description |
刘小泽写于2021.5.25 |
题目:Multimodally profiling memory T cells from a tuberculosis cohort identifies cell state associations with demographics, environment and disease
作者:哈佛医学院 Soumya Raychaudhuri 团队
发表在:Nature Immunology (2021-05-24)
数据是公开的:GSE158769 ,采用CITE-seq
Platforms GPL11154 Illumina HiSeq 2000 (Homo sapiens) Samples GSM4810298 Memory_T_cell_CITE-seq GSE158769_exprs_norm.tsv.gz 3.0 Gb (ftp)(http) TSV GSE158769_exprs_raw.tsv.gz 747.0 Mb (ftp)(http) TSV GSE158769_meta_data.txt.gz 19.8 Mb (ftp)(http) TXT
Genotype data:phs002025.v1.p1
- 分析了来自秘鲁的259个肺结核(tuberculosis , TB)病人的500,089个记忆T细胞,得到31种细胞状态
- 在排除年龄、性别、季节、遗传等因素影响后,发现了一种多能型type 17 helper T (TH17) 细胞状态,在结核杆菌发展成肺结核病的过程中丰度和功能都有所下降
- PBMC sample preparation
- Flow cytometry of total PBMCs
- CITE-seq of isolated memory T cells
- Bulk RNA sequencing
- Genotyping and genetic data processing
- scRNA比对+定量
- scRNA数据拆分
- scRNA数据质控
- 降维
- 聚类+注释
- bulk RNA-seq 比对+定量
- 利用MASC(modeling of associations of single cells )评价不同细胞状态与疾病的关系
- 在秘鲁首都利马进行了一次大型的流行病学调查(n= 18,544),从其中招募了264个人,采样了外周血单核细胞进行CITE-seq测定,同时还加入了基因表型数据和蛋白数据
- 图b是进行了6次QC,每一次过滤掉一些细胞,最后得到了500K
- 大部分样本的细胞数量在2k左右
利用canonical correlation analysis (CCA) 进行降维,选择top20 canonical variates (CVs)进行批次校正和聚类,根据基因和蛋白marker得到31个细胞状态
- 23/31 were CD4+; five were CD8+; one (C-24) was a mixture; Two clusters (C-30 and C-31) were CD4−CD8−
- C-20: contained a subset of CD4−CD8− and CD8+ cells expressing innate-like T cell markers, including ZBTB16 and CD161 and CD26 surface proteins
- one central memory cluster (C-25) and distinct GZMK+ (C-28) and GZMB+ (C-29) effector subsets, reflecting different cytotoxicities
- high expression of HLA-DR and CD38 surface protein and proliferation-associated MKI67 (C-15 and C-27) represent chronically activated cells
- TH17 cells (C-12, CCR6+ and RORC)
- type 1 helper T cells (TH1; C-17, CXCR3+ and IFNG and TBX21)
- heterogeneous continuum of intermediate TH1/TH17 states (C-13, C-16 and C-19) with varying degrees of CXCR3, CCR6, CCR5 and CD161 surface protein expression and RORC and TBX21 expression
- CD161+ subset of type 2 helper T (TH2) cells (C-14), described as pathogenic, with higher expression of allergy-associated HPGDS and IL17RB
- a subset of FOXP3+ Treg cells (C-5) expressing higher CCR6 surface protein and CTLA4 and RORC than other Treg cells
发现: 年龄因素的影响最大;性别因素与T细胞状态也高度相关; type 2 helper T (TH2) 细胞状态在冬天(季节因素)搜集的样本中最为丰富
又找到了C-12 surface markers:CD4+CD26+CD161+CCR6+ ,这些marker已经被证明了以下功能:
- IL-17-producing TH17 state
- CD26 is a co-stimulatory molecule that promotes cytotoxicity
- CD161 is associated with innate-like function
- CCR6 is a homing marker that directs migration to inflamed sites
- predicted C-12 abundance was 9% lower in cases before progression compared to latent controls