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This app has the following prereq:

Environment Setup

  1. Clone this repository: git clone
  2. cd containers-quickstarts/ipa-server
  3. Run ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --roles-path=roles
  4. Login to OpenShift: oc login -u <username>

❗ freeipa-server container will run under a replica of anyuid SCC. You should ensure you are logged into the Cluster (step 4) with an user with privileges to create SecurityContextConstraints with the required scope

Deploy freeipa-server

Edit .applier/group_vars/seed-hosts.yml to match your environment requirements. See below for explanation of specific parameters.

Run the openshift-applier to create the ipa project and deploy required objects

ansible-playbook -i ./applier roles/openshift-applier/playbooks/openshift-cluster-seed.yml


param description default
namespace name of the namespace/project to create (and deploy to) ipa
app_name name of what you would like to call your app. This will create the app at a route called ipa
base_openshift_url the base of the url that the app will be created at. (i.e. if your apps are created at, the base_openshift_url should be
realm the realm that you would like to create inside of IdM (i.e. EXAMPLE.COM) EXAMPLE.COM
admin_password The desired IPA/IdM admin password for login Password123
openshift_templates_version version of the openshift_templates repo to use (i.e. vX.Y.Z) see seed-hosts.yml
ipa_templates_version version of the repo to use (right now this is an appropriate git hash) see seed-hosts.yml
deployment_timeout number of seconds before the deployment container times out 1000

❗ Warnings and Common Errors ❗

  • The first deployment of this can take a very long time (potentially up to 10 minutes. This is why you'll see the deployment_timeout defaulted to 1000 seconds (16 minutes?). It likely won't take the full time, but can at times come close. Subsequent runs are just a handful of minutes due to the fact that the image is already in place and the install has already taken place (so everything that is required is already in place on the pvc).
  • Occasionally this will run over your deployment_timeout and you'll see the deploy container enters an Error state and you'll see that the app container enters a Terminating state. This can happen for a number of reasons (connection, etc.), but can likely be remedied just by redeploying (and/or increasing the deployment_timeout parameter).
  • Currently there is an issue with idempotency of running this multiple times. This is due to the fact that the template that we're relying on sets a ClusterIP, which cannot be done if it's already set. In order to redeploy this, the best way is to just delete the objects that the deployment template creates and then redeploy.
  • The last issue that we're seeing right now pertains specifically to OCP 4.X. In order to run IdM, it expects that the SELinux Boolean container_manage_cgroup is on. The current workaround for this is to create a machineconfig that creates a systemd file that will run the setsebool command. This can be found here and can be run by providing the following include_tag to the applier: -e 'include_tag=ipa_machineconfig'. This should be done before proceeding with a full run of this quickstart if necessary.