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File metadata and controls

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The peer module contains the peer node used by the downloader to encapsulate the throughput, whether it is idle, and record the information that failed before.


// peerConnection represents an active peer from which hashes and blocks are retrieved.
type peerConnection struct {
	id string // Unique identifier of the peer

	headerIdle  int32 // Current header activity state of the peer (idle = 0, active = 1)
	blockIdle   int32 // Current block activity state of the peer (idle = 0, active = 1)
	receiptIdle int32 // Current receipt activity state of the peer (idle = 0, active = 1)
	stateIdle   int32 // Current node data activity state of the peer (idle = 0, active = 1)

	headerThroughput  float64 // Number of headers measured to be retrievable per second
	blockThroughput   float64 // Number of blocks (bodies) measured to be retrievable per second
	receiptThroughput float64 // Number of receipts measured to be retrievable per second
	stateThroughput   float64 // Number of node data pieces measured to be retrievable per second

	rtt time.Duration // Request round trip time to track responsiveness (QoS)

	headerStarted  time.Time // Time instance when the last header fetch was started
	blockStarted   time.Time // Time instance when the last block (body) fetch was started
	receiptStarted time.Time // Time instance when the last receipt fetch was started
	stateStarted   time.Time // Time instance when the last node data fetch was started

	lacking map[common.Hash]struct{} // Set of hashes not to request (didn't have previously)

	peer Peer			// remote peer

	version int        // Eth protocol version number to switch strategies
	log     log.Logger // Contextual logger to add extra infos to peer logs
	lock    sync.RWMutex

FetchHeaders Functions such as FetchHeaders FetchBodies mainly call the function of eth.peer to send data requests.

// FetchHeaders sends a header retrieval request to the remote peer.
func (p *peerConnection) FetchHeaders(from uint64, count int) error {
	// Sanity check the protocol version
	if p.version < 62 {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("header fetch [eth/62+] requested on eth/%d", p.version))
	// Short circuit if the peer is already fetching
	if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&p.headerIdle, 0, 1) {
		return errAlreadyFetching
	p.headerStarted = time.Now()

	// Issue the header retrieval request (absolut upwards without gaps)
	go p.peer.RequestHeadersByNumber(from, count, 0, false)

	return nil

SetHeadersIdle function SetHeadersIdle, SetBlocksIdle and other functions Set the peer's state to idle, allowing it to execute new requests. At the same time, the throughput of the link is re-evaluated by the amount of data transmitted this time.

// SetHeadersIdle sets the peer to idle, allowing it to execute new header retrieval
// requests. Its estimated header retrieval throughput is updated with that measured
// just now.
func (p *peerConnection) SetHeadersIdle(delivered int) {
	p.setIdle(p.headerStarted, delivered, &p.headerThroughput, &p.headerIdle)


// setIdle sets the peer to idle, allowing it to execute new retrieval requests.
// Its estimated retrieval throughput is updated with that measured just now.
func (p *peerConnection) setIdle(started time.Time, delivered int, throughput *float64, idle *int32) {
	// Irrelevant of the scaling, make sure the peer ends up idle
	// in thread-safe env, must use atomic to set value, or use mutex as well
	defer atomic.StoreInt32(idle, 0)

	defer p.lock.Unlock()

	// If nothing was delivered (hard timeout / unavailable data), reduce throughput to minimum
	if delivered == 0 {
		*throughput = 0
	// Otherwise update the throughput with a new measurement
	elapsed := time.Since(started) + 1 // +1 (ns) to ensure non-zero divisor
	measured := float64(delivered) / (float64(elapsed) / float64(time.Second))

	// measurementImpact = 0.1 , new_throughput = old_throughput *0.9 + current_throughput *0.1
	*throughput = (1-measurementImpact)*(*throughput) + measurementImpact*measured
	// RTT
	p.rtt = time.Duration((1-measurementImpact)*float64(p.rtt) + measurementImpact*float64(elapsed))

	p.log.Trace("Peer throughput measurements updated",
		"hps", p.headerThroughput, "bps", p.blockThroughput,
		"rps", p.receiptThroughput, "sps", p.stateThroughput,
		"miss", len(p.lacking), "rtt", p.rtt)

The HeadersCapacity function is used to return the throughput allowed by the current link.

    // HeaderCapacity retrieves the peers header download allowance based on its
    // previously discovered throughput.
    func (p *peerConnection) HeaderCapacity(targetRTT time.Duration) int {
    	defer p.lock.RUnlock()
    	// This is a bit strange. The larger the targetRTT, the more requests you have.
    	return int(math.Min(1+math.Max(1, p.headerThroughput*float64(targetRTT)/float64(time.Second)), float64(MaxHeaderFetch)))

Lacks is used to mark the last failure, so that the next request will not pass this peer.

// MarkLacking appends a new entity to the set of items (blocks, receipts, states)
// that a peer is known not to have (i.e. have been requested before). If the
// set reaches its maximum allowed capacity, items are randomly dropped off.
func (p *peerConnection) MarkLacking(hash common.Hash) {
	defer p.lock.Unlock()
	for len(p.lacking) >= maxLackingHashes {
		for drop := range p.lacking {
			delete(p.lacking, drop)
	p.lacking[hash] = struct{}{}

// Lacks retrieves whether the hash of a blockchain item is on the peers lacking
// list (i.e. whether we know that the peer does not have it).
func (p *peerConnection) Lacks(hash common.Hash) bool {
	defer p.lock.RUnlock()
	_, ok := p.lacking[hash]
	return ok


// peerSet represents the collection of active peer participating in the chain
// download procedure.
type peerSet struct {
	peers        map[string]*peerConnection
	newPeerFeed  event.Feed
	peerDropFeed event.Feed
	lock         sync.RWMutex

Register and UnRegister

// Register injects a new peer into the working set, or returns an error if the
// peer is already known.
// The method also sets the starting throughput values of the new peer to the
// average of all existing peers, to give it a realistic chance of being used
// for data retrievals.
func (ps *peerSet) Register(p *peerConnection) error {
	// Retrieve the current median RTT as a sane default
	p.rtt = ps.medianRTT()

	// Register the new peer with some meaningful defaults
	if _, ok := ps.peers[]; ok {
		return errAlreadyRegistered
	if len(ps.peers) > 0 {
		p.headerThroughput, p.blockThroughput, p.receiptThroughput, p.stateThroughput = 0, 0, 0, 0

		for _, peer := range ps.peers {
			p.headerThroughput += peer.headerThroughput
			p.blockThroughput += peer.blockThroughput
			p.receiptThroughput += peer.receiptThroughput
			p.stateThroughput += peer.stateThroughput
		p.headerThroughput /= float64(len(ps.peers))
		p.blockThroughput /= float64(len(ps.peers))
		p.receiptThroughput /= float64(len(ps.peers))
		p.stateThroughput /= float64(len(ps.peers))
	ps.peers[] = p

	return nil

// Unregister removes a remote peer from the active set, disabling any further
// actions to/from that particular entity.
func (ps *peerSet) Unregister(id string) error {
	p, ok := ps.peers[id]
	if !ok {
		defer ps.lock.Unlock()
		return errNotRegistered
	delete(ps.peers, id)

	return nil


// HeaderIdlePeers retrieves a flat list of all the currently header-idle peers
// within the active peer set, ordered by their reputation.
func (ps *peerSet) HeaderIdlePeers() ([]*peerConnection, int) {
	idle := func(p *peerConnection) bool {
		return atomic.LoadInt32(&p.headerIdle) == 0
	throughput := func(p *peerConnection) float64 {
		defer p.lock.RUnlock()
		return p.headerThroughput
	return ps.idlePeers(62, 64, idle, throughput)

// idlePeers retrieves a flat list of all currently idle peers satisfying the
// protocol version constraints, using the provided function to check idleness.
// The resulting set of peers are sorted by their measure throughput.
func (ps *peerSet) idlePeers(minProtocol, maxProtocol int, idleCheck func(*peerConnection) bool, throughput func(*peerConnection) float64) ([]*peerConnection, int) {
	defer ps.lock.RUnlock()

	idle, total := make([]*peerConnection, 0, len(ps.peers)), 0
	for _, p := range ps.peers {
		if p.version >= minProtocol && p.version <= maxProtocol {
			if idleCheck(p) {
				idle = append(idle, p)
	for i := 0; i < len(idle); i++ { // Bubble sorting, from high throughput to low throughput.
		for j := i + 1; j < len(idle); j++ {
			if throughput(idle[i]) < throughput(idle[j]) {
				idle[i], idle[j] = idle[j], idle[i]
	return idle, total

medianRTT, find the median of the RTT of the peerset,

// medianRTT returns the median RTT of te peerset, considering only the tuning
// peers if there are more peers available.
// qos: quality of service
func(ps * peerSet) medianRTT() time.Duration {
    // Gather all the currnetly measured round trip times
    defer ps.lock.RUnlock()
    rtts: = make([] float64, 0, len(ps.peers))
    for _, p: = range ps.peers {
        rtts = append(rtts, float64(p.rtt))
    median: = rttMaxEstimate
    if qosTuningPeers <= len(rtts) {
        median = time.Duration(rtts[qosTuningPeers / 2]) // Median of our tuning peers
    } else if len(rtts) > 0 {
            median = time.Duration(rtts[len(rtts) / 2]) // Median of our connected peers (maintain even like this some baseline qos)
        // Restrict the RTT into some QoS defaults, irrelevant of true RTT
    if median < rttMinEstimate {
        median = rttMinEstimate
    if median > rttMaxEstimate {
        median = rttMaxEstimate
    return median