_cost(t, r, dist=1).minimize(weight=10)
- + cl.accessibility_cost(t, furniture.related_to(r), dist=1).minimize(weight=10)
- + t.distance(island.related_to(r)).hinge(0.7, 1e7).minimize(weight=10)
- ))
- ))
- obj_on_counter = lambda r: obj.related_to(countertops.related_to(r), cu.on)
- constraints['kitchen_objects'] = kitchens.all(lambda r: (
- (obj_on_counter(r)[Semantics.KitchenCounterItem].count() >= 0)
- * (obj[Semantics.FoodPantryItem].related_to(storage.related_to(r), cu.on).count() >= 0)
- * island.related_to(r).all(lambda t: (
- obj[Semantics.TableDisplayItem].related_to(t, cu.ontop).count().in_range(0, 4)
- ))
- ))
- score_terms['kitchen_objects'] = kitchens.sum(lambda r: (
- (
- obj.related_to(wallcounter, cu.on)
- .sum(lambda t: t.distance(r, cu.walltags))
- .minimize(weight=3)
+ score_terms["kitchen_objects"] = kitchens.mean(
+ lambda r: (
+ (
+ obj.related_to(wallcounter, cu.on)
+ .mean(lambda t: t.distance(r, cu.walltags))
+ .minimize(weight=3)
+ )
+ + cl.center_stable_surface_dist(
+ obj.related_to(island.related_to(r), cu.ontop)
+ ).minimize(weight=1)
- + cl.center_stable_surface_dist(
- obj.related_to(island.related_to(r), cu.ontop)
- ).minimize(weight=1)
- ))
+ )
# disabled for now bc tertiary
- #constraints['kitchen_appliance_objects'] = kitchens.all(lambda r: (
+ # constraints['kitchen_appliance_objects'] = kitchens.all(lambda r: (
# wallfurn[appliances.DishwasherFactory].related_to(r).all(lambda r: (
# (obj[Semantics.Cookware].related_to(r, cu.on).count() >= 0) *
# (obj[Semantics.Dishware].related_to(r, cu.on).count() >= 0
@@ -493,315 +652,432 @@ def home_constraints():
# wallfurn[appliances.OvenFactory].related_to(r).all(lambda r: (
# (obj[Semantics.Cookware].related_to(r, cu.on).count() >= 0)
# ))
- #)))
+ # )))
closet_kitchen = closets.related_to(kitchens, cl.RoomNeighbour())
- constraints['closet_kitchen'] = closet_kitchen.all(lambda r: (
- obj[Semantics.FoodPantryItem].related_to(storage.related_to(r), cu.on).count() >= 0
- ))
- score_terms['closet_kitchen'] = closet_kitchen.sum(lambda r: (
- storage.related_to(r).count().maximize(weight=2) +
- obj[Semantics.FoodPantryItem].related_to(storage.related_to(r), cu.on).count().maximize(weight=5)
- ))
- #score_terms['kitchen_table'] # todo diningtable or hightop
- #endregion
+ constraints["closet_kitchen"] = closet_kitchen.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ obj[Semantics.FoodPantryItem]
+ .related_to(storage.related_to(r), cu.on)
+ .count()
+ >= 0
+ )
+ )
+ score_terms["closet_kitchen"] = closet_kitchen.mean(
+ lambda r: (
+ storage.related_to(r).count().maximize(weight=2)
+ + obj[Semantics.FoodPantryItem]
+ .related_to(storage.related_to(r), cu.on)
+ .count()
+ .maximize(weight=5)
+ )
+ )
+ # score_terms['kitchen_table'] # todo diningtable or hightop
+ # endregion
+ # region LIVINGROOMS
livingrooms = rooms[Semantics.LivingRoom].excludes(cu.room_types)
sofas = furniture[seating.SofaFactory]
tvstands = wallfurn[shelves.TVStandFactory]
coffeetables = furniture[tables.CoffeeTableFactory]
- sofa_back_near_wall = cl.StableAgainst(cu.back, cu.walltags, margin=uniform(0.1, 0.3))
- sofa_side_near_wall = cl.StableAgainst(cu.side, cu.walltags, margin=uniform(0.1, 0.3))
- freestanding = lambda o, r: (
- o
- .related_to(r)
- .related_to(r, -sofa_back_near_wall)
- #.related_to(r, -cu.side_against_wall)
- )
- constraints['sofa'] = livingrooms.all(lambda r: (
- #sofas.related_to(r).count().in_range(2, 3)
- sofas.related_to(r, sofa_back_near_wall).count().in_range(2, 4)
- #* sofas.related_to(r, sofa_side_near_wall).count().in_range(0, 1)
- * freestanding(sofas, r).all(lambda t: ( # frustrum infront of freestanding sofa must directly contain tvstand
- cl.accessibility_cost(t, tvstands.related_to(r), dist=3) > 0.7
- ))
- * sofas.all(lambda t: (
- cl.accessibility_cost(t, furniture.related_to(r), dist=2).in_range(0, 0.5)
- * cl.accessibility_cost(t, r, dist=1).in_range(0, 0.5)
- ))
- #* ( # allow a storage object behind non-wall sofas
- # storage.related_to(r)
- # .related_to(freestanding(sofas, r))
- # .count().in_range(0, 1)
- #)
- ))
- constraints['sofa_positioning'] = rooms.all(lambda r: (sofas.all(lambda s: (
- (cl.accessibility_cost(s, rooms, dist=3) < 0.5)
- * (cl.focus_score(s, tvstands.related_to(r)) > 0.5) # must face or perpendicular to TVStand
- ))))
- score_terms['sofa'] = livingrooms.sum(lambda r: (
- sofas.volume().maximize(weight=10)
- + sofas.related_to(r).sum(lambda t: (
- t.distance(sofas.related_to(r)).hinge(0, 1).minimize(weight=1)
- + t.distance(tvstands.related_to(r)).hinge(2, 3).minimize(weight=5)
- + cl.focus_score(t, tvstands.related_to(r)).maximize(weight=5)
- + cl.angle_alignment_cost(t, tvstands.related_to(r), cu.front).minimize(weight=1)
- + cl.focus_score(t, coffeetables.related_to(r)).maximize(weight=2)
- + cl.accessibility_cost(t, r, dist=3).minimize(weight=3)
- ))
- + freestanding(sofas, r).sum(lambda t: (
- cl.angle_alignment_cost(t, tvstands.related_to(r)).minimize(weight=5)
- + cl.angle_alignment_cost(t, r, cu.walltags).minimize(weight=3)
- + cl.center_stable_surface_dist(t).minimize(weight=0.5)
- ))
- ))
- tvs = obj[appliances.TVFactory].related_to(tvstands, cu.ontop)
- if params['has_tv']:
- constraints['tv'] = livingrooms.all(lambda r: (
- tvstands.related_to(r).all(lambda t: (
- (tvs.related_to(t).count() == 1)
- * tvs.related_to(t).all(lambda tv:
- cl.accessibility_cost(tv, r, dist=1).in_range(0, 0.1)
+ sofa_back_near_wall = cl.StableAgainst(
+ cu.back, cu.walltags, margin=uniform(0.1, 0.3)
+ )
+ cl.StableAgainst(cu.side, cu.walltags, margin=uniform(0.1, 0.3))
+ def freestanding(o, r):
+ return o.related_to(r).related_to(r, -sofa_back_near_wall)
+ constraints["sofa"] = livingrooms.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ # sofas.related_to(r).count().in_range(2, 3)
+ sofas.related_to(r, sofa_back_near_wall).count().in_range(2, 4)
+ # * sofas.related_to(r, sofa_side_near_wall).count().in_range(0, 1)
+ * freestanding(sofas, r).all(
+ lambda t: ( # frustrum infront of freestanding sofa must directly contain tvstand
+ cl.accessibility_cost(t, tvstands.related_to(r), dist=3) > 0.7
- ))
- ))
- score_terms['tvstand'] = rooms.all(lambda r: (tvstands.sum(lambda stand: (
- tvs.related_to(stand).volume().maximize(weight=1)
- + stand.distance(window).maximize(weight=1) # penalize being very close to window. avoids tv blocking window.
- + cl.accessibility_cost(stand, furniture).minimize(weight=3)
+ )
+ * sofas.all(
+ lambda t: (
+ cl.accessibility_cost(t, furniture.related_to(r), dist=2).in_range(
+ 0, 0.5
+ )
+ * cl.accessibility_cost(t, r, dist=1).in_range(0, 0.5)
+ )
+ )
+ # * ( # allow a storage object behind non-wall sofas
+ # storage.related_to(r)
+ # .related_to(freestanding(sofas, r))
+ # .count().in_range(0, 1)
+ # )
+ )
+ )
- + cl.center_stable_surface_dist(stand).minimize(weight=5) # center tvstand against wall (also tries to do vertical & floor but those are constrained)
- + cl.center_stable_surface_dist(tvs.related_to(stand)).minimize(weight=1)
- ))))
+ constraints["sofa_positioning"] = rooms.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ sofas.all(
+ lambda s: (
+ (cl.accessibility_cost(s, rooms, dist=3) < 0.5)
+ * (
+ cl.focus_score(s, tvstands.related_to(r)) > 0.5
+ ) # must face or perpendicular to TVStand
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
- constraints['livingroom'] = livingrooms.all(lambda r: (
- storage.related_to(r).count().in_range(1, 5)
+ score_terms["sofa"] = livingrooms.mean(
+ lambda r: (
+ sofas.volume().maximize(weight=10)
+ + sofas.related_to(r).mean(
+ lambda t: (
+ t.distance(sofas.related_to(r)).hinge(0, 1).minimize(weight=1)
+ + t.distance(tvstands.related_to(r)).hinge(2, 3).minimize(weight=5)
+ + cl.focus_score(t, tvstands.related_to(r)).maximize(weight=5)
+ + cl.angle_alignment_cost(
+ t, tvstands.related_to(r), cu.front
+ ).minimize(weight=1)
+ + cl.focus_score(t, coffeetables.related_to(r)).maximize(weight=2)
+ + cl.accessibility_cost(t, r, dist=3).minimize(weight=3)
+ )
+ )
+ + freestanding(sofas, r).mean(
+ lambda t: (
+ cl.angle_alignment_cost(t, tvstands.related_to(r)).minimize(
+ weight=5
+ )
+ + cl.angle_alignment_cost(t, r, cu.walltags).minimize(weight=3)
+ + cl.center_stable_surface_dist(t).minimize(weight=0.5)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
- * tvstands.related_to(r).count().equals(1)
+ tvs = obj[appliances.TVFactory].related_to(tvstands, cu.ontop)
- * ( # allow sidetables next to any sofa
- sidetable.related_to(r)
- .related_to(sofas.related_to(r), cu.side_by_side)
- .count().in_range(0, 2)
+ if params["has_tv"]:
+ constraints["tv"] = livingrooms.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ tvstands.related_to(r).all(
+ lambda t: (
+ (tvs.related_to(t).count() == 1)
+ * tvs.related_to(t).all(
+ lambda tv: cl.accessibility_cost(tv, r, dist=1).in_range(
+ 0, 0.1
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
- * desks.related_to(r).count().in_range(0, 1)
- * coffeetables.related_to(r).count().in_range(0, 1)
- * coffeetables.related_to(r).all(lambda t: (
- (obj[Semantics.OfficeShelfItem].related_to(t, cu.on).count().in_range(0, 3))
- ))
- * (
- rugs
- .related_to(r)
- #.related_to(furniture.related_to(r), cu.side_by_side)
- .count().in_range(0, 2)
+ score_terms["tvstand"] = rooms.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ tvstands.mean(
+ lambda stand: (
+ tvs.related_to(stand).volume().maximize(weight=1)
+ + stand.distance(window).maximize(
+ weight=1
+ ) # penalize being very close to window. avoids tv blocking window.
+ + cl.accessibility_cost(stand, furniture).minimize(weight=3)
+ + cl.center_stable_surface_dist(stand).minimize(
+ weight=5
+ ) # center tvstand against wall (also tries to do vertical & floor but those are constrained)
+ + cl.center_stable_surface_dist(tvs.related_to(stand)).minimize(
+ weight=1
+ )
+ )
+ )
- ))
+ )
- score_terms['livingroom'] = livingrooms.sum(lambda r: (
+ constraints["livingroom"] = livingrooms.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ storage.related_to(r).count().in_range(1, 5)
+ * tvstands.related_to(r).count().equals(1)
+ * ( # allow sidetables next to any sofa
+ sidetable.related_to(r)
+ .related_to(sofas.related_to(r), cu.side_by_side)
+ .count()
+ .in_range(0, 2)
+ )
+ * desks.related_to(r).count().in_range(0, 1)
+ * coffeetables.related_to(r).count().in_range(0, 1)
+ * coffeetables.related_to(r).all(
+ lambda t: (
+ obj[Semantics.OfficeShelfItem]
+ .related_to(t, cu.on)
+ .count()
+ .in_range(0, 3)
+ )
+ )
+ * (
+ rugs.related_to(r)
+ # .related_to(furniture.related_to(r), cu.side_by_side)
+ .count()
+ .in_range(0, 2)
+ )
+ )
+ )
- coffeetables.related_to(r).sum(lambda t: (
+ score_terms["livingroom"] = livingrooms.mean(
+ lambda r: (
+ coffeetables.related_to(r).mean(
+ lambda t: (
+ # ideal coffeetable-to-tv distance according to google
+ t.distance(sofas.related_to(r)).hinge(0.45, 0.6).minimize(weight=5)
+ + cl.angle_alignment_cost(
+ t, sofas.related_to(r), cu.front
+ ).minimize(weight=5)
+ + cl.focus_score(sofas.related_to(r), t).maximize(weight=5)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
- # ideal coffeetable-to-tv distance according to google
- t.distance(sofas.related_to(r)).hinge(0.45, 0.6).minimize(weight=5)
+ constraints["livingroom_objects"] = livingrooms.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ storage.all(
+ lambda t: (
+ obj[Semantics.OfficeShelfItem].related_to(t, cu.on).count() >= 0
+ )
+ )
+ * coffeetables.all(
+ lambda t: (
+ obj[Semantics.TableDisplayItem]
+ .related_to(t, cu.ontop)
+ .count()
+ .in_range(0, 1)
+ * (obj[Semantics.OfficeShelfItem].related_to(t, cu.on).count() >= 0)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
- + cl.angle_alignment_cost(t, sofas.related_to(r), cu.front).minimize(weight=5)
- + cl.focus_score(sofas.related_to(r), t).maximize(weight=5)
- ))
- ))
+ # endregion
+ # region DININGROOMS
- constraints['livingroom_objects'] = livingrooms.all(lambda r: (
- storage.all(lambda t: (
- (obj[Semantics.OfficeShelfItem].related_to(t, cu.on).count() >= 0)
- )) *
- coffeetables.all(lambda t: (
- obj[Semantics.TableDisplayItem].related_to(t, cu.ontop).count().in_range(0, 1) *
- (obj[Semantics.OfficeShelfItem].related_to(t, cu.on).count() >= 0)
- ))
- ))
+ diningtables = furniture[Semantics.Table][tables.TableDiningFactory]
+ diningchairs = furniture[Semantics.Chair][seating.ChairFactory]
+ constraints["dining_chairs"] = rooms.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ diningtables.related_to(r).all(
+ lambda t: (
+ diningchairs.related_to(r)
+ .related_to(t, cu.front_against)
+ .count()
+ .in_range(3, 6)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
- #endregion
+ score_terms["dining_chairs"] = rooms.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ diningchairs.related_to(r).count().maximize(weight=5)
+ + diningchairs.related_to(r)
+ .mean(lambda t: t.distance(diningchairs.related_to(r)))
+ .maximize(weight=3)
+ # cl.reflectional_asymmetry(diningchairs.related_to(r), diningtables.related_to(r)).minimize(weight=1)
+ # cl.rotational_asymmetry(diningchairs.related_to(r)).minimize(weight=1)
+ )
+ )
+ constraints["dining_table_objects"] = rooms.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ diningtables.related_to(r).all(
+ lambda t: (
+ obj[Semantics.TableDisplayItem]
+ .related_to(t, cu.ontop)
+ .count()
+ .in_range(0, 2)
+ * (obj[Semantics.Utensils].related_to(t, cu.ontop).count() >= 0)
+ * (
+ obj[Semantics.Dishware]
+ .related_to(t, cu.ontop)
+ .count()
+ .in_range(0, 2)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
- diningtables = furniture[Semantics.Table][tables.TableDiningFactory]
- diningchairs = furniture[Semantics.Chair][seating.ChairFactory]
- constraints['dining_chairs'] = rooms.all(lambda r: (
- diningtables.related_to(r).all(lambda t: (
- diningchairs.related_to(r).related_to(t, cu.front_against).count().in_range(3, 6)
- ))
- ))
- score_terms['dining_chairs'] = rooms.all(lambda r: (
- diningchairs.related_to(r).count().maximize(weight=5) +
- diningchairs.related_to(r).sum(lambda t: t.distance(diningchairs.related_to(r))).maximize(weight=3)
- #cl.reflectional_asymmetry(diningchairs.related_to(r), diningtables.related_to(r)).minimize(weight=1)
- #cl.rotational_asymmetry(diningchairs.related_to(r)).minimize(weight=1)
- ))
- constraints['dining_table_objects'] = rooms.all(lambda r: (
- diningtables.related_to(r).all(lambda t: (
- obj[Semantics.TableDisplayItem].related_to(t, cu.ontop).count().in_range(0, 2) *
- (obj[Semantics.Utensils].related_to(t, cu.ontop).count() >= 0) *
- (obj[Semantics.Dishware].related_to(t, cu.ontop).count().in_range(0, 2))
- ))
- ))
- score_terms['dining_table_objects'] = rooms.sum(lambda r: (
- cl.center_stable_surface_dist(
- obj[Semantics.TableDisplayItem]
- .related_to(diningtables.related_to(r), cu.ontop)
- ).minimize(weight=1)
- ))
+ score_terms["dining_table_objects"] = rooms.mean(
+ lambda r: (
+ cl.center_stable_surface_dist(
+ obj[Semantics.TableDisplayItem].related_to(
+ diningtables.related_to(r), cu.ontop
+ )
+ ).minimize(weight=1)
+ )
+ )
diningrooms = rooms[Semantics.DiningRoom].excludes(cu.room_types)
- constraints['diningroom'] = diningrooms.all(lambda r: (
- (diningtables.related_to(r).count() == 1) *
- storage.related_to(r).all(lambda t: (
- (obj[Semantics.Dishware].related_to(t, cu.on).count() >= 0) *
- (obj[Semantics.OfficeShelfItem].related_to(t, cu.on).count().in_range(0, 5))
- ))
- ))
- score_terms['diningroom'] = diningrooms.sum(lambda r: (
- diningtables.related_to(r).distance(r, cu.walltags).maximize(weight=10)
- + cl.angle_alignment_cost(diningtables.related_to(r), r, cu.walltags).minimize(weight=10)
- + cl.center_stable_surface_dist(diningtables.related_to(r)).minimize(weight=1)
- ))
- #endregion
- #region BATHROOMS
+ constraints["diningroom"] = diningrooms.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ (diningtables.related_to(r).count() == 1)
+ * storage.related_to(r).all(
+ lambda t: (
+ (obj[Semantics.Dishware].related_to(t, cu.on).count() >= 0)
+ * (
+ obj[Semantics.OfficeShelfItem]
+ .related_to(t, cu.on)
+ .count()
+ .in_range(0, 5)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ score_terms["diningroom"] = diningrooms.mean(
+ lambda r: (
+ diningtables.related_to(r).distance(r, cu.walltags).maximize(weight=10)
+ + cl.angle_alignment_cost(
+ diningtables.related_to(r), r, cu.walltags
+ ).minimize(weight=10)
+ + cl.center_stable_surface_dist(diningtables.related_to(r)).minimize(
+ weight=1
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ # endregion
+ # region BATHROOMS
bathrooms = rooms[Semantics.Bathroom].excludes(cu.room_types)
toilet = wallfurn[bathroom.ToiletFactory]
bathtub = wallfurn[bathroom.BathtubFactory]
sink = wallfurn[bathroom.StandingSinkFactory]
hardware = obj[bathroom.HardwareFactory].related_to(bathrooms, cu.against_wall)
- constraints['bathroom'] = bathrooms.all(lambda r: (
- mirror.related_to(r).related_to(r, cu.flush_wall).count().equals(1) *
- sink.related_to(r).count().equals(1) *
- toilet.related_to(r).count().equals(1) *
- storage.related_to(r).all(lambda t: (
- (obj[Semantics.BathroomItem].related_to(t, cu.on).count() >= 0)
- ))
- ))
- score_terms['toilet'] = rooms.all(lambda r: (
- toilet.distance(doors).maximize(weight=1) +
- toilet.distance(furniture).maximize(weight=1) +
- toilet.distance(sink).maximize(weight=1) +
- cl.accessibility_cost(toilet, furniture, dist=2).minimize(weight=10)
- ))
- constraints['bathtub'] = bathrooms.all(lambda r: (
- bathtub.related_to(r).count().in_range(0, 1) *
- hardware.related_to(r).count().in_range(1, 4)
- ))
- score_terms['bathtub'] = bathrooms.all(lambda r: (
- bathtub.sum(lambda t: t.distance(hardware)).minimize(weight=0.2)
- + sink.sum(lambda t: t.distance(hardware)).minimize(weight=0.2)
- + hardware.sum(lambda t: (
- t.distance(rooms, cu.floortags)
- .hinge(0.5, 1)
- .minimize(weight=15)
- ))
+ constraints["bathroom"] = bathrooms.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ mirror.related_to(r).related_to(r, cu.flush_wall).count().equals(1)
+ * sink.related_to(r).count().equals(1)
+ * toilet.related_to(r).count().equals(1)
+ * storage.related_to(r).all(
+ lambda t: (
+ obj[Semantics.BathroomItem].related_to(t, cu.on).count() >= 0
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
- ))
+ score_terms["toilet"] = rooms.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ toilet.distance(doors).maximize(weight=1)
+ + toilet.distance(furniture).maximize(weight=1)
+ + toilet.distance(sink).maximize(weight=1)
+ + cl.accessibility_cost(toilet, furniture, dist=2).minimize(weight=10)
+ )
+ )
- score_terms['bathroom'] = (
- mirror.related_to(bathrooms).distance(sink).minimize(weight=0.2)
- + cl.accessibility_cost(mirror, furniture, cu.down_dir).maximize(weight=3)
+ constraints["bathtub"] = bathrooms.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ bathtub.related_to(r).count().in_range(0, 1)
+ * hardware.related_to(r).count().in_range(1, 4)
+ )
+ )
+ score_terms["bathtub"] = bathrooms.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ bathtub.mean(lambda t: t.distance(hardware)).minimize(weight=0.2)
+ + sink.mean(lambda t: t.distance(hardware)).minimize(weight=0.2)
+ + hardware.mean(
+ lambda t: (
+ t.distance(rooms, cu.floortags).hinge(0.5, 1).minimize(weight=15)
+ )
+ )
+ )
- #endregion
- #region MISC OBJECTS
+ score_terms["bathroom"] = mirror.related_to(bathrooms).distance(sink).minimize(
+ weight=0.2
+ ) + cl.accessibility_cost(mirror, furniture, cu.down_dir).maximize(weight=3)
+ # endregion
+ # region MISC OBJECTS
- if params['has_aquarium_tank']:
+ if params["has_aquarium_tank"]:
- aqtank = lambda r: obj[decor.AquariumTankFactory].related_to(storage.related_to(r), cu.ontop)
+ def aqtank(r):
+ return obj[decor.AquariumTankFactory].related_to(
+ storage.related_to(r), cu.ontop
+ )
- constraints['aquarium_tank'] = (
- aqtank(rooms).count().in_range(0, 1)
+ constraints["aquarium_tank"] = aqtank(rooms).count().in_range(0, 1)
+ score_terms["aquarium_tank"] = rooms.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ aqtank(r).distance(r, cu.walltags).hinge(0.05, 0.1).minimize(weight=1)
+ )
- score_terms['aquarium_tank'] = rooms.all(lambda r: (
- aqtank(r).distance(r, cu.walltags).hinge(0.05, 0.1).minimize(weight=1)
- ))
- if params['has_birthday_balloons']:
- balloons = obj[wall_decorations.BalloonFactory].related_to(rooms, cu.against_wall)
- constraints['birthday_balloons'] = (
+ if params["has_birthday_balloons"]:
+ balloons = obj[wall_decorations.BalloonFactory].related_to(
+ rooms, cu.against_wall
+ )
+ constraints["birthday_balloons"] = (
balloons.related_to(rooms, cu.against_wall).count().in_range(0, 3)
- score_terms['birthday_balloons'] = rooms.all(lambda r: (
- balloons.sum(lambda b: b.distance(r, cu.floortags).hinge(1.6, 2.5).minimize(weight=1))
- ))
+ score_terms["birthday_balloons"] = rooms.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ balloons.mean(
+ lambda b: b.distance(r, cu.floortags)
+ .hinge(1.6, 2.5)
+ .minimize(weight=1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
- if params['has_cocktail_tables']:
+ if params["has_cocktail_tables"]:
cocktail_table = (
.related_to(rooms, cu.on_floor)
.related_to(rooms, cu.against_wall)
- constraints['cocktail_tables'] = diningrooms.all(lambda r: (
- cocktail_table.related_to(r).count().in_range(0, 3)
- *(
- barchairs.related_to(cocktail_table.related_to(r), cu.front_against)
- .count().in_range(0, 4)
+ constraints["cocktail_tables"] = diningrooms.all(
+ lambda r: (
+ cocktail_table.related_to(r).count().in_range(0, 3)
+ * (
+ barchairs.related_to(cocktail_table.related_to(r), cu.front_against)
+ .count()
+ .in_range(0, 4)
+ )
+ * (
+ obj[tableware.WineglassFactory]
+ .related_to(cocktail_table.related_to(r), cu.ontop)
+ .count()
+ .in_range(0, 4)
+ )
- * (
- obj[tableware.WineglassFactory]
- .related_to(cocktail_table.related_to(r), cu.ontop)
- .count().in_range(0, 4)
- )
- ))
- score_terms['cocktail_tables'] = diningrooms.sum(lambda r: (
- cocktail_table.related_to(r).sum(lambda t: (
- t.distance(r, cu.walltags).hinge(0.5, 1).minimize(weight=1)
- + t.distance(cocktail_table.related_to(r)).hinge(1, 2).minimize(weight=1)
- + barchairs.related_to(t).sum(
- lambda c: c.distance(barchairs.related_to(t))
- ).maximize(weight=1)
- ))
- ))
- #endregion
+ )
+ score_terms["cocktail_tables"] = diningrooms.mean(
+ lambda r: (
+ cocktail_table.related_to(r).mean(
+ lambda t: (
+ t.distance(r, cu.walltags).hinge(0.5, 1).minimize(weight=1)
+ + t.distance(cocktail_table.related_to(r))
+ .hinge(1, 2)
+ .minimize(weight=1)
+ + barchairs.related_to(t)
+ .mean(lambda c: c.distance(barchairs.related_to(t)))
+ .maximize(weight=1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ # endregion
return cl.Problem(
-all_constraint_funcs = [
- home_constraints
+all_constraint_funcs = [home_constraints]
diff --git a/infinigen_examples/util/constraint_util.py b/infinigen_examples/util/constraint_util.py
index 5345a586a..1dc75ce23 100644
--- a/infinigen_examples/util/constraint_util.py
+++ b/infinigen_examples/util/constraint_util.py
@@ -7,31 +7,41 @@
import numpy as np
from infinigen.core import tags as t
-from infinigen import assets as a
-from infinigen.core.constraints import (
- constraint_language as cl,
- example_solver,
- usage_lookup
+from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
room_types = {
- t.Semantics.Kitchen,
- t.Semantics.Bedroom,
- t.Semantics.LivingRoom,
- t.Semantics.Closet,
- t.Semantics.Hallway,
- t.Semantics.Bathroom,
- t.Semantics.Garage,
- t.Semantics.Balcony,
- t.Semantics.DiningRoom,
- t.Semantics.Utility,
+ t.Semantics.Kitchen,
+ t.Semantics.Bedroom,
+ t.Semantics.LivingRoom,
+ t.Semantics.Closet,
+ t.Semantics.Hallway,
+ t.Semantics.Bathroom,
+ t.Semantics.Garage,
+ t.Semantics.Balcony,
+ t.Semantics.DiningRoom,
+ t.Semantics.Utility,
all_sides = {t.Subpart.Bottom, t.Subpart.Top, t.Subpart.Front, t.Subpart.Back}
-walltags = {t.Subpart.Wall, t.Subpart.Visible, -t.Subpart.SupportSurface, -t.Subpart.Ceiling}
-floortags = {t.Subpart.SupportSurface, t.Subpart.Visible, -t.Subpart.Wall, -t.Subpart.Ceiling}
-ceilingtags = {t.Subpart.Visible, t.Subpart.Ceiling, -t.Subpart.Wall, -t.Subpart.SupportSurface}
+walltags = {
+ t.Subpart.Wall,
+ t.Subpart.Visible,
+ -t.Subpart.SupportSurface,
+ -t.Subpart.Ceiling,
+floortags = {
+ t.Subpart.SupportSurface,
+ t.Subpart.Visible,
+ -t.Subpart.Wall,
+ -t.Subpart.Ceiling,
+ceilingtags = {
+ t.Subpart.Visible,
+ t.Subpart.Ceiling,
+ -t.Subpart.Wall,
+ -t.Subpart.SupportSurface,
front_dir = np.array([0, 1, 0])
back_dir = np.array([0, -1, 0])
@@ -42,7 +52,13 @@
top = {t.Subpart.Top, -t.Subpart.Back, -t.Subpart.Bottom, -t.Subpart.Front}
side = {-t.Subpart.Top, -t.Subpart.Bottom, -t.Subpart.Back, -t.Subpart.SupportSurface}
front = {t.Subpart.Front, -t.Subpart.Top, -t.Subpart.Bottom, -t.Subpart.Back}
-leftright = {-t.Subpart.Top, -t.Subpart.Bottom, -t.Subpart.Back, -t.Subpart.Front, -t.Subpart.SupportSurface}
+leftright = {
+ -t.Subpart.Top,
+ -t.Subpart.Bottom,
+ -t.Subpart.Back,
+ -t.Subpart.Front,
+ -t.Subpart.SupportSurface,
on_floor = cl.StableAgainst(bottom, floortags, margin=0.01)
flush_wall = cl.StableAgainst(back, walltags, margin=0.02)
@@ -54,10 +70,12 @@
ontop = cl.StableAgainst(bottom, top)
on = cl.StableAgainst(bottom, {t.Subpart.SupportSurface})
-front_against = cl.StableAgainst(front, side, margin=0.05, check_z=False) #check_z=False
+front_against = cl.StableAgainst(
+ front, side, margin=0.05, check_z=False
+) # check_z=False
leftright_leftright = cl.StableAgainst(leftright, leftright, margin=0.05)
side_by_side = cl.StableAgainst(side, side)
back_to_back = cl.StableAgainst(back, back)
-variable_room = t.Variable('room')
-variable_obj = t.Variable('obj')
\ No newline at end of file
+variable_room = t.Variable("room")
+variable_obj = t.Variable("obj")
diff --git a/infinigen_examples/util/generate_indoors_util.py b/infinigen_examples/util/generate_indoors_util.py
index ea41810f1..13cbb01ce 100644
--- a/infinigen_examples/util/generate_indoors_util.py
+++ b/infinigen_examples/util/generate_indoors_util.py
@@ -8,51 +8,47 @@
import typing
import bpy
-from mathutils import Vector
import gin
import numpy as np
-from numpy.random import uniform, normal, randint
-import trimesh
-from infinigen.terrain import Terrain, hidden_in_viewport
-from infinigen.terrain.utils import Mesh
-from infinigen.assets.materials import invisible_to_camera
-from infinigen.core.constraints import (
- constraint_language as cl,
- reasoning as r,
- usage_lookup
+from mathutils import Vector
+from numpy.random import uniform
from infinigen.assets import weather
+from infinigen.assets.materials import invisible_to_camera
from infinigen.assets.scatters import grass, pebbles
+from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.core.constraints import constraint_language as cl
+from infinigen.core.constraints import reasoning as r
+from infinigen.core.constraints import usage_lookup
from infinigen.core.placement import density, split_in_view
-from infinigen.core.util import (blender as butil, pipeline)
+from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil
+from infinigen.core.util import pipeline
from infinigen.core.util.camera import points_inview
-from infinigen.core import tags as t
+from infinigen.terrain import Terrain, hidden_in_viewport
+from infinigen.terrain.utils import Mesh
from . import constraint_util as cu
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def within_bbox_2d(verts, bbox):
return (
- (verts[:, 0] > bbox[0][0]) &
- (verts[:, 0] < bbox[1][0]) &
- (verts[:, 1] > bbox[0][1]) &
- (verts[:, 1] < bbox[1][1])
+ (verts[:, 0] > bbox[0][0])
+ & (verts[:, 0] < bbox[1][0])
+ & (verts[:, 1] > bbox[0][1])
+ & (verts[:, 1] < bbox[1][1])
def create_outdoor_backdrop(
- terrain: Terrain,
- house_bbox: tuple,
- cam,
+ terrain: Terrain,
+ house_bbox: tuple,
+ cam,
p: pipeline.RandomStageExecutor,
- params: dict
+ params: dict,
all_vertices = []
for name in terrain.terrain_objs:
if name not in hidden_in_viewport:
@@ -66,98 +62,110 @@ def create_outdoor_backdrop(
height = all_vertices[all_mask, 2].max()
- extra_zoff = uniform(0, 4) # deliberately float above the terrain.
+ extra_zoff = uniform(0, 4) # deliberately float above the terrain.
height += extra_zoff
for obj in terrain.terrain_objs.values():
obj.location[2] -= height
butil.apply_transform(obj, loc=True)
- main_terrain = bpy.data.objects['OpaqueTerrain']
+ main_terrain = bpy.data.objects["OpaqueTerrain"]
verts = np.zeros(3 * len(main_terrain.data.vertices), float)
- main_terrain.data.vertices.foreach_get('co', verts)
+ main_terrain.data.vertices.foreach_get("co", verts)
verts = verts.reshape(-1, 3)
mask = within_bbox_2d(verts, house_bbox)
- with butil.ViewportMode(main_terrain, mode='EDIT'):
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(use_extend=False, use_expand=False, type='FACE')
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT')
+ with butil.ViewportMode(main_terrain, mode="EDIT"):
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(use_extend=False, use_expand=False, type="FACE")
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="DESELECT")
split_in_view.select_vertmask(main_terrain, mask)
- with butil.ViewportMode(main_terrain, mode='EDIT'):
+ with butil.ViewportMode(main_terrain, mode="EDIT"):
- bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type='VERT')
- p.run_stage('fancy_clouds', weather.kole_clouds.add_kole_clouds)
- terrain_inview, *_ = split_in_view.split_inview(main_terrain, verbose=True, outofview=False,
- print_areas=True, cam=cam, vis_margin=2, dist_max=params['near_distance'], hide_render=True,
- suffix='inview')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type="VERT")
+ p.run_stage("fancy_clouds", weather.kole_clouds.add_kole_clouds)
+ terrain_inview, *_ = split_in_view.split_inview(
+ main_terrain,
+ verbose=True,
+ outofview=False,
+ print_areas=True,
+ cam=cam,
+ vis_margin=2,
+ dist_max=params["near_distance"],
+ hide_render=True,
+ suffix="inview",
+ )
def add_grass(target):
- select_max = params.get('grass_select_max', 0.5)
- selection = density.placement_mask(normal_dir=(0, 0, 1), scale=0.1, return_scalar=True,
- select_thresh=uniform(select_max / 2, select_max))
+ select_max = params.get("grass_select_max", 0.5)
+ selection = density.placement_mask(
+ normal_dir=(0, 0, 1),
+ scale=0.1,
+ return_scalar=True,
+ select_thresh=uniform(select_max / 2, select_max),
+ )
grass.apply(target, selection=selection)
- p.run_stage('grass', add_grass, terrain_inview)
+ p.run_stage("grass", add_grass, terrain_inview)
def add_rocks(target):
- selection = density.placement_mask(scale=0.15, select_thresh=0.5, normal_thresh=0.7, return_scalar=True)
+ selection = density.placement_mask(
+ scale=0.15, select_thresh=0.5, normal_thresh=0.7, return_scalar=True
+ )
_, rock_col = pebbles.apply(target, selection=selection)
return rock_col
- p.run_stage('rocks', add_rocks, terrain_inview)
+ p.run_stage("rocks", add_rocks, terrain_inview)
return height
-def place_cam_overhead(cam: bpy.types.Object, bbox: tuple[np.array]):
- butil.spawn_point_cloud('place_cam_overhead', bbox)
+def place_cam_overhead(cam: bpy.types.Object, bbox: tuple[np.array]):
+ butil.spawn_point_cloud("place_cam_overhead", bbox)
mins, maxs = bbox
cam.location = (maxs + mins) / 2
cam.rotation_euler = (0, 0, 0)
- for cam_dist in np.exp(np.linspace(-1., 5.5, 500)):
+ for cam_dist in np.exp(np.linspace(-1.0, 5.5, 500)):
cam.location[-1] = cam_dist
inview = points_inview(bbox, cam.children[0])
if inview.all():
for area in bpy.context.screen.areas:
- if area.type == 'VIEW_3D':
- area.spaces.active.region_3d.view_perspective = 'CAMERA'
+ if area.type == "VIEW_3D":
+ area.spaces.active.region_3d.view_perspective = "CAMERA"
def overhead_view(cam, room_name):
- room_name = room_name.split('.')[0]
+ room_name = room_name.split(".")[0]
for o in bpy.data.objects:
- if '.exterior' in o.name:
+ if ".exterior" in o.name:
o.hide_viewport = True
o.hide_render = True
- elif '.ceiling' in o.name:
+ elif ".ceiling" in o.name:
- floor = bpy.data.objects[room_name + '.floor']
+ floor = bpy.data.objects[room_name + ".floor"]
cam.location = floor.location + Vector((0, 0, 10))
cam.rotation_euler = (0, 0, 0)
-def hide_other_rooms(state, rooms_split, keep_rooms: list[str]):
+def hide_other_rooms(state, rooms_split, keep_rooms: list[str]):
for col in rooms_split.values():
for o in col.objects:
- if any(
- roomname.split('.')[0] in o.name
- for roomname in keep_rooms
- ):
+ if any(roomname.split(".")[0] in o.name for roomname in keep_rooms):
o.hide_viewport = True
o.hide_render = True
hide_cutters = [
- o
+ o
for k, os in state.objs.items()
- if t.Semantics.Cutter in os.tags and not any(
+ if t.Semantics.Cutter in os.tags
+ and not any(
rel.target_name == roomname
for rel in os.relations
for roomname in keep_rooms
@@ -169,8 +177,9 @@ def hide_other_rooms(state, rooms_split, keep_rooms: list[str]):
o.hide_viewport = True
bpy.context.scene.render.film_transparent = True
def apply_greedy_restriction(
- stages: dict[str, r.Domain],
+ stages: dict[str, r.Domain],
filter_tags: set[str],
var: t.Variable,
scope_domain: r.Domain = None,
@@ -179,14 +188,18 @@ def apply_greedy_restriction(
for k, d in stages.items():
if scope_domain is not None and not d.intersects(scope_domain):
- stages[k], match = r.domain_tag_substitute(d, var, r.Domain(filter_tags).with_tags(var), return_match=True)
- logger.info(f'{apply_greedy_restriction.__name__} restricting {k=} to {filter_tags=} for {var=}')
+ stages[k], match = r.domain_tag_substitute(
+ d, var, r.Domain(filter_tags).with_tags(var), return_match=True
+ )
+ logger.info(
+ f"{apply_greedy_restriction.__name__} restricting {k=} to {filter_tags=} for {var=}"
+ )
def restrict_solving(
stages: dict[str, r.Domain],
problem: cl.Problem,
# typically provided by gin
restrict_parent_rooms: set[str] = None,
restrict_parent_objs: set[str] = None,
@@ -196,7 +209,6 @@ def restrict_solving(
solve_max_parent_obj: int = None,
consgraph_filters: typing.Iterable[str] = None,
"""Restricts solving to a subset of the full house or constraint graph.
@@ -219,8 +231,12 @@ def restrict_solving(
obj_domain = r.Domain({t.Semantics.Object})
- primary_obj_domain = r.Domain({t.Semantics.Object}, [(-cl.AnyRelation(), obj_domain)])
- secondary_obj_domain = r.Domain({t.Semantics.Object}, [(cl.AnyRelation(), obj_domain)])
+ primary_obj_domain = r.Domain(
+ {t.Semantics.Object}, [(-cl.AnyRelation(), obj_domain)]
+ )
+ secondary_obj_domain = r.Domain(
+ {t.Semantics.Object}, [(cl.AnyRelation(), obj_domain)]
+ )
if restrict_parent_rooms is not None:
apply_greedy_restriction(stages, restrict_parent_rooms, cu.variable_room)
@@ -229,22 +245,30 @@ def restrict_solving(
apply_greedy_restriction(stages, restrict_parent_objs, cu.variable_obj)
if restrict_child_primary is not None:
- restrict_child_primary = t.to_tag_set(restrict_child_primary, fac_context=usage_lookup._factory_lookup)
+ restrict_child_primary = t.to_tag_set(
+ restrict_child_primary, fac_context=usage_lookup._factory_lookup
+ )
for k, d in stages.items():
if d.intersects(primary_obj_domain):
- logger.info(f'restrict_solving applying restrict_child_primary, limiting {k} to objects satisfying {restrict_child_primary}')
+ logger.info(
+ f"restrict_solving applying restrict_child_primary, limiting {k} to objects satisfying {restrict_child_primary}"
+ )
stages[k] = d.intersection(r.Domain(restrict_child_primary))
if restrict_child_secondary is not None:
- restrict_child_secondary = t.to_tag_set(restrict_child_secondary, fac_context=usage_lookup._factory_lookup)
+ restrict_child_secondary = t.to_tag_set(
+ restrict_child_secondary, fac_context=usage_lookup._factory_lookup
+ )
for k, d in stages.items():
if d.intersects(secondary_obj_domain):
- logger.info(f'restrict_solving applying restrict_child_secondary, limiting {k} to objects satisfying {restrict_child_primary}')
+ logger.info(
+ f"restrict_solving applying restrict_child_secondary, limiting {k} to objects satisfying {restrict_child_primary}"
+ )
stages[k] = d.intersection(r.Domain(restrict_child_secondary))
quantity_limits = {
cu.variable_room: solve_max_rooms,
- cu.variable_obj: solve_max_parent_obj
+ cu.variable_obj: solve_max_parent_obj,
if consgraph_filters is not None:
@@ -253,13 +277,16 @@ def restrict_solving(
assert isinstance(consgraph_filters, typing.Iterable)
old_counts = (len(problem.constraints), len(problem.score_terms))
- filter = lambda d: {
- k: v for k, v in d.items()
- if any(fi in k for fi in consgraph_filters)
- }
+ def filter(d):
+ return {
+ k: v for k, v in d.items() if any(fi in k for fi in consgraph_filters)
+ }
problem = cl.Problem(filter(problem.constraints), filter(problem.score_terms))
new_counts = (len(problem.constraints), len(problem.score_terms))
- logger.info(f'restrict_solving filtered consgraph from {old_counts=} {new_counts=} using {consgraph_filters=}')
+ logger.info(
+ f"restrict_solving filtered consgraph from {old_counts=} {new_counts=} using {consgraph_filters=}"
+ )
- return stages, problem, quantity_limits
\ No newline at end of file
+ return stages, problem, quantity_limits
diff --git a/infinigen_examples/util/test_utils.py b/infinigen_examples/util/test_utils.py
index 2892bd7f4..2bd11f589 100644
--- a/infinigen_examples/util/test_utils.py
+++ b/infinigen_examples/util/test_utils.py
@@ -4,26 +4,24 @@
# Authors: Alexander Raistrick
-from pathlib import Path
import importlib
-import pdb
+from pathlib import Path
import gin
-import bpy
-from infinigen.core import surface
-from infinigen.core.util import blender as butil, math as mutil
-from infinigen.core import init
+from infinigen.core import init, surface
from infinigen.core.constraints.example_solver.room import constants
+from infinigen.core.util import math as mutil
-def setup_gin(configs_folder, configs=None, overrides=None):
+def setup_gin(configs_folders, configs, overrides=None):
- configs_folder=Path(configs_folder),
+ config_folders=configs_folders,
- finalize_config=False
+ finalize_config=False,
@@ -33,28 +31,26 @@ def setup_gin(configs_folder, configs=None, overrides=None):
def import_item(name):
- *path_parts, name = name.split('.')
+ *path_parts, name = name.split(".")
with gin.unlock_config():
- return importlib.import_module('.' + name, '.'.join(path_parts))
+ return importlib.import_module("." + name, ".".join(path_parts))
except ModuleNotFoundError:
- mod = importlib.import_module('.'.join(path_parts))
+ mod = importlib.import_module(".".join(path_parts))
return getattr(mod, name)
def load_txt_list(path: Path, skip_sharp=True):
path = Path(path)
pathabs = path.absolute()
if not pathabs.exists():
- raise FileNotFoundError(f'{path=} resolved to {pathabs=} which does not exist')
+ raise FileNotFoundError(f"{path=} resolved to {pathabs=} which does not exist")
res = pathabs.read_text().splitlines()
res = [
- f.lstrip('#').lstrip(' ')
- for f in res if
- (not f.startswith('#') or not skip_sharp)
- and len(f) > 0
+ f.lstrip("#").lstrip(" ")
+ for f in res
+ if (not f.startswith("#") or not skip_sharp) and len(f) > 0
return res
diff --git a/log.txt b/log.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 517b8103e..000000000
--- a/log.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18262 +0,0 @@
-commit a2880ed6024ee66476a7c5f0311973e1a368f8f2
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:33 2024 -0700
- Add 3 lines to infinigen/datagen/configs/export.gin. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by David Yan.
-commit 5799d04378407f7c38e4c4e14feca96057d74042
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:33 2024 -0700
- Add 10 lines to infinigen/datagen/configs/indoor_background_configs.gin. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit d8d29f06702a503c687e78c424688b59ed7e06c5
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:33 2024 -0700
- Add 2 lines to infinigen/assets/decor/aquarium_tank.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 967cd920797cefda6946ebea9a4b712aab5d12d2
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:33 2024 -0700
- Add 15 lines to infinigen/assets/decor/aquarium_tank.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit a53846ff5697191fdf31b1e867e577173f7757d4
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:33 2024 -0700
- Add 97 lines to infinigen/assets/decor/aquarium_tank.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit ad7e685d457575dea212ae9db19258176adab396
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:33 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/decor/__init__.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit d6d5db4594fa201ad6f96ad577a219f40bf31505
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:33 2024 -0700
- Add 6 lines to infinigen/assets/windows/__init__.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Hongyu Wen.
-commit b95f42aeb0e432f8fb1c85aab97088caa011e777
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:33 2024 -0700
- Add 2 lines to infinigen/assets/windows/window.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by David Yan.
-commit b0ad83e089ae92a288d2f19b4b4489e5dd9985ff
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:33 2024 -0700
- Add 51 lines to infinigen/assets/windows/window.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 290ad43054732d51b487dd581b9742f266fc8460
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:33 2024 -0700
- Add 203 lines to infinigen/assets/windows/window.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Hongyu Wen.
-commit 4926ed7f93550c14fa1b724d62e417381226dd33
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:33 2024 -0700
- Add 779 lines to infinigen/assets/windows/window.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit d7a4cbc3fadc990f956fcd2692d2c344344072f0
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:33 2024 -0700
- Add 17 lines to infinigen/assets/table_decorations/book.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by David Yan.
-commit 30346ae3a72e8ef32782706d4418c8b89e7f31af
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:33 2024 -0700
- Add 17 lines to infinigen/assets/table_decorations/book.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit 661a2f937ce44577b2593aaacd75766f949b6f96
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:33 2024 -0700
- Add 181 lines to infinigen/assets/table_decorations/book.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 507bc958c7cd167e4f03374b7420841c6a107d7c
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:33 2024 -0700
- Add 324 lines to infinigen/assets/table_decorations/utils.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Yiming Zuo.
-commit 9d797df96982c2c7c46c5bf19afab6f52f25d34e
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:33 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/table_decorations/__init__.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 43158158b74af7bbff2ea966d4068eb98a5088c4
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:33 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/table_decorations/__init__.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Hongyu Wen.
-commit 31e053fde4b582ab8b006f505abcc4237785e60e
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:33 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/table_decorations/__init__.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 82659a743d753ef34fa6aaed5795a407653d898f
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:33 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/table_decorations/vase.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 4ce599f72d31b21593eeb761dcbc93f06ea88e54
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 4 lines to infinigen/assets/table_decorations/vase.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Pvl Bot.
-commit 6d029f33e4fc8632abd71c74e10ced13ac2b0e06
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 31 lines to infinigen/assets/table_decorations/vase.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit 251c3323b477bd46c1b76097bf1a86d0422103e8
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 67 lines to infinigen/assets/table_decorations/vase.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Yiming Zuo.
-commit 3673bd9addb86ef19ba616a39f441e065ffa43ec
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 198 lines to infinigen/assets/table_decorations/vase.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 17eeb5ea4609c23d99c571bed2a530aa04fcecef
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 5 lines to infinigen/assets/table_decorations/sink.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Yiming Zuo.
-commit 22e4bab7ccd66079ba856c2da5841f7f42e95c88
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 62 lines to infinigen/assets/table_decorations/sink.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit bfffcc718eebcb71abbac3f40f98e3cd6f96bb26
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 102 lines to infinigen/assets/table_decorations/sink.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Hongyu Wen.
-commit 32fe356161b1211a2ea21683ce23a4c386c200c5
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 117 lines to infinigen/assets/table_decorations/sink.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 232d51bf497c34f104cf76ad251b0755d37b95f8
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 225 lines to infinigen/assets/table_decorations/sink.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit ac425f57ecce19a0926d6bc538d9c454e161720c
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 274 lines to infinigen/assets/table_decorations/sink.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Stamatis Alexandropoulos.
-commit dc577759538978d4f37368891d05e455bc705727
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 4 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/seats/curvy_seats.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit b796a28d2e4f14864dffe37effec2cf949d055f2
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 46 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/seats/curvy_seats.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit db4a31eefb74d73ccf38ade5240b0798746bdb5c
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 100 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/seats/curvy_seats.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Yiming Zuo.
-commit 82d691ba20db24fa23305aa0a345ba6ab0c45a2c
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 2 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/seats/round_seats.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit c1be072ff44524bc56caff58e0d57586a77713ee
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 39 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/seats/round_seats.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Yiming Zuo.
-commit 81121be9907b9889d5d5edf78e220ac4d1f5cb2d
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/bar_chair.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Pvl Bot.
-commit efb0781287d01576d117fa0ec0eea312138a41ab
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 3 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/bar_chair.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit f7ae6f6ebcc24fc39778347c063e05fea35b5356
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 15 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/bar_chair.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 79e8a8bfe40545f30724f61f0435932211f95d3b
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 37 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/bar_chair.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit eb3bcead798cdcac5725f31c9b6a2fea34a79b3b
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 117 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/bar_chair.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Yiming Zuo.
-commit cc312dba6416a9cd829367857a6e6bb5cfdea149
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 7 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/__init__.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 742a9bde5bddd1c98ea68a5e602a38c49510dfd5
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 14 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/chair.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit 5c0f875d7464aa157de1a5787d85c4e92c1078e7
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 22 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/chair.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit b67001ffdabc22106fe1ee46d8a3d64c7f87ba12
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 328 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/chair.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit e2eadbee16f7f1855316366686016de432fe824a
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 12 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/office_chair.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit bccbfc7c07d51e631bca4ce2ffdfcbc7619cade1
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 18 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/office_chair.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 3ad3ba7cd71652e5922bc93a6b6cc6d4b16d80aa
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 36 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/office_chair.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit 8d379da567082d5220c684de7962dc3bca611a20
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 140 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/chairs/office_chair.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Yiming Zuo.
-commit 2cd5fde810f6d246009ec3d48d20518cbd0945df
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 2 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/sofa.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Pvl Bot.
-commit 9c7e927d6fab7ab3cd40829f851bccf6707c96bf
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 4 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/sofa.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit 51386633d851a40f67c86f62f518ee8979817db2
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 18 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/sofa.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit f1092c7d6439f1111e2a000c9fac8730ff9ba59c
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:32 2024 -0700
- Add 75 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/sofa.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Yiming Zuo.
-commit 24897d944f697f4b736c02a0e2a276bce3391af4
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 239 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/sofa.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit d291d57d0b58d4d2f602ce9fb56c003f7ee45a6a
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 405 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/sofa.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Stamatis Alexandropoulos.
-commit 44492af609664e71269a3338b0da394c805c287f
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 7 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/bedframe.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit 6c3e78b9f21c7667b29ea6dcd7f08b449f82add1
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 172 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/bedframe.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 82e3bbd29d6ecb4b7cc7859bc24006211efd3a1e
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 186 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/bed.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 719d71574366e13b1f25a79418e70be51879d4cc
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 2 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/__init__.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit c27b36c6e528ab28e3659de402be9c67fe844550
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 9 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/__init__.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 96be2a15d86fd42917373414bd56ed5f0e59bcb2
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 5 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/pillow.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit 7476bb3d477591dbea2bc7fc31b5a7432de78a82
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 112 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/pillow.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 418830e3d2c43a2e53d1e628ea1ab687ef67e5a7
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 3 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/mattress.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit 04a797719f28c0b9d60524bdefb990fed2764c1b
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 123 lines to infinigen/assets/seating/mattress.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit cc44ca40188a29613fd3d6041fe09e514fee142d
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 34 lines to infinigen/assets/lighting/holdout_lighting.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 05656cb0c4352348ba67cca3eaeb102a4ba37ed7
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 33 lines to infinigen/assets/lighting/hdri_lighting.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit eecce753d2dfb0c306cce5734a350bbf563f8e7a
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 3 lines to infinigen/assets/lighting/ceiling_lights.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 20593ad4182a4e801d38af2e0c5022ddfce68364
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 34 lines to infinigen/assets/lighting/ceiling_lights.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit a18083caf2d0a02471fef3336c47e218f891aa00
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 35 lines to infinigen/assets/lighting/ceiling_lights.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 2fd8fff7ffce0249105e768e63a3a7f9c8bc6d7d
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 145 lines to infinigen/assets/lighting/ceiling_lights.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Hongyu Wen.
-commit 7e964a5b0c97c18c3544c98bc8a99f528a917937
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/lighting/three_point_lighting.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit ca322453ecacbe8af3283847a356fad21c57c2bd
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 27 lines to infinigen/assets/lighting/three_point_lighting.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit f544bfb3893912e3cc1400d415c3ba74148e96d9
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 9 lines to infinigen/assets/lighting/lamp.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by David Yan.
-commit 48aebf3bb533ae0afc860ae9115f7286ef0485c7
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 32 lines to infinigen/assets/lighting/lamp.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit a677764a37b3f3767f7298572ce4673a6da32111
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 75 lines to infinigen/assets/lighting/lamp.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit 0fdcf6b61300031b75a5d77c83c33e10c9af224b
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 114 lines to infinigen/assets/lighting/lamp.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit c7a2cd3392638d2b4d17c61f367de8c7a90f1e34
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 318 lines to infinigen/assets/lighting/lamp.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Hongyu Wen.
-commit 6051bb06ff4c07b8ec219fea183f7db3f897d38d
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 56 lines to infinigen/assets/lighting/indoor_lights.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 65e5eafc9dcacac32f14e4c7e6852eadff8447d2
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 2 lines to infinigen/assets/lighting/ceiling_classic_lamp.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 9ef918e63e9b52c8d9f4e968308068a6aafcce49
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 5 lines to infinigen/assets/lighting/ceiling_classic_lamp.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit d848ff6e9e6499e520464dd39ca327f33cf09518
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 232 lines to infinigen/assets/lighting/ceiling_classic_lamp.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Stamatis Alexandropoulos.
-commit 46aceff291cf28a1de61b772afebbd8db6a577df
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 9 lines to infinigen/assets/scatters/clothes.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Stamatis Alexandropoulos.
-commit c3da2edc9d1138d95fe3cc65b0c280c7621e5797
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 69 lines to infinigen/assets/scatters/clothes.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit f0550f9410127ddb84040219c0917cad06b10820
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/nature_shelf_trinkets/generate.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by David Yan.
-commit 758f3ffe84f8ec8e746ee1e7db7ff8d333c8e8cc
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/nature_shelf_trinkets/generate.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit a64c3bb41482525812294f4e3e9a17d0eee5583c
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 16 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/nature_shelf_trinkets/generate.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 68b4d91eb3cae215eb0e39a4f64e276d41ece306
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 80 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/nature_shelf_trinkets/generate.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Stamatis Alexandropoulos.
-commit 9a174c4e5584fea243383c3ce19b2f1bcf6492eb
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:31 2024 -0700
- Add 4 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/doors/casing.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Karhan Kaan Kayan.
-commit 09a38e9b593111d8790e266485174aebfb2b3fcd
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 58 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/doors/casing.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit dfbf582c656f7c11976b9bd77079f49afdc91928
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 4 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/doors/base.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit e823115f6b324a16775df3cc563d9d3c83ccbf80
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 5 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/doors/base.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Karhan Kaan Kayan.
-commit 67cb84726faf578bd2c415376dfe5dcfd08289ae
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 208 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/doors/base.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit f40a580f07936e4ef7a317f04cf6d80d4bf983e3
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 92 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/doors/panel.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit b988978d154121e172003b9443f2864f8e141ce2
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 55 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/doors/lite.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 18592ec491d767ed7d0a1f190e5750db5ccf414a
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 80 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/doors/louver.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 664c4a4d48c23840bbb4abfc5363610097a541b0
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 33 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/doors/__init__.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 23295ac304f69ba0e02409b51a5f3aceda16e26f
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 3 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/spiral.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit ee6412ee2b226388442f382ddec68a975c930ac7
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 4 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/spiral.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Karhan Kaan Kayan.
-commit 644c10af55d2ef92db16bfeed1b763bf7fd244ef
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 55 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/spiral.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit b635d284d52ab1f1805a8abf37f720288aff248e
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 3 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/curved.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit e188fc64f29830bfd155b7323f7f19e113d3db7d
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 4 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/curved.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Karhan Kaan Kayan.
-commit c0bcbe19e692117b9b3ee5be25066972b51a6c3a
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 60 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/curved.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit e7605ec909ac5ccf26f085cd0bfa21b6a36edf8d
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 3 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/straight.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 79d2823a8ce6b20259cd0c026028873d93023998
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 4 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/straight.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Karhan Kaan Kayan.
-commit 01ecc4b07a8f014ff1539dfb12986d2450a38b93
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 5 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/straight.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Pvl Bot.
-commit 9edd3de55126c59dd961725c75fb669276697856
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 592 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/straight.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 65e63943c4c7477ffe866263c9846ee0c7951396
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 32 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/cantilever.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 662d39f85213136ab71d588ee9bfdf653bcf274d
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 18 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/__init__.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit c8217b58eadc8960102fa3b92d07bdf1a35dd1e4
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 145 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/l_shaped.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit ebb5aad01803bcbe8226094b31e5ee999e30468d
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 33 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/generate.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit a21b6e90d804c65eaccc64aff5f0c7d3659b5833
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 3 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/u_shaped.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 0e6c023542651027401aa2715c84e86c08030d31
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 4 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/u_shaped.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Karhan Kaan Kayan.
-commit d0dbb0e43aefb3c4eba6b03bf2fa255fc960279a
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 151 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/staircases/u_shaped.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 45e790e917ebafe2a640f9d42c551fc64ca38ab7
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 6 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/warehouses/__init__.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 6095f72899b84b5ad800a7c18d19a467d4f2fa5d
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 2 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/warehouses/pallet.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Pvl Bot.
-commit d73fa6d20268beeb8c4c0c8149da937d9e05c0fa
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 85 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/warehouses/pallet.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 403907546b33290bc72d3bb856b9a3c411695a56
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 2 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/warehouses/rack.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Pvl Bot.
-commit b239d307e18bf464a8eca2bbe9c95dbb5899eb5f
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 166 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/warehouses/rack.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 1e34fd0a6657cdd155178275e5f55fd2749b3b2a
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 123 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/pillars.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit fe82da6c9595e6cfabb5fdfbffe89b1099ac8a5a
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/rug.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 04df9e273de641025e9a389a808fb5f0710140c6
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 5 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/rug.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit 5217e1d9d3512f1e36c2ca3f4bd7e70c0cce54d0
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:30 2024 -0700
- Add 58 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/rug.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit ea5ee3624aebaaee3d8f02d3d452e36d990dddea
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/__init__.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 20196bdbb1954245ca79a66ed3974510e6a94456
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 9 lines to infinigen/assets/elements/__init__.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 8666934337e5f38686a12de490cf394362a85738
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 8 lines to infinigen/assets/utils/uv.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Pvl Bot.
-commit f3618de2748eebac61457c3fc2a7eb6aa7fea9a9
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 193 lines to infinigen/assets/utils/uv.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit a31095485520b02dc5ece45ecd70c26a51b71c65
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 43 lines to infinigen/assets/utils/extract_nodegroup_parts.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit dd6f5c0abad11a70d927bdd1648248d34452721d
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 53 lines to infinigen/assets/utils/autobevel.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 0fe354525ad8d697030e48a8d4b8170cc5978a7e
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 142 lines to infinigen/assets/utils/shapes.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit c19ae3b741e9abcd6f57c2c7b4a9a85ad0e7c978
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 87 lines to infinigen/assets/utils/bbox_from_mesh.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit fd4750ea9cdd640d1bead4123862fc58e702c813
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 3 lines to infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/balloon.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit 70dec85102d7e06a7c184f874d65f4a5d1b9a1c3
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 75 lines to infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/balloon.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 827c956af9ffe26163a15f3ce028882451a1b63f
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/skirting_board.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Pvl Bot.
-commit f1196a2bbea49300cdf930048952fd2348510dd5
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 18 lines to infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/skirting_board.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 8408175e69922f09dfae7303e3910cdd65cbb3fb
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 67 lines to infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/skirting_board.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Yiming Zuo.
-commit 0842cb85156afa5cd2134b40789e999760b484eb
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 200 lines to infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/skirting_board.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 73e73f8501fb83b2124e07f31e21474d3032679c
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 4 lines to infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/wall_art.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit b774582124d00c9f5189389641081efe1e62010d
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 13 lines to infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/wall_art.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 0e3c27bcca6f5784c424b557c2c12f8f28eb6e43
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 73 lines to infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/wall_art.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 9b5e875b969e9cd171c2bb134765b4ed03c7cebf
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 8 lines to infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/__init__.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit c8b575819e9c53cada27d62494de47834a00824d
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 126 lines to infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/wall_shelf.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 339c93bafe702eaf0cf8178de5e134c2d6cc9f86
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 14 lines to infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/range_hood.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit dcb850eb3e113c62b97dabdb10fb2c017c53cc4b
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 20 lines to infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/range_hood.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit 610416aee0efe06f47b8b19a2354e24b64220d1a
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 157 lines to infinigen/assets/wall_decorations/range_hood.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Yiming Zuo.
-commit 214f6613e5a7b14c9e10d678cf4915f9794c2463
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 2 lines to infinigen/assets/organizer/basket.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit b7222b97d93b94bd856259eea4cdfa7a071b205c
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 304 lines to infinigen/assets/organizer/basket.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Beining Han.
-commit b0a60402c9290eef410323fc7f5bffc7020520fb
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 9 lines to infinigen/assets/organizer/__init__.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Beining Han.
-commit e86fd25ea089d46cbf1b9e718a458b55c64bb331
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 3 lines to infinigen/assets/organizer/hook.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 2a2cc9419a8e7644666ba2192b92bbae84ebbb4f
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 384 lines to infinigen/assets/organizer/hook.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Beining Han.
-commit 8b1ad27d5042c2af6ac6150766bb4f6c19297ec1
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 2 lines to infinigen/assets/organizer/plate_rack.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit d21911b57df052d0635368e842fa1018838d656c
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 333 lines to infinigen/assets/organizer/plate_rack.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Beining Han.
-commit fc36d0de783f0fd1fedbf095f233f1af3d28f3f5
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/oven.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 2e5601f935772a8b6705c1acc0ade2fbb19a0ed4
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 32 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/oven.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by David Yan.
-commit de924b79140f35fe02778cee2bc3e4de444e7e47
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:29 2024 -0700
- Add 48 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/oven.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit 8ec2597f07d4ca21d58a8139fa50929f2017208a
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 172 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/oven.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Zeyu Ma.
-commit d9bee11e8a63829f6693af71c8e58120733807dc
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 336 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/oven.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit b8f867ba511a7a7567c904e322ac732f68ecc807
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 626 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/oven.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Hongyu Wen.
-commit 2b64c425c2d3febcb39841bec831b101731ed4de
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 4 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/tv.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Karhan Kaan Kayan.
-commit e67d3495bc2924f81722e6b0da320e5ae09c355b
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 5 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/tv.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 4799521049fb41d543dd5d1200b00c841d6d7f85
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 21 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/tv.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit 25992cd5d74711dd80d77009fb519c0d90a638b9
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 191 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/tv.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 0265f6788749baf227f69a7664ea8e64df10a864
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/__init__.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Pvl Bot.
-commit bfa4527c8801880c0a5c30b07e9d53c10c0c7182
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 2 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/__init__.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Hongyu Wen.
-commit 81758e1b71406d33a2f7fc22fd5ba3c4ff2fef55
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 2 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/__init__.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 85b8c3ff277b555afcefc7c5e966319ab77db9b0
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 26 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/microwave.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Zeyu Ma.
-commit 379bf0e8ea6906515d9ff926f0ecc5acc01cd336
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 41 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/microwave.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit d681b3936397cc62f6492d82c099652536f49164
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 118 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/microwave.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit d774272384c322edbeea24f9114c5992f0cb37e7
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 262 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/microwave.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Hongyu Wen.
-commit 374cbbaac1c4eea9c6d91e7ba2ce1d36319d4c36
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 37 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/dishwasher.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Zeyu Ma.
-commit fd831e3cbaccad056d94cbb3143ae7659471023a
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 57 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/dishwasher.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit f04c5ed58c8c41f3b76df5376a34149d1b8cbeab
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 191 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/dishwasher.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Hongyu Wen.
-commit dfbf77ac8e0e5772687d11ea72705c5791ce8fb0
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 644 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/dishwasher.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 07d44cc326a5973bdd5274807e18686205e994e4
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/beverage_fridge.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 81af6f1ba6fab5799409f6d16490dc95488cc88f
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 35 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/beverage_fridge.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Zeyu Ma.
-commit d1b0d664f5fc10fe7bd9a2bde80f39261e998085
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 42 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/beverage_fridge.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit cc2306691abc1134c6dc47fccf6d3d0f0c4fee2c
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 223 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/beverage_fridge.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 9dfe85ec2044f8d6c7036b4e29ee61f4ab2d442b
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 434 lines to infinigen/assets/appliances/beverage_fridge.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Hongyu Wen.
-commit c9a029331d47dfab5af97347a031ade62b0896a5
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/doors.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 315fa23a929e3d19ecbf9d7ba7abe40aab81764f
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 2 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/doors.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Pvl Bot.
-commit b7a4432f6f585f385a8b62aeb5827c03474663e4
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 6 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/doors.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Yiming Zuo.
-commit d92e73376f735bcf8d0c197783d94695d9198ab4
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 6 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/doors.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit ce87ddafd34eabd3636d0a4fda3c51b0fa180332
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 724 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/doors.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Beining Han.
-commit 34d20a32898db715b2010b0ab81d6d0055b9c488
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 3 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/kitchen_cabinet.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Pvl Bot.
-commit 7115cd353c1bbac5725b96a51dbcfc605fcfbdb2
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 7 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/kitchen_cabinet.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by David Yan.
-commit cc1a3aeca3404dcd57ae3001e7790dcfc12e8653
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 9 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/kitchen_cabinet.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 4f577be8db059becd357584229140c0044fe694b
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 13 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/kitchen_cabinet.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 96e55c262af4b0b7aaae608f1b9d12109b7d549b
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:28 2024 -0700
- Add 16 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/kitchen_cabinet.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Yiming Zuo.
-commit 6774437197583f4ecd75f4295faf05c9fd487bd5
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 280 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/kitchen_cabinet.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Beining Han.
-commit 6cdc8add656110b67780bacad7a80c59168a1f41
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/single_cabinet.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Pvl Bot.
-commit 57f309a93ce2982385f274c02232f8da5537a1c5
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 3 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/single_cabinet.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit ab10ebe25105e3c4cb2b9021ae58f929c4e348e6
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 7 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/single_cabinet.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by David Yan.
-commit 807b5ae03ffee1915c9b70879e9ae22716eebfc7
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 9 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/single_cabinet.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 746130cc91509a702372fb73bafe87fffc82d89a
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 215 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/single_cabinet.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Beining Han.
-commit 34ce110ad247a979ff084aeb157632f7b918bfc2
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 2 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/triangle_shelf.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Pvl Bot.
-commit dd191be0b76fcd7d89dc78c7303f2c4b8d5113d9
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 2 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/triangle_shelf.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 5a83521268033ec429ffb602eacb6228ba614663
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 340 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/triangle_shelf.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 349792226fdbc18192ce20105d4157119b77272a
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 526 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/triangle_shelf.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Beining Han.
-commit 5d8cfa5c8b79e23da3069153e05c039a0869df4d
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 2 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/simple_desk.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Pvl Bot.
-commit eb7a35d058bba82496ea4279711b47241ad3560b
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 11 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/simple_desk.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 426d5616410ee2debb5f755ae3ea227e39b245b0
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 43 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/simple_desk.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit 927ccead91e369b8d8b898cec3335f0ed227db9a
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 211 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/simple_desk.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Beining Han.
-commit de585591a0a25d94f4fcd33305b3a88e0eb3b6a9
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 154 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/countertop.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit d380d10d68483cd2f6f18bbd73611d287571e8f9
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 2 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/utils.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Pvl Bot.
-commit 92786223272dca3624d78db73fc085e30338ce2d
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 7 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/utils.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit d4608181ffc6d32bcd000cc37b6716b94d5b5b19
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 52 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/utils.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Beining Han.
-commit 7bd931a05212199cf33b3febbf4b0c44871f111d
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 2 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/cabinet.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Pvl Bot.
-commit 784999d4ce19cbe68f3219156bb5b5c06f2d4ef8
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 264 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/cabinet.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 2d3cd29f4c5df2915a6e0d58357f0531a2bd0209
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 737 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/cabinet.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Beining Han.
-commit b8416ef5fd478a78c17d3f4ba5267b9db0d2da38
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/kitchen_space.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by David Yan.
-commit c37d776faa5b6c34a1a62aec0f103b8d30215341
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/kitchen_space.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit 32e51aa4e39729b894318f63fc78759754525116
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 2 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/kitchen_space.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Pvl Bot.
-commit e160187fe604413e3832a5b3a90612563a2786cc
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 5 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/kitchen_space.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Stamatis Alexandropoulos.
-commit 21fe61b9328ede5c760bdce63e96bb9c5e96af4f
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 6 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/kitchen_space.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Karhan Kaan Kayan.
-commit 13f9825b0a65293f5494151a2011856dcdbff28b
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 68 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/kitchen_space.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 9404ff0db2554c8e83f9f1531b912a9f6a1e7ef8
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 137 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/kitchen_space.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Yiming Zuo.
-commit d33d7dc817b892a52c8aaa4aed6c890b003b7aae
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/__init__.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 3c99cc40045179181c93a675c84d9598ef74b704
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/__init__.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 089236016e23143ef0203da5084441a19a6879b7
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 8 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/__init__.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Beining Han.
-commit 4fcf6d2b11ba4bf754d5bdcbf0f168457b50359f
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/large_shelf.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 051d5676fcbc3d18491bae10975674913a7a7977
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/large_shelf.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 3827bdf2cb56f77cb9231d1a35e8e2225ef2b29d
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:27 2024 -0700
- Add 2 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/large_shelf.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Pvl Bot.
-commit db936bbe8740e8639ed913de8791e568f7670ffb
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:26 2024 -0700
- Add 612 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/large_shelf.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Beining Han.
-commit b065b73beb885bda17926a45be88a1cfed855266
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:26 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/simple_bookcase.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit ba6dc0c4458fb68ee2c641bf774426165e08f25f
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:26 2024 -0700
- Add 2 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/simple_bookcase.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Pvl Bot.
-commit e1fab8bbeaa6e15eaa83e32f2f0ef017db1ab6a9
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:26 2024 -0700
- Add 159 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/simple_bookcase.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 0f92df4aaccf410323c45b22fd89c24a7d7019de
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:26 2024 -0700
- Add 356 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/simple_bookcase.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Beining Han.
-commit dfe9857289f6a1714c6291b9ab584e7785eef8a4
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:26 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/drawers.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Pvl Bot.
-commit 25f3196595889e639620068731645520c741895d
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:26 2024 -0700
- Add 1 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/drawers.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 37370c336faf3ab069927173000e7bb3925027a5
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:26 2024 -0700
- Add 4 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/drawers.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit baeebb9fe2c85dae745a3e44b16bfd7b712176c7
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:26 2024 -0700
- Add 410 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/drawers.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Beining Han.
-commit 90269abe640d3956f2a01b8ab742b37042269655
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:26 2024 -0700
- Add 2 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/cell_shelf.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Pvl Bot.
-commit 08824a214e568656d16cddb704b9cf8dd1bb0845
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:26 2024 -0700
- Add 3 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/cell_shelf.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit af3b2672c245d8f8e364e765fe417a824c9e5f4a
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:26 2024 -0700
- Add 9 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/cell_shelf.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by David Yan.
-commit f04b47fb35ac82e1a2ab2bc94abe40843e777df1
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:26 2024 -0700
- Add 36 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/cell_shelf.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit afc2fbc10eb643bc29fc880ef56a98cffbc88ffd
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:26 2024 -0700
- Add 850 lines to infinigen/assets/shelves/cell_shelf.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Beining Han.
-commit c82980a2394e23e9e49c93776f27e64967ee4a15
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:26 2024 -0700
- Add 6 lines to infinigen/assets/bathroom/toilet.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit 10beed29137fe07be80d492be288e6c79a632ab5
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:26 2024 -0700
- Add 286 lines to infinigen/assets/bathroom/toilet.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 25e5980e2c04f6281c86c3f4bf7026bc8dcfa711
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:26 2024 -0700
- Add 11 lines to infinigen/assets/bathroom/hardware.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit a17feca0bbf006a8542ebf7b7d038e8f5d3659c7
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:26 2024 -0700
- Add 110 lines to infinigen/assets/bathroom/hardware.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit ad6bfec63e6e5ee2b301230df1f5c9f11d5f761f
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:26 2024 -0700
- Add 13 lines to infinigen/assets/bathroom/bathtub.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Meenal Parakh.
-commit d49a0a4ff75e9d1bc668e355279867e9675b56c0
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:26 2024 -0700
- Add 40 lines to infinigen/assets/bathroom/bathtub.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Alexander Raistrick.
-commit 8013bd9f2114b3651c6510c5292a6b8eaaa6be9b
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:26 2024 -0700
- Add 236 lines to infinigen/assets/bathroom/bathtub.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit 279e32494c2478cb90217a94ea605890bb59ea98
-Author: pvl-bot
-Date: Sun Jun 16 23:16:26 2024 -0700
- Add 8 lines to infinigen/assets/bathroom/__init__.py. Contributed as part of Infinigen-Indoors by Lingjie Mei.
-commit debc696443bab1780457f9bddbe11281b8278002
-Author: pvl-bot