diff --git a/example/example.vcxproj b/example/example.vcxproj
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c79cf4f..00000000
--- a/example/example.vcxproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
- Debug
- Win32
- Release
- Win32
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
- 15.0
- {E85500EF-94CC-483E-97E3-216F7B1B127D}
- example
- 10.0.19041.0
- Application
- true
- v143
- MultiByte
- Application
- false
- v143
- true
- MultiByte
- Application
- true
- v143
- MultiByte
- Application
- false
- v143
- true
- MultiByte
- ..\thirdparty\async_simple;..\thirdparty\asio;$(IncludePath)
- D:\asio-1.12.2\include;$(IncludePath)
- ..\thirdparty\async_simple;..\thirdparty\asio;D:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\include;$(IncludePath)
- D:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\lib;$(LibraryPath)
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- true
- stdcpp17
- 4996
- ASIO_STANDALONE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- true
- stdcpp20
- 4996
- /bigobj %(AdditionalOptions)
- libssl_static.lib;libcrypto_static.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- true
- stdcpp17
- 4996
- ASIO_STANDALONE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
- true
- true
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- true
- stdcpp17
- 4996
- __SSE4_2__;CINATRA_ENABLE_SSL;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
- true
- true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/example/main.cpp b/example/main.cpp
index 48e576d8..89fb722d 100644
--- a/example/main.cpp
+++ b/example/main.cpp
@@ -1,21 +1,25 @@
#include "../include/cinatra.hpp"
-#include "cinatra/response_cv.hpp"
using namespace cinatra;
+using namespace std::chrono_literals;
-inline void print(Args... args) {
- ((std::cout << args << ' '), ...);
- std::cout << "\n";
-inline void print(const std::error_code &ec) {
- print(ec.value(), ec.message());
+void create_file(std::string filename, size_t file_size = 64) {
+ std::ofstream file(filename, std::ios::binary);
+ if (file) {
+ std::string str(file_size, 'A');
+ file.write(str.data(), str.size());
+ }
-struct log_t {
+struct log_t : public base_aspect {
bool before(coro_http_request &, coro_http_response &) {
std::cout << "before log" << std::endl;
return true;
@@ -28,245 +32,353 @@ struct log_t {
-struct person {
- void foo(coro_http_request &, coro_http_response &res) {
- std::cout << i << std::endl;
- res.set_status(status_type::ok);
- }
- void foo1(coro_http_request &, coro_http_response &res) {
- std::cout << i << std::endl;
- res.set_status(status_type::ok);
- }
- int i = 0;
-void test_ssl_server() {
- // you should open macro CINATRA_ENABLE_SSL at first
- http_ssl_server server(2);
- server.set_ssl_conf({"server.crt", "server.key"});
- int r = server.listen("", "9001");
- if (r < 0) {
- return;
- }
- server.set_http_handler(
- "/", [](coro_http_request &req, coro_http_response &res) {
- auto str = req.get_conn()->remote_address();
- res.set_status_and_content(status_type::ok, "hello world from 9001");
- });
- server.run();
-void test_coro_http_client() {
- using namespace cinatra;
- coro_http_client client{};
- client.init_ssl("bing.com", "../../include/cinatra", "server.crt");
- auto data = client.get("https://www.bing.com");
- std::cout << data.resp_body << "\n";
- data = client.get("https://www.bing.com");
- std::cout << data.resp_body << "\n";
+async_simple::coro::Lazy byte_ranges_download() {
+ create_file("test_multiple_range.txt", 64);
+ coro_http_server server(1, 8090);
+ server.set_static_res_dir("", "");
+ server.async_start();
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(200ms);
-void test_sync_client() {
+ std::string uri = "";
- std::string uri = "http://www.baidu.com";
- coro_http_client client{};
- auto result = client.get(uri);
- assert(!result.net_err);
- print(result.status);
+ std::string filename = "test1.txt";
+ std::error_code ec{};
+ std::filesystem::remove(filename, ec);
- result = client.post(uri, "hello", req_content_type::json);
- print(result.status);
+ coro_http_client client{};
+ resp_data result = co_await client.async_download(uri, filename, "1-10");
+ assert(result.status == 206);
+ assert(std::filesystem::file_size(filename) == 10);
+ filename = "test2.txt";
+ std::filesystem::remove(filename, ec);
+ result = co_await client.async_download(uri, filename, "10-15");
+ assert(result.status == 206);
+ assert(std::filesystem::file_size(filename) == 6);
coro_http_client client{};
- std::string uri = "http://cn.bing.com";
- auto result = client.get(uri);
- assert(!result.net_err);
- print(result.status);
+ std::string uri = "";
- result = client.post(uri, "hello", req_content_type::json);
- print(result.status);
+ client.add_header("Range", "bytes=1-10,20-30");
+ auto result = client.get(uri);
+ assert(result.status == 206);
+ assert(result.resp_body.size() == 21);
+ std::string filename = "test_ranges.txt";
+ client.add_header("Range", "bytes=0-10,21-30");
+ result = co_await client.async_download(uri, filename);
+ assert(result.status == 206);
+ assert(fs::file_size(filename) == 21);
-async_simple::coro::Lazy test_async_client(coro_http_client &client) {
- std::string uri = "http://www.baidu.com";
- auto data = co_await client.async_get(uri);
- print(data.status);
+async_simple::coro::Lazy chunked_upload1(coro_http_client &client) {
+ std::string filename = "test.txt";
+ create_file(filename, 1010);
- data = co_await client.async_get(uri);
- print(data.status);
+ coro_io::coro_file file{};
+ co_await file.async_open(filename, coro_io::flags::read_only);
- data = co_await client.async_post(uri, "hello", req_content_type::string);
- print(data.status);
+ std::string buf;
+ detail::resize(buf, 100);
-async_simple::coro::Lazy test_async_ssl_client(coro_http_client &client) {
- std::string uri2 = "https://www.baidu.com";
- std::string uri3 = "https://cn.bing.com";
- client.init_ssl("bing.com", "../../include/cinatra", "server.crt");
- auto data = co_await client.async_get(uri2);
- print(data.status);
- data = co_await client.async_get(uri3);
- print(data.status);
- co_return;
+ auto fn = [&file, &buf]() -> async_simple::coro::Lazy {
+ auto [ec, size] = co_await file.async_read(buf.data(), buf.size());
+ co_return read_result{buf, file.eof(), ec};
+ };
+ auto result = co_await client.async_upload_chunked(
+ ""sv, http_method::POST, std::move(fn));
+ co_return result;
-async_simple::coro::Lazy test_download() {
+async_simple::coro::Lazy chunked_upload_download() {
+ cinatra::coro_http_server server(1, 9001);
+ server.set_http_handler(
+ "/chunked",
+ [](coro_http_request &req,
+ coro_http_response &resp) -> async_simple::coro::Lazy {
+ assert(req.get_content_type() == content_type::chunked);
+ chunked_result result{};
+ std::string content;
+ while (true) {
+ result = co_await req.get_conn()->read_chunked();
+ if (result.ec) {
+ co_return;
+ }
+ if (result.eof) {
+ break;
+ }
+ content.append(result.data);
+ }
+ std::cout << "content size: " << content.size() << "\n";
+ std::cout << content << "\n";
+ resp.set_format_type(format_type::chunked);
+ resp.set_status_and_content(status_type::ok, "chunked ok");
+ });
+ server.set_http_handler(
+ "/write_chunked",
+ [](coro_http_request &req,
+ coro_http_response &resp) -> async_simple::coro::Lazy {
+ resp.set_format_type(format_type::chunked);
+ bool ok;
+ if (ok = co_await resp.get_conn()->begin_chunked(); !ok) {
+ co_return;
+ }
+ std::vector vec{"hello", " world", " ok"};
+ for (auto &str : vec) {
+ if (ok = co_await resp.get_conn()->write_chunked(str); !ok) {
+ co_return;
+ }
+ }
+ ok = co_await resp.get_conn()->end_chunked();
+ });
+ server.async_start();
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(200ms);
coro_http_client client{};
- std::string uri =
- "http://www.httpwatch.com/httpgallery/chunked/chunkedimage.aspx";
- std::string filename = "test.jpg";
- std::error_code ec{};
- std::filesystem::remove(filename, ec);
- auto r = co_await client.async_download(uri, filename);
- assert(!r.net_err);
+ auto r = co_await chunked_upload1(client);
assert(r.status == 200);
- std::cout << "download finished\n";
+ assert(r.resp_body == "chunked ok");
+ auto ss = std::make_shared();
+ *ss << "hello world";
+ auto result = co_await client.async_upload_chunked(
+ ""sv, http_method::POST, ss);
+ assert(result.status == 200);
+ assert(result.resp_body == "chunked ok");
+ result = co_await client.async_get("");
+ assert(result.status == 200);
+ assert(result.resp_body == "hello world ok");
-async_simple::coro::Lazy test_upload() {
- std::string uri = "http://example.com/";
- coro_http_client client{};
- auto result =
- co_await client.async_upload_multipart(uri, "test", "yourfile.jpg");
- print(result.status);
- std::cout << "upload finished\n";
- client.add_str_part("hello", "coro_http_client");
- client.add_file_part("test", "yourfile.jpg");
- result = co_await client.async_upload_multipart(uri, "test", "yourfile.jpg");
- print(result.status);
- std::cout << "upload finished\n";
+async_simple::coro::Lazy use_websocket() {
+ coro_http_server server(1, 9001);
+ server.set_http_handler(
+ "/ws_echo",
+ [](coro_http_request &req,
+ coro_http_response &resp) -> async_simple::coro::Lazy {
+ assert(req.get_content_type() == content_type::websocket);
+ websocket_result result{};
+ while (true) {
+ result = co_await req.get_conn()->read_websocket();
+ if (result.ec) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (result.type == ws_frame_type::WS_CLOSE_FRAME) {
+ std::cout << "close frame\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ if (result.type == ws_frame_type::WS_TEXT_FRAME ||
+ result.type == ws_frame_type::WS_BINARY_FRAME) {
+ std::cout << result.data << "\n";
+ }
+ auto ec = co_await req.get_conn()->write_websocket(result.data);
+ if (ec) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ server.async_start();
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(300ms); // wait for server start
-async_simple::coro::Lazy test_websocket() {
coro_http_client client{};
client.on_ws_close([](std::string_view reason) {
- std::cout << "web socket close " << reason << std::endl;
+ std::cout << reason << "\n";
+ assert(reason == "normal close");
client.on_ws_msg([](resp_data data) {
if (data.net_err) {
std::cout << data.net_err.message() << "\n";
- std::cout << data.resp_body << std::endl;
+ assert(data.resp_body == "hello websocket" ||
+ data.resp_body == "test again");
- bool r = co_await client.async_ws_connect("ws://localhost:8090/ws");
+ bool r = co_await client.async_ws_connect("ws://");
if (!r) {
auto result =
co_await client.async_send_ws("hello websocket"); // mask as default.
- std::cout << result.status << "\n";
+ assert(!result.net_err);
result = co_await client.async_send_ws("test again", /*need_mask = */ false);
- std::cout << result.status << "\n";
- result = co_await client.async_send_ws_close("ws close");
- std::cout << result.status << "\n";
+ assert(!result.net_err);
-void test_smtp_client() {
- asio::io_context io_context;
- auto client = cinatra::smtp::get_smtp_client(io_context);
- auto client = cinatra::smtp::get_smtp_client(io_context);
- smtp::email_server server{};
- server.server = "smtp.163.com";
- server.port = client.IS_SSL ? "465" : "25";
- server.user = "your_email@163.com";
- server.password = "your_email_password";
- smtp::email_data data{};
- data.filepath = ""; // some file as attachment.
- data.from_email = "your_email@163.com";
- data.to_email.push_back("to_some_email@163.com");
- // data.to_email.push_back("to_more_email@example.com");
- data.subject = "it is a test from cinatra smtp";
- data.text = "Hello cinatra smtp client";
- client.set_email_server(server);
- client.set_email_data(data);
- client.start();
- std::error_code ec;
- io_context.run(ec);
+async_simple::coro::Lazy static_file_server() {
+ std::string filename = "temp.txt";
+ create_file(filename, 64);
+ coro_http_server server(1, 9001);
+ std::string virtual_path = "download";
+ std::string files_root_path = ""; // current path
+ server.set_static_res_dir(
+ virtual_path,
+ files_root_path); // set this before server start, if you add new files,
+ // you need restart the server.
+ server.async_start();
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(300ms); // wait for server start
+ coro_http_client client{};
+ auto result =
+ co_await client.async_get("");
+ assert(result.status == 200);
+ assert(result.resp_body.size() == 64);
-class qps {
- public:
- void increase() { counter_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_release); }
- qps() : counter_(0) {
- thd_ = std::thread([this] {
- while (!stop_) {
- size_t current = counter_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
- std::cout << "qps: " << current - last_ << '\n';
- last_ = current;
- std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1));
- // counter_.store(0, std::memory_order_release);
- }
- });
- }
+async_simple::coro::Lazy use_aspects() {
+ coro_http_server server(1, 9001);
+ std::vector> aspects{std::make_shared()};
+ server.set_http_handler(
+ "/get",
+ [](coro_http_request &req, coro_http_response &resp) {
+ resp.set_status_and_content(status_type::ok, "ok");
+ },
+ aspects);
- ~qps() {
- stop_ = true;
- thd_.join();
- }
+ server.async_start();
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(300ms); // wait for server start
- private:
- bool stop_ = false;
- std::thread thd_;
- std::atomic counter_;
- uint32_t last_ = 0;
+ coro_http_client client{};
+ auto result = co_await client.async_get("");
+ assert(result.status == 200);
-int main() {
- // test_coro_http_client();
- // test_smtp_client();
- {
- test_sync_client();
- coro_http_client client{};
- async_simple::coro::syncAwait(test_async_client(client));
+ co_return;
- coro_http_client ssl_client{};
- async_simple::coro::syncAwait(test_async_ssl_client(ssl_client));
+struct person_t {
+ void foo(coro_http_request &, coro_http_response &res) {
+ res.set_status_and_content(status_type::ok, "ok");
- // test_ssl_server();
- // test_download();
- coro_http_server server(std::thread::hardware_concurrency(), 8090);
+async_simple::coro::Lazy basic_usage() {
+ coro_http_server server(1, 9001);
+ server.set_http_handler(
+ "/get", [](coro_http_request &req, coro_http_response &resp) {
+ resp.set_status_and_content(status_type::ok, "ok");
+ });
- // server.on_connection([](auto conn) { return true; });
- server.set_http_handler(
- "/", [](coro_http_request &, coro_http_response &res) mutable {
- res.set_status_and_content(status_type::ok, "hello world");
+ server.set_http_handler(
+ "/coro",
+ [](coro_http_request &req,
+ coro_http_response &resp) -> async_simple::coro::Lazy {
+ resp.set_status_and_content(status_type::ok, "ok");
+ co_return;
- "/plaintext", [](coro_http_request &, coro_http_response &res) {
- res.set_status_and_content(status_type::ok, "Hello, World!");
+ "/in_thread_pool",
+ [](coro_http_request &req,
+ coro_http_response &resp) -> async_simple::coro::Lazy {
+ // will respose in another thread.
+ co_await coro_io::post([&] {
+ // do your heavy work here when finished work, response.
+ resp.set_status_and_content(status_type::ok, "ok");
+ });
+ });
+ server.set_http_handler(
+ "/post", [](coro_http_request &req, coro_http_response &resp) {
+ auto req_body = req.get_body();
+ resp.set_status_and_content(status_type::ok, std::string{req_body});
+ server.set_http_handler(
+ "/headers", [](coro_http_request &req, coro_http_response &resp) {
+ auto name = req.get_header_value("name");
+ auto age = req.get_header_value("age");
+ assert(name == "tom");
+ assert(age == "20");
+ resp.set_status_and_content(status_type::ok, "ok");
+ });
+ server.set_http_handler(
+ "/query", [](coro_http_request &req, coro_http_response &resp) {
+ auto name = req.get_query_value("name");
+ auto age = req.get_query_value("age");
+ assert(name == "tom");
+ assert(age == "20");
+ resp.set_status_and_content(status_type::ok, "ok");
+ });
+ server.set_http_handler(
+ "/users/:userid/subscriptions/:subid",
+ [](coro_http_request &req, coro_http_response &response) {
+ assert(req.params_["userid"] == "ultramarines");
+ assert(req.params_["subid"] == "guilliman");
+ response.set_status_and_content(status_type::ok, "ok");
+ });
+ person_t person{};
+ server.set_http_handler("/person", &person_t::foo, person);
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(300ms); // wait for server start
+ coro_http_client client{};
+ auto result = co_await client.async_get("");
+ assert(result.status == 200);
+ assert(result.resp_body == "ok");
+ for (auto [key, val] : result.resp_headers) {
+ std::cout << key << ": " << val << "\n";
+ }
+ result = co_await client.async_get("/coro");
+ assert(result.status == 200);
+ result = co_await client.async_get("/in_thread_pool");
+ assert(result.status == 200);
+ result = co_await client.async_post("/post", "post string",
+ req_content_type::string);
+ assert(result.status == 200);
+ assert(result.resp_body == "post string");
+ client.add_header("name", "tom");
+ client.add_header("age", "20");
+ result = co_await client.async_get("/headers");
+ assert(result.status == 200);
+ result = co_await client.async_get("/query?name=tom&age=20");
+ assert(result.status == 200);
+ result = co_await client.async_get(
+ "");
+ assert(result.status == 200);
+ // make sure you have install openssl and enable CINATRA_ENABLE_SSL
+ coro_http_client client2{};
+ result = co_await client2.async_get("https://baidu.com");
+ assert(result.status == 200);
+int main() {
+ async_simple::coro::syncAwait(basic_usage());
+ async_simple::coro::syncAwait(use_aspects());
+ async_simple::coro::syncAwait(static_file_server());
+ async_simple::coro::syncAwait(use_websocket());
+ async_simple::coro::syncAwait(chunked_upload_download());
+ async_simple::coro::syncAwait(byte_ranges_download());
return 0;
\ No newline at end of file