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Zero to OpenShift Continuous Delivery Hero

Implementing continuous delivery of applications on OpenShift and Jenkins using this library can be completed by using the following steps

Jenkins Seed Job

The Jenkins Job DSL Plugin makes use of a seed job to produce the scripted jobs. A job in Jenkins is designated as a seed job uses the plugin to reference a directory containing scripts. This library is used by this Maven seed job. The workspace Maven profile will prepare the directory structure that can be read by the DSL plugin. TheDslEnvironmentGenerator script within this project executes the job and view template scripts based on the values of a json file either located relative to the Jenkins job or read from a location either in another location on the CI server or remove source to drive the creation of the pipeline. The following is a sample json representation:

                "name": "ose-app",
                "gitOwner": "sabre1041",
                "gitProject": "ose-app",
                "gitBranch": "ose-webinar",
                "mavenRootPom": "demo/pom.xml",
                "utilGitOwner": "sabre1041",
                "utilGitProject": "ose3-samples",
                "oseDevTokenCredential": "ose-token-dev",
                "oseUatTokenCredential": "ose-token-uat",
                "oseProdTokenCredential": "ose-token-prod",
                "oseRegistryDev": "",
                "oseRegistryUat": "",
                "oseRegistryProd": "",
                "oseProjectDev": "ose-app-dev",
                "oseProjectUat": "ose-app-uat",
                "oseProjectProd": "ose-app-prod",
                "oseAppDev": "ose-app",
                "oseAppUat": "ose-app",
                "oseAppProd": "ose-app",
                "oseDevMaster": "",
                "acceptanceUrl": "",
                "srcAppUrl": "http://<ip-address>/nexus/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=public&g=org.jboss.examples&a=ticket-monster&v=${BUILD_PROJECT_VERSION}&p=war",
                "slackTokenCredential": "slack-token",
                "slackChannelName": "#openshift-dev",
                "cicdType": "pipeline"

An important distinction is the cicdType property which will determine whether the CICD process will utilize the Jenkins Build Pipeline Plugin or Workflow plugin. Use pipeline for the Build Pipeline Plugin or workflow for the Workflow plugin

Configuring the Seed Job

A preconfigured seed job has been provided called ose-dsl to build the Delivery pipeline in the jenkins/jobs folder. Simply copy the contents of this folder to the jobs folder of the Jenkins server. You will need to restart the server for the new job to appear.

Modify the DSL file included in the ose-dsl folder to match your environment. Please see the [DSL JSON Driver] section explaining the different configuration parameters

Finally, configure the location of the JSON driver file in the the ose-dsl seed job.

Locate the seed job and click Configure. Next, update the FILE_NAME string parameter with the location of the json configuration file. The location of this file can be located on the Jenkins server or in a remote location.

Click Save to apply the changes.

Click the Build with Parameters link on the left. Verify the location of the FILE_NAME parameter and click Build

The seed job will build out the pipeline


The DSL project is driven by a JSON file containing the parameters necessary to build the delivery pipeline.

The following table details the parameters and their significance

Field Description Required
name Name of the application yes
gitBranch Git branch of the application (Defaults to master) no
gitProject Git project yes
gitOwner Owner of the application git repository yes
utilGitBranch Git branch of the repository containing utility scripts no
utilGitProject Git project containing utility scripts yes
utilGitOwner Owner of the git repository containing utility scripts yes
scmPollSchedule Cron schedule to poll application Git repository for changes no
mavenDeployRepoUrl Url of the Maven repository to deploy packaged artifacts no
mavenDeployServerId Id of the Maven server to deploy artifacts as configured in the settings.xml file no
oseDevTokenCredential Name of the Jenkins credential containing the OpenShift authentication token for the Development environment yes
oseUatTokenCredential Name of the Jenkins credential containing the OpenShift authentication token for the UAT environment yes
oseProdTokenCredential Name of the Jenkins credential containing the OpenShift authentication token for the Production environment yes
oseRegistryDev URL of the integrated OpenShift docker registry for the Development environment yes
oseRegistryUat URL of the integrated OpenShift docker registry for the UAT environment yes
oseRegistryProd URL of the integrated OpenShift docker registry for the Production environment yes
oseProjectDev Name of the OpenShift project for the Development environment yes
oseProjectUat Name of the OpenShift project for the UAT environment yes
oseProjectProd Name of the OpenShift project for the Production environment yes
oseAppDev Name of the OpenShift application for the Development environment yes
oseAppUat Name of the OpenShift application for the UAT environment yes
oseAppProd Name of the OpenShift application for the Production environment yes
oseDevMaster URL of the OpenShift master API server yes
srcAppUrl URL where the packaged application should be retrieved as part of the OpenShift S2I build yes
mavenRootPom Location of the Maven pom within the git repository (defaults to pom.xml) no
mavenGoals Maven goals to execute during the build of the application no
acceptanceUrl URL to facilitate automated acceptance testing the application in the development environment no
slackTokenCredential Name of the Jenkins credential containing the Slack authentication token no
slackChannelName Name of the sack channel or private group to post (include # for channels) no

The following is an example of a such file

		"name": "ticket-monster-new",
		"gitOwner": "sabre1041",
		"gitProject": "ticket-monster-webinar",
		"gitBranch": "ose-webinar",
 		"mavenRootPom": "demo/pom.xml",
 		"utilGitOwner": "sabre1041",
		"utilGitProject": "ose3-samples",
 		"mavenDeployRepoUrl": "",
 		"mavenDeployServerId": "nexus",
		"oseDevTokenCredential": "ose-token-dev",
		"oseUatTokenCredential": "ose-token-uat",
		"oseProdTokenCredential": "ose-token-prod",
		"oseRegistryDev": "",
		"oseRegistryUat": "",
		"oseRegistryProd": "",
		"oseProjectDev": "ticket-monster-dev",
		"oseProjectUat": "ticket-monster-uat",
		"oseProjectProd": "ticket-monster",
		"oseAppDev": "ticket-monster",
		"oseAppUat": "ticket-monster",
		"oseAppProd": "ticket-monster",
		"oseDevMaster": "",
 		"acceptanceUrl": "",
		"srcAppUrl": "${BUILD_PROJECT_VERSION}&p=war",
 		"slackTokenCredential": "slack-token",
 		"slackChannelName": "#openshift-dev"

Specifying Location of Packaged Application

Once a build has completed in Jenkins, a new S2I build in OpenShift will be triggered. As part of the S2I build, the packaged source will be retrieved and inserted into the resulting docker image. The location of the packaged source must be configured in the srcAppUrl field of the JSON driver file. Jenkins build environment variables can be used since this field is evaluated during the job execution.

Triggering Application Builds

Application builds can be triggered either directly or through a polling mechanism to the source repository.

Manual Triggering

A new delivery pipeline can be initiated by logging into Jenkins and selecting the view at the top of the main page (Suffixed by -delivery-pipeline)

Select the green build icon to start a new delivery pipeline

Polling for changes

Pipelines can be triggered when changes occur to the application source repository. A cron based schedule when polling should occur can be configured by specifying the scmPollSchedule in the JSON driver file