This application is designed to create all icons required for any iOS application. This could have been created in better way usign mac os plateform I bet, but something is better than nothing. So now the question is how it works? So before that to use this application you need to be a beginer iOS developer, who can find document directory of your applicaton on finder.
- download and unzip application
- run application using xcode
- find document directory of your application, delete all the files in document directory (spetially if you are running it second time)
- paste you highest resolution icon(1024x1024) file in "Document" folder of your document directory
- now re-run application using xcode or iOS simulator (in case of ios simulator you need to quit application and launch it again)
- now see the folder you have all the icons ready to drag in your application (at XCODE) and use
Once you will launch the application on simulator frist time it will print the DocumentDirectory path of the application. Just copy that go to mac finder press cmd+shift+g and paste the path press enter.