ytt supports text templating within YAML strings and .txt
Text templating is controlled via (@
and @)
directives. These directives can be combined with following markers:
to output result; result must be of type string-
to trim space either to the left (if next to opening directive) or right (if next to closing directive)
before (@ 123 @) middle (@= "tpl" @) after
producesbefore middle tpl after
before (@- 123 -@) middle (@-= "tpl" -@) after
operand or string·format(...)
method provide a good way to build strings:
name: #@ name_prefix + "-secret"
name: #@ name_prefix + "-" + str(1234)
name: #@ "{}-secret-{}".format(name_prefix, name_suffix)
However, occasionally it might be useful to use text templating directly in YAML strings. To do so YAML node must be annotated with @yaml/text-templated-strings
(v0.17.0+). Annotation will apply to node and its child nodes.
- basic use
#@ val1 = "val1"
#@ val2 = "val2"
templated: "before (@= val1 @) middle (@= val2 @) after"
non_templated: "(@ something"
- nested nodes
#@ val1 = "val1"
#@ val2 = "val2"
nested_key_(@= val1 @): "middle (@= val2 @) after"
See Text template example in online playground.