Hatohol acquires the monitoring data from multiple monitoring software, consolidates them, serves the data with the format that is independent of the specific monitoring software in various way.
- Supported monitoring software
- Supported incident tracking software
- Supported output method
- Supported platforms
- Required libraries
- How to build Hatohol
- How to start
- How to stop
- How to set the port number of REST service
- Trouble Shooting
- Tips to configure Nagios NDOUtils
- API Reference Manual for REST service
- Zabbix 2.0
- Zabbix 2.2
- Zabbix 2.4
- Zabbix 3.0
- Nagios3 (with NDOUtils)
- Nagios4 (with NDOUtils)
- Ceilometer (OpenStack)
- Fluentd
- Redmine
- Hatohol (built-in)
- CentOS 7 (x86_64)
- Ubuntu Server 14.04LTS (64-bit)
- Ubuntu 14.04 (64-bit) [supported until the next ubuntu release]
- sqlite3 >= 3.6.0 (https://www.sqlite.org/)
- libsoup >= 2.22 (https://live.gnome.org/LibSoup)
- json-glib >= 0.12.0 (https://live.gnome.org/JsonGlib/)
- libc
- librt
- libstdc++
- uuid-dev
See also this page to setup Hatohol for CentOS with the binary packages.
First, you need to install development tools to build Hatohol and some required packages
# yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
# yum install rpm-build autoconf-archive
You can add a new repository the following command.
# yum install epel-release
You can install sqlite3, MySQL, libsoup, json-glib and others by the following command:
# yum install sqlite-devel mysql-devel libsoup-devel libuuid-devel json-glib-devel librabbitmq-devel mysql-server glib2-devel httpd mod_wsgi MySQL-python python-argparse
You should install these packages to build Hatohol and required libraries.
- automake
- autoconf-archive
- g++
- libtool
- libsoup2.4-dev
- libjson-glib-dev
- libsqlite3-dev
- libmysqlclient-dev
- mysql-server
- uuid-dev
- librabbitmq-dev
installing by the following command:
$ sudo apt-get install automake autoconf-archive g++ libtool libsoup2.4-dev libjson-glib-dev libsqlite3-dev libmysqlclient-dev mysql-server sqlite3 uuid-dev librabbitmq-dev
First, you need to install required libraries. Then run the following commands to install Hatohol:
$ ./autogen.sh
$ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig ./configure
$ make
$ su
# make install
# /sbin/ldconfig
(0.1) Run MySQL server for storing configuration.
(0.2) Set RabbitMQ's setting
Please refer to How to use HAP2.
(0.3) Create a directory to save a PID file.
# mkdir -p /usr/local/var/run
(1.0.a) Setup MySQL's storage engine
Hatohol uses a rollback feature of the database. So InnoDB is recommended for the storage engine. It can be set by setting my.conf such as
To enable the above lines, you need to restart MySQL server.
(1.0.b) Setup database for Hatohol
To setup database used by hatohol server, you need to execute helper command hatohol-db-initiator
Before you execute this helper command, you can edit mysql section in ${prefix}/etc/hatohol/hatohol.conf
which is used for database settings (username, database name and password).
Then, run this helper command as follows:
$ hatohol-db-initiator --db-user DBUSER --db-password DBPASSWORD
You must specify DBUSER and PASSWORD whose MySQL administrator user, respectively.
$ hatohol-db-initiator --db-user root --db-password rootpass
Note: Since 15.03, hatohol-db-initiator doesn't require command line argument after hatohol database is created.
, db-user
and db-password
are read from hatohol.conf
by default.
For example, hatohol.conf
is placed at /etc/hatohol/hatohol.conf
- If the root password of the MySQL server is not set, just pass '' for
. - You can change password of the created DB by --hatohol-db-user and --hatohol-db-password options.
- You can change database, username and password by editing mysql section in
. - If Hatohol server and MySQL server are executed on different machines, you have to input GRANT statement manually with the mysql command line tool.
For example, user/password are 'myuser'/'mypasswd' and the IP address of Hatohol server is
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON hatohol.* TO myuser@"" IDENTIFIED BY 'mypasswd';
NOTE: If you meet the folloing error, set LD_LIBRARY_PATH like the way in the section (1.2) or configure /etc/ld.so.conf.
OSError: libhatohol.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
(1.1) Example to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
(2) start hatohol process
$ hatohol [--db-server <Config DB Server:[port]>]
Ex.) $ hatohol --db-server localhost
- From the 2nd time, you can start only with the above step (2).
- When the process successfully starts, hatohol reply the HTML message
including HATOHOL version on http://[hostname]:[RestPort]/hello.html.
Send one of the following signals to hatohol process.
- SIGINT (This signal is also sent by Ctrl-C)
$ pkill hatohol
(1) If the command line option --face-rest-port is specified, it is used.
$ hatohol --face-rest-port 3000
(2) Otherwise if the port number in the configuration DB is not 0, it is used.
(3) Otherwise the default port: 33194 is used.
- Check if your servers are correctly registered to Hatohol's database. You can verify them by checking the result from http://localhost:33194/servers.json. (In case you start Hatohol with default port number) For example, if value of "servers" is empty, no servers are registered in the database. If you can see other unexpected results, check it too.
In the following steps, it is asummed that the nagios server, ndoutils (ndo2db), and DB (MySQL) are on the same computer.
(1) Install an Nagios NDOUtils package
(2) Edit /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg to use an ndoutils broker module The line like below is needed.
broker_module=/usr/lib/ndoutils/ndomod-mysql-3x.o config_file=/etc/nagios3/ndomod.cfg
(3) Edit ndo2db.cfg to set database information. The example of major target parameters are
(4) Make a database and set the appropriate permission to it
# mysql
mysql> CREATE DATABASE ndoutils;
mysql> GRANT all on ndoutils.* TO ndoutils@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'admin';
(5) Make tables. The command is prepared. The following is for ubuntu 13.04
# cd /usr/share/dbconfig-common/data/ndoutils-mysql/install
# mysql -D ndoutils < mysql
(6) start ndo2db and nagios3
In ubuntu 13.04, edit of ENABLE_NDOUTILS variable in /etc/default/ndoutils is also needed.
See also this install document if you use CentOS.
Please refer to How to setup Livestatus.
The API reference manual can be created as below.
$ cd <Top directory of the Hatohol source repository>
$ cd doc/server/manual-sphinx
$ make html
Then you can see the manual at doc/manual-sphinx/_build/html/index.html with a web browser.
- You have to install SPHINX package for making the html files. When you use Ubuntu 13.04 or later, 'python3-sphinx' package is available.