AVD Accelerator - Custom Image Baseline
Parameter name | Required | Description |
alertsActionGroupCustomName | No | Custom name for Action Group. |
alertsDistributionGroup | No | Input the email distribution list for alert notifications when AIB builds succeed or fail. |
applicationNameTag | No | Details about the application. |
automationAccountCustomName | No | Custom name for the Automation Account. |
buildSchedule | No | Determine whether to build the image template one time or check daily for a new marketplace image and auto build when found. (Default: Recurring) |
costCenterTag | No | Cost center of owner team. (Default: Contoso-CC) |
criticalityCustomTag | No | Tag value for custom criticality value. (Default: Contoso-Critical) |
criticalityTag | No | criticality of each workload. (Default: Low) |
customNaming | No | Determine whether to enable custom naming for the Azure resources. (Default: false) |
dataClassificationTag | No | Sensitivity of data hosted (Default: Non-business) |
departmentTag | No | Department that owns the deployment, (Dafult: Contoso-AVD) |
deploymentLocation | No | Location to deploy the resources in this solution, except the image template. (Default: eastus) |
enableMonitoringAlerts | No | Set to deploy monitoring and alerts for the build automation (Default: false). |
enableResourceTags | No | Apply tags on resources and resource groups. (Default: false) |
enableTelemetry | No | Enable usage and telemetry feedback to Microsoft. |
environmentTag | No | Deployment environment of the application, workload. (Default: Dev) |
existingLogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId | No | Existing Azure log analytics workspace resource ID to capture build logs. (Default: ) |
existingSubnetName | No | Input the name of the subnet for the existing virtual network that the network interfaces on the build virtual machines will join. (Default: "") |
existingVirtualNetworkResourceId | No | Input the resource ID for the existing virtual network that the network interfaces on the build virtual machines will join. (Default: "") |
imageBuildNameTag | No | The name of workload for tagging purposes. (Default: AVD-Image) |
imageDefinitionCustomName | No | Custom name for Image Definition. (Default: avd-win11-21h2) |
imageDefinitionAcceleratedNetworkSupported | No | The image supports accelerated networking. Accelerated networking enables single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) to a VM, greatly improving its networking performance. This high-performance path bypasses the host from the data path, which reduces latency, jitter, and CPU utilization for the most demanding network workloads on supported VM types. |
imageDefinitionHibernateSupported | No | The image will support hibernation. |
imageDefinitionSecurityType | No | Choose the Security Type of the Image Definition. (Default: Standard) |
imageGalleryCustomName | No | Custom name for Image Gallery. (Default: gal_avd_use2_001) |
imageTemplateCustomName | No | Custom name for Image Template. (Default: it-avd-win11-21h2) |
imageVersionDisasterRecoveryLocation | No | Disaster recovery replication location for Image Version. (Default:"") |
imageVersionPrimaryLocation | Yes | Primary replication location for Image Version. (Default:) |
imageVersionStorageAccountType | No | Determine the Storage Account Type for the Image Version distributed by the Image Template. (Default: Standard_LRS) |
logAnalyticsWorkspaceCustomName | No | Custom name for the Log Analytics Workspace. |
logAnalyticsWorkspaceDataRetention | No | Set the data retention in the number of days for the Log Analytics Workspace. (Default: 30) |
operatingSystemImage | No | AVD OS image source. (Default: win11-22h2) |
operationsTeamTag | No | Team accountable for day-to-day operations. (Contoso-Ops) |
ownerTag | No | Organizational owner of the AVD deployment. (Default: Contoso-Owner) |
rdpShortPathManagedNetworks | No | Determine whether to enable RDP Short Path for Managed Networks. (Default: false) |
resourceGroupCustomName | No | Custom name for Resource Group. (Default: rg-avd-use2-shared-services) |
screenCaptureProtection | No | Determine whether to enable Screen Capture Protection. (Default: false) |
sharedServicesSubId | Yes | AVD shared services subscription ID, multiple subscriptions scenario. |
time | No | Do not modify, used to set unique value for resource deployment. |
useExistingVirtualNetwork | No | Set to deploy Azure Image Builder to existing virtual network. (Default: false) |
userAssignedManagedIdentityCustomName | No | Custom name for User Assigned Identity. (Default: id-avd) |
workloadNameTag | No | Reference to the size of the VM for your workloads (Default: Contoso-Workload) |
Custom name for Action Group.
- Default value:
Input the email distribution list for alert notifications when AIB builds succeed or fail.
Details about the application.
- Default value:
Custom name for the Automation Account.
- Default value:
Determine whether to build the image template one time or check daily for a new marketplace image and auto build when found. (Default: Recurring)
Default value:
Allowed values:
Cost center of owner team. (Default: Contoso-CC)
- Default value:
Tag value for custom criticality value. (Default: Contoso-Critical)
- Default value:
criticality of each workload. (Default: Low)
Default value:
Allowed values:
Determine whether to enable custom naming for the Azure resources. (Default: false)
- Default value:
Sensitivity of data hosted (Default: Non-business)
Default value:
Allowed values:
,Highly Confidential
Department that owns the deployment, (Dafult: Contoso-AVD)
- Default value:
Location to deploy the resources in this solution, except the image template. (Default: eastus)
Default value:
Allowed values:
Set to deploy monitoring and alerts for the build automation (Default: false).
- Default value:
Apply tags on resources and resource groups. (Default: false)
- Default value:
Enable usage and telemetry feedback to Microsoft.
- Default value:
Deployment environment of the application, workload. (Default: Dev)
Default value:
Allowed values:
Existing Azure log analytics workspace resource ID to capture build logs. (Default: )
Input the name of the subnet for the existing virtual network that the network interfaces on the build virtual machines will join. (Default: "")
Input the resource ID for the existing virtual network that the network interfaces on the build virtual machines will join. (Default: "")
The name of workload for tagging purposes. (Default: AVD-Image)
- Default value:
Custom name for Image Definition. (Default: avd-win11-21h2)
- Default value:
The image supports accelerated networking. Accelerated networking enables single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) to a VM, greatly improving its networking performance. This high-performance path bypasses the host from the data path, which reduces latency, jitter, and CPU utilization for the most demanding network workloads on supported VM types.
Default value:
Allowed values:
The image will support hibernation.
Default value:
Allowed values:
Choose the Security Type of the Image Definition. (Default: Standard)
Default value:
Allowed values:
Custom name for Image Gallery. (Default: gal_avd_use2_001)
- Default value:
Custom name for Image Template. (Default: it-avd-win11-21h2)
- Default value:
Disaster recovery replication location for Image Version. (Default:"")
Primary replication location for Image Version. (Default:)
Determine the Storage Account Type for the Image Version distributed by the Image Template. (Default: Standard_LRS)
Default value:
Allowed values:
Custom name for the Log Analytics Workspace.
- Default value:
Set the data retention in the number of days for the Log Analytics Workspace. (Default: 30)
- Default value:
AVD OS image source. (Default: win11-22h2)
Default value:
Allowed values:
Team accountable for day-to-day operations. (Contoso-Ops)
- Default value:
[email protected]
Organizational owner of the AVD deployment. (Default: Contoso-Owner)
- Default value:
[email protected]
Determine whether to enable RDP Short Path for Managed Networks. (Default: false)
- Default value:
Custom name for Resource Group. (Default: rg-avd-use2-shared-services)
- Default value:
Determine whether to enable Screen Capture Protection. (Default: false)
- Default value:
AVD shared services subscription ID, multiple subscriptions scenario.
Do not modify, used to set unique value for resource deployment.
- Default value:
Set to deploy Azure Image Builder to existing virtual network. (Default: false)
- Default value:
Custom name for User Assigned Identity. (Default: id-avd)
Reference to the size of the VM for your workloads (Default: Contoso-Workload)
- Default value:
"$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentParameters.json#",
"contentVersion": "",
"metadata": {
"template": "workload/arm/deploy-custom-image.json"
"parameters": {
"alertsActionGroupCustomName": {
"value": "ag-aib"
"alertsDistributionGroup": {
"value": ""
"applicationNameTag": {
"value": "Contoso-App"
"automationAccountCustomName": {
"value": "aa-avd"
"buildSchedule": {
"value": "Recurring"
"costCenterTag": {
"value": "Contoso-CC"
"criticalityCustomTag": {
"value": "Contoso-Critical"
"criticalityTag": {
"value": "Low"
"customNaming": {
"value": false
"dataClassificationTag": {
"value": "Non-business"
"departmentTag": {
"value": "Contoso-AVD"
"deploymentLocation": {
"value": "eastus"
"enableMonitoringAlerts": {
"value": false
"enableResourceTags": {
"value": false
"enableTelemetry": {
"value": true
"environmentTag": {
"value": "Dev"
"existingLogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId": {
"value": ""
"existingSubnetName": {
"value": ""
"existingVirtualNetworkResourceId": {
"value": ""
"imageBuildNameTag": {
"value": "AVD-Image"
"imageDefinitionCustomName": {
"value": "avd-win11-21h2"
"imageDefinitionAcceleratedNetworkSupported": {
"value": "true"
"imageDefinitionHibernateSupported": {
"value": "false"
"imageDefinitionSecurityType": {
"value": "Standard"
"imageGalleryCustomName": {
"value": "gal_avd_use2_001"
"imageTemplateCustomName": {
"value": "it-avd-win11-22h2"
"imageVersionDisasterRecoveryLocation": {
"value": ""
"imageVersionPrimaryLocation": {
"value": ""
"imageVersionStorageAccountType": {
"value": "Standard_LRS"
"logAnalyticsWorkspaceCustomName": {
"value": "log-avd"
"logAnalyticsWorkspaceDataRetention": {
"value": 30
"operatingSystemImage": {
"value": "win11_22h2"
"operationsTeamTag": {
"value": "[email protected]"
"ownerTag": {
"value": "[email protected]"
"rdpShortPathManagedNetworks": {
"value": false
"resourceGroupCustomName": {
"value": "rg-avd-use2-shared-services"
"screenCaptureProtection": {
"value": false
"sharedServicesSubId": {
"value": ""
"time": {
"value": "[utcNow()]"
"useExistingVirtualNetwork": {
"value": false
"userAssignedManagedIdentityCustomName": {
"value": ""
"workloadNameTag": {
"value": "Contoso-Workload"