- Add support for LDAP authentication (7aca9e5, 2acfbb7, 75e4ce7)
- Allow to upload images and documents (14f17fe, 9c8e22f, fdc305e, c7ad8aa, be20bb0)
- Improve the readability of the ticket page (1c75799, 8a3e75c)
- Customize the errors pages (276501e)
- Redirect automatically if user can create ticket in its default organization (c590e40)
- Redirect to the "new authorization" page after creating a user (35b1826)
- Allow empty name to be entered in the profile (7b549e7)
- Update the roadmap and the readme (bec35c9)
- Improve the doc to check requirements in production (8f5ce4a)
- Reorganize the developers documentation (4fdd67f)
- Improve the doc to generate the migrations for MariaDB (353fe63)
- Document the
prefix in the release section (0bb57c4)
- Rename the make i18n-extract command (3073863)
- Configure the CSS autoprefixer NPM package (9502721)
- Add isCreatedBy and isUpdatedBy to the MetaEntityInterface (e9801be)
- Extract a ConstraintErrorsFormatter from BaseController (cc94181)
- Use Docker Compose v2 (8d65095)
- Improve starting a MariaDB database in development (bf01124)
- Provide an "info" alert (f90870c)
- Style the disabled inputs and textareas correctly (0a9ed91)
- Improve signature of CommandTestsHelper::executeCommand (81816de)
- Remove rollbacks test (aa6b0d5)
- Rename JS forms controllers TicketEditor and NewAuthorizationForm (35ea05e)
- Reorganize the env files (b76098d)
- Remove the Stylelint rule about comments (abfac89)
Bileto now requires that you configure a mail server to be used.
In consequence, two new MAILER_DSN
environment variables must be set in production.
See the Symfony documentation to get help.
It is already configured in development (see the GreenMail documentation).
The PHP sodium
and xsl
extensions are now required.
You must make sure that they are installed on your server.
You must setup a Messenger worker. Read the administrator guide to learn how (nearly the end of the document).
- Fix an XSS when deleting an organization (718f757)
- Send a notification when posting a new message (eebc2f6)
- Allow to create and answer to tickets by emails
- Allow to assign a user to an organization (f436203)
- Allow to edit users (854cce6)
- Allow to delete roles (d547f7a)
- Display only tech users in the lists of assignees (5360bf8)
- Show a notification when profile/preferences are saved (f989d0b)
- Improve the look of the notifications (f340549)
- Show an icon on the messages sent by email (f3ed9e8)
- Upgrade to Symfony 6.3 (733d10d)
- Setup Symfony Messenger (6e80eb9, d9afabc)
- Separate orga roles in user and tech roles (16701e6)
- Configure GreenMail (adc8d35, 1be563f)
- Fix datetimes of Messages created in seeds (9fe51fa)
- Fix the make db-reset command (0f776ae)
- Configure the CI for the
branches (a038af1) - Move the getters and setters of Uid to MetaEntityTrait (da6123a)
- Block html and body tags with HtmlSanitizer (380eea1)
- Increase the
of HtmlSanitizer (c685b16) - Update the dependencies (3be49e0, 29186b0, 723451d, 0a85228)
- Provide a search engine and a search syntax (d83d996, abf6054)
- Allow to rename the organizations (8afbde7)
- Allow to delete the organizations (0d85a97)
- Allow to sort the lists of tickets (5a4df55)
- Track and display the last activity of tickets (326fe08)
- Add a “remember me” checkbox to the login form (2acd1de)
- Redesign the lists of organizations (da08569)
- Allow to set a password when creating users (6e902ee)
- Allow to (un)check all the roles at once (ae96f71)
- Add a margin below the modal titles (ebbc1ac)
- Make the user name input really optional (db3ae5a)
- Use the correct color scheme after login or logout (9b95c80)
- Allow public access to the Web Manifest (3984d0d)
- Improve the production documentation about file permissions (61a2e91)
- Fix the documentation to reset the database in production (ec44171)
- Fix the documentation to retrieve the latest Git tag (a5bdf39)
- Document "Documentation" and "Technical" sections of the changelog (ed4a960)
- Add the support for PHP 8.2 (36c38e0)
- Add the support for PostgreSQL 11+ and MariaDB 10.4+ (af667af)
- Fix the seeds with MariaDB (1946bb9)
- Provide a Stimulus controller to control the checkboxes (14828fb)
- Provide a
class (b370ad0) - Provide a CSS
class (4aa8a10) - Remove the
constraint from UID fields (b2d8be7) - Use the User UID instead of ID in actors forms (95a1bfa)
- Disable XDebug when running PHPStan (8024cb8)
- Update the dependencies (927e4df, 15ff366, b2680c3, 04563c5, 862a354)
- Allow to create roles (dd6e62f)
- Allow to create sub-organizations (8aa07f1)
- Allow to create users (ccfd37f, e1d9f3b, ecd0832, 79cfab2, f8a355a)
- Check permissions (faea252)
- Display Ticket activity in the timeline (2115eff, c439709)
- Add a page to list all the tickets (a2851cb)
- Add a home page to list tickets owned (3d161aa, 7e7a7a9)
- Allow to edit the status of the tickets (99fd4bf)
- Allow to edit user profile (6bbbbec, d35f10e)
- Provide an about page (3d7a495, 7218152)
- Improve integration on mobile and desktop apps (bdab19c)
- Add the new logo (5dbebde)
- Change the primary color scale (b810532)
- Setup Atkinson Hyperlegible font (36b7917)
- Redesign the layout navigation (fbbf602)
- Redesign the tickets navigation (6d7325f)
- Redesign the lists of tickets (2402ffc)
- Allow to show / hide passwords (530c3f0)
- Allow to select assignee when clicking on "unassigned" (f8806f8)
- List tickets requested by user in "Your tickets" (984244d)
- Change the status field by a "is resolved" checkbox when opening a ticket (ab2183f)
- Allow to choose the priority when opening a ticket (153a767)
- Allow to choose the type when opening a ticket (8bc053f)
- Display connected user in the users list (2133951)
- Display the number of tickets above the list (c433d18)
- Display the number of messages in tickets (cb055b8)
- Improve rendering of dates in the ticket timeline (52af077)
- Detect preferred language from browser (8ed7599)
- Redirect to /organizations after the creation of an organization (3acfb63)
- Notify when "update ticket type" fails (f01410d)
- Add a "skip to main content" accessibility anchor (63c6d9d)
- Allow to scroll to the top of the page (c16932b)
- Allow to scroll to the bottom of tickets (4485332)
- Hide avatars in tickets on small screen (ba22dd4)
- Remove year from dates if it's the same as current year (84c98b5)
- Remove the TinyMCE emoji plugin (b49cd73)
- Improve sizes on mobile (411b4e4)
- Always display the tickets organizations (2a589e9)
- Increase contrast of ticket info titles (8ace6a3)
- Set pointer cursor on
elements (ab46915) - Improve the look of popups (4a1bf43)
- Improve the look of the layout banners (300c41d)
- Make box-shadow under cards more visible (2e645f7)
- Change profile icon to id-card (0b8c417)
- Decrease the font-size of form captions (3b9d325)
- Add a roadmap (57661e2)
- Add documentation to update the production (32d2ca6)
- Update the documentation to update dev environment (ed1f675)
- Update the documentation to deploy Bileto in prod (9b0e52e)
- Add documentation about translations (95375c9)
- Add documentation about managing the dependencies (3af30d9)
- Complete the documentation to release new versions (e1443d8)
- Improve the content of the README (0a6df89)
- Improve the PR template with comments (0ce7ccf)
- Provide a notification system (7e6caa3)
- Provide a mechanism to seed the database (6f55272)
- Lint more things (containers, twig and translations) (f19a3b0)
- Use ICU format for translations (0adf1e3, b110223, 881e8aa)
- Refactor initialization of meta fields (3063858)
- Extract a LocaleSorter from OrganizationSorter (8ad6c22)
- Move factories under tests/ folder (3849b6e)
- Fix GitHub Actions deprecations (5a0cc15)
- Update dependencies (003bab6, c163589, c17e97d, 15dd9a5, a84479c, a087c03, 0efd5a5, c138def, 5160ac8, 78c7a46, db0c913, 662c172)
- Allow users to login (8924d27)
- Allow to create and list the organizations (d141c61)
- Open tickets via the interface (915520f)
- Filter owned and unassigned tickets (aab4b73)
- Allow to answer to a ticket (1bc64ee)
- Change the status when answering to a ticket (feafea8)
- Post confidential messages (403538b)
- Post a solution (679f547)
- Change requester and assignee of a ticket (d27c9d4)
- Change the priority of the tickets (f1cc2ec)
- Turn ticket into incident or request (f4d53a0)
- Rename the tickets (4b00279)
- Disallow changing status if ticket status is finished (385096e)
- Allow to self-assign a ticket (fe28553)
- Allow a user to choose its language (c37460b)
- Add a dark mode (0e4fb2f)