The Pure Service Orchestrator Kubernetes FlexVolume driver integration includes support for FlashArray snapshots. This allows Kubernetes end users to capture point-in-time copies of their FlashArray backed persistent volume claims, and mount those copies in other Kubernetes Pods. This enables several use cases, some of which are :
- Test / Develop against copies of production data quickly (no need to copy large amounts of data)
- Backup/Restore production volumes.
Kubernetes native snapshot API is not available yet, and is currently under development. Pure's snapshot integration, therefore, is an extra command-line tool that enables developers to manage snapshots. See examples below.
The snapshot CLI has the following format :
snapshot create -n <namespace> <pvc-name>
: Kubernetes namespace in which the pvc is created.
: Name of the PVC whose backend volumes you need to snapshot.
Output: Name of the snapshot.
snapshot delete <snapshotname>
: String returned from the output of snapshot create
Output : None. Exit code 0 means success, otherwise you will see an error message.
The snapshot CLI is deployed as a binary in Pure's dynamic provisioner pod. You do not need to download this binary to your computer. Instead you will use kubectl exec
to run this binary.
To create a snapshot you must get the name of the pure provisioner pod in the Kubernetes cluster. This name is randomly generated by Kubernetes and can be retrieved by running:
# kubectl get -o name -l app=pure-provisioner pod | cut -d/ -f2
Now you can execute the snapshot command using the <pure-podname>
just discovered:
# kubectl exec <pure-podname> -- snapshot create -n <namespace> <pvc-name>
To delete a snapshot use the following command:
# kubectl exec <pure-podname> -- snapshot delete <snapshotname>
# kubectl exec pure-provisioner-6d9878fd47-wp41b -- snapshot create -n k8s_ns1 pvc1
Output : k8s-pvc-b9dd0972-c8b3-11e7-9ee8-fa163eb1e272.883661
where k8s-pvc-b9dd0972-c8b3-11e7-9ee8-fa163eb1e272.883661
is the new snapshot name.
# kubectl exec pure-provisioner-6d9878fd47-wp41b -- snapshot delete
Step 1 : Running your app with data on a FlashArray volume
There are 2 steps to run an app with data on a FlashArray volume:
- Create persistent volume claim
Example of a FlashArray PVC yaml file (e.g. pvc-fa.yaml):
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
# Referenced in pod.yaml for the volume spec
name: pure-fa-claim
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 10Gi
# Matches the name defined in deployment/storageclass.yaml
storageClassName: pure-block
Create the PVC and make sure it is bound
# kubectl create -f pvc-fa.yaml
# kubectl get pvc pure-fa-claim
- Create app with the PVC
Example of a yaml file for app (e.g. nginx) with PVC (nginx.yaml)
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx
namespace: default
# Specify a volume that uses the claim defined in pvc-fa.yaml
- name: pure-vol
claimName: pure-fa-claim
- name: nginx
image: nginx
# Configure a mount for the volume We define above
- name: pure-vol
mountPath: /data
- containerPort: 80
Create an app of nginx:
# kubectl create -f nginx.yaml
Step 2 : Creating a snapshot of your data
# kubectl exec pure-provisioner-6d9878fd47-wp41b -- snapshot create -n default pure-fa-claim
Output for success: (snapshot name)
Step 3 : Mounting the snapshot volume
There are 2 steps to mount the snapshot volume:
- Create a FlashArray volume (PVC) from a snapshot
Example of a yaml file (e.g. pure-fa-snapshot-pvc.yaml)
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
# Referenced in nginx-snapshot.yaml for the volume spec
name: pure-fa-snapshot-claim
annotations: k8s-pvc-b9dd0972-c8b3-11e7-9ee8-fa163eb1e272.883661
- ReadWriteOnce
# storage size must be exact same as snapshot
storage: 10Gi
# Matches the name defined in deployment/storageclass.yaml
storageClassName: pure-block
Create PVC and make sure it is bound
# kubectl create -f pure-fa-snapshot-pvc.yaml
# kubectl get pvc pure-fa-snapshot-claim
- Mount the snapshot volume into an app
Example of a yaml file (e.g nginx-snapshot.yaml) for an app with snapshot volume (PVC)
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx-snapshot
namespace: default
# Specify a volume that uses the claim defined in pure-fa-snapshot-pvc.yaml
- name: pure-vol-snapshot
claimName: pure-fa-snapshot-claim
- name: nginx-snapshot
image: nginx
# Configure a mount for the volume We define above
- name: pure-vol-snapshot
mountPath: /data
- containerPort: 80
Create nginx app
# kubectl create -f nginx-snapshot.yaml
Step 4 : Cleaning up the snapshot volume
There are 2 steps to clean up the snapshot volume:
- Delete the app which mounts the snapshot volume
# kubectl delete pod nginx-snapshot
- Delete the snapshot volume
# kubectl delete pvc pure-fa-snapshot-claim
Step 5 : Cleaning up the snapshot
# kubectl exec pure-provisioner-6d9878fd47-wp41b -- snapshot delete k8s-pvc-b9dd0972-c8b3-11e7-9ee8-fa163eb1e272.883661
Application consistency: The snapshot CLI does not have any app consistency functionality. If an application consistent snapshot is needed, the application pods need to be frozen/quiesced from an IO perspective before the snapshot CLI is called. The application then needs to be unquiesced after the snapshot CLI has been used.
Migration to native Kubernetes snapshots API : After Kubernetes releases native snapshot support, Pure will provide a non-disruptive path to migration from the current snapshot CLI to the native Kubernetes interface.