Installing PhyloNetworks PhyloPlots
using Pkg # to use functions that manage packages
Pkg.add("PhyloNetworks") # to download & install package PhyloNetworks
Pkg.add("RCall") # packaage to call R from within julia
Pkg.add("CSV") # to read from / write to text files, e.g. csv files
Pkg.add("DataFrames") # to create & manipulate data frames
Pkg.add("StatsModels")# for regression formulas
using PhyloNetworks # may take some time: pre-compiles functions in that package
using PhyloPlots # may take some time: there is a proble with "RCall"
I have to change R_HOME tuve que cambiar el siguiente archivo a R
This was part of the script was modified:
if !haskey(ENV,"R") && isdir(DepFile.Rhome) && validate_libR(DepFile.libR, false)
Rhome, libR = DepFile.Rhome, DepFile.libR
@info "Using previously configured R at $Rhome with libR in $libR."
Rhome = get(ENV, "R", "")
if Rhome == "*"
# install with Conda
@info "Installing R via Conda. To use a different R installation,"*
" set the \"R_HOME\" environment variable and re-run "*
Rhome = joinpath(Conda.LIBDIR, "R")
Voy a intentar reinstallar RCall