diff --git a/.cargo/config.toml b/.cargo/config.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f096c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.cargo/config.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+[target.'cfg(all(target_arch = "riscv32", target_os = "none"))']
+runner = "qemu-system-riscv32 -machine sifive_e,revb=true -nographic -kernel"
+# runner = "riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb -q -x gdb_init"
+rustflags = [
+ "-C", "link-arg=-Thifive1-link.x",
+target = "riscv32imac-unknown-none-elf"
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index becb52e..8b486ab 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.vscode/launch.json b/.vscode/launch.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70caa57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/launch.json
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ "version": "0.2.0",
+ "configurations": [
+ {
+ "name": "Hifive1 (Debug)",
+ // Substitute with the board number
+ "device": "FE310",
+ "type": "cortex-debug",
+ "preLaunchTask": "example-virq",
+ // Defined in tasks.json
+ "request": "launch",
+ "servertype": "jlink",
+ // JLink server path
+ // "serverpath": "",
+ // GDB debug output
+ // "showDevDebugOutput": "raw",
+ "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
+ // Executable to launch
+ "executable": "${workspaceRoot}/target/riscv32imac-unknown-none-elf/debug/examples/virq",
+ "interface": "jtag",
+ "svdFile": "${workspaceRoot}/hifive.svd",
+ // Set this to point to sifive risc-v gdb path
+ "gdbPath": "${workspaceRoot}/../../Toolchains/sifive/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb",
+ "toolchainPrefix": "riscv64-unknown-elf",
+ },
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49346de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/settings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "cortex-debug.variableUseNaturalFormat": true,
+ "rust-analyzer.cargo.features": ["board-redv"],
+ "rust-analyzer.check.allTargets": false,
diff --git a/.vscode/tasks.json b/.vscode/tasks.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aee0a12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/tasks.json
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ "version": "2.0.0",
+ "tasks": [
+ {
+ "label": "example-virq",
+ "command": "cargo",
+ "args": [
+ "build",
+ "--features=board-redv,virq",
+ "--example=virq"
+ ],
+ "problemMatcher": [
+ "$rustc"
+ ],
+ "group": {
+ "kind": "build",
+ "isDefault": true
+ }
+ },
+ ]
diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index 601da86..b5e2cd2 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -7,13 +7,15 @@ categories = ["embedded", "hardware-support", "no-std"]
description = "Board support crate for HiFive1 and LoFive boards"
keywords = ["riscv", "register", "peripheral"]
license = "ISC"
-edition = "2018"
+edition = "2021"
-e310x-hal = "0.9.1"
+e310x-hal = {git = "https://github.com/greenlsi/e310x-hal"}
embedded-hal = "0.2.5"
-riscv = "0.6.0"
+riscv = { version = "0.12.0", features = ["critical-section-single-hart"]}
+riscv-rt = "0.13.0"
nb = "1.0.0"
+panic-halt = "0.2.0"
board-hifive1 = []
@@ -21,6 +23,7 @@ board-hifive1-revb = ["e310x-hal/g002"]
board-redv = ["e310x-hal/g002"]
board-lofive = []
board-lofive-r1 = ["e310x-hal/g002"]
+v-trap = ["e310x-hal/v-trap"]
features = ['board-hifive1-revb']
diff --git a/assemble.sh b/assemble.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 3a04536..0000000
--- a/assemble.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-set -euxo pipefail
-# remove existing blobs because otherwise this will append object files to the old blobs
-rm -f bin/*.a
-riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -ggdb3 -fdebug-prefix-map=$(pwd)=/hifive1 -c -mabi=ilp32 -march=rv32imac flash.S -o bin/flash.o
-riscv64-unknown-elf-ar crs bin/flash.a bin/flash.o
-rm bin/flash.o
diff --git a/bin/flash.a b/bin/flash.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c734e2..0000000
Binary files a/bin/flash.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build.rs b/build.rs
index ec4ac5f..c16de98 100644
--- a/build.rs
+++ b/build.rs
@@ -44,10 +44,4 @@ fn main() {
fs::copy("hifive1-link.x", out_dir.join("hifive1-link.x")).unwrap();
- // Copy library with flash setup code
- let name = env::var("CARGO_PKG_NAME").unwrap();
- fs::copy("bin/flash.a", out_dir.join(format!("lib{}.a", name))).unwrap();
- println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static={}", name);
- println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=bin/flash.a");
diff --git a/examples/gpio4.rs b/examples/gpio4.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..343fc12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gpio4.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+//! Demonstration on how to configure the GPIO4 interrupt on HiFive boards.
+//! You must connect a button to pin 12 (GPIO4) and ground to test this example.
+extern crate panic_halt;
+use hifive1::hal::e310x::PLIC;
+use hifive1::{hal::prelude::*, hal::DeviceResources, pin, sprintln};
+use riscv::register::mstatus;
+use riscv_rt::entry;
+/* Handler for the GPIO0 interrupt */
+fn gpio4_handler() {
+ sprintln!("We reached the GPIO4 interrupt!");
+ /* Clear the GPIO pending interrupt */
+ let gpio_block = unsafe { hifive1::hal::e310x::Gpio0::steal() };
+ gpio_block.fall_ip().write(|w| w.pin4().set_bit());
+/* Code adapted from https://github.com/riscv-rust/riscv-rust-quickstart/blob/interrupt-test/examples/interrupt.rs*/
+fn main() -> ! {
+ /* Get the ownership of the device resources singleton */
+ let resources = DeviceResources::take().unwrap();
+ let peripherals = resources.peripherals;
+ /* Configure system clock */
+ let sysclock = hifive1::configure_clocks(peripherals.PRCI, peripherals.AONCLK, 64.mhz().into());
+ /* Get the board pins */
+ let gpio = resources.pins;
+ /* Configure stdout for debugging */
+ hifive1::stdout::configure(
+ peripherals.UART0,
+ pin!(gpio, uart0_tx),
+ pin!(gpio, uart0_rx),
+ 115_200.bps(),
+ sysclock,
+ );
+ sprintln!("Configuring GPIO...");
+ /* Set GPIO4 (pin 12) as input */
+ // let gpio4 = pin!(gpio, dig12);
+ gpio.pin4.into_pull_up_input();
+ //let input = gpio4.into_pull_up_input();
+ sprintln!("Configuring priorities...");
+ /* Set interrupt source priority */
+ let priorities = PLIC::priorities();
+ unsafe { priorities.set_priority(ExternalInterrupt::GPIO4, Priority::P7) };
+ let gpio_block = unsafe { hifive1::hal::e310x::Gpio0::steal() };
+ unsafe {
+ /* Clear pending interrupts from previous states */
+ gpio_block.fall_ie().write(|w| w.bits(0x00000000));
+ gpio_block.rise_ie().write(|w| w.bits(0x00000000));
+ gpio_block.fall_ip().write(|w| w.bits(0xffffffff));
+ gpio_block.rise_ip().write(|w| w.bits(0xffffffff));
+ }
+ gpio_block.fall_ie().write(|w| w.pin4().set_bit());
+ gpio_block.rise_ie().write(|w| w.pin4().clear_bit());
+ /* Activate global interrupts (mie bit) */
+ let ctx = PLIC::ctx0();
+ unsafe {
+ ctx.threshold().set_threshold(Priority::P1);
+ ctx.enables().enable(ExternalInterrupt::GPIO4);
+ mstatus::set_mie();
+ PLIC::enable();
+ }
+ loop {
+ riscv::asm::wfi();
+ }
diff --git a/examples/mtimer.rs b/examples/mtimer.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75e504a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/mtimer.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+//! This example demonstrates how to configure the CLINT to generate
+//! periodic interrupts using the machine timer.
+extern crate panic_halt;
+use hifive1::{
+ configure_clocks,
+ hal::{e310x::CLINT, prelude::*, DeviceResources},
+ pin, sprintln,
+const PERIOD_MS: u64 = 1000;
+const FREQUENCY_HZ: u64 = 32768;
+/// Handler for the machine timer interrupt (handled by the CLINT)
+fn mtimer_handler() {
+ sprintln!("MTIMER interrupt!");
+ CLINT::mtimecmp0().modify(|f| *f += CLINT_TICKS_PER_MS);
+fn main() -> ! {
+ /* Get the ownership of the device resources singleton */
+ let resources = DeviceResources::take().unwrap();
+ let peripherals = resources.peripherals;
+ /* Configure system clock */
+ let sysclock = configure_clocks(peripherals.PRCI, peripherals.AONCLK, 64.mhz().into());
+ /* Configure stdout for printing via UART */
+ let gpio = resources.pins;
+ hifive1::stdout::configure(
+ peripherals.UART0,
+ pin!(gpio, uart0_tx),
+ pin!(gpio, uart0_rx),
+ 115_200.bps(),
+ sysclock,
+ );
+ sprintln!("Configuring CLINT...");
+ CLINT::mtimer_disable();
+ let mtimer = CLINT::mtimer();
+ let (mtimecmp, mtime) = (mtimer.mtimecmp0, mtimer.mtime);
+ mtime.write(0);
+ mtimecmp.write(CLINT_TICKS_PER_MS);
+ sprintln!("Enabling interrupts...");
+ unsafe {
+ riscv::interrupt::enable();
+ CLINT::mtimer_enable();
+ }
+ loop {
+ sprintln!("Sleeping...");
+ riscv::asm::wfi();
+ }
diff --git a/flash.S b/flash.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 53dd795..0000000
--- a/flash.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-.cfi_sections .debug_frame
-.section .data._setup_is25lp
-.global _setup_is25lp
- li a1, 0x10014000 // QSPI0 base address
- // Disable mapped region
- sw zero,96(a1) // fctrl.en = 0
- // Construct ffmt value for 4 dummy cycles
- li a2, 0x00BB1447
- beqz a0, 2f
- // We need to set 8 dummy cycles instead of 4.
- // Issue a "Set Read Parameters" command.
- li a0,2
- sw a0,24(a1) // csmode = HOLD
- li a0,0xC0
- sw a0,72(a1) // txdata = 0xC0
- li a0,0xF0
- sw a0,72(a1) // txdata = 0xF0
- sw zero,24(a1) // csmode = AUTO
- // Discard two response bytes
-1: lw a0,76(a1)
- bltz a0,1b
-1: lw a0,76(a1)
- bltz a0,1b
- addi a2,a2,0x40 // ffmt: 4 -> 8 dummy cycles
- sw a2,100(a1) // Write ffmt
- // Enable mapped region
- li a0, 1
- sw a0,96(a1) // fctrl.en = 1
- ret
-.size _setup_is25lp, . - _setup_is25lp
diff --git a/gdb_init b/gdb_init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6e49b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdb_init
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+set history save on
+set confirm off
+set remotetimeout 240
+target extended-remote :3333
+set print asm-demangle on
+monitor reset halt
+# quit
diff --git a/hifive.svd b/hifive.svd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ad2768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hifive.svd
@@ -0,0 +1,3169 @@
+ sifive_hifive1_revb
+ 0.1
+ From sifive,hifive1-revb,model device generator
+ 8
+ 32
+ 32
+ read-write
+ riscv_clint0_0
+ From riscv,clint0,control peripheral generator
+ 0x2000000
+ 0
+ 0x10000
+ registers
+ msip_0
+ MSIP Register for hart 0
+ 0x0
+ mtimecmp_0
+ MTIMECMP Register for hart 0
+ 0x4000
+ 64
+ mtime
+ MTIME Register
+ 0xBFF8
+ 64
+ riscv_plic0_0
+ From riscv,plic0,control peripheral generator
+ 0xC000000
+ 0
+ 0x4000000
+ registers
+ priority_1
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 1
+ 0x4
+ priority_2
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 2
+ 0x8
+ priority_3
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 3
+ 0xC
+ priority_4
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 4
+ 0x10
+ priority_5
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 5
+ 0x14
+ priority_6
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 6
+ 0x18
+ priority_7
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 7
+ 0x1C
+ priority_8
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 8
+ 0x20
+ priority_9
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 9
+ 0x24
+ priority_10
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 10
+ 0x28
+ priority_11
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 11
+ 0x2C
+ priority_12
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 12
+ 0x30
+ priority_13
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 13
+ 0x34
+ priority_14
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 14
+ 0x38
+ priority_15
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 15
+ 0x3C
+ priority_16
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 16
+ 0x40
+ priority_17
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 17
+ 0x44
+ priority_18
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 18
+ 0x48
+ priority_19
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 19
+ 0x4C
+ priority_20
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 20
+ 0x50
+ priority_21
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 21
+ 0x54
+ priority_22
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 22
+ 0x58
+ priority_23
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 23
+ 0x5C
+ priority_24
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 24
+ 0x60
+ priority_25
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 25
+ 0x64
+ priority_26
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 26
+ 0x68
+ priority_27
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 27
+ 0x6C
+ priority_28
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 28
+ 0x70
+ priority_29
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 29
+ 0x74
+ priority_30
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 30
+ 0x78
+ priority_31
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 31
+ 0x7C
+ priority_32
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 32
+ 0x80
+ priority_33
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 33
+ 0x84
+ priority_34
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 34
+ 0x88
+ priority_35
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 35
+ 0x8C
+ priority_36
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 36
+ 0x90
+ priority_37
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 37
+ 0x94
+ priority_38
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 38
+ 0x98
+ priority_39
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 39
+ 0x9C
+ priority_40
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 40
+ 0xA0
+ priority_41
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 41
+ 0xA4
+ priority_42
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 42
+ 0xA8
+ priority_43
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 43
+ 0xAC
+ priority_44
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 44
+ 0xB0
+ priority_45
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 45
+ 0xB4
+ priority_46
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 46
+ 0xB8
+ priority_47
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 47
+ 0xBC
+ priority_48
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 48
+ 0xC0
+ priority_49
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 49
+ 0xC4
+ priority_50
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 50
+ 0xC8
+ priority_51
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 51
+ 0xCC
+ priority_52
+ PRIORITY Register for interrupt id 52
+ 0xD0
+ pending_0
+ PENDING Register for interrupt ids 31 to 0
+ 0x1000
+ pending_1
+ PENDING Register for interrupt ids 52 to 32
+ 0x1004
+ enable_0_0
+ ENABLE Register for interrupt ids 31 to 0 for hart 0
+ 0x2000
+ enable_1_0
+ ENABLE Register for interrupt ids 52 to 32 for hart 0
+ 0x2004
+ threshold_0
+ PRIORITY THRESHOLD Register for hart 0
+ 0x200000
+ claimplete_0
+ CLAIM and COMPLETE Register for hart 0
+ 0x200004
+ sifive_aon0_0
+ From sifive,aon0,mem peripheral generator
+ 0x10000000
+ 0
+ 0x8000
+ registers
+ backup_0
+ Backup Register 0
+ 0x80
+ backup_1
+ Backup Register 1
+ 0x84
+ backup_2
+ Backup Register 2
+ 0x88
+ backup_3
+ Backup Register 3
+ 0x8C
+ backup_4
+ Backup Register 4
+ 0x90
+ backup_5
+ Backup Register 5
+ 0x94
+ backup_6
+ Backup Register 6
+ 0x98
+ backup_7
+ Backup Register 7
+ 0x9C
+ backup_8
+ Backup Register 8
+ 0xA0
+ backup_9
+ Backup Register 9
+ 0xA4
+ backup_10
+ Backup Register 10
+ 0xA8
+ backup_11
+ Backup Register 11
+ 0xAC
+ backup_12
+ Backup Register 12
+ 0xB0
+ backup_13
+ Backup Register 13
+ 0xB4
+ backup_14
+ Backup Register 14
+ 0xB8
+ backup_15
+ Backup Register 15
+ 0xBC
+ wdogcfg
+ wdog Configuration
+ 0x0
+ wdogscale
+ Counter scale value.
+ [3:0]
+ read-write
+ wdogrsten
+ Controls whether the comparator output can set the wdogrst bit and hence cause a full reset.
+ [8:8]
+ read-write
+ wdogzerocmp
+ Reset counter to zero after match.
+ [9:9]
+ read-write
+ wdogenalways
+ Enable Always - run continuously
+ [12:12]
+ read-write
+ wdogcoreawake
+ Increment the watchdog counter if the processor is not asleep
+ [13:13]
+ read-write
+ wdogip0
+ Interrupt 0 Pending
+ [28:28]
+ read-write
+ wdogcount
+ Counter Register
+ 0x8
+ wdogs
+ Scaled value of Counter
+ 0x10
+ wdogfeed
+ Feed register
+ 0x18
+ wdogkey
+ Key Register
+ 0x1C
+ wdogcmp0
+ Comparator 0
+ 0x20
+ rtccfg
+ rtc Configuration
+ 0x40
+ rtcscale
+ Counter scale value.
+ [3:0]
+ read-write
+ rtcenalways
+ Enable Always - run continuously
+ [12:12]
+ read-write
+ rtcip0
+ Interrupt 0 Pending
+ [28:28]
+ read-write
+ rtccountlo
+ Low bits of Counter
+ 0x48
+ rtccounthi
+ High bits of Counter
+ 0x4C
+ rtcs
+ Scaled value of Counter
+ 0x50
+ rtccmp0
+ Comparator 0
+ 0x60
+ pmuwakeupi0
+ Wakeup program instruction 0
+ 0x100
+ pmuwakeupi1
+ Wakeup program instruction 1
+ 0x104
+ pmuwakeupi2
+ Wakeup program instruction 2
+ 0x108
+ pmuwakeupi3
+ Wakeup program instruction 3
+ 0x10C
+ pmuwakeupi4
+ Wakeup program instruction 4
+ 0x110
+ pmuwakeupi5
+ Wakeup program instruction 5
+ 0x114
+ pmuwakeupi6
+ Wakeup program instruction 6
+ 0x118
+ pmuwakeupi7
+ Wakeup program instruction 7
+ 0x11C
+ pmusleepi0
+ Sleep program instruction 0
+ 0x120
+ pmusleepi1
+ Sleep program instruction 1
+ 0x124
+ pmusleepi2
+ Sleep program instruction 2
+ 0x128
+ pmusleepi3
+ Sleep program instruction 3
+ 0x12C
+ pmusleepi4
+ Sleep program instruction 4
+ 0x130
+ pmusleepi5
+ Sleep program instruction 5
+ 0x134
+ pmusleepi6
+ Sleep program instruction 6
+ 0x138
+ pmusleepi7
+ Sleep program instruction 7
+ 0x13C
+ pmuie
+ PMU Interrupt Enables
+ 0x140
+ pmucause
+ PMU Wakeup Cause
+ 0x144
+ pmusleep
+ Initiate PMU Sleep Sequence
+ 0x148
+ pmukey
+ PMU Key. Reads as 1 when PMU is unlocked
+ 0x14C
+ aoncfg
+ AON Block Configuration Information
+ 0x300
+ has_bandgap
+ Bandgap feature is present
+ [0:0]
+ read-only
+ has_bod
+ Brownout detector feature is present
+ [1:1]
+ read-only
+ has_lfrosc
+ Low Frequency Ring Oscillator feature is present
+ [2:2]
+ read-only
+ has_lfrcosc
+ Low Frequency RC Oscillator feature is present
+ [3:3]
+ read-only
+ has_lfxosc
+ Low Frequency Crystal Oscillator feature is present
+ [4:4]
+ read-only
+ has_por
+ Power-On-Reset feature is present
+ [5:5]
+ read-only
+ has_ldo
+ Low Dropout Regulator feature is present
+ [6:6]
+ read-only
+ lfrosccfg
+ Ring Oscillator Configuration and Status
+ 0x70
+ lfroscdiv
+ Ring Oscillator Divider Register
+ [5:0]
+ read-write
+ lfrosctrim
+ Ring Oscillator Trim Register
+ [20:16]
+ read-write
+ lfroscen
+ Ring Oscillator Enable
+ [30:30]
+ read-write
+ lfroscrdy
+ Ring Oscillator Ready
+ [31:31]
+ read-only
+ lfclkmux
+ Low-Frequency Clock Mux Control and Status
+ 0x7C
+ lfextclk_sel
+ Low Frequency Clock Source Selector
+ [0:0]
+ read-write
+ internal
+ Use internal LF clock source
+ 0
+ external
+ Use external LF clock source
+ 1
+ lfextclk_mux_status
+ Setting of the aon_lfclksel pin
+ [31:31]
+ read-only
+ external
+ Use external LF clock source
+ 0
+ sw
+ Use clock source selected by lfextclk_sel
+ 1
+ sifive_fe310_g000_prci_0
+ From sifive,fe310-g000,prci,mem peripheral generator
+ 0x10008000
+ 0
+ 0x8000
+ registers
+ hfrosccfg
+ Ring Oscillator Configuration and Status
+ 0x0
+ hfroscdiv
+ Ring Oscillator Divider Register
+ [5:0]
+ read-write
+ hfrosctrim
+ Ring Oscillator Trim Register
+ [20:16]
+ read-write
+ hfroscen
+ Ring Oscillator Enable
+ [30:30]
+ read-write
+ hfroscrdy
+ Ring Oscillator Ready
+ [31:31]
+ read-only
+ hfxosccfg
+ Crystal Oscillator Configuration and Status
+ 0x4
+ hfxoscen
+ Crystal Oscillator Enable
+ [30:30]
+ read-write
+ hfxoscrdy
+ Crystal Oscillator Ready
+ [31:31]
+ read-only
+ pllcfg
+ PLL Configuration and Status
+ 0x8
+ pllr
+ PLL R Value
+ [2:0]
+ read-write
+ pllf
+ PLL F Value
+ [9:4]
+ read-write
+ pllq
+ PLL Q Value
+ [11:10]
+ read-write
+ pllsel
+ PLL Select
+ [16:16]
+ read-write
+ pllrefsel
+ PLL Reference Select
+ [17:17]
+ read-write
+ pllbypass
+ PLL Bypass
+ [18:18]
+ read-write
+ plllock
+ PLL Lock
+ [31:31]
+ read-only
+ plloutdiv
+ PLL Final Divide Configuration
+ 0xC
+ plloutdiv
+ PLL Final Divider Value
+ [5:0]
+ read-write
+ plloutdivby1
+ PLL Final Divide By 1
+ [13:8]
+ read-write
+ procmoncfg
+ Process Monitor Configuration and Status
+ 0xF0
+ procmon_div_sel
+ Proccess Monitor Divider
+ [4:0]
+ read-write
+ procmon_delay_sel
+ Process Monitor Delay Selector
+ [12:8]
+ read-write
+ procmon_en
+ Process Monitor Enable
+ [16:16]
+ read-write
+ procomon_sel
+ Process Monitor Select
+ [25:24]
+ read-write
+ sifive_gpio0_0
+ From sifive,gpio0,control peripheral generator
+ 0x10012000
+ 0
+ 0x1000
+ registers
+ input_val
+ Pin value
+ 0x0
+ input_en
+ Pin input enable
+ 0x4
+ output_en
+ Pin output enable
+ 0x8
+ output_val
+ Output value
+ 0xC
+ pue
+ Internal pull-up enable
+ 0x10
+ ds
+ Pin drive strength
+ 0x14
+ rise_ie
+ Rise interrupt enable
+ 0x18
+ rise_ip
+ Rise interrupt pending
+ 0x1C
+ fall_ie
+ Fall interrupt enable
+ 0x20
+ fall_ip
+ Fall interrupt pending
+ 0x24
+ high_ie
+ High interrupt enable
+ 0x28
+ high_ip
+ High interrupt pending
+ 0x2C
+ low_ie
+ Low interrupt enable
+ 0x30
+ low_ip
+ Low interrupt pending
+ 0x34
+ iof_en
+ I/O function enable
+ 0x38
+ iof_sel
+ I/O function select
+ 0x3C
+ out_xor
+ Output XOR (invert)
+ 0x40
+ sifive_uart0_0
+ From sifive,uart0,control peripheral generator
+ 0x10013000
+ 0
+ 0x1000
+ registers
+ txdata
+ Transmit data register
+ 0x0
+ data
+ Transmit data
+ [7:0]
+ read-write
+ full
+ Transmit FIFO full
+ [31:31]
+ read-only
+ rxdata
+ Receive data register
+ 0x4
+ data
+ Received data
+ [7:0]
+ read-only
+ empty
+ Receive FIFO empty
+ [31:31]
+ read-only
+ txctrl
+ Transmit control register
+ 0x8
+ txen
+ Transmit enable
+ [0:0]
+ read-write
+ nstop
+ Number of stop bits
+ [1:1]
+ read-write
+ txcnt
+ Transmit watermark level
+ [18:16]
+ read-write
+ rxctrl
+ Receive control register
+ 0xC
+ rxen
+ Receive enable
+ [0:0]
+ read-write
+ rxcnt
+ Receive watermark level
+ [18:16]
+ read-write
+ ie
+ UART interrupt enable
+ 0x10
+ txwm
+ Transmit watermark interrupt enable
+ [0:0]
+ read-write
+ rxwm
+ Receive watermark interrupt enable
+ [1:1]
+ read-write
+ ip
+ UART interrupt pending
+ 0x14
+ txwm
+ Transmit watermark interrupt pending
+ [0:0]
+ read-only
+ rxwm
+ Receive watermark interrupt pending
+ [1:1]
+ read-only
+ div
+ Baud rate divisor
+ 0x18
+ div
+ Baud rate divisor.
+ [15:0]
+ read-write
+ sifive_spi0_0
+ From sifive,spi0,control peripheral generator
+ 0x10014000
+ 0
+ 0x1000
+ registers
+ sckdiv
+ Serial clock divisor
+ 0x0
+ div
+ Divisor for serial clock.
+ [11:0]
+ read-write
+ sckmode
+ Serial clock mode
+ 0x4
+ pha
+ Serial clock phase
+ [0:0]
+ read-write
+ pol
+ Serial clock polarity
+ [1:1]
+ read-write
+ csid
+ Chip select ID
+ 0x10
+ csid
+ Chip select ID.
+ [31:0]
+ read-write
+ csdef
+ Chip select default
+ 0x14
+ csdef
+ Chip select default value. Reset to all-1s.
+ [31:0]
+ read-write
+ csmode
+ Chip select mode
+ 0x18
+ mode
+ Chip select mode
+ [1:0]
+ read-write
+ delay0
+ Delay control 0
+ 0x28
+ cssck
+ CS to SCK Delay
+ [7:0]
+ read-write
+ sckcs
+ SCK to CS Delay
+ [23:16]
+ read-write
+ delay1
+ Delay control 1
+ 0x2C
+ intercs
+ Minimum CS inactive time
+ [7:0]
+ read-write
+ interxfr
+ Maximum interframe delay
+ [23:16]
+ read-write
+ extradel
+ SPI extra sampling delay to increase the SPI frequency
+ 0x38
+ coarse
+ Coarse grain sample delay (multiples of system clocks)
+ [11:0]
+ read-write
+ fine
+ Fine grain sample delay (multiples of process-specific buffer delay)
+ [16:12]
+ read-write
+ sampledel
+ Number of delay stages from slave to the SPI controller
+ 0x3C
+ sd
+ Number of delay stages from slave to SPI controller
+ [4:0]
+ read-write
+ fmt
+ Frame format
+ 0x40
+ proto
+ SPI protocol
+ [1:0]
+ read-write
+ endian
+ SPI endianness
+ [2:2]
+ read-write
+ dir
+ SPI I/O direction. This is reset to 1 for flash-enabled SPI controllers, 0 otherwise.
+ [3:3]
+ read-write
+ len
+ Number of bits per frame
+ [19:16]
+ read-write
+ txdata
+ Tx FIFO Data
+ 0x48
+ data
+ Transmit data
+ [7:0]
+ read-write
+ full
+ FIFO full flag
+ [31:31]
+ read-only
+ rxdata
+ Rx FIFO data
+ 0x4C
+ data
+ Received data
+ [7:0]
+ read-only
+ empty
+ FIFO empty flag
+ [31:31]
+ read-write
+ txmark
+ Tx FIFO watermark
+ 0x50
+ txmark
+ Transmit watermark. The reset value is 1 for flash-enabled controllers, 0 otherwise.
+ [2:0]
+ read-write
+ rxmark
+ Rx FIFO watermark
+ 0x54
+ rxmark
+ Receive watermark
+ [2:0]
+ read-write
+ fctrl
+ SPI flash interface control
+ 0x60
+ en
+ SPI Flash Mode Select
+ [0:0]
+ read-write
+ ffmt
+ SPI flash instruction format
+ 0x64
+ cmd_en
+ Enable sending of command
+ [0:0]
+ read-write
+ addr_len
+ Number of address bytes (0 to 4)
+ [3:1]
+ read-write
+ pad_cnt
+ Number of dummy cycles
+ [7:4]
+ read-write
+ cmd_proto
+ Protocol for transmitting command
+ [9:8]
+ read-write
+ addr_proto
+ Protocol for transmitting address and padding
+ [11:10]
+ read-write
+ data_proto
+ Protocol for receiving data bytes
+ [13:12]
+ read-write
+ cmd_code
+ Value of command byte
+ [23:16]
+ read-write
+ pad_code
+ First 8 bits to transmit during dummy cycles
+ [31:24]
+ read-write
+ ie
+ SPI interrupt enable
+ 0x70
+ txwm
+ Transmit watermark enable
+ [0:0]
+ read-write
+ rxwm
+ Receive watermark enable
+ [1:1]
+ read-write
+ ip
+ SPI interrupt pending
+ 0x74
+ txwm
+ Transmit watermark pending
+ [0:0]
+ read-only
+ rxwm
+ Receive watermark pending
+ [1:1]
+ read-only
+ sifive_pwm0_0
+ From sifive,pwm0,control peripheral generator
+ 0x10015000
+ 0
+ 0x1000
+ registers
+ pwmcfg
+ PWM configuration register
+ 0x0
+ pwmscale
+ PWM Counter scale
+ [3:0]
+ read-write
+ pwmsticky
+ PWM Sticky - disallow clearing pwmcmpXip bits
+ [8:8]
+ read-write
+ pwmzerocmp
+ PWM Zero - counter resets to zero after match
+ [9:9]
+ read-write
+ pwmdeglitch
+ PWM Deglitch - latch pwmcmpXip within same cycle
+ [10:10]
+ read-write
+ pwmenalways
+ PWM enable always - run continuously
+ [12:12]
+ read-write
+ pwmenoneshot
+ PWM enable one shot - run one cycle
+ [13:13]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp0center
+ PWM0 Compare Center
+ [16:16]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp1center
+ PWM1 Compare Center
+ [17:17]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp2center
+ PWM2 Compare Center
+ [18:18]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp3center
+ PWM3 Compare Center
+ [19:19]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp0invert
+ PWM0 Invert
+ [20:20]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp1invert
+ PWM1 Invert
+ [21:21]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp2invert
+ PWM2 Invert
+ [22:22]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp3invert
+ PWM3 Invert
+ [23:23]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp0gang
+ PWM0/PWM1 Compare Gang
+ [24:24]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp1gang
+ PWM1/PWM2 Compare Gang
+ [25:25]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp2gang
+ PWM2/PWM3 Compare Gang
+ [26:26]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp3gang
+ PWM3/PWM0 Compare Gang
+ [27:27]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp0ip
+ PWM0 Interrupt Pending
+ [28:28]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp1ip
+ PWM1 Interrupt Pending
+ [29:29]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp2ip
+ PWM2 Interrupt Pending
+ [30:30]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp3ip
+ PWM3 Interrupt Pending
+ [31:31]
+ read-write
+ pwmcount
+ PWM count register
+ 0x8
+ pwmcount
+ PWM count register.
+ [30:0]
+ read-write
+ pwms
+ Scaled PWM count register
+ 0x10
+ pwms
+ Scaled PWM count register.
+ [15:0]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp0
+ PWM 0 compare register
+ 0x20
+ pwmcmp0
+ PWM 0 Compare Value
+ [15:0]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp1
+ PWM 1 compare register
+ 0x24
+ pwmcmp1
+ PWM 1 Compare Value
+ [15:0]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp2
+ PWM 2 compare register
+ 0x28
+ pwmcmp2
+ PWM 2 Compare Value
+ [15:0]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp3
+ PWM 3 compare register
+ 0x2C
+ pwmcmp3
+ PWM 3 Compare Value
+ [15:0]
+ read-write
+ sifive_i2c0_0
+ From sifive,i2c0,control peripheral generator
+ 0x10016000
+ 0
+ 0x1000
+ registers
+ prescale_low
+ Clock Prescale register lo-byte
+ 0x0
+ prescale_high
+ Clock Prescale register hi-byte
+ 0x4
+ control
+ Control register
+ 0x8
+ en
+ I2C core enable bit
+ [6:6]
+ read-write
+ ien
+ I2C core interrupt enable bit
+ [7:7]
+ read-write
+ transmit__receive
+ Transmit and receive data byte register
+ 0xC
+ command__status
+ Command write and status read register
+ 0x10
+ wr_iack__rd_if
+ Clear interrupt and Interrupt pending
+ [0:0]
+ read-write
+ wr_res__rd_tip
+ Reserved and Transfer in progress
+ [1:1]
+ read-write
+ wr_res__rd_res
+ Reserved and Reserved
+ [2:2]
+ read-write
+ wr_ack__rd_res
+ Send ACK/NACK and Reserved
+ [3:3]
+ read-write
+ wr_txd__rd_res
+ Transmit data and Reserved
+ [4:4]
+ read-write
+ wr_rxd__rd_al
+ Receive data and Arbitration lost
+ [5:5]
+ read-write
+ wr_sto__rd_busy
+ Generate stop and I2C bus busy
+ [6:6]
+ read-write
+ wr_sta__rd_rxack
+ Generate start and Got ACK/NACK
+ [7:7]
+ read-write
+ sifive_uart0_1
+ From sifive,uart0,control peripheral generator
+ 0x10023000
+ 0
+ 0x1000
+ registers
+ txdata
+ Transmit data register
+ 0x0
+ data
+ Transmit data
+ [7:0]
+ read-write
+ full
+ Transmit FIFO full
+ [31:31]
+ read-only
+ rxdata
+ Receive data register
+ 0x4
+ data
+ Received data
+ [7:0]
+ read-only
+ empty
+ Receive FIFO empty
+ [31:31]
+ read-only
+ txctrl
+ Transmit control register
+ 0x8
+ txen
+ Transmit enable
+ [0:0]
+ read-write
+ nstop
+ Number of stop bits
+ [1:1]
+ read-write
+ txcnt
+ Transmit watermark level
+ [18:16]
+ read-write
+ rxctrl
+ Receive control register
+ 0xC
+ rxen
+ Receive enable
+ [0:0]
+ read-write
+ rxcnt
+ Receive watermark level
+ [18:16]
+ read-write
+ ie
+ UART interrupt enable
+ 0x10
+ txwm
+ Transmit watermark interrupt enable
+ [0:0]
+ read-write
+ rxwm
+ Receive watermark interrupt enable
+ [1:1]
+ read-write
+ ip
+ UART interrupt pending
+ 0x14
+ txwm
+ Transmit watermark interrupt pending
+ [0:0]
+ read-only
+ rxwm
+ Receive watermark interrupt pending
+ [1:1]
+ read-only
+ div
+ Baud rate divisor
+ 0x18
+ div
+ Baud rate divisor.
+ [15:0]
+ read-write
+ sifive_spi0_1
+ From sifive,spi0,control peripheral generator
+ 0x10024000
+ 0
+ 0x1000
+ registers
+ sckdiv
+ Serial clock divisor
+ 0x0
+ div
+ Divisor for serial clock.
+ [11:0]
+ read-write
+ sckmode
+ Serial clock mode
+ 0x4
+ pha
+ Serial clock phase
+ [0:0]
+ read-write
+ pol
+ Serial clock polarity
+ [1:1]
+ read-write
+ csid
+ Chip select ID
+ 0x10
+ csid
+ Chip select ID.
+ [31:0]
+ read-write
+ csdef
+ Chip select default
+ 0x14
+ csdef
+ Chip select default value. Reset to all-1s.
+ [31:0]
+ read-write
+ csmode
+ Chip select mode
+ 0x18
+ mode
+ Chip select mode
+ [1:0]
+ read-write
+ delay0
+ Delay control 0
+ 0x28
+ cssck
+ CS to SCK Delay
+ [7:0]
+ read-write
+ sckcs
+ SCK to CS Delay
+ [23:16]
+ read-write
+ delay1
+ Delay control 1
+ 0x2C
+ intercs
+ Minimum CS inactive time
+ [7:0]
+ read-write
+ interxfr
+ Maximum interframe delay
+ [23:16]
+ read-write
+ extradel
+ SPI extra sampling delay to increase the SPI frequency
+ 0x38
+ coarse
+ Coarse grain sample delay (multiples of system clocks)
+ [11:0]
+ read-write
+ fine
+ Fine grain sample delay (multiples of process-specific buffer delay)
+ [16:12]
+ read-write
+ sampledel
+ Number of delay stages from slave to the SPI controller
+ 0x3C
+ sd
+ Number of delay stages from slave to SPI controller
+ [4:0]
+ read-write
+ fmt
+ Frame format
+ 0x40
+ proto
+ SPI protocol
+ [1:0]
+ read-write
+ endian
+ SPI endianness
+ [2:2]
+ read-write
+ dir
+ SPI I/O direction. This is reset to 1 for flash-enabled SPI controllers, 0 otherwise.
+ [3:3]
+ read-write
+ len
+ Number of bits per frame
+ [19:16]
+ read-write
+ txdata
+ Tx FIFO Data
+ 0x48
+ data
+ Transmit data
+ [7:0]
+ read-write
+ full
+ FIFO full flag
+ [31:31]
+ read-only
+ rxdata
+ Rx FIFO data
+ 0x4C
+ data
+ Received data
+ [7:0]
+ read-only
+ empty
+ FIFO empty flag
+ [31:31]
+ read-write
+ txmark
+ Tx FIFO watermark
+ 0x50
+ txmark
+ Transmit watermark. The reset value is 1 for flash-enabled controllers, 0 otherwise.
+ [2:0]
+ read-write
+ rxmark
+ Rx FIFO watermark
+ 0x54
+ rxmark
+ Receive watermark
+ [2:0]
+ read-write
+ fctrl
+ SPI flash interface control
+ 0x60
+ en
+ SPI Flash Mode Select
+ [0:0]
+ read-write
+ ffmt
+ SPI flash instruction format
+ 0x64
+ cmd_en
+ Enable sending of command
+ [0:0]
+ read-write
+ addr_len
+ Number of address bytes (0 to 4)
+ [3:1]
+ read-write
+ pad_cnt
+ Number of dummy cycles
+ [7:4]
+ read-write
+ cmd_proto
+ Protocol for transmitting command
+ [9:8]
+ read-write
+ addr_proto
+ Protocol for transmitting address and padding
+ [11:10]
+ read-write
+ data_proto
+ Protocol for receiving data bytes
+ [13:12]
+ read-write
+ cmd_code
+ Value of command byte
+ [23:16]
+ read-write
+ pad_code
+ First 8 bits to transmit during dummy cycles
+ [31:24]
+ read-write
+ ie
+ SPI interrupt enable
+ 0x70
+ txwm
+ Transmit watermark enable
+ [0:0]
+ read-write
+ rxwm
+ Receive watermark enable
+ [1:1]
+ read-write
+ ip
+ SPI interrupt pending
+ 0x74
+ txwm
+ Transmit watermark pending
+ [0:0]
+ read-only
+ rxwm
+ Receive watermark pending
+ [1:1]
+ read-only
+ sifive_pwm0_1
+ From sifive,pwm0,control peripheral generator
+ 0x10025000
+ 0
+ 0x1000
+ registers
+ pwmcfg
+ PWM configuration register
+ 0x0
+ pwmscale
+ PWM Counter scale
+ [3:0]
+ read-write
+ pwmsticky
+ PWM Sticky - disallow clearing pwmcmpXip bits
+ [8:8]
+ read-write
+ pwmzerocmp
+ PWM Zero - counter resets to zero after match
+ [9:9]
+ read-write
+ pwmdeglitch
+ PWM Deglitch - latch pwmcmpXip within same cycle
+ [10:10]
+ read-write
+ pwmenalways
+ PWM enable always - run continuously
+ [12:12]
+ read-write
+ pwmenoneshot
+ PWM enable one shot - run one cycle
+ [13:13]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp0center
+ PWM0 Compare Center
+ [16:16]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp1center
+ PWM1 Compare Center
+ [17:17]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp2center
+ PWM2 Compare Center
+ [18:18]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp3center
+ PWM3 Compare Center
+ [19:19]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp0invert
+ PWM0 Invert
+ [20:20]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp1invert
+ PWM1 Invert
+ [21:21]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp2invert
+ PWM2 Invert
+ [22:22]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp3invert
+ PWM3 Invert
+ [23:23]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp0gang
+ PWM0/PWM1 Compare Gang
+ [24:24]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp1gang
+ PWM1/PWM2 Compare Gang
+ [25:25]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp2gang
+ PWM2/PWM3 Compare Gang
+ [26:26]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp3gang
+ PWM3/PWM0 Compare Gang
+ [27:27]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp0ip
+ PWM0 Interrupt Pending
+ [28:28]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp1ip
+ PWM1 Interrupt Pending
+ [29:29]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp2ip
+ PWM2 Interrupt Pending
+ [30:30]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp3ip
+ PWM3 Interrupt Pending
+ [31:31]
+ read-write
+ pwmcount
+ PWM count register
+ 0x8
+ pwmcount
+ PWM count register.
+ [30:0]
+ read-write
+ pwms
+ Scaled PWM count register
+ 0x10
+ pwms
+ Scaled PWM count register.
+ [15:0]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp0
+ PWM 0 compare register
+ 0x20
+ pwmcmp0
+ PWM 0 Compare Value
+ [15:0]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp1
+ PWM 1 compare register
+ 0x24
+ pwmcmp1
+ PWM 1 Compare Value
+ [15:0]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp2
+ PWM 2 compare register
+ 0x28
+ pwmcmp2
+ PWM 2 Compare Value
+ [15:0]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp3
+ PWM 3 compare register
+ 0x2C
+ pwmcmp3
+ PWM 3 Compare Value
+ [15:0]
+ read-write
+ sifive_spi0_2
+ From sifive,spi0,control peripheral generator
+ 0x10034000
+ 0
+ 0x1000
+ registers
+ sckdiv
+ Serial clock divisor
+ 0x0
+ div
+ Divisor for serial clock.
+ [11:0]
+ read-write
+ sckmode
+ Serial clock mode
+ 0x4
+ pha
+ Serial clock phase
+ [0:0]
+ read-write
+ pol
+ Serial clock polarity
+ [1:1]
+ read-write
+ csid
+ Chip select ID
+ 0x10
+ csid
+ Chip select ID.
+ [31:0]
+ read-write
+ csdef
+ Chip select default
+ 0x14
+ csdef
+ Chip select default value. Reset to all-1s.
+ [31:0]
+ read-write
+ csmode
+ Chip select mode
+ 0x18
+ mode
+ Chip select mode
+ [1:0]
+ read-write
+ delay0
+ Delay control 0
+ 0x28
+ cssck
+ CS to SCK Delay
+ [7:0]
+ read-write
+ sckcs
+ SCK to CS Delay
+ [23:16]
+ read-write
+ delay1
+ Delay control 1
+ 0x2C
+ intercs
+ Minimum CS inactive time
+ [7:0]
+ read-write
+ interxfr
+ Maximum interframe delay
+ [23:16]
+ read-write
+ extradel
+ SPI extra sampling delay to increase the SPI frequency
+ 0x38
+ coarse
+ Coarse grain sample delay (multiples of system clocks)
+ [11:0]
+ read-write
+ fine
+ Fine grain sample delay (multiples of process-specific buffer delay)
+ [16:12]
+ read-write
+ sampledel
+ Number of delay stages from slave to the SPI controller
+ 0x3C
+ sd
+ Number of delay stages from slave to SPI controller
+ [4:0]
+ read-write
+ fmt
+ Frame format
+ 0x40
+ proto
+ SPI protocol
+ [1:0]
+ read-write
+ endian
+ SPI endianness
+ [2:2]
+ read-write
+ dir
+ SPI I/O direction. This is reset to 1 for flash-enabled SPI controllers, 0 otherwise.
+ [3:3]
+ read-write
+ len
+ Number of bits per frame
+ [19:16]
+ read-write
+ txdata
+ Tx FIFO Data
+ 0x48
+ data
+ Transmit data
+ [7:0]
+ read-write
+ full
+ FIFO full flag
+ [31:31]
+ read-only
+ rxdata
+ Rx FIFO data
+ 0x4C
+ data
+ Received data
+ [7:0]
+ read-only
+ empty
+ FIFO empty flag
+ [31:31]
+ read-write
+ txmark
+ Tx FIFO watermark
+ 0x50
+ txmark
+ Transmit watermark. The reset value is 1 for flash-enabled controllers, 0 otherwise.
+ [2:0]
+ read-write
+ rxmark
+ Rx FIFO watermark
+ 0x54
+ rxmark
+ Receive watermark
+ [2:0]
+ read-write
+ fctrl
+ SPI flash interface control
+ 0x60
+ en
+ SPI Flash Mode Select
+ [0:0]
+ read-write
+ ffmt
+ SPI flash instruction format
+ 0x64
+ cmd_en
+ Enable sending of command
+ [0:0]
+ read-write
+ addr_len
+ Number of address bytes (0 to 4)
+ [3:1]
+ read-write
+ pad_cnt
+ Number of dummy cycles
+ [7:4]
+ read-write
+ cmd_proto
+ Protocol for transmitting command
+ [9:8]
+ read-write
+ addr_proto
+ Protocol for transmitting address and padding
+ [11:10]
+ read-write
+ data_proto
+ Protocol for receiving data bytes
+ [13:12]
+ read-write
+ cmd_code
+ Value of command byte
+ [23:16]
+ read-write
+ pad_code
+ First 8 bits to transmit during dummy cycles
+ [31:24]
+ read-write
+ ie
+ SPI interrupt enable
+ 0x70
+ txwm
+ Transmit watermark enable
+ [0:0]
+ read-write
+ rxwm
+ Receive watermark enable
+ [1:1]
+ read-write
+ ip
+ SPI interrupt pending
+ 0x74
+ txwm
+ Transmit watermark pending
+ [0:0]
+ read-only
+ rxwm
+ Receive watermark pending
+ [1:1]
+ read-only
+ sifive_pwm0_2
+ From sifive,pwm0,control peripheral generator
+ 0x10035000
+ 0
+ 0x1000
+ registers
+ pwmcfg
+ PWM configuration register
+ 0x0
+ pwmscale
+ PWM Counter scale
+ [3:0]
+ read-write
+ pwmsticky
+ PWM Sticky - disallow clearing pwmcmpXip bits
+ [8:8]
+ read-write
+ pwmzerocmp
+ PWM Zero - counter resets to zero after match
+ [9:9]
+ read-write
+ pwmdeglitch
+ PWM Deglitch - latch pwmcmpXip within same cycle
+ [10:10]
+ read-write
+ pwmenalways
+ PWM enable always - run continuously
+ [12:12]
+ read-write
+ pwmenoneshot
+ PWM enable one shot - run one cycle
+ [13:13]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp0center
+ PWM0 Compare Center
+ [16:16]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp1center
+ PWM1 Compare Center
+ [17:17]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp2center
+ PWM2 Compare Center
+ [18:18]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp3center
+ PWM3 Compare Center
+ [19:19]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp0invert
+ PWM0 Invert
+ [20:20]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp1invert
+ PWM1 Invert
+ [21:21]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp2invert
+ PWM2 Invert
+ [22:22]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp3invert
+ PWM3 Invert
+ [23:23]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp0gang
+ PWM0/PWM1 Compare Gang
+ [24:24]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp1gang
+ PWM1/PWM2 Compare Gang
+ [25:25]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp2gang
+ PWM2/PWM3 Compare Gang
+ [26:26]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp3gang
+ PWM3/PWM0 Compare Gang
+ [27:27]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp0ip
+ PWM0 Interrupt Pending
+ [28:28]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp1ip
+ PWM1 Interrupt Pending
+ [29:29]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp2ip
+ PWM2 Interrupt Pending
+ [30:30]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp3ip
+ PWM3 Interrupt Pending
+ [31:31]
+ read-write
+ pwmcount
+ PWM count register
+ 0x8
+ pwmcount
+ PWM count register.
+ [30:0]
+ read-write
+ pwms
+ Scaled PWM count register
+ 0x10
+ pwms
+ Scaled PWM count register.
+ [15:0]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp0
+ PWM 0 compare register
+ 0x20
+ pwmcmp0
+ PWM 0 Compare Value
+ [15:0]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp1
+ PWM 1 compare register
+ 0x24
+ pwmcmp1
+ PWM 1 Compare Value
+ [15:0]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp2
+ PWM 2 compare register
+ 0x28
+ pwmcmp2
+ PWM 2 Compare Value
+ [15:0]
+ read-write
+ pwmcmp3
+ PWM 3 compare register
+ 0x2C
+ pwmcmp3
+ PWM 3 Compare Value
+ [15:0]
+ read-write
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/memory-hifive1-revb.x b/memory-hifive1-revb.x
index e9e4bc5..4239af3 100644
--- a/memory-hifive1-revb.x
+++ b/memory-hifive1-revb.x
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-INCLUDE memory-fe310.x
+INCLUDE device.x
FLASH : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 4M
diff --git a/memory-hifive1.x b/memory-hifive1.x
index cd55c70..e5dc86e 100644
--- a/memory-hifive1.x
+++ b/memory-hifive1.x
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-INCLUDE memory-fe310.x
+INCLUDE device.x
FLASH : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 16M
diff --git a/memory-lofive-r1.x b/memory-lofive-r1.x
index cd55c70..e5dc86e 100644
--- a/memory-lofive-r1.x
+++ b/memory-lofive-r1.x
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-INCLUDE memory-fe310.x
+INCLUDE device.x
FLASH : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 16M
diff --git a/src/clock.rs b/src/clock.rs
index 05bd348..d91867a 100644
--- a/src/clock.rs
+++ b/src/clock.rs
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
use e310x_hal::{
clock::{AonExt, Clocks, PrciExt},
- e310x::{AONCLK, PRCI},
+ e310x::{Aonclk, Prci},
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ use e310x_hal::{
/// For HiFive1 and HiFive1 Rev B boards external oscillators are enabled for
/// both high-frequency and low-frequency clocks.
-pub fn configure(prci: PRCI, aonclk: AONCLK, target_coreclk: Hertz) -> Clocks {
+pub fn configure(prci: Prci, aonclk: Aonclk, target_coreclk: Hertz) -> Clocks {
let coreclk = prci.constrain();
let coreclk = coreclk
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ pub fn configure(prci: PRCI, aonclk: AONCLK, target_coreclk: Hertz) -> Clocks {
/// For the LoFive and LoFive R1 boards, external oscillator is enabled for
/// high-frequency clock. For low-frequency clock internal oscillator is used.
-pub fn configure(prci: PRCI, aonclk: AONCLK, target_coreclk: Hertz) -> Clocks {
+pub fn configure(prci: Prci, aonclk: Aonclk, target_coreclk: Hertz) -> Clocks {
let coreclk = prci.constrain();
let coreclk = coreclk
diff --git a/src/flash.rs b/src/flash.rs
index e138c99..68fbb6e 100644
--- a/src/flash.rs
+++ b/src/flash.rs
@@ -1,11 +1,62 @@
//! On-board SPI Flash
use e310x_hal::clock::Clocks;
-use e310x_hal::e310x::QSPI0;
+use e310x_hal::e310x::Qspi0;
+#[cfg(target_arch = "riscv32")]
+ r#"
+.cfi_sections .debug_frame
+.section .data._setup_is25lp
+.global _setup_is25lp
+ li a1, 0x10014000 // QSPI0 base address
+ // Disable mapped region
+ sw zero,96(a1) // fctrl.en = 0
+ // Construct ffmt value for 4 dummy cycles
+ li a2, 0x00BB1447
+ beqz a0, 2f
+ // We need to set 8 dummy cycles instead of 4.
+ // Issue a "Set Read Parameters" command.
+ li a0,2
+ sw a0,24(a1) // csmode = HOLD
+ li a0,0xC0
+ sw a0,72(a1) // txdata = 0xC0
+ li a0,0xF0
+ sw a0,72(a1) // txdata = 0xF0
+ sw zero,24(a1) // csmode = AUTO
+ // Discard two response bytes
+1: lw a0,76(a1)
+ bltz a0,1b
+1: lw a0,76(a1)
+ bltz a0,1b
+ addi a2,a2,0x40 // ffmt: 4 -> 8 dummy cycles
+ sw a2,100(a1) // Write ffmt
+ // Enable mapped region
+ li a0, 1
+ sw a0,96(a1) // fctrl.en = 1
+ ret
+.size _setup_is25lp, . - _setup_is25lp
/// Configure SPI Flash interface to maximum supported speed
-pub fn configure_spi_flash(qspi: &QSPI0, clocks: &Clocks) {
+pub fn configure_spi_flash(qspi: &Qspi0, clocks: &Clocks) {
unsafe {
extern "C" {
fn _setup_is25lp(dummy8: bool);
@@ -17,5 +68,5 @@ pub fn configure_spi_flash(qspi: &QSPI0, clocks: &Clocks) {
- qspi.sckdiv.modify(|_, w| unsafe { w.div().bits(0) });
+ qspi.sckdiv().modify(|_, w| unsafe { w.div().bits(0) });
diff --git a/src/stdout.rs b/src/stdout.rs
index 68779d4..59be531 100644
--- a/src/stdout.rs
+++ b/src/stdout.rs
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use core::fmt;
use e310x_hal::{
- e310x::UART0,
+ e310x::Uart0,
gpio::gpio0::{Pin16, Pin17},
serial::{Rx, Serial, Tx},
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use riscv::interrupt;
static mut STDOUT: Option = None;
-struct SerialWrapper(Tx);
+struct SerialWrapper(Tx);
impl core::fmt::Write for SerialWrapper {
fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result {
@@ -39,18 +39,18 @@ impl core::fmt::Write for SerialWrapper {
/// Configures stdout
pub fn configure(
- uart: UART0,
+ uart: Uart0,
tx: Pin17,
rx: Pin16,
baud_rate: Bps,
clocks: Clocks,
-) -> Rx {
+) -> Rx {
let tx = tx.into_iof0();
let rx = rx.into_iof0();
let serial = Serial::new(uart, (tx, rx), baud_rate, clocks);
let (tx, rx) = serial.split();
- interrupt::free(|_| unsafe {
+ interrupt::free(|| unsafe {
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ pub fn configure(
/// Writes string to stdout
pub fn write_str(s: &str) {
- interrupt::free(|_| unsafe {
+ interrupt::free(|| unsafe {
if let Some(stdout) = STDOUT.as_mut() {
let _ = stdout.write_str(s);
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ pub fn write_str(s: &str) {
/// Writes formatted string to stdout
pub fn write_fmt(args: fmt::Arguments) {
- interrupt::free(|_| unsafe {
+ interrupt::free(|| unsafe {
if let Some(stdout) = STDOUT.as_mut() {
let _ = stdout.write_fmt(args);