- navigate to the robotWrapper directory
- python -m venv robotVenv
- robotVenv\Scripts\activate
- python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- If this does not work, you can install each library one at a time:
- pip install <insert_library>
- Ensure to always activate your virtual environment before running tests:
- To activate: Navigate to robotWrapper directory, then enter robotVenv\Scripts\activate
- To deactivate: Navigate to robotWrapper directory, then enter robotVenv\Scripts\deactivate.bat
- Runs with robot framework
- To run this enter: robot tests (into your command prompt)
- The above command runs whatever test suite you want to select, or all test suites if you select the highest level directory
- Added a python wrapper script that outputs all files into a table (html) in reverse chronological order
- To run this enter: python htmlWrapper.py (into your command prompt)
- This script writes the test output data to a Logs directory in /testResults
- All past tests in this directory are displayed in a table in reverse chronological order, with links to the robotframework reports and logs
- robot --variable LOGGER_COMPORT:COM9 --variable IPI_COMPORT:COM4
- the command above lets you change what COMPORT you are writing to
- robot --pythonpath C:\Users\rechegaray\Desktop\robotWrapper\tests\ipi v1.robot
- the command above lets you add a path to your pythonpath file
- http://robotframework.org/robotframework/latest/RobotFrameworkUserGuide
- the link above is the robot framework user guide
- you can also type robot --help to display a list of several commands/parameters