Sarah Academy Classic Coding Fundamentals consists of consists of self-learning and office hours.
The core of this class will be self taught, driven by the student to follow the provided schedule. Following this schedule students are expected to complete their own readings, homework and even projects. The schedule is in place to provide a recommended pace for self learning, and provided office hours (see below) will also be based on the provided timing. The timing of the course is a direct match to our paid and guided Fundamentals course, and we believe you can achieve it!
We will host weekly office hours for students to clarify concepts or exercises pertaining to that week's material. Office hours will not explain new concepts or review course material from scratch; We expect students to join only after attempting readings and exercises.
Office hours are optional. They will be held over Zoom.
During office hours we will:
Answer specific questions regarding concepts / material as laid out in the reading material that week
Answer specific questions on blockers students may have pertaining to that weeks reading
Provide extra external material to students who want more material regarding specific topics
During office hours we will not:
Review the entire day's reading material and explain concepts from scratch
Review previous weeks' material
Answer questions too far in advance
Please read through all sections of exercises and projects before starting. Later parts of exercises and projects may require different code architecture than earlier parts. Failure to take into consideration all aspects of the project might result in a lengthy refactor.
To accommodate different learning speeds and prior experience, exercises and projects may have different sections to differentiate what must be completed to minimally understand concepts, and what are extra exercises or features to help solidify one's understanding.
Everything in the Base section must be completed to minimally understand relevant concepts. When short on time, we can complete the Base section then move onto the next exercise or project.
The More Comfortable section is for students that wish to push their boundaries. Students can complete Coding Fundamentals without touching More Comfortable, but students that complete More Comfortable exercises will gain more experience and may be more valuable in the job market.