Headless client is a C++ console application which demonstrates use of NDN-RTC library and allows one to publish and fetch audio and video streams over NDN network. Since application is console and cross-platform, it does not provide capabilities to capture video frames from connected hardware or software cameras. Instead, it can read and write raw ARGB frames from/to three types of endpoints:
- file;
- file pipe;
- nanomsg unix socket.
For audio, headless app acquires default audio recording device in the system and it is not configurable (in other words, if there are two audio recording devices, it'll get whatever is set as default in OS).
Configuration of the app is done via config file. Here is an example of a configuration file with comments, explaining different sections and parameters.
There are 3 sections in config file: general, producer and consumer. Config file MUST have at least two sections - general and (consumer or producer) for consumer OR producer behaviour; but also MAY have all three sections for both consumer AND producer behaviour.
This section describes general parameters such as logging level, log file name, log file folder, NDN network configuration (one may want to connect to remote NFD, for example) and others (see example config for more/latest information):
Expand to see example general configuration
general = {
log_level = "default"; // all, debug, stat, default, none
log_file = "ndnrtc-client.log";
log_path = "/tmp";
use_fec = true; // [true | false] -- use Forward Error Correction
use_avsync = true; // [true | false] -- TBD: enable synchronization between audio/video streams
ndnnetwork ={
connect_host = "localhost";
connect_port = 6363;
This section specifies producer behaviour of headless app. It is structured as an array (streams
) of media stream configurations. Each stream configuration contains details about its' type, name (will be used as part of NDN name), segmenting, data freshness and source (for video streams) from where application will read raw frames. Besides this basic details, one MUST specify at least 1 media encoding thread with encoding parameters. By having multiple media encoding threads, one can simultaneously encode incoming stream into different bitrates and publish them over NDN (each thread gets its' own name) to be fetched by consumers. Unlike video, audio streams can't have multiple encoding threads currently.
Expand to see example producer configuration
produce = {
streams = ({ // video stream configuration
type = "video"; // [video | audio]
name = "camera"; // video stream name
segment_size = 1000; // in bytes
freshness = 2000; // in milliseconds
source = "camera.argb"; // file from where raw frames will
// be read. frame resolution should be
// equal to the maximum encoding resolution
// among threads
sync = "sound"; // name of the audio stream to sync this video stream to
threads = ({ // an array of stream's threads that will be published
name = "low"; // thread name
coder = { // encoder parameters
frame_rate = 30;
gop = 30; //group of picture
start_bitrate = 1000;
max_bitrate = 10000;
encode_height = 405;
encode_width = 720;
drop_frames = true; // whether encoder should drop frames
// to maintain start bitrate
name = "hi";
coder = {
frame_rate = 30;
gop = 30;
start_bitrate = 3000;
max_bitrate = 10000;
encode_height = 1080;
encode_width = 1920;
drop_frames = true;
{ // audio stream configuration
type = "audio";
name = "sound";
thread = "pcmu";
segment_size = 1000;
freshness = 2000; // in milliseconds
codec = "g722";
capture_device = 0;
This section of config file specifies parameters for fetching remote media streams. basic
subsection is used for configuring interest lifetimes and jitter buffer sizes for audio and video streams.
One can also configure real-time statistics gathering through the optional stat_gathering
sub-subsection. Each entry in stat_gathering
array will result in creating .stat
CSV file for every fetched stream (specified later in streams
section) with specified statistics. Statistics keywords and their descriptions can be found in statistics.hpp and statistics.cpp source files.
subsection specifies which stream will application attempt to fetch from the network. Each entry describes type of stream, base prefix (in other words, producer's prefix supplied when application was launched), stream name and thread to fetch. For video streams, one may store received raw ARGB frames into a file, specified by sink
. Alternatively, raw frames can be dumped into a file pipe or nanomsg socket by specifying sink_type
Expand to see example consumer configuration
consume = {
basic = {
audio = {
interest_lifetime = 2000; // in millisecond
jitter_size = 150; // minimal jitter buffer size in milliseconds
video = {
interest_lifetime = 2000;
jitter_size = 150;
// statistics to gather per stream
// allowed statistics keywords can be found in statistics.h
stat_gathering = ({
name="buffer"; // file name prefix (complete filename will be
// <name>-<producer_name>-<stream_name>.stat)
statistics= ("jitterPlay", "jitterTar", "dArr");
statistics= ("framesAcq","lambdaD","drdPrime");
statistics= ("lambdaD","drdPrime","jitterTar","dArr");
streams = ({
type = "video"; // [video | audio]
base_prefix = "/ndn/edu/ucla/remap/clientB";
name = "camera"; // video stream name
thread_to_fetch = "low"; // exact stream thread to fetch from
// should be the name of one thread in this stream
sink = "clientB-camera"; // file path where raw decoded frames
// will be stored (without extension)
// full filename will be:
// "<sink>-<idx>-<W>x<H>.argb"
// idx is required, as during fetching,
// consumer may receive different frame
// resolutions (due to ARC switching between
// differen threads)
sink_type = "file"; // "file", "pipe", "nano". if ommited - "file" by default
type = "video";
base_prefix = "/ndn/edu/ucla/remap/clientC";
name = "camera";
thread_to_fetch = "mid";
sink = "clientC-camera";
sink_type = "file";
type = "audio";
base_prefix = "/ndn/edu/ucla/remap/clientB";
name = "sound";
thread_to_fetch = "pcmu";
type = "audio";
base_prefix = "/ndn/edu/ucla/remap/clientC";
name = "sound";
thread_to_fetch = "pcmu";
In order to launch headless app, several command-line arguments must be provided:
(config file) -- config file describing app configuration;-s
(signing identity) -- NDN signing identity which will be used to create application certificate and sign packets; this should be something, like/ndn/edu/ucla/remap/peter
or whatever NDN identity you have installed in your system (unfortunately, even if app acts as a consumer-only, this parameter is mandatory);-p
(verification policy file) -- verification policy file for verifying incoming packets (unfortunately, even if app acts as a producer-only, this parameter is mandatory);-t
(application run time) -- application run time in seconds;-i
(application instance name) -- application instance name which will be appended to provided singning identity in order to generate application certificate;-n
(statistics sampling interval) -- statistics sampling period in milliseconds (optional, default is 100ms);-v
(verbose mode) -- verbose output for std::out (not for log file specified in config file).
This is a quick test to verify ndnrtc-client was built correctly. Two instances (producer and consumer) should be run on the same machine, but in separate terminal windows. For more details and more advanced example see next section below.
In a first terminal window, type:
ndnsec-keygen /ndnrtc-loopback | ndnsec-install-cert -
ndnsec-dump-certificate -i /ndnrtc-loopback > tests/policy_config/signing.cert
mkdir loopback
nfd-start &> /tmp/nfd.log
./ndnrtc-client -c tests/loopback-producer.cfg -s /ndnrtc-loopback -p tests/policy_config/rule.conf -i producer -t 35
This will start ndnrtc-client with producer configuration and run it for 35 seconds. In a second terminal window, type:
./ndnrtc-client -c tests/loopback-consumer.cfg -s /ndnrtc-loopback -p tests/policy_config/rule.conf -i consumer -t 30
This will start ndnrtc-client with consumer configuration, configured to fetch from previously started producer.
Check loopback
folder - it'll contain a number of log
and stat
files. It also contains raw video producer-camera.320x240
received by the consumer (see below on how to use ffmpeg
to encode it into h264
If you want to process results, install PyNDN2 first. Then, do this:
cd loopback
git clone https://github.com/peetonn/ndnrtc-tools && export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/ndnrtc-tools
Check out .png
files of the generated plots inside the folder:
- shows calculated bitrates for the incoming data on consumer side (Payload - actual data without NDN overhead, Wire - data with NDN overhead);buffer.png
- shows durations (in milliseconds) of the frame buffer: playout part (assembled, ready-to-go frames) and pending part (frames, yet expected to arrive);network.png
- shows calculated rates for various network-level packets: Interests, Data, Nacks, Application Nacks, etc.;playback.png
- shows DRD estimation (Data Retrieval Delay) for packets, end-to-end playback latency estimation and Frame demand (Lambda) estimation - minimum number of pending frames;segments.png
- producer-side printout of number of segments for each frame per data type (data/parity), per frame type (key/delta);states.png
- consumer states changes over time (1 - Idle, 2 - Bootstrapping, 3 - Adjusting, 4 - Fetching).
If you want to watch received video, use ffmpeg
to transcode it to .mp4
ffmpeg -f rawvideo -vcodec rawvideo -s 320x240 -r 25 -pix_fmt argb -i producer-camera.320x240 -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -qp 0 producer-camera.mp4
To run simple example with headless client, one will need to have NFD installed and configured.
Here, I'll explain how to run a simple producer-consumer setup (on two machines preferrrably) using headless client app. Producer will read raw video frames from file and acquire audio from default audio input device on the system. These two streams will be fetched by consumer - video saved into a file and audio played back on default audio output device.
Following console commands should be ran statnding in
folder (after runningmake ndnrtc-client
#1 Create producer identity and store certificate into a file (expand for more info)
Producer's certificate will be needed by consumer for verifying data later.
ndnsec-keygen /ndnrtc-test | ndnsec-install-cert -
ndnsec-dump-certificate -i /ndnrtc-test > tests/policy_config/signing.cert
#2 Run producer (expand for more info)
Last argument
specifies runtime in seconds. Producer will read frames from test sequence in a loop.
./ndnrtc-client -c tests/sample-producer.cfg -s /ndnrtc-test -p tests/policy_config/rule.conf -i instance1 -t 100
Producer will generate two log files:
- for video stream;/tmp/producer-instance1-sound.log
- for audio stream.
#3 Copy `signing.cert` saved in step #1 to consumer's machine
Nothing's here
cp <producer-ndn-rtc-cpp-folder>/tests/policy_config/signing.cert <consumer-ndn-rtc-cpp-folder>/tests/policy_config
#4 Run consumer
Nothing's here 😑
./ndnrtc-client -c tests/sample-consumer.cfg -s /ndnrtc-test -p tests/policy_config/rule.conf -i instance2 -t 50 -v
Consumer will generate multiple files:
- for video stream fetching;/tmp/consumer-ndnrtc-test-instance1-sound.log
- for audio stream fetching;/tmp/instance1-camera.320x240
- fetched ARGB frames frames from producer;- video stream statistics (see sample-consumer.cfg for details which statistics are wirtten):
- audio stream statistics (see sample-consumer.cfg for details which statistics are wirtten):
To convert video into viewable format, use ffmpeg
ffmpeg -f rawvideo -vcodec rawvideo -s 320x240 -r 25 -pix_fmt argb -i /tmp/instance1-camera.320x240 -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -qp 0 instance1-camera.mp4