diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/.coveragerc b/src/documentation_builder/.coveragerc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c8076c8f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/.coveragerc
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+omit =
+ # omit anything in a .local directory anywhere
+ */.local/*
+ # omit everything in /usr
+ /usr/*
+ # omit the test directory
+ */test/*
+ # omit everything in /tmp
+ /tmp/*
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/.gitignore b/src/documentation_builder/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75e4e429c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+## aptana/eclipse
+## python
+## emacs
+## Various build products
+## Python __init__.py files for distributed packages
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/.prospector.yaml b/src/documentation_builder/.prospector.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..110d1e3a7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/.prospector.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+strictness: veryhigh
+test-warnings: true
+doc-warnings: true
+member-warnings: true
+ - build
+ - htmlcov
+ disable:
+ options:
+ max-line-length: 120
+ disable:
+ - D203
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/MANIFEST.in b/src/documentation_builder/MANIFEST.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46ba85b2ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/MANIFEST.in
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+include lib/quattordocbuild/tt/pan.tt
+include lib/quattordocbuild/tt/toc.tt
+include bin/build-quattor-documentation.sh
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/README.rst b/src/documentation_builder/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22a080f2bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+Documentation builder for the Quattor repositories.
+ $ quattor-documentation-builder --help
+ Usage: quattor-documentation-builder [options]
+ Documentation-builder generates markdown documentation.
+ It get this from:
+ - configuration-modules-core perl documentation
+ - configuration-modules-grid perl documentation
+ - CAF perl documentation
+ - CCM perl documentation
+ - schema pan annotations
+ and creates a index for the website on http://quattor.org.
+ @author: Wouter Depypere (Ghent University)
+ Options:
+ -h, --shorthelp show short help message and exit
+ show full help message and exit
+ --confighelp show help as annotated configfile
+ Main options (configfile section MAIN):
+ -p, --codify_paths Put paths inside code tags. (def True)
+ -i INDEX_NAME, --index_name=INDEX_NAME
+ Filename for the index/toc for the components. (def mkdocs.yml)
+ -c, --maven_compile
+ Execute a maven clean and maven compile before generating the documentation. (def False)
+ The location of the repo checkout.
+ The location where the output markdown files should be written to.
+ -r, --remove_emails
+ Remove email addresses from generated md files. (def True)
+ -R, --remove_headers
+ Remove unneeded headers from files (MAINTAINER and AUTHOR). (def True)
+ -w, --remove_whitespace
+ Remove whitespace ( ) from md files. (def True)
+ -s, --small_titles Decrease the title size in the md files. (def True)
+ Debug and logging options (configfile section MAIN):
+ -d, --debug Enable debug log mode (def False)
+ --info Enable info log mode (def False)
+ --quiet Enable quiet/warning log mode (def False)
+It makes some assumpions on several repositories being in place.
+To help set this up a helper script was added **build-quattor-documentation.sh** which builds the whole documentation from latest master.
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/bin/build-quattor-documentation.sh b/src/documentation_builder/bin/build-quattor-documentation.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..f8af10f3d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/bin/build-quattor-documentation.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+for com in 'mkdocs' 'mvn' 'pod2markdown' 'bundle'; do
+ command -v $com >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "I require $com but it's not installed. Aborting."; exit 1; }
+# Create temporary working directory
+mkdir -p $tmpdir/{src,output}
+cd $tmpdir/src
+# Clone required github repositories
+for REPO in CAF configuration-modules-core configuration-modules-grid CCM maven-tools; do
+ git clone https://github.com/quattor/$REPO.git
+cd ..
+# Build the whole documentation
+quattor-documentation-builder -c -m $tmpdir/src/ -o $tmpdir/output/ --info || { echo 'Something went wrong building documentation.' ; exit 1 ; }
+# get required index which is not generated
+curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/quattor/documentation/master/docs/index.md -o $tmpdir/output/docs/index.md
+cd $tmpdir/output
+mkdocs build --clean
+# Get some tests up
+curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/quattor/documentation/master/Gemfile -o Gemfile
+bundle exec htmlproofer --check-html ./site/ --file-ignore ./site/base.html,./site/breadcrumbs.html,./site/footer.html,./site/toc.html,./site/versions.html || { echo 'build test errors detected. stopping.' ; exit 1 ; }
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/bin/quattor-documentation-builder b/src/documentation_builder/bin/quattor-documentation-builder
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed416d7252
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/bin/quattor-documentation-builder
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+Documentation-builder generates markdown documentation.
+It get this from:
+ - configuration-modules-core perl documentation
+ - configuration-modules-grid perl documentation
+ - CAF perl documentation
+ - CCM perl documentation
+ - schema pan annotations
+ and creates a index for the website on http://quattor.org.
+@author: Wouter Depypere (Ghent University)
+from vsc.utils import fancylogger
+from vsc.utils.generaloption import simple_option
+from quattordocbuild.builder import build_documentation
+logger = fancylogger.getLogger()
+def main(repolocation, outputlocation, maven_compile, cleanup_options):
+ """Main run of the script."""
+ build_documentation(repolocation, cleanup_options, maven_compile, outputlocation)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ 'modules_location': ('The location of the repo checkout.', None, 'store', None, 'm'),
+ 'output_location': ('The location where the output markdown files should be written to.', None, 'store', None, 'o'),
+ 'maven_compile': ('Execute a maven clean and maven compile before generating the documentation.', None, 'store_true', False, 'c'),
+ 'remove_emails': ('Remove email addresses from generated md files.', None, 'store_true', True, 'r'),
+ 'remove_whitespace': ('Remove whitespace (\n\n\n) from md files.', None, 'store_true', True, 'w'),
+ 'remove_headers': ('Remove unneeded headers from files (MAINTAINER and AUTHOR).', None, 'store_true', True, 'R'),
+ 'small_titles': ('Decrease the title size in the md files.', None, 'store_true', True, 's'),
+ 'codify_paths': ('Put paths inside code tags.', None, 'store_true', True, 'p'),
+ }
+ GO = simple_option(OPTIONS)
+ logger.info("Starting main.")
+ cleanup_options = {
+ 'remove_emails': GO.options.remove_emails,
+ 'remove_whitespace': GO.options.remove_whitespace,
+ 'remove_headers': GO.options.remove_headers,
+ 'small_titles': GO.options.small_titles,
+ 'codify_paths': GO.options.codify_paths,
+ }
+ main(GO.options.modules_location, GO.options.output_location, GO.options.maven_compile, cleanup_options)
+ logger.info("Done.")
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/lib/__init__.py b/src/documentation_builder/lib/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28fb39055f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/lib/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+"""Empty __init__.py."""
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/lib/quattordocbuild/__init__.py b/src/documentation_builder/lib/quattordocbuild/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f9a20fcfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/lib/quattordocbuild/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+"""Empty __init.py__."""
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/lib/quattordocbuild/builder.py b/src/documentation_builder/lib/quattordocbuild/builder.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d772982b50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/lib/quattordocbuild/builder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+"""Build documentation from quattor sources."""
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+from template import Template, TemplateException
+from sourcehandler import get_source_files
+from markdownhandler import generate_markdown, cleanup_content
+from config import build_repository_map
+from vsc.utils import fancylogger
+logger = fancylogger.getLogger()
+def build_documentation(repository_location, cleanup_options, compile, output_location):
+ """Build the whole documentation from quattor repositories."""
+ if not check_input(repository_location, output_location):
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not check_commands(compile):
+ sys.exit(1)
+ repository_map = build_repository_map(repository_location)
+ if not repository_map:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ markdownlist = {}
+ for repository in repository_map.keys():
+ logger.info("Building documentation for %s." % repository)
+ fullpath = os.path.join(repository_location, repository)
+ if repository_map[repository]["subdir"]:
+ fullpath = os.path.join(fullpath, repository_map[repository]["subdir"])
+ logger.info("Path: %s." % fullpath)
+ sources = get_source_files(fullpath, compile)
+ logger.debug("Sources:" % sources)
+ markdown = generate_markdown(sources)
+ cleanup_content(markdown, cleanup_options)
+ markdownlist[repository] = markdown
+ site_pages = build_site_structure(markdownlist, repository_map)
+ site_pages = make_interlinks(site_pages)
+ write_site(site_pages, output_location, "docs")
+ return True
+def which(command):
+ """Check if given command is available for the current user on this system."""
+ found = False
+ for direct in os.getenv("PATH").split(':'):
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(direct, command)):
+ found = True
+ return found
+def check_input(sourceloc, outputloc):
+ """Check input and locations."""
+ logger.info("Checking if the given paths exist.")
+ if not sourceloc:
+ logger.error("Repo location not specified.")
+ return False
+ if not outputloc:
+ logger.error("output location not specified")
+ return False
+ if not os.path.exists(sourceloc):
+ logger.error("Repo location %s does not exist" % sourceloc)
+ return False
+ if not os.path.exists(outputloc):
+ logger.error("Output location %s does not exist" % outputloc)
+ return False
+ if not os.listdir(outputloc) == []:
+ logger.error("Output location %s is not empty." % outputloc)
+ return False
+ return True
+def check_commands(runmaven):
+ """Check required binaries."""
+ if runmaven:
+ if not which("mvn"):
+ logger.error("The command mvn is not available on this system, please install maven.")
+ return False
+ if not which("pod2markdown"):
+ logger.error("The command pod2markdown is not available on this system, please install pod2markdown.")
+ return False
+ return True
+def build_site_structure(markdownlist, repository_map):
+ """Make a mapping of files with their new names for the website."""
+ sitepages = {}
+ for repo, markdowns in markdownlist.iteritems():
+ sitesection = repository_map[repo]['sitesection']
+ sitepages[sitesection] = {}
+ targets = repository_map[repo]['targets']
+ for source, markdown in markdowns.iteritems():
+ found = False
+ for target in targets:
+ if target in source and not found:
+ newname = source.split(target)[-1]
+ newname = os.path.splitext(newname)[0].replace("/", "::") + ".md"
+ sitepages[sitesection][newname] = markdown
+ found = True
+ if not found:
+ logger.error("No suitable target found for %s in %s." % (source, targets))
+ return sitepages
+def make_interlinks(pages):
+ """Make links in the content based on pagenames."""
+ logger.info("Creating interlinks.")
+ newpages = pages
+ for subdir in pages:
+ for page in pages[subdir]:
+ basename = os.path.splitext(page)[0]
+ link = '../%s/%s' % (subdir, page)
+ regxs = []
+ regxs.append("`%s`" % basename)
+ regxs.append("`%s::%s`" % (subdir, basename))
+ cpans = "https://metacpan.org/pod/"
+ if subdir == 'CCM':
+ regxs.append("\[{2}::{0}\]\({1}{2}::{0}\)".format(basename, cpans, "EDG::WP4::CCM"))
+ if subdir == 'Unittest':
+ regxs.append("\[{2}::{0}\]\({1}{2}::{0}\)".format(basename, cpans, "Test"))
+ if subdir in ['components', 'components-grid']:
+ regxs.append("\[{2}::{0}\]\({1}{2}::{0}\)".format(basename, cpans, "NCM::Component"))
+ regxs.append("`ncm-%s`" % basename)
+ regxs.append("ncm-%s" % basename)
+ for regex in regxs:
+ newpages = replace_regex_link(newpages, regex, basename, link)
+ return newpages
+def replace_regex_link(pages, regex, basename, link):
+ """Replace links in a bunch of pages based on a regex."""
+ regex = r'( |^|\n)%s([,. $])' % regex
+ for subdir in pages:
+ for page in pages[subdir]:
+ content = pages[subdir][page]
+ if (basename not in page or basename == "Quattor") and basename in content:
+ content = re.sub(regex, "\g<1>[%s](%s)\g<2>" % (basename, link), content)
+ pages[subdir][page] = content
+ return pages
+def write_site(sitepages, location, docsdir):
+ """Write the pages for the website to disk and build a toc."""
+ toc = {}
+ for subdir, pages in sitepages.iteritems():
+ toc[subdir] = set()
+ fullsubdir = os.path.join(location, docsdir, subdir)
+ if not os.path.exists(fullsubdir):
+ os.makedirs(fullsubdir)
+ for pagename, content in pages.iteritems():
+ with open(os.path.join(fullsubdir, pagename), 'w') as fih:
+ fih.write(content)
+ toc[subdir].add(pagename)
+ # Sort the toc, ignore the case.
+ toc[subdir] = sorted(toc[subdir], key=lambda s: s.lower())
+ write_toc(toc, location)
+def write_toc(toc, location):
+ """Write the toc to disk."""
+ try:
+ name = 'toc.tt'
+ template = Template({'INCLUDE_PATH': os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tt')})
+ tocfile = template.process(name, {'toc': toc})
+ except TemplateException as e:
+ msg = "Failed to render template %s with data %s: %s." % (name, toc, e)
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise TemplateException('render', msg)
+ with open(os.path.join(location, "mkdocs.yml"), 'w') as fih:
+ fih.write(tocfile)
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/lib/quattordocbuild/config.py b/src/documentation_builder/lib/quattordocbuild/config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d74b39889e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/lib/quattordocbuild/config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+"""Build and check configuration for quattor documentation."""
+import os
+import ConfigParser
+from vsc.utils import fancylogger
+logger = fancylogger.getLogger()
+cfgfile = ".docbuilder.cfg"
+def check_repository_map(repository_map):
+ """Check if a repository mapping is valid."""
+ logger.info("Checking repository map.")
+ if repository_map is None:
+ logger.error("Repository map is None.")
+ return False
+ if len(repository_map) == 0:
+ logger.error("Repository map is an empty list.")
+ return False
+ for repository in repository_map.keys():
+ keys = repository_map[repository].keys()
+ for opt in ['targets', 'sitesection']:
+ if opt not in keys:
+ logger.error("Respository %s does not have a '%s' in repository_map." % (repository, opt))
+ return False
+ if type(repository_map[repository]['targets']) is not list:
+ logger.error("Repository %s targets is not a list." % repository)
+ return False
+ return True
+def build_repository_map(location):
+ """Build a repository mapping for repository_location."""
+ logger.info("Building repository map in %s." % location)
+ root_dirs = [f for f in os.listdir(location) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(location, f))]
+ repomap = {}
+ for repo in root_dirs:
+ logger.info("Checking %s." % repo)
+ fullcfgfile = os.path.join(location, repo, cfgfile)
+ if os.path.isfile(fullcfgfile):
+ cfg = read_config(fullcfgfile)
+ if cfg:
+ repomap[repo] = cfg
+ else:
+ logger.warning("Invalid config file found in %s. Not using it." % repo)
+ else:
+ logger.warning("No config file found in %s. Not using it." % repo)
+ if check_repository_map(repomap):
+ return repomap
+ else:
+ return False
+def read_config(configfile):
+ """Read a given config file."""
+ config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+ config.read(configfile)
+ section = 'docbuilder'
+ options = {}
+ for option in ['sitesection', 'targets']:
+ if config.has_option(section, option):
+ options[option] = config.get(section, option)
+ else:
+ logger.error("Config %s does not have required option '%s'." % (configfile, option))
+ return False
+ # filter out empty strings from a list of strings
+ options['targets'] = filter(None, options['targets'].split(','))
+ if config.has_option(section, "subdir"):
+ options["subdir"] = config.get(section, "subdir")
+ else:
+ options["subdir"] = None
+ return options
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/lib/quattordocbuild/markdownhandler.py b/src/documentation_builder/lib/quattordocbuild/markdownhandler.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf4058d104
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/lib/quattordocbuild/markdownhandler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+"""Module to handle markdown operations."""
+import re
+from vsc.utils import fancylogger
+from vsc.utils.run import run_asyncloop
+from panhandler import markdown_from_pan
+logger = fancylogger.getLogger()
+MAILREGEX = re.compile(("([a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`"
+ "{|}~-]+)*(@|\sat\s)(?:[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?(\.|"
+ "\sdot\s))+[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?)"))
+PATHREGEX = re.compile(r'(\s+)((?:/[\w{}]+)+\.?\w*)(\s*)')
+EXAMPLEMAILS = ["example", "username", "system.admin"]
+def generate_markdown(sources):
+ """Generate markdown."""
+ logger.info("Generating md files.")
+ markdownlist = {}
+ for source in sources:
+ logger.debug("Parsing %s." % source)
+ if source.endswith(".pan"):
+ markdown = markdown_from_pan(source)
+ if markdown is not None:
+ markdownlist[source] = markdown
+ else:
+ markdown = markdown_from_perl(source)
+ if markdown is not None:
+ markdownlist[source] = markdown
+ return markdownlist
+def markdown_from_perl(podfile):
+ """
+ Take a perl file and converts it to a markdown with the help of pod2markdown.
+ Returns True if pod2markdown worked, False if it failed.
+ """
+ logger.info("Making markdown from perl: %s." % podfile)
+ ec, output = run_asyncloop("pod2markdown %s" % podfile)
+ logger.debug(output)
+ if ec != 0 or output == "\n":
+ logger.warning("pod2markdown failed on %s." % podfile)
+ return None
+ else:
+ return output
+def cleanup_content(markdown, cleanup_options):
+ """Run several cleaners on the content we get from perl files."""
+ for source, content in markdown.iteritems():
+ if not source.endswith('.pan'):
+ for fn in ['remove_emails', 'remove_headers', 'small_titles', 'remove_whitespace', 'codify_paths']:
+ if cleanup_options[fn]:
+ content = globals()[fn](content)
+ markdown[source] = content
+ return markdown
+def remove_emails(markdown):
+ """Remove email adresses from markdown."""
+ replace = False
+ for email in re.findall(MAILREGEX, markdown):
+ logger.debug("Found %s." % email[0])
+ replace = True
+ if email[0].startswith('//'):
+ replace = False
+ for ignoremail in EXAMPLEMAILS:
+ if ignoremail in email[0]:
+ replace = False
+ if replace:
+ logger.debug("Removed it from line.")
+ markdown = markdown.replace(email[0], '')
+ return markdown
+def remove_headers(markdown):
+ """Remove MAINTAINER and AUTHOR headers from md files."""
+ for header in ['# AUTHOR', '# MAINTAINER']:
+ if header in markdown:
+ markdown = markdown.replace(header, '')
+ return markdown
+def remove_whitespace(markdown):
+ """Remove extra whitespace (3 line breaks)."""
+ if '\n\n\n' in markdown:
+ markdown = markdown.replace('\n\n\n', '\n')
+ markdown = remove_whitespace(markdown)
+ return markdown
+def small_titles(markdown):
+ """Make titles smaller, eg replace '# ' with '### ' at the start of a line."""
+ markdown = re.sub(r'\n# |^# ', '\n### ', markdown)
+ markdown = re.sub(r'\n## |^##', '\n#### ', markdown)
+ return markdown
+def codify_paths(markdown):
+ """Put paths into code tags."""
+ markdown, counter = PATHREGEX.subn(r'\1`\2`\3', markdown)
+ if counter > 0:
+ markdown = codify_paths(markdown)
+ return markdown
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/lib/quattordocbuild/panhandler.py b/src/documentation_builder/lib/quattordocbuild/panhandler.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89bffcea2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/lib/quattordocbuild/panhandler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+"""Handle pan files for documentation."""
+import os
+import re
+import tempfile
+import shutil
+from template import Template, TemplateException
+from vsc.utils import fancylogger
+from vsc.utils.run import run_asyncloop
+from lxml import etree
+logger = fancylogger.getLogger()
+namespace = "{http://quattor.org/pan/annotations}"
+def markdown_from_pan(panfile):
+ """Make markdown from a pan annotated file."""
+ logger.info("Making markdown from pan: %s." % panfile)
+ content = get_content_from_pan(panfile)
+ basename = get_basename(panfile)
+ output = render_template(content, basename)
+ if len(output) == 0:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return output
+def render_template(content, basename):
+ """Render the template."""
+ try:
+ name = 'pan.tt'
+ template = Template({'INCLUDE_PATH': os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tt')})
+ output = template.process(name, {'content': content, 'basename': basename})
+ except TemplateException as e:
+ msg = "Failed to render template %s with data %s: %s." % (name, content, e)
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise TemplateException('render', msg)
+ return output
+def get_content_from_pan(panfile):
+ """Return the information of all types and functions from a pan annotated file."""
+ content = {}
+ tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ directory, filename = os.path.split(panfile)
+ built = build_annotations(filename, directory, tempdir)
+ if built:
+ xmlroot = validate_annotations(os.path.join(tempdir, "%s.annotation.xml" % filename))
+ if xmlroot is not None:
+ types, functions = get_types_and_functions(xmlroot)
+ if types is not None:
+ content['types'] = []
+ for type in types:
+ content['types'].append(parse_type(type))
+ if functions is not None:
+ content['functions'] = []
+ for function in functions:
+ content['functions'].append(parse_function(function))
+ shutil.rmtree(tempdir)
+ return content
+def build_annotations(file, basedir, outputdir):
+ """Build pan annotations."""
+ panccommand = ["panc-annotations", "--output-dir", outputdir, "--base-dir", basedir]
+ panccommand.append(file)
+ logger.debug("Running %s." % panccommand)
+ ec, output = output = run_asyncloop(panccommand)
+ logger.debug(output)
+ if ec == 0 and os.path.exists(os.path.join(outputdir, "%s.annotation.xml" % file)):
+ return True
+ else:
+ logger.warning("Something went wrong running '%s'." % panccommand)
+ return False
+def validate_annotations(file):
+ """
+ Check if a pan annotations file is usable.
+ e.g. XML is parsable and the root element is not empty.
+ If it is usable, return the xml root element.
+ """
+ xml = etree.parse(file)
+ root = xml.getroot()
+ if len(root) == 0:
+ logger.debug("%s is empty, skipping it." % file)
+ return None
+ else:
+ return root
+def get_types_and_functions(root):
+ """Return a list of types and functions from a root element."""
+ types = root.findall('%stype' % namespace)
+ functions = root.findall('%sfunction' % namespace)
+ logger.debug(types)
+ logger.debug(functions)
+ if len(types) == 0 and len(functions) == 0:
+ logger.debug("%s has no usable content, skipping it." % file)
+ return None, None
+ return types, functions
+def find_description(element):
+ """Search for the desc tag, even if it is in documentation tag."""
+ desc = element.find("./%sdocumentation/%sdesc" % (namespace, namespace))
+ if desc is None:
+ desc = element.find("./%sdesc" % namespace)
+ return desc
+def parse_type(type):
+ """Parse a type from an XML Element Tree."""
+ typeinfo = {}
+ typeinfo['name'] = type.get('name')
+ desc = find_description(type)
+ if desc is not None:
+ typeinfo['desc'] = desc.text
+ typeinfo['fields'] = []
+ for field in type.findall(".//%sfield" % namespace):
+ fieldinfo = {}
+ fieldinfo['name'] = field.get('name')
+ desc = find_description(field)
+ if desc is not None:
+ fieldinfo['desc'] = desc.text
+ fieldinfo['required'] = field.get('required')
+ basetype = field.find(".//%sbasetype" % namespace)
+ fieldtype = basetype.get('name')
+ fieldinfo['type'] = fieldtype
+ if fieldtype == "long" and basetype.get('range'):
+ fieldinfo['range'] = basetype.get('range')
+ typeinfo['fields'].append(fieldinfo)
+ return typeinfo
+def parse_function(function):
+ """Parse a function from an XML Element Tree."""
+ functinfo = {}
+ functinfo['name'] = function.get('name')
+ desc = find_description(function)
+ if desc is not None:
+ functinfo['desc'] = desc.text
+ functinfo['args'] = []
+ for arg in function.findall(".//%sarg" % namespace):
+ functinfo['args'].append(arg.text)
+ return functinfo
+def get_basename(path):
+ """Return a base name from a path and regular expression."""
+ regex = ".*/(.*?)/target/.*"
+ result = re.search(regex, path)
+ result = result.group(1)
+ if "ncm-" in result:
+ result = result.replace("ncm-", "")
+ return result
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/lib/quattordocbuild/sourcehandler.py b/src/documentation_builder/lib/quattordocbuild/sourcehandler.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3882b63200
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/lib/quattordocbuild/sourcehandler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+Module to handle 'source' related actions.
+It contains functions to run maven clean and compile,
+scan a whole tree for files and find '.pan' files and perl
+files, where when there is a duplicate between '.pod' and
+'.pl', the pod file has the preference.
+import os
+from vsc.utils import fancylogger
+from vsc.utils.run import run_asyncloop
+logger = fancylogger.getLogger()
+def maven_clean_compile(location):
+ """Execute mvn clean and mvn compile in the given modules_location."""
+ logger.info("Doing maven clean compile in %s." % location)
+ ec, output = run_asyncloop("mvn clean compile", startpath=location)
+ logger.debug(output)
+ return ec
+def is_wanted_dir(path, files):
+ """
+ Check if the directory matches required criteria.
+ - It must be in 'target directory'
+ - It should contain files
+ - it shoud contain one of the following in the path:
+ - doc/pod
+ - lib/perl
+ - pan
+ """
+ if 'target' not in path:
+ return False
+ if len(files) == 0:
+ return False
+ if True not in [substr in path for substr in ["doc/pod", "lib/perl", "pan"]]:
+ return False
+ return True
+def is_wanted_file(path, filename):
+ """
+ Check if the file matches one of the criteria.
+ - a perl file based on extension
+ - a pan file based on extension (.pan)
+ - a perl file based on shebang
+ """
+ if True in [filename.endswith(ext) for ext in [".pod", ".pm", ".pl"]]:
+ return True
+ if filename.endswith(".pan"):
+ return True
+ if len(filename.split(".")) < 2:
+ with open(os.path.join(path, filename), 'r') as pfile:
+ if 'perl' in pfile.readline():
+ return True
+ return False
+def handle_duplicates(file, path, fulllist):
+ """Handle duplicates, pod takes preference over pm."""
+ if "doc/pod" in path:
+ duplicate = path.replace('doc/pod', 'lib/perl')
+ if file.endswith('.pod'):
+ duplicate = duplicate.replace(".pod", ".pm")
+ if duplicate in fulllist:
+ fulllist[fulllist.index(duplicate)] = path
+ return fulllist
+ if "lib/perl" in path:
+ duplicate = path.replace('lib/perl', 'doc/pod')
+ if file.endswith('.pm'):
+ duplicate = duplicate.replace(".pm", ".pod")
+ if duplicate not in fulllist:
+ fulllist.append(path)
+ return fulllist
+ else:
+ return fulllist
+ fulllist.append(path)
+ return fulllist
+def list_source_files(location):
+ """
+ Return a list of source_files in a location.
+ Try to filter out:
+ - Unwanted locations
+ - Unwanted files
+ - Duplicates, pod takes precedence over pm.
+ """
+ logger.info("Looking for source files.")
+ finallist = []
+ for path, _, files in os.walk(location):
+ if not is_wanted_dir(path, files):
+ continue
+ for file in files:
+ if is_wanted_file(path, file):
+ fullpath = os.path.join(path, file)
+ finallist = handle_duplicates(file, fullpath, finallist)
+ return finallist
+def get_source_files(location, compile):
+ """Run maven compile and get all source files."""
+ if compile:
+ ec = maven_clean_compile(location)
+ if ec != 0:
+ logger.error("Something went wrong running maven in %s." % location)
+ return None
+ sources = list_source_files(location)
+ logger.info("Found %s source files." % len(sources))
+ return sources
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/lib/quattordocbuild/tt/pan.tt b/src/documentation_builder/lib/quattordocbuild/tt/pan.tt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c922d927d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/lib/quattordocbuild/tt/pan.tt
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+[% IF content.types.defined and content.types.size -%]
+### Types
+[% FOREACH type IN content.types -%]
+ - `/software/[% basename %]/[% type.name %]`
+[% IF type.desc.defined -%]
+ - Description: [% type.desc %]
+[% END -%]
+[% IF type.fields.defined -%]
+[% FOREACH field IN type.fields -%]
+ - `/software/[% basename %]/[% type.name %]/[% field.name %]`
+[% IF field.desc.defined -%]
+ - Description: [% field.desc %]
+[% END -%]
+[% IF field.required == true -%]
+ - Required
+[% ELSE -%]
+ - Optional
+[% END -%]
+ - Type: [% field.type %]
+[% IF field.range.defined -%]
+ - Range: [% field.range %]
+[% END -%]
+[% END -%]
+[% END -%]
+[% END -%]
+[% END -%]
+[% IF content.functions.defined and content.functions.size -%]
+### Functions
+[% FOREACH function IN content.functions -%]
+ - [% function.name %]
+[% IF function.desc.defined -%]
+ - Description: [% function.desc %]
+[% END -%]
+[% IF function.args.size -%]
+ - Arguments:
+[% FOREACH arg IN function.args -%]
+ - [% arg %]
+[% END -%]
+[% END -%]
+[% END -%]
+[% END -%]
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/lib/quattordocbuild/tt/toc.tt b/src/documentation_builder/lib/quattordocbuild/tt/toc.tt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a2408bb7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/lib/quattordocbuild/tt/toc.tt
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+site_name: Quattor Documentation
+theme: 'readthedocs'
+- introduction: 'index.md'
+[% FOREACH subdir_pages IN toc.pairs.sort -%]
+- [% subdir_pages.key %]:
+[%- FOREACH page IN subdir_pages.value %]
+ - [% page.split('.').first %]: [% subdir_pages.key %]/[% page -%]
+[% END %]
+[% END -%]
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/setup.py b/src/documentation_builder/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78d4eaa278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Basic setup.py for building the documentation-builder.
+@author: Wouter Depypere
+from setuptools import setup, find_packages
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ setup(
+ name = 'documentation-builder',
+ description = 'Documentation Builder for Quattor',
+ url='https://github.com/quattor/release/src/documentation_builder/',
+ version = '0.0.1',
+ author = 'Wouter Depypere',
+ author_email = 'wouter.depypere@ugent.be',
+ packages = find_packages('lib'),
+ package_dir={'':'lib'},
+ scripts=['bin/quattor-documentation-builder', 'bin/build-quattor-documentation.sh'],
+ install_requires = [
+ 'vsc-utils',
+ 'vsc-base',
+ 'Template-Python',
+ 'lxml',
+ ],
+ test_suite = "test",
+ tests_require = ["prospector"],
+ include_package_data=True,
+ )
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/test/__init__.py b/src/documentation_builder/test/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28fb39055f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/test/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+"""Empty __init__.py."""
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/test/builder.py b/src/documentation_builder/test/builder.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e9496af85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/test/builder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+"""Test module for builder.py."""
+import sys
+import os
+import shutil
+import filecmp
+from tempfile import mkdtemp
+from unittest import TestCase, main, TestLoader
+sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../lib'))) # noqa
+from quattordocbuild import builder
+class BuilderTest(TestCase):
+ """Test class for builder.py."""
+ def setUp(self):
+ """Set up temp dir for tests."""
+ self.tmpdir = mkdtemp()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ """Remove temp dir."""
+ shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir)
+ def test_which(self):
+ """Test which function."""
+ self.assertFalse(builder.which('testtest1234'))
+ self.assertTrue(builder.which('python'))
+ def test_check_input(self):
+ """Test check_input function."""
+ self.assertFalse(builder.check_input("", ""))
+ self.assertFalse(builder.check_input(self.tmpdir, ""))
+ self.assertFalse(builder.check_input("/nonexistingdir", ""))
+ self.assertTrue(builder.check_input(self.tmpdir, self.tmpdir))
+ os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "test"))
+ self.assertTrue(builder.check_input(self.tmpdir, os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "test")))
+ def test_check_commands(self):
+ """Test check_commands function."""
+ self.assertTrue(builder.check_commands(True))
+ def test_build_site_structure(self):
+ """Test build_site_structure function."""
+ repomap = {
+ "configuration-modules-core": {
+ "sitesection": "components",
+ "targets": ["/NCM/Component/", "/components/", "/pan/quattor/"]
+ },
+ "CCM": {
+ "sitesection": "CCM",
+ "targets": ["EDG/WP4/CCM/"],
+ },
+ }
+ testdata = {'CCM': {'/tmp/qdoc/src/CCM/target/doc/pod/EDG/WP4/CCM/Fetch/Download.pod':
+ "# NAME\n\nEDG::WP4::CC"},
+ 'configuration-modules-core':
+ {'/tmp/doc/src/configuration-modules-core/ncm-profile/target/pan/components/profile/functions.pan':
+ u'\n### Functions\n',
+ '/tmp/doc/src/configuration-modules-core/ncm-fmonagent/target/doc/pod/NCM/Component/fmonagent.pod':
+ 'Hello',
+ '/tmp/doc/src/configuration-modules-core/ncm-freeipa/target/pan/quattor/aii/freeipa/schema.pan':
+ 'Hello2'
+ }}
+ expected_response = {'CCM': {'Fetch::Download.md': '# NAME\n\nEDG::WP4::CC'},
+ 'components': {'aii::freeipa::schema.md': 'Hello2',
+ 'fmonagent.md': 'Hello',
+ 'profile::functions.md': u'\n### Functions\n'}}
+ self.assertEquals(builder.build_site_structure(testdata, repomap), expected_response)
+ def test_make_interlinks(self):
+ """Test make_interlinks function."""
+ # Replace one reference
+ test_data = {'components-grid': {'fmonagent.md': ''},
+ 'components': {'icinga.md': 'I refer to `fmonagent`.'}}
+ expected = {'components-grid': {'fmonagent.md': ''},
+ 'components': {'icinga.md': 'I refer to [fmonagent](../components-grid/fmonagent.md).'}}
+ self.assertEquals(builder.make_interlinks(test_data), expected)
+ # Replace two references
+ test_data = {'comps-gr': {'fmnt.md': ''},
+ 'comps': {'icinga.md': 'refr `fmnt` and `fmnt`.'}}
+ expected = {'comps-gr': {'fmnt.md': ''},
+ 'comps': {'icinga.md': 'refr [fmnt](../comps-gr/fmnt.md) and [fmnt](../comps-gr/fmnt.md).'}}
+ self.assertEquals(builder.make_interlinks(test_data), expected)
+ # Replace ncm- reference
+ test_data = {'components-grid': {'fmonagent.md': ''},
+ 'components': {'icinga.md': 'I refer to `ncm-fmonagent`.'}}
+ expected = {'components-grid': {'fmonagent.md': ''},
+ 'components': {'icinga.md': 'I refer to [fmonagent](../components-grid/fmonagent.md).'}}
+ self.assertEquals(builder.make_interlinks(test_data), expected)
+ # Replace newline reference
+ test_data = {'components-grid': {'fmonagent.md': ''},
+ 'components': {'icinga.md': 'I refer to \n`ncm-fmonagent`.'}}
+ expected = {'components-grid': {'fmonagent.md': ''},
+ 'components': {'icinga.md': 'I refer to \n[fmonagent](../components-grid/fmonagent.md).'}}
+ self.assertEquals(builder.make_interlinks(test_data), expected)
+ # Replace linked wrong reference
+ test_data = {'components-grid': {'fmonagent.md': ''},
+ 'components': {'icinga.md': 'I refer \
+to [NCM::Component::FreeIPA::Client](https://metacpan.org/pod/NCM::Component::FreeIPA::Client).',
+ 'FreeIPA::Client': 'Allo'}}
+ expected = {'components-grid': {'fmonagent.md': ''},
+ 'components': {'icinga.md': 'I refer to [FreeIPA::Client](../components/FreeIPA::Client).',
+ 'FreeIPA::Client': 'Allo'}}
+ self.assertEquals(builder.make_interlinks(test_data), expected)
+ # Don't replace in own page
+ test_data = {'comps-grid': {'fmonagent.md': 'ref to `fmonagent`.'},
+ 'comps': {'icinga.md': 'ref to `icinga` and `ncm-icinga`.'}}
+ self.assertEquals(builder.make_interlinks(test_data), test_data)
+ def test_write_site(self):
+ """Test write_site function."""
+ input = {'CCM': {'fetch::download.md': '# NAME\n\nEDG::WP4::CC'},
+ 'components': {'fmonagent.md': 'Hello',
+ 'profile::functions.md': u'\n### Functions\n'}}
+ sitedir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "docs")
+ builder.write_site(input, self.tmpdir, "docs")
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(sitedir, 'components')))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(sitedir, 'components/profile::functions.md')))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(sitedir, 'components/fmonagent.md')))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(sitedir, 'CCM')))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(sitedir, 'CCM/fetch::download.md')))
+ def test_write_toc(self):
+ """Test write_toc function."""
+ toc = {'CCM': set(['fetch::download.md']), 'components': set(['fmonagent.md', 'profile::functions.md'])}
+ builder.write_toc(toc, self.tmpdir)
+ with open(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "mkdocs.yml")) as fih:
+ print fih.read()
+ self.assertTrue(filecmp.cmp('test/testdata/mkdocs.yml', os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "mkdocs.yml")))
+ toc = {'components': set(['profile::functions.md', 'fmonagent.md']), 'CCM': set(['fetch::download.md'])}
+ builder.write_toc(toc, self.tmpdir)
+ with open(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "mkdocs.yml")) as fih:
+ print fih.read()
+ self.assertTrue(filecmp.cmp('test/testdata/mkdocs.yml', os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "mkdocs.yml")))
+ def suite(self):
+ """Return all the testcases in this module."""
+ return TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(BuilderTest)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/test/config.py b/src/documentation_builder/test/config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f45678116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/test/config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+"""Test module for config.py."""
+import sys
+import os
+import shutil
+from tempfile import mkdtemp
+from unittest import TestCase, main, TestLoader
+sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../lib'))) # noqa
+from quattordocbuild import config
+class ConfigTest(TestCase):
+ """Test class for config.py."""
+ def setUp(self):
+ """Set up temp dir for tests."""
+ self.tmpdir = mkdtemp()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ """Remove temp dir."""
+ shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir)
+ def test_check_repository_map(self):
+ """Test check repository_map function."""
+ self.assertFalse(config.check_repository_map(None))
+ self.assertFalse(config.check_repository_map({}))
+ self.assertFalse(config.check_repository_map({"test": {}}))
+ self.assertFalse(config.check_repository_map({"test": {"sitesection": "test"}}))
+ self.assertFalse(config.check_repository_map({"test": {"targets": ["test"]}}))
+ repomap = {'test': {'sitesection': 'components', 'targets': ['/NCM/Component', 'components']}}
+ self.assertTrue(config.check_repository_map(repomap))
+ def test_build_repository_map(self):
+ """Test build_repository_map function."""
+ testdir1 = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "repo")
+ testdir2 = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "repo1")
+ os.makedirs(testdir1)
+ os.makedirs(testdir2)
+ self.assertFalse(config.build_repository_map(self.tmpdir))
+ open(os.path.join(testdir1, config.cfgfile), 'a').close()
+ self.assertFalse(config.build_repository_map(self.tmpdir))
+ def test_read_config(self):
+ """Test read_config function."""
+ testfile = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, config.cfgfile)
+ with open(testfile, 'w') as fih:
+ fih.write("\n")
+ self.assertFalse(config.read_config(testfile))
+ with open(testfile, 'a') as fih:
+ fih.write("[docbuilder]\nsitesection=test\n")
+ self.assertFalse(config.read_config(testfile))
+ with open(testfile, 'a') as fih:
+ fih.write("targets=test")
+ self.assertEquals(config.read_config(testfile), {'sitesection': 'test',
+ 'subdir': None,
+ 'targets': ['test']})
+ with open(testfile, 'a') as fih:
+ fih.write(",test2")
+ self.assertEquals(config.read_config(testfile), {'sitesection': 'test',
+ 'subdir': None,
+ 'targets': ['test', 'test2']})
+ with open(testfile, 'a') as fih:
+ fih.write(", \n")
+ self.assertEquals(config.read_config(testfile), {'sitesection': 'test',
+ 'subdir': None,
+ 'targets': ['test', 'test2']})
+ with open(testfile, 'a') as fih:
+ fih.write("subdir=test3\n")
+ self.assertEquals(config.read_config(testfile), {'sitesection': 'test',
+ 'subdir': 'test3',
+ 'targets': ['test', 'test2']})
+ def suite(self):
+ """Return all the testcases in this module."""
+ return TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(ConfigTest)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/test/markdownhandler.py b/src/documentation_builder/test/markdownhandler.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46acc9895d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/test/markdownhandler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+"""Test class for markdownhandler."""
+import sys
+import os
+import shutil
+import filecmp
+from tempfile import mkdtemp
+from unittest import TestCase, main, TestLoader
+sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../lib'))) # noqa
+from quattordocbuild import markdownhandler as mdh
+class MarkdownHandlerTest(TestCase):
+ """Test class for markdownhandler."""
+ def setUp(self):
+ """Set up temmp dir for tests."""
+ self.tmpdir = mkdtemp()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ """Remove temp dir."""
+ shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir)
+ def test_markdown_from_perl(self):
+ """Test convert_pod_to_markdown function."""
+ testinput = "test/testdata/pod_test_input.pod"
+ testoutput = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "test.md")
+ expectedoutput = "test/testdata/markdown_from_pod.md"
+ # Get False from bogus input
+ self.assertFalse(mdh.markdown_from_perl("test"))
+ # Verify content
+ output = mdh.markdown_from_perl(testinput)
+ file = open(testoutput, 'w')
+ file.write(output)
+ file.close()
+ self.assertTrue(filecmp.cmp(testoutput, expectedoutput))
+ def test_generate_markdown(self):
+ """Test generate_markdown."""
+ testdir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "testdata/target")
+ testfile1 = os.path.join(testdir, "pan_annotated_schema.pan")
+ testfile2 = os.path.join(testdir, "pod_test_input.pod")
+ os.makedirs(testdir)
+ shutil.copy("test/testdata/pan_annotated_schema.pan", testfile1)
+ shutil.copy("test/testdata/pod_test_input.pod", testfile2)
+ output = mdh.generate_markdown([testfile1, testfile2])
+ self.assertEquals(len(output), 2)
+ self.assertEquals(sorted(output.keys()), [testfile1, testfile2])
+ def test_remove_emails(self):
+ """Test remove_emails function."""
+ mailtext = "Hello: mail@mailtest.mail mister."
+ self.assertEquals(mdh.remove_emails(mailtext), "Hello: mister.")
+ mailtext = "Hello: //mail@mailtest.mail mister."
+ self.assertEquals(mdh.remove_emails(mailtext), mailtext)
+ mailtext = "Hello: example@example.com"
+ self.assertEquals(mdh.remove_emails(mailtext), mailtext)
+ def test_remove_headers(self):
+ """Test remove_headers function."""
+ headertext = "This is a \n test TEXT with AUTH and ication."
+ self.assertEquals(mdh.remove_headers(headertext), headertext)
+ headertext = "This is # MAINTAINER and # AUTHOR text \n with newlines."
+ self.assertEquals(mdh.remove_headers(headertext), "This is and text \n with newlines.")
+ def test_remove_whitespace(self):
+ """Test remove_whitespace function."""
+ whitetext = "this \n\n\n\n\n is a bit too much."
+ self.assertEquals(mdh.remove_whitespace(whitetext), "this \n is a bit too much.")
+ whitetext = "this \n is much better \n\n."
+ self.assertEquals(mdh.remove_whitespace(whitetext), whitetext)
+ def test_small_titles(self):
+ """Test small_titles function."""
+ titletext = "\n\n# very big title\n it is."
+ self.assertEquals(mdh.small_titles(titletext), '\n\n### very big title\n it is.')
+ titletext = "\n## Smaller title."
+ self.assertEquals(mdh.small_titles(titletext), '\n#### Smaller title.')
+ titletext = "# test with set() and ## others Should \n# Deliver \n # not someting weird."
+ expected = '\n### test with set() and ## others Should \n### Deliver \n # not someting weird.'
+ self.assertEquals(mdh.small_titles(titletext), expected)
+ def test_codify_paths(self):
+ """Test codify_paths function."""
+ txt = "leave / me alone//"
+ self.assertEquals(mdh.codify_paths(txt), txt)
+ txt = " /but/please/change/me/yes"
+ self.assertEquals(mdh.codify_paths(txt), ' `/but/please/change/me/yes`')
+ txt = "\n /even/if/i/have/multiline/in/me/ \n"
+ self.assertEquals(mdh.codify_paths(txt), '\n `/even/if/i/have/multiline/in/me`/ \n')
+ txt = " /or/even/if/i/have \n\n /several/paths/that/have/coding "
+ self.assertEquals(mdh.codify_paths(txt), ' `/or/even/if/i/have` \n\n `/several/paths/that/have/coding` ')
+ def test_cleanup_content(self):
+ """Test cleanup_content."""
+ opts = {
+ 'codify_paths': True,
+ 'remove_emails': True,
+ 'remove_whitespace': True,
+ 'remove_headers': True,
+ 'small_titles': True
+ }
+ text = {"/tmp/testfile": "# MAINTAINER \n# Title \n\n\n\n\n /path/to/test/on \n test@test.com"}
+ self.assertEquals(mdh.cleanup_content(text, opts), {'/tmp/testfile': ' \n### Title \n `/path/to/test/on` \n '})
+ def suite(self):
+ """Return all the testcases in this module."""
+ return TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(MarkdownHandlerTest)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/test/panhandler.py b/src/documentation_builder/test/panhandler.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3384cb47b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/test/panhandler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+"""Tests for panhandler."""
+import sys
+import os
+import shutil
+import filecmp
+from tempfile import mkdtemp
+from unittest import TestCase, main, TestLoader
+from lxml import etree
+sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../lib'))) # noqa
+from quattordocbuild import panhandler as panh
+class PanHandlerTest(TestCase):
+ """Test class for panhandler."""
+ def setUp(self):
+ """Set up temmp dir for tests."""
+ self.tmpdir = mkdtemp()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ """Remove temp dir."""
+ shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir)
+ def test_build_annotations(self):
+ """Test build_annotations function."""
+ # Get False with bogus input
+ self.assertFalse(panh.build_annotations("testfile.pan", "test123", "test1234"))
+ # Get True with valid input
+ self.assertTrue(panh.build_annotations("pan_annotated_schema.pan", "test/testdata/", self.tmpdir))
+ outputfile = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "pan_annotated_schema.pan.annotation.xml")
+ # Test if the output file exists
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(outputfile))
+ # Verify the content
+ self.assertTrue(filecmp.cmp("test/testdata/pan_annotated_output.xml", outputfile))
+ def test_validate_annotations(self):
+ """Test validate_annotations function."""
+ # Test we skip empty files
+ self.assertIsNone(panh.validate_annotations("test/testdata/pan_empty_annotated_output.xml"))
+ # Test we get valid content back
+ self.assertIsNotNone(panh.validate_annotations("test/testdata/pan_annotated_output.xml"))
+ def test_get_types_and_functions(self):
+ """Test get_types_and_functions function."""
+ root = panh.validate_annotations("test/testdata/pan_annotated_output.xml")
+ self.assertIsNotNone(panh.get_types_and_functions(root))
+ el1 = self.create_element("test", "test")
+ self.assertEquals(panh.get_types_and_functions(el1), (None, None))
+ def create_element(self, name, text):
+ """Create a XML element from name and text."""
+ element = etree.Element(name)
+ element.text = text
+ return element
+ def test_find_description(self):
+ """Test find_description function."""
+ # Test for an emtpy description
+ el1 = self.create_element("test", "test")
+ self.assertIsNone(panh.find_description(el1))
+ # Test for a description tag
+ el2 = self.create_element("%sdesc" % panh.namespace, "test")
+ el1.append(el2)
+ self.assertEquals(panh.find_description(el1).text, "test")
+ # Test for a description tag within a documentation tag
+ el3 = self.create_element("test", "test")
+ el4 = self.create_element("%sdocumentation" % panh.namespace, "test")
+ el2.text = "test2"
+ el4.append(el2)
+ el3.append(el4)
+ self.assertEquals(panh.find_description(el3).text, "test2")
+ def test_parse_type(self):
+ """Test parse_type function."""
+ # Test empty element
+ el1 = self.create_element("type", "")
+ self.assertEquals(panh.parse_type(el1), {'fields': [], 'name': None})
+ # Test name
+ el1.attrib['name'] = "test"
+ self.assertEquals(panh.parse_type(el1), {'fields': [], 'name': 'test'})
+ # Test description
+ el2 = self.create_element("%sdesc" % panh.namespace, "testdesc")
+ el1.append(el2)
+ self.assertEquals(panh.parse_type(el1), {'desc': 'testdesc', 'fields': [], 'name': 'test'})
+ # Test field
+ el3 = self.create_element("basetype", "")
+ el4 = self.create_element("%sfield" % panh.namespace, "")
+ el4.attrib['name'] = 'debug'
+ el4.attrib['required'] = 'true'
+ el5 = self.create_element("%sbasetype" % panh.namespace, "")
+ el5.attrib['name'] = 'string'
+ el4.append(el5)
+ el3.append(el4)
+ el1.append(el3)
+ expectedoutput = {'desc': 'testdesc',
+ 'fields': [{'name': 'debug', 'required': 'true', 'type': 'string'}],
+ 'name': 'test'}
+ self.assertEquals(panh.parse_type(el1), expectedoutput)
+ def test_parse_function(self):
+ """Test parse_function function."""
+ # Test empty input
+ el1 = self.create_element("function", "")
+ self.assertEquals(panh.parse_function(el1), {'args': [], 'name': None})
+ # Test name
+ el1.attrib['name'] = "testfunction"
+ self.assertEquals(panh.parse_function(el1), {'args': [], 'name': 'testfunction'})
+ # Test description
+ el2 = self.create_element("%sdesc" % panh.namespace, "testdesc")
+ el1.append(el2)
+ self.assertEquals(panh.parse_function(el1), {'args': [], 'name': 'testfunction', 'desc': 'testdesc'})
+ # Test args
+ el3 = self.create_element("%sarg" % panh.namespace, "testargument")
+ el4 = self.create_element("%sarg" % panh.namespace, "testargument2")
+ el2.append(el3)
+ el2.append(el4)
+ expectedoutput = {'args': ['testargument', 'testargument2'], 'name': 'testfunction', 'desc': 'testdesc'}
+ self.assertEquals(panh.parse_function(el1), expectedoutput)
+ def test_render_template(self):
+ """Test render_template function."""
+ content = panh.get_content_from_pan("test/testdata/pan_annotated_schema.pan")
+ testfile = open(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "test.md"), 'w')
+ output = panh.render_template(content, "component-test")
+ print output
+ for line in output:
+ testfile.write(line)
+ testfile.close()
+ self.assertTrue(filecmp.cmp("test/testdata/markdown_from_pan.md", testfile.name))
+ # Test with only fields
+ content = {'functions': [{'args': ['first number to add'], 'name': 'add'}]}
+ output = panh.render_template(content, "component-test")
+ print output
+ expectedoutput = "\n### Functions\n\n - add\n - Arguments:\n - first number to add\n"
+ self.assertEquals(output, expectedoutput)
+ # Test with only Types
+ content = {'types': [{'fields': [{'required': 'false', 'type': 'string', 'name': 'ca'}], 'name': 'testtype'}]}
+ output = panh.render_template(content, "component-test")
+ print output
+ expectedoutput = "\n### Types\n\n - `/software/component-test/testtype`\n - `/software/component-test/testtype/ca`\n\
+ - Optional\n - Type: string\n"
+ self.assertEquals(output, expectedoutput)
+ def test_get_content_from_pan(self):
+ """Test get_content_from_pan function."""
+ # Test with empty pan input file.
+ self.assertEqual(panh.get_content_from_pan("test/testdata/pan_empty_input.pan"), {})
+ expectedresult = {'functions':
+ [{'args': ['first number to add',
+ 'second number to add'],
+ 'name': 'add',
+ 'desc': 'simple addition of two numbers'}],
+ 'types': [
+ {'fields': [
+ {'range': '0..1',
+ 'required': 'true',
+ 'type': 'long',
+ 'name': 'debug',
+ 'desc': 'Test long.'},
+ {'required': 'false',
+ 'type': 'string',
+ 'name': 'ca_dir',
+ 'desc': 'Test string'}],
+ 'name': 'testtype',
+ 'desc': 'test type.'}]}
+ # Test with valid input.
+ self.assertEqual(panh.get_content_from_pan("test/testdata/pan_annotated_schema.pan"), expectedresult)
+ def test_markdown_from_pan(self):
+ """Test markdown_from_pan function."""
+ # Test valid input
+ testdir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "testdata/target")
+ testfile = os.path.join(testdir, "pan_annotated_schema.pan")
+ os.makedirs(testdir)
+ shutil.copy("test/testdata/pan_annotated_schema.pan", testfile)
+ testoutput = panh.markdown_from_pan(testfile)
+ print testoutput
+ self.assertEqual(len(testoutput), 484)
+ self.assertTrue("Types" in testoutput)
+ self.assertTrue("Functions" in testoutput)
+ # Test invalid input
+ testdir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "testdata2/target")
+ testfile = os.path.join(testdir, "pan_empty_input.pan")
+ os.makedirs(testdir)
+ shutil.copy("test/testdata/pan_empty_input.pan", testfile)
+ self.assertIsNone(panh.markdown_from_pan(testfile))
+ def test_get_basename(self):
+ """Test get_basename function."""
+ test = "/tmp/test/src/modules-core/ncm-useraccess/target/pan/components/useraccess/config-common.pan"
+ self.assertEquals(panh.get_basename(test), "useraccess")
+ test = "/tmp/test/src/modules-grid/ncm-condorconfig/target/pan/components/condorconfig/schema.pan"
+ self.assertEquals(panh.get_basename(test), "condorconfig")
+ def suite(self):
+ """Return all the testcases in this module."""
+ return TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(PanHandlerTest)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/test/sourcehandler.py b/src/documentation_builder/test/sourcehandler.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9388a63790
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/test/sourcehandler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+"""Test class for sourcehandler."""
+import os
+import sys
+import shutil
+from tempfile import mkdtemp
+from unittest import TestCase, main, TestLoader
+sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../lib'))) # noqa
+from quattordocbuild import sourcehandler
+class SourcehandlerTest(TestCase):
+ """Test class for sourcehandler."""
+ def setUp(self):
+ """Set up temp dir for tests."""
+ self.tmpdir = mkdtemp()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ """Remove temp dir."""
+ shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir)
+ def test_maven_clean_compile(self):
+ """Test maven_clean_compile."""
+ repoloc = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "test")
+ os.makedirs(repoloc)
+ # test if it fails on a empty dir
+ self.assertNotEqual(sourcehandler.maven_clean_compile(repoloc), 0)
+ # test if it can run a basic pom.xml and return 0
+ file = open(os.path.join(repoloc, "pom.xml"), "w")
+ file.write('4.0.0test')
+ file.write('test1')
+ file.close()
+ self.assertEqual(sourcehandler.maven_clean_compile(repoloc), 0)
+ def test_is_wanted_file(self):
+ """Test is_wanted_file function."""
+ # Test valid extensions
+ for extension in ['pod', 'pm', 'pl', 'pan']:
+ testfile = "test.%s" % extension
+ self.assertTrue(sourcehandler.is_wanted_file('', testfile))
+ # Test invalid extensions
+ for extension in ['tpl', 'txt', 'xml']:
+ testfile = "test.%s" % extension
+ self.assertFalse(sourcehandler.is_wanted_file('', testfile))
+ # Test valid shebang
+ testfilename = "test"
+ file = open(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, testfilename), "w")
+ file.write('#!/usr/bin/perl\n')
+ file.close()
+ self.assertTrue(sourcehandler.is_wanted_file(self.tmpdir, testfilename))
+ # Test invalid shebang
+ file = open(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, testfilename), "w")
+ file.write('#!/usr/bin/python\n')
+ file.close()
+ self.assertFalse(sourcehandler.is_wanted_file(self.tmpdir, testfilename))
+ def test_is_wanted_dir(self):
+ """Test is_wanted_dir function."""
+ # Test we get False if target is not in the given path
+ self.assertFalse(sourcehandler.is_wanted_dir('/bogusdir/test', []))
+ # Test for False on empty fileslist
+ self.assertFalse(sourcehandler.is_wanted_dir('/tmp/target/test/', []))
+ # Test for wrong subdir
+ self.assertFalse(sourcehandler.is_wanted_dir('/tmp/target/test/', ['schema.pan']))
+ # Test for a correct path
+ self.assertTrue(sourcehandler.is_wanted_dir('/tmp/target/doc/pod', ['schema.pan']))
+ def test_handle_duplicates(self):
+ """Test handle_duplicates function."""
+ testperlfile = 'test/lib/perl/test.pm'
+ testpodfile = 'test/doc/pod/test.pod'
+ # Add a correct item to an empty list
+ self.assertEquals(sourcehandler.handle_duplicates('test.pm', testperlfile, []),
+ ['test/lib/perl/test.pm'])
+ # Add a pod file when a pm file is in the list, get a list with only the pod file back
+ self.assertEquals(sourcehandler.handle_duplicates('test.pod', testpodfile, [testperlfile]), [testpodfile])
+ # Add a pm file when a pod file is in the list, get a list with only the pod file back
+ self.assertEquals(sourcehandler.handle_duplicates('test.pm', testperlfile, [testpodfile]), [testpodfile])
+ def test_list_source_files(self):
+ """Test list_source_files function."""
+ # Test a bogus dir
+ self.assertEquals(sourcehandler.list_source_files(self.tmpdir), [])
+ # Test a correct dir
+ testfile = 'test.pod'
+ fulltestdir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'target/doc/pod')
+ os.makedirs(fulltestdir)
+ file = open(os.path.join(fulltestdir, testfile), 'w')
+ file.write("test\n")
+ file.close()
+ self.assertEquals(sourcehandler.list_source_files(fulltestdir), [os.path.join(fulltestdir, testfile)])
+ def test_get_source_files(self):
+ """Test get_source_files function."""
+ self.assertEquals(sourcehandler.get_source_files(self.tmpdir, False), [])
+ self.assertFalse(sourcehandler.get_source_files(self.tmpdir, True))
+ def suite(self):
+ """Return all the testcases in this module."""
+ return TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(SourcehandlerTest)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/test/test_common.py b/src/documentation_builder/test/test_common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d2e5abb64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/test/test_common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+Test class for common tests.
+Mainly runs prospector on project.
+import sys
+import os
+from prospector.run import Prospector
+from prospector.config import ProspectorConfig
+from unittest import TestCase, main, TestLoader
+import pprint
+class CommonTest(TestCase):
+ """Class for all common tests."""
+ def setUp(self):
+ """Cleanup after running a test."""
+ self.orig_sys_argv = sys.argv
+ self.REPO_BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
+ super(CommonTest, self).setUp()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ """Cleanup after running a test."""
+ sys.argv = self.orig_sys_argv
+ super(CommonTest, self).tearDown()
+ def test_prospector(self):
+ """Run prospector on project."""
+ sys.argv = ['fakename']
+ sys.argv.append(self.REPO_BASE_DIR)
+ config = ProspectorConfig()
+ prospector = Prospector(config)
+ prospector.execute()
+ failures = []
+ for msg in prospector.get_messages():
+ failures.append(msg.as_dict())
+ self.assertFalse(failures, "prospector failures: %s" % pprint.pformat(failures))
+ def suite(self):
+ """Return all the testcases in this module."""
+ return TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(CommonTest)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/test/testdata/markdown_from_pan.md b/src/documentation_builder/test/testdata/markdown_from_pan.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2207f0a6f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/test/testdata/markdown_from_pan.md
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+### Types
+ - `/software/component-test/testtype`
+ - Description: test type.
+ - `/software/component-test/testtype/debug`
+ - Description: Test long.
+ - Optional
+ - Type: long
+ - Range: 0..1
+ - `/software/component-test/testtype/ca_dir`
+ - Description: Test string
+ - Optional
+ - Type: string
+### Functions
+ - add
+ - Description: simple addition of two numbers
+ - Arguments:
+ - first number to add
+ - second number to add
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/test/testdata/markdown_from_pod.md b/src/documentation_builder/test/testdata/markdown_from_pod.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..affd7e85b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/test/testdata/markdown_from_pod.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Test pod file
+## Really a pod file
+This is some text
+- this is an item
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/test/testdata/mkdocs.yml b/src/documentation_builder/test/testdata/mkdocs.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a5daadd2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/test/testdata/mkdocs.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+site_name: Quattor Documentation
+theme: 'readthedocs'
+- introduction: 'index.md'
+- CCM:
+ - fetch::download: CCM/fetch::download.md
+- components:
+ - fmonagent: components/fmonagent.md
+ - profile::functions: components/profile::functions.md
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/test/testdata/pan_annotated_output.xml b/src/documentation_builder/test/testdata/pan_annotated_output.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a494453848
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/test/testdata/pan_annotated_output.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ test type.
+ Test long.
+ Test string
+ simple addition of two numbers
+ first number to add
+ second number to add
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/test/testdata/pan_annotated_schema.pan b/src/documentation_builder/test/testdata/pan_annotated_schema.pan
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..420efcdf0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/test/testdata/pan_annotated_schema.pan
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+declaration template pan_annotated_schema;
+@documentation {test type.}
+type testtype = {
+ @{Test long.}
+ 'debug' : long(0..1) = 0
+ @{Test string}
+ 'ca_dir' ? string
+ desc = simple addition of two numbers
+ arg = first number to add
+ arg = second number to add
+function add = {
+ ARGV[0] + ARGV[1];
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/test/testdata/pan_empty_annotated_output.xml b/src/documentation_builder/test/testdata/pan_empty_annotated_output.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9783608acb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/test/testdata/pan_empty_annotated_output.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/test/testdata/pan_empty_input.pan b/src/documentation_builder/test/testdata/pan_empty_input.pan
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c5f22430f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/test/testdata/pan_empty_input.pan
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+declaration template paninput;
diff --git a/src/documentation_builder/test/testdata/pod_test_input.pod b/src/documentation_builder/test/testdata/pod_test_input.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50657df431
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation_builder/test/testdata/pod_test_input.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+=head1 Test pod file
+=head2 Really a pod file
+This is some text
+=over 4
+=item this is an item
diff --git a/src/releasing/quattorpoddoc.py b/src/releasing/quattorpoddoc.py
deleted file mode 100755
index e478ab7ca9..0000000000
--- a/src/releasing/quattorpoddoc.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,513 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2
-quattorpoddoc generates markdown documentation from:
- - configuration-modules-core perl documentation
- - configuration-modules-grid perl documentation
- - CAF perl documentation
- - CCM perl documentation
- - schema pan annotations
- and creates a index for the website on http://quattor.org.
-@author: Wouter Depypere (Ghent University)
-import sys
-import os
-import re
-from vsc.utils.generaloption import simple_option
-from vsc.utils import fancylogger
-from vsc.utils.run import run_asyncloop
-import tempfile
-from lxml import etree
-import shutil
-MAILREGEX = re.compile(("([a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`"
- "{|}~-]+)*(@|\sat\s)(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?(\.|"
- "\sdot\s))+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)"))
-PATHREGEX = re.compile(r'(\s+)((?:/[\w{}]+)+\.?\w*)(\s*)')
-EXAMPLEMAILS = ["example", "username", "system.admin"]
-logger = fancylogger.getLogger()
-DOCDIR = "docs"
- "configuration-modules-core": {
- "sitesubdir": "components",
- "target": "/NCM/Component/"
- },
- "configuration-modules-grid":{
- "sitesubdir": "components-grid",
- "target": "/NCM/Component/"
- },
- "CAF": {
- "sitesubdir": "CAF",
- "target": "/CAF/"
- },
- "CCM": {
- "sitesubdir": "CCM",
- "target": "EDG/WP4/CCM/"
- },
- }
-def maven_clean_compile(repo_location, repository):
- """
- Executes mvn clean and mvn compile in the given modules_location.
- """
- repoloc = os.path.join(repo_location, repository)
- logger.info("Doing maven clean compile in %s." % repoloc)
- output = run_asyncloop("mvn clean compile", startpath=repoloc)
- logger.debug(output)
-def generate_mds(repo, sources, location):
- """
- Takes a list of components with podfiles and generates a md file for it.
- """
- logger.info("Generating md files.")
- mdfiles = set()
- comppath = os.path.join(location, DOCDIR, REPOMAP[repo]['sitesubdir'])
- if not os.path.exists(comppath):
- os.makedirs(comppath)
- for source in sources:
- tpl = False
- if source.endswith(".tpl"):
- logger.warning("%s file extension is '.tpl', should become '.pan'." % source)
- tpl = True
- if source.endswith(".pan") or tpl:
- mdfile = create_md_from_pan(source, comppath)
- if mdfile is not None:
- mdfiles.add(mdfile)
- else:
- sourcename = source.split(REPOMAP[repo]['target'])[-1]
- mdfile = os.path.splitext(sourcename)[0].replace("/", "::").lower() + ".md"
- convert_pod_to_markdown(source, os.path.join(comppath, mdfile))
- mdfiles.add(mdfile)
- logger.info("Written %s md files." % len(mdfiles))
- return mdfiles
-def find_description(sub, namespace):
- """
- Search for the desc tag, even if it is in documentation tag.
- """
- doc = sub.find("./%sdocumentation/%sdesc" % (namespace, namespace))
- if doc is None:
- doc = sub.find("./%sdesc" % namespace)
- return doc
-def create_md_from_pan(source, comppath):
- """
- Takes a pan schema, creates the pan annotations and parses them to markdown.
- """
- modname = os.path.basename(os.path.split(source)[0])
- templatename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source))[0]
- mdfile = "%s::%s.md" % (modname, templatename)
- tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- logger.debug("Temporary directory: %s" % tmpdir)
- panccommand = ["panc-annotations", "--output-dir", tmpdir, "--base-dir"]
- panccommand.extend(os.path.split(source))
- output = run_asyncloop(panccommand)
- logger.debug(output)
- namespace = "{http://quattor.org/pan/annotations}"
- tpl = "%s.pan.annotation.xml" % templatename
- xml = etree.parse(os.path.join(tmpdir, tpl))
- root = xml.getroot()
- if len(root) == 0:
- logger.debug("%s would be empty, skipping it." % mdfile)
- return None
- stypes = root.findall('%stype' % namespace)
- deffunctions = root.findall('%sfunction' % namespace)
- if len(stypes) == 0 and len(deffunctions) == 0:
- logger.debug("%s has no usable content, skipping it." % mdfile)
- return None
- mdtext = []
- mdtext.append("# Types\n")
- for stype in stypes:
- name = stype.get('name')
- mdtext.append("- /software/%s/%s" % (modname, name))
- doc = find_description(stype, namespace)
- if doc is not None:
- mdtext.append("%s- decription: %s" % (" "*4, doc.text))
- for field in stype.findall(".//%sfield" % namespace):
- mdtext.append("%s- /software/%s/%s/%s" % (" "*4, modname, name, field.get('name')))
- doct = find_description(field, namespace)
- if doct is not None:
- mdtext.append("%s- description: %s" % (" "*8, doct.text))
- required = field.get('required')
- if required == "true":
- mdtext.append("%s- required" % (" "*8))
- else:
- mdtext.append("%s- optional" % (" "*8))
- for basetype in field.findall(".//%sbasetype" % namespace):
- fieldtype = basetype.get('name')
- mdtext.append("%s- type: %s" % (" "*8, fieldtype))
- if fieldtype == "long" and basetype.get('range'):
- fieldrange = basetype.get('range')
- mdtext.append("%s- range: %s" % (" "*8, fieldrange))
- mdtext.append("\n")
- if deffunctions:
- mdtext.append("\n# Functions\n")
- root.findall('%sfunction' % namespace)
- for fnname in deffunctions:
- name = fnname.get('name')
- mdtext.append("- %s" % name)
- doc = find_description(fnname, namespace)
- if doc is not None:
- mdtext.append("%s- description: %s " % (" "*4, doc.text))
- for arg in fnname.findall(".//%sarg" % namespace):
- mdtext.append("%s- arg: %s" % (" "*4, arg.text))
- with open(os.path.join(comppath, mdfile), "w") as fih:
- fih.write("\n".join(mdtext))
- logger.debug("Removing temporary directory: %s" % tmpdir)
- shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
- return mdfile
-def convert_pod_to_markdown(podfile, outputfile):
- """
- Takes a podfile and converts it to a markdown with the help of pod2markdown.
- """
- logger.debug("Running pod2markdown on %s." % podfile)
- output = run_asyncloop("pod2markdown %s" % podfile)
- logger.debug("writing output to %s." % outputfile)
- logger.debug(output)
- with open(outputfile, "w") as fih:
- fih.write(output[1])
-def generate_toc(mdfiles, outputloc, indexname):
- """
- Generates a TOC for the parsed components.
- """
- logger.info("Generating TOC as %s." % os.path.join(outputloc, indexname))
- with open(os.path.join(outputloc, indexname), "w") as fih:
- fih.write("site_name: Quattor Documentation\n\n")
- fih.write("theme: 'readthedocs'\n\n")
- fih.write("pages:\n")
- fih.write("- introduction: 'index.md'\n")
- for subdivision in sorted(mdfiles.keys()):
- fih.write("- %s:\n" % subdivision)
- for page in sorted(mdfiles[subdivision]):
- linkname = page.split(".")[0]
- linktopage = "%s/%s" % (subdivision, page)
- write_if_exists(outputloc, linktopage, linkname, fih)
- fih.write("\n")
-def write_if_exists(outputloc, linktopage, linkname, fih):
- """
- Checks if the MD exists before adding it to the TOC.
- """
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(outputloc, DOCDIR, linktopage)):
- logger.debug("Adding %s to toc." % linkname)
- fih.write(" - %s: '%s'\n" % (linkname, linktopage))
- else:
- logger.warn("Expected %s but it does not exist. Not adding to toc."
- % os.path.join(outputloc, DOCDIR, linktopage))
-def remove_mail(mdfiles, outputloc):
- """
- Removes the email addresses from the markdown files.
- """
- logger.info("Removing emailaddresses from md files.")
- counter = 0
- for subdivision in mdfiles.keys():
- for mdfile in mdfiles[subdivision]:
- mdfileloc = os.path.join(outputloc, DOCDIR, subdivision, mdfile)
- with open(mdfileloc, 'r') as fih:
- mdcontent = fih.read()
- replace = False
- for email in re.findall(MAILREGEX, mdcontent):
- logger.debug("Found %s." % email[0])
- replace = True
- if email[0].startswith('//'):
- replace = False
- for ignoremail in EXAMPLEMAILS:
- if ignoremail in email[0]:
- replace = False
- if replace:
- logger.debug("Removed it from line.")
- mdcontent = mdcontent.replace(email[0], '')
- with open(mdfileloc, 'w') as fih:
- fih.write(mdcontent)
- counter += 1
- logger.info("Removed %s email addresses." % counter)
-def remove_whitespace(mdfiles, outputloc):
- """
- Removes extra whitespace (\n\n\n).
- """
- logger.info("Removing extra whitespace from md files.")
- counter = 0
- for subdivision in mdfiles.keys():
- for mdfile in mdfiles[subdivision]:
- mdfileloc = os.path.join(outputloc, DOCDIR, subdivision, mdfile)
- with open(mdfileloc, 'r') as fih:
- mdcontent = fih.read()
- if '\n\n\n' in mdcontent:
- logger.debug("Removing whitespace in %s." % mdfile)
- mdcontent = mdcontent.replace('\n\n\n', '\n')
- with open(mdfileloc, 'w') as fih:
- fih.write(mdcontent)
- counter += 1
- logger.info("Removed extra whitespace from %s files." % counter)
-def decrease_title_size(mdfiles, outputloc):
- """
- Makes titles smaller, e.g. replace "# " with "### ".
- """
- logger.info("Downsizing titles in md files.")
- counter = 0
- for subdivision in mdfiles.keys():
- for mdfile in mdfiles[subdivision]:
- mdfileloc = os.path.join(outputloc, DOCDIR, subdivision, mdfile)
- with open(mdfileloc, 'r') as fih:
- mdcontent = fih.read()
- if '# ' in mdcontent:
- logger.debug("Making titles smaller in %s." % mdfile)
- mdcontent = mdcontent.replace('# ', '### ')
- with open(mdfileloc, 'w') as fih:
- fih.write(mdcontent)
- counter += 1
- logger.info("Downsized titles in %s files." % counter)
-def remove_headers(mdfiles, outputloc):
- """
- Removes MAINTAINER and AUTHOR headers from md files.
- """
- logger.info("Removing AUTHOR and MAINTAINER headers from md files.")
- counter = 0
- for subdivision in mdfiles.keys():
- for mdfile in mdfiles[subdivision]:
- mdfileloc = os.path.join(outputloc, DOCDIR, subdivision, mdfile)
- with open(mdfileloc, 'r') as fih:
- mdcontent = fih.read()
- if '# MAINTAINER' in mdcontent:
- logger.debug("Removing # MAINTAINER in %s." % mdfile)
- mdcontent = mdcontent.replace('# MAINTAINER', '')
- with open(mdfileloc, 'w') as fih:
- fih.write(mdcontent)
- counter += 1
- if '# AUTHOR' in mdcontent:
- logger.debug("Removing # AUTHOR in %s." % mdfile)
- mdcontent = mdcontent.replace('# AUTHOR', '')
- with open(mdfileloc, 'w') as fih:
- fih.write(mdcontent)
- counter += 1
- logger.info("Removed %s unused headers." % counter)
-def codify_paths(mdfiles, outputloc):
- """
- Puts paths inside code tags
- """
- logger.info("Putting paths inside code tags.")
- counter = 0
- for subdivision in mdfiles.keys():
- for mdfile in mdfiles[subdivision]:
- mdfileloc = os.path.join(outputloc, DOCDIR, subdivision, mdfile)
- with open(mdfileloc, 'r') as fih:
- mdcontent = fih.read()
- logger.debug("Tagging paths in %s." % mdfile)
- mdcontent, counter = PATHREGEX.subn(r'\1`\2`\3', mdcontent)
- with open(mdfileloc, 'w') as fih:
- fih.write(mdcontent)
- logger.info("Code tagged %s paths." % counter)
-def check_input_and_commands(sourceloc, outputloc, runmaven):
- """
- Check if the directories are in place.
- Check if the required binaries are in place.
- """
- logger.info("Checking if the given paths exist.")
- if not sourceloc:
- logger.error("Repo location not specified.")
- sys.exit(1)
- if not outputloc:
- logger.error("output location not specified")
- sys.exit(1)
- if not os.path.exists(sourceloc):
- logger.error("Repo location %s does not exist" % sourceloc)
- sys.exit(1)
- for repo in REPOMAP.keys():
- if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(sourceloc, repo)):
- logger.error("Repo location %s does not exist" % os.path.join(sourceloc, repo))
- sys.exit(1)
- if not os.path.exists(outputloc):
- logger.error("Output location %s does not exist" % outputloc)
- sys.exit(1)
- logger.info("Checking if required binaries are installed.")
- if runmaven:
- if not which("mvn"):
- logger.error("The command mvn is not available on this system, please install maven.")
- sys.exit(1)
- if not which("pod2markdown"):
- logger.error("The command pod2markdown is not available on this system, please install pod2markdown.")
- sys.exit(1)
-def list_perl_modules(module_location):
- """
- return a list of perl modules in module_location.
- Try to filter out duplicates, pod takes precedence over pm.
- """
- finallist = []
- for path, _, files in os.walk(module_location):
- if not is_wanted_dir(path, files):
- continue
- for mfile in files:
- if is_wanted_file(path, mfile):
- fname = os.path.join(path, mfile)
- duplicate = ""
- if "doc/pod" in fname:
- duplicate = fname.replace('doc/pod', 'lib/perl')
- if mfile.endswith('.pod'):
- duplicate = duplicate.replace(".pod", ".pm")
- if duplicate in finallist:
- finallist[finallist.index(duplicate)] = fname
- continue
- duplicate = ""
- if "lib/perl" in fname:
- duplicate = fname.replace('lib/perl', 'doc/pod')
- if mfile.endswith('.pm'):
- duplicate = duplicate.replace(".pm", ".pod")
- if duplicate not in finallist:
- finallist.append(fname)
- else:
- continue
- finallist.append(os.path.join(path, mfile))
- return finallist
-def is_wanted_dir(path, files):
- """
- Check if the directory matches required criteria:
- - It must be in 'target directory'
- - It should contain files
- - it shoud contain one of the following in the path:
- - doc/pod
- - lib/perl
- - pan
- """
- if 'target' not in path: return False
- if len(files) == 0: return False
- if True not in [substr in path for substr in ["doc/pod", "lib/perl", "pan"]]: return False
- return True
-def is_wanted_file(path, filename):
- """
- Check if the file matches one of the criteria:
- - a perl file based on extension
- - schema.pan
- - a perl file based on shebang
- """
- if True in [filename.endswith(ext) for ext in [".pod", ".pm", ".pl"]]: return True
- if filename.endswith(".pan"): return True
- if len(filename.split(".")) < 2:
- with open(os.path.join(path, filename), 'r') as pfile:
- if 'perl' in pfile.readline(): return True
- return False
-def which(command):
- """
- Check if given command is available for the current user on this system.
- """
- found = False
- for direct in os.getenv("PATH").split(':'):
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(direct, command)):
- found = True
- return found
-def main(repoloc, outputloc):
- """
- Main run of the script.
- """
- mdfiles = {}
- for repo in REPOMAP.keys():
- logger.info("Processing %s." % repo)
- if GO.options.maven_compile:
- logger.info("Doing maven clean and compile.")
- maven_clean_compile(repoloc, repo)
- else:
- logger.info("Skipping maven clean and compile.")
- pmodules = list_perl_modules(os.path.join(repoloc, repo))
- mdfiles[REPOMAP[repo]['sitesubdir']] = generate_mds(repo, pmodules, outputloc)
- generate_toc(mdfiles, outputloc, GO.options.index_name)
- if GO.options.remove_emails:
- remove_mail(mdfiles, outputloc)
- if GO.options.remove_headers:
- remove_headers(mdfiles, outputloc)
- if GO.options.small_titles:
- decrease_title_size(mdfiles, outputloc)
- if GO.options.remove_whitespace:
- remove_whitespace(mdfiles, outputloc)
- if GO.options.codify_paths:
- codify_paths(mdfiles, outputloc)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- 'modules_location': ('The location of the repo checkout.', None, 'store', None, 'm'),
- 'output_location': ('The location where the output markdown files should be written to.', None, 'store', None, 'o'),
- 'maven_compile': ('Execute a maven clean and maven compile before generating the documentation.', None, 'store_true', False, 'c'),
- 'index_name': ('Filename for the index/toc for the components.', None, 'store', 'mkdocs.yml', 'i'),
- 'remove_emails': ('Remove email addresses from generated md files.', None, 'store_true', True, 'r'),
- 'remove_whitespace': ('Remove whitespace (\n\n\n) from md files.', None, 'store_true', True, 'w'),
- 'remove_headers': ('Remove unneeded headers from files (MAINTAINER and AUTHOR).', None, 'store_true', True, 'R'),
- 'small_titles': ('Decrease the title size in the md files.', None, 'store_true', True, 's'),
- 'codify_paths': ('Put paths inside code tags.', None, 'store_true', True, 'p'),
- }
- GO = simple_option(OPTIONS)
- logger.info("Starting main.")
- check_input_and_commands(GO.options.modules_location, GO.options.output_location, GO.options.maven_compile)
- main(GO.options.modules_location, GO.options.output_location)
- logger.info("Done.")