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Deep edited this page Jul 8, 2019 · 1 revision

Adds a visualization represented by a nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid topic to the scene. The occupancy grid is treated the way the navigation stack treats it.


A value of 100 is black (occupied), a value of 0 is white (unoccupied), a value of -1 is Unknown(grey) and anything else is taken as is.


Name Description Valid values Default
Topic The nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid topic to subscribe to. Any valid Graph Resource Name Empty String
Alpha The amount of transparency to apply to the map [0-1] 1
Color Scheme Different color scheme to parse the map data. map, costmap, raw map
Draw Behind Draw behind the map plane, visible on both faces. boolean false

The options are inspired from RViz and work very similar to it. For the color scheme

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