- Update a test to accomodate
instead of1
for p-value when df=0. - No longer print message about missing cells with mean centered covariates for type III anova tables (issue #19)
- Fix step such that fixed effects are reduced even if all random effects are reduced away (issue #23).
- Remove argument "..." to accomodate new version of
(from version1.1-22
) - Minor fix to tests to accomodate new version of
(from version1.1-22
- Sofie P Jensen is taking over as maintainer replacing Per B Brockhoff.
- Fixing "noLD" CRAN issue (a check that ensures the package works on systems without long doubles). This was caused by an over sensitive test.
- Adding support for legacy model fits, i.e.
objects generated with lmerTest version< 3.0-0
. This includes defining themerModLmerTest
class andanova
methods. The usuallme4
methods also work with objects of classmerModLmerTest
- over-sensitive tests (failing on Solaris) have reduced tolerance
defined and exported forR <= 3.3.0
- Warn if Kenward-Roger is used with
R <= 3.3.0
since it may give incorrect results - Add
lme4 (>= 1.1-10)
andR (>= 3.2.5)
(last available version wherelmerTest
checks out) pbkrtest
package loaded conditional on availability in tests
- Signficant news and changes for the 2.0-xx release series is provided below.
- included citation info for JSS
- lsmeans and difflsmeans are now deprecated functions. Changed the names to lsmeansLT and dlsmeansLT
- changed the maintainer field
- changed the message of identifiability to the more appropriate one
- removed lmerTestFunctions.R and restructured the package. added calcSatterth(model, L) for calculating Satterthwaite's approximation for a specified L matrix
- envir.R failed with the newest version of lme4. Changed the code to pass the check. TODO: remove updating the model
- changes in general summary function. callNextMethod changed to as(model, "lmerMod)
- updated according to comments from CRAN
2.0-24 changes:
- cleaned the code
2.0-23 changes:
- hessian and grad changed to mygrad and myhess (deriv.R functions of Rune)
- plots use ggplot2
- look for previous changes in R-Forge
2.0-11 changes:
- elimRandEffs deleted. now the rand table contains all the information
2.0-9 changes:
- fixed.calc option is added to step function
- elimRand effs changed: random effects that are 1 approx to 1e-6 are eliminated
- las=2 in barplots: verical axis names contrast with the name "l" changed to "l.lmerTest.private.contrasts"
2.0-8 changes:
- throws error for lsmeans, difflsmeans, rand and step functions if the model does not inherit lmerMod class
2.0-7 changes:
- in utils calcSatterth changed: solve of 0 dim matrix now catches in tryCatch - example MAMex.R in tests is added to check the bug
- messages are printed if some computational errors occurr in anova or summary and the ones from lme4 are returned (bugSummary.R for testing)
2.0.6 changes:
- added a number of tests in the tests folder and inst/datasets for the testing data sets - will not be included in the R-forge nor CRAN (for a moment)
- model is not updated automatically to REML (tests for random effects are ML!)
- man functions updated
2.0.5 changes:
- fixed bug from Ben - summary(model, "lme4") changed to summary(model, ddf="lme4")
- fixed bug for summary from Cyrus
- added in manual notes regarding random coefficient models simplification
- Rune changed solve to chol2inv in lmerTestFunctions.R
- changed updateModel function so that the bugs with the environmentgs are solved
2.0.4 new:
- rewritten rand table elimination
- added elimrand.R
Modifications in lmerTest 2.0.1
- The elim.num column now has KEEP instead of 0
- X'X deficiancy was fixed by Rune, lmerTest was fixed accordingly