Run anything in container on Eru
NOTE: Image should have a user named lambda for running command, if there was no lambda user inside, please use raw mode.
We build a run-lambda image named projecteru2/footstone:run-lambda. This is the Dockerfile.
- config
- name
- command
- env
- volumes
- raw
Get from config (can override)
- pod
- network
- image
- cpu
- mem
- timeout
- stdin
- count
- admin
- debug
- help
- version
if admin is True
pod and volumes will be rewrited.
their values get from config file.
make test
make build
To make rpm, you should install fpm first.
Image: projecteru2/lambda
docker run -it --rm \
--net host \
--name eru-lambda \
-v <HOST_CONFIG_DIR_PATH>:/etc/eru \
projecteru2/lambda \
/usr/bin/eru-lambda <PARAMS>