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109 lines (73 loc) · 6.41 KB

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109 lines (73 loc) · 6.41 KB

How to contribute

This Real Time Data Ingestion Platform (RTDIP) welcomes contributions and suggestions. If you have a suggestion that would improve RTDIP you can simply open an issue with the relevant title. A few contribution examples can be:

  • File a bug report
  • Suggest a new feature
  • General enquiries
  • Security Vulnerabilities


  • Read RTDIP's Code Of Conduct before making any contributions or suggestions.
  • Install Visual Studio Code and make sure you have the latest updates.
  • Install Python. The Python version requirement is specfied in the file.
  • Install Conda
  • Clone the github repository
    git clone

Issues Guidelines

To contribute to Real Time Data Ingestion Platform, open an issue by following the steps below:

  1. Locate to the Issues tab on the github repository.
  2. Select New Issue
  3. Fill out the details and press Submit New Issue.

Template examples for bug reporting and feature requests can be found here.

The title of your Issue should be a short description of your bug or suggested new feature followed by a comment for more details.

  • Examples of good Issue titles
    • Added deprecationDetails config to MetricsHistogram
    • Fixed MetricsHistogram chart title tests
    • Added MR job to export data to redshift
  • Examples of poor Issue titles
    • Fixed tests
    • tests
    • feature/00001

Branch Naming Convention

  • Feature branches feature/<Issue Number> e.g. feature/12345 - Issue Number is the number of the issue item or work item in the GitHub issues page or project board. The issue number should be 5 digits, For example: if your issue number is 7 then your feature branch will be feature/00007.
  • Hotfix branches hotfix/<Issue Number> e.g. hotfix/52679 - Issue Number is the number of Bug/Issue Item in the GitHub project board. Hotfix branches are used for patch releases. The standard process for working off the develop branch should go as follows:
  1. git fetch in your current local branch to get latest remote branches list
  2. git checkout develop to switch to develop branch
  3. git pull to get the latest of develop branch
  4. git checkout -b branch_name to create local branch for your task/issue
    • This is consistent with the Git Flow approach and with Azure DevOps integration requirements
  5. Go through the motions of development and committing and pushing as before. Once completed, create a pull request into develop branch
  6. When pull request is completed, repeat from the top to start a new local branch/new dev work item


  • Always write tests for any parts of the code base you have touched. These tests should cover all possible edge cases (malformed input, guarding against nulls, infinite loops etc)

How To Start Contributing/Developing

Before you start developing code, you will need to ensure you are following this respository's guidelines and standards. RTDIP SDK resides in the src/sdk/python folder.

  1. The src/sdk folder is the home of all our source code. If you would like to contribute to the code base this would be our entry point. From here you can navigate to the relevant folder or create new one where needed.

NOTE: Our folder naming standards are all lowercase with words split by "_".

  1. Write your code.

  2. Write unit tests for each function. All unit tests are located in the test/sdk folder. The folder structure for test should be identical to the src folder. All RTDIP SDK tests are written using pytest.

  3. All functions will need to be documented via docstrings. An example is shown below.

    ```including a description of your function
    Args: any arguments your function will need
    Attributes: if needed
    Returns: what the function returns```
  4. Add function documentation to the docs/sdk/code-reference folder using the following example:

    # Title of your function
    ::: src.sdk.{sdk_language_folder_location}.{sdk_folder_location}.{function_file}.{function_method}

NOTE: You will need to change the parameters respectively and remember to create docs for each function you create. RTDIP SDK uses mkdocstrings for code documentation. For more information on mkdocstrings, see here.

  1. If you would like your documentation to be visible on our RTDIP Documentation site then you will need to add references to mkdocs.yml under the nav: section.

  2. Finally, you are ready to publish your changes. Create a PR on Github - Pull Request and ensure to add reviewers from the Codeowners List to review your code. RTDIP has built in workflows with sonarqube enabled to avoid pushing untested code. Reviewers will need to wait for all testing to pass before approving a PR and Squash Merging to develop. If everything passes your code should merge to develop successfully.

NOTE: Please ensure you read the Release Guidelines before publishing your contributions.

  1. VERY IMPORTANT STEP! To publish a new version of this python package you MUST create a tag and release in Github using the following versioning convention:

    Bump versioning standards:

    • Patch - if you are patching code then you should only increment the last number 0.0. 1 .

    • Feature - if you are adding a new feature to develop you should increment the second number 0. 1 .0.

    • Production - if you are deploying a production ready version you should increment the first number 1 .0.0

Always ensure you have followed and checked all the steps to create a new release by following the Release Guide.

RTDIP has built in pipeline workflows to automatically deploy the python package to develop or production based on your Pull Request.

Congratulations! Your clean and tested code should now be visible on Real Time Data Ingestion Platform. Thank you for your contribution. Any feedback on your experience will be greatly appreciated.