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Pablo Cantero edited this page Jul 3, 2017 · 20 revisions

Processing Groups is a way to set specific configurations, such as queues, concurrency, long polling for a set of queues or a single one.

Given this configuration:

concurrency: 25
  - queue1
  - queue2
  - queue3

Shoryuken will fetch messages from queue1, then queue2 ,then queue3, then repeat.

Supposing you want to process only one message at time for queue1, but keeping concurrency: 25 for queue2 and queue3, you can that achieve via a group.

concurrency: 25
  - queue2
  - queue3

    concurrency: 1
      - queue1

Note: If you want make sure to process only one message at time for a given queue, while running multiple Shoryuken processes, have a look at FIFO Queues.

Polling strategy per group

For defining a Polling strategy per group, you can set it a follows:

# config/initializers/shoryuken.rb
Shoryuken.configure_server do |config|
  config.options[:group1][:polling_strategy] = Polling::StrictPriority

Long polling per group

# config/initializers/shoryuken.rb
Shoryuken.sqs_client_receive_message_opts[:group1] = { wait_time_seconds: 20 }