Version 0.2.2
This is a rating system for Planetary Annihilation aimed towards team games; very WIP.
It is available in both server and client mod flavors.
- Displays estimated ratings for all players in a lobby based off of specific game mode.
- No longer displays estimated total team ratings for all teams in a lobby.
- No longer displays estimated win chances for all teams in a lobby.
- Will fail to identify a player on a local/dedicated server if they change their name without restarting their client
The Reckoner Rating System is a semi-parametric bayesian system designed to estimate players' skill levels in games where players of vastly differing skill levels often encounter each other.
More info will eventually be found at, which is a repository containing a Julia-based framework for defining arbitrary Reckoner-based systems.
Reckoner.jl will eventually be documented further.
ReckonerPA is a PA-specific implementation of Reckoner based on Reckoner.jl. It lives at
An often-outdated form of its code can be found at
More documentation will be available in the future.
ReckonerPA currently draws its data from 2 active sources, 2 legacy sources, 1 backup source, and 2 supplemental sources.
Additionally, there are plans in the future to add 3 more active sources and 3 more legacy sources,
A more in-depth explanation of what each source brings to Reckoner will eventually be added.
- Old PA Inc Replayfeed API
- PA Inc Gamefeed API
- ReckonerPA Recorder2, a more accurate replayfeed archive
- ReckonerPA Reporter, a team composition reporting tool
- SuperStats
- River's Ladder
- a pre-Titans Pastats backup
- Exodus Tournaments
- Selected Challonge Tournaments
- ReckonerPA Recorder (a legacy replayfeed archive)
- private server replayinfo.json documents (including several hundred AI vs AI matchups)
- a manual corrections document
- a list of manually-recorded games