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JSON fields

procount edited this page Apr 10, 2019 · 21 revisions
Key Type os os_list partitions Use
"description" string m m Describes the OS
"feature_level" integer o o (deprecated) a decimal number representing a set of bit flags to indicate which RPI models were suitable
"icon" url o m location of icon.png file (file name must be the same as the os_name and name fields)
"marketing_info" url m Location of marketing.tar file (tar of slides in /slides_vga)
"nominal_size" integer m m Sum of partition_size_nominal of all partitions in MiB
"os_info" url m location of os.json file
"os_name" string m Name of the OS (no spaces) (same as name)
"name" string m Name of the OS (no spaces) (same as os_name)
"partition_setup" url o location of script
"partitions_info" url m location of partitions.json
"sha512sum/sha256sum/sha1sum/md5sum" string o Checksum of file, or URL of remote checksum file
"release_date" string m m Date of release in "YYYY-MM-DD" format
supported_hex_revisions" Quoted csv o o (deprecated) a list of hex numbers representing the revisions of RPI models that were suitable
"supported_models" string list m m A list of partial model names that are suitable
"tarballs" url list m list of URLs of tar file for each partition in order
"version" string o Version of this release
"kernel" string o Version of kernel used
"url" url o location of webpage for further info on this OS
"username" string o Default user name
"password" string o Default password
"riscos_offset" integer o Offset of disk table (RISCOS only)
"group" string o Category to group OS into on PINN menu (General/Minimal/Education/Media/Utitlity/Games)
"supports_backup" boolean/string m Indicates if is suitbale for installing a backup (true/false/"update")
"download_size" integer o Sum of the partition tar file sizes (in bytes) , excluding any metafiles.
"partitions" Struct list m A list of structured information, one for each partition
"label" string m Name of partition (pay attention to OS limitations of case and length)
"filesystem_type" string m "raw","fat","ext4","ntfs","partclone","unformatted","swap"
"partition_size_nominal" integer m Minium size in MiB of partition to create
"want_maximised" boolean m false = partition will be partition_size_nominal in size. True = Remaining free space will be added equally
"uncompressed_tarball_size" integer m Size of tarball (in MiB) before compression
"partition_type" string o Hex code of partition type for parted. Only needed to override the default)
"requiresPartitionNumber" integer o Specifies a particular partition number for a partition
"offset_in_sectors" integer o Force a position to a specific offset in sectors from the beginning of the disk
"emptyfs" boolean o true = no tarball exists for this partition
"requires_label" boolean o true = Requires a specific partition label
"sha512sum/sha256sum/sha1sum/md5sum" string o Checksum of partition's main file (.tar.xz), or URL of remote checksum file
"active" boolean o Marks the partition as active in the MBR
"mkfs_options" string o Any additional options required when formatting the partition