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378 lines (308 loc) · 9.35 KB

File metadata and controls

378 lines (308 loc) · 9.35 KB


git data transport



git log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit
  • When a string was added/deleted in the repo.
git log -S caca
git log -S caca -U1 # show the diff
  • Git alias. Add in ~/.gitconfig
    lg = log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit
  • Describe a commit. The output of the command looks like: <tag>_<numCommits>_g<hash> Where tag is the closest ancestor tag in history, numCommits is how many commits away that tag is, and is the hash of the commit being described.
git describe 2.2.x #2.2.0-75-g16deae8
  • Get last tag
git describe --abbrev=0 --tags # gets tag from current branch
git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1` # gets tags across all branches, not just the current branch
  • Add and commit together.
git commit -a -m 'msg'
  • Stage a file hunk
git add -p
  • Merge witout commit (no check in prod):
git merge --no-commit <branch>
git merge --abort
  • Reset working directory
git clean -xdf
  • Create a new branch
git checkout -b branch_name
git switch -c branch_name
  • List branches ordered by most recent commit.
git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate refs/remotes
  • Find the most recent common ancestor commit of two branches
git merge-base A B
  • Get all the branches where the commit exists
git branch --contains <commit-id>
  • Checkout your last branch
git checkout -
  • Grab a file from another branch without switching branches:
git checkout <BRANCH> -- path/to/file
git show <COMMIT>:path/to/file > outfile
  • Delete remote branch or remote tag
git push origin :branch-to-delete
git push origin --delete branch-to-delete (git >= 1.7)
  • Options to set remote-tracking branches
git branch -u o/master foo #or
git checkout -b totallyNotMaster o/master #or
git push --set-upstream origin totallyNotMasterInOrigin #or edit .git/config
  • Delete local Git branches after deleting them on origin
git pull --prune
  • Autostash local changes
git pull --autostash

See git configure remote.origin.prune true

git branch -D master
git push origin :master  #Change github HEAD via web
git checkout -b master
git push origin master
git blame -w  # ignores white space
git blame -M  # ignores moving text
git blame -C  # ignores moving text into other files
git log --topo-order --graph -u -L 155,155:file.c
git log -S '<DELETED_LINE>' path/to/file
  • Revert a merge (the -m option specifies the parent number starting from 1. )
git revert -m 1 <commit>...
git bisect start      #Empiezo proceso
git bisect bad        #Marco actual como malo
git checkout HEAD-30  #Cambio a 30 commits antes
git bisect good       #Tras ver que no tiene el bug, lo marco como bueno
git bisect skip
git bisect run ./test #Para automatizar porceso creo un script con el test que me indica si es bueno o no
git bisect reset      #Recupero estado inicial
git bisect log
git bisect replay git_b_log_file
  • Reset working directory
git clean -xdf
  • Open a web interface
git instaweb
git instaweb --stop
git instaweb -d webrick
git instaweb -d webrick --stop
git stash
git stash list
git stash pop
git stash show stash@{0}
git diff stash@{0}
git apply stash@{0}
git stash drop stash@{0}
  • Shallow clones
git clone --depth 1 your_repo_url
  • Sync repos
# Note the period for cwd >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> v
git clone --bare https://your-source-repo/repo.git .
git push --mirror https://your-destination-repo/repo.git
  • Sharing tags
git push --tags
  • List git contributos
git shortlog -s -n -e
  • Git deamon
git daemon —base-path=/… —export-all
git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter src/Pumukit/MoodleBundle/ -- --all
  • Manual pull request merge

    • Step 1: From your project repository, check out a new branch and test the changes.
    git checkout -b ppettit-f/audio-rework master
    git pull git:// f/audio-rework
    • Step 2: Merge the changes and update on GitHub.
    git checkout master
    git merge ppettit-f/audio-rework
    git push origin master
    • Other Manual pull request merge
    git clone
    cd Galicaster
    git checkout dev_next_generation
    git checkout -b gitlab/dev_next_generation
    git pull dev_next_generation
    git checkout dev_next_generation
    git merge github/dev_next_generation
    git push origin dev_next_generation
  • Force push considered harmful; understanding git's --force-with-lease (

git commit --force-with-lease
  • Add all empty dirs to git touching a .gitignore file, except the .git folder itself:
find . \( -type d -empty \) -and \( -not -regex ./\.git.* \) -exec touch {}/.gitignore \;
  • Check ignore files
git check-ignore -v *
  • Git remote server using SSH or file:
mkdir -p git/project1.git
cd git/project1.git
git init --bare
git clone ssh://[email protected]/home/dev/git/project1.git
git clone file:///home/dev/git/project1.git
git commit -m 'Message
  • Show lines added, lines changed and lines removed on a commit
git show --numstat 38f1fed
  • Mean of lines per commit
git log --no-merges | awk 'BEGIN {commits=lines=0;} /^commit [0-9a-f]{40}/ {commits++;} /^ {4}/ {lines++;} END {print lines/commits;}'
  • Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repository
git gc
  • Squash several Git commits into a single commit fast:
# Switch to the master branch and make sure you are up to date.
git checkout master
git fetch # this may be necessary (depending on your git config) to receive updates on origin/master
git pull

# Merge the feature branch into the master branch.
git merge feature_branch

# Reset the master branch to origin's state.
git reset origin/master

# Git now considers all changes as unstaged changes.
# We can add these changes as one commit.
# Adding . will also add untracked files.
git add --all
git commit

or manual

git rebase -i master

--autosquash, --autostash and --update-refs are useful options.

  • Not use current working directory.
cd ~/src/ && git log && cd -
GIT_DIR=~/src/ git log
git  --git-dir ~/src/ log
  • Partial clone
git clone --filter=blob:limit=1m <url>
git clone --no-checkout --filter=blob:none <url>
git clone --no-checkout --filter=tree:none <url>


