- Add "Google Pay" payment method.
- Allowed "Apple Pay" payment only Safari browser.
- Add backend configuration to control order cancellation.
- implement customer handle solution.
- implement webhook setting button in Magento backend.
- Change admin label and set default "send_email_after_payment"
- Block the cancel action if order has authorized payment status
- Add delay to webhooks to avoid immediately call back
- Force Vipps, Resurs Bank and Apple Pay to be opened in "Window" display type.
- Disable cache for Reepay block
- Fix 'ordertext' blank issue.
- add "Klarna Slice It" and "Vipps" payment options.
- Not delete Reepay session when payment success.
- Fixed invoice issue for Swish payment.
- Add "Send order lines" option.
- Prevent capture amount more than authorized amount.
- Skip order cancelation if already has capture transaction.
- Add refund function when cancel order (only Swish payment).
- Small fix for PHP notice
- Small fix for PHP notice
- Add "Swish Bank", "Resurs" and "Forbrugsforeningen" payment methods.
- Split Klarna payment method to "Klarna Pay Now" and "Klarna Pay Later".
- separate payment methods for Klarna, ApplePay and Paypal.
- add "Resurs Bank" payment option.
- Fix checkout session for thank you page.
- add payment method validation on cancel order observer.
- Fix checkout session for thank you page.
- Add API error handle when capture and refund from Magento
- Change logic to calculate "Other" line for order lines.
- Fixed integer parse issue
- Save payment additional data when authorize, settled and refund
- Fixed PHP Notice: Undefined index
- Fixed PHP strict notice
- Update session validation
- Add new payment options (Apple Pay, Paypal)
- Force order state to processing when authorized and settled
- Prepare customer email from order data
- Fix after payment order status issue for custom order statuses
- Fixed double email sending issue. (remove action in the accept callback and leave in the authorize webhook)
- Implement send order email in the settled webhook (for the auto capture function).
- Force order status in the "invoice_authorized" webhook.
- Force order status in the "invoice_settled" webhook.
- Fixed custom order status issue
- Check double authorization and double send email
- Check session expired when cancel order from payment window which session expired
- Supportted to PHP 7.2.x
- Add new payment options (Klarna Pay Later, Klarna Pay Now, Forbrugsforeningen)
- Implement "Other" row for the extra fee or discount
- Fixed shipping address error for virtual product order
- Restore items in shopping cart when cancel from payment window and overlay
- Implement partial capture and partial refund
- Implement vat in order lines
- Implement "invoice_authorized" webhook
- Fixed PHP notice on system.log
- Fixed configuration scope issue for multi-stores affecting order creation from Magento 1 back end
- Disabled refund webhook (Avoid refund request from magento to Reepay again).
- Fixed PHP warning unserialize() and curl_setopt()
- Add payment link email template to installation file
- Change "order_status_before_payment" configuration to "order_status"
- Add condition to send payment link only Reepay payments
- Implement payment link
- Fixed multi API keys issue for multi store
- Force viabill payment method into payment window always
- Add local mapping between Magento and Reepay
- Add condition check mobile pay response
- Change ajax post type
- Always request reepay session
- Remove public API key setting
- Fixed table prefix issue when install module
- First release