A JavaScript Object for all the location in Nepal. It contains all the regions,zones,provinces,districts,city and postal/zip codes.
You can install the package using npm or directly include the js file in your html file.
Using NPM
Install the package using following command
npm install nepal-js
Import Package:
const Nepal = require('nepal-js');
Directly Including in HTML file.
Download Nepal.js file and include it inside your HTML file as below,
You can also use minified version Nepal-min.js
<script type="text/javascript" src="Nepal.js"></script>
Nepal.Cities // Returns list of municipality and vdc of Nepal.
Nepal.Districts // Returns list of district in Nepal with postal/zim codes and other information.
Nepal.Zones //Return list of zones in Nepal with headqauters
Nepal.Regions //Return list of Development Regions
Nepal.Provinces //Return list of Provinces with headquater
Some of the built in functions
Nepal.getCitiesByDistrict("Chitwan") //Returns all the vdc and municiplaity in Kaski District
Nepal.getDistrictsByZone("Mechi") //Return all the Districts in Mechi Zone
Nepal.getDistrictsByRegion('Western') //Returns all the Districts if western Region
Nepal.getDistrictsByProvince(1) //Returns all the Districts of Province 1
Nepal.getZonesByRegion('Central') //Returns all the zones in Central Region
Nepal.getPostalCode('Kaski') //Return Postal Codes of Kaski District.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.