A bot that simplifies the process of trading through chat-friendly interface on Telegram. This code utilises several trading broker's APIs, including Alpaca's REST API, websockets and SSE to get historical and real-time stock market data such as open, close, volume, net change, etc. in both VN and US equties.
- Get a stock historical data by ticker (symbol)
- Create a chart (line, bar, pie) of a stock's price trend by ticker (symbol)
- Connect to a trading account
- Place an order (buy/sell)
- Search and play a song by name
- Play a random song
If you want to run the bot locally, you need to first set up Google Cloud Platform's Secrets Manager and ADC, then:
- Clone this repo
- Install required dependencies can be installed through PyPi:
pip -install -r requirements.txt
- Setup relevant API keys in creds.json
- Navigate to the root directory and run main.py.
To host your own bot, look through the host-your-bot guide section below.
Alternatively, if want to try the bot, click here to start chatting on telegram.