⚠️ DEPRECATED: This chart is no longer maintained. You can use the functionally equivalent gitops-operator chart instead.
ArgoCD Helm Chart customises and deploys the ArgoCD project using the Operator written by Red Hat.
To install the chart from source:
helm upgrade --install argocd -f values.yaml . --create-namespace --namespace labs-ci-cd
The above command creates objects with default naming convention and configuration.
To delete the chart:
helm uninstall argocd --namespace labs-ci-cd
If your chart only partially installed you can try disabling hooks when deleting
helm delete argocd --no-hooks
The values.yml file contains instructions for common chart overrides.
Anything configurable in the Operator is passed to the ArgoCD custom resource provided by the Operator. For more detailed overview of what's included, checkout the ArgoCD Operator Docs
If you wish to use ArgoCD to manage this chart directly (or as a helm chart dependency) you may need to make use of the ignoreHelmHooks
flag to ignore helm lifecycle hooks. For example as a Helm Chart dependency to UJ bootstrap:
argocd app create bootstrap-journey \
--dest-namespace labs-bootstrap \
--dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc \
--repo https://github.com/rht-labs/ubiquitous-journey.git \
--revision master \
--sync-policy automated \
--path "bootstrap" \
--helm-set argocd-operator.ignoreHelmHooks=true \
--values "values-bootstrap.yaml"