diff --git a/R/build-news.R b/R/build-news.R
index 54703c330..6ef5c0514 100644
--- a/R/build-news.R
+++ b/R/build-news.R
@@ -250,12 +250,12 @@ version_page <- function(x) {
navbar_news <- function(pkg) {
releases_meta <- pkg$meta$news$releases
if (!is.null(releases_meta)) {
- menu(tr_("News"),
+ menu_submenu(tr_("News"),
- list(menu_text(tr_("Releases"))),
+ list(menu_heading(tr_("Releases"))),
- menu_spacer(),
+ menu_separator(),
menu_link(tr_("Changelog"), "news/index.html")
diff --git a/R/navbar-menu.R b/R/navbar-menu.R
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f500d0cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/navbar-menu.R
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+# Menu constructors -----------------------------------------------------------
+# Helpers for use within pkgdown itself - these must stay the same as the
+# yaml structure defined in vignette("customise")
+menu_submenu <- function(text, menu) {
+ if (length(menu) == 0) {
+ return()
+ } else {
+ list(text = text, menu = menu)
+ }
+menu_link <- function(text, href, target = NULL) {
+ purrr::compact(list(text = text, href = href, target = target))
+menu_links <- function(text, href) {
+ purrr::map2(text, href, menu_link)
+menu_heading <- function(text, ...) list(text = text, ...)
+menu_separator <- function() list(text = "---------")
+menu_search <- function() list(search = list())
+menu_icon <- function(icon, href, label) {
+ list(icon = icon, href = href, "aria-label" = label)
+menu_type <- function(x, menu_depth = 0L) {
+ if (!is.list(x) || !is_named(x)) {
+ not <- obj_type_friendly(x)
+ cli::cli_abort("Navbar components must be named lists, not {not}.")
+ } else if (!is.null(x$menu)) {
+# https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/6342
+ if (menu_depth > 0) {
+ cli::cli_abort("Nested menus are not supported.")
+ }
+ "menu"
+ } else if (!is.null(x$text) && grepl("^\\s*-{3,}\\s*$", x$text)) {
+ "separator"
+ } else if (!is.null(x$text) && is.null(x$href)) {
+ "heading"
+ } else if ((!is.null(x$text) || !is.null(x$icon)) && !is.null(x$href)) {
+ "link"
+ } else if (!is.null(x$search)) {
+ "search"
+ } else if (!is_named(x)) {
+ "list"
+ } else {
+ cli::cli_abort("Unknown navbar component with names {names(x)}.")
+ }
+# Menu renderers --------------------------------------------------------------
+navbar_html <- function(x, path_depth = 0L, menu_depth = 0L, side = c("left", "right")) {
+ if (is.null(x)) {
+ return("")
+ }
+ side <- arg_match(side)
+ type <- menu_type(x, menu_depth = menu_depth)
+ text <- switch(type,
+ menu = navbar_html_menu(x, menu_depth = menu_depth, path_depth = path_depth, side = side),
+ heading = navbar_html_heading(x),
+ link = navbar_html_link(x, menu_depth = menu_depth),
+ separator = navbar_html_separator(),
+ search = navbar_html_search(x, path_depth = path_depth)
+ )
+ class <- c(
+ if (menu_depth == 0L) "nav-item",
+ if (type == "menu") "dropdown"
+ )
+ html_tag("li", class = class, text)
+navbar_html_list <- function(x, path_depth = 0L, menu_depth = 0L, side = "left") {
+ tags <- unwrap_purrr_error(purrr::map_chr(
+ x,
+ navbar_html,
+ path_depth = path_depth,
+ menu_depth = menu_depth,
+ side = side
+ ))
+ paste0(tags, collapse = "\n")
+navbar_html_menu <- function(x, path_depth = 0L, menu_depth = 0L, side = "left") {
+ id <- paste0("dropdown-", make_slug(x$text))
+ button <- html_tag("button",
+ type = "button",
+ class = c(if (menu_depth == 0L) "nav-link", "dropdown-toggle"),
+ id = id,
+ `data-bs-toggle` = "dropdown",
+ "aria-expanded" = "false",
+ "aria-haspopup" = "true",
+ "aria-label" = x$`aria-label`,
+ navbar_html_text(x),
+ )
+ li <- navbar_html_list(
+ x$menu,
+ path_depth = path_depth,
+ menu_depth = menu_depth + 1,
+ side = side
+ )
+ ul <- html_tag(
+ "ul",
+ class = c("dropdown-menu", if (side == "right") "dropdown-menu-end"),
+ "aria-labelledby" = id,
+ paste0("\n", indent(li, " "), "\n")
+ )
+ paste0("\n", indent(paste0(button, "\n", ul), " "), "\n")
+navbar_html_link <- function(x, menu_depth = 0) {
+ html_tag(
+ "a",
+ class = if (menu_depth == 0) "nav-link" else "dropdown-item",
+ href = x$href,
+ target = x$target,
+ "aria-label" = x$`aria-label`,
+ navbar_html_text(x)
+ )
+navbar_html_heading <- function(x) {
+ html_tag(
+ "h6",
+ class = "dropdown-header",
+ "data-toc-skip" = NA,
+ navbar_html_text(x)
+ )
+navbar_html_separator <- function() {
+ '
+navbar_html_search <- function(x, path_depth = 0) {
+ input <- html_tag(
+ "input",
+ type = "search",
+ class = "form-control",
+ name = "search-input",
+ id = "search-input",
+ autocomplete = "off",
+ "aria-label" = tr_("Search site"),
+ placeholder = tr_("Search for"),
+ "data-search-index" = paste0(up_path(path_depth), "search.json")
+ )
+ html_tag("form", class = "form-inline", role = "search", "\n", input, "\n")
+# Reused HTML components -----------------------------------------------------
+html_tag <- function(tag, ..., class = NULL) {
+ dots <- list2(...)
+ dots_attr <- dots[have_name(dots)]
+ dots_child <- dots[!have_name(dots)]
+ if (!is.null(class)) {
+ class <- paste0(class, collapse = " ")
+ }
+ attr <- purrr::compact(c(list(class = class), dots_attr))
+ if (length(attr) > 0) {
+ html_attr <- ifelse(
+ is.na(attr),
+ names(attr),
+ paste0(names(attr), '="', attr, '"')
+ )
+ html_attr <- paste0(" ", paste0(html_attr, collapse = " "))
+ } else {
+ html_attr <- ""
+ }
+ html_child <- paste0(purrr::compact(dots_child), collapse = " ")
+ needs_close <- !tag %in% "input"
+ paste0(
+ "<", tag, html_attr, ">",
+ html_child,
+ if (needs_close) paste0("", tag, ">")
+ )
+navbar_html_text <- function(x) {
+ if (is.null(x$icon)) {
+ icon <- ""
+ } else {
+ # Extract icon set from class name
+ classes <- strsplit(x$icon, " ")[[1]]
+ icon_classes <- classes[grepl("-", classes)]
+ iconset <- purrr::map_chr(strsplit(icon_classes, "-"), 1)
+ icon <- html_tag("span", class = unique(c(iconset, classes)))
+ }
+ paste0(
+ icon,
+ if (!is.null(x$icon) && !is.null(x$text)) " ",
+ escape_html(x$text)
+ )
+indent <- function(x, indent) {
+ paste0(indent, gsub("\n", paste0("\n", indent), x))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/navbar.R b/R/navbar.R
index e1f112108..7383ccc43 100644
--- a/R/navbar.R
+++ b/R/navbar.R
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ render_navbar_links <- function(x, depth = 0L, pkg, side = c("left", "right")) {
if (pkg$bs_version == 3) {
} else {
- bs4_navbar_links_html(x, side = side)
+ navbar_html_list(x, path_depth = depth, side = side)
@@ -122,11 +122,12 @@ navbar_components <- function(pkg = ".") {
# in BS3, search is hardcoded in the template
if (pkg$bs_version == 5) {
- menu$search <- list(search = NULL)
+ menu$search <- menu_search()
if (!is.null(pkg$tutorials)) {
- menu$tutorials <- menu(tr_("Tutorials"),
+ menu$tutorials <- menu_submenu(
+ tr_("Tutorials"),
menu_links(pkg$tutorials$title, pkg$tutorials$file_out)
@@ -134,8 +135,8 @@ navbar_components <- function(pkg = ".") {
menu$github <- switch(
- github = menu_icon("github", repo_home(pkg), style = "fab"),
- gitlab = menu_icon("gitlab", repo_home(pkg), style = "fab"),
+ github = menu_icon("fab fa-github fa-lg", repo_home(pkg), "GitHub"),
+ gitlab = menu_icon("fab fa-gitlab fa-lg", repo_home(pkg), "GitLab"),
@@ -160,7 +161,10 @@ navbar_articles <- function(pkg = ".") {
meta <- pkg$meta
if (!has_name(meta, "articles")) {
vignettes <- vignettes[!pkg_intro, , drop = FALSE]
- menu$articles <- menu(tr_("Articles"), menu_links(vignettes$title, vignettes$file_out))
+ menu$articles <- menu_submenu(
+ tr_("Articles"),
+ menu_links(vignettes$title, vignettes$file_out)
+ )
} else {
articles <- meta$articles
@@ -173,187 +177,25 @@ navbar_articles <- function(pkg = ".") {
vig <- pkg$vignettes[select_vignettes(section$contents, pkg$vignettes), , drop = FALSE]
vig <- vig[vig$name != pkg$package, , drop = FALSE]
- if (!is.null(section$navbar)) list(menu_spacer(), menu_text(section$navbar)),
+ if (!is.null(section$navbar)) list(menu_separator(), menu_heading(section$navbar)),
menu_links(vig$title, vig$file_out)
children <- unlist(sections, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
if (length(navbar) != length(articles)) {
- children <- c(children, list(menu_spacer(), menu_link(tr_("More articles..."), "articles/index.html")))
- }
- menu$articles <- menu(tr_("Articles"), children)
- }
- }
- print_yaml(menu)
-# Menu helpers -------------------------------------------------------------
-menu <- function(text, children) {
- if (length(children) == 0)
- return()
- list(text = text, menu = children)
-menu_link <- function(text, href) {
- list(text = text, href = href)
-menu_links <- function(text, href) {
- purrr::map2(text, href, ~ list(text = .x, href = .y))
-menu_icon <- function(icon, href, style = "fas") {
- list(icon = paste0(style, " fa-", icon, " fa-lg"), href = href, "aria-label" = icon)
-menu_text <- function(text) {
- list(text = text)
-menu_spacer <- function() {
- menu_text("---------")
-menu_search <- function(depth = 0) {
- paste0(
- ''
- )
-bs4_navbar_links_html <- function(links, side = c("left", "right")) {
- as.character(bs4_navbar_links_tags(links, side = side), options = character())
-bs4_navbar_links_tags <- function(links, depth = 0L, side = "left") {
- rlang::check_installed("htmltools")
- if (is.null(links)) {
- return(htmltools::tagList())
- }
- # sub-menu
- is_submenu <- (depth > 0L)
- # function for links
- tackle_link <- function(x, index, is_submenu, depth) {
- if (has_name(x, "search")) {
- return(htmltools::HTML(menu_search(depth)))
- }
- if (!is.null(x$menu)) {
- if (is_submenu) {
- menu_class <- "dropdown-item"
- link_text <- bs4_navbar_link_text(x)
- } else {
- menu_class <- "nav-item dropdown"
- link_text <- bs4_navbar_link_text(x)
- }
- submenuLinks <- bs4_navbar_links_tags(
- x$menu,
- depth = depth + 1L,
- side = side
- )
- dropdown_class <- "dropdown-menu"
- if (side == "right") {
- dropdown_class <- paste(dropdown_class, "dropdown-menu-end")
- }
- return(
- htmltools::tags$li(
- class = menu_class,
- htmltools::tags$button(
- href = "#",
- class = "nav-link dropdown-toggle",
- `data-bs-toggle` = "dropdown",
- type = "button",
- `aria-expanded` = "false",
- `aria-haspopup` = "true",
- link_text,
- id = paste0("dropdown-", make_slug(link_text)),
- "aria-label" = x$`aria-label` %||% NULL
- ),
- htmltools::tags$div(
- class = dropdown_class,
- `aria-labelledby` = paste0("dropdown-", make_slug(link_text)),
- submenuLinks
+ children <- c(
+ children,
+ list(
+ menu_separator(),
+ menu_link(tr_("More articles..."), "articles/index.html")
- )
- }
- if (!is.null(x$text) && grepl("^\\s*-{3,}\\s*$", x$text)) {
- if (index == 1) {
- return(htmltools::tagList())
- } else {
- return(htmltools::tags$div(class = "dropdown-divider"))
+ menu$articles <- menu_submenu(tr_("Articles"), children)
- if (!is.null(x$text) && is.null(x$href)) {
- # header
- return(htmltools::tags$h6(class = "dropdown-header", `data-toc-skip` = NA, x$text))
- }
- # standard menu item
- textTags <- bs4_navbar_link_text(x)
- if (is_submenu) {
- return(
- htmltools::tags$a(
- class = "dropdown-item",
- href = x$href,
- target = x$target,
- textTags,
- "aria-label" = x$`aria-label` %||% NULL
- )
- )
- }
- htmltools::tags$li(
- class = "nav-item",
- htmltools::tags$a(
- class = "nav-link",
- href = x$href,
- target = x$target,
- textTags,
- "aria-label" = x$`aria-label` %||% NULL
- )
- )
- }
- tags <- purrr::map2(links, seq_along(links), tackle_link, is_submenu = is_submenu, depth = depth)
- htmltools::tagList(tags)
-bs4_navbar_link_text <- function(x, ...) {
- if (!is.null(x$icon)) {
- # Find the icon set
- classes <- strsplit(x$icon, " ")[[1]]
- icon_classes <- classes[grepl("-", classes)]
- iconset <- purrr::map_chr(strsplit(icon_classes, "-"), 1)
- class <- paste0(unique(c(iconset, classes)), collapse = " ")
- text <- paste0(if (!is.null(x$text)) " ", x$text)
- htmltools::tagList(htmltools::tags$span(class = class), text, ...)
- } else {
- htmltools::tagList(x$text, ...)
+ print_yaml(menu)
# Testing helpers ---------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/tests/testthat/_snaps/navbar-menu.md b/tests/testthat/_snaps/navbar-menu.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a01cbfc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/_snaps/navbar-menu.md
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# can construct menu with children
+ Code
+ cat(navbar_html(menu))
+ Output
+# bad inputs give clear error
+ Code
+ navbar_html(1)
+ Condition
+ Error in `menu_type()`:
+ ! Navbar components must be named lists, not the number 1.
+ Code
+ navbar_html(list(foo = 1))
+ Condition
+ Error in `menu_type()`:
+ ! Unknown navbar component with names foo.
+ Code
+ navbar_html(submenu)
+ Condition
+ Error in `menu_type()`:
+ ! Nested menus are not supported.
+# can construct bullets
+ Code
+ cat(navbar_html(menu_icon("fa-question", "https://example.com", "label")))
+ Output
+ Code
+ cat(navbar_html(menu_heading("Hi")))
+ Output
+ Code
+ cat(navbar_html(menu_link("Hi", "https://example.com")))
+ Output
+ Hi
+# simple components don't change without warning
+ Code
+ cat(navbar_html(menu_heading("a")))
+ Output
+ Code
+ cat(navbar_html(menu_link("a", "b")))
+ Output
+ a
+ Code
+ cat(navbar_html(menu_separator()))
+ Output
+ Code
+ cat(navbar_html(menu_search()))
+ Output
diff --git a/tests/testthat/_snaps/navbar.md b/tests/testthat/_snaps/navbar.md
index 5e15ae36f..45feb8853 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/_snaps/navbar.md
+++ b/tests/testthat/_snaps/navbar.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
text: Reference
href: reference/index.html
- search: ~
+ search: []
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
text: Reference
href: reference/index.html
- search: ~
+ search: []
icon: fab fa-github fa-lg
href: https://github.com/r-lib/pkgdown
- aria-label: github
+ aria-label: GitHub
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@
text: Reference
href: reference/index.html
- search: ~
+ search: []
icon: fab fa-gitlab fa-lg
href: https://gitlab.com/r-lib/pkgdown
- aria-label: gitlab
+ aria-label: GitLab
# vignette with package name turns into getting started
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
text: Reference
href: reference/index.html
- search: ~
+ search: []
text: Get started
href: test.html
@@ -138,10 +138,10 @@
data_navbar(pkg)[c("left", "right")]
- [1] "\n \n \n \n\n"
+ [1] "\n"
- [1] "\n Changelog\n"
+ [1] "Changelog"
# data_navbar() works with empty side
@@ -223,64 +223,18 @@
cat(render_navbar_links(x, pkg = list(bs_version = 4)))
- Get started
- Reference
+ Get started
+ Reference
- News
-# render_navbar_links BS4 no divider before first element
- Code
- cat(render_navbar_links(x, pkg = list(bs_version = 4)))
- Output
-# can specific link target
- Code
- bs4_navbar_links_tags(list(menu = list(text = "text", href = "href", target = "_blank")))
- Output
- text
- Code
- bs4_navbar_links_tags(list(menu = list(text = "text", href = "href", target = "_blank")),
- depth = 1)
- Output
- text
-# can render search helper
- Code
- bs4_navbar_links_tags(list(menu = list(search = TRUE)))
- Output
+ News
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-navbar-menu.R b/tests/testthat/test-navbar-menu.R
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bfeb4a635
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-navbar-menu.R
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+test_that("can construct menu with children", {
+ menu <- menu_submenu(
+ "Title",
+ list(
+ menu_heading("Heading"),
+ menu_separator(),
+ menu_link("Link", "https://example.com")
+ )
+ )
+ expect_snapshot(cat(navbar_html(menu)))
+test_that("bad inputs give clear error", {
+ submenu <- menu_submenu(
+ "Title",
+ list(
+ menu_submenu("Heading", list(menu_heading("Hi")))
+ )
+ )
+ expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, {
+ navbar_html(1)
+ navbar_html(list(foo = 1))
+ navbar_html(submenu)
+ })
+test_that("can construct bullets", {
+ expect_snapshot({
+ cat(navbar_html(menu_icon("fa-question", "https://example.com", "label")))
+ cat(navbar_html(menu_heading("Hi")))
+ cat(navbar_html(menu_link("Hi", "https://example.com")))
+ })
+test_that("bullet class varies based on depth", {
+ expect_equal(
+ navbar_html(menu_separator(), menu_depth = 0),
+ '
+ )
+ expect_equal(
+ navbar_html(menu_separator(), menu_depth = 1),
+ '
+ )
+test_that("icons extract base iconset class automatically", {
+ expect_match(
+ navbar_html(menu_icon("fa-question", "https://example.com", "label")),
+ 'class="fa fa-question"',
+ fixed = TRUE
+ )
+ expect_match(
+ navbar_html(menu_icon("fab fab-github", "https://example.com", "label")),
+ 'class="fab fab-github"',
+ fixed = TRUE
+ )
+test_that("can specify link target", {
+ expect_match(
+ navbar_html(menu_link("a", "b", target = "_blank")),
+ 'target="_blank"',
+ fixed = TRUE
+ )
+test_that("simple components don't change without warning", {
+ expect_snapshot({
+ cat(navbar_html(menu_heading("a")))
+ cat(navbar_html(menu_link("a", "b")))
+ cat(navbar_html(menu_separator()))
+ cat(navbar_html(menu_search()))
+ })
+# Building blocks -----------------------------------------------------------
+test_that("navbar_html_text() combines icons and text", {
+ expect_equal(navbar_html_text(list(text = "a")), 'a')
+ expect_equal(
+ navbar_html_text(list(icon = "fas-github")),
+ ''
+ )
+ expect_equal(
+ navbar_html_text(list(text = "a", icon = "fas-github")),
+ ' a'
+ )
+test_that("navbar_html_text() escapes text", {
+ expect_equal(navbar_html_text(list(text = "<>")), '<>')
+test_that("named arguments become attributes", {
+ expect_equal(html_tag("a"), '')
+ expect_equal(html_tag("a", x = NULL), '')
+ expect_equal(html_tag("a", x = NA), '')
+ expect_equal(html_tag("a", x = 1), '')
+test_that("unnamed arguments become children", {
+ expect_equal(html_tag("a", "b"), 'b')
+ expect_equal(html_tag("a", "b", NULL), 'b')
+test_that("class components are pasted together", {
+ expect_equal(html_tag("a", class = NULL), '')
+ expect_equal(html_tag("a", class = "a"), '')
+ expect_equal(html_tag("a", class = c("a", "b")), '')
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-navbar.R b/tests/testthat/test-navbar.R
index 0f509f432..8b2c524b6 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-navbar.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-navbar.R
@@ -159,91 +159,38 @@ test_that("for bs4, default bg and type come from bootswatch", {
expect_equal(style, list(bg = "primary", type = "light"))
test_that("render_navbar_links BS3 & BS4 default", {
x <- list(
- intro = list(text = "Get started", href = "articles/pkgdown.html"),
- reference = list(text = "Reference", href = "reference/index.html"),
- articles = list(
- text = "Articles",
- menu = list(
- list(text = "Auto-linking", href = "articles/linking.html"),
- list(text = "Search", href = "articles/search.html"),
- list(text = "Metadata", href = "articles/metadata.html"),
- list(text = "Customize your pkgdown website", href = "articles/customization.html"),
- list(text = "---------"),
- list(text = "More...", href = "articles/index.html")
+ intro = menu_link("Get started", "articles/pkgdown.html"),
+ reference = menu_link("Reference", "reference/index.html"),
+ articles = menu_submenu(
+ "Articles",
+ list(
+ menu_link("Auto-linking", "articles/linking.html"),
+ menu_link("Search", "articles/search.html"),
+ menu_link("Metadata", "articles/metadata.html"),
+ menu_link("Customize your pkgdown website", "articles/customization.html"),
+ menu_separator(),
+ menu_link("More...", "articles/index.html")
- news = list(text = "News", href = "news/index.html")
+ news = menu_link("News", "news/index.html")
expect_snapshot(cat(render_navbar_links(x, pkg = list(bs_version = 3))))
expect_snapshot(cat(render_navbar_links(x, pkg = list(bs_version = 4))))
-test_that("render_navbar_links BS4 no divider before first element", {
- x <- list(
- articles = list(
- text = "Articles",
- menu = list(
- list(text = "---------"),
- list(text = "First section"),
- list(text = "Search", href = "articles/search.html"),
- list(text = "Metadata", href = "articles/metadata.html"),
- list(text = "Customize your pkgdown website", href = "articles/customization.html"),
- list(text = "---------"),
- list(text = "More...", href = "articles/index.html")
- )
- )
- )
- expect_snapshot(cat(render_navbar_links(x, pkg = list(bs_version = 4))))
test_that("dropdowns on right are right-aligned", {
x <- list(
- articles = list(
- text = "Articles",
- menu = list(
- list(text = "A"),
- list(text = "B"),
- list(text = "C")
- )
- )
+ articles = menu_submenu("Articles", list(menu_heading("A"), menu_heading("B")))
pkg <- list(bs_version = 5)
right <- xml2::read_html(render_navbar_links(x, pkg = pkg, side = "right"))
left <- xml2::read_html(render_navbar_links(x, pkg = pkg, side = "left"))
- expect_equal(xpath_attr(right, ".//div", "class"), "dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-end")
- expect_equal(xpath_attr(left, ".//div", "class"), "dropdown-menu")
-test_that("can specific link target", {
- expect_snapshot({
- bs4_navbar_links_tags(
- list(menu = list(text = "text", href = "href", target = '_blank'))
- )
- bs4_navbar_links_tags(
- list(menu = list(text = "text", href = "href", target = '_blank')),
- depth = 1
- )
- })
-test_that("can render search helper", {
- expect_snapshot({
- bs4_navbar_links_tags(list(menu = list(search = TRUE)))
- })
-test_that("icons extract icon set", {
- expect_equal(
- as.character(bs4_navbar_link_text(menu_icon("github", ""))),
- ''
- )
- expect_equal(
- as.character(bs4_navbar_link_text(menu_icon("github", "", style = "fab"))),
- ''
- )
+ expect_equal(xpath_attr(right, ".//ul", "class"), "dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-end")
+ expect_equal(xpath_attr(left, ".//ul", "class"), "dropdown-menu")
diff --git a/vignettes/customise.Rmd b/vignettes/customise.Rmd
index ea6448bbd..c3c691c75 100644
--- a/vignettes/customise.Rmd
+++ b/vignettes/customise.Rmd
@@ -281,14 +281,15 @@ navbar:
Components uses the same syntax as [RMarkdown menus](https://bookdown.org/yihui/rmarkdown/rmarkdown-site.html#site-navigation).
The elements of `menu` can be:
-- A link (`text` + `href`)
+- Linked text (`text`, `href`, and an optional `target`).
-- A heading (just `text`)
+- A linked icon (`icon`, `aria-label`, `href`, and an optional `target`).
+ You can find a list of available icons at [fontawesome](https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery). Provide a text description of the icon in the `aria-label` field
+ for screenreader users.
-- A separator (`text: ——–`)
+- A heading (just `text`).
-Instead of text, you can also use the name of an `icon`s from [fontawesome](https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery).
-You should also provide a textual description in the `aria-label` field for screenreader users.
+- A separator (`text: ——–`).
To add a new component to the navbar, you need to modify both `structure` and `components`.
For example, the following yaml adds a new "twitter" component that appears to the left of the github icon.