This tutorial covers the setup procedure for a multi branch job which builds the feature branches.
💡 Feature branches are not deployed to nexus per default.
❗ Setup your project for develop
and master
first, as
described in the project setup tutorial
- Background
- Step 1: Add the Jenkinsfile to all of your feature branches
- Step 2: Setup the Jenkins job.
- Step 3: Check the scan log
This tutorial assumes that we are talking about a customer named
'client' and a project named 'project' with a repository location at and your feature branches are
following the naming convention feature/<TICKET>
If the feature branches were not created after the project Jenkinsfile was added to the repository you have to cherry-pick this Jenkinsfile into every featurebranch of the project you want to build.
💡 The multi branch pipeline will only build branches matching the selector which contain a Jenkinsfile.
git checkout feature/<TICKET>
git cherry-pick <commit-hash-of-jenkins-file>
git push
- Go to the jenkins inside your client/project folder an add a new Job.
- Scroll to Branch Sources and add at Git source
- Define the SCM
- Repository URL:
<Your repository url>
- Credentials:
<The credentials to use>
- Add behaviors
- Discover branches
- Filer by name (with wildcards) and define your includes
- Check out to matching local branch
- Repository URL:
- Scroll to Scan Multibranch Pipeline Triggers and select Periodically if not otherwise run with an Interval of 1 hour (or the value you need in your project)
- Your job config may now look similar to this screenshot
- Click Save
After save the scanning of the SCM starts. You can access the log by going into the multi branch pipeline job (which represents a kind of a folder)
You will se a output like this:
Seen branch in repository origin/develop
Seen branch in repository origin/feature/PROJECT-1
Seen branch in repository origin/feature/PROJECT-2
Seen branch in repository origin/master
Seen 4 remote branches
Checking branch feature/PROJECT-1
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
Met criteria
Checking branch feature/PROJECT-2
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
Met criteria
Checking branch master
Checking branch develop
[Thu Jun 22 13:24:20 CEST 2017] Finished branch indexing. Indexing took 1 sec
Finished: SUCCESS
And for each branch where the criteria matched a job should be created and the job should be queued for build.
💡 If the detection of branches is not working or the builds are failing have a look into the logs for finding the cause. If you are unable to solve the problem by yourself ask one of the friendly DevOps engineers for assistance.