- Introduction
- Installation
The Intel SGX device plugin and related components allow workloads to use Intel SGX on platforms with SGX Flexible Launch Control enabled, e.g.,:
- 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable Platform, code-named “Ice Lake”
- Intel® Xeon® E3
- Intel® NUC Kit NUC7CJYH
The SGX solution comes in three parts:
This README covers setting up all three components.
The SGX plugin can take a number of command line arguments, summarised in the following table:
Flag | Argument | Meaning |
-enclave-limit | int | the number of containers per node allowed to use /dev/sgx/enclave (default: 20 ) |
-provision-limit | int | the number of containers per node allowed to use /dev/sgx/provision (default: 20 ) |
The plugin also accepts a number of other arguments related to logging. Please use the -h
option to see
the complete list of logging related options.
The following sections cover how to obtain, build and install the necessary Kubernetes SGX specific components.
They can be installed either using a DaemonSet or running 'by hand' on each node.
The component has the same basic dependancies as the generic plugin framework dependencies.
The SGX device plugin requires Linux Kernel SGX drivers to be available. These drivers are available in Linux 5.11. The SGX DCAP out-of-tree driver v1.41 is also known to work.
The hardware platform must support SGX Flexible Launch Control.
The SGX device nodes have changed from /dev/sgx/[enclave|provision]
to /dev/sgx_[enclave|provision]
in v4x RFC patches according to the
LKML feedback.
Backwards compatibility is provided by adding /dev/sgx
directory volume
mount to containers. This assumes the cluster admin has installed the
udev rules provided below to make the old device nodes as symlinks to the
new device nodes.
Note: the symlinks become visible in all containers requesting SGX resources but are potentially dangling links if the device the corresponding device resource is not requested.
$ cat /etc/udev/rules/9*.rules
$ sudo udevadm trigger
$ ls -la /dev/sgx/*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Nov 18 01:01 /dev/sgx/enclave -> ../sgx_enclave
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 Nov 18 01:01 /dev/sgx/provision -> ../sgx_provision
The backwards compatibility will be removed in the next release (v0.20) and from the main development branch once the SGX SDK and DCAP releases default to the new devices.
Pre-built images are available on Docker Hub. These images are automatically built and uploaded to the hub from the latest main branch of this repository.
Release tagged images of the components are also available on Docker Hub, tagged with their
release version numbers in the format x.y.z
, corresponding to the branches and releases in this
repository. Thus the easiest way to deploy Intel SGX components in your cluster is to follow the steps
The deployment YAML files supplied with the components in this repository use the images with the devel
tag by default. If you do not build your own local images, your Kubernetes cluster may pull down
the devel images from Docker Hub by default.
needs to be substituted with the desired release version, e.g. v0.19.0
or main.
$ kubectl apply -k<RELEASE_VERSION>
Note: The default nfd-worker.conf
assumes that the in-tree driver is used and enabled (CONFIG_X86_SGX=y
). If
the SGX DCAP out-of-tree driver is used, the kConfig
match in nfd-worker.conf
must be removed.
$ kubectl apply -f
$ kubectl apply -k<RELEASE_VERSION>
Note: See the operator deployment details for setting it up on systems behind proxies.
$ kubectl apply -f
$ export INTEL_DEVICE_PLUGINS_SRC=/path/to/intel-device-plugins-for-kubernetes
To deploy the plugin as a DaemonSet, you first need to deploy the cert-manager.
$ kubectl apply -f
You also need to build a container image for the plugin and ensure that is visible to your nodes.
The following will use docker
to build a local container images called intel/intel-sgx-plugin
and intel/intel-sgx-initcontainer
with the tag devel
. The image build tool can be changed from the
default docker by setting the BUILDER
argument to the Makefile.
$ make intel-sgx-plugin
Successfully tagged intel/intel-sgx-plugin:devel
$ make intel-sgx-initcontainer
Successfully tagged intel/intel-sgx-initcontainer:devel
There are two alternative ways to deploy SGX device plugin.
The first approach involves deployment of the SGX DaemonSet YAML and node-feature-discovery with the necessary configuration.
There is a kustomization for deploying everything:
$ kubectl apply -k ${INTEL_DEVICE_PLUGINS_SRC}/deployments/sgx_plugin/overlays/epc-nfd/
The second approach has a lesser deployment footprint. It does not deploy NFD, but a helper daemonset that creates'true'
node label and advertises EPC capacity to the API server.
The following kustomization is used for this approach:
$ kubectl apply -k ${INTEL_DEVICE_PLUGINS_SRC}/deployments/sgx_plugin/overlays/epc-register/
Verification of the plugin deployment and detection of SGX hardware can be confirmed by examining the resource allocations on the nodes:
$ kubectl describe node <node name> | grep 20 98566144 20 20 98566144 20 1 1 400 400 1 1
For development purposes, it is sometimes convenient to deploy the plugin 'by hand' on a node. In this case, you do not need to build the complete container image, and can build just the plugin.
$ make sgx_plugin
Deploy the plugin on a node by running it as root
. The below is just an example - modify the
paramaters as necessary for your setup:
$ sudo -E ${INTEL_DEVICE_PLUGINS_SRC}/cmd/sgx_plugin/sgx_plugin -enclave-limit 50 -provision-limit 1 -v 2
I0626 20:33:01.414446 964346 server.go:219] Start server for provision at: /var/lib/kubelet/device-plugins/
I0626 20:33:01.414640 964346 server.go:219] Start server for enclave at: /var/lib/kubelet/device-plugins/
I0626 20:33:01.417315 964346 server.go:237] Device plugin for provision registered
I0626 20:33:01.417748 964346 server.go:237] Device plugin for enclave registered
The SGX remote attestation allows a relying party to verify that the software is running inside an Intel® SGX enclave on a platform that has the trusted computing base up to date.
The demo guides to run an SGX DCAP/ECDSA quote generation in on a single-node kubernetes cluster using Intel® reference SGX PCK Certificate Cache Service (PCCS) that is configured to service localhost connections.
Read more about SGX Remote Attestation.
For the SGX ECDSA Remote Attestation demo to work, the platform must be correctly registered and a PCCS running.
For documentation to set up Intel® reference PCCS, refer to: Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX) Services and Intel® Software Guard Extensions SDK for Linux
Furthermore, the Kubernetes cluster must be set up according the instructions above.
The demo uses container images build from Intel® SGX SDK and DCAP releases.
To build the demo images:
$ make sgx-aesmd-demo
Successfully tagged intel/sgx-aesmd-demo:devel
$ make sgx-sdk-demo
Successfully tagged intel/sgx-sdk-demo:devel
The demo runs Intel aesmd (architectural enclaves service daemon) that is responsible
for generating SGX quotes for workloads. It is deployed with hostNetwork: true
to allow connections to localhost PCCS.
$ kubectl apply -k<RELEASE_VERSION>
$ kubectl get pods
intel-sgx-aesmd-mrnm8 1/1 Running 0 3h47m
sgxdeviceplugin-sample-z5dcq-llwlw 1/1 Running 0 28m
The sample application runs SGX DCAP Quote Generation sample:
$ kubectl apply -k<RELEASE_VERSION>
$ kubectl get pods
intel-sgx-aesmd-mrnm8 1/1 Running 0 3h55m
ecdsa-quote-intelsgx-demo-job-vtq84 0/1 Completed 0 4s
sgxdeviceplugin-sample-z5dcq-llwlw 1/1 Running 0 35m
$ kubectl logs ecdsa-quote-intelsgx-demo-job-vtq84
Step1: Call sgx_qe_get_target_info:succeed!
Step2: Call create_app_report:succeed!
Step3: Call sgx_qe_get_quote_size:succeed!
Step4: Call sgx_qe_get_quote:succeed!cert_key_type = 0x5
Note: The deployment example above uses kustomize that is available in kubectl since Kubernetes v1.14 release.