QikkDBClient.java: class containing functions necessary to establish connection and get the data
ExampleApp.java: sample usage of QikkDBClient
QikkDBClient client = new QikkDBClient("", 12345);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Error connecting to server " + e.toString());
try {
} catch (IOException | QueryException e) {
System.out.println("Error changing database " + e.toString());
Query is executed using Query()
method. Getting result is done by calling GetNextQueryResult()
method which returns bulk of rows (1000 rows).
All rows could be retrieved by iterating until (null, null)
pair is returned by GetNextQueryResult()
Executing query and priting the result
try {
client.Query("SELECT * FROM T_default1 LIMIT 10;");
Pair<ColumnarDataTable, Dictionary<String, Float>> result = client.GetNextQueryResult();
ColumnarDataTable resultData = result.getFirst();
} catch (IOException | QueryException e) {
System.out.println("Error while execting query " + e.toString());
ColumnarDataTable dataTable = new ColumnarDataTable("jimport");
dataTable.AddColumn("col_bool", Boolean.class);
dataTable.AddColumn("col_int", Integer.class);
dataTable.AddColumn("col_long", Long.class);
dataTable.AddColumn("col_float", Float.class);
dataTable.AddColumn("col_double", Double.class);
dataTable.AddColumn("col_string", String.class);
dataTable.AddColumn("col_point", QPoint.class);
dataTable.AddColumn("col_polygon", QComplexPolygon.class);
dataTable.AddRow(new Object[] { true, 1, 11l, 1.1f, 11.1, "hello1", new QPoint(10.4f, 11.5f), new QComplexPolygon("POLYGON((2 2, 4 2, 4 4, 2 2),(5 15.5, 10.5 10.5, 20.5 10.5, 25 15.5, 20.5 20, 10.5 20, 5 15.5))") });
try {
} catch (QueryException e) {
System.out.println("Error while executing bulk import " + e.toString());
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Error disconnecting from the server " + e.toString());
Generating classes are from proto/
folder with command
protoc --proto_path=. --java_out=../src/main/java/ Message/InfoMessage.proto Message/QueryMessage.proto Message/QueryResponseMessage.proto Message/SetDatabaseMessage.proto Message/BulkImportMessage.proto Message/CSVImportMessage.proto Types/ComplexPolygon.proto Types/Point.proto