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Chapter 5: Functions and the MIPS Calling Convention

While I’m sure everyone here probably knows what functions are, you might be wondering what a "Calling Convention" is. In short, it is an agreement between the caller and callee about how to treat/use certain registers. We’ll get to the why and how later.


In assembly, a function is simply a label with a return instruction associated with it; because this is far more ambiguous than a function in a higher level language, it is good practice to only have a single return instruction associated with a function.[1] A comment above the label is also helpful. Together those help you quickly see the start and end of the function.

void func1() {}

would be

# void func1()
	# body goes here
	jr     $ra

As you can see my policy is to put a single line comment of the C prototype above label.

But how do you call a function in assembly? You use the instruction Jump and Link: jal func_label. Let’s change the hello world program from chapter 0 to call a function:

hello:   .asciiz "Hello World!\n"

	jal  hello_world

	li   $v0, 10     # exit syscall

# void hello_world()
	li   $v0, 4      # print string system call
	la   $a0, hello  # load address of string to print into a0

	jr  $ra

What jal actually does, is save the address of the next instruction to $ra and then do an unconditional jump to the function label. So you could achieve the same results with the following:

	jal    func

	# is equivalent to

	la     $ra, next_instr
	j      func

That would get tiring and ugly fast though, having to come up with unique labels for the next instruction every time. You also might be confused about why the greensheet says jal saves PC+8 in $ra instead of PC+4. The reason is that MIPS technically has delayed branching, i.e. a single instruction after every branch instruction is executed before the jump actually happens. So jal adds 8 instead of 4 to account for that extra instruction delay. However, every simulator we’ve mentioned does non-delayed branching by default so you can ignore it.

The Convention

We’ve gone as far as we can without starting to talk about registers and their purposes in functions. You can think of registers as variables[2] that are part of the CPU. In this case, since we’re dealing with a 32-bit MIPS architecture, they are 32-bit (aka 4 bytes, 1 word) variables. Since they’re part of the CPU, they exist for the life of the program and the whole program shares the same registers.

But how does that work? If all parts of the program use the same 32 registers, how does one function not stomp all over what another was doing when it uses them? In fact, how do functions communicate at all? How do they pass arguments or return results? All these questions are solved by deciding on a "Calling Convention". It’s different for different architectures and even different operating systems on the same architecture. This is because different architectures have different numbers of registers, and some registers like $ra have hardcoded uses. The op jal modifies $ra, and $0 is a constant 0 and there’s no way to change either of those facts. That still leaves a lot of flexibility when designing a calling convention. While they mostly match, you’ll find several variations of MIPS calling conventions online. They usually differ in how they setup a stack frame. The convention covered in this chapter is consistent with, and sufficient for, almost every college course I’ve ever heard of.

Regardless, what matters is that the calling convention works by setting rules (and guidelines) for register use, and when/how to use the stack.

If you’re unfamiliar with the runtime stack, it’s exactly what it sounds like. It’s a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) data structure that you can use to store smaller values in a program. It grows in a negative direction, so to allocate 12 bytes, you would subtract 12 from the stack pointer (in MIPS that’s $sp).

MIPS specifically designates certain registers to be used for passing arguments (at least the first 4), others for return values, and others for misc. temporary or saved values. The rest are special use registers like $ra.

The quickest way to summarize is to look at the table on the greensheet which is reproduced (with some modifications) below:

Table 1. MIPS Registers and Uses
Name Number Use Preserved Across a Call



Constant 0




Assembler Temporary (used to expand pseudo-ops)




Function Results and Expression Evaluation












Saved Temporaries








Reserved for OS Kernel




Global Pointer




Stack Pointer


$fp (or $s8)


Frame Pointer if necessary or can be another saved reg




Return Address


To summarize, you have 16 registers that can be used anytime for temporary values, though some have special uses too (the v, a, and t registers). You have 8 s registers that have to be saved on the stack if you use them, plus $ra as well. The $zero register is obviously a special case.

The $sp register is technically preserved but not in the same way. Basically what you allocate (subtract) you have to deallocate (add) before returning from a function, thus preserving the original value.

You can ignore $at, $k0-$k1, $gp and most of the time $fp too. In over 7 years of tutoring I’ve helped students with MIPS from at least 2 dozen different colleges and I think I’ve only seen a professor force his students to use $fp or pass more than 4 arguments twice. You can see[3] register 30 sometimes referred to as $s8 rather than, or in addition to, $fp which shows you how rarely it’s actually used/needed as a frame pointer.

Basic example

Let’s start with something simple that doesn’t use the stack.

int hello_name_number(char* name, int number)
	printf("Hello %s!\n", name);
	return number + 10;

According to the convention that becomes:

hello_space:  .asciiz "Hello "
exclaim_nl:   .asciiz "!\n"

# int hello_name_number(char* name, int number)
	move    $t0, $a0   # save name in t0 since we need a0 for the syscall

	li      $v0, 4        # print string
	la      $a0, hello_space

	move      $a0, $t0    # print name (v0 is still 4)

	la        $a0, exclaim_nl  # print "!\n"

	addi    $v0, $a1, 10  # return number + 10
	jr      $ra

Some things to note, syscalls are not function calls so we can "save" $a0 in a t register and know that it’ll still be there when the syscall is done. In the same way, we know that $v0 is still the same so we don’t have to keep setting it to 4 for print string. Lastly, to return a value, we make sure that value is in $v0 before returning.

Using the Stack

First, let’s establish the rules on when you have to use the stack (You can always use it for arbitrary local variables, like a local array for example, but generally don’t if you don’t have a good reason).

  1. You call another function, ie you’re a non-leaf function.

    This means you have to save $ra on the stack at the very least, otherwise when you do your jr $ra you’d jump back into yourself (right after the last jal instruction). This does not apply to main because you don’t/shouldn’t return from main, you should call the exit (or exit2) syscall (10 or 17).

  2. You need to save values across a function call (automatically includes reason 1).

    This is fairly common for non-trivial functions. Obvious examples are calling a function in a loop or loops (you’d have to preserve the iterator(s)), and many recursive functions.

  3. You run out of temporary registers and overflow into the s registers.

    This is very rare. The most common reason this "happens" is people forget they have 10 t registers instead of 8 like s registers and even if they remember that they forget they can also use the a and v registers for temporaries. 16 is more than enough to handle pretty much any function because you rarely need 17 discrete values at the same time.

Let’s look at an example for the first two. Any example for the last rule would be prohibitively large and complicated.

int non_leaf()
	return 42

This calls the empty function discussed at the top of this chapter.

#int non_leaf()
	addi    $sp, $sp, -4  # space to save 1 register, $ra
	sw      $ra, 0($sp)   # store $ra in the newly allocated stack space

	jal     func1

	li      $v0, 42       # return 42

	lw      $ra, 0($sp)   # restore original $ra
	addi    $sp, $sp, 4   # pop the stack
	jr      $ra

The bit of code at the top and bottom of the function are called the prologue and epilogue respectively for obvious reasons. We allocate 4 bytes on the stack by subtracting 4 (I add a negative rather than subtract because I can copy-paste the line with a single character change for the epilogue). Then we store the current $ra in that space at the new top of the stack. Then before we exit we have to load it back and pop the stack.

If we didn’t save and restore $ra we would jump to line 7 when we do our jr $ra and then we’d be in an infinite loop.

Next we have the second case, where we need to preserve regular local values across a function call.

void print_letters(char letter, int count)
	for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {

int save_vals()
	for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
		print_letters('A'+i, i+1);
	return 8;

That becomes this in mips:

#void print_letters(char letter, int count)
	ble     $a1, $0, exit_pl   # if (count <= 0) goto exit_pl
	li      $v0, 11            # print character
	addi    $a1, $a1, -1       # count--
	bgt     $a1, $0, pl_loop   # while (count > 0)

	li      $a0, 10            # '\n'

	jr      $ra

#int save_vals()
	addi    $sp, $sp, -12
	sw      $ra, 0($sp)
	sw      $s0, 4($sp)
	sw      $s1, 8($sp)

	li      $s0, 0  # i = 0
	li      $s1, 10
	addi    $a0, $s0, 65   # i + 'A'
	addi    $a1, $s0, 1    # i + 1
	jal     print_letters

	addi    $s0, $s0, 1        # i++
	blt     $s0, $s1, sv_loop  # while (i < 10)

	lw      $ra, 0($sp)
	lw      $s0, 4($sp)
	lw      $s1, 8($sp)
	addi    $sp, $sp, 12
	jr      $ra

Notice that for print_letters, we not only convert the loop to a do-while, but we also use the parameter count as the iterator to count down to 0. It saves us an instruction initializing an i.

Second, for save_vals, we save not only $ra because we call another function, but also two s registers to save i and our stopping point. The second is not actually necessary; because it’s a constant, we could load 10 into a register right before the check every iteration of the loop. Which version is better depends on several factors, like how long or complex the loop is, how many times it executes, and of course personal preference.

Recursive Functions

Let’s do a classic recursive function, the fibonacci sequence.

int fib(int n)
	if (n <= 1)
		return n;

	return fib(n-2) + fib(n-1);

You can see how, at the very least, we’ll have to save $ra and n, because we need the original even after the first recursive call. It’s not as obvious, but we’ll also have to save the return value of the first call so we’ll still have it to do the addition after the second. You might think this would require using two s regs, but does it? Let’s see…​

#int fib(int n)
	addi    $sp, $sp, -8
	sw      $ra, 0($sp)
	sw      $s0, 4($sp)

	move    $v0, $a0        # prepare to return n
	li      $t0, 1
	ble     $a0, $t0, exit_fib  # if (n <= 1) goto exit_fib (ie return n)

	move    $s0, $a0        # save n

	addi    $a0, $a0, -2    # a0 = n - 2
	jal     fib             # fib(n-2)

	addi    $a0, $s0, -1    # a0 = n - 1, prep arg first so we can use s0 to save v0
	move    $s0, $v0        # save return of fib(n-2) in s0
	jal     fib             # fib(n-1)

	add     $v0, $v0, $s0   #  v0 = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

	lw      $ra, 0($sp)
	lw      $s0, 4($sp)
	addi    $sp, $sp, 8
	jr      $ra

Notice how we don’t have to save n any sooner than necessary, ie right before we have to use $a0 to setup the first recursive call. Also, the ordering of lines 16 and 17 is important. We needed the original n to calculate n-1 but once that’s in $a0 ready for the call, because we won’t need n again afterward, we can now use $s0 to preserve the return value of the first call.

Some of you, if you were paying attention, might point out that you could save a few instructions of performance if you moved the base case testing before the prologue as long as you put the exit label after the epilogue. This is true, but I’d recommend against it unless you were really trying to eke out every last microsecond. It’s nicer/cleaner to keep the prologue and epilogue as the first and last things; they’re one more thing to catch your eye and help delineate where functions start and end. Regardless, if you’re curious, you can see that version, along with every other function in this chapter in the included program calling.s.


While grasping the basics of a calling convention is not too difficult, it takes practice to get used to it. There are many things that we haven’t covered in this chapter, like how to pass more than 4 arguments, or use $fp, or handle floating point arguments or return values. The latter at least, will be covered in the next chapter.

1. I do not agree with an ironclad "one return" policy in higher level languages. Sometimes returning early results in cleaner code, sometimes not. Similarly, `goto` is not evil and there are rare cases where using it creates the best code.
2. Obviously the zero register is not really a variable. I never understood how people could say "const variable" with a straight face, it’s literally an oxymoron.
3. It’s an old link, but not as old as SPIM so maybe using it for a frame pointer was added later