This input option allows you to listen to Syslog Events either through a UDP port or by attaching Real-Time KQL to a local log file.
You can watch a demonstration of using Real-Time KQL for Syslog here.
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You can attach Real-Time KQL to a UDP port of your choice to capture all incoming syslog messages.
Example usage:
sudo ./RealTimeKql syslog --udpport=514 --outputconsole
Example breakdown:
: listen to UDP port 514--outputconsole
: print events to console
You can also use Real-Time KQL to process local log files generated by syslog services such as rsyslogd.
Example Usage:
sudo ./RealTimeKql syslog --logfile=/var/log/auth.log --outputconsole
Example Usage Breakdown:
: attach Real-Time KQL to the/var/log/auth.log
: write the results to console
You can also run sudo ./RealTimeKql syslog --help
from the terminal to get this same overview of your options:
Usage: RealTimeKql Syslog [options]
-?|-h|--help Show help information
-n|--networkAdapter <value> Network Adapter Name. Optional, when not specified, listner listens on all adapters. Used along with UDP Port.
-p|--udpport <value> Listen to a UDP port for syslog messages. eg, --udpport=514.
-l|--logfile <value> Retrieve syslog messages from local log specified. eg, --logfile=/var/log/syslog.
-q|--query <value> Optional: KQL filter query file that describes what processing to apply to the events on the stream. It uses a subset of Kusto Query Language,
-oc|--outputconsole Log the output to console.
-oj|--outputjson <value> Write output to JSON file. eg, --outputjson=FilterOutput.json
-bscs|--blobstorageconnectionstring <value> Azure Blob Storage Connection string. Optional when want to upload as JSON to blob storage.
-bsc|--blobstoragecontainer <value> Azure Blob Storage container name. Optional when want to upload as JSON to blob storage.
-ad|--adxauthority <value> Azure Data Explorer (ADX) authority. Optional when not specified is used. eg,
-aclid|--adxclientid <value> Azure Data Explorer (ADX) ClientId. Optional ClientId that has permissions to access Azure Data Explorer.
-akey|--adxkey <value> Azure Data Explorer (ADX) Access Key. Used along with ClientApp Id
-ac|--adxcluster <value> Azure Data Explorer (ADX) cluster address. eg,
-ad|--adxdatabase <value> Azure Data Explorer (ADX) database name. eg, --adxdatabase=TestDb
-at|--adxtable <value> Azure Data Explorer (ADX) table name. eg, --adxtable=OutputTable
-ar|--adxreset The existing data in the destination table is dropped before new data is logged.
-ad|--adxdirect Default upload to ADX is using queued ingest. Use this option to do a direct ingest to ADX.