diff --git a/ReadMe.md b/ReadMe.md index 7726c09..f99970d 100644 --- a/ReadMe.md +++ b/ReadMe.md @@ -29,6 +29,31 @@ Exemplary use case of MINS: MINS is tested on Ubuntu 18 and 20 and only requires corresponding ROS ([Melodic](https://wiki.ros.org/melodic) and [Noetic](https://wiki.ros.org/noetic)). * Default Eigen version will be 3.3.7 (Noetic) or lower, but if one has a higher version the compilation can be failed due to thirdparty library (libpointmatcher) for LiDAR. +## ROS2 + +For instructions and dependencies for building the package on ros2 you can look into the Dockerfile. After building and sourcing, you should be able to start the simulation with + +```sh +ros2 run mins simulation mins/config/simulation/config.yaml +``` + +You can then start rviz2 to look at the path as estimated through MINS. + +For running in real mode you can use: + +```sh +ros2 run mins subscribe mins/config/euroc_mav/config.yaml +``` + +And then play a bag in another terminal, for example from the [euroc_mav](https://projects.asl.ethz.ch/datasets/doku.php?id=kmavvisualinertialdatasets), after converting it using [rosbags](https://pypi.org/project/rosbags/): + +```sh +ros2 bag play data/MH_01_easy +``` + +Again, you can look at the paths and the pose estimated by MINS with rviz2. + + ## Build and Source ``` mkdir -p $MINS_WORKSPACE/catkin_ws/src/ && cd $MINS_WORKSPACE/catkin_ws/src/ @@ -43,6 +68,7 @@ source devel/setup.bash ![alt text](thirdparty/simulation.png) + ### Real-World Dataset #### Directly reading the ros bag file ```roslaunch mins rosbag.launch config:=kaist/kaist_LC path_gt:=urban30.txt path_bag:=urban30.bag```