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Selva Ganesh edited this page Nov 12, 2016 · 23 revisions


Instantiate the razorpay instance with key_id & key_secret. You can obtain the keys from the dashboard app (

var instance = new Razorpay({
  key_id: 'YOUR_KEY_ID',
  key_secret: 'YOUR_KEY_SECRET'

The resources can be accessed via the instance. All the methods invocations follows the namespaced signature

// API signature
// {razorpayInstance}.{resourceName}.{methodName}(resourceId [, params])

// example

Every resource method returns a promise.

  from: '2016-08-01',
  to: '2016-08-20'
}).then((response) => {
  // handle success
}).catch((error) => {
  // handle error

If you want to use callbacks instead of promises, every resource method will accept a callback function as a last parameter. The callback functions will behave as Error First Callbacks

  from: '2016-08-01',
  to: '2016-08-20'
}, function(error, response) => {
  if (error) {
    // handle error
  } else {
    // handle success


* indicates mandatory field


instance.payments.all({from, to, count, skip})

Fetches payments list.

Name Type Description
from timestamp timestamp after which the payments were created
to timestamp timestamp before which the payments were created
count integer number of payments to fetch (default: 10)
skip integer number of payments to be skipped (default: 0)


Retrieves a particular payment.


Name Type Description
payment_id* string Id of the payment to be retrieved

instance.payments.capture(payment_id, amount)

Capture a payment.


Name Type Description
paymentId* string Id of the payment to capture
amount* integer The amount to be captured (should be equal to the authorized amount, in paise)

instance.payments.refund(payment_id, {amount, notes})

Refund a payment.


Name Type Description
payment_id* string Id of the payment to refund
amount integer The amount to be refunded (in paise)
notes object A key-value pair



instance.refunds.all({from, to, count, skip, payment_id})

Fetches refunds list. If payment_id is passed, refunds of that particular payment is fetched


Name Type Description
payment_id string The payment id whose refunds are to be fetched
from timestamp timestamp after which the payments were created
to timestamp timestamp before which the payments were created
count integer number of payments to fetch (default: 10)
skip boolean number of payments to be skipped (default: 0)

instance.refunds.fetch(refund_id, {payment_id})

Fetches a refund.


Name Type Description
refund_id* string ID of the refund to be retrieved
payment_id string The id of the payment whose refund is to be retrieved



instance.orders.create({amount, currency, receipt, payment_capture, notes})

Create an order in razorpay


Name Type Description
amount* integer Amount of the order to be paid
currency string Currency of the order. Currently only INR is supported.
receipt* string Your system order reference id.
payment_capture boolean Whether the payment should be captured automatically or not. Default false
notes object A key-value pair

instance.orders.all({from, to, count, skip, authorized, receipt})

Fetches orders list


Name Type Description
from timestamp timestamp after which the payments were created
to timestamp timestamp before which the payments were created
count integer number of payments to fetch (default: 10)
skip integer number of payments to be skipped (default: 0)
authorized boolean Orders for which payments are currently in authorized state.
receipt string Orders with the provided value for receipt.


Fetches a particular order


Name Type Description
order_id* string The id of the order to be retrieved



instance.customers.create({name, email, contact, notes})

Create a customer


Name Type Description
name string Name of the customer
email* string Email of the customer
contact* string Contact number of the customer
notes object A key-value pair

instance.customers.edit(customer_id, {name, email, contact, notes})

Edit a customer


Name Type Description
customer_id* string The id of the customer to be edited
name string Name of the customer
email string Email of the customer
contact string Contact number of the customer
notes object A key-value pair


Fetches a customer


Name Type Description
customer_id* string The id of the customer to be retrieved


Fetches all card tokens of a customer


Name Type Description
customer_id* string The id of the customer whose card tokens has to be retrieved

instance.customers.fetchToken(customer_id, token_id)

Fetches a particular card token of a customer


Name Type Description
customer_id* string The id of the customer whose card token has to be retrieved
token_id* string The id of the token to be retrieved

instance.customers.deleteToken(customer_id, token_id)

Deletes the card token


Name Type Description
customer_id* string The id of the customer whose card token has to be deleted
token_id* string The id of the token to be deleted
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