- Pro
Arch Linux Docker images
parse-community / node-apn
Forked from node-apn/node-apnApple Push Notification module for Node.js
pyramation / postgraphile-plugin-fulltext-filter
Forked from mlipscombe/postgraphile-plugin-fulltext-filterFull-text filtering in PostGraphile
PostgreSQL Query Parser for Node.js
2ndQuadrant / mysqlcompat
Forked from intgr/mysqlcompatA reimplemenation of as many MySQL functions as possible in PostgreSQL, as an aid to porting
📦:🛠✨💥 – fully automated package publishing
QuantumExplorer / dashwallet
Forked from fabianfabian/zincwalletdashwallet - dash iPhone wallet
notatestuser / gift
Forked from danielmahon/giftA wrapper for the Git CLI in Node.js
luk- / node-kdtree
Forked from justinethier/node-kdtreeA node.js add-on for performing efficient Nearest Neighbor searches using libkdtree.
tbranyen / AMD-feature
Forked from jensarps/AMD-featureA loader plugin for AMD loaders
MaxDaten / grunt-scp
Forked from israelroldan/grunt-sshCopy files to a (remote) machine running an SSH daemon.
vinkaga / node-backbone
Forked from ccoenraets/backbone-directorySample Application built with Backbone.js and 3 different UI toolkits: Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery Mobile, and custom iPhone skins
pyramation / jugglingdb
Forked from 1602/jugglingdbMulti-database ORM: redis, mongodb, mysql, sqlite, postgres, neo4j, memory... Many databases, common API.
amdjs / backbone
Forked from jashkenas/backboneAMD-enabled fork of documentcloud/backbone
amdjs / underscore
Forked from jashkenas/underscoreJavaScript's utility _ belt
Terminal control for node.js scripts
[DEPRECATED] Inline lint highlighting for the Sublime Text 2 editor