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+# Official Email Validation API library client for Ruby
+QuickEmailVerification provides the quickest way to avoid fake / invalid emails.
+* Get actual users by scanning email address.
+* Remove invalid, dead and fake emails from your email list.
+* Save time and money by sending mail to actual users.
+## Let's Get Started
+To begin, signUp at [quickemailverification.com](https://quickemailverification.com) and create a FREE account. After signup logged in, click on **[API Settings](https://quickemailverification.com/apisettings)** and then click **Add API Key**. To use API you need 2 parameters.
+email - (string) This is a email address you need to verify. It should be url encoded.
+apikey - (string) This is the key you generated from "api settings" page.
+NOTE: Keep API key with you. You'll need it to setup the client as explained below.
+## Installation
+Make sure you have [rubygems](https://rubygems.org) installed
+$ gem install quickemailverification
+#### Versions
+Works with [ 1.8.6 / 1.8.7 / 1.9.1 / 1.9.2 / 1.9.3 / 2.0.0 / 2.1.0 / 2.1.1 ]
+## Usage
+require "quickemailverification"
+client = QuickEmailVerification::Client.new('Your_API_Key_Here')
+quickemailverification = client.quickemailverification()
+response = quickemailverification.verify("test@example.com")
+puts response.body
+### Response information
+A successful API call responds with the following values:
+- **result** `string` - The verified results will be: `valid`, `invalid`, `unknown`
+- **reason** `string` - Reason definitions are as below:
+ - `invalid_email` - Specified email has invalid email address syntax
+ - `invalid_domain` - Domain name does not exist
+ - `rejected_email` - SMTP server rejected email. Email does not exist
+ - `accepted_email` - SMTP server accepted email address
+ - `no_connect` - SMTP server connection failure
+ - `timeout` - Session time out occurred at SMTP server
+ - `unavailable_smtp` - SMTP server is not available to process request
+ - `unexpected_error` - An unexpected error has occurred
+ - `no_mx_record` - Could not get MX records for domain
+ - `temporarily_blocked` - Email is temporarily greylisted
+ - `exceeded_storage` - SMTP server rejected email. Exceeded storage allocation
+- **disposable** `true | false` - *true* if the email address uses a *disposable* domain
+- **accept_all** `true | false` - *true* if the domain appears to *accept all* emails delivered to that domain
+- **role** `true | false` - *true* if the email address is a *role* address (`manager@example.com`, `ceo@example.com`, etc)
+- **free** `true | false` - *true* if the email address is from free email provider like Gmail, Yahoo!, Hotmail etc.
+- **email** `string` - Returns a normalized version. (`Niki@example.com` -> `niki@example.com`)
+- **user** `string` - The local part of an email address. (`niki@example.com` -> `niki`)
+- **domain** `string` - The domain of the provided email address. (`niki@example.com` -> `example.com`)
+- **safe_to_send** `true | false` - *true* if the email address is safe for deliverability
+- **did_you_mean** `string` - Returns email suggestions if specific typo errors found in email
+- **success** `true | false` - *true* if the API request was successful
+- **message** `string` - Describes API call failure reason
+### HTTP Response headers
+Total remaining credits can be found by http response header. It contains overall remaining credits, including Persistent & Per day credits.
+- **X-QEV-Remaining-Credits** - Your remaining email verification credits (i.e. Per Day Credits + Persistent Credits).
+## HTTP status codes for QuickEmailVerification API calls
+QuickEmailVerification API also returns following HTTP status codes to indicate success or failure of request.
+- `200` - Request is completed successfully.
+- `400` - Server can not understand the request sent to it. This is kind of response can occur if parameters are passed wrongly.
+- `401` - Server can not verify your authentication to use api. Please check whether API key is proper or not.
+- `402` - You are running out of your credit limit.
+- `404` - Requested API can not be found on server.
+- `429` - Too many requests. Rate limit exceeded.
+## License
+## Bug Reports
+Report [here](https://github.com/quickemailverification/quickemailverification-ruby/issues).
+## Need Help? Feel free to contact us
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+require "rubygems"
+require "quickemailverification/client"
+require "quickemailverification/error"
+require "quickemailverification/http_client"
+module QuickEmailVerification
diff --git a/lib/quickemailverification/api/quickemailverification.rb b/lib/quickemailverification/api/quickemailverification.rb
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+++ b/lib/quickemailverification/api/quickemailverification.rb
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+module QuickEmailVerification
+ module Api
+ # QuickEmailVerification Class for email verification
+ class Quickemailverification
+ def initialize(client)
+ @client = client
+ end
+ # Verify email address and get detailed response
+ #
+ # '/verify?email=:email' GET
+ #
+ # email - send email address in query parameter
+ def verify(email, options = {})
+ body = options.fetch("query", {})
+ email = CGI::escape(email)
+ @client.get("/verify?email=#{email}", body, options)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/quickemailverification/client.rb b/lib/quickemailverification/client.rb
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+++ b/lib/quickemailverification/client.rb
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+require "faraday"
+require "json"
+require "quickemailverification/api/quickemailverification"
+module QuickEmailVerification
+ class Client
+ def initialize(auth = {}, options = {})
+ @http_client = QuickEmailVerification::HttpClient::HttpClient.new(auth, options)
+ end
+ # QuickEmailVerification Class for email verification
+ def quickemailverification()
+ QuickEmailVerification::Api::Quickemailverification.new(@http_client)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/quickemailverification/error.rb b/lib/quickemailverification/error.rb
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+++ b/lib/quickemailverification/error.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+require "quickemailverification/error/client_error"
+module QuickEmailVerification
+ module Error
+ end
diff --git a/lib/quickemailverification/error/client_error.rb b/lib/quickemailverification/error/client_error.rb
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index 0000000..8407e0e
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+++ b/lib/quickemailverification/error/client_error.rb
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+module QuickEmailVerification
+ module Error
+ class ClientError < ::StandardError
+ attr_reader :code
+ def initialize(message, code)
+ @code = code
+ super message
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/quickemailverification/http_client.rb b/lib/quickemailverification/http_client.rb
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index 0000000..9ff33de
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+++ b/lib/quickemailverification/http_client.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+require "quickemailverification/http_client/auth_handler"
+require "quickemailverification/http_client/error_handler"
+require "quickemailverification/http_client/request_handler"
+require "quickemailverification/http_client/response"
+require "quickemailverification/http_client/response_handler"
+module QuickEmailVerification
+ module HttpClient
+ # Main HttpClient which is used by Api classes
+ class HttpClient
+ attr_accessor :options, :headers
+ def initialize(auth = {}, options = {})
+ if auth.is_a?(String)
+ auth = { :http_header => auth }
+ end
+ @options = {
+ :base => "http://api.quickemailverification.com",
+ :api_version => "v1",
+ :user_agent => "quickemailverification-ruby/1.0.1 (https://github.com/quickemailverification/quickemailverification-ruby)"
+ }
+ @options.update(options)
+ @headers = {
+ "user-agent" => @options[:user_agent]
+ }
+ if @options.has_key?(:headers)
+ @headers.update(Hash[@options[:headers].map { |k, v| [k.downcase, v] }])
+ @options.delete(:headers)
+ end
+ @client = Faraday.new(@options[:base]) do |conn|
+ conn.use(QuickEmailVerification::HttpClient::AuthHandler, auth)
+ conn.use(QuickEmailVerification::HttpClient::ErrorHandler)
+ conn.adapter(Faraday.default_adapter)
+ end
+ end
+ def get(path, params = {}, options = {})
+ request(path, nil, "get", options.merge({ :query => params }))
+ end
+ def post(path, body = {}, options = {})
+ request(path, body, "post", options)
+ end
+ def patch(path, body = {}, options = {})
+ request(path, body, "patch", options)
+ end
+ def delete(path, body = {}, options = {})
+ request(path, body, "delete", options)
+ end
+ def put(path, body = {}, options = {})
+ request(path, body, "put", options)
+ end
+ # Intermediate function which does three main things
+ #
+ # - Transforms the body of request into correct format
+ # - Creates the requests with give parameters
+ # - Returns response body after parsing it into correct format
+ def request(path, body, method, options)
+ options = @options.merge(options)
+ options[:headers] = options[:headers] || {}
+ options[:headers] = @headers.merge(Hash[options[:headers].map { |k, v| [k.downcase, v] }])
+ options[:body] = body
+ if method != "get"
+ options[:body] = options[:body] || {}
+ options = set_body(options)
+ end
+ response = create_request(method, path, options)
+ env = response.env
+ body = get_body(env)
+ QuickEmailVerification::HttpClient::Response.new(body, env.status, env.response_headers)
+ end
+ # Creating a request with the given arguments
+ #
+ # If api_version is set, appends it immediately after host
+ def create_request(method, path, options)
+ version = options.has_key?(:api_version) ? "/#{options[:api_version]}" : ""
+ path = "#{version}#{path}"
+ instance_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
+ @client.#{method}(path) do |req|
+ req.body = options[:body]
+ req.headers.update(options[:headers])
+ req.params.update(options[:query]) if options[:query]
+ end
+ end
+ # Get response body in correct format
+ def get_body(env)
+ QuickEmailVerification::HttpClient::ResponseHandler.get_body(env)
+ end
+ # Set request body in correct format
+ def set_body(options)
+ QuickEmailVerification::HttpClient::RequestHandler.set_body(options)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/quickemailverification/http_client/auth_handler.rb b/lib/quickemailverification/http_client/auth_handler.rb
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index 0000000..91b1bcb
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+++ b/lib/quickemailverification/http_client/auth_handler.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+require "base64"
+module QuickEmailVerification
+ module HttpClient
+ # AuthHandler takes care of devising the auth type and using it
+ class AuthHandler < Faraday::Middleware
+ def initialize(app, auth = {}, options = {})
+ @auth = auth
+ super(app)
+ end
+ def call(env)
+ if !@auth.empty?
+ auth = get_auth_type
+ flag = false
+ if auth == HTTP_HEADER
+ env = http_header(env)
+ flag = true
+ end
+ if !flag
+ raise StandardError.new "Unable to calculate authorization method. Please check"
+ end
+ else
+ raise StandardError.new "Server requires authentication to proceed further. Please check"
+ end
+ @app.call(env)
+ end
+ # Calculating the Authentication Type
+ def get_auth_type()
+ if @auth.has_key?(:http_header)
+ return HTTP_HEADER
+ end
+ return -1
+ end
+ # Authorization with HTTP header
+ def http_header(env)
+ env[:request_headers]["Authorization"] = "token #{@auth[:http_header]}"
+ return env
+ end
+ def query_params(url)
+ if url.query.nil? or url.query.empty?
+ {}
+ else
+ Faraday::Utils.parse_query(url.query)
+ end
+ end
+ def merge_query(env, query)
+ query = query.update query_params(env[:url])
+ env[:url].query = Faraday::Utils.build_query(query)
+ return env
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/quickemailverification/http_client/error_handler.rb b/lib/quickemailverification/http_client/error_handler.rb
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index 0000000..f379c1d
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+module QuickEmailVerification
+ module HttpClient
+ # ErrorHanlder takes care of selecting the error message from response body
+ class ErrorHandler < Faraday::Middleware
+ def initialize(app)
+ super(app)
+ end
+ def call(env)
+ @app.call(env).on_complete do |env|
+ code = env.status
+ type = env.response_headers["content-type"] || ''
+ case code
+ when 500...599
+ raise QuickEmailVerification::Error::ClientError.new("Error #{code}", code)
+ when 400...499
+ body = QuickEmailVerification::HttpClient::ResponseHandler.get_body(env)
+ message = ""
+ # If HTML, whole body is taken
+ if body.is_a?(String)
+ message = body
+ end
+ # If JSON, a particular field is taken and used
+ if type.include?("json") and body.is_a?(Hash)
+ if body.has_key?("message")
+ message = body["message"]
+ else
+ message = "Unable to select error message from json returned by request responsible for error"
+ end
+ end
+ if message == ""
+ message = "Unable to understand the content type of response returned by request responsible for error"
+ end
+ raise QuickEmailVerification::Error::ClientError.new message, code
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/quickemailverification/http_client/request_handler.rb b/lib/quickemailverification/http_client/request_handler.rb
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index 0000000..474ea6d
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+++ b/lib/quickemailverification/http_client/request_handler.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+module QuickEmailVerification
+ module HttpClient
+ # RequestHandler takes care of encoding the request body into format given by options
+ class RequestHandler
+ def self.set_body(options)
+ type = options.fetch(:request_type, "raw")
+ # Raw body
+ if type == "raw"
+ options[:body] = options[:body].is_a?(Hash) ? "" : options[:body]
+ options[:headers].delete("content-type")
+ end
+ return options
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/quickemailverification/http_client/response.rb b/lib/quickemailverification/http_client/response.rb
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index 0000000..b8cab87
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+++ b/lib/quickemailverification/http_client/response.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+module QuickEmailVerification
+ module HttpClient
+ # Response object contains the response returned by the client
+ class Response
+ attr_accessor :body, :code, :headers
+ def initialize(body, code, headers)
+ @body = body
+ @code = code
+ @headers = headers
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/quickemailverification/http_client/response_handler.rb b/lib/quickemailverification/http_client/response_handler.rb
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index 0000000..acb056b
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+++ b/lib/quickemailverification/http_client/response_handler.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+module QuickEmailVerification
+ module HttpClient
+ # ResponseHandler takes care of decoding the response body into suitable type
+ class ResponseHandler
+ def self.get_body(env)
+ type = env.response_headers["content-type"] || ''
+ body = env.body
+ # Response body is in JSON
+ if type.include?("json")
+ body = JSON.parse body
+ end
+ return body
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/quickemailverification.gemspec b/quickemailverification.gemspec
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+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+Gem::Specification.new do |gem|
+ gem.name = "quickemailverification"
+ gem.version = "1.0.1"
+ gem.description = "Official QuickEmailVerification API library client for ruby."
+ gem.summary = "Official QuickEmailVerification API library client for ruby"
+ gem.author = "QuickEmailVerification"
+ gem.email = "support@quickemailverification.com"
+ gem.homepage = "https://quickemailverification.com"
+ gem.license = "MIT"
+ gem.require_paths = ['lib']
+ gem.files = Dir["lib/**/*"]
+ gem.add_dependency "faraday", "~> 0.9"
+ gem.add_dependency "json", "~> 1.8"