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This is the internal documentation for the Transducer class. Wherever details are omitted, please refer to the original code.

Instance Variables


self.rootWord Type: String? Value: nil Placeholder for root word.

self.unkWord Type: String Value: _ Placeholder for unknown word.

self.rootTag Type: String Value: TOP POS tag assigned to root node.

self.unkTag Type: String Value: _ POS tag assigned to unknown word.

self.rootDeprel Type: String Value: ROOT Dependency tag between root node and head word.

self.unkDeprel Type: String Value: _ Dependency tag for unknown relation.


self.id2word Type: [String?] Wordlist as an array, plus the unknown and root word. Position of word corresponds to its ID.

self.id2tag Type: [String?] POS tags as an array, plus the tag for unknown and root word. Position of tag corresponds to its ID.

self.id2deprel Type: [String?] Dependency tags as an array, plus the tag for unknown and root word. Position of tag corresponds to its ID.

self.word2id Type: [String: Int] Dictionary used to translate between words and their corresponding IDs.

self.tag2id Type: [String: Int] Dictionary used to translate between POS tags and their corresponding IDs.

self.deprel2id Type: [String: Int] Dictionary used to translate between dependency tags and their corresponding IDs.

self.unkWordId Type: Int Word ID for an unknown word.

self.unkTagId Type: Int POS tag ID for an unknown word.

self.unkDeprelId Type: Int Dependency tag ID for an unknown word.

self.nullWordId Type: Int Word ID that denotes null.

self.nullTagId Type: Int POS tag ID that denotes null.

self.nullDeprelId Type: Int Dependency tag ID that denotes null.

init(wordList: [String?], tagList: [String], deprelList: [String])

Arguments wordList: wordlist as an array of String. tagList: list of POS tags as an array of String. deprelList: list of dependency tags as an array of String.

Purpose Initialize instance variables with the appropriate values.

Returns None.

convertArrayToML(array: [Int]) -> MLMultiArray

Arguments array: the array of Int to convert .

Purpose Converts an array of Int into the CoreML-compatible MLMultiArray.

Returns Returns the converted array as MLMultiArray.

pp2feat(partial: PartialParse) -> (MLMultiArray,MLMultiArray,MLMultiArray)

Arguments partial: the PartialParse object from which to construct a feature vector triple.

Purpose Constructs a feature vector triple (word, pos, deprel) from a PartialParse object.

Returns Returns (word, pos, deprel), all of which are of type MLMultiArray.

The following two paragraphs will be difficult to make sense of without first understanding the paper our dependency parser comes from.

The word and tag vectors have 18 values each for a single sentence. They are: top 3 ids on stack, top 3 ids on buffer, 1st and 2nd leftmost and rightmost dependants from top two words on stack (8), and leftmost-leftmost and rightmost-rightmost of top two words on stack (4).

The deprel vector has 12 values for a single sentence. They are: 1st and 2nd leftmost and rightmost dependants from top two words on stack (8), and the leftmost-leftmost and rightmost-rightmost of top two words on stack (4).

tdVec2transDeprel(tdVec: MLMultiArray) -> (Int, String?)

Arguments partial: the trans/deprel vector to translate, as an MLMultiarray.

Purpose Converts a trans/deprel vector into a trans,deprel pair.

Returns Returns (transition_id, deprel).