Repo to track my progress of Striver's SDE Sheet
This repo will be updated as I progress through each DSA problem in the sheet.
The solved problems will be listed below.
Note: This repo consists of the solutions in Java.
Link to the sheet: Visit website
- Set Matrix Zeros Visit directory
- Pascal's Triangle Visit directory
- Next Permutation Visit directory
- Maximum Subarray Visit directory
- Sort Colors Visit directory
- Best Time To Buy and Sell Stock Visit directory
- Rotate Image Visit directory
- Merge Intervals Visit directory
- Merge Sorted Array Visit directory
- Find the Duplicate Number Visit directory
- Missing and Repeating Numbers Visit directory
- Number of Inversions Visit directory
- Search a 2D Matrix Visit directory
- Pow(x, n) Visit directory
- Majority Element (>n by 2 times) Visit directory
- Majority Element (>n by 3 times) Visit directory