- Start with RTS-GMLC
- Adjust system requirement
- Remove conventional generation (remove coal) / Set RE target
- Increase load (reflecting standard load growth, electrification, ...)
- Optimal expansion planning (PyPSA)
- Assumptions: only add/adjust conductors on existing paths, capital-costs, ...
- One scenario results in a new generation porfolio
- One scenario results in a new generation and transmission porfolio
- Optimal integration planning (Powsybl, Pandapower)
- establish assumptions for representing details of exapsnsions identified in step 3. (e.g. if 3.3 identifies new transmission capacity along a path, should we optimize the design of the entire path or just the new capacity?)
- enforce DC security constraints
- results in a N-1 secure, AC feasible (hopefully) network
- System performance (no new resource)
- Load flow
- UC/ED analsysis
- Production Cost Modeling
- ...