An awesome(wm) rice that I made to get comfy experience for my daily usage.
So.. go ahead on what you're trying to do.
I wouldn't mind.
- OS - EndeavourOS
- WM - AwesomeWM
- Term - Wezterm
- Comp - Picom
Nothing special
I'm using 1920x1080 screen resolution. Hope things goes perfectly fine for others..
Well.. You just need to follow (or not) the following instructions given below
1. Install the Dependencies
- awesome-git
- picom (ibhagwan fork)
- jq
- inotify-tools
- playerctl
- brightnessctl
- pulseaudio / pipewire-pulse
- network-manager
- mpd
- mpDris2
- ncmpcpp
- xclip
- maim
- pamixer
- rofi
- wezterm
- neovim
- feh
- zsh
Required Fonts
- Material Design Icons
- Roboto
# Arch Linux
yay -S awesome-git mpd ncmpcpp jq inotify-tools playerctl brightnessctl \
pulseaudio networkmanager mpdris2 xclip maim pamixer rofi wezterm \
thunar neovim feh zsh base-devel
2. Clone the repo
git clone
cd MyRice/conf/
git submodule init
git submodule update
3. Copy the config file
cp -rf cava awesome mpd ncmpcpp picom wezterm mpDris2 $HOME/.config/
cp -rf .Xresources .bashrc .vimrc .zshrc $HOME/
mkdir $HOME/.local/share/fonts
cd ..; cp -rf misc/fonts/* $HOME/.local/share/fonts/
fc-cache -v
systemctl enable --user mpd.service; systemctl start --user mpd.service
systemctl enable --user mpDris2.service; systemctl start --user mpDris2.service
Change to your wall location at awesome.theme.theme
Choose your /home disk in awesome.signals.disk. ex. /dev/sda2
Put your city name inside
4. Restart your system & Log in with awesomeWM
5. You're done!
Keybinds | Uses |
Mod + Enter | Terminal |
Mod + Space | Layout |
Mod + r | Rofi |
alt + c | Sidebar |
alt + x | Lockscreen |
Mod + Ctrl + n | Un-minimize |
The colorscheme that used in this rice is custom. (still doesn't have name yet)
- Notifications enhancement
- Fixing bug
- Code-Cleaning
Last but not least.. You guys!