Multiplatform desktop client application for Google Keep Notes that is built on Compose Multiplatform
and has beautiful Material3 Design by Google from Android.
The app uses this library to get access data from the Android Google Keep API and this one to log in to Google account,
so you need receive an authentication token to get started with your Google account.
The guide available on this page will help you.
You can build the application for Linux, Windows or macOS just by one command, but there is no cross-compilation support available at the moment, so the formats can only be built using the specific OS.
Also, to package you need to install the required software:
Linux: deb, rpm:
- For Red Hat Linux, the rpm-build package is required.
- For Ubuntu Linux, the fakeroot package is required.
macOS: pkg, app in a dmg
- Xcode command line tools are required when the --mac-sign option is used to request that the package be signed, and when the --icon option is used to customize the DMG image.
Windows: exe, msi
- WiX 3.0 or later is required.
Build for Linux
./gradlew packageRpm
./gradlew packageDeb
Build for Windows
./gradlew.bat packageMsi
Build for macOS
./gradlew packageDmg
The installation files will be available in build/compose/binaries/main
Build jar for current OS (you can run it in the console just by java -jar app.jar
./gradlew packageUberJarForCurrentOS OR ./gradlew.bat packageUberJarForCurrentOS
The jar file will be available in build/compose/jars
For more information see Packaging Overview From Oracle Docs and Building a native distribution Guide
In the Issues section you can suggest any improvements and report any bugs you find
This is an open-source project and all contributions are highly welcomed
Released under MIT License